:: #mythtv-users

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Sunday, April 26th, 2009, 00:17 UTC
[00:17:17] Scopeuk_ (Scopeuk_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:18:09] michael_ (michael_!n=michael@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:18:15] michael_: hello
[00:18:43] michael_: im trying to install the source for mythtv. im playing with it on a computer that doesnt have a caputure card.... i just want it to play my avi's..
[00:19:34] michael_: when i load mythtv it says error mythtv is using all inputs but there is no active recordings
[00:19:37] michael_: waht does that mean?
[00:26:13] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:03] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:29:12] GreggN (GreggN! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:29] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:42:31] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:44:33] superdump (superdump!n=rob@unaffiliated/superdump) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:46:57] Do-m-pie (Do-m-pie! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:51:30] Captain_Murdoch: michael_, don't run "mythtv", run "mythfrontend"
[00:51:48] Captain_Murdoch: "mythtv" is just a test app
[01:00:20] psipsi__ (psipsi__! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:33] aliby (aliby!i=aliby@ has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
[01:02:12] Dompie (Dompie! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:03:25] GreggN (GreggN! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:07:09] psipsi_ (psipsi_! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[01:09:21] notyjoey (notyjoey! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:16:18] _abbenormal (_abbenormal!n=_abbenor@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:34] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:22:12] aliby- (aliby-! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:39:37] michael_: thanks captian murdoch
[01:51:26] Stowaway (Stowaway!n=michael@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:35] Stowaway: yo.. Im installing mythtv via source..
[01:51:41] Stowaway: Ive compiled it and its running
[01:51:53] Stowaway: but i dont know how to setup the plugins?
[01:52:07] Stowaway: ive odne ./configure make install ect on the mythplugins folder
[01:52:19] Stowaway: how do i get them to come up in frontend?
[01:53:59] wagnerrp: that depends on the plugin and the layout
[01:54:57] Stowaway: just mythvideos
[01:55:17] Stowaway: or mythmovies
[01:55:32] Stowaway: ahh
[01:55:36] wagnerrp: should show up in media library
[01:55:41] wagnerrp: 'watch videos'
[01:55:42] Stowaway: sory
[01:55:48] Stowaway: ive been looking up on the internet everywhere
[01:55:51] Stowaway: and i didnt even read the readm e
[01:56:01] Stowaway: im doing that now
[01:56:10] wagnerrp: mythmovies shows cinema showing times right? thats probably in information center
[01:56:22] Stowaway: im not actually sure what it does.
[01:56:27] iamlindoro: It does, and it is
[01:58:13] michael_: hmm the readme just says "all configuration is done within the program" .... Im trying mythvideos now.. i did make install ect on the mythlpugins folder.
[01:58:23] michael_: is there anything else i need to do to make it show up ?
[01:58:43] michael_: at the moment i only have watch recordings in my media section
[01:58:59] wagnerrp: it will show up, but it will be empty until you go into the settings, define a directory for content, and then scan said directory
[02:00:27] iamlindoro: Having only Watch Recordings means that your compile failed or your install failed
[02:00:42] iamlindoro: never just run make install, you need to configure, then make, *then* make install
[02:00:54] Stowaway: yeah thats aht i did
[02:01:14] psipsi (psipsi! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:01:30] iamlindoro: Your compile failed, your install failed, or you installed to two separate prefixes
[02:01:32] Stowaway: hmm i must not have. actually
[02:01:40] Stowaway: its works now :)
[02:01:52] Stowaway: bbl thanks!
[02:01:55] Stowaway (Stowaway!n=michael@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[02:02:10] michael_ (michael_!n=michael@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[02:02:23] iamlindoro: Someone should tell him not to run MythTV just to run MythVideo, but oh well
[02:07:13] psipsi__ (psipsi__! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:09:00] iamlindoro: Hmm, latest WINE SVN improves The Longest Journey... practically playable now
[02:12:27] waxhead_ (waxhead_!n=pete@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:16:45] mattwj2002 (mattwj2002! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:16:54] mattwj2002: hi guys :)
[02:18:38] grokky (grokky! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:22:30] psipsi_ (psipsi_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:40:01] psipsi (psipsi! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:43:06] ServerSage_ (ServerSage_! has quit ()
[02:57:10] Stowaway (Stowaway!n=michael@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:57:25] Stowaway: yo
[02:57:38] Stowaway: i got all my videos on a storage drive ( //storage/volume_1/movies & Tv shows )
[02:57:42] Stowaway: would i just set that as my video directory?
[02:57:49] Stowaway: just like that
[02:59:20] rooaus (rooaus! has quit ("Leaving.")
[02:59:27] docelm0 (docelm0! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:59:56] docelm0: anyone alive?
[03:00:02] mirak (mirak! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[03:03:50] rooaus (rooaus! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:04:25] bbeattie (bbeattie!n=bbeattie@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[03:12:19] hadees (hadees! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:13:21] bobgill (bobgill! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[03:13:46] my_key_ (my_key_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:15:16] Stowaway: ahh figured it.
[03:15:43] ekt242 (ekt242! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[03:16:47] rooaus (rooaus! has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:18:08] my_key (my_key! has quit (Connection timed out)
[03:42:33] docelm0: eh
[03:46:52] Stowaway (Stowaway!n=michael@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:47:45] quadtree (quadtree!n=quadtree@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:07:05] Circuitsoft (Circuitsoft! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:10:14] Circuitsoft: Hello. Anyone know anything about the HVR-1800
[04:10:16] Circuitsoft: ?
[04:10:52] Circuitsoft: All I know right now is that the DVB scan utility failed.
[04:12:57] spoiler (spoiler! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:13:00] spoiler (spoiler! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:16:01] docelm0 (docelm0! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[04:20:14] Anduin: Circuitsoft: it can work, the digital side
[04:20:24] Circuitsoft: ok.
[04:20:49] Circuitsoft: I figured I'd test it first by trying "mplayer dvb://2.1"
[04:20:52] Circuitsoft: or something like that.
[04:21:02] Circuitsoft: Of course, channels.conf was not found.
[04:21:33] Circuitsoft: So I ran the "scan" utility with atsc/ATSC-us-whatever-8VSB to start
[04:21:37] Circuitsoft: and it found nothing.
[04:21:55] Anduin: ant/cable in the bottom most f-type?
[04:22:30] Circuitsoft: Ant. Tried bottom and middle.
[04:22:52] Circuitsoft: I just found/downloaded a firmware package from
[04:23:06] Circuitsoft: So, I guess I'll unload/reload the drivers and try the scan again.
[04:23:18] Circuitsoft: BTW, I'm on debian Lenny
[04:23:20] Anduin: yeah, that will probably help
[04:23:40] Circuitsoft: I haven't really found any central location of information about these cards.
[04:23:55] Circuitsoft: All I found was the linuxtv wiki about it, and it just listed a few chipsets.
[04:25:02] Anduin: there is a bit more out there but yeah, not the most popular card yet (no real analog yet)
[04:26:45] Circuitsoft: After copying the firmware images, I figured I needed to unload/reload the module.
[04:26:48] Circuitsoft: *modules
[04:27:32] Anduin: yeah, cx23885
[04:29:22] Circuitsoft: Well, the "scan" program is still giving me "tuning failed" messages
[04:30:12] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:30:15] Circuitsoft: Does that mean "no signal found at that frequency" or "card cannot tune to that frequency"?
[04:31:57] Circuitsoft: Anduin: I assume I want it in the bottom Fconnector since that's what you mentioned?
[04:31:57] Anduin: I'm not sure there is a separate one for no signal, that is normal as it scans through channels that are not there
[04:32:12] Anduin: Circuitsoft: Yes, bottom is atsc/qam
[04:32:13] Circuitsoft: Well, all channels are failing..
[04:32:16] Anduin: middle is analog
[04:32:23] Circuitsoft: I got the same response without the firmware loaded.
[04:32:36] Circuitsoft: ok
[04:33:20] Circuitsoft: I guess I should probably hook the good antenna up to it.
[04:33:27] Circuitsoft: and scan again
[04:38:42] Circuitsoft: Hmm.
[04:38:48] Circuitsoft: Same.
[04:39:39] Circuitsoft: Anduin: What are video0, video1, and dvb0?
[04:40:20] Return0 (Return0! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:41:12] Anduin: video0 is the analog "preview" device, video1 is the analog mpeg one
[04:42:30] Circuitsoft: Do the analog recording inputs work?
[04:43:04] Circuitsoft: Still no services found.
[04:43:49] johnb003 (johnb003! has quit (Connection timed out)
[04:44:32] Anduin: the analog preview supposedly works, the mpeg one can capture once the preview one tunes (again reportedly)
[04:44:50] Circuitsoft: ok
[04:45:17] Circuitsoft: What about the RCA inputs?
[04:46:09] Anduin: those are audio in for composite/s-video capture
[04:46:30] Circuitsoft: Do they work with video1?
[04:46:46] Circuitsoft: Oh well, not an issue at the moment.
[04:46:56] Anduin: I don't use the analog interface it is currently unusable for mythtv
[04:47:04] Circuitsoft: ok
[04:47:28] Dompie (Dompie! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:47:33] Circuitsoft: I have a way to give you supervised access to this machine (involving the use of screen)
[04:47:38] Circuitsoft: Do you have time to help me find channels?
[04:48:36] wagnerrp: you should never give someone that
[04:49:35] Circuitsoft: Notice, supervised.
[04:49:49] Anduin: Circuitsoft: be more aggressive about module unload/reload and pastebin the portion of dmesg that resulted in
[04:50:01] Circuitsoft: The path I have in mind will make absolutely sure I see exactly what you're doing and can kick you out at any moment.
[04:50:44] Circuitsoft: wagnerrp: I'm well aware of system security and trust.
[04:50:52] Circuitsoft: I don't implicitly trust strangers.
[04:54:29] Circuitsoft:
[04:55:10] mchou: Circuitsoft: tell us what cli you are using to scan
[04:55:11] Circuitsoft: That's all dmesg lines since inserting the cx23885 module.
