:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (199):

abqjp, adante, Agrajag-, ajh, akv, aliby--, aloril, Anduin, AndyCap, AndyCrawford, anykey_, AriX_, at0m, awalls, baffle, Beirdo, benc_, cafuego, Caliban, califdreas, Captain_Murdoch, ccfreak2k, cesman, chainsawbike, ChanServ, charlieS, cire, clever, cocoa117, Computer_Czar, CoreDump|home, Cougar, crankharder, croppa, CShadowRun, Dagmar, dashcloud, Dassu, ddettman, dec, Defense|Twin, DGnome, Dibblah, dibbz, diesel, Disputin, dknowles, dlblog, dougl, Dr{Who}, dserban, dserban_, dustybin, dwax, elmojo, eMBee_, eNeRGi, Essobi, EvilBob, EvilGuru, Exstatica, Faithful, felipe`, FinnTux, Floppe, gbee, gbutters, gnome42, gpd, gregL, GreyFoxx, gunni, hachi, Heliwr, highzeth, hippiehunter, hsi, Huijari, iamlindoro, ikonia, J-e-f-f-A, jamiem, jams, janneg, jarle, javatexan, Jay_, jduggan, JEDIDIAH__, jm|home, jordan, Josh_Borke, justdave, k-man, kabtoffe, kali67, KaZeR, keith4, keith4_, Kevin`, knowledgejunkie, kothog, KraMer, kurre_, l3v0n, LabMonkey, laga, ldam, lotia, Loto, Lt_Dan, lydgate, lyricnz, mace, MartinCleaver, MaverickTech, mazda01, mbamford, meshe, Metoer, mgisbers, MilkBoy, mishehu, mycosys-afk, MythLogBot, mzb, notlistening, Notorious, nrpil, olejl, olejl1, oobe, opello, ozatomic, packetscan, Patina, pat__, Pebby, pigeon, pisani, pizzledizzle, poodyp, psipsi, psm321, purserj, quicksilver, qupada, raa, RDV_Linux, rhpot1991, riddlebox, rojo, rooaus1, rushfan, ruskie, RyeBrye, sandeen, shackles, sid3windr, simcop2387, sivchand, slayven, SlicerDicer, sphery, Spida, squidly, squish102, styelz, sulan, sulx, superdug, sutula, tanderson, tank-man, tarbo_, Te3-BloodyIron, tfm, tgm4883, thefRont, Therock_, Thomas-, tomimo, toorima, tris, tt884, Tuxteri, Typosu, univate, wagnerrp, WiiN64, Winkie, wombo, wylie, xand, XChatMav, xris, [Peter], _abbenormal, _charly_

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error string:  htmlentities() [<a href='function.htmlentities'>function.htmlentities</a>]: Invalid multibyte sequence in argument
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  error line:  120

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    datetime:  2010-12-01 16:23:40 (UTC)
    errornum:  2
  error type:  Warning
error string:  htmlentities() [<a href='function.htmlentities'>function.htmlentities</a>]: Invalid multibyte sequence in argument
    filename:  /opt/beirdobot/share/beirdobot/web/includes/utils.php
  error line:  120
Friday, July 17th, 2009, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:48] GregL (GregL! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:06:31] sandeen: is there any frontend config option to tell the recordings screen to either stop the previews after a set time, or to exit from the recordings screen?
[00:06:41] sandeen: my frontend uses an extra 20W or so when it's playing the little preview window :)
[00:07:23] wagnerrp: depending on your IR receiver, you can program it to hit 'esc' a number of times when you hit the power button on your remote
[00:08:11] wagnerrp: so it backs out to the main menu whenever you turn off the tv
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[00:11:02] Dagmar: Actually I've been meaning to submit a feature dealie about that
[00:11:32] Dagmar: The thing really should exit to the main menu on the DPMS sleep timer so that it _can_ actually sleep
[00:12:05] wagnerrp: doesnt myth shutdown the DPMS timer? or is that only during playback?
[00:12:21] Dagmar: It would be easier to train a housepet to hit esc while peeing out a four-inch porthole window than it would be to get my gf to exit back to the main menu
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[00:12:34] Mode for #mythtv-users by : +vv Captain_Murdoch jams
[00:12:34] Dagmar: Only during playback as far as I know
[00:12:50] Dagmar: ...but it definitely just sits there and runs the preview window and keeps the disks going endlessly at the moment
[00:13:05] wagnerrp: no sense half-assing it, just put the machine into full standby when the timer hits
[00:19:09] sandeen: Dagmar, well I just turned off the preview video, good enough for me
[00:19:14] ** sandeen thinks maybe he missed something on a netsplit there **
[00:19:49] Dagmar: Yes and the Rio Grande is just a creek
[00:20:31] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:21:16] Dagmar: Seriously tho, something like that really should have a timeout
[00:21:45] Dagmar: Like, it's not realistic to think someone's going to want to watch an entire half-hour program in a teeny little preview window, over and over
[00:21:50] ** sandeen reads teh logs ... **
[00:22:02] sandeen: yes, agreed
[00:22:21] sandeen: I think maybe I filed an rfe to only play a little bit of it in a loop, in the hopes that it might buffer it all and not keep the disk spinning
[00:22:26] wagnerrp: as in, it waits several minutes before dropping the users?
[00:22:31] sandeen: but exiting after a timeout (or just stopping the playback) would be nice
[00:23:03] wagnerrp: i cant imagine it doesnt remaining in the buffer
[00:23:08] gunni_ (gunni_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:12] wagnerrp: i mean it only plays the actively selected file
[00:23:23] wagnerrp: and even then, it only plays a minute or so before looping
[00:23:43] wagnerrp: that cant possibly be more than a couple hundred MB
[00:24:02] sandeen: wagnerrp, pretty sure on mine it'll play the whole thing
[00:24:07] wagnerrp: unless youre recording something else at the same time, what else could it be accessing that it would drop that file from the cache
[00:24:11] sandeen: and it's HDTV so ...
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[01:59:36] sgtpepper (sgtpepper!n=ncorrare@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:48] sgtpepper: hi ppl.. can it be that having a upnp gateway on my LAN is hanging up my live tv?
[01:59:57] sgtpepper: I still can't change channels
[02:00:03] sgtpepper: when I change the channel I got the error displaying video message and then I cannot access live tv again until I restart mythbackend
[02:00:17] sgtpepper: changed tv card, re-installed, re-configured several time
[02:00:22] sgtpepper: is a new install btw
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[02:10:06] kurre_ (kurre_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:29] ** cesman wonders what upnp would have to do w/ changing channels... **
[02:10:48] ** cesman wonders ig sgtpepper has looked at his logs after attempting a channel change **
[02:11:04] sgtpepper: yes
[02:11:34] sgtpepper: I've pastedbin a bunch of stuff also cesman
[02:11:48] ** cesman was just wondering that... **
[02:12:12] ** cesman wonders if he can conserver strictly w/ /me... **
[02:13:06] cesman: sgtpepper: I'd suggest you pastebin again as someone that is now active maybe able to assist...
[02:13:21] cesman: I know I don't see another post from you scrolling back...
[02:13:35] sgtpepper:
[02:14:06] sgtpepper: cesman:
[02:14:20] sgtpepper: that's from the frontend -v all
[02:15:04] cesman: sgtpepper: perhaps posting the backend log as it is the backend that handles the tuner(s)
[02:15:17] kurre (kurre! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:15:21] sgtpepper: I'm on that
[02:15:27] sgtpepper:
[02:15:29] ** cesman has things to do... **
[02:15:33] sgtpepper: there is the bakcend log
[02:15:42] cesman: responses will be S L O W . . .
[02:16:01] sgtpepper: I just hope you can help
[02:16:09] cesman: ahh
[02:16:26] cesman: the log is telling you what the problem is...
[02:16:39] cesman: what tuner card do you have?
[02:16:47] sgtpepper: saa7134
[02:16:54] sgtpepper: analog
[02:17:11] cesman: did you setup the profiles like the log is stating?
[02:17:14] sgtpepper: I've tried also with a bt848 analog
[02:17:25] sgtpepper: there are profiles setted up
[02:17:30] sgtpepper: the default ones
[02:18:06] sgtpepper: but If that is the issue, why am I able to see one channel?
[02:21:21] cesman: "ask not what your country..."
[02:21:23] cesman: opps
[02:22:15] cesman: I can give you my assumed answer however, you should go into the profiles and ensure you at least setup a default for analog
[02:24:29] sgtpepper: I'm really sorry for this kind of idiotic question, but I still don't get how to do it
[02:25:12] sgtpepper: I tried changing the default profile from RTjpeg to mpeg4 but the issue persists
[02:26:52] sgtpepper: maybe I should install something related to rtjpeg
[02:28:38] sgtpepper: I'm sorry but I still don't get what's the issue
[02:28:40] sgtpepper: cesman:
[02:29:14] sgtpepper: OMG
[02:29:21] sgtpepper: I think I got it
[02:29:43] sgtpepper: I created a profile for the analog tv card
[02:30:28] sgtpepper: nope, still the same
[02:30:32] sgtpepper: let me get new logs
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[02:41:17] sgtpepper: I've new pastebing after adding a recording profile
[02:41:18] sgtpepper:
[02:42:06] sgtpepper: this is from the backend
[02:42:07] sgtpepper:
[02:43:04] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:47:01] sgtpepper: Found the error on the backend -v all!!!
[02:47:43] sgtpepper:
[02:47:50] sgtpepper: "ChannelBase(1): Failed to find channel() on current input (Television) of card (1)."
[02:47:55] sgtpepper: but the channels are there!
[02:49:29] sgtpepper: dan anyone help me with that one
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[02:58:55] cesman: sgtpepper: I'd go into mythtv-setup and ensure everything is setup correctly then restart the backend and try again
[02:59:01] ** cesman is busy w/ work work **
[02:59:12] sgtpepper: tried
[03:01:41] Dagmar: Try again.
[03:01:55] sgtpepper: I'm on it
[03:02:57] sgtpepper: the only chance at this point is xmltv screwing up everything
[03:03:02] sgtpepper: so I'm not going to use it
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[03:15:49] Outbreak_Monkey: i'm having issues with a nev svn build of mythtv on ubuntu (jaunty). Front end starts, but when it goes to init video i get an error opening fb device /dev/fb/0 and then (Unable to initialize video).. — does Myth TV need to use fb?
[03:17:04] Outbreak_Monkey: perhaps a better question for the dev channel?
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[04:04:09] mazda01: i already have all the dvd covers for my movie collection but I moved files around and now in mythvideo the covers don't show up. how can I get the database to see that the posters are stored in /var/lib/mythtv/posters. i didn't change the posters location or nothing like that.
[04:04:40] wagnerrp: the names are all the same, you just moved the path to them?
[04:09:31] mazda01: wagnerrp, yeah. I was having issues with getting mythweb videos and the upnp function working so I changed the name from /var/lib/mythtv/videos to /var/lib/mythtv/Video. it's a symlink to a folder where all my movies are. also, within that symlink there is 2 more symlinks pointing to 2 other folders with tons of movies in them. make sense. the /var/lib/mythtv/posters/ folder still has all the dvd covers with the imdb number.jpg stor
[04:09:31] mazda01: ed there.
[04:10:31] mazda01: wagnerrp, i opened mythfrontend, then setup, video manager and it rescanned my library but it doesn't appear that the dvd covers are being attached to the metadata in the database.
[04:10:49] iamlindoro: That's because as far as myth is concerned, they are totally new videos
[04:10:51] wagnerrp: if the cover images have not moved, mythfrontend should continue to show them
[04:10:58] iamlindoro: no way to get the metadata back now
[04:11:07] wagnerrp: assuming your old entries havent been flushed like iamlindoro is suggesting
[04:11:11] iamlindoro: (outside of putting things back the way they were and restoring a backup)
[04:11:13] iamlindoro: They have been
[04:11:16] wagnerrp: if you move the path to the video, they are new videos
[04:11:47] wagnerrp: if you have a database backup, you can restore your old database, and then use the mysql 'replace()' command to manually move the path of the entries
[04:12:57] wagnerrp: when it rescanned, it should have poped up a ton of 'this file is missing, delete?' windows
[04:15:31] wagnerrp: thats assuming youre using 0.21
[04:15:43] wagnerrp: if youre using trunk, there currently is no warning about deleting entries in the database
[04:15:52] dashcloud (dashcloud! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[04:17:04] mazda01: wagnerrp, that popup did show up, i told it to remove the video and same action for all. so I have to use again? there's no way to tell mythtvideo to use the covers in the /var/lib/mythtv/posters folder?
[04:17:20] wagnerrp: yes, no
[04:17:37] wagnerrp: the only other option is like iamlindoro said, recover from a backup
[04:18:54] wagnerrp: if you were so inclined, you could whip up a little batch script to run through the database, grab the imdb number, and insert the path to the images
[04:19:03] wagnerrp: but those are about your only three options
[04:19:34] wagnerrp: does the script even grab images any longer? or at least images worth having?
[04:21:58] mazda01: wagnerrp, it does for me. it grabs them from imdb. they look fine to me. some it can't find. for those it can't find or if it find multiple ones, I can chose the imdb number.i wish i knew how to write a bash script. so if I restore from backup, I would have to go into the mysql database and change the existing /var/lib/mythtv/video so that it read /var/lib/mythtv/Video?
[04:22:13] mazda01: because I do have a backup
[04:22:37] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[04:23:02] wagnerrp: if you have a backup, you cant (i dont believe you can) go through the traditional restore functons
[04:24:00] wagnerrp: you want to ungzip the file, open it in a text editor, and strip out the lines pertaining to tables videometadata, videometadatacast, and videometadatagenre
[04:24:15] wagnerrp: dump all your existing data from the tables
[04:24:31] wagnerrp: 'delete from videometadata;'
[04:24:59] wagnerrp: and then insert the old data 'mysql < text_file_containing_striped_out_lines'
[04:26:04] wagnerrp: then go through and do something like 'update videometadata set filename=replace(filename,"oldfolder","newfolder");'
[04:26:25] wagnerrp: and remember, MAKE A BACKUP before doing this, in case you screw something up
[04:28:02] wagnerrp: you may also want tables videocast and videogenre
[04:28:39] wagnerrp: however you do not want the full backup, because chances are that this is an aged backup missing several recordings that you have made since then
[04:31:42] mazda01: wagnerrp, the file is huge. i see all the places that call out /var/lib/mythtv/videos/, so I just want to change them to /var/lib/mythtv/Video/? I don't care if I lose a few recordings. this backup was taken today at 5 minutes after midnight this morning
[04:32:21] wagnerrp: well if you dont mind losing today's recordings, just use the normal backup/recover methods
[04:32:36] wagnerrp: and then run the replace line in mysql
[04:32:58] mazda01: wagnerrp, i don't really follow what you're saying about stripping out info though. can I do this in the text file or do I have to run this in mysql?
[04:33:28] mazda01: wagnerrp, i don't like working in mysql because I don't understand it very well. I do have phpmyadmin setup. would that help me fix this?
[04:33:38] wagnerrp: if you have a recent backup, and dont mind losing any recordings you have made since said backup, ignore all those ramblings and just do a normal recovery
[04:33:42] wagnerrp: as described on the wiki
[04:34:24] wagnerrp: let me know when you have done that
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[04:34:52] mazda01: wagnerrp, yeah, but I don't want to change the name back to what it was because I want mythweb videos to work and I think mythweb looks for Video and not video. is this a wrong assumption on my part?
[04:35:34] wagnerrp: mythweb searches for whatever you have set as the VideoStartupDir (or something like that) in the settings table for that host
[04:35:40] mazda01: wagnerrp, is there a quick command to see what recordings I'll lose from today?
[04:36:02] wagnerrp: quick command? no, not really
[04:36:08] wagnerrp: just pull up the frontend or mythweb
[04:36:16] wagnerrp: and see what has been recorded in the last day
[04:36:41] mazda01: wagnerrp, can I backup the database, then run a diff on the backup against the newly backed up database file?
[04:36:53] mazda01: wagnerrp, ok. one second.
[04:36:58] wagnerrp: no you cannot
[04:37:26] wagnerrp: when mysqldump makes the backup file, the tables are stored as one massive command each
[04:37:40] wagnerrp: 'diff' wouldnt know how to interpret that properly
[04:38:36] wagnerrp: the backup/restore instructions are here...
[04:40:30] wagnerrp: i believed there was some page on the wiki outlining exporting recordings and importing them into a new database (for any recordings from today)
[04:40:32] wagnerrp: but i cant seem to find it
[04:41:21] mazda01: wagnerrp, well, the file that I am looking (from automysqlbackup) has tons of info in it. would the new recordings be what's different if I ran automysqlbackup again and ran diff against the backup that was taken this morning at 12:05 am? I see that i'll lose around 12 recordings from today. the only one I want it Royal Pains and there's a plugin in XBMC to watch CBS shows (or whatever channel Royal Pains is on) because I have check
[04:41:21] mazda01: ed out the plugin before and it's sweet. it streams the show right from their website. So It doesn't matter if I lose all the recordings for the day.
[04:42:43] mazda01: wagnerrp, OH. there are scripts now for .21? I have been using automysqlbackup. is this ok?
[04:43:06] wagnerrp: they all use the same mysqldump, the instructions on that page should work fine
[04:43:52] wagnerrp: you have three options.... you can re-get all that metadata, you can live without today's recordings, or you can figure out how to insert new recordings into the database manually
[04:44:15] mazda01: so you want me to restore the database using my backup first correct? and then we'll worry about changing the path? or do I also need to rename the symlink I have in /var/lib/mythtv back to video also?
[04:45:13] wagnerrp: choose option 1 or 2 (3 is probably out of your league)
[04:45:44] wagnerrp: 1, you just say where you are, and do nothing
[04:46:10] wagnerrp: 2, you run the 'full restore of a specific backup file' from that wiki page
[04:47:12] wagnerrp: when thats done, you run one mysql command, which i gave about 20 minutes ago
[04:48:40] wagnerrp: you may have to run that command several times if you have multiple 'oldfolder's
[04:49:02] wagnerrp: and thats the folder containing the video, not the images
[04:50:36] mazda01: wagnerrp, I would run 'update videometadata set filename=replace(filename,"video","Video");'. do I need the single quote around the command?
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[04:52:02] mazda01: wagnerrp, how do you have your mythvideo work when you have 3 different mount points that have videos stored in them?
[04:52:36] mazda01: right now I have this: lrwxrwxrwx 1 mythtv mythtv 24 2009-06–19 18:42 Video -> /media/500gb/new_movies/
[04:53:26] wagnerrp: mythvideo will work with multiple root folders
[04:53:29] mazda01: and within that folder there is this symlink: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19 2009-07–16 08:54 movies -> /media/fat32/movies
[04:53:47] wagnerrp: just deliminate them with a semicolon
[04:53:49] mazda01: as well as this one: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 23 2009-07–16 09:06 movies_winxp -> /mnt/winxp_500gb/movies
[04:54:13] wagnerrp: but i have never run it that way
[04:54:30] wagnerrp: ive had a RAID array as long as ive used mythtv, so ive only ever needed one path
[04:54:43] mazda01: wagnerrp, HA. i never knew that. so it would be /var/lib/mythtv/Video; /media/500gb/new_movies; /media/fat32/movies
[04:54:57] wagnerrp: something like that, i think you are supposed to leave out the spaces
[04:55:11] mazda01: wagnerrp, ok. i'll google it quickly
[04:55:25] wagnerrp: those single quotes in the above command are only to separate it from the rest of the line of text
[04:55:35] iamlindoro: colon
[04:55:40] wagnerrp: however all mysql commands must be terminated with a semicolon
[04:56:20] kormoc_ is now known as kormoc
[04:56:29] iamlindoro: kormoc, where's your mac?
[04:56:34] ** kormoc peers **
[04:56:53] iamlindoro: being sleeded across the great northern expanse by mounties?
[04:56:56] iamlindoro: er sledded
[04:56:58] kormoc: Pretty much
[04:57:05] kormoc: Still 'Left Anchorage'
[04:57:41] kormoc: I've moved onto hopefully Monday
[04:59:26] dmz (dmz!n=dmz@ has quit ("Leaving")
[04:59:59] ** iamlindoro bets on tomorrow **
[05:00:06] wagnerrp: oh unicode, you vex me so...
