:: #mythtv-users

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Tuesday, September 1st, 2009, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:50] sphery: elmojo: audio capture only meaning? For supported TV tuner cards, see
[00:01:01] sphery: oops... sorry
[00:01:06] sphery: that was for el_critter
[00:01:13] sphery: el_critter: ^^^
[00:01:39] el_critter: sphery: I just need to capture audio from TV, video is going to be discarted
[00:01:52] sphery: well, MythTV won't work for that
[00:01:58] kormoc: el_critter: so erm... why?
[00:02:17] sphery: but you can find all the info on capture cards that are supported in GNU/Linux at
[00:02:36] sphery: well, because MythTV is a DVR for recording TV, including both video and audio
[00:02:49] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:02:53] sphery: and MythTV does not yet support things like DVB Radio (at least not well)
[00:03:06] paperclip: you can simply demux later, no?
[00:03:29] sphery: yes, something that's not mythtv can discard the video, but MythTV won't do that
[00:03:33] el_critter: I know, I'm not going to use MythTV, I just want your recommendation for a nice tv capture card that works out of the box for linux
[00:03:35] elmojo__ (elmojo__! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[00:03:49] paperclip: heh
[00:03:52] sphery: is the best resource
[00:03:58] paperclip: I'd like an fm tuner!
[00:04:19] sphery: and Myth doesn't support FM radio, either (though many capture cards do)
[00:04:36] paperclip: I was only kidding, sorta
[00:04:53] paperclip: I would like one.. but I ordered an HDhomerun this morning
[00:04:56] el_critter: thanks
[00:04:58] sphery: though there used to be some 3rd-party FM radio things (like MythFM), they have bitrotted
[00:05:27] sphery: and were really hacks in the first place
[00:05:28] paperclip: shame.. local community radio is always doing live feeds from festivals and concerts
[00:05:45] sphery: (meaning not really integrated/stomped all over tuner usage/didn't use Internal player/...)
[00:06:03] paperclip: i'm pretty sure cron and cat should work for what I need..
[00:06:30] sphery: yeah--just make sure you don't steal tuners from tv recording
[00:06:42] paperclip: I don't have any tuners
[00:06:58] paperclip: hoping the hdhomerun gets here soon tho
[00:09:43] paperclip: anyone know where, in the states, I can order an inexpensive usb IR receiver?
[00:10:32] drenyx: Dagmar, guess what?
[00:11:11] drenyx: the qt symlink worked, I had just changed some other config option
[00:11:19] drenyx: things seem to be working now
[00:11:42] elmojo (elmojo!n=tralph@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[00:11:44] dashcloud: I'm trying to pick out an external 1 TB drive- any brands to avoid or to go for?
[00:11:45] GuySoft: is there a bot in the room with a tell command?
[00:14:22] drenyx: dashcloud: if I had my pick, I'd get something that had a external raid setup for you, unless you don't care about the data after a drive fails...
[00:14:26] kormoc: GuySoft: to tell what?
[00:14:27] drenyx: but I'm extra paranoid
[00:14:47] kormoc: dashcloud: I like WD's stuff
[00:15:15] dashcloud: sounds good
[00:16:42] drenyx: ditto, I run only WD
[00:17:06] dashcloud: is multirec supported on all digital tuners? (and for the ones it supports, what's the max # of virtual tuners that can be added?)
[00:17:55] elmojo (elmojo! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:18:17] kormoc: no, only on tuners that support it, and depends on the multiplex, if the multiplex has 6 streams, 6 tuners, if it has 4, 4 tuners, etc
[00:18:26] kormoc: more tuners just won't do anything
[00:20:00] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:20:27] drenyx: do I set up like, movie directories and stuff for myth to play?
[00:21:17] elmojo_ (elmojo_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:19] Gav8in (Gav8in! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:39] Gav8in: has there been a regression wrt the speed of video playback today?
[00:22:46] sphery: dashcloud: and the UI only allows you to set up 5 virtual tuners max because testing revealed that number should generally work withouth causing more problems than it solves
[00:23:02] sphery: drenyx: MythVideo
[00:23:11] dashcloud: sphery: thanks!
[00:24:04] jpabq (jpabq! has quit ()
[00:24:59] drenyx: sphery: is that a command? or that's the part that makes it work ?
[00:25:53] sphery: that's the plugin that can do that
[00:26:10] sphery: needs installed, then it's accessed/configured through mythfrontend
[00:27:17] drenyx: is there an easy way to configure it?
[00:27:33] _styelz (_styelz! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[00:27:37] kormoc: the setting screens aren't easy?
[00:28:01] drenyx: I didn't see it for mythvideo, but I might've been looking in the wrong spot
[00:28:41] sphery: Utilities/Setup|Setup|Media Settings ... something about video-ish...
[00:28:51] sphery: I think
[00:29:31] drenyx: now I found I think...
[00:31:56] sphery: Yeah, I'm sure having such clear instructions--a veritable map--from me helped immensely
[00:36:25] elmojo (elmojo! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:38:36] drenyx: I did not dig deep enough the first time before asking
[00:38:57] drenyx: well, I have a working mythtv install (no tuner card) for playing movies at the moment from my library
[00:39:09] drenyx: I think I'm about as stopping point as it gets
[00:39:19] drenyx: (for sleeping before more tweaking)
[00:39:58] hadees (hadees! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:42:38] Gav8in: i'm hopin' the latest svn fixes my playback regression
[00:42:53] drenyx: playback regression ?
[00:45:07] Gav8in: playback of video has become dead slow after an svn up this morning
[00:46:34] sphery: Gav8in: Are you getting tons of "MythSocket(<some value>:-1): writeStringList: Error, called with unconnected socket." errors in your log, now?
[00:48:19] Gav8in: sphery, no. is that at the default loglevel?
[00:49:53] sphery: yeah
[00:50:02] sphery: would be in either important or general
[00:50:06] sphery: don't remember which
[00:52:11] Gav8in: hrm, well i'm not seeing it
[00:52:15] jya: anyone here using trunk with 5.1 analog audio ?
[00:52:25] Gav8in: i am however getting horrible stuttering video playback, esp of 720p content
[00:52:49] styelz (styelz! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:53:42] sphery: Gav8in: I don't remember any changes to playback code today... There were changes to socket handling.
[00:53:48] sphery: Gav8in: are the files local?
[00:53:55] Gav8in: yes, on an xfs filesystem
[00:54:12] Gav8in: so my alternate hypothesis is that it got too full, had only 7gb free when i found the problem
[00:55:10] sphery: that's quite possible
[00:55:12] Gav8in: i'm doing a recompile and i'll retest, we'll see. let me know what to enable to debug this socket problem if itisn't in the default logs
[00:55:16] sphery: xfs doesn't like full filesystems
[00:55:28] sphery: it's default verbosity
[00:55:30] Gav8in: i've freed about 40 gigs since then, it's only a 180gb partition so that's relatively empty
[00:55:39] sphery: and it should be /very/ obvious in the logs if you're getting it
[00:55:42] Gav8in: i'll ask myth to keep i guess 20gb free from now on
[00:55:55] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ("")
[00:55:59] Gav8in: the only log pain was something about not finding channels in multiplexes
[00:56:15] sphery: might want to do a rescan, too, just in case, then
[00:56:31] Gav8in: rescan for channels, you mean? sure.
[00:56:56] Gav8in: i've been doing a lot of antenna fiddling, and i switched my reception of a local channel that's simulcast from the low-vhf version to the uhf version of the multicast
[00:57:02] sphery: yeah, rescan channels
[00:57:14] Gav8in: i will; thanks.
[00:57:25] Gav8in: btw: my WAF and TAF (toddler acceptance factor) are very high
[00:57:42] Gav8in: they like either myth's superior viewing experience, or the wicked tivo remote i bought
[00:58:27] Gav8in: Qq
[00:58:42] sphery: that's a good thing
[00:59:33] sphery: wondering whether my system has "PAF" (Personal Acceptance Factor) or "MAF" (Me) or what...
[00:59:47] Gav8in: heh
[01:00:05] Dibblah: Uhhhh...?
[01:00:07] Dibblah: /dev/md10 3605383184 -2855584 3425095792 0% /mnt/backup
[01:00:37] Dibblah: How exactly has that volume got negative used space? :(
[01:00:38] Gav8in: -2855584 eh?
[01:00:52] Gav8in: that would scare the living s--- out of me if i saw it
[01:01:09] Gav8in: mount -o remount,ro /dev/md10
[01:01:16] Gav8in: sorry, that was my reflexes there
[01:01:27] sphery: wow... That must be the rare "dark" bits that scientists have always theorized exist out there somewhere
[01:11:19] EvilGuru (EvilGuru!n=freddie@warzone2100/developer/EvilGuru) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[01:13:59] RyeBrye (RyeBrye! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:23:01] Gav8in: well, the system is still suttering and awful
[01:23:09] ** Gav8in hrms. **
[01:23:12] Gav8in: wish i knew what to fix
[01:23:39] paperclip: . . . on-graphics/
[01:24:27] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit ()
[01:25:05] wagnerrp: no IR sensor?
[01:25:29] wagnerrp: i wonder if anyone makes a USB-plug-mounted sensor
[01:25:40] wagnerrp: like those tiny bluetooth radios
[01:26:38] paperclip: i'm sure it's possible..
[01:26:53] wagnerrp: well it certainly possible
[01:26:57] Gav8in: well, this sucks. i wish i knew why trunk was so hideouslyh slow on my machine
[01:26:58] wagnerrp: i just wonder if anyone cells one
[01:27:00] wagnerrp: sells
[01:27:03] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, the iguanaworks one is IIRC
[01:27:10] paperclip: I'd probably just use a wiimote and one of those bluetooth dongles
[01:27:53] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: close... but the bluetooth dongles im talking about are all of a quarter inch past the end of the USB plug
[01:27:58] squish102 (squish102! has quit ("= oops wrong button")
[01:28:10] iamlindoro: the aforementioned is the best you'll find I think
[01:28:15] iamlindoro: find, I
[01:28:20] wagnerrp: the kind of thing you can plug into your laptop, and then put it into a bag without risking it breaking off
[01:28:37] paperclip: yeah.. that's huge :P
[01:29:13] wagnerrp: you remove the transmitters, you could hack that board down to half the size
[01:29:28] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:29:40] wagnerrp: you redesign the board, you could move the chip to the underside and the receiver directly behind the plug
[01:29:54] wagnerrp: easily under half an inch
[01:31:06] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:31:27] paperclip: yeah.. i'm guessing there are already smaller units
[01:31:48] wagnerrp: not that i know of
[01:31:53] jya: with radio chip , you're pretty much never free to move them wherever you want as they create a lot of digital noise
[01:32:05] Gav8in: i have a usb dingle that sticks about 1/8" past the USB plug on my laptop
[01:32:42] Gav8in: it's not flush, but it's close
[01:33:01] IrishGent (IrishGent!n=MattS@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:33:03] j-rod: woo! delivery from Hong Kong...
[01:33:14] paperclip: dingle!  :p
[01:33:16] Gav8in: it's useful; my car's diagnostic thingy speaks usb, so when i'm working on my engine i can set my laptop wherever in view and see engine data
[01:33:29] Gav8in: err, s/speaks usb/speaks bluetooth/
[01:33:37] paperclip: Gav8in: we're talking IR
[01:33:51] Gav8in: well, use a bluetooth dingle and a wiimote
[01:33:54] guysoft422: hi all, i am using gravatars, and for some strange reason, the default gravatar is not the grey shadow, is there a way to set the default?
[01:34:08] Gav8in: that i think was a reasonable suggestion, and there's teeny weeny usb bluetooth dingles.
[01:34:09] wagnerrp: gravatar?
[01:34:13] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux!n=doug@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:34:41] j-rod: also, hdpvr IR receive working quite nicely now, cleaning things up, will then commit the necessary patch
[01:36:07] jya: Having negative free space on unix-like system is common, depending on the OS and filesystem used
[01:36:14] Gav8in: well, i'm now completely flummoxed why my mythbox stopped working with an update
[01:36:18] ** Gav8in hrms. **
[01:36:45] wagnerrp: there are several FSs that set the 'zero' to somewhere around 5–10% free space
[01:37:31] ** wagnerrp still wants to know what a gravatar is in relation to mythtv **
[01:37:33] sphery: this was negative /used/ space
[01:37:50] paperclip: Gav8in: problem is that most AV equipment is using IR..
