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Saturday, July 18th, 2009, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:47] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:01:13] FR^2 (FR^2! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:03:19] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:03:51] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:08:02] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:08:15] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[00:08:22] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:12:11] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:12:36] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:03] Dr{Who}: blueray
[00:14:23] FR^2: No, thanks.
[00:14:44] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:14:47] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:23] iamlindoro: parakeet
[00:15:33] Defense (Defense! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:55] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:18:55] Dr{Who}: looks like he left FluxD wanted a streaming solution for his videos i think VLC would do this nicely
[00:24:56] wagnerrp: well unless you need to transcode on the fly, vlc is rarely needed
[00:26:16] wagnerrp: "You don't have to use the VDPAU decoder to use the VDPAU deinterlacer"... what?
[00:26:27] jordan (jordan! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:27:37] iamlindoro: VDPAU renderer, ffmpeg decode
[00:27:49] wagnerrp: had no idea that was possible
[00:28:08] iamlindoro: yeah
[00:28:30] wagnerrp: although i dont know where you would get interlaced content that was not a codec usable by VDPAU
[00:29:08] iamlindoro: Think the point is probably to take advantage of the fault-tolerance of ffmpeg
[00:36:22] Dr{Who}: just reading on VDPAU the wiki said it is only supported in PCI based nvidia cards. so is the point of this to allow for older cards to do higher bitrate video?
[00:36:57] wagnerrp: VDPAU is only supported by graphics cards with the necessary decoder hardware
[00:37:05] wagnerrp: which currently means PCI and PCIe cards
[00:37:38] Dr{Who}: ok PCIe that seems better
[00:38:46] wagnerrp: any 8-series or better card (besides the G80 original 8800) will do it
[00:38:55] wagnerrp: there just are no 8-series AGP cards
[00:40:07] Dr{Who}: any good boards with onboard video that have such a feature that you know of and trust?
[00:40:33] wagnerrp: any 8 or 9-series based board
[00:40:40] Dr{Who}: k
[00:43:03] Dagmar: It's all over the wiki
[00:44:32] croppa (croppa! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:55:23] Dr{Who}: Dagmar: I found 1 on the wiki that looks well liked. but didnt not see any others with onboard video and VDPAU Asus_P5N7A-VM
[00:56:14] htpc (htpc! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:57:04] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:57:10] htpc: Hi just updated to the lastest version using weekly builds and now myth backend setup won't run front end is broken and log view any ideas what to do mythbuntu
[00:57:51] sphery: what is "won't run"? segfaults?
[00:58:26] awalls: Did you recreate the database or try to use the old one?
[00:58:42] sphery: if so--and especially if using an ATI or Intel graphics card--try: export LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=1 ; mythtv-setup
[00:58:51] sphery: same for mythfrontend
[00:59:53] FR^2 (FR^2! has quit ("Der Worte sind genug gewechselt, lasst mich auch endlich Taten sehn!")
[01:00:48] htpc: won't run is the script run and bring up the termial but then the backend setup screen comes and then disappears straight away the the termial dies and i can not see the output
[01:01:00] htpc: i am nvidia
[01:01:07] iamlindoro: don't use wrapper scripts
[01:01:16] iamlindoro: tack .real onto whatever you are running
[01:01:27] iamlindoro: to sidestep mythbuntu "helping"
[01:01:55] iamlindoro: it'll still fail, but at least you can see why
[01:03:25] htpc: yeah got some idea now
[01:03:32] htpc: Unable to load window 'mainmenu' from menu-ui.xml
[01:03:48] htpc: Couldn't find theme 'Mythbuntu-8.04-wide'
[01:04:12] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:04:12] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[01:04:18] iamlindoro: kinda sounds like you upgraded to trunk
[01:04:27] iamlindoro: In which case, ruh roh
[01:04:44] iamlindoro: as those themes will not work with trunk
[01:04:51] iamlindoro: mythtv-setup.real -O Theme=Terra
[01:05:15] iamlindoro: beyond that I hope you have a DB backup and can downgrade back to the release
[01:05:47] ** iamlindoro ponders pizza v. Chicken Breast **
[01:06:50] ** kormoc slowly savors opening his new macbook **
[01:06:59] iamlindoro: kormoc, When did you buy that??
[01:07:02] iamlindoro: today?
[01:07:07] kormoc: bout 15 minutes ago, aye
[01:07:14] iamlindoro: It's new toy week chez kormoc
[01:07:18] kormoc: Yeah, well
[01:07:23] kormoc: Extra paycheck does that ;)
[01:07:45] iamlindoro: Good man, I would have just wasted it on hookers and blow like always
[01:08:27] flindet (flindet! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:21] croppa (croppa! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:58] htpc: thanks iamlindoro is there any easy way to go backward from the trunk?
[01:10:26] htpc: is seems to be working without the theme off
[01:10:44] iamlindoro: replace with release, restore DB
[01:10:45] htpc: i have not got a db i am worried about first time setup at the moment
[01:11:34] iamlindoro: in that case, you should *definitely* go back to the release as you ahve nothing to lose
[01:11:41] iamlindoro: #ubuntu-mythtv probably knows best
[01:12:00] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Success)
[01:12:06] htpc: thank you so much
[01:12:19] iamlindoro: np
[01:12:21] htpc: teach me to click and not read :D
[01:13:44] iamlindoro: well put :)
[01:14:28] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:18:42] Defense (Defense! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:18:55] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:18:56] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:20:00] SlicerDicer (SlicerDicer! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:21:10] gunni_ (gunni_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:23:14] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:23:26] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:23:53] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:24:15] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:28:01] bfleming (bfleming! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:28:48] bfleming: greetings #mythtv-users
[01:28:53] awalls (awalls! has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:29:23] bfleming: question on playing 1080i
[01:30:15] bfleming: have a back/front end athlon @ 2.17ghz and nvidia 7300
[01:30:16] iamlindoro: while asking, you will want to mention codec and bitrate instead of just resolution
[01:30:27] bfleming: just implemented hdhomerun
[01:30:42] iamlindoro: HDHR will be up to 18 Mbit MPEG-2
[01:30:52] bfleming: is the cpu/video not powerful enough to display 1080i?
[01:31:00] iamlindoro: depending on which AMD chip it is specifically, it could be fine
[01:31:09] bfleming: getting jittering — tried changing playback profile, but no luck so far
[01:31:25] bfleming: plays all SD fine and even pretty well 720p
[01:31:43] iamlindoro: Actually, if it's an honest to goodness athlon, it's probably not enough
[01:32:05] bfleming: Athlon XP 3000+ @ 2166 MHz
[01:32:07] iamlindoro: best setup you can get will be nvidia proprietary drivers, and the Slim playback profile
[01:32:20] bfleming: what is "slim" targeted at?
[01:32:20] iamlindoro: and if 1080i is still a problem, you can try turning off deinterlacing
[01:32:31] kali67 (kali67! has quit ()
[01:32:33] iamlindoro: slim is what everyone should be using, it's not targeted at particular hardware
[01:32:47] bfleming: The CPU-- profile has None for deint — still jitters
[01:33:10] bfleming: so the propietary drivers are better than the repo's?
[01:33:28] iamlindoro: If you are using the open source drivers, it will almost inevitably fail
[01:33:40] Defense (Defense! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:33:41] iamlindoro: you absolutely should be using the "restricted"/closed source drivers
[01:34:33] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:35:08] bfleming: too bad, I like using rpmfusion and let it download the kernel modules
[01:36:09] bfleming: Slim still jitters
[01:36:26] bfleming: great picture tho :-)
[01:36:47] cornell (cornell! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:58] bfleming: Would the proprietary drivers let me adjust for overscan (using component output)?
[01:37:17] iamlindoro: myth will let you adjust for overscan, but yes, it can be done in the drivers too
[01:37:27] gunni (gunni! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:37:49] bfleming: myth only so-so, the player is fine, but lots of other stuff offest improperly
[01:37:52] bfleming: even the guide
[01:38:00] bfleming: offset*
[01:38:21] iamlindoro: The guide is part of myth
[01:38:29] iamlindoro: all of myth, playback and UI, can be corrected for
[01:38:35] bfleming: yes, that is the confusing part
[01:38:36] iamlindoro: using myth's screen wizards
[01:38:40] bfleming: I did the screen adjust
[01:38:56] bfleming: the guide is pushed up and left, I can see the desktop on bottom and right
[01:39:03] bfleming: playback is fine
[01:39:59] iamlindoro: all settings issues
[01:40:29] shackles (shackles!n=user@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:40:51] awilkins (awilkins!n=awilkins@pdpc/supporter/active/awilkins) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:42:10] iamlindoro: you really ought to deal with driver issues first, though, as no point correcting things that likely won't need correcting with the right driver
[01:42:51] bfleming: I'm confused — the drivers on nvidia site are 185.18, the repo is 185.18 — what's the diff?
[01:43:34] Dagmar: Less two-handed fail
[01:46:11] htpc (htpc! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:49:33] flindet (flindet! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:49:56] cornell: Ok, now I'm up to three funky things... I've no upcoming recordings.
[01:50:04] bfleming: Less two-handed fail?
[01:51:20] cornell: I've eight items in mythweb recording schedules, but no listing in Upcoming recordings. One item on the schedule is on now, and again tonight at 2300. It should show in upcoming recordings, no?
[01:51:26] Dagmar: Twice the lemon-flavoring!
[01:52:50] sphery: knowledgejunkie: If you want to test as previously recorded, set the starttime/endtime on the record in oldrecorded to the past, then: UPDATE oldrecorded SET recstatus = -3 WHERE title = 'The Title' AND subtitle = 'The subtitle."
[01:52:51] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:52:54] sphery: cornell:
[01:52:56] Dagmar: Seriously dude, why the heck are you even asking us what the difference between version X and version X is when we're not responsible for either of them.
[01:53:12] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:53:54] knowledgejunkie: sphery: thx – might as well test both
[01:54:21] sphery: figured since you had all the infrastructure in place, it wouldn't be hard to also fake the old recording :)
[01:54:24] sphery: thanks
[01:54:33] cornell: Dang... livetv isn't working either.
[01:55:04] bfleming: huh? someone said use the proprietary drivers, but the version numbers are the same on atrpms ... I am simply asking what the difference is
[01:55:11] sphery: cornell: could be the same issue (likely is)--though sometimes LiveTV works and recordings won't, LiveTV won't always work
[01:55:32] sphery: cornell: also, make sure you're hitting the right database (i.e. get things working on the master backend, first, then branch out)
[01:56:10] cornell: Nope, no livetv on master either :-(
[01:56:22] cornell: It was working... yesterday.... what the heck :-(
[01:56:35] Defense (Defense! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:56:42] sphery: bfleming: based on stories I've heard, the package-based versions of the proprietary drivers don't always install properly
[01:56:51] cornell: Delete capture cards and redefine?
[01:57:12] sphery: that doesn't mean I'm suggesting using the nvidia installer to install it, but just mentioning what I've seen
[01:57:46] bfleming: ok, thanks
[01:57:54] sphery: cornell: yep, and video sources--and make sure you use "Delete all ..." (not "Delete all ... on <hostname>")
[01:58:11] cornell: :-(
[01:58:26] sphery: cornell: and verify your Storage Groups are properly defined/your system has access to all the directories specified in all the groups
[01:58:36] bfleming: I know the repo is easy, but I actually don't update kernels very often
[01:58:45] cornell: Which also means I have to type that dang password again ;-(
[01:58:50] cornell: mmm storage groups
[01:58:59] bfleming: so maybe compiling the nvidia drivers is no big deal once in a while
[01:59:19] knowledgejunkie: sphery: would compiling with valgrind support significantly slow down the backend/frontend?
[01:59:41] sphery: bfleming: try the package-based ones first, and you should probably only use the others if the package doesn't work
[01:59:57] sphery: i haven't read all of scrollback, so I don't know what issues you're seeing
[01:59:58] bfleming: ok, thanks
[02:00:07] sphery: knowledgejunkie: likely--it disables a lot of optimizations
[02:00:14] sphery: I think
[02:00:34] knowledgejunkie: right, better be quick whilst its dormant then
[02:01:16] bfleming: was asking abt 1080i playback jittering on an athlon @ 2.167ghz with nvidia 7300
[02:01:45] bfleming: tried different playback profiles including Normal, CPU--, (now) Slim
[02:02:25] cornell: Stoarge group directories are all owned by mythtv and have 777 permissions
[02:05:21] cornell: Oh... having lots of fun... exited frontend on master... blank screen
[02:09:45] cornell: Going through capture card, go for the id on the hdhomerun... power is the only light. I'm used to another green light
[02:10:12] sphery: bfleming: Yeah, that CPU is going to be just on the edge... Can be made to work, but will take a /lot/ of fine-tuning--IMHO, an amount of fine tuning that takes time that's worth more than the cost of a new CPU ( w/promo code EMCLVMR28 for $10 off) + mobo and RAM (especially when you factor in that 45W CPU with appropriate mobo/chipset choice will likely save you ...
[02:10:18] sphery: ... money on power over the Athlon XP 3000+ BTU heater--75W TDP)
[02:10:46] sphery: And, IMHO, if you're skimping on the myth frontend, you'd be better off not using Myth.
[02:11:12] bfleming: not skimping — happy myth user for about 5 years
[02:11:16] bfleming: just added hdhr to the mix
[02:11:26] sphery: right, so skimping because you're now doing HDTV
[02:11:44] sphery: just meaning that your requirements changed, so now your frontend may have to
[02:12:04] bfleming: was going to ask opinions on mobo, video, cpu — thinking I would have to upgrade anyway --
[02:12:25] sphery: I like that CPU, though Intel also has some really nice low power ones
[02:12:29] sphery: I just don't know much about Intel
[02:12:31] bfleming: I guess a duo would be fine — could a fe/be utilize a quad to any degraa?
