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Monday, April 7th, 2008, 00:03 UTC
[00:03:42] kristok (kristok! has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[00:06:11] hadees: i don't seem to be getting anywhere in ffmpeg so i figured i'd ask here, i am running the bash script which transcodes mythtv recordings to a format that can be used on an ipod
[00:06:29] hadees: however for some of my recordings i get buffer underflow errors
[00:06:36] hadees: this is the ffmpeg line in the script
[00:06:38] hadees: ffmpeg -i "${directory}/${file}" -acodec libfaac -ab ${abitrate} -ac 2 -s ${width}x${height} -vcodec mpeg4 -b ${vbitrate} -flags +aic+mv4+trell -mbd 2 -cmp 2 -subcmp 2 -g 250 -maxrate 512k -bufsize 2M -title "${file}" "${directory}/${file}.mp4"
[00:08:40] hadees: i've tried upping the bufsize but that doesn't seem to fix it
[00:13:04] hadees: well it does seem increasing the bufsize a lot does make the error appear further along, i guess waiting for the buffer to fill up
[00:23:57] directhex (directhex! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:24:23] TXusg990a__ (TXusg990a__!n=usg990a@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:25:31] hadees: well increasing it to 500M from 2M seems to have it working... although maybe the buffer just didn't get full yet
[00:26:36] briand (briand! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[00:28:20] Telebrett (Telebrett! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:32:09] pipsqeek is now known as DrSteve
[00:32:34] DrSteve is now known as pipsqeek
[00:35:09] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:36:37] AngryElf: i'm trying to set up my firewire cable box — mythtvsetup seems to detect it fine at the capture cards page — then I add my source to it, but when I get into the channel editor it says "failed to open card" and all the fields on that page are uneditable, anyone know what I might've missed?
[00:45:27] dustybin (dustybin! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:49:20] iamlindoro: AngryElf: If I had to guess, I'd say the permissions on your /dev/raw1394 are wrong
[00:52:03] fryfrog: AngryElf: you might also need to do a mythfilldatabase to get some actual channels?
[00:52:50] AngryElf: iamlindoro: how about complete lack of /dev/raw1394?
[00:53:10] iamlindoro: AngryElf: Would definitely prevent operation ;)
[00:53:14] AngryElf: or not, nvm
[00:54:14] AngryElf: what's the difference between broadcase setup and point to point?
[00:54:54] iamlindoro: Just a difference in the communication between the computer and the boxes, No difference to the end user, though
[00:55:06] iamlindoro: Whichever works is fine
[00:55:45] Telebrett: Is anyone able to give me any pointers on why I lose sound after fast forwarding while watching recordings or live tv?
[00:56:18] hadees: iamlindoro, do you know anything about ffmpeg by chance?
[00:57:29] hadees: specifically the bufsize var, i had to increase it from 2M to 500M otherwise ffmpeg would throw me buffer underflow errors
[00:57:32] fryfrog: if one doesn't work well, try the other
[00:57:32] iamlindoro: yes, but reading what you wrote above, increasing the buffer is a solution to buffer underflows, though
[00:57:38] iamlindoro: er is not
[00:57:51] fryfrog: many places suggest p2p is the more likely to work, but if it is unreliable, broadcast might be a better choice
[00:57:53] hadees: iamlindoro, well it seems to be working thus far
[00:58:25] iamlindoro: hadees: a Buffer underflow isn't about the transcode buffer, it's about overshooting the specified bitrate
[00:58:38] Frosty- (Frosty-! has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.2 :: )")
[00:59:23] hadees: iamlindoro, ah, but that really did seem to fix it...
[00:59:39] iamlindoro: hadees: HAve you completed a transcode that way?
[00:59:39] hadees: hmm
[00:59:52] hadees: iamlindoro, i am doing one now but it is a whole lot further along then before
[01:00:37] iamlindoro: hadees: If I had to guess it's just going to fill the buffer, then fail-- as I said, buffer underflow isn't about the buffer, it's about not being able to encode the data in the specified bitrate IIRC
[01:00:59] hadees: iamlindoro, so the is borked then...
[01:01:00] iamlindoro: am sure there is plenty about it on the internet if you just google ffmpeg + buffer underflow
[01:01:14] hadees: iamlindoro, i have googled that, not a whole lot of useful information
[01:01:19] iamlindoro: hadees: don't blame the script, the script is fine-- likely you are feeding it a recording you don't likw
[01:01:25] iamlindoro: er it doesn't like
[01:01:41] hadees: well there isn't anything special about the recording
[01:01:59] iamlindoro: hadees: I just googled "ffmpeg buffer underflow" and the first result is a good explanation of why it happens
[01:02:15] AngryElf: okay, plugreport shows that my Node 0 is active — yet I can't seem to get firewire_tester to work with eithe broadcast or p2p — the broadcast fix didn't work either
[01:02:41] iamlindoro: AngryElf: I'll bet dollars to donuts the firewire port is disabled on your box
[01:02:59] iamlindoro: AngryElf: What you are describing is exactly what happens when that is the case
[01:03:12] AngryElf: maybe it's the other firewire port?
[01:03:29] iamlindoro: worth a shot I suppose
[01:03:30] AngryElf: do i need to reboot the cable box and computer to switch to the other port
[01:03:37] iamlindoro: nope
[01:03:46] hadees: i saw that explanation but it didn't help me figure out how to fix it, it thought messing with the buffer might do something
[01:04:07] Dar1us: hadees: increase the bit rate?
[01:04:38] iamlindoro: Dar1us' solution is more likely to be the correct one
[01:04:52] iamlindoro: presuming your iPod allows for a higher video bitrate, that is
[01:05:08] Dar1us: yeah
[01:05:12] hadees: iamlindoro, thats what i'm unsure of, i guess i really need to research what the ipod can handle
[01:05:20] Dar1us: hadees: just try it and see
[01:05:22] iamlindoro: hadees: It differs from model to model
[01:05:27] Dar1us: not like it will melt into slag if you get it wrong
[01:05:35] iamlindoro: yup, it'll just not play
[01:05:53] Dar1us: there might be an ffmpeg option to tell it to just start throwing stuff away too
[01:07:23] AngryElf: iamlindoro: so if all the firewire tests are failing do i have any other recourse?
[01:07:31] Dar1us: multipass might work better too
[01:07:46] Dar1us: as that will allow it to spread the bit rate out a bit more (hopefully)
[01:07:48] iamlindoro: AngryElf: not outside of shaking sticks/firearms at your cable co
[01:08:28] iamlindoro: AngryElf: You may want to get into the service menu of your box to check the port status, though
[01:08:41] iamlindoro: AngryElf: Just to confirm before you raise hell
[01:11:15] AngryElf: no idea how to do that
[01:11:36] AngryElf: a bunch of forums say that disabling the firewire port violates FCC regulation — but they're old, is that still true?
[01:11:41] iamlindoro: yep
[01:11:58] iamlindoro: the port has to be active, but they only have to give you local and network TV via it
[01:12:10] hadees: AngryElf, and it is only upon request
[01:12:16] hadees: and good luck with even that
[01:12:22] hadees: i am still trying to get one
[01:12:23] iamlindoro: hadees: That is not true
[01:12:34] iamlindoro: hadees: Many locations leave them active and open by default
[01:12:39] iamlindoro: such as my own
[01:13:03] hadees: iamlindoro, well i mean the FCC mandates that they only have to offer it by request
[01:13:34] iamlindoro: hadees: They mandate that at the request of the consumer, they must provide a box w/ firewire, yes... but most HD boxes already have firewire.
[01:13:53] hadees: iamlindoro, yeah i think thats also a FCC mandate
[01:14:12] iamlindoro: hadees: Naw, they can give out HD boxes w/out it
[01:14:18] iamlindoro: DCT 2224 IIRC
[01:14:49] hadees: i thought i read that they have to have the port in the same doc that makes them give you a working one
[01:15:12] leprechau (leprechau! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:15:15] iamlindoro: hadees: They just have to provide a box w/ one at request, they don't have to put a firewire port on all cable boxes
[01:16:23] iamlindoro: hadees: for example the DCT 700 which has only coax and RCA/composite outs
[01:16:38] hadees: k, i must have read it wrong
[01:17:05] Deek: only HD subscribers have to be given FW boxes.
[01:17:23] iamlindoro: ^^^ That is true
[01:17:26] conathan: Has there been any regressions on MythDVD? It closes when it should be presenting the menu on 0.21. 0.20.2 worked fine (Except for the occassional segfault)
[01:17:28] hadees: so it seems the bitrate for an iphone can handle just about anything but someone said anything over 320 is overkill because it can't really show the detail
[01:17:44] Deek: DCT700 is a non-HD box, so doesn't count.
[01:17:48] iamlindoro: conathan: if you have .21 and not .21-fixes, there were some major DVD issues that got ironed out
[01:17:59] conathan: iamlindoro: ok, thanks
[01:18:23] conathan: iamlindoro: my Xorg system is halftrunk, and I was curious if it was me, or the software
[01:18:32] conathan: iamlindoro: (dri experiements, dont ask)
[01:18:35] iamlindoro: Deek: True, but there *are* still DCT 2224s which are HD but don't all have firewire
[01:18:38] iamlindoro: conathan: I won't ;)
[01:18:54] conathan: iamlindoro: although, I went from a stable OpenGL (which crashed in wine), to having opengl run for 5 min (:
[01:18:57] iamlindoro: Deek: That said I traded all mine out like the greedy firewire using bastard I am :)
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[01:23:40] Telebrett: Anyone on my sound issue?
[01:25:11] iamlindoro: just that your mythfrontend log will tell you far more than any of us can based what information you've given
[01:25:58] Telebrett: I seem to recall it didn't say anything
[01:26:29] Telebrett: And the weird thing is, I haven't changed anything in a couple of weeks, and it just started happening last night
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[01:48:59] AngryElf (AngryElf! has quit ("Lost terminal")
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[02:19:59] TelnetManta: anyone around tonight?
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[02:20:15] Hoxzer: :)
[02:20:17] TelnetManta: anyone have an opinion on a Athlon XP 3200+ as a backend CPU?
[02:20:27] TelnetManta: will it be sufficient to run multiple tuners?
[02:20:51] Hoxzer: I'm running Intel P4 2.4Ghz. Which is inferior to that. Can easily run two frontends and one backend
[02:21:04] Hoxzer: dual headed system. So yes it will be good enough
[02:21:50] TelnetManta: Im planning on 4 DVB cards with 2–3 frontends
[02:21:56] Hoxzer: :O why 4 ?
[02:22:05] Hoxzer: One DVB card can record whole multiplex
[02:22:06] TelnetManta: plus some HD :)
[02:22:42] TelnetManta: well I have 2 now, can only record two shows at once... of course when thats happening remote frontends cant watch anything else
[02:23:01] Hoxzer: TelnetManta: Are you running 0.21 ?
[02:23:08] TelnetManta: not yet
[02:23:18] Hoxzer: TelnetManta: it has multiplexing support which allows you to record multiple channels with one card
[02:23:40] Hoxzer: of course those channels need all to be in the same multiplex
[02:24:25] TelnetManta: well, 0.21.20080202
[02:25:27] TelnetManta: I built my existing system without thinking it through. I have a C2D proc but the MB only has 2 PCI slots... plenty of power but no room.
[02:25:51] TelnetManta: gonna split the fe and be up
[02:27:18] Hoxzer: If I were about to buy new hard ware I would check wether or not it can play 1080p x264. But then again if you just watch recorded stuff
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[02:29:55] Deek: TelnetManta: you could run those cards on a lot less than 3200+
[02:30:31] TelnetManta: Hoxzer: I just need this HW to record, not play
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[02:31:02] TelnetManta: Deek: I just wanted to make sure I had 5 pci slots, sata and 1394 support :-)
[02:31:20] TelnetManta: found all of that in this combo for around $40 slightly used.
[02:32:04] Deek: still, four DVB cards is pretty silly.
[02:32:15] TelnetManta: really, why?
[02:32:42] TelnetManta: actually, four DVB and one cable card, even sillier :-)
[02:32:58] TelnetManta: we record a LOT lol
[02:33:51] Deek: because with multirec you don't record channels, you record multiplexes and then split out the channels (so you can record more than one program with a single card)
[02:34:26] dabtech (dabtech!n=dab@ has quit ()
[02:34:48] TelnetManta: Deek: but my shows arent often on the same multiplex.
[02:35:48] TelnetManta: of course, I'll have to really go check to know for sure. still its a kewl feature!
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[03:06:02] hachi: mythweb is taking forever to load the recorded programs list
[03:06:30] hachi: took well over 3 minutes to load
[03:06:31] xris: first time?
[03:06:43] hachi: in the last week, yes
[03:06:50] hachi: since started up... not so much
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[03:07:13] xris: does a refresh take as long?
[03:07:29] xris: might take awhile if it has to wait for the backend to generate a bunch of thumbnails
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[03:08:57] hachi: it was the page render
[03:09:01] hachi: not thumbnail
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[04:12:02] Justin__: just upgraded from ubuntu 7.10 (0.21) to 8.04 (0.21-fixes) and now I'm getting stuttering playback and endless writeaudio buffer underruns. The same settings were working flawless before the upgrade. This is with standard decoder, opengl vsync disabled.
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[04:27:51] comphappy (comphappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:28:18] comphappy: I installed mythtv and it is working great, except that i cannot change the volume
[04:28:34] comphappy: it i pull up alsamixer in a terminal i can
[04:28:54] comphappy: the change is not reflected in the volume bar in frontend
[04:30:42] Raspberry (Raspberry! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:31:37] fryfrog: you tried the [ ] keys on the kb?
[04:31:55] fryfrog: Justin__: beta is for bitches!
[04:32:27] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:32:35] Justin__: yes it is, but it seemed like the easiest way to install 0.21-fixes branch on mythbuntu
[04:32:52] fryfrog: ah
[04:33:02] fryfrog: i usually wait till release candidate :)
[04:33:06] Justin__: and its going out of beta in a few weeks anyway, so i can just do another (smaller) update
[04:33:11] fryfrog: plus, i'm already on -fixes svn branch anyway
[04:33:48] Justin__: i would compile myself, but I don't know how to do it on mythbuntu
[04:33:49] SlicerDicer (SlicerDicer! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:34:22] fryfrog: ah, true
[04:34:23] Justin__: the mythbuntu packages do things differently
[04:34:30] fryfrog: is there a 8.04 of mythbuntu?
[04:34:35] Justin__: im thinking i should switch to another distro
[04:34:38] fryfrog: or did you do a aptitude upgrade?
[04:35:06] fryfrog: i just use plain old ubuntu for mine, but my systems are not *just* for myth
[04:35:42] Justin__: i upgrade to the 8.04 disribution using this guide: . . . on-beta.html
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[04:36:32] Justin__: so basically just using the built in update-manager
[04:37:03] Justin__: there is a 8.04 mythbuntu distro w/ 0.21-fixes, but what I did should yield the same results
[04:37:31] fryfrog: true
[04:37:42] fryfrog: i need to get some alternate OSs going on this macbook pro i have
[04:37:55] fryfrog: an installation of windows and one of ubuntu would make the world a better place
[04:38:10] Justin__: i would just wipe the os and try a different distro, but I don't want to lose all my recordings
[04:38:26] fryfrog: losing recordings sucks :)
[04:38:33] Justin__: and I don't know what happens when i recover my database and all the recordings it thinks are there... aren't
[04:38:56] fryfrog: the big bang
[04:39:00] fryfrog: that is what happens
[04:39:58] Justin__: im in quite the pickle
[04:40:39] fryfrog: if it works, it works
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[04:40:45] fryfrog: are you a user/fan of some other distro?
[04:42:16] Justin__: no, im just tired of mythbuntu
[04:42:25] purserj: Justin__: have you tried building from source?
[04:42:33] Justin__: i guess I should just do ubuntu, and compile/install myth myself
[04:42:38] flynch (flynch! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:43:03] Justin__: purserj: not yet, but not sure how to do that on a current mythbuntu install
[04:43:12] comphappy: sorry i was playing with it and just now checked back, yes both the [] and F10 F11 keys have no effect
[04:43:52] Justin__: i guess I can just use apt-get to remove all myth* packages
[04:46:19] comphappy: any idea why it is not letting me change the volume?
