Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008, 00:02 UTC | ||
[00:02:51] | [gquit]bombadil ([gquit]bombadil!n=dana@CPE-70-94-44-157.wi.res.rr.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[00:12:54] | briand (briand!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
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[00:16:42] | Lexridge: | how many mythfrontend processes are normal? I presently have 5 using 112MB each. Seems a little much to me. |
[00:18:29] | Lexridge: | huh, it's similiar with mythtv as well, except it uses 192MB per process. |
[00:20:46] | iamlindoro: | ummmmmm anything > 1 is probably a bad thing |
[00:21:06] | bsdfox_ (bsdfox_!n=h36sa@c-71-197-73-68.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:21:11] | Lexridge: | any idea why this would be happening? |
[00:21:59] | iamlindoro: | You clicking the Mythfrontend button a billion times while impatiently waiting for it to load? |
[00:22:14] | Skaber (Skaber!n=skaber@modemcable002.211-200-24.mc.videotron.ca) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:22:16] | Lexridge: | no, never. |
[00:22:34] | Lexridge: | actually, I have NINE mythtv processes running presently. |
[00:22:39] | GreyFoxx: | lex: Those are threads, not true seperate instances |
[00:22:43] | SHADOW__X (SHADOW__X!n=Jose@c-76-116-179-191.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:23:11] | GreyFoxx: | somewhere in the last couple years something changed to show each individual thread as a seperate running process |
[00:23:31] | Lexridge: | GreyFoxx: So I should just ignore this? |
[00:23:41] | GreyFoxx: | it doesn't show that way any more on my boxes, since my last distro upgrade, but it did for a while before |
[00:23:42] | GreyFoxx: | yes |
[00:24:01] | famicom (famicom!i=famicom@c51447b09.cable.wanadoo.nl) has quit ("Leaving") | |
[00:24:02] | joez212 (joez212!n=jhart@CPE001c101b40b5-CM0018c0d91624.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:24:04] | joez212: | hello |
[00:24:19] | Lexridge: | GreyFoxx: Okay. I was just trying to figure out where my Xorg lockups are coming from. Thanks. |
[00:24:21] | joez212: | i wonder if i can get some help configuring my xbox with mythtv frontend |
[00:24:26] | joez212: | i have xbmc running |
[00:24:49] | joez212: | i have download myth for xbmc, put the folder into the scripts folder |
[00:25:11] | Skaber: | when I hit "watch tv", i get a black screen out of my ati card and my pvr150 card |
[00:25:12] | joez212: | i run it, setup all the values, and it says mysql error connecting |
[00:25:34] | joez212: | i am running a fairly recent version of xbmc |
[00:25:38] | joez212: | any ideas? |
[00:25:46] | Skaber: | joez212: you might need to use the OLD_PASSWORD function and reset the password in mysql |
[00:25:48] | joez212: | i setup a samba share too for xbmcmthy |
[00:26:02] | joez212: | skaber: can you be more specific? |
[00:26:16] | Skaber: | google that |
[00:26:23] | joez212: | skaber: what is the command line for that? |
[00:26:40] | Skaber: | you need to set permissions for your xbox to access the mysql instance |
[00:27:16] | joez212: | how would i accomplish this in xbmc? |
[00:27:32] | Skaber: | this needs to be done on the mythtv-backend |
[00:27:48] | joez212: | is this documented anywhere? |
[00:27:50] | Skaber: | something like grant all on mythtvconverg.* |
[00:28:05] | joez212: | ok |
[00:28:24] | joez212: | you've been quite helpful! |
[00:28:28] | MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver!n=martincl@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:28:33] | joez212: | i didn't think it would be soo tricky to setup |
[00:28:54] | Skaber: | http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Setup_MySQL_for_MythTV |
[00:29:24] | sohocoke (sohocoke!n=sohocoke@78-105-245-20.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has quit () | |
[00:29:56] | joez212: | skaber: i think this is the link! |
[00:29:56] | joez212: | http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Setup_XBMCMythTV |
[00:30:02] | joez212: | it talks about the password hashing issue! |
[00:30:03] | joez212: | kudos |
[00:31:20] | joez212: | another issue about xmbcmythtv, is that the screen is stretched too far so i can't see the edge where the text starts |
[00:31:23] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:32:09] | sohocoke (sohocoke!n=sohocoke@78-105-245-20.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[00:33:05] | briand (briand!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[00:34:16] | Lexridge: | joez212: Goto Utilities-Setup/setup/appearance and fix it there. |
[00:35:38] | joez212: | i'm talking about running xbmcmythtv, on my xbox |
[00:35:52] | joez212: | the screen is stretched, not sure how to fix it |
[00:36:01] | joez212: | but that's not a huge issue at the moment |
[00:36:24] | Lexridge: | joez212: Are you running in 16x9 or 4x3? |
[00:40:00] | joez212: | SD |
[00:40:06] | joez212: | i wish i had a huge tv |
[00:40:49] | Lexridge: | well, you could have been running on a 16x9 19" computer monitor :) |
[00:42:17] | Lexridge: | 16x9 SD actually looks pretty impressive. Watch a DVD on a 19" WS monitor and it almost looks like HD. |
[00:44:36] | andreax1 (andreax1!n=Andreax@p57B95696.dip.t-dialin.net) has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[00:44:38] | patdk (patdk!n=guest@dyn-20-224.myactv.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[00:44:46] | PatrickDK (PatrickDK!n=guest@dyn-30-130.myactv.net) has quit (Nick collision from services.) | |
[00:44:48] | patdk is now known as PatrickDK | |
[00:45:20] | Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (No route to host) | |
[00:47:55] | joez212: | thanks for your help guys |
[00:48:52] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Connection timed out) | |
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[00:58:18] | bsdfox_ (bsdfox_!n=h36sa@c-71-197-73-68.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has quit (Connection timed out) | |
[01:02:37] | gregL (gregL!n=Greg@cpe-68-172-89-215.nycap.res.rr.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[01:06:32] | jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[01:06:35] | Lexridge (Lexridge!n=Lexridge@ has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
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[01:07:59] | joez212: | "FAILED TO CONNECT TO MYSQL DB" |
[01:08:06] | joez212: | "Database" object has no attribute 'conn' |
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[01:08:27] | kali67 (kali67!n=kali67@64-166-248-25.ded.pacbell.net) has quit () | |
[01:09:37] | iamlindoro: | joez212: You probably will have more luck if you seek help from an xbmc source, as we generally don't provide any support whatsoever for it here (in fact, it's more than likely to get you teased) |
[01:09:45] | iamlindoro: | perhaps #xbmc exists? |
[01:10:35] | joez212: | ok guys |
[01:14:18] | gregL (gregL!n=Greg@cpe-68-172-89-215.nycap.res.rr.com) has quit ("Leaving") | |
[01:15:10] | sohocoke (sohocoke!n=sohocoke@78-105-245-20.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[01:18:12] | bsdfox_ (bsdfox_!n=h36sa@c-71-197-73-68.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[01:19:06] | mzb_d800: | fryfrog: awake? |
[01:23:19] | Lexridge (Lexridge!n=Lexridge@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[01:23:32] | Skaber (Skaber!n=skaber@modemcable002.211-200-24.mc.videotron.ca) has quit ("Leaving.") | |
[01:24:05] | Lexridge: | Imagine that.....Xorg just locked up on me while watching Myth on an NTSC monitor and browsing with Firefox. Damn I wish I could get to the bottom of this problem! |
[01:27:44] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[01:27:50] | gandalfcome (gandalfcome!n=gandalfc@mithrandir.anu.edu.au) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[01:28:47] | Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@75-164-166-75.ptld.qwest.net) has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep") | |
[01:29:13] | mzb_d800: | Lexridge: ssh from another machine and watch logs? |
[01:30:45] | Lexridge: | tried that already....nothing reported |
[01:31:14] | mzb_d800: | which logs were you watching? |
[01:31:36] | mzb_d800: | and have you enabled logging for the frontend? |
[01:31:41] | Lexridge: | /var/log/messages |
[01:31:49] | mzb_d800: | not enough |
[01:32:12] | mzb_d800: | open a few ssh sessions and watch Xorg.0.log, mythfrontend.log (enable it) |
[01:32:16] | mzb_d800: | (at the least) |
[01:32:32] | mzb_d800: | syslog|messages probably won't tell you much |
[01:32:55] | Lexridge: | I can check my Xorg log...just a minute. |
[01:34:18] | Lexridge: | this msg is repeated 4 times about the same time as the lockup: |
[01:34:20] | Lexridge: | AUDIT: Mon Jul 21 21:08:49 2008: 4666 X: client 2 rejected from local host |
[01:34:42] | Lexridge: | This is the ONLY error, if it's even an error, that shows up. |
[01:35:03] | Lexridge: | The system itself does not lock. I have to ssh into it from a remote system to kill X. |
[01:35:15] | Lexridge: | Then I'm fine again. |
[01:35:28] | mzb_d800: | enable frontend log |
[01:35:40] | Lexridge: | I don't think MythTV is the culprit. |
[01:35:50] | cout (cout!n=cout@c-68-58-247-49.hsd1.sc.comcast.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[01:36:01] | Lexridge: | It only happens with running firefox and mythtv at the same time, on two seperate monitors. |
[01:36:09] | mzb_d800: | which window manager are you using? |
[01:36:17] | Lexridge: | If I stay away from firefox, it does not lock up....ever.......KDE |
[01:36:56] | Lexridge: | byt the same token, I can run firefox all day without crashing, until I lauch mythtv....it's something to do when both are running at the same time. |
[01:37:08] | mzb_d800: | hmm ... watch logs, increase verbosity, watch more logs ... that's about the best I can suggest, sorry |
[01:37:24] | mzb_d800: | firefox3 or 2? |
[01:37:55] | Lexridge: | I know, and have watched logs til I'm blue in the face. Nothing is ever reported. Firefox |
[01:38:25] | mzb_d800: | is there a way of proving that X is actually locked? perhaps a dialog is opening without focus (or under something)? |
[01:38:48] | Lexridge: | KPM from a remote machine reports that X is using 99% of the CPU when this happens. |
[01:38:56] | mzb_d800: | ie: alt+tab, ctrl+alt+bkspc |
[01:39:00] | mzb_d800: | ah |
[01:39:03] | Lexridge: | actually, both CPUs, as this is a dual core. |
[01:39:32] | Lexridge: | ctrl/alt/back does not work....it is a total X lockup....keyboard and mouse too. |
[01:39:35] | mzb_d800: | I don't envy your problem, just the dual CPU's ;) |
[01:39:36] | SHADOW__X (SHADOW__X!n=Jose@c-76-116-179-191.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has quit ("Leaving.") | |
[01:40:00] | mzb_d800: | (should have that licked in a short while:) |
[01:40:27] | clever: | Lexridge: X will hijack the entire keyboard when running |
[01:40:29] | Lexridge: | However, once killing X remotely, I am presented with a KDM login screen and everything works again. |
[01:40:33] | clever: | ctrl+alt+del wont even escape |
[01:40:36] | Agrajag-: | Lexridge: i've had a case where a machine would only freeze with firefox or openoffice open. it turned out to be bad ram – so i'd suggest running memtest (sounds kinda unlikely in your case.. but worth a try) |
[01:40:39] | clever: | you need the sysrq enabled to get out |
[01:40:40] | Lexridge: | clever: correct! |
[01:40:45] | clever: | without an external box |
[01:40:55] | clever: | alt+printscreen+r will unRaw the keyboard |
[01:41:01] | clever: | releasing the hold X has |
[01:41:10] | clever: | then ctrl+alt+f1 and stuff will work like normal |
[01:41:13] | Lexridge: | Agrajag: I just went through a bout with bad ram.....it's all new again and passes memtest 86 |
[01:41:39] | Lexridge: | what is sysrq? |
[01:41:53] | clever: | look on the printscreen key |
[01:41:58] | clever: | it says sysrq right below it |
[01:42:02] | Lexridge: | ok, right |
[01:42:16] | clever: | the linux kernel is able to accept a few very basic commands directly thru that |
[01:42:25] | clever: | even after a kernel panic sometimes |
[01:42:41] | clever: | meant to be used to rescue a crashing system |
[01:42:45] | Lexridge: | what does it do? give me a shell? |
[01:42:56] | clever: | much more basic |
[01:43:17] | clever: | but using the unRaw sysrq you can get to the normal tty1 which should allready let you have a shell |
[01:43:53] | clever: | Lexridge: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key |
[01:44:24] | Lexridge: | reading it now. |
[01:46:58] | SHADOW__X (SHADOW__X!n=Ghost36@c-76-116-179-191.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[01:56:10] | Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@conference/oscon/x-cf1e8f0e009ace27) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[02:01:54] | joez212: | still can't figure this out |
[02:02:01] | joez212: | i dont think my samba is working properly :( |
[02:04:56] | sohocoke (sohocoke!n=sohocoke@78-105-245-20.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[02:11:44] | squish102: | joez212 if you find the dummies guide to samba tool, pls let me know too. mine is messed up too |
[02:15:15] | Lexridge (Lexridge!n=Lexridge@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[02:15:18] | bsdfox_ (bsdfox_!n=h36sa@c-71-197-73-68.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[02:15:43] | SHADOW__X: | whats settings need to be used inside xorg to get dvi and tv out in a asus m2npv-vm |
[02:17:02] | joez212: | squish102: ya i would love to know what happened to it |
[02:17:10] | joez212: | seems like it might have been screwed up already |
[02:17:28] | Lexridge (Lexridge!n=Lexridge@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[02:19:33] | kslater (kslater!n=kslater@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[02:19:35] | squish102: | mine was working, and then an ubuntu patch screwed it up for me... |
[02:19:52] | kslater: | never take patches |
[02:20:22] | joez212: | for some reason my samba is hardcoded to mywork |
[02:20:24] | kslater: | at least not on a mythbox |
[02:20:28] | joez212: | it should be workgroup!! |
[02:20:36] | joez212: | sorry mygroup! |
[02:20:44] | joez212: | all my PCs see this share |
[02:20:46] | joez212: | no go! |
[02:20:58] | joez212: | if i can't access the share on my PC, why would it work on my xbox? |
[02:21:35] | Lexridge: | clever: I guess my keyboard does not support the sysrq key. I have it, but it's shared, and does nothing when trying the keyboard combinations listed on the wiki you sent me. |
[02:23:41] | joez212: | ok i am gonna try the samba setup screen |
[02:23:45] | clever: | Lexridge: it could also just be disabled in kernel |
[02:26:18] | Lexridge: | true |
[02:27:04] | SHADOW__X: | hey iamlindoro |
[02:29:07] | streamtrade (streamtrade!n=jsass@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[02:37:31] | mzb_d800: | joez212: # find /etc -type f | xargs grep mywork |
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[02:57:42] | TomasuDlrrp is now known as Tomasu | |
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[02:59:26] | joez212: | mzb_d800: woah nothing found! |
[03:00:31] | gregL (gregL!n=greg@cpe-68-172-89-215.nycap.res.rr.com) has quit ("Leaving") | |
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[03:11:24] | Lexridge: | clever: I've been trying out Firefox 3, and so far, no Xorg lockups. Maybe I'm onto something....or just not patient enough. |
[03:11:48] | clever: | ff(2 and 3) rarely crash X |
[03:11:49] | pigeon (pigeon!n=pigeon@60-241-137-179.static.tpgi.com.au) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[03:12:14] | clever: | the last X crash i had was while playing video in mythtv and that was before i did a dist-ugprade |
[03:12:26] | clever: | several dist-upgrades ago |
[03:12:45] | Lexridge: | clever: yea, but try it in the configuration I'm running, with MythTV running on it's own monitor, and that appears to have something to do with it. |
[03:12:57] | kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit () | |
[03:12:59] | clever: | yeah thats a whole other beast |
[03:13:07] | clever: | ive got 3 outputs on my master |
[03:13:10] | Lexridge: | The crashes always occur when loading a web page. |
[03:13:12] | clever: | the nvidia card has crt and tv out |
[03:13:22] | clever: | then an old 486 vid card for a 2nd crt |
[03:13:28] | Lexridge: | that is what I have as well......2 DVI and a SVHS output |
[03:13:33] | clever: | and its near imposible to get both cards at once and stable |
[03:13:40] | clever: | keeps killing the system |
[03:13:45] | Lexridge: | on one card however. |
[03:13:55] | Lexridge: | mine is all on one card however. |
[03:13:56] | clever: | i got both outputs on my nvidia working fine |
[03:14:31] | clever: | i have the crt at :0.0 and tv at :0.1 |
[03:14:43] | clever: | though im using the crt less lately but as i tried before |
[03:14:48] | Lexridge: | oh, you're running two seperate X sessions. |
[03:14:54] | clever: | not exactly |
[03:14:57] | clever: | :0 is a single server |
[03:14:59] | clever: | with 2 screens |
[03:15:11] | clever: | :0.0 and :0.1 under the same Xorg and card |
[03:15:25] | neddy (neddy!n=john@nat/sun/x-fa12acc9f7bdb598) has quit ("Leaving.") | |
[03:15:28] | clever: | the mouse/keyboard are shared and focus can go between the 2 sides like normal |
[03:15:43] | clever: | most programs cant pass the edge between the 2 screens |
[03:16:24] | clever: | some like kwm metacity and others are able to control both screens at once |
[03:16:40] | Lexridge: | I'm not using Xineroma (or whatever it's called) I have both a ~/Desktop and ~/Desktop1 directory. So I cannot move a program from screen to screen. |
[03:17:01] | clever: | that might be where my Desktop1 keeps comming from... |
[03:17:02] | clever: | :O |
[03:17:07] | Lexridge: | my mouse moves from screen to screen however. |
[03:17:17] | clever: | yeah thats the same setup i had for the longest while |
[03:17:20] | jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[03:17:27] | clever: | but i was rarely using the kde so it just ate ram |
[03:17:48] | clever: | ive since switched it to just a bare X and myth like some slim frontends |
[03:18:01] | clever: | but its still running both monitors |
[03:18:04] | clever: | just the crt is never used |
[03:18:13] | Lexridge: | I've considered doing that, but I sure like all my KDE applets. ;) |
[03:18:42] | clever: | the system is allready low on ram and all the kde stuff just lags for 5mins until i wake them all up |
[03:18:55] | clever: | im allmost allways on a linux laptop within 5 feet of the master:P |
[03:19:03] | clever: | simpler to just run the junk on the laptop |
[03:19:22] | Lexridge: | Still not crash with FF3. I think the problem may actually be a FF2 memory leak....or a flash memory leak. |
[03:19:25] | clever: | Xorg also seems to 'leak' memory a little over time |
[03:19:37] | clever: | ive had it using 50–100mb of ram with practicaly nothing open |
[03:19:44] | Lexridge: | wow! |
[03:20:02] | clever: | now that ive got it striped down on the master i can just shut X down whenever i want and not worry about the 20 windows i may have open |
[03:20:10] | clever: | because i dont keep anything other then myth up now |
[03:20:18] | clever: | maybe an xterm on the tv |
[03:20:42] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[03:20:44] | clever: | right now the Xorg on my laptop is using 360mb virt, 158mb resident |
[03:20:46] | Lexridge: | clever: Well, since this is my main computer, I simply cannot do that. I have too many things to do, while watching mythtv. ;) |
[03:20:55] | clever: | 28 X clients going |
[03:21:05] | Lexridge: | wow, that's pretty efficient! |
[03:21:12] | clever: | Lexridge: yeah i run my frontend in a window often |
[03:21:14] | clever: | on my laptop |
[03:21:35] | clever: | most of the X memory is going to comix(4mb) |
[03:21:39] | clever: | (image viewer) |
[03:21:46] | Lexridge: | this is where I'm at presently memory wise: |
[03:21:47] | Lexridge: | Mem: 1287004 1155532 131472 0 116508 776336 |
[03:22:03] | bsdfox__ (bsdfox__!n=h36sa@c-71-197-73-68.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has quit ("Konversation terminated!") | |
[03:22:05] | clever: | root 5968 2.6 31.8 286168 164120 tty7 Ss+ Jul06 580:53 /usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 100 |
[03:22:07] | Lexridge: | 131MB free, 776MB cached |
[03:22:15] | bsdfox__ (bsdfox__!n=h36sa@c-71-197-73-68.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[03:22:24] | clever: | but you cant realy see WHAT is using that 164,120kb of ram in X |
[03:22:29] | clever: | without the xrestop program |
[03:22:41] | joez212: | mythtv is the best! |
[03:22:42] | Lexridge: | what about htop? That is what I would normally use. |
[03:23:05] | clever: | Lexridge: that looks the same as top |
[03:23:05] | Lexridge: | or kmp? |
[03:23:14] | clever: | it cant tell me what is using ram inside X itself |
[03:23:20] | clever: | just what X is using overall |
[03:23:26] | Lexridge: | oh, I see |
[03:23:28] | clever: | root 5968 2.6 31.8 286168 164180 tty7 Ss+ Jul06 580:55 /usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 100 |
[03:23:34] | clever: | WHY is it using 164mb? |
[03:23:55] | Lexridge: | sure is |
[03:23:56] | clever: | 11mb to pixmaps and mot much else to others |
[03:24:02] | clever: | (xrestop tells me everything) |
[03:24:13] | clever: | im guessing the heap is horidly fragmented |
[03:24:15] | Lexridge: | are you using xfree or xorg? |
[03:24:41] | clever: | X Window System Version 1.3.0 |
[03:25:03] | clever: | Build Operating System: Linux Ubuntu (xorg-server 2: |
[03:25:03] | otwin (otwin!n=otwin@ has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[03:25:22] | clever: | i might be using just the last 11mb of the 100mb heap |
[03:25:25] | otwin (otwin!n=otwin@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[03:25:35] | clever: | and because of the way the heap works i cant release the first 90mb back to the system |
[03:25:53] | Lexridge: | that may also be a cached value, not what is actually in use. Cached ram is generally available. |
[03:26:01] | clever: | the palmos had its own way of solving memory fragmentation |
[03:26:10] | clever: | it has no virtual memory so the adr space is very limited |
[03:26:20] | clever: | you can wrap pointers in a special struct |
[03:26:39] | Lexridge: | I'm not talking about virtual memory. The memory gets reserved by X, but not actually used until needed. |
[03:26:39] | clever: | when you want to actualy use it as a pointer you must call a function to get its CURRENT adr AND lock it |
[03:26:43] | clever: | then unlock later |
[03:26:54] | Lexridge: | right |
[03:27:04] | clever: | and the palmos will move the data your pointer is pointing at arround on its own |
[03:27:08] | clever: | to defrag the ram |
[03:27:22] | clever: | which is why you must lock it and fetch the adr whenever you want to use it |
[03:27:28] | clever: | because it might not be where it was 5mins ago |
[03:27:58] | Lexridge: | I just read a wiki article on this, on how the kernel and x both cache ram for future use, but it is still available. Essentually, you add your free and your cache together to get the real value of free ram. |
[03:28:17] | clever: | yeah the whole memory managent is complex |
[03:28:21] | Lexridge: | at least that is how I understood it. |
[03:28:26] | clever: | and then theres swap cached |
[03:28:35] | MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver!n=martincl@ has quit () | |
[03:28:35] | clever: | SwapCached: 78700 kB |
[03:28:36] | Lexridge: | that is a horse of another color. ;) |
[03:28:41] | clever: | that 78mb of data |
[03:28:46] | clever: | is using BOTH ram AND swap |
[03:28:54] | Lexridge: | once you get into swap, your system dreadfully slows down! |
[03:29:02] | clever: | but wait:P |
[03:29:07] | clever: | why is that 78mb using both:P |
[03:29:20] | clever: | it got pushed into the swap once |
[03:29:23] | clever: | then copyed back out |
[03:29:28] | clever: | but it was left in the swap |
[03:29:32] | clever: | leaving 2 identical copys |
[03:29:40] | clever: | now if i need that ram |
