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Wednesday, April 8th, 2009, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:05] sphery: oh, wait... 148.26W under load with new PSU
[00:00:14] jpabq (jpabq!n=jpabq@ has quit ()
[00:00:46] wilberfan_ (wilberfan_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:01:25] wilberfan_: SUCCESS!!! I had to install mysql-server...
[00:01:34] meshe: sorry, but lol
[00:01:41] wilberfan_: what card type do i select for a Hauppage PVR-350?
[00:01:46] wilberfan_: (in the setup gui)
[00:02:12] meshe: it's something like: ivtv pvr-x50
[00:03:11] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:03:11] Scopeuk_ is now known as Scopeuk
[00:06:02] wilberfan_: "ivtv MPEG-2"?
[00:06:16] crankharder (crankharder! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:07:19] meshe: yup
[00:12:34] lotia_ (lotia_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:23] lotia_ (lotia_! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:14:19] urlgrey (urlgrey! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:14] elmojo: sphery: i might just use the cpuburn programs to load the system
[00:15:48] elmojo: I have an Earthwatts PS for my backend system too
[00:18:31] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[00:19:51] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[00:20:12] sphery: elmojo: cool... I love that PSU.
[00:20:12] wagnerrp: sphery: im more impressed by those 150W 'gas guzzlers' needing 600W PSUs
[00:20:29] sphery: heh, yeah
[00:20:59] sphery: You can actually build one that does suck a lot of power--but generally doing so requires getting multiple tricked-out GPU's involved.
[00:21:36] wagnerrp: and you have to have them under load
[00:21:51] wagnerrp: those high end GPUs run ~100W between load and idle
[00:21:59] schdav (schdav! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:22:24] sphery: And, running 24/7 it adds up, but since VDPAU is only really relevant for a frontend and a frontend can be shut down when not in use, saving power on the frontend (at the expense of performance) is a bad idea IMHO.
[00:22:33] sphery: backends are the place to save power.
[00:23:18] sphery: and, with Capt M's WOL for backends patch, even they can be shut down when not in use
[00:23:40] sphery: wagnerrp: didn't realize the difference was that much on a high-end video card... that's crazy.
[00:23:58] sphery: difference between idle and fully-loaded on my Athlon XP 2400+ is about 18W
[00:24:11] sphery: of course, that CPU doesn't have a low-power idle mode
[00:24:42] wagnerrp: ive heard that the high end versions of the new intel GPU are supposed to run up to 300W
[00:25:41] wilberfan_: how do you delete storage groups??
[00:25:51] wagnerrp: probably 'd'
[00:26:54] wagnerrp: nevermind... apparently that 300W value was from someone named 'fudzilla'
[00:27:00] sphery: wagnerrp: 300W? Are these discrete cards?
[00:27:16] sphery: I was wondering how they'd get that kind of power...
[00:27:31] sphery: I think PCIe only allows 75W and 75W per molex connector...
[00:28:12] wagnerrp: the high end nvidias have two 8-pin connectors for power
[00:28:44] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:28:45] sphery: 8-pin... You need a special PSU for them?
[00:28:50] wagnerrp: AMDs seem to have a pair of 6-pins
[00:29:14] lotia (lotia! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:30:12] wagnerrp: ah, the 8-pin ones will accept 6-pin connectors
[00:30:20] wilberfan: wagnerrp, holy crap, you were right! (about the 'd')
[00:30:23] sphery: amazing how when there's so much focus on CPU power efficiency (and--at least on one side of the fence--on mobo chipset power efficiency), the GPU's don't seem to care at all...
[00:31:35] wagnerrp: well thats what hybrid graphics are for
[00:31:50] wagnerrp: when youre done playing games, youre supposed to turn off your discrete graphics
[00:31:55] wagnerrp: and continue on with your single monitor
[00:32:29] wilberfan: "could not connect to the master backend server"
[00:32:41] wagnerrp: are you running the backend?
[00:33:10] wilberfan: i would have bet soft parts of my body on it! (but maybe it's not running??)
[00:33:27] iamlindoro: That would be an ideal time *not* to bet the soft parts
[00:33:36] wilberfan: lol
[00:33:42] wagnerrp: you mean like an ear lobe?
[00:33:54] wilberfan: LOL yeah, that's the one!
[00:33:55] wagnerrp: or some belly flab?
[00:34:30] iamlindoro: sphery, Well, I'm officially a convert to bip... I can make the paranoid believe I'm alllllllways watching.
[00:34:39] sphery: heh
[00:34:48] sphery: I must play with bip, again
[00:34:51] wilberfan: well...they wuz wasn't running....
[00:35:04] wilberfan: now i have no audio watching live tv....
[00:35:16] wagnerrp: time to go get the knife
[00:35:44] sphery: wondering why I'm getting 2.8MB/s throughput from my frontend to my fileserver...
[00:36:07] iamlindoro: because you're having clever host it on his best computer and network card?
[00:36:24] sphery: heh
[00:36:29] wilberfan: what add'l packages do i need to install to be able to play downloaded .avi's etc...?
[00:36:36] wagnerrp: mythvideo
[00:36:42] wilberfan: mythplugins?
[00:36:44] wilberfan: ah...
[00:36:45] iamlindoro: You mean lawfully encoded by you AVIs?
[00:36:56] iamlindoro: and in no way retrieved from the internet?
[00:37:02] ** iamlindoro scowls **
[00:37:05] wagnerrp: if your plugins all come in one bulk file, then yes, mythplugins
[00:37:10] wilberfan: iamlindoro, EXACTLY!
[00:37:24] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: there are lawful and semi-lawful avis available online
[00:37:26] crankharder (crankharder! has quit ("leaving")
[00:37:31] wilberfan: iamlindoro, how could you psbly know that?
[00:37:38] wilberfan: must be psychedelic!
[00:37:40] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, pffffffffffft
[00:37:47] crankharder (crankharder! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:37:52] iamlindoro: this isn't ecks bee emmcee
[00:38:30] wagnerrp: ive seen game demos, and in game video released online as avis
[00:38:31] sphery: heh... let's see them find that one in our logs...
[00:38:39] wagnerrp: or maybe a relative puts their home movies up as avis
[00:39:00] wagnerrp: and anime is somewhat of a grey area until a company over here licenses it for distribution
[00:39:12] iamlindoro: et tu, brute?
[00:39:19] iamlindoro: whoah whoah
[00:39:40] iamlindoro: stuff that isn't distributed locally is in no way open season to download it
[00:39:43] sphery: huh, getting 11.2MB/s between same fileserver and different host...
[00:39:47] schdav: is there a way to turn on a user job for all schedules?
[00:40:02] wagnerrp: perhaps, but there is no one over here to care
[00:40:13] iamlindoro: I care
[00:40:43] wagnerrp: i mean no companies to care
[00:40:50] wilberfan: do i need to install some video players?? (Sorry, i'm used to mythbuntu...which seems to take care of most of this for ya!)
[00:40:59] sphery: schdav: you'll have to edit each schedule individually
[00:41:03] wagnerrp: mythvideo uses mythtv's player
[00:41:07] sphery: schdav: not too bad if you do it in mythweb...
[00:41:08] wagnerrp: nothing to install but the plugin
[00:41:09] iamlindoro: wilberfan, myth has its own internal ivdeo player which is as good or better than any
[00:41:12] wilberfan: none of my (legal) ;.avi's will play in th frontend
[00:41:24] schdav: i could be a terrible user and hit the db directly i guess
[00:41:30] schdav: but that would make me a terrible user
[00:41:38] wilberfan: wagnerrp, which plugin? mythplayer, or...?
[00:41:42] iamlindoro: You earn points for recognizing that
[00:41:57] wagnerrp: mythvideo
[00:41:58] sphery: schdav: have Recordings Schedules page in one window then Ctrl-Click a bunch of schedules (to get their schedule page), then check the box, then submit and go to the next tab
[00:42:08] i_is_cat (i_is_cat! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:42:09] wagnerrp: mythtv has playback libraries
[00:42:14] wagnerrp: mythvideo uses said libraries
[00:43:00] wilberfan: hmmm... wonder why the videos aren't playing... "loading" shows for a split second..then back to the video manager
[00:43:17] iamlindoro: if only myth produced some sort of log!
[00:43:21] iamlindoro: alas...
[00:43:24] iamlindoro: maybe by 1.0
[00:43:36] wagnerrp: go into the settings and make sure the default player is set to 'Internal'
[00:43:44] wilberfan: maybe i'm missing some codecs,or....?
[00:43:51] iamlindoro: That's windows talk
[00:43:55] iamlindoro: we don't do codecs
[00:44:06] wilberfan: wagnerrp, oooh. good idea... I don't think it said "Internal"....
[00:44:08] wilberfan: brb
[00:44:25] iamlindoro: linux media players are built around one core monolithic set of libraries that handle everything that can be done
[00:44:34] i_is_cat (i_is_cat! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:44:34] iamlindoro: no codec install necessary
[00:46:11] wilberfan: :)
[00:46:20] wilberfan: It was set to use mplayer
[00:46:24] wilberfan: :)
[00:47:00] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:21] wilberfan: mythbuntu does this, does mythtv? remote control abilities...? or is that more packages to install??
[00:47:41] iamlindoro: mythbuntu *is* mythtv
[00:47:52] schdav: lirc ftw
[00:47:52] iamlindoro: it's just a distro built around myth, not a seperate application
[00:48:21] wilberfan: so lirc is included if i've installed mythtv package?
[00:48:33] iamlindoro: depends on how your packager works
[00:48:42] schdav: why did you leave mythbuntu?
[00:48:50] iamlindoro: if you packager has compiled in lirc support, then myth can use it... but you still need lirc installed and working on your system
[00:48:56] iamlindoro: exactly, what schdav said
[00:49:28] wilberfan: schdav, well i like mythbuntu...but i'm fonder of Sidux as a distro.... so i'm trying to get mythtv running on the latest sidux...
[00:50:00] wilberfan: just a preference thing... (big props to mythbuntu, though)
[00:50:19] wilberfan: how do i check and see if lirc installed?
[00:50:46] iamlindoro: you figure out how your distro's pacakge manager works, and check there
[00:51:13] wilberfan: it's apt-get (sidux is debian-based)
[00:51:33] sphery: wilberfan: look in your mythfrontend output/log file for: "lirc init success using configuration file ..."
[00:52:01] wilberfan: where does the frontend output that log to?
[00:52:53] lotia (lotia! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:53:04] wilberfan: "lirc_init failed for mythtv, see preceding messages"
[00:54:51] wilberfan: hmmm.... lirc IS installed ("already the newest version")
[00:55:00] iamlindoro: Then you need to configure it
[00:56:12] wilberfan: which is done how?
[00:56:35] iamlindoro: by reading the lirc manual and the many sources on the wiki and following them
[00:56:41] lotia (lotia! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:56:45] rockx0zone (rockx0zone! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:57:00] iamlindoro: hoestly, you are *really* asking for a lot of handholding, it would be very appreciated if you would at elast give things a shot first before asking to be guided through it
[00:57:02] iamlindoro: honestly
[00:57:29] wilberfan: well, i'm an uber noob....but that's probably not much of an excuse...
[00:57:31] wilberfan: :\
[00:57:41] wilberfan: i appreciate the help, though...
[00:58:00] iamlindoro: I think you will find it given much more cheerfully if you at least give it a shot first
[00:59:10] lotia (lotia! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:59:17] wilberfan: i can see how you'd feel that way, absolutely. sometimes, though, the wiki's are written at a level that escapes noobs...
[00:59:40] schdav: mythtothebuntu
[00:59:43] wilberfan: and i'm used to the sidux irc, which is very hand-holdy...
[00:59:52] ** wilberfan bows in apology **
[00:59:57] lotia (lotia! has quit (Client Quit)
[01:00:22] schdav: one approach might be to have an install of mythbuntu to refer to
[01:00:39] schdav: so you can learn what it does for you that you aren't aware of
[01:01:00] wilberfan: i DO have an install of mythbuntu..on a separate partition. that's why i'm just familiar enough with myth to get into trouble...
[01:01:21] wilberfan: and, as i said, mythbuntu comes packaged with (just about) everything you need...
[01:01:40] wilberfan: i'm learning today that that's not the case with a non-mythbuntu setup...
[01:01:41] schdav: so mount that partition and check out the lirc config
[01:02:47] wilberfan: that would have happened after i determined that lirc was even running on the new install...
[01:03:54] wagnerrp: mythbuntu is designed specifically with mythtv in mind, same with knoppmyth and mythdora
[01:04:02] sphery: MythBuntu--earning former users' respect package-by-harrowing-package install/configuration
[01:04:19] sphery: Is KnoppMyth now LinHES?
[01:04:19] wagnerrp: other than that, you might get lucky and your package system is programmed to grab other packages when you install mythtv, but other than that, youre on your own
[01:05:13] scooty (scooty! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:05:26] schdav: is adding functionality to enable user jobs for all recordings (or other groups of recordings) something that would be feature-worthy?
[01:05:37] schdav: and by recordings i mean all existing schedules
[01:05:37] sphery: heh, you found it just as I mentioned it...
[01:06:10] sphery: scooty: you /are/ using trunk mythplugins, right?
[01:06:26] wagnerrp: schdav: well you could do that with a single sql query... not that we would suggest one dive into the database
[01:06:40] scooty: Hello, I am trying to use 0.22 and am running into an error compiling my mythplugins which is also stopping my frontend from running. It appears that it's trying to link against QT3 instead of QT4 has anyone ran into this issue and does anyone know of a fix?
[01:06:42] schdav: no i know, but say i wanted to get involved writing code
[01:06:49] scooty: yes I am
[01:06:54] schdav: is that something that would be useful to anyone besides me?
[01:07:02] sphery: schdav: your doing a patch for it would be a very good thing
[01:07:33] sphery: schdav: the hard part, though, is figuring out where to put it/how to present it in the UI
[01:07:53] schdav: i thought maybe in recording profiles
[01:08:35] schdav: since you can define transcoders per recording profile
[01:08:50] sphery: I'd think it would make more sense in mythtv-setup (or is it frontend settings) where you configure the user jobs... Just an extra button to "Enable for all existing recording schedules"
[01:09:37] sphery: scooty: well, with a properly-configured system, trunk mythtv/mythplugins will compile and work properly even with Qt3 installed
[01:09:41] suffice (suffice!n=quassel@ has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:09:43] schdav: or maybe both.. having the recording profile granularity might be nice
[01:10:04] sphery: scooty: unfortunately, "properly-configured" can mean a lot of things, and the specifics are very distro dependent
[01:10:19] sphery: schdav: oh, I see what you mean...
[01:10:24] Lexridge (Lexridge!n=lexridge@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:53] schdav: sphery: in user job setup would be less complex
[01:11:20] schdav: since if its per recording group then it would naturally seem like it was a default going forward per recording group as well
[01:11:24] sphery: schdav: I'd recommend talking with Captain_Murdoch (who's kind of the owner of the User Jobs/JobQueue stuff). He may even have some suggestions (as I know he was considering a complete redesign of the JobQueue to add more flexibility/ease of use).
[01:11:34] rockx0zone (rockx0zone! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:11:57] schdav: sphery: thanks, will do
[01:13:05] sphery: scooty: did mythtv build successfully?
[01:14:29] scooty: Yes mythtv built just fine, so do the themes (not that it's complicated).
[01:14:47] sphery: scooty: and you installed mythtv /before/ trying to build the plugins?
[01:14:52] scooty: I also tried it onmy laptop which is Fedora 10 and ran into the exact same error
[01:15:07] scooty: yes mythtv was installed before doing the plugins
[01:15:18] scooty: I had 0.21 working on the box before
[01:15:31] scooty: this is what I have installed as far as QT goes
[01:15:55] sphery: what distro on this box?
[01:16:02] scooty: fedora 9
[01:16:07] scooty: I also have a laptop with 10 on it
[01:16:30] sphery: have you looked for any Fedora HOWTO's?
[01:16:33] scooty: qt-4.4.3–15.fc9.i386 I have that installed and the devel for it
[01:16:43] scooty: I'm assuming the comple is linking against the devel
[01:16:44] sphery: I don't use FC, so I really don't know details of how to make it build.
[01:16:46] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:17:05] scooty: the weird thing to me is that when it builds it seems to try to include files from qt-3.3
[01:17:07] sphery: scooty: did you previously have mythtv 0.21-fixes (or below) installed on the box?
[01:17:34] Captain_Murdoch: schdav, I think I'd rather see a way to setup defaults for the autorun settings when creating new scheduled recordings rather than adding something like "run this job for every recording" because that could be confusing to a user if they disabled the job on one screen, but it still ran because of a setting on another.
[01:18:39] scooty: I have 0.21-fixes installed and working, revision 20318 I beleive
[01:18:40] sphery: if so, you almost definitely just need to clean it up--i.e. rm /usr/{,local/}lib/libmyth* (and various other things), then re-install mythtv trunk, then make distclean in mythtv-plugins (really, I'd recommend doing a make distclean in mythtv, then compile and install it, first), then compile
[01:18:50] scooty: had it working I should say
[01:18:50] Syn- (Syn-! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:19:03] sphery: scooty: so that's probably the problem... just clean off the old 0.21-fixes garbage from the system
[01:19:14] scooty: okay I'll give it a shot
[01:19:17] scooty: thanks
[01:19:57] Captain_Murdoch: at one point I tossed around the idea of having a 'dummy' scheduled recording that was a template for new scheduled recordings. this 'dummy' record would be filled with values that were used as defaults when you created new scheduled recordings. we could even have several of these templates that could be picked from when setting up a new sheduled recording. ie, one for sports which automatically setup the end-late to 1 h
[01:19:58] Captain_Murdoch: our, recgroup to 'Dad', etc.