[01:37:55] wagnerrp: oh? well thats rather funky
[01:37:56] jya: ah yes, more of a worry then :)
[01:38:27] sphery: maybe it means it will delete the first 2855584 bytes you write to it
[01:38:42] sphery: I still think it's dark bits
[01:38:50] ** Gav8in hrms. **
[01:40:36] j-rod: piss. really must figure out why lirc_zilog insists on not unloading.
[01:40:50] Gav8in: AHA.
[01:41:00] Gav8in: logging playback, it looks like my machine is doing software decoding of video
[01:41:22] Gav8in: 2009-08–31 21:37:26.322 VidOutVDPAU: Created VDPAU context (software decode)
[01:42:39] guysoft422: worng channel :-/
[01:43:09] Gav8in: oh, what's the right channel?
[01:45:04] wagnerrp: i think guysoft422 meant he was in the wrong channel
[01:46:00] Gav8in: maybe, but what i was talking about was the topic of discussion in #mythtv, so i think he was givin' me a helpful cue
[01:46:14] davidm2 (davidm2!n=David@nat/ti/x-jhienlurtrgpztaq) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:46:17] davidm2 (davidm2!n=David@nat/ti/x-jhienlurtrgpztaq) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:46:30] wagnerrp: doubtful, guysoft422 is not in #mythtv
[01:46:37] guysoft422: wagnerrp, Gav8in yes.. thats what i meant :-S
[01:49:34] jst_home (jst_home! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:49:35] sphery: Gav8in: those are really -users issues
[01:49:46] Gav8in: sorry
[01:49:47] sphery: until we identify the bug that's causing them
[01:50:04] Gav8in: ah, ok. i'll remember.
[01:50:05] sphery: Gav8in: are you getting it only on channel change?
[01:50:17] sphery: or even when entering LiveTV
[01:50:19] Gav8in: no, all the time. perhaps EIT scans?
[01:50:21] sphery: or even with recordings?
[01:50:29] Gav8in: all the time, even when not recording.
[01:50:32] sphery: oh, even when not wathcing... likely eit-related, then
[01:50:42] sphery: I know nothing of eit, so I can't help with that
[01:51:12] Gav8in: okie
[01:53:26] jst_home (jst_home! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:56:06] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:59:20] styelz (styelz! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:15:44] styelz (styelz! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:21:07] drenyx: ok, gonna see how much of my config I lose on reboot :>
[02:21:09] drenyx: bbl
[02:21:18] drenyx (drenyx! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:23:07] nighthawk_ (nighthawk_!n=nighthaw@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[02:24:05] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:34:04] j-rod: ok, IR blasting *and* receiving are working on my hdpvr now
[02:35:49] [R]: SWEET
[02:35:51] [R]: i'm getting mine tomorrow
[02:36:01] RyeBrye (RyeBrye! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:36:01] Agrajag- (Agrajag-! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:36:01] slayven (slayven! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:36:26] [R]: j-rod: is there instructions somewhere?
[02:36:54] j-rod: not yet
[02:37:18] j-rod: I still have to clean things up so blasting works *without* irsend thinking it failed...
[02:37:51] j-rod: (the driver is currently claiming to have failed after two tries, when in fact, it was successful on both attempts)
[02:38:07] j-rod: (so irsend returns with an error, and the commands get send twice, but they're the correct commands
[02:38:15] j-rod: so full functionality is damned close now
[02:43:58] brad2: nice work j-rod!
[02:47:08] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit ("Leaving")
[02:48:03] j-rod: now to figure out why the hell it thinks its failing...
[02:49:32] EvilGuru (EvilGuru! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:57:43] mchou (mchou!n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[03:14:23] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
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[03:33:13] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:37:43] Dagmar: Yeah.
[03:39:48] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:49:02] j-rod: ok, blasting working perfectly fine for me now too
[03:51:04] kormoc: woo
[03:51:13] kormoc: updated my kernel version, lost audio
[03:52:42] heyheyhey (heyheyhey! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:52:59] heyheyhey: hey all
[03:58:56] j-rod: kormoc: yeah, alsa has a tendency to do that, esp. w/anything "Intel HDA"
[04:01:06] sphery: Would that make it "Intel High Definition Silence"?
[04:01:10] kormoc: heh
[04:01:21] kormoc: ahh there we go, different model
[04:01:58] kormoc: hrm
[04:01:59] ** iamlindoro wonders if kormoc is setting up new hardware **
[04:02:09] kormoc: I am! HDPVR sweetness abounds :)
[04:02:34] sphery: I hear they're working on getting the IR working on those things...
[04:02:58] iamlindoro: I heard if we all switch to SageTV, it "just works"
[04:03:02] kormoc: if it accepts the mceusb 2 remote signals, that'd be awesome
[04:03:17] kormoc: I have to say, the hdpvr is the absolutely easiest thing to setup
[04:03:59] wagnerrp: kormoc: because you want a big glowing blue thing by your tv, rather than a tiny little nondescript black box?
[04:04:07] kormoc: ot
[04:04:12] kormoc: It's actually not bad at all
[04:04:26] kormoc: very very very soft
[04:04:31] j-rod: iamlindoro: I heard if we all switch to Fedora it Just Works. :)
[04:04:42] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:04:57] sphery: who puts their backends by their TVs, anyway?
[04:05:08] kormoc: I do I do!
[04:05:16] wagnerrp: yeah... well you dont even have a frontend by your tv!
[04:05:37] j-rod: sphery: I have my hdpvr hooked to my frontend running as a slave backend, because that's where my only cable box is too
[04:05:52] j-rod: (I actually use the cable box directly a lot of the time for live tv)
[04:05:59] sphery: guess that makes sense
[04:06:09] sphery: well, except for the using the cable box directly part
[04:06:13] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:06:21] ** j-rod spent nearly the entire weekend w/it tuned to Fox Soccer Channel **
[04:06:25] sphery: and the LiveTV part
[04:06:47] ** wagnerrp goes back to ripping his remaining unripped DVDs **
[04:06:51] j-rod: next to zero commercials during soccer games
[04:07:28] j-rod: so its not so bad to just watch it live as background to other stuff I'm working on
[04:07:42] sphery: So I was hoping that kormoc would have finished up the changes for MythWeb that started as a quick patch and quickly got me in over my head. Figured if he had it done, I wouldn't have to feel guilty for not doing it myself.
[04:07:49] j-rod: like, shredding my xbox to fix my latest red ring of death episode
[04:08:44] sphery: oooh... I just had #2 about a month ago
[04:08:51] j-rod: and hacking on a certain device driver...
[04:08:56] sphery: you'll love the new RRoD return process... SO much smoother.
[04:08:56] kormoc: Hehe
[04:09:08] j-rod: this was my 2nd, was about 3 months past the 3 year warranty window
[04:09:14] sphery: :(
[04:09:22] j-rod: so it was a $99 fee to get it repaired
[04:09:25] sphery: my 2nd was 6mos prior to the 3-yr warranty window
[04:09:30] j-rod: said screw it, I'd try myself
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[04:09:34] sphery: (about perfect timing IMHO)
[04:09:43] sphery: what did you end up doing? and did it work?
[04:10:12] j-rod: took it completely apart, put new thermal grease on the gpu and cpu
[04:10:18] kormoc: hrm
[04:10:24] j-rod: then intentionally overheated the gpu for about 30 min
[04:10:35] sphery: to "reflow" it
[04:10:36] j-rod: to reflow solder somewhere
[04:10:38] j-rod: yeah
[04:10:50] j-rod: turn off, let cool, cross fingers...
[04:10:54] sphery: how did you overheat it?
[04:10:56] j-rod: and its back to life
[04:11:16] j-rod: ran it w/the fan shroud removed and the fans blowing air only on the cpu
[04:11:26] sphery: ahhh
[04:11:30] sphery: with a RRoD?
[04:11:37] sphery: still does GPU stuff then?
[04:11:57] j-rod: . . . mp%20074.jpg
[04:12:12] j-rod: yeah, 30 minutes sitting there w/the rrod flashing
[04:12:24] j-rod: . . . lamp_fix.htm for the full fixage
[04:12:29] sphery: nice
[04:12:35] j-rod: though I just put the x-clamps back
[04:12:38] sphery: I'll have to keep that in mind for RRoD #3
[04:12:44] sphery: (as I don't want to just buy another)
[04:12:44] j-rod: figured washer inserts was the next step
[04:13:15] j-rod: my fallback plan a was to get the arcade one for $200, kinda would like to get a jasper w/hdmi out anyway
[04:13:23] j-rod: plan b is a ps3 slim
[04:13:38] sphery: yeah, arcade for $200 and just slap your old HDD on it...
[04:13:44] j-rod: exactly
[04:13:52] j-rod: (120G WD w/hacked firmware... :)
[04:13:55] sphery: plan b only sucks for having to replace all the games (the expensive part)
[04:14:03] j-rod: yup
[04:14:04] sphery: did you do a DIY HDD upgrade?
[04:14:09] j-rod: I did
[04:14:19] sphery: I'm considering doing that, but was waiting 'til the end of my 3-yr window
[04:14:25] j-rod: originally had a 20
[04:14:30] j-rod: no reason to wait, really
[04:14:40] j-rod: when you send the xbox in for repair, its w/o the drive anyway
[04:14:48] sphery: yeah, when they're charging >$1/GB there's /no/ way I'd pay for the 120GB
[04:14:56] wagnerrp: ok... now i hate windows again
[04:14:59] j-rod: I think I paid $45 for the drive
[04:15:01] sphery: Yeah, but I didn't know if they'd be able to detect anything...
[04:15:09] j-rod: then a few hours o fpain
[04:15:12] wagnerrp: i dont f-ing want to run this program as administrator
[04:15:36] wagnerrp: i want to run it as my g-d user, without the increased privileges
[04:15:49] sphery: yeah, I was looking and the only one from newegg that's compatible is , which is $50
[04:15:51] wagnerrp: i know exactly what functionality that will inhibit, and im perfectly fine with that
[04:16:15] j-rod: sphery: yep, that's exactly the one I got
[04:16:33] j-rod: the only real gotcha is that the firmware flasher is VERY picky about what sata controller you run it on
[04:16:35] sphery: maybe newegg will do a nice HDD sale or clearance that one or something
[04:16:41] sphery: really...
[04:16:53] j-rod: yeah, I tried like 4 different machines before finding one that actually worked
[04:16:55] sphery: fortunately, I'm starting to get several mobos with different controllers
[04:16:59] j-rod: ended up using an old ICH7, iirc
[04:17:13] j-rod: ICH8 or 9 failed, everything !Intel failed
[04:17:32] sphery: I take it HDDHackr is Windows?
[04:17:39] sphery: that will be the challenge for me...
[04:17:51] j-rod: dos boot disk, actually
[04:17:56] sphery: sweet!
[04:17:58] sphery: that I can do
[04:18:19] j-rod: though I did use xplorer360 (or something like that) under winders to copy files from the old drive
[04:18:51] sphery: cool
[04:19:03] sphery: I'll keep it in mind... 5 more months 'til my EOW
[04:19:26] ** j-rod tags and builds a Fedora 11 kernel w/fully functional hdpvr ir support... **
[04:19:50] sphery: good work on that, btw. many will be ecstatic
[04:20:29] j-rod: now I can hide mine back away and never ever touch the IR part on it ever again. :)
[04:21:11] j-rod: guess I should try to finish up transmit support on the first-gen mceusb receiver
[04:21:20] j-rod: seems a lot of people are getting those off ebay these days
[04:23:09] wagnerrp: seriously... 3 years later and a program receiving constant updates on windows still requires admin rights
[04:23:14] wagnerrp: thats just lazy
[04:23:35] sphery: which prog?
[04:23:57] wagnerrp: megui.... actually thats not the problem but a dependency, avisynth
[04:24:27] wagnerrp: of course the issues with avisynth can be worked around
[04:25:06] wagnerrp: time to give handbrake a whirl and see what kind of options it gives
[04:25:07] sphery: interesting
[04:25:44] wagnerrp: ive always been a bit put off by it, i have the notion that it is going to do everything for me, without letting me decide what it is doing
[04:25:58] wagnerrp: but having never used it, thats completely unfounded
[04:27:42] wagnerrp: handbrake doesnt seem to like my partial rips...
[04:28:15] kormoc: iamlindoro: have you noticed that the video storage group appears to be calculated in the tv disk space usage?
