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Saturday, January 24th, 2009, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:04] d00gster (d00gster! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:04:34] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:08:24] antiPosix (antiPosix! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:11:06] [gquit]bombadil ([gquit]bombadil! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:11:29] antiPosix: every aspect of my mythtv experience is fine, I have one backend and 3 frontend(all with the same nvidia GPUs). The only thing I cant do on any set is to watch Live-TV and pull up the EPG at the same time. It all gets hung, like several mnutes go by before my escape sequence goes through and its back to the main menu. Anyone know what I have configured wrong?
[00:13:56] danmal (danmal! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:14:47] dgarr (dgarr! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:15:55] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[00:16:10] sphery: NeoMatrixJR: yep, most people should use Slim. 100% of people should try Slim first, then get fancy.
[00:17:01] NeoMatrixJR: Sphery: I'll have to work on tweaking it when my wife's out tomorrow. it's not perfect but it works. Thanks!
[00:17:11] NeoMatrixJR (NeoMatrixJR! has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.5/2008120122]")
[00:20:11] antiPosix: I have a PVR-150, my parents have a fancy DirecTV HD package with a DVR, any idea what kind of HD capture card that DVR uses. I would love to get something close to that quality. I know the PVR-150 is a analog standard def encoder, but are there any HD users that have a preference for their HD tuner and/or MPEG enocoder
[00:20:53] hadeees (hadeees! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:23:03] quadtree (quadtree! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:25:32] sphery: antiPosix: TTBOMK, only the Hauppauge HD-PVR will work. It's not supported in 0.21-fixes, but should be supported in 0.22 when it's released.
[00:25:56] sphery: IMHO, until then, you're much better off using the PVR-150 (or the fancy DirecTV DVR)
[00:26:00] J-e-f-f-A: antiPosix: That DirecTV HD PVR doesn't have a 'capture card' – it dumps the raw mpeg stream to the HDD, then plays it back. The only wah to get HD from Satellite into Myth is with a HD-PVR. ^^ see sphery's comments for support... ;-)
[00:26:27] Lord_Deathscythe (Lord_Deathscythe! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:27:30] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit ()
[00:31:24] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:39:42] squish102 (squish102! has quit ("= oops wrong button")
[00:39:43] simoo (simoo! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:40:04] squish102 (squish102! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:41:22] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:42:53] davez0r (davez0r! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:43:46] olejl (olejl!n=olejl@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:45:13] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:43] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:52] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:53:08] caturday (caturday! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:53:43] caturday: why would mythfrontend for os x be attempting to create the schemalock table in the backend database when all i want to do is connect to the backend?
[00:54:07] BenB_ (BenB_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:54:14] BenB_ (BenB_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:54:22] dserban (dserban! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:54:36] judazz (judazz! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:58:11] sphery: caturday: schemalock is used to prevent 2 hosts from creating the DB schema at the same time. You /must/ have a valid DB for any myth component to operate.
[00:59:16] sphery: caturday: if you already have a DB working with your backend, it probably means that the OS X frontend is /not/ the same version (or at least not the same revision) in use on the backend system
[00:59:47] caturday: ok, but i guess what i'm asking is: why would my frontend try to change the database schema and not simply say "this isn't the correct database schema, please use version x"
[01:00:32] sphery: caturday: because it's OS X, so it uses different code from what the GNU/Linux-based systems use
[01:00:53] caturday: (btw, i figured out that 0.20.1 works with the backend, though i wouldn't have gotten to that through anything other than guessing, since the backend reports its version as 0.20.20070821–1)
[01:02:02] caturday: nono, you've missed the point...the frontend has no business changing the backend's database schema...if the frontend needs a database for its settings or whatever it stores, it should have its own
[01:02:59] caturday: if the frontend has a problem *reading* the backend's schema, this should be handled by the client in some way that *isn't* "I'M GOING TO CHANGE YOUR BACKEND NOW KTHX"
[01:03:06] J-e-f-f-A: caturday: there is only one DB in myth, and it's on the backend.
[01:03:39] caturday: ok, if it's only in the backend, then why is the frontend attempting to change its schema?
[01:04:20] sphery: caturday: the backend does not report that version... You need to run mythbackend --version
[01:05:08] sphery: caturday: there is code in Myth that prevents a frontend (on a well supported platform, at least) from ever upgrading the DB unless you specifically tell it to do so.
[01:05:17] sphery: I have no idea whether that code is used for OS X.
[01:05:20] caturday: ah, k, chalk that one up to gentoo devs following their own versioning guidelines
[01:05:32] sphery: caturday: no, it's you not running mythbackend --version
[01:07:31] caturday: most packages in portage that i've seen map directly to at least major and minor versions, and usually revisions
[01:07:50] caturday: you're right, i should have looked at that, but i didn't, and that wasn't the point of my argument
[01:09:40] caturday: i suppose if the code for preventing frontends from modifying backends is the frontend's responsibility, then that's some pretty bad design
[01:10:04] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:08] wagnerrp: the frontend doesnt modify the backend, its all stored in the database
[01:10:28] wagnerrp: one config for all
[01:10:31] caturday: read the whole conversation, wagnerrp ...i'm talking about the backend database schema
[01:11:01] wagnerrp: i saying the backend cannot control what the frontend is doing
[01:11:10] wagnerrp: if you want to prevent the frontend from controlling the schema
[01:11:24] wagnerrp: you have to set up a secondary limited database account for the frontend to use
[01:11:56] caturday: that's what i did, but that should never happen in the first place
[01:12:02] wagnerrp: mythtv does not database setup for you, even if some prepackaged distros do
[01:13:15] wagnerrp: now, there has been discussion about moving away from the mysql server, to an embedded server running within the backend
[01:13:38] wagnerrp: and then all of a frontend's communication runs through mythproto
[01:13:49] wagnerrp: but its all be purely future speculation
[01:17:04] caturday: that would make more sense
[01:17:16] caturday: why is frontend data even stored in the backend database?
[01:17:17] sphery: caturday: mythfrontend requires GRANT ALL on mysql
[01:17:35] caturday: yes, but this problem is exactly why i didn't give it that
[01:17:52] sphery:
[01:18:02] caturday: i have multiple clients, and i don't need one of them screwing up the rest
[01:18:09] wagnerrp: basically, mythtv has no concept of security
[01:18:24] wagnerrp: it expect the user to take the blame for breaking their own system, rather than prevent it
[01:18:28] sphery: and, I'll bet that it's not attempting to upgrade the schema, but just checking the schema
[01:18:41] sphery: and failing because it doesn't have the required/expected privileges
[01:19:02] caturday: alright, fine, but that's still a problem with the client
[01:19:18] sphery: caturday: I haven't seen evidence of a problem
[01:19:45] sphery: just your saying that you don't like that mythfrontend requires more privileges on the DB than you think is appropriate
[01:20:08] caturday: ...
[01:20:38] caturday: than any competent database application developer would think is appropriate
[01:21:12] wagnerrp: mythtv is not intended to be secure against people trying to break into your system
[01:21:49] Gumby (Gumby!n=terry@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (No route to host)
[01:21:53] kormoc: caturday, Patches are welcome
[01:22:45] wagnerrp: wasnt there some GSoC project a few years ago that was supposed to put independent users into mythtv?
[01:23:07] kormoc: users, yes, security, no
[01:23:33] sphery: I'm confused, based on recent history, it seems that people calling mythtv devs incompentent (or other names) prefer to do so in #mythtv... Strange to see it happen in less inappropriate channel.
[01:23:37] wagnerrp: ah, so it would have just changed the way the settings table was indexed
[01:24:17] kormoc: wagnerrp, basically just added a link table to show that users 1, 2, and 5 wanted to see show x and show y but not show z
[01:24:26] sphery: wagnerrp: no, would have allowed things like deleting a recording from one user's view, while it remains for 2 others
[01:24:37] kormoc: and yeah, that delete logic
[01:24:50] kormoc: which would have been snazzy, but meh, noone seems to really care bout it
[01:24:56] sphery: so, separate recording rules, show metadata, ...
[01:25:22] sphery: (I should say "logically separate" before someone starts yelling that any competent developer wouldn't duplicate data.)
[01:26:39] wagnerrp: that seems like something that could *almost* be done now with storage groups
[01:27:09] Lexridge (Lexridge!n=Lexridge@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:29:45] kormoc: virtual storage groups would do the trick
[01:30:25] wagnerrp: do storage groups complain if you have one directory in more than one group?
[01:31:28] kormoc: don't /think/ so
[01:33:50] Dagmar: I've a bad feeling about what that might mean for disk space computation
[01:37:40] EvilGuru (EvilGuru! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:40:08] caturday (caturday! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[01:41:05] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[01:42:46] iamlindoro: Heh.... Heheheh.... HEHEHEHEHEEHEHEHEH
[01:43:01] iamlindoro: Got Fanart, screenshots, and banners working in MV :)
[01:43:28] wagnerrp: hes like a giddy little schoolgirl over there
[01:44:11] iamlindoro: Tell me it's not cool to select an episode of lost and have the background change to LOST, a screenshot from the episode pop up, and a banner for the show be at the top next to the cover for the DVD :)
[01:45:28] wagnerrp: depends on how long it takes
[01:45:51] wagnerrp: MV is somewhat slow as it is pulling up all the thumbnails for gallery view
[01:46:23] iamlindoro: It's not bad/slow at all
[01:46:37] iamlindoro: About a half second pause at worst
[01:47:09] iamlindoro: Although I'm sure when/if it gets included someone will tackle the speed
[01:47:22] wagnerrp: not bad for tv shows, but it might hurt a bit for movies
[01:47:35] iamlindoro: There's no requirement to set them if you don't care to
[01:47:52] wagnerrp: the only way to tackle the speed would be to intelligently cache the images
[01:48:04] wagnerrp: preload images for a few items in either direction
[01:48:09] wagnerrp: although i cant imagine that would be too hard
[01:48:12] iamlindoro: yeah
[01:49:35] wagnerrp: i always love on crime shows when theyre scanning a database
[01:49:49] wagnerrp: and you see 30 images/second flip past on someone's monitor
[01:51:08] iamlindoro: Oh Firefly fanart, how long I have wished to see you daily
[01:52:01] wagnerrp: i thought you just had to go down to your basement
[01:52:33] iamlindoro: hehe, FANART, not chick in manacles
[01:53:17] Dagmar: wagnerrp: No, that's where he keeps the slash
[01:55:48] ** Dagmar waits for iamlindoro to Google what that means **
[01:56:21] iamlindoro: Too busy doing something worthwhile to google for what is likely useless jerkitude
[02:02:12] unimaginative (unimaginative! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[02:09:01] psofa (psofa! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:09:52] GeeZ (GeeZ! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:11:48] iamlindoro: Heh.
[02:12:38] antiPosix (antiPosix! has quit ("Leaving.")
[02:16:34] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:17:36] Maliuta (Maliuta! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:20:23] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has quit ()
[02:21:44] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: hey, lookin' good! ;-)
[02:21:48] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:22:03] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, Fanart changing on the fly too :)
[02:22:12] inordkuo1 (inordkuo1! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:22:14] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: kewl!
[02:22:59] iamlindoro: Anduin has the hard work building the grabber/selector/etc., I'm just adding the low hanging fruit and adding the images directly into each item's DB entry
[02:23:36] seria (seria! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:24:14] J-e-f-f-A: Holy bleep is resume fast on FC10... Wow, I still can't get over it... like less than 10 secs... wow... ;-)
[02:24:47] inordkuo1 (inordkuo1! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:25:13] sphery: wagnerrp: you can have a directory in as many SG's as you like
[02:28:51] iamlindoro: sphery, See screenshots above?
[02:29:41] sphery: nice
[02:29:49] sphery: but thanks for the Daisies downer
[02:29:55] iamlindoro: Heh
[02:30:04] iamlindoro: But the MOAR METADATA upper!
[02:30:14] sphery: yeah... helps balance it out
[02:31:02] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has quit ()
[02:31:38] Maliuta (Maliuta! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:32:18] wagnerrp: iamlindoro: .m2ts's have to be renamed to '.m2t' to stream to the PS3?
[02:32:42] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, If they do it's news to me-- but I haven't streamed much of anything to my PS3
[02:32:49] wagnerrp: or have you not used the upnp... ah
[02:33:31] wagnerrp: i was try to use m2ts instead of mp4, so i could keep the ac3 audio off a dvd, but no joy as of yet
[02:34:02] iamlindoro: Hmmm... was almost certain it was fine with HDV stuff which to my knowledge comes off as m2ts
[02:34:46] wagnerrp: apparently with tversity, renaming from m2ts to m2t fixes things
[02:34:48] wagnerrp: thought it odd
[02:35:03] iamlindoro: weird
[02:37:43] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Connection timed out)
[02:37:54] AriX_ (AriX_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[02:41:35] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:47:24] amdpox (amdpox!n=amdpox@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:56:03] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:00:44] andrewy (andrewy!i=andrewy@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:12:57] phunyguy: what in the world...
[03:13:08] phunyguy: just sudo apt-get'd mythtv-backend-master
[03:13:23] phunyguy: edited the mysql.txt to point to my mysql server..
[03:13:40] phunyguy: but any time i try to run mythfilldatabase or mythtv-setup it says Illegal Instruction
[03:13:44] phunyguy: and thats IT
[03:13:53] phunyguy: fresh install!
[03:14:06] Dagmar: Did you install the 64-bit build on a 32-bit machine or vice-versa?
[03:14:45] Dagmar: Until now, skinning/leatherworking has not been a very moneymaking thing
[03:14:48] Dagmar: wrtong can
[03:16:29] phunyguy: uhm
[03:16:44] phunyguy: it would be impossible for me to install a 32 bit on a 64 bit and vice versa when using aptitude
[03:16:55] Dagmar: Then it sounds like something got corrupted
[03:16:56] phunyguy: well maybe not impossible
[03:16:59] phunyguy: but highly unlikely
[03:17:09] phunyguy: well i have seen this before
[03:17:11] doc___ (doc___! has quit ("leaving")
[03:17:15] phunyguy: while setting up hamachi
[03:17:23] phunyguy: needed different binaries
[03:17:30] phunyguy: older CPU...
[03:18:06] phunyguy: i guess i could compile...
[03:19:23] phunyguy: when running mythfilldb it keeps over at "2009-01–23 22:12:35.153 Testing network connectivity to mysql"
[03:19:27] phunyguy: keels over*
[03:19:40] phunyguy: mysql being the hostname of my mysql server (how original)
[03:20:13] phunyguy: and that hostname resolves perfectly
[03:22:13] sphery: your host isn't allowing ICMP pings
[03:22:28] sphery: either allow them or disable the ping test (option in mythtv-setup, IIRC)
[03:23:13] phunyguy: i would if i could run mythtv-setup – lol
[03:23:38] phunyguy: and there is no reason the mysql server dissalows icmp..
[03:23:44] phunyguy: +l
[03:23:52] phunyguy: its wide open on the internal network
[03:24:41] phunyguy: 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.404 ms
[03:26:17] phunyguy: looks like i have to custom compile
[03:26:20] phunyguy: and change arch flags
[03:26:21] Maliuta (Maliuta! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:26:37] phunyguy: it doesn't like my generation of CPU
[03:27:10] unimagin1tive_ (unimagin1tive_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:52] unimaginative_ (unimaginative_! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:29:13] sphery: if you're talking Myth, you probably shouldn't change arch/march/cpu/tune... Those are only there for packagers who compile for multiple system types.
[03:29:48] sphery: Myth support K6 procs: elif expr "$processor" : ".*AMD-K6(tm) 3D" > /dev/null ; then
[03:30:02] phunyguy: I was going by this: . . . /006306.html
[03:30:10] sphery: (i.e. auto-selection support)
[03:30:28] amdpox (amdpox! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:30:58] phunyguy: so if I shouldn't change it, then i am unsure what else to check
[03:31:08] phunyguy: but it sure seems like it doesn't like the arch
[03:31:17] sphery: did you custom compile it?
[03:31:21] phunyguy: no.
[03:31:23] phunyguy: aotitude,.
[03:31:27] phunyguy: aptitude.
[03:31:32] sphery: I wouldn't be surprised if the "built for everyone" package was built for a newer proc
[03:31:40] phunyguy: exactly.
[03:31:42] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit ()
[03:31:49] sphery: so, worth recompiling, but don't specify anything for cpu/arch
[03:31:52] phunyguy: so i should just compile without changing anything?
[03:31:59] phunyguy: sounds good.
[03:32:05] sphery: instead: ./configure --enable-proc-opt
[03:32:32] sphery: configure should automatically detect the processor and choose the appropriate compile settings
[03:33:46] phunyguy: lol – i guess having the build-essential package would help
[03:35:04] gregL_ (gregL_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:35:23] phunyguy: gregL_... nycap.... that looks familliar
[03:35:36] phunyguy: road runner.