[02:12:38] bfleming: degree*
[02:12:52] sphery: and, I know that you can get some nice NVIDIA 8x00- or 9x00-based mobos for AMD
[02:12:56] iamlindoro: moreso going forward
[02:13:07] bfleming: saw that ?sparkle 9500gt — fanless
[02:13:09] sphery: yeah, not much now, but in the future, will be able to
[02:13:10] iamlindoro: it will use it to balanace jobs, but also probably for Myth .23 for playback too
[02:13:27] sphery: bfleming: for quiet/low-power, integrated is probably best
[02:13:57] bfleming: sphery: I read som beirdo logs suggesting an integrated intel is good ... ?
[02:14:55] bfleming: 950 or something like that
[02:16:27] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has quit ()
[02:16:51] awilkins (awilkins!n=awilkins@pdpc/supporter/active/awilkins) has quit ("sleeptytime")
[02:17:29] sphery: I've never used the Intels
[02:17:57] sphery: (assuming you mean GPUs)
[02:18:35] iamlindoro: Intel GPUs are fine if you don't hope to use any hardware accel
[02:18:52] iamlindoro: most commonly recommended these days are nVidia 8xxx series or newer
[02:19:28] iamlindoro: As you can use software decode (which I prefer) and still have the option in case of a file that is just too much to offload it to the driver (in forthcoming Myth .22 anyway)
[02:19:29] cornell: My bad... rerouted my cables this morning... didn't plug in the hdhomerun ;-)
[02:19:49] cornell: Checked the tv cable, but hadn't checked the ethernet :-(
[02:20:17] sphery: that would give you video problems :)
[02:20:42] cornell: Doesn't explain the PVR350 ;-)
[02:21:27] bfleming: I have been reading up on vdpau, so that's why I was looking at the nvidia 9500
[02:21:59] bfleming: I know the code is not in the current release, but it is coming in .22
[02:22:08] bfleming: Or I can install the patch
[02:22:22] iamlindoro: can't install the patch if you expect any support
[02:22:45] bfleming: at least if I upgrade, I can playback 1080i
[02:23:22] bfleming: the particular sparkle 9500 is fanless anyway
[02:23:52] iamlindoro: better to just wait a few weeks for .22
[02:24:00] bfleming: yup
[02:25:44] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:26:31] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:56] darkdrgn2k3 (darkdrgn2k3! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:28:07] darkdrgn2k3: Hey,
[02:28:55] darkdrgn2k3: when i try to play a DVD (pass trhough) my receiver doesnt catch that it's DD for a few seconds (sometimes a bit more) and all I hear is a very loud static.
[02:29:03] darkdrgn2k3: eventualy the receiver flipps to DD and everythign is fine...
[02:29:29] darkdrgn2k3: any ideas?
[02:30:15] sphery: ALSA config
[02:30:33] darkdrgn2k3: sphery: really? alsa config could cause this?
[02:30:47] sphery: your passthrough device needs to specify the necessary iec958 flags
[02:31:05] sphery: what are you using for the passthrough device
[02:31:13] darkdrgn2k3: HDMI output
[02:31:20] darkdrgn2k3: on a M3N78-VM
[02:31:21] sphery: alsa device
[02:31:24] darkdrgn2k3: alsa:hdmi
[02:31:46] sphery: yeah, rather than the generic, you may need to define your own logical device with appropriate flags
[02:32:07] darkdrgn2k3: so like alsa:iec958
[02:32:09] sphery: I would show you a link to goo documentation, but we're talking about ALSA, so there is none
[02:32:44] tank-man (tank-man!i=1000@ has quit ("Gameover")
[02:33:27] ** kormoc wonders about the mailing list folks **
[02:33:50] kormoc: "Oh, we completely changed our mind after your letter saying that you disagree! We'll commit right away!"
[02:33:52] sphery: no, like an ALSA conf: pcm.passthrough48k {\ntype hw\nslave.pcm "iec958:AES0=0x6,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x0,AES3=0x2"\n}
[02:33:58] sphery: but modified for hdmi
[02:34:01] darkdrgn2k3:
[02:34:07] sphery: and then tell Myth to use ALSA:passthrough48k
[02:34:14] darkdrgn2k3: hmm i see
[02:34:21] sphery: or, you can encode all the appropriate info into the MythTV application
[02:34:32] sphery: then duplicate that ALSA-specific configuration in MythTV on all Myth hosts
[02:34:38] sphery: then triplicate it in MPlayer
[02:34:44] sphery: then quadruplicate it in xine
[02:34:45] sphery: then ...
[02:34:47] darkdrgn2k3: lol
[02:34:49] darkdrgn2k3: i get it i get it
[02:35:01] sphery: But, hey, you don't need an ALSA configuration file--the wiki says so
[02:35:03] darkdrgn2k3: so alsa config
[02:35:09] ** sphery loves the ALSA config **
[02:35:21] sphery: well, as much as it's possible to love anything ALSA
[02:36:16] sphery: kormoc: more on the R5K?
[02:36:37] sphery: sweet! off to read it
[02:36:40] bfleming: how about pulse audio :-) on my notebook, it prevents the frontend from starting...
[02:37:13] darkdrgn2k3: soo what are those flags all about LOL
[02:38:25] Dagmar: You don't need pulse-audio
[02:38:28] sphery: bfleming: can figure out through trial and error with man iec958, then using iec958 to change stuff and then list status
[02:39:43] iamlindoro: kormoc, Are you writing a response? Weighing whether to do so
[02:39:44] bfleming: for now, I have just been killing it, and starting the frontend
[02:39:54] darkdrgn2k3: hmm no man iec958
[02:40:24] kormoc: iamlindoro, nah
[02:40:36] sphery: bfleming: but the highlights: AES0, 0x02=non-audio, 0x04=copyright permitted (meaning copyright off/non-copyright); AES1, 0x80=original (meaning not 1st gen); AES3, 0x00=44100Hz, 0x02=48000Hz, 0x03=32000Hz
[02:40:38] kormoc: sphery, aye, more r5k
[02:40:44] iamlindoro: I'll let it lie then
[02:40:57] sphery: iamlindoro: I'm reading the TOS
[02:45:16] bfleming: sphery: I think you mean darkdrgn2k3
[02:45:42] sphery: 21. Warning Against Piracy. ... Any Customer who willfully causes Equipment modification for the purposes of receiving the programming or any portion thereof without the applicable payment is an accessory to an offence and may be punished accordingly.
[02:45:48] sphery: closest it gets ^^^
[02:45:57] sphery: doesn't actually say you can't modify equipment
[02:46:20] sphery: darkdrgn2k3: bfleming is right... The above stuff about iec958/AES stuff was for you
[02:46:42] sphery: sorry, bfleming, wasn't paying enough attention to autocomplete
[02:46:43] darkdrgn2k3: sphery: yeb i got it ;)
[02:46:59] darkdrgn2k3: sphery: where u reading this at anyway?
[02:48:19] sphery: reading what those flags mean?
[02:48:25] darkdrgn2k3: uhu
[02:48:37] sphery: from right here (*points to a spot on his brain*)
[02:48:39] darkdrgn2k3: man iec958 (in google or nix) it doesnt help
[02:48:47] sphery: oops
[02:48:48] sphery: iecset
[02:48:51] sphery: man iecset
[02:49:10] sphery: iecset sets flags for iec958
[02:49:21] darkdrgn2k3: cool thanx
[02:49:45] sphery: guess I misread that part of my brain (actually, mistyped what I read :)
[02:50:01] darkdrgn2k3: lol no prob
[02:50:05] darkdrgn2k3: this is gonna be fun
[02:50:31] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:50:39] sphery: darkdrgn2k3: chances are the flags I gave you would work fine: AES0=0x6,AES1=0x82,AES2=0x0,AES3=0x2
[02:50:53] darkdrgn2k3: yep got them saved :)
[02:51:04] darkdrgn2k3: so how come would this fix the problem?
[02:51:13] sphery: don't know for sure whether the hdmi virtual device accepts them, but I suppose it /should/
[02:51:27] sphery: basically, Myth doesn't set the flags for the device
[02:51:40] sphery: so when you switch from audio to data, no one tells the receiver
[02:51:41] darkdrgn2k3: its sopposed to be the same as iec958
[02:51:53] darkdrgn2k3: aaa
[02:51:56] sphery: some receivers figure it out immediately, whereas others are slow to react
[02:52:05] darkdrgn2k3: makes sence..
[02:52:19] darkdrgn2k3: so i have to tell it to set the flags
[02:52:41] sphery: since every sound card and receiver has its own unique requirements, it makes more sense to put the sound card/receiver config in ALSA than in Myth (so that's why Myth doesn't try to set them)
[02:52:46] sphery: yeah
[02:53:12] darkdrgn2k3: hmmm interesting
[02:53:29] sphery: when you invoke a device which is configured to set iec958 status bits with the given flags, it pushes them to the receiver before sending any data
[02:54:15] sphery: so ALSA knows that you're sending different data--because you're using a different device--and tells the receiver
[02:54:43] darkdrgn2k3: so what is "AES0".. mean
[02:54:49] sphery: and, if the logical device is properly defined, it will be configured to restore the previous settings when the device is closed
[02:55:10] sphery: so it goes back to the audio (PCM) settings when you finish watching the show
[02:55:15] sphery: I dont' know what it stands for
[02:55:24] darkdrgn2k3: no i mean whats the point of it..
[02:55:36] darkdrgn2k3: are they abetrery or is aes0 actualy mean something
[02:55:40] darkdrgn2k3: vs aes1
[02:56:12] sphery: yeah, they're all variable names used to specify values for bitfields that set the status bits to be passed to the reciever
[02:56:38] sphery: variable names defined in the ALSA config files (likely in /usr/share/alsa )
[02:57:01] darkdrgn2k3: kk thanx got some diggin to do
[02:57:04] sphery: see, for example, /usr/share/alsa/pcm/iec958.conf
[02:57:17] darkdrgn2k3: pcm is 2 channel only right?
[02:57:35] sphery: and, /usr/share/alsa/pcm/hdmi.conf (and, now that I've looked at it, I can say it uses the variables the same)
[02:57:46] sphery: in S/PDIF, PCM is limited to 2-channel
[02:57:59] sphery: in HDMI (the spec--don't know about ALSA support), it can be 8-channel
[02:58:00] darkdrgn2k3: unless s/pdif usses DD
[02:58:07] sphery: No, DD isn't PCM
[02:58:11] darkdrgn2k3: yeh
[02:58:14] sphery: and isn't audio data--it's non-audio
[02:58:20] darkdrgn2k3: but s/pdif cna be sorround sound if its usses dd :)
[02:58:27] darkdrgn2k3: right?
[02:58:28] sphery: thus the AES0=0x02 (or 0x06)
[02:58:53] sphery: DD can be passed through S/PDIF using a non-audio (data) format
[02:59:08] darkdrgn2k3: ac3 is a data format to right?
[02:59:08] sphery: where non-audio formats supported by S/PDIF are AC-3 and DTS
[02:59:20] sphery: and possibly some specific flavors of them
[02:59:28] sphery: yeah, ac3 is data
[02:59:45] darkdrgn2k3: cool...
[03:00:30] darkdrgn2k3: i miss rca.. those were simpler times
[03:00:44] sphery: Heh, AES: . . . in_AES.2FEBU
[03:00:56] sphery: Audio Engineering Society
[03:01:05] sphery: thanks for motivating me to learn something new :)
[03:01:19] sphery: S/PDIF is basically the consumer version of AES/EBU
[03:01:59] darkdrgn2k3: yeh apperntly its been arodn forever..
[03:02:08] darkdrgn2k3: around
[03:02:17] darkdrgn2k3: CD's DIGITAL output are actualy SPDIF
[03:02:39] sphery: yeah
[03:02:46] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[03:03:16] darkdrgn2k3: crazy stuff
[03:03:21] darkdrgn2k3: well im off to read read read read...
[03:03:22] darkdrgn2k3: lol
[03:03:29] darkdrgn2k3: thanx for giving me ahead start
[03:03:33] sphery: good luck
[03:03:52] ajh (ajh!n=ajh@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:04:06] sphery: with proper config, you shouldn't hear that annoying screeching/pop/whatever your reciever gives
[03:06:20] darkdrgn2k3: kool
[03:06:20] darkdrgn2k3: hey
[03:06:22] darkdrgn2k3: AMD Athlon 64 X2 7550 Processor AD7550WCJ2BH – 2.50GHz, 3MB Cache, 1800MHz (3600 MT/s) FSB, Kuma, Dual-Core, OEM, Socket AM2+
[03:06:30] darkdrgn2k3: think that chip would do HD well
[03:07:13] sphery: yeah, that would work
[03:07:42] sphery: and will keep you warm in the winter
[03:07:49] sphery: 95W TDP :)
[03:08:42] sphery: better than the 110/125W ones, though
[03:11:30] waterfoul (waterfoul! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:16:44] darkdrgn2k3: lol
[03:16:52] darkdrgn2k3: so i should look for something less waatage
[03:17:26] darkdrgn2k3: althoug am2+ actualy has some power saving options
[03:17:34] darkdrgn2k3: like 2 seperate power lines. one for the core one for the bus
[03:18:26] darkdrgn2k3: hmm seems like most of them are 95w
[03:18:27] darkdrgn2k3: . . . p;CatId=3496
[03:18:46] Dagmar: 4850e or similar FTW
[03:18:58] Dagmar: Much less power consumption.
[03:19:03] poodyp_ (poodyp_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:20:49] darkdrgn2k3: hmm odd
[03:20:52] darkdrgn2k3: i cant seem to find the 4850e
[03:21:26] cornell: Well... deleted capture cards and video input... Livetv's working on master (plugging it in helped, I'm sure). But slave and its PVR350, still no live tv. And no scheduled recordings :-(
[03:21:31] cornell: And time to hit the rack
[03:21:43] cornell: TTFN, and thanks guys (and gals for all I know)
[03:21:47] darkdrgn2k3: which chip is that?