[01:20:18] sphery: scooty: good luck
[01:20:21] ** Captain_Murdoch wonders if schdav left. **
[01:20:23] schdav: Captain_Murdoch: yeah, that makes sense. i think the one useful thing still would be during user job definition to be able to apply it to all existing recording schedules. its definitely a "want" not a "need" since i just wore out the ctrl key opening all my schedules in mythweb
[01:21:05] rockx0zone (rockx0zone! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:43] sphery: schdav: I'm impressed you did it the "good user" way...  :)
[01:21:54] Captain_Murdoch: schdav, possibly something better to do would be to add a popup menu to the Watch Recordings screen's playlist menu that allowed options such as "turn on 'Commercial Flagging' for the recordings in the playlist"
[01:22:23] schdav: sphery: yes well i do what i can ;)
[01:22:26] Captain_Murdoch: that would modify the record table entries for those tagged recordings and turn on autocommflag for those entries.
[01:22:52] schdav: yeah that would be very useful as well
[01:23:09] Captain_Murdoch: that would give you what you wanted with just a few keystrokes.
[01:25:00] schdav: Captain_Murdoch: ok cool, i'm not making promises but if i get around to implementing that you're cool with it? dont want to step on toes
[01:25:05] sphery: so, a button for comm flagging + one for each of 4 user jobs ?
[01:25:23] sphery: (at least for those user jobs that have been defined)
[01:25:46] Captain_Murdoch: you typed what I was about to say. :)
[01:25:48] wilberfan (wilberfan! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:25:49] schdav: sphery: you make a good point.. would it bloat the UI too much? submenu maybe?
[01:26:05] Captain_Murdoch: submenu off the 'recording options' playlist menu I think probably.
[01:26:25] schdav: Captain_Murdoch: yeah that makes sense
[01:26:27] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:27:02] Captain_Murdoch: I'm wondering if it should have both On and Off options for each,but that can get kind of crowded.
[01:28:23] sphery: yeah, would be hard to do the multi-state button (i.e. like for "Enable Auto-expire" button)
[01:28:26] Captain_Murdoch: perhaps an 'Off' if any are already On, and an 'On' if they are all Off?
[01:28:38] schdav: Captain_Murdoch: context sensitive buttons ftw
[01:28:48] suffice (suffice!n=quassel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:29:01] sphery: yeah, that's where I was going--you'd have to determine the state of each rule associated with each selected recording...
[01:29:46] rockx0zone: magnerrp: you there? I finally got back to where i started from yesterday. whatever i was did wrong when meshe was helping me messed things up.
[01:30:01] Captain_Murdoch: though that could get kinda slow if it has to load all those scheduled recordings just to display the menu.
[01:31:21] sphery: rockx0zone: unless you're trying not to beep him, you have an upside-down w at the beginning of his nick
[01:31:34] Oberon (Oberon! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:31:59] rockx0zone:, it was a typo.
[01:32:03] rockx0zone: wagnerrp: you there
[01:32:06] ipstatic: anyone here run Debian Sid?
[01:32:15] schdav: Captain_Murdoch: guess i'll have to test it on a PII and find out ;)
[01:32:17] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:32:44] schdav: ok time to watch some of this prerecorded television we keep obsessing about
[01:32:46] meshe: heh, i thought 0.22 did exists, but i see it referenced in the wiki for :)
[01:33:08] Lexridge: Hi all. what devel packages do I need to build mythtv with opengl support? Can't seem to locate anything obvious, but my ./configure reports no OpenGL video or OpenGL vsync support.
[01:33:16] rockx0zone: meshe: whats up man...i finally undid my mess from last night
[01:33:41] meshe: rockx0zone: nice, did you get it all working?
[01:34:25] rockx0zone: meshe: it displays characters if I run cat /dev/lirc0 but i was confused about somethign wagnerrp told me yesterday.
[01:34:56] rockx0zone: on the mythtv wiki it says to find a lircd.conf file for my remote, but wagnerrp told me not to mess with that file
[01:35:29] meshe: rockx0zone: yeah, when you install or reconfigure lirc it will ask you what remote you have
[01:35:57] schdav (schdav! has quit ()
[01:35:58] meshe: it should set that up fine, once that's done, run: mythbuntu-lirc-generator
[01:36:08] meshe: it will set up your lircrc files
[01:36:37] rockx0zone: meshe: there are two versions of my remote though a silver and grey one. doing some searching around on the net it seems theyh have different config files
[01:36:50] rockx0zone: yet the config options for lirc only show one
[01:37:08] meshe: if you are seeing the characters from /dev/lirc0 you probably have the right one
[01:40:10] wilberfan_ (wilberfan_! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:40:53] rockx0zone: when running irw i am getting connect: connection refused. how do i restart lirc
[01:41:07] meshe: sudo /etc/init.d/lirc restart
[01:41:46] rockx0zone: weird. still getting that error message.
[01:42:27] meshe: look at /var/log/syslog it should be sending a message there if lirc is having a problem starting
[01:43:12] ipstatic (ipstatic! has quit ()
[01:43:35] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:46:15] rockx0zone: nothing in the logs about lirc recently. just lists some lirc_dev, _i2c: chip found, etc
[01:46:17] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:47] Oberon (Oberon! has quit (Connection timed out)
[01:51:24] rockx0zone: no boxes were checked in mythbuntu infrared devices
[01:51:34] rockx0zone: i can run irw now, but there is no output
[01:52:00] meshe: mythbuntu is different, you should be able to configure it through the control center
[01:52:35] SQlvpapir: do anyone in here have the md5 checksum for the 64bit mythdora dvd?
[01:53:07] rockx0zone: meshe: yea but the problem is, there is no HVR-1600
[01:55:02] meshe: did you try one of the other hauppauge cards?
[01:55:24] scooty (scooty! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[01:55:30] rockx0zone: im trying them all now.
[01:58:25] mchou (mchou!n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[01:58:58] rockx0zone: ok, getting connection refused again. i cant stop, start or restart LIRC i get [fail] if I try to stop and it just freezes if I try to start.
[01:59:35] meshe: did you try: sudo /usr/sbin/lircd
[01:59:36] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:00:55] rockx0zone: no i didn't. what does that do?
[02:00:58] Syn-_ (Syn-_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:01:46] wagnerrp: rockx0zone: if you are using a receiver that comes with a remote, chances are the IR codes are all pre-programmed, and you dont need to mess with the lircd.conf
[02:02:11] wagnerrp: the hauppauge grey is one of these cases
[02:02:19] rockx0zone: gotcha
[02:02:46] wagnerrp: you do need to set up your lircrc, but you can find premade ones for that remote online
[02:03:08] lotia (lotia! has quit (Client Quit)
[02:03:44] meshe: once lirc is set up with the right hardware, you can just run mythbuntu-lirc-generator and it creates your lircrc files for you for myth, vlc, mplayer and a few others
[02:04:06] SlicerDicer (SlicerDicer! has quit ("When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.2 Shiny")
[02:04:32] rockx0zone: wagnerrp: yea, i saw that it generatoed a lircc when i ran the lirc-generator.
[02:05:02] wagnerrp: lirc-generator sounds like something you would get with mythbuntu
[02:05:16] meshe: wagnerrp: he's using mythbuntu
[02:05:17] rockx0zone: when I try to run cat /dev/lirc0 i am getting a no such file or directory now... i guess i could reinstall lirc again...
[02:05:28] meshe: and it's available in ubuntu's repos
[02:08:43] elmojo: sphery: got some peak power numbers for my Athlon64 3200 FE: 85W Idle, 95W with VDPAU 1080i w/Temporal 2X and 135W with VDPAU + cpuburn
[02:09:31] elmojo: it's a SFF box with a cheap ~200W PSU
[02:09:47] rockx0zone: i ran /usr/sbin/lircd, tried running sudo /etc/init.d/lirc start again it says *loading LIRC Modules and then nothing happens. should i just reinstall mythbuntu and start from scratch?
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[02:14:13] darkdragon2k (darkdragon2k! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:14:25] darkdragon2k: how far along is hardware 264 acceleration?
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[02:21:29] sphery: elmojo: Yeah, 85–95W isn't bad. And, even if it's the 135W while you're using the frontend for 2hrs a day and compare it to a 30W frontend, that's like 6.3kWh more per month (assuming you would turn off the frontend when not in use)--i.e. not really worth focusing on, IMHO. I'd be interested to know what 1080i software decode runs at, though.
[02:22:36] quadtree (quadtree! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:22:37] darkdragon2k: i found the perfect myth box....
[02:23:09] darkdragon2k: . . . o/#continued
[02:24:09] iamlindoro: so long as you only care about playing those files which fall between VDPAU's parameters
[02:24:30] iamlindoro: As the single core Atom in that box isn't going too far for software decode
[02:25:04] elmojo: sphery: k, let me get the kill-a-watt out again
[02:25:23] sphery: elmojo: well, if you're not interested, you don't have to do it just for me...
[02:25:31] sphery: but I thought it woudl be interesting
[02:25:47] elmojo: not a problem
[02:26:18] darkdragon2k: VDPAU?
[02:26:57] ** darkdragon2k googles **
[02:27:23] sphery: it's the NVIDIA hardware decoding API
[02:27:42] meshe: rockx0zone: before you do that, try: sudo apt-get remove lirc
[02:27:51] meshe: rockx0zone: then: gksudo apt-get install lirc
[02:28:21] rockx0zone: meshe: ok doing it right now. I should mention that I am using 9.04 beta, does that make a difference? i
[02:28:39] meshe: rockx0zone: no idea, probably it is a beta OS
[02:28:50] meshe: rockx0zone: why not use the stable version?
[02:29:00] rockx0zone: i couldn't get load the nvidia-180 drivers to install correctly on 8.10
[02:29:26] meshe: they work fine on both of my 8.10 mythbuntu installs
[02:31:28] rockx0zone: which graphics card are you using? i have a biostar card geforce 8400GS
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[02:31:46] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[02:32:05] meshe: one is using an Asus 6200 and the other is using an XFX 7950
[02:33:18] rockx0zone: yea im going to have to give it another try. maybe i'll have better luck
[02:33:35] rockx0zone: 8.10 it is. thanks man, i'll be back
[02:33:41] rockx0zone (rockx0zone! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:34:10] iamlindoro: Thanks, "man"  ;)
[02:34:39] meshe: yeah, something about irc and people assuming your a "man"
[02:34:52] iamlindoro: I am a "man"
[02:34:54] iamlindoro: in quotes
[02:35:01] iamlindoro: I'm not sure what it means, but I'm totally it
[02:35:09] meshe: lol
[02:35:11] pologtijaune (pologtijaune! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:35:14] meshe: you da "man"?
[02:35:24] iamlindoro: I think more the pejorative
[02:36:01] meshe: i'm playing around with the script to populate my 21-fixes db
[02:37:14] iamlindoro: If you do that you'll have to manaully enter allll those season and episode numbers for .22
[02:37:41] iamlindoro: (and subtitles)
[02:37:49] meshe: shouldn't be that hard, i already have to parse it out to get the correct data for this
[02:38:44] meshe: i'm going to incorporate in a filename munger to normalize all my filenames now that i've broken my "no spaces in filenames" habit
[02:39:13] elmojo: sphery: i got 120W using 1080i software decoding w/Bob 2X
[02:39:39] elmojo: glad i rebooted... looks like my hard drive is starting to fail
[02:40:21] elmojo: going to grab clonezilla and get a backup pronto
[02:43:36] at0m|c (at0m|c!i=a548c80b@gateway/web/ajax/ has quit (" more has been done with less")
[02:44:21] meshe: iamlindoro: how long do i have to wait till .22? ;)
[02:46:00] iamlindoro: meshe, Thought you had a trunk box running now?
[02:46:34] meshe: yes, but i'm not upgrading my production box yet and thats where i watch tv shows
[02:46:51] meshe: (not that i've seen any bugs yet in trunk)
[02:48:13] sphery: elmojo: nice... (for the power--not so much for the HDD)
[02:48:18] Lexridge: not trying to be rude, but I have to ask again: what devel packages do I need to build mythtv with opengl support? Can't seem to locate anything obvious, but my ./configure reports no OpenGL video or OpenGL vsync support.....or, do I just need a env var to my nvidia driver sources? Help!
[02:48:20] sphery: thanks for measuring
[02:50:34] meshe: for ubuntu, probably: libqt4-opengl and libqt4-opengl-dev
[02:52:17] Lexridge: meshe: thanks, Looking now in yumex for something similar now.
[02:52:56] elmojo: sphery: you're welcome... i think I may have turned the computer off too soon... forgot I disconnected the power LED
[02:53:15] elmojo: i needed to back-up anyways
[02:53:41] elmojo: but i was seeing a bunch of block error messages
[02:55:15] Lexridge: meshe: No, nothing like that for F8. The closest thing is qt4-x11, and it's already installed.
[02:56:42] Lexridge: however, just found something promising....GLC_Lib.
[02:57:32] Lexridge: which includes mesa source as a dependency. :)
[02:58:29] Lexridge: crap, that didn't fix it either. :(
[02:58:49] meshe: sorry Lexridge, in ubuntu you can just do apt-get build-dep mythtv and it installs almost all of the required packages
[02:59:12] meshe: i haven't used YUM except at work
[02:59:26] Lexridge: myth doesn't use SDL does it?
[02:59:47] kormoc: AFAIK no
[03:00:20] meshe: maybe: "yum deplist mythtv" will tell you?
[03:00:47] Lexridge: meshe: That would be to simply install it, not the required devel pkgs to build it from source.
[03:02:49] forest (forest!n=forestma@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:03:11] Lexridge: presently, everything looks good to build, except for the opengl stuffages. ;)
[03:07:05] meshe: oh?
[03:07:18] meshe: deplist: Produces a list of all dependencies and what packages provide those dependencies for the given packages
[03:08:29] meshe: maybe yum deplist mythtv-src ?
[03:08:41] meshe: sorry, don't have a *hat box handy
[03:09:11] meshe: but that quote above is from the yum manpage i looked up for you
[03:10:53] meshe: yum search mythtv should give you the name of the source package
[03:11:38] dmz: hey y'all..anyone else having problems with mythfilldatabase dying for no reason (segfault)?
[03:13:54] SQlvpapir (SQlvpapir! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
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[03:23:41] meshe: Lexridge: it looks like it might be the qt4-x11 package
[03:26:13] mchou (mchou!n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:27:33] clever: just got a 1gigabit link working here:D
[03:27:38] clever: though its only between 2 laptops
[03:28:22] elmojo: clever: what kind of throughput can you get?
[03:28:31] clever: elmojo: right now, none
[03:28:38] clever: the 2nd laptop is being setup to network boot thru it
[03:28:47] clever: and i dont have the kernel or rootfs ready yet
[03:28:48] Lexridge: meshe: that pkg is already installed, so probably not it, unless ./configure simply cannot locate it.
[03:29:11] clever: its only doing a tiny tftp fetch of a file that doesnt exist, every 30 seconds
[03:31:14] elmojo: clever: i just upgraded to a gigabit switch a couple weeks ago
[03:31:33] elmojo: used iperf to test the performance
[03:31:50] clever: i only have linux on 1 end of the link
[03:31:52] elmojo: got about 380 Mbps
[03:32:03] elmojo: knoppix has iperf
[03:32:27] clever: its more fun to make it network boot 1 laptop from a 2nd laptop thru 1gigabit
[03:32:48] clever: and i have plans to run the pair of laptops on linux without a dedicated server tower
[03:33:15] elmojo: cool
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[03:33:31] meshe: Lexridge: did you try --enable-opengl ?
[03:33:52] clever: right now i need more free space so i'm moving files out over wifi
[03:33:54] Lexridge: meshe: of course
[03:34:20] nycllama1 (nycllama1! has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:35:11] Lexridge: meshe: actually, no, I didn't. It's enabled by default.
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[03:36:23] forest: putting together a mythtv box, i have 2 cards to choose from: hauppauge 878 and aver a180
[03:36:32] forest: which one should i pick...?
[03:36:46] forest: (s/pick/use)
[03:37:54] meshe: Lexridge: sorry, i'm not sure
[03:39:06] Lexridge: meshe: I appreciate your trying. Thanks for that. You are just following the same trouble shooting techniques that I have. :)
[03:39:52] meshe: you might try sending a message to the -users list, more people will catch your query there
[03:41:03] Lexridge: I'll figure it out eventually...whatever the method. It's not a show stopper by any means....just wanted to get rid of the mytv rpms in favor of a self compiled version.
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[04:05:06] clever: damnit
[04:05:12] clever: they screwed fringe up twice now
[04:10:39] meshe: doh: ***Pulse Audio is running!!!!*** Pulse Audio is incompatible with MythTV.
[04:10:43] meshe: guess it's time to fix that
[04:11:32] iamlindoro: Ah, the audio sync destruction daemon
[04:15:37] psipsi (psipsi! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:16:29] meshe: just decided to update my trunk copy, forgot that patch was applied
[04:16:32] benc- (benc-! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
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[04:24:34] meshe: there, that's better
[04:24:39] wagnerrp: american idol should be kicked off the air
[04:24:47] psipsi_ (psipsi_! has quit (Connection timed out)
[04:24:52] meshe: pulse-audio-destructor is now gone
[04:24:54] wagnerrp: especially when theyre allowed to run several minutes long without warning
[04:27:15] xcloud9x (xcloud9x! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:29:30] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit ("I am called onward")
[04:30:27] clever: wagnerrp: they did that twice tonight
[04:30:32] clever: on atleast 3–4 channels
[04:34:53] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:35:24] ** mkrufky is a victim of american idol ruining my FRINGE recording **
[04:35:34] mkrufky: EIT didnt even help
[04:35:46] wagnerrp: mkrufky: check the logs from about 10 minutes ago
[04:35:53] mkrufky: hahaha
[04:35:54] mkrufky: ok
[04:36:16] mkrufky: heh
[04:36:24] mkrufky: and on the fox website everybody is complaining
[04:40:41] iamlindoro: I got it worse, effin' Comcast moved Fox entirely this afternoon sometime
[04:40:59] mkrufky: oof
[04:41:32] mkrufky: did you find the new mux?
