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Wednesday, March 12th, 2008, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:14] Dagmar: You care about the "extra bs checks" I don't.
[00:00:30] Mikeee: then use -Y
[00:00:31] sphery: I don't care, so I disable them with -Y
[00:00:31] Dagmar: I also have a serious problem believing that -X was changed from doing what it was doing 5 years ago
[00:00:36] Honk^away (Honk^away! has quit ()
[00:00:50] Dagmar: Mikeee: NO. As in "I do not have a problem with the extra bs checks being done"
[00:00:56] sphery: it's now doing what it did /plus/ adding a bunch of extra bs checks
[00:01:13] Dagmar: I started learning this stuff when it was hellishly dangerous to do this at all
[00:01:19] Mikeee:
[00:01:24] Dagmar: I am perfectly happy with my applications being hadnled in the most paranoid way possible
[00:01:31] IceWewe: ugh, more problems with nuvexport... I've got it set to run automatically after the show is comm flagged, but it fails. Running it with --debug provided the following output (which can be found at:) ''
[00:02:35] Frosty-: -X began using untrusted xauth cookie from v3.8, -Y was created to give previous behaviour, equivalent to "ForwardX11Trusted yes"
[00:02:40] IceWewe: then, ffmpeg dies and nothing happens... I get no more ouput
[00:02:46] Dagmar: Okay, so basically, what I was doing got _better_ from my standpoint then
[00:02:54] Dagmar: I've no problem with that
[00:03:02] sphery: in other words, "I'm unwilling to learn what changed so that I can make an appropriate decision about how to use X11 forwarding. Ignorance is bliss."
[00:03:05] sphery: :)
[00:03:15] Dagmar: No, more a matter of it started behaving more in line with my expectations
[00:03:16] Mikeee: let's face it – either you want full security, run with -X, but some programs will not be able to do their thing
[00:03:22] Mikeee: or you run with -Y
[00:03:24] Dagmar: This isn't "some programs" damnit
[00:03:42] sphery: Oh, yeah,
[00:03:47] Dagmar: I've said about a dozen times now I am referring specifically to the case of running mythtv-setup remotely
[00:03:49] Nikas (Nikas! has quit ()
[00:03:49] lotia: NightMonkey: also what is odd is that prior to this, i could record a 5 HD streams while watching another without issues.
[00:03:51] sphery: try pasting a value into a setting in mythtv-setup with -X
[00:03:52] sphery: won't work
[00:03:56] sphery: you have to use -UY
[00:03:58] sphery: -U
[00:04:01] sphery: -Y
[00:04:05] sphery: stupid U key
[00:04:06] Dagmar: I'm _used_ to cut buffers not crossing over like that
[00:04:32] sphery: OK. Type in your paths in storage groups and debug the issue when you have typos
[00:04:33] Dagmar: I have no _need_ of this trust relationship
[00:04:35] Mikeee: Dagmar: I've seen numerous other programs have the same problem – and before you ask, no I don't remember which ones
[00:05:07] Dagmar: I work, as a matter of habit, following the principle of least privledge as much as possible
[00:05:30] Mikeee: me too. I use -X for everything _except_ the things that do not work
[00:05:46] Aval0n: uhg I set my friend up a whole mythtv system and all he does is gripe about how he can't press and hold down a butotn to scroll the program guide
[00:05:48] ** Aval0n slaps face **
[00:05:59] Dagmar: I don't need the remote app being able to do things like grab input events when the window is not in focus.
[00:06:12] AndyCap: Aval0n: and he set you up the bomb?
[00:06:18] sphery: Aval0n: sounds like you need to fix the LIRC config
[00:06:23] Mikeee: me neither – 99.999% of the time I'm not using GUI apps at all
[00:06:25] Dagmar: I am fully aware that *normally* something I spawned on the local machine can do this.
[00:06:27] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:31] Aval0n: I told him.. make your time
[00:06:36] Aval0n: sphery: ?
[00:06:49] Aval0n: his remote works..
[00:06:50] sphery: Dagmar: If you don't trust the code, you should /not/ even execute it.
[00:06:52] Dagmar: I'm one of the assholes who used to sit in #Linux on EFNet and spawn things to people's displays as they joined just to annoy them. I'm familiar with this whole schlamiel
[00:07:04] Aval0n: it's a logitech harmony
[00:07:08] Aval0n: emulating an rc6
[00:07:09] Dagmar: sphery: There's no need for me to trust the ENTIRE damn machine
[00:07:09] sphery: If you don't know what security a specific measure provides, it's not necessarily better than not using it...
[00:07:23] sphery: Dagmar: it's not the whole machine. It's trusting hte app
[00:07:25] Dagmar: Okay, you're not listening to me dude
[00:07:39] Dagmar: Let's say I did run an evil app
[00:07:47] Dagmar: What can it do to my _local machine_?
[00:07:48] Aval0n: sphery: there is somewhere in the lircd.conf that specifies button repeat?
[00:07:49] Dagmar: Not a damn thing
[00:08:00] sphery: Aval0n: assuming the remote keeps sending button press codes, you can change the delay and repeat values in LIRC to allow repeats
[00:08:10] Aval0n: hmm
[00:08:18] Dagmar: I can kill it, and never have given it any chance to do something exceptionally hostile other than maybe show me the inside of someone's anus
[00:08:25] xris: IceWewe:
[00:08:49] sentinel23 (sentinel23! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:08:52] Aval0n: he was showing me his cox DVR. he held down.. at first is scrolled slow then went fast
[00:09:02] Aval0n: there is def not a way to do THAT in mythtv is there?
[00:09:16] Frosty-: I've waited 3 hours and still many channels are missing EIT listings :(
[00:09:19] AndyCap: does his cox dvr have a webgui? :>
[00:09:30] Frosty-: <Aval0n> he was showing me his cox
[00:09:35] Frosty-: *snigger*
[00:09:57] IceWewe: xris: thanks
[00:09:59] Aval0n: lol no
[00:10:00] sentinel23: lol
[00:10:05] Aval0n: snigger?
[00:10:08] Aval0n: lol
[00:10:44] Mikeee: Dagmar: I'm totally following your reasoning, the only thing I'm curious about (probably because I missed the start of it all) is what solution you propose?
[00:10:44] xris: IceWewe: thought I added a link to that at the bottom of the --debug text.. guess I should.
[00:10:44] sphery: in LIRC, you can set delay to specify that it shouldn't start repeating immediately, then use repeat to specify how many repeats to ignore between sending a new LIRC event (basically like a keyboard repeat delay and an inverse repeat rate)
[00:10:48] Dagmar: Yes, that's an alternate but perfectly acceptable spelling for "snicker"
[00:10:48] Dagmar: MikeeE: I'm not proposing a solution
[00:10:51] Deek: if he doesn't like myth, let him play with his cox.
[00:10:53] Dagmar: I've got sphery trying to tell me crazy things about what I've been doing
[00:10:53] sphery: Aval0n: ^^^^
[00:11:10] Aval0n: sphery thanks
[00:11:15] Aval0n: I'll play with it
[00:11:15] Dagmar: ..and I'm like "no, I actually don't care to disable that particular layer of protection"
[00:11:20] sentinel23: sweet, so i've finally got .21 working more than I have before. but it seems i need to recompile because I didn't explicitly enable ALSA support. is there anything else I should consider enabling?
[00:11:21] sphery: Aval0n: I don't think you can dynamically change the repeat rate
[00:11:30] Aval0n: k
[00:11:31] sphery: Aval0n: and myth doesn't adjust scroll rate
[00:11:36] Aval0n: yeah
[00:11:43] Mikeee: Dagmar: ok, so this is a totally side-tracked discussion?
[00:11:45] directhex: sentinel23, opengl output? pthreads decoding?
[00:11:48] Aval0n: he keeps saying myth is so unpolished
[00:11:52] Dagmar: Mikee: Something like that
[00:11:52] Aval0n: lol
[00:11:55] AndyCap: Aval0n: there are page up and page down though I guess
[00:11:58] Aval0n: I told him use vista mce
[00:11:59] Mikeee: Dagmar: check. thanks ;)
[00:12:10] Frosty-: sentinel23, it should be enabled by default, is it possible you were missing a library?
[00:12:13] IceWewe: xris: so, with this, I just run all the commands manually and see what ffmpeg barfs up?
[00:12:19] sentinel23: interesting
[00:12:27] sentinel23: i guess it's possible
[00:12:36] sentinel23: and i figured it would be
[00:12:38] Dagmar: mikee: At any rate, I was trying to express that just like someone who maybe spent his early life being shot at, I tend to be ultra careful regardless
[00:12:42] sentinel23: 1 sec
[00:12:53] Frosty-: I usually go through the configure script and find what it is something requires if after I do ./configure it says it won't be included
[00:12:55] IceWewe: xris: I guess I should be using this with one pass so I can see exactly what ffmpeg doesn't like...
[00:13:03] Dagmar: I've actually seen people compromise a desktop using a malicious remote server, just like -Y might actually facilitate
[00:13:19] Mikeee: Dagmar: (unfortunately) I believe you're correct
[00:13:35] Dagmar: Given a few weeks to dig the materials back up, I could probably do it to an unencrypted session again without much difficult
[00:13:35] Dagmar: y
[00:13:57] Mikeee: unencrypted is cheating
[00:13:59] Mikeee: ;)
[00:14:00] sphery: Dagmar: -Y requires that the /app/ you chose to run be the one to compromise the remote server (again, if you don't trust the app, don't run it)
[00:14:21] Dagmar: I don't have to trust the app.
[00:14:23] Cackette (Cackette! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:36] Cackette: How do you make Commercial Auto-skip ON a permanent setting
[00:14:41] Dagmar: I can prod a machine remotely and not give a crap if it explodes into flames actually.
[00:14:43] Cackette: instead of having to turn it on every recording
[00:14:54] sphery: Dagmar: So, you don't care about your Myth host?
[00:14:59] Deek: Cackette: setup
[00:15:10] sphery: anyway, I have more useful things to do with my time.
[00:15:11] kwizart: well, it works but i don't know how i can san dvb in France (on Australia sweden spain..)
[00:15:14] kwizart: scna
[00:15:15] Dagmar: sphery: LIke anyone bothers to break into a machine and then leave anything left intact
[00:15:18] kwizart: scan
[00:15:20] Deek: Setup->TV Settings->TV Playback
[00:15:35] Frosty-: how do I troubleshoot missing eit data
[00:15:39] Cackette: can you do it in MythWeb?
[00:15:43] sphery: keep using security without understanding what it actually does, or read and see how useless -X is
[00:15:44] Dagmar: The point being what I do on my desktop shouldn't just allow the remote server to do anything especially sneaky to the machine I'm working *from*
[00:15:49] Deek: Cackette: I suppose.
[00:15:56] sphery: people only think it's useful because it says "security"
[00:16:02] Dagmar: Dude, just stop saying that. It's silly
[00:16:07] Cackette: * MythWeb session settings
[00:16:07] Cackette: * MythTV global defaults
[00:16:07] Cackette: * MythTV channel info
[00:16:07] Cackette: * MythTV key bindings
[00:16:07] Cackette: * MythTV settings table
[00:16:08] Dagmar: I got a CISSP fer crissakes.
[00:16:23] sphery: Just like the DMCA could have been hailed as the savior of mankind by calling it the "Digital Millenium Copyright and Security Act"
[00:17:06] Dagmar: Clearly I'm a bit more aware of what zones of authority I'm dealing with
[00:17:07] lwizardl: for saving 2 HD streams at the same time would an AMD Athlon 64 X2 (2.2GHZ) be a good choice?
[00:17:12] xris: IceWewe: yeah, that's pretty much the idea....
[00:17:28] IceWewe: xris: but it states in the article that you can do it with 2 pass, which is what I was hoping to do
[00:17:33] Dagmar: If the remote box has been compromised, it doesn't matter *what* *I* specifically do to it
[00:17:38] Dagmar: It's still going to be compromised.
[00:17:47] Dagmar: So the "if you don't trust it, don't run it" argument falls flat on it's face
[00:17:54] Frosty-: I have a theory about my missing EIT data. If a channel is currently "closed" for the night, will it stop transmitting EIT?
[00:17:54] IceWewe: xris: I guess the pastebin didn't provide enough info so this is the alternative for interrogating ffmpeg...
[00:17:57] sentinel23: mythfrontend output:
[00:18:02] sphery: Dagmar: if it's /your/ Myth box...
[00:18:03] sentinel23: Audio output device is set to an ALSA device but ALSA support is not compiled in!
[00:18:04] sentinel23: NVP: Disabling Audio, reason is: Unable to create AudioOutput.
[00:18:13] Dagmar: because it would be outright *stupid* to obvert that to mean "if you trust it, you must trust it implicitly and in it's entirety"
[00:18:31] sphery: Dagmar: the entirety is the part that you've got wrogn
[00:18:40] Dagmar: sphery: None of my machines trust each other very much.
[00:18:44] Dagmar: They don't need to.
[00:18:55] Dagmar: I do not build unnecessary trust relationships into anything.
[00:19:00] sphery: in other words, there's not much difference between the 2 other than -X prevents /you/ from using things that help /you/
[00:19:04] lwizardl: for saving 2 HD streams at the same time would an AMD Athlon 64 X2 (2.2GHZ) be a good choice for use as both a front end & back end?
[00:19:12] Dagmar: No.
[00:19:16] IceWewe: lwizardl: are you watching one at the same time?
[00:19:26] Mikeee (Mikeee! has quit ("trusting bed is the best option")
[00:19:39] lwizardl: IceWewe, probably one of the 2
[00:19:41] Dagmar: I've root directly logins enabled on that box, because it serves a particular need.
[00:19:44] IceWewe: lwizardl: then no
[00:20:00] sphery: Dagmar: Anyway, I gave you a link to the spec for trusted X11, feel free to read it or continue to assume you know what it says. I don't care either way.
[00:20:10] Dagmar: On all my other things, I don't care to be sloppy about it. I'm going to login with the joe user account and use su or sudo depending on what machine I'm on. Period.
[00:20:18] Dagmar: ...because that is the _more correct_ thing to do.
[00:20:38] sphery: but you do allow root ssh logins?
[00:20:40] Dagmar: Just because it's "not doing much" is no reason to throw it out entirely
[00:20:49] Dagmar: Sphery: On that one box, es.
[00:20:53] IceWewe: lwizardl: . . . _02_21_13_05
[00:20:57] sphery: far worse than -Y
[00:20:59] _gunni_ (_gunni_! has quit ("KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies")
[00:21:08] Dagmar: It's basically *not* being used as a multi-user system so it's a rather moot point
[00:21:17] Dagmar: Particularly since it also uses my ssh key
[00:21:43] Frosty-: can you two post url's to a recent photo?
[00:21:49] Dagmar: I can't just ssh into it directly as root from just anything
[00:21:58] Dagmar: No, I am not a bearded ancient.
[00:23:00] sphery: Dagmar: I'm not saying to use -Y for everything. I'm simply saying to use it for mythtv-setup because mythtv-setup is not guaranteed to do the right thing in an untrusted sandbox and because mythtv-setup doesn't do bad things.
[00:23:47] sphery: Dagmar: however, after someone uses ssh to login to your myth box as root and replaces mythtv-setup with an evil program, you will want to use -X, so maybe it's better that /you/ use -X
[00:24:15] Dagmar: sphery: It's easier to simply keep doing everything in the most anal way possible than it is to bother with doing something _even slightly more lax__ when it's not needed, just because you can.
[00:24:21] Dagmar: The keywords here being "not needed".
[00:24:43] Dagmar: Hell, I used to work at a dialup ISp.
[00:24:52] Dagmar: You know how those places _generally_ got compromised?
[00:25:07] sphery: OK. From now on when you tell people to use -X, you should tell them, "But when you do so, you cannot use copy and paste to fill in values in mythtv-setup."
[00:25:09] Dagmar: Someone got control of some dimwit noobs workstation and simply waited for them to start extending their trust relationships aroudn
[00:25:31] Dagmar: sphery: Not my job to explain to them how X works
[00:25:41] Dagmar: (and I do mean X, not -X)
[00:25:47] sphery: Because, you know, people who are just getting started with mythtv might actually want to use copy/paste to fill in values...
[00:25:52] Dagmar: The damn thing really likes going full screen here anwyay. heh
[00:26:04] Dagmar: Then they can use -Y.
[00:26:13] Dagmar: Me, I use _short directory names_ and type 120wpm so I don't care.
[00:26:41] Dagmar: /space/recordings is pretty easy for me to type.
[00:26:49] sphery: Funny thing is that -X used to allow clipboard access and I can't count the number of people who reported bugs (to OpenSSH, to distros, etc.) about how forwarding is broken.
[00:26:50] Dagmar: Just about impossible to forget, too.
[00:27:05] sphery: and you're expecting that average joe user just starting with Myth understands the difference.
[00:27:11] lotia: so, if i have custom resolutions set for playback, and my gui is displaying at 1080p why is 1080i stuff switching my tv res to 720p?
[00:27:30] Dagmar: No, I expect that it'll behave as if I were forwarding an X app normally, without the ssh tunnel.
[00:27:53] IceWewe: xris: this is what I get when I try to run the second pass: "Floating point exception (core dumped)"
[00:27:58] sphery: lotia: because that 1080i stuff is actually 720p?
[00:28:15] sphery: Dagmar: only behaves that way with -Y
[00:28:24] lotia: sphery: is there a way to find out what the res of the file is?
[00:29:31] sphery: lotia: mplayer -v -v -v -v -nolirc -nojoystick -vo null -ao null -frames 1 -identify /path/to/file
[00:29:47] lotia: thanks sphery
[00:29:47] sphery: then read through the info very carefully
[00:30:08] IceWewe: xris: and despite the fact that ffmpeg left the building, mythtranscode still maintains that it's encoding, albeit at an increadibly slow rate
[00:30:14] sphery: basically, it's only the info at the bottom, but there's a /lot/ of output, so you might want to redirect to a file
[00:30:18] sphery: lotia: ^^^
[00:30:24] [gquit]bombadil ([gquit]bombadil! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[00:30:38] xris: IceWewe: happens sometimes
[00:30:46] IceWewe: xris: so is it actually encoding anything?
[00:30:58] xris: ffmpeg is probably finishing out the buffer
[00:31:02] xris: and would eventually die
[00:31:28] IceWewe: xris: but... ffmpeg isn't running, I can't even find it in ps
[00:31:40] [gquit]bombadil ([gquit]bombadil!n=dana@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:32:17] IceWewe: xris: so, basically, 2 pass doesn't work
[00:33:44] xris: does single-pass?
[00:33:55] IceWewe: xris: I don't know, I'm testing it now
[00:34:21] directhex: i made sammiches!
[00:34:29] ** IceWewe grabs a sammich **
[00:34:41] IceWewe: directhex: thanks bud!
[00:34:48] iamlindoro__: directhex: Bit late for sammiches, no?
[00:35:00] directhex: iamlindoro__, lunch tomorrow
[00:35:05] iamlindoro__: ah-hah
[00:36:45] Dagmar: Not only no, but f**k no.
[00:37:10] Dagmar: I'm flat out not creating unnecessary trust relationships
[00:37:22] ** iamlindoro__ is amazed that he went for a 40 minute run and the same argument appears to still be going on ;) **
[00:37:35] IceWewe: iamlindoro: hehe
[00:39:38] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:39:46] iamlindoro__: In fact, hehe, it takes up my whole scrollback, now that I look
[00:40:03] Dagmar: I had to do this crap back when neither -X nor -Y existed and you had to manually make the bloody port forward
[00:40:13] mkrufky: i just want to say — i always made a fuss about upgrading mythtv versions, etc... i did the upgrade from 0.20 to 0.21 and it was smoooooth ...
[00:40:32] mkrufky: and i am very pleased,.. great work, guys
[00:40:37] iamlindoro: Dagmar: I bet both ports were uphill both ways too, huh?  :)
[00:40:41] directhex: Dagmar, yeah? well we didn't have any of this SSH stuff, you had to do X over netcat!
[00:40:46] iamlindoro: Ports filled with SNOW knee deep!
[00:40:52] Dagmar: Trust me I'm quite fine with it doing *more* paranoid things by default
[00:40:56] directhex: iamlindoro, i like your dig better
[00:41:04] Dagmar: directhex: No, over telnet
[00:41:05] Dagmar: ;)
[00:41:30] iamlindoro: *eyeroll* Yes Dad-mar
[00:41:32] iamlindoro: ;)
[00:41:46] Frosty-: iamlindoro, I am amazed too!
[00:41:50] Frosty-: want some popcorn?
[00:42:08] directhex: or a sammich?
[00:42:14] iamlindoro: Frosty-: I just worked off dinner, I'm not anxious to line up any more-- but thanks for the offer :)
[00:42:22] Frosty-: in fact I dunno whats more sad, the argument or the fact I'm following it
[00:42:42] directhex: x! y! x! y! duck season! wabbit season!
[00:42:56] Dagmar: directhex: and you used to have to write your own bloody netcat if you needed somethign that did that
[00:42:59] iamlindoro: Up up down down left right left right B A Start?
[00:43:15] directhex: up c down c left c right
[00:43:18] Frosty-: Lara Croft naked?
[00:43:20] iamlindoro: And don't throw that select shit in there, either, 'cause that'll just show you never played Life Force
[00:43:33] directhex: debug mode in sonic the hedgehog!
[00:43:44] ** IceWewe bashes his head against the keyboard **
[00:43:49] janneg: mkrufky: nice to hear
[00:43:49] Frosty-: reminds me of the code for street fighter 2
[00:43:50] Dagmar: I was more fond of Krazy Kong
[00:43:54] ** iamlindoro uses the *correct* Konami code... Using the Select button is for these darn kids **
[00:44:06] Dagmar: It was a Donkey Kong ripoff with a crappy random number seed.
[00:44:31] hashbang (hashbang! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:44:40] directhex: to think his name was meant to be "ass kong"
[00:44:40] Dagmar: Be a little obsessive and wiggle the joystick to the intro music the same way every time you put in a quarter, and voila, no more random barrels
[00:44:46] janneg: mkrufky: btw Hauppauge demoed MythTV on two PCs at the Cebit
[00:44:55] mkrufky: really??
[00:45:02] ** mkrufky in shock **
[00:45:12] Dagmar: Knowing _exactly_ when the barrels got dropped every time made the thing a lot easier
[00:45:15] iamlindoro: Now if you would just demo and HD-PVR in front of a camera...
[00:45:22] iamlindoro: er an
[00:45:39] IceWewe: xris: bloody...
[00:45:49] Frosty-: can any DVB-T card theoretically receive a HD signal, or do I need to buy a HD receiver when the time comes
[00:45:56] mkrufky: janneg: what device was it? do you know who it was doing that demo?
[00:45:59] ** xris wonders if that's considered a swear word in this channel.. heh **
[00:46:03] IceWewe: xris: I can't start a single pass manually and mythtv refuses to spawn an encoding process from inside the job list...
[00:46:15] directhex: for some reason now my brain contains the intro music for gremlins 2 on the NES
[00:46:24] iamlindoro: Frosty-: in theory, all the DVB devices can receive HD
[00:46:24] directhex: Frosty-, if your HD is over dvb-t, then yes
[00:46:26] mkrufky: janneg: IMHO, if they're demoing mythtv, then i should be allowed to do linux drivers at work, lol
[00:46:36] Dagmar: directhex: I'm actually talking about an arcade stand-up unit, mind you
[00:46:50] Frosty-: awesome news, thanks :)
[00:46:50] janneg: mkrufky: no, I was not there and the reports were sparse on details
[00:47:13] Dagmar: I still haven't found a satisfactory explanation for where those Krazy Kong machines were coming from tho
[00:47:26] mkrufky: janneg: is there an article in some link that talks about it?
[00:47:52] xris: IceWewe: weird
[00:48:00] xris: sounds like a config issue, then
[00:48:08] janneg: mkrufky: it is not the first time. Axel Thimm demoed Mythtv a couple of years ago on pvr cards
[00:48:16] IceWewe: xris: probably is... I'm gonna try mencoder this time
[00:48:28] Dagmar: Clearly they were an outright pirate version of Donkey Kong, but they pretty much outnumbered the legitimate Donkey Kong machines just about everywhere in TN I ever went
[00:48:55] janneg: mkrufky: I haven't found one yet, but we will see
[00:48:59] mkrufky: janneg: well, i think thats kinda cool... im just surprised
[00:49:32] iamlindoro: xris: Haven't looked close enough to be know, but do you do acodec null on your first pass with nuvexport+ffmpeg?
[00:49:45] Dagmar: Secret codes for home console units were all well and good, but infinitely more delicious was being able to do it to arcade uprights at a mall and *crush* someone else's high score
[00:49:56] xris: iamlindoro: on most export types, yes
[00:49:58] iamlindoro: xris: As if he sisn't have ffmpeg w/ support for his audio codec, that might explain the first pass working and the second failing
[00:50:04] iamlindoro: er didn't
[00:50:37] IceWewe: iamlindoro: I have support. I built ffmpeg with support for all codecs I'm using
[00:50:51] iamlindoro: *shrug* if ya say so
[00:50:55] IceWewe: iamlindoro: I do
[00:51:21] IceWewe: weird though, this worked on my old PVR, same config too
[00:51:29] kwizart (kwizart!n=kwizart@fedora/kwizart) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:51:30] IceWewe: (granted, I changed the paths)
[00:51:37] IceWewe: in the config files, that is
[00:51:53] Frosty-: a particular showing is dodging the duplicate checker as there seems to be a length difference on the repeats (more adverts?), how can I fix this
[00:51:54] IceWewe: and yes, I'm sure I can write to where ever I want to go
[00:52:17] Dagmar: I thought the dupe checker didn't look at program length
[00:52:20] Dagmar: Hmm....
[00:52:32] Frosty-: possibly, I can't find a manual on it
[00:52:39] Frosty-: but looking at the showings thats the only difference
[00:52:45] Dagmar: Nevermind, it just probably never came up because SD kind of provides clean blocks of time all the same size
[00:53:08] Dagmar: You sure the *descriptions* match exactly?
[00:53:31] Frosty-: yes
[00:54:43] Frosty-: aha found duplicate checker method in mythweb, changed to description only
[00:54:47] lotia: is there a way to specify more than 3 modes for playback
[00:54:52] Frosty-: I guess I missed that in the frontend
[00:55:20] Th3On3 (Th3On3!n=N3o@ has quit ("leaving")
[00:57:48] Dagmar: Frosty: I usually use subtitle only
[00:58:01] Frosty-: what does subtitle mean
[00:58:13] Dagmar: The long description of some stuff seems to vary depending on how much the broadcaster cares about it
[00:58:17] Frosty-: the sub title, the closed captions
[00:58:30] Dagmar: "Chuck Versus the Alma Mater"
[00:58:45] Dagmar: opposed to the show name which is merely "Chuck"
[00:58:54] Frosty-: what if it doesn't have a subtitle
[00:59:04] Dagmar: Then you don't get to use those then
[00:59:11] Frosty-: okay
[00:59:15] Frosty-: ty
[00:59:42] iamlindoro: I love Chuck, that Aussie chick is smoking.
[00:59:48] Dagmar: As far as I know it just looks at the subtitle (episode name, as far as I know) and description by default
[01:00:10] Dagmar: when I've had it playing up and recording something three times in a row, I just tell it to not look at the description anymore and things go fine
[01:00:13] directhex: bedz.
[01:00:17] directhex (directhex! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:00:20] Dagmar: Aussie chick?
[01:00:27] iamlindoro: Woo hoo, Obama is king of Mississippi!
[01:00:28] Dagmar: That little blonde is an Aussie?
[01:00:32] iamlindoro: Dagmar: yep
[01:00:34] IceWewe: iamlindoro: really?
[01:00:43] Dagmar: Ye gods she's even hotter than I thought
[01:00:43] iamlindoro: IceWewe: Yep
[01:01:06] IceWewe: iamlindoro: without revealing too much of my political affiliation, yay!
[01:01:13] iamlindoro: IceWewe: Indeed ;)
[01:01:18] rhpot1991 (rhpot1991! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:01:41] Dagmar: There's some stuff in the show I just dont' find believeable tho
[01:01:57] Dagmar: A call comes in for Chuck to do a "Linux install" and he doesn't mutter "Damn noobs" under his breath?
[01:01:58] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:00] Dagmar: Insanity.
[01:02:37] iamlindoro: What, I'm sure lots of linux users call the Geek-Squad-equivalent to install it a
[01:02:52] Dagmar: bahahahah
[01:03:01] IceWewe: iamlindoro: what linux Geek-Squad-equivalent?
[01:03:08] IceWewe: iamlindoro: there is none
[01:03:10] Dagmar: I wouldn't trust a randomly selected Geek Squad member to change my light bulbs.
[01:03:30] IceWewe: Dagmar: I wouldn't even allow one of their kind on my property
[01:03:31] iamlindoro: IceWewe: Read again, and try to pick up the sarcasm this time
[01:03:53] IceWewe: Dagmar: it just killed me that my girlfriend's parents opted to have them replace a "failed" hard drive instead of myself...
[01:04:02] IceWewe: iamlindoro: still not getting it... :P
[01:04:03] Dagmar: Thank god the new Best Buy that opened near my house has taken the hint to not try to spew "sales bullshit" of any kind at me.
[01:04:19] iamlindoro: Ah well, your loss
[01:04:33] ** Frosty- gives thanks to go **
[01:04:34] Frosty-: d
[01:04:41] IceWewe: iamlindoro: yes, interesting that it was "dead" and yet they still pulled data off and charged them
[01:05:00] Dagmar: I asked 'em to ask the manager of the store SE of here about me. Hehe
[01:05:09] iamlindoro: I'm sure all the filthy porn got added to the store server, too :)
[01:05:20] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit ()
[01:05:22] IceWewe: iamlindoro: no, they came out to do it, and this is my girlfriend we're talking about
[01:05:29] IceWewe: iamlindoro: only softcore stuff ;-)
[01:05:33] Dagmar: One of their sales people made the mistake of telling me "It's the gold on the contacts of the USB 2.0 cable that makes the electricity go faster."
[01:05:47] Dagmar: I was like a rhino hunting a brush fire stomping out *those* bogons.
[01:05:48] iamlindoro: I won't date any girl who's not into truly filthy porno, a personal rule to live by
[01:05:49] IceWewe: xris: yeah, something's screwed with ffmpeg, I'm gonna try mencoder
[01:06:00] xris: IceWewe: what distro, btw?
[01:06:00] IceWewe: iamlindoro: good to know...........
[01:06:05] IceWewe: xris: mythbuntu
[01:06:27] xris: I wonder if that ffmpeg is recompiled, or just the standard ubuntu version
[01:06:28] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:35] IceWewe: xris: recompiled, I did it myself
[01:06:42] xris: ah
[01:07:24] Dagmar: "makes the electricity _go faster_" this little girl said to me
[01:07:52] DaedalusX (DaedalusX! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:07:56] DaedalusX: Good evening gents
[01:08:01] DaedalusX: Quick question
[01:08:06] IceWewe: xris: it's weird though, it works properly when I run nuvexport manually...
[01:08:15] Dagmar: I asked her, "Who told you that?" She told me another sales clerk told her that, I went and chewed his ass out in front of the whole place for teaching a girl something so insanely incorrect.
[01:08:23] DaedalusX: I'm building an HTPC for my parents, I'd like to use MythTV. I was wondering what's the most compatible cheap IR remote
[01:08:27] xris: IceWewe: sounds like a config problem, then
[01:08:34] IceWewe: xris: yeah, you'd think so
[01:09:13] DaedalusX: And also for an HTPC, is it better to go with more expensive mobo with good integrated gpu or cheaper mobo with pci-e nvidia card ?
[01:09:28] Dagmar: Daedalus: Depends
[01:09:34] iamlindoro: DaedalusX: There's most compatible and cheapest, which would you like? Windows Media Center remote + IR Receiver/Blaster, for my money
[01:09:58] DaedalusX: What's the IR receiver/blaster ?
[01:10:17] IceWewe: DaedalusX: what are the cards you would be using?
[01:10:26] davilla (davilla! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:32] Dagmar: 8xxx cards apparently lack Xv accelleration, so you don't get any nimbler mpg playback on them. Other than that, if you're looking at HD content or something, those are not always doing things the hardware can help with so you just have to "ADD MOAR CPU" until it plays without stuttering
[01:10:33] IceWewe: xris: mencoder died... I'm thinking config problem
[01:10:43] iamlindoro: A USB device for capturing those fancy button presses so that they don't bounce of the case and into outer space?
[01:10:48] iamlindoro: er off
[01:11:04] Dagmar: IR absorption field?
[01:11:06] iamlindoro: Plus an IR blaster for controlling your STB <insert joke here>.
[01:11:19] iamlindoro: Didn't have a good one for IR Blaster ;)
[01:11:26] DaedalusX: Well I was thinking about the ASUS M2A-VM mATX AM2 mobo which has integrate Ati x1250 for 70$, so I might upgrade to a X3xx serie or tv wonder. But I'd rather go with an nvidia 8xxx and some kind of remote
[01:11:33] iamlindoro: NO
[01:11:38] iamlindoro: No ATI
[01:11:42] Dagmar: Daedales: Most people would call it a transciever. The "blaster" bit just means it can send IR out as well as listen for it
[01:11:47] iamlindoro: Not ever ever ever ever
[01:11:48] DaedalusX: Thats exactly what I thought
[01:11:50] Dagmar: Definitely no ATI card
[01:11:51] IceWewe: DaedalusX: not ATi...
[01:11:56] DaedalusX: I never had good experience on linux with ati
[01:12:16] IceWewe: DaedalusX: is there going to be HD involved?
[01:12:21] Dagmar: Daedalus: TBH, an nVidia 5200 would do most things fine
[01:12:27] DaedalusX: Yes but no 1080P
[01:12:29] iamlindoro: If you think ATI+Linux is BAd, then image if ATI+ Linux had a mutant baby with their own sister, and that's ATI+Myth
[01:12:29] lotia: after doing some more digging around, it seems like 720p is the big problem
[01:12:34] DaedalusX: TV only supports 720p/1080i
[01:12:36] iamlindoro: er imagine
[01:12:54] lotia: and it seems like i've had a regressing where 720p won't play back without problems. cpu isn't pegged at all.
[01:12:54] DaedalusX: MKV and Blueray if possible
[01:13:07] mchou: iamlindoro: eww......
[01:13:20] iamlindoro: mchou: Hehe, but so true!
[01:13:22] Dagmar: mchou: Yes, that was impressively graphic
[01:13:37] mchou: iamlindoro: stop making references to inbreeding
[01:13:53] iamlindoro: I'm allowed one a day. My mom says so.
[01:13:57] iamlindoro: And that's my one.
[01:13:58] mchou: lol
[01:14:01] DaedalusX: 7300GT should be good enough ?
[01:14:12] Dagmar: Daedalus: Yeah
[01:14:23] mchou: iamlindoro: you inbreed with your mom? :)
[01:14:31] Dagmar: Daedalus: It's not like we're needing to render the video on a set of 480,000 spinning polygon surfaces
[01:14:35] IceWewe: can we cease and desist! There are people with REAL problems here
[01:14:37] DaedalusX: Ok
[01:14:38] mchou: iamlindoro: once a day, no less
[01:14:47] IceWewe: like, why the f*ck nuvexport is being such a b*tch
[01:14:49] Dagmar: This doesn't require massive 3D power and that's really all the higher end cards offer.
[01:14:58] iamlindoro: mchou: NO. She says she doesn't like me like that anymore.
[01:15:00] DaedalusX: And let's say the most compatible < 50$ remote would still be MCE + IR blaster ?
[01:15:08] Dagmar: IceWewe: because transcoding is supposed to be a time of meditation
[01:15:10] Frosty- (Frosty-! has quit ()
[01:15:11] iamlindoro: IceWewe: Inbreeding isn't a real problem to you? You... you MONSTER!