[04:55:21] Circuitsoft: scan from the dvb-progs package
[04:55:37] mchou: Circuitsoft: give us the whole command line
[04:55:48] Circuitsoft: scan /usr/share/dvb/atsc/us-ATSC-center-frequencies-8VSB
[04:56:05] mchou: Circuitsoft: where are you located?
[04:56:26] mchou: Circuitsoft: how far are you from towers?
[04:56:29] Circuitsoft: Twin Cities, Minnesota
[04:56:41] Circuitsoft: About 20 miles from towers with a good Yagi antenna.
[04:56:52] Circuitsoft: The TV picks up about 25 channels.
[04:57:01] mchou: ahh, that good
[04:57:06] mchou: off the same antenna?
[04:57:09] Circuitsoft: yup.
[04:57:16] Circuitsoft: Just moved the antenna to the computer from the TV
[04:57:31] mchou: you let the 'scan' run all the way through?
[04:57:56] mchou: or you just gave up after partial scan?
[04:58:04] Circuitsoft: all the way
[04:58:14] mchou: Circuitsoft: what's your zip code?
[04:58:34] mchou: after the scan ran all the way, you didnt get a list?
[05:00:00] Circuitsoft: 55038
[05:00:22] mchou:
[05:00:25] mchou: go there
[05:00:31] Circuitsoft: "ERROR: initial tuning failed / dumping lists (0 services) / Done."
[05:00:44] poodyp_ (poodyp_! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:00:55] mchou: now in the ATSC_center vsb file or whatever....
[05:01:25] mchou: you take the first listing from silicon dust.....
[05:01:47] mchou: in this case KTCIDT3 or whatever....
[05:01:59] mchou: that has PSIP of 16–5
[05:02:08] Do-m-pie (Do-m-pie! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:02:26] mchou: you do azap -r 16
[05:02:37] DarK`` (DarK``! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:02:55] mchou: or you can do 'mplayer -tsprog 5 dvb://16'
[05:03:01] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:03:15] DarK``_ (DarK``_!i=dark@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[05:03:26] mchou: azap -r 16 tell the tuner to tune to channel '16'
[05:03:30] Circuitsoft: ERROR: could not open file '/home/mythtv/.azap/channnels.conf'
[05:03:33] mchou: lol
[05:03:40] mchou: rtfm dude
[05:04:13] Circuitsoft: No manual entry for azap
[05:04:16] mchou: you copy that ATSC center vsb file to ~/.azap/channels.conf
[05:04:51] mchou: actually it's a bit more involved than what I'm saying now
[05:04:59] mchou: but I'm too lazy to type
[05:05:48] mchou: bottom line is if you're using a current version of 'scan' and everything is working you should get a successful list
[05:06:33] mchou: 'scan' works incredibly well
[05:06:34] Circuitsoft: mchou: I'm not completely sure the card is even working right.
[05:06:42] mchou: heh
[05:06:44] mchou: indeed
[05:06:50] mchou: hauppauge junk
[05:07:12] mchou: go over to a friend who has cable
[05:07:22] mchou: or if you have cable yourself
[05:07:36] Circuitsoft: Junk? I'd often gotten the impression that Hauppage was actually good.
[05:07:36] mchou: you can get a sanity check with QAM
[05:07:46] mchou: hauppauge is junk
[05:07:53] mchou: lousy parts
[05:07:58] mchou: bah HW
[05:08:01] mchou: bad*
[05:08:24] Circuitsoft: What would you recommend? My motherboard only have PCIe slots, so I can't use PCHDTV cards.
[05:08:31] Stowaway (Stowaway!n=michael@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:08:32] Stowaway: yo
[05:08:38] Stowaway: what does everybody use to store their avi tvshows?
[05:08:52] mchou: I recommend anything with xc5000 tuner
[05:08:58] Circuitsoft: Unfortunately, we have guests right now, and the living room is a bedroom, so I must vacate for the night.
[05:09:06] mchou: so FusionHDTV Dual is PCIe
[05:09:10] Circuitsoft: Stowaway: Hard drives?
[05:09:12] mchou: expensive though
[05:09:18] Stowaway: i mean what plugin?
[05:09:22] Stowaway: do u just use mythvideo?
[05:09:29] Stowaway: or is there a tv_series plugin?
[05:09:53] DarK`` (DarK``! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[05:11:19] mchou: Circuitsoft: if you want to save money get the Silicondust HDHR :)
[05:11:41] mchou: Circuitsoft: less hassle, and doesnt use any slots
[05:12:18] mchou: or go full ol'skool PCI
[05:12:38] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:12:53] mchou: if you want something working RIGHT NOW
[05:13:21] mchou: early woot had USB ATSC/QAM tuner on sale for cheap
[05:13:33] mchou: no idea how well that works
[05:13:49] mchou: umm, earlier today*
[05:14:32] Stowaway: does anybody use mythtv to organise their downloaded Tv shows?
[05:15:58] Circuitsoft: mchou: Can't use PCI, as I don't have any PCI slots.
[05:16:21] Circuitsoft: I'll look up the FusionHDTV card, but I've been dealing with other problems long enough that I doubt I can return the Hauppages at this point.
[05:16:34] Anduin: Stowaway: we discourage downloading shows by not allowing it to be talked about
[05:16:46] mchou: Circuitsoft: dont feel bad
[05:16:48] Circuitsoft: BTW, solved all those other problems by replacing a SATA cable.
[05:16:49] Stowaway: oh okay fair enuf.
[05:16:58] Stowaway: however shows are still recorded
[05:17:01] Stowaway: from free to air
[05:17:08] Stowaway: there is no software to sort them?
[05:17:13] mchou: Circuitsoft: you can always get rid of it via fleabay or craigslist
[05:17:16] Stowaway: if one gets a big file base
[05:18:30] Anduin: Stowaway: people that are recording them generally don't need them sorted (they have metadata) or use mythvideo somewhat painfully
[05:18:49] Stowaway: ah okay
[05:19:30] iamlindoro: Anduin, I hear they make patches for that kind of thing
[05:19:40] Anduin: I've never done an atsc scan on my 1800, but a qam one works and has on recent kernels
[05:19:50] Anduin: iamlindoro: I wouldn't know :)
[05:20:14] iamlindoro: Anduin, Well that'll make my getting it committed hard
[05:21:18] iamlindoro: I can see why I would have escaped you, there are only 24 revisions of the patch attached to the ticket
[05:21:21] iamlindoro: ;)
[05:21:23] Anduin: I have a good amount of free time before May, people talking about releases happening in months I know I won't have time should force me to look at them.
[05:22:29] a-stray-laptop (a-stray-laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:22:46] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:27:28] Circuitsoft: mchou: You mean this?
[05:27:47] mchou: Circuitsoft: yup
[05:27:56] mchou: Circuitsoft: like I said, expensive
[05:27:58] Return0: So I have standard cable from TWC, and they have several HD channels, but the service only comes with a standard def tuner. I know they were planning to stop the use of analogue soon, but they still broadcast it. So I was curious if the tuner cards these days can cut it, and I bought one to try it out.
[05:28:08] Circuitsoft: Do you have one yourself?
[05:28:11] Return0: I got the WinTV PVR 1600
[05:28:19] mchou: Circuitsoft: you'd probably be better served with HDHomerun
[05:28:26] mchou: Circuitsoft: yup
[05:28:39] Return0: but I'll probably bring it back, I just wanted to see what I could get.
[05:28:43] mchou: Circuitsoft: I mean at that price
[05:29:12] mchou: Return0: dont even get me started on HVR1600
[05:29:18] Return0: I learned there are digital channels from the clear QAV or whatever it was, but only the same that are available with the analogue, not the full programming I pay for.
[05:29:27] mchou: Return0: that's a TOTAL POS
[05:29:33] Return0: hehe
[05:29:56] Return0: it looked ok-ish, but it stuttered a little
[05:29:59] Circuitsoft: Can Mythtv use the Homerun as easily as a builtin tuner?
[05:30:12] Return0: it was at bestbuy and I was just getting it to try it out :P planned to take it back anyway
[05:30:24] mchou: Return0: stutter, PCI util, PSIP filtering, all crap
[05:30:34] mchou: Circuitsoft: yup
[05:30:34] Return0: yeah
[05:30:44] Return0: what's PSIP filtering?
[05:30:52] Return0: was that the vertical tearing?
[05:30:57] Return0: I noticed a strange artifact.
[05:31:26] mchou: Return0: no, instead of drinking from the fire hose you drink from the garden hose
[05:31:27] Return0: it took forever to scan for channels too but I figured that was just the software
[05:31:37] Return0: oh I see
[05:31:40] Return0: well that's good news
[05:31:58] mchou: Return0: oh, yeah, I forgot about that HVR1600 quirk too
[05:32:05] mchou: no FE_HAS_LOCK
[05:32:08] mchou: ever
[05:32:12] mchou: POS
[05:32:30] Return0: hehe :)
[05:32:33] mchou: it's just bad news all around
[05:32:39] Return0: well good then I can only get an upgrade ;)
[05:32:45] Return0: like I said I never planned to keep it
[05:32:47] mchou: indeed
[05:33:28] Return0: I wana get a new media PC but I've been struggling researching what to get, I want power so it can double as a regular PC play games etc, but also be quiet enough for non-intensive tasks to stay on in my living room
[05:33:42] mchou: bah
[05:33:46] mchou: forget that
[05:34:01] mchou: just go for straight media PC
[05:34:09] Return0: ie?
[05:34:22] Return0: low power?
[05:34:24] mchou: if you invoke games your power budget goes to hell
[05:34:37] mchou: so does your wallet
[05:35:04] mchou: get a wii and be done with it :)
[05:35:14] Return0: I was hoping it could be capable of high performance but not consume a lot of power if it's doing low power tasks :P
[05:35:21] Return0: I actually work in the game industry :P
[05:35:34] Return0: I have pleanty of consoles I don't play many pc games anymore anyway
[05:35:52] mchou: Return0: send a wii over then :)
[05:35:56] Return0: hehe
[05:36:15] mchou: one that's marked "BETA" :)
[05:36:36] Circuitsoft: Any recommended radio cards?
[05:36:59] mchou: Circuitsoft: if you want radio get cable :)
[05:37:01] Return0: well, mchou, what do you recommend for a good pvr card then?
