:: #mythtv-users

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Thursday, September 3rd, 2009, 00:05 UTC
[00:05:09] jya (jya! has quit ()
[00:05:47] ForsGump (ForsGump! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:10:52] kormoc: lexx++
[00:13:08] sphery: luthor-- ?
[00:15:01] kormoc: Sure
[00:15:24] corto (corto!n=corto@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:37] corto: hi there, i'm interested in watching tv on linux, i'm shopping for hardware and i'm also looking for more detailed info on what support should be built in the kernel, does anyone, know a place i could learn about all this?
[00:16:34] sphery: corto: the best bet for MythTV is to use a MythTV distro, such as MythBuntu (if you know Ubuntu or Deb-based distros) or MythDora (if you know Fedora or Red-Hat-based distros).
[00:16:43] sphery: as for hardware, see
[00:16:53] sphery: for capture cards, that is
[00:17:19] corto: sphery, i already went there, i'm actually trying to compare hw with local vendor's stuff
[00:17:32] sphery: also gives some good "big picture" info for Myth itself
[00:17:33] corto: sphery, but i'd really like to learn about the kernel config tho...
[00:18:06] sphery: and talks about hardware requirements, though I can't guarantee it's actually useful info
[00:18:17] sphery: seems way out of date, IMHO
[00:18:42] corto: sphery, seems to be a better ref for hardware...
[00:19:15] sphery: Myth really has no kernel config requirements other than "sane config" and whatever requirements your specific capture card drivers have (which is better explained at
[00:19:55] sphery: "sane config" meaning don't do wrong things that would affect /any/ application on a Linux-based system
[00:19:56] corto: sphery, i'm just completely confused about what drivers i need at all... v4l i think is the base, dvb?
[00:20:09] sphery: what type of TV are you trying to get?
[00:20:40] corto: sphery, i dont have the hw yet
[00:20:42] sphery: analog or digital? what format (PAL/NTSC/ATSC/DVB-(T|C|S))...
[00:21:04] corto: probably will be tuning from a uhf antenna with ntsc content
[00:21:10] sphery: there I meant TV as in "source of TV"
[00:21:22] sphery: corto: in the US?
[00:21:25] corto: canada
[00:22:22] sphery: If that's the case, the best bet for NTSC is the Hauppauge PVR-150 or PVR-500 or the Hauppauge HVR-1600 for NTSC and ATSC (the 1600 has an analog and a digital tuner)
[00:22:51] sphery: the HVR-1600 gives you future-proofing, but is a /lot/ more expensive than a PVR-150
[00:23:12] sphery: tons of PVR-150's on ebay as a bunch of the US users recently had to switch to ATSC tuners
[00:23:16] corto: any of these work through usb?
[00:23:38] sphery: There are USB-based capture cards... I don't know anything about them.
[00:24:13] corto: so this pvr-150 is pci i guess?
[00:24:13] sphery: Though finding NTSC USB-based cards that are worthwhile is probably a lot harder than finding ATSC ones.
[00:24:27] sphery: Yeah, PVR-150 and HVR-1600 are PCI
[00:26:45] corto: just checked on ebay, i see what you mean! =)
[00:28:12] corto: sphery, you know the diff between devices that are "pvr*" and "hvr*" ?
[00:28:30] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:28:38] benomatic (benomatic! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:46] sphery: TTBOMK, HVR is the "digital class" that replaces the analog-only PVR line
[00:29:52] paperclip: can i run a backend on ubuntu server 8.04 LTS while running the vpadu stuff from avenard's repo?
[00:30:03] sphery: i.e. HVR-1600 is analog and digital. HVR-1250 is digital only. and so on...
[00:30:03] corto: sphery, makes sense, tx
[00:30:14] benomatic: new setup query: using mythbuntu(9.04/0.21) + hauppauge hvr-1600 — when i do 'Watch TV' the channel shows up, but choppily, with the Channel Guide flickering over it on and off. googling so far yields nothing useful. Any suggestions on how to proceed?
[00:30:17] corto: ah ok!
[00:30:26] benomatic: the mpeg2 files that are recorded play just fine w/ vlc
[00:30:29] paperclip: er.. avenard's stuff on the frontend that is..
[00:30:31] sphery: I know they can't sell the PVR ones in the US, anymore, because they're analog only and our FCC has too much time and not enough to do
[00:31:38] sphery: benomatic: Change the Playback Profile group on the 3rd screen of Utilities/Setup|Setup|TV Settings|Playback to Slim. It's probably CPU+ right now (which is bad--Slim is good).
[00:32:04] sphery: and don't go getting all "If Slim is good, High Quality is probably better" because that's not how it works.  :)
[00:32:15] benomatic: gotcha. trying...
[00:34:09] benomatic: hrm. it still flicks on and off, but the 'underlying' video playback is now not choppy
[00:34:39] sphery: flicks on and off?
[00:34:51] sphery: the channel guide?
[00:35:09] sphery: meaning EPG (Electronic Program Guide)?
[00:35:44] benomatic: yeah. it flicks on for a short period (.1s?) and off for longer
[00:35:46] sphery: if you're on trunk, that's something that's currently being worked on
[00:36:00] sphery: if you're on -fixes... I don't know how to fix it--I don't do LiveTV.
[00:36:34] benomatic: not sure what's default on mythbuntu yet — i'm still getting my feet wet w/ this :)
[00:37:00] sphery: unless you're using Karmic, you should be using -fixes
[00:37:28] sphery: (I hope I have my characters right... I think it's 9.10 that's using trunk.)
[00:37:53] benomatic: gotcha. i'm on J (aunty j....?)
[00:38:32] sphery: I think that one should be 0.22-fixes.
[00:38:45] benomatic: so is it fair to say this is a known issue, and not just a config problem then? i don't expect to watch much/any live either, but want to get config'd as well as possible.
[00:38:49] sphery: mythbackend --version should tell you
[00:39:01] benomatic: 21-fixen
[00:39:01] sphery: In -fixes, it's likely a config issue
[00:39:11] sphery: in trunk, it's a known issue
[00:39:23] sphery: or at least, it /could/ be the symptom of a known issue
[00:39:55] sphery: My first guess for the cause on -fixes would be "dodgy video drivers"
[00:40:00] sphery: Intel GPU?
[00:40:28] benomatic: nvidia gpu (9400), but unfortunately a revision not yet supported by the proprietary drivers, so using nouveau
[00:40:46] sphery: ah, if that's the case, it may well be the problem
[00:41:09] sphery: (not knocking nouveau, but, well, they have a huge job in front of them)
[00:41:35] sphery: one that--it seems--nvidia can't even keep up with ;)
[00:41:38] benomatic: indeed. even nvidia's latest release (not in ubuntu/envy that i can tell) doesn't support this chipset revision, which is less than fun.
[00:42:01] benomatic: sucks to look all aorund and see ppl saying 9400 works great, only to find there are 4 of them
[00:42:14] sphery: heh
[00:42:25] Dagmar: This is why doing your own research > five minutes asking random idjits on IRC
[00:42:27] benomatic: and i don't mean GT/M/R variations. i just mean "9400" w/ 4 different pci device codes
[00:42:46] jpabq (jpabq! has quit ()
[00:43:06] benomatic: i did what i could, but admit that i failed to catch this one. many ppl seem to work fine w/ the mo-board, so gigabyte may have updated chipset revs underneath?
[00:44:49] ekristen: Wicked: got it all working
[00:44:54] ekristen: thanks for the help!
[00:44:57] ekristen (ekristen! has quit ()
[00:46:20] benomatic: sphery: follow up — is there a way to verify that it's the gpu/driver at fault? (ie, if i care about live tv, can i buy a cheap gpu to install)
[00:46:27] corto (corto!n=corto@ has quit ("Leaving")
[00:54:38] sphery: benomatic: I'd try borrowing one first... Make sure you disable the integrated GPU to test. Then again, I'd bet some version of the nvidia proprietary driver would work with the current (maybe an alpha or beta)... Could probably get more info asking on the mythtv-users mailing list (as more eyes will see the question)
[00:54:55] Timrit (Timrit!n=Timrit@unaffiliated/timrit) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:56:25] Greek-Boy (Greek-Boy!n=greek@ has joined #Mythtv-users
[00:56:32] benomatic: sphery: i tried the latest beta i could find from, but if there are others floating around, perhaps... i will check the mailing list too. tnx for the help :)
[00:57:22] superdump: hmm
[00:57:39] Greek-Boy: Do multiple back-ends help with load balancing?
[00:58:18] Greek-Boy: from what I can understand about mythtv's architecture is has one master back-end which is the crucial (single point of failure), right?
[00:59:00] superdump: i've set up my XMLTV source and configured it appropriately (there seems to be some issue with running the configuration of the grabber through mythtv-setup – it doesn't write the config file for some reason, so i had to do it manually from the command line) and then i ran mythfilldatabase
[00:59:11] superdump: but my EPG is just full of unknowns
[00:59:41] superdump: any ideas why?
[01:00:04] superdump: Greek-Boy: yes, i think there's one master backend that controls all the backends including itself
[01:00:47] sphery: Greek-Boy: yes, the master backend is a single point of failure
[01:00:51] Greek-Boy: Well, I need to have 8 seperate feeds of DVB-S2...
[01:00:57] sphery: Greek-Boy: and so is the mysqld server
[01:01:10] Greek-Boy: dunno how many back-ends i will need for that, still testing some hardware
[01:01:30] sphery: multiple backends can help for I/O load and jobs, such as commercial flagging and transcoding
[01:02:01] sphery: as well as for housing however many PCI/PCIe cards you need and however many hard drives you need
[01:03:38] Greek-Boy: i see
[01:04:08] Greek-Boy: or if I'm lucky to find an i7 motherboard with PCI slots...
[01:04:43] superdump: it's finding one with enough PCI slots i guess
[01:06:36] Greek-Boy: from what I have understood, multiple cores dont do much for MythTV right now...
[01:06:52] paperclip: when using the hdhomerun, does it stream to the backend and then to the frontend(s), or directly to the frontend(s)?
[01:07:08] Greek-Boy: my P4 3.0ghz tops out when encoding 2 SD streams :-(\
[01:07:17] wagnerrp: all recording is done by the backend
[01:07:22] wagnerrp: and that is where it ends
[01:07:37] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:07:42] qupada: So I have the issue that was posted in this bug: The comment on that bug is almost entirely unhelpful, neither of the proposed "solutions" appear to be available as options to autoconf, I'm really not in the mood for going hunting through source files for them, has anyone got a better idea?
[01:07:43] wagnerrp: then the backend streams a recording to the frontend
[01:07:54] wagnerrp: however recording and playback are completely disconnected
[01:07:58] paperclip: ok.. going to throw an extra NIC in my server while it's opened up
[01:08:14] wagnerrp: what for?
[01:08:19] paperclip: hd homerun..
[01:08:27] wagnerrp: again... what for?
[01:08:46] paperclip: free up a port on my router..
[01:08:48] paperclip: sheesh
[01:08:51] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:24] paperclip: seems pointless to send it to the router out to the server then back to the router to the frontends..
[01:09:33] Guest56970 (Guest56970!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:09:34] wagnerrp: ok... i was otherwise going to make a point about the HDHR not needing a significant amount of bandwidth
[01:10:10] GreyFoxx: so it's not on the same ip range as your backends? Because tuners never talk directly to the frontends
[01:10:35] paperclip: hmm..
[01:10:36] wagnerrp: the HDHR will output AT MOST 39mbps for broadcast, and 76mbps for cable
[01:10:36] sphery: qupada: the comment means that whatever build system you're using is broken and needs to be fixed
[01:10:54] wagnerrp: and any sensible network is going to be at least full duplex 10/100
[01:11:04] paperclip: I'll slap the NIC in anyway.. it's just taking up space otherwise.. and I won't have to open it up again later
[01:11:13] paperclip: it is..
[01:11:25] ** GreyFoxx goes to shovel in some pills and actually watch a show **
[01:11:30] paperclip: I need a switch
[01:11:41] paperclip: bigger switch
[01:12:10] wagnerrp: meaning you can pull 4 full bitrate channels, and then stream all four of those back out to four frontends (maybe five) before you start choking on bandwidth
[01:12:30] sphery: paperclip: and not putting a router in eliminates another point of failure...
[01:13:10] paperclip: well.. the NIC is going in.. we'll see if it gets used..
[01:13:16] sphery: otherwise, even if you have an UPS-protected backend, you'd lose recording unless you have an UPS-protected router
[01:13:29] wagnerrp: did i record anything tonight...?
[01:13:35] wagnerrp: seems not
[01:13:41] paperclip: if i had a ups.. i'd for sure hook the router up..
[01:13:58] sphery: wagnerrp: you need to set up the script as a misc status info script :)
[01:14:23] wagnerrp: sphery: maybe i can have it log to my twitter account!
[01:14:27] sphery: my backend status page always shows me all shows recorded in the last 24 hrs
[01:14:30] paperclip: ok.. any reason I shouldn't use ubuntu server 8.04 LTS for the backend?
[01:14:37] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ("")
[01:15:36] sphery: qupada: what are you using to build Myth? what distro are you on?
[01:18:05] qupada: sphery: gentoo x86, building svn trunk using a customised ebuild. gcc 4.3.3 (I think, don't have access to that pc right now)
[01:18:33] sphery: sounds like the ebuild is broken...
[01:18:46] wagnerrp: i had some trouble with the current ebuild with gentoo
[01:18:55] sphery: I know some people (including the one who just left 4 mins ago) are building with updated ebuilds
[01:18:57] wagnerrp: for the last couple hundred revisions, it wouldnt work for x86 machines
[01:19:17] wagnerrp: it would incorrectly detect the system type
[01:19:26] wagnerrp: and fail the build in some ASM section
[01:19:45] sphery: that sounds like (which is what he said he's getting)
[01:20:06] wagnerrp: yep, thats the one
[01:20:30] nighthawk_ (nighthawk_! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[01:21:31] qupada: I think r20797 is about where it stopped working for me
[01:21:37] sphery: isn't the ebuild doing naughty things, too, like setting cpu/tune/march/...