[03:29:48] | clever: | i DONT need to push it into swap because its allready there |
[03:29:58] | clever: | i can just use that 78mb of ram right away |
[03:30:04] | Lexridge: | a speed shortcut no doubt. |
[03:30:08] | clever: | yep |
[03:30:25] | clever: | root 18883 0.7 0.7 30648 3656 tty7 SLs+ Jul21 7:50 Xorg -terminate |
[03:30:37] | clever: | but that 3mb thats 'used' doesnt include the kernel level cache |
[03:30:51] | clever: | and the 30mb covers the entire virtual space |
[03:31:00] | raa (raa!i=nero@217.80-203-253.nextgentel.com) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[03:31:03] | clever: | most of which is probly file backed mapings |
[03:31:12] | clever: | which swap into the ext3 partition(into files) |
[03:31:13] | Lexridge: | a few days ago, wasn't it you who told me that the later kernels have real time built into them? |
[03:31:27] | clever: | define 'real time' :P |
[03:31:44] | clever: | that could mean anything |
[03:31:50] | Lexridge: | okay, perhaps not. I think it was dagmar. |
[03:32:27] | Lexridge: | RT is a low latency kernel useful for immediate interrupt handling, and use for multitrack audio recording. |
[03:32:45] | clever: | ive heard of real time prio on processes/threads |
[03:32:55] | clever: | it sounds like its just an extra step past renicing |
[03:33:15] | clever: | the kernel keeps a list of every thread&process in the system |
[03:33:17] | clever: | and its state |
[03:33:19] | Lexridge: | It';s much more than renicing. |
[03:33:32] | clever: | and whenever a driver or soemthing is waiting for data |
[03:33:50] | clever: | it sets the state of the process to 'sleep' and then calls to reschedule, releasing the cpu |
[03:33:58] | clever: | then it doesnt use any cpu power |
[03:34:07] | clever: | until an irq or another process wakes it up |
[03:34:28] | clever: | then it has to wait its turn for a reschedule which will use the nice value to pick one of many runnable things |
[03:34:33] | Lexridge: | something like that, but it also assigns each interrupt a process. |
[03:34:47] | clever: | realtime sounds liek something to just make the program skip ahead in the line |
[03:34:51] | clever: | and cheat to get more cpu |
[03:34:57] | Lexridge: | so a ps -ea will show all your interupts as well. |
[03:35:09] | clever: | at the expense of other programs |
[03:35:20] | Lexridge: | I compiled the latest 2.6.26 kernel yesterday, and tried running jackd and qtractor (audio programs). The best latency I could get was 5ms with some lost frames (xruns)... |
[03:35:52] | Lexridge: | With my 2.6.24RT kernel, I can get 1.5ms latency, with zero lost frames or xruns. quite a difference!~ |
[03:36:06] | sohocoke (sohocoke!n=sohocoke@78-105-245-20.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[03:36:18] | clever: | i tried rebuilding the ubuntu kernel once to track down a lvm bug |
[03:36:27] | clever: | but even though i thought i duplicated the config |
[03:36:29] | SHADOW__X: | hey clever do you think you could help me out with my xorg issue i cant get the dvi working on my motherboard |
[03:36:32] | clever: | i fried the vid drivers:P |
[03:36:38] | SHADOW__X: | integrated geforce 6150 |
[03:36:44] | clever: | never worked with dvi |
[03:37:09] | Lexridge: | how did you fry the video drivers? Over clocked? |
[03:37:10] | slim_ (slim_!n=slim1@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[03:37:12] | SHADOW__X: | well even vga i just need help with the nvidia control panel and xorg not working |
[03:37:19] | clever: | Lexridge: just a software problem |
[03:37:28] | clever: | Lexridge: the drivers didnt fit with the custom kernel and stoped working |
[03:37:37] | clever: | once i switched back to the prebuilt kernel it all worked fine |
[03:37:43] | clever: | and the lvm bug came back:P |
[03:38:00] | Lexridge: | okay. You probably needed to recompile the closed nvidia drivers again manually. |
[03:38:06] | clever: | yeah |
[03:38:07] | slim_: | hello all, instaling mythtv in framebuffer give the same result as it run on X, ? |
[03:38:09] | clever: | and ivtv |
[03:38:10] | clever: | and lirc |
[03:38:14] | clever: | and too much work:P |
[03:38:52] | clever: | the bug dealt with doing a pvmove on a volume while using it |
[03:39:05] | clever: | it would randomly 'crash' both whatever was accessing and the pvmove |
[03:39:18] | clever: | and by 'crash' i mean hardlock the entire process(not even kill -9) |
[03:39:44] | clever: | i suspect that accessing and moving are grabing atleast 2 locks, in the wrong order |
[03:39:52] | clever: | so they are both forever waiting for the other |
[03:40:07] | clever: | which also hardlocks any further process that trys to access the lvm |
[03:40:12] | wagnerrp: | i enjoy hardlocks |
[03:40:29] | wagnerrp: | bsd likes to hardlock when you have physical disk access issues |
[03:40:34] | clever: | wagnerrp: it doesnt kill the whole system |
[03:40:47] | clever: | wagnerrp: but if anything touching your recording partition freezes then the system is useless:P |
[03:40:49] | wagnerrp: | i know, just any processes trying to access the file system |
[03:40:58] | clever: | just certain block devices |
[03:41:16] | wagnerrp: | and then when you try to kill the process, the 'kill' process gets consumed as well |
[03:41:18] | clever: | i keep running out of terminals because i df -h |
[03:41:21] | wagnerrp: | along with the terminal it was attached to |
[03:41:25] | clever: | yep |
[03:41:30] | clever: | screen helps alot |
[03:41:36] | clever: | i can just spawn more terminals |
[03:41:37] | wagnerrp: | yeah, df does it to, and ls... |
[03:41:53] | clever: | df reads every mounted volume so it will realy screw it up |
[03:42:05] | clever: | ls isnt as bad if your carefull to avoid those volumes |
[03:42:43] | wagnerrp: | for a while after switching to ZFS, the ZFS module would hardlock |
[03:42:52] | clever: | im still using ext3 |
[03:42:56] | wagnerrp: | but it seems to have magically fixed itself with no intervention on my part |
[03:43:14] | clever: | aslong as i umount before a pvmove im safe for my bug |
[03:43:14] | wagnerrp: | although that was a hardlock after 7–10 days of use |
[03:43:34] | clever: | but that means shuting the entire mythtv network down for several hours |
[03:43:53] | clever: | the mythtv binarys are kept on lvm |
[03:44:01] | clever: | and shared thru nfs to every system |
[03:44:08] | wagnerrp: | bit of a problem because my windows roaming profiles were on a ZFS file system |
[03:44:15] | wagnerrp: | so i would know instantly when ZFS locked |
[03:44:21] | wagnerrp: | programs would stop functioning |
[03:44:23] | clever: | ive also got an entire nfsroot on lvm |
[03:44:36] | clever: | so if i do kill lvm i hardlock several boxes right to the core |
[03:45:03] | clever: | nfs stops responding because nfsd isnt responding because lvm is frozen:P |
[03:45:23] | clever: | and the mouse pointer cant even move without the nfsd helping:P |
[03:45:38] | armbar (armbar!n=chatzill@adsl-76-205-200-143.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[03:45:38] | wagnerrp: | my network boot server enjoys blocking access to anything when i reboot my dns server |
[03:45:45] | wagnerrp: | restart the process anyway |
[03:46:01] | clever: | i avoid restart as much as posible |
[03:46:02] | wagnerrp: | so my mythfrontend suddenly deadlock waiting for NFS any time i do that |
[03:46:07] | clever: | reload whenever i can/need |
[03:46:10] | armbar (armbar!n=chatzill@adsl-76-205-200-143.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[03:46:35] | wagnerrp: | well its not accepting my keys, and i havent gotten around to fixing that issue |
[03:46:49] | clever: | thats another problem i have on my nfs root boxes |
[03:47:01] | wagnerrp: | i only ever restart it when i need something done right now to fix something else |
[03:47:04] | clever: | high level programs(openoffice firefox mythtv) will up and ignore the keyboard randomly |
[03:47:10] | clever: | until i restart that process |
[03:47:14] | wagnerrp: | so the only time i think of it is when im busy doing something else anyway |
[03:47:19] | clever: | but low level things(xterm) never has a problem |
[03:48:04] | clever: | firefox used to have it constantly just by hitting ctrl+d and enter(which i do 90% of the time to make bookmarks) |
[03:48:11] | clever: | but its stoped reacting to that latel |
[03:48:11] | clever: | y |
[03:48:44] | wagnerrp: | ugh... my scheduling for Burn Notice is screwed it |
[03:48:48] | wagnerrp: | s/it/up/ |
[03:49:03] | wagnerrp: | it never recognizes episodes as duplicates |
[03:49:14] | clever: | same problem on daily plannet here |
[03:49:21] | wagnerrp: | so if i delete an episode, it just re-records it |
[03:49:23] | clever: | i did half fix it by only recording the 8pm airing |
[03:49:33] | wagnerrp: | thats the only show that has that issue though |
[03:49:36] | clever: | but they just changed the schedule for the summer |
[03:49:47] | clever: | so now ive just gone back to record all and manualy delete dups |
[03:50:21] | wagnerrp: | i guess ive got a TB of free recording space, theres no reason why not to just leave the watched episodes on there |
[03:50:53] | clever: | Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on |
[03:50:53] | clever: | /dev/mapper/mainvg-mainlv |
[03:50:53] | clever: | 389G 382G 7.4G 99% /media/mainlv |
[03:51:10] | wagnerrp: | well that hurts |
[03:51:13] | clever: | yes |
[03:51:15] | clever: | alot |
[03:51:20] | clever: | share your gig! |
[03:51:54] | wagnerrp: | Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on |
[03:52:07] | wagnerrp: | raid320_1 266G 128K 266G 0% /mnt/raid320_1 |
[03:52:14] | wagnerrp: | raid750 513G 108G 404G 21% /mnt/raid750 |
[03:52:40] | clever: | lol |
[03:52:49] | wagnerrp: | raid750/media 2.5T 2.1T 404G 84% /mnt/media |
[03:53:13] | wagnerrp: | myth0:/mnt/mythtv/myth0_1 279G 168G 112G 60% /mnt/mythtv/myth0_1 |
[03:53:14] | clever: | ah |
[03:53:19] | wagnerrp: | myth0:/mnt/mythtv/myth0_2 298G 6.2G 292G 2% /mnt/mythtv/myth0_2 |
[03:53:20] | clever: | so thats where half my wifi bandwidth went |
[03:53:24] | clever: | vnc was eating 4kb/sec |
[03:55:20] | wagnerrp: | 4kb/s is half your bandwidth? |
[03:55:26] | clever: | its not even 1% |
[03:55:31] | clever: | but it was noticable on the graph |
[03:55:38] | clever: | just bored:P |
[03:56:17] | clever: | the nfsroot box appears to be confusimg 1kb-31kb/sec on avg |
[03:56:21] | clever: | sometimes 160 |
[03:56:29] | wagnerrp: | 'zfs list' is actually more telling than 'df -h' |
[03:56:38] | wagnerrp: | NAME USED AVAIL REFER MOUNTPOINT |
[03:56:38] | clever: | 65382912 bytes (65 MB) copied, 28.0791 seconds, 2.3 MB/s |
[03:56:44] | clever: | (wifi G) |
[03:56:45] | wagnerrp: | raid320_1 27.0G 266G 22K /mnt/raid320_1 |
[03:56:53] | wagnerrp: | raid750 2.28T 404G 108G /mnt/raid750 |
[03:57:13] | clever: | that doesnt look any diff |
[03:57:47] | wagnerrp: | raid320_1 actually has 27GB used, instead of 128K listed by df |
[03:57:48] | RungeKutta (RungeKutta!n=rungekut@dsl093-016-075.msp1.dsl.speakeasy.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[03:57:56] | clever: | ah |
[03:58:20] | wagnerrp: | raid750 is actually 2.68TB, as opposed to the 2.5TB reported by df |
[03:58:31] | clever: | it all depends on how you do the math |
[03:58:34] | clever: | 1024/1000 |
[03:58:37] | clever: | and rounding |
[03:58:39] | wagnerrp: | no |
[03:58:42] | wagnerrp: | its different |
[03:58:53] | clever: | also one may report the partition size |
[03:59:03] | clever: | and the other may report usable space(not counting fs metadata) |
[03:59:24] | wagnerrp: | thats closer to what its doing |
[03:59:52] | wagnerrp: | the array is 'raid750', but 'raid750/media' is a pseudo-partition |
[03:59:53] | clever: | i know the basic internals of fat and ext |
[03:59:56] | clever: | and lvm |
[04:00:20] | clever: | lvm was surprisingly simple |
[04:00:28] | clever: | the start of every PV |
[04:00:45] | clever: | is the same text allmost word for word as the backup files that i read in /etc/lvm/backup/ |
[04:01:12] | clever: | the only major diff is that it seems to randomly jump where the 'current' block of config is |
[04:01:26] | clever: | i suspect it writes the new config to a diff area to avoid overwriting the good one and crashing |
[04:01:26] | wagnerrp: | think of 'raid750' as a PV, that can also be mounted |
[04:01:44] | clever: | but with lvm, the layout of the whole array is kept in every PV |
[04:01:51] | clever: | so it can autodetect everything |
[04:01:52] | wagnerrp: | 'raid750/media' is a LV inside 'raid750', that can be mounted elsewhere in the file system |
[04:02:03] | mzb_d800: | fryfrog: awake? |
[04:03:02] | wagnerrp: | ive got half a dozen LVs in 'raid320_1', but when i run df, they list the available space in the PV plus whatever space they are using themselves |
[04:03:15] | clever: | bbl sleep:( |
[04:03:24] | wagnerrp: | bah, its only midnight |
[04:03:28] | clever: | 1am |
[04:03:35] | clever: | and ive tried to get off before slowly |
[04:03:39] | clever: | and before i know it, its 6am |
[04:05:10] | Lexridge (Lexridge!n=Lexridge@ has quit ("Leaving") | |
[04:05:19] | wagnerrp: | eastern canada? or south america? |
[04:05:53] | SHADOW__X: | what could be causing mute to not function on my fe |
[04:06:46] | wagnerrp: | mute? or the mute button on your remote? |
[04:08:53] | pigeon (pigeon!n=pigeon@60-241-137-179.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[04:08:55] | wagnerrp: | to be honest, ive never actually used the volume controls in mythtv, i use my receiver |
[04:09:03] | sohocoke (sohocoke!n=sohocoke@78-105-245-20.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has quit () | |
[04:09:24] | SHADOW__X: | hmm mute on my remote |
[04:09:48] | wagnerrp: | run 'irw', and see if youre actually picking up the signal from the remote |
[04:10:24] | pigeon (pigeon!n=pigeon@60-241-137-179.static.tpgi.com.au) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[04:10:26] | sohocoke (sohocoke!n=sohocoke@78-105-245-20.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[04:11:04] | SHADOW__X: | 00 Mute mceusb |
[04:11:29] | pigeon_ (pigeon_!n=pigeon@60-241-137-179.static.tpgi.com.au) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[04:11:52] | wagnerrp: | check the lircrc file to make sure its bound properly |
[04:12:57] | _gunni_ (_gunni_!n=Gunni@xdsl-84-44-233-182.netcologne.de) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[04:13:21] | SHADOW__X: | hmm alright |
[04:13:28] | SHADOW__X: | where is that |
[04:13:40] | pigeon (pigeon!n=pigeon@60-241-137-179.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[04:14:43] | SHADOW__X: | also how can i have 2 different output working correctly |
[04:14:59] | wagnerrp: | its either ~/.lircrc or ~/.mythtv/lircrc, i dont remember |
[04:15:03] | wagnerrp: | two outputs? |
[04:15:50] | SHADOW__X: | my nvidia settings doesnt work well |
[04:16:16] | SHADOW__X: | i cant seem to get vga or dvi to work with tv out simulatanously |
[04:20:39] | wagnerrp: | can you get vga and dvi to work simultaneously? |
[04:21:14] | SHADOW__X: | well vga works no issue but i am testing a dvi to vga and that isnt working all that well |
[04:25:32] | sohocoke (sohocoke!n=sohocoke@78-105-245-20.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has quit () | |
[04:28:07] | SHADOW__X: | well right now i have 3 displays hooked up and it detects all of them but the settings that i think would work just arrent |
[04:28:52] | |gunni| (|gunni|!n=Gunni@xdsl-84-44-131-144.netcologne.de) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
[04:29:23] | wagnerrp: | you can only run two displays at once, not all three |
[04:29:53] | wagnerrp: | only high end workstation cards have the capability to run more than two at once |
[04:30:00] | SHADOW__X: | right i get that |
[04:30:05] | SHADOW__X: | i want tv out and dvi |
[04:30:15] | SHADOW__X: | because thats what i have read will only work on my video card |
[04:30:23] | SHADOW__X: | dont know how truthfull that is |
[04:30:30] | SHADOW__X: | but that is what i read due to the dram |
[04:30:41] | SHADOW__X: | its a integrated geforce 6150 |
[04:31:04] | wagnerrp: | youre using this as a desktop as well? |
[04:31:26] | SHADOW__X: | eh kinda i like having the tv and a monitor for now |
[04:31:59] | wagnerrp: | well dual out *should* work on that board |
[04:32:10] | wagnerrp: | although you need the nvidia drivers, the packaged driver wont do it |
[04:32:26] | wagnerrp: | beyond that, its just a matter of setting up multiple screens |
[04:32:41] | wagnerrp: | its probably a better idea to only have the outputs you want to use hooked up |
[04:32:51] | SHADOW__X: | alright fine |
[04:32:58] | wagnerrp: | selecting active outputs is somewhat finicky in linux |
[04:33:25] | SHADOW__X: | as i have learned |
[04:33:49] | SHADOW__X: | now would vga and composite out work simultaneously or is it dvi and yellow |
[04:34:14] | wagnerrp: | any two at the same time will work |
[04:34:26] | SHADOW__X: | hmm alrighht |
[04:35:20] | SHADOW__X: | so you are saying the drivers i installed from repo arent going to be good |
[04:35:20] | SHADOW__X: | ? |
[04:35:56] | wagnerrp: | the xorg drivers will not support multiple outputs |
[04:36:00] | wagnerrp: | you need the nvidia drivers |
[04:36:16] | wagnerrp: | also, the nvidia configuration tool will not work with the xorg drivers, only the nvidia drivers |
[04:36:28] | wagnerrp: | i dont know what 'repo' is |
[04:36:35] | SHADOW__X: | i have the nvidia drivers installed |
[04:36:44] | SHADOW__X: | and the nvidia x server settings tool |
[04:37:55] | SHADOW__X: | nivida glx new 169.12 |
[04:38:07] | wagnerrp: | post your xorg.conf |
[04:40:23] | SHADOW__X: | http://pastebin.com/d29f0e2ac |
[04:40:53] | wagnerrp: | this is only single-head |
[04:41:07] | wagnerrp: | and its very lacking |
[04:41:15] | wagnerrp: | youre missing several needed sections |
[04:41:38] | SHADOW__X: | oh |
[04:41:43] | SHADOW__X: | hmm |
[04:44:04] | nuonguy (nuonguy!n=john@c-24-6-187-202.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[04:44:09] | wagnerrp: | here is my current xorg: www.pastebin.ca/1079116 |
[04:44:23] | SHADOW__X: | i would like to have a seperate x session and have vnc to work but i dont know how doable that is |
[04:44:38] | wagnerrp: | one X session for each display? |
[04:44:48] | wagnerrp: | you need one card for each X session, so no |
[04:44:53] | SHADOW__X: | yeah that would be nice |
[04:44:56] | jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[04:45:26] | SHADOW__X: | and eventually have vnc give me a screen to choose which x session but primarily just 2 x sessions for eachj mon now |
[04:47:13] | wagnerrp: | this would be if i wanted dual-head: www.pastebin.ca/1079121 |
[04:47:21] | slim_: | i'm using archlinux to run mythtv in framebuffer i need to recompile mythtv or by default it can run using directfb ? |
[04:47:39] | wagnerrp: | like i said, you need one card for each X session |
[04:47:46] | streamtrade (streamtrade!n=jsass@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[04:47:47] | wagnerrp: | two sessions cannot share the single onboard card |
[04:47:54] | nuonguy: | I still don't know what to do about http://pastebin.ca/1078139 |
[04:48:18] | wagnerrp: | its a fault with trunk |
[04:48:27] | wagnerrp: | for whatever reason, it cannot update your sql schema |
[04:48:32] | nuonguy: | should I do an svn up and rebuild? |
[04:49:03] | wagnerrp: | you can try rebuilding an updated version of trunk, but youll probably get the same error |
[04:49:22] | nuonguy: | nothing I can do about this at all except wait? |
[04:49:24] | wagnerrp: | you need to figure out a way to strip out the pre-compiled search from the table |
[04:49:54] | wagnerrp: | it seems the 'modify' command only modifies existing columns, rather than rebuilds the entire table |
[04:50:17] | nuonguy: | wagnerrp: that's outta my field of expertise |
[04:50:22] | wagnerrp: | ditto |
[04:50:23] | streamtrade (streamtrade!n=jsass@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[04:50:33] | nuonguy: | any google terms I could use? |
[04:51:35] | wagnerrp: | i would seek help in #mysql |
[04:51:36] | nuonguy: | and why is that considered spam by the mythv trac bug tool? |
[04:52:06] | wagnerrp: | its considered spam because of how you wrote the ticket |
[04:52:12] | wagnerrp: | you did something wrong that it did not like |
[04:52:26] | wagnerrp: | as to what that was, i have no clue |
[04:53:14] | nuonguy: | I fail to see how any of that could be considered spam – the spam filter looks buggy to me |
[04:53:31] | wagnerrp: | perhaps, i have no idea what you wrote |
[04:53:43] | nuonguy: | I cannot find a place where I can even request an account like with the kde and redhat projects in order to file a bug |
[04:54:16] | wagnerrp: | i dont have an account, and yet ive issued bug and patch tickets |
[04:54:34] | ** nuonguy feels defeated and broken down ** | |
[04:54:38] | wagnerrp: | :) |
[04:54:52] | wagnerrp: | maybe it didnt like the email address you gave it |
[04:55:27] | nuonguy: | a yahoo email address – good guess, now that you mention it |
[04:56:00] | Tomasu (Tomasu!n=moose@S010600016cb89986.ed.shawcable.net) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[04:59:54] | Tomasu (Tomasu!n=moose@S010600016cb89986.ed.shawcable.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[05:02:21] | SHADOW__X: | wagnerrp: i read that ony my board i cant use rgb and tv out at the same time |
[05:02:28] | SHADOW__X: | does that matter for what i want to do or no |
[05:02:34] | SHADOW__X: | am i havint an issue with linux itself |
[05:02:54] | wagnerrp: | i dont know why you wouldnt be able to |
[05:03:00] | wagnerrp: | however RGB is VGA |
[05:03:05] | wagnerrp: | and you want to use TV and DVI |
[05:03:11] | wagnerrp: | so not a problem |
[05:03:28] | SHADOW__X: | alright |
[05:03:37] | SHADOW__X: | well i am using a dvi to vga to get around that |
[05:04:06] | wagnerrp: | if your TV can take VGA, why would you use TV (rca)? |
[05:05:09] | SHADOW__X: | no |
[05:05:15] | SHADOW__X: | my monitor is vga |
[05:05:26] | SHADOW__X: | its along story because i am using a kvm switch too |
[05:05:28] | SHADOW__X: | but for this |
[05:05:33] | SHADOW__X: | the monitor is through vga |
[05:05:37] | SHADOW__X: | the tv is through rca |
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[05:32:33] | SHADOW__X: | hmm this can get messy |
[05:32:33] | SHADOW__X: | lol |
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[06:12:11] | pigeon_ is now known as pigeon | |
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[06:39:06] | SHADOW__X: | goodnight all |
[06:39:17] | SHADOW__X (SHADOW__X!n=Ghost36@c-76-116-179-191.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
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[07:00:37] | GenericHuman: | Goodmorning everyone, those living around the CET zone that is |
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[08:10:32] | EvilGuru (EvilGuru!n=evilguru@witherden.org) has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[08:22:34] | anny__ (anny__!n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[08:25:35] | anny__: | I compiled mythtv on a fedora 6 machine. However when i start mythfrontend, it's unable to connect to the mysql db whereas the mysql service is running and the mythconverg db is created as well as the user mythtv, any suggestions? |
[08:27:01] | wagnerrp: | wrong IP or wrong user/password |
[08:27:32] | wagnerrp: | you can log into the sql server using the 'mysql' command? |
[08:28:55] | Sulx: | mysql access is local? |
[08:29:00] | anny__: | yes |
[08:29:07] | anny__: | mysql is running on the same machine |
[08:29:09] | anny__: | as mythtv |
[08:29:24] | wagnerrp: | mysql should not be localhost |
[08:29:44] | wagnerrp: | localhost can be used, but it just causes extra work if you ever want to expand mythtv |
[08:29:58] | anny__: | how can i use it? |
[08:30:11] | wagnerrp: | use the IP or hostname |
[08:31:23] | wagnerrp: | that also means you have to log into the database and provide access on the IPs you will be connecting from |
[08:32:33] | anny__: | so localhost as a hostname won't work |
[08:32:46] | wagnerrp: | it will work, but its suggested against |