[05:37:10] Return0: And what to do about my cable situation?
[05:37:20] mchou: Return0: you have plain PCI slots?
[05:37:23] Return0: Do you just IR blast the set top boxes these days?
[05:37:36] mchou: Return0: I dunno, what is your cable situation?
[05:37:42] Return0: in my current pc yeah, but like I said I'm thinking about upgrading
[05:37:43] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:37:43] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Captain_Murdoch
[05:37:59] Return0: oh, cable is standard cable package, has a few HD channels but doesn't come with HD box.
[05:38:09] mchou: I'm still of the mind PCI tuners are the way to go
[05:38:09] Return0: so I get SD.
[05:38:11] Circuitsoft: mchou: No cable available where I live.
[05:38:32] mchou: Return0: you dont need HD box
[05:38:37] Return0: I tried the clear QAM and found I can get a couple of the HD channels for free
[05:38:48] Return0: but most of them are encrypted it seems
[05:38:49] mchou: you get a QAM tuner and still get HD network programming
[05:38:54] Return0: some of it
[05:39:10] Return0: same as those broadcast OTA
[05:39:31] mchou: go to silicondust web site and enter your zip to see what's available in the clear in your area
[05:39:54] mchou: Circuitsoft: what?
[05:40:10] Return0: I should make sure the are in fact HD channels with the standard cable that's not available through QAM otherwise I guess the box blaster is the way to go?
[05:40:22] mchou: Circuitsoft: what do you mean no Cable where you live?
[05:40:24] Return0: or is there a way to get cards now that decrypt?
[05:40:51] mchou: Return0: not for linux. for windows yes, but it doesnt really work
[05:40:53] Circuitsoft: Return0: The MSI Media Live Diva motherboard would be good for casual gaming but still takes very little power.
[05:41:27] Circuitsoft: mchou: I literally mean that I live too far out in the country and there is no cable TV here.
[05:41:45] Circuitsoft: Somehow, though, I have 7Mbit DSL
[05:42:02] mchou: Circuitsoft: where the hell?
[05:42:19] mchou: I thought you said St. Paul or some crap
[05:42:29] mchou: you live on an ice boat?
[05:42:30] Circuitsoft: 55038 – Hugo
[05:42:31] mchou: :)
[05:42:52] Circuitsoft: Well, May Township
[05:43:11] ** mchou pictures Circuitsoft ice fishing all year :) **
[05:43:45] Return0: seems like silicondust is having network trouble
[05:43:51] ** Circuitsoft Hates cold weather and fish. **
[05:44:11] mchou: haha, yet tou live in prime ice fishing country
[05:44:16] mchou: you*
[05:44:21] mchou: go figure :)
[05:44:53] Return0: So, IR blasting a set box is the way to go?
[05:45:06] mchou: Circuitsoft: for radio just get any old bttv card
[05:45:08] Return0: and pick up a few HD channels from QAM?
[05:45:23] waxhead_ (waxhead_!n=pete@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[05:45:36] mchou: Return0: naw, firewire is a good way to go with STB
[05:45:40] Circuitsoft: Note: No PCI slots, only PCIe.
[05:45:47] Return0: ah nice
[05:45:58] Return0: I didn't realize the interface was standard.
[05:46:07] mchou: Circuitsoft: man, replace your mobo
[05:46:24] mchou: PCIe for mythbox is plain crazy atm
[05:46:38] Return0: plain crazy?
[05:46:43] a-stray-laptop: anyone here have experience with mythflix?
[05:46:52] mchou: you pay a premium on everything and there's lousy selection on cards
[05:47:08] mchou: lose-lose
[05:47:11] Circuitsoft: Damn. It's the only one that has a built-in audio amplifier to drive the speakers since the receiver was going to pot.
[05:47:28] Return0: so mchou you prefer regular old pci?
[05:47:40] mchou: Circuitsoft: you can also look for usb radio.....
[05:48:17] mchou: Return0: I have core 2 duo with 5 PCI slots, 1 pciex1,1 pciex16
[05:48:23] Return0: ah
[05:48:26] Circuitsoft: I've actually seen a few halfway decent USB radios (in use by other people)
[05:48:29] mchou: all 5 PCI solts are populated
[05:48:34] Return0: with what? :P
[05:48:39] mchou: tuners
[05:48:55] Return0: wow, you really need to record that many simutaniously?
[05:49:08] mchou: no, but I play with lots of HW
[05:49:12] Return0: ah
[05:49:17] Return0: so you have good reviews for me? :)
[05:49:19] mchou: at most I really only use 2
[05:49:26] Return0: yeah that's what I'd think
[05:49:30] Return0: plus some are dual tuners right?
[05:49:35] Return0: dual digital?
[05:49:35] mchou: nope
[05:49:48] Return0: oh, seems like I've seen a few of those on the market though
[05:49:51] mchou: dual digital only avail in PCIe
[05:49:55] Return0: ah
[05:50:00] mchou: pricy
[05:50:07] Return0: what's pricey to you?
[05:50:09] Circuitsoft: mchou: You have that one PCIe slot. Use it.
[05:50:24] mchou: Circuitsoft: that reserved for future SATA
[05:50:41] mchou: in case I need more SATA ports
[05:50:59] mchou: pricy is oany over $45/tuner :)
[05:51:05] mchou: any*
[05:51:07] Circuitsoft: mchou: How many do you have onboard?
[05:51:13] mchou: 4
[05:51:29] Return0: drive speed is probably a big issue for one of these boxes? obviously capacity.
[05:51:40] Circuitsoft: Ok. I guess I can see using more than that.
[05:52:09] Circuitsoft: Return0 I'm not so sure. With modern drives, almost anything can probably keep up with anything you do.
[05:52:30] mchou: yeah, SATA 2 is plenty fast
[05:52:41] Circuitsoft: I have a 640G WD Caviar that streams 100MB/sec writing to the disk.
[05:52:45] mchou: unless you record uncompressed
[05:53:04] Circuitsoft: mchou: Even uncompressed, speed probably doesn't matter.
[05:53:19] Return0: I have a PC that's starting to show it's age, well even for a media pc, it's a 1.8 ghz, pentium 4, and I had XP running on there, hooked up to m TV, and I couldn't run a 1080p video (downsampled to 720p – I need a tv upgrade too :P)
[05:53:33] KraMer (KraMer! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[05:53:34] mchou: Circuitsoft: depend on how many simul uncompressed streams :)
[05:53:39] Return0: I mean it was really choppy
[05:53:42] Return0: lost frames and stuff
[05:53:51] mchou: yeah, ditch the P4
[05:54:00] Return0: yeah, that's what I'm thinking
[05:54:04] mchou: P4 sounds like an airport anyways
[05:54:08] Return0: hehe
[05:54:18] Return0: My laptop is much faster
[05:54:24] Circuitsoft: P4 might do it if you specifically compile all the software for it, preferably using the Intel C Compiler.
[05:54:37] Circuitsoft: It just doesn't do well with code not optimized for the P4.
[05:54:42] mchou: yeah, core2 or BE/LE series from AMD
[05:54:48] Return0: macbook pro itel core 2 duo I think,
[05:54:56] Return0: 2.0ghz
[05:55:26] Return0: ya, so it's been kicking my old p4's ass for years :P
[05:55:29] Circuitsoft: The 1.8G P4, for most tasks, is about as fast as my 1.6G Atom.
[05:55:40] Return0: hehe
[05:55:44] Return0: yeah it's pretty fail.
[05:56:03] Return0: Thing is, I do a bit of programming, and having a desktop is nice.
[05:56:28] mchou: see, that's anothe thing....
[05:56:48] mchou: with nettops USB tuners could come in REAl handy
[05:56:54] mchou: REAL*
[05:57:06] Return0: nettops?
[05:57:07] mchou: nvidia ion fully loaded
[05:57:33] mchou: Return0: google "nvidia ion"
[05:57:36] Circuitsoft: mchou:
[05:57:54] mchou: Circuitsoft: which is also another reason I recommend HDHR
[05:58:17] mchou: be ready for the nettop transition :)
[05:58:45] mchou: no need for PCI(e) dishwasher size junk
[05:58:57] Return0: without looking that closely it looks like it's got hardware decoding?
[05:59:30] mzb_zz is now known as mzb
[05:59:31] mchou: Return0: yup, apparently beefy enough for blu-ray and whatever
[06:00:31] mchou: even good enough to play some games
[06:00:51] mchou: stick that thing behind your TV
[06:00:57] Return0: oh man, it's gonna be hard to decide what to get.
[06:01:09] Return0: isn't the point of the atom to be small?
[06:01:14] hadees (hadees! has quit (No route to host)
[06:01:14] Return0: I don't care that much about the size.
[06:01:14] mchou: nvidia crap is buggy though
[06:01:21] Return0: I'll cram it behind my tv anyway
[06:01:35] xanderp (xanderp! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:01:52] Return0: just so long as it can run quiet, pack a punch when it needs to, and doesn't suck up a lot of power when it's not doing anything
[06:01:55] zand_ (zand_!n=xand@unaffiliated/xelam) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[06:02:04] Circuitsoft: Or, I may just buy a raw xc5000, a demodulator chip, a TI PCI/PCIe bridge, and build my own tuner...
[06:02:20] zand (zand!n=xand@unaffiliated/xelam) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:02:22] Return0: build your own tuner?
[06:02:33] xanderp: Ok, I've done something to this mythbuntu box, and now my backend service doesn't start automatically anymore. What's the command in 'buntu' to set an /etc/init.d to run at startup?
[06:02:33] Return0: for what fm radio? :P
[06:02:41] mchou: Circuitsoft: umm, that linky doesnt mention anything about QAM
[06:03:03] Circuitsoft: I work at an embedded electronic design firm that specializes in wireless.
[06:03:23] mchou: Circuitsoft: does that thing have linux drivers?
[06:03:32] Circuitsoft: I figured I'd build my own PCIe HDTV tuner/receiver card using chipsets that are known to work well in Linux.
[06:03:42] Circuitsoft: Someone mentioned xc5000-based tuners.
[06:03:43] Return0: I see
[06:03:45] mchou: Circuitsoft: what? why?