[04:41:51] iamlindoro: haven't brought the backend down yet to go looking, will do it tomorrow after work
[04:41:59] mkrufky: i htink i have half the episode
[04:42:09] mkrufky: maybe a bit more
[04:42:12] wagnerrp: cant do it remotely? over VNC?
[04:42:22] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, Could, but there's no rush
[04:42:32] wagnerrp: a quick pop into mythtv-setup and a minimal updates scan does the trick for me
[04:42:35] mkrufky: vnc? yikes
[04:42:36] mkrufky: ssh
[04:43:02] mkrufky: oh, i was thinking cmd line stuff
[04:43:28] xcloud9x (xcloud9x! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:43:44] mkrufky: too bad you cant just download the 2nd half of the episode somewhere
[04:44:24] iamlindoro: Wonder if maybe they'll re-air if there are enough complaints
[04:44:45] schdav (schdav! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:44:50] mkrufky: yeah there goes my perfect season recording collection :-P
[04:44:59] iamlindoro: Definitely can't do without my Dollhouse, need to find Fox
[04:45:11] mkrufky: is it really THAT good?
[04:45:23] mkrufky: i thought the 2nd ep was great ... i only saw 3 so far
[04:45:51] iamlindoro: It's gotten better and better the last three weeks
[04:46:00] mkrufky: good to know :-)
[04:46:02] iamlindoro: I enjoy serialized plot, and the last three have been
[04:46:12] mkrufky: cool
[04:46:38] mkrufky: ok, well i think ill catch up on HOUSE instead
[04:46:50] mkrufky: fringe will have to wait for the weekend
[04:47:32] xcloud9x (xcloud9x! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[04:48:26] iamlindoro: Effin Comcast
[04:48:39] iamlindoro: I recorded 24 last night, so I *know* it was still there
[04:50:03] iamlindoro: Apparently they had the Observer planted in the audience of American idol
[04:51:27] mkrufky: thats a joke, right?
[04:51:34] iamlindoro: no
[04:51:50] wagnerrp: the observer?
[04:52:04] wagnerrp: is that the bald guy who likes hot sauce?
[04:52:04] mkrufky: ah, so that was to make us feel better about having american idol waste space for the first seven minutes of our FRINGE recording?
[04:52:09] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, yes
[04:52:10] mkrufky: yeah
[04:52:21] mkrufky: supposedly, he's had an appearance in every episode
[04:52:35] mkrufky: although usually unnoticed
[04:53:27] mkrufky: torrents are things we shouldnt talk about here, right?
[04:53:46] wagnerrp: depends on what youre torrenting
[04:53:51] mkrufky: hmm
[04:53:51] xcloud9x (xcloud9x! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:54:05] mkrufky: well, i was thinking that if we all joined the same torrent, maybe it would help the download go quicker
[04:54:10] wagnerrp: for instance, the HDPVR demo clips are hosted through a torrent
[04:54:10] mkrufky: especially if we all want the same thing
[04:54:20] mkrufky: but i couldnt say what that thing is right now, of course
[04:54:26] mkrufky: but MythLogBot knows
[04:54:51] wagnerrp: for instance, we could go down to the ocean, by the bay?
[04:55:14] wagnerrp: one where they have sailing ships, with dark colored sails?
[04:56:12] mkrufky: umm, im confused now
[04:56:19] mkrufky: oh, duh
[04:56:22] mkrufky: i got it
[04:56:25] mkrufky: hah
[04:56:49] wagnerrp: seems that Acer ION box was officially launched
[04:57:25] iamlindoro: yeah, people have been popping in all evening about it
[04:57:30] iamlindoro: launched is BS though
[04:57:39] iamlindoro: they call it a launch but it won't be until late Q2
[04:57:55] wagnerrp: isnt the 230 the single core chip?
[04:57:59] iamlindoro: yeah
[04:58:00] mkrufky: ok, im going ... l8r
[04:58:09] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:58:35] wagnerrp: 'cannot build phallic puzzles in the lab'
[05:00:15] iamlindoro: Well there's fox again
[05:00:17] iamlindoro: douchebags
[05:06:31] wagnerrp: that aspirerevo seems to be bristling with USB ports
[05:06:36] wagnerrp: they poke out from every angle
[05:08:04] iamlindoro: Heh, noticed that
[05:08:23] wagnerrp: one sticking out the top, one sticking out the corner
[05:08:25] iamlindoro: No mention of the Wiimote
[05:08:26] wagnerrp: seems odd placement
[05:08:30] iamlindoro: or IR
[05:08:37] wagnerrp: well this is not the Hornet, its something else
[05:08:49] iamlindoro: Per Engadget they are one and the same
[05:09:04] wagnerrp: that was just the development name?
[05:09:14] iamlindoro: I would guess
[05:09:19] iamlindoro: although it was the better name
[05:09:37] wagnerrp: i saw it on engadget, but i just looked at the purty pictures, didnt read the article
[05:10:15] wagnerrp: and there i am at the end of the episode
[05:10:30] wagnerrp: 1.5min into the last block of show
[05:10:31] iamlindoro: It may be whatever I saw linking to the engadget article that concluded they were the same, so who knows
[05:11:32] iamlindoro: The form factor is identical, though, it really would be nice to do IR, *but* it would be easy to put an iguanaworks receiver into the corner USB socket if it were hanging off the back of a TV
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[05:12:23] wagnerrp: it probably would not be a difficult task to open it up, cut out a window, and bondo in some clear plastic
[05:12:36] wagnerrp: there are probably even internal unused USB headers for the taking
[05:13:00] iamlindoro: Although at the point you're hanging it off the back of a TV or mounting behind a TV, it probably doesn't matter to use a USB one with a short lead
[05:13:25] iamlindoro: neat little box, though, shame about the single core
[05:13:51] wagnerrp: all three leaked versions use the 230
[05:13:51] iamlindoro: My interest is piqued for sure but I think I'll hang in there for a dual core model that way ffmpeg-mt is a possibility
[05:14:04] wagnerrp: although this one has 4GB, and the three leaked ones had 1 and 2GB
[05:14:49] wagnerrp: and 250GB instead of 160GB
[05:16:23] iamlindoro: Wow, daytime soaps going HD
[05:16:27] iamlindoro: it had to happen sometime
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[05:22:58] wagnerrp: i think im closing in on the point of needing another hard drive
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[05:35:44] iamlindoro: Heh, the Doctor's companion in the first special is The Bionic Woman frmo the failed NBC series
[05:36:17] sphery: that's a record...
[05:36:35] sphery: Actually sent an e-mail that's the 4th time I gave the same answer in a single thread.
[05:37:17] iamlindoro: I sure wish this Mike Dean guy would stop repeating himself
[05:37:23] iamlindoro: anyway, which thread did you respond to?
[05:37:26] sphery: This time I finally included with the instructions for fishing and actual fish...
[05:37:34] sphery: s/and/an/
[05:37:53] sphery: how do I get a filename from MythWeb
[05:38:13] sphery: a.k.a. "Please answer my question about how to do something the hard way."
[05:38:48] sphery: I figured you would have read the e-mail 3 hours ago, though.
[05:39:10] iamlindoro: Just wait until you see the e-mail you send three hours from now
[05:39:14] iamlindoro: It's epic
[05:39:17] sphery: heh
[05:40:11] kormoc: oh christ
[05:40:18] sphery: heh, proof of my lie is in my e-mail...
[05:40:27] kormoc: he could always you know, check the database
[05:40:37] ** kormoc weeps for humanity **
[05:40:41] sphery: says the link file size is 59, but according to what I've posted, it should say 44...
[05:41:31] sphery: Since I forgot to change that, I'm obviously too tired to be sending e-mails... It's bed time.
[05:42:03] wagnerrp: i really need to distribute my recordings amongst my drives better
[05:42:25] sphery: wagnerrp: if you have multiple backends, it's all in the input configurations...
[05:42:30] wagnerrp: everything keeps getting dumped to my newest drive, since its the most empty
[05:42:31] sphery: input connections
[05:42:42] wagnerrp: and as a result, i start transcoding one video
[05:42:57] wagnerrp: that disk is getting thrashed, and its painful trying to check the cutlist in the next video
[05:43:05] sphery: ah... for new drives, it takes manual redistribution
[05:43:35] iamlindoro: Anyone noticed how we've been curiously obnoxious-regular free lately?
[05:44:10] wagnerrp: are you sure you didnt just mute them and youre not noticing?
[05:44:11] iamlindoro: Case in point, it's evening in the US, with no UK people to redeem the channel, and there's civil discussion and neither douchebags or the clueless helping the clueless
[05:44:30] iamlindoro: Makes one wonder how many of the hard cases are the same person ;)
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[05:46:41] wagnerrp: this was several days past, and i dont remember why anymore... why did the guy want to pull the file names out of the links in mythweb?
[05:47:02] wagnerrp: i dont think i every really understood it in the first place
[05:47:14] kormoc: He wanted to run scripts on them
[05:47:45] wagnerrp: like... scripts on some sort of spider that was crawling mythweb?
[05:49:55] wagnerrp: so he really hasnt explained why he cant use mythrename
[06:03:04] kormoc: no idea
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[06:22:34] justinh: iamlindoro: yeah. Michelle Ryan. We know her from the quality show known as Eastenders & the infamous scream "You're not my muvvah!". Priceless :-\
[06:22:57] justinh: but the good news is, Catherine Tate has been spotted on set in Cardiff. Yay :-\
[06:24:00] jedix_ (jedix_! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:27:54] kormoc: OS X's VM is weird. I have 3.7 gigs of ram free and it swapped out to disk
[06:28:30] wagnerrp: why would you want to use memory when you have this fancy hard drive
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[06:32:13] kormoc: Heh
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[06:38:36] AndrewGee: Hi. I'm having a problem, with my two backends. Both are running the SAME version :) I'm getting a writeStringList error on the slave backend when it tries to connect. And then the connection between the two are lost. This just keeps repeating. Where would I start looking to solve this problem?
[06:39:34] wagnerrp: any sort of firewall?
[06:39:44] wagnerrp: is it your build? or a binary from a distro?
[06:40:39] akaPrince: There's a bewildering array of revisions of the Conexant CX23418 firmware available. I haven't found one that works with mythdora. any suggestions?
[06:41:23] AndrewGee: wagnerrp: No firewall. The packages are from Ubuntu. These two machines worked fine yesterday. but the master backend has been down overnight, and now has this problem, when I brought it back up.
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[06:45:52] akaPrince: set color offf
[06:46:16] akaPrince: meh
[06:46:46] nrpil (nrpil! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:46:53] akaPrince: the CX23418 is the key chip in the WinTV-HVR-1600 Hauppauge card
[06:47:35] wagnerrp: for which tuner?
[06:47:58] wagnerrp: rather, is it the tuner? is it the tuner? is it the encoder?
[06:49:47] akaPrince: wagnerrp: its an mpeg-2 encoder
[06:50:31] akaPrince: there are zillions of firmware versions available
[06:51:12] akaPrince: i tried the latest versions from but got lots of dmsg errors
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[06:57:20] AndrewGee: Yay! Managed to get the slave and master talking again. I have another question, though :) The slave is saving recordings to an NFS share on the master. Both backends have the same storage directories because of this. But MythWeb thinks these are different, so thinks there's double the space then there actually is. Any ideas?
[06:58:02] akaPrince: cx18–0: Autodetected Hauppauge card
[06:58:04] akaPrince: allocation failed: out of vmalloc space – use vmalloc=<size> to increase size.
[06:58:10] wagnerrp: change the mountpoints so that they are the same on both machines
[06:58:19] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[06:58:32] justinh: ruh? I would've said the opposite
[06:58:40] AndrewGee: wagnerrp: They are the same: /var/nas/Recordings
[06:58:48] akaPrince: thats the cx24318 firmware from
[06:59:05] justinh: otherwise they'll both think they're local, which they're not
[06:59:06] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:00:13] wagnerrp: ive got three disks, all used on both of my backends
[07:00:28] wagnerrp: and mythweb recognizes them as the same drives on both boxes
[07:00:35] wagnerrp: i only list three drives, instead of six
[07:00:51] wagnerrp: are they in different storage groups?
[07:00:53] AndrewGee: Hmmm... I wonder what I'm doing wrong then :/
[07:01:36] mchou (mchou!n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:01:46] wagnerrp: by the way, thats not mythweb
[07:01:57] wagnerrp: mythweb just forwards the stats page found on port 6544
[07:02:16] AndrewGee: Ah right. Well that then :p
[07:02:20] wagnerrp: its generated by mythbackedn itself
[07:02:42] rj_ (rj_! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[07:02:46] AndrewGee: Ok
[07:03:00] akaPrince: "Then use yum or yumex to install the cx18 firmware." is that yum install cx18 ???
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[07:03:24] justinh: there should be a #mythdora
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[07:03:47] akaPrince: what's #mytdora?
[07:04:00] akaPrince: ah ok
[07:04:02] akaPrince: sri
[07:04:11] wagnerrp: a packaged myth system built on fedora
[07:06:10] justinh: all the ready rolled myth distros should have to clean up their own mess :)
[07:11:17] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit ("I am called onward")
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[07:22:18] justinh: ugh those little bouncing icons are getting tiresome now. just open the app faster
[07:25:33] justdave: found another issue with the video scan code in mythweb...
[07:25:53] justdave: it checks the mime type of found files and only adds them if the mime type contains "video"
[07:26:06] justdave: matroska files identify as "application/octet-stream"
[07:26:21] justinh: time to read the INSTALL doc :)
[07:26:37] justdave: suppose I need to edit my mime.types to fix that
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[07:27:01] justdave: running the scan from MythVideo seems to find them still though
[07:27:14] justdave: it's probably not checking types, just blindly adding stuff that's not on your blacklist
[07:27:38] justinh: mythvideo is a different animal entirely
[07:28:30] justdave: yeah, I was comparing the code in both the other night trying to figure out why mythweb was picking up AppleShare droppings when mythvideo wasn't
[07:28:55] justdave: patched that one already (it's in Trac)
[07:30:40] ** justdave doesn't see an INSTALL doc for mythweb **
[07:30:42] justdave: just a README
[07:30:53] justdave: (I installed from a package, of course ;)
[07:31:05] justinh: ah
[07:31:22] justinh: actually couldn't find any mention of mime types in there either. must've seen them somewhere else
[07:31:52] AndrewGee (AndrewGee!n=AndrewGe@unaffiliated/webspot) has quit ("Lost terminal")
[07:33:53] justinh: ffs I dunno why I ever bothered upgrading HDDs in this backend machine. moving 1GB is taking ages
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[07:35:08] justdave: hmm, the "file" command doesn't seem to use mime.types
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[07:38:55] wagnerrp: seems amazon has a half-off bluray sale this week
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[07:55:39] JohnQ: If I get two versions of the same channel (one digital HD, and one analog SD), is there a way to get myth to recognize it so that it does not record the same show on both?
[07:57:31] justinh: myth should automagically give precedence to HD recordings
[07:58:05] JohnQ: Sure... it just records the HD version and the SD version at the same time.
[07:58:32] justinh: give the HD channel a higher priority then
[07:59:10] justinh: I think the 'prefer HD' setting is only tied to shows marked as HD in the EPG
[07:59:21] JohnQ: I dont see how that will help. It is already set higher than the SD one, and it is already recording the HD one.
[07:59:46] justdave: oh, it's "known extensions" OR mime type contains "video"
[08:00:33] justinh: JohnQ: the EPG mustn't be saying they're actually the same show then
[08:00:41] JohnQ: exactly
[08:00:59] justinh: in that case your only choice is to make a custom record rule
[08:01:13] justinh: or hide the SD channel
[08:01:20] justinh: or just live with it. it's not a big deal
[08:01:34] justinh: I'd always much rather myth records too many showings than too few :)
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[08:02:37] JohnQ: well the problem is that (for example), it is choosing to record two copies of the same episode of the simpsons rather than recording simpsons on hd and family guy on sd... because simpsons is higher priority.
[08:03:17] justinh: simpsons in HD? seriously
[08:03:21] JohnQ: yep
[08:03:24] JohnQ: it is
[08:03:30] JohnQ: widescreen and everything
[08:03:51] justinh: now all they need is to be funny again :)
[08:03:54] justinh: aaanyway...
[08:04:19] JohnQ: its just an example
[08:05:00] justinh: it's a similar pickle to our '+1' channels we have here where the EPG data can be different for the real-time & time-shifted channels :(
[08:05:29] JohnQ: don't know that one.
[08:05:58] justinh: some shows are set to record at any time on any channel & match duplicates on subtitle & description. problem is when they differ for exactly the same show aired one hour later on the '+1' channel
[08:06:47] justinh: the grabber is working around that now by doing the 'plus one' bit behind the scenes so myth doesn't record the same show twice like that. Thankfully
[08:06:54] JohnQ: it seems like it would record the later one, which would suppress the earlier one.. no?
[08:07:11] justinh: or both
[08:07:48] JohnQ: at least for me the duplicate detection is smart enough to only pick one.
[08:08:12] justinh: depends – if the description is different for a later showing of the same show...
[08:09:02] JohnQ: oh, then sure
[08:09:44] JohnQ: for me this only happens when the show is a generic descriptionless version.
[08:09:51] justinh: figures
[08:10:14] justinh: maybe a custom recording rule would help
[08:11:27] JohnQ: Id have to do it for every show which happened like this, and in the future etc... but yeah I guess it'd work.
[08:12:21] justinh: where title="The Simpsons" AND channel like "%" AND description NOT LIKE "%generic%barf"
[08:14:20] justinh: I really want to make the custom rule setting much more user-friendly. having to basically enter the query yourself is insane
[08:14:56] JohnQ: That would avoid recording any generic showings..
