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Saturday, September 27th, 2008, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:09] [gquit]bombadil ([gquit]bombadil! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:05:44] dustybin: pfsense truly kicks ass, im testing it out in vmware
[00:06:33] dustybin: this is better than cisco IOS
[00:08:21] iamlindoro: dustybin, sigh... dare I ask how many sites you have ever managed running cisco equipment?
[00:08:46] iamlindoro: Or, in fact, what IOS equipment you own or have used?
[00:09:46] dustybin: iamlindoro: i got my facts from 'clever'
[00:10:09] iamlindoro: dustybin, You cannot be this simple-- what in the world makes you believe you can make a statement like that, then?
[00:10:18] iamlindoro: I am trying very hard to be actually nice to you
[00:10:19] ** dustybin hides again **
[00:10:34] iamlindoro: But I am going to be all over you every time you make a statement like that
[00:10:35] PatrickDK: I love cisco ios
[00:10:39] PatrickDK: it's alittle strange sometimes
[00:10:52] PatrickDK: and they change default settings between firmware upgrades
[00:10:53] iamlindoro: dustybin, Why do you *do* that? Seriously?
[00:10:57] PatrickDK: but otherwise it's damned powerful
[00:11:08] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[00:11:17] clever: PatrickDK: ive yet to see how to do pppoe and nat on my cisco
[00:11:29] PatrickDK: nat is easy
[00:11:34] dustybin: haha clever your here :-)
[00:11:37] PatrickDK: I dunno why anyone would want to do pppoe though
[00:11:39] iamlindoro: clever, huh? Both are easily accomplished
[00:11:54] dustybin: clever: i feel more at home when your here !
[00:11:56] PatrickDK: maybe cause I have never used cisco stuff on dsl
[00:12:06] clever: PatrickDK: i need pppoe to get the dsl modem working:P
[00:12:16] iamlindoro: dustybin, I am honestly trying to help you be more liked in here
[00:12:17] PatrickDK: heh
[00:12:26] clever: right now the pppoe trafic is in a private vlan which leads to my routers 'wan' port
[00:12:35] iamlindoro: I could just call you a fucking dumbass, but I am putting real effort into refraining from that
[00:12:49] PatrickDK: I have only used cisco on t1, t3, 10mbit, 100mbit, gige, fibers, ...
[00:12:52] dustybin: iamlindoro: sometimes i type before i think
[00:12:58] PatrickDK: never on dsl or cable
[00:13:05] iamlindoro: dustybin, and I am *not* trying to make you feel stupid... but you *have* to see how making random, wild statements about things you've never even *used* will just irritate the shit out of people
[00:13:15] dustybin: ok..
[00:13:41] dustybin: </random.comments>
[00:13:44] PatrickDK: iamlindoro, I dun't see how anyone can use linux, windows rules :)
[00:13:58] iamlindoro: take the IOS thing, for example-- you would be hard pressed to find a major corporation whose network backbone wasn't built on cisco equipment. And that's not an accident, you know?
[00:14:21] dustybin: is IOS based on unix?
[00:14:26] PatrickDK: nope
[00:14:30] iamlindoro: because Cisco equipment is fucking *insanely* powerful (insanely expensive, mind you, but...)
[00:14:35] dustybin: ok
[00:15:47] clever: ive been told that my cisco switch
[00:15:56] clever: the internal backbone cant handle 100mbit on every port at once
[00:16:18] dustybin: clever: every box has a throughput
[00:16:46] iamlindoro: clever, *most* switches can't handle even a fraction of the total throughput of all their ports. Anyway, that kind of thing is the reason that cisco has teired products
[00:16:57] EvilGuru (EvilGuru! has quit ()
[00:17:10] clever: now how would i get the model/firmware version from cli
[00:17:44] iamlindoro: show ver
[00:17:54] clever: there it is
[00:17:58] jamesd: clever, depends on which switch you have... a decent cisco switch can... some of there lower end stuff doesn't do wirespeed on all interfaces at once because they cut costs and you aren't gonig to see full bandwidth used on 100% of the ports when switching workstation traffic
[00:17:59] clever: ROM: Bootstrap program is C2900XL boot loader
[00:18:04] clever: IOS (tm) C2900XL Software (C2900XL-C3H2S-M), Version 12.0(5.2)XU, MAINTENANCE INTERIM SOFTWARE
[00:18:50] iamlindoro: clever, 29xx are the lowest end switches
[00:18:56] clever: ahh
[00:19:23] jamesd: <-- my little cisco lab in training ...
[00:19:48] jamesd: iamlindoro, not exactly.... 1900, 3500's are lower...
[00:19:48] clever: would a 29xx be able to handle 200mbit total
[00:19:57] dustybin: jamesd: interesting
[00:19:58] clever: for example, bonding 2 ports together to a single system
[00:21:44] dustybin: is there a official colour scheme for ethernet cables? ie. blue for terminals, yellow for servers, red for firewalls ?
[00:21:49] clever: and could the cisco help with the bonding or would i need to send to 2 diff mac's to devide the bandwidth up at the source
[00:22:08] iamlindoro: dustybin, nothing official
[00:23:01] jamesd: With a switching fabric of 13.6 Gbps and a maximum forwarding bandwidth of 13.6 Gbps, Cisco Catalyst 2950 Series switches deliver wire-speed performance on all ports in connecting end stations and users to the company LAN.
[00:23:17] kslater (kslater! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:41] jamesd: dustybin, no, its upto the end user/admin to define
[00:23:51] dustybin: ok
[00:23:53] dagar_ (dagar_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:59] dagar (dagar! has quit (No route to host)
[00:24:38] iamlindoro: clever, 2900s support LACP, yes
[00:24:57] clever: and how would i go about configuring it at both the cisco end and the linux end
[00:25:53] iamlindoro: on the linux end you would create a bond0 device, on the cisco end you should be able to find a lacp howto
[00:32:31] jamesd: depending on the mode you are using, it may not be necessary to configure anything on the cisco side.
[00:34:33] clever: cant realy test that far until i get a 2nd nic in a main system
[00:34:46] clever: right now the only dual nic system is the router, which is a member of 2 virtual lans
[00:35:09] clever: weird problems came out of nowhere when the 2 lans merged without warning
[00:35:43] Dagmar: Gee.
[00:35:47] Dagmar: I never warned you about that at all.
[00:35:50] Dagmar: Not even once.
[00:35:54] Dagmar: Three or four times I think it was.
[00:36:25] clever: i expected the switch to stay the way i set it:P
[00:36:48] clever: but for some reason, all the ports reverted to vlan 1
[00:36:59] Dagmar: Probably a lack of grounding.
[00:37:26] clever: then why did it remember the fact that vlan2 existed
[00:37:27] Dagmar: On a lighter note, I think I'm about to get some coworkers written up for gross ignorance.
[00:37:35] clever: and the passwords still stuck
[00:37:57] Dagmar: It's not very hard to spot a U boundary in a rack, especially when it's freaking engraved along the edge.
[00:38:06] Dagmar: Yet I've got nine machines which aren't mounted properly here.
[00:38:34] clever: fun fun
[00:39:03] Dagmar: Yeah there's nothing I love more than calling an admin and asking to schedule a 30 minute downtime window so I can take their machine out of the rack and remount it properly.
[00:39:20] [gquit]bombadil ([gquit]bombadil! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:39:41] Dagmar: The bad part is, when the machine thaty's being mounted is supposed to be at the bottom or the top of the rack, HAVING A GAP THERE is a pretty damn good sign you're doing it wrong.
[00:40:08] clever: ive tried moving a desktop server once before with it on
[00:40:16] clever: the floppy drive was hanging loose in the case
[00:40:26] clever: it made contact with a loose wire from the motherboard speaker
[00:40:33] clever: then it released magic blue smoke!
[00:40:34] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:40:52] Dagmar: Hence why I prefer to have the admin shut the things down before I move them
[00:41:09] clever: normaly everything should be screwed in so that wouldnt happen:P
[00:41:24] famicom_ (famicom_! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:41:32] clever: all i did was heat the speaker wire up till the plastic began to melt&smoke
[00:41:34] famicom (famicom! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:41:42] clever: unpluging the speaker 'fixed' everything
[00:41:46] Dagmar: I still have to disconnect the ethernet and power to get them *out* of the rack
[00:42:21] clever: yeah, my redhat9 system has such a short ethernet that i couldnt even look at it without unpluging
[00:42:37] clever: and i forgot to reconnect when i turned it on so i spent 5mins waiting for it to boot and ssh refusing to work
[00:44:10] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:44:25] clever: and amazingly a 133mhz with 40 wire pata and samba, somehow functions better then a 1.6ghz with 80wire pata and nfs
[00:44:36] clever: could just be that its a fresh format and no fragmentation
[00:44:49] iamlindoro (iamlindoro! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:45:44] jamesd: clever, that is nothing i spent 3 days trying to get a box to boot a CD, including calling the vendor and opening up a priority 1 support ticket and the vendor was on the way, and it turned out the system was just mislabeled and the disc was in the wrong box.. of course the box was 1500 miles away from where i was.
[00:45:56] clever: lol
[00:46:13] clever: how did you even put the cd in it.....
[00:46:35] Dagmar: He's got a very accurate discus throw
[00:47:24] jamesd: clever, called up a co-worker in AZ, and had him drive down to the datacenter and insert the cd... then i made him do it again when the first didn't work...
[00:47:32] clever: acuracy doesnt mean much when you dont have the range
[00:47:49] clever: ah
[00:47:54] Dagmar: Who says he can't throw that far.
[00:47:56] clever: a more painless method
[00:47:59] Dagmar: It might be 1,500 miles down.
[00:48:05] clever: cd burner, cd-rw
[00:48:10] clever: burn the cd from the os, then reboot to it
[00:48:22] clever: only problem would be changing the boot order
[00:49:01] clever: though you can probly fiddle with the nvram from linux
[00:49:04] jamesd: the vendor tech had me try one last thing while he was on the way... power off the box, then the co-worker was supposed to power it back on... then the co-worker relized that the box was not powered off and we checked the serial numbers and found we had the wrong box.. found the right one and it all worked.
[00:49:11] clever: ive done it before to invalidate a bios password
[00:49:24] clever: lol
[00:49:36] clever: reminds me of that quote
[00:49:39] clever: he lost the box
[00:49:42] clever: but could still ping it
[00:50:31] jamesd: yeah... i laughed at that one as well.. with solaris there is a solution to it... snoop -a ... beeps the speaker on each packet the nic receives... to help find the server.
[00:50:47] bronson (bronson! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:50:54] clever: neat
[00:51:04] clever: that sounds similar to another tool ive seen
[00:51:04] fryfrog: thats pretty cool idea :)
[00:51:10] clever: it flashes the nic lights in a special patern
[00:51:20] clever: so you can find out which nic is ethX
[00:51:53] clever: ethtool -p
[00:51:57] jamesd: most modern servers now have an ID light you can turn on to help techs find the server to be worked on... high end disks even have lights as well
[00:52:28] clever: i have a couple old hdd's with an activity led on the drive itself
[00:53:05] fryfrog: a light doesn't help if it was hidden under the floor :p
[00:53:14] clever: that snoop -a looks more usefull then ethtool -p
[00:53:21] clever: you dont have to see it to track it
[00:53:29] jamesd: these are lights jut to id the drive... not activity, they have them as well.. and if the drive is dead... activity lights are usually useless
[00:53:58] clever: the only hotplug drives i have are usb
[00:53:59] jamesd: clever, but real servers don't have speakers or sound cards... so doesn't really work on servers.
[00:54:08] clever: yeah
[00:54:18] clever: some motherboards have the speaker right on the motherboard itself
[00:54:24] fryfrog: most of the server's i've worked on have speakers
[00:54:30] fryfrog: beep codes can be very helpful
[00:54:39] fryfrog: yeah, a lot of em just have a tiny little pizeo
[00:54:43] clever: yep
[00:54:49] clever: my main frontend doesnt use beep codes
[00:54:53] fryfrog: and the raid cards *all* have had speakers, BEEP BEEP!
[00:54:56] clever: it plays wav files out the onboard sound card
[00:54:59] jamesd: little speakers don't do much in a typical datacenter.... 1RU servers are bloody loud pieces of crap.
[00:55:12] clever: one time, i was in the middle of windows
[00:55:22] clever: and it yelled at me that the CPU was missing
[00:55:26] clever: and froze up
[00:55:42] fryfrog: clever: ha, i have the same sort of thing on a motherboard from asus!
[00:55:52] clever: yep asus i beleive here
[00:55:58] clever: female voice
[00:56:01] fryfrog: one night with the volume up real high while i was messing with it... it yells "SYSTEM FAILED CPU TEST, SYSTEM FAILED CPU TEST!"
[00:56:06] fryfrog: scared the crap out of me :p
[00:56:18] clever: the tools on the cd let you replace the wav files from win 9x
[00:56:21] clever: the wav's i made of myself where too large
[00:56:28] clever: it lost the abiltity to boot from hdd
[00:56:42] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Success)
[00:56:43] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:56:58] clever: but it could still boot from cd, and the win98 cd would then chainload the 1st harddrive
[00:57:14] clever: which got me back into win98 and i reflashed the defaults and that fixed it
[00:57:30] fryfrog: funny :)
[00:57:48] clever: stupid flashing program didnt do bounds checking:P
[00:58:44] clever: once, i found some old ram sticks that looked like they fit in that system
[00:58:49] clever: so i shutdown and shoved them in
[00:58:54] clever: system failed ram test
[00:58:57] clever: system failed cpu test!
[00:59:13] neddy (neddy!n=john@nat/sun/x-0d96850aa3ea9135) has quit ("Leaving.")
[00:59:27] clever: so i simply removed them, and since it brought up the topic, i played with the cpu speed settings and overclocked it a tad
[00:59:36] clever: somehow, i fried the harddrive
[00:59:46] Dagmar: words fail me
[01:00:11] dustybin: LOL
[01:00:21] clever: after about 1–2 hours of use, the harddrive overheats and stops responding
[01:00:36] clever: then i converted that box to linux and never went back:P
[01:00:42] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:48] jamesd: i guess that is a good thing...
[01:01:21] Dagmar: If he ever gets to the point where he's submitting kernel patches and they're accepted, I'm switching to BSD.
[01:01:28] clever: lol
[01:01:41] clever: i have writen my own crude lpt driver before to test when i learned
[01:01:53] clever: it simply counted up with 8 led's that where wired to the port
[01:02:15] clever: it was just a crude bit banging thing that i could have probly done from userspace
[01:02:25] jamesd: hmm from what i have seen of linux drivers, it may of been a good canidate for inclusion.
[01:02:44] clever: it didnt even have any userspace interface
[01:02:52] Dagmar: I'm waiting to see if the Trance Vibrator II gets a driver.
[01:02:53] clever: it simply set a timer at load time and counted up
[01:03:51] clever: with the right curcuit i could easily control 8 devices
[01:03:51] clever: the problem is controling more then that
[01:03:51] clever: having to multiplex the addressing
[01:05:07] Dagmar: Debate'son
[01:05:25] jamesd: clever, doesn't sound very hard... use the 8th bot to pick from 2 sets of 7 devices... of 8bit == 0ff then send sinal to devices 1–7.. and if 8 bit == on send to the other.
[01:05:26] clever: just got a spamage notice about that on gamesurge:P
[01:06:18] clever: jamesd: there are several proper multiplexing chips in the vic20, 3 bits go in, ~8 lines go out
[01:06:30] clever: from that i can select one of 8 devices with just 3 lines
[01:06:48] jamesd: yeah... since 2^3 == 8, it makes complete sense
[01:06:53] clever: by cascading them similar to how the vic20 does for the whole memory maping, i could easily get 256 devices from 8 lines
[01:07:18] clever: but i would also need a latch at the end of everything
[01:07:31] jamesd: clever, yes but much more complex curcuit or at least another chip
[01:07:56] clever: yeah
[01:08:12] clever: would be simpler to have a serial bus going to every device
[01:08:30] clever: with an avr type chip to read its own address out, and switch one of its 7 avail pins on/off
[01:08:54] clever: and with 8 pins on the lpt, i could easily have 4 seperate bus's with r/w
[01:09:03] clever: assuming i can enable input mode on the lpt
[01:10:43] clever: using a serial bus might save a few chips, and would make it alot simpler in overall design and expanding
[01:10:51] dustybin: clever: do you prefer working in kernel space or user space?
[01:11:02] clever: depends on the task
[01:11:08] dustybin: ok
[01:11:09] clever: i do most of my stuff in userspace
[01:11:49] dustybin: do you program your vic 20 in assembler
[01:11:57] clever: the problem with kernel space, 1 misstep and you kill the system
[01:12:09] clever: i dont know if i even have a vic20 anymore, but i have a pair of c64's
[01:12:14] dustybin: aye
[01:12:18] clever: and ive done a bit of assembly on it but mostly basic
[01:12:22] jamesd: clever, have you looked at dtrace... it really rocks.. you can trace anywhere from userland into the heart of the kernel and back.
[01:12:29] clever: neat
[01:12:39] clever: and not installed
[01:12:52] clever: i have used strace and ltrace before
[01:12:53] dustybin: jamesd: was dtrace invented by sun?
[01:12:57] jamesd: clever goto and search for "google dtrace"
[01:13:04] clever: dtrace would help for fixing some bugs i found
[01:13:05] jamesd: dustybin, yes
[01:13:24] clever: jamesd: thats :P
[01:13:28] dustybin: what other sun goodies are there?
[01:13:45] jamesd: dustybin, ZFS, smf, crossbow
[01:13:48] jamesd: zones.
[01:13:59] dustybin: have those been ported to linux?
[01:14:24] neddy (neddy!n=john@nat/sun/x-93ba27fa74ea85fd) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:14:38] jamesd: dustybin, nope, sun's current license is not compatible with the GPLv2, but some of it has been ported to *bsd.
[01:14:55] dustybin: ok
[01:15:12] clever: ive used a freebsd system once
[01:15:13] clever: its weird
[01:15:18] clever: /proc is empty!!!
[01:15:45] jamesd: but on the other hand you can use Solaris to develop on and use dtrace, then compile the end result on linux. and ZFS makes a great fileserver makes nfs, samba and iscsi no brainers.
[01:15:47] ** dustybin checks /proc on os x **
[01:16:12] dustybin: there is no /proc on darwin bds
[01:16:59] clever: jamesd: i recently added a samba share on redhat9 as a storage group in my mythtv
[01:17:03] jamesd: btw, /proc was invented to hold "process information" not a dumping ground for virtual kernel interfaces so really linux does it wrong.
[01:17:19] Dagmar: This is amazing to watch
[01:17:21] clever: its the worst posibly combo of hardware, im surprised its performing so well
[01:17:28] Dagmar: It's like McCain is off in his own little world.
[01:17:45] jamesd: clever, and here is how to do the same thing in solaris "zfs set sharesmb=rw /pool/filesystemname" ... done..
[01:17:51] clever: jamesd: i dont even see process info in /proc on freebsd, i have no idea where ps and top get there info
[01:18:04] Dagmar: jamesd: Care to cite some reference for that?
[01:18:16] jamesd: clever, you should just see a list of numbered directories.
[01:18:21] clever: jamesd: on samba, i simply had to edit smb.conf and smbpasswd -a root
[01:18:44] dustybin: Darwin dustybins-macbook-pro.local 9.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 9.5.0: Wed Sep 3 11:29:43 PDT 2008; root:xnu-1228.7.58~1/RELEASE_I386 i386
[01:18:46] clever: jamesd: i dont even see that on freebsd, which is what i was expecting to atleast see
[01:19:37] jamesd: clever, its availible, but you have to mount the procfs
[01:19:50] clever: that could be the problem:P
[01:20:02] clever: most of my linux systems wont run too well if thats not mounted
[01:21:01] jamesd: dagar_, . . . nt=firefox-a
[01:23:07] jamesd: Roger Faulkner and Ron Gomes ported the research version of /proc to SVR4 and provided an easier viewing and access method of the active processes. They presented their work in another USENIX paper: "The Process File System and Process Model in UNIX System V" in the Proceedings of the USENIX Association Winter Conference held in Dallas, TX, January 1991. At that time, Roger Faulkner was with Sun Microsystems and Ron Gome
[01:23:07] jamesd: s with AT&T Bell Laboratories. As described in that paper, future work was intended to restructure /proc from a flat file system into a directory hierarchy describing a process.
[01:24:25] Dagmar: So where in that does it say that you're not allowed to publish kernel processing information?
[01:25:15] jamesd: i didn't say it was forbidden, i said it was not designed too hold every virtual kernel interface under the planet.
[01:25:34] Dagmar: Maybe you could get caught up and look at /sys.
[01:26:11] jamesd: Dagmar, yes that is where it should of been the whole time, but they decided to tack it onto /proc
[01:26:17] Dagmar: ...and in fact you did say /proc was invented to hold "process information" not a dumping ground for virtual kernel interfaces so really linux does it wrong."
[01:27:31] Dagmar: Proc was used as a mechanism for allowing the admins to peer at the details of all processes on the system, including the kernel.
[01:28:02] clever: yeah, a new thing in proc/pic/fdinfo, lets me see the read pointer within open files
[01:28:17] clever: so i could monitor the progesss of a gzip
[01:28:33] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:29:27] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=ryebrye@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:29:49] jamesd: that is "process" inforation and belongs in /proc[ess]
[01:29:57] jamesd: er information
[01:30:29] Dagmar: Ah the kernel just sits around and does nothing all day.
[01:30:57] Dagmar: In case you didn't notice, the documents you cited are for UNIX.
[01:31:01] Dagmar: Linux is not UNIX.
[01:31:21] Dagmar: It has never *been* UNIX. It simply replaced it in most places.
[01:32:08] Dagmar: Being that it is *not* UNIX, there is no point in attempting to clone everything UNIX does because all that means is that in addition to a startling lack of originality, you get all the flaws of UNIX along with it, and no room for progress forward.
[01:32:08] jamesd: dagar_, linux is trying to folloow the unix standards.. but of course if linux is not trying to follow UNIX then of course Linux is doing Linux right and you win. Linux does everything the linux way no argument here.
[01:35:18] Dagmar: Man these little graph lines at the bottom of the screen on CNN might as well be methane levels
[01:35:33] Dagmar: They dont' even seem to have abything to do with what the speakers have been saying
[01:36:13] kslater (kslater! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:37:19] clever: jamesd: dtrace looks wicked from this video
[01:37:50] jamesd: clever, yeap..
[01:38:04] clever: could it be compiled on linux?
[01:38:15] clever: or do i have to boot the sun coffee table here:P
[01:38:51] jamesd: clever, It can be ported if you know enough about the kernel. its been compiled on freebsd, osx as well... its distrobution of your work gets a bit fuzy leagally.
[01:39:28] clever: sounds simpler to just boot my sun box and play with it
[01:40:24] jamesd: btw the guy that is giving the presentation in the video is the guy who wrote it, and did the presentation while on the clock, be sure to listen to the last 10 minutes of the presentation... Sun paid him to say that.. those facts make it pretty interesting if played in a court of law.
[01:40:43] clever: in 25mins into the hour long video
[01:40:45] clever: im*
[01:41:45] jamesd: clever, he has blog entries and other presentation where he talks about bugs he found in code that were put back and helped the code run better in linux run better.
[01:43:13] clever: he is busy trying to track down the trash applet now
[01:43:25] clever: i would just move to that x tool that spews x events
[01:43:40] jamesd: yeap
[01:43:47] clever: what was it called:S
[01:44:13] clever: xev i think
[01:44:20] clever: yep
[01:44:39] clever: if i attached xev to the x11 id of the trash applet, i would see all the x11 events in english
[01:45:40] dustybin: clever: press 'z' when top is running
[01:45:41] clever: but damn is it ever showing tons of neat info in the tracing
[01:45:58] clever: Unknown command `z' — hit `h' for help
[01:46:15] dustybin: hmm
[01:46:24] clever: 2.0.11
[01:46:33] clever: i'll pic a newer top window
[01:46:40] clever: whoa, colors
[01:46:58] dustybin: 3.2.7
[01:47:13] clever: 3.2.7 on my newer window
[01:47:30] dustybin: if you got more than 1 cpu core, you can press 2
[01:47:32] dustybin: to show both cores
[01:47:38] clever: 1 toggles that
[01:47:46] clever: though the cpu view also gets stuck
[01:47:53] clever: Cpu(s): 11.7%us, 3.1%sy, 0.0%ni, 69.1%id, 13.1%wa, 0.4%hi, 2.5%si, 0.0%st
[01:48:00] clever: that line will often get stuck and stop updating
[01:48:01] dustybin: yep 1 sorry
[01:48:08] clever: i have to poke it with 1 a few times to wake it up
[01:49:55] jamesd: clever, here is a blog about using dtrace to debug linux apps, with not even recompiling to make them run on solaris
[01:50:27] clever: chrome tends to implode if i try to pause flash videos
[01:51:25] jamesd: clever, i can make flash crash in chrome by resizing the the window it is playing in at least in vmware.
[01:51:50] clever: every time you say my name i need to alt+tab out of chrome to stop the beeping:P
[01:52:19] squish102: any1 have an ATi Radeon HD 3200 gfx card working with myth?