[04:46:27] fryfrog: you might want to explore "aptitude" instead of apt-get :)
[04:46:50] fryfrog: i find it a little nicer to use, "sudo aptitude search" and "show" and "update" and "upgrade" and "full-upgrade"
[04:46:59] fryfrog: it is nearly identical syntax to apt-get and apt-cache
[04:47:08] fryfrog: just one tool instead of a few
[04:47:27] fryfrog: what do you *not* like about mythbuntu? (i've never tried it)
[04:48:40] Justin__: its dumbed down a lot, hides files/processes
[04:49:15] Justin__: mythfrontend is linked to mythfrontend.real
[04:49:55] Justin__: you have to cancel to NOT run mythfilldatabase after running mythtv-setup
[04:53:30] Justin__: i don't know what all it does different, since I've never tried anything BUT mythbuntu :)
[04:55:16] fryfrog: ah
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[05:10:36] aoeu: hello
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[05:10:56] aoeu: i have charter cable and want to build a linux box to do dvr
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[05:11:18] aoeu: is it possible to tune and receive hdtv from charter's signal?
[05:11:26] aoeu: or is is proprietory/encrypted?
[05:12:05] cesman: aoeu:
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[05:41:32] comphappy: how to i make it so the volume controls master rather then PCM
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[07:40:44] Justin__: is it normal when running configure the first output line is "test: 2752: ==: unexpected operator"
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[08:06:26] Tanthrix: I take it everyone has seen this by now, but just in case:
[08:17:21] mikedoty (mikedoty! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:18:38] mikedoty: Hi... I'm having a little trouble getting my Hauppauge HVR 1800 to work. I have a /dev/dvb/adapter0, so it seems to be recognizing the device being there. I did also install the firmware and copy it over to /lib/firmware.
[08:18:59] mikedoty: But I haven't been able to manage to get a signal yet...
[08:20:00] mikedoty: It also tells me when I run the configuration for the back end that it cannot connect to the mysql database
[08:20:47] mikedoty: I run /etc/init.d/mysql start... is there something further I need to do to get the database running for mythtv to connect to? The information (password, etc.) in the mythtv settings seems to match up with what it should be
[08:22:36] mikedoty: Hm, pardon me. It looks like I don't have a database called mythconverg. I'll set one up...
[08:28:04] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has quit (Client Quit)
[08:29:00] Dagmar: That would be because you failed to read the installation documentation, which is readily discoverable both on the wiki and through Google.
[08:30:40] mikedoty: Pleasant chap you are!
[08:31:58] Justin__: arg, i cant get configure to use libXvMCNVIDIA
[08:32:06] Dagmar: miekdoty: At least I can read
[08:32:17] Dagmar: Justin: You don't need to.
[08:32:53] Dagmar: All it needs to detect is libXvMC. The nVidia-specific binary is meant to shim itself in so you *don't* have to worry about things like linking apps to it directly.
[08:32:56] mikedoty: Dagmar: At least I can spell your name right
[08:33:13] Justin__: Dagmar, when i try to enable xvmc-opengl it tells me "Disabling XvMC-opengl. It is only available when linking against libXvMCNIVIDIA"
[08:33:16] Dagmar: mikedoty: You can piss off until you've read the docs.
[08:33:27] mikedoty: Mmmm hit a nerve
[08:33:37] Dagmar: No, you're just another idiot troll, as far as I care.
[08:33:50] Dagmar: You don't deserve the respect it would take to give a damn if I spell your name right or not.
[08:33:52] mikedoty: That's right. I decided to come in here and troll by asking for help with mythtv.
[08:34:03] Dagmar: Welcome to the ignore list, chump.
[08:34:03] mikedoty: How insidious of me!
[08:34:22] mikedoty: I welcome my addition to your ignore list.
[08:34:29] Dagmar: The docs are there to *stop* people from asking the same idiot questions 20 times a day.
[08:34:33] revilootneg (revilootneg! has quit ("leaving")
[08:34:56] Dagmar: If the best you've got to do with your time is trash-talk people who tell you about the docs, instead of READING the damn things, you have a serious social maladjustment problem.
[08:35:21] mikedoty: You sound like the pot calling the kettle black here.
[08:36:04] mikedoty: Anyway, I followed an installation guide through the process. Perhaps I followed the wrong one.
[08:36:32] Dagmar: I *could* have just continued to let you make an ass of yourself by asking questions the rest of the channel regulars know are a sure sign that someone hasn't tried to even look for documentation, but instead...
[08:36:36] Dagmar: ... Ignoring ALL messages from mikedoty!*@*
[08:39:46] Justin__: what im not getting is in the configure script, it says 'elif has_library libXvMCNVIDIA ; then VENDOR_XVMC_LIBS="-lXvMCNVIDIA"' ... so why would it not think i have that library? and how can i get around this to enable xvmc-opengl
[08:41:43] comphappy (comphappy! has quit ("Leaving")
[08:41:45] mikedoty (mikedoty! has quit ("Leaving")
[08:41:50] Justin__: the library is indeed in /usr/lib, and i edited /etc/X11/XvMCConfig accordingly
[08:42:07] Dagmar: Not once have I ever had to touch or create that file.
[08:42:38] mikedoty (mikedoty! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:42:45] Justin__: it was in the docs :)
[08:43:29] toorima: Justin__: do u really need to use xvmc?
[08:43:37] Dagmar: Then you should probably consult the _nVidia_ documentation.
[08:43:45] Dagmar: ...or attempt to argue with the wiki.
[08:44:15] Justin__: toorima--its my aim to get it working
[08:44:36] toorima: ok is the playback not smooth without it?
[08:45:15] Justin__: at times with hd material
[08:45:16] toorima: it is for machines that are a little to weak to play hd
[08:45:18] toorima: k
[08:45:20] mikedoty (mikedoty! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:45:29] toorima: what distro?
[08:45:42] Justin__: ubuntu 7.10
[08:45:53] toorima: i remember ubuntu had something wrong with the xvmc so you had to change one line in that file
[08:45:58] Justin__: im building 0.21-fixes branch
[08:46:55] Justin__: im confident i've edited the file correctly, its just the configure script thats giving me trouble
[08:47:09] Dagmar: Feel free to read the configure script
[08:47:20] Justin__: i have
[08:47:32] Dagmar: Then what it's saying should not suprise you
[08:47:40] toorima: u have in the /etc/X11/XvMCConfig right?
[08:47:58] Justin__: yes
[08:48:01] toorima: k
[08:48:40] toorima: haven't had time to upgrade to .21 yet so can't help ya there
[08:48:40] Justin__: dagmar, well i don't know how it works when it checks 'has_library libXvMCNVIDIA'
[08:48:47] Justin__: because that is returning false
[08:49:21] toorima: but if u are running ubuntu why building from source?
[08:49:29] toorima: .21 is in backports
[08:49:48] Dagmar: Justin: Let me make this simple for you then
[08:49:50] toorima: or upgrade to 8.04
[08:49:52] Justin__: i need .21-fixes
[08:50:17] Dagmar: In the configure output at the end, you should see a whole bunch of yesses, and a no on openGl xvmc support
[08:51:11] Justin__: correct
[08:51:59] Dagmar: Then run make
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[09:00:03] Dagmar: You need to work on your shell scripting skills if you were expecting to show up in the summary at the end of configure
[09:11:57] Justin__: it checks if a library exists, and if it does, it sets VENDOR_XVMC_LIBS to -lXvMCNVIDIA. Since I have the library properly installed... why shouldn't I expect it to set LIB to XvMCNVIDIA?
[09:12:01] Justin__: what am I missing here?
[09:13:52] Justin__: and fyi, the value of VENDOR_XVMC_LIBS is indeed spit out in the summary at the end of configure. right here: echo "XvMC libs $VENDOR_XVMC_LIBS"
[09:16:25] Dagmar: Find something that says programs should or must link directly to that library
[09:25:22] Justin__: it disables xvmc_opengl if VENDOR_XVMC_LIBS is not set to -lXvMCNVIDIA: if test x"$VENDOR_XVMC_LIBS" == x"-lXvMCNVIDIA" ; then enable xvmc_opengl disable xvmc_vld xvmc_pro elif enabled xvmc_opengl ; then disable xvmc_opengl
[09:27:11] maroi_ (maroi_!n=mario@ has quit ("Leaving")
[09:27:36] Dagmar: Find out the hard way then.
[09:27:42] Justin__: And it gives me the message "Disabling XvMC-opengl. It is only available when linking against libXvMCNIVIDIA" even when I've set the configure option --xvmc-lib=XvMCNVIDIA
[09:28:57] Justin__: and the configure summary spits out "XvMC libs -lXvMCNVIDIA" yet it still tells me "Disabling XvMC-opengl. It is only available when linking against libXvMCNIVIDIA"
[09:29:14] Justin__: (typo in the configure script, btw)
[09:29:22] Dagmar: So if you think you've found a bug in the configure script, feel free to report it.
[09:31:02] Dagmar: If you'd look up what XvMCW is first, it would save you some embarrassment tho'.
[09:34:53] Justin__: a universal xvmc binary
[09:35:41] Justin__: impossible to configure mythtv to use xvmc-opengl when used (nvidia only)
[09:36:53] justinh: xvmc? MOAR MHZ instead :)
[09:37:08] Dagmar: There's a reason for that.
[09:37:34] Dagmar: It's broken as hell
[09:37:55] Justin__: Dagmar: I feel like I'm watching National Treasure when talking to to you because everything is a puzzle
[09:38:01] Dagmar: Your *massive* error is in assuming that just because something's in the configure script means that it works or is something that _should_ happen.
[09:38:16] Dagmar: Dude, don't expect people to explain the inner workings of how these libraries function.
[09:38:22] revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:38:53] Dagmar: ...and it's not a "universal" library.
[09:39:06] mikedoty (mikedoty! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:39:09] Justin__: well its non vendor specific
[09:39:18] Dagmar: It's a _wrapper_.
[09:39:29] Dagmar: That's what the 'w' is about.
[09:39:38] fxr_ (fxr_!n=fxr@ has quit ("Leaving")
[09:39:53] Dagmar: nVidia's driver sets itself up to be the default for GL and Xv accelleration once it's installed.
[09:40:00] mikedoty: So I browsed through the docs and am fairly confident I have set everything up properly... however, when I choose "Watch TV," I only get a black screen.
[09:40:39] Dagmar: This is the point of the _wrapper_. So nothing has to ever even try to link directly to the vendor-specific version, because that would be non-portable and wrong
[09:40:41] mikedoty: If I try to view the stream from /dev/video0 in vlc, it resizes to maybe the size you'd expect, but it just shows a dark grey, basically black screen as well.
[09:40:43] justinh: mikedoty: a black screen eh? and nothing in the mythtv backend log?
[09:40:59] justinh: mikedoty: what kind of tuner card is it?
[09:41:08] Dagmar: justinh: Oh you're going to love this guy
[09:41:12] Justin__: Here's the thing Dagmar, I've obviously been spending a lot of time on this, reading the docs, etc. How am I suppose to know I'm going down a dead end? You're acting like I'm an idiot for asking these questions. I asked here incase anyone know, and could tell me "opengl xvmc is broken as shit, don't waste your time" and I could have been done with this hours ago
[09:42:00] gardz (gardz! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:42:25] mikedoty: justinh, it's a Hauppauge HVR 1800
[09:42:41] Dagmar: Justin: No, I'm acting like you're an idiot for arguing with me, actually. Gotta be specific.
[09:42:45] Dagmar: Beyond that you're doing fine.
[09:42:53] justinh: ahh bleeding edge hardware support in linux.. there's nothing quite like it
[09:43:10] Dagmar: That 0 that is leading the version number... Think of it as being in 96 point Impact, and blood red.
[09:43:13] Dagmar: It's a warning.
[09:43:20] Dagmar: It means "much of this code is completely insane".
[09:43:24] mikedoty: It detected it just like that in ... Capture card setup
[09:43:37] justinh: mikedoty: mythtv doesn't 'detect' anything
[09:43:39] Deek: oooh, new Dune movie
[09:43:44] Dibblah: Don't worry – Everyone feels that Dagmar treats them like idiots. Apparently, everyone is wrong ;)
[09:43:50] mikedoty: Video device /dev/video0, Probed info: Hauppauge HVR 1800 is what shows up
[09:43:54] Dagmar: If you've still got hair on your head, it's because you've not looked the code that handles --arch and --cpu yet
[09:44:20] justinh: mikedoty: that's a hybrid card – digital and analogue. the last I read about it (on friday actually) is that analogue isn't yet working on it
[09:44:36] mikedoty: And I did change Card type to ... mpeg2
[09:44:58] mikedoty: Hm. Would analog include the signal I get from my satellite receiver through svid?
[09:45:04] justinh: yes
[09:45:09] mikedoty: Oh that's a bummer!
[09:45:12] Dagmar: "Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large numbers"
[09:45:23] Dagmar: Just because their numbers are large, doesn't mean they're right.
[09:45:37] justinh: go back in time & read up on which cards are supported in linux _right_ _now_ before buying kit
[09:45:50] mikedoty: Well, it's possible I can still return this one.
[09:46:06] mikedoty: An unfortunate inconvenience but nothing too bad
[09:46:13] Dagmar: Justin: You'll find that turning on a LOT of things beyond what the configure script detects or forcing things will result in a veritable smorgasbord of hard crashes and possibly spontaneous reboots
[09:46:34] mikedoty: Is there anything I could do to get this to work? I thought I saw something on one page about beta drivers for this card that might support analog
[09:46:44] Dibblah: Especially the things that don't appear in --help ;)
[09:47:13] Dagmar: Most of the bits that refuse to act like they would appear they should are the ones most likely to result in a broken frontend
[09:47:15] Deek: dagar: on the bright side, a simple -march=native works now
[09:47:38] Dibblah: For some versions of GCC.
[09:47:38] Dagmar: Deek: I would be happier if they would take that code _out_
[09:47:41] justinh: mikedoty: maybe beta driver code for the analogue part exists, maybe not
[09:47:56] Dibblah: And only if you aren't a packager.
[09:48:08] Deek: Dagmar: out of gcc?
[09:48:18] Dagmar: No, out of the configure script.
[09:48:25] Dagmar: It only seems to get worse with each revision.
[09:48:53] Dagmar: Things would probably go better if they'd just leave CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS alone and trust packagers not to break it.
[09:49:01] reviloot1eg (reviloot1eg!n=oliver@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:50:12] Dagmar: Like, right now, in 0.21-fixes, if you just run `./configure --arch=i686` you will get a nice error message to the effect of "CPU specific ./configure options failed compile test. Removing CPU specific compilation options. ()"
[09:50:18] Dagmar: What options did it pick? None, actually.
[09:50:26] Dagmar: What's it trying to do to test?
[09:50:59] Dibblah: Dagmar: It's pretty much required by ffmpeg.
[09:51:04] Dagmar: God only knows because config.log goes almost entirely unused
[09:51:19] Dagmar: ffmpeg doesn't screw it up
[09:51:23] Dibblah: ... That's because it's config.mak and config.h.
[09:51:32] Dibblah: config.log is... A log.
[09:52:04] Dagmar: Go clone line 2205 and replace the clone with an echo statement.
[09:52:21] Dibblah: Dagmar: If you care, fix it.
[09:52:25] Dagmar: ARCHFLAGS gets set to _null_ under conditions it should not.
[09:52:31] Dibblah: If you don't, stop complaining.
[09:52:42] Dagmar: I just work around the damn thing each time
[09:52:44] justinh: Dibblah: aww but whining is so much _fun_
[09:53:05] Dagmar: I don't know enough to provide a 100% fix, but that doesn't mean I don't know enough to know what's there is broken as hell.
[09:53:12] Dibblah: open source is the ultimate in careware.
[09:53:21] directhex|work: carebears!
[09:53:23] Dibblah: If people don't care, nothing gets done.
