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Friday, April 18th, 2008, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:56] PaulWay: Try running mythfrontend from the command line and see if it says anything informative during playback.
[00:01:02] Eemak: trying now
[00:02:43] Eemak: PaulWay: no, it's not saying anything
[00:02:49] Eemak: right before everything starts playing it does this:
[00:02:56] Eemak: 2008-04–17 19:01:11.004 AO: dropping back audio_buffer_unused
[00:03:00] Eemak: several times, but i think that is normal
[00:03:11] Eemak: but when the video pauses, it doesn't have any output, and it's very briefm and video only
[00:04:36] Eemak: nope, no output at all
[00:04:40] PaulWay: Sorry, no idea :-/
[00:04:45] Eemak: that's why i was thinking of turning off xvmc but i don't see where that option is anymore
[00:07:38] ahbritto (ahbritto! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:13:18] PaulWay: Now what could error 65280 from the tv grabber mean?
[00:13:42] wylie (wylie! has quit ()
[00:13:46] PaulWay: Return error 255.
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[00:19:03] Eemak: PaulWay: where do you change the decoder? where you can choose mpeg2enc, etc
[00:19:06] Eemak: xvnc, etc
[00:19:10] Eemak: err xvmc
[00:19:15] Eemak: i don't see where any of that is anymore in mythfrontend
[00:22:04] Eemak: i think it's under playback profiles
[00:22:05] Cackette (Cackette! has quit ()
[00:22:08] Eemak: but it's very confusing
[00:22:17] Eemak: if rez <=....
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[00:30:55] Aval0n: anyone in here rolling with an e6300 c2d?
[00:32:31] jhulst_ (jhulst_!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:03] ** J-e-f-f-A sighs — his new MB doesn't want to boot off a raid card... "Missing Operating System"... ugh... Even though fedora installed fine on the drive, and the bios is configurd for it... **
[00:38:18] k-man__ (k-man__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:43:09] nevyn: :(
[00:44:59] jhulst_ (jhulst_!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[01:06:54] Eemak: PaulWay: you there?
[01:07:36] J-e-f-f-A: nevyn: Figured it out... the grub config was wrong...  ;-)
[01:07:44] nevyn: yay
[01:08:05] PaulWay: Eemak: yep
[01:08:08] Eemak: i am having problems with video playback in mythfrontend but if i play the same recording with gmplayer it plays fine
[01:08:56] PaulWay: Well, that's a useful data point.
[01:09:15] Eemak: so i am thinking it's some setting i need to change in mythfrontend
[01:09:36] Eemak: i have gmplayer using alsa for audio and gl2 for video
[01:09:45] wylie_ (wylie_! has quit ()
[01:10:11] PaulWay: Have you tried looking for the 'sync video to vblank' and other OpenGL options?
[01:12:03] Eemak: enable opengl vertical sync for timing?
[01:12:59] johndbritton_ (johndbritton_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:12:59] PaulWay: Yeah, is it turned on?
[01:13:03] Eemak: yes
[01:13:06] PaulWay: Because with XVMC you should turn it off.
[01:13:09] PaulWay: (AFAIK)
[01:13:34] PaulWay: It's on from memory.
[01:13:52] Eemak: k
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[01:20:33] ** J-e-f-f-A was just thinking he's a dummy for not downloading/installing the 64-bit version of Fedora... (downloading now... 48 mins... Gotta love FiOS!) **
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[02:26:29] PaulWay: Hey, is there any news on a Windows front-end for Myth?
[02:26:43] a1fa: yeah it just came out
[02:26:47] a1fa: i will sell it to you
[02:26:49] PaulWay: !
[02:26:56] PaulWay: Ah hah hah hah hah.
[02:29:17] J-e-f-f-A: I thought there was one, you just had to re-boot every 5 minutes for it to work... ;-)
[02:30:23] sceo (sceo!n=cwells@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:31] a1fa: you want to watch live tv?
[02:30:37] a1fa: please reboot for that change to take an effect
[02:33:40] J-e-f-f-A: Here goes nothing... Installing FC8_64 ... ;-)
[02:35:37] J-e-f-f-A: PaulWay: Seriously though... If you just want to play your recordings in winblows, setup '' to create symbolic links in a different directory, then share that with samba, and play them directly with VLC on the winblows machine...
[02:36:24] PaulWay: Yeah, I know that idea, and it seems really ugly to me.
[02:36:26] J-e-f-f-A: PaulWay: Granted, you don't get commercial skip, etc, but it works...
[02:36:57] PaulWay: It looks like the player at doesn't do commercial skip but does do most of the rest.
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[02:37:02] J-e-f-f-A: PaulWay: Well, it's really ugly if you just share the recordings directory... It's pretty good if you share a directory of meaningful filenames...
[02:37:38] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... does it work?
[02:38:35] neztiti (neztiti! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:38:50] ** J-e-f-f-A tries it just for the heck of it... **
[02:39:50] wagner_: paulway: it does do commercial skipping, but only on stuff that was already recorded at the beginning of playback
[02:40:06] wagner_: it can also only manually seek in areas present at the start of playback
[02:40:07] neztiti: hi guys
[02:40:23] neztiti: how i can delete some channels???
[02:40:30] ** J-e-f-f-A --- Humm, seems to work so far, but doesn't deinterlace by default (looking for a way to turn on deinterlacing...) **
[02:41:41] wagner_: can you define specific channels as specific aspect ratios?
[02:42:07] wagner_: like channels on an analog tuner default to 4:3, channels on a digital tuner default to 16:9
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[02:53:58] J-e-f-f-A: PaulWay: So far it's working fine, although i still haven't found the deinterlace option (haven't been looking much though...