[01:54:14] jamesd: squish102, from what i read it would be better to spend $50 and get an nvidia card it works much better and easier to setup so if you value your time.. buy an nvidia card
[01:55:39] fryfrog: nvidia, fte (for the easy)
[01:56:26] dustybin: clever: ive found some pr0n for you:
[02:00:55] dfksmffsd1 (dfksmffsd1! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:02:19] wireddd: it is so much easier setting up mythtv for the second time
[02:04:15] fryfrog: wait till you get to the 3rd or 4th, then you can do it with eyes closed
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[02:05:33] squish102: jamesd i have had a nvidia card working before, but i actually got this mobo due to reports on newegg that it workes out the box with mythtv :(
[02:05:58] squish102: and it has hdmi with audio, so i was hoping it was a simple installation
[02:06:25] squish102: i guess ati video cards still suck in linux
[02:07:10] fryfrog: squish102: doesn't hurt to try, ati does have linux drivers
[02:07:39] clever: jamesd: the pixmap/mmap problem, sounds fun
[02:07:55] wireddd: fryfrog: well I guess technically this is about the 5th time I have done it
[02:08:10] squish102: yip, got them loaded, but now when playing HD content, the screen 'hangs' and i get nothing :(
[02:08:12] wireddd: but this is the first complete reinstall since the first time
[02:08:30] jamesd: clever, yeah and it took down a $1,000,000 server... not a little box.
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[02:08:43] clever: yeah
[02:08:55] clever: my xorg has sucked tons of cpu on gettimeofday before
[02:09:08] clever: with dtrace i could have tracked it down to a certain line of code in mythtv
[02:09:20] clever: no idea how but i tracked it down to the deinterlacing stuff:P
[02:09:28] clever: kill bob and it goes away
[02:11:39] clever: damn stock ticker!!!
[02:12:06] clever: that f*cker!
[02:12:17] clever: lol
[02:12:55] squish102: would running vncserver have any negative impacts?
[02:12:59] wireddd is now known as wire
[02:13:20] wire: trying to watch tv through vnc?
[02:13:28] clever: im using Xvnc4 on a few systems, it works fine for most stuff
[02:13:47] squish102: impact the ati video driver
[02:14:06] clever: a vncserver shouldnt touch the video card at all
[02:14:33] clever: it runs its own totaly isolated x server
[02:15:46] squish102: ok thanks
[02:17:14] dustybin: clever: do you have a wireless access point?
[02:17:23] dustybin: or do you use your routers wireless?
[02:17:29] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:17:33] clever: im using a dlink router as an access point
[02:17:38] dustybin: ok
[02:17:43] clever: i just shut off dhcp and changed the ip to not conflict
[02:17:50] dustybin: ok
[02:17:51] clever: then i wire the LAN port to the main lan
[02:17:56] dustybin: ok
[02:18:20] dustybin: DIVISION BY ZERO.
[02:18:22] dustybin: READY
[02:18:23] dustybin: []
[02:18:27] clever: but ive been told that routers shouldnt act like that and to not expect it on new boxes
[02:18:44] GreyFoxx: What?
[02:18:53] GreyFoxx: Whoever said that is a fool
[02:19:06] clever: the wifi is bridging the wireless and lan ports
[02:19:07] GreyFoxx: The internal ports on those "routers" is just a switch
[02:19:16] clever: so any mac packet entering 1 gets relayed out the proper port
[02:19:25] clever: treating the wifi as a normal lan port
[02:19:45] clever: it might have been Dagmar or some1 else from here
[02:19:51] GreyFoxx: yes, exactly, that's expected behaviour. So that's exactly how they should be acting
[02:19:58] GreyFoxx: the wifi is essentially another port on the switch
[02:20:08] clever: he said that it would be bad because broadcasts would flood the air
[02:20:21] clever: yet i didnt hear any broadcasts when sniffing the air(with no wifi clients)
[02:20:36] GreyFoxx: He or whoever is right about that
[02:20:37] GreyFoxx: arp'
[02:20:49] GreyFoxx: arp's and windows broadcasts would just be bridged right out
[02:20:51] clever: broadcast kills arp, its going to ff:ff:ff...
[02:21:17] GreyFoxx: Just like any other switch port
[02:21:26] clever: but my wifi knows thre are no clients on the wifi, so it doesnt relay out that port
[02:22:19] Lynet (Lynet! has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[02:23:52] dustybin: clever: is your wifi on a DMZ?
[02:23:58] anna_ (anna_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:23:59] clever: nope
[02:24:06] dustybin: imagine i hacked your wireless, would i be inside your LAN
[02:24:08] clever: just wep with full access to the lan
[02:24:12] clever: i know
[02:24:26] dustybin: thats why im looking forward to running pfsense :)
[02:24:26] anna_: does anyone know if there has been any recent work in mythweb dealing with streaming video?
[02:24:33] clever: but normaly i have wifi systems with nfs mounts to everything
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[02:24:58] dustybin: anna_: are you female?
[02:25:00] clever: so i would need to tear giant holes in the security anyway
[02:25:08] anna_: besides seeking a dealbreaker for me is it encodes the stream as fast as possible and takes 90+-% cpu usage
[02:25:26] GreyFoxx: anna: I haven't seen any commits related to that so I don'tthink so
[02:25:27] anna_: when there's no need to encode as fast as possible, just encode at the fps of the file
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[02:25:46] anna_: ok thx
[02:26:03] clever: anna_: the pipe buffers between ffmpeg and the viewer, should fill soon enough and make ffmpeg block
[02:26:20] clever: enless the flash player at the client trys to read ahead the whole thing and pull the entire file at once
[02:26:55] anna_: ya it seems to. it encodes the entire file in the background once streaming is started
[02:27:03] jamesd: anna_, you are right about decoding, but it needs to be a bit faster than fps, but not much... 110% of fps would allow it to buffer some of the video to keep it all working smoothly
[02:27:11] clever: somebody else is working on storing multiple versions of files
[02:27:18] clever: so the system can store a mpg and a flv on disk
[02:27:22] clever: and just stream whatever you ask for
[02:27:34] clever: i think it was Captain_Murdoch but he hasnt finished it
[02:27:49] anna_: yes i agree 110%. or buffer 10–20secs in the beginning and then 100% fps s/b fine. but 110 would probably play it safe
[02:28:59] anna_: too bad work has slowed on that. add a fps encoding cap, add seek and it's pretty functional
[02:29:19] anna_: well the other prob is if you cancel viewing a file, the backend still transcodes to completion
[02:29:57] GreyFoxx: Uhhhh, not in my experience
[02:30:13] GreyFoxx: When I cancel the viewing within seconds ffmpeg stops
[02:30:37] GreyFoxx: In fact I'll test that right now
[02:31:10] anna_: i will too
[02:31:48] gregL (gregL! has quit ()
[02:31:58] clever: dustybin: ive only got 1 system on wifi atm, so i could dmz it
[02:32:17] clever: dustybin: the only problem, im also using the wifi router to split a ethernet cord, and those systems i cant dmz without problems
[02:32:22] GreyFoxx: Ok, watching Supernatural now.
[02:32:52] gregL (gregL! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:33:11] GreyFoxx: Stopped it and went back to my Recorded Programs screen and ffmpeg is gone
[02:33:37] clever: just had an idea
[02:33:50] clever: the programs that ffmpeg is streaming, arent in the inuse table in mythconverg
[02:34:00] clever: so the backend may expire things while your watching them
[02:35:15] anna_: yes i just tested it and it was gone as well, hmm i swear i was having that before...
[02:35:31] GreyFoxx: They are streamed via the mythprotocol to a script which pipes them to ffmpeg, so the backend just sees it as another client and knows it's in use
[02:35:36] anna_: well good then. the only really nice thing would be fps encoding cap
[02:35:56] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:36:00] clever: GreyFoxx: last time i read the code, it didnt use the myth protocol, it had to be mounted local to the mythweb's apache
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[02:36:14] clever: but yes, streaming thru the backend would solve that problem
[02:36:33] GreyFoxx: anna: It looks like the key is to leave the show screen
[02:36:42] GreyFoxx: my ffmpeg process is still running until I go to another screen
[02:36:55] anna_: ah
[02:37:09] clever: the key is probly shuting the flash applet down
[02:37:19] GreyFoxx: yeah
[02:37:22] clever: either by leaving the page, or killing it like you can do in chrome
[02:37:23] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:37:40] clever: its great, when i can just take an axe to flash without bringing the entire browser down
[02:37:49] clever: instant stop every video
[02:38:02] clever: without loosing the open tabs to them
[02:38:28] clever: ive resumed 100 tabs in firefox before, and 5 youtubes started playing at once
[02:38:43] clever: takes an hour to track it down and stop the jumbled racket of noises
[02:39:21] GreyFoxx: cleve: You are right, it's reading the local file. I know they were planning/working on the backend streaming, must have went this way instead
[02:39:45] clever: ive had to hack that code up before to fix it
[02:39:46] GreyFoxx: hmmmmmm a simple perl mythclient should be fairly simple
[02:39:50] clever: ffmpeg explodes on nuv files
[02:40:04] clever: i changed it to have mencoder convert nuv->RAW VIDEO
[02:40:06] GreyFoxx: filewhatever > file.mpg
[02:40:07] GreyFoxx: hehe
[02:40:11] clever: which it threw at a fifo
[02:40:22] clever: then ffmpeg took the fifo and turned the raw avi stream into flv
[02:40:37] clever: so i had totatly seperate decoding and encoding processes
[02:40:44] clever: and streaming worked fine on nuv
[02:41:08] clever: the problem with that idea, no seeking
[02:41:25] GreyFoxx: actually that would be simple
[02:41:27] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:41:48] GreyFoxx: a seperate control pipe, which can seek in the stream just like mythfrontend does
[02:41:49] clever: and even then, how do you relay the seek request from the flash player thru ffmpeg to
[02:42:09] GreyFoxx: just have the flashplayer make a webcall, that feeds it to mythstream directly
[02:42:17] clever: ffmpeg would crash if you suddendly seeek midframe
[02:42:43] GreyFoxx: I've done exactly this sort of thing via VLC, I see no reason it couldn't be done with ffmpeg
[02:42:46] clever: and the flv doesnt even have a proper seek table since its not done converting
[02:42:52] GreyFoxx: might get a few frames of corruption
[02:43:02] GreyFoxx: clever: not needed in the flv
[02:43:13] clever: seems better to restart the streaming at x seconds from the start
[02:43:14] GreyFoxx: as long as the client knows how far in it is, and how far in it wants to be,
[02:43:55] clever: but having a seperate file like Captain_Murdoch was working on still seems better
[02:44:06] GreyFoxx: That's seems very wasteful to me
[02:44:11] clever: store the same show in different codecs/bitrates and stream the best one the client can handle
[02:44:20] GreyFoxx: but it would depend on how often you use the streaming of the other formats
[02:44:30] GreyFoxx: for me it would be a waste of cpu to encode and a waste of space to store
[02:44:38] clever: you could transcode a hd show to sdtv on the fly when streaming it to a weak frontend
[02:44:43] GreyFoxx: If you do a lot of it then it might be worth it
[02:44:47] clever: assuming the backend had the horse power
[02:45:17] clever: if you run low on space, just autoexpire the different versions
[02:45:40] GreyFoxx: fg 8
[02:45:41] GreyFoxx: oops
[02:45:55] clever: this isnt bash:P
[02:46:56] jams: clever- your right, that was his cat walking across the keyboard again.
[02:47:16] GreyFoxx: No, that as be bringing a backgrounded process to the foreground :)
[02:47:20] clever: id would think the foxx would have eaten the cat by now
[02:49:26] clever: now to switch my acer box to another ethernet line
[02:49:59] clever: now its time to watch windows have a heart attack because the ethernet was down for 3 seconsd
[02:50:42] ** GreyFoxx goes to try and beat MythUIImage into submission **
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[02:52:10] clever: test test
[02:52:15] clever: whoa
[02:52:19] clever: it didnt crash:P
[02:52:34] clever: not fully, but a bit did
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[03:03:04] doje (doje! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:17:10] clever: jamesd: from a glance over the dtrace for linux link you gave, it seems to be emulating linux on a sun system
[03:26:57] jamesd: clever, yes brandz gives you a linux userland on a solaris kernel...
[03:27:12] clever: ah, similar to wine im guessing?
[03:27:26] clever: (windows userland on linux kernel)
[03:28:32] clever: but to use dtrace on linux binarys like that, id still need a solaris system
[03:28:53] clever: and it just happens that i have a giant beast of a sun station next to my couch holding my drinks:P
[03:29:36] clever: i just have no idea how i would go about getting brandz and dtrace on it
[03:29:48] clever: and my dad would have a fit if i did install anything to it:P
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[03:32:37] clever: jamesd: *poke poke*
[03:37:30] EnderTheThird (EnderTheThird! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:43:33] wagnerrp: i hardly ever use 'ctrl-z' or 'bg', but less use it enough to necessitate a 'fg 8'
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[03:45:24] wagnerrp: why do you have a solaris workstation sitting in your living room?
[03:46:24] clever: wagnerrp: our house has turned into storage for my dads job:P
[03:46:36] clever: the van looks like a fedex truck with all the boxes
[03:46:40] wagnerrp: damned if your whole family isnt nuts
[03:46:50] wagnerrp: at least we see where you get it from... :P
[03:46:52] clever: this sun station has a pair of fiber input channels
[03:47:06] clever: it takes the data from a digital xray detector panel
[03:47:11] clever: and processes it into an image
[03:47:28] clever: the detector panel alone is in the 100k$ price range i beleive
[03:48:12] wagnerrp: is that FC? infiniband? fiber ethernet? ATM?.... or some proprietary interconnect?
[03:48:55] clever: cant tell from the back of the pci card
[03:49:11] clever: the card also has a pair of sun like plugs for control signals
[03:49:16] clever: im guessing the fiber is 1 way
[03:49:48] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver!n=martincl@ has quit ()
[03:50:23] Dagmar: Galactic Quantanet connectivity.
[03:50:24] clever: that doesnt look like pci...
[03:50:29] clever: oddly long green connector
[03:50:42] Dagmar: Carries 23-qubits of information per femtosecond
[03:51:01] Dagmar: clever: What card?
[03:51:11] clever: the fiberoptic input card
[03:51:20] wagnerrp: transferred at superliminal speeds
[03:51:43] Dagmar: clever: If you could take a picture of it I could tell you...
[03:52:04] clever: has 2 fiber inputs from the xray detectors
[03:52:08] Dagmar: If it's longer than PCI and looks "a bit" like it, then it's probably ESDI
[03:52:23] Dagmar: ...but it depends on how old it is
[03:52:50] Dagmar: There's some fucked up connection methods out there used in industrial equipment that everyone else walked away from a long time ago
[03:53:21] Dagmar: No wait, ESDI it something else.
[03:53:23] Dagmar: Trying to remember
[03:53:28] KaZeR (KaZeR!n=kazer@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:53:31] wagnerrp: esdi is a drive interconnect
[03:53:40] Dagmar: There was a competitor to PCI for a (brief) while which was no better than MCA.
[03:53:53] Dagmar: Can't remember the name of it
[03:54:12] wagnerrp: nubus?
[03:54:16] Dagmar: Maybe.
[03:54:16] KaZeR (KaZeR! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:54:25] Dagmar: That or it's actually PCI Express and clever's a loon.
[03:54:41] Dagmar: Yes, I know that shortcuts.
[03:54:59] clever: saving pic
[03:55:21] Dagmar: If it's VLB I'm coming to find you and slap you.
[03:55:27] Dagmar: Just sos you'll know.
[03:55:29] Dagmar: heh
[03:55:38] fryfrog: omg, i haven't heard vesa local bus in so long!
[03:55:49] Dagmar: fryfrog: I view that as a good thing
[03:55:54] fryfrog: me too :)
[03:55:57] wagnerrp: id hope no one would have something like that left in their house
[03:56:09] Dagmar: I had a Cirrus 5429 card that had a useful side effect.
[03:56:11] fryfrog: man, those were the days
[03:56:18] Dagmar: If you probed the right line of it, it would spontaneously reboot the machine.
[03:56:24] fryfrog: remember when your cpu didn't even have a heatsink, let a lone a fan and heatsink? :p
[03:56:31] clever: . . . 1.jpg/_full_
[03:56:39] Dagmar: fryfrog: Remember when Cyrix tried to convince us they didn't need them
[03:56:43] wagnerrp: that was before the days i was prone to opening the case
[03:56:53] clever: fryfrog: i still have a 486 with no heatsink at all on the cpu
[03:57:05] wagnerrp: i never really started to do that until our first pentium
[03:57:09] clever: Dagmar: i cant find the good digital camera so i had to use my cellphone
[03:57:11] Dagmar: Man I thought you were talking about the card interface
[03:57:16] fryfrog: our first computer was a 386 with a 486 in the upgrade socket :)
[03:57:37] Dagmar: So, looks like BNC and I don't know what B1 is.
[03:57:39] clever: Dagmar: i removed the cover from 1 of the fiber connectors and put it at the top of the frame
[03:57:46] wagnerrp: that looks like RS232 personally
[03:57:48] clever: b1 and b2 are identical fiber connectors
[03:57:54] fryfrog: back when 1mb of ram cost more than your children :p
[03:57:58] clever: the cover is on one of them
[03:57:58] Dagmar: OKay, so it's "fiber" but beyond that they're using a connector I'm not familar with
[03:58:03] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Connection timed out)
[03:58:12] Dagmar: The round DIN connectors could be any damn thing
[03:58:13] clever: you have to twist the cover a little to lock it
[03:58:25] clever: i think the round DIN ones are control signals back to the source
[03:58:59] Dagmar: Well, the point being they're not some common perhipheral
[03:58:59] wagnerrp: clever: thats typical of BNC, although i dont know if its still considered BNC if its running fiber instead of coax
[03:59:20] Dagmar: What's the qrcode say?
[03:59:28] Dagmar: (Save me the trouble of hunting up a translator)
[03:59:29] clever: something about xxx sucks:P
[03:59:40] clever: i was bored when i made it
[03:59:49] clever: testing a converted i ran into on some site
[03:59:58] Dagmar: Ah.
[04:00:06] Dagmar: Yeah I have a sticker of one of those on hte way for the back of my helmet.
[04:00:08] clever: i then sent the image and the converter to xxx
[04:00:10] Dagmar: It will say "BIG DICK".
[04:00:20] clever: lol
[04:00:40] clever: the decoder i bookmarked is down
[04:00:43] clever: 'zero sized reply'
[04:00:44] wagnerrp: well at least you know it says that... as opposed to assuming it means 'peace' or 'courage'
[04:00:47] Dagmar: It's the only way you can have that on a helmet in TN and not get a ticket, and I figure anything more complex would mean smaller pixels and less chance a random photo would leave it readable
[04:02:19] Dagmar: wagnerrp: Oh I know that feeling. One of my friends had my name "translated" to Kanji while he was in China
[04:02:29] Dagmar: I am pretty sure "Dagmar" isn't two symbols.
[04:02:43] wagnerrp: your name is penis?
[04:03:00] Dagmar: wagnerrp: Prolly says something like "white devil"
[04:03:05] Dagmar: ...which I have no problem with.
[04:03:11] Dagmar: <-- Original Gwailo
[04:03:29] wagnerrp: i still love coming across articles in the news about tattoo parlors writing random things on people
[04:05:10] wagnerrp: i dont know, i think my old roommate would give you a good run for you money
[04:05:19] wagnerrp: so white, he has more of a pinkish hue
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[04:51:27] danzigrules: anyone have any idea where I can buy a ir receiver for a hauppauge pvr-250?
[04:51:28] Octane- (Octane-! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:51:52] fryfrog: the exact one it came with?
[04:52:08] fryfrog: or just one that is compatible with the remote?
[04:52:12] danzigrules: doesn't matter, just one that will work :)
[04:52:32] fryfrog: any serial or usb ir reciever should work
[04:52:38] fryfrog: but it wouldn't plug into the pvr250 itself
[04:52:49] fryfrog: someone in here gave me an HP usb one
[04:53:04] clever: but those might be more expensive then a wire with 2 ir components
[04:53:10] fryfrog: true
[04:53:25] fryfrog: try fleabay or maybe calling hauppage directly?
[04:54:41] danzigrules: okies, thanks
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[05:01:54] psm321 (psm321! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:06:03] psm321: there's a cheap hd tuner on woot that apparently kinda-works on linux
[05:06:28] wagnerrp: and its a refurb!
[05:06:37] psm321: yeah
[05:06:41] fryfrog: yay, a tuner that *kinda*works in linux :p
[05:06:45] wagnerrp: love rebuying other peoples stuff
[05:07:19] mchou: I wonder if the tuner is any good
[05:07:36] mchou: cause my hauppauge sucks
[05:07:43] psm321: fryfrog: actually as far as i can tell from here it _does_ work but support is very recent (and thus not necessarily trustworthy) . . . _Card_(800i)
[05:08:14] fryfrog: ah
[05:08:36] mchou: ooh. "The XC5000 tuner on this card is able to pick up considerably more over-the-air digital channels than most other cards."
[05:08:55] psm321: that and there's some potential problems listed there but #1 i'm banking on someone wasn't quite sure what they were doing and #2 is just ubuntu stupidity
[05:10:08] mchou: I dont even understand what #2 is tryoing to say
[05:10:20] mchou: trying*
[05:10:53] mchou: compile Hg drivers, why should it conflict with other v4l drivers?
[05:11:02] psm321: there's some negative reviews in the woot discussion
[05:11:04] wagnerrp: its ubuntu stupidity
[05:11:23] wagnerrp: they took alsa out of the kernel
[05:11:31] psm321: mchou: i dunno, i've never figured out how to get out-of-kernel stuff to play with kernel packages in ubuntu/debian
[05:11:38] wagnerrp: so installing kernel modules that require alsa causes issues
[05:12:08] wagnerrp: although i would imagine so long as you load alsa before loading v4l-dvb (both being modules), everything would be happy
[05:12:53] mchou: I dunno. for $25 it's worth a shot
[05:14:20] mchou: psm321: can you link me to woot discussion? I'm having trouble finding it
[05:14:47] psm321:
[05:14:56] mchou: thx
[05:15:10] psm321: and an older one:
[05:15:28] wagnerrp: well i sare say the woo people have no idea what theyre talking about
[05:16:00] psm321: yeah i'm going to buy a couple... worth it to try at that price
[05:16:02] wagnerrp: complaining about video quality on a digital card
[05:16:08] mchou: well, pinnacle is not a very well respected name though. There's truth to that
[05:16:17] wagnerrp: i suppose they could be talking about the analog tuner
[05:16:32] wagnerrp: but thats what they get for expecting a quality framegrabber
[05:16:50] psm321: i'm assuming for analog it requires soundcard in
[05:16:52] mchou: "Does woot accept the government coupons for the transaction? Be nice if they did. "
[05:17:06] mchou: lol
[05:17:17] mchou: that's the question everyone is asking :)
[05:17:18] wagnerrp: "will woot sell the one that takes cable cards?"
[05:17:42] mchou: not for any price :)
[05:18:15] mchou: psm321: does woot combine shipping?
[05:18:30] wagnerrp: if you buy multiple on the same order, yes
[05:18:36] mchou: cool
[05:18:36] psm321: yes, for up to 3 (which is the most you can get unless you have multiple accoutns)
[05:19:29] mchou: I wish they'd put the BBTi cards on sale
[05:19:48] mchou: those are cool with HW pid filtering
[05:20:04] mchou: all the rest are meh
[05:20:22] fryfrog: what does hardware pid filtering get you?
[05:20:34] mchou: smaller file sizes, for one
[05:20:47] wagnerrp: you dont have to fiddle around with those scary virtual tuners
[05:21:04] mchou: lower activity on pci bus is another
[05:21:27] mchou: wagnerrp: virtual tuners? what are you talking about?
[05:21:28] psm321: wagnerrp: do you know much about the virtual tuner/multirec stuff?
[05:21:39] fryfrog: the fact that a channel has multiple pids is how multirec works, right?
[05:21:48] wagnerrp: mchou, psm321: it was a joke
[05:21:51] mchou: fryfrog: yes indeedy
[05:22:06] psm321: wagnerrp: was just asking because i had a different question about it
[05:22:07] wagnerrp: virtual tuners being multirec
[05:22:10] fryfrog: ah
[05:22:34] wagnerrp: although i dont think theyre actually called that anywhere in mythtv
[05:23:22] wagnerrp: psm321: your question?
[05:23:35] psm321: i was wondering if with some code hackery it might be reasonably possible to extend that to non-digital cards when you're recording 2 consecutive shows on the same channel (so the overlap shows up in both recordings)
[05:23:52] wagnerrp: psm321: i have no idea
[05:23:56] psm321: k
[05:24:05] wagnerrp: i doubt its at all the same codewise
[05:24:26] fryfrog: psm321: sounds like you'd just copy/paste a few min from each show on the other
[05:24:53] iamlindoro: psm321,
[05:24:57] psm321: fryfrog: yeah basically except without pausing recording in-between (myth takes a few seconds to do that and those get lost)
[05:25:03] iamlindoro: A long-abandoned branch that was to do exactly that
[05:25:13] iamlindoro: Doubt it'll ever see the light of day though
[05:25:14] psm321: ooh
[05:25:33] fryfrog: iamlindoro: failed summer of code project?
[05:25:43] iamlindoro: fryfrog, Don't think so, but maybe
[05:26:22] psm321: it just seemed (without looking at the code) that for multirec it might be doing something similar for the overlapping recordings on the same subchannel case (keep in mind this is coming from me not having read the code or really knowing all that much about dvb)
[05:27:39] wagnerrp: will multirec allow two tuners to record off the same subchannel simultaneously?
[05:28:01] wagnerrp: i presumed they had to be different subchannels
[05:28:06] psm321: i got the impression that it would
[05:28:13] wagnerrp: lets find out!
[05:28:35] psm321: i can't, my box with the dvb card is down at the moment
[05:28:51] psm321: but the description cited one of the advantages being the overlapping recordings case
[05:28:55] mchou: wagnerrp: I dont even understand your question.