[03:24:30] darkdrgn2k3: what you think is better
[03:24:31] darkdrgn2k3: that one or
[03:24:32] darkdrgn2k3:
[03:27:56] Dagmar: Ah
[03:28:06] sphery: darkdrgn2k3: 5050e is a 45W one that replaced 4850e
[03:28:09] Dagmar: Looks like they've moved to 5050e and so on now
[03:28:18] Dagmar: . . . me=Dual-Core
[03:28:25] Dagmar: Note... 45W
[03:29:00] sphery: and is on sale for $10 off at newegg: w/promo code EMCLVMR28 for $10 off
[03:29:05] sphery: from above
[03:29:05] Dagmar: Put "45W" into the search box on that page
[03:29:37] sphery: mentioned that one to bfleming , but that time was meant for him :)
[03:29:38] Dagmar: I've got two of them. They are definitely an improvement with respect to not generating a lot of heat
[03:30:10] sphery: I have one 5050e--love it
[03:30:46] sphery: should have plugged in my Kill-a-Watt on the system when the ATI drivers crashed X/lost all my firefox windows/tabs anyway
[03:30:48] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:31:34] sphery: but it's definitely drinking a lot less power than the Sempron 3300+ system it replaced (though both are CPU/RAM/mobo/1 HDD only)
[03:31:48] sphery: everything else integrated
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[04:00:29] darkdrgn2k3: sphery: do i use pcm.passthrough48k in the "passtrough" box in the myth config?
[04:01:37] sphery: it would be ALSA:passthrough48k
[04:02:09] darkdrgn2k3: duuu :-S
[04:02:09] darkdrgn2k3: thanx
[04:02:35] wagnerrp: i should toss my kill-a-watt onto my 5050 machine
[04:03:02] wagnerrp: i imagine its <60W under load
[04:03:28] wagnerrp: hard drives are all remote, so all it has is processor load
[04:03:35] wagnerrp: plus the tuners
[04:03:35] darkdrgn2k3: hmmm
[04:03:37] darkdrgn2k3: 2009-07–18 00:02:56.782 NVP(4): Disabling Audio, reason is: snd_pcm_open(passthrough48k): No such file or directory
[04:04:02] darkdrgn2k3: its /etc/asound.conf right
[04:04:36] sphery: you have to restart mythfrontend (or whatever the ALSA client is) before changes are picked up
[04:04:37] wagnerrp: anyway, that 7550 is maybe 10% faster than the 5050, if you were wondering
[04:04:38] kormoc: huh, I wonder if my mini will actually be as little as Apple claims it can be
[04:05:05] wagnerrp: the 5050 is 100MHz faster, but the 7550 is a newer core
[04:05:22] darkdrgn2k3: and the cost of running will be greater i assume
[04:05:55] tank-man (tank-man!i=1000@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:06:07] darkdrgn2k3: hmmm
[04:06:09] darkdrgn2k3: 2009-07–18 00:05:21.617 Opening ALSA audio device 'passthrough48k'. ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1498:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Unknown field slave
[04:06:09] darkdrgn2k3: 2009-07–18 00:05:21.618 AudioOutput Error: snd_pcm_open(passthrough48k): Invalid argument
[04:06:13] wagnerrp: it would probably use about 60–70% more power over the life of the machine
[04:06:46] darkdrgn2k3: should my hw type be "plug" not "hw
[04:06:52] sphery: at 50W x 24hr/day x 30 days/mo, we're talking 36kWh, so at 0.10/kWh, that's $3.60/mo
[04:07:26] sphery: darkdrgn2k3: plug is the automatic conversion plugin
[04:07:39] darkdrgn2k3: cause my default is
[04:07:40] darkdrgn2k3: type plug
[04:07:40] darkdrgn2k3: slave.pcm "hdmi"
[04:07:46] darkdrgn2k3: uhh !default
[04:08:38] sphery: you eventually need to send it to hw--either through type hw or slaving it to a device that goes to hw
[04:08:47] waterfoul: could anyone suggest a tv card for viewing of ATSC and NTSC with video/audio in (yellow/red/white cables) that uses the PCIe x1 (preferred) or PCIe slots?
[04:09:10] darkdrgn2k3: so whats with those errors
[04:09:16] darkdrgn2k3: 2009-07–18 00:05:21.618 AudioOutput Error: snd_pcm_open(passthrough48k): Invalid argument
[04:09:17] iamlindoro: waterfoul, My suggestions in #linuxtv were enough?
[04:09:23] iamlindoro: er were not
[04:09:23] wagnerrp: i really dont understand why my ntp server keeps dropping sync
[04:09:46] sphery: put type plug in there
[04:09:53] waterfoul: I must have midded them for some odd reason that channel closed
[04:09:56] sphery: if you're slaving it
[04:09:58] waterfoul: *missed
[04:10:18] iamlindoro: waterfoul, Uhhh, you *responded* to the suggestions
[04:10:25] waterfoul: oh those
[04:10:59] wagnerrp: now im absolutely amazed at how well my opteron keeps time without a reference
[04:11:02] waterfoul: with the only PCIe you had put in prentesees something about no mythtv
[04:11:53] wagnerrp: the opteron kept is within 1s, my desktop within 10s, my backend within 40s, and the firewall was about 3min off
[04:12:31] darkdrgn2k3: hmm still initial static...
[04:13:14] darkdrgn2k3:
[04:14:57] hippiehunter (hippiehunter!i=453ec6a8@gateway/web/freenode/x-f2c58cb1883561d7) has quit (Ping timeout: 180 seconds)
[04:15:30] darkdrgn2k3: sphery: any ideas?
[04:16:09] sphery: nope... just trial and error
[04:17:02] darkdrgn2k3: what kinda trial and error
[04:17:05] darkdrgn2k3: like were
[04:20:47] Dagmar: THe kind where you keep trying until you get it right or you die.
[04:20:57] Dagmar: Emphasis on "you"
[04:21:29] darkdrgn2k3: Dagmar: emphasis on WHERE
[04:21:52] Dagmar: Start by uninstalling MythTV *entirely*
[04:21:58] Dagmar: I'm not being sarcastic when I say that.
[04:22:09] Dagmar: Remove EVERYTHING but the database and videos. Those can stay
[04:22:26] Dagmar: ...because this stuff right here: 2009-07–18 00:11:26.000 FilterManager, Error: Failed to load filter symbol: '/usr/local/lib/mythtv/filters/'
[04:22:27] sphery: no idea... lots of pieces involved--including hardware (even receiver) and software
[04:22:28] Dagmar: BAD juju
[04:22:46] Dagmar: It means you've got at least one library _visibly_ torched, and god only knows how many other things broken silently.
[04:22:58] darkdrgn2k3: hmm
[04:23:06] darkdrgn2k3: left over libraries from 21..
[04:23:10] Dagmar: This can and will happen when you build MythTV while an older version is installed
[04:23:12] darkdrgn2k3: gatta wipe those.. oopos
[04:23:17] Dagmar: Wipe it all
[04:23:26] Dagmar: Don't mess around thinking the new libraries will overwrite it--that's not the issue.
[04:23:33] darkdrgn2k3: okire
[04:23:58] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[04:24:08] Dagmar: The issue that's killing things is that Qt is retarded and causes broken rpaths to happen, which basically means that while it's building new binaries, it accidentally links the OLD libraries and objects instead of the _new ones_ it just built.
[04:24:24] Dagmar: Nuke all the installed Myth bins and libs, and your recompile should work
[04:25:31] darkdrgn2k3: hmm
[04:25:37] darkdrgn2k3: just nuked /usr/local
[04:25:46] Dagmar: Okay.
[04:25:46] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:25:58] Dagmar: That'll probably do it provided you never tried to build using --prefix=/usr
[04:26:28] darkdrgn2k3: Dagmar: LOL yep... i like my non rpms in their own little world
[04:26:47] Dagmar: If you have the time you should try to learn how to make SRPMS and start building that way
[04:26:52] Dagmar: It'll make life a LOT easier between builds
[04:27:06] darkdrgn2k3: yeh..... i should did it once.. but....
[04:27:23] Dagmar: It'll give you nice clean RPMs you can install and uninstall, and it'll serve as a reminder what flags you used to compile the last version
[04:27:32] darkdrgn2k3: UGH!!! i lost my theame :'(
[04:27:37] Dagmar: ...and mainly the hard part of that is just generating the first spec file
[04:27:38] darkdrgn2k3: forgot about that
[04:27:49] darkdrgn2k3: iamlindoro: wheres your theme kept again?
[04:29:05] darkdrgn2k3: Dagmar: ive done some hacking for packates in openwrt... cant be that much more difficult :-P
[04:31:09] Dagmar: That's true
[04:31:18] Dagmar: SRPM construction is a lot simpler than deciphering packet dumps.
[04:32:46] darkdrgn2k3: hahahah
[04:32:47] darkdrgn2k3: nice
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[04:39:59] darkdrgn2k3: still broekn :(
[04:40:03] darkdrgn2k3: took 8 seconds to flip to DD
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[04:44:19] tank-man: ......
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[05:01:08] bfleming: iamlindoro, sphery, thanks for your help
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[05:05:53] ** kormoc pokes his wifi card to go faster **
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[08:27:09] rooaus1: Anyone got a contact at
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[10:20:58] lyricnz: Anyone know how to improve SMB filesystem performance? When playing videos from frontend, I get little pauses every few seconds
[10:21:31] lyricnz: But network is gige
[10:27:28] gbee: use nfs, problem solved
[10:29:07] kyle__ (kyle__!n=kyle@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:29:20] gbee: cifs/smb is nasty, the volume of people that have problems with it and therefore the support burden it creates is grossly disproportionate to it's value
[10:30:02] kyle__: @gbee, i have no problems with it...provided the network doesn't drop out. then smbfs shits itself
[10:30:22] gbee: to think that Tridgell wanted to replace NFS with Samba ....
[10:30:34] kyle__: lol
[10:30:58] kyle__: can u give me a hand setting up mythweb gbee? just re-did my mythtv setup and im getting login issues
[10:31:09] kyle__: under debian 5
[10:31:40] kyle__: or anyone else who knows their stuff.
[10:32:04] kyle__: basically i've setup the mythweb.conf file in /etc/apache2/conf.d/mythweb.conf to no avail
[10:32:40] gbee: many of the issues caused by SMB/CIFS are subtle and get attributed to bugs in other applications, e.g. Taglib can't open files on samba shares, taglib bug right? Err no
[10:33:07] kyle__: i see, but isnt using smbfs or mount -t cifs a solution to that?
[10:33:09] gbee: kyle__: can't be of much help with mythweb, been too long since I set it up
[10:33:27] kyle__: thanks anyway gbee
[10:34:39] kyle__: anyone else? mythweb help...
[10:39:19] kyle__: =[
[10:46:12] k-man: whats the patch i see going into mythmusic to give it musicbrainz support – it sounds good
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[10:53:55] kyle__: @k-man, is mythtv music support even any good?. never really gave it half a chance. I use xbmc myself
[10:54:05] kyle__: also managed to get mythweb going, dunno wat went wrong
[10:55:59] gbee: k-man: huh? I'm not aware of a patch going in related to musicbrainz support and it's had musicbrainz 'various artists' support in tags for a couple of years
[10:56:33] gbee: kyle__: it does the job, but the interface needs work, hopefully I'll get that done for 0.23
[10:57:51] kyle__: i see
[10:58:02] kyle__: anywho thanks for listening lol, im out. cyas
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[10:59:41] k-man: gbee: yeah – my main problem with it is there is no way to browse by album
[11:00:04] k-man: personally i think if it did that, it would be a huge improvement
[11:00:29] k-man: but thats easy for me to say – and I'm not about to code it up myself
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[13:11:33] luker: Hi there, I just wanted to add a new harddisk to Mythtv's storage groups. But in mythtv-setup there is no point "storage groups". Could that be a version problem (Synaptic says I have installed MythTV 0.20.2–1pclos2007)?
[13:15:11] chainsawbike: luker, id upgrade...
[13:15:53] laga: i'
[13:16:00] laga: d never touch a running system, but YMMV
[13:17:14] chainsawbike: thats for sane ppl :P
[13:23:04] sphery: luker: Storage Groups were added to MythTV 0.21, so you have to upgrade
[13:23:25] luker: Is there another way to spread the only directory over several harddisks?
[13:23:38] sphery: luker: /however/ it looks like (based on that version number), you may be using LinuxMCE instead of vanilla Myth. If so, you're likely stuck since LMCE uses 0.20.2
[13:23:49] sphery: Only with symlinks
[13:24:02] Shadow_X: gross
[13:24:10] Shadow_X: i say just use mythtv
[13:24:15] Shadow_X: mythtv ftw!
[13:24:25] sphery: there's a script called that will move a recording file and create a symlink in the recording directory referring to its new location
[13:24:34] sphery: or, upgrade to plain MythTV 0.21
[13:24:46] sphery: TTBOMK, LMCE is dead, anyway
[13:24:46] luker: It's actually called MythtvOS, a PCLinuxOS with pre-installed MythTV
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[13:25:22] luker: Will i have to redo the setup after upgrading?
[13:25:47] Shadow_X: pclinux ewwwww
[13:26:21] sphery: luker: there are plenty of current Myth distros-- , ,
[13:26:31] sphery: (still trying to remember the new name of KnoppMyth...)
[13:27:36] laga: linhes
[13:27:38] luker: Sure, but in case of any other distro I am sure I'd have to redo the setup, wouldn't I?
[13:27:44] sphery: laga: thanks.
[13:28:01] sphery: luker: yep, but if it's a distro, how much work is redoing it, anyway?
[13:28:19] sphery: if you have recordings/a database to keep, you can just backup and restore:
[13:28:29] sphery:
[13:28:30] okolsi (okolsi!n=mythtv@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:29:12] luker: hmm, will think about it.