[08:33:02] | wagnerrp: | it will not work if you ever want to have more than one machine connected to your myth system |
[08:33:22] | anny__: | no for now, i just want to testt the system |
[08:34:02] | briand (briand!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[08:34:28] | anny__: | how can i make localhost work then |
[08:35:07] | wagnerrp: | you say the mysql user 'mythtv' has already been created? password and all? |
[08:35:23] | wagnerrp: | with access to localhost? |
[08:35:24] | anny__: | yes everything, i checked from the mysql shell |
[08:35:32] | anny__: | yes |
[08:35:44] | wagnerrp: | the backend is running? |
[08:35:59] | anny__: | no, i didn't start it |
[08:36:09] | wagnerrp: | you cant run the frontend without the backend |
[08:36:39] | anny__: | but the displayed msg is, can't connect to database |
[08:36:56] | wagnerrp: | thats correct |
[08:37:04] | wagnerrp: | you havent yet set up the backend |
[08:37:17] | wagnerrp: | so the backend doesnt exist to tell the frontend how to connect to the sql database |
[08:37:39] | anny__: | ah ok, so i need to start the backend |
[08:37:44] | anny__: | and configure it |
[08:37:57] | wagnerrp: | you need to configure the backend before running it |
[08:38:01] | wagnerrp: | use mythtv-setup |
[08:39:57] | anny__: | mythtv-setup is displaying the same setup wizard as mythfrontend |
[08:40:24] | anny__: | and resulting in the same problem, "can't connect to db" |
[08:40:49] | wagnerrp: | if the database is in fact running |
[08:40:59] | wagnerrp: | then you dont have permissions to the database set up properly |
[08:41:47] | anny__: | well, i checked in the services pannel, the entry for mysql is displaying "running..." |
[08:42:20] | anny__: | and i tried to log on to the mythconverg db from mysql shell using the user mythtv and pwd mythtv |
[08:42:27] | anny__: | it worked |
[08:42:40] | anny__: | so it's puzzling |
[08:42:59] | wagnerrp: | try again, but add '-h localhost' |
[08:43:02] | wagnerrp: | to the mysql shell |
[08:43:16] | anny__: | ok one moment |
[08:43:23] | wagnerrp: | to force it to use the loopback network, rather than the socket |
[08:43:32] | Varak_ (Varak_!n=Varak@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[08:43:57] | anny__: | it's workinng |
[08:44:46] | wagnerrp: | but the same information, put into the wizard at the start of mythtv-setup, does not work? |
[08:45:05] | anny__: | ah wait, i noticed something |
[08:45:31] | anny__: | when i start mythfrontend it's mentioning that QMYSQL3 is not loaded |
[08:45:57] | wagnerrp: | you may have to rebuild QT with mysql support |
[08:46:07] | anny__: | i think this is the problem |
[08:46:23] | anny__: | the mysql qt driver is not present |
[08:46:41] | wagnerrp: | anyway, once youve done that, assuming thats the problem |
[08:47:03] | wagnerrp: | run mythtv-setup, get through the first block of settings |
[08:47:09] | wagnerrp: | start up the backend |
[08:47:21] | anny__: | ok thx man, i'll recompile QT and do that |
[08:47:24] | wagnerrp: | start up the frontend, and the frontend should now see that a backend is running |
[08:47:30] | hashbang (hashbang!n=nosuch@cse-ajb.cse.bris.ac.uk) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[08:47:46] | wagnerrp: | enter the pin that you put into mythtv-setup |
[08:47:52] | wagnerrp: | and it should auto-connect |
[08:48:21] | wagnerrp: | if you use an IP or hostname other than 'localhost', thats all you will have to do to connect new frontends |
[08:48:50] | anny__: | ok thx |
[08:49:28] | anny__: | by the way, can i query qt to check what modules are installled |
[08:49:36] | wagnerrp: | no idea how to do so |
[08:50:01] | anny__: | ok then |
[08:50:05] | anny__: | thx |
[08:50:10] | anny__: | i'll google it |
[08:50:32] | wagnerrp: | im going to bed |
[08:51:01] | wagnerrp: | the mythtv wiki has a decent manual of how to set up mythtv within the program |
[08:51:18] | wagnerrp: | you may want to check out the gentoo wiki on how to get programs set up |
[08:51:38] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[08:51:59] | wagnerrp: | a lot of it will be gentoo-centric |
[08:52:10] | wagnerrp: | but theres also a fair bit of general knowledge in it |
[08:52:42] | Steven_M (Steven_M!n=steven@124-197-13-77.callplus.net.nz) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[08:53:01] | Steven_M: | hi all |
[08:53:34] | briand (briand!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[08:54:26] | Steven_M: | does anyone know why there's no debian package for mythtv? |
[08:54:48] | wagnerrp: | not enough debian users for one to make one? |
[08:55:29] | Steven_M: | wagnerrp: that's strange |
[08:55:45] | wagnerrp: | i really have no idea |
[08:55:56] | wagnerrp: | i assumes the major distros all had native packages |
[08:56:00] | wagnerrp: | *assume |
[08:56:01] | wagnerrp: | d |
[08:56:46] | Steven_M: | ok, I'll try to complie it from source |
[08:57:30] | wagnerrp: | there are packages |
[08:57:44] | wagnerrp: | you just have to add the proper servers to /etc/apt/sources.list |
[08:58:15] | wagnerrp: | theres a howto on the mythtv wiki for debian |
[08:58:48] | Steven_M: | ok, link please |
[08:59:50] | wagnerrp: | im on vnc, i cant copy and paste links in |
[08:59:57] | wagnerrp: | just search google for 'debian mythtv' |
[09:00:01] | justinh: | search on the wiki for debian |
[09:00:04] | justinh: | jees |
[09:00:15] | wagnerrp: | spoon fed... |
[09:00:21] | wagnerrp: | time for bed |
[09:00:38] | Steven_M: | take it easey |
[09:00:57] | Steven_M (Steven_M!n=steven@124-197-13-77.callplus.net.nz) has quit ("Konversation terminated!") | |
[09:01:29] | wagnerrp: | it wouldnt be a problem if that page werent the first thing to show up on a google search |
[09:02:26] | justinh: | it wouldn't ever be an issue if people just weren't so damn idle |
[09:02:43] | sid3windr: | you mean lazy? |
[09:03:42] | justinh: | idle/lazy/stupid |
[09:04:17] | Dibblah (Dibblah!n=Dibblah@80-192-14-169.cable.ubr02.dund.blueyonder.co.uk) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:08:49] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
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[09:26:53] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:27:11] | MasseR (MasseR!n=masse@fizban.yok.utu.fi) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:30:33] | hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[09:34:27] | famicom (famicom!i=famicom@c51447b09.cable.wanadoo.nl) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:38:44] | edannenbe (edannenbe!n=edannenb@mail.blooparkstudios.de) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:42:41] | phedny (phedny!n=mark@2001:610:656:0:0:0:0:115) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[09:46:06] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[10:19:55] | doje_ (doje_!n=doje@cpe-76-94-211-113.socal.res.rr.com) has quit () | |
[10:29:47] | d00gster (d00gster!n=doughant@bas1-cooksville01-1279551595.dsl.bell.ca) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[10:41:41] | dschan (dschan!n=jack@dslb-084-060-044-109.pools.arcor-ip.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[10:42:11] | dschan: | Hi everybody |
[10:44:24] | keyser_soze (keyser_soze!n=Jonny@host86-156-118-32.range86-156.btcentralplus.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[10:46:42] | dschan: | can anyone help me with my channels.conf? I did a scan in the terminal, but it does not find all the programmes. any suggestions? |
[10:47:40] | justinh: | er.. use mythtv-setup to do the scanning |
[10:47:54] | justinh: | if that doesn't work, you're boned, basically |
[10:48:13] | dschan: | so i'm boned ;-) |
[10:49:23] | dschan: | but i had another configuration on that machine ... had many more programmes in mythtv... |
[10:53:04] | dschan (dschan!n=jack@dslb-084-060-044-109.pools.arcor-ip.net) has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[10:58:46] | dschan (dschan!n=jack@dslb-084-060-044-109.pools.arcor-ip.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[11:06:49] | MaverickTech (MaverickTech!n=Maverick@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out)) | |
[11:11:31] | MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver!n=martincl@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[11:15:56] | Fcher (Fcher!n=flexy@82-128-206-63-Korvensuora-TR1.suomi.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[11:24:34] | Fcher: | how can I modify the commands I can make via keyboard? I haven't found a nice menu, do I have to hack the sql directly? |
[11:27:37] | mzb_d800: | fryfrog: awake? |
[11:30:22] | mzb_d800: | Fcher: iirc there is a key editor in the frontend |
[11:31:02] | zlyzyr (zlyzyr!n=mike@cpe-76-180-122-198.buffalo.res.rr.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[11:31:07] | justinh: | install mythcontrols |
[11:31:45] | Fcher: | mzb_d800: ok, I have to look for it again. I must be thinking something else, cause I didn't find it... women. ;) |
[11:31:52] | Fcher: | ahaa |
[11:31:52] | Fcher: | ok |
[11:32:40] | Fcher: | justinh: does that add the menu? |
[11:32:47] | dschan: | anyone here who can help me with my missing channels? |
[11:33:02] | Fcher: | dschan: dvb, analog? |
[11:34:08] | justinh: | dschan: I already told you, if you can't scan for channels in mythtv-setup, you're boned |
[11:34:13] | dschan: | dvb,tried chnelscan the setup adn on command line. it does not find ll channels (had a mythtv installation before, so i know that hardware should be ok |
[11:34:47] | dschan: | justinh: there must be a way! i had those programmes before. |
[11:35:30] | dschan: | fcher: sorry: dvb-t |
[11:35:30] | justinh: | if mythtv-setup's scanner doesn't find them, you're stuffed |
[11:35:39] | olejl_ (olejl_!n=olejl@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
[11:36:27] | dschan: | justinh: that's quite easy to say, ay? so i will be happy with half of the channels because you told me (though it DID work!) |
[11:36:42] | anny__ (anny__!n=chatzill@ has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox]") | |
[11:37:24] | justinh: | did, as in a *previous* version of mythtv? |
[11:38:38] | Fcher: | dschan: I've had problems getting the channels right with mythtv-setup, what I basically did, was mythtv-setup scan, manual command line scan, manual sql fixing. That's what I remember 6months later... |
[11:38:45] | dschan: | i had mythbuntu installed and it showed me some 25 programmes. then i bought a new mainboard, installed latest mythbuntu (ubuntu hardy plus mythtv 0.21.something) and it does not find them |
[11:39:25] | dschan: | fcher: what did you fix manually? |
[11:39:30] | dschan: | in mysql? |
[11:39:35] | Fcher: | dschan: though I suspect that there is something dodgy in the tv service providers streams... |
[11:40:00] | Fcher: | dschan: those pids of the channels |
[11:40:23] | dschan: | hmm... three days ago it worked though ... |
[11:40:27] | Fcher: | needed hex->decimal conversions, or something alike |
[11:40:49] | dschan: | any way to get aroud it? manual channels.conf? dunno where to get them... |
[11:41:12] | dschan: | sry, i have got some, but... |
[11:41:56] | dschan: | ... mythtv tells me about problems with parsing. do you know the exact format (_ ? - ? . ? : ? ) |
[11:42:27] | Fcher: | nope. |
[11:43:03] | Fcher: | it was a little painful, but I figured it out some time ago. it's been working fine since that. |
[11:43:12] | Fcher: | can't remember the details anymore |
[11:44:07] | dschan: | that's a pity. however, thank you for your kind help! I think, I'll ask again in an hour or so. If you remember s.th. let me know! cheers! |
[11:45:51] | justinh: | dschan: importing a channels.conf file should still be possible IF you run it with the correct options – i.e. not outputting it in the stupid VDR format |
[11:46:01] | justinh: | (which it won't do unless you tell it) |
[11:46:40] | dschan: | ahh! OK, Did'n know that. Thanks! Do you happen to know how I can tell it? |
[11:47:12] | Fcher: | man command helps |
[11:47:17] | Fcher: | or command --help |
[11:47:29] | dschan: | I'll try. Thank you! |
[11:49:38] | dschan: | maybe possible that file /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/ and then my region is just not complete?? |
[11:52:41] | justinh: | that's only an initial tuning file |
[11:52:59] | justinh: | it should always be enough for the scan program to pick up all the channels |
[11:53:15] | justinh: | if it isn't, then blame your local broadcasters |
[11:53:37] | dschan: | hmm ok. thx. will be back in a second, need a reboot. cu |
[11:54:20] | dschan (dschan!n=jack@dslb-084-060-044-109.pools.arcor-ip.net) has left #mythtv-users () | |
[11:55:54] | briand (briand!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[11:57:08] | fryfrog: | mzb_d800: sure am |
[11:57:37] | mzb_d800: | that'd be right :) ... I can hear food coming ;) |
[11:57:37] | fryfrog: | mzb_d800: in fact, i'm *hoping* the wife is packing up your mb/cpu/ram/etc right now so that when she picks me up we can go to the post office (have a few other things to mail) |
[11:58:04] | mzb_d800: | ok good, just let me know and I'll pp you straight away |
[11:58:11] | fryfrog: | sure :) |
[11:58:15] | mzb_d800: | thx |
[11:58:39] | mzb_d800: | I'll be up for a few more hours (almost 10pm now) |
[11:58:44] | dschan (dschan!n=jack@dslb-084-060-044-109.pools.arcor-ip.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[11:58:59] | mzb_d800: | pp will be echeck, prob take a few days |
[11:58:59] | dschan: | back... and currently running the scan |
[12:00:35] | fryfrog: | mzb_d800: i'm in no rush, in fact if you wanted to skip the paypal fees (for me) i'd be okay with a mailed check |
[12:00:54] | fryfrog: | what do they charge for ~$200? like $2–4? |
[12:01:23] | justinh: | about that |
[12:01:33] | justinh: | not a high price to pay for sheer convenience though |
[12:02:05] | fryfrog: | yeah, if i needed $150 to buy crack for my little 10 year old twins, i might be quite tempted to use paypal :) |
[12:02:31] | fryfrog: | now i just need to sell my pvr500 and pair of air2pc cards |
[12:04:22] | Fcher: | does mythtv ignore MappingNotify events? |
[12:10:21] | dschan: | which format does it have to be then? i tried scan /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/de-Ruhrgebiet -v -5 -o pids -t 1 > ~/Desktop/channels.conf.scan |
[12:10:31] | mzb_d800: | fryfrog: would cost me $X for bank cheque (?) and $X for exchange ... I figure we both win with Paypal ... iirc it's cheaper in the long run |
[12:12:04] | fryfrog: | mzb_d800: i'm not sure what you mean? i assume you'd send me a AUD check and my bank would deposit it, possibly with no exchange fee (since i'm a customer) |
[12:13:00] | justinh: | dschan: just scan $foo > channels.conf where $foo is the filename of the initial tuning file |
[12:13:22] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[12:15:15] | briand (briand!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[12:16:14] | mzb_d800: | fryfrog: no, I mean a USD$ cheque would cost me BIG$ because my bank would charge me heaps to a) make (what's called here) a "bank cheque" and b) I'd have to pay (on top of) the exchange rate (simply because I've asked a teller to use a calculator!) |
[12:16:50] | mzb_d800: | sending you a AU$ cheque would be equally costly at your end |
[12:17:16] | dschan: | justinh: tried that, still the same. but: ... mom phone... |
[12:17:19] | mzb_d800: | I see Paypal as the cheapest and easiest option |
[12:20:19] | dschan: | dmesg | grep dvb says this [ 253.344939] tda1004x: waiting for firmware upload (dvb-fe-tda10045.fw)... ...though i did download it. wrong directory? |
[12:20:59] | justinh: | apparently so |
[12:21:10] | justinh: | should be in /lib/firmware IIRC |
[12:21:59] | fryfrog: | okay, fine with me. i don't do much international check cashing |
[12:22:07] | fryfrog: | i could *probably* do it for free at my credit union |
[12:22:19] | fryfrog: | but i'd give my real bank a 50/50 chance of charging me |
[12:22:39] | mzb_d800: | :)) ... that's what banks do best :) |
[12:22:59] | fryfrog: | yah yah |
[12:24:34] | dschan: | 2.6.24-16-generic 2.6.24-19-generic dvb-fe-tda10045.fw tda1004x.fw ...is what i have in there |
[12:24:46] | dschan: | /lib/firmware |
[12:29:54] | justinh: | maybe – don't take this as a fact – the firmware needs to live in the kernel dir within /lib/firmware |
[12:31:41] | briand (briand!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[12:33:05] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[12:34:21] | dschan: | tried this: sudo cp *.fw /lib/firmware/$(uname -r)/ now try a reboot because dmesg still says the same |
[12:34:54] | dschan (dschan!n=jack@dslb-084-060-044-109.pools.arcor-ip.net) has left #mythtv-users () | |
[12:35:33] | blackes1 (blackes1!n=john@nat67.mia.three.co.uk) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[12:37:22] | blackes1: | hi how cool is this i'm sat on a moor in yorkshire with a eee and a cell phone |
[12:38:45] | dschan (dschan!n=jack@dslb-084-060-044-109.pools.arcor-ip.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[12:39:20] | dschan: | GOING NUTS!! Probs with firmware upload1 HELP PLEASE! ... :-( |
[12:41:55] | jvs (jvs!n=jvs@cm64-247.liwest.at) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
[12:42:04] | justinh: | shouting always gets you help faster |
[12:42:10] | justinh: | welcome to the list :D |
[12:42:15] | famicom (famicom!i=famicom@c51447b09.cable.wanadoo.nl) has quit ("Leaving") | |
[12:42:52] | dschan: | sorry, it makes me mad. of course not your (any of you) fault or responsibility... |
[12:44:31] | ** justinh wonders if his mobile phone can bridge a mobile data connection ** | |
[12:49:19] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[12:51:10] | briand (briand!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[12:58:02] | famicom (famicom!i=famicom@c51447b09.cable.wanadoo.nl) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:00:10] | Ben43 (Ben43!n=ben@i-195-137-17-204.freedom2surf.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:03:08] | dschan (dschan!n=jack@dslb-084-060-044-109.pools.arcor-ip.net) has left #mythtv-users () | |
[13:04:30] | justinh: | ohyeah. a pound a day for unlimited data. nifty |
[13:05:16] | webvictim: | is it -really- unlimited though? :P |
[13:05:58] | justinh: | I figure it'll be as near unlimited as you can reasonably use over a mobile connection in one day |
[13:07:02] | webvictim: | what network? |
[13:07:16] | justinh: | orange |
[13:07:17] | briand (briand!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:07:42] | webvictim: | hmm |
[13:07:47] | GreyFoxx: | just: wow nice |
[13:07:52] | webvictim: | i'm on their capped deal thing |
[13:08:03] | GreyFoxx: | the pricing here is ridculous |
[13:08:09] | webvictim: | £1.50/day for unlimited in theory |
[13:08:17] | webvictim: | but it's got some horrible fair use thing on it |
[13:08:45] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Connection timed out) | |
[13:10:46] | frobi (frobi!n=skaber@modemcable188.10-70-69.static.videotron.ca) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:11:28] | Huijari: | here in Finland a mobile 384 kbit/s connection costs about 10 € / month and a mobile 2 Mbit/s connection about 30 € / month |
[13:13:53] | justinh: | I was surprised to find out how little it costs – I imagined it'd be a lot more expensive for some reason |
[13:16:33] | Huijari: | justinh: how about the bandwidth? |
[13:16:41] | justinh: | "The Offer is subject to a fair usage level of 25Mb per day and is not to be used for other activities such as, non-Orange internet based streaming services, voice or video over the internet, instant messaging, peer to peer file sharing, non-Orange internet based video. Should you exceed this limit or if such use is detected, notice may be given and Network protection controls may be applied to all services which Oran |
[13:17:32] | Huijari: | "which Oran..." |
[13:18:05] | keyser_soze (keyser_soze!n=Jonny@host86-156-118-32.range86-156.btcentralplus.com) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[13:18:12] | justinh: | no idea what speed it is |
[13:18:15] | keyser_soze (keyser_soze!n=Jonny@host86-156-118-32.range86-156.btcentralplus.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:18:15] | Fcher: | yes yes... just managed to get TT C1500 bundled ir remote working with myth... oh the joy and happiness! happy happy joy joy!! :D |
[13:20:04] | Fcher: | if I hadn't quit smoking, I would smoke now. If I hadn't stop drinking, I would drink now. |
[13:20:17] | Fcher: | HEY, I haven't stop drinking... |
[13:20:23] | ** Fcher goes to fridge ** | |
[13:21:00] | armbar (armbar!n=chatzill@adsl-76-205-200-143.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[13:34:31] | xisle (xisle!n=njr@124-168-198-140.dyn.iinet.net.au) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:34:52] | justinh: | wow that was easy |
[13:35:13] | Tomasu is now known as TomasuDlrrp | |
[13:43:51] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[13:51:43] | Virindi (Virindi!n=Virindi4@pool-71-178-169-18.washdc.fios.verizon.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[13:59:18] | hatchmt (hatchmt!n=mhatch_@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[14:01:08] | mzb_d800: | fryfrog: midnight! :) |
[14:01:17] | mzb_d800: | (pumpkin hour;) |
[14:03:17] | mzb_d800: | ie: my feet|fingers|eyes|brain|back|backside are tired (and I'm out of beer;) ... talk to you tomorrow |
[14:04:09] | turbo (turbo!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[14:04:12] | mzb_d800: | *blink* |
[14:04:18] | jarle (jarle!n=jarle@70.84-234-133.customer.lyse.net) has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
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[14:08:03] | ** mzb_d800 rings the bell for his (sexy) nurse to carry him to bed and *tuck* him in ** | |
[14:08:21] | mzb_d800: | ;) |
[14:08:35] | olejl (olejl!n=olejl@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[14:10:07] | xisle: | is it possible to have mythmusic create symbolic links rather than copying the files when importing music? Or can mythmusic use the existing files where they are? |
[14:17:18] | [gquit]bombadil ([gquit]bombadil!n=dana@CPE-70-94-44-157.wi.res.rr.com) has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[14:18:31] | justinh: | iamlindoro: better get your sexy nurse uniform on! |
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[14:21:36] | ** sexynurse carries mzb_d800 to bed and tucks him in lovingly. ** | |
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[14:29:48] | Newsome (Newsome!n=sorenson@adsl-68-22-220-206.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[14:48:11] | Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999!n=jhmgbl@p4FC86541.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #MythTV-users | |
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[15:08:52] | slim__ (slim__!n=slim1@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[15:09:15] | venger: | I want to migrate a mysql database from a mythtv-backend 0.20.2.xx install to a 0.21xx install (new partition, same server). I believe I can mysqldump the current database and recreate it on the new partition afterwhich upon starting mythtv-backend it will upgrade the database. Is this case or do I need to take another approach? |
[15:09:32] | slim__ (slim__!n=slim1@ has left #mythtv-users ("Ex-Chat") | |
[15:09:49] | justinh: | that should indeed be the case |
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[15:19:36] | venger: | thanks for the confirmation justinh |
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[16:05:43] | Ryushin: | Well, I just got a new 73" Diamond Mitsubishi TV (Yes, I know I'm a bastard), and I need to build a frontend for it. Later this year I'm going to be buying 4 HD-PVR's, so I'll need enough horsepower to playback h.264 at 1080p. Is a AMD 2.3 Ghz quad-core fast enough to playback 1080p h.264 or do I have to go with a 2.5/2.6? |
[16:06:07] | Ryushin: | I'm also thinking of going ATI this time around since we should see great open source drivers soon. |
[16:06:26] | Aval0n (Aval0n!i=aval0n@ has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[16:06:33] | justinh: | adding more cores is an exercise in futility |