[05:29:12] wagnerrp: psm321: overlapping recordings on different subchannels
[05:29:13] mchou: wagnerrp: why would you want two copies of the same recording
[05:29:44] mchou: wagnerrp: makes no sense to me
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[05:29:50] wagnerrp: mchou: in case you have additional time specified in 'end late'/'start early'
[05:29:51] iamlindoro: preroll and postroll
[05:29:51] psm321: wagnerrp:
[05:30:01] psm321: second bullet
[05:32:26] wagnerrp: seems t work just fine
[05:33:02] ** psm321 wishes comcast would have more clear qam, even if just for the basic channels **
[05:33:31] psm321: then i could switch to all digital and not worry about it :)
[05:34:19] wagnerrp: shit, no wonder mythweb isnt responsive
[05:34:28] wagnerrp: mythweather on one of my backends has gone to hell
[05:34:43] wagnerrp: 4667 minutes
[05:34:47] mchou: hey, how fast does woot typically ship? It _says_ 5 days to ship. That makes no sense
[05:34:57] psm321: they take a while
[05:35:09] wagnerrp: i guess i should pay more attention to that thing
[05:35:11] mchou: psm321: I want my toy now! :)
[05:35:23] psm321: sorry i probably shouldve mentioned that :)
[05:35:32] psm321: i have woot packages show up and i dont remember what they were
[05:35:37] mchou: psm321: anyway. good call on woot
[05:35:43] psm321: expecially if its smartpost (which this one is)
[05:36:00] mchou: psm321: we'll see if it lives up to expectations
[05:36:00] psm321: woot themselves take a few days to ship it out and then smartpost takes another week or so
[05:36:04] psm321: :)
[05:36:14] wagnerrp: that didnt really change anything...
[05:36:25] wagnerrp: but at least im not running my secondary backend all-out
[05:36:31] dfksmffsd1 (dfksmffsd1! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:36:42] mchou: psm321: I got a pvr-1600 for the same price but I'm returning that POS
[05:37:22] mchou: psm321: tuner on that thing is a brick (requires way higher power than my TV)
[05:37:48] psm321: btw wagnerrp's thing reminds me, myth (well linux really, or maybe the way i have it mounted) does not handle an nfs server with a storage dir disappearing gracefully (even if it's never going to record to it)
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[05:38:24] wagnerrp: linux in general doesnt handle missing file systems well
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[05:38:30] mchou: lol
[05:38:31] psm321: i think theres an async mount option that i need to look into
[05:38:43] wagnerrp: the program typically blocks until its request returns
[05:38:59] mchou: no operating systems "like" missing file systems
[05:39:24] psm321: yeah, i think theres an option to make the call just return an error, and i thought i was using it but i might not be doing it right
[05:39:38] mchou: there is
[05:39:40] clever: i think when the underlying block device(hdd/usb drive) gets removed, it just forcibly unmounts and spews errors at any program with open file handles
[05:39:41] wagnerrp: well a file system block is one of a very few number of things in linux that can result in an unkillable program
[05:40:00] clever: nfs will either spew stale nfs handles or block forever
[05:40:09] psm321: wagnerrp: yep, that was a big pain when i had my jfs corruption issue
[05:40:16] clever: lately, ive been having trouble mounting nfs after a crash
[05:40:31] clever: the mount call claims stale nfs handle, even though i allready unmounted
[05:40:37] clever: which makes it imposible to mount until i reboot
[05:40:40] wagnerrp: i dont think mythtv really needs to be programmed to work around broken systems
[05:40:44] wagnerrp: but thats just my opinion
[05:40:49] mchou: yeah
[05:40:52] mchou: I'd agree
[05:41:00] clever: yeah, just fix the system:P
[05:41:11] mchou: if you have broken FS, you have OTHER issues
[05:41:12] clever: though another related problem ive had
[05:41:18] clever: the nfs mount gave up
[05:41:19] psm321: wagnerrp: yeah, i just wanted to mention it as a warning, not saying anything should be chnaged in myth
[05:41:31] clever: leaving a storage dir that i lacked write perms to(the empty mount point)
[05:41:41] clever: mythbackend failed to open a file for writing so it gave up
[05:41:52] clever: but labled the show as fully recorded, so it would never retry it
[05:42:05] clever: why not just move on to the next storage dir!!!
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[05:43:47] clever: and here is an example of what i was just talking about
[05:43:51] clever: clever@olddell:~$ sudo mount /media/videos/oldghost/ -v
[05:43:51] clever: mount.nfs: trying prog 100003 vers 3 prot TCP port 2049
[05:43:51] clever: mount.nfs: trying prog 100005 vers 3 prot UDP port 44724
[05:43:51] clever: mount.nfs: Stale NFS file handle
[05:46:00] clever: now i cant mount that ever again until i reboot
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[05:48:51] clever: aha, had to stop then start the nfs server
[05:49:30] clever: (while properly closing existing mounts to not make the problem worse)
[05:52:45] Typosu is now known as TyposuAway
[05:59:18] fryfrog: are you using hard or soft for your mount?
[05:59:55] fryfrog: rw,soft,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,nfsvers=3,bg,actimeo=0,tcp
[06:00:06] fryfrog: those are the options i use on mine (well, from mount)
[06:00:30] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!n=pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:01:31] clever: d600:/media/videos/oldghost/ on /media/videos/oldghost type nfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,vers=3,rsize=65536,wsize=65536,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600, retrans=2,sec=sys,addr=d600)
[06:01:36] clever: hard it seems
[06:01:59] fryfrog: you might try soft, i think that means it'll return an error to the application
[06:01:59] clever: hard for / also
[06:02:08] clever: soft would be bad for /
[06:02:12] fryfrog: otherwise with hard it just keeps trying and trying and trying
[06:02:22] clever: you dont want things on root to fail
[06:02:23] fryfrog: yeah, perhaps
[06:02:34] clever: but for the other mounts, soft sounds nice
[06:02:42] fryfrog: did you do any experimenting with tcp vs. udp?
[06:02:46] clever: not yet
[06:02:53] clever: i just left that at default
[06:03:02] fryfrog: me either, i just read somewhere that tcp tended to be better on gig-e i think
[06:03:12] fryfrog: hasn't given me any greif, so never bothered to deal with it
[06:03:16] clever: i find when the connection for / is broken(nfsd lagging or cord pulled) the system slowly locks up 1 thing at a time
[06:03:22] clever: normaly the gnome-panel goes first
[06:03:28] clever: then the programs
[06:03:33] clever: then the mouse pointer itself
[06:03:51] fryfrog: funny :)
[06:03:56] clever: ctrl+alt+f1 doesnt even respond
[06:04:03] clever: so i cant monitor the retry messages
[06:04:30] clever: also i probly shouldnt have /var/lib/nfs on tmpfs
[06:04:43] clever: then i loose the rmtab which is meant to recover active mounts from a crash
[06:04:52] clever: i think i should switch it to a --bind
[06:06:23] clever: ugh, io wait==horid
[06:06:30] clever: vi lags so much
[06:07:10] fryfrog: could you use a cf card as your root instead of nfsroot?
[06:07:33] clever: i could, but i cant boot from usb for most of my systems
[06:07:40] clever: and the cf is way too small
[06:07:53] fryfrog: i got an 8G for like $35 at frys
[06:07:58] clever: and my cf reader shows as 2 identical devices, which would probly screw with the fs if i mounted both
[06:08:07] clever: i make 0$/month :P
[06:08:10] fryfrog: haha
[06:08:16] fryfrog: i guess nfs root it is then :)
[06:08:29] fryfrog: or get a job, dirty hippie :)
[06:08:37] clever: all the netbooting systems have a local drive, but they just dont use it normaly
[06:08:46] clever: the c600 is using it for swap and a spare storage group
[06:08:57] clever: the d600 is using both drives for swap
[06:09:11] kslater (kslater! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[06:09:13] clever: the d630 is the only one that doesnt even touch the drives, tons of RAM!
[06:09:17] fryfrog: does it have so little ram that you have to do that?
[06:09:29] clever: Mem: 255856k total, 192296k used, 63560k free, 224k buffers
[06:09:30] clever: Swap: 1048524k total, 142520k used, 906004k free, 112804k cached
[06:09:33] clever: (for the c600 one)
[06:09:44] clever: firefox is the main reason for swap
[06:09:47] clever: and gnome
[06:09:53] fryfrog: wow, 356mb of ram?
[06:10:00] clever: 256mb :P
[06:10:06] fryfrog: i should have donated all my junk to you, it would have been an upgrade
[06:10:15] fryfrog: opps, i typed 356 but meant 256 :p
[06:10:17] clever: its a laptop, i cant upgrade the ram that much
[06:10:39] fryfrog: i should hunt down an X2 cpu for my laptop
[06:11:21] clever: ugh, i finaly got my crupt lib compiled, and its a 30mb binary
[06:11:32] clever: that will hurt when i link it into my 1.9mb lib
[06:11:53] clever: dialup guys are allready having trouble downloading the 1.9mb
[06:23:37] wagnerrp: a 1.9MB file shouldnt hurt anyone on dialup
[06:23:57] wagnerrp: thats at most 5min
[06:25:25] clever: next, staticly link in a 30mb file
[06:28:01] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:28:38] clever: `calc (1.9/5)*(1.9+30)
[06:28:38] clever: (1.9/5)*(1.9+30) == 12.122
[06:28:55] clever: cant be 12mins, must be a mistake in the formula
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[06:29:40] clever: 80 mins
[06:29:43] clever: that sounds better:P
[06:29:46] clever: and alot more painfull
[06:30:09] wagnerrp: or... you could have just guestimated 6kbps
[06:30:15] wagnerrp: KBps rather
[06:31:00] clever: i just need to cut the size of this lib down a good deal
[06:31:08] clever: -Os may help
[06:31:38] clever: also i think when linking a .a file in, it will only include the functions that are actualy used
[06:31:41] clever: atleast i hope so
[06:35:22] clever: now lets hope ccache with the mingw32 cross compiler doesnt cause problems:P
[06:35:25] Wicked: hello all. im wondering if there is anyway i can pawn cpu load off to another server while there anyway to use cpu's on a home server too?
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[06:36:07] wagnerrp: Wicked: you can a transcoding process on a single machine, and only on a single machine
[06:36:25] wagnerrp: however you can run multiple transcoding processes simultaneously on multiple machines, or multiple cores
[06:36:39] wagnerrp: and what do you mean by a 'home server'?
[06:37:02] Wicked: well i have my main box with myth...then i have a 3.60ghz cpu on a different computer..and that cpu is idle all the time
[06:37:23] Wicked: i have a home server....web,ssh,ftp......and it is idle 99.99% of the time
[06:37:26] wagnerrp: if you can run mythbackend on it, you can include it in the transcoder pool
[06:37:49] wagnerrp: but as said, you cant have more than one machine working on the same file
[06:37:51] Wicked: like it would split up the cpu load across this and that computer?
[06:37:54] Wicked: oh ok
[06:38:10] Wicked: i didnt know if there was like a way to do a render farm type set up.
[06:38:17] wagnerrp: and unless youre encoding to h.264, you cant have more than one core working on the same file
[06:38:20] Wicked: im not very familier with all that stuff
[06:38:44] mzb_d800: I'm confused (again)
[06:38:55] Wicked: ah ok. i just wanna encode some recordings to xvid
[06:39:15] wagnerrp: mzb_d800: ?
[06:39:22] mzb_d800: I've added a tuner to an FE, stopped all the BE's, added the tuner on the BE
[06:39:38] wagnerrp: tuners dont get added to frontends
[06:39:48] mzb_d800: slave BE
[06:40:00] fryfrog: so a FE/BE
[06:40:11] mzb_d800: I can see that the tuner is availabled on the SBE: Encoder 16 is local on loungeITX and is not recording.
[06:40:12] mzb_d800: yes
[06:40:15] clever: i find it 'works' if i add it in mythtv-setup then restare the slave i changed and the master
[06:40:15] fryfrog: sounds like a pretty normal setup
[06:40:23] clever: i think skiping the other slaves is 'safe'
[06:40:29] mzb_d800: but on the MBE: Encoder 16 is remote on loungeITX (currently not connected).
[06:40:49] clever: restart the slave, it may have lost the conenction to the master
[06:40:52] fryfrog: you've tried restarting the master be, then the slave be?
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[06:41:00] mzb_d800: I've tried stopping all the BE's
[06:41:03] mzb_d800: err
[06:41:05] mzb_d800: yes
[06:41:06] mzb_d800: hang on
[06:41:16] clever: make shure you start the master first:P
[06:41:18] fryfrog: might also get clues from log files :/
[06:41:20] wagnerrp: master has to be brought online before the slaves
[06:41:25] clever: then watch its logs while you start each slave 1 by 1
[06:41:28] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:41:35] wagnerrp: can a slave reconnect to a restarted master?
[06:41:48] mzb_d800: 2008-09–27 16:41:34.771 adding: loungeITX as a slave backend server
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[06:41:59] fryfrog: it should, i imagine (would be weird if it didn't) but i've not tested it myself
[06:42:01] clever: wagnerrp: it should, but sometimes it crashes
[06:42:06] mzb_d800: master is online and working ... just restarted the SBE
[06:42:22] clever: normaly i get spamage in the logs as it trys to reconnect every 3 seconds
[06:42:23] mzb_d800: (I have another SBE without tuners for transcoding ... and it's working as expected)
[06:42:49] fryfrog: do you really have 16 tuners? or has it been a while since you wiped your tuners?
[06:42:53] mzb_d800: still got: Encoder 16 is local on loungeITX and is not recording.
[06:43:04] mzb_d800: Encoder 16 is remote on loungeITX (currently not connected).
[06:43:23] mzb_d800: fryfrog: I have 5 encoders per tuner, 4 tuners
[06:43:34] clever: neat
[06:43:35] mzb_d800: (so 20 total)
[06:43:42] fryfrog: wow, wtf is that?
[06:43:50] mzb_d800: multirec
[06:43:56] fryfrog: ah
[06:43:58] mzb_d800: dvb
[06:44:18] ** clever drools **
[06:44:26] mzb_d800: which means I can cover 80% of anything being transmitted here as there are only 5 transports ;)
[06:44:52] mzb_d800: (simultaneously of course!! ... AND with overlap;)
[06:44:57] fryfrog: nice.
[06:45:01] fryfrog: what country?
[06:45:14] mzb_d800: you've forgotten me already? ;)
[06:45:19] mzb_d800:
[06:45:27] fryfrog: oh yeah duh :)
[06:45:30] clever: mzb_d800: something id like as a feature request, overlaping recordings of the SAME CHANNEL on ivtv type cards
[06:45:50] clever: it seems trivial to copy the mpeg2 stream from ivtv to 2 files at once
[06:45:50] fryfrog: is that your fta ota stuff or sat or?
[06:45:58] clever: for the ~4mins that they overlap
[06:45:59] mzb_d800: just trying to get this up and running so I can get back to the grindstone (aka: getting ready to move house)
[06:46:11] mzb_d800: fta terrestrial
[06:46:21] mzb_d800: dvb vhf
[06:46:22] fryfrog: ah
[06:46:36] mzb_d800: (custom aerial made from wood and coat hangers ;)
[06:46:51] Wicked: someone was telling me about that ota it really good?
[06:46:52] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:46:57] clever: lol
[06:47:02] Wicked: i have someone who swears they get every channel for free...
[06:47:08] mzb_d800: . . . gital-aerial
[06:47:20] fryfrog: Wicked: if you are in the US, you can get every *broadcast* channel for free
[06:47:22] clever: mzb_d800: i would work at fixing that AFTER you move, since the signals will change
[06:47:23] mzb_d800: enough to keep us entertained
[06:47:26] fryfrog: all... 8 or 10 of them
[06:47:40] mzb_d800: signals change? nah ... same city
[06:47:51] Wicked: fryfrog, oh..well they where saying they could get every single channel..including hbo showtime....alll the name channels
[06:48:01] clever: the level of the signals could change to the point where its too weak to do anything
[06:48:09] fryfrog: i think he means the way it points and stuff
[06:48:15] mzb_d800: clever: moving closer to the transmitter ;)
[06:48:20] fryfrog: Wicked: sounds like something not legal
[06:48:26] Wicked: i dont know if it was legal....but they got everything
[06:48:39] fryfrog: if it was hbo and free, no way was it legal
[06:48:40] clever: mzb_d800: it could be 5 diff transmiters:P(one for each transport)
[06:48:44] clever: and you might be moving away from half
[06:49:02] mzb_d800: nope ... I know where it is ... I can see it (and quite familiar with it)
[06:49:57] clever: ahh nice
[06:49:59] mzb_d800: there are two other "backup" transmitters ... but they're a) miles away (instead of 5km or so) ... and iirc at least one of them is UHF only ... and my aerial is VHF only so that won't work
[06:51:56] mzb_d800: I'm hoping to get the SBE's tuner going so that I can discard (*cough*) the dvb settop ... only way of controlling it has been with an IR transmitter on the mythFE, but I'm moving to a StreamZap receiver that appeared recently
[06:52:27] mzb_d800: ${WOMAN} will get cross if I haven't got it going by the time she wants to watch tv ;)
[06:52:36] clever: lol
[06:53:00] clever: ${WOMAN} == '' here
[06:53:18] mzb_d800: she's currently ... errr ... cleaning/sorting
[06:53:19] clever: though my dad does his fair share of bitching about the mess i leave about:P
[06:54:21] clever: i just finished 3 nights of staying home alone
[06:54:46] clever: left dirty dishes everywhere:P
[06:55:13] mzb_d800: ah dear
[06:55:18] clever: i simply cleaned EVERYTHING up the day he was getting home
[06:55:25] clever: no trace of the mess:P
[06:55:41] mzb_d800: yeah, I've tried various combinations of restarting SBE/MBE etc but still not winning
[06:55:41] clever: and i can do the same with my shower and getting dressed
[06:55:51] clever: just laze about the house in the same clothes for 3 days solid:P
[06:56:02] mzb_d800: I've tripple checked the IP for each BE, and the MBE
[06:56:12] clever: mythbackend -v network
[06:56:24] mzb_d800: on SBE?
[06:56:39] clever: on all
[06:56:41] clever: 2008-09–04 19:49:02.987 read <- 56 366 ANN SlaveBackend dadxp[]:[][]:[][]:[][]:[][]:[][]:[][]...
[06:56:44] clever: 2008-09–04 19:49:05.238 adding: dadxp as a slave backend server
[06:56:47] clever: 2008-09–04 19:49:05.358 MythEvent: LOCAL_SLAVE_BACKEND_ONLINE dadxp
[06:56:47] clever: should get stuff like that from the master
[06:57:00] clever: and similar ones going in/out the other slaves
[06:57:49] clever: i have all my backends loging to a single place
[06:57:50] clever: /home/mythtv/`hostname`.be.log
[06:58:19] bobgill_ (bobgill_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:58:21] clever: (/ being /media/mainlv/nfsroot/ which is / on most of the systems)
[06:58:34] clever: so now all the logs are in 1 central place and i can tail -f any of them whenever i want
[06:58:39] clever: or grep away at all of them
[06:58:56] clever: (which is how i got that 20 day old sample pasting:P)
[06:58:57] mzb_d800:
[06:59:26] clever: waiting for fastpaste...
[06:59:30] clever: doesnt seem fast:P
[07:00:00] clever: looks like the master is .169 and the slave is .166
[07:00:17] mzb_d800:
[07:00:23] mzb_d800: that's correct
[07:00:59] monkeypet: wow, this samsung 8 series tv has everything built in!
[07:02:15] xris (xris! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[07:02:17] clever: so the master does know that its connection
[07:02:17] clever: the next line from the master should be a reschedule request on id 0
[07:02:39] clever: (even with slaves that have no tuners)
[07:02:45] mzb_d800:
[07:03:59] clever: never worked with dvb but i can clearly see 3 cards on the master and 1 on the slave
[07:04:16] clever: why cant you put everything in 1 massive box?
[07:04:41] mzb_d800: I can ...
[07:05:08] clever: it sounds like a simpler idea
[07:05:23] mzb_d800: *BUT* the 4th tuner is USB ... and you get weird things (red tie / wind direction) happening with the tuners coming up in different places ... which can stuff up the priorities
[07:05:27] noaxess_kubuntu (noaxess_kubuntu! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:05:37] noaxess_kubuntu: hi all
[07:05:42] clever: ah
[07:05:49] mzb_d800: eg: the USB tuner doesn't like one of the transports under load, and at certain times
[07:05:55] noaxess_kubuntu: how can i unoad my tv-card and all the modules from it.. and reload it?
[07:06:05] noaxess_kubuntu: unload ^
[07:06:11] clever: noaxess_kubuntu: rmmod ...;modprobe -v ...
[07:06:16] mzb_d800: so I just figured I'd add it to the FE and be done with it (as it's really only for LiveTV anyway)
[07:06:20] mzb_d800: 2008-09–27 16:58:19.863 Reschedule requested for id 0.
[07:06:23] mzb_d800: MBE^^
[07:06:30] noaxess_kubuntu: it use teh saa7146
[07:06:43] clever: rmmod saa7146 ; modprobe -v saa7146
[07:07:10] noaxess_kubuntu: ERROR: Module saa7146 is in use by budget_av,saa7146_vv,budget_core
[07:07:45] noaxess_kubuntu: is there a way to unload all modules that are used form saa7146 without unload each one manually?
[07:07:45] clever: rmmod budget_av;rmmod saa7146_vv;rmmod budget_core;rmmod saa7146 ; modprobe -v saa7146
[07:09:05] clever: echo budget_av,saa7146_vv,budget_core|tr , \ |xargs -n1 rmmod
[07:09:11] noaxess_kubuntu: ERROR: Module budget_av is in use
[07:09:24] clever: then stop whatever program is using it
[07:09:28] clever: (mythbackend maybe)
[07:09:44] noaxess_kubuntu: hm need i stop mythbackend first?
[07:10:08] Wicked: ah crap.... mythtranscode died early.Please use the --debug option to figure out what went wrong.
[07:10:27] noaxess_kubuntu: budget_av is in use.. also if mythbackend is stopped
[07:10:40] clever: something must be using it
[07:10:48] clever: a reboot would stop it for shure:P
[07:11:23] noaxess_kubuntu: clever: my problem is, that my saa7146 won't work... if i reboot, sometimes it whant, sometimes not.. :(
[07:11:50] clever: ive never used that card so im out of ideas
[07:11:52] noaxess_kubuntu: i don't know why
[07:12:06] noaxess_kubuntu: clever: what o you use?
[07:12:11] noaxess_kubuntu: do ^
[07:12:14] clever: pvr-150
[07:12:22] noaxess_kubuntu: thats analog?
[07:12:34] clever: yes:(
[07:12:44] noaxess_kubuntu: mine is a dvb-c
[07:13:44] noaxess_kubuntu: ok.. but thanks..
[07:13:47] noaxess_kubuntu: see ya later
[07:13:50] noaxess_kubuntu (noaxess_kubuntu! has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0.3/2008092510]")
[07:14:32] mzb_d800: that USB tuner also has a nasty habit of (occasionally) not working on a cold start (you have to hotplug it)
[07:14:47] mzb_d800: still got the same problem
[07:15:03] clever: mzb_d800: my usb hdd enclosure often fails if i reboot the system
[07:15:04] mzb_d800: I can see reschedule events happening as the SBE comes on/offline
[07:15:09] clever: i have to reconnect the plug to see it
[07:15:14] mzb_d800: urrggh
[07:15:30] mzb_d800: ok ... so any more bright ideas?
[07:15:35] mzb_d800: s/bright/clever ;)
[07:15:39] clever: and its part of the main lvm array, so mysql wont even work till i fix that
[07:16:02] clever: none left for me:P
[07:16:38] mzb_d800: ah well ... thanks for trying
[07:19:42] mzb_d800: hmm ... an enter preceeding the hostname in /etc/hostname ... nah ... couldn't be that easy ;)
[07:20:01] clever: lol
[07:20:05] mzb_d800: ahh ... wrong host infos in /etc/hosts ... that could be it
[07:20:23] clever: i thought mythtv ignored hostnames
[07:20:40] clever: i dont even have them in hosts anymore, i moved it all to my dns server
[07:21:05] mzb_d800: not for localhost/hostname issues
[07:22:13] mzb_d800: it's coming along reasonably well (this box) ... got netbooting with syslinux (inc. splash) + splashy ... getting neat
[07:22:42] clever: i think im using pxelinux for the boot straping
[07:22:47] mzb_d800: still can't find my home-made fan-controller ... hope I've not thrown it out
[07:22:54] clever: and grub for the system that cant handle pxe
[07:23:00] mzb_d800: syslinux == pxelinux
[07:23:18] clever: ah
[07:23:19] mzb_d800: this is the spare little M10K I ended up with
[07:23:43] clever: all my netbooting systems are missing /etc/hostname
[07:23:58] clever: so the thing somehow defaults to the hostname i have in the dhcp server config
[07:24:19] clever: which makes it trivial to share / across many systems while still getting uniq hostnames
[07:24:26] mzb_d800: grr ... somethings changed ... default theme on the screen ... *sigh* ... beer o'clock
[07:24:37] clever: lol
[07:25:01] clever: ugh
[07:25:05] clever: mplayer is still toast
[07:25:07] mzb_d800: i'd say that was probably it then ... the FBE was getting confused resolving it's hostname (or something)
[07:25:09] clever: CPUflags: MMX: 1 MMX2: 1 3DNow: 0 3DNow2: 0 SSE: 1 SSE2: 0
[07:25:09] clever: Compiled for x86 CPU with extensions: MMX MMX2 SSE
[07:25:09] clever: Illegal instruction
[07:26:35] clever: next problem, massive 264 and tiny cpu
[07:30:47] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[07:32:44] Goga777 (Goga777! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:33:37] monkeypet: does mythtv support upnp for recorded tv shows? For some reason, mine only shows mp3s from mythmusic.
[07:33:59] clever: monkeypet: you have to change what your sharing in mythtv-setup
[07:34:10] monkeypet: k, I'll try that now.
[07:36:23] monkeypet: do you remember what options it is under?
[07:36:29] clever: under general
[07:36:34] clever: something about upnp id guess
[07:37:21] monkeypet: I didn't see it.
