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Tuesday, February 26th, 2008, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:12] justinh: have to skip them manually anyway in the UK land
[00:00:55] directhex: anything that's just a upnp client has no commercial skipping
[00:01:10] directhex: commercial flagging is stored in the db, db access requires explicit mythtv support
[00:01:17] justinh: since I don't use livetv, ch+ & ch- are skip+ and skip- :)
[00:01:46] justinh: AFAIK there aren't any that can do arbitrary skips either
[00:01:50] rcohen (rcohen! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:02:08] justinh: I don't know of any standalone hardware pvr that can
[00:02:31] justinh: you'd be amazed how many mythtv features you miss when you try going without :-\
[00:02:48] solexious (solexious! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:03:11] GreyFoxx: directhex|bsp: I have a fix for what is likely causing the folder issues
[00:03:20] GreyFoxx: I just need to wait til my recortdings for tonight finish to test it
[00:03:32] justinh: how noisy is a PS3 anyway? somebody brought an xbox360 into work the other day & it made me forget all about the possibility of buying one for TV usage
[00:03:46] GreyFoxx: yeah the 360's are loud
[00:03:57] tank-man: 360 is way louder than ps3
[00:04:18] GreyFoxx: if I make as much progress tomorrow as I did today I might have the mkv/mp4 seeking done too, but I can't promise that
[00:05:04] justinh: anyway come the hud revolution in this house I'm going to need a bigger box for my frontend. That 1080 h.264 is gonna mean more cooling
[00:05:44] GreyFoxx: Now with the flatscreen and the projector I can really see the diff between HD and SD content
[00:05:49] GreyFoxx: the difference is amazing
[00:05:52] justinh: course, I could try making a new front panel for my LC02 of course
[00:06:12] justinh: then the dvd drive wouldn't stand a chance of touching the HSF
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[00:09:43] directhex: the xbox 360 is mostly loud due to the optical drive
[00:11:01] justinh: and the fan
[00:11:18] justinh: never heard the drive spin up, so by gum it must get loud then
[00:11:37] justinh: and our lab ain't exactly the kind of place to hear a pin drop
[00:12:11] directhex: the ps3 gets noisy when it's hot
[00:12:22] directhex: but is fairly quiet when it's not
[00:12:34] justinh: fine, but does it get hot when playing h.264 BBC HD? ;)
[00:12:36] rcohen: is anyone aware of a problem recording audio with a plextor tv402u in recent svn?
[00:13:17] directhex: justinh, it doesn't get hot on 1080p h264 blu-ray, so presumably not
[00:13:55] justinh: heh. cool, in that case
[00:21:02] stowaway-atwork: i have 2 fans in my xbox360.
[00:21:05] stowaway-atwork: had to put another 1 in
[00:21:08] stowaway-atwork: bloody loud system
[00:21:54] runoff_B (runoff_B!n=tmacdona@Gatehouse.CambridgeMA.GOV) has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:22:30] mirak (mirak! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[00:30:23] blackest (blackest! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:32:38] hadees: can nuvexport export hdtv? in 720p?
[00:33:03] xris: sure
[00:33:28] ** xris has nice deinterlaced 720i copies of planet earth downsampled from 1080i **
[00:33:53] xris: you wouldn't really want to go from 1080i to 720p... but 720p->720p would work
[00:34:19] hadees: xris, how do you know if what they broad casted as?
[00:35:13] davez0r (davez0r!n=Miranda5@ has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
[00:36:04] xris: nuvexport should tell you
[00:36:42] xris: but in general, most stuff is 1080i. Fox is the only broadcast channel I know of that does 720p (at least in my area).. and then I think most HD cable is 720p, except for discovery
[00:37:14] ** xris wants an hdhomerun to play with **
[00:37:25] rcohen (rcohen! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:37:50] rambo3 (rambo3! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:29] rambo3: can anyone test this chess game i made for media center?
[00:39:13] psofa (psofa! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:41:50] kdubya: how does it work?
[00:41:56] kdubya: do you need a keyboard or can you use your remote?
[00:42:18] rambo3: i am sorry wrong channel , it was for mediaportal
[00:44:00] mo0dbo0m (mo0dbo0m! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:44:00] Puhi (Puhi! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:44:00] kdubya: heh
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[01:00:01] jams: schedules direct working ok for people? my guide data runs out tomorrow
[01:15:45] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:16:32] Chutt: jams, i have full data here
[01:17:25] TelnetManta (TelnetManta! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:19:26] xris: jams: manual update work?
[01:20:09] jams: table was corrupted.
[01:20:28] jams: looks to be working now
[01:21:44] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:22:13] siXy (siXy!i=siXy@ has quit ("bye!")
[01:26:34] Kernel (Kernel!n=root@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:26:53] sphing: hadees: abc is 720p60 for me
[01:27:00] sphing: seattle area
[01:28:07] Kernel: hello all. im trying to play some 1080p video on my 24 incg monitor. its resolution is 1920x1200...but i still seem to have rather large letterboxing on my video...shouldnt i only have very small black boxing around the top and bottom?
[01:28:34] Kernel: im using mplayer for the video player and i threw it -monitoraspect 1920x1200
[01:28:58] sphing: in nonfullscreen does it have the black bar? Its possible the video itself has the bar no?
[01:29:14] Kernel: no. no black bars when not full screen
[01:29:42] radi0head (radi0head! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:31:52] Kernel: mplayer -lavdopts threads=2 -monitoraspect 1920x1200 -fs -quiet -vo xv %s is the full command im passing it
[01:40:51] ** cafuego kisses Mauro Carvalho Chehab **
[01:43:35] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has left #mythtv-users ()
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[02:13:20] espacious_ (espacious_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:13:43] BathoryQuorthon (BathoryQuorthon! has left #mythtv-users ("Great Hall Awaits a Fallen Brother")
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[02:21:38] iamlindoro_ (iamlindoro_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:23:30] runoff (runoff! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:19] runoff: mythdora, mythtv archive, stopped DVD creation, now when intiating "create CD" defalts to the old log file that does nothing. Is it as simple as deleting a log file some where? Thanks for any help.
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[02:43:25] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:53:16] EnderTheThird (EnderTheThird! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:54:15] runoff: default
[02:54:19] EnderTheThird: A few weeks ago, I remember checking out a Bit Torrent client that could be installed on a server so you could access the GUI through Apache. Anyone know what that application might have been?
[02:54:37] iamlindoro_: torrentflux
[02:54:51] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:54:54] iamlindoro_: or torrentflux-b4rt for the fork with more options but is harder to use
[02:54:58] EnderTheThird: iamlindoro_: sounds familiar. I'm pretty sure that was it. thanks. you ever used it?
[02:55:20] iamlindoro_: yup, have used it. It's good but I seldom need BT so haven't got as much experience as some might
[02:55:26] a1fa: hello
[02:55:43] EnderTheThird: alright
[02:55:56] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:56:15] EnderTheThird: hmmm, well how about that, it's even in the Ubuntu repo's
[02:56:26] iamlindoro_: the ubuntu install sets it up broken as I recall
[02:56:38] gandalfcome_ (gandalfcome_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:56:40] EnderTheThird: ha, figures. i'll find out in a minute
[02:56:43] iamlindoro_: directhex wrote an article including some install info on it, I believe
[02:57:48] johndbritton: anyone know how to enable FM radio on PVR-500 cards?
[02:58:59] iamlindoro_: johndbritton: I'm not aware of there being anything to "enable," but myth doesn't do radio
[02:59:44] EnderTheThird: appears to be set up alright. i was able to login as Administrator and adjust settings
[02:59:54] iamlindoro_: ivtv driver drives the radio, though, as /dev/radio0 usually
[03:00:20] johndbritton: iamlindoro_: perhaps enable isn't the best word, how can i use it? ive tried running the 'radio' command line utility but it gives a no such device error.
[03:00:58] iamlindoro_: johndbritton: Dunno, you'd probably need to install some radio application for linux and look into that-- it's sort of OT for myth
[03:01:24] johndbritton: it was looking at the wrong device did radio -c /dev/radio0 and it opened up... im not sure if i have sound yet though
[03:01:44] runoff (runoff! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:04:22] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[03:10:19] amrit|wrk is now known as amrit|bbl
[03:13:04] westside (westside! has quit ("shuts down to swap video card")
[03:17:02] iamlindoro_: Mmmm, from the fine people who brought you *shudder* the new MythWeather, Google announces GSOC 2008
[03:17:29] EnderTheThird: iamlindoro_: don't remember much at all about torrentflux then?
[03:17:49] iamlindoro_: EnderTheThird: only a little bit, if it's not that out there I might know
[03:18:08] iamlindoro_: i mean, I still have it installed, just use it occasionally when I want to kick something off from work
[03:18:35] EnderTheThird: iamlindoro_: any idea why it'd give an invalid path for a download directory on a different HDD? I chmod'd 777 to it like it said, but it's still giving an invalid path error
[03:18:54] iamlindoro_: Oh. Hmm, no, I don't know, I download to the drive mounted at /, so I dunno
[03:19:08] iamlindoro_: unless the dir is a symlink or something
[03:19:11] a1fa: woot ->
[03:19:32] EnderTheThird: Yeah, I might have to do that now. You remember what the default for it is?
[03:19:53] iamlindoro_: it's /usr/local/torrent I think
[03:20:04] iamlindoro_: just checked, yep
[03:20:30] iamlindoro_: going afk for a few, good luck for now
[03:20:36] EnderTheThird: thanks. later
[03:23:25] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:26:58] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:30:47] EnderTheThird (EnderTheThird! has quit ("Leaving")
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[03:35:09] espacious_ is now known as espacious
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[03:37:44] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[03:41:57] DustyBin: this forum kicks ass
[03:42:00] DustyBin:
[03:44:35] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:49:07] nuonguy (nuonguy!n=john@nat/sun/x-1511159382328649) has left #mythtv-users ("Kopete 0.12.7 :")
[03:49:44] whodat: if i start watching a show before its done recording, once it stops recording my progress bar shows 2 hours when it is only an hour show... is this a bug?
[03:50:35] cesman: sounds like it
[03:53:56] iamlindoro_: whodat: is it a hi-def show?
[03:54:00] whodat: yes
[03:54:19] iamlindoro_: has to do with the first frames being 29.97 fps, and the show itself being 59.97 fps
[03:54:26] whodat: if i exit to the main menu and then play the show again, the progress bar is correct
[03:54:56] iamlindoro_: there's a ticket for it in TRAC
[03:55:29] levander (levander! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:56:06] levander: After you've ripped a DVD, what's the easiest way to go back and see what quality level you burned it at in MythArchive?
[03:56:22] whodat: tonight for instance.. i watched sarah connor chronicles. recorded from 10:00–11:00. i started watching it at 10:20. i think it didnt show as 2 hours until i went to forward past a commercial and it was past 11:00 so the show was done recording, but i was still watching it (since i was 20 min behind)
[03:56:51] iamlindoro_: whodat: like I said, known (and very old) bug
[03:57:24] iamlindoro_: since length is reckoned by # of frames divided by what myth perceives as the fps
[03:58:02] iamlindoro_: if you, for example, cut every single 29.97 fps frame out and leave only the 59.94 fps ones, the length will be correct
[03:59:03] whodat: ahh
[03:59:25] whodat: so how come the progress bar is correct when i play it again at a later time then?
[04:00:12] iamlindoro_: probably applies some logic to the completed recording that can't be applied to an in-progress one
[04:00:35] whodat: yah that makes sense
[04:00:57] whodat: so its prolly not fixed in .21
[04:01:03] mikeones (mikeones! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:01:31] iamlindoro_: Nope, not according to the ticket, anyway
[04:02:09] levander: Is there any "what's new in 0.21" page anywhere?
[04:02:29] iamlindoro_: sure, right at the top of the front page of the wiki
[04:02:36] whodat: can you paste the url for this ticket?
[04:02:40] iamlindoro_:
[04:02:49] whodat: thx
[04:03:14] iamlindoro_: np
[04:03:23] levander: iamlindoro_: thanks
[04:03:27] iamlindoro_: np
[04:03:39] cesman: levander:
[04:05:05] levander: Very little new features I'm interested in in 0.21. Have they released a bunch of bug fixes in it? Like maybe re-arranged a few things in the UI that are a little confusing?
[04:05:40] iamlindoro_: levander: there a literally hundreds of new things in .21... the big ones are the opengl video renderer from the mythtv-vid branch merge and multirec, to my mind
[04:06:00] iamlindoro_: but many many many bug fixes, flash streaming in mythweb, etc., etc.
[04:06:03] levander: What's multirec?
[04:06:27] levander: And, is opengl video renderer kind of like xvmc? Since opengl can be hardware accelerated?
[04:06:36] iamlindoro_: the ability to, when recording ATSC or DVB, record multiple channels when they exist on the same multiplex, with a single tuner
[04:06:44] levander: iamlindoro_: Yeah, I'm looking at the plugins. It looks like a lot of them have been updated.
[04:07:16] levander: How do I know if two channels are on the same multiplex?
[04:07:43] whodat: iam: interesting... "Actually I don't think they are. The temporary display of doubled length of a recording (when recording completes while you're watching the recording) is caused by the length reported by the recorder, which doesn't know the frame rate at all."