[01:15:19] IceWewe: iamlindoro: no, my lack of being a monster
[01:15:24] mchou: iamlindoro: Visions of Chinatown come to mind
[01:15:24] IceWewe: Dagmar: well, it isn't
[01:15:29] lwizardl: anyone know what numbers is an amd am2?
[01:15:34] Dagmar: No, *you're* supposed to meditate
[01:15:36] iamlindoro: My daughter, my sister, my daughter!
[01:15:42] Dagmar: Or perhaps get a good night's sleep while it works
[01:15:43] Dagmar: :)
[01:15:43] IceWewe: lwizardl: more specific please
[01:15:58] IceWewe: Dagmar: f*ck meditation, I don't have time
[01:16:04] Dagmar: You are specifically not allowed to contemplate how long it's taking, ever.
[01:16:04] iamlindoro: lwizardl: I'm pretty sure the only number in there was "2"
[01:16:04] IceWewe: Dagmar: or patience
[01:16:08] IceWewe: Dagmar: or the mana
[01:16:10] iamlindoro: but I'm not mathmagictician
[01:16:14] Dagmar: Doing so will make your recordings come out all grainy.
[01:16:15] lwizardl: IceWewe, a friend is giving me a mobo that is a socket "492"
[01:16:25] xris: daedalus_: mce usb2 is very compatible, both receiver and blaster.
[01:16:26] mchou: iamlindoro: what happens when you cross breed "Chinatown" with "Star Wars"?
[01:16:35] iamlindoro: dare I ask?
[01:16:36] xris: even the microsoft keyboard works under linux now (almost better than under XP)
[01:16:41] lwizardl: IceWewe, but I don't see it listed anywhere but it has a amd athlon 64 chip\
[01:16:42] IceWewe: lwizardl: Ahhh, Athlon X2s are either socket 939 (DDR based) or socket AM2/940 (DDRII based)
[01:16:43] Dagmar: Tim Ball
[01:17:12] IceWewe: lwizardl: there are NO dual core athlons for any other socket. And just a side note, socket 462 is old. and it sucks.
[01:17:25] IceWewe: lwizardl: refuse delivery, tell him to recycle it himself
[01:17:32] lwizardl: so its 462 not a 492?
[01:17:37] DaedalusX: xris: So it uses a usb dongle for IR functions ? and this works on MythTV using lircd.conf correct ?
[01:17:42] IceWewe: lwizardl: it's socket 462, and it sucks
[01:17:46] lwizardl: k
[01:18:03] xris: DaedalusX: yeah, works great. lots of docs in the mythtv wiki, too, if I'm not mistaken
[01:18:07] mchou: IceWewe: 462 didnt suck when it was out :)
[01:18:21] mchou: IceWewe: in fact it was hot
[01:18:27] xris: DaedalusX: usually around $40–50 from places like newegg
[01:19:20] xris: DaedalusX:
[01:19:37] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=Led-Hed@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:19:44] IceWewe: mchou: literally, it *was* hot
[01:19:50] iamlindoro: I dunno why, but this comment about the election makes me laugh. Hard. "I hope he wins by thirty and destroys Hillary like the end of a Final Fantasy game."
[01:19:54] IceWewe: mchou: but not anymore... my athlon could fry that thing
[01:20:01] iamlindoro: 'cause I can totally visualize it.
[01:20:04] IceWewe: wtf...
[01:20:09] IceWewe: ffmpeg dies on single pass...
[01:20:10] mchou: so I walk into target intending to buy a headphone......
[01:20:14] Viaken (Viaken! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:20:34] mchou: and somehow I walk out with a VoIP ATA
[01:20:37] IceWewe: mchou: so I expect you to clean up the bits of food that have now been sprayed everywhere
[01:20:50] IceWewe: mchou: I loled
[01:20:51] Viaken: I want to know what I missed. lol
[01:20:57] mchou: how the hell did that happen?
[01:21:08] IceWewe: mchou: I don't know, just... target...
[01:21:13] IceWewe: mchou: headphones...
[01:21:23] Viaken: I tried upgrading to 0.21, schema upgrade failed. same problem as: – What handles schema upgrades, and can I remove the line trying to add audioprop?
[01:21:54] mchou: IceWewe: target it the only place where I found headset with detachable mic
[01:22:06] mchou: IceWewe: that's why I went there
[01:22:26] mchou: but target had such a nice deal on vonage VoIP ATA
[01:22:39] mchou: I couldnt resist.....
[01:24:10] Viaken: Any ideas?
[01:24:32] Led-Hed: Viaken, start with a new schema
[01:24:50] Led-Hed: backup the old.
[01:24:59] Viaken: It did that itself
[01:25:30] Led-Hed: Viaken, backup or start new?
[01:25:30] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:25:52] iamlindoro: Viaken: Schema updates are not scripted, they're in the compiled code. Better to fix the corruption in your DB. It's telling you that there's a duplicate audioprop in program. Use mysql client or phpmyadmin to remove the dupe and the schema upgrade will work
[01:25:56] IceWewe: damn PVR, keeping me thin
[01:26:08] Viaken: aighty
[01:26:16] Viaken: Now if only I can remember the password. :)
[01:26:28] Led-Hed: Viaken, mythtv
[01:27:16] Led-Hed: or if using Debian or Ubuntu you can always reconfig the package to set a new password
[01:28:53] lotia: after further investigation, it seems like the files playback fine in mplayer (720p files) but stutter a lot in the frontend
[01:29:08] lotia: anyone had similar experience?
[01:30:10] ToadP_ (ToadP_! has quit (Client Quit)
[01:30:20] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:30:25] ToadP (ToadP! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:30:34] iamlindoro: mplayer will always (currently) be faster than internal. If it's h.264, turn on multithreaded decodings, choose less difficult deinterlacers, apply the skiploopfilter patch, etc., etc.
[01:30:42] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:32:22] th_ (th_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:32:39] th_ (th_! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:34:08] lwizardl: would this be a good system for frontend (and temporary backend) to save 2 HD streams? AMD Athlon 64 X2 5400+ 2.8GHz (Dual-Core), 4GB OCZ Ram
[01:34:17] DaedalusX: So, is it possible to play Blu-ray on MythTV or we still have problems with DRM and stuff ?
[01:34:38] iamlindoro: lwizardl: recording a few HD streams takes practicaly no preocessor, playing them back is the hard part
[01:34:56] iamlindoro: lwizardl: You can record multiple HD streams on processors far < 1 Ghz
[01:35:03] iamlindoro: Playing them back, however...
[01:35:22] Viaken: I..err..don't know how to drop a column.
[01:35:24] iamlindoro: DaedalusX:
[01:35:45] lwizardl: well I plan to use this machine primarily as my frontend for watching SD & HD recording
[01:35:47] DaedalusX: Nuts ...
[01:35:54] DaedalusX: I'd be fine for me
[01:36:05] DaedalusX: But I don't see my parents dropping into CLI to play their movie
[01:36:05] lwizardl: and use my current machine as a backend only
[01:36:20] iamlindoro: drop column columnname;
[01:36:36] iamlindoro: DaedalusX: You don't have to drop to CLI, read the article
[01:36:42] iamlindoro: particularly the last sentence...
[01:37:00] iamlindoro: slash paragraph
[01:37:11] IceWewe: lwizardl: no, go for the X2 5000+ Black Box edition and OC the hell outta it
[01:37:19] Viaken: iamlindoro: Says I have an error in my syntax...
[01:37:34] IceWewe: iamlindoro: I'm pretty sure he's doing the encoding with software, but I could be wrong
[01:37:40] Viaken: alter table mythconverg drop column audioprop; gets me "Table 'mythconverg.mythconverg' doesn't exist"
[01:37:49] DaedalusX: iamlindoro : Well yeah, you have to rip the movie to be able to play it
[01:37:54] iamlindoro: IceWewe: There is no HD recording that requires software encoding/any encoding at all
[01:38:02] iamlindoro: DaedalusX: I know, I wrote the article ;)
[01:38:04] lotia: iamlindoro: it seems like there is a problem with fox and abc broadcasts
[01:38:10] IceWewe: iamlindoro: just in case you cared anymore... here's a post describing my problem... ''
[01:38:14] IceWewe: iamlindoro: really?
[01:38:28] iamlindoro: IceWewe: Yes, really. It gets encoded at the broadcasters end
[01:38:43] IceWewe: iamlindoro: ah yes, because HD is digital... D'oh
[01:38:45] iamlindoro: HD recording is easy precisely because all you are doing is tuning the channel and dumping the stream to disk
[01:39:14] iamlindoro: lotia: In some areas-- I have not noticed it personally, but have read about it a bit-- affecting you too, huh?
[01:39:28] iamlindoro: (I record Lost but haven't had any issues)
[01:39:32] espacious (espacious! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:39:53] lwizardl: IceWewe, why that chip?
[01:40:01] DaedalusX: nuts ... I don't want to go to Vista for Bluray
[01:40:04] lotia: iamlindoro: well it appears to be the case. it does play back much better in mplayer, but i think there are still some issues. 1080i stuff off pbs, nbc plays back beautifully
[01:40:11] DaedalusX: Curse you DRM!
[01:40:14] IceWewe: lwizardl: it's cheaper and it has an unlocked multi
[01:40:33] IceWewe: lwizardl: which means you don't have to touch the FSB, you just crank the multi and bam, it gets faster in 200Mhz increments
[01:40:47] Viaken: it :)
[01:40:47] IceWewe: lwizardl: err-- 250Mhz I believe...
[01:40:52] lwizardl: how is it cheaper
[01:41:03] lwizardl: i find it for $120
[01:41:04] IceWewe: lwizardl: it's $100, how much is your X2 5400+?
[01:41:22] IceWewe: lwizardl: go to newegg or ncix
[01:41:43] lwizardl: the 5400+ is $92
[01:43:27] nuonguy (nuonguy!n=john@nat/sun/x-21bd4b7ac84f4eca) has left #mythtv-users ("Kopete 0.12.7 :")
[01:43:54] IceWewe: lwizardl: X2 5000+ is only $5 more, and it's unlocked
[01:45:16] lwizardl: k and with that I won't have any issuess?
[01:45:32] IceWewe: lwizardl: I never said that, I just said it's more value for your money
[01:45:45] IceWewe: lwizardl: you can OC this thing to ~3.0–3.2Ghz on air, no problem
[01:45:56] IceWewe: lwizardl: you'll need a heatsync though
[01:46:02] lwizardl: ive never had to OC anything
[01:46:03] iamlindoro__: lwizardl: Again, If your only aim is to record two HD streams, you won't have any issues with a P3 1 Ghz, let alone some dual core behemoth
[01:46:46] lwizardl: iamlindoro, for recording 2 HD streams i have a 2.4ghz single core system for the backend
[01:47:00] iamlindoro__: lwizardl: That's far more than enough
[01:47:58] iamlindoro__: as I feel like I keep repeating myself, recording takes practically *no* processor power-- playback is what requires resources
[01:48:44] lwizardl: right
[01:48:49] Viaken: Led-Hed: iamlindoro: Thanks! Appears to be working now. :)
[01:48:49] lwizardl: i understand that
[01:48:59] iamlindoro__: Viaken: NP
[01:49:46] iamlindoro__: lwizardl: So what's the dilemma about how much to buy? Any AMD or Intel processor currently being sold new is more than enough for that purpose
[01:50:03] IceWewe: new = now
[01:50:10] iamlindoro__: No, I mean new
[01:50:16] iamlindoro__: as in, not second hand
[01:50:25] IceWewe: iamlindoro: but a second hand C2D would do the job...
[01:50:56] iamlindoro__: IceWewe: don't confuse the issue, I'm trying to define what is capable in a simple way.
[01:51:05] lwizardl: iamlindoro, trying to plan my build for the front end.
[01:51:13] IceWewe: iamlindoro: ok
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[01:51:22] th1 (th1! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:51:48] iamlindoro__: lwizardl: In that case, for american broadcast HD streams, pretty much any dual core processor will do the job more than capably
[01:52:19] iamlindoro__: "But iamlindoro, Sun made dual core processors back in the summer of ought-one!" Shut. U[.
[01:52:20] iamlindoro__: Up.
[01:52:22] espacious (espacious! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:52:53] ** IceWewe didn't say anything **
[01:52:58] iamlindoro__: heh
[01:53:02] lwizardl: iamlindoro, what about true HD content from stuff like raw rips of HD/Bluray discs to files on a hdd
[01:53:03] lwizardl: ?
[01:53:21] iamlindoro__: lwizardl: C2Duo E4500 @ 2.2 Ghz or better
[01:53:58] iamlindoro__: "But Iamlindoro, by MKV file says it's 1080p and it plays fine on my TI-83 Calculator!" Shut. Up. You. Are. Wrong.
[01:54:27] iamlindoro__: (ie stupid pirated stuff invariably has the bitrate cut to 1/4th the original)
[01:54:39] lwizardl: so would that x2 5000+ black box chip still be able to play them back fine? (not talking about a 8gb WMV or MKV or OGM file)
[01:54:56] iamlindoro__: lwizardl: I don't use AMD chips but I presume it would, yes
[01:55:27] lwizardl: but a true raw rip taking up 30gb of space on the hdd
[01:55:29] lwizardl: k
[01:55:58] DaedalusX: Would anyone be kind enough to critique my built ?
[01:56:05] iamlindoro__: yes. For future discussion, probably easier to speak in terms of bitrate instead of filesize-- BluRay/HD-DVD runs up to 40 Mbit, FYI
[01:56:27] lwizardl: k
[01:56:40] iamlindoro__: US Cable is Mpeg-2 (easier to play) up to 19 or so Mbit, and most stupid stupid HD stuff stolen off the internet is closer to 10 Mbit h.264
[01:56:50] lwizardl: never played them back from a hdd only from my discs
[01:57:12] IceWewe: DaedalusX: I would go for a 7600GT, and I would go for the Biostar version of that board, but that's just me
[01:57:28] iamlindoro__: DaedalusX: Aside from thinking you shouldn't skimp so much on the processor, I think it looks fine
[01:57:48] DaedalusX: What about the Athlon X2 BE-2350 – 45w processor ?
[01:58:05] DaedalusX: it's a good 40$ more expensive but lower power consumption
[01:58:11] IceWewe: DaedalusX: I would look up the specs, but newegg is being a pain
[01:58:47] iamlindoro__: DaedalusX: That's ok so long as you aren't intending to play high-bitrate h.264 (ie raw Blu-Ray rips)
[01:58:57] iamlindoro__: anything short of that will play perfectly on the BE 2350
[01:59:05] DaedalusX: good
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[02:00:20] fryfrog: oh, 0.21 is teh released?
[02:00:28] iamlindoro__: ah-yup
[02:00:30] xris: fryfrog: teh yes
[02:00:37] fryfrog: teh super! :)
[02:00:44] IceWewe: fryfrog: read teh topic
[02:00:56] mzb_d800: well that's got me confused ... though my upgrade went well ... but now when I select "Watch Recordings" both FE's sit on 100% CPU and do precious little
[02:01:01] mzb_d800: *thought
[02:01:10] mzb_d800: was working fine yesterday
[02:01:11] iamlindoro__: It's a feature!
[02:01:16] IceWewe: lol
[02:01:17] briand (briand! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:01:23] DaedalusX: And this would be the biostar equivalent ? . . . ture=BIOSTAR
[02:01:32] IceWewe: DaedalusX: yup
[02:01:37] fryfrog: the topic, that is where i garnered such nice informatioN!
[02:01:49] fryfrog: followed by a quick question, then a bit of firefoxing to see
[02:01:51] mzb_d800: hmm ... nice feature ... fills up memory and then starts gobbling swap
[02:01:53] turbo is now known as briand
[02:02:04] fryfrog: just couldn't let my exciting discovery go unproclaimed!
[02:02:04] IceWewe: DaedalusX: I'm aware that Asus is a highly regarded brand, but Biostar uses solid caps (Asus probably does too, now) and I own a biostar mobo, so I recommend them
[02:02:23] IceWewe: fryfrog: how about you set your sights on discovering why nuvexport doesn't work for me?
[02:02:45] xris: IceWewe: what version of nuvexport / mythbackend?
[02:02:59] fryfrog: i'll take a guess at "user error" being the root cause :)
[02:03:30] IceWewe: xris: nuvexport version: 0.4 0.20080219.svn; Mythbackend version: 0.21.20080224–1
[02:04:34] Aval0n: hey guys is there info on adding channel icons in the wiki somewhere?
[02:04:46] iamlindoro__: Aval0n: Yeah
[02:04:50] Aval0n: k thnx
[02:05:29] iamlindoro__: Aval0n: It's part of mythtv-setup now, though (the downloaded)
[02:05:32] iamlindoro__: downloader
[02:05:52] xris: IceWewe: upgrade nuvexport
[02:05:59] xris: 0.4 shouldn't really work with .21
[02:06:08] Aval0n: what
[02:06:12] Aval0n: it does it automatically now?!
[02:06:33] iamlindoro: yup
[02:06:36] Aval0n: no way
[02:06:55] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit ()
[02:07:01] xris: iamlindoro: hah. didn't know that they'd actually finished the mythtv-setup interface for the new channel icon lookup service. I'm still doing it with my perl scripts.  :)
[02:07:07] Aval0n: so does that mean there is just a flag in the database I can change to have it d/led?
[02:07:15] Aval0n: so I don't have to break out a keyboard ;P
[02:07:16] IceWewe: xris: ehh, nuvexport is new, I thought
[02:07:24] xris: Aval0n: it still requires a little human interaction for now.
[02:07:28] iamlindoro: Aval0n: I don't think so, I think you've got to kick it off
[02:07:31] Aval0n: xris: ok thank you sir
[02:07:37] Aval0n: iamlindoro: ok right on
[02:07:38] xris: IceWewe: 0.4 == myth 0.20... 0.5 == mythtv 0.21
[02:07:44] Aval0n: it won't mess up my inputs or sources will it?
[02:07:49] IceWewe: xris: ah, ok
[02:08:08] iamlindoro: I don't think so
[02:08:29] iamlindoro: ^^ Aval0n
[02:08:31] xris: Aval0n: thank gbee and the others who are actually monitoring the services web tools. I just wrote the software — most of the work is in looking at submissions and maintaining the database
[02:09:36] orthoevra: xris: figured out why i could not display my cover files in mythweb..
[02:09:37] Aval0n: right on
[02:09:51] xris: orthoevra: oh?
[02:09:52] IceWewe: xris: ohhh, a pretty failure message!
[02:09:54] lwizardl: nvidia 6200le or 7200gs ?
[02:10:24] xris: IceWewe: I've been using .5 for so long I don't remember what .4 did/didn't do...
[02:10:30] lwizardl: for output to a hdtv
[02:10:34] IceWewe: xris:
[02:10:34] xris: thought I'd backported most of the changes, though
[02:10:43] iamlindoro: lwizardl: same difference for myth
[02:10:48] fryfrog: can anyone enlighten what the "libfftw3" option in 0.21 is for? google says "fast fourier transforms" but i'm not sure what myth would use it for?
[02:10:55] xris: IceWewe: ah... heh
[02:10:55] lwizardl: cool
[02:11:00] fryfrog: it is under audio output though :/
[02:11:01] iamlindoro: fryfrog: visualizations
[02:11:06] fysa (fysa! has quit (No route to host)
[02:11:06] fryfrog: ah
[02:11:19] iamlindoro: erm, wait
[02:11:22] charlieS (charlieS! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:11:22] iamlindoro: maybe I'm wrong
[02:11:27] charlieS (charlieS! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:12:05] orthoevra: xris: had to add: EnableMMAP Off and EnableSendfile Off to httpd.conf
[02:12:23] IceWewe: xris: maybe mythbuntu is beta for a reason...
[02:12:23] mkrufky-gone (mkrufky-gone!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:12:28] IceWewe: xris: I think the machine just locked up on me
[02:12:36] iamlindoro: fryfrog: OK, I'm mistaken, you're right, looks like for audio output stuff
[02:12:40] orthoevra: xris: then just added a line and modified a line in video.php and all my folder.jpg files show for each movie
[02:12:52] xris: IceWewe: mythbuntu hasn't been updated for .21 yet
[02:13:07] IceWewe: xris: the beta has
[02:13:33] IceWewe: bah
[02:13:35] fryfrog: iamlindoro: as in, another way of outputting audio? it doesn't *sound* like an audio system (like jack, arts, oss, alsa) :/
[02:13:36] IceWewe: I'm tired of dealing with this
[02:13:49] IceWewe: I'm just gonna wait a month and see what works and what doesn't
[02:14:14] iamlindoro: fryfrog: I think it's more on the side of audio enhancement for mythmusic
[02:14:26] fryfrog: ah
[02:14:30] Aval0n: iamlindoro: I am in backend setup
[02:14:33] fryfrog: well, i will explore that territory!
[02:14:36] Aval0n: what section is it under?
[02:15:05] iamlindoro: Aval0n: I did it the old way with a script, I haven't done it the new way, you'll have to explore-- if I had to guess I'd say it'd be with your listings source
[02:15:28] Aval0n: i am running the svn the day before .21 hit
[02:15:31] Aval0n: it should be in there right?
[02:15:31] IceWewe: xris: hoooo, crap
[02:15:49] Aval0n: trunk I mean
[02:15:57] xris: Aval0n: not everything in .21 has made it back to trunk yet
[02:16:03] xris: should be within a day or two, though
[02:16:06] IceWewe: xris: all 3.6GB of RAM in use... all 2GB of swap in use...
[02:16:14] IceWewe: xris: I think we have a minor memory leak problem
[02:17:02] xris: IceWewe: it means that ffmpeg or whatever hung up on one of the fifo reads, but mythtranscode is still sendng to them
[02:17:08] xris: kill mythtranscode, watch your memory drop, right?
[02:17:20] IceWewe: xris: I can't kill it... I can't even do anything
[02:17:25] IceWewe: xris: swap death...
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[02:17:44] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:17:47] IceWewe: xris: well, I might as well kill it, not like I'm actually recording anything right now...
[02:18:11] mzb_d800: can anybody tell me how to enable chromakey on a 4 series? (mx440)
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[02:18:47] Aval0n: i thought trunk was newest
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[02:19:07] Aval0n: like .21 came from trunk
[02:19:10] iamlindoro: Aval0n: In general it is, but some fixes got applied to .21-fixes after they branched and have to be merged back in to trunk
[02:19:20] iamlindoro: Not very much, though
[02:19:22] Aval0n: hmm
[02:19:30] sphery: xris: I think Chutt did the "final" nightly merge
[02:19:34] Aval0n: I did not see anything reguarding channel icons in backend setup
[02:19:41] sphery: so it's all in there now (plus a few extra things)
[02:19:46] Aval0n: fetch channel lineups is the only thing I saw
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[02:20:31] iamlindoro: Aval0n: May require a svn up, I think the channel icons into mythtv-setup was a down-to-the-wire thing, but I may be wrong
[02:22:08] Aval0n: you're probably right
[02:22:25] Aval0n: so should I svn now or get .21 :P
[02:22:28] iamlindoro: or, if you want to fake it, contrib/icons/master_iconmap/
[02:22:31] mzb_d800: hmm, ok ... can anybody tell me how to enable chromakey on any nvidia card?
[02:22:55] IceWewe: mzb_d800: what's chromakey?
[02:23:08] iamlindoro: mzb_d800: Haven't had to do it in a while, but I think you just pull up playback profiles and set OSD render to chromakey, no?
[02:23:21] mzb_d800: in theory, yes
[02:23:27] Viaken (Viaken! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:23:42] mzb_d800: but I get: VideoOutputXv: Ack! Disabling ChromaKey OSD
[02:23:42] mzb_d800: We can't use ChromaKey OSD if chromakeying is not supported!
[02:24:04] Viaken: I know this has probably been asked many times, but I couldn't find it in FAQs anywhere or anything, and not to question the devs, because I'm sure they know what they're doing....but why .nuv?
[02:24:19] iamlindoro: 4 and 5 series only, does yours count?
[02:24:20] xris: sphery: ah, cool
[02:24:37] Aval0n: so what is better .21 off the main site or fixes branch
[02:25:04] xris: Aval0n: fixes branch will usually always be slightly more up to date
[02:25:13] Aval0n: ok cool
[02:25:18] Aval0n: see if I can remember the url :)
[02:25:19] Aval0n: ty
[02:25:41] Aval0n: is that it?
[02:26:00] iamlindoro: mzb_d800: May be of help? (xorg.conf option also)
[02:26:30] Aval0n: yep
[02:27:12] lwizardl: iamlindoro, what ram would be the min amount for playback for those high rate videos?
[02:27:37] iamlindoro: lwizardl: 1–2 Gig is enough. I have 4 in all my boxes but it's overkill
[02:28:17] lwizardl: i plan to keep 4gb in the box, but trying to get atleast the min
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[02:28:56] iamlindoro: 1 is enough, 2 is great, 4 is overkill but you can never have too much :)
[02:29:25] lwizardl: yeah the mobo i plan to use supports 8gb of ram
[02:29:44] PatrickDK: nothing like extra disk cache :)
[02:31:40] lotia_ (lotia_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:31:42] mzb_d800: iamlindoro: sorry, had to step out for a sec ... yes, only got 4 + 5 series
[02:31:54] mzb_d800: I've tried the xorg.conf option
[02:32:06] iamlindoro: s'ok... hmm, dunno then, sorry
[02:32:09] espacious (espacious! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:32:32] mzb_d800: and I saw that changset previously ... but figured it was ancient news
[02:32:37] mzb_d800: not to worry
[02:32:53] xris: gruble.. all kinds of firewire signal glitches.
[02:32:57] mzb_d800: got playback down to 30% anyway ;)
[02:33:31] mzb_d800: (worked out how to enable xvmc-opengl ... I think)
[02:33:44] iamlindoro: xris: have been having hell of wheels with firewire in the last two weeks
[02:34:07] iamlindoro: can't tell if it's a myth update, a Comcast one, or my own bumbling about
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[02:35:21] xris: iamlindoro: figured I'd blame comcast because of the recent channel additions... but if you're having it to, then it might be safe to blame myth.. since I know there have been firewire-related changes there, too
[02:36:00] IceWewe: xris: hey, I thought nuvexport was going to be integrated into mythtv in 0.21
[02:36:41] xris: IceWewe: no.. just into the codebase
[02:36:52] iamlindoro__: xris: wish I could explain my issues in any conrete way-- just very iffy recording/locking on channels
[02:37:29] xris: iamlindoro__: yeah, my stuff is just really corrupt... SD and HD. random static and skipping of half second or so every few minutes
[02:37:39] Led-Hed: anyone know if the Deb/Ubuntu packages have been updated to MythTV 0.21
[02:37:51] iamlindoro__: xris: I'll keep an eye on it and see if I can narrow it down any and compare notes with you
[02:39:04] IceWewe: xris: ahh, too bad
[02:39:07] IceWewe: well, I'm out for the night!
[02:39:22] xris: IceWewe: not really that bad. it's a separate program
[02:41:28] lotia (lotia! has quit (Connection timed out)
[02:41:38] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=Led-Hed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[02:48:55] NightMonkey: I wonder if any parts of myth might be helped by using a ramdisk for temporary storage, or even DB tables. I only have SD now, but I'm thinking perhaps for HD?
[02:49:20] arschjucken (arschjucken! has quit ("Verlassend")
[02:49:37] NightMonkey: If your starting to have 4GB+ RAM, it does lead one to start thinking in this sort of direction. ;)
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[02:49:55] iamlindoro__: NightMonkey: HD streams are quite small in reality, disk I/O is seldom an issue
[02:50:04] pembo13_com: what setting decided where *.mog and *.mog.png files are placed?
[02:50:26] iamlindoro__: .mog? Sure you don't mean .mpg?
[02:50:32] pembo13_com: *.mpg
[02:50:34] pembo13_com: sorry
[02:50:49] iamlindoro__: They go into the directory you set as youre recording dir/storage group
[02:50:51] iamlindoro__: er your
[02:51:22] PatrickDK: mysql can like more memory, but in reality it hardly grows big enough to use much memory
[02:51:36] PatrickDK: unless you have 100s of thousands of recorded shows
[02:51:55] iamlindoro__: In which case, seek professional help ;)
[02:52:02] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, i changed the location of where I wanted the backend to drop my recordings, but something is creating those files in the old location
[02:52:11] NightMonkey: iamlindoro__: Ah, it's more CPU oomph, not I/O, eh?
[02:52:19] iamlindoro__: NightMonkey: Yup
[02:52:21] pembo13_com: and I don't know where to go to change this
[02:52:36] iamlindoro__: pembo13_com: mythtv-setup is where the settings in, last option, Storage groups
[02:52:52] iamlindoro__: pembo13_com: And you need to set both the default and the live TV groups to your new dir
[02:52:59] pembo13_com: i see
[02:53:04] pembo13_com: ok thanks, will try that now
[02:53:16] pembo13_com: my dedicated drive for mythtv seems to be failing
[02:54:09] NightMonkey: iamlindoro__: I'd think for I/O intensive tasks like commercial flagging (read/write/read/write), it might help a bit to reduce overall I/O contention to the real drives. Like, for instance, use the ramdisk to store incoming recordings, process them, then commit them to physical disks.
[02:54:33] PatrickDK: isn't commercial flagging just read?
[02:54:42] iamlindoro__: yup
[02:54:56] NightMonkey: PatrickDK: Ah, yes, you're right. Just DB markers. Duh.
[02:55:08] iamlindoro__: and anyway, to commflag an hour of HD, you'd need 8 GB + of RAM
[02:55:19] iamlindoro__: probably +++
[02:55:24] NightMonkey: iamlindoro__: Ah, I see.
[02:55:25] iamlindoro__: since one still has to run the system :)
[02:55:59] iamlindoro__: (well, not to commflag it, but to load the entire thing in RAM)
[02:55:59] pembo13_com: iamlindoro_ , in mythtvsetup I have 1. General, 2. Capture cards, 3. Video Sources 4. Input Connections and 5. Channel Editor
[02:56:13] iamlindoro__: pembo13_com: you must be running something < .21 then
[02:56:19] pembo13_com: iamlindoro_, I haven't seen this setting In general, or any of the others et
[02:56:22] NightMonkey: Well, I was just musing. If you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. ;)
[02:56:27] pembo13_com: iamlindoro_, yes
[02:56:47] pembo13_com: i don't know what is dropping those files on that old hdd
[02:56:48] iamlindoro__: In which case, I beleive the storage dir is in General, but it's been forever since I've used .20
[02:56:57] PatrickDK: what would be nice is if it did like an adjustable buffer on ramdisk
[02:57:01] PatrickDK: like say 5 or 10min
[02:57:44] pembo13_com: iamlindoro__, the directory for where to put the recordings is there, no othe rpath
[02:58:00] iamlindoro__: pembo13_com: That's the only one that there is
[02:58:10] pembo13_com: hm
[02:58:27] iamlindoro__: presumably you are making these changes with the backend stopped and then restarting it?
[02:58:29] pembo13_com: iamlindoro_ and it's set to the new path
[02:58:36] pembo13_com: iamlindoro__, yes.. even did a restart
[02:58:37] iamlindoro__: as they won't take effect otherwise...
[02:58:45] pembo13_com: yah
[02:59:20] iamlindoro__: pembo13_com: Dunno what to tell you, that's the only prefix myth uses to record. You have some other issue (a symlink, etc., etc.) if they are still going in the old dir
[02:59:21] a1fa (a1fa!n=fiddy@unaffiliated/a1fa) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:59:23] NightMonkey: PatrickDK: Could that be done with readahead? Offhand, I don't know the limits of Linux's readahead.
[02:59:40] PatrickDK: hmm, that would be writebehind
[03:00:09] NightMonkey: PatrickDK: Ah, you mean a buffer for incoming recordings. Gotcha.
[03:00:13] PatrickDK: ya
[03:00:19] a1fa: hi
[03:00:26] PatrickDK: that way they are still in memory when the frontend/commflag/... requests it
[03:00:41] PatrickDK: assuming your watching livetv
[03:00:54] PatrickDK: or semilive
[03:00:55] fryfrog: anyone recognize this compile error:
[03:01:32] iamlindoro__: fryfrog: forget to make distclean in an old build dir?
[03:01:39] PatrickDK: but really the linux cache/buffers should handle that nicely with enough extra memory all on it's own
[03:01:52] fryfrog: i did, but i'll re do... my only thought is ccache?
[03:01:57] NightMonkey: I'm thinking about this since, while modern physical storage can certainly handle an HDTV stream, it leaves less headroom for other I/O tasks.
[03:02:06] fryfrog: or a missing lib/dev files?
[03:02:15] patrick_ (patrick_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:02:25] iamlindoro__: fryfrog: possible on ccache-- if you compiled ffmpeg recently there appears to be a few new issues with that
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[03:02:32] PatrickDK: the problem with harddrives + hd, is seek time
[03:02:39] PatrickDK: as long as you keep streaming hd, you will be fine
[03:02:40] fryfrog: no, ffmpeg is all ubuntu's libs :/
[03:02:44] NightMonkey: PatrickDK: Yeah, but can the linux fs cache be told to prioritize certain files over others before flushing them out of the cache?
[03:02:49] PatrickDK: but when you start seeking around for other things, you can get yourself screwed
[03:02:50] pembo13_com: iamlindoro__, seems to have stopped... no changes made
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[03:03:12] PatrickDK: NightMonkey, it does it based on recently used
[03:03:21] PatrickDK: so either it wouldn't help you at all
[03:03:28] PatrickDK: or if you have enough memory, it will start working nicely
[03:03:30] fryfrog: lets see how we purge ccache's cache :)
[03:03:36] PatrickDK: but it will be hard to tell
[03:03:38] iamlindoro__: rm ~/.ccache
[03:03:39] NightMonkey: PatrickDK: With myth I found that out a long time ago, when ivtv was still realatively new, and contention between syslog, MySQL and recording made things pretty unhappy.
[03:03:58] NightMonkey: (ivtv was logging a lot)
[03:03:59] iamlindoro__: er rm -rf ~/.ccache
[03:04:13] fryfrog: also ccache -C :)
[03:04:15] PatrickDK: heh, I have 3 different drive arrays in my backend
[03:04:56] NightMonkey: PatrickDK: And, the "wave" of I/O would all occur in discrete bursts, since the DB activity was linked with the ivtv logging and recording.
[03:04:58] fryfrog: i'll try "make" instead of "make -j3" too, but that (in theory) shouldn't have mattered
[03:05:32] PatrickDK: I have had make -j2 screw me many times
[03:05:37] PatrickDK: so I just don't even bother anymore
[03:05:54] PatrickDK: it just kept randomly failing to compile
[03:06:00] PatrickDK: so I don't do make -j2, and it compiles fine
[03:06:08] PatrickDK: I don't get it, I don't care, heh :)
[03:06:28] NightMonkey: PatrickDK: IVTV logging calmed down in later revs, I quieted down syslog, and that solved that problem.
[03:06:28] fryfrog: i wouldn't say it has screwed me many times, but enough that if a compile fails, i'll try w/o it
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[03:12:32] lwizardl: IceWewe, whats the heatsink and fan for that black box chip
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[03:18:48] mzb_d800: nice to see MythWeather working! (for me)
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[03:26:30] Deek: man, commflag uses lots of memory
[03:27:25] Deek: (in HD, that is)
[03:28:58] Deek: it's got a 155MB RSS processing tonight's Jericho.
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[03:40:03] SoulBlade: is there a way i can fix the channel listings? somehow the guide lists channel 60 as what channel 58 should be
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[03:44:41] mzb_d800: is mythnews playback of youtube flv supposed to work OTB?
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[03:47:15] iamlindoro: *sigh* I'm starting to think it's about time for a fresh install. Maybe when Hardy comes out.
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[03:52:25] Hoochster: what's the prob iamlindoro ?
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[04:07:50] pembo13_com: is it possible for a tv card to just "go bad"
[04:08:10] pembo13_com: seems like my problems are now related to my PVR-250... loosing frames, not connecting, etc
[04:09:12] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:09:39] Anduin: I have a small collection of ones that have.
