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Friday, March 20th, 2009, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:50] mbamford (mbamford! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:25:59] Der_Thomas: Hi everyone, I just updated the OS on my FE and now the tuner in the FE does not show up.
[00:26:11] Der_Thomas: I've installed it correctly and it works outside of myth
[00:26:39] Der_Thomas: I've run mythtv-setup and added the tuner, source channels etc
[00:27:09] Der_Thomas: however there is no option to change tuners in the OSD when watching live TV
[00:27:29] Der_Thomas: anyone around that can help me troubleshoot this?
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[00:28:05] Der_Thomas: My FE is Ubuntu latest
[00:28:08] pigeon (pigeon! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:28:19] iamlindoro: Well, the most obvious question/comment is that frontends don't get tuners... so for it to show up, you'll need a backend running on that frontend system
[00:28:32] iamlindoro: in essence, to make it a slave backend
[00:28:35] Der_Thomas: my card is Pinnacle PCTV HD Card (800i)
[00:28:52] Der_Thomas: yes, it is also running mythbackend itslef
[00:29:12] iamlindoro: what do the backend logs on that system say when you start it?
[00:29:27] iamlindoro: Check them, and check that is says "starting as a slave backend"
[00:29:38] Simplelemming (Simplelemming! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:30:20] Der_Thomas: yes it does:
[00:30:24] Der_Thomas: "Running as a slave backend."
[00:30:27] Der_Thomas: form log
[00:30:30] Der_Thomas: from
[00:30:48] iamlindoro: and since setting up that card, have you restarted the master backend?
[00:31:43] Der_Thomas: yes
[00:31:47] Der_Thomas: several times
[00:32:28] iamlindoro: Then you will need to pastebin your backend logs from both backends
[00:32:55] Der_Thomas: I just restarted the slave BE:
[00:33:32] jroysdon (jroysdon! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:33:59] iamlindoro: "Using localhost value of mythfe"
[00:34:10] iamlindoro: your slave backend doesn't have a real IP set
[00:34:14] iamlindoro: in mythtv-setup
[00:34:16] jroysdon is now known as jroysdon-ox
[00:34:24] jroysdon2 is now known as jroysdon
[00:34:29] iamlindoro: looks like it's probably set to localhost or
[00:35:04] Der_Thomas: here is output from restarting my MBE:
[00:35:18] Der_Thomas: I'll check the IP, but pretty sure I changed it
[00:36:11] Der_Thomas: yeah just ran mythtv-setup and it is set to
[00:36:13] iamlindoro: All values on *all* hosts, including all mysql.txt and config.xml files for all relevant users, need to be real IP addresses if you want two backends to work together
[00:37:22] Der_Thomas: does it matter if (my SBE/FE machine) is a dynamic IP set by my router DHCP? I have no other devices so it will be sudo static
[00:38:14] jroysdon: So long as it doesn't change, but if there are no other devices, then just leave it set to locahost, no?
[00:38:32] iamlindoro: jroysdon, There are two backends. By definition there are other devices.
[00:38:43] jroysdon: Right, so he made a false statement ;-p
[00:38:49] jroysdon: Better to set a dhcp reservation in your server/router or set the IP statically
[00:38:59] iamlindoro: The other device is a static IP
[00:39:05] Der_Thomas: sorry that was probably confusing, my MBE has a static IP set so I ment there are no other dynamic IP devices
[00:40:04] jroysdon: ah, sorry, coming into the conversation after not seeing all of it. It will work, but I would not do it, as the chances of you never connecting anything else to the network is rare, and it'll be in that blue moon time that someone else will get a lease and things will break.
[00:40:27] jroysdon: (It shouldn't, and the BE should keep the IP lease always, but I've seen strange things with dhcp)
[00:40:39] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux,
[00:40:49] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, Keep seeing this occasionally, not sure why that happens
[00:41:16] Der_Thomas: yeah, I will make the SBE have a static IP, just haven't gotten around to it yet. The dynamic was the default
[00:41:37] jroysdon: give it a static outside of the dhcp server scope range too
[00:42:10] Der_Thomas: right, of course
[00:42:38] Der_Thomas: but for this purpose you don't think that the dynamic IP is the cause of my tuner not showing up?
[00:42:49] jroysdon: no
[00:43:01] jroysdon: It has no idea that it is static/dynamic
[00:43:14] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, never mind, looks like I left a copy of your old script in my SVN code, got an old copy
[00:44:14] Der_Thomas: right, OK that is what I thought. Any ideas as to why I can't get this tuner to show up?
[00:44:43] Der_Thomas: I get my tuner from my MBE to work no problem, but not the one in my SBE
[00:45:13] jroysdon: Sorry, I haven't done any work with more than one BE just yet
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[00:47:31] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, Am getting host not found on the downloads again, though
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[00:52:00] davidm (davidm!n=David@nat/ti/x-83560c4d3f07898a) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:52:20] deeemac: having an issue with setting a left channel volume with AlsaMixer, the Q and Z keys are not working for it, is it possible to set the left channel level with amixer?
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[01:04:35] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, well, I'll see about fixing the redirects in the download code, it ought to be there anyway. Will add in Banner download while I'm at it
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[01:09:28] deeemac: this is a really strange problem, I found how to change the level of both the left and right channels, but video mixer is not letting me change the level I'm doing sudo amixer -c 1 set Video,0 0% 0%
[01:10:03] deeemac: it shows as setting to 0%, but when I go back, to look at the levels it says front left 20 [100%]
[01:10:07] Wicked (Wicked!n=rewt@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit ()
[01:10:26] deeemac: and the right channel is 0%
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[01:30:02] thread: can anyone take a stab at what might cause this error?
[01:30:08] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: If any obviously wrong "series not found" messages occur they are almost certainly the one known caching bug that still exists. At least yours was an old code issue. As far as the redirects are concerned I sure hope that something can be done in Mythvideo as I hate overriding the regular URL.
[01:30:08] thread: 2009-03–19 21:29:18.694 DVBChan(4:0) Error: SetChannelByString(2): Failed to initialize multiplex options
[01:30:10] RDV_Linux: Besides I download from the un-doctored URL without issue with my other scripts.
[01:30:11] thread: 2009-03–19 21:29:18.694 TVRec(4) Error: Failed to set channel to 2. Reverting to kState_None
[01:31:10] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, you may want to resync with my code later tonight-- adding banner download for TV, and changing the naming scheme for TV to "$title Season $season#.jpg"
[01:31:24] iamlindoro: the downloader naming scheme, that is
[01:31:39] iamlindoro: that way when mythvideo downloads a file, it will automatically be named properly for use in Watch Recordings
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[01:37:52] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: Is it possible to have an override name scheme on the command line? I already use "seriesid.ext" (74590,jpg) and "seriesid-seasonnum.ext" (75690–01,jpg). I suspect people are going to want their own format.
[01:37:54] RDV_Linux: Also not every series has season specific posters and banners so I look for the season level graphics first and fallback to the top rated series graphics if the season one was not found.
[01:38:16] porcodildo (porcodildo!n=wefw@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:38:50] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, There's no support for anything in the mythvideo downloader for anything but the inetref right now (the TVDB or TMDB series ID)
[01:38:58] iamlindoro: and that number is useless to the Watch Recordings Screen
[01:39:04] iamlindoro: and to humanity at large, for that matter
[01:39:30] iamlindoro: The watch recordings screen needs an image named for the show, or the show + eason/episode information to find it
[01:39:54] iamlindoro: this modification makes MythVideo download images to a filename that makes much more sense, and is pre-configured to work with the Watch Recording screen
[01:40:00] J-e-f-f-A: But... but... I want to watch "1239926"... ;-)
[01:40:47] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, you can go on using your code in the way you have, I'm not touching your script, only changing the filename pattern MythVideo uses
[01:40:57] iamlindoro: s/uses/downloads/
[01:41:00] Mr_Grieves|| (Mr_Grieves||! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:41:13] RDV_Linux: Oh well. I was creating a renamer script as I now have a mixture of IMDB numbers and series id numbers for my TV shows already. Part of bleeding edge I guess.
[01:41:38] Mr_Grieves||: Hrm, on the latest svn I'm getting errors about not having lame installed. I have libmp3lame in /usr/lib...what else would it be looking for?
[01:41:53] Lexridge: try lame-devel
[01:42:07] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, Movies should stay their inetref (well technically I think they should be named similarly but that's legacy code) but I don't see any reason the TTVDB downloads should be named anything besides what they are
[01:42:56] Lexridge: Mr_Grieves: When a compile complains something is missing, 99% of the time it means you do not have the devel pkg installed.
[01:43:00] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, and allowing the user to specify how they're named would only give the user the capacity to break their compatibility with the Watch Recordings screen, which was my who reason for changing it in the first place
[01:43:04] iamlindoro: er whole
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[01:45:04] Mr_Grieves||: Lexridge: D'oh — I'm still getting used to the concept of devel packages, I just switched from gentoo to ubuntu. No need to worry about devel there :)
[01:46:29] Lexridge: I need help too :( After installing F8, I can no longer play back my pre-recorded HD content. It freezes, while audio still plays, but skips as well. I have the latest stable nvidia drivers (180.29) installed as well, from nvidia's site...
[01:46:40] RDV_Linux: In my meta data maintenance script I referred to earlier today, I allow for a user specified file name format in a configuration file that allows any pattern that contains series name, season and episode numbers, episode name and series id, So in the end I am OK without ever is chosen.
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[01:47:24] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, that's fine, but it's outside of the Myth*video* download behavior
[01:47:32] iamlindoro: you can go on using your script and naming things what you like
[01:47:53] RDV_Linux: OK
[01:48:02] Lexridge: plus it is using 100% of the CPU (both cores) while attempting to playback. I had this problem before (under FC6), but cannot remember what I did to fix it.
[01:48:25] iamlindoro: If I get some extra time I'll look at making it user-formattable, but that will require changes to the Watch Recordings screen, and it's already tough enough to get a commit without having to track down two people to do it
[01:50:50] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, well, I've got the banner downloader working, but the host not found bit continues to irritate me/render the script screwy
[01:51:08] iamlindoro: (and prevent download altogether)
[01:53:18] sphery: huh... In -fixes if you change the poster for MythVideo (same filename), it doesn't show the change until you restart the frontend (re-creating image cache, perhaps)
[01:53:20] RDV_Linux: When I started downloading graphics from I followed the naming convention used for movies in mythvideo which was imdb numbers. Series name are better in the long run.
[01:53:54] RDV_Linux: Does the download issue come and go in conjunction with how slow the site is?
[01:54:05] Mr_Grieves||: Hrm, no lame-devel in kubuntu — only lame.
[01:54:05] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, as near as I can tell, the stuff decides to resolve... eventually
[01:54:23] iamlindoro: apt-cache search liblame |grep dev
[01:55:01] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, It's actually nice to go back and re-download some stuff as the user ratings are worth having (I had everything else set)
[01:55:19] Mr_Grieves||: iamlindoro: returns a prompt
[01:56:07] iamlindoro: apt-cache search lame |grep dev
[01:56:54] ** Mr_Grieves|| slinks away **
[01:57:04] Mr_Grieves||: Don't know how I missed that. Thanks :)
[01:57:18] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, can you please return "Runtime:" in the script? That's a pretty important one IMO
[01:57:34] RDV_Linux: I wonder if there is a closer mirror to you I suspect the "nyud" maybe a NewYork mirror. With my old script _v0.8.0 you may be able to find out if you get a different mirror site by trying it in mythvideo then reading the text jpg file it downloads.
[01:57:39] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, where runtime = length, of course
[01:59:16] iamlindoro: Otherwise you end up with nice metadata that tells you an episode is 0 minutes long :)
[01:59:51] RDV_Linux: Let me check a few thing on run time, right now I am returning all available tvdb,com meta data. May be the key has a different name then what myth expects.
[02:00:11] iamlindoro: nothing I can see in the returned values that resembles runtime
[02:00:23] iamlindoro: it would shock me to learn they don't keep that info
[02:00:33] iamlindoro: well, I guess nothing should shock me
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[02:01:14] J-e-f-f-A: I'll bet 'clever' getting a brand-new computer would... ;-)
[02:01:28] iamlindoro: Ugh, people asking for JYA to post his trunk builds
[02:01:38] iamlindoro: I guess people are eager enough for .22 that they intend to put out their own
[02:02:53] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, sure enough, it appears there's no field for length on their site-- now *that's* just plain silly
[02:03:12] iamlindoro: All that info and no length.