[04:07:44] iamlindoro_: if you change between them and myth reports "On same multiplex..." in the OSD
[04:07:59] Anduin: levander: or you can look at the channel table
[04:09:09] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:09:34] levander: I wish there was a way to tell what quality level in MythArchive I've ripped these DVD's at. That's not in 0.21 is it?
[04:10:28] cesman: MythArchive doesn't rip DVDs
[04:11:10] cesman: MythArchive allows you to _archive_
[04:11:24] levander: Oh yeah, I meant MythDVD.
[04:11:38] czth__ (czth__!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-d82507a0c1ec5262) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:14:30] haggus (haggus!n=rankin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:17:22] whodat: i get "ingBuf(/myth/tv/1008_20080225230004.mpg): Waited 2.0 seconds for data to become available..." every once in awhile. (maybe once or twice on a show.. not every show) is this because my hard drive couldn't keep up?
[04:17:58] iamlindoro_: whodat: That's one of those things that could be caused by about 100 slowness issues
[04:18:22] whodat: oh boy hehe
[04:18:32] iamlindoro_: and, like the NVP prebuffer pause, is a pain to nail down
[04:18:43] whodat: i upgraded to 2gig thinking that would help, it didnt.
[04:18:51] iamlindoro_: because it could be busy hard drive one time, slow tuning the next, etc.
[04:19:52] whodat: i know its not my proc, its a dual and always below 1.0 on top.
[04:20:16] whodat: and it cant be the memory now.. so hmm
[04:20:29] carvajal (carvajal!n=carvajal@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:21:02] whodat: maybe i should stop using ext3?
[04:21:35] iamlindoro_: ext3 is usually fine, you'd only potentially see real issues if you were deleting giant files while watching
[04:21:40] MavT (MavT! has quit ("Leaving")
[04:21:47] whodat: ahh
[04:23:14] whodat: do you ever get them?
[04:28:05] czth_ (czth_!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-742ef7d507fbbe9c) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:28:09] iamlindoro_: I nope
[04:28:21] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:34:13] fryfrog: whodat: do they actually cause pauses in the video you are watching? or just show up in log?
[04:34:33] fryfrog: whodat: i do many times see errors in log, but it doesn't effect playback, so i ignore them :)
[04:35:32] bsdfox (bsdfox! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:37:12] squish103: me too
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[04:43:10] mchou: anyone here own a recent bona fide Intel motherboard? Just wondering how many of the fan headers (aside from the CPU) have PWM control......
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[05:20:48] xris: In case anyone here wants to read this:
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[06:02:11] califdreas: xris, I did (read it). Now I am processing the information ;)
[06:02:55] xris: heh
[06:05:44] loops (loops! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:09:29] califdreas: xris: did I miss a similar mail of yours on one of the mythtv lists, buried under some monster thread, maybe?
[06:09:58] xris: no
[06:10:01] xris: just on xmltv
[06:13:18] califdreas: ok, just wondering. I guess if I want to stay up-to-date, I should subscribe there too.
[06:14:17] xris: I plan to keep most of the conversation on that list, since it's the most appropriate place.
[06:15:27] califdreas: Anyway, you are proposing a project to ultimately make things like SD obsolete, or are we talking about supplemental information?
[06:16:21] xris: would love to make SD obsolete, but I doubt that would ever happen — there's too much other data that TMS has that we'll always need.
[06:16:31] xris: but TMS can't provide the channel artwork and other stuff like that.
[06:16:45] xris: nor is TMS fast enough to keep up with some local channel changes, etc.
[06:16:50] xris: (not to mention international info)
[06:18:14] califdreas: that makes sense. It shouldn't be too hard to come up with the information about the channels, though.
[06:18:25] califdreas: Much harder to keep the info well maintained.
[06:18:26] xris: right
[06:18:39] xris: channel info will also change a LOT less often
[06:18:54] xris: rather than hundreds/thousands of records daily, like program data
[06:19:29] califdreas: yep, I grew up with just four tv channels, and they never changed :P
[06:20:50] califdreas: so, not being a xmltv community member, I would still be interested in collection the data and keeping it in one place.
[06:22:13] xris: yup, that's my thought, too.. and xmltv seemed like the best umbrella to put it under
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[06:24:00] califdreas: I just subscribed to the user & devel lists so I don't miss how & where the website/-pages will emerge.
[06:24:26] xris: I'm not on -user
[06:25:30] califdreas: I wasn't sure, and they came as buy-one-get-one, so I subscribed to both :P
[06:25:48] Dagmar: You had to buy one?
[06:26:19] califdreas: well, it cost me about as much as my last mythtv update.
[06:26:39] xris: my last mythtv update cost me about $500.  :)
[06:27:02] califdreas: hm. did i enter cc information? i hope not!
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[06:30:47] califdreas: It's kind of strange that there are thousands of tv stations here in the us alone, and then a total of maybe 40 in a country like germany.
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[06:37:27] xris: not that many stations in the US
[06:37:33] xris: not really, anyway
[06:37:41] xris: local affiliates, but not really even that many of those
[06:37:54] Dagmar: There's mainly just four networks.
[06:38:36] [[thufir]] ([[thufir]]!n=[[ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:39:07] xris: abc,nbc,cbs,fox,cw,pbs
[06:39:36] xris: plus the networks that own the larger "cable" stations
[06:39:42] califdreas: the local affiliates are the part that's cut out in the german (and i believe european) market.
[06:39:46] Dagmar: Who is "CW"?
[06:39:54] Dagmar: PBS can barely be called a network.
[06:39:56] xris: Dagmar: used to be UPN and WB
[06:40:14] Dagmar: Ah...
[06:40:18] xris: Dagmar: yeah, but it's a station available throughout the country
[06:41:27] califdreas: i only watch three shows on cw: american super model (well, my wife watches that one), reaper & star trek.
[06:43:07] califdreas: I gather that stations like usa, tnt, fx and whatnot never will be available over the air, right?
[06:43:24] mchou: Dagmar: you dont know what you are talking about
[06:43:25] xris: can never know for sure...
[06:43:33] mchou: PBS is the largest network
[06:43:50] mchou: first in the nation to transition to HD
[06:43:52] xris: mchou: pbs isn't a single entity
[06:44:06] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:44:17] xris: then again, I guess that makes it a network.. wth lots of local affiliates
[06:44:22] xris: it's hardly the largest, though
[06:44:33] mchou: that's like saying cbs isn't a single entity
[06:44:57] xris: you type slow. I already corrected myself.  :)
[06:45:09] califdreas: it has some of the best programming, though (pbs i mean)
[06:45:17] mchou: word
[06:45:37] mchou: without PBS there's almost no point to getting free TV
[06:45:42] mchou: free as in beer
[06:46:00] cafuego: No PBS here and lots of point to free tv.
[06:46:06] mchou: although PBS is not technically "free"
[06:46:24] mchou: taxes pay for some of it
[06:46:46] xris: and donations cover the rest of it
[06:47:06] mchou: as well as "underwriting" :)
[06:47:24] mchou: that's a fancy word for commercials :)
[06:48:21] mchou: NYT is full of shit
[06:49:21] mchou: a few weeks ago they published an article "Is PBS really necessary?"
[06:49:51] mchou: and the PBS ombudsman pushed back with "Is NYT really necessary?"
[06:49:54] mchou: haha!!
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[06:50:13] xris: heh
[06:50:31] cesman: what a crap article
[06:50:32] mchou: considering NYT just bent over and let the shrub ream their asses
[06:50:47] cesman: if I ever make millions, when I go, it is all going to PBS
[06:51:27] mchou: NYT questioning PBS "legitamcy" is a real hoot!
[06:51:45] mchou: legitmacy*
[06:53:05] mchou: ok, seriously, who has a recent mobo from Intel? Enquiring minds want to know how many fan headers are connected to PWM
[06:54:36] mchou: whatever goes on at PBS pales in comparison to Judith Miller and Jason Blair
[06:55:06] mchou: dumbasses at NYT asleep at the wheel
[06:56:07] califdreas: sorry, mchou. can't help you with the Intel board.
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[07:06:48] ol_schoola: xris: just scored 2 pounds of frozen Montgomery cherries from Door County, WI
[07:07:06] mchou: ol_schoola: huh?? where?
[07:07:16] ol_schoola: bringing those and some Framboise to my Denver mead maker
[07:07:29] mchou: ol_schoola: frozen??
[07:07:49] ol_schoola: yep, seasonal but that's the source
[07:07:51] mchou: that's blasphemy, boy!
[07:08:12] ol_schoola: gotta get what ya can
[07:08:26] mchou: maybe
[07:09:10] ol_schoola: i didn't request em, Qeenbee did. i went for the New Glarus
[07:09:28] mchou: who is Qeenbee?
[07:09:40] ol_schoola: she runs the mead scene in denver
[07:09:56] mchou: damn.
[07:10:13] ol_schoola: well, stewards all the local events
[07:10:17] mchou: there are stills in denver? :)
[07:10:29] mchou: prohibition is over, ya know :)
[07:10:32] craig (craig! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:11:17] ol_schoola: stills are for rednecks, mead is the drink of kings
[07:11:23] mchou: lol
[07:11:29] mchou: so says you
[07:12:10] ol_schoola: lol, i do apreciate the art of distilling, especially what the Scots came up with
[07:12:22] ol_schoola: and the Mexicans
[07:12:40] ol_schoola: man do i miss Perfidio
[07:13:40] ** xris needs to put some effort into his latest batches of mead **
[07:13:55] cafuego: hmmmm agavero...
[07:14:05] mchou: note to self: don't make your own ethernet cables when you are using voip
[07:14:07] xris: blech. never could get the taste for tequila
[07:14:34] ol_schoola: nor could i till i found that stuff. hand blown bottle with a green cactus inside
[07:14:43] ol_schoola: stuff is/was liquid sunshine
[07:15:02] ol_schoola: federales took his distillery five years ago and locked him up
[07:15:03] ** xris will stick with rum **
[07:15:07] mchou: that's right, give you skin cancer on the inside!
[07:15:07] cafuego: Not, tequila != paint stripper
[07:15:14] cafuego: the latter is sometimes sold as the former
[07:15:19] ol_schoola: lol
[07:15:40] ol_schoola: xris: had and Sebastian's from Totrola, BVI?
[07:15:47] ol_schoola: s/and/any
[07:15:52] cafuego: ol_schoola: Btw, the irish came up with whiskey, not the scots.
[07:15:57] xris: ol_schoola: nope
[07:16:30] ** xris goes to find some wine.  :) **
[07:16:34] ol_schoola: cafuego: true, but the Scottish singles are my pref
[07:16:55] cafuego: I have to admit, it's all oakwater to me
[07:17:03] ol_schoola: xris: really smooth, fruity body in the darker
[07:17:53] cafuego: xris: Agavero is a sweet tequila liquer, more a dessert drink than anything else. Very nice.
[07:18:36] ** xris likes oak **
[07:19:06] xris: though I have to say, my most expensive oaky bottle of scotch is not my favorite.
[07:19:33] ol_schoola: were fixes to the hdhomerun channel scanning get thrown into 20.2-fixes? just rebuilt the MBE and it worked like a charm
[07:19:50] cafuego: oak is for building houses or flushing the toilet (chardonnay), not for drinking
[07:19:50] ol_schoola: xris: which one?
[07:19:57] xris: macallan 18year
[07:20:20] xris: my favorite is a 12 year glenmorangie aged in madeira
[07:20:25] xris: er, madeira casks
[07:20:49] mchou: cafuego: you sound like that guy in "Sideways"
[07:21:14] ol_schoola: xris: two thumbs up, very nice
[07:21:22] johndbritton (johndbritton! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:21:49] xris: cafuego: I've had some decent chardonays.. definitely not my fav, though
[07:21:55] mchou: cafuego: "No, if anyone orders Merlot, I'm leaving. I am NOT drinking any fucking Merlot!"
[07:21:58] ol_schoola: my brother scored a White & White some years ago. it was killed on his surprise 40th
[07:22:02] cafuego: mchou: I'm aiming for "The big lebowski". Am I far off? ;-)
[07:22:21] cafuego: mchou: Oh yeah. ABC wine. (Anything But Chardonnay)
[07:22:24] xris: heh, I've even had some ok merlots.  :)
[07:22:34] mchou: cafuego: never saw that movie. wouldnt know
[07:22:35] xris: though that ranks down there with chardonay in my book. heh
[07:22:42] ** cafuego prefers aussie shazzes **
[07:22:48] xris: mchou: it's a pretty good movie
[07:22:53] xris: cafuego: walla walla all the way
[07:22:54] cafuego: punch-in-the-face kinda wine
[07:23:13] ol_schoola: shiraz down under --- yum
[07:23:17] cafuego: mchou: When you find yourself in a silly mood, i can highly recommend it
[07:23:44] mchou: bah. that's the problem. Never in the mood for that kind of schtick
[07:23:54] xris:
[07:24:03] cafuego: mchou: feh. have some dope!
[07:24:04] ** xris prefers syrrah (same grape, different region) **
[07:24:22] ** cafuego hasn't found many decent ones of those down here **
[07:24:31] cafuego: Not ones I can afford anyway
[07:24:40] ol_schoola: xris: close to you?
[07:24:47] xris: ol_schoola: 4–5 hour drive.
[07:24:50] mchou: cafuego: as much as I might hate to admit it, I found nothing funny in a movie such as "There is something about Mary"
[07:25:15] xris: I went to school out there, and we've decided to make it a yearly venture. more remote than napa wine country, but MUCH MUCH better wine
[07:25:19] cafuego: mchou: That's because that's not a funny movie.