[05:00:15] iamlindoro: for totally arbitrary and nonspecific reasons
[05:00:26] mazda01: wagnerrp, ok about the running that mysql command. and that's only if I don't rename that symlink the way it was right? I am thinking it would just be easiest to rename the symlink back to video and then figure out how to get uPNP and Mythweb Videos working with that path.
[05:00:32] kormoc: We can only hope!
[05:00:55] wagnerrp: kormoc: does mythweb work properly with multiple mythvideo paths?
[05:01:06] kormoc: only with a patch that's sitting in trac
[05:01:31] kormoc: we weren't going to push it as storage groups were going to be done before release, but we'll see
[05:01:37] wagnerrp: mazda01: well there you go... youre better off sticking with symlinks, and altering the entries in the database to match
[05:02:35] wagnerrp: and 'video','Video' is the only thing that changed in the file path?
[05:03:17] mazda01: wagnerrp, yes. I also added those 2 symlinks within /var/lib/mythtv/Video so that it would see my other movies on my other 2 folders. (drives)
[05:03:29] Typosu (Typosu! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:03:43] wagnerrp: if you previously had videos stored there, make sure to replace those paths as well
[05:03:53] wagnerrp: and its probably safer to use the full path, rather than just 'video'
[05:04:06] wagnerrp: so you dont accidently replace things that shouldnt be
[05:04:44] mazda01: kormoc, so mythweb video doesn't work with multilpe video directories (colon seperated) and I should stick with symlinks>
[05:05:04] kormoc: Yeah
[05:05:25] wagnerrp: mythvideo is moving away from the video directories entirely, and moving to a 'Videos' storage group
[05:05:35] wagnerrp: (although mythweb doesnt work with that either at the moment)
[05:05:42] MaverickTech (MaverickTech!n=Maverick@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:06:04] mazda01: wagnerrp, wait, I am not sure what you're saying about previously stored videos and replaceing those paths too?
[05:06:21] wagnerrp: this is something in trunk, not something you have to worry about at the moment
[05:06:37] kormoc: and isn't sure it'll actually make it for 0.22
[05:06:49] wagnerrp: as far as the paths, use the full path
[05:07:04] wagnerrp: like '/var/lib/mythtv/video' to '/var/lib/mythtv/Video'
[05:07:11] wagnerrp: rather than just 'video' to 'Video'
[05:07:28] wagnerrp: its safer that way, something that shouldnt be replaced wont get replaced accidentally
[05:08:54] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[05:08:59] mazda01: wagnerrp, oh yeah. i know thanks. but I dfon't think I'll even have to run that replace command because I am just going to change the symlink back to what it was and then worry about fixing uPNP. I was getting some weird error in a log about uPNP polling a Video folder and I didn't have a Video folder so I changed the video folder to Video. the error message went away but I screwed up mythvideo obviously.
[05:09:41] wagnerrp: do you have a separate backend and frontend?
[05:10:41] mazda01: wagnerrp, yes. I have xbmc on 2 xbox's that can see uPNP servers and also I have a seperate mythfrontend/backend machine which has the NFS shares from the master backend mounted on it.
[05:11:08] wagnerrp: so your master backend does not have a frontend?
[05:11:23] mazda01: wagnerrp, yes it does, sorry.
[05:11:38] wagnerrp: is mythvideo set up on the master backend?
[05:12:01] wagnerrp: each frontend stores mythvideo settings independently
[05:12:21] wagnerrp: and both mythvideo and the upnp server require a 'VideoStartupDir' to be defined for the hostname they are running on
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[05:13:43] mazda01: wagnerrp, yes. mythvideo is setup on the master backend. I haven't really played around with the other frontend as it really is only a slave backend with a PVR-500 in it.
[05:14:18] wagnerrp: 'both mythweb and the upnp server' that is....
[05:14:52] mazda01: wagnerrp, I can't seem the find the export recording option anymore?
[05:15:07] wagnerrp: export recording?
[05:15:24] mazda01: yeah, to a xvid file or to disc.
[05:15:54] wagnerrp: its already stored to the disk, and restoring the database isnt going to change that
[05:16:07] wagnerrp: it just means you no longer have an entry in the database pointing mythtv to it
[05:16:34] wagnerrp: you can always just grab the recording straight out of the storage group folder and put it into a mythvideo folder for when you want to watch it
[05:16:49] wagnerrp: before or after dumping the database
[05:17:19] wagnerrp: however understand that when you do dump the database, those couple recordings will become orphaned, and will never be deleted automatically
[05:17:34] wagnerrp: you either need to delete them manually, or use the orphan cleanup script
[05:17:46] mazda01: before i dump the database but nevermind.
[05:19:01] javatexan (javatexan! has quit ("Leaving.")
[05:19:53] mazda01: wagnerrp, ok, got it. i just realized that I don't even have on my computer? I am running 0.21.0+fixes19961–0ubuntu8
[05:20:11] mazda01: wagnerrp, so is there another guide for restoring a backup?
[05:20:32] wagnerrp: 'drop database mythconverg;'
[05:21:06] wagnerrp: bzcat mythconverg_backup.sql.bz2 | mysql -umythtv -pmythtv
[05:21:29] shackles (shackles!n=user@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:22:25] wagnerrp: you may have to do a 'create database mythconverg;' in between there, depending on how the dump script was setup
[05:22:44] mazda01: wagnerrp, my backups are .sql.gz files
[05:24:09] mazda01: wagnerrp, do I have to stop the backup from running?
[05:24:10] wagnerrp: not sure what the proper gzip concatenate command is, but 'gunzip -c mythconverg_backup.sql.gz | mysql' should work
[05:24:36] wagnerrp: if its a gzip, and you ran bzcat, i imagine it would have crashed outright
[05:24:51] wagnerrp: but if not, ctrl-c, and drop the database again
[05:24:57] wagnerrp: if one exists
[05:25:36] wagnerrp: looks like theres a 'gzcat'
[05:26:08] mazda01: wagnerrp, ok. I looke dup gzip -c and according to man, that's --stdout --to-stdout, that's what I want? Also, should I stop the backend where I am restoring the mythconverg database on? I don't have to worry about the slave do I?
[05:26:23] wagnerrp: gzcat should automatically dump to standard out
[05:26:30] wagnerrp: YES
[05:26:34] wagnerrp: YES YES YES YES YES
[05:26:42] wagnerrp: anything mythtv should not be running at this point
[05:27:56] mazda01: wagnerrp, ok, i'll shutdown the master and the slave. the master is recording something but it's not a big deal. i'll stop it in mythweb.
[05:29:48] wagnerrp: have you already dropped the database?
[05:31:02] wagnerrp: if you dropped the database with the backend running (and actively recording).... well thats like crossing the streams
[05:31:15] mazda01: wagnerrp, not yet. I just stopeed the backends.
[05:31:59] mazda01: so I need to login to mysql as the admin user and run 'drop database mythconverg;'
[05:32:07] kormoc: Total protonic reversal
[05:32:44] wagnerrp: every molecule of that recording, instantly disappearing from existence
[05:32:54] mazda01: so I need to login to mysql as the admin user and run 'drop database mythconverg;'
[05:32:58] jroysdon (jroysdon! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:33:10] wagnerrp: mythtv might be able to do it, not sure off hand
[05:33:34] wagnerrp: does 'grant all' give create and drop permissions?
[05:33:59] wagnerrp: anyway, this all can be done by the admin login to mysql
[05:34:35] mazda01: wagnerrp, i am logged in as admin on mysql. I want to make sure I do this right so I am asking what the first command is. is it drop database mythconverg;?
[05:35:00] wagnerrp: if your database is the default name 'mythconverg', thats the one
[05:35:40] mazda01: ok, dropped. 95 rows affected. what's the next command? I ahve the mythconverg backup as a .gz file currently.
[05:35:56] wagnerrp: 'create database mythconverg;'
[05:36:23] mazda01: ok, next please
[05:36:44] wagnerrp: ctrl-d
[05:36:53] mazda01: what does that do?
[05:37:08] wagnerrp: exit mysql (as well as most terminals)
[05:37:24] mazda01: so I want to exit mysql. ok.
[05:37:34] mazda01: done
[05:38:00] wagnerrp: 'gzcat mythconverg_backup.sql.gz | mysql' .... use -u and -p as needed
[05:38:18] wagnerrp: for user and password entry, admin account to mysql
[05:39:18] mazda01: gzcat -c or just gzcat?
[05:39:35] wagnerrp: just gzcat, its only purpose is to concatenate to standard out
[05:40:25] mazda01: i got gzcat not found.
[05:40:39] wagnerrp: huh... ive got one on mine
[05:40:44] wagnerrp: well try 'gunzip -c'
[05:41:32] mazda01: i even did a sudo aptitude install gzcat and there is no package with that name. I am running gunzip -c right now and it seems like it's working.
[05:41:49] wagnerrp: gzcat should be in the same package as gzip and gunzip
[05:42:03] mazda01: huh?
[05:42:11] mazda01: now what, it's done
[05:42:29] wagnerrp: run your 'replace' command
[05:42:51] wagnerrp: i *believe* thats the correct syntax, its just off the top of my head
[05:43:03] mazda01: i don't need to because I am renaming that symlink remember.
[05:43:17] wagnerrp: well then youre done
[05:43:21] mazda01: back to what it was, so it should work right?
[05:43:29] wagnerrp: just start everything back up
[05:44:07] mazda01: ok, crossing my fingers.
[05:45:31] mazda01: YEAP!! all 700 videos are back to having their metadata and movie covers. now I need to scan in those 2 new folders and add an additional 500 movies. what a tedious task but once it's done it's OH SO SWEET!
[05:45:31] wagnerrp: do calls to the jobqueue not start with a fresh environment?
[05:47:15] mazda01: CRAP! i forgot to change the folder in mythfrontend video settings before I entered the video manager and i told it to remove all files that were missing and it was looking in videos folder which doesn't exist. i'll have to redo the backup again. HA HA
[05:48:54] mazda01: i love bash and how I just hit the up arrow and it shows me my previous commands. makes this so much easier than retyping it.
[05:49:26] wagnerrp: meh... default behavior sucks
[05:51:40] kormoc: meh... all behavior sucks
[05:52:15] wagnerrp: i mean i have it set up to complete based off what i have already typed
[05:52:27] wagnerrp: i dont like the default behavior to just scroll directly through the list
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[05:54:39] kormoc: so default reverse search?
[05:57:14] wagnerrp: reverse search?
[05:57:53] wagnerrp: dont know what its called, i just know bash does not behave that way be default
[05:58:08] wagnerrp: and since i rarely use bash, ive not spent the 3 minutes necessary to make it behave that way
[05:58:09] mazda01: i ahve Enter IMDB # plastered in the middle of my video manger screen?
[05:58:26] kormoc: press ctrl + r and then type, it'll complete back
[05:59:50] mazda01: it went to another window, but then when I hit ok, it jsut goes back to this:
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[06:37:35] juski: ruh? wtf is up with my nx server now.. I can log in to a desktop fine but I don't get any GNOME menus :-\
[06:39:39] juski: heh. moved .gnome* & got them back. piece of crap
[06:48:04] ** juski looks for his cluebat **
[06:48:20] iamlindoro: !trout juski clue
[06:48:20] ** MythLogBot slaps juski with a clue trout on behalf of iamlindoro... **
[06:48:24] iamlindoro: close enough?
[06:51:03] juski: maybe. twitter says I have 42 followers. I count 18 :-P
[06:51:35] juski: keep blocking all the 'real estate agent/lifecoach/motivational expert' BS merchants
[06:52:12] juski: "make money from Twitter", they all seem to say. Wha, by learning to excrete gold bars?
[06:53:09] juski: btw your theme has had a few mentions on there now. Erm 3 to be precise
[06:54:25] FR^2 (FR^2! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:58:20] FR^2: moin
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[07:53:54] juski: FFS! Not a single pair of side cutters to be found anywhere round here. Thieving ***ers
[07:55:27] juski: They take our jobs, we take their tools. MUHAHAHAHA
[08:13:17] cynicismic (cynicismic!n=rclark@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[08:25:10] FR^2: juski: Forgot to take your dried frog pills this morning? ;)
[08:26:02] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:26:13] juski: no, just pissed at not being able to do my job because some c*** has pinched the tools. AGAIN
[08:28:04] juski: and by that I don't mean 'borrowed' because everybody denies having them. Therefore if nobody has them here they must be outside the building. Which means some **** stole them. They go missing, I buy more, they go missing, ad infinitum
[08:29:21] juski: I thought that by some point we'd have reached an equilibrium where everybody had the tools they wanted at home so the thieving would stop ;-)
[08:30:18] juski: I mean, how many pairs of side cutters and #1 pozi screwdrivers do people need?
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[08:35:51] FR^2: juski: What's your job?
[08:36:16] juski: electronic technician
[08:36:23] FR^2: ah :9
[08:36:43] ** juski suspects the software engineers. they all look shifty **
[08:37:22] juski: when we moved here we got a lab with door locks. great idea, but they just let any ****er in with their keyfob
[08:37:40] FR^2: juski: I'm innocent!
[08:37:50] juski: so there's no accounting for test gear or tools, plus we do stuff like build prototypes nobody else is meant to see
[08:38:54] juski: FR^2: all the softies here are guilty as sin
[08:39:23] juski: bet if I stayed late tonight I'd be able to find all the scopes, DVMs & tools we've 'misplaced'
[08:39:32] FR^2: hehe
[08:39:49] juski: apart from the screwdrivers. where they go is a mystery
[08:40:01] FR^2: juski: Anyone telling you that he's innocent without asking him wether he is, is per se guilty ;)
[08:40:27] juski: lol
[08:42:03] cynicismic (cynicismic!n=rclark@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[09:12:16] pak0: hi all people
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[09:35:33] eMBee_ (eMBee_! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:35:42] eMBee_: good afternoon
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[09:36:29] laga: eMBee_: you're in .at and it's past noon? ;)
[09:36:58] ** eMBee_ us trying to build mythtv from svn. it fails with /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL; the reason is most likely that libGL is in /usr/lib/xorg.mesa.3d/, but i can't figure out how to tell it to configure or make **
[09:37:24] eMBee_: laga: i am in china :-)
[09:37:30] laga: try adding it to /etc/ – that might help
[09:37:32] laga: eMBee_: ah :)
[09:38:04] juski: fail. production are fscking GLUING connectors in place,whether they've been pushed fully home or not
[09:38:11] pak0 (pak0!n=francisc@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:39:43] eMBee_: hmmm, /etc/ has an include statement: include /etc/*.conf, and in that directory there is a file that already lists /usr/lib/xorg.mesa.3d
[09:46:07] knowledgejunkie: eMBee_: there was a commit yesterday (r20931) that should "fix opengl dependencies in configure" – not sure if it will help you
[09:48:43] juski: running trunk, not following -dev or -commits mailing lists? Fail
[09:48:55] eMBee_: in the stable branch?
[09:49:16] knowledgejunkie: no, trunk
[09:49:39] ** eMBee_ is on r20931 but on the release-0-21-fixes branch **
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[09:49:56] knowledgejunkie: oh well
[09:50:36] eMBee_: can i disable GL instead?
[09:51:27] juski: I wouldn't
[09:52:26] eMBee_: well, for now i just want to see if it builds and runs, and then focus on figuring out how to make a plugin
[09:52:42] eMBee_: i can sort GL issues later
[09:53:18] juski: FWIW developing plugins for 0.21 is a waste of your time
[09:53:24] eMBee_: this is just my development box, so i don't really care about GL support for now
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[09:53:52] juski: new features won't be accepted for the current released version
[09:54:11] eMBee_: that's fine, i am just experimenting for now
[09:54:30] laga: what kind of plugin are you developing?
[09:54:39] laga: will it end up on dealextreme? ;)
[09:55:05] eMBee_: i have no clue yet
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[10:02:23] eMBee_: can anyone give a hint how to disable GL? i can't see a suitable option in the configure help
[10:04:46] laga: just add -L/path/to/mesa/ to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS
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[10:05:27] eMBee_: oh, hmm, i had tried LDFLAGS
[10:06:38] eMBee_: the --extra-*flags arguments are right forthat?
[10:06:46] eMBee_: to configure...
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[10:26:45] eMBee_: no luck with this ./configure --extra-ldflags='-L/usr/lib/xorg.mesa.3d/' --extra-cxxflags='-L/usr/lib/xorg.mesa.3d' --extra-cflags='-L/usr/lib/xorg.mesa.3d';
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[11:23:19] gbee: better to add the mesa path to and re-run ldconfig, followed by configure
[11:23:48] gbee: oh, already done that ... guess I should have read back further
[11:24:41] laga: updating 10 months old patches is fun
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[12:34:10] Mattias: Hi! I got a little question about DVB-T devices, I'm about to build me an HTPC however I'm not 100% sure about what tv-tuner to use, I'm thinking about the Digital-Everywhere FireDTV T/CI but I'm not sure it its supported or not, I've been checking this page: but it dosnt tell me that much.
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[12:45:23] mazda01: i have Enter IMDB # plastered in the middle of my video manger screen?
[12:45:25] mazda01: it went to another window, but then when I hit ok, it jsut goes back to this:
[12:45:50] laga: running trunk or -fixes?
[12:48:51] mazda01: i am running fixes
[12:51:45] gunni_ (gunni_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:52:53] gbee: which version of fixes?
[12:53:32] gbee: I vaguely remember that bug as being a theme/code mismatch issue
[12:53:45] gbee: eww, Blue
[12:55:24] juski: yeah it was something that needed to be pulled out of the xml
[12:55:30] juski: but IIRC it was done
[12:55:43] juski: you likely need to update the theme
[12:56:15] juski: wait a sec.. shouldn't happen with -fixes
[12:56:27] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[12:58:16] juski: pretty sure that only happened when using a 0.21 theme with trunk a while ago
[12:58:32] juski: I'll have a look through my commits & see
[13:00:09] juski: is the only reference I can find so far
[13:01:32] juski: was it
[13:02:01] juski: either way, you have a faulty theme xml there
[13:02:24] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:02:31] juski: some occurences of 'textedit' in video-ui.xml have to be changed to 'remoteedit'
[13:02:38] juski: that was going back a way!
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[13:08:21] juski: yeah IIRC in 0.21-fixes if an area isn't supported in the code it'll just be displayed arbitrarilly. heh
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[13:15:52] mazda01: i want to change this script so it saves the video posters in /var/lib/mythtv/posters but looking at it I am not sure how. Can someone please help me?
[13:16:30] juski: why not just save them where mythvideo is configured to store them, as intended?
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[13:17:26] mazda01: mythtv is configured to store them in /var/lib/mythtv/posters but this script I am using to get the imdb info for over 1500 movies doesn't save them there.
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[13:18:00] juski: on the frontend you run the script on? are you sure?
[13:18:19] juski: ugh. self.cursor.execute("SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value='VideoArtworkDir'")
[13:18:31] juski: no hostname criteria? Messy
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[13:18:47] mgisbers_away is now known as mgisbers
[13:18:59] mazda01: yes, i already have tons of movie posters set in /var/lib/mythtv/posters but I just added symlinks in the video folder for 2 other drives that contains another 500 movies so I need to update the database with all the imdb info.
[13:19:14] mazda01: juski, i didn't write it. just trying to use it.
[13:19:40] juski: you need to specify the hostname
[13:19:48] gbee: IMDB? ouch, you won't get pretty posters
[13:19:52] juski: otherwise it'll just fetch the first one
[13:20:16] mazda01: ok, can I achieve saving the posters in /var/lib/mythtv/posters and also update the script to include the hostname with your help?
[13:20:50] mazda01: gbee, do you have a better script that updates the movie plot, actors and also get the posters from a better site?
[13:20:55] juski: just change self.cursor.execute("SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value='VideoArtworkDir'") to self.cursor.execute("SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value='VideoArtworkDir' AND hostname="THEHOSTNAME"")
[13:21:02] juski: mazda01:
[13:21:42] juski: oops self.cursor.execute("SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value='VideoArtworkDir' AND hostname='THEHOSTNAME'")
[13:22:05] juski: where 'THEHOSTNAME' is the machine's hostname,or indeed just a variable set to the hostname
[13:22:18] juski: s/to/from
[13:22:26] mazda01: juski, i'll just check out if it'll pull down better dvd covers
[13:22:40] mazda01: juski, does it also fill in the plot and everything else?