[06:03:47] Circuitsoft: mchou: no idea bout the aopen thing.
[06:04:09] mchou: Circuitsoft: xc5000 tuners are inexpensive
[06:04:15] Circuitsoft: I have the time and capability, and it may just be cheaper.
[06:04:34] mchou: less than $50 if you shop around
[06:04:46] Circuitsoft: That way, I can put known-good things on a board with a PCI/PCIe bridge chip and have my own PCIe dual tuner.
[06:04:50] mchou: hardly worth your time for a one off
[06:05:31] mchou: unless you plan to go into business selling that stuff
[06:05:59] mchou: which at this point is rather dubious anyways
[06:06:21] Circuitsoft: Well, for one thing I do actually enjoy this type of challenge, and it
[06:06:34] Circuitsoft: ll be good practice with the tools.
[06:07:10] mchou: Return0: go get pinnacle 800i
[06:07:22] mchou: Return0: you wont regret it
[06:07:36] Return0: ya?
[06:07:43] mchou: nice tiny card with uber clean signal
[06:07:44] Return0: I'm susceptible to your suggestion
[06:07:49] Return0: I'm compelled to try it
[06:08:15] mchou: like I said, less than $50
[06:08:22] mchou: if you shop around
[06:09:26] mchou: hairy golfball and nvidia ion
[06:09:34] mchou: finally comes to pass
[06:10:17] Circuitsoft: I would really like to see an nVidia Ion w/ Via Nano proc, but that's probably not gonna happen now.
[06:10:22] xanderp (xanderp! has quit ("Leaving")
[06:10:34] mchou: via nano? wth for?
[06:10:48] mchou: that's not even a real 586 chip
[06:10:56] Circuitsoft: More powerful than Atom, less power consumption than Core Solo or pentium M
[06:11:04] Circuitsoft: Uh, yes it is.
[06:11:09] Circuitsoft: C3 wasn't
[06:11:20] mchou: ok, C3
[06:11:32] Circuitsoft: C7 was almost, Nano is actually multi-issue and quite powerful.
[06:11:43] mchou: at one point in time nvidia was in talks with via
[06:11:50] mchou: apparently that fell thru
[06:11:51] Circuitsoft: I know.
[06:12:25] Circuitsoft: Via's own graphics solutions would be pretty decent for a settop box if they could get their Drivers straigtened out.
[06:12:51] Circuitsoft: I should check up on OpenChrome again...
[06:13:02] mchou: that's the same story for everyone, including ATI
[06:14:00] mchou: I mean it's really too bad nvidia is virtually the only game in town when it comes to linux and myth
[06:14:04] Circuitsoft: Via had hardware mpeg decoding first.
[06:14:17] Circuitsoft: My ATI board is actually working pretty well.
[06:14:33] mchou: and now even nvidia is screwing up their drivers badly
[06:14:54] Return0: yeah they are.
[06:17:23] Circuitsoft: Right now I'm using the dual outputs on my nvidia card at work as separate X screens since TwinView give me no virtual separation between the screens and makes maximized windows look funny.
[06:17:56] Circuitsoft: Unfortunately, VirtualBox can't emulate dual video cards, so I can't make use of them in Windows.
[06:18:15] xanderp (xanderp! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:19:13] xanderp: ok, I think I know why my mythbackend is not starting on boot. The NIC is taking too long to get up and have an IP assigned to it. Anyone able to help me tell mythbackend to start later in the boot sequence? I'm on mythbuntu for this box...
[06:23:39] xanderp (xanderp! has quit ("Leaving")
[06:26:06] ** Captain_Murdoch pictures whatever the mythbuntu version of "mv /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S40mythbackend /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S99mythbackend" is, or just putting a "sleep 5" inside the start area of the mythbackend init script, but the he notices xanderp left without even waiting for a response. **
[06:26:35] mchou: Captain_Murdoch: haha, maybe he has other network "issues"
[06:27:22] Return0: mchou the pinnacle pctv 800i review I just read was pretty bad. . . . eview-6.html
[06:27:40] Return0: Also how does it interface with the STB, it may just not have been covered in the review.
[06:27:50] mchou: Return0: they reviewers have NO idea what they are talking about
[06:28:08] Return0: maybe a vista issue? I dunno
[06:28:16] mchou: Return0: the pinnacle is the best HW I've used for Tuner
[06:28:25] Return0: that card or pinnacle in general?
[06:28:36] mchou: pinnacle 800i
[06:28:48] mchou: Windows SW sucks
[06:29:01] mchou: from pinnacle and MSFT
[06:29:05] Return0: ya
[06:29:10] mchou: but that's why we use linux
[06:29:25] Return0: what about the STB interface?
[06:29:37] mchou: stb inteface?
[06:29:47] mchou: who would you need it
[06:29:54] mchou: it supports QAM
[06:29:59] mchou: end of story
[06:30:11] mchou: you dont use it for NTSC
[06:30:25] mchou: cause NTSC on that aint so great
[06:30:33] Return0: my cable box has a lot of channels I guess are incrypted.
[06:30:42] Return0: encrypted
[06:31:04] Return0: I mean
[06:31:08] mchou: they use another card other than pinnacle for encrypted streams
[06:31:21] mchou: maybe pvr-150
[06:31:24] Return0: w/ the box?
[06:31:40] mchou: yup, with STB controlled via firewire
[06:31:51] Return0: hmmm
[06:31:53] mchou: and use svideo
[06:32:09] Return0: yeah.
[06:32:16] Return0: even the pvr 1600 I got can do that
[06:32:22] mchou: no
[06:32:23] Return0: but it was just a test run card.
[06:32:36] Return0: well it can't do the firewire
[06:32:38] mchou: pvr1600 has issues on NTSC side too
[06:32:42] Return0: oh
[06:32:43] Return0: lame
[06:32:44] mchou: lol
[06:32:53] Return0: oh yeah I tried recording HD with it, and I got really bad sound
[06:32:54] mchou: maybe it's fixed by now
[06:32:57] Return0: like it was underwater.
[06:32:59] dannz (dannz!n=dan@unaffiliated/dannz) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:33:02] dannz: any nz users here?
[06:33:11] Return0: but it worked fine if I watched it directly.
[06:33:16] Pooky (Pooky! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:33:20] mchou: but that was so crappy I couldnt return it fast enough back to the store
[06:33:53] mchou: even though I paid around $20 for it I still felt ripped off
[06:34:00] mchou: haha
[06:34:16] mchou: that was how bad it was
[06:34:26] mchou: not even worth $20
[06:35:08] mchou: I supposed I could have hocked it on fleabay for more than that
[06:35:13] rooaus (rooaus! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:35:24] mchou: but I didnt want to subjects others to the misery
[06:35:34] mchou: subject*
[06:38:51] mchou: Return0: actually if you have STB you dont need pvr-150
[06:39:30] mchou: you can record sd HBO and such over firewire straight from the box
[06:39:57] Return0: oh really? I thought it was just for tuning and you had to capture
[06:40:11] mchou: you just cant get encrypted HD premiums via firewire from the STB.....
[06:40:33] Return0: it's a SD STB anyway
[06:40:39] Return0: but 90% of the shows are encrypted
[06:41:00] mchou: I though only HD STBs have firewire?
[06:41:04] Circuitsoft: Why would they use Firewire as an interface for just tuning? You wouldn't need anywhere near the bandwidth...
[06:41:15] Return0: I didn't look I read somewhere it was required as an fcc thing
[06:41:19] Return0: let me go check
[06:41:32] mchou: Circuitsoft: no he meant for use in conjuction with myth
[06:42:00] mchou: Circuitsoft: firewire tuning more reliable than ir blaster
[06:42:36] Return0: fail.
[06:42:44] Circuitsoft: I guess I'm too close to falling asleep.
[06:43:09] Return0: I think my only option is to get an HD STB and pay some monthly fee or capture the NTSC and IR blast it
[06:43:14] ** Circuitsoft is starting to have to work to keep his eyes open. **
[06:43:32] mchou: I think HD STB here is $5/mo
[06:43:37] Circuitsoft (Circuitsoft! has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.9/2009040821]")
[06:43:48] mchou: maybe it's up to $7 now, I dont recall
[06:43:52] Return0: the SD box and the standard cable I have are included in my rent, but I can pay if I wanna get something more.
[06:44:26] Return0: I've never been interested, because I haven't had a media pc setup :P
[06:44:53] mchou: Return0: seiously, look into netflix
[06:45:06] mchou: forget HBO and other permiums
[06:45:11] mchou: premiums*
[06:45:18] Return0: yeah I don't need the box.
[06:45:25] Return0: actually I already download most of the shows I watch
[06:45:25] mchou: netflix is way better than cable
[06:45:41] Return0: I'm just sick of connecting my laptop to my tv everytime I download something
[06:45:53] Return0: I wana offload that to the media pc and leave it connected
[06:45:54] mchou: what??
[06:46:00] mchou: then forget myth
[06:46:14] Return0: but there are some shows I wana record =\
[06:46:18] mchou: cause you'd be messing with the SW rather than watching
[06:46:54] mchou: mostly playing with crappy display drivers
[06:46:59] Return0: :P
[06:48:04] mchou: as good as myth is, grahics display is still weak link in chain
[06:48:16] mchou: graphics*
[06:49:02] mchou: just go with netflix and get it over with
[06:50:38] mchou: you wont need to invest in any HW or SW other than a DVD player
[06:51:19] mchou: maybe once or 2x you'd get a scratched disk
[06:51:35] mchou: but life doesnt get any more complicated than that
[06:52:06] mchou: you get involved in myth, gonna have to please the SO
[06:52:28] mchou: that's a tall order
[06:52:47] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:59:13] dannz is now known as dan
[06:59:25] dan is now known as dannz
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[08:46:06] noaXess_kubuntu (noaXess_kubuntu! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:46:11] noaXess_kubuntu: hi all
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[08:47:50] noaXess_kubuntu: i have created a new mythtv backend.. and have imported followeing tables from my old backend: channel, record, recorded, recordedmarkup, recordedprogram, recordedseek, recordmatch
[08:47:56] noaXess_kubuntu: now i can wath recorded shows..