[04:28:42] iamlindoro: kormoc, yep, fix will require storage group types being implemented
[04:29:00] kormoc: kk, was just worried there for a few :)
[04:29:45] ** sphery wonders if he should include since SG types won't be 'til 0.23 **
[04:31:00] kormoc: Updates to snow leopard, hdpvr, fun day!
[04:32:27] wagnerrp: yep, handbrake isnt for me
[04:32:31] kormoc: hrm
[04:32:41] kormoc: auto nfs mounts are missing on snow leopard
[04:32:42] kormoc: that's bad
[04:33:29] sphery: guess wagnerrp prefers stomping on the bike pedals so he can do those fancy spinning stops
[04:33:46] kormoc: ahh, it's /changed/ again
[04:33:51] kormoc: it's in disk utility
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[04:37:08] wagnerrp: sphery: never seen anyone do donuts on a BMX?
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[04:39:39] heyheyhey: is there a way to saperate music video's from movies?
[04:39:55] wagnerrp: what do you mean?
[04:39:56] sphery: in recordings?
[04:40:07] sphery: if so, recording groups
[04:40:23] sphery: or filter by category
[04:41:12] heyheyhey: no i have music video dvds
[04:41:33] wagnerrp: and you want to separate them in mythvideo?
[04:41:36] heyheyhey: in video's it shows music one and movies
[04:41:38] wagnerrp: just put them in different folders
[04:42:03] heyheyhey: yeah it makes it show folders
[04:42:31] wagnerrp: so whats the problem?
[04:42:39] heyheyhey: tring to see if there was a neater way
[04:42:46] wagnerrp: nope, folders
[04:42:55] heyheyhey: if not i delete the music video's
[04:43:32] iamlindoro: Or create categories and when .22 is out use category sort mode
[04:43:40] iamlindoro: category metadata browse mode, that is
[04:44:34] sphery: and in 0.21-fixes, you can just filter on the category of your choosing
[04:44:49] j-rod: hm, I need to see if ppc builds are still borken...
[04:45:06] j-rod: for both of those users that care
[04:48:13] wagnerrp: aww come on....
[04:48:40] wagnerrp: three times in a row, i got half way through typing out a long path before trying tab-completion
[04:49:00] wagnerrp: only windows doesnt have tab-completion, and i shifted to another box, losing everything i had typed
[04:49:42] wagnerrp: i no longer have control over that pinky, it just hits tab keys all on its own now
[04:50:09] kormoc: the only answer is to cut it off
[04:50:18] wagnerrp: must be
[04:50:48] wagnerrp: of course then i wont have something to break when i need to take my mind off the pain of something else
[04:51:04] kormoc: there's always the other one
[04:51:30] wagnerrp: nah, thats for the 'enter' key on the numpad
[04:58:37] wagnerrp: x264 settings have changed a bit since the last time ive done this
[05:09:47] meatmanek_ (meatmanek_!n=meatmane@izanagi.STUDENT.CWRU.Edu) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:10:06] meatmanek_: does transcoding scale to multiple processors well?
[05:10:23] wagnerrp: meatmanek_: depends on the codec
[05:11:57] sphery: or how many transcodes you're doing concurrently
[05:12:25] meatmanek_: are there codecs which can split onto multiple cores?
[05:12:29] wagnerrp: yes
[05:12:44] wagnerrp: hence... why it would depend on the codec
[05:12:52] meatmanek_: examples?
[05:13:09] wagnerrp: divx, h264, vc1
[05:14:04] wagnerrp: thats specifically the official divx encoder
[05:14:19] wagnerrp: most ASP implementations (including XviD) do not support multithreaded operation
[05:16:46] wagnerrp: ooh... PS3 3.0 firmware went live a couple hours ago
[05:25:54] Dagmar: Really?
[05:25:58] Dagmar: ANything good in it?
[05:28:34] wagnerrp: theyre migrating away from independent applications
[05:28:51] wagnerrp: so the PS Store is now integrated into the XMB
[05:29:17] [R]: you know what would kick butt... south park studios in mythtv
[05:29:27] wagnerrp: aside from that... i dont know
[05:29:35] wagnerrp: havent really looked at it, or downloaded it
[05:29:43] wagnerrp: [R]: what are you talking about?
[05:29:53] [R]: wagnerrp: being able to watch it inside mythtv
[05:30:07] wagnerrp: yeah, you can... using mythbrowser
[05:30:17] [R]: yeah, i dont want to ahve to use a web browser
[05:30:21] [R]: thats cumbersome
[05:30:58] wagnerrp: well then go complain to comedy central about not making their ToS compliant with scrapers
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[05:37:43] wagnerrp: i take that back
[05:38:19] wagnerrp: i dont see anything in their ToS that would disallow use of a scraper to build a local interface to their video feeds
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[09:02:48] greudin: hi all
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[09:15:47] greudin: I have a strange problem my HVR-1300 dvb-t(cx2207) work with all program(mplayer kaffeine) except mythtv and I don't know why
[09:16:03] greudin: i always get channel lock
[09:16:18] greudin: and during scan Signal Timeout offset
[09:21:04] juski: try increasing the signal timeout. That is the amount of time mythtv waits to get a lock when it's trying to find a signal
[09:23:09] mgisbers is now known as mgisbers_away
[09:23:14] greudin: juski, oh yes I tryed but also with 15000 it's the same
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[09:38:14] greudin: juski, when I do the scan the signal is near 80% but it don't find anything
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[09:43:21] saverio: hello, I have a problem in compiling and installing myth on debian lenny... When I launch mythtv-setup or mythfront end I seen coloured rectangles without text and it prints in console this messages : X Error: RenderBadPicture (invalid PictureParameter)
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[09:45:50] greudin: saverio, ninux?
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[10:16:24] Dr^Mouse: hello all
[10:17:38] Dr^Mouse: I'm hoping someone's about who can help me.
[10:17:48] juski: just ask
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[10:19:40] Dr^Mouse: I have just set up a projector for my main MythTV box. Although this is fantastic for films, sport and other 'big screen' events, for general TV use it is a little big. I have started zooming out, but I have to do this manually ever time I watch a programme. Is there any way to save a zoom setting to be used as default?
[10:20:21] Dr^Mouse: Or to define a custome 'Fill' setting?
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[10:22:28] juski: nope
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[10:26:22] Dibblah: Dr^Mouse: You get used to it.
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[10:37:54] Dr^Mouse: Dibblah: Yeah, I probably will. I'm currently at about a 2:1 viewing ratio (screen width to distance from screen) which is within the range that home theatre sites suggest, and it is fantastic for films etc., but before that I was running a 22" monitor at the same distance. I guess a bit of time will make it fine, but it would be a nice feature to add.
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[10:40:01] Dr^Mouse: Another thing someone may be able to help with. I am a big Formula 1 fan, and now, with the big screen, I would like to be able to watch the 'live' timings on the same screen. I am currently in the process of setting up a way to record those timeings for later playback, but I can't seem to find a way to enable PIP when watching a recording. Is this possible?
[10:40:20] Dr^Mouse: s/timeings/timings/
[10:41:29] Dr^Mouse: It would also be usefull to enable me to watch my security camera (just a webcam, but set up as an IPTV channel under myth) while watching recordings.
[10:54:37] juski: PBP is possible in current trunk, IIRC – so it'll be in 0.22
[10:55:24] juski: btw no video source without EPG data is EVER useful in mythtv :)
[10:55:29] middy (middy! has left #mythtv-users ()
[10:55:44] juski: you'll have to feed dummy guide data in for it to work
[11:00:04] Dibblah: Dr^Mouse: I would seriously suggest looking into ZoneMinder.
[11:00:08] Dibblah: And mythzoneminder.
[11:09:05] Dr^Mouse: Dibblah: Ok thanks I'll look into that. And juski: I would be feeding guide data for the live timings, it's currently a work in progress (I will share code for it once it is working). The other thing I looked into was modifying Myth to handle F1 timings, and any other live sports data that may be available, possibly with some sort of plugin, but I never had the time to read up on it.
[11:11:40] Dr^Mouse: currently I am generating a raw yuv stream from a modified live-f1 client into ffserver, but it does the job (kind of, ish... not elegant but good enough for now)
[11:12:44] juski (juski! has quit ("Yawn!")
[11:14:23] Dr^Mouse: any timescale on 0.22 completion?
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[11:55:20] Dibblah: I believe (and don't hold me to this) that we're on-target for a release before the Olympics.
[11:58:22] sid3windr: could always go to the paralympics.. ;)
[12:03:29] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[12:54:33] Gav8in: I'm /win hide
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[13:06:50] sid3windr: I'm not
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[14:22:58] elprespufferfish: anybody know why my display is showing the LCDproc Server screen now? it's switching off with the mythtv stuff
[14:24:19] j-rod: elprespufferfish: set ServerScreen=no in LCDd.conf if you don't want to see it
[14:24:33] j-rod: mythtv now correctly round-robins with other screens instead of blocking them all out
[14:25:16] elprespufferfish: j-rod, thanks. i thought that was the default, so i left it commented out
[14:25:19] elprespufferfish: working great now :D
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[14:39:33] meatpod: heyo
[14:39:49] juski: byebye
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[14:40:12] meatpod: how much does l2 cache play a role in transcoding speed?
[14:41:11] meatpod: would it be worth the extra $50 to go from q8400 to q9550?
[14:42:14] wagnerrp: meatpod: not significantly
[14:42:35] meatpod (meatpod!n=irchon@ has quit (Client Quit)
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[14:43:51] meatpod: good to know
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[14:44:43] wagnerrp: oh dear god... someone on the -users list is recommending someone transcode to 720p MPEG4ASP@1800kbps
[14:46:02] Shadow__X: seems resonable no?
[14:46:34] colo (colo! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:46:36] wagnerrp: thats a reasonable bitrate if youre encoding to standard definition
[14:46:47] wagnerrp: it will look abysmal at 720p50
[14:51:01] poodyp (poodyp! has quit ()
[14:51:59] highzeth: depends *alot* on the action/motion of the video tho ;)
[14:52:15] meatpod (meatpod!n=irchon@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[14:52:36] Shadow__X: but it will be a smaller file
[14:52:41] Shadow__X: and that matters more than quality
[14:53:11] meatpod: to an extent
[14:53:23] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:53:40] wagnerrp: if you need smaller files, you need bigger hard drives
[14:54:18] wagnerrp: with how cheap hard drives are, there is no sense sacrificing visible quality for space
[14:54:23] highzeth: I wouldnt mind a 1800kbps encode of say a Golf Contest, I would mind one a F1 race tho
[14:54:25] Shadow__X: newegg did have the 180 2tb deal
[14:54:32] meatpod: a text file containing "blah" would technically be smaller but it's not useful
[14:54:39] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: thats still a bit pricey
[14:55:01] Shadow__X: right but are 1.5tb drives fully safe
[14:55:13] wagnerrp: should be... yes
[14:55:23] wagnerrp: Seagate isnt the only manufacturer
[14:55:42] wagnerrp: and besides, their drives should be safe as well, they have just left a bad taste in peoples mouths
[14:55:43] mindoms (mindoms! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:55:53] Shadow__X: also right now i have 5 1tb drives in an array and dont really have sata ports left after inlcuding the os drive and the dvdrom
[14:56:06] Shadow__X: i think the next upgrade i do is a full array upgrade
[14:56:20] dmz (dmz! has quit ("Leaving")
[14:56:29] Shadow__X: wagnerrp: yeah esp iamlindoro i feel like he had a horrible time with those drives
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[15:02:48] ** j-rod has four of the 1.5T seagates **
[15:02:59] j-rod: one has up and died on me
[15:03:11] j-rod: still need to figure out which one it is and get it RMA'd
[15:03:19] j-rod: been busy though
[15:05:02] tmkt: yeah..i have .5T not quite enough
[15:05:14] tmkt: but i think i'll be upgrading now that I've got a job lined up
[15:05:50] meatpod: awesome. my crappy irc client. doesn't display /me messages properly
[15:06:08] tmkt: i'll add 1.5T...2 T should be enough, i'd hope
[15:06:11] meatpod: also iPod ishard to type on
[15:09:13] gregL (gregL!n=greg@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:11:05] Gav8in: hrm. rescanned, still getting lots of can't find messages from TVCT ihn my backend log
[15:11:16] Gav8in: there's gotta be a bug here, i'll run through a debugger this evening
[15:13:05] Gav8in: <-- this crap, over and over and over again
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[15:51:41] paperclip: wow.. i ordered an IONITX from newegg yesterday morning and UPS says it's out for delivery for the last 3 hours
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[16:01:00] sphery: paperclip: live in NJ? IIRC, newegg has a distribution center in Edison.