[03:35:46] phunyguy: my cousin lives up there with a similar hostname
[03:38:21] Maliuta (Maliuta! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:39:45] Maliuta (Maliuta! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:42:17] pab (pab! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:43:12] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[03:48:18] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:48:54] phunyguy: argh.
[03:48:58] phunyguy: so many missing things to install
[03:54:27] tank-man: doesnt apt-get handle the dependancies?
[03:57:15] phunyguy: i am compiling
[03:57:23] phunyguy: and ??? @ lirc support no
[03:57:30] phunyguy: in the /configure output
[03:57:34] phunyguy: i have lirc installed...
[03:57:44] phunyguy: should i worry about that?
[03:59:29] tank-man: if you want it yes
[04:00:05] phunyguy: ok
[04:00:17] phunyguy: lucky guess
[04:00:19] phunyguy: --enable-lirc
[04:00:42] phunyguy: maybe not...
[04:00:48] phunyguy: there is no option to enable it
[04:01:22] phunyguy: ????
[04:01:38] jams: if it finds the headers it will enable it
[04:01:44] phunyguy: can i twist it's arm somehow? I am going to need lirc.
[04:02:05] jams: did you install lirc-dev or something close to that
[04:02:44] jams: assuming your using a lirc package and didn't compile it yourself
[04:03:04] phunyguy: yeah looking for a package
[04:03:24] phunyguy: liblircclient
[04:03:31] phunyguy: dunno if thats it
[04:04:19] phunyguy: yep that was it
[04:04:24] phunyguy: everything else looks good.
[04:04:53] phunyguy: "make"ing
[04:06:12] RobertLaptop: Any one have and real life experience running two hdhomerun on the same box?
[04:06:34] phunyguy: ugh @ compiling on a 500.
[04:09:30] dgarr: Question: I can play dvds using the Internal player but when I used mytharchive to make a dvd, the Internal player segfaults at startup. The same dvd is playable using mplayer. The segfault occurs after Changing from None to WatchingPreRecorded. version: 0.21.0+fixes16838–0ubuntu3.1 Any ideas?
[04:09:43] wrye1 (wrye1! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:09:48] jams: your going to be there for a few hours compiling on a 500mhz mhz machine.
[04:10:23] phunyguy: will myth take that long?
[04:10:28] phunyguy: it was such a small download...
[04:10:38] wrye1: looks like my mainboard died :( .... anyone here got experience moving lvm to a new motherboard?
[04:10:47] phunyguy: lvm?
[04:10:52] phunyguy: as in logical volumes?
[04:10:56] wrye1: yep
[04:11:04] phunyguy: i have moved LVM's yes...
[04:11:19] phunyguy: although it has been a few years...
[04:11:28] phunyguy: so i wish i could help..
[04:11:30] wrye1: any tips? ...
[04:11:33] wrye1: ok
[04:11:36] phunyguy: well what are you trying to do?
[04:11:45] phunyguy: just install another mainboard?
[04:11:47] wrye1: well the main board died
[04:12:03] phunyguy: as long as your filesystem is good and it picks up the correct kernel modules...
[04:12:05] wrye1: I'm gonna get a new mb try to reload the lvm under a new install
[04:12:11] phunyguy: oh...
[04:12:19] phunyguy: is LVM another set of drives other than / ?
[04:12:24] wrye1: is the order of disks as they are connected to the mb important?
[04:12:35] phunyguy: it may be
[04:12:43] phunyguy: but there is also a config which i think is stored on the first disk
[04:12:50] phunyguy: should just be able to change device names in there
[04:12:57] phunyguy: look up how to extract the LVM config
[04:13:11] wrye1: ok, I will take a look at that
[04:13:13] phunyguy: i cant remember off the top of my head
[04:13:30] phunyguy: i do have to ask – why LVM?
[04:13:31] wrye1: I wonder if pgscan will find the drives regardless of how they are connected?
[04:13:56] wrye1: oh it was an appallingly bad idea from when I built the machine 5 years ago
[04:14:03] wrye1: one that I won't be repeating
[04:14:26] wrye1: looking to bring this back online, get a couple of new TB drives, raid 5 'em and give lvm the boot
[04:14:53] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1 I had an LVM setup in my old backend – 4x 200GB drives. They're sitting in a Venus T4U external USB -> 4 IDE box, I had used it to migrate data to a new backend...
[04:15:02] phunyguy: yeah: dd if=/dev/md2 bs=512 count=255 skip=1 of=/tmp/md2-raw-start
[04:15:10] phunyguy: i remember it was on the first disk in the volume
[04:15:19] phunyguy: that command grabbed the config
[04:15:49] phunyguy: /dev/md2 is the volume device
[04:15:54] phunyguy: just change it accordingly
[04:16:20] phunyguy: once you change it you can dd it back in
[04:16:25] phunyguy: just not sure what to change
[04:16:27] psipsi_ (psipsi_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:16:40] phunyguy: but as long as the disk IDs come up the same, you should be good.
[04:16:54] wrye1: J-e-f-f-A: that thing supports lvm with old ide disks?
[04:16:56] phunyguy: and either way you look at it
[04:17:01] wrye1: that'd be perfect
[04:17:03] phunyguy: if you have disk0 and disk1
[04:17:04] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1: I was able to get it up and running on the new backend, I didn't know diddly about moving an LVM at the time.
[04:17:20] phunyguy: 0 is still less than 1
[04:17:22] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1: I have it in 'jbod' mode, so each disk appears seperately, so yes.
[04:17:22] phunyguy: ;)
[04:17:39] phunyguy: take it from here J-e-f-f-A
[04:17:41] phunyguy: :P
[04:17:46] phunyguy: i told him all i know
[04:18:08] wrye1: phunyguy: thanks appreciate your advise
[04:18:10] J-e-f-f-A: hehe... I don't know much more unfortunately... Google was my friend... ;-)
[04:18:30] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1: How many drives?
[04:18:55] wrye1: 3 or maybe 4... have to open the box to be sure
[04:19:34] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1: You could do the same with a few USB-> IDE adapters... You don't need to spend ~$140 on the Venus T4U like I did...
[04:20:23] wrye1: interesting... all I want is a quick solution to bring up the lvm partition one last time to migrate less than 1GB of data.
[04:21:08] wrye1: the challenge is that I have a tangled mess of cables in there, nothing is labled so its gonna be near impossible to get hd1 from the existing setup as hd1 in the new setup..
[04:21:34] wrye1: I'm hoping that lvm with its pgscan etc is smart enough to figure things out when I reload the disks on a new machine
[04:21:46] clever: i had some recent trouble with lvm
[04:22:08] clever: i had 1 LV for every PV, so each drive was basicaly self contained
[04:22:18] clever: and my usb enclosure went toast
[04:22:21] wrye1: clever: lvm is to be avoided at all costs IMO... single biggest mistake I made in my setup
[04:22:24] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1: yikes, it was $170... Here's a link just for the heck of it... ;-) . . . t_id=0256055
[04:22:34] clever: but lvm refused to run the internal LV's without the external drive
[04:22:46] clever: so i made a /dev/loop0 of about 5mb
[04:23:00] clever: pvcreate'ed it with the missing uuid, and restored the config
[04:23:17] wrye1: yeah, me thinks there is a lot of trial and error in my future :(
[04:23:20] clever: all LV's that covered it would be 'damaged' but the remaining came out perfectly
[04:23:34] clever: i was later able to get the drive back in
[04:23:45] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1: just 1GB data? What, pictures or something?
[04:23:51] clever: and restore a newer archive, undoing the hack and returning it back to what it was:)
[04:24:00] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:24:06] wrye1: yeah pictures and some music to recover.. willing to let all the other stuff go
[04:24:10] clever: then it was a simple vgsplit to make it truely self contained and seperate
[04:24:34] clever: wrye1: what was your exact problem?
[04:24:42] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1: IIRC, I had to do a pvscan, a vgscan, and then activate and mount the lvm...
[04:25:23] clever: pvscan;vgscan;vgchange -a y;mount /dev/foo/bar /somewhere # im guessing:)
[04:26:06] J-e-f-f-A: sounds about right — bit it was close to 2 yrs ago... ;-) And i'm gettin' old!
[04:26:18] gregL_ (gregL_! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[04:26:33] clever: i find that using lvm under / can be fun
[04:26:55] J-e-f-f-A: Yeah, mine wasn't the root directory — was "/MythTV" ;-)
[04:27:08] clever: ugh
[04:27:13] wrye1: thankfully mine isn't the root partition.. :)
[04:27:16] clever: im still missing utf8 support in xterm
[04:27:23] clever: the whole window is now screwed up
[04:27:39] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1: It probably wouldn't matter though, if you were just mounting it on another system to recover data...
[04:27:43] GeeZ (GeeZ! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:28:08] wrye1: J-e-f-f-A: very true
[04:28:10] clever: J-e-f-f-A: in my case, it was the drive containing mythconverg
[04:28:28] wrye1: hopefully just a matter of pvscan, lvscan and then mount it
[04:28:31] zlyzyr (zlyzyr! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:28:34] clever: yep
[04:28:45] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1: don't forget to activate it with vgchange...
[04:29:15] clever: i wasnt able to activate mine because half the PV's where missing, even though i only wanted a LV that i had the full contents of
[04:29:17] wrye1: indeed good point... will give this a shot after a quick spin to microcenter in cambridge tomorrow am
[04:29:45] wrye1: thanks guys, this has been a great help
[04:29:50] J-e-f-f-A: I probably remember that best because that was the biggest thing I struggled with... ;-)
[04:29:52] wrye1: I was panicing a wee bith there
[04:29:56] clever: for some reason the PATA controler being used by 'sata_via.ko' was having trouble
[04:30:07] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1: Hey, you're here in MA?  ;-) I'm in Marlborough...
[04:30:25] wrye1: J-e-f-f-A: yep, arlington MA
[04:30:32] clever: i paniced too because my 80gig of data wasnt able to even get the drive to spin up
[04:30:32] clever: but i eventualy tracked it down to a failing PSU in the enclosure
[04:30:43] dashcloud (dashcloud!n=szakulec@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:31:03] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1: What do you need to buy?
[04:31:26] wrye1: my bios appears to be fired... so a new motherboard and cpu are needed
[04:31:27] phunyguy: hah
[04:31:31] phunyguy: another mass guy
[04:31:33] phunyguy: <3
[04:31:49] phunyguy: born and raised in Springfield.
[04:31:55] phunyguy: live in Georgia now though
[04:32:06] clever: did you live next to homer? :P
[04:32:21] J-e-f-f-A: phunyguy: I grew up in CT, but have lived in MA for ~22 years...
[04:32:30] phunyguy: great
[04:32:34] phunyguy: the compile died
[04:32:38] wrye1: phunyguy: lol... I've just reside here.. originally from Dublin, Ireland
[04:32:38] J-e-f-f-A: DOH!
[04:32:39] phunyguy: file nto foudn errors
[04:32:49] phunyguy: file not found*
[04:33:15] wrye1: clever: I acutally live right beside homer rd, arlington ma
[04:33:21] clever: lol :)
[04:35:16] J-e-f-f-A: wrye1: Well, have fun at Micro Center... ;-) Ever since my company put some of our systems in a datacenter in downtown Boston, I've become a frequent customer (at least 2x a month, sometimes 2x a week!!!)
[04:35:27] phunyguy: ugh
[04:35:34] phunyguy: im growing tired of this
[04:35:53] phunyguy: i knew i should have retired the 500 long ago
[04:36:39] phunyguy: the initial make error is "httprequest.h:15:22: error: qptrlist.h: No such file or directory"
[04:37:09] phunyguy: any ideas?
[04:37:58] wrye1: sounds like you might be missing some of the qt headers?
[04:38:26] phunyguy: and it is when it attempts: "make[2]: Entering directory `/home/phunyguy/mythtv-0.21/libs/libmythupnp"
[04:38:32] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:38:37] phunyguy: hmm
[04:38:42] clever: i dont even have that header, and i have all the qt4-dev stuff
[04:38:45] phunyguy: shouldnt ./configure check for that stuff?
[04:38:45] clever: might be qt3 related
[04:38:49] psipsi__ (psipsi__! has quit (Success)
[04:38:50] clever: /usr/share/qt3/doc/html/qptrlist.html
[04:38:57] clever: i see a trace of it in my qt3 docs:S
[04:39:32] J-e-f-f-A: phunyguy: PIII 500?
[04:39:44] phunyguy: K6–2
[04:39:54] phunyguy: have to compile due to i586
[04:39:54] wrye1 (wrye1! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:39:57] phunyguy: :(
[04:40:25] J-e-f-f-A: phunyguy: Ah... I was gonna say I just removed a PIII 500 from a slot-1 board with a heat gun, drilled a hole it it and made it into a keychain.  ;-)
[04:41:30] phunyguy: heh well it will just be a recording backend
[04:41:48] clever: ouch
[04:42:44] phunyguy: hmmm
[04:42:50] phunyguy: guess it needs qt3 not 4
[04:42:54] J-e-f-f-A: Oops, sorry clever, I guess you've got hardware older than that which you're still using... ;-)
[04:43:04] J-e-f-f-A: phunyguy: 0.21 – yes, qt3...
[04:43:09] phunyguy: dangit
[04:43:28] clever: J-e-f-f-A: had some recent problems with my 400mhz P2 but i got them half fixed
[04:43:47] phunyguy: what the devil is the package name...
[04:44:25] phunyguy: sudo apt-get install *qt3* works.
[04:44:28] phunyguy: :-/
[04:44:31] phunyguy: lol @ that
[04:44:38] phunyguy: im sure i would get 6 million packages i dont want
[04:44:43] clever: 02:0b.3 RAID bus controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6421 IDE RAID Controller (rev 50)
[04:45:05] phunyguy: VT6421?
[04:45:07] phunyguy: hmmm
[04:45:14] J-e-f-f-A: clever: I've got a dozen or so machines that I haven't thrown out yet... ;-) Even found some PC100 ram earlier tonight I was getting ready to toss...
[04:45:21] clever: it has pata and sata on that cip
[04:45:22] phunyguy: PC100?
[04:45:26] phunyguy: i found some 30 pin simms
[04:45:29] clever: and the pata port is unstable it seems
[04:45:35] phunyguy: last ones that were in my awe32 sound card
[04:45:43] ** J-e-f-f-A has some of those too – made some into keychains. ;-) **
[04:45:48] phunyguy: heh
[04:46:01] amdpox (amdpox! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:46:02] phunyguy: some may call me a noob...
[04:46:06] phunyguy: but i have been around.
[04:46:12] phunyguy: im just new to myth
[04:46:12] J-e-f-f-A: ... but the chips start to fall off after about a week from the flexing... ;-)
[04:46:30] clever: i had a few of those keychains
[04:46:42] clever: trying to find them now for my 486 sx system:P
[04:47:00] clever: it doesnt even have enough ram for duke nukem!
[04:47:55] clever: phunyguy: did you try apt-get install libqt4-mt
[04:49:03] phunyguy: you mean 3?
[04:49:04] phunyguy: and yes
[04:49:20] phunyguy: you need 30 pin or 72 pin?
[04:49:28] phunyguy: i think i have some 4 meg 72 pins
[04:49:32] clever: 30pin i think
[04:49:34] clever: maybe less :P
[04:49:37] phunyguy: lol.
[04:50:22] olejl (olejl!n=olejl@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:50:52] phunyguy: hmm
[04:50:58] phunyguy: i have installed so many packages
[04:51:04] phunyguy: yet i cant find the right one for qt3
[04:51:12] phunyguy: think the qt4 install hosed it?
[04:51:26] clever: apt-cache search libqt3|grep dev
[04:51:46] phunyguy: or do i need to ./configure again
[04:51:53] phunyguy: the ./configure performed the qmake
[04:51:57] Maliuta (Maliuta! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:52:03] clever: but did it use qmake4 or qmake3?
[04:52:13] clever: it probly says which in the top of the Makefile
[04:52:13] phunyguy: prolly 4
[04:52:26] clever: theres a configure flag to force it to use a certain one
[04:52:52] phunyguy: Generated by qmake (2.01a) (Qt 4.4.3) on: Fri Jan 23 23:04:25 2009
[04:53:45] phunyguy: hmm
[04:53:50] jams: set QTDIR to the correct location, and make sure the qt3 stuff is in the path first.
[04:53:59] phunyguy: its compiling again
[04:54:01] phunyguy: awesome.
[04:54:08] phunyguy: lets see how far it gets this time
[04:54:15] jams: could be wrong but i don't think the qt configure flag was backported.
[04:54:42] clever: i remember having trouble using qt4 when qt3-dev was installed
[04:54:42] phunyguy: yup[, makign it farther
[04:54:51] clever: but that may have been because i had qt :P
[04:55:16] phunyguy: yeah lookin better now
[04:55:23] phunyguy: just needed some qt3 junk and a reconfigure
[04:55:47] phunyguy: i need to go to sleep.