[01:21:51] wagnerrp: yep
[01:21:56] sphery: that should be fixed
[01:22:06] sphery: and will probably solve this problem
[01:22:17] wagnerrp: well considering you can turn on autodetection to do exactly that, theres no reason to set it manually
[01:27:07] wagnerrp: i dont understand the concept of an 'appliance' VM
[01:27:41] qupada: This is approximately the version of the ebuild mine is based on:*checkou . . . 19054.ebuild – looks like there are some weird things going on. I'll have a go tonight at stripping out everything that looks remotely wierd and see where it gets me
[01:27:41] wagnerrp: are they saying that you just download and run someone's system image, and you dont have to do any sort of setup?
[01:37:48] paperclip: last dumb question for the night.. If I want to archive a show to dvd, where does it get burned.. backend or frontend or either?
[01:38:10] sphery: qupada: though I know nothing of Gentoo, kormoc has an ebuild for Gentoo that works... Might be worth asking him for a copy when he returns.
[01:39:00] sphery: paperclip: MythArchive is a (frontend) plugin (all plugins are frontend), so it gets made on frontend. You /can/ have it make an ISO, which you could then burn on any computer.
[01:39:37] paperclip: thanks..
[01:39:43] qupada: sphery: Thanks for that. Will be nice to get myth going again, now support for the dvb-t hdhomerun is in
[01:45:33] Greek-Boy (Greek-Boy!n=greek@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:54:03] felipe` (felipe`! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:56:33] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:07:44] nighthawk_ (nighthawk_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:03] ProgressivPirate (ProgressivPirate! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:44] ProgressivPirate: what are some other devices that are similar to a popcorn hour. I need a device to stream my network shares on the TV
[02:25:18] ProgressivPirate: something that uses less power than a HTPC
[02:27:11] jya (jya! has quit ()
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[02:33:31] nbetham (nbetham!n=nbetham@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:47:08] wagnerrp: ProgressivPirate: theres a list of tested UPNP devices on the wiki
[02:47:42] wagnerrp: but dont expect something capable of HD playback to be cheap
[02:48:11] ProgressivPirate: $200?
[02:48:23] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:48:30] wagnerrp: probably $200-$300
[02:49:01] wagnerrp: at which point its probably worthwhile just to spend $250, and get an ION board and cheap case
[02:49:09] ProgressivPirate: yea
[02:49:52] wagnerrp: also... youre concerned about power consumption of an HTPC
[02:49:59] wagnerrp: how much of the day will you be using this thing?
[02:50:33] sphery: Or spend $250 and get a nice low-power Core 2 or Athlon 64 that actually has the computing power to handle anything you throw at it...
[02:50:35] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:50:54] wagnerrp: sphery: short of bluray or HDPVR
[02:50:57] sphery: and, like wagnerrp says, shut it off when not in use
[02:51:00] ProgressivPirate: what do you consider low power?
[02:51:09] sphery: true, short of encrypted DRM-laden garbage :)
[02:51:13] ProgressivPirate: 35W?
[02:51:23] wagnerrp: anyway... a hardware decoder box is probably going to take ~20W
[02:51:33] wagnerrp: an ION system will be ~35W
[02:51:46] wagnerrp: a low power core2 or ath64 will be ~60W
[02:51:54] iamlindoro: sphery is a real curmudgeon ;)
[02:51:56] sphery: and probably lower when idle
[02:52:02] iamlindoro: he's fighting the future :)
[02:52:10] Dagmar: wagnerrp: Not for long
[02:52:12] ProgressivPirate: when you say ion you mean nvidia ion?
[02:52:21] Dagmar: AMD's about to drop some serious low-wattage chips on the market
[02:52:29] sphery: Dagmar: linkies/
[02:52:31] sphery: ?
[02:52:35] wagnerrp: 'ION' means a nvidia 9400M plus an Atom chip
[02:52:44] ** sphery wants some serious low-wattage chips **
[02:52:45] Dagmar: sphery; Search the last two week's of Tom's Hardware.  ;)
[02:52:56] Shadow__X: sphery: do you have a hd capable frontend
[02:52:59] ProgressivPirate: sphery: atom ins .5W to 4W
[02:53:16] wagnerrp: ProgressivPirate: the CPU itself... sure
[02:53:19] sphery: ProgressivPirate: I said "serious", not "toy"
[02:53:19] J-e-f-f-A: my C2D 2200 frontend uses ~70W total when playing 720P ATSC HD with software decoding.
[02:53:26] wagnerrp: but youre not talking about a CPU, youre talking about a full system
[02:53:32] sphery: Shadow__X: yeah, but mine isn't low power
[02:53:35] wagnerrp: the chipsets on those things are not miserly
[02:54:21] Shadow__X: ah yeah i have a amd be2400 be/fe it chugs along nicely
[02:54:23] sphery: Dagmar: these weren't the low-power 6-core Istanbuls, were they?
[02:54:31] Dagmar: Dunno.
[02:54:37] sphery: (as those are out of my price range--and way above my necessary core range)
[02:54:38] Dagmar: They were slated for Q4-Q1
[02:54:46] Dagmar: So... "soon" to market
[02:54:53] wagnerrp: there was mention of a 40W 6-core opteron
[02:55:01] ProgressivPirate: oh! Does anyone have any info on this? Asus B208....last reported Mar 2009 then all traces of it vanished >:|
[02:55:10] wagnerrp: and there are some 40W 4-core opterons already on the market
[02:55:14] wagnerrp: but they are very expensive
[02:55:15] ProgressivPirate: . . . nt=firefox-a
[02:55:40] wagnerrp: ProgressivPirate: its worthless
[02:55:44] ProgressivPirate: why?
[02:55:47] Shadow__X: whats the speed on those 40watt 4core opterons
[02:55:49] ProgressivPirate: cpu too weak?
[02:55:55] iamlindoro: GPU too crap
[02:56:01] wagnerrp: cpu too weak, GPU cant make up for it
[02:56:02] iamlindoro: + CPU too crap
[02:56:17] wagnerrp: the GPU is not crap... but the drivers for said GPU are complete garbage
[02:56:23] ProgressivPirate: dual core atom can't play HD?
[02:56:31] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: 2.3GHz i believe
[02:56:43] wagnerrp: ProgressivPirate: through software decoding... not really
[02:56:45] sphery: Shadow__X: though I think that's ACP, not TDP
[02:56:47] Dagmar: HD requires some number-crunching power of sizeable magnitude *somewhere*
[02:56:54] ProgressivPirate: a bummer
[02:57:06] wagnerrp: you can do moderate bitrate mpeg2, but full bitrate ATSC (19mbps) will kill it
[02:57:29] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:57:36] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:57:42] wagnerrp: h264, youre lucky to do 3mbps
[02:57:55] superdump: what gpu does the ion have? 9400M?
[02:57:56] sphery: at 24fps
[02:58:12] wagnerrp: superdump: yes
[02:58:15] J-e-f-f-A: Heck, I've got an Asus Pundit P2 (Athlon 64 3200) that barely plays ATSC 720P... drops frames.
[02:58:26] wagnerrp: sphery, Shadow__X: yes... thats ACP
[02:58:42] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: my 3200 has absolutely no problem with 720p mpeg2
[02:58:44] Shadow__X: ah ok
[02:59:13] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Well, this one is Socket754, and it's a Pundit, so crappy Via graphics...
[02:59:15] wagnerrp: didnt have a problem with 1080i either, but i didnt have enough power to run the deinterlacer as well
[02:59:17] sphery: though 40W ACP is still nice for 4-core/6-core chips
[02:59:34] wagnerrp: well this was a 939, meaning a lower clock rate than yours
[03:00:38] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: I'll bet the difference is the chipset and gfx... I mean, I had a Dell PIII 1Ghz that played 720P fine (Well, using XvNC, so that was hardware, I guess that doesn't count... DOH!)
[03:01:05] wagnerrp: seems star trek is returning to theaters
[03:01:54] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: another movie, or the same one for a 2nd run?
[03:02:00] wagnerrp: 2nd run
[03:02:14] sphery: wow... I'd think 720P via X VNC would be quite challenging for even the most advanced processors... Even if that 720P were downscaled to like 160x90...
[03:02:19] sphery: :)
[03:02:39] iamlindoro: 160x90.... 16:9 widescreen! YES!
[03:02:45] iamlindoro: It must be awesome!
[03:02:58] iamlindoro: no black bars!
[03:03:01] sphery: yeah, just tough for Virtual Network Computing...  :)
[03:03:40] Shadow__X: excuse me for not fulling getting it but does acp relate to real world wattage or something else?
[03:04:25] sphery:
[03:04:31] sphery: great description
[03:04:46] Pio (Pio!n=sean@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:05:16] sphery: Basically, it goes AMD ACP > Intel TDP > AMD TCP
[03:05:34] sphery: Intel "throws away" more "outliers" when testing TDP
[03:05:38] ProgressivPirate: wagnerrp: worthless?
[03:05:57] wagnerrp: ProgressivPirate: yes, worthless
[03:05:58] sphery: so it made AMD's (which is really pretty much a max) look bad, so AMD came up with ACP
[03:06:05] wagnerrp: err... no
[03:06:07] iamlindoro: Actually, not
[03:06:08] wagnerrp: that one is an ION
[03:06:10] iamlindoro: that's an ION box
[03:06:21] ProgressivPirate: ION is the gpu?
[03:06:22] wagnerrp: i thought you were talking about the previous ATI box
[03:06:29] iamlindoro: ION is the branding for the GPU + Atom
[03:06:36] wagnerrp: ION is the combo of an nvidia 9400M and an Atom
[03:06:40] sphery: though I just realized I had my less than backwards... ACP is lowest, Intel TDP next, then AMD TDP highest
[03:07:22] wagnerrp: so basically, ACP is what you use for data center power and cooling requirements
[03:07:28] wagnerrp: TDP is what you use to size your heatsink
[03:07:43] sphery: exactly!\
[03:08:04] sphery: And an atom is one of several quadrillion things you use to make a CPU, not a real CPU
[03:08:26] jya (jya! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:09:08] wagnerrp: i would love a little embedded Atom system with a bunch of ethernet ports
[03:10:08] wagnerrp: my current Geode would be at its limits on a FiOS line
[03:10:10] PMantis (PMantis! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:11:01] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: perhaps you could get by with a system with a car slot and a quad ethernet card?  ;-)
[03:11:10] J-e-f-f-A: (card slot even!)
[03:11:11] wagnerrp: car?
[03:11:14] wagnerrp: oh
[03:11:44] Dagmar: ess dee card
[03:11:51] sphery: nice, Glee pilot from tonight came with a different programid from the May 19 airing... "<description>; includes previously unseen footage."
[03:11:54] wagnerrp: well i would never want to use a quad port card on a PCI slot, and PCIe Atoms are rare
[03:12:15] wagnerrp: and i would prefer something like soekris slots, where it is parallel to the board, rather than perpendicular
[03:12:17] sphery: so I guess waiting to watch the pilot saved me 24 mins (1-hr show timestretched to 1.75x :)
[03:12:30] sphery: just watch the new one, instead
[03:12:34] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Looks like Jetway has a dual-ethernet board.
[03:13:48] Dagmar: Wow
[03:13:58] Dagmar: So it can suck on more than one physical segment at a time then!
[03:14:15] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Yeah, you could do that (slot parallel to the board) with a riser card...
[03:14:31] wagnerrp: Dagmar: im thinking more of use as a firewall
[03:14:55] Dagmar: For the home, perhaps
[03:15:04] wagnerrp: yeah, for the home
[03:15:36] wagnerrp: my current Geode is going to max out somewhere around 40mbps
[03:15:55] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Jetway JNC91 – Dual Gigabit Ethernet.
[03:16:34] Dagmar: pI think it's probably a safe bet it won't support jumbo frames
[03:16:54] chainsawf (chainsawf! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:17:00] wagnerrp: i dont know, those cheapo realtek chips usually go up to 7200 bytes
[03:17:56] sphery: Is Crusoe worth watching?
[03:18:09] Dagmar: The Transmeta processor?
[03:18:12] ** sphery is gleaning **
[03:18:15] Dagmar: Those are still on the market?
[03:18:16] sphery: cleaning
[03:18:22] sphery: I meant the show...
[03:18:24] Dagmar: Oh
[03:18:27] wagnerrp: the show about robinson
[03:18:46] Dagmar: No idea
[03:19:18] sphery: does anyone even watch Flashpoint? It still hasn't ended...
[03:19:20] PMantis: hi guys, i have 2 frontends and a backend to upgrade. What should I upgrade first?
[03:19:24] sphery: supposedly returning
[03:19:29] Dagmar: PMantis: ALl of them
[03:19:51] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: this is what i mean by a parallel slot... . . . ront_big.jpg
[03:19:58] Dagmar: Allow us to suggest, strongly that you BACKUP THE DATABASE FIRST
[03:20:16] sphery: yes, please do:
[03:20:18] Dagmar: If you fail to do that, you will probably NOT be able to downgrade if the upgrade doesn't work
[03:20:27] Dagmar: ...and we will all laugh at you when that happens.
[03:20:35] Dagmar: I might even point.
[03:20:54] PMantis: Dagmar: Not gonna update everything at once. that just seems insane to make changes on multiple systems at once!
[03:20:56] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Ok, so the edge connector mounted on the edge of the board, not pointing up and having to use a riser card... ;-)
[03:21:09] Dagmar: PMantis: Okay. Do what the leprechaun tells you then
[03:21:25] Dagmar: The rest of us know that you *can't* mismatch versions of MythTV and expect them to still work
[03:21:48] Dagmar: You don't really have a choice here in either case
[03:22:06] Dagmar: The frontends and backends need to be the same exact version
[03:22:13] Dagmar: Anything else will be prone to strange and bizarre failures
[03:22:26] sphery: so either the things you upgrade first won't work with the ones you haven't upgraded or if you upgrade the master backend first, none of the rest will work with it
[03:22:27] Dagmar: Upgrading causes non-redactable changes to happen in the database.