[07:25:21] ** ol_schoola admits it to **
[07:25:22] mchou: cafuego: movies like that never appeal to me
[07:25:29] cafuego: mchou: Coen brothers are soemwhat different.
[07:25:49] ol_schoola: i haven't even set up my pvr to capture analog cable yet
[07:25:59] mchou: Raising Arizona has been the only Coen Bro. movie I really liked
[07:26:22] ol_schoola: the atsc tuners are busy chewing up PBS shows (7 streams in my marketA)
[07:26:23] cafuego: xris: I'm a tad spoiled here, I live in Melbourne, surrounded on all sides by wine regions
[07:26:35] xris: cafuego: nice way to be spoiled.  :)
[07:26:43] cafuego: heh, true
[07:27:30] ** xris is currently drinking a 2001 charles shaw cab sav. cost me $3 back then. found it in the garage. **
[07:28:28] cafuego: there's not much in the way of US wines here, can't say I ever had one
[07:28:58] xris: make a walla walla one your first if you get the chance.
[07:29:15] xris: russel creek wins my vote from our last trip, but it's one of dozens of good wineries.
[07:29:17] ol_schoola: i've heard very good things about the NW
[07:29:26] ol_schoola: will add it to the list
[07:29:50] cafuego: Speaking of, I should pick a dinner to go with the wine
[07:30:04] ** cafuego trundles off to the kitchen and use up the porcini **
[07:30:30] mchou: nas-t
[07:30:31] xris: ol_schoola: I was impressed with the quality of the wine from this area... was never big into red wine before that trip, but it turned me into a wine snob.  :)
[07:31:01] ol_schoola: there's always a turning point. i haven't developed my sense for wines yet
[07:31:29] ol_schoola: the persistent oak overtones must be throwing it all off
[07:35:34] xris: ol_schoola: and I love oak. my favorite part of a good wine, red or whie.
[07:35:39] xris: well, depends on the wine. heh
[07:36:14] ol_schoola: that was a poor reference to my fondness of single malts ;)
[07:36:21] xris: ahh.. heh
[07:36:30] ol_schoola: but i'm getting there with wine
[07:36:33] ** xris ponders some of that, too... but I think one glass is plenty for tonight **
[07:36:48] xris: scotch, wine, rum, port, mead... it's all good.  :)
[07:36:55] mchou: Is mythphone still maintained, or is it dead?
[07:37:58] ol_schoola: i'm off to track down some obscure double bock to bring to Denver. and to think people used to drive Coors back to Chicago. oh the horror
[07:38:38] mchou: lol
[07:38:41] mchou: Coors
[07:39:19] ol_schoola: I'll give them this, it is a really cool looking plant
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[08:20:31] xris: mchou: for NODE in `plugreport 2>/dev/null | grep "GUID 0x00\(16b5fffeada121\|0f9ffffea0910a\)" | awk '{ print $2 }'`; do firewire_tester -r 6 -B -P 0 -n $NODE; done (where those are my guid entries)... saves time flushing with firewire_tester if the boxes keep changing ports
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[08:22:44] ** Dagmar boggles. **
[08:22:48] Dagmar: THAT saves time?
[08:23:01] Dagmar: Jesus... I don't want to know what the long-form is.
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[11:16:55] dserban: Where can I find some _good_ documentation on running lirc so that it controls both an ir receiver and an ir transmitter? (at the same time of course)..? I have no idea if I need to run two instances of lircd or if one will do. Etc etc.
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[11:18:52] justinh: spose is way too obvious
[11:19:18] str: how do i set the screen res and refresh rate in the latest knoppmyth?
[11:19:43] dserban: justinh: heh, yep. I've looked through the docs and can't tell what to do :( everything uses a serial homebrew adapter as a receiver, though... you may be right. I've probably missed something.
[11:19:44] justinh: same way you set it in any other linux. i.e. in xorg.conf
[11:20:13] str: /etc/X11/xorg.conf has no effect there is no XV86Config.4 and no xsetup wizard
[11:20:37] justinh: man xorg.conf ?
[11:20:56] str: i reduced the refresh rate and resolution already
[11:21:03] str: i dont think it is used
[11:21:23] str: /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[11:21:25] justinh: maybe bad EDID data from the monitor then
[11:21:40] justinh: need to make X & the video driver ignore it
[11:21:47] str: doesnt matter i've set it up heaps of times using xorg.conf
[11:22:06] justinh: oh well if it doesn't matter, you don't need any help. cheers
[11:22:31] str: not knoppmyth only knoppix debian ubuntu slax and redhat
[11:22:58] str: knoppmyth isnt liking the changes
[11:23:28] str: you would think it would be easy to choose a res that works with a television in knoppmyth
[11:24:08] str: 640x480 or 800x600 at 60hz im not picky at the moment
[11:27:32] str: Note: You'll still need to edit /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 to change the refresh rate or you CAN destroy your TV. / exciting (from knoppmyth FAQ)
[11:28:34] justinh: heh.
[11:29:41] directhex|work: ah, the days of TVs that don't just say "signal out of range"
[11:29:51] directhex|work: for that matter, the days of TVs with 4:3 resolutions!
[11:32:07] str: ok got it working just had to obliterate all modes except 800x600 @60 in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf about 70 or 80 lines no big deal
[11:33:57] justinh: anyway it's totally unlikely you can 'blow' any TV connected through a VGA card TV out. The onboard TV encoder generates the timing etc, it basically just converts & scales a VGA output to the selected TV standard
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[11:37:34] str: actually its an old monitor that doesnt autodetect properly and only supports those video modes i just put in
[11:37:47] directhex|work: oh, look, distro with shitty hardcoded modelines causes issues
[11:37:52] directhex|work: i'd have never expected THAT
[11:38:01] str: but i want to be sure its not going to put out 1600 res to my tv
[11:38:31] fryfrog (fryfrog!n=fryfrog@gallery/fryfrog) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:43:38] justinh: str: if there's only one mode defined in xorg.conf....
[11:43:58] justinh: and besides as I've said you can't hurt the TV using a VGA card's TV output (composite or svideo)
[11:44:51] str: yeah it is working now
[11:46:44] str: yeah but my monitor is unusable unless the res is 800x600 or lower and refresh rate is 60hz thats what i wanted to set
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[11:52:02] str: aah david caruso!!
[11:52:15] str: thats not what i wanted to see
[11:53:18] str: well it tunes ok but the video is pretty crappy has anyone got this working with onboard video?
[11:53:35] str: im using intel 835 i think integrated
[11:55:32] justinh: I've had to hack the intel driver code to get my tv out working properly in PAL mode
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[12:18:56] str: is it intel onboard?
[12:19:33] justinh: yup
[12:19:55] justinh: intel don't make VGA cards
[12:20:28] Dagmar: Meh.
[12:20:35] Dagmar: This is entirely off-topic, but...
[12:20:46] Dagmar: justinh: Would you be so kind as to tell me whether or not comes up for you?
[12:21:20] justinh: Dagmar: slow but yeah it's loaded
[12:21:30] Dagmar: I am 99% sure the issue one of my monitors is reporting it basically "BellSouth can't manage their routes properly" but I would feel better about it if I knew for sure.
[12:21:34] Dagmar: Okay thanks *very* much
[12:22:06] Dagmar: I can get to it _fine_ from here, but BS seems to have managed to break their peering point four hops up from the machine with the DSL line we use as an external monitor.
[12:22:29] Dagmar: It's 6:22am here and I'm trying to avoid calling someone during their morning rituals to check it out.
[12:22:45] opentrinity (opentrinity! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:22:52] Dagmar: Having checked this three different ways now, I'm definitely just faulting BellSouth and there's not much we can do about them.
[12:23:22] Dagmar: I expect the thing will respond a little "slow" since you're in the UK and we're in Nashville.
[12:23:33] Dagmar: BTW, yes, that's the university I work for, and why I keep these weird hours.
[12:23:52] Dagmar: Nashville, TN, USA, to be specific.
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[12:27:06] directhex|work: fine for me
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[13:22:48] directhex|work: bloody hell. cowon a3 handheld media player jobby: h264, ogm, mkv, 720p
[13:28:25] justinh: effsakes. hits on my site are going _up_
[13:29:05] bowlarium (bowlarium! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:29:28] ** directhex|work hits justinh's site **
[13:29:53] justinh: stuff is sposed to become less popular in the runup to its demise
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[14:04:56] Ojg: where do i change so mythtv doesnt always record livetv ?
[14:05:42] GreyFoxx: Ojg: It's not optional
[14:05:54] GreyFoxx: You can't pause/rewind LiveTV if you aren't recording it
[14:06:17] Dagmar: If yer disk space is that tight, you're definitely using the wrong thing to watch TV with.
[14:06:30] justinh: if you don't want everything to be recorded, it's simple. don't use mythtv
[14:07:06] Ojg: lol calm down ppl just asking ... and no i dont have any problems with space just a question
[14:07:22] Dagmar: No one's excited actually.
[14:07:32] Dagmar: TvTime is actually quite sweet.
[14:08:03] Ojg: havent tryied tvtime yet =>
[14:08:07] Dagmar: I used to love it before I found out someone was making something more useful than a framegrabber card.
[14:08:21] Dagmar: It's "teh bombdiggity" for framegrabber cards.
[14:08:34] Dagmar: ...just zero recording capabilities.
[14:08:48] justinh: the OSD looks like TV OSDs too. FWIW
[14:11:41] Dagmar: Wow these people on the MythTV Sucks page just don't get it.
[14:11:55] justinh: no comment
[14:12:07] Dagmar: SCHOOL IS NOW IN.
[14:12:09] Dagmar: (phear)
[14:12:37] Ojg: okey another question, i cant locate where i enable cx88-alsa from the menuconfig =/ anyone feel like sharing the config string ?
[14:13:11] Ojg: oh nvm from the string =P
[14:13:44] Ojg: found the string *
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[14:22:28] Dagmar: I really would like to kick someone at Apple in the nuts about this six button thing.
[14:22:56] Dibblah: Why? It's perfectly valid for their UI.
[14:23:18] Dibblah: Just because it brings up shortcomings in Myth's UI is no reason to hate it.
[14:23:25] Dagmar: _Their_ UI?
[14:23:35] Dagmar: Their UI for what, tho?
[14:23:43] Dibblah: Frontrow /...
[14:23:47] Dagmar: If you're playing a single, standalone video, sure it's fine.
[14:23:54] Dagmar: We, however, are not.
[14:24:14] Dagmar: PVR or not, there's still the viewing of live TV to be considered, and it requires more than six buttons.
[14:24:20] Dibblah: Okay. Take an example.
[14:24:40] Dibblah: Myth, pretty much the only way to select a channel is to type the name or go to the guide.
[14:24:56] Dibblah: The only way to sort this really is by number or by name.
[14:25:05] Dagmar: ...or just put chan+ or chan-
[14:25:10] Dagmar: s/put/push/;
[14:25:19] Dibblah: In most other live-tv-able things, you can bring up a menu of channel groups.
[14:25:47] Dibblah: ("DIY / Shopping / ...")
[14:25:48] Dagmar: Yes, complex navigation that has multiple axes behind it would require a special indicator.
[14:26:01] |Torg| (|Torg|! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:26:07] Dibblah: There's a patch in Trac that allows groups, but it's not done yet.
[14:26:33] Dagmar: I can promise you the moment it's done people will want a one-button command that changes to the next channel in the group.
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[14:27:21] Dibblah: It's not done because it's difficult to come up with a convincing GUI in Myth for it, as far as I can see.
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[14:29:24] Dagmar: Either way, I am looking at things from an abstracted standpoint... one of what people are going to want to most commonly do while using Myth
[14:29:48] Dagmar: There's three axes involved (and I do mean the plural of 'axis') which kind of breaks using only six buttons.
[14:30:25] Dagmar: ...otherwise you have to drive people through menus they would not otherwise have to use simply _because_ six is just one button too short for a special exception button.
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[14:32:07] lsobral (lsobral!n=sobral@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:32:19] Dagmar: You've got the volume axis, the temporal axis, and the channel selection axis, and then you're basically out of buttons.  :/
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[14:32:54] Dagmar: One of these has to become a multiple-press operation for there to be any way to get to a menu.
[14:33:02] Dagmar: ...with only six buttons anyway.
[14:33:33] Dagmar: You could do it with a minimum of eight buttons, but ten is somewhat the golden number for this.
[14:33:57] Dibblah: Multiple or Press-Hold.
[14:34:17] Dibblah: From a usability standpoint, however, that sucks.
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[14:34:31] Dagmar: Two of the axes of control have an indicator that's neither forward nor back... Volume having a 'mute' toggle, and the temporal axis having a 'pause playback' toggle.
[14:34:35] Dagmar: exactly.
[14:34:55] Dagmar: You COULD make it work with six buttons, but it would become awkward and people would have to slog through menus that they would otherwise have no need of.
[14:35:13] Dibblah: As with all things, it's a compromise.
[14:35:59] Dagmar: Mainly I see it as 'unreasonable people kvetching that their unreasonable idea isn't being lauded as the great stroke of genius their little minds have decided it is.
[14:36:08] jackson: Who started the six button topic anyhow? That's just stupid. If people invest in the hardware for a mythsetup, do they shoot themselves in the foot with a six button remote?