[02:04:46] iamlindoro: Good thing I have a script that handles these things for me, but... :)
[02:05:20] RDV_Linux: There is a generic series run time (e.g. Fringe 60 minutes) but not episode specific. Surely you do not want the generic run time. I will do if I can access it and you want it.
[02:05:41] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, well if that's the best it can do it should return that
[02:05:53] iamlindoro: I prefer close info over no info
[02:06:19] iamlindoro: also, as a suggestion, you might consider allowing a --lang option for the grabber that will prefer the -D information in another language if avaialble, then fall back to english
[02:06:27] iamlindoro: Lots and *lots* of non-english speaking myth users out there
[02:06:39] iamlindoro: ie --lang=de will prefer german, etc.
[02:07:31] RDV_Linux: Maybe I could get the runtime from the video file and add it in. That may be beyond my skills but I could give it a try. Would you want that if I could do it?
[02:07:53] iamlindoro: The grabber shouldn't directly access the video file *at all*
[02:08:22] iamlindoro: As we are moving towards functionality where the grabber and file may well be on entirely different filesystems with nothing but the myth protocol to stream them
[02:08:34] iamlindoro: Don't worry about it if you can't get it
[02:08:35] Lexridge: Ah, fixed my HD playback problem Apparently I forgot to enable OpenGL within Mythfrontend. Doh! Works very well now.
[02:08:38] iamlindoro: it's not a big deal
[02:08:51] RDV_Linux: Ok back to plan A – the generic series runtime. I need to do some digging before I can commit to that option.
[02:08:54] iamlindoro: Worst comes to worst when gbee finishes his preview generation code I can use that to get length
[02:09:06] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, if it's possible, it's possible, no need for miracles
[02:10:56] iamlindoro: gbee has a patch to allow preview (screenshot) generation in MythVideo-- that'll involve a process that will allow me to get length, most likely
[02:12:35] RDV_Linux: As far as language is concerned ttvdb already have a language filter (-l) based on your installations local language. It does not fall back to English if there are no local language graphics. The fall back seems like a worth enhancement. I will put it on the list.
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[02:17:34] iamlindoro: people are way too generous with their user ratings on this site :)
[02:18:00] KhaZ__ (KhaZ__! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:18:12] KhaZ__: Hi! Quick dumb question, I'm looking into MythTV as a replacement for TwonkyMedia manager – I basically use it to stream stuff to my 360. Reading up on the UPnP stuff on the MythTV website, it seems to say that this is possible with the 360. Has anyone run both Twonky and MythTV and can say which is better suited for this purpose?
[02:18:41] sphery: KhaZ__: TTBOMK, the main limitation is the types of media that the XBox 360 will accept via UPnP. It doesn't accept MPEG-2, which--at least in the US--is the majority of MythTV recordings.
[02:19:10] sphery: Myth can stream recordings via UPnP, but the 360 doesn't generally play them.
[02:19:24] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:19:33] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, the tvdb cache is *very* helpful when updating the same series
[02:19:34] KhaZ__: Right. But if it's in the right format, it's not an issue? I'm currently mostly streaming xvids and stuff, and I'm just curious if Myth can do the job on that.
[02:19:42] RDV_Linux: I reread your language comment. The current language filter only works on graphics and would need to be extended to meta data (-D) and fall back for everything. I put it on the new feature list.
[02:19:48] sphery: For MythVideo videos, it may be possible (if they're supported CODEC's/containers), but if you're not using the TV stuff, MythTV probably isn't the program you want.
[02:19:49] KhaZ__: Can I use MythTV as a UPnP streamer and ignore the rest of the tv-recording stuff?
[02:20:13] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, Yeah, all just pie-in-the-sky stuff, what's there already does a graet job
[02:20:37] KhaZ__: Hrmm; yeah, I'm not using the TV stuff at all in fact. Was more just hoping that MythTV could be my UPnP app of choice, since the rest of them seem so flakey and Myth has somewhat of a brand-name associated with it. ;)
[02:20:37] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, just that the more I use it the more I start thinking about exotic usage cases-- and trust me, from a few years in Myth land, there are MENY exotic users out there
[02:20:42] iamlindoro: er MANY
[02:21:07] RDV_Linux: I suspect the real work will start when the new grabber interface specification come out.
[02:21:34] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, I believe our trusty MythVideo maintainer intends to make the necessary modifications himself, given time
[02:21:49] sphery: KhaZ__: at least now (might change somewhat with the next version), the non-TV parts of Myth aren't really what builds the brand :)
[02:22:02] KhaZ__: Fair enough. ;) I'll wait for MythUPnP. ;)
[02:22:15] KhaZ__: No chance that the UPnP component of Myth is standalone, is it?
[02:22:30] sphery: that said, someone here may have a recommendation for a good UPnP server... I don't do UPnP, so I don't have one.
[02:22:48] sphery: No. Myth's UPnP is a small part of the mythbackend.
[02:22:58] KhaZ__: Right, makes sense.\
[02:23:20] KhaZ__: On that note, anyone here recommend a decent Linux -> Xbox 360 UPnP application? Hopefully free? :)
[02:23:34] iamlindoro: !trout sphery some of us are trying to build the other parts of the brand, thanks for pooping on us
[02:23:34] ** MythLogBot slaps sphery with a some of us are trying to build the other parts of the brand, thanks for pooping on us trout on behalf of iamlindoro... **
[02:23:44] RDV_Linux: If you dig beyond ttvdb's use as a grabber for mythvideo it does many things useful for mass updates or nightly jobs. When I use my own scripts I always find more functionality I want to add.
[02:23:54] sphery: That said, though, if you /do/ setup up MythTV and get yourself a couple of capture cards, you may find yourself addicted to the TV stuff.
[02:24:10] sphery: iamlindoro: I said, "might change somewhat with the next version"!
[02:24:36] iamlindoro: sphery, Then again, some of us may be trying to make the merging of certain plugins and certain core functionality more realistic sounding
[02:24:43] sphery: the "somewhat" just being due to my not having experienced any frontend plugins in trunk, yet (since my dev box is /waaaaaayyyyyy/ over there.
[02:24:53] KhaZ__: sphery: True, but then I have to rationalize why I have an already purchased PVR *and* a computer running in my living room to my wife. ;)
[02:25:05] iamlindoro: sphery, If you can take off a sock and hit it, then it's not way over there ;)
[02:25:34] iamlindoro: who needs to run it in the living room? Run it in the closet and run some cables in the wall-- then your wife will love you for removing all those unsightly cables
[02:25:43] sphery: KhaZ__: gut the PVR and stick a nice small mobo in there and she'll never notice... (OK, she /will/ notice--and at first will probably find many issues as you're trying to stabilize it, etc...)
[02:25:48] iamlindoro: then you will get intercoursed
[02:26:20] Lexridge: lol
[02:26:27] KhaZ__: sphery: Heheh, true enough. Although you've got me wondering if my Motorola PVR has already been hacked by the linux crowd that way...
[02:26:29] sphery: I definitely agree with the "don't put a myth frontend or backend in the viewing room" part of what iamlindoro said...
[02:26:36] sphery: can't vouch for the second part, though
[02:26:45] KhaZ__: iamlindoro: Hah. Yeah; recabling my house is another part of the whole endeavour. Le sigh.
[02:27:25] iamlindoro: KhaZ__, This is lesson one of Mythboxing-- it's not a project, it's a hobby :)
[02:27:27] sphery: I would send you a link to the features & screenshots page for MythTV, but I think it was last updated in version 0.13 (we're on 0.21, now)
[02:27:40] sphery: yes, and it's a full-time hobby
[02:27:44] sphery: :)
[02:27:52] mchou (mchou!n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:28:02] mkrufky: the sa3250ch program changes channels correctly for me, but mythtv doesnt. i have the firewire input correctly set up as p2p sa3250 — what else could be wrong?
[02:28:03] KhaZ__: Hehe, I totally understand that. :) If there's one thing I'm guilty of, it's too many half-baked hobbies. :)
[02:28:06] KhaZ__ is now known as KhaZ
[02:28:32] iamlindoro: mkrufky, might need to hack in the model and vendor IDs
[02:28:43] sphery: KhaZ__: let's put it this way... I started off small with MythTV--standard def TV and a 300GB HDD for SDTV recording. I now have a 67" TV and 6.5TB of storage for 100% HDTV recordings.
[02:28:51] mkrufky: iamlindoro: how?
[02:28:58] sphery: And before Myth, I didn't really get into TV.
[02:29:00] iamlindoro: mkrufky, I'm only familiar with how to get them on a moto box, though, but there's likely a verbose command for your channel changer that will spit them out
[02:29:01] KhaZ: sphery: Hah, awesome.
[02:29:17] iamlindoro: mkrufky, Then you need to compare them to the firewire channel changer code in myth for your model and make sure they match
[02:29:22] KhaZ: sphery: Well, that's the thing. I'm not much of a TV watcher, but my wife is. I loathe paying for 95% noise for 5% signal.
[02:29:23] sphery: iamlindoro has a 106" TV (projector)
[02:29:46] mkrufky: iamlindoro: stoth has the same model STB as mine, and it works for him
[02:29:55] mkrufky: in myth
[02:30:05] sphery: yeah, if you're doing cable, you may have more restrictions on ability to record (what with encryption and all), but for OTA, Myth rocks!
[02:30:06] iamlindoro: mkrufky, the same model will often have different hex vendor and model IDs throughout its production run
[02:30:09] mkrufky: iamlindoro: does that eliminate any steps?
[02:30:20] iamlindoro: mkrufky, Have had two identical boxes with different vendor and model IDs
[02:30:27] mkrufky: ah
[02:31:02] mkrufky: in mythtv-setup, there's an option for an external script ... cant i just use that and bypass mythtv's code?
[02:31:12] iamlindoro: mkrufky, yes, although it's a little sub-optimal
[02:31:31] iamlindoro: my way is the cleaner way :) (and you can send a patch and be appreciated for it too)
[02:31:36] mkrufky: needing to rebuild mythtv is also sub-optimal :-/
[02:31:37] iamlindoro: should only take you a couple minutes
[02:31:43] iamlindoro: ccache, dude
[02:31:44] mkrufky: oh, ok
[02:31:46] mkrufky: thats fine
[02:31:58] iamlindoro: rebuild time for a firewire code change should be in the seconds
[02:32:28] mkrufky: is this documented somewhere, or would u care to hold my hand ? either is fine w me
[02:33:24] iamlindoro: mkrufky, first off check out your channel changer and see if there's a verbose option that allows you to spit out that info
[02:34:05] mkrufky: can i paste 3 lines or should i use a pastebin?
[02:34:27] mkrufky: too late:
[02:34:38] iamlindoro: hang on
[02:34:57] mkrufky: thats the verbose output after the command: sa3250ch -v 17
[02:35:17] iamlindoro: mkrufky, Herm, now I'm confused... but wait
[02:35:19] mkrufky: oh, oops — but it only actually works for me if i specify -s also .... so sa3250ch -v -s 17
[02:35:23] iamlindoro: haha
[02:35:39] mkrufky: im sorry — new paste:
[02:35:40] iamlindoro: okay, go to mythtv/libs/libmythtv
[02:35:59] iamlindoro: and edit firewiredevice.cpp and go to const uint64_t sa_vendor_ids
[02:36:02] mkrufky: so this one is correct:
[02:36:21] iamlindoro: now, in trunk that vendor and model ID is there, but check the .21 code, maybe it's been added since
[02:37:20] mkrufky: oh, im confused
[02:37:33] mkrufky: so u mean that i cant send a patch cuz its already supported in trunk?
[02:37:54] iamlindoro: it is, and yes, that's what I mean, but I want to see if .21 has support
[02:38:01] iamlindoro: I suppose I can just go read the svn log, or you could just tell me :)
[02:38:07] iamlindoro: c
[02:38:14] iamlindoro: 'cause I'm doin, ya know, stuff.