[04:55:54] phunyguy: hopefully it is error free in the morning
[04:56:03] phunyguy: thanks for the help guys, as always.
[04:56:08] ** clever goes off to sleep :) **
[04:56:16] cesman: whaaaa?
[04:56:33] cesman: clever actually going to sleep?
[04:56:43] clever: i get that alot:P
[04:56:46] iamlindoro: dustybin getting a job, clever sleeping, what's the world coming to?
[04:57:01] J-e-f-f-A: ha!
[04:57:58] sphery: iamlindoro: Why archiving recordings isn't worthwhile...
[04:58:22] iamlindoro: sphery, Yuvky, not so here
[04:58:25] iamlindoro: er yucky
[04:58:51] clever: horid quality and tons of overlays
[04:59:02] clever: i get better stuff with my SD analog signals:P
[04:59:45] J-e-f-f-A: clever: uum... I think he's talking about the Advisory...
[04:59:49] iamlindoro: sphery, Watermark is the most I ever see
[04:59:51] sphery: iamlindoro: Yeah, just stupid broadcasters putting "big news" (cover your tender plants) on in the middle of the show. And, since they're too cheap to buy a real HDTV encoder, they cut it down to SDTV to encode their garbage in it.
[05:00:05] clever: J-e-f-f-A: theres alot of abnormal colors in the black bar, that should be black
[05:00:18] clever: and similar shades on the suit
[05:01:23] sphery: Like I said, they have garbage equipment that encodes for their NTSC and then they pipe that to even the HDTV people. After all, we wouldn't want someone's tender plants to freeze overnight.
[05:01:36] ** J-e-f-f-A thinks your brightness is turned up too high... **
[05:01:48] clever: J-e-f-f-A: its a laptop:P
[05:02:02] phunyguy: bah i knew i should have gone to bed
[05:02:06] phunyguy: another error
[05:02:13] wylie (wylie! has quit ()
[05:02:27] clever: phunyguy: 90% of the automade Makefile's probly still refer to qt4
[05:02:34] phunyguy: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXv
[05:02:42] clever: or your missing the xv libs:P
[05:03:14] iamlindoro: sphery, yeah, that sucks... a very nice clean signal here all the time, usually at decent bitrate-- perfectly archivable
[05:03:31] clever: ii libxv-dev 2:1.0.3–1ubuntu1 X11 Video extension library (development hea
[05:03:42] clever: phunyguy: you probly need that one
[05:03:53] phunyguy: yeah already there
[05:03:55] phunyguy: ;)
[05:04:13] oobe: aptitude search qt4 | grep dev
[05:04:30] clever: oobe: he needs a non qt lib, and he needs qt3
[05:04:53] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: Gee, any chance of 'animated' stuff in the UI, like menu items smoothly shifting into place? Or is that too much of a jump at this point?
[05:04:53] amdpox (amdpox! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:05:10] oobe: oh ok i want ask why but i thought he could resolve it by installing qt4
[05:05:23] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, That's all in gbee's hands, but he has it all planned-- what doesn't get done by .22 will be planned for .23
[05:05:32] iamlindoro: (as I understand it)
[05:05:49] amdpox (amdpox! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:05:50] clever: i see a small ui defect when deleting recordings
[05:05:53] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: Yeah, that's what I figured. I'm sure he's got his hands full already... ;-)
[05:06:01] clever: it now defaults to 'delete and rerecord' instead of 'no dont delete'
[05:06:02] iamlindoro: yeah, for sure
[05:06:12] sphery: clever: known, will be changed
[05:06:13] oobe: J-e-f-f-A, i been think about that to would be cool
[05:06:20] clever: handy when mass deleting but probly a problem for fat fingers
[05:06:21] amdpox (amdpox! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:06:30] clever: sphery: ahh :)
[05:06:40] sphery: clever: as Cap ta in_Mu rd och was saying in #mythtv only about 2 hrs ago
[05:06:49] oobe: isnt it really more of a theme thing than an inbeded mythtv feature animated menus that is
[05:06:55] clever: i was gone for the past ~3–4 hours
[05:07:15] wagnerrp: so much for sleep eh?
[05:07:17] clever: oobe: but the themes can only do things that mythtv itself supports
[05:07:18] iamlindoro: oobe, If there isn't any animation infrastructure in the UI there's not a thing themes can do about it
[05:07:31] clever: wagnerrp: i also found out more details on my jump point bug
[05:07:42] iamlindoro: Basic animation is possible now... moving UI elements is currently not.
[05:07:48] clever: wagnerrp: you have to have your focus on the right list for it to 'break'
[05:07:49] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: So, now that you're getting more experience in theming, how hard was it to get started?
[05:07:55] iamlindoro: But all ov us working on .22 themes have some degree of animation in them
[05:08:26] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, Well, it'snot *that* steep a learning curve, and the people who are experienced are very generous about answering questions
[05:08:30] iamlindoro: it's not
[05:08:51] sphery: so iamlindoro you're actually saying that they never put overlays with election results or weather advisories or whatever on your shows?
[05:09:03] iamlindoro: sphery, nope
[05:09:09] iamlindoro: never
[05:09:16] sphery: must be nice
[05:09:40] wolf_ (wolf_! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:09:50] iamlindoro: It is ;)
[05:09:52] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: I haven't seen weather advisories on mine... and election results would just be once in a blue moon (haven't seen one myself, but I could see it happening)
[05:09:53] sphery: stupid broadcasters here don't realize that there are actually news channels/scheduled news broadcasts on their own channel
[05:10:15] wolf_: hey, i am triyng to add the pvr-150 tv tuner, i am just coming from an old v4l tuner. But for some reason it doesnt seem to be finding it when i try and add a new card
[05:10:27] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: I have seen it during commercial breaks (weather), but never interrupting the program or overlays...
[05:10:31] wagnerrp: are they required to show weather advisories?
[05:10:42] sphery: wolf_: did you remove the v4l capture card (physical device) from the box?
[05:10:56] wolf_: sphery, I did
[05:11:05] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: funny, here they show it during the show, but remove it for commercial breaks
[05:11:18] wolf_: sphery, under probed info it says : failed to open
[05:11:28] sphery: wolf_: did you delete the v4l capture card (configuration in mythtv-setup) /before/ removing it?
[05:11:37] wolf_: sphery, I didnt
[05:11:43] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: Well, they don't overlay the commercials, but have a quick 10-second spot or such...
[05:11:50] sphery: wolf_: then you have to do the capture cards portion of
[05:12:19] sphery: J-e-f-f-A / iamlindoro : you both are in CA, right?
[05:12:26] iamlindoro: sphery, He's in MA
[05:12:28] iamlindoro: I'm in CA
[05:12:54] J-e-f-f-A: So, we're both in ?A ... ;-)
[05:13:07] sphery: well, if either of you could send some of your tv station execs down to FL, I'd very much appreciate it
[05:13:42] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: Well, a "Freeze Warning" might be considered an emergency condition for Florida... ;-)
[05:13:45] iamlindoro: sphery, heh, you could just come to CA, we're lovely
[05:14:03] wolf_: sphery, alright I gave that i try, I pressed delete all capture cards. I then tried to add the pvr-150 but have the same result
[05:14:09] sphery: I just assumed /everyone/ got the same "just make the show 1/4 of the screen so we can put up interesting news" garbage from their broadcasters
[05:14:19] oobe: clever, iamlindoro that makes sense seems like i maybe wrong xml is what they are made of i dont know much about it but i cant see how animated themes would work well with
[05:14:27] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: I do remember seeing tornado warnings pop up on my mom's tv in KS when I visited here a few summers... ;-)
[05:14:31] sphery: wolf_: and you have selected MPEG encoder card?
[05:14:47] wagnerrp: iamlindoro's channels have overlays showing areas that will be bright and sunny
[05:15:01] iamlindoro: oobe, XML is just a parseable format, animation is perfectly possible, the code just isn't done yet in Myth
[05:15:09] wolf_: sphery, i have, one sec i pressed delete all again and im going to close and reopen the setup wrindow
[05:15:13] oobe: oh ok
[05:15:31] oobe: i didnt relise somthing that seems so simple is so versatile
[05:15:35] sphery: wolf_: sounds like a good idea... might want to completely restart mythtv-setup, too
[05:16:30] wolf_: sphery, still failed to open
[05:16:35] phunyguy: ok: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXxf86vm" now...
[05:16:46] sphery: wolf_: probably permissions or something, then
[05:16:54] wolf_: sphery, ive selected mpeg-2 encoder card (pvr-x50, pvr-500)
[05:16:55] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: Which theme did you start with as a basis?
[05:17:12] wolf_: sphery, do you know how i can search to make sure that the card is even recognized and working?
[05:17:31] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, At first I was editing -ui files from default-wide, but after a while I just did it from scratch
[05:18:25] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: cool. I think I might take a look into things... ;-) My 'joke' about an ascii-art theme might actually be a neat idea...
[05:18:45] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, Heheh, it sucks you in and then...
[05:18:52] sphery: wolf_: it's old, but I haven't used ivtv for a long time... see (and expand the For ivtv-based cards (PVR-150/250/350/500, M179, MPG600, etc): section)
[05:18:56] iamlindoro: I have neglected my theme this week, worked more on random patchiness
[05:19:31] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: Still waiting for some feedback on my lcd patch, but it's not as important as 0.22, so I won't be fussy.  ;-)
[05:19:31] sphery: wolf_: it shows you how to verify that the devices exist and work--ignore the distro specific stuff (assuming you're not using FC6)
[05:20:02] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, You unfortunately may have picked something to patch whose maintainer isn't high profile
[05:20:04] phunyguy: hah nevermind
[05:20:07] phunyguy: i see the pattern
[05:20:14] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, I am a jerk and patch things with people around to harangue ;)
[05:20:31] mr_bm1 (mr_bm1!n=bmh@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:20:45] sphery: iamlindoro: is there a maintainer for the lcd stuff?  ;)
[05:20:54] iamlindoro: sphery, Exactly
[05:21:07] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: Looking up on the wiki now -
[05:21:13] mr_bm1: please help me to setup the Mythbuntu Config Centre in Ubuntu?
[05:21:25] mr_bm1: How to access the sql server?
[05:21:31] mr_bm1: I could not tested it?
[05:21:33] sphery: I'm guessing Paul H would do it, but he may not be "officially" designated the maintainer
[05:21:40] J-e-f-f-A: "ijr" is listed for LCD stuff... ;-)
[05:21:52] J-e-f-f-A: Isaac... ;-)
[05:22:02] sphery: mr_bm1: wouldn't #ubuntu be a better channel (or at least #ubuntu-mythtv )?
[05:22:23] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: yeah, I'll bet that Paul reviews/commits it, though... :)
[05:22:44] mr_bm1: hmm, I think this is mythtv-user room
[05:22:50] mr_bm1: than I joined to get the help
[05:23:13] sphery: mr_bm1: yeah, but Mythbuntu Config Centre is really a *buntu thing, not a Myth thing
[05:23:54] sphery: if you have questions about mythtv-setup or mythfrontend settings, I could help with that, but I've never seen Mythbuntu Config Centre
[05:24:11] wolf_: sphery, maybe im being dumb, I cant find where they tell how to actually probe for the card
[05:25:01] sphery: wolf_: "tac /var/log/messages" and "Also check that your video device(s) exist:" then "Now we'll try a little test capture on the tuner input."
[05:25:23] sphery: wolf_: you did click the link "For ivtv-based cards (PVR-150/250/350/500, M179, MPG600, etc):" to expand the section, right?
[05:25:31] wolf_: sphery, I did yes
[05:25:32] tank-man: wolf_, does the card work? can you do a "cat /dev/video >test.mpg " ?
[05:25:44] sphery: then search for those words I gave and it will take you there
[05:26:04] tijoev (tijoev!i=4a3dc9b7@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:27:03] wolf_: tank-man, what should that have done?
[05:27:19] wolf_: sphery, I see that, but its asking me to do ll/dev/video? which isnt a recognized command
[05:27:26] J-e-f-f-A: you can check if it was detected via 'dmesg |grep ivtv' ...
[05:27:30] tank-man: create a video file named test.mpg in the current directory
[05:27:34] sphery: ll is an alias for "long list", which is ls -l
[05:27:57] sphery: ls -l /dev/video?
[05:28:14] wolf_: hmm
[05:28:19] ** sphery hates that distros include aliases that confuse users into thinking they're commands **
[05:28:21] wolf_: all i get is w----+ 1 root video 81, 0 2009-01–23 13:37 /dev/video0
[05:28:38] wolf_: sorry * crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 0 2009-01–23 13:37 /dev/video0
[05:28:39] sphery: (and what was Ubuntu thinking when they aliased ls to ls --color
[05:28:58] tijoev: aloha, I am trying to build myth on a new ubuntu 8.10 box. When I run apt-get build-dep mythtv, I receive this error: Build-Depends dependency for mythtv cannot be satisfied because the package xserver-xorg-video-via cannot be found
[05:28:58] clever: sphery: its actualy --color=auto
[05:29:09] clever: sphery: which only enabled color if stdout is a tty
[05:29:16] ** J-e-f-f-A likes his ls output in color... ;-) **
[05:29:16] sphery: whatever, it shouldn't do color unless I tell it to
[05:29:25] wolf_: sphery, so it doesnt seem to be actually detecting the card at all
[05:29:29] clever: sphery: then edit your bashrc:P
[05:29:58] sphery: have you ever tried reading a dir with green background with white text (Ubuntu 8.10 LiveCD just doing an ls in the home dir and nothing is readable)
[05:30:01] J-e-f-f-A: wolf_: eh? if it's the only tuner in your system, then yeah, it's there — /dev/video0
[05:30:12] sphery: that is in gnome-terminal, but don't get me started on gnome-terminal, either
[05:30:18] wolf_: J-e-f-f-A, it just didnt display any info when i did dmesg ivtv
[05:30:21] clever: sphery: i allways set it to white on black the instant i start using it
[05:30:40] J-e-f-f-A: wolf_: how long ago did you re-boot? It may have rolled off the file...
[05:30:42] clever: and i prefer xterm
[05:30:48] sphery: wolf_: yeah, you should have more devices for an ivtv card...
[05:30:51] wolf_: J-e-f-f-A, 5 minutes or so
[05:30:59] clever: J-e-f-f-A: he could try rmmod ivtv;modprobe -v ivtv
[05:31:03] sphery: video/vbi/something else I don't remember
[05:31:07] clever: to reload it, and print the info to dmesg again
[05:31:48] sphery: wolf_: yeah, it sounds like you need to fix your driver install
[05:31:57] sphery: I'll leave the how to you and/or people using your distro
[05:32:15] wolf_: im suprised, I installed this card on a different machine without any problems
[05:32:21] wolf_: but i guess on that machine there was no previous card
[05:32:24] J-e-f-f-A: wolf_: but same OS?
[05:32:28] wolf_: Correct
[05:32:38] sphery: wonder if you have some udev rules that are breaking it
[05:33:02] sphery: or if your system isn't using udev for the video devices (so you have hardcoded mknod somewhere)
[05:33:22] wolf_: it appears the card is not broken though?
[05:33:32] sphery: too early to say :)
[05:33:32] wolf_: since it is listed under dev/video0
[05:33:32] J-e-f-f-A: just "format c: /s" and start over... ;-) <--- Just kidding  ;-)
[05:34:01] iamlindoro: device=c:\dos\himem.sys
[05:34:07] mr_bm1 (mr_bm1!n=bmh@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[05:34:17] sphery: wolf_: the existence of a node doesn't mean that the card is working... Especially if the drivers aren't loaded... (Did you do the tac /var/log/messages stuff?)
[05:34:50] sphery: then again, they may have taken a lot of that verbosity out when they integrated ivtv into the kernel, so that may not work, anymore...
[05:35:40] wolf_: sphery, i just tried rmmod ivtv, said that it wasnt there, but modprobe ivtv started the module
[05:35:51] wolf_: sphery, perhaps it just wasnt loaded on boot?
[05:36:19] sphery: yeah, that's probably it...
[05:36:30] sphery: need to fix your udev and/or unblacklist the module
[05:37:03] wolf_: hang on
[05:37:05] sphery: and I just figured out that I could have told you to try: v4l2-ctl --all (to see if the drivers are loaded for it)
[05:37:33] tank-man: or lsmod | grep ivtv
[05:37:45] wolf_: ok
[05:37:49] wolf_: after loaind it
[05:37:52] wolf_: and doing lsmod | grep ivtv
[05:37:53] sphery: tank-man: OK, I meant loaded /and/ working
[05:37:57] wolf_: I got quite a few things
[05:38:10] wolf_: i see an ivtv tuner
[05:38:18] wolf_: let me try mythbuntu-setup again
[05:38:22] tank-man: a million and one ways to do sometihng in linux :)
[05:38:23] sphery: wolf_: yeah, you can probably set it up now
[05:38:26] tank-man: gotta love it
[05:38:41] wolf_: lol i will wait till it work to celebrate :p
[05:39:00] wolf_: something tells me there is more to it
[05:39:13] wolf_: and alas... i was right -_-
[05:39:24] wolf_: probed info: failed to open
[05:39:27] wolf_: son of a...
