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Saturday, August 29th, 2009, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:23] mindoms (mindoms! has quit ("Leaving.")
[00:03:21] mike3: can anyone help me out?
[00:04:25] mike3: This is a pain.. I followed the howto and if I manually turn the computer on it will boot up and mythtv will automatically update the correct RTC time in the bios and shut the computer off right away. I have 1200 sec idle set before it's suppose to shut. The only way the 1200 sec idle works is if I manually start mythtv after being completely booted up.
[00:08:33] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:08:36] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v iamlindoro
[00:08:43] mike3: the problem with this is that I can't actually watch tv when I want because it will shut itsself down right away
[00:18:52] laura_ (laura_! has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.2/20090729225027]")
[00:24:12] caseyd (caseyd! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:59] caseyd: okay so today I'm getting 'No UPnP backends found'... I'm following a troubleshooting guide to find all mysql.txt's.. my question is which one is the one I want in /etc/mythtv or /usr/share/mythtv
[00:28:19] sphery: no upnp backends founds just means that you haven't yet told it where your backend is
[00:28:23] sphery: it's not an error
[00:28:30] sphery: it then asks you to select your backend
[00:28:43] caseyd: worked yesterday =/
[00:29:47] sphery: well, you want to edit all mysql.txt files so they're all correct, or this will continue to happen
[00:29:54] sphery: different ones are used in different contexts
[00:29:58] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit ()
[00:30:13] caseyd: ok
[00:30:31] sphery: (or delete them all and use $HOME/.mythtv/config.xml , instead--though you need that in the HOME used for every MythTV process)
[00:30:44] caseyd: this is kinda fun though, so far everyday theres a new hurdle to jump through to turn it on
[00:33:43] poodyp (poodyp! has quit ()
[00:33:59] mike3 (mike3! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:34:11] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:34:18] mattwj2002: hi guys
[00:34:36] mattwj2002: I am looking at buying a new motherboard for my mythtv box
[00:34:43] mattwj2002: it has a hdmi port on it
[00:34:51] mattwj2002: anyone know how well those are supported?
[00:35:43] jroysdon (jroysdon! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:39:08] jroysdon (jroysdon! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:39:45] sphery: for video, rather well
[00:39:50] sphery: for audio, depends
[00:40:05] sphery: (at least that's my--admittedly very limited--understanding)
[00:40:49] mattwj2002: actually I don't need audio through hdmi
[00:41:06] mattwj2002: it'll go into a monitor without speakers
[00:41:07] mattwj2002: :)
[00:41:45] jroysdon (jroysdon! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:44:56] songer (songer! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:12] scan_away (scan_away!n=scan@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:59:11] caseyd: is there a way to reset my mythbuntu back to default settings easily?
[00:59:28] caseyd: guess i could reinstall and startover
[01:01:24] c3ntaur (c3ntaur! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:11] sphery: I think mythbuntu provides a tool to do that, but I don't know what it is
[01:06:20] sphery: might want to ask in #ubuntu-mythtv
[01:08:06] c3ntaur: Does anyone else have a Dvico FusionHDTV7 Gold?
[01:08:12] c3ntaur: The non-dual tuner one
[01:08:32] moliones (moliones! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:08:39] c3ntaur: It seems like Linux and Myth recognize the card but I'm having a hard time getting it to scan for OTA
[01:11:11] caseyd: so when I run mythtv-setup again I get the no UPnP and it asks for database info, then it says Cannot login to database? and does it again
[01:11:14] sphery: might need to up the timeouts in mythtv-setup
[01:11:36] sphery: caseyd: means you still have invalid mysql.txt and/or config.xml file(s)
[01:12:07] c3ntaur: I had that problem and I'm no expert by any means but it went away when I filled out the pin number section
[01:12:14] caseyd: ah okay, i wonder how they got messed up
[01:12:57] c3ntaur: When I left it blank it was supposedly blocking all connections so maybe that'll help
[01:15:13] songer: hello, How are you doing averybody?
[01:15:15] songer: how can I run
[01:15:17] songer: mythtv-setup
[01:16:17] gunni (gunni! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:17:40] gunni_ (gunni_! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[01:18:50] J-e-f-f-A: umm... type "mythtv-setup" in a shell window perhaps?
[01:21:54] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit ("I am called onward")
[01:22:42] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[01:27:54] c3ntaur (c3ntaur! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:29:22] madLyfe (madLyfe! has quit ()
[01:30:25] c3ntaur (c3ntaur! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:32:22] c3ntaur: Is there a util that will help confirm whether my card can scan OTA at all?
