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Tuesday, May 13th, 2008, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:20] brad_mssw|mac is now known as brad_mssw
[00:00:24] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:00:53] brad_mssw: I have a MythTv 0.21 system which was upgraded from 0.20 ... what do I need to do to enable multirec on my existing QAM tuner?
[00:01:55] dserban (dserban! has quit (No route to host)
[00:01:59] brad_mssw: I've seen reference to multiple entries in the 'cardinput' table, but wasn't sure what changes need to be made, or it is just a straight dupe
[00:04:01] ugniuss (ugniuss! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:09:29] robbins61 (robbins61! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:10:28] ksool: I'm having trouble with my audio. I've got a bt878 card and with line1 muted, I get no audio. If I unmute it, I get crazy echos. Audio output and mixer are ALSA:default. Capture audio device is /dev/dsp.
[00:10:51] ugniuss (ugniuss! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:16:35] ksool: Also, in alsamixer, I'm not seeing any channels flagged as capture in capture view, but I can't seem to set any either.
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[00:16:58] ugniuss (ugniuss! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:18:00] brad_mssw (brad_mssw! has quit ()
[00:18:26] toorima (toorima! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:26:57] Toxicity999 (Toxicity999! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:27:33] AudioV (AudioV! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
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[00:31:52] nludlam (nludlam! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:34:16] nludlam: Evening guys. Since the dvb_pids table was dropped from the DB, does anyone know if the PAT/PMT data is stored and available somewhere for a myth install?
[00:36:05] XPertKnobTwiddlr: what do you mean by that, nludlam ? PAT/PMT is in the TS, have nothing to do with the act of installing mythtv
[00:36:36] nludlam: I mean that once I have recorded a programme, I don't seem to be able to access the video and audio PIDs contained within that TS
[00:36:53] nludlam: there used to be a dvb_pids table, which contained that info, but its gone now
[00:37:03] XPertKnobTwiddlr: oh. well, that makes more sense
[00:37:07] nludlam: in favour of proper PAT/PMT scans
[00:37:28] XPertKnobTwiddlr: if you hit M (for menu) does it offer alt languages?
[00:37:48] XPertKnobTwiddlr: perhaps the selected audio pid is empty, and the actual audio stream is under another "language"
[00:38:01] XPertKnobTwiddlr: during playback, i mean
[00:38:11] Toxicity999 (Toxicity999!n=bryan@unaffiliated/Toxicity999) has quit ("Lost terminal")
[00:38:32] i_is_cat: this might seem like a stupid question but i have a myth system next to the tv and my linux pc in the bedroom if i install myth on my bedroom pc i can watch whats on the tv on right?
[00:39:21] XPertKnobTwiddlr: if all you want is to see whats on that tv, but in another room, you dont need myth for that
[00:39:31] XPertKnobTwiddlr: you can do that without any computer at all
[00:39:36] nludlam: yes I believe you can stream live TV with a myth frontend talking to a backend
[00:39:56] XPertKnobTwiddlr: nludlam: you can, but its not REALLY live
[00:40:02] XPertKnobTwiddlr: its still "slipped" to disk
[00:40:10] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has quit ()
[00:40:21] nludlam: XPert: I am streaming the transport stream, and converting it on the fly, and need access to the video and audio PIDs to be able to do that. They don't seem to be stored in the DB anywhere
[00:40:35] XPertKnobTwiddlr: mythtv, in LIVE TV mode, behaves exactly the same as recording a show thats on right now, while watching it
[00:40:41] nludlam: well a few seconds of buffering is neither here nor there
[00:41:04] XPertKnobTwiddlr: its not just a few seconds of buffering
[00:41:11] XPertKnobTwiddlr: its treated like a scheduled recording
[00:41:48] XPertKnobTwiddlr: the stream is demuxed before its written to disk
[00:42:03] XPertKnobTwiddlr: that result stream is what is sent to the frontend
[00:42:40] XPertKnobTwiddlr: sounds like maybe you want to use dvbstream, or netcat, nludlam
[00:43:21] nludlam: nah, just need the PIDs really. If they're not in the DB, I'll have to use a mapping from tzap
[00:43:49] nludlam: I'm using the myth protocol to stream the data just fine, but there's no record of what video and audio PIDs are used for that recording
[00:44:09] XPertKnobTwiddlr: ah, you're not using mythfrontend
[00:44:11] nludlam: It's logged via the backend into /var/log/blah... but not kept around anywhere that I can get to
[00:44:30] nludlam: No, I've written a Ruby library to talk the myth protocol
[00:44:35] XPertKnobTwiddlr: cool
[00:44:43] XPertKnobTwiddlr: what is the end goal ?
[00:44:51] XPertKnobTwiddlr: (seems interesting, so far)
[00:45:20] nludlam: I've written a Cocoa app on the Mac which uses the ruby code to have a little player app. A list of recordings, and a Quicktime playback view to display the recordings in
[00:45:30] XPertKnobTwiddlr: AWESOME!
[00:46:01] XPertKnobTwiddlr: well, i am sure mac users will be happy for that
[00:46:17] nludlam: but sadly I'm cheating with the stream, in that I'm expecting to know that it's video pid 600 and audio 601, or whatever. Would need to find a way of retrieving those 'properly'
[00:46:47] XPertKnobTwiddlr: :-/
[00:47:09] XPertKnobTwiddlr: this seems like a question that one of the myth developers would know
[00:47:37] neddy (neddy!n=john@nat/sun/x-284b63b895b9f37f) has quit ("Leaving.")
[00:47:51] nludlam: Yeah, I guess none are around at the moment
[00:48:42] symptom (symptom! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:49:40] xris (xris!n=xris@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:59:43] nludlam (nludlam! has quit ("Your program has crashed and your access is denied")
[01:12:36] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:13:19] Mixx (Mixx! has quit ("and he can gnash and grind his teeth / and compose spells - kingadroc")
[01:21:28] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:55] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:22:03] gbee (gbee! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:22:03] daMaestro: hmm is anyone else having issues with mythweb-0.21–187 and "An unknown module was specified"
[01:22:35] daMaestro: looks like r17180
[01:23:20] kormoc: doing what causes it?
[01:26:36] daMaestro: just accessing mythweb
[01:27:15] daMaestro: however, i just updated updated my apache config; and everything seems to be working again
[01:27:23] daMaestro: pebkac
[01:27:32] ksool: I'm having trouble with my audio. I've got a bt878 card and with line1 muted, I get no audio. If I unmute it, I get crazy echos. Audio output and mixer are ALSA:default. Capture audio device is /dev/dsp.
[01:28:38] kormoc: ksool, you need to mute the playback of the line 1 but keep the capture of line 1 unmuted
[01:29:43] valeech (valeech! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:29:44] ksool: Ok. How can I do that through alsamixer or cmd line? I only see one mute option in alsamixer.
[01:30:14] kormoc: ksool, the alsa mixer can do it, it has different modes (check the help screen for what keys switch between them)
[01:31:02] ksool: So when I put it to capture, non of the chanels have the CAPTUR marker beneath them an their all unmuted.
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[01:31:19] valeech (valeech! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:31:20] ksool: And actually, there's no Line1 channel, just line2.
[01:32:03] kormoc: your card (or drivers) might not support that setup then, which would suck
[01:32:42] valeech (valeech! has quit (Client Quit)
[01:33:02] ksool: Hm.
[01:35:26] valeech (valeech! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:35:29] valeech: Hello!
[01:35:53] ksool: The card isn't that old or bad (SB Audigy). Is it possible it's configured wrong?
[01:36:39] valeech: Has anyone here gotten myth to work on appletv?
[01:39:13] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:39:18] Mixx (Mixx! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:39:37] valeech: is there a way to adjust the width of live tv as it looks in mythfrontend? My live tv looks alittle narrow
[01:39:59] kormoc: ksool, sadly, I can't really say other then the setup I said, which works for me (tm)(r)
[01:40:26] kormoc: valeech, change the playback resolution or the aspect ratios
[01:41:33] robbins61 (robbins61! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:41:44] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:42:02] valeech: Thanks kormoc!
[01:44:03] ksool: kormoc, thanks. I'm going to try switching the input from line to mic and see how that goes.
[01:47:47] jeffery (jeffery! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:52:10] xris: jams:
[01:52:24] famicom: sphery and ille
[01:52:29] famicom: I got the bug
[01:53:06] ksool: Ok, so It's working slightly better. The only problem is that inaddition to capturing the audio from the video stream, it captures whatever else happens to be playing.
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[02:00:47] daMaestro: wow, the harmony remote looks awesome; too bad it's too expensive for me right now
[02:01:15] xris: daMaestro: I have a pile of 15% mail in rebates if you happen to come into some money before july
[02:02:02] daMaestro: all of my fun budget is going towards making it to fudcon, thanks though (i wont have money again until late july)
[02:03:33] xris: can't really blame you. I'd never have spent $200+ on a remote... hard to argue with free, though
[02:04:51] famicom: why on earth would you spend that much on a remote
[02:04:58] famicom: it ends up lost in the couch anyways
[02:06:56] daMaestro: gah, i need a dedicated myth box/frontend... i really wanted to play video games today and i can't boot windtendo because i have an "important" show recording right now
[02:06:57] daMaestro: lol
[02:07:10] daMaestro: and at that point, i'll want a good remote
[02:09:52] cecil (cecil!n=cecil@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:13:14] zippytech_______ (zippytech_______! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:00] valeech: has anyone gotten a tivo remote to work with mythfrontend?
[02:15:07] famicom: just get a new computer?
[02:15:10] famicom: dude
[02:15:11] famicom: i got like
[02:15:13] famicom: humm
[02:15:15] famicom: 6
[02:15:17] famicom: or 7
[02:15:19] famicom: not sure
[02:15:32] famicom: but i can play both video games AND record at the same time
[02:18:19] famicom: and valeech
[02:18:21] famicom: tivo is satan
[02:18:23] famicom: don't use it
[02:18:27] famicom: unless you ahte freedom
[02:18:59] i_is_cat: mythtv-setup: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[02:19:00] i_is_cat: ?
[02:21:09] valeech: lol, I am setting up myth to replace all of my tivos on apple tv boxes.
[02:21:50] valeech: Everything works except my live video feed is a little squeezy (read narrow) and I have not remote working yet
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[02:23:00] alexvd_ (alexvd_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:24:23] J-e-f-f-A: valeech: Just learn it, via irrecord.
[02:25:16] i_is_cat: i have an imon multimedian pad and the direction pad doesnt work
[02:25:36] i_is_cat: it shows up under mode2 and when i cat the lirc but nothing else recognizes it
[02:26:03] J-e-f-f-A: i_is_cat: does it show up when you do 'irw'?
[02:26:10] i_is_cat: nope
[02:26:46] J-e-f-f-A: i_is_cat: then you have to learn the codes for it with irrecord.
[02:27:07] i_is_cat: all the other buttons work fine its just the centre direction thing.. i read about some patch for it for lirc but it seems to show up in cat and mode2
[02:27:17] i_is_cat: problem is under mode2 its random codes
[02:27:33] J-e-f-f-A: i_is_cat: Is this on an ir remote, or on a case?
[02:28:34] i_is_cat: i bought a thermaltake medialab which is basically a rebranded soundgraph/imon vfd and multimedian remote its an ir device in my cd bay
[02:28:37] i_is_cat: usb
[02:29:18] i_is_cat: vfd works good too
[02:29:21] J-e-f-f-A: i_is_cat: Actually, sounds like it may be a variable output, like an 'eraser head' laptop 'mouse' control...
[02:29:27] i_is_cat: ya
[02:29:35] i_is_cat: thats more or less exactly what it is
[02:30:00] espacious (espacious! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:09] J-e-f-f-A: i_is_cat: so it's probably handled with lircmd  — the lirc mouse daemon...
[02:30:30] i_is_cat: think so?
[02:30:58] i_is_cat: what if i want to use if for up down left and right movements? im screwed?
[02:31:47] J-e-f-f-A: i_is_cat: Probably — lirc just knows digital buttons — the mouse daemon would probably know how to handle that 'pointer' device. ^^^ not sure if it can emulate up/down/left/right — you'd have to google or look at to find that out...
[02:33:47] J-e-f-f-A: valeech: PS: if you're getting 'something went wrong' (or similar?) when trying to learn that remote with irrecord, you probably need to specify a config file for rc5...
[02:35:49] J-e-f-f-A: [ot] anyone know how to clean up bogus NX sessions? I tried un-installing NX, purging any NX directories remaining, then re-installing, and they're still there... ugh...
[02:36:06] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, kill?
[02:36:35] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: Tried that, it claims there aren't any... But they're listed when I connect with an nx client...
[02:36:52] keith4__ (keith4__! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:36:57] kormoc: Did you try restarting X?
[02:37:16] J-e-f-f-A: umm... I don't remember...
[02:37:45] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: Can I restart X without killing the backend? (probably, as long as it's a service, right?)
[02:38:18] kormoc: Aye, the backend doesn't use X
[02:38:41] keith4__: so, I've got my lirc config ironed out pretty well, but I want to use "repeat=1" to be able to hold down things like volume buttons and such. however, when I add that line to some buttons, I end up with double hits. how do I fix this?
[02:38:46] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: Well, actually, at the moment, it's running on a shell window, so atm on my box it does... ugh...
[02:39:00] J-e-f-f-A: ... and it's recording right now, so I can't bounce it...
[02:42:07] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: I think it's not starting right as a service on my new box, and I haven't gotten around to debugging it yet, so it's been running in a shell window for a couple of weeks now...
[02:43:01] valeech: Thanks J-e-f-f-a! I will try the irrecord once I get there. I haven't started messing with the remote stuff yet. Tomorrow's task
[02:43:16] valeech: I am not even sure I understand all of the pieces involved.
[02:43:49] valeech: Somehow I have to get the appletv to accept ir codes from a tivo remote and then turn those into something Myth can use.
[02:44:15] valeech: Then on the backend, myth needs to output the right code for the actual tuner device, correct?
[02:44:40] J-e-f-f-A: valeech: If you type "mode2", and pressing buttons on the tivo remote produces output on your screen, then linux sees the ir receiver ok.
[02:45:17] J-e-f-f-A: valeech: If not, you've got to configure lirc for your appletv ir receiver... So you'll probably have to spend some time at or googling...
[02:45:27] valeech: mode2? at the command prompt?
[02:45:49] J-e-f-f-A: yeah. It's a command for lirc that will 'dump' the raw IR codes being received.
[02:46:46] valeech: mode2 command not found. I guess i have some lirc building to do on the atv :)
[02:47:08] J-e-f-f-A: valeech: Probably.. ;-)
[02:47:23] valeech: thanks for the help!
[02:47:41] J-e-f-f-A: valeech: It might also not be in your path... mine is in /usr/local/bin/mode2 ...
[02:47:43] ksool: Is there anyway I can stop myth from resetting the volume on my PCM capture channel?
[02:48:14] J-e-f-f-A: ksool: You can set the volume for each input in mythtv-setup IIRC
[02:48:22] ksool: Thanks.
[02:48:40] J-e-f-f-A: ksool: I think it defaults to 85 or 90%...
[02:48:54] xris (xris! has quit ()
[02:50:17] valeech: yeah, a find turned up nothing
[02:51:26] J-e-f-f-A: valeech: There's some people here running appletv frontends I think, so if you don't get an answer in the lirc channel, send a msg to the list...
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[02:52:24] J-e-f-f-A: ksool: Actually, I think it's in the recording profiles now that I think about it...
[02:53:08] J-e-f-f-A: ksool: Yeah, that's where they are.... oops, sorry about that!
[02:54:20] ksool: Got it. Thanks!