[08:15:39] JohnQ: At least for me, I just need a way to tell the scheduler "channel x and channel y are always showing the same thing".
[08:16:13] justinh: myth regards channels with the same callsign &/or channum the same
[08:16:26] JohnQ: wouldn't help the shift issue though
[08:16:50] JohnQ: Hmm that is probably the issue.
[08:16:53] justinh: true, but my grabber is helping that no end :)
[08:17:26] JohnQ: One of them is "7/KPIX" and the other is "707/KPIXDT"
[08:17:54] justinh: if you'd be happy with myth thinking they're the same channel... make it so :)
[08:18:12] justinh: shows marked as HD would still be preferred AFAIK
[08:18:22] JohnQ: What, just change the callsign to the same?
[08:18:28] justinh: so if your grabber is marking them as HD, they'll take precedence over others
[08:18:34] justinh: yup
[08:18:43] JohnQ: I can leave the #s different?
[08:18:49] justinh: I think so
[08:18:53] JohnQ: Hm
[08:18:58] JohnQ: Sounds reasonable
[08:19:06] justinh: I still find the whole concept of callsigns abhorrent
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[08:20:34] justdave: looks like the mime magic files in jaunty have matroska defined
[08:20:42] justdave: intrepid doesn
[08:20:42] justdave: t
[08:20:50] JohnQ: why are callsigns so bad?
[08:21:10] justinh: because our channels just have names here :)
[08:21:21] justinh: never really saw the need for both
[08:21:23] JohnQ: I see
[08:23:28] justinh: though the field has its uses here still
[08:24:54] c0p3rn1c_ (c0p3rn1c_!n=jeroen@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:26:04] justinh: good grief Quest doesn't launch til May
[08:29:33] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:39:43] sid3windr: I think I have callsign=name everywhere
[08:39:46] sid3windr: :)
[08:39:51] c0p3rn1c__ (c0p3rn1c__!n=jeroen@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:40:36] justinh: me too
[08:41:53] Dibblah: Oddly, I don't.
[08:42:06] Dibblah: And I have no idea how.
[08:42:20] Dibblah: It wasn't a manual configuration, as far as I remember.
[08:42:29] justinh: I might have even fettled my channel table
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[09:25:49] JohnQ: Thanks justinh, setting the call signs to be equal was exactly what I needed. Thanks!
[09:34:07] GribIB: how does mythtv anf dvb-t card work together? and witch card woul dyou guys recomment? i think iv made a wrong choise with a lifeview lv3s, just cant get it to work with xp
[09:35:10] GribIB: sorry dvb-s cards...
[09:36:45] gbee: depends if there is a driver available for that card, if there is, then it will work just fine
[09:37:48] justinh: ahh lifeview. for you top quality select awesome
[09:38:17] GribIB: thes some windows drivers but even google cant find much about the produckt...
[09:39:09] justinh: what do you expect from somebody like Lifeview?
[09:39:19] justinh: top quality select awesome!
[09:39:35] justinh: for your driver download,search longtime internets
[09:39:52] justinh: ^^ extract from the actual user manual
[09:39:55] sid3windr: if you can't even get it to work with xp.. :P
[09:40:25] jgoss (jgoss!n=josh@unaffiliated/jgoss) has joined #mythtv-users
[09:40:34] gbee: most of these cards are based around the same chipsets as each other, so there is a chance it's supported, best way to find out is just to stick it in the linux machine
[09:40:54] gbee: with the most recent kernel (2.6.29)
[09:41:38] justinh: my lr6650 card didn't work in windows for long
[09:41:40] gbee: can't hurt to ask in #linuxtv, but testing it is going to produce a definitive answer
[09:41:57] justinh: hard locks, bad crashes.. it's how I ended up using mythtv
[09:42:20] GribIB: all have a look at awesome!.... was trying dreamdvd and i dont think it could find the lifeview card... ill just try install a fresh mythtv at ad the card....:)
[09:43:24] gbee: thing is that Windows sees each card differently even if they are the same basic hardware underneath, so the lv3s might be identical to the nova-s but you couldn't swap around the drivers, so one might work in XP whilst the other doesn't
[09:43:52] GribIB: true
[09:43:53] gbee: linux at least can share the same driver
[09:44:29] GribIB: wot about CI readers?
[09:45:04] GribIB: whant to see pay channel on my system
[09:45:05] JohnQ (JohnQ!n=JohnQ@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[09:45:56] psipsi_ (psipsi_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:47:20] justinh: so you need a dvb-s card with CI
[09:47:31] justinh: and a CAM for your provider
[09:47:36] justinh: a CAM per tuner
[09:47:50] GribIB: yes
[09:47:54] justinh: the only _supported_ way to do it with mythtv
[09:49:48] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has joined #mythtv-users
[09:49:49] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stuarta
[09:52:28] GribIB: is there enny restrictions with a cam/ci mudules? cos i would like to use a twin tuner and i have 2 pay cards.... would irritate me if i only could use like 1 tuner card, then i wouldnt have gain enny thing...
[09:52:56] EvilGuru (EvilGuru!n=freddie@warzone2100/developer/EvilGuru) has joined #mythtv-users
[09:53:43] justinh: are there twin tuner cards which have CI ?
[09:53:54] justinh: don't think so
[09:54:15] gbee: hmm, really don't know, good question for someone who actually uses a CAM and/or knows that area of the code
[09:54:53] ivor_ (ivor_!n=ivor@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:55:12] ivor_ is now known as ivor
[09:55:18] Dibblah: No, there are no shared CIs.
[09:55:32] GribIB: i just thought if i had a ci mudule i oculd add as menny tuners i would and thy all chared the card?
[09:55:37] Dibblah: No.
[09:55:37] justinh: nope
[09:55:45] justinh: you need a CI/CAM/Card per tuner
[09:56:00] stuarta: the joys of encriplement
[09:56:10] Dibblah: There is a hardware USB CI. But even that won't work for what you want.
[09:56:23] Dibblah: (And is unsupported in Linux at this time)
[09:56:35] justinh: or rather you don't need that, but you can't talk about the alternatives here
[09:56:56] justinh: and in any case, a CI/CAM/Card per tuner is the only _supported_ method
[09:57:05] GribIB: ok....
[09:58:39] GribIB: enny dvb-s card you guys could recoment insted if this crappy 1 iv got?
[09:58:40] psipsi (psipsi! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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[09:59:26] GribIB: been looking on AD-SE200 from twinhan and Prof Red Series DVB-S2 7300 PCI
[09:59:27] gbee: DVB-S or DVB-S2? You can't really go wrong with Hauppauge, the Nova-S works well for me
[09:59:43] GribIB: ^^ been looking for that 1 to
[09:59:46] GribIB: :)
[10:01:18] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:01:50] gbee: I've also got a Satelco DVB-S, but that has signal quality problems on some multiplexes, so I'm not using it
[10:02:44] gbee: works fine for every multiplex except the one carrying BBC HD ... which is the one channel you actually need DVB-S for, the rest can be found via DVB-T
[10:03:27] GribIB: now where im at.... only a few channels is transmitted from dvb-t
[10:03:37] GribIB: not*
[10:05:31] GribIB: ^^ not that interrested in HD as of yet.... just have 4 ordenary tv (2 at children rooms, 1 at living room 1 in bedroom)
[10:11:25] ivor: right. machine back up and running. :/ time to order some new drives.
[10:11:29] ivor: mutter
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[11:48:19] gbee: hmm, why is this chan secret?
[11:49:45] psipsi_ is now known as psipsi
[11:50:27] stuarta: dunno
[11:50:49] grung0r (grung0r! has joined #mythtv-users
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[11:52:45] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : -s
[11:52:56] stuarta: fixed
[11:53:35] ** gbee was too slow **
[11:53:43] stuarta: hah :-p
[11:53:56] gbee: was reading up on chanserv commands
[11:54:01] justinh: thought it'd been a bit quiet
[11:54:13] stuarta: i already knew which one i was looking for
[11:54:26] stuarta: justinh: that won't make any difference, been like that for ages
[11:55:29] grung0r: does anyone know a way to exlude a single channel from recording under "record at any time on any channel"?
[11:55:51] stuarta: can't do that at the moment
[11:55:59] justinh: other than a custom record rule, nope
[11:56:02] stuarta: unless you come up with a custom record rule
[11:56:40] justinh: WHERE channel NOT = "channel", perhaps
[11:57:07] stuarta: what we need is WHERE channel_type != radio
[11:57:16] justinh: I dunno if the terms you can use in custom rules are listed anywhere
[11:57:35] stuarta: they aren't AFAIK, it's pure SQL
[11:57:50] grung0r: am I shit outa luck then?
[11:57:53] justinh: yeah but what's available to use field-wise
[11:59:35] justinh: see what wikiwoo says
[12:00:06] justinh: oh jesus
[12:00:09] stuarta: grung0r: no, custom record rules are your friend
[12:00:40] justinh: so your custom rule would look like
[12:01:15] justinh: NOT = "thechannel" and program.title="theshowtitle"
[12:01:24] justinh: NOT = "thechannel" AND program.title="theshowtitle"
[12:01:59] stuarta: either will work, sql isn't case sensitive
[12:02:31] justinh: just fixing it to placate pedants
[12:02:37] ** stuarta orders new memory for media centre pc **
[12:02:45] stuarta: damn dodgy memory
[12:03:09] stuarta: can't really be arsed returning it, might try and see if they'll swap just the mem
[12:03:10] grung0r: being the call sign?
[12:03:41] stuarta: channel.callsign would be the callsign
[12:03:42] grung0r: ie: kcbwdt
[12:04:28] stuarta: although often callsign=name
[12:04:28] justinh: definitely want to do something with that custom rule setting page
[12:04:39] justinh: having to construct sql is eeeew
[12:04:49] justinh: and having to type it in... is even more eew
[12:05:11] grung0r: I've been using myth for quite a while. I've never messed with those before
[12:05:29] grung0r: I'll give it a shot though. it's better then having to reboot it
[12:05:32] justinh: they are where mythtv's scheduler really comes into its own
[12:05:57] justinh: if you can be bothered to go through the rigmarole ;)
[12:06:21] grung0r: I'll tell ya, the scheduler(minus the custom rules, obviously) is where I think myth trulyu exells over tivo
[12:06:26] grung0r: it's way smarter
[12:06:55] justinh: but we also have the simple way for those who don't want a zillion options
[12:07:05] justinh: something I didn't cotton onto for ages
[12:08:12] justinh: have to sit down & plan how to GUI-fy the custom rule stuff better
[12:08:24] alexvd (alexvd! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:11:29] grung0r: I'm a technical writer. I'd love to help, if there are some documents in need of cleaning up or clarification
[12:12:17] justinh: no no, I'm talking about a custom recording rule wizard type thing
[12:12:54] grung0r: I see. in the gui. well, good luck with all thaaat
[12:13:09] justinh: select tables, columns & operators with your remote
[12:14:12] stuarta: grung0r: there is all the mythtv documentation, feel free to supply patches to clarify things
[12:14:26] Divian (Divian!n=Volt@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:19:45] grung0r: stuarta:The problem there is I'm not technical enough to clarify most of the problems I see. This is the problem with open source documentation. A technical writers main job is clarifying the thoughts of engineers who are unable to see the forest for the trees in product they worked on. In open source, nobody is there to tell you what they actully meant. All we have is the document to go with
[12:20:06] justinh: and the opinion of others
[12:20:21] tank-man: "I'm a people person, I take the specs from the customer and bring them to the engineers!" :)
[12:20:22] stuarta: feel free to ask questions in there then, there are plenty of people here that can clarify things
[12:20:26] justinh: the great thing here is that there are so many people you can bounce ideas off
[12:25:37] justinh: just don't ask the -dev mailing list or you might learn precisely what despair feels like
[12:26:22] gbee: tank-man: ahh, Office Space quotes, a day isn't complete without one
[12:29:29] gbee: . . . -iphone.html
[12:29:53] gbee: so, not an entire frontend on the phone then? :p
[12:29:55] grung0r: yes, I've learend that the hard way. maybe not with mythtv specifically, but dev mailers contain some of the nastiest discourse on earth
[12:30:29] justinh: grung0r: not the _actual_ devs. all the ones I've had discourse with are nice folks
[12:30:57] gbee: with maybe one exception
[12:31:31] grung0r: absolutely. it's the enviorment, not the people
[12:31:45] justinh: I'm not an actual dev so I don't count
[12:32:40] gbee: was thinking of someone else, who thankfully hasn't been around for a while ;)
[12:33:38] ivor: someone grumpier than justin????
[12:34:33] gbee: actually, going right back there was another ill-tempered dev, he chewed me out about something when I first posted to the -dev list ~0.17
[12:36:20] justinh: ivor: have you seen Mc Who on a bad day?
[12:36:51] forest (forest!n=forestma@ has quit ()
[12:37:22] ** gbee frowns **
[12:42:17] grung0r: somebody(in this channel I think)around 0.18, yelled at me for asking a quation about the livetv function
[12:42:24] grung0r: question
[12:43:02] grung0r: how dare I do such a thing!
[12:43:13] sid3windr: what, mythtv is not about tv man!
[12:43:19] sid3windr: :>
[12:43:33] justinh: lol
[12:43:34] ** mzb wonders if the code serves as documentation in itself, but then thinks better of that idea and hides back under his bridge. **
[12:43:40] justinh: not many live tv fans here
[12:43:45] mzb: s/rock
[12:43:46] ** sid3windr <- live tv fan **
[12:43:50] mzb: me2
[12:43:53] justinh: ooo there's two
[12:43:59] justinh: that'll be about it
[12:44:02] justinh: old-timers :)
[12:44:14] justinh: said the man too tight to consider HD
[12:44:19] sid3windr: :>
[12:44:32] ** mzb knocks justinh's legs out from under him using a walking frame **
[12:45:05] mzb: HD = heavy duty, right? Got a few of those ;)
[12:47:57] justinh: mzb: who do you think you are..a UK police officer? :P
[12:49:07] mzb: no idea, don't have a truncheon or a silly hat
[12:49:44] mzb: only problem is they seem to get heavier as you get older :|... Although I can still (just) lift most of my old TV's, I know I can't carry them more than a few metres now.
[12:50:25] mzb: the RPTV on the other hand needs 2 or 3 people and a truck ;)
[12:50:48] mzb: (while I watch;)
[12:50:55] justinh: problem for me hasn't been the weight so much, it's more the way I can't get my arms around..
[12:51:26] mzb: haven't been stretching your arms enough?
[12:52:03] mzb: probably a good thing, apparently you end up dragging your knuckles after a while ;)
[12:52:21] ** mzb peels a banana **
[12:52:32] stuarta: !seen sanity
[12:52:32] MythLogBot: sanity has not been seen here
[12:52:39] stuarta: figures
[12:53:08] stuarta: !seen Beirdo
[12:53:08] MythLogBot: Beirdo is here and has been idle for 1 day 9 hours 42 minutes 13 seconds
[13:00:20] mzb: !seen J-e-f-f-A drinking real beer for a change?
[13:00:20] MythLogBot: J-e-f-f-A drinking real beer for a change? has not been seen here
[13:00:49] mzb: yeah, that figures too
[13:03:07] ** mzb trundles off to find something that'll bite back **
[13:04:21] ** stuarta wibbles **
[13:04:56] ivor: justinh: what! no HD yet? sheesh.
[13:05:10] justinh: what's the point?
[13:05:51] justinh: there's only like 3 channels & everything else is SD. Plus I don't buy discs
[13:19:12] forest (forest! has joined #mythtv-users
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[13:42:18] justinh: weyhey I got my refund from ebuyer :)
[13:42:34] justinh: now I can buy a proper UPS
[13:45:30] sid3windr: a proper oops
[13:46:42] zavex (zavex!n=zavex@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[13:46:52] stuarta: i'm trying to decide if it's worth the trouble attempting to send just the memory from the mediapc back to maplins
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[14:01:34] justinh: hmmm. weekend starts in 28 mins
[14:01:44] stuarta: nice
[14:01:50] ivor: no it doesn't. it's only wednesday. :/
[14:02:05] ivor: mutter
[14:02:16] justinh: still have a glut of days to take orf before the end of June too
[14:02:17] ** stuarta mutters too **
[14:02:35] justinh: out of last year's entitlement, then there's this year's...
[14:03:35] justinh: could be worse. you could have a job as a peddler of Sky :D
[14:04:22] iamlindoro: Sounds like a drug from a cyberpunk novel
[14:04:42] ** iamlindoro injects some Sky into justinh's implant **
[14:05:57] justinh: implant? nah I'm one of the first hybrids.don't need an implant
[14:06:29] iamlindoro: What is it with telling someone with a "top" output showing 36% CPU usage, "I'd say you are maxed out on CPU cycles."
[14:06:45] ** iamlindoro sends the entire users list to a basic linux reeducation camp **
[14:06:53] justinh: brain atrophy
[14:07:06] justinh: or brainectomy
[14:08:43] justinh: hmmm. more I think about this custom rule stuff the more harderer I think it'll be to please anybody with it
[14:08:57] justinh: after RTFMing on it..certainly
[14:10:51] iamlindoro: yay wiki, Slotload CD drive = "Suction Type Optical Drive"
[14:10:55] GrahamIRC (GrahamIRC! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:11:01] iamlindoro: Mmm, gotta get me one of those suction types
[14:11:40] GrahamIRC: I think I may have joined this conversation at the wrong time!
[14:12:09] justinh: mmmm sucky sucky. how much?
[14:12:24] GrahamIRC: ten dollar
[14:12:25] iamlindoro: too dolla
[14:12:30] justinh: rofl
[14:12:32] GrahamIRC: blimey!
[14:12:38] justinh: plice war?
[14:12:49] GrahamIRC: I ain't goin' that low!!!
