:: #mythtv-users

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Monday, September 29th, 2008, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:12] cdpuk (cdpuk! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[00:01:07] ldiamond: but what if I wanna watch hockey..?
[00:01:15] ldiamond: I need to get RDS/TSN
[00:01:21] ldiamond: thats only offered on cable
[00:01:37] smithna (smithna! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:02:09] mchou: ldiamond: go watch it at a friend's house or a bar
[00:02:50] mchou: probably more fun taht way anyways
[00:03:51] mchou: maybe canadian cablecos consider that "cable theft" :)
[00:04:24] ldiamond: well, if I go to a bar every time there's hockey
[00:04:37] ldiamond: I'll most likely be considered a drunkard
[00:04:45] mchou: haha
[00:05:07] ldiamond: Ill go for the ConvertX
[00:05:12] ldiamond: USB makes it so simple
[00:05:23] ldiamond: but I guess it doesnt come with a remote tho
[00:05:40] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:06:50] Anduin: just gives you a chance to buy one of the MCE USB ones
[00:06:53] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:57] fiyawerx (fiyawerx! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:08:03] ldiamond: Humm
[00:08:09] nludlam: guys do any of you know who looks after the various language bindings for Myth ?
[00:08:10] ldiamond: I'm really lost with all those MCE things
[00:08:26] ldiamond: I dont want to end up with something that only has drivers for Windows Media Center Edition.
[00:08:37] Anduin: nludlam: different people, which are you looking to change?
[00:09:06] nludlam: Not change, add. I'm just about to update my Ruby bindings, and I have a reasonably good level of functionality
[00:09:29] nludlam: was thinking of chatting to whoever to mention it
[00:10:18] Anduin: nludlam: open a ticket and hope someone looks at it, basically you are hoping that some dev with time really like ruby though
[00:11:12] nludlam: yeah. I think a reasonably good test suite would help. I have some, but its by no means complete
[00:12:01] dustybin: i have never ever ever heard of a mythtv exploit
[00:12:40] Dt (Dt! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:12:50] nludlam: well also you're very unlikely to run it as a public facing service
[00:13:37] Anduin: dustybin: people running mythweb used to get their recordings deleted all the time (when they were very stupid)
[00:13:52] dustybin: heh
[00:14:07] ldiamond: Anyone know good remote controls?
[00:14:31] dustybin: windows mce remote + reciever is nice
[00:14:36] Anduin: ldiamond: the MCE ones really aren't bad, lirc supports most (possibly all now) of them
[00:14:58] ldiamond: but whats "MCE" onces?
[00:14:58] dustybin: the reciever is the best thing ever
[00:15:01] ldiamond: ones*
[00:15:17] dustybin:
[00:15:50] ldiamond: Ok, so windows MCE remotes are all supported ?
[00:17:37] iamlindoro: Lots of things call themselves MCE remotes. Not all are. Most are supported, however.
[00:18:50] ldiamond: those made by M$ are good?
[00:19:05] iamlindoro: None of them are made by MS
[00:19:12] ldiamond: well
[00:19:15] ldiamond: OEMd by M$
[00:19:27] iamlindoro: Yes, those on the page linked by dustybin are very good
[00:19:44] ldiamond: these are M$?
[00:19:51] iamlindoro: They are mce
[00:19:56] dustybin: MS dont make any hardware
[00:20:00] dustybin: they are a software company
[00:20:14] ldiamond: I know.
[00:20:18] ldiamond: but they OEM hardware
[00:20:20] iamlindoro: dustybin, xbox ring a bell?
[00:20:24] ldiamond: and write M$ on it
[00:20:29] dustybin: iamlindoro: they wrote on it
[00:20:36] iamlindoro: dustybin, and built it, dumbass
[00:20:49] dustybin: iamlindoro: they got other company to build it
[00:21:16] iamlindoro: dustybin, only in the sense that apple doesn't make iPods
[00:21:22] iamlindoro: or that HP doesn't make HPs
[00:21:41] iamlindoro: That is *very* different than these remotes
[00:21:42] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:45] dustybin: ok, you got me mr iamlindoro
[00:21:47] iamlindoro: which are Philips designs
[00:22:27] dustybin: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i just compiled latest svn and forgot to enable faad
[00:22:33] dustybin: on both boxes
[00:23:02] dustybin: what am i?
[00:23:15] iamlindoro: special?
[00:24:25] iamlindoro: (needs)
[00:24:57] dustybin: theres a lot of stuff changed in libav
[00:25:05] dustybin: h264 stuff :-)
[00:30:41] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:40:33] oys (oys! has quit ("leaving")
[00:44:26] TomasuAway is now known as Tomasu
[00:59:40] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:00:00] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:01:19] nludlam (nludlam! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:08:46] wagnerrp: dustybin: did you delete the compile directory afterwards?
[01:09:02] wagnerrp: because its fairly quick to just re-link everything back in
[01:10:11] wagnerrp: of course its not like it takes THAT long to just recompile
[01:10:23] dustybin: wagnerrp: i did a make distclean
[01:10:57] dustybin: h264 doesnt seem to be pre buffering
[01:12:54] dustybin: wow none at all :-)
[01:13:05] dustybin: this means i can go ahead and rip all my DVDs
[01:13:21] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:13:23] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=ryebrye@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:13:40] dustybin: this is powerful shit
[01:13:43] fryfrog: dustybin: what did you do to make it bettah?
[01:13:58] dustybin: i just downloaded latest svn
[01:14:03] dustybin: for backend and frontends
[01:14:06] fryfrog: -fixes or head?
[01:14:09] dustybin: yep
[01:14:13] fryfrog: which?
[01:14:22] fryfrog: er, "trunk" i guess it is called
[01:14:23] dustybin: i did it a hour ago
[01:14:27] dustybin: svn update
[01:14:36] dustybin: fixes 21
[01:14:38] fryfrog: okay, but what branch? the -fixes?
[01:14:39] fryfrog: ah
[01:14:46] fryfrog: i like that branch :)
[01:15:02] wagnerrp: i was about to say, if you dont understand his question, you shouldnt really be using either
[01:15:04] dustybin: h264 is now fixed for me
[01:15:25] ** dustybin check screen wizard **
[01:15:25] fryfrog: dustybin: what were you using before? an older version of 21-fixes?
[01:15:31] dustybin: yep
[01:15:34] fryfrog: ah
[01:15:54] dustybin: about a week old
[01:15:57] dustybin: maybe 2 weeks
[01:16:02] fryfrog: ohhh, lotta new changes?
[01:16:05] fryfrog: that what you are talking about?
[01:16:09] fryfrog: mainly to 264 stuff?
[01:16:09] dustybin: i saw a lot of h264 stuff
[01:16:14] fryfrog: nice
[01:16:16] dustybin: yep plus some other bits
[01:16:17] fryfrog: i'll re-compile :)
[01:17:16] dustybin: the screen wizard still segfaults
[01:17:50] ** dustybin checks DVD ISO what has known playback issues **
[01:22:21] dustybin: still same issue with certain DVD ISO
[01:36:08] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:47] Xklark: whenever i boot up my linux mythtv frontend box, there are like 10 instances of mythtvfrontend running
[01:36:49] Xklark: what is going on?
[01:37:41] dmz (dmz! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:38:19] GreyFoxx: Those are likely threads, not seperate instances of the app
[01:38:29] dmz (dmz! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:40:22] Xklark: and when i run live tv i get the error "Unable to initialize video"
[01:40:31] Xklark: is there a log file or somethign i can check to see what is going on?
[01:41:04] GreyFoxx: by default the backend and frontend output to standard out. So it would depend on how you are launching them.
[01:41:20] GreyFoxx: Many packages/initscripts have them log to /var/log/
[01:41:42] Xklark: there are no logs in /var/log im afraid :(
[01:41:54] GreyFoxx: how are you launching them?
[01:41:57] GreyFoxx: Manually ?
[01:42:02] squish102: ubuntu goes to /var/log/mythtv
[01:42:04] wagnerrp: ps ax | grep mythfrontend, if you have a '-l' in the command line, thats where it will log to
[01:42:07] Xklark: im using debian
[01:42:21] Xklark: no -l
[01:43:03] Xklark: GreyFoxx, automatically
[01:43:18] Xklark: through
[01:43:23] GreyFoxx: well, whatever initscript is launching them is where you need to look
[01:43:27] Xklark: that just runs "mythfrontend"
[01:43:36] GreyFoxx: ok, then there is no log file
[01:43:46] GreyFoxx: add -l /path/to/log
[01:43:59] Xklark: k
[01:44:04] GreyFoxx: and you might wanna check whatever starts ,ythbackend as well
[01:45:02] Xklark: ill try that
[01:45:06] jon__ (jon__! has quit ("BitchX-1.1-final -- just do it.")
[01:45:07] jon___ (jon___! has quit ("BitchX-1.1-final -- just do it.")
[01:45:10] squish102: what is the major update in the next release of mythtv? what is there to look forward to?
[01:45:40] GreyFoxx: It'll fold your laundry for you
[01:45:54] Xklark: awesome!
[01:45:59] squish102: cool, i dont think there could be much more it could do
[01:46:58] Xklark: now i need to figure out how to use my xbox remote to controll mythtv :(
[01:47:00] Xklark: control*
[01:48:06] Xklark: GreyFoxx, there are tons of errors <_<
[01:48:16] Xklark: alot of unable to save cached images
[01:48:55] doje (doje! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:57:52] fryfrog: Xklark: the next major feature i'm looking forward to is hd-pvr support, then i'll buy a pair and leave this firewire junk for the chumps :)
[01:59:17] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:38] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=ryebrye@ has quit (Client Quit)
[02:09:04] doje (doje! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:10:14] Xklark: does anyone have "mythtv-xbox.0.4.5-beta.tar.gz"? the location where the file used to be hosted is no longer tehre :(
[02:10:15] Xklark: there*
[02:13:17] JoshBorke (JoshBorke!n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke) has quit ("leaving")
[02:20:22] JoshBorke (JoshBorke!n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:49] squish102: fryfrog what is the hd-pvr going to give you?
[02:25:32] gregL (gregL! has quit (Connection timed out)
[02:25:48] cesman: The ability to record HD content from a "cable box" via component
[02:26:31] fryfrog: in h264 at that :)
[02:26:51] wagnerrp: well theres different forms of h.264
[02:27:12] wagnerrp: one could argue that whats output by the hd-pvr is relatively poor
[02:27:21] fryfrog: oh?
[02:27:34] fryfrog: in that it isn't multi-sliced and requires big cpu to decode?
[02:27:57] wagnerrp: its single pass, somewhat low quality options, and yes, the single slice part
[02:27:59] fryfrog: or that the source is component which is inherintly inferior to dvi/hdmi?
[02:28:10] fryfrog: ah
[02:28:25] wagnerrp: anyway, a good compress by x264 is far superior to this at the same bitrate
[02:28:28] fryfrog: still, i'll take a bit lower quality for 25–50% more succesful recordings :)
[02:28:46] fryfrog: though maybe it is time to buy a cheap TI firwire card and see if that helps any
[02:29:06] wagnerrp: well one of the suggestions is that you encode at the full 13.5mbps, and then recompress on your own
[02:32:26] wagnerrp: i guess i shouldnt say there are different forms (although you do have CABAC/CAVLC and slices)
[02:32:35] wagnerrp: rather not all encoders are created equal
[02:35:00] DarkDrgn2k (DarkDrgn2k! has quit ()
[02:36:40] pab (pab! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:42:39] sentinel23 (sentinel23! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:45:26] sentinel23: hey, anyone ever encountered GRUB "Error 2: Bad file or directory type"? I ran updates on my Mythbuntu box and now it won't boot...
[02:48:00] sentinel23: err, i guess it's more of an OS problem, nvm
[02:49:49] doje (doje! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:51:15] Xklark: Compiler did not align stack variables. Libavcodec has been miscompiled and may be very slow or crash. This is not a bug in libavcodec, but in the compiler. You may try recompiling using gcc >= 4.2.
[02:51:23] wagnerrp: now back to ripping DVDs... which manages to take less time than recompressing a 20-minutes HDTV show
[02:51:26] Xklark: that error showed up in my mythfrontend.log, how can i fix it?
[02:51:51] wagnerrp: recompile using a newer version of gcc
[02:51:58] wagnerrp: just as it says
[02:52:05] Xklark: how do i recompile libavcodec though, :\
[02:52:18] wagnerrp: how did you compile it the first time?
[02:52:30] Xklark: uhh, i just apt-get installed mythtv-frontend
[02:52:30] Xklark: :\
[02:52:58] Tomasu (Tomasu! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:53:07] wagnerrp: well then either your system (hardware) is bugged, or you need to go bitch to the debian people
[02:53:15] Xklark: lol
[02:53:19] Xklark: thanks :D
[02:53:50] wagnerrp: i had a friend who used to get similar compiler-based issues like that
[02:53:57] wagnerrp: turns out his motherboard was going bad
[02:54:23] Xklark: uh oh
[02:54:26] wagnerrp: typically, when its a compiler error, rather than a coding bug, something very very wrong has happened
[03:00:59] Tomasu (Tomasu! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:01:02] Xklark: should i be worried about "Error in open(/dev/i2c/0): Permission denied"?
[03:02:48] mzb_d800: make sure your apps are up to date (apt-get update && apt-get upgrade)
[03:02:58] mzb_d800: which repo are you getting you mythtv* from?
[03:03:13] Xklark: debian multimedia
[03:03:32] mzb_d800: lenny?
[03:03:37] Xklark: sarge
[03:03:42] mzb_d800: heh
[03:03:43] Xklark: im using xebian, xbox debian
[03:03:47] Xklark: thats the version they are on <_<
[03:04:04] mzb_d800: good luck with it then
[03:04:11] Xklark: lol
[03:04:30] mzb_d800: sarge is old-stable don't forget
[03:04:57] Xklark: yeah
[03:05:06] Xklark: i'm apt-get upgrading atm
[03:05:18] mzb_d800: so you're getting packages from the sarge repo on debian-multimedia?
[03:05:21] Xklark: my mythtv doesnt work when i hit watch tv :(
[03:05:23] Xklark: yes mzb_d800
[03:05:29] mzb_d800: sooo old
[03:05:31] Xklark: actually, not on that rep
[03:05:34] Xklark: im using oldstable
[03:05:39] mzb_d800: hmm
[03:05:44] Xklark: i know its old, but its what i have to use :(
[03:05:53] mzb_d800: says who?  ;)
[03:05:54] Xklark: when i hit watch tv, its black for awhile
[03:06:07] Xklark: cant i only use sarge reps when using sarge?
[03:06:13] mzb_d800: sounds like you've got quite a few issues
[03:06:27] mzb_d800: probably ... but why can't you dist-upgrade?
[03:06:28] Xklark: yeah i always have a bunch of issues
[03:06:34] Xklark: i guess i could
[03:06:49] Xklark: im afraid to though <_<
[03:07:02] mzb_d800: and|or build mythtv from source? (mythtv-0.21-fixes)
[03:07:18] mzb_d800: make a snapshot of what you've got first then
[03:07:35] Xklark: k
[03:07:45] Oxygenfa1 (Oxygenfa1! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:07:59] mzb_d800: well, that's what I'd probably try anway
[03:08:02] mzb_d800: well, that's what I'd probably try anyway
[03:08:45] mzb_d800: running new(ish) software on an old (pretty much) unmaintained release doesn't sound like a good plan
[03:09:24] Xklark: ill try it out tommorow
[03:09:30] Oxygenfa1: Hey guys. I got a WinTV HVR 950.It does not work in ubuntu. I read numerous tutorials, and still nothing. I tried to virtualize windows XP and plug it in there, but winxp wont detect it. Even though Ubuntu now recognizes the usb device
[03:11:45] mzb_d800: tried watching your logs to ensure you've got the right firmware (and it loads) ??
[03:11:56] mzb_d800: other than that ... check
[03:12:06] Oxygenfa1: When I type in lsusb it shows
[03:12:08] Oxygenfa1: But thats it
[03:12:14] Oxygenfa1: I'm really n00b to myth TV
[03:12:28] Oxygenfa1: I just want to capture a ton of VHS, I don't care about anything else really
[03:12:43] Oxygenfa1: I got 200+ tapes of stuff I want to digitize
[03:14:56] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:17:12] mzb_d800: syslog
[03:17:20] mzb_d800: (when you plug it in)
[03:17:45] mzb_d800: you will probably find that either the device is not supported, or that you don't have firmware for it (or both)
[03:17:51] Oxygenfa1: ok
[03:17:53] mzb_d800: other than that ... check
[03:17:55] Oxygenfa1: Where is the syslog
[03:24:09] mzb_d800: ;))
[03:24:20] mzb_d800: (no offense;)
[03:24:36] Oxygenfa1:  oxygenfad: Hey guys. I got a WinTV HVR 950.It does not work in ubuntu. I read numerous tutorials, and still nothing. I tried to virtualize windows XP and plug it in there, but winxp wont detect it. Even though Ubuntu now recognizes the usb device
[03:24:47] Oxygenfa1: "I read numerous tutorials, and still nothing. "
[03:24:52] mchou: mzb_d800: dude, you need to trademark that
[03:25:11] wagnerrp: no one new has come since you typed that in last
[03:25:13] mchou: jfgi
[03:25:19] mzb_d800: it's not mine :)
[03:25:32] mchou: rtfm jfgi
[03:25:58] mchou: lol
[03:26:08] Oxygenfa1: tyelf
[03:26:10] wagnerrp: Oxygenfa1: mythtv is not really the best choice for media transfer
[03:26:30] wagnerrp: better to use mplayer, or something else that you can run directly from the command line when you hit 'play' on the VCR
[03:26:37] Gimpy (Gimpy! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:26:53] wagnerrp: also, be fore warned that even if you do get this tuner working, it may be for naught
[03:27:01] wagnerrp: research something called Macrovision
[03:27:14] wagnerrp: it exists to prevent people from duplicating purchased VHS tapes
[03:27:36] Oxygenfa1: Cool thanks !
[03:27:37] wagnerrp: stuff you recorded yourself should work fine, but anything youve bought probably has Macrovision
[03:27:53] Oxygenfa1: Yeah it's actually just back yard wrestling tapes hahaha
[03:28:00] Oxygenfa1: Home videos and stuff
[03:28:06] Oxygenfa1: Stuff from years ago
[03:28:16] mchou: WWF Backyard??
[03:28:25] mchou: Is that syndicated?
[03:29:53] wagnerrp: i was going to suggest that you get a card with video inputs rather than us RF, but then i remembered that the effective resolution on VHS is pretty poor anyway
[03:30:21] wagnerrp: wouldnt be much point to it
[03:31:27] mchou: what's wrong with svideo?
[03:31:45] wagnerrp: that USB stick doesnt accept it
[03:33:02] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:33:33] ** mchou contemplates taking apart PSU to replace fan **
[03:33:35] Oxygenfa1: It has svideo
[03:33:46] Oxygenfa1: There is an additional dongle that comes with it
[03:33:51] wagnerrp: the image only seemed to have RF.... ah
[03:33:52] Oxygenfa1: RCA,COax, SVIDEO
[03:34:40] Oxygenfa1: I read one tut for myth TV that was pretty promising, but ended up not working and me losing webcam functionality lol
[03:35:16] Oxygenfa1: Tonight I plan on getting this thing to WORK once and for all :P
[03:35:18] mchou: use svideo then
[03:35:46] wagnerrp: svideo is better than rca is better than rf
[03:37:45] Oxygenfa1: know of any irc rooms that I can bug about getting it to work ?
[03:37:53] Oxygenfa1: I realize your just for myth TV etc
[03:52:05] wagnerrp: i would go to the v4l room, but i dont know what it would be off hand
[03:52:37] mzb_d800: #linuxtv ?
[03:55:02] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:03:21] ** RyeBrye just got the LCD to work on his Silverston GD01-MX case :) (well... got LCDd and lcdproc to work – haven't set up mythlcdserver yet – but that should be easy now) **
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[04:44:31] RyeBrye: Hmm. My HDHR ATSC scan found no signal on all my channels, but I'm sure I have some... I can manually use a tool on my mac and see a specific channel has these specs: ch=8vsb:48 lock=8vsb ss=73 snq=77 seq=100 bps=0 pps=0
[04:44:38] RyeBrye: is there a chance it's scanning too fast?
[04:44:48] RyeBrye: (on 0.20-fixes)
[04:45:15] clev: which tool did you use on the mac?
[04:45:18] wagnerrp: i doubt youll find much help until you upgrade to 0.21-fixes
[04:45:30] RyeBrye: Sorry – 0.21-fixes I meant
[04:45:45] RyeBrye: The tool on the mac is a little gui tool that wraps around hdhomerun_config
[04:46:09] clev: shuuurr :P
[04:46:12] RyeBrye: it simplifies setting up VLC streams – I can even watch that channel on my mac in VLC if I want to, so I'm positive the HDHR is getting signal on at least that channel
[04:46:12] clev: ahh
[04:46:41] clev: ahh yes the hdhomerun is an external box
[04:46:55] RyeBrye: It is 0.21-fixes, the latest fixes available in the subversion... I built it myself today
[04:47:31] clev: ive looked at getting one of those but have no idea if i have any channels to tune
[04:47:34] Tomasu is now known as TomasuAway
[04:47:39] RyeBrye: clev – are you in the US?
