:: #mythtv-users

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Monday, April 14th, 2008, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:00] Universo21819 (Universo21819!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:00:17] nevyn: only took 60hrs...
[00:04:21] J-e-f-f-A: nevyn: wow... yeah, but you had it nice'd, right?
[00:04:59] nevyn: well mythcommflag was getting behind
[00:05:30] nevyn: and because linux gives io to whoever asks the most.. once it's behind. (because of the reduced io in degraded mode) it just gets worse and worse
[00:10:33] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:11:20] XPertKnobTwiddlr (XPertKnobTwiddlr!n=xptwidd@unaffiliated/xpertknobtwiddlr) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:11:20] XPertKnobTwiddlr (XPertKnobTwiddlr!n=xptwidd@unaffiliated/xpertknobtwiddlr) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:13:27] XPertKnobTwiddlr (XPertKnobTwiddlr!n=xptwidd@unaffiliated/xpertknobtwiddlr) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:27] XPertKnobTwiddlr (XPertKnobTwiddlr!n=xptwidd@unaffiliated/xpertknobtwiddlr) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:14:05] AngryElf (AngryElf! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[00:15:45] XPertKnobTwiddlr (XPertKnobTwiddlr!n=xptwidd@unaffiliated/xpertknobtwiddlr) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:07] alexvd (alexvd! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:23:19] Mykroft (Mykroft! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:34] alexvd (alexvd! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:39] Mykroft: i'm running mythtv on a stable debian box and i just upgraded myth and the ivtv driver and now the videos are all screwed up
[00:25:24] mkrufky is now known as mkrufky-away
[00:25:44] Mykroft: sorry i meant to say that anything playing from the card is screwed up
[00:28:05] hobbyhure (hobbyhure! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:29:04] keith4_: wow, you're just full of details
[00:29:22] keith4_: any of those things have version numbers associated with them?
[00:31:31] Mykroft: ivtv version 0.8.2
[00:31:39] jeffery (jeffery! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:36:25] johndbritton (johndbritton! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:20] Octane: whats the best DVR software for the pc?
[00:38:31] Octane: running windows that is :)
[00:39:03] justinh: mythtv, if it ever works on windows
[00:39:07] fryfrog: haha
[00:39:18] fryfrog: I've thought that Vista's MCE screen shots look decent
[00:39:28] fryfrog: but i've honestly never used or seen any windows pvr software
[00:39:35] justinh: fryfrog: you should see it in action. it's awful
[00:39:41] fryfrog: i know some names, i think "SageTV" and "BeyondTV" or something
[00:39:42] justinh: the cross menu thing is horrible
[00:39:48] fryfrog: cross menu?
[00:39:54] fryfrog: left right, up down?
[00:40:00] fryfrog: like the wii or PS3 menu?
[00:40:01] justinh: yeah menus go up & down, left & right
[00:40:10] justinh: small fonts, small icons...
[00:40:12] iamlindoro_: up up down down left right left right B A Start
[00:40:23] justinh: not really suited to 10' to be honest
[00:40:25] solexious (solexious! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:31] fryfrog: maybe someday i'll see it in person :)
[00:40:34] Octane: lol iamlindoro
[00:40:35] Octane: lol
[00:40:38] fryfrog: until then i'll stick with myth
[00:40:45] Octane: SAgeTV has been out for years
[00:40:49] Octane: i didnt know it made any progress
[00:41:05] justinh: Octane: why ask about other dvr software in the mythtv users channel?
[00:41:09] fryfrog: i think it is commercial, pay software
[00:41:16] fryfrog: so... i imagine they have to "make progress" or die
[00:41:20] Octane: justinh ive been using mythtv for 5 years man
[00:41:31] Octane: just wondering what the competition is like
[00:41:32] fryfrog: yeah, you aren't likely to get anything besides bashing of everything else :p
[00:41:45] justinh: I installed mediaportal for giggles today. oh man it still clunks
[00:42:03] justinh: so it has UI 'bling' effects but they're hardly smooth
[00:42:42] justinh: scrolling is jerky, fonts are badly scaled....
[00:43:42] solexious: Guys, whats your opinion on mythtv inside linuxmce, does mythtv run better on its own?
[00:43:59] justinh: linuxmce is way overrated IMHO
[00:45:04] solexious: how come?
[00:45:32] justinh: it's way too overblown & relies a lot on dedicated hardware
[00:46:08] justinh: and it's UI (IMHO) is definitely not suited to use on a TV by somebody sat in a chair
[00:46:53] solexious: i ave noticed that its not aimed to be on a computer your using for other things...
[00:48:00] solexious: i think it depends on how much cash i can spend on it i us mythtv on its own or linuxmce...
[00:48:04] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:48:16] solexious: it if i use*
[00:48:26] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:50:29] a1fa_ (a1fa_!n=fiddy@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:51:24] a1fa (a1fa!n=fiddy@unaffiliated/a1fa) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:53:43] sceo02 (sceo02!n=cwells@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:56:22] david (david!n=david@unaffiliated/mtrh) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:56:25] david (david! has joined #MythTV-users
[00:56:49] sceo02: I use KnoppMyth, but I just installed the client from repo's on my Ubuntu desktop. I want to use the desktop as a frontend-only. I got a protocol mismatch error when trying to connect, but knoppmyth was .20 and the client I just install was .21. So, I downloaded the .21 source from, did a ./configure and a make, and then as 'su' did 'make install' — rebooted the server, still running .20 when I do a mythbackend --version. what did I miss
[00:58:07] fryfrog: your source install probably went to /usr/local and your "real" install is in /usr
[00:58:16] fryfrog: and your init script probably references /usr specifically
[00:58:44] sceo02: so is that something where I do like a ./configure --prefix=/usr or something like that?
[00:58:44] fryfrog: there are a few ways you could solve it
[00:58:50] fryfrog: yup, you can do that
[00:59:04] fryfrog: but you may want to *remove* the knopp myth packages, otherwise an update could screw you over
[00:59:23] fryfrog: you might also simply find the hard reference in the init script (or what not) and point to user/local
[00:59:29] fryfrog: and still also remove the package
[00:59:37] sceo02: hmm, looks right – just did a locate on mythbackend and it finds it in /usr/bin/mythbackend and /usr/local/bin/mythbackend
[00:59:40] fryfrog: or maybe switch to mythbuntu, which is ubuntu based
[01:00:06] fryfrog: they don't pay me $0/hr for nothing :)
[01:00:27] sceo02: lol
[01:00:33] sceo02: I was considering mythbuntu but didn't know if it was evolved enough... do you use it?
[01:00:45] fryfrog: nah
[01:00:59] fryfrog: i just use ubuntu + svn compile of 0.21-fixes branch
[01:01:35] bsdfox (bsdfox! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:03:33] sceo02: now that I've learned enough about linux, maybe I could actually do that... when I first got my myth box I tried to manually install ubuntu, manually configure the hardware, etc — it was massively difficult... then I discovered knoppmyth and everything worked out of the box, so I've kinda stuck with it... but now I realize that rolling your own can keep you more up to date, since knoppmyth is often months behind the mythtv updates
[01:05:21] fryfrog: yeah, that is why i like ubuntu + my own mythtv svn
[01:06:35] sceo02: well, thanks so much for the advice – we'll see how i fare
[01:06:35] XPertKnobTwiddlr (XPertKnobTwiddlr!n=xptwidd@unaffiliated/xpertknobtwiddlr) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:06:40] Mykroft (Mykroft! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[01:06:45] quigleymd (quigleymd! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[01:07:40] XPertKnobTwiddlr (XPertKnobTwiddlr!n=xptwidd@unaffiliated/xpertknobtwiddlr) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:01] johndbritton (johndbritton! has quit ("")
[01:13:59] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[01:27:53] leprechau (leprechau! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:35:36] kidbluz (kidbluz! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:17] neztiti (neztiti! has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:36:42] symptom (symptom! has quit ("Keep your ear to the grindstone")
[01:36:49] kidbluz: I'm trying to burn a dvd without re-encoding, and am getting the error message 'ERROR: Encoding profile (NONE) not found'
[01:39:47] devsforev (devsforev!n=Ryan@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:40:33] hachi: :\
[01:41:00] hachi: my mythtv setup has gone stupid
[01:41:14] kidbluz: mine has always been a little stupid
[01:41:20] hachi: "will record will record will record"
[01:41:26] hachi: and then it hits the time, and doesn't record XD
[01:41:37] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A! has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[01:42:36] hachi: WHOAH, everybody is blue on my screen
[01:44:35] hachi: playback (xv?) is swapping yellow and blue values or something
[01:44:39] hachi: chroma is reversed?
[01:45:04] hachi: this is .21
[01:45:28] GreyFoxx: hachi: Everything is blue shifted? People all appear blue ?
[01:45:38] hachi: yeah, and things that should be blue appear yellow
[01:45:47] hachi: I'm not sure about magenta
[01:45:48] ** GreyFoxx guesses Intel or ATI GPU **
[01:45:50] robbins876_ (robbins876_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:45:54] hachi: ATI
[01:46:00] hachi: this was fine... about an hour ago
[01:46:06] hachi: before I upgraded to .21
[01:46:28] GreyFoxx: You are experiencing a bug in the drivers that reports the supported colourspace in the drivers
[01:46:41] GreyFoxx: and the default colourspace myth users is the one being reported incorrectly
[01:46:57] GreyFoxx: there use to be a line of code you could comment out to get around it
[01:47:02] GreyFoxx: not sure if it's still in there
[01:47:04] hachi: the preview window works fine
[01:47:11] hachi: so this is just the playback window
[01:47:26] GreyFoxx: x11 playback for the preview window, xv for the fullscreen playback
[01:47:54] GreyFoxx: if you see blue in the preview that's missing mmx support in the myth binary :)
[01:48:05] hachi: fun bugs
[01:48:41] GreyFoxx: I'm not sure if the code work around is still in there or not
[01:48:53] hachi: code workaround isn't what I want anyways
[01:48:59] hachi: I'd have to actually compile it
[01:49:04] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:49:19] GreyFoxx: At one point I converted the code work arond to be based on a database setting, but I think it was removed
[01:49:22] hachi: trying to kick the pants on my Xorg install right now
[01:49:31] hachi: since that's where the problem actually is
[01:50:04] hachi: guh, hate xauth... always forget how to override it
[01:52:00] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:52:46] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:54:51] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:55:34] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:58:57] robbins61 (robbins61! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:59:43] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:01:02] Universo21819 (Universo21819!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:04:21] jackson (jackson! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[02:08:09] hachi: GreyFoxx: I can't find any information on this bug you describe
[02:08:12] hachi: has anyone documented it?
[02:08:23] kidbluz (kidbluz! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:08:24] hachi: I can't find any bugs in debian, google shows nothing
[02:08:51] kormoc: hachi, it's been mentioned on the -dev mailing list previously
[02:10:10] hachi: I can't find a search system
[02:10:34] kormoc:
[02:10:35] hachi: oh wait, marc seems to be indexing it
[02:11:26] devsforev (devsforev! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:11:43] hachi: I'm not finding anything with 'xv' as the search term... recently
[02:11:59] a1fa_: any new and exciting features?
[02:12:06] kormoc: it's been an bug for awhile
[02:12:08] a1fa_: did that over-scan feature made it into 021?
[02:12:18] hachi: got a bug number, or a link?
[02:12:23] kormoc: hachi, it's never been fixed upstream, as ATI doesn't support myth/xv stuff
[02:12:25] kormoc: not handy, no
[02:12:26] hachi: I'm really not finding anything about this
[02:12:52] hachi: subject line?
[02:12:55] hachi: post name?
[02:12:57] hachi: rough date?
[02:13:05] hachi: anything I can possibly read about this based on?
[02:13:08] kormoc: . . . glrx;#218699
[02:13:13] a1fa_: who is the dude that made the screen resize app?
[02:13:25] a1fa_: ala xbmc ?
[02:13:27] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:14:04] hachi: my card is supported under xorg just fine
[02:15:04] kormoc: . . . glrx;#186020
[02:15:18] kormoc: hachi, keep reading?
[02:15:26] GreyFoxx: hachi: The bug has come up over and over. Normally just search for blue faces or blueshifted
[02:15:41] hachi: yeah, I kept searching for 'blue' and getting blue themes
[02:15:43] GreyFoxx: It affects some users of Intel and ATI gpus
[02:16:19] ** GreyFoxx ponders buying some video goggles/glasses **
[02:17:26] hachi: ahh
[02:17:32] hachi: somehow 'hue' was weged at 0%
[02:17:46] hachi: glitch in setting load, everything else was at 50% already?
[02:22:30] devsforev (devsforev! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[02:24:04] solexious (solexious! has quit ()
[02:25:18] timo (timo! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:25:32] hachi: are TV stations trying to drive people mad at all, by making the popular shows 'run over' both the start and then end times
[02:25:44] hachi: and then making the unpopular shows take up the slack?
[02:25:53] hachi: I swear I'm observing something like that
[02:26:22] iamlindoro: Extra tuners solves that, but yes, popular programs often go a few minutes into the next hour/half
[02:27:03] iamlindoro: Even worse, they're shortening the show lengths at the same time-- sell more commercials, make an hourlong show 38 minutes of actual show... yuck.
[02:27:35] J-e-f-f-A: stupid ivtv... I adjusted the brigtness of a livetv recording, and it 'stuck', even after a re-boot, causing sync corruption...
[02:27:35] iamlindoro: I'll just watch the hockey game instead :)
[02:28:00] hachi: I'd buy more tuners, but ugh.... why aren't cable companies doing digital on the wire more?
[02:28:07] robbins876_ (robbins876_! has quit ("Leaving")
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[02:28:21] hachi: do they make dual-mode tuners that don't suck?
[02:28:24] J-e-f-f-A: hachi: They are, but usually digital, and encrypted...
[02:28:28] iamlindoro: because they're convinced we're all YARRRR pirates
[02:28:36] hachi: yeah, guh
[02:28:41] harryo (harryo! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:29:07] Aval0n: anyone ever seen plasma tvs have a shadow horizontally of inense colors?
[02:29:27] Aval0n: like if there is a horizontal bar in the middle of the screen you get shadows of it to the left and right
[02:29:28] Aval0n: all inputs
[02:30:12] iamlindoro: Aval0n: Here we go with this again, huh? If all the other TVs haven't had it, and if the many times you've asked have turned up nothing, and if the signal isdigital through the whole workflow... odds are you've got yet another borken TV
[02:30:31] iamlindoro: hahah, borken was a typo, but I think I like it
[02:30:55] iamlindoro: PS, HD Hockey is the best thing ever.
[02:31:34] codyism (codyism! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:31:50] Aval0n: uhg
[02:32:20] Aval0n: most if it is fine
[02:32:25] Aval0n: just happenes every once in a while
[02:32:32] Aval0n: didn't notice it on my prior TV
[02:32:40] Aval0n: wasn't sure if a certain amount of it was normal
[02:33:26] kormoc: Aval0n, just return it and get your money back entirely
[02:33:46] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:35:07] crazyfoam (crazyfoam! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:40:41] crazyfoam: woohoo! i just got mythtv working with a pcHDTV-5500 card watching over the air ATSC
[02:40:45] crazyfoam: have a problem though...
[02:41:08] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:42:05] crazyfoam: while watching tv with the frontend it seems to stack the video so rather than one big video, it shows two short videos
[02:42:32] crazyfoam: ...been trying to google for this but search terms describing the problem are too vague
[02:43:09] crazyfoam: so when i look at the mpeg files mythbackend is storing, watched with mplayer, everthing is fine
[02:43:17] Khonshu (Khonshu! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:43:18] crazyfoam: just the frontend corrupts the video
[02:51:38] orcon (orcon!n=orcon@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:56:40] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:57:03] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:58:34] AngryElf: when I go to mythweb/video I get this error about creating symlinks to my Posters directory at mythweb/data/video_covers — if I delete the symlinks I can get to mythweb/video the first time, and it recreates the symlinks but then I can't get to it 2nd time
[02:59:34] AngryElf: so I guess mythweb doesnt' check to see if they exist before trying to create them?