[09:53:45] Dibblah: Dagmar: Yay! Another finger pointer! ;)
[09:54:17] Dagmar: Where did I say I didn't care?
[09:54:38] Dibblah: When you said you weren't up to working on a patch.
[09:54:43] Dagmar: This would be the first package I've ever seen that required this kind of jiggery-pokery
[09:54:51] Dagmar: You need to learn to read then.
[09:55:52] gardz (gardz! has quit ()
[09:56:11] Dibblah: That's what I like about you. Never confrontational.
[09:57:04] Dagmar: Then don't claim I said something I didn't.
[09:57:07] Dagmar: It's very simple.
[09:57:22] Dibblah: "I don't know enough to provide a 100% fix, "
[09:57:38] Dagmar: If you don't want me to "confront" you about something.
[09:57:39] Dibblah: Sounds like you are not intending on working on a patch to me?
[09:58:07] Dagmar: So you're deciding that if I don't provide a patch, it means I don't care.
[09:58:27] Deek: ...enough
[09:58:31] Dibblah: No, I'm deciding that if you don't provide a patch, you're just whining ;)
[09:58:57] Dagmar: I'm not whining, I'm warning this other kid to stop assuming that just because something's in the configure script, that it doesn't mean it _works_ or _makes any sense_.
[09:59:03] Dibblah: But Deek's right. I'll let you get the last word in and stop ;)
[09:59:06] Dagmar: That's screwing him up large.
[09:59:42] Deek: heh, I was just adding a word to the sentence. :)
[09:59:43] revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:01:33] Dagmar: *MY* solution to it would be very simple. I'd thrown that whole damn section out.
[10:02:03] EvilGuru (EvilGuru! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:02:03] ** directhex|work recompiles Dagmar for itanium **
[10:02:32] Dagmar: ...without someone documenting what the heck they thought they were trying to do in that code, that's pretty much the only option available.
[10:09:07] justinh: it's a perfectly reasonable assumption to make that any configure option that doesn't appear in the list of available options isn't enabled for a very good reason. users aren't expected to go foraging in the configure script
[10:13:00] DGnome: oh fark.. cant seem to keep track of everything and dies :/
[10:13:22] directhex|work: DGnome, so does it's likje they're cousins!
[10:13:35] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[10:13:54] DGnome: directhex|work: :o
[10:13:59] mikedoty: Thanks for your time everyone
[10:14:02] mikedoty (mikedoty! has quit ("Leaving")
[10:15:05] directhex|work: DGnome, it looks right at home! other than the mind-boggling disk space requirements. and chinese window title. and constant crashes. and a/v desync. . . . tv-win32.JPG
[10:15:43] DGnome: /src/mythtv/contrib/OSX/build/.osx-packager/build/include/mythtv/httpcomms.h:9:1 7: error: QHttp: No such file or directory <-- there's my problem
[10:16:07] directhex|work: DGnome, not building trunk i hope
[10:16:29] DGnome: yessir bob :)
[10:16:38] DGnome: I know I shouldnt
[10:16:56] DGnome: trunk builds fine on debian fyi
[10:19:54] directhex|work: DGnome, but has osx-packager been updated to deal with the qt4 deps?
[10:21:06] DGnome: Seems so..
[10:21:19] DGnome: or not
[10:21:20] DGnome: :)
[10:22:04] DGnome: apparanently not.
[10:22:39] DGnome: my bad, I blame the lack of sufficent blood-caffeine-level
[10:22:44] ** EvilGuru did not think there was a win32 version, at least not in the same form as the OS X/Linux ones **
[10:24:21] DGnome: directhex|work: or thenagain, the packager script does download qt-mac-opensource-src-4.3.4.tar.gz
[10:30:52] Dagmar: Hm... I *might* be able to unbreak the fast_cmov checks
[10:31:27] Dagmar: At least that issue I pounded on with ffmpeg enough (as well as previous to that because of something DLG-related and those goddamn C3 CPUs that have no cmov)
[10:31:42] Dagmar: <-- kinda sums it up
[10:32:33] Dagmar: This shoudln't be tied to whether or not cpu_override was set tho. I dont' know what someone was thinking when they tied it to that logic.
[10:32:51] directhex|work: Dagmar, fuck c3 users. if they want a modern cpu, they dhouldn't be using an idt winchip with fancy die shrinking
[10:33:39] Dagmar: C3 users should be completely out of the picture for MythTV because they're barely fast enough to pass as a frontend, and they won't pass as a backend for framegrabber cards.
[10:33:55] directhex|work: much like c7 users!
[10:34:15] Dagmar: The main issue tho is that presently, the configure script is mainly getting it backwards and using an expectation that the CPU has a slower htan usual cmov implementation
[10:35:00] Dagmar: ...when it really should come down to just what's on that page... "It's quite simple, HAVE_FAST_CMOV should be set whenever HAVE_CMOV is set and target CPU isn't a Netburst-based CPU."
[10:35:34] Dagmar: ...which is handled correctly (as far as I can tell) by x86_slow_cmov_cpus="pentium4,pentium4m,prescott,nocona"
[10:35:57] Dagmar: ...but it's never checked and will assume a slow_cmov, which is probably wrong altogether because the slow_cmov chips are the minority-case.
[10:39:58] justinh: care in the community isn't working. 21 people are watching my epia board on ebay
[10:41:19] Dagmar: So that's 21 people that know (or at least suspect) that they suck
[10:41:21] hashbang: heh
[10:41:35] hashbang: justinh: two people are watching my broken Samsung DVD/HT player
[10:45:09] directhex|work:
[10:48:57] ireverentReveren (ireverentReveren! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:49:18] Ozymandias (Ozymandias! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:51:49] brushhead (brushhead! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:51:59] brushhead: Hello,
[10:52:15] brushhead: does anyone use MythTV with a Terratec 1200 DVB-T card?
[10:52:56] justinh: does a Terratec 1200 DVB-T card work in linux.. that would be a more pertinent question
[10:52:58] directhex|work: is that the PCIe one?
[10:53:16] brushhead: not it's the PIC normal one
[10:53:26] brushhead: PCIe is not support yet is it in LinuxTV drivers?
[10:53:40] justinh: nope
[10:54:40] brushhead: well it does yes, I have got pictures and it's happy
[10:54:51] brushhead: but the abckedn keeps crapping ouit without putting anything int he log
[10:55:13] justinh: ahh there's your problem. the backend has turned into an anagram
[10:55:28] brushhead: sorry, cold fingers and typing too quickly
[10:56:09] justinh: very unusual not to have _anything_ in the log at all
[10:56:34] brushhead: well i'm trying to track down if it's a LinuxDVb driver prob, or myth
[10:56:41] brushhead: i'm running 0.21 btw
[10:56:58] justinh: and you selected the tuner card type as DVB in mythtv-setup, yes?
[10:58:20] brushhead: oh is working but the backend is dying radmonl;y
[10:58:42] justinh: did you test the tuner with tzap?
[10:59:18] brushhead: erm...well no but have managed to get a lock with dvbtune
[10:59:34] brushhead: so as far as I can tell, it is happy...
[10:59:56] brushhead: but in mythtv-setup it is canning hunkydory
[11:00:03] brushhead: scanning sorry
[11:00:32] justinh: tzap reports useful numbers about the signal strength & quality
[11:01:13] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:01:13] brushhead: well I have a good signal I think
[11:01:25] brushhead: can that affect my backend stability?
[11:01:33] justinh: sometimes
[11:01:49] brushhead: hmmm....frankly I am in a brodeline area for signal quality
[11:02:06] brushhead: it's re-distroed on a cable pipe
[11:02:28] brushhead: i have a MythTV abckend running DVB-S and that's is rock shit solid
[11:02:36] brushhead: those are Skystar 2's
[11:02:43] brushhead: three of them, getting another tweo
[11:03:23] brushhead: would really like to nail this DVB-T problem though..
[11:03:33] brushhead: I did a system for my parents, with LIRC remotes etc etc
[11:03:59] brushhead: getting a bit frustrated, spent an hour upgrading to 0.21 and was hoping that it would sort it out
[11:04:14] brushhead: funny thing is though is it ionly appears to die when viewing live TV..
[11:04:18] brushhead: recordings occur ok I think
[11:06:50] Dagmar: As far as the backend is concerned, liveTV and a recording are pretty much the same thing man.
[11:07:35] brushhead: sort of realised that, but i'm trying to find something that gives me a lead..
[11:07:54] brushhead: i did die overnight last night
[11:08:19] brushhead: frontends seems a bit more processor hungry now...was running 0.20.2 on a celeron 1200
[11:08:28] brushhead: and it was fine, now on 0.21 it is a lot slower.
[11:08:36] brushhead: may play with the codec settings
[11:08:37] Dagmar: You're typing remarkably well, considering the amount of rigor mortis.
[11:08:47] brushhead: cold in my garage here in wales
[11:08:47] raa (raa! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:08:48] shiznix: try starting the backend with verbose info logging, 'mythbackend -v all -l somefile.log'
[11:08:54] Dagmar: Ahhh
[11:09:04] brushhead: oh that's a good idea!
[11:09:20] gandalfcome (gandalfcome!n=gandalfc@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:10:36] brushhead: can I get the LinuxTV subsystem to increase the logging verbosity?
[11:10:52] brushhead: i know it's not strictly myth matter but hey
[11:11:11] Dagmar: Hit whatever modules you're using with `modinfo modulename` and see if something promising shows up
[11:11:14] Dibblah: modinfo dvb_core
[11:11:33] Dibblah: I'd suggest -v all,nodatabase.
[11:11:38] Dibblah: To start with.
[11:11:43] brushhead: ah ok...this is really useful...better than the forums..
[11:11:50] Dagmar: database == logSPAMtactle
[11:12:07] Dagmar: nodatabase ftw
[11:15:21] brushhead: cheers, i'll try some of those...
[11:15:26] brushhead: thta's great
[11:16:02] brushhead: ttfn...I shall be a regular on here now...
[11:16:11] brushhead (brushhead! has quit ()
[11:17:28] clever (clever! has quit ()
[11:21:17] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[11:43:45] patdk is now known as PatrickDK
[12:08:26] odz (odz! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:13:53] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:18:27] dustybin: i have 3 remotes, 1 for my TV, 1 for my AV reciever, and one for MythTV, is it about time i bought one remote for all?
[12:19:18] dustybin: and another for my sub bass box
[12:19:22] dustybin: 4 remotes!
[12:20:25] dustybin: what universal remotes out there are any good?
[12:21:07] Floppe: maybe, I had 7 remotes (DVD, CD, receiver, Myth, TV, SAT, HA) before I bought my universal remote. =P
[12:21:40] dustybin: jeeze
[12:22:08] justinh: <3 my OFA-6
[12:22:16] dustybin: the Logitech Harmony look pretty nice
[12:22:27] justinh: a matter of opinion
[12:22:40] justinh: button frickin overload
[12:24:17] TelnetManta (TelnetManta!n=benwilli@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:25:45] dustybin: justinh: is this yours:
[12:25:51] dustybin: it looks like a strange beast
[12:26:11] Raspberry (Raspberry! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:29:37] dustybin: can you fire another remote at the universal remote so it can learn the codes?
[12:30:09] dustybin: point, aim, press, learn, assign key, done
[12:33:11] lyricnz (lyricnz! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:42:12] directhex|work: boxes. . . . DSC00001.JPG
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[12:57:43] dustybin: 28% of .22 is done already? thats a bit quick?
[12:57:46] dustybin:
[12:59:50] hashbang: dustybin: done != tested, presumably. :-)
[13:00:16] dustybin: "Gallery module for mythweb" <-- excellent :D
[13:01:12] dustybin: "Add Lyrics visualization to MythMusic" <-- WTF LOL
[13:01:58] directhex|work: dustybin, karaoke.
[13:02:17] Octane (Octane! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
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[13:02:29] dustybin: yes lol
[13:02:34] directhex|work: hashbang, and that's percentage of tickets marked 0.22 versus tickets marked 0.22 which are closed. that doesn't mean no new tickets will be added, nor that tickets are of equal complexity
[13:04:06] dustybin: the Me-po theme really does make mythtv look nice
[13:04:23] dustybin: it doesnt matter about effects, etc
[13:05:43] Freman: we can't get a channel lock on one multiplexer, tzap can get a lock on it, but mythtv can't
[13:05:50] Freman: it just instantly comes up with can't get a lock
[13:07:07] hashbang: Freman: set to the right region?
[13:07:52] Freman: I yeh, all set to aus, it picks up SC-10, Prime, ETC but it won't tune to abc channels at all
[13:08:03] hashbang: justinh: oh, I think the Radio Times xmltv feed has blown up again
[13:08:35] nagnag (nagnag! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:16:10] Freman:
[13:16:20] Freman: (at the bottom) you can see tzap gets a lock
[13:16:27] Freman: but mythtv just wants to make my head hurt
[13:17:36] ToadP (ToadP! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:19:04] lyricnz (lyricnz! has quit ()
[13:21:11] Dagmar: w00t
[13:21:15] Dagmar: One fix down, many to go
[13:22:20] Dagmar: I may attack the rest of the CPU type shit tomorrow
[13:22:55] javatexan (javatexan!n=aars@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:22:59] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:25:03] Weezey (Weezey!n=ohno@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:26:28] Weezey: I'm looking at getting HD. My options are Rogers or Bell, but I already have Bell, so I'd like to stick with them. Does anyone have their 6141 IRD? Does it output to something that the pcHDTV HD-5500 can read?
[13:28:12] justinh: you can't use a set top box in conjunction with a HD tuner card
[13:33:27] Zarum2 (Zarum2! has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.2 :: )")
[13:37:17] justinh: hashbang: ffs. what are they up to now?
[13:37:45] justinh: making sure we get what we pay for? ;)
[13:38:06] directhex|work: justinh, do you pay your license fee?
[13:38:23] justinh: radiotimes has FA to do with the license fee
[13:38:38] hashbang: justinh: worked ok when I ran it just now, so I guess they fixed it this AM
[13:40:43] directhex|work: justinh, who writes & publishes RT?
[13:41:09] justinh: not an arm of the BBC funded by the license fee, apparently
[13:41:44] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:43:39] ** Freman sighs and packs it in for the night **
[13:46:50] Weezey: justinh: what's the best way to get HD then? Switch to Rogers and plug my cable feed directly into that tuner card?
[13:47:40] directhex|work: you don't get unencrypted cable
[13:47:47] Dagmar: For the most part, yes, although that will have problems of it's won.
[13:47:56] nicholas_ (nicholas_! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:48:03] Dagmar: I'd say for now go for a cheap SD capture, and wait for the new Hauppauge unit to hit the market
[13:48:11] Dagmar: Dual *component* input
[13:48:21] Dagmar: It *should* be hitting before midsummer.
[13:48:27] directhex|work: single input w/ passthrough output
[13:48:28] Weezey: when are they anticipating tha....
[13:48:35] Weezey: awesome
[13:48:40] Dagmar: I'm waiting on the same thing
[13:48:46] justinh: Dagmar: bullshit. component input & loop-through. not dual input
[13:48:55] Dagmar: Oh, okay. It looked like two inputs.
[13:49:08] Weezey: whatever, I'll only need one anyway
[13:49:18] Weezey: what's it called?
[13:49:28] Weezey: and will it be supported?
[13:49:45] Dagmar: Hauppage seems to like us now, so they might give the ivtv people some tipses
[13:49:59] hashbang: . . . s_wanted.htm
[13:50:07] nick_fn (nick_fn! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:50:09] justinh: the linux diver is already in the works
[13:50:11] Weezey: they have been most helpful
[13:50:28] ajh: Anyone have experience with getting the imonlcd stuff working?
[13:50:36] directhex|work: hashbang, best place to get good reporting – a posting on a website for jobs for actors, making no requests r.e. authenticity
[13:50:49] Weezey: I only ask because the HD Hauppauge cards weren't supported for a while
[13:51:14] ajh: I'm seeing both VFD and IR port open and close, but getting stream of randomness on the display and nothing from irw at all :(
[13:51:47] ajh: that and every 'howto' seems to be different, and vague.
