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Thursday, April 9th, 2009, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:50] rpalmer (rpalmer! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:02:13] rpalmer: meshe: did you install nvidia-180 through synaptic or from Nvidia's website?
[00:06:31] d00gle (d00gle!i=5751c709@gateway/web/ajax/ has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
[00:17:40] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:35:14] rpalmer (rpalmer! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:35:56] squidly (squidly!n=squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit ("leaving")
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[00:39:20] javatexan (javatexan! has quit ("Leaving.")
[00:45:10] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[00:45:17] squidly (squidly!n=squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:46:22] AndyCrawford (AndyCrawford! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:46:51] Syn-: ive got a HVR-1800 and im just not able to get it to either tune OTA via an antenna or cable channels when i hook up the antenna
[00:47:06] jpabq (jpabq!n=jpabq@ has quit ()
[00:47:20] Syn-: has anyone gotten one of these to work and has step by step instructions? cause im ready to call it quits with this
[00:50:07] wagnerrp: Syn-: do you have a /dev/dvb/adaptor0?
[00:50:37] wagnerrp: and you installed the tuner in mythtv as a dvb card with that path?
[00:51:04] Syn-: havent tried it with that path
[00:51:08] Syn-: lemme see if i have that
[00:51:11] wagnerrp: do you have a folder there?
[00:51:13] Syn-: ah i do
[00:51:23] wagnerrp: the 1800 is a analog and digital dual tuner
[00:51:33] wagnerrp: however the analog side is not compatible with mythtv
[00:51:37] wagnerrp: so all you will get is the digital
[00:51:42] Syn-: yea im fine with just the digital
[00:52:02] wagnerrp: if you have that folder, just add a DVB adaptor, number 0
[00:52:14] wagnerrp: add a channel source
[00:52:19] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:52:21] wagnerrp: connect the card to the channel source and scan
[00:52:30] Syn-: so path to that folder and not a device in that folder?
[00:52:39] rpalmer (rpalmer! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:52:49] wagnerrp: it should auto-populate that field with the proper path if it exists
[00:53:00] wagnerrp: you would only need to change anything if you have more than one digital tuner
[00:53:31] Syn-: err actually when i setup a DVB i cant change the input path
[00:53:39] rpalmer: i was born to break linux...
[00:54:05] rpalmer (rpalmer! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:54:39] wagnerrp: if that folder exists, just follow the directions for installing a digital tuner
[00:54:40] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit ("Leaving.")
[00:54:59] rpalmer (rpalmer! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:08] rpalmer (rpalmer! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:55:24] rockx0zone (rockx0zone! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:56:23] rockx0zone: wagnerrp: you there?
[00:56:33] wagnerrp: uh huh
[00:58:13] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:58:16] rockx0zone: why does my system freeze on loading LIRC modules? i had a problem in 9.04 and i thought it was because i was using beta, now im using 8.10 and im stil having problems with it
[00:58:39] suffice (suffice!n=quassel@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:58:41] wagnerrp: i couldnt possibly know the answer to that
[00:59:25] rockx0zone: yea...i've been buggin you guys enough.
[00:59:40] wagnerrp: ive never used ubuntu
[00:59:46] rockx0zone: what do you use?
[00:59:51] wagnerrp: gentoo and freebsd
[00:59:59] wagnerrp: i know the process for setting up lirc
[01:00:14] wagnerrp: but if you have problems, your best bet is asking the ubuntu or mythbuntu people
[01:01:00] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:40] suffice (suffice!n=quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:07:46] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:08:20] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[01:08:55] Pooky (Pooky! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:11:19] urlgrey (urlgrey! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[01:27:55] Lexridge (Lexridge!n=lexridge@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:30:32] iamlindoro: Oh look, another Fox show that got screwed, they've been doing it for decades
[01:30:37] iamlindoro: (Space, Above and Beyond)
[01:30:50] wagnerrp: i remember that
[01:30:59] iamlindoro: Show was awesome
[01:31:00] wagnerrp: i didnt know they got screwed, i thought they just ended it
[01:31:10] wagnerrp: they killed off most of the characters in the final episode
[01:31:24] iamlindoro: they got screwed
[01:31:29] wagnerrp: and it had a full season, like 25 episodes
[01:31:32] iamlindoro: It was a major cliffhanger
[01:31:41] iamlindoro: They didn't air most of the end
[01:31:57] iamlindoro: and they moved it around and put it on hiatus like four times
[01:32:08] wagnerrp: oh, i dont remember that part of it
[01:32:28] wagnerrp: of course i was like 10 at the time
[01:32:34] iamlindoro: And they wrote the ending they did because it was canceleed
[01:32:37] iamlindoro: like LOM
[01:33:10] iamlindoro: Anyway, it had a lot of the great parts of BSG about 10 years early
[01:33:23] wagnerrp: i thought they made a decent ending out of it
[01:33:29] wagnerrp: unlike LOM
[01:33:39] iamlindoro: Heh, it was undoubtedly better that LOMs ending
[01:35:24] wagnerrp: i think the LOM ending would have been fine, if they hadnt gone the 60s 'stupid and campy' scifi approach
[01:35:58] wagnerrp: if it had only been at least semi-realistic
[01:36:58] Heliwr_ (Heliwr_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:58] Heliwr (Heliwr! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[01:37:38] Heliwr_ is now known as Heliwr
[01:38:03] dmz (dmz! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:41:01] iamlindoro: In a semi-amusing stroke, the S:AAB DVDs are really chintzy
[01:41:07] iamlindoro: How chintzy, you may ask?
[01:41:21] iamlindoro: The DVD Menu is a space station orbiting a planet
[01:41:27] iamlindoro: The Space station? Babylon 5.
[01:41:43] wagnerrp: HAHAHAHAHAH
[01:42:26] wagnerrp: they couldnt use the fighter loading bay or something?
[01:42:37] iamlindoro: Guess not :)
[01:42:44] wagnerrp: i bet a decent cg artist could whip that up over a weekend
[01:42:55] wagnerrp: the selections would be the different pods
[01:43:16] wagnerrp: when you select one, you drop through the floor, and shoot out the launch bay... into the media
[01:43:23] dmz: ok wierdness goign on here, my schedule data keeps disappearing, i have to manually run mythfilldatabase. i have noticed on some machines that it looks like mythfilldatabase is run from the backend, but i turned that off on setup/general, how can i be 100% sure (database?) that the backend will not try to run fill database, i'll run manually...
[01:43:44] wagnerrp: but seriously? they used B5 as the backdrop?
[01:43:50] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, yeah :)
[01:44:13] iamlindoro: wagnerrp,
[01:44:32] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:44:33] wagnerrp: wow
[01:44:49] wagnerrp: thats just... sad....
[02:00:19] wagnerrp: here we go... . . . 3826&p=1
[02:03:19] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:04:15] iamlindoro: I'm reminded how much I despise interlaced signals on DVDs
[02:04:40] mAdcOwBrAinS (mAdcOwBrAinS! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:17:49] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:18:34] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:32] mAdcOwBrAinS: Hello – when I exit MythMusic the screen goes black and I have to restart X to get it back, any ideas what would cause this?
[02:24:41] quadtree (quadtree! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:24:58] wagnerrp: the screen goes completely black? or mythfrontend dies?
[02:31:39] hadees (hadees! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:32:26] mAdcOwBrAinS: the screen goes black, Myth is still running and can be controlled with the remote control
[02:38:14] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:39:29] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:44:16] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:44:17] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[02:48:44] Lexridge: my screen has been dropping to black too, as I mentioned last night. However, it usually comes back after a 3–7 seconds.
[02:50:33] meshe: is the cutlist generated by mythcommflag stored in the recording or does it have to be in the database when doing a lossless transcode with mythtranscode
[02:53:44] Lexridge: madcowbrains: what gfx card are you using?
[02:55:05] Lexridge: I'm beginning to wonder if it's the 180.xx nvidia driver series that's causing it.
[02:56:21] pat_ (pat_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:57:10] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:58:48] Led-Hed: Totally off topic question but its not very busy in here right now. Can anyone here recommend SOHO class VPN appliance/Router?
[03:05:59] iamlindoro: meshe, It's in the DB
[03:06:12] iamlindoro: recordedmarkup
[03:06:44] at0m|c (at0m|c!i=a548c80b@gateway/web/ajax/ has quit (" more has been done with less")
[03:08:43] k-man_ (k-man_!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:08:50] meshe: thanks iamlindoro
[03:10:47] iamlindoro: np
[03:13:33] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[03:13:35] k-man_ is now known as k-man
[03:14:21] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:17:39] schdav (schdav! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:18:50] sphery: mAdcOwBrAinS: perhaps it's popping up the confirmation dialog (if you have enabled, "Confirm Exit: When enabled, MythTV will prompt for confirmation when you press the System Exit key.") and you have a broken theme in which that dialog doesn't show... If you can hit DownArrow SELECT (or maybe it's UpArrow--I can't remember right now) and it exits properly, then you need to fix your theme.
[03:21:40] iamlindoro: It's astonishing how *bad* some of the DVD transfers are on some of these 80s movies
[03:21:50] iamlindoro: I'm looking at you, LadyHawke
[03:25:14] meshe: i just recorded LadyHawke at the rewest of the Husband
[03:25:26] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has quit ()
[03:25:38] meshe: wow, was that a bad typo
[03:28:08] iamlindoro: Most of what I really care about having is 80s and older, where the high def transfer really shines (as all the other sources suck so badly)
[03:28:24] iamlindoro: unfortunately, much of the stuff that matters to me just isn't available
[03:30:59] iamlindoro: $1.97 for the latest Harry potter on HD-DVD
[03:31:01] iamlindoro: heh
[03:31:32] iamlindoro: (Yes, I am buying even more HD-DVDs)
[03:31:53] meshe: heh
[03:33:24] iamlindoro: One day this idea will make perfect sense to people and all the disks will be gone ;)
[03:34:15] psipsi (psipsi! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[03:35:02] psipsi (psipsi! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:36:06] RyeBrye (RyeBrye! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:37:08] iamlindoro: I mean come on-- The Last Starfighter? 1080p? DONE!
[03:39:30] RyeBrye (RyeBrye! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:40:33] meshe: heh
[03:40:36] forest (forest!n=forestma@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:40:43] meshe: where are you getting them from?
[03:41:24] iamlindoro:
[03:42:37] meshe: nice, that makes me want to buy a HDDVD player
[03:43:23] iamlindoro: Or just a $25 Xbox 360 drive that you can use to rip it for Mythvideo :)
[03:43:30] wagnerrp: might as well buy 2–3 drives
[03:43:35] wagnerrp: just in case it dies
[03:43:45] sphery: what's with the spate of invalid tickets from JYA VDPAU users?
[03:43:45] wagnerrp: considering the market for those will dry up
[03:43:46] iamlindoro: I'm fond of the new LG drive I bought
[03:43:53] iamlindoro: Blu ray *and* HD-DVD
[03:44:01] meshe: nice
[03:44:13] iamlindoro: sphery, His site *does* suggest going to, the f**ker
[03:44:15] sphery: (ones that have nothing to do with VDPAU)
[03:44:20] sphery: heh
[03:44:35] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:45:26] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:47:12] meshe: going to have to find a source for the xbox 360 hddvd drive after i get my husband his birthday present
[03:47:54] iamlindoro: There we go, 10 more 1080p movies with an average price of $5
[03:48:02] meshe: nice
[03:48:20] sphery: iamlindoro: so, the worst part is that they're /basic/ questions about MythTV usage that should go to the list, first. Instead, they're going directly to trac.
[03:48:39] iamlindoro: I really need to power to close tickets and erase wiki pages
[03:49:02] sphery: So, whan I read about Jamu, I think of a killer whale...
[03:49:21] iamlindoro: sphery, I think it's going to be awful helpful for the folks upgrading to .22, though
[03:50:04] sphery: yeah... just find the name interesting...
[03:50:19] sphery: One of those initialisms that takes a while to get used to
[03:50:29] meshe: jamu?
