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Wednesday, February 20th, 2008, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:09] iamlindoro: wouldn't even mind getting one of the older ones second hand
[00:03:20] mzb: I've found a total of TWO mobos (so far) that have onboard nv AND tv out (yes, sad I know ... but need to support wide range)
[00:04:15] fryfrog: mzb: don't a *bunch* have adapters or daughter cards you can get?
[00:04:38] mzb: only two that I can find
[00:04:50] mzb: no room for daughter cards (as such)
[00:05:00] espacious (espacious! has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: )")
[00:05:19] mzb: as it is ... I *might* have to make more room on the back panel to fit the composite+component+svideo sockets
[00:05:34] mzb: (in case it's possible to fit a dual-tuner card in there)
[00:05:35] lotia (lotia! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:05:39] mzb: mostly comes down to heat
[00:06:02] mzb: hence stage1 is split into 2 parts ;)
[00:06:16] mzb: 1a involving benchmarking + heat tests
[00:06:57] geu (geu! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:08:42] rinaldi1: directhex: i find it strange though that it's only recorded mpeg-2's that do this, mp3's and mp4's don't
[00:09:00] [gquit]bombadil ([gquit]bombadil! has quit (Connection timed out)
[00:10:59] rooaus (rooaus! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:11:29] directhex: rinaldi1, pirate dvds!
[00:12:21] rinaldi1: directhex: ah good point...
[00:12:28] ** mzb wonders how long it's going to take to transcode >50 recordings ;( **
[00:12:43] alexvd: hi trying to track down why my frontend freezes every 30 minutes. I have low disk space and myth goes in and expires recordings. Could low disk space be the problem
[00:12:44] clever: what ive done
[00:12:54] clever: mzb: ive set jobs to be able to run on any backend
[00:13:06] clever: mzb: and i put slave backends on every system with myth
[00:13:14] mzb: I'v only got one machine for transcoding
[00:13:19] clever: including netbooting one into the c2d 1.8ghz
[00:13:39] mzb: although I could add another ... the bedtv ... just not sure it's fast enough to make a difference
[00:13:42] clever: my idea lets me boot up extra transcoding boxes when i need the power
[00:13:51] mzb: yep
[00:13:53] clever: ive got my 400mhz transcoding!
[00:14:01] mzb: hmm
[00:14:03] clever: its damn slow but its still helping
[00:14:31] mzb: just not sure if it's worth the effort ... only have to disable it all later (and remember!;)
[00:14:53] mzb: I already have a SBE there ... just not doing anything ;)
[00:15:09] clever: 1 click in mythtv-setup and it will take on jobs
[00:15:10] cafuego: mzb: You can configure the backend to only allow transcoding jobs in between a certain time range.
[00:15:28] mzb: I realise that ... that's what I'm doing
[00:15:53] mzb: but I (usually) only use one (virtual) host for transcoding
[00:16:01] mzb: ah bugger it
[00:16:13] rinaldi1 (rinaldi1! has quit ("Leaving.")
[00:16:25] ** cafuego should pop a transcode backend on one of the xen vms **
[00:16:34] cafuego: and keep my desktop to myself
[00:17:25] jthomas_work (jthomas_work! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:17:45] jthomas_work: hi, do you use any radio module for mythtv ?
[00:17:49] mzb: cafuego: yep ... it works well :)
[00:18:02] jthomas_work: i mean internet radio module
[00:18:08] siXy (siXy!i=siXy@ has quit ("bye!")
[00:18:09] mzb: cafuego: just enable independent_wallclock ;)
[00:18:32] mzb: jthomas_work: see eskril (?) shoutcast patch
[00:20:15] cafuego: mzb: I have no reason to doubt it works well, the storage is on a vm already anyway :-)
[00:20:16] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:20:30] mzb: me2
[00:20:43] mzb: hence the independent_wallclock
[00:20:53] davilla (davilla! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:20:56] mzb: get's quite confused about the time otherwise ;)
[00:21:09] mzb: (and causes havoc with scheduling + NFS)
[00:21:18] jthomas_work: mzb: thanks, other thing my OSD is blinking a little (its not like other graphics/windows on my LCD monitor ). How can I improve that ?
[00:22:06] alexvd: all my frontend keeps freezing every 30 minutes on LiveTV Its driving my wife nuts... I would appreciate it if you could look at the masterbackend.log and see if I am missing why it keeps freezing up
[00:23:05] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:46] [gquit]bombadil ([gquit]bombadil! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:04] cafuego: mine used to do that, turns out a broken network card was causing too many interrupts
[00:24:42] alexvd: did it happen since day 1 or did it happen after a period of time
[00:24:53] czth_ (czth_!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-097ddcff262e0bd3) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:25:58] cafuego: after a few days it started doing it
[00:27:15] alexvd: this started happening after a while. Pretty sure my network cards are good. They are embedded on mobo. So I facked if they are the issue
[00:29:05] mzb: via gigabit?
[00:29:17] mzb: ever seen "excessive interrupt" messages?
[00:29:34] mzb: makes me think about mine ... hmmm
[00:30:14] alexvd: i have gigabit on the slave and 10/100 on the backend. DAMMMM just froze again
[00:30:20] alexvd: Cisco network
[00:30:50] alexvd: Cisco switch that is
[00:31:04] directhex: alexvd, you use ext3?