[02:55:33] wagner_: my biggest complaint with it is that you cannot move it off the primary monitor
[02:56:36] J-e-f-f-A: wagner_: Hum... I didn't notice that as I haven't had a 2nd monitor on my M$ system for a couple of years now... (it's been on my backend instead... ;-) )
[02:56:52] J-e-f-f-A: wagner_: it doesn't de-interlace though...
[02:57:28] wagner_: yeah, if you have any part of the video window on a secondary monitor, the video freezes
[02:57:32] J-e-f-f-A: wagner_: Other than that, it looks quite promising...
[02:58:08] wagner_: my capture card seems to have some deinterlacing on its own
[02:58:33] neztiti: guys again  ;-) how i can delete some channels???
[02:58:36] wagner_: i see some interlacing issues, but not much
[02:58:46] wagner_: thats in mythtv-setup isnt it?
[02:58:49] GreyFoxx: neztiti: channel editor in mythtv-setup
[02:59:17] neztiti: witck key i have 2 use?
[02:59:18] J-e-f-f-A: wagner_: Well, not on this "MythTV Player"....
[02:59:50] J-e-f-f-A: neztiti: For?
[02:59:59] wagner_: j-e-f-f-a: right, im saying i think my tuner card does it
[03:00:02] neztiti: delete?
[03:00:47] J-e-f-f-A: neztiti: Probably either "D", or press "M" to bring up a menu...
[03:01:18] SlicerDicer: anybody here know firewire stuff?
[03:01:20] SlicerDicer: I need help :/
[03:01:39] J-e-f-f-A: SlicerDicer: Still no solution, eh? Wow, wish I could help you, buddy.... ;-)
[03:01:48] SlicerDicer: something is wonky
[03:01:53] neztiti: ok guys i will try now
[03:02:03] SlicerDicer: its 9pm
[03:02:10] SlicerDicer: recording in HD been going on for a hour
[03:02:15] SlicerDicer: says its 445mb
[03:02:18] SlicerDicer: its totally hosed...
[03:02:21] SlicerDicer: it just fricken dies?
[03:02:25] J-e-f-f-A: SlicerDicer: eh? it's 11pm... ;-)
[03:02:30] SlicerDicer: MST
[03:02:55] J-e-f-f-A: SlicerDicer: I know, I was just fooling around. Sorry, I know you're flustrated – I don't need to add to it...
[03:04:03] neztiti: thank you jeffa thank you GreyFoxx
[03:04:12] neztiti: great men :-*
[03:04:38] J-e-f-f-A: neztiti: np.  ;-) (I just wish I could help SlicerDicer ...)
[03:06:27] SlicerDicer: yeah its frustrating as shit..
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[03:18:26] aliby: Any idea why I'm getting a RingBuf error (Invalid file fd -1) when trying to watch live tv?
[03:19:56] neztiti: J-e-f-f-A:how 2 move the channel???
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[03:20:52] J-e-f-f-A: neztiti: eh? What do you mean?
[03:21:14] neztiti: to sort
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[03:21:56] J-e-f-f-A: neztiti: I think you can only sort by channel number... but check the docs to be sure...
[03:22:05] Anduin: aliby: check the backend logs
[03:22:26] neztiti: ok man – thank you
[03:22:51] wagner_: i didnt think the ringbuffer was used anymore, i thought that was dropped in 0.19 or 0.20
[03:22:53] J-e-f-f-A: neztiti: A good source is the wiki on the site...
[03:23:00] aliby: Anduin: IVTV driver has stopped responding
[03:23:15] Anduin: aliby: that would do it
[03:23:28] aliby: hmm
[03:23:50] aliby: Any thoughts on how to fix that?
[03:24:20] Anduin: aliby: dmesg and look for ivtv errors, work from there
[03:24:57] aliby: darnit i remember this error now
[03:28:17] aliby: it's a wintv pvr-500 card
[03:29:23] J-e-f-f-A: aliby: Humm... I haven't had any problems with my PVR-500.... used for 3+ yrs now...
[03:29:29] aliby: hmm
[03:30:01] J-e-f-f-A: aliby: I'm running Fedora though.. started on 2, then 4 then 6... soon to be on 8
[03:30:44] aliby: i'm getting this: ivtv0: i2c addr 0x44 not found for command 0xc0cc5605
[03:32:08] ** J-e-f-f-A never noticed how much aluminum cases collect dust before... Probably because of the 'brushed' finish, as opposed to the glossy 'paino black' finish of my past cases... **
[03:34:03] Anduin: aliby: missed loading a driver, I forget what 0x44 was, I'll look
[03:34:23] aliby: ok
[03:36:21] J-e-f-f-A: aliby: I don't know if it will help you any, but I only have 3 lines in my modprobe.conf for my 500.... "alias char-major-81 videodev" "alias char-major-81–0 ivtv" and "alias char-major-81–1 ivtv" ...
[03:36:22] Anduin: aliby: it is either saa7127 or cx25840
[03:36:45] aliby: J-e-f-f-A I just saw that too
[03:37:30] Khonshu2 (Khonshu2! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:37:33] ** J-e-f-f-A doesn't have anything else at all for the PVR-500 in there... **
[03:37:40] aliby: Anduin it's the cx one
[03:37:46] aliby: so is the kernel missing the module
[03:37:47] aliby: ?