[03:50:41] sphery:
[03:51:06] sphery: back to work...
[03:51:19] sphery: or iamlindoro will come after me...
[03:51:39] meshe: ooooh, nice
[03:51:59] sphery: now I remember why I came back to this computer...
[03:52:27] meshe: that doesn't look good: /usr/local/bin/mythfilldatabase: malloc(): memory corruption: 0x0997e4a1 ***
[03:52:36] psipsi (psipsi! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[03:53:42] psipsi (psipsi! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:56:07] pab__ (pab__! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:04:13] poodyp (poodyp! has quit ()
[04:11:40] wagnerrp: well at least Life had a good ending, if they decide not to pick the show up for another season
[04:15:49] Pooky (Pooky! has quit (Connection timed out)
[04:17:46] squidly: i've got an issue with mythweb that I can not figure out. I'm on a clean ubuntu install, I have my httpd.conf file setup properly. but when ever I try to access mythweb I get database errors
[04:18:11] squidly: errors logs are not saying what the issues is, or giveing me anything useful
[04:18:32] squidly: I'm out of ideas and google has not helped either :(
[04:18:56] wagnerrp: either you dont have the httpd.conf set up right, you dont have permissions given to the web server, or php is borked
[04:20:03] squidly:
[04:20:14] squidly: that is my httpd.conf host section
[04:20:24] wagnerrp: logs would be better
[04:21:00] squidly: logs of what?
[04:21:13] wagnerrp: whatever the database error is
[04:21:20] meshe: /var/log/apache2/error.log
[04:21:40] wagnerrp: you said you got an error, i want to see the error
[04:22:24] squidly: Database Setup Error
[04:22:24] squidly: The database environment variables are not correctly set in the
[04:22:24] squidly: webserver conf or .htaccess file. Please read through the comments
[04:22:24] squidly: included in the file and set up the db_* environment variables correctly.
[04:22:24] squidly: Some possible solutions are to make sure that mod_env is enabled
[04:22:26] squidly: in httpd.conf, as well as having followed the instructions in the
[04:22:29] squidly: README and INSTALL files.
[04:24:59] squidly: that is all I get
[04:25:31] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:27:33] wagnerrp: well my three points of error remain tha same
[04:27:51] forest (forest!n=forestma@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:28:33] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:28:52] forest (forest!n=forestma@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:29:15] squidly: I just verified I can use the db as my apache user
[04:29:42] wagnerrp: well using it as the 'apache' user is meaningless
[04:29:50] wagnerrp: you have to be able to access it as the 'mythtv' user
[04:30:09] wagnerrp: remember, system and mysql users are completely independent
[04:30:17] wagnerrp: and the webserver is trying to log in as user 'mythtv'
[04:30:34] squidly: yea I logged in as the mythtv user
[04:30:43] wagnerrp: you said the apache user
[04:31:02] squidly: sorry didnt mean to be confusing.
[04:31:14] squidly: I sued to www-data, and then did a mysql -u mythtv -p
[04:31:16] RyeBrye: I just have everything run as root. it's so much eaiser! !!! ;)
[04:31:23] RyeBrye: (ok, just kidding)
[04:31:27] squidly: RyeBrye: and so much more secure too ;)
[04:31:54] squidly: how do you recomend I check php?
[04:32:28] wagnerrp: well theres always 'phpinfo()'
[04:32:33] RyeBrye: yeah, php info
[04:33:11] pat (pat! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:35:29] squidly: ok that looks to be good.
[04:38:11] squidly: other apps that use mysql work
[04:41:18] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:47:29] pat (pat! has quit ("new kernel")
[05:10:17] linagee (linagee! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:10:31] linagee: wow that's fscked up. why did fox start a show 10 minutes late?
[05:10:50] linagee: do they just lie when they tell tv listing people what time shows start?
[05:11:25] wagnerrp: no, they just decide that american idol viewers are more important than the rest of the world
[05:11:49] linagee: wagnerrp: wtf? how did you know it was american iblol
[05:11:59] linagee: american iblah
[05:12:47] wagnerrp: because i lost the same last couple minutes of fringe that everyone else did
[05:13:26] linagee: hahaha. wtf
[05:14:33] linagee: watching it right now. i'd better not lose 10 critical minutes at the end
[05:16:45] linagee: i want to put a patch on mythtv where it's like, "hello you are a stupid airhead" if you try to record american idol. do you think it will get accepted? :)
[05:17:09] sphery: nice...
[05:17:22] sphery: Wonder if there's a repeat of that Fringe coming up
[05:20:17] dougl (dougl! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:22:47] iamlindoro: *sigh*
[05:23:09] iamlindoro: guess I have to go check the screen wizard in my newly-upgraded Ubuntu 9.04 machine to see if *real* mythtv segfaults
[05:24:56] iamlindoro: Nope, not here on real mythtv
[05:25:27] wagnerrp: on -fixes or trunk?
[05:26:15] iamlindoro: trunk
[05:26:59] wagnerrp: i suppose theres not a whole lot of point left to fixing bugs in 0.21
[05:27:06] wagnerrp: if they no longer exist in trunk
[05:27:19] iamlindoro: I have erased two snide comments from the ticket so far :)
[05:27:54] Lexridge (Lexridge!n=lexridge@ has quit ("Leaving")
[05:28:06] iamlindoro: just left it with a simple "works in trunk, ubuntu 9.04, nVidia 185.19, r20320)
[05:28:37] wagnerrp: woah... 185? theyve already bumped up to a new major revision?
[05:28:43] wagnerrp: i guess it has been almost 6 months
[05:28:47] iamlindoro: This will of course elicit a nasty response about how his report is for .21, blah blah
[05:29:07] iamlindoro: Yeah, I think it's the second driver in the new branch
[05:32:26] linagee: wagnerrp: is there a anti-american idol fan club?
[05:33:13] wagnerrp: not that i know of
[05:33:34] wagnerrp: ive remained indifferent to american idol actually
[05:33:41] wagnerrp: showing your hatred means you actually care
[05:33:59] linagee: lol
[05:34:33] wagnerrp: as far as im concerned, it was just dead air and technical difficulties that caused fringe to air late
[05:34:53] linagee: american idol is dead air and technical difficulties to me. :)
[05:37:42] wagnerrp: i should have looked into 'google scholarly' a lot earlier
[05:37:54] wagnerrp: they have an asston of papers
[05:53:52] iamlindoro: kormoc, This is moments away from being ordered to reimplement myth in perl for this guy, you know ;)
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[05:55:08] kormoc: Hehe, aye :)
[05:55:34] wagnerrp: what is this in reference to?
[05:55:38] kormoc: I was thinking of asking why he would be learning just Javascript, Java, and ARIA for school, but thought better
[05:56:05] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, A guy in #mythtv who is angry you can't pass the value of the focused object to an extranl perl script
[05:56:11] iamlindoro: external;
[05:56:20] iamlindoro: For text-to-speech
[05:56:21] wagnerrp: ah... explains why i cant find it in the mailing lists
[05:56:23] kormoc: given ARIA isn't actually a programming language and javascript isn't very useful unless you are using a web scripting language
[05:57:14] wagnerrp: im a bit baffled about the need for TTS for mythtv
[05:58:02] wagnerrp: hes an OS developer who doesnt know C or C++?
[05:58:10] wagnerrp: what, does he do raw assembly or something?
[05:58:29] kormoc: Java and Javascript
[05:58:37] ** kormoc shrugs **
[05:58:40] linagee: wagnerrp: hhahaha
[05:58:44] linagee: wagnerrp: "thank you"
[05:58:47] iamlindoro: Not a lot of Javascript OS'es
[05:58:48] linagee: end of show. wtf.
[05:58:56] kormoc: And really, if you know Java, you can get quite far with c++
[05:59:04] linagee: so inappopriate fox
[05:59:33] kormoc: I would love a js os
[05:59:37] kormoc: J-SOS!
[05:59:45] wagnerrp: sounds like a bomb
[06:00:20] wagnerrp: joint stand off ... shotgun?
[06:00:35] iamlindoro: Sawed-off
[06:00:46] wagnerrp: jaunty!
[06:01:11] wagnerrp: here look, youve rewritten ubuntu in 3400 lines!
[06:01:16] kormoc: Haha, epic
[06:02:38] wagnerrp: linagee: thanks for...?
[06:03:33] dougl (dougl! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:04:02] aloril: solved yesterday problem, removed framrate check from libs/libmythtv/
[06:04:10] aloril: uups: libs/libmythtv/videoout_xv.cpp
[06:06:09] aloril: uses 90% of CPU (almost twice what xine uses and more than twice of what mplayer uses), but looks OK
[06:07:33] aloril: if (non_xv_fps < 25) -> if (0 && non_xv_fps < 25) ;-) (proper way would be to add suitable enviroment variable which would be checked)
[06:08:06] iamlindoro: I just hacked what he wants in to the LCD code (like I said 30 minutes ago) but now I sorta want him to have to do it
[06:08:38] kormoc: The pleading and self-depercation was kinda sad
[06:09:20] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:10:45] iamlindoro: MythThemedMenu::updateLCD(void), just add a VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, QString("SpeechToText: %1").arg(m_titleText));
[06:10:52] iamlindoro: ought to do it
[06:11:32] iamlindoro: granted, that'll only work as well as the selected items show up in the LCD, but it's something
[06:12:29] iamlindoro: and I guess I would call it TextToSpeech, heh
[06:14:14] aloril: this doesn't really solve it though, probably can't record all channels I want and play at same time so maybe just need to find display card that works OK (xv, fonts, tvout)
[06:17:37] bocaJ: I'm asking on ffmpeg as well, but does anyone here know how to preserve multiple audio streams when rewrapping a ps file as a ts file?
[06:18:01] bocaJ: (when using ffmpeg)
[06:18:37] iamlindoro: -map
[06:22:16] bocaJ: iamlindoro – if I list streams that don't exist, will ffmpeg fail?
[06:22:29] iamlindoro: yes
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[06:25:15] bocaJ: Is there a way I can tell it to just copy every stream? I have some videos with one and some with two – is there a way this ends without me having to make a script that determines how many audio streams a video has?
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[06:34:13] wagnerrp: what was with that saltiness of the language crap
[06:34:34] wagnerrp: granted, most of the programmers i hang around with are fortran people, but ive never heard anything like that 'joke' before
[06:35:07] iamlindoro: No idea, I did everything I could to give that guy the easy way to do what he wanted outside of writing it for him
[06:35:19] iamlindoro: (Which I them proceeded to do in *this* channel, but whatevs)
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[06:42:21] ** aloril feels stupid, finally found right command: xvattr -a XV_CRTC -v 0; xvattr -a XV_CRTC -v 1 **
[06:45:28] aloril: (actually only need last one, first one swaps back to monitor)
[06:47:37] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:51:19] aloril: so in summary: default open source xorg works with ATI Radeon 9200, just need to add Option "ForceTVOut" "true" and Option "TVStandard" "pal" to xorg.conf Device section, install xvattr ( sudo apt-get install xvattr ) and issue command xvattr -a XV_CRTC -v 1
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[06:55:36] aloril: thanks from yesterday, discussion pointed to right direction
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[09:58:26] aloril: recording all programs on all wanted channels can be done by using suitable 'power recording' -rule, they are visible on recordings and playing works from there
[09:58:31] aloril: but when watching live TV they are marked as recorded on EPG: can you go directly to recording from EPG? 'p' doesn't react, enter/space just shows it has been recorded
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[10:08:01] d00gle: why oh why can I not get the S2API patch working :(
[10:36:19] gbee: sadly I have to agree with JVA on this
[10:43:06] d00gle: what did JVA say ?