[03:00:27] rsc-232 (rsc-232! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:04:20] ** J-e-f-f-A signing off to restart the box... ;-) **
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[03:44:40] GenucoBadmatray is now known as Dregs
[03:46:59] symptom (symptom! has quit ("Keep your ear to the grindstone")
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[04:32:23] Lexridge (Lexridge! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:33:15] fryfrog: anyone liking 8.04 over 7.10 for their mythtv? make any difference at all?
[04:34:14] kormoc: given we're at 0.21, 8.04 and 7.10 is a long ways off...
[04:34:49] fryfrog: right, i suspect ubuntu users would recognize the above :)
[04:39:03] davilla (davilla! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:40:59] Lexridge: could someone please offer some help with lirc/mythtv. I have been at it for two weeks now with zero progress, and I'm about to pull all my hair out.
[04:41:19] Lexridge: Do I have to have two lirc kernel modules loaded? One for tx and for rx?
[04:41:22] mikeones (mikeones! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:41:42] Lexridge: I have looked at several "howtos", but all are somewhat old and deal with version 0.7.x. Apparently there have been some changes since then.
[04:42:02] Lexridge: All I want to do is send IR, I don't care about receiving it.
[04:42:20] Lexridge: ....which is all I can make work. :(
[04:43:08] sentinel23 (sentinel23! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:43:30] mikeones: anyone build svn trunk today? I am getting build failure at libmythupnp.
[04:45:15] fryfrog: all i've ever done is recieve :/
[04:45:25] fryfrog: mikeones: make sure you do a "make distclean" as your first step
[04:45:57] kormoc: Lexridge, all you will need is one instance of lirc then
[04:46:39] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:46:43] Lexridge: fryfrog: Seems to be the most common method. My scenairo differs as my mythtv server is in the living room, below my Dish 622 receiver. I'm using a client install in my garage. I want mythtv to change the Dish rx from my garage keyboard.
[04:47:10] mikeones: fryfrog: I did, after a little googling I came to this . . . _flat#328102
[04:47:14] mikeones: has my error
[04:47:47] Lexridge: kormoc: I;ve tried to make lirc transmit just from the server, but the device either always crashes, or complains it's the wrong type of device.
[04:48:00] fryfrog: Lexridge: as an alternative, can your sat box be controlled by serial or firewire?
[04:48:01] MilkBoy (MilkBoy! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:48:19] Lexridge: fryfrog: negative captain.
[04:48:47] mikeones: fryfrog: but strange thing is I built mythtv a week ago without issue (dates in the post are from April)
[04:49:29] fryfrog: mikeones: sorry, nfi :)
[04:49:35] fryfrog: you using trunk or -fixes ?
[04:49:45] fryfrog: nm
[04:49:46] mikeones: trunk
[04:49:47] fryfrog: you said trunk
[04:49:51] mikeones: np
[04:50:53] Lexridge: not knowing much about /devs drivers, I'm thinking perhaps the major and minor number depict perhaps which is a read device, and which is a write device. I think to tx, I need a write device...but that is a guess.
[04:51:20] Lexridge: question is, how do I create a write device?
[04:51:56] Lexridge: Also, it would seem for transmitting, I would not even need lircd running, as it just listens for IR signals, right?
[04:52:59] kormoc: Lexridge, no, you'd set it up as if it was a receiver and just use irsend to transmit
[04:53:13] Lexridge: btw, I'm using a hauppage hvr-1600 (cx18)
[04:53:22] Lexridge: with built in ir remote send and rx
[04:53:45] xris (xris! has quit ()
[04:53:50] Lexridge: kormoc, so you saying lircd has to running regardless?
[04:54:06] kormoc: I do believe so, yes
[04:55:03] Lexridge: kormoc, that has been my main train of thought for the last two weeks. I just thought it might me a good question.
[04:56:25] Lexridge: my /devs reports 5 devices lirc > lirc0 lirc0 lircd lircd1. If I use lircd1 as my irsend device, it kills the tx daemon, but the rx daemon stills runs fine.
[04:56:49] kormoc: if you don't want to receive, why run a second daemon at all?
[04:56:49] Lexridge: everything else complains that it's not the correct type of device.
[04:57:19] Lexridge: Well, I'm actually just kills the /dev device, not the single lircd that is running.
[04:57:32] Lexridge: which is why it still receives.
[04:58:21] Lexridge: in other words, at this point, /dev/lircd still works, but /dev/lircd1 is dead at this point.
[04:58:41] Lexridge: I'm running fedora 8, btw
[04:59:15] kormoc: each /dev/lircd is a different lircd process, my point being, if you don't want to receive, why do you have two demons running?
[04:59:52] kormoc: personally, I went the super easy way and just bought a usb receiver and transmitter in one unit, so it's the same lirc device
[05:00:37] Lexridge: I did experiment with two lircds for a few days, but not in my latest attempts. This was originally brought on by a howto I read that recompiled lirc modules as ledtransmit modules. That was a waste of time. :(
[05:01:01] Lexridge: here is what is in my /etc/modprobe.conf presently:
[05:01:16] Lexridge: alias char-major-61–0 lirc_i2c
[05:01:24] Lexridge: and this is in rc.local:
[05:02:04] Lexridge: /sbin/modprobe lirc_i2c;/usr/sbin/lircd --device=/dev/lirc0 --output=/dev/lircd;/usr/sbin/lircd --driver=default --device=/dev/lirc1 --output=/dev/lircd1 --pidfile=/var/run/
[05:02:49] kormoc: again, why run two lircds? just set that to run one, verify the lirc0 is the correct device or not
[05:03:05] clever: my lirc_i2c causes a kernel ooops:(
[05:03:27] clever: i did have a pair of lircd's working on 2 devices without a problem
[05:03:34] clever: but now the kernel side is dead
[05:03:36] Lexridge: kormoc: if I don't, it complains that the device is for rx only. However, the 1600 has both a transmitter and a reciever. Perhaps the kernel module is not recognizing the ability to send.
[05:04:04] kormoc: Lexridge, if it's a combo device (like mine is), you only get one device node for both and only run one server for both
[05:04:19] Lexridge: kormoc: that should be my case then
[05:04:59] Lexridge: but this is what I get with an irsend command: irsend: command failed: SEND_ONCE dish pause
[05:05:00] Lexridge: irsend: hardware does not support sending
[05:05:23] kormoc: it could very much be that the driver isn't fully done yet
[05:05:26] clever: i had to compile my lirc_serial with transmit support
[05:06:16] Lexridge: clever: The driver when loading reports this:
[05:06:18] Lexridge: lirc_i2c: chip 0x10020 found @ 0x71 (Hauppauge PVR150)
[05:06:18] Lexridge: lirc_dev: lirc_register_plugin: sample_rate: 10
[05:06:37] clever: what kernel?
[05:06:43] clever: uname -r
[05:06:44] clever: 2.6.22-14–386
[05:06:49] Lexridge: even thought it's actually a hauppage 1600, but probably the same chipset.
[05:07:06] Lexridge:–85.fc8
[05:07:14] clever: newer kernel then mine
[05:07:26] Lexridge: yea
[05:07:50] pkendall (pkendall! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:07:54] clever: dmesg:[ 83.177164] ivtv0: reopen i2c bus for IR-blaster support
[05:07:55] Lexridge: I've compiled my own modules, but the same results. I'm back to the stock kernel presently
[05:08:22] Lexridge: clever: what hauppage card are you using?
[05:08:29] clever: pvr 150
[05:08:39] Lexridge: humm, I dont get that msg
[05:08:48] clever: i dont even have the module loading
[05:08:49] Lexridge: I dont get anything about ivtv in fact
[05:08:51] clever: and im getting that
[05:09:00] Lexridge: is that in /devs?
[05:09:08] clever: in the log of dmesg
[05:09:21] Lexridge: yea, but do you have an ivtv device in /devs?
[05:09:25] Lexridge: I dont
[05:09:55] clever: my ivtv comes up as /dev/video*
[05:10:15] Lexridge: ok, I have that
[05:10:37] Lexridge: perhaps the ivtv support for the cx18 is still just not there yet.
[05:10:39] clever:
[05:11:59] Lexridge: is this your dmesg?
[05:12:06] clever: part of a dmesg log
[05:12:09] clever: from awhile ago
[05:12:39] clever: [ 87.733372] ivtv0: Registered device video0 for encoder MPEG (4 MB)
[05:12:39] clever: [ 87.734032] ivtv0: Registered device video32 for encoder YUV (2 MB)
[05:12:39] clever: [ 87.734692] ivtv0: Registered device vbi0 for encoder VBI (1 MB)
[05:12:39] clever: [ 87.735240] ivtv0: Registered device video24 for encoder PCM audio (1 MB)
[05:13:02] kormoc: clever, you know better then to paste in here....
[05:13:12] clever: that was only 4 lines
[05:13:44] kormoc: clever, . . . e_channel.3F
[05:13:52] Lexridge: I get similiar, but all my lines start with teeveeprom
[05:13:52] clever: ok ok:P
[05:14:29] Lexridge: correction: cx18–0: Registered device video0 for encoder MPEG (2 MB)
[05:14:29] clever: Lexridge: i have teeveeprom ones also
[05:14:29] clever: and my teeveeprom.ko for ivtv isnt compatible with the bttv driver
[05:14:29] clever: ive got 2 diff teeveeprom.ko files
[05:14:46] Lexridge: plus the others (24/32)
[05:14:49] clever: kormoc: ahh 2 lines is the max
[05:15:38] kormoc: indeed
[05:15:46] Lexridge: The cx18 was just introduced into hte v4l2 source tree a few weeks ago. I'm guessing at this point the driver is simply not complete.
[05:16:11] Lexridge: ...and the 100% of my problems
[05:16:16] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[05:18:11] Lexridge: I've been using linux for around 10 years, and this is by far the most time I have ever spent on a problem :(
[05:18:11] ille_ (ille_!n=ille@pdpc/supporter/student/ille) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:19:03] Lexridge: hello? did everyone leave?
[05:20:57] Penfold (Penfold!n=mike@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Penfold) has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:22:29] Lexridge: clever, you still around?
[05:22:35] clever: of course
[05:22:54] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:22:54] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[05:23:02] Lexridge: so do you agree that it's probably a v4l2 driver issue?
[05:23:19] Lexridge: or an ivtv driver issue
[05:23:21] clever: probly because its so new im guessing
[05:23:30] clever: go get yourself a c book and fix it:P
[05:23:44] Lexridge: clever: yea, that's gonna happen....LOL
[05:23:54] clever: the ldd3 book is also a great tool
[05:24:01] clever: ive read it front to back
[05:24:05] clever: linux device drivers 3
[05:25:16] Lexridge: I can program in C, but not C++. Device drivers are beyond me. I came from the Amiga, and switched to Linux in 1995, and have never ever bought a copy of Winders...well, not for myself anyway. :)
[05:25:41] clever: after i read the entire thing front to back
[05:25:41] sentinel23 (sentinel23! has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.82 [Firefox]")
[05:25:47] clever: i used a few pages as references
[05:25:50] clever: and wrote up a tiny driver
[05:25:56] Lexridge: Which is funny, becase I maintain 105 nodes where I work....with 6 linux servers. All the rest.....Windows. Ugh!
[05:25:58] clever: which simply counts in binary on the pins of a LPT port
[05:26:14] clever: hook up 8 led's(right to the port) and you got it displaying numbers
[05:26:18] Lexridge: I can build hardware man.....I have build all sorts of X10 device (serial)
[05:26:34] clever: great:P
[05:26:42] clever: ive been wanting to wire my lights&crap into the pc:P
[05:26:51] clever: i can control 8 pins of output from software
[05:27:01] clever: but the problem is to control more then 8 devices
[05:27:13] clever: and how to boost a 5v signal to feed a 120v relay
[05:27:17] Lexridge: The X10 CM11 is probably the best for lighting control. You can control 255 devices with it.
[05:27:28] Lexridge: and the drivers already exist :)
[05:27:37] clever: but its probly not cheap:P
[05:27:42] Lexridge: yea, it's cheap!
[05:27:55] clever: give me a min to count the lights:P
[05:28:16] Lexridge: There is even a mythtv/X10 plugin available.
[05:28:28] clever: about 19 seperate lights in the house&garage
[05:28:51] clever: another major use id want though is to hard reset a pc remotely(cut the power going in)
[05:29:02] Lexridge: You can control all of them from one CM11. You will need to use a few channels on the receivers however. Not a problem
[05:29:10] Lexridge: you can do that too
[05:29:11] kormoc: just buy a real pdu
[05:29:12] clever: once a box went dead while i was 2 weeks away
[05:29:29] clever: after 48 painfull hours it somehow came back to life on its own
[05:29:48] clever: kormoc: what exactly would be a read power distro unit?
[05:29:51] clever: real
[05:30:22] Lexridge: Not familiar. What does a pdu do?
[05:30:45] kormoc: a lot of PDU's do power management, on/off, power monitoring with it's own interface, sometimes ssh, or telnet or web based
[05:30:58] Lexridge: battery backup?
[05:31:02] kormoc: nope
[05:31:16] kormoc: you plug the pdu into a ups if you want battery backup
[05:31:17] clever: i think ive seen a power socket thing you can connect to a kvm
[05:31:25] clever: with vnc into the kvm itself also
[05:31:33] Lexridge: so it's a power conditioner?
[05:31:34] clever: so you could vnc into the kvm and hard reset any pc
[05:31:37] clever: or vnc into the bios
[05:31:55] Lexridge: what? That sounds expensive. Does the BIOS have to support this?
[05:31:58] kormoc: Lexridge, no, it's distribution, not conditioning
[05:31:59] clever:
[05:32:14] clever:
[05:32:37] Lexridge: ah, sweet!!! Expensive no doubt!
[05:32:49] kormoc: Lexridge,
[05:32:54] kormoc: they're decently cheap and snazzy
[05:33:46] Lexridge: kormoc: yea, I've read about this stuff, but never have seen it, or used it for that matter. This is what I need for where I work!!!
[05:33:53] kormoc: a serial console + pdu + ups is really all you need. Screw that graphical kvm stuff
[05:34:11] clever: yeah the kvm+vnc is overkill for most stuff
[05:34:13] Lexridge: yea, so it would seem
[05:34:20] clever: enless you need to vnc into the bios on a daily basis
[05:34:34] clever: or have 300 dos servers
[05:34:34] clever: ugh:P
[05:34:37] Lexridge: I had an x86 dd-wrt router that I wished I could do that to
[05:34:42] kormoc: Lexridge, Server tech is still fairly new to the biz. They're trying to take market share from APC, so if you call them up, they're a lot easier to get discounts from then APC is, esp for test equipment for your job
[05:34:44] Lexridge: now apparently I can
[05:35:17] kormoc: clever, serial consoles plug into switches, that's a huge win to be able to fix a broken switch on the fly
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[05:35:22] Lexridge: kormoc: The company I work for is getting ready to spend big $$ on an HDTV upgrade. I may want several of a discount too :)
[05:35:28] clever: kormoc: yeah
[05:36:12] Lexridge: I was told last week we have a 1.1 million dollar budget to upgrade the studios of our CBS and FOX affiliates to full HDTV. Sounds like a fun ride and no summer for me.
[05:36:14] kormoc: Lexridge, Procurve networking equipment too, btw. a bit cheaper then Cisco, and works amazingly well. I much prefer it over IOS
[05:36:38] clever: ive got a high power cisco switch
[05:36:56] clever: cisco WS-C2912-XL (PowerPC403GA) processor (revision 0x11) with 8192K/1024K bytes of memory.
[05:36:59] clever: Processor board ID FAB0509U091, with hardware revision 0x01
[05:37:06] Lexridge: kormoc: I have been using DD-WRT stuff in place of Cisco stuff. It works as well, and it's GPL as well. I now have 4 routers at WDTV running it.