[13:22:42] juski: where is that PoS script from anyway?
[13:22:49] juski: self.cursor.execute("SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value='VideoStartupDir'")
[13:22:52] juski: AGAIN no hostname
[13:22:55] juski: FAIL
[13:23:03] mazda01: juski, i've never used subversion. is there an easy guide for setting it up?
[13:23:10] juski: sigh
[13:23:14] juski: JFGI
[13:23:38] ** laga is now officially in "-fixes is deprecated" mode ;) **
[13:23:41] mazda01: it's from here: . . . Grabber.html
[13:23:42] gbee: didn't I backport to -fixes?
[13:23:51] juski: or just browse the repo at & grab the original file
[13:23:58] juski: who the **** is
[13:24:05] laga: ;)
[13:24:12] gbee: hehe
[13:24:13] mazda01: i don't know.
[13:24:24] mazda01: it had a gui so I thought I'd check it out.
[13:24:49] laga: so you get some random script from some random website and come in *here* because it doesn't work? :)
[13:25:11] juski: ah
[13:25:12] juski: duh
[13:25:27] juski: bloody NZ separatists
[13:25:53] mazda01: i typed in at and I can't see where to download
[13:26:00] gbee: ok, my amnesia is at work again, I thought I'd backported along with a db update to replace
[13:26:16] juski: mazda01: browse source
[13:26:21] juski: select trunk
[13:26:30] laga: gbee: aren't DB updates in -fixes evil?
[13:26:32] juski: then it's within mythtv / contrib
[13:26:46] gbee: laga: wasn't an update which changed the schema version
[13:26:48] gbee: iirc
[13:26:53] laga: oh.
[13:26:54] juski: mazda01: or you use the PROPER mythtv wiki
[13:27:05] gbee: maybe I never did it in the end
[13:27:30] juski:
[13:27:43] gbee:
[13:27:44] Essobi: Good Morning..
[13:27:48] gbee: too slow
[13:28:01] juski: a POX on 3rd party howtos written by 'experts'
[13:28:36] juski: getting settings from the DB without specifying the hostname is dodgy, not to mention potentially dangerous
[13:29:07] hadeees (hadeees! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:29:49] mazda01: i see where it says wget for but I don't get what the first couple commands are? example: install -d tmdb/MythTV &&. I said I don't use subversion so forgive my ignorance.
[13:30:44] juski: "If you do not have the Subversion client installed, use the following commands: "
[13:31:18] gnome42: Whomever has huge numbers of recordings I would be curious to know if [20935] makes any noticeable speed difference for any of the prog listing screens.
[13:31:51] mazda01: juski, i see that I am just trying to ask what the first couple commands do? I know what wget does
[13:32:02] juski: man install
[13:32:42] mazda01: juski, ok, sorry.
[13:32:43] juski: the commands AFTER the wget are just echo commands
[13:33:12] juski: christ, it's not as if it's gonna reformat your disks!
[13:37:20] hadeees (hadeees! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:37:33] mazda01: juski, I did all the commands. is there a wiki for using it?
[13:38:14] hadees (hadees! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:38:25] mazda01: juski, and as i said, I already have tons of posters already stored in /var/lib/mythtv/posters that I want to store all my new dvd covers in, is that where they'll be stored?
[13:39:10] juski: if the script reads the settings from the database correctly, yes!
[13:39:19] juski: which FYI the script *will* ;)
[13:39:34] mazda01: juski, ok. how do I use the script?
[13:39:58] juski: oh wait you want to do a bulk search?
[13:40:19] juski: cos is designed for a per-video search
[13:42:19] juski: i.e. select the video within video manager & search on it
[13:42:54] gbee: JAMU does bulk searches IIRC, but might be trunk only
[13:43:10] gbee: certainly a little more fiddly since it requires python
[13:43:28] laga: has jamu been committed yet?
[13:43:33] gbee: that's my personal bias btw, not really an observation since I've never used it
[13:43:35] mazda01: juski, yes, this whole time I wanted a builk updater.
[13:43:57] gbee: laga: Anduin has been too busy
[13:44:13] laga: gbee: ok
[13:44:23] laga: gbee: just looking forward to mangling it into the ubuntu packages
[13:44:27] juski: mazda01: well, somebody had better fix the script on the krazy wiki site :)
[13:45:05] mazda01: juski, so you don't know of a bulk updater that will tmdb for dvd covers and update all the plot info and actors and run tim e etc????
[13:45:26] juski: nope
[13:45:42] juski: think it serves folks right having too many files
[13:45:49] laga: rotfl
[13:46:01] laga: i'd try JAMU
[13:46:22] juski: looks like JAMU is trunk only
[13:46:24] purserj (purserj! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:46:37] mazda01: juski, JAMU is where in trunk?
[13:46:41] purserj (purserj!n=purserj@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:46:50] mazda01: i don't see it in the contrib dir?
[13:47:00] laga: it's in trac
[13:47:06] juski: "Currently does not ship with MythTV and only works with trunk (v0.22) revision 20232 or higher with a data base Schema Version: 1232 or higher."
[13:47:22] mazda01: juski, OH.
[13:48:57] juski: I couldn't even name 200 films, let alone 500
[13:49:37] juski: do 50 movie searches a day by hand. ten days, job done :)
[13:49:42] mazda01: does this script here have the hostname check or whatever you said it should have?
[13:49:50] juski: no it doesn't
[13:50:28] juski: it's looking in the settings table & pulling the FIRST entry out for a given data item
[13:50:39] juski: N A S T Y
[13:50:55] juski: especially when it's easy to do it properly
[13:51:56] juski: looks like the hostname is stored in the variable $host
[13:52:00] mazda01: juski, dthis one does though, right?
[13:52:44] juski: grep it yourself
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[13:59:53] laga: mythshutdown makes my head hurt
[14:00:21] laga: the whole thing probably is a rather straightforward state machine, but zomg
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[14:17:03] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:17:34] gbee: "MythTV Version  : Unknown" – sigh
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[14:18:20] phunyguy (phunyguy! has quit ("Leaving")
[14:19:53] gbee: I like the guy who thinks innovation == doing every illegal thing that other media centres "have done FOREVER"
[14:19:59] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:20:04] gbee: what a tit
[14:20:11] GreyFoxx: Where do you see that ? :)
[14:20:22] gbee: R5000 ticket
[14:20:40] gbee: guy ranting over the decision not to include the patch
[14:21:16] laga: lock it and forget about it
[14:21:28] gbee: and he's wrong about the commercial flagging, being sued in a civil court does not make something illegal
[14:21:52] GreyFoxx: Ahhh
[14:22:02] gbee: amazing how many people confuse civil with criminal law
[14:22:07] mazda01: i am using mythtv 0.21.0+fixes19961–0ubuntu8 and in mythvideo, there is no plot info? doesn't grab that info?
[14:22:14] Balobo (Balobo! has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.5.1/20090715094852]")
[14:22:39] gbee: GreyFoxx: sorry, I know you were in favour of that addition
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[14:23:37] GreyFoxx: Yes, but I don't live under the US laws so while I think it's silly to be a problem, I'm not at risk of any problems due to it
[14:23:43] gbee: mazda01: it used to, probably still tries, but IMDB have been actively fighting scrappers for a while and that's why we dropped support for IMDB (well it violated their TOS as well)
[14:24:30] GreyFoxx: To be honest I don't understand why things like the stupidities of the DMCA is not brought up by geeks to the media at every single oppurtunity
[14:25:41] GreyFoxx: Thank god we have people here in Canada like Michael Geist who fight this crap the instant someone tries to sneak it in here
[14:26:41] mazda01: gbee, oh. thanks for the info. it's weird. I am trying to use this script to update over 500 movies but it doesn't seem to fill in the plot info but when I go into mythvideo and do a manual enter imdb number, it ends up adding the plot data. weird? could you maybe help me out with this? the script is this:
[14:26:47] GreyFoxx: gbee: Though for the R5000 people.... they should look at a middleman app. Something that talks to the R5000, and spits out an IPTV stream for myth to record
[14:26:55] GreyFoxx: then myth doesn't need patching at all
[14:27:38] GreyFoxx: I haven't looked at the patch but it likely contains most of the "hard part" already
[14:30:41] GreyFoxx: actualy it looks like it does have almost everything it would need to be a seperate app. It just needs a layer to take the data and spit out the iptv stream
[14:31:00] GreyFoxx: makes me wish I had one of them.
[14:31:14] mazda01: can someone help me with trying to update over 500 movies with metadata from imdb? it's weird. I am trying to use this script to update over 500 movies but it doesn't seem to fill in the plot info but when I go into mythvideo and do a manual enter imdb number, it ends up adding the plot data. weird? could you maybe help me out with this? the script is this:
[14:32:13] laga: ffs! i've been working on #6066. now i took a closer look and saw that the guy basically told the backend "shut down if you don't have a recording in the next 5 minutes" and "wake up 5 minutes before the next recording"
[14:32:28] laga: it's not a miracle that i occasionally doesn't work
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[14:46:14] mazda01: anyone know why this isn't filling in the plot info? what's weird is that if I am in video manager in mythfrontend and do a search, it'll fill in the plot info?
[14:46:44] laga: mazda01: can you please stop repeating the same question over and over?
[14:48:36] mazda01: laga, ok, sorry. it's just that I would really like to be able to update over 500 movies info in mythvideo using a bulk updater versus going through each one and having to click search everytime. is there a way to have mythvideo do the search when i open the video manager and it scans all the movies into the database?
[14:49:28] Dibblah: AFAIK, the IMDB scraper has been unsupported for some time?
[14:49:42] GreyFoxx: yes
[14:49:46] gbee: laga: sorry, ignored the advice, I couldn't help replying to this one
[14:49:50] Dibblah: You should be using TMDB.
[14:50:09] gbee: Dibblah: no bulk updater for TMDB which is what he is trying to do
[14:50:14] mazda01: Dibblah, i know but I am told that there is no bulk updater for .21fixes yet.
[14:50:34] gbee: 500 movies is a sizable collection, DVDs or recordings?
[14:50:34] laga: another ticket closed. yay
[14:50:38] Dibblah: Well, that'd be a hard scripting job for someone.
[14:50:49] mazda01: Dibblah, i'd like to get really nice covers etc etc but to have to go through over 1500 movies one by one would take me days!
[14:51:16] Dibblah: Over 1500 now?
[14:51:18] Dibblah: Arrrr.
[14:51:21] gbee: laga: attachments can be deleted FWIW
[14:51:32] laga: gbee: i want everyone to see the errors of my ways ;)
[14:51:39] gbee: heh
[14:52:49] mazda01: Dibblah, yes, I hae over 1500 movies total, 1000 are already filled in with imdb info but the darn plot isn't.
[14:53:03] mazda01: Dibblah, if I used tmdb, would I have to rescan the entire library?
[14:54:02] Dibblah: I don't know.
[14:54:07] iamlindoro: holy cow
[14:54:13] iamlindoro: Bill Southwell is a dickface
[14:54:36] Dibblah: Considering he's not the author of the patch, I would have to agree.
[14:54:38] laga: gbee: why do we want milestones set for closed tickets?
[14:54:50] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: Who is that ?:)
[14:54:57] iamlindoro: his facts are all over the place too, and basically all wrong
[14:55:08] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx, The guy commenting on the R5000 patch
[14:55:32] iamlindoro: gbee, great response on the ML
[14:56:28] GreyFoxx: How do you know it is him ?
[14:56:43] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx, he posted after the long rant just to clarify who he is :)
[14:56:47] GreyFoxx: Ahhh ok
[14:57:03] laga: who *is* Bill Southwell?
[14:57:04] GreyFoxx: I didn't see that one :)
[14:57:05] iamlindoro: He *wanted* people to know who said it
[14:57:09] GreyFoxx: Good
[14:57:16] GreyFoxx: makes him less of acoward :)
[14:57:24] iamlindoro: laga, according to, he's nobody
[14:57:30] mazda01: what site does scrap anyway?
[14:57:31] iamlindoro: since he's never done diddly-dick
[14:57:32] laga: good
[14:58:00] laga: iamlindoro: today is a day where i just want to tell someone on the internet to fsck off. and i know it's sad.
[14:58:18] iamlindoro: laga, I call those days "days which end in 'y'" ;)
[14:59:24] JEDIDIAH__: a good tmdb script should allow you to rescan everything without (much) problem.
[15:00:46] ajh (ajh!n=ajh@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:01:10] mazda01: does the latest subversion with .21fixes? i tried installing it per the wiki and it failed, telling me to install it manually?
[15:01:39] JEDIDIAH__: my own imdb scripts are really in no condition to be handed off to anyone.
[15:03:04] mazda01: JEDIDIAH__, why is that? I am not a coder so I don't care how it looks.
[15:03:33] JEDIDIAH__: it has multiple parts and really isn't portable.
[15:03:36] mazda01: JEDIDIAH__, do you have a bulk updater that scraps
[15:03:46] mazda01: JEDIDIAH__, that would work with .21fixes?
[15:03:54] laga: nice. exploit for 2.6.30. . . . /069714.html
[15:04:07] JEDIDIAH__: I haven't switched to tmdb yet.
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[15:06:35] mazda01: JEDIDIAH__, oh, do you have a bulk updater then that parses imdb adn fills in the plot info? mine isn't filling that in. it's this one:
[15:07:28] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin!n=jepz@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:08:04] JEDIDIAH__: yes, I have special script just for that.
[15:08:30] JEDIDIAH__: my main one just sets the imdb id and fetches the poster image.
[15:10:03] JEDIDIAH__: my mythvideo theme didn't used to have space onscreen for the plot so I didn't bother with it.
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[15:15:03] gbee: iamlindoro: well thanks, written in the heat of the moment, probably would have been more composed if I'd calmed down first
[15:15:55] iamlindoro: gbee, It's exactly the response that temper tantrum deserves
[15:15:57] GreyFoxx: gbee: Nothing wrong with letting a little anger show ojnce in a while
[15:17:21] gbee: laga: which ticket?
[15:23:03] gbee: heh, just noticed that I ask a lot of questions when I'm ranting
[15:23:06] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:25:32] laga: gbee:
[15:28:22] sgtpepper: iamlindoro: are you around?
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[15:46:58] mazda01: JEDIDIAH__, so you do have a bulk updater that wll fill in the plot? I would really like it please.
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[15:57:13] gbee: laga: ah ok, just wanted it to be clear which version contained the fix for anyone else who had the same issue
[15:57:45] gbee: since I'm reasonably certain I backported a fix for that to 0.21.1
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[16:03:45] gbee: heh, that mythkiwi is a whole ubunutu based distro just for NZ mythtv users with it's own control panel etc
[16:04:51] wagnerrp: woo.... 0.8kb patch applied!
[16:05:13] wagnerrp: im now a developer
[16:06:20] AriX_ (AriX_!n=AriX@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:07:52] gbee: heh
[16:08:01] flexy (flexy! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:08:14] gbee: thanks for writing it :)
[16:13:16] FR^2 (FR^2! has quit ("Connection reset by peer")
[16:13:21] flexy: I have upgraded from 0.21-fixes to svn trunk. I can't get the mythplugins compiled. First errors when running make:
[16:13:25] flexy: logviewer.cpp:6:21: error: QKeyEvent: No such file or directory
[16:13:27] flexy: logviewer.cpp:7:17: error: QFile: No such file or directory
[16:13:35] wagnerrp: did you upgrade QT?
[16:13:39] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: congrats! ;-) My patch was a few months ago now... gotta get back into the groove... ;-)
[16:14:20] flexy: wagnerrp: yes. I'm running debian sid. And I got the main myth compiled, I have FE and BE running as we speak
[16:14:51] gbee: flexy: you re-ran configure for mythplugins after running 'make distclean'?
[16:15:29] flexy: gbee: I've started with fresh svn tree, should I start with make distclean?
[16:16:04] wagnerrp: try uninstalling QT3 first (assuming nothing else is still using it)
[16:16:12] gbee: flexy: it's possible that it's using the wrong version of QT, can you pastebin a bit of the build output leading upto the error?
[16:16:30] gbee: logviewer.cpp is mytharchive? I'm not building that myself, so it's just possible there is a recent breakage and you've had the bad luck to find it
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[16:17:08] wagnerrp: having QT3 and QT4 both installed on the same system can be done, but it more often than not just results in these sorts of problems
[16:17:25] flexy: gbee: OK, wait a minute... It's actually every plugin I've tried. archive, video, gallery, music.... all fail. it must be something that I'm missing...
[16:17:48] flexy: wagnerrp: does the trunk version of mythtv use qt3 to anything anymore?
[16:18:04] wagnerrp: no, trunk has no need for qt3 anything
[16:18:20] flexy: this is a dedicated mythtv box, so I can remove qt3 all together?
[16:18:24] gbee: yes
[16:18:45] wagnerrp: that depends entirely on your distro
[16:18:51] gbee: after which you will need to "make distclean"
[16:19:12] flexy: ok, then I'll start with that... I'll remove qt3 and we will see... gbee, ok, got it.
[16:19:34] gbee: shouldn't matter for the distro since he'll have no desktop software requiring QT on a dedicated myth box
[16:19:46] flexy: wagnerrp: as I said, debian sid. but then again, if you don't have it, you might not know...
[16:20:19] wagnerrp: gbee: well the distro would define what package manager utilities he would use to remove the package
[16:20:28] flexy: actually just cups is needed from that box, printer is connected to it
[16:22:52] flexy: after I have removed qt3, should I compile mythtv again, before trying compiling mythplugins?
[16:23:04] gbee: should be enough to remove the QT3 -devel packages
[16:23:22] wagnerrp: if mythtv compiled and runs, it must not have picked up the improper dependencies
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[16:23:43] flexy: ok
[16:23:57] gbee: flexy: it would just appear that the mythplugins configure picked up on the wrong qmake for some reason
[16:24:25] gbee: I believe we have stricter checks on the qmake version in the main configure script which were never copied over
[16:24:29] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:24:42] flexy: gbee: OK, that migh be it. the default qmake was linked to qt3 version...
[16:25:25] sgtpepper: does anyone mind ssh'ing to my mythtv box to check what is going on?
[16:25:30] flexy: It seems that I cannot remove libqt4-qt3support package, it depends a bunch of qt4 dev packages
[16:25:35] wagnerrp: well this is amusing... nevada man found running down the highway nude, claiming to be a terminator sent back from the future... finally tased in a casino
[16:25:39] sgtpepper: many people have checked the logs already
[16:25:52] sgtpepper: wagnerrp: link?
[16:26:33] ** gbee prepares his rootkit **
[16:26:59] gbee: flexy: you want that package, it's not a qt3 package
[16:27:53] wagnerrp: . . . d-terminator
[16:28:05] gbee: qt3support lib smooths the transition for qt3 applications porting to qt4, it probably won't be needed for 0.22 since we've done the full port in one step, but it does no harm either
[16:28:36] flexy: gbee: yes, I figured that, cause of those dependencies to other qt4 packages
[16:29:12] gbee: well tasing a terminator is supposedly more effective than shooting them
[16:31:04] flexy: I'm trying to run make distclean in mythplugins directory... I get following error: make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/share/qt3/mkspecs/default/qmake.conf', needed by `Makefile'. Stop.
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[16:32:30] gbee: find -name Makefile -delete
[16:33:14] wagnerrp: oh, its better.... apparently he was tased in the casino in front of a bunch of children
[16:33:35] wagnerrp: nothing like a naked writhing terminator to haunt their dreams
[16:34:19] dkeith (dkeith!n=dkeith@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:34:20] meshe: which begs the question, what were the kids doing in the casino?
[16:34:35] wagnerrp: where else are they going to get free beer?
[16:35:04] JEDIDIAH__ (JEDIDIAH__! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:35:21] flexy: yippiyayeee! it compiles! :D
[16:35:30] flexy: thanks :)
[16:36:00] ** flexy goes and gets half a litre of icecream and starts to watch recordings... **
[16:38:07] wagnerrp: litre of ice cream? you crazy fins and your crazy units
[16:38:23] ** iamlindoro hands wagnerrp a quart of chunky monkey **
[16:39:49] wagnerrp: ooh! 2TB WDGreen at dell for $180
[16:40:13] wagnerrp: bah... out of stock
[16:41:52] gbee: quart ... er of a litre?