[13:29:14] sphery: just make sure you don't delete/destroy the filesystem with the recordings (or copy them off the root filesystem when installing the new distro)
[13:31:26] sphery: luker: anyway, if you know Red Hat/Fedora, MythDora is a great choice. If you know Ubuntu/Debian, MythBuntu. If you know Arch, LinHES.
[13:36:06] luker: Already done. The recordings are on a seperate harddisk (sdb). But Firstly, there is plenty of free space on sda and secondly, I put /usr on hdb when setting up the system. So sdb is not entirely dedicated to recordings. I would like to move /usr to hda and tried to install gparted. It asks for root's password on start but then nothing happens. Any suggestions?
[13:41:40] sphery: luker: In reality, I'd suggest that just reinstalling would be the best way to move things around. And, doing so would allow you to upgrade to a current MythTV.  :)
[13:43:06] sphery: Though, you /could/ do things manually by using cpio (or tar) to move things... I'd do something like: mkdir /usr-new && cd /usr && find . -print0 | cpio -dpmv0 /usr-new
[13:43:40] sphery: that puts it on the same partition as your root partition, but you could do otherwise by mounting some other partition
[13:44:02] sphery: then get rid of /usr and rename /usr-new to /usr
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[13:57:38] CGI973: I just installed a ATI Wonder VE Does anyone know if it works with over the air digital?
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[14:12:31] sphery: CGI973: would
[14:13:13] laga: heh. setting up my old laptop as a dev box. compiling on this is going to be interesting
[14:16:35] dustybin: what is a function of a dev box?
[14:17:09] laga: dustybin: development box. ie don't break my existing box
[14:17:35] dustybin: surely one can chroot / compile on the same box
[14:18:39] laga: yes, but i'm not going to to run two mysqlds etc on the same box
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[14:20:10] dustybin: laga: you can if you setup a chroot environment
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[14:20:44] laga: what do you not understand about "i'm not going to"?
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[14:44:47] laga: heh
[14:44:55] laga: dustybin: what i meant is: having a separate box is easier
[14:45:10] laga: dustybin: especially because i depend on my main box for work/school and i'd rather not break that
[14:46:57] dustybin: aye ok
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[15:04:42] boludiko: hi
[15:04:55] boludiko: i have some problems
[15:05:02] boludiko: anyone can helpme¿
[15:05:37] wagnerrp: we dont take too kindly to folk that ask to ask questions
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[15:06:37] boludiko: sorry
[15:06:52] wagnerrp: dont ask if you can ask a question
[15:06:53] wagnerrp: just ask it
[15:07:02] wagnerrp: no one can help you if you dont explain your problem
[15:07:03] boludiko: see, my problem is with the live tv
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[15:07:24] Dibblah: Specifically...?
[15:07:24] boludiko: some channels freeze the images and sound
[15:07:27] boludiko: like lag
[15:07:34] boludiko: and other channels dont do this
[15:08:11] wagnerrp: as in you get a second or two of playback... and then pause.... and then a few more dozen frames... and pause...?
[15:08:12] boludiko: if i use kaffeine or vlc with these channels it works fine
[15:08:48] boludiko: i get a second or two of playback and then pause
[15:08:52] boludiko: yes
[15:09:35] wagnerrp: are these digital channels?
[15:09:44] boludiko: it's dvb-t
[15:09:46] boludiko: yes
[15:09:53] wagnerrp: HD channels?
[15:09:59] boludiko: no
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[15:10:51] wagnerrp: hmm... well thats the behavior of 'lack of processing power'
[15:11:05] wagnerrp: but chances are you have more than enough power for standard definition mpeg2
[15:11:37] boludiko: i have a amd 64 x 2
[15:12:31] boludiko: and how i can fix it?
[15:12:32] wagnerrp: yeah, thats plenty of power for anything broadcast short of some of the high bitrate h264 some DVB channels occasionally broadcast
[15:13:35] boludiko: but, i see this channels in other softwares
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[15:13:53] boludiko: like kaffeine and vlc and i see this channels well
[15:14:05] wagnerrp: well the assumption was that those other softwares handled lack of power more gracefully, through hard dropping of frames or something
[15:14:21] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:14:41] boludiko: and mythtv can do this?
[15:15:18] wagnerrp: not that i know of... but unless something is seriously hosed up in your configuration, lack of power is not your problem
[15:15:39] wagnerrp: is Xv functional? (what video card do you have)..... what playback profile are you running?
[15:16:02] boludiko: i'm running a normal profile
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[15:16:12] wagnerrp: normal meaning the default?
[15:16:27] boludiko: no i change it to normal
[15:16:49] wagnerrp: 'normal'? i dont think there is a 'normal'
[15:17:21] oobe (oobe! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:17:23] boludiko: that profile say
[15:17:37] boludiko: if rez >= 1280 720 ....
[15:18:18] wagnerrp: there is a normal.... anyway, its suggested everyone use 'slim' unless they have reason otherwise
[15:18:55] wagnerrp: although normal doesnt have any strange that may cause problems
[15:18:56] boludiko: wait i'm trying it
[15:19:04] wagnerrp: again, assuming Xv is functional
[15:19:22] boludiko: how can i know if Xv is functional
[15:19:31] wagnerrp: what card do you have?
[15:19:32] zanberdo: I'm just starting out. I still receive TV (SD) via cable (no converter box) direct to my TV. I'm assuming this is an analog signal as it works with my SD TV. If I want to continue to use this signal (for the time being) I need a video capture card that handles analog, right?
[15:19:43] boludiko: nvidia
[15:19:54] boludiko: 8400 gs
[15:19:58] wagnerrp: and you have the proprietary nvidia drivers installed?
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[15:20:13] boludiko: yes
[15:20:34] wagnerrp: should be working, just to check, you can run 'xdpyinfo | less'
[15:20:43] zanberdo: I'd like to buy a card that I can use with the analog signal today, and if possible, with a digital signal sometime down the line. Is there such a card and can anyone make recommendations as to what I might buy?
[15:20:47] wagnerrp: 'XVideo' should be listed as one of the available X extensions, near the top
[15:21:07] boludiko: wait
[15:21:41] wagnerrp: zanberdo: what country are you from?
[15:22:12] zanberdo: oops, sorry, should have started with this. I'm in the US
[15:22:33] boludiko: i dont see Xvideo
[15:22:48] wagnerrp: well youre OK with analog cable for the time being
[15:23:04] wagnerrp: however Comcast has begun wholesale dropping of their analog lineup
[15:23:17] wagnerrp: and most other cablecos are expected to follow within the next couple years
[15:23:34] Dibblah: janneg: Case for your beagleboard, if you get it: . . . -pc-casemod/
[15:23:36] wagnerrp: anyway, for now with analog, you want an IVTV card
[15:23:48] Dibblah: I assume you're hoping for a revC?
[15:24:03] zanberdo: my cable provider has already converted to digital (I'm using Astound) and I had assumed that they are converting the signal at the head end from digital to analog as I do not need an A/D converter box, but these are just assumptions on my part
[15:24:29] wagnerrp: which usually means getting on ebay and buying a PVR150 (single tuner) or PVR500 (dual tuner)
[15:25:18] wagnerrp: a digital converter box is needed for broadcast tv, because analog is no longer broadcast (during normal hours/at significant power)
[15:25:22] zanberdo: wagnerrp, I might need a moment or two to be sure I understand. So what you are saying is that the cableco
[15:25:37] zanberdo: wagnerrp, are dropping analog altogether?
[15:25:44] wagnerrp: but for cable, cablecos still usually broadcast full lineups over analog, usually ~70 or so channels
[15:25:51] boludiko: wagnerrp i don't see Xvideo
[15:26:04] wagnerrp: boludiko: then your driver installation is messed up
[15:26:34] boludiko: i have the version 180.44
[15:26:36] wagnerrp: make sure the 'nvidia' kernel driver is loaded, and your xorg.conf is using the 'nvidia' driver, rather than the 'nv' driver
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[15:27:05] wagnerrp: zanberdo: comcast has started dropping large portions of their analog lineup, moving people over to digital cable
[15:27:09] okolsi (okolsi!n=mythtv@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:27:21] boludiko: i'm using the driver nvidia in xorg.conf
[15:27:22] wagnerrp: but so far, this is primarily in select markets on the west coast
[15:27:25] zanberdo: wagnerrp, hmm... so from what you are saying at some point just having the cable from the wall plugged into my TV will get me nothing? That effectively I, as a consumer, am forced to buy the 'digital' packages offered by my cable co if I wish to watch anything (at some point down the line)?
[15:27:56] wagnerrp: zanberdo: yes, but... this is probably still several years down the line for most people
[15:28:01] ajh_ (ajh_!n=ajh@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:28:44] zanberdo: wagnerrp, ok, fair play. next question: say the analog line-up is dropped in my area, this means I will *have* to have a digital receiver in order to receive any broadcasts, is that correct?
[15:28:50] wagnerrp: you want an IVTV card for analog anyway.... list is at
[15:28:53] boludiko (boludiko!n=boludiko@ has quit ()
[15:29:31] wagnerrp: cablecos are required to simulcast the local stations in analog until like 2013 or something
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[15:29:57] leOn: hello
[15:30:05] wagnerrp: however you can just buy a digital tuner and capture those channels directly, over broadcast or over the cable
[15:30:33] leOn: i know this is a bit off topic, but i was wondering if i could get some help on a minimyth issue
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[15:31:11] zanberdo: wagnerrp, ok. so if I buy a digital convert box I can get the digital broadcasts from the analog cable I currently have, is that correct? I'd assumed (apparently incorrectly) that so long as the cable provider was giving me an analog signal I didn't need the digital converter box
[15:31:18] boludiko_: i'm installing the last version
[15:31:37] wagnerrp: you never need to buy a digital converter box with mythtv, ever
[15:31:57] leOn: i'm setting up minimyth with network boot through pxe and ramfs .. system boots fine, mythfronted gets launched and those first "image rescaling" messages appear
[15:32:07] leOn: but then i loose X
[15:32:19] wagnerrp: digital converter boxes cannot handle encryption, so they are of no advantage over a digital tuner
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[15:32:59] wagnerrp: however with digital cable, you may need to use a leased STB with an analog capture device to tune their encrypted channels
[15:33:18] wagnerrp: which may be just the premium channels, or it may be everything short of the local broadcast channels
[15:35:04] zanberdo: ok, you just game me a lot of information there. I'd like to be sure I understand it all, if you can bare with me a moment. So, first off, the cable from my wall provides an analog signal but it's carrying digital channels, is that correct?
[15:35:12] zanberdo: s/game/gave/
[15:35:21] wagnerrp: yes, the cable provides both analog and digital signals
[15:35:26] artus35 (artus35!n=mythtv@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:36:10] wagnerrp: you can use an analog tuner card and capture the analog channels for the months/years they still exist (you would have to call your cableco for a timeline, but its more likely in the several years range)
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[15:36:33] wagnerrp: you can use a digital tuner card to capture whatever channels you get unencrypted
[15:36:41] zanberdo: ok, and right now since I'm using my tv's tuner to watch tv I'm only getting the analog signal, is that a correct?
[15:36:46] wagnerrp: that is often limited to just local broadcast channels
[15:37:00] wagnerrp: your TV is just an analog TV?
[15:37:09] wagnerrp: i.e.: old tube
[15:37:11] zanberdo: well, not as such
[15:37:25] zanberdo: I have an old tube I just replaced with a new samsung plasma
[15:37:38] oobe (oobe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:37:50] zanberdo: and I've an old TiVo atm, so I'm just running the cable to the TiVo to the cable-in on the plasma
[15:37:57] wagnerrp: the plasma may have a QAM tuner, which means it can tune whatever unencrypted digital cable channels you get
[15:38:03] wagnerrp: the old TiVo will be analog only
[15:38:12] zanberdo: right
[15:38:19] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:38:19] zanberdo: and I'm planning to dump the TiVo
[15:38:25] zanberdo: and build my own mythtv
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[15:38:48] zanberdo: so ultimately, the signal coming out will be via hdmi (I assume) over the dvi port on the pc
[15:38:57] zanberdo: so it's the signal in I need to cope with
[15:39:19] zanberdo: I had mistakenly thought that I could not decode digital signals without a digital subscriber box
[15:39:26] zanberdo: but it sounds as if that's not entirely true
[15:39:31] wagnerrp: there are digital tuners available
[15:39:39] zanberdo: that I simply won't be able to decode the premium channels
[15:39:41] wagnerrp: you can capture anything currently broadcast
[15:39:50] zanberdo: right, I'm understanding that now
[15:39:54] wagnerrp: you can capture anything unencrypted over the cable
[15:40:16] wagnerrp: however what is unencrypted is up to your cableco
[15:40:18] zanberdo: and the digital tuner will accept a regular old RJ6 cable input, correct? nothing special there.
[15:40:38] wagnerrp: some people get their full lineup, i personally only get the local channels
[15:40:55] zanberdo: so let me ask you this, if I'm using the cable in on this new plasma, is it decoding digital signals (I realize you may have no way to answer this)
[15:40:56] wagnerrp: and yes, normal threaded coax input, just like an analog tuner
[15:41:18] zanberdo: (side note: I'm only interested in local line-up)
[15:41:26] wagnerrp: if it has a QAM tuner, it will decode all the same channels that a digital tuner in mythtv would
[15:41:49] wagnerrp: youll have to pay attention to what the scan is doing, or check your manual, for that information
[15:42:31] zanberdo: so, if it has this QAM tuner, would the picture quality be better than what I would get from the TiVi, as it's not analog but digital and should be optimized for my display? (is that even a fair question?)