[05:37:09] ** clever stops pasting before kormoc finds his boots **
[05:37:22] Lexridge: lol
[05:37:52] clever: myswitch uptime is 14 weeks, 4 days, 14 hours, 7 minutes
[05:38:07] Lexridge: I have also installed VPN enabled DD-WRT routers at sister station over the past month or so. One big happy network.
[05:38:15] kormoc: Lexridge, Well, Procurve stuff doesn't really start to make much sense till you're really worried about more advanced networking stuff (vlans, trunking, lacp, etc)
[05:38:28] kormoc: and of course, high availability
[05:38:32] Lexridge: lormoc: I'm doing that with DD-WRT
[05:38:36] clever: i have a vlan on my cisco just for the pppoe trafic
[05:38:52] clever: the plan was so i could change what WAN port(and what router) the dsl modem was on
[05:38:56] clever: from software
[05:39:11] kormoc: Lexridge, ooh, I'm quite certain that the WRT's back plain can't push nearly as many bits nearly as fast :P
[05:39:15] clever: but now i see i have no need to turn back so i should just wire it back the 'normal' way
[05:39:38] Lexridge: kormac: Running DD-WRT on a Athlon 64x2...yea it can :)
[05:39:57] kormoc: Lexridge, 96 gigabits per second?
[05:40:28] Lexridge: kormoc: Well, I don't have that kind of bandwidth to test it on, but it does gigabit very well
[05:40:45] clever: i have a single faulty gigabit switch
[05:40:52] clever: totaly crashes when it warms up
[05:40:56] Lexridge: I would be interested in your results testing in such an enviroment.
[05:41:00] kormoc: Lexridge, the most I've ever been able to manage was 24 gigabit, 12 gigabit ports in a 1u server, and even then the busses were rather flooded...
[05:41:05] clever: leaving it in the van(in the winter) overnight fixes it for several mins
[05:41:36] kormoc: Lexridge, I work for a server manufacturer where we'll be pxe booting hundreds of servers at once :)
[05:41:41] clever: id think if you hack up the eth drivers you could use up less bus badnwidth
[05:41:45] Lexridge: clever: just automate with X10 a can of super chill to cool of the CPU ever 30 seconds :)
[05:42:01] clever: lol
[05:42:11] clever: the switch was used in a cart with several computers
[05:42:16] kormoc: During deployment testing, I was stress testing the equipment, it was really snazzy to see the switches pound the bits like no tomorrow
[05:42:17] clever: used for some hostpital stuff
[05:42:23] Lexridge: kormoc: Nice. I have a tender place in my heart for major hardware :)
[05:42:33] clever: another way i got massive bandwidth
[05:42:39] clever: i made a loop in the lan!
[05:42:51] clever: then the upnp broadcasts grew out of control
[05:42:54] clever: in an instant
[05:43:03] clever: 100% usage
[05:43:14] clever: just need to disable stp
[05:43:17] Lexridge: clever: I have made that same mistake before....ugh!!! Brought down the entire network for quite some time.
[05:43:22] clever: lol
[05:43:32] clever: id think breaking the loop would fix it in seconds
[05:43:32] kormoc: spanning tree prevents that sort of thing clever
[05:43:39] Lexridge: yup
[05:43:42] clever: kormoc: yeah which is why you have ti disable it
[05:43:46] ** kormoc blinks **
[05:43:49] clever: to get the things to 110% usage
[05:43:54] kormoc: ooh
[05:43:55] Lexridge: but in my case, it was on a single subnet
[05:43:59] clever: use the switches to bounc trafic off eachother
[05:44:02] clever: for stress testing
[05:44:15] clever: they are designed for high bandwidth
[05:44:28] clever: so they are going to do better then a server would with 12 cards
[05:44:37] clever: a custom firmware would also do
[05:44:40] Lexridge: what do you guys think of the Linksys managed switches? I just bought 6 24 port SRX??? switches. Are they worthy?
[05:45:01] kormoc: Lexridge, I personally don't like them. It's well worth the extra to go to procurve.
[05:45:29] kormoc: Lexridge, full gigabit or only uplinks?
[05:45:30] Lexridge: kormoc: what don't you like about them? I have 2 in service presently, gigabit, and they seem to work okay.
[05:45:45] Lexridge: full gigabit
[05:46:11] Lexridge: I've had the uplink models, and I can crash those units quite easily.
[05:46:25] Lexridge: These will replace them
[05:46:26] kormoc: Lexridge, purely management. it's a large pain to manage a lot of linksys switches
[05:46:38] Lexridge: I've noticed!
[05:46:56] clever: i turned the cluster manager in the ios java ui ages ago
[05:46:58] clever: and cant remember how
[05:47:03] Lexridge: but I figured once they are set up, I should not have to mess with them again
[05:47:03] clever: so im stuck in cluster managing
[05:47:06] clever: even with 1 box
[05:47:27] clever: and the java ui causes firefox to crash now so ive stoped using it
[05:47:34] kormoc: Lexridge, you can slave procurves to a single master and then you can manage them all though the master. It's really snazzy
[05:47:43] Lexridge: that would be nice
[05:47:51] Lexridge: I can do that with DD-WRT as well
[05:48:09] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:48:33] Lexridge: kormoc: have you tried the x86 version of dd-wrt? Try it out. It's pretty damn fine!
[05:48:51] kormoc: Lexridge, sadly, not for a long time, when I played with it, it wasn't very complete
[05:49:04] Lexridge: I have one dd-wrt router between our Apple network, and the rest, and it freaking flies!!
[05:49:40] Lexridge: kormoc: there was probably not an x86 version available when you last tried it.
[05:49:55] kormoc: Yeah, it was on my linksys router at the time
[05:50:10] Lexridge: YEa, the grand ol WRT54G. Great router, for the money.
[05:50:29] Lexridge: I use those for wireless print servers nowadays.
[05:50:53] kormoc: I'm still wondering what to get to upgrade to 802.11n
[05:51:11] Lexridge: btw: the x86 dd-wrt only supports Atheros wireless cards.......DD-WRT also supports Atheros N
[05:51:27] kormoc: oh, that's snazzy
[05:51:31] Lexridge: yea
[05:51:47] Lexridge: I don't have any N stuff yet....soon.
[05:51:49] devicenull (devicenull!n=devicenu@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:52:20] Lexridge: I just boot all my DD-wrt routers from a CF card. Boots in about 6 seconds.
[05:53:11] Lexridge: next thing is to write a plugin for MythTV to check the status of all my routers ;)
[05:53:41] kormoc: heh, that's a job for nagios or cacti :)
[05:54:24] Lexridge: not familiar with those names. I've only been playing with MythTV for about 2 weeks. Love it though. Just wish I could send IR.
[05:55:15] kormoc: Nagios is the industry standard app for monitoring (system and network) (although Zenoss is fast becoming second and may pose a threat)
[05:55:31] Caliban (Caliban! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:55:52] kormoc: Cacti is a really handy graphing tool to graph system/network information (like cpu usage, io usage, memory, etc) Handy for trend reporting
[05:56:08] Lexridge: I've played with some Nagios demos a while back. Impressive stuff. Not yet heard of Cacti.
[05:56:30] Lexridge: does it run under Linux?
[05:56:40] kormoc: Zenoss is basically Nagios + Cacti rolled into one nice neat package
[05:56:41] kormoc: Aye, it does
[05:56:46] Lexridge: nice
[05:56:54] kormoc: Cacti can be a bit of a pain to setup, but it's snazzy once it is
[05:57:05] Lexridge: If it can run under linux, I will try it. Windows only stuff I never look twice at.
[05:57:12] kormoc:
[05:58:15] Lexridge: nice looking web gui. Believe it or not, DD-WRT is very similar nowadays.
[05:58:38] Lexridge: at least the x86 version. Not sure if this stuff is available in the WRT54G version...probably not.
[05:59:25] Lexridge: okay, Cacti wins hands
[05:59:34] Lexridge: sweet stuff
[06:00:29] Penfold: it's a pain to configure, though
[06:00:42] Lexridge: in what way?
[06:00:49] Penfold: (ah, as I see kormoc said)
[06:01:00] Lexridge: yea, but in what ways?
[06:01:04] kormoc: There's a lack of complete documentation on a lot of the plugins
[06:01:16] kormoc: and they all don't always do things the same way
[06:01:28] Penfold: and it's fiddly – you configure in multiple layers, and if you miss one, it can be a bugger to find out where
[06:01:30] Lexridge: humm, sounds like a lot linux projects ;)
[06:01:35] kormoc: it's not overly hard to figure out, but it's not quite as simple as one would hope
[06:01:39] Penfold: but once you get your head round it, it rocks
[06:01:52] Lexridge: yea, I'm used to that. :)
[06:01:58] kormoc: Which is why Zenoss seems to be taking off, they claim to be a lot easier to setup and run and do the same things
[06:02:14] kormoc: that said, I'm not a Zenoss fan, as it takes over the server you install it on (or at least, it used to)
[06:02:39] Lexridge: that sells software. Honestly, as much I a love linux, many linux programmers are NOT about eye candy. They seem to dispise it.
[06:02:56] kormoc: heh
[06:03:14] Lexridge: Linux multi-track audio programs are a great example
[06:03:40] Penfold: for eye candy, and software I just want to *use*? I have a Mac. :)
[06:04:04] kormoc: Well, it comes about due to the, I want to do X, and the app now does X, it's not pretty, but it works and I'm too lazy to spend time making it pretty :P
[06:04:16] Penfold (Penfold!n=mike@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Penfold) has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[06:04:27] Lexridge: Macs are great. But the closed source aspect is still a downer. I manage about 12 Macs presently. I do like them a lot.
[06:04:58] Lexridge: I hate you cannot "uninstall" programs however. You have to this largely manually.
[06:05:18] Lexridge: Uninstalling Final Cut Pro is a major PITA!
[06:05:40] kormoc: I prefer the osx way, just drag the app to the trash and call it good, the extra files left behind don't but me /too/ much
[06:05:51] kormoc: that said, I don't install too many apps anyway
[06:06:48] Lexridge: Well, nor do I. Just enough to get the editing job done. FCP, Audacity, and that's about it. We shoot all our video on JVC 5100 cameras with Firestore 3s attached to them.
[06:07:12] Lexridge: We have presently 7 field units.
[06:07:38] Lexridge: I have only replaced 3 2.5" harddrives in 3 years. Not bad!
[06:08:17] Lexridge: and believe me......the news dept knows how to abuse this equipment first class!
[06:09:25] Lexridge: I have cleaned out who knows how many Pepsi spells out from these units, and still still work after the fact. Amazing!
[06:09:33] Lexridge: spills that is
[06:10:45] kormoc: heh
[06:10:47] Lexridge: alright folks, I have to maintain all the database servers tomorrow for our primary election coverage. Go Ron Paul ;) We should be the top story on all the major joke news channel (Fox, MSNBC..etc)
[06:11:00] kormoc: g'luck with that
[06:11:10] Lexridge: It will be an 18 hour day for me. So I had better get horizontal fast. :)
[06:11:17] Lexridge: thanks man
[06:11:49] Lexridge: and thanks for all the input on IR stuff. I'm going to believe at this point that the drivers are still too beta to work entirely. G'nite all
[06:12:12] kormoc: 'night
[06:12:16] Lexridge (Lexridge! has quit ("Leaving")
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[06:25:44] kuil_: morning all
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[06:26:49] kuil_: I am wondering if someone else here has the same problem as I have.. When I start playing a recording, the 'first' takes a long time to get started (about 30–40 seconds)..
[06:27:05] kuil_: It doesn't matter if I play this on my frontend or directly on the server..
[06:27:36] kuil_: Anybody else seen this?
[06:27:47] kormoc: what's the logs say?
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[07:41:35] kuil_: kormoc: nothing
[07:41:43] kuil_: that's kind of the 'strange' thing here
[07:41:51] kuil_: (sorry for the late reply :( )
[07:42:36] kuil_: initially I thought it would be some kind of network problem.. but I figured if the problem also exists directly on the server... it must be something different
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[08:29:19] fryfrog: anyone watch BSG?
[08:30:01] anykey_: fryfrog: here
[08:30:15] fryfrog: i finally noticed an easteregg in a tv show on my own :)
[08:30:33] fryfrog: in an episode i wateched a few weeks ago, when cally spys on her husband...
[08:30:41] fryfrog: the room number was "1701D" :)
[08:30:51] pbj (pbj!n=pbj@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:30:57] fryfrog: i was very proud of myself
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[08:31:07] anykey_: fryfrog: hehehe
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[08:32:14] stuarta: ah the heights of geekness
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[08:32:42] fryfrog: <3 ST and also BSG :)
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[08:48:00] ** justinh decides to build his own sub box for his car **
[08:48:33] stuarta: so you can drive down the street with your windows vibrating?
[08:48:44] stuarta: eedjits
[08:49:08] justinh: no, so I can coax a bit of bass into my incar music
[08:51:07] justinh: no "hey I don't have a penis" SPL
[08:51:11] fryfrog: losen up the ol' bolts, make the ol' fart can muffler vibrate :)
[08:51:34] fryfrog: maybe throw on a few yellow stripes :)
[08:51:45] stuarta: what i don't get is why they turn it up so loud the music distorts
[08:52:04] justinh: heh
[08:52:09] fryfrog: so those outside the sphere of their car can enjoy!
[08:52:17] stuarta: i like my music loud too, just clean
[08:52:26] justinh: I don't understand that either. if it distorts you need MOAR RMS
[08:52:47] stuarta: i did always want to pull up next to one of those twats and put on some good old school metal
[08:52:54] fryfrog: i prefer comfortable, not hearing damage loud :)
[08:53:24] stuarta: i do loud when required (not often these days, becoming an old fart)
[08:53:26] justinh: my old car with aftermarket headunit could achieve 120dBA without distortion
[08:54:04] justinh: stock speakers. I dunno why anybody would need more tbh – but then I don't know what it feels like to not have a penis so what do I know?
[08:55:37] clever: delete your wife's soaps and give her a knife
[08:55:42] clever: she can help you know what it feels like:P
[08:55:43] justinh: stuarta: you know, the problem of young 'uns not being able to hear distortion seems to affect bar & club DJs too. in the bar where I used to work, we went for 5 years on the same set of speakers. since I left they've needed at least one re-cone every 2 months
[08:55:48] ** stuarta roflmao **
[08:56:21] stuarta: our bar just had limiter in the chain
[08:56:25] stuarta: +s
[08:56:41] stuarta: they turn it up to much, and the limited make it sound worse
[08:56:45] stuarta: limiter
[08:56:51] stuarta: but the speakers no blow up
[08:56:53] pbj (pbj!n=pbj@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:56:59] justinh: I'd rather the music be overcompressed than distorted though
[08:57:40] stuarta: the silly thing was, you turned the master vol down slightly, the limiter didn't kick in, same volume, no dist
[08:57:46] pbj: Hey Guys – I have a problem when grabbing EPG – only a few channels are set 2 hours behind – not all ! Is this a setting somewhere ??
[08:57:47] justinh: maybe I was always so careful cos I served my apprentiship on my own gear
[08:58:11] justinh: pbj: oh, the 'randomly fuck up EPG timings' tickbox? nah I've never seen that one
[08:58:42] stuarta: pbj: how do you get your EPG?
[09:00:16] pbj: I feared that answer – its only the movie channels from Viasat – Grabbing using xmlTV and – Cause I have satelite and not all channels are on the default from XMLTV in DK. But not all channels from the TDC are 2hours behind
[09:00:53] stuarta: ah, so 2 grabbers?
[09:01:09] pbj: Yes – to get all the movies channels information allso
[09:01:28] Penfold_: best 'loud car stereo' solution I ever heard...