[05:39:40] tank-man: what is mythbuntu-setup ?
[05:39:53] wolf_: Its just the master back end
[05:39:55] sphery: wolf_: sudo v4l2-ctl --all
[05:40:28] wolf_: eh command not found
[05:40:39] wolf_: but the pvr series doenst use v4l does it?
[05:40:55] iamlindoro: v4l is the backbone of all linux TV drivers
[05:40:58] tank-man: you need the ivtv-utils for those utils
[05:41:05] sphery: yeah, they've "fixed" it now
[05:41:27] sphery: v4l2-ctl is in ivtv-utils? (not v4l2-utils or something?)
[05:41:34] ** sphery finds packages to be very confusing **
[05:41:48] iamlindoro: sphery, Depends the distro-- most are calling it v4l-tools or the like now
[05:41:58] sphery: that makes more sense to me
[05:42:26] sphery: guess they could have ivtv-utils as an alias or something (don't know package speak for alias, but you probably get the drift)
[05:42:30] iamlindoro: Heeeeeeee MythVideo is suddenly so COLORFUL
[05:42:53] wolf_: nothing that starts with v4l or ivtv seems to be there
[05:42:56] sphery: iamlindoro: when are you going to backport your changes to 0.21-fixes--including the theme?
[05:43:05] squidly (squidly!n=squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:43:06] iamlindoro: sphery, MAAARRRRRRHAHRHAHAHRAHRHAHRA
[05:43:10] ** J-e-f-f-A has to setup his mounts on the test backend to see the trunk QT4 goodies in MythVideo... ;-) **
[05:43:37] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: of course, it won't have your beautiful theme yet, but... ;-)
[05:43:44] sphery: wolf_: don't worry about running that command... Probably better working through fixing the driver than running that. Based on what you've said so far, it's likely to give an error that's no more helpful than the one you already got.
[05:43:52] tank-man: v4l2-ctl from ivtv-utils "is a copy of the same utility that is available from the linux v4l-dvb repository"
[05:43:58] asheron (asheron! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:43:58] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, My theme is dependent on at least four patches that have yet to be committed, so even if you had one.... heh
[05:44:33] wolf_: ok so cat /dev/video0 >test.mpg did work
[05:44:38] dgarr: Question: I can play dvds using the Internal player but when I used mytharchive to make a dvd, the Internal player segfaults at startup.
[05:44:38] dgarr: The same dvd is playable using mplayer. The segfault occurs after Changing from None to WatchingPreRecorded. version 0.21.0+fixes16838
[05:44:38] dgarr: -0ubuntu3.1 Any ideas?
[05:44:42] wolf_: so the card appears to be working
[05:44:46] wolf_: the problem seems to be with myth
[05:44:59] tank-man: you mean mythbuntu-setup
[05:45:01] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: Do you use any tools for the theming, or just a syntax-coloring text editor on the xml files?
[05:45:08] sphery: dgarr: someone on the -users list said they saw the same thing (unless that was you)
[05:45:26] dgarr: that was me
[05:45:31] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, Not even that, just nano in a terminal, and Myth on the other screen (or alt-tabbing)
[05:45:36] sphery: wolf_: the problem is likely with your configuration--i.e. running mythtv-setup as a user that doesn't have permission to the device
[05:45:43] sphery: ls -l /dev/video*
[05:45:57] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, inkscape is the biggest thing to pick up
[05:46:04] tank-man: is mythbuntu-setup just a link to mythtv-setup?
[05:46:05] wolf_: sphery, crw-rw---- 1 root video 81, 0 2009-01–23 22:37 /dev/video0
[05:46:05] wolf_: crw-rw---- 1 root video 81, 24 2009-01–23 22:37 /dev/video24
[05:46:05] wolf_: crw-rw---- 1 root video 81, 32 2009-01–23 22:37 /dev/video32
[05:46:05] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: So you just edit it in-place, then hop out of the menu, and back in again?
[05:46:14] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, As that's what we're using for all the images and layout, and then translating into the XML
[05:46:26] sphery: wolf_: so, you /must/ run mythtv-setup as root or as a user who's in the video group
[05:46:35] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, For small adjustments, yes, but for the overall layout it's all in Inkscape first
[05:46:48] tank-man: sphery, he just said he can do "cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg" so it s not a permission issue
[05:46:59] sphery: wolf_: but you /should/ run mythtv-setup as the user who runs mythbackend
[05:46:59] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: cool. I'll look into that now... ;-)
[05:47:00] wolf_: sphery, it isnt a permission issue
[05:47:09] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, As each theme element can be drawn and exported, and use the coordinates for the layot
[05:47:10] wolf_: i was able to add the other card throug hthis user
[05:47:10] iamlindoro: layout
[05:47:44] wolf_: and anyone mythbuntu-setup requires root to login
[05:48:09] sphery: firmware?
[05:49:23] tank-man: wolf_, why not use mythtv-setup ?
[05:49:36] sphery: tank-man: I wasn't assuming that his "cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg" was a valid test because I had no idea whether the same user ran that test whose running mythtv-setup and making assumptions makes an a** out of u and mption
[05:49:40] wolf_: tank-man, same thing
[05:50:11] tank-man: i see
[05:50:40] wolf_: the conflic seems to be in myth
[05:50:48] wolf_: but deleting all the tuners didnt help :(
[05:50:55] tijoev (tijoev!i=4a3dc9b7@gateway/web/ajax/ has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
[05:51:07] sphery: nothing personal against wolf_ , but there are a lot of people who come through here that make very basic mistakes so it's better to be thorough
[05:51:12] rcampbel (rcampbel! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:51:16] sphery: ^^^ why I didn't assume
[05:51:48] sphery: wolf_: did you check that you have the proper firmware in the proper place?
[05:52:10] wolf_: sphery, for what? the tuner?
[05:52:15] sphery: and/or the dmesg/messages log for errors
[05:52:23] sphery: yeah, firmware for the PVR-x50 cards
[05:52:33] Maliuta (Maliuta! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:52:36] wolf_: sphery, the pvr appears to be working fine, it can record and create mpg videos
[05:52:51] sphery: oh, yeah... that is proof that you have it.
[05:52:55] sphery: this time I forgot.
[05:53:02] wolf_: lol no biggy :p
[05:53:25] sphery: I'm out of ideas (and should be in proved by my very short memory)
[05:53:42] wolf_: something in myth needs to be deleted
[05:53:47] wolf_: because there is obviously a conflict
[05:53:53] wolf_: I just dont know what :(
[05:54:05] sphery: did you do delete all and /not/ delete all on host (on host doesn't work)
[05:54:19] wolf_: sphery, did both
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[05:57:06] wolf_: alright, well i will revisit the problem tomorrow
[05:57:23] wolf_: thanks for your help
[05:58:17] oobe: iamlindoro, its ragetvgrab that renames the files incorrectly rather than metacleanup which calls it im sure yous already know this however i have been resolving it by running --update /path/to after your script makes the thumbs it names the episode "Criminal Minds S01E01 Extreme Aggressor" i would prefer 1X01 but it does the job
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[08:52:45] Dibblah: Anyone remember who was working on the slave backend wake on demand thing?
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[08:55:27] Anduin: Dibblah: I think it was Captain_Murdoch
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[08:57:23] Dibblah: Anduin: Thanks!
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[08:58:21] Dibblah: Unfortunately, it appears that my 7146 based TV cards can't live behind a 3 port active PCI bridge – Get random corruption :(
[08:58:22] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:58:39] Dibblah: Which is odd, since I see nothing in any of the logs.
[08:58:58] Dibblah: So now need a slave BE.
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[10:57:41] mzb_d800: I'm having fun setting up my dvb-s card :|
[10:58:32] mzb_d800: using Dptus D1, I'm able to get (pretty much) the same channels from (at least) 3 or 4 different time zones
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[10:59:07] mzb_d800: I've setup grabbers to get info for each one (they all have slight regional differences like local sports and news)
[10:59:46] mzb_d800: however, I've been able to find a way to get the times for each schedule to be in _my_ local time, rather than the region's time
[11:00:10] mzb_d800: how do users receiving signals outside of their own timezone get around this issue?
[11:01:14] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:01:47] mzb_d800: eg: "Doctor Who" might be on at 7pm locally (my time), and also be scheduled for 7pm in Perth (which is two hours behind).
[11:02:23] mzb_d800: iow, the Perth channel should be showing "Doctor Who" at 9pm _my_time_, but doesn't
[11:02:40] mzb_d800: ps: using shepherd .au, and I'm in
[11:03:22] mzb_d800: pps: I have different users setup to run separate instances of the grabber for each region
[11:07:40] mzb_d800: s/Optus D1
[11:08:14] mzb_d800: s/able/unable
[11:08:45] ** mzb_d800 tries to retrain fingers **
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[11:11:33] Similian: hello
[11:11:49] adz_c (adz_c! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:11:58] Similian: how would you guys do halting the system via mythtv gui
[11:12:27] Similian: i allowed my mythtv user via suid to run halt
[11:12:37] Similian: is it better to do it via sudo ?
[11:15:50] mzb_d800: I think sudo is the preferred method
[11:16:05] kkuno (kkuno!n=wefw@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:16:11] Similian: okay
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[11:40:47] gbee: sudo, with restricted perms, mythtv doesn't make any claims to being secure, there might be a hundred ways that mythtv might be exploited to do bad things on your system
[11:42:52] Similian: thanks
[11:42:57] Similian: i did the sudo fing
[11:43:37] gbee: for now, it's assumed that mythtv will be running on a secure trusted network, security is low priority next to bug fixes and new features
[11:43:57] Similian: well i my case it is true
[11:44:25] Similian: dont think my gilfriend will hack my box ....
[11:44:56] laga: wait till you break up..
[11:45:12] gbee: I don't know that any of the devs have strong experience with coding against exploits or security in general, aside from the basics that everyone picks up at some time
[11:46:01] Similian: well as said low priority
[11:46:02] Similian: :D
[11:46:03] gbee: we couldn't even agree on password protecting the backend communications/auto-discovery by default
[11:46:13] Similian: hehehe
[11:47:05] Similian: is there a clean way to start up mythtv gui (without x appearing for 2 seconds )
[11:48:01] gbee: passwords in the database aren't hashed when they should be etc – not having a go, but there are simple steps I would take if I had the time to make things a little less free for all
[11:48:57] Similian: even if its just for a few fields
[11:49:09] Similian: that could turn into a lot of work
[11:49:16] gbee: my experience is more on the web app side of things anyway
[11:50:15] gbee: Similian: not really, but I don't have time and it's a low priority like I said
[11:51:03] Similian: i agree
[11:51:42] Similian: i am more concerned about my startup sequence where you can see my x11 bg
[11:51:56] Similian: and my nvidia-settings startup before mythtv starts
[11:52:31] gbee: Similian: sure that's the right backtrace? It's for mythtranscode?
[11:52:39] gbee: err sorry, wrong nick
[11:52:56] gbee: and wrong window
[11:53:37] Similian: :)
[11:55:37] Similian: guess xsetroot -solid black will have to do
[11:57:55] mzb_d800: hang on
[11:57:55] asheron (asheron!n=stephan@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[11:58:51] mzb_d800: Similian: $ xsetroot -cursor ~/EmptyCursor ~/EmptyCursor
[12:00:02] mzb_d800:
[12:00:02] clever: mytfrontend itself can allready hide the cursor
[12:00:18] mzb_d800: but as Similian said, it doesn't hide the "X"
[12:00:28] Similian: superb
[12:00:34] Similian: i just tested it
[12:00:59] mzb_d800: I learned a couple of silly tricks, that's one of them ;)
[12:01:05] clever: bbl
[12:01:21] Similian: what wm do you use?
[12:01:29] mzb_d800: fvwm
[12:01:30] mzb_d800: fvwm2
[12:01:46] Similian: do you see it starting up ?
[12:01:59] mzb_d800: no
[12:02:13] mzb_d800: in fact, I don't always use it
[12:02:24] Similian: guess its a black bg an no menues
[12:02:33] mzb_d800: dedicated mythboxen
[12:02:37] Similian: (i will retheme my fluxbox a bit)
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[12:35:18] mzb_d800: never seen/used the menus, so wouldn't know ;) ... only started to (possibly) resolve focusing issues
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[12:42:02] justinh: wow. quiet day today :)
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[12:43:31] tank-man: its only 4–7am in northamerica, the only continent that matters
[12:44:38] justinh: ahh good ole xenophobia
[12:46:13] tank-man: so ... random recording is a feature i would like in mythtv :) record random shows if you got the hdd space
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[13:00:45] justinh: tank-man: get coding :)
[13:01:00] Similian: hehe thats an interesting feature
[13:01:11] justinh: easy to script if you can't code
[13:01:26] justinh: but if you can't write a script.. pfft
[13:01:59] Similian: you could implement it by random channel switching record button pressing
[13:02:05] Similian: then
[13:02:55] justinh: nah I was thinking more like reading the program table, picking a random selection from the list & putting them into the scheduler. but hey, what would any European know about it? :P
[13:03:17] tank-man: yea what justinh said
[13:03:17] justinh: maybe it's just aswell so few yanks have passports
[13:03:38] tank-man: i didnt litterly mean record for 1 min intervals at random
[13:03:57] Similian: :)
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[13:06:57] Similian: what happened?
[13:07:16] Similian: strange
[13:07:43] mzb_d800: blinked?
[13:10:36] justinh: time for another hdd cleanup
[13:10:44] justinh: I've got way too much crap
[13:15:41] justinh: I think it's time to consign all my previous theme working files to a dvd & stash them in a cupboard. or just completely obliterate the lot
[13:16:09] directhex: previous = blootube etc?
[13:16:25] justinh: yup
[13:16:47] justinh: think I'll keep the watermark source files though
[13:27:21] justinh: oops. ach well
[13:27:28] judazz (judazz! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:36:31] justinh: oh wow. found my original crazy frog in a microwave video in 720x576 size
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[13:56:06] Similian: hi
[13:56:25] dec_ (dec_!n=tom@unaffiliated/dec) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:56:54] Similian: does or will mythtv support some sort of VOD portal ? (apple / whatever)
[13:57:44] justinh: maybe hulu at some point
[13:58:08] justinh: I very much doubt much would ever support any portal which relies on DRM
[13:58:35] mzb_d800: any dvb-s users around getting schedules for different timezones?
[13:58:36] justinh: there's a youtube plugin in the works.. dunno how that's going though
[13:59:16] Similian: i have dvb-s and its fine here
[13:59:16] mzb_d800: s/around/awake ? ;)
[13:59:36] mzb_d800: getting EPG from different timezones?
[14:00:05] Similian: i get the time via ntp / have set the right time zone / EPG is fine
[14:00:13] mzb_d800: hmm
[14:00:32] Similian: hat some issues before where EPG was 2 -3 hours early
[14:00:38] Similian: -t+d
[14:00:52] Similian: but fixed it with my local date settings
[14:01:06] mzb_d800: I have an issue where I have several channels available from different timezones (minor regional differences)
[14:01:07] Similian: (ntp + timezone)
[14:01:47] mzb_d800: the grabber is not capable of retrieving from multiple regions, so I've created a different user for each one
[14:01:52] Similian: strange ... may i ask which provider (which broadcaster)
[14:02:05] Similian: really?!?
[14:02:25] ** Similian went checking. **
[14:02:25] mzb_d800: I'm getting ABC & SBS in .au (FTA on Optus D1)
[14:03:12] mzb_d800: my attempts at setting/unsetting TZ and/or setting/unsetting a time_offset (grabber option) haven't been successful
[14:03:52] mzb_d800: just wondered how the rest of the planet addressed the issue (unless there are any shepherd users still awake;))
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[14:13:17] Similian: no cannot reproduce the error
[14:13:25] Similian: or the " issue "
[14:14:27] mzb_d800: I'll put it down to the grabber alone at this point
[14:14:41] mzb_d800: do you have time offset as none in myth options?
[14:16:37] mzb_d800: then again, that doesn't help me much either ... it all comes down to the inner workings of shepherd :|
[14:17:00] mzb_d800: (augment_timezone component ... long story)
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[15:00:06] phunyguy: oh how awesome, i compile mythtv...
[15:00:13] phunyguy: now i get a sementation fault
[15:00:18] phunyguy: thats the only error
[15:00:24] laga: time for a backtrace.
[15:00:48] phunyguy: its with every executable.
[15:00:55] laga: time for a backtrace.
[15:01:01] phunyguy: maybe so.