[02:59:51] kormoc: Sure it does
[03:00:12] kormoc: but if it can't entry into them, it might cause that error
[03:00:21] kormoc: does the www user have read ability on those dirs?
[03:01:57] AngryElf: yes it does
[03:02:09] AngryElf: it's user:www-data and 775
[03:02:12] johndbritton (johndbritton! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:13:41] SoulBlade (SoulBlade! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:14:24] SoulBlade: any quick thing to check to determine why mythtv (.21-fixes) has no sound, but i can do an mplayer /dev/video0 and get the tv stream w/ audio?
[03:23:40] SoulBlade (SoulBlade! has quit ()
[03:27:02] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:38:25] ajh: Could someone give me a hint to what I did wrong, I'm getting channel lock, the channel is FTA, and then
[03:38:54] ajh: Re-installed the back-end due to some very odd behaviours, but now I"m clearly missing something.
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[03:49:08] hti_pr1 (hti_pr1! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:50:22] hti_pr1: i am having trouble getting the asx stream from mythweb to work, it freezes up after authentication
[03:50:58] hti_pr1: any ideas
[03:51:07] Khonshu (Khonshu! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[03:58:30] ajh: I haven't a clue what happened. This SHOULD be working, the fe/be aren't talking right
[03:59:54] hti_pr1: ajh are you talking to me
[04:00:21] ajh: anyone really, but you didn't see the pastebin
[04:00:40] leprechau (leprechau! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:00:53] hti_pr1: oh
[04:01:22] leprechau (leprechau! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:03:50] hti_pr1: anyone have an idea on the pastebin
[04:06:41] hti_pr1: or on the mythweb thing
[04:09:34] kayle (kayle! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:10:12] ajh: This has got to be the fact the backend is running 8.04 and the front end 7.10
[04:11:08] hti_pr1: can you clue me in on the problem ajh
[04:11:32] ajh: the front and back end aren't talking right, I can tune but when it tries to send video it fails
[04:12:04] ajh:
[04:13:04] ajh: 2008-04–14 00:08:22.598 Preview Error: Run() file not local: '/var/lib/mythtv/recordings/1519_20080414000819.mpg'
[04:13:04] ajh: on the backend.
[04:13:04] mkrufky-away (mkrufky-away!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:13:04] XPertKnobTwiddlr (XPertKnobTwiddlr!n=xptwidd@unaffiliated/xpertknobtwiddlr) has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[04:13:45] hti_pr1: well for some reason your codec seems to be failing
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[04:14:35] ajh: on the front end?
[04:14:48] ajh: they're both 0.21
[04:14:49] hti_pr1: where is that log file from the front end
[04:15:05] ajh: the pastebin was the frontend
[04:15:49] hti_pr1: sounds like codec on frontend then, i got a google hit, let me see if it fits.
[04:16:05] ajh: all the mpg files on the backend are null though
[04:16:41] ajh: I'll try to record throguh mythweb
[04:17:10] LabMonkey: ok so I've got standard analog cable tv but I heard something the other day about legislation mandating that by 2009 or something that all cable must be digital
[04:17:20] hti_pr1: ok ,sounds like a server thing then.
[04:17:44] ajh: which is odd, must be the new build, back to 7.10 then.
[04:17:47] ajh: argh.
[04:17:48] LabMonkey: will I have to replace my analog card?
[04:18:08] hti_pr1: if the server is not using the correct codec, or any codec if they are null, then the frontend codec would also fail
[04:18:18] hti_pr1: i got the new build, no problems here
[04:18:31] hti_pr1: what does your backend log look like
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[04:18:51] LabMonkey: my hauppage pvr 500 I mean
[04:18:57] hti_pr1: LabMonkey: I think that is an affirmative
[04:19:05] hti_pr1: is it analog or hybrid
[04:20:00] LabMonkey: hrm
[04:20:06] LabMonkey: I think it's pure analog
[04:20:08] hti_pr1: They make external boxes, if you have an IR blaster and a digital to analog tuner youd be good
[04:20:21] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:20:23] LabMonkey: with a built-in mpeg encoder
[04:20:32] LabMonkey: hrm
[04:20:36] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:20:36] LabMonkey: that might work
[04:20:36] ajh:
[04:20:46] LabMonkey: digital from the pole, analog to the mythbox
[04:20:49] hti_pr1: ok, I think that is like the pci version of the winpvr usb 2
[04:20:54] LabMonkey: yeah
[04:21:02] LabMonkey: it's basially a dual pvr 150
[04:21:19] LabMonkey: I tink
[04:21:22] LabMonkey: think*
[04:21:25] LabMonkey: lemme look at dmesg again
[04:21:29] ajh: This scanned fine, saw all the expected channels, and the one being tuned is not encrypted
[04:21:35] hti_pr1: do you have a dvr cable box
[04:21:54] iamlindoro_: LabMonkey: Read closer next time. Digital/Analog transition in 2009 affects only Over-the-air
[04:21:58] hti_pr1: can you watch live tv from the backend machine
[04:22:06] hti_pr1: or do you have an fe on it
[04:22:10] iamlindoro_: LabMonkey: Cable companies *must* offer analog through 2012
[04:22:45] LabMonkey: ahh
[04:22:56] ajh: no X on the be
[04:23:02] hti_pr1: iamlindoro_: that is very useful information, thank you for clearing that up. That secures my investment for a few more years.
[04:23:23] iamlindoro_: np
[04:23:24] LabMonkey: hti_pr1: yeah I've just got analog from the pole straight to the pvr 500
[04:23:27] LabMonkey: right now
[04:23:40] LabMonkey: and thanks to iamlindoro_ as well
[04:23:43] hti_pr1: same setup here
[04:24:13] LabMonkey: I think by the time I'm forced to go digital I'll have different hardware anyway
[04:24:28] LabMonkey: and I'll probably opt for digital before then anyway
[04:25:19] hti_pr1: ajh: can you do a 'cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg'
[04:26:01] hti_pr1: hit ctrl+c after a few seconds and see if the file is empty or if it contains data
[04:27:43] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:28:09] CNU (CNU! has quit (Connection timed out)
[04:29:01] ajh: it's got data
[04:29:17] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit ("Leaving.")
[04:29:19] ajh: at one point I got smears on the screen
[04:29:43] hti_pr1: can you transfer it to a computer with x and try to play it
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[04:29:59] hti_pr1: smears??
[04:31:07] ajh: like the video tried to play but was watercoloured and rinsed with a hose
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[04:31:51] hti_pr1: is the backend transcoding at some point
[04:34:37] ajh: nope
[04:35:58] hti_pr1: is this file you are trying to play you said it is empty
[04:37:39] ajh: no, that was grey like an unpainted X background
[04:39:08] hti_pr1: I think you have a problem with the codec being used to capture with X, was the test.mpg file playable
[04:39:19] ajh: I think it's working now.
[04:39:27] ajh: re-ran setup, yet again
[04:41:20] hti_pr1: just curious if you don't have X on the backend how do you run mythtv-setup
[04:41:31] hti_pr1: can you do that on a frontend
[04:42:35] ajh: ssh
[04:42:53] ajh: 2008-04–14 00:42:31.707 RingBuf(/var/lib/mythtv/recordings/1240_20080414004208.mpg) Error: Invalid file descriptor in 'safe_read()'
[04:42:57] ajh: seeing a lot of that
[04:43:06] hti_pr1: you redirect X or is there an ncurses version of mythtv-setup
[04:43:38] ajh: with X
[04:43:43] hti_pr1: ok
[04:43:57] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:43:58] hti_pr1: is it working now despite the errors
[04:44:14] ajh: no, but I think the remaining issue is unrelated.
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[04:45:04] hti_pr1: is this a hardware encoder
[04:45:24] ajh: no, dvb.
[04:46:18] hti_pr1: i'm not sure this may be a little out of my league
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[04:47:42] hti_pr1: dvbs are already encoded right
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[04:50:48] ajh: yes, it should be raw mpeg2
[04:51:18] ajh: I think I just got it working, I've just changed far too many factors today.
[04:51:36] nevyn: dbv is raw mpeg.
[04:51:36] ajh: figured out a switch combination that should get all 3 tuners working though :)
[04:51:59] hti_pr1: is that a satellite setup
[04:52:13] hti_pr1: or just digital cable
[04:52:28] nevyn: where are you ajh?
[04:52:40] ajh: It's satellite.
[04:52:43] nevyn: hti_pr1: mine is DVB-T
[04:52:54] ajh: wish I could get dvb-t
[04:53:11] hti_pr1: ajh did that work
[04:53:35] ajh: Yes, it was a couple things, I was running something out of the wrong directory.
[04:53:52] hti_pr1: oh good, anyone have any experience with asx streams from mythweb
[04:54:34] ajh: I think it 'just worked' for me, what're you seeing?
[04:55:02] ajh: web stuff I've done a little more recently, I forgot how much you forget just going back to user :)
[04:55:24] hti_pr1: .asx downloads, totem asks for auth, I enter credentials and it freezes, auth. box just stays there unresponsive
[04:56:23] hti_pr1: is there another app that plays .asx streams that I can try
[04:56:47] ajh: vdr?
[04:57:22] ajh: I've found totem to be fairly bad at most things.
[04:57:56] hti_pr1: do i just select vdr in the open box, or do I need some kind of command line switches
[04:58:25] hti_pr1: I have tried mplayer, but apparently it doesnt play asx streams
[04:58:50] ajh: I only tried it on win32 at the time.
[04:59:15] ajh: xine?
[05:00:25] hti_pr1: the credentials should be the same credentials for accessing mythweb right
[05:01:00] ajh: Sorry, I did not mean vdr
[05:01:03] ajh: I meant vlc
[05:01:14] ajh:
[05:01:22] ajh: stupid tla
[05:01:51] hti_pr1: alright
[05:02:41] hti_pr1: ok, i got a different episode to play, but the buffering is crazy, it will buffer like 3 seconds, play it, stop, buffer 3 more, play, etc...
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[05:04:34] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:04:57] ajh: wish myth could clean up the invalid recordings
[05:05:19] hti_pr1: as soon as i remove vdr :) i am gonna try another player
[05:06:06] nevyn: ajh: likewise
[05:06:31] hti_pr1: ajh: haven't had too much trouble
[05:06:37] hti_pr1: with bad recordingd
[05:09:15] ajh: I've got a pile of 0 length recordings the fe can't delete
[05:09:18] pembo13_com (pembo13_com! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:09:27] pembo13_com: i just updated my desiplay to 1280x1024
[05:09:37] ajh: there's a failure case that makes a ton of htem.
[05:09:37] hti_pr1: oh
[05:09:40] pembo13_com: now mythfrontend only shows in about 8 colors
[05:09:45] pembo13_com: red green and something else
[05:10:19] ajh: if I remove the files, will the backend realize they're gone and clean up the db?
[05:10:23] ajh: eventually?
[05:10:50] hti_pr1: your video card may limit the color depth, the card may be able to do 1280x1024 but only in 8-bit color mode, or something lower
[05:11:01] hti_pr1: ajh i
[05:11:38] hti_pr1: ajh im not sure, it may leave dead entries in the tables, It would be good programming for it to do that though
[05:11:56] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:12:08] ajh: so I should assume I can't touch them then ;)
[05:12:27] ajh: so would having a variable for 'autoremove recordings smaller than'
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[05:13:36] hti_pr1: ajh don't take my word for it
[05:13:38] ajh: the FE ui is REALLY slow
[05:13:49] ajh: 2008-04–14 01:13:28.755 NVP::OpenFile(): Error, couldn't read file: myth://
[05:13:49] ajh:
[05:13:59] briand (briand! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:14:00] ajh: that causes a major time lag
[05:14:17] hti_pr1: I had issues witht the fe being slow with the G.A.N.T. theme, I changed to the blue theme, and it is pretty snappy
[05:15:13] hti_pr1: I am getting an error from mythweb saying 1011_20080413193000.nuv does not exist in any recognized storage group directories for this host
[05:15:36] hti_pr1: this only seems to happen when trying to stream from the slave backend
[05:16:18] hti_pr1: do i need to make some kind of share from the slave backend to the master backend
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[05:21:08] Honk^away (Honk^away! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:21:21] nevyn: so a nuv container can hold an ac3 audio stream but myth won't play it
[05:23:13] ajh: well, my backend process is not taking 100% cpu anymore
[05:23:31] ajh: there must be a bad bug in the DiSEqC stuff that loops or something.
[05:24:10] hti_pr1: ajh any idea on the error i gave above
[05:24:56] ajh: not offhand, I'd check the various logfiles and see where it's trying to read from
[05:25:43] ajh: Strange, it says a recording is in use by the backend and won't let me delete it
[05:26:38] Captain_Murdoch: nevyn, is that a statement or a question? I'm pretty sure I tested that when I added the ability for nuppeldecoder.cpp to handle AC3 audio. that's one of the reasons I switched from using lame to libavcodec to decode the audio in changeset 13512 about a year ago. . . . ldecoder.cpp
[05:27:20] Captain_Murdoch: I even tested a hack that allowed preserving AC3 audio during transcoding.
[05:31:33] nevyn: ok.
[05:31:52] Captain_Murdoch: you just can't create a nuv with AC3 from within Myth.
[05:33:22] pembo13_com (pembo13_com! has quit ("peace to all")
[05:34:17] nevyn: A friend has written a small suite called nuvreplex to do it.
[05:35:31] ajh: Too bad ssd are still so expensive.
[05:35:36] Captain_Murdoch: have you tried one of these new files in myth? you can use "mythtv my_file_with_ac3_audio.nuv" to test.
[05:35:39] ajh: Wouldn't mind dropping one in the fe.
[05:36:04] ajh: That and replacing the cpu can with a much bigger slower fan.
[05:37:38] ajh: should make a mount to put an 80mm above the gpu too I guess.
[05:37:41] nevyn: Captain_Murdoch: the friend is stuck behind a corporate firewall and can't irc but he hit problems with 0.20 when he tried some time ago.
[05:38:05] Captain_Murdoch: yeah, 0.20 didn't support AC3 in .nuv. I only added that 11 months ago, so it was post-0.20.
[05:38:12] nevyn: ok.
[05:38:19] nevyn: thanks for verifying that.
[05:38:47] nevyn: we'll give it another shot.
[05:39:08] ajh: Oh, is there any argument for higher performing gpu's in a myth box or is it all about cpu?
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[05:39:40] Captain_Murdoch: I'm (very) slowly working on a patch to allow the software encoder to spit out different formats other than .nuv. it uses libavformat and libavcodec. I've tested it with mpeg-ps and .flv files. it's working, but needs quite a bit more work before I can commit it. and my free (ie. programming) time has been minimal lately.
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[05:40:23] nevyn: the transcoding stuff generally seems to be reasonably flexible I did think of a minor twist in that it would be nice to be able to specify a display and audio fidelity that you wish to preserve
[05:40:33] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:40:55] nevyn: there's a readme and stuff in there you may find it useful/of interest
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[05:44:57] Captain_Murdoch: your friend should try playing his .avi files using Myth 0.21's internal player, it has improved immensely for non-.nuv and non-.mpg files since 0.20.
[05:48:37] Captain_Murdoch: I snagged a copy and took a quick look. gotta run, should have been in bed hours ago, just saw your message and wanted to comment.
[05:49:27] nevyn: cool
[05:49:37] nevyn: thanks
[05:52:50] nevyn: ajh: XMvC or whatever it's called is vaguely useful. except where it isn't
[05:55:05] ajh: haven't had it stable yet, I have a 7600GT now.
[05:55:14] ajh: I was thinking about getting one with HDMI though.