[09:01:39] Penfold_ is now known as Penfold
[09:02:05] stuarta: i'm wondering if there's an option that can be passed to the grabber to tell it the epg offset
[09:02:08] Penfold: friend used to work opposite some waste ground, where the local chavs used to park up and listen to bangin' choons on their pimped out Golfs....
[09:02:51] justinh: chavs in golfs? I thought it was always Corsas & Novas lol
[09:03:00] justinh: posh chavs, obviously
[09:03:06] Penfold: being of the technically inventive persuasion, they buried a tesla coil...
[09:03:26] Penfold: waited... and watched the resulting EMP produce total. blessed... silence.
[09:03:29] pbj: I was hoping – but cannot seems to find it anywhere? wnated to hear your best bid – before trying recompiling the grabber etc
[09:04:10] justinh: pbj: maybe one grabber is local time based & the other is UTC
[09:05:50] pbj: yes – But that should effect all channels that the TDC grabber includes – and it doesn't! So that's why – if not getting a bet from here – the next step is starting all over with the 2.grabber
[09:06:26] justinh: argghhh M-effing c***s! can we have an application where the flashload command works please dev guys? last 2 'releases' haven't had a working version either. it's er. slightly inconvenient to have to downgrade the application version just to flash a new bootloader. retards
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[09:56:41] nicholas_: Does anyone here in the UK use both DVB-S and DVB-T? I plan to fit both types of card. I'm wondering how EIT etc. will behave
[09:57:28] directhex: nicholas_, it's on my to-do list
[09:57:48] Nik_Doof: nicholas_: waiting on a DVB-S card, then i'll be in a similar posistion
[09:57:56] nicholas_: I use DVB-T currently, and got the DVB-S arriving tomorrow. I hope to get less signal problems, so will use it as higher priority
[09:58:16] Nik_Doof: isn't freesat EIT only now/next?
[09:58:45] stuarta: it should carry the full 7day epg
[09:59:02] stuarta: however i suspect a bit of dev work is in order to make it function
[09:59:24] stuarta: i need to get me a dvb-s card
[09:59:35] Nik_Doof: yah i've seen the post about the epg being on a different pid
[09:59:45] directhex: Nik_Doof, FTA EIT is now/next, freeaat is 7 day
[09:59:49] stuarta: not surprising
[10:00:11] Nik_Doof: ahh okies
[10:00:14] stuarta: directhex: what do you mean FTA EIT is now/next
[10:00:29] streamtrade (streamtrade!n=jsass@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:00:43] Nik_Doof: i guess you mean the numerous other fta channels on astra
[10:01:02] stuarta: the crap? that would make sense
[10:02:06] directhex: freesat's "hand picked" lineup includes great channels like True Movies and men&motors!
[10:02:36] Nik_Doof: going to invest in a TT S-1401 sometime this week, then spend two weeks trying to get the dish aligned
[10:03:04] nicholas_: I hope to just use my existing Sky dish without any changes... Ideally, I'll just unplug the Sky box and plug the same cable into my new DVB-S card...
[10:03:15] directhex: Nik_Doof, aligned from where to where?
[10:03:15] stuarta: should work
[10:03:18] Nik_Doof: nicholas_: should be able to
[10:03:20] directhex: nicholas_, confirmed.
[10:03:25] nicholas_: great :-)
[10:03:28] directhex: nicholas_, sky and freesat are both on 28E
[10:03:34] directhex: well. 28.2 and 28.5
[10:03:38] directhex: but close enough
[10:03:59] Nik_Doof: directhex: just west of Liverpool, pointing to 28E
[10:04:07] nicholas_: I currently don't use Radio Times, only EIT for DVB-T... because I don't understand how EIT and Radio Times are combined, so I've left it for now.
[10:04:19] directhex: the astra2 cluster of 4 birds, plus eurobird1, make up the sky lineup. freesat is also on astra2 and eb1
[10:04:21] stuarta: they don't combine
[10:04:32] stuarta: that's an outstanding todo
[10:04:40] directhex: they combine like a chunky vomit cocktail!
[10:04:53] directhex: stuarta, reckon europeans would pay for EPG data?
[10:05:05] stuarta: they don't want to pay for the tv
[10:05:07] nicholas_: oh? I thought EIT was used to do last minute 'corrections' to the schedule that Radio Times sent
[10:05:13] stuarta: nope
[10:05:24] stuarta: EIT supplies a STB with all the info it needs
[10:05:38] Nik_Doof: i'd personally pay for epg data that doesnt have radio times bloody reviews splattered everywhere
[10:06:39] directhex: i wonder what pay for their guide data
[10:07:18] stuarta: its my pet project to make sure the EIT generally works for us
[10:07:33] directhex: it comes from a british company called red bee media, who seem to sell metadata
[10:07:43] Nik_Doof: BDS?
[10:07:46] directhex: stuarta, and to make sure skyhd works too?
[10:07:55] stuarta: i lack dvb-s atm
[10:08:07] directhex: Nik_Doof, yeah, them
[10:08:07] stuarta: but i'd like to make the freesat epg work
[10:08:30] nicholas_: stuarta: so in 0.21 Radio Times is used for the long-term schedule, but then EIT is used day-to-day when it comes to recording?
[10:08:46] stuarta: the two can't be used on the same channels
[10:08:58] nicholas_: ah, oh right.
[10:09:11] stuarta: RT data populates it, EIT repopulates it and it goes around again
[10:09:28] nicholas_: 'goes around again'?
[10:09:51] stuarta: next time mfdb runs the RT data overwrites the EIT data
[10:10:11] nicholas_: so they keep just overwriting each other?
[10:10:16] stuarta: yup
[10:10:22] nicholas_: doesn't that confuse the duplicate-show detection?
[10:10:26] stuarta: yup
[10:10:26] justinh: yup
[10:10:38] directhex:
[10:10:45] ** stuarta sees understanding dawning **
[10:11:01] ** justinh throws the shitty box into the car park through a big plate glass window **
[10:11:06] justinh: that feels goooooooooood
[10:11:17] nicholas_: So maybe I picked well to not use Radio Times, and stick with EIT
[10:11:31] Nik_Doof: directhex: i emailed them looking for costings when scheddirect was starting up, never got back to me
[10:11:33] stuarta: yeah, pick one and stick with it.
[10:11:47] justinh: depends what you want. me – I like 14 days worth of data
[10:11:47] nicholas_: I still wonder what'll happen when I add the DVB-S card then
[10:11:59] justinh: I could live without the florrid descriptions though
[10:12:02] nicholas_: justinh: so you use only Radio Times?
[10:12:10] directhex: Nik_Doof, they didn't? lame :/
[10:12:14] stuarta: i'm 90% certain i have some EIT dev work on freesat to do
[10:12:21] justinh: I use EIT & uk_rt – but only EIT on radio channels
[10:13:25] directhex: stuarta, quite possibly
[10:13:27] justinh: stuarta: there was a guy in #mythtv the other day reckoning the data is compressed somehow but he'd not yet worked out how
[10:13:34] directhex: stuarta, any decisions over which dvb-s card to get?
[10:14:04] nicholas_: so maybe I could use Radio Times data for the freesat channels which are not on dvb-t...
[10:14:53] directhex: nicholas_, assuming the same shows are on both dvb-t and dvb-s
[10:15:05] directhex: still, nice to see so much activity on uk dvb-s
[10:15:06] justinh: assuming their air time is the same
[10:15:13] nicholas_: directhex: yeah. I'm not sure yet if the same channel, shows the same shows....
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[10:16:40] justinh: they generally do
[10:17:02] justinh: only differences tend to be the dvb-t versions of channels aren't on air as long
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[10:18:07] justinh: ooo been invited to go see DeadMau5. think I'll give it a miss. fecking shoite muzak
[10:19:14] stuarta: justinh: saw what the guy said in scrollback, sadly haven't seen him since
[10:20:25] nicholas_: justinh: you mean they don't show some late night/early morning shows?
[10:20:56] stuarta: on dvb-t some of them are like 6am=-6pm
[10:21:07] justinh: nicholas_: I mean they're on air for different times. usually the sat version is 24/7 but freeview is maybe 6 or 7 hours a day
[10:21:14] stuarta: still can't believe they did that to ukhistory
[10:21:35] stuarta: used to be able to come home from work and watch some history
[10:21:36] justinh: it's all because of that fecking TUTV stuff & shopping channels
[10:21:44] stuarta: now it's not bloody well on
[10:22:05] justinh: but now it's the Top Gear all day channel! yayyy.. dah powah!!!!!!!!!
[10:22:14] justinh: MOAR C@R5 !
[10:22:16] stuarta: tbh, dave isn't bad
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[10:23:26] justinh: I wouldn't mind what they did so much as long as the new channels broadcast in widescreen
[10:23:32] justinh: do they ever? lol
[10:23:36] stuarta: do they?
[10:24:20] justinh: Dave shows Hyperdrive, letterboxed in 43
[10:24:28] justinh: 4:3 even
[10:24:53] justinh: and Top Gear
[10:25:46] justinh: I can understand channels like UKTV Gold running 4:3 still but not ones showing stuff *after* widescreen was invented ;)
[10:28:01] justinh: and I know the shopping/quiz channels are only still there cos people are retarded enough to fall for their scams. I despair
[10:36:43] justinh: wibble. wibble. put latest app & webpages on the machine.. now got the white screen of death. there must be some secret app & webpages I don't know about to make this box work
[10:36:53] stuarta: fish
[10:37:45] justinh: and I dunno about anybody else, but I wouldn't have the audacity to stick 'HD' in a product name just because it can output youtube quality video over HDMI
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[10:42:09] bog0: I have now configured MythTV and I can watch TV, but the image is just black and white. I use PAL-NC, NTSC gives just a really ugly image, I am from Germany, maybe related to the location?
[10:43:51] Nik_Doof: how are you getting the signal to the tv? composite, svideo by any chance?
[10:45:14] Penfold: Nik_Doof: beat me to it, having been biutten by the SCART->SVideo one yesterday
[10:45:56] Nik_Doof: drives me up the wall still, my nvidia card defaults to svideo but my TV can't handle it properly. So console startup is unreadable
[10:46:41] justinh: maybe the TV just can't deal with NTSC which many VGA card TV encoders default to
[10:47:08] justinh: I know this cos the monitors we have at work tell you which vid standard they've detected ;)
[10:47:32] Nik_Doof: interesting
[10:48:06] Nik_Doof: might have another faff with it tonight, if the SO allocates me a reasonable time
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[10:58:28] justinh: jeebus fack. Scooter are #1 in the album chart. The end of the world is nigh
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[11:00:17] jduggan: wtf?
[11:00:19] jduggan: scooter?
[11:00:34] justinh: scooooooooooooooooooooootahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
[11:00:51] jduggan: AREYOU READY
[11:01:03] justinh: MORE TEA VICAR!
[11:01:10] justinh: ahem
[11:01:29] Nik_Doof: respect to the man in the icecreme van
[11:01:32] Nik_Doof: en al
[11:02:09] justinh: haha. Moped. they were one hilarious parody
[11:09:48] ** justinh perks up... . . . bps-net.html **
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[11:13:11] rm_you_: lol scooter #1? which chart?
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[11:15:12] justinh: rm_you: uk album chart. we're doomed
[11:15:19] rm_you: lol
[11:15:29] rm_you: that's very random :P but I do love scooter
[11:15:31] rm_you: ^_^
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[11:17:10] justinh: it'd be true to say they don't make the *worst* music in the world, even for happy hardcore standards but hell...
[11:18:01] justinh: hahaha. Madonna is #2. says it all
[11:39:58] bog0: is there any way to skip the "Yes, I really want to quit now." message? MythTV shall just quit when I hit escape
[11:42:42] anykey_: bog0: there's an option for that
[11:43:53] justinh: utils/setup > setup > general IIRC
[11:45:38] pat___: hmm, using the opengl renderer always plays back the first recording fine, the second one displays garbage but plays back sound, the third crashes and takes X with it. Doesn't matter which recordings I use (they've been transcoded to xvid with mp3 sound)
[11:46:04] pat___: nvidia binary 96.something drivers ubuntu 8.04
[11:46:09] justinh: bingo
[11:46:17] pat___: known problem?
[11:46:40] fryfrog: no, i think he just likes the game
[11:46:42] justinh: nvidia driver issue
[11:46:53] pat___: ok, I'll go look it up
[11:46:59] fryfrog: pat___: you try simply disabling the opengl renderer?
[11:47:03] fryfrog: er, well, using another one
[11:47:08] fryfrog: xv-blit i think?
[11:47:08] pat___: yeah, I just switched to xv
[11:47:33] pat___: it works, but isn't quite as nice (ie smooth when panning video) as opengl
[11:47:43] fryfrog: ah
[11:47:54] pat___: anyway, I'll go an google
[11:52:48] pat___: my googlefu is weak tonight
[11:53:10] clever: better then 'you google it' mode:P
[11:53:26] clever: some1 i was helping lastnight refused to even join freenode to ask his question
[11:53:30] clever: wanted me to ask it for him:P
[11:54:00] stuarta: slack arse
[11:54:19] fryfrog: how the...
[11:54:26] fryfrog: how were you helping him then?
[11:54:34] fryfrog: phone <-> irc relay? :p
[11:54:56] justinh: only £100 a minute
[11:55:38] justinh: mind you I wouldn't put it past those commercial myth box makers to ask about their customers issues on IRC :P
[11:55:44] clever: fryfrog: irc on another network:P
[11:55:45] TelnetManta (TelnetManta!n=benwilli@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:55:49] fryfrog: clever: ahhh
[11:55:56] fryfrog: lazy git!
[11:55:59] clever: and the idiot cant even hilight me properly:P
[11:56:03] fryfrog: what irc client isn't multi-server-able?
[11:56:07] clever: ive explained how my hilight reacts 20 times
[11:56:15] clever: pjirc cant easily multiserver
[11:56:20] fryfrog: lame
[11:56:24] stuarta: what network?
[11:56:27] fryfrog: sounds like a good reason not to use pjirc :p
[11:56:36] clever: also most idiots open multiple instances of the client
[11:56:40] fryfrog: long live irssi!
[11:56:42] clever: to get to multiple networks
[11:56:50] stuarta: \o/ for irssi
[11:57:01] clever: which just causes problems when you start to change settings
[11:57:05] fryfrog: i think that is a dude cheering!
[11:57:08] clever: because each copy blindly trashes the lasts
[11:57:19] clever: irssi here also(inside screen)
[11:57:27] fryfrog: OMG ME TOO! BFF! :)
[11:57:27] clever: and my cellphone has an ssh client
[11:57:31] fryfrog: bff jill
[11:57:40] stuarta: fryfrog: that's exactly what it is :)
[11:57:51] clever: the ssh client cant run a commad like screen -x on connecting(like ssh and putty)
[11:57:54] clever: so i made a hack
[11:57:56] fryfrog: okay, i can honestly say i've used ssh on my phone... but i have *not* resumed my screen with irc :p
[11:58:02] clever: it claims TERM=pssh
[11:58:11] clever: then my bashrc detects that and reverts that then screen -x's
[11:58:38] fryfrog: stuarta: it might also have been a guy with a very narrow butt and well opened anus or perhaps a funnel
[11:58:44] clever: ive also got a port knocker hidden behind a php login on my website
[11:58:47] fryfrog: neither of which i thought applied to "irssi" :)
[11:59:03] clever: so i login to my site and poke the ssh link from the cells browser(to allow that ip in)
[11:59:08] clever: then i switch over to ssh
[11:59:21] stuarta: fryfrog: nah that /o\
[11:59:27] stuarta: +is
[11:59:31] fryfrog: ahha
[11:59:44] stuarta: ascii art. gotta love it
[11:59:52] pat___: so to save a lot of googling which isn't helping much is the opengl renderer issue resolved with the 169.12 nvidia drivers?