[15:01:07] phunyguy: but i dont care that much
[15:01:11] laga: or probably a make distclean ;)
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[15:09:03] kslater (kslater!n=kslater@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:09:22] justinh: or just give up & use MCE, then don't come back here :)
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[15:13:32] d0netsFN: hey
[15:13:38] d0netsFN: why does my guide start at channel 70
[15:13:48] unimagin1tive_ (unimagin1tive_! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:14:21] tank-man: sorted by channel name?
[15:14:30] justinh: maybe you've set it to sort by channel name
[15:15:11] d0netsFN: no
[15:15:13] d0netsFN: its by number
[15:15:19] d0netsFN: and the lowest chan i have is 70
[15:15:37] justinh: there you go then. got your answer
[15:15:54] justinh: that's why your guide starts at 70. the first channel you have is 70 !
[15:15:55] justinh: amazing!
[15:16:13] d0netsFN: im uping a screenie
[15:16:20] d0netsFN: no
[15:16:27] justinh: that's what you asked
[15:16:27] d0netsFN: i dont have the local channels
[15:16:31] justinh: so?
[15:16:34] d0netsFN: like 2-*
[15:16:38] d0netsFN: i want them
[15:16:39] justinh: then you configured your lineup incorrectly
[15:16:41] d0netsFN: tigers game comes on cbs
[15:16:59] justinh: what use is uploading a screenshot?
[15:17:05] justinh: when you configured your lineup incorrectly
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[15:17:41] d0netsFN:
[15:17:45] d0netsFN: to show you i didnt have them sorted by name
[15:18:04] justinh: so, set up your channel lineup properly & it'll sort that out
[15:18:28] justinh: assuming of course you've not accidentally set your local channels to 'hidden'
[15:18:48] d0netsFN: i couldnt
[15:18:53] d0netsFN: one sec ill take a screen of it
[15:19:03] d0netsFN: it wont go below 71 in the setup
[15:19:14] justinh: listen guy, set up your lineup correctly
[15:19:17] justinh: I won't say it again
[15:19:29] justinh: you don't have those channels because your lineup doesn't include them
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[15:21:34] d0netsFN: ok
[15:21:38] d0netsFN: do i do that on schedules driect
[15:21:42] justinh: yes
[15:21:43] d0netsFN: or in the mythtv setup
[15:22:55] justinh: on SD
[15:23:53] d0netsFN: ok
[15:23:56] d0netsFN: i dont see where
[15:24:10] d0netsFN: i clicked edit lineup
[15:24:30] aegis (aegis!n=aegis@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:25:08] d0netsFN: it just shows my 70- whatever channels
[15:25:26] justinh: and therein lies your problem
[15:25:45] d0netsFN: oh wait
[15:25:53] d0netsFN: i add a new lineup?
[15:27:01] d0netsFN: to get the local channels?
[15:27:38] _aegis (_aegis!n=aegis@ has quit (Connection timed out)
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[15:32:04] d0netsFN: i added local broadcast
[15:32:06] d0netsFN: ill try that
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[15:44:07] bryan_: hey guys and gals
[15:45:55] bryan_: i just wanted to send my thanks for the site and to the developers who put their time into mythtv
[15:46:41] laga: bryan_: also say that in #mythtv :)
[15:46:46] laga: these guys don't get thanked enough
[15:46:51] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:47:53] bryan_: laga: i know people would much rather come and ask for help with a project then first thanking those who made it!
[15:49:36] bryan_: i am windows user and tried using mythtv several years ago, but got hooked on a windows version. now the myth one looks so nicely developed.
[15:50:40] unimaginative: bryan_, It's still very much a 'work in progress' but it's gotten a LOT better.
[15:51:25] bryan_: unimaginative: yes, i can tell much progress has been made! i was looking myth maybe 4 yrs ago
[15:51:56] bryan_: unimaginative: i ran into a problem with my tv tuner driver, and feel away from linux.
[15:53:13] bryan_: out of curosity, which is the better route? to use the packages to install or use the source code?
[15:53:59] unimaginative: bryan_, I used the package route on mine, and it's working fine for me.
[15:54:44] tank-man: packages are made by the people associated with the specific distro, not the mythtv dev specificlly
[15:55:37] bryan_: tank-man: i gathered that. so is there a disadvantage? ie) package out of date? less maintained?
[15:56:43] tank-man: means you have to check for those things if you use a package
[15:58:09] bryan_: tank-man: how much harder is it to use the source code instead?
[15:58:52] tank-man: not very hard
[15:59:10] tank-man: the install process is well documented
[16:00:38] bryan_: tank-man: unimaginative: thank you both. ill take a look.
[16:00:48] poodyp_: unless you want to use trunk most packages have 0.21-fixes which is the latest stable version
[16:00:50] iamlindoro: If you intend to use windows you have no choice but to compile it yourself anyway
[16:01:25] bryan_: iamlindoro: is the windows version much different from the linux one? or less stable?
[16:01:33] iamlindoro: far far less stable
[16:01:48] iamlindoro: "barely functional" would probably be an accurate statement
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[16:02:03] bryan_: iamlindoro: LOL ok. i gather it only functions as a front end?
[16:02:26] bryan_: iamlindoro: or am i looking at an outdated page?
[16:03:11] iamlindoro: I believe you can run the backend executable, but using it to record anything is out of the question
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[16:04:23] iamlindoro: In short, if you want to run myth and have it actually function, it's still Linux for you
[16:05:36] poodyp_: mythbuntu or one of the other prebuilt distros are easy enough to setup anyway
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[16:08:44] erkules: Can I use mythtv to use two tv-sources? (usb:dvb-t and pci:cable) and mount some directories vie NFS full of movies/songs and play them to? If yes I could go for RTFM :-)
[16:09:34] bryan_: poodyp_: the problem for me is i dont think my tuner card is supported
[16:09:54] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:10:01] iamlindoro: yes, and yes, you should read the manual
[16:10:24] iamlindoro: bryan_, what tuner?
[16:10:42] erkules: great thx iamlindoro
[16:10:54] andreax (andreax! has left #mythtv-users ()
[16:10:58] poodyp_: bryan_: check
[16:11:03] bryan_: iamlindoro: my video capture card. ... maybe i should try it again and see what happends.
[16:11:24] iamlindoro: bryan_, I *know* it's why video capture card, that's why I said "which tuner?"
[16:11:32] iamlindoro: w/why/your/
[16:11:37] iamlindoro: s/w/s/
[16:13:17] bryan_: iamlindoro: let me check what it is.
[16:14:35] bryan_: iamlindoro: avermedia m150-d
[16:15:40] Similian (Similian! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:15:54] poodyp_:
[16:16:01] Similian: is there a way to customize system status view in the mythtv ui ?
[16:16:10] Similian: (i would like to add cpu temperature)
[16:17:35] iamlindoro: Similian, no
[16:17:42] bryan_: thank you poodyp_ iamlindoro i will try this process again.
[16:17:45] iamlindoro: not without editing code, anyway
[16:17:50] Similian: :) thanks
[16:18:17] Similian: is there an easy way to show systemp via theme customization ?
[16:18:40] iamlindoro: Nope
[16:19:22] Similian: thanks for the info :D
[16:19:42] Similian: (guess I will look into it in june when i have time to look into code)
[16:20:30] Similian: another question
[16:20:45] Similian: i have about 2900 tv channels
[16:21:05] Similian: is there a way to order them ? or have them grouped
[16:23:44] wylie (wylie! has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:26:53] Similian: guess that was a too basic question
[16:27:01] ** Similian turns towards the wiki. **
[16:27:40] ** bryan_ pats Similian on the back **
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[16:36:42] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:36:49] Similian: no gwoups
[16:38:47] Similian: workaround channelno GGCCC where GG is my group and CCC is channels
[16:38:50] d0netsFN: hey im having trouble with my mythtv now
[16:38:57] Similian: right now?
[16:39:00] d0netsFN: i hit watch tv and it just goes back to the menu
[16:39:12] Similian: your caputre card gives no output
[16:39:21] Similian: test it without mythtv first
[16:39:34] d0netsFN: ok how do i do that
[16:39:40] Similian: :D
[16:39:47] d0netsFN: $ sudo ivtv-tune -c 3 -d /dev/video0
[16:39:48] d0netsFN: [sudo] password for hebs:
[16:39:48] d0netsFN: /dev/video0: 61.250 MHz (Signal Detected)
[16:39:52] d0netsFN: i did that a second ago
[16:40:15] Similian: what is your caputecard?
[16:40:19] d0netsFN: pvr 150
[16:40:23] d0netsFN: im using directtv
[16:40:46] Similian: well i have a dvbs card i test with xine
[16:40:58] Similian: or just mplayer on capture device
[16:42:38] justinh: d0netsFN: you've been screwing with your lineup
[16:43:12] d0netsFN: yea
[16:43:13] d0netsFN: i have
[16:43:18] d0netsFN: i did cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/test.mpg
[16:43:19] d0netsFN: and it worked
[16:43:20] justinh: no point looking at your caput card setup, just look in the backend log
[16:43:29] justinh (justinh! has left #mythtv-users ()
[16:48:16] d0netsFN: where is that
[16:49:48] Similian: mythbackend -v all
[16:50:10] Similian: (most should do as well)
[16:50:41] bryan_ (bryan_!n=bryan@ has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[16:51:26] Similian: if backend is alrady running just use the default log
[16:51:56] Similian: tail -f /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log (in my case)
[16:52:04] Similian: see what happens
[16:52:15] Similian: but it might be not verbose enough
[16:53:08] clever: im sharing / so every backend would wind up in the same log
[16:53:25] clever: so i use -l ${HOSTNAME}.be.log for my backends
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[17:24:39] jamiem: hmm
[17:24:40] Tzfardaya (Tzfardaya! has left #mythtv-users (" - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.")
[17:24:46] jamiem: scanning for new channels was relatively painless
[17:24:52] jamiem: a few channum clashes
[17:25:29] Similian: howman chans do you have?
[17:25:34] Similian: y
[17:26:47] jamiem: mysql> select count(chanid) from channel;
[17:26:47] jamiem: +---------------+
[17:26:47] jamiem: | count(chanid) |
[17:26:47] jamiem: +---------------+
[17:26:47] jamiem: | 88 |
[17:26:48] jamiem: +---------------+
[17:28:29] Similian: let me do that
[17:29:59] Similian: +---------------+
[17:30:00] Similian: | count(chanid) |
[17:30:00] Similian: +---------------+
[17:30:00] Similian: | 1659 |
[17:30:00] Similian: +---------------+
[17:30:08] jamiem: ...
[17:30:10] Similian: iam loosing it :D
[17:30:35] Similian: :/ wish there was a better view on chans
[17:30:48] jamiem: wut?
[17:31:46] Similian: groups ...
[17:32:19] Similian: News / Music / Free / HBO ...
[17:36:44] wagnerrp: please dont paste multiple lines of text like that
[17:37:20] wagnerrp: and im going to come out and say you did something wrong if you have 1659 channels
[17:38:42] clever: wagnerrp: remember that jump point problem i explained to you?
[17:38:49] wagnerrp: yeah
[17:39:03] clever: try selecting something in the right list then hit the jump point
[17:39:15] clever: it moves to the left list and then seems to ignore the jump point
[17:39:18] wagnerrp: clever: i did notice that if i am deep inside mythvideo, the jump points dont work properly
[17:39:27] clever: that might be related
[17:42:12] bryan_ (bryan_!n=bryan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:43:30] wagnerrp: yeah, from the left side it works properly, from the right it does not
[17:43:45] Anduin: you don't want to look at how those jump points actually work
[17:44:03] wagnerrp: similarly, from the root mythvideo it works properly
[17:44:36] wagnerrp: from within a subfolder, it just bumps up one folder
[17:44:52] clever: once it bumps up
[17:44:57] clever: try hitting escape to go out
[17:45:11] wagnerrp: once it bumps up, keyboard works fine
[17:45:11] clever: i suspect it will react to the queued jump point once you reach a menu
[17:45:20] wagnerrp: and yes, it goes to the main menu
[17:46:15] Similian: sorry for pasting ?
[17:46:37] Similian: wagner: why is it wrong to have 1000+ channels ?
[17:46:47] Similian: dvb-s 2 sattelites
[17:47:04] Similian: (satellites )
[17:47:29] wagnerrp: it just seems improbable
[17:47:42] wagnerrp: i didnt think 1659 (non-local) stations existed
[17:48:18] Similian: do you have dvb-s ?
[17:48:36] wagnerrp: nope, no experience with satellite
[17:48:56] wagnerrp: well, minimal, everyone i know with satellite only has a couple hundred channels
[17:49:10] Anduin: some of us delete jewelery TV, etc
[17:49:34] janneg: that includes probably duplicate channels and radio channels
[17:50:00] Similian: Radio yes duplicate (regional versions yes)
[17:50:07] clever: i deleted all the french and sport channels last week
[17:50:19] Similian: just would like to get them ordered
[17:50:48] Similian: i dont wach all 100+ news channels but sometimes i zap tru them ...
[17:51:18] Similian: I like to keep all moviechannels (some of them have en audio)
[17:51:28] Similian: an yes i keep radio
[17:51:36] d0netsFN: ok
[17:51:56] d0netsFN: what do i need to select for this second lineup to get channels 2–70 ?
[17:52:38] wagnerrp: d0netsFN: what do you mean?
[17:52:56] d0netsFN: well i added the direct tv to schedules direct and it works in my guide, but i only have 71+
[17:53:00] d0netsFN: or 70+
[17:53:13] d0netsFN: . . . =24&h=14
[17:53:22] d0netsFN: and its the same on the directtv guide
[17:53:34] d0netsFN: how do i get 2–70
[17:53:37] wagnerrp: are you sure the channels arent there, but possibly just numbered wrong?
[17:54:53] wagnerrp: if the channels are legitimately not there, go bitch to schedules direct
[17:56:15] d0netsFN: hang on
[17:56:29] d0netsFN: there are 2 directtv lineups
[17:56:33] d0netsFN: one has the lower chans and one doesnt
[17:56:35] d0netsFN: lemme change it
[17:57:12] iamlindoro: RIF
[17:57:20] Anduin: Similian: there is no channel grouping feature, the best you could do is supply a channum field that sorted how you liked (the other sort option is callsign, bad one to pick as some things will work differently if you change it)
[18:02:29] Similian: thanks anduin i was lookin for some sort of workaround
[18:05:29] wolf_ (wolf_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:06:18] wolf_: hi, im trying to add my pvr-150 card in mythtv, i previously had a saa7134 card. the new card is working fine but i can't add it in myth.
[18:08:24] bryan_ (bryan_!n=bryan@ has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[18:09:09] wagnerrp: the card is working fine... meaning you can cat /dev/video0 and get a nice mpeg stream
[18:09:25] wagnerrp: if thats the case, youre probably adding the card wrong
[18:09:38] wagnerrp: the card need to be an ivtv (mpeg2) card, rather than a v4l card
[18:09:53] wagnerrp: otherwise, you may have permissions issues on the dev file
[18:10:25] wolf_: yes i can cat dev/video/ i am adding the card correctly, but i dont think it is a permission issue, i was able to add the other card the same way
[18:10:43] wolf_: im adding it as a mpeg-2 encoder card( pvr-x50, pvr-500)
[18:10:47] wolf_: it is a pvr-150
[18:11:11] wolf_: I get probed info: failed to open
[18:11:44] jgoulah (jgoulah! has left #mythtv-users ()
[18:12:41] iamlindoro: Go down to the text entry box for /dev/video# and enter it manually, then move out of the box
[18:13:23] wolf_: under Video device: put /dev/video0 ?
[18:13:44] iamlindoro: whichever one corresponds to the one you're trying to add...
[18:13:55] wolf_: i tried that and under default input: it says could not open 'dev/video0' to prove its inputs
[18:14:12] wagnerrp: check the permissions
[18:14:15] iamlindoro: If you have two cards, and you have already added one, then you are probably trying to add the same card twice
[18:15:01] wagnerrp: check dmesg, it will tell you where it put the 150
[18:15:29] erkules (erkules! has left #mythtv-users ()
[18:15:31] wolf_: iamlindoro, i havent already added this card, i removed the old card the saaa7134 then did delete all cards, and now i am trying to ad this oine
[18:15:58] wagnerrp: so you only have a single card in there currently?
[18:16:03] iamlindoro: If so, then yes, it can pretty much only be permissions
[18:16:04] wolf_: correct
[18:16:28] wolf_: hmm, how would i correct that?
[18:16:49] wagnerrp: well check to see if thats the problem first
[18:17:06] wolf_: and how would i do that
[18:17:14] wagnerrp: ls -l /dev/video0
[18:17:33] wolf_: crw-rw---- 1 root video 81, 0 2009-01–23 22:37 /dev/video0
[18:17:48] wagnerrp: is the user youre running myth as in the video group?