[14:13:02] GrahamIRC: f'nar f'nar
[14:13:23] justinh: if you ain't goin' that low, I'm getting up on the table
[14:13:52] GrahamIRC: ok, so now I'm officially disturbed
[14:13:58] ** justinh looks at his coffee cup & wonders what was _really_ in it **
[14:14:01] GrahamIRC: and I think I may not be the only one
[14:14:11] GrahamIRC: :-)
[14:15:50] i_is_cat (i_is_cat! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[14:19:33] ivor: !seen sanity
[14:19:34] MythLogBot: sanity has not been seen here
[14:19:52] justinh: ECAFFEINEOVERFLOW
[14:20:04] GrahamIRC: aint that the truth
[14:20:15] iamlindoro: Does this mean I don't get my too dolla?
[14:20:57] GrahamIRC: well it's a tempting price
[14:21:20] JEDIDIAH__: I guess this just goes to prove that you don't have to be a Unix expert to use Linux any more... '-)
[14:23:32] jovaro (jovaro! has joined #mythtv-users
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[14:24:58] jovaro: I need some help with lirc and my remote control...
[14:25:06] jovaro: I installed lirc and there is a configuration file in /etc/lircd.conf, but nothing happens when I use irw and press buttons on the remote
[14:25:16] jovaro: how can I find the problem?
[14:28:08] GrahamIRC: what remote is it?
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[14:34:17] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:38:42] jovaro: hauppage pvr 150
[14:40:10] gbutters_work (gbutters_work! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:40:25] jovaro: os is ubuntu-jaunty
[14:42:17] GrahamIRC: I have one of those but not played with it yet
[14:42:49] squidly_ (squidly_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:42:51] GrahamIRC: now if it was one of those b@st@rd SpeedLink SL-6399's then I could help!
[14:43:00] jovaro: any idea how I can troubleshoot it?
[14:43:13] GrahamIRC: google?
[14:43:19] Penfold (Penfold!n=mikewh@nat/yahoo/x-16e1b7bda858d67e) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:43:34] GrahamIRC: there's probably quite a lot of info about on those as they are reasonably common
[14:43:45] jovaro: I'll give it a shot
[14:48:15] GrahamIRC: good luck :-)
[14:49:16] GrahamIRC: anyone played with BOXEE ?
[14:50:31] gbee: OT
[14:54:12] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:01:48] iamlindoro: work sucks
[15:02:48] GreyFoxx: Indeed
[15:03:07] GreyFoxx: especially knowing that after tomorrow I'm off for a week and a half and will be on a cruise
[15:03:12] GreyFoxx: I can't concentrate on my work :)
[15:04:14] hadees (hadees! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:04:14] stuarta: down tools. think of beer
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[15:17:33] GrahamIRC: It might suck iamlindoro but at least you'll get a couple of dolla for it
[15:18:00] sid3windr: as opposed to having to pay for suckage? :P
[15:19:02] rj_ (rj_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:19:43] lyricnz is now known as notlyricnz
[15:20:03] GrahamIRC: suckage – what a great word
[15:22:31] GreyFoxx: And versitile
[15:22:43] iamlindoro: also versatile
[15:22:44] sid3windr: =]
[15:23:25] iamlindoro: Am I wrong to giggle a little each time someone uses JYA's garbage and everything breaks?
[15:23:29] iamlindoro: Does that make me immature?
[15:23:37] iamlindoro: 'cause if that's wrong, I don't wanna be right
[15:23:39] sid3windr: no, yes.
[15:23:40] sid3windr: :]
[15:23:49] iamlindoro: touché
[15:24:13] wagnerrp: didnt mythweb stop using .htaccess files some time ago?
[15:24:37] iamlindoro: As of .21 IIRC
[15:25:06] iamlindoro: "Q: Where did .htaccess go?"
[15:25:10] wagnerrp: so the guy upgraded from 0.19 or 0.20, and didnt read the documentation...
[15:25:29] iamlindoro: "A: .htaccess has been replaced by apache- and lighttpd-specific configuration files. Your old .htaccess file should still work fine, but I encourage you to use the new conf file, since it reduces some of the load on the webserver, and takes advantage of some features not accessible through .htaccess."
[15:25:34] iamlindoro: yep
[15:31:51] wagnerrp: at least this one had absolutely nothing to do with a backport
[15:32:02] wagnerrp: and more to do with a clueless user using said backport
[15:32:44] stuarta: software development would be so much easier if the users weren't involved...
[15:32:57] wagnerrp: is the name 'mr. demenour' supposed to be a joke?
[15:33:25] sid3windr: boyfriend of misdemeanor?
[15:33:31] ** stuarta falls asleep **
[15:33:34] wagnerrp: something like that
[15:37:23] Divian (Divian!n=Volt@ has quit ()
[15:43:21] noaXess (noaXess! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:44:19] forest: does mythtv tend to work better with PCI or PCI-E or works equally week with both…?
[15:44:38] sid3windr: mythtv works with whatever works under linux
[15:45:02] bjohnson (bjohnson! has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:45:20] iamlindoro: Not to mention those are just buses, they mean nothing to myth
[15:45:55] iamlindoro: Like asking if Myth orks better with PCs with firewire ports than with USB ports
[15:45:57] iamlindoro: works
[15:47:45] GrahamIRC: those damn orks
[15:52:21] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:55:00] AndyCap: ork it, ake it, ove it, akes us.
[15:56:01] ** stuarta scratches head **
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[16:03:09] iamlindoro: Hmm
[16:03:19] iamlindoro: That bip upgrade may not have gone as planned
[16:03:41] iamlindoro: oh well, too late now
[16:04:57] sphery: d'oh
[16:05:02] sphery: not liking the bip?
[16:05:02] forest: next question: which channel would be able to answer the question, what tends to work *better* in Linux, PCI or PCI-E ?
[16:05:24] iamlindoro: sphery: no, it's good
[16:05:49] iamlindoro: sphery: It just complained at me when I restarted it, but I think that I didn't allow freenode time to miss me
[16:05:58] sphery: oh....
[16:06:08] wagnerrp: forest: PCIe is a better, more advanced bus.... but it all comes down to chipset support
[16:06:13] wagnerrp: is the chipset supported in linux
[16:06:30] sphery: and is the PCIe card you plan to use supported in Linux
[16:06:31] wagnerrp: and for nearly every PCI and/or PCIe bus you come across, the answer is ues
[16:07:27] forest: great thanks, I happen to have this cheapo Aver Media Bravo Hybrid PCIe, but it is not recognized under Debian Lenny
[16:07:59] wagnerrp: that has nothing to do with the bus, but like sphery said, its whether the CARD is recognized under linux
[16:11:02] forest: thanks, it looks like the cheapo PCIe card I got isn't recognised, and was just wanting to decide whether I should replace it with PCI or PCIe
[16:11:08] forest: thanks for the information
[16:11:12] jovaro (jovaro! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[16:11:31] wagnerrp: again, PCI/PCIe makes no difference
[16:11:40] wagnerrp: find a card, check on to see if its supported
[16:13:35] sphery: wow... /more/ people re-inventing some portion of in that thread...
[16:15:31] sphery: Woo hoo! Just got my Amazon pre-order notification for Stargate Atlantis Season 5.
[16:16:34] bjohnson (bjohnson! has quit ("Leaving")
[16:18:55] iamlindoro: sphery: And never a perl-binding use among them
[16:21:59] sphery: the last one--that took a basename and found the file path--was :)
[16:22:01] Nockian (Nockian!i=hidden-u@unaffiliated/nockian) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:22:39] sphery: stupid Amazon... Has 4GB OCZ DDR2 800MHz for $19.99 after $15 mail-in rebate.
[16:23:09] sphery: I'm /really/ trying to stick with the 1GB that's more than enough for my GNU/Linux laptop and its usage...
[16:23:16] sphery: but they're making it hard.
[16:23:36] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:23:48] sphery: (it's in Gold Box deals 9:00am-12:00pm PDT
[16:23:56] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:24:05] Nockian: i'm using ubuntu 8.10 with the latest mythtv package and Comcast Digital cable with the Hauppauge HVR-1600 pci card. i can get the lower channels but not some of the other ones... it comes up as a black-static screen. i can view the channels with a regular TV just fine... any suggestions as to what may be wrong?
[16:24:42] wagnerrp: if its static, its not digital cable
[16:24:50] sphery: following that is a laptop hard drive, then a TV capture card, then graphics card--don't know which ones until they start
[16:25:25] wagnerrp: the 1600 has two tuners, you grab the analog channel list off SD
[16:25:36] wagnerrp: you scan for the digital channel list
[16:25:51] wagnerrp: and its two different tuners, so you will be using a different device for each of theses steps
[16:25:55] Nockian: wagnerrp: okay.. the HVR-1600 has two inputs, one for NTSC Analog and one for Clear QAM Digital cable.. do you think that maybe it's trying to use the wrong input for the channel, and if so, how would i go about fixing that?
[16:26:26] Nockian: ah.. okay...
[16:26:52] Nockian: so i'll need to make a channel source for the analog input and a different channel source for the digital input?
[16:27:27] Nockian: and based off those channel lists... mythtv will use the correct input?
[16:27:43] Nockian: i think what's happening is it's trying to use the analog input for that channel
[16:28:02] Nockian: i currently have the same channel source for both inputs
[16:30:31] Nockian: so i'll set the channel source as schedulesdirect for my digital cable and use the digital input for that list... but what should i use as the channel source for my analog input (if any)?
[16:31:11] sphery: Nockian: right--2 video sources. for analog download list of channels, for digital scan. see
[16:31:36] sphery: Nockian: and I highly recommend you start with the Delete all video sources and Delete all capture cards stuff on there--as otherwise, you have to unbreak the broken configuration first
[16:34:04] Nockian: thanks
[16:34:34] dubstar_04 (dubstar_04! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:36:01] Nockian: when i scan, i should use Cable High IRC, QAM-256 right?
[16:36:09] Nockian: it's Comcast Digital Cable
[16:36:24] wagnerrp: nope, just 'Cable'
[16:37:04] Nockian: ok
[16:38:37] sphery: yeah, Cable High is "I'd rather save myself a couple of minutes than get all the TV channels to which I've subscribed"
[16:38:58] sphery: Was just easier to fit "Cable High" into the UI :)
[16:39:20] d00gle (d00gle!i=526c637c@gateway/web/ajax/ has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
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[16:41:41] iamlindoro: especially with the US cable providers eliminating the analog lineups, we should expect -high to become less useful
[16:43:27] Nockian: scanning now... one other question... if i were to get a Hauppauge PVR-500, i would be okay using Comcast Digital Cable until at least 2012, right? i didn't want to waste the money otherwise
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[16:44:16] iamlindoro: If you get a PVR-500, you can use it as long as there are analog outputs on your cable box-- if you intend to plug it in to the wall, however, it may shortly become useless
[16:44:31] wagnerrp: the comcast qam channels, are those all SD?
[16:44:55] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: Network channels in HD, the rest are SD (at least locally)
[16:45:14] iamlindoro: It's basically the basic cable lineup at this point, with only the broadcast channels in HD
[16:45:28] wagnerrp: i mean all those they just added a couple weeks ago, basic cable
[16:45:40] iamlindoro: They added some-- I have a couple dozen already
[16:45:42] iamlindoro: er had
[16:46:00] iamlindoro: including comedy central, sci fi, discovery
[16:46:08] iamlindoro: they only really added stuff I don't care about lately
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[16:47:03] Nockian: okay.. so right now i have a Motorola DCH70 box connecting to the back of my TV upstairs.. if i wanted to build a small mythtv box frontend for upstairs, could i connect the cable box's output into my mythtv PVR-500 or doesn't it work like that, since i'd have no way of controlling the Motorola box?
[16:47:14] wagnerrp: well you already had most of your crap through QAM and firewire... it may have been more meaningful for other people
[16:48:00] Guest39444 (Guest39444!n=david@nat/ti/x-83377012ae907748) has quit ("Leaving.")
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[16:51:04] iamlindoro: Nockian: You can and would need to connect through that box if they're handing out DCH70s
[16:51:11] iamlindoro: you would control it with an IR emitter
[16:51:34] iamlindoro: If you live somewhere they're using DCH70s, it's an indication that they've converted their basic lineup to QAM
[16:51:55] iamlindoro: In which case, like I was saying above, the only way to use a PVR-500 is in conjunction with a cable box
[16:52:05] iamlindoro: At which point IMHO it's a waste of money
[16:52:28] iamlindoro: as you will get they *exact* same channels with a couple of cheap clear QAM tuners, probably for less money, and definitely with much better quality
[16:52:46] iamlindoro: plus you will most likely be able to capture at least NBC/CBS/ABC/Fox in HD
[16:55:33] Nockian: so what's my best route to take? i'm still in the 'testing it out' phase
[16:55:44] aloril: why is xshm choppy with mythtv, but ok with mplayer and xine (used by kaffeine)? xv-blit is visible only on monitor, not on tvout: alternatively how to enable xv there (ATI Radeon 9200)? (so far haven't found answer from FAQ or googling) 3rd alternative: receommended AGP card?
[16:55:50] Nockian: which hardware specifically, i should ask
[16:56:26] clever (clever! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:57:35] iamlindoro: Nockian: If you want two tuners, then any two QAM tuners with linux support. If you want two in one device, the HDHomeRun would be a good bet.
[16:58:04] iamlindoro: Plus you can give back the ugly box
[16:58:10] iamlindoro: to the cable co, that is
[16:58:42] Nockian: so an HDHomeRun would replace my Motorola DCH70 and instead plug the HDHomeRun directly into the cable source?
[16:58:51] iamlindoro: Yes
[16:59:00] Nockian: excellent
[16:59:18] iamlindoro: The DCH70 is just a QAM tuner, no fancy decryption in it
[16:59:46] iamlindoro: that's an indication that with a PC QAM tuner you should be able to get every channel you can get on that box-- although you may need to manually number them after a scan
[17:00:03] wagnerrp: well there is fancy description, just none that they can use
[17:00:08] wagnerrp: decryption
[17:00:48] schlazor (schlazor!n=david@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:00:59] wagnerrp: anyway, for PCIe, pick up a HVR-1250
[17:01:07] javatexan (javatexan!n=mia@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:01:09] wagnerrp: retails for cheap, and on recent kernels, it 'just works'
[17:01:26] wagnerrp: for PCI, supposedly the pinnacle 800i is decent, if you can find one
[17:01:44] wagnerrp: they seem to be scarce anymore retail, since pinnacle sold off the business
[17:01:57] Nockian: i'm thinking if i had an HVR-1250 in the mythtv box and an HDHomeRun on the network that the mythbox was using, i'd be set
[17:02:21] Nockian: maybe there'd be no need for the HVR-1250 if i had the HDHomeRun though
[17:02:57] wagnerrp: i have one of each
[17:03:10] wagnerrp: and on occasion, i have used all three tuners
[17:03:31] iamlindoro: Likewise here
[17:04:18] iamlindoro: Ahhhhhh, it's a LOST night. Time to make threats if Comcast decides to shuffle channels this afternoon
[17:04:19] sphery: Is the HVR-1250 basically just the digital side of the HVR-1600?
[17:04:25] Nockian: okay, so i'm really going to be building two mythtv boxes. one for upstairs and one for downstairs... i could put the HVR-1250 in the upstairs one and use the remote with it (yes?), and the downstairs one could use the HDHomeRun and i could get an MCE remote for it. sound like the best idea?
[17:04:34] wagnerrp: more like the digital side of the 1800
[17:04:37] iamlindoro: sphery: Yeah-- it *does* have an analog framegrabber, but more or less, yeah
[17:04:45] wagnerrp: the 1250 and the 1600 have completely different hardware
[17:04:47] iamlindoro: and PCIe instead of PCI
[17:05:04] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:05:12] sphery: so does the HVR-1800 work in Linux and Myth?
[17:05:17] sphery: I thought just the 1600 did?
[17:05:20] iamlindoro: The digital side does
[17:05:23] wagnerrp: digital, yes
[17:05:25] wagnerrp: analog, no
[17:05:27] sphery: OK.
[17:05:28] iamlindoro: The analog works in linux but not myth
[17:05:34] sphery: got it
[17:05:39] sphery: hard to keep up
[17:05:43] wagnerrp: its a non-ivtv mpeg2 card, and no one has written the proper routines
[17:06:07] sphery: ahhh
[17:06:38] iamlindoro: According to Janne nothing *should* prevent non ivtv cards from working, and he was going to investigate, but think he's gotten a little buried
[17:06:44] sphery: since the ivtv stuff was kind of custom, that may be a challenge... I know they talked about a standard MPEG-grabbing interface in V4L, but has it gone anywhere?