[02:38:15] iamlindoro: ;)
[02:38:18] mchou: mkrufky: just use the stand alone proggie for a sanity check
[02:38:21] mkrufky: ok, so u told me to edit this file, and the sources i have here is trunk, lol
[02:38:42] mkrufky: but im not actually running trunk
[02:38:52] iamlindoro: mkrufky, hang on, will just check the .21 source
[02:38:55] mkrufky: k
[02:39:14] mkrufky: mchou: i already used the standalone program, and it works... just mythtv doesnt
[02:40:11] mkrufky: oooh, this might also work on my 4250! i'll try it there next, after i get the 3250 working
[02:40:32] iamlindoro: mkrufky, Hmm, those model and vendor IDs are indeed in .21
[02:40:52] mkrufky: let me clarify my problem
[02:41:06] mchou: mkrufky: then use the standalone for work around in myth for the time being
[02:41:07] mkrufky: mythtv changes the channel, but it goes to the wrong channel
[02:41:15] mkrufky: if i want channel 17, it goes to 49
[02:41:28] mchou: mkrufky: as long as it works, there's no issue
[02:41:47] iamlindoro: mkrufky, Ah, okay, then that is a little different.. hmm, I've defintiely heard this before but don't recall the fix
[02:42:32] mkrufky: hmm
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[03:32:03] mzb_d800: mzb test
[03:32:11] mzb_xps: hmm
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[03:32:58] mzb_xps: uhuh
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[03:33:29] mzb_d800: bye bye xchat
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[03:33:43] kormoc: Aww, poor xchat
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[03:34:07] mzb_xps: yeah, it's pissed me off for the last time
[03:34:20] mzb_xps: lostirc looks more my style ;)
[03:34:31] ** kormoc shrugs **
[03:34:34] kormoc: I really like xchat
[03:34:54] mzb_xps: yeah, it's just too much
[03:35:25] mzb_xps: mind you, this might not quite be enough ;) ... we'll see
[03:35:44] mzb_xps: (I'm having one of *those* days;)
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[03:44:15] iamlindoro: could have PM'ed that stuff to you, though :)
[03:45:59] iamlindoro: Wowaweewow, Looks like Comcast made good on their promise of doubling download speeds in my area this week
[03:46:39] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, new patch with all the improvements discussed added to #6346
[03:47:55] Shadow__X: iamlindoro, do you still have a donwload cap
[03:48:01] iamlindoro: Probably
[03:48:15] Shadow__X: :(
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[04:08:32] sphery: Shadow__X: yeah, makes sense for them to double the download speed so you can hit your cap earlier
[04:08:47] sphery: do they charge extra for exceeding the cap or just suspend service?
[04:09:38] ** RyeBrye just noticed his backend job queue was clogged... he unclogged it and now 8 commflag jobs are running – each between 60 to 250 fps. CPU load is at 15 now :) **
[04:10:05] sphery: wow
[04:10:20] RyeBrye: Yeah, I don't know why I had it set to run 8 jobs
[04:10:23] kormoc: There's a bit plunger?
[04:10:39] sphery: a friend's got wedged with over 60 in the queue
[04:10:42] RyeBrye: /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart usually unclogs it
[04:10:48] kormoc: sphery, my understanding is if you hit the cap three months in a row, they cancel your account
[04:10:57] sphery: his is set to run 1 job per host
[04:11:09] sphery: took 3 days to clear
[04:11:25] RyeBrye: I'm nowhere near that patient
[04:11:35] sphery: kormoc: d'oh... glad I dont have Comcast
[04:12:06] iamlindoro: or glad you're not a bit squirrel
[04:12:09] RyeBrye: I bought an overpowered backend / frontend before vdpau came out – and gosh darnit I'm going to make use of it! :)
[04:12:28] sphery: iamlindoro: that too... though I like my 'net radio
[04:13:16] wagnerrp: i need to make a concerted effort to remember to debug my nfs server next time i find it broken, rather than just reboot it
[04:13:42] iamlindoro: sphery, It's be tought to hit a quarter terabyte with net radio
[04:13:44] sphery: my and his backends are Athlon XP's in the 2000+ to 2400+ range... Frontends in the X24800+ to 6000+ range
[04:13:52] iamlindoro: er it'd, tough
[04:14:07] wagnerrp: thats surely a lot of... erm... linux distros
[04:14:12] sphery: iamlindoro: I should meter my usage just for fun
[04:14:52] RyeBrye: dd-wrt will meter usage for you
[04:15:08] wagnerrp: that reminds me, i need to get mrtg working again
[04:15:10] RyeBrye: if you have it on your router, it gives you pretty little bar graphs showing bandwidth use per day
[04:15:25] sphery: I've always liked OpenWRT
[04:15:43] wagnerrp: my router has been diligently tracking it for the past couple months
[04:15:45] sphery: though I'm onlt using it as an access point
[04:15:56] wagnerrp: but i dont have a 32-bit web server to actually display the data
[04:16:10] Tomasu (Tomasu! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[04:16:38] RyeBrye: openWRT bricked my router a few times, so now I've gone to dd-wrt since it had prebuilt images that would flash my router without requiring a jtag to recover from the bad flash
[04:16:59] RyeBrye: but I would prefer openWRT over dd-wrt – it just didn't have the same feelings towards me it seems
[04:17:08] sphery: heh...
[04:21:49] RyeBrye: I should find the optimal number of commflag jobs to complete all of them in the quickest possible time
[04:22:05] RyeBrye: one per core?
[04:22:59] RyeBrye: I think overclocked i7's are so fast they finish commflagging the entire hour long show when only 4 minutes of it is recorded ;)
[04:23:51] wagnerrp: RyeBrye: whats the point when they can only possibly run at 30/60fps?
[04:24:19] sphery: RyeBrye: I think it would be when 8mins are recorded--as the logo detector looks at the first 8mins of video to find the logo :)
[04:24:57] RyeBrye: sphery: it's got hyperthreading so it has basically 2 cores looking at 4 minutes which basic algebra will show you adds up to 8 minutes of work
[04:25:10] sphery: oh, that makes sense
[04:25:36] RyeBrye: yeah, it's that old algebra work problem. If one person can do job in 8 minutes, 2 people can do it in 4, duh
[04:25:37] RyeBrye: ;)
[04:27:08] sphery: yeah, or 1000 people could do it in 0.48 seconds
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[04:40:34] Shadow__X: how much would 1000 p2's cost
[04:42:02] iamlindoro: however much it costs to get clever to clean out the basement
[04:42:05] wagnerrp: could you find 1000 p2s, plus motherboards, for sale?
[04:42:14] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: If commcast increased your download speed why would you be having spotty downloads with the tvdb URLs?
[04:42:33] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, because the download success has nothing to do with the speed
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[04:43:04] kormoc: It's not like a leaky bucket
[04:43:18] RDV_Linux: What is your theory?
[04:43:33] ** kormoc blinks **
[04:43:35] wagnerrp: rather, its a leaky bucket, with a bunch of tubes threaded through the holes
[04:43:38] quadtree (quadtree! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:43:46] iamlindoro: appears to have something to do with name resolution or all the images not being on the same server
[04:43:47] kormoc: Packet loss/corrupt data packets?
[04:44:16] wagnerrp: packet loss is when someone accidentally pulls one of the tubes out
[04:44:18] RyeBrye: iamlindoro: does clever really have 1000 p2's in his basement? that's relatively new tech for him, isn't it?
[04:44:28] wagnerrp: the network tech has to plug it back in
[04:44:41] wagnerrp: corrupt data is when someone pees in the bucket of former water
[04:44:50] iamlindoro: RyeBrye, probably :)
[04:45:10] RDV_Linux: I sure would like to get to the bottom of this issue. It smells like something a lot of people could have.
[04:46:27] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, I will look into making Mythvideo obey the redirects
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[05:16:40] mkrufky: !!! sci-fi HD is working now over firewire!!!
[05:16:50] mkrufky: whoah!
[05:17:08] kormoc: SyFy!
[05:18:58] Shadow__X: congrats
[05:19:02] mkrufky: oh, true
[05:19:08] Shadow__X: i have to return a defective unit
[05:19:35] mkrufky: well, for some reason, i havent been able to make THAT channel work with the command line utilities, but now that i have firewire working in myth with channel change, its working onm that channel, too
[05:19:59] Shadow__X: nice i have a sliver of channels that i can get over firewire
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[05:27:20] wagnerrp: mkrufky: your STB is now passing STDs?
[05:27:53] mkrufky: huh?
[05:28:26] wagnerrp: sci-fi is changing their name to syfy.... aka, siphilius
[05:28:38] mkrufky: ah true
[05:28:48] mkrufky: im so happy this is working now
[05:28:54] mkrufky: i wish i did this last year
[05:29:02] mkrufky: i could have been timeshifting bsg this whole time
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[05:44:57] Shadow__X: are you able to get all your channels
[05:44:58] Shadow__X: ?
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[06:04:59] mkrufky: Shadow__X: yes
[06:05:03] mkrufky: even hbo!!!
[06:05:06] mkrufky: omg!
[06:05:26] Shadow__X: :(
[06:05:31] Shadow__X: i am uber jealous
[06:05:55] mkrufky: this didnt work before ... i dont know , i dont think this is SUPPOSED to work and it does, so i cant complain
[06:06:07] mkrufky: all that matters is that i can timeshift bsg tomorrow
[06:06:43] Shadow__X: right
[06:07:01] Shadow__X: maybe when i return my defective stb maybe i can get the same
[06:07:03] Shadow__X: :D
[06:07:41] wagnerrp: mkrufky: and it will continue working right up until primetime tomorrow... :P
[06:08:00] Shadow__X: lol
[06:08:04] Shadow__X: dont jinx em
[06:09:20] mkrufky: ooooh ill be so mad if that happens
[06:09:47] wagnerrp: i keep getting things not record because the channels get reordered
[06:10:00] Shadow__X: i have had that to me wagnerrp stupid
[06:10:26] Shadow__X: its completely unneccesary
[06:13:40] Shadow__X: anyone else here contemplate how the world would be if csi was true
[06:14:25] wagnerrp: you mean if a police department was able to dedicate that kind of resources against each and every case that crosses their desk?
[06:14:38] mchou: lol
[06:14:56] mchou: csi (the shows) are retarded
[06:15:21] Shadow__X: yup
[06:15:38] mchou: miami is the worst of them all
[06:15:50] Shadow__X: also have the amount of money they have for a lab that have such incredible tech that the gov wouldnt mind getting some of it
[06:15:57] Shadow__X: mchou, i fully agree
[06:15:59] mchou: stopped watching that long ago
[06:16:05] Shadow__X: that guy is rediculous
[06:16:19] mchou: yeah, 'horatio caine'
[06:16:26] Shadow__X: oh yeah
[06:16:37] wagnerrp: a pale irishment just cant pull off a don johnson type character in miami
[06:16:39] Shadow__X: his acting is one of a kind
[06:16:45] Shadow__X: to say the least
[06:16:50] mchou: I dont want to get preached to when I'm watching a show
[06:16:57] Shadow__X: lol
[06:17:02] mchou: spare me the sermons
[06:17:34] mchou: for a while I thought it was on FOx :)
[06:17:41] wagnerrp: and what police department would buy hummers for all of their staff
[06:18:09] mchou: wagnerrp: that's besides the point
[06:18:18] Shadow__X: and call it the green team
[06:18:19] Shadow__X: ?
[06:18:23] mchou: lol
[06:18:29] wagnerrp: the green team?
[06:18:48] mchou: green means "fresh of the boat"
[06:18:48] Shadow__X: yeah a "green" joke with how people have been echo friendly
[06:18:55] mchou: off*
[06:19:01] Shadow__X: mchou, no thats fob
[06:19:04] Shadow__X: where are you from
[06:19:20] mchou: i.e. he's green
[06:19:35] mchou: meaning inexperienced
[06:19:39] Shadow__X: uh dont know never have heard it used that way
[06:20:13] mchou: Shadow__X: you ever been in the military?
[06:20:18] wagnerrp: like a plant that hasnt ripened yet...
[06:20:28] Shadow__X: mchou, nope
[06:20:29] mchou: indeedy
[06:20:47] Shadow__X: ah is that why
[06:21:23] mchou: green:
[06:21:23] mchou: 6. Immature in age, judgment, or experience; inexperienced;
[06:21:23] mchou: young; raw; not trained; awkward; as, green in years or
[06:21:23] mchou: judgment.
[06:21:23] mchou: [1913 Webster]
[06:22:10] mchou: not green as in "energy efficient" lol
[06:22:11] Shadow__X: hmm
[06:23:48] mchou: it's strange that Fox has House,MD though
[06:24:25] mchou: that's the last network I'd be expecting a show like that
[06:26:10] wagnerrp: well the other networks had their medical dramas, FOX had to follow suit
[06:26:25] mchou: no, that's not what I mean
[06:26:40] wagnerrp: of course its odd they didnt get moved to friday and cancelled
[06:26:42] mchou: I though Fox caters to right wingnuts
[06:27:04] mchou: House openly questions the existence of God
[06:27:15] mchou: make fun of "believers"
[06:27:20] wagnerrp: fox news... maybe
[06:27:24] Shadow__X: i am sure there are right wingnuts that dont beleive
[06:28:02] mchou: Shadow__X: dude, when I say wingnuts I mean fundies
[06:28:13] Shadow__X: fundies?