[04:11:24] pembo13_com: Anduin, just up and started to die?
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[04:12:47] fryfrog: damn, clearing ccache nor make w/o -j3 resolved the compile error :/
[04:13:23] Anduin: pembo13_com: Yes, though after some time, several just have tuners that no longer work, one is very dead (after working for over a year)
[04:13:45] pembo13_com: Anduin, darn... okay
[04:14:04] pembo13_com: was hoping to have to spend money on this box soon
[04:14:24] fryfrog: does ring any bells for possible errors?
[04:14:26] pembo13_com: i have two tunner cards... and since the frontend tries the the bad one first, can't even get it
[04:15:12] Anduin: pembo13_com: You can bump the card priority (or manually remove the bad one), I'd also try the s-video/composite ins (if you haven't).
[04:15:43] fryfrog: the output of dmesg might show you some errors, either during recording or modprobe
[04:16:04] pembo13_com: Anduin, well i'm using basic cable... not sure how that would work out
[04:17:04] fryfrog: pembo13_com: as a test, use anything
[04:17:14] fryfrog: pembo13_com: ie, svideo from your video card, a dvd player, etc
[04:17:19] fryfrog: to narrow down card failure
[04:17:43] Anduin: fryfrog: you don't have a patch or failed merge?
[04:18:13] pembo13_com: fryfrog, i see.. good ida
[04:18:16] pembo13_com: idea*
[04:18:20] pembo13_com: thanks.. will try later
[04:22:05] Anduin: fryfrog: Which revision are you compiling (you line numbers are off and I don't see a rev that would cause that error)?
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[04:26:12] fryfrog: Anduin: I'm using 0.21-fixes svn
[04:26:26] fryfrog: i'll grab a full, clean pull of it and see what happens :/
[04:26:31] fryfrog: maybe my source is farked up
[04:26:46] Anduin: fryfrog: You should be able to svn diff the file
[04:26:56] AngryElf: I'm trying to write a cron that keeps "irexec -d" alive simply by killing it and restarting it — the process starts, and is alwasys running now, but it doesn't work, it only works when I manually start irexec, any ideas?
[04:27:01] Anduin: fryfrog: Your line numbers do not match with release-0.21 though
[04:28:37] iamlindoro: Heh. Well *that* is really weird. Something funny was happening with my top values where they were showing 1000x the actual CPU usage... Has to have had something to do with the timing because it had *ruined* firewire tuning, couldn't get a single packet back and forth... but a reboot fixed top and firewire tuning... it's a mystery to me... ??
[04:29:06] fryfrog: Anduin: you are right, something is screwie with my svn co
[04:29:28] grepdashv (grepdashv! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:29:53] ** iamlindoro pats his mythbox ever so gently and backs slowly away... **
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[04:33:54] AngryElf: and so it's the fact that /etc/crontab is calling my reload script, running the script manually everything works great
[04:34:41] Anduin: AngryElf: It could be many things, as simple as no HOME, running as a different user, etc
[04:36:00] grepdashv (grepdashv! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:36:34] grepdashv: hello all
[04:37:00] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:37:02] grepdashv: could use some help with a pvr-150
[04:37:37] AngryElf: Anduin: users are the same, and my command for restarting irexec id "irexec -d /home/angryelf/.lircrc"
[04:40:39] Anduin: grepdashv: Just ask, if someone can help they will.
[04:41:26] grepdashv: when i try to scan for channels in the "input connections" part, it says "failed to open the card"
[04:41:47] grepdashv: but it shows up ok in the capture cards section
[04:42:53] Anduin: grepdashv: You should check dmesg, and the device perms, and maybe no scan for channels, who is you guide data provider?
[04:43:17] grepdashv: no provider...just figured i would schedule manually
[04:43:39] Anduin: grepdashv: ah, ok, then channel scanning it is
[04:43:40] grepdashv: dmesg output is here:
[04:44:50] Anduin: grepdashv: and you can cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg (and play that file)?
[04:45:15] grepdashv: no idea, but i can try
[04:46:43] AngryElf: Anduin: added export DISPLAY=:0 to the script
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[04:47:20] grepdashv: Anduin: that test.mpg worked!
[04:48:09] Anduin: AngryElf: strang, fir irexec I actually looked at the man page (to make sure it wasn't irxevent), didn't think it connected to X.
[04:48:36] Anduin: grepdashv: Yeah, still doesn't explain why the scan fails... you are using older firmware (but that shouldn't explain it either)
[04:49:02] scant (scant!n=scant@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:49:08] iamlindoro__: grepdashv: Have you set up a listings source?
[04:49:26] grepdashv: iamlindoro__: no, was planning on scheduling manually
[04:49:35] iamlindoro__: Myth will throw the "failed to open card" if you haven't set up a listings source and attached it to the input
[04:49:48] iamlindoro__: You need to set up a listings source of "none" and attach that to your input
[04:49:56] grepdashv: thx, let me try that now...
[04:50:00] iamlindoro__: It won't open the card until you do
[04:50:43] grepdashv: <3
[04:50:51] iamlindoro__: So Highlight the bit where it says "Schedules Direct and hit right/left until it's none, give it a name, and finish that bit up. In the next step, attach it to the Tuner 1 input to your card, then it will scan fine
[04:50:58] grepdashv: too bad that the "none" choice doesn't do that
[04:51:23] iamlindoro__: huh?
[04:51:30] grepdashv: sry, was a step ahead
[04:51:36] grepdashv: i meant the "none" option in the input part
[04:51:51] grepdashv: i created the no grabber scheduler and now it's scanning; many thx
[04:51:56] iamlindoro__: np
[04:54:04] grepdashv: fyi – had to change to us cable under the no grabber option in order for it to scan everything
[04:54:23] iamlindoro__: That's how it should be
[04:54:54] grepdashv: the default just picked up 2–13 :P
[04:55:22] iamlindoro__: grepdashv: It defaults to broadcast-- you have to set the correct frequency table, that's a given
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[04:55:49] grepdashv: well, not a given for me as a very new user :)
[04:55:55] grepdashv: but i figured it out
[04:56:10] iamlindoro__: It's in the documentation, you would have seen it were you following it
[04:56:32] grepdashv: i was following it for other things, but i was derailed by not knowing how to not pick a scheduling service
[04:56:40] grepdashv: so thx very much for getting me past that hurdle
[04:56:53] iamlindoro__: yup
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[05:16:37] patrick_: I'm getting some compile issues from the svn, it might be my build env though =/ pastebin:
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[05:17:55] iamlindoro: you need to move the following out of /usr/include: libavcodec, libavdevice, libavformat, libavutil
[05:18:10] iamlindoro: out of curiosity, have you compiled ffmpeg from source semi-recently?
[05:18:35] fryfrog: wowser, backend makes a backup of the db auto-matically now?
[05:18:46] Anduin: Yes
[05:18:48] patrick_: yes
[05:18:54] iamlindoro: Anduin: ^^^ Above is same issue you and I spoke of the other day-- Also solved it for two other people in the last few days. I think it's fair to say mythtv and recent ffmpeg now conflict
[05:19:52] Anduin: iamlindoro: Seems so, I still haven't updated my ffmepg tree to try.
[05:19:56] iamlindoro: finds the libav stuff in /usr/include first instead of the onboard libavcodec stuff and they're incompatible
[05:20:12] iamlindoro: Anduin: Ah well, just wanted to make a note FYI
[05:20:13] mchou: the media in the US are such prudes
[05:20:43] mchou: the news is covering Spritzer like it's the worst thing that ever happened
[05:21:24] iamlindoro: patrick_: Move those four dirs out of the way and the compile will complete, then you can move them back in
[05:21:36] mchou: I for one dont care what's done between consenting adults and his own money.
[05:21:59] mchou: stupid media and their field day
[05:22:01] Deek: mchou: ahem, it's the top story on BBC News.
[05:22:17] mchou: Deek: my point exactly
[05:22:32] mchou: Deek: why should it be the top news?
[05:27:01] Deek: BBC news.
[05:27:01] mchou: Deek: and so what if it is BBC?
[05:27:01] Deek: <mchou> the media in the US are such prudes
[05:27:01] Deek: !USA
[05:27:01] mchou: ok, maybe UK too
[05:27:01] patrick_: iamlindoro:thnx
[05:27:01] iamlindoro: np
[05:27:01] mchou: it's the stupid puritans
[05:27:01] Deek: mchou: It wouldn't be a big deal if he were someone else.
[05:27:01] mchou: Deek: you mean like Bill Clinton or John Kennedy?
[05:27:01] fryfrog: Ron Paul for emperor!
[05:27:01] Deek: Kennedy? You gotta be kidding.
[05:27:01] Deek: He banged half of Hollywood and nobody cared.
[05:27:01] mchou: Deek: why? Kennedy was well know for his affairs
[05:27:01] fryfrog: i got no problem with hookers, but if you are a guy *fighting* to arrest them and stuff... maybe that is a little hypocritical?
[05:27:01] mchou: known*
[05:27:01] fryfrog: but spelled right
[05:27:01] Deek: Clinton got nailed for lying to Congress, not getting his pole waxed in the Oval Office.
[05:27:01] mchou: fryfrog: he wasnt fighting to arrest hookers. He was fighting to arrest that bastion of morality know as Wall St. :)
[05:27:01] Deek: mchou: And hookers.
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[05:28:04] mchou: Wall St. breaking out in cheers when Spritzer news came out tells you everything you need to know.
[05:28:14] fryfrog: mchou: i thought i read a headline that he was involved in some task force trying to stop hookers, at some point or something
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[05:28:22] fryfrog: but i hate politics, so i rarely read more than the headlines on digg :)
[05:28:44] mchou: fryfrog: he was AG. hookers was just part of the job.
[05:28:49] fryfrog: ahhhh
[05:28:53] Deek: It's always going to be news when a prosecutor who went after prostitution rings gets busted for frequenting them.
[05:28:59] mchou: doesn't mean it was a priority
[05:29:15] fryfrog: i wonder if that is ironic or just coincidence :)
[05:29:29] mchou: fryfrog: which part?
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[05:29:42] fryfrog: also, svn-trunk from months ago -> svn 0.21-fixes upgrade... flawless! :)
[05:29:56] Deek: If you're going to mess with powerful people, you'd better be freakin' spotless.
[05:30:14] fryfrog: course, i guess as AG if he had been doing drugs, buying guns, stealing or anything else... it would be the same
[05:30:23] fryfrog: he'd be doing the "thing" he was responsible for stopping
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[05:31:14] fryfrog: anyone read any alastair reynolds books?
[05:31:15] pembo13_com: has anyone ever heard of booting to Windows messing up a tv card?
[05:31:24] mchou: Deek: Wall St. only likes to think of themselves as untouchable until Spritzer came along
[05:32:01] fryfrog: pembo13_com: no, booting to windows shouldn't mess up pretty much any peripheral since they are 99.999% designed *for* windows.
[05:32:07] mchou: Deek: in any case traders on Wall St. are hardly powerful.
[05:32:27] kormoc: Nothing a power down and back up won't fux
[05:32:28] kormoc: *fix
[05:32:34] Deek: mchou: Traders, no...but they can be flipped for their bosses.
[05:32:36] pembo13_com: fryfrog, one would think.. but didn't start having probs with my card till i booted windows for the first time in a few months
[05:32:44] pembo13_com: just a coincidence i guess
[05:33:34] mchou: heck, I say more power to him for getting his pole waxed multiple times :)
[05:33:39] tank-man: before starting windows, was your linux uptime pretty high? if it was maybe during that time you upgraded your kernel and now your tv device is broke
[05:34:05] mchou: tank-man: lol
[05:34:15] mchou: tank-man: that's a loaded question :)
[05:34:46] mchou: vista is responsible for breaking HW :)
[05:35:04] mchou: yeah, that's it :)
[05:35:07] tank-man: i have that problem a few times, upgraded the kernel but didnt install ivtv drivers and didnt reboot for a long time, by the time i rebooted i forgot i upgraded
[05:38:05] pembo13_com: do this mpeg2video errors mean anythign to anyone?
[05:38:40] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:38:48] tank-man: i can tell pembo13_com is a long time windows user, his first step in trying to find out what was wrong was not to look at the logs but just blame windows
[05:39:10] mchou: tank-man: huh?
[05:39:17] pembo13_com: tank-man, hmm... how did you come up with that conclusion?
[05:39:31] mchou: tank-man: I thought you were blaming windows
[05:39:32] pembo13_com: mchou, i've been tail -f on the logs for the past few days
[05:39:35] tank-man: hehe, what i just said
[05:40:42] mchou: tank-man: I thought you (i.e. "tank-man") were blaming windows
[05:42:13] pembo13_com: it's wierd..i stopped the backend, mythfrontend is not running, and the mpeg2video errors are still coming in
[05:42:31] pembo13_com: mythtv-setup is running though
[05:43:03] pembo13_com: ah, mythcommflag must be doing this
[05:43:11] tank-man: those errors are from the backend log?
[05:43:21] pembo13_com: tank-man, yes
[05:43:35] tank-man: i dont know how to fix it, just wondering
[05:43:56] pembo13_com: the rig has been working fine (well okay) for months
[05:44:03] pembo13_com: just up and stared having wierd probs
[05:44:31] tank-man: if the backend is stopped, its pretty weird that stuff is still being outputed to the log
[05:46:15] pembo13_com: tank-man, think i t was mythcomm flag doign that
[05:46:16] iamlindoro: tank-man: mythcommflag is running, and if it was spawned while the backend was running, it'll run independently
[05:46:17] pembo13_com: it's stopped now
[05:46:23] pembo13_com: this looks a bit like my situation: . . . /040253.html
[05:47:03] iamlindoro: pembo13_com: Those errors are commonly found with poor signal strength/quality issues
[05:47:40] iamlindoro: I'd check your connections and if you use an antenna, check its alignment
[05:47:46] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, you're referirng to the cable feed?
[05:47:48] pembo13_com: hm
[05:47:50] pembo13_com: ok
[05:47:57] iamlindoro: pembo13_com: yes, lso with cable
[05:48:00] iamlindoro: er also
[05:48:16] iamlindoro: If you added an extra split, that might be the cause, if you rewired in any way, etc.
[05:48:24] pembo13_com: i have been going through a connection on the surge protector, and get my line directly from the providers box.. but i'll check that angle out
[05:48:31] iamlindoro: and that can be an extra split, tuner, etc. anywhere in the house
[05:48:46] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, i do have a split.. i have two cards on the desktop.. so i split it for that
[05:49:02] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, ok thanks.. will check that angle out
[05:49:15] iamlindoro: pembo13_com: You might try removing all the splits and see how you fare-- if it gets better you might consider aplifying at the split point
[05:49:21] iamlindoro: er amplifying
[05:49:25] iamlindoro: no problem
[05:49:43] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, cool... will try this now... not having mythv kinda messes things up
[05:49:56] iamlindoro: yup. Is the second tuner a recent addition?
[05:50:44] grepdashv (grepdashv! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:52:10] grepdashv: well, next myth box has a radeon 9200se (hold the laughter, please) ... best advice for which driver to use, how to get tv out to work, etc?
[05:53:03] davilla (davilla! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:54:29] iamlindoro: grepdashv: All laughter/teasing aside, while it's possible to get ATI cards to kinda-maybe-sorta work in myth, so few of us use them that Google is actually a better resource-- the ATI linux readme actually specifically lists Myth as an unsupported app.
[05:54:33] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:54:41] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:54:59] iamlindoro: I'm not giving you a hard time, just saying that of the regulars that I know of in here, 100% of us use nVidia or Intel graphics
[05:55:11] grepdashv: yeah not surprised based on previous googling
[05:55:37] grepdashv: unfortunately, i think that's all i have available with tv out
[05:55:47] grepdashv: i have an old matrox card, also, but isn't that even worse >_>
[05:56:23] iamlindoro: I really don't know-- If it had Xv/overlay support, it might be better, but I can't be sure
[05:57:06] tank-man: spend $30 on a cheap nvidia card :)
[05:57:21] iamlindoro: ^^ That really is probably the easiest/best solution
[05:57:33] iamlindoro: a 5200 will work wonderfully and is about $30
[05:57:50] grepdashv: i'm a cheaparse, but i might go that route if need be
[05:58:20] grepdashv: now that's *any* ati card being problematic, correct?
[05:58:28] iamlindoro: Pretty much
[05:58:30] tank-man: try the open source drivers for that ati card first maybe
[05:58:43] grepdashv: yeah that's what i'd like to try
[05:59:52] grepdashv: i'm running mythbuntu, and i tried switching drivers in the ubuntu display configuration utility, but it didn't seem to take
[05:59:56] grepdashv: still using "ati" driver
[06:00:18] grepdashv: oh wait i take that back...says fglrx
[06:00:34] iamlindoro: grepdashv: PCI?
[06:00:44] iamlindoro: AGP? PCIe?
[06:01:03] grepdashv: well, actually, you tell says "graphics card (ati radeon (fglrx))" but then next to the "driver" pulldown it says "ati – <list of cards>"
[06:01:06] grepdashv: agp
[06:01:27] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, sorry was behind the the second tuner has been in for months..... the only thing that has happen recently (that I know of) related to mythtv is that windows tried to install the tv card
[06:01:37] iamlindoro: In case you go looking for nvidia, that's the sheapest in google:
[06:01:42] iamlindoro: cheapest
[06:02:10] grepdashv: thx iamlindoro, though i would probably start my search by trying to beg one off a packrat nerd friend or other ;-)
[06:02:12] iamlindoro: pembo13_com: It may be on the cable co end, then, I'd take a chance and say booting into windows had nothing to do with it
[06:02:41] iamlindoro: pembo13_com: If cutting out the split solves it, a cheap little coax amp ought to fix it nicely
[06:03:26] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, just out the coax in directly, sans splitter, and tried to watch live tv and got this
[06:03:29] pembo13_com: live tv didn't work
[06:03:56] iamlindoro: pembo13_com: recent update to .21, perchance?
[06:04:05] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, not even that
[06:04:09] iamlindoro: tried removing and readding the card in mythtv-setup yet?
[06:04:19] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, last time i updated was when schedulesdirect came out
[06:04:29] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, will try that now
[06:04:39] iamlindoro: pembo13_com: while you do that, rescan for channels
[06:04:46] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, will do
[06:05:02] iamlindoro: I wonder whether your cable co might have changed their channel tables a bit and maybe that's causing this
[06:05:24] pembo13_com: i have been neglecting all updates for the sake of keeping this particular machine stable as it's my desktop
[06:05:46] iamlindoro: understandable-- too many myth users are update-happy from their years in Windows anyway
[06:06:46] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, yah.. and Fedora 7 has been solid on this box, and it's behind a router , and i don't keep much sensitive info on it.. all added up to "leave it alone"
[06:06:57] iamlindoro: I think that's wise
[06:07:31] iamlindoro: In general, anyway... never mind this morning when I apt-get dist-upgraded my mythbox from work thinking I was ssh'ed into another machine... D'oh!
[06:07:54] pembo13_com: haha
[06:08:14] pembo13_com: well, yum based distros tend not have that ability so that's one worry i don't ahve
[06:08:30] ** pembo13_com is scanning for channels now **
[06:08:58] iamlindoro: Son of a bitch Comcast... like it's not bad enough that they broadcast the Daily Show @ 2.5 Megabit, it's also *528* x 480??
[06:09:52] grepdashv (grepdashv! has quit ("blowing things up")
[06:10:16] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, i honestly believe the utility companies don't want my money
[06:10:33] iamlindoro: pembo13_com: lucky you, they want all of mine
[06:10:52] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, well they don't give me service that would encourage me to give them my oney
[06:11:54] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, well deleted both cards, added the one giving issues, scanned channels.. got same issue when i tried to watch tv again..
[06:11:55] pembo13_com: MythSocket(a13e748:-1): writeStringList: Error, socket went unconnected.
[06:11:56] Anduin: luckily home production of clean water/electricity is cake
[06:12:30] iamlindoro: pembo13_com: Usually that's related to Mythweb, but I might be wrong on that
[06:12:53] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, i am prett sure i don't have myth-web installed
[06:12:57] pembo13_com: pretty*
[06:13:07] iamlindoro: oh, ok... well, it's just when I see it, anyway, I'm sure it applies to lots of stuff
[06:13:39] pembo13_com: this seems wierd ' Finished recording Unknown: channel 1079'
[06:13:55] pembo13_com: just before the socet error
[06:14:14] mikeones (mikeones! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:14:19] iamlindoro: pembo13_com: paste the last 50 or so lines
[06:14:24] iamlindoro: pastebin, that is
[06:14:34] pembo13_com: iamlindoro, will do
[06:15:39] pembo13 (pembo13! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:15:50] iamlindoro: It's getting *some* mpeg-2 stream or it couldn't throw those errors (which belong to libavcodec)
[06:16:34] iamlindoro: Even if it's a really ugly stream
[06:16:42] pembo13: iamlindoro,
[06:17:25] iamlindoro: pembo13: Can you start mythfrontend with -v most and try again and pastebin the whole bit when you try to watch TV?
[06:17:37] pembo13: iamlindoro, sure
[06:17:44] iamlindoro: Starting from the line that says "Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV"
[06:17:50] iamlindoro: or even a bit before
[06:19:41] pembo13: -v most isn't valid (at least on my version) using -v all
[06:20:07] pembo13: ok all seems to be way to verbose for this
[06:20:22] iamlindoro: all is fine
[06:23:12] pembo13: iamlindoro, mythfrontend ->
[06:23:49] iamlindoro: pembo13: I'm sorry, can you give me same verbosity on backend?
[06:24:08] pembo13: hm.. will have to change the script.. hold
[06:28:19] mzb_d800 (mzb_d800! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:28:20] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:28:38] pembo13: iamlindoro, mythbackend -v all,nodatabase (from sevice start to attempt to watch tv) ->
[06:29:03] mzb_d800 (mzb_d800! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:29:35] iamlindoro: pembo13: HAve you recently lost listings or anything like that?
[06:29:59] pembo13: iamlindoro, not sure i understand the question
[06:30:07] pembo13: i should note that i only have 77 channels though
[06:30:30] iamlindoro: pembo13: run mythfilldatabase (presuming you have a listings source), then try to watch TV again and tell me if there is any difference
[06:30:49] pembo13: iamlindoro, i've been using schedules direct as far as I know
[06:30:59] iamlindoro: And just so I know, what is your tuner card?
[06:31:07] iamlindoro: pembo13: do run mythfilldatabase, though
[06:31:13] pembo13: Hauppauge WinTV PVR-250
[06:31:49] pembo13: doing so now
[06:31:53] iamlindoro: Hmm, now that's interesting
[06:31:57] pembo13: ah cool, output says when subscription expires.. was wondering
[06:32:27] iamlindoro: well, I expect this will temporarily at lest allow you to *start* liveTV, but I am starting to have a feeling your card might be going bad
[06:32:44] iamlindoro: because the mpeg-2 errors should *not* be coming from a hardware encoder card w/ an analog source
[06:33:19] pembo13: iamlindoro, at first.. .i thought it was the HDD that was going bad... but i haven't been able to prove that
[06:33:32] pembo13: iamlindoro, so i moved everything to another HDD (was already in the machine)
[06:33:41] pembo13: and the probs continued
[06:33:54] iamlindoro: pembo13: I don't *think* it would be that, but I am open to the possibility-- my first suspicion would be the tuner, though
[06:33:57] pembo13: but it wasn't a brand new card when i bought it, so it's not impossible that it is going bad
[06:34:29] pembo13: iamlindoro, someone here suggested that.. at the time, the symptoms seemed to imply that the HDD wasn't keeping up
[06:34:57] pembo13: either way... i doubt both my HDDs are going bad at the same and and only affecting mythtv
[06:35:08] pembo13: so i'm with you that it's likely the card
[06:35:18] iamlindoro: pembo13: Really, sicne the mpeg stream is created on the card itself, it should be pristine-- the fact that the stream is damaged strongly suggests a failure
[06:35:39] pembo13: iamlindoro, agreed
[06:35:48] pembo13: mythfilldatabase seems to be taking a while
[06:35:51] iamlindoro: was working under the impression that you were tuning a digital stream for a bit there
[06:35:58] pembo13: iamlindoro, any idea on why it was triyng channel 10XX ?
[06:36:06] pembo13: 1067, etc
[06:36:08] iamlindoro: the 10 is just the tuner #
[06:36:15] mzb_d800 (mzb_d800! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[06:36:20] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:36:21] iamlindoro: ie tuner 1, channel 67
[06:36:25] iamlindoro: = 1067
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[06:36:43] pembo13: i see
[06:36:47] pembo13: cool
[06:36:59] johndbritton (johndbritton! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:37:06] iamlindoro: same for the mpeg file prefixes, it's tuner #, channel, then starttime
[06:37:25] pembo13: ah... figured there must be some pattern
[06:37:32] iamlindoro: 1067_20080311230000.mpg = Tuner 1, channel 67, 3-11–2008, 23:00 hours
[06:38:36] pembo13: well mythfilldatabase has been at '2008-03–12 01:31:43.233 sourceid 1 has lineup type: Cable' for awhile, will get bak to yo
[06:38:50] iamlindoro: ok, I am hitting the sack, gotta be up early
[06:38:55] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:39:09] iamlindoro: If this helps temporarily, yay, if not, I think you've got the right idea
[06:40:52] pembo13: iamlindoro, peace.. thanks forr your help
[06:43:00] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:48:32] waini (waini! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:01:53] loops (loops! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:07:33] purserj (purserj! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:08:05] purserj: hmm anyone using mytharchive?
[07:11:21] xris (xris! has quit ()
[07:13:12] purserj: n/win 2
[07:13:15] purserj: gah
[07:14:01] purserj: I'm trying to run svn mytharchive/myth on ubuntu gutsy however once I get through the Create DVD screens and get to the Log Page all I get is a blank page and nothing happening mtd wise
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[07:22:08] d00gster0 (d00gster0! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:39:11] purserj: ignore that
[07:44:27] johndbritton (johndbritton! has quit ()
[07:45:09] mzb_d800: grr... got another problem with 0.21-fixes (or my particular variant|combination of old junk) ... getting pause|locks when editing (every now and then)
[07:45:57] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has quit (Client Quit)
[07:48:19] pembo13 (pembo13! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:48:44] mzb_d800: annoyed because it's frustrating wading through the last few days of kids shows to archive them ;)
[07:48:56] mzb_d800: ... not because of the beauty of 0.21 ;P
[07:49:09] mzb_d800: (I hope)
[07:52:08] mzb_d800: very impressive overall ... but then this is a (cross-)transition (from multirec) rather than a new install ... so it does make me wonder how a new user would see it
[07:52:22] mzb_d800: hopefully I'll have a chance to give that idea a go soon ;)
[07:52:35] mzb_d800: (if|when he pulls his finger out)
[07:52:47] waini (waini! has left #mythtv-users ("Apple forever!")
[07:56:46] mzb_d800: btw: the (long)pause issue when editing (^^above) occurs when skipping (large amounts?) through the video.
[08:05:50] borga2: I've got this problem after update on a mythbuntu system that it's unable to uppgrade the db schemas
[08:07:49] borga2: I managed to get hold of someone that helped me yesterday at 10:30pm but I got cut of and now I'm lost again!
[08:14:06] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[08:28:36] hnitsuj: purserj: mytharchive has nothing to do with mtd :)
[08:29:37] purserj: hnitsuj: yeah figured that out :)
[08:30:16] hnitsuj: borga2: IIRC it was sphery who was helping you out, the last thing he asked you to do was pastebin the output of SELECT * FROM settings WHERE value = 'RecordFilePrefix';
[08:31:03] hnitsuj: borga2: btw were you trying to go from svn trunk to 0.21-fixes or just upgrade a 0.20.x install?
[08:31:12] purserj: hnitsuj: problem turned out to be missing dependancies
[08:32:26] hnitsuj: purserj: ahh. I'm not a huge fan of mytharchive personally
[08:33:16] purserj: hnitsuj: I find it quite handy for putting together DVD's so I can move stuff off the box
[08:33:51] hnitsuj: yeah well we tend to only delete stuff we've watched. there's very little worth keeping IMHO – and of that, we might aswell buy the box sets
[08:35:19] Captain_Murdoch: borga2: what's the error message?
[08:35:52] hnitsuj: Captain_Murdoch: still have it in my history:
[08:37:00] siXy (siXy!n=siXy@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:37:12] borga2: That's right, thank's
[08:37:50] hads (hads! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:38:23] johndbritton (johndbritton! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:38:29] borga2: I have this installation of mythbuntu 7.10 and I was happily updating/upgrading when I saw that some myth packages was keept back.
[08:38:39] borga2: So then I did a dist-upgrade.....
[08:38:42] hnitsuj: borga2: I think it might be failing because RecordedFilePrefix isn't in your settings table for some reason – maybe the db is corrupted
[08:38:57] borga2: That's what he thought.
[08:39:06] borga2: Bu I have that one
[08:39:17] hnitsuj: try that query he suggested please
[08:39:19] borga2: I'll paste the select to bin just a sec.
[08:39:56] borga2:
[08:40:07] hnitsuj: ahh failing on a duplicate key – maybe you have more than one entry in the settings table for recordedfileprefix
[08:40:47] hnitsuj: er.. more than one entry & they're the same
[08:40:59] hnitsuj: if so that should be easy enough to fix
[08:41:21] revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:41:46] borga2: Sounds good
[08:42:49] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:42:50] jvs_ (jvs_! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:43:25] Captain_Murdoch: borga2: I put a fix in for that in -fixes and trunk just a few hours ago
[08:43:57] Captain_Murdoch: you have duplicate entries in your settings table, have you ever restored from a backup?
[08:44:17] armbar (armbar! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:44:22] borga2: Nope, but I've made a loot of backups
[08:44:44] borga2: Could they be removed manually?
[08:44:47] Captain_Murdoch: select * from settings where value = 'RecordFilePrefix';
[08:45:10] borga2: Yes that gives me three rows
[08:45:11] Captain_Murdoch: yes, eliminate any duplicate entries for the same hostname and directory or update to svn head again.
[08:45:54] borga2: And the only machine with tunercards in now is the backend.
[08:46:01] Captain_Murdoch: hostname/directory are a unique combination and there was only supposed to be one RecordFilePrefix per hostname.
[08:47:00] Captain_Murdoch: the fix I put in will allow dup entries and even different dirnames for the same host (which shouldn't ever exist anyway, but then neither should the dups)
[08:48:31] borga2: But the entries that I have myth-back and myth-front are different machines
[08:48:49] borga2: only OLDHOSTNAME is unknown to me
[08:48:53] Captain_Murdoch: ok as long as hostnames are different. you just can't have 2 entries with the same hostname and dirname.
[08:49:05] Captain_Murdoch: pastebin the output of that select.
[08:49:18] Captain_Murdoch: or paste the 3 rows here since no one else is talking
[08:49:27] pembo13_com (pembo13_com! has quit ("peace to all")
[08:50:36] borga2: +------------------+----------------------------+-------------+
[08:50:36] borga2: | value | data | hostname |
[08:50:36] borga2: +------------------+----------------------------+-------------+
[08:50:36] borga2: | RecordFilePrefix | /vault/recordings | myth-back |
[08:50:36] borga2: | RecordFilePrefix | /var/lib/mythtv/recordings | myth-front |
[08:50:36] borga2: | RecordFilePrefix | /var/lib/mythtv/recordings | OLDHOSTNAME |
[08:50:38] borga2: +------------------+----------------------------+-------------+
[08:51:37] hads: That's seven rows :)
[08:52:26] hnitsuj: let him off – it's an interesting problem :)
[08:52:45] hnitsuj: should be an easy fix then
[08:53:13] hnitsuj: delete * from settings where data = '/var/lib/mythtv/recordings' and hostname = 'OLDHOSTNAME';
[08:53:17] Captain_Murdoch: borga2: do you get anything when you do "select * from storagegroup;"
[08:53:35] hnitsuj: der... ignore that!
[08:54:25] Captain_Murdoch: if you tried and failed once then it makes sense if you're getting this error now. original error may have been different.
[08:54:34] borga2: I have the same 3 entries on storagegroupo
[08:54:50] DustyBin (DustyBin! has quit ("changing servers")
[08:54:52] Captain_Murdoch: ok, that's why. "truncate storagegroup;" then retry mythbackend and see what error it gives now.
[08:55:10] Captain_Murdoch: I think it will be different than your pastebin.
[08:55:17] DustyBin (DustyBin! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:55:37] Captain_Murdoch: might be your record or recorded or inuseprograms table corrupt.
[08:55:43] borga2: Truncate, you meen remove the entries in storagegroup?
[08:55:46] Captain_Murdoch: yes
[08:56:03] Captain_Murdoch: so the insert won't fail anymore
[08:58:12] Captain_Murdoch: you also may need to run a few alter table commands if any of those succeeded the first time. we'll see after you try running mythbackend.
[08:58:21] daedalus_ (daedalus_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:58:25] purserj: hmm mythweb isn't showing the listings
[08:59:03] borga2: Query was: INSERT storagegroup (groupname, hostname, dirname) SELECT 'Default', hostname, data FROM settings WHERE value = 'RecordFilePrefix';
[08:59:03] borga2: Error was: Driver error was [2/1062]:
[09:00:51] borga2: I got the same entries in storagegroup again but with different id's (starts with 4 this time)
[09:01:31] daedalus_ (daedalus_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:01:59] Captain_Murdoch: ok, drop the table and run these commands manually:
[09:02:40] borga2: could you be so kind to give me a step by step please.
[09:02:48] Captain_Murdoch: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS storagegroup ( id INT(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, groupname VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, hostname VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', dirname VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (id), UNIQUE KEY grouphostdir (groupname, hostname, dirname) );
[09:03:19] Captain_Murdoch: drop the table first though DROP TABLE storagegroup;
[09:03:56] Captain_Murdoch: done with that?
[09:04:36] borga2: yes
[09:04:44] borga2: Now it's clean
[09:04:55] Captain_Murdoch: INSERT storagegroup (groupname, hostname, dirname) SELECT DISTINCT 'Default', hostname, data FROM settings WHERE value = 'RecordFilePrefix' AND hostname IS NOT NULL AND hostname <> '';
[09:05:45] borga2: So should I edit this line in any way then?
[09:05:55] Captain_Murdoch: no, run the SQL exactly as I give it
[09:06:16] Captain_Murdoch: these are straight from latest SVN version.
[09:06:42] borga2: ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '= 'RecordFilePrefix' AND hostname IS NOT NULL AND hostname <> ''' at line 1
[09:07:04] Captain_Murdoch: are you cutting and pasting or retyping?
[09:07:23] borga2: cut paste, as with the previous one
[09:07:52] Captain_Murdoch: that SQL runs fine here. I just ran it on my dev database.
[09:08:16] borga2: This doesn't sound well
[09:08:26] Captain_Murdoch: select version();
[09:08:32] Captain_Murdoch: what version are you on?
[09:08:53] borga2: 5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu3.1-log
[09:09:05] Captain_Murdoch: I'm only on 5.0.22 so that should be valid in newer versions.
[09:10:38] borga2: got it
[09:10:52] borga2: it removed a space in the pasted line
[09:10:56] Captain_Murdoch: ok.
[09:11:05] Captain_Murdoch: ok, 5 more lines.
[09:11:11] Captain_Murdoch: ALTER TABLE recorded ADD storagegroup VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Default';
[09:11:16] Captain_Murdoch: ALTER TABLE record ADD storagegroup VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Default';
[09:11:18] borga2: So now the 3 entries are back starting with 1 again
[09:11:25] Captain_Murdoch: yes
[09:11:29] Captain_Murdoch: ALTER TABLE inuseprograms ADD rechost VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL;
[09:11:32] Captain_Murdoch: ALTER TABLE inuseprograms ADD recdir VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';
[09:11:37] Captain_Murdoch: see if those 4 lines run
[09:11:52] borga2: ERROR 1060 (42S21): Duplicate column name 'storagegroup'
[09:11:59] borga2: After the first one
[09:12:00] Captain_Murdoch: ok, try the others.