[03:37:56] Anduin: aliby: and the driver should be doing request_module so I'd look for it being broken/not built
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[03:38:41] J-e-f-f-A: aliby: Humm.. a "dmesg |grep cx25840" does show that getting loaded though for me... ;-)
[03:38:57] aliby: same here
[03:38:58] aliby: wtf
[03:39:04] J-e-f-f-A: aliby: cx25840 4–0044: cx25843–23 found @ 0x88 (ivtv i2c driver #2)
[03:39:04] J-e-f-f-A: cx25840 4–0044: loaded v4l-cx25840.fw firmware (16382 bytes)
[03:39:13] aliby: same
[03:40:24] aliby: just downloaded the latest ivtv firmware and stuffed it in there
[03:40:57] aliby: still does nothing
[03:41:32] aliby: i still get ivtv0: i2c hardware 0x0000001 (cx2584x) not found for command 0xc008561c
[03:41:38] J-e-f-f-A: aliby: My 250 has tuner saa7115/msp3400  — my 500 is cx25840/wm8775
[03:41:42] aliby: and the same error as before (ox44 not found)
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[03:45:35] aliby: grr this is really frustrating
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[03:45:52] aliby: i cant seem to figure out how to fix the issue
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[03:48:15] aliby: i think this is the exact same issue i
[03:48:18] aliby: am dealing with: //" rel="nofollow"> . . . sg04792.html
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[03:55:44] Anduin: aliby: easy to check, do you have the module?
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[04:04:14] aliby: trying to find out
[04:05:02] aliby: i believe so
[04:06:26] aliby: yep
[04:06:29] aliby: it shows it in lsmid
[04:06:30] aliby: *lsmod
[04:06:58] aliby: hmmm
[04:07:20] aliby: cx25840 is not used by anything though
[04:10:37] ** aliby sighs **
[04:10:39] aliby: any other thoughts
[04:10:50] aliby: v4l2_common is using the cx25849 module
[04:10:54] aliby: -9+0
[04:11:06] a1fa: dman
[04:11:17] aliby: heh
[04:13:34] symptom (symptom! has quit ("Keep your ear to the grindstone")
[04:13:41] aliby: J-e-f-f-A or Anduin, you guys still there?
[04:13:51] a1fa: hmm
[04:13:55] a1fa: pena calada ;P
[04:16:04] aliby: oh well
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[04:29:48] Khonshu3: anyone know if the KWorld Connexant chipset cards can be supported under Linux?
[04:32:37] aliby: Sorry Khonshu3 I'm not sure
[04:32:49] aliby: I'm dealing with trying to get ivtv to play nice with my PVR-500 card
[04:35:27] Khonshu3: aliby: my understanding is that pvr-500's are just 2 pvr-150's together, afaik... could be wrong. I have 2 150's, and the work wonderfully
[04:37:31] aliby: first error: Unknown card: vendor/device: 4444/0016
[04:37:39] aliby: then it defaults to a pvr-150
[04:37:48] aliby: then loads firmware
[04:38:17] cesman: Khonshu3:
[04:44:51] cal_ (cal_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:45:03] aliby: oh crap. it works.
[04:46:23] aliby: nvm
[04:48:21] Khonshu2 (Khonshu2! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:50:37] Khonshu2: ok, I got mine to work too, some... just static atm...
[04:50:42] Khonshu2: but it's a start in the right direction
[04:51:54] AngryElf (AngryElf! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[05:04:40] Khonshu3 (Khonshu3! has quit (Connection timed out)
[05:10:47] aliby: Time to do some more googling
[05:10:47] aliby: it hasnt helped et
[05:10:47] aliby: *yet
[05:13:52] pembo13_com (pembo13_com! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:17:11] Khonshu2: well, I have some success
[05:17:14] Khonshu2: but it was found here in irc
[05:17:18] Khonshu2: not on Google
[05:17:20] Khonshu2: I got static
[05:17:25] Khonshu2: that's a start
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[05:18:57] aliby: Khonshu2 i'm still having trouble, same errors as before
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[05:41:57] waini: hi
[05:42:09] aliby: hi
[05:42:25] waini: i have modified my userjobs yesterday evening
[05:42:51] waini: but up to now mythtv runs the old ones! – why?
[05:43:33] olds_ is now known as olds
[05:43:53] waini: please help me!
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[05:54:31] doje: hi, KnoppMyth rules.
[05:58:10] doje: got it working in less than one hour i think; just need get the remote and 720p working now
[05:58:20] aliby: i wish i could get my tuner card to work
[05:58:24] aliby: damn pvr-500 and ubuntu
[05:58:29] aliby: and ivtv failing miserably
[05:59:57] PaulWay (PaulWay! has left #mythtv-users ("Argh! The Ninjas have struck again!")
[06:00:10] doje: make sure you have the latest version of ivtv aliby
[06:00:23] aliby: I believe I do
[06:00:31] aliby: its not 1.0.1
[06:00:45] aliby: its 1.0.0
[06:00:52] aliby: (which came w/ubuntu)
[06:01:35] cesman: doje: nice to read that :)
[06:01:53] aliby: although I am upgrading to the Hardy beta
[06:01:59] cesman: doje: once you have the remote working, please provide some details so I can ensure it works in future release
[06:02:11] doje: cesman: thx – I had been trying to run it on openSUSE 10.3, but constant crashes were a problem
[06:02:26] cesman: doje: please come to #knoppmyth with details
[06:02:30] doje: cesman: ok
[06:02:51] doje: cesman: it's an ATI remote wonder – I think there's a how-to for that
[06:03:00] doje: cesman: didn't get that far yet
[06:03:03] ** cesman has the remote wonder **
[06:03:06] cesman: works out the box
[06:03:18] cesman: is it the original remote wonder or one of the newer ones?