[18:18:03] clever: (run 'id' to see that)
[18:18:30] wolf_: yes it is in the mythtv group
[18:18:53] clever: it needs to be in the video group to access the device
[18:19:09] wagnerrp: root and video own that node
[18:19:22] wagnerrp: you have to either be root, or be in the video group to use it
[18:19:44] wolf_: let me try running mythtv-setup as root and see if that makes a difference
[18:19:54] wagnerrp: dont do that
[18:19:59] wagnerrp: add mythtv to the video group
[18:20:07] clever: 'adduser mythtv video' i think will do it
[18:20:07] wagnerrp: you really shouldnt be running things as root
[18:20:18] clever: and then login as mythtv again
[18:20:37] wolf_: hmm said that mythtv was already a member of video
[18:20:38] tijoev (tijoev!i=4a3dc9b7@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:20:49] wolf_: should i add the user im using to video as well?
[18:20:56] wagnerrp: you should be using mythtv
[18:21:24] wagnerrp: mythtv-setup should be run under the same username as that which mythbackend is run
[18:21:35] wolf_: which is wolf
[18:21:58] tijoev: Aloha, can anyone help with xserver-xorg-video-via dependency issue on Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid)?
[18:22:03] clever: then 'adduser wolf video' and login as wolf again(or sudo -u wolf -i)
[18:22:04] wagnerrp: mythbackend is run under user 'wolf'? then mythtv-setup should be as well, and wolf should be in the video group
[18:22:55] wolf_: k
[18:23:31] wolf_: ahhhh that sseems to have worked
[18:23:35] wagnerrp: this means youre running mythbackend directly? as opposed to using some packaged init scripts?
[18:24:14] wolf_: mythbackend is run on a seperate server, the user it is run through is wolf
[18:24:39] wagnerrp: mythbackend needs to be run on the server with the cards
[18:24:51] wagnerrp: so apparently the one you are on currently
[18:25:22] wolf_: right and it is
[18:25:30] wolf_: the cards are on that server as well
[18:25:37] wolf_: im doing this through ssh
[18:26:15] wagnerrp: then back to the original question, your running mythbackend manually as opposed to through the packaged init scripts?
[18:26:52] Similian (Similian! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:27:13] wolf_: sorry, i dont know, I just installed the package from mythrbuntu and followed the steps there, shouldnt have done anything different.
[18:27:48] wagnerrp: mythbuntu should set up mythbackend to automatically start the backend under the user 'mythtv', rather than the user 'wolf'
[18:28:08] laga: wagnerrp: that's what it does. AFAIK.
[18:28:29] wolf_: right but i think that it adds the default user to the group
[18:28:34] wolf_: so that everything can be done through that user
[18:28:46] wagnerrp: if thats the case, mythtv-setup should be run as user 'mythtv'
[18:29:09] wolf_: wagnerrp, hmmm it didn't say that in the instructions. nor did I do that last time :-P
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[18:40:04] olejl: I get this error: Plugin mythmusic (0.22.20090111–1) binary version does not match libraries (0.22.20090123–1)
[18:40:41] olejl: do you know what I'm doing wrong? I'm running trunk, and have tried make distclean and even make uninstall
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[18:47:23] Dagmar: oleji: Most likely you didn't bother to remove the *old* versions from your system
[18:51:05] olejl: Dagmar: I was thinking that make distclean would do that
[19:11:50] Dagmar: It will not remove things you have *installed to your filesystem*
[19:19:20] paulh: olejl: when you run make distclean does it complete without errors?
[19:20:37] paulh: I noticed it wasn't completing for me because MythControl could no longer be found
[19:25:47] netrix (netrix! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:28:25] wylie: so my 2nd 8400GS does the same thing on my LCD TV — occasional blips with no video (screen goes black), sometimes the TV reports "No signal", sometimes "Unsupported format", and sometimes nothing at all, just black for a few seconds — it only happens about 1% of the total viewing time. very annoying. it can be avoided by not using the DVI->HDMI and going component... but then there are overscan problems
[19:28:30] wylie: anyone have any thoughts
[19:28:49] wylie: in case that was too long, which i suspect
[19:28:58] wylie: it only happens about 1% of the total viewing time. very annoying. it can be avoided by not using the DVI->HDMI and going component... but then there are overscan problems
[19:29:30] wylie: this is in 1080 — i thought i had a bad vid, but not the case. also probably going to borrow an 8800gs today and see if the same
[19:31:27] netrix: can anyone tell me how to switch thru my capture cards inputs? 'y' seems to switch capture cards, but 'c' doesn't do anything.
[19:31:37] netrix: i have 2 pvr500's and just added 1 hdhomerun
[19:32:56] cesman: did you define the inputs?
[19:33:15] netrix: cesman: hi cesman. what do you mean by define them?
[19:33:44] cesman: did you assign a listing to the input?
[19:34:22] netrix: cesman: yes. all cards are setup and working. the two pvr500's have been installed for over 2 years, and it records from them all the time.
[19:34:30] netrix: i just can't switchbetween the inputs in mythfrontend.
[19:34:47] netrix: also the new hdhomerun is working as well, i am watching some atsc content on it. (very cool)
[19:35:02] netrix: just can't change inputs... tho changing capture cards/devices works.
[19:35:17] cesman: and the logs state?
[19:36:30] netrix: i am running mythfrontend in a terminal and watching the output, when i press 'c' there is nothing in the output
[19:36:39] netrix: i will check the backend log too.
[19:36:42] J-e-f-f-A: wylie: I ha a similar issue with a Samsung 22" LCD on my Wintel box... I was pulling my hair out trying to figure it out, but I found out it was a well-known issue with the perticular model I had – some chipset issue. But now I've got that monitor on a Linux box via DVI and it works fine...
[19:37:09] J-e-f-f-A: wylie: I'm not saying that your issue is the same, but do some googling and you may find the same problem... I dunno... ;-)
[19:37:20] netrix: cesman: when i do press 'c' the name of the input is shown on the OSD however.
[19:38:13] netrix: cesman: nothing in any of the logs when i press 'c'.
[19:38:13] cesman: have you taken a look at the backend log?
[19:38:27] wylie: yup, thanks for feedback. i think it must be something like this... but of course, can't do much with 1080 adjustments to make it better. the first card actually worked a little better. i've already updated firmware on the television to no avail
[19:38:31] netrix: cesman: just did, nada.
[19:38:57] J-e-f-f-A: netrix: 'c' switches between inputs on a card, "y' switches between cards.
[19:39:00] cesman: I'd double check mythtvsetup and ensure addition inputs are configured
[19:39:15] d0netsFN: ok im back
[19:39:17] netrix: cesman: i now all the inputs work. my smasung based pvr500 looks crappy compared to the phillips one. so i have a priority set for that one and it does all the recording on the philips one.
[19:39:23] d0netsFN: yea i get no data from channels 2–70
[19:39:33] J-e-f-f-A: netrix: so if you've only got 1 input per card, "c' isn't going to do anything for you.
[19:39:50] d0netsFN: for my guide from schedules direct
[19:39:52] d0netsFN: any idears?
[19:39:59] netrix: J-e-f-f-A: no, all cards have two inputs. 2xpvr500 and 1xhdhomerun
[19:40:23] J-e-f-f-A: netrix: No they dont... your PVR-500 is two PVR-150s, so it's two cards.
[19:40:42] J-e-f-f-A: netrix: And the HDHomeRun is considered two seperate tuners as well. (I have one)
[19:40:45] netrix: J-e-f-f-A: ah... maybe thats where the confusion is.
[19:41:53] J-e-f-f-A: netrix: You can also switch inputs by pulling up the menu with "M" and using the "Switch Input" menu item. If you named your inputs logically, you can just select the one you want.
[19:42:40] netrix: J-e-f-f-A: ah! so simple. well pressing 'y' only seems to switch between Samsung 1 and the HDHomerun.
[19:42:55] netrix: J-e-f-f-A: using the menu i see all inputs ... and i can switch between them. thanks!
[19:43:09] cesman: netrix: an input is consider tuner/television, composite or svideo
[19:43:11] netrix: J-e-f-f-A: Not sure why I can't do it with the 'y' key ..
[19:43:24] cesman: most people just setup tuner/television
[19:43:34] netrix: cesman: Okay that makes sense now.
[19:44:12] cesman: netrix: if for instance you want to us the composite input on your tuner to record something, that must be defined in mythtv-setup
[19:44:16] J-e-f-f-A: netrix: Yeah, I didn't worry about that much since I don't use LiveTV for anything other than testing tuners and channel change scripts.
[19:44:26] cesman: happy to help
[19:45:28] netrix: J-e-f-f-A: thanks again for the explanation.
[19:45:32] netrix: cesman: thanks cesman!
[19:45:41] J-e-f-f-A: netrix: NP... ;-)
[19:45:45] cesman: netrix: you're welcome netrix
[19:45:46] netrix: the hdhomerun looks so killer btw. =)
[19:46:10] bfirsh (bfirsh! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:46:42] Soccerties (Soccerties! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:47:52] J-e-f-f-A: I just wish they could make one with cablecard... But that's just a dream, as it will never happen...  :-(
[20:02:55] bryan_ (bryan_!n=bryan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:03:36] bryan_: hello. is there a way to recieve cable hd channels on myth?
[20:06:50] Dagmar: Yes.
[20:07:24] Dagmar: If your cable company aren't fascists, and you can get an STB with a working firewire port that will let you have the video over firewire, that's one way
[20:07:40] Dagmar: The other way would be to buy a Hauppauge HD-PVR
[20:12:12] d0netsFN: how do i get my guide info working for my local channels on schedules direct
[20:12:16] d0netsFN: it just says no data for all of them
[20:16:27] dashcloud (dashcloud!n=szakulec@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:18:35] jamiem: we need some sort of quantum codecs :/
[20:18:45] jamiem: I'm tried of moving 3GB MPEG-2 files around  :)
[20:19:29] J-e-f-f-A: jamiem: disk space is cheap nowadays... ;-)
[20:19:44] jamiem: J-e-f-f-A: it's not the storage so much as the network bottleneck
[20:24:23] defaultro (defaultro! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:25:01] J-e-f-f-A: jamiem: Well 10GbE is available... but it's BIG MONEY right now...  ;-)
[20:25:36] jamiem: heh
[20:25:44] jamiem: maybe fibre would help me
[20:25:54] J-e-f-f-A: jamiem: Are you running GbE?
[20:26:51] jamiem: yes, but not to that box
[20:26:58] jamiem: I might run an extra cable, actually
[20:28:06] jamiem: that box is off a satellite switch which is only 100Mbps
[20:28:24] Dubstar_04 (Dubstar_04! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:30:41] J-e-f-f-A: jamiem: hehe... Yeah, the GbE switches have come down in price quite a bit, so I'v only got one 'remote' switch to replace with GbE now... And that's on my wife's macs with a MFE hanging off it. No problems with HD, so I'm in no hurry to swap it yet.
[20:31:13] jamiem: I do transcoding and stuff on not-the-mythtv box so I tend to need to drag the mpgs about
[20:31:57] jamiem: 00:08.0 Ethernet controller: D-Link System Inc DGE-528T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (rev 10) it has a gig card in it
[20:32:13] ** jamiem looks for a length of cat5 **
[20:32:44] J-e-f-f-A: jamiem: I do'n't transcode nuthin'... Unless you count streaming stuff with the flash player occasionally...  ;-)
[20:32:57] Dubstar_04 (Dubstar_04! has quit (Client Quit)
[20:35:37] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:38:49] bryan_ (bryan_!n=bryan@ has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[20:45:00] Soccerties: any1 here get the new movie info grabber working under .21
[20:45:18] Dubstar_04 (Dubstar_04! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:51:51] octavsly (octavsly! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:53:27] phunyguy: hmmm
[20:53:33] phunyguy: just created a new mysql server
[20:53:40] phunyguy: nothing seems to be able to connect to it
[20:53:44] phunyguy: the services are running
[20:53:47] phunyguy: its pingable..
[20:53:50] phunyguy: strange.
[20:56:25] jamiem: ok whose great idea was it to play around with the cat5
[20:56:36] jamiem: I _think_ everything is working again :)
[20:56:59] Soccerties (Soccerties! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:57:41] wagnerrp: xvmc is only partial offload, correct?
[20:58:29] phunyguy: nevermind.
[20:58:33] phunyguy: i figured it out
[20:58:39] phunyguy: my mythbackend is finally operational
[20:58:51] phunyguy: got it all compiled, and the database set up on my new mysql server.
[20:59:36] phunyguy: the prescaling theme images thing is killin me though on the mythtv-setup thing
[21:01:35] phunyguy: wow
[21:01:39] phunyguy: still works very quickly
[21:01:54] phunyguy: even on a k6–2/500
[21:04:04] jamiem: J-e-f-f-A: 500M 100% 500MB 31.3MB/s 00:16
[21:04:11] jamiem: ~31MB/s with scp overhead
[21:04:18] jamiem: hooray for running a cable
[21:04:45] wagnerrp: running a cable? or rerunning a cable?
[21:04:56] wagnerrp: you were using wireless? or the first run was bad?
[21:05:18] jamiem: wagnerrp: running to the Gig switch not the 100Mbps
[21:12:37] zlisir (zlisir! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:13:09] zlyzyr (zlyzyr! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:17:19] gregL (gregL! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:37:46] phunyguy: argh.
[21:37:47] phunyguy: MasterServerIP or MasterServerPort not found! You mayneed to check your settings.php file or re-run mythtv-setup
[21:39:47] phunyguy: mythweb is running on the master backend... so what's the issue  :-/
[21:41:53] bfirsh (bfirsh! has quit ()
[21:44:08] J-e-f-f-A: jamiem: that's better! ;-)
[21:45:45] phunyguy: ARGH
[21:45:47] phunyguy: Unable to connect to the master backend at
[21:45:50] phunyguy: well
[21:45:52] phunyguy: i started it
[21:45:57] phunyguy: said it started ok with no error...
[21:45:57] Dubstar_04 (Dubstar_04! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[21:46:03] phunyguy: but it ain't started.
[21:47:35] phunyguy: all i get is an error about no capture cards being in the database
[21:47:41] phunyguy: i know there are no cards.
[21:47:45] phunyguy: i havent put any in yet
[21:47:47] phunyguy: :-/
[21:51:25] pheld (pheld! has quit ("Leaving.")
[21:54:15] russk (russk! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:55:04] russk: anyone have trouble with clock-skew and Dish Network?
[22:01:37] J-e-f-f-A: russk: I haven't noticed any issues... My backend is synced with NTP all the time...
[22:02:28] russk: maybe it's my NTP that's the problem ... time to go check my atomic clock  ;-)
[22:02:50] russk: thanks J-e-f-f-A
[22:10:40] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:11:13] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:12:58] phunyguy: ahh sweet, the init script was wrong – was pointing to the wrong path for mythbackend
[22:13:18] `Matir (`Matir! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:13:23] phunyguy: looks like the master backend is ready to take some cards.
[22:13:35] clever: russk: ntp -c peers
[22:13:35] ** phunyguy is pleased. **
[22:15:45] J-e-f-f-A: russk: I use "" – but somebody recently told me about "" ;-)
[22:16:35] ** jamiem uses the debian pool **
[22:17:00] clever: i use!
[22:17:24] phunyguy: i use
[22:17:32] directhex: i use incredibly accurate panda bears with stopwatches
[22:17:34] phunyguy: /24
[22:17:45] clever: directhex: lol :P
[22:18:14] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:18:17] poodyp_: I use a bunch of asians with abacuses and some atoms they found
[22:18:57] russk: clever: I don't have 'ntp' (command not found) ...
[22:18:58] directhex: did. the pandas got hungry
[22:19:20] clever: russk: typo on my end, its ntpq -c peers
[22:19:31] clever: remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
[22:19:34] clever: *newrouter 3 u 476 1024 377 0.703 -13.996 2.539
[22:19:44] clever: my system is synced to the router, and is off by 13ms
[22:20:15] iamlindoro: Who peed in the debian pool?
[22:20:28] jamiem: who has green around them?
[22:21:12] russk: weird — ntpq says 'ntpq: read: Connection refused'
[22:21:20] clever: then ntpd isnt running
[22:21:28] iamlindoro: directhex, did you see my little fanart/screenshot/banner patch?
[22:21:34] clever: so the clock is free to drift all it wants
[22:21:37] russk: well that explains it  :-)
[22:22:06] russk: it must have died i guess .... probably a long time ago
[22:22:29] directhex: iamlindoro, per-show fullscreen metadata?
[22:22:36] iamlindoro: directhex, yes
[22:22:53] clever: my ntpd 'dies' randomly every now adn then, i just give it another /etc/init.d/ntp start and its fixed
[22:22:53] directhex: iamlindoro, i'm gonna need new underwear
[22:23:04] iamlindoro: directhex, Banners/Screenshots/Fanart, arranged at the themers discretion
[22:23:10] iamlindoro: using any or all
[22:23:27] jamiem: clever: you could script an /etc/init.d/ntp-safe
[22:24:00] iamlindoro: directhex, I thought you'd like it-- I know that generalized downloading for MV is coming too so it should/will be possible to treat TV and Videos differently too :)
[22:25:02] eightace (eightace!n=rooms@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:25:23] eightace (eightace!n=rooms@ has quit (Client Quit)
[22:28:03] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:28:09] russk: jamiem: i don't have ntp-safe — where's it come from?