[09:12:25] Captain_Murdoch: need to run all 4 whether they error or not. they should either run OK or give the duplicate column message.
[09:12:31] borga2: ther last two worked
[09:12:50] Captain_Murdoch: ok, so somehow the first two had run before.
[09:12:54] borga2: You mentioned 5 this was 4
[09:13:02] Captain_Murdoch: yeah, was waiting for the last one. :)
[09:13:06] borga2: hehe
[09:13:25] Captain_Murdoch: ok, so you've just manually run all the steps in the 1171 DB upgrade. so now run this last command to tell Myth that you are at 1171.
[09:13:31] Captain_Murdoch: UPDATE settings SET data = '1171' WHERE value = 'DBSchemaVer';
[09:13:56] borga2: ok
[09:14:12] Captain_Murdoch: now you can retry mythbackend and the storagegroup stuff is already done.
[09:14:29] borga2: okay, finger crossed.
[09:14:52] Captain_Murdoch: you should run the DB check/optimize script sometime to make sure your tables are OK. it could have failed before because of a corrupt table or something.
[09:15:15] borga2: Got a bit further now....
[09:15:41] borga2 (borga2! has quit (Excess Flood)
[09:15:56] Captain_Murdoch: learned the hard way I guess. :)
[09:16:26] borga2 (borga2! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:16:38] borga2: Got lost there
[09:16:52] Captain_Murdoch: borga2 has quit (Excess Flood)
[09:17:20] borga2: Yes i tried to paste privately to you....
[09:20:21] jvs_ is now known as jvs
[09:20:32] Captain_Murdoch: run this to make sure: repair table record;
[09:21:42] Captain_Murdoch: then this: alter table record drop avg_delay;
[09:21:46] Captain_Murdoch: then retry mythbackend.
[09:25:05] borga2: You're my hero.
[09:25:25] borga2: This will keep my wife from beating me.... :-)
[09:26:05] Captain_Murdoch: you should run the script in the contrib directory to check all your tables if you don't already do this.
[09:26:16] Captain_Murdoch: I think you had corruption possibly.
[09:27:07] Frosty- (Frosty-! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:30:06] Frosty-: I just can't get MythTV to record a scheduled show
[09:30:24] Frosty-: logs say it gets started, but no file is created
[09:31:23] Frosty-:
[09:33:58] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:34:03] Freman (Freman! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:35:30] Freman: so um... looking at I have working sound according to speaker-test.... but mythtv is still mute
[09:35:56] Frosty-: compile or package?
[09:36:46] Freman: gentoo, so compiled
[09:37:19] Freman: mind you, aplay isn't being very co-operative either, but speaker-test works for sure
[09:38:40] Frosty-: when you did ./configure did it say also was supported?
[09:39:00] Frosty-: I overlooked and compiled without also my firs ttime :s
[09:39:07] Frosty-: -o+a
[09:39:38] Freman: gentoo makes it easy, emerge mythtv (I have alsa use flags enabled) so yes, will have alsa support
[09:40:51] Frosty-: I'm afraid I'm of little help, I'm no expert, I think the rest are in bed :)
[09:41:02] Freman: it's ok, I always have problems with the sound part
[09:41:36] Freman: infact, put "allways" in bold, italic, underscore, big font, red letters
[09:41:49] Frosty-: lol
[10:01:34] hashbang: morning all
[10:01:53] hashbang: is there a way of making mythbackend kick off mythfilldatabase the same way it does nightly?
[10:02:23] hashbang: er, I meaning manually making mythbackend do it...
[10:03:10] hads: Any particular reason? Rather than just running mythfilldatabase.
[10:04:01] hashbang: hads: I need to debug the overnight mythfilldatabase process
[10:04:26] hashbang: hads: it runs manually, but it's had problems a couple of nights running from mythbackend
[10:04:41] hads: Probably an environment issue.
[10:04:47] hashbang: hads: I think I've fixed it, but I want to check it now, rather than waiting until tomorrow morning
[10:05:01] hashbang: hads: yeah, I think it was permissions of ~mythtv/.xmltv
[10:05:15] Anduin (Anduin! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:05:28] hads: You'll want HOME set too if it's not.
[10:05:34] hashbang: hads: actually, probably not – presumably mythbackend normally runs mythfilldatabase as the same user mythbackend is running as
[10:05:37] hashbang: ?
[10:06:07] hads: I don't know of a way telling the backend to run it now though.
[10:06:32] hads: hashbang: It normally seems to be having HOME or PATH not set correctly.
[10:07:19] hashbang: hads: well, my setting in for the path has an explicit path to the mythfilldatabase binary
[10:07:56] hads: Yes but it may still need to find the XMLTV grabber.
[10:07:57] hashbang: hads: but, yeah, I've previously put symlinks in / to ~mythtv/.mythtv
[10:08:16] hashbang: hads: well, the error says xmltv exited with error 512, so presumably xmltv is running OK
[10:08:50] hads: I wouldn't be so sure actually.
[10:09:29] hashbang: aha
[10:09:40] hashbang: 2008-03–12 05:11:56.933 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
[10:09:40] hashbang: config file /var/lib/mythtv/Radio Times.xmltv does not exist
[10:09:50] ** hashbang wasn't expecting the log file to be appended to **
[10:12:38] sebrock (sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:13:30] hashbang: hads: OK, looks like I need to change MYTHTV_HOME in /etc/sysconfig/mythbackend from /var/lib/mythtv to /var/lib/mythtv/.mythtv
[10:14:18] hads: hashbang: Sound distro dependant, I couldn't help with that sorry.
[10:14:30] hashbang: hads: ATRPMs package
[10:14:39] hads: Yeah, no idea.
[10:14:48] hashbang: hads: not quite sure what Axel is playing at there...
[10:15:49] hads: Just make the mythfilldatabase path a script that sets things how you want them :)
[10:16:07] hashbang: hads: yeah, if it carries on, that'll be my approach!
[10:17:51] hashbang: seems to be a change in 0.21 and/or Axel's packaging of 0.21
[10:18:03] hashbang: 2008-03–10 02:00:51.906 Grabber Command: nice tv_grab_uk_rt --config-file '//.mythtv/Radio Times.xmltv' --output /tmp/mythPChqKk # 0.20.2
[10:18:20] hashbang: 2008-03–11 03:58:22.634 Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost
[10:18:20] hashbang: config file /var/lib/mythtv/Radio Times.xmltv does not exist, run me with --configure # 0.21
[10:20:56] ** hads sleeps **
[10:21:00] hashbang: on the upside, I like the on-the-fly encoding to flash video, and multirec
[10:21:24] hashbang: I was really expecting some kind of catch with multirec, but it seems to JFW.
[10:21:36] siXy (siXy!n=siXy@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:24:50] siXy (siXy!n=siXy@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:48:47] mzb_d800: found another couple of issues:
[10:49:28] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[10:50:11] mzb_d800: 1. when displaying recordings, (on machine B) the group+title description is shown despite preferences ... until using the group filter and cancelling it
[10:50:22] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:50:28] mzb_d800: then I get what I want ... go figure
[10:50:48] mzb_d800: 2. in two parts (prob not related)
[10:51:47] mzb_d800: .a. got the same themes on two (almost) identical machines, but the display different font colours+sizes +background colours
[10:53:11] mzb_d800: .b. can NOT enable (opengl?) OSD fading on machine B ... works fine on machine A
[10:53:25] mzb_d800: can anyone make suggestions for ^^ ??
[10:53:48] mzb_d800: (let's call 1 a non-issue?)
[11:00:10] Ojg (Ojg!n=nnscript@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:17:39] d00gster (d00gster! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:23:24] DustyBin (DustyBin! has quit ("changing servers")
[11:23:45] DustyBin (DustyBin! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:27:48] Davo_Dinkum: Does anyone know what motherboard is used in OpenMedia boxes
[11:27:49] Davo_Dinkum: ?
[11:27:52] purserj: so far very nice on 0.21 well done
[11:28:33] mzb_d800: I'd be interested to see the difference between a migration/upgrade and a fresh install
[11:30:10] mzb_d800: purserj: noticed any differences in CPU playback profiles?
[11:30:28] mzb_d800: ie: settings you had previously?
[11:30:38] purserj: to be honest I haven't really been looking
[11:30:54] mzb_d800: mine were custom, so I guess that's where my problem starts ;)
[11:31:20] purserj: ah
[11:31:21] mzb_d800: only one rule: rez>0==xvmc ;)
[11:31:31] purserj: I've just stuck with whatever gets included with the ebuild
[11:31:44] DustyBin (DustyBin! has quit ("changing servers")
[11:31:53] mzb_d800: I don't have that luxury with machines @866MHz ;)
[11:32:00] DustyBin (DustyBin! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:32:04] Ojg (Ojg!n=nnscript@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:32:46] Ojg (Ojg! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:33:26] mzb_d800: *but* at my custom settings (et al) I've now got mpeg2 playback down to 30% on machine A, and 54% on machine B (not sure of the difference yet)
[11:33:32] directhex|work: Davo_Dinkum,
[11:33:39] mzb_d800: the drop on machine A is significant!
[11:34:15] mzb_d800: they're both 866, A=mx440, B=mx460 ... both with slow AGP ports
[11:34:21] directhex|work: . . . ;modelmenu=1 even
[11:35:54] mzb_d800: thought it looked familiar ... that's the *only* board I can find to do what I want (ie: everything)
[11:36:53] mzb_d800: oh ... even more familiar ... Steven Ellis .. oops  ;)
[11:36:54] Davo_Dinkum: ah it's AM2
[11:37:18] Davo_Dinkum: I recall him saying it had VGA DVI and Composite outputs
[11:37:57] mzb_d800: it's the *only* mobo with everything you need onboard (nvidia,tv,etc)
[11:38:14] mzb_d800: although I did come across a DFI board that came close
[11:38:21] revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:38:48] DustyBin (DustyBin! has quit ("changing servers")
[11:38:52] Davo_Dinkum: it has an IEEE1394 header for a port on the front?
[11:38:57] Ojg: about how fast cpu do you need for a HD backend ?, would a Amd Athlon 64 32+ be sufficent ?
[11:39:00] DustyBin (DustyBin! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:40:12] directhex|work: Ojg, backends don't need grunt
[11:40:53] Davo_Dinkum: so it does:
[11:40:54] mzb_d800: Davo_Dinkum: . . . &SITE=US
[11:41:49] Ojg: hmm but doesnt it do most of the work except playback ofc
[11:41:56] directhex|work: . . . ication.html -> which asus am2 boards have firewire and a 6150?
[11:42:05] directhex|work: Ojg, which work is that, exactly?
[11:44:27] mzb_d800: Davo_Dinkum: that pic is not for the same Asus board, right?
[11:45:08] directhex|work: no, it isn't
[11:45:32] directhex|work: the m2n-e is not a m2npv-vm
[11:45:55] directhex|work: i can only assume that currently available boards are being used. i could check asus's archives, but doubt i'll find anything
[11:46:28] directhex|work: the m2n-e is nforce 570, not 6150
[11:46:56] directhex|work: few full-atx boards have onboard video
[11:48:38] mzb_d800: yeah, completely different animal
[11:52:49] mzb_d800: Davo_Dinkum: btw: the m2npv-vm seems to have 1 rear and 1 onboard IEEE1394 port
[11:52:58] directhex|work: coo, geforce 9600gt support added to nvidia-glx
[11:53:46] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit ()
[11:54:04] hnitsuj: 36 miles in 2 hours 45 minutes. not bad!
[11:54:20] mzb_d800: land speed record?
[11:54:35] mchou: hnitsuj: is that on your bike?
[11:54:46] Davo_Dinkum: mzb_d800: yeah i saw the header on the mobo for the front one
[11:54:49] mzb_d800: I'd guess it's the red connector on far left:
[11:55:01] hnitsuj: no, the M6 motorway was closed, so everybody piled onto the roads I use to go to work
[11:55:05] Davo_Dinkum: 22:45 < mzb_d800> Davo_Dinkum: that pic is not for the same Asus board, right?
[11:55:09] Davo_Dinkum: I'm pretty sure it is
[11:55:21] mzb_d800: different model
[11:55:27] mchou: hnitsuj: dude, I could have biked faster than that
[11:55:30] hnitsuj: one guy said it took him 4 hours to get in. jesus I'd have turned back
[11:55:31] mzb_d800: that pic had 6x SATA
[11:55:48] Davo_Dinkum: oh wait it's not :/
[11:55:57] Davo_Dinkum: also it has no parallel port
[11:56:07] hnitsuj: mchou: I could have done too, but the most direct route doesn't allow bikes :P#
[11:56:07] mzb_d800: and no heat-pipe ;)
[11:56:36] hnitsuj: course I'd be in serious need of resuscitation by now aswell :D
[11:57:04] mzb_d800: hnitsuj: time for a comment about cold beer wouldn't offend you now?
[11:57:31] hnitsuj: beer at work? a bit sackable, that one
[11:57:39] mzb_d800: ah
[11:57:45] mzb_d800: ok, a timing issue ;)
[11:57:56] mzb_d800: (s/location)
[11:58:21] directhex|work: Davo_Dinkum, <directhex|work> the m2n-e is not a m2npv-vm
[11:58:24] hnitsuj: more good news this morning – my inlaws are no longer coming to visit at the weekend :D
[11:58:34] mzb_d800: lol
[11:58:35] directhex|work: hnitsuj, yay! and the car front?
[11:58:59] mzb_d800: hnitsuj: in that case I'll have a beer on your behalf ... cheers!
[11:59:23] hnitsuj: booking tomorrow & friday off to go shopping. and I found a spare 500 I didn't know I had lying in an ISA last night.
[12:00:05] Ojg: directhex|work: hmm might have missunderstood what it does then, because i thought its the backend that handles the recording and such
[12:00:07] hnitsuj: still no docs from the insurance company of course. they can seriously go & fuck themselves
[12:00:28] directhex|work: Ojg, it does. what's hard about saving a file? why does saving require a big cpu?
[12:00:28] revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:01:16] hnitsuj: my 800mhz dev box was able to record 10 shows at the same time on about 10% cpu usage last time I looked
[12:01:36] DustyBin (DustyBin! has quit ("changing servers")
[12:01:46] mzb_d800: Ojg: essentially, the only thing the BE needs to be good at (in it's simplest form) is dishing out info for the FE's
[12:01:59] DustyBin (DustyBin! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:02:08] directhex|work: mzb, we don't know how he plans on actually recording said hd yet, though
[12:02:41] mzb_d800: if your storage drives are on the BE, then it needs to be reasonably good at storing + retrieving streams from those drives (at the same time)
[12:03:09] mzb_d800: there are a few essential elements in the equation, all of which need different types of performance
[12:03:41] billk (billk! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:03:42] hnitsuj: mzb_d800: my generic piece of crap dev box copes fine
[12:03:42] billk (billk! has left #mythtv-users ("Doh! Too many channels...")
[12:03:46] mzb_d800: mythtv backend, mysql database, and file share (possibly optional)
[12:04:09] mzb_d800: they can all be on seperate machines
[12:04:53] mzb_d800: it gets more difficult when you include tuners, however, as they need "quick response" (*)
[12:05:43] hnitsuj: the moral of the story is – avoid framegrabbers if you want low cpu usage
[12:05:57] directhex|work: he wants hd. imagine an hd framegrabber :)
[12:06:35] directhex|work: oh lord he's swedish. h264 alert!
[12:06:53] mzb_d800: Ojg: iirc, there's a good outline of the way mythtv works re FE+BE in the mythtv wiki
[12:06:56] hnitsuj: it'd take a good few streams of hd coming from different parts of a HDD before performance starts to be impacted – even on a consumer-level single disk
[12:07:41] mzb_d800: on 100Mbit ?
[12:08:22] mzb_d800: or you mean direct to disk?
[12:08:45] hnitsuj: hell even on a network you could have quite a few hd streams going back & forth & have capacity to spare on 100mbit
[12:09:13] mzb_d800: as long as you don't use it for anything else ;)
[12:09:17] hnitsuj: anybody having problems with network capacity is obviously not using wired ethernet :)
[12:09:17] dagar_ (dagar_! has quit ("Leaving")
[12:09:49] hnitsuj: well either that or they have nails or staples piercing their cables :P
[12:09:56] dagar (dagar! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:10:10] hnitsuj: ugh! Sky One are bringing back Gladiators
[12:10:22] Jimbalaya (Jimbalaya! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:11:12] mzb_d800: 12.4MB/s seems pretty good to me ... but doing "other stuff" while time-critical mythtv stuff is going on is asking for trouble
[12:11:26] mzb_d800: I guess I should increase my ring-buffer?
[12:11:41] mediathreat (mediathreat! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:12:13] mzb_d800: (more)
[12:14:59] hnitsuj: anyway directhex|work think I'm settling on a 206 1.4 HDi. I lose my mileage allowance in september so saving on road tax, insurance & fuel will be nice. cheapish to service, insides are ok. not arsed about it being a girly hairdresser car in the slightest.. nor French :P
[12:15:01] jeffery_: mzb_d800, how many days channel data shoudl shepherd pull into mythtv?/
[12:19:22] directhex|work: hnitsuj, well, make sure your breakdown cover is comprehensive, but at least running costs should be sensible
[12:19:50] hnitsuj: already in the aa anwyay
[12:21:07] mzb_d800: jeffery_: I get 7–8 days
[12:21:28] hnitsuj: questioning wtf I'm doing working out in the wilderness of fecking Runcorn again though
[12:21:32] jeffery_: mzb_d800, thanks I thought I was missing some data
[12:21:57] hnitsuj: take a pay cut, travel less miles.. winner!
[12:22:07] mzb_d800: currently says: There's guide data until 2008-03–19 07:00 (7 days).
[12:22:47] mzb_d800: (I haven't tried enabling EIT yet ... too afraid of *new* technology;))
[12:23:27] directhex|work: new? i've always used eit
[12:23:35] mzb_d800: :)
[12:23:35] hnitsuj: new to the aussies :P
[12:23:37] mzb_d800: jk
[12:23:45] mzb_d800: new as of 20080102
[12:24:13] hnitsuj: 20th August the year of our lord 102 ?
[12:24:44] directhex|work: iso date format. YYYYMMDD. that way date order is also numeric sort order
[12:25:01] hnitsuj: bleh
[12:25:14] hnitsuj: still better than mm dd yyyy
[12:25:25] mzb_d800: ie: all hdd recorders sold in .au to date have been slightly improved VCR, rather than approaching TIVO functionality
[12:26:28] mzb_d800: also a nice way to save notes: "20080312 mythtv-users: explain date formats.txt"
[12:26:29] hnitsuj: if only they could do arbitrary skip & timestretch.. and web based epg you can port fwd externally. then mythtv would be byebyes
[12:26:31] mzb_d800: etc
[12:26:42] hnitsuj: be nice if their UIs didn't stink of poo aswell
[12:26:44] mzb_d800: (forget colon)
[12:29:05] hnitsuj: avoid any pvr that its fans refer to as 'toppy'. most retarded ever
[12:32:07] ** purserj is in Aus and has been running on EIT for months now **
[12:32:24] purserj: and it looks like Tivo might not be getting released here
[12:32:29] ** mzb_d800 applauds ;) **
[12:32:49] hnitsuj: if tivo would only have a stab at a dvb-t pvr.. they could clean up
[12:32:52] mzb_d800: purserj: have you combined EIT with shepherd?
[12:33:33] mzb_d800: or it's a case of one or the other?
[12:33:45] hnitsuj: you can't yet combine sources
[12:34:04] despen (despen! has left #mythtv-users ()
[12:34:12] hnitsuj: the EIT monkeys & xmltv programme IDs are often different, etc etc etc
[12:37:04] mzb_d800: shepherd is an unusual beast, all those things can be customised afaik
[12:37:25] mzb_d800: so I don't think that's an issue (in itself)
[12:37:41] mzb_d800: s/
[12:43:44] mzb_d800: my understanding was that I could have a grabber defined, but also enable EIT
[12:44:57] mzb_d800: and I wondered how that worked
[12:45:14] hnitsuj: one will overwrite the other
[12:46:18] mzb_d800: in that case it'd be a question of detail vs accuracy, I guess?
[12:46:45] hnitsuj: not much point if the time period covered by both is very similar ;)
[12:47:21] hnitsuj: if EIT & xmltv used the same show identifiers, it'd be great
[12:47:41] hnitsuj: cos then you could mix & match the data you use _and_ get more up to date info as show timings change :)
[12:47:55] hnitsuj: best of both worlds
[12:48:41] mzb_d800: didn't I say before that shepherd could be customised to do that?
[12:48:50] mzb_d800: (afaik)
[12:49:23] mzb_d800: it's not a *small* hack
[12:50:25] mzb_d800: the question is if mythtv can handle both grabber and EIT at the same time (all other things being equal)
[12:50:52] Justin__ (Justin__! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:51:29] cthomas (cthomas! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:51:58] Justin__: anyone have any links on getting firewire tuning working in 0.21? mythbackend is stating that no valid capture cards are defined, despite having on configured and linked to a souce
[12:52:35] zlyzyr (zlyzyr! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:53:44] hnitsuj: mzb_d800: I dunno if anybody could be bothered to update shepherd programids for every single showing of every single show though
[12:54:24] i3ooi3oo (i3ooi3oo! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:54:26] mzb_d800: I'm not going to tell you 3 times while somebody is paying you to be doing something else
[12:55:02] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[12:55:02] mzb_d800: (and for a grabber you know know nothing about)
[12:55:08] hnitsuj: mzb_d800: somebody would have to do all the customisation though
[12:55:16] hnitsuj: calm down
[12:55:25] mzb_d800: yes sir!
[12:55:26] mzb_d800: :)
[12:55:31] Davo_Dinkum: would an athlon xp 2600+ be fast enough for dual hd tuners?
[12:55:41] hnitsuj: Davo_Dinkum: for recording, easy
[12:55:48] hnitsuj: for playback, maybe not
[12:55:53] Davo_Dinkum: hmm
[12:56:10] hnitsuj: possibly for mpeg2 1080i HD... at a push
[12:56:16] whodat: i should be able to do HD over 100mbit ethernet right? SD works but HD is jerky
[12:56:20] mzb_d800: hnitsuj: the setup for shepherd is something you need to see to believe
[12:56:37] cthomas (cthomas! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:56:46] hnitsuj: mzb_d800: I'll take your word for it ;)
[12:56:55] mzb_d800: and as there are only a few channels in .au it's not such a bad thing
[12:57:00] jduggan: whodat: have you tried HD locally?
[12:57:58] jduggan: as for 100mbit – should be enough
[12:58:46] Justin__: that was creepy... didn't know the irc logs were that real time. was just searching through them and found the text i just posted above :)
[12:59:48] mzb_d800: hnitsuj:
[13:00:35] arschjucken (arschjucken! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:02:05] mzb_d800: not much to deal with, right? :)
[13:02:14] kayle (kayle! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:04:58] DustyBin: how do you add a user to a group? adduser user group ?
[13:05:14] opentrinity (opentrinity!n=opentrin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:05:35] mzb_d800: # usermod -aG group user
[13:05:36] opentrinity is now known as open|ing
[13:05:37] sebrock_ (sebrock_! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:05:43] jduggan: DustyBin: i normally just vi /etc/group but u could use usermod
[13:05:51] directhex|work: DustyBin's method works
[13:06:07] directhex|work: i'd recommend it as the easiest option
[13:07:04] DustyBin: i have a shared NFS partition, on my server it looks like this:
[13:07:04] DustyBin: drwxrwx--- 17 nfs nfs 4096 2008-03–11 14:52 netstore
[13:07:15] DustyBin: i have added the user 'dustybin' to the group nfs
[13:07:29] DustyBin: the user dustybin UID is the same on the server and the client
[13:07:32] whodat: jduggan: yeah it works fine locally
[13:07:47] DustyBin: but i am unable to mount the drive, permssion denied
[13:08:20] mzb_d800: mounting is different to writing to it
[13:08:49] DustyBin: i need to make sure nfs user has the same id as the guy mounting it!
[13:09:15] DustyBin: but if dustybin is in the same group he should be able to mount it
[13:09:20] mzb_d800: if you want your user to mount it you probably need to add the "user" tag to the fstab mount options
[13:09:39] DustyBin: now
[13:09:51] DustyBin: if i change the permissions to this
[13:09:54] DustyBin: drwxrwx--- 17 dustybin nfs 4096 2008-03–11 14:52 netstore
[13:10:01] DustyBin: i can open the mount no problem
[13:11:00] mzb_d800: "mount", "open mount" ... what are you describing?
[13:11:11] DustyBin: /mnt/netstore nfs rw,hard,user,auto 0 0
[13:11:27] DustyBin: maybe group needs to be in that ^^^
[13:11:59] mzb_d800: dustybin is in the nfs group at both ends?
[13:13:03] mzb_d800: btw: you want async on the client, and sync on in exports, afaik
[13:13:04] DustyBin: whoops, i havent created a nfs group on the client side
[13:13:16] reviloot1eg (reviloot1eg!n=oliver@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:16:01] mzb_d800: DustyBin: see ogg link for "NFS Tuning Secrets" in Session 3 on Friday at
[13:16:36] mzb_d800: (won't help you with permissions;)
[13:17:48] DustyBin: all i want to do is, share my NFS partitions with ONLY the people who are in the NFS group
[13:17:55] DustyBin: on the server
[13:18:09] nnnbags (nnnbags! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:18:10] hnitsuj: mzb_d800: I meant the individual programme IDs used behind the scenes for every showing of every programme
[13:18:29] mzb_d800: i see
[13:18:57] hnitsuj: unique numbers for every showing, series & episode (in theory). different platforms can use different IDs
[13:19:32] Davo_Dinkum: the asus website doesnt have much information about the motherboard
[13:19:35] revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:19:42] hnitsuj: you could, I suppose do some clever fuzzy 'like' testing but as soon as a completely different programme comes up in a given timeslot it'll throw it all up in the air
[13:19:59] mzb_d800: so it still comes down to mythtv being able to handle two sources
[13:20:06] hnitsuj: but, cross-source EIT data usage is in the works AFAIK
[13:20:31] mzb_d800: I got the impression from the options that it was possible to enable both (cleanly) ... oh well
[13:21:01] nnnbags: i'm getting an error about a 'duplicate entry' when upgrading database from version 1171 to 1214. This was upgrading ubuntu feisty to gutsy. here is the full output
[13:21:28] hnitsuj: mzb_d800: that's for special cases only as far as I know
[13:21:36] nnnbags: anyone seen this problem before?
[13:21:36] hnitsuj: not the context we're talking about
[13:21:53] mzb_d800: .au == special case ?? :))))
[13:22:12] sebrock (sebrock! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:22:17] hnitsuj: nnnbags: ahhhh. the problem has been fixed already & is in the latest trunk & -fixes
[13:22:48] hnitsuj: nnnbags: someone had the problem yesterday & worked with Captain_Murdoch to cure it – see the log from earlier today
[13:22:55] nnnbags: grrr ... can i just get the updated upgrade script and run it, rather than upgrading my ubuntu myth packages ?
[13:23:10] hnitsuj: nnnbags: chances are there are no updated packages
[13:23:14] hnitsuj: (yet)
[13:23:46] nnnbags: hnitsuj: whats a good place to look for logs?
[13:24:09] directhex|work: nnnbags, #ubuntu-mythtv
[13:24:41] hnitsuj: nnnbags: the channel log is mentioned in the channel topic
[13:25:02] hnitsuj: or the welcome message.. anyway
[13:25:18] nnnbags: hnitsuj: tnx
[13:35:08] jduggan: jesus christ it's windy out
[13:35:38] revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:36:29] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:37:13] AcTiVaTe (AcTiVaTe! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:43:41] hnitsuj: jduggan: no shit! a half hour journey took over 2.5 hours this morning cos the m6 is closed
[13:44:28] jduggan: wow
[13:44:33] jduggan: bad :)
[13:44:49] directhex|work: it's grim oop norf
[13:45:25] hnitsuj: it's grim in the uk full stop :)
[13:45:31] jduggan: im still at home got out of hours maintenance so not going in till 5 tonight only woke up about an hour ago or so :P
[13:45:34] hnitsuj: rather wind than water though
[13:45:44] jduggan: seems i missed alot of the bad wind
[13:45:45] jduggan: :)
[13:46:12] hnitsuj: time to fill out a holiday form for tomorrow & friday I finks
[13:48:43] praet (praet! has quit ("leaving")
[13:53:31] reviloot1eg (reviloot1eg!n=oliver@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:01:41] Turn0 (Turn0!n=rfelder@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:04:53] praet (praet! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:05:34] Turn0: so if i'm using recent nvidia drivers and tv out, the closest thing i can get to ntsc spec is "720x480_60i", right?
[14:08:29] iamlindoro: 720x480 @ 60 Hz *is* NTSC spec, so yes.  :)
[14:09:53] directhex|work:
[14:09:56] Turn0: thats a simplified explanation of the ntsc spec, i think
[14:10:10] Turn0: since ntsc spec spells out things like overscan, etc
[14:10:14] ** hashbang fixes mythstream for 0.21 **
[14:10:21] hashbang: (and tells Axel how to as well)
[14:10:43] hnitsuj: the spec doesn't spell out overscan at all – just gives producers guidelines to work to
[14:11:12] sebrock_: is everything included in 0.21 to run mythtranscore?
[14:11:17] sebrock_: *mythtranscode
[14:11:21] Turn0: well also, isn't ntsc something more like 59.9997hz?
[14:11:25] Turn0: i mean, thats kindof splitting hairs
[14:11:36] Turn0: .0003hz over 5 minutes adds up
[14:11:45] iamlindoro: *eyeroll*
[14:11:53] Turn0: and could possibly cause problems trying to output interlaced video without deinterlacing
[14:12:30] iamlindoro: You come back and give us a report when that .0003 Hz causes a visual issue. Ever.
[14:12:31] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:12:42] iamlindoro: ever ever.
[14:13:11] sebrock_: cant get mythtranscode to work...mmm
[14:13:13] Turn0: iamlindoro, I have never been able to display interlaced video on my tv without losing sync and causing visible artifacts
[14:13:32] Turn0: i have to deinterlace because i can't get the sync right
[14:13:41] hnitsuj: roflmfao – how many different ways have been found on the -users list to say 0.21 no worky on Flea-Pea-Aye-Ay ? :P
[14:13:50] Turn0: eating up processor and losing picture quality
[14:13:55] hnitsuj: interlacing has FA to do with syncs
[14:14:27] Turn0: how can you display frame perfect interlaced 60hz video on a 59hz device?
[14:14:34] hnitsuj: has everything to do with using a progressive display mode to output to an interlaced display device while playing back interlaced content though
[14:14:40] Turn0: thats more exaggerated, but it makes the point
[14:15:00] ** iamlindoro wonders where these people *come* from **
[14:15:14] mzb_d800: I run TV out on ancient crap without issues (ie. it's better than watching a VCR!;)
[14:15:18] hnitsuj: iamlindoro: I don't care, I just wish they'd feck off back there
[14:15:33] mzb_d800: Turn0: but then I use PAL
[14:15:36] iamlindoro: *nods* vigorously
[14:16:19] Davo_Dinkum: PAL > NTSC
[14:16:25] mzb_d800: :)
[14:16:31] hnitsuj: interlacing artifacts (i.e. the horizontal misalignment of lines) are an artifact of displaying interlaced content on a progressive display device
[14:16:41] hnitsuj: they are _nothing_ to do with sync
[14:18:17] Turn0: so then why do i *have* to deinterlace my interlaced video when displaying on a interlaced device
[14:18:17] hnitsuj: and until such time as either all broadcasts are made progressive or video card driver writers come up with a way of reliably identifying which field in an interlaced mode is which – deinterlacing will be the order of the day
[14:18:39] hnitsuj: Turn0: because whatever is going into the video card's TV encoder is still progressive
[14:18:53] Turn0: even if i set an interlaced modeline?
[14:19:15] Turn0: (or modeline equivilant)
[14:19:19] hnitsuj: and even when you DO manage to cajole a video driver into producing an interlaced video mode there's no way for the driver to tell the app which field it's outputting, so they can end up in the wrong order#
[14:19:21] mzb_d800: afaict: the only way you can see these things (forget interlacing) is if the refresh rate of your screen is different to the refresh of the lights in your room
[14:19:51] mzb_d800: determining the difference between that and other effects is almost impossible for most mortals
[14:19:52] Turn0: hnitsuj, are you suggesting that without that i may notice visible issues?
[14:20:24] mzb_d800: of course, I'm superhuman, so I can tell ;)
[14:20:29] hnitsuj: Turn0: the only video cards ever to output true, proper interlaced video with proper field demarcation have been by Matrox, and they suck in linux AFAIK – outside of framebuffer mode
[14:21:21] hnitsuj: Turn0: if you have a nvidia card & are using its tv output try using nvidia-settings & turn up the flicker filter to halfway. as if by magic no need to deinterlace :)
[14:21:49] mzb_d800: matrox: hard to configure, old drivers ... great once you get them going (for what they are)
[14:21:53] hnitsuj: there's a very slight hit on output quality but it works better than any software deinterlacer I've seen
[14:22:27] Turn0: hnitsuj: can you just confirm that i'm not crazy for seeing a problem then
[14:22:29] hnitsuj: the nvidia tv enocder's flicker filter is a very clever adaptive line averager
[14:22:49] Turn0: hnitsuj: i don't care if its a hardware problem, but I have an issue i cannot resolve with my current hardware
[14:22:52] hnitsuj: Turn0: no, it's perfectly normal but at the same time the last thing a lot of people expect!
[14:23:32] directhex|work: interlacing sucks
[14:23:33] Turn0: you just told me its a hardware limitation being able to match up interlaced output to an interlaced display
[14:23:39] Turn0: interlacing *does* suck
[14:23:39] Turn0: ;)
[14:23:47] hnitsuj: Turn0: yeah and it affects ALL VGA cards
[14:23:49] directhex|work: what amazes me is they produce dvds with interlaced content on them
[14:23:55] Turn0: thats fine, at least its confirmation
[14:24:07] Turn0: i was hoping i could find a software solution for the meantime until i can buy a progressive display device
[14:24:23] hnitsuj: Turn0: you'll still need to deinterlace TV when you have a progressive display
[14:24:30] mzb_d800: I thought we were talking about NTSC refresh rates?
[14:24:39] Turn0: hnitsuj: yes
[14:24:48] mzb_d800: s/we/you
[14:25:04] jonK (jonK! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:25:10] Turn0: hnitsuj: theres no solution to my problem of displaying interlaced video on any display device
[14:25:18] Turn0: hnitsuj: because the hardware is lacking
[14:25:40] hnitsuj: Turn0: even LCD & plasma TVs have deinterlacing hardware inside
[14:25:56] hnitsuj: some are better at it than others;)
[14:26:09] jonK: I think my current frontend system is failing, and I'm going to need to replace it. I'd like to ask for suggestions for a frontend box.
[14:26:27] directhex|work: Turn0, use the flicker filter if you use tv-out, or use myth's deinterlacer settings
[14:26:33] directhex|work: jonK, mac mini!
[14:26:38] hnitsuj: jonK: a motherboard, a cpu, some ram would be a starting point :)
[14:26:50] jonK: I was thinking about that, can a mac mini run mythtv?