[14:36:28] GreyFoxx: one comes with the mac mini and or appletv
[14:36:35] GreyFoxx: they don't wanna go get another :)
[14:36:36] Dagmar: jackson: The latest round was from a loon who put up a page on the wiki, and I am in the middle of dismantling their argument.
[14:36:47] Dagmar: greyFoxx: That's their problem.
[14:36:57] AcTiVaTe (AcTiVaTe! has quit (Connection timed out)
[14:37:00] Dagmar: I don't suppose anyone has a picture of said remote, do they?
[14:37:05] jackson: heh, apple and their one button mice and six button remotes... :)
[14:37:10] GreyFoxx: I own one, but no picture of it
[14:37:19] |Torg|: ?
[14:37:21] GreyFoxx: It's never left the box the macmini came in other than the first time I looked at it
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[14:37:49] Dagmar: jackson: Yeah, and people who fuss about why PCs "have" to have two buttons and act superior about it somehow seem to forget that their other hand is pressing a modifier key for anything more complex than email or a web browser.
[14:37:52] GreyFoxx: |Torg|: nah, it's a sleep little whit thing that looks similar to an ipod
[14:38:03] |Torg|: ?
[14:38:13] |Torg|: its a bit small, but I think thats what you mean
[14:38:24] GreyFoxx: That's the one
[14:38:27] jams: yep thats it
[14:38:32] Dagmar: |Torg|: I think the first URL is targeted at people who a really really high, and do not have a PVR.
[14:38:38] Dagmar: s/a/are/;
[14:39:01] Dagmar: Okay, so a side view on the Apple remote isn't useful
[14:39:03] |Torg|: I dont really care about remotes anyway, I use a RF keyboard on mine :)
[14:39:20] Dagmar: I would like to see the buttons on it close enough up so I have some specific ammunition.
[14:39:36] |Torg|: ir reciver was so simple to create it wasnt ven cool enough to use
[14:39:43] Dagmar: All I can see there is that they've basically cloned the iPod look on the thing
[14:39:48] GreyFoxx: What's a good RF remote these days? My Niveus bit the bucket and I need something for the projector frontend that wont conflict with the MCE remote in the same room
[14:40:32] Dagmar: They've sacrificed an axis of control to implement an "ok/go-ahead" symbol, and probably it's polar-opposite "esc/no"
[14:40:44] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:40:51] |Torg|: mine is an RF keyboard, not a remote, works about 1 room away, thats all
[14:41:03] Dagmar: Notably, FrontRow doesn't appear to be doing live television at all
[14:41:10] GreyFoxx: It doesn't
[14:41:12] jackson: GreyFoxx, If you were considering it, I was never impressed wtih the ATI remote wonderII even though it has quite a few buttons :)
[14:41:36] Dagmar: OKay, yeah I'm going to probably wind up writing a whole page on this but i'll see if maybe this last comment will shut these guys up
[14:41:55] GreyFoxx: jackson: My previous one was a universal learning IR remote+RF remote based on the same design as the original remote wonder. It was fine but died after a long hard life :)
[14:42:10] Dagmar: Why the hell these people don't _just use FrontRow and be happy with it_ I have no idea.
[14:42:16] |Torg|: thats the best I could find
[14:42:31] Dagmar: Oh wow
[14:42:32] Dagmar: Thanks
[14:42:44] ** justinh hands Dagmar a big box full of polythene bags, cable ties & duct tape. nothing else is going to shut those people up. leave em to it. just like the feature requests part of the wiki it'll go ignored **
[14:42:46] Dibblah: I'm afraid I have to admit to liking the MCE remote :(
[14:43:32] |Torg|: . . . d-suite.aspx works plug and play, no lirc setup
[14:43:48] GreyFoxx: Dibblah: I love mine
[14:43:58] GreyFoxx: but now I have asecond FE in the same room so I need something to control it
[14:43:59] Dibblah: That's just wrong.
[14:44:05] justinh: a livingroom is no place for a keyboard or mouse, no matter what
[14:44:09] |Torg|: Ive used it for years
[14:44:13] |Torg|: if it aint broke....
[14:44:36] |Torg|: and WAF is great, she loves the gyro mouse
[14:44:47] GreyFoxx: |Torg|: I had one of those. Originally bought for myth but I liked the keyboad so much I use it on my work desktop now
[14:45:02] justinh: what use is a gryo mouse with mythtv?
[14:45:04] |Torg|: where do you think the keyboard is now :)
[14:45:17] GreyFoxx: next to my old atari keyboard with the army of adapters to amke it work on modern systems
[14:45:26] jackson: GreyFoxx, if you don't need rf, have you seen the streamzap remotes?
[14:45:31] |Torg|: for mythtv, none. For using the tv as a really big computer monitor it works great
[14:46:10] Dibblah: The thing I beleive would advance Mythtv's setup is if lirc would just lay down and die ;)
[14:46:22] justinh: screw that
[14:46:27] |Torg|: Dibblah: exactly!
[14:46:31] jackson: lirc is fine once you wrap your head around it.
[14:46:37] justinh: nothing wrong with lirc. if people are too clueless to make it work that's their lookout
[14:46:41] Dibblah: That's the point.
[14:46:54] |Torg|: lirc is not user friendly,. it is hacker friendly tho
[14:47:06] Dibblah: Every single user of Myth has to go through the pain of an lirc initiation.
[14:47:09] |Torg|: problem is its too technical for common uses, too dull for advanced users
[14:47:20] justinh: Dibblah: seriously who gives a shit about users?
[14:47:33] directhex|work: lirc has a great design for the cutting edge 2.2 kernel
[14:47:37] Dagmar: Well, that's why I did all the cute little infographics
[14:47:38] Dibblah: devs = users / x.
[14:47:52] Dibblah: Where x is a bignum.
[14:48:01] Dagmar: Once people can "see" it working and can internalize what things happen and in what order, typically their problems go right away if they have any kind of science skills
[14:48:07] justinh: Dibblah: that doesn't answer the question
[14:48:14] Dibblah: Yes, it does.
[14:48:29] Dibblah: More good devs == good.
[14:48:36] PatrickDK: what lirc needs, is just a nice interface, that is like the keyboard editor
[14:48:47] PatrickDK: you press the button on the remote and it assigns it to that function
[14:48:50] justinh: ok then who's working for some kind of altruistic vision of utopian bliss? works for me, and that's enough
[14:48:51] Dibblah: lirc needs shot in the head.
[14:49:12] |Torg|: PatrickDK: the priblem is there is no standard IR remote protocall, its sorta like "ill just make up some off the wall binary string adn call it a remote"
[14:49:18] Dibblah: Entomb it in the input layer.
[14:49:30] |Torg|: IR remotes need standard, this is standard play, this is standrad stop, etc
[14:49:40] Dibblah: That's RC-5.
[14:49:47] justinh: if they'd decided from day one to call buttons standard things & use button codes like keyboards do, the whole thing would be a lot less painful
[14:49:47] PatrickDK: heh? I thought it could detect what was being sent to it
[14:49:53] Dibblah: And owned by Philips.
[14:49:55] PatrickDK: I'm sure it did for how I programed mine
[14:50:01] |Torg|: IF you have fromaing, IF you know there stop bits, yes
[14:50:09] justinh: |Torg|: not even that
[14:50:13] |Torg|: its why the lirc setup wants you to press a button over and over and over
[14:50:37] justinh: get lirc to output codes from 0 – 255, and let the app learn the buttons ?
[14:51:43] justinh: the real problem with lirc is the extra layer of complexity it needlessly adds
[14:51:53] |Torg|: I dunno really , I set up lirc long before dvrs existed. I did it mostly as a sience project. I spent hours teaching it what each button was, but in the end it had no real use that a keyboard could not do
[14:52:01] justinh: turns ir codes into another code, which an app then reads to use it
[14:52:09] |Torg|: I wanted a wireless keyboard, so when the RF keybaords came out I dropped lirc like a rock
[14:52:22] justinh: nothing beats an all in one remote
[14:52:32] DGnome: remote ft
[14:52:34] justinh: you can't turn your tv volume down with a wireless keyboard
[14:52:56] |Torg|: I can, I just dont
[14:52:57] jackson: justinh, with some the newer rf/ir keyboards you can.
[14:53:11] |Torg|: no reason I coulknt ir blast keybaord cmmands to my av receiver
[14:53:17] justinh: oh ffs
[14:53:31] justinh: that's not really a solution though
[14:53:40] |Torg|: and techically my keyboard has volume control, I could use it to control alsamixer
[14:54:17] justinh: not much use if you only use mythtv to watch recordings & videos though is it?
[14:54:38] MGisbers (MGisbers! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:54:52] |Torg|: proobly not, I use it as a console too when im too l;azy to get up and go to my office to chekc
[14:55:02] |Torg|: beats havina laptop sitting next to you
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[14:55:47] |Torg|: oh and quake on a 61" screen rocks
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[15:04:21] jarle: (seems like restarting the frontend fixes missing LMS)
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[15:17:58] Wonka: morning.
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[15:20:27] Wonka: I scheduled two series for recording, the second aired directly after the first. this channel likes to start airing too early or stop too late, and doesn't seem to send some sort of marker on when to start (would this be used anyway?), so I set it to record 5 min early and late.
[15:20:27] craig__ is now known as squidly
[15:20:44] Wonka: now these recordings conflict, despite being on the same channel.
[15:21:06] justinh: it's only tv :)
[15:21:30] Wonka: i know... but still i like my episodes complete...
[15:23:25] Wonka: another thing – this is DVB-T, with an adapter which passes in the complete bouquet, which is demuxed in software – shouldn't it be possible to record from two channels in that bouquet at once?
[15:24:45] quicksilver: yes, in principle
[15:24:51] quicksilver: however that feature was only recently added to myth
[15:24:55] justinh: in 0.21 it will be!
[15:24:56] quicksilver: and isn't present in any released version
[15:25:06] ** quicksilver nods **
[15:25:23] quicksilver: you may like to try building the SVN version if you're brave about that kind of thing.
[15:25:27] quicksilver: or wait for 0.21 if you're not.
[15:28:20] directhex|work: pay a small albanian man to do it for you
[15:29:03] craig_ (craig_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:32:08] Wonka: i'll wait :)
[15:32:37] Wonka: will it support "overlapping" recording of the same channel too?
[15:33:33] directhex|work: for digital
[15:34:07] Wonka: all digital here – analog terrestrial will be shut down
[15:34:33] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:34:37] Wonka: last question: when might 0.21 be released?
[15:34:56] directhex|work: twelvety days' time
[15:34:58] opentrinity (opentrinity! has quit ("Sto andando via")
[15:35:17] Wonka: "when it's ready"? *g*
[15:38:00] kslater: Wonka – where is here?
[15:38:41] iamlindoro: Italy I bet
[15:40:14] directhex|work: turkmenistan!
[15:41:12] iamlindoro: Everyone knows Turkmenistan has one PID on one mux and it is state television for make benefit glorious nation of Turkmenistan!
[15:41:28] directhex|work: that's khazakstan
[15:41:33] iamlindoro: I know
[15:41:41] iamlindoro: still sounded funny
[15:41:46] iamlindoro: to me *sigh*
[15:42:45] opentrinity (opentrinity! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:42:55] iamlindoro: I'm distracted by Final Fantasy VII on the NES!
[15:42:59] Wonka: kslater: near Kiel, Germany
[15:43:43] Wonka: i'd like some DVB-S2 USB Box which works under linux...
[15:43:52] iamlindoro: Wouldn't we all
[15:44:09] iamlindoro: too bad there are none with stable drivers yet
[15:44:24] iamlindoro: there are a fair number with experimental drivers, though
[15:45:43] jams: iamlindoro- good game that one
[15:46:15] Wonka: and some "stream me this channel via web, now"-feature...
[15:46:37] iamlindoro: jams, did you see the video of it posted on Kotaku? I cracked up when the opening scene battles seemed to be taking place in a forest...
[15:46:50] jams: could have done without the marching segment
[15:46:54] jams: i have not
[15:47:43] iamlindoro: jams, Ah, ok... apparently through some jiggery pokery someone remade the entire FFVII on the NES
[15:49:38] plb (plb! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:49:42] jams: watching it now
[15:50:05] directhex|work: iamlindoro, whatever next, remaking chrono trigger in full 3d?
[15:50:26] iamlindoro: directhex|work, Hehe... Square will only allow remakes so long as they look like poop, apparently
[15:50:47] iamlindoro: Solution: Chrono Trigger for the C64!!
[15:51:45] iamlindoro: directhex|work, I thought of you when I played a few minutes of Lost Odyssey the other day-- There was a , I shit you not, seven minute death scene
[15:52:02] iamlindoro: Kaim.................I knew..................... the flowers................they'd........
[15:52:05] jams: ah well time to go move some snow around
[15:52:08] iamlindoro: Bring you back to me......
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[15:54:14] directhex|work: iamlindoro, could be worse. how about an xbox 360 jprg where you play for 45 minutes before getting a title screen?
[15:54:19] directhex|work: or would that be silly... ¬_¬
[15:54:29] iamlindoro: hehe
[15:55:29] iamlindoro: I found myself cheering for the character to just DIE already
[15:55:31] gandalfcome_ (gandalfcome_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:55:44] PatrickDK: how do I change they keys for the guide?