[16:01:36] paperclip: I'm in new orleans.. they also ship from Memphis
[16:02:19] sphery: wow... memphis->new orleans is still far enough I'd have thought it would take a couple days
[16:02:45] paperclip: it says they received it last night at 8p
[16:02:52] paperclip: it's an 8 our drive..
[16:02:54] paperclip: hour
[16:03:11] paperclip: pretty good time for ups
[16:03:15] elprespufferfish: nice :D
[16:03:58] paperclip: I'm excited.. all the parts for my first true HTPC
[16:04:21] paperclip: previously i'd only run boxee on a laptop with a broken screen :P
[16:04:35] AndyCap: oh come on, this is patentable? a remote that twits when you turn on tv? . . . ana=from_rss
[16:05:03] paperclip: why would you want that in the first place
[16:05:43] AndyCap: besides, they don't really want it on twitter I guess, they want to secretly send it to :P
[16:06:04] paperclip: i could see that as slightly useful..
[16:06:52] AndyCap: then again I don't really get twitter. :P
[16:07:18] paperclip: i get it.. but auto messages are pretty annoying in general..
[16:08:00] paperclip: it'd be like having a bot in channel that said every time you loaded a web page..
[16:08:54] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:09:05] AndyCap: heh, yet I've seen people having their clients autoannounce mp3 playback
[16:09:10] the_alien (the_alien! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:09:11] AndyCap: (and get banned for it) :)
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[16:09:49] meatmanek_: see
[16:10:01] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[16:10:14] meatmanek_: some people assume that everybody wants to know every detail of your day
[16:10:22] meatmanek_: their*
[16:10:39] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:11:02] Shadow__X: or some peoples lifes are so pathetic and mudanne they need to try and get as much attention towards theirs lives as possible to feel as if they truely do have a purpose
[16:11:16] Shadow__X: s/lifes/lives
[16:13:45] MythbuntuGuest94 (MythbuntuGuest94!n=Mythbunt@nat/novell/x-czajyhkotyujqeoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:15:49] MythbuntuGuest94: Hello, I have mythbunut and I am having trouble displaying other channels when I watch live tv
[16:16:50] MythbuntuGuest94: I have pvr-150 with cable coax and it is set to come up to channel 2. However when I change channels it just goes to a black screen
[16:19:20] Dagmar: You should read the documentation
[16:19:41] Dagmar: You need to use an IR blaster or somethign to make the cable box change channels if you've got it hooked up that way
[16:20:27] Dagmar: AndyCap: They may be trying to highlight the stupidity of the patent process
[16:20:28] MythbuntuGuest94: I do not have a cable box, in another room i have a tv directly conneceted to the cable and I just change the channels on the tv
[16:20:50] Dagmar: Either early last month or the month before last, some patent trolls actually filed suit against Twitter
[16:21:08] MythbuntuGuest94:
[16:22:06] dwax (dwax! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
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[16:23:07] Dagmar: I'm on a text-console at the moemnt so I can't pull that up right now... What's channel 2 got to do with it then?
[16:23:10] sphery: empty pastebin?
[16:23:25] Dagmar: I assumed since you mentioned it you had a cable box outputting to channel 2 over RF
[16:23:33] AndyCap: Dagmar: I don't think it's possible to find a patent stupid enough.
[16:23:45] Dagmar: If that's not the case, then just check you logs.
[16:23:59] MythbuntuGuest94: sphery it should be /f1be2b0d0
[16:24:35] Dagmar: AndyCap: You should see the patent the trolls got. It actually covers delivery of short messages "near instantaneously" over multiple mediums
[16:24:42] MythbuntuGuest94: sorry, /f1be2b0d0
[16:25:02] Dagmar: Like, if they hadn't mentioned multiple mediums, the most retarded patent examiner would have bounced their application with one word: "PAGERS!"
[16:25:19] Dagmar: Rather clearly, they will fail if it goes to court
[16:25:30] MythbuntuGuest94: Dagmar, channel 2 is what it is set to go to on start up. It is the only channel that works however
[16:25:56] Dagmar: Okay so it's basically not changing channels then... Check the backend log (hopefully /var/log/mythbackend.log) and your dmesg output
[16:26:01] sphery: MythbuntuGuest94: first thing to fix: OSDImgCache, Error: Creating osdcache directory failed.
[16:26:23] Dagmar: sphery can surely walk you through it
[16:26:29] Dagmar: I gotta git to work
[16:26:45] sphery: myth creates a directory $HOME/.mythtv/osdcache , where it keeps local copies of theme elements. You need to fix permissions so it can
[16:27:38] sphery: note that $HOME may not be your user's home--it's the HOME of whichever user is running the mythfrontend program
[16:28:33] sphery: you won't be able to control volume because of: mixer unable to find control Master 1
[16:28:35] Dagmar: BTW... <-- some of the stuff on there is insane
[16:28:38] Dagmar: worng chan
[16:28:57] Dagmar: I get the feeling the backend wasn't told there was a PVR-150
[16:29:10] Dagmar: It's hard to break ivtv driver loading on Mythbuntu
[16:29:16] sphery: you need to change your "Mixer controls" setting to PCM or, if you have a "new, advanced" Intel HDA sound card that's lacking /both/ PCM and Master controls, you'll need to either create a softvol control or use external volume control
[16:29:28] sphery: actually, I think that's a SG issue...
[16:29:43] sphery: Or an Intel video drivers issue
[16:30:00] MythbuntuGuest94: Sphery – ok yes I usally run the front end as a regualr user
[16:30:29] Dagmar: Make sure your disk isn't full then
[16:30:53] sphery: ProgramInfo, Error: GetPlaybackURL: '1013_20090720115124.mpg' should be local, but it can not be found.
[16:30:56] sphery: is bad
[16:31:05] tgm4883 is now known as tgm4883_
[16:31:09] Dagmar: Hence, check the disk space
[16:31:20] sphery: MPEGRec(/dev/video0) Warning: Audio sample rate 32000 Hz is not supported by ivtv driver, using 48000 Hz instead.
[16:31:22] tgm4883_ is now known as tgm4883
[16:31:23] sphery: is worse
[16:31:28] Dagmar: eek
[16:31:31] Dagmar: Man I gotta run
[16:31:37] sphery: In your Recording Profiles, change the audio sample rate to 48kHz
[16:31:45] sphery: Can't use 32kHz with ivtv'
[16:32:06] sphery: (and there's no reason to do so, anyway--audio bitrate is negligible compared to video, so no real benefit to reducing it)
[16:32:34] sphery: For the playback problems, first fix the recording profile
[16:33:01] sphery: then if you still don't get video, start looking at the "should be local, but it can not be found" thing--fix your Storage Groups configuration/directory permissions/etc.
[16:33:07] MythbuntuGuest94: sphery – I do not have an osdcache directory in my regular users directory or my mythuser directory.
[16:33:19] sphery: right, it's saying it cannot create it
[16:33:37] sphery: whichever user was running mythfrontend did not have permissions on the $HOME/.mythtv directory
[16:34:21] sphery: I didn't get enough of the frontend log to see which directory it's using, though
[16:35:41] sphery: actually, it seems we don't output it for the frontend...
[16:35:48] ** sphery will have to fix that **
[16:38:04] MythbuntuGuest94: so shoudl i change my permissions for my .mthtv dir only or recserivly? or do i just need to change the owner?
[16:38:48] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:38:55] sphery: what are permissions for /home/mythtv and /home/mythtv/.mythtv
[16:39:00] sphery: (assuming mythuser is mythtv)
[16:39:53] andreax (andreax! has quit (Client Quit)
[16:40:24] MythbuntuGuest94: .
[16:40:49] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:40:53] MythbuntuGuest94: drwxr-xr-x for mythtv
[16:42:15] MythbuntuGuest94: having trouble listing my .mythtv dir
[16:42:31] sphery: sudo ls -ld /home/mythtv/.mythtv
[16:42:35] sphery: perhaps
[16:42:50] sphery: if that doesn't work, there's definitely a problem there :)
[16:43:30] MythbuntuGuest94: ok that worked : )
[16:43:46] Anduin (Anduin!n=awithers@pdpc/supporter/professional/anduin) has quit ("leaving")
[16:43:54] MythbuntuGuest94: drwxr-xr-x mythtv root
[16:44:25] sphery: and mythfrontend is running as user mythtv?
[16:44:50] sphery: if so: sudo rm -r /home/mythtv/.mythtv/{osd,theme}cache
[16:44:53] sphery: and restart the frontend
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[16:45:11] sphery: then fix the recording profile
[16:45:18] sphery: then test
[16:45:59] sphery: oh, and be very careful with the syntax on that rm command or you could do bad things...
[16:46:07] sphery: i.e. errant spaces are /very/ dangerous
[16:46:29] MythbuntuGuest94: ya, well i normall run the frontend from the gui when i'm logged in as a regular user (not mythtv user)
[16:46:29] sphery: (I recommend copy/paste)
[16:46:56] MythbuntuGuest94: sphery – should i still run that command?
[16:47:10] sphery: I would guess that the mythbuntu start script is setting the process to run as the user they've configured
[16:47:30] sphery: if not, you'll need to find "the right way" to start it--I don't know MythBuntu, so I can't tell you how they've defined it
[16:47:34] sphery: but, yeah, run that command
[16:47:40] sphery: can't hurt and just might fix any problems
[16:48:16] sphery: in #ubuntu-mythtv they could tell you more about how to "occasionally" run mythfrontend on a system (getting it set up and how to start it properly)
[16:48:25] jarjar (jarjar! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:49:05] jarjar: hello i search french user can you help me please
[16:50:50] MythbuntuGuest94: spherey – no such file or directory. I doulbe checked and verified this
[16:51:23] MythbuntuGuest94: those files dont exist
[16:52:17] sphery: then you're probably starting mythfrontend wrong for how they've designed the distro
[16:52:23] sphery: some mythbuntu user will have to help
[16:52:38] sphery: but still fix recording profiles
[16:52:43] sphery: then possibly storage groups
[16:53:03] raptorjr (raptorjr! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:54:20] MythbuntuGuest94: ok
[16:54:22] raptorjr: hello, i did a update right now of trunk, and when i enter watch recordings the frontend takes 100% cpu, is this known or is it only me?
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[16:58:11] MythbuntuGuest94: sphery- thaks for your help
[17:03:57] sphery: raptorjr: sounds like you're on a system that only works with vdpau and you don't have current trunk
[17:04:20] raptorjr: i have 21623
[17:05:06] raptorjr:
[17:05:13] raptorjr: i'm
[17:05:22] sphery: yeah, there's no live preview in trunk'
[17:05:29] sphery: did you have trunk working before?
[17:05:42] sphery: if not, it's almost definitely a configuration issue on your system
[17:06:00] raptorjr: yes, did the latest update a few days ago. i'm kind of new at this, how do i go back to a specific revision?
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[17:12:54] sphery_: raptorjr: as I was saying before my power so rudely disappeared... because other people are getting playback with current trunk
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[17:22:52] sphery (sphery! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:24:41] jarjar: hello i have download a channels.conf for my country
[17:25:11] jarjar: where do i put it in for i can see tv?
[17:25:33] sphery_: jarjar: in MythTV, you should really use the mythtv-setup channel scanner to configure channels
[17:26:02] sphery_: channels.conf doesn't have all the information MythTV needs, so importing it doesn't usually work well
[17:26:03] jarjar: i use mythbuntu
[17:26:20] sphery_: start mythtv-setup and go through the steps there
[17:26:42] jarjar: it's a channels.conf by a man in a mythtv french forum
[17:27:01] sphery_: still, myth doesn't use channels.conf
[17:27:10] d00gster (d00gster!n=doughant@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:27:12] sphery_: and it doesn't have enough info
[17:27:20] sphery_: so you should scan for yourself
[17:27:39] jarjar: ok a restart a scan with myth setup
[17:27:41] raptorjr: sphery_, there was no problem with playback, it works perfectly, it was when i'm on the watch recordings screen
[17:28:08] sphery_: raptorjr: oh, sorry... I misread. Yeah, that's a known issue.