[04:47:45] clev: canada
[04:47:49] clev: east coast
[04:47:54] clev: i do have rogers digital cable
[04:47:59] RyeBrye: I don't know if covers there
[04:48:16] RyeBrye: silcondust does have a page on their site where you can check and see what other people near you have gotten with their HDHR boxes
[04:48:20] clev: i think theres some mentions of QAM in my STB debug menu
[04:48:45] RyeBrye:
[04:48:58] RyeBrye: if you put in your postal code you can see what other people have gotten
[04:49:11] clev: . . . tcode=e8c2g6
[04:49:15] clev: several pages:D
[04:49:41] clev: both broadcast and cable it seems
[04:49:53] RyeBrye: Looks like most of the SDTV is clear QAM, and a few HD channels
[04:50:03] RyeBrye: and the three top channels are 8VSB – which is ATSC
[04:50:22] RyeBrye: Are you in Quebec?
[04:50:33] RyeBrye: I see WCAX on there – I grew up in VT and that was one of my local channels
[04:50:46] clev: i can see quebec outside my window
[04:50:56] clev: im the next province over
[04:51:03] RyeBrye: what's that one, Nova Scotia?
[04:51:06] clev: nb
[04:51:14] clev: nova scotia isnt next to quebec:P
[04:51:22] RyeBrye: Yeah, I knew it started with an N though :)
[04:51:40] RyeBrye: maybe it's a different WCAX – it woudl be strange for a VT channel to go up that far I would think
[04:51:54] clev: :S, my firefox froze up
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[04:52:26] clev: RyeBrye: . . . p;iwloc=addr
[04:52:42] clev: quebec is about 6km away at some points in the river
[04:54:06] RyeBrye: I'd buy a rifle and keep it aimed on the banks of that river then ;)
[04:54:15] clev: lol
[04:54:18] clev: i have a telescope
[04:54:32] clev: i was watching the neighbors in quebec one week a few years ago:P
[04:54:37] RyeBrye: Les quebecois est tres formidable.
[04:54:42] clev: i could bearly make out the shape of a person walking across a yard
[04:54:47] ** RyeBrye forgot most of his french **
[04:54:56] clev: i was about to say the exact same thing:P
[04:55:34] RyeBrye: I grew up in Waterbury – where Ben & Jerry's was based – back when the canadian dollar was weaker, my sisters who worked there would tellme about some of the annoying quebecers that woudl come down
[04:55:35] clev: i can see atleast 1 channel on that listing that i might actualy watch
[04:55:56] RyeBrye: they would speak english to each other the whole time – and then when they would go up to pay they would speak in french
[04:55:57] clev: remember k-mart?
[04:56:12] clev: there used to be one in the next town over
[04:56:22] clev: but it was replaced by a zellers
[04:56:46] RyeBrye: And when they rang it up, they would whip out canadian money and when they were told "Oh, you want to pay with canadian? then it will be X" and htey would get all pissed – like the cashier would have some kind of telepathic ability to predict which currency they were trying to use
[04:56:53] RyeBrye: There is a K-mart here nearby me still
[04:56:53] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[04:57:23] clev: also a walmart sprung up across the street from the zellers
[04:57:27] clev: lol
[04:57:35] wagnerrp: french canadia has a different currency?
[04:57:42] RyeBrye: No, but we are in the US
[04:57:50] wagnerrp: ah
[04:58:09] RyeBrye: about 1.5 – 2 hours from the canadian border, iirc
[04:58:32] wagnerrp: so they would get pissed off because you didnt assume they wanted to pay in a foreign currency?
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[04:58:48] RyeBrye: Yeah, quebecers are weird
[04:58:56] RyeBrye: They are full of some kind of indignant national pride
[04:59:18] clev: it might just be the quebecers :P
[04:59:19] wagnerrp: if i went to canada, or anywhere outside the US, the first thing i would ask at the register is if they took US dollars
[04:59:26] wagnerrp: or at least walk up with a US note in hand
[04:59:54] RyeBrye: Yeah, that's precisely what I do at border towns even – where they almost always do exchanges
[05:00:02] wagnerrp: and yet its the stupid american tourist
[05:00:09] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:00:39] wagnerrp: i suppose the average american is just ignorant, while the average quebecer acts that way intentionally
[05:00:58] clev: the detour's in quebec city are a nightmare
[05:00:59] RyeBrye: There is a lake that splits NY and VT called Lake Champlain – and the very tip of it also touches quebec – but they would come down and hang out on the lake in Vermont
[05:01:16] RyeBrye: And the trademark of the 50+ year old quebecer with a large bear gut is his speedo
[05:01:18] RyeBrye: ugh
[05:01:29] clev: ugh
[05:01:41] wagnerrp: i thought you had a giant turtle or something in there to protect you
[05:02:02] RyeBrye: "Nessie" – basically your generic lake monster
[05:02:05] RyeBrye: err not nessie
[05:02:06] RyeBrye: "Champ"
[05:02:11] wagnerrp: yeah, Champ
[05:02:13] RyeBrye: Sorry – they look almost identical in the cartoonish renderings
[05:02:37] wagnerrp: ah, for some reason i thought it was supposed to be a turtle
[05:02:47] RyeBrye: that would certainly be more interesting
[05:02:54] RyeBrye: I thought it was cool growing up there
[05:03:05] RyeBrye: I never really believed in it – I don't think many people do – but it's one of those things that you can talk about
[05:03:13] RyeBrye: just kind of like "oh, some idiot saw Champ this weekend"
[05:03:18] RyeBrye: BAC was 0.13
[05:04:26] wagnerrp: people around here get drunk and yell kangaroo
[05:04:41] wagnerrp: except the guy wasnt drunk, and there really were a pair of wallaby in his back yard
[05:13:57] RyeBrye: Interesting
[05:14:31] RyeBrye: The HDHomeRun wiki pages all say if you don't have a device, enter in FFFFFFF for the ID – and it will just use whatever one, but when I went in and deleted them and re-added them in with the correct device ID for my HDHomeRun – it actually worked
[05:14:55] RyeBrye: but it also might be that I installed hdhomerun-config – which I think might be the real reason it's working now for channel scanning
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[06:20:52] RyeBrye: wow. that lcd server is pretty slick
[06:21:01] ** RyeBrye loves his new case / machine **
[06:28:39] HaSH: trying to encode recordings to xvid....and when the job runs i see this in the mythbackend.log: mythtranscode died early.Please use the --debug option to figure out what went wrong. ...but if i run it with --debug and seems to work fine without error.....any ideas on what would cause this? i read somewhere to edit the init file for mythbackend to make it use a different shell...would this affect this?
[06:28:56] RyeBrye: does it make sense for my load average to be 1.10 1.23 0.83 in top, but with my processor showing cpu usage as 95.1% idle?
[06:29:41] Sulx: RyeBrye: cpu usage is just a part of load calculation
[06:32:45] RyeBrye: Interesting. It's probably waiting on IO then. Good thing I have 8 gigs of of RAM available to cache stuff into I guess
[06:34:26] RyeBrye: or perhaps network IO? I think I'm going through a 100 megabit hub and streaming two streams from the HDHomeRun – I could get a gigabit switch to put the HDHr on but I didn't think that would be an issue
[06:34:43] RyeBrye: hmm... I'll look into it later. off to bed now
[06:35:35] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving")
[06:36:24] RyeBrye: My master backend has the LCD screen on it – so it should also be able to show me anything it's recording on the slaves on the LCD screen too, right?
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[06:40:48] HaSH: can anyone help me with transcoding recordings? ive pastebined what ive done and the output......i cannot figure this out.
[06:46:06] HaSH: brb
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[08:22:08] tjcarter: hi all..
[08:22:38] tjcarter: So um, Hauppauge USB HDTV thingy.. Not useful yet?
[08:23:09] tjcarter: Last I heard, it was "very alpha"
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[09:03:07] justinh: tjcarter: the curse of the early adopter ;)
[09:06:23] Penfold: that'd usually be 'fuck! fucking thing! bastard!' wouldn't it?
[09:06:28] justinh: catch22 situation, that one. the more people get units & help debug problems the better – but those folks have to live life on the bleeding edge for a while
[09:06:40] justinh: how much do you want it? ;)
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[09:18:17] tjcarter: justinh: I'm not interested in being decapitated by the bleeding edge  ;)
[09:20:22] mchou: tjcarter: you bought it already or?
[09:20:49] tjcarter: I'm shopping for two major things at present: a new capture device and the cheapest way to connect n > 1 HDs to 1394
[09:21:07] tjcarter: mchou: nah, probably gonna get HDHomeRun
[09:21:28] mchou: tjcarter: I think that's a good choice
[09:21:54] mchou: tjcarter: I've been try to go cheap w/ QAM and I'me regretting it
[09:21:54] tjcarter: Then I'll bug RyeBrye to help me update that patch to make aspect control work on a Mac again.. =p
[09:22:17] mchou: tjcarter: forget all PCI and USB dongles
[09:22:31] mchou: tjcarter: more PITA than they're worth
[09:22:54] tjcarter: Now, the major problem with the HD thing is that there are a boatload of old SCSI enclosures out there you could cram 3–4 HDs into, and I know it.
[09:22:58] mchou: tjcarter: amazingly insensitive tuners
[09:23:01] tjcarter: And they're dirt cheap.
[09:23:07] tjcarter: If you can get one.
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[09:23:35] tjcarter: Given that, I'm not amused by $350 for a 4 bay enclosure that's USB2 or SATA..
[09:23:52] tjcarter: especially not if it's SATA.
[09:24:09] mchou: tjcarter: why not just use the older scsi stuff?
[09:24:23] tjcarter: it's a box and a PSU rated slightly higher than the $80 2 drive version, c'mon
[09:24:31] tjcarter: well I don't have SCSI for one
[09:24:43] tjcarter: and I can't get my hands on one of the old SCSI boxes
[09:25:06] mchou: nono, I mean just use old scsi enclosures, mod it
[09:25:14] tjcarter: if I had one, I would
[09:25:42] tjcarter: What I think I'd like to do is get my hands on a multiplexing SATA to 1394b
[09:25:47] mchou: I know a source locally w/ plenty of them
[09:25:59] tjcarter: Then any box with the appropriate PSU would do nicely  ;)
[09:26:21] mchou: older compaq drive array
[09:28:06] justinh: esata not a solution? port multiplier boards are dirt cheapo
[09:28:14] mchou: are there any sata to 1394b controllers?
[09:28:23] justinh: esata might be the 21st century way to go about it
[09:28:42] mchou: not if you want to record firewire
[09:29:57] tjcarter: These are getting connected to an iMac
[09:30:13] mchou: tjcarter: go with 1394c
[09:30:23] mchou: cat 5e :)
[09:30:26] tjcarter: Apple annoyingly didn't put an eSATA port
[09:30:37] tjcarter: I thought about NAS options
[09:30:44] tjcarter: but any NAS I can afford isn't really NAS
[09:31:12] mchou: not really NAS? what's that mean?
[09:31:28] tjcarter: real NAS looks like a local filesystem
[09:31:39] tjcarter: not some silly CIFS or AFP
[09:31:50] tjcarter: or NFS  ;)
[09:32:13] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Connection timed out)
[09:32:17] tjcarter: but real NAS costs real money
[09:32:23] tjcarter: more or less like real RAID does
[09:32:42] tjcarter: RAIDCTARFECC
[09:33:04] tjcarter: but that was too long an acrynym
[09:33:10] mchou: just get a cheap linux box and run nbd on it
[09:33:23] mchou: problem solved
[09:34:38] tjcarter: well, would be if the client were Linux
[09:34:45] tjcarter: one client might be
[09:35:43] tjcarter: probably I'll either connect stuff to this box directly and share using samba or nfs or I'll do the cheap linux box thing and set up decent automounters
[09:35:58] directhex: well, no, real NAS looks like NFS or CIFS
[09:36:19] directhex: that's why it's NAS
[09:36:35] directhex: if you want local mounting, you're looking at SANs and/or iSCSI
[09:37:35] justinh: heh. I secretly knew those poncy iMacs were impotent after all
[09:38:01] directhex: the poncy imac i have has 3 usb slots and a firewire slot, iirc
[09:38:12] directhex: 2 firewire.
[09:38:22] tjcarter: found the automounter config
[09:38:28] tjcarter: Cheap Linux box it is  ;)
[09:38:39] justinh: a taiwan outpfit known as raidon make firewire sata boxes
[09:39:12] justinh: I evaluated an internal raid0 box from them once & I'm still on their new products mailing list
[09:40:03] tjcarter: now if I could clone the interesting not-quite-soft-raid in a device like the drobo, this would get really nice and easy
[09:40:39] tjcarter: drobo's clever--provides "RAID-like" redundancy on different sized HDs
[09:41:16] tjcarter: on 2 drives, you basically get a mirroring of the smaller of the two, minus some overhead
[09:41:45] justinh: bah! "We are currently upgrading our site and it is temporarily off-line."
[09:42:04] tjcarter: on 3 or 4 drives, you wind up with something more RAID-5-like, set up so that failing any drive will not lose data.
[09:42:37] tjcarter: any drive shoved into the thing is automatically added to the array, so it grows nicely.
[09:43:03] clev: tjcarter: that can be both good and bad:P
[09:43:15] clev: 'oh shit, its formating and growing'
[09:43:21] tjcarter: clev: shoving a HD with useful stuff on it into it?
[09:43:35] tjcarter: Don't shove a HD into it you haven't looked at.
[09:43:41] clev: not something you would want to duplicate on a computer
[09:43:53] clev: i sometimes shove old drives into my system to see what they contain
[09:44:05] tjcarter: it is if the computer were built in a CD duplicator tower with mobile racks  ;)
[09:44:26] tjcarter: basically as a headless file server
[09:44:42] clev: i recently shoved a 80gig into my 133mhz server that i was phasing out
[09:44:52] clev: its now a samba based storage group for mythtv :P
[09:45:08] tjcarter: the tricky bit was always the notion of growing a mounted filesystem behind the scenes. That problem doesn't exist if you're mounting via NFS/CIFS/AFP
[09:45:34] clev: im surprised its running so well
[09:45:41] tjcarter: The only system that needs to cope with the filesystem dynamically moving/changing is the file server.
[09:46:03] clev: yeah
[09:48:14] tjcarter: I'm not really sure how to DO that using lvm and linux softraid, but it would be useful to be done  ;)
[09:49:43] clev: i know how to expand the system using lvm
[09:49:55] clev: but that alone wont provide redundency
[09:50:11] clev: you could add pairs of drives to automaticaly mirror&pvcreate
[09:50:42] clev: resizing while mounted is the harder part
[09:51:26] tjcarter:
[09:51:36] tjcarter: unraid sounds close..
[09:51:57] clev: thats a massive server in the immage
[09:53:46] tjcarter: lol
[09:53:55] tjcarter: what's sad is that I now recognize the trays
[09:54:10] tjcarter: they're icydock slim SATA trays
[09:54:47] tjcarter: no electronics in them, they just provide a convenient locking switch and pull-handle.
[09:54:55] justinh: meh. they're shite, those icydock things
[09:55:35] tjcarter: they rely on the specifications SATA drives, and they don't lock in place.
[09:56:01] ** tjcarter is annoyed that unraid is a linux distribution released as shareware... **
[09:56:27] mchou: forget unraid
[09:56:39] mchou: those guys arent ethical
[09:56:44] tjcarter: yeah
[09:56:52] tjcarter: doesn't look like it
[09:57:02] tjcarter: they are doing what I am trying to do
[09:57:11] mchou: not to mention they had data loss issues
[09:57:17] directhex: They're free to charge what the like, as long as any modifications to GPL-licensed sections are made available free of charge to their customers (who can then re-offer those changes)
[09:57:17] clev: tjcarter: ive seen a nearly identical handle/latch in the sun ultra 25 i have upstairs
[09:57:18] tjcarter: haha
[09:57:58] tjcarter: directhex: their customers include free downloaders who are limited to 3 drives and no user-level security..
[09:58:34] directhex: yes. the modified gpl sections of their software need to be redistributed to those people
[09:59:00] directhex: but if their admin tools are not GPL, or modifications are elsewhere (e.g. MIT/X11 code), then tough
[09:59:08] tjcarter: I'm fairly sure though that unraid is just a bit of drive detection logic and scripts added to lvm and software RAID
[09:59:46] tjcarter: you LVM anything added to the system and move extents around to ensure any drive can fail..
[10:00:08] directhex: aufs!
[10:00:33] tjcarter: then you just grow the volumes to fit the new space
[10:00:44] tjcarter: which probably confuses the hell out of softraid
[10:00:49] tjcarter: but that's GPL, so ...  ;)
[10:01:13] tjcarter: a'right, I gotta be awake in 4 hours
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[10:34:50] justinh: effing chuff I thought I took some stick for large images
[10:35:04] justinh: the xbmc 'mediastream' skin is over 36MB
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[10:37:15] Internat: howdy all.. Is there any known errors with mythtv and debian-lenny or maybe ATI/FGLRX. For some reason when i attempt to run mythtv-setup or mythtv-frontend the display garbles massively.. i dont really know how to explain it..
[10:37:31] Internat: when its running it seems to break X completely.. alt+tab is all distored as well..
[10:37:39] justinh: problems with mythtv on ati enabled systems? nevah!
[10:37:43] justinh: </sarcasm>
[10:37:54] clev: ati=evil
[10:37:57] Internat: that bad huh
[10:38:19] justinh: it's such a well-known issue that for a long time now ATI have even stated categorically that mythtv issues will not be supported
[10:38:29] clev: lol
[10:38:34] Internat: that wasnt really what i wanted to hear for my new media box:/
[10:38:43] directhex: try catalyst 8.3
[10:38:50] directhex: i know that one didn't have the corruption bug
[10:38:53] directhex: no Xv support either though
[10:39:03] Internat: oh fantastic..
[10:39:09] justinh: and you ruhly RUHLY need Xv
[10:39:09] clev: ive managed to get my ati working ok for most stuff
[10:39:09] clev: but the nvidia is alot more painless
[10:39:22] directhex: gbee swears by radeons
[10:39:26] directhex: the rest of us swear at them
[10:39:38] Internat: err dont u need xv to do decent hardware rendering? or am i missing something?
[10:39:48] directhex: no, you're not missing anything
[10:39:52] directhex: you're correct
[10:39:56] clev: ive watched videos without xv before, but it used alot more cpu
[10:40:05] justinh: he swore at his when he upgraded the driver & had issues reverting though, AFAIK
[10:40:05] Internat: so i can either have mythtv, or xv
[10:40:19] directhex: yes! welcome to radeon world!
[10:40:24] ** Internat swears **
[10:40:27] justinh: you can either have Xv , where mythtv will be happy – or not have Xv
[10:40:39] clev: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV250 [Mobility FireGL 9000] (rev 02)
[10:40:48] clev: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x (rev 02)
[10:40:50] justinh: no Xv, heaps more cpu load. even the simplest SDTV playback taxes a high spec system
[10:41:11] Internat: yeah *wants his XV to stay since 1080p movies are actually playing decentl*
[10:41:16] justinh: you could try the opengl video renderer of mythtv but er... YMMV even more greatly
[10:41:22] clev: i find a core2duo 1.8ghz can handle video without xv
[10:41:34] clev: but your just asking for problems if you dont use it
[10:42:01] clev: ive had to use opengl before, it uses more then xv
[10:42:06] ** justinh reads '1080p movies' as 'illicitly downloaded x264 files of questionable source, bitrate & encoding' **
[10:42:19] Internat: i dont suppose the later versions of catalyst are any better? im using whatever fglrx is currently in the lenny repository
[10:42:29] ** Internat thinks justinh has the translation book **
[10:42:40] directhex: i know 8.6 is broken
[10:42:49] directhex: dunno about any other than 8.3 and 8.6
[10:43:31] Internat: hmms.. 8.9 is out
[10:43:34] Internat: *ponders playing with that*
[10:44:26] justinh: arghhh effing xbmc skins in xpr files. no dissection possible on a linux box then :-\
[10:44:58] justinh: nice to see they've continued to make development easy for the layman :P
[10:45:29] directhex: xpr?
[10:45:49] justinh: yeah skin texture files
[10:46:06] justinh: all images rolled into one convenient file
[10:48:45] oys: I'm stuck. where can I set the IP address of the backend? I've installed mythfrontend in ubuntu and it doesn't inclued mythsetup
[10:49:07] clev: oys: the local or master backend?