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[15:43:13] wagnerrp: its digital, pre-encoded by the cableco... but your quality is going to depending entirely on what the cableco is sending
[15:43:33] wagnerrp: standard definition digital cable is probably going to be at or better than what your TiVo provides
[15:43:49] zanberdo: ok, fair play
[15:44:39] zanberdo: so what I need to do is A) determine if my set has a QAM tuner (should be easy enough to determine) and B) figure out which channels are digital to verify that the picture on those channels are 'better' than the analog channels
[15:45:04] wagnerrp: basically, if you can capture digitally, you want to capture digitally
[15:46:13] zanberdo: right
[15:46:24] zanberdo: so I should purchase a digital capture card and use it with mythtv
[15:46:58] MartinCleaver_ (MartinCleaver_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:47:07] wagnerrp: how much expansion room do you have? (pci/pcie slots)
[15:47:22] zanberdo: unlimited until I start piecing the machine together! :)
[15:47:45] zanberdo: but, at the moment I have an AMD 64 X2 that I'm going to experiment with
[15:47:48] boludiko_: wagnerrp i have xvideo now
[15:48:15] wagnerrp: boludiko_: if XVideo was not functioning before, that is likely the sole cause of your problems
[15:48:35] zanberdo: and I 2 PIC and one PCI x16 slots
[15:50:04] zanberdo: ok, let me ask this before we get too into which card I should by, because I'm still not sure I'm understanding the analog/digital channel issue. In my case, I could tune upto the first 81 stations on my tube tv from my cable. Therefore, none of those channels are digital, correct (as my old tube TV doesn't have a digital tuner)?
[15:50:13] zanberdo: s/by/buy/
[15:50:20] boludiko_: well, now i don't see nothing
[15:51:08] wagnerrp: single numbered stations would be analog, digital would be something like 94_2
[15:51:17] zanberdo: ah
[15:52:22] wagnerrp: you probably want to look into an HVR-1600
[15:52:42] wagnerrp: its currently the only functional IVTV card (analog mpeg encoder) with a digital tuner
[15:53:45] zanberdo: bah, I'm looking at the channel line up for my provider ( and they appear to have the digital channels starting at 100, so if I'm reading this correctly I have to buy the digital channels, even the basic ones (unless I want to cast an aerial)
[15:54:21] wagnerrp: if you get any form of cable from them, you get their entire unencrypted digital lineup
[15:54:55] wagnerrp: go to, they should have a channel lineup for your area, indexed by zip code
[15:57:45] Essobi: afternoon all
[16:01:32] zanberdo: sorry, stepped away to check something
[16:03:03] boludiko_: wagnerrp i have the same result afert update the driver
[16:03:15] zanberdo: okay, I'm checking that site out
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[16:04:52] zanberdo: I've also checked out the channel line up from my provider
[16:04:52] zanberdo: they list channels 902–944 as HD stations, apart of the limited package that I pay for, but my set doesn't seem to be able to tune them.. maybe I don't have the QAM tuner...
[16:05:58] zanberdo: can't seem to find QAM in the user manual, but it does state: With a built-in HD digital tuner, non-subscription HD broadcasts can be viewed with no Cable Box/Satellite receiver (Set-Top Box) needed.
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[16:08:07] boludiko_: wagnerrp are you there?
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[16:26:14] boludiko__: wagnerrp
[16:27:00] boludiko__: i found in the page og mythtv a table with the characteric of my graphic card
[16:27:19] boludiko__: and this dont have Xvmc
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[16:54:33] plextortv402u: Hi all... I am having a problem where myth tunes the first channel fine, but on any subsequent channel change it fails with a message saying "SetInputAndFormat(2,NTSC) failed with eno:22...any ideas?
[16:54:53] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:55:07] plextortv402u: correction-- "SetInputAndFormat(1,NTSC)"
[16:58:16] Defense (Defense! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:58:20] sphery: plextortv402u: What capture card/drivers? Sounds like the drivers don't work the way Myth expects.
[16:58:22] janneg: plextortv402u: huh, do you know Koen? which mythtv version
[16:58:39] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[16:59:14] janneg: sphery: I would guess a plextor v402u
[16:59:34] plextortv402u: sphery: Plextor TV402U--go7007 driver updated for 2.6.28 kernel (ubuntu jaunty). The built-in app that comes w/ the driver works fine, and myth is fine except when you change the channel.
[16:59:47] janneg: but Koen reported the same error with pvrusb2 just minutes ago in #beagle
[17:00:26] plextortv402u: sphery: I also hacked the built-in app to just change the channel and I can succesfully change the channel manually w/out telling myth. However if I put that same script as the "external channel change" command, I get the same issue
[17:00:29] janneg: plextortv402u: I guess the NTSC is correct as video format
[17:00:38] sphery: I was assuming it would be a Plextor, but have spent way too much time going down the wrong word with previous assumptions, so I wanted confirmation.  :)
[17:00:40] plextortv402u: janneg: yes
[17:00:58] plextortv402u: janneg: .21 is the myth version
[17:01:22] sphery: s/going down the wrong word/going down the wrong road/
[17:01:31] plextortv402u: janneg/sphery: it's almost like it's not the actual channel change but the input that is at fault
[17:01:47] janneg: plextortv402u: please paste a backend log with -v record,channel of a failing channel change
[17:01:52] plextortv402u: sphery: What's interesting is the Plextor has 3 inputs --svid, composite, and tuner --tuner is 2
[17:02:07] plextortv402u: sphery: I can't figure out why it's tryign to set the input to "1" on a channel *change*
[17:02:41] plextortv402u: janneg: i know how to do the -v, what do you mean by "record, channel"
[17:03:32] sphery: use the command-line: mythbackend -v record,channel
[17:03:39] janneg: plextortv402u: that are arguments to the -v use without space after the comma
[17:03:42] sphery: record,channel are the values for the -v arg
[17:03:57] plextortv402u: sphery/janneg: ah., thanks :)
[17:03:57] janneg: mythbackend -v help for more details
[17:04:53] MartinCleaver_ (MartinCleaver_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:05:26] sphery: The only times I've seen that issue are when a) the format is set improperly (i.e. to ATSC on an NTSC card) or b) when the input connections are improperly defined. I'm leaning toward this being the latter. If so, clearing and re-configuring (but this time without making whatever mistake broke it the first time ;) is a great way to fix it:
[17:06:04] sphery: I'd recommend doing /both/ the video sources and capture card portions of the above
[17:06:17] iamlindoro: mkrufky, I managed to lossless transcode your example file
[17:07:44] sphery: plextortv402u: I'd guess that your driver changed enough on kernel version change that your previous configuration is invalid. The quick test is to just do the Delete all capture cards (where you won't lose your video sources/channels). (And do /not/ do "Delete all capture cards on <hostname>" as it won't work.
[17:07:58] plextortv402u: sphery: i'm putting that backend log on pastebin--i've cleaned out all the cards and input sources etc, a couple times to try and start "fresh"
[17:08:14] plextortv402u: sphery: this isn't an update to a working system
[17:08:16] sphery: did you do it using the "Delete all" button?
[17:08:27] plextortv402u: I had a working system, pulled the drive and installed a totally new system on the new drive
[17:08:32] plextortv402u: sphery: yes
[17:08:46] sphery: hmmm... we'll see what the logs say, then
[17:09:10] janneg: sphery: I suspect the problem might be switching input during streaming
[17:10:10] plextortv402u: sphery/janneg:
[17:11:45] AndyCap: why oh why did I have to buy an evil micronas dvb-c tuner
[17:13:38] sphery: janneg: looks like , which refs
[17:14:16] iamlindoro: mkrufky, mythtranscode --mpeg2 --honorcutlist -c 1071 -s 20091513205900
[17:14:30] iamlindoro: mkrufky, would be the lossless command for the file you sent me
[17:14:35] iamlindoro: which presumes you have a cutlist set
[17:14:40] mkrufky: ok i will try it
[17:14:42] plextortv402u: sphery: I saw that thread, but it looked like it had more to do w/ the ATSC setting (mine only falls back to ATSC when NTSC fails as near as I can tell)
[17:14:43] mkrufky: yes i have a cutlist
[17:14:45] iamlindoro: k
[17:14:47] sphery: janneg: looks like his default TV format is ATSC so it's falling back, then having problems
[17:15:09] iamlindoro: mkrufky, I did notice some resistance to building the seektable here, but I think that's a bug in current trunk
[17:15:15] mkrufky: !! Couldn't find recording for chanid 1071 @ 20091513205900
[17:15:25] mkrufky: looks like its the most basic of problems
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[17:15:50] iamlindoro: my fault
[17:15:55] iamlindoro: mkrufky, mythtranscode --mpeg2 --honorcutlist -c 1071 -s 20090513205900
[17:16:14] iamlindoro: copying my command from a terminal I can't cut and paste from
[17:16:23] plextortv402u: sphery: in mythtv-settings TV Format (in "General") is set to NTSC
[17:16:38] mkrufky: ah, ok working now ;-)
[17:17:04] sphery: plextortv402u: I think you want the default set to NTSC, then--if you have ATSC channels, also, change them to ATSC
[17:17:13] sphery: default being the one you specified
[17:17:23] sphery: but since you said that's NTSC
[17:17:32] plextortv402u: sphery: I don't believe I have any NTSC channels
[17:17:33] plextortv402u: right
[17:17:35] plextortv402u: er
[17:17:44] plextortv402u: sphery: my bad I meant ATSC channels :)
[17:17:53] plextortv402u: sphery: should all be ntsc
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[17:20:18] sphery: out of curiosity, what does this give (pastebin, please): mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg -e 'select chanid, channum, freqid, tvformat from channel; select * from settings where value = "TVFormat"; select cardinputid, cardid, sourceid, externalcommand, tunechan, startchan from cardinput;'
[17:20:19] janneg: plextortv402u: please try following patch
[17:21:26] janneg: sphery: he has probably no ATSC channels, the code explicitly fails back to ATSC if SetiInputAndFormat(x, NTSC) fails
[17:22:08] sphery: ah
[17:22:39] sphery: guess I should be looking at the code, too--instead of being lazy
[17:22:49] mkrufky: iamlindoro: transcode succeeded
[17:22:52] laga: "failback" is an awesome word :)
[17:23:05] iamlindoro: mkrufky, Hrm... well that's a good thing I guess :)
[17:23:11] mkrufky: iamlindoro: so the problem is not in the transcoding itself, its in the integration
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[17:23:32] mkrufky: i dont know enough about the codebase to make any other intelligent hypothesis
[17:23:35] iamlindoro: mkrufky, Check your "default" transcode profile and see that the lossless box is checked
[17:23:45] mkrufky: i used the "automatic" setting
[17:23:47] iamlindoro: mkrufky, I'm going to guess you created a profile-- which is probably your issue
[17:24:03] plextortv402u: janneg: please forgive my ineptitude here...I've got myth installed via apt-get (ubuntu) there a reasonable way to apply the patch w/out building the entire myth from scratch? (I can do it if I must considering I am a developer by trade :-)
[17:24:35] mkrufky: iamlindoro: can you remind me where to find that in the menus?
[17:24:44] iamlindoro: mkrufky, Utilities/Setup->Setup->TV Settings->Recording Profiles
[17:25:05] iamlindoro: Transcoders, Autodetect from MPEG2
[17:25:18] iamlindoro: Tick the lossless box, then hit finish
[17:25:34] iamlindoro: After you've done that, go to a recording with a cutlist, and press the "X" key
[17:25:41] iamlindoro: (while playing it)
[17:25:47] cynicismic (cynicismic! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:25:51] iamlindoro: it should read "Transcoding"
[17:25:56] mkrufky: ok
[17:26:02] mkrufky: and ur right — lossless was unchecked
[17:26:04] iamlindoro: then tail -f your backend log and watch for strangeness
[17:26:22] ** kormoc sighs **
[17:26:32] kormoc: what part of merge keychain data means delete it from my desktop?
[17:27:07] AndyCap: kormoc: you've never dealt with alien lifeforms before?
[17:27:51] ** iamlindoro assimilates kormoc's keychain **
[17:27:55] iamlindoro: resistance is futile!
[17:28:43] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro, kormoc, sphery, gbee: I was preparing to write a script that would search the videometadata table and convert Video, graphics and trailer file paths from absolute paths to relative paths (also adding host name) without loosing your metadata when relative storage groups existed.
[17:28:45] RDV_Linux: This same script would be able to reverse the process (relative -> absolute paths). It would need to be run on each BE you had any Video, graphics and Trailer storage groups. After reading this channel's log there seems to be uncertainty which storage groups would be included in the 0.22 release. I do not want to create any script that causes support issues. Should I still create the script and wiki page?
[17:28:51] FR^2: iamlindoro: ;)
[17:29:16] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, I would just hold it in reserve and see what happens
[17:29:29] mkrufky: omg, the cutlist didnt work correctly
[17:29:37] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, if they get disabled, they'll get re-enabled shortly after the release so that people can work on fixing the issues
[17:29:40] mkrufky: i hope i have a backup — that was my lost s5 finale
[17:29:44] ** mkrufky looks **
[17:30:06] iamlindoro: :O
[17:30:18] iamlindoro: didn't work correctly how?
[17:30:57] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: Sage advise. I may need the script for my own testing of Jamu's storage group support.
[17:32:05] iamlindoro: mkrufky, The cutlist was broken, or user error?
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[17:35:16] gbee: fwiw I've never heard of cutlists being broken, assuming they were manually created and not a result of commflagging
[17:36:11] iamlindoro: only way I can think of them being broken would be a cutlist being created against a different seektable
[17:36:34] iamlindoro: but then it's still not really the cutlist's fault
[17:38:23] mkrufky: it seems like the cutlist was broken, but it might have been user error ./.. . once i secure my backup of the original, i will check this all over again... about 5 minutes
[17:38:47] iamlindoro: mkrufky, Keep in mind once you get the backup in, you will probably need to rebuild the seektable before you can edit it
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[17:39:10] mkrufky: yes
[17:39:40] iamlindoro: mkrufky, mythtranscode --buildindex -c 1071 -s 20090513205900
[17:39:48] iamlindoro: (once you have the file in place)
[17:39:53] mkrufky: thanks
[17:39:56] iamlindoro: np :)
[17:40:03] sphery: RDV_Linux: also, that functionality would be /much/ better in Myth rather than an external script--hard part is figuring when/where to run it
[17:40:28] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, don't worry about that, though, sphery mentioned he was going to work on that months ago
[17:40:31] iamlindoro: ;)
[17:40:58] sphery: I'm thinking first time MV is run after upgrade (i.e. put in a setting saying no need to run again) and telling the user they should start backends on all systems where they have MV videos stored before doing a scan
[17:41:02] RDV_Linux: I do not want to be in the middle of this one:)
[17:41:10] sphery: don't know exactly where, though (part of why I haven't done the work :)
[17:41:18] sphery: can't decide what's best
[17:42:19] plextortv402u: janneg: i downloaded source and applied the path...building--will let you know if I get any different behavior
[17:42:27] gunni (gunni! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:42:39] RDV_Linux: I think I will adhere to iamlindoro's advise and hold off entierly.