[03:22:38] Dagmar: So you back that up, or consider the entire thing a one-way operation
[03:22:55] PMantis: That seems like a design flaw to not incorporate backward compatability
[03:23:02] Dagmar: It's not.
[03:23:47] Dagmar: There's a reason old versions are inconpatible, and that's generally becasue someone decided that it was being done wrong
[03:24:09] chainsawbike (chainsawbike! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[03:24:13] Dagmar: The version number is 0.x
[03:24:16] Dagmar: That should be a hint
[03:24:17] chainsawf is now known as chainsawbike
[03:24:33] J-e-f-f-A: PMantis: What's the scope of your upgrade BTW – updating your 0.21-fixes to the latest o-21.fixes, or going to trunk?
[03:25:31] PMantis: J-e-f-f-A: 0.21.0+fixes18722 --> 0.21-fixes20403
[03:26:07] Dagmar: Yeah, just backup the database and then upgrade the binaries
[03:26:11] Dagmar: It should be fine.
[03:26:12] J-e-f-f-A: PMantis: In that case, you *might* be able to just update the backend first, and have the frontends continue to work.
[03:26:38] J-e-f-f-A: PMantis: But you *should* update the frontends at the same time (ie: soon after) too...
[03:27:22] PMantis: J-e-f-f-A: That's the entire scope of my question. Does it make more sense to update the backend, test, then frontend, etc... or ther other way, frontends first?
[03:27:52] PMantis: J-e-f-f-A: You suggested backend first, which isn't what I expected.
[03:28:25] wagnerrp: looks like soekris is intending to build a atom based machine
[03:28:47] J-e-f-f-A: PMantis: If there's no Database schema upgrades between the 2 versions (I don't think there are for -fixes), then that would work as well I think.
[03:29:47] J-e-f-f-A: PMantis: Actually, I mean MythTV Protocol changes... but same thing, IIRC, it didn't change in -fixes...
[03:29:49] Pio: /me releasing first release of this.. just submitted the project with freshmeat
[03:30:40] PMantis: I have asterisk and mythtv on the same box, so I already have more than one thins to worry about. Didn't want to tackle tv, phones, plus the frontends in one night – that'd be insane.
[03:31:19] wagnerrp: PMantis: you dont use mythphone do you?
[03:31:27] PMantis: J-e-f-f-A: I suppose as long as the backend is recording, I can wait to watch. :)
[03:31:29] PMantis: wagnerrp: no
[03:31:36] J-e-f-f-A: PMantis: What protocol version is your 18722 version using? (Display via " mythfrontend -version ") – my 21047 -fixes system uses 40
[03:31:40] wagnerrp: ok, was going to warn you that got axed months ago
[03:31:45] sphery: Pio: is that a GUI frontend to nuvexport or does it do transcoding with something else?
[03:31:53] Pio: its independent of nuvexport
[03:31:58] iamlindoro: .21 versions are all identical schema and protocol
[03:32:03] Pio: i actually 'ripped off' nuvexport's method of encoding
[03:32:08] Pio: mythtranscode fifo to mencoder
[03:32:23] Shadow__X: iamlindoro: you tell em
[03:32:29] sphery: just curious
[03:32:33] Shadow__X: no links to back it up?
[03:32:47] PMantis: J-e-f-f-A: Frontend not up right now, I'll have to compare before I upgrade, I guess.
[03:32:55] Pio: yah.. i could have extended nuvexport, but tbh i just didnt want to work in perl heh
[03:32:57] J-e-f-f-A: PMantis: Ok, then iamlindoro confirmed what I thought – since the protocol is the same, you could do the upgrades in any order. But upgrading to trunk or 0.22 upon it's release is a different story... ;-)
[03:33:01] Pio: i havent used it in so long
[03:33:54] PMantis: J-e-f-f-A: Ok. Thanks for the longer explanation. Dagmar's quick answer wasn't enough for me.
[03:33:55] J-e-f-f-A: PMantis: If all your systems are currently the same version, you could just check the programs on the backend BTW...
[03:34:29] J-e-f-f-A: PMantis: He meant well – and you weren't clear as to what you meant by "upgrade", so I thought I'd ask for more detail. ;-)
[03:34:40] Shadow__X: also i upgrade from .21 to .21-fixes no issue'
[03:34:49] sphery: Pio: yeah, I think the GUI is a great idea... Just thought if it used nuvexport, then there's only one tool that has to keep up with changing command line args, etc. in those external encoder projects
[03:34:50] Shadow__X: everything still works
[03:35:03] Shadow__X: its really more of an update than an upgrade isnt it
[03:35:15] PMantis: J-e-f-f-A: on my backend, mythfrontend exists... weird, no GUI! neways, it's using protocol 40.
[03:35:23] Pio: yeah, and nuvexport supports more encoding backends than i do.. nuvexport can do like transcode, ffmpeg, or mencoder i think
[03:35:25] sphery: Pio: not saying that nuvexport is doing an ideal job of that--like I said, I was just curious
[03:35:46] J-e-f-f-A: PMantis: Yeah, the consensus is you're ok. (all here agree... ;-) )
[03:35:57] wagnerrp: Pio: you have your own jobqueue, rather than using mythtv's?
[03:36:08] PMantis: J-e-f-f-A: Cool, thanks.
[03:36:09] Pio: yeah the jobs run independently of mythtv
[03:36:12] sphery: PMantis: yeah, from a Myth standpoint, what you're doing isn't really an upgrade
[03:36:31] sphery: PMantis: though if you're doing something like upgrading the underlying distro, it may have effects on Myth
[03:36:36] Pio: i use the mythtv python bindings to pull recording info & issue the delete commands
[03:36:44] PMantis: J-e-f-f-A: hopefully, the OS upgrade will allow me to rip once again.
[03:36:49] PMantis: sphery: Exactly
[03:36:59] wagnerrp: Pio: so then you can only transcode on the machine on which you ran the GUI?
[03:37:06] sphery: Pio: that's good... Using the bindings is the best approach...
[03:37:16] Pio: wagnerrp, correct
[03:37:22] sphery: Pio: is this the 0.21-fixes (very limited) bindings or the trunk (very complete) bindings?
[03:37:41] wagnerrp: if hes using the bindings to delete files, its trunk
[03:37:41] Pio: it was from svn
[03:37:50] sphery: good
[03:37:56] J-e-f-f-A: PMantis: rip dvds? You know that some of the newer dvds are more secure and don't rip successfully... right?
[03:38:06] sphery: the -fixes Python bindings were more like "earthworm" bindings
[03:38:18] sphery: In trunk, they're actually useful
[03:38:22] iamlindoro: and no changes occurred to DVD ripping in all of fixes
[03:38:24] sphery: thanks to a certain wagnerrp
[03:38:54] PMantis: J-e-f-f-A: I can play 'em in Myth, but they don't rip! That's just messed up.
[03:38:57] wagnerrp: Pio: what do you mean using the bindings to delete files?
[03:38:58] sphery: PMantis: right--and since Myth doesn't use external rippers...
[03:39:31] sphery: so the only way to get updated ripping is using a non-myth tool
[03:39:34] Pio: issuing DELETE_RECORDING commands
[03:39:39] Pio: & FORGET_RECORDING
[03:39:45] iamlindoro: playing DVDs involves following the branching tree around the bad blocks.. a rip is a wholesale copy, so once you hit the bad blocks...
[03:39:53] wagnerrp: if you use MythTV.deleteFile() or whatever i named it, youre going to follow normal expiration rules
[03:40:09] wagnerrp: meaning it may not delete immediately, and instead just gets put on the auto-expire list
[03:40:22] wagnerrp: or it may do the ext3 slow delete
[03:40:28] PMantis: iamlindoro: Oh that trick again? I remember that from the C64 days on the 5.25" floppies!
[03:40:31] Pio: i wrote my own deleteRecordings method on the MythTV Class
[03:41:08] Pio:
[03:41:19] Pio: i hacked it up quite a bit here and there actually
[03:41:45] wagnerrp: ok, so youre intentionally deleting the metadata as well
[03:41:54] wagnerrp: youre not replacing the existing file like mythtranscode does
[03:41:56] Pio: yeah i dont touch the files
[03:42:31] Pio: i never verified that the physical recording files were removed from my recording directory, in fact, i just assumed they were
[03:42:32] wagnerrp: this is not to encode for use as a recording
[03:42:44] Pio: correct, it produces avi/mkv
[03:43:10] wagnerrp: well thats not a problem
[03:43:23] wagnerrp: you can replace an existing recording file with one of your choosing in the database
[03:44:32] wagnerrp: actually... that might be a good addition to the Program class
[03:44:58] wagnerrp: some functions for manipulation of the recording table
[03:45:46] sphery: you mean recorded?
[03:46:00] wagnerrp: yeah, one of those... couldnt remember the name off hand
[03:46:43] wagnerrp: proto_version=40.... so youre using the modern bindings with 0.21-fixes?
[03:46:46] nighthawk_ (nighthawk_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:47:05] Pio: i think i had to change that
[03:47:06] Pio: -PROTO_VERSION = 45
[03:47:06] Pio: +PROTO_VERSION = 40 # 45 per svn
[03:47:13] wagnerrp: yeah... be a bit careful about that
[03:47:23] wagnerrp: some functions will behave differently on older versions
[03:47:27] wagnerrp: other functions may not exist
[03:47:56] Pio: yeah i also had to remove a couple properties from the Program class
[03:48:15] wagnerrp: then be sure to update PROGRAM_FIELDS to match
[03:48:22] Pio: which corresponded to program data array indexes which did not exist for my mythtv
[03:48:35] aliby- (aliby-! has quit ("ZNC by prozac -")
[03:48:46] wagnerrp: getRecording will work fine, but getRecordings will be broken if the field count is wrong
[03:49:02] wagnerrp: as will any other function which returns multiple Programs
[03:49:10] Pio: ah, yeah i didnt change that
[03:49:12] Pio: i'll fix it
[03:49:38] Pio: i actually load recordings with
[03:49:43] Pio: rawRecordings = self.mythTV.backendCommand('QUERY_RECORDINGS Play').split(mythtv.BACKEND_SEP)
[03:49:50] sphery: or update it to work with trunk and announce the release in a month when 0.22 is out
[03:50:01] chainsawf (chainsawf!n=chainsaw@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:50:25] wagnerrp: no sense reinventing the wheel when theres already a function to do that
[03:51:11] Pio: i had some reason for it, trying to remember
[03:52:07] Pio: i was working off svn revision 20635
[03:52:09] Pio: i dont see a getRecordings actually
[03:52:35] wagnerrp: i should use that 'BACKEND_SEP.join(...)'
[03:52:35] sphery: the bindings have changed a lot recently
[03:52:46] wagnerrp: its a lot cleaner than '%s%s%s%s%s%s'....
[03:52:59] Pio: yep my bindings were older
[03:53:04] Pio: i just checked out the newest ver
[03:53:11] Pio: i'll add it to the top of my todos to use the newest bindings
[03:53:18] wagnerrp: yeah, theres about three of us adding crap to it
[03:53:21] Pio: and i'll try and eliminate all the modifications i had to made to them
[03:53:57] Dr{Wh0} (Dr{Wh0}! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:54:01] Pio: im just distributing my modified copy of the bindings in the tarball i put up, but i'd much rather do it the right way and have them install the bindings separately if possible
[03:54:20] mchou (mchou!n=quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:54:33] wagnerrp: any reason you added manual entry of the database?
[03:54:47] wagnerrp: you actually have multiple mythtv systems running?
[03:54:48] Dr{Wh0}: Q. any ideas why [ and ] show the volume level change but the volume does not actually change?
[03:54:57] wagnerrp: Dr{Wh0}: digital output?
[03:55:07] Pio: no, i dont.. i think i added that at one point thinking it made sense, and the more i thought about it, the more i realized it did not make sense
[03:55:13] Dr{Wh0}: i have headphones going into my computerr
[03:55:44] wagnerrp: Dr{Wh0}: you probably have the wrong mixer device set
[03:55:52] sphery: Dr{Wh0}: wrong volume control
[03:55:55] Dr{Wh0}: ok where do i change that.
[03:56:09] sphery: you can use either PCM or Master
[03:56:14] sphery: Headphones can't be used
[03:56:40] Dr{Wh0}: hmm but they work? well as much as i hear stuff
[03:56:46] sphery: if your sound card's master control changes headphones, you're in luck
[03:56:49] sphery: otherwise...
[03:57:42] sphery:
[03:58:20] sphery: and for the "fix":
[03:59:58] Dr{Wh0}: ok my volume control applet ( kde4 opensuse 11.1 ) does change volume for my headphones. I have to have it MAXED out though its very quiet. Playing Quake the volume is plenty lound though this board i just changed out does have less gain than my last board.
[04:01:16] sphery: for external controls, you can use something like:
[04:01:35] chainsawbike (chainsawbike! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:05:20] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:13:54] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:16:05] Wicked: damn i think my mysql somehow got fubared
[04:17:04] Wicked: its using 99% cpu again...earlier i had to kill a hung mysql process and then i ran myisamchk /var/lib/mysql/mythconverg/*.MYI to check the worked for a while...but now its spiked cpu again :(
[04:17:31] Wicked: i wonder if its possible to just backup my recorded shows data and recording rules for shows.
[04:17:42] Wicked: and then i can wipe out the database and start over
[04:19:36] phunyguy: well!
[04:19:37] phunyguy: hello!
[04:20:30] phunyguy: just made a purchase that may be too big for me
[04:20:40] Wicked: donate it to me ;)
[04:20:48] phunyguy: nice DIY NAS setup
[04:21:09] sphery: Wicked: yes, it's possible... regular backup: followed by partial restore: . . . _of_a_backup
[04:21:11] phunyguy: cheap mobo / cpu / ram, cheap antec case with superb HDD cooling, and 4 1TB drives
[04:21:26] phunyguy: cost me $500 even
[04:21:35] phunyguy: (the drives were $300)
[04:21:43] sphery: Wicked: though I don't see how the data could be the issue
[04:22:01] Wicked: sphery, ive been using those script to back up my db for a in crontab.