[07:37:33] monkeypet: you sure you saw it?
[07:37:51] clever: ive seen it somewhere inthat area
[07:39:02] clever: UNPN server settings
[07:39:05] clever: under general
[07:39:09] clever: (just keep hitting next)
[07:39:27] monkeypet: Hm, can you tell me what it is after?
[07:39:36] monkeypet: I went though the list and didn't see it.
[07:39:36] clever: its the very last page
[07:39:45] clever: might be something new to trunk
[07:40:21] monkeypet: my last thing is the jobs menus.
[07:40:32] clever: could be different for your version
[07:40:37] mchou: monkeypet: are you the guy who has a couple of HVR-1600s?
[07:40:51] monkeypet: nope.
[07:40:58] monkeypet: mchou: nope.
[07:40:59] mzb_d800: hmm ... that just got confusing ... removing hostname from localhost def in /etc/hosts
[07:41:10] mchou: monkeypet: ok. mistook you for someone else then
[07:42:41] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:43:59] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!n=pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:45:57] mzb_d800: hmm .. looks like I have tuners now at least
[07:46:00] KyekonD (KyekonD! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:46:07] mzb_d800: looks like I've lost al my settings *sigh*
[07:46:43] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:48:16] mzb_d800: ah ... now there's the problem ... it was using the name from /etc/hosts (from previous install)
[07:51:06] Wicked: im trying to transcode to xvid...but it im using the debug and i dont know what to make of here it is:
[07:51:50] monkeypet: clever: hm, I wonder how to activate sharing of the tv shows on my version of mythtv.
[07:51:56] cdpuk (cdpuk!i=chris@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:59:43] muffinz (muffinz! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:03:14] mzb_d800: even with 720x576Noscale + gui resize + playback at gui res I'm still getting playback <30% ... nice! :)
[08:03:32] mzb_d800: (currently hovering 18–20%)
[08:04:09] mzb_d800: now the big test ... will it watch LiveTV from the local tuner? :)
[08:04:51] mzb_d800: that looks like a YES! .... <40% ... YAY!
[08:06:08] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:06:24] mzb_d800: might have to try overscan though :|
[08:06:28] eNeRGi (eNeRGi! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:08:50] mzb_d800: nope ... it didn't like that
[08:08:58] otwin (otwin!n=otwin@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[08:10:42] mzb_d800: locked the video on livetv ... different
[08:14:37] cdpuk (cdpuk!i=chris@ has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[08:15:57] at0m|c: fek, rescanned for video's just to realise that the nfs wasn't mounted
[08:16:01] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:16:54] at0m|c: all meta-data lost, or restore backup db and loose a morning of edits eh
[08:20:34] eNeRGi_ (eNeRGi_! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[08:23:44] monkeypet (monkeypet! has quit ("Leaving.")
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[08:40:30] mzb_d800: k ... let's see how the WAF trials go
[08:40:45] ** mzb_d800 crosses everything ... and gets a beer **
[08:41:58] justinh: mzb_d800: WAF trials never end
[08:42:29] justinh: you can do all you can to create a good impression but the slightest hiccup or flutter in performance and er.. oops
[08:44:00] justinh: ugh. wtf are radio times playing at calling Star Trek TNG just plain Star Trek? grrr
[08:47:29] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:49:08] mzb_d800: yeah, know what you mean ... the side effect of WAF+ at this point is a clean loungeroom :|
[08:49:25] mzb_d800: (ie: reduce clutter, put tools away, etc;)
[08:49:45] justinh: that's funny. my mrs is the one who makes clutter
[08:50:18] mzb_d800: heh
[08:51:31] mzb_d800: I'm the hoarder/fiddler in this household. She works as a housekeeper ... so things tend to be pretty neat. Also fairly young so she hasn't lived long enough to collect too much junk (yet).
[08:52:17] mzb_d800: I'd love to get another 2 pixels to the left on this M10K but I guess I'll live with it ;)
[08:53:11] mzb_d800: this is the "spare" (aka: my payment for the other one)
[08:53:27] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:53:32] justinh: you can't really adjust the position of the tv out without hacking
[08:53:39] mzb_d800: main difference is that mine's netbooted
[08:54:01] mzb_d800: err... I'm running noscale, resized gui and playback at gui res
[08:54:07] justinh: I always found 720x576noscale to be pretty much spot on
[08:54:18] mzb_d800: might change that later but it works quite well
[08:54:29] justinh: ah – I found that resizing the gui was enough
[08:54:47] mzb_d800: yeah ... fine on a modern tv ... this ancient TV is pretty brainless
[08:55:01] justinh: e.g. the tickers on news channels was at rock-bottom on my TV just like from my cable STB :)
[08:55:08] mzb_d800: yeah ... if I only resize the gui then 4:3 is off-centre
[08:55:52] mzb_d800: image on all aspects/sources is probably about as perfect as it's going to get
[08:56:15] mzb_d800: not quite as good as the nv (fx5200) + p3–1000 it replaces .... but good enough
[08:56:50] mzb_d800: might have to dim the power LED ;) (we'll see what the WAF is)
[08:57:08] mzb_d800: hmmm ... blipping all of a sudden
[08:57:37] mzb_d800: bugger
[08:58:06] mzb_d800: ah ... yeah ... WINTV ... great
[08:58:16] mzb_d800: might have to fiddle a bit now
[08:59:20] justinh: there's a way you should be able to get RGB TV out of the epia board – needs some soldering though ;)
[08:59:26] justinh: and a driver hack
[09:00:01] justinh: the tv encoder chip has RGB outputs.. just need to solder a pin on, add an L & C, and hack a register :P
[09:00:15] bobgill_ (bobgill_! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:00:45] fryfrog: justinh: RGB as in *really* RGB or as in Y Pb Pr?
[09:01:13] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:01:48] justinh: RGB == RGB
[09:01:58] fryfrog: neat
[09:02:07] fryfrog: are TVs with that input common in the UK?
[09:02:16] fryfrog: over here i'd call real RGB a bit rare
[09:02:33] fryfrog: (the component cables that do Y Pb Pr are red/green/blue over here)
[09:03:03] justinh: heh
[09:03:26] justinh: fryfrog: every TV with a SCART input, just about (takes RGB)
[09:03:30] mzb_d800: neat idea ... pity I've got nothing with RGB in ... oh ... except for the RPTV downstairs
[09:03:52] fryfrog: ah, useful that then!
[09:03:53] mzb_d800: strangely enough ... might be able to use the RPTV when we move (larger loungeroom?)
[09:05:04] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:05:07] justinh: rear projection sets – at least the ones I've seen tend to defocus stuff enough that it doesn't matter which input you use
[09:05:25] mzb_d800: heh ... I'd guess that'd be right :)
[09:05:36] mzb_d800: hoping to go for s-video
[09:05:52] mzb_d800: (and do away with modulating with the VCR)
[09:05:57] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:06:27] perlmonkey: mornin guys
[09:06:48] mzb_d800: testing seems to be going very slow ... I even look at her and I get told to go away ... *sigh*
[09:07:18] perlmonkey: can someone tell me.. when u edit out parts of a recording in mythtv, like cut the beginning or remove adverts, it doesnt actually alter the recorded file does it?
[09:07:49] mzb_d800: no
[09:07:56] perlmonkey: ah thought so, thanks
[09:08:37] perlmonkey: if you copy that file onto a dvd then it will lose the editing and be the original full file eh
[09:08:40] mzb_d800: what I usually do is setup the High Quality transcode as lossless, so I can then cut things out without transcoding
[09:08:57] mzb_d800: no ... mytharchive can honour a cutlist
[09:08:57] perlmonkey: oh
[09:09:12] perlmonkey: ive never looked at or used the "transcoding" side of mythtv
[09:09:23] perlmonkey: oh thats neat
[09:09:47] mzb_d800: this is what I like to do:
[09:10:25] perlmonkey: phew
[09:11:08] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:11:10] perlmonkey: this is a major feature set then which sets mythtv apart from hdd recorders which usually have little or no editing capabilities eh
[09:11:41] mzb_d800: absolutely
[09:11:42] perlmonkey: im just doing a comparison/review of mythtv and commercial hdd recorder
[09:12:19] mzb_d800: either way, only one of those will allow you to make your own mods
[09:12:28] justinh: mzb_d800: so can that script take one big file & split it into several files? isn't quite clear
[09:12:35] mzb_d800: yes it can
[09:12:54] mzb_d800: you just change the title and run it again
[09:13:04] justinh: ah one at a time
[09:13:14] mzb_d800: yes
[09:14:12] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:14:17] mzb_d800: I'm not sure when/how mythtranscode loads/processes the cutlist, so I just play it safe
[09:14:43] mzb_d800: although ... in theory you could fire off jobs as fast as you could enter cutpoints
[09:15:14] mzb_d800: got a HUGE night of recording coming up (music. inc)
[09:15:31] mzb_d800: check the "Saturday" link:
[09:15:38] mzb_d800: yay! Pink Floyd!
[09:15:44] mzb_d800: (a lot's of it later on)
[09:16:12] mzb_d800: even "Girls on Film" ! ;)
[09:16:26] mzb_d800: heaps of classics
[09:16:51] bobgill_ (bobgill_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:18:29] justinh: wonder if there's a tool like imagemagick for video.. be cool to be able to do topping & tailing videos with a swift fade
[09:20:42] mzb_d800: wiki page modified to include: Simply rename the recording, insert new cut points and run "Cut to Music" again.
[09:20:45] mzb_d800: look better?
[09:20:49] mzb_d800: (under usage)
[09:21:26] bobgill_ (bobgill_! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:21:52] mzb_d800: can avidemux do fades? must be an easy way with a script.
[09:23:03] mzb_d800: I wish mythtv did ~100ms(?) fade-ins ... often have problems with white noise on a cut point (water, wind, etc) causing large pops during the transition
[09:23:35] mzb_d800: it would only take an incredibly minor fade to fix it
[09:24:11] justinh: 5 frames would do it :)
[09:24:17] mzb_d800: probably
[09:25:30] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[09:25:55] mzb_d800: just had a ${WOMAN} request ... she wants her own playlist for the music videos ... and a button so that she can add stuff on the fly from the all_random one
[09:26:26] mzb_d800: looks like the A key is unused ... shouldn't be too hard ;)
[09:27:08] clever: A is used for the adaptive play speed in recordings
[09:27:38] mzb_d800: not in xine
[09:27:41] mzb_d800: ;)
[09:27:46] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:27:52] clever: lol
[09:28:23] clever: how long until the ${WOMAN} has a problem because it doesnt do the same thing in a tv recording
[09:28:27] mzb_d800: I should probably share the more recent version of my play_random script
[09:28:36] mzb_d800: looks a bit old:
[09:28:46] jvs: J-e-f-f-A, yeah, buying a round :)
[09:28:59] clever: it sounds like a simple job
[09:29:05] clever: have a .random file with a custom player
[09:29:17] clever: bash script to pick a random file from the mythvideo database
[09:29:23] clever: pass it to some preset player
[09:29:32] clever: could probly do it in under 4 lines
[09:29:48] bobgill_ (bobgill_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:30:27] Steven_M (Steven_M! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:30:28] mzb_d800: needs a lot of cleaning up:
[09:30:39] Steven_M: hi all
[09:31:11] mzb_d800: clever: don't forget that it's also got a OSD-based menu
[09:31:41] mzb_d800: which I should really do in something faster than bash ;)
[09:31:54] mzb_d800: food
[09:32:15] clever: you can do the shuffle within mysql
[09:32:22] clever: order by rand() limit 1;
[09:32:29] clever: isnt the best way, but it works
[09:32:40] Steven_M: has anyone here tried the version of mythfrontend that works through XBMC?
[09:33:29] clever: mzb_d800: though mplayer also has its own shuffle
[09:33:46] mzb_d800: so does xine
[09:33:51] clever: find /media/videos/ -name "*.avi" > /tmp/playlist;mplayer -shuffle -playlist /tmp/playlist
[09:34:02] mzb_d800: but that stops you from adding songs on the fly
[09:34:08] clever: with a few tweaks you could probly get a list of paths from the mythvideo db
[09:34:23] clever: mplayer has a control fifo which would let you do insane things
[09:34:34] mzb_d800: (with the OSDmenu thing I've got going)
[09:34:46] clever: you could then manage the playlist in an external program, and then make it play files 1 at a time
[09:34:54] clever: without restarting mplayer after every file
[09:35:07] bobgill_ (bobgill_! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:35:27] clever: every key in mplayer is bound to a 'command'
[09:35:27] bobgill (bobgill! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:35:43] clever: lirc buttons are also bound directly to 'commands' (not thry keys like myth)
[09:35:57] clever: the commands can also be used directly when fed into the fifo
[09:37:47] clever: your random play doesnt even touch the mythvideo db, it scans the filesystem every time
[09:38:11] clever: that could easily be improved with a single call to the mysql client
[09:39:18] clever: mzb_d800:
[09:39:38] clever: that script finds mysql.txt and then uses it to call the mysql client for a few simply querys
[09:40:02] clever: with a simple tweak to the query, you can fetch the entire video db from mythvideo and save alot of time
[09:40:53] clever: only real problem is that the mysql pw is being passed on the cli args, so it could posibly get stolen thru a ps aux
[09:41:37] clever: but if you are letting that type of person to ssh into your frontend and do stuff, then your crazy:P
[09:44:55] fiyawerx (fiyawerx! has quit ("Leaving")
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[09:53:27] justinh: wonder how hard it'd be to make a script to split files at every cutpoint marker
[09:53:49] EvilGuru (EvilGuru! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:03:27] directhex: epic.
[10:03:54] directhex: dear mythtv, "US Vice" is not a show, "Presidential Debate" is not the subtitle for that show.
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[10:36:03] koala_man (koala_man! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:36:41] koala_man: what is supposed to create the mythtv database and all the tables?
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[11:03:11] clever: directhex: lol
[11:03:33] clever: directhex: mythtv doesnt split the fields either, they are allready split in the xml data from schedulesdirect
[11:03:55] clever: koala_man: mc.sql i beleive, just read the howto
[11:14:28] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
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[11:21:58] justinh: directhex: rofl
[11:28:56] justinh: koala_man: mythtv-setup & mythbackend create all the tables upon first run
[11:29:05] justinh: plugins can also create tables AFAIK
[11:29:36] laga: so many bug reports. i wish i could just fix some of them
[11:30:07] koala_man: it didn't the first time, and chose to whine about it instead. then I reinstalled everything and then it worked \o/
[11:30:26] justinh: ffs there is no version of mythfrontend that works through xbmc. xbmc added very basic frontend functionality. they can display lists of shows and play them. end of
[11:30:48] justinh: koala_man: ahh user error. nothing unusual
[11:31:14] koala_man: maybe. I did avoid setting a mysql root password this time though, as some web page said it tended to cause problems
[11:32:06] justinh: some web page was misleading
[11:32:17] justinh: having a root mysql password is a good idea
[11:32:49] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver!n=martincl@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:32:54] justinh: but that can create complications for people who don't read the nice popups the ubuntu mythtv installer script puts up
[11:33:00] clever: i had a root password when i did apt-get install mythtv
[11:33:09] clever: the scripts asked me and everything installed itself just fine
[11:33:20] clever: then i had to add the card thru mythtv-setup
[11:33:39] justinh: laga: reckon there's any merit in making those popups stay on screen longer? like 5 minutes or so? ;)
[11:33:56] clever: then i discovered i was running 0.18 and had horid ring buffers:P
[11:33:56] clever: so i uninstalled and went right to trunk, but kept the db
[11:33:56] clever: still works to this day:P
[11:33:58] dustybin: the perfect netbook OS:
[11:34:13] dustybin: when i build my parents a PC i think thats going on it
[11:34:25] justinh: from the volume of people still coming in here with mysql issues on that distro it seems as though people are just going OK OK OK OK OKOKOKOK without reading anything
[11:34:40] clever: yeah
[11:34:40] koala_man: of course
[11:34:50] laga: justinh: heh
[11:34:52] koala_man: it's a weekend. I don't want to read on a weekend.
[11:34:56] justinh: and basically from what I've seen it looks like that's the only way you can screw it up
[11:39:08] koala_man: how about if you install mythtv (in ubuntu), reboot causing mythtvbackend to start, and then run mythtv-setup without sudo access
[11:39:18] Goga777 (Goga777! has quit ("Leaving")
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[11:42:00] clever: koala_man: i think on ubuntu your suposed to run the setup with something like sudo /etc/init.d/mythbackend setup
[11:42:06] clever: i think i saw that somewhere
[11:42:36] clever: internaly i would expect that to su -u xxx over to the same username as it does for mythbackend
[11:42:37] koala_man: if it's not default, ubuntu has hacked in something to do that for you
[11:42:47] clever: lol
[11:43:13] koala_man: things did admittedly go better the last time I installed it, from source
[11:43:27] clever: ive been running trunk since day 2
[11:43:45] clever: the 0.18->trunk upgrade i think was relatively painless
[11:44:22] clever: since then the mythconverg db has bounced between 3–4 different systems
[11:46:12] justinh: I tend to prefer avoiding package scripts doing things for me
[11:46:28] justinh: just as far as mythtv is concerned though ;)
[11:46:43] clever: i havent let them do anything for my in monehts
[11:47:01] clever: but i havent started a fresh mythconverg either
[11:50:25] laga: hum. i guess i'll build a new mythtv box soon. a nice one. not this crap i have now.
[11:50:52] laga: since there's not a lot worth watching on HD, i wonder if i actually need to spend money on a core 2 duo..
[11:51:19] justinh: oh noes! HDTV not all it's cracked up to be?  :-O
[11:51:24] laga: heh
[11:54:01] clever: a core2duo will let you commflag a great deal faster
[11:54:20] justinh: wonder how long it'll be for HD programming to be as prevalent as 16:9 SDTV
[11:54:20] clever: my c2d laptop shreds thru the commflag jobs like wet klenex
[11:54:21] laga: i dont care much about commflagging
[11:54:44] justinh: commflagging just doesn't work on most UK commercial channels
[11:54:54] laga: TBH, i should set up auto skip. seems rather convenient
[11:55:02] laga: and i need to clean up my channel list ;)
[11:55:07] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:55:26] justinh: the only rule which works is logo detection – and even then most channels either don't have logos or never get rid of it for ad breaks
[11:55:38] justinh: or they have madly animated logos
[11:55:41] psm321: i don't think i started with trunk initially (it was a release version), but it was definitely by hand and not a distro package. then i was on trunk for the longest time until the recent warnings/instability when i moved to -fixes
[11:56:04] clever: i didnt see those warnings:P
[11:56:12] clever: and it is still fairly stable
[11:56:20] justinh: I wish I had the know-how to be able to use the dvb subtitles though.. that big white rectangle is a dead giveaway
[11:56:50] psm321: clever: ok, i stopped using it because it didn't work for me. then i saw the warnings. :)
[11:57:01] clever: lol
[11:57:12] clever: justinh: your the one that made that CSI_adverts.mpg ?
[11:57:51] pat__: you're
[11:58:12] clever: I can use proper english if i put the effort into it.
[11:58:18] clever: I'm just normaly too lazy to do so.
[11:58:20] laga: pretty please?
[11:58:30] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:58:57] andreax (andreax! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:59:00] justinh: pat__: ?
[11:59:50] clever: Thats weird, i cant use -v on the 'mythtv' program.
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[12:01:47] justinh: bah must've just been context I've missed due to my /ignore list again
[12:02:14] clever: that could explain why you ignored my questions
[12:02:33] clever: pat__: Care to relay that to him so it gets arround the ignore?
[12:04:56] psm321: clever: wonder why you'd be on ignore... as far as i can tell you tend to be reasonable and not argumentative
[12:05:02] styelz (styelz!n=yoohoo@2001:388:c098:0:0:0:0:1) has joined #mythtv-users
[12:05:15] clever: some people in here are convinced im an idiot:P
[12:05:16] laga: psm321: he's ranting about weird stuff all the time ;)
[12:05:58] psm321: really? ok ... i know i do it occasionally but never seen him do it (but then again i don't hang out in here all the time)
[12:06:55] clever is now known as clev
[12:07:08] clev: ahh, a nick based ignore:)
[12:07:27] clev: justinh: so back to my original question, your the one that made that CSI_adverts.mpg ?
[12:07:27] psm321: i'd think ignores would work around that, no?
[12:07:34] justinh: no I'm not
[12:07:39] clev: psm321: it all depends on how you set it
[12:08:22] clev: i cant get the subs on it to display so i dont even see that white block that ive been hearing about
[12:08:33] justinh: now blanking pings too :)
[12:08:56] clev: i was using the ctcp version as a ignore test:P
[12:09:14] clev: normaly the client responds automaticaly, but a lack of a reply means im ignored
[12:12:19] clev: Did I get reignored in the middle of trying to fix the very problem you wanted fixed?
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[12:15:22] laga: clev: TBH, i think you're a pretty smart guy
[12:15:40] clev: ive just tracked some code down for the VBI settings
[12:15:48] mzb_d800: I like the humour ;)
[12:15:50] clev: things are a little backwards
[12:15:59] laga: with way too much time on your hands ;)
[12:16:00] laga: mzb_d800: heh
[12:16:04] clev: there is a global setting for all hosts, on the page for local settings....
[12:17:10] clev: its adding a GlobalComboBox which appears to be a special class that handles the settings on its own(and the combo box on the setup ui)
[12:17:22] clev: to the 'locale' page in the setup
[12:17:22] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[12:18:06] clev: though all those settings are global so its probly 'normal'
[12:19:07] mzb_d800: laga: as one of the more *cough* clever ppl in # I've also never seen arrogant or abusive behaviour from him
[12:19:16] ** mzb_d800 pats clever on the head **
[12:19:17] clev: having 2 lcd panels is great, i can keep irc up with code on a 2nd screen
[12:19:36] jduggan: having three is better
[12:19:40] laga: mzb_d800: that's true.
[12:19:47] jduggan: you can fullscreen mythtv on the third
[12:19:48] jduggan: ...
[12:20:07] clev: theres a large tv in the background:P
[12:20:22] clev: i can just look left of my desk and see it
[12:20:25] jduggan: ok
[12:20:34] jduggan: you can run a maximised webbrowser
[12:20:35] clev: That tv is the tvout from my main frontend
[12:20:35] mzb_d800: mythtv is important enough to have it's OWN screen! ;)
[12:20:41] jduggan: :)
[12:20:59] clev: and the 'middle' lcd screen is on a kvm with the main keyboard, so i can switch it to the frontend for control
[12:22:56] mzb_d800: although I admit that I have two non-dedicated machines that run myth ... one for ${WOMAN} (comes in handy) and the other is for editing
[12:23:36] justinh: it's more inanity that gets people ignored than abusiveness in this case
[12:23:39] clev: pretty much every system in my house that can run mythtv
[12:23:40] clev: does!
[12:24:00] justinh: I come back to find my screen full of somebody wiffling on about FA... :-\
[12:24:04] ** mzb_d800 runs around the room making "WOOP WOOP" noises **
[12:24:34] justinh: hrm. I can't find the xorg driver I hacked.. well the source anyway.. :(
[12:28:16] clev: uploading a image
[12:29:50] clev: . . . 2.jpg/_full_
[12:30:13] clev: mzb_d800: in there you can see the 2 lcd panels(right one a laptop) and the tv in the background
[12:30:43] mzb_d800: nice
[12:31:00] clev: the center screen was a massive crt, but i 'stole' dads panel while he wasnt home
[12:31:03] mzb_d800: definitely not influenced by WAF
[12:31:06] clev: so much more room on the desk
[12:31:26] mzb_d800: (which is one of my problems these days;)
[12:31:49] mzb_d800: if I'm lucky I won't laugh, and then she won't read over my shoulder ;)
[12:32:03] clev: behind the lcd panel(and desk) is 2 desktop towers stacked
[12:32:17] clev: and then pushed right up against them is a 20 year old microwave
[12:32:49] clev: and right under the microwave, practicaly boxes in with metal objects, is the wifi access point
[12:32:54] clev: boxed*
[12:33:01] mzb_d800: radiation testing?
[12:33:16] clev: my network grows organicaly
[12:33:31] mzb_d800: mutation theory I'm guessing ;)
[12:33:32] clev: i needed more ports upstairs so i moved the wifi ap(which has 4 LAN ports)
[12:34:10] clev: so i put the ap in the path of one of the cords(oldcord->ap->newcord->device)
[12:34:15] clev: which gave me 2 more ports
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[12:37:02] mzb_d800: I tend to cross-link routers when desperate ... recently segmented a flock of ATA's (10Mb) onto their own switch after upgrading to cross-linked gigabit
[12:37:21] mzb_d800: (editing machine is too remote from the MBE)
[12:38:00] mzb_d800: hopefully I'll have enough bits (and the right ones!) for our impending move
[12:38:56] clev: mzb_d800: i also have a 4800 baud terminal in my bathroom
[12:39:36] mzb_d800: lower baud reduces chance of shock?
[12:39:37] mzb_d800: ;))
[12:39:46] clev: it can go faster:P
[12:39:51] clev: but 4800 is the default speed
[12:39:55] clev: and i cant save the config
[12:40:08] MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver!n=martincl@ has quit ()
[12:41:22] laga: i think putting a terminal in the bath room would displease the mistress
[12:42:04] clev: dont have one:P
[12:43:10] laga: go figure ;)
[12:44:10] clev: . . . 4.jpg/_full_
[12:44:17] clev: close up of the terminal:P
[12:45:17] laga: and what happens if someone wants to use the bath tub?
[12:45:25] clev: yes, that is in a tub:P
[12:45:37] clev: i move the terminal, like i did last night
[12:45:52] clev: . . . 6.jpg/_full_
[12:45:59] clev: its only power serial and keyboard
[12:46:12] clev: its nothing like unpluging a desktop and moving it out of the way
[12:48:49] clev: i see somebody has found my 4chan cache:P
[12:48:59] laga: maybe.