[17:44:00] kormoc: That's the spirit!
[17:44:05] FR^2: whoose?
[17:44:17] RDV_Linux: Is there a certainty that at least Videos storage groups will be in the 0.22 release?
[17:44:18] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, worst case scenario you won't be holding on for long-- either someone will swoop in and finish it properly before the release (which I am finding doubtful) or the creation will be temporarily disabled for the release, in which case you can just make it available for trunk thereafter once their creation is re-enabled
[17:44:35] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, the functionality will be there, it's a question of whether the creation of the groups is enabled
[17:44:47] sphery: RDV_Linux: that's the oen that's the problem--not so much the art
[17:45:11] sphery: with it there, if users don't configure properly, they get dups, etc... all that stuff you guys know but the average user won't
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[17:48:27] leOn: anyone using minimyth ?
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[17:48:59] iamlindoro: leOn, It's unlikely that you need to know anything about minimyth to answer whatever your question is, so better just to ask it
[17:49:10] RDV_Linux: Thanks you-all for the input. I finished coding SG support for Jamu and and had just started testing. I will now put that all on hold. The testing was very involved anyway. No harm done and I just got a free Saturday to do something else.:)
[17:50:01] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, do you have a non-pruning version of myth in trac?
[17:50:05] iamlindoro: er version of Jamu
[17:51:31] leOn: ok .. i've set minimyth to use pxe, it's booting, mythfrontend gets launched but then it seems that it can't find the themes
[17:52:14] leOn: it should be retrieving the themes trought tftp also, and the directories do get created under /usr/share/mythtv/themes, but they are empty
[17:52:28] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: No I will release a Jamu non-SG update without pruning and a minor new feature plus a bug fix. (v3,7), sometime tomorrow.
[17:52:51] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, Cool, was just going to suggest that it get committed, I think it's a great tool
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[17:53:21] leOn: in minimyth.log i do get Use of uninitialized value $url_ext1 in string eq at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.0/ line 1274.
[17:53:39] RDV_Linux: Thanks although SG support is a must when SG's are available.
[17:53:54] leOn: i'm just not sure it's a bug or it's me not specifying the themes directives properly
[17:54:03] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, yes, but I don't think there's any urgency to support them when they are unfinished
[17:54:24] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, And there's no reason you couldn't have a version committed, and then update w/ SG support
[17:55:57] RDV_Linux: That would be the plan. I did not want to get into a panic as the testing is very involved as people will likely have the need to preserve their metadata once SGs are mainstream.
[17:56:07] iamlindoro: anyhoo, off to walk the dog
[17:57:03] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:00:01] academy (academy!n=adam@unaffilated/academy) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:00:20] academy: Is there any way to capture hdmi or dvi output from a stb using linux?
[18:00:41] academy: hmm, or component hdtv
[18:01:06] gbee: component yes, HD-PVR
[18:01:13] mkrufky: iamlindoro: it was user error
[18:01:20] mkrufky: the transcode came out perfectly
[18:01:53] iamlindoro: mkrufky, awesome
[18:01:59] mkrufky: the problem is in fact, that the new file did not replace the old one and mythtv played the old file and somehow the cutlists got shifted
[18:02:40] mkrufky: and the cutlists getting shifted, i cant explain just yet, but the transcoded file with commercials removed is fine, with a perfect cutlist
[18:02:59] mkrufky: er, i mean no cutlist, but the result file is as i would have liked it
[18:03:12] darkdrgn2k3: hey guys
[18:03:21] darkdrgn2k3: any idea why mythfrontend is ussing 99% of cpu
[18:03:31] darkdrgn2k3: when its just sitting on the MythVideo video select screen
[18:03:49] kormoc: -trunk or -fixes?
[18:04:02] darkdrgn2k3: sorry.. trunk
[18:04:12] kormoc: could be the theme
[18:04:26] darkdrgn2k3: its iamlindoro theame :-P
[18:04:49] iamlindoro: it is and it isn't
[18:05:07] darkdrgn2k3: LOL well existing to the main screen still has a 99% cpu ussage
[18:05:08] iamlindoro: it's a bug in the GL painter triggered by my use of negative coordinates
[18:05:33] darkdrgn2k3: hmm...
[18:05:37] darkdrgn2k3: that su
[18:05:37] darkdrgn2k3: x
[18:05:41] academy: gbee: is the quality of component any different to hdmi?
[18:05:49] gbee: iamlindoro: really?
[18:05:57] darkdrgn2k3: academy: hdmi is better thern componentr
[18:06:03] gbee: academy: yes, but probably not so that you'd really notice
[18:06:12] darkdrgn2k3: never did it before :-S
[18:06:28] gbee: but it's the only option for hd stb capture
[18:06:41] iamlindoro: gbee, That was the conclusion that janneg and I came to the other day, anyway-- it's a "best guess" but probably correct-- doesn't appear when using the Qt painter, but the qt painter clips the hell out of the theme
[18:06:49] academy: gbee: blackmagic seem to do an intensity card which captures hdmi
[18:07:14] kormoc: academy, you did specify linux support
[18:07:17] Scopeuk: academy hdmi is a minefield when it comes to capture linux suport not least on that list
[18:07:20] iamlindoro: academy, Only HDMI without HDCP, and no linux drivers, and no hardware compression
[18:07:25] academy: I see
[18:07:32] darkdrgn2k3: hmm i just upgraded to a AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+
[18:07:41] darkdrgn2k3: so its kinda odd seing my cpu at 100% all of a suddon
[18:08:41] gbee: iamlindoro: hmm
[18:09:49] gbee: I can't prove otherwise, but I don't see how it would happen, plenty I don't know about gl though
[18:10:38] iamlindoro: gbee, seems to trigger a bug in which the GL painter goes into constant repaint mode
[18:10:52] iamlindoro: which is probably what causes the GL painter to work w/ all the negative coordinates in the first place
[18:11:03] academy (academy!n=adam@unaffilated/academy) has quit ("Lost terminal")
[18:12:44] gbee: maybe I can get Chutt to take a look, really don't need more work right now
[18:16:03] stoth: Hi, a question.....
[18:16:42] iamlindoro: hi stoth
[18:16:44] kormoc: that's not really a question, more a statement
[18:16:48] stoth: Suppose I have two ATSC cards configured in myth. encoder 1 card 1, encoder 2, card 2.
[18:17:03] stoth: In an indle system I start LiveTV. Encoder 1 goes busy.
[18:17:33] stoth: IN mythweb I schdule a recording for NOW, encoder 1 is used an livetv changes channel. SHouldn't encoder 2 be used? Or, am I missing an important cfg setting?
[18:17:42] stoth: hey iamlindoro
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[18:18:23] stoth: I would add they I rarely use livetv, I just happen to be trying to find the HVR-2250 hang.
[18:18:48] iamlindoro: stoth, Try Utilities/Setup->Setup->TV Settings->General, "Avoid conflicts between live TV and scheduled shows" and or the one below it
[18:19:12] stoth: ok, my bad. sounds like I don't know the app well enough. thx.
[18:19:16] mkrufky: k, i figured out what happened... the transcode went well, but the newly transcoded file did NOT replace the original... meanwhile, the seektable DID get updated, so mythtv played the original file containing commercials and all, but ALSO skipped based on the cutlist of the original file... making what mythfrontend played APPEAR to be broken... this should be resolved simply by mv'ing the .tmp file to replace the .mpg file
[18:19:41] darkdrgn2k3: hmm
[18:19:48] darkdrgn2k3: seems my tv OSD is gone LOL
[18:19:57] laga: OTFL
[18:20:03] laga: err, +r
[18:20:05] janneg: mkrufky: mythtranscode should do that
[18:20:23] mkrufky: dunno why it didnt do it
[18:21:28] janneg: stoth: well, mythtv is not optimized for live-tv (plus recordings)
[18:21:51] mkrufky: better of to just record EVERYTHING on television and have stuff automatically delete
[18:22:00] mkrufky: :-D
[18:22:12] ** mkrufky thanks the tech gods for huge hard drives **
[18:22:14] stoth: janneg: Understandable. I'm just trying to repro a driver but and I'm damned if I can, so I'm trying all combinations in myth.
[18:22:38] stoth: s/but/bug
[18:22:54] mkrufky: stoth: would it be worth it for me to try repro using the old rev i have?
[18:23:09] stoth: maybe. I actually think it's a platform issue.
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[18:23:33] stoth: Given how much testing I've put into the stable tree in the past (days of solid back to back and overlapping myth recordings).
[18:24:09] stoth: mkrufky: it wouldn't hurt, although I don't know if the proto boards config made it into the stable tree.
[18:25:04] mkrufky: ok, well im about to set a new backend server partition on that machine anyway for other PCIe stuff, so i can set it to do recordings overnight and see if there are any hangs
[18:26:11] stoth: yeah, thanks.
[18:27:10] stoth: mkrufky: speaking of buying large disks, didn't you have a site for tracking price per GB. or something?
[18:27:26] mkrufky:
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[18:29:27] mkrufky: stoth:
[18:29:38] stoth: yeah, looking now.
[18:30:12] mkrufky: iamlindoro: thank you for helping me with this — you probably are responsible for the future recovery of at least 750 gb
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[18:35:32] mkrufky: wierd, even the commercial skip data is still there — i will re-do commercial detection and hopefully it will see that theyve been removed
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[19:05:56] iamlindoro: mkrufky, Heh, nice, glad to help
[19:07:38] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:09:13] laga: iamlindoro: re #6346 – might be a good idea to open a bug against the backend? it probably shouldn't crash when you send it wrong data
[19:10:17] iamlindoro: laga, Yes, but I planned to just try and fix it instead
[19:10:28] superdump (superdump!n=rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit ("Leaving.")
[19:10:37] iamlindoro: was going to try to look at it this afternoon and at least have a precise ideal of why it fails
[19:10:39] iamlindoro: er idea
[19:11:47] laga: great
[19:11:54] laga: my dev laptop hung *again* :(
[19:11:55] gbee: wouldn't mind doing some fuzz testing of the backend one day
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[19:26:45] mkrufky: i just got the mymote mythtv network remote ipod touch app working ..... this is awesome 8-)
[19:26:57] stoth: what's the magic fix?
[19:27:00] mkrufky: of course, it was a silly problem why it didnt work last week
[19:27:14] mkrufky: the backend tells mymote that i have two frontends
[19:27:21] mkrufky: it reports them by hostname
[19:27:31] mkrufky: but i do not have a dns server — u use /etc/hosts files
[19:27:35] mkrufky: so, the name didnt resolve
[19:27:45] mkrufky: just use the "override address" option in mymote and it works
[19:27:56] mkrufky: i overrode it to the IP address and this thing rocks
[19:28:34] mkrufky: wow, now i will NEVER set up lirc
[19:30:05] mkrufky: oh, and if it wasnt working either for you, stoth — the "other" magic fix is to remember to put in a pin # .... if you dont have one set up, then you need to at least use 0000
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[19:42:38] iamlindoro: K, think I found the backend crash cause, should be a simple fix
[19:44:14] laga: dman
[19:44:23] laga: one of these days, i want to fi my own segfault, too :)
[19:44:31] laga: s/dman/damn/
[19:44:33] laga: stupid lag
[19:44:45] iamlindoro: heh, I'd strongly wager you're more capable of it than I
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[19:51:56] laga: yay, bugs!
[19:52:32] laga: hum
[19:52:53] laga: why do my dvb device nodes look like /dev/dvb0.dvr0?
[19:53:26] iamlindoro: your system ran out of slashes?
[19:53:35] laga: it's a fresh install! :)
[19:53:52] iamlindoro: slashdotLinux?
[19:53:55] iamlindoro: HAHAHAAHAH I am hilarious
[19:54:07] laga: haha *stab*
[19:54:07] laga: ;)
[19:55:24] kormoc: "The shark is circling us!" "What does that mean?" "It means it's going to strike and kill us all in 20 minutes!" "We're doomed!"
[19:55:32] ** kormoc thinks this show is a bit... absurd **
[19:58:37] iamlindoro: What show?
[19:58:55] ** iamlindoro notes kormoc is watching *something*, wonders if it means Myth is back **
[19:59:07] laga: the weird thing is that the udev rule for dvb devices looks sane
[19:59:11] kormoc: Surface, it's about a bunch of apex sea monsters that randomly show up in the ocean
[19:59:20] kormoc: nah, still hulu for now
[19:59:23] ** kormoc pokes the mac mini **
[19:59:38] kormoc: Still somewhere over the state border....
[20:00:24] iamlindoro: bastards
[20:00:32] gbee_ (gbee_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:00:41] kormoc: DOPLEGANGER!
[20:00:54] iamlindoro is now known as karmac
[20:01:02] kormoc: AND ANOTHER ONE! OH NOES!
[20:01:11] ** karmac pokes his Dell Hybrid Studio **
[20:01:42] karmac is now known as iamlindoro
[20:02:04] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:04:48] kormoc: Hrm... Electrified seamonsters that can walk on land and get recharged by lightning
[20:05:20] laga: hulu must have high quality material
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[20:08:52] sphery: kormoc: Surface was awesome
[20:08:54] kormoc: Heh, I can't blaim Hulu for this...