[16:06:54] | iamlindoro_: | Indeed |
[16:06:55] | justinh: | the hd-pvr recordings are encoded single sliced |
[16:07:16] | iamlindoro_: | Expecting great open source drivers from ATI anytime soon is likewise unlikely |
[16:07:24] | justinh: | so less of the MOAR COAREZ, more MOAR GHZ |
[16:07:31] | iamlindoro_: | Although we have been hearing that fglrx is becoming tolerable |
[16:09:13] | Ryushin: | justinh: Oh crap. So even multi-threaded playback won't do me any good with the HD-PVR. |
[16:09:29] | justinh: | not yet, maybe in future.. who knows |
[16:10:06] | Ryushin: | So is even 1080p playback even possible with the PD-PVR? |
[16:10:18] | Ryushin: | HD-PVR? |
[16:10:24] | justinh: | it has nothing to do with playback |
[16:10:34] | justinh: | and AFAIK it can't record at 1080p |
[16:11:15] | Ryushin: | Well, 1080i. With the deinterlacer, I'd be looking at 1080p. |
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[16:11:26] | justinh: | but of course if it could record 1080p, playback of it has to be possible! it's just a question of what kind of grunt you need to throw at it |
[16:11:50] | abqjp: | Ryushin: Intel just dropped the price of the E8500. My E8400 plays back HD-PVR files fine. |
[16:12:33] | Ryushin: | That's why I'm asking. If multithreaded playback won't work with h.264 recordings from the HD-PVR, then I'd probably have to get a dual core ship with higher frequency. |
[16:12:53] | Ryushin: | abqjp: I won't buy Intel. |
[16:13:40] | briand (briand!n=brian@dsl086229.dyndsl.nettally.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:13:50] | justinh: | oh yeah I forgot Intel are part of the axis of evil chip makers which nvidia are part of |
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[16:14:29] | Ryushin: | justinh: Yes, you got that right. :) |
[16:14:54] | justinh: | think of a number, then find out if an intel cpu of that speed can play h.264 HD encoded by an HD-PVR box. then multiply that same number by 2 & buy the AMD CPU of that speed |
[16:14:59] | abqjp: | I won't buy any motherboard with an nVidia chipset. My experience with nVidia chipsets under Linux is terrible. Intel chipsets have always worked great for me. |
[16:15:13] | Ryushin: | Just my preference. I've been building computers sense the early 90's. I've seen what Intel has done. |
[16:15:27] | justinh: | wtf is it with freetards cutting off their own noses to spite their faces? |
[16:15:35] | sid3windr: | :) |
[16:15:36] | Ryushin: | abqjp: The nForce4 worked great under Linux. I don't know about the newer ones. |
[16:15:40] | ** sid3windr just bought an E8400 ** | |
[16:15:46] | sid3windr: | after 10+ years of amd |
[16:15:51] | abqjp: | It is the nForce4 I had so many problems with. |
[16:16:07] | ** sid3windr also bought a Geforce 9600GT, after 8+ years of ATI ** | |
[16:16:14] | sid3windr: | sometimes, you just gotta admit it's time for change ;) |
[16:16:22] | Ryushin: | Well, I roll my own kernels, so maybe I've had better luck. |
[16:16:29] | justinh: | sometimes, you don't want a laptop that burns your lap |
[16:16:32] | abqjp: | So do I. |
[16:16:32] | sid3windr: | nforce2 also worked fine under linux ;) |
[16:16:50] | abqjp: | The problems I had with nForce was mostly hard disk controller related. |
[16:17:07] | Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:17:21] | justinh: | think of a chip manufacturer. find problems in linux with said chip manufacturer's products |
[16:17:28] | justinh: | see how easy it is?! |
[16:18:15] | Ryushin: | abqjp: Oh. Well, I was using an pci sata controller that I knew was compatible. |
[16:18:22] | justinh: | s/linux/ANY OS |
[16:18:47] | Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo!n=Kimbo@host86-146-0-233.range86-146.btcentralplus.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:19:02] | Ryushin: | So anyway, back to my question, since playback from a HD-PVR has to happen on one core, how fast does that core have to be? |
[16:19:52] | abqjp: | 3GHz on an Intel CPU, if you don't want to use coreavc. No idea how that translates to AMD. |
[16:19:53] | justinh: | very |
[16:20:22] | iamlindoro_: | abqjp: More than they make, that's what :) |
[16:20:29] | justinh: | :D |
[16:20:46] | gregL (gregL!n=Greg@cpe-68-172-89-215.nycap.res.rr.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:20:47] | justinh: | there are 2 things to pin hope on here though: |
[16:20:55] | justinh: | 1. that the hdpvr will one day encode in slices |
[16:21:19] | justinh: | and 2. that the google SoC project for multithreaded playback of single sliced video bears fruit |
[16:21:43] | justinh: | so it's not as if all is lost :P |
[16:21:58] | Ryushin: | From what I understand, Intel and AMD are comparable in the amount of work each will get down now per Mhz. So if I need a 3Ghz core, AMD should work fine. |
[16:21:59] | abqjp: | All depends on if you want to do it NOW |
[16:22:17] | justinh: | comparable != same |
[16:22:25] | iamlindoro_: | You understand wrong-- AMD versus a C2D are *not* equivalent clock-for-clock |
[16:22:30] | KraMer (KraMer!n=mark@adsl-70-241-3-106.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:22:45] | justinh: | hmm if only there was some reliable table full of stats you could look at somewhere... |
[16:22:55] | iamlindoro_: | like on some sort of wiki or something |
[16:22:56] | iamlindoro_: | ;) |
[16:23:11] | Ryushin: | abqjp: How hard is that one core working, and are you doing 1080p playback? |
[16:23:13] | justinh: | a table with *real* *world* facts ... hmmmm |
[16:23:28] | iamlindoro_: | something with some sort of hd playback reports |
[16:23:39] | EvilGuru: | iamlindoro_: Oh! Oh! I know this one |
[16:23:42] | justinh: | Ryushin: you know, there's no 1080p even broadcast, so I dunno where you're getting that from |
[16:23:57] | Ryushin: | Deinterlaceing 1080i. |
[16:24:07] | EvilGuru: | Ryushin: Doesn't make it 1080p |
[16:24:10] | justinh: | it doesn't deinterlace as it captures |
[16:24:58] | justinh: | your cable/sat/whatever box would output 1080i or 720p, myth would record it & then maybe you deinterlace it during playback. that wouldn't make it 1080p |
[16:25:05] | Ryushin: | I'm not worried about the capture. I'm worried about the playback. Ideal would be 60 fps at 1080p. |
[16:25:22] | abqjp: | Ryushin: depends on bitrate and playback speed. I have to use a low bitrate if I want to playback at 1.2x timestretch. If I playback just at 1.0x, then I can use a high bitrate. |
[16:25:22] | EvilGuru: | Ryushin: No broadcast material is like that |
[16:25:38] | justinh: | even 1080p discs are like 30fps tops |
[16:25:43] | hatchmt (hatchmt!n=mhatch_@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[16:25:46] | MaverickTech (MaverickTech!i=Maverick@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[16:26:04] | EvilGuru: | I think over here (Eurotash) we have provisions for 720p50 |
[16:26:12] | justinh: | most are more likely to be 24fps, the so-called 'cinema' mode |
[16:26:17] | Ryushin: | Well, my new TV is 120mhz. So 30 fps would still be fine. |
[16:26:51] | Ryushin: | I'm not worried about playing back mpeg4/mpeg2 at 1080p. I can already do that. It' h.264 that has me worried. |
[16:27:05] | justinh: | what does Mhz horizontal bandwidth have to do with frame rate? |
[16:27:06] | iamlindoro_: | h.264 *is* MPEg-4 |
[16:27:18] | hatchmt (hatchmt!n=mhatch_@nat/novell/x-d0d9576fe155accc) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:27:20] | iamlindoro_: | a flavor of it, anyway |
[16:27:24] | Ryushin: | Yes. |
[16:27:30] | Ryushin: | I should say divx/xvid. |
[16:27:57] | justinh: | real h.264 is more of a bitch to play than any other format right now |
[16:28:19] | justinh: | when I say 'real' I mean *broadcast* or directly sourced from a bluray disc |
[16:28:20] | Ryushin: | justinh: Hence why I'm asking these questions. |
[16:28:25] | iamlindoro_: | anyway, h.264 is not h.264 is not h.264.... a moderate system can play 1080p h.264 at 40 Mbit with the right options... but that same system, and speaking from experience here, cannot keep up with HD-PVR 720p recordings at high bitrate. |
[16:29:01] | iamlindoro_: | playback of h.264, probably more than any other codec, is dependent on encoding options just as much as bitrate |
[16:29:17] | neddy (neddy!n=john@nat/sun/x-2d2ae138a8c6f802) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:29:29] | iamlindoro_: | and since the HD-PVR uses complex encoding options AND is single sliced, you'd better buy whatever AMD's tip-top of the line is, and you may STILL need to use CoreAVC in the short term. |
[16:29:46] | Ryushin: | So I guess, what I should, is that we'll start seeing HD-PVR encodings that can take advantage of threads. |
[16:30:03] | iamlindoro_: | that sentence is missing a verb |
[16:30:21] | sid3windr: | I guess it's missing "hope" ? ;) |
[16:30:33] | iamlindoro_: | If I had to guess when the HD-PVR will start pumping out sliced recordings, I'll guess a quarter after never |
[16:30:40] | EvilGuru: | It is not the HD-PVRs fault |
[16:30:50] | abqjp: | I think it is highly unlikely that the HD-PVR can be modified to produce sliced encoding just in firmware. I bet the chip in it cannot do it. |
[16:30:56] | EvilGuru: | More the design/implementation of most H.264 decoders |
[16:31:03] | iamlindoro_: | The far more likely scenario is that the new frame-level multithreading in libavcodec will mature in the next six months or so, making the point moot |
[16:31:40] | justinh: | until then, but the most high-powered CPU you can possibly afford & cross your fingers |
[16:32:00] | justinh: | and hope you have a good wind behind you when you try :) |
[16:32:37] | abqjp: | Since he won't buy intel, especially. |
[16:32:43] | Ryushin: | Well, the fastest dual core is 3.2. I think I may just go with the 2.6 quad and do what I can do make that work. |
[16:32:48] | justinh: | heh. by the time I get around to HD none of this will matter |
[16:32:49] | iamlindoro_: | and fluffers... he'll need fluffers. |
[16:33:22] | justinh: | 8 core 10Ghz chips will be in wristwatches, powered by movement of the air around me |
[16:33:38] | Ryushin: | I'm not planning on buying the HD-PVR's until later this year anyway. |
[16:34:15] | justinh: | fingers crossed & all that ;-) |
[16:34:21] | EvilGuru: | But are planning to buy the CPU now? |
[16:34:27] | abqjp: | By then, you will probably have a choice on a component capture box. |
[16:34:34] | iamlindoro_: | 1) Ask advice about hardware. 2) Ignore advice, opting to save money instead. 3) Wait four months. 4) Bitch about MythTV's playback abilities. |
[16:34:42] | iamlindoro_: | *sings* It's the ciiiiircle of liiiiiiife.... |
[16:35:36] | EvilGuru: | iamlindoro_: Might be worth adding "indulging in fanboyism" as another reason to ignore advice |
[16:36:02] | Ryushin: | Look. I want to build a frontend for my new TV today. I'm not opting to saving money. I'm choosing who I will give my money too based on their morals and business practices. |
[16:36:03] | EvilGuru: | intel is teh devil 11111!!1 and such likes |
[16:36:04] | justinh: | see, I bought a new frontend system with the general idea of it being able to cope with HDTV in h.264 as broadcast by the BBC. BUT – while I know it'll cope with what they broadcast NOW, I have no idea if it'd be able to deal with HD over the air when it eventually arrives. Pretty safe bet that it will though, trends in bitrates being what they are |
[16:36:36] | iamlindoro_: | Intel = all drivers open source. AMD = Ummmmm whatnow? |
[16:36:41] | EvilGuru: | Ryushin: I pray to God you never get sick and require any kind of medical treatment |
[16:36:52] | iamlindoro_: | Intel even PAYS a company to write totally open source drivers for them |
[16:37:06] | EvilGuru: | iamlindoro_: They have released some specs and employ a bunch of people living in their mothers basement to write a puppet open source driver |
[16:37:09] | buntumyth: | hi guys , I had sound and all working, but audio was scratchy so I started looking into that, after some checking I lost audio. I can hear it in other apps (tvtime. kdetv) but nothing in mythtv (neither LiveTV or Videos that were recorded with sound). I have all the mixer settings set correctly, according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV_Dapper_Backend_ |
[16:37:16] | iamlindoro_: | EvilGuru: oh riiiiiight ;) |
[16:37:17] | sohocoke_ (sohocoke_!n=sohocoke@93-97-216-147.zone5.bethere.co.uk) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:37:18] | justinh: | EvilGuru: yeah all that nasty Intel powered ICU gear. oof! |
[16:37:39] | EvilGuru: | Saying that, my HD4850 just arrived today |
[16:37:55] | justinh: | but then medical insurance companies are evil & totally immoral anyway, so that's not gonna be a concern :P |
[16:39:11] | justinh: | people who go on about morals should look at things which matter – oh things like situations where people's LIVES are at stake.. that's where real immorality has implications worth ranting about |
[16:39:11] | EvilGuru: | I am sure some nutjobs do turn down medical treatment as a result of: animal testing, profiterring, being evil, being the wrong colour/shape pill |
[16:39:33] | justinh: | anything else is just fanboyism & can be discounted |
[16:40:14] | EvilGuru: | Dang those fanboys are getting smart — talking about morals and ethics |
[16:40:42] | oweiler (oweiler!n=Miranda@odysseus.auto-graphics.com) has left #mythtv-users () | |
[16:40:54] | justinh: | look at how you vote before railing against a CPU manufacturer :P |
[16:41:10] | Ryushin: | Look. I've been seeing Intels business practices for about 18 years. I've built machines since the i386 days. I've used Intel, AMD, and Cyrix. It's because of AMD that Intel even made the good chips that they have today. |
[16:41:42] | justinh: | "oh, no, I don't care how cool the PS3 is, SONY ARE EVIL! THEY STEAL BABIES IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT AND FEED THEM TO THEIR CHICKENS!!!!!!!!!" |
[16:41:48] | iamlindoro_: | So... you're telling us that a company was inspired by competition to improve its products? Will wonders never cease... |
[16:41:59] | kabtoffe (kabtoffe!n=kbergstr@hoasnet-ff03dd00-85.dhcp.inet.fi) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:42:22] | iamlindoro_: | and LOTS of us have been building systems since long before the 386 days... so that's no real metric :) |
[16:42:36] | justinh: | companies are just plain evil anyway. I mean, they're only in it FOR THE MONEY! |
[16:42:46] | justinh: | :-O |
[16:42:52] | sid3windr: | wut |
[16:43:00] | iamlindoro_: | The bastards |
[16:43:06] | sid3windr: | surely not for not making profit |
[16:43:08] | Ryushin: | They still have not changed their business practices very far from what they have been. They have been acting like a monopoly. I don't run Windows, or Mac's. I'm open and run linux, and I like fair competition. So I make my purchases count as well. |
[16:43:10] | sid3windr: | it's immoral |
[16:43:10] | sid3windr: | :) |
[16:43:16] | iamlindoro_: | Next thing you know they'll bee sending their CHILDREN to COLLEGE! |
[16:43:18] | iamlindoro_: | er be |
[16:43:34] | EvilGuru: | Ryushin: Look at their yearly turnover, you are nothing |
[16:43:39] | justinh: | and paying for private education for their younger kids.. |
[16:43:45] | EvilGuru: | Unless you are a large OEM under the facade of a single person |
[16:43:56] | justinh: | and paying top whack for medical & dental care.. sheesh |
[16:43:59] | justinh: | talk about unfair |
[16:44:16] | janneg: | iamlindoro_: well, I'm not sure if intel had 64bit capable x86 chips without AMD's K8 |
[16:44:17] | EvilGuru: | Do yourself a favour and buy whatever yields the best performance-per-$ or performance-per-W |
[16:44:21] | Ryushin: | EvilGuru: That is not the point. I know I'm less than a drop in the bucket, but I know I'm not giving my money to Intel, Microsoft, or Apple. |
[16:44:49] | justinh: | Ryushin: do you use google? |
[16:44:50] | iamlindoro_: | janneg: I wasn't arguing the point in the least-- just saying that the concept of a company responding to competition by improving is ages-old |
[16:45:11] | iamlindoro_: | and hardly indicative of that company being evil... just smart. |
[16:45:28] | andreax (andreax!n=Andreax@p57B95696.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:45:34] | selmanj: | regardless of intels business practices, you have to admit that they have a solid product |
[16:45:39] | Ryushin: | Look, I would pay 4–5 times the money for a truly open source graphics card that did XvMC and such. I don't mind paying more to get something that is open. |
[16:45:44] | selmanj: | comparing them to microsoft isn't really fair since windows is such an infuriating piece of shit |
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[16:46:12] | stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:46:17] | EvilGuru: | Ryushin: Really |
[16:46:25] | Ryushin: | Their core stuff is much better than their P4 crap. |
[16:46:43] | EvilGuru: | Ryushin: Knock yourself out: http://www.opensparc.net/ |
[16:47:26] | Ryushin: | EvilGuru: Absolutely. |
[16:47:40] | Ryushin: | Actually, I'd rather have IBM new PowerPC stuff. That also is open. |
[16:47:45] | justinh: | effing communists. they'll kill us all, then eat our children |
[16:47:47] | EvilGuru: | Go and fab yourself one of those if you want an open chip |
[16:48:07] | Ryushin: | It's not a graphics chip. Totally different animal. |
[16:49:32] | iamlindoro_: | http://wiki.duskglow.com/tiki-index.php?page=OGD1 |
[16:49:37] | iamlindoro_: | Too bad it suuuuuuuuucks |
[16:50:35] | iamlindoro_: | Good thing you're willing to pay six times as much, though... just hope you don't want to do anything useful with it |
[16:50:43] | justinh: | well, almost time to head back to my commune. er. .I mean house |
[16:50:55] | bluey- (bluey-!n=bluey@dslb-088-074-028-076.pools.arcor-ip.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:50:58] | sid3windr: | iamlindoro_: did you try it? ;) |
[16:51:16] | EvilGuru: | sid3windr: He used the force... |
[16:51:18] | EvilGuru: | I mean Google |
[16:51:32] | iamlindoro_: | well SOMEONE'S got to Google around here :) |
[16:51:34] | sid3windr: | :] |
[16:52:25] | Ryushin: | iamlindoro_: I did look at the OGD1. Probably is that it doesn't help me with Myth. |
[16:52:36] | iamlindoro_: | or "anything else" |
[16:52:56] | Ryushin: | AMD at least open sourced their specs to their cards, more that what nvidia has. So I'm going with ATI this time around. |
[16:53:12] | Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo!n=Kimbo@host86-146-0-233.range86-146.btcentralplus.com) has left #mythtv-users () | |
[16:53:15] | justinh: | well, each man can have his own funeral the way he likes it |
[16:53:26] | justinh: | and good luck to him! |
[16:53:46] | asmussen (asmussen!n=kvirc@ip68-2-153-222.ph.ph.cox.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:54:19] | sohocoke__ (sohocoke__!n=sohocoke@93-97-216-172.zone5.bethere.co.uk) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:54:49] | joomla_user: | sup |
[16:55:18] | justinh: | hey joomla_user. did you know about the new mythchess plugin? |
[16:55:48] | iamlindoro_: | I think that Utilities/Setup is sort of like a twisted game of chess |
[16:56:16] | sohocoke (sohocoke!n=sohocoke@78-105-245-20.zone3.bethere.co.uk) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[16:56:22] | EvilGuru: | I went with AMD/ATI this time aroun |
[16:56:22] | buntumyth: | any RTFM hints even? (this is a hauppauge #44372 tuner and maestro 1 sound card(es1968)) |
[16:56:42] | EvilGuru: | Namely because the HD4850 is a better card than the 8800GTX (similar price over here) |
[16:57:04] | justinh: | does it even matter in linux? |
[16:57:10] | iamlindoro_: | buntumyth: No wiki article can tell you what the right mixer settings are for *your* setup... they vary from system to system |
[16:57:13] | Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo!n=Kimbo@host86-146-0-233.range86-146.btcentralplus.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:57:23] | EvilGuru: | justinh: Probably not as much as it does in Windows |
[16:57:26] | iamlindoro_: | and you probably ought to see help in #ubuntu-mythtv |
[16:57:29] | iamlindoro_: | er seek |
[16:57:30] | Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@conference/oscon/x-4269424d52e18d33) has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep") | |
[16:57:47] | justinh: | well, as interesting as all this is (and it ain't)... |
[16:57:49] | justinh (justinh!n=hickdead@spc1-salf4-0-0-cust304.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) has quit ("www.google.com - it's not as hard to use as it looks!") | |
[16:58:28] | asmussen: | I have both HD and non HD versions of some channels in my mythtv setup, and sometimes when there is no episode information for specific episodes, mythtv will record the episode on both versions of the channel. Did I miss something in configuring the channels so that mythtv understands that they are really the same channel and doesn't double record in those cases? |
[16:58:52] | buntumyth: | thanks iamlindoro I am looking there too, thought it wouldnt hurt to ask here though :D |
[16:59:09] | Ryushin (Ryushin!i=proxy@windwalker.openinnovations.com) has quit ("Client exiting") | |
[16:59:11] | iamlindoro_: | In that case, don't cross-post. |
[16:59:35] | Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@conference/oscon/x-31789670d0d7cfce) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[16:59:54] | iamlindoro_: | asmussen: You can probably avoid that by writing more specific rules, ie "record at any time on channel DSCHD" |
[17:00:59] | buntumyth: | sorry, there has been zero activity there , I figured no one there, was here. I dont like x-posting either. thanks again man |
[17:01:10] | asmussen: | Well, I suppose I can work around it, although I thought maybe I had something misconfigured that would prevent the problem in the first place. |
[17:01:55] | sohocoke_ (sohocoke_!n=sohocoke@93-97-216-147.zone5.bethere.co.uk) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[17:03:39] | asmussen: | Ah, I think I found the problem. The callsigns needs to be the same on both the SD and HD versions of the channel. I have it configured for KSAZ, and KSAZ HD, right now, to give 1 example. |
[17:04:58] | MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver!n=martincl@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:08:34] | asmussen: | Looks like the channel names can be different to differentiate the two, but the callsign is used by the scheduler to determine if the channels are identical, which is the part I wasn't understanding. |
[17:11:05] | _gunni_ (_gunni_!n=Gunni@xdsl-84-44-233-182.netcologne.de) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[17:11:18] | _gunni_ (_gunni_!n=Gunni@xdsl-213-196-230-79.netcologne.de) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:14:09] | Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@conference/oscon/x-31789670d0d7cfce) has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep") | |
[17:15:12] | wagnerrp: | iamnlindoro_: you would be proud of me, i got a user to quit with just one comment |
[17:15:35] | iamlindoro_: | \o/ |
[17:16:03] | iamlindoro_: | extra points if it was a short sentence |
[17:16:04] | PointyPumper (PointyPumper!n=pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:16:18] | wagnerrp: | 'spoon fed...' |
[17:18:27] | ** iamlindoro_ wonders how/when he took over the "mean guy" crown from justinh ** | |
[17:18:29] | joomla_user: | justdave: it must be you breath |
[17:18:46] | joomla_user: | autocomplete fails |
[17:18:52] | wagnerrp: | oh, justin was there at the time to join in... :) |
[17:19:06] | iamlindoro_: | autocomplete works... justinh just isn't in the channel ;) |
[17:19:10] | ** justdave breathes on joomla_user ** | |
[17:19:44] | MartinCleaver_ (MartinCleaver_!n=martincl@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:20:24] | ivor: | iamlindoro_: I don't think it's possible to get meaner than justinh tbh. |
[17:20:44] | iamlindoro_: | yay! |
[17:20:48] | iamlindoro_: | So there's still hope for me |
[17:21:14] | iamlindoro_: | these days it seems like it's all "iamlindoro's a jerk this," "iamlindoro ate my baby," etc. |