[06:28:19] wagnerrp: fundamentalists
[06:28:20] Shadow__X: as in people who give money
[06:28:24] Shadow__X: ah
[06:28:28] Shadow__X: ok
[06:28:36] mchou: Shadow__X: where YOU from?
[06:28:37] mchou: lol
[06:28:58] mchou: Shadow__X: lil lacking in American vernacular
[06:29:09] Shadow__X: i guess so
[06:29:13] Shadow__X: never noticed that
[06:31:19] wagnerrp: anyway, i really doubt fox and fox news have any intention of catering to the same audience
[06:32:46] mchou: you'd be mistaken if you watched '24'
[06:33:52] wagnerrp: how long had simpsons been the ire of censorship groups
[06:34:01] mchou: considering the producers of that show were republican operatives in a past life
[06:34:20] wagnerrp: corrupting the children for 20 years
[06:34:36] mchou: simpsons got lame long time ago. It became preachy too
[06:35:00] wagnerrp: perhaps, i cant claim ive watched it in the last 10 years
[06:35:07] mchou: I suspect the pweres that be at fox had something to do with that
[06:35:14] mchou: powers*
[06:36:41] wagnerrp: you cant claim family guy has any form of moral
[06:36:47] wagnerrp: or is really anything but mindless drivel
[06:38:12] mchou: never seen family guy, so I wouldnt know
[06:38:40] mchou: but come on, look at the title
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[06:38:47] mchou: 'family' guy
[06:39:04] mchou: sounds like fox to me
[06:39:42] mchou: they'd never air something that has 'san francisco values' lol
[06:39:50] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[06:40:08] mchou: whatever that even means
[06:41:38] wagnerrp: the morning and afternoon lineup is consumed by court shows...
[06:41:45] wagnerrp: i really hate court shows
[06:41:53] wagnerrp: oh, and tyra banks
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[07:52:16] mzb_xps: J-e-f-f-A: working on newer variation(s) of the bignums ... starting to get somewhere methinks ;)
[07:52:51] mzb_xps: hard part is the picture taking, as the numbers can't really be appreciated without looking at the complete time as a whole
[07:54:13] mzb_xps: thinking about doing a script to produce video from sequenced images derived from code, just not sure if it's worth the effort (in the short term)
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[07:55:38] mzb_xps: basic approach with my latest version is (1 pixel?) fatter at the top (as well as left), but adding high tails on 6 and 9 (for eg)
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[08:15:56] mzb_xps: I'm also adding "serif's"/rounding corners to reduce meld effect
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[10:32:49] mzb_xps: J-e-f-f-A: now going more "voluptuous"
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[10:53:23] mzb_xps: J-e-f-f-A: think I've hit something I'm happy with, let me know if/what you want to see
[10:53:57] mzb_xps: worked hard to get a free char for the colon ... would love to see alternating "colon" char and "o"
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[11:02:24] mzb_xps: J-e-f-f-A: ps: I'm now using full height & width
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[11:11:47] mzb_xps: everybody asleep today?
[11:12:05] mzb_xps: very happy with clock
[11:12:33] mzb_xps: thinking flashing dot can be replaced with 5-stage flashing colon
[11:14:03] mzb_xps: ie: "filled block" (custom), blank, empty block (char needs un-re-mapping from charset), blank, "o", blank
[11:14:48] mzb_xps: additional advantage being that it frees up the rhs of the display
[11:15:50] mzb_xps: oops, that's 6 ;) .... take the last blank off? ;)
[11:16:11] mzb_xps: (or something)
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[13:28:55] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: Hey... ;-) Sounds like you've been working on it hard... ;-)
[13:29:32] mzb_d800: yep
[13:29:33] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: And when you asked if everybody was asleep, it was 7:11:47 my time, so Yeah, I was... ;-)
[13:29:47] mzb_d800: got it looking pretty neat (I think)
[13:30:08] porcodildo (porcodildo!n=wefw@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:30:18] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: For testing the bigclock font, I hacked a copy of mythlcdserver to display the seconds as the minutes digits instead, just to test the digits...
[13:31:30] mzb_d800: just need a quick break ... will give nice pics when I get back ;)
[13:31:44] J-e-f-f-A|work: ;-)
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[13:38:58] mzb_d800: .
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[13:44:01] mzb_xps: really should get around to fixing this box one day ;)
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[13:52:22] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_xps: hehe... switching personalities I see... ;-)
[13:52:51] mzb_d800:
[13:53:04] mzb_d800: yeah ... getting a bit sick of xchat ;)
[13:53:32] mzb_xps: LostIRC seems ok, not sure about PM yet, though
[13:54:06] mzb_xps: might have to install an IRC/IM proxy somewhere on the network (sound like a plan;)
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[13:55:21] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800, mzb_xps: That looks pretty good... ;-)
[13:55:24] mzb_d800: I'd really like to remove the flashing dot on the lower RHS and make the colons flash (etc)
[13:55:41] mzb_d800: I'm getting quite comfortable with the way it looks
[13:56:17] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: I'll add an option for that with a new patch. ;-)
[13:57:16] mzb_d800: "custom" // blank // "square" (translated to something else for some reason) // blank // "o"
[13:57:26] mzb_d800: ;)
[13:58:01] mzb_d800: how do those pics compare with what you've currently got?
[13:59:52] mzb_d800: (can provide more if req)
[14:00:49] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: This is what I settled on for my 1st font: and variants: . . . _design.html (may change a couple chars slightly)
[14:01:19] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: And this is one that I just created 2 nights ago — . . . -segment.jpg
[14:02:16] mzb_d800: ok, so at the very least we have 3 "fonts" to include, right?
[14:02:30] J-e-f-f-A|work: Oh yeah... ;-)
[14:02:30] mzb_d800: as a starting point (at least)
[14:02:53] mzb_d800: (I'm thinking mine should be "voluptuous" ;)))
[14:02:59] mzb_d800: heh
[14:03:02] mzb_d800: nm ;)
[14:03:59] J-e-f-f-A|work: hehe... ;-)
[14:05:19] mzb_d800: ok .. so now we've probably got to the stage where we'd be happy to display respective fonts in our lounge-rooms (right?) I'm guessing the next step is to work out a nice way for the client to dynamically load fonts to the lcdproc server (minimal changes/additions to lcdproc to keep the maintainer(s) happy, right?)
[14:06:10] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: Well, lcdproc is completly seperate from Myth... So it' be trying to get an acceptable patch to the lcdproc group...
[14:06:13] mzb_d800: strangely enough, at least for the Debian pkg, the maintainer listed is an Australian!
[14:06:23] mzb_d800: (whom I've met/watched)
[14:06:37] mzb_d800: Jon Oxer
[14:06:39] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: Ah, so you've got an 'in'... ;-)
[14:06:47] mzb_d800: hmm ... maybe
[14:07:09] mzb_d800: fyi: he has a chip embedded in his arm ;)
[14:07:30] mzb_d800: (just so you know he's really made of silicon;))
[14:08:11] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: I'll have to post a message on the lcdproc msg board to ask about the possibility of being able to (re)define the custom characters from an lcdproc client... (ie: an enhancment, as I know it doesn't exist currently)
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[14:08:14] mzb_d800: interesting bloke ... attended one of his talks at lca2008
[14:08:58] mzb_d800: I'd suggest we work on a patch, then submit it and ask "why not?"
[14:09:03] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: i've got titanium screws in my left elbow — I guess that makes me screwy... ;-)
[14:09:11] mzb_d800: lol
[14:10:02] mzb_d800: I've (had) staples in my head (and stomach) ... I guess that'd make me a pincushion ;)
[14:10:18] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: it would sure open up the flexibility of lcdproc alot more... You wouldn't need two custom characters to produce a flashing colon — you could just change the character definition on the fly.
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[14:10:52] mzb_d800: absolutely (assuming there was a spare character to play with ;)
[14:11:05] mzb_d800: but I get your point
[14:11:22] mzb_d800: dynamic loading from the client would be a powerful feature
[14:11:23] J-e-f-f-A|work: ;-)
[14:12:11] J-e-f-f-A|work: I'm really surpised they don't already have it — although I suspect it might be because they are trying to accomodate virtually every display out there, and some don't have custom characters...
[14:12:28] mzb_d800: if we can come up with a patch that works (and could _conceivably_ work for other platforms/sizes/shapes/directions-of-wind) we might have a chance of (at least) an audience
[14:12:39] J-e-f-f-A|work: Yes. ;-)
[14:12:42] mzb_d800: yep ^^ agreed
[14:14:02] mzb_d800: ok ... so keeping in mind that it's 1:13am here and my brain has shut down most of the remaining neurones (both of them) ... where would you like to start?
[14:15:03] mzb_d800: looks like I have a window of opportunity tomorrow ... but my (late) afternoon/night has been taken away :|||
[14:17:08] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: hehe... Well, I'm @ work now (hence the nick), so I can't start on it until later tonight (~12 hours from now as I've got an appointment tonight)... ;-)
[14:17:37] mzb_d800: ps: might have to find a better way of showing those pics ... 2–3 inches from the screen is too close to appreciate what they look like from 2–5 meters
[14:17:54] mzb_d800: ~12 hrs ... hmmm
[14:18:03] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: I suppose the best place to start is to review the patches from the other open-source project, and see about tailoring them to our needs/wants... ;-)
[14:18:29] J-e-f-f-A|work: And come up with a patch that works, submit it to the lcdproc group and see what happens...
[14:19:08] mzb_d800: ok ... I've got a few things I need to work on, then can do say 2hrs one-on-one with you about (say) 1:30–2:00pm my time
[14:19:22] J-e-f-f-A|work: And if they're totally against the idea/patches, I'll be even more motivated to create a 'native' hd44780 driver... ;-)
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[14:20:12] mzb_d800: yep ... not sure about the whole file+charmap idea ... socket communication (regardless of the storage method at either the client/server end) sounds like an acceptable method
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[14:20:34] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: gotta go... boss is calling...
[14:20:35] mzb_d800: yep ... or a permanent "mythtv version" ;)
[14:20:38] mzb_d800: k
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[14:36:26] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: Ugg... My boss is such a PITA... think Chicken Little – "THE SKY IS FALLING!!!" — everything is an emergency...
[14:36:51] mzb_d800: something hit him in the head?
[14:36:59] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: I wish... ;-)
[14:37:11] mzb_d800: (gawd this kbd needs a clean!!! or something)
[14:38:29] mzb_d800: hmm ... yeah, know the type ... my inability to deal with ppl like that is one of the many reasons why I'm not employed now :(
[14:38:43] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: The above reason is precisely why myth 'discourages' external programs – they're a moving target, and dependencies and usage change all the time... ;-)
[14:39:16] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: he's not like that all the time, but when he gets in that 'mode', my blood starts to curdle... ;-)
[14:39:25] mzb_d800: yep
[14:39:37] mzb_d800: as I say ... know the type
[14:40:06] mzb_d800: by the same token ... I'd hate to work for me ;)
[14:40:17] mzb_d800: if you know what I mean ;)
[14:41:37] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: Ah.. ;-) Yeah, I haven't worked my way into Management yet – there was never any incentive at my prior job as the two qualfiers seemed to be a) An excellent Liar, and b) A complete arsehole... Neither of which I desire to become...
[14:41:47] ** mzb_d800 stabs himself in the eye out of spite (gees, talk about one head going for the other!) **
[14:43:00] ** mzb_d800 nods **
[14:45:15] ** mzb_d800 wonders if he buys a 2nd hand fridge online for 99c if the father in(out)law will help him pick it up ;) *cackle* **
[14:45:24] javatexan (javatexan!n=mia@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:46:11] J-e-f-f-A|work: hehe... ;-) My family uses the 'outlaw' convention too... ;-)
[14:47:07] mzb_d800: ie: I've put a ring on his daughter's finger but not signed a piece of paper to prove it yet ;)
[14:48:21] mzb_d800: ah well ... I'm reasonably happy being a cradle snatcher, I guess (14 yrs difference) ... makes me a dirty old man for at least the next few decades ;)
[14:49:50] mzb_d800: ah ... the other issue I've been looking at is tri-state progress bar ... I though it would be simple as the info all seems to be there (on various screens), but haven't managed to get my head around it yet and would really prefer not to have to do (insane) things like database lookups (etc)
[14:50:18] wagnerrp: database lookups are insane?
[14:50:32] mzb_d800: in this context
[14:51:16] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: Lucky guy... My wife is 9yrs my senior...