[05:55:45] ajh: and stick a passive heatsink on it since I don't need anything in the next few slots.
[05:57:12] ajh: might try the 8xxx card thats in the backend actually, that's passively cooled.
[05:57:17] ajh: and only $50
[05:59:07] hads: XVMC isn't supported on the Nvidia 8xxx cards is it?
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[06:00:46] ajh: it doesn't work on the 7xxx cards well
[06:01:11] hads: *shrug* I never use it anyway.
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[06:02:57] nevyn: alla: it doesn't work on the 7xxx card I have.
[06:03:11] nevyn: I might yet pull it out and use the onboard 6xxx card.
[06:07:10] orcon: any idea when mythtv will be synced with the latest ffmpeg?
[06:07:32] orcon is now known as LennonNZ
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[06:23:33] ajh: has anyone done some more advanced storage sorting/management tools that are separate from myth?
[06:25:45] JohnMahowald: What, like RAID volumes? Probably.
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[06:26:23] ** nevyn is using lvm+raid but that's something of a bad idea. **
[06:26:26] ajh: no, I mean to go through what's recorded, setup transcodes, move to archives etc
[06:26:44] ajh: since they're all heavily linked to the database etc.
[06:26:48] ajh: and not named.
[06:27:08] ajh: Would be nice to be able to rename, sort, etc
[06:27:42] ajh: Actually, libferris access might be useful.
[06:28:01] nevyn: part of the toolchain my friend is working on includes a advanced transcode that could potentially do renaming
[06:28:45] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[06:29:02] ajh: I want to be able to do things like setup exports of mp4 files for import into itunes for ipod use etc.
[06:29:41] JohnMahowald: A batch job thing to do stuff to multiple items in the database.
[06:30:07] ajh: first just need to get it stable.
[06:30:27] ajh: libferris into the database migth make things easier, then everything's a file.
[06:30:32] nevyn: ajh: I just want to be able to pull files from /myth and hand them to friends.
[06:30:38] nevyn: libferris?
[06:30:46] ajh: yeah, Ben Martin's stuff.
[06:31:03] ajh: a FUSE meta-filesystem
[06:31:22] nevyn: ajh: oh there's a fuse myth filesystem already unless that's what you're refering to
[06:31:45] ajh: This lets you do things like use an SQL server with shell tools.
[06:32:02] ajh: It's a solution looking for a problem mostly, but still pretty cool.
[06:32:12] ajh: google can tell you more.
[06:32:31] ajh: or his Linux Symposium paper from 2007
[06:34:19] nevyn:
[06:35:29] ajh: Yeah, that's a more generic use of FUSE
[06:36:38] JohnMahowald: Bleh mythweb sways whatever.mpg doesn't exist
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[07:04:53] ajh: ok the lack of bulk actions is really annoying, considering they were available in the echostar pvrs... and the playlist approach isn't particularly nice.
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[07:13:40] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[07:13:43] ajh: is there currently any way to say do 'delete channels 1–200 and 900–10000' all at once?
[07:14:18] Anduin: ajh: delete from channel where blah (so no)
[07:14:50] ajh: would be nice to put a mask in while scanning.
[07:15:44] ajh: I don't know if schedulesdirect data includes it, but being able to also say 'hide non-insert-language-channels' would be nice. At least until there's some more persistent way to keep the channel listing.
[07:15:58] ajh: I've had to re-scan so many times it's not even funny anymore.
[07:16:20] nevyn: set visible =0 where guidedata = ''
[07:16:51] ajh: that would be faster but many of those are valid too
[07:17:24] ajh: separating channel management into it's own system would probably make more sense then run scans against a known list, even if each user builds that known list the first time.
[07:17:33] Anduin: ajh: for testing I'd use the dvb tools, much easier to limit the scan
[07:17:40] ajh: then things like icon data, crop amounts etc stay
[07:18:00] ajh: I'm thinking more long-term and how it could be improved. I know it's not an overnight things.
[07:18:26] ajh: Though personally I'd probably split more off into real desktop apps vs integrating all the seting stuff.
[07:19:02] ajh: but I do know the limited time, etc arguments, and I can relate :(
[07:20:18] nevyn: icon data.
[07:20:24] ajh: I'm just happy I got the backend not taking all the CPU now, and figured out the multiswitch fiasco.
[07:20:30] nevyn: myth doesn't provide a way to distribute this internally does it?
[07:20:33] Anduin: limited utility also, most people scan occasionally, optimizing for smaller more specific sets isn't that useful in that case
[07:20:52] ajh: no, but you want a way to add your own without having to enter full path etc.
[07:21:12] ajh: well, it's useful in any case, especially when setting up a complex setup like here.
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[07:21:40] ajh: but now it's time for my 3 hours of sleep :(
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[07:24:59] nevyn: hrm
[07:44:25] ajh: *** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/mythbackend: malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x0000000000c0100f ***
[07:44:41] ajh: My backend has been dying on something like that a whole lot.
[07:47:20] nevyn: wheee...
[07:49:29] doje (doje! has quit ()
[07:49:59] ajh: oh and asking for DETAILS kills it
[07:51:23] hti_pr1 (hti_pr1! has left #mythtv-users ()
[07:52:09] ajh: is that likely to be a hardware issue?
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[07:55:26] ajh: ok, guess this gets memtest overnight
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[09:14:46] ajh: 2008-04–14 05:14:17.932 ProcessPAT: Program not found in PAT.
[09:14:46] ajh: Rescan your transports.
[09:15:10] ajh: any idea what would cause a transponder to be scannable, but then result in that when you tried to tune it?
[09:15:29] ajh: is a SW44 not SW34 compatible?
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[09:28:04] Puh_: 0.21-fixes version mythweb still only gives me handheld version of the pages?
[09:28:27] Puh_: it's probably a configuration thing, but i've got no idea of where to look
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[09:43:35] ajh: is a SW44 not SW34 compatible?
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[10:06:36] justinh: lol. no idea where to look. not even the settings page
[10:09:19] neztiti: hi guys – how i can sort my channels
[10:16:04] justinh: fucking hell. you put instructions on the screen people are using and they still end up not knowing what to do. how is that possible?
[10:16:54] directhex|bsp: justinh, people drop 50 iq points in front of a monitor
[10:18:06] frank_ (frank_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:24:47] justinh: never mind rtfm – more like eliminate themselves from the gene pool!
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[11:17:07] jamesd__: justinh, no such luck, apparently it only requires an IQ of 2, maybe less to continue evolution and gene pool participation.... i know i have met and worked with them...
[11:18:14] directhex|bsp: in theory there are people out there with negative IQs
[11:19:36] TelnetManta (TelnetManta! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[11:19:37] directhex|bsp: IQ is a gaussian distribution around an average of 100
[11:19:54] directhex|bsp: the highest is >200, so really, the lowest should be <0 (and equally rare)
[11:20:56] jamesd__: and just because you score high on the test... doesn't mean you have sense enough to tie your shoe or other basic life skills.
[11:22:40] justinh: I have an IQ of 0 I think – in that I've never done a test
[11:23:16] directhex|bsp: jamesd__, absolutely. IQ is not a measure of "common sense", and many severely autistic people do well in IQ (verbal reasoning) tests
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[11:50:32] k-man__: how does one play the .asx files that mythweb can stream?
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[12:26:30] ajh: so, my backend crashes were almost certainly EIT related, when I disabled it, things ran all night
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[14:30:40] hti_pr1: does anyone think its feasable to create an X-less frontend? I think vlc does something like, this. The picture quality is quite good, just as if it were in X, and without the overhead of X
[14:31:16] hti_pr1: actually I can't remember what app does it, but i don't think it is vlc. I will do some searching
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[14:32:31] quicksilver: hti_pr1: X is essentially zero overhead
[14:32:37] JohnMahowald: Technically a OS X Aqua frontend doesn't use X, for a Mac
[14:32:38] quicksilver: hti_pr1: I really don't see the point :)
[14:33:27] hti_pr1: When I playback videos, myth frontend uses about 30% cpu and x uses the other 60–70% leaving my box useless to other tasks like captureing
[14:33:29] justinh: mythfrontend in a framebuffer eh? good luck!
[14:33:41] justinh: hti_pr1: so don't use a framegrabber
[14:33:47] hti_pr1: how do i do that
[14:33:54] justinh: hti_pr1: you don't
[14:34:07] hti_pr1: ??
[14:34:28] justinh: it used to be possible to make mythfrontend work with directfb to bypass X but it was a bitch
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[14:34:42] justinh: it's probably very badly broken now
[14:34:54] GreyFoxx: hti_pr1: That's not "X" but the driver sending the data to the card which gets reported as X
[14:35:11] justinh: and – bypassing X will also be _slower_
[14:35:26] hti_pr1: GreyFoxx: anyway to reduce this overhead
[14:35:29] GreyFoxx: hti_pr1: Sounds more like your driver is not properly supporting Xv
[14:35:42] justinh: ATI suck on linux :)
[14:35:50] GreyFoxx: What kind of card ?
[14:35:54] hti_pr1: nVidia
[14:36:05] hti_pr1: with nvidia driver
[14:36:15] GreyFoxx: And you have the nvidia driver installed and X is configured to use it and not the open nv driver ?
[14:36:33] hti_pr1: yep
[14:37:00] GreyFoxx: And you are not using the OpenGL renderer or XvMC ? Your playback profile is specifically set to xv-blit ?
[14:37:03] hti_pr1: i assume this would be the 'Driver "nvidia"' line, correct?
[14:37:06] GreyFoxx: yeah
[14:37:29] hti_pr1: I think OpenGL and XvMC were my only options, maybe i missed something
[14:37:40] hti_pr1: this is in the frontend right?
[14:37:53] otwin (otwin!n=otwin@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:38:02] GreyFoxx: OpenGL uses more CPU than Xv, and XvMC can have issues and use even more CPU (which I know doesn't make sense)
[14:38:04] GreyFoxx: yup
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[14:38:25] hti_pr1: let me double check
[14:41:03] hti_pr1: is that in the Playback Profiles
[14:41:14] hti_pr1: I haven't been in here for a while
[14:42:03] GreyFoxx: yeah
[14:42:22] ** GreyFoxx goes to pick a new motherboard **
[14:42:46] hti_pr1: I have the profile set to Slim, can i get rid of the complexity and just use a single setting regardless of rez
[14:42:57] GreyFoxx: yup
[14:43:03] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[14:47:10] hti_pr1: alright it was setup to use ffmpeg & XVideo or ffmpeg & quartz, almost looks like the rules would interfere with the others
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[14:48:19] hti_pr1: one rule saying if rez is > than 0 0 then ffmpeg & quartz the other saying if rez is > than 0 0 then ffmpeg & XVideo
[14:48:44] hti_pr1: same thing on the other two only if rez >= 1280 720
[14:49:41] iamlindoro: hti_pr1: They work from top to bottom-- If Xvideo were not available it would try quartz-- that default rule would allow both linux and Mac to work
[14:49:52] hti_pr1: i see
[14:50:12] iamlindoro: It won't necessarily work perfectly in every case, but that rule works somewhat in the majority of cases which is a good start
[14:50:37] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: What sort of CPU do you use for the playback of your bluray rips ?
[14:51:08] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx: I get perfect playback w/ a Q6600 and perfect playback with some wrestling on an E4500
[14:51:14] hti_pr1: the balance shifted a little now i have around 80% on Xorg and 20% on frontend
[14:51:37] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx: The amount of wrestling is proportional to the screwiness of the encoded content :)
[14:51:39] hti_pr1: wait now X has settled to about 20%
[14:51:50] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: I'm currently looking at asus boards and amd processors
[14:51:56] hti_pr1: and frontend is at around 40%
[14:52:16] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: And I expect the playback of those codecs will keep going down over time,
[14:52:30] hti_pr1: nope back to 80 X and 20 myth
[14:52:32] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx: To remove model numbers from the mix, the Q6600 is 4 x 2.4 Ghz, and the E4500 is 2 x 2.2 Ghz IIRC
[14:52:36] GreyFoxx: at least to a point anyway, I expect them to be inefficiant right now
[14:52:59] iamlindoro: GreyFoxx: Yeah... just scraping by right now ought to play marginally well after a while
[14:53:07] hti_pr1: do hardware decoders reduce cpu usage as much as encoders do
[14:53:10] Chutt (Chutt! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:54:05] fn1: whoever it was that was helping me out with the mdadm stuff the other day thanks.. i eventually got it figured it out to add a hot spare.. all you had to do was mdadm -a /dev/sq1
[14:54:36] fn1: i wasn confused cuz you never actually tell it it needs to be a spare anywhere.. but it worked.. now i got 9tb online..
[14:55:07] iamlindoro: hti_pr1: Depends on how much of the spec is implemented in the HW acceleration API-- XvMC on nVidia, for example, only implements a few features of MPEG-2, resulting in a real, but relatively minor offload
[14:55:26] iamlindoro: Anyway, off to work, more in a bit
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[15:07:05] hti_pr1: anyone have any issues with capturing multiple hardware encoded streams simultaneously
[15:11:00] CCFL_Man3 (CCFL_Man3! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:11:44] jk1joel: I have MythTV set up to save the position or bookmark automatically when I leave a recording, which I like. Is there a way to have it always clear the position if I'm right near the end of the recording so that the next person to watch the same recording will start at the beginning? Otherwise, I get a prompt for "You have finished watching ...." as soon as I go back to a previously watched recording.
[15:13:26] hti_pr1: I think I remember seeing that, let me see if i can find it again
[15:13:55] hti_pr1: are you runnin 0.20 or 0.21
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[15:16:02] fn1: GreyFoxx: you around?
[15:17:13] hti_pr1: jk1joel: found the setting, you still around
[15:17:40] hti_pr1: wait, maybe not, but you can try
[15:18:38] hti_pr1: It's under General Playback, in the TV Playback settings, It's called 'Automatically mark a recording as watched...'
[15:18:51] hti_pr1: This may not be what you are looking for, but it might be
[15:20:10] JohnMahowald: Arg. Frontend has no sound if a Flash application is also playing in background, even with PulseAudio.
[15:20:20] hti_pr1: you can also set it to prompt you to save position on exit, instead of doing it automatically
[15:25:39] iamlindoro__ (iamlindoro__!n=robert@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:37:57] ravalox: Hello all, I have simple question. I'm getting a PVR 350 from hauppage, are there any pitfalls to it in mythtv?
[15:38:35] PatrickDK: dunno why you would do the 350, when the 150 is much cheaper
[15:38:51] ravalox: I needed one card with two tuners.
[15:39:01] directhex (directhex! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:39:09] PatrickDK: 350 has 1 tuner
[15:39:09] PatrickDK: 150 has 1 tuner
[15:39:10] iamlindoro__: the 350 doesn't have two
[15:39:21] ravalox: Oh, well there may be the problem then.
[15:39:33] PatrickDK: the 500 is two 150 cards :)
[15:39:53] iamlindoro__: Not to mention the 350 being more or less deprecated
[15:39:53] ravalox: Well then, it seems I may have an order to cancel.
[15:40:14] PatrickDK: iamlindoro, my 350 works great :)
[15:40:22] iamlindoro__: PatrickDK, Nobody said it didn't work
[15:40:37] PatrickDK: now, I haven't used the tv-out on it for 2 years
[15:40:39] hti_pr1: the 350 has an mpeg decoder though no
[15:40:51] iamlindoro__: hti_pr1, With *massive* drawbacks, yes.
[15:41:12] hti_pr1: are there any good hardware decoders, stand alone or otherwise
[15:41:13] iamlindoro__: hti_pr1, Faaaaar better to offload mpeg-2 onto the GPU if you need such a thing-- better still just to do it in software
[15:41:32] PatrickDK: the decoder on the 350 is fine
[15:41:37] PatrickDK: but it's no video card
[15:41:43] hti_pr1: I am running into extreme cpu usage when playing back video
[15:41:53] PatrickDK: hti_pr1, what video?