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[12:42:04] EvilGuru: In the backend set-up how can I delete a single capture card, I only see options for deleting all of them
[12:43:21] EvilGuru: same goes for input sources
[12:45:22] quadtree: EvilGuru, highlight the card/source and hit 'D', I think
[12:45:46] quadtree: or maybe the 'menu' button to get a list of choices
[12:47:23] Nockian: i have a Hauppauge HVR-1600 pci card, and it's configured/working properly with mythtv (i can watch TV with both sides of the card), but i can't seem to schedule a recording using the Digital (HD) side of the card. when i specify to use the Digital side, it shows up as Analog in the web interface
[12:48:31] EvilGuru: quadtree: Thanks
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[12:50:17] quadtree: np
[13:01:30] aloril: maybe I'm missing something obvious, but I don't see it: how do you watch program being recorded from start? (except using another program and playing directly from file)
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[13:45:02] mAdcOwBrAinS: Hello – any ideas why the script wouldn't work from the frontend but works from the command line? It's executable by mythtv and entered into the mythfrontend setup correctly (I think)
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[14:51:08] kormoc: Must not flame JYA on -dev list....
[14:51:33] kormoc: Must not click send on 'Go die in a fire.'...
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[14:52:50] iamlindoro: This *one* time on the dev least he has a point, people have gotten a little out of hand flaming the guy asking about non-GPL licenses
[14:53:12] iamlindoro: Every other recent post of his is fire-die-worthy, though :)
[14:53:35] kormoc: Well, to be honest, I sorta started that, I used 'stealing' to mean something I assumed the guy would pick up on
[14:54:14] kormoc: and he didn't, he took it literarily and thus the down-hill spiral
[14:54:22] iamlindoro: I don't know that your necessarily started it, but the responses to his response to that one have been a little silly
[14:54:27] iamlindoro: er yours
[14:54:48] justinh: people hate him. it's not our fault
[14:55:03] iamlindoro: JYA, or the license guy?
[14:55:17] justinh: JYA
[14:55:27] iamlindoro: Oh, but he's famous! His own web site says so!
[14:55:39] kormoc: iamlindoro, well, I'm more pissed off that JYA is 'quite ashamed' at us and is sure that most of the people who answered 'didn't ever contribute to the mythtv project'. As if he would know or even contributes himself...
[14:56:13] iamlindoro: kormoc, As usual, he's a tactless creep, there's no doubt about that
[14:56:30] justinh: kormoc: course he's ashamed, you evil, evil people. for not backporting viddypowah of course!
[14:56:34] justinh: ;-)
[14:57:10] justinh: you despicable folks, putting in all that work in your free time & not expecting anything in return
[14:57:12] kormoc: I totallly wanted to reply and tell him that he just increased the non-contributor to contributor ratio
[14:57:38] iamlindoro: It would just degenerate quickly
[14:57:40] justinh: I'm not surprised
[14:57:41] iamlindoro: not that it hasn't
[14:57:46] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[14:59:21] justinh: he should start his own list, get his own website & call 'his' project by another name
[14:59:46] iamlindoro: Well he's got all the qualifications of an open source project lead
[14:59:59] iamlindoro: arrogance, inability to listen to anyone else, and the desire to be worshipped
[15:00:03] iamlindoro: ;)
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[15:01:12] justinh: it's way easy to let back-slapping go to your head in my experience. just as easy to let a few snotty emails eat away too
[15:01:48] iamlindoro: I think he's starting to feel the pain of having to sleep in his own bed as more and more people come to him for personal support
[15:02:20] justinh: maybe doing his own packages was a step too far :P
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[15:03:26] gbee: lowers the bar too far ;)
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[15:04:44] justinh: just made me think... how could a theme installer be made as hard to use as having to compile from source? ;-)
[15:05:24] kormoc: Require a rotating linear algebra question
[15:05:24] kormoc: Require a math problem
[15:06:24] justinh: looks like I might have time to look at that menu code this weekend after all :)
[15:06:37] justinh: yes iamlindoro and the autowidth hackery
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[15:10:31] tzanger (tzanger! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:10:53] tzanger: good morning — does anyone know whether ATI's h264 acceleration is supported with minimyth?
[15:11:01] tzanger: I see a *ton* of info on VDPAU for nvidia, but next to nothing for ATI
[15:11:40] justinh: ATI haven't produced a bean for linux yet
[15:12:11] justinh: when you've recovered from the shock... next question
[15:12:43] tzanger: haha
[15:12:46] tzanger: no shock
[15:13:00] tzanger: I actually train the ATI driver development team on how to write linux device drivers
[15:13:22] tzanger: and in a little over a week I'm doing basic "familiarity" linux training for their support staff
[15:13:45] justinh: so erm.. surely you'd be in a much better position than anybody here to know what stage things are at...
[15:13:57] tzanger: no
[15:14:03] tzanger: I don't see anything on the output
[15:14:15] tzanger: I just help them understand hte linux driver model and how to make things work well
[15:14:56] justinh: ah. well, I'm sure as soon as a linux player has support for their API it'll be all over the usual suspects like slashdot etc
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[15:18:16] gbee: at least outwardly the va-api integration in ffmpeg gives the impression that it will include an XVBA backend and therefore h.264 support for ATI cards
[15:18:43] gbee: but even if that turns out to be the case, it won't be available until 0.22 at the earliest
[15:18:56] justinh: until somebody backports it :P
[15:19:41] tzanger: justinh: aha so it's still vapour
[15:20:07] tzanger: so I was correct in purchasing another nvidia card
[15:20:24] ** tzanger still grumbles that the 6150 is not supported, even though the 6150 claims to have the requisite hardware for h264 accel **
[15:20:29] justinh: it's still vaporware for nvidia as far as I'm concerned
[15:20:41] gbee: would require the entire ffmpeg re-sync (both of them) be backported, not really a realistic option for your average backporter
[15:21:01] justinh: heh
[15:21:17] SQlvpapir (SQlvpapir!n=teis@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:21:23] justinh: 10 mins of cut & paste maketh heroes
[15:21:24] tzanger: well the nidia stuff I can at least use the accel, een if it's a little unstable
[15:21:29] tzanger: the ati stuff I don't think is that far
[15:21:59] gbee: 6150 is ancient (in hardware terms) – they don't make money but allowing you to use the same kit for year after year, they want people to upgrade
[15:22:39] tzanger: yes, it is ancient in hardware terms
[15:22:40] justinh: I'm quite surprised GPU drivers for legacy products still exist outside OSS
[15:22:55] tzanger: gbee: and I agree with you as a business person
[15:23:00] tzanger: but as an end-user it sucks balls
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[15:23:17] gbee: s/but/by/
[15:23:20] justinh: considering the price of capable cards.. it's small beans
[15:23:40] tzanger: justinh: yes, but it's clutter in my already small case
[15:23:41] justinh: no use shaking your fist that a 10 year old $200 card is no longer supported ;)
[15:23:44] tzanger: (silverstone lc19)
[15:23:50] tzanger: hahaha
[15:23:54] tzanger: this is on the motherboard
[15:23:56] tzanger: not add-on
[15:24:36] justinh: eew. wouldn't fancy a VGA card's chances on a right angled riser card in one of those poorly ventilated cases. I have an LC20 & it sucks
[15:24:41] meshe: at what point in a recording's lifecycle is the seektable built? on the fly as it records? or after? It seems that since rew and ff work in livetv that it must be on the fly
[15:24:44] justinh: oops. LC02
[15:24:51] justinh: meshe: during
[15:25:12] tzanger: justinh: I dunno, I put a 1U bigass copper heatsink on the cpu, and have a 4" fan turning very slowly
[15:25:15] justinh: or after
[15:25:27] tzanger: it only speeds up when myth hangs, or when trying to play 720p h264
[15:25:31] justinh: but fanless GPUs still need cooling
[15:25:36] tzanger: the video is onboard and just passively cooled
[15:25:55] justinh: no use having a heatsink if no air is moving across it ;)
[15:25:59] tzanger: I am also not sure exactly how much work the GPU will be doing for just h264 accel; I'm not running the card hard
[15:26:10] justinh: depends how much work the GPU is doing of course
[15:26:11] tzanger: justinh: that's not entirely true. convective heating is useful as well
[15:26:37] justinh: yeah but.. if there's no ventilation above... ;)
[15:26:40] gbee: meshe: on the fly, but the other day I hit a timing issue which meant that the seektable wasn't loaded when watching an in-progress recording, exited and restarted playback before it was available
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[15:27:11] meshe: i wrote a user job for my trunk install and the errors that are being generated from the mythcommflag i'm running indicate the the seek table is corrupted
[15:27:49] justinh: oh FFS. so much for my saturday night out. somebody forgot it was arranged. so now I have to ring around other likely suspects.. second choices :(
[15:28:04] meshe: i've told myth not to run commflag on these recordings and i'm running it in a userjob
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[15:32:55] meshe: i was just wondering if i missed something, I'll look a bit deeper, it looks like everything is working fine: commflag -> gencutlist -> lossless trancode --honorcutlist -> transocde to iphone
[15:33:07] meshe: just need to figure out these errors
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[15:40:44] meshe: ahhh, a sphery post in the archives pointing to a wiki page may fix this for me
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[15:56:38] justinh: jees. seems Sunday drinking hours still apply on Good Friday. Is this really the 21st century?
[15:57:51] iamlindoro: No limitation when you drink at somebody's house
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[15:59:25] JEDIDIAH__: Religous zealotry goes back millenia and you expect it to end a decade or two?
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[15:59:30] justinh: nowhere near as much fun
[16:00:25] meshe: our government run liquor stores still aren't open on sundays
[16:00:41] kormoc: Most of ours are not as well
[16:00:45] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit ("I am called onward")
[16:00:46] ** kormoc weeps for the alcohol **
[16:01:18] iamlindoro: I have so much extra booze at home I'll never get through
[16:01:20] Bassett (Bassett! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:01:25] iamlindoro: I so rarely drink these days
[16:01:33] Bassett: Hello
[16:01:38] kormoc: I have a home for all unwanted booze
[16:01:43] iamlindoro: hehe
[16:01:44] JEDIDIAH__: Have a MythTV demo party... be like a tupperware lady.
[16:01:57] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[16:01:59] JEDIDIAH__: ...except with booze and technology
[16:02:02] meshe: i only drink a few times a week
[16:02:12] Bassett: I was wondering if there is anyway to import a cd with a .avi file on it, into MythTV using the front end and not extra scripts etc or copying from the CLI?
[16:02:13] justinh: a what what now?
[16:02:15] iamlindoro: Bah, I don't even want most of the current users using myth, let alone new ones
[16:02:31] justinh: mythtv demo party? FFS I was looking forward to some FUN this weekend damnit :)
[16:03:01] meshe: mythtv isn't fun?
[16:03:06] JEDIDIAH__: ...I forgot, you would rather make changes in the code to confound the rest of us.
[16:03:07] justinh: used to be
[16:03:18] dashs (dashs! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:03:47] JEDIDIAH__: While you can think of a MythTV as just like a Tivo, you don't have to be so constrained.
[16:03:47] justinh: gawd, if I end up staying in on Saturday you can guarantee I won't be touching any code. no play, no work!
[16:04:19] JEDIDIAH__: IOW, just set up a fileshare (nfs/cifs) and just copy the files from the desktop OS of your choice.
[16:04:21] dashs: Save me a test — will a scheduled recording turn on my DCT6200 from standby?
[16:04:56] ** JEDIDIAH__ uses MythTV specificially to avoid doing stuff with the living room frontend. **
[16:05:11] justinh: anyway I've done the whole "being a mythtv evangelist" bit already. then the UK linux events just dried up
[16:05:24] Bassett: Thats what I do, but my users are not so savvy with nfs shares etc
[16:05:57] janneg (janneg! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:06:30] JEDIDIAH__: Too bad. I've got mine using firefox and download helper to grab stuff from youtube and put it straight in the "jukebox".
[16:06:56] EvilGuru: Hmm, seems as if my TV/nvidia drivers doesn't like 1080p, The TV claims to be at 1080p over HDMI and X reports the resolution as 1920x1080 but the top and bottom of the screen is missing...yay
[16:07:03] JEDIDIAH__: "Save it here dear, the importer will pick it and you can watch it a little later"
[16:07:07] justinh: ahh good ole overscan
[16:07:25] justinh: EvilGuru: smack your teevee for being naughty like all the other teevees
[16:07:31] JEDIDIAH__: ...being trapped by 60 year old technology decisions.