[14:51:44] mzb_d800: lol ... we've covered both ends of the spectrum ;)
[14:52:18] J-e-f-f-A|work: mzb_d800: that's the other thing I need to investigate with mythlcdserver – what data is available (without doing db lookups)... ;-) I'm not opposed to db lookups, but would like to avoid them if possible.
[14:52:36] mzb_d800: performing 'x' lookups per second to check which tuner you're connected to and it's current status is just plain silly if there are better/other methods available (and there seem to be)
[14:52:48] mzb_d800: yep
[14:53:18] wagnerrp: why does it have to update several times per second
[14:53:24] wagnerrp: its just cursory information display
[14:53:53] Spyro (Spyro!n=ian@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:54:04] wagnerrp: take an average over the previous couple polls, and just assume its going to proceed in the same manor
[14:54:17] mzb_d800: ie: if you're watching livetv you get a screen that tells you what you're watching, and how much you've watched (out of what's been recorded so far)
[14:54:59] mzb_d800: if you watch a _recording it shows how much you've watched out of the recording
[14:55:48] wagnerrp: 1. why does it have to be accurate sub-second... 2. what is the problem with firing multiple sql queries per second
[14:56:11] mzb_d800: what is _should_ be telling you is "how much you've watched', "how much is recorded" and "the total length of the show being watched according to the programme data"
[14:57:38] mzb_d800: 1. I have no idea how often a) (myth)lcdprocclient polls/listens/asks for data 2. why ask for data if it's already provided by other means?
[14:58:19] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit ("Leaving.")
[14:58:45] mzb_d800: look at the code and you'll see what I mean
[15:00:39] mzb_d800: 3. I think it'd be a nice plan to come up with something that works -in-tandem- with whatever already exists rather than re-writing a maze of over-complicated buggery to make it all fit (and probably make it worse)
[15:01:27] mzb_d800: 3 vs 2 ... do I win yet? ;))
[15:01:44] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:01:56] ** mzb_d800 ducks and runs for cover **
[15:02:54] EvilGuru_ (EvilGuru_! has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[15:03:46] dougl (dougl! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:03:49] mzb_d800: may have over-estimated my ability to combine alphas with numerics at >2am, but you get the point ;)
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[15:04:36] mzb_d800: (and hopefully nobody is going to give me a hard time about HALVING TEMPERATURES or similar;))))
[15:04:54] mzb_d800: [ my brain might explode ]
[15:05:02] wagnerrp: it was a valid complaint!
[15:05:38] mzb_d800: heh
[15:06:15] hadees (hadees! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:06:36] wagnerrp: hmm... 3800+ for $1 on craigslist
[15:06:51] wagnerrp: wonder if its worth it to replace the single core (same clockrate) in my backend
[15:06:53] mzb_d800: depends on 1) your humour (level), and/or 2) how tight your underpants are
[15:07:38] mzb_d800: I scored a 4400+ for <au$100 that I'm quite happy with (paid more for a new 3800+ some time before)
[15:07:57] mzb_d800: note: 4400 and 4800 (s939) have 2x the cache
[15:08:17] wagnerrp: i just have really no need for the power
[15:08:33] wagnerrp: and im probably going to cycle machines within the next 6 months
[15:08:42] JEDIDIAH__ (JEDIDIAH__! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:09:11] mzb_d800: compare 3800/4400 dual core to either a) 3200+ a64 (single) or b) 3400+ sempron (guess;) ... and you'll _totally_ see the difference
[15:09:17] wagnerrp: is it worth the dollar, when im also going to have to drive to god knows where, and then pull the machine off the shelf and swap processors
[15:09:46] mzb_d800: lol ... depends how much you like driving, I guess ;)
[15:10:21] wagnerrp: usually they give at least a city
[15:10:28] wagnerrp: for all i know, they could be two hours away
[15:10:30] mzb_d800: 2x cores at the same clockrate ... hmmm
[15:10:55] mzb_d800: depends how much effort's involved ... as you say
[15:12:19] mzb_d800: I mean if it was >1hr each way you'd really have to think more about it, right? .... unless you could do a few equally unpleasant duties on the way/back like visiting ppl you don't like (but should)
[15:12:33] ** mzb_d800 avoids mentioning inlaws/outlaws **
[15:13:47] ** mzb_d800 avoids thinking of his entire family by blocking his ears and singing any anthem that comes to mind **
[15:17:00] iamlindoro_: Heheheh @ "shall I do the commit?"
[15:17:06] mzb_d800: eg: "I visited Great Auntie 'Pinch-a-lot' but at least I picked up a cheap CPU at the same time" !!
[15:17:38] ** mzb_d800 commits iamlindoro **
[15:18:07] iamlindoro_:
[15:18:52] iamlindoro_: Someone appears not to know that you need commit access to get your code in, and that five days after opening a ticket is probably a little sooner than most people get
[15:19:16] mzb_d800: or reject it with "logs shouldn't be on your root partition" ?? ;)
[15:20:11] lotia (lotia! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:20:12] mzb_d800: (don't pay attention ... I've got -too-many-beers-after_midnight syndrome;)
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[16:46:58] iamlindoro_: pew pew
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[16:47:31] shadn_: augh...
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[16:55:24] iamlindoro_: aooooga
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[16:58:25] JEDIDIAH__: ...leave them shut in for too long away from the daylight and they go feral.
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[17:21:16] stuarta: afternoon all
[17:22:07] iamlindoro_: hi stuarta
[17:25:04] BlackBurn (BlackBurn! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:25:55] jpabq: It is annoying that does support watching the games under linux — even if you have moonlight installed.
[17:26:25] kormoc_: it's annoying that it works? Do you own the rights to the media or something?
[17:26:48] jpabq: ooops. make that does not support
[17:27:45] iamlindoro_: I can't stand to watch much in a browser, I just record the games that matter
[17:27:58] iamlindoro_: but my alma mater is going to get slaughtered-- how the mighty have fallen...
[17:28:22] gbee: sport? I hope ...
[17:28:30] iamlindoro_: yes, Basketball
[17:28:43] iamlindoro_: college basketball, specifically, "March Madness."
[17:28:53] ** stuarta throws a udev rule at iamlindoro_ for the heck of it **
[17:29:00] gbee: ahh Netball
[17:29:45] ** iamlindoro_ symlinks stuarta to /dev/redhotpoker **
[17:30:00] stuarta: ouch
[17:30:35] iamlindoro_: don't worry, it's purely symbolic
[17:30:57] ** stuarta virtualizes iamlindoro_ **
[17:31:36] iamlindoro_: like general Zod?
[17:31:39] Do-m-pie (Do-m-pie! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:31:55] ** iamlindoro_ pounds on the window into his virtualization, spins off into the blackness **
[17:32:08] ** stuarta has been doing vmware course for the last 4 days **
[17:32:12] stuarta: everything is virtual
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[17:38:18] jroysdon2 is now known as jroysdon
[17:40:41] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has joined #MythTV-users
[17:41:24] ** iamlindoro_ wonders if sphery's hands hurt from all the typing out of complete user manuals for each and ever users list problem **
[17:41:33] iamlindoro_: s/ever/every/
[17:41:37] ** stuarta chuckles **
[17:41:56] stuarta: i hope i manage to get some dev done over the next 18hrs
[17:42:27] RDV_Linux: iamlindora: I read your comments on #6158 "Please bear in mind that the episode numbers are "best guess" based ....". I do not know if it is technically possible but if you can call "ttvdb -N %TITLE% %SUBTITLE%" you get back the correct season and episode numbers, no guessing required.
[17:42:29] RDV_Linux: iamlindora: You can also add a third argument which specifies formatting of the returned string e,g "%d,%d" would return a comma delimited string of season then episode numbers e.g. "2,10". The default return string is "S02E10".
[17:42:33] stuarta: firstly, tho i'm going to get consistent bloody device names for my usb dvb-t thing
[17:42:41] whop (whop! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:42:41] RDV_Linux: If you did not get a returned string (e.g. episode not found) then fall back to what you do now. Just a thought.
[17:42:47] iamlindoro_: RDV_Linux: It's "iamlindoro"  ;)
[17:42:52] ** stuarta wonders if iamlindoro_ has just become a female.... **
[17:43:11] iamlindoro_: and no, it's not presently possible as there is no grabber code in the Watch Recording screen
[17:43:12] stuarta: iamlindoro_: iamlindora is your female equivalent :-p
[17:43:12] RDV_Linux: oops sorry
[17:43:46] iamlindoro_: when/if I get around to doing that I intend to use the script in just that capacity, but until then, this works
[17:44:09] meshe: RDV_Linux: most irc clients will tab complete usernames ie: iam<TAB> will fill in his name for you :)
[17:44:22] iamlindoro_: But that's an undertaking I plan to avoid until I see how the "next generation" stuff is going to work
[17:44:42] RDV_Linux: I am such a rookie
[17:44:59] meshe: we've all been there :)
[17:49:48] sphery: my hands hurt...
[17:50:02] meshe: that was a lot of typing sphery
[17:50:05] sphery: heh
[17:50:31] meshe: at least you can link to it for future questions like it
[17:50:35] sphery: at least this time, I made him verify that his DB was toast /before/ typing the instructions. A year ago, I would have done it preemptively.
[17:51:17] sphery: Yeah, though in all the time I've been using MythTV (since Feb 2004), this is the first case I can remember where a users MySQL data files disappeared...
[17:51:53] kkuno (kkuno!n=wefw@ has quit ("Sto andando via")
[17:52:05] sphery: Though, I guess it's far more likely to happen again, now--since in all my instructions, I never mentioned the whole, "Find out what caused the file to get deleted and fix that."  :)
[17:52:09] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:52:24] xris: sphery: my wife claims not to be a geek, and goes out and does this in honor of the bsg finale tonight:
[17:53:01] sphery: I just got BSG 4.0 on DVD... Still have it and 4.5 too look forward to.
[17:53:16] sphery: xris: wow... Those are amazing.
[17:54:04] iamlindoro_: That is AWESOME
[17:54:14] meshe: yeah, it's definately not InnoDB, myd isn't required for Inno
[17:54:24] iamlindoro_: I suddenly want cuppin cakes
[17:54:49] xris: iamlindoro_: I don't think I could eat anything so blue.  :) she made one for me without color, though.
[17:54:57] sphery: Nice mandala, too...
[17:55:00] xris: but these are mostly for looks. and to drive traffic to the blog
[17:55:08] xris: I've been teaching her about SEO and marketing.
[17:55:54] sphery: It's funny that you said you couldn't eat anything so blue... In tests with kids, blue was the color that was most likely to cause food aversion.
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[17:56:06] sphery: (Dr Seuss had it all wrong with his green eggs and ham)
[17:56:29] iamlindoro_: I'd totally eat blue
[17:56:31] sphery:
[17:56:51] sphery: I /love/ blueberries, but I'll admit they're more purple than blue.
[17:57:03] iamlindoro_: Boss is out today... I'm *totally* going to get tons of myth work done
[17:57:34] xris: heh
[17:57:46] ** xris still needs to spend time doing SD stuff instead of mythweb stuff. **
[17:58:02] stuarta: that's very creating
[17:58:06] stuarta: creative
[17:58:22] sphery: xris: did you notice iamlindoro_'s question about SD helping support
[17:58:35] iamlindoro_: Yes, that's SD stuff, answer that!  :)
[17:58:44] clintar (clintar!n=clintar@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:58:50] xris: sphery: there are no naturally-blue foods.. the only things blue and edible are flowers, which people don't usually eat
[17:59:07] xris: sphery: I didn't... I've tried to contact thetvdb a couple of times but never got a reply.
[17:59:29] iamlindoro_: xris: Hmm, TMDB is very very responsive, can't speak for TVDB
[17:59:29] xris: it would be quite likely that SD would help, though.
[17:59:57] kormoc_: xris, other then blue crab!
[18:00:07] xris: kormoc_: not blue after you cook, are they?
[18:00:11] sphery: xris: I'd guess that Travis Bell at would be very responsive... He recently sent out a call for donations.
[18:00:14] xris: thought they turned purplish.
[18:00:28] kormoc_: hrm, I thought they held it
[18:00:37] sphery: Every food I've ever seen that's called "blue" seems purplish to me...
[18:00:53] sphery: (other than ones like blue cheese, which aren't either)
[18:01:04] xris: sphery: yeah. so the aversion to blue food is actually instinctual. apparently blue dishes tend to make you eat less, too (never helped me while I had blue dishes)
[18:01:13] kormoc_: sphery, . . . bluecrab.jpg
[18:01:40] sphery: kormoc_: OK, I'll admit there's a lot of blue on that...