[12:49:13] laga: 4 chan is so sick.
[12:49:26] clev: yes, some of the stuff i copyed is sick
[12:49:32] clev: but ive not saved even worse stuff
[12:51:14] clev: laga: . . . t.jpg/_full_
[12:51:37] laga: ah, a trip down the memory lane
[12:52:04] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:52:05] clev: beware, some of those posters arent work/family safe
[12:56:26] andreax (andreax! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:56:31] justinh: damn... still can't get those last couple of pixels offscreen
[12:58:01] clev: ?
[12:59:56] bluey- (bluey-! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[13:02:04] clev: mzb_d800: you can click the image again to get a full size copy
[13:02:31] mzb_d800: busy earning WAF ;)
[13:02:39] clev: lol
[13:03:03] clev: most of those images would probly harm your WAF
[13:03:17] perlmonkey (perlmonkey! has left #mythtv-users ()
[13:03:22] clev: she might object to you looking at . . . t.jpg/_full_
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[13:06:47] mzb_d800: you can't temp me that easily ;)
[13:07:45] clev: you can tell what it is just by the filename :P
[13:08:15] mzb_d800: 6 concurrent recordings
[13:08:22] mzb_d800: 1x ${WOMAN}
[13:08:30] mzb_d800: == brain busy
[13:08:55] mzb_d800: and another coming on in 8 mins
[13:09:04] mzb_d800: (6hr recording)
[13:09:06] clev: ouch
[13:09:15] clev: i can only do 1 at a time right now
[13:09:26] clev: dad is using his desktop(which i infected with a frame grabber :P)
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[13:10:38] mzb_d800: MBE = 10% cpu
[13:10:54] clev: my master is a pvr150 so it has no trouble even at 400mhz
[13:11:17] clev: and the slave has a fair ammount of cpu so it doesnt have any trouble framegrabbing
[13:11:22] mzb_d800: FE+SBE = 30% (well ... it is when she's not doing massive ad skips!)
[13:11:43] clev: yeah the frontend seems to leak cpu at every point
[13:11:50] clev: even when the video is paused it sucks cpu
[13:12:05] clev: dtrace would be wicked to have right about now:P
[13:12:06] mzb_d800: I'm using DVB tuners, so no real processing involved either ... mpeg2 straight to the disk
[13:12:30] mzb_d800: have had to tune a bit with setpci though
[13:12:56] clev: assuming you had dma on the card and harddrive, and proper support within all the drivers
[13:13:04] clev: you could do it without even touching the data with the cpu
[13:13:15] clev: dma the video directly into userspace pages
[13:13:22] clev: then dma it right back out to the disk
[13:14:01] squish102: is this any good for mythtv 'Pinnacle PCTV HD Card' $25
[13:14:08] clev: ive seen stuff about doing similar with network drivers, dma the contents of the packet right from userspace->nic
[13:14:15] clev: no string copying at all
[13:14:31] mzb_d800: well it's not doing much ... but disk + network are quite busy
[13:14:36] mzb_d800: (4 disks)
[13:14:43] mzb_d800: (no raid yet)
[13:14:56] clev: most of my io load seems to be swapping
[13:15:01] clev: i need more ram
[13:16:07] mzb_d800: running SBE+FE without swap atm
[13:16:18] clev: java eats a ton
[13:16:25] mzb_d800: MBE has 1GB
[13:16:30] mzb_d800: yeah
[13:16:35] clev: shuting the prog down has sent my system into idle heaven:P
[13:17:29] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
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[14:02:07] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:05:58] squish102: with an ati running the flgx drivers, recording HD and outputting on DVI to a monitor running 1440x900
[14:06:21] i3ooi3oo (i3ooi3oo! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:06:22] squish102: it only displays the first frame and hangs,
[14:15:45] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:24:41] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!n=pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:31:58] justinh: oh bloody hell. mrs is babysitting in situ
[14:32:01] justinh: literally baby
[14:32:33] justinh: why the hell do we want one still? :-O
[14:32:54] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:33:42] directhex: hormones.
[14:43:12] inordkuo1 (inordkuo1! has quit ("Leaving.")
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[14:46:45] eldenz (eldenz! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:47:30] eldenz: do i need a local mysql installation or can i use a remote location?
[14:47:59] directhex: you need *fast* mysql access
[14:48:07] directhex: that's your main concern. myth hammers the DB
[14:48:20] eldenz: it's in my lan though
[14:48:28] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:48:43] directhex: then fine
[14:48:53] eldenz: the gentoo ebuild tries to pullin mysql.. .i'll just remove the dependency and try whether it compiles
[14:49:12] laga: you will need to link against mysql libs AFAIK
[14:49:59] directhex: not direct. you need sql-capable qt libs
[14:51:57] eldenz: so qt without mysql AND mysql installed wont' work?
[14:52:01] glemsom_ (glemsom_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:52:11] eldenz: likely not :p
[14:52:35] glemsom_ (glemsom_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:53:02] clev: directhex: ive ran mythtv from a hotel before, 1000 miles from the mysqld
[14:53:14] clev: 50kbyte/sec upload from the mysqld->mythfrontend
[14:53:23] clev: horid lag but it does function
[14:53:43] clev: the bigest problem is that its imposible to stream recordings over
[14:54:00] clev: so i moved them to a local storage group ahead of time(12 hour mv's)
[14:54:13] glemsom_ (glemsom_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[14:55:35] clev: and doing stuff like that is probly why justinh has me on /ignore :P
[14:55:57] laga: yeah.
[14:55:59] laga: use mplayer. ;)
[14:56:13] clev: mplayer cant obey the commflag markings
[14:56:35] clev: and the seeking explodes on nuv files from the frame grabber
[14:56:38] clev: atleast it did at the time
[14:57:16] clev: and even then, i still have 12 hour moves to deal with
[14:57:26] clev: (nfs over vpn over 50kbyte/sec upload)
[15:09:51] lyricnz_ (lyricnz_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:10:04] the_alien__ (the_alien__! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:10:27] the_alien__: hey laga. u wrote the xmltv grabber for germany, right?
[15:10:32] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:11:04] laga: the_alien__: i wrote tv_grab_eu_epgdata
[15:11:13] the_alien__: ok
[15:11:20] the_alien__: whatever ;)
[15:11:44] the_alien__: haven't found a how to, where i can get the grabber and how to set it up
[15:12:06] the_alien__: i'm wanting to replace my tvm2xml script
[15:12:31] laga: you just install a recent enough version of xmltv and then configure it as with any other xmltv grabber
[15:12:54] laga: you can also grab the tv_grab_eu_epgdata script directly from the xmltv CVS tree
[15:13:40] the_alien__: and i have to register an account at ... uhm ... this epg site with the name i forgot ;)
[15:14:05] the_alien__: then it will update the epg on guessed times from the grabber script
[15:14:09] the_alien__: got it right?
[15:15:18] laga: "guessed times"?
[15:15:43] squish102: will things be different if i recorded a HD show, but it will not play back on lcd (1440x900) on DVI, and then i plug it into tv 720p over hdmi?
[15:16:08] squish102: does it make a difference?
[15:17:18] iamlindoro: I This is why people's english teachers should still be allowed to beat the hell out of them
[15:18:34] iamlindoro: As the last two questions have been impossible to parse
[15:21:57] the_alien__: sorry
[15:22:38] the_alien__: i thought that there is this option in mythtv that new epg data will be imported on the time the grabber tells mythtv
[15:22:53] laga: the_alien__: the grabber doesnt support that
[15:22:59] the_alien__: ok
[15:23:42] the_alien__: is offering 2 week epg?
[15:25:08] laga: 17 days at most, i think. not sure if that's for all channels
[15:25:15] laga: you can ask them for a test account
[15:25:16] the_alien__: iamlindoro, sorry. my english sucks from time to time ;)
[15:25:32] the_alien__: thanks laga
[15:26:16] iamlindoro: the_alien__, You are fine ;)
[15:26:26] iamlindoro: It's the actual english speakers I'm worried about :)
[15:26:49] iamlindoro: (I wasn't talking about your questions)
[15:27:35] mib_g20qxf (mib_g20qxf!i=45e7f360@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:27:55] mib_g20qxf: hello
[15:28:11] Xklark (Xklark!n=Xklark@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:29:41] the_alien__: iamlindoro, but my english teachers would have beaten the hell out of me in school
[15:29:50] mib_g20qxf: hi
[15:29:51] the_alien__: lucky me they weren't allowed to ;)
[15:29:53] the_alien__: hi mib_g20qxf
[15:30:40] Winkie (Winkie! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:33:17] mib_g20qxf: hey I need help..I just restarted my old, fully functional mythbox (put the hobby off) WITHOUT my TV VGA monitor shows terminal output only; how do I get Gnome or KDE up?
[15:34:02] mib_g20qxf: "startx" gives me a fatal error server is already active for display 0
[15:34:40] iamlindoro: Sounds like X is up, just on (presumably) the TV out
[15:35:19] iamlindoro: I would edit xorg.conf and see if you can set the primary display to the other output (or, indeed, even try commenting out the section describing your TV and restarting)
[15:35:25] Winkie (Winkie! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:35:43] mib_g20qxf: Ok, thanks.
[15:36:34] mib_g20qxf: I just did a whereis xorg.conf, but get no response. Where should it be?
[15:37:01] iamlindoro: different distros keep it in different places
[15:37:15] iamlindoro: Often under /etc/X11
[15:37:19] mib_g20qxf: Im on fedora (FC3)
[15:37:22] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:37:26] iamlindoro: oy
[15:37:30] iamlindoro: time to upgrade
[15:37:34] stoth: morning
[15:37:40] iamlindoro: hey stoth
[15:37:42] mib_g20qxf: That brings me to my next question...
[15:38:03] laga: hy stoth. how's S2 coming along?
[15:38:03] stoth: hey iamlindoro, I have some 1394 questions for you when you're not busy :)
[15:38:12] iamlindoro: stoth, sure, shoot
[15:38:13] mib_g20qxf: Can I upgrade fedora to a new release like 9 without destroying my myth setup?
[15:38:35] iamlindoro: mib_g20qxf, It's extremely unlikely that owuld go well
[15:38:39] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit ()
[15:38:52] iamlindoro: it would be wiser to back up the relevant DB sections and do a fresh install, and then restore/upgrade the DB
[15:39:01] stoth: iamlindoro: My myth + firewire 4250 is _MOSTLY_ reliable, and that's the issue. I have a second STB (same model) that I also want to add, but not until I really understand the issues with the first.
[15:39:22] iamlindoro: stoth, okay, so the occasional "B" length recording?
[15:39:48] stoth: iamlindoro: I get occasional "Not a STB" error in the backlog, and send oops messages.
[15:40:05] iamlindoro: oh... hmm... I don't think I've seen that one
[15:40:07] mib_g20qxf: Ok thanks iamlindoro...hey one more thing, I've started using centos 5 on another box, would it be good for myth?
[15:40:13] stoth: plugreport shows the node gets trashed (I think in the STB). A STB reboot usually fixes this.... usually.
[15:40:31] iamlindoro: mib_g20qxf, That would work, Mythdora would work if you're into fedora.. most distros can be made to work
[15:40:43] stoth: (actually, let me be specific, the node stops responding and returns errors, when previously plugreport showed the opcr etc)
[15:41:04] iamlindoro: stoth, yuck, that doesn't sound good-- I have a few hints of stability but I am not sure they would do anything for oyu
[15:41:12] iamlindoro: I can share them, though, if oyu like
[15:41:19] iamlindoro: damnit, can't spell "you" today
[15:41:26] stoth: yes please. I also have some general firewire / pluctl questions.
[15:42:11] ** stoth thinks his mythtv + firewire solution is phenominal when it works. Wife acceptance factor > expected. **
[15:42:17] iamlindoro: okay, first thing I do is set the tuning timeouts to 15000 and 20000 respectively
[15:42:21] iamlindoro: on each box
[15:42:25] stoth: wow
[15:42:40] stoth: that's a very long time. But ok.
[15:42:52] iamlindoro: Then, and this is one of the more important things, I I disable firewire bus reset in mythtv-setup (General Settings, I believe)
[15:43:03] iamlindoro: yeah, it's a long time, but some channels can take a LONG time to lock
[15:43:47] iamlindoro: And I use the newish script from trunk as a cron job at 5 and 35 after the hour
[15:43:59] stoth: ohh, interesting.
[15:44:09] iamlindoro: the script checks with the backend to see if the firewire box is in use. If it is, it leaves it alone. If it's not, it reprimes it.
[15:44:33] stoth: good idea.
[15:44:56] iamlindoro: I also make some minor tweaks to that script to make it run more repeats of firewire_tester to prime
[15:45:04] iamlindoro: to be absolutely sure that the prime is solid
[15:45:11] stoth: ok, increasing etc.
[15:45:19] ** stoth priming I think is my last major issue **
[15:45:22] iamlindoro: With all of that set up, I never lose a recording unless the program is honest to goodness 5C
[15:46:31] bronson (bronson! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:46:33] iamlindoro: Unfortunately this week my provider pushes a firmware update to one of my boxes that has introduced all sorts of firewire trouble
[15:46:37] iamlindoro: er pushed
[15:46:40] stoth: ok. So the other issue I have, and it's intermittent is annoying. The STB stops delivering transport. I can disable the frontend, disconnect/reconnect the STB and nothing fixes it. I know the STB is fine, because it streams perfectly at that moment in time on a mac.
[15:46:43] iamlindoro: but my other box is still rock solid
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[15:47:10] stoth: Rebooting linux doesn't fix it.
[15:47:16] iamlindoro: stoth, hmmm... not sure about that one. Sounds like you're encountering some issues I'm not familiar with
[15:47:26] iamlindoro: I'm sorry
[15:47:39] stoth: Maybe my problem is that I'm not doing anything to prime (specifically). Myth just work out of the box (ubuntu 8.04) for me.
[15:47:49] iamlindoro: ah, yeah, that's likely it
[15:48:04] stoth: When I've tried to use plugctl to prime, I think I don't understand enough about how plugs work, to get it right.
[15:48:21] iamlindoro: compile firewire_tester and put it in your path somewhere, then use as described above, that should help
[15:48:31] iamlindoro: you can't really prime with plugctl
[15:48:58] stoth: The prime scripts I've seen in the past basically do plugctl, test-mpeg2 and various other things..... largly voodoo.
[15:49:11] iamlindoro: yeah, that's really voodoo
[15:49:23] iamlindoro: the firewire_tester binary is a lot more straightforward
[15:49:30] iamlindoro: it's in contrib
[15:49:42] iamlindoro: I don't trust the ubuntu "mythprime" thing *at all*
[15:49:51] stoth: ahh
[15:50:28] the_alien__: mythprime?
[15:50:35] iamlindoro: more or less, ./firewire_tester -n $nodenumber -B (broadcast mode, or -p for p2p) -r 5 (repeat full sequence 5 times)
[15:50:52] iamlindoro: the_alien__, unless you're using US firewire capture, it's probably not relevant to you
[15:51:06] the_alien__: ah ok :)
[15:51:18] iamlindoro: stoth, Also, if you're using p2p mode, it might be worth it to test out broadcast mode
[15:51:37] iamlindoro: I found that my connection was really unreliable with p2p, but broadcast is rock solid for me
[15:51:59] the_alien__: i've got another problem: after updating ubuntu to 8.04 my lirc skript for mythtv isn't working any more. every key press is executed from ubuntu itself
[15:52:11] stoth: I've never had broadcast mode work. What STB's are you using?
[15:52:23] iamlindoro: stoth, a moto DCH-3200 and a moto DCH-3416
[15:52:32] stoth: hmm, I'm using SA4250HD
[15:52:36] the_alien__: so the only keys still working are the direction keys and enter...
[15:52:53] the_alien__: anyone has an idea what i have to do?
[15:53:27] ** stoth grabbing the latest unstable tree **
[15:53:54] stoth: The frustrating thing is that The boxes work perfectly on another OS, so I know it's linux related.
[15:53:58] justinh: the_alien__: run irw to confirm which remote buttons work, then try to marry up the definitions of each button in lircd.conf to ~/.lircrc & ~/.mythtv/lircrc – easy peasy
[15:54:21] stoth: the_alien__: I had to make my own lircrc etc
[15:54:25] stoth: for hauppauge remotes
[15:54:27] iamlindoro: stoth, yeah, I think that firewire capture and firewire raw capture in linux period got to a "sort of works" point and have been ignored since
[15:54:55] the_alien__: stoth, i have my own lircrc for the hauppauge remote
[15:55:03] stoth: iamlindoro: yeah, I'm kinda tempted to spend sometime on this and get it rock solid for everyone.
[15:55:03] the_alien__: it worked with ubuntu 7.10
[15:55:51] justinh: the_alien__: just do as I said. saves time trying to find a working file when it's so easy to sort it out yourself
[15:55:53] iamlindoro: stoth, what's more, firewire capture in myth doesn't work *at all* with the "new" firewire stack that they've rolled out in fedora (and maybe others?)
[15:56:03] stoth: ohhhh
[15:56:06] stoth: that's bad news
[15:56:12] stoth: anyone looking at this?
[15:56:14] the_alien__: i used this tutorial on how to enable remotes for mythtv
[15:56:42] iamlindoro: I dunno... I think daniel mostly owns firewire in myth, and I know he's done some recent work on firewire in general, but dunno about that specific issue
[15:56:43] justinh: the_alien__: just run irw to see how many & which remote buttons work already
[15:56:47] justinh: damnit
[15:57:03] iamlindoro: the howto strikes again
[15:57:50] the_alien__: is the howto wrong?
[15:58:03] justinh: asking for help, then witterring on about meaningless, totally irrelevant and out of date howto guides – effectively ignoring the help you've asked for.. beyond the pale
[15:58:07] the_alien__: so it worked on the old version of ubuntu and mythtv ;)
[15:58:09] stoth: iamlindoro: I could probably sniff the other OS, and figure out which Linux is failing, except 1394 analyzers are expensive. UNless I can rent one.
[15:58:37] justinh: the_alien__: I don't care what worked before. I told you what you need to do
[15:58:41] the_alien__: ok, i'll write my own lircrc
[15:58:51] iamlindoro: stoth, I thin kthat the Mac OS raw capture stuff is the most solid, from reading I've done
[15:59:30] the_alien__: haven't ignored your advise justinh. :)
[15:59:39] iamlindoro: Which makes sense given they've been more devoted to firewire than probably anyone
[15:59:43] justinh: you might not even have to write your own. it's probably just a matter of editing a couple of files – if it turns out that the only buttons irw reports are the ones that work in mythtv already... then you're into something else. confirming all your buttons work is important
[15:59:44] stoth: yeah
[16:00:02] stoth: The have some good diagtools also. That's why I knot my stb's only work on channel 0
[16:00:11] stoth: they never stream on channel > 0
[16:01:18] iamlindoro: stoth, Interesting... sounds like maybe the SA boxes are a bit more finicky about firewire than the moto ones
[16:01:26] stoth: y
[16:01:28] iamlindoro: I've managed to largely ignore/never use plugctl
[16:01:49] iamlindoro: well, I've used it but have set things to all sorts of crazy options and never seen an effect
[16:01:58] the_alien__: justinh, ok thanks. but the config files mentioned in this outdated guide are still the correct configs? the lircd.conf, hardware.conf and lircrc?
[16:02:21] justinh: no idea
[16:02:48] the_alien__: ok
[16:03:33] stoth: running now,
[16:04:20] squish102: for HD playback is Xv a necessity
[16:04:23] stoth: hmm, it always assume broadcast.
[16:04:28] stoth: -B regardless
[16:04:39] iamlindoro: stoth, edit it and change the -B to -p
[16:05:48] iamlindoro: squish102, Xv, XvMc, or OpenGL are likely to be the only video overlays that could manage HD
[16:05:51] stoth: failed after 10 attempts, increasing to 50
[16:06:01] stoth: hmm... where's the definitive verison of firewire_tester.c?
[16:06:06] iamlindoro: contrib
[16:06:10] stoth: thz
[16:06:35] iamlindoro: squish102, of those three, Xv probably works the best with the fewest drawbacks
[16:07:03] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit ()
[16:08:12] justinh: what's allegedly wrong with opengl rendering though?
[16:08:23] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:08:42] justinh: I'm using it with no apparent performance hit – or is it just another case of YMMV ?
[16:09:12] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:09:32] iamlindoro: justinh, yeah... personally I see a fair amount of tearing that I can't seem to get rid of
[16:09:51] iamlindoro: SD seems fine, but HD stuff gets pretty narsty
[16:10:21] ** stoth moans **
[16:10:26] justinh: heh not tried HD yet
[16:10:37] justinh: not even 100% sure the gl renderer is working tbh
[16:10:48] iamlindoro: stoth, ?
[16:11:15] stoth: not working.
[16:11:37] iamlindoro: hmm... that's... odd.
[16:11:48] iamlindoro: how about just trying firewire_tester -n nodenum -p -r 5
[16:11:55] justinh: hahaha.. VideoOutputXv: Desired video renderer 'opengl' not available.
[16:11:59] stoth: iamlindoro: yeah, I;ve tried that
[16:12:00] justinh: that'd do it
[16:12:18] iamlindoro: stoth, and just failed across the board, or the occasional success, or...?
[16:12:21] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[16:12:27] stoth: iamlindoro: fails across the board
[16:12:30] iamlindoro: ew
[16:12:41] stoth: iamlindoro: but when it works it runs for days
[16:12:44] justinh: hahaha typo in the log output too
[16:13:01] stoth: iamlindoro: is their a decent doc on plugctl?
[16:13:10] iamlindoro: stoth, not that I've ever seen
[16:13:16] justinh: Did not get proper responce from /1702_20080927132900.mpg.png:
[16:13:23] justinh: responce? lol
[16:13:24] iamlindoro: ponce!
[16:13:53] justinh: that was when it was waiting for the HDD to wake up I think
[16:14:31] iamlindoro: stoth, I think you're on the right track, though-- there's a chance that the correct plugctl setting would allow you to prime properly
[16:14:45] justinh: wonder why opengl isn't available :-\
[16:15:06] laga: you didnt compile it in?
[16:15:09] iamlindoro: compiled with --enable-opengl-video?
[16:15:17] justinh: hrm I dunno
[16:15:30] justinh: I wouldn't see it as an option if not, I'd have thought...
[16:15:42] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit ()
[16:16:17] iamlindoro: You're think that about creating new transcode profiles, too, but those don't work either ;)
[16:16:23] iamlindoro: er You'd
[16:16:27] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:16:35] justinh: pfft. looks like I didn't enable-opengl-video
[16:16:35] justinh: ffs
[16:16:42] sphery: Though opengl video isn't really supported/recommended in 0.21-fixes. OpenGL GUI should just work if you have OpenGL/drivers properly set up on your system.
[16:16:56] laga: clev: seriously, how do you manage to crash your box/mythtv so that you expose a race condition in MythContext::SaveSettingOnHost
[16:17:05] iamlindoro: practice?
[16:17:16] sphery: that's what happens when your MySQL server runs @ 200MHz
[16:17:18] justinh: here was I thinking it was enabled & working cos the setting was there. hahahaha
[16:17:37] clev: laga: i think the problem is that the mysqld locked up on the delete query because of no disk space
[16:17:44] clev: and i killed the frontend
[16:17:48] clev: then the query finaly went thru
[16:17:50] sphery: (Actually, though, IIRC, it's not really a race condition, but a DELETE FROM settings ... crash before INSERT INTO settings )
[16:17:54] clev: and the setting disapered
[16:18:04] justinh: what's the point of having a compile time enable when the options are in settings anyway? :-\
[16:18:05] sid3windr: transactions \o/
[16:18:13] sid3windr: justinh: for gentoo!
[16:18:20] sid3windr: MOAR SAVINGS
[16:18:23] iamlindoro: MOAR CFLAGS
[16:18:24] sphery: sid3windr: in MySQL ?  :) (We'
[16:18:27] laga: justinh: ya, that's really annoying.
[16:18:39] laga: sphery: and that's not a race condition? hum
[16:18:41] sphery: re allowing MyISAM, not forcing the other one)
[16:18:48] clev: laga: the problem hasnt happened in a while but i have had it forget the language before
[16:18:49] sid3windr: yeah well ;)
[16:18:58] laga: sphery: as in "transaction does not complete successfully" ;)
[16:19:00] iamlindoro: -ivtv +firewire +moarfast0rz!
[16:19:01] sphery: laga: well, I mean more than anything, the crash shouldn't happen
[16:19:10] laga: sphery: yeah.
[16:19:33] laga: – does that SQL look sane to people? does it have any negative side effects?
[16:19:41] sphery: If we really tried to make Myth work when MySQL can't write because of a full filesystem...
[16:19:43] laga: apart from the spelling error and the missing dbcheck.cpp update
[16:19:44] clev: laga: but a update query still sounds better then a delete and insert
[16:19:45] stoth: iamlindoro: a reboot of the STB fixes the issue, meaning that linux ISN'T doing something properly.
[16:20:11] iamlindoro: the words michael bishop in a web page automatically crash firefox
[16:20:21] iamlindoro: stoth, yeah, :(
[16:20:50] clev: stoth: and you could restart the box thru an ir blaster maybe, if you wanted to automate the fixing
[16:22:18] clev: laga: i had tried doing a insert ... on duplicate key update x=y type query to make it crash proof
[16:22:32] clev: laga: but that means adding a uniq index so i actualy get duplicate keys
[16:23:01] clev: when i did that, all my settings for null got converted to settings for '' and the database schema and all other global settings got screwed up :P
[16:23:04] wire: where does the backend save its db password? where is the file?