[17:28:14] sphery_: price of running unstable code :)
[17:28:21] the_alien (the_alien! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:28:28] raptorjr: :)
[17:28:30] sphery_ is now known as sphery
[17:29:13] raptorjr: then i know, didn't notice it before when i switched to trunk a few days ago
[17:29:31] sphery: it's been there for a long time
[17:29:44] sphery: however, you'll see it more depending on config
[17:29:56] sphery: only happens with opengl painter
[17:30:01] raptorjr: ok
[17:30:09] sphery: and some themes show it more than others
[17:30:27] raptorjr: thought it was funny since nothing is mowing on that screen
[17:30:33] raptorjr: moving
[17:30:40] sphery: actually, there's a lot moving--you just don't see it :)
[17:30:52] raptorjr: ok :)
[17:31:00] sphery: it's alphapulse and the clock
[17:31:24] sphery: so, depending on theme, the moving stuff may all be invisible
[17:39:45] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:39:47] raptorjr: it seems that it was because i had disabled composite in xorg. read somewhere that it was a good thing to do if you were running vdpau
[17:40:15] raptorjr: now everything works like it did before 9% cpu in watch recording screen
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[17:43:27] greudin: absurd
[17:43:45] greudin: I get Not ivtv driver?? in the log when I try to watch live tv
[17:43:57] greudin: 20 minutes ago all it's ok
[17:44:09] greudin: after upgrade alsa this mess
[17:44:16] greudin: why!!
[17:44:24] raptorjr: how can i remove a commercial flagging of a recording? after i edited the recording and removed all commercials, and transcoded it. the flagging is still there and jumps when it shouldnt =)
[17:49:16] sphery: greudin: sounds like you have multiple different devices and on reboot they moved--you need udev rules or module options to "pin" your video devices to a specific number
[17:50:06] sphery: raptorjr: you should transcode it in myth. if you do it removes all that garbage automatically
[17:50:16] raptorjr: yes i did
[17:50:25] sphery: then you don't have the old flag list
[17:51:00] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:51:08] sphery: but play the recording and hit e, then z, then clear all the cut points, then exit to playback
[17:51:29] raptorjr: ok, will try
[17:53:52] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:55:15] wagnerrp: looks like WD released Black and RE 2TB drives today
[17:55:23] kormoc: OOH!
[17:55:24] kormoc: linkie?
[17:55:30] sphery:
[17:55:42] kormoc: UGHHHH!!!! a week too late!!!
[17:55:48] sphery: was waiting for kormoc to show up for that, but wagnerrp pounced first!
[17:55:57] wagnerrp: heh
[17:56:05] wagnerrp: figured as much
[17:56:07] kormoc: Time for another upgrade! Woo!
[17:56:10] wagnerrp: you had that link up too fast
[17:56:14] sphery: yeah
[17:56:47] wagnerrp: i just happened upon it at anandtech right as kormoc logged in
[17:56:55] wagnerrp: kormoc: that mean you ordered a green last week?
[17:56:56] Heliwr (Heliwr! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:57:04] kormoc: wagnerrp: nah, 1 tb blacks
[17:57:25] kormoc: I don't do green or blue ;)
[17:57:27] edizzle (edizzle!n=ereyna@nat/novell/x-astinrmwdvvtwriy) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:57:38] wagnerrp: a racist eh?
[17:57:41] kormoc: Just means my desktop gets the 1t's and the server gets the 2t's
[17:57:59] kormoc: If supporting a downtrodden color is colorist, then paint it black!
[17:58:05] ** kormoc starts humming rolling stones **
[17:58:36] Heliwr (Heliwr! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:58:36] wagnerrp: do they still make blues?
[17:58:43] kormoc: so sphery I think I have all the sleeps out, just tracking down some odd behavior with the refresh, it's refreshing after the schedule incorrectly.
[17:59:46] kormoc: wagnerrp: afaik yeah
[17:59:57] sphery: kormoc: cool... did you end up updating rec_default() , rec_override() , activate() , etc?
[18:00:07] kormoc: sphery: the ones that didn't call reschedule, aye
[18:00:12] YangYin (YangYin! has quit ()
[18:00:28] sphery: so there was some other place besides the ones I marked in that proto-patch?
[18:00:44] wagnerrp: i think they still make 2.5" blues, but i havent seen a 3.5" blue in a long time
[18:01:14] sphery: Seagate will soon have a 1TB 2.5" :
[18:01:22] sphery: (don't know why the URI says 2tb)
[18:01:47] ** wagnerrp complains about his stale fortune cookie **
[18:02:08] ** wagnerrp complains about his retarded fortune **
[18:02:23] MythbuntuGuest94 (MythbuntuGuest94!n=Mythbunt@nat/novell/x-czajyhkotyujqeoe) has quit ()
[18:03:14] AndyCap: wagnerrp: that's why you should go for the fortune cookies with wings.
[18:03:56] MythBork (MythBork! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:04:10] AndyCap: now even in a flash variety, . . . provider=top
[18:05:14] kormoc: IPoAC
[18:05:55] wagnerrp: kormoc: i heard some white water rapids company is actually using that
[18:06:15] kormoc: Yup, hence AndyCap's link :)
[18:06:50] wagnerrp: oh, didnt click on it
[18:07:57] edizzle (edizzle!n=ereyna@nat/novell/x-astinrmwdvvtwriy) has left #mythtv-users ()
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[18:23:33] wagnerrp: will the jobqueue trigger more than one job per minute?
[18:24:37] dansushi (dansushi!n=dan@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:24:44] wagnerrp: actually, better question... is there any way to detect what what machines are currently running a jobqueue
[18:24:52] wagnerrp: through mythbackend or otherwise
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[18:31:39] sphery: wagnerrp: meaning what machines are allowed to run jobs or what machines are currently executing jobs?
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[18:33:46] wagnerrp: meaning what machines are allowed to run jobs (and currently have a jobqueue running that can run them)
[18:34:14] iamlindoro:
[18:34:17] wagnerrp: i suppose i can always just add a job for that machine, and remove it ~3 minutes later if it has not been executed
[18:34:55] sphery: any reason you need to specify which machine?
[18:35:11] wagnerrp: so i can test a particular machine
[18:35:16] sphery: ahh...
[18:35:24] sphery: was thinking this was for the bindigns or something
[18:35:40] wagnerrp: no, this is something to facilitate exporting to other devices
[18:35:44] sphery: iamlindoro: pretty
[18:35:52] iamlindoro: thanks
[18:35:58] sphery: I like the alpha
[18:36:25] sphery: but those fonts look a little heavy...
[18:36:26] sphery: :)
[18:36:44] iamlindoro: Yeah, trying to learn from mistakes made in Graphite, slowly but durely hammering it in to a style I can move forward with
[18:36:51] iamlindoro: That's Inkscape, the font rendering is correct there ;)
[18:36:52] sphery: (joking about your previous comments re: Qt fonts)
[18:36:57] sphery: d'oh
[18:37:00] sphery: ruins my joke
[18:37:12] wagnerrp: i want to be able to add a hot-swap hard drive to a backend/jobqueue, have it detect the hard drive, and sync selected content over to it, along with a sql file to drop all existing content, and add the new content
[18:37:29] sphery: and removes all artistic credibility I may have falsely acquired
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[19:08:05] iamlindoro:
[19:08:09] iamlindoro: Getting little closer...
[19:09:00] sphery: are you moving stuff around?
[19:09:14] sphery: I didn't keep the old one to compare
[19:09:24] sphery: oh, but the old didn't have a 2
[19:09:49] sphery: bubbles are good--look polished
[19:10:41] iamlindoro: yeah... just need to figure out what to do about the floating screenshots and I'll have something to work with
[19:11:06] sphery: So is that a Mongolian gazelle or a Tibetan Fox in the background? Strange looking plains-creature... And I've heard of bluegrass, before, but didn't realize just how blue it was.
[19:11:52] sphery: (I'm joking there--I realize it's a series pic, not an episode one :)
[19:12:26] sphery: I think it would actually be /very/ disturbing if the background changed on every scroll to another episode.
[19:12:52] iamlindoro: within TV series, fanart doesn't change
[19:13:08] iamlindoro: (unless the user has specified individual fanarts for each episode)
[19:14:51] iamlindoro: I would really really like to see smooth crossfades between fanarts, though
[19:14:59] iamlindoro: and if I had any notion of how to do it I would do so myself
[19:15:13] j-rod: wow, is trebek really still vertical?
[19:16:28] Dagmar: When he's not being ridden by high-priced women, sure
[19:16:48] outlier (outlier!n=tom@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:19:01] ekristen (ekristen! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:20:42] ekristen: hello, I just got FIOS installed today, used to have comcast cable, besides running through the mythtv setup and doing a mythfilldatabase (now that I have switched over my schedules direct) is there anything else I need to do?
[19:23:41] Shadow__X: ekristen: is watch tv working for your sources
[19:24:07] ekristen: Shadow__X: its all digital so I am working on setting up the STB with my pvr 150 and irblaster
[19:24:29] Shadow__X: you might beable to atleast use firewire to change the channels
[19:24:36] Shadow__X: but ymmv
[19:24:53] Shadow__X: just a thought also you can atleast get local broadcasts over firewire
[19:25:01] Shadow__X: which would give you a smidgen on hd
[19:25:30] ekristen: eh, well I got my PVR-150 with the irblaster cable
[19:25:33] ekristen: thought I would just use that
[19:28:22] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:29:53] sphery: ekristen: mythfilldatabase won't remove non-existent channels by default... The cleanest approach to /ensuring/ you're not leaving garbage/forgetting required steps is to do the video sources portion of .
[19:30:32] sphery: ekristen: you can try manually deleting the channels that are no longer in your lineup and mfdb's --remove-new-channels might work, but I won't guarantee any approach will work except the one in the linked post
[19:30:34] ekristen: sphery: if I delete all video sources, my existing shows will still have their metadata correct?
[19:30:43] Shadow__X: sphery: you should make a shortcut for that link
[19:31:02] sphery: ekristen: all metadata, yeah, but if your chanid's change, they will no longer have channel numbers/icons shown
[19:31:10] sphery: they = old recordings
[19:31:12] ekristen: eh that I don't care about :)
[19:31:21] sphery: your new channels will have their channel info, obviously
[19:31:30] ekristen: I just wnat to be able to know what I am watching in my old recordings
[19:31:51] sphery: I have a patch for the restore script that will eventually correct channel issues like that, but it's not ready and we're in a feature freeze
[19:32:06] sphery: that won't be a problem...
[19:32:13] sphery: all /important/ info will be there
[19:35:13] ekristen: is there an option to tell mythtvsetup to ignore the resolution and offset adjustments? I am trying to configure my mythtv backend from my laptop using ssh and it is only backend now, it used to be a frontend too
[19:35:28] stoth (stoth! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:35:57] sphery: ekristen: mythtv-setup -O ThemePainter=qt -geometry 800x600
[19:35:59] sphery: or whatever
[19:37:35] ekristen: much better
[19:37:36] ekristen: thanks
[19:37:46] ekristen: and its -geometry before the 800x600
[19:37:58] sid3windr: that's what sphery said:P
[19:39:49] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:41:15] gpd: any clue if the aspire revos function well as mythtv frontends?
[19:41:48] sphery: for the type of content it plays and good quality versions of that type of content, probably
[19:42:04] sphery: i.e. you're completely at the mercy of the nvidia drivers/vdpau
[19:42:23] sphery: IMHO, frontends should be the most powerful part of your myth setup
[19:42:53] gpd: unfortunately i don't have license to put in a non-silent solution
[19:43:11] sphery: different room with wires run through/around walls?
[19:43:24] gpd: that is working in one room -but the other is too far away i think
[19:43:25] sphery: no case is as pretty as an invisible frontend
[19:45:04] gpd: also: is there a good solution to the 'media player' for audio that runs alongside mythtv? the built in audio client plugin struggles with large numbers of files
[19:45:09] Dagmar: ...until you stub your toe on the f**ker
[19:45:31] gpd: right now i am using ctrl-alt to a gnome-terminal running mocp!
[19:45:35] Dagmar: gpd: why would there be any other case
[19:45:58] Dagmar: There's MythMusic and that's pretty much it
[19:46:01] sphery: gpd: you mean MythMusic won't play some of your audio files?
[19:46:12] Dagmar: sphery: NO! IMPOSSIBUHLS!
[19:46:27] gpd: no – i mean i have lots of files and it is very difficult to get mythmusic to browse to what i want...