[18:01:57] sphery: but that's probably just exoskeleton, right? The meat is probably white?
[18:02:11] xris: kormoc_: you may have found the exception.
[18:02:24] xris: well, and parrotfish, which I hear can be somewhat edible.
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[18:02:32] kormoc_: So when I've had them, the outer layers of the meat was tinted blue. Very light but still blue
[18:02:38] sphery: hmmm... cool.
[18:02:55] ** stuarta hits udev **
[18:03:56] sphery: So, normally, I don't really have an aversion to foods based on color, but my niece got some "Superman" ice cream ( ) and I have no idea how she was able to eat it.
[18:04:23] sphery: xris: I think you and your wife need to pick up some Superman ice cream to go with those cupcakes.  :)
[18:04:31] kormoc_: I like how Superman is considered fruity
[18:04:36] sphery: heh...
[18:04:48] Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999! has quit ("Leaving.")
[18:05:16] sphery: Hershey's brand uses Strawberry, Banana, and Blue Moon (whatever that is), but Chocolate Shoppe uses 3 different colors of fruit punch flavored ice cream.
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[18:06:19] ** iamlindoro_ fires a speargun at playbackbox.cpp **
[18:06:48] ** iamlindoro_ crams MythUIBusyDialog into the PBB and laces up its mouth with a belt **
[18:07:04] iamlindoro_: Take it all!
[18:07:18] sphery: I just noticed iamlindoro_ make the tmdb responsive comment about 40seconds before I finally got it typed...
[18:07:30] iamlindoro_: gotta quit with the novels
[18:07:33] sphery: must be the RSI from typing out that message...
[18:08:14] d00gster (d00gster! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:08:55] Shadow__X: hey iamlindoro would you trust mdadm to expand an array?
[18:09:48] iamlindoro_: I have before
[18:10:10] iamlindoro_: haven't heard any good reasons not to (and if you're already using mdadm it's not as though you have a lot of choices)
[18:10:35] Shadow__X: right i just want to throw another hd in and expand my arrray to use it
[18:11:05] iamlindoro_: Should be fine, assuming the existing drives are in okay shap
[18:11:06] iamlindoro_: shape
[18:11:27] iamlindoro_: technically speaking the rebuilds are your most vulnerable point, but unless you've got a good reason to worry, I wouldn't
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[18:14:13] xris: sphery: superman ice cream just sounds scary...
[18:14:28] deeemac: Is it possible to adjust the input volume of a capture card? I can't seem to lower the input levels as they just stay at 100%.
[18:14:59] xris: anyway, I'll chat with the SD folks about themoviedb/thetvdb.. I've wanted to get better integration into mythweb/mythtv, anyway.
[18:15:15] stuarta: why is creating udev rules for usb sticks so damned difficult
[18:15:18] xris: but once SD self-hosts data, we could actually get that stuff directly into our own xml feed
[18:15:48] J-e-f-f-A|work: deeemac: I can on my ivtv cards (hauppauge 250 and 500) – not sure if it applies to framegrabbers (but you didn't mention what type of card you have...)
[18:15:53] xris: stuarta: at least it works for you. I have a usb disk that works fine in one computer, but doesn't even register in dmesg when I plug it in.
[18:16:09] deeemac: J-e-f-f-A|work: its a saa7134 based card
[18:16:13] stuarta: i can't even influence udev atm
[18:16:33] stuarta: so the usb stick comes up in a different place if it's a cold boot or a warm boot
[18:16:49] Shadow__X: thanks iamlindoro i am just new to this and rather ask they are 4 seagates currently and they have been chugging along no issue whatsoever 1TB though i dont trust 1.5's yet
[18:16:53] J-e-f-f-A|work: deeemac: If it's v4l – then it's a framegrabber, and I don't know enuf to help ya... (doh!)
[18:17:20] ** J-e-f-f-A|work doesn't even trust the 1TB drives... ;-) **
[18:17:59] Shadow__X: why not?
[18:18:17] Shadow__X: so i guess you wouldnt even consider 2TB drives
[18:18:32] sphery: xris: I know that server/bandwidth costs is one of the problems tmdb is having... (and he also sent an e-mail to users--I could forward to you if you want). Don't know if that's something SD could help with (if not through money, perhaps directly with help hosting/mirroring)?
[18:18:41] deeemac: J-e-f-f-A|work: well, i don't use the v4l drivers, I'm pulling video over s-video and audio over a stereo headphone line in jack
[18:18:49] J-e-f-f-A|work: Shadow__X: They're probably better now, but when they first came out, there were lots of reports of reliability issues... I've stuck with my 500's for along time...
[18:19:15] xris: sphery: yeah, we have plenty of bandwidth on our dev machine.
[18:19:18] J-e-f-f-A|work: deeemac: you need the v4l drivers to get the /dev/video0 device.. so yeah, you're using them...
[18:19:34] J-e-f-f-A|work: deeemac: You're just not using the tuner
[18:19:55] Shadow__X: J-e-f-f-A|work, i fully agree in the beginning there where issues left and right and they would just die but i havnt had an issue and thats why i went with a raid5 array just in case and didnt have money for raid 6
[18:20:12] xris: kormoc is finally on our payroll to help set up the machine (never could find a good volunteer), so once he's set up a standard for creating VMs, it should be easy for us to create one for tmdb.
[18:20:44] xris: assuming his day job doesn't overwork him to death.
[18:21:16] J-e-f-f-A|work: Shadow__X: I was running a software raid5 for ~1.5 yrs, and had a couple of 500's die one day on a reboot (they were fine before...) Since then (and losing all my programs), I just use storage groups. Much faster too...
[18:21:30] deeemac: sphery: I think the issue I'm still having with the sound from yesterday is the volume levels for the input card are set to 100% and causing distortion heh
[18:21:43] iamlindoro_: If it *is* hosted/mirrored locally, then querying it once a day and inserting season/episode numbers into the SD information would be ++++++++
[18:21:55] sphery: deeemac: oh... that would be a problem.
[18:22:00] J-e-f-f-A|work: Shadow__X: Less wear on the drives, and I'd rather lose 1TB of recordings than 2.5TB (everything)
[18:22:37] Shadow__X: whats a storage group
[18:22:39] Shadow__X: is it like lvm
[18:22:46] deeemac: sphery: but it doesn't let me change the volume levels of left channel, only the right
[18:23:03] sphery: xris: not to mention kormoc being worked to death on the MythWeb Python conversion (I'm guessing you've heard the story :)
[18:23:22] J-e-f-f-A|work: Shadow__X: Just individual drives, and myth spreads the recordings across all of them.
[18:23:37] iamlindoro_: I wonder if taking an impromptu half day when my boss and his boss and most other people are out would be frowned upon...
[18:23:39] Shadow__X: oh ok gotcha yeah
[18:23:46] J-e-f-f-A|work: Shadow__X: so I've got sdc, sdd, sde, sdf, sdg and sdh.  ;-)
[18:23:46] deeemac: J-e-f-f-A|work: you could always to a raid 10 setup
[18:23:53] sphery: Shadow__X: a storage group is a logical name for a group of directories... Meaning that you can add dirs and files can be in any dir that's defined in the SG.
[18:23:58] kormoc_: iamlindoro_, RUN! RUN AWAY! FAR FAR AWAY!
[18:24:27] sphery: Shadow__X: takes the absolute location out of the DB and finds it at runtime
[18:24:28] J-e-f-f-A|work: deeemac: yeah, but lose 1/2 the capacity... it's not THAT important... I'd just rather lose some recordings rather than the whole shebang... ;-)
[18:24:33] iamlindoro_: kormoc_: Plus, it's Friday and it's not as though I'm getting anything useful done (although I did just make some sexy improvements to my PBB->MythVideo export code :)
[18:24:44] xris: sphery: I suspect he probably dislikes python only slightly less than he dislikes perl.  :)
[18:24:46] sphery: RAID for TV is a waste
[18:24:53] J-e-f-f-A|work: deeemac: My OS/database disk is raid1. ;-)
[18:24:56] iamlindoro_: Every time I add a new patch to trac, my head hits the pillow and I think of five more things I need to add the next morning
[18:25:07] deeemac: J-e-f-f-A|work: that's what's important!
[18:25:10] kormoc_: xris, heh, I've actually done some useful things in perl... can't say that bout python :P
[18:25:17] iamlindoro_: ergo patch names like MythVideo.SeasSubEp.18.diff
[18:25:37] Shadow__X: hmm
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[18:25:56] xris: heh
[18:25:56] Shadow__X: i am thinking now maybe i should of setup my array with lvm
[18:26:06] sphery: iamlindoro_: on that regexp you were working on the other night, did you update it to allow Season and episode to be spelled out, like in your other regexp
[18:26:19] deeemac: J-e-f-f-A|work: I'm setting up a raidz pool of two raidz1 pools with a hotspare, just need 3 more drives before I can get it setu
[18:26:26] xris: I'd like python if it wasn't for the "no braces / mandatory whitespace" thing.. but of course, that's supposed to be the main reason to like python.
[18:26:33] ** xris dreads having to learn ruby for work. **
[18:26:40] sphery: yeah, the mandatory whitespace is just plain wrong
[18:26:40] iamlindoro_: sphery: Well great, add another thing to my list ;)
[18:26:43] J-e-f-f-A|work: Shadow__X: I considered LVM, but decided individual drives with storage groups seemed to make more sense.
[18:27:02] sphery: iamlindoro_: figured that's one less thing you have to think up before falling asleep tonight... just trying to help you sleep better.
[18:27:13] kormoc_: ugh... I hate ruby
[18:27:23] Shadow__X: hmm well i have 4 1TB drives in raid 5 and the fs is XFS and i plan to keep adding drives
[18:27:27] iamlindoro_: sphery: I'm fairly satisfied with the way it's all working ATM, and figure as the file squirrels start to use it they can submit patches for the exotic naming schemes
[18:27:33] sphery: iamlindoro_: (basically, though, I'd recommend making it as similar to the big one you already did as possible)
[18:27:33] kormoc_: the entire way from language constructs to implimentation/deployment sucks the big ones
[18:27:55] iamlindoro_: sphery: Dunno if you saw, but I set the TVDB grabber images to download in a format already compatible with the PBB fanart/etc. support
[18:28:02] J-e-f-f-A|work: Shadow__X: Well, add them as individual drives, and just add them to your storage group. ;-) No need to un-do what you have now...
[18:28:06] sphery: iamlindoro_: nice
[18:28:07] kormoc_: I need to get that zoom patch committed in
[18:28:23] sphery: xris: see, with all of iamlindoro_'s patches, the integration is coming along very nicely... :)
[18:28:23] Shadow__X: yeah true i do like thw ay its working now
[18:30:18] sphery: kormoc_: or if you want an easier patch to warm you up, there's the one you liked on ;)
[18:31:26] kormoc_: perhaps this weekend I'll get all c++ rambo!
[18:31:44] kormoc_: rather then working on crap for work like I'm suposto be
[18:32:52] stuarta: well that's just cack
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[18:43:04] iamlindoro_: Now everyone's gone to lunch. Temptation to leave...overwhelming...
[18:48:46] Shadow__X: stay strong man
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[18:49:25] meshe: heh, it's friday, if my boss hand't booked an interview at 3:30 i'd be outta her early
[18:49:38] iamlindoro_: I'll eventually succumb, but it will be at the point where I'm close enough to normally going home that I can argue it's "sort of a full day"
[18:50:01] iamlindoro_: Gotta go home and make mandala cupcakes so that I don't feel like I'm missing out
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[18:50:27] Shadow__X: lol of course
[18:51:21] iamlindoro_: It's so helpful when SciFi HD only has an east coast feed, putting the BSG finaly from 6–8
[18:51:25] iamlindoro_: er finale
[18:51:52] Shadow__X: hmm if i had firewire working i would record it for you
[18:52:08] iamlindoro_: Shadow__X: How would that help? I get it at the exact same instant you do
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[18:52:17] iamlindoro_: I'm *happy* to get it from 6–8
[18:52:18] Shadow__X: hmm
[18:52:19] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Dibblah
[18:52:22] Shadow__X: nvm then
[18:52:28] iamlindoro_: I wish all channels were east coast feed only
[18:52:34] Shadow__X: ah
[18:52:39] meshe: anyone know of a device that will capture from dvi input?