[16:23:14] justinh: bloody hell. opengl vsync is another one
[16:23:16] clev: wire: mysql.txt in one of a few places
[16:23:29] wire: I changed that, but it didn't seem to take
[16:23:30] sphery: wire: ~/.mythtv/config.xml
[16:23:35] wire: hmm
[16:23:39] wire: i'll look
[16:23:52] clev: wire: it may choose config.xml over mysql.txt, and make shure you dont have EXTRA copys of either
[16:24:01] sphery: note, also, that most systems have a proliferation of mysql.txt files that can break things
[16:24:25] clev: yep
[16:24:28] iamlindoro: locate mysql.txt returns 9 on my system ;)
[16:24:36] clev: mine also complains that config.xml is missing
[16:24:47] justinh: on a new install with 0.21, are xml files saved by default now?
[16:24:57] justinh: rather than mysql.txt files I mean...
[16:25:08] clev: probly, but i havent changed that config from the ui, so it hasnt actualy 'saved' anything
[16:25:14] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:25:34] sphery: justinh: yep, when running mythtv-setup or mythfrontend, IIRC
[16:25:38] clev: ive pretty much allways done any changes i needed thru vi right on mysql.txt so the new code has never been given a chance to update things
[16:25:51] squish102: iamlindoro, thanks Xv does not seem to enable with the ATI drivers, so i will try get them to open-gl
[16:26:05] iamlindoro: squish102, ati proprietary drivers will do Xv
[16:26:05] justinh: cool ta sphery
[16:26:13] squish102: after that, im gonna disable onboard HD3200 card and stick in a nvidia card :(
[16:26:14] justinh: s/will/might
[16:26:42] iamlindoro: okay, "are capable of assuming proper moon phase and weather patterns"
[16:27:19] clev: laga: ive skimmed over my patch for that, and yes that patch will wreak havoc on your config
[16:27:42] laga: clev: so, your patch is broken?
[16:27:48] justinh: oops. thou shalt not run make install on a recompile when your wife is watching a show
[16:28:01] clev: laga: the patch is missing the updates to the table format, and those updates break everything
[16:28:35] clev: laga: the special insert or update wont do anything until you get duplicate key errors, and you cant generate those with a null column
[16:28:50] clev: and the whole mythtv system needs a hostname=NULL for things to work
[16:28:51] laga: clev: broken or not?
[16:28:55] clev: (global settings)
[16:28:57] clev: yes broken!
[16:29:10] clev: you could just close the ticket
[16:29:15] clev: i havent had the problem in months
[16:29:28] squish102: i do aticnfig -ovt Xv, then a ctrl-alt-backspace, relogin and try xvinfo and says no adaptors present :(
[16:29:54] laga: clev: okay
[16:30:11] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Client Quit)
[16:30:47] clev: ahh, 5114 finaly got thru:)
[16:31:21] iamlindoro: squish102, That's what you get for assuming a program will set up xorg for you
[16:31:22] clev: 2 months ago, i need to keep a closer eye on my tickets
[16:31:25] stoth: how fucked up is this: I connected an HDMI cable to my STB to 720 LG panel, and it refuses to show CBS 'lack of hdcp'.
[16:31:37] iamlindoro: yay DRM!
[16:31:43] clev: stoth: that sounds like copy protection
[16:32:03] clev: the other end cant promise it wont steal the stream and sell it
[16:32:27] iamlindoro: doesn't know the secret handshake
[16:32:32] clev: yep
[16:32:41] squish102: iamlindoro you right about that. but xorg is a little daunting to a noob
[16:32:58] iamlindoro: squish102, It's daunting for non n00bs too
[16:33:11] iamlindoro: squish102, especially when you're trying to get up hardware accel on ATI
[16:33:15] clev: laga: #5497 looks like a open&shut case to me
[16:33:53] justinh: a guy at work was whining about ubuntu the other day, moaning how it doesn't just read his mind when he plugs his 2nd monitor in & make it work
[16:34:00] justinh: I just laughed
[16:34:06] squish102: i wish i could find the person in here that said that they had it working well on ATI video cards
[16:34:12] laga: clev: i can't commit it, but i'll mark it as "easy"
[16:34:15] justinh: gbee did
[16:34:22] clev: laga: ahh:(
[16:34:35] justinh: but he upgraded drivers recently & broke everything
[16:34:40] iamlindoro: squish102, yes, gbee has it working w HDMI + audio
[16:34:45] iamlindoro: Option "VideoOverlay" "on"
[16:34:49] justinh: was a bitch to downgrade it back again too
[16:34:51] iamlindoro: may be what you need, but I dunno
[16:34:58] iamlindoro: in Section "Device"
[16:35:01] squish102: ok i hope he has some time later for me
[16:35:15] squish102: yip i tried that 200 different ways ;)
[16:35:30] laga: clev: so, when you say "may also help to keep separate xsl files for each country.", do you think your patch will break for other countries?
[16:35:36] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!n=pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:35:36] iamlindoro: Yep, ATIs all good again all right
[16:35:55] iamlindoro: Wait for the big October "Hey, we're enabling h.264 hardware accel!"
[16:36:03] iamlindoro: "So long as you are a vendor."
[16:36:06] iamlindoro: "and sign NDAs."
[16:36:15] iamlindoro: "and as long as you don't share the API."
[16:36:23] iamlindoro: "For building commercial DVRs! Yay!"
[16:36:28] justinh: " or try to use it"
[16:36:39] clev: laga: i dont know how it will react for other countrys, but the existing xls file expects a phone# to be (123)-456–7890, which is allready wrong for several countrys
[16:36:56] clev: laga: so technicaly its allready broken for any country that doesnt use that format for phone#
[16:36:58] squish102: yip, nvidia is the way to go
[16:37:02] laga: clev: alright.
[16:37:09] clev: and my patch only fixes it for those countrys
[16:37:10] laga: clev: pasting that in the bug report
[16:37:19] clev: could rename it to a north_america.xls
[16:37:31] squish102: on my other fe, a crappy onboard nvidia works great, out the box
[16:37:39] iamlindoro: xls != xsl
[16:38:19] clev: iamlindoro: typo
[16:38:25] iamlindoro: I know, just teasing you
[16:38:33] clev: :P
[16:38:44] clev: i havent done much xml/xsl stuff
[16:38:53] clev: but with some googling i managed to learn enough to fix it
[16:39:09] laga: xsl is neat AND scary
[16:39:14] sphery: I wouldn't be suprised if it's similarly US-centric in MS OOXML, too (which would apply to xls files :)
[16:39:15] clev: yeah
[16:39:28] clev: ive got a whole 40 page printout downstairs on xsl that i printed years ago
[16:39:34] clev: it made my head hurt back then:P
[16:40:10] clev: i think you could use xsl to generate any html from a xml data
[16:40:31] clev: so you could probly build a whole website out of xml/xsl and have it look 'normal'
[16:41:03] clev: might save bandwidth by having the entire template in a static cachable file
[16:41:11] iamlindoro: squish102, What distro are you on?
[16:41:21] clev: though xml itself isnt that compact so it would probly also use more bandwidth
[16:41:30] clev: and would be a nightmare to edit
[16:43:07] iamlindoro: Have you tried something as simple as envyng to install your ATI drivers/configure them? There's a possibility that sets you up with working Xv, I guess
[16:47:13] k-man_: is there a keyboard shortcut to make the frontend exit emidiately?
[16:47:25] clev: alt+f4 ?
[16:47:33] k-man_: ah
[16:47:33] k-man_: thanks
[16:48:26] stoth: iamlindoro: plugreport shows the same values when it works, vs when it doesn't stream.
[16:48:35] iamlindoro: stoth, ugh, weird
[16:48:41] nludlam (nludlam! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:48:43] stoth: which leads me to suspect something in linux breaks it.
[16:48:56] iamlindoro: stoth, I'm afraid I can't be much more help... I hope if you learn anything you'll let me know what you find, though
[16:49:00] stoth: if I could repro the break, I'd have something to work with.
[16:49:11] iamlindoro: stoth, anything in dmesg?
[16:49:13] stoth: fair enough, thanks for your help though.
[16:49:25] stoth: hmm, I'll look out for that.
[16:49:26] iamlindoro: I get fw error messages there
[16:50:14] iamlindoro: mostly from libiec*
[16:50:25] iamlindoro: regarding invalid packet szies
[16:50:56] stoth: interesting.
[16:51:19] iamlindoro: anyway, dog to park-- hope you manage to get it working
[16:51:48] stoth: thx
[16:52:58] nludlam: Can anyone tell me what the proper DBSchemaVer for 0.21 is?
[16:54:49] justinh: depends which version you're running :)
[16:55:12] justinh: if you plan to repair a database, you're on a hiding to nothing just hacking that field
[17:00:25] jarle: I'm having problems with random recordings ending up choppy (throughout the recording pieces with the length of a couple of seconds is missing from the recording) However I can't find enything wrong in the log: ("Nyhetene" is one such recording)
[17:01:32] jarle: why do I get the "Preview Error:" in that log snippet?
[17:03:00] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:04:29] the_alien_ (the_alien_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:09:11] justinh: youch. opengl video playback no worky here – or rather it does til I stop playing, then it just crashes
[17:10:17] revilootneg (revilootneg! has quit ("leaving")
[17:11:12] justinh: oh shit. not just opengl video rendering :(
[17:13:18] nludlam: justinh, yeah not hacking it, I'm making my Ruby code work nicely with schema changes
[17:13:30] glemsom_ (glemsom_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:13:53] justinh: it's not unheard of for db schema versions to update in -fixes
[17:13:55] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:14:29] nludlam: ok so version isnt granular enough, but dbschemaver should get a bump each time it changes
[17:14:58] justinh: that's weird. mythfrontend was quitting – i.e the window was vanishing but all the log reported was that it'd stopped playback
[17:14:58] nludlam: I've got a base mapping of columns, then a bit of code to add and remove columns, depending on the schema version you're running
[17:15:31] justinh: doing a mythtv-setup in ruby? ouchy
[17:16:06] nludlam: nah, nothing that psychotic :) This is allowing modification and retrieval of Channels, Programs and RecordingSchedules from Ruby
[17:16:40] nludlam: I'm avoiding doing a "Select *" as it will mess up if I don't have default values to fill in for new columns
[17:19:07] the_alien__ (the_alien__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[17:23:39] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[17:24:30] nludlam: justinh, are you in the UK by any chance?
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[17:33:48] stoth (stoth! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:33:52] justinh: nludlam: yup
[17:34:45] justinh: ahh fixed my frontend. bailed out of opengl-video & opengl-video-sync – maybe it was only the latter giving me grief
[17:35:40] nludlam: Do you ever have issues with recording programs that have a news segment in between the two halves?
[17:36:06] nludlam: I find the second half always gets excluded via the duplicate title + description policy
[17:36:29] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:47:38] justinh: I try to keep an eye out for those ones
[17:48:54] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:49:51] nludlam: yeah its a bit annoying. I dont always notice
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[17:53:11] justinh: try not to record anything from ITV :D
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[18:02:24] smithna (smithna! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:07:06] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:15:59] smithna: Hi,
[18:16:24] smithna: Am I the only one noticing recent svn isn't compiling (at least for me)?
[18:17:15] Eypone (Eypone! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:17:19] smithna: osdtypes.cpp: In member function ‘QString OSDTypeText::ConvertFromRtoL(const QString&) const’:
[18:17:19] smithna: osdtypes.cpp:853: error: ‘QCString’ was not declared in this scope
[18:21:05] Eypone: hey can some one help me understand what they ar doing at this site, im realy new to linux.
[18:22:01] Eypone: im not shure which patch i shuld use, and how to implementet.
[18:26:40] mib_g20qxf: iamlindroro
[18:31:47] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[18:31:55] dustybin: justinh: have you found a TV yet
[18:35:15] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:35:28] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[18:36:35] iamlindoro: mib_g20qxf, If you have a question for me, please ask it here, not via PM
[18:37:14] iamlindoro: I have not experienced what you PMed me, so if you ask it in the channel, you are more likely to get an answer
[18:38:44] iamlindoro: I have a suspicion that some funky option is set to accomodate your setup... but your myth install is likely so old that some troubleshooting methods we now use would not work properly. My suggestion would be to open a terminal window and invoke "mythfrontend -v most -l ~/mythlog.log"
[18:39:05] iamlindoro: then if it crashes, you ought ot have a frontend log in your home directory
[18:41:45] gbee: smithna: yes, you are the only one
[18:46:34] gbee: Eypone: even I can't follow that thread, so it's got little to do with you being new to linux
[18:46:42] gnome42: smithna: svn up and make distclean maybe?
[18:47:01] gbee: and check that you are building with a QT4 qmake
[18:47:28] Eypone: okay thanks.
[18:47:38] gbee: Eypone: the hazards of a DVB-C provider that doesn't follow the DVB standards :/
[18:48:18] Eypone: it sucks, crapy provider in denmark
[18:48:45] gbee: that's one very messy ticket
[18:49:33] Eypone: i also fund this one . . . .pl_solution
[18:50:16] DarkDrgn2k (DarkDrgn2k! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:50:45] DarkDrgn2k: Hye guys i know this isnt a mythtv related questions but any one explain what the diff between LAG and ETH is on a managed switch
[18:50:49] Anduin: smithna: It is possible though, don't know how many of us build with fribidi
[18:50:50] Eypone: but i did't quite understand that site.
[18:51:49] gbee: Anduin: that section is ifdef'd?
[18:52:01] gbee: might explain it then
[18:52:02] Eypone: which switch do you have?
[18:52:15] Anduin: gbee: Yup, I'm checking now (only installed fribidi for a ticket long ago, uninstalled it since)
[18:52:35] iamlindoro: DarkDrgn2k, LAG means Link aggregation, Eth is just short for ethernet
[18:52:52] iamlindoro: link aggregation is a way of tying multiple physical interfaces into a single logical one
[18:53:04] DarkDrgn2k: aaaaa
[18:53:12] DarkDrgn2k: like multiple eth cards working as one..
[18:53:16] iamlindoro: sorta, yeah
[18:53:30] DarkDrgn2k: hmmm.. make sence..
[18:53:55] DarkDrgn2k: learn someting new every day
[18:54:23] DarkDrgn2k: so if i dont agragate any ports, i just configure the Ether net on a manges switch for vlan right?
[18:54:45] iamlindoro: if you don't have a reason to have more than one vlan, there's no reason to have vlans at all
[18:55:02] iamlindoro: although some switches call the no VLAN setting VLAN 1
[18:55:10] DarkDrgn2k: iamlindoro: i do, i want to split a switch into to vlans
[18:55:11] iamlindoro: and just put everything in the single VLAN
[18:55:16] iamlindoro: then do what you like
[18:55:55] DarkDrgn2k: iamlindoro: 1 vlan for incomming "unclean" connection to connect to 2 devices, a KVM and a SNORT filtered brdige. The rest of teh swich will be for the "CLEAN" connection that comes out of the snort
[18:56:16] iamlindoro: If you are doing this at home, then so help me...
[18:56:27] DarkDrgn2k: iamlindoro: its for my datacenter server down town
[18:56:34] iamlindoro: Thank christ
[18:56:45] DarkDrgn2k: iamlindoro: got a nice little i386 enbeded board running openwrt and snort :)
[18:56:47] iamlindoro: I was about to add you to my mental clever/dustybin/perlmonkey VLAN
[18:56:58] iamlindoro: it gets sent directly to /dev/null
[18:57:02] DarkDrgn2k: lol
[18:57:12] DarkDrgn2k: im not that /dev/urandom
[18:57:46] DarkDrgn2k: one of my clients in the cage bought like a expensive sonic wal.. those things are worthless!
[18:58:00] DarkDrgn2k: well.. maybe for some applications but not in the datacenter!
[18:58:49] DarkDrgn2k: but this swich was the wrost..
[18:59:12] DarkDrgn2k: 5 months of trying to RMA it cause it came with a loose heat sink..i gave up.. cracked it opened and glued it back myself!
[18:59:41] gbee: Anduin: QCString doesn't exist in QT4 – either needs changing to something else, or swapping for Q3CString for now
[18:59:58] Anduin: gbee: Yes, I know, doing it now.
[19:00:14] gbee: cool
[19:01:37] smithna: sorry — setup a way for a moment.
[19:01:46] famicom (famicom! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:01:54] smithna: gnome42 — I always do a make distclean when I rebuild from svn
[19:01:59] Anduin: smithna: real problem, I'll commit a fix in a few minutes
[19:02:06] ** DarkDrgn2k forgot about actualy assigned an ip to the vlan.. duu **
[19:02:36] DarkDrgn2k: hmm can 1 ports be part of 2 vlans?
[19:02:49] Eypone: ja it's trunking
[19:03:30] Eypone: but then you have to have a switch,server somthing ther onderstand VLAN's
[19:03:42] Eypone: in the other end.
[19:03:46] ** smithna is surprised — I really did think I messed something up... **
[19:04:23] gbee: smithna: seems very few people have libfribidi installed
[19:04:44] iamlindoro: smithna, Do you speak arabic?
[19:04:46] DarkDrgn2k: i jsut dont have an extra IP for the swith :-S
[19:05:08] smithna: no....
[19:05:15] gbee: iamlindoro: like it
[19:05:17] iamlindoro: Then remove libfribidi and get on with it
[19:06:32] iamlindoro: gbee, ;)
[19:06:34] Eypone: why a ekstra ip?
[19:06:52] justinh: libfribidi? is that for real?
[19:07:06] iamlindoro: yep
[19:07:23] justinh: as in fribidi doo dah, fribidi ay? :P
[19:07:29] smithna: I was just looking at it... Stupid dependancies
[19:07:34] iamlindoro: It's also a for real problem when people run configure and say, "Whoops, fribidi... no" better install that."
[19:07:56] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Connection timed out)
[19:08:07] smithna: For some reason it's mplayer/vlc are dependant on it....
[19:08:45] DarkDrgn2k (DarkDrgn2k! has quit ()
[19:09:41] iamlindoro: for the tools who want to watch their anime mkvs
[19:09:56] smithna: but, I can remove the devel packages
[19:10:04] gbee: depends on distro of course, Mandriva doesn't pull it in
[19:11:08] Eypone (Eypone! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:11:18] smithna: plf does....
[19:11:30] iamlindoro: pigeon I'd like to fuck?
[19:11:46] gbee: Penguin Liberation Front
[19:11:50] laga: "penguin liberation frontend"
[19:11:52] laga: hilarious name
[19:11:55] gbee: think livna for Mandriva
[19:12:09] Anduin: smithna: should be fixed if you svn up
[19:12:10] laga: i imagine a bunch of fifteen years olds with kalashnikovs and linux boxen
[19:12:16] gbee: or Universe for Gentoo
[19:12:34] laga: gentoo has universe?
[19:12:38] smithna: Thanks Anduin
[19:12:49] gbee: it doesn't? What distro am I thinkin of then?
[19:13:00] justinh: ubuntu has universe
[19:13:03] justinh: debian also
[19:13:13] gbee: oh Unutbu
[19:13:23] laga: i didnt know debian had universe
[19:13:33] laga: it doesnt actually make sense for debian.
[19:13:37] justinh: least I think debian has universe.. but then again it's prolly not 'free' enough
[19:13:56] laga: in ubuntu, main holds the stuff supported by canonical. universe is community support free software
[19:14:07] laga: and multiverse is for closed source for stuff like mythtv.
[19:14:15] gbee: Ubuntu users have their own universe ... strangely appropriate
[19:14:15] laga: so you probably wanted multiverse.
[19:14:19] justinh: yeah closed source mythtv. evil
[19:14:19] laga: heh
[19:14:30] leprechau (leprechau! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:14:34] laga: err, "for closed source or stuff like mythtv"
[19:14:46] gbee: so I guess PLF == multiverse
[19:14:46] justinh: litigious stuff ;)
[19:15:29] smithna: BTW: do you really want reports when compile fails to identify the cpu correctly? I didn't report mine as it seems related more to the kernel/motherboard than confiugre.
[19:15:31] gbee: VLC/Mplayer are in official repos for Mandriva though and those work just fine, not sure what additional stuff the PLF versions offer
[19:15:49] iamlindoro: Geez, I need to clean this closet a lot more often
[19:16:03] iamlindoro: But all the junk in there could still build a better box than dustybin's
[19:16:06] gbee: smithna: yeah, but just to be safe – the output first and I can check for you
[19:16:49] gbee: iamlindoro: I could rumage through bins in the third world and find parts to build a better machine ...
[19:16:52] laga: gah, i need to register to download the dvb specs from ETSI?
[19:17:24] justinh: laga: oogle ;)
[19:17:56] iamlindoro: gbee, true
[19:18:01] gbee: laga: no, I can email them to you – depends which ones you are after
[19:18:23] gbee: although checking it, mine is actually an early 'Interim' version
[19:18:32] laga: gbee: i think there's one spec detailing DVB itself and one is for SI AFAIK
[19:18:46] smithna: gbee, I no longer get that message as I update my BIOS (didn't fix kernel not seeing both cores though)
[19:18:46] gbee: I've one for DVB and another for EIT
[19:19:02] gbee: smithna: ok
[19:19:08] iamlindoro: I wonder what today's progress is on smashy smashy the BD DRM
[19:21:04] iamlindoro: jesus fuck
[19:21:05] iamlindoro: . . . ;oldid=32073
[19:21:11] iamlindoro: Check out that BS bit of diff
[19:21:35] iamlindoro: Someone needs to tell him what AVC is
[19:22:03] iamlindoro: and I love the comparison between the "x264 codec" and AVC
[19:22:26] iamlindoro: when x264 == not a codec, and h.264 = AVC
[19:23:01] ** iamlindoro goes to fix it, wonders how many times he will have to revert it. **
[19:25:34] gbee: iamlindoro: it is true though that some downloaded content requires more CPU to decode than broadcast AVC? no?
[19:26:07] iamlindoro: gbee, If they crank the encoding options and single slice, I suppose
[19:27:31] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:30:44] iamlindoro: I do love the username, though
[19:31:04] smithna: videoout_directfb.cpp: In member function ‘bool DirectfbData::CreateBuffers(VideoBuffers&, DFBSurfaceDescription)’:
[19:31:04] smithna: videoout_directfb.cpp:145: error: cannot convert ‘DirectResult’ to ‘DFBResult’ in assignment
[19:31:16] iamlindoro: I believe I used something similar in correcting the "Why Myth sucks" page
[19:32:25] iamlindoro: smithna, do you use the DirectFB?
[19:32:29] Anduin: smithna: Are you taking some sort of exotic sections of MythTV tour?
[19:32:39] ** smithna lol **
[19:32:39] iamlindoro: Anduin, lol, exactly
[19:32:47] iamlindoro: --disable-directfb
[19:33:00] wagnerrp: im about 6 hours in to building a USB hub into my hard drive dock
[19:33:04] iamlindoro: for the record, you don't need to enable directx on linux either
[19:33:12] wagnerrp: seems i SERIOUSLY underestimated the amount of effort to do this
[19:33:14] iamlindoro: or mac-accel
[19:33:28] smithna: ok. BTW: in mandriva -devel for directfb is required for SDL devel packages
[19:33:45] iamlindoro: smithna, so use the configure flags
[19:33:51] iamlindoro: That's what they're there for
[19:33:55] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:34:03] iamlindoro: what, did oyu just run ./configure by itself without flags?
[19:34:17] iamlindoro: ./configure --help
[19:34:49] laga: gbee: bouquet support would be nice..
[19:34:54] smithna: no, I wrote a small script awhile ago with a bunch of options — but nothing doing with directfb (it hadn't been an issue before)
[19:35:13] iamlindoro: smithna, this hasn't changed in ages
[19:35:49] smithna: Yeah, but I have update a bunch of my libraries — so that's what could have led to this
[19:36:09] iamlindoro: a moot point, just add the configure flag.
[19:36:33] ** smithna updates script **
[19:37:14] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:37:41] stoth: afternoon
[19:37:41] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: Hi there... ;-) I'm back online, just 29 programs recorded so far, but I like storage groups so far... myth is more responsive now too, like twice as fast ... I guess the software raid took alot of my cpu... ;-)
[19:37:56] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, Heya, glad to hear you're back online
[19:38:21] wagnerrp: J-e-f-f-A: yes, it tends to
[19:38:26] J-e-f-f-A: iamlindoro: thanks again for your efforts. ;-)
[19:38:34] iamlindoro: Sure, sorry it didn't yield more
[19:38:44] wagnerrp: but mythtv should never be pulling enough bandwidth to max out software raid
[19:38:55] wagnerrp: unless its comm-flagging or transcoding at the same time
[19:38:56] iamlindoro: I usually only see 6–10 of a processor on balls to the wall reads and writes, so that surprises me a little, but
[19:38:57] stoth: group question related to running mythtv + firewire STB + QAM card.... Does the scheduledirect guide get shared to the qam tuners, even though you scan those, or something else?
[19:39:27] iamlindoro: stoth, I use that setup
[19:39:36] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: Yeah, I had it doing everything... ;-)
[19:39:37] wagnerrp: the schedules direct guide has nothing to do with the tuners
[19:39:45] iamlindoro: I believe I have one lineup for my cable box, and a second lineup set up for local broadcast
[19:39:46] wagnerrp: or the STB
[19:39:56] J-e-f-f-A: wagnerrp: But I thought an Athlon 64 4800 x2 would be able to handle it...
[19:39:57] iamlindoro: and then I add xmltvids to my QAM tuners as necessary to populate them
[19:40:36] stoth: so you basically assine the scheduledirect channels as needed into the channel config for each qam channel?
[19:40:44] stoth: via mythweb presumably
[19:40:48] iamlindoro: But I actually assign the local broadcast (OTA) lineup to my QAM tuners, even though the signal source is cable because (in my case) the channum and callsigns are the same
[19:41:02] iamlindoro: and then the ones that aren't broadcast I clone the XMLTVids across from the firewire lineup
[19:41:24] wagnerrp: well... analog tuners, you never have to scan
[19:41:39] stoth: and if you want to record a CBS show, you either pick the qam tuner or the firewire, or does myth balance automatically?