[06:03:31] doje: cesman: i think i chose wrong for that kkernel module question it asked me
[06:04:02] cesman: ok, that is the original
[06:04:03] doje: cesman: older i think – it worked with LIRC under openSUSE
[06:04:18] cesman: by default, it uses the kernel module
[06:04:28] cesman: the question asks if you want to use LIRC instead
[06:04:42] doje: cesman: yeah – i picked "no"
[06:04:47] doje: guessed
[06:05:05] doje: i guess i should have left it on yes
[06:05:41] cesman: doje: come to #knoppmyth to discuss
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[06:05:48] doje: cesman: awesomwe
[06:05:53] doje: br there
[06:05:55] cesman: this is after all, the mythtv user's channel ;)
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[06:26:18] tjcarter: cesman: <insert smartass remark>  ;)
[06:27:18] cesman: lol
[06:27:31] cesman: hi tjcarter, how are you?
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[07:04:53] aliby: Well I updated to the latest ivtv.. 1.1.0 or so it says
[07:04:57] aliby: and I still get the same issue
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[07:05:36] aliby: i2c hardware 0x00000001 (cx2584x) not found for command
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[07:28:52] aliby: i figured out why... my video0 is my TV Wonder Ve card
[07:28:58] aliby: and somehow ubuntu is effing with it
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[07:38:16] justinh: udev switching stuff around eh. good ole udev
[07:38:51] aliby: well no, it's supposed to be using bttv
[07:39:02] aliby: yet for some reason, all three interfaces (two cards) are using ivtv
[07:39:47] justinh: moral of the story – don't use lamegrabbers. ever
[07:42:37] aliby: lol
[07:42:42] aliby: lamegrabbs?
[07:42:46] aliby: *lamegrabbers?
[07:44:14] Mousey (Mousey! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:44:18] justinh: tuner cards with no encoding of their own onboard – also those which don't pluck digital streams out of the air
[07:45:57] justinh: framegrabbers, in other words. lamest of the lame. bless em
[07:46:29] aliby: oh
[07:47:01] aliby: I'm using a TV Wonder VE and a PVR-500, both having onboard encoders
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[07:51:47] justinh: that's the thing there. 'wonder'. yeah wonder why it doesn't work
[07:51:50] aliby: lol
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[08:04:11] aliby: anyone have a bttv and ivtv card working at the same time?
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[08:10:09] justinh: I suspect some udev trickery will be needed
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[08:16:14] justinh: oo nice. no worky in firefox on my ubuntu box
[08:17:24] justinh: stuff appears briefly then vanishes. must be something to do with my flash blocker
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[08:23:48] aliby: hm
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[08:33:06] aliby: btw i lied its an ehome wonder, not tv wonder ve
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[08:56:15] cesman: aliby: I don't at the moment but I have and had no issues
[08:56:28] cesman: aliby: it has been a few years...
[08:58:38] justinh: changes in ivtv have made it er.. less friendly to other modules
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[10:05:36] justinh: wow. still taking peeks at the latest glass-wide & not hating it
[10:05:45] justinh: might be worth finishing it!
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[10:25:12] justinh: oh that's bum. can't password protect a recording group without it showing in watch recordings first – and for that there needs to be a recording already
[10:28:20] Dibblah: Hiding porn is just so _difficult_ ;)
[10:28:47] justinh: that all needs looking at
[10:29:00] Dibblah: Well, Multi-user Myth'll fix it.
[10:29:12] Dibblah: SoC is just about done, right? ;)
[10:29:15] justinh: oh yeah. yay for the summer of code!
[10:29:49] justinh: oh wait I must've been thinking about some parallel universe where the Google SoC work for Mythtv actually produced results
[10:31:59] justinh: wonder whatever became of the channel grouping stuff
[10:34:14] justinh: need a couple more columns in the channel table. kidsafe & groupnumber. new table called channelgroups. hmm what else....
[10:34:45] justinh: or wth just make mythvideo & the TV parental control stuff common
[10:34:56] Dibblah: There's a patch in Trac for channel groups.
[10:34:59] justinh: and put parental controls in mythmusic too
[10:35:10] justinh: I heard the patch was broken by multirec
[10:35:24] Dibblah: I hear nothing :(
[10:35:41] justinh: never looked at it – might be easy to sort it
[10:36:07] justinh: half these things only need somebody to take a peek – folks give up on stuff too easily
[10:39:06] justinh: Dibblah: ticket 199? looks like it's more up to date than I was led to believe
[10:40:21] Dibblah: I believe there are UI issues with it.
[10:41:35] justinh: might be able to help there
[10:42:48] Dibblah: Oooh.
[10:45:45] Universo21819 (Universo21819!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:47:09] doje (doje! has quit ()
[10:51:44] justinh: IIRC though my ideas around that issue won't be too popular
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[10:58:38] Dibblah: Dump most of the UI and start again? :)
[10:58:53] Dibblah: Easier when more is abstracted with MythUI...
[11:03:28] justinh: still remains to be seen how much behaviour will be altered by the theme stuff though.
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[12:07:12] dustybin: ive installed and used mythweather for the last 4 weeks, all ive ever seen is rain clouds
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[12:23:23] justinh: so?
[12:23:28] justinh: sounds pretty spot on
[12:24:58] sid3windr: :>
[12:25:51] i3ooi3oo (i3ooi3oo! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:34:07] ** dustybin examines the mythweather code to make sure sun really exists **
[12:38:06] justinh: if m_location == "Manchester, UK" { m_weatherType="Raining"; m_maxTemp=15C };
[12:38:21] dustybin: lol
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[13:22:35] justinh: ZOMGCATZ Stallman is coming to manchestuh!