[18:52:59] iamlindoro_: meshe: The Blackmagic board will do it, but windows only, and has to be HDCP free
[18:53:03] Shadow__X: iamlindoro, are the times the same because i am on east boast
[18:53:41] iamlindoro_: Shadow__X: The times differ, but we get it at the exact same moment
[18:53:48] meshe: thank iamlindoro_
[18:53:53] Shadow__X: ah ok
[18:54:06] iamlindoro_: your 9 PM = my 6 PM, but since it's the same exact feed (east coast only) we see it in the same temporal period
[18:54:17] Shadow__X: right
[18:54:53] meshe: my husband needs to screen record at a higher level than the driver ie monitor level for some 3d machinima he's doing, shoudln't be HDCP, just screen recording software doesn't see the 3d conversion
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[18:55:49] meshe: sorry, was totally OT
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[19:07:38] yfaykya: I just installed a new 8400GS but anytime I load 180.XX drivers the audio crackles. Is fine with NV driver. Anyone seen this or have any ideas?
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[19:27:35] sphery: meshe: I think the BlackMagic board also has some rather-low-resolution requirements...
[19:31:04] meshe: not sure what you mean... the input resolution has to be low?
[19:31:58] iamlindoro_: their specs seem to indicate it'll do 1920x1080
[19:32:09] meshe: nice
[19:32:15] iamlindoro_: Not that I advocate their product, haven't used it, but it does appear to be high res
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[19:32:48] iamlindoro_: I know that it *does* have some technical limitations in that they don't use hardware encoding and by default it goes into some proprietary format, but I understand you can transcode to something functional after that
[19:34:07] sphery: they may have a newer board, now...
[19:34:13] sphery: (like the $995 one :)
[19:34:26] iamlindoro_: Am looking at the Intersity ($249)
[19:34:27] meshe: i'm also looking into something that will just capture off svideo, preferably linux supported, but not absolutly necessary, he'd be recording onto my pc while i'm not at home
[19:35:44] iamlindoro_: er Intensity
[19:37:20] sphery: yep, it's newer than when I last looked
[19:37:32] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: As advised I re-synced with your patch updates. During testing I may have come across the occasional download issue you experienced. It points to servers having issues. This is the first time I have seen this issue. See
[19:37:45] sphery: Would take quite the disk to use, though... Writing uncompressed 1920x1080 (even if it's 24fps)...
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[19:38:59] J-e-f-f-A|work: meshe: Just pick up a Hauppauge 150/250/350/500 card for s-video capture... ;-) cat /dev/video0 >myvideo.mpg (after setting the right input with ivtv commands)
[19:39:07] sphery: hmmm... Guess it only does i/p50 and i/p60 (59.94)
[19:39:19] iamlindoro_: RDV_Linux: Yes, got to the bottom of that last night, not much you or I can do about it
[19:40:37] iamlindoro_: RDV_Linux: I think you're misunderstanding what I'm doing re: the naming
[19:40:56] RDV_Linux: Also the issue with a video file name with a dash in it was a false alarm.
[19:41:04] RDV_Linux: What about the nameing?
[19:41:38] iamlindoro_: RDV_Linux: It's only *named* that way, it's not actually insisting on a banner being for that specific season
[19:41:59] iamlindoro_: That logic is all in your script
[19:42:20] iamlindoro_: if there's such a thing as season banners and non-season banners, then you should get the script to give a season banner if exists, and fall back if none exists
[19:43:25] GreyFoxx: hmm wonder if the hdpvr's have gone down in price
[19:43:49] iamlindoro_: GreyFoxx: There was a deal 2 weeks ago for $165
[19:44:02] GreyFoxx: I'm thinking of switch services and the place I'm moving too doesn't have firewire
[19:44:16] mchou: GreyFoxx: hmm???
[19:44:37] mchou: GreyFoxx: that in itself is a move killer
[19:44:53] GreyFoxx: It's much cheaper for me to switch to one of the Sat providers and pick up 3 STB's than to to stick with my current cable package. AND I get more HD channels
[19:45:21] GreyFoxx: I'd need a couple hdpvr's though
[19:45:29] mchou: well, exactly
[19:46:02] RDV_Linux: I have on my next release an enhancement to return the series top rated Poster or Banner if a season level graphic was not found.
[19:46:16] GreyFoxx: At $165 though it's almost worth it to me
[19:46:22] iamlindoro_: RDV_Linux: Very nice, good touch :)
[19:46:29] GreyFoxx: hell I paid $100 for my QAM tuners
[19:46:46] mchou: bah :)
[19:46:51] mchou: you paid too much
[19:47:10] GreyFoxx: not when I bought them :)
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[19:47:46] GreyFoxx: oh well it's all research right now anyway since I wont buy anything til I get back from my cruise
[19:49:27] iamlindoro_: GreyFoxx: This'd be a move to BEV?
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[19:50:15] GreyFoxx: thinking of Star choice actually mainly because I'd get the STB's for free
[19:50:22] iamlindoro_: ahh
[19:50:32] GreyFoxx: but the hdpvr would free me from provider lockin :)
[19:50:44] GreyFoxx: If either had firewire I'd be on it in a heartbeat
[19:50:53] mchou: oh no doubt
[19:50:59] GreyFoxx: for if the R5000 stuff was cheaper I'd do that
[19:51:00] mchou: that'd be a no brainer
[19:51:47] GreyFoxx: I've got a buddy who uses the R5000 mod and it works prefectly for him on BEV
[19:52:06] iamlindoro_: GreyFoxx: They do have the self-installs now
[19:52:27] GreyFoxx: yeah but even that is way more than an hdpvr
[19:52:34] iamlindoro_: yeah
[19:53:34] sphery: iamlindoro_: Heh. For Myth, writing to disk is no problem, but for that BlackMagic card--assuming it's giving you YUV 4:2:2 (say, 8-bit) uncompressed--for 1080i60 (59.94fields/sec) it's nearly 60MiB/sec... Or, for 720p60 (59.94fps), it's almost 53MiB/sec.
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[19:54:03] iamlindoro_: sphery: Yeah, just one of the reasons those cards holds no appeal for me
[19:54:15] sphery: yeah, HD-PVR is definitely the way to go for Myth.
[19:54:39] sphery: would be a complete waste to even try to get Linux drivers for the BlackMagic
[19:55:14] iamlindoro_: yar
[19:55:21] sphery: (at least for purposes of TV recording/Myth)
[19:56:33] iamlindoro_: Yes, for compositing/editing I can see wanting what amounts to a framegrabber
[19:56:58] gbee: waste? Because they'll never release information to aid their creation, or just because we already have a decent solution?
[19:57:01] ** GreyFoxx wants a wireless webcam that has a battery pack **
[19:57:33] iamlindoro_: gbee: I think he means the latter
[19:57:49] iamlindoro_: as for myth purposes the HD-PVR is a good deal better (IMO)
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[19:59:01] Shadow__X: iamlindoro, for the hd pvr you still need to run trunk am i correct
[19:59:10] iamlindoro_: you are correct
[19:59:14] xris: I like my hdhomerun. and firewire. :)
[19:59:39] iamlindoro_: xris: I like QAM and firewire too, but I guess we/I meant more in absence of the better solutions
[20:00:04] iamlindoro_: ie for the Satellite kids or the people with unenlightened/douchey cable companies
[20:00:05] Shadow__X: yeah with the hd pvr i can record everything
[20:01:15] iamlindoro_: My major stumbling block my with HD-PVR is still the lack of commercial cut
[20:01:19] iamlindoro_: er with my
[20:01:59] iamlindoro_: Which there are a few ways to hack together if you're the tinkering type, but none that meets with my requirements for ease of use just yet
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[20:02:53] Shadow__X: commercial cut?
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[20:04:01] GreyFoxx: problem detecting keyframes ?
[20:04:06] iamlindoro_: Yes. lossless transcode in myth for purposes of removing commercials is MPEG-2 only, and thus not functional with HD-PVR recordings
[20:04:19] iamlindoro_: GreyFoxx: no, just the codec issue
[20:04:20] Shadow__X: ohh
[20:04:22] GreyFoxx: ahh
[20:04:23] Shadow__X: hmm
[20:04:29] Shadow__X: so you cant cut commercials
[20:04:29] GreyFoxx: That wont bother me at all
[20:04:31] Shadow__X: ?
[20:04:33] Shadow__X: :(
[20:04:45] GreyFoxx: not with lossless
[20:04:55] iamlindoro_: GreyFoxx: I keep toying with the idea of building a fallback GOP-level cutter into mythtranscode, but it'd be a lot of work and frustration
[20:05:13] iamlindoro_: but GOP-level should be doable once the new h264parser is working nicely
[20:06:04] iamlindoro_: ie get bit offsets, find bit offset for nearest keyframe, dump to file, rebuild seektable, voila
[20:07:28] sphery: OK, so since everything for Windows MCE has the same name (Windows MCE Remote or Windows MCE Keyboard), I really can't answer the latest question on "LIRC Remote Presses Are All Converted To Upper Case Characters"
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[20:10:13] Dagmar: ROFL
[20:10:31] J-e-f-f-A|work: sphery: but he's not using an MCE remote/keyboard – he's using a MCE USB receiver with a Sky remote that flips open to reveal a full keyboard. Kinda like a cell phone does...
[20:11:00] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:11:01] Dagmar: Tell him to turn off the caps-lock. See what happens.
[20:11:17] J-e-f-f-A|work: sphery: I'll bet the remote doesn't even send discreet upper/lower case codes...
[20:12:10] sphery: right... but it has a shift key, I'd bet.
[20:12:13] Shadow__X: is there a way to record raw ir codes off a mce receiver
[20:12:23] Dagmar: How many ways do you need
[20:12:50] Dagmar: LIRC comes with the tools for doing pretty much anything and everything you'd need aside from determining if you're looking for the wrong pilot frequency
[20:13:02] J-e-f-f-A|work: sphery: Yeah, but I have some IR keyboards from dish from my old DishPlayer PVRs – they transmit a code for shift being held down, and the same code for the "A" key, regardless if shift is pressed down or not.
[20:13:04] Shadow__X: hmm ok
[20:13:12] Dagmar: It does include a sniffer so that you can personally eyeball the PCM or otherwise signal
[20:13:29] Shadow__X: ah ok
[20:13:35] J-e-f-f-A|work: Shadow__X: I don't know the answer to that... I think the MCE USB receiver only understands RC6...
[20:13:42] sphery: yeah, but he shouldn't use LIRC--if he does, the keyboard is useless (as Myth's LIRC support is not meant for keyboards)
[20:13:49] Dagmar: This is the reason I tell people to just go ahead, bite the bullet, and learn how LIRC works
[20:14:01] sphery: J-e-f-f-A|work: yeah, RC6
[20:14:01] J-e-f-f-A|work: sphery: from what I understand, that's what he's doing...
[20:14:07] Dagmar: sphery: Myth's keyboard support doesn't work so well either
[20:14:24] sphery: J-e-f-f-A|work: that's what I'm telling him to do, but he's not doing it until someone tells him, "Yes, it works."
[20:14:59] sphery: (i.e. I'm telling him not to use LIRC)
[20:15:01] Shadow__X: ok
[20:15:05] Dagmar: So, odds are his next question will be "Prove it"
[20:15:13] Dagmar: ...or some variation thereof.
[20:15:23] sphery: yeah, but I can't (as I have none of the hardware)
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[20:15:40] sphery: only understand that Myth's LIRC is not a keyboard replacement
[20:16:00] Dagmar: He'll complain for sure about what happens then you type numbers into an input box
[20:16:22] sphery: well, that changes completely for 0.22
[20:16:25] J-e-f-f-A|work: sphery: I found a web page a few weeks ago of a guy that built an IR keyboard driver that receives the keycodes from lirc and converts them to key presses... ie, if you're holding 'shift' and press "a", it sends an upper-case "A" to the keyboard buffer mechanism... (/dev/input ? – cant remember off the top of my head)
[20:16:30] sphery: so at least I could say, "be patient"
[20:16:34] Dagmar: I've heard, and I'm glad
[20:17:09] sphery: J-e-f-f-A|work: that's the type of thing he needs (and, I think that's pretty much what the mod_mce driver does--except without requiring LIRC)
[20:17:42] Dagmar: J-e-f-f-A: His device should, for all intents and purposes, behave like a usb wireless keyboard, afaik
[20:17:51] sphery: i.e. mod_mce is the equivalent of the kernel's ATI/X10 remote driver (which treats the remote as a keyboard instead of as a remote)
[20:17:52] J-e-f-f-A|work: sphery: I started looking at it to put my DishPlayer IR keyboards back into use... but haven't had the time to convert it to my keyboards...
[20:18:07] Dagmar: It should "just work" without him having to have LIRC installed at all.