[15:56:15] directhex|work: why are developers so bad at working out what makes their own games fun?
[15:56:23] iamlindoro: Utilitites/Setup->Key Settings (something like that)
[15:56:37] PatrickDK: iamlindoro, I am in there, I see nothing about the guide anywhere
[15:56:54] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:57:26] iamlindoro: all the keymappings for all of myth are, I believe, in there somewhere... If you want a more straightforward looking list you might also look at the key bindings in mythweb
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[15:57:41] iamlindoro: but it's more or less the same thing
[15:57:52] |Torg|: its in the mythconverg keybindings table
[15:58:50] PatrickDK: ok, same thing to both of you
[15:58:55] PatrickDK: there is no guide section anywhere
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[15:59:19] iamlindoro: PatrickDK, What is it you're trying to do exactly?
[15:59:26] PatrickDK: I see, qt, weather, video, teletext, tv playback, tv frontend, tv editing, phone, news, netflix, music, itvmenu, game gallery, archive, global, jumppoints
[15:59:37] PatrickDK: I want to make the channel up and down button do page up and down in the guide only
[15:59:43] |Torg|: try /mythweb/settings/mythtv/keys
[16:00:03] iamlindoro: program guide stuff is in TV Playback
[16:00:12] iamlindoro: (i think)
[16:00:22] PatrickDK: but will that also change the livetv keys?
[16:00:27] PatrickDK: cause I don't want to affect them
[16:01:04] |Torg|: yes pageup and pagedown are globals
[16:01:51] PatrickDK: no, channel up and channel down
[16:02:02] beakster (beakster! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:02:11] iamlindoro: PatrickDK, You'd need to look into contexts, it may be possible, but I don't know whether guide has a different context than livetv-- it may well
[16:02:28] iamlindoro: PatrickDK, This may give you an assist:
[16:02:30] |Torg|: Channelup is up, channeldown is down, pageup is 3 pagedown is 9
[16:02:31] beakster: Help please. My mythtv works fine, but ive just been on the roof installing a new antenna
[16:02:46] beakster: i need to know what the Signal, BE and S/N should read
[16:02:55] beakster: so I can turn the aerial to get the best signal
[16:03:04] |Torg|: beakster: it depends GREATLY on your card
[16:03:20] iamlindoro: PatrickDK, It makes sense to me that the guide should have its own cotext, so it should be a matter of setting the context to the appropriate one, and then bind the key like normal
[16:03:24] iamlindoro: er context
[16:03:32] |Torg|: I can tell you what they mean, but just about every chip out there displays them differntly
[16:03:50] beakster: |Torg| what should I be looking for while Im turning the aerial
[16:03:58] PatrickDK: heh, I can't find it anywhere
[16:04:01] beakster: should i be looking for the highest signal %?
[16:04:07] beakster: and the lowest S/N?
[16:04:35] |Torg|: beakster: signal, it may be doubbled, for example mine is in 2 hex digits XXZZ where ZZ=XX
[16:04:54] |Torg|: and SNR depends on chip, some show ber and unc as well
[16:05:14] beakster: i think both have Connexant chips
[16:05:41] beakster: currently i have "Signal 29% S/N 4.8dB BE going crazy
[16:05:54] |Torg|: ber?
[16:06:01] beakster: lookslike BE is scanning though all numbers between 0 and 999
[16:06:04] |Torg|: and what kind of card is this?
[16:06:06] beakster: not ber, BE
[16:06:31] beakster: Leadtek DTV 1000
[16:06:33] justinh: bit error
[16:06:44] beakster: oh, so BE should be as low as possible?
[16:06:50] |Torg|: signal, signal to noise, bit erro, uncorrected error
[16:06:51] justinh: myers
[16:07:12] beakster: no uncorrected error on mine, just (L) Lock
[16:07:17] beakster: and sometimes partial lock
[16:07:29] justinh: signal, signal to noise should both be as high as possible – though drivers have been unknown to lie & turn them upside down
[16:07:30] |Torg|: lock is goo, partial lock is not, you signal is very low
[16:07:42] beakster: I also have a WinTV Nova-T
[16:08:15] justinh: that's another domain cancelled. oh no how will anybody contact me? :-O
[16:08:15] beakster: |Torg| I have just bought a 58 element aerial and put it on the roof, running new double sheilded core straight to the card
[16:08:51] beakster: im running 20 metres of cable, could that be a problem?
[16:09:09] justinh: if you use shite quality connectors, yeah
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[16:09:34] |Torg|: bas connectors, yes, if you ran it along size your electric, yes
[16:09:43] |Torg|: if you are using a directional antenna and dont aim it, yes
[16:10:20] beakster: its running outside the house, so dont think electical wires are problem
[16:10:22] |Torg|: set it so it stays locked and status staus 1f
[16:10:26] beakster: it is a direciton antenna
[16:10:30] beakster: ive just been turning it
[16:10:44] beakster: the signal varied from 22% to 32% so i locked it as 32%
[16:10:58] |Torg|: if you tune the antenna make sure it is not 180 degrees off
[16:11:12] |Torg|: do you use a preamp?
[16:11:19] beakster: no
[16:11:22] beakster: no preamp
[16:11:33] ** justinh vanishes into the ether **
[16:11:35] justinh (justinh! has quit ()
[16:11:35] |Torg|: how far are you from the brodcase tower?
[16:11:37] beakster: problem hereis that half the antennas are pointing one way and half the other
[16:11:40] iamlindoro: *if* you have a Television with a similar tuner, you might get more meaningful signal info if you use that to aim the antenna
[16:11:43] squidly (squidly! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:11:53] beakster: i only have my myth box :(
[16:11:57] iamlindoro: ah
[16:12:31] beakster: so is a preamp what I need?
[16:12:37] |Torg|: also beakster you want to do this during the daytime
[16:12:47] |Torg|: a preamp, MAY help
[16:12:49] beakster: yes, its day time here
[16:12:54] beakster: in the UK
[16:13:00] beakster: 4:15pm, still daylight
[16:13:05] beakster: ive been on the roof for the last hour
[16:13:18] |Torg|: I know it is, I was just pointing out that at night the signal stringth will go up, dramticly
[16:13:30] beakster: ah, ok
[16:13:46] |Torg|: do you have a laptop? or a SO and a cellphone?
[16:13:54] beakster: SO?
[16:14:11] beakster: i have a cell phone yes, i was on the phone to flatmate who was inside looking at signal
[16:14:17] |Torg|: Signifiant Other
[16:14:21] beakster: i turned aerial to get best signal %
[16:14:30] beakster: which was 32%
[16:14:47] |Torg|: just chekcing, ive known people who tune it , climb down, check, climb up, repeat
[16:15:08] |Torg|: if 32% is truly your signal strnght you will need a preamp
[16:15:51] beakster: I have an amplifier/splitter next to the media centre
[16:15:55] beakster: its not connected right now
[16:16:05] beakster: but the plan was to use that to split signal to 2 TV cards
[16:16:05] |Torg|: apt it at the source, not at the end
[16:16:09] beakster: its powered by Mains
[16:16:19] beakster: ok, I have no power on the roof tho
[16:16:31] PatrickDK: according to the source code, the guide uses 'TV Frontend'
[16:17:36] beakster: can i get a preamp that doesn't need power to put on the roof?
[16:17:49] jblack: That reminds me. I couldn't find a company that still installs antennas.
[16:17:59] |Torg|: no but you can get one that is powred by coax
[16:18:09] beakster: oh, i've just unplugged antenna and signal goes to 100%
[16:18:11] PatrickDK: all preamps need power, get a outside one and it will do it
[16:18:16] beakster: but no picture obviously
[16:18:32] beakster: could this mean that when I saw 22% it was actually a better signal than 32%?
[16:18:48] beakster: like u said about drivers turning signals upsidedown
[16:19:02] |Torg|: like justinh said, some lie
[16:19:12] |Torg|: mine tells me my SNR is over 100% all the time
[16:19:24] beakster: ok, so u think i should go turn it 180 degrees?
[16:19:48] |Torg|: its posible you hav it backwards adn are reasong the reflections and not the real signal
[16:20:31] beakster: ok, back up on the roof then. thats for the help, i'll let u know how i get on if i dont fall off and die
[16:20:43] |Torg|: and if you need to aim it in two differnt directions you can either get a rotator or use 2 antennas and mux them
[16:22:24] |Torg|: status 1f | signal ffff | snr 7090 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK thats an overammped signal, screwed up the AFT but signal is ok
[16:22:51] |Torg|: status 1f | signal 9393 | snr 4ce7 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK thats a "normal channel"
[16:23:42] Puhi: ahem, is there some known problem with myth dvd playback?
[16:24:01] Puhi: menus work fine and so forth, but playback doesn't start
[16:24:11] Puhi: and the frontend keeps saying NVP: prebuffering pause
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[16:24:35] Puhi: i am able to skip back and forth and get still images from the dvd
[16:24:41] Puhi: but no running video
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[16:26:05] Puhi: hmm.. playback from the very beginning seems to work
[16:26:12] iamlindoro: puhi, does this happen with all disks or one disk?
[16:26:19] Puhi: but if i select a chapter to start from then no go
[16:26:33] Puhi: well this is the first one i'm trying
[16:26:45] iamlindoro: well, it would make sense to try others, no?
[16:26:53] jk1joel (jk1joel! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:27:02] iamlindoro: and if you've only tried one, I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's probably a fairly newish movie, right?
[16:27:04] Puhi: now i'm getting live video but no sound
[16:27:18] Puhi: this would be blues brothers 25th anniversary edition
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[16:27:49] iamlindoro: puhi, it's likely that you're running into something like ArcOSS protection or some similar type of protection that libdvdread can't deal with
[16:28:21] iamlindoro: where studios intentionally insert bad sectors on the disk to prevent reading/ripping on unauthorized players
[16:28:25] Puhi: oh
[16:28:48] iamlindoro: But that's just my assessment, you'd need to do research on your disk to find out more
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[16:29:15] Puhi: well ok then
[16:29:23] iamlindoro: also, hopefully you're got libdvdcss2 installed if you want to watch real disks
[16:30:41] plb (plb! has quit ("leaving")
[16:32:19] |Torg|: iamlindoro properly compoiled mplayer will play ArcOSS disks
[16:33:33] iamlindoro: |Torg|, *some* ArcOSS disks... there are multiple versions out and I'm not aware of anything short of ripping the disks after having generated a bad sector map that will work for those
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[16:34:06] |Torg|: ok, it will play MY ArcOSS disk, my xbox will not, by dvd player will not
[16:34:49] |Torg|: in fact my Sony DVD player will abort and shut down when I put in Sony ArcOSS disks
[16:34:59] directhex|work: |Torg|, by design
[16:35:06] iamlindoro: ArcOSS is nasty nasty
[16:35:13] directhex|work: |Torg|, if it plays, you can use a camcorder & make a copy!
[16:35:27] iamlindoro: theoretically you can return a ArcOSS disk for an unadulterated one, I doubt most people do it
[16:35:35] |Torg|: or I can "illegally" use css2 and watch it with mplayer
[16:35:47] iamlindoro: css2 has nothing to do with arcOSS
[16:36:24] |Torg|: ok whatever apt-get install put in with mplayer from debian-multimedia then, I thought it was the new libcss
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[16:40:25] iamlindoro: Yarrrrrrr, stupid XO is broken
[16:40:34] directhex|work: fix it then!
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[16:54:25] |Torg|: is there a command line tool that can tell me what is in each pid? I want to know the mpeg information of specific pids wihtout having to play with via something
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[17:06:23] plb (plb! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:06:47] plb: argh need help I can't seem to connect to myth log gives me this...
[17:06:50] plb: Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
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[17:15:09] jamesd: plb your passwd for mysql isn't correct.
[17:19:00] plb: hm
[17:19:10] plb: Where do I fix this?
[17:19:52] Dagmar: Hm... I suppose this "User interface blended with video" thing is one of the issues already solved in trunk
[17:22:14] |Torg|: plb try echo "select * from user where user='mythtv';" | mysql -u root mysql and pastebin what you have (you can blank out the password too if you like)
[17:22:29] plb: k
[17:23:07] plb: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)
[17:23:17] |Torg|: did you setup mysql at all?
[17:23:30] plb: yeah
[17:23:41] plb: I know my root password for it
[17:23:53] Ribs: you need to have the mysql parts of qt installed
[17:23:55] |Torg|: then use -p if you have setup a root password, default is non
[17:23:58] Ribs: that's a common thing to be missed
[17:24:01] bombadil[test] (bombadil[test]! has quit (Success)
[17:24:05] plb: ok
[17:24:40] plb:
[17:26:28] |Torg|: your password for mythtv at localhost is mythtv
[17:26:34] craig (craig! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[17:26:37] |Torg|: I dont know what it is for remote
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[17:26:51] plb: that's what I have in mythtv
[17:27:02] plb: mythtv and pw mythtv
[17:27:16] |Torg|: yes I know, its what *CC8F35F587CA5A556B4132C2407E556D92172FFC decodes to
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[17:27:42] |Torg|: and no I did not go crack it, it a one way md5 hash, I just know what the hash is for the particular string mysql
[17:28:14] plb: so why is myth log saying...Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
[17:28:41] |Torg|: well is the backend and the database on teh same box?