[08:49:08] noaXess_kubuntu: but.. can't watch livetv.. i get this:
[08:50:00] noaXess_kubuntu: any idea what to change, so i can watch livetv?.. by the way i have thre dvb-c cards.. identical chip: Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7146 (rev 01)
[08:51:14] noaXess_kubuntu: the thre dvb-c card are known in mythtv backend..
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[09:37:26] flush: hi, everyone. I'm in trouble with mythtv. someone could Help?
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[09:38:37] flush: I have a Wintv nova-T stick in mythbuntu that is working well with kaffeine, using /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0, but not with mythtv
[09:38:40] flush: any ideas?
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[09:42:44] theflush: anyone?
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[09:47:36] theflush: Wow, all that help at Once not please!!!. Well, i keep searching
[09:48:37] theflush: ains
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[10:06:49] sid3windr: – is line 114 correct? ;)
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[14:11:45] dramman: I'm getting Signal 99%, S/N 4.8dB, BE 0, (l__) No Lock for ABC2 in Sydney
[14:12:00] dramman: commercial channels work perfectly
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[14:31:29] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: I updated with the Director field change. Please try it out when you get the chance to make sure it works as expected. When examining the change requirements I picked up two other bugs one in ttvdb and one in jamu, so thanks. See
[14:35:20] quadtree (quadtree! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:38:49] dramman: anyone live in Sydney?
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[15:15:09] gbee: RDV_Linux: umm, not sure that's a good change, it should be left to the themer IMHO
[15:18:21] RDV_Linux: gbee: This was a request from iamlindoro. I was told that when ttvdb returned Director as "None" it caused an issue as the string "Unknown" was being looked for in Mythvideo. I can confirm that the Director field of an initialized video record is automatically set to "Unknown" by Mythvideo.
[15:26:58] gbee: ok, well I guess it depends how we handle that 'Unknown' string when it comes to outputting it for display
[15:27:14] Anduin: not well is the answer
[15:28:44] Anduin: it can be translated but the DB value is displayed
[15:29:54] Anduin: unknown fields in grabbers should either not be shown in the results or be "field:\s+\n"
[15:33:22] jduggan: oh bleh, House is going to sky1 from five
[15:33:55] gbee: just pretend it was cancelled
[15:36:33] sebrock (sebrock! has quit ("Leaving")
[15:37:49] RDV_Linux: Anduin: Just tell me the standard and it will be so. Add to Directory the default for Cover image is "No Cover".
[15:38:00] mchou (mchou!n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:38:49] RDV_Linux: s/Directory/Director/
[15:42:02] gbee: it's Anduin's call, one of the ideas I had for mythui was that the themer got to chose default strings when no value was supplied by the app – giving them the option to display nothing and go clutter free, or pick a particular linguistic style
[15:46:29] RDV_Linux: My own preference would be that the grabber only return fields that have values. I mean no key with a blank or "default" value at all. Let the receiver of the data decide what to do with empty fields. Further to that grabbers should return ALL data that have values even if Mythvideo does not use it yet. Writer is a good example as both TMDB and TVDB has that info.
[15:46:53] ** iamlindoro always wakes up at just the wrong time... **
[15:47:39] iamlindoro: Anyway, the only thing I can check against in order to determine whether a DB field should or should no be filled is its default value, and for Director that's Unknown, no matter what
[15:47:41] RDV_Linux: But I thought the this channel was linked to your alarm clock
[15:48:25] RDV_Linux: Do you check for "No Cover" for the cover image field?
[15:49:26] iamlindoro: I check the default values of all fields, not for particular strings
[15:49:35] iamlindoro: ie VIDEO_COVER_DEFAULT
[15:49:50] iamlindoro: which are defined in globals.cpp/h
[15:50:15] iamlindoro: But images are handled slightly different from text
[15:50:24] iamlindoro: As they always have been
[15:51:28] RDV_Linux: You sound full awake now. When you have a chance try the updated ttvdb I just want to make sure it is what you wanted.
[15:52:15] iamlindoro: I will be able to try it sometime this AM, not able to use that system ATM
[15:54:47] RDV_Linux: No rush
[15:57:15] gbee: have you done it yet?
[15:57:21] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:58:22] iamlindoro: gbee, are you being funny?  :)
[15:58:34] Anduin: RDV_Linux: returning unused fields is done now, as is leaving fields out, an empty field will be filled with the mythvideo default value
[15:59:23] Anduin: and I'm fine with themes picking default values but we can't do that now unless things changed
[15:59:41] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, Per what Anduin just said, returning an empty field would be fine for my purposes too, or leaving it as you've changed it, both will work
[15:59:55] Anduin: and I hate storing default values in the DB, I didn't make that choice and have been eliminating them when I change them
[16:00:06] iamlindoro: Andthing but "None," really
[16:00:13] iamlindoro: er Anything
[16:00:18] gbee: iamlindoro: apparently not ...
[16:00:30] Dibblah: For me, certain things make _more_ sense to store defaults in the DB.
[16:00:37] iamlindoro: gbee, No, it was funny :)
[16:00:45] Dibblah: Specifically, recording rules...
[16:01:13] Dibblah: Another one of those things on my list of "would be interesting to look at" :(
[16:01:37] Anduin: Dibblah: yeah I don't mean in general, I mean some of the mythvideo default metadata values, especially those ones that are actually translated so aren't even universally default
[16:03:02] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, In answer to your question, yes, that looks fine (or, if it makes your life easier, the next time you go through you can set it to no return a string if there's no director)
[16:05:06] RDV_Linux: The change I made to ttvdb today outside of Director's "Unknown" leaves all other fields with no values as empty. I think that ttvdb now conforms until Director default is changed.
[16:05:22] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: Thanks for checking
[16:06:30] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, The specificity of the fields has never mattered to date, as the MythVideo side just steamrolled over everything no matter what-- with my change it will only change the values that are non-default, but as None !=Unknown, that failed the default check
[16:06:55] RDV_Linux: np
[16:07:41] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:07:50] iamlindoro: Thank you for the fix/change
[16:14:43] Shadow__X: your welcome iamlindoro
[16:14:56] ** iamlindoro wonders how adding "ALSA:plughw:0,3" as a default makes any sense at all **
[16:15:32] RDV_Linux: It must matter to his set up.
[16:15:38] iamlindoro: exactly
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[16:16:02] iamlindoro: defaults that work for guys with one motherboard aren't good defaults :)
[16:17:53] RDV_Linux: I thought Myth was busted by my upgrade to Jaunty when it was only that the IEEE1394 raw permissions changed. Had me running around for a bit.:)
[16:18:36] gbee: iamlindoro: neither of the additions suggested make any sense IMHO, but then alsa itself makes little sense :(
[16:18:47] iamlindoro: My upgrade has been fine, except for a very obnoxious bug where any GTK application that pops up a dialog box has a 10–15 second delay
[16:19:00] iamlindoro: gbee, I shouldn't expect much given the source of the ticket, I guess
[16:20:28] gbee: end of the week and I should have my hands on 2009 Spring, looking forward to that
[16:21:15] RDV_Linux: The biggest hassle with my upgrade was loosing AC3 passthrough. It seemed to disappear on its own then came back. I finally nailed it with a .asoundrc change. Other than that the upgrade was fairly smooth on three machines.
[16:21:45] Shadow__X: what about alsa doesnt make sense?
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[16:25:03] gbee: Shadow__X: configuration is a pain because of the lack of standard interface naming, the complete lack of human readable or understandable nomenclature – on Windows I might expect to pick HDMI Audio from a dropdown and have it work, with Alsa that's ALSA:plughw:1,3 (where even the numbers change depending on hardware)
[16:25:37] gbee: ALSA is entirely user unfriendly, configuration is messy and complicated
[16:26:19] heynow (heynow! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:26:20] gbee: just compare it to OSS4 and you'll wonder why ALSA is in the kernel at all
[16:27:56] Shadow__X: hmmm right that makes sense
[16:28:57] Shadow__X: yeah from the small amount of alsa configuring i have done its not the most friendly
[16:32:27] gbee: Alsa still feels like a bunch of live exposed wires where you're supposed to know that the blue and red, yellow and orange, green and black need to be twisted together to get sound, compared to the experience on other systems which resembles a smart Hi-Fi with simple labelled buttons
[16:33:09] Shadow__X: right i have worked with live exposed wires before but i rather not do it on my computer system
[16:33:16] gbee: the way so many things have gone in Linux is to improve the user experience, to make things simple when you want them to be simple, but Alsa feels like it's stuck in the mid 90s
[16:33:50] Shadow__X: hmm right can i try out oss4 without uninstalling alsa
[16:34:28] Dassu: can mythvodka view youtube ?
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[16:36:59] gbee: Shadow__X: I can't remember :/ The thing about OSS4 is that it has less hardware support than Alsa, lacks a few drivers, but I was impressed with it last year when I had audio out in a couple of minutes with little/no configuration required (never did get that device working properly under alsa)
[16:38:16] gbee: and crucially what I liked about the OSS4 API is the ability to get device and user friendly names, so Myth audio device selection could be much nicer
[16:38:20] Shadow__X: ah ok because my extremely simple setup works it also deletes my hdmi port on day i will see if i can do vid and audio over hdmi
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[16:38:32] gbee: just haven't had the time to add OSS4 support to myth yet
[16:38:41] Shadow__X: oh ok yeah device names would be nice
[16:38:44] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: youll probably enjoy the users list, JVA had to tell someone to go RTFM
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[16:39:46] gbee: I have video+audio over hdmi working with ALSA, but it was anything but easy
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[16:40:34] jonK: any thoughts on why write speed on a JFS partition would just go to shit?
[16:40:36] Shadow__X: hmm
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[16:47:20] BerryMarmalade2: hi, after ubuntu 9.04 upgrade i can view recordings but if i click one the remote frontend say that it can't find the record file
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[16:48:27] jonK: I'm getting writes at ~5 MB/sec when copying files from an ext3 partition to a JFS partition ... does that seem slow?
[16:48:48] jonK: when copying from one location on the JFS partition to another it seems to be fine
[16:49:50] gbee: same disk, or different disks?