[13:52:00] directhex|work: i need a nap. can someone cover for me?
[13:52:43] PatrickDK: nap sounds good
[13:52:48] PatrickDK: I just rolled out of bed 5min ago
[13:53:06] directhex|work: god, i'm knackered
[13:53:22] PatrickDK: I think I'm just starting to get sick
[13:53:36] ** PatrickDK spreads the germs :) **
[13:57:18] reviloot1eg (reviloot1eg!n=oliver@ has quit ("leaving")
[14:01:40] dustybin: i just found out that ipods cannot read a single .gif in the same dir as the album music files, for a ipod to display the artwork, it needs to be embedded into the actual mp3 file
[14:01:58] justinh: who'd want a fscking gif anyway?!
[14:02:19] justinh: it's not 1980 anymore
[14:02:29] dustybin: justinh: i got new alpine stereo now, so im in the process of writing a script to convert FLAC > MP3 + album artwork
[14:03:40] directhex|work: folder.bmp!
[14:03:52] dustybin: ?
[14:04:15] iamlindoro_: Weren't you the one who was like "Boo hoo Myth doesn't play ALAC right I'm too good for MP3s?"
[14:04:41] mikeones (mikeones! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:04:47] directhex|work: iamlindoro_, dustybin reads something once and runs with it. fast.
[14:05:11] iamlindoro_: directhex|work: Not that I don't appreciate decisiveness, but...
[14:05:23] justinh: s/reads/skims
[14:05:29] directhex|work: iamlindoro_, but 5 year old codec comparisons suck?
[14:05:43] ** iamlindoro_ nods vigorously. **
[14:06:16] iamlindoro_: I always seem to wake up at the most opportune times
[14:06:24] directhex|work: iamlindoro_, i need a nap. cover for me
[14:07:09] iamlindoro_: Also, the retardation level in this room is always proportional to how close I am to falling into a dead sleep at night time (dustybin, this part isn't about you, but about the moronic stuff going on in here last night when I was falling asleep)
[14:07:26] iamlindoro_: directhex|work: Done, I'll handle the insulting and the MOARs for a bit in here
[14:10:17] jvs_ (jvs_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[14:11:04] jvs_ is now known as vjs
[14:11:06] vjs is now known as jvs
[14:16:34] ajh: argh, looks like it's a simple matter of antec not putting the IR receiver in the Fusion Silver, all the faq's were for the black.
[14:19:31] justinh: why would they do that? and what do they say about it?
[14:20:04] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:20:06] iamlindoro_: The silver most certainly DOES have a receiver
[14:20:57] iamlindoro_: The faqs are for the black because it's infinitely harder to set up, the silver is practically plug and play
[14:21:03] iamlindoro_: . . . e/htpc-cases
[14:21:40] justinh: IR receiver not included / correct module not loaded :)
[14:21:50] ajh: ok, some people are saying they left the receiver out, some are not.
[14:21:56] iamlindoro_: s///
[14:22:21] iamlindoro_: anyway, off to get ready for work-- IR receiver is there, I set one up ages ago
[14:22:56] iamlindoro_: Shouldn't even need to compile your own LCDProc on the silver, it works with the default LCDProc
[14:23:23] ajh: the manual mentions the VFD and the volume but not a receiver, there may be multiple versions
[14:23:57] iamlindoro_:
[14:24:04] iamlindoro_: read the warning box
[14:24:51] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:26:18] ajh: ah, I bought this last year
[14:26:23] justinh: gash looking case anyway IMHO
[14:26:29] ajh: damn.
[14:34:12] jams: ajh- version 1 of the antec fusion does not have a receiver
[14:34:15] jams: version 2 does
[14:35:57] jams: v1 was silver(no black) v2 is available in both silver and black
[14:36:21] shame (shame! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:36:26] ajh: jams, yeah I seem to have v1 then. The driver is seeing the vfd but I can't get it to display
[14:36:32] ajh: I get permission denied.
[14:37:15] ajh: No receiver is OK I guess since it'll be in the cabinet anyway.
[14:38:44] justinh: what's the point of buying a case you like the look of if you only hide it away? ;)
[14:39:35] ajh: yeah, yeah :) after I move I'll be putting in a glass front rack for stuff
[14:40:22] ajh: I'm guessing I need a udev rule to create the proper lcd device.
[14:42:51] jams: the case is alright, I don't regret buying it.
[14:43:51] justinh: if I end up getting a flat panel tv this year I think I'll just take the plunge & buy a mac mini anyway. not a very likely scenario though
[14:44:16] directhex|work: can you afford it after the car fiasco?
[14:44:53] justinh: not that much out of pocket
[14:47:35] justinh: granted there were expenses I could've done without...
[14:48:48] justinh: saved about a ton in fuel costs since getting the car. all gonna add up
[14:49:17] ajh: this is odd, it looks like it's running LCDd fine, looks like myth sees it, but nothing comes on the screen now.
[14:50:09] ajh: and it still thinks it's opening and closing an IR port, so perhaps it is there on this one.
[14:51:12] iamlindoro: lsusb ftw
[14:52:23] clever: lshw gives a crapload more info
[14:52:35] clever: but makes it harder to see only usb info if thats what your after
[14:52:58] directhex|work: hwinfo --usb
[14:53:20] clever: its still probly not a format people are used to
[14:54:23] clever: bash: hwinfo: command not found
[14:54:32] clever: and no package matched up to it
[14:55:15] ajh: handy, but it doesn't give more details unfortunately just that lirc_imon is active
[14:55:24] jams: for v1 of the case the volume knob shows up as an lirc device.
[14:55:26] ajh: class and model are unknown
[14:55:36] clever: weird:S
[14:55:57] ajh: vendor 0x15c2 device 0xffdc
[14:56:45] Freman: I'll probably be back tomorrow
[14:56:50] Freman: must get abc working
[14:57:06] ajh: Apr 7 10:45:22 banff kernel: [222492.087071] /home/ajh/lirc/drivers/lirc_imon/lirc_imon.c: VFD port opened
[14:57:33] Freman (Freman! has left #Mythtv-users ()
[14:58:06] Como|lappy (Como|lappy! has quit ("whats big and french and hairy all over?")
[14:58:43] ajh: should imon be an option for lircd?
[14:58:50] kslater: ok, which one of you was hinting about working on the Hauppauge DVR-USB device?
[14:59:46] justinh: none of us
[14:59:51] kslater: hehe
[15:00:08] ** justinh deletes yet more win32 mythtv junk email **
[15:00:35] justinh: kslater: he's not here
[15:01:29] kslater: cool. I'm drooling over that device. It was the first time a device looks like it will be better than what I originally heard
[15:02:38] justinh: the hauppauge PVR-2NDBEST-HD-Capture device (tm)
[15:02:48] justinh: better than nothing (tm)
[15:03:42] justinh: I shouldn't scoff really -we might end up needing such a device here in the UK at some point
[15:04:49] justinh: oh god. I can't believe what I've just read
[15:04:59] ** justinh abandons all hope for the UI **
[15:05:01] justinh (justinh! has quit (" - it's not as hard to use as it")
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[15:17:59] justinh: seriously. I mean. flipbook animation for a progress indicator? I'm sure qt4 has better things
[15:18:13] directhex|work: it does
[15:18:22] directhex|work: but only if they include a version of qt4 higher than centos has
[15:18:34] directhex|work: and YOU CAN'T LEAVE CENTOS USERS IN THE COLD :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
[15:18:37] justinh: it's a lost cause then
[15:19:17] justinh: might aswell use AVI files like a certain other OS
[15:19:46] hashbang: justinh: not necessarily; Axel or Karanbir might be able to build a differently-named Qt4 package
[15:20:04] hashbang: justinh: then the mythtv RPMs can depend on that rather than plain Qt4
[15:20:09] iamlindoro__: directhex|work, Cue the "What's wrong with CentOS??" butt-hurtiness
[15:20:22] directhex|work: iamlindoro_, TEH ENTERPRISE SI TEH BETTARZ!
[15:20:42] justinh: seriously though/ flipbook animation? it's 2008
[15:21:21] directhex|work: justinh, MNG!
[15:21:22] iamlindoro__: $MyDistro is $FeatureList! You can $Functionality! You can't do *that* in $OtherDistro! $OtherDistro is to hard/easy/bloated/lightweight!
[15:21:32] tjcarter: LOL
[15:21:32] iamlindoro__: er is too
[15:21:46] directhex|work: my tank is fight!
[15:22:03] justinh: 4.0 apparently has the 'Arthur' paint system which can do radial gradients & stuff. wouldn't be surprised if you could paint a bitmap onscreen with a radial wipe
[15:22:14] directhex|work: probably
[15:22:25] iamlindoro__: mmmm, MythTV Hypercard interface
[15:23:00] justinh: so do that rather than waste memory on separate images. there are precious few motivated themers as it is without requiring animators :(
[15:23:29] tjcarter: iamlindoro__: Oooh, a port to OS9! Just one problem...
[15:23:38] tjcarter: Can hardware that old decode video?  ;)
[15:24:14] iamlindoro__: I actually saw a guy using OS 9 the other day in a coffee shop, I was shocked
[15:24:48] tjcarter: O_O
[15:25:49] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:28:27] ajh: iamlindoro, on a CoCo?
[15:29:02] ajh: A bit bulky for a coffee shop.
[15:29:16] iamlindoro__: I think it was a 1st generation powerbook IIRC
[15:29:27] justinh: some people with weird fetishes go to clubs to show off their weirdness – others – they run os/9 & go to coffee shops
[15:29:30] ajh: Oh, you don't mean OS9, you mean MacOS v9 :)
[15:29:30] directhex|work: ajh, apple os/9, not microsoft os/9 basic interpreter
[15:29:44] ajh: direct, microware
[15:29:48] directhex|work: ajh, i spot your obscure computing reference, but my recognition has added welshness!
[15:30:25] ajh: So the most useful info I've gotten out of the VFD so far is Bus 004 Device 006: ID 15c2:ffdc SoundGraph Inc. iMON PAD Remote Controller
[15:31:03] justinh: personally, I prefer to check out the local talent rather than try to determine what people are running on their portable computing device but hey
[15:31:18] directhex|work: justdave, hooray for boobies
[15:31:30] directhex|work: justinh, ^
[15:31:33] ^willie^Afk is now known as ^Willie^
[15:31:47] justinh: look at the.. erm.. rack on that... WHOAH! he's running OS9 !
[15:32:08] justinh: ^^ before going to ask for his phone number..
[15:32:33] Saviq (Saviq! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:32:49] Saviq: hi guys, what can this: PIDInfo(0) Error: Failed to set TS filter (pid 0x10) be about?
[15:33:04] Saviq: frontend says the channel is locked, but backend can't record
[15:33:16] justinh: it probably failed to set the TS filter for a PID of 0x10
[15:33:26] justinh: i.e. the stream isn't there
[15:33:30] directhex|work: it means you love hairy bums
[15:34:01] iamlindoro__: I KNEW IT
[15:34:22] Saviq: well szap locks fine :/
[15:34:26] justinh: Saviq: welcome to the world of CHANNELMOVEAROUND
[15:34:42] iamlindoro__: justinh, He was the only guy in the coffee shop at 6 AM and I happened to walk behind him ;)
[15:34:46] Saviq: justinh: the channel was scanned like 10s before
[15:34:54] justinh: either that or scanning is broken again
[15:35:19] justinh: look in the backend log, as usual
[15:35:47] jams: oh man, my new switch is to big for the wiring cabinet
[15:35:52] justinh: iamlindoro__: 6 AM? what is this '6 AM' you speak of?
[15:35:54] ajh: Oh I'm having a very odd scanning problem, all the left-circular transponders on one bird won't scan at all.
[15:36:06] directhex|work: jams, if you'd only bought cheap low-end netgears, there'd be no problem!
[15:36:08] iamlindoro__: justinh, It's the one that happens when sensible people are sleeping :)
[15:36:09] ajh: the right work fine.
[15:36:22] justinh: iamlindoro__: or still awake from the night before :)
[15:36:23] jams: directhex|work- thats what i'm replacing =)
[15:36:27] iamlindoro__: indeed
[15:36:36] directhex|work: jams, with high-end enterprise-ready netgears! good for you!
[15:38:43] ajh: ok, actually none of the Left's scan at all, on either.
[15:38:56] justinh: oh jesus. I've never actually heard anybody say "for the win" out loud before. roflmao
[15:39:15] directhex|work: justinh, i've heard people say "roflcopter" out loud
[15:40:14] siXy (siXy!n=siXy@ has quit ("Leaving")
[15:40:14] iamlindoro__: directhex|work, Thankfully those people are self-selecting themselves out of the gene pool\
[15:40:15] Saviq: ok, that's it for gentoo and me
[15:40:40] directhex|work: Saviq, but gentoo allows you to emerge world! imagine a world without emergings!
[15:40:42] Saviq: 4 days of setup and it hangs on tune :[
[15:41:32] shame (shame!n=mike@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:42:16] saintdev: I just changed sound cards Audigy2->Razer AC-1 (oxygen chipset), and now it seems like the samplerate is incorrect in myth, is there any way to change it?
[15:43:38] justinh: jeebus. soundcards so leet they have to put pretty coloured stickers on them
[15:43:57] saintdev: got it for cheap off :)
[15:44:13] saintdev: and it has optical out which my audigy didn't
[15:44:30] Aval0n: justinh: would it be possible to solder to the legs of an spdif coax connector like I did the fiber?
[15:44:33] justinh: optical bracketry is dirt cheap
[15:45:05] justinh: Aval0n: it's not a logic level. more like 1V pk-pk
[15:45:22] directhex|work: justinh, the razer ac-1 is more leet than you can possibly imagine
[15:45:22] Aval0n: ahh so no go then
[15:45:46] justinh: directhex|work: I see it has DirectBullshit processing (tm) onboard
[15:46:30] directhex|work: justinh, and a custom headphone connector for using with your special razer headphones
[15:46:36] saintdev: anywho, is there any way to change the (playback) sample rate in myth?
[15:47:07] justinh: saintdev: playback rate is.. tada.. the same as the rate as the source material
[15:47:45] saintdev: so myth doesn't do _any_ resampling?
[15:47:56] justinh: nope
[15:48:58] saintdev: justinh: thanks, guess i'll look elsewhere then ;)
[15:49:31] justinh: alsa config, usually...
[15:49:58] justinh: though it'd have to be one shite soundcard not to be able to deal with all of 32khz/44.1khz/48khz
[15:50:45] saintdev: well the driver is fairly young. the strange thing is it's only myth that sounds off.
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[16:00:51] Aval0n: justinh: have you ever sodlered to a tosslink to hdmi header before?
[16:01:07] Aval0n: from tosslink to spdif for hdmi cable rather
[16:01:35] Aval0n: like I did on this board.. soldered to the tosslink and had a 2 pin pin-header on my video board for HDMI
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[16:10:11] ajh: is the SW44 multiswitch just not supported?
[16:12:38] iamlindoro__: Myth doesn't support specific switches-- it supports any DiSeqC switch up to version 1.3
[16:12:49] ajh: SW44 is legacy
[16:13:11] iamlindoro__: If it's not DiSeqC, then it's unlikely to be supported
[16:13:59] ajh: so how do I run 2 dvb cards?
[16:14:55] iamlindoro__: I'm not sure either you or I understands that question
[16:15:25] ajh: OK, sorry 4 cables from 2 dual LNBs 2 to each satellite. 3 DVB cards in receiver.
[16:16:08] ajh: If I use the SW44 and plug 2 outputs into a disqec thenI only get the right-circular transponders.
[16:17:24] ajh: I could plug each into a 2 port and into it's own card but that wouldn't let me record twice from two transponders on the same bird.
[16:17:35] ajh: I think.
[16:18:35] ajh: Both birds are in the same slot, which apparently complicates things.
[16:21:15] ajh: ignore that last line, someone gave me bad info. :)
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[16:35:10] ajh: ok, what I want to do looks like it won't work with myth because of lack up support for big multiswitches.
[16:39:57] ajh: unless dishpro style stacked LNB are supported....