[16:07:39] EvilGuru: justinh: That is what I thought
[16:07:52] EvilGuru: until I thought to myself "It is a flat panel tv, wtf"
[16:08:05] justinh: EvilGuru: adjust the GUI to fit the screen or be prepared to do battle with modelines
[16:08:16] JEDIDIAH__: you know that, I know that, but Sony doesn't necessarily know that.
[16:08:16] justinh: or service modes in the teevee
[16:08:29] ** JEDIDIAH__ gets out his katana... **
[16:08:56] justinh: if you still record SDTV & you manage to rid yourself of the overscan... chances are you'll get nasty lines at the top, bottom & sides where there's no picture or just crud
[16:09:08] justinh: so in that sense overscan is good ;)
[16:09:17] EvilGuru: . . . an-sony-hdtv — lets have a go
[16:09:36] EvilGuru: but it took me 5 minutes to turn the bloody thing on so here goes nothing
[16:10:34] justinh: lol
[16:11:02] justinh: I've seen that sony are putting that god awful cross menu thing on more of their gear, even teevees now :(
[16:11:17] sid3windr: cross menu thing?
[16:11:33] justinh: like the PS3 has apparently
[16:11:43] justinh: menus go up/down/left/right. awful
[16:13:02] croppa_ (croppa_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:13:22] iamlindoro: Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start
[16:13:27] sid3windr: FATALITY
[16:14:12] iamlindoro: You can always tell the losers who came late to the party when they know the Contra code as including "select start"
[16:14:54] justinh: just been asked by a kid to retreive his ball. His POSTMAN PAT ball. ROFL
[16:15:31] justinh: polite kid though.. ages since I was last called sir. Take heed, sales droids
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[16:25:08] wagnerrp: postman pat?
[16:26:01] EvilGuru: justinh: Yeah, it is like a bloody PS3
[16:26:04] justinh:
[16:26:22] EvilGuru: I spent 25 minutes some months back trying to get sound from one of those things
[16:26:33] EvilGuru: only wanted to watch a DVD
[16:27:18] justinh: meh
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[16:28:25] zavex: came across a place to preorder acer aspire . . . Product.html
[16:28:34] zavex: at least if you live in england
[16:28:57] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:29:07] zavex: they have the release date as may 18th
[16:29:18] zavex: and list it as having linux as the OS
[16:29:20] justinh: good job it'll be easy to hide. EEW
[16:29:25] zavex: using a 8gb ssd
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[16:50:12] ** jamiem ponders an HD DVB USB tuner **
[16:50:22] jamiem: can anyone recommend one for myth?
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[16:51:09] justinh:
[16:51:13] justinh: the wiki there ^^
[16:51:16] jamiem: kk
[16:52:46] jamiem: hmm
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[17:03:05] jamiem: cocks
[17:03:18] jamiem: those that put "HDTV" in the brand name when it obviously isn't
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[17:04:59] justinh: depends what you want it for. all digital tuners do is pull signals out of the airwaves & stuff em down the bus
[17:05:28] jamiem: :)
[17:05:34] jamiem: I want to record "HD" channels
[17:05:38] jamiem: like Nat Geo and BBC HD
[17:06:12] justinh: from where?
[17:06:16] jamiem: UK
[17:06:27] justinh: Nat Geo is subscription only
[17:06:31] justinh: no Sky, no use
[17:06:39] justinh: and you can only record that with their STB
[17:06:47] jamiem: oh. Well BBC HD and other free-to-air HD channels
[17:06:48] justinh: within the terms of a contract with Sky
[17:07:00] jamiem: 'Freeview' HD channels
[17:07:09] justinh: BBC HD is only dvb-s
[17:07:18] justinh: so you just need a USB dvb-s tuner
[17:07:43] justinh: not much DVB-S2 for the uk
[17:08:15] jamiem: wait wut
[17:08:50] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:08:55] jamiem: ohhhh.
[17:09:04] jamiem:
[17:09:34] justinh: no dvb-t2 tuners exist yet
[17:09:36] justinh: NONE
[17:09:39] jamiem: I get you :)
[17:09:55] jamiem: I didn't realise when they said "also available on HD" they were talking to satellite users only
[17:10:00] jamiem: atm
[17:13:56] sphery: wombo_: set up a "virtual" MPEG tuner--just like setting up a PVR-x50, but the device path should be the path to an MPEG-2 file
[17:14:03] sphery: and use whatever listings you want.
[17:14:23] sphery: set up channels as you would analog channels--using Fetch channels from listings source
[17:14:38] wombo_: ahh I see
[17:14:44] wombo_: I will give that a go
[17:14:45] wombo_: thanks
[17:16:53] justinh: virgin media have one linear HD channel (BBC HD)
[17:18:41] meshe: nice trick sphery
[17:18:41] jamiem: linear?
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[17:23:02] sphery: meshe: It's Capt M's... But it saved me buying a capture card for my dev box.  :)
[17:23:45] sphery: jamiem: perhaps a linear HD channel is just a 1080 or 720 channel--i.e. one line of 1080 or 720 pixels?
[17:23:52] jams: yeah it's nice, setup a program about a 2 years ago to autoadd those entries for me
[17:24:04] jamiem: oh
[17:24:16] sphery: (that was a bad joke, btw)
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[17:25:58] mzb: the crowd roared (with laughter) and then split ... might have to work on those jokes?
[17:26:05] mzb: jk
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[17:28:03] kormoc: sphery, ugh, I keep going back and forth with that ticket... oops
[17:29:05] sphery: kormoc: yeah... I'm positive it's invalid--and it doesn't help that he's trying to do things the wrong way, anyway.  :)
[17:30:11] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:30:58] sphery: He goes to LiveTV, changes to the "Camera"/"external"/whatever special channel, starts camera playback, hits R to record it, then Myth records "that program." Since there are no listings, Myth "switches" programs at the top of and half-past the hour, so he gets up to 30 minutes of recording. Then, he's on a new show, which is a LiveTV show, so it's filtered by Watch Recordings, so he doesn't see it. Then 1 day later, the ...
[17:31:04] sphery: ... autoexpirer deletes the LiveTV recordings.
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[17:31:15] kormoc: Ahh
[17:31:16] kormoc: yeah
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[17:32:38] sphery: If that were changed, then anyone who's watching a Friends rerun in LiveTV and says, 'Hey, this is the episode where Joey puts his head in a turkey--I've gotta record it," so they hit R, but keep watching it, then the program changes to The NBC Nightly News at 6:00 and they watch that, then the News would also not be LiveTV.
[17:33:06] ** kormoc nods **
[17:33:13] kormoc: Makes perfect sense
[17:33:20] sphery: It /needs/ to switch back to LiveTV after the current program for that reason. If he either had listings or used a Manual Record...
[17:33:29] sphery: sorry... just needed to vent a bit.
[17:34:03] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[17:34:21] justinh: jamiem: linear, as in showing programmes. as in not 'on demand'
[17:34:41] sphery: cool
[17:34:49] sphery: makes more sense than just one line of pixels...
[17:35:35] meshe: one line of very highly defined pixels :)
[17:37:13] sphery: if you had enough bits per pixel, you could encode some "sub-pixel" information into them... :)
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[17:41:05] justinh: reminds me of my fave episode of Friends. the one where Ross goes "muuuuuuuuuuuuh"
[17:42:37] sphery: heh
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[17:45:29] iamlindoro: Effin Freenode
[17:45:31] iamlindoro: 20 minutes of waiting in a split server with 6 other guys is enough
[17:46:59] kormoc: Least it wasn't 12 angry men
[17:47:09] iamlindoro: buncha duuuuuudes
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[18:39:05] gbee: iamlindoro: did Anduin take ownership of the recordings export ticket?
[18:39:34] iamlindoro: yeah
[18:39:47] iamlindoro: erm
[18:39:52] iamlindoro: no, sorry, it's unassigned actually
[18:40:10] iamlindoro: I lie again
[18:40:24] iamlindoro: It's owned by Anduin, but set to new still
[18:40:30] gbee: ok I'll look at it, starting to have a need for that one and the tvdb stuff
[18:40:32] iamlindoro: And that's my final answer ;)
[18:40:35] forest_ (forest_!n=forestma@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:40:42] iamlindoro: gbee: It's a little bit of a mess right now
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[18:40:58] GreyFoxx: if your installer was lazy that's one thing
[18:41:06] GreyFoxx: oops
[18:41:19] iamlindoro: ie the file copies block the UI, and it's a bit of a bit block of code that needs some cleaning up
[18:41:26] iamlindoro: just haven't gotten around to it :(
[18:41:36] iamlindoro: big block of
[18:42:05] gbee: maybe I'm just being impatient, BBC is currently showing an episode of The Wire every night and I've decided to keep them, but that's a lot of recordings to move manually
[18:43:31] iamlindoro: Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to have someone look at it, I'm just a little embarassed about the state of the patch ATM
[18:44:36] iamlindoro: Most of it is pretty okay, just the actual export part that I think is a bit messy ATM
[18:44:50] gbee: ok
[18:44:53] iamlindoro: also, latest version of the patch relies on the Subtitle/Season/Episode stuff
[18:44:58] ** kormoc waits for mikegriffin to ask us what's on fox tonight **
[18:45:48] gbee: did he make the move?
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[18:46:00] kormoc: not yet
[18:46:16] iamlindoro: So many get lost on the way
[18:46:23] iamlindoro: I knew I shouldn't have dug that sinkhole
[18:46:42] laga: XBMC isn't that bad. *puts on fireproof underwear*
[18:46:44] ** kormoc tosses some sharks into the sinkhole **
[18:46:57] kormoc: laga, go die in a... flood?
[18:47:08] kormoc: :P
[18:47:20] iamlindoro: Dude, you were *just* handling sharks
[18:47:28] iamlindoro: put 2 and 2 together
[18:47:29] ivor (ivor!n=ivor@ has quit ("leaving")
[18:47:34] ** kormoc laughs **
[18:47:38] laga: kormoc: i only watch (legally) downloaded content because i don't have a myth box here. it looks pretty slick
[18:47:40] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o gbee
[18:47:52] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : -o gbee
[18:48:14] gbee: that's screwy, have to be op to use invite
[18:48:28] kormoc: XBMC is a fine solution for many folks, I just don't care for it
[18:49:09] justinh: now it doesn't rely on being compiled with stolen software anymore (except for the original xbox builds of course) it's ok to like it
[18:49:22] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has quit ()
[18:49:28] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:49:53] kormoc: What project was it that had the goons show up?
[18:49:59] ** gbee 's christmas card list gets shorter **
[18:50:00] justinh: XBMC
[18:50:03] kormoc: ha
[18:50:31] kormoc: gbee, I'd say at this point MikeGriffin doesn't really care
[18:50:39] justinh: gbee: when I take a pop at the PBB popup menu code I'll have a shot at making the 'export to mythvideo' menu option a playlist operation too
[18:51:07] justinh: I haven't even had the chance to try out what got included from the patch I did for autoexpiry setting yet
[18:51:29] gbee: justinh: I was going to suggest that to iamlindro, but then I decided it was better not to overwhelm the guy ;)
[18:51:46] justinh: I don't mind looking into it. shouldn't be that much work. hahahaha
[18:51:51] justinh: I've said that many a time
[18:52:22] gbee: iamlindoro: using RemoteFile?
[18:52:56] gbee: nevermind I'll look at the patch
[18:53:30] justinh: as for the blocked filecopy.. erm.. don't ask me. be lucky if I succeed to get a hack to rejig the menus to free 'I' the way I'm out of touch
[18:54:33] AndyCrawford (AndyCrawford! has quit (Connection timed out)
[18:54:48] justinh: it wasn't so hard before mythui, so maybe... won't know til I start
[18:55:58] justinh: just another one of those things that really bugs me & I can't help but wonder why it doesn't get on anybody else's nerves to the extent they do something about it
[18:56:12] kormoc: what things?