[17:28:46] plb: yep
[17:29:03] |Torg|: did you tell the backend to connect to the ip address of the box, or did you tell it localhost or
[17:29:12] plb: I tried both
[17:29:15] plb: get the same thing
[17:29:52] hcn (hcn! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:30:01] |Torg|: if you tell it to use the IP address of the box that passowrd is not the same as the localhost one, I dont know what *F5D7A9FE8EE7177FC7FAAF98B148F9B63D3EABA6 decodes to, but its not mythtv
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[17:32:51] hcn: anyone who can diretc me to a place where i can download the mc.sql file, just accidently turned the < sign the wrong way ?
[17:33:50] plb: argh
[17:34:05] Dagmar: It should magically reappear if you reinstall the mythtv package
[17:34:31] czth (czth!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-b446d9405111201e) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:35:10] iamlindoro: mc.sql is at, browse source
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[17:35:28] |Torg|:
[17:35:49] hcn: iamlindoro, |Torg| thanks :)
[17:39:01] beakster: |Torg| I sorted it! :)
[17:39:12] beakster: The antenna prob
[17:39:19] beakster: it seems low signal % is best
[17:39:20] |Torg|: beakster: so what was it?
[17:39:26] beakster: and i got the BE to 0 on all channels
[17:39:43] |Torg|: so your tunging data is inverse?
[17:39:47] beakster: i switched the aerial 180 degrees, that made some channels better, but some channels worse
[17:39:55] beakster: so then i rescanned channels
[17:39:59] beakster: and they are all perfect
[17:40:13] beakster: there are 2 transmitters here, so i think i was getting some from one and some from another
[17:40:40] beakster: but once switching it to the other one and rescanning it must have been getting them all from there, as opposed to before where some were the reflection
[17:40:44] beakster: thanks for the advice
[17:41:20] |Torg|: np, it took me a while to set mine correctly. I still have issues with one staiotns seems the bordcast only in one direction on HD and omnidirectional on analog
[17:41:34] beakster: what country are u in?
[17:41:45] beakster: We don't have HD terrestrially in the UK yet :(
[17:41:50] beakster: only by Sattelite or Cable
[17:41:56] |Torg|: US, its ATSC
[17:42:16] |Torg|: works, at least in the implimentaiton like DVB-T
[17:42:44] fryfrog (fryfrog! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:42:51] beakster: yeah, i think my cards support HD, but need to wait until 2009
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[17:44:13] xand (xand! has quit (" ")
[17:48:39] onixian (onixian! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[17:50:10] jamesd: beakster, most tv stations are broadcasting in digital today... no need to wait
[17:50:41] czth_ (czth_!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-81a997dcd8fdfa09) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:51:03] |Torg|: beakster whats your postcode?
[17:56:38] PatrickDK: I have 3 stations around me that are broadcasting
[17:56:49] PatrickDK: and all of them are crap
[17:57:13] PatrickDK: and one is transmitting on the incorrect freq, and they say they are going fix that in 2009
[17:57:46] |Torg|: I have 16, half of them are religious (as in televanvelist) and 1/4 are in spansish, leaves me aboue 6 that I can watch
[17:57:56] PatrickDK: heh
[17:58:12] |Torg|: I have a local PBS station that brodcasts at 1920x1088 (sic)
[17:58:20] |Torg|: altho the pid comes out at 1920x1080
[17:58:20] PatrickDK: I have pbs, nbc, and some other crap
[17:58:28] PatrickDK: the nbc is the fucked freq one
[17:58:39] |Torg|: ours is gogin to move, or so says the fcc doc
[17:59:33] PatrickDK: so says mine
[17:59:55] |Torg|: and my fox station bcasts teh wrong way
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[18:13:52] |Torg|: what is the yum equivilent of apt-get update? yum update is apt-get upgrade
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[18:18:35] directhex: |Torg|, yum updates its package list every time you do anything, AFAIK
[18:19:08] |Torg|: thanks, I was looking for equivs and couldnt figure out how to update the local repos
[18:19:09] xand: that must be why it's so slow
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[18:23:47] directhex: xand, it must!
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[18:27:50] Ojg: anyone know where cx88-alsa went in kernel 2.6.24 ?
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[18:40:58] Ojg: nvm
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[18:54:08] mardum: hello, I have a hauppauge wintv-pvr 150mce card- I have installed the ivtv driver and mythtv frontends and backends are running on a gentoo x86 box. I am trying to record video from an ULTRAK kq7300cn quad processor. My main question is: if I am not using cable, and in essence want only to record one channel, is mythtv the wrong choice, and if so, what program might I use instead? TIA
[18:54:43] iamlindoro: if you are using a quad, is it same to assume this if for security?
[18:54:50] mardum: yes
[18:54:53] iamlindoro: If so, Zoneminder is a better choice.
[18:55:08] mardum: iamlindoro: thx, will check into it
[18:55:12] iamlindoro: np
[18:55:54] Reiver (Reiver! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:56:41] DGnome: Oh man, my "cx88 IR Hauppauge Nova-T" interface in combination with lirc is causing slowdowns :/
[18:56:46] amrit is now known as amrit|wrk
[18:57:44] DGnome: how on earth should one debug the slowdown?
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[19:01:01] iamlindoro: Greater Toronto Area MythTV mailing list.... uhh... good luck with that
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[19:11:00] ARfdee (ARfdee! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:12:21] ARfdee: help friends, mythbackend won't start for me anymore:(
[19:14:04] directhex: and the logs say what exactly?
[19:14:04] ARfdee: oh, it's just the mythbackend script
[19:14:17] ARfdee: if i type mythbackend, it starts, but if i use the script, it has problems
[19:14:23] iamlindoro: directhex, Sure, use logs if you want to solve it the EASY way
[19:14:41] iamlindoro: *cough*mysql.txt for the correct user*cough*
[19:14:53] ARfdee:
[19:15:07] ARfdee: iamlindoro: as i said, the SCRIPT does not work, but running the binary does
[19:15:25] ARfdee: apparently there's a problem with the f8 mythbackend script in /etc/rc.d/init.d
[19:15:28] ARfdee: for .20.2
[19:15:40] ARfdee: cuz if i run /usr/bin/mythbackend it works fine
[19:15:53] Anduin: or a stale lock file
[19:15:58] ARfdee: Anduin: that file is not even there
[19:16:05] Dagmar: Whose script?
[19:16:07] iamlindoro: ARfdee, first off, thanks for the caps, second off, the script runs backend as a different user than you're trying to run mythbackend binary as
[19:16:11] ARfdee: that lock file, and see, it also gets an error about opening video device, etc
[19:16:27] Dagmar: Wait, what do I care anyway. Forget I said anything.
[19:17:02] ARfdee: iamlindoro: this just started after a recent upgrade of the myth rpms, it seems
[19:17:05] ARfdee: like, the one from yesterday
[19:17:14] ARfdee: the script had been working fine for months
[19:17:15] |Torg|: well first off there is a syntax error in whatever script upir using at or about line 30, per 03 inpastbin
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[19:17:30] |Torg|: secondly it crashed becase it could nopt open the video device
[19:17:32] i3ooi3oo (i3ooi3oo! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:17:33] ARfdee: |Torg|: yeah, that's what i had thought
[19:17:44] ARfdee: it also says it cant open log file, etc
[19:17:48] Dagmar: "ERROR: no valid capture cards are defined in the database."
[19:17:49] |Torg|: third it looked into your recordings directory, saw it was /mth/store and could nto write to the file
[19:17:51] Dagmar: Another giant clue
[19:18:12] ARfdee: |Torg|: .... again, i know it's a problem with the script
[19:18:25] Dagmar: So _who wrote the script_?
[19:18:30] ARfdee: Dagmar: what planet are you on?
[19:18:44] ARfdee: |Torg|: it's the atrpms mythtv rpms
[19:18:55] Dagmar: I'm on Planet-I-Have-A-Clue-And-Don't-Piss-On-People-Trying-To-Help-Me
[19:18:58] iamlindoro: ARfdee, you're not exactly making friends and influencing people here-- confirm you want people to *help* you?
[19:18:59] |Torg|: what is? All I told you is why it crashed
[19:19:08] ARfdee: Dagmar: you're always a jerk to people in here, so i don't expect anything from you
[19:19:10] Dagmar: This is a bug you should report to the people who maintain that init script.
[19:19:29] Dagmar: ARfdee: You can get stuffed, noob. I was TRYING to be nice and forgive you being a jackass two days ago.
[19:19:44] ARfdee: Dagmar: no, you made your typical condescending and obnoxious comments right after i came in
[19:19:50] Dagmar: Looks like there's no point in that.
[19:19:55] ARfdee: right, so, why are you talking?
[19:20:19] Dagmar: /ignore arfdee all perm
[19:20:24] ARfdee: thank you!
[19:20:46] ARfdee: |Torg|: i had thought perhaps others in the channel were using the atrpms myth, so they might have been familiar with what broke in the new version
[19:20:48] ARfdee: and how to fix it
[19:21:00] Dagmar: There's just no way in hell something like that error on line 30 should happen unless something's gone horribly, horribly wrong.
[19:21:30] ARfdee: atrpms just released a new version of some of the myth rpms last night and this happened after that, in terms of the script
[19:21:36] ARfdee: everything else seems to work still, though
[19:21:39] Dagmar: Someone's apparently been attempting to do something "clever" with shell variable assignment.  :/
[19:21:44] |Torg|: well a guess here, since I dont use redhat is that that init script somehow sets up some enviroment virables, one of which is the user it runs at, and fails to do so
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[19:22:27] Dagmar: Torg: You were dead on about that being a fishy thing to see
[19:22:32] directhex: well who'd use redhat by choice? O_o
[19:22:38] Dagmar: Well, lots of people actually.
[19:22:56] |Torg|: my guess is hes using Fedora, not redhat, but close enough :)
[19:22:58] ARfdee: ## Defaults, override them in /etc/sysconfig/mythbackend
[19:22:58] ARfdee: : ${MYTHTV_HOME=/var/lib/mythtv}
[19:23:01] iamlindoro: directhex, apparently the kind of person who goes from 0 to 11 when they don't get answers they like
[19:23:05] ARfdee: that seems to be the problem
[19:23:25] directhex: that looks like some rather dodgy shell scriptage to me
[19:23:38] ARfdee: im just confused why they changed it in the new rpm
[19:23:53] |Torg|: looks like they meant ${MYTHTV_HOME}=/var/lib/mythtv and misplaced a }
[19:24:02] |Torg|: id ditch the stupid init script and write my own
[19:24:05] Dagmar: To get bash to cough up that specific message, it has to be handed something like "export /var/lib/mythtv" as a line which means someone MIGHT have been trying to do something fancy like "eval export $VARNAME=blah" but I've no idea how it could lose the = unless that line in the script is really, really fouled up
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[19:24:46] ARfdee: |Torg|: hmm, no, more than that
[19:24:49] ARfdee: i added the }
[19:24:53] Dagmar: Torg: If it were that tho it would have said "export: `=/var/lib/mythtv': is not a valid identifier"
[19:25:08] ARfdee:
[19:25:11] Dagmar: No equals sign there, so... no idea what is wrong that just looking at the script wouldn't solve.
[19:25:25] |Torg|: yes Dagmar but its hard to diagmose one problem when you ahve one line of 40, probbly more I said it was a guess, I dint say it was a good guess :P
[19:25:28] Dagmar: ...but someone's probably just going to keep throwing their tantrum and refuse to consider that as a possibility
[19:25:38] Dagmar: No, it's a very good guess.
[19:25:44] Dagmar: Something has to be really bad wrong for that message to appear
[19:25:45] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[19:25:56] ARfdee:
[19:25:58] ARfdee: there's the script
[19:26:09] ARfdee: |Torg|: i added that }
[19:27:02] visit0r (visit0r! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:27:05] |Torg|: change 19 to MYTHTVHOME="/var/lib/mythtv" well if that is true, like line 24
[19:27:20] visit0r: is the AC3 breakage a well-known issue?
[19:27:21] |Torg|: err MYTHTV_HOME=
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[19:27:34] visit0r: I mean: WriteAudio: buffer underrun and sluggish as hell playback?
[19:27:39] visit0r: skamithi said it was due to ffmpeg merge
[19:27:49] Dagmar: He may well be right.
[19:27:51] ARfdee: line 24?
[19:27:53] \S2 is now known as S2
[19:27:57] ARfdee: OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --daemon --logfile /var/log/mythtv/$prog.log --pidfile /var/run/$"
[19:28:13] GreyFoxx: visit0r: You can enable the setting to use extra audio buffers
[19:28:14] Dagmar: ffmpeg is somewhat notorious for radical changes in SVN, and you just _don't_ want to try to use their stale release tarballs.
[19:28:19] GreyFoxx: see if that makes a difference
[19:28:21] iamlindoro: visit0r, Haven't run into that one myself
[19:28:22] |Torg|: yes ARfdee, that sets an env var called OPTIONS
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[19:28:29] ARfdee: no, but you said like line 24
[19:28:30] |Torg|: you want one called MYTHTV_HOME
[19:28:41] runoff_B (runoff_B!n=tmacdona@Gatehouse.CambridgeMA.GOV) has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:28:49] |Torg|: set MYTHTV_HOME *LIKE* line 24 sets OPTIONS
[19:28:57] ARfdee: oh ok
[19:29:09] ARfdee: so line 19 should be MYTHTV_HOME=/var...