[10:49:30] directhex: mythtv-setup is included with mythbackend. it is only needed on backend machines
[10:49:41] directhex: if you want to run mythtv-setup on a frontend, UR DOIN IT WRONG
[10:49:51] justinh: or is it mythtv-setup-real on ubuntu?
[10:49:56] justinh: :P
[10:50:07] oys: clev: the master backend works fine. I can connect via mysql.
[10:50:22] clev: oys: the frontend will fetch the ip of the master backend from mysql
[10:50:23] directhex: justinh, .real, and mythtv-setup is just a wrapper to make sure you're in the right group, and that the BE isn't running
[10:50:41] oys: mythfrontend connects to the backend's mysql server, and then tries to connect to
[10:50:42] clev: and under the general config in mythfrontend, you can set the mysql info
[10:50:53] justinh: oys: so on the backend machine, run mythtv-setup
[10:50:54] directhex: oys, then your backend is wrong.
[10:50:56] clev: then you need to run mythtv-setup on the backend and fix them
[10:50:59] oys: so where do I change to the master backend?
[10:51:09] directhex: oys, run mythtv-setup on the backend and make it be less wrong. section 1 of the menu.
[10:51:43] clev: isnt it fun to spam 3 near identical answers at once from diff people?
[10:52:01] directhex: clev, i wonder whether he'll listen to any of them
[10:54:31] justinh: if you have only one backend, it is the master backend by default
[10:56:39] justinh: so run mythtv-setup on the backend machine, change the ip addresses currently set to in option 1 of the menus (change them to the LAN IP of the backend – really hope you're not relying on DHCP), restart mythbackend – and assuming your mysql server will allow logins over the network (haha) you're all good to point the frontend at it
[10:56:56] oys: you both gave good andswers. and it now works. I spent like 20 minutes searching google to figure out where to change it.
[10:57:13] justinh: wow. funny that the official mythtv documentation tells you how too
[10:57:32] justinh: and the ubuntu community documentation, last time I looked at it
[10:57:40] justinh: that word.. documentation keeps cropping up
[10:59:33] oys: justinh: my bad. I've been reading various tutorials and browsing through the wiki. I'll have a readthrough.
[11:00:07] justinh: I was the weirdo who read the official docs quite a few times before even trying to install it
[11:01:19] oys: but from a beginner's point of view it's a little confusing. I installed mythbuntu as a master backend and checked off all the boxes to enable remote frontends
[11:02:15] oys: so I guess what I'm saying is that I couldn't find this in the mythbuntu documentation..
[11:02:26] oys: but thanks for all your help
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[11:09:00] justinh: isn't that the kind of thing the control center (sic) is supposed to help take care of?
[11:09:43] justinh: anyway.. all academic now ;)
[11:14:29] oys: justinh: yeah. had to look that up on wikipedia. it might be. I'm just starting out. mythbuntu also has a special install profile to apply to frontends. I just wanted to add mythfrontend to a system that was already up and running
[11:14:47] oys: in the end, it's a lot to wrap your head around when you're not familiar with the concepts
[11:28:21] dustybin: what is the preferred choice for hibernating a frontend:
[11:28:21] dustybin: hibernate-disk hibernate-ram
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[11:52:18] foo8ar: any os x users here?
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[11:54:33] clev: dustybin: hibernate-disk wont work on diskless systems, which covers nearly all of mine
[11:54:43] clev: and in general any form of hibernate/sleep/standby ends in a coma for any of my linux systems, and i havent bothered testing it often or fixing
[11:55:17] jblack: dustybin: So, if you end up owning clev's machines, give up hibernate. :)
[11:55:21] ldiamondd (ldiamondd! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:55:30] jblack: What is hibernate-ram, anyways?
[11:55:42] clev: jblack: im guessing its just another term for suspend to ram
[11:55:43] jblack: Is that a funny way of saying suspend?
[11:55:53] directhex: STR, yeah
[11:56:04] clev: last i checked, its all triggered by writing a key word to a /proc/ file
[11:56:06] dustybin: i cannot work this out
[11:56:16] clev: and wraping it with scripts that repair the system
[11:56:22] dustybin: since ive installed some ACPI bits, when i start my frontend
[11:56:26] dustybin: it says this
[11:56:40] dustybin: GLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.
[11:56:40] dustybin: QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.
[11:56:47] dustybin: repeated
[11:56:57] dustybin: i tried re-compiling, but the same thing happens
[11:56:57] jblack: dustybin: hibernate-ram, if your system can handle suspend. It'll save almost as much energy, and it'll come back very quick. Suspend-disk will take much longer to come up. Possibly longer than boot, but at does work everywhere.
[11:56:58] clev: for example saving/restoring the vbe status or stoping services that dont like sleep
[11:57:31] jblack: Provided you _have_ a disk, or nbd.
[11:57:44] kslater (kslater! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:57:44] clev: jblack: pretty much every form of power saving ends in a coma (never wakes up) last time i checked
[11:58:04] clev: jblack: i also cant get swap on nbd, i beleive it locks up solid
[11:58:05] dustybin: can suspend to ram corrupt your system?
[11:58:26] clev: only if your ram is bad i would guess
[11:58:27] jblack: Sorry to hear your bad luck. I have 6 different systems and 5 different models, and suspend works on all of them.
[11:58:51] clev: jblack: it could just be bugs in ubuntu, ive done several dist-upgrades and reinstalls since i last tried it
[11:59:01] clev: it sounds like fun to test suspend to ram without a harddrive
[11:59:06] clev: instant resumes
[11:59:11] jblack: dustybin: Some drivers can handle it poorly, particularly some 802.11 chipsets.
[11:59:27] clev: im not using my wifi anymore
[11:59:33] justinh: can people please address nicks on my ignore list directly so I don't see this stuff? :P
[11:59:34] dustybin: 2008-09–29 12:55:40.454 No theme dir: /home/mythtv/.mythtv/themes/MePo-wide
[11:59:37] dustybin: QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current.
[11:59:40] dustybin: QImage::convertDepth: Image is a null image
[11:59:42] dustybin: QPixmap: Invalid pixmap parameters
[11:59:44] dustybin: what the hell is all that about
[11:59:47] dustybin: QPainter::begin: Cannot paint null pixmap
[12:00:09] laga: dustybin: please don't flood
[12:00:12] clev: justinh: you could just remove the ignore after a few days but your too much of an ass to do so:P
[12:00:23] jblack: justinh: Better yet, I'll join you on ignoring both of 'em.
[12:00:39] clev: i feel safer insulting him when im on his ignore:P
[12:01:12] jblack: No I'm bored.
[12:01:15] jblack: Now, that is.
[12:01:54] justinh: better to see a screenful of silence than whiffling on about fuck all IMHO
[12:01:54] clev: how would i 'properly' send a linux system into str from CLI
[12:02:06] clev: ive only ever seen it in the gnome logout menu
[12:02:38] jblack: I wish bloomberg had a /ignore for GWB. =)
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[12:53:28] justinh: so, it turned out that the machine I've been trying to help somebody install loonix on all day has a pc chips motherboard inside. if only I'
[12:53:37] justinh: I'd known that before starting out
[12:53:51] justinh: no bloody wonder nothing works
[12:54:42] hashbang: justinh: heh, PC Chips are on my shitlist too.
[12:56:25] justinh: system was locking up at random points all over. heatsink felt a bit warm even for an athlon system. popped the HSF off – the guy admits he couldn't find any compound so had used 'plastic metal' "without any hardening catalyst though!". I'm gonna need a new trout
[12:56:43] hashbang: justinh: FFS!
[12:57:17] justinh: I was tempted to ask him if he frequents any IRC channels & if so what his nick is..
[12:57:40] laga: heh
[12:58:09] Dibbla1 (Dibbla1! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:58:19] justinh: and then it turns out that the machine isn't even technically his, it's his (paying) customer's
[12:58:33] justinh: ain't fixing that for a freebie
[12:58:42] hashbang: justinh: I sometimes get mocked for my ultra-conservative HW choices (Asus or Gigabyte Intel mobos) but I've never had difficulty getting a distro working, or random crashing
[12:58:48] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:59:02] hashbang: justinh: don't blame ya.
[12:59:22] justinh: I'll give him fecking teletext inserter
[12:59:58] directhex: pc chips. motherboards so bad ECS don't want their name attached to them
[13:00:42] hashbang: directhex: hehe, yeah
[13:01:05] hashbang: directhex: I did read, sadly, that ECS does some of the design and manufacture for other companies, mind...
[13:01:20] directhex: duh. they're the 4th biggest player in the mobo market
[13:01:32] hashbang: I'm intrigued as to how companies with such shit reputations never improve
[13:01:46] hashbang: is it where they station all their new intake of engineers, or something?
[13:01:51] justinh: hashbang: people will always want to buy bottom dollar hardware
[13:02:09] kslater: justinh: bottom dollar everything
[13:02:11] hashbang: justinh: yeah, but even so, you'd think an organisation would learn from its mistakes and improve eventually
[13:02:12] directhex: qtec ultra exploding power supplies of flaming doom? zomg, 650w, it must be good!
[13:02:22] kslater: cars, tv's, electronics, food
[13:02:28] hashbang: justinh: not /everything/ is down to just buying bottom-of-the-range components
[13:02:34] justinh: hashbang: you'd think, wouldn't you? ;)
[13:03:14] hashbang: justinh: I mean, I can understand shipping a developed product in spite of its flaws, just to get some payback and cashflow
[13:03:17] justinh: first time I ever saw a pc chips motherboard you know what my first thought was? It wasn't "ugh no, not pc chips", it was more "wtf kind of name is pc chips?"
[13:03:34] hashbang: justinh: heh – the smell check. ;-)
[13:04:02] kslater: what are some good quality motherboard manufacturers?
[13:04:06] justinh: ooo look – the board is made from SRBP. tasty!
[13:04:38] hashbang: justinh: the two things that really got my goat with PC Chips were the empty plastic L2 cache "static ram" packages on 486-era boards, and the rip-offs of various Intel chipsets (VXpro, and suchlike)
[13:04:45] directhex: kslater, personally i like little companies for my board. generally the big name companies people respect are asus, abit, gigabyte
[13:04:54] hashbang: kslater: Asus, Gigabyte are pretty safe bets
[13:05:08] hashbang: kslater: and Intel, of course
[13:05:16] justinh: never had any issues with gigabyte (even the via chipset AMD boards) . my current frontend is on a rather nice aopen
[13:05:17] laga: i don't like gigabyte's customer support
[13:05:25] directhex: laga, agreed
[13:05:29] kslater: I think my latest box (built from low cost components) has a Gigabyte board
[13:05:34] directhex: laga, especially the "no Linux support evar" bit
[13:05:42] justinh: 1. buy board. 2. if board no worky, take board back. do not expect results from customer service
[13:05:54] laga: they couldn't tell me how to change the primary VGA card from PCI to PCIe. FFS! you need to hit ctrl+f1 to see that options
[13:05:54] hashbang: kslater: after that, Foxconn, MSI, Albatron
[13:06:06] directhex: i used to have an ass-kicking albatron board
[13:06:10] kslater: but I almost ordered an Intel mobo the other day and it was limited to 2G of total RAM. What's up with that? 2 slots and 2G total?
[13:06:18] laga: my master backend has an albatron board
[13:06:25] justinh: kslater: heh my laptop is limited to 2G total
[13:06:35] directhex: teh silvers! . . . 54e_full.jpg
[13:06:41] directhex: kslater, atom?
[13:06:50] hashbang: oh, Tyan are good, but pretty hard to find, at least in the UK. Generally high-end only, too.
[13:06:52] kslater: no, it was a Socket 775
[13:07:08] hashbang: Supermicro /can/ be OK
[13:07:14] directhex: aopen?
[13:07:17] kslater: err, had support for Core 2 dual or quad
[13:07:29] directhex: aopen & asus are the only companies still trying new things in the market
[13:07:41] directhex: aopen less so, these days
[13:07:50] kslater: must have been some sort of closeout, I even went to Intel's site to double check as I figured it must just be a typo
[13:07:58] directhex: but aopen had a motherboard with valve-based amping on nforce 2 audio.
[13:08:05] justinh: roflmao
[13:08:07] directhex: valve!
[13:08:07] hashbang: directhex: Gigabyte too – things like their non-electrolytic capacitor and dual BIOS things are good for longevity.
[13:08:16] directhex: hashbang, not exciting though is it
[13:08:29] hashbang: directhex: nope, boring, but useful and 'new'
[13:08:36] justinh: so? only ricer boyz want 'exciting'
[13:08:39] directhex: hashbang, asus had dual-xeon gaming boards years ago. these days they have consumer desktop boards with pci-x and dual gpu!
[13:08:54] justinh: I do not care a flying fig if the board doesn't have neon chaser lights embedded in it
[13:09:02] ** hashbang is with justinh **
[13:09:17] directhex: justinh, . . . be-board.jpg
[13:09:27] justinh: I also couldn't give a shite what colour the board & its sockets are, nor whether or not it's UV reactive
[13:09:37] hashbang: stable, expandable, decent performance, decent VFM are my priorities
[13:09:52] directhex: justinh, i don't want glowing orange uv-reactive, i want interesting. otherwise how does one company differentiate? if there are 30 boards with the same chipset andf slots...
[13:10:04] justinh: bwahahahahahahahahaha.. is that real?
[13:10:12] directhex: justinh, you bet your arse!
[13:10:23] directhex: . . . pen-tube.jpg
[13:11:55] directhex:
[13:12:05] justinh: so, using valves is good even if you get the HV psu from a really cheap switch-mode stepper? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
[13:12:58] directhex: at least it's trying something different!
[13:13:01] directhex: or was
[13:13:01] laga: not sure if you want valves in your computer at all due to EM noise
[13:13:25] justinh: laga: or vibration for that matter. microphony & all that
[13:15:42] justinh: directhex: well yeah I spose give em points for 'unnovation', daring to do something 'different' even if it is a bit useless
[13:16:07] directhex: justinh, precisely!
[13:16:07] justinh: how about.. a modern motherboard with a tv tuner backplane? :)
[13:16:13] directhex: madness in the face of boredom! i like it!
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[13:22:03] Neeesat2 (Neeesat2! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:22:08] Neeesat2: hello to all
[13:22:54] javatexan (javatexan!n=aars@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:23:36] Neeesat2: I have problems running mkv files 1080p due to CPU cause NVIDIA dont support xvmc on 8 and 9 series of cards. I am planning to upgrade my MB and CPU but I would like to ask which is the best CPU to use for 1080p?
[13:23:51] directhex: wrongness.
[13:24:04] justinh: you have problems because xvmc is useless for anything other than mpeg2 anyway
[13:24:13] directhex: firstly, your mkv files would be pirated down-sampled blu-ray rips
[13:24:26] directhex: secondly, they are h.264, whereas xvmc only supports mpeg2
[13:24:26] Neeesat2: Any recomentation for CPU?
[13:24:30] directhex: core2.
[13:24:39] directhex: 2.3ghx or so.
[13:24:42] Neeesat2: E8400 or Q6600?
[13:24:50] javatexan (javatexan!n=aars@ has quit (Client Quit)
[13:24:57] directhex: more if you want to play real 1080p material at some point, not just down-sampled rips
[13:25:07] laga: hum, ubuntu-vm-builder is probably useful for testing trunk
[13:25:18] directhex: i'd go for the e8400
[13:25:34] Neeesat2: Thanks directhex
[13:25:43] directhex: the q6600 is better on paper, but some rips can't be split across multiple cpus very well, so better off with the faster per-core speed in those cases
[13:26:31] Neeesat2: so E8400 or E8500 is the best solution today?
[13:26:52] directhex: IMHO
[13:28:05] Neeesat2: I am using AMD dual core 4600+ but I have 99.7% usage of my CPU
[13:28:34] directhex: amd chips are worse at floating point operations than intel chips
[13:29:55] Neeesat2: Any recomentation to play 1080p files?
[13:30:04] directhex: MOAR MHZ
[13:30:06] Neeesat2: I use mplayer in mythtv
[13:30:11] justinh: '1080p' meaning dodgy downloaded clips
[13:30:13] directhex: and like i said, "1080p" is meaningless
[13:30:25] justinh: 1080p meaning lower than the original bitrate
[13:30:36] directhex: "1080p" just means "1920x1080", it says nothing about the codec used to encode it, or how cpu-intensive it will be
[13:30:50] directhex: bitrates. encoding types. codecs.
[13:31:08] ** justinh plays 1080p mkv files on his Sinclair ZX81 – okay so they're only 200bps, single sliced... **
[13:40:42] Neeesat2: Is it also a matter of filesize of mkv?
[13:40:51] justinh: nope
[13:41:13] justinh: bitrate, codec, encoding method...
[13:41:25] Neeesat2: I have some files that gives no problems but some else lots of freezings
[13:41:30] Neeesat2: both at 1080p
[13:41:37] directhex: "1080p" just means "1920x1080", it says nothing about the codec used to encode it, or how cpu-intensive it will be
[13:41:39] directhex: bitrates. encoding types. codecs.
[13:41:50] Neeesat2: oh
[13:42:04] Neeesat2: so it's a matter of encoder?
[13:42:23] justinh: it's a matter of the things directhex and me have already told you twice
[13:42:26] Dibblah (Dibblah! has joined #mythtv-users
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[13:42:48] GreyFoxx: One issue I've run into is that mkv's generated by handbrake often done have proper cue (index) info, so it makes skipping around in the file not work correctly with the ffmpeg decoder. running them through mkvmerge once to rebuild the file and cue without any transcoding fixes that
[13:43:14] directhex: GreyFoxx LIVES!
[13:43:22] quicksilver: GreyFoxx =~ s/done/don't/;
[13:43:24] GreyFoxx: I am immortal
[13:43:29] GreyFoxx: quick: Right
[13:43:55] Penfold (Penfold!n=mikewh@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Penfold) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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[13:47:07] Dibblah: Arf. And now I've started talking in #mythtv instead of #mythtv-users. See what I get myself into? :)
[13:47:32] clev: lol:)
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[13:48:37] Neeesat2: Thanks for the info
[13:49:01] justinh: anyway, I know I've slipped up a few times committing things when I should technically be doing something else. help to try & keep a lid on that
[13:49:05] corrr: hi...i have a problem when i try to play some avi files with the internal player, the audio won't seems to be only on those avis with weird audio sampling rates
[13:49:23] corrr: the frontend log says AudioOutput Error: Unable to get period size for playback: Invalid argument
[13:49:34] corrr: and... AudioOutput Error: Unable to set ALSA parameters
[13:49:36] justinh: corrr: or codecs your player doesn't support
[13:50:01] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[13:50:05] Neeesat2 (Neeesat2! has quit ()
[13:50:31] Dibblah: Don't think that's a codec issue.
[13:50:44] corrr: justinh: log says AFD: Opened codec 0x87420b0, id(MP3) type(Audio)
[13:50:48] Dibblah: What's the soundcard?
[13:51:05] corrr: only happens with weird sampling rates... log says: Opening audio device 'default'. ch 2(2) sr 24000
[13:51:14] justinh: 24khz? EEEEEEEEEEEW
[13:51:20] corrr: tell me about it
[13:51:28] Dibblah: corrr: Anyway, AFAIK, that should be worked around in trunk.
[13:51:43] corrr: Dibblah: hmm good question...the crappy onboard one! let me see if i can find something specific
[13:52:06] justinh: serves you right for relying on a retard to encode the files I say :P
[13:52:29] corrr: i was hoping there was some workaround to upconvert it on the fly
[13:52:55] justinh: you could probably demux & remux the files, converting the audio track as you go
[13:53:13] justinh: messy, though and for 0 benefit other than working round the problem
[13:53:56] ** directhex always wondered why pirate videos came with 192k cbr mp3 tracks instead of 188k stereo ac3 from the original media **
[13:54:28] justinh: quite
[13:54:38] corrr: Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 02)
[13:54:40] koala_man: maybe it obscures audio fingerprinting techniques? (riiight)
[13:56:07] justinh: if I was a pirate I'm not sure I'd be putting my name (even a pseudonym) all over the 'release
[13:57:59] directhex: boo @ taxman. 1/3 of my bonus, eaten by taxes
[13:58:15] directhex: and student loans
[13:58:19] directhex: and NI
[13:58:22] justinh: 2/3 of something is better than nowt
[13:58:23] directhex: and a parking permit
[13:58:28] directhex: well, yes
[13:58:36] directhex: i feel less guilty about buying wifeypants a laptop
[13:58:51] directhex: though now i get the orgasmic joy of learning about Linpus Linux Lite
[13:59:08] justinh: here they say "oh target not met, so no bonuses" when the same day we get emails advising us about how well the company F2 racing effort is going :-\
[13:59:28] justinh: resentful.. us? heh
[13:59:33] ** jblack taxis around guantanamo bay NAS in a cessna **
[13:59:34] directhex: i find being an unstoppable sexpot helps
[14:00:11] laga: too much information
[14:00:14] justinh: hey no.. working here is bonus enough (barf)
[14:00:47] directhex: damn straight!