[04:22:09] Wicked: i dont know what happened
[04:22:18] sphery: have you tried running
[04:22:19] phunyguy: im wondering what OS to put on the NAS
[04:22:22] phunyguy: :-/
[04:22:29] Wicked: but mysql is using 99%cpu and myth locks up because it cant read from the database
[04:22:38] Wicked: sphery, hmm
[04:22:42] phunyguy: could do ubuntu with smb, or I could plug a small USB key in and boot off that with FreeNAS
[04:22:48] Wicked: phunyguy, windows98
[04:22:51] Wicked: ;)
[04:22:53] sphery: Wicked: others could probably help more, but maybe some mysql tuning or even using logging to figure out what it's doing
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[04:22:53] phunyguy: lawl.
[04:22:54] phunyguy: ni e
[04:22:55] phunyguy: nice
[04:23:16] phunyguy: anyone in here use FreeNAS?
[04:23:20] Wicked: earlier i got help in #mysql it was a mysql process that was locked up
[04:23:20] phunyguy: i never have
[04:23:28] phunyguy: curious to how it will perform
[04:23:33] Wicked: i had to use kill 147 inside the mysql terminal
[04:23:33] sphery: Wicked: also, there are known issues in new distros with Myth's socket communication that might be at least related
[04:23:56] Wicked: sphery, its been fine for months and there have no been any big updates that would break least i dont think so
[04:24:00] sphery: mysql process = some internal mysql thread?
[04:24:03] Wicked: yes
[04:24:19] sphery: hmmm... could be a messed up install or something
[04:24:48] Wicked: ive been on this install for a few months now
[04:24:52] sphery: don't know if you want to try a "what if", but could take a full backup, reinstall OS, then full restore and see what happens
[04:25:04] Wicked: but it was a mythtv command i had to kill in the mysql earlier
[04:25:22] sphery: oh, so a mythtv query?
[04:25:24] Wicked: which it looks to be again
[04:25:25] Wicked: yes
[04:25:28] Wicked: wanna pastebin?
[04:25:35] sphery: I thought you meant some mysql internal thing
[04:25:36] sphery: sure
[04:25:36] Wicked: this ones a update command
[04:25:44] sphery: mythfilldatabase?
[04:25:48] sphery: is this trunk?
[04:26:11] wagnerrp: Pio: still around?
[04:26:38] Wicked: awesome. i still have the pastebin from earlier too. heres the 1st one from earlier and heres the one from right now
[04:27:29] Wicked: earlier i had to kill the 127
[04:28:15] Wicked: it just sucks cuz myth isnt recording my shows cuz it doesnt have the info from the db to do so
[04:28:16] sphery: and this time killed which?
[04:28:25] wagnerrp: Pio: when you get back, let me know if there is anything you want added to the bindings
[04:28:26] Wicked: i have not killed anything yet sphery
[04:28:37] Wicked: but im gonna guess its 122 this time
[04:28:48] sphery: the 2nd one is definitely showing the scheduler query running...
[04:28:49] wagnerrp: any additional functionality you think they could use
[04:29:06] sphery: the 1st one shows what's either scheduler query or mythfilldatabase
[04:29:11] sphery: is this trunk or -fixes?
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[04:29:34] Wicked: 0.21-fixes ...last checked it out and compiled it about a week or so ago
[04:29:37] sphery: I'm thinking the 1st one is also scheduler, just based on some of the other queries
[04:30:13] Wicked: i dont really know alot about mysql so i really have no idea.
[04:30:32] sphery: how many recording rules do you have?
[04:30:34] Wicked: now im just worried its gonna keep doing it and im gonna miss all my shows :(
[04:30:36] Wicked: a few
[04:30:43] sphery: not more than 100, say?
[04:30:53] Wicked: um unlikely id say arounf 30–50
[04:31:03] sphery: ok... what kind of processor?
[04:31:08] sphery: not a toy, is it?
[04:31:12] Wicked: core2duo 2.13hgz
[04:31:15] sphery: *cough*atom*cough*
[04:31:15] Wicked: no
[04:31:17] sphery: cool...
[04:31:18] Wicked: 4 gigs ram
[04:31:19] Wicked: lol
[04:31:21] sphery: that shouldn't be a problem
[04:31:23] Wicked: no.
[04:32:13] Wicked: a know a few days ago the power went out here....but i just noticed the high cpu today. not sure if its been messing up since then
[04:32:27] Wicked: i dont think it has because it recorded my shows on umm...monday
[04:33:14] Wicked: i now just want to wipe out mysqld and all the databases and start it over.
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[04:33:37] Wicked: but no idea how to actually remove the databases from disk...last time i messed around with that i really screwed things up.
[04:35:24] sphery: So, wanna shut down all frontends and backends, then: mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e "TRUNCATE TABLE program; TRUNCATE TABLE eit_cache; TRUNCATE TABLE inuseprograms; TRUNCATE TABLE people; TRUNCATE TABLE programgenres; TRUNCATE TABLE programrating; TRUNCATE TABLE tvchain;"
[04:35:31] sphery: make sure you shut down all myth programs first
[04:35:40] sphery: then you'll have to re-run mythfilldatabase after
[04:35:54] sphery: (assuming you're not using EIT)
[04:37:03] Wicked: hmm. so thats gonna truncate everything.....would it be better to erase the database and do a restore from a backup from last friday?
[04:38:24] Wicked: welp here goes on that command you gave me.
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[04:39:33] Wicked: :(
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[04:44:13] sphery: Wicked: one more question... is your system using some kind of processor frequency scaling?
[04:44:44] Wicked: nope. also that command you gave me is just hanging....been like 5 mins and its still not done
[04:45:29] sphery: that may be because of the locks
[04:45:35] sphery: shut down mysqld
[04:45:38] sphery: then restart it
[04:45:41] sphery: then run that command, again
[04:45:43] Wicked: ok
[04:46:02] sphery: (and make sure all myth progs are shut down :)
[04:46:17] Wicked: yea
[04:46:25] Wicked: ok. restarted mysql and reran that command..all done
[04:46:46] Wicked: now you said just rerun mythfill-database?
[04:46:50] sphery: right
[04:46:54] Wicked: err
[04:46:56] Wicked: no dash
[04:46:58] sphery: then restart the backend stuff
[04:47:03] sphery: and right, no dash
[04:47:18] Pio (Pio!n=sean@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:47:24] Wicked: ok running mythfilldatabase now
[04:48:35] Wicked: crap
[04:48:47] sphery: locked up?
[04:48:58] Wicked: well even worse. i think my hard drive is dying.
[04:49:11] sphery: that would be an issue
[04:49:16] sphery: got DB backups?
[04:49:20] Wicked: yup
[04:49:25] sphery: might want to copy them to another drive :)
[04:49:28] Wicked: computer just locked up for a min
[04:49:44] sphery: explains how things could just start happening without changes
[04:50:01] Wicked:
[04:50:14] Wicked: im actually not sure if its the hard drive or the sata controller.
[04:50:41] Wicked: its done the same exact thing to 4 drives in the past....i put the supposed bad drives in my other computer..and they dont mess up.
[04:50:47] sphery: definitely not a good thing
[04:50:55] Wicked: in fact i built a raid5 array from the old "bad" drives
[04:51:01] Wicked: been holding strong
[04:51:08] sphery: I don't know how to diagnose--mine it the "replace parts until all works again" strategy
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[04:51:21] Wicked: hehe
[04:51:28] Wicked: my drive is thrashing though
[04:51:29] sphery: others can likely give a more scientific approach
[04:51:37] Wicked: or well drive...
[04:52:05] Wicked: well thanks for the help man. :)
[04:52:15] Wicked: sorry to have wasted your time ultimately
[04:52:19] sphery: I have a HDD that's been making terrible clicking noises about once per 30s since Nov and the thing still hasn't failed
[04:52:26] Wicked: hehe
[04:52:46] Wicked: this one did this about....2 months ago...i got those errors..then they stopped.....
[04:52:56] Wicked: worked fine until now
[04:53:01] sphery: I'm too cheap to actually replace it while it's still working
[04:53:01] sphery: (nothing important on that drive, though :)
[04:53:01] sphery: good luck fixing it
[04:53:03] sphery: hope you find it out the cheap way rather than the trial/error way
[04:53:14] Wicked: yea
[04:53:15] sphery: bad SATA cable?
[04:53:27] Wicked: ive swapped cables
[04:53:47] Wicked: i even bought a psu tester as at one point i thought it may be a flakey psu
[04:53:53] Wicked: but that tested fine
[04:53:59] sphery: A friend had problems with his Myth box, so I went over to help debug... We figured out that the HDD was fried because we couldn't even get a response from it at boot
[04:54:13] Wicked: i suspect the sata controller is flaky
[04:54:22] Wicked: ah
[04:54:40] Wicked: now the drive seems to be fine. no more thrashing and errors
[04:54:51] sphery: I told him to buy a new HDD, so he got a 300GB (which, at the time was about $200), and we went to put it in and figured out that the old HDD worked fine with a different IDE cable.
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[04:55:04] Wicked: ah
[04:55:07] sphery: So, he basically bought a $200 IDE cable and got a free 300GB HDD with it :)
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[04:56:07] Wicked: well thats kinda like these hard drives...this comp errored with them..stuck them in a drawer....then one day was like im gonna check them....and stuck them in my home "server" no i made a raid5 array...been my backup/nas/storage for like 4 months now
[04:56:11] sphery: (which is really kind of sad as we both had 10's of IDE cable lying around)
[04:56:21] Wicked: which makes me think its the controler on here
[04:56:44] sphery: that's too bad...
[04:56:54] sphery: replacing SATA controllers isn't easy
[04:57:03] sphery: PCI/PCIe SATA isn't as nice as integrated
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[04:57:27] Wicked: yea
[04:57:28] sphery: especially if the card's firmware does stupid things like stop boot if it probes the HDD's before they've finished initializing
[04:57:31] Wicked: ill just get a new mobo
[04:57:41] Wicked: but i need a job to get money 1st lol
[04:57:48] Wicked: well extra money.
[04:57:54] sphery: (why I can no longer leave my BIOS set to use quick boot--I need the mem test to delay the PCI SATA board's init)
[04:58:01] sphery: heh
[04:58:09] sphery: yeah, new mobo is best
[04:58:39] sphery: and, depending on which mobo, new mobo, new CPU, and new RAM may be better (if it's an old generation of stufff)
[04:59:31] Wicked: hehe
[04:59:45] Wicked: yea. that would be ideal. but out of my price range for now
[05:00:07] sphery: yeah, that's the downside
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[05:18:41] Dagmar: tfuruya: Have you pluged it into a *different* linux machine?
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[06:51:56] anykey_: does only search for english titles?
[06:54:12] anykey_: the api doesn't seem to search like the search field on the page :(
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[08:29:26] yunosh: dumb question: can i get a better video compression through builtin trancoding options than the mpeg2 i get from the dvb stream? obviously anything similar in qualitiy
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[09:03:34] juski: yunosh: just get a bigger disk. transcoding is a waste of time
[09:04:23] yunosh: lol, that's my impression too
[09:04:50] juski: there's little point to transcoding if you don't intend to keep stuff
[09:05:13] juski: and if you *do* plan to keep a lot you'll always be needing more & more storage
[09:09:27] juski: I still do 'lossless' mpeg2 transcodes from time to time to save space by cutting pre/post roll and advert breaks :) Mainly on stuff my wife is sentimental about – which I doubt she'd miss if it ever went away
[09:09:39] anykey_: I wish there was lossless h264 transcoding, would allow me to cut out commercials from HDTV
[09:10:47] juski: tricky, encoding parts with exactly the same parameters as the rest of the stream
[09:15:43] juski: whut? ps -ef |grep firefox is taking an age
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[09:39:38] k-man: what is the procedure for rescanning to get channel GO in Australia?
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[10:07:29] juski: k-man: presumably the same as any rescan. Stop mythbackend, scan. job done. Or delete all video sources, which takes out all the channels, then rescan (which in turn messes up xmltv)
[10:16:37] juski: right. time to head over to the other site to do some environmental testing
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[11:51:20] sebrock: I've noticed the DVD menu to only show the interactive part of the menu sometimes. ie background etc. is not shown. Is this due to Greedy or anything else? Could not find a ticket for it...
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[11:55:12] sebrock: Well, found something that says it is fixed in trunk
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[12:25:44] k-man: thanks juski
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[12:41:15] sebrock: I'm confused, is this fixed or not?
[12:41:22] sebrock: I still experience this
[12:43:15] stoffel: sebrock: what's unclear about: closed because: No response to request for information after 30 days
[12:45:06] test3: hi, an user question .. what can i do if 'info system' says that tv card 1 is unavalaible (dev/video0) ?
[12:45:27] test3: (was working good before :s )
[12:50:04] sebrock: stoffel, but it says Fixed not closed
[12:50:52] adante (adante!n=adante@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:50:53] adante_ is now known as adante
[12:50:54] yunosh: j-rod: with the latest imon driver from irc, the remote keys that have special meanings in mouse mode don't work anymore for me, even if in keyboard mode. is this intended, did the ids change, or...?
[12:51:40] Heliwr (Heliwr!n=Heliwr@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[12:52:08] sebrock: stoffel, which makes me wonder if some fixes has been done. I can se some changesets. However probably not the right ones.
[12:55:29] stoffel: imho the resolution 'fixed' doesn't matter in this case, the ticket was closed because nobody provided further information
[12:56:36] stoffel: so it may got fixed in trunk or not. if you really want to know, test it with trunk
[12:57:02] test3: up
[12:59:17] stoffel: sebrock: ups, see above
[13:01:30] j-rod: yunosh: that sounds not so good... which keys don't do what?