[20:18:15] Dagmar: So him demanding someone tell him it'll work is a little retarded.
[20:18:24] sphery: Dagmar: right, once he has a driver for it
[20:18:30] J-e-f-f-A|work: Dagmar: I dunno — it's a special remote for a Sky STB... not a "PC" remote control device.
[20:18:41] Dagmar: Well, my follow-up for that would be "Is he running Ubuntu? It's probably freaking in there""
[20:19:00] J-e-f-f-A|work: Dagmar: hehe... ;-)
[20:19:20] Dagmar: J-e-f-f-A: Something like that you could still write a non-suck config file for
[20:19:36] Dagmar: I swear it's not very hard, its' just tedious
[20:19:42] J-e-f-f-A|work: It's actually a neat looking unit... I almost bought one just to hack around with and get working..
[20:21:02] J-e-f-f-A|work: Dagmar: Well, if it's working in a way similar to the Dish keyboards I have, it would require a program to 'decode' the key combinations (ie shift/alt/ctrl, etc) to produce the 'correct' combo keypress.
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[20:24:33] Dagmar: There's stuff for and examples of that in lirc
[20:24:52] Dagmar: It can be done.
[20:25:16] Dagmar: I was able to do it back in like '98 with three different multimedia remotes I just bought from random places on the internet
[20:25:51] deeemac (deeemac! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:25:52] Dagmar: heck, one of them turned out to be completely broken, and lirc has the tools to be able to distinguish that
[20:28:07] iamlindoro_: RDV_Linux: How does the TVDB API distinguish specials?
[20:28:12] J-e-f-f-A|work: It sure looks almost-perfect for Myth... ;-) . . . vigator2.jpg
[20:29:07] iamlindoro_: J-e-f-f-A|work: I've been eyeing those Logitech diNovo Minis, I think they're nice looking if you need a mini keyboard (and they're an actual keyboard with none of these issues)
[20:31:16] J-e-f-f-A|work: iamlindoro_: yeah, but that Sky remote does have a nice appeal to it... "Where's the keyboard?" "oh yeah, just flip it open..."  ;-)
[20:31:35] gbee: how is the TVDB stuff coming? Finally have some TV I want to store long term with mythvideo
[20:31:42] iamlindoro_: gbee: Very very well
[20:32:25] javatexan (javatexan!n=mia@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[20:32:38] iamlindoro_: gbee: There are about three relevant patches, but if you have specific questions then let me know
[20:32:50] gbee: k
[20:33:21] iamlindoro_: gbee: #6346, #6242, and #6158
[20:33:32] iamlindoro_: Latest versions of all, depending on what you want to do
[20:33:45] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: Most of the time specials or webisodes are considered season zero. On another topic, I have just added that change to season banner and am in the process of adding runtime from the series level data. Most likely have a small update tomorrow.
[20:34:12] iamlindoro_: RDV_Linux: Okay, that works well, as the TV grabber will run with a season zero and episode > 0
[20:34:40] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:34:46] gbee: I'm in no hurry, I might just wait for Anduin to commit some/all of it, but if I get impatient at least I know which patches I need
[20:35:33] iamlindoro_: gbee: Yeah, he mentioned he might be able to get at some of it this weekend, but RDV_Linux and I have been collaborating on it a lot the past few weeks and it's working pretty darn well so far for us
[20:35:40] Anduin: I'll either get a code drop today and have no time over the weekend or nothing but mythtv time
[20:36:53] Anduin: The only patch not on the possible list is the export from watch recordings
[20:36:57] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[20:36:59] kormoc_ is now known as kormoc
[20:37:08] gbee: decided to archive all the Planet Earth, Yellowstone and Nature's Great Events from BBC HD – especially now that I have a bit more space to store them
[20:37:14] kormoc_ (kormoc_!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:37:15] iamlindoro_: Anduin: No problem there, I'm sort of incrementally improving it over time anyway
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[20:38:06] iamlindoro_: Anduin: IMO I really would rather it go in *after* there's Storage Group move code to handle the file operation, but as of this morning (not in the ticket) there's at least a busy dialog
[20:38:18] gbee: I've already exported these manually since they were recorded on the production frontend, so that's the one patch I'll not need
[20:38:50] AndyCrawford2 (AndyCrawford2! has quit ("Quit")
[20:49:29] iamlindoro_: RDV_Linux: Not sure what to do about TheTVDB dumping images on servers with limited hourly bandwidth, that's just going to get ugly if they don't solve that
[20:51:04] meshe: thanks J-e-f-f-A|work i think i'll pick up another 150 for that
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[21:02:20] gbee: iamlindoro_: maybe SD has the funds/resources to offer a mirror for Myth users
[21:02:47] iamlindoro_: gbee: Funny you should say that, was just drafting a message to try to put the right people in contact with each other :)
[21:05:33] J-e-f-f-A|work: Dagmar: Humm... I think I'm going to buy one of those, and if I can make it work properly as a keyboard (whatever it takes), I'll get a couple more for my other systems... ;-)
[21:06:26] RDV_Linux: iamlindoro: I agree. They seem to be going through the usual growing pains of a site getting more popular than anticipated.
[21:07:39] bocaJ (bocaJ! has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:20:02] ** stuarta quietly sips rum n coke **
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[21:24:26] iamlindoro_: I'll take one of those, hold the coke
[21:24:31] Dompie (Dompie! has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[21:25:19] ** stuarta rums iamlindoro_ **
[21:25:40] stuarta: doesn't quite have the same rings to it as /me beers iamlindoro_
[21:26:08] iamlindoro_: Gotta keep my game face on for the last Galactica, though
[21:26:29] iamlindoro_: So I'll have to nurse it
[21:26:37] stuarta: meh, i still haven't finished watching the S1 dvd's
[21:26:58] iamlindoro_: Very end of S1 is when it really kicks in to high gear
[21:27:01] stuarta: which series is this that's on tonight? 4 or 5
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[21:27:14] iamlindoro_: 4x20 tonight
[21:27:28] stuarta: s4 e20?
[21:27:33] iamlindoro_: yeah
[21:27:55] stuarta: kk, really gotta get testing on the moving and sorting of recordings to videos
[21:28:17] ** iamlindoro_ helpfully offers #6346, #6242, and #6158 **
[21:28:33] iamlindoro_: Though there's some chance of two of those going in in the near future
[21:28:50] stuarta: i'll wait till they are actually in
[21:28:56] iamlindoro_: fair enough
[21:29:10] stuarta: my prod setup is still on 0.21-fixes :)
[21:29:23] iamlindoro_: ah, yes, that would put a damper on things
[21:29:29] J-e-f-f-A|work: stuarta: Mine too.  ;-)
[21:29:45] J-e-f-f-A|work: (although it almost became trunk last Friday...)
[21:30:02] stuarta: well i've had a few "blocker" issues that have mostly been worked through
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[21:53:01] deeemac: anyone use the new linhes by knoppmyth?
[21:53:05] porcodildo (porcodildo!n=wefw@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:53:29] deeemac: wondering how it is compared to the other options out there now that its based off arch
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[21:55:47] pw-toxic: ok
[21:55:48] pw-toxic: ;)
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[21:56:46] pw-toxic: My CLI says that "mythtv-setup" isnt installed..
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[22:26:03] RDV_Linux: clear
[22:26:13] ** stuarta ducks **
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[22:34:12] cesman: deeemac: LinHES is derived from Arch, it isn't just Arch w/ MythTV package
[22:34:48] cesman: for instance, it uses runit, some PKGBUILDS have been changed, etc...
[22:35:05] deeemac: oh
[22:35:22] deeemac: cesman: is it as fast and nice as arch itself, I was just going to give it a try
[22:35:54] cesman: yes, it is fast
[22:36:13] cesman: yes, it is nice
[22:37:16] deeemac: cesman: nice, have you used it yourself then?
[22:37:26] iamlindoro: s/used/released/
[22:38:21] ** cesman created KnoppMyth and built LinHES w/ jams and others **
[22:38:33] deeemac: oh
[22:38:41] deeemac: sweet man, good deal
[22:39:03] stuarta: that's why cesman is a legend :)
[22:39:31] cesman: lol
[22:39:31] ** stuarta accepts payments in all forms of currency **
[22:39:35] deeemac: lol
[22:39:49] cesman: thanks stuarta I was unaware of my status
[22:39:56] deeemac: it doesn't have that really awful wallpaper that looks like it was made in the 90s still
[22:40:01] deeemac: does it?
[22:40:02] stuarta: :)
[22:40:28] cesman: deeemac: boot off the CD and you'll see
[22:40:31] ** stuarta wanders off to find more rum **
[22:40:35] cesman: and that wallpaper ruled!
[22:40:39] deeemac: lol
[22:40:40] meshe: mmmm, rum
[22:40:43] cesman: hmm rum!
[22:42:43] deeemac: cesman: some interesting colors :P
[22:43:06] cesman: Tux bill yellow
[22:43:25] deeemac: the main screen was like purple and blue for the boot selection lol
[22:44:20] deeemac: maybe i was just looking at the lcd at a weird angle though, but thats what it looked like
[22:45:00] ** stuarta hands cesman the beverage of his choice **
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[22:45:32] deeemac: cesman: i like how it boots right into a mythtv like interface with options though
[22:45:54] rooau1 (rooau1! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:46:03] cesman: deeemac: that is how all options are choosen
[22:46:13] cesman: deeemac: if you want to talk LinHES, then #linhes
[22:46:24] deeemac: oh, alright
[22:46:57] iamlindoro: They actually made a video game about cesman
[22:47:05] cesman: this is after all the mythtv-users channel ;)
[22:47:05] iamlindoro: It was called Legendary ACKS
[22:47:13] cesman: lol!
[22:47:25] ** cesman used to enjoy Lengendary Axe on TG-16 **
[22:47:26] deeemac: well im still talking about mythtv :)
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[22:53:07] ** aclose searching the knopp forums... **
[22:57:37] ** cesman thanks stuarta for the drink! **
[22:57:54] iamlindoro: Hahahaha, myability to write my patches quickly is rivaled only by my ability to break them incomprehensibly
[22:57:59] stuarta: np. it's a nice one :)
[22:58:20] stuarta: iamlindoro: i think you need a stiffer drink :-p
[22:58:28] iamlindoro: or to lay off the one I've got :)
[22:59:04] kormoc: could always pass it over my way
[22:59:36] iamlindoro: need our heads in the game for Galactica
[22:59:42] jroysdon2 (jroysdon2! has quit ("ttfn")
[22:59:43] ** stuarta beers kormoc **
[22:59:52] kormoc: thanks
[22:59:53] ** kormoc chugs **
[23:00:21] ** stuarta gets bored **
[23:00:23] jroysdon (jroysdon! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:01:31] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o stuarta
[23:01:48] ** kormoc gets worried **
[23:02:17] ** stuarta wanders around on a power trip in search of more booze **
[23:03:13] stuarta: ug... shocking latency on this tunnel at this time of night
[23:04:11] GMouse (GMouse! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:04:30] ** iamlindoro makes up some random OS X tickets so that stuarta doesn't get cocky **
[23:04:44] stuarta: hey, that's my job
[23:05:03] stuarta: i suspect i'm the only one testing head on OSX
[23:05:15] stuarta: bloody thing keeps breaking on me
[23:05:21] Mode for #mythtv-users by stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta : -o stuarta
[23:05:36] ** stuarta stops being quite so bored **
[23:05:55] stuarta: i've not done so well on fixing tickets :(
[23:06:15] stuarta: simple one -> more info, hard ones -> too hard :(
[23:06:30] GMouse: Can anyone help me with getting my capture card to work? It's an AVerTVHD, uses the saa7134 and saa7134-dvb modules. I compiled my own kernel (which works for everything else) and have installed dvb-tools, but still cannot tune or really even test the card. Help, please?
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[23:08:28] stuarta: !seen sanity
[23:08:28] MythLogBot: sanity has not been seen here
[23:08:36] stuarta: thought so
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[23:19:17] justinh: wish people would stop wittering on about the blackmagic HD framegrabber. How hard is it to see it's not gonna happen? ffs
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[23:19:55] iamlindoro: Don't think anyone suggested it for myth purposes, just for meshe's husband's project
[23:20:21] otwin_ is now known as otwin
[23:21:05] justinh: hd video editing and doesn't mind the video getting horribly compressed? :-P
[23:21:30] justinh: oh wait.. they already have that on cable
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[23:22:05] ** stuarta sends justinh a JD **
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[23:24:51] cesman: GMouse: check the linuxtv wiki to make certain, but I don't think that card works w/ Linux at the moment
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