[16:41:58] flexy: no, it's actually very clear unit. 10cm*10cm*10cm
[16:42:14] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:42:16] gregL__ (gregL__! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:42:31] wagnerrp: no decimeters?
[16:42:52] meshe: Imperial is sooo yesterday
[16:42:59] gbee: 1litre of water === 1000 cubic centimetres === 1Kg
[16:43:12] flexy: yeah
[16:43:38] iamlindoro: gbee: A quart = 1/4th gallon = A standard size for a package of ice cream here
[16:43:57] flexy: well, back to the business... compiling failed little further along
[16:44:03] flexy: main.moc:13:34: error: private/qucomextra_p.h: No such file or directory
[16:44:08] flexy: any ideas?
[16:44:16] iamlindoro: gbee: If it makes you feel better I could give him a pint :)
[16:44:43] meshe: pint, now theres a measurement i know... mmmm beer
[16:45:20] flexy: yes, litle over half a litre
[16:46:09] wagnerrp: you know, im surprised the bottling industry went to liters, they could have sold us quarts and given us less for the same price
[16:46:22] gbee: yeah I figured, but you've lost me with a gallon, I couldn't picture what a gallon of anything would look like even though I grew up with my parents knowing nothing but imperial and the generation below mine who wouldn't have a clue that imperial units even exist
[16:46:39] wagnerrp: 1 gal ~= 3.7L
[16:47:17] iamlindoro: gbee: Whereas the average american would just think of a jug of milk :)
[16:47:41] meshe: or the price unit for gas
[16:47:46] iamlindoro: Gallon!
[16:48:24] Tuxteri (Tuxteri! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:48:25] meshe: sfw?
[16:48:29] iamlindoro: yes
[16:48:31] gbee: we still mix units in this country, your weight and height is normally expressed in pounds/stones and feet/inches, but you buy a kilo of sugar and a paving brick is 10cmx5cmx5cm
[16:48:55] wagnerrp: Galleon!
[16:49:00] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:49:09] gbee: you hike 25km, but you drive 15 miles
[16:49:27] ** wagnerrp has no idea what a 'stone' is **
[16:50:01] gbee: muzzle velocity is in metres per second, but the speed limit is 70mph
[16:50:02] meshe: yeah, metric height/weight still confuses me, most people still use Imperial for that, everything else is in metric
[16:50:18] meshe: wagnerrp: i think only the brits use stone
[16:50:24] meshe: it's like 16lbs i think
[16:50:41] gbee:
[16:50:45] gbee: 14
[16:50:48] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: they cut out before he vomited 2 minutes later
[16:50:58] meshe: i was waiting for a correction ;)
[16:50:58] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: I should hope so :)
[16:51:35] kormoc: I love the fact that Canadians use MPG
[16:51:44] wagnerrp: the dare is usually that you have to hold it down until the end of the hour
[16:51:46] kormoc: but they buy in liters and go KM
[16:52:19] ** wagnerrp is completely baffled by the use of 'lt/100km' **
[16:52:31] gbee: I weigh 11 Stone, about 1 stone more than I did 18 months ago .... :(
[16:52:34] meshe: we don't, it's liters/100km
[16:52:43] kormoc: gbee, so drop one?
[16:52:44] meshe: wagnerrp: most of us are too
[16:52:54] flexy: how about the themes? should I copy them somewhere? there seems to be configure script in the themes directory... I'm wasted...
[16:52:58] kormoc: meshe, hrm. All the Canadians I know use MPG
[16:53:02] gbee: we'd rarely describe our total weight in pounds
[16:53:17] meshe: ok, canadians use mpg, canada doesn't :)
[16:53:33] kormoc: Ha! That's even better :P
[16:53:48] sphery: paul-h: Hope that MSqlQuery::exec() patch applied OK. My plan was to check my in-queue patches next week, but you got to that one before I did. Thanks, though, for getting it applied (especially if it took you extra work).
[16:53:51] meshe: gbee: so give or take 14 lbs :)
[16:53:54] iamlindoro: 14 X 11 = 154, heh, I'm about two "stone" more than that and in halfway decent shape
[16:54:01] ** kormoc blinks **
[16:54:09] sid3windr: .nl'ers use km/l
[16:54:10] kormoc: you guys all suck
[16:54:16] sid3windr: which completely baffles me, then, as a l/100km user ;)
[16:54:29] wagnerrp: i would happily switch to kpl... but 'l/100km' just seems retarded
[16:54:34] iamlindoro: gbee: so 11 sounds pretty decent to me :)
[16:54:48] gbee: iamlindoro: you probably have the build/height, I'm short and normally pretty lean
[16:54:52] meshe: wagnerrp: agreed, i still prefer mpg
[16:55:07] iamlindoro: gbee: build, but not height :)
[16:55:09] meshe: (even though i need to convert km's to miles
[16:55:27] wagnerrp: i mean you want to know how far you can go with what you have left in your tank
[16:55:56] wagnerrp: who cares how much fuel you need to go your distance, unless youre one of those people who only ever buys a partial tank of gas
[16:56:49] kormoc: well, luckly the border has helpful signs that say, "Think Metric! 20 MPH == 30 KPH"
[16:57:01] kormoc: I've read that sign so many times it's ingrained into my soul by now
[16:57:06] iamlindoro: ah, that *is* helpful
[16:57:06] gbee: I'd probably be happy around 10 1/2, but in my early-mid twenties I was 9 1/2, in fact I was so damn light in my teens that I required a special parachute, something that prevented me from flying a few times :(
[16:57:32] meshe: actually it's ThinK Metric :)
[16:57:37] jamiem (jamiem!n=jm| has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:58:07] wagnerrp: some advertising weenie needs to be punched for that one
[16:58:10] kormoc: heh, true, there isn't the !, but I always add it on for some reason
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[16:58:21] gbee: unlikely we'll convert to Km/Kph anytime soon, the cost of replacing every road sign in the country and re-educating drivers would be astronomical
[16:58:33] meshe: yeah, the K and M are highlighted ;)
[16:58:53] kormoc: Ha! I never noticed that
[16:59:07] meshe: watch for it next time
[16:59:15] gbee: it's a shame really, it would be nice to have a single unified unit for everything
[16:59:27] ** iamlindoro suggests the "lindoro" **
[17:00:00] wagnerrp: how far is that? 4 lindoro.... how much does that weigh? 12 lindoro....
[17:00:48] kormoc: How's that pronounced anyway? I think "Lin-do-roooooooo"
[17:01:08] wagnerrp: figured it was 'lin-dor-ooo'
[17:01:09] gbee: a lindoro would probably equal the distance that you could throw iamlindoro
[17:01:15] kormoc: "4 lindoro per lindoro in lindoros per lindoro"?
[17:01:34] iamlindoro: gbee: What use would such a small measurement be?  :)
[17:01:47] ** kormoc eyes the micron **
[17:01:54] kormoc: Yes, Mr. Micron, he was talking smack about ya
[17:02:08] sid3windr: I challenge you to 4 lindoro's.
[17:02:13] gbee: iamlindoro: did I fail to mention the cliff?
[17:02:13] sid3windr: or is it lindoroes?
[17:02:15] wagnerrp: but is it a throw from a person? a throw from a gorilla? a throw from a trebuchet?
[17:02:17] iamlindoro: Mr. Micron sounds like an awful sort of name women would call a fella behind his back
[17:02:33] kormoc: iamlindoro, personal experience eh?
[17:02:47] iamlindoro: gbee: Youch, I must clearly have angered the gbee somewhere along the way
[17:03:09] meshe: yeah, let the women come up with the measurment units, too many men can't agree on what 12 inches is
[17:03:18] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Mass Drier?
[17:03:21] iamlindoro: Driver
[17:03:22] ** kormoc laughs **
[17:03:22] paul-h: sphery: np, it wasn't to bad, thanks for the patch :-)
[17:03:30] sid3windr: this bit |--------| (not to scale)
[17:03:33] sid3windr: *big
[17:03:50] wagnerrp: ooh... mass drier.... how far could iamlindoro be blown by a massive hair drier!
[17:04:05] ** iamlindoro wears gbee's special parachute **
[17:04:18] wagnerrp: oh no! its too small!
[17:04:23] iamlindoro: I'll take what I can get
[17:04:37] kormoc: That's what she said!
[17:04:38] wagnerrp: hopefully theres water on the other side of that cliff
[17:04:56] ** iamlindoro is uncomfortable with the current line of thinking **
[17:05:55] wagnerrp: units of volume would be the total amount of tar that will stick to iamlindoro in one pouring
[17:05:59] bluey- (bluey-! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[17:06:14] wagnerrp: units of weight would be how much feathers can be held by such tar
[17:06:14] kormoc: but where do the feathers come in?
[17:06:19] ** kormoc laughs **
[17:07:23] ** iamlindoro stands in the corner, wields the trout menacingly **
[17:08:00] kormoc: You mother was a hamster and your father smelt of trout
[17:08:33] iamlindoro: Mrs. lindora was a SAINT and YOU SHUT UP
[17:08:46] iamlindoro: A SAINT
[17:08:57] wagnerrp: you spelled it right the first time
[17:09:07] iamlindoro: </wesmantooth>
[17:10:17] ** kormoc wonders if there's a saint assigned to rodents **
[17:10:43] iamlindoro: "I will smash your face into a car windshield, and then take your mother Dorothy Mantooth out for a nice seafood dinner and never call her again."
[17:10:50] iamlindoro: "Dorothy Mantooth is a saint. You understand me? Dorothy Mantooth is a saint."
[17:10:51] wagnerrp: saint patrick, he drove out all the snakes
[17:12:38] jamiem (jamiem!n=jm| has joined #mythtv-users
[17:20:09] ** iamlindoro wonders about people who buy hardware having no idea what its capabilities are **
[17:20:47] iamlindoro: who buys a HVR-950 specifically avoiding the HVR-950Q (and thus losing QAM tuning).... and does it to tune ANALOG? (as it's a framegrabber)
[17:21:12] kormoc: someone on the mailing list I'd wager
[17:21:16] iamlindoro: just so
[17:21:46] iamlindoro: I explained it, and he responded that he was "pretty sure" he could tune QAM
[17:21:52] iamlindoro: Umm... no. You can't.
[17:22:54] iamlindoro: kormoc: Mac?
[17:22:57] kormoc: Don't let reality get in the way or anything...
[17:23:00] ** kormoc peers **
[17:23:19] kormoc: HAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAH
[17:23:50] kormoc: Arrived on 07/17/2009 at 11:45 A.M. at *drum roll* Louisville, KY!
[17:24:02] iamlindoro: WhawhaWHAAAA?
[17:24:07] kormoc: . . . 086780658146
[17:24:19] iamlindoro: jeez
[17:24:30] iamlindoro: Service: EXPEDITED
[17:24:32] iamlindoro: obviously
[17:24:35] meshe: flew right over you
[17:24:40] kormoc: Yup...
[17:25:00] iamlindoro: Ah, this is for the whole pallet
[17:25:29] iamlindoro: World Ease/the refs indicated it's being shipped to a US location first (probably KY) and then it gets parted out and sent to the individual destinations
[17:25:37] iamlindoro: Sucky
[17:26:05] kormoc: yeah, . . . rldease.html
[17:27:43] iamlindoro: I swore they used to do that part of it in AK
[17:27:51] iamlindoro: maybe it's an economy thing
[17:29:00] iamlindoro: I had some friends from AK in college-- always used to be jealous when their yearly "thanks for being an alaska resident" checks came in
[17:30:01] Dr{Who}: does anyone know of a DIY / Howto on building a CORE MythTV system with many tuners to distribute video to 3 rooms on older TV's with remotes
[17:30:20] wagnerrp: CORE?
[17:30:30] iamlindoro: Dr{Who}: What you are describing is a plain old regular MythTV system
[17:30:33] Dr{Who}: in LinuxMCE they define the main system as a CORE
[17:30:34] wagnerrp: you mean like a single, large master backend?
[17:30:45] Dr{Who}: all others are orbiters
[17:30:52] Dr{Who}: yes master back end
[17:30:53] iamlindoro: We don't use that terminology
[17:30:59] iamlindoro: backend, frontend
[17:31:07] iamlindoro: and again, that's just a normal myth install
[17:31:26] wagnerrp: check the Executive Overview on the wiki for the terminology and basic setup of a myth system
[17:31:33] Dr{Who}: ok cool. so 1 big backend with multiple tuners and 2 old analog TV's as front ends and 1 HD tv as a front end
[17:31:47] superdump (superdump!n=rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:31:49] wagnerrp: linuxmce uses a heavily modified, old version of mythtv
[17:31:56] Dagmar: TVs are not frontends
[17:31:59] Dagmar: TVs are displays
[17:32:13] wagnerrp: well... technically you can get TVs with built in UPNP hardware
[17:32:39] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: How, stealing them from hotels?  ;-)
[17:33:05] wagnerrp: nah, i know the higher end Samsungs have UPNP clients, i believe Sonys do as well
[17:33:18] iamlindoro: I don't consider a uPnP device to be a frontend, personally
[17:33:29] wagnerrp: fair enough
[17:33:47] Dr{Who}: one idea i had was USB Video Card's on the master and IR Receivers in each room. Someone must have tried something simmilar?
[17:34:11] Dr{Who}: trying to avoid putting computers in each room
[17:34:14] wagnerrp: as mentioned, what you are describing is a standard multi-system mythtv setup
[17:34:27] J-e-f-f-A: me neither, but the upnp support technically could be updated to provide a more frontentend-like experience... I just don't know enough yet to be able to do it myself... :-(
[17:34:30] wagnerrp: however you do not want to avoid putting computers in each room
[17:34:41] Dr{Who}: hmm k
[17:34:43] wagnerrp: you want one frontend to one machine
[17:34:57] wagnerrp: you *can* run multiple frontends on one machine, but it gets very messy
[17:34:58] Dr{Who}: so what we are saying is I MUST put a frontend pc in each room next to the tv's
[17:35:14] wagnerrp: it doesnt have to be in the room, it can be on the other side of the wall, or floor
[17:35:19] Dagmar: Unless you feel like running some really, really long cables
[17:35:39] iamlindoro: but what we are saying is that you should have a 1:1 relationship between TVs and computers
[17:35:48] iamlindoro: regardless of their location
[17:35:56] Dr{Who}: I just spend the past 4 years doing a home run system where all rooms have a home run wiring to a central room so thats why im trying to avoid the satalite equipment
[17:36:20] iamlindoro: You can put all the systems in one room, that's fine, we don't care about geography
[17:36:57] wagnerrp: however understand that USB is limited to 16', and serial is limited by noise levels
[17:36:59] meshe: for your SD tv's just put the frontends for those with the backend and run coax
[17:37:08] wagnerrp: so it can get difficult to send the IR signals back to a main room
[17:37:21] ** J-e-f-f-A once worked at a company that ran serial over 300'...  ;-) **
[17:38:02] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: normal voltage signalled rs-232? or something amp signalled?
[17:38:28] Dr{Who}: meshe: to put video/audio over the existing coax i would use ________
[17:38:34] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: normal rs-232.  ;-) But full rs-232 spec – +/-12v signals. ;-)
[17:39:09] wagnerrp: we use amp signalling down in the test labs for anything that has to go considerable distance
[17:39:41] wagnerrp: Dr{Who}: for analog, you just need a simple RF modulator
[17:39:56] meshe: Dr{Who}: tv out ie: composite or svideo and rca audio into a rf modulator
[17:40:02] SlicerDicer (SlicerDicer! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:40:03] J-e-f-f-A: Dr{Who}: RF encoders... How is your 'home run' wiring setup – RF, video/audio, component, vga?
[17:40:16] wagnerrp: for high definition (analog or digital) youre going to need equipment starting at $500 minimum
[17:40:49] meshe: yeah, your HD system is going to be the expensive part
[17:41:06] meshe: you can do SD with 8 year old hardware
[17:41:17] Dr{Who}: I have mostly coax to each room to a central location I also have ethernet to each room and can run more ethernet easy enough. My HD tv is within 20 feet of my home run so i figure i can go direct component or dvi
[17:42:03] wagnerrp: before we suggest any further, what exactly do you want to send to these TVs?
[17:42:27] wagnerrp: as in content sources
[17:43:09] Dr{Who}: recorded video's or from a set tuners some HD channels etc
[17:43:12] wagnerrp: just analog sources? ATSC/QAM digital TV?
[17:43:19] Dr{Who}: ATSC and qam
[17:43:40] wagnerrp: no future need for a HD-PVR? or bluray/hddvd capacity?
[17:43:54] dani882 (dani882! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:44:20] Dr{Who}: not so much. The main family room gets all the high quality the rooms are NEVER going to have this to encourage users to be in teh family room : c )
[17:44:35] stoffel (stoffel! has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:44:42] Dr{Who}: heh i just called my kid a User : c )
[17:45:05] wagnerrp: it doesnt take much to decode ATSC anymore
[17:45:44] wagnerrp: you could get a small, nearly silent computer for a couple hundred bucks to put in front of each of those tv (or hide behind if that is your preference)
[17:46:11] wagnerrp: any Ath64, Core, or Core2 chip is going to be more than you need
[17:46:22] wagnerrp: higher end AthXPs and P4s are capable of ATSC decoding
[17:46:41] iamlindoro: gnome42: I'm really happy to see your recorder failed check-- I think that will help with a lot of squirrely lost recordings
[17:48:25] Dr{Who}: wagnerrp: yep i am clear on that approach was just trying to see if anyone put say 4 video cards in a pc or even USB->Video cards to keep it all in one box and then just ran the video through cat5 or RF encoded it
[17:49:05] Dr{Who}: someone mentioned it is plausable but tricky
[17:49:12] wagnerrp: Dr{Who}: the problem with that approach is how to handle the IR signals
[17:49:25] iamlindoro: And the fact that you will quickly overwhelm even a beefy processor
[17:49:34] Dr{Who}: quad core?
[17:49:35] Dubstar_04 (Dubstar_04! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:49:36] Dagmar: They were wrong.
[17:49:38] Dagmar: It's a dumb idea.
[17:49:46] Dagmar: Video doesn't go over cat-5 like that
[17:49:46] iamlindoro: yes, it's really not a good idea
[17:49:53] wagnerrp: you get a single quad-core, and it will handle handle any ATSC you playback you want
[17:50:19] wagnerrp: Dagmar: they make balanced baluns for sending video over cat-5, for more than the cost of a computer to put next to the TV
[17:50:24] dani882 (dani882! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:50:38] iamlindoro: But if you get a quad core it can and will still be overwhelmed tyring to run 4 X sessions and decode video for 4 mythfrontends
[17:50:51] Dagmar: wagnerrp: I know.
[17:50:52] Dr{Who}: I have video/audio baluns for 25$ that do video and audio over cat 5
[17:51:04] Dagmar: They probably do a poor job of it
[17:51:16] Dr{Who}: ya not very good for security cameras
[17:52:08] Dr{Who}: still though having the ir in each room control just that room is a low level issue that may not be possible.
[17:52:35] iamlindoro: That's not even close to the largest issue
[17:52:57] iamlindoro: What you are describing is a really bad/probably impossible idea for far more than one reason
[17:54:13] Dr{Who}: so i am chasing a unicorn again : ( my home run room is DC powered ups backup solar powered very hard to get that redundancy in each room so if the power goes out... Meh...
[17:54:32] wagnerrp: why would you need it?
[17:54:39] wagnerrp: are your TVs battery backed up as well?
[17:54:55] Dr{Who}: sure its easy to put a small ups on a tv that will run it for an hour or 2
[17:54:56] wagnerrp: if your TV isnt on battery, theres no need for the frontends to be either
[17:55:10] iamlindoro: Just put the frontends in that room, dude
[17:55:16] iamlindoro: then run the video and audio with your baluns
[17:55:18] Dagmar: You have an unrealistic impresion of UPS lifespan
[17:55:19] iamlindoro: problem solved
[17:55:22] Dr{Who}: yep
[17:55:35] iamlindoro: Just *don't* try to run four locations from one PC
[17:55:45] iamlindoro: *shudder*
[17:55:49] Dr{Who}: sounds like the new plan. at least if something breaks I dont have to walk over the disaster i call the kids rooms to fix it.