[14:01:30] TapoutMMA (TapoutMMA! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:01:48] justinh: anyway in the current climate it's pretty fortunate to still have a well paid job, bonus or not
[14:02:30] justinh: this company needs another 9/11. did wonders for trade, that
[14:02:39] laga: the world doesn't.
[14:02:50] directhex: so just tell all your american associates to vote mccain
[14:03:06] justinh: directhex: word on the street is they're all right behind him anyway
[14:03:29] justinh: somebody sniffs DHS contract work
[14:03:43] justinh: oops did I just say that out loud?
[14:03:48] directhex: justinh, a senile liar IS the face of america. excelsior to him!
[14:06:48] foo8ar: any os x users out there?
[14:06:48] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:07:03] directhex: millions, apparently
[14:07:08] foo8ar: mm true
[14:07:23] foo8ar: speficically using myth as an frontend?
[14:07:28] justinh: it's a fanboy's job but somebody's got to do it
[14:08:01] justinh: oops. I used to be a linux fanboy. hush my mouth
[14:08:52] directhex: macos sucks. use BeOS!
[14:09:02] laga: oh FFS!
[14:09:13] laga: ubuntu-vm-builder has an option to build VMs for virtualbox.
[14:09:18] laga: it's just not implemented.
[14:09:27] directhex: laga sucks. use BeOS!
[14:10:40] corrr: FYI: i solved the issue by modifying asound.conf and fixing the sampling rate, as shown here:
[14:11:11] corrr: although the 24khz sounds a little tinny now ;) thanks for the tips guys...
[14:11:58] justinh: well, if you like all your audio to sound like the way the aliens in the original miniseries of 'V' spoke... resample audio without filtering it
[14:12:13] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:12:24] ** directhex kidnaps justinh, freezes him for food **
[14:14:26] lyricnz is now known as lyricnzzzzzzzzzz
[14:15:54] justinh: yay for this components database which loads the whole database into memory for er.. efficiency
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[14:33:11] L-----D (L-----D!n=L-----D@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:35:56] L-----D: hi, is there an Chinese UI for this
[14:37:15] justinh: don't think so, no
[14:40:04] L-----D: justinh, thanks, so is it possible to make the translation?
[14:40:31] justinh: it's probably possible, yes. I'm told it's not hard to translate mythtv
[14:41:11] L-----D: justinh, yeah, I can see there are many translation
[14:41:37] Eypone (Eypone! has quit ()
[14:41:37] L-----D: justinh, but Chinese is double byte work, is there any problem with that?
[14:41:44] justinh: your English seems fine to me ;)
[14:42:12] laga: no, if your fonts support it..
[14:42:37] justinh: L-----D: there are arabic translation files, so I doubt chinese would be a problem
[14:43:31] L-----D: OK, sound cool
[14:43:46] L-----D: is there any translator guide I can follow?
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[14:46:21] RyeBrye: LCD panels + myth = awesome
[14:46:57] linuxwanabe_ (linuxwanabe_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:47:10] GreyFoxx: Muchbetter with dvi/hdmi than regular old tvout :)
[14:47:27] Tapout (Tapout! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:47:29] laga: yeah.
[14:47:52] Penfold (Penfold!n=mikewh@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Penfold) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:49:15] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:50:02] RyeBrye: Well – yes LCD panels for display – but also the little LCD panels for LCDproc useage
[14:50:06] justinh: how bad are people's experiences with CRT TVs that LCD seems so superior?
[14:50:37] RyeBrye: I actually have a DLP right now, so I can't speak to the LCD experience – but I really like the DLP
[14:50:55] justinh: I cast a critical eye over my frontend's TV out at the weekend & for my own use, with 99.9% SDTV I can't fault it
[14:52:06] RyeBrye: Yeah. Once I upgraded to an HDTV, I started watching random shows I never would have watched before – just because they were in HD
[14:53:20] justinh: that must be the explanation of why so many people got into Lost
[14:53:24] RyeBrye: Yeah. Once I upgraded to an HDTV, I started watching random shows I never would have watched before – just because they were in HD
[14:53:33] justinh: "muhh, but it's aitch deee!"
[14:53:36] RyeBrye: Hmmmmm.... Something isn't quite right here
[14:53:55] RyeBrye: Is there a way to tell what exactly is causing the load average to go up – I know it's not my CPU because it's 95% idle
[14:54:05] justinh: US shows look much better on UK TV when the source is HD :)
[14:54:06] RyeBrye: but I've got load averages of 1.13 1.19 1.23
[14:54:34] GreyFoxx: Are you actually watching a show ?
[14:54:37] RyeBrye: I guess it would have to be hard drive IO probably, right? It's recording 2 shows right now off of an HDHR
[14:54:41] RyeBrye: no, just looking at system status
[14:54:47] GreyFoxx: a load of 1.x isn't high :)
[14:54:54] GreyFoxx: juts run top on the box
[14:55:00] GreyFoxx: it should show you the busiest processes
[14:55:06] RyeBrye: Busies process was 8% CPU
[14:55:17] RyeBrye: It's a core2quad runnng at 3.66 Ghz
[14:55:33] L-----D (L-----D!n=L-----D@ has quit ("Leaving")
[14:55:43] RyeBrye: I"ve got 8 gigs of RAM – and right now it's using 17 megs of swap... which is a little concerning to me
[14:56:04] RyeBrye: 'cause I don't see how it could possibly be using all the RAM for something worthwhile that it would have to spill over into swap
[14:56:18] GreyFoxx: linux swaps out idle processes, regardless of how much ram is in use
[14:56:21] RyeBrye: ok
[14:56:28] GreyFoxx: and makes that ram available for busy app use
[14:56:31] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:56:33] GreyFoxx: and file caching
[14:56:45] justinh: get MOAR RAMS & use them as swap :D
[14:56:51] RyeBrye: :D
[14:57:13] justinh: (*and other crazy ideas courtesy of ****)
[14:57:28] directhex: nipple.
[14:58:40] RyeBrye: Does network IO influence load average? I don't imagine the HDHomeRun would be saturating a 100Mbit network – and since it only has a 100Mbit connector on it putting it on a gigabit switch wouldn't have much advantage
[14:59:00] GreyFoxx: no
[14:59:22] RyeBrye: Ok. It's just Disk IO and CPU? (I didn't even know Disk IO influenced load average until last night)
[14:59:32] justinh: averages being what they are, it can take a long time for them to settle down to really low values
[15:00:27] Penfold (Penfold!n=mikewh@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Penfold) has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:05:10] RyeBrye: I just installed sysstat and checked it out – seems like my drive isn't being overworked right now... but based on what I read on the wikipedia it sounds like linux treats processes that are blocked waiting for IO as a waiting instruction
[15:06:09] RyeBrye: and right now, I think the way that LCDd is implemented is that it spits something out, and blocks IO while it waits or osmething – so perhaps the LCDd is just making my load average read higher than it should be with my disk only being 9.6% busy and my CPU bing 95.59% idle
[15:06:25] ** RyeBrye goes back to not being worried about his new build **
[15:15:44] dustybin: i need to upgrade the kernel on my PXE frontend
[15:15:51] dustybin: ive copied the relevant files into tftp
[15:16:00] dustybin: however im not sure how these were created:
[15:16:12] dustybin: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2008-09–14 20:17 nbi.img -> nbi.img-2.6.26-1–486
[15:16:15] dustybin: -r--r--r-- 1 root root 5646356 2008-09–14 20:17 nbi.img-2.6.26-1–486
[15:16:18] dustybin: i need the 686 versions
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[16:10:38] fish_: can i use a 0.21 frontend with a 0.22 backend?
[16:10:43] fish_: i guess not, right?
[16:10:55] laga: you can't
[16:11:28] fish_: ok
[16:11:51] dustybin: what a bastard of a day
[16:12:01] dustybin: all i did was install acpi
[16:12:07] dustybin: and it fucked up my whole frontend
[16:12:25] dustybin: now installing from scratch
[16:12:39] laga: backups? ;)
[16:12:51] dustybin: the backup is too old
[16:12:55] dustybin: might as well install again
[16:13:14] dustybin: laga: can the frontend use the same database settings?
[16:13:19] laga: yes
[16:13:22] laga: use the same host name
[16:13:23] dustybin: how does it know what the frontend is?
[16:13:37] dustybin: via IP ?
[16:13:55] javatexan (javatexan! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:14:16] dustybin: or hostname
[16:14:21] laga: h-o-s-t name
[16:14:36] dustybin: ok thanks
[16:16:10] dustybin: today i thought to myself, lets get acpi working, then have a break from computers
[16:16:20] dustybin: now im reinstalling from scratch
[16:17:07] laga: have a break from computers? never gonna happen ;)
[16:17:13] dustybin: there is a problem with the mythtv svn i downloaded last night
[16:17:24] dustybin: the same error happened on 2 machines
[16:17:42] dustybin: when you launch the frontend, the background appears
[16:17:54] dustybin: but nothing else
[16:18:17] laga: trunk?
[16:18:20] dustybin: and a long list of shit goes the terminal
[16:18:21] dustybin: fixes
[16:18:24] dustybin: .21
[16:19:01] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:19:05] fish_: laga: is there a plan to have some kind of 'stable' protocol between front- and backend?
[16:19:48] laga: dustybin: install msttcorefonts?
[16:19:56] dustybin: yep done that
[16:19:59] laga: fish_: there is some discussion on mythtv-dev happening right now
[16:20:20] laga: dustybin: try a different theme? mythfrontend --reset? that will reset all of your UI settings, tho
[16:20:53] fish_: laga: hehe ;)
[16:21:52] dustybin: laga: this is the error
[16:21:53] dustybin:
[16:22:06] dustybin: happened on 2x seperate boxes
[16:22:20] laga: try a different theme ;)
[16:23:00] dustybin: laga: that worked
[16:23:13] dustybin: thanks
[16:26:11] Penfold (Penfold!n=mikewh@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Penfold) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:29:07] bronson (bronson! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:30:46] dustybin: opengl + mepo no longer works :-)
[16:30:49] dustybin: :-(
[16:31:11] dustybin: it works with qt
[16:31:34] linuxwanabe (linuxwanabe! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:35:26] iamlindoro_: Possibly because MePo is a big shitgasm
[16:37:43] craftyguy (craftyguy!n=mr_c@nat/intel/x-504a51b98078837e) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:37:45] craftyguy: howdy
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[16:41:44] levander (levander! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:42:07] levander: Can you not check program listings on the schedules direct web site?
[16:42:25] Anduin: levander: correct
[16:42:33] craftyguy: does anyone have one of those PCHDTV-5500 cards?
[16:42:55] levander: Anduin: that sux
[16:43:13] Anduin: levander: why do you want to?
[16:43:24] levander: Some web sites let you do it for free. You'd think for $20 a year...
[16:43:30] levander: Anduin: Say I'm at work...
[16:43:33] laga: use mythweb ;)
[16:43:53] levander: laga: You know that's not a point and click solution, there are complications.
[16:44:01] levander: But, really the reason I wanted to check today.
[16:44:15] iamlindoro_: mythweb seems pretty point and click to me
[16:44:17] laga: and mythtv is a point and click solution?
[16:44:21] levander: Some programs came down in the guide data without subtitles or description.
[16:44:33] levander: laga: For me, with mythbuntu, it pretty much was.
[16:44:53] Anduin: levander: check other sites, zap2it still exists
[16:44:53] laga: mythweb is point & click there as well
[16:45:02] laga: unless something breaks mysql.txt which can happen
[16:45:38] levander: So, I wanted to check these programs in the guide data on the web site. And, see if they had been updated there. So, if they were updated on the web site, then I would know my myth box isn't updating guide data that is updated after it is initially published.
[16:45:47] iamlindoro_: SD's job is to provide XML listings compatible with a variety of EPG and DVR systems. That's what you pay for, and that's what you get. SD will also not give you a pony.
[16:46:09] levander: laga, come on, but remote access to it isn't, i have to consider security issues in remote access, right now, no one can get in remotely and i like it that way
[16:46:25] levander: iamlindoro_: Okay, thanks for the PR.
[16:46:25] laga: you can't blame mythbuntu for that ;)
[16:46:34] GreyFoxx: lev: htaccess passwords, and a selfsigned SSL certificate will keep anyone out
[16:46:39] levander: laga: I don't. I blame schedules direct.
[16:46:45] GreyFoxx: Otherwise a bpn client such as openvpn
[16:46:48] GreyFoxx: err vpn
[16:46:59] GreyFoxx: I actually do both myself
[16:47:00] levander: GreyFoxx: Yeah, but I don't want to screw with all that. I'm not an admin and don't want to become one.
[16:47:00] iamlindoro_: SD isn't a Web TV guide. Why should it have to be??
[16:47:04] laga: levander: are you going to sue them for that pony? i want one, too
[16:47:18] iamlindoro_: That's not what they do. That's not what they offered, that's not what you pay for.
[16:47:38] levander: iamlindoro_: They've already got all the technology in place, it would be very easy for them to become one. Especially considering they are providing information others are giving away for free.
[16:47:43] laga: on a more helpful note, you can pull down the guide data using xmltv and display it with some xmltv app.
[16:47:56] levander: iamlindoro_: YOu are a particularly stubborn and motivated PR guy for SD.
[16:48:09] levander: laga: Yeah, I may do that later. Thanks.
[16:48:11] iamlindoro_: levander: They're not charging you to spite you, you know. They charge you because that's what it costs them to *get* the info legally.
[16:48:44] laga: levander: there is even some XSLT thing which will run entirely in your browser (provided that you feed it the xmltv data)
[16:49:05] GreyFoxx: Eventually there might be able interface added to your SD login to let you view data from your listings setups. But there is nothing like that in place now
[16:49:25] levander: iamlindoro_: There's another service that is offering the data for less which is just as small a startup. But, it's being locked out of the mythtv sources (well, similar to how Schedule Direct is in the sources) by the MythTV developers for political reasons.
[16:49:27] ** iamlindoro_ wonders when his SD royalty checks will begin to arrive, since apparently levander thinks he works for them. **
[16:49:38] levander: iamlindoro_: I don't buy that that they're charging at cost for a second.
[16:49:38] iamlindoro_: levander: Huh?
[16:49:39] laga: levander: HAHAHAHA
[16:49:46] iamlindoro_: Nobody is locked out of the mythtv sources
[16:49:48] GreyFoxx: levan: Such as who ? Cause I can tell you that's a load of crap
[16:49:50] laga: we've got a troll
[16:50:06] GreyFoxx: levan: If anyone makes a xmltv compatible grabber it will work with myth, period
[16:50:07] iamlindoro_: They're a small startup, not the SD megacorporation
[16:50:39] levander: iamlindoro_: I forget the name of the project, he could modify the sources himself, but he doesn't think it's worth the effort unless it gets distributed with the myth sources.
[16:50:42] GreyFoxx: And I hope you aren't referring to that other listings company that sold their software off, and stopped selling listings months ago ?
[16:51:00] levander: laga: I'm really not trolling. I'm surprised what I'm saying is meeting such resistance.
[16:51:07] GreyFoxx: Levan: If he made a working grabber for xmltv he could submit it to them
[16:51:13] levander: GreyFoxx: They sold out? I didn't know that.
[16:51:17] GreyFoxx: And you are talking about ctpvr
[16:51:23] GreyFoxx: they stopped doing listings
[16:51:33] GreyFoxx: the guy was UPSET that the mythtv devs weren't writing his grabber for him
[16:51:35] laga: levander: AFAIK, there has never been a patch submitted against mythtv. so, stop spreading FUD.
[16:51:37] levander: GreyFoxx: He offered to pay someone to write one, and he was bitched at by lead developers on the Myth mailing list.
[16:51:38] GreyFoxx: cause he was unable to write it himself
[16:51:39] noaxess_kubuntu (noaxess_kubuntu! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:51:45] noaxess_kubuntu: hi all
[16:51:56] levander: GreyFoxx: Told to stop posting on it.
[16:52:04] GreyFoxx: levan: Baloney :)
[16:52:19] noaxess_kubuntu: i have opened a thread to my problem with the saa7146 card..
[16:52:24] GreyFoxx: Anyone can freely make any xmltv compatible grabber they like
[16:52:27] noaxess_kubuntu: if anybody can help/reply.. thanks
[16:52:28] GreyFoxx: and has nothing to do with mythtv
[16:52:37] levander: GreyFoxx: I'll come back in with the links later if you want to see it. I complained to the guy about not supporting myth, and he sent me a link to his attempts.
[16:52:51] GreyFoxx: Robert (head of xmltv) will accept any grabber that doesn't violate a sites TV&V
[16:53:05] GreyFoxx: err T&C
[16:53:07] bfirsh (bfirsh! has quit ()
[16:53:16] levander: GreyFoxx: Yes, they can. And, he could have distributed it himself. He just didn't think people would use it in numbers so he could make money off his service unless it was included with the Myth sources distribution.
[16:53:32] GreyFoxx: he didn't need to distribute it himself is what I am saying
[16:53:41] levander: GreyFoxx: There's no sense arguing about it if you're not going to believe me. I'll try to send links later for you.
[16:53:45] GreyFoxx: he could have done it and submitted it to xmltv
[16:53:55] iamlindoro_: Myth would also likely accept a patch for another grabber following those same terms and conditions... but nobody is going to write it for him.
[16:54:06] levander: Is xmltv part of the myth sources? Or, it's a separate project?
[16:54:07] GreyFoxx: levan: And one thing to remember, that just cause someone posts on -dev doesn't make them a mythtv developer
[16:54:24] levander: GreyFoxx: I recognized the name. It was a lead developer.
[16:54:28] GreyFoxx: leva: It's a seperate project that has grabbers for the rest of the world, and including north america
[16:54:44] levander: But, there's no sense arguing. YOu guys aren't going to believe me just cause I say it. I'll look for links later ofr you guys.
[16:54:47] levander: I'm busy now.
[16:54:47] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:54:47] GreyFoxx: If you are not in NA, and not using EIT you are using xmltv :)
[16:55:04] levander: GreyFoxx: Is that project included in the mythtv distribution?
[16:55:18] GreyFoxx: No, we have no control over xmltv in anyway
[16:55:25] GreyFoxx: they ru ntheir own ship
[16:55:31] GreyFoxx: and we just make sure we are compatible with them
[16:55:35] GreyFoxx: they are the original standard
[16:55:37] laga: xmltv support is there. just add an xmltv baseline compliant grabber and it'll be available in mythtv.
[16:55:45] levander: GreyFoxx: It was something along the lines of he wanted his service to be an option alongside the Schedules Direct option in the setup menus of Myth.
[16:56:01] iamlindoro_: Which XMLTV is,
[16:56:03] laga: that's what the ctpvr could have done even *if* the mythtv devs had told him off
[16:56:06] GreyFoxx: Which xmltv is
[16:56:07] levander: I'll send you guys a link later. There's no point to this.
[16:56:12] laga: SRSLY
[16:56:23] iamlindoro_: levander: apt-get install xmltv. The end. Then all those grabbers show up in mythtv-setup
[16:56:29] GreyFoxx: If you install XMLTV, then you can pick those grabbers from the mythtv-setup menus just like SD
[16:56:55] levander: GreyFoxx: Well, maybe the myth guys should have told him that when he attempted to cooperate with the project.
[16:57:01] levander: Rather than to chase him off.
[16:57:04] iamlindoro_: Jesus fuck
[16:57:04] GreyFoxx: he was told, several times
[16:57:04] noaxess_kubuntu: is there a mythtv-status tray app for xfce or gnome or kde?
[16:57:10] GreyFoxx: hell, he came IN HERE and I told him that
[16:57:17] GreyFoxx: he came in #MYTHTV and we told him that
[16:57:24] levander: But, the point remains, he was offering the same data for less than Schedules Direct is. And, he wasn't a big corporation with money to spend.
[16:57:40] GreyFoxx: levan: SD is a couple of guyts running a nonprofit
[16:57:42] GreyFoxx: not a corporation
[16:57:57] laga: i hear SD sold WOMD to iraq
[16:58:02] levander: GreyFoxx: That's what I'm saying. CTPVR had no financial advantage over Schedule Direct.
[16:58:04] ** iamlindoro_ invades SD **
[16:58:59] GreyFoxx: And .....
[16:59:11] levander: And, it's very weird I come in here suggesting Schedules Direct offer a service they already completely have the technological backbone so it would be easy to do and everyone starts bitching, even calling me a troll. Makes me think there is something political going on.
[17:00:00] GreyFoxx: Right now SD is a proxy for the info coming from TMS. The data is not on their servers to serve directly as a webpage
[17:00:13] GreyFoxx: That is coming "soon" but as of right now it isn't that way
[17:03:57] GreyFoxx: The biggest diff between SD and the former CTPVR was , SD was formed as away to get the rest of us access to the expensive info at as low a cost as possible. CTPVR was a forprofit company that said NO when TMS asked if they would want to sell the data to mtyhtv users (could have been any number of reasons of course) but once he saw how popular SD became he tried to jump on the bandwagon
[17:05:36] levander: Jumping on the bandwagon is how business is.