[17:21:19] | mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[17:21:25] | iamlindoro_: | In fairness, that baby was *delicious* |
[17:21:32] | ivor: | and you are a jerk.... |
[17:21:36] | ivor: | :) |
[17:21:41] | iamlindoro_: | lovely |
[17:22:19] | iamlindoro_: | Given the several-dozen-odd problems I solve every day in here, you'd think I'd get more credit. |
[17:23:02] | ivor: | and I'm wondering how many other users would be prepared to pay "5 times the money" for a graphics card..... hmmm. |
[17:23:22] | iamlindoro_: | There will always be people with more money than sense. |
[17:23:33] | ** ivor goes hunting for them. ** | |
[17:23:55] | wagnerrp: | 5x the money for what? |
[17:24:06] | Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@conference/oscon/x-942409ef416d50ba) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:24:07] | iamlindoro_: | For a "truly open GPU" |
[17:24:08] | ivor: | 17:45 #mythtv-users: < Ryushin> Look, I would pay 4–5 times the money for a truly open source graphics card |
[17:24:11] | ivor: | that did XvMC and such. |
[17:24:19] | wagnerrp: | ah |
[17:24:29] | buntumyth (buntumyth!n=kvirc@c-68-52-240-189.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has quit ("KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies http://www.kvirc.net/") | |
[17:27:10] | olejl (olejl!n=olejl@ has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[17:30:19] | stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
[17:31:23] | mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:31:52] | czth_ (czth_!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-86f229b54cfbae52) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:31:58] | sebrock: | I wonder why I have stuttering audio in EPG but fine on LiveTV... |
[17:32:29] | wagnerrp: | computer is not powerful enough to both scale the video and render the guide |
[17:32:48] | sebrock: | core2duo 2.2 ghz |
[17:32:59] | sebrock: | and it was working fine before... |
[17:33:03] | wagnerrp: | yeah, weak ass computer... :P |
[17:33:20] | wagnerrp: | no idea |
[17:33:25] | sebrock: | and also, where the video should be there is just a text saying "Not recording" |
[17:33:28] | joomla_user: | i have AMD core4 duo |
[17:33:43] | sebrock: | there is no video in EPG for some strange reason |
[17:34:49] | sohocoke (sohocoke!n=sohocoke@93-97-217-27.zone5.bethere.co.uk) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:35:18] | MartinCleaver (MartinCleaver!n=martincl@ has quit (No route to host) | |
[17:35:23] | joomla_user: | i read on slashdot that mythtv installs with adware . |
[17:35:44] | iamlindoro_: | joomla_user: Boss leave early again? |
[17:35:54] | wesw02 (wesw02!n=wes@ppp-69-223-54-169.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[17:36:19] | wagnerrp: | no adware, but i got this cool internet search toolbar for IE |
[17:36:34] | wesw02 (wesw02!n=wes@ppp-69-223-54-169.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:37:48] | joomla_user: | iamlindoro correct |
[17:37:55] | joomla_user: | sick or something |
[17:38:11] | iamlindoro_: | He's home railing his hot filthy Swedish wife |
[17:38:35] | joomla_user: | prolly |
[17:42:09] | iamlindoro_: | I gotta get me one of those |
[17:49:10] | czth (czth!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-ac3664d8bcb89b3e) has quit (Connection timed out) | |
[17:49:50] | Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999!n=jhmgbl@p4FC86541.dip.t-dialin.net) has quit ("Leaving.") | |
[17:52:14] | mkrufky: | iamlindoro_: i totally forgot to watch the neil patrick harris thing |
[17:52:54] | iamlindoro_: | mkrufky: Ah well... if you ever get *really* motivated it's always on iTunes |
[17:53:04] | mkrufky: | is it worth it? |
[17:53:09] | mkrufky: | ...comedy, right? |
[17:53:25] | iamlindoro_: | It was to me... yeah, comedy/comic book/musical |
[17:53:29] | mkrufky: | cool |
[17:53:41] | mkrufky: | btw, the HEROES webisodes are downloadable too |
[17:53:58] | mkrufky: | i think when they're all done i'll download them and watch it all at once, like a single episode |
[17:54:13] | mkrufky: | so far, they're not very exciting.... im just glad to have SOME heroes again |
[17:55:12] | mkrufky: | i think the HEROES writers are borring "magic talents" from Piers Anthony Xanth novels, now |
[17:55:18] | hatchmt (hatchmt!n=mhatch_@nat/novell/x-d0d9576fe155accc) has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[17:55:20] | mkrufky: | er, borrowing, i mean |
[17:55:27] | iamlindoro_: | heh |
[17:55:37] | sohocoke__ (sohocoke__!n=sohocoke@93-97-216-172.zone5.bethere.co.uk) has quit (Connection timed out) | |
[17:55:37] | iamlindoro_: | I am very very torn on whether I will give Heroes another chance |
[17:55:48] | mkrufky: | u know u will |
[17:55:54] | sohocoke_ (sohocoke_!n=sohocoke@93-97-217-27.zone5.bethere.co.uk) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:56:00] | iamlindoro_: | I want so much to like it, but the dialogue is often *so* terrible |
[17:56:22] | iamlindoro_: | and they skimp on fights in a major way-- they need to hire a Hong Kong action choreographer or something |
[17:56:23] | mkrufky: | actually, i think the show kinda sucks now.... but i still love it |
[17:56:47] | mkrufky: | oh, no! peter petrelli got a paper cut! |
[17:56:55] | mkrufky: | thats ok ... no blood... all healed |
[17:57:27] | iamlindoro_: | heh |
[17:57:47] | mkrufky: | and Ali Larter is back..... somehow |
[17:57:58] | iamlindoro_: | I hate that character |
[17:58:05] | ** mkrufky loves her ** | |
[17:58:11] | iamlindoro_: | *much* preferred the husband |
[17:58:20] | mkrufky: | he shouldnt have died |
[17:58:37] | hatchmt (hatchmt!n=mhatch_@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:58:39] | mkrufky: | when is the last time a bullet killed an intangible man? |
[17:58:54] | mkrufky: | you ever see Kitty Pride get killed by a bullet ??? no. |
[17:59:07] | iamlindoro_: | That's because Kitty Pryde rocks and Heroes is poop |
[17:59:17] | mkrufky: | :-D |
[17:59:24] | kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[17:59:25] | Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc | |
[17:59:32] | iamlindoro_: | Glad that Terminator TSCC is coming back though |
[17:59:34] | mkrufky: | i want peter to go evil and sylar to go good |
[17:59:41] | mkrufky: | that would make things interesting |
[17:59:41] | iamlindoro_: | That show is pretty darn good |
[17:59:47] | mkrufky: | tscc ? |
[17:59:52] | mkrufky: | oh, oops |
[17:59:53] | mkrufky: | got it |
[17:59:57] | iamlindoro_: | The Sarah Connor blah blah |
[18:00:08] | mkrufky: | yes, i enjoyed that, too |
[18:00:24] | iamlindoro_: | Yay River Tam |
[18:00:34] | mkrufky: | omg, and if prison break doesnt end THIS year, i wopnt know what to say |
[18:00:54] | iamlindoro_: | I stopped watching after season one |
[18:01:00] | iamlindoro_: | OH |
[18:01:05] | iamlindoro_: | but you know what you MUSt see if you haven't yet |
[18:01:09] | iamlindoro_: | Pushing Daisies |
[18:01:12] | iamlindoro_: | great freaking show |
[18:01:34] | mkrufky: | yea, i like that show |
[18:01:44] | mkrufky: | but its low on my priority list |
[18:01:56] | mkrufky: | ie: i dont mind being a month behind on that one — nobody talks about it in the office |
[18:01:59] | SHADOW__X (SHADOW__X!n=Ghost36@c-76-116-179-191.hsd1.nj.comcast.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:02:01] | iamlindoro_: | heh |
[18:02:10] | mkrufky: | brb |
[18:02:25] | iamlindoro_: | I am making do right now, but I am running out of things to try/catch up on during the off season |
[18:05:31] | opentrinity (opentrinity!n=opentrin@host219-15-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:06:30] | mkrufky: | back |
[18:06:35] | mkrufky: | and yeah, i hear ya iamlindoro_ |
[18:06:58] | mkrufky: | ... hey everybody look at Zan — she's having a photogasm. check it out — Zan, are you faking it? |
[18:07:03] | mkrufky: | (Zan) noooooooooooooo |
[18:07:13] | iamlindoro_: | hahaha |
[18:07:17] | iamlindoro_: | I lurrrrrve that show |
[18:07:31] | mkrufky: | thats my most quotable from season2, so far |
[18:07:49] | mkrufky: | i think im up to ep14 now.... s3 isnt downloaded yet :-/ |
[18:07:57] | mkrufky: | last night was "my three crightons" |
[18:08:03] | bluey- (bluey-!n=bluey@dslb-088-074-028-076.pools.arcor-ip.net) has quit ("Leaving") | |
[18:08:26] | mkrufky: | umm did i say downloaded? of course, i meant " didnt yet arrive in the mail " |
[18:08:58] | iamlindoro_: | yessssssss |
[18:09:05] | iamlindoro_: | It was shot on 35mm |
[18:09:12] | iamlindoro_: | can you say GET ME a FREAIN BLURAY? |
[18:09:17] | iamlindoro_: | er frellin' |
[18:11:26] | sohocoke (sohocoke!n=sohocoke@93-97-217-27.zone5.bethere.co.uk) has quit (Connection timed out) | |
[18:12:12] | mkrufky: | what was shot on 35mm ? |
[18:12:16] | mkrufky: | s3? |
[18:12:16] | iamlindoro_: | Farscape |
[18:12:21] | mkrufky: | really? i didnt know that |
[18:12:33] | mkrufky: | btw, frack has SOOO much more impact than frell |
[18:12:45] | iamlindoro_: | heh |
[18:12:55] | mkrufky: | i |
[18:13:11] | mkrufky: | i've been spreading BSG like an infection and people around me say frack now |
[18:13:32] | iamlindoro_: | Now we get to wait god-knows-how-long to see wtf is up |
[18:13:41] | iamlindoro_: | so you heard about the Farscape webisodes, right? |
[18:16:08] | mkrufky: | i have not! |
[18:16:28] | mkrufky: | the farscape webisodes — where do they fit chronologically? |
[18:16:29] | iamlindoro_: | 10 new Web farscape episodes taking place after the series, coming soon |
[18:16:35] | mkrufky: | awesome! |
[18:16:43] | mkrufky: | ...when do the peacekeeper wars take place? |
[18:16:50] | iamlindoro_: | after Season 4 |
[18:16:57] | mkrufky: | ah, ok then... thats easy |
[18:17:10] | iamlindoro_: | Season 4 -> PK Wars -> Webisodes |
[18:17:11] | iamlindoro_: | http://www.scifi.com/farscape/ |
[18:17:25] | iamlindoro_: | no news or info other than "they're coming." |
[18:17:55] | mkrufky: | cool... i had no idea there was still new material |
[18:17:59] | iamlindoro_: | But from what I've read, when asked if this could result in more TV episodes or at least a spinoff, they've kind of responded with a wink and a "anything can happen." |
[18:18:06] | mkrufky: | hmm, i guess that means they dont all get home... dont answer that |
[18:18:17] | iamlindoro_: | mkrufky: well, I think it's yet-to-be filmed or at least mid-filming right now |
[18:18:23] | mkrufky: | gotcha |
[18:18:34] | mkrufky: | does disney own it all now? |
[18:18:57] | iamlindoro_: | I thought it was Universal/Hallmark |
[18:18:59] | iamlindoro_: | so I think no |
[18:19:27] | mkrufky: | i know Jim Hensen was behind it all.... and Disney bought him... and he isnt really around anymore |
[18:19:32] | Johan (Johan!n=Johan@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:19:43] | Johan: | hello |
[18:19:44] | iamlindoro_: | I think it's primarily owned by Hallmark |
[18:19:48] | mkrufky: | ok |
[18:19:52] | mkrufky: | interesting... |
[18:19:54] | neddy (neddy!n=john@nat/sun/x-2d2ae138a8c6f802) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
[18:19:56] | iamlindoro_: | but SciFi is Universal, and they sem to be the ones footing the bill |
[18:20:01] | iamlindoro_: | er seem |
[18:20:11] | mkrufky: | aah, was the show on SciFi when it aired? |
[18:20:24] | iamlindoro_: | yeah |
[18:20:32] | mkrufky: | cool |
[18:20:39] | iamlindoro_: | Oh, you're on S3! |
[18:20:46] | iamlindoro_: | oh wait, S2 |
[18:20:49] | mkrufky: | no, im on s2 |
[18:20:49] | iamlindoro_: | I love S3 |
[18:20:52] | iamlindoro_: | my favorite by far |
[18:21:18] | AtOMiCNebula (AtOMiCNebula!i=Nebula@pierb521p12.engin.umich.edu) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:21:58] | Johan (Johan!n=Johan@ has quit (Client Quit) | |
[18:22:10] | sebrock: | is there a way to make channel numbers on remote work directly (ie when pressed) and preserving the browsing mode when Ch+ and Ch-? |
[18:22:21] | mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[18:22:47] | mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:23:04] | ** mkrufky hates it when that happens ** | |
[18:24:20] | sebrock (sebrock!n=sebrock@h-91-126-96-52.wholesale.rp80.se) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving") | |
[18:24:29] | sebrock (sebrock!n=sebrock@h-91-126-96-52.wholesale.rp80.se) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:24:40] | sebrock: | mkrufky, is that answer to me? |
[18:24:55] | iamlindoro_: | mkrufky: If you like BSG, wait'll you see S3... there are some definite "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" moments |
[18:25:10] | mkrufky: | nooooooooo! moments? |
[18:25:10] | iamlindoro_: | sebrock: no, he was referring to his internet connection |
[18:25:15] | mkrufky: | im missing something, i got disconnected |
[18:25:31] | ** mkrufky looking for the logbot ** | |
[18:25:35] | iamlindoro_: | mkrufky: Like, "Holy SHIT what just happened????" |
[18:25:41] | iamlindoro_: | no need for logs, I didn't say anything more |
[18:25:44] | mkrufky: | oh |
[18:26:00] | mkrufky: | hmm... |
[18:26:12] | mkrufky: | i dont getthe reference |
[18:26:24] | ** mkrufky feels dumb ** | |
[18:26:52] | iamlindoro_: | There's no referene |
[18:26:55] | iamlindoro_: | reference |
[18:27:20] | iamlindoro_: | just likening the dramatic twists and turns of BSG to the "holy crap" moments of Farscape S3 |
[18:27:31] | mkrufky: | ah, i gotcha now |
[18:28:13] | hatchmt (hatchmt!n=mhatch_@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[18:28:48] | J-e-f-f-A|work: | sebrock: Yes there is — in the setup there's an option for "channel up/down uses browse mode"... for live tv... [but J-e-f-f-A doesn't watch LIVETV anymore... ;-) ] |
[18:29:45] | J-e-f-f-A|work: | sebrock: (My wording isn't 100% correct (heck, it's probably only 50% correct!), but you should be able to find the option in the frontend setup) |
[18:30:23] | sohocoke_ (sohocoke_!n=sohocoke@93-97-217-27.zone5.bethere.co.uk) has quit () | |
[18:30:36] | hatchmt (hatchmt!n=mhatch_@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:31:56] | AtOMiCNebula: | I hope I'm not asking a stupid question, but I've been trying to find a good ATSC+analog PCI tuner lately, and I was just about to buy a pcHDTV-5500, but then found that recently produced cards have been having reception issues. Could someone help recommend a good ATSC+analog card? :) |
[18:32:44] | iamlindoro_: | That reception issue stuff is a red herring-- they have always worked (and still do work) fine. |
[18:32:46] | mkrufky: | AtOMiCNebula: HVR1600 — it lets you do analog and digital at the same time |
[18:33:01] | iamlindoro_: | But yes, safe yourself a few bucks and do as mkrufky suggests |
[18:33:04] | iamlindoro_: | er save |
[18:33:14] | mkrufky: | iamlindoro_: are you sure about that? some guy says that I broke it, and i cant even repro the problem |
[18:33:29] | mkrufky: | (broke it == LGH06xF on cx88) |
[18:33:31] | iamlindoro_: | mkrufky: I have installed one in the last month without issues |
[18:33:36] | mkrufky: | ok, good to know |
[18:33:52] | iamlindoro_: | at my folk's house-- was purchased at that time, so my assumption is that it's fine (AFAIK) |
[18:34:03] | AtOMiCNebula: | I've been looking at that Hauppage 1600 card as well :) |
[18:34:10] | mkrufky: | anyway, the HVR1600 is a superset of what you're asking for, AtOMiCNebula — it has analog and digital, you can do both at once, and the analog is a hardware mpeg encoder |
[18:34:11] | AtOMiCNebula: | so it'd be good as well? |
[18:34:18] | mkrufky: | also, the driver is merged and released with 2.6.26 |
[18:34:19] | AtOMiCNebula: | ah, excellent |
[18:34:33] | mkrufky: | its a relatively new driver |
[18:34:46] | AtOMiCNebula: | yeah, I know the 5500 doesn't have a mpeg2 encoder, but oh well |
[18:34:49] | JEDIDIAH_myth (JEDIDIAH_myth!n=jedi@cpe-76-184-218-57.tx.res.rr.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:35:27] | JEDIDIAH_myth (JEDIDIAH_myth!n=jedi@cpe-76-184-218-57.tx.res.rr.com) has left #mythtv-users () | |
[18:35:30] | neddy (neddy!n=john@nat/sun/x-4ad76c532338fb72) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:36:15] | mkrufky: | the HVR1600 is the only PCI card available that does ATSC *and* hardware mpeg2 encode |
[18:36:42] | mkrufky: | and it also supports QAM (model 74041) |
[18:37:18] | wagnerrp: | my AC seems to have crapped out about 26 hours ago |
[18:37:32] | mkrufky: | 26 hours and you didnt notice till now? |
[18:37:57] | mkrufky: | :-P |
[18:37:58] | SHADOW__X: | within 10 hours it feels like my computers are melting if no ac |
[18:38:12] | alexvd (alexvd!n=alexvd@pool-96-242-53-157.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:38:21] | wagnerrp: | well it has to rise a few degrees before it becomes noticable |
[18:38:23] | sid3windr: | yah, or, you just don't put any AC, like in Europe :P |
[18:38:31] | wagnerrp: | we noticed it was warm this morning |
[18:38:48] | wagnerrp: | the thermostat is about 6 degrees above normal |
[18:38:58] | wagnerrp: | my hard drives are currently running about 10 degrees above normal |
[18:40:06] | mkrufky: | if its an issue, then i recommend shutting down your server temporarily.... assuming that you have no recordings scheduled anytime soon |
[18:40:17] | andreax: | What you mean by AC ? |
[18:40:21] | ** mkrufky server is dead now due to heat ** | |
[18:40:21] | wagnerrp: | na, not a big problem |
[18:40:23] | jamesd (jamesd!n=jamesd@adsl-68-248-237-140.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
[18:40:24] | wagnerrp: | air conditioning |
[18:40:29] | andreax: | aaaah! :) |
[18:40:31] | andreax: | thanks |
[18:40:45] | wagnerrp: | although if it rises much more, im going to open the windows and turn on the exhaust fan |
[18:40:58] | andreax: | Right, I got none and im in europe... :) |
[18:41:42] | wagnerrp: | server CPU is still only 36C, so its not critical yet |
[18:44:31] | SHADOW__X: | mkrufky: hi i was wondering if i should be using the cx23885-merged instead of the normal one and sorry to keep bringing this up |
[18:44:37] | AtOMiCNebula: | mkrufky,iamlindoro_: well, thanks for the tuner suggestions :) |
[18:45:04] | jamesd (jamesd!n=jamesd@adsl-69-212-21-223.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:45:53] | SHADOW__X: | i am still having issues with analog on my hvr 1800 and most likely again it is something stupid |
[18:45:57] | mkrufky: | you're welcome, AtOMiCNebula |
[18:46:18] | mkrufky: | SHADOW__X: use whatever tree you want... only the master branch is supported |
[18:46:40] | mkrufky: | SHADOW__X: there is a bug in the cx23885 driver, and the fix is in stoth's cx23885-sram tree |
[18:47:07] | SHADOW__X: | right and didnt you merge that into your tree |
[18:47:12] | mkrufky: | SHADOW__X: that same fix is in my cx23885-merged tree, but the "-merged" tree really is only there for the sake of FusionHDTV7 Dual Express |
[18:47:21] | mkrufky: | so you gain nothing by using it |
[18:47:52] | mkrufky: | the only stuff you're missing is what's in stoth's tree |
[18:48:18] | SHADOW__X: | alright so the bug fix in that one is to use? |
[18:48:27] | SHADOW__X: | analog and digital at the same time |
[18:48:28] | SHADOW__X: | ? |
[18:48:31] | mkrufky: | sure |
[18:48:40] | mkrufky: | yes |
[18:48:49] | SHADOW__X: | sorry to keep bothtering you |
[18:49:26] | mkrufky: | i wish stoth was around so you can bother him, instead..... if enough people bother HIM, then maybe he'll merge the fix to master |
[18:49:38] | mkrufky: | he gets to cause bugs and i get to sweat for it |
[18:49:40] | mkrufky: | </rant> |
[18:49:42] | iamlindoro_: | stoth is too smart to come online ;) |
[18:49:54] | mkrufky: | anyway, he fixes the bugs too |
[18:50:01] | SHADOW__X: | hmm rant away i understand |
[18:50:27] | mkrufky: | :-) |
[18:50:41] | Fcher (Fcher!n=flexy@82-128-206-63-Korvensuora-TR1.suomi.net) has quit ("leaving") | |
[18:51:55] | Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@conference/oscon/x-942409ef416d50ba) has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep") | |
[18:52:52] | iamlindoro_: | I hear that stoth won't ever give you up, won't ever let you down |
[18:54:51] | dagar (dagar!n=dagar@206-248-137-66.dsl.teksavvy.com) has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[18:56:09] | mkrufky: | thats from a song... |
[18:56:17] | SHADOW__X: | :) |
[18:56:30] | iamlindoro_: | He's never gonna run around and desert you. |
[18:56:32] | dagar (dagar!n=dagar@206-248-137-66.dsl.teksavvy.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[18:56:50] | mkrufky: | now i even hear it |
[18:57:02] | mkrufky: | chorus will come around, eventually |
[18:57:04] | iamlindoro_: | I just textually rickrolled mkrufky |
[18:57:42] | SHADOW__X: | uhoh there is even another way to do it |
[18:57:53] | SHADOW__X: | iamlindoro_ you may start a trend |
[18:58:00] | iamlindoro_: | haha |
[18:58:21] | Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999!n=jhmgbl@p4FC86541.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #MythTV-users | |
[18:58:46] | mkrufky: | depeche mode? |
[18:58:48] | mkrufky: | yeah |
[18:58:53] | mkrufky: | rickrolled ?!? |
[18:58:56] | mkrufky: | never heard of it |
[18:58:58] | iamlindoro_: | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 |
[18:59:11] | iamlindoro_: | Rick Astley |
[18:59:18] | iamlindoro_: | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rickroll |
[18:59:39] | SHADOW__X: | i just have one question for rick |
[18:59:43] | SHADOW__X: | how |
[18:59:46] | SHADOW__X: | how is that your voice |
[18:59:46] | mkrufky: | oof |
[18:59:59] | mkrufky: | simple .... pretend to swallow your tounge |
[19:00:19] | mkrufky: | but dont try too hard, else you'll end up like hannibal the cannibal's friend across the hall |
[19:00:33] | SHADOW__X: | ah so thats how\ |
[19:00:41] | SHADOW__X: | hmm i guess i should of just mkrufky the whole time |
[19:01:12] | mkrufky: | nah... never just mkrufky |
[19:01:24] | SHADOW__X: | ah iamlindoro as well? |
[19:01:45] | mkrufky: | i prefer to speak when im NOT spoken to |
[19:01:58] | iamlindoro_: | Oooh mee too |
[19:02:00] | iamlindoro_: | mee |
[19:02:01] | iamlindoro_: | mee |
[19:02:02] | mkrufky: | :-P |
[19:02:03] | iamlindoro_: | me |
[19:02:08] | iamlindoro_: | god effing damn my fingers |
[19:02:26] | iamlindoro_: | And conversely, I often prefer not to speak when spoken to |
[19:02:48] | iamlindoro_: | especially if I sense the next line will be a question about something |
[19:02:58] | SHADOW__X: | lol |
[19:03:16] | SHADOW__X: | hmm |
[19:03:19] | SHADOW__X: | quite interesting |
[19:03:35] | iamlindoro_: | And you'll never knowwwwwww ;) |
[19:03:48] | SHADOW__X: | of course |
[19:04:44] | Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has quit ("Leaving") | |
[19:04:48] | iamlindoro_: | Interesting to see that the new version of the cable card spec allows for DRM on the recordings to be selective |
[19:05:08] | iamlindoro_: | too bad the headend still decides what gets DRM'ed :) |
[19:08:08] | oobe (oobe!n=oobe@60-242-201-27.static.tpgi.com.au) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:09:19] | oobe: | if i wanted to record the same show each weekday but make it so the recording expire after 3 days so i only have 3 eps at the most on mythbackend is that possible |
[19:09:28] | iamlindoro_: | yes |
[19:09:56] | oobe: | iamlindoro_, thanks can you point me in the right direction |
[19:09:56] | kormoc: | yes, but setting max recordings to keep as 3 and to delete old and record new |
[19:10:00] | mkrufky: | so yeah, totally not depeche mode... .but just imagine that guy singing, "your own.... personal ... jesus" ... it sounds like they both swallowed the same frog |
[19:10:02] | iamlindoro_: | just set up a rule to record it and set "Number of recordings to keep" at 3. |
[19:10:23] | mkrufky: | you have to ALSO check expire old |
[19:10:35] | mkrufky: | otherwise it will stop recording new eps at 3 |
[19:10:42] | oobe: | ok thanks i looked for that must of missed it |
[19:10:46] | iamlindoro_: | Although auto-expire is on by default |
[19:11:06] | mkrufky: | thats what i did with American Idol — i absoluetly NEVER watch that show, but i like to have it recorded in case the girls come over and wanna see it |
[19:11:18] | iamlindoro_: | Don't lie |