[22:28:25] jamiem: russk: I said you could /script/ one :)
[22:28:42] russk: oh, right ... i need to read better
[22:30:04] jamiem: :)
[22:30:41] CaptObviousman: iamlindoro: those screenies look tasty
[22:30:49] jamiem: clue: while true; do [ `pgrep ntp` ] || /etc/init.d/ntp restart; sleep 5; done
[22:30:52] CaptObviousman: izzat .22 QT4?
[22:31:10] clever: jamiem: you dont need to restart it after 5 seconds
[22:31:17] dustybin: now i got a job i can start saving up for a motherboard for my upcoming mythbackend HD box :D
[22:31:19] iamlindoro: CaptObviousman, It is a theme for .22, but it's not QT4 that makes them possible, it's MythUI
[22:31:22] jamiem: clever: wut?
[22:31:28] clever: jamiem: if your clock drifts a massive ammount in 5 seconds, you got major problems
[22:31:37] iamlindoro: CaptObviousman, The new Myth UI backend for theming
[22:31:39] jamiem: clever: that's not what that script does
[22:31:49] CaptObviousman: right, I read about that
[22:31:49] clever: jamiem: the script checks to see if its running every 5 seconds
[22:31:53] clever: and restarts it IF its down
[22:31:57] jamiem: yeah
[22:32:04] jamiem: down; not drifted
[22:32:05] dustybin: clever: have you annoyed anyone today? :P
[22:32:08] ** CaptObviousman waits eagerly for .22 **
[22:32:08] clever: how much harm can your clock do in 5 seconds of free drifting?
[22:32:12] jamiem: russk: said it kept dying
[22:32:36] jamiem: s/ntp/ntpd/
[22:32:42] clever: jamiem: i would rather do that type of thing in a once an hour cronjob
[22:32:59] clever: checking every 5 seconds is overkill
[22:33:00] jamiem: clever: I take your point. How much will it drift in an hour EVEN if it does die
[22:33:09] lyricnzzzzzZZZZZ (lyricnzzzzzZZZZZ! has quit ()
[22:33:14] clever: my windows system can drift up to 2mins in a day
[22:33:14] RealKillaz (RealKillaz! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:33:29] clever: but thats the worst ive seen
[22:33:49] jamiem: I've seen worse in virtualised systems where host has cpufreq ;)
[22:34:00] clever: yeah i can see how that would muck things up
[22:34:02] RealKillaz: guys I'm moved from a PAL-B region to a NTSC/ATSC region..
[22:34:20] J-e-f-f-A: At my previous company we ran ntp 4x per DAY.  ;-) And they did stock trading, so were required to be within 3 seconds of NIST. We were typically within 1/10th a second.
[22:34:24] RealKillaz: now I want to buy a new TV-card, multisystem that works nice with mythtv
[22:34:36] RealKillaz: which one is the best at the moment?
[22:34:45] RealKillaz: still Hauppage or something else?
[22:38:18] RealKillaz: anyone experience in combing an HTPC with a settop box?
[22:38:51] russk: my ntpd died i guess a long time ago ... my clock was 2 minutes off ... nptd is still running now that i restarted it
[22:39:00] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:39:45] ** justinh combs his hair **
[22:39:55] justinh: combing is good
[22:42:03] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:42:49] wagnerrp: RealKillaz: multisystem?
[22:42:54] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:43:08] justinh: dunno how anybody'd combing a HTPC with a STB though. STBs have no teeth, and HTPCs have no hair
[22:43:24] wagnerrp: i assume he meant 'combining'
[22:43:48] dustybin: justinh: do you have a shave in front of your laptop
[22:44:10] RealKillaz: wagnerrp: mutlisystem I mean analogue (PAL and NTSC) and DVB.
[22:44:19] RealKillaz: I meant combining yes..... :-)
[22:44:40] RealKillaz: the thing is where I live now, there is pretty no information about the system being used.
[22:44:53] justinh: wagnerrp: I assumed that too. was just being facetious
[22:45:03] wagnerrp: well you can get NTSC/ATSC/QAM hardware, but i doubt youll find a card that will do both NTSC and PAL
[22:45:11] justinh: dustybin: no, I tend to keep my laptop away from water
[22:45:17] jamiem (jamiem!n=jm| has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:45:27] RealKillaz: They have here a settop box... which has DVB, but I'm not sure if it's really DVB or if they're using the analogue part only.
[22:45:39] wagnerrp: DVB has no analog part
[22:46:06] wagnerrp: NTSC countries dont use DVB
[22:46:07] RealKillaz: wagnerrp: yes I know. But I'm not sure if they're using the analogue part of the box of the DVB.
[22:46:10] J-e-f-f-A: Digital Video Broadcast <---  ;-)
[22:46:20] RealKillaz: or the DVB
[22:46:37] RealKillaz: I mean a box can have DVB and NTSC right?
[22:46:47] wagnerrp: (not quite true, satellite systems over here use some form of dvb-s with custom encryption)
[22:47:00] justinh: a digital cable or satellite STB can output NTSC video for sure
[22:47:10] wagnerrp: but stuff over here does not use DVB
[22:47:26] RealKillaz: so that's why I don't know what we're using here.
[22:47:35] J-e-f-f-A: RealKillaz: You may be thinking of OTA HD in the US – which is known as ATSC.
[22:47:35] justinh: in cases where digital is available, it's doubtful any provider uses _both_ in their set top hardware as inputs
[22:47:36] wagnerrp: we use ATSC and QAM
[22:47:48] justinh: RealKillaz: are you talking about cable?
[22:47:48] wagnerrp: ATSC is our version of DVB-T, QAM is our version of DVB-C
[22:48:41] RealKillaz: justinh: they call it cable yes. But I don't know how to get information about the signal the're using. I tried to get more info, but no luck
[22:48:54] wagnerrp: search for QAM
[22:49:10] RealKillaz: I live in Curacao.
[22:49:14] justinh: RealKillaz: well, do they supply you with a set top box and a viewing card which fits into a slot on the box?
[22:49:31] justinh: then again that doesn't guarantee digital or analogue either
[22:49:51] justinh: but it _would_ imply that everything you pay for is encrypted ;)
[22:49:58] jamiem (jamiem!n=jm| has joined #mythtv-users
[22:50:31] RealKillaz: justinh: I can see a seal in front of the settop box telling me that If I break it I have to pay some some penalty cash
[22:50:40] RealKillaz: it is encrypted
[22:50:55] RealKillaz: a seal where looks like a card is in it
[22:51:51] justinh: so, to record the output of that, you need some kind of capture card to put in a mythtv system :)
[22:51:55] RealKillaz: a Digital Cable Reciever KAON..
[22:52:01] justinh: bing!
[22:52:10] justinh: iiiiiiiit's digital, and probably encrypted
[22:52:25] justinh: so, your options for getting that into mythtv are as follows:
[22:52:39] wagnerrp: to be honest, i really dont know what Curacao would use
[22:52:48] wagnerrp: the americas are usually NTSC/ATSC/QAM
[22:52:53] wagnerrp: but youre part of the netherlands
[22:52:53] RealKillaz: wagnerrp: I don;t blame you for that :-)
[22:52:56] wagnerrp: which is DVB
[22:53:11] justinh: 1. Connect the output of the set top box into a TV tuner card's video & audio inputs and rig up some way of the mythtv box changing channels on the STB for you (i.e. an IR Blaster)
[22:53:11] iamlindoro: KAON = DVB-C
[22:53:18] justinh: or 2... there are no other options
[22:53:28] iamlindoro: so the sealed bit probably is a CAM
[22:53:33] RealKillaz: wagnerrp: we're part of the netherlands, but we use mostly the american stuff.... like NTSC instead of PAL
[22:54:08] justinh: RealKillaz: basically you need to record the output of the set top box, and that's it. oh and some way of the htpc changing channels on the STB for you
[22:54:21] iamlindoro: RealKillaz, . . . 60_front.jpg  ?
[22:54:26] iamlindoro: Is that your box?
[22:54:43] wagnerrp: well i got fed up with dicking around with xvmc, so a PCI 8400 should be in the mail wednesday
[22:54:54] justinh: wagnerrp: amen
[22:55:22] RealKillaz: justinh: I had a PVR-250 with IR-blaster but it was for PAL system
[22:55:23] wagnerrp: im currently running a P4 1.8, but its a bit loud
[22:55:26] iamlindoro: If that's your box, your system is DVB-C and the thing behind the seal is a CAM
[22:55:29] RealKillaz: iamlindoro: no not that one..
[22:55:40] iamlindoro: RealKillaz, what's the model #?
[22:55:40] RealKillaz: let me look it up
[22:55:46] RealKillaz: hold on
[22:55:49] wagnerrp: im wondering if a P3–800 would be sufficient if im using VDPAU
[22:55:54] J-e-f-f-A: according to this page: – Curacao uses NTSC – haven't found a digital link yet though.
[22:56:03] iamlindoro: Regardless, it's still almost 100% likely to be a DVB-C CI/CAM receiver
[22:56:14] iamlindoro: Since I'm pretty sure that's all they make
[22:56:26] wagnerrp: or if i should just buy some acoustic dampening material
[22:56:30] ** justinh wonders which part of "YOU NEED TO RECORD THE FRICKIN OUTPUT OF THE SET TOP BOX" was so hard to understand? **
[22:56:50] iamlindoro: justinh, I wasn't disagreeing with you, I was just curious about their cable standard
[22:57:00] RealKillaz: iamlindoro: the KCF-E27
[22:57:50] justinh: and it's a pretty good cert that if the STB has "DIGITAL CABLE RECEIVER" written on its front panel, then that's actually what it is. Anything written in crayons can safely be discounted though
[22:58:21] iamlindoro: Even Kaon doesn't seem to think they have a model by that name
[22:58:39] iamlindoro: But as far as I can tell 100% of their boxes are DVB
[22:58:53] RealKillaz: justinh: ok.. I need to record the output of this signal..
[22:58:55] justinh: funny but samsung apparently don't make STBs, but there's one sitting in my livingroom :)
[22:59:10] RealKillaz: justinh: but still I need a card that is compatible with the signal.
[22:59:30] RealKillaz: justinh: I connected the PVR-350 on it which is PAL and no luck. the signal is gray
[22:59:36] justinh: RealKillaz: so you'd take the _analogue_ video & audio output from the set to box & put them into a capture card's video & audio inputs :)
[22:59:38] RealKillaz: with noise in it
[22:59:59] Soccerties (Soccerties! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:00:00] justinh: did you use the antenna connection or composite/svideo & audio ?
[23:00:30] justinh: you can probably get away with using a pvr350 card for NTSC _OR_ PAL if you use the direct video inputs rather than the tuner onboard
[23:00:31] RealKillaz: but the same output, antenna connection, going to my NTSC card is not working on my PVR-350 card which is PAL.
[23:00:35] J-e-f-f-A: RealKillaz: According to the page I pasted, the standard is NTSC.
[23:00:54] justinh: I think the tv standard of the pvr card input is set in software
[23:00:55] RealKillaz: I mean my NTSC TV...
[23:01:27] justinh: RealKillaz: well, the only thing on these TV tuner cards which is either NTSC or PAL is the actual tuner itself
[23:01:31] RealKillaz: one more time the output is an antenna connection which is working on a NTSC TV
[23:01:35] justinh: everything else can be set up in software
[23:01:42] J-e-f-f-A: RealKillaz: ^^^ yeah, as justinh notes, I also believe it's possible to switch to NTSC mode (but I'm not sure)
[23:02:04] RealKillaz: I used this connection to the PVR-350 card with IR-blaster and no luck getting good image, because it is NTSC
[23:02:10] justinh: I mean, there's no PAL & no NTSC mpeg2 encoder/decoder onboard. the standard is set in registers on the chips
[23:02:28] RealKillaz: ohh wait sorrry bad information it is the PVR-150
[23:02:38] RealKillaz: WinTV-PVR-150
[23:02:46] RealKillaz: PAL-B/G
[23:02:50] justinh: though there's a strong possibility the ivtv driver guys hard-coded it to information on the card itself
[23:03:04] justinh: been so long since i played with ivtv
[23:03:13] sege (sege! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:03:16] sege (sege! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:03:31] justinh: there's an option in ivtvctl and v4l2ctl to show you everything you can configure on the card
[23:03:41] RealKillaz: justinh: on the card it says WinTV-PVR-150 PAL-B/G
[23:03:48] justinh: if one of those is 'TV Standard' or 'video standard', you're good
[23:03:51] justinh: RealKillaz: I KNOW
[23:03:59] justinh: RealKillaz: will you please just pay attention for 2 minutes?
[23:04:18] justinh: on these cards the only thing which is PAL or NTSC is the actual TV tuner component
[23:04:37] justinh: everything else on there, the video encoder etc.. they are set up by the driver
[23:04:53] octavsly (octavsly! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:04:56] phunyguy: getim
[23:04:58] phunyguy: ;)
[23:05:16] ** phunyguy sits back and admires his geeky accomplishments. **
[23:05:16] justinh: so in theory, if the driver allows it, you can make a PAL video card accept NTSC signals by its video inputs. Not by the tuner, but through the svideo & composite inputs :)
[23:06:12] RealKillaz: justinh: so you mean I have to get the other output of the settop box and put this in the TV-card composite
[23:06:19] justinh: yup
[23:06:26] Dagmar: Umm... did you just say something about using a video card as an INPUT?
[23:06:53] jroysdon (jroysdon! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:06:58] phunyguy: lol
[23:06:59] J-e-f-f-A: He meant the PVR-150 Tuner card.
[23:07:00] phunyguy: yes he did.
[23:07:19] Dagmar: OKay
[23:07:23] justinh: Dagmar: ok, mister I'm always right, so effing self-righteous. YOU help him
[23:07:27] jroysdon: Is there a Mythdora-specific channel?
[23:08:16] Dagmar: justinh: All I'd be doing is referring him to because if he doesn't know the difference between NTSC and PAL by now he has a hatred of reading.
[23:08:22] justinh: btw kids, don't drink & try to learn Blender. carnage. pure carnage
[23:08:28] RealKillaz: justinh: no worries with them I followed and understand you completely... so I have to find out how to use this composite thing,
[23:09:06] iamlindoro: justinh, Heh, Haven't looked at it in a long while, but my rear end still hurts from last time
[23:09:24] RealKillaz: justinh: but one more thing. If I want to use the TV signal tough I can only accomplish this using an NTSC card with IR-blaster since I need this settop box to decryot things right?
[23:09:48] justinh: RealKillaz: IF.. and I'm saying this is a fairly big 'if' now cos maybe the driver steers it – if it's possible, either v4l2ctl or ivtvctl will let you change the TV standard and set the card to use its composite or svideo input
[23:10:24] justinh: RealKillaz: if you want to capture the RF output from the set top box then yeah you'll need a capture card with an NTSC tuner, not your PAL B/G version ;)
[23:10:59] iamlindoro: But given ANY other option, you want to avoid using the coax capture
[23:11:09] justinh: but for what it's worth I recommend using composite video & audio connections at the very least – not only because of the improved picture – you'll also get stereo audio :)
[23:11:10] iamlindoro: composite is better, S-video is even better than that
[23:11:19] J-e-f-f-A: RealKillaz: and S-Video will be much clearer/sharper than RF...
[23:11:19] justinh: and best of all, you'll get stereo audio :)
[23:11:27] RealKillaz: justinh: I was thinking more for a solution like, buying a DVB card and put the card in the settop box in my DVB card so I have more control of my channels..
[23:11:38] justinh: so if you have s-video output on the set top box, use that into your pVR card
[23:11:46] Dagmar: I was kinda thinking the difference in colorspaces would make any attempt to use a composite input for a signal from the wrong side of the pond doomed to give sub-standard results
[23:11:48] justinh: RealKillaz: you can't do that
[23:12:03] symptom (symptom! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:12:19] iamlindoro: justinh, Well, I guess if it were a linux-sanctified CAM locked up in there it might be possible
[23:12:20] justinh: or maybe you can, but you'll have to find a conditional access module (CAM) to work with the encryption your provider uses
[23:12:32] justinh: that will be the hard part
[23:12:46] iamlindoro: Thought he implied (and the KAON specs allude to) the thing behind the seal being a CAM
[23:13:03] justinh: maybe they seal the viewing card up there too
[23:13:07] RealKillaz: aha so an DVB card only is not enough I need a module CAM that decrypt it
[23:13:12] justinh: there's no way to know without x-ray vision :P
[23:13:17] RealKillaz: lol
[23:13:17] justinh: RealKillaz: yups
[23:14:02] RealKillaz: the thing is I want all the channels listing on my mythtv box
[23:14:11] justinh: I bloody hate the people who just sit idly by in here, only chipping in when somebody makes a frickin typo. damn annoying
[23:14:12] RealKillaz: that's my goal actually
[23:14:23] iamlindoro: I was just watching this movie Baraka... what a stoner movie
[23:14:50] justinh: I just sat through 'the jerk'. maybe that's why I'm pissed
[23:15:43] RealKillaz: and I think that I can not control the Record with this settop box in the middle... or is this possible to make it record channels with the IR-blaster?