[11:59:58] fryfrog: yes, in fact loving ascii art is a requirement :)
[12:00:09] clever: also the palm browser lies thru its teeth
[12:00:10] fryfrog: pat___: nfi, sorry :(
[12:00:17] clever: "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; PalmSource/hspr-H102; Blazer/4.0) 16;320x320"
[12:00:29] fryfrog: have you seen that "telnet to this host and watch ascii starwars" thing?
[12:00:31] clever: claiming to be windows and MSIE and palm and blazer all at once
[12:01:15] fryfrog: whelp, i'm off to catch a bus
[12:01:18] fryfrog: later taters
[12:01:34] pbj (pbj!n=pbj@ has quit ("Leaving")
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[12:18:36] justinh: can somebody please tell me how the hell somebody reaches a figure of 800W TOTAL POWER for a set of PC speakers which are really only rated at 7W a piece?
[12:19:02] bog0: when I try to start mtd, I get: /usr/bin/mtd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[12:19:14] justinh: 0.20.2 eh? heheheh
[12:19:25] bog0: ?
[12:19:42] justinh: current version of mythtv is 0.21
[12:20:02] stuarta: justinh: PMPO vs RMS
[12:20:38] justinh: stuarta: not even PMPO takes it that high
[12:20:47] stuarta: PMPO^2
[12:20:49] stuarta: ?
[12:20:51] bog0: justinh: ok, thx
[12:20:58] justinh: haha yeah about right stuarta
[12:21:00] PatrickDK: justinh, that is easy enough, the audio source has no deviation
[12:21:02] directhex: Pidgin's Many Pretentios Operators?
[12:21:26] justinh: Peak Madeup Power Output
[12:21:33] jduggan: lol
[12:22:25] justinh: PMPO useed to be only about 4x RMS, 8x RMS value depending on who lied the most
[12:27:06] Nik_Doof: just while theres a few UK peeps on, will anyone be doing a MythTV stand at lugradio live again?
[12:27:22] justinh: no fucking way in the world!
[12:27:49] stuarta: with those idiots there, no chance
[12:28:08] justinh: those idiots, being the LRL guys & their fanclub
[12:28:13] stuarta: if i want navel gazing i'll go down notting hill of a weekend
[12:28:19] Nik_Doof: oook, i guess i hit a nerve there
[12:28:26] justinh: WANKERS
[12:28:35] dustybin: microsoft have invented something interesting, lets rip them off, lets do the open-source version:
[12:29:05] justinh: Nik_Doof: the crew were alright though
[12:30:19] justinh: and hit a nerve?! bout time somebody told it how it is
[12:31:39] justinh: and the Uk's only worthwhile linux expo? wtf happened to that?
[12:31:53] stuarta: when a guy at a geek convention runs on stage wearing his undies and a cape, and everyone cheers, you know you are in the wrong place
[12:32:32] justinh: lol I missed that one. I was out getting lunch IIRC. he was coming off stage when I got back to the building so I went out again
[12:33:06] stuarta: that shit is fine when pissed on holidays.....
[12:33:18] justinh: not when you're sober & bored witless
[12:34:08] ** stuarta goes back to composing rDNS records **
[12:34:25] justinh: still managed to have a good time but that was on the fri & saturday night- nothing to do with the event per se
[12:35:40] justinh: Nik_Doof: so looks like if you wanna see mythtv at LRL, you'll be doing it
[12:35:55] Nik_Doof: meh was just wondering
[12:37:14] croppa (croppa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:38:02] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:38:14] justinh: wonder whatever became of all the mythtv install-fest ideas
[12:39:14] justinh: find a nice pub with a big back room with an aerial point... tada!
[12:41:26] GreyFoxx: LRL, that reminds me, I haven't seen much "the mythtv devs are not nice people" complaints in a while
[12:41:48] justinh: heh. I think if anything has a rep. it's the IRC channel
[12:42:02] stuarta: funnily enough one of the guys saying that was from lugradio
[12:42:27] nludlam: speaking of which, are any devs around at the moment? Or people familiar with DVB stuff
[12:42:37] nludlam: (the DVB stuff in myth)
[12:42:39] justinh: what flavour of DVB ?
[12:42:48] GreyFoxx: just: yeah. Some people get mighty upset about it :)
[12:42:50] stuarta: some of us are lurking
[12:43:28] nludlam: I'm trying to work out if there's any trace of the audio and video PIDs for a given channel that are kept for recordings made
[12:43:46] justinh: nope
[12:43:48] nludlam: there used to be a dvb_pids table, but that went when the PAT/PMT/EIT parser went in
[12:44:02] justinh: the PIDs will be in the TS
[12:44:26] stuarta: they change all the time
[12:44:28] nludlam: yes, but IIRC you get more than just the audio and video. you get subtitles and others
[12:44:28] GreyFoxx: nlu: No that is not stored
[12:44:49] stuarta: nludlam: run ffmpeg -i <recording>
[12:44:50] nludlam: That's a real shame, as I could do with access when I convert the recorded TS into a PS
[12:45:10] nludlam: I'm using replex which wants the specific pids
[12:45:19] GreyFoxx: nlud: That's easy, write a userjob to process a recording when it finishes. Parse out the pids and store them in your own table
[12:45:25] nludlam: I'll have to do a stats analysis on a segment of the TS and guess
[12:45:29] GreyFoxx: yeah
[12:45:42] nludlam: but it's not as nice as myth telling me authoritatively
[12:45:43] stuarta: nludlam: do you have the recording?
[12:46:06] bog0 (bog0! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:46:22] nludlam: yes. ok brief explanation. I've written a Ruby library for talking to the backend via the myth proto. I'm streaming the recording out, and want to convert it on the fly
[12:47:13] justinh: why not just use ffmpeg?
[12:47:15] nludlam: but I need the pids, so I'll have to sample some portion of stream, and then derive the video and audio as the most frequent packets
[12:47:29] nludlam: replex is more efficient
[12:47:35] nludlam: and does exactly what I need
[12:47:43] stuarta: and ffmpeg will tell you the pids!
[12:47:45] stuarta: ffs
[12:47:48] justinh: apart from the fact it needs info you can't get
[12:48:32] nludlam: of course, but my original question was 'is it stored in myth?', and with the answer being 'no', I can work around it :)
[12:48:47] stuarta: the recordings are TS not PS, so they contain a PMT which tell you the PIDS anyway
[12:48:49] nludlam: doing TS packet sampling is pretty trivial
[12:49:13] justinh: don't listen to us then. whatever
[12:49:18] nludlam: yeah I think it's going to be fine to sample all TS packets, and pick the most frequent two as video and audio
[12:49:38] nludlam: hey come on, I didn't for a complete solution
[12:49:47] nludlam: please don't get snarky
[12:50:07] stuarta: so you want to read all the packets when there's a PMT available to tell you what you want to search the *whole* file for
[12:50:11] GreyFoxx: nlud: Why strip out just those pids? Why not send the entire recording to the player and let it deal with determining the pids?
[12:51:05] nludlam: Ah well now this is definitely my application's problem. the MPEG2 component for Quicktime cannot play TS streams, only PS
[12:51:13] nludlam: so this is my creative solution
[12:51:18] GreyFoxx: ahhh
[12:51:27] GreyFoxx: Hmmmm
[12:51:28] stuarta: so use the info in the TS
[12:51:32] nludlam: I've written a RubyCocoa app to play the files directly
[12:51:35] stuarta: it's there already
[12:51:43] stuarta: stop reinventing the wheel
[12:51:50] GreyFoxx: I'm almost positive I've watched mpeg2ts files in Quicktime on my mac mini
[12:51:52] nludlam: stuarta: so is there a sort of standalone PAT parser?
[12:52:01] GreyFoxx: but I'm not home to try it right now
[12:52:11] stuarta: PMT
[12:52:15] nludlam: GreyFoxx, I'll be on later, so we'll catch up then maybe
[12:52:18] nludlam: sorry yes PMT
[12:52:26] stuarta: ffmpeg reads mpeg2ts
[12:52:36] stuarta: and will happilly spit out mpeg2ps
[12:52:47] GreyFoxx: nlud: You could always use myth on the mac :) and I think there is a recent project using a new mac based upnp client too
[12:52:50] nludlam: with autodetection of video and audio?
[12:52:53] stuarta: 5–10 lines of perl
[12:52:55] GreyFoxx: but I haven't had time to try that one
[12:52:57] stuarta: or shell
[12:53:19] stuarta: nludlam: try it
[12:53:25] stuarta: see what happens
[12:54:05] nludlam: ok will do. its definitely an alternative to what I'm doing, and possibly much easier. ffmpeg is just a little harder to compile
[12:54:22] stuarta: install it then
[12:54:24] nludlam: Thanks for the suggestion
[12:54:53] GreyFoxx: You can likely get a prepackaged one if you don't need anything bleeding edge
[12:55:02] nludlam: Right. I can use macports
[13:01:42] nludlam: GreyFoxx, check out . In the bottom left, it mentions TS capabilities
[13:02:51] famicom: sweeet
[13:02:58] famicom: my myth frontend is finished
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[13:03:45] Dt (Dt! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:13:43] Neeesat (Neeesat! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:14:03] Neeesat: Anyone using xmltv grabber?
[13:14:43] justinh: no, nobody ever uses xmltv
[13:15:04] Neeesat: You get the epg from signal?
[13:15:22] justinh: oops forgot the </sarcasm> tag
[13:15:58] Neeesat: how you get the epg data?
[13:16:55] justinh: just ask a question that is actually related to the problem you're having. you'd be much more likely to reach a resolution :)
[13:18:27] Neeesat: justinh I am trying to run tv_grab_el and if I run it manualy like ./tv_grab_el --days 3 --output filename.xml it works ok but if I set it in the mythtv-setup and try to run mythfilldatabase It stacks
[13:18:55] justinh: stacks?
[13:19:07] Neeesat: and after some time I get segmentation fault
[13:19:46] Neeesat: It find that 33 channels will use the grabber but it stack and at the end I get segmentation fault
[13:20:33] Neeesat: stacks= I do not see any progress bar showing that is downloading listings
[13:20:55] Neeesat: like when I run it manual
[13:21:46] justinh: is there a .xmltv file in /home/mythtv/.mythtv/ ?
[13:21:57] Neeesat: yes there is
[13:22:57] Neeesat: I see a list like= etc
[13:25:02] Neeesat: Which the 37 I suppose is the xltvid in channels table
[13:26:10] Neeesat: justinh: Any idea please?
[13:31:22] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:31:43] Neeesat: I see: 'Found 33 channels for source 1 which use grabber' and stops at 'Connected to database 'mythconverg''
[13:32:41] Neeesat: It takes some minutes to complete and at the end mythfilldatabase ends with segmentation fault
[13:33:27] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:35:32] otwin_ is now known as otwin
[13:38:40] solexious (solexious! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:39:27] gbee: Neeesat: run with -v xmltv
[13:40:09] gbee: Neeesat: are you saying that no data is entered into the database?
[13:40:30] gbee: and can you pastebin ( the full log as well
[13:41:04] gbee: justinh: stacks == sticks, gets stuck (I assume)
[13:41:43] Neeesat: well mythfilldatabase it stops saying that 'Connected to database 'mythconverg'' for a long time and after some time it gives segmentation fault
[13:42:04] Neeesat: yes sorry for my english, stacks = stuck
[13:42:52] Neeesat: gbee thanks
[13:43:04] Neeesat: It started downloading listings now
[13:43:14] Neeesat: with -v xmltv
[13:44:17] gbee: "-v xmltv" enables extra logging, so it was working before you just couldn't see it
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[14:04:51] Neeesat: is at 50% at the momment
[14:05:54] Neeesat: I hope it finishes ok at the end without any error
[14:06:18] jarle: I keep getting this error repeated when running mythfrontend on my new machine: Any ideas where the problem is?
[14:07:43] gbee: Neeesat: it's possible the segfault is a known QT3 bug, if that is the case then it won't cause any problems with the operation of mythfilldatabase
[14:09:28] Neeesat: hmm lets see if it loads the data after the end
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[14:31:37] famicom (famicom! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:35:49] Neeesat: It finished with segmentation fault but it didn't got any data in mythtv
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[14:36:24] Neeesat: I saw the progress bar went to 100% but I got nothing in EPG
[14:36:46] Neeesat: gbee: Are you still around?
[14:37:16] Neeesat: Also I got a list of many: Ignoring empty timestamp.
[14:39:47] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:42:58] Neeesat: gbee?
[14:44:45] solexious1 (solexious1! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:47:42] Penfold (Penfold! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:48:10] gbee: Neeesat: is the database running?
[14:48:57] Neeesat: yes
[14:49:18] keith4: jarle: is that error causing a problem or a crash?
[14:49:21] Neeesat: it is running and I have a client displaying LiveTV at the momment
[14:50:42] Neeesat: I can see only what is now in my channels and then all uknown in my program guide
[14:51:07] gbee: Neeesat: can you copy the full log to please
[14:51:26] Neeesat: full log of mythbackend?
[14:53:44] solexious (solexious! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[14:54:11] Neeesat: Thats how mythfilldatabase ended:
[14:54:38] solexious1 is now known as solexious
[14:58:30] alexvd_ (alexvd_! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[15:02:49] gbee: full log of running "mythfilldatabase -v most"
[15:05:13] Penfold (Penfold!n=mike@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Penfold) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:06:04] Neeesat: Here what I have:
[15:07:33] Neeesat: After the downloading finishes it gives this:
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[15:34:43] Neeesat: gbee: Any unusual sign?
[15:35:15] waini (waini! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:35:19] waini: hi
[15:36:07] waini: i need some help
[15:36:15] waini: i am not able to schedule a recording
[15:36:29] waini: but watching live tv works without any problem
[15:37:24] Penfold (Penfold!n=mike@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Penfold) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:37:49] TelnetManta (TelnetManta!n=benwilli@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[15:38:14] waini: recording livetv works
[15:38:20] waini: any ideas?
[15:40:12] Neeesat: gbee still around?
[15:40:56] phedny (phedny!n=mark@2001:610:656:0:0:0:0:115) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[15:42:28] keith4: waini: check the log
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[15:47:11] gbee: Neeesat: sorry, I keep walking away from the computer
[15:48:11] gbee: Neeesat: ok, the segfault is definately causing the problem, it happens before we insert the results into the database
[15:48:20] gbee: which version are you using?
[15:48:52] CrazyFoam (CrazyFoam!i=gturner@gateway/tor/x-8c392a40364b46c2) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:50:44] Penfold_ (Penfold_! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:51:10] Neeesat: wait a sec
[15:51:41] Neeesat: 17292
[15:52:26] CrazyFoam (CrazyFoam!i=gturner@gateway/tor/x-a586613049909c47) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:52:56] briand (briand! has quit (Connection timed out)
[15:53:02] |Torg|: Neeesat: 17292 is an SVN verison, it is the same across all branches. What branch?
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[15:53:49] phedny (phedny!n=mark@2001:610:656:0:0:0:0:115) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:54:54] sphery: gbee: 6 months after the oss-gpl-cddl.txt press release was (which says BSD license).
[15:55:01] Neeesat: I got it from: svn co
[15:56:51] solexious (solexious! has quit ()
[15:57:22] Neeesat: 0.22
[15:57:49] |Torg|: Neeesat: it easer to call it svn trunk 17292 the rest is sorta implied
[15:57:49] directhex: urgh. *one* mux, with unwatchable reception
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[16:01:50] Neeesat: ok then svn trunk 17292
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[16:02:49] ** sphery posits whether users who don't understand how to determine SVN branch and rev should be using trunk (especially now) **
[16:03:21] sphery: The hard part of that problem is that such a user may not realize he's using the wrong branch...