[18:56:15] gbee: threading it isn't too difficult, but it's easier if the whole thing is contained in another class like RemoteFile
[18:56:48] justinh: M and I both being bound to menus where I is INFO in other places. since I got my harmony I'm finding it more annoying than ever
[18:57:15] justinh: the only way I can see to fix it is to sort both menus into one & try to _sanely_ group things
[18:57:33] gbee: on the subject, I REALLY need to thread image scaling/loading, ugh
[18:57:37] justinh: or otherwise contextualise them
[18:58:04] justinh: kormoc: I've heard it likely won't be popular so if I manage it I'll prolly have to run PR on it too
[18:58:23] lyricnz (lyricnz!n=simonrob@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:58:24] justinh: i.e. sell it to the big wigs as it were
[18:58:51] justinh: trying not to even think about that. could put anybody off even trying
[18:59:37] justinh: then again, I have enough buttons to bind something to the U key now.. but that's beside the point :P
[19:00:50] moodboom (moodboom!n=moodboom@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:01:48] iamlindoro_ (iamlindoro_!n=iamlindo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:03:45] gbee: it's not the point, we had this discussion back when the screen was first ported for mythui, no-one was against switching the binding at that point, but I elected not to do it at the time because it was one change too far
[19:04:28] ** gbee goes out to the off-license **
[19:04:40] justinh: ah. selective memory strikes again
[19:04:50] moodboom (moodboom! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:04:57] iamlindoro_: Sorry, got bumped out a bit ago
[19:05:08] iamlindoro_: gbee: I was just using copy() from utils.cpp
[19:05:10] gbee: justinh: just go ahead and do it
[19:05:46] iamlindoro_: I'm sure there is a right way to do it, and also sure my way wasn't, I just wanted something to work at the moment I did it :)
[19:05:47] sphery: justinh: I think you have critical mass of people to run PR for the all menu in MENU and INFO for details change...
[19:05:54] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[19:05:58] justinh: reading the code now to start getting my head around it
[19:06:15] sphery: I know I'd support it and tell people why it's so great
[19:06:17] justinh: my old friend playbackbox.cpp
[19:06:45] justinh: I need to start _doing_ more & saying less, I know. motivation ain't my strong suit these days :(
[19:06:59] justinh: too much going on in #life
[19:07:08] iamlindoro_: Anyway, as to the playlist operation, that would be fine if you're running the operation on a bunch of files that don't need a custom naming or a new season marker
[19:07:19] iamlindoro_: There are three modes of the export
[19:07:46] sphery: so the cheapskate from #mythtv never made it into here?
[19:07:47] iamlindoro_: The default determines the latest season from Mythvideo, increments episode by one, and exports the file to the default directory and with the default naming scheme
[19:07:48] zzztownsend (zzztownsend! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:08:02] iamlindoro_: the second allows for a custom naming scheme/episode number
[19:08:20] justinh: iamlindoro_: I was imagining just running it on a group. or maybe that could use a new case
[19:08:29] iamlindoro_: The third is the "new season" export, which determines the latest season from mythvideo, increments that by 1, and sets episode # to 1.
[19:08:40] justinh: i.e. add group to playlist.. then export playlist to mythvideo badabing
[19:09:02] iamlindoro_: In most cases you would run the default each week on $favoriteshow, and once a season you'd run the new season episode
[19:09:19] iamlindoro_: the custom export is for things like movies that you want to go to a different spot, want to have a different file naming format, etc.
[19:09:28] justinh: you awkward, clever sod :)
[19:09:40] sphery: hey, no need for name calling
[19:09:57] iamlindoro_: Yeah, he called me clever, them's fighting words in here
[19:09:58] sphery: he may be awkward, but that other one is one step too far!
[19:10:05] justinh: lol
[19:10:25] sphery: it has been unusually quiet in here...
[19:10:49] justinh: oh crap. bought some magnetic locks on ebay and the seller reckons I raised a complaint with paypal.. which I didn't. so the whole thing has gone bump & they've killed his account :-\
[19:10:51] sphery: (and, more so, even, in #mythtv)
[19:14:53] Shadow__X (Shadow__X! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:16:01] justinh: whut? INFO calls up showActionsSelected() which doesn't appear to be doing anything menu related
[19:16:39] justinh: so have I been talking out of my arse?
[19:16:52] Guest27119 (Guest27119!n=david@nat/ti/x-cac078a7ec185441) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[19:18:13] davidm is now known as Guest93197
[19:18:47] justinh: ahh. duh. stupid me
[19:18:52] sphery: justinh: PlaybackBox::showActionsSelected() called PlaybackBox::showActions(), which calls PlaybackBox::showActionPopup(), which is the "menu"
[19:19:45] sphery: though, there's also the FileNotFoundActionPopup for missing files and AvailablePopup for "not yet" available recordings, etc.
[19:20:13] justinh: yeah just working my way through that now thanks
[19:20:30] justinh: looks like it's not all that more complex than when I last had a go at mangling it
[19:21:10] sphery: I'd say the best way to handle those is to basically change the INFO mapping to a MENU mapping, then add the MENU stuff to what was the ActionPopup
[19:21:23] sphery: that way we still have the file not found and not yet available functionality
[19:21:49] sphery: but that's just my opinion--might want to bounce it off someone with more of an artistic/UI talent (like gbee )
[19:21:51] hachi_ (hachi_!i=hachi@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:21:58] justinh: yeah but there may be some re-jiggling necessary
[19:22:22] sphery: yeah...
[19:22:46] sphery: And I'm sure you could do much for cleaning up the Action popup/Menu at the same time
[19:23:02] justinh: being able to theme popup menus would be superb but I have an idea how much work that'd be
[19:23:02] meshe: scope creep
[19:23:15] sphery: (though that's definitely outside of my area of expertise--I'm not good with UI design)
[19:23:17] Shadow__X (Shadow__X! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:24:17] justinh: changing the look is one thing... but redoing all the hard-coded menus is just way too much to expect of anybody right now
[19:24:31] sphery: heh, that's true..
[19:24:45] sphery: it's more of an invite than an expectation, though.  :)
[19:26:02] hachi_ (hachi_!i=hachi@ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[19:26:16] justinh: in my original set autoexpiry of playlist items patch I did play with regrouping the menu a little but most of that had to fall by the wayside I gather
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[19:28:11] justinh: whoah how long does it take to cross the vortex?
[19:28:42] justinh: and _whoah_ PBP is in trunk now? :)
[19:29:07] hachi_ (hachi_!i=hachi@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:29:26] justinh: not things that appeal to me personally but they'd make good bullet points in the release notes
[19:31:13] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:31:24] iamlindoro_: Oh come now, don't you remember at the last secret cabal meeting we declared from on high that nobody can have any new features?
[19:31:37] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:32:06] justinh: oops. forgot all about that
[19:32:31] justinh: was that the one where everybody was wearing nothing but masquerade masks?
[19:32:46] iamlindoro_: *shudder*
[19:33:00] iamlindoro_: I dunno, I had my eyes Wide Shut
[19:33:47] justinh: I heard about a sequel to that movie. Eyes Wired Shut
[19:36:17] deaman (deaman! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:38:11] iamlindoro_: I much prefer Kidman in her early 90s days
[19:38:41] kormoc: I typically prefer women in their early 20s days
[19:39:34] iamlindoro_: Hey, gotta appreciate experience
[19:40:45] ChinoChano (ChinoChano! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:41:34] meshe: due to the ratio of men to women here, i may have to avoid future gatherings like that
[19:42:33] justinh: due to the low activity here lately I doubt there'd be much to worry about
[19:43:15] iamlindoro_: sphery: Did you see that someone edited your page for use in .20?
[19:43:30] iamlindoro_: now you need to one-up him and include instructions for DOS 3.0 use
[19:43:43] meshe: oooh, or .19
[19:44:31] sphery: wow...
[19:45:05] kormoc: Someone should setup myth 0.01
[19:45:19] GreyFoxx: wasn't the first release like 0.5 or something ?
[19:45:34] sphery: iamlindoro_: the way he's installing is has issues, though...
[19:45:35] kormoc: likely
[19:45:52] iamlindoro_: sphery: Yeah, that confused me... why wouldn't the exact same instructions work with .20?
[19:46:18] lupine_85 (lupine_85! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:46:37] sphery: iamlindoro_: a) has to run wget as root and b) assumes various configuration which is actually distro-specific
[19:46:45] sphery: (i.e. for the Perl @INC path)
[19:47:00] sphery: And, yeah, the exact same instructions will work
[19:47:05] iamlindoro_: NUH-UH
[19:47:06] iamlindoro_:
[19:47:30] iamlindoro_: Someone nuke that, I'm tired of being the douchebag
[19:47:35] ** kormoc griminces **
[19:48:01] sphery: iamlindoro_: got your Delete on?
[19:48:14] iamlindoro_: sphery: I'm powerless
[19:48:24] meshe: wtf, 7 levels deep?
[19:48:33] hachi_ (hachi_!i=hachi@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:48:48] sphery: what? didn't some random (YL) user just edit justinh's User page? That would imply that you could edit his page...
[19:49:01] kormoc: poof
[19:49:03] iamlindoro_: sphery: Sure I can
[19:49:08] iamlindoro_: I'm just always the jerk
[19:49:18] iamlindoro_: And sick of being always the jerk, never the JYA
[19:49:23] sphery: kormoc: nice...
[19:49:23] ** kormoc laughs **
[19:49:33] sphery: fortunately, kormoc likes to be a jerk
[19:49:46] kormoc: I am Mr. Jerky McJerkPants
[19:50:17] meshe: so far, i *may* be at LFNW
[19:50:22] kormoc: Snaz
[19:50:44] meshe: trying to make arrangements for a vehicle
[19:50:59] wagnerrp: well im disappointed...
[19:51:01] sphery: meshe: is it nearby?
[19:51:12] sphery: I need to find a LFSE...
[19:51:15] wagnerrp: i just saw some ricer *almost* eat it
[19:51:30] sphery: wagnerrp: Watching The Fast & The Furious 2?
[19:51:37] wagnerrp: no, on my way home
[19:51:37] kormoc: sphery, Bellingham, WA, inbetween Seattle and Vancouver, BC
[19:51:39] meshe: about a 30 min drive from home, but we got rid of our car when we moved downtown
[19:51:55] iamlindoro_: We get LinuxWorld here, only been once though, wasn't even any decent swag
[19:51:58] justinh: ruh?
[19:51:58] wagnerrp: going ~50 in a windy 35mph road
[19:52:20] wagnerrp: it was actually a decent card, modded G35, and should have been able to make the turn with no problem
[19:52:36] meshe: i went to LNFW 2 years ago and the talks were pretty good
[19:52:37] wagnerrp: but the guy is an idiot, hit the gas, and lost his backend
[19:52:43] wagnerrp: too bad he managed to correct...
[19:52:58] wagnerrp: s/card/car/
[19:53:25] sphery: and what's up with "The Fast & The Furious" -> "2 Fast 2 Furious" -> "Fast & Furious"? They really don't know how to count, do they?
[19:53:52] wagnerrp: you forgot Tokyo Drift
[19:54:51] meshe: the best is when X-Men 1 was released on DVD as X-Men 1.5
[19:54:56] wagnerrp: that one had blue sparks!
[19:55:58] sphery: Isn't 2 Fast 2 Furious the same as Tokyo Drift, or is the current one #4?
[19:56:13] iamlindoro_: Nice to know TMDB has a category called "Bavarian Porn Film."
[19:56:18] wagnerrp: 2 Fast 2 Furious was in Miami
[19:56:21] sphery: wow, it was the 3rd...
[19:56:25] meshe: lol
[19:56:34] sphery: I've seen the first one...
[19:57:36] iamlindoro_: The first Bavarian Porn Film?
[19:57:38] iamlindoro_: How was it?