[23:15:59] iamlindoro: Yes, you would control the STB with an IR blaster
[23:16:06] iamlindoro: and yes, that would work nicely, many many people do it
[23:16:18] jroysdon: This is more a generic Linux fs question: I'm upgrading from MythTV 0.20 to 0.21 (via upgrading from MythDora 4 to MythDora 10), and trying to backup my hard disk first. I'm got a /storage mount where all my stuff is... it shows only 20gb with a "du -h", but "df -h" reports 132gb used...
[23:16:22] justinh: bad enough that it was recorded from a commercial channel. bad enough that for the first half hour there was a part-faded out channel ident over the whole of the screen.. what made it worse was the sanctimonious 'concern' scroller saying how anybody feeling a bit low can ring a helpline (it was recorded over xmas). for pity's sakes!
[23:16:48] iamlindoro: Hehe
[23:16:55] justinh: jroysdon: the most important thing is to back up your database
[23:16:59] iamlindoro: justinh, does the UK have a lot of trouble with holiday suicides?
[23:17:06] jroysdon: justinh, yup, got that backed up
[23:17:27] justinh: iamlindoro: I hope so, because if ruining my enjoyment of a film saved just one life ...
[23:17:40] RealKillaz: iamlindoro: so you set a channel to record and it changes the STB?
[23:17:50] justinh: RealKillaz: that's the general idea :)
[23:17:53] iamlindoro: RealKillaz, Exactly right
[23:17:55] RealKillaz: ok cool....
[23:18:27] RealKillaz: ok so use the S-VIDEO with the IR-Blaster of the card..
[23:19:00] RealKillaz: one more thing: do you guys have any idea where I would get the Digital Program Guide for my region?
[23:19:09] iamlindoro: Check the xmltv project
[23:19:14] justinh: iamlindoro: the transparent channel ident though.. there's a guy I work with who used to work as a broadcast op at ITV. he falls asleep at his desk quite often. I wonder if it's a common thing at the network ;)
[23:19:19] iamlindoro: they *may* have something, but small regions are hard
[23:19:21] justinh: :)
[23:19:34] jroysdon: Where are all of the channel icons stored? It's been forever, but I downloaded and customized all of those, and want to make sure I back them up as well...
[23:19:36] iamlindoro: justinh, Heh
[23:19:50] iamlindoro: jroysdon, They're generally in ~/.mythtv
[23:19:55] BLACKthroat (BLACKthroat! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:20:06] justinh: jroysdon: find out, go into the channel editor, in mythtv-setup or mythweb :)
[23:20:09] RealKillaz: that's my problem moving back to this island.... I'm not used to don't have all the info needed.
[23:20:28] justinh: RealKillaz: so much for paradise eh
[23:20:37] BLACKthroat: hey i have installed mythtv on ubuntu 8.04 in the past with success, how well does it work with 8.10?
[23:20:41] iamlindoro: That's ok, did you bring your five friends back with you? you ALL have to go you know
[23:20:47] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit ()
[23:20:56] justinh: BLACKthroat: it detects what version you've got. if 8.10 it refuses to install
[23:21:11] RealKillaz: so I hope they have this region on the xmltv. Well I dont think so tough... but actually they have here all these american channels like HBO Ole ESPN etc
[23:21:19] iamlindoro: Put it this way, you're unlikely to be LESS sucessful with a newer version
[23:21:24] iamlindoro: but then again, this IS loonix
[23:21:27] BLACKthroat: 0.21 doesn't work with 8.10 you are saying?
[23:21:35] justinh: lol
[23:21:42] justinh: I'm saying your mileage may vary
[23:21:44] iamlindoro: wow, hook line and sinker
[23:21:57] RealKillaz: justinh: yes so much for a paradise, when it comes to techniques we're like 3 years back in time
[23:21:58] justinh: if the base distro is fine on the machine you install it on, then chances are mythtv will be fine too
[23:22:12] BLACKthroat: thats what i figured
[23:22:17] justinh: YMMV
[23:22:24] justinh: ^^ standard get-out clause
[23:22:40] sid3windr (sid3windr! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:22:41] RealKillaz: but can I put up my own list of xmltv? If I can find out the necessary channel info?
[23:22:47] sid3windr (sid3windr! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:23:05] justinh: RealKillaz: if you're willing to collate that much information every so often, you knock yourself out fella
[23:23:08] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:23:13] iamlindoro: RealKillaz, XMLTV is just a "open source standard format"... assembling the info yourself would hurt
[23:23:17] BLACKthroat: you make me vomit? =)
[23:23:31] justinh: lol
[23:23:35] justinh: your milage may vary
[23:23:37] BLACKthroat: yeah i know
[23:23:44] justinh: your house may burn down if you set fire to it
[23:23:50] BLACKthroat: haha
[23:23:59] iamlindoro: Your teenage daughter may end up pregnant if I spend the night
[23:24:04] justinh: hired goons may injure your family if you fail to keep up repayments on an unsecured loan
[23:24:44] justinh: ubuntu may one day come up with a non-silly sounding release codename
[23:24:48] justinh: stranger things have happened
[23:25:03] iamlindoro: Ubuntu 10.04 Conservatively Dressed Businessman?
[23:25:11] BLACKthroat: anyway, is there a guide on partition sizes/type for ideal results with mythtv?
[23:25:17] BLACKthroat: i believe that i have seen it in the past
[23:25:42] justinh: over-eager obligarch?
[23:25:45] RealKillaz: ok... guys I see to 4 outputs on the STB. an video, (yellow) SP/DIF (black) and audio (red and white)
[23:25:45] poodyp_: I think the next version of ubuntu should be name Shanty Scotsman
[23:25:57] justinh: RealKillaz: so no svideo then :(
[23:26:06] poodyp_: or tulourious tuba
[23:26:13] RealKillaz: don't think so :-(
[23:26:38] `Matir (`Matir! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:26:42] justinh: BLACKthroat: sane swap size, reasonable root, plenty for programming
[23:26:49] RealKillaz: wait one more S-VHS....
[23:27:01] justinh: don't ever let / get full, especially if your database lives on there. oh boy
[23:27:25] justinh: I speak from experience. mysql no like run out of space. she crash, and she lose your data, man
[23:27:41] jroysdon: Keep / just for the OS, have a decent /home, and all the rest for /storage (or wherever you want to store all your media)
[23:28:03] justinh: RealKillaz: woo. so now you just need an svideo cable, and a cable to get audio from the red & white RCA connectors into your pvr card :)
[23:28:19] RealKillaz: justinh: yeah looks like it's easy to do..
[23:28:33] RealKillaz: now I need a cable of 50 meters :-(
[23:28:37] RealKillaz: damn
[23:28:45] RealKillaz: but then again thanks for the info..
[23:28:47] jroysdon: My personal setup on a dedicated box: 8gb root (4gb used), 4gb /home (1.3gb used), and everything else to /storage
[23:28:56] justinh: RealKillaz: you also need to check with ivtvctl/v4l2ctl to make sure they can swap the inputs to NTSC mode :)
[23:29:08] RealKillaz: justinh: but is it difficult to make the CAM works?
[23:29:23] jamesd (jamesd! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:29:35] RealKillaz: justinh: I will look that up..
[23:29:38] justinh: RealKillaz: shouldn't be, but you'll have a job finding out what encryption they use
[23:30:00] justinh: and then you'll have to buy a CAM which does that encryption
[23:30:10] justinh: s/does/decrypts
[23:30:21] RealKillaz: KAON is not using one encryption?
[23:30:47] RealKillaz: because I mean why should I use their STB if I'm paying...
[23:30:51] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:31:01] _gunni_ (_gunni_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:31:02] RealKillaz: I have the right to use my own...
[23:31:07] justinh: yes, you do
[23:31:09] RealKillaz: HTPC
[23:31:16] justinh: but to do that you need to know how they encrypt it
[23:31:25] _gunni_ (_gunni_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:31:26] justinh: Seca / Nagra / whatever
[23:31:41] RealKillaz: but still they have the nerve to fine me money if I break the seal where the card is...
[23:31:43] justinh: if you can find that out, you can likely buy a CAM, then put your viewing card in there
[23:31:48] RealKillaz: unbelievable
[23:32:00] justinh: it's _their_ stuff that they rent to you
[23:32:00] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:32:06] justinh: they have rights too apparently
[23:32:36] RealKillaz: that's right Oo
[23:32:38] justinh: some cable providers actually sell customers CAMs & let them have extra viewing cards
[23:32:47] justinh: you could do worse than ask yours
[23:33:07] RealKillaz: well.... like I told you it's a paradise here
[23:33:31] RealKillaz: and 3 years back in technology
[23:33:43] justinh: 3 years isn't so long
[23:33:46] kslater1 (kslater1! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:33:54] justinh: I've had my cable STB for er... 8 years now
[23:34:09] AriX_ (AriX_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:34:29] justinh: and this year it's always been rebooted about 10 times, which is 10 times more than my myth backend
[23:34:38] RealKillaz: well.. I'm kidding when I left this place 12 years ago they already had cable :-)
[23:35:02] RealKillaz: but the quality of the box is very poor
[23:35:08] justinh: actually the viewing card in the STB probably has the encrytion standard written on it
[23:35:18] justinh: *encryption
[23:35:28] BLACKthroat: what filesystem are you guys using to encode to?
[23:35:33] RealKillaz: everyone is complaining
[23:35:44] iamlindoro: Fat16, it's the best
[23:35:48] RealKillaz: justinh: that's what I was thinking....
[23:36:01] justinh: RealKillaz: Kaon good quality chinee maker. no problems in 2 year!
[23:36:14] iamlindoro: In seriousness, XFS, JFS, and even plain old Ext3 are the popular choices
[23:36:40] justinh: wouldn't use ext4 if you paid me. not reiser. but I'm just an ass about stuff working
[23:36:47] RealKillaz: well too often we get here a black screen which on it the info channel info is updating. Hold on
[23:37:03] justinh: RealKillaz: then it's likely the STB software :)
[23:37:05] justinh: we get that too
[23:37:13] RealKillaz: that's crappy
[23:37:20] justinh: this morning our cable box thought it was still 7pm
[23:37:22] BLACKthroat: well i'm reading on mythtv's site and it seems that jfs might be the best bet
[23:37:29] RealKillaz: and alywas middle in the important parts
[23:37:30] justinh: and all channels had the same EPG data :P
[23:37:40] RealKillaz: lol
[23:37:44] justinh: BLACKthroat: use whatever. nobody will hunt you down
[23:37:49] kurre2 (kurre2! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:37:54] RealKillaz: where are you from justinh?
[23:37:55] justinh: hey, do some testing!
[23:38:01] iamlindoro: but TELLING people what you will use will bring the aholes and their opinions out
[23:38:05] justinh: which filesystem suits me best!
[23:38:15] justinh: RealKillaz: UK
[23:38:17] BLACKthroat: i've done testing in the past
[23:38:29] BLACKthroat: and i dont' feel like doing it again
[23:38:33] justinh: BLACKthroat: so, use the benefit of your experience to help you decide :)
[23:38:43] BLACKthroat: thats the problem, i forgot
[23:39:00] justinh: every fs has its advocates.. and the trouble is, they tend to be defensive about it
[23:39:04] BLACKthroat: its not that i dont mind learning
[23:39:17] RealKillaz: ok first I will since I can not buy SVIDEO cable tomorrow if I can change the TV tuner to NTSC.
[23:39:19] BLACKthroat: i rather get advice from others
[23:39:34] justinh: BLACKthroat: it's only TV :)
[23:39:36] iamlindoro: Hell, there are people in here who'll be jerks because they don't like the way you AGREE with them
[23:39:37] RealKillaz: after that I will buy a SVIDEO until I have some guts to take out the card and buy a CAM
[23:39:47] jroysdon: Let me ask it this way: any reason not to use ext3 with a dedicated MythTV box?
[23:39:53] J-e-f-f-A: RealKillaz: You can test it with the composite video input, it's just that S-Video will be sharper/clearer.
[23:39:57] jroysdon: (as I'm upgrading/doing a fresh install and restore of db)
[23:40:04] iamlindoro: jroysdon, It tends to be resource-hoggy on deletes, but myth ahs a workaround
[23:40:05] justinh: jroysdon: slow deletes can cause problems, but myth can delete recordings slowly now
[23:40:16] BLACKthroat: yeah i know its only tv, but i want it to be solid
[23:40:17] iamlindoro: jroysdon, otherwise, meh, whatever
[23:40:20] jroysdon: Right, the work-around does just fine
[23:40:26] BLACKthroat: and not have to fuck with it again
[23:40:36] RealKillaz: J-e-f-f-A: with both of them I need to buy cable.
[23:40:40] justinh: like go in & delete 500GB in one sitting and your box can be IObound for a bit. or just hang
[23:40:51] jroysdon: I just know ext3, so I'd rather just stick with something I know that just works... just my thoughts.
[23:41:07] jroysdon: justinh, yeah, but most shows are 2–4gb
[23:41:21] J-e-f-f-A: RealKillaz: You don't have a RCA cable handy? You could even use an audio cable in a pinch, just hook up video and left channel to test with...
[23:41:24] jroysdon: I hear the disk chug for a bit, but it keeps going no problems.
[23:41:29] justinh: what can I say? I ruthlessly prune a lot of recordings sometimes
[23:41:40] jroysdon: justinh, gotcha
[23:41:48] justinh: btw iamlindoro – cleaned out my closet today. all my source files are gorn baby
[23:41:50] jroysdon: justinh, what do you use?
[23:42:11] iamlindoro: justinh, What do you mean?
[23:42:13] justinh: well not GONE gone.. I have backups somewhere
[23:42:38] justinh: all my working out stuff from blootube etc, .pspimage files
[23:42:51] iamlindoro: Heh, that'll disappoint the "you owe me man" crowd
[23:42:56] justinh: there was loads of cruft
[23:42:59] iamlindoro: But I applaud your breaking with the past
[23:43:03] justinh: I mean loads
[23:43:19] paulh (paulh! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:43:21] iamlindoro: There's too much fun new stuff now/coming to waste your talentdragging old stuff forward
[23:43:47] justinh: stuff kept for rainy days & it all looked like a drunk guy had drawn them holding a magic marker in his ear
[23:44:10] laga: hum. drunk guy painting with his ear. reminds me of someone
[23:44:19] RealKillaz: I have an RCA yes
[23:44:23] justinh: yeah! I mean by 2020 I'll be doing all my graphics in blender!
[23:44:31] RealKillaz: I though I need a special cable... hold on
[23:45:16] justinh: laga: reminds me. I need to buy some absinthe
[23:45:53] ** iamlindoro waits for starrynight-wide **
[23:48:42] J-e-f-f-A: RealKillaz: Use the composite video (yellow) and one of the audio channels to test with... It would be the 'video 1' input within Myth.
[23:48:56] justinh: if I could throw this program across the room I would. see, I think this is why people hold 'elephants dream' in such high regard. sure it had no plot & the characterisation left something to be desired but DAMN! They made something.. with THAT?!
[23:50:55] Dibblah (Dibblah! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:51:30] iamlindoro: justinh, The other one is a step up and moderately cute
[23:53:44] jroysdon: Argh, I want to switch from i386 to X86_64, so it doesn't want to let me upgrade my system. So I'll be doing a fresh install. Can I restore/import MythTV 0.20 data into 0.21?
[23:54:03] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:47] iamlindoro: jroysdon, if you import the DB before starting up .21 for the first time, it will automatically update to a .21 DB
[23:55:03] iamlindoro: you *must* do that import before starting the backend, running mythtv-setup, etc.
[23:55:17] jroysdon: Ugh, not sure if I'll have that choice with MythDora 10
[23:55:43] jroysdon: (I believe it automagically does most of that stuff for me)
[23:55:58] iamlindoro: Most likely
[23:56:42] jroysdon: Well, it's not a big deal, really. I have my data backed up. I'll just have to do my schedules and channel edits, but not a major big deal. I haven't had the TV/PC hooked up in 3 months, so I don't really care too much.
[23:56:49] justinh: I'm a while away from throwing in the towel with blender, so I'll stick at it. the end results should justify it all :)
[23:57:51] RyeBrye (RyeBrye! has quit ()
[23:58:02] netrix (netrix! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))

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