[17:56:07] wagnerrp: in your place, i would just get a handful of Zotac mini-itx systems, get intel E1000/E2000 chips or some 45W athlons, some cheap ram, and a cheap mini-itx case
[17:56:24] wagnerrp: hide the case behind the TV so you cant see how cheap it is, and network boot the boxes
[17:56:44] wagnerrp: you could probably get by for under $250/unit
[17:57:44] iamlindoro: Dell studio hybrids from the dell outlet are great frontends, and easily handle ATSC HD material
[17:57:52] iamlindoro: and cheap refurb and w/ a coupon
[17:58:18] Dr{Who}: good suggetions thanks. i will wiki that
[17:58:38] dkeith (dkeith!n=dkeith@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:59:09] Dr{Who}: I have some 1.6ghz atom systems i can get very cheep i presume onboard video will be ok
[17:59:27] wagnerrp: an ION is insufficient for full bitrate ATSC
[17:59:32] wagnerrp: err... atom
[17:59:39] Dr{Who}: hmm ok good to know
[18:00:13] wagnerrp: the ION systems (ATOM + nvidia graphics) can use hardware decoding for the video, but theyre liable to choke on stream errors
[18:00:38] meshe: ouch, $599 for the studio hybrid, i'd rather buy a mini
[18:01:08] iamlindoro: meshe: Only if you buy it new
[18:01:11] Dagmar: Is that the refurb/outlet price?
[18:01:20] meshe:
[18:01:21] iamlindoro: meshe: Got mine for under $300
[18:01:24] Dr{Who}: so the D945GCLF cant be a frontend?
[18:01:38] iamlindoro: What in the eff is a D945GCLF?
[18:01:49] ** iamlindoro is not an encyclopedic directory of product codes **
[18:01:49] wagnerrp: atom + intel chipset
[18:01:59] iamlindoro: not for anything approaching full bitrate, no
[18:02:05] Dr{Who}: k
[18:02:08] meshe: that will handle SD
[18:02:14] wagnerrp: the single core atoms are outright insufficient for anything over maybe 14–15mbps mpeg2
[18:02:32] wagnerrp: the dual core atoms will work, but only when/if the ffmpeg-mt stuff gets merged into mythtv
[18:03:41] gnome42: iamlindoro: cool, but beware it will only auto-resched that recording if the dupe check policy is set to not check current recordings.
[18:04:05] wagnerrp: i take that back, do the GMA950s support XvMC?
[18:04:14] iamlindoro: gnome42: Makes sense-- hmm, wonder if it's worth adding a post-recording hook to check filesize
[18:05:07] iamlindoro: (and remove the program if 0 bytes, and log an error message to that effect)
[18:05:19] wagnerrp: looks like the cheapest refurb Studio is $420
[18:05:38] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Dell frequently runs 25% off coupons for the refurb studios
[18:05:43] iamlindoro: ergo my getting it under 300
[18:05:52] Dagmar: Yeah kinda pricey
[18:05:54] gnome42: that suggestion has been made ... oh ... a couple times :) gotta run
[18:06:01] Dagmar: It's hella small tho
[18:06:16] ** kormoc eyes his future tiny mini **
[18:06:16] Dr{Who}: links : c ) please to suggested hardware
[18:06:28] kormoc: Dr{Who},
[18:06:47] wagnerrp:
[18:06:51] Dr{Who}: heh
[18:06:54] kormoc:
[18:07:06] kormoc:
[18:07:36] kormoc: or rather,
[18:08:06] wagnerrp: well this is interesting... apparently the pirate bay is going to start subsidizing your downloads by using your CPU time
[18:08:31] wagnerrp: arguably costing you more in power than just going out and buying the content
[18:10:08] stoffel_ (stoffel_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:10:08] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stoffel_
[18:10:38] kormoc: cpu time or network traffic?
[18:10:53] kormoc: cause one is fairly cheap, one is horribly expensive and valuable...
[18:11:30] kormoc: imagine a willing botnet at the bay's beck and call, with all those fat pirate pipes ready to ddos the world...
[18:11:31] wagnerrp: well network traffic wont be a problem unless TW goes through with metered internet
[18:11:57] Dr{Who}: thats why i went all DC save a lot of power
[18:12:10] ** kormoc sighs **
[18:12:40] wagnerrp: how much did you spend in those custom high-power DC-DC supplies?
[18:12:48] Dr{Who}: 90$
[18:13:03] Dr{Who}: M4-ITX very nice extreemly efficient
[18:13:12] ** kormoc sighs **
[18:13:32] kormoc: yeah, cause you'll save 'lots' of power on a ITX system by going DC rather then AC...
[18:13:49] kormoc: all of 2% of 6 watts... wooo!
[18:14:20] Dagmar: heh
[18:14:22] wagnerrp: the issue is that youre going to be converting AC to DC at some point
[18:14:29] Dr{Who}: way more gets wasted on a Ac-Dc power supply than you think
[18:14:33] wagnerrp: so unless youre running full time off batteries, its not going to help much
[18:14:51] kormoc: he has his computer hooked up to a bike charger and peddles to keep it running!
[18:14:52] Dubstar_04: wow, someone's been busy, looking at the mythtv timeline!!
[18:15:30] kormoc: Dr{Who}, unless you don't have AC anywhere in the stream to that box, you're still paying the conversion price somewhere...
[18:16:04] Dr{Who}: well i have a single DC supply that is 90% efficient feeding everything 24v and soon to add battery when i powered 2 systems with normal atx power supplies compared to now I was wasting over 100watts
[18:16:27] wagnerrp: looks like you do say youre using solar... so DC --> AC --> DC would be a noticeable waste
[18:16:29] kormoc: So... one ITX system vs two ATX systems == 100 watts savings eh?
[18:16:40] Dr{Who}: each power supply was at best 70% efficient based upon my results
[18:16:48] kormoc: buy a better supply
[18:17:00] superdump (superdump!n=rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit ("Leaving.")
[18:17:13] wagnerrp: sure, cheap power supplies are at best 70% efficient, but you can readily find '80plus' supplies now
[18:17:17] kormoc: 93%+ is faily common for a few years
[18:17:32] Dr{Who}: none i have tested even the best were what they said they were
[18:17:48] wagnerrp: they have to be in order to get that rating
[18:17:49] kormoc: when you're looking at sub $100 power supplys, sure
[18:17:54] Dr{Who}: they are only that efficient when you max them out.
[18:17:58] ** kormoc laughs **
[18:18:05] kormoc: maxing them out lowers the efficiency...
[18:18:21] Dr{Who}: WOW where did you go to engineering school?
[18:18:45] kormoc: WOW! Where did you?!?!?!
[18:19:00] Dr{Who}: seriously you think they are more efficient at lower usage?
[18:19:04] wagnerrp: above 80% or so, they usually start dropping in efficiency
[18:19:08] Dagmar: Clearly whatever school you went to has no idea about computer technology at all
[18:19:30] Dagmar: Dr{Who}: Act a git all you like, dude. You'll still be wrong about that.
[18:19:40] Dagmar: Computer PSUs run like crap under heavy load
[18:19:41] Dr{Who}: yes at the rated usage they are the most efficient. I though you were saying at 40% they were better than 80
[18:19:46] SlicerDicer (SlicerDicer! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:20:35] kormoc: no, but at 90% they're less then at 80%... of the whole max rated amount...
[18:20:38] ** kormoc shrugs **
[18:20:51] kormoc: but that's just reality for ya
[18:21:22] iamlindoro: I'd love, just once, to have someone answer the "why did you do THAT" question with "Because it was a cool project, and I wanted to try it because it was fun."
[18:21:24] iamlindoro: just once
[18:21:27] wombo: damm that reality
[18:21:30] Dr{Who}: ohhhh k. well normaly i woudl say max is at the recommened max output where its most efficient
[18:21:38] iamlindoro: as opposed to getting all butt hurt and defensive
[18:22:19] Dagmar: *sigh*
[18:22:23] Dr{Who}: im not hurt or defensive.
[18:22:31] Dr{Who}: I just disagree : c )
[18:22:57] wagnerrp: all DC makes sense since you mentioned youre hooking it into solar
[18:23:06] iamlindoro: Making snide remarks about a stranger's (especially a useful, well informed dev of the project whose channel you are in) education SOUNDS awful offensive and butt hurt
[18:23:23] Dr{Who}: it will be soon but the cost of solar is still to high.
[18:23:24] wagnerrp: but going all DC for a handful of machines just isnt worth the upfront cost or complexity
[18:23:30] Dagmar: Being dead wrong doesn't help either
[18:23:31] iamlindoro: And doesn't incline any of the rest of us regulars to go out of our way to advise you going forward
[18:23:31] Dr{Who}: iamlindoro: fair enough sorry
[18:23:38] Dr{Who}:
[18:23:53] iamlindoro: Dr{Who}: You don't owe me the apology :)
[18:24:10] Dr{Who}: well then sorry to anyone i hurt
[18:24:18] Dagmar: Well, f**k a bunch of tidy wiring standards then
[18:24:26] iamlindoro: Unsatisfyingly nonspecific
[18:24:46] wagnerrp: anyway, for future reference, the '80plus' standard requires that supplies are above 80% efficiency at 20%, 50%, and 100% usage
[18:25:05] kormoc: 80plus golds require 90% at 50%
[18:25:08] Dr{Who}: that the new green power supplies?
[18:25:17] Dagmar: Yes
[18:25:21] Dr{Who}: nice
[18:25:24] kormoc: and super micro has been shipping 93% at 80% from around 2007+
[18:25:27] wagnerrp: yeah, and then theres bronze, silver, and gold which specify higher standards than 80%
[18:25:34] kormoc: they're not cheap, but they're available
[18:25:40] Dagmar: This is part of how we know the claim made was bonkers
[18:25:48] wagnerrp: so whatever you found that were <70% were just cheap units
[18:26:16] Dr{Who}: probably. this was started 5 years ago
[18:26:44] wagnerrp: by and large, PSUs you get for small systems (like those picopsus are for) are going to be cheap units
[18:26:52] Dr{Who}: most of the power loss i gained was from wall warts
[18:27:11] wagnerrp: and wall warts are usually going to be <60%
[18:28:04] Dr{Who}: im currently burning 250watts for everything including the quad core pent 4 cameras everything
[18:28:35] wagnerrp: quad core p4?
[18:28:45] Dr{Who}: quad core and the pent4
[18:28:53] ** iamlindoro shudders at all the wires on the counter/walls **
[18:28:57] wagnerrp: ah, lack of punctuation
[18:31:56] Dr{Who}: iamlindoro: nothing is seen when the door is closed. its not too bad inside hrad to get it much cleaner mostly because of all of the usb -> serial adapters for the home automation stuff
[18:31:58] kormoc: %s/punctuation/english/
[18:32:08] iamlindoro: Dr{Who}: I'm reaferring to the stuff above the counter
[18:32:30] kormoc: totally could get it cleaner with some velcro wire straps...
[18:32:39] Dagmar: Yep
[18:32:44] Dagmar: Rats nest in there right now
[18:32:55] Dagmar: You know WHY wires are bundled into a harness, right?
[18:33:16] Dr{Who}: ahh thats just random cables strung up and my cell phone charger i should get a new pic of that
[18:33:19] Dr{Who}: its misleading.
[18:34:57] Dagmar: Really, because it looks like the wires that conencted the components are just shortened with wire wraps to m
[18:34:58] Dagmar: e
[18:35:06] Dr{Who}: the only wires on coutner are 1 usb for what ever everything else is hidden
[18:36:05] wagnerrp: are those PCI cards just hanging there in the slot?
[18:36:12] Dr{Who}: the video connector goes behind the monitor in the wall keyboard/mouse comes out of the wall where the Blue LED is
[18:36:20] Dagmar: wagnerrp: Yes. Heh
[18:36:46] Dr{Who}: yep : c )
[18:37:21] wagnerrp: surprised theres enough pressure to keep them from falling out
[18:37:23] Dr{Who}: the security cam card is a PCI card so its loose the other is video its locked in AGP
[18:37:37] wagnerrp: hopefully the AGP card has one of those annoying clips on the back side of the slot
[18:37:43] Dr{Who}: ya
[18:38:09] nrpil (nrpil! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[18:38:10] kormoc: what the frak is ": c )" anyway?
[18:38:29] wagnerrp: its what people on cable SciFi shows use
[18:38:48] Dagmar: I think he just called you a puf
[18:38:52] Dr{Who}: i wanted to replace the lower board with another quad core and make it the backend
[18:38:53] Dagmar: Are you gonna take that?
[18:38:55] Dagmar: ;)
[18:38:56] gbee: wise place to keep the fire extinguisher
[18:39:45] kormoc: every time I see it, I think 'Syntax error, unexpected )'
[18:39:45] Dr{Who}: ya that 24v supply is 800 watts so fuses are your friend
[18:40:15] wagnerrp: hiding a backend away in a closet is just fine, although it looks like youre a bit low on spare slots for tuner cards
[18:40:26] nrpil (nrpil! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:40:26] ** laga goes to read the backlog **
[18:41:12] laga: holy crap
[18:41:23] Dr{Who}: I will likely put all of that in my second closet where i send 24v's too but i have been playing with a HVR-1950
[18:41:27] kormoc: laga, which gem?
[18:41:31] laga: are you clever's moar insane brother?
[18:41:34] wagnerrp: and honestly, a quadcore is overkill for a backend unless you want to transcode everything (and even then its overkill)
[18:41:35] Dagmar: lol
[18:41:36] laga: kormoc: the kitchen ;)
[18:41:42] kormoc: :P
[18:41:44] _flindet (_flindet! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:41:55] wagnerrp: laga: what? he actually bought stuff for this
[18:41:56] Dr{Who}: my security camera does motion detection so it does eat some cpu
[18:42:03] gbee: 5 years ago, maybe, just maybe I'd have considered something that complicated, but these days less is definitely more
[18:42:18] Dagmar: So that accounts for two of the four cores then
[18:43:04] kormoc: Mac Mini, USB Drive, HDPVR, MCE USB Remote, bliss
[18:44:13] Dr{Who}: it will also run all of the home automation as it does now and a few virtual machines.
[18:44:14] mgisbers is now known as mgisbers_away
[18:45:11] Dr{Who}: currently my main misterhouse virutal machine a w2k system is running on the top system and is fine leaves me enough power left to play Quake III etc.
[18:45:15] Dagmar: Yep. He's clever's long-lost cousin or something
[18:48:08] iamlindoro: The variation is that this guy appears to have known the touch of a woman
[18:48:43] clever: lol
[18:48:44] kormoc: And yet, I can't find a sane, single girl...
[18:49:30] iamlindoro: sane, single, hot, pick *one*?
[18:49:37] laga: iamlindoro: yeah :(
[18:49:41] ** kormoc sighs **
[18:49:50] kormoc: funny how that works...
[18:50:04] iamlindoro: A little insane is fun sometimes
[18:51:23] iamlindoro: (in limited doses)
[18:51:43] kormoc: the limited is the problem, I want more unlimited ;)
[18:52:00] iamlindoro: you filthy animal
[18:52:16] gbee: insane works for me, what sane person would want me? :p
[18:52:23] flindet (flindet! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:52:26] laga: gbee: same here ;)
[18:52:48] kormoc: After being with the insane for awhile... I've decided I'm wholely sane
[18:52:57] iamlindoro: nobody is wholly sane
[18:53:17] kormoc: compared, it's so close it might as well be :P
[18:54:17] kormoc: I'm still scared of frisbees, look too much like plates for my tastes these days
[18:54:33] iamlindoro: I got hit with an iron once if it's any solace
[18:54:53] clever: so thats whats wrong with you
[18:55:09] laga: iamlindoro: was it hot?
[18:55:26] iamlindoro: clever: Better to have loved and been hit with an iron than to live a solitary life in my dad's house, that's what I always say
[18:55:34] iamlindoro: laga: thankfully not
[18:56:14] ** meshe puts the frying pan away **
[18:56:39] sgtpepper: iamlindoro: still around?
[18:56:45] iamlindoro: I am here, yes
[18:57:09] kormoc: I figured you'd be out after 8 seconds of inactivity
[18:57:29] sgtpepper: after reconstructing the whole db, re-scanning channels, googling out everything I could
[18:57:36] sgtpepper: I'm still unable to make live tv work
[18:57:55] iamlindoro: sgtpepper: So why look for me personally?
[18:58:02] sgtpepper: when I change the channels, it goes back to the main menu and I cannot go back to live tv again until I restart mythbackend
[18:58:04] kormoc: Well, there's your problem, if it's live, you should kill it so it doesn't run around so much
[18:58:15] Dagmar: iamlindoro: Because it's your lucky day
[18:58:19] iamlindoro: apparently
[18:58:32] sgtpepper: and, because I've been chatting with you about this issue already
[18:58:37] sgtpepper: want some fresh logs?
[18:58:47] sgtpepper: backend -v all, frontend -v all?
[18:58:48] Dagmar: It's a good thing MythTV isn't really meant for watching TV live
[18:58:52] ** iamlindoro politely notes that answering one or more questions does not constitute an offer of ongoing, in perpetuity support **
[18:58:56] _flindet (_flindet! has quit (Success)
[18:59:08] sgtpepper: iamlindoro: of course not, but maybe you can help me a little bit more
[18:59:23] iamlindoro: sgtpepper: You can paste them, and I or someone else will likely look at them
[18:59:34] kormoc: %s/paste/pastebin/
[18:59:37] iamlindoro: indeed
[18:59:40] sgtpepper: ok
[18:59:42] sgtpepper: I will
[18:59:46] ** kormoc eyes the quiet button **
[19:00:07] meshe: there are lots of helpful (and not so helpful) people here :)
[19:01:31] laga: hum
[19:01:54] ** laga goes to look at moar tickets **
[19:02:01] iamlindoro: laga: You are a machine
[19:02:09] laga: iamlindoro: what?
[19:02:20] laga: i'm kinda bored ;)
[19:02:25] iamlindoro: laga: It's a compliment-- a ticket closing/triaging machine
[19:02:39] iamlindoro: Guess it's sort of an americanism
[19:03:02] laga: iamlindoro: oh, i understood it – was just wondering why you'd say that :)
[19:03:16] iamlindoro: friendliness?
[19:03:24] laga: ooh, that thing!
[19:03:49] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:03:50] inordkuo1 (inordkuo1!n=inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:05:14] sgtpepper: frontend & backend log
[19:06:32] AndyCrawford (AndyCrawford! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:07:49] Dagmar: So, who else has a "mysterious" problem resolving
[19:08:49] jordan (jordan! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:09:36] sgtpepper: Dagmar: added the entry to /etc/hosts
[19:09:40] sgtpepper: same symptom
[19:09:43] kormoc: so
[19:10:05] kormoc: you are using hostnames rather then ip addresses for the master backend ip address field?
[19:10:19] sgtpepper: is localhost anyway
[19:10:21] Dagmar: 2009-07–17 16:02:15.014 ChannelBase(1): Failed to find channel() on any input of card (1).
[19:10:24] meshe: wow -v all is hard to read
[19:10:29] Dagmar: Delete everything, start over, read the directions this time.
[19:10:32] Dagmar: FOLLOW them
[19:10:36] iamlindoro: That's what I said last time
[19:10:44] sgtpepper: That's what I did the last time
[19:10:47] Dagmar: Do not make up hostnames that might actually BE hostnames you don't have SOA for.
[19:10:51] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:10:53] kormoc: so... you're admitting to using a hostname in the field that requests a ip address?
[19:10:53] iamlindoro: no channels, card getting set to nonexistent channel
[19:11:02] Dagmar: Jesus
[19:11:18] sgtpepper: btw, on my DNS at home I've SOA
[19:11:33] Dagmar: You have SOA for .ar?
[19:11:34] laga: meshe: -v all,nodatabase is slightly better ;)
[19:11:36] Dagmar: Riiiight.
[19:11:46] ** kormoc still wonders why that makes a hostname == ip address **
[19:11:48] sgtpepper: SOA for
[19:11:54] Dagmar: 1. Doesn't matter.
[19:11:58] Dagmar: 2. It's supposed to be an IP address.