[16:04:34] directhex: sphery, svn is teh new! zomg!
[16:04:50] directhex: sphery, it's even better where each FE runs a different svn revision
[16:05:08] sphery: true...
[16:05:27] |Torg|: try downloading new code WHILE someone updates it so that once you compile the BE the FE is at a differnt protocol :P
[16:06:32] directhex: so, i need to get a new TV-accessing device installed
[16:07:24] sphery: |Torg|: That's why I svn up once (into a completely clean-never touched) directory and tar it up for distribution to my multiple build systems..
[16:07:45] sphery: and, of course, svn up mythtv mythplugins myththemes all at once
[16:07:56] |Torg|: yes sphery a local svn cache and local apt cache are two things on my list I stil havnt done
[16:07:59] sphery: (i.e. one command)
[16:08:29] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:08:35] sphery: I keep saying I'll do a local SVN repo for Myth, but the tar.bz2 has been working so well...
[16:08:37] |Torg|: Ive gotten used to svn -r tho
[16:09:53] Neeesat: What version do you use succesfully with xmltv grabber?
[16:10:10] |Torg|: I dont use xmltvgrabber
[16:10:33] Neeesat: Anyone who is using a grabber please?
[16:10:41] |Torg|: or to be more correct, I use a buil;t in SD grabber
[16:11:05] sphery: So, I've been wondering--since the user whose friend ran trunk's mythtv-setup on his laptop /and approved/ a DB upgrade of the user's master backend--whether writing the DB backup to the user's temp directory when no recordings or DB Backups directory is found is worse than writing to, i.e. ~/.mythtv (where there might not be room for the backup).
[16:11:53] Neeesat: WHat do you mean a buil;t in SD grabber?
[16:11:55] gbee: sphery: yeah, they released it under all three (bsd, gpl v2 and cppl) so that it could be used on solaris, bsd and linux platforms
[16:11:56] sphery: It seems that the friend's laptop didn't have directories the user specified in Default or DB Backups, so it wrote to /tmp. Then, the friend shut down his laptop and boot scripts deleted everything (including the backup) in the /tmp directory.
[16:12:17] |Torg|: I alwas have simply done it by script, but since my mysql db isnt on my mythtv boxes I do it for DR instead of anything else
[16:12:26] directhex: hang on a sec..... what the hell kind of direction is my antenna pointing at?
[16:12:34] sphery: gbee: Oh. I've never understood how the multi-licensing thing works...
[16:12:40] directhex: the nearest functional transmitter is oxford
[16:13:03] directhex: oxford is slightly SE from here
[16:13:23] directhex: my antenna is pointed WSW
[16:13:26] |Torg|: Neeesat: I use a combination of Schedules Direct and EIT for my listings, the Schedules direct (what I types as SD) is one of the pulldown tabs (its been so long) on mythtv-setup. Its not that it is not an xml grabber but rather that it is all built in.
[16:13:37] directhex: wtf, mate? O_o
[16:13:53] Neeesat: Any suggestion? Shall I change my trunk version?
[16:13:58] gbee: Neeesat: trunk is currently unstable and not recommended for inexperienced users or production systems, trying checking out the 0.21 stable branch instead – svn co
[16:14:35] sphery: Neeesat: are you just getting started with MythTV? If so, you should svn switch to -fixes
[16:14:44] |Torg|: . . . -repository/
[16:15:02] Neeesat: I was using VDR for a long time now
[16:15:08] sphery: Neeesat: in the directory you checked out, use: svn switch
[16:15:24] Neeesat: I have build mythtv in the past but I was not actualy using it mutch
[16:15:38] sphery: Neeesat: then rm && svn up
[16:16:07] directhex: blink
[16:16:17] |Torg|: for that matter Neeesat just get whatever prebuilt myth software for your distro
[16:16:19] directhex: i'm pointed at Bretch Hill! Bretch Hill isn't even turned on yet!
[16:16:35] jk1joel (jk1joel! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:16:38] Neeesat: I will download and rebuild it
[16:17:03] gbee: sphery: way I understand it, you can pick from the list of licenses and use whichever one you prefer, so long as you comply with the rules one one license (usually the one your project is under) then you are fine
[16:17:06] Neeesat: I will just keep my channel table in sql
[16:17:14] sphery: anyone have any ideas how to fix the "" problem (i.e. it uses $$URL$$ to determine the branch to put in --version output and that's only updated on checkout/download
[16:17:20] gbee: s/rules one/rules of one/
[16:18:01] Neeesat: anyway goto run, Thanks for your time
[16:18:09] CrazyFoam (CrazyFoam!i=gturner@gateway/tor/x-a586613049909c47) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:18:46] Neeesat (Neeesat! has quit ()
[16:18:47] CrazyFoam (CrazyFoam!i=gturner@gateway/tor/x-c79f0b153db4ff94) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:18:56] sphery: wonder if Neeesat is a BASIC programmer... "goto run"
[16:19:35] |Torg|: sphery: I never had to remove the pro files, I jut do a distclean before compile and put my faith in ccache
[16:20:56] sphery: |Torg|: the problem is that if you do an svn switch, it changes the files to a different branch (i.e. from trunk to release-0-21-fixes), but it doesn't re-download still says: SVNREPOPATH = "$$URL: $$"
[16:21:14] sphery: So when you do a --version, it will say Branch: trunk, even though you're on -fixes
[16:21:52] sphery: I don't know SVN well enough to figure out how to fix it (or if it's possible to do so)
[16:21:58] gbee: directhex: not you? :)
[16:22:00] |Torg|: ahh but I put trunk and branches in differnt directories already :)
[16:22:19] directhex: gbee, bah! no fucking wonder i get no reception!
[16:22:29] |Torg|: and I havnt used trunk since .21 went live'
[16:22:36] ** xris curses lirc **
[16:22:44] sphery: yeah, but rather than having those who download the wrong branch re-download everything, it makes sense to save bandwidth and use svn switch
[16:23:00] |Torg|: yes sphery I agree
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[16:27:28] directhex: hm, i can get (just about) bbc1
[16:27:31] directhex: on channel 34
[16:27:41] directhex: the only place i can be getting that from is the oxford transmitter
[16:27:54] directhex: which i'm pointed ~90° away from
[16:28:06] directhex: and the oxford transmitter is through a wall, too
[16:29:39] |Torg|: put the antenna on a pole abov the roof?
[16:31:58] directhex: |Torg|, well, yes, but my point is, which feckless twat installed a loft aerial pointing at an analog-only transmitter?
[16:32:11] Dregs (Dregs!n=Dregs@unaffiliated/dregz) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:32:26] |Torg|: they are proobly related to my neighbors :)
[16:33:15] |Torg|: "boy, you ain't gona get nutin our here wif that there antenna"
[16:33:34] directhex: the house was built in 2006. the uk got digital tv in 2002
[16:39:27] TyposuDlrrp (TyposuDlrrp! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:39:40] |Torg|: is there another way to create a local svn repo then svm import? seems the cvs server wants a password to allow me to import it to my own svn server
[16:45:17] Penfold (Penfold!n=mike@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Penfold) has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:47:07] waini (waini! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[16:47:19] armbar: I am getting this error when building svn trunk ... My build started to fail last night. Anyone else seen this?
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[16:49:00] sphery: armbar: is there a reason you're using trunk? trunk is not stable now.
[16:49:14] gpd (gpd! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:49:47] sphery: If you're just starting you should use release-0-21-fixes. If you've been using Myth for a while and have a pre-Qt4 trunk backup, you're better off using release-0-21-fixes.
[16:50:35] armbar: sphery: been running trunk for more than a year now
[16:51:01] famicom_ (famicom_! has quit ("Leaving")
[16:51:09] armbar: this is not a QT4 problem
[16:51:14] sphery: and trunk has been very unstable since late Feb (when there were many warnings posted to both lists saying to use 0.21-fixes)
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[16:51:29] armbar: that is to say I did update-alternatives --config qmake weeks ago
[16:51:36] sphery: looks like you don't have Qt4 installed properly all the right pieces
[16:51:50] armbar: built 3 days agop fine
[16:51:55] armbar: *ago
[16:52:04] sphery: built some parts 3 days ago
[16:52:45] armbar: so trunk is unusable now?
[16:53:27] ** armbar know what svn trunk is meant for may be a dump question **
[16:54:21] sphery: not unusable, but in a state where anyone who isn't capable of or interested in debugging build issues and submitting patches shouldn't be using it
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[16:54:45] sphery: anyway, it builds without any problems on my dev server
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[16:55:03] keith4: isn't that sort-of always the case with svn trunk?
[16:55:19] keith4: (that it's not suitable for people who can't debug build issues)
[16:55:27] sphery: keith4: yeah, but now, more than ever
[16:55:43] sphery: as we know there are build issues and bugs and ...
[16:56:13] keith4: why can't people just use stable releases and deal with the release cycle? i'll never understand
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[16:57:48] sphery: yeah, the release cycle is the right way to do it.
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[16:58:47] sphery: armbar: I guess the best way to put it is: I'm actively writing patches for MythTV trunk right now, but I'm running 0.21-fixes on my production systems.
[16:59:25] keith4: I *finally* got myth settled the way I want it, and everything works... so don't rush to release any big changes
[16:59:55] xris: keith4: like qt4?  :)
[17:00:07] keith4: precisely
[17:00:46] keith4: i'm going to have to freeze my myth setup, i guess. I'll pretend I'm using mythbuntu or something, and never touch it
[17:01:45] sphery: if it ain't broke, messing with it is not "fixing it"  :)
[17:02:46] kormoc: keith4, I personally run -trunk, but I read the -dev list and froze before the qt4 swap and will unfreeze when someone much smarter then I tells me it's time to :)
[17:03:24] janneg: I hope to get some pace into the qt4 conversion after linuxtag (28.-31. may)
[17:04:21] janneg: and I think we should try to release after we got rid of qt3support
[17:05:43] RockHound (RockHound! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:05:53] RockHound: hi everyone ... is there a way to tell mythtv to output AC3 before MP2 audio streams by default?
[17:08:13] |Torg|: armbar: this *IS* a qt4 problem, spcificly you are *MISSING* a part of the qt devlopment libs
[17:09:58] kormoc: OT:
[17:10:50] ** armbar feels like an ass **
[17:10:54] armbar: needed libqt4-opengl-dev
[17:10:56] armbar: thanks
[17:11:20] armbar: will consider 21-fixes though or freeze my build for a while
[17:11:36] |Torg|: you will need it for 21-fixes as well
[17:12:11] kormoc: |Torg|, why? 0.21-fixes is still qt3....
[17:12:14] sphery: armbar: if you haven't run a Qt4 version, yet, your don't want to (it will do a for-all-practical-purposes unreversible change to the data)
[17:12:42] armbar: I went down the qt4c road already
[17:12:52] armbar: guess there is no truning back now
[17:12:54] |Torg|: sorry kormoc I thought it was qt4, I edit out some of my qt structures anyway :)
[17:14:39] sphery: armbar: if you didn't have all of Qt4 installed (as I tried to tell you above), I doubt you've built the Qt4 version of Myth, yet, let alone run it.
[17:15:36] armbar: this is what I have now
[17:15:37] sphery: but, whatever, run trunk if you want; but, please don't complain to me (or the list or ...) when things don't work, though.
[17:15:39] armbar: mythbackend --version
[17:15:41] armbar: Please include all output in bug reports.
[17:15:42] armbar: MythTV Version  : 17292
[17:15:44] armbar: MythTV Branch  : trunk
[17:15:45] armbar: Library API  : 0.22.20080422–1
[17:15:47] armbar: Network Protocol : 40
[17:15:48] armbar: QT Version  : 4.4.0-rc1
[17:15:50] armbar: sorry
[17:16:15] TelnetManta (TelnetManta!n=benwilli@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:16:32] kormoc: armbar, ...
[17:17:02] armbar: thanks for the help / info guys
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[17:32:34] ** GreyFoxx wonders how many *buntu updates there will be for ssl and ssh keys in the next couple days :) **
[17:32:50] iamlindoro_: Heh, *lots*
[17:33:19] iamlindoro_: + debian + *cough* "Dreamlinux" etc. etc.
[17:35:09] |Torg|: there wasnt anything today, whats the problem with ssh?
[17:35:29] gregL (gregL! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:35:38] GreyFoxx: . . . /000705.html
[17:35:48] Penfold: torg: see.. what he said.
[17:35:51] Penfold: biiiig oops.
[17:35:53] GreyFoxx: . . . sg00152.html . . . nnounce/1614
[17:36:15] GreyFoxx: basically debian patched something locally which has left them and derivitives vulnerable for a long time
[17:36:19] |Torg|: thanks GreyFoxx I already an reading it
[17:36:22] gpd (gpd!n=gpd@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:38:29] ille: I got this strange compile error on compiling SVN
[17:38:45] |Torg|: I do wonder how urgently I need to update this as I use vpn to get into my systems remotly and ssh is only availble inside my network
[17:42:52] justinh: |Torg|: probably not very urgently
[17:43:28] justinh: unless your router runs something based on something that needs updated ;)
[17:44:24] Anduin: ille: usually errors there are wrong qmake (for trunk)
[17:44:39] |Torg|: its no my router that I vpn into :)
[17:45:05] justinh: heh I'm alright Jack.. my backend still runs Dappy Duck
[17:50:45] sphery: GreyFoxx: I wonder how many affected people understand what /besides/ updating the OpenSSL software they need to do (i.e. key management stuff)
[17:53:55] |Torg|: I wonder why debian would fall into the same problem Solaris had years ago with the randum number generator not being random
[17:54:19] GreyFoxx: spher: Probably very few
[17:54:32] hiphophippo (hiphophippo! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:54:34] GreyFoxx: they'll do their app update and leave the keys and such along
[17:54:37] GreyFoxx: alone
[17:54:47] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:55:40] sphery: GreyFoxx: especially if they're using keys for more than just OpenSSH (which is specifically mentioned)--such as for actual encryption/signatures/...
[17:55:42] ille: Anduin: Aha, Qmake version: 1.07a (Qt 3.3.7) and SVN is qt4 :)
[17:56:11] Anduin: ille: Yup, the \" escaping is different, ruins the fun and gives it away.
[17:58:31] ille: export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt4 gives me alot of QFile::open: No file name specified
[17:58:43] sphery: QTDIR isn't used by Qt4
[17:59:28] ille: ok, how do I specify qt4 then?
[18:01:14] Anduin: ille: do you have qmake-qt4 installed?
[18:01:27] Anduin: ille: also is this an old tree?
[18:01:51] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:01:55] gbee: ille: --qmake=/path/to/qt4/qmake
[18:02:39] gbee: but unless you want an unstable system go back to 0.21 :)
[18:03:15] sphery: depending on distro, isn't there some sort of update-alternatives thing...
[18:03:36] justinh: hahahah the annoying guy on Facebook who I photoshopped Boris Johnson's head onto is now using that as his profile pic
[18:04:19] sphery: agreed, though--0.21-fixes is the right one to use
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[18:05:34] gbee: sphery: yeah, maybe I should make an effort to be clear about that :) When I say 0.21 I assume people know that I'm talking about -fixes
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[18:06:59] sphery: yeah, wasn't trying to correct you--I assume that, too--but typing it is a habit
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[18:16:17] gbee: it's lazy of me to make that assumption, especially in this channel
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[18:28:56] Andreaz (Andreaz! has joined #mythtv-users
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[18:32:05] Andreaz: Just a note: If i got 2 (identical) tuner cards and both are busy with recordings, i can only choice the stations in livetv on the transponder from the card first started the recording, not from the sum of both tuned transponders....