[19:59:03] justinh: reminded me I also need to get round to adding a 'this page can be deleted' on my wiki user page
[19:59:47] wagnerrp: the pizza delivery guy showed up, and the woman who ordered came to the door wearing nothing but her laiderhosen
[20:00:19] ChinoChano (ChinoChano! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:00:26] justinh: raunchy
[20:00:50] justinh: always wondered why pron even bothers to have a narrative
[20:00:51] ChinoChano: hi guys
[20:01:01] ChinoChano: bought a novat500 card. have problems with firmware....
[20:01:15] ChinoChano: anyone has advice? which one are you using?
[20:01:39] iamlindoro_: It's going to be difficult for anyone to give advice if you don't describe your problem...
[20:01:45] bfirsh (bfirsh! has quit ()
[20:02:17] LanUser (LanUser! has quit ("leaving")
[20:02:19] ChinoChano: well, some random disconnects
[20:02:24] ChinoChano: and some pixels corrupted
[20:02:30] ChinoChano: due to firmware i guess
[20:02:50] ChinoChano: don t know if there s someone expert with a Nova T500 card...
[20:02:53] justinh: bad streams on just one of the tuners? you need to activate the LNA
[20:03:10] justinh: it's a module option
[20:03:13] ChinoChano: it is activated (in the modules.d/option
[20:03:21] justinh: okees
[20:03:45] ** iamlindoro_ wonders when the outrage at the fact that you *cannot* use /etc/moprobe.d/options in Ubuntu 9.04 will begin **
[20:03:47] ChinoChano: here are my options actually:
[20:03:49] justinh: maybe you need a newer kernel to solve the random disconnects
[20:04:15] ChinoChano: you think so? i m using the v4ldvb sources as explained in the how to
[20:04:19] justinh: it was an early bug not solved until fairly recently, and even then I dunno if it was ever completely fixed
[20:04:40] justinh: disabling active EIT scanning on one of the tuners helps too, IIRC
[20:04:43] meshe: iamlindoro_: what are they changing it to?
[20:04:46] justinh: or maybe both
[20:04:57] ChinoChano: justinh, don t get you
[20:04:59] iamlindoro_: meshe: Excellent question, haven't figured it out yet
[20:05:09] justinh: ChinoChano: in mythtv-setup
[20:05:13] ChinoChano: i don t really know if the 2 tuners are working
[20:05:26] justinh: well, that's what tzap is for :)
[20:05:32] ChinoChano: ok. ok
[20:05:33] iamlindoro_: meshe: Ought to botch some setups, though, only minor annoyance caused to me
[20:06:04] justinh: iamlindoro_: easy to work around I'd have thought..
[20:06:28] justinh: messy though
[20:06:41] ChinoChano: don t have tzap in my portage tree (old system, old pc)
[20:06:44] iamlindoro_: justinh: Only annoyance caused to me is that I like to use video_nr on the HD-PVR to assign it statically
[20:06:50] ChinoChano: ok i ll try it.
[20:06:52] iamlindoro_: but I'm sure I won't be the only one with issues
[20:07:41] ChinoChano: a novice question: didn t find how to set to deinterlaced mode by default my video output
[20:08:00] meshe: htye say that you should compile those options right in the kernel
[20:08:19] meshe: nice
[20:08:45] iamlindoro_: meshe: Yeah, so much for the user friendly distro :)
[20:09:32] andreax1 (andreax1! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:11:54] ChinoChano: how can i set up the Video Scan in Progressive Mode by default?
[20:16:31] sphery: For the first time in my life, a radio station that I've been listening to changed name/format and I like the new one better than the old.
[20:17:15] iamlindoro_: At last, the light adult contemporary you've been craving without the filth of late 50s pop rock?
[20:17:48] iamlindoro_: Those dirty Partridges and their hip swaying!
[20:17:52] iamlindoro_: You kids get of my lawn!
[20:18:15] gbee: what? no Christian folk rock?
[20:18:33] iamlindoro_: Too risque
[20:19:01] iamlindoro_: é
[20:19:21] sphery: It's Top 40 Classical. I hear that Beethoven has a new album on the way.
[20:20:01] gbee: I heard that it's been delayed, artistic differences with the producer
[20:20:03] iamlindoro_: I should hope so, he's extremely "late"
[20:20:05] iamlindoro_: HAHAHAHAAHAHA
[20:20:51] ivor_ (ivor_!n=ivor@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:21:11] ChinoChano: no one for the default Progressive scan?
[20:21:24] ivor_ is now known as ivor
[20:22:41] stoth (stoth! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:23:41] sphery: ChinoChano: Myth auto-detects interlacing and does whatever the frames say (i.e. if it says it's interlaced, it deinterlaces, otherwise it doesn't)
[20:23:51] sphery: note that it actually changes within the stream, too.
[20:24:30] ChinoChano: yes but it results in a bad image and flutuating OSD...
[20:24:44] wagnerrp: oof.... just moved a block of recordings over to the RAID
[20:24:47] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[20:24:50] wagnerrp: i lost some 70GB
[20:24:54] wagnerrp: only 260GB free
[20:25:05] sphery: ChinoChano: you can only manually override during a single playback session
[20:25:11] sphery: no way to force an always override
[20:25:23] ** sphery needs focus follows eyes--the mouse is way too slow... **
[20:25:57] ChinoChano: and this is done by Menu > Video Scan > Progressive, Right?
[20:26:05] sphery: right
[20:26:26] ChinoChano: i wondered something else. How do you start mythtv? cause if I type in a terminal #mythtvfrontend,
[20:26:34] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:27:38] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:27:41] nrpil (nrpil! has quit ("leaving")
[20:27:43] ChinoChano: this results in an in-window asking settings of language etc... normal behaviour
[20:27:50] ChinoChano: ?
[20:28:53] meshe: only for the first time
[20:29:12] meshe: once you set the ip of your backend it should just start right up
[20:30:28] ChinoChano: ok i have to read the user guide again i think...
[20:30:34] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:30:43] SQlvpapir (SQlvpapir! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[20:30:50] Tomasu (Tomasu! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:31:50] ** meshe grumbles about her router dishing out random ips on reboot... i thought linksys would be better than that **
[20:32:05] meshe: respect teh dhcp spec!
[20:32:42] Tomasu (Tomasu! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:33:21] hachi__ (hachi__!i=hachi@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:33:43] gbee: my netgear at least allows static IPs based on mac
[20:34:08] justinh: my linksys can do that too but I don't use it since I can't also run tftp on it
[20:34:46] meshe: i'm actually suprise that option isn't available in the default firmware for the WRT54G
[20:34:57] meshe: my old SMC could
[20:36:16] sphery: OpenWRT ftw!
[20:36:30] sphery: (or dd-wrt, if you're that kind of user)
[20:36:44] justinh: oops looks like I was wrong about that
[20:36:54] meshe: yeah, i thought about that before i put it into production, now i don't want to take it down to uupgrade it
[20:37:23] justinh: I thought about it, then found out the nice compact box can't run anything but default firmware
[20:38:04] meshe: i used to run a 1U rack server as my firewall, i just don't want to waste that kindof power now
[20:38:24] meshe: but there's something to be said about a full linux distro for a firewall
[20:38:28] hachi__ (hachi__!i=hachi@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:39:04] justinh: hmmm. looks like I'm running 2 dhcp servers too
[20:39:26] sphery: I recently took my WRT54GL with me on a trip so I could use it to connect to the hotel's wireless Internet as a client (as my new laptop's wireless NIC isn't yet working in Linux)... It's /amazing/ how flexible Open/DD WRT are
[20:39:39] justinh: heh no, it's not
[20:40:18] justinh: ah there it is. static DHCP options page.
[20:40:37] ** justinh pats his WRT54GC **
[20:41:28] sphery: c = compact?
[20:41:36] sphery: is it like a travel router or something?
[20:42:00] gbee: heh
[20:42:07] justinh: it's a diddy little thing
[20:42:37] justinh: had no idea what I was buying. microdirect had it as 'wrt54g' for £nice
[20:42:50] sphery: cool... I have a Netgear travel router, which is nice for when the hotel only has wired, but I /really/ want someone to make a travel-sized wireless router that can run OpenWRT.
[20:43:08] justinh: that's what my whole issue with the open firmwares has been all this time.. there are so many models you never know what the hell you're gonna get
[20:43:35] sphery: yeah... I bought the GL specifically because I knew that the retailer couldn't really mess that one up
[20:44:00] justinh: I couldn't justify the extra expense
[20:45:47] justinh: and I always like going to the place in person. growing to despite mail order ever more
[20:46:05] justinh: *despise
[20:46:28] justinh: though ebuyer being nice & efficient about the RMA was surprising after all I've heard
[20:47:09] gbee: hmm, hard to tell the size from photos, but it doesn't look small than my access point (or router)
[20:47:33] justinh: it's less than half the size of the netgear thing I had at first
[20:47:49] justinh: it's not much wider than 5 network ports side by side
[20:48:08] justinh: about the size of a cig packet
[20:48:42] justinh: and you can't even hear the shutters on those flashing lights opening & closing either :P
[20:49:01] gbee: right, a littler smaller than mine then, which has an identical footprint to a 2.5" travel drive (in casing)
[20:49:16] sphery: This one is my travel router: . . . p/B0002CWPV8 + . . . 0963068.html
[20:49:54] sphery: If I could run OpenWRT on that one, I'd be so happy (as tricks like the wireless client mode aren't generally possible with built-in firmware)
[20:50:27] sphery: Oh, but unlike the CNET review says, it does have WPA support with the newest firmware :)
[20:50:44] gbee: ok, now that is small
[20:51:15] sphery: yeah... It comes in a little zip pouch with room for the router, the wall wart, and a little ethernet cable (for hotel wired -> router)
[20:51:15] justinh: there we go. regular wrt54g 34.99 on the gl is 49.99 :(
[20:51:23] gbee: ugly, but small
[20:51:35] sphery: yeah, and it gets hot like you wouldn't believe...
[20:51:46] justinh: sphery: for those late night impromptu lan parties in your room :P
[20:53:53] sphery: heh... It's actually nice for being able to connect /both/ your laptop and your phone to wifi without having to pay $9.95/day for each.
[20:54:21] sphery: But more than anything, it means that I can use the laptop wherever I want in the room--hotels seem to always put the port in the worst-possible place.
[20:54:38] sphery: Though a lot of times, I'll just use the 40-ft ethernet cable I bring.
[20:56:17] iamlindoro_: Wow, almost two days without a commit
[20:56:27] iamlindoro_: Must be summer vacation :)
[20:57:07] justinh: phone to wifi? what heresy is this?!
[20:57:58] ** justinh considers changing his nick to '20thCenturyGuy' **
[20:58:11] justinh: or maybe not. it'd mean having to use livetv
[20:58:22] sphery: heh
[20:58:24] croppa_ is now known as croppa
[20:58:30] sphery: that's a step back I couldn't handle
[20:59:19] iamlindoro_: You could be *late* 20th century guy
[20:59:23] iamlindoro_: like... really late
[20:59:28] justinh: then again my phone won't even do data over bluetooth :(
[20:59:49] justinh: USB... US frickin B. wth planet are LG on?
[21:00:48] gizmobay (gizmobay!n=gizmobay@VDSL-130-13-26-103.PHNX.QWEST.NET) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:01:12] justinh: right I think I have a handle on what I need to do.. reckon I might want to do some drawins before hackery
[21:01:22] gizmobay: What commercial skip method do people on here recommend?