[16:45:16] iamlindoro__: Considering any attempt to get Dish/BEV into Myth via DVB-S is off-limits discussion in thsi room, it's sort of a moot point
[16:46:22] revilootneg (revilootneg! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:50:21] Aval0n: anyone know a site where you can chose what you are looking for in a motherboard and it finds it for you?
[16:50:36] Aval0n: and don't say google cause i've been googling for 2 days straight trying to find it ;)
[16:50:47] iamlindoro__: Google
[16:50:56] iamlindoro__: Yahoo
[16:50:57] iamlindoro__: ;)
[16:51:38] Aval0n: *eye roll*
[16:51:59] iamlindoro__: Maybe your magic bullet justdoesn' exist
[16:52:03] iamlindoro__: er just doesn't
[16:52:07] Aval0n: I need a board that does core2duo has 3 pci slots and a toslink connector for spdif
[16:52:16] Aval0n: I found an board from AMD
[16:52:19] Aval0n: that does it
[16:52:24] Aval0n: but I was looking for core2duo
[16:52:35] iamlindoro__: How about "Any full size ATX board"
[16:52:42] Aval0n: I need microatx
[16:52:48] Aval0n: forgot to mention that
[16:52:57] hachi: you're going to be hard pressed to find pci slots I would think
[16:53:01] hachi: since the world is moving on
[16:53:09] Aval0n: I know
[16:53:17] Aval0n: my current board has 3 pci and a toslink
[16:53:24] Aval0n: but only supports pentium d and HT
[16:53:28] Aval0n: uhg
[16:53:30] Dagmar: NewEgg
[16:53:37] Aval0n: I was lookin on there too
[16:53:39] Aval0n: not seeing much
[16:53:48] Aval0n: . . . ard-VGA.aspx
[16:53:49] Dagmar: It's about the only way you're going to find what you're looking for, as it is now _minority equipment_
[16:53:51] Aval0n: would have been perfect
[16:53:58] Aval0n: but it's AMD
[16:54:05] Aval0n: I want to be able to watch HD movies without choppin
[16:54:07] Dagmar: Mini-ATX usually means 2 PCI slots at most.
[16:54:13] Aval0n: my p4 3.4ghz just isnt' cutting it
[16:54:23] Aval0n: Dagmar I need micro-atx
[16:54:36] Dagmar: Mini, micro, there ain't a ton of difference there.
[16:54:48] iamlindoro__: Aval0n, Not a chance w/ micro ATX
[16:54:51] iamlindoro__: never ever
[16:54:53] hachi: mini is like 120mm square isn't it?
[16:54:53] Dagmar: Outside of a full ATX motherboard, you generally get three PCI slots at most.
[16:55:03] iamlindoro__: You can get what you want w/ full ATX, but that's it
[16:55:07] FinnTux: I bet it's gonna be really hard to find micro-ATX mobo with 3 PCI slots...
[16:55:08] hachi: there is much difference between mini and micro
[16:55:10] Aval0n: iamlindoro: that link I just posted has it
[16:55:13] Aval0n: just AMD
[16:55:24] FinnTux: even full size mobos with 3 PCI are rare
[16:55:31] iamlindoro__: Aval0n, Then it's not what you want, is it??
[16:55:36] Aval0n: lol
[16:55:37] Aval0n: no
[16:55:42] hachi: why not solve the problem of why you need 3 pci slots?
[16:55:46] Dagmar: There's probably less than a dozen such boards, and most of them are probably Jetway and PCChips, neither of which you want anything to do with.
[16:56:11] iamlindoro__: I want a pony
[16:56:18] iamlindoro__: But we don't always get what we want
[16:56:31] hachi: I personally have only 2 cards in my server...
[16:56:39] hachi: I can afford a pony, but I don't want it
[16:56:41] iamlindoro__: Man up and buy full ATX is you need slots/C2D
[16:56:57] Aval0n: my case only supports microat
[16:56:58] Aval0n: x
[16:57:04] iamlindoro__: So buy another case
[16:57:13] Dagmar: Notice that the middle of the bell-shaped curve for Intel boards, regardless of size, is definitely 2 PCI slots only.
[16:57:27] Aval0n: sad part is
[16:57:37] FinnTux: Aval0n, buy full sized mobo and this:
[16:57:44] Aval0n: i would be fine with 2 pci except the heat sink on my pci-x video card is so huge it covers one
[16:57:53] Aval0n: FinnTux: no thnx
[16:57:54] Dagmar: . . . ;srchInDesc= <-- your only shots
[16:57:57] Aval0n: I'm not clicking that
[16:58:24] Dagmar: Then you can go to NewEgg and use their search interface yourself, or you can just continue whining.
[16:58:51] FinnTux: oh there really is such a beast...m-ATX/3 PCI
[16:58:51] Dagmar: Of those, only two support c2d CPUs.
[16:59:07] Aval0n: yeah
[16:59:12] Aval0n: and neither with toslink
[16:59:21] iamlindoro__: So get a Turtle beach USB ffs
[16:59:29] Dagmar: So you pretty much get to change your requirements then.
[16:59:43] FinnTux: I wonder why PCI-E NICs are hard to find. other than intel ones
[16:59:49] Dagmar: NewEgg tends to have 95% of whatever's out there.
[17:00:00] Dagmar: FinnTuxx: Because damn few people need that throughput still.
[17:00:17] Aval0n: i could do a 2 pci version if the pci slots were further away from the pci-x slot
[17:00:24] Dagmar: ...and not many motherboards even have more than one slot of that type.
[17:00:48] Dagmar: Avalon: There's another thing you're not likely to find, especially in Micro-ATX form-factor.
[17:01:03] Dagmar: The first PCI slot is almost always sharing resources with the video card slot.
[17:01:29] Aval0n: yah
[17:01:42] Aval0n: i wish this damned p4 3.4ghz HT would play the HD shit
[17:01:43] Dagmar: There's not enough _space_ on a Micro-ATX board for what you're wanting.
[17:01:47] Aval0n: then I'de ben fine heh
[17:01:55] Aval0n: well ther eis
[17:01:55] Dagmar: use a CPU with a decent CMOV
[17:02:02] Aval0n: just only for AMD heh
[17:02:07] Aval0n: CMOV?
[17:02:11] Dagmar: Then there's *not*
[17:02:20] Dagmar: ...since you keep saying you need C2D.
[17:02:27] Aval0n: yah
[17:02:59] hachi: how many ticks does it take to run a CMOV these days?
[17:03:45] iamlindoro__: eEEEEEEEEhehehehehe My HD PVR is ordered :)
[17:04:13] Aval0n: can I play the 1080p content on a core duo
[17:04:16] Aval0n: and not a core2duo?
[17:04:30] Aval0n: i just want something fast enough to play HD movies
[17:04:42] Aval0n: my p4 3.4ghz can almost do it
[17:04:43] hachi: iamlindoro__: does there exist a good HD card? last reviews I saw (months ago) said they were all crap
[17:04:49] Aval0n: goes half way through the movie and then chockes
[17:05:19] iamlindoro__: hachi, I am referring to the Hauppauge HD-PVR, the component HD capture device-- and regarding HD tuners, many of them are fantastic-- what sucks are the cable companies, not the cards
[17:06:16] EvilGuru: When running the XMLTV grabber for the first time I accidentally typed no to a channel I wanted to type yes for, is there an easy way to correct this mistake?
[17:06:17] hachi: cute
[17:07:18] iamlindoro__: EvilGuru, It likely depends on your grabber, but if I had to guess, rm -rf ~/.xmltv && tv_grab_whatever --configure to remove the existing settings and re-do
[17:07:59] Aval0n: holy shit
[17:08:00] Aval0n: I found it
[17:08:01] EvilGuru: the listing thing is not that well designed, in my opinion, as you are forced to say yes or no to something before you have seen the entire list
[17:08:11] Aval0n: omg I fucking lucked out
[17:08:16] EvilGuru: therefore for regional channels you need to take a gamble
[17:08:19] Aval0n: !!
[17:08:22] Aval0n: . . . +Motherboard
[17:08:23] iamlindoro__: EvilGuru, Complain to your grabber authors :) Nothing to do w/ Myth
[17:08:42] kslater: iamlindoro_: how/where did you order the HD-PVR?
[17:08:48] iamlindoro__: kslater,
[17:08:57] kslater: seems like it wasn't listed as buyable last I checked.
[17:09:02] iamlindoro__: Is as of today
[17:09:06] kslater: way cool
[17:09:14] kslater: linux drivers in the box? :-)
[17:09:34] iamlindoro__: naw, but very likely at/near release IMO
[17:09:40] kslater: ok
[17:09:53] iamlindoro__: I'm buying one to sit on it JustInCase (tm)
[17:09:54] Aval0n: Dagmar: I found it ;)
[17:09:56] kslater: I need one of those + a new mobo/cpu/memory/psu
[17:10:23] kslater: but at least I hate the foresight to build a new TV stand to hold a bigger case
[17:10:36] kslater: I hate/ I had/ whatever
[17:10:56] Aval0n: and now for the let down
[17:11:00] Aval0n: it's not core2duo
[17:11:05] ** Aval0n bashes head against table **
[17:12:15] ajh: aval, well you could run an external pci chassis.
[17:14:37] Aval0n: hmm
[17:14:43] Aval0n: intel says it _IS_ c2d
[17:16:35] Aval0n: iamlindoro: so a core2duo above 2ghz and I should be okay with 720p/1080p playbackc?
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[17:22:58] Niklas_E: anyone got a saa7134 card (pinnacle) and know how to fix the audio? it works with tvtime. but with mythtv it will be out of sync and doesn't stop the sound after exiting the mythtv-frontend
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[17:29:12] ajh: sigh, on reboot the vfd came up fine.
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[17:31:57] hachi: iamlindoro__: did you order a prerelease of that device or something? I don't see anything saying it's available :)
[17:32:25] iamlindoro__: hachi, go to the product page and scroll to the bottom
[17:32:39] Aval0n: iamlindoro: so a core2duo above 2ghz and I should be okay with 720p/1080p playback?
[17:32:40] hachi: ahh
[17:33:19] justinh: whether or not you'll be able to play 720p/1080p depends on the codec used, the bitrate & whether or not the encoding is fucked
[17:33:50] Aval0n: k
[17:34:41] justinh: whether you'll be able to play untranscoded bluray with its ridiculously high bitrates (if h.264) ... that's something else
[17:35:14] justinh: yay for windows drivers for GPUs!
[17:36:11] hachi: that's cute
[17:36:29] justinh: it's the only place to get hardware decoding ffs
[17:36:42] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[17:36:43] justinh: xvmc just doesn't count. it's useless
[17:38:02] hachi: I don't get why the device comes with a remote if it doesn't give output (apart from the loop)
[17:38:19] ajh: so, any way to preserve channel icons during a rescan? all the ones I had to put in by hand went away.
[17:38:23] GreyFoxx: hachi Passthrough and iut has an IR blaster ?
[17:38:28] GreyFoxx: purely a guess
[17:38:37] justinh: hachi: so it can be an IR receiver too
[17:38:39] justinh: duh
[17:38:49] hachi: yeah, but why would you put it anywhere near your TV?
[17:39:00] justinh: because that's where the STB usually is
[17:39:04] hachi: unless you're trying to watch the show you're recording
[17:39:06] ajh: hrm, not to mention the hidden status on channels.
[17:39:41] hachi: meh, in any case... you claim there is a use case... I don't see it, but the latter part doesn't actually matter :)
[17:39:51] GreyFoxx: hachi: Same reason a PVR card comes with a remote
[17:39:53] justinh: hmmm I wonder why just about every TV tuner card known to man comes with a remote – I mean it's stupid because they never have video outputs!
[17:40:22] GreyFoxx: Send a Signal to the PC/woftware that you want something to happen
[17:40:32] hachi: where do people buy IR receivers?
[17:40:43] justinh: shops!
[17:41:06] GreyFoxx: most use the ones that are build into their capture cards, but others buy them from stores or online, or they come with the remote like the MCE remote et all
[17:41:48] FinnTux: I use self made one
[17:41:49] hachi: yeah, I'm just not seeing it, or am I best off just building one?
[17:41:54] FinnTux: from LIRC homepage
[17:42:01] FinnTux: works really well
[17:42:10] justinh: hachi: you really can't just build a USB IR receiver :P
[17:42:45] fryfrog: hachi: you should be able to find them on the interwebs?
[17:42:50] hachi: sure I can, I would just end up spending a bunch getting the PCB made :)
[17:43:04] hachi: I've got an oven desginated for float solder use
[17:43:09] hachi: I'm just lazy and would rather buy one
[17:43:43] justinh: lots of people swear by the MS MCE remotes
[17:43:54] fryfrog: neat
[17:43:56] hobbynutte (hobbynutte! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:44:13] justinh: you get a remote, usb receiver aaand.. it has an IR blaster for controlling external devices too
[17:44:23] FinnTux: what do you need PCB for?
[17:44:39] FinnTux: just stuff parts inside serial connector
[17:45:47] hachi: can you bitbang a USB-serial converter?
[17:45:54] justinh: nope
[17:45:58] hachi: then that won't work
[17:46:12] hachi: I'm not seeing anything in my country (USA) on lirc pages
[17:46:19] justinh: actually _some_ you can as it happens, but exactly which converters work is unclear
[17:47:13] hachi: I see germany and australia :)
[17:47:25] justinh: . . . ch&hl=en
[17:47:47] hachi: that's a remote
[17:47:52] hachi: I want a receiver
[17:47:59] justinh: you get a receiver with it, dumbass
[17:48:06] hachi: then I get to throw away a remote
[17:48:08] hachi: dumbass
[17:48:13] hachi: I'm tired of throwing things awaqy
[17:48:17] directhex (directhex! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:48:53] justinh: which'll be why there's a 200Mhz box lying in a cupboard you'll be asking about in 5 minutes time I expect
[17:49:27] justinh:
[17:49:52] justinh:
[17:49:57] justinh: yada yada. google knows
[17:50:24] hachi: oh, here I'm searching for well known stores
[17:50:30] justinh: the magic keywords being "usb ir receiver"
[17:50:34] hachi: that explains why I'm finding nothing?
[17:51:52] justinh: or the DIY approach: . . . eceiver.html
[17:52:23] Anduin: or the expensive (easier to throw away remotes)
[17:52:51] justinh: bloody hell – 20 euros.. that's not bad
[17:53:40] Niklas_E (Niklas_E! has quit ("KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies")
[17:53:48] justinh: 4 euros for a serial port receiver kit – must have real low margins
[17:53:57] Saviq: fuck, I'm missing something... I have one DVB card with a 2-input DiSEQc switch, configured one capture card with the switch defined, two video sources and two input connections – is that ok or am I doing something wrong?
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[17:57:24] hachi: huh... I didn't realize the euro was only 1.6 usd
[17:57:30] hachi: need to pay attention to that more
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[18:08:47] Saviq: hmm maybe I'm having problems because I'm using a full-featured dvb_ttpci?
[18:09:37] Saviq: daamn it even caught EIT data
[18:12:37] Saviq: can anyone tell me what the heck's wrong here?
[18:13:35] Saviq: do I have to downgrade to 0.20?
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[18:23:13] quink: I seem to be having trouble getting mythweb working and was wondering if anyone here knows much about it.
[18:23:13] quink: I get 'Database Setup Error' but all the DB info in the config file is correct so i'm not sure whats going on
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[18:24:10] xris: quink: what's the specific error message?
[18:24:30] quink: The database environment variables are not correctly set in the
[18:24:30] quink: webserver conf or .htaccess file. Please read through the comments
[18:24:31] quink: included in the file and set up the db_* environment variables correctly.
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[18:26:09] xris: is the config file being loaded? do you have the proper apache modules (like mod_env) installed?
[18:26:32] quink: How do i test to see if either is being done right?
[18:29:10] briand (briand! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:29:17] xris: I think `httpd -l` will list the modules
[18:29:22] xris: compiled-in modules, anyway
[18:29:22] J-e-f-f-A|work: [OT] ... Gee, they're filming part of an upcoming Sandra Bullock movie in my office building today... "The Preposal"... The "Immegration Office" scene apparently...