[19:29:10] ARfdee: ok
[19:29:52] ARfdee: nope, didn't fix it
[19:30:10] craig_ (craig_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:30:15] |Torg|: didnt fix what? the syntax error in the init script?
[19:30:26] ARfdee: any user can access /dev/video1
[19:30:32] |Torg|: for that matter I dont now why you wanted to add that, simply crontol it via /etc/sysconfig
[19:30:34] ARfdee: so it's confusing as to why it would have that error
[19:30:37] Hoxzer: is there easy to query time of the next recording ?
[19:30:45] ARfdee: Hoxzer: mythweb
[19:31:04] craig_ is now known as squidly
[19:31:55] Hoxzer: I mean, like to command line
[19:31:58] Hoxzer: so script can use it
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[19:32:23] ARfdee: ooo, that's weird
[19:32:28] ARfdee: |Torg|: is this normal?
[19:32:29] iamlindoro: no easy way, but you could write a mysql query for that purpose that you could execute from the command line
[19:32:33] ARfdee: [root@home store]# su mythtv
[19:32:33] ARfdee: This account is currently not available.
[19:32:45] |Torg|: nope
[19:32:47] Dagmar: that would be a handy thing to scribble into the wiki somewhere.
[19:32:53] GreyFoxx: hoxer: A commandline get of the http status report? mythbackend --printsched and parse it ?
[19:33:03] JohnMahowald: ARfdee: Check the shell.
[19:33:33] ARfdee: JohnMahowald: how do you mean?
[19:33:46] visit0r: GreyFoxx: the "aggressive sound card buffering"?
[19:34:15] JohnMahowald: ARfdee: Your mythtv user has been disabled and has no login shell
[19:34:16] |Torg|: ARfdee: how long have you been using linux?
[19:34:24] ARfdee: torg, 2 days
[19:34:33] visit0r: GreyFoxx: the problem seems to occur only with spdif output
[19:34:36] ARfdee: JohnMahowald: would an update of rpms have done that?
[19:34:54] |Torg|: grep mythtv /etc/passwd, what does the last field (there seprated by :'s) say?
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[19:35:03] GreyFoxx: visit0r: T hat's not the option I was referring too
[19:35:07] JohnMahowald: ARfdee: I've not had to login as a myth user with my rpms
[19:35:11] ARfdee: /sbin/nologin
[19:35:13] visit0r: GreyFoxx: hmm I wonder which one then
[19:35:14] GreyFoxx: Under playback
[19:35:14] JohnMahowald: From
[19:35:21] GreyFoxx: "Extra audio buffering"
[19:35:28] Wonka (Wonka!i=produzie@madwifi/support/wonka) has left #mythtv-users ("too many channels")
[19:35:29] ARfdee: JohnMahowald: did you get the new updated rpms from atrpms as of yesterday?
[19:35:37] ARfdee: it seems the mythtvbackend rc.d script is broken
[19:35:53] JohnMahowald: ARfdee: No since I have atrpms disabled most of the time
[19:35:56] ARfdee: tprg: mythtv:x:100:101:mythtvbackend User:/var/lib/mythtv:/sbin/nologin
[19:35:57] |Torg|: ARfdee: change that to a real shell, that or run mythbackend as someone other then mythtv
[19:36:12] ARfdee: JohnMahowald: i'd do that myself, unfortunately i can't find another stable repo with mythtv
[19:36:42] ARfdee: JohnMahowald: can you tell me if your mythtv user has a shell?
[19:36:46] ARfdee: (i assume you are using fedora?)
[19:37:10] visit0r: GreyFoxx: yep, it's on. I'll try switching off.
[19:37:15] JohnMahowald: ARfdee: Not at the moment, and yes.
[19:37:31] ARfdee: i haven't changed anything about that user for months
[19:37:36] ARfdee: i've been using myth for several years
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[19:38:44] |Torg|: well your init script trys to run as that user, and cant. So either fix the user or change the init script
[19:38:46] ARfdee: |Torg|: yeah, changing mythtv user's shell to bash didn't make a difference
[19:38:56] |Torg|: id just dump the init script, write my own and run mythbackend as root
[19:39:25] ARfdee: i just tried /bin/sh, no difference
[19:39:34] ARfdee: the output is exactly the same.
[19:39:58] ARfdee: maybe i can get the previous rpm's script
[19:40:49] JohnMahowald: Sometime I'll update, hopefully it'll work with pulseaudio then!
[19:41:03] ARfdee: JohnMahowald: myth can use pulseaudio?
[19:41:12] ARfdee: how do you tell it to use that instead of alsa?
[19:41:37] JohnMahowald: ARfdee:
[19:42:29] ARfdee: all the fedora people say don't use atrpms, but i don't see how else to get myth rpoms
[19:42:30] ARfdee: rpms
[19:42:52] ARfdee: |Torg|: i did what you said and it didn't change anything. it seems to be the script
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[19:44:04] ARfdee: ah
[19:44:04] ARfdee: . . . init_scripts
[19:45:00] DGnome: Anybody have any ideas on how I should debug the fact that pressing buttons on my hauppauge remote slows downw the whole system?
[19:45:57] ARfdee: |Torg|: that fixed it
[19:46:08] |Torg|: like I said rewriet eh init script
[19:46:12] ARfdee: . . . .mythbackend
[19:46:18] ARfdee: |Torg|: what? i said the script was buggy
[19:46:25] ARfdee: i just had to get a working one
[19:46:36] ARfdee: i didn't need to change anything with the shells, etc.
[19:47:10] |Torg|: look when I tol dyou to fix the init script you wanted it to be debugged, so I attempoted to determine what in the hell was wrong with it
[19:47:28] |Torg|: I told you origionally to go rewrite it, why I asked how long you have used linux
[19:47:47] Dagmar: Better watch it. You're on the border of implying he doesn't know something.
[19:47:56] ARfdee: Dagmar: you apparently don't know something
[19:47:59] |Torg|: I wasnt the ONLY one that told you that either, but still you ran off and wanted to do it
[19:48:01] ARfdee: because you told me all these other issues that had nothing to do with it
[19:48:06] ARfdee: i ran off and wanted to do what?
[19:48:17] ARfdee: torg, i told you the script was buggy and fixing the script would solve the other things
[19:48:31] |Torg|: [13:24] <|Torg|> id ditch the stupid init script and write my own
[19:48:41] ARfdee: |Torg|: or i could get a working one as this one is buggy
[19:48:42] |Torg|: [13:25] <Dagmar> Something has to be really bad wrong for that message to appear
[19:48:45] ARfdee: which is what worked
[19:48:58] ARfdee: |Torg|: yeah, then dagmar and the other guy started saying the other things that were wrong with the system
[19:49:03] ARfdee: of which they were not, just the script had a problem
[19:49:13] ARfdee: |Torg|: i had said about 5 times that the script was broken upon coming in here
[19:49:38] |Torg|: then why didnt you rewrite it?
[19:49:39] ARfdee: Dagmar: i take it you're not going to admit you were incorrect about it being other things
[19:49:43] ARfdee: i didn't rewrite it
[19:49:50] ARfdee: |Torg|: did y ou not see the url i pasted to you?
[19:49:57] ARfdee: . . . .mythbackend
[19:50:00] ARfdee: i didn't rewrite that
[19:50:05] Dagmar: because he doesn't know how.
[19:50:17] |Torg|: I know you didnt rewrite it, I know you found it in the svn
[19:50:29] ARfdee: |Torg|: why would i rewrite it if there's already a fixed one online?
[19:50:36] visit0r: yeah, no help. AC3 to SPDIF is broken for me.
[19:50:43] visit0r: ticket filing time
[19:50:49] |Torg|: you could have taken any one of a number of init scripts on that box and with little modification gotten it to work
[19:51:07] ARfdee: |Torg|: or, i could just get a working one because the one i had had a bug
[19:51:22] |Torg|: and stil not understand how it works, yes you can
[19:51:39] ARfdee: torg, there's a post that explains how things changed in the script recently
[19:51:41] czth (czth!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-b446d9405111201e) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:51:43] ARfdee: and why it had to be updated
[19:51:54] ARfdee: dinking around with it and wondering what changed is silly
[19:51:59] ARfdee: you may as well just get the new version
[19:52:29] |Torg|: me? I do have my own verison, compiled my own mythtv too, even patchit from time to time when I test out my ATSC cards
[19:52:36] |Torg|: making a init script is trivial, if you know how
[19:52:56] ARfdee: |Torg|: again, if one is already provided and you only need the functionality it provides, why would you make your own?
[19:52:58] ARfdee: why not just use the default one?
[19:53:04] ARfdee: in this case, the default one had broken from the last version
[19:53:09] ARfdee: so i just got the newer version of it and it worked fine
[19:53:19] ARfdee: you don't need to reinvent the wheel, that's silly
[19:53:22] |Torg|: becase ther eis no DEFAULT one, al the rpms you get are someones OPPIOION of how to run it
[19:53:40] ARfdee: |Torg|: that's a contributed one on svn, it works
[19:53:48] ARfdee: it's going to be the one included in the next fedora packages
[19:53:52] |Torg|: then why are you complaining?
[19:54:02] ARfdee: who is complaining? you are wondering why i didn't spend the time to rewrite one
[19:54:37] ARfdee: |Torg|: sometimes packages do have buggy scripts in them
[19:55:08] |Torg|: they shouldnt, they shoudnt brake other things
[19:55:17] ARfdee: you could spend the time trying to figure out what they are every time
[19:55:21] ARfdee: or you could just get the update
[19:55:35] ARfdee: eh? break other things?
[19:55:38] ARfdee: well, this conversation has been fun
[19:55:40] ARfdee: cya
[19:55:46] ARfdee: torg, right, because fedora 8 is not stable
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[19:56:42] iamlindoro: That was interesting.
[19:57:02] |Torg|: well if the os isnt what is unstable.........
[19:57:31] |Torg|: makes you wonder tho, just how many times do you need to get burned before you relaise the fire is hot
[19:58:01] Dagmar: What was it I said the other day about ignoring reality?
[19:59:43] mardum (mardum! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:06:25] bagpuss_thecat: reality?
[20:06:27] bagpuss_thecat: whassat?
[20:06:58] |Torg|: the thing that is attached to the end of a clue-by-four
[20:08:38] rinaldi_ (rinaldi_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:09:22] bagpuss_thecat: aaah
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[20:24:30] dm-madman (dm-madman! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:26:24] dm-madman: I love how I can watch TV and recordings from any computer on my LAN now, and I'm thinking I might just use my one computer as a sort of "DVR server" and set up clients to hook to both my TVs
[20:26:43] dm-madman: Anyone in here do anything like that?
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[20:27:14] espacious (espacious! has quit ("Something gone wrong...")
[20:27:19] iamlindoro: That's precisely what Myth's frontend/backend architecture is *for*
[20:27:28] dm-madman: I figured as much
[20:27:38] dm-madman: when I saw it was client/server
[20:27:58] |Torg|: do you record SD or HD?
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[20:28:33] dm-madman: so my real question is has anyone used an XBOX as a client?
[20:28:49] |Torg|: for SD, yes it works, I dont like it tho
[20:29:19] jackson: xbox sucks resource wise
[20:29:20] dm-madman: I'm not sure which resolution it's recording in. My PVR-500 may only do SD
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[20:29:29] |Torg|: yes its SD
[20:29:53] |Torg|: the point was if you seperate the BE from the FE where to put the most power
[20:30:16] |Torg|: playback of SD is light, vs HD, Recording HD is light vs SD, so there sort of reversed
[20:30:33] dm-madman: what do you mean about xbox sucking resource wise
[20:30:36] foxhunt (foxhunt! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:30:43] |Torg|: if all you want to do is playback SD tho, there are many things that can do it, UPNP players most notably
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[20:30:52] jackson: xbox only has what, 64MB's of RAM?
[20:31:17] dm-madman: well the frontend is more or less a thin client, isn't it
[20:31:39] iamlindoro: the frontend needs more processor than the backend, in general-- it's doing all the playback work.
[20:31:59] dm-madman: makes pvr encodes for the backend
[20:32:00] iamlindoro: The backend can be a comparitively low-end box with decent tuners
[20:32:25] dm-madman: i know it does at least part of the encoding in hardware
[20:32:43] iamlindoro: thus, the frontends aren't *really* thin clients as such, they need some muscle... that's particularly so if you're dealing with any HD
[20:33:14] sn9: thin client frontend == hauppauge mediamvp
[20:33:17] dm-madman: so anyway, an xbox would be a really cheap solution for the client end, but i'm wondering if it will work well
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[20:33:59] dm-madman: ok, that makes sense too, because the client is doing all the decoding
[20:34:04] |Torg|: again, adding to what iamlindoro was saying a FE for SD can be a number of things, some of the media players work well. But cant do HD, even close
[20:34:34] dm-madman: so if i want to do HD I should probably go ahead and build a microatx system
[20:34:50] jackson: *i* never found the xbox to be a suitable frontend. When running linux and mythfrontend, 64MB's really sucks and is slow. When using the XBMC scripts, well, they were never compatible with the backend versions that I had ran.