[19:12:15] Dagmar: Use freaking .foo like every other engineer with a clue on the planet
[19:12:37] sgtpepper: ok, Dagmar I'll start all over
[19:12:48] sgtpepper: for the nth time
[19:12:53] Dagmar: Do it with the directions printed out and handy this time
[19:13:05] Dagmar: So you can follow them instead of just guessing your way through it
[19:13:16] kormoc: It's all a scam, we just pretend to have working setups to bait people into wasting their time!
[19:13:25] Dagmar: I could see at least two things you did wrong what are in the docs as NOT the thing to do
[19:13:26] laga: kormoc: yeah. gotta download the latest xbmc
[19:13:47] Dagmar: ...and no I will not support the "patch around my screw ups" effort by explicitly enumerating them.
[19:14:20] iamlindoro: we actually work for XBMC, don't we?
[19:14:27] iamlindoro: just a clever ruse to divert users to them
[19:15:10] kormoc: It's as clever as... well... clever
[19:17:01] wagnerrp: i think i may know why my previous attempt at HDMI audio is not working
[19:17:18] wagnerrp: i have the xorg.conf EDID fix to disable HDMI audio
[19:17:44] gbee: worth a punt? – . . . 150359524202
[19:18:31] gbee: cable may be cheap, but it's no worse than what I've already got on the single lnb
[19:18:35] sgtpepper: Dagmar: < This is the RIGHT documentation right?
[19:19:05] Dagmar: Probably so
[19:19:26] Dagmar: There could be typos in the URL--I've no idea.
[19:19:44] Dagmar: I'm not in the buisness of reading web pages to or for people.
[19:20:09] sgtpepper: just checking...
[19:20:20] mirak (mirak! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[19:21:57] sgtpepper: ok, scanning channels in the input connections screen now
[19:25:22] sgtpepper: just for safety, I'm not using any grabber, I should run mythfilldatabase anyway right?
[19:26:21] jordan: Hi
[19:26:30] Dagmar: I don't hand-hold either.
[19:26:56] jordan: I'm starting to install ubuntu for mythTv
[19:27:25] sgtpepper: Dagmar: nice
[19:27:59] mgisbers_away is now known as mgisbers
[19:28:22] jordan: What is the recommendation for partitioning 1TB Hardisk ?
[19:28:25] wagnerrp: if you dont have any grabber, what is mythfilldatabase going to do
[19:28:54] xand (xand!n=xand@unaffiliated/xelam) has quit ("script unloading")
[19:28:59] wagnerrp: jordan: have your recordings in a separate partition, and do whatever else you want with the rest of the disk
[19:29:06] xand (xand!n=xand@unaffiliated/xelam) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:29:43] sgtpepper: ok, I can assure you that I followed the instructions very carefully
[19:29:49] sgtpepper: I still get the 2009-07–17 16:27:54.740 ChannelBase(1): Failed to find channel() on current input (Television) of card (1).
[19:29:49] sgtpepper: 2009-07–17 16:27:54.741 ChannelBase(1): Failed to find channel() on any input of card (1).
[19:29:49] sgtpepper: message
[19:29:51] jordan: thanks wagnerrp . but do you think need separate partition for /home /var ?
[19:30:16] wagnerrp: thats all personal (distro) preference
[19:31:17] Dagmar: So perhaps you want to actually bind channel listings to card inputs like the documentation says to
[19:31:36] wagnerrp: sgtpepper: steps 2–4 are all mandatory
[19:31:57] Dagmar: Maybe there's a grown up you can get to help you
[19:31:57] jordan: if i want to create separate partition for / and /home – for mythTv  – DB , logs – what should be the size of /
[19:32:30] wagnerrp: again, that depends on your distro, and how much other cruft it installs
[19:32:30] GreyFoxx: That depends on you :)
[19:32:50] GreyFoxx: I use /, /usr, /home, /var and sometimes /tmp dependingon the system
[19:32:57] GreyFoxx: My / is only like 2G
[19:33:01] wagnerrp: but 10GB should be far more than enough for everything
[19:33:06] wagnerrp: regardless of distro
[19:33:13] GreyFoxx: and I use maybe 600Meg of it
[19:33:23] Dagmar: You can always just *do* an install to / and then use `du` to figure out how much space you need to allocate
[19:33:31] Dagmar: But hey, why measure things when you can guess!
[19:34:06] sgtpepper: wagnerrp: They're all with the correct video source
[19:34:22] jordan: Thanks all , 10GB is enough for mythtv logs/DB ? (regardless other application i'm install ) ?
[19:35:10] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:35:24] clever: my db is on a 2gig partition, and is using only 240mb of it
[19:35:25] wagnerrp: is this a dedicated mythtv box?
[19:35:42] clever: but my logs are 2gig in total, i should clean them,,,
[19:36:26] gbee: jordan: IMHO 10Gb would be overkill, 5Gb would be generous, 2Gb would be comfortable
[19:36:26] sgtpepper: yes it is
[19:36:27] laga: meh, forgot to build with debug symbols
[19:36:47] gbee: especially if you setup the log rotate scripts
[19:37:05] sgtpepper: Dagmar: On the channel editor I'm seeing all channels with the correct video source (cable)
[19:37:18] Dagmar: That's nice.
[19:37:20] jordan: thanks , yes its HTPC – dedicated for mythtv .
[19:38:00] sgtpepper: on Input connection the INput television is bound to the cable video source
[19:38:11] sgtpepper: c'on, gimme a lit bit of more credit
[19:38:32] sgtpepper: It is a preety straight forward procedure
[19:38:43] Dagmar: ...and yet you've messed it up multiple times now.
[19:39:03] Dubstar_04: come on less bitchin'
[19:40:03] sgtpepper: Dagmar, believe me, I've done my share of reading
[19:40:08] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:40:10] Dagmar: Oh well
[19:40:28] sgtpepper: I read the procedure, I did everything by it
[19:40:33] Dagmar: I think you didn't.
[19:40:46] Dagmar: Nothing I type will do anything useful until you follow the instructions
[19:41:05] Dagmar: If you'd done what you were supposed to be doing you woudln't have been talking about the channel editor at _all_
[19:41:10] Dagmar: The channel editor has nothing to do with the problem.
[19:41:59] sgtpepper: look, its very easy, I did this according to the procedure.
[19:42:16] sgtpepper: 1. Defined my capture card
[19:42:22] sgtpepper: 2. Defined my video source
[19:42:23] jordan: clever , what is the pros to create seperate partition for DB ?
[19:43:00] sgtpepper: (with no grabber)
[19:43:01] Dagmar: Well, if that's all the steps that are required then it must be working
[19:43:04] Dagmar: Congratulations
[19:43:34] sgtpepper: Dagmar: PM?
[19:43:37] Dagmar: Hell no
[19:44:02] clever: jordan: the fragmentation for the db wont be effected by other stuff
[19:44:41] gbee: jordan: less likely to cause database corruption should you run out of space on the root partition (which does happen when system logs go crazy), aside from that there is no benefit
[19:44:43] Dagmar: All you have to do for this to hapepn is to go through every menu in mythtv-setup one at a time, in order.
[19:44:57] Dagmar: You never normally even need to _glance_ at the channel editor.
[19:45:15] gbee: best to have the database on a separate disk to the recordings/media though, dedicate a disk for media if you can
[19:46:12] jordan: so you recommend to create separare partition – which file system (Ext3 ?)
[19:46:22] jordan: (for DB)
[19:47:05] clever: mine is ext3 ontop of lvm, seperate psysical disk from the recordings
[19:47:17] xand (xand!n=xand@unaffiliated/xelam) has quit ("ARGH")
[19:47:21] gbee: sgtpepper: have you defined a starting channel for that input connection?
[19:47:24] sgtpepper: yes
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[19:48:34] jordan: thanks, Do you have also a partition for /var ?
[19:49:23] wagnerrp: awesome, im getting noise over HDMI... thats progress
[19:50:02] iamlindoro: ah, the little known standard of NOHMDI
[19:50:03] Dagmar: gbee: Did someone regress that? It's always seemed to pick one on it's own before
[19:50:56] gbee: Dagmar: it should, but I felt it was worth checking since the error lacks a channel number which seemed odd
[19:51:13] sgtpepper: can I paste you somewhere the screenshots, so you can see is definitely configured correctly
[19:51:27] gbee: sgtpepper: how many cards, how many inputs and sources, how are they each named?
[19:51:37] gbee: sgtpepper: sure,
[19:51:55] sgtpepper: letme get some screenshots and get back to you
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[20:01:37] sgtpepper: gbee:
[20:01:45] sgtpepper:
[20:02:40] sgtpepper: Dagmar: as you can see on the first one, the capture input is bound the video source
[20:03:41] iamlindoro: What version of Myth is that?
[20:03:53] sgtpepper: 0.21
[20:04:02] ** iamlindoro squints **
[20:04:57] iamlindoro: Anyway, neither of those screens contains helpful diagnostic information
[20:05:27] sgtpepper: which would
[20:06:02] sgtpepper: I can upload it
[20:06:23] iamlindoro: The input connections detail screen, the channel editor, log output of a channel scan, image of your settings just before starting a channel scan, etc.
[20:06:36] sgtpepper: ok.. give me a sec
[20:06:44] javatexan (javatexan! has quit ("Leaving.")
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[20:08:21] sgtpepper:
[20:08:28] sgtpepper:
[20:08:46] sgtpepper: And i'm doing the channel scan again to upload you the screenshot
[20:09:28] iamlindoro: Would like to see the screen immediately before the channel scan
[20:09:32] sgtpepper: ok
[20:09:35] gregL (gregL! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:09:38] sgtpepper: I'm doing that
[20:09:48] iamlindoro: and log output of the channel scan itself
[20:09:56] iamlindoro: no need to screen capture the scan, though
[20:10:08] sgtpepper: ok.. let me see If i get anything on the console
[20:10:19] iamlindoro: you should
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[20:10:47] sgtpepper:
[20:10:55] sgtpepper: that's what I've got in the console
[20:12:01] sgtpepper: need more verbosisty?
[20:12:08] iamlindoro: please god no
[20:12:14] Dr{Who}: kormoc: So again sorry for the snap back at you. I would normally not have done that but you were and continued to be a bit insulting and condecending so i reacted. I am big enough to say sorry for that. Thanks all for the insight into the setup options to help me plan out my setup.
[20:12:34] J-e-f-f-A: /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0 != /dev/video0
[20:13:04] iamlindoro: sgtpepper: Erm, that is not the console output of a scan
[20:13:36] sgtpepper: weird, that's all the output I have
[20:13:47] sgtpepper: again, you might need more verbosity
[20:13:56] iamlindoro: no
[20:14:04] sgtpepper: that's all it shows
[20:14:12] iamlindoro: then you are doing something wrong
[20:14:31] Dagmar: iamlindoro: You don't say?
[20:14:32] iamlindoro: and yes, as J-e-f-f-A mentions, there should be NO mention of DVB devices in your log, so something is heavily messed up
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[20:15:37] iamlindoro: plus, that's not even *complete* output of anything
[20:15:52] iamlindoro: it's like you picked 16 random lines
[20:16:06] iamlindoro: myth programs start with a line like "using prefix = /usr"
[20:16:42] sgtpepper: Dagmar: would it be too much to ask for a little break
[20:16:55] stoffel_ (stoffel_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:17:00] iamlindoro: And what's with apologies that go "Sorry I did x, but you must admit you're an ass"-- you might as well just not apologize
[20:17:14] Dagmar: Sure, it's not going to bother me if you take a break
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[20:17:57] Dagmar: At some point you're eventually going to realize that if you want the stuff to work, you'll have to stop screwing around
[20:18:11] sgtpepper: Dagmar: believe me, I'm not
[20:18:11] Dagmar: Some time spent having a smoke or something may help
[20:18:25] Dr{Who}: iamlindoro i never said ass. i said condecending and insulting all very readable in the history.
[20:18:59] iamlindoro: Dr{Who}: hyperbole-- it was still a petulant, childish version of an apology-- so might as well just forgo it
[20:19:07] iamlindoro: Real apologies don't accuse other people of things
[20:19:16] iamlindoro: because it means you didn't mean it
[20:19:19] sgtpepper: ok, after the last channel scan mythtvsetup crashed
[20:19:32] iamlindoro: You have said you are a parent, would you accept such an apology from a child?
[20:19:40] Dr{Who}: ok good point. I am sorry for the insult. .period.
[20:19:44] sgtpepper: mythtv-setup: xcb_io.c:242: process_responses: Assertion `(((long) (dpy->last_request_read) – (long) (dpy->request)) <= 0)' failed.
[20:20:05] Dagmar: That's rather likely an unrelated bug
[20:20:05] iamlindoro: sgtpepper: restart mythtv-setup with "taskset -c 0 mythtv-setup"
[20:20:16] iamlindoro: sgtpepper: then try another scan
[20:20:34] iamlindoro: bearing in mind that you should first clear out all the channels/input sources
[20:21:05] Dagmar: This is why I said earlier "nuke everything"
[20:21:16] sgtpepper: do yo want me to also rm .mythtv just in case?
[20:21:22] iamlindoro: no
[20:21:31] iamlindoro: as no part of your setup is contained in config files
[20:21:39] Dagmar: This is what type of tuner card again?
[20:21:40] meshe: nothing is stored in .mythtv except for db connection info
[20:21:50] iamlindoro: lamegrabber
[20:22:01] sgtpepper: Dagmar: saa7134 Analog
[20:22:29] Dagmar: sgtpepper: OKay so because I'm sick of going over the same stuff endlessly, what part of the instructions to wipe everything and start over confused you
[20:22:35] Dagmar: That card has NOTHING to do with dvb-t
[20:22:38] meshe: are those even supported anymore?
[20:22:43] Dagmar: ...or any DVB at all
[20:22:47] sgtpepper: I'm not using dvb at all
[20:22:55] Dagmar: Youv'e got leftover crap in the database that NEEDS to be eliminated
[20:22:56] kormoc: I think he mentioned one *major* issue
[20:23:00] ** iamlindoro dies a little inside **
[20:23:04] kormoc: He doesn't have a listings source
[20:23:06] Dagmar: Well this pastebin says otehrwise
[20:23:20] Dagmar: It's talking about crap that should never, ever happen if that's got just a lamegrabber card in it
[20:23:39] kormoc: <sgtpepper> just for safety, I'm not using any grabber, I should run mythfilldatabase anyway right?
[20:23:42] Dagmar: ...which means it's time to say "eff it" and rm -rf /var/lib/mysql and then reinit the database from scratch
[20:24:04] Dagmar: kormoc: I'd say that would represent a lack of reading comprehension
[20:24:38] Dagmar: At this point I wouldn't even rule out that the thing might be connecting to the wrong mysql server entirely
[20:24:42] sgtpepper: Dagmar: Its not like I haven't tried that, bare in mind that I have even reinstalled the system from scratch
[20:25:13] Dagmar: No you haven't.
[20:25:21] sgtpepper: yes, I have
[20:25:24] sgtpepper: At this point, can you stop treating me like moron, and lets go from there, what do you think
[20:25:30] Dagmar: It doesn't just come up with reasons to carp about DVB cards on it's own
[20:25:39] Dagmar: At this point I'm just putting you back into the ignore list
[20:26:04] sgtpepper: awesome
[20:26:06] Dagmar: You're taking shortcuts and refusing to admit to them or something and it's keeping you from getting any progress made
[20:26:12] Dagmar: ...and it's a complete waste of everyone's time
[20:26:33] Dagmar: A framegrabber card should take all of 15 minutes _tops_ to set up MythTV to use
[20:26:38] kormoc: sgtpepper, look, your paste can only come from two things, 1. you setup the cards as a dvb card, 2. you are using a unclean database. You keep claiming that you set it up as a v4l card and that it's a clean database, one of those facts have to be wrong
[20:26:39] Dagmar: NOT three days
[20:27:09] sgtpepper: ok... I'll clean the database and start over
[20:27:12] sgtpepper: I've no problem
[20:27:25] kormoc: 3. Without a listing provider (source), you might as well not even use myth
[20:27:26] sgtpepper: mysql -p; drop database mythconverg will work right?
[20:27:33] kormoc: erm
[20:27:41] kormoc: not really, as ; would make it a bash command
[20:27:46] sgtpepper: kormoc: I know, but I'm trying to eliminate any chance of me screwing up
[20:27:58] sgtpepper: I know
[20:28:09] sgtpepper: just for you the understand what I was planning to do
[20:28:20] meshe: cat `locate mc.sql` | mysql -u root
[20:28:23] laga: h, MS
[20:28:30] laga: oops, sorry
[20:28:33] Dagmar: This is why I prefer to just delete the database from the disk.
[20:29:22] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit ("Client exiting")
[20:29:27] Dagmar: Tehre's definitely no reason to ever run mythfilldatabase with no listings source
[20:29:29] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[20:30:06] ** kormoc eyes a 13" macbook pro **
[20:30:13] meshe: hehe
[20:30:27] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: go for the 17" one! ;-)
[20:30:41] meshe: the desktop replacement?
[20:30:43] meshe: no thanks
[20:30:49] kormoc: nah, way too big
[20:30:57] sgtpepper: I agree, the 13'' is awesome
[20:30:59] kormoc: I want to walk around with the sucker and not remember it's there
[20:31:10] iamlindoro: kormoc: I like my (this) Air a lot
[20:31:11] J-e-f-f-A: meshe: btw: I'm lliking Joomla more and more each day... ;-)
[20:31:29] meshe: J-e-f-f-A: cool :)
[20:31:35] kormoc: The air would be awesome, but I just can't justify the extra cost for the so little different form factor
[20:31:39] ** J-e-f-f-A likes Air too. ;-) It's good for staying alive. **
[20:32:14] meshe: there's a refurbed one for $1099 on the canadian apple site
[20:32:43] meshe:
[20:32:57] jams: does the 13" pro have vga/dvi/displayport out?
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[20:33:10] kormoc: mini-display port, aye
[20:33:12] jams: or i could just look for myself =)
[20:33:20] kormoc:
[20:33:55] jams: hmm the wife wants a macbook for garageband while she is on the road. Seems like 13" would work if a larger monitor could be used while at home
[20:34:49] J-e-f-f-A: The apple power connection is the best ever, eh? Magnetic... That's perfection! (All laptops should have that!)
[20:34:53] jams: course we don't have a monitor with display-port
[20:35:19] meshe: they come with dvi and vga adapters
[20:35:26] jams: just saw that
[20:35:48] sgtpepper: ok guys, I hate to say It, but after cleanning up the database, starting all over again
[20:35:50] sgtpepper: still the same issue
[20:35:54] kormoc: meshe, yeah, but it's a intel gfx one, I'm shooting for an nvidia card
[20:36:07] kormoc: sgtpepper, and that's the backend saying that?
[20:36:18] kormoc: you're absolutely sure it's the backend?
[20:37:28] meshe: kormoc: yeah, even the 9400M in the 13"
[20:37:51] kormoc: Yeah, the 9600 would be nice, but not worth the extra size/price
[20:37:57] sgtpepper: looking up kormoc...
[20:38:02] J-e-f-f-A: Jeeze, you can even get it with a 256GB SSD drive... wow.
[20:38:25] kormoc: the macbook pro's also are user upgradable ram/drives, the air is not
[20:38:25] meshe: yeah, check out the upgrade price to 8GB/ram
[20:38:38] J-e-f-f-A: Or is that the "TimeMachine" ...
[20:38:50] kormoc: time machine is actually fairly snazzy
[20:39:02] kormoc: it's a cool frontend to rsnapshot :)
[20:39:10] sgtpepper: kormoc: same symptom, new debug
[20:39:14] jams: so much that ubuntu tried to copy it
[20:39:22] ** kormoc blinks **
[20:39:30] kormoc: Really?... Really?....
[20:39:43] sgtpepper:
[20:39:44] meshe: jams: something they released?
[20:40:29] jams: maybe it wasn't ubuntu, just somebody released packages for it
[20:40:36] jams: think it was called flyback
[20:40:49] sgtpepper: Dagmar: at least smile, the error has changed so you might be right about me screwing up the procedure
[20:40:55] laga: you guys are a bunch of fanboys ;)
[20:41:15] Dagmar: They are
[20:41:20] kormoc: laga, and fan girls!