[20:08:57] sphery: Stupid NBC cancelled it, though.
[20:09:03] kormoc: sphery, Heh, it's... strange
[20:09:09] sphery: I loved it.
[20:09:20] sphery: That was the same season as Invasion
[20:09:21] GreyFoxx: I liked it. Wasnt so sure about the ending hehe
[20:09:36] kormoc: The 'bad' guy just gets to me, as his actions make no sense at all
[20:09:43] sphery: what ending? you mean the cliff hanger at the end of the season?
[20:09:48] GreyFoxx: yeah
[20:10:22] sphery: wait a minute... Episode 115?
[20:10:31] sphery: They didn't show that many on my TV...
[20:10:34] sphery:
[20:10:51] kormoc: yeah, hulu has upto s1e15
[20:10:54] sphery: ah, 1 is season, then 15
[20:10:55] iamlindoro: HA
[20:11:00] iamlindoro: it's related to the new subtitle handling
[20:11:14] sphery: if they did a full 115 eps, I would have been /much/ happier
[20:11:28] sphery: (or will be? as they'd still be airing them :)
[20:12:17] iamlindoro: no wonder it just showed up recently
[20:14:33] plextortv402u: janneg/sphery: I applied that patch and it seems to have resolved the channel change issue somewhat
[20:15:14] sphery: iamlindoro: you should respond to with, "Oh FGS danielk, you haven't done any 're-enabling'..."
[20:15:29] iamlindoro: sphery, hehehe, you are getting a lot of mlieage out of that one ;)
[20:15:34] plextortv402u: unfortunately now i'm seeing bizare behavior where the first channel looks good, but all channels after a channel change have about 1/8th of the screen with a vertical line through it and part of the picture wrapped from the right back to that section
[20:15:35] sphery: plextortv402u: cool... janneg was definitely the right person for that issue
[20:15:35] gbee (gbee! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:15:51] sphery: iamlindoro: some quotes are just too big to fail
[20:16:07] kormoc: poor Daniel
[20:16:17] kormoc: Poor Human Race...
[20:16:23] sphery: true, that
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[20:17:11] sphery: plextortv402u: ATI video card (not capture card, but video card)?
[20:17:21] plextortv402u: sphery: intel g35
[20:17:23] plextortv402u: onboard
[20:18:01] sphery: Hmmm... Was going to say to disable bob deint, but that may not be the culprit. Still probably worth trying the default configuration of the Slim playback profile group.
[20:18:03] plextortv402u: sphery: it looks like there's an offset to the left-start of hte picture and it's just wrapped around to there
[20:18:04] janneg: plextortv402u: hmm ok, I'll fix it properly. the new error looks if the encoding parameters have to reset after a channel change
[20:18:27] plextortv402u: ah
[20:18:58] plextortv402u: janneg: that wouldn't surprise me--although my little test app that opens /dev/video0 and executes a change freq ioctl doesn't cause this
[20:19:19] janneg: the go7007 driver seems to be strange
[20:19:25] plextortv402u: true that
[20:19:43] plextortv402u: janneg: don't even get me started on what I went through to make that work on the newer kernel
[20:19:45] plextortv402u: lol
[20:20:56] plextortv402u: janneg: but, it *does work w/ the mini little recording/channel change app, so I still have to beleive there is something myth is up to that is changing the encoding params
[20:21:45] plextortv402u: janneg: I'd take a swing at digging in and fixing it myself, but this V4L stuff gives me a headache (and I have enough of those during the week ;-)
[20:21:59] laga: oh, neat. i get "normal" device nopdes with the normal karmic kernel. i guess i'll stop complaining
[20:22:16] sphery: laga: bad karma, perhaps?
[20:22:20] iamlindoro: kormoc, I actually like Chris Meredith's icon aspect fix for Mythweb, but don't like that it makes the channel heigts variable
[20:22:26] poodyp_ (poodyp_! has quit ()
[20:22:28] laga: sphery: yeah.
[20:22:34] kormoc: hrm
[20:22:39] kormoc: can fix that
[20:22:45] kormoc: Did I apply that already?
[20:22:56] iamlindoro: kormoc, no, he just posted his blog of it to the lists
[20:23:02] iamlindoro:
[20:23:05] janneg: plextortv402u: yeah, it is a little bit strange that mythtv is trying to change the input
[20:23:47] kormoc: oh, different one then I saw
[20:24:45] kormoc: Hrm, it's too bad he didn't bother to submit a patch upstream
[20:25:07] andreax (andreax! has quit (Connection timed out)
[20:25:45] iamlindoro: I can suggest he do so if you like
[20:25:48] plextortv402u: janneg: yea it seems like if we could make myth stop calling that func, this problem becomes obe :)
[20:25:56] kormoc: Sure
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[20:28:02] laga: meh. i'm living close to a dvb-t tower and i'm not finding any channels :(
[20:29:21] sphery: iamlindoro: wasn't there an issue with channel icons in the frontend EPG with transparency (or was that pre-mythui)?
[20:29:29] janneg: plextortv402u: no, it's important for initial tuning
[20:29:54] plextortv402u: janneg: I understand that--i just meant it seems like it happening on every channel change is superfluous
[20:30:22] iamlindoro: sphery, probably pre-mythUI, it's (I believe) possible to adjust transparency on the channel icon imagetypes
[20:30:25] plextortv402u: janneg: ie CheckChannel is returning an empty input, or Tune believes that the spec'd freq is on a different input
[20:30:54] plextortv402u: janneg: but honestly I can live w/ it re-tweaking things each time, as long as the decoding stuff gets set right each time
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[20:31:50] sphery: iamlindoro: I meant icons with an alpha layer (i.e. transparent background)--I thought things showed through that shouldn't
[20:32:06] iamlindoro: sphery, It seems to me that would be down to the theme
[20:32:22] iamlindoro: Appears to work okay for him, and I don't see a reason it wouldn't be okay with my theme either
[20:32:40] sphery: guess we'll find out :)
[20:34:03] plextortv402u: janneg: actually, going back to my original looks like it is having troubel finding the channel on the specified input, it widens the search and finds's almost as if the "currentinput" isn't getting set right and is confusing myth
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[20:35:12] banyan: hey, just checking up on the f11 repo packages for myth — are they functional and reasonably problem free?
[20:38:02] darkdrgn2k3: iamlindoro: how bad does it look if u done use GL for your theme?
[20:38:10] iamlindoro: bad.
[20:38:11] janneg: plextortv402u: the problem seems to be that checkchannel is called with an empty channum
[20:38:17] iamlindoro: really bad, even
[20:38:28] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:38:32] iamlindoro: lose many of the effects and many drawing errors in buttonlists
[20:38:33] darkdrgn2k3: iamlindoro: i love your theme. but it cheews up all my cpu when the puter should be ideling :'(
[20:38:36] janneg: plextortv402u: has channel 6 a channum set?
[20:38:38] plextortv402u: janneg: I see that now
[20:38:47] iamlindoro: darkdrgn2k3, It's not the theme's issue, it's the painter's fault
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[20:39:03] darkdrgn2k3: iamlindoro: i know.... but the fault is exposed when i use your theame :'(
[20:39:12] iamlindoro: So don't use the theme :)
[20:39:20] darkdrgn2k3: but i love it :-p
[20:39:36] laga: sometimes, we need to leave things we love behind. i'm sorry.
[20:39:41] iamlindoro: so wait for the fix :)
[20:39:46] darkdrgn2k3: ok
[20:39:47] plextortv402u: janneg: from mythtv-setup: name- tv guide network. -number 6
[20:39:50] iamlindoro: or, bonus points for fixing it yourself
[20:39:52] darkdrgn2k3: is it fixed yet?
[20:39:54] iamlindoro: no
[20:39:59] plextortv402u: janneg: i've obviously tried this changing to many different channels
[20:40:02] iamlindoro: and nobody AFAIK is working on the fix
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[20:40:09] plextortv402u: if I set it to default to 6, 6 comes up fine, it's only on channel change
[20:40:25] ** darkdrgn2k3 pouts **
[20:40:42] darkdrgn2k3: 2408 mythuser 20 0 1696m 338m 48m R 95.7 18.2 130:26.67 mythfrontend
[20:40:45] darkdrgn2k3: really sux :-S
[20:42:04] janneg: plextortv402u: please check the database if every channel has a non-empty channum column
[20:42:27] plextortv402u: janneg: my sql chops are nonexistant--can you point me to how i'd do that?
[20:43:04] darkdrgn2k3: haha in "QT" loading videos just freezes
[20:43:41] darkdrgn2k3: what does "mythwelcome" doo
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[20:44:57] janneg: plextortv402u: echo "SELECT chanid,channum,freqid,sourceid,callsign FROM channel;" | mysql -umythtv -pmythtv mythconverg
[20:45:00] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[20:45:07] janneg: assuming default database settings
[20:45:44] plextortv402u: janneg: all channum's are filled in
[20:45:55] plextortv402u: janneg: also all sourceid's are the same
[20:46:03] janneg: and callsigns?
[20:46:14] plextortv402u: yes
[20:46:21] plextortv402u: the freqid's are identical to channums
[20:46:23] plextortv402u: also
[20:46:29] darkdrgn2k3: iamlindoro: ineresting myth welcome does not have that problem of 99% cpu ussage LoL
[20:46:55] iamlindoro: Mythwelcome isn't themed in Graphite
[20:47:07] darkdrgn2k3: iamlindoro: well it has the background...
[20:47:08] iamlindoro: nor is it even MythUI'd AFAIK
[20:47:18] laga: iamlindoro: well, it does have a different background ;)
[20:47:19] iamlindoro: darkdrgn2k3, That doesn't mean it's themed
[20:47:22] plextortv402u: janneg: and chanid's are channums + 1000
[20:47:26] iamlindoro: laga, heh
[20:47:38] darkdrgn2k3: iamlindoro: true... but its good enough for idling the pc :)
[20:48:04] janneg: plextortv402u: ok your setup seems to be fine
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[20:54:02] darkdrgn2k3: is there by any chance a way of disabling DD passthrough during playback of tv
[20:55:35] okolsi (okolsi!n=mythtv@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:56:41] darkdrgn2k3: md
[20:57:12] Mozillion (Mozillion!n=paul@2001:610:1118:0:260:97ff:feda:1033) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:57:18] Mozillion: 'ello!
[20:57:20] Mozillion: what could possible be the reason that if I set the output device to "ALSA:default", MythTV stubbornly keeps clearing the field?
[20:57:32] laga: did you compile mythtv with alsa support?
[20:58:48] sphery: darkdrgn2k3: uncheck the 2 boxes that you checked, labeled "Enable AC3 to SPDIF passthrough" and "Enable DTS to SPDIF passthrough" (they both default to off).
[20:58:59] gbee_ is now known as gbee
[20:59:05] darkdrgn2k3: sphery: i know, i ment on the fly...
[20:59:10] sphery: nope
[20:59:15] darkdrgn2k3: okie... just wondering
[20:59:17] sphery: (was just typing the answer to that when you asked)
[20:59:29] sphery: Myth assumes a rather static configuration
[20:59:52] darkdrgn2k3: fair enough
[20:59:57] darkdrgn2k3: but just for the record i asked "during playback of tv"
[21:00:09] darkdrgn2k3: by that i ment while watchign tv LOL
[21:00:15] darkdrgn2k3: i can see how that was incorrectly phrased
[21:00:25] laga: i bet with pulseaudio, everything is possible. except for lipsync ;)
[21:01:11] plextortv402u: janneg: yea--i'd be lying if I said i wasn't puzzled
[21:01:23] Mozillion: laga: ehm, well I didn't compile it, just installed the package
[21:01:53] Mozillion: hmm it's linked against libpulse
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[21:02:48] sphery: darkdrgn2k3: but just for the record, your phrase, "during playback of tv," came after, "DD passthrough", thereby it was modifying, "DD passthrough." Had you said, "is there by any chance a way of disabling, during playback of tv, DD passthrough" or "is there by any chance a way during playback of tv of disabling DD passthrough", I'd have known what you meant.  ;)
[21:03:30] sphery: i.e. we needed "during playback of tv" to modify "disabling," instead :)
[21:04:13] laga: Mozillion: what packages are you using?
[21:04:22] sphery: Mozillion: I think laga was talking to darkdrgn2k3, but the answer to your question is, "Because you're typing it in rather than selecting it."
[21:04:32] Mozillion: ah.. I should have used left/right arrows instead of typing it
[21:04:33] laga: i was talking to Mozillion ;)
[21:04:37] sphery: Mozillion: there's a bug in that values typed in the box aren't saved. Only values selected.
[21:04:47] sphery: right, left/right arrows
[21:05:06] Mozillion: yes.. I kept trying up/down, normal for combo boxes in most user interfaces
[21:05:16] Mozillion: but it works, great!
[21:05:34] laga: sphery: i think both parse trees are valid for the sentence he said ;)
[21:05:49] sphery: laga: guess your comment about pulse was doubly useful
[21:06:13] laga: ooooh, yeah. i was talking to darkdrgn2k3 back then
[21:07:32] sphery: well, I can still see how blaming pulse could be a useful answer for Mozillion, too--or just generally, even
[21:09:32] sphery: They should do a South Park episode, "Blame Pulse"
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[21:14:30] Mozillion: is there a way, externally, to make mythfrontend stop streaming live tv?
[21:14:50] kormoc: use the telnet interface to exit playback
[21:15:26] Mozillion: oh!
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[21:23:00] sphery: or pull the power cord on the backend
[21:25:29] zanberdo: if I have cable with both analog and digital channels and I want to process both, should I be considering thepcHDTV HD-3000 or then pcHDTV HD-5500?
[21:26:20] sphery: IMHO, neither
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[21:26:29] sphery: if you want analog channels get a hardware encoder card
[21:26:32] zanberdo: ok, then what would you recommend?