[17:07:44] iamlindoro: I'm pretty sure that it's only myth with this deficiency
[17:07:56] iamlindoro: and that "theoretically" it should work
[17:08:02] iamlindoro: It just doesn't :)
[17:08:52] sphery: hmmm
[17:08:53] sphery: interesting
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[17:14:15] iamlindoro: Interesting that the geektonic guy who presumably makes his money on ads and giveaways, feels comfortable recommending torrenting copies of windows
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[17:16:03] meshe: if you have a licence for that version of windows it doesn't matter where you get the software from
[17:16:37] wagnerrp: unless youre torrenting, in which case youre distributing windows as well
[17:16:45] iamlindoro: Indeed
[17:16:57] iamlindoro: and as it's a torrent of an unreleased version of windows, that argument is moot anyway
[17:17:04] meshe: yeah, i guess that it's aiding and abetting
[17:17:12] meshe: acessory to infringement
[17:18:17] meshe: i asked a friend of mine that is a project manager at M$ about the legallity of the tinyxp version we use
[17:18:47] meshe: i didn't go ask about how we got it though
[17:20:27] wagnerrp: i love it when people add the little $ symbol for microsoft
[17:20:42] wagnerrp: anyway, i thought tinyxp would just let you strip down a CD copy
[17:20:55] wagnerrp: you put in the CD, rip out the data, strip down to what you want, and reburn it
[17:21:12] meshe: this one is a pre-stripped version, 200MB iso
[17:21:37] meshe: i would love to get what you're talking about
[17:22:35] wagnerrp: ive got it somewhere on my hard drive
[17:23:11] meshe: the copy i have has one fault, they stripped something to do with ATAPI i think, it can't burn DVD's
[17:23:18] wagnerrp: i guess thats nLite
[17:23:34] wagnerrp: nLite and vLite
[17:24:31] aloril: this doesn't work for swithing xv to tvout, there is no required attribute: xvattr --attribute XV_SWITCHCRT -v 1
[17:24:46] meshe: wagnerrp: cool
[17:25:37] dmz (dmz!n=dmz@ has quit ("Leaving")
[17:25:57] meshe: that's probably what they used to create the version i have
[17:32:21] justinh: hmmm myth on dual headed setups. icky tricky
[17:33:45] gbee: not really, well except when one of those is via analogue TV-out, not really sure how easy that is
[17:35:47] aloril: well, tvout itself was easy: Option "ForceTVOut" "true" and Option "TVStandard" "pal" in xorg.conf
[17:36:54] meshe: my box does 800x600 on the tv out and 13XXx768 on the VGA
[17:37:07] meshe: taken care of by nvidia-settings
[17:37:08] aloril: problem is that xv is visible only on monitor, other stuff shows on both monitor and TV
[17:37:21] aloril: both resolution are 800x600
[17:38:01] justinh: sigh
[17:38:21] aloril: on myth if I use anything except xshm tv is not visible, (configuration) menu is visible, its only "Watch TV" that is not visible unless I select xshm but that is then choppy
[17:38:22] justinh: then again, better opengl rendering isn't necessarily the answer either
[17:38:23] meshe: i've never tried xv
[17:39:17] aloril: and as I said: mplauer -vo x11 and xine with xshm is not choppy so maybe I'm missing something with mythtv?
[17:40:15] justinh: xv is all you got, failing opengl rendering.. which erm.. ymmv
[17:40:54] wagnerrp: my biggest complaint is that the new 8-series and better nvidia cards
[17:41:00] wagnerrp: the console only shows up on one screen
[17:41:09] aloril: well, opengl, (and even xlib), etc.. all give blank screen
[17:41:15] sphery: aloril: nearly all video card drivers in existence only support Xv on the primary screen
[17:41:19] aloril: console shows up on both screens too
[17:41:29] wagnerrp: ive got my backend connected to a (HDMI) TV upstairs, and a (VGA) terminal in the basement
[17:41:30] sphery: aloril: you most likely have a multi-head display and you need to rearrange them so TV out is the primary
[17:41:34] wagnerrp: the vga shows nothing
[17:42:01] sphery: aloril: same with OpenGL and other "accelerated" video modes--primary screen only
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[17:45:34] gbee: twinview FTW
[17:46:03] wagnerrp: but then youre just one big monitor, and you have to deal with mythtv not being positioned properly....
[17:46:17] gbee: err no?
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[17:49:48] sphery: doesn't twinview (at least one mode of) just display the same thing on both screens?
[17:49:56] sphery: even if it's accelerated video
[17:50:08] gbee: definately used to be true and I'll admit that until late last year I was still under the same impression, but someone set me right, they've fixed all the twinview issues, works better than xinerama now which is nice
[17:50:09] wagnerrp: you can clone or span
[17:50:18] gbee: sphery: no
[17:50:33] wagnerrp: gbee: do you still have to have two monitors of the same size?
[17:52:15] cynicismic: nope
[17:54:52] aloril: sphery: how to make it primary? googling gives something like this: Option "MonitorLayout" "STV,CRT" (didn't help)
[17:55:37] gbee: wagnerrp: at this moment yes, but I used to operate with one 19" and one 15.4"
[17:55:50] aloril: twinview nvidia only? tried some AGP nvidia cards, but probaly recent distro and old proprietary driver doesn't fit well: some text was not visible
[17:59:21] dubstar_04 (dubstar_04! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:00:53] cynicismic: yep, tis nvidia only.. Not sure about about those issues though, i'm running latest nvidia drivers using twinview on a pair of 1920x1200 monitors, no problems here..
[18:02:48] aloril: AGP, so can't use latest ones :-(
[18:04:19] cynicismic: ahh.. where are you getting the drivers from? nvidia website or from distro's repos?
[18:05:01] aloril: whatever ubuntu proposes, it gets older version, in another machine it gets never version (never nvidia card and PCI-E)
[18:05:58] cynicismic: maybe worth trying whatever's the latest compatible drivers directly from nvidia?
[18:06:22] wagnerrp: apparently a bunch of people in Austin thought they were going to see an extended cut of The Wrath of Kahn, only to be tricked into watching the new Star Trek
[18:07:01] aloril: don't have that card anymore, swapped it to ATI Radeon 9200 (though I could buy it too and experiment but .. not now)
[18:08:43] aloril: I guess I will try to see why xshm is choppy with mythtv, IIRC it used some 30% CPU under mplayer so should be OK
[18:09:06] meshe: haha: Have they broken the ST curse? Yes, the even numbered ones suck now too ;)
[18:09:17] justinh: xshm isn't an available video renderer.. not with mythtv
[18:10:00] aloril: justinh: it is and its visible on both but choppy
[18:10:31] aloril: just need to select other than CPU-- (at least CPU+ allowed it)
[18:10:42] justinh: no it'll fall back to whatever isn't xv
[18:10:59] deaman (deaman! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:11:51] justinh: so if you ain't got xv, it'll be slow as hell
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[18:12:06] aloril: oh? missleading selection then :-(
[18:13:14] deaman (deaman! has quit (Client Quit)
[18:13:39] justinh: oops. my bad
[18:14:22] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:14:45] justinh: xv or opengl are the only choices you could call optimum
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[18:25:31] iamlindoro: Love it when my coworkers who make a stink about me leaving at 3:30 show up four hours after I do
[18:25:51] iamlindoro: And then let the company buy them lunch daily when I stay back and work through it
[18:26:51] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx: It's *great* to see all those problem messages-- allows one to tell all those people that 100% of their support requests, regardless of what they relate to, need to go to JYA
[18:27:52] iamlindoro: I don't care if it's a "can't connect to database." It's *his* problem
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[18:33:23] iamlindoro: Isn't there some welsh sheep-shearer that can groom alan cox?
[18:34:12] iamlindoro:
[18:34:15] iamlindoro: *shudder*
[18:34:29] wagnerrp: oh wow
[18:38:47] AndyCap: iamlindoro: his laptop tried, but failed,
[18:39:14] iamlindoro: AndyCap: Fans stopped running because of hairball clogs, no doubt
[18:42:43] AndyCap: blah, the scart rgb splitter was fail.
[18:44:28] AndyCap: wonder where to find an amp or something without a time machine. :P
[18:45:16] oobe (oobe!n=oobe@unaffiliated/oobe) has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:08:18] wagnerrp: i dont know if you can fault a 10yr old laptop for blowing up on you
[19:08:28] wagnerrp: i think at that point, it has served you well enough
[19:08:55] forest (forest! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:11:10] AndyCap: wagnerrp: Heh, exploding is fail.
[19:11:26] meshe: i kept hoping that dell would recall my laptop battery now that it only lasts for 2 minutes
[19:11:44] wagnerrp: i think im on my.... sixth battery?
[19:11:58] meshe: it's hard to pay $160 for a new battery when a new netbook is only $300
[19:12:08] wagnerrp: between batteries and warranty extensions, i think ive put another grand into this thing
[19:12:36] meshe: wagnerrp: how old is it?
[19:12:51] wagnerrp: early 2001
[19:12:56] AndyCap: Hmm, looks like a winner . . . p;quantity=1
[19:13:01] iamlindoro: I must admit I'm starting to get pretty tempted by some of the netbooks
[19:13:04] xcloud9x_ (xcloud9x_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:13:18] iamlindoro: once the nvidia GPU ones with dual core atom are out, I may be sold on one
[19:13:21] meshe: iamlindoro: i just got an email about a new MSI Wind with 12 hours of battery life
[19:13:32] iamlindoro: meshe: nice
[19:13:34] wagnerrp: my problem is that i look at how poorly my laptop handles some of the more intensive websites
[19:13:36] meshe: 2.2 pounds
[19:14:00] wagnerrp: and then i look at the Atom systems, and realize they really dont have much more power than my current laptop
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[19:15:30] gbee: "Smoke alarms are a really good idea. Ours went off within minutes." Lucky bastards, mine goes off if you even sneeze on the other side of the house
[19:15:44] wagnerrp: i suppose the dual core ones are a fair bit more beefy, but the single threaded performance still sucks
[19:15:50] gbee: spends most of it's time without a battery
[19:15:54] iamlindoro: gbee: Should you ever need that, you may appreciate it :)
[19:16:02] iamlindoro: ah, not without a battery though
[19:16:15] wagnerrp: we ended up removing the one in the kitchen
[19:16:29] wagnerrp: why they even installed one in the kitchen when we renovated is beyond me...
[19:19:29] AndyCap: wagnerrp: because they were incompetent?
[19:20:00] wagnerrp: we did go on vacation timed specifically for when they lopped off the back of the house
[19:20:10] wagnerrp: we come back in town to find out they had done so only two days previous
[19:22:25] wagnerrp: 'tear tabs off the tab bar to create new windows, and drag and drop them from one firefox window to another'.... fancy!
[19:22:45] ** wagnerrp wishes more programs would take cues from fluxbox **
[19:26:56] iamlindoro: I keep eying KDE, but all the widgets are so dang *big*
[19:28:27] schlazor_: yay no viacom HD on dish yet. :(
[19:28:43] gbee: well one of the big things about KDE 4 is that they can be scaled
[19:29:07] xcloud9x (xcloud9x! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:29:13] iamlindoro: gbee: Oh yeah? Any well done drop-in setups for it worth looking at?
[19:29:36] iamlindoro: a KDE "theme" or whatever with that kind of tweak already applied? (Forgive the ignorance of KDE)
[19:30:46] gbee: I can only speak for what comes with Mandriva+Plasma, at least in 4.1 there are various irritating limitations and flaws – hoping that 4.2 fixes that stuff
[19:31:19] iamlindoro: I really like the look of all the little plasma widgets
[19:31:25] gbee: e.g I can't get the digital clock to go where I want it, insists on sitting in the middle of my top panel
[19:31:32] iamlindoro: I could save myself opening a number of windows with a decent widget system
[19:32:25] gbee: iamlindoro: most of the widgets don't really interest me, but I really like the photo widgets, turned one of my screens into a pinboard for family snaps
[19:34:07] gbee: calculator widget is handy, but being on the desktop means I have to minimise all the windows which can be irritating
[19:34:42] gbee: could have made more of the panels than I have, I'm a little entrenched in my desktop layout preferences
[19:35:05] iamlindoro: my desktop is a wreck right now, mostly theme and fanart stuff
[19:35:06] stefanj (stefanj! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:35:26] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[19:36:34] gbee: the 'Now Playing' widget looked interesting, but I couldn't figure out which app it integrated with
[19:37:10] gbee: device notifier widget is a life saver though, love that thing
[19:38:40] stoffel (stoffel! has quit ("leaving")
[19:38:55] iamlindoro: I look forward to the RSS widget in Myth
[19:39:10] iamlindoro: Could probably put much of what I care to see there, and it's always up on the second screen
[19:40:24] gbee: what use have I for a twitter widget? I post my boring life narration and dull thoughts in here :)
[19:40:31] niekie (niekie! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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[19:41:03] iamlindoro: I've long thought we are clever's twitter
[19:41:35] iamlindoro: Not that I didn't do this yesterday to prove it was a snap:
[19:42:12] gbee: "Twitter microblogging widget" – "Lets you update you twitter status and display your timeline" ... yeah ... right
[19:44:56] meshe: has any theme/plugin implemented mythwebbrowser yet?
[19:45:33] i_is_cat (i_is_cat! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[19:46:55] iamlindoro: meshe: what'd you have in mind? There's a mythUI web browser widget already, and all of mythwebbrowser is MythUI themable
[19:47:27] iamlindoro: regarding plugins, it's just webkit so there's a single line change to get all mozilla plugins working in Qt 4.5, flash included
[19:48:04] Pooky (Pooky! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:48:13] gbee: iamlindoro: tried it yet?
[19:48:25] iamlindoro: gbee: Made the code change but hadn't had a chance to test yet
[19:48:32] wagnerrp: what do you mean by widget? mythbrowser will be able to pop up on top of any currently active location you are in?
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[19:49:07] meshe: i'm not totally sure yet, but i may start playing with it, there are a number of bookmarks that i open regularly, it would be nice to open them in myth
[19:49:32] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: It's embeddable like an image, textarea, etc. on any MythUI screen
[19:50:07] iamlindoro: wagnerrp: ie you could embed a <webbrowser name="tvguide"><url></url></webbrowse r> in the upcoming recordings page of your theme, or whatever
[19:50:18] iamlindoro: meshe: Mythwebbrowser has a bookmark manager
[19:50:35] gbee: wouldn't really be hard to have a jumppoint which launches mythbrowser from anywhere
[19:50:56] meshe: you know, i'm getting closer and closer up upgrading my production system...
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[19:55:28] meshe: mythmusic hasn't been ported to mythui yet, has it?
[19:56:54] stefanj (stefanj! has quit ("Leaving.")
[19:57:18] iamlindoro: It's partially ported
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[20:09:55] iamlindoro: I hate it when people end e-mail to the users list about what they obviously consider bugs that should have been fixed or something with "Am I missing something here?"
[20:10:06] iamlindoro: I always struggle to avoid responding with "a patch?"
[20:11:32] tank-man: am i missing something here?
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[20:15:41] gbee: meshe: the bits that really matter, playback screen and playlist editing have not been ported yet (it's a large and ugly task)
[20:16:00] meshe: gbee: i can imagine
[20:18:40] kkuno (kkuno!n=wefw@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[20:19:46] meshe: to add a browser to a theme I'd basically have to create a browswer-ui.xml and then create a button that targeted "browser"? from there I'd be able to create the winodow to support it
[20:20:40] schlazor_ is now known as schlazor
[20:21:07] meshe: browsing through the theme docs and svn while i'm on my lunch break
[20:25:08] iamlindoro: It's not that complicated
[20:25:19] iamlindoro: Read the section on the webbrowser widget
[20:25:34] iamlindoro: it's all of four lines added to any MythUI screen
[20:25:51] iamlindoro: browser-ui.xml only covers the full-on browser (Information Center->Web)
[20:26:02] meshe: i'm thinking of it on it's own MythUI screen
[20:26:41] iamlindoro: Screens are defined in (C++) code, you you can't add a new screen without the corresponding .cpp
[20:26:41] meshe: i haven't quite connected how "button" links to "$screen"
[20:26:46] meshe: ahh
[20:27:00] iamlindoro: But I suppose you could work around that
[20:27:15] iamlindoro: edit a menu theme, create a "new" menu with a dummy invisible button
[20:27:38] iamlindoro: unfortunately any webbrowser embedded in menu-ui will be on all menu screens, so never mind that
[20:27:44] iamlindoro: heh
[20:27:51] iamlindoro: so yeah, back to needing code if you want a new screen :)
[20:28:05] Guest45866 (Guest45866!n=david@nat/ti/x-5d9c45195b10a7ca) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:28:45] iamlindoro: MythNews and/or mythmovies is probably the simplest example of how the cpp and the theme get parsed and fit together
[20:28:46] meshe: so the xml is just the display and its hard coded to the controller (cpp)
[20:28:53] iamlindoro: yes
[20:29:02] iamlindoro: although the xml can go beyond the fixed screens, too
[20:29:13] iamlindoro: ie you can add additional elements into the existing required ones
[20:29:38] ** meshe nods **
[20:29:38] iamlindoro: so if you want to add a textarea that says "Here is some text," you can do that, just so long as you have the required elements
[20:30:15] meshe: i see
[20:30:23] meshe: it's making more sense now
[20:30:26] iamlindoro:
[20:30:39] iamlindoro: That is probably the most congealed form of documentation on the topic
[20:30:41] meshe: yeah, i've been reading that
[20:30:42] iamlindoro: (If I do say so myself)
[20:30:55] meshe: along with Terra as an example
[20:32:42] meshe: thanks iamlindoro, i understand it a lot better now
[20:32:54] iamlindoro: no problem, once you wrap your head around it it gets a lot easier
[20:34:38] iamlindoro: There needs to be some companion documentation to that that addresses MythUI from the programming side, but as I haven't managed to get up the energy to finish the theme part, starting that part is out of the question :)
[20:35:21] iamlindoro: (and only barely understood by me anyway)
[20:35:52] meshe: i was looking at your patch to try to understand the data flow from the database to the theme, it's all becoming clearer
[20:36:10] iamlindoro: The Subtitle/season/ep one?
[20:36:21] meshe: yeah
[20:36:37] iamlindoro: Yeah, that should be a pretty decent example, any dodgy code on my part aside :)
[20:36:39] meshe: basically that patch touches each part of the flow
[20:36:44] iamlindoro: yeah
[20:36:48] iamlindoro: yeah, quite literally
[20:41:31] porcodildo (porcodildo!n=wefw@ has quit ("Sto andando via")
[20:44:04] meshe: i don't know enough about c++ to know if it's dodgy ;)
[20:45:08] iamlindoro: I know little enough to assume it is ;)
[20:45:32] meshe: heh
[20:45:51] meshe: what do you do for work?