[20:41:25] kormoc: well, girl
[20:41:48] iamlindoro: FDSKHGA:H
[20:42:06] iamlindoro: We cannot troubleshoot this if you keep ziiping through the setup *wrongly* and not giving the info you are asked
[20:42:10] iamlindoro: er zipping
[20:42:15] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[20:42:28] iamlindoro: All you have proven is that you are able to screw up the setup from a fresh database
[20:42:32] sgtpepper: lol
[20:42:42] Dagmar: Look. More 2#$@#% hostnames
[20:42:48] iamlindoro: and I don't have the patience to beg for the same piece of information I've been asking for for an hour
[20:42:57] iamlindoro: sorry , and a sincere good luck, but I have other stuff to do
[20:43:45] sgtpepper: never mind, I'll just go back to freevo, but anyway thank you all very much for your help
[20:43:48] sgtpepper: an patience
[20:44:02] kormoc: Why did you put host names in again? Really, why?
[20:44:06] jams: your right there is a hostname in thare
[20:44:09] jams: there
[20:44:21] sgtpepper: kormoc: I did'nt write hostnames anywhere
[20:44:26] sgtpepper: I swear I did not!
[20:44:33] sgtpepper: the backend address is
[20:44:40] kormoc: line 22 begs to differ
[20:44:50] kormoc: 2009-07–17 17:37:02.572 LiveTVChain(–17T17:36:48): SwitchTo() not switching to current
[20:45:14] sgtpepper: I saw it
[20:45:39] sgtpepper: you have to be kidding me, I never, not once wrote a hostname in mythtv-setup
[20:45:39] Dagmar: Because clearly he knows better than we do what shortcuts he can and can't take
[20:45:48] kormoc: unless encylopedia sphery-annica chimes in and tells us that the LiveTVChain isn't the same output format as others?
[20:45:57] sphery: Recording info (including LiveTV) will have hostnames in it.
[20:46:02] Dagmar: Either he's got more than one mysql server or there's been more than a bit of lying
[20:46:32] sgtpepper: only one mysql server in this setup, running in the backend server, the same as the frontend server
[20:46:34] kormoc: fair 'nuff
[20:46:53] sphery: When starting a backend (which does recordings), it says, "2009-06–27 13:49:05.042 Empty LocalHostName.\n2009-06–27 13:49:05.043 Using localhost value of <hostname, as determined through system calls>"
[20:46:56] pizzledizzle (pizzledizzle! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:46:56] kormoc: sgtpepper, so in that sniplet, it's basically claiming it lost the connection, what log is that from?
[20:47:08] sgtpepper: backend
[20:47:20] kormoc: so what does the frontend say?
[20:47:28] sphery: Where, what I said simply means that it's impossible to prove that you configured properly simply from log messages :)
[20:47:43] sgtpepper: thx sphery
[20:47:53] sgtpepper: let me run them on separate windows
[20:48:01] sphery: I.e. the fact that hostname would be there on a properly-cofnigured system does /not/ indicate your system is properly configured :)
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[20:48:50] nbauernf (nbauernf!n=nbauernf@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:48:53] sphery: Looking at that pastebin, however, it looks like the writeStringList/readStringList socket-based errors....
[20:48:53] kormoc: I half wonder if other people are forgetting more now that they can just invoke the memory of sphery at will...
[20:49:11] sphery: heh
[20:49:28] sphery: I don't know of a solution to the socket errors
[20:49:34] nbauernf: I'm looking at getting a system set up using mythtv. But I need to do some research into what tv tuners are compatible with both mythtv and timewarner. Where can I get this kind of information?
[20:49:50] Dagmar: nbauernf; Teh interwebs
[20:49:51] sphery: They /might/ be caused by misconfig of hostnames/ip's/...
[20:49:58] sphery: or they could be caused by network misconfig
[20:50:06] sphery: or system (outside of Myth) misconfig
[20:50:12] Dagmar: nbauernf: We can probably save you some trouble tho. Are you using digital cable?
[20:50:25] nbauernf: dagmar; thanks =) I've been searching and the information I'm finding is very loosely organized.
[20:50:36] sphery: or may just be the error reported when a totally unrelated error (as those due to invalid input configurations/channels/video sources/capture card configuration) occur
[20:50:40] nbauernf: I have digital cable through time warner.
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[20:50:53] Dagmar: nbauernf; Then you can give up any idea of a native tuner card
[20:51:16] Dagmar: nbauernf: You will not be able to do anything but in-the-clear QAM with Linux, and Time Warner isn't likely to be giving you an unencrypted feed.
[20:51:30] sphery: Now I feel like a politician--as I've said a bunch but given no useful information, while at the same time pretty much covered every single base, so I can't be told I'm wrong later on
[20:51:44] nbauernf: dagmar: timewarner supports cablecards, are there no tv-tuners that can use them?
[20:51:49] Dagmar: ...meaning you get to look for cards that take a composite/component input
[20:52:05] sgtpepper: anyway.. I should get going
[20:52:09] J-e-f-f-A: nbauernf: Not in Linux.  :-(
[20:52:11] Dagmar: nbauernf: There are but there are none supported under Linux, nor are there likely to ever be because of evil monopolist reasons
[20:52:13] sgtpepper: maybe I'll try again tomorrow
[20:52:34] Dagmar: There's a small chance you could get video over firewire
[20:52:38] Dagmar: *small*
[20:53:17] nbauernf: hmmm.. so there's no ability to use a tuner adapter that uses a cable card?
[20:53:42] kormoc: not in linux
[20:53:45] J-e-f-f-A: nbauernf: You could take a look at and see if there are any channels 'in the clear' in your area
[20:54:20] wagnerrp: any suggestions on what to look for troubleshooting HDMI audio?
[20:54:48] J-e-f-f-A: nbauernf: But even if there are, there's no guarantee anything but the locals will -stay- non-encrypted.
[20:54:51] Dagmar: nbauernf: None.
[20:54:51] wagnerrp: its outputting over HDMI, and mpeg2 (IVTV) plays fine, but ac3 (ATSC) just give me the standard clicking noises
[20:55:04] nbauernf: Well that's not very helpful.
[20:55:06] wagnerrp: i have 'ac3 passthrough' enabled
[20:55:22] nbauernf: I mean you guys helped. But I really wanted to use mythtv.
[20:55:29] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Sorry, I haven't ventured down that road yet...
[20:55:44] Dagmar: nbauernf: Complain to the media execs who believe that you should not only be paying more money, but that they should be allowed to charge you *per eyeball*
[20:56:00] Dagmar: ...minimum of two eyeballs per person charge of course.
[20:56:12] J-e-f-f-A: nbauernf: Only 'real' option is to wait for the release of 0.22 with support for the HD capture device from Hauppauge – HD-PVR...
[20:56:14] Dagmar: ...oh and charged when you talk about the shows you watched.
[20:56:16] nbauernf: animals included I'm sure.
[20:56:23] Dagmar: ...and charged when you think about them or remember them.
[20:56:31] Dagmar: Oh of COURSE animals are included
[20:56:45] Dagmar: Your parrot could pirate their material to taipei and back
[20:57:41] sphery: gbee: Regardless of its being a heat of the moment post, your reply to the unnecessary comment on #4752 was a /very/ good reply. I, for one, am glad you sent it (and I hope you BCC'ed the guy who wrote his tirade on Trac).
[20:58:13] flexy (flexy! has quit ("leaving")
[20:58:16] olesalscheider (olesalscheider! has quit (Connection timed out)
[20:58:38] J-e-f-f-A: nbauernf: But keep in mind, that requires a 'dedicated' STB from your cableco feeding it... and it generates Mpeg4(or is it h.264?) video, so you need a beefy cpu to decode it (or Nvidia VDPAU-supported card)...
[20:59:22] nbauernf: on a side note, where does mythtv get its programming data?
[20:59:32] sphery: you mean program listings?
[20:59:35] nbauernf: yeah
[20:59:37] meshe: the internet
[20:59:45] sphery: using XMLTV or Schedules Direct
[20:59:54] J-e-f-f-A: nbauernf: In the us, we have Schedules Direct.
[21:00:00] sphery: and
[21:00:18] sphery: as J-e-f-f-A said, Scheduled Direct for the US
[21:00:22] meshe: canada also has schedules direct
[21:00:22] nbauernf: That's perfect.
[21:00:41] sphery: Oh, yeah, we still haven't invaded Canada...
[21:00:45] J-e-f-f-A: nbauernf: $20/year, but the best $20 you'll spend. Worth every penny.
[21:00:46] sphery: always forget they're up there ;)
[21:01:06] nbauernf: It's cheaper than the $12/mo. from tivo. I suppose.
[21:01:08] hsi (hsi!n=hsi@2001:16d8:ff1a:0:216:3eff:fe64:feb3) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[21:01:19] nbauernf: But the best $20 I ever spent was on Geometry Wars Retro Evolved =P
[21:01:20] sphery: nbauernf: and it's the same exact data that TiVo users get
[21:01:26] meshe: yeah, like don't forget aboot us eh?
[21:01:32] sphery: hehe
[21:01:48] AndyCap: Blame Canada!
[21:02:05] hsi (hsi!n=hsi@2001:16d8:ff1a:0:216:3eff:fe64:feb3) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:02:09] J-e-f-f-A: meshe: hehe... that comment just brought me back 20 years... "Eh?"  ;-) hehehehe
[21:02:55] meshe: time for some hockey and beer, eh?
[21:03:13] J-e-f-f-A: meshe: stop it! ROTFLMAO!
[21:03:15] AndyCap: oh noes. no mythtv packages for F11. :/
[21:03:32] J-e-f-f-A: AndyCap: Source!!!!  ;-)
[21:03:45] meshe: :)
[21:03:52] AndyCap: J-e-f-f-A: well, I guess that is the only way. :)
[21:04:10] AndyCap: wonder what deps are missing.
[21:05:23] J-e-f-f-A: meshe: "Strange Brew"... that's it... I couldn't remember the name of the movie...  ;-)
[21:05:49] kormoc: Strange Brew rocks, ya hoser
[21:05:54] meshe: great movie :)
[21:07:02] bfleming (bfleming!n=bfleming@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[21:09:17] J-e-f-f-A: AndyCap: yeah, I just setup a F11 box the other day to play with Trunk... Still missing something for MythMusic, but the rest compiled.
[21:09:31] kormoc: missing the segfaults?
[21:10:29] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:10:37] AndyCap: J-e-f-f-A: heh, waiting for svn co to finish here
[21:10:49] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: hehe... the configure disables it since it says I don't have some dependencies installed – yet they're all there... haven't taken the time to dig into it yet.
[21:12:43] J-e-f-f-A: AndyCap: I'm @ work now, but if you're still around in ~90 mins, I'll be in front of my F11 system. ;-)
[21:12:54] psipsi (psipsi! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:13:05] kormoc: nah, there's been /a lot/ of reports of f11 causing frontend segfaults
[21:13:16] AndyCap: kormoc: heh, we'll see.
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[21:13:35] kormoc: it might be related to the wm, as they've all been kde iirc
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[21:14:25] AndyCap: ah. ok. not sure what wm I run on my old frontend. metacity possibly.
[21:14:47] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: That could be... I tried using KDE4 – don't like it, switched to Gnome...
[21:15:52] AndyCap: Heh, just saw kde4 in action the other day, looked pretty shiny
[21:16:06] AndyCap: of course various programs blew up fairly often.
[21:16:15] kormoc: just remember, the mythbusters proved that you can shine a turd!
[21:16:35] AndyCap: then there is hope for mythtv. :-P
[21:16:46] kormoc: Ouch, my heart! ;)
[21:16:47] J-e-f-f-A: AndyCap: It *looks* pretty nice, but the menu system is a pain in the *bleep*, and not organized well imho... I liked 3.5, but hate 4.0 ...
[21:17:10] AndyCap: J-e-f-f-A: yeah, I guess I would be annoyed with that fairly quickly.
[21:17:30] J-e-f-f-A: compwiz is pretty neat... I'd never use it on a dedicated frontend, but it's neat to play with. Just eye candy...
[21:18:14] AndyCap: hopefully mythui will supply the candy? I've yet to see that in action
[21:18:18] jgarvey (jgarvey! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:18:19] J-e-f-f-A: AndyCap: And you can't put icons on your 'desktop'... There's some sort of 'desktop widget' which is like a 'folder' you can put on your desktop, but you can't put icons directly on your desktop.
[21:18:28] iamlindoro: Yes, MythUI supplies the ability to use some nice eye candy
[21:18:29] meshe: J-e-f-f-A: i always turn on the cube on my desktops
[21:18:44] sgtpepper: kormoc: I F11 you need to yum -y update to get rid of the segfaults
[21:18:45] iamlindoro: still need more people to come along and actually write themes to use it, though
[21:18:55] sgtpepper: there is a bug reported in rpm fusion about that
[21:19:19] AndyCap: sgtpepper: eeww. yum -y is evil
[21:19:37] J-e-f-f-A: AndyCap: It's much prettier than 0.21 ;-)
[21:19:40] sgtpepper: saves time ;-)
[21:19:56] ** J-e-f-f-A should start cracking on a theme... **
[21:20:00] iamlindoro: says the guy without a working myth box
[21:20:05] AndyCap: sgtpepper: yeah, sure. until you're hopping around on one leg.
[21:20:09] iamlindoro: time saving got you into this mess
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[21:20:45] AndyCap: speaking of the cube. An early proof of concept. :P
[21:21:01] Defense (Defense! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:21:46] sgtpepper: oooh, well it works, just that I cant use LiveTV
[21:21:51] sgtpepper: lol
[21:23:46] J-e-f-f-A: AndyCap:
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[21:26:43] J-e-f-f-A: AndyCap: in that demo, they're only using 2 desktops, not 4, so instead of a cube, it's like flipping a piece of paper over...
[21:29:29] laga: didn't we have cubes like three years ago?
[21:29:53] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:30:39] J-e-f-f-A: probably. ;-)
[21:30:55] AndyCap: don't remember how old that program is. it is from when you needed a special X server to make wobbly windows.
[21:31:11] AndyCap: this one did not use compositing, and was very boring. :P
[21:31:15] J-e-f-f-A: AndyCap: Just need the Nvidia driver on F11. ;-)
[21:32:28] AndyCap: No, I do not. :P
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[21:33:34] J-e-f-f-A: AndyCap: No Nvidia GFX?
[21:34:15] AndyCap: intel G45
[21:34:54] AndyCap: and it worked well out of the box apart from detecting a non-connected VGA port as active.
[21:35:26] J-e-f-f-A: AndyCap: Humm... Well, I don't know if Compiz will work on Intel – haven't researched it.  ;-)
[21:35:48] AndyCap: got wobbly windows and that very nauseating windowswitching thing.
[21:36:08] AndyCap: alt-tab changes the screen way too much for my taste. :P
[21:36:12] ** J-e-f-f-A packs up and leaves for home so he can play with Myth... ;-) **
[21:36:15] Defense_ (Defense_! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
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[21:36:23] AndyCap: might be related to screen size I guess
[21:36:33] meshe: yeah, i have to reinstall my mythbox this weekend :S
[21:39:07] kormoc: Did you recover stuff at least?
[21:39:10] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:39:21] meshe: haven't tried yet, been sick for the last couple of days
[21:39:51] meshe: which tables should i try to grab for my recording metadata?
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[21:41:02] kormoc: recorded, oldrecorded iirc
[21:41:18] iamlindoro: Manual sections 23.5–7 cover which If memory serves
[21:41:24] iamlindoro: (and it may not)
[21:41:30] meshe: thanks
[21:41:45] AndyCap: the section on moving to new hardware iirc.
[21:41:47] meshe: i'm going to try a minimal rescue of those then try for the rest if the drive stays alive
[21:41:54] iamlindoro:
[21:42:53] meshe: the HAF factor went down when he found out that all of our shows may now be 20090293848575.mpg
[21:44:23] meshe: i'm just going to move it up to trunk when i redo it
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[21:47:25] CGI060: I am so fuckin happy I finally got a tv tuner card and got fuckin mythtv to work. Thanks to sphery. He was the one who told me that schedule wouldn't work right until I got the t.v. card. One thing that I didn't see in any of the how tos is the necessity of running tv_grab_na_dd if you live in the U.S. cheers buddies.
[21:48:53] cdpuk (cdpuk! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:48:54] iamlindoro: ....
[21:49:16] iamlindoro: Might want to watch the f-bombs
[21:49:25] iamlindoro: and you don't need to run tv_grab_na_dd in the US
[21:50:26] CGI060: yes you do: tv_grab_na_dd --configure was how I finally got the schedule direct to work right
[21:50:35] iamlindoro: No, you don't
[21:50:47] kormoc: or you just use the built-in schedules direct support that myth has had for 3 years now...
[21:50:53] iamlindoro: You may have kludged together something, but that's completely the wrong way to do it
[21:50:56] iamlindoro: ^^ exactly
[21:51:00] CGI060: Pray tell then how do you do it.
[21:51:18] meshe: fill in the options in mythtv-setup
[21:51:19] CGI060: wrong way...
[21:51:20] iamlindoro: Use the Schedules Direct listings type, give it your login info, and call it a day and get a beer?
[21:51:25] iamlindoro: umm... no. It's not.
[21:51:34] sphery:
[21:51:43] sphery: ^^^Configuring the Schedules Direct service
[21:51:57] kormoc: It's not like certain folks in here are a part of SD or anything...
[21:51:57] JEDIDIAH__ (JEDIDIAH__! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:52:35] CGI060 (CGI060! has quit ("CGI:IRC")
[21:52:36] sphery: You can't spell Schedules Direct without the r and the c in kormoc
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[21:54:50] ** laga looks at sphery **
[21:55:36] sphery: oh no!
[21:55:44] sphery: now laga has an evil eye, too
[21:55:53] kormoc: quick! Poke at it with a sharp stick!
[21:56:16] kormoc: (I only endorse that action when it's not my eye)
[21:56:29] ** laga hides **
[21:56:49] sgtpepper (sgtpepper!n=ncorrare@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:56:54] sphery: I'll remember that when your evil eye gazes my way
[21:57:28] ** kormoc needs to remember goggles **
[21:57:39] sphery:
[21:57:41] tarbo_ (tarbo_!n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:57:59] kormoc: ha!
[21:58:04] kormoc: that's an awesome site
[21:58:27] sphery: heh, didn't know there was one
[21:58:36] AndyCap: The goggles, they do nothing!
[21:59:17] meshe: wow, just wow:
[21:59:21] meshe: sorry for the OT
[21:59:29] kormoc: As if we were on topic
[21:59:36] meshe: true
[21:59:45] sphery: how did we get from on-topic goggle to that?
[21:59:52] meshe: what some people will do for an apple product...
[22:00:07] meshe: i just came across it
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[22:00:32] AndyCap:
[22:01:16] laga: kinda wonder if he swallowed
[22:01:49] meshe: now he's complaining that his thread got locked:
[22:01:57] laga: AndyCap: shouldn't that be processed by the preprocessor anyways?
[22:02:40] laga: "Anyway, if it's not a joke, I'm so sorry about what went down" rotflmao
[22:02:45] AndyCap: laga: well. I'm a little unclear on what the coder had in mined. :)
[22:03:21] tarbo (tarbo!n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) has quit (Connection timed out)
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[22:03:40] kormoc: "I was hoping it would be made a "sticky" but the thread got locked before I could post that suggestion." <-- epic
[22:04:02] laga: haha
[22:04:13] AndyCap: Harr harr
[22:05:18] ** sphery wonders if the mythtv-themes mailing list should be renamed mythtv-themes-with-personalized-support-from-iamlindoro list **
[22:05:22] AndyCap: maybe he should try to get an epic mount the next time.
[22:06:43] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
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[22:07:16] sphery: heh, searching for the R5000 ticket on track is case-sensitive
[22:07:22] sphery: s/track/trac/
[22:08:02] sphery: So, wondering if I should reply to with, "Oh, FGS danielk, you haven't done any 'basic testing'..."