[17:05:48] levander: I'm glad to hear Schedules Direct plans to offer that service.
[17:05:58] levander: No idea why that wasn't the answer when I initially asked.
[17:06:09] GreyFoxx: cause the people asking wouldn't know
[17:06:16] GreyFoxx: you are asing mythtv-users not SD
[17:06:29] GreyFoxx: I just happen to know more than some about SD ion particular
[17:06:47] levander: GreyFoxx: Even if they didn't know, it was a reasonable suggestion, no idea why people were in an uproar.
[17:07:02] laga: because you came in here demanding stuff *shrug*
[17:07:10] iamlindoro_: . . . oftware.html
[17:07:42] GreyFoxx: Because a viable option exists and you were rejecting it as you wanted it to be someone else problem and not yours :) We;'re DIY'ers and expect people to do some stuff themselves, especially if it's a minimal effort :)
[17:09:39] asmussen (asmussen! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:11:29] dustybin: i was >< that close to getting my frontend complete, h264 was playing nice and smooth, everything was setup perfectly, then wham bam, installing from scratch
[17:12:16] iamlindoro_: Nice job
[17:12:22] dustybin: i associated the frontend errors with problems with my nvidia settings
[17:12:26] dustybin: so i removed the nvidia driver
[17:12:37] dustybin: tried to put it back, then no matter what i tried, xorg would not start
[17:12:47] dustybin: no errors in xorg.0
[17:12:56] laga: you sure you just don't want ubuntu?
[17:12:59] iamlindoro_: That does *not* sound like a reinstall-worthy problem
[17:13:16] dustybin: then i thought i damaged my gfx card, so i booted a live cd and it worked ok
[17:13:25] dustybin: so i removed ALL of xorg and ALL of nvidia
[17:13:34] dustybin: try again, and still xorg wouldnt connect
[17:13:47] dustybin: then got angry and removed it all
[17:13:54] iamlindoro_: That "fwap" sound you hear is the sound of my palm meeting my forehead every time you do anything
[17:14:02] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[17:15:00] dustybin: i think it might be something to do with the fact my gfx card is PCI and i installed some powersaving stuff
[17:15:09] dustybin: what might of messed up the PCI bus
[17:15:35] dustybin: i dont know
[17:15:40] dustybin: but its gone now
[17:15:42] dustybin: :-(
[17:15:56] dustybin: it took me 2 weeks to setup my frontend, now its gone
[17:16:15] iamlindoro_: I think justinh has a special place in his heart for people who use the word "what" when they mean "that" or "which"
[17:16:36] iamlindoro_: Perhaps I'll ask him to drive over and explain it to you more clearly
[17:16:53] dustybin: heaven forbid
[17:17:18] iamlindoro_: heaven forbid you sound literate? Apparently so.
[17:18:02] laga: dustybin: next time, install etckeeper. it keeps a git repo of /etc and you can log every change. it hooks into apt and records these changes automatically. that way, it also logs which packages are new (although that probably only happens for packages which touch /etc/, dunno)
[17:18:22] dustybin: ok thanks
[17:18:49] laga: iamlindoro_: dustybin, clever and.. who was that other guy? have a few things in common: bad english and increased chances of blowing themselves up
[17:19:07] iamlindoro_: perlmonkey
[17:19:11] laga: yeah.
[17:19:16] iamlindoro_: hehe
[17:19:25] iamlindoro_: Sadly their numbers are only increasing
[17:19:26] clev: laga: the wires on my UPS did start melting....
[17:19:36] iamlindoro_: First it was just clever
[17:19:42] iamlindoro_: and clever begat dustybin
[17:19:47] laga: clev: and then?
[17:19:48] clev: lol
[17:19:51] iamlindoro_: and dustybin begat perlmonkey
[17:20:11] clev: laga: i think the resistive load caused a voltage drop, which led to the systems rebooting without warning
[17:20:30] clev: laga: i went in to check the voltage and noticed the wire sticking out of the side of the rubber boot
[17:20:49] clev: it heated up and melted a slot like a hot knife thru butter.
[17:20:50] laga: why did they start melting in the first place?
[17:21:01] clev: that wire was way too thin for the current
[17:21:09] ** laga cringes **
[17:21:14] clev: it was just a cheap jumper wire, carrying the whole current load
[17:21:45] clev: i now have proper wires with connectors crimped on the end and bolted to all the baterys
[17:21:56] clev: With a fuse connecting it all to the UPS.
[17:22:47] clev: i have ran 10 amps at 12 volts thru the system before when testing the UPS.
[17:23:04] clev: The tiny jumper wires had no trouble, but my volt meter was starting to heat up:P
[17:23:32] dustybin: im now leaving this seat until my frontend was working how it was before
[17:23:35] dustybin: not
[17:23:48] laga: i'm jealous of you guys
[17:23:53] craftyguy: does anyone have one of those PCHDTV-5500 cards?
[17:23:56] laga: you seem to spend the whole day blowing stuff up
[17:24:02] laga: don't you have to work or something?
[17:24:47] iamlindoro_: craftyguy: In the end, most cards work fundamentally the same-- why not ask your question instead of polling for volunteers?
[17:25:32] dustybin: does anybody have one of those brains what work?
[17:25:36] craftyguy: iamlindoro, because I'm looking for user experiences with these cards. I've noticed people on the PCHDTV forums were having problems with them when they were first released
[17:25:40] iamlindoro_: laga: He will proudly tell you how he has no rent, no credit cards, no girlfriend, no job, and lives with his sister
[17:25:58] iamlindoro_: craftyguy: They are great cards, with no real issues to speak of
[17:26:26] asmussen: craftyguy: I used to have one of those, and it worked great for a while, but then at some point I just stopped being able to tune any channels with it. Switched to a hdhomerun and have never looked back.
[17:26:43] craftyguy: iamlindoro, also having trouble justifying the nearly 2x in cost for one of these cards (over a dvico fusion5 for example)
[17:27:28] clev: asmussen: im looking at maybe getting a hdhomerun, about how much space does it consume/hour on average?
[17:27:41] craftyguy: asmussen, thanks for the information. did you have one of the earlier revs of this card?
[17:28:29] asmussen: craftyguy: I'm not sure what rev I have, but it very well could have been an early rev.
[17:28:46] clev: asmussen: the rev# is normaly shown in lspci
[17:28:55] dustybin: Updating /var/lib/tftpboot directories for chroot: /opt/ltsp/i386
[17:28:55] dustybin: info: LTSP client installation completed successfully
[17:28:59] dustybin: here we go again..
[17:29:02] asmussen: clev: I don't even have the card installed any more. It's in a box somewhere.
[17:29:16] clev: ahh, then that makes it simpler to just look at it:P
[17:29:32] asmussen: clev: It does if I could remember which box it was in... I just moved 3 weeks ago... :P
[17:29:39] clev: ahhh
[17:31:15] RyeBrye: Wow. my new machine is commflagging a 1080i mpeg2ts at 342 fps
[17:31:17] asmussen: clev: I'm looking now to see if I have any recordings that I haven't deleted yet from my hdhomerun to look at size. It's just a straight digital copy though, so it should be the same storage requirements as any other card that just copies the digital program without doing any re-encoding, like the PC-HDTV cards, or whatever.
[17:31:25] iamlindoro_: RyeBrye: Nice
[17:31:49] iamlindoro_: I am curious to see how the new Q9650 handles commflag/transcode/index rebuilds
[17:32:00] craftyguy: is it common for a tuner to overheat and be damaged (stuttering while tuning ATSC)? My fusion5 is very hot to the touch, opening the chassis panel seems to make it stutter a little less, but it's still nearly unwatchable.
[17:32:01] RyeBrye: The Q9550 seem very nice
[17:32:06] clev: asmussen: which all depends on the bitrate of the channel, so far i only have analog cards
[17:32:40] iamlindoro_: craftyguy: Any sensitive electronics can be heat damaged, but I've always noticed that tuners tend to run very hot in general
[17:32:45] RyeBrye: I've got it stable at 3.66 Ghz right now -might go up higher if I ever feel like it but it's running with decent temperatures at that speed
[17:32:52] iamlindoro_: couldn't hurt to add a few fans to run air over the cards
[17:33:14] craftyguy: iamlindoro, the Q9650 handles transcode/commflag very will. before my tuner problems, i was able to watch live ATSC (@720p), while transcoding and commflaging previous recordings at the same time.
[17:33:40] RyeBrye: It seems that linux doesn't support E0 stepping yet, right?
[17:33:59] iamlindoro_: craftyguy: I've never had any issues doing all that on my Q6600, but I intend to push it a little harder :)
[17:34:16] craftyguy: iamlindoro, haha how so?
[17:34:16] asmussen: craftyguy: Anyway, if you're thinking of getting a PC-HDTV card, I'd consider also looking at the hdhomerun. It's only a little more expensive, and is extremely easy to setup, and also has dual tuners.
[17:34:16] RyeBrye: When I had it enabled in my BIOS, I could only see my processor running at a very low speed – the 6x multiplier speed, and I'm not sure if cpuinfo just doesn't update the speed when it gets higher or if it's not stepping it up
[17:34:24] btQuark (btQuark! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:34:58] craftyguy: iamlindoro, i use my mythtv box as part of a distcc cluster, so it's not uncommon for it to be compiling in the background while performing the above tasks :P
[17:35:15] iamlindoro_: craftyguy: HD-PVR recordings (h.264, single sliced, etc). About the toughest thing you can throw at a mythbox ATM.
[17:35:56] RyeBrye: iamlindoro – you should really consider bumping up that Q9650 a bit with some slight OC'ing – you could easily get it to run at even 3.2 Ghz on stock voltage
[17:36:10] RyeBrye: by easily I mean just tweak the FSB and you'd be ready to roll, most likely
[17:36:14] iamlindoro_: RyeBrye: I intend to aim at about the 3.6 Ghz rainge, I think
[17:36:20] RyeBrye: Yeah, 3.6 is definitely doable
[17:36:21] iamlindoro_: er range
[17:36:36] iamlindoro_: I'm not an experienced OC'er so I'll probably be pretty cautious
[17:37:07] RyeBrye: I think the key is to just not push volts above 1.3625 or something and no matter what you'll be OK – and over 1.45 I think is where you start to potentially damage the CPU
[17:37:24] clev: ive overclocked by maybe 10 or 20mhz before, and then my harddrive went tits up :P
[17:37:28] RyeBrye: I'm not too experienced – but one thing that does stink is that the p5q deluxe doesn't seem to have any lmsensors support
[17:37:37] clev: just days later i beleive
[17:37:43] RyeBrye: clev – you OC'ed your hard drives ;) ?
[17:37:52] clev: RyeBrye: no, the central cpu
[17:37:56] RyeBrye: So I had to install windows on an esata drive
[17:37:58] clev: no idea how it harmed the hdd
[17:38:06] RyeBrye: So I could do all my OC'ing and stability testing while monitoring temps...
[17:38:22] clev: my bios can show its own temps
[17:38:26] RyeBrye: Yeah, my bios can
[17:38:32] clev: that wont even need a hdd:P
[17:38:34] craftyguy: are there any other decent linux-compatible atsc tuners other than the fusion5 and the pchdtv-5500 (hdhomerun isn't an option at the moment)? I've found that the list on mythtv wiki of supported devices is a bit outdated, most of the devices listed are no longer manufactured/sold
[17:38:47] RyeBrye: but I can't run an intensive load thing in my bios screen to see the load temps – I just see whatever temp it is when I boot
[17:39:06] laga: RyeBrye: tried mbmon?
[17:39:15] clev: RyeBrye: usualy the bios is writen with old dos style methods, so the thing sits using 100% cpu waiting for you to hit a key
[17:39:33] iamlindoro_: craftyguy: Better to just use as your compatibility list
[17:39:35] RyeBrye: laga – I haven't – I should check that out
[17:39:46] clev: that may have been solved with recent systems, let it sit at the bios temp window for an hour and then compare to the idle temp in windows
[17:40:06] ** RyeBrye is installing mbmon right now... and hopes it can tell him some temps! **
[17:40:17] laga: RyeBrye: it shows some bogus temps here, though
[17:40:46] iamlindoro_: craftyguy: In short, you can buy a Hauppauge HVR-1600 and have analog and digital work in myth, or an HVR-1800 and have digital work in myth, or an HVR-2250, or an HVR-950, etc.
[17:40:50] RyeBrye: "No Hardware Monitor found!!"... probably have to read some config docs for it I suppose
[17:41:01] craftyguy: iamlindoro, thanks! much better list :)
[17:41:01] iamlindoro_: Not all of those cards analog will work properly in myth, but all of them will have working digital.
[17:41:30] iamlindoro_: an HVR-1250 would also be a nice, cheap choice
[17:41:54] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:42:04] iamlindoro_: ($44)
[17:42:13] fignuts (fignuts! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:42:15] fignuts: hi
[17:42:28] craftyguy: problem with my config is i require a low-profile pci/pcie card, so that cuts out ~70% of viable options
[17:42:34] fignuts: once i've done my channel scan for qam256 and qam64 for each tuner, is there anything to do from there?
[17:42:38] iamlindoro_: I *think* the 1250 might be/have a low profile
[17:42:43] fignuts: i found this guide online once more but i can't find it again
[17:42:51] fignuts: er, once before
[17:43:28] craftyguy: oh nice, it is!
[17:43:35] iamlindoro_: craftyguy: yeah, the 1250 comes with LP bracket
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[17:56:35] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:06:12] AngryElf (AngryElf! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[18:12:12] fignuts: damn
[18:12:18] fignuts: does anybody know of a guide to getting live tv to work?
[18:12:40] wagnerrp: check the install guide on the wiki
[18:12:53] fignuts: ok
[18:13:29] fignuts: i never even noticed all these guids
[18:13:31] fignuts: guides
[18:13:53] iamlindoro_: Most people ignore them even when they know about them, at least you get to claim ignorance :)
[18:14:01] craftyguy: lol
[18:15:07] gasbag (gasbag! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:15:08] fignuts: that wasn't the right guide, but there's plenty more
[18:17:15] fignuts: like the one that says setting up mythtv
[18:17:16] fignuts: :)
[18:17:22] fignuts: wow i can bug you guys a lot less now
[18:17:28] tulbreak (tulbreak! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:18:16] bronson (bronson! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:19:23] fish_: can i disable the crypted channels in the EPG somehow?
[18:20:01] directhex: if your supplier provides you with a CAM
[18:21:34] wagnerrp: in the myth EPG? just go into mythtv-setup, channel editor, and delete them
[18:21:39] fish_: directhex: no, i only want to se unencrypted channels
[18:22:01] directhex: when doing a channel scan, tick the "show only unencrypted channels" box?
[18:22:03] laga: or set them to "hide" – you don't get them again that way when scanning for channels
[18:22:09] fish_: wagnerrp: i have dvb-s and >1000 channels. i really dont want to delete every encrypted channel there ;)
[18:22:34] fish_: directhex: uhm ok.. but i cant temporarly disable it?
[18:22:45] fish_: guess i'll have a look at the sql-db
[18:22:49] directhex: do what people have already suggested
[18:22:56] directhex: for bulk actions, use mythweb & untick boxes
[18:23:05] wagnerrp: mythtv is not set up to expect you to change your channel lineup on a whim
[18:23:42] laga: hum. if i hide channels, will it still record off them?
[18:23:47] wagnerrp: now i believe there is some amount of filtering you can do in the EPG
[18:24:01] fish_: wagnerrp: i dont care what it expect frm me ;)
[18:24:17] wagnerrp: if you hide the channels during a scan, that means mythtv does not know they exist
[18:24:20] wagnerrp: so you cannot use them
[18:24:26] wagnerrp: same if you delete them from the channel editor
[18:24:40] laga: wagnerrp: i was talking about the "visible" setting
[18:24:43] craftyguy: phpmyadmin rocks for changing lineups on a whim :)
[18:24:45] fish_: yep. would be nice if i could just hide them
[18:27:16] Cyberai (Cyberai! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:27:42] fignuts: i'm thinking some of these guides are a bit old
[18:28:08] wagnerrp: the import parts should all be there
[18:28:31] fignuts: there's one part where it says to get a password from mysql.txt and paste it elsewhere
[18:28:35] fignuts: the elsewhere file doesn't seem to exist
[18:28:45] fignuts: so i just ran mythfilldatabase from the terminal
[18:28:55] wagnerrp: the only major change with setup between 0.20.1 and 0.21 was the addition of uPNP auto-discovery for new frontends
[18:28:57] fignuts: seems to be running ok
[18:29:20] wagnerrp: before that, it was just the change from zap2it (TDM) to SD
[18:29:22] Shadow__X (Shadow__X! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:30:22] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=ryebrye@ has quit ()
[18:32:25] fish_: does anyone know in which table the encrypted/unencrypted flag is stored?
[18:32:38] clev: wagnerrp: ive never actualy had the upnp auto-discovery do any good
[18:33:01] clev: wagnerrp: the only time ive noticed it was when i ran 2 frontends at once by mistake and it failed to find the backend
[18:33:10] directhex: works fine IME
[18:33:19] directhex: breaks for rejects using "localhost" as a hostname tho
[18:33:23] clev: (couldnt bind the client side port)
[18:33:50] clev: and by the time that was made, i had a shared / for all my new frontends so mysql.txt was allready fixed up
[18:35:05] directhex: mysql.txt be legacy
[18:35:26] clev: ive never changed the mysql config since that was changed over
[18:35:40] clev: so the config ui has never been given a chance to resave the settings
[18:36:01] clev: all its done is whine that config.xml is missing :P
[18:36:26] dustybin: its not so bad this time, now compiling mythtv :-)
[18:36:34] dustybin: and the nvidia driver works
[18:36:37] fignuts (fignuts! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:36:54] clev: yeah my nvidia has some minor problems, the modules exist in a special volatile tmpfs
[18:37:06] dustybin: keep on losing my local interface, even if i remove the udev rule
[18:37:10] clev: and i share the root with other ati systems, so the depmod sometimes forgets that nvidia exists
[18:38:01] Cyberai: Does anyone know of a way to force an Air2PC dvb card to work as an analog tuner?
[18:38:05] clev: i know that sharing the root is asking for problems, and ive fixed them when they came up
[18:38:41] iamlindoro_: Cyberai: presuming you have all the modules loaded, the /dev/video node should just "be there"
[18:38:50] fignuts (fignuts! has joined #mythtv-users
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[18:42:03] clev: my nvidia modules dont load until i try to start xorg
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[18:42:27] directhex: someone's not using udev.
[18:42:40] clev: its the way everything was writen:P
[18:42:53] clev: and when i try to modprobe nvidia, it runs a script which scans xorg.conf to figure out which module i wanted
[18:43:06] KaZeR (KaZeR! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[18:43:08] clev: which was a problem atfirst since i was using xorg.conf.`hostname`
[18:43:24] clev: (as explained in the config search paths in the xorg man page)
[18:43:26] directhex: when xorg loads the nvidia driver, the driver tries to probe /dev/nvidiactl
[18:43:42] clev: that drive seems to run 'modprobe nvidia' at some point
[18:43:44] directhex: the kernel goes "wtf is the module i need for that device node? AHA!" and loads nvidia.ko
[18:43:50] clev: which then runs /sbin/lrm-video
[18:43:58] clev: which peeks at my config and runs the real modprobe
[18:44:14] dustybin: Checked out revision 18508.
[18:44:17] dustybin: here we go
[18:44:28] Cyberai: iamlindoro_: it's not there. Ubuntu saw it immediately and installed some drivers. Is there a good wiki page I can use to check for the modules I need?
[18:44:51] levander (levander! has left #mythtv-users ("ERC Version 5.2 (IRC client for Emacs)")
[18:44:52] iamlindoro_: You can check the Myth and linuxtv wikis, I suppose
[18:44:59] clev: the module load automaticaly, but you need to actualy refer to the nvidia driver in xorg.conf
[18:45:14] clev: driver "nvidia" i think
[18:46:01] clev: yep im using "nvidia" on all my nvidia systems(not the 'nv' i remember from somewhere)
[18:47:29] directhex: sigh
[18:47:32] directhex: UDEV, man.
[18:47:54] directhex: will only load the nvidia kernel module as a by-product of it probing the device node
[18:48:05] directhex: with udev, the device node does not exist until AFTER the module is loaded
[18:48:21] directhex: hence the nvidia-kernel init script
[18:48:33] clev: id shutdown xorg on an nvidia system to check but both of them are in use
[18:49:05] clev: i only see a single nvidia rule in udev, and its to set the group id of the dev nodes
[18:50:05] directhex: the only device nodes that exist without manual intervention or udev intervention are the ones in /dev/.static/dev/
[18:51:26] clev: yeah, and i cant realy confirm if they are static nodes since im using all my nvidia cards
[18:51:29] fignuts (fignuts! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:51:54] clev: everything else is ati crap
[18:52:38] clev: no nvidia or video stuff in /dev/.static/dev/
[18:54:05] clev: though that is usefull to know for next time i need to make a fifo stay in /dev/
[19:09:50] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:10:30] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:11:09] ** tjcarter is looking for alternatives to unraid that are not evil **
[19:11:25] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:12:09] directhex: aufs!