[15:42:00] PatrickDK: and what do you call extreeme?
[15:42:29] hti_pr1: mpg captures from hardware encoder, about 80% cpu used by Xorg and 20% used by FE
[15:43:02] PatrickDK: what video driver you using?
[15:43:09] PatrickDK: and what cpu is this?
[15:43:09] hti_pr1: nvidia
[15:43:12] iamlindoro__: If you're seeing that in SD MPEG-2 captures, your hardware stinks, you're doing something wrong, or you're using the wrong drivers for your GPU or you have an ATI
[15:43:55] hti_pr1: P4 1700MHz
[15:44:10] iamlindoro__: You're definitely doing something wrong somewhere, then
[15:44:14] ravalox: Do any of you have a PCI express wireless card that works in linux?
[15:44:21] hti_pr1: with nvidia GEForce FX 5500
[15:44:32] iamlindoro__: hti_pr1, and presumably the nvidia proprietary drivers?
[15:44:33] PatrickDK: I stopped using the nvidia drivers, cause it sucked on my system, the nv driver was better
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[15:44:57] hti_pr1: iamlindoro__: as long as ubuntu isn't lying to me
[15:45:06] iamlindoro__: PatrickDK, Unusual, It's the other way around for more people by far
[15:45:17] iamlindoro__: hti_pr1, Xorg.0.log won't lie
[15:45:23] PatrickDK: I had 20% more cpu usage using the nvidia drivers than nv
[15:45:27] PatrickDK: when I benchmarked it
[15:45:31] hti_pr1: iamlindoro__: that is what I heard, maybe i will try just for the hell of it
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[15:46:13] hti_pr1: well i checked over my xorg.conf file after ubuntu set it up, litttle paranoid, and it said "nvidia"
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[15:48:17] hti_pr1: what is the least cpu intensive setup for playback, ie. rendering and output
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[15:48:41] JohnMahowald: I just use a crappy integrated GeForce 6100 and still both X and the frontend only use 10% cpu each
[15:49:03] fryfrog: PatrickDK: the nvidia drivers in linux sucking is... a little odd
[15:49:25] PatrickDK: well, from my experince with it so far
[15:49:28] iamlindoro__: hti_pr1, IME It's an nVidia w/ Xv-blit out-- in theory XvMC takes a little more off the CPU, but the drawbacks negate the tiny speed increase IMO
[15:49:54] PatrickDK: nvidia drivers without xvmc
[15:50:04] hti_pr1: what kind of drawbacks are we talking
[15:50:09] fryfrog: PatrickDK: does the weird cpu usage extend to non-myth stuff, like glxgears or something?
[15:50:14] fryfrog: hti_pr1: gray scale OSD :p
[15:50:19] fryfrog: though that is fixable
[15:50:23] iamlindoro__: hti_pr1, random crashiness, OSD colorless, random other stuff
[15:50:23] fryfrog: on some cards
[15:50:24] PatrickDK: fryfrog, dunno, I don't use anything else on it
[15:51:00] fryfrog: PatrickDK: if it is worth figuring out to you, i might see if other stuff is wonky. Like playback with xine/mplayer, glxgears, etc
[15:51:23] hti_pr1: FE just became unresponsive to remote buttons and keypresses
[15:51:28] hti_pr1: thats a first for me
[15:51:56] hti_pr1: will running FE as root help anything
[15:53:54] iamlindoro__: no, and you definitely shouldn't
[15:54:22] hti_pr1: thats kinda what i was thinking, just seen it online so i thought i would asd
[15:54:24] hti_pr1: ask
[15:56:07] hti_pr1: what would the least cpu intensive decoder to use
[15:56:36] iamlindoro__: xv-blit (presuming you don't use XvMC)
[15:57:37] hti_pr1: xv-blit with standard decoder or or libmpeg2
[15:58:03] hti_pr1: standard being ffmpeg
[15:58:43] iamlindoro__: Standard is the best decoder for most-- you should know what you are doing if you are going to use anything else
[15:59:06] justinh: hti_pr1: as the help text in those pages tells you – YMMV depending on a few factors
[15:59:13] Universo21819 (Universo21819!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:59:26] iamlindoro__: libmpeg2 *can* be faster for some 32 bit AMD processors... but then, the tooltips tell you all that
[16:00:11] neztiti (neztiti! has left #mythtv-users ()
[16:00:53] hti_pr1: and what about deinterlacer
[16:01:14] justinh: whatever works best for you. yeesh
[16:01:44] PatrickDK: fryfrog, sorry, I cant even test it, I don't have my nvidia card in there anymore, all 3 of my frontends are using intell i915 video currently
[16:01:50] hti_pr1: i am trying to get the least cpu intensive setup in myth, so that I can work out any driver probs
[16:02:18] justinh: least intensive deinterlacer == NONE
[16:03:08] PatrickDK: hti_pr1, I am using a 1.8ghz cpu, with a SIS315E video card, at 800x600, and it normally sits at 75% cpu usage
[16:03:18] PatrickDK: with deinterlacing on
[16:04:00] hti_pr1: resolution is set in X right, isn't it better to have something around 640x480 for composite tv out
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[16:05:36] PatrickDK: yes, but I use it for more than just mythtv
[16:05:47] PatrickDK: mythtv is only when I am bored out my mine on that box
[16:06:12] PatrickDK: mind
[16:06:45] hti_pr1: ok, would i get better quality on the tv if I changed this, as this is a dedicated mythbox
[16:06:53] hti_pr1: or maybe a performance increase
[16:07:22] PatrickDK: better quality? probably not
[16:07:31] PatrickDK: depends on how you are recording the video though also
[16:07:31] justinh: jeebus. 800Mhz athlon running X at 800x600 playing standard def. 720x576 mpeg2 with nvidia fx5200 – less than 50% CPU usage. somebody is doing something wrong somewhere somehow
[16:07:38] PatrickDK: 720x480 or 640x480
[16:07:53] PatrickDK: you should record at 640x480 and playback at 640x480 in your case
[16:08:00] justinh: NO xvmc btw
[16:08:06] hti_pr1: ok with the minimal setup i just created, we got 80%Xorg and 20%FE
[16:08:23] PatrickDK: your xorg is just nuts
[16:08:40] hti_pr1: i'm not sure i can set capture resolution, i am using a hardware mpeg2 encoder
[16:09:16] PatrickDK: mine only uses up to 5% cpu for xorg
[16:09:29] PatrickDK: hti_pr1, what hardware encoder?
[16:09:41] hti_pr1: Hauppauge wintv pvr usb2
[16:09:52] PatrickDK: you should be able to
[16:09:59] hti_pr1: where would that be at
[16:10:11] PatrickDK: when you define how you record from it
[16:10:19] hti_pr1: BE or fe
[16:10:22] PatrickDK: fe
[16:10:30] PatrickDK: record groups I believe
[16:10:32] hti_pr1: recording profiles?
[16:10:34] hti_pr1: ok
[16:11:03] hti_pr1: ok
[16:11:27] justinh: recording profiles, not groups
[16:11:35] hti_pr1: its set to 720x480, can i set my X res to that also
[16:11:48] PatrickDK: IF, you can set your X res to that
[16:11:49] hti_pr1: or am i stuck with 640x480 as the closest
[16:12:00] PatrickDK: depends on your videocard and monitor
[16:12:42] hti_pr1: well the monitor is the tv, i do have a little monitor for troubleshooting, I will check out rez supported by vid card now
[16:19:35] hti_pr1: man nVidia doesnt make it easy to find tech. specs for their cards
[16:20:09] JohnMahowald: Obviously. If there was detailed specs there'd be a fully featured open driver.
[16:20:32] directhex: what tech specs?
[16:20:44] hti_pr1: rez capabilities
[16:20:50] Honk^gone (Honk^gone! has quit ()
[16:20:53] directhex: they all go mahoosive high.
[16:21:04] hti_pr1: if I can do 1024x768 i should be able to do 720x480 right
[16:21:07] iamlindoro__: MoreThanYouCanAfford x MoreThanYouCanAfford
[16:21:23] directhex: iamlindoro__, tee hee
[16:21:33] iamlindoro__: hehe
[16:21:49] orb_rox (orb_rox! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:22:22] PatrickDK: hti_pr1, normal res are 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768
[16:22:24] hti_pr1: ??
[16:22:50] hti_pr1: ok, should i just set my capture card to 640x480 then to match a standard res
[16:22:50] directhex: iirc all geforce cards allow custom modes
[16:23:05] iamlindoro__: hti_pr1, Are you planning on using TV out or a digital out?
[16:23:21] clever: sdtv or hdtv?
[16:23:31] PatrickDK: hti_pr1, I have used 720x480 on tvout on my nvidia though
[16:23:40] iamlindoro__: If you are planning on using a TV out, it is 720x480 by default
[16:23:49] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:23:51] hti_pr1: s-video tv out
[16:24:09] PatrickDK: oh wait, that was on my 350
[16:24:14] iamlindoro__: hti_pr1, TV out comes in exactly one flavor... 720x480
[16:24:19] iamlindoro__: for NTSC anyway
[16:24:27] clever: damnit
[16:24:37] hti_pr1: ok so I'm good to go with 720x480
[16:24:41] iamlindoro__: yes
[16:25:29] clever: my tvout claims to be 1024x768 but its probly scaling in the card
[16:25:29] hti_pr1: so regardless of the res set in the xorg.conf file svideo is gonna output 720x480?
[16:25:51] iamlindoro__: clever, It is... the s-video is coming out at 720x480, no doubt aboot it
[16:25:52] clever: blowing the theme images to 1024x768 then shrinking them down to 720x480
[16:26:03] PatrickDK: ya, but X is still going be down/up converting it to the res you set
[16:26:14] directhex: the problem with 720x480is it's a bullshit resolution
[16:26:17] clever: but if i xrandr -s 720x480 i may improove quality
[16:26:25] directhex: 720x480 uses non-square pixels
[16:26:27] clever: with less up and down scaling
[16:26:29] directhex: which are the spawn of satan
[16:26:41] clever: lol
[16:26:51] clever: mythtv is the brother of satan right now
[16:26:52] hti_pr1: can i set x to 720x480 and get rid of some overhead, ie. up/down converting
[16:26:58] clever: its sucking so much cpu i keep having ping timeouts on irc
[16:27:13] kormoc: hti_pr1, it's all converted on the video card, you won't see any performance difference
[16:27:26] clever: less gpu usage
[16:27:41] clever: which isnt noticaly enless you do alot of gpu based work like 3d stuff
[16:28:03] kormoc: clever, who ever said it used the gpu? there's other chips on there, like the dedicated tv out chips....
[16:28:10] hti_pr1: this is strictly mythbox
[16:28:41] clever: yeah
[16:28:52] clever: which means it would be even less noticable
[16:29:26] clever: seems cheaper from a design view to reuse the stuff for xvideo scaling
[16:29:55] kormoc: hti_pr1, personally, given the scaling, I've found that different starting resolutions give different results after being scaled, so you might want to try a bunch of random resolutions to see if one scales better or not. I was using 1024x768 as my tv out, as it looked the best
[16:30:09] clever: one of my newest systems can use xvideo as a surface in 3d work
[16:30:21] kormoc: clever, the point is, you don't know, and thus shouldn't make statements or assumptions
[16:30:24] clever: allowing it to apply 3d affects arround video
[16:30:24] johnp__ (johnp__! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:30:35] hti_pr1: kormoc would this affect Xorg cpu usage
[16:30:40] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:30:40] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[16:30:44] kormoc: hti_pr1, no
[16:30:54] clever: posibly id think
[16:30:58] kormoc: hti_pr1, least with my cards (5200, 6200) it never did
[16:31:05] clever: drawing to a large screen would need more cpu cycles
[16:31:07] hti_pr1: so xorg cpu usage is probably all in the driver
[16:31:24] clever: also the in ram buffers xorg may have could be larger for a higher res
[16:31:33] clever: but not noticably
[16:31:53] clever: <10mb for pretty much any res id guess
[16:33:07] iamlindoro__: Wheeeeee, guessing is fun
[16:33:11] clever: lol
[16:33:21] iamlindoro__: 1920x1080x24 = not less than 10 Mbytes
[16:33:31] hti_pr1: alright, well i guess i'll try the nv driver and see what happens
[16:33:57] kormoc: iamlindoro, esp given it's at least double buffered :P
[16:33:58] PatrickDK: iamlindoro, 1920x1080 = 8megs
[16:34:00] PatrickDK: at 32bit
[16:34:10] clever: iamlindoro__: 24 bits or bytes?
[16:34:16] PatrickDK: unless your storing multible frames
[16:34:26] kormoc: as video tends to do :P
[16:34:38] clever: xvideo though doesnt use a full screen buffer
[16:34:44] clever: it has a buffer for the video res
[16:34:53] directhex: xv's for girls. gl textures!
[16:34:54] clever: which then gets scaled within the vid card
[16:34:57] iamlindoro__: PatrickDK, As you/we/everyone is :)
[16:35:22] PatrickDK: well, there is a limit to how many frames you buffer
[16:35:24] clever: directhex: myth/opengl+compiz==all hell breaking loose
[16:35:34] hti_pr1: what about glx drivers, more or less cpu intensive
[16:35:35] PatrickDK: and the X shouldn't be storing more than 2 I would think
[16:35:38] clever: directhex: i suspect mythtv is using gl to render right to the screen
[16:35:40] iamlindoro__: Wheeeeee, rewriting history to make yourself not wrong is fun toooooooo
[16:35:45] clever: ignoring the changes compiz is making
[16:35:56] directhex: clever, wrong on a feww counts, but never mind
[16:36:14] clever: so when i switch to another desktop or move a window over myth
[16:36:14] clever: it ignores that and keeps drawing
[16:36:31] clever: i just went back to the qt engine and it fixed that
[16:36:58] directhex: ironically, it's a qt3 limitation
[16:37:07] clever: lol
[16:37:09] kormoc: directhex, clever doesn't operate in the masses version of reality
[16:37:14] hti_pr1: glx??
[16:37:27] clever: i beleive i had the problem with the qt4 version of myth:P
[16:37:34] kormoc: hti_pr1, opengl extensions
[16:37:53] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:38:11] hti_pr1: kormoc: I have seen nvidia-glx drivers, would these help take a load off of the cpu
[16:38:18] directhex: kormoc, observe the irc ecosystem, where the person with the weakest grip on reality tends to be the one people look to for advice
[16:38:38] directhex: hti_pr1, short answer: yes. long answer: yes they would, in theory
[16:38:47] hti_pr1: PatrickDK: i am seeing better general response time from X so far with the nv driver over nvidia
[16:38:48] kormoc: hti_pr1, the nvidia driver provides a glx module as well, as does the nv driver I believe
[16:38:57] directhex: hti_pr1, "nvidia-glx" is the standard name for the debian packaging of nvidia's binary drivers
[16:39:02] iamlindoro__: directhex, that's because cluefulness is inversely proportional to talkativeness
[16:39:06] hti_pr1: oh ok
[16:39:14] kormoc: hti_pr1, did you enable things such as renderaccell with the nvidia driver?