[19:46:29] sphery: if not, you probably need to use EXEC in the menu to bring up a different player... grep for EXECTV for an example
[19:46:37] gpd: i.e. i din't like the interface
[19:46:57] sphery: oh, then, yeah, you'll have to use something else
[19:46:59] sphery: or wait for 0.23
[19:47:01] gpd: a different player is fine – just wondering what works well in people's experience
[19:47:22] gpd: right now i am struggling with tiny fonts in the other windows
[19:47:25] sphery: I use a script that starts mplayer playing an Internet radio station
[19:47:30] gpd: guess i need to find how to set DPI
[19:47:44] sphery: i.e. non-visual UI because I don't "watch" my music
[19:48:28] gpd: boxee works – but doesn't seem to play well alongside mythtv
[19:48:48] gpd: unless i use a different X11 on :1 or something
[19:48:56] Dagmar: How to set DPI for X11 is in the wiki
[19:48:58] Dagmar: I know it's in the wiki.
[19:49:15] sphery: gpd: . . . rect_this.3F plus the links to DisplaySize and Specifying DPI for NVIDIA Cards inside.
[19:53:40] gpd: hmm. not sure about DPI – my xdpyinfo says 90x88
[19:54:18] Dagmar: Everything there is to know about DPI is in that wiki
[19:54:46] Dagmar: I know I personally sat down and wrote almost a full typed page about it
[19:55:11] Dagmar: If you can't figure out how to do the math to compute dots per inch with a ruler and the TV in front of you, you need to watch less television.
[19:55:21] Dagmar: Seriouslu.
[19:55:25] Dagmar: s/lu/ly/;
[19:56:55] Gav8in: The size of the typesetting point, now there's something to argue about.
[19:56:59] gpd: not sure if DPI is anything to do with my issue – my fonts are all fine -but i am running 1680x1050 and sitting 10 feet away – so in firefox the menus are all TINY – but the fonts are all as they should be... therefore is this a DPI issue?
[19:57:17] gpd: or can i just tell metacity to use LARGER fonts?
[19:57:30] Dagmar: You will need to tell Metacity to use larger fonts
[19:57:47] Dagmar: Thankfully (and I swear this is a good thing) fonts in X are now handled _correctly_ with respect to size
[19:57:55] Dagmar: Point size is a _real world_ size
[19:58:04] wagnerrp: i cant imagine sitting 10' away from something running 1680x1050
[19:58:12] Dagmar: So like, a 12-point font will always be so many mm high, no matter what the size of hte screen
[19:58:25] Dagmar: ...which makes 12point fonts on an 18foot projector absolutely hilarious.
[19:58:47] Dagmar: Myth basically uses a fixed value so that themes won't shatter into a million pieces
[19:59:27] wagnerrp: do they actually make anything larger than 22" at that resolution?
[19:59:45] ** AndyCap wants a 200dpi laptop. **
[19:59:47] gpd: i am missing a cable to use my LCD TV so using an LCD monitor for now...
[19:59:49] sphery: do we even know if that's the input resolution or the display resolution?
[20:00:19] Dagmar: gpd: Honestly, it saves some hassle when you do that
[20:00:42] Dagmar: For one, it generally means you can run the display at it's native res instead of having to output something and have the display mangle it to fit
[20:02:23] gpd: Dagmar: so i should search for metacity font size setting... right?
[20:02:44] Dagmar: If you're using Metacity you have GNOME, right?
[20:02:44] wagnerrp: AndyCap: ive not seen one higher than 150dpi
[20:02:55] wagnerrp: my laptop is around 135dpi
[20:02:59] Dagmar: There's stuff in the gnome config tools to change the font size for Metacity and everything else
[20:03:27] Dagmar: It won't affect MythTV (obviously) but it should make you able to adjust the font size for every Gtk+-driven app on there
[20:03:39] gpd: Dagmar: no sign of gnome – the mythtv auto login doesn't seem to run gnome – just metacity
[20:03:59] gpd: when i run mythtv frontend as a normal user – i get vertical sync issues / slowness
[20:04:18] wagnerrp: most of the desktop monitors ive seen are right around 100dpi
[20:04:20] gpd: but i can use gnome tools probably to set metacity fonts
[20:04:39] AndyCap: whee, got my grubby hands on a pl2303 eeprom tool. :)
[20:05:10] Dagmar: gpd: I've got no idea about doing it without the control panel stuff unless you want to poke around in gconf directly
[20:05:23] gpd: while i do that --- another question:
[20:05:31] Dagmar: I know the stuff GNOME provides is a nice interface for poking numbers into particular places in the gconf registry
[20:06:21] gpd: I have VGA / DVI output from frontend – LONG VGA cable – then TV with Component / HDMI -
[20:06:50] gpd: should I get VGA to component cable – OR VGA to HDMI (or is that not possible)
[20:06:52] Dagmar: You get to spend money, then
[20:07:18] Dagmar: I'd have gone for a video card with HDMI output personally
[20:07:28] AndyCap: gpd: what's wrong with dvi -> hdmi btw?
[20:07:34] Dagmar: ...but whatever you can find cheapest
[20:07:35] AndyCap: apart from no sound. :P
[20:07:47] lcase (lcase! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:07:51] gpd: nothing worng with that – that is what i had before the server moved 30 feet away...
[20:08:16] gpd: so i could buy at 30 foot DVI -> HDMI cable BUT I already own a 30 Foot VGA cable...
[20:08:25] gpd: so was trying to save money... [fool]
[20:08:38] wagnerrp: you still get worthwhile signal over 30ft?
[20:08:52] gregL (gregL!n=greg@ has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:09:01] gpd: 30 foot VGA cable to LCD monitor is great at 1680...
[20:09:09] AndyCap: gpd: well, some people here have more luck with VGA, but if you don't have vga in on the TV you should get a DVI cable of some sort
[20:09:11] gpd: just that i can't plug it into the LCD tv...
[20:09:31] gpd: so VGA to component converter no good?
[20:09:32] AndyCap: sinice vga is RGBHV and not component
[20:09:48] wagnerrp: there is no such thing as a VGA to component 'connector'
[20:09:58] wagnerrp: you have to get a scan converter
[20:10:05] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:10:09] AndyCap: gpd: can your card output that on the vga connector? or are you talking about an expensive box that costs more than a new cable
[20:10:10] wagnerrp: or have a device that can use RGB, which means a couple rare projectors
[20:10:15] gpd: wagnerrp: . . . p/B000P3NZ68 <--
[20:11:00] gpd: AndyCap: the card is a standard nVidia with VGA OR DVI
[20:11:18] wagnerrp: that does not output a signal compatible with nearly any component input you will find
[20:11:25] AndyCap: gpd: new cable time
[20:11:42] wagnerrp: component is YPrPb, that cable will output RGB
[20:11:49] gpd: wagnerrp: ok – good news, won't be buying that
[20:11:51] wagnerrp: you will get garbage on screen
[20:12:39] Dagmar: gpd: The simplest and least-expensive thing will be just to order a long HDMI or DVI cable from someone online
[20:12:46] Dagmar: Don't buy it in a store unless you just won the lottery
[20:13:01] gpd: Dagmar: fair enough – thanks
[20:13:06] AndyCap: and are feeling very generous towards the store.
[20:13:23] gpd: . . . i-cable.html <--- done
[20:13:27] Dagmar: cables4less, places like that, they sell stuff for like a quarter of what BestBuy does
[20:13:48] Dagmar: ...because basically, cables are just wire and are cheap
[20:14:10] Gav8in: well, i was assured at bestbuy that if i used an inferior hdmi cable i'd get bad resolution and colours would look flatt3er
[20:14:23] AndyCap: Gav8in: and become impotent?
[20:14:27] gpd: Dagmar: true – but not that simple as the above VGA -> component story demonstrates — you need to know WTF the signals are ;)
[20:14:33] gpd: which is where i FAIL ;)
[20:14:39] Gav8in: i dunno. the same salesguy shared a rule of thumb about cable costs and stuff. it was pretty weird.
[20:14:41] wagnerrp: at 30', you probably want to buy a pricier, lower gage cable
[20:14:54] AndyCap: Gav8in: oh lord, not that 10% lie?
[20:15:21] wagnerrp: the normal cheap AWG28 stuff is usually only recommended out to 15'
[20:15:30] Gav8in: andy, something like that.
[20:15:30] AndyCap: so lower gauge means lower AWG number right? not thinner cable?
[20:15:38] _tux (_tux! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:15:44] wagnerrp: lower gauge, fatter cable
[20:15:51] AndyCap: Gav8in: aka 100% of our bottom line. :P
[20:15:51] GreyFoxx: lower gauge = thicker cacble
[20:16:08] Gav8in: Go for 00 gauge.
[20:16:10] AndyCap: and fewer shot. :)
[20:16:10] trumee (trumee! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:16:30] gpd: again – back to the drawing board for the other room where the run would be 100 feet... balls. somebody needs to invent a CHEAP wireless HDMI send/receive system
[20:16:34] jams: feeling better GreyFoxx?
[20:16:39] AndyCap: gpd: there's also bluejeanscable. I think they ship from the uk too now for international order
[20:16:43] Gav8in: or a cheap ATSC modulator
[20:16:45] GreyFoxx: jams: much
[20:16:49] Gav8in: the cheapest i've found was $575
[20:16:50] wagnerrp: Gav8in: no such thing
[20:16:52] jams: good good
[20:16:56] Gav8in: why on earth do ATSC modulators cost so much?
[20:16:57] AndyCap: gpd: another frontend and gigabit ethernet. :P
[20:17:06] GreyFoxx: I'm now on pills so no more 3 trips to the hospital every dya for an iv :)
[20:17:10] wagnerrp: Gav8in: because there is no market for cheap ones
[20:17:13] Gav8in: wagnerpp: as 00 gauge cable, or a cheap atsc modulator?
[20:17:22] Gav8in: i know 00 gauge exists; i own some
[20:17:34] Gav8in: so i guess the latter
[20:17:37] AndyCap: Gav8in: in hdmi it would be somewhat unwieldly
[20:17:38] guysoft422 (guysoft422! has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[20:17:49] wagnerrp: i would love a cheap ATSC modulator
[20:18:05] Gav8in: hdmi to atsc modulator i guess would cost like $600 to put together or so?
[20:18:18] GreyFoxx: Gav8in: Planning to be youyr own TV station ? :) Why would you need a atsc modulator ?:)
[20:18:43] Gav8in: grey: for feeding video to TVs around the house on coax, say
[20:18:50] Gav8in: it's not totally crazy
[20:18:50] AndyCap: Gav8in: can atsc support 1080p mpeg2?
[20:19:00] wagnerrp: Gav8in: just a modulator could be put together for ~$20
[20:19:06] wagnerrp: AndyCap: yes
[20:19:06] Gav8in: no, so i guess a QAM modulator would make more sense
[20:19:13] GreyFoxx: Yes, QAM
[20:19:26] Gav8in: ui thought atsc was limited to about 19.4mbps?
[20:19:28] ** Gav8in shrugs **
[20:19:43] GreyFoxx: And even then It is crazy. Just place myth boxes around the house,
[20:19:45] GreyFoxx: :)
[20:20:03] AndyCap: 30 fps 1080p according to wikipedia.
[20:20:23] sphery: and 24fps
[20:20:24] wagnerrp: GreyFoxx: im talking about a motor home with an existing coax matrix switchbox/modulator
[20:20:39] sphery:
[20:21:04] wagnerrp: i would love to be able to run hddvd/bluray over that (never gonna happen)
[20:21:08] wagnerrp: or at least plug a mythbox into it
[20:21:12] sphery: but people all say that blu-ray is the only way you could possibly be able to get 1080p...
[20:21:23] sphery: only difference is blu-ray allows 1080p60
[20:21:36] sphery: but is there /any/ 1080p60 content in existence on blu-ray?
[20:21:43] Gav8in: So an HDFury at $199 + a ZeeVee at $399 will, for $600, let you send HDMI out as QAM. Weird.
[20:21:54] wagnerrp: ZeeVee?
[20:22:04] sphery: (granted, that doesn't mean stations actually encode to 1080p30 or 1080p24 before broadcast, but...)
[20:22:15] Gav8in: . . . 0&sr=8-1
[20:22:16] Gav8in: Zeevee
[20:22:35] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:22:49] wagnerrp: video-in... QAM out?
[20:22:52] AndyCap: Why Send HD Over Coax? Because it's there.
[20:22:58] AndyCap: yeah. I can see that.