[01:32:29] c3ntaur: I'm wondering if it's a config issue or hardware issue
[01:32:54] mattwj2002: what card c3ntaur?
[01:33:15] c3ntaur: Dvico FusionHDTV7 Gold
[01:33:16] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:33:23] mattwj2002: hmmm
[01:33:29] c3ntaur: The FusionHDTV7 Dual supposedly does OTA just fine
[01:33:46] c3ntaur: And Linux and Myth seem to recognize the card so I'm a little confused
[01:33:55] c3ntaur: This is my last thing to fix before moving over to Linux completely
[01:34:14] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:34:44] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: Is the firmware in place?
[01:35:10] c3ntaur: How would I confirm that?
[01:35:17] j (j! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:35:42] c3ntaur: Sorry I've read what I could find on my card but maybe am overlooking things since I've never done this before obviously
[01:35:45] j is now known as Guest93015
[01:35:49] mattwj2002: that is a usb device?
[01:35:52] c3ntaur: No
[01:35:56] c3ntaur: It's PCI
[01:36:00] mattwj2002: oh okay
[01:36:14] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: You would have had to copy a file to /lib/firmware -
[01:36:31] c3ntaur: Nope didn't do that
[01:36:35] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: See if you've got a message logged in dmesg — ie "dmesg |grep -i firmware"
[01:37:11] jroysdon (jroysdon! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[01:37:11] c3ntaur: Yeah lots of messages
[01:37:50] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: perhaps "dvb-fe-xc5000–1.1.fw" ?
[01:39:26] Guest93015 (Guest93015! has quit (Client Quit)
[01:40:41] c3ntaur: Yup that's the one
[01:40:42] mattwj2002: couple of questions c3ntaur
[01:40:53] mattwj2002: kernel version?
[01:41:09] mattwj2002: and is your card a DViCO
[01:41:09] mattwj2002: FusionHDTV7 RT Gold ?
[01:41:15] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: so – you've got to find the firmware and put it in /lib/firmware, then it should start working (might need re-boot, I don't remember)
[01:41:23] c3ntaur: [ 424.327936] xc5000: waiting for firmware upload (dvb-fe-xc5000–1.1.fw)...
[01:41:23] c3ntaur: [ 424.327946] i2c-adapter i2c-2: firmware: requesting dvb-fe-xc5000–1.1.fw
[01:41:27] J-e-f-f-A: mattwj2002: He doesn't have the firmware in place, so it's probably just that.
[01:41:28] c3ntaur: Yeah it's the RT Gold
[01:41:39] mattwj2002: oh okay
[01:41:45] c3ntaur: 2.6.28-11-generic
[01:41:58] mattwj2002: oh good
[01:41:59] c3ntaur: Hm never thought of that before but worth a try
[01:42:00] J-e-f-f-A: mattwj2002: You wouldn't know how to obtain the firmware for that card would you?  ;-)
[01:42:11] c3ntaur: Hah my next question
[01:42:19] mattwj2002: nope but I see you have to have kernel version 2.6.26
[01:42:24] mattwj2002: which is pretty new :D
[01:42:46] mattwj2002: I dig though
[01:42:47] mattwj2002: :)
[01:43:00] c3ntaur: Well if I have .28 I should be set if I can find it?
[01:43:20] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: . . . the_Firmware
[01:44:42] songer: what are de comanads to run mythtv-setup
[01:45:03] mattwj2002: it would help if I clicked on that link
[01:45:04] mattwj2002: :P
[01:45:18] J-e-f-f-A: songer: trolling???? I told you a while back – open a shell and type "mythtv-setup"....
[01:47:15] c3ntaur: Alright I got it thanks for the link
[01:47:53] c3ntaur: Lemme restart and report back
[01:47:54] kormoc: sphery: good to know I wasn't insane! (re video types in the db)
[01:48:02] c3ntaur (c3ntaur! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:48:36] songer: in terminal
[01:48:59] J-e-f-f-A: songer: yes
[01:49:01] kormoc: songer: in the terminal, you type mythtv-setup and press return, as J-e-f-f-A has said already
[01:49:29] sphery: kormoc: What's that supposed to mean? Are you calling me insane?  ;)
[01:50:00] mattwj2002: :P
[01:50:07] kormoc: songer: and you might want to see if there's a mythtv help channel specific to your first language to get help if English is too much for ya
[01:50:18] J-e-f-f-A: ha! when I first read sphery's response, I thought it was from somebody else... ;-)
[01:50:36] kormoc: sphery: heh... I don't question the mental state of others, just my own ;)
[01:51:09] c3ntaur (c3ntaur! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:55] n3ver (n3ver! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:52:11] songer: I did tgis songer:/home/songer# mythtv-setup
[01:52:14] mattwj2002: hey guys I have a question
[01:52:39] mattwj2002: it is a bit of topic but a quite relevent
[01:53:09] mattwj2002: are there any plans to make any cable cards for linux and mythtv?