[14:26:51] Turn0: directhex: yeah, i use no flicker filter, and myth's deinterlacer
[14:26:57] jonK: also can it do HD (thinking forward)
[14:27:04] jonK: I was thinking a shuttle box
[14:27:04] directhex|work: jonK, sure. better under linux than macos though AFAIK
[14:27:05] mzb_d800: iirc: nvidia has deinterlace in hardware ... but then I don't know much
[14:27:18] directhex|work: jonK, and yes, all current mac minis have the CPU power for h264 hd
[14:27:26] hnitsuj: mzb_d800: the aforementioned flicker filter on the tvout does it
[14:27:30] Turn0: i just bought an hdtuner... even though i have a sdtv... should provider the best picture possible
[14:27:34] jonK: but I have one, and it's noisy — dont know if that's just the one I have or porblem with all
[14:27:40] hnitsuj: mzb_d800: not to mention the (so far unsupported in linux) GPU features
[14:27:42] mzb_d800: mine must do it by default then ;)
[14:27:48] directhex|work: jonK, shuttles are noisy
[14:27:55] sentinel23 (sentinel23!i=c7d5c721@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:27:56] hnitsuj: shuttles are ugly
[14:28:06] directhex|work: yeah, not a great form factor for htpc
[14:28:12] directhex|work: nice for a desktop though
[14:28:18] hashbang: hnitsuj: surely, if you're outputting interlaced to an interlaced display, and the hardware does as nVidia does and gives one vblank interrupt every full frame, all you need to do is comb two fields together into a full frame and show that at 25 or 30Hz?
[14:28:36] jonK: how so, i have what was marketed as the "ice cube" , small form factor with plexiglass sides
[14:28:44] jonK: it's been running for for years as my frontend
[14:28:46] hnitsuj: hashbang: right. generic 800x600 mode – progressive. into nvidia tv encoder.. comes out interlaced... into your interlaced display
[14:28:50] jonK: for three years i mean
[14:28:53] Turn0: hnitsuj: if i got a matrox card though, i might actually be able to get perfect interlaced tv out? They'd get the order right and everything?
[14:29:10] jonK: and now, it just keeps shutting off after running for 1–5 minutes
[14:29:15] Turn0: hnitsuj: ntsc is 480 horizontal lines, i thought?
[14:29:18] hnitsuj: interlaced 576 mode.. into nvidia tv encoder.. no marking on the fields to keep them in sync with the player app.. oops!
[14:29:25] hnitsuj: Turn0: that was just an example
[14:29:56] hashbang: hnitsuj: no, I'm talking about using a native PAL or NTSC modeline and a VGA-to-SCART adaptor
[14:29:58] directhex|work: jonK, sounds like a chyang fun shuttle-esque cube thing. big moulded plastic handle on the top?
[14:30:06] hnitsuj: hashbang: great, when the hardware allows an interlaced mode to work properly!
[14:30:18] hnitsuj: which they often break in drivers
[14:30:24] jonK: yes big modled handle
[14:30:24] Turn0: hnitsuj: what you just said about no marking fields... thats what my original question was... i misinterpreted it as a sync issue
[14:30:30] hashbang: hnitsuj: it does here on my GF440, modulo the bug with Xv displayed on interlaced, where scanlines are just doubled.
[14:30:53] Turn0: hnitsuj: you guys were pretty rude and i was just trying to find support for a real issue
[14:30:54] directhex|work: life is so much easier with vga->vga
[14:31:00] jonK: it's been great as a frontend
[14:31:01] Turn0: hnitsuj: i finally did get the answer though, so thank you
[14:31:05] mzb_d800: Turn0: getting an old Matrox card to do "exactly" the right thing might sound like a good idea ... but you lose a lot of other goodies
[14:31:09] jonK: but not powerful enough to go HD
[14:31:11] hnitsuj: Turn0: displaying fields in the wrong order looks like visual stutterring
[14:31:18] Turn0: hnitsuj: exactly
[14:31:19] hashbang: directhex|work: yup, I probably ought to get with the 21st century and get a TV with VGA or DVI input...
[14:31:28] hnitsuj: and if anybody thinks I've been rude.. ffs you don't know anything!
[14:31:33] jonK: and once there are dvb drivers for the new hauppauge cards, plan on switching to at least two of those
[14:31:44] Turn0: hnitsuj: to me it looked like the interlaced frames were not being displayed at the right rate.. .kindof like... interlace tearing
[14:31:57] mzb_d800: I've compared g450, mx400, mx440, mx460 and fx5200 on "low end" hardware (p3–650 -> 866)
[14:32:00] jonK: plus, recently bought big lcd panel, so would like to upgrade to HD for myth anyway
[14:32:06] directhex|work: jonK, i remember those things years ago. generally speaking, if you want european HD, you want 1.8ghz core2 duo or higher. for yank HD, just aim for a pentium-d 2.5ghz+ or so, iirc
[14:32:16] ToadP (ToadP! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:32:33] directhex|work: a yank can correct me on the cpu requirements for mpeg2 hd
[14:32:46] jonK: the purchasing sequence went:
[14:32:47] Turn0: directhex: lots
[14:32:48] hnitsuj: Turn0:
[14:32:49] jonK: halo3
[14:32:55] jonK: but halo 3 needed an xbox
[14:33:00] jonK: so xbox360
[14:33:05] directhex|work: Turn0, not THAT lots. mpeg2 is an easy codec
[14:33:05] jonK: but xbox360 can play in hd
[14:33:13] jonK: so new 52" samsung lcd
[14:33:52] Turn0: directhex: i'm hoping my nvidia6200 mpeg2 decode works like it should because i just got an hd tuner
[14:34:15] Turn0: directhex| i figure downscaling 1080i to 480 should eliminate the need to deinterlace
[14:34:26] jonK: I kind of like the mac mini idea — would I run OSX or a linix distribution?
[14:34:47] mzb_d800: Turn0: mpeg2? try ./configure --xvmc-lib=XvMCNVIDIA
[14:35:04] directhex|work: jonK, you'd run what you like. i like linux personally
[14:35:15] directhex|work: mzb_d800, with the usual xvmc caveats
[14:35:32] mzb_d800: yeah, whatever works ;)
[14:35:46] mzb_d800: ie: it works for me
[14:35:47] directhex|work: . . . IMG_0120.JPG #office oc
[14:36:06] directhex|work: pc
[14:36:12] jonK: and any issues with a remote for the mac mini?
[14:37:10] directhex|work: apple remote, programmable remote that can pretend to be an apple remote, ps3 bluetoooth remote, or a usb-based ir receiver
[14:37:15] hnitsuj: jonK: yeah it only has 6 crummy buttons
[14:37:17] jonK: i do kind of wonder about putting something as elegant as the mac mini to the pedesterian use as my frontend
[14:37:28] directhex|work: jonK, try doing it cheaper...
[14:37:31] jonK: i have an ATI usb firefly remote using now
[14:37:43] jonK: directhex, elaboroate hwat you got in mind
[14:37:47] hnitsuj: doing it cheaper or better looking, quieter... :P
[14:37:49] directhex|work: jonK, so usb is usb is usb
[14:37:52] sentinel23: This feels like a really dumb question, but can you remind me how I tell my backend what my db password is?
[14:37:56] sentinel23: (and don't say 'type it into IRC') :P
[14:38:11] directhex|work: jonK, you can't beat a mac mini for price/performance/noise/looks
[14:38:12] hnitsuj: sentinel23: cat /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt on ubunuts
[14:38:22] directhex|work: sentinel23, on debian/ubuntu, look in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[14:38:36] directhex|work: generally, try ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[14:38:47] jonK: pretty much on anything look for the mysql.txt file
[14:39:00] directhex|work: yes
[14:39:06] sentinel23: excellent, thx
[14:39:09] sentinel23: :)
[14:39:59] mzb_d800: directhex|bsp: how about something custom built into this?? ->> . . . amp;area=usa
[14:40:54] hnitsuj: mzb_d800: it'd look like gash & cost more.. and still be bigger. yay :-\
[14:41:00] mzb_d800: I reckon I can do something cheaper, faster and better looking
[14:41:28] hnitsuj: same size?
[14:41:45] mzb_d800: gash? hmm ... I must be out of fashion ;P
[14:42:28] directhex|work: mzb_d800, the ml02 is very pretty. know what it costs?
[14:42:36] mzb_d800: yep
[14:42:42] jonK: so, I'll have the xbox360, the wii, and the mac mini all lined up under the tx
[14:42:46] hnitsuj: costs more than £120 directhex|work
[14:42:54] directhex|work: £160
[14:43:07] hnitsuj: plus motherboard, cpu, ram.. cooling. optical...
[14:43:25] hnitsuj: easily over the mac mini cost & it won't be as quiet
[14:43:31] mzb_d800: add up the parts ... still cheaper to build something into that than getting a mac mini
[14:43:33] hnitsuj: or good looking. or small. case closed
[14:43:40] mzb_d800: and you'd get HD ;)
[14:43:45] directhex|work: mzb_d800, no, it isn't. AND THE MINI IS HD
[14:43:47] hnitsuj: mac mini will do HD just fine
[14:43:57] hnitsuj: core 2 duo mac mini that is
[14:43:59] directhex|work: where the hell did the "mini can't do hd" rumour come from?
[14:44:06] mzb_d800: mac mini is >au$1000 here
[14:44:08] jonK: first, then I'd need to upgrade to HD on the backend
[14:44:09] iamlindoro_: From the haters
[14:44:13] hnitsuj: directhex|work: maybe the original PPC mac mini :)
[14:44:20] directhex|work: let's do the maths, shall we? we shall!
[14:44:27] hnitsuj: or before the core 2 duo models...
[14:44:38] hnitsuj: but the core solo models should be fine with mpeg2 hd
[14:44:47] directhex|work: high end mac mini: £499
[14:44:52] mzb_d800: go for it ... I'm talking about $ ... not inches ;P
[14:45:12] hnitsuj: low end (same as my frontend CPU).. £399
[14:45:22] sentinel23: hrm, my init scripts went missing when i purged my old packages....
[14:45:30] hnitsuj: and my frontend will play (and deinterlace) 1080i h.264 from BBC HD
[14:45:46] sentinel23: i'll copy them off of the mythbuntu cd...
[14:46:21] ** hnitsuj is reddy for de hud (apart from not owning a luckuduhtuv that is) **
[14:46:46] jduggan: hnitsuj: how about HD broadcasts?
[14:47:13] hnitsuj: jduggan: h.264 1080 HDTV from BBC HD == broadcast
[14:47:16] iamlindoro_: "<hnitsuj> and my frontend will play (and deinterlace) 1080i h.264 from BBC HD"
[14:47:24] hnitsuj: all I need is a DVB-S card
[14:47:37] jduggan: hnitsuj: ah, how about a dish/lnb/cable? :)
[14:47:46] iamlindoro_: all < BBC HD
[14:47:47] hnitsuj: got them in the shed
[14:48:00] iamlindoro_: actually every broadcast < BBC HD
[14:48:12] hnitsuj: take about an hour to put the dish up again :)
[14:48:26] mzb_d800: ok .. time for a stroll in the fresh air before the research comes back
[14:48:27] jduggan: hnitsuj: nice – i think dvb-s will be the route i go but i wont invest until atleast channel 4 and 5 are fta
[14:48:40] hnitsuj: same here
[14:49:20] jduggan: i read two conflicting articles – one suggested the SKY ftv contracts are up this month, the other said september
[14:49:51] hnitsuj: so worst case september :)
[14:50:03] jduggan: yea hoping
[14:50:11] Turn0: hnitsuj: hey, one last question about deinterlacing... that not tagging the field issue that prevents me from properly displaying an interlaced source on my sdtv... will the same issue affect me trying to display 1080i on an hdtv over vga, dvi, or hdmi?
[14:50:25] jduggan: although neither have confirmed that they will go FTA, they may sign another contract yet :P
[14:50:34] hnitsuj: Turn0: let software deinterlacing do its thing when you've got a progressive display
[14:50:52] Turn0: i'll assume thats a yes ;)
[14:50:53] hnitsuj: jduggan: licensing issues at play too
[14:51:02] open|ing (open|ing!n=opentrin@ has quit ("***debian rules!!***")
[14:51:11] jduggan: hnitsuj: what issues are those
[14:51:36] directhex|work: ml02: £159, msi 945 speedster-a4v i945gt: £101, core 2 t7300: £158, slim dvdrw: £34, 160gb samsung disk: £29, gig o' ram: £16
[14:51:39] directhex|work: saving: £2
[14:51:45] directhex|work: with a bigger, noisier box. yay!
[14:51:53] directhex|work: now, about my 15% educational discount from apple...
[14:51:53] hnitsuj: Turn0: assuming you managed to get a proper interlaced output mode working, and the fields were displayed in the right order during playback – the T Vwould be doing the deinterlacing rather than your eyes (as is the case with CRT displays) – some TVs really suck at it
[14:52:23] hnitsuj: jduggan: carriage contracts saying shows can only be shown in the UK...
[14:52:36] jduggan: hnitsuj: ah
[14:52:55] hnitsuj: jduggan: didn't stop ITV going FTA though did it
[14:53:43] iamlindoro_: Heh. Users list: "Yep, that's the one. Check out YouTube and Google Videos for some
[14:53:43] iamlindoro_: demo's. They are doing pretty cool stuff. The video part of LinuxMCE is
[14:53:43] iamlindoro_: provided by MythTV (which makes this thread relevant here)." A tip: If you have to explain the relevance of your thread, it isn't.
[14:53:46] Turn0: hnitsuj: oh, i see, so basically hdtvs are in progressive mode 100% of the time
[14:53:56] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:54:23] hnitsuj: Turn0: yeah flat panels – they're all progressive
[14:54:38] hnitsuj: the input processing chips do the scaling & deinterlacing
[14:55:01] hnitsuj: some are good at it, but from what I've seen the majority of them are so-so.. and a minority absolutely SUCK at it
[14:55:08] Turn0: well i definitely want to control the deinterlacing in software
[14:55:26] Turn0: too bad theres no way to display the native source properly though
[14:55:28] hnitsuj: plus as far as myth is concerned, deinterlacing options have never been better
[14:55:32] jonK: mac mini core duo 1.66 enough for HD streamed from backend?
[14:55:44] iamlindoro_: MPEG-2, easily
[14:55:52] iamlindoro_: low-bitrate h.264, probably
[14:56:02] mzb_d800: ah .. research is in
[14:56:14] iamlindoro_: highest-bitrate h.264, no.
[14:56:21] directhex|work: jonK, i don't remember a dual-core 1.66ghz model
[14:56:39] hnitsuj: dual core mac minis start at 1.83Ghz IIRC
[14:56:45] mzb_d800: how long was that ... let's see .. 7 minutes?
[14:56:52] directhex|work: oh, the old core1 models
[14:57:09] mzb_d800: intel ... typical ;)
[14:57:10] quicksilver: mac mini running OSX and apple's quicktime codec should have no problem with h.264
[14:57:10] jonK: looking at right now... refurb for 429
[14:57:24] jonK: what about ubuntu and mythfrontend?
[14:57:32] quicksilver: max mini running linux and using free codecs might possibly struggle
[14:57:33] hnitsuj: what about ubuntu?
[14:57:35] iamlindoro_: What about it?
[14:57:38] jonK: 512mb memory 60gb drive
[14:57:44] directhex|work: mzb_d800, if you want something with actual performance, sure
[14:57:50] mzb_d800: uhuh
[14:57:53] jonK: mac mini/ubuntu/mythfronted/hd
[14:58:01] mzb_d800: I just want something to do the job
[14:58:06] iamlindoro_: quicksilver, A mac mini will more than capable handle HD with linux-- personal experience :)
[14:58:07] hnitsuj: the refurbs don't look like very good value to me
[14:58:07] directhex|work: jonK, seems like rape to me – you get a higher spec new cheaper
[14:58:26] iamlindoro_: er capably
[14:58:30] mzb_d800: and what I've got in mind is half the price of what I can get a mac mini for
[14:58:34] directhex|work: iamlindoro_, there's this perception that a mini can't do hd because... honestly, i don't know
[14:58:42] hnitsuj: if I'd known about the money I had stashed in that ISA sooner I'd have a mini already :(
[14:58:46] borga2: Does anyone know how I can switch liveview cards in myth 0.21?
[14:58:52] directhex|work: mzb, including the extra-size £169 case?
[14:58:53] iamlindoro_: directhex|work, It's too small! You can't fit all the i's and p's in there!!
[14:58:56] hnitsuj: now I need it to help me buy a new car damnit
[14:59:09] directhex|work: borga2, "y" if memory serves
[14:59:09] mzb_d800: yep (au$270)
[14:59:25] hnitsuj: the keybindings changed
[14:59:31] directhex|work: oh, did they?
[14:59:35] jonK: directhex how you figure?
[14:59:39] hnitsuj: I updated keys.txt a while back to reflect the new changes
[15:00:03] hnitsuj: directhex|work: yeah multirec threw a spanner in ;)
[15:00:12] borga2: Yes that's what used to work! But it doesn't anymore
[15:00:20] directhex|work: jonK, . . . ily/mac_mini – a new mac mini with 1.8ghz core2 duo is £399
[15:00:24] borga2: after last update/upgrade
[15:00:27] hnitsuj: borga2: look in keys.txt!
[15:00:30] jonK: non refurb start at 1.83ghz/1gb/ 599
[15:00:40] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:00:59] quicksilver: iamlindoro_: cool.
[15:01:01] jonK: yes, and 429 < 599
[15:01:19] jonK: ($US)
[15:01:28] directhex|work: see what not specifying units gets you?
[15:01:46] iamlindoro_: quicksilver, Yeah, it's a nice little box, much maligned... for some reason people would rather try to get HD running on a damn AppleTV than use a nice Mani which will handle everything you throw at it
[15:02:11] hnitsuj: hmmm a core solo 1.66 with 512MB ram for $429 or a core2 duo 1.8Ghz with 1GB ram for $599.. lemme think for a sec
[15:02:33] jonK: hnitsuh all i need is to run mythfrontend and hd
[15:02:50] Freman: 114% CPU 0.8% RAM – ffmpeg
[15:02:53] jonK: if 1.66 (duo, not solo) will do that, why would I pay for more horsepower
[15:02:59] directhex|work: with yank mpeg2 hd, the former is fine
[15:03:07] hnitsuj: til you decide you want h.264 :P
[15:03:22] borga2: Yes, it is still supposed to be y! But that doesn't work
[15:03:29] iamlindoro_: I'm pretty sure US broadcast HD can be run on an etch-a-sketch and a few hamster wheels
[15:03:33] hnitsuj: borga2: READ keys.txt
[15:03:43] hnitsuj: oh don't tell me it never got backported
[15:04:12] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:04:24] mzb_d800: iamlindoro: I like your thinking ... makes me think about using marsupials! ;)
[15:04:30] hnitsuj: come to think I can't remember if I committed it
[15:04:44] borga2: Y Switch capture card. But no no, nothing by default in logfiles on backend/frontend
[15:05:09] mzb_d800: use menu to select manually then
[15:05:41] iamlindoro_: mzb_d800, Heh, None native here I'm afraid, but if there WERE, we'd chop off a leg to make them less capable, call them amerisupials, and expect the rest fo the world to justdealwithit (tm).
[15:06:08] iamlindoro_: of
[15:06:38] borga2: Yes manual works from menu?!
[15:07:00] ** iamlindoro_ scratches his head confusedly **
[15:07:09] mzb_d800: ah ... I suspect the Tasmanian Devil might become more endangered, though ... simply from demand ;)
[15:07:22] hnitsuj: Y Switch to the next available capture source
[15:07:24] mzb_d800: (even with three legs they kick arse;)
[15:07:27] iamlindoro_: mzb_d800, From what I understand the face tumors are taking care of that
[15:07:31] hnitsuj:
[15:07:42] mzb_d800: yeah ... bit of a bummer
[15:08:36] mzb_d800: hopefully some clever ppl will work it out before it's too late
[15:08:47] loops (loops! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:08:57] jonK: those face tumors — all the same cancer — not just same disease, same instance of cancer
[15:09:03] iamlindoro_: yeah, saw some pictures, definitely a nasty looking condition
[15:09:14] iamlindoro_: and weird how they give it to one another by bite
[15:09:39] mzb_d800: heh ... not when you see docos on how they live ;)
[15:09:47] mzb_d800: (or hear them at night;)
[15:09:55] hnitsuj: tasmanian devils are real?! :O
[15:09:59] jonK: you should see what goes on at my house
[15:10:01] mzb_d800: :)
[15:10:06] directhex|work: hnitsuj, yes, but not all of them spin around in whilwinds
[15:10:19] directhex|work: or are purple. or play golf
[15:10:36] directhex|work: the WB have a lot to answer for, with their misinformation
[15:10:44] hnitsuj: true, true
[15:10:48] mzb_d800:
[15:10:58] iamlindoro_: If you saw the tasmanian devil as purple, then clearly you were watching it in NTSC ;)
[15:11:08] mzb_d800: vocalisation
[15:11:14] hnitsuj: iamlindoro_: muhahaha
[15:11:35] hnitsuj: iamlindoro_: surely it'd only look purple in NTSC if it was green in real life though
[15:11:39] mzb_d800: yep, only visible in PAL ;)
[15:11:50] jonK: so, any other suggestions, beyond mac mini for front end system?
[15:11:50] hnitsuj: or yellow
[15:11:51] hnitsuj: or red
[15:11:55] hnitsuj: or blue...
[15:12:04] iamlindoro_: hnitsuj, Very likely. The US of A – Where you have to drop acid to watch TV in the proper colors
[15:12:23] directhex|work: iamlindoro_, dizzy devil, from tiny toon adventures, was a pleasant lilac color
[15:12:27] iamlindoro_: well, prior to MPEG-2-o-vision
[15:12:42] iamlindoro_: directhex|work, Mmm, sounds soothing
[15:12:47] directhex|work:
[15:12:48] mzb_d800: couple of great docos on them get shown every now and then (here) ... best try and snare 'em with mythtv now I've got a rough idea how to do a search ;)
[15:12:51] hnitsuj: when I was a kid I'm sure I thought that when relatives referred to 'those yellow devils' they meant Americans
[15:12:52] jonK: for I am about to order refrube 1.66 core due mac mini otherwise
[15:13:08] jonK: damn you bad typing skills
[15:13:16] borga2: No luck, should indeed work with y
[15:13:18] iamlindoro_: hnitsuj, Of course! Haven't you seen the Simpsons? that's how we all look
[15:13:24] iamlindoro_: It's actually a lvie action show.
[15:13:25] iamlindoro_: live
[15:13:35] hnitsuj: iamlindoro_: like Comic book store guy?!
[15:13:43] hnitsuj: or is that just linux users?
[15:13:45] mzb_d800: jonK: tape some of your fingers together ... makes it more of a challenge ;)
[15:13:45] iamlindoro_: Worst. IRC channel. Ever.
[15:14:22] iamlindoro_: jonK, STOP
[15:14:25] iamlindoro_: don't press ok
[15:14:27] jonK: bah.. maybe i just quit watching tv for a while
[15:14:28] iamlindoro_: do not pass go
[15:14:42] jonK: waht you got for me lindoro
[15:14:44] iamlindoro_: Don't the Core Duo Mac Minis (last model) have ATI cards?
[15:14:56] iamlindoro_: if so, stop stop stop stop stop
[15:14:58] hnitsuj: iamlindoro_: hahahah good call!
[15:15:18] iamlindoro_: Because you will be so very sad
[15:15:18] hnitsuj: or maybe they just had ATI when they were PPC
[15:15:57] Chutt2 (Chutt2! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:16:06] ** mzb_d800 sits back on the couch and recalls the (very) recent past **
[15:16:28] iamlindoro_: ATI X1600
[15:16:28] jonK: wow, someone bought the 1.66 refurb out from under me
[15:16:32] iamlindoro_: so yeah. Don't do that, for your own sanity's sake
[15:16:51] Chutt2 is now known as Chutt
[15:17:05] jonK: one on ebay Intel GMA950 graphics processor with 64MB of DDR2 SDRAM
[15:17:25] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Chutt
[15:17:25] iamlindoro_: Hmmmm... Maybe you're right
[15:17:27] hnitsuj: 64MB? are they having a laugh?
[15:17:33] jonK: so lindoro, alternative to mac mini for front end?
[15:17:43] jonK: video memory, system memory 2gb
[15:18:14] iamlindoro_: jonK, for the price/features, I am not sure it can be beat
[15:18:23] iamlindoro_: not outside of building something larger, anyway
[15:19:06] jonK: don't mind larger --- just dont want full tower, that's why i was thinking shuttle, but I won't sepend any less going that route, and the mini appears to be the superior choice
[15:20:04] iamlindoro_: I think you'd be happy with the Mini, presuming no need for PCI
[15:20:11] eiersalat (eiersalat! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:20:23] iamlindoro_: You might take a look at those Everex Minis, they're the same form factor
[15:20:29] jonK: so long as the onboard graphics works I should be fine
[15:20:37] jonK: only using for frontend
[15:21:03] jonK: hope lirc works ok with it — read some people have had issues
[15:21:10] ** mzb_d800 decides not to mention the ML02 with an Asus M2NPV-VM **
[15:21:15] mzb_d800: ok, so "mythtv-user" question #86758765: why is one FE giving me OSD fade, but the other not?
[15:21:31] iamlindoro_: jonK, It works fine so long as you're using the apple remote, but the apple IR will only work with that
[15:21:45] iamlindoro_: If you want to use another remote, you will need to add a USB receiver IIRC
[15:21:50] jonK: no ATI fireflie?
[15:21:52] jonK: have one
[15:22:01] jonK: firefly... i mean
[15:22:05] iamlindoro_: So long as you use it's receiver, that'll be fine
[15:22:11] jonK: must ... untape.... fingers.
[15:22:17] mzb_d800: :)
[15:22:21] hnitsuj: the mac mini ir reciever is actually capable of working with more remotes assuming you program one with the same protocol – and supports up to 255 buttons :)
[15:22:41] zlyzyr (zlyzyr! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:22:46] hnitsuj: it's just the actual remote that you get only has a measly amount of buttons
[15:22:47] jonK: i think i'll give it a shot... still, hate to use something as nice as the mac mini as nothing more than a glorified vcr
[15:22:56] hnitsuj: 6 buttons makes mythtv suck apparently
[15:23:20] iamlindoro_: Axe!! Must have MOAR AXE!
[15:23:29] jonK: teh body spray?
[15:23:37] hnitsuj: jonK: yeah but imagine having to use a box as big & noisy as an old top loading VHS VCR!
[15:23:55] directhex|work: someone wrote a non-shit ps3 remote driver
[15:24:09] hnitsuj: not in python?
[15:24:37] jonK: wish i could figure out why the current front end keeps spontaneously shutting down
[15:24:50] directhex|work: hnitsuj, not in python. my python driver was only ever a hack
[15:25:58] mzb_d800: does a mac mini have a dvd drive or an LCD display?
[15:26:19] mzb_d800: or *any* front-panel ports?
[15:26:37] iamlindoro_: Well it has a DVD Drive :)
[15:26:43] jonK: dvd drive, no front ports
[15:27:19] mzb_d800: burner?
[15:27:23] jonK: yes
[15:27:24] iamlindoro_: yup
[15:27:27] mzb_d800: right .. so that answers most of the size questions I guess
[15:27:38] jonK:
[15:27:57] jonK: no holes in the front to stick things in, just a slot
[15:27:58] iamlindoro_: It's a laptop drive, and the footprint of the whole usint is about that same size + half an inch or so
[15:28:05] iamlindoro_: er unit
[15:28:42] mzb_d800: most of the ppl I know that want (or can afford) this kind of sh!t want some they can see (and mixes with what they've already got)
[15:29:05] mzb_d800: a small toy like a mac mini isn't going to cut it
[15:29:26] directhex|work: front ports are the devil
[15:29:30] hnitsuj: why do people want displays on front panels? do they have no penis?
[15:29:35] directhex|work: look at this nice sleek GREEN HEADPHONE PORT case
[15:29:51] mzb_d800: don't ask me ... I'm building for other ppl
[15:30:02] hnitsuj: MOAR FLASHY FLASHY!
[15:30:28] directhex|work: hnitsuj, you don't PINK MICROPHONE PORT like htpc USB USB USB USB FIREWIRE cases?
[15:30:29] sentinel23: lol
[15:30:36] gruetzwurst (gruetzwurst! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:30:38] mzb_d800: the best I can say is that if the mac mini were the *only* solution it would be great
[15:31:01] jonK: again, i'm still waiting for alternatives
[15:31:07] hnitsuj: mzb_d800: for me, best of all is.. when my wife saw one she asked when we can have one!
[15:31:16] hnitsuj: job done
[15:31:17] iamlindoro_: mzb_d800, Holy crap, just reading about the thylacine, know anything about those? They look awesome. Too bad about the extinction thing.
[15:32:00] mzb_d800: but in most of the situations I encounter, the user has other requirements that they might be tied to
[15:32:39] mzb_d800: iamlindoro: Tassie Tiger ... yeah ... us white bastards are a bad ppl
[15:32:51] mzb_d800: also the only place in the world for a successful genocide
[15:33:22] mzb_d800: (while we're looking on the good side of things)
[15:33:27] iamlindoro_: :( They look beautiful
[15:33:34] arschjucken (arschjucken! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:33:45] mzb_d800: marsupials in general are pretty cool
[15:34:09] iamlindoro_: I'm made somewhat happier by the statement that while classified as extinct, there are still reports of sightings
[15:34:34] mzb_d800: you've got to see a platypus in real life one day ;) (I don't mean in a zoo)
[15:34:51] mzb_d800: heh ... yeah ... keeps the legend alive ;)
[15:34:58] Ojg (Ojg! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:35:31] mzb_d800: it looks like a very small piece of land when you look at the world map ;)
[15:36:02] iamlindoro_: And I mean, c'mon.. they ate EMUS for god's sake. That is one badass predator.
[15:36:23] mzb_d800: hnitsuj: I get your point
[15:37:17] mzb_d800: iamlindoro: why do you think the Tassie Devil is still (just) alive? :))
[15:37:48] iamlindoro_: Bad. Ass.
[15:37:48] lotia (lotia! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:37:54] revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@ has quit ("leaving")
[15:38:12] mzb_d800: err... not sure if emu are that common in Tas (natively)
[15:38:24] mzb_d800: maybe the tigers ate 'em all ;)
[15:40:21] mzb_d800: right, so apart from size, and some ppl's preference for Intel-based solutions ... what's wrong with an AMD chip in a small(ish) case with onboard nVidia?
[15:40:57] mzb_d800: (keeping in mind that the total cost is also lower than a Mac mini)
[15:41:41] mzb_d800: s/AMD/low power AMD
[15:42:44] Puhi: the tt cc language selection doesn't seem to work
[15:42:46] directhex|work: the need for 25–50% more mhz to match performance, which can matter quie a lot for h264 hd?
[15:43:01] Frosty-: How can I reset EIT and have it start over, second time today its lost most the data
[15:43:02] Puhi: i can toggle tt cc on and off, but it always selects the first available language no matter what
[15:44:04] mzb_d800: directhex|bsp: figures based on what and compared to what? taking into account $x vs $y ... *sigh* ... more crap!
[15:45:04] directhex|work: mzb_d800, based on measured performance deltas with cpu-intensive codes running on a couple of 512-core clusters i have lying about, with identical clockspeeds. if i was working with paper specs, it'd be a 100% gap
[15:45:29] mzb_d800: crap
[15:45:53] directhex|work: saying it doesn't make it true
[15:46:21] eiersalat (eiersalat! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:46:35] gruetzwurst: my mythweb (and if i start a frontend on that machine) has english time and date format
[15:47:06] gruetzwurst: i think there may messed up with some perl or php funktion on my box, but which :( search already 3 days on that matter
[15:47:40] mzb_d800: directhex|bsp: absolutely
[15:47:49] gruetzwurst: does somebody now which php or perl date/time module mythtv uses ? or what else may be wrong ?
[15:47:56] gruetzwurst: now = know
[15:48:14] johnp__ (johnp__! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:49:19] gruetzwurst: i could live with english dates tho, but the 12 hour format annoys me
[15:49:27] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:49:54] |Torg|: gruetzwurst: do you mean what modules does mythweb use?
[15:50:46] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:50:46] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[15:51:01] |Torg|: gruetzwurst: and if your gols is to simply change date formats that is simply a mythweb configuration option
[15:52:20] mzb_d800: horses for courses
[15:52:46] gruetzwurst: |Torg|: where is this configuration option ? you dont menat the language setting right
[15:53:00] Thomas- (Thomas-! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:53:09] directhex|work: mzb_d800, absolutely. but amd's significantly better memory scalability only helps in memory-dependant situations – the far weaker FPU is a more frequent bottleneck
[15:53:33] zlyzyr (zlyzyr! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:53:34] gruetzwurst: |Torg|: i wanted to know which module mythweb( or mythtv) uses for printing time, i think that modules maybe messed up on my box cause it displays only english formats
[15:54:46] mzb_d800: this sounds reminiscent of something I heard about in the era of the 586 ;)
[15:55:13] directhex|work: mzb_d800, quite possibly
[15:55:43] mzb_d800: and something that's stuck (in your mind) ?
[15:55:53] mzb_d800: brb
[15:56:11] xris: gruetzwurst: mythweb uses... php...
[15:56:15] directhex|work: mzb_d800, this isn't a "my company's better than your company" argument, it's cold hard figures indicating one *current market family* is better. my home desktop runs amd, since it was better at the time. as does the wife's old desktop. my desktop before that was intel, and before that amd...
[15:56:22] |Torg|: gruetzwurst: its not a module, and no I did not mean laguage settings. There are date format strings
[15:56:42] directhex|work: her current pc runs intel, since core2 is significantly better than athlon64
[15:56:46] gruetzwurst: aaah thanks |Torg| , already searching :)
[15:56:52] AngryElf (AngryElf! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[15:57:05] tyce_ (tyce_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:57:07] directhex|work: when there's another entrant on the market, from whomever, it will be considered
[15:57:10] |Torg|: gruetzwurst: it is actualya function of php,
[15:57:43] tyce_: anyone in here running .21 frontend on an intel mac mini?
[15:58:33] directhex|work: iamlindoro_ is, AFAIK
[15:58:51] iamlindoro_: It's not mine :) Dunno if my buddy has upgraded yet
[15:58:55] gruetzwurst: |Torg|: thank you very much, found the settings, everything workingnow :)
[15:59:18] iamlindoro_: $5 Says whatever the question is can be answered without firsthand knowledge though :)
[16:00:08] tyce_: is there documentation some where on the new settings for deinterlacing / video playback that I can look at? I can't seem to get HD to playback without stuttering since upgrading.
[16:00:17] iamlindoro_: See?
[16:00:34] mzb_d800: directhex|work: you seem to have missed my point: AMD won a market share "way back when" because they developed a cheaper CPU that did the job ... even though it had "a weaker FPU" ... blah blah
[16:01:01] mzb_d800: the bottom line, even today, is ... will the component do the job
[16:01:08] directhex|work: mzb_d800, but it's not cheaper. a phenom 9600 costs the same as a core2quad q6600, and is outclassed in every way
[16:01:20] PatrickDK: amd also helped win out cause they made cpu upgrades, so people didn't need to buy whole new computers
[16:01:27] iamlindoro_: tyce_,
[16:01:30] mzb_d800: apples vs oranges
[16:01:32] PatrickDK: just replace their existing 386/486 cpu with something faster
[16:01:58] directhex|work: mzb_d800, why, because actual comparisons don't count?
[16:02:05] iamlindoro_: tyce_, Edit your playback profiles for multicore decoding, step down to easier deinterlacers, etc.
[16:02:06] mzb_d800: so, for example, will a 4000+ dual core be capable of playing HD ???
[16:02:13] directhex|work: PatrickDK, the cool kids used an IDT winchip
[16:02:19] mzb_d800: compared to an E*whatever* ??
[16:02:33] directhex|work: mzb_d800, mpeg2, sure
[16:02:45] directhex|work: h264? nah, not judging by performance on a 3800+
[16:02:50] PatrickDK: personally I have never seen a computer that used an IDT winchip
[16:03:09] tyce_: jeesh... anyone else think that these new profiles have made it less intuitive versus being more user friendly?
[16:03:21] directhex|work: PatrickDK, evergreen mxpro?
[16:03:23] mzb_d800: you can count your figures and do your benchtests until you're blue in the face, but the bottom line says that if the product does the job it will (keep) selling ... it's that simple
[16:03:29] PatrickDK: nope
[16:03:50] directhex|work: PatrickDK, kingston turbochip?