[16:51:45] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!n=pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:52:07] jonK: same physical disk
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[16:56:32] jonK: but I've been having other problems anyway — HD cards have just stopped working , so I've been starting from scratch with another drive
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[17:14:26] tank-man: jonK, how much free space is there on the partitions? (percentage)
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[17:18:07] iamlindoro: gbee, Would the image loading in a separate thread allow animations in the "Please Wait" dialog to work properly?
[17:18:51] gbee: iamlindoro: unfortunately not
[17:19:02] iamlindoro: bummer
[17:20:19] gbee: problem there is that the animation/redraw is blocked, the whole tv init would need moving to it's own thread
[17:21:23] iamlindoro: Ah, I see, makes sense
[17:26:21] Dibblah: There's not enough static threads in Myth already ;)
[17:27:56] wagnerrp: hey, dont stand in the way of our multithreaded overlords! dont forget that intel is supposed to give us 80-core chips by the end of the year
[17:28:22] jonK: @tank-man JFS partition size 846Gb used 97%
[17:29:17] wagnerrp: yeah, file systems tend to slow down as they fill up
[17:29:33] wagnerrp: you get fragmented free space, and its hard to find large chunks of space to write to
[17:30:14] BerryMarmalade2 (BerryMarmalade2! has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:30:39] wagnerrp: im down to ~4% free (160GB) on my array, and its been getting progressively slower for some time
[17:30:39] tank-man: 3% free, no wonder :P
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[17:31:41] wagnerrp: sadly, the new hard drive in the mail is only going to bump me up to ~15% free
[17:32:52] Shadow__X: get 2tb drives wagnerrp
[17:33:25] wagnerrp: Shadow__X: thats the plan maybe 6–8 months down the line
[17:33:33] wagnerrp: maybe when they start to dip below $200 regularly
[17:33:36] Shadow__X: ah ok
[17:33:47] gbee: and when there have been enough guinea pigs
[17:33:52] wagnerrp: that too
[17:34:10] Shadow__X: right i at getting to the cusp where i should switch to a higher size hd i am currently at 5 1tb drives
[17:34:27] wagnerrp: only 5?
[17:34:39] Shadow__X: yes only 5
[17:34:42] wagnerrp: bleh
[17:34:57] Shadow__X: on a student budget i am lucky to have afforded this
[17:34:58] wagnerrp: youve still got plenty of expansion life left in that array
[17:35:32] Shadow__X: wagnerrp, not when your using the mb sata ports i dont have that many left
[17:35:51] Shadow__X: or that many slots open unless i started using 5.25 bays
[17:35:52] wagnerrp: pick up a cheapo PCIe SATA controller
[17:36:17] wagnerrp: 10 of my 14 drives are in 5.25" bays
[17:36:24] GregL (GregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:36:30] Shadow__X: thats alot of drives
[17:36:34] Shadow__X: what size are you at
[17:36:50] gbee: heh, I've only got 1.25Tb and right now that's more than enough, until a couple of months ago it was just 380Gb and I genuinely believed that would be enough
[17:37:00] wagnerrp: 4500GB, plus another 900GB for recordings
[17:37:15] Shadow__X: ah oh nice
[17:37:30] wagnerrp: so only slightly more than you
[17:37:38] wagnerrp: i assume thats 4TB on yours?
[17:37:43] Shadow__X: i have roughly 3.7tb space around 1.3tb free
[17:37:48] Shadow__X: yeah
[17:37:55] gbee: actually it probably would have been enough were it not for the fact that I was forced to replace a drive and having the extra space I opted to start using mythvideo and store some films I recorded
[17:38:01] wagnerrp: well yeah... mine is only listed as 3.9TB in 'df'
[17:38:09] Shadow__X: yeah
[17:38:42] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:38:51] wagnerrp: err... no, 4.08TB
[17:39:05] Dave123 (Dave123! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:41:13] wagnerrp: the 250GB system disk in there is almost a waste, a whopping 8.7GB used
[17:41:23] Shadow__X: heh nice
[17:41:41] Shadow__X: i was looking for a 160gb hd i had laying around and now i ccant find it
[17:41:45] Shadow__X: lol
[17:41:50] Shadow__X: thats always fun
[17:42:18] Shadow__X: when i move i am prob going to have to add more drives to my array
[17:42:38] wagnerrp: well at least 1TB drives are still common
[17:42:47] wagnerrp: my 750s are a dying breed
[17:43:16] Shadow__X: that they are but you can still find them
[17:43:38] Shadow__X: i have a 750gb enterprise drive in a server
[17:43:41] Shadow__X: good stuff
[17:43:46] wagnerrp: but theyre just as expensive as the 1TBs now
[17:44:06] Shadow__X: at the time i got the 750 enterprise drive that included a refurb 250 for free
[17:44:10] Shadow__X: that was ag ood deal
[17:44:13] wagnerrp: its hard for me to continue buying drives with i can get 250GB more for the same price
[17:44:38] Shadow__X: right well couldnt you slowly replace 750s with 1tb and once all the 750s are out expand the array
[17:46:23] wagnerrp: but thats around $700 to do so, and for only 1500GB
[17:46:35] Shadow__X: hmm
[17:46:50] wagnerrp: no, its easier to just start fresh
[17:47:19] Shadow__X: so setup a parallel array and xfer everything over
[17:47:24] wagnerrp: yeah
[17:48:09] mac9416 (mac9416! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:48:48] wagnerrp: ill probably use the remaining three ports to build out a 6TB RAID0, pull the other drives , and bump it to 5 or 6
[17:49:01] mac9416: What do I do when Mythtv can't login to the database?
[17:49:17] wagnerrp: i might pull one of the redundant drives in my current array, and start at 8TB
[17:49:17] Shadow__X: mac9416, logs and check passwords
[17:49:24] kkuno (kkuno!n=wefw@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:49:32] wagnerrp: mac9416: check your ~/.mythtv/config.xml
[17:49:39] wagnerrp: to make sure it actually has login credentials
[17:49:51] Shadow__X: wagnerrp, nice thats alot of space
[17:49:52] wagnerrp: then try those credentials manually using the command line mysql program
[17:50:10] wagnerrp: 'mysql -u<user> -p<pass> -h<host>'
[17:50:11] mac9416: Shadow__X, I'm not sure I understand.
[17:50:23] mac9416: wagnerrp, OK.
[17:50:27] Shadow__X: mac9416, listen to wagnerrp
[17:50:41] mac9416: Shadow__X, OK, thanks.
[17:50:45] wagnerrp: if you cannot log in using that, log into the mysql server using your root account, and create a user account (in mysql) for those credentials
[17:51:12] wagnerrp: if you are on a separate machine, you may have to go into the mysql settings and make sure it is listening on the network, rather than just loopback
[17:54:08] Shadow__X: wagnerrp, where did you find the 5.25 expansion bays i only found this one on newegg
[17:54:45] Shadow__X: nvm i found more
[17:55:16] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Success)
[17:55:23] Shadow__X: very tempting to get adding drives
[17:55:23] wagnerrp: ive been using these...
[17:55:46] wagnerrp: my case has 10 bays, split into groups of two
[17:55:54] wagnerrp: so i cant use anything that is larger than two bays
[17:56:39] Shadow__X: right
[17:56:57] wagnerrp: normally, these things are 4 in 3, or 5 in 3
[17:57:13] Shadow__X: yeah my case cant really take much more
[17:57:19] Shadow__X:
[17:58:23] wagnerrp: well youve got three bays, 5 drives mounted vertically
[17:58:32] wagnerrp: or is one already in use?
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[17:59:06] Shadow__X: 1hd cage is already filled the other one has room for 2 more
[17:59:23] Shadow__X: and i have 1 dvdrom
[17:59:38] Shadow__X: so i could use one 5.25 x 2 enclosure
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[18:01:48] wagnerrp: well if you do anything like that, make sure it has a fan on it
[18:02:06] wagnerrp: had drives have marginal cooling, and when you pack them that densely, they get very hot
[18:03:17] wagnerrp: if you dont need hotswap, you can just get a set of 5.25" to 3.5" adapters, some perforated sheet aluminum, and build one yourself for $10
[18:03:42] Shadow__X: yeah i have had the unfortunate experience before also i have the expereince with a mybook failing due to head even with enough room all around
[18:03:57] Shadow__X: true i could do that
[18:04:10] wagnerrp: you could even just get some lose wire and hang them off the first one
[18:06:22] Shadow__X: yeah i rather not have loose hds just for safety reasons
[18:08:16] Shadow__X: too bad there arent 1tb notebook drives
[18:08:48] wagnerrp: no, but there are 500GBs
[18:09:00] Shadow__X: yeah
[18:09:13] wagnerrp: that would beat anything less than 1.5TB
[18:09:27] wagnerrp: but no fan
[18:09:31] Shadow__X: right
[18:09:53] Shadow__X: also arent laptop hds slow and expensive
[18:09:59] wagnerrp: i guess youre expected to have this in a server case that already has copious fans
[18:10:04] wagnerrp: expensive, yes
[18:10:34] wagnerrp: but 12 2.5" drives are going to run circles around 5 3.5" drives
[18:10:51] wagnerrp: either in simultaneous IOops or sequential speed
[18:11:16] Scopeuk_ (Scopeuk_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:11:41] Shadow__X: hmm because more is better in that situation?
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[18:30:10] mac9416: wagnerrp, config.xml is almost empty, no sign of credentials. I tried the 'mysql' command and got an access denied error.
[18:32:13] mac9416: wagnerrp, could you give me some details on this "if you cannot log in using that, log into the mysql server using your root account, and create a user account (in mysql) for those credentials"?
[18:32:26] wagnerrp: 'mysql -uroot -p'
[18:32:31] wagnerrp: and then type in your root password
[18:32:39] wagnerrp: or if you have no root password, leave off the -p
[18:33:13] wagnerrp: if you did not set a root password, and it says one is set, then you have to seek help from whatever distro you are running
[18:33:39] mac9416: Well, I'm using ubuntu. Will that command still work?