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[13:29:21] J-e-f-f-A|work: dustybin – I've got the opposite problem, it's showing SUN for the next 4 days... what the heck?  ;-) 73 today...
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[13:29:42] justinh: J-e-f-f-A|work: swap yer!
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[13:29:51] justinh: chuckles
[13:29:55] J-e-f-f-A|work: hehehehe ;-)
[13:32:12] justinh: oh jesus. I just laughed out loud at . . . kage-mangler  – I think I need help
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[14:03:04] J-e-f-f-A|work: justinh: Yeah, it just made me wince.... Just the thought!
[14:40:34] ajh: Is there an easy way to move shows from tv to videos?
[14:41:48] cesman (cesman!n=cecil@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cesman) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[14:42:27] PatrickDK: ajh, transcode
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[14:46:26] waini: hihi
[14:46:32] waini: i need some help
[14:47:03] waini: i want to know how to use an escape-character on an mythtv user-job
[14:47:28] waini: User job: echo \"%DIR%/%FILE%\" \"%TITLE%\" \"%DESCRIPTION%\" >"/var/log/ipodencode/%TITLE%-%JOBID%-echo.log"
[14:47:39] waini: thats what i want
[14:48:32] waini: but this comman is queued forever and always
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[14:49:20] waini: ipodencode "%DIR%/%FILE%" "%TITLE%" "%DESCRIPTION%" >"/var/log/ipodencode/%TITLE%-%JOBID%.log" is no alternative, because of the whitespaces at the title and description
[14:49:34] waini: any idea?
[14:51:08] waini: #mythtv
[14:56:52] cesman: waini: here is one of my user jobs:/usr/local/bin/ %DIR% %FILE% "%TITLE%" TARTTIME%
[14:57:58] cesman: I don't know is mythtv will handle that redirect like you have it...
[14:58:18] cesman: you should have the script log it's actions not MythTV
[14:59:31] waini: but "%TITLE%" will be replaced by %TITLE%
[14:59:54] waini: that why i need \"%TITLE%\"
[15:00:20] waini: \"%TITLE%\" will be "%TITLE%" by runing the command
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[15:02:58] cesman: "%TITLE%" works here w/o issue
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[15:18:53] janneg: !seen mkrufky
[15:18:53] MythLogBot: mkrufky was last seen 1 day 13 hours 15 minutes 45 seconds ago
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[15:44:09] ajh: if you're going to transcode from dvb to h.264 are there good instructions somewhere on the wiki? I keep finding references to nuvexport which seems not to apply.
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[15:54:42] cesman: ajh: I'd suggest taking a gander at the archive
[15:54:58] cesman: ajh: various scripts have been posted on doing what it is you want
[15:55:00] ajh: mythtv-users?
[15:55:14] cesman: yes
[15:55:18] ajh: okey, thanks.
[15:55:23] cesman: you're welcome
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[16:23:04] ajh: So, I made a new trancode recording profile and on new recordings it will let me use the new profile, but how would I apply it to existing recordings, the options menu doesn't show the new profile.
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[16:29:25] ajh: the new profile also doesn't show in the manual transcoding menu.
[16:30:20] ajh: which according to the documentation it should.
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[16:37:49] justinh: heh. that might be because some profile names are hard-coded in the code & some aren't – so I've been led to believe
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[16:40:56] ajh: but how's it useful if you can't change it?
[16:41:27] justinh: exactly
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[16:42:03] justinh: obviously nobody cares enough to put it right or it'd be fine
[16:43:52] ajh: so, just edit one of the existing ones then I guess?
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[16:54:37] ajh: hrm, mythvideo won't let me get into the manager either
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[17:49:11] CoD: Anybody got any ideas on how best to kill a defunct mythbackend process? Using Kubuntu Gutsy. We've tried to restart it (but there's no process reported running) and tried to start it (but there's one process reported running). Not sure what else to try besides a reboot.
[17:49:22] CoD: 58 days uptime. :(
[17:50:28] jams: kill command doesnt work?
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[17:56:29] fryfrog: CoD: reboot? :)
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[17:56:52] fryfrog: CoD: i think generally defunct processes are waiting to report their exit status to what ever called them, i'm not sure how you can do this though :/
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[18:00:12] CoD: yeah that's we thought, we just wondered if there was any other way than rebooting. thanks fryfrog
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[18:00:50] FinnTux: CoD, kill should do it
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[18:03:09] CoD: we tried kill -9 FinnTux and it had no effect
[18:03:29] FinnTux: are those processes in state D or Z?
[18:04:07] FinnTux: Z should die with kill
[18:04:11] CoD: Z :(
[18:04:27] FinnTux: D needs reboot (altough they don't cause any harm)
[18:05:35] FinnTux: thats weird
[18:05:35] CoD: sry, the defunct one is Z, but the 2 backends found when running htop are in D
[18:06:00] CoD: thanks FinnTux, time to reboot then :(
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[18:13:57] justinh: avoided everything ATI ever since
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[18:17:00] aliby: yeah, thanks again justdave
[18:17:01] aliby: err justinh
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[18:44:15] Dibblah: Okay, this is going to be new. Me svn upping... To something which isn't trunk :)
[18:45:23] ajh: hrm, I appear to have turned the BBC news into News by the Chipmunks by transcoding to Mpeg4
[18:45:48] Dibblah: Any other advantages?