[16:03:58] hashbang: tyce_: you could always create a new profile that's as simple as the old one, with no rules for different resolutions
[16:04:06] PatrickDK: nope, only used amd overdrive chips :)
[16:04:32] directhex|work: PatrickDK, rise mp6?
[16:04:48] directhex|work: sgs thompson 6x86+?
[16:04:53] mzb_d800: your attitude against AMD in general, if it is only based on "poor FPU" as you see it, is a flawed way at looking at how *everything* works (including reality)
[16:05:14] PatrickDK: nope :(
[16:06:01] directhex|work: mzb_d800, my attitude is "if i have £160 to spend on a processor, i won't deliberately buy the inferior one"
[16:06:11] directhex|work: mzb_d800, i'd have expected most people to have a similar outlook
[16:06:16] PatrickDK: I had personal issues with amd athon/duron chips, but I do like the optrons
[16:06:24] directhex|work: PatrickDK, i loved my duron rig
[16:06:28] mzb_d800: so until you come up with a better way of explaining why one is inferior to the other I'm not interested
[16:06:31] mzb_d800: thanks
[16:06:38] directhex|work: wtf was that? O_o
[16:06:42] Thomas-: Hi, new to the channel, been using mythtv since august 2007 and have run into a problem with a crashing backend ... please check for log and questions
[16:06:55] directhex|work: one chip is slower & hotter yet costs the same. buy it quick?
[16:07:02] PatrickDK: but since I have been using purely intel since p3's, well, I personanally am unlikely to change
[16:07:16] PatrickDK: I know amd was looking nice with it's high fsb
[16:07:20] PatrickDK: but intel has corrected that issue
[16:07:35] directhex|work: PatrickDK, intel's fsb design isn't scalable
[16:07:36] mzb_d800: that was: I don't believe what you say just because you say it ;P
[16:07:42] PatrickDK: i know
[16:08:00] directhex|work: mzb_d800, or benchmarks or power drain figures? what DO you believe, exactly?
[16:08:13] mzb_d800: market
[16:08:15] directhex|work: mzb_d800, because it certainly doesn't seem to be anything that can be repeated using scientific method
[16:08:23] mzb_d800: :)
[16:08:36] PatrickDK: the market doesn't normally sell on specs
[16:08:44] directhex|work: it's more of a "amd will rise again after 3 days in a cave" type belief
[16:08:47] PatrickDK: it sells on the cheapest thing a manufacture can get into their product
[16:08:53] PatrickDK: most people buy canned computers
[16:08:57] mzb_d800: if the market supports it ... it works (well enough)
[16:09:11] mzb_d800: I'm not looking for "empirical perfection"
[16:09:16] hashbang: PatrickDK: after a bad experience with an ECS/SiS motherboard for an AMD processor (K2? K3? can't remember), and a number of less-well-proven problems with support chipsets for AMD processors, I'm wary of using a newish-design AMD system with a third-party chipset. When AMD start making their own chipsets (as they do in Opteron space), I'll look again.
[16:09:18] |Torg|: mzb_d800: while I dont share directhex's options your view that market conditions somehow makes on cpu better then another is flawed
[16:09:54] directhex|work: mzb_d800, so you'd deliberately buy a measurably slower product for the same money, as long as it was better than an undisclosed bare minimum?
[16:10:08] directhex|work: hashbang, ati chipsets!
[16:10:14] mzb_d800: I'm presenting an opposing view ... not saying it's the ONLY one .. or the RIGHT one
[16:10:20] hashbang: directhex|work: how are they, these days?
[16:10:22] plb (plb! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:10:27] directhex|work: hashbang, you have to ask?
[16:10:35] hashbang: directhex|work: worse than nForce?
[16:10:36] PatrickDK: personally I want to refuse to by cpu's that don't state their real speed on the box also
[16:10:43] directhex|work: hashbang, always have been
[16:10:45] PatrickDK: that has turned me off on amd big time
[16:10:57] PatrickDK: and intel is attempting to do it :(
[16:11:08] directhex|work: PatrickDK, it's c7-land for you then!
[16:11:10] selmanj (selmanj! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:11:16] PatrickDK: heh
[16:11:17] directhex|work: note: c7 is based on idt winchip technology ;)
[16:11:24] hashbang: Intel>nForce>ATI>[VIA|SiS|UMC|...], IMHO, when it comes to mobo chipsets
[16:11:25] directhex|work: and so we come full circle!
[16:11:48] directhex|work: hashbang, that would be my experience
[16:11:48] selmanj: I'm having trouble updating my channel lineup. Running mythfilldatabase --do-channel-updates doesn't work. Comcast switched around some channels, and mythtv still has them confused.
[16:11:48] mzb_d800: directhex|work: don't bother ... I'm not going to talk down to an idiot ... and I don't expect you to either.
[16:11:48] mzb_d800: Goodnite all :)
[16:11:48] directhex|work: hashbang, actually, i'd put sis ahead of ati, going by experience
[16:11:48] selmanj: I checked the lineup data and it looks correct
[16:11:50] PatrickDK: when I have to download the technical spec book for the cpu I want to buy, just to find it isn't the right one, it annoys me
[16:11:58] PatrickDK: I hate ati
[16:12:05] hashbang: PatrickDK: well, clock speeds are no comparable between different architectures
[16:12:07] |Torg|: hate is such a strong word
[16:12:18] PatrickDK: torg, I know
[16:12:30] directhex|work: and via ahead of sis (despite c7, i liked their amd64 chipsets)
[16:12:33] PatrickDK: every ati my friends have owned, have been nothing except driver issues
[16:12:43] PatrickDK: and hardware is no good without drivers to support it
[16:12:46] directhex|work: PatrickDK, and the rather famous issues in linux
[16:12:47] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:12:50] hashbang: PatrickDK: and given that even the P4 and Centrino archs are different, it kinda makes sense for Intel to go with BMW-style model numbers
[16:13:07] hashbang: directhex|work: ouch. :-)
[16:13:10] directhex|work: PatrickDK, e.g. clock running at double speed, frequency scaling designed to break on non-windows
[16:13:36] |Torg|: I have ATI cards in both my backends. Therer sole purpose it to output video to the terminal server. I wouldnt say I hate them, but I still would not use them for high performance video on a linux box
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[16:13:48] directhex|work: designed to break as in "if OS identifies itself with a windows ACPI string, give valid data back, otherwise send garbage" in the bios
[16:13:59] hashbang: |Torg|: I quite like older ATI graphics cards, because they used to release docs, and have started doing so again.
[16:14:00] PatrickDK: I think all my servers have ati built in
[16:14:07] directhex|work: servers tend to
[16:14:10] directhex|work: it's the norm
[16:14:12] PatrickDK: but then I only ever use them for 80x25 text mode anyways
[16:14:24] hashbang: |Torg|: but when I tried to use them for my Myth FE, ATI sucked and I grudgingly went back to nVidia.
[16:14:37] directhex|work: my sun opteron cluster uses ati onboard, as does my dell xeon cluster
[16:14:43] directhex|work: even my altix has a firegl
[16:14:53] Thomas-: I think ATI could be the next best thing after sliced bread soon, with ATI's (AMD's really) commitment to support and release opensource drivers
[16:14:58] plb: I install 0.21 and now my osd and picture is all erm jittery and shakey
[16:15:12] PatrickDK: work has dell's and hp blade centers
[16:15:15] |Torg|: yes directhex| there is one in my sunbalde too
[16:15:19] PatrickDK: I personally have a few pure intel servers
[16:15:19] directhex|work: Thomas-, yeah, sure. tell me, how long ago were 3xxx-series radeons released? now, when was the linux driver for them out?
[16:15:21] Thomas-: likep purevideo(tm) in linux
[16:15:28] hashbang: Thomas-: well, Intel already do that for their video chipsets. :-)
[16:15:38] Thomas-: hashbang: true
[16:15:38] plb: google tells me perhaps it's because of deinterlace but I don't know where to turn that option off now?
[16:15:42] directhex|work: Thomas-, you mean avivo. purevideo is nvidia
[16:16:00] |Torg|: plb: its int eh playback profiles
[16:16:03] directhex|work: plb, switch the deinterlacer to something nice. it's in tv settings, iirc
[16:16:07] Thomas-: directhex|work: yes, just meant the purevideo function
[16:16:31] directhex|work: Thomas-, confirmed as never coming to linux in any capacity on a couple of generations of card
[16:16:41] Thomas-: atleast I need some kind of GPU acceleration for 720/1080 playback
[16:16:41] directhex|work: because of teh drms
[16:16:42] |Torg|: purevideo does not exist for linux
[16:17:10] directhex|work: |Torg|, you can do divx acceleration on via boards, if you use vemp!
[16:17:35] |Torg|: divx, wheee. I want h262 and h264 thank you very much :P
[16:17:47] Thomas-: anyway, I have a backend problem, keeps krashing and outputting *glibc* errors in the log file ..
[16:18:05] |Torg|: and Thomas- its not as simply as 720/10 I/P, I wish it were.
[16:18:07] Thomas-: x264 would be nice
[16:19:00] Thomas-: |Torg|: true, let me rephrase "Accelerated playback so that I can play higher resolution, high bitrate media" ;)
[16:19:03] iamlindoro_: x264 is an encoder, h.264 is a codec
[16:19:12] Freman: hmm canceling a mytharchive job... doesn't do much huh
[16:19:17] directhex|work: iamlindoro_, but all those warez videos say x264 in the filename!
[16:19:25] Freman: I canceled 20 mins ago and ffmpeg is still running
[16:19:31] iamlindoro_: directhex|bsp, Yeah, they also say "HDTV."  ;)
[16:19:32] directhex|work: |Torg|, distro?
[16:19:40] directhex|work: bah
[16:19:42] directhex|work: Thomas-, ^^
[16:19:45] |Torg|: directhex|for what?
[16:19:59] Thomas-: directhex|work: debian, compiled myth from svn
[16:20:36] selmanj: Is SVN pretty stable?
[16:20:37] directhex|work: Thomas-,
[16:20:49] directhex|work: selmanj, not right now. 0.21's just been released, use that
[16:20:57] |Torg|: selmanj: if I dont go screw with the code, yes
[16:21:01] Thomas-: directhex|work: hmm true, could be a memory problem
[16:21:15] selmanj: oh holy crap, i didn't see .21 was out!
[16:21:20] ** selmanj eagerly reads changelog **
[16:21:36] iamlindoro_: bah, since when does anyone READ?
[16:21:41] directhex|work: Thomas-, if you have multiple sticks, run the test withy 1 at a time, and do runs over as long as possible (24 hours min). i know, sucky sucky, but it can take a LONG time to spot issues
[16:21:48] |Torg|: I dont read, I am illiterate
[16:22:20] plb: ok solved shakey video but now lirc won't build on sid =\ blah
[16:22:39] |Torg|: besides the manual is what you read after you core dump the box
[16:23:08] plb: ah
[16:23:11] Thomas-: directhex|work: since myth crashes several times aday it should be easy to spot. I will run it and see what I can find
[16:23:29] directhex|work: plb, lirc is pain
[16:23:45] plb: I think experimental has the version I need
[16:23:46] plb: I Hope
[16:24:03] |Torg|: plb: why do you want it?
[16:24:29] plb: only the cvs versions work with windows mce remote
[16:24:38] plb: the newer remotes
[16:27:39] Thomas-: I bought one this fall and it works fine with the lirc in debian
[16:30:04] plb: the mce remote?
[16:30:16] plb: phillips one
[16:30:17] plb: ?
[16:30:51] iamlindoro_: That remote has been supported in stable LIRC since .8.2 IIRc
[16:31:12] iamlindoro_: (since I have one and have never needed a cvs version ;)
[16:31:40] directhex|work: BADGERS!
[16:31:55] iamlindoro_: We don't need no stinking badgers
[16:32:35] plb: hrm
[16:32:37] plb: brb
[16:32:38] plb (plb! has quit ("leaving")
[16:33:14] iamlindoro_: translation: "Hold while I google that so that I can find some dude's 1998 weblog proving my point, then we can geekfight!"
[16:35:22] Thomas-: hahaha
[16:35:58] |Torg|: I didnt know weblogs dated back that far
[16:36:14] Thomas-: =)
[16:36:25] ** iamlindoro_ notes that some people are not gifted in the ways of hyperbole **
[16:36:25] Thomas-: the way waybackmachine
[16:37:07] directhex|work: weblog meaning blog
[16:37:10] ** |Torg| googles hyperbole **
[16:37:26] ** Thomas- googled it long ago **
[16:41:02] |Torg|: and directhex blog is really wee-blog as a contraction of web log, which was shortend to simply blog
[16:42:07] ** iamlindoro_ sees his point proven perfectly in the last ten lines. **
[16:42:48] iamlindoro_: "But iamlindoro, there were only nine lines since you last spoke!" Shut. Up. Die. Now.
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[17:07:02] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[17:09:12] HReadren: Hey. Hoping someone can help. Just upgrade to .21 and that went well. Then upgraded mythweb and thought I did everything right, but now I am getting a "Fatal error: Call to undefined function posix_uname() in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/mythtv/includes/defines.php on line 21
[17:09:12] HReadren: "
[17:09:33] HReadren: Think I may have had this before but I can't recall what the issue was.
[17:10:22] sphery: HReadren: PHP5?
[17:10:35] sentinel23: see if that path exists
[17:11:08] plb: argh cannot get lirc to build for anything
[17:11:15] sphery: HReadren: I know that post-0.21 trunk requires PHP5, but 0.21 may still work with PHP4. (Though PHP4 and PHP5 are both supposed to have posix_uname)
[17:14:01] HReadren: path exists. checking version.
[17:14:27] sphery: Yeah. posix_uname() is a PHP function, not one added by MythWeb.
[17:15:06] HReadren: supposedly a function added in PHP3, that's why I know *I*'ve done something wrong, I just don't know what.
[17:15:34] HReadren: already running PHP5.
[17:15:47] AngryElf (AngryElf! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[17:17:00] sphery: HReadren: in /etc/php.ini is posix_uname included in disable_function?
[17:17:09] ToadP (ToadP! has quit ()
[17:18:39] sphery: HReadren: BTW, did you get a chance to try the record-both-standard-and-high-def-using-custom-record from the list? (and the post 2 below that)
[17:18:55] ahbritto (ahbritto! has quit (Client Quit)
[17:19:14] HReadren: hmm. Hadn't seen that! Boy I'm going to check that out.
[17:20:20] sphery: Tried to catch you by mentioning your name in a response and mentioned it when I saw you pop into IRC one time (but you weren't talking, so I didn't know if you saw it).
[17:20:31] viridari (viridari!n=magnus@unaffiliated/viridari) has quit ("leaving")
[17:20:42] sphery: Just figured it would be a lot easier than the scheduler patch you were working.
[17:20:56] HReadren: Interesting.
[17:21:02] HReadren: I'll give that a shot.
[17:21:20] sphery: and on disable_function?
[17:21:53] HReadren: Not there. I didn't muck with anything other than replacing the contents of my web directory, and it worked before my upgrade.
[17:22:02] HReadren: I was on an SVN 16xxx version.
[17:23:18] sphery: Hmmmm. May need kormoc or xris (or anyone who actually knows PHP--i.e. not me) to help...
[17:23:43] orthoevra: what is the big empty black square supposed to be showing me on the movie times screen?
[17:24:24] sphery: orthoevra: a poster of the movie
[17:24:28] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:24:45] sphery: orthoevra: don't know if it actually works, though (there may have been licensing issues preventing us from enabling that...)
[17:25:03] orthoevra: sphery: looks like it
[17:25:15] sphery: HReadren:
[17:25:25] sphery: HReadren: Looks like an SELinux thing
[17:25:31] javatexa1 (javatexa1! has quit ("Leaving.")
[17:25:40] HReadren: Saw that, but I'm not using SELinux — gentoo.
[17:25:54] meshugga (meshugga! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:25:58] HReadren: Since I'm using Gentoo, it's almost embarassing to have problems like this....
[17:26:12] sphery: Oh, yeah, and it seems the posix_uname was added by that...
[17:26:18] HReadren: yup
[17:26:50] sphery: You could always just comment that line until you get a chance to pick kormoc's brain
[17:27:29] sphery: looks like the fallback should get it for you.
[17:28:06] sphery: HReadren: and I know that kormoc uses Gentoo, too, so he may know exactly what you need to do.
[17:28:17] jams: my main mythfronted just went poof
[17:28:36] jams: smells like something burning
[17:28:36] plb (plb! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[17:28:53] HReadren: Yes, well "hardcoding" it worked. Of course, I would fire people at work for that, but it's just TV...
[17:29:00] sphery: :)
[17:29:34] sphery: looks like Gentoo has a USE flag for posix in PHP...
[17:29:58] sphery: jams: that's usually a bad sign...
[17:30:10] HReadren: Argh. And wouldn't you know it my use flag was "-posix" ... Thanks!
[17:30:15] jams: heh yes it is
[17:30:31] jams: i guess 2 years service isn't so bad
[17:30:37] sphery: HReadren: Yeah. Always seems to be the case.
[17:30:57] sphery: Maybe we should have a note in the README/INSTALL file.
[17:31:00] HReadren: Sometimes it's possible to be *too* configurable.
[17:31:05] meshugga (meshugga! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:31:33] sphery: I completely agree.
[17:31:34] HReadren: Probably should, since it's not the default.
[17:31:49] sphery: So, on Gentoo, posix is disabled by default?
[17:32:00] HReadren: For php.
[17:32:17] sphery: Right. I figured Gentoo supports the POSIX commands. :)
[17:32:39] sphery: I'll mention it to kormoc if I see him or you could put a suggestion into Trac if you like.
[17:33:10] sphery: Pretty sure that one won't be closed as feature request without a patch even if you don't include a patch.  ;)
[17:35:24] jams: guess this means new hardware time!
[17:36:08] sphery: jams: lucky...
[17:36:17] sphery: I've been looking for an excuse to upgrade my hardware.
[17:36:28] iamlindoro_: It's like Christmas if you could make Christmas happen by dousing something with gasoline and setting it alight!
[17:37:33] jams: tax refund should be showing up next week, what timing.
[17:38:06] sphery: The federal MythTV savings fund...
[17:38:20] sphery: pay in all year and get back what you need to buy a new Myth box.
[17:38:56] GreyFoxx: heh
[17:39:08] GreyFoxx: I'm considering buying a new main frontend
[17:39:23] GreyFoxx: once in a while I encounter a HDTV recording which stutters ever so slightly
[17:39:24] jams: GreyFoxx- we could buy matching hardware
[17:39:31] GreyFoxx: so I know I'm close to the wire :)
[17:39:46] GreyFoxx: and underwear!
[17:39:47] GreyFoxx: :)
[17:39:50] jduggan: lol
[17:39:56] jams: hehehe
[17:40:26] GreyFoxx: jams: You don't know if they stopped selling those firewire dvdchanges do you? Or if there is a newwer model or something?
[17:40:32] GreyFoxx: so far I can't find any newones for sale :)
[17:40:41] jams: i don't know
[17:40:51] jams: they are 3 years old or so
[17:41:09] jduggan: how many discs can they hold?
[17:41:12] sphery: My biggest problem is figuring what to do with my old main frontend as I don't know that I trust its chipset for a backend (My only instability in Myth was due to using a board with a chipset from the same vendor as the one in my main frontend) and it's way more powerful than I need anywhere else.
[17:41:18] DGnome (DGnome! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:41:20] GreyFoxx: jduggan: Those ones hold 200
[17:41:31] jams: I will check if the localstore still have them.
[17:41:40] GreyFoxx: jams: cool
[17:41:47] GreyFoxx: I'd love to get one, preferrably new
[17:42:06] jduggan: GreyFoxx: wow – i was thinking you were going to say ~50
[17:42:08] jams: if they have one, i don't mind shipping to you
[17:42:32] GreyFoxx: jams: sweet!
[17:43:19] jams:
[17:43:20] GreyFoxx: jams: If they have 2 I might want both
[17:43:47] GreyFoxx: hehe 1 instock?
[17:43:52] jams: yep
[17:43:56] hnitsuj: heh I don't usually check out youtube randomly but I found some clips of charlie brooker's screenwipe – one I hadn't seen was when he showed clips of UK TV to a focus group of americans... priceless :P
[17:44:10] jams: there may be more, i can ask when i get there.
[17:44:16] GreyFoxx: jams: Sweet thanks
[17:44:21] GreyFoxx: A Coworker of mine wants one too
[17:44:48] GreyFoxx: then I'll give up reencoding my dvd's and just add support to myth to handle that sort of "offline" media :)
[17:44:50] hnitsuj: 200 discs? wow. I don't think I've ever even burned 200 dvds in my whole life :)
[17:45:09] GreyFoxx: If I add up all my DVD's and my TV sets I don't think I come out more than 100
[17:45:17] jams: Alright then, then I will pick up one sometime soon. Provided you will pay me later =)
[17:45:26] hnitsuj: do they make a HDD changer? :D
[17:45:27] GreyFoxx: jams: absolutely
[17:45:51] jams: i know the stock they have came from the compusa closing.
[17:46:17] GreyFoxx: jams: If they have 2 I will definately take two
[17:46:24] jams: ok
[17:46:31] GreyFoxx: otherwise I'll get 1
[17:46:52] jams: or 0 if the inventory is wrong
[17:47:17] jams: oh yeah
[17:47:21] jams: i hope they have 2
[17:47:28] GreyFoxx: hehe
[17:47:46] jams: i get a discount at the store, the price dropped a bit after i signed in
[17:47:47] GreyFoxx: yeah, that would be a fun little project
[17:47:53] GreyFoxx: especially since it benefits me directly hehe
[17:48:06] PatrickDK: hdd changer? why not just use lto4 and a tape changer :)
[17:48:41] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:48:41] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[17:48:52] hnitsuj: actually if 200GB is way more than enough for all my films now, I think it will be for quite some time
[17:49:16] PatrickDK: heh, I have 1400gigs, and I have no films (wife took all the space)
[17:49:37] iamlindoro_: She filled it with purses and shoes?
[17:49:46] PatrickDK: almost :)
[17:50:06] PatrickDK: her christmas movies/tvshows/... and kid stuff
[17:50:16] hnitsuj: btw peeps before I list them on ebay, anybody interested in two t-online s100 boxes? STB form factor 733Mhz Celery with 128MB ram, wireless, onboard intel video, tv out, optical spdif...
[17:50:32] hnitsuj: it's money crunch time :(
[17:51:21] czth (czth!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-d033096e608396d6) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:52:47] GreyFoxx: hnitsuj: Anty clue what it would cost to ship them to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ?:) I have a buddy who would likely buy both :)
[17:53:48] jduggan: hnitsuj: possibly, how much are you selling them for?
[17:54:44] jams: GreyFoxx- i'm going there now before that one flys off the shelf =)
[17:54:51] GreyFoxx: jams hehe
[17:56:16] selmanj: anyone know if it's safe to delete rows from the channel table?
[17:56:27] GreyFoxx: define safe :)
[17:56:29] selmanj: i seem to have a lot of duplicates, including channels that no longer exist and are overriding the real channels
[17:56:41] selmanj: as in, mythbackend wont utterly crash on me!
[17:56:50] PatrickDK: I did, and it seems fine
[17:56:55] GreyFoxx: it wont crash
[17:57:00] GreyFoxx: but you should restart mythbackend
[17:57:04] GreyFoxx: force it to reload anything
[17:57:11] GreyFoxx: and make a backup first :)
[17:57:19] selmanj: got it
[17:58:09] sphery: selmanj: The approved solution:
[17:58:29] hnitsuj: GreyFoxx: I think I checked it out before. scary moneys
[17:58:36] GreyFoxx: ahh
[17:58:52] selmanj: sphery: thanks, i'll do that instead
[17:59:15] hnitsuj: jduggan: the going rate on ebay is about 40 eur
[17:59:16] sphery: selmanj: Much safer (and has some other benefits, too). Good luck.
[17:59:46] sphery: There's a lot of other data besides just the channel table data that should be cleared, too.
[18:00:01] hnitsuj: £25 each plus p&p. one hass a VGA cable already & I can easy make another
[18:00:03] sphery: that approach takes care of all of it
[18:00:16] clintar (clintar! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:02:24] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:02:45] sphery: kormoc: You just missed a nice little conversation with HReadren... He found out that the posix_uname() added in [14847] requires PHP be build with the posix USE flag in Gentoo. He said Gentoo's default is -posix, so we thought a nice note in the INSTALL file would be useful.  :)
[18:03:08] kormoc: Ha, whoops
[18:03:20] kormoc: Yeah, I'll make a note of that
[18:03:23] sphery: thx
[18:03:50] kormoc: Although, Gentoo PHP is so stripped down by default, it's amusing that anyone would run defaults
[18:05:55] sphery: I'm not sure if he was using all defaults or just that one default. But, perhaps it could be useful if some Gentoo'er would do up a wiki page with recommended USE flags for PHP.
[18:06:22] ** kormoc nods **
[18:06:27] Led-Hed: anyone know if MythTV 0.21 has been backported to Ubuntu Gusty?
[18:06:57] sphery: Led-Hed: There was a thread on the -users list that explained how it's all working.
[18:07:08] sphery: I completely ignored it (since I'm not on Ubuntu)
[18:07:11] Led-Hed: sphery, have a link?
[18:07:19] jarle: kormoc: A feature I miss in mythweb is better functionality to solve recording conflicts, specifically it would be great if mythweb would tell me exactly which programs conflict with a specific programs (like the frontend will tell you). Any plans on including this?
[18:07:35] Led-Hed: sphery, -users?
[18:07:55] sentinel23: he means like
[18:07:59] Led-Hed: oh
[18:08:02] Led-Hed: gotcha
[18:08:15] kormoc: jarle, it currently does if you click into the recording (on the upcomming page)
[18:08:25] xris: jarle: click in on the conflicted program and it should list potential conflicts
[18:08:31] sphery: Led-Hed:
[18:08:35] sphery: and rest of thread
[18:08:46] Led-Hed: thanks
[18:09:19] jarle: kormoc: I have seen this, but I don't feel that this will give me as usefull information as the frontend will, maybe it's just me...
[18:09:31] sphery: Led-Hed: pretty sure mario is one of the packagers, so trust his words most, though... :)
[18:09:36] kormoc: what difference does it have?
[18:09:45] Led-Hed: sphery, noted
[18:10:28] sphery: Led-Hed: Also (was the one above the one I linked to)
[18:11:55] sphery: kormoc: He's talking about the speculative scheduler functionality in the frontend...
[18:12:09] kormoc: not sure I've seen that in action
[18:13:10] sphery: kormoc:
[18:13:16] sentinel23: FTT "Get the official backport in gutsy (this includes the DVD fix) (done)"
[18:13:20] sentinel23: iinteresting...
[18:13:47] jarle: kormoc: I don't have any conflicts right now, I'll have to schedule some programs and come back to you I guess, but personally I would like have the popup list which programs is in conflict, instead of just "this program will not be recorded because another program with higher...... will be recorded instead"
[18:14:06] selmanj: oh no, mythfilldatabase is getting a segfault ! D:
[18:14:06] sentinel23: so we have a package now, then?
[18:14:31] selmanj: although it seemed to work...
[18:14:33] sphery: TTBOMK, there were Ubuntu packages hours after release
[18:14:44] sphery: selmanj: QT 3.3.8?
[18:15:02] sentinel23: oh, yeah i guess i knew that, nvm
[18:15:32] sphery: selmanj: and
[18:16:17] selmanj: hmmm
[18:16:22] selmanj: i will have to figureo ut what version of qt i have
[18:17:07] Thomas-: Is the branch you want to be running if you want stable code?
[18:17:16] GreyFoxx: Thomas-: yes
[18:17:20] Thomas-: checkbox
[18:17:36] jarle: kormoc: for the record I was not talking about "Preview schedule changes", maybe it's just me being a bit confused about the conflict reporting of mythweb..
[18:17:39] sentinel23: selmanj: try "qmake -v"
[18:17:53] Thomas-: so, trunk/mythtv is that the bleeding edge?
[18:18:00] GreyFoxx: yup
[18:18:13] Thomas-: thanks
[18:18:50] selmanj: 3.3.7
[18:18:53] selmanj: ubuntu says its 3.3.8really3.3.7–0ubuntu5.2
[18:18:56] selmanj: whatever that means
[18:19:30] sphery: Thomas-: You need to make sure you have the exact same rev of plugins and themes, too. See
[18:19:47] sphery: Thomas-: I.e. $ svn co mythtv-release-0.21
[18:19:55] sphery: Instead of checking out the mythtv dir
[18:19:57] selmanj: OH damnit, when i was running mythtv-setup, i had the backend turned off, but my stupid daemon monitoring app turned it back on
[18:20:09] selmanj: restarting mythbackend after making the changes and running mythfilldatabase fixed the problems
[18:20:15] selmanj: no more seg fault
[18:20:15] daedalus_ (daedalus_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:20:20] jarle: kormoc: anyway (while I have you here) I have also missed some more info in the popup in the listing when you see a program with a frame around it. It would be great if it for example could tell me that "this program will be recorded at <channel> at <date_and_time_stamp> instead" in the popup.
[18:20:21] |Torg|: Thomas-: also do not forget to make AND install mythtv before you make mythplugins
[18:20:21] selmanj: thanks for your help tho sphery :)
[18:20:43] Thomas-: sphery: ah, ok thanks
[18:20:51] Thomas-: |Torg|: check
[18:21:24] sentinel23: k i compiled from source, but i wanna just use packaged. should i remove what i've installed? (how?)
[18:21:26] sphery: Thomas-: Or go with packaged versions (which are built from -fixes :).
[18:21:40] sphery: sentinel23: yep
[18:21:41] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit ("Client exiting")
[18:21:42] |Torg|: that and the install over old code without removing scripts from the old code are my two major problems with mythtv
[18:21:52] sphery: The hard part is figuring what to remove
[18:22:18] selmanj: Ok, last dumb question; What does it mean when mythwelcome says 'MythTV is locked by a user'?
[18:22:20] sphery: "removing scripts from old code"?
[18:22:22] selmanj: It's said this for weeks
[18:22:55] |Torg|: sphery: in one particular case mythwether was having sever issues as I had duplicates from older code still in the script directory
[18:23:32] Thomas-: backend: svn info <any svn file>|grep Revision ----> frontend: svn -r<revision> update . To get backend and frontend at the same code, right?
[18:23:40] |Torg|: mostly what I need is a bettr way to make pages then I have been using, that can realise when I put in new code to remove all of the old
[18:25:06] sphery: |Torg|: Yeah. The MythWeather stuff needs some TLC. Stuart M. is reworking much of it.
[18:25:09] patrick_ (patrick_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:25:35] |Torg|: Thomas if you want current just do a svn up mythtv; svn info mythtv, svn -r <what mythtv is at> up mythplugins
[18:25:50] |Torg|: sphery: I know this, I was just clarfiying what I said :)
[18:26:17] Anduin (Anduin! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:26:26] sphery: selmanj: I don't use mythwelcome, but from a quick glance at the code it looks like someone has run mythshutdown --lock but never did a mythshutdown --unlock.
[18:26:49] selmanj: sphery: I only use it so that if someone closes mythfrontend, x11 doesn't shut down. Is there a better way to do this?
[18:27:00] sphery: |Torg|: or svn up mythtv mythplugins myththemes
[18:27:01] |Torg|: sphery: what it comes to is mythweatehr is 1) not important enough and 2) not broken enough for me to go hacking it. It is just about at the point that I will thouigh
[18:27:22] plb (plb! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:27:49] sphery: selmanj: Don't know. I'm not saying you shouldn't use it--I was just qualifying my answer so you could take it with the appropriate grain of salt
[18:27:52] |Torg|: yes sphery that would work too, if I was running myth all on boxes with the same architecture. Unfortunaly I have to do that particular exercie 3 times
[18:28:03] sentinel23: aww shit, maybe i'll just do a fresh install :(
[18:28:11] sentinel23: (of OS)
[18:28:36] sphery: |Torg|: Yeah. I have 4 boxes on 2 arches and I do it once--but I do it to a clean checkout, then tar the clean checkout and scp to all my hosts...
[18:28:55] sphery: I like to save bandwidth for good OS projects... :)
[18:29:05] |Torg|: selmanj: trunk is not UNstable, it is just NOT stable. You have to know what your working with, thats all. I have tun trunk code for well over 2 years now seldomly having any major issue with it
[18:29:20] selmanj: hmm, good to know
[18:29:31] sphery: then I delete everything, untar the last clean checkout, and svn up, tar, and scp ...
[18:29:33] |Torg|: sphery: yes and making a central repo is on my ToDo list :)
[18:30:53] adante_ (adante_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:30:55] sphery: Yeah. I've toyed with the idea of putting it in my SVN server, but haven't decided it's worth the time.
[18:31:12] sentinel23: feels like a waste of time installing gutsy a month before hardy releases
[18:31:50] |Torg|: sentinel23: it depends on why you want new code, newer does not necessarily mean better
[18:31:58] sphery: And then there's the Ibex on the horizon. (Forgot its adjective.)
[18:32:00] sentinel23: true
[18:32:17] iamlindoro_: Ignoble! Ignorant! Insensitive!
[18:32:21] |Torg|: Illogical Ibex?
[18:32:23] sentinel23: itchy
[18:32:29] sphery: I like Itchy
[18:32:35] sphery: like in Simpsons\
[18:32:49] sentinel23: impotent ibex?
[18:33:14] sphery: "Intrepid Ibex"
[18:33:15] |Torg|: Icy Ibex?
[18:33:35] sentinel23: impotent is more hilarious than intrepid
[18:33:37] plb: arghhh...anyone running mythtv on sid?
[18:33:49] plb: cannot get lirc to build for anything
[18:33:58] sentinel23: sid?
[18:34:13] plb: keeps talking about invalid kernel configuration
[18:34:14] sphery: that's like Debian before Ubuntu gets its hands on it
[18:34:15] plb: debian
[18:34:23] sentinel23: hah oh
[18:34:41] sentinel23: totally knew that too
[18:34:51] |Torg|: Incestuous Iguana? Impotent Ibex?
[18:34:55] bsdfox_: hey, one of my frontends won't update the db schema.. I tried running mythtv-setup and mythbackend but neither update it.. any idea?
[18:35:02] plb: this sucks...I can lirc working in under a minute on etch but damn sid is always a pita
[18:35:17] |Torg|: frontends dont update schema, backends do
[18:35:19] sphery: bsdfox_: mythfrontend (the program) is no longer allowed to upgrade the DB schema
[18:35:25] sentinel23: |Torg|: that would be awesome to put those two in the same room
[18:35:31] sphery: (assuming 0.21)
[18:36:03] sphery: bsdfox_: What error do you get when running mythtv-setup (log files, , please)
[18:36:03] jams: GreyFoxx- present?
[18:36:10] GreyFoxx: jams: yup
[18:36:15] sphery: Why does he get a present?
[18:36:18] GreyFoxx: hehe
[18:36:29] jams: because i have one in the trunk of my car for him
[18:36:32] |Torg|: sphery: be carefull of what you wish for
[18:36:34] GreyFoxx: yay!
[18:36:39] sphery: Maybe it's for all the good Myth code he writes...
[18:36:46] GreyFoxx: wonder much that will cost to ship hehe
[18:36:56] jams: they also have a demo unit if you want that one.
[18:37:06] GreyFoxx: jams: oooh, for a little cheaper ?
[18:37:10] sphery: Probably cost less to ship if he takes it out of the car's trunk...
[18:37:16] GreyFoxx: I don't see why not as long as it works
[18:37:16] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:37:23] GreyFoxx: sphery: true, true
[18:37:25] GreyFoxx: hehe
[18:37:32] jams: probably the same price, but with my discount the price should be ok
[18:37:33] GreyFoxx: and less than the gas to drive it here :)
[18:37:45] bsdfox_: sphery: it just says my db schemas don't match
[18:37:50] plb: ah seems a bug
[18:37:53] plb: blah
[18:37:54] plb: figures
[18:37:54] bsdfox_: sec though I'll pastebin
[18:38:02] sphery: bsdfox_: that would be true when running mythfrontend. mythtv-setup should upgrade.