[20:46:14] iamlindoro: Network Engineer ATM
[20:46:24] iamlindoro: Where ATM = At The Moment and not actual ATM :)
[20:46:35] meshe: that's the way i read it
[20:46:37] meshe: cool
[20:47:07] meshe: i'm about 80% programmer, 10% systems administrator, 10% systems architect
[20:47:38] iamlindoro: But Myth has been a good excuse to play with this stuff, and I can think logically and there are good examples in the myth code, so I'm now officially a firm believer that anyone could suss it out if they just look at it for a bit
[20:48:29] davidm (davidm!n=david@nat/ti/x-f6da9fc3befed517) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:48:30] meshe: did you have previous programming experience before working with myth?
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[20:49:01] iamlindoro: Nope
[20:49:05] GrahamIRC: I'm also in Networks iamlindoro – small world
[20:49:08] meshe: very nice
[20:50:21] sphery: Wow... There's so much wrong with, "Display of on screen epg," on the -dev list
[20:51:07] iamlindoro: sphery: I was just laughing at that
[20:51:12] meshe: heh
[20:51:23] iamlindoro: "I know that Mythtv uses mplayer as its default video player."
[20:51:25] iamlindoro: Love it!
[20:51:36] iamlindoro: Also the wholesale reimplementation of myth idea
[20:51:58] sphery: not to mention, "I am working on my own version of a DVR,"...can you tell me how to code it?
[20:52:08] sphery: exactly
[20:52:15] sphery: why make a different one?
[20:52:18] iamlindoro: all while notknowing what an OSD is :)
[20:52:24] iamlindoro: not_knowing
[20:53:14] sphery: should write back and tell him that Myth just pops up an osd on top of MPlayer video playback using xosd's osd_cat
[20:53:15] meshe: maybe he's writing it in perl
[20:53:38] sphery: heh, yeah, but that's been done, too, so--again--why start over?
[20:53:46] iamlindoro: He might as well, it could be 1000 lines that way
[20:53:47] sphery: I still can't believe that guy...
[20:53:54] sphery: thanks for the reminder... I needed a good laugh.
[20:54:03] wagnerrp: maybe when hes done, someone can demand that he rewrite it in mython
[20:54:05] wagnerrp: python
[20:54:15] sphery: mython...
[20:54:17] sphery: I like that
[20:54:48] wagnerrp: mython... whats that? oh, thats the power button
[20:54:54] sphery: wagnerrp: BTW, your post proves /why/ you were right with the cp -L... (Don't rely on defaults because they differ with different implementations.)
[20:55:16] sphery: I didn't realize that BSD's didn't deref by default, though... Interesting.
[20:55:38] wagnerrp: neither did i until you replied back to that
[20:56:50] sphery: I admit that while I'm usually pretty good about not building bad habits when working on my own systems, I /do/ rely on coreutils's cp's default of -L
[20:57:25] wagnerrp: well... myth does run on linux, its an understandable mistake
[20:57:28] sphery: But because of it, I'm /very/ good at remembering to cp -d when I want the link :)
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[21:09:20] plb_: anyone tell me why when I run myfilldatabase from a file it takes forever and eventually ends up freezing my system?
[21:10:37] tank-man: only you can find out but maybe we can help you find out
[21:10:51] plb_: well that's what I mean =)
[21:11:05] sphery: you mean mythfilldatabase with --dd-file or --file arguments?
[21:11:18] plb_: yep
[21:11:31] plb_: mythfilldatabase --file 1 xmlfile
[21:11:35] tank-man: did you try with the verbose mode on to see if any error msgs come up
[21:11:51] sphery: If so, I'd suspect there's a) a problem with the file or b) your system is running out of memory
[21:11:57] plb_: I'll try...hopefully my system doesn't lock up again
[21:12:06] sphery: do you have swap available/enabled?
[21:12:10] plb_: yep
[21:12:29] sphery: may also just be that mysql is very slow...
[21:13:05] sphery: but my suspicion is with the file itself...
[21:13:10] sphery: it's a bad, bad xmltv file
[21:13:19] plb_: I used mc2xml to generate it
[21:13:43] sphery: BTW, the built-in support for Schedules Direct works /wonderfully/
[21:14:21] sphery: and, since you're in the US, I figure your $20/yr is far less expensive than the time it would take to figure out why --file isn't working for you
[21:14:42] forest (forest! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[21:14:46] iamlindoro: Agreed!
[21:15:05] iamlindoro: Well worth it, plus worth keeping open source engineers employed
[21:15:53] plb_: I ran verbose for a couple of seconds and it just kind of sits right here: 2009-04–08 17:14:56.043 MSqlQuery: UPDATE settings SET data ='currently running.
[21:15:55] plb_: ' WHERE value='mythfilldatabaseLastRunStatus'
[21:15:58] plb_: 2009-04–08 17:14:56.043 MSqlQuery: SELECT MAX(endtime) FROM program p LEFT JOIN
[21:16:01] plb_: channel c ON p.chanid=c.chanid WHERE c.sourceid= 1 AND manualid = 0;
[21:16:27] plb_: not sure what it's doing but my hd was lit like it was doing something or trying to
[21:16:28] GrahamIRC: SD where doing a survey to see if people in the UK would pay for a similar service
[21:16:41] GrahamIRC: so there may be hope for a real and complete UK EPG!
[21:16:46] GrahamIRC: *were
[21:19:53] Penfold (Penfold! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[21:21:36] gbee: unlikely, I said I wouldn't use it
[21:21:48] sphery: plb_: sounds like your MySQL is poorly configured--can happen with frequency scaling
[21:22:07] gbee: personally I'd consider RadioTimes real and complete for my purposes
[21:22:13] sphery: i.e. what should take only milliseconds can take multiple seconds with a bad configuration
[21:22:14] sid3windr: GrahamIRC: oh, it was a survey for UK only? :/
[21:22:17] gbee: and EIT isn't terrible
[21:22:20] plb_: how can I fix it?
[21:22:21] sid3windr: I wonder why it wasn't mentioned anywhere then :p
[21:22:23] GrahamIRC: it's good, but it's not complete
[21:22:23] gbee: sid3windr: no, Europe
[21:22:31] sphery: plb_: no idea...
[21:22:33] sid3windr: gbee: ;)
[21:22:34] GrahamIRC: yes sid3windr
[21:22:51] GrahamIRC: and yes gbee
[21:22:54] sid3windr: (no GrahamIRC)
[21:22:55] sid3windr: ;)
[21:23:01] gbee:
[21:23:14] GrahamIRC: it asks what country you're in
[21:23:21] sphery: plb_: but for now, I'd /highly/ recommend using a known working configuration. Go to and sign up for the free 7-day trial . Then do the video sources part of and see if everything works.
[21:23:30] plb_: hmm
[21:23:40] plb_: I think it may have been mc2xml
[21:23:45] sid3windr: it asks what country you're in – exactly. it's not a dropdown that solely lists UK
[21:23:48] plb_: I just used zap2xml and no more hang
[21:23:51] sphery: Then, if you wanna be a cheapskate ;), you can try to make the broken grabber work
[21:24:05] sphery: plb_: and don't mention that you're using zap2xml on this list
[21:24:11] plb_: ah ok sorry
[21:24:22] sphery: it's in violation of the ToS of the site and that's the /whole/ reason that we have SD
[21:24:31] sphery: and we don't support violating ToS
[21:24:31] plb_: ahh
[21:24:42] iamlindoro: by the same token, mc2xml is also forbidden, it's also a ToS violation
[21:24:52] sphery: I didn't realize that...
[21:24:57] GrahamIRC: ToS violation?
[21:24:57] sid3windr: :)
[21:24:59] sid3windr: yep
[21:25:12] iamlindoro: sphery: ToS explicit forbid use with any application except MS MCE
[21:25:27] GrahamIRC: Terms of Service?
[21:25:34] sphery: plb_: so, for only $20/yr = $0.05/day, you can have /much/ better quality listings /and/ the benefit of knowing that you're not breaking any rules
[21:25:49] sphery: plb_: plus, it Just Works(R)
[21:26:13] plb_: true
[21:26:24] sphery: iamlindoro: it makes sense that MS would forbid your using it with any other app... I'd just never looked into it.
[21:26:30] plb_: Hm, so what's he best mythtv theme around these days? =)
[21:26:47] sphery: on 0.21-fixes?
[21:26:55] sphery: if so, I'd say the ones from justinh
[21:27:10] gbee: well that's subjective, depends on what you want from a theme, what you like, what your favourite colour is etc
[21:27:16] sphery: if trunk, I'll let you know when 0.22 is released--and the trunk themes are finished :)
[21:27:31] GrahamIRC: I quite like bluetoob (or whatever it's called) but I've not tried many others recently
[21:27:35] ** gbee pulls the knife from his back **
[21:28:13] meshe: which ones did justinh do?
[21:28:59] ** sid3windr still does blootube-wide :] **
[21:29:02] gbee: Blootube*, Project Greyhem, err
[21:29:02] iamlindoro: bluetube, glass, etc.
[21:29:08] iamlindoro: and no, he doesn't still do any of them
[21:29:26] sphery: neon-wide is my fav
[21:29:28] gbee: there is another but I can't remember it
[21:29:32] iamlindoro: Grayhem
[21:29:36] iamlindoro: oh sorry, you mentioned :)
[21:29:40] gbee: oh yeah, apple-wide
[21:29:40] iamlindoro: glass
[21:29:52] gbee: s/apple/neon/ :p
[21:31:31] revilootneg (revilootneg! has quit ("leaving")
[21:32:28] meshe: ahh, there they are, i'll have to pull them down and check them out
[21:33:42] meshe: 3 different theme directories in svn
[21:36:42] sphery: yeah, themes is the one with justin's
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[21:39:40] iamlindoro: So desperately want to go home
[21:40:49] meshe: my company announced yesterday that they are giving us monday off as a holiday after announcing they are cutting our paid hour lunch break to a half hour and making us work a half hour longer each day
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[21:43:25] iamlindoro: yayish?
[21:43:33] meshe: ish
[21:44:08] meshe: office hours are being change from 8:00–4:00 to 8:30–5:00
[21:44:17] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:45:00] meshe: oh, not going to worry about it, i'll just enjoy the 4 day weekend
[21:45:03] opentrinity (opentrinity! has quit ("***debian rules!!***")
[21:45:16] iamlindoro: I'd love even one of them off :(
[21:45:25] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:45:31] meshe: not considered a holiday in CA?
[21:45:49] iamlindoro: Guess not, my next day off is 5/25
[21:46:22] bfirsh (bfirsh! has quit ()
[21:46:39] GrahamIRC: I wont mention we have friday and monday as public holidays
[21:46:41] meshe: i'm not complaining, but it's kindof interesting that a religious holdiay is a national holiday
[21:47:33] meshe: only the friday is a national holiday here
[21:48:29] GrahamIRC: I guess it harps back to the days when the Church of England was the majority church
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[21:48:50] GrahamIRC: if the government tried to remove a public holiday now there would be riots! lol
[21:49:03] meshe: yeah, no matter the reason
[21:49:07] iamlindoro: At least you get the Doctah
[21:49:18] iamlindoro: Just a normal weekend for me, and no Doctah
[21:49:36] meshe: we had an arrogant premier that was going to name a day a provincial holdiay after himself
[21:49:53] GrahamIRC: not at all egotistical!
[21:50:05] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:50:05] meshe: no, not at all
[21:50:54] meshe: i think he got thrown out of office for helping his neighbor get a casino licence
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[22:06:05] justinh: thought I felt somebody walking over my grave.. then I looked in the scrollback
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[22:08:25] justinh: looks like my long weekend is chock full of things to do so I don't get to do anything I want to do. yay :-\
[22:08:51] justinh: ffs who made the law that bank holiday weekends must be full of doing DIY??
[22:08:51] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:08:56] schlazor: am i right in assuming there's no way promote user jobs to occur before commflagging and transcoding?
[22:09:32] wagnerrp: FIFO only
[22:10:01] justinh: you could make a user job to do commflagging & transcoding afterwards of course but that has its disadvantages
[22:10:19] schlazor: ok
[22:11:03] justinh: the main drawback being that at least one type of flagging method only works before anything else is done to the recording
[22:11:58] ** schlazor wishes my MBE had 2+ cores **
[22:12:33] ** justinh wonders what anybody could possibly want to do to a recording before doing anything else **
[22:12:51] schlazor: justinh: i'm not doing anything TO the recording
[22:13:32] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit ()
[22:13:34] justinh: out of curiosity what are you intending to do?
[22:14:26] schlazor: justinh: reporting that a recording has finished
[22:14:53] schlazor: maybe there's a better mechanism for doing that?
[22:15:22] GreyFoxx: hmmm I thought there was a way to trigger custom jobs after recording but before processing
[22:15:33] justinh: schlazor: monitor the log :)
[22:15:51] mzb: auto run custom job after recording?
[22:16:09] justinh: e.g. 2009-04–08 23:04:00.662 Finished recording Newswipe with Charlie Brooker: channel 1022
[22:16:30] schlazor: justinh: yeah, seems less elegant or at least harder :)
[22:18:08] justinh: gonna look into this just for the sake of research...
[22:19:15] schlazor: my nerd desire is to have different types of user jobs.. processing jobs that actually do something to the recording, and reporting (or a better name) jobs that don't alter the recording in any way but that might have more user-facing info avail like the pretty channel name (rather than channelid) and the input name
[22:19:45] justinh: GreyFoxx: looks like you can only say to run transcode jobs before commflagging
[22:20:38] justinh: in 0.21 at least
[22:20:48] justinh: unless there's a setting squirreled away in the db
[22:21:11] GreyFoxx: just looking through jobqueue.cpp now and it doesn't look like it
[22:21:13] schlazor: justinh: yeah that was the conclusion i came to last night... and i did a glance through the settings table in the db and didn't see anything obvious
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[22:22:11] schlazor: something to add to the "patches i should write'" pile i guess
[22:23:06] SQlvpapir (SQlvpapir! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:23:45] wagnerrp: theres always the feature request page on the wiki
[22:23:52] justinh: maybe even fix the transcoder profile renaming too :)
[22:24:13] justinh: wagnerrp: /dev/null ?
[22:25:00] meshe: write a wrapper around mythcomflag?
[22:25:29] schlazor: what's the preferred workflow... if i have something i want to write a patch for, should i throw it up on the wiki and then work on it and refer to the wiki when I submit the patch?
[22:25:41] wagnerrp: justinh: yeah, thats the one!
[22:26:26] justinh: wtf is this qt profile on KDE ?? Checkboxes are completely intedeterminate
[22:27:06] justinh: literally naff all difference between ticked & unticked. damnit
[22:30:20] justinh: 'desktop' setting is junk. meh
[22:30:56] bfirsh (bfirsh! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:32:39] Nockian (Nockian!i=hidden-u@unaffiliated/nockian) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:34:05] Nockian: i have a Hauppauge HVR-1600 card and can't seem to get all of the channels that my 'plain old TV' can get. there's no desktop box for the TV, and it can pull up all of my Comcast Digital channels that i subscribe to, but i can't seem to get them all with the 1600
[22:34:10] Syn- (Syn-! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:34:18] justinh: rofl @ "I know that Mythtv uses mplayer as its default video player. ". where do these people get their facts?
[22:34:23] Nockian: should i be using the Analog card to scan for channels instead of schedules direct?
[22:34:35] justinh: no no no. use sd
[22:35:28] wagnerrp: who said that?
[22:35:36] GreyFoxx: wagnerrp: On the -dev list :)
[22:35:54] wagnerrp: that should get you kicked off the -dev list
[22:36:09] justinh: schlazor: w.r.t. patches, either send them to the -dev list or open a ticket at
[22:36:11] wagnerrp: because obviously you have no idea where to even start with mythdevelopment
[22:36:21] justinh: schlazor: but patches for new features have to be against trunk
[22:36:46] Nockian: justinh: were you talking to me? (use sd)
[22:36:51] justinh: Nockian: yes
[22:37:22] Nockian: justinh: okay... and i am... but i'm still not seeing all of my channel lineup
[22:37:34] paul-h (paul-h! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:37:39] justinh: Nockian: then maybe you've set myth to use the wrong frequency table
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[22:37:54] Nockian: justinh: would you happen to know which frequency table i should use?
[22:38:01] Nockian: for Comcast Digital Cable
[22:38:22] wagnerrp: are you talking about analog or digital?
[22:38:37] justinh: there's probably only a certain amount of channels in the clear anyway.. which'd prolly explain why you're not getting all of them
[22:39:20] Nockian: justinh: why can my regular tv set see them, then?
[22:39:45] wagnerrp: your 'regular tv set' is analog, you dont get 'comcast digital cable' on it
[22:39:54] wagnerrp: you get the analog lineup
[22:40:00] Nockian: my HVR-1600 is picking up the HD channels and such that the 'regular TV' can't, through scanning with the digital side of the card
[22:40:15] wagnerrp: and if your schedules direct lineup is missing analog channels
[22:40:22] Nockian: wagnerrp: ok... so there's something misconfigured on my analog side of the HVR-1600 then?
[22:40:22] wagnerrp: then its time to complain to schedules direct
[22:40:30] Nockian: ah, okay
[22:40:36] Nockian: that makes sense
[22:40:41] wagnerrp: if youre saying that SD gave you those channels in the lineup, but you cannot tune them, then its a problem locally
[22:40:54] wagnerrp: you do know that comcast analog cable is down to like 30 channels now, right
[22:41:10] wagnerrp: when is the last time you checked just what channels you could get over analog
[22:41:28] Nockian: wagnerrp: well, i get more channels on my normal TV than i do through the HVR-1600 card...
[22:41:34] Nockian: 30 might be right
[22:41:50] Nockian: i have their 'family and information' package i think
[22:41:52] wagnerrp: what im saying is that you should not have scanned analog, you should have just grabbed the lineup
[22:42:01] wagnerrp: and if the lineup is missing channels, then you need to complain to SD
[22:42:07] Nockian: okay, i understand
[22:42:09] Nockian: thanks
[22:42:28] wagnerrp: and make sure you actually still have the channels you think you should
[22:42:35] Nockian: i'm only 3 days into my 7 day trial... time to sign up
[22:43:42] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:43:46] iamlindoro: #6439 = INVALIDFAIL!