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[18:29:28] xris: might be warnings in the logs for other stuff
[18:30:17] J-e-f-f-A|work: [OT] ... I even saw her get into a Black Escalade right in front of me, when i came back from lunch. Pretty cool... ;-)
[18:32:02] odz (odz! has quit ()
[18:32:19] quink: also, should hitting bring up the mythweb stuff, or do you have to access directly the mythweb.php?
[18:33:23] xris: you'll never see mythweb.php directly
[18:33:33] quink: Weird. Well mod_env is being loaded
[18:33:37] xris: it uses URL rewrites to pass data
[18:33:53] quink: so is mod_rewrite
[18:34:10] xris: quink: make sure all of the paths are correct, then... sounds like maybe the directives aren't getting passed to the correct directory
[18:35:36] quink: how do i make sure that the mythweb.conf.apache config is being loaded properly? I made a link to it in /etc/apache2/modules.d/
[18:35:57] xris: for one, it probably needs to just be mythweb.conf
[18:36:04] xris: since most apache setups load modules.d/*conf
[18:36:11] quink: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 54 Apr 5 13:14 mythweb.conf -> /home/www/localhost/htdocs/mythweb/mythweb.conf.apache
[18:36:12] xris: I recommend that you read the INSTALL file again
[18:36:32] xris: and you edited the conf file with the proper directory path, etc?
[18:36:36] quink: yeah
[18:36:44] quink: <Directory "/home/www/localhost/htdocs/mythweb" >
[18:37:00] xris: sounds like it should work
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[19:00:38] GreyFoxx: /dev/sda2 6.2T 3.7G 6.2T 1% /hdd/3
[19:00:47] iamlindoro__: Yarrr, that's big
[19:00:50] GreyFoxx: now that is a lot of TV space :)
[19:00:58] Saviq: a bit
[19:01:02] jams: GreyFoxx- 2nd box show up?
[19:01:08] GreyFoxx: jams: Sure did :)
[19:01:14] jams: awesome
[19:01:47] Saviq: any of you guys running a TT Premium with 0.21?
[19:02:16] Niklas_E: is there any way to make mythtv too use alsa right? I have used saa7134-oss before and changed to saa7134-alsa but can't get the audio to sync. Anyone know any fix for this?
[19:02:42] Saviq: Niklas_E: don't you have a normal sound card?
[19:03:19] briand (briand! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:03:36] Niklas_E: yes, I do, but the the audio from the tvcard ain't right
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[19:03:51] GreyFoxx: Niklas_E: Are you referring to capturing from an alsa device instead of capturing from an oss one?
[19:04:07] GreyFoxx: Myth doesn't support ALSA capture unless it went in recently without my noticing
[19:05:15] XLV: GreyFoxx, what hardware is that to provide 6T? some external sas/sata box? but then few and very expensive get more than 4 hdds
[19:05:38] justinh: XLV: with port multiplier hardware, muchos cheapos
[19:05:39] Niklas_E: well, no, it capture from the alsa device, but doesn't sync and when I turn mythtv off i still hear the sound.
[19:05:43] GreyFoxx: XLV: some dell file server, using hardware raid on 10 drives
[19:05:52] GreyFoxx: 10*750G
[19:05:53] Niklas_E: tvtime uses the tvcard right
[19:05:55] GreyFoxx: raid5
[19:06:03] justinh: 5 port SATA port multiplier board retails about $50 or so
[19:06:25] justinh: add that to a PM aware SATA controller, add disks... away you go :)
[19:07:31] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:07:39] GreyFoxx: Niklas_E: alsa capture isn't supported and I doubt you are actually capturing the audio
[19:07:46] GreyFoxx: you are just hearing the card turn it on
[19:07:52] GreyFoxx: which is why it's poutta sync
[19:08:25] Niklas_E: okey
[19:08:55] mirak (mirak! has quit (SendQ exceeded)
[19:09:02] Saviq: justinh: you're the wise guy here, do you get anything from that why is it failing? I'm on fresh install of mythbuntu with myth 0.21... szap works fine enough, the channels in myth were scanned with mythtv-setup... I've no idea what can be wrong... it worked on 0.20... it's a TT Premium board, though – may that be the problem?
[19:09:08] justinh: Niklas_E: so what you need to do is what the install docs say to do – set the audio input the tuner card audio is plugged into, to be recorded with the linuxy mixer applet (alsamixer et al)
[19:09:35] iamlindoro__: or ditch the damn framegrabber
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[19:10:06] justinh: Saviq: dunno, other than to hint that sometimes stuff gets borked. if I were you I'd be diving into the dtv_multiplex table to see if all the frequencies look sane
[19:10:30] Saviq: justinh: it even pulled the EIT data for the channels
[19:10:51] Saviq: so the freqs look fine, the frontend say the channel's locked...
[19:10:56] justinh: Saviq: oh wait
[19:11:28] justinh: Saviq: you're using a FF card aren't you? the default setting in mythtv-setup is to allow 2 recordings per tuner at the same time – maybe yours is a PoS which can only handle one
[19:11:41] Saviq: I did lower it to 1
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[19:12:12] justinh: Saviq: I think there might be a problem there, since when you create a new tuner it'll automagically set it up for 2
[19:12:15] Saviq: let me check again
[19:13:07] justinh: Saviq: I think if it _is_ a bug – (maybe it is, I dunno) you should be able to hack the db to get around it
[19:14:09] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:14:29] Saviq: Max recordings: 1 :|
[19:16:23] justinh: Saviq: can you do a spot of mysql? select cardid, videodevice from capturecard;
[19:16:25] Saviq: where should I look in the db? doesn't seem to be in capture_card nor cardinput
[19:16:49] justinh: Saviq: if that lists more than one entry for the device, that'll be the problem
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[19:16:56] Saviq: nope
[19:16:58] Saviq: just one
[19:17:03] Saviq: cardid 1 videodevice 0
[19:17:21] justinh: ok then (phew)
[19:18:37] justinh: this concerns me a little though.. "Requested non-existant input 'DVBInput':'-1'"
[19:19:22] Saviq: let me try again, I think it's gone
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[19:20:12] justinh: other than signal strength/quality issues I can't think of anything else it could be really
[19:20:21] justinh: apart from the card's shot
[19:20:33] iamlindoro__: Saviq, Not doing any SoftCAM silliness, are you?
[19:20:34] Saviq: szap works fine enough :/
[19:20:38] Saviq: iamlindoro no
[19:20:43] Saviq: that's on FTA channels
[19:21:00] PatrickDK: don't talk about fta in here
[19:21:07] PatrickDK: cause iamlindoro will beat your ass
[19:21:15] iamlindoro__: fta != fta
[19:21:19] iamlindoro__: yarrrrr
[19:21:31] iamlindoro__: ;)
[19:21:39] Saviq: they're called fta where I'm from
[19:21:40] Raspberry (Raspberry! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:22:00] iamlindoro__: Saviq, I understand, just having a bit of a joke
[19:22:01] justinh: yeah in Europe we actually get satellite telly for free – stuff almost worth watching!
[19:22:09] justinh: _almost_ !
[19:22:10] Saviq: almost
[19:22:38] justinh: and the bitrates they use – they make the video almost bearable to watch
[19:22:45] Saviq: aalmost
[19:22:53] iamlindoro__: justinh, Stop showing off
[19:22:55] iamlindoro__: ;)
[19:22:55] justinh: still, anything's better than NTSC :P
[19:23:12] PatrickDK: atleast we have more fps than pal
[19:23:18] iamlindoro__: justinh, we've got MOAR ONEZEROONEONEONEZEROONE now
[19:23:39] justinh: PatrickDK: great. how's the colour rendition hmmm? I love those Simpsons, with their blue skin
[19:24:18] justinh: it's such a pity you're going digital. no more ribbing about the color (sic)
[19:24:36] Saviq: justinh: anyway the card's fine enough for szap to lock and mplayer to play from dvr0
[19:24:38] FinnTux: isn't fta == Free To Air? or am I wrong?
[19:24:47] justinh: maybe myth could simulate it with an xv controls randomiser
[19:25:07] iamlindoro__: FinnTux, Yes, theoretically. It's also used by YARRRR PIRATES euphemistically for their theft of satellite TV
[19:25:33] justinh: Saviq: I dunno. maybe there are rogue transponder freqs in the dtv_multiplex table. check em out
[19:25:39] FinnTux: ah ok. cos only channels I can watch are fta (ie. not scrambled)
[19:25:53] justinh: Saviq: compare em to what you get in a channels.conf ;)
[19:26:20] ** iamlindoro__ promises to he happy with his HD-PVR... my precioussssssss **
[19:26:20] justinh: iamlindoro__: free software! ;) ;) (nudge, nudge).. on recordable media!
[19:26:38] justinh: (Jim lad)
[19:26:50] iamlindoro__: justinh, Just like those real DVDs I'm always buying on the street off that nice man's blanket
[19:27:16] justinh: I was at a computer market on saturday. oh man. they even had people selling counterfeit memory
[19:27:26] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: order your HDPVR ? :)
[19:27:28] Aval0n: wow
[19:27:36] iamlindoro__: GreyFoxx, yarp :) :) :) <3
[19:27:50] Aval0n: guys
[19:27:56] Aval0n: have you ever heard of atmolight?
[19:28:00] justinh: at first glance it looked like the real deal but then you realise Kingston & corsair logos don't quite look like that, and they'd use a good quality printer...
[19:28:04] Aval0n: it's a philips ambitlight DIY project
[19:28:12] Aval0n: there is a plugin that's ported to linux for vlc
[19:28:17] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: I'm gonna wait and see how others fair before I commit the $
[19:28:20] Aval0n: I have the source from atmo
[19:28:30] Aval0n: what are the chances of porting it to mythtv?
[19:28:33] justinh: Aval0n: people believe that Emperor's New Clothes bullshit still?
[19:28:45] Saviq: I'll check out some other multiplex...
[19:28:49] Aval0n: Justin__: Emperor's new Clothes?
[19:29:09] iamlindoro__: GreyFoxx, Probably makes sense. I am doing ok w/ firewire for the moment but I have seen some questionable random 5C lately and want it in case things get worse.... plus the lure of new shinies is strong :)
[19:29:28] justinh: Aval0n: 'makes teh v1d30 l00k n1c3r & crap'. Has to be annoying, or BS.. or both
[19:29:40] Aval0n: hmm
[19:29:45] Aval0n: I don't find it to be annoying
[19:29:50] gor22zo (gor22zo! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:29:52] Aval0n: let me show you a vid sec..
[19:29:59] Aval0n: it actually helps your eyes
[19:30:03] justinh: a video won't do it justice
[19:30:12] Aval0n: eliminate strain
[19:30:15] Aval0n: it wont
[19:30:19] Aval0n: but it will give you the idea
[19:30:20] Aval0n: sec
[19:30:31] justinh: and you should always have a little ambient light anyway – if you watch tv in complete darkness you're more of a tit than I ;)
[19:30:55] iamlindoro__: Guys, any devs in here? Anyone willing to add support for my Philips Smell-o-vision? Guys? Devs? Anyone?
[19:31:22] Aval0n: hah
[19:31:22] iamlindoro__: It really helps remove the strain on your nose while watching
[19:31:23] iamlindoro__: ;)
[19:31:25] justinh: heh it comes from vdr
[19:31:29] Yahooadam (Yahooadam! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:31:37] iamlindoro__: VD ARRRRRRRRRRR
[19:31:46] Yahooadam: hey, in mythweb where do you setup the username and password?
[19:31:53] iamlindoro__: mythweb.conf
[19:31:53] justinh: huh?
[19:32:13] ** justinh checks to see if is still available **
[19:32:26] Yahooadam: it says in the instrutions to change mythweb.conf.apache – and then move it to /etc/apache2/conf.d
[19:32:31] justinh: "adds misanthropy to any room!"
[19:32:33] Yahooadam: but that hasnt worked
[19:32:36] iamlindoro__: justinh, emolight? Lights generated by angsty teens wearing too-tight pants?
[19:32:50] iamlindoro__: mv mythweb.conf.apache mythweb.conf
[19:33:21] Aval0n: hey
[19:33:25] Yahooadam: ive done that iam
[19:33:25] justinh: I'd much rather have a huge LED cube in my livingroom anyway :)
[19:33:27] Aval0n: it's really cool in person
[19:33:46] Yahooadam: or should it still be in /var/www/mythweb but called mythweb.conf ?
[19:33:53] Aval0n: . . . mp;plindex=1
[19:33:55] Aval0n: justin
[19:33:57] iamlindoro__: nope, goes in the conf.d
[19:33:58] Aval0n: that's the atmolight
[19:33:58] justinh: Aval0n: in theory it wouldn't be hard to patch mythtv to do it
[19:34:24] Aval0n: atmo gave me his source for the plugin for it
[19:34:29] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: firewire is still 5c free here :)
[19:34:36] Niklas_E (Niklas_E! has quit ("KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies")
[19:34:47] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: and since switching from p2 to broadcast much more stable
[19:34:56] GreyFoxx: not 1 failed recording since
[19:35:16] GreyFoxx: before I'd get sporadic failures
[19:35:21] GreyFoxx: 1 out of 20 ??
[19:35:24] iamlindoro__: GreyFoxx, nice
[19:35:32] GreyFoxx: now none out of 60
[19:35:35] Yahooadam: iamlindoro__ – so what have i done wrong?
[19:36:29] iamlindoro__: Yahooadam, could be any number of things, INSTALL in the mythweb directory covers the whole installation pretty well
[19:37:46] Aval0n: Justin__: would you be willing to have a look at it?
[19:37:52] Yahooadam: iamlindoro__ – should i use "sites-availible /enabled" instead of conf.d?
[19:37:55] Aval0n: justinh: /\
[19:38:01] justinh: Aval0n: nope. absolutely not, sorry
[19:38:06] Aval0n: =(
[19:38:08] Aval0n: bummer
[19:38:17] iamlindoro__: Yahooadam, You should do exactly as the INSTALL file directs you to do
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[19:38:40] justinh: elektor or somebody like them had a project for the same thing recently
[19:38:55] Aval0n: elektor?
[19:39:00] Aval0n: are they here on freenode?
[19:39:36] iamlindoro__: They fight he-man from time to time
[19:39:39] justinh: . . . 350086.lynkx
[19:40:03] justinh: haha except theirs actually samples real video
[19:40:34] Aval0n: what do you mean by that
[19:40:38] iamlindoro__: As it should
[19:40:42] Aval0n: like you plug your hdmi into it?
[19:40:53] justinh: it only does analogue video
[19:40:56] iamlindoro__: VeeGeeAyy by the looks of it
[19:41:10] justinh: even so – no drivers required :P
[19:41:16] Aval0n: no way
[19:41:22] Aval0n: i wish there was more on it
[19:41:56] Saviq: justinh: here's something mythbackend spits out when idle
[19:41:59] Saviq: and lots of it
[19:42:14] justinh: normally I'm quite keenly interested in LED lighting stuff but right from the very 1st time I saw that Ambilight bullshit, I just thought "bollocks!". it's little more than a gimmick or more manufacturers would be using similar stuff
[19:42:24] Yahooadam: i have followed the dang instructions, and it doesnt work
[19:42:35] Aval0n: philips has it patented
[19:42:39] Aval0n: or more would justing
[19:42:43] Aval0n: justinh*
[19:42:47] Aval0n: i've seen it in person
[19:42:54] Aval0n: and it's very impressive
[19:43:08] Aval0n: first tim I heard of it I rolled my eyes and though it was just cheesie mood lighting
[19:43:22] Aval0n: if you watch the video and not the lights it's even better ;)
[19:43:26] justinh: I've seen it in person too
[19:43:35] justinh: looks cheesy
[19:43:38] Aval0n: when
[19:43:44] Aval0n: the 2 channel version?