[01:53:22] mattwj2002: I know they have them for windows media center
[01:53:38] J-e-f-f-A: mattwj2002: We would love them to be compatible, but it's the industry that will keep that from ever happening...
[01:53:48] n3ver (n3ver! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:55:33] songer: I already did that but it doesn't happen nothing
[01:56:02] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:56:03] mattwj2002: hmmm
[01:56:05] mattwj2002: songer
[01:56:17] songer: yes
[01:56:22] mattwj2002: are you using ubuntu or some version of it?
[01:56:26] songer: debian
[01:56:33] mattwj2002: okay
[01:57:16] mattwj2002: in Ubuntu you have to do sudo mythtv-setup
[01:57:23] mattwj2002: I am not sure in debian
[01:58:27] songer: ok thanks
[01:59:12] c3ntaur: Wow well I got video so that's a huge step in the right direction
[01:59:13] mattwj2002: I just tried it again....I guess that isn't necessary
[01:59:14] mattwj2002: :)
[01:59:24] mattwj2002: sorry about that :)
[01:59:25] c3ntaur: I think I need to pick something besides Analog V4L Tuner though
[01:59:35] c3ntaur: I just get a single Korean channel with no audio
[01:59:41] c3ntaur: Never got that in Windows though ;)
[01:59:48] mattwj2002: lol
[02:00:12] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: hehe... it's a digital tuner, you want to set it up as a DVB tuner /dev/dvb/adapter0
[02:02:09] c3ntaur: That was my next guess
[02:02:24] J-e-f-f-A: mattwj2002: re: cablecard – interesting article from last year: . . . -owners/233/
[02:02:55] c3ntaur: I went with analog first cuz it identifies it as the card name not the chipset as with dvb
[02:05:22] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... I guess either I've got something setup wrong on my trunk box, or stepping frame-by-frame when paused in VDPAU doesn't work... doh!
[02:06:58] pat- (pat-! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:09:33] J-e-f-f-A: [ot]... wow... just when I thought the Redskins were going to go 7 points up on us, we interecept and run it back for 99 yards... yikes... [preseason game]
[02:17:54] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ("")
[02:18:05] c3ntaur: Really lame question ... how do I surf channels with the keyboard?
[02:18:27] c3ntaur: I now get video and audio but just see NBC
[02:18:57] CoreDump|home is now known as CoreDump|Zzzz
[02:19:09] mattwj2002: you only get NBC
[02:19:11] mattwj2002: sorry :)
[02:19:20] mattwj2002: 1 channel per tuner :P
[02:19:35] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: hit "M" and select the channel guide... ;-) or press the up and down arrows...
[02:19:35] c3ntaur: Hehe at least it's NBC-US
[02:19:55] c3ntaur: It's cool how they show sports like swimming and skiing
[02:20:38] mattwj2002: how does it look?
[02:20:54] mattwj2002: just have to mess you with a little bit :P
[02:21:01] c3ntaur: Looks even better than Windows
[02:21:15] c3ntaur: Well pic quality isn't crystal clear but that's on their end I know that much
[02:21:21] c3ntaur: And signal is a lot more stable
[02:21:29] c3ntaur: But for some reason it really did only tune NBC I think
[02:21:57] mattwj2002: the arrow keys didn't work?
[02:22:07] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: If you bring up the Program guide, do you have all your channels?
[02:22:38] sphery: arrow keys followed by select
[02:22:50] sphery: i.e. it defaults to browse mode enabled
[02:23:03] sphery: (because only a sadist would every turn off browse mode)
[02:23:17] ** J-e-f-f-A agrees... ;-) **
[02:23:33] c3ntaur: Yeah it'd scroll through but I only see NBC NBC-WX and NBC-US
[02:23:49] c3ntaur: Does it matter that I set it for no grabber?
[02:23:50] mattwj2002: this is OTA?
[02:23:54] c3ntaur: Wanted to first see if it'd actually tune
[02:23:56] c3ntaur: Yes
[02:24:03] c3ntaur: I know I should pic up Fox loud and clear
[02:24:06] mattwj2002: what do you have for an antenna?
[02:24:24] c3ntaur: Terk indoor
[02:24:34] mattwj2002: hmmm
[02:24:49] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: You still didn't answer my question – if you press "M", and select "Program Guide" – do you see all your channels in the guide???