[19:14:00] inordkuo1 (inordkuo1!n=inorkuo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:15:00] inordkuo (inordkuo!n=inorkuo@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:15:03] tjcarter: directhex: does that allow data to be mirrored in a one-may-fail drive configuration?
[19:15:04] revilootneg (revilootneg! has quit ("leaving")
[19:15:23] directhex: not so much mirroring, no
[19:15:49] tjcarter: that's one of the big features of unraid and drobo
[19:16:48] Cyberai (Cyberai! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[19:20:31] gasbag (gasbag! has quit ("Leaving")
[19:26:34] tjcarter: directhex: aufs seems like it works the way Myth's storage groups do. That doesn't provide any data redundancy though, and I'm not sure about how you'd decide which files go where..
[19:26:53] Shadow_7 (Shadow_7! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:29:13] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:31:27] Shadow_7: are pinnacle cards any good. They seem to be the only off the shelf cards at best buy.
[19:32:55] directhex: pinnacle are generally anti-linux
[19:32:56] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:33:37] [CSI]Octane ([CSI]Octane! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:33:55] tjcarter: although, Pinnacle's MCE remote is the same as any other, if perhaps a little higher quality  ;)
[19:37:59] tulbreak (tulbreak! has quit ()
[19:39:12] Shadow_7: any recommended brands? hauppauge. And/or locations where I might get one off the shelf.
[19:40:47] opentrinity (opentrinity! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:41:47] iamlindoro_: Fry's Electronics, and yes, Hauppauge.
[19:42:57] iamlindoro_: 11565 Southwest Freeway, in your city ;)
[19:43:17] zabbadapp (zabbadapp!n=zbdp@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:43:17] iamlindoro_: 832-200–3300
[19:44:01] famicom (famicom! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:44:05] fietsbel (fietsbel!n=jverberk@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:44:05] fietsbel: hello people
[19:44:07] fietsbel: I was wondering
[19:44:13] fietsbel: in mythdvd my subtitles are only outlined
[19:44:19] fietsbel: they're not filled in with white
[19:44:23] fietsbel: any ideas how this could bne?
[19:45:09] adante_ (adante_!n=adante@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:45:38] adante_ is now known as adante
[19:47:58] nallic (nallic!n=ph@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:53:26] dustybin: when i launch mythtv on my frontend, the setup screen appears asking me for the database details etc
[19:53:58] dustybin: i put in the _exact_ correct details, but it says 'Cannot login to database?'
[19:54:13] dustybin: im using the same IP and hostname as before
[19:54:48] directhex: can you connect using the mysql client?
[19:54:54] tulbreak (tulbreak! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:54:54] dustybin: i can telnet to port 3306 on my backend ok
[19:55:03] dustybin: directhex: ill try with the client
[19:55:19] dustybin: doh is thats qt mysql client
[19:55:28] dustybin: im missing the deps
[19:56:03] dustybin: the bastard folk at debian didnt include it with mythtv when i built the deps
[19:56:32] justinh: effing stinkingbuntu
[19:56:37] Shadow_7: Fry's is a 50 mile one way, 100 mile day trip. Which costs more than the price of the card at todays gas prices.
[19:56:53] dustybin: libqt3-mt-mysql
[19:57:21] iamlindoro_: justinh: no no, like the comic you linked this weekend, he's "moved past" ubuntu-- he's too good for it now
[19:57:22] justinh: just spent hours trying to get my wireless working.. with no success.. after I already had it working until yesterday. grrr
[19:57:41] iamlindoro_: oh, thought you meant wastereceptacle
[19:58:17] justinh: it sees my wireless AP just fine. I can put in my mega-long passphrase.. it connects but shows a signal of 0% :-\
[19:58:22] justinh: effing retarded crap
[19:58:35] justinh: and yet here I am in windows & it just works (tm)
[19:59:01] iamlindoro_: Shadow_7: Wasn't aware I had to also pick a place that was within a five minute commute. If you want a good price, order online from newegg, or drive to Fry's, otherwise you're on your own and you'll be lucky to get anything decent at a fair price
[19:59:04] directhex: why would a runtime dep be included in the build deps?
[19:59:10] directhex: ASSUMING you use apt-get build-dep
[19:59:15] directhex: no promises on that
[19:59:53] btQuark (btQuark! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:00:26] iamlindoro_: If only there was an apt-get dustybin-proof command
[20:02:05] Shadow_7: iamlindoro: actually Houston is another 185 miles each way.
[20:02:30] Shadow_7: I live "near" Austin. But even that's a 100 mile round trip most of the time.
[20:02:48] iamlindoro_: Shadow_7: You are not going to get one of the preferred, compatible cards at Best Buy, Circuit City, Office Max, et al.
[20:03:10] iamlindoro_: The only brick and mortar options are Fry's, Microcenter, and equivalent.
[20:03:30] iamlindoro_: So if those aren't convenient enough, I strongly recommend ordering from Newegg. Well, I recommend that anyway.
[20:03:36] Shadow_7: what's a microcenter?
[20:03:47] iamlindoro_: If you don't know then it's a moot point.
[20:05:09] Shadow_7: I don't get out much.
[20:05:27] justinh: then linux is the OS for joo!
[20:05:28] justinh: :d
[20:05:45] iamlindoro_: Great, we've found a new friend for dustybin, clever, perlmonkey, et. al.
[20:05:47] Shadow_7: I'm just starting to get into video editing, and figured that I need at least one way to transcribe from cable.
[20:06:21] Shadow_7: Plus one of the tv's went out, and I have five or so desktops with monitors just laying about idle.
[20:06:28] fish_: i have this dish: . . . its,en,54-23 how should i set the diseqc for that? selecting "Switch" as diseqc device, type diseqc and setting it to 4 ports and after that setting all child devices to 'LNB'?
[20:07:15] justinh: fish_: I'd tell you to read some docs on the subject, except for the fact that the scores of satellite users out there just can't be arsed to document their findings
[20:07:19] fish_: in the specs for the dish they talk about 'diseqc 4/1'
[20:07:56] iamlindoro_: justinh: That's because most of them fear being uncovered as blank-blank-blank-blank-dash-en-gee users
[20:08:16] justinh: lol
[20:08:21] justinh: probably right :)
[20:08:38] justinh: time to rebootski & see if I can't fix pieceofshituntu
[20:08:39] iamlindoro_: There's at least one dmesg output in the wiki that totally busts someone who comes in from time to time
[20:09:04] justinh: iamlindoro_: emm cee who? ;)
[20:09:19] iamlindoro_: Heh, no
[20:09:26] justinh: mchammer?
[20:09:30] iamlindoro_: Actually it may have been edited, I can't find it in a search ATM
[20:09:55] iamlindoro_: Then again the mediawiki search is for shit
[20:09:59] justinh: ahh I think I might've scraped that *-en-gee entry off the shoe of the wiki
[20:10:11] justinh: definitely corrected one entry for mentioning it
[20:10:46] iamlindoro_: uhhhhhh
[20:10:47] iamlindoro_:
[20:11:15] iamlindoro_: needs some corrective action methings
[20:11:20] iamlindoro_: methinks
[20:12:31] fietsbel (fietsbel!n=jverberk@ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:15:17] iamlindoro_: ah, heh, looks like he reverted your changes to his page
[20:16:39] zlyzyr (zlyzyr! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:19:21] braddd (braddd! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:19:35] Shadow_7: Are visiontek cards any good?
[20:21:23] iamlindoro_:
[20:21:29] iamlindoro_: just look at the compatibility list
[20:21:39] iamlindoro_: v4l for analog, dvb for digital.
[20:22:05] Shadow_7: I thought dvb was for broadcasting.
[20:22:47] iamlindoro_: DVB is a type of broadcast, yes.
[20:22:53] btQuark: could anyone help me with some questions on autotranscoding?
[20:23:01] btQuark: please :)
[20:23:04] iamlindoro_: several types, actually
[20:24:47] iamlindoro_: btQuark: Nobody is going to spring forward to give you one on one support, better to just ask your questions
[20:25:15] iamlindoro_: And if someone wants/is able to help, they will
[20:25:59] justinh: iamlindoro_: re-edited. added a note to suggest a mod ban the user
[20:26:07] iamlindoro_: justinh: heh
[20:26:24] tjcarter: And suddenly I get exactly how unraid works
[20:26:26] justinh: war of attrition, I reckon
[20:26:37] justinh: and still no worky wireless on stinkbuntu
[20:26:42] tjcarter: I hate them more now  ;)
[20:26:48] justinh: fucking autoupdate crap
[20:27:11] justinh: I had wireless working last time I booted linux
[20:30:32] [gquit]bombadil ([gquit]bombadil! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:31:15] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:32:02] tjcarter: unraid is probably just aufs + a md driver that takes a few bytes from the start of each drive for some magic numbers, then uses your current largest drive as parity for however many other drives you have at that point
[20:33:08] javatexan (javatexan! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[20:33:35] AndyCap: tjcarter: it's it's own driver, but the principle isn't far of. there was some debate on lkml about getting it included, but the powers that be didn't see the use
[20:33:41] AndyCap: -'
[20:33:48] tjcarter: Add a new drive, okay.. Is it bigger than parity? If yes, build it as a new parity drive. When its done, switch over to using it and treat your old parity drive as a new smaller drive.
[20:34:15] tjcarter: If it is smaller than parity, format it ext3 and work it into the parity drive
[20:34:58] tjcarter: AndyCap: the unraid people release their driver?
[20:35:04] AndyCap: tjcarter: yes
[20:35:14] tjcarter: I was under the impression they didn't.
[20:35:49] tjcarter: I suspect they probably just use UUIDs
[20:36:46] tjcarter: the reason I suggested giving the drives some magic numbers at the beginning allows the system to figure out where it left off in the event of some minor problem while working a drive into the parity and whatnot
[20:36:49] Shadow__X (Shadow__X! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:36:55] tjcarter: keeping track of how far it is, etc
[20:37:10] tjcarter: Then just use aufs or so for balanced unionfs writing
[20:38:20] tjcarter: Though if you use those magic number slots well, you could actually just use more traditional striping on the non-parity drives
[20:38:50] Andrew_Barber (Andrew_Barber! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:39:16] tjcarter: since it wouldn't be catastrophic even if something needed to interrupt the process of weaving a new drive into the stripe
[20:39:35] Andrew_Barber: i'm looking for a new video card that employs the merging of audio into the hdmi out....can anyone recommend one?
[20:40:12] tjcarter: a video card that takes AC3 input from the sound card..
[20:40:16] tjcarter: they make those? =)
[20:40:47] AndyCap: spdif input sure.
[20:40:59] tjcarter: that'd do it.
[20:41:05] Andrew_Barber: wow
[20:41:11] Andrew_Barber: something the channel wasn't aware of yet
[20:41:19] tjcarter: I wasn't aware
[20:41:23] tjcarter: I am not the channel  ;)
[20:41:28] AndyCap: but I'd think you can find videocards with spdif soundcards onboard as well now.
[20:41:30] Andrew_Barber: nvidia is linking spdif sound to their cards now
[20:41:50] Andrew_Barber: so you can have audio and video in one cable
[20:42:04] Andrew_Barber: since that can be an issue for some htpc users
[20:43:06] tjcarter: AndyCap: So really, unraid wants $100 for the distribution that glues their driver together and automagically sucks new hard drives into the array..
[20:44:05] noaxess_kubuntu (noaxess_kubuntu! has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008092510]")
[20:44:16] iamlindoro_: Andrew_Barber: The channel is well aware of SPDIF->Video card patching
[20:44:19] AndyCap: tjcarter: or moar for a stacker case and a usb stick
[20:44:29] achew22 (achew22!n=achew22@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:44:30] AndyCap: iamlindoro_: amazing isn't it? :P
[20:44:31] Shadow_7: Would ATI All-In-Wonder be a good choice for TV on PC?
[20:44:39] Andrew_Barber: i knew YOU were aware iamlindoro :-)
[20:44:56] Andrew_Barber: ati is never a good choice, imo
[20:44:58] iamlindoro_: Andrew_Barber: Most of the newer nVidia cards do it
[20:45:00] tjcarter: AndyCap: Stacker is somewhat overrated IMO
[20:45:07] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:45:13] Andrew_Barber: i was wondering what their lowest-end card was that did do it
[20:45:15] tulbreak (tulbreak! has quit ()
[20:45:17] AndyCap: tjcarter: . . . kware_distro blah. wrapped in a zip and a cpio initrd
[20:45:19] Andrew_Barber: as that would be the one i would buy
[20:45:26] iamlindoro_: Andrew_Barber: and many of the ATI cards just have the sound card onboard and, presuming it's covered by fglrx, works nicely
[20:45:29] Andrew_Barber: since most of the cards are overkill
[20:45:32] AndyCap: tjcarter: yeah, but I think that's the case the unraid people sell
[20:46:01] AndyCap: Shadow_7: I don't think aiw is a good choice for tv in though
[20:46:22] iamlindoro_: No, it's not. As they're not supported.
[20:46:58] iamlindoro_: A very few of the ancient-ass cards are supported by some X driver that's not v4l2 compatible, and thus also useless for myth
[20:47:13] tjcarter: AndyCap: I almost would like to consider . . . cator%20case
[20:47:28] iamlindoro_: Shadow_7: Please stop asking about individual cards, I have already linked you to a list of linux compatible capture devices
[20:47:33] JoshBorke (JoshBorke!n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:47:37] iamlindoro_:
[20:47:38] tjcarter: sorry, I should have cleaned the search terms off that URL
[20:48:15] AndyCap: tjcarter: heh, cheap enough.
[20:49:28] Andrew_Barber: iamlindoro: it's not ALL of nvidia's offerings now, is it?
[20:49:33] Shadow_7: iamlindoro: which is a little to unclear / cryptic for my tastes. And I'm asking for opinions of, not working status.
[20:49:42] tjcarter: AndyCap: The PSU isn't very impressive, but if you can get a small server in one of those drive bays (some ITX form factor?) it'd be perfect. And the company makes an ATX version of that as well
[20:51:20] AndyCap: tjcarter: looks like they just have hacked up the md driver.
[20:51:27] iamlindoro_: Shadow_7: If you can't be bothered to check whether the cards even work in linux first, you won't bet getting any help here
[20:51:41] iamlindoro_: er won't be
[20:51:50] iamlindoro_: Andrew_Barber: Not all, but many
[20:52:01] Andrew_Barber: thanks
[20:52:11] tjcarter: Just ew:
[20:52:25] Andrew_Barber: i looked at some on their site, but they were unclear which had it and which did not
[20:52:32] Andrew_Barber: since it's not a primary feature
[20:52:41] AndyCap: hahah, rustproof macpro. :P
[20:53:38] AndyCap: I guess they only escape the lawsuit due to the crappy look-alike not being able to confuse ppl
[20:54:48] tjcarter: AndyCap: it doesn't look alike
[20:55:01] tjcarter: it looks like the cheap taiwanese knockoff that it is  ;)
[20:55:08] Shadow_7: If the list was an alphabetical list with some sort of status on the same page, perhaps. But it's not in any apparent order, puts the status on a sub page, and other annoyances.
[20:55:39] AndyCap: tjcarter: which is why they're not at the business end of apple's lawyers.
[20:55:44] iamlindoro_: Andrew_Barber:
[20:56:16] iamlindoro_: Shadow_7: We don't care if you don't like the format. We will *not* be checking it for you. So stop asking about cards that have no support.
[20:56:34] tjcarter: The engrish is astounding:
[20:56:44] iamlindoro_: You are asking about cards that have no linux support. So you had best be CHECKING it yourself before you come asking us for our help
[20:56:58] tjcarter: check the USB hub stick thing.. "Three kinds of speeds" hahaha
[20:57:18] iamlindoro_: And if you don't like it, you can feel free to leave. Or, I suppose you can prepare yourself for the drubbing you will take if you keep asking about individual devices in here.
[20:57:37] famicom (famicom! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:57:47] AndyCap: tjcarter: haha, they're almost compliant with the usb sig marketing howto. :>
[20:58:05] iamlindoro_: Andrew_Barber: Looks like that thread should give you some starting points
[20:58:23] AndyCap: tjcarter: hot to insert. Oh my.
[20:58:57] ** Shadow_7 notes the -user part of this channel. Then notes the lack of caring for status of a product. And then leaves since mythtv must NOT work for anything or any product. **
[20:58:59] Shadow_7 (Shadow_7! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[20:59:15] iamlindoro_: Yay!
[20:59:35] PinkFreud: now *that's* logic.
[20:59:36] iamlindoro_: Oh noes, how will we ever increase adoption of our product this way
[20:59:44] ** PinkFreud coughs **
[21:00:12] Wicked (Wicked!n=rewt@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:00:28] AndyCap: I'm sure Shadow_7 will get a full refund. :>
[21:00:46] Andrew_Barber: iamlindoro: great thread, thanks
[21:00:52] iamlindoro_: Andrew_Barber: np
[21:01:02] Andrew_Barber: i wasn't aware that dvi to hdmi was limited to 1080i
[21:01:08] Andrew_Barber: i thought dvi = hdmi
[21:01:11] Andrew_Barber: in quality
[21:01:14] PinkFreud: Andrew_Barber: I just hope he's not waiting for a check.
[21:01:15] PinkFreud: :P
[21:01:17] iamlindoro_: In more than quality
[21:01:26] iamlindoro_: Like, literal signal compatibility
[21:01:30] Wicked: hello all. does anyone in here convert there recordings to xvid? or other formats? if so how are you doing it? i cannot get it to work...ive tried several different versions of nuvexport...but they all dont work...the most current one just throws errors.....
[21:01:55] kormoc: Wicked, perhaps the errors could be of use (and please use a pastebin)
[21:02:02] justinh: PinkFreud: it's in the post already. we're good at refunds ;)
[21:02:12] PinkFreud: lol
[21:02:18] Andrew_Barber: iamlindoro: so is that incorrect? does dvi to hdmi allow for 1080p?
[21:02:26] iamlindoro_: Andrew_Barber: I think it's more a matter of a lot (all?) HDMI inputs are very specific about what resolutions that accept-- 1080p is fine, though
[21:02:48] iamlindoro_: DVI -> HDMI should work for any resolution the input/device accepts
[21:02:55] Wicked: kormoc, ok let me do that....ive pasted them several times in here over the last 3–4 one seemed to know how to help...
[21:03:02] raceme (raceme! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:23] Andrew_Barber: that's what i thought...there is talk in the thread about some kind of capped res
[21:03:33] Andrew_Barber: which doesn't make sense given the monitors dvi supports
[21:03:39] tjcarter: AndyCap: Nevermind, it's 0.5mm/0.6mm
[21:03:54] Wicked: kormoc, using the latest version of nuvexport i set up a job to convert to xvid.....i then watch the mythbackend.log and all it is this:
[21:03:57] AndyCap: tjcarter: uh, the what now?
[21:04:01] Wicked: over and over and over.....
[21:04:05] tjcarter: AndyCap: the Linkworld case
[21:04:20] tjcarter: .5mm, might as well be made of tinfoil
[21:04:23] AndyCap: tjcarter: ah, the duplicator.
[21:04:25] raceme: hi... I've migrated my mythtv to a new machine and added 4 directories on the default storage group (on 4 distinct partitions). When I look at backend status, It displays 3 drives with one containing 2 directories...
[21:04:55] AndyCap: tjcarter: judging from the user reviews of the mac-off case I'd say run away
[21:05:30] tjcarter: AndyCap: well consider Antec made the Sonata II
[21:05:54] tjcarter: AndyCap: I had such a bad experience with that monstrosity that I'm not buying anoher Antec case..
[21:05:58] Wicked: if i use the version of nuvexport that comes with ubuntu(8.04) it starts to encode...but it errors with some .ICEauthority that i can not figure out(ive tried removing this file)
[21:06:34] xris: that's a weird error
[21:06:40] Wicked: i just want to be able to select a job....have it encode a recording to xvid.........but its proving to be *much* more difficult then just doing that
[21:07:04] Wicked: and from the looks of it..the nuvexport dev is dead...nothings been touched in like 8 months.....
[21:07:06] justinh: ahh .ICEauthority errors. <3 ubuntu
[21:07:17] tjcarter: Antec can "Believe it." The Sonata II was that bad, I just don't trust anything else they make after it.
[21:07:38] Wicked: justinh, if it technically using kubuntu...but ive installed xfce and use xfce....
[21:08:14] raceme: this what the status display about my 4 storage directories: . Any idea ?
[21:09:17] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:09:42] Wicked: is there any other ways to encode to xvid..besides using nuvexport??? it seems to be neglected...and it currently does not work.