[16:39:31] directhex: these days there are three nvidia drivers though, corresponding to different eras of hardware
[16:39:39] directhex: so ubuntu has an nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-glx-legacy as well
[16:39:47] hti_pr1: kormoc Option "RenderAccel" "1"
[16:39:54] kormoc: directhex, well, in all fairness, they're just older versions of the same driver
[16:40:05] kormoc: hti_pr1, fair 'nuff
[16:40:12] EvilGuru: Does anyone have a guide for recording from an S-Video or Composite card input. As I am not sure what to do with regards to a video source
[16:40:14] directhex: debian has a nvidia-glx-legacy-71xx and nvidia-glx-legacy-96xx
[16:40:24] directhex: kormoc, plus occasional bugfixes
[16:40:44] kormoc: EvilGuru, you set it up like any other source, with a schedules direct or xmltv source
[16:40:50] hti_pr1: where can i get info on other options available to the nvidia or nv drivers
[16:40:59] directhex: hti_pr1, man nv
[16:41:07] ikonia: hti_pr1: there are docs on the api / optiosn on
[16:41:09] EvilGuru: kormoc: I wish to record from a VCR/camcorder (converting some old stuff over) so there is no real source
[16:41:12] kormoc: hti_pr1, nvidia provides a very wonderful doc called readme that contains all of that
[16:41:15] directhex: hti_pr1, the nv driver has no opengl support, and so-so xv support, for reference
[16:41:26] directhex: hti_pr1, also, the nvidia readm... HELLO THAR ikonia!
[16:41:30] kormoc: EvilGuru, you need to fake one then, or not use myth, as that's not really what myth was intended to handle
[16:41:31] hti_pr1: ok
[16:41:33] ikonia: hello
[16:41:58] kormoc: directhex, I was sure that the nv driver had basic opengl stuff. huh.
[16:42:01] directhex: EvilGuru, myth sucks for that use case.
[16:42:17] EvilGuru: Okay, so just use the ivtv command line app
[16:42:18] hti_pr1: kormoc: I think this would be a desirable feature, as I have old VCR tapes that could be transfered to digital all with myth
[16:42:24] directhex: kormoc, "nv is an Xorg driver for NVIDIA video cards. The driver supports 2D acceleration"
[16:42:26] directhex: from man nv
[16:42:36] directhex: kormoc, "nouveau" is an effort to make a 3d driver
[16:42:51] kormoc: hti_pr1, but while you're doing that, the card can't record from the tv or the like. *shrugs*
[16:42:56] iamlindoro__: mmm, MOAR NVEEDIA DRIVRS
[16:42:58] directhex: kormoc, the open-source ATI driver does 3d, not the nvidia driver
[16:43:03] directhex: iamlindoro__, MOAR!
[16:43:08] hti_pr1: kormoc: downfalls expected
[16:43:08] kormoc: directhex, fair 'nuff. I must just be thinking that it had mesa support then
[16:43:25] kormoc: hti_pr1, whoops, wrong person :P
[16:43:29] iamlindoro__: directhex, I can haz h.264 accel?
[16:43:34] kormoc: EvilGuru, but while you're doing that, the card can't record from the tv or the like. *shrugs*
[16:43:34] directhex: iamlindoro__, meet ikonia. ikonia, meet iamlindoro__. i reckon you guys are on a pretty similar sarcasm level. you should get on fine
[16:43:38] iamlindoro__: haha
[16:43:42] directhex: iamlindoro__, no, you can't. fuck off
[16:44:09] clever: directhex: got a screenshot of mythtv and compiz fighting over the gl controls
[16:44:15] kormoc: directhex, just what we needed! MORE SARCASM! Whee!
[16:44:20] hti_pr1: well with nv driver its about the same only occasionally it drops from 80% to around 40% not for long though
[16:44:31] clever: . . . enshot-9.png
[16:44:32] hti_pr1: kormoc: its alright i was commenting on that issue as well
[16:44:33] EvilGuru: kormoc: That'll be okay
[16:44:41] iamlindoro__: directhex, The trouble with #mythtv-users is when the EU folks go to sleep and during my evening, it becomes a wasteland where correct Myth information goes to die
[16:44:47] kormoc: EvilGuru, yeah, but for most people it's not
[16:45:09] clever: . . . nshot-10.png
[16:45:10] iamlindoro__: directhex, And I often scan through just before bed and decide it's better just to leave it than try to fix the horrible, horrible wrongness going on in here
[16:45:11] clever: . . . nshot-11.png
[16:45:14] kormoc: EvilGuru, but in anycase, myth is open source snd driven by the people who submit patches. You should feel free to write the code to allow it
[16:45:30] clever: mythtv and compiz are both drawing to the screen thru what i assume is opengl
[16:45:39] kormoc: clever, we don't need a link to every picture, esp when they're the next pictures...
[16:45:43] EvilGuru: kormoc: I wonder if others would want such functionality, as thinking about it, it is not really a mythtv thing (recording raw from cards)
[16:45:53] clever: in image 11 mythtv shouldnt even be on screen because its on the 2nd desktop
[16:46:02] directhex: clever, due to a qt3 issue, myth in compiz will not draw window decorations. there's the full set of problems with modern versions of myth, qt3, and compiz.
[16:46:07] clever: kormoc: 10 isnt after 9 due to a sorting defect
[16:46:10] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[16:46:19] kormoc: EvilGuru, depends on the card, if it's a ivtv card, it'd be dumped in mpeg2, and others *have* asked bout it, just isn't very often at all
[16:46:25] clever: directhex: yeah ive notice the decorations also
[16:46:31] clever: the deco has a shadow yet doesnt exist
[16:46:35] hti_pr1: EvilGuru: i think it could be a desirable convenience feature
[16:46:51] clever: and when i allways ontop it they appear out of nowhere and dont come back
[16:47:03] kormoc: clever, which is why we tell people that compiz + myth == brokeness and not to bitch about it
[16:47:12] clever: i just disable gl in myth
[16:47:24] clever: that solves 90% of the problems
[16:47:36] clever: only remaining one is the color key getting shadowed and not matching perfectly anymore
[16:47:37] kormoc: clever, and so you worked around it and yet you still bitch, yay!
[16:47:43] clever: which is minor
[16:47:47] directhex: other than the window decorations, it's a clever problem, not a general problem
[16:47:53] clever: im not bitching im just pointing it out incase there isnt a ticket:P
[16:48:55] kormoc: Ahh, iTunes hates me. It choose to start the day with Baby got back
[16:49:20] clintar (clintar! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:49:22] directhex: gl painter AND gl video playback, there are a) no problems with window ordering, b) no problems with multiple desktops
[16:49:34] directhex: your problems are caused by a buggered video driver
[16:49:39] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit (Connection timed out)
[16:50:15] clever: directhex: have you checked with compiz also using gl?
[16:50:15] clever: i'll check my other gl capable system later today
[16:50:26] EvilGuru: I guess I just need to look for the ivtv command to set the composite input as active, ivtv-tune looks promising
[16:50:44] directhex: clever, yes and yes, in that order
[16:50:50] hti_pr1: what man section would video drivers be in
[16:51:06] directhex: hti_pr1, section of what?
[16:51:15] hti_pr1: section of man pages
[16:51:23] kormoc: EvilGuru, or v4l2-ctl
[16:51:24] clever: 'man radeon' gives info for 'driver "radeon"'
[16:51:25] hti_pr1: man nvidia gives me nothing
[16:51:39] kormoc: hti_pr1, man nv ?
[16:51:39] directhex: it doesn't. nvidia don't have a manpage. they have a readme though
[16:51:41] clever: some drivers dont come with man pages in such easy to find places
[16:51:49] ** hti_pr1 holds crucifix up to ATI **
[16:52:10] kormoc: hti_pr1, . . . E/index.html
[16:52:19] hti_pr1: nv works but if nvidia is better i would like to use it
[16:52:27] hti_pr1: ok
[16:52:39] kormoc: hti_pr1, II.B has the X stuff
[16:53:01] Octane: whats the latest mythtv bundle... like mythdora
[16:53:08] directhex: hti_pr1, the open-source nvidia driver is only suitable as a fallback driver – it's useless for "advanced" use cases
[16:53:15] JohnMahowald: Octane: For Fedora you mean?
[16:53:23] JohnMahowald: Octane: Dunno I use
[16:53:23] Octane: JohnMahowald for anything
[16:53:31] hti_pr1: kormoc: does that link go also for xorg or just xfree86
[16:53:32] Octane: i mean the latest distro + mythtv out there
[16:54:02] kormoc: hti_pr1, xorg as well
[16:54:16] directhex: Octane, plenty of distros have myth 0.21
[16:54:35] Octane: directhex no i mean distro + mythtv combined
[16:54:39] Octane: like MythDora
[16:54:43] Octane: which i never ued btw
[16:54:45] Octane: *used
[16:54:52] directhex: so try mythbuntu 8.04. i think they have some betas by now
[16:55:06] hti_pr1: manpage for nvidia driver is nvidia-xconfig
[16:55:12] Octane: iahh good this one is updated
[16:55:17] hti_pr1: in case any one wanted to know
[16:55:35] hti_pr1: and it is a tool aparrently
[16:55:45] kormoc: hti_pr1, aye
[16:55:50] kormoc: hti_pr1, nvidia-settings is also useful
[16:56:17] EvilGuru: My PVR-150 has two composite and two s-video inputs according to v4l-ctrl (is this normal?)
[16:56:19] hti_pr1: does this edit my xorg.conf file for me
[16:56:29] kormoc: hti_pr1, it can, aye
[16:56:38] hti_pr1: not sure i like that
[16:56:46] directhex: good god myth looks nice when it uses gl for everything :)
[16:56:49] hti_pr1: then again i am running ubuntu for a reason
[16:56:55] hti_pr1: ...simplicity
[16:58:12] abstrak (abstrak!n=abstrak@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:59:06] hti_pr1: if my nvidia card is pci, is there any point in having agp support enabled in the driver
[16:59:51] GreyFoxx: Anyone know the URL of that bbc h264 test clip? The one with the snippet from Kill Bill? I can'tfind the copy I downloaded of it
[17:00:36] directhex: GreyFoxx, i do!
[17:00:44] directhex: GreyFoxx,
[17:01:06] GreyFoxx: thx
[17:01:14] hti_pr1: anyone agp support on pci card?
[17:02:08] hti_pr1: i should disable, no?
[17:02:27] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:02:27] directhex: it makes bugger all difference
[17:02:55] hti_pr1: ?? in english please
[17:03:09] directhex: don't mess with stuff which really makes no difference to you
[17:03:44] abstrak: I use symlink (udev) for my tuner cards (/dev/video_wintv, /dev/dsp_wintv, ... and /dev/video_pctv, /dev/dsp_pctv, ...) because sometime they swap. MytvTV backend setup GUI keep /dev/video_xxx but always reset value for /dev/dsp_xxx ... what's the problem ?
[17:04:31] hti_pr1: ok so if pci then no effect whether enabled or not?
[17:05:31] directhex: hti_pr1, only change defaults if you have a damned good reason. generally.
[17:06:22] hti_pr1: ok, i only ask because i got this xorg.conf from the net and not sure if everything applies to my card
[17:06:49] directhex: hti_pr1, do you think that was wise? would you copy a windows registry from someone else?
[17:08:13] hti_pr1: no, I wouldn't use windows!! but I know it wasn't a real good idea, thats why i am trying to check it over now
[17:08:29] hti_pr1: it was late, i was frustrated, and it worked
[17:08:32] directhex: the nvidia driver, and modern xorg, are VERY smart. every single line in xorg.conf is a risk of something breaking
[17:08:37] abstrak: anybody know the problem? I need to set values directly to the mysql DB ?
[17:10:31] reasonaire (reasonaire! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:10:40] directhex: abstrak, strange problem!
[17:11:43] abstrak: The problem come after I upgraded from 0.20 to 0.21...
[17:12:22] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[17:14:12] iamlindoro__: The solution is to not have framegrabbers any more ;)
[17:14:41] directhex: iamlindoro__, strangeness: the gl renderer seems to be working for me more than once. with 169.12
[17:14:50] iamlindoro__: directhex, Oooh, that's good news
[17:15:02] directhex: iamlindoro__, and compiz, no less
[17:15:12] iamlindoro__: directhex, I'll have to try it out sometime this week
[17:16:12] abstrak (abstrak!n=abstrak@ has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[17:16:14] iamlindoro__: directhex, Am still hesitant to switch to it full time until it settles a bit
[17:17:32] hti_pr1: if an option calls for a boolean for the status you can use true/false or 1/0 correct?
[17:17:58] directhex: hti_pr1, from "man xorg.conf":
[17:18:07] directhex: The following boolean option values are recognised as TRUE:
[17:18:07] directhex: 1, on, true, yes
[17:18:12] hti_pr1: ok
[17:18:38] iamlindoro__: directhex, Now sound out the big words for him
[17:18:49] iamlindoro__: ;)
[17:21:02] reasonaire (reasonaire! has quit ("Leaving.")
[17:21:14] hti_pr1: come on now, i'm not a total neb
[17:21:15] hti_pr1: newb
[17:21:21] hti_pr1: i admit i can't type though
[17:21:24] Octane (Octane! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[17:21:28] iamlindoro__: new enough not to try man pages though, huh?  :)
[17:21:30] Octane (Octane! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:21:39] hti_pr1: :(
[17:21:45] hti_pr1: you got me
[17:22:05] reasonaire (reasonaire! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:22:36] hti_pr1: not real experienced with video tweaking, usually let the installer do this, but very proficient in other areas of the os
[17:26:44] sebrock (sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:30:38] revilootneg (revilootneg! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:33:05] hti_pr1: what are the recommended Horiz, and Vert freqs for TV out, or does it matter
[17:33:55] hti_pr1: ntsc
[17:36:50] fn1: hti_pr1: match your tv
[17:37:20] hti_pr1: how can i find that info, it is an analog ntsc tv
[17:38:56] fryfrog: search the google, but i'd start small and go bigger until it doesn't work or is unusable
[17:39:13] fryfrog: 640x480ish is bound to work, 800x600 very likely and *maybe* 1024x768
[17:39:20] fryfrog: it'll depend on your tv and how you hook up to it
[17:40:17] hti_pr1: im looking for freqs, i already know i'm gonna use 720x480 for size
[17:40:25] hti_pr1: ...rez
[17:42:06] fryfrog: ah, that'll come from a google search of your tv probably :/
[17:42:16] fryfrog: what are you connecting with? svideo?
[17:43:25] hti_pr1: yep
[17:43:49] hti_pr1: ah, found the ntsc standards
[17:45:39] hti_pr1: would it reduce overhead if i output to TV only as opposed to twinview
[17:48:19] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:48:19] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
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[17:52:24] hti_pr1: kormoc: would it reduce overhead if i output to TV only as opposed to twinview
[17:52:34] hti_pr1: or is this strictly handled by the card
[17:52:45] kormoc: hti_pr1, depends. Clone or dual display?
[17:53:30] elg: what's the difference between recording profiles and transcoders?
[17:54:02] justinh: elg: recording profiles affect recordings. transcoding profiles affect things you transcode
[17:54:17] hti_pr1: clone
[17:54:28] kormoc: hti_pr1, won't likely see much then
[17:54:44] kormoc: hti_pr1, it's handled on the card
[17:55:17] elg: what settings are typical for recording profiles? hdhomerun has only one: "allow transcoding"
[17:56:18] justinh: you can't affect the recording parameters when the source is digital
[17:56:29] justinh: you get what you're given by the broadcaster or else
[17:59:13] hti_pr1: is this also true with hardware mpeg encoders?
[18:00:04] justinh: nope
[18:00:19] iamlindoro__: hti_pr1, No, digital broadcast the encoding happens at the broadcaster. Hardware encoding of analog content happens at your house... you have granular control over it. It's little solace, however, as analog cable is shite..
[18:00:46] justinh: you can vary the recording parameters on only hardware analogue-based mpeg encoders & framegrabbers
[18:01:05] hti_pr1: alright im good then
[18:01:27] justinh: everything else, where the video & audio come in as digital streams (OTA HD, firewire, HDHR, DVB devices... ) you're stuck with what is broadcast
[18:01:42] justinh: er.. digital cable too ^^^
[18:02:02] hti_pr1: i wish i had firewire out on my digital cable reciever.