[19:41:45] wagnerrp: i suppose qam/atsc requires you to scan to have something to match with schedules direct
[19:42:05] iamlindoro: wagnerrp, yep. A little more manual work
[19:42:18] wagnerrp: if you tell mythtv to record from any channel, it will work off the priorities you give it
[19:42:26] iamlindoro: stoth, I have my callsigns named slightly differently, so they actual show as seperate channels for me
[19:42:36] stoth: ok. I can live with that.
[19:42:38] stoth: thx
[19:42:41] iamlindoro: np
[19:42:50] wagnerrp: and you cannot have two channels of the same callsign, even on different tuners
[19:42:52] ** stoth wanders off to reconfigure his backend **
[19:43:04] wagnerrp: that issue gave me some trouble a while back
[19:43:10] stoth: ahh, that's good (and important) to know.
[19:43:16] wagnerrp: i shifted my tuner from ATSC to QAM, with the same channels
[19:43:39] wagnerrp: mythtv would not schedule anything on the tuner, because it didnt know the channels existed, until i flushed out the old ATSC sources from the database
[19:44:27] tsrk (tsrk! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:45:27] tsrk: Hi, what's the cheapest tuner card that'll work with mythtv + ubuntu out of the box and is decent quality (NTSC, supports cable)?
[19:45:57] iamlindoro: tsrk, A good choice would be a Hauppauge PVR-150 (and kudos and good specificness)
[19:46:06] iamlindoro: er kudos on
[19:46:25] iamlindoro: They aren't made any more, but are sometimes available new and very very cheap on ebay now too
[19:46:50] iamlindoro: If you are looking for something new, an HVR-1600 from Hauppauge works, but that requires more work and is less out-of-the-box ready
[19:47:14] tsrk: k thanks
[19:47:29] iamlindoro: . . . 5#ps-sellers
[19:47:45] iamlindoro: That kit also includes a great receiver/IR Blaster and remote control that works well with myth
[19:53:03] wire: so aside from the mythtvfrontend, what other linux based frontends work with a mythtv backend?
[19:53:11] Anduin: smithna: You should open a ticket with the directfb stuff, good reminder for someone to make it work with the newer version.
[19:53:26] iamlindoro: You can use any frontend you like so long as it's mythfrontend
[19:54:13] stoth: 'max recordings on this decide', this is mulitrec – right?
[19:54:16] stoth: device.
[19:54:24] iamlindoro: yea
[19:54:53] wire: well I am not using mythfrontend right now
[19:54:54] wire: heh
[19:55:01] iamlindoro: Anything else is either a crashy implementation of a very few functions of myth (eg Gloss) or basically just playing the recording files across a network share (XBMC)
[19:55:08] stoth: if I have 2 x qam card, same cable system, how do you suggest I configure these? Does myth know they are the same, can can be balanced?
[19:55:28] wire: you can watch live tv via xbmc as well
[19:55:43] iamlindoro: stoth, Yeah... leaving multirec at 2–3 is probably fine, and so long as they have the same lineup attached, myth will manage it well
[19:55:52] iamlindoro: wire, which is playing a file, nothing more
[19:56:02] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:56:07] wire: that is what the actual frontend does as well no?
[19:56:25] stoth: I don't get it, I have to create a QAM lineup? Where, in
[19:56:33] iamlindoro: the playback element of it is, yes
[19:56:43] iamlindoro: the EPG and other functions are not, however
[19:56:59] wire: oh, well I don't watch enough live tv to make that worthwhile
[19:57:14] iamlindoro: stoth, yeah... well, I suppose you could just use your cable box lineup but you will find yourself manually adding xmltvids to all of your qam channels, most likely
[19:57:27] wire: mostly just queue up recordings via mythweb so I won't really be losing any functionallity
[19:57:51] iamlindoro: wire, Then do what you like, you just won't get any help for it here
[19:58:11] wire: I was just curious as to what else was out there
[19:58:16] iamlindoro: stoth, As I mentioned before, I give my QAM cards the local antenna broadcast lineup so that the channel numbers that are the same get auto-populated, then I fill in the rest with xmltvids from the cable box lineup
[19:58:24] iamlindoro: wire, now you know
[19:58:45] wire: well thanks
[19:58:50] iamlindoro: yup
[20:00:02] dustybin: ive got a DVD here what is playing 100% perfectly, how odd, it seems mythtv doesnt like certain dvds, what is the difference between the dvds?
[20:00:11] iamlindoro: copy protection.
[20:00:17] dustybin: seriously?
[20:00:21] iamlindoro: particular the nasty new ones
[20:00:23] iamlindoro: yes
[20:00:44] iamlindoro: recent copy protection measures toss random bad blocks into the disk to prevent playback/ripping on PCs
[20:00:44] dustybin: i thought there is a linux library what deals with that?
[20:00:48] dustybin: css
[20:00:57] dustybin: oh
[20:00:58] Anduin: causing them to make new ones
[20:01:02] iamlindoro: And that deals with CSS.... but this is not CSS.
[20:01:12] dustybin: jeeze
[20:01:38] dustybin: the only solution then is to just rip it
[20:01:46] iamlindoro: heh, good luck
[20:01:53] iamlindoro: "<iamlindoro> recent copy protection measures toss random bad blocks into the disk to prevent playback/ripping on PCs"
[20:02:03] dustybin: iamlindoro: scarface doesnt play, but it rips perfectly
[20:02:13] dustybin: ive already done it
[20:02:23] iamlindoro: congrats
[20:02:37] iamlindoro: DRM is fun
[20:02:44] dustybin: scarface does play via DVD but the video speeds and slows, and the audio goes out of sync
[20:02:47] iamlindoro: in an unpredictable sort of way
[20:02:57] dustybin: when i rip it, its perfect
[20:03:15] ldiamond (ldiamond! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:03:29] Anduin: We only take about ripping home movies in here.
[20:03:40] dustybin: i own my dvds
[20:03:42] ldiamond: I'm trying to find a Hauppauge PVR-150 but all I find costs like 100$
[20:03:49] ldiamond: I'm in canada.
[20:04:02] ldiamond: would a HVR 1250 be as good (its cheaper...)
[20:04:14] Eypone (Eypone! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:04:44] ldiamond: humm, I'm not sure it has an hardware encored tho
[20:06:01] iamlindoro: ldiamond, an HVR-1600 can be coaxed into working with myth.
[20:06:19] iamlindoro: And you're right, the 1250 has no hardware encoder
[20:06:32] ldiamond: I'm having a hard time finding good prices on these tuners...
[20:06:52] J-e-f-f-A: hvr1250 doesn't have a hardware mpeg2 encoder. It's fine as an ATSC card, but just a framegrabber in analog mode.
[20:06:53] ldiamond: I've seen a WinTV-Go Plus at 65$
[20:06:59] bpierre (bpierre! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:07:10] ldiamond: the Go plus has hardware encoder
[20:07:15] iamlindoro: ldiamond, Which is a freaking ANCIENT framegrabber
[20:07:23] dustybin: iamlindoro: also, the dvds what have video and sync problems, play perfectly with mplayer, the problem seems to be with the mythtv internal player
[20:07:34] iamlindoro: huh? wintv go hardware encoder???
[20:07:49] ldiamond: well, according to Futureshop's website.
[20:08:01] bpierre: hi
[20:08:27] iamlindoro: dustybin, since it sounds like it's not the player, so much as the DVD libraries
[20:08:34] iamlindoro: ldiamond, futureshop is full of it
[20:08:47] iamlindoro: That thing is *years* old
[20:08:57] ldiamond: the PVR-150 is more recent?
[20:09:05] iamlindoro: far, far more so
[20:09:36] bpierre: I've just installed mythtv on ubuntu hardy, and completed the setup, but whenever I try to select 'Watch TV' in the frontend it doesn't work
[20:09:50] iamlindoro: bpierre, read your backend logs...
[20:09:54] dustybin: iamlindoro: does mplayer use different libraries than the ones what mythtv internal player uses
[20:09:55] J-e-f-f-A: ldiamond: The hauppauge PVR-150, 250 , 350 and 500 are the best imho...
[20:09:55] bpierre: I get this output in the terminal:
[20:09:59] justinh: sounds like you didn't complete the setup correctly
[20:10:14] justinh: bpierre: backend log output is more useful
[20:10:18] iamlindoro: dustybin, yes, mplayer has their own forked versions of libdvdnav among others
[20:10:28] dustybin: right ok
[20:10:30] ldiamond: JeffA, I'm unable to find these anywhere
[20:10:35] ldiamond: well, the 150
[20:10:35] bpierre: justinh: ok, thanks
[20:10:42] ldiamond: at least at decent prices...
[20:10:48] ldiamond: I've seen one at 100$
[20:10:48] iamlindoro: ldiamond, you said you could find a 150, but it was too expensive for oyu, that's different
[20:11:00] ldiamond: I've been told this could be found at around 50$
[20:11:09] ldiamond: thats a major gap
[20:11:09] iamlindoro: 150 for $50 USD is about right
[20:11:16] iamlindoro: $50 canadian is probably unrealistic
[20:11:24] dustybin: iamlindoro: shall i remove all the debian dvd lib packages and download the very latest versions?
[20:11:33] iamlindoro: you can also find then cheap on eBay and someone is likely to send to Canada
[20:11:38] iamlindoro: used, but you'll get a deal
[20:11:46] iamlindoro: dustybin, unlikely to help
[20:11:52] dustybin: ok
[20:12:21] J-e-f-f-A: ldiamond: I bought all of my PVR tuners from eBay, except for my original PVR-350, that I bought at a local computer show for like $250 – about 4 or 5 years ago...
[20:12:56] mchou: J-e-f-f-A: man, we were foolish back in the day
[20:13:29] J-e-f-f-A: mchou: hehe ;-) And to think that was before i even knew about MythTV... But I found out like a month later, and never looked back since!
[20:13:40] mchou: J-e-f-f-A: $250 for a tuner card. What were we thinking?
[20:14:10] J-e-f-f-A: mchou: I think that's about what I paid for my HD-3000 too.... during the "broadcast flag" scare...
[20:14:13] iamlindoro: J-e-f-f-A, I may have paid around that for my first WinTV card (That's *original* WinTV, with no words after it)
[20:14:46] mchou: J-e-f-f-A: well, I always know HD-3k was overpriced :)
[20:15:20] mchou: J-e-f-f-A: Dvico Fusion was a much better card for less than $100
[20:15:22] ldiamond:
[20:15:31] ldiamond: Whats up with the "MCE"
[20:15:36] J-e-f-f-A: My first tuner was an ATI All-In-Wonder on wintel... it was the best tuner for winblows in those days...
[20:15:55] ldiamond: they got listings that say it requires Windows Media Center Edition
[20:16:04] mchou: ldiamond: avoid MCE. In fact avoid Hauppauge
[20:16:06] ldiamond: I'm guessing its only because thats the driver included.
[20:16:19] ldiamond: avoid hauppauge..?
[20:16:19] mchou: ldiamond: no, that model doesnt do QAM
[20:16:29] J-e-f-f-A: mchou: "avoid hauppauge" huh????
[20:16:37] mchou: ldiamond: Hauppauge uses cheap ass tuners
[20:16:52] dustybin: mchou: dont say comments like that because some people might listen...
[20:16:56] iamlindoro: ldiamond, MCE boards have RCA audio input jacks instead of 1/8th inch, for better audio quality, and those with remotes have a USB remote reciever instead of the ghetto into-the-card ones
[20:17:04] mchou: it's well known their tuners require +3dB over other tuners
[20:17:15] justinh: I had a pvr-150 MCE – worked fine in linux
[20:17:32] mchou: it's not about something 'working'
[20:17:45] iamlindoro: Yep, I think the MCEs are worth the extra few bucks, especially if you need a remote/receiver
[20:17:46] stoth: mchou: who are your preferred company?
[20:17:46] mchou: it's about 'working' with good quality
[20:17:47] J-e-f-f-A: ...and I've got PVR-150, PVR-250, PVR-500 and HVR-1250, all work perfectly fine...
[20:17:47] ldiamond: mchou, what else is there but hauppauge?
[20:18:18] mchou: there are plenty. BBTI for one
[20:18:31] stoth: are they doing linux drivers?
[20:18:40] iamlindoro: I have a feeling I'm missing some choice nonsense
[20:18:43] mchou: here is another: :)
[20:19:16] mchou: stoth: BBTI cards work great on linux
[20:19:28] stoth: mchou: but do THEY do linux drivers?
[20:19:39] mchou: well, the latest generation. Not the older generations.
[20:19:57] mchou: stoth: what do you mean "Do they"
[20:19:59] mchou: ??
[20:20:07] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:20:08] mchou: that makes no sense whatsoever
[20:20:09] justinh: yeah. anti-hauppauge rhetoric from the resident troller
[20:20:13] iamlindoro: stoth, I tell you as a friend that this well only end in irritation
[20:20:44] ldiamond: what BBTI website?
[20:20:52] ldiamond: google doesnt know :(
[20:21:19] justinh: stoth: for hardware encoding of analogue, hauppauge is just about the only game in town as far as linux is concerned – and as far as what'll work with mythtv
[20:21:34] mchou: ldiamond: here is the 411:
[20:21:52] justinh: so ignore the BS you hear from anybody else. that's all it is. ranty, angsty bullshit
[20:22:02] mchou: stoth: dude, justin doesnt even live in the US. He wouldnt know
[20:22:18] ** stoth laughs at BTTI **
[20:22:21] justinh: from the person on more people's ignore lists than anybody else here, even me
[20:22:38] iamlindoro: Pretty sure stoth knows hauppauge equipment better than anyone else in here
[20:22:51] mchou: stoth: what's so funny?
[20:23:01] justinh: oops I meant ldiamond
[20:23:17] ldiamond: I live in Canada.
[20:23:54] justinh: like I said, analogue & hardware encoding... hauppauge is about all you've got that's readily available
[20:24:32] mchou: lol. right. "Hauppauge is the only game in town"
[20:24:47] ldiamond: then what else? I've lookad, nothing much there
[20:24:48] mchou: begs to differ
[20:25:07] jamesd: ldiamond, so your only interesting in using myth to record and watch the hockey games ;-)
[20:25:25] mchou: ldiamond: I linked you this page already:
[20:25:39] iamlindoro: ldiamond, For hardware encoding cards, Hauppauge makes the best. for ATSC PLUS hardware analog encoding, Hauppauge makes the *only*
[20:25:47] ldiamond: jamesd, actually, yes :p
[20:25:48] stoth: mchou, not exactly a household name.
[20:25:54] mchou: ldiamond: there is also Dvico, but their current gen of HW may be to new for linux
[20:26:10] ldiamond: No but, I also got plenty of movies on my hard drives that I'll watch with mythtv
[20:26:16] stoth: mchou, and do dvico DO linux drivers?
[20:26:19] ldiamond: but the TV tuner is only for hockey Lo
[20:26:20] ldiamond: :p
[20:26:32] mchou: stoth: "Household name??" What are you, Master of FUD? Is linux a household name compared to Microsoft?
[20:27:05] stoth is now known as mchou_cockpunch
[20:27:07] mchou_cockpunch: yes
[20:27:28] mchou: stoth: pcHDTV did linux drivers too. It doesnt mean they AUTOMATICALLY deserve my support if they put out crappy HW
[20:28:24] ** mchou_cockpunch strokes hit BTTI board **
[20:28:42] bpierre: OK, I fixed a directory permission problem, now I can start "Watch TV" but I get nothing and have those errors in the backend log:
[20:28:44] ** mchou_cockpunch likes drawing pictures of his BTTI board, and puts them on his wall. **
[20:28:58] ldiamond: mchou, what I need is a NTSC tuner tho
[20:29:04] mchou: mchou_cockpunch: perhaps if you google "HVR-1600 tuner sensitivity" you'd see the veracity of what I'm saying
[20:29:07] ldiamond: Nothing else really
[20:29:24] justinh: bpierre: DVB-S eh?
[20:29:28] justinh: Warning: Your frequency setting (2147483647) is out of range. (min/max:48000000/860000000)
[20:29:31] mchou: ldiamond: really?? I thought you wanted ATSC, sorry
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[20:29:54] mchou_cockpunch has been kicked from #mythtv-users by jams! (change your nick)
[20:30:15] mchou: ldiamond: do you intend to use the tuner or svideo?
[20:30:18] ldiamond: ATSC is digital right?
[20:30:23] justinh: yup
[20:30:24] iamlindoro: ldiamond, yes
[20:30:27] bpierre: justinh: DVB-T, Hauppauge USB stick
[20:30:38] justinh: bpierre: hrm
[20:30:46] bpierre: scanning worked fine, and everything works fine with kaffeine
[20:30:49] ldiamond: Most likely a Coax input with analog cable
[20:31:20] Mode for #mythtv-users by jams! : -o jams
[20:31:24] ldiamond: but support for Svideo would be nice too
[20:32:01] mchou: ldiamond: I dunno. you really have no good choices. I recommend using svideo with something like a VCR for best picture quality
[20:32:29] mchou: ldiamond: svideo capture instead of on board tuner, that is
[20:33:43] mchou: ldiamond: isnt canada going all digital anyways?
[20:33:45] bronson (bronson! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:33:46] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has quit ("Leaving.")
[20:33:53] ldiamond: no idea
[20:34:07] ldiamond: but here's the thing
[20:34:11] Eypone:
[20:34:12] inordkuo (inordkuo! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:34:12] mchou: ldiamond: huh?? Find out befor you spend $$$
[20:34:16] ldiamond: right now, I need the tuner for analog cable.
[20:34:17] mchou: before*
[20:34:53] ldiamond: then, I'm moving in 3 months, I'll have digital cable, but already a TV hooked on it. So I'll split the cable and receive analog TV on my computer
[20:34:56] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:35:21] ldiamond: so for quite some time I'll have analog TV
[20:35:22] mchou: ldiamond: why not just get ATSC/QAM in 3 months on your computer?
[20:35:44] ldiamond: well, my digital cable is most likely encrypted.
[20:35:50] ldiamond: its not broadcast television
[20:35:59] J-e-f-f-A: yeah, if if's not encrypted ^^ exactly...
[20:36:01] RDV_Linux (RDV_Linux! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:36:09] RyeBrye (RyeBrye!n=ryebrye@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:36:24] _gunni_ (_gunni_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:36:29] mchou: ldiamond: does canada cablecos put out firewire on their set top boxes?
[20:36:42] ldiamond: no clue
[20:36:45] ldiamond: actually
[20:36:50] mchou: ldiamond: find out
[20:36:54] ldiamond: I have one down here, lemme go check (I'd be surprised tho)
[20:37:20] J-e-f-f-A: If it's not HD, then I doubt it...
[20:37:48] mchou: ldiamond: yeah, it needs to be HD-capable STB
[20:37:51] ** J-e-f-f-A really like his Hauppague cards... **
[20:38:10] RDV_Linux: I am with Rogers in Canada and they have a number of models with firewire e.g. SA8000HD PVR and others.
[20:38:30] mchou: RDV_Linux: are the firewire ports active?
[20:38:32] J-e-f-f-A: RDV_Linux: Are the firewire outputs enabled?
[20:38:52] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, Does your firewire work? Down here they have to provide a tiny amount via them, but you guys have no such legislation
[20:39:00] iamlindoro: so it's even more hit-or-miss than us
[20:39:16] GreyFoxx: mchou: They do here (Nova Scotia). Firewire, and enabled for all channel you subscribe to
[20:39:43] mchou: GreyFoxx: yeah, varies by locale, YMMV etc :)
[20:39:47] ldiamond: No firewire
[20:40:10] RDV_Linux: I do not know I have only recently been reading on how to check firewire. I cannot find anyone that has firewire working on the SA8000HD model I have. I want to do channel changes through firewire.
[20:40:17] ** mchou refers ld to GreyFoxx :) **
[20:41:06] mchou: RDV_Linux: plugreport, test_mpeg2 . google is your friend
[20:41:13] _gunni_ (_gunni_! has quit (Client Quit)
[20:41:32] _gunni_ (_gunni_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:43:10] iamlindoro: RDV_Linux, The myth firewire wiki page is pretty comprehensive, it would be a good start. From what I have heard about rogers, though, you will probably be disappointed
[20:44:52] RDV_Linux: I have found several resources for setting up firewire, but thanks anyway. I am likely moving to an alternate unit (sa3250hd) when the HD-PVR driver is more mature. Right now it does not support the HD-PVR IR-Blaster so I can only manually record.
[20:46:20] RDV_Linux: I know for sure people can do firewire channel changing with the sa3250HD unit.
[20:46:58] RDV_Linux: Although I do not know if they did this with a unit from Rogers.
[20:46:59] iamlindoro: channel changing is fairly standard... capture is more unusual
[20:47:18] iamlindoro: I would wager that *most* firewire boxes, in fact, could be cajoled into channel changing
[20:47:42] RDV_Linux: Having the HD-PVR I am not so interested in capture as channel changing.
[20:48:12] mchou: stoth: noby is going to give a crap about Hauppauge (or anyone else) "doing linux drivers" if their HW is substandard compared to others
[20:48:19] mchou: nobody*
[20:48:38] doje (doje! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:49:47] RDV_Linux: I have been very happy with the recordings I get from the HD-PVR. The quality is only slightly then what is recorded from the Rogers PVR.
[20:50:41] ** stoth decides to ignore to retard **
[20:51:03] fryfrog: RDV_Linux: what sort of system do you use to do playback (speed wise)?
[20:52:26] Eypone (Eypone! has quit ()
[20:53:34] RDV_Linux: I have a overclocked quad Q9450 @3.7Ghz but I believe that playback is OK with much less machine power. Today I have been trying to get GBPVR working under Virtualbox so that I can use that I can wait until the linux driver supports IR-Blasting. I want to only use linux in the end.
[20:53:44] dustybin: what does bootstrapping mean? does it mean launching some kind of boot process, even from within a already booted os?
[20:56:02] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:57:12] TyposuAway (TyposuAway! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:58:59] ** dustybin pulls himself up by his boot straps, and troddles along **
[20:59:19] ldiamond (ldiamond! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[20:59:54] jadams (jadams! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:00:12] jadams: does the pinnacle pctv hd work with mythtv?
[21:00:36] mchou: dustybin: see VMWare and "linux derivative" :)
[21:01:46] inordkuo (inordkuo! has quit ("Leaving.")
[21:06:02] Tomasu (Tomasu! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:06:08] dustybin: how did somone code a assembler without a assembler?
[21:06:12] stoth: weird. QAM scan app finds all the network channels, using myth to import the channels.conf, it reports 'timeout – no tables' on some of the freqs.
[21:06:19] dustybin: ie the 1st ever assembler built
[21:07:00] justinh: that's because importing a channels.conf file misses out vital tuning data
[21:07:14] justinh: better to just scan in mythtv-setup
[21:07:14] stoth: such as?
[21:07:24] stoth: hmm
[21:07:26] sphery: perhaps Myth should contain some sort of channel scanner (just a suggestion)
[21:07:36] mib_g20qxf (mib_g20qxf!i=45e7f360@gateway/web/ajax/ has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
[21:07:37] justinh: lol
[21:08:39] stoth (stoth! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:08:55] mchou: sphery: myth has a channel scanner, what you talking about?
[21:09:13] sphery: sarcasm is often lost in IRC
[21:09:20] mchou: heh
[21:09:45] iamlindoro: sphery, sarcasm is wasted on the mentally challenged
[21:11:07] mchou: right, you meant like Hauppauge's "Do they do linux drivers" driver dude.
[21:16:20] jadams: how do I change the aspect ratio in mythtv?
[21:16:32] sphery: jadams: set up X properly?
[21:16:47] jadams: sphery, X is set up fine
[21:17:11] jadams: I want to be able to do the equivalent of choosing 'overscan' on my tv
[21:17:13] sphery: jadams: In other words, if you're running Myth on a 4:3 screen (with an appropriately configured X), Myth will know it's 4:3 and will display 4:3 content full screen and display 16:9 content letterboxed
[21:17:23] jadams: sphery, I'm aware of that
[21:17:24] sphery: If you want to be able to /override/ aspect, use Fill
[21:17:33] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:17:35] jadams: my issue is, when it's letterboxed I'd like to be able to set it to overscan
[21:17:41] jadams: I don't want to modify aspect ratio /really/
[21:17:57] jadams: I just didn't know how to ask the question
[21:18:22] mchou: jadams: "how do you adjust overcan on myth?"
[21:18:29] mchou: overscan*
[21:18:54] jadams: how do you adjust overscan on mythtv?
[21:19:00] mchou: lol
[21:19:11] mchou: Is there an echo in here?
[21:19:16] sphery: jadams: do you really want to adjust overscan (permanently) or just zoom in on content with Myth?
[21:19:22] jadams: zoom in on content
[21:19:32] sphery: zoom means use Fill (i.e. in playback, hit M for menu, scroll to Fill, and select)
[21:19:42] sphery: or use W , IIRC
[21:19:45] mchou: jadams: . . . ent_Settings
[21:19:51] iamlindoro: TV Settings -> Playback have various settings to over/underscan permanently as well
[21:20:02] jadams: (my tv's aspect ratio button is also the overscan button, toggles between a zoom, 16:9, and fill. Hence my mental retardation
[21:20:11] iamlindoro: (If you are so inclined)
[21:20:18] jadams: thanks very much
[21:20:25] mchou: jadams: "If the TV video image is too fat to fit your screen, enter a negative number here. Conversely, if it is too thin, a positive number will 'zoom' in to the image (subject to clipping)."
[21:20:30] sphery: jadams: yeah, in Myth it's (properly) called Fill.