[22:08:30] sphery: After all, it worked so well with:
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[22:11:37] davidm2 (davidm2!n=David@nat/ti/x-222e9167015abd93) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:13:39] meshe: either that guy is totally full of it, or he's a total moron
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[22:16:43] sphery: meshe: I don't think the 2 are mutually exclusive
[22:17:09] gbee: he's full of it, the whole tone, the lengths he went to in the description, I *might* believe someone would be stupid enough to do that but I don't believe they would then retell the story in that manner
[22:17:32] gbee: yeah, sphery is right
[22:17:46] ** meshe nods **
[22:18:41] sphery: as a very wise man said when I mentioned I can't wait until the guy who posted that rant moves to XBMC, "I wonder if he knows XBMC doesn't record TV."
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[22:20:14] laga: did he post again?
[22:20:16] sphery: Of course, if he's of the pirate persuasion, he'll just download it
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[22:20:48] sphery: laga: no, I was making a joke about replying to danielk's latest comment with: Oh, FGS danielk, you haven't done any 'basic testing'...
[22:21:02] gbee: I'd lay money (though it's ultimately unprovable) that 99% of those who threaten to use another application never actually do, the empty threat is about all they can think to bring to the argument
[22:21:29] iamlindoro: Those same people are the ones who think we care whether they use Myth
[22:21:32] laga: gbee: i was going to reply "then just do so, ffs", but i decided it was none of my business
[22:21:35] meshe: especially when the response is: go ahead, enjoy :)
[22:21:56] laga: meshe: yeah, xbmc probably isn't bad software ;)
[22:22:16] meshe: laga: i tried it, found myth to be easier to set up
[22:22:18] sphery: hey, it's /so/ much prettier than ugly-old mythtv
[22:22:27] sphery: who needs functionality when you've got bling?
[22:22:38] sphery: (yeah, that's a joke--new-myth has bling)
[22:23:22] sphery: I think meshe's comment is the first time I've ever heard someone say myth was easier to set up than <anything>
[22:23:26] gbee: I was going to finish my email with "Hope you like XBMC" or similar, but then hit send before I remembered
[22:23:52] sphery: I'll bet meshe cheated and actually read the HOWTO/wiki
[22:24:05] gbee: he'll just become XBMC's headache, because he's going to find plenty he doesn't like there too
[22:24:27] meshe: well, for xbmc functionality, point mythvideo at video dir, scan for videos, enjoy
[22:24:58] gbee: I wouldn't say new myth's bling compares to XBMC yet, but then myth has the functionality so the bling is just a bonus
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[22:25:41] iamlindoro: That said, if you take .22's improvement over .21, and extrapolate that to .23, that speaks well for it
[22:27:08] laga: iamlindoro:
[22:27:18] sphery: that one is great
[22:27:21] iamlindoro: heh, expected that :)
[22:27:43] AndyCap: mythmusic didn't seem to like F11's libvisual.
[22:27:59] sphery: yeah, mythmusic doesn't like libvisual
[22:28:10] sphery: haven't they renamed it libsegvisual?
[22:28:19] AndyCap: harr harr
[22:28:43] laga: heh
[22:28:43] iamlindoro:
[22:28:46] sphery: (granted, it may be only mythmusic's usage of it, but it seems no users care enough to actually fix it)
[22:28:47] iamlindoro: Well that's just god damn obnoxious
[22:28:59] gbee: iamlindoro: how is that helpful exactly?
[22:29:05] iamlindoro: "Problem disappears after switching to a fork with dozens of other patches applied"
[22:29:15] iamlindoro: gbee, That's what I was saying
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[22:29:59] laga: yell at that guy? ;)
[22:30:26] ** kormoc yells at that guy **
[22:30:33] ** iamlindoro notes that he was pointing out the comment's humor, he didn't write it **
[22:30:42] gbee: that the kind of shit that caused the storm of protest against JYA's fork in the first place, it just causes confusion and ultimately more work for us
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[22:32:06] sphery: status: closed/invalid, fixed in trunk or some random patch applied against the forked version of mythtv-0.21-fixes
[22:32:45] laga: 1let me try that sample on trunk
[22:32:54] laga: hum
[22:32:55] laga: no worky
[22:33:09] kormoc: could be JYA's custom ffmpeg sync
[22:33:15] sphery: so it's really the random patches
[22:33:20] laga: oh, seems it works for Dibblah
[22:33:53] kormoc: Did you bring it some flowers and chocolates? sometimes you gotta loosen it up a bit before it'll play
[22:34:53] laga: i brought some poppers
[22:35:03] laga: oh, now it's working
[22:35:07] laga: segfaulted the first time around
[22:35:27] laga: hum. worked once, keeps sgfaulting
[22:35:35] sphery: did you make a seektable?
[22:35:43] iamlindoro: That guy has a nasty mullet
[22:36:09] sphery: (not that it should segv without one, but we often have issues on videos without them)
[22:36:33] iamlindoro:
[22:36:45] iamlindoro: can't trust people like that
[22:36:46] iamlindoro: ;)
[22:37:14] laga: sphery: no, i just invoked mythtv file.mpg
[22:41:49] laga: "
[22:41:49] laga: "It's worth exactly nothing, but thanks for sharing.
[22:41:51] laga: heh :)
[22:42:25] Defense|Twin (Defense|Twin! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:42:34] iamlindoro: that was not me, but I share the sentiment
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[22:47:27] FluxD (FluxD!n=FluxD@unaffiliated/fluxd) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:47:33] FluxD: Hi, I am looking to stream stuff from my desktop upstairs to hdtv downstairs. What hardware and software would I need?
[22:48:20] iamlindoro: A supported tuner device, mythtv, and a system capable of playing it back downstairs
[22:48:33] iamlindoro: for anything more specific, you can read the wiki
[22:48:38] hsi (hsi!n=hsi@2001:16d8:ff1a:0:216:3eff:fe64:feb3) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[22:48:56] FluxD: iamlindoro, not really stream tv but movies etc
[22:49:02] hsi (hsi!n=hsi@2001:16d8:ff1a:0:216:3eff:fe64:feb3) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:49:10] iamlindoro: If you want to stream movies, Myth is not the right software choice
[22:49:26] FluxD: oh I was told to ask here :/
[22:49:29] iamlindoro: Myth is first and foremost a DVR-- everything else is added functionality
[22:49:41] gbee: no because it can't do what you want, but because it's primary function is as a PVR
[22:49:55] gbee: too slow as usual
[22:50:09] gbee: s/no/not/
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[22:53:07] gbee: FluxD: lots of people use it to stream their videos/dvds to other machines/tvs in their homes, but most of them are also recording TV at the same time because mythtv's whole setup would frankly be annoying if you weren't benefiting from it's main feature
[22:54:12] FluxD: gbee, I understand, well I wanted to stream bluray movies from my pc to tv but its too far. Was just hoping if someone knew of a way here
[22:55:15] sphery: and in the context of MythTV, when "streaming" video that's not TV, it's generally done via NFS/CIFS
[22:55:36] gbee: it's a bit like buying a 4x4 because you want a cigarette lighter, the 4x4 does have a very good lighter but if you aren't going to be driving off road then why pay that price and having it take up 2 parking spaces?
[22:55:37] sphery: i.e. if that's all you want, make the same network mounts and then just play it back with your choice of media player
[22:55:54] gbee: sphery: well at least until 0.22 :)
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[22:56:11] sphery: gbee: or 0.23 ;)
[22:56:25] sphery: (as what's in trunk now is a far cry from "ready", IMHO)
[22:56:48] psm321: FluxD: if you're looking for an easy solution, there's commercial boxes you can buy that'll stream stuff from a share with a nice interface
[22:56:54] psm321: unfortunately i dont know any names
[22:56:59] FluxD: wellah
[22:57:01] FluxD: ah
[22:57:07] gbee: aye, I'll conceed it's probably not going to be finished by 0.22 after all
[22:57:09] FluxD: yea was looking for some name too but thanks
[22:57:19] sphery: by that, I just mean I'd love to see all support for non-SG-based MythVideo playback removed
[22:57:36] Dagmar: SG?
[22:57:38] sphery: and fix some of the issues that are primarily caused by trying to support both approaches
[22:57:41] iamlindoro: Storage Group
[22:57:42] sphery: Storage Group
[22:57:44] Dagmar: Ah
[22:57:48] sphery: too slow as usual
[22:57:58] gbee: ;)
[22:58:18] Dagmar: gbee: As to the 4x4 the answer is generally "because you have a very tiny penis"
[22:58:36] sphery: though I have to admit I'm not complaining--I just think 0.22 is better off if the SG-based playback is hidden
[22:58:49] psm321: FluxD: . . . trolPoint.29
[22:59:00] psm321: FluxD: there are non upnp-based ones too
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[22:59:04] FluxD: thanks psm321
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[22:59:27] gbee: Dagmar: ;)
[22:59:32] psm321: but the nice thing about upnp is if i understand things correctly if you ever do get a mythtv box, those players should be able to play stuff from it
[23:00:18] psm321: FluxD: if youre looking for software, i thing xbmc is pretty popular for what you want
[23:00:19] sphery: besides, who needs movies/Blu Ray stuff when you've got TV
[23:00:22] psm321: not sure tho
[23:00:30] sphery: I have so many recordings, I never have time to watch movies, anymore
[23:00:44] AndyCap: Hmm, IMDB still offers the data for download. but the license seems a little unclear
[23:00:54] Dagmar: Actually uPnP is just used for the indexing
[23:00:58] FluxD: psm321, I need something that supports wifi
[23:01:07] sphery: AndyCap: Anduin did some research into it
[23:01:10] sphery: it's not very useful
[23:01:33] psm321: FluxD: if you have an xbox 360 or ps3 it looks like those have built-in or add-on support for upnp
[23:01:40] FluxD: nope dont have them :)
[23:01:52] gbee: sphery: I happen to agree that the SG streaming stuff in mythvideo is not ready and shouldn't be advertised in 0.22, it should probably even be disabled
[23:02:36] psm321: FluxD: google for digital media receiver and read up
[23:02:43] FluxD: okay thanks
[23:02:43] sphery: gbee: yeah, just commenting the group names from kSpecialGroups would mean that users have to /manually/ create the groups (thereby implying they should read how to do so)
[23:03:58] sphery: AndyCap: , though I don't think he's posted info on how to use while complying with the IMDb ToU
[23:04:32] sphery: though, IMHO, good riddance, IMDb, and I for one welcome our new metadata overlords,
[23:04:59] gbee: I'd even go as far as forcing users to remove code comments and rebuild, otherwise you'll have a wiki page up inside a week telling everyone how to do it, which will be following by days worth of people requesting help and support
[23:05:00] sphery: AndyCap: and, even if you're using -fixes, you /could/ be using tmdb:
[23:05:21] gbee: s/following/followed/
[23:05:27] sphery: gbee: that's true...
[23:05:47] sphery: I forgot, "implying they /should/ read," doesn't imply they will
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[23:06:09] sphery: copy/paste is about all the reading many would do
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[23:11:53] Dagmar: Speaking of which, did that guy from earlier finally give up?
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[23:16:43] lydgate (lydgate!n=lydgate@unaffiliated/lydgate) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:17:18] lydgate: what does the "record this" button mean when a program won't be recorded due to a conflict and lower priority?
[23:17:32] lydgate: because it showed "forced" next to it and I just looked, and it didn't record
[23:17:56] lydgate: should I file a bug? or am I misunderstanding the button
[23:18:54] sphery: not without investigation as to why it didn't record
[23:19:17] sphery: as usually it's user misunderstanding that causes that
[23:19:28] lydgate: i've looked at the log and there's no sign of the program
[23:19:44] gbee: lydgate: mythweb?
[23:19:54] lydgate: gbee: yes
[23:20:13] sphery: though if you're using 0.21-fixes and it's not up-to-date, and you set "Record Anyway" (or whatever) before mythfilldatabase ran, it's a fixed bug and you need to update
[23:20:30] gbee: Redirect to kormoc || xris
[23:20:41] sphery: lydgate: use Previously Recorded in mythfrontend to find why it didn't record
[23:20:56] sphery: (and whether there was actually an override set--as I'll bet it got deleted)
[23:21:04] lydgate: sphery: You mean "recorded programs"?
[23:21:12] sphery: mythfrontend
[23:21:16] lydgate: oh ok
[23:21:18] lydgate: let me check
[23:21:23] sphery: Manage Recordings|Previously Recorded
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[23:22:01] lydgate: it says
[23:22:08] lydgate: Override Recording +0 Conflicting
[23:22:18] sphery: and what actually recorded?
[23:22:28] lydgate: not that program, another program
[23:22:33] sphery: as it looks like you overrode, but it /still/ conflicted and you didn't manage the other conflict
[23:22:37] kormoc: redirect held until after commute home
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[23:22:51] lydgate: basically, it's a repeat show with priority -5, and a film with priority 1 ... but in mythweb I clicked "record this" on the priority 5, and confirmed that it said "forced" next to it
[23:23:08] sphery: when did you do that?
[23:23:11] lydgate: sphery: ah, so basically you have to cancel all the conflicts?
[23:23:17] sphery: versus when it recorded
[23:23:28] sphery: you may--depends on what conflicts you actually have
[23:23:40] lydgate: I set "record this" maybe 15 hours ago
[23:23:46] lydgate: ok
[23:24:05] lydgate: yeah i always used to switch around the priorities or cancel other recordings to make sure stuff would record
[23:24:08] sphery: it's possible you can have a recording conflict with an override
[23:24:10] lydgate: but this time I tried "record this" and it didn't work
[23:24:14] sphery: especially when you have another override
[23:24:36] lydgate: I can't see any other overrides during that time
[23:24:42] lydgate: but I guess I should have cancelled the other recordings
[23:24:52] lydgate: I kind of thought "record this" would do what it said and override the other higher priority programs
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[23:25:16] sphery: see , specifically "Scheduling decisions"
[23:25:28] sphery: what you're talking about is properly called an "override"
[23:25:42] sphery: (just so you know what word the docs use)
[23:25:55] lydgate: sphery: ok, thanks, that's useful
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[23:27:11] psm321: does mythweb not have an "upcoming recordings" sort of screen?
[23:27:11] sphery: really, though, reading all of section 12 is well worthwhile--and a perfect activity for a Friday night
[23:27:20] sphery: Sometimes I just re-read it on Friday nights.
[23:27:20] psm321: i always use that to confirm my scheduling
[23:27:27] lydgate: I guess I should have cancelled the later recording
[23:27:28] sphery: It does.
[23:27:31] lydgate: I wondered how it would handle it
[23:27:44] lydgate: I assuemd it would record the one from 10 – midnight, then record from midnight on of the other program
[23:27:57] sphery: you need to check it, but need to give the backend some time to fix the schedule (as MythWeb doesn't yet get notified when the schedule is updated)
[23:27:59] psm321: you should use the upcoming recordings screen :)
[23:28:01] lydgate: but I did think it would obey the override
[23:28:04] Dagmar: It should switch to a need/greed rolling system
[23:28:38] lydgate: psm321: that's what I was using, and the recording that I missed said "forced" next to it, which is apparently an override
[23:28:48] lydgate: but for reasons I don't yet understand, mythtv saw fit not to record it
[23:29:20] sphery: lydgate: generally it will, but there's a /lot/ more to it than just knowing that an override was set... Had you caught that it was not marked to record /before/ it aired and gotten a mythbackend --printsched, I could have told you exactly what happened.
[23:29:48] lydgate: sphery: ok, that's useful too
[23:29:50] sphery: that is a --printsched /after/ setting the recording, but /before/ the airtime
[23:29:53] lydgate: but after the fact that info isn't available?
[23:29:58] sphery: after setting the override
[23:30:06] lydgate: i see
[23:30:14] sphery: nope, can't see into the past
[23:30:21] lydgate: annoying
[23:30:31] lydgate: that program doesn't show up in mythbackend.log either
[23:30:34] sphery: closest we can get is the "why it didn't record"--conflict in this case--info that's on Previously Recorded
[23:30:53] lydgate: k, i'll try to read section 12 and look at that
[23:30:58] sphery: basically, I need to see /every/ show that matches every rule you have around the time of the recording in question
[23:31:03] lydgate: although to be honest in the future i'll just cancel the recordings that conflict most likely
[23:31:15] psm321: i've been perplexed by myth's scheduling decisions sometimes
[23:31:18] lydgate: yeah i have a lot of rules :\
[23:31:36] sphery: so you /could/ get all that info manually from Previously Recorded, but I dont' feel like parsing the info in that format (whereas I already know how to parse a --printsched formatted list :)
[23:31:40] psm321: but i chalk it up to the ridiculous complexity of my setup and just keep adding overrides til it does what i want
[23:32:08] lydgate: psm321: yeah, me too, the annoying thing is that i thought it was set to do what i wanted but evidently it wasn't
[23:32:24] sphery: I think most people are often perplexed by myth's scheduling decisions--because they never spent a Friday night reading Section 12 of the HOWTO :)
[23:32:28] wagnerrp: well i kind-of got digital audio working
[23:32:36] wagnerrp: PCM works fine
[23:32:38] lydgate: sphery: most likely
[23:32:55] psm321: sphery: i probably have at some point, but i'm sure i need a refreshert
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[23:33:02] wagnerrp: but i have to turn off passthru, and let it decode to PCM internally for AC3 and DTS
[23:33:35] psm321: lydgate: the upcoming recordings should tell you what tuner something is scheduled to record on (if it's like teh frontends upcoming recordings)
[23:33:56] sphery: yeah, maybe in 0.22, we could have the new MythBrowser pop up a window once every 3 months with section 12, then have a speech-recognition component verify that you read it all (aloud) before allowing you to continue using Myth.  ;)
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[23:34:27] lydgate: well overall i've been pretty happy with its decisions, but it only really takes missing one thing you wanted to see to become distinctly unhappy
[23:34:42] sphery: wagnerrp: Are you using the #5900 patches? I have a feeling they can be overly aggressive at messing with the audio when you don't want them to.
[23:35:08] lydgate: ah well, we're spoiled by mythtv anyway, i'm still 130 films behind so I guess I will just have to watch the next bess thing
[23:35:18] lydgate: best
[23:35:18] wagnerrp: nope, no custom patches to the source
[23:35:27] sphery: lydgate: yeah, you'll soon learn if it's really important, you need to check and double check (and triple...)
[23:35:49] lydgate: sphery: unfortunately I did do that today but I just trusted the "Forced" thing in mythweb
[23:35:57] sphery: lydgate: and hope for a rerun!  :)
[23:36:01] lydgate: next time I'll make sure it's green without saying forced...
[23:36:02] wagnerrp: although im not too concerned about it
[23:36:11] lydgate: sphery: yep, I appreciate your help
[23:36:18] wagnerrp: its not like i can expect much in audio quality out of a pair of tinny 10W TV speakers anyway
[23:36:30] sphery: lydgate: forced is OK, but also check shows around it /and/ the backend status page--to verify it's in the list
[23:37:04] sphery: hard part about backend status is you only get 10 shows
[23:37:12] lydgate: sphery: ok, will do
[23:37:13] lydgate: thanks
[23:37:42] sphery: mythbackend --printsched will show everything, though--so is better if it's farther out (though things can change, so you need to check the day of airing, too) and you have ssh access or whatever
[23:38:17] wagnerrp: do you want access to that for scripting or what?
[23:39:02] sphery: no, just for verifying that something will record
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[23:39:59] sphery: could also use --plain_text --recordings=-1
[23:40:05] sphery: to get a more human-readable format
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[23:40:09] sphery: then look for will record
[23:40:25] lydgate: sphery: ok will try that
[23:40:29] lydgate: i do have ssh to this machine at all times pretty much
[23:40:30] lydgate: so
[23:40:39] lydgate: maybe i'll just have it mail the damn thing to me every day
[23:41:33] sphery: is a contrib script and may not be installed by packagers... It lives at: . . . l?format=txt
[23:41:58] wagnerrp: speaking of which, it seems my video<n> devices got reordered on a reboot a couple hours ago
[23:42:09] wagnerrp: i should fix those before stuff tries to record tonight
[23:42:23] sphery: lydgate: yeah, it's great for mail... use: --plain_text --no_show_scheduled --recordings=-1
[23:42:31] sphery: to get all the upcoming conflicts
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[23:43:33] sphery: then, if it's output isn't, "No conflicts.", can send the whole list, too, as above: --plain_text --recordings=-1
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[23:43:55] sphery: (though that "whole" list skips dups and deactivated, which are enabled with: --show_duplicates and --show_deactivated , respectively)
[23:44:07] sphery: s/it's/its/
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