[19:11:19] | mkrufky: | and auto-expire is off by default on MY machine |
[19:11:32] | mkrufky: | not lying... im not down, iamlindoro_ |
[19:11:35] | CRXLPY (CRXLPY!n=al_h@c-68-52-240-189.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:11:41] | mkrufky: | i *do* watch So You Think You Can Dance |
[19:11:44] | CRXLPY: | is there a normalizer for mythtv? when I have recording programed for different channels innevitably one of the recordings is hevily over modulated because of different channel volumes |
[19:11:46] | mkrufky: | (i wont deny it) |
[19:11:55] | oobe: | hey found it thanks |
[19:11:57] | ** iamlindoro_ remembers the brief period where mkrufky's nick was <3Sanjaya<3 ** | |
[19:11:57] | mkrufky: | althought it did all start because of those girlks — they got me hooked |
[19:12:02] | mkrufky: | lol! |
[19:12:24] | mkrufky: | ok, so ive seen enought to know who that is |
[19:12:33] | iamlindoro_: | CRXLNAWAY: no, no normalization currently |
[19:12:38] | mkrufky: | but .. .well, Howard Stern forces us all to know |
[19:12:44] | CRXLPY: | ok thank you |
[19:13:07] | CRXLPY (CRXLPY!n=al_h@c-68-52-240-189.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has left #mythtv-users () | |
[19:13:09] | armbar (armbar!n=chatzill@adsl-76-205-200-143.dsl.rcsntx.sbcglobal.net) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
[19:13:31] | clever: | my frontend has 'crashed' again |
[19:13:34] | clever: | its ignoring all input |
[19:13:43] | clever: | keyboard and telnet control |
[19:13:45] | mkrufky: | even the reset button? |
[19:13:52] | iamlindoro_: | I like the quotes. |
[19:13:56] | clever: | the playback is still playing just fine |
[19:13:58] | iamlindoro_: | like that time when you "went outside" |
[19:14:05] | iamlindoro_: | or "spoke to a girl" |
[19:14:09] | mkrufky: | oh, that happens to me when i run mythfrontend on fedora |
[19:14:12] | clever: | mkrufky: and the irc client im using to talk to you is on the same box:P |
[19:14:14] | mkrufky: | but not under ubuntu |
[19:14:23] | XLV (XLV!n=XLV@unaffiliated/xlv) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:14:34] | clever: | a kill -9 will get it back |
[19:14:45] | clever: | or wait an hour for playback to end |
[19:14:46] | wagnerrp: | not always |
[19:14:48] | iamlindoro_: | Wonder whatever happened to that guy building his own satellite farm/headend |
[19:15:02] | iamlindoro_: | All that equipment must have caved in and crushed him |
[19:15:08] | mkrufky: | ha! |
[19:15:31] | clever: | kill -9 worked instantly |
[19:16:55] | SHADOW__X: | i think updating the tree to -sram killed my other tuner |
[19:16:56] | SHADOW__X: | :( |
[19:17:17] | nmiller (nmiller!n=nmiller@nobleco.us) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:17:41] | SHADOW__X: | and i think my vid card in this computer might be dying |
[19:17:55] | iamlindoro_: | You know what that means.... new myth boxes for everyone! |
[19:17:57] | clever: | my crt on the desk was going out last week |
[19:18:12] | SHADOW__X: | iamlindoro_ who is funding this |
[19:18:14] | SHADOW__X: | :) |
[19:18:19] | iamlindoro_: | You are, silly |
[19:18:31] | clever: | c2d cpu's for all! |
[19:18:46] | SHADOW__X: | ah ok well last time i checked i can barely afford to get a new video card none the less a new mythbox for everyone |
[19:18:57] | iamlindoro_: | clever gets a 486DX-4 100 |
[19:19:02] | iamlindoro_: | since it's still an upgrade |
[19:19:06] | clever: | lol |
[19:19:16] | SHADOW__X: | wait wait doesnt the postal service give boxes a way for free |
[19:19:18] | SHADOW__X: | :D |
[19:19:18] | clever: | the socket on my 486sx isnt a zif one |
[19:19:28] | clever: | so i cant replace the cpu without alot of force and bent pins |
[19:19:29] | mkrufky: | save the nice machines for iamlindoro and I, since we enjoy abusing you so much |
[19:19:38] | iamlindoro_: | Hey now |
[19:19:41] | clintar (clintar!n=clintar@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[19:19:42] | mkrufky: | :-D |
[19:19:43] | iamlindoro_: | I abuse *everyone* |
[19:19:48] | SHADOW__X: | of course |
[19:20:00] | iamlindoro_: | It's up to the individual to know that I play with them because I like them, not vice versa |
[19:20:06] | mkrufky: | and what is your "other" tuner? |
[19:20:11] | iamlindoro_: | the people I don't like get ignored |
[19:20:15] | SHADOW__X: | iamlindoro_ i do think you are alittle partial to abusing me although i kinda feel like with me not being igorant you might be warming up |
[19:20:33] | iamlindoro_: | You don't get it any more than anyone else ;) |
[19:20:52] | clever: | now where is my ram sticks.... 4mb ram isnt enough |
[19:21:28] | SHADOW__X: | eh its alright something like this has already happened to me before a pinnacle pctv 800 i which fortunate for me ntsc works on it but since alsa wasnt compiled in 8.04 in the kernel i lose audio going of the description in the myth wiki |
[19:21:38] | sebrock: | J-e-f-f-A yes I know about this option, however doesnt this change it globally? |
[19:21:47] | SHADOW__X: | and its ok iamlindoro_ atleast eventually you help me thanks for that |
[19:22:11] | SHADOW__X: | so clever what os is on that |
[19:22:18] | clintar (clintar!n=clintar@mail.inwesttitle.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:22:30] | slim_: | hello all, i just installed mythtv , i can't setup weather, rss feed ..etc , is there scripts i have to install for this ? |
[19:22:31] | clever: | SHADOW__X: dos and win 3.11 atm |
[19:22:40] | clever: | SHADOW__X: but duke nukem complains about a lack of ram |
[19:22:46] | SHADOW__X: | awesome i have a pentium overdrive if you want that |
[19:22:49] | SHADOW__X: | :D |
[19:22:50] | clever: | SHADOW__X: and linux complains of a lack of math emulation |
[19:22:55] | SHADOW__X: | that would be an upgrade |
[19:23:09] | clever: | i have much better stuff:P |
[19:23:15] | iamlindoro_: | slim_: No scripts, weather, mythnews, etc. are part of MythPlugins (which is part of mythtv) |
[19:23:16] | AtOMiCNebula (AtOMiCNebula!i=Nebula@pierb521p12.engin.umich.edu) has quit () | |
[19:23:17] | SHADOW__X: | i would hopeso |
[19:23:17] | clever: | im just trying to do what i can with the old stuff |
[19:23:29] | iamlindoro_: | slim_: but your distro may have it as a seperate package (and, in fact, they should) |
[19:23:52] | SHADOW__X: | ah ok yeah i know that feeling i am somewhat in the middle of maing a cluster on older stuff |
[19:24:27] | slim_: | iamlindoro_, i'm using archlinux is already separate package and installed but when i try to setup e.g weather i got page without any setting i can put in |
[19:24:50] | SHADOW__X: | ya know i have learned something from reading what people say on here |
[19:24:55] | dserban (dserban!n=dserban@S010600195b2f0f96.ok.shawcable.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:24:56] | SHADOW__X: | and its archlinux is horrible |
[19:24:56] | iamlindoro_: | slim_: How are you trying to set it up? Which menu are you going to? |
[19:24:58] | SHADOW__X: | :) |
[19:25:09] | SHADOW__X: | so many issues |
[19:25:09] | iamlindoro_: | slim_: anyway, sounds like you are having "haven't read the manual" problems |
[19:25:13] | clever: | SHADOW__X: right now im just trying to get a game going |
[19:25:13] | clever: | dont realy have a large number of old systems |
[19:25:23] | clever: | wouldnt realy be balanced with the cpu speeds the way they are |
[19:25:38] | SHADOW__X: | ah well i meant like p3's not older |
[19:25:49] | slim_: | iamlindoro_, i will look again at manual to see if something missing |
[19:25:55] | clever: | i have a few things that are before pci:P |
[19:25:59] | iamlindoro_: | clever: judicious usage of lh and devicehigh |
[19:26:17] | SHADOW__X: | yeah i know clever i just want to get the understanding of how clusters work and maybe create a better one |
[19:26:17] | clever: | iamlindoro_: ? |
[19:26:22] | iamlindoro_: | If you want a real old school memory challenge, try to get Ultima 7 running |
[19:26:29] | clever: | lol |
[19:26:48] | iamlindoro_: | clever: lh and devicehigh-- this is how you will get device drivers and other memory resident stuff loaded into high memory instead of base memory |
[19:26:49] | AndyCap: | syndicate multiplayer |
[19:26:56] | clever: | ahh yeah |
[19:27:13] | clever: | i think memory addresses are 6 hex digits if i remember right |
[19:27:13] | clintar_ (clintar_!n=clintar@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:27:13] | iamlindoro_: | in autoexec.bat, lh $nameoftsr.com |
[19:27:19] | dserban (dserban!n=dserban@S010600195b2f0f96.ok.shawcable.net) has quit (Client Quit) | |
[19:27:22] | iamlindoro_: | in config.sys, devicehigh= instead of device= |
[19:27:44] | iamlindoro_: | emm386.exe /noems 4096 |
[19:27:47] | iamlindoro_: | (IIRC) |
[19:27:52] | clever: | 0xffffff==16mb |
[19:28:01] | clever: | i dont think i need high memory yet:P |
[19:28:09] | iamlindoro_: | you do |
[19:28:17] | iamlindoro_: | you need to clear all your shit out of the first 640k |
[19:28:18] | clever: | i only have 4mb |
[19:28:22] | clever: | ahh yeah |
[19:28:22] | iamlindoro_: | so? |
[19:28:24] | AndyCap: | only? |
[19:28:27] | iamlindoro_: | that's > 640l |
[19:28:29] | iamlindoro_: | er 640k |
[19:28:31] | clever: | forgot about how the 640k needs to be free |
[19:28:43] | clever: | i think thats all been setup allready |
[19:28:43] | justinh (justinh!n=hickdead@spc1-salf4-0-0-cust304.bagu.broadband.ntl.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:28:50] | clever: | its got ethernet drivers loading on boot:P |
[19:29:25] | iamlindoro_: | if *you* haven't personally set it up, it hasn't been set up |
[19:29:33] | clever: | yeah |
[19:29:39] | clever: | i havent made much changes to the config |
[19:29:39] | iamlindoro_: | DOS memory management was *hard* |
[19:29:48] | clever: | i just picked it up from the end of a driveway garbage pile |
[19:29:51] | sid3windr: | get dos 6 and run memmaker |
[19:29:53] | iamlindoro_: | himem.sys, emm386, etc. |
[19:29:53] | clever: | carried it home |
[19:29:54] | sid3windr: | a few times ;) |
[19:30:10] | clever: | sid3windr: yeah i remember running a program to autoconfig it andn rebooting alot |
[19:30:24] | nmiller: | alright, I have a question I'm sure you get all the time. I need help figuring out hardware for a 2.4zgh p4. I want to do HD and I've been looking all over for hardware options. Could someone provide suggestions? I'm finding a lot of info, but most is pretty old. Thanks! |
[19:30:48] | iamlindoro_: | You'll have to be a lot more spcific about what "HD" you mean |
[19:30:52] | iamlindoro_: | er specific |
[19:31:36] | nmiller: | well, I don't even have a TV that will support HD yet, but I figure I could build for the future. I suppose 1080i would be fine.. I guess. :) What do you think?:) |
[19:31:40] | iamlindoro_: | A very *very* quick rule of thumb is that you can handle most broadcast HD anywhere in the world with a 1.8 Ghz Core 2 Duo processor or higher... for actual high-bitrate or complex encoded h.264 material, you may need quite a bit more |
[19:31:59] | nmiller: | oh and the HD would be over the air broadcast HD. |
[19:32:01] | iamlindoro_: | 1080i is just a resolution... we need codecs, geographical region, broadcast versus some other source, etc. |
[19:32:10] | PatrickDK: | heh, screw it, get a quad core 3.0ghz :) |
[19:32:18] | clever: | lol |
[19:32:22] | nmiller: | lol :) |
[19:32:32] | SHADOW__X: | yup |
[19:32:32] | PatrickDK: | I would say 3.6ghz, but they don't make quad cores that fast |
[19:32:46] | SHADOW__X: | OC it with watercooling |
[19:32:55] | PatrickDK: | shadow, hehe mine is :) |
[19:33:00] | SHADOW__X: | so is mine |
[19:33:01] | SHADOW__X: | :D |
[19:33:02] | PatrickDK: | it never goes over 32c |
[19:33:07] | nmiller: | really all I want to do is grab the content off "over the air" HD in rural Indiana and display it nicely on a "HD" tv. |
[19:33:19] | iamlindoro_: | nmiller: OK, so in your case, assuming you live in... the USA? That'll be MPEG-2 up to 19 Megabit... so any Core 2 Duo processor would be more than enough for that, probably best to go mid range to have some room to use higher bitrate and more complex codecs in the future |
[19:33:20] | clever: | PatrickDK: i idle arround 60c alot |
[19:33:32] | PatrickDK: | 32c is under high stress :) |
[19:33:40] | clever: | PatrickDK: ive been at 90c once |
[19:33:44] | clever: | without 'problems' |
[19:33:53] | PatrickDK: | hmm, what cpu? |
[19:34:00] | PatrickDK: | intel shut down at around 75–80c |
[19:34:01] | SHADOW__X: | PatrickDK: i would have to say though i have a e6600 first revision and am disappointed with the oc i easily pushed a 6750 to 3.85 mine will do 3.6 with high vcore |
[19:34:04] | nmiller: | could I do anything with this old 2.4ghz P4? |
[19:34:24] | clever: | PatrickDK: model name : Pentium III (Coppermine) |
[19:34:34] | iamlindoro_: | nmiller: It could possibly-probably be made to work most of the time... but I doubt you'd want to do all the tweaking and deal with all the headaches |
[19:34:35] | SHADOW__X: | p3's are crazy with that |
[19:34:35] | PatrickDK: | oh heh, p3's |
[19:34:37] | clever: | PatrickDK: though i have had that shut itself off once |
[19:34:41] | wagnerrp: | what the hell did you do to get a P3 to run that hot? |
[19:34:41] | clever: | the cpu fan got stuck |
[19:34:44] | wagnerrp: | take the heatsink off? |
[19:34:52] | clever: | wagnerrp: i covered the fan ports:P |
[19:34:54] | SHADOW__X: | i have a p3 laptop that likes to let it hit like 75 c which is bad for your lap |
[19:35:00] | clever: | and put it at full speed 100% load |
[19:35:03] | PatrickDK: | who needs heatsinks? they weigh too much |
[19:35:03] | iamlindoro_: | but good for birth control |
[19:35:05] | nmiller: | and I'm sorry for being so dumb with all of this.. I've looked at MythTV for a couple years and just couldn't get a handle on it. I'm not a computer geek.. I just dream of bing one. :) |
[19:35:21] | iamlindoro_: | nmiller: Then I strongly strongly recommend mythbuntu as your distro of choice |
[19:35:39] | justinh: | I strongly recommend a lot of reading |
[19:35:44] | nmiller: | yeah, I've played with MytheBuntu.. it's not bad. :) |
[19:35:48] | wagnerrp: | dream of being a geek.... lofty goals there. :P |
[19:35:49] | justinh: | or just give up now |
[19:35:57] | iamlindoro_: | also the reading part |
[19:35:59] | justinh: | I dream of not being a geek :P |
[19:36:29] | nmiller: | maybe I haven't found the right place but it seems the documentation is rather fragmented or out dated. Any suggestions on where to go to learn? |
[19:36:39] | iamlindoro_: | Here's hoping the next version of Mythbuntu isn't "Monochromatic Myrtle" |
[19:36:41] | wagnerrp: | i went to college for rocket science, i have no illusion of ever not being a geek |
[19:36:52] | iamlindoro_: | nmiller: The manul on mythtv.org is perectly up to date |
[19:37:16] | SHADOW__X: | :) |
[19:37:19] | nmiller: | really? oops. :) I guess I should go back there and read. :) |
[19:37:23] | iamlindoro_: | It just may seem confusing to you because it covers every step as though you were doing it manually, without distro hand holding |
[19:37:28] | joomla_user (joomla_user!i=c2ed8e06@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-ec3a77dfb83ee1fd) has quit ("http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client") | |
[19:37:30] | iamlindoro_: | ie DB config, etc. |
[19:37:43] | iamlindoro_: | whereas many distros handle a lot of the steps in the manual for you |
[19:37:47] | SHADOW__X: | hey with my experience the biggest issue with geeks is finding a woman that can handle the geekiness so just find that |
[19:37:49] | SHADOW__X: | :) |
[19:37:49] | AndyCap: | wagnerrp: so, is it safe to say this isn't rocket science? |
[19:37:56] | nmiller: | yeah, MythBuntu was pretty easy. |
[19:38:02] | justinh: | for mythbuntu I'd strongly recommend reading mythbuntu's own docs |
[19:38:07] | PatrickDK: | I thought mythtv was pretty damned simple to setup |
[19:38:10] | nmiller: | I just haven't figured out the hardware stuff. |
[19:38:22] | PatrickDK: | expecually if you take into account how much stuff it interfaces with and uses |
[19:38:46] | wagnerrp: | i dont know, id rather deal with turbopumps and combustion chambers than finicky sql servers any day |
[19:38:50] | PatrickDK: | it's the other stuff that can be a pain sometimes, like ivtv, ....... |
[19:38:56] | justinh: | finicky? |
[19:39:30] | wagnerrp: | yeah, my server doesnt like wild cards in IP permissions |
[19:39:31] | clever: | 2008-07–22 16:39:22.138 PlaybackBox::play(): Error, myth:// file not found |
[19:39:32] | justinh: | mythtv is a breeze. high on the PITA list are as follows: 1. LIRC 2. xmltv 3. capture card drivers |
[19:39:32] | Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@conference/oscon/x-4186aa628f4fd4e0) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:40:08] | clever: | and yes the file is where it belongs on the .61 system |
[19:40:11] | justinh: | clever: run this: locate 1051_20080505012800.nuv |
[19:40:18] | SHADOW__X: | great i hear static and part of the channel |
[19:40:22] | SHADOW__X: | and a balck screen |
[19:40:24] | clever: | justinh: /media/c600myth/1051_20080505012800.nuv |
[19:40:25] | SHADOW__X: | woohoo |
[19:40:32] | nmiller: | I hate to ask this because I feel like I'm cheating, but is there a pre-build machine you could recommend? (I feel dirty) |
[19:40:38] | clever: | (when ran at the .1.61 slave backend) |
[19:40:53] | SHADOW__X: | yeah there are afew prebuilt ones but they a rent cheap |
[19:40:54] | justinh: | there are no prebuilt frontends I'd recommend |
[19:41:09] | wagnerrp: | does pluto still exist? |
[19:41:29] | iamlindoro_: | It humped Kubuntu and pooped out LinuxMCE :) |
[19:41:37] | clever: | lol |
[19:41:38] | SHADOW__X: | heh |
[19:41:53] | justinh: | it had diahriah |
[19:42:59] | clintar (clintar!n=clintar@mail.inwesttitle.com) has quit (Success) | |
[19:43:03] | AndyCap: | hm, fiire has new hardware for the linuxmce boxes they push |
[19:43:56] | riddlebox (riddlebox!n=james@75-132-225-75.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:43:58] | iamlindoro_: | AndyCap: I must admit, if money were no object, their little frontends are very sexy |
[19:44:19] | AndyCap: | anyone recognize the OEM? http://www.fiire.com/images/fiire_invisible_big.jpg |
[19:46:03] | nmiller: | Fireengine with a freakin 12tb of storage?! wow |
[19:46:39] | iamlindoro_: | nmiller: Just keep in mind that stuff is *obscenely* marked up, so don't fall into the trap |
[19:47:00] | iamlindoro_: | not that people shouldn't be able/allowed to make money selling myth systems. Just needs to not be too ridiculous |
[19:47:05] | nmiller: | yeah, I don't think I have 2k to drop on my tv system. :) |
[19:47:06] | wagnerrp: | i was going to say it looks like the 'Helio' logo, but it really doesnt |
[19:47:19] | nmiller: | really nice looking though. |
[19:47:28] | iamlindoro_: | nmiller: and that's to *start*, try actually configuring it with that size storage |
[19:47:43] | SHADOW__X: | so uh by how much they mark up those systems does mythtv get any donations or a precentage? |
[19:47:54] | iamlindoro_: | nothing goes to myth AFAIK |
[19:48:01] | SHADOW__X: | of course |
[19:48:10] | wagnerrp: | i dont know if i would trust 13 drives to only RAID5 |
[19:48:26] | Easy_Rider9999 (Easy_Rider9999!n=jhmgbl@p4FC86541.dip.t-dialin.net) has quit ("Leaving.") | |
[19:48:28] | iamlindoro_: | Also note they will only sell you/config it with PVR-150s... so it may look pretty, but is more or less useless |
[19:49:01] | AndyCap: | they even have gotten in on the extended warranty racket |
[19:49:14] | nmiller: | anyone here have this system? if not I will be taking donations. That's right, I humbly volunteer to buy test and report on it.. assuming I get 2k in donations. :D |
[19:49:37] | wagnerrp: | is that a rebuilt P182? |
[19:49:45] | iamlindoro_: | nmiller: For that 2k you could put together a system that is actually useful (ie digital tuners, more powerful CPU, HD-PVRs, etc) |
[19:50:03] | nmiller: | oh but it's so pretty.. :) |
[19:50:39] | iamlindoro_: | Not visible is pretty. http://robertmcnamara.smugmug.com/gallery/406 . . . 048393_4sjM9 |
[19:51:13] | AndyCap: | Haha, 6x1TB disk, no capture, + the gyration remote with their custom firmware = 5148$ |
[19:51:17] | AndyCap: | I don't think so |
[19:51:32] | Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@conference/oscon/x-4186aa628f4fd4e0) has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep") | |
[19:51:42] | clever: | iamlindoro_: those look like my external usb enclosure |
[19:51:52] | clever: | 4 of them stacked beside a wii |
[19:52:05] | iamlindoro_: | clever: probably, they're HDDs |
[19:52:14] | clever: | yeah duh:P |
[19:52:15] | iamlindoro_: | so they very well may be the same :) |
[19:52:19] | nmiller: | ok, lets say I buy a core2 duo.. what would you recommend for capture, and video card? |
[19:52:29] | iamlindoro_: | nmiller: You said over the air? |
[19:52:38] | iamlindoro_: | (ie Antenna) |
[19:52:41] | nmiller: | yep, over the air HD (USA) |
[19:52:46] | iamlindoro_: | You have lots and lots of options |
[19:53:03] | AndyCap: | iamlindoro_: thanks, now I regret not buying a projector. |
[19:53:05] | iamlindoro_: | Kworld 110 or 115, Hauppauge HVR-1600, HDHomeRun, etc. |
[19:53:17] | iamlindoro_: | AndyCap: I loves my precioussss :) |
[19:53:29] | nmiller: | yeah, I saw the HD homeRun I thought it looked interesting. |
[19:53:55] | AndyCap: | well, It's not too late. |
[19:54:04] | iamlindoro_: | nmiller: Any of those and a number of others work very very well, and as digital tuning is a unaltered stream, as long as you have okay signal they will all be more or less the same |
[19:54:59] | iamlindoro_: | AndyCap: The only real consideration was in making it possible to darken the room enough... took a bit of work, but after that... well, it's fun. :) |
[19:55:41] | iamlindoro_: | My upstairs stuff is in a closet, but I am thinking I will rerun the stuff in the walls to the downstairs entry closet and switch to an RF remote to make the whole downstairs setup entirely invisible |
[19:55:49] | nmiller: | ok, so I buy a Core2Duo, a HDHomerun and then what? What will you recommend for the video card? I'm really sorry I'm so dumb about all this. |
[19:56:17] | clever: | iamlindoro_: ive done the same to my frontend before |
[19:56:18] | iamlindoro_: | nmiller: Either onboard Intel, or any recent nVidia will work great... ATI can be made to work these days but takes slightly more tech savvy and work |
[19:56:23] | wagnerrp: | anything nvidia is a good buy at the moment |
[19:56:24] | oobe: | does anyone know off hand where i change the default skip time from 10 mins |
[19:56:30] | clever: | i droped a video&audio&usb line from my master to my bedroom |
[19:56:31] | AndyCap: | nmiller: what are you going to display it on |
[19:56:35] | clever: | then just shoved in a usb keyboard |
[19:56:43] | clever: | now i got a totaly silent frontend |
[19:57:03] | Newsome (Newsome!n=sorenson@adsl-68-22-220-206.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net) has quit ("Linux: Now with employee pricing!") | |
[19:57:07] | wagnerrp: | clever: i wouldnt consider that a total silent frontend |
[19:57:12] | wagnerrp: | wherever it is, it still makes noise |
[19:57:14] | sebrock: | Anyone knows why my EPG says "Not recording" where the video should be? |
[19:57:16] | clever: | yeah the keyboard isnt silent |
[19:57:18] | clever: | and the tv itself |
[19:57:29] | clever: | but its still alot more silent then the whole P4 case |
[19:57:34] | clever: | which is like a jet engine |
[19:57:40] | nmiller: | AndyCap: over air content, USA |
[19:57:46] | wagnerrp: | the tv is a tube? or rear projection? |
[19:57:54] | clever: | crt in my room |
[19:57:54] | iamlindoro_: | nmiller: I think he meant your display device |
[19:57:56] | AndyCap: | nmiller: uh, no the other end. |
[19:58:12] | nmiller: | oh, I'm sorry. :) |
[19:58:23] | wagnerrp: | ah, yeah, ever since getting an LCD TV, the whine of CRTs bothers me |
[19:58:47] | Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@conference/oscon/x-6bfacaada26060d8) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[19:58:47] | wagnerrp: | oddly, no one else in my family can hear it |