[18:02:11] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:02:13] iamlindoro__: That said, most would rather be stuck with digital than have the *cough* flexibility of hardware encoding
[18:02:30] hti_pr1: i had it on my dvr box, but myth was intended to replace that
[18:02:34] hti_pr1: for me at least
[18:03:09] melunko (melunko!n=hmelo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:03:16] iamlindoro__: hti_pr1, so return the box for a firewire box... Presuming you are in the US, it's as simple as requesting it
[18:03:44] hti_pr1: do the regular boxes have an option for firewire or just the dvr boxes
[18:04:01] iamlindoro__: lots of regular boxes... DCT 2224, DCH-3200, DCH-6200, etc., etc.
[18:04:14] iamlindoro__: SA boxes as well but I'm not familiar with SA
[18:06:04] hti_pr1: alright ill have to check that out, comcast is evil though so i don't know if i will get far
[18:06:34] iamlindoro__: Comcast can be evil or not evil depending on where you live... Lots of us on the west coast here get everything via FW
[18:06:44] iamlindoro__: Myself included
[18:07:02] iamlindoro__: That said, the vast majority of Americans, regardless of Cable Co, get squat or less
[18:07:28] elg (elg!n=fugalh@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[18:07:30] hti_pr1: that's good, service is good, but customer service is the worst ive ever seen
[18:07:45] hti_pr1: I have been treated better during a strip search at the county jail
[18:08:26] goozbach (goozbach! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:10:22] hti_pr1: i get 60Volts AC from the cable sheild to an earth ground and comcast wont do anything about it, im about to go to the local electrical inspector
[18:10:37] hti_pr1: but sh?$^ i thought my customer service was bad now
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[18:14:23] PatrickDK: hti_pr1, are you sure that 60v is from your cable?
[18:14:34] PatrickDK: and not from your *earth ground*
[18:14:52] hti_pr1: absolutely positive
[18:14:56] PatrickDK: I have found many appliances and miswiring leaking voltage to the ground in houses
[18:15:04] sebrock_ (sebrock_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:15:49] hti_pr1: I have checked from my ground wiring to the water piping (within 3 feet of entry to building as per code) and no potential
[18:16:09] johndbritton (johndbritton! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:16:38] PatrickDK: water piping should be connected to ground wiring
[18:16:49] PatrickDK: so it should ALWAYS say 0 :)
[18:17:10] hti_pr1: it is, but water piping is a guaranteed ground, I don't care what you hook it up to
[18:17:26] PatrickDK: ground is garuenteed ground too
[18:17:38] PatrickDK: but if you have something connected dumping power into it
[18:17:48] PatrickDK: you will read voltage, if you are near that device
[18:18:09] hti_pr1: water piping im testing is at entry point to building, no where near appliances
[18:18:43] hti_pr1: if that is the case sticking a probe into the earth should yield the same results
[18:19:16] hti_pr1: but the point is the cable shield should be connected to the same ground point as outlets thus providing no potential
[18:19:20] hti_pr1: between the two
[18:20:41] hti_pr1: comcast has a big poster on how important cable ground problems are and that i should report them immediately. I tell them and they don't care.
[18:22:49] hti_pr1: PatrickDK: also an appliance dumping power to ground should always trip a breaker, unless you have a penny instead
[18:23:49] hti_pr1: or a faulty breaker, but two faulty breakers is unlikely(eg. branch circuit breaker + main breaker)
[18:23:51] lanuser (lanuser! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:24:49] PatrickDK: hti_pr1, never
[18:24:55] PatrickDK: only gfci would trip on that
[18:26:25] hti_pr1: regular breaker should trip, GFCI would trip on the order of milliamps as opposed to amps, but 60v to ground should definitely trip a breaker, especially when it is shocking the sh$^ out of me when i hook up my cable
[18:27:05] hti_pr1: that is the main purpose of a ground
[18:27:06] justinh: heh. there's a nasty video on youtube of somebody producing fair sized sparks with their cable connection
[18:27:53] Anduin: 60 is just a tingle
[18:28:25] hti_pr1: GFCI only makes sure that all current is flowing back through the neutral and not ground
[18:28:41] hti_pr1: voltage makes little difference, current is the killer
[18:28:49] hti_pr1: it only takes 5 mA to kill a person
[18:29:24] hti_pr1: 30V at 5mA is more than enought to kill someone
[18:29:40] PatrickDK: yes, and unless you have a gfci, dumping power to ground won't tripp a breaker, unless it's overcurrent
[18:29:46] Anduin: You are still here so I'm guessing you are inhumane or it wasn't deadly.
[18:29:50] PatrickDK: breakers only care about current, not where electricity goes
[18:30:39] johndbritton (johndbritton! has quit ("")
[18:30:54] hti_pr1: ...alright maybe your right PatrickDK
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[18:31:14] PatrickDK: I hope so, with all my electrical certifications I have
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[18:32:03] hti_pr1: I will check it to earth when i get the chance
[18:32:53] hti_pr1: but regardless, if the cable shield was bonded to ground, it should have the same potential regardless of what power is being dumped to ground
[18:32:58] PatrickDK: well, where you check is probably ok
[18:33:10] PatrickDK: but if you check from like, a bedroom, it might not be accurate
[18:33:23] PatrickDK: ya, IF your cable is bonded to ground
[18:34:22] sebrock_ (sebrock_! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[18:34:23] hti_pr1: electrical code says it has to be, and so does the poster hanging in comcasts office, and being that my landlord has a service agreement with comcast for internal wiring, comcast needs to deal with it
[18:34:44] hti_pr1: which is the point
[18:36:13] hti_pr1: i apologize if any tension arose from me being outta practice, for I am also trained in the electrical field
[18:40:03] hti_pr1: trained...but not certified
[18:42:38] justinh: stick around here long enough you'll be certifiable ;)
[18:43:00] hti_pr1: :)
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[19:01:31] Kernel (Kernel!n=rewt@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:03:09] Kernel: hello all. im using a nvidia geforce 7800GT OC and there latest driver(as of a week or so ago) and im experiencing some video(frame??) tearing. it usaly starts near the bottom of the screen and slowly moves up to the top of the then goes away from a min or so then it starts all over. any ideas on how to fix this?
[19:03:20] Kernel: or what may be the culprit?
[19:05:49] hti_pr1: if i set my tvout resolution to 720x480 will that cutoff long menu items
[19:06:49] EvilGuru: I think I am getting some A/V desync when watching DVB-T. I guess it is a decoding thing, however, although I am on the "High CPU" profile, there is less than 10% usage
[19:08:42] AcTiVaTe (AcTiVaTe! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:13:25] mkrufky: Kernel: i wish we could help, but proprietary binary drivers cannot be debugged ... (nice cloak, btw)
[19:13:55] J-e-f-f-A-2 (J-e-f-f-A-2! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:14:00] J-e-f-f-A-2 is now known as J-e-f-f-A|work
[19:14:02] mkrufky: assuming that you're using nvidia's driver, you'll have to report the bug with them
[19:14:34] fn1: Kernel: is it like a sync issue? like with hsync scrolling lines?
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[19:16:16] Kernel: fn1: well like from what ive read its "frame tearing" and it slowly moves from bottom to top
[19:16:55] Kernel: fn1: i had a issue with frame tearing a while ago....only it didnt move. it stayed in the same spot...i think i ended up switching nvidia drivers and changed a few settings in myth
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[19:17:46] Kernel: mkrufky: iirc isnt the frame tearing a known thing with the nv drivers?
[19:18:29] Kernel: its just that it seems to be a diff issue...and im not realy to advanced in video stuff..
[19:19:16] mkrufky: you say, 'nv' or 'nvidia' ?
[19:19:25] Kernel: official nvidia driver
[19:19:36] mkrufky: ok, big difference
[19:19:48] J-e-f-f-A|work: 'nv' = the default kernel driver... 'nvidia' = the Nvidia binary driver.
[19:19:49] Kernel: ah sorry. didnt mean to confuse
[19:19:50] Kernel: yea
[19:19:52] mkrufky: i run nvidia on my frontend and when it works, i dont make any other changes until i have to
[19:20:00] Kernel: im aware...didnt even realize i said that
[19:20:03] mkrufky: i do not test my devel drivers on that box
[19:20:42] Kernel: now. could having dual monitors cause this?.
[19:20:44] J-e-f-f-A|work: One thing that also helps is to run the monitor's refresh rate at 60hz... (for US)
[19:21:26] Kernel: i now have two monitors hooked up...and it seems to have started around the same time...last friday i upgraded my os(mandriva linux 2008.0 to 2008.1) and hooked up dual monitors
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[19:25:17] J-e-f-f-A|work: Kernel: I can't say, as although I have a dual-monitor card, I only have a single display connected... (NVidia GeForce 6200 LE card)
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[19:28:14] Kernel: J-e-f-f-A|work: ah ok.
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[19:50:36] hti_pr1: damn, 45 minutes hand configuring xorg.conf and no help
[19:52:13] directhex: "every single line in xorg.conf is a risk of something breaking"
[19:53:20] kormoc: it's not /that/ bad :P
[19:53:23] hti_pr1: can i get any info on what could affect cpu usage, I get no EE or WW lines in log
[19:55:31] directhex: hti_pr1, using which driver, cpu usage during what, used by what process, on what spec pc?
[19:56:17] reasonaire (reasonaire! has quit ("Leaving.")
[19:56:35] hti_pr1: nvidia, 80%cpu 20%FE, playing recorded tv in myth, P4 1.7Ghz 128MB
[19:56:47] directhex: 128 meg of ram? O_o
[19:57:00] hti_pr1: ?? not enough?
[19:57:31] directhex: well, generally no, not unless you use the iuluis theme. but what does "80%cpu 20%FE" mean?
[19:58:21] hti_pr1: thats cpu usage during playback .......cpu should have been Xorg
[19:58:27] iamlindoro__: holy cow who tries to run a myth system with 128 MB (Yes, greyfoxx, I know ;))
[19:58:55] iamlindoro__: It's spending 80% of the CPU time sending out distress calls over the internet for someone to SEND YOU SOME RAM
[19:58:56] directhex: pastebin your xorg.0.log and frontend log when getting cpu use that high
[19:59:04] Kernel (Kernel!n=rewt@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:59:16] directhex: iamlindoro__, i only had that amount or less when i had a 486
[19:59:42] directhex: i mean, with a rambus p4 i could understand it, given the price of rambus
[19:59:44] kormoc: hti_pr1, are you swapping?
[20:00:06] directhex: kormoc, shouldn't cause the xorg process to munch cpu – it'd be all iowait stuff
[20:00:16] programm3r1 (programm3r1! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:00:49] kormoc: directhex, directhex well, total cpu time would show iowait, process cpu time includes io wait in the totals
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[20:00:58] kormoc: directhex, so it depends on which numbers you look at
[20:01:01] hti_pr1: kormoc: should be, don't see the swap partition in mount, shoudl i see it there
[20:01:21] kormoc: hti_pr1, free -m should show totals
[20:01:25] directhex: 128 meg without swap
[20:01:27] directhex: christ on a bike
[20:02:05] Kernel (Kernel!n=rewt@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:02:53] hti_pr1: freemem shows total ram 122 total swap 486
[20:03:02] kormoc: hti_pr1, and how much swap is used?
[20:03:17] justinh: whoah 128MB Ram? no wonder!
[20:03:38] justinh: a frontend can JUST about run in 128MB ram if you use a very minimal theme
[20:03:46] justinh: but not a combined system
[20:03:58] hti_pr1: kormoc244
[20:04:11] kormoc: hti_pr1, that can slow down stuff :/
[20:04:37] iamlindoro__: 80% Xorg + 20% Mythfrontend = 100% sorrow
[20:04:41] hti_pr1: i didn't realize it had that little, i seen it was a P4 when it was given to me, I assumed the previous owner had a descent amount
[20:04:57] iamlindoro__: That's why God made POST
[20:05:02] Kernel (Kernel!n=rewt@unaffiliated/blazed) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:05:04] hti_pr1: I think i have another chip or two layin around, when i'm done capturing ill stick it in there
[20:05:16] hti_pr1: thanks iamlindoro__:
[20:05:19] hti_pr1: :)
[20:05:38] javatexan (javatexan!n=aars@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[20:14:03] hti_pr1: is there anyway to see what speed the installed ram is in a linux system
[20:14:07] hti_pr1: while its running
[20:14:43] directhex: nothing 100% reliable
[20:14:53] hti_pr1: thats cool
[20:15:04] hobbyhure (hobbyhure! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:15:14] directhex: there's a script called
[20:15:31] hti_pr1: oh well i already shutdown, I'll just look
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[20:20:10] hti_pr1: well it looks like ill be dealing with it, it uses rambux
[20:20:14] hti_pr1: rambus
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[20:20:49] directhex: abandon hope all ye who enter here
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[20:21:44] TelnetManta (TelnetManta!n=benwilli@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[20:22:04] hti_pr1: well good thing it is only a borrowed machine
[20:22:35] directhex: 512 meg of pc1066 rambus is £200. for £200 you can get a new motherboard, new 64-bit dual-core cpu, and at least a gig of ram
[20:22:38] hti_pr1: wait it says 256MB
[20:22:54] hti_pr1: it says 256MB on boot
[20:23:07] hti_pr1: but only 122 according to free -m
[20:23:17] hti_pr1: what gives?
[20:23:28] directhex: the nvidia is a plug-in card or onboard?
[20:23:34] hti_pr1: plugin
[20:24:01] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:24:12] hti_pr1: do i have another hardware/driver issue
[20:24:20] directhex: possibly a hardware issue
[20:24:26] k-man: how can I play the .asx files from mythweb in my browser?
[20:24:32] k-man: or at all for that matter?
[20:24:39] hti_pr1: POST shows 256MB
[20:24:39] xris: ask isn't for browser playback
[20:24:43] xris: asx
[20:24:44] directhex: k-man, with a media player
[20:24:58] directhex: k-man, asx is a text file containing a link to a video file, which a media player app will stream
[20:25:00] kormoc: hti_pr1, dmesg might give you hints
[20:25:14] k-man: directhex, oh, i see
[20:25:35] directhex: hti_pr1, what kormoc said. note: used swap plus used ram on your system currently is still abour 256, you run the risk of more swapping
[20:25:59] k-man: directhex, so how long should it take to start playing in totem?
[20:26:30] directhex: k-man, depends whether it's working or not. download the asx file, cat the contents, and try accessing the url directly with your browser
[20:26:38] hti_pr1: k-man, totem sucks, it would ask me for username, password, and freeze vefore the auth window dissappeared
[20:27:19] hti_pr1: directhex: well i don't have a choice, right now, until i get a different machine so I guess i will try to use it to its fullest
[20:27:59] JohnMahowald: vlc just worked for both mythweb links here
[20:28:06] hti_pr1: found this[ 0.000000] 0MB HIGHMEM available.
[20:28:06] hti_pr1: [ 0.000000] 127MB LOWMEM available.
[20:28:21] iamlindoro__: Oh, easy, just load up emm386.exe
[20:28:26] iamlindoro__: and device=himem.sys
[20:28:29] xris: hti_pr1: most media players don't work well with authentication
[20:28:42] mikeones (mikeones! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:28:49] hti_pr1: xris: can you turn it off
[20:29:08] iamlindoro__: lh
[20:29:10] hti_pr1: is that done by disabling the digest for the web site
[20:29:12] directhex: hti_pr1, did you compile your own kernel?
[20:29:13] iamlindoro__: cd origin/u8
[20:29:15] iamlindoro__: u8.exe
[20:29:25] directhex: iamlindoro__, MOAR CONVENTIONAL RAM PLZ
[20:29:29] iamlindoro__: haha
[20:29:31] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: cat /etc/meminfo ...