[21:09:47] ** justinh wonders where the hell ubuntu keeps its records of wireless crap **
[21:10:08] xris: Wicked: that ice error has nothing to do with nuvexport
[21:10:45] xris: Wicked: and I'm definitely not dead. just been busy with important things like life. :)
[21:11:00] Wicked: xris, hmmm...i get the ice error while encoding....when its almost finished throws the error...something about how it threw a exit()
[21:11:11] Wicked: xris, oh u maintain it?
[21:11:21] xris: write/maintain/invent/etc
[21:11:23] Wicked: its good to know your not dead then!
[21:11:33] ** Wicked cracks the whip **
[21:11:35] xris: the ice error comes from one of the programs nuvexport calls (it's just a wrapper)
[21:11:38] Wicked: back to work codemonkey!
[21:11:43] Wicked: j/k
[21:11:46] Wicked: ;-)
[21:11:52] xris: Wicked: you either get nuvexport or schedules direct gets data... take your pick.  :)
[21:11:59] sohocoke (sohocoke! has quit ()
[21:12:17] xris: the --debug info is really helpful for finding issues with the apps nuvexport calls
[21:12:20] Led-Hed: is there an easy way to test if SMP is working?
[21:12:26] Wicked: hmm....well it seems to throw the ice error at the very end of encoding.
[21:12:37] xris: Led-Hed: in what context?
[21:12:41] Led-Hed: /proc/cpuinfo shows 2 cpu's
[21:12:42] Wicked: xris, yea...ive run that...then run the outputted commands
[21:12:51] xris: and which application crashes?
[21:12:53] Led-Hed: xris, I just want to know that both are being used.
[21:13:04] raceme: beside of my storage directories problems which seems to passionate everyone ;) I have another question: is there a way to tell the backend to reschedule now a mythfilldatabase call ?
[21:13:26] xris: Led-Hed: in what context, though? many apps are single-threaded and wouldn't use two no matter what
[21:13:26] Wicked: xris, ...give me one sec.....i have that info pasteined from the other day..just gotta find the article.
[21:14:04] Led-Hed: xris, any context really, I just want to test via Benchmark or other app that would use both CPU's
[21:15:00] xris: should be easy enough to do something like start up half a dozen LAME encodes and then look in top for > 100% cpu usage
[21:15:11] Wicked: bah i cant find it.......
[21:15:16] raceme: Led-Hed: launch top and press 1 and you'll see each cpu usage. it could be a start.
[21:15:27] Led-Hed: raceme, xris thanks
[21:15:38] Wicked: but i am pretty sure its the mythtranscode command xris
[21:15:51] xris: Wicked: then something's up with mythtranscode, not nuvexport
[21:16:36] Wicked: like i do the mythtranscode sits there...i then run the 2nd command in a seperate terminal....then the terminal i ran mythtranscode starts to output stuff....progress...and it is that one that throws the ice error
[21:17:03] xris: yup
[21:17:22] Wicked: well what about the latest error.....the bad syntax?
[21:17:30] Wicked: xris,
[21:17:54] Wicked: may not be my issue..but it seems like some sort of syntax is wrong there....
[21:17:55] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:18:03] xris: bad syntax? sounds like you're just pressing enter?
[21:18:22] Led-Hed: top +1 worked, I can see both CPU's working. Honestly I should have thought of that... LOL
[21:18:28] Wicked: well...that what happens when mythfrontend calls on it.
[21:18:36] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Client Quit)
[21:18:43] xris: nuvexport is designed to be used on the commandline.
[21:19:06] xris: if you have it running from mythfrontend, it sounds like you missed something in the setup
[21:19:10] Wicked: oh. from the how to's ive read i got the impression you could call it from mythfrontend.
[21:19:11] raceme: Led-Hed: today it's a better day :)
[21:19:32] xris: Wicked: no.. just run on the commandline
[21:19:47] xris: if you want to do it from mythfrontend, use something like mytharchive
[21:19:52] Wicked: oh ok...well now dont i feel like a idiot lol
[21:20:03] tjcarter: ooh, Cooler Master built a Stacker lite (or heavy, depending on how you look at it)...
[21:20:14] Wicked: ok....mytharchive will be able to encode stuff to xvid?
[21:20:24] xris: it calls nuvexport (among other things)
[21:20:32] xris: but maybe it's only for dvd archiving. dunno.
[21:20:40] xris: I just use nuvexport with some profiles for various shows
[21:20:49] Wicked: ah i followed this:
[21:20:51] Led-Hed: Has Hauppauge stopped making the PVR-500, I cant seem to find them anywhere.
[21:21:04] Wicked: 1st link that comes up when u google mythtv xvid
[21:21:10] Wicked: Led-Hed, iirc they have.
[21:21:14] ** raceme has the same question than Wicked has: mytharchive will burn a dvd. i'm looking for something that cut and transcode to xvid... **
[21:21:48] Led-Hed: that sux. Anyone have a recomendation for another supported Dual Tunner (SDTV)?
[21:21:54] Wicked: raceme, well that link i just posted will supposedly do that...but its been like 3–4 days of on and off tinkering..and it still isnt working
[21:22:00] Wicked: Led-Hed, try ebay
[21:22:21] Led-Hed: ya, but you never know what you are gonna get from ebay.
[21:22:45] Led-Hed: I saw the HDR-2250, but havent been able to find drivers for it
[21:24:48] Wicked: ah
[21:24:49] Led-Hed: its a dual ATSC/NTSC tunner but I've never heard of the chipset. NXP
[21:26:49] raceme: Wicked: did you read all the 17 pages ?
[21:27:17] Wicked: not all..but damn near close.
[21:28:05] craftyguy: Led-Hed, you mean HVR-2250?
[21:28:33] Led-Hed: ya
[21:28:41] Led-Hed: HVR not HDR
[21:29:36] craftyguy: currently listed as 'unsupported' on linuxtv wiki :(
[21:30:22] Led-Hed: ya, saw that.
[21:30:39] craftyguy: man would be nice to have support for that card though, dual QAM tuners in a low-profile PCI-e package
[21:31:48] achew22 (achew22!n=achew22@ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[21:31:52] Led-Hed: I currently have 4 PVR-250's. But I need to upgrade my backend, I have a spare E6750 + P35 Mobo, but it only has 3 PCI slots, So I was gonna get a couple of PVR-500's. Cant seem to find them anymore.
[21:32:01] Wicked: bah....i cannot find any other way to encode to xvid.....
[21:32:38] craftyguy: unfortunately a lot of the supported ATSC tuners are not made anymore, most tuners on the market now aren't supported at all in linux
[21:32:55] Wicked: what about that one made for linux?
[21:33:01] kslater (kslater! has quit ("Leaving.")
[21:33:05] Wicked: i forget the name of it..but its made just for linux.
[21:33:08] braddd: you can still get pchdtv cards
[21:33:13] achew22 (achew22!n=achew22@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:33:22] craftyguy: I wouldnt mind giving the PCHDTV-5500 a try, but they rape you on cost (~130 vs $50–70)
[21:33:26] ** Led-Hed has no plans of going HDTV **
[21:33:39] Wicked:
[21:33:51] Wicked: ah
[21:34:28] iamlindoro_: HVR-1250 or HVR-1600 will work fine
[21:34:30] Led-Hed: I only mentioned the HVR-2250, because it has dual NTST tunners. The ATSC would just be an added bonus down the road
[21:34:40] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:34:49] Led-Hed: iamlindoro, but they arent Dual NTSC tunners
[21:34:54] iamlindoro_: No, they're not
[21:35:09] iamlindoro_: although the HVR-1600 will do digital and analog at once
[21:35:17] iamlindoro_: stoth is working on the HVR-2250 driver
[21:35:19] Led-Hed: I need PVR-500's or something similar by another manufacture
[21:35:29] craftyguy: I'm going to give a HVR-1250 a try though :P
[21:35:35] iamlindoro_: although it won't be an ivtv card so it won't be supported by myth until someone adds a new card type, even with linux drivers
[21:35:58] iamlindoro_: at last, the analog side that is
[21:35:59] nallic_ (nallic_! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:36:02] iamlindoro_: er least
[21:36:06] craftyguy: iamlindoro, does stoth have a project page so we can follow status of those drivers?
[21:36:10] iamlindoro_: craftyguy: no
[21:36:11] ** Led-Hed thinks it will just be easier to find a Mobo with more PCI Slots. **
[21:36:52] iamlindoro_: Like I said, only the digital side will do anything in myth as it is... the analog encoder side (like the HVR-1800 and a bunch of others) will not work in myth until someone writes a new card type for them
[21:37:23] iamlindoro_: as myth's MPEG-2 encoder support expects the ivtv driver, and most of the new cards aren't.
[21:37:42] craftyguy: seeing as how the HVR-2250 would be the 1st card (that i know of) with dual ATSC tuners in pci-e low-profile height, I'd definitely contribute to any development of linux support it :)
[21:38:09] iamlindoro_: craftyguy: There's nothing to contribute to, it's already being written by a hauppauge employee
[21:38:38] craftyguy: iamlindoro, ok, so where is it?
[21:38:44] Led-Hed: Too bad the backend couldnt be installed on a Windows box. That would solve the driver issue, But you would still need someone to add the tunner type to MythTV
[21:38:46] iamlindoro_: If you want myth support for the analog side, though, you'll have to do it yourself or pay someone to do it for you unless a myth dev gets motivated (which is unlikely)
[21:38:53] iamlindoro_: craftyguy: presumably on his hard drive.
[21:38:58] craftyguy: lol
[21:39:09] ** craftyguy wants ATSC/QAM support, not analog **
[21:39:15] iamlindoro_: Then you have no worries
[21:39:24] iamlindoro_: All you have to do is wait
[21:39:29] craftyguy: well except it's on his hdd, and not on the internets :P
[21:39:42] iamlindoro_: I assume you want a *working* driver, not a half-written one
[21:39:50] craftyguy: haha, got it
[21:40:42] achew22 (achew22!n=achew22@ has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving.")
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[21:53:24] iamlindoro_: HDPVR owners, AC-3 via SPDIF firmware is now available
[21:53:27] iamlindoro_:
[21:53:51] justinh: amen :)
[21:54:40] andreax1 (andreax1! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:55:11] justinh: steenking crap wireless. maybe this is something to do with me changing channels on the router the other week
[21:55:42] justinh: aaand reconfiguring the router to use a different encryption type isn't being picked up by ubuntu. steenky
[21:56:08] justinh: still timing out waiting for a key from the router. pleh
[21:56:12] craftyguy: justinh, what type of encryption?
[21:56:44] btQuark (btQuark! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:57:12] justinh: wpa. tried shifting to wpa2 but unubtu is still thinking it's plain wpa
[21:57:21] justinh: still works in windows whatever I do
[21:57:31] justinh: make ubuntu isn't liking the key anymore
[21:57:34] craftyguy: are you configuring NetworkManager in ubuntu or wpa_supplicant directly?
[21:57:34] directhex: applications, accessories, passwords & encryption keys
[21:57:41] justinh: yeah tried that
[21:57:44] justinh: deleted em
[21:58:16] directhex: right-click the NM icon, click "edit wireless networks", then delete the one you've changed
[21:58:28] directhex: or change the security type
[21:58:33] justinh: deleted em all
[21:58:34] craftyguy: i've notice networkmanager is a bit flakey when changing encryption types, try to use wpa_supplicant?
[21:58:36] Wicked: i had issues with wpa on ubuntu..but i did get it working
[21:58:45] justinh: this WAS working
[21:58:48] Wicked: i forget how now......
[21:59:00] Wicked: i manually edited /etc/network/interfaces
[21:59:09] Wicked: i had to add stuff to there
[21:59:57] directhex: i've never had to do either, when changing things on an existing network
[22:00:10] directhex: if you're editing config files, then it's failboats all round
[22:00:36] Wicked: lol
[22:00:41] justinh: if I'd got the key wrong it'd have said so, right?
[22:00:52] directhex: yes
[22:01:57] iamlindoro_ (iamlindoro_!n=iamlindo@ has quit ()
[22:05:50] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:08:04] Led-Hed: looks like you can still get the PVR-500 directly from Hauppauge. $149
[22:08:04] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:08:09] stoth: craftyguy: No.
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[22:10:00] Led-Hed: Is it bad to mix Card Types? For example: PVR-250 + PVR-500
[22:10:31] directhex: no
[22:10:37] Led-Hed: cool
[22:10:59] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:14:24] tjcarter: has anyone used any of the newegg MCE remotes?
[22:14:48] tjcarter: I know the Pinnacle one isn't totally craptastic, but I'd rather not buy a Pinnacle  ;)
[22:16:20] justinh: weird. just works again now. w t f ?!
[22:17:01] justinh: Led-Hed: might pay you to use udev to give you static device nodes though, esp. if you're gonna be using composite/svideo inputs
[22:18:30] Led-Hed: justinh, what?
[22:18:57] Led-Hed: oh when using differnt card types?
[22:19:34] justinh: when using multiples of any cards ;)
[22:20:18] justinh: if they all use the same feed & lineup it won't present a problem
[22:20:27] Led-Hed: I have 4 PVR-250's now. Not sure if I have any static nodes set.
[22:20:29] J-e-f-f-A|work: tjcarter: I don't know about the 'newegg MCE remotes', but I use three MCE remotes now...
[22:20:54] craftyguy: stoth, continue the great work, these drivers will be well-accepted in the community :)
[22:21:08] justinh: BUT – if one pvr card was connected to a STB, another to another STB... and if those had different lineups, different IR blasting needed... you want your nodes to stay the same
[22:21:09] Led-Hed: justinh, actually 3 are pvr-250's 1 is a PVR-350, but all use the same lineup
[22:21:14] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:21:30] stoth: craftyguy: yeah, thanks.
[22:21:49] stoth: iamlindoro: Will myth record encrypted transport regardless of the fact it can't understand it?
[22:22:19] iamlindoro: stoth, hey, no
[22:22:20] craftyguy (craftyguy!n=mr_c@nat/intel/x-504a51b98078837e) has quit ()
[22:22:22] J-e-f-f-A|work: stoth: I don't think so... (I know I'm not iamlindoro , but hey...)
[22:22:28] iamlindoro: it'll leave an empty file
[22:22:49] stoth: the rationale being?
[22:23:17] stoth: probably it can't see the PTS's etc.
[22:23:19] iamlindoro: Well, with firewire, there's nothing streaming via the port if it's 5C, and if it's QAM then it can't lock on the channel AFAIK
[22:23:35] stoth: ahh, my bad, I mean on QAM cards.
[22:23:36] craftyguy (craftyguy!n=mr_c@nat/intel/x-970fb0e70a2b32c6) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:23:53] stoth: QAM locks, just the transport is 'junk'
[22:24:13] iamlindoro: yeah, myth won't save the file AFAIK, I guess you could always cat from /dvb/frontend#/dvr0
[22:24:22] iamlindoro: if you wanted an encrypted stream to look at
[22:24:51] justinh: yay that's my wireless worky again & now I know some more commandline tools :)
[22:24:55] craftyguy (craftyguy!n=mr_c@nat/intel/x-970fb0e70a2b32c6) has quit (Client Quit)
[22:25:02] stoth: I have to bail out. thz guys.
[22:25:19] stoth (stoth! has quit ("Leaving")
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[22:36:13] Wicked: ok i kind of have a dumb question but here goes. i have normal digital cable with a cablebox from my provider(comcast) what would be the best way to capture the highest quality video..i currently have a pvr-150 attached to my stb from comcast via svideo. would buying a digital tuner for my computer be better? or....
[22:36:31] Wicked: and if i got a digital tuner....would i need the stb?
[22:37:10] directhex: your enemy is encryption.
[22:37:20] Wicked: right. thats what ive read.
[22:37:24] Wicked: but im still confused.
[22:37:46] ** iamlindoro upgrades his HD-PVR to make the pretty soundzes **
[22:37:50] Wicked: lets say they where encrypted....i couldnt use the digital tune could i?
[22:37:53] directhex: you can receive unencrypted channels with a QAM cable tuner card. you can receive any channels that your provider has unlocked on its cable box by connecting the box via firewire
[22:38:12] directhex: or you can record the component analog hd output using a hauppauge hd-pvr, which is like the pvr150 but hd
[22:38:30] directhex: only the latter will allow all channels in all regions
[22:38:37] directhex: firewire ability varies per-town
[22:38:49] iamlindoro: And even per-block within towns
[22:38:57] Wicked: id hook the stb up to the computer via firewire?
[22:39:09] directhex: if you had the freedom, yes
[22:39:43] Wicked: hmm
[22:40:05] Wicked: im doubting comcast would let this....they seem pretty anal retentive
[22:40:40] directhex: GreyFoxx gets everything. most people don't
[22:40:45] Wicked: not even sure this stb has firewire...i do see a port labled usb...and then one port on the front unlabled
[22:42:49] directhex: not all can. but your cable co should provide one to you on request
[22:43:28] Wicked: now with the firewire setup...mythtv should be able to detect it and all?
[22:44:20] ldiamondd (ldiamondd! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:46:15] directhex: myth supports recording unencrypted channels over firewire, sure. not all cable boxes work with channel chagning over firewire tho
[22:46:21] directhex: and some boxes are more tested than others
[22:47:08] Wicked: ah sounds like a hit or miss type thing.
[22:47:21] Led-Hed: Wicked, you want HD or just SDTV (NTSC)
[22:47:39] Wicked: i dont have HDTV so id say SDTV
[22:47:57] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:48:12] Led-Hed: Wicked, then you should just be able to connect the CoAx or SVideo out from the STB to the PVR-150
[22:48:13] iamlindoro: firewire capture is extremely hit or miss
[22:48:15] iamlindoro: mostly miss
[22:48:19] RyeBrye: Anyone here familiar with the inner workings of the mythlcdserver?
[22:48:22] Led-Hed: and use an IR-Blaster to change channels
[22:48:27] Wicked: i just wanna get the same quality as the tv rips some ppl PDTV or w/e
[22:48:39] Wicked: Led-Hed, thats my current setup.
[22:49:01] Led-Hed: Wicked, so what are you looking to do then? Improve quality?
[22:49:07] Wicked: Led-Hed, yea.
[22:49:10] iamlindoro: most pirated material comes from a digital source
[22:49:13] directhex: you won't get "pdtv" quality from svideo.
[22:49:14] iamlindoro: although that's a topic we should leave alone
[22:49:16] xris: Wicked: you have cable?
[22:49:19] RyeBrye: I'm wondering how hard it would be to add a screen to the mythlcdserver for "idle mode" that would just cycle through the upcoming recordings so I could tell at a glance what it's going to be recording
[22:49:24] Wicked: xris, yea
[22:49:29] ** Led-Hed bites, What is PDTV? **
[22:49:35] Wicked: directhex, yea...why i asked about digital tuners
[22:49:43] Wicked: Led-Hed, pure digital tv
[22:49:46] xris: Led-Hed: no clue, but it's used on some pirated show names.
[22:49:46] Led-Hed: ahh
[22:49:54] directhex: Pure Digital TV
[22:49:57] RyeBrye: so wouldn't htat be ATSC or QAM?
[22:50:02] directhex: i.e. stream ripped direct, no analog capture
[22:50:04] Led-Hed: would have to be
[22:50:07] iamlindoro: or DVB-S/T/C, etc.
[22:50:09] RyeBrye: ok, gotcha
[22:50:10] iamlindoro: or firewire
[22:50:16] iamlindoro: or R5000
[22:50:17] iamlindoro: etc.
[22:50:33] xris: 3 options: firewire from an HD box (best option if it works), HD Homerun for ATSC/QAM, new component-video encoder card from Hauppauge with super-alpha drivers
[22:50:37] Led-Hed: sounds like a lotta trouble for better quality than a PVR-150.
[22:50:41] xris: (if anyone has even gotten to the drivers yet)
[22:50:56] RyeBrye: wicked – are you in the US?
[22:50:59] Led-Hed: Wicked, have you upped the recording quality/bit rate?
[22:51:04] Wicked: RyeBrye, yea north east
[22:51:12] xris: Wicked: if you have cable, it's worth the $5/month upgrade (or whatever it is) to test out HD firewire recording to see what your provider sends
[22:51:13] RyeBrye: – have it tell you what digital channels are available at your specific location and with what kind of antenna
[22:51:14] iamlindoro: and the Hauppauge box should be left alone by most until .22 IMO
[22:51:26] Wicked: Led-Hed, yea...the quality isnt bad...i just was wanting maxium quality
[22:51:32] xris: hdhomerun site also has a list of clear QAM channels available (though firewire sometimes gets more)
[22:51:41] Led-Hed: Wicked, I hear you.
[22:51:45] xris: iamlindoro: yeah. super-alpha.  :)
[22:51:49] RyeBrye: HDHomeRun is an awesome little box
[22:51:55] Led-Hed: Lotta work for little gain, IMHO
[22:52:01] iamlindoro: xris, Yeah, I know *you* know, just reinforcing :)
[22:52:01] Wicked: hmm
[22:52:05] xris: RyeBrye: yes. certainly the easiest option.. if you can get enough channels with it.