[19:58:52] | AndyCap: | wagnerrp: you prefer the crackling of LCD TV's instead? :) |
[19:59:17] | clever: | wagnerrp: yeah i can often hear the high freq of my crt |
[19:59:20] | nmiller: | really I don't have anything but an old tube Tv, but I'll be upgrading to something HD soon.. don't know what yet.. I just want to be ready (I don't want to rebuild my Myth box when I upgrade the TV). It'll just be 40in. or small HD (probably 1080i) but I don't know. |
[19:59:20] | wagnerrp: | ive never heard the 'crackling' |
[19:59:24] | clever: | but the cooling fans tend to drown it out |
[19:59:32] | wagnerrp: | although my LCD has relatively crappy speakers |
[19:59:41] | wagnerrp: | so ive heard them clip on more than one occasion |
[20:00:39] | wagnerrp: | my palm lets out a whine for unknown reasons, and my old monitor has a fan, but other than that, ive never heard LCDs make noise |
[20:01:00] | dmz (dmz!n=dmz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[20:01:15] | AndyCap: | wagnerrp: a number of them have poor powersupplies that make noise. probably cheaper models. |
[20:02:04] | nmiller: | so if I add a HDhomeRun to this system I'll be all set and never have to worry about anything ever again (grin): http://cgi.ebay.com/BLOWOUT-INTEL-CORE2DUO-E2 . . . 86.m14.l1308 |
[20:02:17] | nmiller: | (except HD space etc.) |
[20:02:36] | iamlindoro_: | That would be an acceptable Myth box, yeah |
[20:03:08] | iamlindoro_: | If you plan to serve a lot of frontends, you might want to consider a $10 Gig ethernet cad, but otherwise looks more or less ok |
[20:03:14] | AndyCap: | nmiller: you risk that it sounds like a aircraft on takeoff though. |
[20:03:39] | iamlindoro_: | I like the part where they say it this C2D E2180 features "Quad Core" |
[20:03:44] | iamlindoro_: | uhhh... not unless there's two of 'em |
[20:04:12] | AndyCap: | solid capacitor for VRM makes the top of the feature list?!? |
[20:04:16] | nmiller: | AndyCap: I'm building a cabinet with good vent. to put this box into. I'm not too worried about sound. |
[20:04:23] | wagnerrp: | it just says the board supports quad cores |
[20:04:31] | iamlindoro_: | yeah, I know. |
[20:04:48] | iamlindoro_: | In the text... but the icon makes it look like they claim it *is* quad core |
[20:05:03] | nmiller: | imlindoro_: yeah I didn't get how they called it "quad core"?!?! They made it sound like quadcore. :) |
[20:05:12] | nmiller: | I love fine print. :) |
[20:05:18] | slim_ (slim_!n=slim1@ has left #mythtv-users ("Ex-Chat") | |
[20:05:18] | wagnerrp: | well thats just ripped straight from the mobo manufacturer |
[20:05:54] | AndyCap: | so he's either lazy or incompetent. :P |
[20:06:19] | SHADOW__X: | how about both |
[20:06:20] | wagnerrp: | id like to know what the 'fast ddr2' is |
[20:06:29] | justinh: | if you can hear CRT or any other kind of TV, you've not lived enough |
[20:06:34] | SHADOW__X: | ddr 2 667 |
[20:06:38] | SHADOW__X: | thats the fast one duh |
[20:06:55] | wagnerrp: | or how much memory the video card actually has |
[20:07:02] | AndyCap: | geforce 7050? didn't think they went that low |
[20:07:14] | wagnerrp: | 128MB? 64? |
[20:07:40] | SHADOW__X: | hmm |
[20:07:42] | SHADOW__X: | burt |
[20:07:44] | SHADOW__X: | no |
[20:07:49] | AndyCap: | I guess the bottleneck was too fast |
[20:08:02] | SHADOW__X: | aparently no one reads toms hardware |
[20:08:05] | SHADOW__X: | :( |
[20:08:11] | wagnerrp: | well it depends, it allows processed data to come back to the processor |
[20:08:16] | justinh: | s/brakes/breaks |
[20:08:24] | wagnerrp: | AGP had painfully little upstream bandwidth |
[20:09:06] | riddlebox: | has anyone else had an issue where mytharchive doesnt show up on ubuntu 7.10 anymore? I have it installed but its not in the menus |
[20:09:07] | SHADOW__X: | yeah but toms hardware did a test and compared |
[20:09:13] | AndyCap: | nmiller: well, at least it's cheap. |
[20:09:48] | nmiller: | AndyCap: :) |
[20:10:11] | nmiller: | I'll use this auction as a "basic guid". :) |
[20:10:24] | wagnerrp: | SHADOW__X: and the result? |
[20:10:52] | nmiller: | I have to go home (yes, this is on company time.. just don't tell them). Thanks all for the help! I'm sure you'll be hearing from me and my stupid questions again. :) |
[20:11:54] | SHADOW__X: | wagnerrp: agp wasnt THAT far behind you could tell that it wasnt as fast as pci express but it wasnt that bad |
[20:13:43] | Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@conference/oscon/x-6bfacaada26060d8) has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep") | |
[20:13:48] | SHADOW__X: | http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/ati-agp-3850-agp,1939-4.html |
[20:13:57] | SHADOW__X: | thats using a ati 385 agp |
[20:14:02] | SHADOW__X: | 3850* |
[20:14:06] | AndyCap: | agp has been around for a couple of years now as well |
[20:14:15] | kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit () | |
[20:14:47] | SHADOW__X: | there was another bench as well i will try and find it |
[20:15:12] | nmiller (nmiller!n=nmiller@nobleco.us) has quit ("Leaving") | |
[20:15:36] | SHADOW__X: | http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/pci-express-2-0,1915-9.html |
[20:15:37] | wagnerrp: | SHADOW__X: well like i said, it has no upstream bandwidth, which is really only used for GPGPU processing |
[20:15:43] | wagnerrp: | rather than graphics |
[20:15:57] | SHADOW__X: | different speeds |
[20:16:17] | SHADOW__X: | wagnerrp: i was just talking about game performance |
[20:16:19] | wagnerrp: | the only other advantage is that it allows multiple slots |
[20:16:25] | SHADOW__X: | right |
[20:16:30] | wagnerrp: | for large quantities of monitors |
[20:16:39] | wagnerrp: | the hell with SLI/Crossfire |
[20:17:21] | wagnerrp: | i have seen the channel comparison before |
[20:17:32] | SHADOW__X: | oh ok |
[20:18:00] | wagnerrp: | i remember when the first SLI boards came out, DFI released a board that allowed SLI operation on the cheaper Ultra chipset |
[20:18:06] | Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@conference/oscon/x-071fa96fb1e0dbf2) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:18:18] | wagnerrp: | rather than both cards in x8, one was in x16 while the other was only x1 |
[20:18:28] | wagnerrp: | for around 90% the performance of SLI |
[20:19:08] | SHADOW__X: | hmm nice |
[20:19:26] | SHADOW__X: | well crossfire was making both cards at x8 for awhile wasnt it |
[20:19:28] | wagnerrp: | of course nVidia couldnt have that, so they disabled it in future drivers |
[20:20:04] | SHADOW__X: | i like instel chipsets over nvidia |
[20:20:42] | justinh: | bah but intel are part of the axis of EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL! |
[20:20:45] | wagnerrp: | intel chipsets cannot run SLI... the whole driver thing |
[20:20:58] | justinh: | they murder kittens & everyfink |
[20:21:00] | wagnerrp: | nvidia requires nvidia silicon for the drivers to function |
[20:21:08] | SHADOW__X: | yeah but i like the chipset better than nvidias although no sli |
[20:21:25] | justinh: | but they murder kittens! |
[20:21:29] | SHADOW__X: | hmm |
[20:21:38] | SHADOW__X: | does nvidia murder kittens |
[20:21:48] | justinh: | probably |
[20:21:51] | AndyCap: | which leads to perversions like nvidia chips on intel's skulltrail |
[20:21:55] | SHADOW__X: | and how many kittens to cpu ratio are we talking about |
[20:22:18] | SHADOW__X: | hmm' |
[20:22:40] | justinh: | but seriously is sli worth paying for? I mean considering this is a channel related to linux stuff (vaguely)... |
[20:22:56] | SHADOW__X: | eh i dont think so unless you are a gaming nut |
[20:23:00] | AndyCap: | justinh: what would you use it for? |
[20:23:12] | AndyCap: | SHADOW__X: with emphasis on the nut part |
[20:23:13] | SHADOW__X: | anyone wanna help me get analog working on either of my tuners :D thats linux related |
[20:23:41] | justinh: | AndyCap: windows gaming, if I was so inclined |
[20:24:26] | SHADOW__X: | unless you want to destroy your machine with vista and or crysis you dont really NEED sli |
[20:24:29] | AndyCap: | justinh: from what I've seen it doesn't seem to be worth the money. but if you're made of them sure |
[20:24:30] | justinh: | certainly not linux gaming. I can't imagine the linux implementation of sli is reliable enough not to be utterly frustrating |
[20:24:32] | SHADOW__X: | one good video card should be enough |
[20:26:23] | SHADOW__X: | so as a guideline i installed the cx23885-sram tree i installed the firmware |
[20:26:24] | justinh: | not like tuner cards then! ;-) |
[20:27:05] | SHADOW__X: | my pinnacle pctv 800i tunjes analog but no audio and my hauppauge hvr 1800 doesnt want to tune analog |
[20:27:51] | xris (xris!n=xris@ has quit () | |
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[20:28:06] | Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris | |
[20:28:08] | justinh: | no longer paying any attention to analogue developments, mpeg encoded or not |
[20:28:14] | iamlindoro_ (iamlindoro_!n=iamlindo@ has quit () | |
[20:28:29] | SHADOW__X: | well i just wish i knew what the hell i am doing wrong |
[20:28:39] | SHADOW__X: | because obvioiusly i am doing something wrong |
[20:28:40] | SHADOW__X: | but what |
[20:28:43] | SHADOW__X: | i no no |
[20:29:47] | justinh: | hmmm |
[20:30:03] | justinh: | are there any decent howtos yet? |
[20:30:26] | SHADOW__X: | not that i have found mkrufky was telling me what to do and it was working but it stoped |
[20:30:49] | mkrufky: | so go back and read the channel logs |
[20:30:50] | SHADOW__X: | he has been my guide but the things i used to beable to get the picture back doesnt work anymore |
[20:30:54] | mkrufky: | do whatever i said to do |
[20:31:01] | SHADOW__X: | yeah i remember what you said to do |
[20:31:02] | mkrufky: | but save me the time of saying it again |
[20:31:10] | ** mkrufky ignores people that repeat the same questions ** | |
[20:31:20] | mkrufky: | ;-) |
[20:31:46] | SHADOW__X: | mkrufky: that wasnt towards you |
[20:31:52] | mkrufky: | i know |
[20:32:01] | mkrufky: | but i told you i will chime in when im not spoken to |
[20:32:22] | SHADOW__X: | i am trying to figure out what the hell i am doing wrong i have done what i have done before in the front end mpeg encoder is doing 48khz |
[20:32:27] | SHADOW__X: | eh ill figure it out |
[20:32:31] | SHADOW__X: | something stupid prob |
[20:32:45] | mkrufky: | thats a bug in mythtv |
[20:32:51] | mkrufky: | its in the backend |
[20:33:09] | mkrufky: | mythtv should not arbitrarily change encoder bitrates |
[20:33:15] | SHADOW__X: | but i changed it in the front end and it was working but i couldnt change the channel |
[20:33:21] | mkrufky: | but i cant really point a finger, because i didnt look into it in detail |
[20:33:35] | mkrufky: | and its ALSO a bug in the kernel driver — it should not allow you to set controls that wont work |
[20:34:09] | SHADOW__X: | yay for multple bugs |
[20:35:07] | mkrufky: | the moment you give up, somebody will fix it |
[20:35:15] | mkrufky: | if i were you, id watch digital tv — its better |
[20:35:49] | Niklas_E (Niklas_E!n=kvirc@c213-100-245-178.swipnet.se) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:35:52] | mkrufky: | ^^ dont take me too seriously — im being satirical |
[20:35:53] | Niklas_E: | is there any problems to use both the analog and digital tuner on a pinnacle 300i tv card? |
[20:35:53] | SHADOW__X: | yeah but i cant get all the c hannels i nned |
[20:36:10] | mkrufky: | *need* |
[20:36:20] | SHADOW__X: | yeah |
[20:36:32] | SHADOW__X: | there are some channels that arent digital yet |
[20:37:11] | SHADOW__X: | sweet now when i cat the screen is white |
[20:37:13] | SHADOW__X: | :) |
[20:37:16] | SHADOW__X: | i am going places |
[20:39:20] | SHADOW__X: | what other program can be used to watch tv using the mpeg encoder |
[20:40:30] | Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:40:31] | opentrinity (opentrinity!n=opentrin@host219-15-dynamic.2-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it) has quit ("***debian rules!!***") | |
[20:41:28] | mkrufky: | mplayer! |
[20:42:15] | SHADOW__X: | mplayer device=/dev/video2 ? |
[20:45:29] | terr1 (terr1!n=terr1@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:45:35] | andreax (andreax!n=Andreax@p57B95696.dip.t-dialin.net) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[20:46:15] | mkrufky: | mplayer /dev/video2 |
[20:46:15] | revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@pool-103-67-198-89.dbd-ipconnect.net) has quit ("leaving") | |
[20:46:21] | andreax (andreax!n=Andreax@p57B95696.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:46:41] | czth__ (czth__!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-48c035ad597fbd34) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:47:56] | SHADOW__X: | only a white screen |
[20:48:23] | neztiti (neztiti!n=neztiti@a80-65.adsl.paltel.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:49:01] | SHADOW__X: | i am going to go back to your tree i feel like it worked better and i was able to either get it to work with that one or the main tree |
[20:49:20] | SHADOW__X: | can you keep installing new trees or do you uninstal |
[20:51:32] | Led_Hed (Led_Hed!n=LedHed@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[20:51:36] | czth_ (czth_!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-86f229b54cfbae52) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) | |
[20:52:19] | Led_Hed: | think an AMD 64 LE (2.2GHz) could handle HDTV recording & playback? |
[20:52:55] | wagnerrp: | my AMD XP 19.3GHz does |
[20:52:58] | sebrock: | anyone having trouble with internal player segfaulting when trying to watch an ISO/IMG_? |
[20:53:00] | wagnerrp: | 1.93 |
[20:53:08] | Niklas_E (Niklas_E!n=kvirc@c213-100-245-178.swipnet.se) has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[20:53:29] | Led_Hed: | wagnerrp, 1.93 Single Core? |
[20:54:03] | wagnerrp: | the XPs were all single core |
[20:54:04] | SHADOW__X: | i have a amd le 2300 |
[20:54:22] | SHADOW__X: | and it works |
[20:54:30] | Led_Hed: | cool. |
[20:54:48] | Led_Hed: | Trying to build a low budget HD DVR for a friend |
[20:55:19] | terr1: | Hey, I'm trying to get find_meta.py to find metadata for my movies.. however I get the following output: > /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/find_meta.py(541)find_metadata_for_video_pat h(), -> print "Got multiple candidates for title search '%s'. " % title, (Pdb) <-- waiting for user input ? |
[20:57:32] | SHADOW__X: | actually i have a be 2400 |
[20:57:35] | SHADOW__X: | 45 watt |
[20:57:38] | SHADOW__X: | dual core |
[20:58:39] | Led_Hed: | ahh. The CPU I'm looking at: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103199 |
[20:59:44] | Led_Hed: | will Dual Core make a difference on HD Playback? |
[21:00:05] | wagnerrp: | with mpeg2, no |
[21:00:10] | wagnerrp: | with mpeg4 AVC, yes |
[21:00:23] | Led_Hed: | Over the Air HD is mpeg2 right |
[21:00:41] | wagnerrp: | ATSC is mpeg2, yes |
[21:02:55] | Ben43 (Ben43!n=ben@i-195-137-17-204.freedom2surf.net) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) | |
[21:03:06] | Ben43 (Ben43!n=ben@i-195-137-17-204.freedom2surf.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[21:04:11] | wagnerrp: | although in the near future, ffmpeg is supposed to be up updated with multithreaded decoding for everything it supports |
[21:04:20] | wagnerrp: | part of a GSoC project |
[21:04:51] | Led_Hed: | I'm trying to build a system for less than a New HD Tivo. Not going to be easy |
[21:04:59] | SHADOW__X: | yeah you can |
[21:05:03] | SHADOW__X: | some tivos are 50 |
[21:05:06] | SHADOW__X: | 500* |
[21:05:14] | Led_Hed: | $299 |
[21:05:17] | mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[21:05:27] | wagnerrp: | ah HD Tivo is only $300? |
[21:05:31] | wagnerrp: | *an |
[21:05:39] | andreax1 (andreax1!n=Andreax@p57B96593.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[21:06:00] | mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[21:06:16] | SHADOW__X: | 600 |
[21:06:17] | SHADOW__X: | https://www3.tivo.com/store/boxdetails.do?box . . . u=R64825#top |
[21:06:35] | Led_Hed: | http://www.circuitcity.com/ssm/TiVo-HD-DVR-TC . . . uctDetail.do |
[21:06:38] | wagnerrp: | you also have to figure into account subscription fees |
[21:06:39] | Led_Hed: | $299 |
[21:06:53] | wagnerrp: | tivo is $130/yr |
[21:06:55] | Led_Hed: | wagnerrp, Myth has subscription fees also |
[21:06:56] | SHADOW__X: | screw tivo |
[21:07:01] | Led_Hed: | though very low |
[21:07:05] | AndyCap: | 220 for the 20/180 hour it seems. |
[21:07:06] | wagnerrp: | mythtv is $20/yr for schedules direct |
[21:07:12] | Led_Hed: | ya |
[21:07:16] | SHADOW__X: | mythtv doesnt have fees |
[21:07:21] | SHADOW__X: | schdule info has fees |
[21:07:23] | SHADOW__X: | :D |
[21:07:30] | Led_Hed: | not the software, no. but the Guide data does |
[21:07:35] | SHADOW__X: | yup |
[21:07:36] | SHADOW__X: | i know |
[21:08:27] | Led_Hed: | SHADOW__X, so the BE-2300 does ok with HD |
[21:08:35] | SHADOW__X: | i have the 2400 |
[21:08:43] | SHADOW__X: | i watch hd its fine |
[21:08:54] | SHADOW__X: | sometimes when i have the menu open |
[21:08:58] | SHADOW__X: | and playing a hd video |
[21:09:12] | SHADOW__X: | it stutters while going through the menu |
[21:09:15] | SHADOW__X: | other than that its fine |
[21:09:23] | SHADOW__X: | i also have an integrated video card |
[21:09:40] | gbee (gbee!n=stuartm@cpc3-derb9-0-0-cust581.leic.cable.ntl.com) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[21:09:52] | Led_Hed: | well, the LE-1600 (2.2 single Core) is $35, the BE-2300 (1.9 Dual Core) is $60 |
[21:10:03] | SHADOW__X: | i have the 2400 |
[21:10:07] | SHADOW__X: | 2.3ghz |
[21:10:09] | SHADOW__X: | dual core |
[21:10:15] | wagnerrp: | i think youre looking at this wrong though, mythtv cannot compete with a prebuilt system on cost |
[21:10:17] | sebrock: | why is my epg saying Not Recording? and not showing any scaled video.... |
[21:10:23] | Led_Hed: | SHADOW__X, got it. |
[21:10:26] | wagnerrp: | mythtv should be considered a hobby |
[21:10:32] | SHADOW__X: | mhm |
[21:10:39] | wagnerrp: | and as such, you should expect increasing amounts of time and money spent on expanding it |
[21:10:45] | Led_Hed: | its not for me anymore, its a necessaty |
[21:10:55] | SHADOW__X: | if you are going to an easier system i would say something else |
[21:11:03] | SHADOW__X: | this can be complex |
[21:11:19] | SHADOW__X: | and requires user end setup |
[21:11:23] | gbee: | don't normally watch CSI, but I was bored and there was nothing I wanted to watch in my recordings so I watched it live – at the end they had a phone-in competition "Did character Z hide a) Under the stairs, b) Under the bed, c) Under the sink?" |
[21:11:33] | Winkie (Winkie!n=urmom@ur.fa.gs) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[21:11:49] | Led_Hed: | sebrock, because the EPG is cranky |
[21:12:05] | gbee: | answer would be "d) None of the above" – they clearly weren't paying much attention to the episode when coming up with the question |
[21:13:02] | sebrock: | Led_Hed, what do you mean by that_? |
[21:13:22] | ** gbee wants a special prize for noticing that Channel Five employ a bunch of idiots :p ** | |
[21:13:24] | AndyCap: | gbee: and how much did they make per sucker phoning in? |
[21:13:29] | Led_Hed: | sebrock, I was joking, your question is so unspecific that I gave you an equally usless answer |
[21:13:45] | sebrock: | I remember having video in the upper right corner of the EPG... no says Not Recording and the audio starts to stutter... |
[21:14:13] | AndyCap: | gbee: though not having any correct is an interesting boost to the bottom line I haven't seen before. |
[21:14:22] | sebrock: | Led_Hed, better? |
[21:14:44] | gbee: | feck, a £1 per call – more if from a mobile |
[21:14:45] | Led_Hed: | not really |
[21:15:01] | riddlebox: | has anyone else had an issue where mytharchive doesnt show up on ubuntu 7.10 anymore? I have it installed but its not in the menus |
[21:15:19] | AndyCap: | gbee: win! |
[21:15:53] | gbee: | AndyCap: it's semantic really, the answer I think they wanted was "c) Under the kitchen sink" but anyone actually watching would realise that although it was in the kitchen, it was nowhere near the sink :) |
[21:16:07] | sebrock: | ok, EPG. Usually there is a scaled version of the channel you are watching right now... I dont get that. It says Not Recording instead |
[21:16:13] | sebrock: | I wonder why... |
[21:16:15] | Dagmar: | You act like they've not gotten in trouble before over running rigged/shifty contests |
[21:16:38] | AndyCap: | gbee: still. 500 quid in prizes, 10000 suckers. priifit! |
[21:16:44] | dustybin: | iamlindoro: im thinking about buying a small 19" rack what is only about 10U high |
[21:16:47] | dustybin: | do they exist? |
[21:16:53] | Dagmar: | It was just last year they got into a crapload of trouble for deciding the winner of call-in contests MANY HOURS before the call-in times were over with |
[21:17:06] | Dagmar: | dutybin: Half-racks, yeah. |
[21:17:17] | dustybin: | aye excellent |
[21:17:19] | gbee: | AndyCap: yep, it's a joke |
[21:17:19] | AndyCap: | half-racks are 22 U |
[21:17:24] | dustybin: | ok |
[21:17:30] | sebrock: | can anyone help me_? |
[21:17:33] | dustybin: | AndyCap: how about quarter racks? |
[21:17:35] | AndyCap: | dustybin: but sure, you can find shorter |
[21:17:52] | AndyCap: | dustybin: rittal.de for instance. or people supplying studio gear. |
[21:18:04] | dustybin: | excellent |
[21:18:11] | AndyCap: | dustybin: how deep do you want it... |
[21:18:14] | AndyCap: | :P |
[21:18:14] | gbee: | channel five seems to run them on most prime time programming, so just imagine how much it's costing people with no self control (or brains) |
[21:18:34] | dustybin: | im seriously thinking about racking everything, including a 1U firewall, 1U switch, 1U UPS, 2U server etc |
[21:18:54] | AndyCap: | so at least 80cm, perhaps 1 meter? |
[21:18:57] | andreax1: | Both my pcs are inside a (I think) 12 HE Rack.... |
[21:19:00] | Winkie (Winkie!n=urmom@ur.fa.gs) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[21:19:13] | wagnerrp: | racking everything is going to be the first major improvement i do when i graduate and enter the real world |
[21:19:18] | andreax1: | Nice to roll under the desk... |
[21:19:22] | AndyCap: | andreax1: HE? you must be german. :) |
[21:19:23] | wagnerrp: | not everything, but all server related stuff |
[21:19:45] | andreax1: | hehe I am, I thought HE is an industrial standard... narf.. .:) |
[21:20:16] | AndyCap: | andreax1: the size is. :) name of the unit varies. |
[21:20:17] | andreax1: | I got a switch and 2 normal 4HE ATX Cases in it... Still some place for router and usb hubs and such... |
[21:21:01] | wagnerrp: | at the moment, i just have all the stuff zip-tied to the bottom of an AC duct |
[21:21:10] | andreax1: | AndyCap: I think its around 60cm tall |
[21:21:17] | wagnerrp: | with the heavier hardware on a metal wire-frame shelf next to it |
[21:21:25] | andreax (andreax!n=Andreax@p57B95696.dip.t-dialin.net) has quit (Connection timed out) | |
[21:22:16] | AndyCap: | dustybin: a sample http://www.superwarehouse.com/IBM_11U_Standar . . . 110/p/143340 |
[21:22:22] | wagnerrp: | it works, but its a bitch to get behind it and make changes |
[21:22:41] | dustybin: | AndyCap: nice |
[21:22:57] | AndyCap: | no express or implied endorsement of superwarehouse. |
[21:23:26] | wagnerrp: | the problem is the absurd price of racks |
[21:23:30] | andreax1: | I just pull the beast a little and can access all the connections at the back nicely... But if I want to do something in the bottom case.... hell... |
[21:23:36] | andreax1: | And all 19" stuff! :) |
[21:24:01] | AndyCap: | craigslist? |
[21:24:31] | Dagmar: | Yer best bet is probably to hunt through pawn shops that would be taking in equipment from musicians and small music studios |
[21:24:40] | Dagmar: | Datacenters don't have a whole lot of use for half-racks, but 19" half-racks that are enclosed (and made of black ABS plastic no less) are common as dirt in the music industry |
[21:24:43] | Dibblah (Dibblah!n=Dibblah@80-192-14-169.cable.ubr02.dund.blueyonder.co.uk) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) | |