[21:22:50] cak (cak! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:23:45] justinh: lots of different projects doing the same thing makes me sad :( xbmc trying to be a myth frontend is one of them
[21:24:12] dustybin: if i change the small, medium, large font values, none of them effect the mythtv main menu font sizes
[21:24:16] iamlindoro: justinh, It gets worse
[21:24:39] iamlindoro: I read something to the extent of "fuck 'em, we'll just fork their backend if they don't like it."
[21:24:50] dustybin: the only thing what seems to get noticed if i change the font overall percentage
[21:25:06] justinh: heh. good luck to em with that one
[21:25:29] dustybin: there is only 1 apache, there is only 1 mythtv
[21:25:36] iamlindoro: From having experimented with it a bit in the lst few weeks, they may have a nice UI, but their player is fucked
[21:25:50] iamlindoro: like, freeze X and break your mouse fucked
[21:26:26] justinh: oof
[21:26:45] justinh: freeze X? gawd, has to be pretty bad for that to happen
[21:26:59] justinh: but then, cross platform media playering must be tricky
[21:27:07] iamlindoro: I admit to liking their UI a lot, though, and the multitude of scrapers, while naughty, are used to great effect
[21:27:21] iamlindoro: but man, the player is light years behind Myth's
[21:27:35] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[21:27:42] justinh: yeah they won't win any awards for playing by T&Cs, that much is certain
[21:28:11] sphery: dustybin: small, medium, large font values only applied to Qt (non-themed) fonts--i.e. mostly setup screens.
[21:28:29] bpierre (bpierre! has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:28:31] smithna (smithna! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:28:33] justinh: but then I think it's prolly ok to play devil's advocate on scrapers & blame users for using em
[21:28:35] dustybin: sphery: oh ok
[21:29:06] sphery: dustybin: font size adjustment is used on all fonts, but really, you're better off adjusting the theme, as someone with /lots/ of talent (hi, justinh) went through and made sure that the text would fit in the space provided using the fonts/sizes specified by the theme
[21:29:58] riddlebox: man I love mytharchive
[21:30:06] sphery: dustybin: note, also, that some themes provide "alternate" font sizes (i.e. default/small/big, which can be changed with: "Font size" in Appearance.
[21:30:08] justinh: iamlindoro: isn't their player just a form of mplayer?
[21:30:15] sphery: dustybin: and there's an equivalent one for OSD font size.
[21:30:20] riddlebox: if only I could figure out how to get rid of my commercials before I burn to dvd
[21:30:27] jadams: mythtv just needs a really nice ui...I still haven't found one I really like. Does anyone have any suggestions for a really nice widescreen mythtv theme?
[21:30:41] iamlindoro: justinh, On xbox is is, but I've learned that on linux they do ffmpeg syncs just as we do
[21:30:43] mchou: riddlebox: simple "Use cut list"
[21:30:44] justinh: jadams: see the wiki themes page
[21:30:48] jadams: also, the myth frontend needs to be re-jigged in clutter as far as I'm concerned
[21:30:56] justinh: !trout jadams
[21:30:56] ** MythLogBot slaps jadams with a trout on behalf of justinh... **
[21:30:59] jadams: justinh, yeah, ok. Didn't like any of those any more than what I have
[21:31:00] riddlebox: mchou, hrmm I will look into that
[21:31:05] dustybin: sphery: so you can only change everything in steps, not control sizes of each individual font
[21:31:11] jadams: justinh: I was hoping there were better ones that hadn't made it into the wiki
[21:31:12] justinh: speak ye not of clutter here
[21:31:23] jadams: justinh: meh, I loves it. What's to dislike?
[21:31:23] iamlindoro: justinh, so it's more reinventing the wheel
[21:31:29] sphery: jadams: 0.22 will have a /much/ improved UI (thanks to extraordinary effort by gbee, and some work by others).
[21:31:51] justinh: some work by me too if I EVER get my frickin head around mythuibuttonlist.cpp
[21:31:55] dlblog (dlblog! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:32:01] sphery: dustybin: control sizes of each individual fonts = create a theme
[21:32:02] stoth (stoth! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:32:05] jadams: sphery, ok, cool. I run boxee for the social aspects from time to time on my machine, but for the most part it's a linuxmce/mythtv frontend
[21:32:11] justinh: jadams: python, that's what's not to like about it
[21:32:24] justinh: unless it has c++ bindings.. :P
[21:32:28] jadams: justinh: k, I'm not a huge python fan myself. Love some ruby though
[21:32:44] justinh: plus it very much seems an 'of the day' fad
[21:32:49] jadams: . . . utter-box2d/
[21:33:01] iamlindoro: Oh noes, Clutter
[21:33:25] justinh: that said, not seen much hype about it recently... something about it fading away again
[21:33:48] justinh: animated UIs are much of a muchness. few actually ADD anything
[21:33:49] jadams: I'm just a dumbass I guess, the few apps I've looked through that used it are very nice looking
[21:34:02] sphery: justinh: only reason I didn't mention you along with the extraordinary work is because mythui isn't yet at the point where you've completely redone or created new themes (which will be an extraordinary effort, for which I--among others--will be very appreciative)
[21:34:04] justinh: they get you slashdot & digg points, not much else IMHO
[21:34:08] jadams: justinh, well I bought an openmoko because I want to support the idea of an opensource phone
[21:34:31] jadams: and clutter on that phone's ui would absolutely make for a speedy and 'let me see that' interface, from what I've seen
[21:34:36] dustybin: jadams: those are for developers at the moment?
[21:34:39] jadams: and on the phone, it *is* all about the interface
[21:34:50] jadams: dustybin, yeah, I've been evaluating it for our company
[21:34:54] sphery: justinh: you mean that having a cube from which to select my active desktop isn't the productivity tool I've spent my life trying to find?
[21:35:03] jadams: slash we like to contribute to open source stuffs
[21:35:18] riddlebox: mchou, so if I have setup the commercial skip, it will just cut that if I select cutlist?
[21:35:21] justinh: sphery: I dunno about theme_s_ as such. definitely gonna put my A L L into one prime example though
[21:35:23] sphery: And, speaking of selecting desktop from a cube, why can't you have desktops on top/bottom? Do your app windows fall off that way?
[21:35:48] sphery: justinh: even one is infinitely more than the zero I'll be able to produce.
[21:35:58] justinh: I'd love to be able to code improvements I want to see myself though
[21:36:09] justinh: just so damn frustrating
[21:36:32] dlblog (dlblog! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:36:42] mchou: riddlebox: yup
[21:36:43] sphery: though, I noticed your extremely quick commits fixing themes when tickets were submitted (and that counts, too)
[21:37:09] mchou: riddlebox: best if you make sure the cut list is valid though before encode
[21:37:17] riddlebox: mchou, man I should have just tried it
[21:37:29] justinh: well, I quickly dismissed 'fixes' for projectgrayhem-wide. artistic differences. I might yet reopen that ticket & just do em
[21:37:54] justinh: bad day yesterday. like should never have got out of bed bad
[21:38:18] dustybin: i wonder if there will be a mepo for the upcoming mythui
[21:38:23] sphery: IMHO, artistic differences are a valid reason to reject changes. After all, I would hope that someone with a clue would review any theme changes I submit.
[21:38:54] justinh: oh chuffing feck! trying out xbmc on my laptop... THOU SHALT NOT CHANGE MY FING SCREEN RES, APPLICATION!!!!
[21:39:26] sphery: but changing res on an LCD makes things looks soooooo good...
[21:39:30] oys (oys! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:39:38] oys: is there a way to easily remove all the channels I do not have access to?
[21:39:51] sphery: oys: more info required...
[21:39:58] sphery: analog/digital channels?
[21:40:06] sphery: SchedulesDirect/XMLTV?
[21:40:31] iamlindoro: oys, the *easiest* way IMO is to edit channels in mythweb... but if you mean channels that won't tune or something, there's no definitive test aside from knowing which you get and which you don't
[21:40:41] oys: sphery: i get some 40 channels from my dvb-c provider that work (as in I can decode them) but I can't decrypt the rest (since I'm not paying for them)
[21:41:06] sphery: as iamlindoro said, delete the channels.
[21:41:08] iamlindoro: In that case, fire up mythweb's channel editor and delete or make invisible all the others, as it sounds like you know which you should be getting
[21:41:23] sphery: without the info I requested, though, I can't tell you whether they'll just come back tomorrow.
[21:41:35] oys: iamlindoro: Iguess that would work. There are about 200 channels, and I only have access to about 30.
[21:42:33] oys: ...also some of the channels show up twice. but I can only get a lock on one of them. it's a bit of a mess to sort through
[21:42:52] iamlindoro: yep, it'll take some time/effort
[21:43:10] iamlindoro: It's a hobby, not a project :)
[21:43:45] sphery: If you're capturing them from a digital card, they shouldn't come back (but capturing from an analog card connected to an STB, they probably will). If you're using XMLTV, you should make sure you remove the channels from your XMLTV config. If you're using EIT, you're fine.
[21:44:39] wagnerrp: well my attempt to mate a hard drive dock with a USB hub failed horribly
[21:45:15] [gquit]bombadil ([gquit]bombadil! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:45:16] wagnerrp: those board-mount USB plugs are just too fragile to deal with if theyre not soldered to a board
[21:45:25] wagnerrp: i ended up breaking all four of them, and giving up
[21:45:27] justinh: close. close! CLOSE DAMN YOU!
[21:45:35] ** justinh uninstalls the 'beta' **
[21:46:06] wagnerrp: beta of?
[21:46:13] iamlindoro: justinh, closing is easy. inability to alt-tab is hard.
[21:46:28] sphery: justinh: did it reset your res when it closed?
[21:46:32] zlyzyr (zlyzyr! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:47:34] justinh: well, the judgement will recommence when it's out of beta. maybe
[21:48:15] ** sphery admires your open-mindedness **
[21:48:49] sphery: I tend to make up my mind early and ignore progress...
[21:48:53] justinh: give them the benefit of the doubt. xbmc on the xbox rocked
[21:49:57] djbeenie (djbeenie!n=djbeenie@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:50:43] iamlindoro: There are still things that it does very, very well. It's just squarely aimed at the downloady movie squirrel
[21:51:17] iamlindoro: Also, it needs a new name in the worst way, but I imagine they hear that as often as we hear that Myth needs a new UI
[21:51:33] justinh: the ui seems slow too. stuff whizzess offscreen quickly enough but the pause where the screen is blank seems long
[21:51:46] justinh: and my laptop isn't much of a slouch
[21:53:42] andreax1 (andreax1! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:55:07] dustybin: things what are worth waiting for: LCD/PLASMA technology + prices, MythTV 0.22, UK HD freeview. Once those 3 essentials are in place, then one shall move onto HD :-)
[21:56:21] fryfrog: long live HD CRT TVs!
[21:59:21] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:03:16] ** sphery just hopes NED is born soon (since patent stupidity killed SED) **
[22:04:15] jadams: what are NED and SED?
[22:06:01] duerF (duerF! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:06:21] sphery: (and SED--linked from within--was a shortcut approach for doing NED that worked with available tech, making a way to get advantages of NED in 2006. We now have to wait for the industry to develop the tehc required to do NED properly.)
[22:07:55] justinh: doped diamond dust? :-O
[22:07:58] justinh: bling!
[22:09:14] ** dustybin misses clever **
[22:09:52] clev: im not far away:P
[22:10:00] dustybin: haha :-)
[22:14:02] _gunni_ (_gunni_! has quit ("KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, revision: 2582, sources date: 20080916, built on: 2008/09/27 20:01:30 UTC 2582")
[22:14:23] ** iamlindoro can't get over that some people don't know how *weird* they sound **
[22:15:10] clev:
[22:17:35] dustybin: clev: i dont get that
[22:17:59] clev: it was a reply to what iamlindoro said :P
[22:18:09] iamlindoro: you not getting it is precisely the joke
[22:18:30] _gunni_ (_gunni_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:19:42] riddlebox: mchou, I still dont see how to enable the cutlist, in the menu
[22:20:25] riddlebox: I guess I will have to play with it some more
[22:20:53] iamlindoro: riddlebox, play the recording, press e to edit, press z to load cutlist
[22:21:02] iamlindoro: go back to playback, press x to start a default transcode
[22:21:05] ** sphery wonders why the devs should feel a patch is important enough to test if the submitter won't test it... **
[22:21:40] clev: sphery: maybe its designed to break everything horidly :P
[22:21:46] sphery: :)
[22:21:54] riddlebox: iamlindoro, ohh I thought it was an option to do that in mytharchive
[22:22:22] iamlindoro: nope
[22:22:41] riddlebox: iamlindoro, so you do that for each recording, then you load them into mytharchive
[22:23:06] clev: a lossless transcode job would take alot less cpu if you had one ready
[22:23:12] dustybin: was there ever a successful stream plugin for myth music made?
[22:23:28] wagnerrp: mythmusic is itself a plugin
[22:23:32] wagnerrp: you want a plugin for a plugin?
[22:23:41] dustybin: yep i think one existed
[22:23:42] riddlebox: thanks iamlindoro
[22:23:46] iamlindoro: riddlebox, np
[22:23:51] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:24:15] iamlindoro: There was a shoutcast plugin, don't think it's been touched in a very long time
[22:24:38] dustybin: the stream plugin is the weakest plugin
[22:25:11] wagnerrp: it also doesnt seem to have been touched in the last two years
[22:25:17] dustybin: eek
[22:25:24] iamlindoro: dustybin, If you mean mythstream, that's because it's some random, barely maintained peice of crap
[22:25:35] dustybin: yep
[22:25:50] dustybin: the gui doesnt fit in with the rest of mythtv
[22:25:54] iamlindoro: Now, MythTube has promise
[22:26:02] dustybin: oh dear...
[22:26:03] wagnerrp: dustybin: google can do wonders!
[22:26:34] iamlindoro: MythTube can already pretty much do anything mythstream can, and it's not a piece of shit. And it doesn't require mplayer.
[22:26:36] justinh: hahaha
[22:26:56] Gimpy (Gimpy! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[22:27:21] justinh: btw... if it compiles, commit it :P
[22:27:41] dustybin: is there a mythtv 'best practices' guide for people creating plugins. themes etc?
[22:27:44] iamlindoro: It the patch don't quit, you must commit
[22:28:12] iamlindoro: dustybin, see the wiki
[22:28:32] dustybin: ok
[22:28:44] ** iamlindoro is sad that the johnnie Cochrane line didn't get laughs **
[22:28:49] wagnerrp: youre talking about qt3, when development is being done on qt4, it does not make sense
[22:28:56] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:28:59] justinh: hahaha.. this was SO me..
[22:29:16] wagnerrp: if chewbacca is a wookie, it does not make sense
[22:30:02] justinh: dustybin: please tell me you don't/can't code/theme/write. PLEASE
[22:30:12] wagnerrp: so then, justinh... the rest of your night is planned out?
[22:30:16] iamlindoro: He can't
[22:30:28] iamlindoro: Well, assuming there aren't BASIC bindings for myth yet
[22:30:32] wagnerrp: (going through a backlog of 450 xkcd comics)
[22:30:47] justinh: wagnerrp: nah, seen 450 before
[22:30:50] dustybin: LOL
[22:31:11] iamlindoro: Here comes the divide by zero joke again
[22:31:18] clev: ive spent a whole month before going thru the backlog of some new web comic i found
[22:31:32] iamlindoro: I'm loyal to Homestar
[22:31:53] justinh: homestar runner! gawd, ages since I watched one
[22:31:56] clev: i havent visited that site in a while
[22:32:06] justinh: strongbad was my fave though
[22:32:08] wagnerrp: homestar got repetitive... although theres nothing better than a light-switch rave!
[22:32:43] iamlindoro: justinh, yeah, pretty much just for the SBemails
[22:32:55] iamlindoro: 200ths SBemail was this week, actually
[22:35:17] _gunni_ (_gunni_! has quit ("KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, revision: 2582, sources date: 20080916, built on: 2008/09/27 20:01:30 UTC 2582")
[22:36:53] jadams (jadams! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:38:08] at0m|c: checkin' email, checkin' email..
[22:41:08] alexvd (alexvd!n=alexvd@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[22:42:41] stoth (stoth! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:43:35] ** iamlindoro goes looking for something to make fun of in the latest users mail **
[22:45:35] justinh: dear strongbad. I try to instla miffyteevees but keep get 'cannot connect to database. RTFM NOOB!' error. the guys in irc channel are jerks. please help. lots of luv, dustybin
[22:46:29] iamlindoro: PS, have you seen my awesomes HP Frontend?
[22:47:54] iamlindoro: Actually, the configuring HDTV page on the wiki provided enough to make fun of today
[22:48:20] iamlindoro: "nuh-uh! x264 is WAY harder to play than the AVC codec they use on Blu-ray!"
[22:48:32] andreax1 (andreax1! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:48:46] ** iamlindoro really hopes people get why that is funny. **
[22:49:01] iamlindoro: in several ways
[22:50:42] ** directhex throws a PAFF frame at iamlindoro **
[22:51:17] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:52:02] ** iamlindoro deinterlaces it, then "p"s on directhex **
[22:53:03] jadams (jadams! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:53:11] ** directhex invents a new BAMF! frame, which causes any frames which are partially blue to teleport around the mpeg stream **
[22:53:20] iamlindoro: directhex, . . . ;oldid=32073
[22:53:27] iamlindoro: smells like brimstone in here
[22:53:58] gbee (gbee! has left #mythtv-users ("Gone")
[22:54:23] iamlindoro: let's just start telling people that all you need to play back 40 Mbit h.264 is a 3.2 Ghz Pentium 4 per that pearl of wisdom, shall we?
[22:54:54] dustybin: 4000kbps on a pentium 3.2
[22:54:58] dustybin: Hostname: private – OS: Linux 2.6.25-2-vserver-686/i686 – CPU: 2 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 (3192.199 MHz) – Processes: 165 – Uptime: 4d 1h 52m – Load Average: 0.29 – Memory Usage: 388.97MB/1011.51MB (38.45%) – Disk Usage: 817.29GB/548.17GB (149.10%)
[22:55:12] dustybin: ^^ that doesnt play 4mbit h.264
[22:55:17] dustybin: 40
[22:55:21] directhex: yes it does
[22:55:23] iamlindoro: ugh, dustybin, we know all that info by heart now from the number of times you've pasted it
[22:55:27] directhex: the wiki said so!
[22:55:40] dustybin: directhex: it does, but it keeps on pausing, running out of CPU
[22:56:00] dustybin: directhex: a pentium 3.2 can play a HD mpeg
[22:56:19] ** iamlindoro catches the sarcasm sailging over dustybin's head, hands it to him **
[22:56:32] directhex: iamlindoro, here's the example to use on people: c&c3
[22:56:34] iamlindoro: directhex, you should know that he won't understand anything you don't put HTML tags on
[22:57:05] directhex: iamlindoro, all cut scenes in c&c3 are HD. c&c3 works on a 2ghz p4
[22:57:19] iamlindoro: case closed!
[22:57:28] dustybin: what else do you guys run on your backend box?
[22:57:49] directhex: torrentflux
[22:58:03] iamlindoro: webcam app to watch my dog during work
[22:58:56] wagnerrp: matlab
[22:59:17] oys: iamlindoro: about my question earlier: there's a script in the wiki (Adding_QAM_Channels_For_HDTV_Tuner_Cards) about using mplayer to scan through channels.conf and only list the working ones. I'm going to give it a go. it's a little slow but seems really usefull when you only have access to about half of your channels
[23:00:00] wagnerrp: oya: its really only worthwhile to help you name the channels
[23:00:29] sentinel23 (sentinel23! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:00:30] iamlindoro: oys, That's not going to work on modern mythTV, that article is ancient
[23:00:37] dustybin: private / host runs: LAMP, MythTV Frontend / Backend, Bind9, Postfix, Zoneminder, Heyu, Rtorrent, Irssi. My vserver guest runs LAMP for public accessable website.
[23:00:38] wagnerrp: the channels.conf lists the available ones
[23:00:55] wagnerrp: the mplayer script just scans through and tests which ones actually currently have a video stream
[23:01:01] iamlindoro: and you cannot properly import a channels.conf ATM for use with DVB, so it's *really* gonna fail at the end
[23:01:12] wagnerrp: the ones that dont are typically just placeholders for on-demand streams
[23:02:42] sentinel23 (sentinel23! has quit (Client Quit)
[23:03:04] oys: wagnerrp: the names come up ok. but I don't want to manually scan through all of the channels to see which ones are encrypted.
[23:03:08] dustybin: really i should move irssi + rtorrent onto my vserver guest
[23:03:26] wagnerrp: the normal channel scan to create the channels.conf will not include the encrypted channels
[23:03:39] wagnerrp: or, you can just use mythtv's built in scanner
[23:04:13] JEDIDIAH_myth: HD can be tuned to work on slower systems. one successful HD demo doesn't mean that your machine will handle any HD you throw at it.
[23:05:35] JEDIDIAH_myth: QT trailer for some movie vs. the BD rip of the same movie...
[23:05:37] ** iamlindoro has a shiny new quad proc coming Monday **
[23:05:50] fryfrog: mmm, shiney new
[23:05:54] fryfrog: intel i assume?
[23:05:58] iamlindoro: yar
[23:06:50] fryfrog: did i mention i'm sitting near a *dual* quad core!?!?
[23:06:56] fryfrog: it is the crazy :)
[23:07:12] iamlindoro: All our workstations at work at 8 proc boxes, but I don't have that kind of money for a mythbox :)
[23:07:27] iamlindoro: Not to mention it would probably be mostly wasted on that purpose
[23:07:31] fryfrog: i don't even have that kind of money for a personal system!
[23:07:33] fryfrog: me too :)
[23:07:40] fryfrog: this is a new server for the gallery project
[23:08:01] fryfrog: 8x2.5ghz cpu, 16g, 4x 10k rpm drives
[23:08:05] iamlindoro: I a tempted to OC it a tad
[23:08:16] fryfrog: i plugged it into a kill-a-watt, with 100% cpu usage...
[23:08:18] fryfrog: 250W
[23:08:24] fryfrog: er, sorry
[23:08:35] fryfrog: at *boot* it hits 250W, at 100% CPU it is like 200W
[23:11:34] iamlindoro: I'll probably see if I can crank the Q9650 to 3.5 Ghz
[23:11:44] iamlindoro: Have seen that many have gone to 4.2, so 3.5 should be doable
[23:13:46] bronson (bronson! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:23:21] dustybin: thats better, now im secured into my vserver guest
[23:23:24] dustybin: Hostname: public – OS: Linux 2.6.25-2-vserver-686/i686 – CPU: 2 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 (3192.199 MHz) – Processes: 24 – Uptime: 11m – Load Average: 0.20 – Memory Usage: 381.89MB/1011.51MB (37.75%) – Disk Usage: 3.11GB/3.68GB (84.38%)
[23:29:32] kslater (kslater! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:32:56] oys (oys! has quit ("Lost terminal")
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[23:35:28] Fenix-Dark (Fenix-Dark! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:35:28] Fenix-Dark: hi
[23:35:44] Fenix-Dark: anyone manage to get a logitech harmony remote working with mythtv?
[23:36:20] squish102: depends if your ir receiver is supported
[23:37:14] squish102: i have a microsoft mce ir receiver and harmony 550 and it works fine
[23:37:30] Fenix-Dark: squish102, do they sell the receivers separately from the remotes?
[23:38:10] squish102: i dont think there is a harmony ir receiver.
[23:38:16] EvilGuru (EvilGuru! has quit ()
[23:38:31] Fenix-Dark: all i have is an ati remote wonder which is RF, and can not be replaced by the harmony remote... though my tv tuner card (pchdtv hd-5500) has an unsupported ir port that can be enabled
[23:38:41] squish102: so i actually had the microsoft remote and ir receiver, and replaced the remote part with the harmony
[23:38:52] Fenix-Dark: squish102, sorry i was unclear, i meant to ask if they sell mce receivers separately
[23:39:12] squish102: um, u can probably pick them up on ebay
[23:39:39] squish102: i bought the whole package, knowing i probably was going to toss the remote
[23:39:51] Fenix-Dark: how much did it cost you?
[23:39:56] squish102: $29
[23:40:07] Fenix-Dark: thats an acceptable price
[23:40:28] Fenix-Dark: it would most likely be easier to get it working if you have the remote incase you need to have the harmony 'learn' some buttons
[23:40:56] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:41:04] eldenz (eldenz! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:41:14] squish102: . . . mp;CatId=358
[23:41:39] Fenix-Dark: ok, thanks
[23:41:41] squish102: ir receiver is plug and play, well supported
[23:41:50] Fenix-Dark: thats good to hear
[23:42:05] Fenix-Dark: what tv tuner do you happen to have?
[23:42:38] squish102: picked some cheap ati HD tv wonder's. work ok, nothing spectacular
[23:43:26] Fenix-Dark: i had an ati tv wonder pro, it worked well, but i replaced it with a pchdtv hd-5500
[23:43:52] ldiamondd (ldiamondd! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:43:55] Fenix-Dark: it sortof works
[23:44:37] Fenix-Dark: so far i haven't installed/tried mythtv because i want to make sure i can get everything working before putting forth a lot of effort for additional software (ie: mythtv) but i intend on using that
[23:45:26] Fenix-Dark: with kaffeine tv plays back fine but after 10–30 minutes the cpu% drops from 30% to 5% and the frame rate goes in the toilet, same for xine and mplayer
[23:48:56] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:51:27] dustybin: at home i have a server, vserver guest, mythtv frontend, 2x desktops all running the same OS. are there any tools i can install what can manage all my systems at the same time, ie. update software, keep configs the same etc
[23:53:18] J-e-f-f-A: squish102: don't toss the remote, ship it to me! ;-)
[23:54:33] Fenix-Dark (Fenix-Dark! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:55:24] Fenix-Dark (Fenix-Dark! has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:58:51] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users

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