[20:23:00] Gav8in: that's what it does
[20:23:02] Dibblah (Dibblah! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:23:02] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Dibblah
[20:23:28] AndyCap: people in various forum complaining about the future-unproofness of hdmi. :)
[20:23:31] Gav8in: it's $$$
[20:23:44] wagnerrp: well then... the price for my the mythtv box for my parent's motorhome just jumped up over $1K
[20:23:48] sphery: better question, why didn't the DVI/HDMI designers user coax, like they were supposed to
[20:23:56] Dagmar: AndyCap: Gosh... whatever happened to all those promises of HDMI being upgradable through software updates?
[20:23:57] AndyCap: sphery: becuase they were idiots
[20:23:58] sphery: (and, no, I don't mean RG-59 or RG-6)
[20:24:07] sphery: agreed
[20:24:12] sphery: cheaped out
[20:24:22] Gav8in: wag: you're getting one?
[20:24:30] Dagmar: Oh wait... NO ONE ever bothered to ship any
[20:24:35] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:24:40] AndyCap: then again. from what I saw you could send audio over SDI so that would be nice.
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[20:24:58] wagnerrp: my mom is opposed to the whole idea, no way im going to push them on that
[20:25:01] Dagmar: Sony had the one unit that does HDMI 1.3 and one stereo that went with it and no one else felt it necessary to even upgrade their already-sold units to that even
[20:26:22] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:26:25] Gav8in: If I understand the HDFury, it's illegal to use if you dont use those little screws on the side.
[20:26:39] AndyCap: O_o
[20:26:43] Gav8in: so remember folks, screw in those little screws on the side!
[20:26:44] Dibblah: Uhm... HDMI does use coax.
[20:26:59] Dibblah: It's twisted pairs, inside a sheath.
[20:27:02] wagnerrp: Gav8in: eh?
[20:27:16] sphery: twisted pairs aren't coax
[20:27:18] Gav8in: wagnerrp: they havea funny FAQ...
[20:27:45] Shadow__X: that box is intriguing esp because you can have mythtv in your whole house quickly
[20:28:06] Dibblah: I don't quite understand the complaint.
[20:28:16] Gav8in: well, why on earth doesn't someone make a USB2 QAM thing? Why bother doing encoding in hw
[20:28:23] Dibblah: coax really doesn't work for the type of signal in HDMI.
[20:28:43] Gav8in: "- HDfury can screw directly to your display therefore (unlike the stripper/converter boxes) it remains compliant to the HDCP rules as it does not allow and end-user easy access to the analog decrypted signal. " <-- they actually say that.
[20:28:55] wagnerrp: Gav8in: several years ago, some crackpot put together a DVB-T modulator using the VGA pins on an old video card
[20:29:48] AndyCap: Dibblah: . . . er-with-hdmi
[20:29:54] Dibblah: There are hdfury clones.
[20:30:25] the_alien (the_alien! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:30:42] Dibblah: DVI is easy to terminate.
[20:31:03] AndyCap: compared to hd-sdi? no.
[20:31:27] Dibblah: Oh, goodness. The author does not understand broadband / baseband.
[20:32:31] Dibblah: You can't do digital signals over any distance using coax.
[20:32:32] janneg: wagnerrp: s/crackpot/Fabrice Bellard/
[20:32:58] Dibblah: You use balanced pairs for quite complex and difficult to explain reasons.
[20:34:22] Dibblah: "that doesn't stop, doesn't error-check" – rubbish.
[20:35:07] Dibblah: I'm stopping reading this. The author is a classic "audiophile".
[20:36:11] Gav8in:
[20:36:44] sphery: Dibblah: another one at:
[20:36:57] Gav8in:
[20:37:20] sphery: might be wrong, but it seemed reasonable (and fits my experience)
[20:37:36] Dibblah: "First, there is no reason why any perceptible degradation of an analog component video signal should occur even over rather substantial distances"... Bull.
[20:37:54] c0p3rn1c (c0p3rn1c! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[20:37:58] Dibblah: Anything over 10m and you're toast with hi-def analogue.
[20:38:10] Dibblah: Capacitive smearing kills you.
[20:39:22] Dibblah: The same rules apply to digital cables as they do to analogue ones.
[20:39:27] Dagmar: "Many thanks to Bluejeans Cable for providing this article for our site."
[20:39:34] Dagmar: That explains so much
[20:40:02] Dibblah: ... Don't buy the cheapest ones, they will suck. Don't buy the expensive ones, unless you have a severe personality disorder and too much cash.
[20:43:25] Tomasu (Tomasu! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:44:38] gbee: the $500 Denon is an old classic, 1.5m Cat 5e ... license to print money
[20:45:51] lcase (lcase! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:46:09] Gav8in: yeah, but I can never resist those two links whenever discussing quality cables or audiophiles.
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[20:46:38] Gav8in: hey, should i expect ATSC to work on a boat?
[20:47:00] kormoc: I'm on a BOAT!\
[20:47:11] Gav8in: awesome. is ATSC working?
[20:47:11] Gav8in: heh
[20:47:24] j-rod: kormoc: haha, awesome music vid
[20:47:24] AndyCap: wouldn't that depend on how far from land you are?
[20:47:36] Gav8in: oh, right, the SNL skit
[20:47:49] sphery: and whether you're moving
[20:47:51] Gav8in: andycap, well, sure.
[20:47:59] Gav8in: well, here's the thing about the moving: you kinda always are.
[20:48:24] sphery: AIUI, ATSC doesn't generally work for moving receivers
[20:48:30] AndyCap: Gav8in: gyrostabilized platform. :)
[20:48:34] Gav8in: i don't use docks much, mostly anchor and moorings, and so the boat's always tacking on the anchor (turning 60 degrees each way repeatedly) and wave action etc...
[20:48:46] gbee: Dibblah: at least for HDMI all cables carrying the HDMI logo are rated to the same standards, so $1 or $100, it's still guaranteed to have an error rate less than 1 bit in 1 billion which is humanly imperceptible
[20:49:18] Tomasu (Tomasu! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:49:26] AndyCap: gbee: unless they're lying weasels who just learned how to print a HMDI logo and RoHS sticker.
[20:49:30] sphery: wonder what range, etc. for that test
[20:49:55] sphery: or if they have to verify each length of cable they make
[20:50:58] gbee: AndyCap: sure, but if you are going to assume that's the case, who is to say it's even a HDMI cable and not a wet piece of string with two clothes pegs at either end? :)
[20:51:33] AndyCap: gbee: well, some of the cables have to work at least to get them in the stores. :)
[20:51:42] sphery: those are annoying when they keep drying out in your air-conditioned home and you have to rewet the cables mid movie
[20:53:11] ** AndyCap notices that the HMDI scam seems to work well. **
[20:53:22] Gav8in: make sure to use electrolyte when you wet them. i do that the old fashioned way, with my ready supply of electrolyte enriched water...
[20:53:39] gbee: I think firefox just crashed on me, turned my back for 1 minute ...
[20:53:47] sphery: Gav8in: It's what plants crave!
[20:54:06] laga: sphery: first movie i ever saw in hd. awesome
[20:54:12] sphery: great show
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[21:00:23] ** j-rod just got a spare lappy to hack on... and its better than my own. damn. **
[21:00:33] gbee: I might just have to see if we can add support to mythmusic, I've been visiting the site for a while now as a way to sample tracks in full before buying (elsewhere) but today I decided to give the radio feature a try ... already discovered three new bands
[21:01:16] sphery: just got to make sure that we keep anyone from adding recording support
[21:01:18] kormoc: gbee: is nice, is also quite nice for really new bands
[21:02:07] sphery: Woah!!!
[21:02:38] AndyCap: no recording support in a recording app? Teh irony
[21:02:56] sphery: finally updated their ToS after I sent them an e-mail about how it was completely wrong: was missing the "do not" in item iv.
[21:03:23] sphery: They were prviously requiring that all users "copy or seek to copy or "rip" any audio and/or audiovisual content from the Website or any part of the Service (including, without limitation, the widget);"
[21:03:45] Gav8in: wow, that's awesome that they're require that
[21:03:46] Gav8in: very liberal
[21:03:51] gbee: I was getting into a rut and struggling to find something I wanted to spend my emusic credits on – their tailored recommendations have been getting steadily more depressing and I need something more upbeat on these wet summer days
[21:04:14] sphery: Glad they updated it--now I can quote it on mythtv-users list without starting the "Well, it seems to me that we /have/ to steal it, so I'm just following the rules," discussion that would inevitably follow
[21:05:59] Gav8in: heh
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[21:08:43] AndyCap: on a related note. does mythtv support CGMS-A?
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[21:23:02] dustybin: i have been trying to setup asterisk for the last few hours, and have only just realised what the problem is
[21:23:16] dustybin: mythfrontend was holding up port 5060!!!!!!!!!
[21:23:31] dustybin: arghghghghghghghg
[21:23:47] sphery: iamlindoro: Had to do some testing in mythfrontend, so I switched to Graphite, today. It's nice, but I think my Planet Earth episodes aren't as good as yours.
[21:23:55] dustybin: why the hell is mythfrontend using port 5070
[21:24:00] dustybin: *5060
[21:24:30] sphery: liveMedia
[21:24:54] sphery:
[21:25:44] iamlindoro: sphery, you're right, and your subtitles are all wrong (yes, yes, I know, different PE)
[21:25:51] sphery: heh
[21:26:08] sphery: I get the "Poor-man's Planet Earth"
[21:26:48] gbee: heh, confused me for a moment
[21:27:23] gbee: I've only got three eps, need to wait for them to come around again on BBC HD
[21:28:26] AndyCap: dustybin: because you installed the plugin for it.
[21:28:33] dustybin: ohh
[21:28:38] dustybin: not mythphone?
[21:28:40] dustybin: eeeek
[21:28:44] AndyCap: well, duh.
[21:28:51] dustybin: double eek
[21:29:34] sphery: gbee: yeah, this one is a 1980's production (made for schools?) that was aired by my local community-college's channel
[21:29:36] kormoc: dustybin: language...
[21:29:48] dustybin: 'eek' is not a swear word?
[21:30:17] AndyCap: kormoc: this is why should punish the dog immediatly.
[21:30:28] dustybin: :(
[21:31:21] dustybin: if you guys think mythtv is complicated, try and get your head around asterisk..
[21:33:00] AndyCap: (^*^) no problem.
[21:33:24] AndyCap: (^MythTV^) now this hurts a bit.
[21:33:49] AndyCap: (^Windows XP media center Edition^) this I can't do
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[21:35:32] sphery: Anyone on trunk tried editing a recording and hitting PgUp/PgDown when in edit mode?
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[21:44:53] wagnerrp: janneg: in order to figure out how to broadcast DVB using the DAC on a graphics card, you are a genius hacker and completely nuts
[21:45:01] wagnerrp: aka.... crackpot
[21:46:52] Gav8in: lots and lots of "Waited too long for video out to pause" . Bad? Good?
[21:46:53] Gav8in: hrm.
[21:47:19] CoreDump is now known as CoreDump|home
[21:48:20] Gav8in: roughly every 1.5 seconds
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[22:30:39] kormoc: iamlindoro, RDV_Linux, does -MW also assume -M or do I need to cron both?
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[22:34:07] iamlindoro: kormoc, Ionly cron the -MW
[22:34:09] iamlindoro: er I only
[22:37:04] iamlindoro: Which I realize doesn't answer your question :)
[22:37:07] Tomasu (Tomasu! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:37:24] iamlindoro: but I only use Jamu for recording artwork download, so I don't actaully know what -M would do
[22:37:49] wagnerrp: looking to add metadata download back to mythweb?
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[22:41:17] nighthawk_: anyone know of a script that will retrieve missing s#e# for files that only have the title in the name?
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[22:47:01] gbee: title, or subtitle aka episode name?
[22:47:27] ccfreak2k (ccfreak2k! has quit (Client Quit)
[22:47:40] gbee: mythvideo in 0.22 will do a subtitle search, though whether that works if you only have the subtitle ...
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[22:48:14] nighthawk_: yeah, episode name... I want to bulk renames.. RDV put me in the right direction to write it
[22:48:29] nighthawk_: but if you happen to know of an already existing bulk rename script that handles this, would save some time :)
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[22:48:50] gbee: not rename, no
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[22:49:59] gbee: thought you meant import :)
[22:50:25] gbee: / metadata retrieval
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[22:50:38] nighthawk_: well, this is step 1
[22:50:51] nighthawk_: bulk rename the files, so jamu will handle the rest of auto importing
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[22:54:04] kormoc: the next two weeks are 98% full of scheduled recordings, woo
[22:56:22] RDV_Linux: kormoc: You need the -M option with -MW. The -M option designates MythTV related functionality the additional (-F, -W, -I, -G) is used to identify the specific function you want acting upon the MythTV databases.