[18:46:47] ajh: Well, you can watch it twice as quickly. :)
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[19:27:54] J-e-f-f-A|work: justinh: I had an AIW card on my wintel box back in like 1997-- it was the best tv tuner for winblows... but not for Video capture... ;-)
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[19:38:23] peperoni: hi all
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[19:39:26] peperoni: someone colud help me pls
[19:41:09] peperoni: i need help for mythtv buttons for externale application
[19:41:37] peperoni: nobody here ?
[19:43:13] peperoni: i've created a button with <action>Exec /home/user/
[19:43:34] peperoni: but i'can't stop the remote on mythfrontend
[19:45:00] peperoni: nobosy can help me ?
[19:45:04] peperoni: nobody can help me ?
[19:50:18] Universo21819 (Universo21819!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:50:53] justinh: either nobody can, or nobody wants to :P
[19:51:03] peperoni: :(
[19:51:22] iamlindoro__: ooh, ooh, that other one
[19:51:33] peperoni: other one ??
[19:51:43] peperoni: mythtv users is for help or not ?
[19:51:58] justinh: oh yeah the other one may be that the problem is not very well described
[19:52:05] peperoni: ok
[19:52:09] peperoni: sorry
[19:52:19] justinh: like um.. what does "but i'can't stop the remote on mythfrontend" mean?
[19:52:28] peperoni: i don't speak very well english
[19:52:32] justinh: does it mean you can launch kaffeine okay but cannot stop it?
[19:52:48] peperoni: ok i've created a button that starts kaffeine
[19:53:00] justinh: or does it mean that kaffeine starts just fine but mythfrontend keeps focus
[19:53:09] peperoni: yes right
[19:53:12] justinh: ahh
[19:53:13] peperoni: keep the focus
[19:53:22] peperoni: and i need the remote for kaffeine
[19:53:28] justinh: out of my field of expertise I'm afraid
[19:53:38] justinh: it will be something to do with your window manager
[19:53:40] peperoni: but mythfrontend continue to use the remote too
[19:54:10] peperoni: i think that the problem is in the script bash
[19:54:25] peperoni: but i can't use wqell these scripts
[19:55:05] peperoni: this is the script
[19:55:14] peperoni: the command sorry
[19:55:16] peperoni: kaffeine -f -x xv && dcop kaffeine KaffeineIface playDvb
[19:56:01] peperoni: window manager is kde
[19:57:22] justinh: I've seen some hacks where a helper script opens a terminal then runs an app from within the terminal
[19:57:37] peperoni: i would like create a script that kill mythfrontend, mythwelcome then start kaffeine, and when kaffeine is closed restart mythwelcome and mythfronted
[19:58:09] peperoni: i've started kaffeine with xterm -e kaffeine....... but kaffeine doesn't starts
[19:58:32] iamlindoro__: What in the world is the point of using MythTV and then gutting it by watching Television with Kaffeine?
[19:59:06] peperoni: kaffeine doesn't need to record when you watch the tv
[19:59:40] justinh: roll on the linux port of XBMC
[20:00:08] GreyFoxx: peperoni: What's wrong with recording while you watch livetv? You can't pause/rewind if you don't and that's part of tghe point of a pvr
[20:00:24] GreyFoxx: myth auto removes the livetv recordings so it's not like they live on your drive forever :)
[20:00:32] peperoni: i know, but i have problems with sasc-ng too
[20:00:46] iamlindoro__: *cough*
[20:00:47] justinh: and another one for my ignore list yay
[20:00:59] peperoni: noooooooo
[20:01:03] peperoni: c'mon
[20:01:11] justinh: thieves, thieves, tramps & thieves!
[20:01:13] peperoni: i've e regular subscription
[20:01:17] iamlindoro__: oh yes. We ignore the YARRRRRRR pirates in here
[20:01:25] peperoni: no pirates believe me
[20:01:31] peperoni: i swear
[20:01:33] GreyFoxx: We're pretty strict about softcams in here
[20:01:39] peperoni: no softcams
[20:01:44] peperoni: i don't need it
[20:01:48] GreyFoxx: sasc-ng is a softcam
[20:01:50] justinh: THEFT should never be condoned
[20:01:54] peperoni: i have e regular pay tv card
[20:01:55] PatrickDK: softcam?
[20:02:03] peperoni: believe me
[20:02:07] PatrickDK: guess that isn't a webcam :)
[20:02:09] peperoni: it's true
[20:02:26] justinh: CAM == conditional access module. used for validating you're a subscriber
[20:02:45] peperoni: i need it to use my mythbox like a decoder for my regular subscription
[20:02:57] peperoni: and card reader
[20:03:10] peperoni: kaffeine work well
[20:03:18] peperoni: but i have that problem
[20:03:19] GreyFoxx: peperoni: seriously, I understand, but it's still a rule in here. It's kind of like people saying they only download linux distros with bittorrent or only download mp3's of free music. We all know it's BS even if there are some people who do it :)
[20:03:53] peperoni: ok i don't want to talk about
[20:03:53] GreyFoxx: Personally I have no problem with people using asoftcam assuming they only access stuff they pay for, but that doesn't change the rules of the channel or your particular legal system :)
[20:03:55] GreyFoxx: k
[20:03:56] GreyFoxx: :)
[20:04:06] peperoni: card reader ant other apps
[20:04:08] PatrickDK: heh? I only download linux distros with bittorrent, it's just faster :)
[20:04:17] PatrickDK: but I don't only use bittorent for linux distros :)
[20:04:30] peperoni: i have only a problem with remote focus
[20:04:40] justinh: I heard a rumble that legitimate torrents are beginning to appear now
[20:04:53] justinh: (of TV shows I mean)
[20:05:08] PatrickDK: I do fansub torrents
[20:05:14] PatrickDK: they are legal for a limited time
[20:05:30] peperoni: your' talkin'g about tv series ?