[21:01:36] justinh: whichever works best for you
[21:02:50] gizmobay: i'm just trying to get a starting point
[21:04:07] iamlindoro_: The defaults are a starting point
[21:04:19] iamlindoro_: I've never felt the need to muck with the commflagging method
[21:04:42] iamlindoro_: It's a fair bet that if the default (combined) methods don't work, breaking them out individually won't be much help
[21:05:03] gizmobay: I think I'll try blank frame
[21:05:48] sphery: gizmobay: if you're in the use, "all" works great
[21:05:53] sphery: s/use/US/
[21:06:21] gizmobay: do you check strict as well
[21:07:05] sphery: I don't
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[21:09:40] ** sphery wonders what the point of giving an md5/sha1 sum of a source package is **
[21:09:46] cynicismic (cynicismic! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:09:58] sid3windr: sphery: you read the source of everything you download before compiling then? :)
[21:09:59] meshe: sphery: validate against corruption
[21:10:01] sphery: after all, the tar -xf will tell you if it's an uncorrupt download
[21:10:13] kormoc: tamper protection?
[21:10:16] sid3windr: it may have been replaced
[21:10:20] sid3windr: by a trojaned source :)
[21:10:27] sid3windr: on one of the mirrors, for example
[21:10:28] sphery: but if I'm replacing the tar file, I'll replace the sum file, too
[21:10:36] sphery: now a detached signature is a /whole/ other thing
[21:10:39] kormoc: Never get the sum file from the same mirror as the source!
[21:10:40] sphery: Those I like/understand.
[21:11:01] meshe: man in the middle attack
[21:11:05] sphery: yeah, if they did some kind of round-robin mirror for the sum file, perhaps...
[21:11:16] kormoc: Woman in the middle attack!
[21:11:47] ** meshe is no h4x0r **
[21:12:16] schlazor (schlazor!n=david@ has quit ()
[21:12:27] kormoc: heh, ahh well
[21:12:38] meshe: just a code hacker
[21:12:43] meshe: white hat
[21:13:03] iamlindoro_: Heh, lost my connection to home a few hours ago, was worried the system had hung
[21:13:05] sphery: I don't wear hats... So does that mean I'm some shad of gray?
[21:13:19] iamlindoro_: Turns out someone opened a manhole, climbed down, and sliced off a fiber bundle
[21:13:40] iamlindoro_: Disrupting phone, cell phone, and data service across two counties
[21:14:06] meshe: sweet
[21:14:11] sphery: iamlindoro_: I can't believe that I'm unable to direct you to an xkcd that's appropriate for your "system had hung" comment... I don't think he's ever done one where a guy walks into the door and sees his computer hanging from a noose...
[21:14:18] meshe: my router just changed my internal ips again, so i'm locked out too
[21:14:26] iamlindoro_: sphery: hehehe
[21:14:36] CCFL_Man2 (CCFL_Man2! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:14:46] sphery: iamlindoro_: so I guess I can't get after you for being a _ today
[21:14:55] AndyCap: iamlindoro_: hehe, so it wasn't a feral backhoe.
[21:15:05] iamlindoro_: sphery: Nope, not today
[21:19:35] d00gle (d00gle!i=5751c709@gateway/web/ajax/ has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
[21:20:05] kormoc: sphery, you should ask him to draw one
[21:20:38] sphery: does he do requests?
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[21:22:26] iamlindoro_: hahaah, my fiber woes are the top story on slazzzzzdot
[21:22:27] CCFL_Man2: whats a good dvb-s budget card i can use?
[21:23:18] iamlindoro_: Although it neglects what is apparently a third a few hours later which would be the one affecting me
[21:25:09] iamlindoro_: Hmm, bet I could get all sorts of things done tonight without internet to distract me
[21:25:15] sphery: iamlindoro_: so this is some sociopath just trying to mess things up?
[21:25:26] sphery: not an accident?
[21:25:44] iamlindoro_: sphery: I think the preliminary guess is that it's someone angry at the AT&T union contract expiring
[21:26:24] sphery: yeah, and all the people who die because of lack of access to emergency services are less important than the pay raise he wants, I guess...
[21:27:08] AndyCap: Haha, reminds me of a nutjob here getting fed up with his slow cable internet connection and going out and cutting their fibre cables
[21:28:02] AndyCap: If I remember correctly he was the first one charged with sabotage since WWII or so
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[21:31:55] kkuno (kkuno!n=wefw@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:32:16] CCFL_Man2: skystar 2 cards good cards for dvb-s?
[21:34:57] noaXess (noaXess! has quit ("Leaving.")
[21:36:33] iamlindoro_: Wow... comcast has instruction on their site for getting linspire connected to them, of all things
[21:38:14] hachi (hachi! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:38:25] wagnerrp: connected to cable internet?
[21:38:30] iamlindoro_: yes
[21:38:48] wagnerrp: step one: connect ethernet cable
[21:38:53] iamlindoro_: Not that it's hard, just remarking that it's interesting to see a linux walkthrough
[21:38:56] wagnerrp: step two: open beer and cheer
[21:39:17] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:39:35] CCFL_Man2: iamlindoro_: i got a digicipher II receiver with ip video out, i love it
[21:40:14] iamlindoro_: Interesting that it's a linspire walkthrough, but maybe it was user contributed or something
[21:41:10] wagnerrp: because if anything, thats the one that would have a userbase to write one up?
[21:41:34] urlgrey (urlgrey! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:42:01] iamlindoro_: Every distro has *some* user base
[21:42:05] ChinoChano: meshe, i want to set up the ip of the backend. i have to stop frontend and start mythbackend
[21:44:08] d00gle (d00gle!i=5751c709@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:47:19] ChinoChano:
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[21:56:06] meshe: ChinoChano: if all you are using is one computer for both backend and fronted, you can just run mythtv-setup and enter in both of the address feilds, choose next until you see finish
[21:56:28] meshe: ChinoChano: then exit mythtv-setup and start mythbackend
[21:56:57] meshe: ChinoChano: start mythfrontend and enter in the address field and you should never see that setup screen again
[21:57:54] ChinoChano: ok thanks. i am womdering on how to configure the RC now. thanks a lot meshe
[21:58:27] linagee (linagee! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[21:59:56] meshe: if you see that screen again after that, your backend is probably not running
[22:01:13] ChinoChano: ok. i ll try. but now i m trying to sort channels (too many detected, not that much actually operational) and the RC thing
[22:03:11] ChinoChano: i added by accident a video capture card. how can i delete it? (only options: delete All Capture Cards/ delete ALL capture cards on milkyway)
[22:04:21] jams: select the card and press m to bring up the menu
[22:04:51] jams: or press d
[22:04:56] ChinoChano: ok thanks
[22:05:57] ChinoChano: cool
[22:06:20] ChinoChano: ok now another thing: i retreived tons of channels (but i don t have DVB S nor C nor so many channels)
[22:06:42] ChinoChano: i m not sure i want to delete them, i d prefer to sort them in the channel list... do you know how I can do that?
[22:06:56] sphery: definitely don't delete all the cards in the Milky Way because mine are still good...
[22:07:09] grantm (grantm!n=grant@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:07:53] sphery: ChinoChano: You can edit channel names/numbers/callsigns as desired--only requirement is that no 2 callsigns nor numbers are the same unless the 2 different channels actually receive the same content
[22:07:59] ChinoChano: :) milkyway is "my" net. the travelers on it, voyager, mariner and pathfinder (RIP) are the laptops
[22:08:07] grantm (grantm!n=grant@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:08:19] sphery: ChinoChano: And, you can mark a channel as not visible and it won't be shown in the guide/browsing in LiveTV
[22:08:28] ChinoChano: how can i do this?
[22:09:02] deaman (deaman! has quit ()
[22:09:19] sphery: ChinoChano: /however/ if you define a channel in Myth--even if it's not visible--it will download the guide data for that channel--which is an unnecessary strain on the listings provider's resources, especially if you're downloading "tons" of channels you don't actually get/need listings info for
[22:09:22] ChinoChano: i stopped the mythtv-setup- restarted backend. restarted frontend. but meshe, where is the option of the IP? can t see it...
[22:09:43] ChinoChano: sphery, ok so you would delete those channels
[22:10:04] sphery: for visibility, there's a checkbox on page 2 of the channel wizard (go to mythtv-setup|Channels|Next (to page 2) and then mark the checkbox)
[22:10:16] ChinoChano: there s a line: Hostname: Localhost. is this that one?
[22:10:24] sphery: ChinoChano: D while the channel is selected in the channel editor (in mythtv-setup)
[22:10:31] ChinoChano: ok sphery thanks again
[22:10:40] sphery: ChinoChano: are you using SD or XMLTV?
[22:10:56] sphery: I'm guessing XMLTV since you're talking about DVB S and C)
[22:11:00] ChinoChano: ? SD? XMLTV? dunna :S the second one rings "some" bells though
[22:11:09] sphery: You're not in the US, right?
[22:11:15] ChinoChano: nope
[22:11:17] ChinoChano: Spain
[22:11:22] ChinoChano: SD=Standard Definition?
[22:11:30] ChinoChano: vs HD maybe? :D
[22:11:32] sphery: SD = Schedules Direct (US listings provider)
[22:11:37] sphery: in that context, at least
[22:11:38] ChinoChano: ooops ok
[22:11:45] ChinoChano: me noob
[22:11:53] sphery: But, make sure you reconfigure xmltv so it doesn't download listings for those channels you don't need
[22:11:55] ChinoChano: so i must be using xmltv
[22:11:59] meshe: ChinoChano: if you don't see the "Select a language" screen when you start mythfronted it means that it sucessfully conntected to your backend and you won't need to set the ip in the frontend
[22:11:59] sphery: yeah...
[22:12:32] ChinoChano: fffff awful. meshe, I see the Select a language... but then, i select it, and just a screen without any line with IP...
[22:12:40] ChinoChano: ok so i have a lot of stuff here...
[22:13:01] sphery: ChinoChano: also, note that the /only/ hostname you can use is the database server hostname in the Database Hostname setting... Master backend and this backend IP Address /must/ be IP addresses, not hostnames.
[22:13:03] ChinoChano: Database Server Settings: Hostname is set to Localhost
[22:13:04] meshe: sphery: is it IP or Hostname on the frontend setup page?
[22:13:13] meshe: i don't have an FE handy here
[22:13:37] sphery: I think it's just hostname for the DB settings, then you say Next or whatever, then it asks for backend IP addresses.
[22:13:53] ChinoChano: ok i ll look
[22:14:07] meshe: ahhh, right, so hostname is localhost, ip on the next page will be
[22:14:22] sphery: right, if hostname is for DB stuff...
[22:14:43] sphery: Myth doesn't do name resolution (in 0.21-fixes and below)--only the Qt MySQL driver does.
[22:15:08] Guest8406 (Guest8406!n=David@nat/ti/x-7d4ea4aa1aef3b84) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:15:18] ChinoChano: guys, still can t see any IP question in the FE
[22:15:24] Guest93197 (Guest93197!n=david@nat/ti/x-41b1fe46324cb922) has quit ("Leaving.")
[22:17:39] ChinoChano: in the Front End, in Database Configuration 1/2, Database Server Settings section, the Hostname is set to "localhost"
[22:17:53] ChinoChano: is this as it should? (i did not get what you told me before)
[22:17:56] meshe: that's correct
[22:18:10] ChinoChano: then there s no other page asking for an IP...
[22:18:24] Bassett (Bassett! has quit ()
[22:18:40] meshe: ok, i may be mistaken, i think it grabs the ip for the backend from the db
[22:19:00] ChinoChano: page 2/2 says: Use custom identifier for FE preferences and Enable DB server Wakeup...
[22:19:24] meshe: but you keep getting that page each time you start the frontend?
[22:19:59] ChinoChano: yes :(
[22:20:23] sphery: it only asks the IP address if you haven't (properly) configured your backend using mythtv-setup
[22:20:35] sphery: so, that you're not getting that is a good thing :)
[22:20:38] meshe: did you set the ip to in mythtv-setup
[22:20:53] ChinoChano: yes
[22:20:59] CCFL_Man2: what dvb-s cards does everyone like?
[22:21:17] CCFL_Man2: i was thinking of getting a skystar 2
[22:21:23] cynicismic (cynicismic! has quit ("leaving")
[22:22:07] meshe: messed up mysql.txt?
[22:22:55] deaman (deaman! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:23:05] meshe: mysql not running or invalid username password?
[22:23:32] ChinoChano: mmmm how can i figure this?