[22:56:45] Pumpernick (Pumpernick!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:57:16] kormoc: RDV_Linux: okay, so is there a -A (all) or similar?
[22:58:22] RDV_Linux: kormoc: No as some of the functionality is either redundant or exclusive. What do you want to do? I will tell you what options to use.
[22:58:57] kormoc: RDV_Linux: well, basically, I was hoping for one cron line that will update the mythvideo stuff and the recorded tv stuff
[23:02:13] RDV_Linux: kormoc: Right now you would need two cron jobs (-M and -MW). It was set up that way as those jobs are usually run at different frequency. I run -M (maintenance) every second day and -MW everyday. The data on TVDB and TMDB do not change frequently enough to justify a maintenance run every night.
[23:04:27] kormoc: fair 'nuff
[23:04:30] RDV_Linux: kormoc: It may be possible to have two jobs on one cron command line or at least I think you can.
[23:04:41] kormoc: yeah, with &&
[23:05:01] RDV_Linux: kormoc: See you have it all:)
[23:05:38] kormoc: Heh, more was just making sure I didn't miss anything :)
[23:05:58] RDV_Linux: np
[23:07:34] kormoc: iamlindoro: ooh, perhaps you'd know. The HDPVR's top chunk, where the blingly light comes from, that's not a air intake is it?
[23:07:51] iamlindoro: kormoc, pretty sure the air intakes are on the bottom
[23:07:55] kormoc: slick
[23:08:15] kormoc: I covered it in some foil and it got extremely hot, wanted to make sure I wasn't blocking soemthing
[23:08:30] stoth (stoth! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:08:42] ** iamlindoro wonders why kormoc is making clothes for his HD-PVR ;) **
[23:09:01] kormoc: Hehe, it keeps the birds up at night :)
[23:09:01] iamlindoro: is it so the government can't monitor what you watch?
[23:09:01] RDV_Linux: kormoc: I black electrical taped my HDPVR bling lights off. If you are careful it does not show at all.
[23:09:10] kormoc: ooh, good thought
[23:09:38] iamlindoro: I let my bling lights shine like the sun
[23:09:42] RDV_Linux: kormoc: Just over a year now and no problems
[23:09:46] iamlindoro: in the closet that they live in
[23:09:52] kormoc: snazzy
[23:10:15] kormoc: I used the foil when around 3 am, they decided to make a point about not being able to sleep
[23:10:31] iamlindoro: making up for lost time recording?
[23:10:33] RDV_Linux: kormoc: I even did all but the record light on the front as well.
[23:10:50] kormoc: iamlindoro: for sure
[23:11:13] iamlindoro: I'm just now catching up on two seasons of True Blood
[23:11:35] iamlindoro: I'm torn between the copsiou nudity of Anna Paquin versus the tooth gap of Anna Paquin
[23:11:39] iamlindoro: er copious
[23:11:56] kormoc: in 20 days, my drive will be full of tv again, woo!
[23:12:04] \malex\: is there a longer list of mythtv somewhat-dedicated frontend hardware than the choosing frontend hardware list on the mythtv wiki? is there anything besides appletv and mediamvp?
[23:12:10] iamlindoro: better get watching then!
[23:12:37] kormoc: \malex\: there's the mac mini! ;)
[23:12:58] \malex\: kormoc: well, besides the normal computers too :)
[23:12:58] kormoc: iamlindoro: heh, my bro and his wife are out for the next 3 weeks, it'll be stacked up before I get too much time
[23:14:10] kormoc: could be time to get a imac for the bedroom's FE...
[23:15:52] \malex\: imacs don't have wallmount options
[23:16:34] kormoc: nor does my bedroom wall
[23:17:56] \malex\: well, that's compatible then
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[23:33:20] nighthawk_: I suck at regex, whats the string to modify s##x## to s##e## and keep the numbers intact?
[23:34:49] paperclip (paperclip! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:34:53] CoreDump|home: sed "s/x/e" ?
[23:35:09] nighthawk_: that would replace any x with the e though
[23:35:28] nighthawk_: I only want it if it is within a episode tag
[23:35:33] CoreDump|home: ah
[23:35:37] kormoc: depends on the regex lib you are using and the frontend to that lib
[23:35:50] nighthawk_: perl
[23:35:50] kormoc: (posix, eposix, perl) (sed, perl, etc)
[23:35:51] gbee: s/\d(x)\d/\1/
[23:36:33] gbee: err that's completely wrong
[23:36:41] gbee: _completely_
[23:37:20] gbee: s/(\d))x(\d+)/\1e\2/ would be closer
[23:37:30] nighthawk_: yeah... I can get it to match, but the replacement value
[23:37:32] gbee: without the mis-matching brackets
[23:37:37] paperclip: hello.. newb here.. is there any advantage to mythbuntu over installing ubuntu server then using packages from the repo?
[23:38:03] gbee: guess I'm just too tired ;)
[23:38:07] wagnerrp: you have a bunch of people checking for stability, instead of one guy
[23:38:20] paperclip: wagnerrp: that's for me?
[23:38:27] wagnerrp: uh huh
[23:38:32] nighthawk_: awesome gbee, that does it :)
[23:38:44] nighthawk_: now I need to re-read the regex docs to understand why
[23:38:52] paperclip: being bootable is the only thing I can think would be all that great.. mostly for testing at this point..
[23:38:59] gbee: paperclip: yes, install mythbuntu – comes with a whole bunch of configuration done for you and tools to simplify setup
[23:39:02] wagnerrp: and i imagine jya is about done with maintenance on his repo, considering the imminence of 0.22
[23:39:50] paperclip: gbee: alrighty.. does mythbuntu support installing to usb thumb drives? wanna start there and move to HD later..
[23:40:19] wagnerrp: if it shows up as a hard drive on boot, i dont see how it wouldnt
[23:40:51] wagnerrp: aside from maybe needing a special boot loader
[23:41:20] gbee: nighthawk_: \d matches digit characters 0–9, + means match one or more, the brackets () mean assign this portion of the match to a variable which are named from 1, \1 & \2 are those variables which in this case are given the season and episode numbers respectively
[23:41:21] paperclip: well.. I mean similarly to the way ubuntu can install itself to a thumb drive with a partition for persistent storage
[23:41:24] wagnerrp: anyway... if youre worried about it, ubuntu+mythtv is identical to mythbuntu, plus a bit of unneeded programs
[23:41:44] paperclip: ok..
[23:42:39] kormoc: although, keep in mind, the lack of a hard drive makes myth fairly worthless
[23:42:55] wagnerrp: heh... didnt even think about that one
[23:43:23] wagnerrp: then again, i still dont have boot drives on most of my myth machines (including one BE)
[23:43:32] paperclip: I'm only trying to get the hardware straight.. and make sure my tuner works fine..
[23:43:44] wagnerrp: what is the tuner?
[23:43:47] paperclip: eventually going to make my HTPC a front end..
[23:43:48] kormoc: you won't be able to even test the tuner in myth without a hard drive
[23:43:52] paperclip: hdhomerun
[23:43:58] wagnerrp: they it works fine
[23:44:02] wagnerrp: then
[23:44:03] paperclip: ahh... ringbuffer is on the HD?
[23:44:07] kormoc: yes
[23:44:11] wagnerrp: sorta
[23:44:15] paperclip: hmm..
[23:44:21] wagnerrp: there is no more ringbuffer
[23:44:25] wagnerrp: livetv is a recording
[23:44:34] kormoc: wagnerrp: there's the HD ringbuffer... it's not dead (yet) sadly
[23:44:40] paperclip: i thought folks were booting from mythbuntu cds
[23:44:42] kormoc: unless I'm out of date?
[23:44:42] wagnerrp: the whole show, start to finish, goes to the hard drive
[23:44:43] wagnerrp: oh?
[23:44:51] paperclip: and had diskless frontends
[23:45:05] kormoc: paperclip: aye, but they have a disk-full backend to go with the disk-less frontend
[23:45:08] wagnerrp: that certainly seems wasteful
[23:45:10] gbee: paperclip: diskless frontends, not diskless backends
[23:45:12] kormoc: wagnerrp: least, the setting's still there
[23:45:29] wagnerrp: if youre going to have a CD drive and a disk... why not just buy a cheap hard drive
[23:45:33] paperclip: well.. hmm.. guess i'll upgrade the server then..
[23:45:35] wagnerrp: or a CF card and adapter
[23:45:39] wagnerrp: or USB stick
[23:45:41] wagnerrp: or netboot
[23:45:50] paperclip: any of those is fine..
[23:46:02] kormoc: or a pile of 2 tb western digital blacks in a 2u 24 drive monster
[23:46:15] paperclip: once i stick these four 1.5tb drives in my server i'll have 4 spare 80gb drives
[23:46:26] wagnerrp: using a drive and a CD just seems like the absolute worst idea for running a machine for any length of time
[23:46:30] paperclip: just need to back up most of the 80gb somewhere
[23:46:31] wagnerrp: kormoc: 2U 24 drives?
[23:46:40] kormoc: wagnerrp: yeah
[23:46:41] wagnerrp: pics or GTFO...
[23:46:48] kormoc: one sec
[23:46:57] wagnerrp: maybe a name? i can search
[23:46:57] paperclip: did you see the 67tb 4u box on engadget today?
[23:47:01] kormoc: wagnerrp:
[23:47:22] wagnerrp: ah... lies
[23:47:26] leprechau (leprechau! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:47:26] wagnerrp: those are 2.5" drives
[23:47:59] kormoc: hrm
[23:48:01] kormoc: never noticed that
[23:48:31] kormoc: there goes my lottery purchase
[23:48:38] wagnerrp: heh
[23:49:10] wagnerrp: anyway paperclip, you can get 96TB into a 4U
[23:49:34] paperclip: oh
[23:49:55] paperclip: these guys used 27 1.5tb drives
[23:50:13] kormoc: that's not 67 tb
[23:50:14] wagnerrp: the Sun 'thumper' vacuum cleaners store four rows of twelve wide hard drives, vertically, in a 4U chassis
[23:50:28] wagnerrp: along with a dual processor opteron server
[23:50:30] kormoc: paperclip: that's only 40.5 tb
[23:50:41] paperclip: hmm
[23:50:53] paperclip: lemme find the article
[23:51:22] kormoc: to get 67 tb from 27 drives, you're stuck with 2.48t per drive
[23:51:42] paperclip:
[23:51:56] paperclip: they have 9 backplanes..
[23:52:03] paperclip: i was thinking 3 drives per..
[23:52:07] wagnerrp: yeah, that looks like a ripoff of the thumper systems
[23:52:31] paperclip: there are 5
[23:52:57] kormoc: 45 drives
[23:53:31] wagnerrp:
[23:53:56] paperclip: kormoc: yes.. that's 9x5 :P
[23:54:11] paperclip: mythbuntu torrent is pretty healthy..
[23:54:34] wagnerrp: the Sun ones im referring to are 4x12
[23:55:41] kormoc: hrm
[23:55:47] kormoc: the sun has a free 60 day demo
[23:55:58] paperclip: either way.. I was marveling at the thought of having 4.5tb available in my raid
[23:56:03] ** kormoc ponders what he could do with 96 tb for 60 days **
[23:56:27] wagnerrp: the image on that page looks more like 15x3
[23:56:55] Dagmar: kormoc: Download about a third of the porn uploaded to Usenet
[23:57:14] wagnerrp: i guess those are bare drives in that case?
[23:57:21] gbee: wagnerrp: if you squint?
[23:57:31] wagnerrp: thats how they get the extra 3 as compared to the X4500s
[23:57:38] wagnerrp: gbee: i counted off the stickers
[23:58:14] paperclip: so.. what does a diskless myth frontend do about live tv?
[23:58:30] wagnerrp: same thing a frontend with a disk does
[23:58:34] wagnerrp: try to take over the world
[23:58:38] paperclip: word
[23:58:50] paperclip: ok.. how does this sound..
[23:59:18] kormoc: paperclip: all frontends stream the tv from the backend, live or recorded
[23:59:22] wagnerrp: seriously... all the data gets pulled over the transfer socket from the backend
[23:59:22] paperclip: mythbuntu backend running in a headless virtualbox on my server...
[23:59:32] wagnerrp: not going to work
[23:59:40] paperclip: why not?
[23:59:43] wagnerrp: too much overhead, and no hardware acceleration

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