[18:38:41] bsdfox_:
[18:38:53] GreyFoxx: yay new toys
[18:38:59] bsdfox_: wait actually mythtv-setup just runs.. doesn't give that popup
[18:39:03] bsdfox_: you are right
[18:39:24] |Torg|: popup? no its int he logs
[18:39:31] sphery: yeah, I was going to say, there's no error there.
[18:40:15] |Torg|: 2008-03–12 11:22:08.888 Using the OpenGL painter
[18:40:21] Led-Hed: so to upgrade from 0.20.2 to 0.21 you have to run mythtv-setup to upgrade the Database?
[18:40:22] sphery: bsdfox_: the popup is asking if you really want to upgrade the schema. You /must/ select yes. It's purpose is to prevent someone who decides to run a mythtv livecd on the network from breaking your real mythtv system.
[18:40:22] |Torg|: 2008-03–12 11:22:10.314 Using NV NPOT texture extension
[18:40:32] |Torg|: maybe not an errot, but not best practice
[18:40:55] |Torg|: sphery: when was the popup added?
[18:41:19] sphery: Led-Hed: either mythtv-setup or mythbackend, though it's /always/ a good idea to run mythtv-setup to, er, setup the new stuff...
[18:41:45] sentinel23: i wonder how much i'll break things if i install packages on top of my pseudo-working source install....
[18:42:07] Led-Hed: sphery, I dont have to re-create my tunner cards or tv sources right?
[18:42:18] Led-Hed: just set any new features
[18:42:25] sphery: |Torg|: a couple of months before 0.21. You may never have seen it if you just ran mythbackend in a non-interactive shell. It would have logged a message about the shell being non-interactive, so it can't ask if you want to upgrade, so it's upgrading, anyway.
[18:42:45] sphery: Led-Hed: No, but in 0.21, for example, storage groups are new (and must be configured through mythtv-setup)
[18:42:54] Led-Hed: ahh
[18:42:55] Led-Hed: ok
[18:42:58] Led-Hed: thanks again
[18:43:18] sphery: (No, don't have to re-create cards/sources, just fix the new, so yes to "just set new features")
[18:44:02] sphery: bsdfox_: Got things going right?
[18:44:20] |Torg|: sphery: it may also be that I seldom run mythtv-setup and simply restart mythbackend after stoping it for install. In any case I have seen mythbackend ask to update teh schema but that is in the console window, not a popup
[18:44:29] johnp__ (johnp__! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:45:07] |Torg|: that and im paranopid about db backups and have hourly, daily, weekly and monthly rotated backups :)
[18:45:09] patrick_ (patrick_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:45:16] bsdfox_: sphery: nope
[18:45:21] bsdfox_: girlfriend is bugging me 1 sec
[18:45:32] sphery: which is more important? girlfriend or Myth?
[18:45:41] sphery: (just joking)
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[18:46:24] adante_ is now known as adante
[18:47:16] jduggan: hmm, those sony dvd changers can be daisy chained
[18:47:17] jduggan: thats nice
[18:48:23] kayle (kayle! has quit ("Leaving")
[18:48:39] plb (plb! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[18:49:17] bsdfox_: sphery: ok mythtv-setup doesn't pop anything up
[18:49:25] bsdfox_: mythfrontend says I have a db mismatch
[18:49:37] bsdfox_: I upgraded 2 other frontends and ran mythtv-setup and they upgraded fine
[18:49:40] sphery: bsdfox_: can I see your mythfrontend output
[18:49:51] sphery: log file
[18:50:09] bsdfox_: yeah
[18:50:59] bsdfox_:
[18:53:31] sphery: bsdfox_: It's missing all the messages that would occur if there were a DB schema version mismatch.
[18:54:01] sphery: bsdfox_: try DISPLAY=":0" mythfrontend -l ~/mythfrontend.log
[18:54:10] sphery: then post the contents of mythfrontend.log
[18:54:12] |Torg|: the plugins are not at the same revsion, you have a misconfiged key in your settings. And I would gueess you have mismatrches versions of frontend vs backend , what does mythfronted --version on your frotnend tell you vs mythbackend --version on your backend
[18:54:17] bsdfox_: ok
[18:54:57] sphery: |Torg|: yeah. That's likely a problem, but it seems to be using /usr/local on both, which seem to be localhost = = wiggler
[18:55:05] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:55:11] sphery: So I haven't figured out how he has 2 versions installed
[18:55:27] sphery: Might just be a problem with the lib symlinks or something...
[18:55:34] |Torg|: im just guessing on the erros as it is the asme when I do somehting like forget to update mythplugins, erros 31–36 l;ook exactly like that
[18:55:49] |Torg|: and it usualy happens when I "know for a fact" I installed the plugins :)
[18:56:16] bsdfox_: sphery: wiggler is, gameinwatch is (the backend)
[18:56:29] bsdfox_:
[18:56:41] bsdfox_: frontend/backend versions look fine
[18:56:55] |Torg|: are the pluings the same too?
[18:57:19] sphery: wonder how long it will take to make the pastebin numbers cross 1M
[18:57:51] sphery: bsdfox_: You do have 2 different versions on your system... r16498 and r16500
[18:57:56] bsdfox_: |Torg|: I haven't installed them on the backend yet, and got a couple deps to fix on the frontend
[18:58:00] sphery: systems I shoudl say
[18:58:12] |Torg|: plugin go on the frontend, not backend
[18:58:24] bsdfox_: sphery: but the network and lib api are teh same so it should be ok right? I suppose I could try upgrading again
[18:58:28] sphery: though you really need to upgrade everything all at once
[18:58:30] bsdfox_: |Torg|: that's what I thought
[18:58:39] sphery: bsdfox_: that doesn't mean the db schema version is the same
[18:58:51] sphery: bsdfox_: and running different revs is /never/ supported
[18:58:55] bsdfox_: ok
[18:59:28] sphery: bsdfox_: Are you running 0.21-fixes?
[18:59:35] |Torg|: bsdfox_: you liklly have run into the same issue I have, your backend version was svn'd before your frotnend, creating mismated plugins and veriosns. I woudlnt doubt you svnd mythplugs differnt as well. Or quit simply you got cought duign a svn update by some devloper
[18:59:35] sphery: no, trunk
[18:59:36] bsdfox_: trunk
[18:59:42] sphery: self-compiled?
[18:59:46] |Torg|: hes svning it from trunk that much I can tell :)
[18:59:54] bsdfox_: yes
[19:00:05] bsdfox_: |Torg|: I'm just svn up -r 16500
[19:00:14] |Torg|: ythTV Version  : 16498
[19:00:16] |Torg|: you SURE?
[19:00:20] bsdfox_: I'll be back if I have problems
[19:00:36] sphery: bsdfox_: Make sure you compile and install mythtv, mythplugins, myththemes on all machines before retrying
[19:00:38] bsdfox_: guess it's easier to downgrade one frontend than upgrade two and a backend :P
[19:00:44] bsdfox_: ok
[19:00:51] |Torg|: yrou backend tells us you are runing backendin svn 16498 with the frontend at 16500
[19:01:04] bsdfox_: right
[19:01:27] sphery: yeah, and the one frontend you're downgrading is the one that won't run, right?
[19:01:41] |Torg|: *maybe* there is no diffenence as svn updatex revsion across all revisiosn, but you *proppbly* got cought by one of the updates, In any case your frontend it most likly complaing of version mistaches with plugins
[19:01:45] bsdfox_: right
[19:02:02] sphery: good plan, then
[19:02:09] sphery: but make sure you install everything.
[19:02:17] bsdfox_: compiling :)
[19:02:19] |Torg|: go to that frontend, svn -r 16500 both again, recompile and install both again, then retry
[19:02:19] bsdfox_: thanks guys
[19:02:20] sphery: Myth doesn't like it when you have wrong-versioned libs
[19:02:39] sphery: good luck
[19:03:06] |Torg|: and IF you compiled a later version with the newer one you *sometimes* have to wipe out ccache and start aht over
[19:03:24] |Torg|: occasionly distcc dislikes compiles across differnt cpu architectures as well
[19:04:10] |Torg|: ccache work well when it works, fails spectacualrly when it dosnt
[19:04:58] Frosty-: backend has been running for many hours, EIT has returned 7 days worth of info for most channels, some only have 2 hours left, or none at all, how do I debug?
[19:05:15] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:05:42] |Torg|: Frosty-: debug what, that you didnt get EIT from the broadcaster? You are pretty much up to their mercy
[19:06:07] |Torg|: mostly EIT takes a few settings, and ALLOT of patience
[19:06:59] Frosty-: I read some TV cards have problems with active eit scanning
[19:07:22] Frosty-: indirectly, like "As I have the nova-T I disabled active eit"
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[19:09:57] jarle: speaking of EIT, I seemed to have narrowed down mythbackend crashing several times a day to me having EIT scanning turned on. Apart from turning on EIT logging to the backend log, is there other stuff I could do to try fix the bug in the EIT scanning code?
[19:10:14] |Torg|: jarle update your channels
[19:10:28] jarle: would it for example be possible to run the backend through gdb?
[19:10:36] |Torg|: ESP if specific channels have longer term EIT
[19:11:12] jarle: |Torg|: I have had this problem for a long time, and rescanning channels hasn't seemed to fix the problem...
[19:11:19] |Torg|: just run -v all on the backend and see where it crashes
[19:12:03] johnp__: I think the EIT bug is known, something to do with regexp not being truly multi-threaded.
[19:13:28] jarle: |Torg|: I have setup setup monit to autostart the backend, so I can't remember if the backend will crash or just stop responding... I will have to shut of monit and do some testing..
[19:13:49] Thomas-: when all you want to do is 'make install;cd ../mythplugins;make all install' then the girlfriend is recording some boring program ;)
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[19:25:09] moosylog: Where can I find a howto for the upgrade – what steps, important things database etc.
[19:26:57] directhex: back up your db, install new version, run it
[19:27:36] mkrufky: i thought multirec was enabled in 021 ? is that not true?
[19:27:45] kormoc: new version backups the database itself now
[19:28:06] directhex: kormoc, the ubuntu packages do. does myth regular do that?
[19:28:07] iamlindoro_: mkrufky, It is
[19:28:10] directhex: mkrufky, yes
[19:28:17] kormoc: directhex, yes, myth regular does now
[19:28:29] iamlindoro_: you may want to delete/re-add your capable cards, though if you just upgraded
[19:28:33] GreyFoxx: mkrufky: You have to do some mythtv-setup magic on it
[19:28:35] directhex: pah, yet more of this "user friendly" gubbins
[19:28:52] directhex: go into each card's settings in mythtv-setup, up the number of max simultaneous recordings
[19:28:55] directhex: nothing to it
[19:31:04] mkrufky: ah, ok that makes sense
[19:31:07] mkrufky: i'll give that a try later
[19:31:26] mkrufky: hmm,... maybe i'll wait for friday before i do that — dont wanna possibly jeopardize LOST recordings ;-)
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[19:37:21] myth-newb: imonlcd: ERROR opening /dev/lcd0 (no such file or directory)
[19:37:40] myth-newb: this is the first error i get when trying to run LCDd
[19:38:04] |Torg|: is there any way to fake a capture card input, with no listings to use mythtv as a mp3/video player?
[19:38:16] kormoc: myth-newb, congratz on your first error then. You must be a happy user to get an error like that
[19:38:30] kormoc: |Torg|, just run the frontend with no backend?
[19:38:35] myth-newb: i have many more :-)
[19:38:40] myth-newb: LCDd did work fine
[19:38:46] myth-newb: now its broke
[19:38:51] myth-newb: well when i say fine
[19:39:02] |Torg|: komoc that wont work, mythfrotned will not work without an active connection to mythbackend
[19:39:09] myth-newb: it displayed "lcd proc server" on the lcd but that is as far as it went
[19:39:26] iamlindoro_: |Torg|, Mythfrontend only needs the DB, not the backend
[19:39:55] kormoc: |Torg|, when you try to connect to the backend (recordings and the like) it needs the backend, but outside of that, it only needs the db
[19:40:01] iamlindoro_: Can't watch TV without the backend, but everything else will work fine with just the DB
[19:40:33] |Torg|: Ill go do sme tesgint, this is for a friend I am trying to convice not to buy MCE just to watch a few videos on his TV
[19:41:10] kormoc: There's also freevo which might be more to his wants/needs
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[19:41:42] myth-newb: as far as i can see all the paths and drivers point to the right place in LCDd.conf
[19:42:09] kormoc: myth-newb, well, reading the error message, it seems like your kernel isn't making the device node that lcdd needs
[19:42:17] kormoc: you sure it's plugged in?
[19:42:22] myth-newb: yes
[19:42:23] Frosty-: yesterday sphery gave some links from what was a long howoto on what was that url?
[19:42:27] kormoc: what does dmesg say?
[19:42:29] myth-newb: i just checked that :-)
[19:42:45] kormoc: Frosty-, you could go to and click on the documentation link
[19:42:46] myth-newb: lots
[19:42:48] myth-newb: hang on
[19:43:45] myth-newb: what am i looking for?
[19:43:54] kormoc: anything involving lcd
[19:43:56] myth-newb: there are about 10 usb lines
[19:44:21] myth-newb: no
[19:44:34] kormoc: you're likely missing a driver then
[19:44:39] kormoc: did you recently upgrade kernels?
[19:44:40] myth-newb: there is lirc_imon references which is part of the same device
[19:45:05] myth-newb: nope not upgraded any kernels
[19:45:19] kormoc: Well, something changed
[19:45:20] myth-newb: Last week i followed the codeka imon patch how to
[19:45:25] myth-newb: that worked ok
[19:45:38] kormoc: could just restart and follow it again
[19:45:46] myth-newb: i mistakenly run a command earlier
[19:45:49] myth-newb: :-s
[19:45:56] jarle: kormoc: anyway (while I have you here) I have also missed some more info in the popup in the listing when you see a program with a frame around it. It would be great if it for example could tell me that "this program will be recorded at <channel> at <date_and_time_stamp> instead" in the popup.
[19:46:13] kormoc: jarle, hrm... that might be doable
[19:46:14] jarle: kormoc: in case you did not get my previous message
[19:46:51] jarle: kormoc: you probably missed it about an hour ago or so :)
[19:47:06] kormoc: heh, yeah
[19:47:53] jarle: kormoc: you need an IRC client that will keep you up to date on massages that arrived when you where gone :)
[19:48:07] jarle: kormoc: or even messages :)
[19:48:37] kormoc: if the chat has focus, which it does, it assumes I read everything in the top channel
[19:48:41] myth-newb: my graphics have all gone to pot too
[19:48:48] Frosty-: I want to move from head svn to 0.21-fixes, is it enough to wipe the db and use make uninstall or are there more steps
[19:48:58] Aval0n: hey guys i'm trying to watch an asx through mythweb... everytime I do it it opens mplayer and hangs on connecting to media
[19:49:01] Aval0n: anyone got that working?
[19:49:08] Aval0n: I'm running the .21-fixes branch
[19:49:33] mkrufky: i see the same issue in both linux mplayer and windows wmp11, Aval0n
[19:49:44] mkrufky: (not that it helps :-P)
[19:49:57] Frosty-: Aval0n, check the ASX file that it is downloading, it may be adding the port twice "localhost:80:80"
[19:50:00] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, Have you secured mythweb/authentication?
[19:50:07] Aval0n: frosty
[19:50:12] Aval0n: I caught that and fixed that
[19:50:19] Aval0n: I took authentication off
[19:50:26] Aval0n: cause xris said it could cause problems
[19:50:29] iamlindoro_: yup
[19:50:30] Aval0n: just to test
[19:50:40] Aval0n: I don't even have a .htaccess file on it
[19:51:51] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, if you are using mplayer, you can add the following for more verbosity: -v -v -v -v
[19:51:55] iamlindoro_: four dash-vees
[19:52:10] Aval0n: add that where?
[19:52:14] iamlindoro_: the mplayer command line
[19:52:17] Aval0n: oh
[19:52:18] Aval0n: my ba
[19:52:19] Aval0n: bad
[19:52:24] Aval0n: it's streaming to media player
[19:52:27] Aval0n: in windows xp
[19:52:29] Aval0n: I'm at work
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[19:52:50] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, Anything on the mythbackend to suggest it's getting that far?
[19:52:53] iamlindoro_: log that is
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[19:54:03] jarle: What is the recommended format to transcode .ts into, preserving quality, but still get a smaller file-size?
[19:54:20] iamlindoro_: jarle, .ts is a container, not a codec
[19:54:58] jarle: iamlindoro: in my case it contains mpeg2
[19:55:01] Aval0n: iamlindoro: I havn't looked
[19:55:03] Aval0n: I'm at work
[19:55:07] Aval0n: I can try to ssh in in a bit
[19:55:07] GreyFoxx: /etc/postfix/, look for the the line starting with "smtp" and also ends in "smtp" (careful one of them ends in smtpd) increase it's maxproc value above the default. Say up to 200
[19:55:09] GreyFoxx: oosp
[19:55:19] jarle: iamlindoro: (from dvb-s recording)
[19:55:26] iamlindoro_: jarle, If you have some oomph playing it, h.264 is the nicest... if it needs to be played on weaker systems, xvid is so-so
[19:55:26] |Torg|: jarle you can wrap mpeg2 into h262 then wrap that into ts. What do you want to do tho, make a mpeg2 into a smaller file? try ffmpeg
[19:56:22] iamlindoro_: Here we go again, MPEG-2 == h.262... no difference
[19:56:32] |Torg|: with the settings iamlindoro gave me my dual core AMD 5200 can just about play them, its still a bit underpowered. IT can play the 262 with xvmc fine however
[19:56:50] jarle: |Torg|: I have used avidemux to edit it, but saving it to either avi or mp4 did not gain as many bytes as I would like..
[19:57:22] |Torg|: jarle then that is bitrate thats all
[19:57:50] Aval0n: iamlindoro: I don't see anything in backendlog regarding it at all
[19:58:39] Aval0n: I have a bunch of other .logs though like mythbackend.1.log 2.log 3.log etc
[19:58:39] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, OK... well I would wager the problem is with your tunneling if I had to go out on a limb
[19:58:42] Aval0n: I just took it those were old
[19:58:45] jarle: |Torg|: the average bitrate for my test flick seems to be 4896 kbps
[19:58:48] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, THEY ARE
[19:58:49] Aval0n: my tunneling?
[19:58:52] iamlindoro_: er sorry
[19:59:04] Turn0 (Turn0!n=rfelder@ has quit ("Download Gaim:")
[19:59:08] iamlindoro_: yes, how are you connecting to home? Or are you *gulp* leaving mythweb's port open?
[19:59:20] Aval0n: I left it open for testing
[19:59:31] Aval0n: i had it open with a .htaccess
[19:59:39] Aval0n: but I even took that off
[19:59:58] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, ok, and in the asx, you changed the address to the correct external IP, right?
[19:59:59] Aval0n: i usually ssh tunnel though
[20:00:13] Aval0n: i click the preview icon on mythweb
[20:00:19] Aval0n: it prompts to d/l and asx
[20:00:25] Aval0n: and I hit open
[20:00:31] Aval0n: it opens mediaplayer and trys to connect
[20:00:45] kormoc: to the correct ip?
[20:00:52] kormoc: if you're using dmz or port forwarding
[20:00:57] iamlindoro_: right, but that asx probably references 192.168.what.ever as myth believes it is
[20:01:02] myth-newb: god damn it my graphics are fooked now
[20:01:05] kormoc: it could be pointing to the internal ip and not the external ip
[20:01:21] myth-newb: whats the easiest way to load the latest ati driver?
[20:01:37] iamlindoro_: so edit the asx and change the ip to the external IP of your house, and betcha it works
[20:02:05] Aval0n: ill try
[20:02:48] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, You understand the concepts, though, right? Mythweb generates the asx's based on the IP it believes it is, which is in all likelihood some IP on your local network... which is invalid from your work
[20:03:24] iamlindoro_: So fix the IP in the ASX (which is a text file) and odds are you will have fixed streaming
[20:04:22] Aval0n: the ip is correct
[20:04:25] Aval0n: the port is wrong
[20:04:31] Aval0n: I am trying again but so far it's hanging
[20:04:37] Aval0n: it's tryig to do :80 and not :8080
[20:05:02] Aval0n: but it had the correct IP
[20:05:03] iamlindoro_: i *think* that might be a known issue, but may be per-player-- what happens when you try to play with VLC?
[20:05:21] Aval0n: dunno don't have that one here yet
[20:05:35] Aval0n: no error yet though
[20:05:40] Aval0n: it would have error out already before
[20:05:46] Aval0n: it just says connecting to media...
[20:05:47] iamlindoro_: I'd try VLC, personally. I don't trust MeejaPlayur
[20:05:53] Aval0n: i hope i didn't screw up the formatting using notepad on it
[20:06:00] Aval0n: lol
[20:06:12] Frosty-: so much OT on the users list :s
[20:06:57] |Torg|: ls
[20:07:04] |Torg|: oops sorry
[20:07:31] foo8ar (foo8ar! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:07:32] Frosty-: ls: command not found
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[20:08:16] Aval0n: iamlindoro: I don't need to transcode the recording to stream it do it?
[20:08:19] Aval0n: it/i*\
[20:08:37] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, nope, shouldn't, but your player needs to be capable of playing the container and codec
[20:08:41] |Torg| (|Torg|! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:08:47] iamlindoro_: Have you tried VLC yet?
[20:08:48] iamlindoro_: ??
[20:08:56] Aval0n: not quite yet
[20:09:29] foo8ar: hi all, i'm trying to set specific frontend options for a mac os x client. are all parameters set from the settings table within the db? i'm looking specifically for deinterlacing settings
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[20:10:43] Frosty-: you can set deinterlacing from within the frontend
[20:10:52] foo8ar: ie could i update DeinterlaceFilter to bob and deinterlace to 1?
[20:11:06] Aval0n: vlc = no go
[20:11:22] foo8ar: Frosty-: i cannot find the deinterlace parameter
[20:11:31] Frosty-: they moved it to profiles
[20:11:32] foo8ar: from the gui
[20:11:36] Aval0n: i just opened the asx and it's not even attempting to play
[20:11:38] Frosty-: I think the default profile is called cpu+
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[20:11:53] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, pastebin the ASX
[20:12:00] Frosty-: I can't remember exactly where but iamlindoro knows :P
[20:12:04] iamlindoro_: you can pm me the pastebin if you like
[20:12:31] ** iamlindoro_ just works here **
[20:12:48] Aval0n: sure
[20:12:48] Frosty-: where are the new settings for tv setting profiles
[20:12:57] Frosty-: setup -> tv settings -> something..
[20:13:06] Frosty-: im half way through compiling :s
[20:13:15] iamlindoro_: TV Settings->Playback, page 3
[20:13:34] Frosty-: there you go foo8ar :)
[20:13:36] Frosty-: thanks iamlindoro
[20:13:42] iamlindoro_: Click "edit" to on the rule that encompasses the resolution you are attempting to play, then go to the second page of that.
[20:13:44] iamlindoro_: ;)
[20:13:50] iamlindoro_: np
[20:14:00] foo8ar: im still on 20.2
[20:14:21] Frosty-: then its around about the same place, but not in a profile
[20:14:31] Frosty-: I remember you oculd set the deinterlacing method
[20:14:32] Frosty-: directly
[20:14:45] Aval0n: iamlindoro: pasted to privmsg
[20:14:54] iamlindoro_: yup, that's correct, although I haven't used the old way in a long time so don't have the same memory of where
[20:15:36] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, Hang on, will try from here
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[20:16:38] Aval0n: okie
[20:16:48] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, Plays great from here (well, not great, but plays :)
[20:16:53] Aval0n: ?!
[20:17:06] iamlindoro_: Sounds like maybe something is blocked on one of the networks
[20:17:23] foo8ar: Frosty: OK i can see the parameter but the buttons are unusable. i read somewhere that you could change the the look of the buttons
[20:17:27] iamlindoro_: just pasted that into a new file, played in VLC without complaint
[20:17:37] Aval0n: no flippin way
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[20:17:52] Aval0n: is it playing without hiccupping?
[20:17:57] iamlindoro_: Perhaps your work blocks ports?
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[20:18:14] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, I only played about two seconds worth to confirm
[20:19:08] Aval0n: it's streaming on 8080 correct?
[20:19:15] Aval0n: I can access the mythweb page on 8080
[20:19:20] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, What's the bitrate of the file? There's a good chance we're maxing out your upstream at your house
[20:19:23] Stephen: hi there, very vague questiona and not sure how to start so as some can maybe help. I'm having a problem where my frontend segfaults when I exit the watch recordings screen, only if I have watched a recording. Where should I start looking?
[20:19:26] iamlindoro_: yes, 8080
[20:19:34] Aval0n: it's like 5k
[20:19:48] Aval0n: i get a grey window that comes up with vlc
[20:19:49] iamlindoro_: 5000 = 5 Mbit, do you have that kind of upstream???
[20:19:51] Aval0n: never see any video
[20:20:07] Aval0n: you said it played for you
[20:20:11] iamlindoro_: for two seconds
[20:20:13] Aval0n: I save all my analog recordings
[20:20:23] Aval0n: to that bitrate
[20:20:32] Frosty-: foo8ar, not come accross that before, have you tried switching from Qt to Opengl?
[20:20:37] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, I think your bitrate is far too high to stream on any home connection
[20:20:53] Aval0n: what do you save yours to iamlindoro
[20:20:58] Aval0n: I'm talking about the birate slider on recording profiles
[20:21:07] Aval0n: we are referring to the same setting correct?
[20:21:07] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, I don't set mine, I record all in digital
[20:21:10] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, yes
[20:21:12] foo8ar: Frosty-: the problem is that i cannot see what info the list boxes shows
[20:21:20] kormoc: Aval0n, sure, but that's still high. What's your home internet connection?
[20:21:27] Aval0n: 9 meg down
[20:21:33] Aval0n: up is like 75KB/sec
[20:21:37] Aval0n: 256mbit?
[20:21:48] kormoc: Aval0n, no, that's not how that works
[20:21:48] iamlindoro_: Hahahahahahaa, you are off by a factor of 100
[20:22:07] iamlindoro_: sorry, I don't mean to laugh at you, only good-natured teasing
[20:22:12] Aval0n: ?
[20:22:45] iamlindoro_: Odds are, and just guessing here, that you don't get better than 1.5 Mbit upstream-- And your recordings are 5 Mbit... soooooo
[20:22:47] kormoc: Aval0n, you're attempting to upload a video that is 650 kilobytes per second on a connection that is max at 75 kilobytes per second
[20:22:49] Aval0n: it's 9mbit downstream 256mbit upstreams
[20:22:51] Cackette (Cackette! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:23:09] iamlindoro_: 256 *kilobit*, maybe
[20:23:12] kormoc: Aval0n, yes, 256 mbit up per second for a video that is 5000 mbit per second
[20:23:14] Aval0n: wont my recordings look like shit on my tv if I lower the bitrate that much?
[20:23:15] kormoc: erm
[20:23:21] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, *yes*
[20:23:39] Aval0n: seeI thought it was doing an on the fly transcode
[20:23:40] iamlindoro_: That's what mythweb flash streaming is for, to encode it to poop so you can watch it on the fly while still keeping your originals
[20:23:43] kormoc: Aval0n, let's put it this way, unless you have FIOS with the 15 mbit/5 mbit package, you can't stream that video in realtime
[20:23:57] kormoc: Aval0n, only the flash video player does that
[20:24:03] Aval0n: hmm
[20:24:04] Aval0n: ok
[20:24:12] Aval0n: and that is in mythweb by default?
[20:24:16] kormoc: yes
[20:24:18] sphery: That's why hard drives are cheap, now. So you don't need to stream it...
[20:24:26] iamlindoro_: in .21, but disabled by default.. hold on, I'll turn it on for you :)
[20:24:59] Aval0n: lol
[20:24:59] Aval0n: ok
[20:25:07] Aval0n: i didn't see it under settings
[20:25:20] iamlindoro_: Hmm, it's enables already
[20:25:22] iamlindoro_: enabled
[20:25:27] kormoc: Settings -> streaming -> flash streaming iirc
[20:25:30] Aval0n: right
[20:25:39] Aval0n: i don't see an icon for that anywhere though
[20:25:40] iamlindoro_: sounds like maybe you have the stock ubuntu ffmepg, am I right?
[20:25:43] Aval0n: to play the video with flash
[20:25:52] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, it's usually activated by clicking the thumbnail for a recording
[20:25:52] kormoc: Aval0n, click into the recording details
[20:25:53] Aval0n: I have svn ffmpeg
[20:26:20] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, Did you compile in libmp3lame support?
[20:26:24] bobgill (bobgill! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:26:44] Aval0n: what what what?
[20:26:45] Aval0n: :P
[20:26:49] Aval0n: I belive so
[20:26:51] iamlindoro_: right. Exactly.  :)
[20:27:11] Aval0n: lemme check
[20:27:11] bobgill: I'm about to set up a mythtv box soon, curious which card you folks would recommend from here:
[20:27:38] Aval0n: are you talking about from ./configure line for mythtv?
[20:27:53] Aval0n: I have libmp3lame on my system
[20:27:54] iamlindoro_: no, the ffmpeg configure
[20:27:56] kormoc: bobgill, depends on what you are recording (and where it's comming from)
[20:28:04] Aval0n: hmm
[20:28:08] iamlindoro_: you said you had ffmpeg compiled from SVN, right?
[20:28:15] patrick_ (patrick_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:28:26] Aval0n: yes
[20:28:28] Aval0n: that's correct
[20:28:29] bobgill: kormoc: ok, I'd be recording regular TV (don't have HD or anything)
[20:28:41] kormoc: bobgill, pvr 150 or 500 is the normally recommended card then
[20:28:49] iamlindoro_: ffmpeg -v, pastebin output
[20:29:25] Aval0n: ok
[20:29:33] bobgill: ok, do the differences between the cards really boil down to quality of capturing ??
[20:29:36] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has quit ()
[20:29:45] kormoc: not always
[20:29:45] bobgill: or only the source of capture affects that
[20:30:04] bobgill: ok because I don't want to spend much.. just enough to capture hehe
[20:30:14] kormoc: a lot of those cards are for OTA, ATSC, or DVB capture
[20:30:21] kormoc: the pvr 150 is the cheapest you'll get
[20:30:28] foo8ar: Frosty: I changed Style to Windows and "now i can see"
[20:30:29] kormoc: without requring a fast cpu
[20:30:46] bobgill: my backend will use a p4 3.4ghz EE.. is a pretty fast cpu
[20:30:51] bobgill: how that would affect the card I get ?
[20:31:04] mediathreat (mediathreat! has quit ()
[20:31:05] Aval0n:
[20:31:06] iamlindoro_: that's a "sort-of-ok" CPU for Myth :)
[20:31:07] Frosty-: foo8ar: o/
[20:31:19] iamlindoro_: holy crazy Aval0n
[20:31:21] iamlindoro_: crap
[20:31:29] kormoc: the cheaper framegrabber cards will use a nice chunk of that (30% or so) to save $20 or so on the card where as a pvr 150 won't use the cpu at all and give a better picture
[20:31:30] iamlindoro_: you enabled *nothing* in ffmpeg
[20:31:35] Frosty-: what is the syntax for ThemePainter data in settings table
[20:31:44] ** Aval0n cries **
[20:31:46] Frosty-: I want to override mythtv-setup to use opengl but I forgot to check
[20:31:53] iamlindoro_: Aval0n,
[20:31:58] bobgill: ahh ok
[20:31:59] iamlindoro_: That's mine. Compare. contrast.
[20:32:16] iamlindoro_: That's why you have no flash player right now :)
[20:32:20] bobgill: and is any point to have the remote (some come with a remote)? or that remote only works in windows mce ?
[20:32:23] The_Rebel (The_Rebel! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:32:24] Aval0n: lol ok
[20:32:38] kormoc: bobgill, the windows mce remote works fine with myth (I use it)
[20:32:53] bobgill: oh wow
[20:32:54] The_Rebel (The_Rebel! has quit (Client Quit)
[20:32:55] iamlindoro_: In fact it's among the very best in linux
[20:33:00] iamlindoro_: (sorry to jump in :)
[20:33:13] bobgill: the remote ?
[20:33:39] kormoc: A lot of people think so, yes
[20:33:43] Frosty-: does lirc support the ir receiver on the card though?
[20:34:02] bobgill: can I run the backend headless?
[20:34:13] kormoc: Frosty-, the mce remote kit is usb
[20:34:15] kormoc: bobgill, yes
[20:34:34] bobgill: kormoc: which card do you have?
[20:34:49] kormoc: a m179, which is the same as a pvr 250
[20:35:31] Aval0n: p iam: i tried using a paste of all your --enable stuff but it doesn't like a lot of it
[20:35:34] Aval0n: lik --enable-pp
[20:35:40] Aval0n: says not a good option
[20:35:55] Aval0n: that was from an svn configure you pasteD?
[20:36:02] bobgill: ok there are a few different 150's on the site: . . . ;x=0&y=0
[20:36:38] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, That's what shows up when you do ffmpeg -v on a system with those options compiled in-- you need the necessary libs to use those tags, though
[20:36:50] kormoc: Well, pick one you want. if you want a remote or not, if you need low profile or not, etc
[20:37:07] Aval0n: doh
[20:37:11] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, Just strip them out one by one until you get what you can get-- You NEED libmp3lame, though, and I would strongly suggest amking libx264 and libxvid work
[20:37:28] Aval0n: ok
[20:37:29] bobgill: what does low profile mean for it ?
[20:37:41] iamlindoro_: half-height
[20:37:51] Frosty-: its te heighet of the card and its corresponding case bracket
[20:37:52] iamlindoro_: for skinny cases with non-standard height PCI slots
[20:38:08] bobgill: ok
[20:39:52] Frosty-: they should make "make" multi-threaded so it compiles unlinked leaves simultaneously
[20:41:09] kormoc: Frosty-, isn't that what the -j option is for?
[20:41:25] ** kormoc has make run 4 threads at a single time on his boxes **
[20:41:53] bobgill: ok if I have headless backend and use my current pc as frontend.. how would I use remote? with current pc? Can this remote be used with VLC/Xine/etc generally?
[20:42:00] Frosty-: AWESOME!
[20:42:20] iamlindoro_: remote would go on the frontend, bobgill
[20:42:21] Frosty-: wow so much faster
[20:42:21] kormoc: bobgill, the remote is supported by lirc, so anything that can use lirc works with it
[20:43:50] zlyzyr (zlyzyr! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:44:01] bobgill: ok
[20:44:59] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:45:15] nnnbags (nnnbags! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:48:43] Aval0n: iamlindoro: so I got ffmpeg installed again with that lib
[20:48:46] Aval0n: i restared apache
[20:48:48] Aval0n: no dice
[20:48:50] Aval0n: still no player
[20:49:22] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:49:36] borga2: I've got a mess with my tuner cards now! I've added another one (total of 4 tuners and 3 physical cards)
[20:50:43] borga2: and the order of the tuners changed so now I have a bunch of registered cards same card on more than one location
[20:50:47] jamesd (jamesd! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:51:11] borga2: Is it possible to delete all cards and "reset" the encoder counter
[20:51:20] borga2: in any way?
[20:54:36] turbo is now known as briand
[20:54:52] sebo (sebo!n=sebo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:55:19] iamlindoro_: borga2, mythtv-setup, tuner card setup, there is a delete all capture cards option
[20:55:43] foo8ar: next Q im trying to change aspect ratio but the upper left idicates different ratio but they look all the same
[20:55:45] iamlindoro_: which also resets the count
[20:57:37] sphery: borga2:
[20:58:34] Frosty-: what is the themepainter value for opengl drawing?