[13:02:58] Heliwr (Heliwr! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:02:59] yunosh: the ones i'm really missing are the left and right click buttons that i mappend to commercials skipping
[13:03:53] yunosh: i haven't tried it from the console, but i got the impression they do the pad right and left codes now
[13:05:31] j-rod: those should send mouse button presses in mouse mode, but off the top of my head, I'm not sure if they get passed through in keyboard mode or not... they *should* be...lemme double-check that
[13:05:56] test3: bye
[13:06:01] test3 (test3! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:06:14] yunosh: j-rod: yes, my initial question was misleading. it works fine in mouse mode
[13:06:19] yunosh: just not in keyboard mode
[13:07:19] yunosh: oh, and if it makes any difference, this is using ir_protocol 2
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[13:09:04] test3 (test3! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:09:43] test3: hey ! :)
[13:10:03] test3:
[13:10:07] test3: :) lol
[13:13:21] j-rod: yunosh: not seeing anything obvious that might cause that at first glance. Can you try running with debug=1 and see what (if) the driver is spitting out into dmesg when those buttons are pressed?
[13:14:18] yunosh: will do
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[13:17:25] yunosh: j-rod: the last key press was the enter button (or select? i don't remember my exact mappings)
[13:18:43] j-rod: yunosh: looks like KEY_SELECT in my own imon lircd.conf
[13:18:57] j-rod: so is that not getting through to userspace either?
[13:19:39] j-rod: (actually, KEY_LEFT, then KEY_SELECT there)
[13:19:53] yunosh: no, that's fine. i just accidentally recorded that too
[13:20:35] yunosh: so, my impression was correct
[13:20:50] yunosh: let me try with the standard remote (this is the harmony
[13:21:41] j-rod: to eliminate an issue w/ir_protocol=2, you could try w/o that too
[13:21:49] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has left #mythtv-users ()
[13:22:01] j-rod: my own harmony remote actually works quite well w/the default proto setting now
[13:22:34] j-rod: (I finally started using my imon receiver in my production mythfrontend)
[13:22:43] yunosh: yes, i've seen that on the ML, so i figured it's a good time to ask you again
[13:23:01] j-rod: :)
[13:23:25] d00gster (d00gster!n=doughant@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:24:36] yunosh: ir_protocol doesn't make a difference. this is what i get with the standard remote:
[13:25:56] yunosh: i could change the config, but it might be a driver bug
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[13:37:08] j-rod: yunosh: which button on the std remote is that? Just KEY_LEFT, or is it supposed to be KEY_SELECT also? (or something else)
[13:37:40] ** j-rod slightly clueless atm... **
[13:38:08] yunosh: LeftClick and RightClick
[13:39:47] j-rod: hrm. I have 01010000 and 01020000 for those in my config, instead of 01010080 and 01020080.
[13:40:27] yunosh: yes, me too, that's why they don't work :)
[13:40:37] j-rod: heh
[13:41:08] j-rod: sorry, yeah, just scratching my head trying to figure out if there's any way any changes made would be altering those
[13:41:17] j-rod: I can't think of anything that would do that
[13:41:29] j-rod: those worked earlier though, correct?
[13:41:49] juski: grrr. Stupid useless linux web browser
[13:42:11] yunosh: yes, though i have to admit that i overwrote my original configuration with the new one that ships now with cvs
[13:42:22] juski: either ban flash etc completely from the web or make it *work* on all platforms *properly* damnit
[13:43:45] j-rod: yunosh: ah, heh, that could certainly be relevant... :)
[13:44:10] j-rod: yunosh: I've seen other keys where they show up as something ever so slightly different from what I get, so its possible they were always just slightly different
[13:44:26] j-rod: I can just add them to the config in cvs as alternate versions of those keys
[13:45:04] juski: Argghhh. Firefox, why do you SUCK so, on linux?
[13:46:26] yunosh: j-rod: ok, i guess i'll do a irrecord session and you the results then?
[13:46:41] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:47:21] wagnerrp: local radio station is doing a promo
[13:47:31] wagnerrp: one of those things were a bunch of people put their hands on a car
[13:47:31] j-rod: yunosh: sure, that'll work. though w/these, I skip bothering with irrecord and just grab the button codes from dmesg
[13:47:40] wagnerrp: last person still holding on gets the car
[13:47:55] wagnerrp: the two remaining people are coming up on 51 hours
[13:48:06] yunosh: j-rod: k
[13:48:43] yunosh: btw, since the codes are already defined in the default config: which one wins? the first or the last one?
[13:50:13] paperclip: bleh.. my raid card maxes out on 250gb drives.. there goes another $200
[13:50:25] j-rod: yunosh: there are key mappings for other codes, but there's no mapping for your code
[13:50:28] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:50:31] j-rod: the first instance of your code wins
[13:51:34] jduggan:
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[13:54:48] wagnerrp: paperclip: what kind of RAID card do you have? .... some old PATA one?
[13:55:33] paperclip: wagnerrp: dell cerc 1.5/6ch
[13:55:33] wagnerrp: ive never even heard of a 250GB limit
[13:55:39] paperclip: sata
[13:55:43] wagnerrp: theres a 137GB limit, theres a 2TB limit
[13:55:47] paperclip: me neither.. it's pretty upsetting..
[13:56:12] paperclip: according to the dell specs it doesn't do anything beyond 250gb
[13:56:17] juski: need a firmware upgrade?
[13:56:44] juski: half the trouble is, sata specs were still wet on the page when a lot of gear first came out
[13:56:54] wagnerrp: yeah, thats all a software limitation
[13:56:54] paperclip: i looked and there's no mention of the firmware making larger drives work
[13:57:00] paperclip: hmm..
[13:57:02] wagnerrp: a firmware upgrade would do it... if there were one
[13:57:13] paperclip: hmm
[13:57:24] juski: the other half of the problem is chipset manufacturers' really useless datasheets & design docs
[13:57:57] paperclip: I should poke around.. I guess I can return or sell the one I ordered..
[13:58:13] paperclip: I got a pretty good deal on an open box from newegg
[13:58:33] juski: I bought a standard sata controller last year – it just wouldn't see my brand new 1TB drives til I updated its firmware
[13:58:56] wagnerrp: someone on here mentioned you can buy almost new Dell controllers fairly cheap
[13:59:06] wagnerrp: apparently they come out with a new controller every year or so
[13:59:22] juski: yeah people are apparently ripping out the ones which come in systems & immediately replacing em
[13:59:24] wagnerrp: so companies dump the old ones on ebay
[13:59:52] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:59:56] juski: wagnerrp: or rather more likely, the IT guys do the dumping on ebay ;-)
[14:00:47] wagnerrp: yeah, the PERC 5s
[14:00:51] paperclip: heh
[14:01:14] wagnerrp: heres basically the 8-port version of my card for $120
[14:01:29] wagnerrp: (my card was a 12-port $750 controller)
[14:01:44] paperclip: either way I should have this thing up and running by friday night..
[14:01:57] paperclip: so that leaves ebay out..
[14:02:08] wagnerrp: buy it now, and overnight
[14:02:21] wagnerrp: that $120 was a buy-it-now price
[14:02:24] juski: ffs does GNOME have no way to lock a panel?
[14:02:38] juski: I keep moving this one by accident
[14:02:39] paperclip: i've already got an adaptec board on the way.. should be here in the morning..
[14:02:45] wagnerrp: ah
[14:03:11] wagnerrp: ive got a friend who swears by adaptec
[14:03:23] wagnerrp: says i f-d up buying some other brand
[14:03:35] juski: wagnerrp: if it works, it works :)
[14:04:05] wagnerrp: ive got no complaints about my card
[14:04:08] juski: no time for any brand affiliation
[14:04:28] wagnerrp: no problems or data loss that did not originate BKAC
[14:05:01] juski: there you go – what more would anyone want?
[14:05:36] paperclip: also.. the new card is sata2
[14:05:57] paperclip: that BKAC is a bitch
[14:06:26] wagnerrp: thats pretty irrelevant, assuming each port is its own channel
[14:06:41] paperclip: from some random postings I've found in it seems that upgrading won't help
[14:06:44] wagnerrp: consumer grade drives are not bumping past 150MB/s yet
[14:07:20] paperclip: heh.. i'm glad you are here to keep the wind from my sails :)
[14:07:38] wagnerrp: well it does mean its far more modern....
[14:07:55] wagnerrp: so much less likely to have any weird quirks... like a 250GB limit
[14:08:12] paperclip: yeah.. and i figured it was better than one of those psudo hardware raid things..
[14:08:37] wagnerrp: does adaptec even make any of those pseudo-hardware raid things?
[14:08:39] paperclip: and i've used adaptec before.. fairly easy to do everything from the bios on the board
[14:08:44] paperclip: yeah.. they do
[14:09:14] wagnerrp: everything ive seen is either full XOR offload, or is barely even RAID (0/1 only)
[14:09:14] paperclip: pretty much anything under $200 msrp is using a driver to do the heavy lifting
[14:10:16] paperclip: yeah.. this card also supports raid 6.. which i'd never really grasped before.. but it sounds handy..
[14:10:19] treats: does myth work with direct tv?
[14:10:29] wagnerrp: treats: sorta
[14:10:42] wagnerrp: mythtv cannot capture directly from a directtv
[14:11:02] treats: so...
[14:11:05] wagnerrp: however you can get an analog capture card and IR blaster to interface with your existing set top box
[14:11:12] treats: haha
[14:11:15] treats: sick
[14:11:53] davidm (davidm!n=David@nat/ti/x-zyvdbqgolguvuekn) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:11:53] treats: so mythtv can't record two shows simultaniously then on any service?
[14:12:12] paperclip: if you have two boxes, and two tuners, no?
[14:12:18] treats: bummmer
[14:12:21] davidm is now known as Guest18362
[14:12:22] wagnerrp: for directtv, in order to record two shows, you need two STBs
[14:12:34] wagnerrp: the same is usually true for digital cable as well
[14:12:44] paperclip: aren't some of the STB's dual tuner.. I know dish has/had some
[14:13:03] wagnerrp: paperclip: yes, but one of the tuners is used for its internal DVR
[14:13:10] wagnerrp: they do not have two independent outputs
[14:13:17] treats: i just assumed i could watch x and recort y when they both start at the same time
[14:13:28] treats: i donno why
[14:13:49] paperclip: i had one 4–5 years ago that came with an RF remote.. you simply ran coax to the secondary tv..
[14:13:57] paperclip: and it was also a dvr
[14:14:16] paperclip: i think it was the dish 501
[14:16:18] paperclip: oh... looks like the latest firmware upgrade can take drives up to 750gb.
[14:16:24] paperclip: not too shaby..
[14:16:44] wagnerrp: i still dont understand why it would be limited
[14:16:49] paperclip: card is pci-x which isn't very common anymore apparently
[14:17:04] paperclip: could be artificial to segment the server market..
[14:17:05] wagnerrp: yeah, most new cards are PCIe
[14:17:19] paperclip: soho vs. $$
[14:17:19] wagnerrp: but you can still easily find server boards with PCIX ports
[14:17:46] wagnerrp: PCIe >> PCIX
[14:17:53] paperclip: yeah
[14:17:54] wagnerrp: its a smaller, simplier, cheaper design
[14:18:02] wagnerrp: with significantly higher bandwidth
[14:18:15] paperclip: my new card is PCI-X as well..
[14:19:21] paperclip: i don't plan on moving it anytime soon..
[14:19:33] wagnerrp: most PCIX stuff tops out at 1GB/s, which is just a lowly PCIe x4 slot
[14:19:50] paperclip: i figure it'll take me a few years to fill ~4tb
[14:19:55] wagnerrp: although there was some stuff that moved to DDR and QDR for up to 4GB/s
[14:20:11] wagnerrp: paperclip: yeah... i thought that too
[14:20:15] paperclip: heh
[14:20:45] wagnerrp: took all of a year and a half to move from 1.8TB to 5.2TB filled
[14:20:58] paperclip: well.. when it does happen I'm sure there will be a better solution.. for now I'm going to stick with this poweredge since I found it on the sidewalk..
[14:21:03] wagnerrp: once i started recording HDTV, and ripping HD media
[14:21:24] paperclip: now i have ~250gb flac and avi
[14:21:40] paperclip: but yeah.. i'm sure it will fill faster now..
[14:22:10] wagnerrp: well music just doesnt fill quickly, no matter what you do to it
[14:22:43] wagnerrp: even FLAC, an album is only ~300MB
[14:23:04] paperclip: yeah.. i only have about 300 albums total.. some unripped..
[14:23:16] paperclip: and i don't buy many anymore
[14:23:25] paperclip: . . . 86.m63.l1177
[14:23:56] paperclip: that's the dell card.. 16GBP.. not great resale value..
[14:25:06] paperclip: i felt really dumb when i discovered that it wouldn't take larger drives.. but now I guess that isn't very common..
[14:27:04] yunosh: j-rod: look like those two keys are the only ones that are off
[14:27:22] j-rod: yunosh: ok, one sec...
[14:27:41] yunosh: the other keys actually send e.g. 0x288195B700000201 instead of 0x288195B700002401 but the original configuration still worked
[14:27:57] wagnerrp: why is that in pounds?
[14:28:03] yunosh: the second last byte is different
[14:28:35] wagnerrp: i thought there was an '' for british sales
[14:28:46] j-rod: yunosh: exactly which config file are you using?
[14:28:58] yunosh: commercial skipping still behaves a bit weird, but that's probably a different story
[14:29:04] yunosh: the imon-pad config
[14:30:01] wagnerrp: hah... the AT&T phone network is crashing, because iPhone users consume 10x the network capacity as other smartphone users
[14:30:26] j-rod: yunosh: ah, heh, I was looking at the antec veris one... I'll add those there too
[14:30:34] juski: shiny things waste bandwidth – shock?
[14:30:54] paperclip: wagnerrp: yeah.. it's listed in USD when i search at, but clicking through gives you the listing with GBP
[14:33:33] j-rod: yunosh: committed to cvs
[14:36:45] yunosh: thanks
[14:37:24] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:39:03] yunosh: j-rod: since there are two iMON-PAD remotes in the config (32 and 64 bit), is lirc able to destinct between those two when reading .lircrc?