[20:29:48] hti_pr1: no, but it is using an smp kernel with no multicore processors
[20:29:50] xris: hti_pr1: there are instructions in the mythweb apache config
[20:29:53] J-e-f-f-A|work: er... cat /proc/meminfo <-- oops
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[20:30:29] ** J-e-f-f-A|work 's old Myth server was a dual PIII 866 w/512MB RDRAM... ;-) **
[20:30:33] directhex: hti_pr1, check your BIOS for anything relating to caching, memory holes, apertures, etc, and fiddle with it
[20:30:37] hti_pr1: J-e-f-f-A|work: you want the whole thing
[20:30:40] directhex: J-e-f-f-A, sell the RDRAM, buy a core 2 duo!
[20:30:51] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: Nah, just the amount of memory... (total)
[20:31:09] hti_pr1: 125264 kB
[20:31:22] hobbynutte (hobbynutte! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:31:25] J-e-f-f-A|work: directhex: Gee, hadn't thought of that... I was just gonna give it to paladyne... ;-)
[20:31:50] J-e-f-f-A|work: (and the whole system...)
[20:32:16] hti_pr1: ok, the BIOS says it has 2 64MB chips and 128MB agp aperture
[20:32:29] hti_pr1: I'm not using agp can i reassign this to ram
[20:32:43] hti_pr1: probably wishfull thinking
[20:32:44] kormoc: hti_pr1, uuh, apg aperture != ram
[20:32:55] ** J-e-f-f-A|work just bought an AMD 64 X2 4800+ – but no motherboard to put it in atm... (thought my 'test' system was am2, but it's not...) **
[20:33:06] kormoc: that's just the size the bios allows to be addressable on the video card, has nothing to do with system ram or how much gpu ram there is
[20:33:20] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: Ok, it's only got 128mb ram then... you're toast with that mb...
[20:33:33] hti_pr1: then why does post report 256MB
[20:33:56] kormoc: hti_pr1, if you have 2 64 meg chips, post is lying
[20:34:10] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: it must be a bug – if the bios shows 2 64-meg rdimms
[20:34:33] hti_pr1: thats f#$d up, its a dell so I guess im not surprised
[20:34:53] hti_pr1: i havent read the chips themselves, maybe i should do that
[20:35:11] J-e-f-f-A|work: The only reason I had a system with RDRAM was that I got it for free... Can't beat that price...
[20:35:28] kormoc: hti_pr1, aye, check the chips
[20:35:38] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, I had RDRAM when it first came out, as it was speedy! :)
[20:36:34] J-e-f-f-A|work: kormoc: I didn't jump on the bandwagon — I looked at the two technologies, and determined DDR would win... after all, just doubling the data rate, or making the data rate like 6x as fast, but dropping the width to 16-bit... Humm  ;-)
[20:36:46] hti_pr1: 64MB sure enough
[20:36:55] hti_pr1: son of a b#$43
[20:37:00] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, when ddr caught up, I switched, but I wanted speed *now* :P
[20:38:11] J-e-f-f-A|work: kormoc: My current backend is till running DDR-400 – dual channel though, so almost 800mhz bandwidth... Just bought some DDRII-800 ram for my next system – $28 after rebate for 2GB – Crucial at Micro Center
[20:38:32] hti_pr1: well i want speed now, damnit
[20:38:39] hti_pr1: :)
[20:39:18] directhex: J-e-f-f-A|work, crap latency on rambus too
[20:39:36] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: If you're in the US, and there's a micro center nearby, they have a good deal on an ECS (iirc) motherboard, cpu and memory combo for $79 after rebate... Nvidia chipset & video onboard, Athlon 3200 cpu, 512mb DDR 400...
[20:40:01] J-e-f-f-A|work: directhex: Yeah, because it's only 16-bit wide vs 64-bit wide on 'regular' ram...  ;-)
[20:40:22] hti_pr1: i wish i could, im on a no-budget deal right now, thats why im using borrowed equipment
[20:40:50] Kodiak` is now known as Kodiak
[20:41:16] Kodiak is now known as Cackette
[20:41:53] J-e-f-f-A|work: Cackette is now know as "Man with many nics"  ;-)
[20:42:01] hti_pr1: do you guys think capturing to a firewire hd would be sufficient, or would i have probs
[20:42:40] iamlindoro__: Firewire is more than fast enough to keep up with video... even HD video would be a trickle to it
[20:42:57] hti_pr1: how about a couple of hardware encoded streams
[20:43:03] iamlindoro__: tricklllllleee
[20:43:25] iamlindoro__: 400 Mbit/s.... Max 1080i Cable feed = 19ish Mbit/s
[20:43:26] hti_pr1: i have a quad-cpu P3 733MHz w/2GB ram that is way underutilized
[20:43:58] hti_pr1: its just SCSI disks are not that cheap
[20:44:06] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: Hardware encoding on my PVR cards is about 3GB/HOUR... which is only 800k/sec... you can get at least 15–20x that with firewire...
[20:44:09] hti_pr1: at least not the SCA disds
[20:44:34] hti_pr1: well damn USB 1.1 should do descent with a single capture, right??
[20:44:51] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: That might be pushing it... ;-)
[20:45:00] mkrufky: nah, usb1.1 doesnt have enough bandwidth
[20:45:04] J-e-f-f-A|work: usb 1.1 is only 12Mbps...
[20:45:15] mkrufky: that could be okay for SD, only
[20:45:28] J-e-f-f-A|work: ... and a single stream...
[20:45:30] mkrufky: ...if you can ensure to never go above a certain bitrate
[20:45:51] J-e-f-f-A|work: ... and not recording and playing at the same time...  ;-) (so definitely no 'live tv')
[20:45:59] hti_pr1: well all i have is SD, and considering im using a pvr usb2 on a 1.1 port, i guess it can't get any worse
[20:45:59] JohnMahowald: Barely. I have problems enough streaming SD on a 802.11g network.
[20:46:18] hti_pr1: record/play... very true
[20:46:31] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: buy yourself a usb2.0 pci card — like $5 nowadays...
[20:46:54] J-e-f-f-A|work: JohnMahowald: btw – do you have any 802.11b devices in your network?
[20:47:03] johnp__ (johnp__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:47:08] hti_pr1: you think usb2.0 better than firewire
[20:47:19] hti_pr1: usb2.0 can't do dma, right??
[20:47:25] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: Certainly cheaper...
[20:47:31] hti_pr1: for hard disk anyway
[20:47:36] JohnMahowald: J-e-f-f-A|work: Dunno. It's a apartment, so probably someone does.
[20:48:03] hti_pr1: i have firewire card, just need hd case
[20:48:21] J-e-f-f-A|work: JohnMahowald: Because an 802.11b device on your network will pull the whole wireless network down to 11mbps... same as a 'dual-speed 10/100 Hub"... everything drops to the slowest device on the network...
[20:49:25] mkrufky: doesnt a good wifi router access point work more like a switch than a hub, J-e-f-f-A|work ?
[20:49:40] mkrufky: note, i said "a good" one
[20:49:42] J-e-f-f-A|work: JohnMahowald: You may be able to put the router into '802.11g only' mode... that would help...
[20:49:42] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, not always
[20:49:45] hti_pr1: what do you call a good wifi router access point
[20:49:58] JohnMahowald: J-e-f-f-A|work: Well if I controlled it maybe
[20:50:01] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, a lot of wifi's have dual outputs, one in b, one in g
[20:50:02] mkrufky: not the one that J-e-f-f-A|work is talking about, that's for sure
[20:50:14] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, and thus you get both speeds just fine
[20:50:25] J-e-f-f-A|work: mkrufky: i dunno = perhaps... I just ran cat5e through my house to be done with it... ;-)
[20:50:26] JohnMahowald: Bah screw wireless I'll plug into Ethernet
[20:50:40] J-e-f-f-A|work: kormoc: My new router might... it's a wireless-N with 3 antennas...
[20:50:56] mkrufky: heh i cant blame ya for that, J-e-f-f-A|work ... i am personally against using wifi for permanent connectivity — i like it for portable devices, only
[20:50:58] J-e-f-f-A|work: JohnMahowald: That's what I did... Much more reliable...  ;-)
[20:51:12] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, and a 10 mb network connection only slows down what goes though it, not the entire network, gig to gig works fine still
[20:51:25] chasep (chasep! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:51:39] directhex: kormoc, assuming switches not hubs
[20:51:41] J-e-f-f-A|work: kormoc: Only if you're using a network Switch.
[20:51:47] J-e-f-f-A|work: ^^ yep
[20:52:02] directhex: bollocks to it, everyone should use infiniband
[20:52:03] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, what isn't anymore?
[20:52:10] kormoc: directhex, indeed!
[20:52:19] chasep: I just ot my tv-out working on a 8500gt. But the mythfrontend is bigger than the screen. Video playback is fine, but some of the menus are clipped on the left side........not to mention the channelguide is unreadable
[20:52:42] directhex: chasep, overscan settings are in the menus somewhere
[20:53:08] directhex: setup/setup/setup screen wizards
[20:53:37] J-e-f-f-A|work: kormoc: sorry, don't follow you... "What isn't anymore?"...
[20:54:05] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, a hub rather then a switch :P
[20:54:35] directhex: how about myrinet? myrinet or infiniband?
[20:54:45] J-e-f-f-A|work: kormoc: Ah... Well, you can't really find Hubs anymore... I had to dig through my basement to find a 10/100 hub to use with a sniffer to troubleshoot an issue at work... ;-)
[20:55:22] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, that's why you enable the port monitoring on your nice procurve switch? :P
[20:55:59] directhex: someone with 128 meg of ram isn't neccessarily going to be using switches ¬_¬
[20:56:22] hti_pr1: i do actually
[20:56:35] J-e-f-f-A|work: kormoc: hehe... I don't happen to have one of those! ;-) The connection we were troubleshooting was a direct connection to the Federal Reserve... ;-) Just tapped in with a 10/100 hub and 'WireShark' on my laptop to see that we had a firewall rule issue to fix... ;-)
[20:56:36] ** kormoc wins! **
[20:56:40] directhex: thank heaven for small mercies!
[20:56:43] ian__ (ian__! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:56:45] hti_pr1: the last time i used hubs they couldnt even do fast ethernet
[20:56:59] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, heh, sad. I love procurves :)
[20:57:03] ian__ is now known as tqft
[20:57:22] directhex: procurves smell like wee!
[20:57:25] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[20:57:28] directhex: real men use enterprise-grade netgear! \o/
[20:57:32] hti_pr1: i may be alittle old school, but i have a lot of luck with 3com 16980s
[20:57:43] kormoc: directhex, it is enterprise-grade :P
[20:58:01] directhex: kormoc, if your documentation matches reality, your switch is boring and smelly!
[20:58:01] kormoc: directhex, and happens to be even more featureful and enterprisy then cisco at times :)
[20:58:32] kormoc: directhex, I had to use a serial port connection to setup a kermet upload to update the software! Whee!
[20:58:52] directhex: kormoc, most non-cisco switches are better than cisco except at one important enterprise feature
[20:58:59] hti_pr1: kormoc: aree you bragging about that
[20:59:09] kormoc: directhex, the name?
[20:59:20] directhex: kormoc, being Cisco(tm)(r)(c)
[20:59:44] kormoc: hti_pr1, we're aruging bout things being enterprisy, had to give my example of enterprisness!
[21:00:27] directhex: kormoc, okay, i can beat you on enterpriseness
[21:00:34] hti_pr1: Cisco turned me off with the Linksys routers, I know they aren't enterprisy, but any respectable company should not put out a product that damn crappy, i dont care how they are tryin to save people money
[21:00:48] directhex: one of our computers is so enterprisey, the vendor has a stepladder padlocked to it to help with servicing it
[21:00:57] kormoc: Ha! nice
[21:01:19] ravalox (ravalox!i=94862501@gateway/web/ajax/ has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
[21:01:25] directhex: wish i knew the combination. could be handy :(
[21:01:32] kormoc: hti_pr1, in all fairness, I had to do that when I accidently wiped the system ram. Procurves are the nicest switches I've used and normally nowhere near that bad
[21:01:53] chasep: directhex -> i cant find that anyway
[21:02:04] directhex: chasep, mythtv version?
[21:02:13] chasep: .20
[21:02:32] directhex: good lord, we've unearthed the missing link
[21:03:44] iamlindoro__: directhex, MOAR apt-get update/emerge/pacman/yum
[21:04:19] directhex: iamlindoro__, PREDICTION: "that's the version in ubuntu 7.10, there's nothing newer"
[21:04:34] directhex: iamlindoro__, SUPPOSITION: gutsy-backports is too well hidden for most people
[21:04:47] iamlindoro__: directhex, .21 is just a # away...
[21:04:50] iamlindoro__: ;)
[21:04:56] directhex: iamlindoro__, SUGGESTION: kill some meatbags
[21:05:11] iamlindoro__: directhex, stand by on that one, GTA IV in 15 days
[21:05:30] directhex: iamlindoro__, CORRECTION: system/administration/software sources, updates tab, tick the box
[21:05:31] chasep: directhex: INVALID ASSUMPTION: that I run ubuntu
[21:05:54] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:06:16] iamlindoro__: directhex, He's got a point, .20 was so long ago that he's running it on Minix
[21:06:24] directhex: chasep, makes a change. so what cutting edge distro still comes with 0.20?
[21:06:50] J-e-f-f-A|work: You guys are brutal today! Brutal I tell you!  ;-)
[21:07:09] chasep: unless it changed in the last week, which I am checking now, .21 isn't stable yet in portage
[21:07:19] directhex: J-e-f-f-A|work, i haven't slept properly since thursday
[21:08:02] chasep: .20.2 is still latest stable version for gentoo
[21:08:12] hti_pr1: anyone have any issues with slave backend tuners taking a while to become available
[21:08:14] directhex: chasep, ah, gentoo. well, 0.21 has been stable for a month or so now. if your distro is gonna use obsolete software, then you're not gonna get useful features like the overscan editor
[21:08:30] directhex: you can manually tweak it with the gui size parameter. i forget where it lives
[21:08:37] directhex: and you need to trial-and-error it
[21:08:48] iamlindoro__: gentoo == two gens ago, apropo
[21:09:21] hti_pr1: come on its gentoo, download the source and compile it
[21:09:34] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:09:36] directhex: hti_pr1, with or without loop unrolling?
[21:09:45] kormoc: ouch, my gentoo pride
[21:09:57] hti_pr1: ??
[21:10:38] ** J-e-f-f-A|work just sticks with Fedora... it may be 'bloatware', but has been very stable for me!!!  ;-) **
[21:11:01] chasep: hti_pr1: it has to do with compiler optimization
[21:11:06] kormoc: ugh
[21:11:20] kormoc: where's cardoe
[21:11:24] kormoc: we need to get him to bump 0.21
[21:11:26] directhex: chasep, "optimization". if you use gcc, you're not optimizing shit
[21:11:28] hti_pr1: ok, I tried gentoo once, now I just stick with my debian and its derivatives
[21:11:52] kormoc: I'm hooked on Gentoo, works so well for me, and by works, I mean doesn't get in my way or decide for me
[21:12:18] ** J-e-f-f-A|work although I did install a test of Ubuntu on one server... seems much less 'bloated'... ;-) **
[21:12:46] chasep: directhex: i was speaking more on a more general level as to what loop unrolling is... i wasn't making a statement on which compiler does or does not optimize code to an optimal level
[21:13:07] hti_pr1: kormoc, I would have to agree on that note, I did love that about gentoo, but with 2 kids, a wife, a fulltime job, and school, I don't have 2 days to install
[21:13:13] directhex: J-e-f-f-A|work, well, install cd versus install dvd
[21:13:37] J-e-f-f-A|work: directhex: yeah, and it boots quicker too... Which is great for a frontend... ;-)
[21:13:50] Jimbalaya (Jimbalaya! has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
[21:13:56] directhex: kormoc, it's called delegation. i delegate twatting about with build issues etc to people called "maintainers" ;)
[21:14:17] hti_pr1: what about knoppmyth?? how it doin these days, or is it
[21:14:38] iamlindoro__: directhex, Remember, if you want the OS to install your hardware for you and you don't want to hack on it for years getting things to compile and run, you officially lose all linux geek cred.