[20:58:48] iamlindoro_: gl IIRC
[20:59:22] bobgill: to get the remot working is there a config file or it is out of the box with prog that uses lirc?
[20:59:23] Aval0n: iamlindoro: do you think I need to restart backend to get it to work?
[21:00:01] fnc1 (fnc1! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:01:54] fnc1: Afternoon all... I've been googleing for the last 2 days, and am no closer to figureing this out... could someone help me out... i recently upgraded to .21 and now i cant watch recorded shows on my frontend.. it skipps a whole lot.. and from the frontend info this apears to be the problem.. WriteAudio: buffer underrun
[21:03:13] Aval0n: ffmpeg -v shows libmp3lame iamindoro
[21:03:20] Aval0n: and most of what you had
[21:04:45] sphery: Frosty-: You should be changing it through the frontend settings so you get the right value, and it requires a mythfrontend restart
[21:04:53] Jimbalaya (Jimbalaya! has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
[21:05:01] Aval0n: iamlindoro: you tired of helping me yet? lol
[21:05:28] Frosty-: sphery, mythtv-setup crashes when I use Qt, so was attempting to override
[21:05:44] Frosty-: iamlindoro, thanks :)
[21:05:58] Frosty-: sphery: <3
[21:06:46] sphery: It's far more likely to crash because of opengl (which, BTW, is the value) than qt
[21:06:55] fnc1: WriteAudio: buffer underrunanyone know how to trouble shoot this error in mythfrontend?
[21:07:19] Frosty-: The "DVB Tuning Delay" option states "Some Linux DVB drivers, in particular the Hauppauge Nova-T, require that we slow down the tuning process", I have a Hauppauge Nova-T 500 DVB-T, what value should I put?
[21:08:03] sphery: gl = qt, open = qt, OpenGL = qt, opengl = opengl
[21:09:06] Frosty-: so basically it fals back to qt if the value isn't recognised
[21:09:13] Frosty-: and "opengl" is the correct value for what I asked for
[21:09:14] sphery: Frosty-: No idea about the delay. I know that gbee had a lot of issues with the Nova-T 500, but, IIRC, he and janneg fixed most (all) of them by the time 0.21 was released.
[21:09:17] Frosty-: thanks :)
[21:09:24] sphery: yep
[21:09:35] fnc1: someone type yes, if they can read this
[21:09:39] Frosty-: no
[21:09:40] fnc1: please
[21:09:58] sphery: falls back because OpenGL is far more likely to cause it to crash or fail to display properly.  :)
[21:10:08] sphery: Did -O ThemePainter=opengl work?
[21:10:12] Frosty-: yeah :)
[21:10:43] myth-newb: my graphics are broke falling back to vesa where to i start?
[21:10:56] iamlindoro_: in #ubuntu
[21:10:58] Frosty-: I was getting "FATAL IO ERROR: client killed", I type that in google and I get some Qt based responses
[21:11:23] Frosty-: so I wanted to experiment to see if I could complete a mythtv-setup using opengl :)
[21:12:19] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, I was just looking at your streaming player right now, so it's there
[21:12:24] sphery: Interesting. Wonder what's causing the issues in QT.
[21:12:42] Frosty-: its when it completes a channel scan
[21:12:46] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, until you started dicking around with mythweb/permissions and now you broke it ;)
[21:12:48] Frosty-: it gets to 100% and chucks me away
[21:13:02] Frosty-: like a ragdoll
[21:13:03] Frosty-: :(
[21:13:34] Aval0n: hah
[21:13:36] Aval0n: it's fixed now
[21:13:44] Aval0n: i just recompiled mythplugins
[21:13:45] Aval0n: :)
[21:13:46] Aval0n: try nwo
[21:14:07] Aval0n: how did you get to it
[21:14:08] iamlindoro_: BTW, get rid of all these 0 byte recordings!
[21:14:13] Aval0n: lol
[21:14:18] Aval0n: yessir
[21:15:00] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, your streaming is working
[21:15:03] fnc1: can anyone help me out with my video playback?
[21:15:10] Aval0n: !!!
[21:15:12] Aval0n: cool
[21:15:15] kormoc: Aval0n, irc shows your ip address in the clear
[21:15:19] Aval0n: now if I can just find it
[21:15:28] Aval0n: kormoc: eh?
[21:15:29] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, recorded programs, scroll all the way to the bottom
[21:15:44] sphery: Frosty-: Oh, that sounds like a known channel-scanner issue... Didn't know it was QT theme-painter-related...
[21:15:44] iamlindoro_: click the thumbnail of your last recording for example
[21:15:51] iamlindoro_: You will see the flash player
[21:15:54] kormoc: Aval0n, you can see almost anyone's ip address who connects to here, and thus your website
[21:16:10] Frosty-: sphery, it probably isn't, I only used ignorant google
[21:16:32] fnc1 (fnc1! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:16:40] Aval0n: I don't think I follow kormoc
[21:16:44] iamlindoro_: could be wrong but I think he's at work
[21:16:50] iamlindoro_: and I'm connecting to his home
[21:16:53] Frosty-: Aval0n, type /whois Aval0n
[21:16:56] Aval0n: are you talking about this ip Im using
[21:17:00] kormoc: Aval0n, you asked how he is looking at your website
[21:17:01] Aval0n: yeah
[21:17:05] Aval0n: reverse my ip
[21:17:18] Aval0n: [02:16pm] [N] Resolved ->
[21:17:21] iamlindoro_: Aval0n gave me the addy for his mythweb through PM
[21:17:25] Aval0n: yeah
[21:17:26] Aval0n: ;)
[21:17:45] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, do you see the player?
[21:17:47] FN2 (FN2! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:17:54] Frosty-: * Dns unable to resolve
[21:17:55] Frosty-: :(
[21:17:56] Aval0n: ive gotta be fuckin blind
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[21:18:19] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, add this to the end of your ip:8080 mythweb/tv/detail/3101/1200276000
[21:18:30] FN2 is now known as fnc1
[21:19:23] iamlindoro_: See an info page for terminator? Flash player on the right side.
[21:19:36] iamlindoro_: Unless is blocking apache :)
[21:19:48] Aval0n: i do
[21:19:53] Aval0n: and I see the flash player
[21:19:58] Aval0n: maybe I need to clear the i-e cahce here
[21:20:00] kormoc: I figured one would just check historic ip's for the home ip
[21:20:03] Aval0n: I click play and get nothing however
[21:20:08] sphery: Frosty-: It may just be that using the OpenGL painter changes the timing enough to avoid the race that causes the channel scanner crash. Still interesting to note...
[21:20:14] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, did you *wait*?
[21:20:26] Frosty-: sphery, it doesn't .. it crashed
[21:20:37] iamlindoro_: I'm watching hot river Tam right now
[21:20:41] iamlindoro_: from your computer
[21:20:41] Aval0n: yes
[21:20:42] iamlindoro_: ;)
[21:20:44] Aval0n: lol
[21:20:46] fnc1: someon want to help me out with HD playback issues on .21?
[21:21:06] Aval0n: hot river tam?
[21:21:07] Aval0n: lol
[21:21:07] sphery: Oh. I thought you said it worked... Sorry for the noise.
[21:21:07] Aval0n: wtf is that
[21:21:07] Frosty-: sphery, do I assume the channel scan completed?
[21:21:07] Aval0n: must have been something the wife put on there
[21:21:12] Frosty-: it only just crashed as you were saying that though, I was just trying to find a solution
[21:21:13] iamlindoro_: PS, you record too much, make your kid watch Dora and delete!
[21:21:16] sphery: Frosty-: So, I should tell you that there's a known issue with channel scanning in 0.21. See #4645...  :)
[21:21:38] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, wtf is what? River Tam = character from Firefly now on terminator
[21:21:48] Aval0n: oh
[21:21:50] sphery: I don't know whether it completes (or whether it's able to store info before crashing). You'll have to test...
[21:21:51] Aval0n: :)
[21:22:09] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:22:16] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, anyway, your myth setup is fine, all things aside
[21:22:21] iamlindoro_: seems to stream well, too
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[21:23:12] Aval0n: hmm
[21:23:16] Aval0n: I go to recorded programs
[21:23:25] Aval0n: then I click the screen cap of the program I wanna look at
[21:23:34] Aval0n: then I see place for the flash player
[21:23:43] Frosty-: hmm so a work around is to install 0.20-fixes, do a scan, keep the database and reinstall
[21:23:47] Frosty-: .. ugh
[21:23:55] kormoc: Aval0n, flash work in your browser?
[21:24:04] Aval0n: does for iamlindoro lol
[21:24:18] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, I note that some of your programs are "B" length (0 byte), so those won't work
[21:24:20] kormoc: Aval0n, flash is a browser plugin, adobe flash
[21:24:34] iamlindoro_: the older ones do, though, you may have been having from tuner trouble lately
[21:24:50] iamlindoro_: er some
[21:24:50] Aval0n: i don't think so
[21:24:56] Aval0n: what does 0 byte mean
[21:24:57] Aval0n: ?
[21:25:01] iamlindoro_: ok, well, there's a reason thsoe new recordings don't have thumbnails ;)
[21:25:04] iamlindoro_: empty files
[21:25:10] iamlindoro_: 0 byte size
[21:25:55] Aval0n: those that don't have icons
[21:25:58] Aval0n: play on my box
[21:26:04] Aval0n: when i'm home
[21:26:11] kormoc: a 0 byte recording won't play anywhere...
[21:26:23] iamlindoro_: Aval0n, at least a few of them shows as B length
[21:26:35] Aval0n: k
[21:26:41] Aval0n: i dunno why some of the others dont have icons then
[21:26:48] kormoc: "B" != "0B"
[21:26:48] iamlindoro_: but I gotta go so you can figure all that out, it may just be that the flash player won't open in the detail pages for "B" recordings
[21:27:10] fnc1:
[21:27:14] iamlindoro_: kormoc, I am aware of that, but the two CAN appear together
[21:27:15] fnc1: can someone check this out...
[21:27:18] iamlindoro_: and often do
[21:27:18] kormoc: flash player won't work for "B" or "0 B"
[21:27:28] kormoc: afaik
[21:27:32] fnc1: happens if im watching live tv or a recording on my frontend
[21:28:04] iamlindoro_: aaaanyway, I gotta go, best of luck
[21:28:19] Frosty-: laters iamlindoro :)
[21:28:24] sebrock (sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:28:57] iamlindoro_ (iamlindoro_!n=robert@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:29:44] nettow0822: has anyone installed the mythbuntu .21 upgrade through backports yet?
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[21:31:27] onixian (onixian! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:31:46] Aval0n: iamlindoro: it's working now but fcor any hd stuff like terminaot it keeps repeating the same 1 second over and over
[21:31:55] sebo (sebo!n=sebo@ has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[21:32:19] Frosty-: he has left
[21:32:22] Frosty-: :(
[21:32:27] Aval0n: woops
[21:32:29] Frosty-: the room won't be the same without him
[21:32:30] Aval0n: thanks
[21:32:34] ** Frosty- mourns **
[21:32:38] Aval0n: ;)
[21:32:50] Frosty-: oh! but we have sphery now! that more than makes up for it
[21:32:52] kazer_ (kazer_!n=kazer@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:33:04] Frosty-: o/
[21:33:11] opentrinity (opentrinity!n=opentrin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:34:02] fnc1 (fnc1! has quit ("Leaving.")
[21:34:10] KaZeR (KaZeR!n=kazer@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:34:53] schula: i want to use the upnp service from mythtv, and for the recordings it works really good, but i also want it to serve my music collection via upnp, how can i do that?
[21:37:02] sebrock (sebrock! has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:37:17] directhex: install mythmusic
[21:37:34] directhex: and use a upnp client that doesn't hate you
[21:38:46] psymin (psymin! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:40:57] sphery: Aval0n: repeating the same 1-second means that at the time your browser played to the end of the stream before it could be transcoded on the fly... I.e. your backend is too slow to transcode the HDTV in realtime. If you're just on the edge, you can sometimes make it work by reloading the page relatively quickly after starting the playback (i.e. when the RAM cache will allow the transcode to get a bit ahead because the file ...
[21:41:04] sphery: ... had just been read to cache, so no filesystem read performance constraints)
[21:41:33] directhex: or MOAR MHZ
[21:41:33] sphery: But, this shows exactly why this was disabled in 0.21--because it usually won't work...
[21:41:42] sphery: that works, too. :)
[21:41:56] directhex: MOAR! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, MOAR!
[21:42:10] sphery: My Athlon XP 2400+ and 2000+ backends won't even come close to playing back my HDTV in real time, let alone transcoding it in real time.
[21:42:37] Frosty-: flash-transcode threads=2878237
[21:42:42] directhex: well, you're in need of a MOARgasm
[21:42:57] Frosty-: q6600 ftw
[21:42:58] A_: Is there any way to contact the admins of the mythtv wiki? I've requested a conf email numerious times and have never gotten one. (Yes I've checked to make sure it was typed in right and that it didn't hit my spam filter.)
[21:43:31] sphery: Aval0n: Oh, yeah, there's also the issue that generally, once you start a flash playback, ffmpeg will continue transcoding to the end of the file--whether you stop/pause or even exit the browser...
[21:44:10] sphery: A_: what kind of conf e-mail? What page did you use to try to get it?
[21:44:16] sphery: (doesn't sound familiar...)
[21:45:09] opentrinity (opentrinity!n=opentrin@ has quit ("Sto andando via")
[21:45:30] Justin__ (Justin__! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:46:14] A_: sphery: preferences -> Confirm your e-mail address -> Mail a confimration code
[21:46:34] A_: I tried a few timtes last week, and again today
[21:46:55] opentrinity (opentrinity!n=opentrin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:47:07] sphery: what URI?
[21:47:17] A_:
[21:47:18] sphery: Sounds like you're trying to get an account on Trac, which you can't do
[21:47:19] A_: is the final one
[21:47:19] psymin: sphery: think an Athlon 64 X2 6400 would come close?
[21:47:25] A_: no, the wiki
[21:47:30] sphery: psymin: I'd take that
[21:47:57] sphery: A_: Hmmm. Never noticed that page...
[21:48:01] sphery: I'm trying it myself...
[21:49:02] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:49:12] A_: from "Your e-mail address is not yet authenticated. No e-mail will be sent for any of the following features."
[21:49:16] sphery: A_: Worked for me. Should get an e-mail from subject: MythTV e-mail address confirmation
[21:49:59] A_: damn, my isp's spam filter must be snagging it, I'll see if I can get a whitelist entry for it
[21:50:02] A_: thanks for the help
[21:50:15] orthoevra (orthoevra! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:50:20] nettow0822: I have an Athlon 64 X2 great for HD
[21:50:27] sphery: A_: Spam filters are wonderful that way--especially the ones that are forced on you and over which you have no control...
[21:50:49] Frosty-: googlemail to the rescue
[21:51:08] sphery: A_: On the bright side, my "e-mail address was authenticated on 21:49, 12 March 2008." Thanks for helping me get that set up.  :)
[21:51:34] sphery: nettow0822: can it transcode in real time or just play back in real time?
[21:51:57] nettow0822: can't say.....don't use transcode
[21:52:39] sphery: Just curious. My frontend is an Athlon X2 4800+. I /really/ want to upgrade it, but I can't think of an excuse.
[21:52:44] lotia_ (lotia_! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:52:52] Aval0n: kormoc: where can you see if something is "b" length?
[21:53:00] sphery: Maybe by the time I come up with one, AMD will once again have a competitive processor offering...
[21:53:22] sphery: Aval0n: hold a "b" up to it and if they're the same size...
[21:53:46] Aval0n: heh
[21:54:22] i3ooi3oo (i3ooi3oo! has quit (Connection timed out)
[21:54:41] psymin: Any idea how long of a cable run an IR receiving device would tolerate? :)
[21:55:36] A_: sphery: had to go into a special "hell for spam" section of my email, found the conf email suffering away pushing a boulder up a hill.
[21:55:41] Thomas-: what's the secret to getting X-forwarding over SSH to work after you 'su – mythtv' or 'su mythtv' ? I have tried 'xhost +localhost' on both the remote computer and my localone... if I don't su then it works
[21:56:40] Thomas-: nevermind
[21:56:52] sphery: Thomas-: ssh -Y
[21:57:32] sphery: Thomas-: let ssh do all the work. That's what -Y is for.
[21:58:50] Frosty-: sphery, I think you mean -X
[21:58:57] ** Frosty- giggles **
[21:59:01] sphery: :)
[21:59:16] Thomas-: yeah.. that doesn't work if you use su on the remote side
[21:59:27] Thomas-: but a little xauth magic solved it
[21:59:30] xris (xris! has quit ()
[21:59:38] sphery: I don't feel like explaining what -X disables, so I will continue to tell people to use -Y... :)
[21:59:47] sphery: Thomas-: ssh -l mythtv -Y <hostname>
[22:00:09] Thomas-: sphery: I don't want to have a password on the mythtv user ;)
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[22:00:20] Thomas-: i.e. I don't want to allow login as that user
[22:00:31] sphery: Oh.
[22:01:04] Thomas-: and it's a hassle to reconnect with different username etc
[22:01:54] sphery: I have a password for mythtv that's changed daily using a random password of varying length between 40 and 80 characters with varying numbers of special characters, upper, lower, and numbers...
[22:01:58] sphery: Same for root.
[22:02:13] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:02:27] sphery: No one--not even me--knows the passwords and they differ on all 11 computers + 1 laptop of mine.
[22:02:49] sphery: (actually, only 4 systems--2 backends and 1 frontend and 1 dev box have a mythtv user, but they all have root)
[22:05:13] AndyCap: sphery: so why do you have a password at all?
[22:05:24] sphery: so I can ksu mythtv
[22:05:28] sphery: or ssh -l mythtv
[22:05:36] sphery: with GSSAPI auth
[22:06:00] sphery: (Remembered this after I removed the password after you last suggested I should do so.  :)
[22:07:36] sphery: where remembered = noticed that things I want to do stopped working... ;)
[22:07:50] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has quit ()
[22:08:11] sphery: for root, it's only ksu, since I disable root ssh
[22:08:32] onixian (onixian! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:09:00] lotia (lotia! has quit (Connection timed out)
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[22:12:27] Aval0n: does myth music let you remote contole your mythsystem audio
[22:12:32] Aval0n: or does it just stream the mp3s?
[22:12:39] Thomas-: ooo scary.. just got tripple the amount of encoder cards ;)
[22:12:51] sphery: multirec
[22:12:57] Thomas-: yes
[22:13:23] Thomas-: I thought mythtv-setup had really screwed up, then I realized what was happening
[22:14:01] sphery: for me, multirec is useless--only a couple freq's have multiple channels on a mux and I would /never/ record anything off the secondary ones (save, maybe, WMFE/WMFE Encore --PBS)
[22:14:21] directhex: Aval0n, mythmusic is purely client side, it doesn't allow you to make your backend play things
[22:14:24] Thomas-: ok, I have like all channels on 3–5 muxes
[22:14:32] directhex: thee are 6 muxes in the uk
[22:14:33] Thomas-: dvb-c
[22:14:40] Frosty-: does mythtv understand that the tuners are restricted by the multiplex?
[22:14:51] Frosty-: 2x real tuners, each with 2x virtuakl
[22:14:53] directhex: Frosty-, how else would multirec work?
[22:14:53] Thomas-: if not then it would fail
[22:14:59] sphery: directhex: was wondering if Aval0n was talking about MythMusic through MythWeb (but I know nothing of it, so I said nothing)
[22:15:04] Frosty-: tuner 3, Tuner2Virtual1, is recording
[22:15:09] directhex: sphery, same applies
[22:15:13] Frosty-: and MythTV opens up using tuner 4
[22:15:16] sphery: Frosty-: yep, it knows their mux-restricted
[22:15:32] Thomas-: I have 4 cards and a fifth one as spare (dont have enough pci in the backend)
[22:15:48] Thomas-: with multirec I would be ok with only 2–3 cards
[22:15:52] Inssomniak (Inssomniak! has quit (No route to host)
[22:15:52] foo8ar_ (foo8ar_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:15:54] sphery: Yeah. Mobo's need more PCI...
[22:15:57] Frosty-: or 2x dual cards
[22:16:26] sphery: Or PCIe cards
[22:16:30] directhex: sphery, why? pci's a dying port. would you advocate returning to a pair of 25-pin serial ports too?
[22:16:40] sphery: Yes!!!
[22:16:53] sphery: I love serial... Very easy to use with hardware hacking..
[22:17:03] ** directhex attaches a centronics parallel cable to sphery **
[22:17:05] squish102: sphery, i'm in the same boat... 3 tuner cards and 2 pci slots kinda sucks
[22:17:07] sphery: (though I don't really care for the DB25)
[22:18:05] sphery: Fortunately, my inability to find a power supply that could provide clean enough power for my 4 HD-3000's resulted in my setting up a slave backend (and I'm now a believer in multiple dedicated backends)
[22:18:18] Thomas-: RJ45 for serial for teh win ;)
[22:18:27] czth_ (czth_!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-e705ba3b590c2de8) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:18:27] sphery: Easiest way to add PCI slots to Myth is with a Cat 5e/Cat 6 cable...
[22:19:18] ** Thomas- goes and tries 0.21-fixes on the frontend **
[22:19:36] ** sphery hopes he has 0.21-fixes on the backen already **
[22:19:57] mishehu: oy already 0.21-fixes
[22:20:14] sphery: mishehu: there was a 0.21-fixes before there was a 0.21... ;)
[22:20:33] mishehu: sphery: that's... that's... that's not possible!!!
[22:20:35] ** mishehu chuckles **
[22:20:41] sphery: took a different approach this time. Stabilize in a -fixes branch (to get better testing), then release.
[22:21:00] sphery: seems to have worked very well (at least compared to the mess that was 0.20.2)
[22:21:04] myth-newb: mythtv is broke any menu that has anything to do with video no longer works
[22:21:10] myth-newb: ?
[22:21:33] sphery: Only one relatively important thing got overlooked (DVD playback), but it has since been fixed in post 0.21 0.21-fixes
[22:21:54] sphery: myth-newb: did you fix your X config, yet?
[22:21:55] mishehu: sphery: well glad it worked well.
[22:22:05] sphery: As <someone smart> said, #ubuntu
[22:22:08] mishehu: sphery: going to be loading up a machine with it on it.
[22:22:15] sphery: mishehu: good luck.
[22:22:17] mishehu: replacing my old oe
[22:22:18] mishehu: one
[22:22:24] myth-newb: I did
[22:22:28] sphery: it's well worth it.
[22:22:31] myth-newb: its great now
[22:22:39] sphery: myth-newb: and you're using what video driver?
[22:22:58] myth-newb: ubuntu asked to update among those updates there were myth updates
[22:23:13] myth-newb: gutsy fglrx
[22:23:29] mishehu: ah the pains of fglrx...
[22:23:35] sphery: well said...
[22:23:40] myth-newb: video plays fine outside myth
[22:23:57] myth-newb: but all the vid menus in myth do not even let me browse
[22:23:59] sphery: I won't be much help. I'm an ATI fan boy who uses NVIDIA on Myth boxes because of fglrx
[22:24:00] myth-newb: !!
[22:24:03] mishehu: sphery: I own about 5 systems here with ati equipment... radeonhd isn't progress fast enough for me!
[22:24:29] sphery: mishehu: Yeah. I'll be switching once the FOSS drivers are worth using.
[22:24:39] mishehu: though I've had decent luck with recent fglrx's.
[22:24:52] myth-newb: im buying an nvidia after my build is finished
[22:24:58] sphery: I'm sticking with NVIDIA for now (though NVIDIA's drivers are getting steadily worse)
[22:25:03] mishehu: my mythbox is down at the moment though so that could be a sticking point
[22:25:23] mishehu: sphery: weird shit happens on my notebook with nvidia geforce 6150
[22:25:53] sphery: myth-newb: If you are getting an nvidia, I'd recommend doing that before trying to get Myth working... Otherwise, you'll waste (a lot of) time setting up for ATI.
[22:25:53] mishehu: weird pulsating flickering screen
[22:26:07] myth-newb: it seems to work fine during video playback
[22:26:15] myth-newb: the prob is since i updated myth
[22:26:21] myth-newb: menus seem inactive
[22:26:25] jgarvey (jgarvey! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:26:28] sphery: mishehu: Yeah. I have an NVIDIA in my laptop (think it's a GeForce Go MX 440), and it hates X -> console switching.
[22:27:03] myth-newb: Could this be a problem with the update?
[22:27:14] sphery: myth-newb: If it's not video (and it's the myth install), #ubuntu-mythtv is probably a better place (meaning you'll find more people who know how to diagnose)
[22:27:26] myth-newb: cheers
[22:27:27] sphery: myth-newb: sounds like it is a problem with the update
[22:27:45] sphery: good luck
[22:27:46] mishehu: I'm debating whether to do my normal slamd64 install and custom build of mythtv (painful, but comes out the exact way I want it) or kubuntu + mythtv (I'm sure there's packages for it)
[22:29:16] ** mishehu ponders. **
[22:29:22] psymin: So .. I'm thinking about getting a card that can capture HD .. should I go with the pchd cards?
[22:29:40] mishehu: why not?
[22:29:45] mishehu: though I"ve not used one yet.
[22:29:49] xris (xris! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:30:02] mishehu: and I've owned a pchdtv3000 since they first came out
[22:30:07] psymin: hehe
[22:30:21] psymin: and for a coaxial capture .. probably hauppauge 500?
[22:30:31] mishehu: hauppage is goot
[22:30:36] psymin: okiely
[22:30:47] JohnMahowald: 500 is not hd
[22:30:51] ** psymin nods. **
[22:31:00] psymin: do any hauppauge cards have HD linux support?
[22:31:13] mishehu: unknown to me
[22:31:15] sphery: not yet
[22:31:42] sphery: (OK, no /encoder/ cards have HD support, but Hauppauge is hoping to release one "soon".)
[22:31:47] sentinel23 (sentinel23!i=c7d5c721@gateway/web/ajax/ has quit (" ajax IRC Client")
[22:32:00] foo8ar (foo8ar! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:32:03] sphery: Hauppauge may have some HD capture cards, though.
[22:32:12] sphery: I'm using 4x pcHDTV HD-3000
[22:32:24] psymin: sphery: I take that to mean that you can capture hd .. but it does all its encoding in software?
[22:33:02] sphery: HD-3000 captures already encoded MPEG-2 as broadcast using ATSC (or cable's kind-of ATSC with QAM)
[22:33:21] psymin: Ahhh
[22:33:33] sphery: the Hauppauge encoder will really be one of the first cards to do encoding of HDTV resolution video
[22:33:59] sphery: there's another company working on one (don't remember the name, but it's a smaller company and seems very Linux friendly)
[22:34:10] sphery: neither is out, yet, though.
[22:34:36] psymin: so here is my current plan .. pdhdtv linux card (pci) and a hauppauge 1800 (pci-express 1x) .. and eventually the hauppauge card will support hd .. but right now it will work as it is with SD?
[22:34:43] czth (czth!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-d033096e608396d6) has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:34:47] jamesd (jamesd! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:34:50] Frosty-: Using a dual-tuner, when configuring with mythtv-setup, do I need to "scan for channels" using both tuners or will just the one be enough (it finds all the channels correctly the first time with tuner 1)
[22:34:58] sphery: psymin: so, all existing HDTV capture cards (supported in Myth, at least) just dump data to the HDD--there's no encoding to be done
[22:35:23] sphery: don't know about Hauppauge 1800...
[22:35:30] psymin: gotcha :) good info thanks
[22:35:31] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:36:00] mishehu: problem I've had is editing those mpeg2ts's outside of mythtv
[22:36:15] mishehu: doesn't seme to be a lot that opens them properly and with audio in sync
[22:37:33] sphery: psymin: See
[22:38:41] sphery: psymin: That's the Hauppauge HD encoder. You'll have to verify whether the card you're planning to get has V4L/DVB support (or will have it) to determine if it will work with Myth.
[22:38:45] _gunni_ (_gunni_! has quit ("KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies")
[22:39:47] psymin: nifty
[22:48:30] foo8ar_: hi, anyone that knows how to enable the small remote that comes with a mac?
[22:49:49] pembo13_com (pembo13_com!n=pembo13_@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:50:22] JohnMahowald: Well darn updated to 0.21 and still doesn't appear in PulseAudio
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[23:01:38] venger: i'm on debian and wanting to run splashy in order to mask all the kernel messages displayed on boot. my concern lies with enabling CONFIG_FB (framebuffer) and CONFIG_FB_VESA. I don't mind the recompile but i want to avoid erratic problems with X or video playback in general. I've read about these things in the past, but it would see that alot of distributions such as mythbuntu and what not all have it enabled anyway. anyo
[23:01:38] venger: ne got some feedback on this?
[23:01:38] jams: GreyFoxx- Target two acquired.
[23:01:57] lotia_: anyone here on who has been having problems playing back fox and abc 720p ATSC or QAM streams?
[23:05:05] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[23:07:11] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:08:04] A_: any news on that hauppauge component recording device?
[23:08:10] iamlindoro__: RSN
[23:08:22] borga2: how do I configure so that asx streams work? I get a password prompt but it fails to recognize my password!
[23:08:45] A_: iamlindoro__: thanks!
[23:08:56] iamlindoro__: A_: Heh, it's just all we know
[23:09:09] iamlindoro__: I have heard grumblings about April/May
[23:09:20] A_: sweet
[23:09:28] directhex: hm. /me is beset by a plague of forge droids
[23:09:36] A_: is the current thinking still that it will not support mpeg4 decoding?
[23:09:38] iamlindoro__: KOTOR?
[23:09:52] iamlindoro__: A_: It's not an output device, so I would presume not
[23:10:01] psymin (psymin! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:10:07] iamlindoro__: It's an encoder only AFAIK
[23:10:33] robthebob (robthebob! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:11:42] iamlindoro__: directhex: kotor?
[23:11:54] A_: after seeing you mention it in here a week or so ago I did some searching for it, the posts I saw about it said that the chipt hey were using did both mpeg4 enc/dec but that they didn't think that the decoding would get implemented
[23:12:01] foo8ar_ (foo8ar_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:12:07] directhex: aye
[23:12:54] iamlindoro__: A_: decoded HD is 3.2 Gb/s, which you'll never fit down USB bus, so it would have to be a video card unto itself, and AFAICT it lacks video ouput
[23:13:54] A_: wouldn't it be mpeg4 over usb to the chip then video out from there?
[23:13:59] A_: not to pick nits ...
[23:14:06] iamlindoro__: ie even if you could dump the encoded streams out to the thing, you'll never get 'em back for use in a video card
[23:14:12] iamlindoro__: ^^^ see that
[23:14:55] A_: ah I see what you are saying, this speculation was (afaik) based on other products that used this chip. The video encoder would hang directly off of the chip
[23:15:07] A_: no back and forth, and not a good application for mythtv, but interesting none the less
[23:15:13] pembo13_com: iamlindoro__, things got worse (i'm the dude from yesterday)
[23:15:25] pembo13_com: iamlindoro__, can't even use my regular frame grabber now
[23:15:34] iamlindoro__: It doesn't have any video outputs that I'm aware of (although I've seen mention of passthrough, which is easy to implement)
[23:15:44] iamlindoro__: pembo13_com: your guess is as good as mine at this point... I dunno
[23:16:03] pembo13_com: iamlindoro__ going to just put down the box and clean it up with some air
[23:16:15] iamlindoro__: pembo13_com: Can't hurt
[23:16:27] pembo13_com: the common thing is this broken socket error i get everytime
[23:16:37] pembo13_com: i have no idea what it means
[23:17:55] iamlindoro__: It means the backend opened the port for communication (whether that be streaming/video capture/etc) and remained unused so it expired AFAICT
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[23:21:20] A_: iamlindoro__: . . . auge-hd-pvr/
[23:21:27] A_: is what I was thinking of
[23:21:34] A_: The Ambarella chip also has an H.264 decoder and the Hauppauge HD PVR will ship with a video out, but.
[23:21:40] A_: The video out function will more than likely NOT be activated when the HD PVR ships (and possibly never, for reasons relating to the Ambarella driver)
[23:22:17] iamlindoro__: Ah-- I expect it's component out, which I'd rather not use, personally-- anyone using h.264 should buy themselves a proper machine anyway :)
[23:23:26] iamlindoro__: I know for a fact that at least one of the things in that article is dead wrong, though (regarding maximum bitrate) so I'm not sure how much stock to put in the rest
[23:23:58] A_: oh I only trust blog posts as far as they can properly cite sources
[23:24:49] pembo13_com: A_, what if it is the source?
[23:25:16] iamlindoro__: pembo13_com: It's not-- I've seen that guy's twitter, he claimed to be speaking to a Hauppauge engineer about it
[23:25:31] pembo13_com: i see
[23:26:23] iamlindoro__: But as always, it's a game of telephone-- and we have our own Hauppauge Engineer sources in here that I trust more than the third-hand :)
[23:26:37] A_: pembo13_com: depends on what I'm writing for, but unless I could get verification I'd almost never cite a blog unless it had an amazingly good reputation
[23:27:27] pembo13_com: A_, cool... was curious, always hear people say these kind of things, and I wonder, "what if it is the source", are you going to ignore it just because it's a blog or what not... but I', OT
[23:27:29] pembo13_com: sorry
[23:28:21] A_: I'd trust it as much as an anonymous email or voicemail
[23:28:42] A_: without secondary sources I don't think I'd even mention it
[23:28:57] A_: or their primary source, then I'd quote the primary and give attrib to the blog
[23:30:34] A_: I don't think I've got an AP stylebook new enough to cover blogs, I'm curious what they have to say on the subject
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[23:34:45] ** Thomas- gives two thumbs up for 021-fixes branch, works great **
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[23:46:20] borga2: How come I have to remove access control in order to make asx streaming work!?
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[23:52:05] directhex: there we go, directhex saves the galaxy from the sith. huzzah
[23:54:50] GreyFoxx: jams: Cool!
[23:55:18] Justin__: anyone seen this: I have mythfrontend running on a second display (using export DISPLAY=:0.1). It was working fine in 0.20, and the menus work in 0.21, but video playback is confined to the dimensions of display 0, but on display 1!
[23:55:55] Justin__: display 0 is a 720p monitor, display 1 is a 1080i hdtv. playback is on display 1 like it should be, but in a 1280x720 box in the corner
[23:56:04] directhex: Only the sharpest eye, the keenest nose, the quickest ear and the fleetest toes
[23:56:05] directhex: Can ever outfox the Fox
[23:56:13] jams: GreyFoxx- it was $2 cheaper, any more and they would have lost money
[23:56:30] directhex: Only the stoutest arm, the bravest heart, with a magic charm and a good head start
[23:56:31] directhex: Can ever outfox the Fox
[23:56:33] GreyFoxx: hehe
[23:56:38] jams: also no firewire cable, they had about 60 6pin to 4 pin but no 6 to 6
[23:56:50] GreyFoxx: no worries, I can come up with those
[23:56:52] jams: i figure you can buy the cable yourself =)
[23:57:02] jams: the new one, actually has a firewire cable
[23:57:06] pembo13_com (pembo13_com!n=pembo13_@ has quit ("peace to all")
[23:57:07] GreyFoxx: yeah, already swirling around ideas for integrating it
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[23:57:21] jams: your going to hate me when you open up the demo unit
[23:57:30] jams: packing peanuts everywhere!
[23:57:34] GreyFoxx: heh
[23:57:38] Frosty-: Is it possible to setup LiveTV to prefer Tuner 1, and Scheduler to prefer Tuner 2?
[23:57:49] jams: got them all over my room to
[23:58:10] jams: at any rate i will get them shipped out soon.
[23:58:36] GreyFoxx: sweet, can't wait to play with it
[23:58:38] jams: tomorrow i have to drive to chicago, so maybe friday.
[23:58:52] jams: don't want to deal with usps on the weekend
[23:59:09] GreyFoxx: hehe
[23:59:29] A_: 16468 is 0.21, right?
[23:59:31] jamesd (jamesd! has joined #mythtv-users

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