[21:24:59] | AndyCap: | most musicracks I've seen are fairly shallow though |
[21:25:08] | AndyCap: | not room for a normal 1U servercase |
[21:25:32] | andreax1: | I only know the music "racks" as kindof frames... |
[21:25:37] | AndyCap: | dustybin: of course, you're not in Ohio are you? http://cgi.ebay.com/IBM-11U-19-Rack-Mount-Ser . . . cmdZViewItem |
[21:26:04] | dustybin: | im in UK |
[21:26:28] | anykey_: | Is the coreAVC decoder for h264 much faster when decoding progressive HD? |
[21:26:28] | dustybin: | what about something basic like this |
[21:26:30] | dustybin: | http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/19-12U-STANDARD-RACK-CA . . . 86.m14.l1318 |
[21:26:40] | AndyCap: | whoohoo, S/390 for only 25.000, does it run MythTv? |
[21:27:15] | dustybin: | a rack like this would be nice |
[21:27:17] | dustybin: | http://berzerkula.no-ip.org/Rack%20Project/Pages/63.html |
[21:27:23] | justinh: | pfft |
[21:27:28] | ** sid3windr has a 14U HP rack ** | |
[21:27:31] | sid3windr: | cost 200 EUR |
[21:27:32] | tara0101 (tara0101!n=vdayal@71-32-163-154.desm.qwest.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[21:27:34] | andreax1: | This is like mine except mine's grey with a glassdoor |
[21:27:54] | andreax1: | And I got it for free... hehe.. |
[21:27:57] | sebrock: | gaaah, the buffer seems to be reduced when enabling EPG |
[21:27:59] | sid3windr: | I would.... avoid 1U though. |
[21:28:00] | Dagmar: | God |
[21:28:03] | justinh: | http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&q . . . N&tab=wi |
[21:28:05] | tara0101: | hi, i got a new lcd TV and I want to hook up my htpc with the VGA cable, but in nvidia-settings it doesn't show up! |
[21:28:05] | wagnerrp: | the problem is that 11U is about the size of my current server case |
[21:28:06] | AndyCap: | dustybin: you'd need servers that support mid-mounting. (telco style iirc) if you only have 2 posts. |
[21:28:07] | Dagmar: | Throw those StorEDGE boxes out |
[21:28:10] | sebrock: | and thus audio stutter... |
[21:28:19] | sid3windr: | justinh: :D |
[21:28:36] | dustybin: | AndyCap: aye ok |
[21:29:28] | tara0101: | is there a way I can force it to detect the vga output? |
[21:29:47] | AndyCap: | tara0101: read the nvidia readme? |
[21:29:59] | sid3windr: | reboot? |
[21:30:02] | AndyCap: | tara0101: Option Connected"something" "CRT" |
[21:30:22] | Dagmar: | tara0101: Set the TV to listen to the VGA output. Connect the TV and computer. Turn on the computer. |
[21:30:30] | Dagmar: | It should be completely automatic. |
[21:30:34] | sid3windr: | yup |
[21:30:35] | sid3windr: | :) |
[21:30:36] | AndyCap: | tara0101: and did you try Detect Displays in nvidia-settings? |
[21:30:56] | tara0101: | AndyCap, yes I tried "Detect displays", the s-video connection is still there but the VGA isn't |
[21:30:56] | dustybin: | imagine a little screen ontop of your server rack like this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/IBM-15-Screen-on-rackmo . . . 86.m20.l1116 |
[21:31:01] | tara0101: | ok, i'll try rebooting the pc |
[21:31:01] | dustybin: | now that is cool |
[21:31:53] | andreax1: | "MythTV has was set to sleep for 30 minutes and will exit in xx seconds...." Is that a true sentence ? Sounds crazy... |
[21:32:00] | AndyCap: | dustybin: you need to watch more datacenter-porn. |
[21:32:23] | dustybin: | ok |
[21:32:43] | wagnerrp: | dustybin: ive got a CRT and KVM switch sitting next to my server shelf in the basement |
[21:32:51] | dustybin: | very nice |
[21:33:00] | justinh: | http://tinyurl.com/6n6jtn – now THAT is cool |
[21:33:03] | dustybin: | wish i had a basement |
[21:33:05] | iamlindoro_ (iamlindoro_!n=iamlindo@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[21:33:09] | sebrock: | uh which playback profile is best used with PVR+500? |
[21:33:18] | justinh: | to hide the bodies of smart-arses? |
[21:33:19] | dustybin: | justinh: LOL |
[21:33:22] | wagnerrp: | i even cannibalized an old keyboard tray, drilled the rails directly into a keyboard, and mounted it under the monitor |
[21:33:43] | dustybin: | excellent |
[21:33:55] | justinh: | sebrock: whichever you find looks best :) |
[21:34:03] | buntumyth (buntumyth!n=kvirc@c-68-52-240-189.hsd1.tn.comcast.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[21:34:07] | terr1: | Hey, I'm trying to get find_meta.py to find metadata for my movies.. however I get the following output: > /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/find_meta.py(541)find_metadata_for_video_pat h(), -> print "Got multiple candidates for title search '%s'. " % title, (Pdb) <-- waiting for user input ? |
[21:34:19] | wagnerrp: | justinh: suggesting retrofitting a refrigerator into a server rack? |
[21:34:31] | justinh: | wagnerrp: but of course |
[21:34:52] | tara0101: | AndyCap: When I rebooted, I saw the boot stuff on the TV from the VGA input, but as soon as xfce started i couldn't see anything |
[21:34:55] | justinh: | weld a few telco racks together, cut the mid section out.. result! |
[21:34:58] | wagnerrp: | somehow i dont think it would actually have the cooling capacity for more than one or two machines |
[21:35:00] | tara0101: | detect displays gets nothing stil |
[21:35:08] | Dagmar: | wagnerrp: It does |
[21:35:36] | sebrock: | justinh, well CPU++ looks best, but I get no pip and no video in EPG |
[21:35:49] | AndyCap: | tara0101: well, pastebin your xorg.conf |
[21:35:51] | Dagmar: | The problem is that you'd have to add significant levels of extra equipment in |
[21:36:36] | Dagmar: | Those little freezer bins in the corner of them will require serious amounts of fins and fan work, or you wind up with a small rack which is too cold and produces _liquid water_ |
[21:36:52] | AndyCap: | well, a pc shouldn't take long to kill your refigerator |
[21:37:12] | Dagmar: | Think of it like trying to drive a turbo-charged Mustang 5.0 at 5 mph, to within .5 mph |
[21:37:13] | AndyCap: | seeing as food doesn't generte heat |
[21:37:18] | sebrock: | why do some profiles give EPG video and some not? |
[21:37:39] | AndyCap: | ok, my typing skills are dying, time to call it a night I guess. |
[21:39:07] | mzb_d800: | fryfrog: awake? |
[21:39:18] | ** mzb_d800 yawns ** | |
[21:40:33] | tara0101: | http://pastebin.com/m28af4672 |
[21:40:37] | tara0101: | AndyCap |
[21:41:26] | AndyCap: | tara0101: so, what exactly did you think line 44 did? |
[21:41:44] | AndyCap: | tara0101: now, go read the nvidia README, and fix your xorg.conf. |
[21:42:09] | tara0101: | AndyCap: I have no idea what I'm doing, my brother made me this PC and I'm just trying to get this damn LCD tv to work |
[21:42:36] | SHADOW__X: | get him to do it? |
[21:43:14] | tara0101: | he doesn't live close by |
[21:43:25] | wagnerrp: | enable ssh? |
[21:43:39] | AndyCap: | tara0101: the Readme is fairly good actually, http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x . . . E/index.html |
[21:43:42] | justinh: | well, that's the wireless router order cancelled. doesn't have a wan port, nor can it operate as an access point. d'oh. oh well, off to pc world I go to get one for 25 quids |
[21:43:58] | AndyCap: | tara0101: in particular http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x . . . endix-b.html |
[21:44:10] | wagnerrp: | justinh: what router? |
[21:44:17] | Led_Hed: | any recomendations on HD capture cards? |
[21:44:37] | AndyCap: | oh, speaking of datacenters. Would you buy hosting from this man? http://img391.imageshack.us/my.php?image=2driftsentera1gf1.jpg |
[21:44:53] | justinh: | 2wire – turns out it's an adsl modem router. oops |
[21:44:57] | gbee: | Led_Hed: HDPVR is the only one? |
[21:45:15] | gbee: | supported in linux at least as far as I'm aware |
[21:45:35] | gbee: | 'cept it's not a card, it's a USB connected external box |
[21:45:35] | Led_Hed: | gbee, who makes it? |
[21:45:38] | gbee: | Hauppauge |
[21:45:43] | Led_Hed: | K, thx |
[21:45:54] | justinh: | depends if by 'capture' you mean CAPTURE or not |
[21:46:03] | wagnerrp: | justinh: ok, because most of the DD-WRT capable routers can be made into an access point |
[21:46:16] | wagnerrp: | AndyCap: sadly, that reminds me of our cluster at work |
[21:46:24] | justinh: | try getting a wrt capable router these days damnit |
[21:46:26] | AndyCap: | wagnerrp: including roadkill? |
[21:46:34] | Led_Hed: | justinh, what do you mean? |
[21:46:42] | justinh: | no linksys models, no netgear ones... |
[21:46:46] | gbee: | Led_Hed: as justinh asked, do you mean capture i.e. from a STB or do you just mean record DVB-T/S/C or ATSC streams direct? |
[21:46:53] | sebrock: | anyone know why OpenGL wont show the scaled video in EPG????? |
[21:46:54] | wagnerrp: | the roadkill is at the other end of the complex |
[21:47:12] | wagnerrp: | someone in the conbustion lab has a dog |
[21:47:33] | SHADOW__X: | hmm alright using cat i get perfect audio but no video |
[21:47:51] | Led_Hed: | I need a card that will grab ATSC boadcasts and be usable by MythTV |
[21:47:52] | wagnerrp: | what breed of cat? |
[21:48:07] | justinh: | Led_Hed: look under ATSC in the mythtv wiki |
[21:48:15] | Led_Hed: | justinh, thanks |
[21:48:34] | SHADOW__X: | the dev/video1 kind |
[21:48:37] | wagnerrp: | all HD cards are (nearly) created equal |
[21:48:48] | wagnerrp: | as long as its supported, the quality will be the same |
[21:49:07] | wagnerrp: | from one card to the next, you may end up with better reception though |
[21:49:45] | gbee: | Led_Hed: ok, then that's not strictly a capture card – the term is generally applied to 'frame-grabbers' cards that literally take 'pictures' of the video and use that to encode a video, ATSC/DVB capture cards are different – they just provide access to the mpeg/avc streams broadcast, no encoding required |
[21:49:56] | dmz (dmz!n=dmz@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[21:50:03] | SHADOW__X: | alright well i can get my hvr 1800 to tune analog and its working in mythtv |
[21:50:03] | SHADOW__X: | but |
[21:50:07] | SHADOW__X: | i cant change the channel |
[21:50:12] | SHADOW__X: | any takers |
[21:50:21] | justinh: | linux on routers seems to becoming rare unfortunately, and the 2nd hand market is stupid |
[21:50:21] | SHADOW__X: | picture and audio works |
[21:50:55] | AndyCap: | justinh: there's the old netgear junk that got put on linux-life-support recently |
[21:51:05] | Led_Hed: | gbee, so the frame grabbers are going to be cheaper but require more CPU power to encode |
[21:51:11] | gbee: | ATSC/DVB cards don't care what format the video is in, SD/HD/ED/320x240, mpeg/avc/mpjeg – it's all the same |
[21:51:12] | justinh: | old being the operative word |
[21:51:22] | wagnerrp: | the GS and GL models are still perfectly find |
[21:51:32] | justinh: | in shops? in the UK? |
[21:51:41] | wagnerrp: | and DD-WRT can still be shoehorned into the basic G models |
[21:51:42] | justinh: | for cheap? |
[21:51:48] | AndyCap: | wagnerrp: no N, no gigabit, no Vista logo. :) |
[21:52:00] | wagnerrp: | *fine |
[21:52:16] | tara0101: | um, AndyCap, I changed connectedmonitor to DFP and now I can't see anything on BOTH |
[21:52:22] | wagnerrp: | i dont know pricing though |
[21:52:37] | wagnerrp: | ive got three laying around my house, so ive not been in need for another for some time |
[21:52:38] | gbee: | Led_Hed: well actually they are likely to cost more, at least for HD and the HD ones will use on-board encoding, but the picture will suffer slightly and if you can get unencrypted ATSC then use a straight tuner instead |
[21:52:38] | AndyCap: | tara0101: I though you said you used a VGA cable |
[21:52:52] | tara0101: | i do.. did i use the wrong line? |
[21:53:02] | AndyCap: | tara0101: VGA != DFP |
[21:53:12] | gbee: | you only want a capture card when you have no other option, mostly when you need a STB to decode the stream |
[21:53:26] | Led_Hed: | gbee, so what is a cheap ATSC tuner that works with Myth/Linux |
[21:53:41] | tara0101: | AndyCap, what do I do?? |
[21:53:56] | AndyCap: | tara0101: change to CRT |
[21:54:01] | tara0101: | but I can't see anything |
[21:54:09] | wagnerrp: | Led_Hed: if you can handle PCIe, i got an HVR-1250 for $50 |
[21:54:11] | gbee: | Led_Hed: I'm not in the US and ATSC is only used over there, rest of the world uses DVB (mostly) so I can't really help with that question |
[21:54:25] | AndyCap: | tara0101: tough cookies. :P get another computer and ssh in to the machine? |
[21:54:36] | tara0101: | damnit! |
[21:54:44] | Led_Hed: | wagnerrp, only 1 PCIe slot. :( |
[21:54:44] | tara0101: | oh wait, I ctrl-alt-f1'd |
[21:54:52] | gbee: | I think the Hauppauge range of DVB-T cards are sold as ATSC in the US |
[21:54:54] | andreax1: | Can't you change to console? |
[21:54:54] | wagnerrp: | tara0101: type 'ctrl-shift-esc' |
[21:54:55] | andreax1: | yeah |
[21:55:39] | AndyCap: | obviously you have another computer, and not having ssh on your mythbox is fail. :) |
[21:55:54] | andreax1: | hehe so true |
[21:56:18] | wagnerrp: | Led-Hed: is that pcie slot otherwise occupied? |
[21:56:38] | Led-Hed: | Ya by a videocard |
[21:56:47] | AndyCap: | Led_Hed: solution: http://magma.com/ |
[21:56:53] | tara0101: | AndyCap, nice! it worked. Thanks! |
[21:57:04] | Led-Hed: | lol, I have 2 sessions of XChat open. |
[21:57:09] | Led_Hed (Led_Hed!n=LedHed@ has quit ("Leaving") | |
[21:58:36] | Led-Hed: | wawill the Hauppauge HVR1600 work? |
[21:59:02] | wagnerrp: | AndyCap: that hardly seems worth the cost |
[21:59:52] | AndyCap: | wagnerrp: quite. :) |
[22:00:02] | wagnerrp: | i mean for any application |
[22:00:04] | AndyCap: | wagnerrp: but if you got to have moarrr slots, what's a man to do. |
[22:00:17] | wagnerrp: | i dont know of anything i would need to do with that many slots |
[22:00:55] | iamlindoro_ (iamlindoro_!n=iamlindo@ has quit () | |
[22:02:27] | wagnerrp: | anything i can think of that could require that many inputs seems like it would be seriously affected by the increased latency |
[22:05:14] | AndyCap: | hehe, not everything happens in the span of microseconds. |
[22:07:30] | tara0101 (tara0101!n=vdayal@71-32-163-154.desm.qwest.net) has quit ("Leaving") | |
[22:08:16] | neztiti (neztiti!n=neztiti@a80-65.adsl.paltel.net) has left #mythtv-users () | |
[22:11:53] | wagnerrp: | well telecommunications can use that many cards/ports |
[22:11:58] | wagnerrp: | latency is detrimental there |
[22:12:22] | wagnerrp: | data acquisition can use that many ports, but again, depending on the application, latency is probably an issue there |
[22:12:59] | oobe (oobe!n=oobe@60-242-201-27.static.tpgi.com.au) has quit (Remote closed the connection) | |
[22:15:57] | Knopit (Knopit!n=hpladds@adsl-35-15-89.asm.bellsouth.net) has joined #Mythtv-users | |
[22:18:37] | Knopit: | I'm researching Mythphone and am put off by this quote in the Mythtv wiki: |
[22:18:41] | Knopit: | Phone and Video calls are made using a standard SIP protocol. It will register with the Free World Dialup (FWD) service offered by pulver.com and allows you to make calls from a normal phone to your MythPhone; though it does not let you call the other way. |
[22:19:21] | Knopit: | Is it true that MythPhone only accepts incoming calls? That doesn't seem right? |
[22:19:42] | hatchmt (hatchmt!n=mhatch_@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) | |
[22:23:18] | wesw02: | gbee, are you available? |
[22:23:44] | gbee: | well that depends :) |
[22:23:53] | wesw02: | can I pm you? |
[22:23:59] | gbee: | sure |
[22:25:00] | jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[22:27:32] | iamlindoro: | sphery: Hey, you mentioned working on a script to do bulk import of files into recorded-- wondered if you had made that public yet-- would love to play around with it |
[22:27:37] | hatchmt (hatchmt!n=mhatch_@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
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[22:29:33] | MaverickTech (MaverickTech!i=Maverick@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[22:31:26] | mzb_d800: | justinh: best router for openwrt afaiac is wl500gp v1 |
[22:31:51] | mzb_d800: | ask in #openwrt ... there's heavy dev work on 3 (current) models |
[22:32:08] | mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has left #mythtv-users () | |
[22:32:23] | mzb_d800: | 500gp v1 can also run 2.6 if you swap the wifi card for an atheros-based one |
[22:32:46] | mzb_d800: | I think wl500gp v2 is getting to the point where it's quite usable, however USB still not working |
[22:39:31] | SHADOW__X: | anyone know why i cant change the channel on my hvr 1800 analog tuner |
[22:39:43] | mzb_d800: | these models were mentioned the other day as possibilities: dir-300 / AR335W / AR430W (not sure of support level) |
[22:40:02] | SHADOW__X: | it tunes but when i change the channel it just goes black a nd brings me to the main menu |
[22:40:40] | andycas (andycas!n=Andy@ has joined #mythtv-users | |
[22:41:29] | andycas: | Is it possible to run any other udp multicast iptv streams on mythtv, other than freebox? |
[22:41:41] | andycas: | I can view the streams in vlc just fine |
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[23:17:54] | wagnerrp: | weee! |
[23:18:29] | wagnerrp: | anyone had any experience with RF amplifiers? |
[23:18:59] | wagnerrp: | ive got my cable lines split too many times |
[23:19:16] | wire (wire!n=wired@unaffiliated/wireddd) has quit (Connection timed out) | |
[23:19:29] | SHADOW__X: | i got one |
[23:19:33] | SHADOW__X: | works pretty well |
[23:19:39] | SHADOW__X: | even with my cable modem |
[23:19:45] | wagnerrp: | i put an old amplifier i found lying around in front of four of my outputs |
[23:20:01] | SHADOW__X: | hmm |
[23:20:03] | SHADOW__X: | howd that work |
[23:20:04] | wagnerrp: | everything before it got considerably clearer, everything after it is suffering |
[23:20:13] | SHADOW__X: | hmm |
[23:20:15] | iamlindoro: | wagnerrp: mkrufky has recommended one that they all use at Hauppauge, it might be worth asking him which |
[23:20:33] | KraMer (KraMer!n=mark@adsl-70-240-247-47.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net) has joined #mythtv-users | |
[23:20:35] | SHADOW__X: | i got one at home depot that works great |
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[23:20:36] | wagnerrp: | im assuming i just have POS amp |
[23:21:05] | SHADOW__X: | it has 4 outputs each upto 8db amplifed |
[23:21:06] | wagnerrp: | basically, the problem is only because weve been switching from analog TVs to digital TVs |
[23:21:23] | wagnerrp: | and the analog tuners on the new tvs are less forgiving |
[23:21:53] | SHADOW__X: | ah |
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[23:22:00] | SHADOW__X: | hmm |
[23:22:11] | SHADOW__X: | well if your in the us i would suggest trying something like mine |
[23:22:16] | SHADOW__X: | i dont have an issue with it |
[23:22:30] | wagnerrp: | adding the amp reduced the number of devices on line |
[23:22:37] | wagnerrp: | improving signal on the digital tvs |
[23:22:48] | wagnerrp: | but an analog tv and my two mythtv tuners downstream are suffering |
[23:22:55] | SHADOW__X: | hmm |
[23:23:03] | wagnerrp: | ill look around and see if i cant find a better one |
[23:23:10] | Dagmar: | So, it's somewhat likely that the amp chokes out the non-digital ranges |
[23:23:11] | SHADOW__X: | well i am saying the signal is split once before the amp gets it |
[23:23:13] | wagnerrp: | avsforum probably has some good recommendations |
[23:23:31] | SHADOW__X: | then off of there i use a 4 port splitter fed into my mythbox and i have no issue |
[23:23:43] | wagnerrp: | dagmar, its all analog, ive just found that digital tvs tend to have poor quality analog pickup |
[23:23:49] | SHADOW__X: | got mine for like 40 at home depot |
[23:23:57] | SHADOW__X: | and qam and cable modem works fine |
[23:24:54] | andycas: | are there any mpeg 4 decoder tv tuners that work with the mythtv? |
[23:25:18] | wagnerrp: | mpeg 4 encoder? |
[23:26:13] | andycas: | what i meant was, a tv tuner that can play mpeg-4 streams |
[23:26:44] | wagnerrp: | why not just play mpeg4 streams through your CPU and video card? |
[23:26:55] | wagnerrp: | you probably mean a tv tuner that can record to mpeg4 |
[23:27:13] | Dagmar: | \More people need to be killed. |
[23:27:25] | Dagmar: | Brtually, and publicly slaughtered. |
[23:27:47] | andycas: | Mmm, nope i didnt know you could do that, i did read about bda drivers from a wiki tho |
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[23:29:22] | wagnerrp: | didnt know you could play back mpeg4 video on a computer? or didnt know you could brutally, publicly slaughter people? |
[23:29:41] | wagnerrp: | basically, youve got three types of analog tuner cards |
[23:29:46] | wagnerrp: | frame grabbers with passthru audio |
[23:29:55] | wagnerrp: | frame grabbers with integrated audio recording |
[23:29:59] | wagnerrp: | and mpeg2 encoder cards |
[23:30:36] | wagnerrp: | i have only seen one mpeg4 encoder tuner, and that was an unsupported USB dongle, and for all i know, it could have offloaded the actual encoding to the host CPU |
[23:31:00] | wagnerrp: | and the whole 'encoding' ability was just a fallacious marketing ploy |
[23:31:40] | andycas: | uh-uh.. I see.. So it doesnt matter which card i choose, i will be still able to see mpeg4? I dont mind recording it with mpeg2 or any other encoder, as long as i can see... |
[23:31:52] | abqjp: | The HD-PVR does not have a tuner, and so is *just* a H.264 encoder. |
[23:32:28] | wagnerrp: | abqjp: i was talking about some pinnacle usb tuner |
[23:32:40] | abqjp: | andycas: so, you are asking about decoding, not tuning or encoding? |
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[23:32:50] | wagnerrp: | andycas: unless you get a PVR-350, you cannot output video from a tv tuner |
[23:33:07] | abqjp: | wagnerrp: I never heard of it. |
[23:33:09] | wagnerrp: | all video is outputted by the video card, after decoding and processing through the CPU |
[23:33:18] | Dagmar: | ....and you don't want the 360 |
[23:33:20] | Dagmar: | er 350 |
[23:33:40] | wagnerrp: | so your tuner makes no difference on the types of video you can play, only the types of video you record |
[23:33:57] | abqjp: | I have a PVR-350. Works okay for recording, but you don't want to use it's decoding/output options. |
[23:34:15] | andycas: | wagnerrp: well, thats excellent to know, thank you |
[23:34:44] | wagnerrp: | i suggest you read through the first couple chapters of the manual on the wiki |
[23:34:58] | wagnerrp: | for a basic understanding of how mythtv, and video capture/playback works in general |
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[23:45:42] | abqjp: | BBCamericaHD: http://www.multichannel.com/article/CA6566266 . . . id=292303624 |
[23:46:30] | abqjp: | I remember when BBCamerica used to show some good mysteries. Now all they seem to show are "reality" shows. |
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[23:50:47] | Lexridge: | Could someone give me advice on how to get MythWeather working? I cannot figure out what the "Active Screens" means, and cannot seem to add any. |
[23:51:09] | wagnerrp: | the wiki has detailed instructions |
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[23:51:31] | wagnerrp: | note that older themes may cause problems with mythweather |
[23:51:48] | Lexridge: | okay. Lemme see what theme I am using. |
[23:52:09] | Lexridge: | I using Titivillus. Is that an old one? |
[23:52:14] | wagnerrp: | i used to use an theme that prevented me from adding sources to mythweather |
[23:52:21] | wagnerrp: | updating the theme fixed everything |
[23:53:03] | wagnerrp: | did you ever have a 0.20 installation, or did you start with 0.21? |
[23:53:38] | Lexridge: | I started with 0.21 |
[23:54:10] | wagnerrp: | then unless your package manager screwed up, thats not your problem |
[23:54:25] | Lexridge: | I compiled it myself. |
[23:54:40] | wagnerrp: | then thats not the problem |
[23:55:18] | Lexridge: | I've been trying to get it to work off and on for about 3 months. |
[23:55:40] | Lexridge: | It works from mythweb however. |
[23:57:12] | wagnerrp: | yeah... im just going to make a run to radio shack... |
[23:57:18] | Lexridge: | but mythweb probably does not use the perl scripts. |
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