[18:34:00] wagnerrp: should, unless ubuntu sets a random mysql root password
[18:34:01] Shadow__X: /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[18:34:02] wagnerrp: i dont know
[18:34:06] Shadow__X: look there
[18:34:14] wagnerrp: mysql.txt is the old format
[18:34:23] Shadow__X: oldformat?
[18:34:32] wagnerrp: if you have information there, and you run a myth program, it will automatically convert it to the config.xml
[18:34:53] Shadow__X: ah ok
[18:35:13] wagnerrp: why the change? i couldnt say
[18:35:36] wagnerrp: i believe both are populated by current myth, for compatibility with old scripts that still use mysql.txt
[18:35:43] mac9416: wagnerrp, OK, I'll try that. What do I do once I get into the mysql shell?
[18:35:54] wagnerrp: grant a user for myth
[18:36:20] wagnerrp: however the ubuntu packages should set all this stuff up for you automatically
[18:36:36] wagnerrp: unless something went horribly wrong, you shouldnt have to mess with the database setup in ubuntu
[18:36:54] Shadow__X: yeah
[18:37:07] mac9416: One thing may be that I installed completely from debs. No APT involved.
[18:37:09] Shadow__X: there are promtps for the mysql root password
[18:37:13] Shadow__X: in the beginning
[18:37:14] wagnerrp: you should probably go to #ubuntu or #ubuntu-mythtv for further assistance
[18:37:34] wagnerrp: ubuntu has its own way of managing mythtv
[18:37:44] wagnerrp: ive never used it, so i can only instruct on the manual way
[18:38:17] Shadow__X: wagnerrp, what do you use
[18:38:24] wagnerrp: gentoo and freebsd
[18:38:31] mac9416: wagnerrp, OK, I'll try their nodes. Thanks so much!
[18:38:44] Shadow__X: so you like to do everything from source
[18:39:09] wagnerrp: just what im used to
[18:39:31] Shadow__X: ah do you use it for more than server environments
[18:39:53] wagnerrp: freebsd for my server, gentoo for myth and my laptop, everything else is windows
[18:40:27] Shadow__X: ah ok
[18:40:32] wagnerrp: the only real reason my laptop runs linux is because i wanted a hardware accelerated X server for work
[18:40:43] Shadow__X: oh ok
[18:40:49] wagnerrp: cygwin just doesnt cut it
[18:40:57] Shadow__X: yeah i have tried that before
[18:41:00] mac9416: eh ok
[18:41:12] Shadow__X: not with the best results
[18:41:13] mac9416: ;-)
[18:41:43] Shadow__X: i use ubuntu for server and desktop
[18:42:00] Shadow__X: i have tried others though
[18:42:35] Shadow__X: at this point really i just prefer gnome i could go to any distro really aslong as i figure out how to install stuff
[18:42:40] Shadow__X: i am used to the debian way
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[18:54:10] iamlindoro: Heh, Fringe strip club scene
[18:54:44] wagnerrp: looks like your caught up then
[18:54:50] iamlindoro: Yeah, just about
[18:55:00] iamlindoro: Whoah, it gets better!
[18:55:02] iamlindoro: Nice
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[18:56:33] marko_d (marko_d!n=maki@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:56:45] marko_d: hi
[18:57:02] marko_d: i can't get mythfrontend to show tv
[18:57:11] wagnerrp: can you record tv?
[18:57:22] marko_d: i get 2009-04–26 20:56:07.311 TV Error: LiveTV not successfully started erors
[18:57:23] wagnerrp: or does that not work either?
[18:57:36] marko_d: can record with cat /dev/video1 > tv.mpg
[18:57:45] wagnerrp: but can myth record tv?
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[18:57:53] marko_d: i also scanned chanells with mythtv
[18:57:58] wagnerrp: but can myth record tv?
[18:58:05] marko_d: wait
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[18:59:44] dimbulb: Is anyone using mythtv with a lifeview lr99 rev e card? I have picture, but no audio. lspci suggests that it has an audio device on it
[19:00:23] marko_d: i have put it to record
[19:01:59] wagnerrp: if you end up with a 0-byte recording, your problem is with your tuner setup
[19:02:18] wagnerrp: if you end up with no recording, you probably dont have file permissions to write to your storage directory
[19:02:31] wagnerrp: check the backend logs for further information
[19:02:40] wagnerrp: (your previous post was out of the frontend logs)
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[19:13:33] iamlindoro: !trout wiki-users first person
[19:13:33] ** MythLogBot slaps wiki-users with a first person trout on behalf of iamlindoro... **
[19:13:46] iamlindoro: This is not your livejournal, jackasses!
[19:14:47] wagnerrp: the G965?
[19:15:25] wagnerrp: thats a rather aged board to be updating a page for
[19:15:30] wagnerrp: can you even buy those anymore?
[19:15:40] iamlindoro: The Intel GMA page
[19:17:40] iamlindoro: Hahha, another suicide hits a car
[19:17:49] wagnerrp: so one you just stumbled across, not something recently edited
[19:17:58] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, Same guy edited both pages at the same time
[19:18:12] iamlindoro: one was easy to fix, the G965 one is all first person and I don't have the patience
[19:18:59] wagnerrp: well to his defense *most* of the first person was already there on the intel board page
[19:19:31] iamlindoro: yeah
[19:20:02] wagnerrp: who brought up the suicide on cars discussion? i remember it occurred at the time i was watching that episode, but don't remember if it were caused by that episode
[19:20:58] iamlindoro: I think I was watching the butterfly episode at that exact time, I brought it up
[19:21:11] iamlindoro: in which yet another jumper hits a car
[19:21:45] wagnerrp: butterfly episode?
[19:22:04] iamlindoro: The one where the guy is convinced the butterflies are attacking him and jumps out the window to escape them
[19:22:13] wagnerrp: oh
[19:22:21] iamlindoro: Heh, "Dr. Bell" is totally Leonard Nimoy
[19:22:28] iamlindoro: at least, that sounds like the voice
[19:23:19] wagnerrp: the dreamscape
[19:24:04] wagnerrp: and... theres the car
[19:24:45] wagnerrp: the classical music playing during the fall is choice
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[19:54:59] iamlindoro: Oooooooof, remind me never to dump all the theme images into the root theme directory again, that was a pain to clean up
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[20:09:58] gbee: iamlindoro: consistently leave a / off a path when manually copying themes to the install location, painful cleanup job indeed
[20:10:47] iamlindoro: gbee, My fixed version isn't much more arganized, just moved them all to an images directory and did a search and replace on all <filename> tags, but it's better than nothing :)
[20:10:52] iamlindoro: er organized
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[20:12:06] iamlindoro: Will have to find a clever way to spider all the XML before I release it to get rid of the unused images, but that's tomorrow's problem
[20:12:16] iamlindoro: (well, many tomorrows from now, actually)
[20:12:37] Jampiter (Jampiter! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:13:24] Jampiter: Hi
[20:13:56] Jampiter: I have just installed MythTV on Kubuntu.. I am starting it up and it says it cannot connect to database? How can I fix this?
[20:14:19] iamlindoro: By reading the manual, mythtv is not apt-get-it-and-forget-it
[20:14:53] Jampiter: Where is the manual? is that it in the topic?
[20:15:08] iamlindoro: yes. The wiki contains the manual
[20:15:16] gbee:
[20:15:26] iamlindoro: Also, Ubuntu has their own way of setting up the DB, etc. so you will likely want to seek help in #ubuntu-mythtv
[20:16:04] gbee: are the official docs, but the wiki has it's own user-created docs and I'll second the suggestion to ask for help in #ubuntu-mythtv
[20:17:15] gbee: not that anyone there will thank us for the referral :)
[20:19:10] Jampiter (Jampiter! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:19:41] jams: iamlindoro- you would take a look at the program I use to create the menu maps. Wouldn't be hard to add image lint.
[20:19:58] jams: in fact it's on the list, but have not gotten to it yet
[20:20:26] iamlindoro: jams, Cool, that would be a really helpful tool for themers, I'd bet
[20:20:35] jams: yes it would be
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[20:21:11] iamlindoro: I should ping Chutt about the theming mailing list but I fear if I nag him it'll never happen
[20:21:27] jams: right now it's only setup to work against menu files, but the base concept is there.
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[21:18:53] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: besides price, do you have any preference between HDDVD or BluRay?
[21:19:21] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, HD-DVD are all rippable in linux, that's a plus, but blu ray have a tendency to be higher bitrate
[21:19:46] AndyCap: ripping hd-dvd sounds more than a little illegal.
[21:19:49] iamlindoro: To my eyes the difference between 25 and 30 Mbit is splitting hairs, so I'm happy to take the price break and easy rippability in Linux when possible
[21:20:09] iamlindoro: AndyCap, No moreso than DVD
[21:20:09] wagnerrp: apparently Warner Brothers is having some deal where you ship then your HDDVD cases (no disks) and they ship back BluRay copies
[21:20:18] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, Yeah, it's actually just the insert
[21:20:23] wagnerrp: $5 each, plus $7 shipping for the order
[21:20:24] wagnerrp: ah
[21:20:40] AndyCap: iamlindoro: I'll believe that when I see the courtcase. :)
[21:20:44] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, I have a couple dozen I may make that trade on, I don't care so much about the cover and wouldn't mind owning both formats
[21:20:54] iamlindoro: AndyCap, In what way is it any different than DVD?
[21:21:24] wagnerrp: in each case, your breaking encryption (DMCA) to make an otherwise legal copy of your owned content
[21:22:08] wagnerrp: the fact that its a more complex encryption makes no difference one way or the other
[21:22:10] AndyCap: iamlindoro: stronger encryption. probably improved legalese. And in some parts of the world, falls under new legislation designed to close that loophole
[21:22:33] wagnerrp: you could 'encrypt' using ROT13 and its still just as well covered under DMCA
[21:22:34] iamlindoro: AndyCap, The strength of the encryption has no bearing on the legality of breaking encryption
[21:22:35] AndyCap: wagnerrp: depends on the definition of "effective" which
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[21:25:10] AndyCap: so while common sense may equate dvd and hd-dvd ripping I would not bet on it.