[19:43:48] Aval0n: that sucked? :)
[19:43:59] justinh: last time I was window shopping
[19:44:04] Aval0n: ahh
[19:44:47] justinh: I've never thought very much of Philips tbh
[19:45:02] Aval0n: me either
[19:45:09] Aval0n: which is why I want to make it myself
[19:45:26] Aval0n: that module on elektor would be ideal
[19:45:32] Aval0n: as my video card is dual head
[19:45:39] justinh: heh
[19:45:42] Aval0n: and I could just mirror
[19:46:01] Aval0n: hdmi to tv and hd15 to that module
[19:46:07] Aval0n: that article you posted has very limited info
[19:46:08] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:46:12] Aval0n: are they planning on selling it?
[19:46:18] justinh: Aval0n: you have to buy the article
[19:46:26] Aval0n: oh ok
[19:46:42] justinh: there are companies which sell the projects in kit form too
[19:47:27] Aval0n: do you have a link to any of those companies?
[19:47:32] Saviq: fuck I'm not happy :(
[19:47:32] justinh: nope
[19:47:40] Aval0n: you've seen them though
[19:47:41] Aval0n: ?
[19:47:50] justinh: Aval0n: pretty sure I have yes
[19:48:00] Aval0n: ahh you're probably thikning of A-R-E
[19:48:01] Saviq: need to get me a cheap dvb card instead of the funky FF one...
[19:48:10] Saviq: that's something new
[19:48:12] ** iamlindoro__ thinks #mythtv-users sometimes resembles a Guantanamo interrogation scene **
[19:48:30] justinh: Saviq: do you have another card working on the same channels/bird ?
[19:48:37] ** PatrickDK wonder who does the interrogations **
[19:48:38] ** iamlindoro__ watches Aval0n waterboard justinh **
[19:48:44] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[19:48:44] PatrickDK: the poeple needing help, or the people attempting to help :)
[19:48:47] Saviq: justinh yes, on progdvb
[19:48:49] Aval0n: lol
[19:48:54] justinh: does anybody know where I can buy a device to trigger explosives with a mobile phone?
[19:48:59] Aval0n: do I bug you asking you all these questions justinh?
[19:49:07] Saviq: I'll take the skystar2 I have there and swap them
[19:49:17] Saviq: but not today I think
[19:49:37] justinh: Saviq: try the other card first. the prospect of myth being broken isn't one I'd relish ;)
[19:49:46] ** justinh hides from the black helicopters **
[19:50:16] Saviq: justinh the card I have is definitely fine
[19:50:33] ** Aval0n thinks #mythtv-users sometimes resembles an animal rescure shelter. plenty of stray cats that will turn and claw you up if you pet them to their disliking **
[19:50:39] justinh: Saviq: yeah but my thinking is that maybe myth is doing something funky it can't cope with
[19:50:41] Saviq: I suspect that multirec tries to access it in a way it does not like
[19:51:21] iamlindoro__: Aval0n, Only if you go to the shelter and try to get the cats to fix your car for you
[19:51:25] comphappy (comphappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:51:32] Aval0n: lol
[19:51:43] Aval0n: hey I help ppl in here too
[19:51:48] comphappy: how can i make the text larger, on the tv it is unreadable
[19:52:04] justinh: what text?
[19:52:06] Aval0n: justin is very knowledgable, he's provided me with all sorts of info over a year or so
[19:52:07] comphappy: when i change it in the appearance setup it does nothing
[19:52:10] iamlindoro__: *the* text, duhn
[19:52:12] Aval0n: plus I've sent him money twice
[19:52:23] ** justinh hands comphappy a big magnifying glass **
[19:52:24] Aval0n: and since he isn't theme deving any more he can answer a couple Q's on irc for me lol
[19:52:25] comphappy: all over, but especialy the playlist
[19:52:29] iamlindoro__: Aval0n, I've helped you lots, where's my money?
[19:52:33] Aval0n: lol
[19:52:35] Aval0n: this is true
[19:52:39] Aval0n: justinh: has it
[19:52:44] comphappy: the menu is really all that is good text wise
[19:52:51] justinh: comphappy: the theme you use decides whether the large, small etc fonts change or not :P
[19:53:00] iamlindoro__: He's probably turned it into rubles or whatever "those people" use
[19:53:16] justinh: turned into beer already. still didn't keep me a happy themer though
[19:53:18] comphappy: i edited the theme dirrectly with no effect
[19:53:32] comphappy: doubled the font of everything
[19:53:45] justinh: the last bout of abuse almost had me cutting my farking ear off
[19:54:01] ShiftyPowers: do i need to remove Qt3 in order to compile SVN now?
[19:54:05] justinh: there may be fans but it's just not worth it!
[19:54:13] ShiftyPowers: i think that my compile is still calling hte qmake from the old qt3
[19:54:15] ShiftyPowers: if that makes sense
[19:54:29] justinh: ShiftyPowers: time to read the -dev list archive
[19:54:44] ShiftyPowers: oh
[19:54:51] ShiftyPowers: my bad, did i miss something obvious?
[19:55:13] Aval0n: justinh: so no chance in hell you will ever return to theming?
[19:55:27] iamlindoro__: if obvious = then need to read the dev list when using the dev version, then yes ;)
[19:55:34] justinh: Aval0n: no chance in hell I'll keep developing stuff if it becomes like work
[19:55:47] ShiftyPowers: update-alternatives
[19:55:49] ShiftyPowers: i'll try that
[19:55:51] Aval0n: that didn't answer my question :)
[19:55:56] briand (briand! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:56:20] Aval0n: If i were you i'de just release under another alias with no contact info
[19:56:21] justinh: Aval0n: I'm working on something now but I doubt it'll ever be tarred up for people to download
[19:56:25] Aval0n: so ppl can't bug you
[19:56:34] Aval0n: Justin__: ahh
[19:56:42] Aval0n: sorry my nick comp keeps failing
[19:56:47] justinh: I couldn't stand to look at glass-wide any longer
[19:56:49] justinh: it sucked
[19:56:54] Aval0n: justinh: it didn't suck
[19:56:56] iamlindoro__: Aval0n, That doesn't stop people from running their fat mouths on every myth list they can find
[19:56:56] comphappy: any idea why the font is not changing?
[19:57:01] justinh: and mepo – the grinning little bastard.. ;)
[19:57:21] justinh: comphappy: because you're not reloading mythfrontend maybe?
[19:57:32] justinh: or not changing the right xml files?
[19:57:32] comphappy: i killed it an reopened
[19:57:43] comphappy: looked in the term it is loading it
[19:57:54] Aval0n: i never liked mepo too much
[19:57:54] justinh: helps if you also have the correct font installed
[19:58:01] Aval0n: mythXface looked okay
[19:58:09] Aval0n: but I can't seem to stop using blootube-wide
[19:58:21] justinh: I stopped about a week after releasing it
[19:58:22] Aval0n: just seems most functional
[19:58:23] justinh: it's shite
[19:58:26] iamlindoro__: He just can't quit you
[19:58:28] Aval0n: blootube-wide is shite?
[19:58:31] comphappy: I will give another theme a try
[19:58:37] Aval0n: bah you just get sick of it cause you work on it so much
[19:58:39] Aval0n: ;P
[19:58:40] justinh: Aval0n: utter
[19:58:52] Aval0n: if you were an average lamer and someone release something that looked/worked that nice
[19:58:55] Aval0n: you'de use it too
[19:59:06] Aval0n: I have drawings that i've done that people rave about that I hate
[19:59:11] Aval0n: because i've spent so much damn time on them
[19:59:19] Aval0n: i've grown to hate them
[19:59:26] Aval0n: probably a bit of the same thing happening ;)
[19:59:34] justinh: and it's never enough that you just put stuff out there – you're kinda obliged to keep maintaining them
[19:59:42] justinh: but screw that
[19:59:48] Aval0n: I hear ya on that man
[20:00:06] Aval0n: so what do you think the best theme is currently justinh?
[20:00:08] iamlindoro__: Heck, my little TV/MythVideo script was released with a fat "If you want support go fuck yourself" and people STILL come in asking me about it
[20:00:10] Aval0n: from anyone
[20:00:21] briand (briand! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:00:23] patdk (patdk! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:00:30] justinh: as I've said a lot since.. yous haven't seen that last of my contributions :P
[20:00:30] GreyFoxx: in the 3 or 4 years since I put out Gray-OSD I've barely touched it, but that's not nearly as complex as a full theme
[20:00:33] PatrickDK (PatrickDK! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[20:00:39] patdk is now known as PatrickDK
[20:00:48] justinh: Aval0n: what I'm working on in bits & pieces now :P
[20:00:58] Aval0n: ahh
[20:01:18] Aval0n: i dont' supposed you'de ever let me sneak a peak at it?
[20:01:19] Aval0n: :)
[20:01:22] jams: GreyFoxx- thats a major understatement
[20:01:34] justinh: only one I can stand to look at. no accounting for taste. I might've used metallurgy but I can't stand non-vertical menus
[20:01:39] iamlindoro__: I note Aval0n has no shame whatsoever
[20:01:50] Aval0n: =/
[20:01:54] shame: :(
[20:01:58] Aval0n: lol
[20:02:05] iamlindoro__: oh shame, you know I heart you
[20:02:18] iamlindoro__: everyone needs a bit more shame
[20:03:32] javatexan (javatexan!n=aars@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[20:05:10] Aval0n: justinh: I'm with you on the non-vertical themes
[20:07:43] justinh: I'm resolute about not posting any screenshots anyway
[20:07:53] justinh: but if somebody looked hard enough... :P
[20:07:59] Aval0n: =
[20:08:02] Aval0n: -(
[20:08:07] justinh: anyway, all this TV won't watch itself
[20:12:45] Ojg (Ojg! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:14:53] Aval0n: Justin__: do you have any site up with your old theme stuff up at all?
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[20:36:08] [diablo] ([diablo]!n=diablo@unaffiliated/miles/x-000000001) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:36:17] [diablo]: evening #mythtv-users
[20:36:47] [diablo]: is anyone running myth with an DVB-S LNB switch please?
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[20:42:23] Saviq: justinh: I'm sad to inform you, but with the SkyStar2 it worked flawlessly
[20:43:02] Saviq: I didn't change nothing, just went into mythtv-setup to check if the card's there
[20:43:35] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[20:46:03] ShiftyPowers: been trying to compile SVN and just got this error during make when it gets to mythfrontend....any thoughts?
[20:46:09] Saviq: either way, I created a little script that creates a channel.conf from parsing lyngsat, anyone interested?
[20:48:40] directhex: ShiftyPowers, using svn you must be a developer. fix the method & submit a patch
[20:48:54] directhex: Saviq, no. channels.conf importing is harmful
[20:49:06] Saviq: works fine for me
[20:49:23] ShiftyPowers: directhex, i'm not a developer, i'll be honest so i'm just asking
[20:49:28] ShiftyPowers: i have no clue how to fix it
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[20:59:11] Ojg: is the ps3 supported good enough to use as a full featured frontend now ? been reading alot about some say it works great and some say it still needs alot of work, the wiki asnt been updated since jan
[20:59:44] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has quit ()
[21:00:15] directhex: Ojg, still needs buckets of work
[21:00:44] directhex: Ojg, ps3 linux will be a niche until there's reliable, accelerated 2d output which works with any firmware revision
[21:03:11] Dibblah: ... Which is unlikely to happen.
[21:03:25] Dibblah: Sony absolutely doesn't want eyeballs on Linux.
[21:04:04] directhex: indeed
[21:04:05] Dibblah: Since eyeballs on commercial games make money. And if they're not spending time with a commercial game, they're not worthwhile.
[21:04:08] directhex: which is odd
[21:04:34] directhex: sony have spent a lot of r&d money on non-windows OSen
[21:04:34] Dibblah: ... Sony gets a cut of the profits due to licensing.
[21:05:00] Dibblah: Sure – Since it gets the PS3 free advertising.
[21:05:04] directhex: they were selling palm-based PDAs for a while, they had a BeOS-based terminal, they've funded a fair bit of linux kernel work
[21:05:12] Ojg: hmm read that ppl got full hd (1080p) to play smooth with x11 with the cell cpu's only, the firmware changes only restricts access to the rsx right ?
[21:05:22] directhex: sony are a terribly schizophrenic company
[21:05:33] Dibblah: On the order of 'Little Johnny can use his PS3 for _other_ things than games – Try that with a Wii!'...
[21:05:42] directhex: Ojg, doing that is *possible*, but pretty much requires rewriting your player
[21:06:02] directhex: Dibblah, assume i've looked at this before, and gone "this is a big pile of arse"
[21:06:06] Dibblah: Also, the framebuffer is emulated on the Cell side.
[21:06:37] directhex: they crippled ps2 linux too, if you cast your mind back
[21:06:37] Dibblah: And passed across nastily. It's never going to be fast with the official drivers.
[21:07:22] briand (briand! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:07:23] directhex: netyaroze, now that was a proper product! :p
[21:07:29] Dibblah: It's pretty much going to rely on a specific firmware bug. Always.
[21:07:51] ** Dibblah actually hopes for a hypervisor bug, but that's unlikely :( **
[21:07:53] moosylo1 (moosylo1! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:07:53] Ojg: directhex, aye i already notice that some customization was needed but im looking for a new frontend and a ps3 would be sweet
[21:07:53] directhex: oh, and the psp used to refuse to play back native-res video files from memory stick, to help sell UMD movies
[21:08:19] directhex: Ojg, nice theory
[21:08:24] directhex: Ojg, failure in practice
[21:08:37] Dibblah: Ojg: Get a core2 laptop. Seriously.
[21:08:48] Dibblah: It's cheaper than a PS3 ;)
[21:09:04] Dibblah: Broken screen one, I mean, of course.
[21:09:10] moosylo1: mythTV on the iphone:
[21:09:26] Dibblah: There's also a port to the N810, I hear.
[21:09:42] Dibblah: Native – Not a nasty "player"
[21:10:02] Ojg: hehe yeah my secound choice is a core2 but a htpc chassi + mini-atx MB
[21:11:08] Dibblah: I _really_ recommend the i945GMm-HL.
[21:11:21] Dibblah: ... If you can get a core2 mobile.
[21:11:30] directhex: or a mac mini
[21:11:32] Dibblah: 23w @idle.
[21:12:16] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has quit ("Leaving")
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[21:13:55] Ojg: i looked at a mac mini aswell but wasn't sure if it was capable off playing full hd material
[21:14:12] Dibblah: A core2 one, yes.
[21:15:18] Dibblah: All depends on what your provider's format is.
[21:15:33] Dibblah: mpeg2 is quite easy on the processor.
[21:15:39] Dibblah: h264... Isn't.
[21:15:40] directhex: a mac mini with a 2ghz core 2 duo is no slower than any other system with a 2ghz core 2 duo
[21:15:55] Dibblah: Ummm?
[21:16:00] Dibblah: Yes, it can be.
[21:16:14] Dibblah: Mac mini has no pci-e slot, does it?
[21:16:15] directhex: ignoring the bus speed issues which are, to be frank, pretty minor. there's some bizarre fetish in this channel with believing a mac mini is somehow underpowered despite the spec
[21:16:27] Dibblah: So it's integrated graphics only (i945)
[21:16:32] directhex: Dibblah, so?
[21:16:49] directhex: Dibblah, when did plug-in graphics cards get h264 acceleration on linux?
[21:16:55] Ojg: a mac mini is alot more expensive then just buying a whole htpc :S
[21:17:08] Dibblah: directhex: In The Future! ;)
[21:17:15] melunko_ (melunko_!n=hmelo@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:17:22] Dibblah: Nah – I don't really hold out that hope.
[21:17:24] Ojg: gogo Dibblah fix it =>
[21:17:38] directhex: Ojg, there's very very little in it, especially if you can get educational discount
[21:17:44] directhex: Ojg, and the form factor is unbeatable
[21:17:55] Ojg: true
[21:18:17] Dibblah: ... Until Myth runs on the Wii, of course.
[21:18:24] Dibblah: But then HD is _really_ moot.
[21:18:33] Ojg: hehe
[21:19:18] elkin (elkin! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:19:47] elkin: hi!
[21:20:24] elkin: does someone know how big the table "recordedseek" should be?
[21:20:35] elkin: mine is 170 Megabytes...
[21:20:42] directhex: big.