[18:32:29] Andreaz: hard to explain... :)
[18:34:56] directhex: FIXED IT
[18:35:05] directhex: the aerial guy was either incompetent or a crook
[18:35:38] KaZeR (KaZeR!n=kazer@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:35:48] tjcarter: If tuner 1 records off transponder 1, and tuner 2 records off transponder 2, you should be able to tune any channel on transponder 2, but Myth says you can only get channels on transponder 1.
[18:35:56] tjcarter: Andreaz: that about sum it up?
[18:36:15] keith4: try changing inputs, in the frontend
[18:37:04] jarle: Is it possible to have a separate volume control for audio from for example Amarok and mythtv, so that I can change the volume of output from either program without changing the volume of the other?
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[18:37:58] jarle: audio from both programs is supposed to share the same jack output on my soundcard.
[18:38:33] ille: gbee, regarding SVN i'm not going to run it on my production box
[18:38:39] tjcarter: jarle: yes, sortof, depending, but it's kinda complicated =)
[18:39:21] tjcarter: jarle: I first set that up with emu10k1 OSS driver ages and ages ago.
[18:40:05] jarle: tjcarter: so that I can listen to some music while browsing the channels, and only turn up the myth volume when I find something I want to watch...
[18:40:09] tjcarter: the card has a pair of audio processors on it, and the emu10k1 has its own clever little mixer with volumes and everything.
[18:40:59] tjcarter: so the way it was done with that card was to set up a second sound device which feeds into the mixer differently and control its volume independently through that device's own mixer interface
[18:41:26] tjcarter: Or, as we did it at the time, through the emu10k1 controller program =)
[18:41:51] tjcarter: ALSA is also quite clever and can have virtual sound devices
[18:44:05] ** jarle is experimenting with different settings for sound in mythtv... or do I need to go outside myth settings to configure the setup this way? **
[18:44:37] tjcarter: What I suggested is definitely outside Myth
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[18:47:15] jduggan: eh, with the time you'll spend messing, you should just buy a cheap sound card :P
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[18:48:25] fn1: afternoon all
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[18:49:00] fn1: Do any of you use nfs to mount you media? if so what is a proper shutdown procedure?
[18:49:07] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:49:36] GreyFoxx: fn1: How do you mean?
[18:51:41] fn1: like if say box1 has nfs mount from raid
[18:52:02] fn1: and i shut down raid.. then box1 has stuff left in mtab or what ever
[18:52:27] fn1: GreyFoxx: not that i shut down often, but occasionally i need to
[18:53:14] fn1: just wondering the proper way to do so..
[18:53:35] fn1: so i have to log into each box that has it mounted and then umount the share first?
[18:53:43] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:53:45] GreyFoxx: I have never bothered
[18:53:53] GreyFoxx: Shutdown the server, do what you need, bring it back up
[18:53:58] GreyFoxx: everything moves on normally
[18:54:14] GreyFoxx: only comes a problem if the other machines are actively writing to the nfs mount that is now unreachable
[18:54:16] fn1: but when you bring it back up, what happens to the boxes that you had it mounted on?
[18:54:26] Anduin: fn1: You can also use autofs so it is mounted on demand, and unmounted when not used
[18:54:27] fn1: do you need to remount?
[18:54:29] GreyFoxx: fn1: nothing, it just works
[18:54:37] fn1: hmm ok..
[18:54:43] fn1: how do you have yours set up to mount?
[18:54:47] GreyFoxx: fn1: When I try to access the mount, the OS detects it needs to reconnect
[18:54:57] fn1: i see.. ok
[18:55:14] GreyFoxx: I've never used autofs, and for your uses it might be a good options, but personally I've never used it
[18:55:43] fn1: im still getting mine setup just right.. last time i rebooted i had to restart the r services as it didnt startup and start sharing the way i need it
[18:59:10] clever: when i delete a show it causes a long rescedule, causing the network connection to timeout, causing a deadlock
[18:59:12] Dibblah: clever: It's just the scheduler running.
[18:59:25] clever: yeah, but its taking so long the frontend thinks the conn crashed
[18:59:41] Dibblah: It should be moderately better with recent (>.20) Myth
[18:59:43] clever: and then the frontend itself crashes(a seperate problem kinda for the case of a real conn crash)
[18:59:50] clever: svn trunk, qt4
[19:00:12] Dibblah: You didn't mention qt4 ;)
[19:00:27] clever: didnt get that far yet:P
[19:00:39] clever: there its timing out now
[19:00:47] clever: wait, finished before it ran out:P
[19:01:51] clever: must delete faster!
[19:01:56] Anduin: clever: slows deletes a workaround?
[19:02:06] clever: undelete enabled
[19:02:16] clever: it doesnt actualy delete, it just moved to the deleted recgroup
[19:02:28] famicom (famicom! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:02:35] Anduin: Yeah, just hard to believe that is too slow
[19:02:48] sphery: clever: get a >400MHz MySQL server :)
[19:03:03] clever: the 1.6ghz mysql server is in the wrong timezone
[19:03:15] clever: and its actualy slower then the 400mhz
[19:03:21] clever: the pipeline is too big
[19:03:48] sphery: get a /properly configured/ > 400MHz MySQL server :)
[19:04:08] clever: the 400mhz is fully setup in the proper timezone(entire system)
[19:04:21] clever: data dir on lvm
[19:04:51] Dibblah: clever: Is query caching enabled?
[19:05:15] clever: should be, havent forced it on but it seems like something that should be default
[19:05:20] clever:
[19:05:25] Anduin: clever: Is the timeout one of the quick timeouts in the protocol handling? (usually a message)
[19:05:37] clever: Anduin: pastebin says which
[19:05:42] clever: MythTV Version  : 17144:17145M
[19:05:42] clever: MythTV Branch  : trunk
[19:05:47] sphery: clever: I'm just trying to say that current Myth isn't really designed to work with 10-yr old processors
[19:05:47] jpabq (jpabq! has quit ("Leaving")
[19:06:15] clever: if i moved the master into the 400mhz it may perform better i feel
[19:06:26] jpabq (jpabq! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:06:38] Dibblah: Query caching is disabled by default.
[19:06:39] clever: but like when i tryed that with the laptop, and later heard, the master MUST have a capture card to function
[19:07:25] Hausberg (Hausberg! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:07:49] clever: from a glance it wont help much, it seems to cache the entire result and changing 1 table(like recorded) would trash the cache
[19:07:55] clever: and deleting shows would do that:P
[19:08:10] clever: 2008-05–13 16:03:05.506 Reschedule requested for id 0.
[19:08:12] Dibblah: Yes and no.
[19:08:19] clever: 2008-05–13 16:04:33.229 scheduler: Scheduled items: Scheduled 284 items in 40.3 = 0.02 match + 40.24 place
[19:08:23] Dibblah: It does help with one part of the schedule.
[19:08:26] Dibblah: It's on, then.
[19:08:29] clever: ouch 1.5mins to resched
[19:08:37] Hausberg: are there changes into mythfilldatabase command formulation since 0.21?
[19:09:00] Dibblah: clever: Do the slow query log, then an explain on the query.
[19:09:35] clever: wtf
[19:09:38] clever: 100mb of binary logs
[19:09:43] clever: from jan
[19:09:53] clever: thats where half my space went
[19:10:16] ille: I use the --qmake=/usr/share/qt4/bin/qmake and it seems ok, but it still get the error compiling trunk
[19:10:18] clever: restart or reload to apply the slowlog change?
[19:10:28] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@ has quit ("Leaving")
[19:10:39] clever: ille: i had the trouble also, the quoting is handled diff between the 2 qt's
[19:11:02] clever: ille: in the end i gave up and upgraded the distro release 2–3 times in a row(syncing it with the rest of the working frontends)
[19:11:31] ille: clever, i would guess removing qt3 is the way to go
[19:11:35] clever: which also solved other problems, now that they all ran the same release, they could all share 1 set of binarys&libs(instead of 2 as before)
[19:11:45] clever: ille: i tryed that but no mater how much i removed i couldnt fix it
[19:12:06] Anduin: ille: clean out old geneated Makefile s
[19:12:12] clever: patching source.list and doing several rounds of apt-get dist-upgrade and repeating 3 times fixed it
[19:12:20] clever: Anduin: i also had to do that afterwards:P
[19:12:25] ille: Anduin, made a distclean and clean
[19:12:41] clever: dont think distclean gets the makefiles last i saw
[19:13:04] Anduin: ille: which doesn't work
[19:13:25] ille: in libupnp
[19:13:58] ille: maybe wipe the svn tree and checkout a new one
[19:14:19] sphery: I think he was saying, "which," to mean "make distclean"
[19:14:20] Anduin: ille: find . -name Makefile -delete; svn up
[19:14:37] sphery: i.e. make distclean doesn't work to fix this particular problem
[19:15:07] clever: ahhh yeah, i didnt think to repair with svn up
[19:15:16] clever: so i manualy deleted each problem makefile as it crashed
[19:15:21] fn1: GreyFoxx: you seen the via vm7700
[19:15:37] clever: which also meant 3mins waits because wanted to walk the entire tree every time
[19:16:37] clever: 2008-05–13 16:15:52.914 Reschedule requested for id 0.
[19:16:41] clever: 2008-05–13 16:16:29.904 scheduler: Scheduled items: Scheduled 284 items in 36.8 = 0.00 match + 36.83 place
[19:16:48] clever: better, 61 seconds
[19:17:06] sphery: actually, 36.8 seconds
[19:17:06] fn1:
[19:17:15] sphery: 36.8 = 0.00 + 36.8
[19:17:30] clever: oops
[19:17:36] clever: got the mins and seconds mixed up
[19:17:39] GreyFoxx: fn1: Yeah, a local company uses them on flatscreens they have littered all ove rthe city for advertising
[19:17:40] AndyCap: fn1: too bad it's so underpowered
[19:18:03] sphery: yeah, just don't add the total plus parts--take the total or add the parts :)
[19:18:04] justinh: oh is that the thing with the pico-itx board in it?
[19:18:14] clever: GreyFoxx: so they are 'easy to aquire' :P
[19:18:21] AndyCap: the same thing fiire uses for the mythbox
[19:18:41] ille: Anduin, I think I get passed libmythunp with your find . -name Makefile -delete; svn up
[19:18:48] AndyCap:
[19:18:51] fn1: AndyCap: cap:
[19:18:52] fn1: same thing
[19:18:53] justinh: onboard video acceleration is all very well & good – except it doesn't work in linux
[19:19:09] AndyCap: fn1: cap?
[19:19:15] fn1: go watch the linuxmce demo
[19:19:31] justinh: jesus can anybody ever be bored enough to watch that?
[19:19:48] fn1: they use the fire station with it
[19:19:51] nedd1 (nedd1!n=john@nat/sun/x-898301e79ea3ea91) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:19:51] fn1: says 1080i
[19:19:57] AndyCap: fn1: I don't get it. vm7700 is what fiire use.
[19:19:58] fn1: justinh: check out the new one
[19:20:00] sphery: I watched it just to see what the hype was about. I saw the video, but didn't see the hype.
[19:20:23] fn1: yup, and what they use in the new demo for linuxmce
[19:20:45] justinh: you can pack a real computer into that kind of space these days
[19:20:51] justinh: for about the same amount of money
[19:21:28] fn1: justinh: show me... i would like to build something that is 1inch that i can use for a frontend, that has no fans
[19:21:55] fn1: AndyCap: why you say its underpowered?
[19:22:08] califdreas (califdreas!n=andreas@ has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[19:22:12] justinh: fn1: it IS underpowered
[19:22:48] justinh: it relies on the onboard vid decoder working in linux.. which it doesn't.. not as advertised anyway
[19:22:50] TyposuDlrrp is now known as Tomasu
[19:23:26] justinh: unless they spent some cash & paid somebody to fix drivers
[19:23:54] clever: there, query cache on
[19:23:56] fn1: AndyCap: know what the 2.2 inch one is?
[19:24:23] AndyCap: fn1: sorry, no. didn't look at that one
[19:25:05] AndyCap: fn1: you could get power in this one if money is no object though
[19:25:31] clever: still 30–40 seconds/sched on avg
[19:26:24] justinh: I'd love there to be a *realistic* low-power consuming HD frontend – but I'm a realist. no such thing yet exists which'd be any use for mythtv
[19:26:33] d00gster (d00gster! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:26:54] AndyCap: justinh: realistic what? price?
[19:27:28] fn1: AndyCap: quite expensive
[19:27:41] justinh: realistic as in *actually* *works* while pulling the same power from the mains outlet as a STB
[19:28:00] AndyCap: justinh: hehe. now that is a tall order.
[19:28:14] clever: find out what decoders the stb uses
[19:28:20] clever: and make your own pci decoder helper:P
[19:28:22] justinh: so is expecting anything from Via to be any good
[19:28:51] AndyCap: are there any manufacturers of decoder chips even remotely willing to part with specs for a gpl driver
[19:28:57] justinh: rofl
[19:28:59] clever: mentions a core 2 duo at one point
[19:29:05] clever: and those are damn powerfull
[19:29:14] justinh: not yet as far as I know
[19:29:31] clever: AndyCap: reverse engineer one from the firmware of a stb then
[19:29:36] AndyCap: clever: haha
[19:29:44] clever: monitor the pins while the stb uses it
[19:29:50] AndyCap: yeeah a lawsuit and a dmca case is what I want
[19:29:57] clever: lol
[19:30:14] clever: dmcs only gets involved if you touch the decryptor:P
[19:30:26] ** justinh kills the LMCE video. BORING **
[19:30:26] clever: get a freesat box that doesnt need/use/have one
[19:30:35] clever: then dysect it
[19:30:35] justinh: some promo
[19:30:45] justinh: 24 mins 34 secs long – ffs
[19:30:49] fn1:
[19:30:58] fn1: justinh... fast forward to the kitchen part
[19:31:04] justinh: can't be arsed
[19:31:09] sphery: DMCA only gets involved if there are lawyers or greedy people in the world
[19:31:11] justinh: they lost me at Zzzzzzzzzzz
[19:31:30] GreyFoxx: 1 thing I like in the MCE demo is that when scrolling through the video list the movie cover you currently have highlighted is slightly zoomed
[19:31:42] justinh: yeah I liked that too
[19:31:51] justinh: the one thing
[19:32:01] sphery: GreyFoxx: sounds like a good project for gbee  :)
[19:32:08] GreyFoxx: heh
[19:32:14] clever: Dibblah: i just noticed, my main mysql server has the cache defaulting to 16777216
[19:32:16] clever: Dibblah: not 0:P
[19:32:27] clever: about 16mb it appears
[19:32:29] GreyFoxx: I've been playing with the video gallery a lot of my box and that would be nifty
[19:32:29] AndyCap: one thing that I do like with the fiire thing is that they have a custom firmware for the gyration / thompson remote
[19:33:03] GreyFoxx: errr on my box I meant
[19:33:45] fn1: . . . Y-_-13153077
[19:34:00] sphery: GreyFoxx: I want to see the Watch Recordings screen get converted to mythui, then a "dynamic" UI created that provides the MythTV-like (good for TV episodes) and MythVideo-like (i.e. gallery, etc.--good for movies) UI from the same place in Myth
[19:34:24] sphery: and for MythVideo to disappear at that point (to save Anduin some work)
[19:34:45] justinh: that kind of integration is a way off though isn't it?
[19:35:03] sphery: I don't expect to see it in 0.22.  :)
[19:35:09] GreyFoxx: I use to only use the videogallery for movies, but now that I've started added icons for my TV show archive I find I use it a lot more
[19:35:11] GreyFoxx:
[19:35:14] sphery: perhaps not in 0.2x
[19:36:03] sphery: GreyFoxx: and then each is a directory of episodes?