[20:05:36] justinh: unclean
[20:05:50] Ribs (Ribs! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:05:56] justinh: takes all sorts to like Anime I suppose
[20:06:21] peperoni: so there is no soultion for my remote problem ?
[20:07:33] peperoni: r u there justinh ?
[20:07:56] aliby: peperoni have you tried google?
[20:08:11] peperoni: yes google, mailing lists and so on
[20:08:21] aliby: :/
[20:08:27] peperoni: but nobody can help me to create a scripts
[20:09:05] Ribs (Ribs! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:09:18] peperoni: that wait the exit of kaffeine and then put the focus on my remote to mythfrontend
[20:09:30] peperoni: of
[20:12:38] otwin: what is the keymap to cycle through zoom modes? according to keys.txt in 0.21 it's W but it cycles through aspect ratios
[20:12:55] ** ajh really hopes they move the Defender production out of Solihull to India and get the prices down. **
[20:13:02] ajh: uh, sorry wrong channel. :)
[20:14:54] ajh: Still getting random blank recordings, very strange. Seems to only happen at night when I'm not watching.
[20:16:52] Anduin: otwin: Ctrl+W goes aspect, W does zoom (half, stretch, etc)
[20:19:40] otwin: Anduin: hmm, not here. and i don't think i ever touched keybindings in 3 years... but i saw now that TOGGLEASPECT and TOGGLEFILL is mapped to W
[20:21:03] ajh: how's the autodetection stuff coming?
[20:21:39] ajh: It would be nice if the listing data would mention what aspect and aspect squashing is going on.
[20:24:13] otwin: ok, set TOGGLEASPECT to another key – it now works
[20:28:20] ajh: do you have to map commands to keys or can you create labels and just specify them in lirc?
[20:28:34] ajh: or, say use the existing labels. duh.
[20:30:25] Anduin: ajh: the lirc code currently translates everything to key presses
[20:30:50] ajh: but can you do quick-sequences?
[20:30:59] ajh: so tell it say send UP
[20:31:13] ajh: or I guess UP+ENTER
[20:32:14] Anduin: ajh: it needs to be understood by QKeySequence (so yes to your first, no sense in the second)
[20:32:45] ajh: ok, thanks i'll look a bit deeper.
[20:33:04] EvilGuru: When I watch a recorded program which has been commflagged I have to manually tell mythtv to auto-skip commercials when watching. How can I make this a default?
[20:33:48] Anduin: EvilGuru: There is a checkbox in the playback settings
[20:33:57] EvilGuru: Fantastic
[20:34:24] EvilGuru: Next, is there any way to get mythtv to commflagg recordings while they are still recording?
[20:34:26] Anduin: EvilGuru: page 8
[20:36:34] ajh: offtopic question, anyone here happen to speak german?
[20:36:46] Anduin: EvilGuru: There is a settings for that in mythtv-setup
[20:37:07] EvilGuru: Okay, I will run that after I have finished watching
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[20:50:40] juNgl3: hi all
[20:50:44] aliby: HAI
[20:51:00] juNgl3: anyone managed to get the wakeup feature to work
[20:51:09] juNgl3: am running on debian
[20:51:45] juNgl3: i can get my pc to wake up a t time by manually writing to /proc/acpi/alarm
[20:52:11] juNgl3: my question is how can i get mythtv to write to that
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[20:52:29] juNgl3: i mean which programme is scheduled nect to record
[20:52:35] juNgl3: *next
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[20:59:56] juNgl3: anyone??
[21:00:30] aliby: why not just leave the box on?
[21:00:50] aliby: cuz if you boot it right as the program is supposed to start, you'll miss a few minutes in the beginning of the show
[21:01:51] juNgl3: u can set it to boot 10 mins b4 start
[21:02:07] juNgl3: i used to have a script i wrote which worked
[21:02:23] juNgl3: after the new update its stoped working
[21:02:58] juNgl3: was wondering if anyone else is ever got it working
[21:03:33] juNgl3: i meant new update to 0.21
[21:06:29] Anduin: juNgl3: ?
[21:08:05] EvilGuru: Anduin: Thank you very much for your help :)
[21:08:41] juNgl3:
[21:08:54] juNgl3: that is the script that used to work
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[21:14:10] juNgl3: Anduin: hmm thanks for that link it hs given me an idea
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[21:18:34] GreyFoxx: ~
[21:23:33] AngryElf (AngryElf! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[21:30:47] peperoni: cya and thx for all
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[21:37:43] ajh: how do you tell which cardid and sourceid are which?
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[21:37:57] ajh: the card setup doesn't seem to have anything even remotely similar
[21:39:21] ajh: since I have 3 tuners with multirec of 3 and cardid's in the 20's.
[21:44:41] Anduin: ajh: the DB, it is lower level and isn't exposed in the UI
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[21:53:17] ajh: ok, figured things out by trial and error.
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[21:58:45] EvilGuru: How can I find out the FPS that mythcommflagg is doing?
[21:59:09] Dagmar: Just look at thebackend info while it's running a commflagging job
[21:59:16] Dagmar: Under the status stuff in the frontend
[21:59:26] Dagmar: It'll tell you under the jobs stuff
[21:59:59] EvilGuru: I currently have it up
[22:00:17] EvilGuru: ah, you need to go over the job itself, 51 FPS
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[22:15:00] ajh: where is it trying to write the OSDImgCache file to?