[22:23:39] ChinoChano: mysql IS running for sure
[22:23:55] ChinoChano: ok maybe you pointed it out:
[22:24:00] meshe: it only happens to me when my ips change, (i don't use
[22:24:41] ChinoChano: in mythtvsetup: Local BAckend(milkyway) IP adress: Security PIN (Required): this one is empty... or I don t remember having set it up...
[22:24:45] ChinoChano: what is it for?
[22:25:13] meshe: i don't think it will affect this, but set it to a 4 digit number
[22:25:14] ChinoChano: pin code required for a FE to connect to the backend. Blank prevents all connections
[22:25:28] meshe: (have been wrong before though)
[22:25:30] ChinoChano: 0000 allows any clients to connect.
[22:25:37] ChinoChano: should i then put 0000 :))
[22:25:41] meshe: yup
[22:27:21] ChinoChano: <sphery> for visibility, there's a checkbox on page 2 of the channel wizard (go to mythtv-setup|Channels|Next (to page 2) and then mark the checkbox)
[22:27:34] ChinoChano: well channel wizard in mythtv-setup?
[22:27:40] ChinoChano: i just have 1 page...
[22:28:07] ChinoChano: it s really annoying not being able to delete many channels in a set... one by one is PIA
[22:28:35] sphery: You go to the place to edit channels in mythtv-setup, then select a channel and then edit it, then you should have a couple pages
[22:28:50] sphery: I think you use either SELECT or INFO to edit... Don't remember, exactly, though
[22:29:09] ChinoChano: 2009-04–10 00:28:01.886 Unable to read configuration file mysql.txt
[22:29:33] meshe: M or I
[22:29:37] ChinoChano: ok so the reason why it always asks for the Language is what you said... a pb in mysql.txt
[22:29:42] ChinoChano: sphery, thanks
[22:29:51] ChinoChano: meshe, M or I?
[22:30:02] meshe: for the channel editor
[22:30:03] ChinoChano: ok Menu I guess
[22:30:07] ChinoChano: ok i ll try
[22:31:21] ChinoChano: ok for the channels. but no way to select many,. also found the Visible tick, thanks guys!
[22:32:18] ChinoChano: if i hit Channel Scanner, will it JUST put those detected?
[22:32:34] sphery: right, have to edit each channel individually
[22:32:40] meshe: it should
[22:32:43] meshe: mine does
[22:32:46] sphery: though, if you have a lot to edit, you can use MythWeb's channel editor
[22:33:09] ChinoChano: ok so i do a Full Scan or I can import a channels.conf...? :)
[22:33:53] sphery: really, the channel scanner only works well with digital TV (i.e. DVB) and not analog (including DVB to some set-top box that outputs analog to a PVR-x50 or whatever).
[22:34:08] sphery: for analog, you should use your listings to get channels
[22:34:15] meshe: ..?
[22:34:27] sphery: though it's very US-centric, gives some info
[22:34:39] meshe: the channel scanner worked perfectly on my pvr-x50's
[22:34:42] ChinoChano: i ll first try the channels.conf import then a full scan. sphery, that was another question: can I see analog channels with my Nova T500 PCI DVB-T card?
[22:34:44] sphery: and channels.conf import doesn't work well
[22:35:00] ChinoChano: ok for the imports. I ll do a scan then
[22:35:05] sphery: I don't know anything about the Nova cards...
[22:35:11] sphery: (or DVB, for that matter)
[22:35:22] meshe: what do you use sphery
[22:35:42] sphery: you mean for analog channels? Fetch channels from listings source button
[22:35:48] ChinoChano: ok no worries. i ll have to see if this card supports analog. If so, how should I proceed=?
[22:35:51] sphery: Especially in the US, it's the right way to do it
[22:36:01] ChinoChano: listings source button... mmm
[22:36:07] meshe: i meant for capture
[22:36:12] sphery: Overseas, that may not work well
[22:36:28] sphery: oh, I'm using ATSC digital :)
[22:36:38] meshe: HDHR?
[22:36:38] sphery: yeah, it uses DVB API's, but it's not DVB
[22:36:47] sphery: I have 4 pcHDTV HD-3000's.
[22:36:53] meshe: ahhh
[22:36:55] sphery: got them long before the HDHR was out
[22:37:12] gilles (gilles! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:37:15] ChinoChano: scan in progress. The Listings Source Button I think I saw it somewhere... but where ... :)
[22:37:19] sphery: though I really don't like the "loose connectivity" of the HDHR--I'm a fan of a card that's screwed into my computer :)
[22:37:46] meshe: FWIW, i have set up PVR-350's on 3 cable providers Novus (Canada), Shaw (Canada) and Comcast (US) and the channel scanner has worked flawlessly
[22:38:26] ChinoChano: assuming the channel scan will be good, i still have to understand the Unable to read configuration file mysql.tx
[22:38:29] sphery: if you do things right, it can be made to work--but you /really/ have to know what you're doing
[22:38:36] ChinoChano: and the Remote control not working
[22:38:48] sphery: and, the Fetch channels button is about 100x easier--especially with SD data--so...
[22:39:02] meshe: *chuckles* i blundered through it all three times, it was before i knew what i was doing with myth
[22:39:31] meshe: although, all three times i was linked into SD
[22:39:44] ChinoChano: why is there not a "remote control setup" in the mythtvsetup?
[22:39:58] ChinoChano: (or why am I so stupid i don t find it if so?)
[22:40:07] meshe: what distro are you using ChinoChano?
[22:40:24] ChinoChano: you wont believe it. gentoo
[22:40:49] sphery: meshe: Yeah, if you scan for analog channels, you'd have to set xmltvid /before/ you run mythfilldatabase or risk getting "bad channels" in the DB. If you just use Fetch channels, it sets the xmltvid for you, so it's much easier.
[22:40:51] ChinoChano: (long time ago but i forgot a lot cause ve been completely disconnected from everything for almost a year
[22:41:21] meshe: remotes aren't set up in myth, they are set up in linux using lirc, i can't help with lirc under gentoo, sorry
[22:41:41] ChinoChano: i set up the RC with VDR, and it works with VDR. LIRC is not used here I think.
[22:42:05] ChinoChano: but ok i ll try to see what i can get/remember. Thanks for your support, guys.
[22:42:40] sphery: In case anyone was wondering, compiling and installing glibc 2.9 on an Athlon X2 5000+ takes just enough time to allow you to mix up a batch of banana bread (not from a mix)...
[22:43:23] meshe: sphery: one thing i think i've always had to do is --do-channel-updates, probably because of the way i did the channel scan
[22:43:39] sphery: yeah, that's true
[22:43:53] ChinoChano: where is supposed to be the mysql.txt file?
[22:43:59] meshe: but that was the only extra step i had to take
[22:44:36] ChinoChano: if you don t mind having a look at this...
[22:45:46] ChinoChano: meshe, which distro do you use?
[22:45:47] meshe: its' connecting to the database fine, but you need to get lirc setup to get your remote working
[22:46:00] meshe: for myth: mythbuntu and ubuntu
[22:46:09] ChinoChano: ok. thanks. I ll try to sort this. i saw a LIRC remote file for this RC in a howto...
[22:46:36] ChinoChano: i ll try to get it again. should not be hard
[22:46:52] meshe: check your home directory for a .mythtv directory, if it doesn't exist, create it and the mysql.txt file should get created there
[22:47:11] ChinoChano: ok. my HOME dir? of my USER?
[22:47:17] meshe: yes
[22:48:02] dmz (dmz! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:48:11] ChinoChano: there was a .mythtv directory...
[22:48:37] javatexan (javatexan! has quit ("Leaving.")
[22:48:58] meshe: it looks fine to me
[22:49:07] dmz: eek! my myth system keeps losing it's schedule data, every few hours i check & it has nothing in the upcoming schedule & when i browse schedule it's empty. i have disabled myth from running filldatabase in backend (setting in setup/general), and have been running manually every time i see it lose it's data
[22:49:19] dmz: what tables is the schedule data in, i'd like to try to track down what's happening
[22:49:22] ChinoChano: -rw-r--r-- 1 for the permissions...
[22:49:33] ChinoChano: it should be able to read it...
[22:49:43] ChinoChano: unless it s because I RUN mythfrontend as ROOT...
[22:49:52] meshe: oh, yeah, don't do that
[22:50:11] forest (forest! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:50:21] Pooky (Pooky! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:50:37] ChinoChano: oookokkkkkkay this should be a cause then :P
[22:50:43] ChinoChano: so i leave you now.
[22:50:46] ChinoChano: thanks a lot.
[22:50:58] ChinoChano: will leave the SCAN doing its hoework
[22:51:14] ChinoChano: and tomorrow i ll try to recover that LIRC RC file.
[22:51:19] ChinoChano: thanks a lot guys
[22:52:33] EvilGuru (EvilGuru!n=freddie@warzone2100/developer/EvilGuru) has quit ()
[22:56:02] hadees (hadees! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:57:00] Tomasu (Tomasu! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[22:58:04] ChinoChano: a last one: my system is now a bit slow. and mythtv is sometimes "slow" (screen turns in grey mode)
[22:58:32] ChinoChano: what can I do? add RAM? uninstall PROGS? free space?
[23:00:04] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has quit ()
[23:02:50] ChinoChano: . . . mote_Control
[23:03:48] meshe: hard to say, check your memory usage, see if you are swapping, watch your cpu load while myth is running, see if it's high
[23:04:13] meshe: i run myth on 5–6 year old boxes
[23:04:34] meshe: 1.7Ghz celeron with 1GB ram
[23:07:32] meshe: home time
[23:07:46] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:08:34] ChinoChano: ok thanks. as for the RC: what is the difference between LIRCRC and lircd.conf?
[23:09:57] jams: lircd.conf defines the remote buttons. lircrc maps the buttons to an action
[23:10:20] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:11:43] deaman (deaman! has quit ()
[23:12:21] ChinoChano: ok jams so i need both...
[23:13:18] ChinoChano: cool !...thanks!
[23:13:25] jams: in most cases yes, I don't know about the reciever your using.
[23:13:33] ChinoChano: still scanning. i ll go to bed
[23:13:41] ChinoChano: i m using this: . . . _Performance
[23:13:42] ChinoChano: :)
[23:14:14] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:17:17] jams: looks like you need both
[23:28:59] methods (methods! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:29:27] methods: anyone know of commercial products built with mythtv ?
[23:29:58] Penfold (Penfold! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[23:38:43] mchou (mchou!n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:43:43] sphery: I think there are some outside the US...
[23:43:50] sphery: like New Zealand or somewhere
[23:44:02] sphery: methods:
[23:44:18] sphery: methods:
[23:44:21] methods: why is it illegal ?
[23:44:31] sphery: No, just not a very easy thing to do...
[23:44:38] sphery: Supporting it is difficult
[23:44:44] methods: yea but it's getting better...
[23:44:58] sphery: It's not like other "turn-key" set-top boxes
[23:45:05] methods: who cares about support ... people just want a steam lined looking nice flexible package that they can start with instead of building it them sevles
[23:45:25] sphery: look at that page I linked... You might find some places that give that.
[23:45:56] methods: yea i mean there is small tiny mac mini looking boxes that have all the required inputs/outputs that you could install your own mythtv system to right ?
[23:46:02] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[23:49:14] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:50:18] sphery: methods: There's been lots of discussion about small/pretty mythtv boxes on the users list... I don't pay attention to them, though, because I feel that the Myth system should be hidden away in a closet or other room.
[23:50:26] sphery: but if you're interested, check the archives.
[23:50:55] methods: yea i know how you feel but i was thinking a nice little box that could hide behind my flatscreen would be really cool.... i'll rather put the nas in the cloest
[23:50:58] methods: closet
[23:53:13] methods: sphery: so without worrying about storage what's your price come out to be for a regular system ?
[23:54:48] Shadow__X: sphery, with a long ir receiver for the remote?
[23:56:33] dmz: anyone know what table recording video source is stored from filldatabase?

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