[21:26:38] sphery: such as the Hauppauge HVR-1600
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[21:27:23] sphery: or get 2 different cards for analog and digital, such as a PVR-150 for analog and a pcHDTV HD-5500 (or Avermedia A180 or Hauppauge HVR-1250 or ...) for digital
[21:27:51] zanberdo: here the situation: I've just bought a new plasma tv with a QAM tuner that will pickup the analog and digital channels. I'm prototyping a mythtv box as an alternative to spending the money to upgrade to an digital tivo. I'd like to be sure that I can ingest the same signal as the tv does now and output all the available channels...
[21:28:09] sphery: Basically, the analog support on most digital cards is a waste--it dumps raw frames for your CPU to encode. /Much/ more difficult to set up and /much/ less efficient than a hardware encoder.
[21:28:19] zanberdo: ok
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[21:28:43] zanberdo: so no all-in-one hardware encoder cards? I need to get two separate cards?
[21:29:24] sphery: as for "all the available channels", it's quite likely that your cable co encrypts a lot of the digital channels, and Myth won't allow you to access them, except through analog capture (i.e. cable -> STB -> PVR-150 via S-Video)
[21:29:42] sphery: The HVR-1600 is an all-in-one analog and digital card.
[21:30:02] zanberdo: right, I'm not worried about the encrypted channels. I only pay for basic cable, which includes the analog line up and a bunch of digital channels as well
[21:30:06] sphery: it has a built-in hardware encoder for analog (SDTV) and a digital tuner for digital
[21:30:15] zanberdo: HVR-1600? ok
[21:30:30] sphery: and
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[21:30:55] zanberdo: this is just a prototype – proof of concept for the wife. I'm going to build the hardware around the best equipment (I can afford) and just want to show her that it can be done reasonably well vs. TiVo
[21:31:02] sphery: there are some others, but--TTBOMK--their drivers are in varying states of usefulness
[21:31:13] sphery: others might have more info--or, actually, would have the best info
[21:31:22] zanberdo: perfect, that's the sort of info I was seeking!
[21:31:33] sphery: I will warn you, however, that had I gone with TiVo, I would have saved a fortune
[21:31:47] Defense_ (Defense_! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[21:32:04] sphery: Granted, I wouldn't have 6.5TB of storage and an ability to record 4 HDTV channels at once while playing back any recordings I choose
[21:32:12] sphery: but it would have been a /lot/ cheaper than Myth
[21:32:15] zanberdo: *wink* that's what I'm shooting for
[21:32:35] sphery: IMHO, Myth isn't a good way to save money--it's only something you should consider if you want a hobby and you're willing to spend time/money on it :)
[21:32:39] zanberdo: that and I'm hoping to build it as a complete media center – audio/video/internet/dvd/blu-ray? etc.
[21:33:07] zanberdo: there should be no monthly expense though as there is with TiVo, right?
[21:33:12] sphery: blu-ray will have to wait a bit ('til then you'll need to rip on Windows), but otherwise, Myth does those
[21:33:19] zanberdo: and I should be able to stream netflix as well, right?
[21:33:24] kormoc: no
[21:33:42] sphery: If you're in North America, you'll need good listings data, which means signing up for Schedules Direct
[21:33:54] sphery: $20/year (or $5 for 3 months) with a 7-day free trial
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[21:34:10] sphery: It's the exact same data that TiVo users pay $15/mo (or whatever) to get
[21:34:14] iamlindoro: $12
[21:34:17] iamlindoro: (I think)
[21:34:40] sphery: Well, given enough time, inflation should make me right.  :)
[21:35:05] sphery: Unless they're out of business before then because their strategy of suing cable/satellite companies fails.  :)
[21:35:49] zanberdo: one last question: looking at the hvr1600 I see it has two coax inputs: one for analog and the other for digital. they can be from the same source, just split, right?
[21:36:00] iamlindoro: yes
[21:36:19] zanberdo: ok, that's all the time I have... wife bitching that I take too much time looking into this! Thanks for the help!
[21:36:24] sphery: iamlindoro: I was told that you can actually use both inputs at the same time
[21:36:35] iamlindoro: sphery, you can
[21:36:38] sphery: so you could do analog /and/ digital recording using the separate tuners
[21:36:38] zanberdo: ciao!
[21:36:44] sphery: I was super amazed
[21:36:58] iamlindoro: sphery, Heh, are you being facetious?
[21:37:08] sphery: no, I really thought it was one or the other
[21:37:15] sphery: basically, I assumed a shared tuner
[21:37:20] iamlindoro: yeah, the 1800 and 1600 are both dual tuner
[21:37:26] sphery: pretty cool
[21:37:29] iamlindoro: definitely
[21:37:31] stoth: one digital one analog
[21:37:31] sphery: nice when they don't skimp on it
[21:37:42] iamlindoro: yeah, important to be specific
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[21:37:50] iamlindoro: one of each, but two autonomous
[21:38:12] ** iamlindoro idly wonders what will become of aanalog on the 1800 **
[21:38:27] stoth: works just nicely ;)
[21:38:31] kormoc: it'll die in a fire
[21:38:32] sphery: btw, is the HVR-1600 the right one to recommend, now?
[21:38:38] sphery: for analog and digital?
[21:39:02] iamlindoro: stoth, Heh, but (as you know) not in myth
[21:39:07] iamlindoro: and it's not myth's fault :)
[21:39:15] iamlindoro: sphery, at the moment, I think so
[21:39:16] ** stoth grins **
[21:39:21] sphery: and can you have multiple HVR-1600's?
[21:39:24] sphery: (with Myth)
[21:39:32] sphery: or is that just the 1800 with issues?
[21:40:01] stoth: you can have multiple 1600 or 1800's, no known multi-baord driver issues.
[21:40:26] sphery: ahhh... I thought I remembered some bug about it always using the first card or something
[21:40:32] sphery: good to hear that's not the case, though
[21:40:42] stoth: not that I'm aware of.
[21:40:52] sphery: now I won't have to worry about it when recommending them
[21:41:20] sphery: I trust you way more than I trust my half-memory of some conversation I only heard part of
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[21:47:11] Mozillion: last issue I have is, I don't know how to make Backspace exit TV Playback
[21:47:30] Mozillion: I've configured ESCAPE to be Esc,Backspace...
[21:48:11] Mozillion: and it seems I can use them interchangably now around MythTV, but it doesn't allow me to quit playback or am I overlooking a specific TV Playback binding for this?
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[21:51:34] sphery: Mozillion: In TV Playback context, CLEAROSD is bound to Backspace. You need to unbind it there. Note that you should be using MythControls (from the mythfrontend) to bind keys because it checks for conflicts like this.
[21:51:58] sphery: It's somewhere under Utilities/Setup in like Key Controls or something
[21:52:33] wylie (wylie!n=wylie@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:52:35] Mozillion: I checked there..
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[21:54:50] sphery: checked there = checked for MythControls and didn't see it or used MythControls to bind the key and it didn't complain
[21:55:03] sphery: (the conflict checking is very primitive, so it /could/ fail)
[21:55:25] Mozillion: didn't see it
[21:55:45] sphery: In 0.21-fixes it's a plugin, so you may have to install it separately
[21:55:55] sphery: called MythControls. I have no idea what package it would be.
[21:56:50] Mozillion: ah
[21:57:12] Mozillion: I recall it being there namely
[21:57:16] Mozillion: installing 'mythcontrols'
[21:57:31] Mozillion: there it is :)
[21:57:58] sphery: good
[21:58:01] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:58:15] sphery: much safer to use than MythWeb or (*shudder*) direct DB editing
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[21:58:48] Mozillion: yay! that worked!
[21:59:00] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:59:18] Mozillion: now only remains to figure out why some channels have no sound
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[22:00:20] Mozillion: oh just soft.. good, everything is fine again
[22:00:22] Mozillion: thanks for the help!
[22:00:50] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:01:44] sphery: enjoy
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[22:18:27] darkdrgn2k3: hey how can i configure udev to keep my pvr150 as video0
[22:21:36] kormoc: read a udev primer?
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[22:29:37] iamlindoro: pass the video_nr=0 argument to the module in question
[22:29:58] iamlindoro: blacklist all the tuner modules and load them in order you want, etc.
[22:30:37] ** iamlindoro is having fun making transparent channel icons **
[22:30:57] sphery: he said lyngsat had most of them with transparent backgrounds, right?
[22:31:00] sphery: they don't have yours?
[22:31:03] iamlindoro: no, a couple, most without
[22:31:09] iamlindoro: they basically all need hand editing
[22:31:40] iamlindoro: Wonder if there's a way to get them to if people start conjuring them up
[22:31:46] iamlindoro: (to be preferred over lyngsat
[22:31:47] Defense (Defense! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:31:49] iamlindoro: )
[22:32:12] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:33:18] iamlindoro: Heh, I'm pretty good at this if I do say so myself
[22:34:07] iamlindoro: The tough ones are the ones designed to be on a white background
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[22:39:56] sphery: Oh, guess I misread it, then
[22:40:18] dustybin: iamlindoro: are you using photoshop
[22:40:26] iamlindoro: dustybin, no
[22:40:28] dustybin: or have you gimped out
[22:41:28] kormoc: Cause there are only two image apps on the planet...
[22:42:17] dustybin: there is only one _decent_ image app on the planet :P
[22:42:19] sphery: 3 if you count Microsoft Paint
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[22:42:24] dustybin: LOL
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[22:43:16] dustybin: Adobe PS4 utilizes the GPU !
[22:43:24] dustybin: is that cool, or is that cool?
[22:43:28] kormoc: meh
[22:43:55] sphery: Only non-visual image apps don't utilize the GPU
[22:43:59] kormoc: it's not like the other's done, or is displaying what you are editing a new feature these days...
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[22:44:16] sphery: So, I guess if there were an ed for images...
[22:44:32] kormoc: could claim imagemagik
[22:44:39] sphery: ah, yeah
[22:44:43] dustybin: PS4 uses GPU accelleration
[22:44:52] kormoc: Woo!
[22:45:06] kormoc: nothing like seeing your static image at 100k frames per second!
[22:45:21] dustybin: *acceleration
[22:45:31] dustybin: LOL
[22:45:48] dustybin: if you use ps4 you will understand, everything is soooo smooth
[22:45:54] dustybin: you can glide around the canvas
[22:46:02] kormoc: I have CS4 and meh
[22:46:12] dustybin: nice isnt it
[22:46:14] kormoc: cause you know, PS4 is years old
[22:46:18] kormoc: not especially
[22:46:23] dustybin: :(
[22:46:23] kormoc: I still use gimp for most things
[22:46:37] okolsi (okolsi!n=mythtv@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:46:53] dustybin: there is only one _gimp_ around here..
[22:47:13] ** dustybin looks in the mirror **
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[22:47:58] iamlindoro: Are you done with that theme you promised us yet?
[22:48:10] dustybin: im waiting for the .22 release
[22:48:13] dustybin: things might change
[22:48:13] iamlindoro: There's tons of documentation done now, let us know when it's finished Mr. Graphics man
[22:48:17] iamlindoro: no, they won't
[22:48:28] dustybin: aye ok, i will start then :D
[22:48:53] dustybin: is there a good base to adapt from?
[22:49:02] iamlindoro: terra, or default
[22:49:05] dustybin: ok
[22:49:12] dustybin: that means i will need to install trunk
[22:49:19] dustybin: it will spoil my suprise :(
[22:49:31] ** dustybin checks trac **
[22:49:55] dustybin: theres only 25% left, i might as well wait
[22:50:20] kormoc: meh, another loud bark
[22:50:22] ** iamlindoro expects to see something useful out of dustybin about the 6th of never **
[22:50:39] dustybin: i have been busy doing other things
[22:50:51] dustybin: for the last month i have been researching online cart systems
[22:50:52] kormoc: live being a productive member of society?
[22:51:04] kormoc: ooohh.... that's some deep research!
[22:51:07] dustybin: i have found the ultimate cart
[22:51:16] kormoc: Does it bring you zen?
[22:51:18] dustybin: however, it isnt open-source
[22:51:51] dustybin: this is paid, however its a one off payment
[22:51:51] dustybin:
[22:51:55] dustybin: the software is ace
[22:52:34] laga: does "cs" stand for closed source
[22:52:35] laga: ?
[22:52:40] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:52:41] dustybin: a good open-source solution is, this IMO is much better than dated oscommerce / varients
[22:52:48] dustybin: laga: im not sure
[22:52:50] kormoc:
[22:52:52] sphery: fits for Adobe's CS
[22:52:58] kormoc: nice text overflow
[22:53:16] dustybin: it runs a lot faster on your own box
[22:53:18] kormoc: and wonderfully ugly popups...
[22:53:23] ** kormoc laughs **
[22:53:30] dustybin: nice backend as well
[22:53:35] kormoc: meh
[22:53:51] dustybin: well, compare that to slug magento
[22:54:43] dustybin: opencart is pretty nice as well, nice lively community, good docs
[22:55:05] dustybin: i have tried and tested most of the popular ones
[22:55:28] dustybin: cs-cart and opencart were the only ones left on my list what are worth considering
[22:56:00] dustybin: i will use that to sell my .22 mythtv theme
[22:56:08] dustybin: (only joking :P)
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[23:04:24] sphery: heh, just found Word War vi
[23:04:34] sphery: Gotta set it up in MythGame
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[23:33:05] iamlindoro: *cricket*
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[23:34:59] laga:
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[23:39:31] iamlindoro: ooh, starfox
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[23:44:16] laga: yes.
[23:44:21] laga: fond memories..
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[23:51:12] AndyCrawford (AndyCrawford! has quit ("Quit")
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[23:52:30] rooaus (rooaus! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:57:47] darkdrgn2k3 (darkdrgn2k3! has quit ()
[23:59:48] unimaginative (unimaginative! has joined #mythtv-users

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