[02:25:09] sphery: c3ntaur: no grabber isn't an issue, but you have to have done a proper channel scan before channels will work
[02:26:18] J-e-f-f-A: (Enter = Select)
[02:26:57] c3ntaur: Yeah I did hit M and those 3 chans were listed
[02:27:34] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: Then the answer would be "No, only those 3 channels were shown".... Sounds like your channel scan didn't complete.
[02:28:23] c3ntaur: I just bumped up the number of ms it'll check for a chan when it scans
[02:28:28] c3ntaur: Looks like it found CBS now
[02:28:33] c3ntaur: We'll see what happens when it's done
[02:29:20] J-e-f-f-A: Let it run all the way through... Because the virtual channel number has nothing to do with the physical broadcast channel number anymore...
[02:29:23] sphery: make sure you wait until it says it's done
[02:29:27] sphery: yeah
[02:29:30] sphery: exactly
[02:29:43] sphery: nice to have someone type out my thoughts for me
[02:29:55] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: hehehe... ;-)
[02:30:19] c3ntaur: So now I just need to get Myth to fully work followed by winning the Mega Millions later tonight and I'll be all set
[02:30:33] mattwj2002: :P
[02:30:42] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: You're not gonna win. I've got the winning ticket in front of me. ;-)
[02:30:49] mattwj2002: if you win you have to share with your friends on IRC
[02:30:50] mattwj2002: :P
[02:31:04] mattwj2002: buddy ole pal
[02:31:06] mattwj2002: ;)
[02:31:19] c3ntaur: Hehe me DCCs lotto winnings
[02:31:35] c3ntaur: I have 39 tickets in front of me
[02:31:36] sphery: hey, it' smy buddy c3ntaur
[02:31:40] J-e-f-f-A: mattwj2002: I dunno... it's only $210.4M cash option...
[02:31:43] c3ntaur: Gotta love office pools
[02:31:51] ** sphery wants in on this lottery action **
[02:31:57] mattwj2002: 39 tickets o.O
[02:32:05] sphery: I have 0 tickets
[02:32:12] mattwj2002: same here
[02:32:14] J-e-f-f-A: I've just got 8. ;-)
[02:32:18] sphery: How much higher are your odds of winning?
[02:32:32] sphery: Sorry... That was evil/mean.
[02:32:44] J-e-f-f-A: hehe... about .0000000000000000001% higher than just one ticket I suppose... DOH!
[02:32:51] [R] ([R]!n=rbox@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:33:03] c3ntaur: Hah oh I know it's slim to none but for $2 to chip in to the pool I don't mind
[02:33:24] [R]: am i going to hate myself if i only get a 500gb hard drive vs a 1tb? it's gonna be recording hdpvr stuff
[02:33:37] J-e-f-f-A: c3ntaur: Gee, that's a small office pool... at my old company we bought 200 tickets when the jackpot was high... ;-)
[02:33:37] c3ntaur: And then I made sure to buy a ticket for myself so that one can win and I can rub it in everyone else's face
[02:34:11] sphery: c3ntaur: yeah, I won't be making fun of you after you win
[02:34:29] sphery: I'd probably even offer to set up the Myth box of your dreams*.
[02:34:31] sphery: *for a fee
[02:34:34] mattwj2002: is this the Powerball?
[02:34:46] J-e-f-f-A: If I win I'm buying a new Myth system. ;-) Hehehehe
[02:34:52] c3ntaur: Mega Millions
[02:35:14] mattwj2002: what state?
[02:35:34] J-e-f-f-A: MA here...
[02:36:09] mattwj2002: $333 Million o.O
[02:36:33] J-e-f-f-A: mattwj2002: Yeah, but $210.4M cash option. ;-)
[02:36:38] mattwj2002: only haha
[02:37:02] J-e-f-f-A: 24 mins until I win...
[02:37:34] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: Odds of hitting the jackpot are 1 in 175,711,536 ...  ;-)
[02:37:58] mattwj2002: J-e-f-f-A when you win will you buy me a new motherboard an a 2.5 TB hard drive?
[02:38:03] mattwj2002: please :)
[02:38:34] J-e-f-f-A: mattwj2002: I suppose I could afford that. ;-) You seem like a cool guy so far... ;-)
[02:38:43] mattwj2002: hehe sweet :D
[02:38:47] sphery: So, my chances of winning: 0%. Your chances of winning: 8/175,711,536 = 0.000000045529 . c3ntaur's chances of winning: 39/175,711,536 = 0.000000221954