[14:39:28] yunosh: i have no idea when the config is loaded, i'm just curious
[14:40:01] FR^2 (FR^2!n=frzwo@2001:41d0:1:ed2f:0:0:0:cafe) has quit ("Connection reset by peer")
[14:40:09] j-rod: the driver sends either a 64-bit or 32-bit code out to userspace, depending on your device
[14:40:40] yunosh: so, the remote name is set when the driver is loaded?
[14:40:45] j-rod: then userspace matches that with an appropriately sized code in lircd.conf
[14:41:06] j-rod: define 'remote name'...
[14:41:21] yunosh: remote = iMON-PAD in .lircrc
[14:41:26] j-rod: the driver doesn't know squat about the lirc config files
[14:41:35] yunosh: yes, sure
[14:41:37] j-rod: all it does is pass codes out
[14:41:50] j-rod: its lircd that matches the code to a remote name
[14:41:52] yunosh: but the name in .lircrc must match the name in lircd.conf, right?
[14:42:03] j-rod: remote and button names
[14:42:06] j-rod: yes
[14:42:18] j-rod: if you include a remote = line, anyway
[14:42:20] j-rod: its optional
[14:42:38] j-rod: (used for differentiating between signals from one codeset to another)
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[14:48:16] yunosh: ok
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[15:29:40] j-rod: yay. finally have the hdpvr ir behaving w/2.6.31
[15:29:53] iamlindoro: Well it's about damn time ;)
[15:30:14] j-rod: and for the record: lirc_zilog is a mess
[15:30:42] j-rod: every time I really dig into nearly any of the lirc drivers, its just scary how much cracked out crap is in them
[15:31:01] j-rod: this one's now less cracktastic, but still slightly so
[15:31:08] iamlindoro: lirc in general has seemed stagnant for such a long time
[15:31:18] j-rod: 10+ years of legacy
[15:31:26] iamlindoro: There is so much in the way of user friendliness that could be done, but nobody has done so
[15:31:30] iamlindoro: not that I'm volunteering
[15:31:43] j-rod: heh
[15:31:47] j-rod: me neither
[15:32:00] j-rod: well, actually, I guess I *am* working on it...
[15:32:07] iamlindoro: heh, "Not it!"
[15:32:15] j-rod: just notsomuch on the userspace side
[15:32:40] j-rod: I'm going to add input device support for at least the mceusb and imon drivers' stock remotes
[15:32:45] jams_: j-rod- so what was the reason for moving /dev/lircd ?
[15:33:01] j-rod: so that all keys will go through the input layer if lirc isn't present and listening to the device
[15:33:05] j-rod: i.e., they'll work out of the box
[15:33:29] wagnerrp: j-rod: directly in mythtv?
[15:33:30] jams_: guess thats a good reason. On the surface it looked like it was changed on a whim.
[15:33:30] j-rod: jams_: you'd have to ask christoph... I vaguely recall it maybe fixing some selinux problems or something
[15:34:01] j-rod: plus, a socket doesn't belong in /dev/ to begin with
[15:34:08] jams_ is now known as jams
[15:34:25] j-rod: wagnerrp: stock remotes would deliver things like KEY_VIDEO, KEY_PLAY though the standard input subsystem
[15:34:33] j-rod: so if you have those mapped, yes, they'd Just Work
[15:34:40] j-rod: same as multimedia keys on keyboards, etc
[15:35:34] j-rod: a follow-on step would be to make sure myth DTRT for KEY_PLAY, KEY_FASTFORWARD, etc
[15:35:40] j-rod: (it might already, I dunno...)
[15:36:09] j-rod: and you'd still be able to use lirc if so desired
[15:37:14] wagnerrp: at least my frontends still use irexec for the power button
[15:37:19] wagnerrp: but im sure thats fairly non-standard
[15:44:45] mishehu: on the wiki, under hardware entries, what does "Support Status: Not Implemented" mean? I'm slightly confused, as the Hauppage HVR-2250 appears to be supported by drivers on KernelLabs, for atsc/qam support only
[15:45:08] wagnerrp: mishehu: it means no one has bothered up update the wiki
[15:45:24] mishehu: ah ok
[15:46:23] mishehu: now here's a subjective question to you guys out here... I want to get a new mythbox... deciding between a c7 and atom n330. the nice thing about the c7's is the via padlock device, but the atoms support x86_64 to at least some degree
[15:46:43] wagnerrp: the desktop atoms are all 64-bit
[15:46:52] wagnerrp: theres no (some degree)
[15:46:55] wagnerrp: its full support
[15:47:17] sphery: Corsair 400W 80 PLUS PSU for $29.99 after $20 MIR at newegg: (or 450W for $39.99 after $20 MIR: )
[15:47:24] sphery: just in case anyone is looking for a PSU
[15:47:27] wagnerrp: however using either a Via or an Atom with a 2250 is a mistake
[15:47:32] mishehu: as far as mythtv is concerned, for doing things like running as a frontend with at least partial backend functions (minus transcoding probably, as I don't expect it to be very good at that), which is better?
[15:47:41] wagnerrp: neither of which has sufficient power for ATSC playback
[15:47:48] sphery: (I actually have the 400W one in this computer... Works great and saved me a good chunk of Watts.)
[15:48:41] mishehu: wagnerrp: hmm. so it could work as a backend w/o transcoding, but not do very well at atsc playback (this one I'm looking at has an NVIDIA GeForce 9400M integrated)
[15:49:04] wagnerrp: now an ION (atom + 9400M) can do decoding in hardware
[15:49:04] j-rod: that one would do just fine at atsc playback
[15:49:11] wagnerrp: but then you deal with the quirks of a hardware decoder
[15:49:33] j-rod: not necessarily
[15:49:34] wagnerrp: as long as you have decent signal, it should work fine for your purposes
[15:49:40] j-rod: vdpau isn't required to play back atsc
[15:49:45] mishehu: wagnerrp: what quirks are those? I've not messed with atsc/qam signals yet, but my other systems were ati. the only quirks I had were shitty fglrx drivers...
[15:49:50] j-rod: software decode w/nvidia graphics works just fine too
[15:49:50] mishehu: sorry, crappy
[15:50:01] mishehu: I forgot the policy here about naughty words.
[15:50:17] mishehu: (assuming the policy is still in place)
[15:50:34] wagnerrp: j-rod: the atom is barely capable of fill 19mbps decoding, if at all
[15:50:37] j-rod: calling fglrx shitty is perfectly acceptable in my book
[15:51:00] mishehu: j-rod: yeah I know, but last time I swore in that context here I was kickbanned...
[15:51:02] wagnerrp: actually... deinterlacers are now run in a separate thread from decoding arent they?
[15:51:08] j-rod: wagnerrp: um. why do all my hdtv recordings play back just fine w/o vdpau then?
[15:51:21] wagnerrp: so the dual core one might not be half bad
[15:52:15] wagnerrp: j-rod: i honestly didnt believe the atom could decode that high bitrate
[15:52:38] mishehu: welp I'm sold, I'll get this ION, as it's the dual core 1.6 atom and geforce 9400M
[15:52:46] j-rod: for the record, I *have* the dual-core zotac ion board. Everything mpeg2 plays just fine w/o vdpau.
[15:53:12] j-rod: I do use vdpau now though
[15:53:24] mishehu: I just hope that super mario has mythbuntu up to speed, as I don't relish building everything from source for mythtv... that and gnome are where I draw the lines on slackware usage :-)
[15:53:31] j-rod: and haven't had anything ever lock up on me, and only a few h.264 things that don't decode correctly
[15:53:39] wagnerrp: will the commflagger run multithreaded?... decoding on one core, processing in the other
[15:53:44] mishehu: j-rod: what is vdpau?
[15:53:52] j-rod: giyf
[15:54:03] wagnerrp: VDPAU is nvidia's hardware decoder implementation in linux
[15:54:03] j-rod: :)
[15:54:29] superdump (superdump!n=rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit ("Leaving")
[15:54:31] mishehu: j-rod: is this by any chance the same ION you got?
[15:54:45] j-rod: yes
[15:54:48] wagnerrp: it used to handle streams errors pretty poorly... but honestly its pretty robust with modern drivers
[15:54:53] superdump (superdump! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:55:05] j-rod: I get an occasional pause from a stream error, but its always recovered just fine
[15:55:11] wagnerrp: as long as you have compatible video
[15:55:34] wagnerrp: my older DVD rips have some h264 options VDPAU is not happy with
[15:56:00] wagnerrp: i end up with a slideshow where it only displays the I-frames
[15:56:13] j-rod: ha, nice
[15:56:13] mishehu: well I plan to hook in the ION with the hauppage 2250 to an antenna and get digital atsc off it. I don't plan on forking over any dough to time warner so that I can be forked when OOPS can't get any clear cam on any channel that's not already broadcast OTA
[15:56:30] wagnerrp: mishehu: that board has no expansion ports
[15:56:41] wagnerrp: and nearly all Atom based systems have only a PCI slot
[15:56:50] wagnerrp: you cannot use a 2250 with that board
[15:57:09] mishehu: wagnerrp: oh hum, I misread "mini pci-e slot" as "pci-e slot"
[15:57:11] mishehu: crap
[15:57:33] mishehu: so it'll only be good as a frontend.
[15:57:45] sphery: isn't the 2250 still unsupported (at least per )
[15:57:48] mishehu: what, was it so hard for them to throw in a 1x pcie slot?
[15:58:03] wagnerrp: sphery: its not in the official v4l-dvb drivers yet
[15:58:16] wagnerrp: but there are digital drivers to be had for that card
[15:58:21] mishehu: wagnerrp: requires kernel patching?
[15:58:32] wagnerrp: requires a 3rd party kernel module
[15:58:34] wagnerrp: no patching
[15:58:41] mishehu: wagnerrp: binary-only?
[15:58:45] wagnerrp: source
[15:58:52] mishehu: ah ok.
[15:59:00] wagnerrp: its on the link on the mythtv wiki page
[15:59:06] mishehu: well... maybe I can toss the card into my server.
[15:59:16] ** mishehu hates having to make these types of decisions. **
[15:59:53] mishehu: hah isn't saying "digital atsc" just being redundant?
[16:00:07] mishehu: I thought all atsc signals were digital
[16:00:44] wagnerrp: all atsc signals are digital, not all digital tv is atsc
[16:00:55] wagnerrp: but yes, the 'digital' is redundant
[16:01:48] sphery: technically, the ATSC signals are analog, but they contain information in a digital format...
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[16:02:49] wagnerrp: !trout sphery pedantic
[16:02:49] ** MythLogBot slaps sphery with a pedantic trout on behalf of wagnerrp... **
[16:02:53] wagnerrp: :P
[16:03:00] sphery: heh
[16:03:16] sphery: But I was saying that digital ATSC might actually make sense
[16:03:16] mishehu: thank you, he deserved that
[16:03:35] iamlindoro: Yeah, I wish spehry would just be a little more helpful
[16:03:39] iamlindoro: sphery
[16:03:41] ** mishehu bets sphery can carry on a conversation with a 33.6kbps modem **
[16:03:58] wagnerrp: trssshsshshshssh
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[16:04:13] mishehu: wagnerrp: you forgot the initial handshake
[16:04:34] mishehu: that sounds like after the rate has been negotiated :-)
[16:04:51] mishehu: man oh man, the kids of today will be like "modem? whats that?"
[16:05:10] mishehu: "you mean you weren't ALWAYS connected to the Internet?"
[16:05:30] wagnerrp: mishehu: there is at least one announced ION board with a PCIe slot... but i cant seem to find any available for purchase
[16:06:23] wagnerrp: oh... here we go
[16:06:31] wagnerrp:
[16:07:07] wagnerrp: although looks like youre stuck with laptop memory
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[16:10:10] Shadow__X: is there a way to make a secound internal hard drive go to sleep for less power consumtion?
[16:10:19] wagnerrp: hdparm
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[16:25:09] superdump: wagnerrp: niiice
[16:25:14] superdump: that's pretty cheap really
[16:25:25] superdump: and would be ample for most home desktop users
[16:25:53] superdump: i may grab one of those to use as a frontend :)
[16:26:19] mishehu: wagnerrp: gonna rest on the idea for the next few hours
[16:26:20] superdump: and i have a spare ddr2 sodimm sitting around
[16:27:07] superdump: don't really need the pci-e slot though so maybe there are cheaper ones around :)
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[17:13:02] sphery: Anyone looking at upgrading storage: . . . oud-storage/
[17:13:28] wagnerrp: sphery: yeah, there was discussion about that yesterday
[17:13:39] kormoc: and a few days ago too
[17:13:40] sphery: Considering I have only 1/10th that storage and way more TV than I'll ever watch...
[17:13:55] wagnerrp: after looking at the design, im actually interested at cobbling together a case something like that
[17:14:08] wagnerrp: obviously i dont need (want to pay for) space for 45 drives
[17:14:10] kormoc: need a rack, and a cooled closet
[17:14:32] sphery: but keep the temp at 80F, not below...
[17:14:39] sphery: otherwise you're wasting
[17:16:47] wagnerrp: im thinking one row of 15 would be plenty sufficient, but i have no idea where i would go to fabricate it
[17:16:54] mindoms1 (mindoms1! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[17:17:05] wagnerrp: although i could probably fab it myself if i got creative
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[17:18:50] gbee: . . . -normal.html << Maybe we should do the same for the BBC
[17:19:07] mindoms (mindoms! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[17:19:23] gbee: oh, that's not good – . . . tection.html
[17:20:07] Tomasu (Tomasu! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:20:39] wagnerrp: so that just means you lose EIT data?
[17:20:42] gbee: not good at all
[17:21:00] wagnerrp: or does that mean you have a corrupt mpeg2 program table?
[17:21:04] gbee: wagnerrp: ALL SI data – that includes the PAT,SDT,PMT etc
[17:21:17] gbee: ie. all tuning data etc
[17:21:38] wagnerrp: so you have unencrypted data, but no description of how to demultiplex it
[17:22:28] wagnerrp: so would it be illegal for mythtv to implement this new algorithm?
[17:22:56] wagnerrp: theyre making it available free of charge, but i suppose that comes with an NDA about it?