[21:20:43] elkin: and it sounds way too big
[21:20:53] J-e-f-f-A|work: elkin: I would think it depends completly on how many recordings, etc...
[21:21:10] hachi: mine is 109 megabytes
[21:21:28] elkin: ok... I am calming down ;-)
[21:21:33] hachi: for data only
[21:21:37] elkin: thanks hachi
[21:21:37] hachi: and another 100 for indexes
[21:21:39] hachi: np
[21:21:47] Ojg: well a 2ghz mac mini goes for 7,3k swedish thats about 780 euro and i think the educational discount is 10% and the htpc goes for 3,4k swedish :S its a quite big gap
[21:22:03] Saviq: Ojg: what htpc?
[21:23:19] hachi: is mythtv capable of working with innodb
[21:23:28] hachi: or does it require the full text index stuff in myisam?
[21:23:44] J-e-f-f-A|work: elkin: Mine is 57MB for the MYD file and 53MB for the MYI file... ~320 recordings... 900GB worth...
[21:24:23] Dibblah: elkin: recordedseek should be large.
[21:24:27] Dibblah: It's normal.
[21:24:46] J-e-f-f-A|work: elkin: And if it makes any difference, I have all hardware encoder cards – Hauppauge PVRs and OTA HD receivers...
[21:25:00] Ojg: Savig, uhm, the one i have picked together with parts from a pcshop
[21:25:07] hachi: what the devil does that table hold anyways?
[21:25:32] Dibblah: ... Well, maybe the seek information?
[21:25:35] hachi: 2314019 rows of offsets
[21:25:37] Dibblah: For... Recordings?
[21:25:40] hachi: yeah, what is seek information?
[21:25:54] hachi: 694208512
[21:25:57] hachi: it's an integer
[21:26:01] Dibblah: It makes seeking easier.
[21:26:06] Dibblah: It's a byte position.
[21:26:12] hachi: oh, this is an index of keyframes?
[21:26:21] Dibblah: Yes.
[21:27:12] hachi: type column is normalized against what?
[21:27:47] Dibblah: There's not a lot of normalisation in mythconverg at all...
[21:27:55] hachi: I don't see any tables like 'type' or 'recordedtype' or 'recordedseektype'
[21:28:00] Dibblah: But it's an enum.
[21:28:04] Dibblah: From the code.
[21:31:58] i3ooi3oo (i3ooi3oo! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
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[21:39:57] revilootneg (revilootneg! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:43:23] J-e-f-f-A|work: hachi: Perhaps this will help – it's a bit dated, but should help you a bit:
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[21:43:40] Weezey (Weezey!n=ohno@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:44:34] ** hachi eats that **
[21:45:09] hachi: thanks, that's absolutely perfect
[21:45:13] hachi: even if dated
[21:45:52] J-e-f-f-A|work: hachi: yeah, looks like it hasn't been updated – it's for 0.19, and 0.21 is out now, but probably 98% of it is correct...
[21:45:54] comphappy (comphappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:46:32] comphappy: The volume controls work fine in the music player, but they do not when I am playing a stream
[21:46:41] comphappy: mute works, but the others do not
[21:47:04] comphappy: when i adjust the volume with alsamixer, it changes it on the screen
[21:47:12] iamlindoro__: A stream of what? Consciousness? Obscenities?
[21:47:46] comphappy: shoutcast
[21:47:56] comphappy: but any stream
[21:47:58] iamlindoro__: comphappy, Using what plugin?
[21:48:09] comphappy: i dont know?
[21:48:20] comphappy: It came with mythbuntu
[21:48:23] J-e-f-f-A|work: ... probably mythstream?
[21:48:29] iamlindoro__: Sounds like you are using MythStream, which isn't an official myth plugin
[21:48:33] iamlindoro__: I say complain to the author
[21:49:51] iamlindoro__: I would guess that if you set the right alsa device in whatever it's config file is for whatever media player it uses, it ought to work right
[21:50:11] iamlindoro__: But since those are all big fat question marks, I still say complain to its author :)
[21:50:28] Dave321 (Dave321! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:51:51] J-e-f-f-A|work: iamlindoro__: How's it going? Guess what? Sandra Bullock is in the office building filming part of a new movie called "The Proposal"... ;-) I actually saw her getting into an Escelade at lunch-time, as I was waiting for it to move... so right in front of me...
[21:52:20] iamlindoro__: J-e-f-f-A|work, Yeah, saw your message about that this morning-- Cool! I still think she has a horse face though ;)
[21:52:47] SLUG: guys which file system i should use
[21:52:52] moosylo1 (moosylo1! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:52:58] SLUG: for my data drive
[21:53:23] J-e-f-f-A|work: SLUG: It's up to you... I use JFS myself...
[21:53:35] SLUG: suse 10.3 does not support it
[21:53:42] SLUG: should i use another os
[21:54:03] JohnMahowald: ext3 is nice
[21:54:25] SLUG: if it works i will use it
[21:54:37] SLUG: so no problem del large files
[21:54:47] J-e-f-f-A|work: SLUG: Again, up to you... I have heard that suse might be tough to setup myth, but just 2nd hand... haven't tried myself.  — ext3 fs seems to work fine too...
[21:55:02] SLUG: ok thanks
[21:55:19] iamlindoro__: In the runup to .21 you couldn't even get .20.2 packages in suSE yet, heh
[21:55:28] iamlindoro__: Maybe now that it's out there are .20.2 packages
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[22:17:44] chckens: Hey everyone. I'm wondering, does anyone else observe that mythfrontend uses significantly less CPU time to play back video if you adjust the time stretch to be something other than 1.0x ?
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[22:20:54] iamlindoro__ (iamlindoro__!n=robert@ has quit ("Me home go.")
[22:22:00] chckens: Don't all shout at once :-)
[22:27:28] shame (shame!n=mike@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:28:08] nick_fn (nick_fn! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:29:04] nick_fn: I think I ran mythfilldatabase --manual and answered the questions badly – I downloaded ALL radio times data, and I didn't know how to answer the channel ID questions. I seem to have duplicate data in my programme guide now (Radio Times + EIT?). How do I clear this out to start again?
[22:29:41] fryfrog: mythtv-setup
[22:29:42] Ojg (Ojg! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:29:43] fryfrog: remove the line up
[22:30:02] fryfrog: then, channels, i think there is a "clear all" just press "M" for menu in most of those places (something it took me a while to find)
[22:30:50] nick_fn: ok, I'll try this
[22:31:57] nick_fn: ah : [mythbackend] <defunct> after I tried to C-c it...
[22:33:52] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[22:35:35] briand (briand! has quit (Connection timed out)
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[22:42:24] nick_fn: That process is a debug build: it was running inside gdb. Is there anything useful I can do?
[22:47:01] opentrinity (opentrinity! has quit ("***debian rules!!***")
[22:56:00] clever: i think i discovered my cpu problem
[22:56:00] clever: something seems to have switched to greedyhdeint
[22:58:59] clever: woot
[22:59:06] clever: cpu-- and now its using half the cpu!
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[23:07:25] mirak (mirak! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
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[23:14:16] jheizer: Can some one help me out with what I am guessing is a stupid mistake on my part updating from svn for .21 fixes
[23:14:40] jheizer: # svn co
[23:14:41] jheizer: svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/branches/release-0-21-fixes/mythtv'
[23:14:43] jheizer: svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/branches/release-0-21-fixes/mythtv': 207 Multi-Status (
[23:18:20] chckens: jheizer: do you have an SVN checkout of another branch already?
[23:18:53] jheizer: on another machine, yes. This machine no.
[23:19:50] jheizer: working on copying it across to see if I can just get it to update it
[23:20:08] jheizer: or I will just use that version anyway
[23:20:31] chckens: jheizer: that command you pasted works OK for me...
[23:20:38] jheizer: yup
[23:20:43] jheizer: and works from my other machine fine
[23:21:16] jheizer: wouldn't update the source copied from the other machine either
[23:21:26] jheizer: guess I will just use that copy for now
[23:24:06] jheizer: thanks anyway
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[23:25:17] bbeattie (bbeattie!n=bbeattie@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:26:53] bbeattie: what is the svn version/tag to get the true .21 build rather than head?
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[23:28:35] fryfrog: bbeattie: the branch is ...
[23:28:53] fryfrog:
[23:28:57] bbeattie: thx
[23:29:01] fryfrog: replace "tv" with "themes" and "plugins" to get them
[23:29:47] bbeattie: I've been tweaking the settings code (working towards a patch) and would rather not having to start over... :)
[23:32:16] bbeattie: fryfrog that "branch" would require a new build tree for me, correct? Or is there a way to bring my current source up to date against the fixes branch?
[23:32:50] chckens: bbeattie: svn help switch
[23:33:06] fryfrog: bbeattie: specificaly "svn sw <url i mentioned>"
[23:33:20] bbeattie: thx
[23:33:33] quink (quink! has quit ("reboot")
[23:35:55] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: So are you going to preorder the HD PVR?
[23:36:20] Yahooadam (Yahooadam! has quit ("Leaving.")
[23:36:40] iamlindoro_: Tanthrix: Already done!  :) :)
[23:37:28] briand (briand! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:37:40] iamlindoro_: Tanthrix: Got on it early this morning right after it went up, am pretty sure I'll be in the first few hundred orders at the most
[23:37:45] Tanthrix: iamlindoro_: Nice. Now that the time has arrived I'm rethinking my enthusiasm for it. I may hold off for a while, especially since I still only have two or three good HD channels.
[23:37:54] briand (briand! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:38:01] iamlindoro_: Tanthrix: Traitor!
[23:38:18] Tanthrix: iamlindoro_: Don't worry, I said I'm rethinking – I haven't decided anything yet. ;)
[23:38:55] iamlindoro_: I have 40ish HD channels, for the most part I get them via firewire, but I have a few reasons to believe I will put the HD PVR on one of the cable boxes and give it the highest priority
[23:39:07] Hoochster (Hoochster!n=hooch@ has quit ("Leaving")
[23:39:59] Dave123 (Dave123! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:40:07] iamlindoro_: We're also getting 6 new ones on the 15th, and I've seen some randomly 5C'ed programs lately. Also, the box itself seems to have more competent error correction w/ the streams than libavcodec does with the raw video-- sometimes the output of the component actually looks better than the raw stream played by Myth
[23:40:13] Hoochster (Hoochster!n=hooch@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:40:15] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: . . . Id=OR36458:X
[23:40:48] iamlindoro_: Tanthrix: Whassamatta, you don't get the 700s?
[23:41:11] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: Essentially, the only HD channels I'd be getting would be HistoryHD, AETVHD, TNTHD, USAHD, UHD, and HGTVHD
[23:41:43] iamlindoro_: I'm seeing a lot more than that-- do you not get that package or something?
[23:42:01] iamlindoro_: ie NGCHD, all the premiums, etc.
[23:42:11] iamlindoro_: Mojo also has some fun shows
[23:42:13] Tanthrix: Well, I'd get a few more like MojoHD and NGCHD, but no HBO/Showtimeetc..
[23:43:07] iamlindoro_: I count 22 w/o premiums, but if they aren't your thing that's understandable
[23:43:50] iamlindoro_: Anyway, I'm also thinking record some of the on-demand HD stuff this way too
[23:43:57] Tanthrix: I'm not into Sports, so only the ones that I listed are the ones I'd likely be watching. (Keeping in mind I already get all the OTA stuff in HD)
[23:44:00] iamlindoro_: er thinking I'll
[23:44:30] iamlindoro_: If your market is anything like ours you'll be getting SciFi HD, CNN HD, Food network HD, and a few others in the next month or two
[23:44:51] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: If that happens, I'll be far more interested. Especially if I get DiscoveryHD and Scifi HD.
[23:45:13] iamlindoro_: Tanthrix: Oh, no DHD right now? That's a bummer-- DHD and HD Theatre are both amazing channels
[23:45:31] iamlindoro_: Yeah, I bet you'll get them soon, they seem to be rolling out a ton nationwide
[23:45:58] iamlindoro_: Hehehe
[23:46:00] iamlindoro_: yep
[23:46:03] iamlindoro_: I am smart
[23:46:34] iamlindoro_: May 1 you get: Disney HD, TBS HD, TLC HD, Science Channel, Scifi HD, CNN HD, AMC HD, Discovery HD, Discovery Theatre HD
[23:46:39] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: I've come to realize that 99 percent of what I watch comes from the various OTA channels, Discovery, Comedy Central, Sci-fi, and very rarely TLC. The three of those that I don't already get in HD I wouldn't be able to get even if I had the box.
[23:46:46] iamlindoro_: Better order that box now ;)
[23:46:55] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: Hah! Good timing. What's your source?
[23:47:05] iamlindoro_: . . . amp;page=110
[23:47:17] iamlindoro_: #3273
[23:47:59] iamlindoro_: Guess that seals the deal, no?  :) :)
[23:48:22] Tanthrix: Hrm.
[23:48:35] Tanthrix: I'm definately leaning towards getting it now..
[23:48:48] chckens (chckens! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:49:14] Tanthrix: My only worry is that the support won't be so hot to start off. I'm too busy right now to deal with much early adoption head aches.
[23:49:52] Tanthrix: Considering the simplicity of the device though, that fear may not be warranted. (IE, it does all the work, the computer just recieves the stream.)
[23:50:06] iamlindoro_: Tanthrix: Well that much is a given... They may ship May 1, but it'll almost certainly be a bit before you can use it properly in myth, and will definitely require using trunk
[23:50:35] Tanthrix: I think I'm going to wait until I hear from you that it's working perfectly and is awesome. ;)
[23:50:39] iamlindoro_: Tanthrix: That said, the users list is alight with offers to buy boxes for the devs if they will get the support added
[23:51:12] iamlindoro_: Based on some of the whispers I have head on the DL, I would expect linux support at/practically at launch
[23:51:15] iamlindoro_: er heard on
[23:51:25] directhex: BED!
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[23:51:58] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: Yah, that seems to be the case. I'm really curious how decent the build in deinterlacer is going to me. If it's good, I could potentially see recording everything with it.
[23:52:22] iamlindoro_: Yeah, would need to know more about the ambarella chip to know what options there are
[23:52:48] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: There's going to be a lot to fiddle with. (IE, you/we're going to want to test recording 1080i and 720p from both 720p and 1080i output from the cable box.)
[23:53:08] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: As well as compare the quality of recording upscaled HD verses input from a PVR-150.
[23:53:14] Tanthrix: er, upscaled SD
[23:53:46] iamlindoro_: Tanthrix: I'm very likely to set it to 720p for most/all things, since I generally have been resizing to that for archival anyway unless I *really* like a show-- Galactica and a very Discovery HD shows are likely to be my only exceptions
[23:54:01] iamlindoro_: er a very few
[23:54:26] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: Aye. Personally, I just hate 1080i. But it could be an issue, especially for things broadcast in 1080i that could be pulled down to 24fp.
[23:55:07] Tanthrix: I doubt that its deinterlacer will be smart enough to do that, but we shall see.
[23:55:34] Shetaan (Shetaan! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:55:43] iamlindoro_: Tanthrix: Another reason I might prefer it over firewire is that the stream out of my firewire port is sometimes/often broken in such a way that chokes lossless commercial transcode-- have found a workaround but would be nice to have a guaranteed perfect stream, too
[23:56:39] Tanthrix: iamlindoro: There's another benefit you're overlooking – you could then replace your noisy, hot-running, waste of power DVR with a simple HD tuner that likely half the price per month.
[23:56:58] EvilGuru (EvilGuru! has quit ()
[23:57:00] iamlindoro_: Tanthrix: I don't have their DVR, just a couple of the HD STBs
[23:57:19] Tanthrix: Oh? You're ahead of the game already then.
[23:57:31] Tanthrix: I didn't know the regular tuners came with firewire out.
[23:57:36] iamlindoro_: yeah, have been using firewire for a bit so no need of their DVR
[23:57:53] iamlindoro_: Tanthrix: yup, DCH 3200/6200s are both STBs only w/ firewire
[23:58:09] iamlindoro_: I know there's a DCT 2224 w/ firewire, but I've never seen one in person
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