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[22:24:03] EvilGuru: Also, when watching TV on my PVR-150 (PAL) using the high quality (CPU intensive) profile I sometimes see diagonal lines, regularly spaced of alternating brightness values
[22:25:57] EvilGuru: It is worse when there is a lot of horizontal movement
[22:27:07] Mousey: how do i nice the mythtranscode and mythcommflags when they run?
[22:27:17] Mousey: there used to be an option
[22:27:22] Mousey: but .21 is mad different
[22:33:49] Anduin: ajh: ~/.mythtv/osdcache
[22:33:50] iamlindoro__ (iamlindoro__!n=robert@ has quit ("Me home go.")
[22:37:32] justinh: ajh: in #mythtv-de maybe everybody speaks German :P
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[22:37:40] PatrickDK (PatrickDK! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[22:37:42] patdk is now known as PatrickDK
[22:38:11] justinh: I suspect the osdimgcache is written to ~/.mythtv/themecache or similar
[22:42:14] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[22:44:11] melunko (melunko!n=hmelo@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
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[23:07:20] nicholas_: Do most people use their (Nova-T Hauppauge) remote via lircd or as a keyboard/input device? I find it reacts much slower via lirc, and even makes the video or music stutter (this isn't a fast machine)
[23:08:19] Eemak (Eemak! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:08:20] Eemak: hi friends
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[23:13:43] Pete__ (Pete__! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:15:49] Pete__: Anyone about that knows much about DVB-S and myth?
[23:18:28] justinh: if they do, they've yet to update the wiki about it!
[23:30:47] atterdag (atterdag! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:32:36] psofa (psofa! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:34:38] Pete__: Well that's why I'm here to ask
[23:36:00] iamlindoro: actually, you appear to be here to ask to ask
[23:36:02] justinh: grab transponder details from a channels.conf gained from dvb-utils scan or something – enter tuning details into mythtv-setup – freq, FEC etc & scan away (tuned scan)
[23:36:21] clever: nicholas_: i found my pvr150+lirc_i2c wouldnt even react if the preview image was loading
[23:36:28] iamlindoro: which seldom results in someone jumping forward and begging to help
[23:36:30] clever: which made scrolling thru alot of recordings painfull
[23:36:50] clever: but ever since i upgraded my distro release, lirc_i2c causes a kernel oops
[23:36:59] clever: so ive gone back to a keyboard on 20feet of extensions
[23:37:11] clever: but even then the cpu usage is up so it stutters alot
[23:38:15] fryfrog: clever: i'm sure you re-combiled the lirc module?
[23:38:21] clever: several time
[23:38:22] clever: s
[23:38:25] fryfrog: ah :/
[23:38:27] fryfrog: that sucks!
[23:38:34] clever: all it fixed was lirc_serial
[23:38:39] clever: which lets me blast
[23:38:39] fryfrog: what about getting a cheap serial/usb ir receiver?
[23:38:57] clever: i was about to buy a usb one when dad hinted not to get myself stuff before xmas
[23:39:04] clever: which is when i got the pvr150 :P
[23:39:18] fryfrog: a usb receiver should be like $10–15 :/
[23:39:31] fryfrog: and xmas is a long time to go w/o a remote :(
[23:39:34] clever: and most of the sites ive checked force you to add a CC to paypal
[23:40:06] fryfrog: could you build your own serial receiver?
[23:40:16] clever: ive yet to find the proper receiver ic
[23:40:20] fryfrog: ah
[23:40:29] clever: all ive got is a bare transistor in a package nearly identical to the ir led
[23:40:36] fryfrog: i think i have all the bits to build like 5 of them :/
[23:40:46] clever: but as ive seen mentioned here, i could rip an old tv/vcr appart
[23:40:56] fryfrog: but i got a free usb ir receiver from someone, so i didn't build em
[23:41:05] fryfrog: once i finish moving, maybe i could see if i can dig up the parts
[23:41:16] clever: got plenty of tv's
[23:41:16] clever: the newest vcr is toast also
[23:41:17] clever: i left it on 24/7
[23:41:24] clever: unpluged it to move it to another room
[23:41:29] clever: never booted again
[23:42:38] clever: the other vcr's all used a corded remote
[23:42:43] clever: with a headphone plug
[23:42:56] fryfrog: holey cow, a corded remote?
[23:43:01] fryfrog: was it from like... the 70s?
[23:44:03] Eemak: i am having problems with the occasional video pauses
[23:44:14] clever: fryfrog: yes:P
[23:44:16] Eemak: with recordings and live tv, but if i use gmplayer on a recording, it doesn't have that problem
[23:44:29] clever: fryfrog: also i think 1–2 of the tv's used sound based remotes
[23:44:35] fryfrog: clever: send me an email to if you'd like me to dig up those parts in a week or two
[23:44:38] fryfrog: so i don't forget ;0
[23:45:20] clever: if i think of it:)
[23:46:06] fryfrog: i mean, you can send the email now if you want
[23:46:12] fryfrog: but i won't be "done" moving for a week, at least
[23:46:20] fryfrog: prolly take another week to find those small doo-dads
[23:46:27] Ojg (Ojg! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:51:41] justinh: hahaha so does lirc have a 'ultrasound clicker' module? :P
[23:56:28] fryfrog: hahah
[23:56:33] fryfrog: that'd be awesome
[23:56:48] justinh: sudo modprobe -v flipper
[23:57:09] fryfrog: you know, i thought that those old fashioned clickers were piezio
[23:57:21] justinh: so aren't they?
[23:57:41] robthebob (robthebob! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:57:44] justinh: or are they just a sheet of metal agitated by a piece of bent plastic? ;)

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