[17:23:09] gbee: at least that's what is suggested when they talk about SI data, but I can't help wondering if EIT was what they really mean – Freesat EIT is already huffman compressed – but how does that help with copy protection?
[17:23:56] wagnerrp: boxes that dont understand the SI data cannot parse the stream
[17:24:07] sphery: sounds like they make the tables available only to "manufacturers who implement the [copy protection] technology"
[17:24:17] gbee: wagnerrp: well I'm not sure how we'd use it, I'm assuming it couldn't be GPL compatible so it can't go in the main distribution even if they do make it available
[17:24:27] wagnerrp: boxes that do decode the SI data are from manufacturers that had signed a contract saying they will comply with the no-copy flag
[17:24:34] potatohead (potatohead!n=jcm@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:25:46] gbee: it's a strange move for a PSB company and since a fair number of BBC bods are using or playing with mythtv it will be interesting to see how it plays out
[17:26:16] wagnerrp: bods?
[17:26:17] mindoms2 (mindoms2! has quit ("Leaving.")
[17:26:23] gbee: peeps
[17:26:29] wagnerrp: ah
[17:27:23] gbee: it's also pretty weak, they are trying to stop their HD content making it's way onto torrents and therefore undercutting lucrative bluray/dvd sales, but these measures aren't going to stop that happening
[17:28:15] wagnerrp: as with all copy protection, it only prevents the average user from accessing the content
[17:28:19] gbee: there are plenty of people at the BBC who are smarter than this, so where's this coming from?
[17:28:27] wagnerrp: it hardly makes any difference to the professional
[17:28:57] gbee: wagnerrp: aye and it only takes _one_ person to bypass it and start a torrent
[17:29:34] yunosh: j-rod: there's still a problem with the left-click button. the up event has the same code like the left down event. thus i get two button presses in myth. that's why commercial skipping still didn't work
[17:33:31] janneg: gbee: compressing PAT and PMT would be mostly useless. there's not much compressable data in it and will take one ts packet
[17:34:51] janneg: a different compressing scheme or a encryption of of the EIT data doesn't make sense either since you could happily record and copy the video manually
[17:35:04] gbee: janneg: it's not being done to save space, just to obscure the data
[17:36:03] gbee: and yes, you can still record the video but you can't scan or tune to temporary channels, all they'd have to do is change the pids regularly to frustrate that
[17:36:45] janneg: gbee: yes, but is reverse engineerable in seconds since PAT+PMT is known plaintext
[17:38:46] gbee: it's enough to seriously degrade the experience for mythtv users, you can't associate pids with channels (numbers, names, recording rules)
[17:40:21] gbee: we'll wait and see if it actually happens though
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[17:42:01] gbee: but if it does, then whatever countermeasures we put in place it's likely that for most people in the UK their mythtv boxes will become worthless
[17:43:48] kormoc: :(
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[17:44:56] Shadow__X: hmm i think i might use backblaze idea and build a similair enclosure so i can keep adding to my array
[17:45:12] janneg: gbee: for bbc hd. but I don't see a problem as long as it's not encrypted
[17:45:54] gbee: janneg: there will be other HD channels on that mux and if one uses it, then they all will – you won't know which is which
[17:46:10] gbee: not without inspecting the video anyway
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[18:26:16] wagnerrp: gbee: record the whole stream and figure it out later?
[18:26:38] wagnerrp: sort of a forced multirec
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[18:29:09] j-rod: yunosh: hrm. that certainly shouldn't be the case, they're *supposed* to be different... yeargh.
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[18:30:55] iamlindoro: hahah
[18:30:56] iamlindoro: . . . word2=sagetv
[18:31:05] iamlindoro: Note the graph is messed up, compare the numbers
[18:32:57] wagnerrp: funny... 'mythtv' returns 1.1M when i search
[18:33:03] kormoc: iamlindoro: ? They're right for me (214,000 vs 311,000)
[18:33:18] wagnerrp: sagetv is 311000
[18:33:18] iamlindoro: kormoc: Weird, I got 214000 vs 64000
[18:33:34] wagnerrp: yeah, i get 214000 vs. 311000
[18:33:41] iamlindoro: and I still do get 64000
[18:33:43] iamlindoro: odd
[18:33:47] kormoc: Although, if I do MythTV vs SageTV (caps matter), I get 1,110,000 vs 311,000 and the correct graph
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[18:33:55] janneg:
[18:33:58] wagnerrp: but like i said, a manual search is 1110000 vs. 311000
[18:34:07] kormoc: . . . word2=SageTV
[18:34:12] janneg: I got 214000 vs 64000 and a correct glooking graph
[18:35:51] iamlindoro: I should google mythTV so that google can tell me how hard setting up a myth box is and offer me an alternative ;)
[18:36:13] wagnerrp: apparently norway loves linuxmce, while new zealand gbpvr
[18:36:18] kormoc: although, MythTV Sucks vs SageTV Sucks is 5280 vs 1290
[18:36:41] kormoc: MythTV Rocks vs SageTV Rocks is 14900 vs 5550
[18:37:08] iamlindoro: Whether we suck or rock, we do them both 3x as hard as Sage ;)
[18:37:33] wagnerrp: but of course... . . . p;word2=Tivo is a landslide
[18:38:01] anykey_: iamlindoro: do you know why the API from TMDB isn't returing the same results as the web page does?
[18:38:26] iamlindoro: anykey_: most commonly because we require the movie to have an IMDB # set
[18:38:41] wagnerrp: and... if you go from suck to blow... . . . SageTV+Blows the results are the same
[18:38:43] iamlindoro: (we search by IMDB #, not by TMDB # currently)
[18:39:09] wagnerrp: that 3:1 correlation is pretty consistent
[18:39:13] iamlindoro: and by set, I mean someone must go into the TMDB page for the movie, edit its details, and set the IMDB field there
[18:39:50] kormoc: oh nice
[18:40:01] kormoc:,1558,1814896,00.asp
[18:40:09] kormoc: "Click here to download ExtremeTech's custom Linux distro with MythTV (495MB). "
[18:40:11] Shadow__X: how do get mythtv to use a deinterlacer
[18:40:20] kormoc: knoppix.iso
[18:40:29] anykey_: iamlindoro: does this also apply for searches with the name, not the ID?
[18:40:32] kormoc: they rebuild knopmyth and branded it their own!
[18:40:36] iamlindoro: anykey_: yes
[18:40:52] iamlindoro: for a film to show up using, it *must* have the IMDB # set
[18:40:58] iamlindoro: (at TMDB)
[18:40:58] wagnerrp: kormoc: but not its XTREME!!!one1
[18:41:14] wagnerrp: s/not/now/
[18:41:19] anykey_: iamlindoro: hm ok, but I guess the problem lies somewhere else, as the API doesn't even return the same results when queried manually
[18:41:40] iamlindoro: anykey_: If you just added the movie, it doesn't show up in the API for four hours
[18:41:44] iamlindoro: (at least)
[18:41:56] anykey_: iamlindoro: not added anything
[18:42:04] iamlindoro: *sigh*
[18:42:13] iamlindoro: If *SOMEONE* just added the movie, it doesn't show up in the API for four hours
[18:42:19] wagnerrp: anykey_: the normal search on the webpage is no the same as the API search
[18:42:27] Tomasu (Tomasu! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:42:28] wagnerrp: the normal search matches anything
[18:42:34] wagnerrp: the API search only matches movies
[18:43:18] wagnerrp: under 'Results for:...', click 'Movies'
[18:43:37] wagnerrp: that should be similar to the list you get when doing an API search
[18:43:45] anykey_: hm
[18:44:15] iamlindoro: kormoc: stopping people using that Blue screenshot is reason enough to svn del the legacy themes :)
[18:45:11] anykey_: wagnerrp: Searching the API for the movie 'Bierfest' (german) doesn't show anything, searching the site for Bierfest shows up the movie, it is defined as a movie. But I guess the API only searches the original titles
[18:46:21] sphery: why would they create a custom distro rather than just giving a link to mythbuntu?
[18:46:42] sphery: Where's the link for for ExtremeTech's custom MythTV support?
[18:46:58] wagnerrp: did mythbuntu exist back then?
[18:47:06] wagnerrp: mid-05
[18:47:10] sphery: ahhh... that's old.
[18:47:16] wagnerrp: what is that, like 0.16? 0.17?
[18:47:27] sphery: KnoppMyth, then
[18:47:29] sphery: :)
[18:48:21] sphery: 0.17 was Feb 11, 2005
[18:49:07] wagnerrp: anykey_: try adding 'Bierfest' as an alternative title
[18:49:21] wagnerrp: the search on the webpage only works because it is a 'close enough' match
[18:49:39] wagnerrp: the API is a bit stricter on its responses
[18:50:47] anykey_: wagnerrp: the alternative title is already set
[18:51:15] wagnerrp: ok, i guess it just doesnt list for my language
[18:56:27] Sigilium (Sigilium!n=sigilium@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:56:54] JEDIDIAH__: ...just leave a theme suitable for older hardware.
[19:10:12] wagnerrp: s/older hardware/standard definition/
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[19:15:16] stefanj: hi all – please could someone tell me if it is possible to write the SQL from database queries from either the frontend or backend to the log file ?
[19:15:49] wagnerrp: stefanj: probably something like '-v sql'
[19:17:02] iamlindoro: -v database
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[19:18:52] stefanj: thanks
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[19:21:10] DarkFoxDK: Hi, Does anyone know if the Plextor ConvertX PX-AV200U is compatible with mythtv? I checked – But I'm guessing it's not the same chup.
[19:21:12] DarkFoxDK: chip*
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[19:22:48] gbee: ugh, everyone is drinking the 3D TV kool-aid
[19:23:00] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:23:31] wagnerrp: gbee: at least if you have hardware support, it looks like theyre going for shutter or polarization
[19:23:37] wagnerrp: so theres none of this anaglyph crap
[19:25:47] gbee: I'm unconvinced by all of this stuff, when it's true 3D and doesn't require the use of glasses etc, then maybe I'll be impressed, until then ...
[19:26:03] DarkFoxDK: It's cool and all... but almost everything I've seen so far have been very "Look, we're in 3D!" poke-a-stick-in-your-face like...
[19:26:11] wagnerrp: gbee: we have one of those at work
[19:26:19] wagnerrp: you have to be positioned just right for it to work
[19:26:32] jduggan: i havent seen any 3d stuff, it doesnt interest me
[19:27:13] jduggan:
[19:27:52] jduggan:
[19:28:11] jduggan: should have waited a year or two ;P
[19:29:53] gbee: honestly I can't see the difference between what they are promoting now and what they had in the 80s, it's as though having succeeded with HD they've decided they need something else to keep forcing upgrades and subscriptions out of us but reheating this old turd was the only thing they could think of
[19:30:13] wagnerrp: 'had in the 80s'?
[19:32:04] gbee: wagnerrp: '3D' tv, tech might be sightly different, but it's still basically the same thing – a 2D image with layers promoted, you can't view the scene from a different angle or step into the image
[19:32:30] Sigilium: Hi. My mythtv does not play back recordings correctly. The problem is seing artefacts in video or otherwise garbled image, jumping forward as if parts of the recording were missing in the file, and sometimes distrorted audio. sometimes the mythtv.frontend even coredumps. When I play the same files with mplayer, there are no problems. When checking for errors with ffmpeg, also no problems are shown.
[19:32:31] ** iamlindoro immediately stops work on anaglyph-wide **
[19:32:36] wagnerrp: oh, thought you were talking about HD
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[19:35:17] Sigilium: the question is: is there a way to workaround this problem and use mplayer to play recordings?
[19:35:54] wagnerrp: no way to use mplayer for recordings
[19:36:02] wagnerrp: aside from shift it over to mythvideo, and use an external player
[19:37:28] wagnerrp: aside from that, you may want to submit a sample
[19:37:32] Sigilium: tried that using symlinks. it worked fine for the playback, but that's not good enough solution
[19:37:46] wagnerrp: assuming youre using trunk
[19:38:08] Sigilium: I have mythbuntu 9.04
[19:38:14] wagnerrp: trunk has had 2 (3?) ffmpeg syncs since 0.21-fixes
[19:38:16] wagnerrp: youre on -fixes
[19:38:32] wagnerrp: which means it is running on much newer playback code
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[19:40:01] Sigilium: so what can I do to use newer ffmpeg?
[19:40:16] wagnerrp: run trunk, or give a sample to someone else doing so for testing
[19:40:45] Sigilium: ok, i'll try trunk.
[19:40:49] Sigilium: give sample of what?
[19:41:01] wagnerrp: a sample of the video
[19:41:08] wagnerrp: the video that plays fine in mplayer, but not mythtv
[19:41:20] wagnerrp: and i woudl advise against running trunk at the moment
[19:41:35] Sigilium: ok, i get it. i'll prepare a very short sample if trunk does not work either ...
[19:41:53] wagnerrp: its going to be branched and released in a few weeks here
[19:42:01] wagnerrp: i would wait until then and just upgrade
[19:42:20] wagnerrp: there are a LOT of changes in trunk
[19:43:09] Sigilium: hm ok then i think i'll just wait. thanks for explaining.
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[20:33:38] jduggan: so uh, these rumours about itv freesat simulcast, how likely is it, that it'll be s2 ?
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[20:41:53] gbee: 50/50 imho, I've heard no rumours that it will be S2, but we know they've left scope for S2 in the future, the question is what else do they need that bandwidth for? There are no plans for a dramatic increase in channels so what's the hurry to install the new equipment?
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[20:49:58] Shadow__X: they could do a comcast
[20:50:08] Shadow__X: lets install new stuff push docsis 3.0
[20:50:13] Shadow__X: for moar bandwidth
[20:50:15] Shadow__X: annnnddd
[20:50:21] Shadow__X: bandwith cap
[20:50:50] iamlindoro: Shadow__X: Except they're not talking about a provider of data services :)
[20:51:31] Shadow__X: they are talking about proivders of tv correct
[20:51:32] Shadow__X: ?