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[22:45:52] justinh: ding ding! using_vdpau
[22:46:44] iamlindoro: justinh, wondered if anyone would pick up on that :)
[22:47:11] iamlindoro: but anyway, it's the trunk build
[22:47:14] iamlindoro: it's still invalid
[22:47:15] sid3windr: pow pow pow
[22:47:19] iamlindoro: mythweb is fine
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[22:57:18] Zordrak: im having trouble forcing mythtv to ignore /usr/lib & /usr/include for QT libs/headers.. ive set QTDIR and CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH in the env before any configure or compile and all the qmakes are being called directly from the right path... but it's still picking up Qt libs from the system dirs
[22:58:32] poodyp_ (poodyp_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:58:40] gbee: Zordrak: the key is qmake, if it calls the correct version of qmake then it will use the correct libs
[22:59:15] Zordrak: doesnt seem to be doing so.. im calling /opt/kde3/bin/qmake directly
[22:59:25] gbee: hmm, though as I say that I'm wondering if it's only true in reverse e.g. building against qt4
[22:59:27] Zordrak: (as opposed to /usr/bin/qmake)
[22:59:55] gbee: Zordrak: you shouldn't be using qmake directly, it's called from configure
[23:00:29] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:00:35] gbee: just symlink /usr/bin/qmake to /opt/kde3/bin/qmake for now, then revert afterwards
[23:00:38] Zordrak: im modifying the slackbuild script for slackware 12.2 to work with slackware-current
[23:01:23] sphery: Zordrak: export PATH=/opt/kde3/bin:${PATH}
[23:01:34] sphery: then it should get qmake from the right place
[23:01:36] Zordrak: runs ./configure;qmake;make;make install
[23:01:46] Zordrak: kk
[23:01:58] bocaJ (bocaJ! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:02:09] sphery: and make sure you do a make distclean && find . -name 'Makefile' -delete && svn up
[23:02:15] sphery: before you rerun configure
[23:02:28] sphery: You've got broken Makefiles if you've ever run it and hit the wrong qmake
[23:02:37] Zordrak: right
[23:02:42] Zordrak: (not svn ver btw_)
[23:02:54] sphery: make sure you do the svn up (or svn revert -r .) to get the Makefile that are not generated
[23:03:04] sphery: Zordrak: don't use 0.21 release
[23:03:18] sphery: You need 0.21-fixes : the stable branch
[23:03:26] sphery: 0.21 release has some big bugs
[23:03:26] Zordrak: it's coming out of the 0.21–1 tarball
[23:03:39] sphery: what distro?
[23:03:50] Zordrak: slackware
[23:04:09] mike909 (mike909! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:04:26] sphery: If you're building from source, I highly recommend the -fixes branch... If you can verify that that tarball contains the current -fixes, you can use it, but that's a big "if"
[23:04:39] Zordrak:
[23:04:45] Zordrak: hm
[23:04:53] sphery: that one is the broken one
[23:05:11] ** sphery wonders if the OpenSSL 1.0b1 announcement on Apr 1 was a joke **
[23:05:13] Zordrak: kk
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[23:07:44] Zordrak: how come the website isnt offering up fixes as the default tarball?
[23:07:48] mgisbers (mgisbers!n=mgisbers@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:07:55] meshe: sphery: not according to the patches Ubuntu sent down the pipe
[23:07:57] mike909: any mythbuntu users in here? I am about to re-install my mythbuntu 8.10, but want to backup the MySQL database, including mythvideos, all recorded tv info etc. I see:
[23:07:57] mike909: but I wanted to be sure that this applies to "mythbuntu" as well.
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[23:08:13] iamlindoro: because setting up a cron'ed tar is hard
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[23:08:34] meshe: iamlindoro: it is?
[23:08:35] Zordrak: is fixes still under devel?
[23:08:43] iamlindoro: meshe, facetious
[23:08:57] meshe: oh, sorry, late in the day, i must be tired :)
[23:08:58] iamlindoro: Zordrak, fixes still receives fixes. By default, never new features
[23:09:09] iamlindoro: by definition, rather
[23:10:11] GrahamIRC: Should do Mike909
[23:11:25] mike909: also, that guide mentions "assuming that you've dropped the database) " not sure what that means. The mythbuntu install will create a new DB for me, so technically, there will be a fresh I wouldn't I need to actually "merge" my old DB with the new one?
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[23:11:51] sphery: meshe: Ubuntu may be taking the release tarball and applying a "rollup" of the patches that have gone into the -fixes branch or something
[23:12:10] meshe: sphery: sorry, i meant re OpenSSL
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[23:15:59] mike909: Oh, I see step 23.6 points outhow to "drop" the database.
[23:16:37] eclipse[UME] (eclipse[UME]! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:16:47] ** kormoc wonders what mike909 is doing **
[23:17:12] eclipse[UME]: Anyone know of an app out there that will scan my DVD collection and pull covers for me?
[23:17:53] wagnerrp: is it a dvd collection? or a collection of dvdrips in mythvideo?
[23:18:12] eclipse[UME]: dvd collection
[23:18:28] eclipse[UME]: they were not ripped with mythvideo
[23:18:32] wagnerrp: you *can* use the TMDB script manually, and pull covers
[23:18:38] ivor (ivor!n=ivor@kde/developer/ivor) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:18:48] wagnerrp: you can make empty files, and use mythvideo on them normally
[23:18:56] mike909: kormoc: i'm getting ready to do a clean install of mythbuntu, and really really really don't want to lose the database info, with all the information on what shows ive already watched. ( i don't need to re-record 300 ep's of Family guy again)
[23:19:12] eclipse[UME]: hmm, I have over 480 movies
[23:19:26] eclipse[UME]: doing them manually would be a pain in the arse.
[23:19:31] sphery: mike909: I highly (but not so humbly) recommend:
[23:19:53] meshe: eclipse[UME]: unless you build a robot, you'll need to get the names into your system manually
[23:20:18] mike909: sphery: is that better than:  ??
[23:20:39] eclipse[UME]: Just wondering if anyone has heard of a script to do that.
[23:20:43] sphery: mike909: the end result is the same, but it's a /lot/ easier...
[23:20:55] eclipse[UME]: Looks like I'll add a bot script to my todo agenda.
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[23:21:05] sphery: mike909: and you can set up the backup to run on a cron job and/or in system startup/shutdown scripts
[23:21:26] wagnerrp: eclipse[UME]: you want a script to cycle dvds through your disk drive, and grab names off them?
[23:21:27] sphery: being able to backup with (and nothing more) is really nice
[23:21:48] eclipse[UME]: I have all the dvd's ripped to the harddrive
[23:21:52] sphery: mike909: note, though, that is broken
[23:22:06] eclipse[UME]: but, I neglected to take the time to pull the dvd cover for them at the time of the ripping
[23:22:15] wagnerrp: so... theyre on your hard drive? load them into mythvideo
[23:22:29] eclipse[UME]: they are all named appropriately, but I would like to add the cover art to mythtv for all of them
[23:22:30] sphery: mike909: if you do a partial restore with plugin data (i.e. MythVideo, et. al.), . . . _plugin_data works (but the HOWTO is broken)
[23:22:47] mike909: sphery: if is broken, then easier or not...the other way is the way to go....I just hope that the 'mythbuntu' distro doesn't introduce any reasons why that wouldn't work.
[23:22:49] ivor (ivor!n=ivor@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:23:10] sphery: mike909: but if you do a partial restore without plugin data (as in the HOWTO), make sure you use the scripts in the wiki page (not HOWTO instructions) and apply
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[23:23:28] wagnerrp: eclipse[UME]: there is no automatic 'scrape through everything'
[23:23:39] wagnerrp: but it may take ~10s per disk to do it in mythvideo
[23:23:52] wagnerrp: go into the menu, scan for metadata, move onto the next file
[23:24:02] ** sphery needs to bribe kormoc into applying the patches at and so he doesn't have to explain the brokenness every time... **
[23:24:08] wagnerrp: hour and a half to two hours, and youre done
[23:24:25] sphery: kormoc: ^^^ just let me know how big a check to send if you're interested (in what I said above)
[23:24:33] mike909: sphery: you mean: . . . l?format=txt that's the one I should be using (along with it's accompanying restore)
[23:24:42] poodyp_ (poodyp_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:24:48] sphery: mike909: yep
[23:24:55] eclipse[UME]: wagnerrp, which menu is scan for metadata in?
[23:25:08] wagnerrp: video manager, in utilities
[23:25:09] sphery: mike909: but if you're doing a partial restore without plugin data, make sure you apply the patch at to the restore script
[23:25:17] wagnerrp: did the tmdb stuff make it into -fixes yet?
[23:25:26] sphery: wagnerrp: didn't?
[23:25:40] wagnerrp: i havent run -fixes since december, im asking
[23:26:08] sphery: wagnerrp: because I haven't come up with a patch that does .pro magic to make a link called that refers to
[23:26:15] sphery: I know nothing of qmake
[23:26:32] mike909: sphery: when you say "partial restore without plugin data" do you mean, if I back-up on a myth box with..say...mythvideos...but then restore on a mythbox without mythvideos plugin, I need to apply that patch?
[23:26:36] kormoc: sphery, a blank check would do wonders ;)
[23:27:05] sphery: It's not in there, yet, but you can use it with (and trunk users also need to do what's on the wiki page for MythWeb support)
[23:27:09] sphery: wagnerrp: ^^^
[23:27:10] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:27:22] sphery: kormoc: It's in the mail... You can commit, now.
[23:27:24] sphery: :D
[23:27:45] wagnerrp: eclipse[UME]: check out sphery's link, the old imdb scraper is worthless for dvd covers
[23:28:15] sphery: mike909: if you do a full restore--i.e. no hostnames change--then you don't need the patch
[23:29:03] mike909: sphery: i'm not comfortable with "patching" in linux what your saying, is I just need to worry about naming the machine (hostname) the same as it was before, and having my media in the same places right?
[23:29:22] EvilGuru (EvilGuru!n=freddie@warzone2100/developer/EvilGuru) has quit ()
[23:29:28] sphery: mike909: if you decide you think there's a lot of broken garbage in your database (i.e. because someone has been directly editing data in the DB) and you don't trust it or you know that some of it was corrupted by a crashed table and you want a "fresh" database, you can do a "partial" restore to restore only recording rules, recordings, and recording metadata
[23:30:11] sphery: mike909: normall, a partial restore does not restore your plugin data (info about videos/music/etc)--the partial restore that does not include plugin data is currently broken and needs the patch mentioned
[23:30:56] sphery: mike909: but the script allows a partial restore that restores only partial TV data, but restores all the plugin data--that one works with the script without any patches
[23:30:59] mike909: oh, I see. so, "partial" means only data related to TV (including shows that have already recorded). no plugin data. Ok got it....perhaps that is a good give me more of a "fresh" db. I should probably look into how to patch.
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[23:31:31] mike909: oh ok. partial (tv) = broken. partial (plugins)= not broken.
[23:31:32] sphery: mike909: partial actually means part of the TV data
[23:31:37] sphery: but, yeah
[23:31:43] squish102: sphery is that the backup and restore utility? does it do the hostname rename also?
[23:31:58] sphery: so, my recommendation is to either do a full restore or do a partial restore with plugin data
[23:32:19] sphery: squish102: yeah, after doing a restore, you can do a hostname change with the restore script
[23:32:30] mike909: since I don't know how to patch...I will probably go with the full restore, and just be sure to name the machine the same.
[23:32:31] squish102: if i am moving recordings from one machine to a new one
[23:32:43] sphery: mike909: oh, and just a tip--I recommend using the exact same hostname on the before and after systems
[23:32:56] squish102: ok great work sphery /me now has to figure out how to get it ;)
[23:33:00] sphery: otherwise you have to do the hostname change /before/ starting any Myth program
[23:33:00] eclipse[UME]: "A poster exists for this item but could not be retrieved within the timeout period."
[23:33:15] mike909: easy enough to keep the same hostname.
[23:33:32] sphery: squish102: for moving just a few recordings from machine to machine, we don't currently have a program that will fix those...
[23:33:35] mike909: sudo hostname <bla>
[23:34:00] squish102: mike909 true.... does the ip address have to be the same?
[23:34:04] sphery: squish102: once I finish a project I'm working on, I plan to make it so that you can tell Myth to move recordings around (from dir to dir or from host to host) for you
[23:34:25] sphery: squish102: but that won't be available until 0.22 (at the earliest--assuming I get around to it before then :)
[23:34:37] squish102: haha... thanks, but i'm sure more people would find it useful
[23:34:52] sphery: squish102: you can change the IP address pretty easily...
[23:34:52] stoth (stoth! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:35:05] sphery: we just happen to use hostname all over the place inside the DB, so it's a bit messier
[23:35:30] squish102: is it just a sed to search and replace for both hostname and ip in the backed up file?
[23:36:09] sphery: squish102: that's what the HOWTO used to do... It was unsafe--i.e. if you named your old host "mythtv" or "myth" or ...--so the script has a /much/ more robust implementation in it.
[23:36:49] sphery: if the old host were called "tv" a /lot/ of very bad things would happen if you used the HOWTO's approach
[23:36:51] squish102: so use your script but include a search and replace
[23:37:04] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:37:09] sphery: When 0.22 is released, the HOWTO will change to describe how to do things with the scripts...
[23:37:12] squish102: my server names are unique
[23:37:23] sphery: Unfortunately, since the scripts aren't in 0.21, the HOWTO does it the old way
[23:37:43] squish102: but i really needed to get the other server running and tested before switching off a working server
[23:37:58] sphery: squish102: no need for the sed if you use the restore script... . . . d_or_backend
[23:38:18] squish102: ok thanks, i'll read that
[23:38:42] notlyricnz (notlyricnz! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:40:04] sphery: If you're trying to get things working, then "decommissioning" an old server, I recommend--once the new server is working--1) backup, 2) drop DB, 3) run mc.sql, 4) start mythtv-setup, 5) do partial restore with plugin data, 6) reconfigure hosts/video sources/capture cards/input connections/storage groups
[23:40:10] AndyCrawford (AndyCrawford! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:40:18] sphery: It's the cleanest approach.
[23:40:39] meshe: sphery: he wants to keep his recording history
[23:40:48] sphery: partial restore keeps recording history
[23:40:53] meshe: ahh
[23:42:05] Tomasu (Tomasu! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:42:56] sphery: or--what I do--get the new host working as a completely separate mythtv system (not communicating with other backends/frontends on the network), then 1) shut down other system, 2) backup old DB, 3) drop "test" system's DB, 4) run mc.sql on "test" system (now new system), 5) do full restore of old DB to new system, 6) change hostname from old hostname to new hostname in the DB with script
[23:43:01] mike909: it will be on the same box, so wont have access to both at once, but I am "imaging" (with clonezilla) prior to anything, just in case. I'm reading now on how to apply a "patch" so I'l be covered on the partial
[23:43:02] sphery: squish102: ^^^
[23:44:12] mike909: mc.sql, which script are you referring to there?
[23:44:29] sphery: mike909: for that particular patch, you can download it ( . . . tore.2.patch ), then with the patch and in the current working directory, use: patch -Np4 -i mythtv-6013-restore-handle_character_set_for_partial_restore.2.patch
[23:44:46] sphery: mc.sql is the script that creates the initial database...
[23:44:56] sphery: it's in the source distribution in a dir called database
[23:45:05] mike909: oh. I see.
[23:45:09] sphery: or, if you're running a packaged install, it's probably in /usr/share/doc or something...
[23:45:15] poodyp (poodyp! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:45:25] sphery: just do a "locate mc.sql" or find / -name 'mc.sql'
[23:45:27] mike909: thanks for the patch cmd. was 'man'ing' it up looking at the options...that helps.
[23:46:01] sphery: heh, yeah, if you're not used to it, it's kind of a pain... I happen to use patch way too often.
[23:47:08] sphery: mike909: another option:
[23:47:30] mike909: so ive got both and mythtv-6013-restore-handle_character_set_for_partial_restore.patch in the same directory. Running patch -Np4 -i mythtv-6013-restore-handle_character_set_for_partial_restore.2.patch gives me no such file.
[23:47:52] mike909: oh, the link you sent me to actuall contains "mythtv-6013-restore-handle_character_set_for_partial_restore.2.patch"
[23:48:10] mike909: changed to that filename and got patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line
[23:48:10] mike909: patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.
[23:48:13] sphery: you mean it didn't download?
[23:48:43] mike909: I assume I'm supposed to download mythtv-6013-restore-handle_character_set_for_partial_restore.patch correct?
[23:48:47] sphery: it's that has to be in that directory
[23:48:59] sphery: no, you want the .2 version
[23:49:19] sphery: but this is already patched:
[23:49:23] mike909: oh. sorted descending...crap. sorry.
[23:50:07] mike909: oh...well...that makes it easier. heh.
[23:50:57] poodyp (poodyp! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:51:05] mike909: so no need to "patch" that one. cool.
[23:51:08] sphery: right
[23:51:45] mike909: in the spirit of learning, I'l try and patch on my own time and see what happens.
[23:51:46] mike909: thanks for your help.
[23:51:53] sphery: enjoy
[23:52:20] mike909: I think I'l follow your workflow: ) shut down other system, 2) backup old DB, 3) drop "test" system's DB, 4) run mc.sql on "test" system (now new system), 5) do full restore of old DB to new system, 6) change hostname from old hostname to new hostname in the DB with script
[23:53:19] mike909: except, I won't need step 6, cause it'l be the same from the beginning.
[23:53:54] mike909: glad I cam here...actually is a bit more complex than I had expected.
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