[21:14:50] hti_pr1: directhex: now twatting, is that a technical term
[21:14:54] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: Last time I checked it was still 0.20 – but haven't checked lately...
[21:15:51] ajh (ajh! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:16:08] directhex: iamlindoro__, i run my own package repository. i just opt to delegate as much as possible to less lazy people
[21:16:26] ajh: when you scan on a DVB-s system, do you need to rescan all transports on every input device?
[21:17:03] iamlindoro__: directhex, I just got a Nokia N800 and was pleasantly surprised to find that it's all apt-based
[21:17:24] directhex: iamlindoro__, ah, maemo
[21:17:37] hti_pr1: iamlindoro__: hell yeah thats 1 for debian
[21:18:37] revilootneg (revilootneg! has quit ("leaving")
[21:18:45] iamlindoro__: directhex, It's a pretty nice little gadget I must say
[21:18:46] tqft (tqft! has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.81 [SeaMonkey 2.0a1pre/2008041410]")
[21:20:08] tank-man: but not powerfull enough to be a mythtv frontend
[21:20:43] iamlindoro__: Not everything needs to be a Myth frontend
[21:20:53] iamlindoro__: give a guy a hammer and everything looks like a nail, sheesh
[21:20:53] hti_pr1: so what would you guys recommend for a dedicated backend system with four capture cards, or two dual port cards.
[21:21:00] directhex: erm... the n800 DOES have a frontend
[21:21:04] directhex: w/ livetv iirc
[21:21:15] directhex: hti_pr1, something with MOAR RAMS
[21:21:23] hti_pr1: :)
[21:21:39] hti_pr1: that helps ever so much directhex
[21:21:46] iamlindoro__: And don't call it a dedicated back end unless you plan to never ever EVER run the frontend on it
[21:21:48] kormoc: tank-man, guess you didn't see the thread on -dev about the porting of mythfrontend to it eh?
[21:21:49] directhex:
[21:22:06] tank-man: nope
[21:22:07] hti_pr1: I don't, the video card is an old ati w/32Mb ram
[21:22:21] kormoc: hti_pr1, a cheap core2duo works well for me
[21:22:37] hti_pr1: ATI Technologies Inc 3D Rage IIC
[21:22:52] iamlindoro__: hti_pr1, If you're asking for recommendations for hardware you presumably intend to purchase, then your legacy equipment shouldn't matter, should it?
[21:23:01] directhex:
[21:23:15] opentrinity (opentrinity! has quit ("***debian rules!!***")
[21:24:08] hti_pr1: your right iamlindoro__: but i do not intend to do anything but capture and serve, what kind of ram do you think id need, though not regularly i would like the option to capture four streams at a time, hopefully while streaming one or two streams
[21:24:27] kormoc: hti_pr1, 2 gigs has been plenty for me
[21:24:51] hti_pr1: kormoc: how many captures, and streams at a time have you tested
[21:25:00] directhex: i think my combo BE/FE has 1 gig
[21:25:05] directhex: of ECC \o/
[21:25:09] iamlindoro__: MOAR everything is always a good idea. In general, based on your previous attempt to run on the machine with 128 MB of RAM, take whatever you tihnk you need... and ratchet it up two settings, and that's what you *actually* need
[21:25:12] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: I ran a dual PIII with 512mb rambus, 3x SD tuners and 1x HD tuner perfectly...
[21:25:46] hti_pr1: J-e-f-f-A|work: capture and stream simultaneously??
[21:25:57] kormoc: hti_pr1, well, I can capture 1 stream, commflag a different stream, play a stream, transcode into flv and send out, while hosting ~ 12 domain names + their traffic, + a few downloads at once without hickups
[21:26:27] hti_pr1: kormoc: sounds like a winner
[21:26:32] kormoc: hti_pr1, capture and stremaing is pure IO
[21:26:45] kormoc: hti_pr1, playback is the cpu heaver side
[21:26:49] hti_pr1: right, i do plan to use hardware encoders all the way around
[21:27:22] hti_pr1: well switching roles, for a frontend, are there good decoders to take the load off of the cpu during playback
[21:27:39] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: yes... Capture 3xSD and 1x HD at the same time (with hardware SD encoders — Hauppauge PVR-250 and PVR-500)
[21:27:41] directhex: hti_pr1, better off with a good cpu
[21:27:49] kormoc: hti_pr1, so I have 8 drives in various raid levels to handle IO, so I have plenty to spare
[21:27:52] iamlindoro__: nVidia GPU + proprietary drivers + decent CPU. The end.
[21:27:54] directhex: hti_pr1, 1) you can only offload mpeg2 2) there are downsides to doing it
[21:28:13] directhex: hti_pr1, a decent cpu with any proper low-end graphics is enough
[21:28:27] kormoc: hti_pr1, personally I don't use XVMC, so a nice nvidia card so the drivers don't flake out on me and a nice cpu like the c2d is plenty fine
[21:29:48] hti_pr1: how fast of a cpu do you use kormoc
[21:30:05] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: You'll want a fast cpu so your commercial flagging is close to real-time too...
[21:30:19] hti_pr1: how fast would you recommend
[21:30:23] kormoc: hti_pr1, It's a 1.86 ghz
[21:30:49] hti_pr1: J-e-f-f-A|work: what do you recommend
[21:30:53] iamlindoro__: J-e-f-f-A|work, Indeed, I love starting shows 20 or so late and watching straight through and catching up with commflag at the end :)
[21:31:16] iamlindoro__: hti_pr1, *any* C2D maching will make a perfect, fast dedicated backend
[21:32:04] directhex: i use a pentium-d on the backend
[21:32:12] directhex: because i didn't wait for core2 and i suck :)
[21:32:35] iamlindoro__: directhex, Naw, no harm there, Pentium Ds weren't bad at all, I really liked the one I had
[21:33:07] J-e-f-f-A|work: hti_pr1: My current backend (about 1–1/2 years old now) is a Athlon 64 x2 4600+ with 2GB DDR400 in Dual-Channel mode... ;-)
[21:33:09] kormoc: iamlindoro, wow, mine tends to run at 2x realtime
[21:33:09] directhex: iamlindoro__, netburst! O_o
[21:33:33] kormoc: directhex, it has it's uses!
[21:33:54] iamlindoro__: kormoc, Well, I didn't mean catching up in the most literal sense, I mean catching up w/ the end of the program at the end time w/o ever seeing a commercial
[21:34:25] iamlindoro__: kormoc, and besides, commflagging can't "finish" the job until the recording is over
[21:34:56] iamlindoro__: so I guess in the most literal sense you *are* catching up no matter how fast your machine is
[21:35:02] hti_pr1: so you guys seem to prefer intel over amd??
[21:35:51] JohnMahowald: I've got an AMD
[21:36:32] nedd1 (nedd1!n=john@nat/sun/x-b6178d962a54552b) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:36:34] directhex: hti_pr1, intel is much faster per clock
[21:36:39] directhex: hti_pr1, but costs more
[21:36:54] hti_pr1: i've really liked amd so i was just wondering
[21:37:22] hti_pr1: I thought it was the other way around directhex, At least it used to be back in the pentium 1 days
[21:37:42] KjetilK (KjetilK! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:38:40] kormoc: hti_pr1, I've been a intel fan forever
[21:39:06] directhex: hti_pr1, that was somewhat long ago
[21:39:18] directhex: hti_pr1, core2 is much much faster per clock for floating point. fact.
[21:39:24] hti_pr1: directhex: true i haven't built a computer lately
[21:39:49] hti_pr1: any one here run a slave backend
[21:40:51] cesman: hti_pr1: that is my MBE
[21:41:02] cesman: hti_pr1: specs are open so you can build your own
[21:41:05] hti_pr1: every time i reboot my master, the tuner on the slave becomes unavailable for a few hours
[21:41:21] cesman: hti_pr1: I have 4 tuners in it
[21:41:38] ** KjetilK has a problem with non-ascii-characters, that is put into filenames when ripping from CD, which again borks Amarok when using the files on a different box **
[21:42:06] KjetilK: any possibility of translating non-ascii chars to ascii for the filenames?
[21:42:17] neztiti (neztiti! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:43:31] hti_pr1: try mv
[21:44:13] KjetilK: yeah, but that's a lot of work by now...
[21:44:24] KjetilK: got several hundred files to rename...
[21:44:59] ** KjetilK is thinking about writing a perl script **
[21:45:35] iamlindoro__: hey cesman, i'm not auth'ed here so I can't respond-- mplayer -ac help |grep codecname (mlp is one, ffac3 is the other)
[21:46:05] iamlindoro__: cesman, ffac3 is *also* the ffmpeg ac3 codec, so it's less help
[21:46:41] ajh: is it best to setup all your tuners on one video source or on separate ones?
[21:47:13] hti_pr1: is mythtv package on ubuntu a meta package
[21:47:22] Anduin: ajh: When you need to, use separate ones.
[21:47:46] ajh: That's what I"m not sure of, I have two LNB visible on each tuner, and I get channels on both but then PAT errors on one.
[21:47:48] Anduin: ajh: If there is no difference in available channels, there is no reason.
[21:47:53] hti_pr1: i am trying to remove mysql from a former master backend and it is trying to remove mythtv
[21:48:09] ajh: So, then I do need one per satellite LNB?
[21:49:09] Anduin: ajh: To avoid those channels, you would need a separate lineup if it is a separate input.
[21:49:13] ajh: it's LNB-SW34-SW34-DiSEqC-DVBcard
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[21:49:33] ajh: I don't want to avoid them, something isn't tuning them right when it should be fine.
[21:50:04] ajh: I'll give it a try now that I got the multiswitch setup actually working.
[21:50:10] ajh: thanks.
[21:52:12] iamlindoro__: cesman, sorry to keep putting this in channel-- ffac3 will be there no matter what since it encompasses regular ac3 as well, so you may have neither, just be aware
[21:53:37] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:54:25] mkrufky: 5 minutes till i can go home and watch the next BSG!
[21:54:48] iamlindoro__: mkrufky, Wait till you get caught up-- season 2 is my fave, but season 4 is looking really strong so far
[21:54:58] mkrufky: watching shows 3 seasons later beats timeshifting anyday
[21:55:11] mkrufky: im in season2 now.... episode 2 (and prob 3) tonight
[21:55:32] mkrufky: i was sooooo sad yesterday that i didnt have the next episode yet
[21:55:34] mkrufky: (exagerating)
[21:55:59] mkrufky: so i ssh'd into my office and worked on DVB-T stuff, so i can go home early tonight for BSG
[21:56:01] mkrufky: yeah, im nutz
[21:56:46] iamlindoro__: heh, passes the time until LOST is back, at least
[22:00:16] ajh: For the full scan of existing transports, is that run once, once per input group, or once per input device?
[22:01:12] lotia (lotia! has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:03:14] directhex: isn't mkrufky in yankland?
[22:03:40] iamlindoro__: yup
[22:04:07] hti_pr1: hey guys prob with mythweb, get this 1028_20080414080000.mpg does not exist in any recognized storage group directories for this host. when tryin to watch a recording from mythweb on the slave backend
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[22:04:54] xris: odd. it's supposed to stream from the backend.
[22:05:28] hti_pr1: but if i access the mythweb server on the master, it will stream recordings made on the master but not recordings made on the slave
[22:05:49] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:06:18] directhex: how do you test dvb-t if you work in yankland?
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[22:06:43] hti_pr1: yankland?? sounds like a lonely porno
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[22:07:19] iamlindoro__: directhex, well, I imagine when you work for a DVB-T equipment manufacturer they give you all sorts of fancy toys
[22:07:30] hti_pr1: :) rotfl
[22:07:46] directhex: hti_pr1, correct!
[22:09:13] xris: hti_pr1: you have 2 mythweb installations?
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[22:10:11] xris: but like I said.. it's *supposed* to stream from any of the backends... but out of curiosity, what version are you using?
[22:11:52] hti_pr1: yes one on each backend
[22:12:06] hti_pr1: 0.21
[22:14:45] hti_pr1: is that unusual practice to have one on each backend
[22:14:59] hti_pr1: i guess theres really no point to it
[22:16:09] xris: you should only need one... mythweb is basically just a frontend
[22:16:58] mkrufky: sorry, i was afk ... yes, passes time till LOST, iamlindoro
[22:17:06] mkrufky: and yes, i live in New York, directhex
[22:17:18] xris: but I did just check the code and it looks like mythweb needs direct access to the files for streaming.. which means smb/nfs mounts from your slave backend onto the host running mythweb.
[22:17:36] directhex: mkrufky, <directhex> how do you test dvb-t if you work in yankland?
[22:17:38] hti_pr1: thats crap
[22:17:47] mkrufky: directhex: with a generator
[22:18:06] hti_pr1: extra bandwidth, so it will then stream from master backend to slave backed and then to mythweb client
[22:18:12] mkrufky: you said yankland, i thought you meant, "home of the yankees"
[22:18:16] mkrufky: i prefer, ATSC-land
[22:18:39] directhex: mkrufky, for anyone outside yankland, all yanks are yanks, regardless of where in yankland they come from
[22:18:44] directhex: mkrufky, don't tell the southerners
[22:19:07] mkrufky: LOL
[22:19:33] mkrufky: and what if i lived in Florida? you'd be perfectly fine with me working on DVB-T there?
[22:19:45] xris: hti_pr1: probably. mythweb's "streaming" stuff isn't really designed for a lot of use watching videos on a local network.. that's what mythfrontend is for
[22:20:54] directhex: florida's still yankland!
[22:20:58] directhex: "Outside the United States, Yank or Yankee is one of the lesser derogatory slang terms for any US resident, whether from New England or not."
[22:21:05] mkrufky: oh!
[22:21:15] mkrufky: i thought it means northern americans
[22:21:22] iamlindoro__: then by your own quote it's derogatory too...
[22:21:26] mkrufky is now known as StupidAmerican
[22:21:28] iamlindoro__: mkrufky, domestically, it does
[22:21:32] StupidAmerican is now known as mkrufky
[22:21:36] mkrufky: gotcha
[22:21:42] mkrufky: well, i have to drive home now
[22:21:44] directhex: iamlindoro__, nothing wrong with some friendly banter, you asshole!
[22:21:47] mkrufky: lol
[22:21:52] iamlindoro__: you filthy limey
[22:21:54] iamlindoro__: ;)
[22:21:59] directhex: arsehole, even
[22:22:11] mkrufky: shut the frac up?
[22:22:14] mkrufky: :-P
[22:22:19] mkrufky: ok talk to you guys later
[22:22:28] iamlindoro__: seeya krufkeeee
[22:22:30] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:24:33] ** iamlindoro__ hugs directhex in the spirit of transatlantic cooperation **
[22:27:12] ** directhex hands iamlindoro__ some roast beef and a nice spotted dick for desert **
[22:28:02] iamlindoro__: ewww, should have worn protection
[22:28:19] iamlindoro__: Get some topical cream for that thing
[22:28:43] directhex:
[22:29:02] iamlindoro__: Aw, jeez, you of all people should sense my facetiousness ;)
[22:30:27] directhex: sense != ignore
[22:30:37] jams: oh man the internal dvd player won't play deathstalker IV
[22:30:55] directhex: jams, how about legend of the overfiend 3?
[22:31:09] jams: don't have that one
[22:35:28] justinh: won't play any of my 'the work of' dvds either. must get around to ticketing things
[22:41:45] directhex: justinh, it won't? i should test that, i have the gondry disc
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[22:43:03] justinh: well i say 'won't' – they work but the menus take me back to running an epia frontend somewhat
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[22:52:11] devsforev: Hey everyone. Does anyone have experience performing backups using the instructions on the wiki?
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