[20:35:05] |Torg|: HD will requre a decient video card, a dual core cpu and about a gig of memory
[20:35:24] iamlindoro: Not having done it myself, I'm told the xbmc mythtv scripts are a better, lighter-weight solution for myth if you're only dealing with SD and absolutely *have* to make the Xbox your frontend
[20:35:39] dm-madman: and even for the SD an xbox is not likely a good solution
[20:36:40] dm-madman: i was thinking i might save 100 bucks or so using an xbox, but it's not worth it if it's going to be a headache
[20:37:42] |Torg|:
[20:38:00] |Torg|: thats an example of one of the things people use to play SD
[20:38:16] |Torg|: I have a DSM-320 that works via UPNP, altho I dont record much SD any more
[20:38:44] dm-madman: that thing will connect to my mythtv backend over the LAN?
[20:39:04] Reiver (Reiver! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:39:13] sn9: dm-madman: that thing can run a modified mythfrontend
[20:39:17] rinaldi_: dm-madman: i know a few people with problems with the xbox and mythtv, and my my ps3 isn't going great at the moment, i'd recommend going with something more made for this type of thing
[20:39:54] |Torg|: dm-madman: Id take whatever is my lower end PC and repurpose it, and use it as an excuse to upgrade :)
[20:39:54] dm-madman: i like the mythfrontend i have, though
[20:40:10] EnderTheThird: hmmm, svn ./configure isn't enabling lirc support for some reason
[20:41:34] dm-madman: I found a microatx board with a built in S-Video and DVI port that fits a dual core processor. I was thinking of using that
[20:42:16] iamlindoro: As a word of advice, i'd make very sure the GPU isn't ATI, as it tends to be on those things
[20:42:45] dm-madman: It's an nvidia card and it's supported by the proprietery drivers
[20:42:52] dm-madman: i always check that
[20:42:56] iamlindoro: that's good, much better for myth
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[20:44:02] directhex: someone checked the obvious first!
[20:44:09] directhex: bugger me sideways!
[20:44:22] iamlindoro: next thing you know people will start reading the wiki
[20:44:26] iamlindoro: ... Nahhhhhhh
[20:44:37] dm-madman: I had to install and start the mythbackend on my laptop in order to connect to my real backend. Is that normal?
[20:44:47] directhex: no
[20:45:04] dm-madman: hmmm...
[20:45:06] directhex: it implies something basic like your backend not binding to the right interface
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[20:46:00] dm-madman: maybe I'm wrong...I'll try stopping the backend and running the frontend without it
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[20:46:56] dm-madman: ok, I see. I only needed to install the backend to get the mythtv-setup program
[20:47:06] dm-madman: I don't actually need to be running it
[20:47:11] iamlindoro: which you also shouldn't need on the frontend
[20:47:35] dm-madman: probably just a mistake in the ebuild file
[20:47:43] dm-madman: no big deal
[20:47:45] directhex: probably
[20:48:04] directhex: you can't compile them separately, so that may be the souce of issues on gentoo
[20:48:32] dm-madman: yeah there was a USE=frontendonly I tried at first and ran into problems
[20:49:38] Jared555 (Jared555! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:49:41] dm-madman: what kind of PVR would I need to do HD?
[20:49:42] directhex: gentastic
[20:49:49] directhex: dm-madman, yankland?
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[20:50:07] sn9: dm-madman: an hd-pvr...
[20:50:13] dm-madman: haha
[20:50:30] iamlindoro: He thinks you're follin
[20:50:32] iamlindoro: er foolin
[20:50:41] |Torg|: they are called dvb cards and depend on your source of HD signal
[20:51:01] sn9: dm-madman: the only possible option for satellite hd in the usa is the hauppauge hd-pvr
[20:51:02] Jared555: is there some way to integrate mythtv with other PVR systems? (at least to the point of being able to automate the ability to view recordings from the other box on the mythtv systems)
[20:51:21] |Torg|: nexus and nova cards work too
[20:51:38] sn9: Jared555: mythvideo
[20:52:10] iamlindoro: Jared555, you can watch things recorded ON mythtv in lots of devices... watching recordings from other PVRs, however, is nigh impossible
[20:52:15] Jared555: that or can mythtv 'emulate' windows media center so that MCE extenders will work?
[20:52:31] GreyFoxx: Jared555: There is no MCE Extender layer
[20:53:00] Jared555: can't tivo share its recordings with other tivo's in the same house?
[20:53:01] GreyFoxx: and nothing I know off offhand for accessing content from mother PVR's unless you can share the data from the other system like a samba/nfs share and use mythvideo
[20:53:23] GreyFoxx: Jared555: They have some mechanism for that yeah
[20:53:41] GreyFoxx: I don't know how public the method of doing it is however
[20:53:58] dm-madman: I'm just going to replace all my DVRs with myth frontends
[20:54:08] sn9: Jared555: if you can extract video from a tivo the old (pre-official) way, mythvideo could likely play it
[20:54:26] Jared555: my thought was mainly.... if I have to buy a cable box to use digital cable on mythtv..... why not use it's PVR functionality? lol
[20:54:29] |Torg|: shaing of video is something either the providers (the ones who sel the dvrs) dont want or they ones you dont want you to watch it elsewhere strgongarm the makers to deny you fiar access to it
[20:54:39] |Torg|: dishnet and comcast dvrs are like that
[20:54:55] |Torg|: if you CAN talk to a tivo without antoehr tivo its by hacking it
[20:55:12] |Torg|: and if you have one of the old replaytvs you have to have a legay system to share it
[20:55:23] PatrickDK (PatrickDK! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[20:55:27] Jared555: k. thanks
[20:55:29] sn9: Jared555: get a cable box without pvr functionality
[20:55:37] GreyFoxx: the MVP can access content from the replay tv
[20:55:37] Jared555: gtg.... thanks for the info
[20:55:49] GreyFoxx: so it might be possible to write something for accessing those
[20:55:53] jackson: is replaytv still around?
[20:56:00] GreyFoxx: the hardware is still out there and in use
[20:56:13] iamlindoro: Naw, they got bought out by bluesomethingoranother
[20:56:13] GreyFoxx: not new off the shelf though
[20:56:20] |Torg|: blueyonder
[20:56:25] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[20:56:54] iamlindoro: no
[20:56:54] iamlindoro: sonicblue
[20:57:00] directhex: blueyonder are a uk cable isp aren't they?
[20:57:20] directhex: and sonicblue are one of the many deaths of s3
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[20:57:50] |Torg|: yes SonicBlue is who made the replaytv;s I thought they were bought out by some Uk comapny
[20:58:03] |Torg|: I have two of them sitting ona shelf in mu garrage, its been over a year since they were connected
[20:58:27] directhex: replaytv were bought by d&m
[20:58:29] |Torg|: Dinsey is who killed them
[20:58:59] iamlindoro: I had one back in that brief period where you sould share shows to other RTVs over the internet
[20:59:08] iamlindoro: good times
[20:59:11] |Torg|: yes via myreplaytv, the website was cool
[20:59:43] |Torg|: Effective October 26, 2007 is no longer available. This change DOES NOT affect the normal EPG service which downloads channel guide data to your set-top box.
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[21:02:11] |Torg|: like I said I have two, with lifetime subs.
[21:04:43] bagpuss_thecat: *** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/mythbackend: double free or corruption (top): 0x0818f6f0 ***
[21:04:46] bagpuss_thecat: ======= Backtrace: =========
[21:04:48] bagpuss_thecat: :-(
[21:04:52] Hoxzer: :-)
[21:05:23] espacious (espacious! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:05:44] bagpuss_thecat: are the devs likely to care about anything Marillat has built?
[21:08:00] iamlindoro: I doubt they care who built it, if it's actual mythtv code-- but if it's .20.2, there's always a chance that it's been fixed or at least report it
[21:08:07] iamlindoro: er reported
[21:08:09] directhex: depends on whether it's a real bug or marillat doing something dumb
[21:08:41] TelnetManta (TelnetManta!n=benwilli@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[21:09:04] bagpuss_thecat: directhex: that's my fear (the latter) :-p
[21:09:11] iamlindoro: Dammit, why does Comcast keep adding SciFi HD to every market but MINE?
[21:09:30] bagpuss_thecat: t'is 0.20.2.svn20080126–0.0
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[21:14:13] directhex: hah! the commie creator of tetris hates open source, for damaging free-market capitalism
[21:14:45] iamlindoro: Probably because the USSR "open-sourced" his software for him :)
[21:15:14] ** sn9 remembers that happening in the year 1984 **
[21:17:08] iamlindoro: Also doesn't hurt that he works for MS
[21:17:49] iamlindoro: erm, actually, I guess he left MS
[21:18:00] iamlindoro: and now sells games on Xbox Live :)
[21:18:47] directhex: i never realised hexus hd was by pajitnov
[21:18:49] directhex: hexic
[21:18:56] iamlindoro: I like that his Role on some of these games is "idealist."
[21:18:59] iamlindoro: Sounds cheery.
[21:19:44] directhex: irony: linux hater earns "Game Developers Choice Awards First Penguin Award"
[21:21:01] directhex: has *got* to be vandalism
[21:22:07] Dagmar:
[21:22:47] Dagmar:
[21:23:01] Dagmar: I dunno about the midgets, but the game is real
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[22:28:29] ChrisSmol: i'm thinking about setting up a MythTV system. The FAQ mentions avoiding ATI video cards – is that still valid?
[22:30:11] Dibblah: nh
[22:30:28] Dibblah: Wrong channel – Sorry! :)
[22:31:00] sn9: ChrisSmol: so far
[22:31:46] ChrisSmol: ok, i'm trying to put together a system on a low budget. should i consider the nvidia cards, such as a GeForce2 or 4?
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[22:32:38] directhex: ChrisSmol, try to look at geforce 5 as a minimum, as the tv encoders on older cards are crap
[22:33:00] directhex: ChrisSmol, bear in mind gf5 is cheap – it's 4 generations out of date, after all
[22:33:04] ChrisSmol: ok, thanks. FX5200 for example?
[22:33:26] directhex: yes
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[22:34:18] ChrisSmol: super, thanks.
[22:34:46] sn9: ChrisSmol: will you be viewing on a recent tv?
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[22:35:20] ChrisSmol: most likely no at first, an older CRT, i think it as s-video input, i need to check.
[22:35:53] sn9: ok, because recent sets also have vga in, eliminating the need for a tv encoder altogether
[22:36:49] Gokee2_Laptop: Is there any wiki page that talks about recording profiles and how much space options (like KBPS) take up? I found but it does not have space in the table at all!
[22:36:53] ChrisSmol: what about the Sabrent video capture cards?
[22:36:56] directhex: sn9, i think it's a safe bet someone looking at gf2 hasn't got an lcd hdtv
[22:37:30] sn9: i've seen vga in on crt tv sets since 1985
[22:37:41] ChrisSmol: if i find this to be useful, i might set up a system on an lcd hdtv we have one day
[22:37:52] directhex: ChrisSmol, if you want a decent experience with analog, you want a card with on-board mpeg2 encoder (hauppauge pvr series). cheaper analog cards, 'frame grabbers', have several downsides
[22:38:03] ChrisSmol: like the 150?
[22:38:06] directhex: sn9, so why did you say vga was linked to 'recent'ness? is 1985 recent for tvs?
[22:38:14] directhex: ChrisSmol, precisely like the 150
[22:38:23] ChrisSmol: ok, i know that will reduce the cpu requirements
[22:38:24] sn9: directhex: because it was rare then, but not now
[22:39:33] sn9: ChrisSmol: just don't try to use the pvr150 with an antenna
[22:39:50] ChrisSmol: cable system here
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[22:40:30] ChrisSmol: what is available/suggested for HDTV capture from the cable box, if i were to go down that route one day?
[22:40:32] directhex: sn9, any specific reason why not?
[22:40:53] directhex: ChrisSmol, nothing that currently ships. hauppauge have a component capture card in the works
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[22:41:41] sn9: ChrisSmol: firewire
[22:42:18] directhex: that's an option if you're blessed with extreme luck
[22:42:19] sn9: directhex: mpeg is quite yucky on OTA NTSC signals
[22:42:39] directhex: sn9, ntsc must REALLY lick balls
[22:42:48] ChrisSmol: i'm very new to hdtv, just got a set a few weeks ago. i did play around with mythtv about a year or so ago, and am thinking about setting up a more useful system this time.
[22:43:54] sn9: ChrisSmol: if you have an hdtv, it almost certainly has vga in. if you have cable, your best bet is firewire, but only if it works for you
[22:44:06] grokky (grokky! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:44:29] ChrisSmol: i believe the cable box has firefire on it. yes, i am pretty sure the hdtv does.
[22:44:33] sn9: if not, you might have to wait for support for hauppauge's new hd-pvr device
[22:45:26] ChrisSmol: whether i can get a signal from the box is another story. if so, would it just appear as a video device when plugged into the computer?
[22:45:47] sn9: it would appear as a firewire device
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[22:46:07] sn9: you might get some channels, but not others
[22:46:17] ChrisSmol: cable box is a 4250hdc
[22:46:51] ChrisSmol: ok, thanks. i could try plugging it into the mac i guess as a test
[22:46:59] sn9: if you happen to come across a channel that is blocked over firewire, you will need to stop the backend and change its starting channel
[22:47:36] sn9: otherwise, you will not be able to tune the box anymore
[22:47:42] directhex: handy
[22:47:59] directhex: doesn't the 4250hdc lack in-band tuning? i hope my memory's not completely gone#
[22:48:08] sn9: the mac will only be a valid test if it runs mythbackend
[22:48:56] sn9: i don't know about the 4250hdc; i can't keep the non-motorola model numbers straight
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