[19:36:17] GreyFoxx:
[19:36:20] GreyFoxx: Yup
[19:36:20] sphery: that would even work for the MythTV thing...
[19:36:22] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:36:26] justinh: I like some parts of the new elisa demo video
[19:36:43] justinh: they have tabs which indicate a trail of crumbs :)
[19:36:47] stoth_ (stoth_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:37:00] justinh: you could have icon views within that, lists..
[19:37:07] stoth (stoth! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:37:17] justinh: like umm... a file browser really, but filterable/searchable
[19:37:39] GreyFoxx: I plan to look at linuxmce though to see what they use for the auto identification of DVD;'s put into a dvd jukebox :)
[19:38:11] sphery: OK, I'm sold on mythui for Watch Recordings and dynamic UI (possibly using qtscript--making Qt4.4 a requirement)... There are so many possibilities.
[19:38:17] GreyFoxx: Wonder how much they paid for the lady to do the setup guide stuff :)
[19:38:39] sphery: I figured it was the project creator's SO or something
[19:38:47] GreyFoxx: Maube
[19:38:49] GreyFoxx: maybe
[19:38:52] fn1: that jetway board has built on hdmi
[19:39:10] fn1: GreyFoxx: the xbmc has a nice interface for dvds and music
[19:39:20] fn1: and there is a linux port now too
[19:39:48] justinh: GreyFoxx: cddb does it I think
[19:40:05] justinh: xbmc is nothing more than a file browser really
[19:40:49] fn1: but since it will interface with mythtv for the dvds and cds i think it has one of the best UIs out there
[19:40:50] GreyFoxx: just: Cool. I want to have disk auto identification for use with the dvd changer. auto grab info/covers
[19:40:59] justinh: fn1: at the moment, maybe
[19:41:01] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:41:04] stoth_ (stoth_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:41:16] justinh: fn1: just wait
[19:41:20] fn1: justinh: you have something up your sleeve?
[19:41:24] kali67 (kali67! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:41:39] justinh: in terms of what?
[19:41:45] fn1: ...just wait?
[19:41:45] justinh: themes? I quit already
[19:42:04] justinh: the mythui stuff is gonna be NICE
[19:42:20] justinh: making all sorts of previously unpossible stuff.. doable :)
[19:42:25] fn1: how long am i gunna have to wait?
[19:42:37] justinh: dunno. be worth the wait, though
[19:42:38] fn1: is there any screen shots of any of it anytwhere?
[19:43:17] stoth (stoth! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:43:21] justinh: nope
[19:43:23] sphery: fn1: none of the converted stuff is actually utilizing mythui to its fullest capabilities
[19:43:28] beandog (beandog!n=steve@gentoo/developer/beandog) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:44:28] justinh: seriously, though – xbmc isn't all that. it's no better than mythtv at managing *huge* collections of stuff and AFAIK nothing is
[19:44:46] jarle: justinh: there is supposed to be sound on the elisa demo video, or not?
[19:44:56] justinh: jarle: don't think so
[19:45:37] ** jarle started testing a lot of different players, I figured something was wrong with my playback :) **
[19:46:56] Toxicity999 (Toxicity999! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:47:00] ** jarle agrees that elisa with mythtv TV functionality would be GREAT... **
[19:47:02] fn1: justinh: maybe not.. but there UI is awesome
[19:47:20] justinh: what makes xbmc's ui awesome?
[19:47:36] justinh: smooth scrolling, zoomy stuff?
[19:47:45] directhex: justinh, a file browser with a DB that puts myth to shame
[19:47:57] fn1: its pretty
[19:48:01] kormoc: directhex, what part about it does?
[19:48:05] fn1: jarle: what video where you watching
[19:48:09] justinh: I hear a fuckload of whining but not seen any patches
[19:48:12] directhex: justinh, wanna pick a movie, then search your collection based on arbitrary metadata values? go ahead!
[19:48:17] jarle: fn1:
[19:48:24] directhex: kormoc, it can actually manage things that aren't movies in a non-shit manner?
[19:48:53] kormoc: Metadata browsing has been a planned feature for awhile
[19:49:07] Penfold (Penfold!n=mike@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Penfold) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:49:17] fn1: i wasn't complaining.. just said it was nice, and it could be use on a fe
[19:49:21] kormoc: but noone seems interested enough in it to put any time into it
[19:49:37] kormoc: directhex, other then metadata browing, what else does it rock at?
[19:49:42] justinh: turned into a long thread on the -dev list then just died off
[19:50:11] directhex: kormoc, that's the big one. what else does it do? it's a file browser & mplayer frontend
[19:50:51] peoples_ (peoples_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:51:09] justinh: this is what I mean when I sometimes say that more collaboration would be a good thing
[19:51:21] peoples_: hey guys
[19:51:41] justinh: have a bit of that, a bit of that, something from over there.. but nah. they all have to be good at *some* things..
[19:52:50] robbins61 (robbins61!n=robbins8@ has quit ("Leaving")
[19:52:57] Hausberg (Hausberg! has quit ("Leaving")
[19:53:06] robbins61 (robbins61!n=robbins8@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:53:09] squish102: how well does mythtv use a dual core cpu for FE/BE?
[19:53:10] Anduin: MythVideo is mostly limited by me not caring (an no one else)
[19:53:21] squish102: is it worth investing if playing HD content
[19:53:49] peoples_: has anyone a mythbackend + frontend system with working suspend S3 mode ?
[19:53:56] fn1: squish102: i think for backend it helps, but for fe from what i understand, it doesnt take advantage of it... someone correct me if im wrong
[19:54:05] directhex: fn1, you're wrong
[19:54:24] fn1: ....then correct me
[19:54:31] squish102: so i currently have an amd 64 +3500
[19:54:33] GreyFoxx: Andui: Actually I've got 3 or 4 patches for it, mostly for the gallery :) the list works fine for me except I have to look at "play entire directory" for the wife :)
[19:54:43] directhex: squish102, h264 will use multiple cores if the source video was encoded with slices enabled. i think mpeg2 is generally. there's an option somewhere where you can pick how many threads to use for video decoding
[19:55:13] squish102: ok, thanks, i will look out for a deal and upgrade
[19:55:26] directhex: but amd cpus, you need a lot more mhz than intel
[19:55:56] Anduin: That elisa demos does look nice
[19:56:39] fn1: GreyFoxx: what do your patches do?
[19:57:13] peoples_: after wakeup with wol mythbackend must be restartet ... k no problem .. but this wont work with automated service restarts of e.g. pm-suspend ..
[19:57:14] GreyFoxx: fn1: 1 crash fix, 1 folder icon caching patch, and a few other things
[19:58:51] GreyFoxx: The coverfile/folder caching patch makes a HUGE difference when navigating the gallery if you have covers defined
[20:00:11] GreyFoxx: TS: heh sure
[20:00:20] GreyFoxx: oops, that was for another channel :)
[20:03:29] turbo (turbo! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:06:37] MinDKrime: Humm FC9 released
[20:08:35] Gokee2_ (Gokee2_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[20:12:14] gbee: GreyFoxx: I've already got that feature planned, it will actually be very easy once I've re-written mythlistbutton
[20:12:38] gbee: well if by zoomed you mean the image gets slightly larger
[20:12:44] GreyFoxx: yeah
[20:13:07] GreyFoxx: Sweet :)
[20:15:17] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:16:53] sphery: we should all help gbee get his new system working so he can get mythui working... :)
[20:16:53] justinh: so long as somebody themes it :P
[20:19:33] gbee: have to say I'm loving the fact that you can define a list, button, textarea et al style once and then just use that definition on every screen – so when you need to tweak something you edit one place and not fifty
[20:19:35] Anduin: Yeah, the F9 release means more gcc 4.3 users
[20:19:51] Dagmar (Dagmar!i=dagmar@unaffiliated/dagmar) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[20:19:53] valeech (valeech! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:19:58] justinh: gbee: might be enough to tempt me out of retirement alone, that one
[20:20:05] sphery: wonder if it means that Firewire will actually work on Fedora, again
[20:22:08] keith4: is there "page down" functionality in mythvideo?
[20:22:20] keith4: I suspect I just don't have it defined on my remote
[20:22:23] sphery: there is in gallery view
[20:22:39] justinh: 3 is pg dn
[20:22:44] justinh: 9 is pg up
[20:23:03] otwin (otwin!n=otwin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:23:03] keith4: oh
[20:23:05] Anduin: and it works in every view
[20:23:07] |Torg|: is there an svn command to determine what the current svn repo has?
[20:23:11] justinh: and IIRC, 6 takes you to the middle – if that patch was ever committed
[20:23:22] justinh: |Torg|: svn info
[20:23:26] keith4: the middle of what? of all the items in the gallery?
[20:23:38] justinh: keith4: as I remember it
[20:23:40] |Torg|: justinh: thats what I have, I want to know what the repo has
[20:23:50] |Torg|: i.e. I am trying to automate daily builds
[20:23:54] keith4: crap. is there a key to switch views on the fly?
[20:23:57] Anduin: yeah, page down in the browse view isn't all that useful either (except for skipping)
[20:23:58] Dagmar (Dagmar! has joined #MythTV-Users
[20:24:16] justinh: keith4: menu
[20:25:02] justinh: being able to cycle through views with one button might be cool – it's on my 'to-do list' somewhere
[20:25:38] justinh: when I thought about it, I wanted to see which other areas would benefit from that too
[20:26:15] justinh: not much happening with that list right now, or for the next couple of months
[20:26:43] _gunni_ (_gunni_! has quit ("KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies")
[20:28:46] keith4: menu?
[20:29:06] Anduin: 'm'
[20:29:16] Anduin: (by default)
[20:29:27] ** keith4 goes to find his lirc conf **
[20:30:07] robbins61 (robbins61!n=robbins8@ has quit (No route to host)
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[20:34:50] Anduin: clever: g++ doesn't include the calling convetion
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[20:35:50] clever: lol
[20:36:02] clever: but im sending what appears to be the type it asks
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[20:51:00] Tomasu is now known as TyposuAway
[20:51:02] enyalios (enyalios! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:51:46] enyalios: which db option turns on 'avoid conflicts with live tv'?
[20:51:50] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[20:51:56] enyalios: is it 'lastfreecard' in the settings table?
[20:52:28] stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:52:45] kormoc: I doubt if anyone is gonna know off the top of their head
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[20:53:09] enyalios: ive searched google pretty thoroughly and cant seem to find anywhere where it lists what things in the settings table do
[20:53:26] enyalios: this page: is fairly useless
[20:53:27] kormoc: Cause everyone uses the UI to do that sort of thing
[20:53:37] enyalios: i like to do admining over ssh
[20:53:47] kormoc: enyalios, ssh has X forwarding
[20:53:50] enyalios: and mythfrontend barfs using X forwarding over ssh
[20:54:01] kormoc: works for me (tm)(R)
[20:54:22] enyalios: does not work for me, but that might be because i have to ssh through another machine to get to my mythbox
[20:54:31] Anduin: -O ThemePainter=qt helps
[20:54:39] enyalios: ooh, i will try that
[20:54:55] justinh: freenx ftw!
[20:54:59] enyalios: haha
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[21:20:00] gbee: ok, this is weird
[21:20:57] gbee: recording plays fine on the frontend/backend that recorded it, I copy it over with scp to the laptop and _nothing_ plays it, I just get a blank screen and no audio
[21:22:56] xand: hmm, when you choose "Record only this showing" and click save using MythWeb, the green box round the program title doesn't appear unless you load the page again c.c
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[21:31:34] xris: xand: takes a few seconds for the scheduler to refresh
[21:31:46] xand: oh
[21:31:54] xris: sometimes up to a minute on slow machines
[21:32:01] xand: but it shows the correct radio button selected
[21:33:43] kormoc: xand, just because you set it to record only that show doesn't mean it won't be trumped by a higher priority show
[21:33:59] kormoc: xand, the radio button shows what you requested to happen, the green border shows what will happen
[21:34:18] xand: I see
[21:36:32] xris: xand: to reiterate what kormoc said, what the db shows (the checkbox) for what you want to happen isn't the same as what the scheduler actually does.
[21:37:59] orko (orko! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:38:03] orko: hi
[21:38:48] orko: mythtv does not find mhe installed xmltv grabbers. 0.20 found them.
[21:38:57] orko: i installed xmltv-utils on debian
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[21:48:14] directhex: myth 0.21 searches for executables in $PATH named tv_grab*, and check that running them with --capabilities returns at least "baseline"
[21:48:33] directhex: 0.20 had a hard-coded list of grabbers, which had to be in $PATH in order to work
[21:48:46] directhex: so if a new grabber appeared, no way to add to 0.20 without editing the source
[21:48:48] Slim-Kimbo (Slim-Kimbo! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:48:56] directhex: or overwriting a wrong grabber
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[22:21:04] CCFL_Man2: iamlindoro_: chaparral feedhorn and norsat lnbs ftw
[22:21:41] CCFL_Man2: i got myself another DSR-4410 dcII ird, and i just ordered another qam modulator and upconverter today
[22:23:09] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:24:08] CCFL_Man2: the ird won't authorize on an open dcII channel, so i just use it for dvb and the other one for dcII
[22:24:24] CCFL_Man2: i want to use the DSR-4500X for music choice
[22:26:28] directhex: >:3
[22:26:55] darkfrog (darkfrog! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:27:05] fryfrog: ls
[22:27:07] fryfrog: oops
[22:27:14] darkfrog: Has anyone got the Hauppauge HD PVR and gotten it working with MythTV yet?
[22:27:41] GreyFoxx: doesn't ship for a couple more days
[22:27:50] |Torg|: I havnt gotten mine yet
[22:28:04] darkfrog: +GreyFoxx, thought it started shipping May 1st?
[22:28:20] GreyFoxx: pushed back to the 15th
[22:28:26] darkfrog: doh
[22:28:34] briand (briand! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:28:42] darkfrog: +GreyFoxx, how difficult should it be to get working with MythTV?
[22:28:57] pat___ (pat___! has quit ("reboot")
[22:29:01] GreyFoxx: no clue, noone has one yet
[22:29:03] darkfrog: +GreyFoxx, debating whether to just pre-order, or if I should wait until other people have it working. :)
[22:29:21] GreyFoxx: but drivers and patches for myth will be released the same day
[22:29:26] darkfrog: sweet
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[22:31:12] darkfrog: guess we'll all just have to patiently wait a little longer. :)
[22:31:14] darkfrog: thanks for the info
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[22:33:01] directhex: GreyFoxx, you're smart. why is there still no progress towards a "final" dvb-s2 api for loonicks?
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[22:34:28] GreyFoxx: janne: would be better to answer that. I think it was basically infighting over how to implement it, but I could be wrong :)
[22:35:56] directhex: GreyFoxx, major apps going in one direction wouldn't force the issue?
[22:36:10] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:36:31] GreyFoxx: I rarely pay attention to the dvb lists, only when I'm looking for something specific
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[22:46:53] gbee: justinh: mkrufky isn't interested in writing drivers for that card, apparently the bridge chip is a nightmare
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[22:47:51] compy: anyone running mythtv?
[22:48:08] pat_: no, not anybody in here
[22:48:17] GreyFoxx: 1 or 2 of us:O)
[22:48:23] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:49:47] iamlindoro: I'm a hardcore Windows MCE user myself
[22:50:46] iamlindoro: I heard that MythTV is used by a bunch of tree hugging hippies and if you use it, the terrorists win
[22:51:01] compy: yeah i heard that too
[22:53:26] directhex: my big-shot associate is asking me to set up whole-house mythtv for him
[22:53:53] iamlindoro: Skip right to step 4, Profit
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