[20:51:41] Shadow__X: maybe they want to get in the data services game
[20:52:05] Shadow__X: they see how they can charge high amounts and not have to give their consumers what they pay for
[20:52:08] Shadow__X: comcast style
[20:52:28] iamlindoro: no, they are talking about *a* channel (or suite of channels), specifically about a free-to-air set of channels
[20:52:44] iamlindoro: that's like saying ABC wants to cap your internet
[20:52:53] iamlindoro: you're just projecting because you're mad at Comcast ;)
[20:53:20] Shadow__X: i am :(
[20:53:22] Shadow__X: your right
[20:55:09] iamlindoro: paul-h is a trooper, way to get the release notes up to date
[20:55:55] sphery: wow
[20:55:58] sphery: that was a big job
[20:57:30] iamlindoro: no kidding
[20:57:38] iamlindoro: and thankless, and mind numbing
[20:57:51] sphery: yeah
[21:00:52] Exstatica (Exstatica!i=Exstatic@freenode/staff/exstatica) has quit ("gotta restart irssi brb")
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[21:05:59] j-rod: oh yeah... if anyone cares...
[21:06:21] j-rod: the first-gen mceusb transceiver can now to ir blasting too
[21:06:28] j-rod: do
[21:06:37] j-rod: only on port #2
[21:06:40] j-rod: but its progress
[21:07:49] iamlindoro: j-rod is now officially the entire lirc project ;)
[21:08:00] i_is_cat: i have an mceusb but i dont know what gen it is.. my cat ate the cable after the first day i hooked it up :(
[21:08:09] j-rod: haha. only the kernelspace side.
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[21:09:57] i_is_cat: must be newer than first gen since i was blasting with pr0t 1
[21:10:21] iamlindoro: There are many many more mceusb2s out there than first gen ones
[21:10:39] sphery: iamlindoro: you totally distracted me... now I'm going through and adding to that (and correcting a couple)
[21:10:51] iamlindoro: heh
[21:11:11] ** J-e-f-f-A just realized j-rod's true identity... ;-) **
[21:11:12] iamlindoro: I've given up trying to get you to do MY requests
[21:11:36] iamlindoro: yes, he *IS* batman
[21:11:42] j-rod: sssshhhh!
[21:12:16] iamlindoro: That's why he's always yelling at me about being in his scene, and about how we're done professionally, and how it's f**king distracting
[21:12:27] iamlindoro: and how it's good for me, GOOOOOD for me
[21:13:40] sphery: heh
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[21:15:07] ** sphery sends a link to the chat archive to KROQ **
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[21:19:15] j-rod: dammit. I need to work on the imon lcd icon support in mythtv one of these days
[21:19:27] ** j-rod needs moar hourz **
[21:20:04] jblack: J-e-f-f-A: What? The subway sandwich guy?
[21:20:18] j-rod: that guys spells his name wrong
[21:20:33] J-e-f-f-A: jblack: I've been sworn to secrecy! (is that even spelled right? DOH!)
[21:20:36] iamlindoro: Some say j-rod practically wrote the book on MythTV
[21:20:48] j-rod: rimshot
[21:20:57] ** J-e-f-f-A laughs **
[21:21:09] jblack: Oh, I know in this world, he's in the pantheon. Figured he meant someone famous in the wider world.
[21:21:42] ** j-rod too busy writing code these days to have time to write books and web pages and stuff **
[21:22:11] j-rod: having 4x as many kids as when I started w/mythtv doesn't help either
[21:22:35] j-rod: hah. my 7 year old is NOT amused about having to go to school full days now
[21:22:45] gbee: well I hope you didn't have five kids when you started ...
[21:23:15] j-rod: oy. nah, just one back then.
[21:23:23] j-rod: and he was only a few months old at the time
[21:23:45] jblack: 4 kids?
[21:23:51] ** J-e-f-f-A remembers reading about that on a web site... ;-) **
[21:24:19] jblack: You didn't learn after the first 3? Are you a masochist?
[21:25:08] jblack: MythLogBot: j-rod has time to watch tv. =)
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[21:25:14] ** jblack kicks irc. **
[21:25:24] jblack: myth – that j-rod has time to watch tv
[21:26:00] j-rod: not 'til they're all in bed
[21:26:21] j-rod: two kids of our own and two foster kids at the moment
[21:26:34] jblack: Oh, that's different.
[21:27:02] j-rod: one foster kid has been w/us almost a year now, and its likely we'll end up adopting her
[21:27:11] j-rod: the other foster kid is just short-term
[21:27:24] jblack: I'd foster if I could.
[21:27:37] j-rod: he's been w/us for a few weeks, going back to his previous foster home tomorrow (normal foster mom broke her ankle or something)
[21:28:56] messerting (messerting! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:29:08] jblack: while I think saying "whoops" 4 times is questionable, fostering a pair of kids on top of the two you've already got is honorable.
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[21:29:52] ** iamlindoro wonders what jblack thinks of families that just plain want to have four children **
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[21:30:26] Shadow__X: unacceptable
[21:30:32] jblack: That depends on how many they've already had.
[21:30:48] ** kormoc thinks Shadow__X will be first against the wall **
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[21:31:13] kormoc: jblack: so if I wanted to have 4 kids and I have 2 now?
[21:31:17] jblack: I can imagine someone with no kids saying "I want FOUR!", while I've really have to wonder about someone with three that says "Just.. one.. more"
[21:31:26] kormoc: and why is a kid is always a whoops?
[21:31:33] grokky (grokky! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:31:35] ** kormoc grew up in a family with 4 kids, all wanted **
[21:31:45] iamlindoro: And I from a family of 10 kids, all wanted
[21:31:52] jblack: I think you're taking me a little too seriously, guys.
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[21:32:31] kormoc: But but but you're James Blackwell, the premiere social knower of our time!
[21:32:39] jblack: If you're a parent of even one child, then you also know how much of a challenge that is, and how expensive.
[21:33:36] jblack: Speaking from my low station in life, I don't know how I'll pay for _one_ child to go through college. Four kids? Seems like that would be nearly impossible for any but the rich
[21:33:48] kormoc: the kids pay their own way though college
[21:34:19] kormoc: I paid my way though private highschool and the mortgage from 14 on, as well as my own college....
[21:34:22] laga: or you live in a place where education is not as expensive
[21:35:31] ** jblack mumbles something about idiocracy **
[21:36:05] kormoc: Ahh, so I'm an idiot now, woo
[21:36:44] ** kormoc thinks that the kids that get a education/job handed to them on a silver platter are more the issue **
[21:37:33] laga: kormoc: hey, i got an education handed to me on a silver platter. 500€ tuition/term. and if your parents are cheap, there are cheap credit plans from the gov't. :)
[21:37:40] laga: education should be everyone
[21:37:49] laga: err, for everyone
[21:38:13] wagnerrp: i just made sure to do well enough on standardized testing that the school paid for my education
[21:38:50] jblack: laga: Ok, at what age should the "silver platter" be removed?
[21:38:51] kormoc: heh, education should be available for everyone, but I don't feel that it should be the parent's requirement to provide for the kids after they're adults, they can find their own path
[21:39:27] janneg: laga: you should consider to move, again.
[21:39:35] laga: janneg: yes. that would be awesome
[21:40:45] JEDIDIAH__: the "silver platter" should be removed at that age the student is considered an adult by the relevant "institution"
[21:41:16] laga: jblack: *shrug* that's not for my to decide. some people i know got kicked out at 18, i moved out when i was 21.. in spain it's common to live with your parents till you're 30
[21:41:43] laga: s/my/me/
[21:43:04] laga: jblack: OTOH i will admit to being a spoiled brat :)
[21:44:08] JEDIDIAH__: being considered a "dependent" for beaurocratic purposes dramatically complicates any attempts to sort things out on your own.
[21:47:12] ** JEDIDIAH__ wonders if there is a Doom/Quake/Halo/Whatever level for his alma mater (esp the registrars building) **
[21:49:02] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:49:03] JEDIDIAH__: hardware h264 is a beautiful thing.
[21:49:09] JEDIDIAH__: hardware h264 compression is a beautiful thing.
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[21:54:02] gbee: wow, Firefox is unstable these days
[21:54:11] sphery: 3.5?
[21:54:23] Shadow__X: sure its not your extensions?
[21:54:24] laga: worksforme
[21:55:32] Wicked (Wicked!n=zero@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[21:56:48] gbee: sphery: aye, very crashy here
[21:57:57] j-rod: 3.5's actually been quite stable here, but I don't tend to go to a whole lot of sites outside of a small handful
[21:58:31] gbee: though I'm only using it right now because a couple of sites aren't behaving in Opera, so nothing is perfect :/
[21:59:07] sphery: I think 3.x has been quite a letdown after 2.x... I'm hoping 4.x will be better.
[21:59:31] sphery: (not concerned enough, though, to actually work on improving it :)
[22:00:02] gbee: has to be said that Firefox's UI just gets better whereas Opera ... ick, but then Opera has other features and at the end of the day I hate changing back and forth, having to copy across bookmarks etc
[22:01:04] sphery: Though the "Make it work like Windows" changes aren't necessarily improvements... Changing Ctrl-Wheel to be the opposite of what it was in FF2.x /just/ because that's the way IE implemented it (after FF implemented it).
[22:01:25] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:01:30] sphery: And things like zoom working across all windows/tabs rather than /just/ the one you're looking at
[22:04:43] sphery: and zoom being tied to specific domains (which means when browsing with local copies of HTML, it resets zoom on every mouse click)
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[22:37:00] nighthawk_: jamu does not automatically ad new files to the database
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[23:04:28] shadghost: hi
[23:05:17] shadghost: i installed mythbuntu on my computer, and make it primary backend, set up tuner card, scaned for channles, and it found some
[23:05:27] shadghost: now when i click on watch tv, it does nothing
[23:05:36] shadghost: whelp the button pressed but nothing beyond that
[23:05:45] wagnerrp: you are running the backend?
[23:06:13] the_alien (the_alien! has quit ()
[23:06:43] shadghost: yes
[23:07:40] wagnerrp: file permission issues?
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[23:09:18] shatly: <--shadghost
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[23:24:36] wagnerrp: if you dont care about the resulting file size, is there actually any advantage to a multi-pass encode?
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[23:26:32] kormoc: nope, it's purely to hit a specific filesize at the highest quality you can
[23:26:35] kormoc: afaik at least
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[23:27:14] ** wagnerrp wonders why hes bothered with 2-pass encoding for all these years **
[23:27:37] wagnerrp: its not like i store any of this on CD
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[23:30:23] Wicked: bah. ive compiled and installed myth...i restored a back up from more then a week ago....but it seems to only have restored some of my settings.
[23:30:33] Wicked: none of my shows are scheduled to record
[23:31:02] wagnerrp: i need to put together some script that sets up my frontend
[23:31:20] wagnerrp: my frontend is very similar hardware to my fe/be combo
[23:31:28] Wicked: im seeing this output which i dont remember seeing on previous installs
[23:31:43] wagnerrp: so once every six months, i update world on the be, and clone it over to the fe
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[23:35:25] javatexan: I have a nvidia card with Svideo and DVI outs....been using Svideo for a while, but finally got a DVI to hdmi cable. I can see the computer boot on the DVI all the way until ubuntu boots, then the TV reports 'no signal'. When I VNC into the box, all I see is the TV-0 in nvidia-settings. When I 'detect displays', I don't see anything new ... any ideas?
[23:36:52] kormoc: set it up by hand?
[23:37:10] wagnerrp: use the 'ConnectedMonitor' option?
[23:37:54] javatexan: /etc/X11/xorg.conf?
[23:38:01] wagnerrp: thats the one
[23:39:03] javatexan: wish they could kill that thing.... LOL
[23:39:56] kormoc: so you wish there's no way to configure your setup?
[23:39:57] ** kormoc blinks **
[23:40:03] javatexan:
[23:40:09] ProgressivPirate (ProgressivPirate! has quit ()
[23:40:20] javatexan: I wish it were a mac for that part...LOL
[23:40:48] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:40:48] Wicked: ok seems somehow my master backend was starting up as a slave...ive now gone back into mythtv-settings and just cycled through the menus..didnt actually change anything and it seems to have fixed it
[23:41:25] kormoc: javatexan: well, you could buy a few hundred dollar DVI to HDMI adapter so that the DDC does pass though and you can then rely on autodetect... if you want...
[23:42:08] javatexan: thanks...I will try it this way, I think I gave $8 for the cable on
[23:42:40] javatexan: it already has a ConnectedMonitor "TV" in it...
[23:42:42] kormoc: Well, just saying what the removal of the xorg.conf file would mean to you...
[23:42:51] kormoc: it's not a TV, it's a DVI
[23:42:54] wagnerrp: javatexan: well there is your problem
[23:43:02] wagnerrp: it is overriding the available inputs
[23:43:05] javatexan: that one was already there...I am reading
[23:43:11] javatexan: oh
[23:43:12] wagnerrp: so the driver only thinks the TV is connected
[23:43:24] javatexan: Do I just remove the TV part?
[23:43:28] wagnerrp: remove that line, and everything should work automagically
[23:43:49] javatexan: I like automagically, esp when it comes to xorg.conf
[23:45:49] wagnerrp: note that these things will probably not work automatically if the tv is not turned on when you start the X server
[23:46:09] wagnerrp: although you can probably capture the edid data, and force the tv to use the backed up copy
[23:46:16] wagnerrp: force X
[23:46:30] wagnerrp: so it works properly without the TV being connected
[23:46:34] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:47:59] mchou (mchou!n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou) has quit (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")
[23:48:07] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:49:43] paperclip: does the hdhr actually work with FFFFFFFF or does mythtv poll the device?
[23:50:04] nighthawk_: is there some magic involved to make jamu process movies? it is only recognizing tv shows for me...?
[23:50:11] javatexan: k..I will go try it...bbl
[23:50:24] mchou (mchou!n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:50:29] nighthawk_: works fine from MythUI, dunno what is missing
[23:50:34] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:52:02] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:39] javatexan: cool, it sees the LG TV to get the resolution right....ouch...its at 1360x768 and I cant see the launch bar...weird, my LG TV is a 1080p...wonder why its showing this resolution so weird?

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