[22:52:20] RyeBrye: Even though I don't need them, it would make me very happy to have a dozen HDHomeRuns just stacked on top of each other
[22:52:31] ** Led-Hed doesn't get squat for OTA HD **
[22:52:41] xris: RyeBrye: I don't get enough channels.. I don't watch enough broadcast TV
[22:52:41] RyeBrye: although they aren't designed to stack, it seems. you'd have to put them together staggered lke bricks I suppose
[22:52:49] ldiamond (ldiamond! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:52:53] Wicked: xris, they normally charge an additional 5$/mo if you request a firewire box?
[22:52:54] xris: RyeBrye: JB Weld.  :)
[22:53:02] xris: Wicked: comcast charges $5 more for an HD tuner
[22:53:10] xris: and you can only get firewire on HD tuners
[22:53:13] Wicked: ahhh
[22:53:14] Wicked: gotcha
[22:53:36] RyeBrye: I thought all digital tuners were "required" to have firewire out on them
[22:53:36] Wicked: so id call them and ask for a hd tuner?
[22:53:39] dustybin: at last, the frontend is back to normal, what a f****** day
[22:53:54] Wicked: or a hd box?
[22:54:01] ** Led-Hed has been tempted to try Digital HD, but doesnt want to pay the extra $$$ for 4 HD Boxes. **
[22:54:03] RyeBrye: you dont' want an HD DVR box
[22:54:19] dustybin: ive been so busy doing my frontend end, that ive only just found out about this:
[22:54:21] Wicked: right....thats what myth is for right?
[22:54:23] dustybin: WTF
[22:54:54] Wicked: another dumb question...if i get the hd box...would i get ANY hd content? or would i have to pay for it? is there any free HD stuff?
[22:55:11] xris: Wicked: depends on your provider
[22:55:18] Wicked: comcast
[22:55:19] xris: with comcast, it's just the box that matters
[22:55:32] xris: but since comcast is a franchise, that might be different in different markets
[22:55:39] Wicked: ah ok
[22:55:56] xris: I know they've been trying to consolidate their billing plans, though
[22:56:34] RyeBrye: I think they are required to send out whatever you could get if you had an antenna
[22:56:42] xris: what's available via firewire is definitely different, though. seattle area gives everything you pay for (including any premium channels).. other areas only do the required-by-law broadcast stuff
[22:57:07] Wicked: ah
[22:57:10] RyeBrye: So if there are HD local broadcast channels, those should be available on a set top box
[22:57:14] RyeBrye: but firewire is a crapshoot
[22:57:27] xris: RyeBrye: yup. but still worth $5 for a month to try
[22:57:31] RyeBrye: Yeah, can't hurt
[22:57:41] Wicked: so lets say i get the hd stb..and its total failure..i get 3 channels via they normally come with svideo out too?
[22:57:49] Wicked: so i could at least revert to svideo
[22:57:50] xris: Wicked: just make sure you physically check the box for a firewire port when you pick it up. THey have old stock of non-firewire boxes, and most cable staff don't know what firewire is.
[22:58:14] RyeBrye: The comcast in a town nearby me had 5c on NBC – which sucked
[22:58:20] xris: Wicked: not sure, there... I could check mine when I got home, but that's a few hours away
[22:58:31] Led-Hed: Is firewire capture stable?
[22:58:35] xris: RyeBrye: all of mine have 5c.. but the box decrypts them
[22:58:39] Wicked: xris, ok no worries. youve been helpfull enough :-)
[22:58:40] iamlindoro: RyeBrye, I get 99.99% of my channels via firewire.... but not CBS. Which I get in the clear via QAM. Go figure.
[22:58:43] xris: Led-Hed: with myth, yes.. with fedora, not so much.
[22:59:00] RyeBrye: xris – the box sends them down to Myth for you? This one myth wouldn't get any signal on that channel
[22:59:15] Led-Hed: xris, so what disro would be best for a Firewire Capping Backend?
[22:59:21] xris: RyeBrye: yeah. it's a crapshoot..
[22:59:23] RyeBrye: Does the box convert analog chanels over and send them out over firewire?
[22:59:41] xris: as for distro, I don't know. the deal is that the kernel people changed the firewire stack awhile back. I've been afraid to upgrade.
[22:59:51] Led-Hed: ahh
[22:59:53] xris: RyeBrye: no. only digital...
[22:59:57] RyeBrye: ok
[23:00:41] Led-Hed: xris, so if the STB only puts our Digital channels via firewire, then Channels 2–125 arent cappable?
[23:00:54] Led-Hed: Most Cable Co's run a mix of Analog and Digital
[23:01:15] xris: comcast should be 100% digital now.. even if all they're doing is digitizing the analog signals.
[23:01:23] Led-Hed: ahh
[23:02:14] Led-Hed: I'll have to check into it. I know I can get a STB w/ Firewire from Charter. Just need to find out what channels they let me capture.
[23:02:36] zabbadapp (zabbadapp!n=zbdp@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[23:03:06] neddy1 (neddy1!n=john@nat/sun/x-2f0e052814d814b6) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:03:13] Led-Hed: If they were totally open, then I wouldnt have to find a PVR-500
[23:03:35] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:03:50] ** Led-Hed wonders if spending $1000 on a new backend is smart in this failing economy. **
[23:04:21] xris: helps the economy.  :)
[23:04:37] ** xris has too much debt from his home remodel to buy new toys **
[23:04:40] Led-Hed: true. but hurts my pockets.
[23:04:56] xris: but my mythbox is way over-powered
[23:05:29] Wicked: would asking them if i am able to capture from firewire be a dumb question? am i legaly able to do this?
[23:05:32] justinh: mine is too. athlon 2000XP.. way too much CPU power for what it actually does
[23:06:22] xris: mine's a 2.4Ghz quad core pentium.. but I got it for like 70% off
[23:06:37] neddy (neddy!n=john@nat/sun/x-93ba27fa74ea85fd) has quit (Success)
[23:06:58] xris: Wicked: they're legally required to provide a firewire connection with the broadcast channels on it.. fcc passed a law for it in 2004. There should be an article about it in the mythtv wiki
[23:07:39] xris: no need to tell them what you're doing
[23:07:46] Wicked: xris, ah ok. thanks
[23:08:54] ldiamond (ldiamond! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:08:55] justinh: speaking of the wiki.. when people mention unmentionables & community members edit their posts only to have the unmentionables re-appear – is there some sort of moderation contact we can flag up?
[23:11:15] xris: I think baylink is technically in charge of the wiki
[23:11:23] xris: but it's been a long time since I've seen him around
[23:11:42] iamlindoro: "I intend to deploy my HD-PVR once the 5.1-supporting firmware's out and HD-PVR support's backported to 0.21"
[23:11:46] iamlindoro: Bless his heart
[23:11:49] justinh: haven't noticed him since the 'sucks' debacle
[23:12:02] iamlindoro: I don't have the heart to tell him it's not getting backported
[23:12:13] iamlindoro: justinh, Oh is HE the "sucks" fuckstick??
[23:12:43] justinh: no, as far as I can remember without looking at the history, I just got a rollocking for not tagging my entry
[23:12:52] Wicked: wtf we don't support the firewire ports and may I ask why you want one?
[23:13:04] Wicked: he says they dont support it and is asking why i want on
[23:13:05] Wicked: e
[23:13:18] iamlindoro: Wicked, Tell him to suck it, and quote him the FCC regulation from here:
[23:13:29] Wicked: ok
[23:13:30] iamlindoro:
[23:13:31] xris: Wicked: pretty much
[23:13:44] xris: they don't *have* to support them. just provide a box with working ports
[23:13:47] iamlindoro: (4) Cable operators shall:
[23:13:47] iamlindoro: (i) Effective April 1, 2004, upon request of a customer, replace any leased high definition set-top box, which does not include a functional IEEE 1394 interface, with one that includes a functional IEEE 1394 interface or upgrade the customer's set-top box by download or other means to ensure that the IEEE 1394 interface is functional.
[23:13:53] xris: if they push it, say it's for your Tivo
[23:14:31] xris: unfortunately even 4 years later, it can still be a hassle
[23:14:57] iamlindoro: If it really comes down to it, tell me what brand boxes your cable co gives out and I'll tell you which model to ask for
[23:15:07] Wicked: ah its for my tivo
[23:15:09] iamlindoro: If it's motorola, get a DCH or DCT 3200 or 6200
[23:15:19] iamlindoro: If it's SA, a 3250 or 4250 should work
[23:15:23] Wicked: right now i have a sci atlanta
[23:15:41] iamlindoro: an SA3250, which should be their basic HD box, ought to be fine, then
[23:16:03] iamlindoro: Just physically inspect it before you accept it
[23:16:26] Wicked: im waiting on his response stil....
[23:16:55] ** directhex is in a caustic fucking mood, could do with something to stab **
[23:17:24] Wicked: The cable boxes that were manufactured after the date of the FCC regulation that require a firewire port do carry an active firewire port. We do not provide any support for this and depending on what you want to do with the firewire port determines your level of success with it.
[23:17:31] ldiamondd (ldiamondd! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:17:36] Wicked: his response ^^
[23:17:52] xris: Wicked: yup. as long as the port works, that's all that matters
[23:17:54] iamlindoro: Tell him that's fine, and ask where to pick your's up, then
[23:18:28] iamlindoro: And you might remind him about the "ensure that the IEEE 1394 interface is functional."
[23:18:41] iamlindoro: and mention casually that they sure as fuck will support it to that extent
[23:18:42] iamlindoro: ;)
[23:18:59] ldiamondd (ldiamondd! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:18:59] Wicked: lol
[23:19:02] iamlindoro: <-- a bit of a dick
[23:19:11] Anusien (Anusien!n=anusien@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:19:53] Wicked: lol
[23:20:03] xris: iamlindoro: I've known of people who took their cableco to court over this
[23:20:12] Wicked: now he says they do have themm...but cannot promise i will get one
[23:20:31] xris: Wicked: they're required by law to provide it
[23:20:51] xris: could always ask to be transfered to a more helpful representative
[23:21:01] Wicked: i dont see why not. if i request one.....i should legally be able to get one.
[23:21:01] Wicked: Joey(Mon Sep 29 2008 19:20:01 GMT-0400 (EDT))>
[23:21:01] Wicked: It was an FCC regulation in the past.
[23:21:01] Wicked: Joey(Mon Sep 29 2008 19:20:25 GMT-0400 (EDT))>
[23:21:01] Wicked: You can request one but they may not have them at the service center.
[23:21:02] xris: offer to fax a copy of the law to his boss
[23:21:22] iamlindoro: It *continues* to be an FCC regulation
[23:21:38] xris: the law says they have to provide one.. not "provide one if we happen to have one in stock"
[23:21:59] Wicked: ah i like that lol
[23:23:33] Wicked: damn.
[23:23:34] Wicked: Yes it was a regulation not a law and at that time it was required. They no longer require cable companies to have a fire wire port on their HD boxes.
[23:23:54] iamlindoro: Total. Lie.
[23:24:04] Wicked: ok
[23:24:18] iamlindoro: . . . 03-225A1.pdf
[23:24:30] iamlindoro: Send him that link and mention that that happens to be AT THE FUCKING FCC
[23:24:38] Wicked: ok
[23:24:50] Led-Hed: night all.
[23:24:56] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[23:25:16] iamlindoro: and mention you don't appreciate being lied to
[23:25:27] iamlindoro: by him or whoever is standing behind him
[23:25:31] Wicked: I am very sorry you feel this way Maura. We do not lie to our customers. I am being truthful with you.
[23:25:33] Wicked: lol
[23:25:45] iamlindoro: Ask if you can speak to someone who isn't computer generated
[23:26:14] iamlindoro: But say that you really appreciate that all of this is in a logged form that you can sugmit to the atterney general, BBB, and the FCC
[23:26:18] iamlindoro: er submit
[23:26:24] Wicked: i mentioned that. i said can i speak to someone who can give me more info on getting one of them
[23:26:33] Wicked: lol
[23:26:40] directhex: ask him to tell you which FCC reg cancelled out the previous one#
[23:26:43] directhex: since he sounds so sure
[23:26:58] Wicked: thats my next q
[23:27:07] Wicked: hes been silent since i posted that pdf
[23:27:44] iamlindoro: Then punch him in the nuts
[23:28:00] Wicked: they have yet to implent that protocol ove tcp/ip
[23:28:00] xris: Wicked: often easier to deal with that stuff over the phone
[23:28:02] Wicked: ;-o
[23:28:14] ldiamond (ldiamond! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:28:21] Wicked: I am reading the document. I can have a senior agent speak to you about this if you'd like buts its going to be awhile.
[23:28:42] Wicked: 10 mins
[23:28:43] ldiamond (ldiamond! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:29:29] Wicked: i cant belive this call agent is even denying this crap...what the hell does he care?
[23:29:36] iamlindoro: I myself would wait, and mention that in addition to wanting to clarify it for their training purposes, that you would like to understand why misinformation is being spread
[23:29:55] Wicked: ah.
[23:29:57] Wicked: i am waiting
[23:30:17] iamlindoro: Since clearly he felt the need to make claims about what is and is not required by the FCC when you have done the research and he has not.
[23:30:24] ** iamlindoro cracks his knuckles and narrows his eyes **
[23:30:34] Wicked: lol
[23:31:04] Wicked: well i want to thanks u guys....kinda waling me through this...i would have given up with out ya..seeing as how i dont know the laws/rules
[23:31:12] Wicked: *walking
[23:31:39] ** mzb_d800 chains Wicked to one of the desks in #mythtv **
[23:31:45] Wicked: now hes saying just goto the service center
[23:31:51] Wicked: and if they have one i can get it
[23:32:03] iamlindoro: Wicked, If it helps I have a PDF from the FCC two months ago with statements about how the content providers want the regulation repealed
[23:32:15] iamlindoro:
[23:32:24] Wicked: iamlindoro, ah ok awesome
[23:32:42] iamlindoro: It's more or less an argument to get *rid* of firewire, but it's extremely recent
[23:32:48] Wicked: wtf
[23:32:52] iamlindoro: and stick to your guns, it *is* still required
[23:32:57] Wicked: now he says to speak to a supervisior i need to call
[23:33:03] Wicked: and that is who talked him through this
[23:36:00] ldiamondd (ldiamondd! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[23:37:27] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:37:49] iamlindoro: Wicked,
[23:38:07] iamlindoro: That is the same regulation, but from their current regulation, rather than a public document/flyer
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[23:39:03] neddy1 (neddy1!n=john@nat/sun/x-2f0e052814d814b6) has quit (Connection timed out)
[23:39:11] Wicked: ah ok
[23:39:11] iamlindoro: And make the point that both you and the FCC seem to agree on what their current regulations are, so it seems to be Comcast that is the odd man out
[23:39:16] Wicked: he did ask what he shoul dread
[23:40:50] neddy (neddy!n=john@nat/sun/x-07f55f2c6fbafd8e) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:40:56] Wicked: and i do find it funny that they want to reject the law(comcast).....and they claimed it was a old law....
[23:41:02] iamlindoro: Part 76 of the Cable Regulations, as linked (and up to date) here:
[23:41:35] iamlindoro: note that that page explicitly states that it is the latest version
[23:42:07] Wicked: now he wants to give me the phone number for there legal department
[23:42:23] iamlindoro: Make sure to get full names
[23:42:27] iamlindoro: they love that
[23:42:33] iamlindoro: and employee number if possible
[23:42:45] iamlindoro: and reference numbers/incident IDs
[23:43:11] iamlindoro: You know, "for your records."
[23:43:25] Wicked: yea lol
[23:43:57] iamlindoro: Anyway, while you wage this battle, there's no harm in going into one of their locations with your existing box and saying you were instructed to come in and get a firewire box
[23:44:02] iamlindoro: And see what happens
[23:44:23] mzb_d800: hmm: " We anticipate that the
[23:44:24] mzb_d800: marketplace will determine which additional connectors are best for use with digital cable ready
[23:44:24] mzb_d800: televisions and associated products and therefore decline to mandate a 1394 or other connector
[23:44:24] mzb_d800: interface.98
[23:44:24] mzb_d800: "
[23:44:24] Wicked: i got denied on his name
[23:44:52] iamlindoro: Get an incident ID #, it'll all be there if it comes to that
[23:45:09] mzb_d800: my favourite is asking for details and then telling them that the call is being recorded ;)
[23:45:10] Wicked: ok
[23:45:29] iamlindoro: Wicked, I would open a complaint immediately here:
[23:45:29] mzb_d800: nothing like a bit of pressure ;)
[23:45:39] iamlindoro: And mention to Comcast that you've just finished doing so
[23:46:00] iamlindoro: Also, there is contact info for the head of the firewire trade association floating around, he likes to hear about this stuff, I will dig that up
[23:46:48] iamlindoro: Wicked, read this when you get a chance: . . . /168117.html
[23:46:56] iamlindoro: has info re: trade assoc.
[23:47:15] Wicked: ah ok
[23:47:17] Wicked: lmao
[23:47:18] Wicked: now
[23:47:29] abqjp: When I first when to Comcast in Albuquerque, they refused to give me a firewire enabled box. I then filled out a complaint form on the "City of Albuquerque" website, explaining that comcast was violating FCC regs. I got a call from comcast within 4 hours asking what they needed to do to solve the situation.
[23:47:43] wagnerrp: seems TiVo is now offering a software based PVR
[23:47:46] Wicked: he says they provide them and he was only trying to say that only the legacy boxes dont have them
[23:47:48] iamlindoro: Good idea, do as abqjp says
[23:47:55] Wicked: but
[23:48:02] Wicked: from the begging he said: Maura, we don't support the firewire ports and may I ask why you want one?
[23:48:09] Wicked: he flat out said no we dont
[23:48:15] Wicked: now says they do
[23:48:37] iamlindoro: Fine, so long as we all agree in the end
[23:48:57] abqjp: Wicked: comcast of albuquerque told me they flat out did not give out firewire enabled boxes. After complaining to the city, I had a firewire enabled box the next day.
[23:49:27] abqjp: Does not do me any good now, since they enabled 5C six months later....
[23:49:52] wagnerrp: on everything? or just cable channels?
[23:50:04] abqjp: only thing not 5c are locals.
[23:50:11] wagnerrp: ah
[23:50:23] wagnerrp: well at least you have something to change channels with
[23:50:38] abqjp: i get locals via an antenna, in much better quality than from comcast.
[23:50:47] iamlindoro: abqjp, Got the driver working with the new firmware, but had to disable the firmware check as it's an unsupported revision-- working great, though
[23:50:55] abqjp: Pissed me off so bad, when they enabled 5c, that I switched to directv.
[23:51:05] abqjp: iamlindoro: cool!
[23:51:14] abqjp: Much better audio quality!
[23:51:50] wagnerrp: i imagine in new mexico, there isnt much in the way of bad weather to cause problems with satellite anyway
[23:51:50] iamlindoro: yeah, it's nice... and should make trying to find a cutting solution easier
[23:52:02] abqjp: wagnerrp: very rare
[23:52:18] PatrickDK (PatrickDK! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:52:31] neddy (neddy!n=john@nat/sun/x-07f55f2c6fbafd8e) has quit ("Leaving.")
[23:52:39] wagnerrp: thats my biggest complaint about satellite, they had it on the TV at one of my old jobs
[23:52:51] wagnerrp: every time it rained, the link would go out
[23:53:38] abqjp: wagnerrp: It has to rain *HARD* for that to happen. Are you sure they had the dish aligned correctly?
[23:53:51] wagnerrp: it could have been bad alignment
[23:54:15] abqjp: Don't think I would want satellite in Seattle!
[23:54:23] directhex: bedtime.
[23:54:49] sphery: abqjp: Getting HD from DirecTV? Do you know if they're still doing 1280x1080 or have they started 1920x1080, yet?
[23:56:16] Wicked: do you think if i asked about 5c encryption..they would know and tell me if its enabled in my area?
[23:57:13] abqjp: sphery: ever since the switched to MPEG4 last december, it has been full-rez.
[23:57:30] otwin_ (otwin_!n=otwin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:57:33] sphery: Wicked: It's possible, but IME, cable co's aren't too forthcoming about that kind of stuff
[23:57:57] iamlindoro: and their customer service is clueless anyway
[23:58:03] iamlindoro: (as you may have already gathered)
[23:58:17] Wicked: sphery, yea...i kinda expected that much
[23:58:22] sphery: abqjp: cool. Really annoyed me when they did the series of commercials about "every channel in 1080i" (and Jessica S saying, "I don't know what that means, but I want it.") it annoyed me...
[23:58:23] abqjp: Wicked: when they started enabling 5c here, I complained and they said it was out of their control, that that was how ESPN (etc) was sending it to them and they where just passing it along. In other words, the people I talked to had no idea how it worked.
[23:59:06] abqjp: sphery: no doubt ;-)
[23:59:43] EvilGuru (EvilGuru! has quit ()

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