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[21:25:39] iamlindoro: AndyCap, I still haven't seen you make any argument that there's any difference
[21:25:39] wagnerrp: AFAIK, there has never been a case brought to court over an end user ripping content for their own purposes
[21:26:08] wagnerrp: theyll go after people making the software to do so, but its not worth it to attack the users
[21:26:24] iamlindoro: Anyway, at the *most* it lies in a grey area, and that's coming from one of the people most stubborn about not helping theives in ehre
[21:26:31] iamlindoro: er here
[21:27:38] wagnerrp: unless youre doing it with blockbuster or netflix, you own the content, and its yours to do with as you please short of redistributing it
[21:28:24] iamlindoro: Anyway, that's my preference wagnerrp, I am perfectly happy with the HD-DVD copies, but someone who is keen to get the highest possible bitrate might understandably go for blu ray
[21:28:36] wagnerrp: otherwise, they would have made a case of it over VHS 30 years ago
[21:28:45] wagnerrp: they tried to, and failed
[21:28:47] iamlindoro: But when a drive capable of reading both is $100, you can get whichever you like :)
[21:29:09] wagnerrp: so we got macrovision, the first in the line of many techs to prevent you from doing what is otherwise legal
[21:29:35] wagnerrp: ok, i have none personally, just thought you might be interested
[21:30:02] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, Yeah, caught that on engadget last week-- when all you lose is the slipcover, that's not a bad deal at all
[21:30:26] iamlindoro: I might try to narrow down which got remastered between release on HD-DVD and blu ray and go for those
[21:30:37] ** AndyCap gives up digging for dmca references since it's late. but at least the eucd covers it. **
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[21:31:01] iamlindoro: a couple of them were shovelware onto HD-DVD and didn't get proper mastering, but have since gotten nice masters for Blu
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[21:35:09] Jupp: I recently upgraded from Ubuntu 8.10 to 9.04 and I'm trying to restore my mythtv database. When I run I get the folowing error "Unable to connect to database."
[21:35:35] wagnerrp: likely means mysql is not running
[21:35:53] wagnerrp: either that, or youre connecting from an external computer, and have not set up mysql for remote access
[21:35:55] Jupp: I tried restarting mysql, but that didn't help
[21:36:14] Jupp: not an external connection...
[21:37:09] wagnerrp: you can run 'ps' and confirm that mysqld or mysqld_safe is running?
[21:38:23] Jupp: I have both running, mysqld and mysqld_safe
[21:38:41] wagnerrp: i dont think thats right...
[21:39:09] wagnerrp: nevermind, i guess mysqld calls mysqld_safe
[21:39:57] wagnerrp: or rather the other way around
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[21:43:13] wagnerrp: can you connect to the database manually using 'mysq;
[21:43:18] wagnerrp: 'mysql'?
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[22:02:19] CoreDump|cf-18 is now known as CoreDump|afk
[22:05:16] gbee: oh f***, cards were swapped on startup again, missed a whole load of recordings
[22:06:33] iamlindoro: video_nr and adapter_nr?
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[22:09:04] gbee: no good, the dvb-s and dvb-t cards share the same chipset and therefore driver
[22:09:30] iamlindoro: ah, suck
[22:09:33] gbee: since those options apply to the driver and not the physical hardware they'd still end up getting swapped around
[22:09:56] iamlindoro: nothing identifiable in udev, huh?
[22:10:17] janneg: they should have mac addresses
[22:10:22] gbee: might be, but I really hate playing with it (or maybe I'm just too lazy to try)
[22:11:11] gbee: janneg: I'd really like to see us using the mac addresses or other attributes in myth, rather than relying on arbitrary adapter numbers
[22:11:17] janneg: but udev rules are ugly for dvb cards due to the multiple device nodes
[22:12:00] gbee: it's something I'll definately look at after 0.22 is out the door, I'm getting a little tired of these card swap issues
[22:13:28] wagnerrp: digital tuners now have MAC addresses?
[22:13:38] gbee: some of these missed recordings aren't repeated and I'm not even sure what I've missed either, for some reason Recorder Failed errors are expired from the log pretty quickly
[22:14:02] gbee: yet transcoder start/finish info seems to stay in the DB log forever
[22:14:12] gbee: that's backwards :/
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[22:15:39] gbee: crap, Family Guy isn't even repeated via iplayer :/
[22:15:49] iamlindoro: proxy + hulu
[22:15:50] wagnerrp: lucky you... :P
[22:16:53] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit ("I am called onward")
[22:19:34] rwlove_:
[22:19:45] rwlove_: mythtb-users uses that one
[22:19:53] rwlove_: ^mythtv-users
[22:19:54] janneg: wagnerrp: most dvb cards had them since the beginning since they were also used for internet over satellite
[22:20:15] wagnerrp: ah
[22:21:10] gbee: ok, confident I've only lost recordings from this evening, remembered that I restarted the machine first thing this morning and being Sunday there isn't anything worth recording during the daytime
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[22:25:42] janneg: gbee: we could save the frontend name during setup. not sure what to do if it doesn't match
[22:25:49] d00gle: janneg: Do you know if the patches from 5882 should work for QPSK on DVB-S2 ?
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[22:26:32] janneg: we should of course warn if they don't match anymore
[22:28:15] janneg: but I'm not sure if we should try to change the adapter number based on it
[22:29:21] janneg: d00gle: based on comments/mails some worked applied to a svn trunk revision around the date of the patch
[22:30:33] d00gle: janneg: thanks, I have tried a few of the patches against various svn trunks and variatons of 2.6.29 kernel, s2-liplianin and v4l on my fedora 10 distro using Nova HD S2
[22:30:52] d00gle: but can't get any signal strength in myth for the transponders
[22:31:14] d00gle: scan-s2 and szap-s2 work fine
[22:31:58] dougl (dougl! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:32:01] d00gle: normal DVB-S transponders work fine
[22:32:22] gbee: janneg: simply warning may not be enough since we can only do that in the backend log or somewhere else where it may not be immediately obvious to the user
[22:34:02] javatexan (javatexan! has quit ("Leaving.")
[22:35:00] gbee: it might require a lot more work and maybe even substantial changes, but ideally we would attempt to change adapter numbers on the basis of either frontend name or some other identifier
[22:35:32] janneg: gbee: warning + letting recorder initilization fail is not much better
[22:35:58] janneg: one have to use live-tv or look at the status screen to detect it
[22:37:03] janneg: but at least it won't start recordings that will fail
[22:37:44] gbee: e.g. on startup we look at all the installed cards, and match them up against the known ones assigning the correct adapter numbers – doing that purely on the basis of the frontend name wouldn't be perfect since two identical DVB-S cards could be connected to different sources, but that's rarer than a mixed DVB-T/S/C setup
[22:37:50] janneg: gbee: the frontend name is afaik the only directly available identifier
[22:38:04] BerryMarmalade2 (BerryMarmalade2! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:38:07] iamlindoro: Once the frontend notification stuff exists, it might be neat to queue up critical backend messages until the next time a frontend starts
[22:38:17] BerryMarmalade2 (BerryMarmalade2! has quit (Client Quit)
[22:38:42] iamlindoro: ie a recorder going offline, drive being unwriteable or not present, etc.
[22:39:08] gbee: iamlindoro: still not perfect, say a power cut restarts the backend while you are on holiday :) But any solution is better than nothing I guess
[22:39:45] iamlindoro: Sure, no illusions of perfection, but maybe a nicer way for us to troubleshoot if the critical messages are popped up in the frontend
[22:39:57] gbee: janneg's has the potential to at least allow recordings to schedule on cards which aren't disabled – assuming you have at least 3
[22:40:04] iamlindoro: I'm looking forward to the notification/RSS stuff for all sorts of stuff, lots of neat applications
[22:40:11] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:40:59] gbee: iamlindoro: heh, yeah I'd forgotten all about that when I was planning out what's left to do before 0.22 :/
[22:41:37] iamlindoro: heh, sorry about that :)
[22:42:53] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:45:36] psipsi_ (psipsi_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:45:36] gbee: iamlindoro: talking to yourself then?
[22:46:14] gbee: . . . /000000.html
[22:46:20] iamlindoro: Yep
[22:46:26] iamlindoro: Doesn't hurt to have in in the archive
[22:46:35] iamlindoro: Plus I get that sexy message number
[22:47:07] ** gbee holds out for 007 **
[22:47:32] iamlindoro: Quintuple-oh-seven?
[22:50:29] lyricnz_ (lyricnz_!n=simonrob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:50:46] iamlindoro: Have a quiet afternoon planned, maybe I'll write out a tutorial on how to theme one particular screen
[22:51:26] iamlindoro: s/screen/plugin
[22:51:37] iamlindoro: something simple like MythNews, maybe
[22:53:11] rushfan: How do I delete my entier mythtv sql database?
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[22:57:10] iamlindoro: nice patience
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[23:26:33] mangospork (mangospork! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:27:04] mangospork: Hey, I just installed myth-tv on my gentoo install. When I start up the program, it asks for mySQL info, how do I set that up. :C
[23:27:16] mangospork: Sorry for the newbish question I just would love to get it working.
[23:27:17] mangospork: :C
[23:28:13] mangospork: Anybody have an idea?
[23:28:22] mangospork: I google'd and google'd.
[23:29:32] mangospork: Somebody? :(
[23:30:07] gagbro (gagbro! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:35:15] jams: mangospork- have you setup the database for mythtv?
[23:35:47] jams: seems to list the steps needed to install & setup the db
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[23:55:14] Shadow__X: hey iamlindoro is trunk more forgiving on video names because .21 isnt
[23:55:35] iamlindoro: What's forgiving versus unforgiving?
[23:55:45] iamlindoro: It takes your lunch money if you look at it wrong?
[23:55:55] Shadow__X: yes
[23:57:10] Shadow__X: will it work with file names that are seperated by . etc
[23:57:17] dan__t: 'afternoon.
[23:57:52] iamlindoro: Shadow__X, As far as I know even .21 just replaces . with a space, I can't see why that would be a problem
[23:58:21] dan__t: Anyone have a favorite make/model of slim machine that would take the place of a set-top box, which would a frontend? Ideally IR, slot-loading dvd, and a little display would be great.
[23:58:35] dan__t: has some really cool stuff but I was looking for some first-hand recommendations.

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