[00:31:23] alexvd: for recordings?
[00:31:44] alexvd: or for the main filesystem
[00:32:22] directhex: for recordings
[00:33:31] fryfrog: how does playing a video with myth video work?
[00:33:44] fryfrog: or how fast do file xfers go (scp, nfs, cifs, what ever)
[00:33:54] fryfrog: does dmesg show anything useful?
[00:34:01] alexvd: No I use xfs
[00:34:29] fryfrog: me too!
[00:34:32] fryfrog: we are xfs buddies :)
[00:34:33] alexvd: videos play fine. recordings play fine. Its only livetv freezing whether its HD or SD
[00:34:42] fryfrog: oh, *only* live tv?
[00:34:45] clever: WINscp scks cpu so badly it cant even max a 10mbit!
[00:34:48] fryfrog: whew, simple solution! don't use it :)
[00:34:51] alexvd: yes only LiveTV
[00:35:16] fryfrog: its a feature, not a bug! drives you away from the "old and busted" method of watching tv :)
[00:35:17] alexvd: Only started happening about 2–3 weeks ago
[00:35:22] directhex: alexvd, your FS is full, you say?
[00:35:42] alexvd: the recordings yes. Its forced expiring recordings. Just deleted 20gig
[00:35:47] directhex: alexvd, try a defrag
[00:35:54] alexvd: on Linux???
[00:36:00] directhex: yes
[00:36:03] fryfrog: how big is your array?
[00:36:08] fryfrog: "xfs_fsr -v"
[00:36:09] directhex: xfs_fsr is the tool, i think
[00:36:39] alexvd: this is just livetv storage so for now its just 250 gig. Until storage groups is released in .21
[00:36:43] fryfrog: on my 2TB, I think I set auto-expire to 100–200G, or more?
[00:36:48] fryfrog: ah
[00:36:52] fryfrog: nm then
[00:37:02] sc00p (sc00p! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:37:42] alexvd: so i should run xfs_fsr -v on the backend?
[00:37:56] fryfrog: sure, but i doubt it is frag problem :/
[00:38:06] fryfrog: it'll run for 2 hours, which may or may not fix you up
[00:38:15] alexvd: I thought I read that linux doesnt have that issue with fragmentation
[00:38:32] fryfrog: every file system has issues with fragmentation
[00:38:35] fryfrog: it is unavoidable
[00:38:37] clever: ext2/3 has some algo's to reduce fragmentation
[00:38:37] directhex: i think it IS a fragmentation problem, seeing as justinh had major playback issues with a fragmented xfs FS
[00:38:39] alexvd: do you guys want to take a gander at a log if u didnt see above
[00:38:39] fryfrog: but linux does a far better job
[00:38:50] clever: the reserved disk space is one method to keep the problem away
[00:38:53] fryfrog: BUT, the fuller the file system is, the far worse it gets
[00:39:01] clever: if you can never get under 10gig free
[00:39:06] directhex: i have a simple diagram somewhere
[00:39:14] clever: then theres a high chance of large free space chunks in it
[00:39:14] alexvd: well when storage groups get released I will open up livetv to 1TB
[00:39:32] fryfrog: well, it'll be easy to tell
[00:39:39] alexvd: log files if anyone wants to look
[00:39:43] fryfrog: and actually, i guess having it show up a few weeks ago could imply it
[00:39:50] fryfrog: did your FS just *recently* fill up?
[00:39:52] directhex: – fragmentation illustrated
[00:39:57] clever: alias ffcmd='find -mount -type f -print0|xargs -0 filefrag |grep per|sort -nk2 -t:|tail'
[00:40:07] clever: that will sort all files in cwd by fragmentation
[00:40:10] fryfrog: maybe go back and change 10/20G free space to something like 50–75G
[00:40:11] cafuego: clever: You can change the enctrption also and remove compression, so it can max out your link.
[00:40:15] alexvd: Yes it kinda of just started to fill up
[00:40:16] clever: could test the recordings
[00:40:46] alexvd: recording dont have that issue at all
[00:40:51] clever: cafuego: compression isnt on in winscp, its the encryption which is part of ssh
[00:41:13] clever: id need a plain ftp server(which i also have) and newer winscp's can do plain unencrypted ftp
[00:41:18] cafuego: clever: Then you xna change algorithms
[00:41:40] clever: just comprelely droping the encryption layer gives a major speed boost
[00:42:02] cafuego: use 3des and not aes for instance
[00:42:37] clever: i'll try that
[00:44:21] alexvd: fryfrog: so just to be sure run xfs_fsr -v from the terminal
[00:44:33] fryfrog: yup
[00:44:53] fryfrog: if you are ubuntu, "sudo xfs_fsr -v" (the v is verbose, so you can see what it is doing)
[00:45:05] fryfrog: all it really does it copy file a -> file b and rename, sort of
[00:45:41] fryfrog: so a file that was written slowly (with many extants?) is then re-written fast and with 0 (or 1?) or a much reduced number of extants
[00:45:56] alexvd: ok running it right now
[00:46:00] fryfrog: now that you mention it, i think directhex is right
[00:46:04] fryfrog: i had the same problem once
[00:46:09] clever: i basicaly do that with lossless transcodes and alter table x order by y;
[00:46:12] directhex: he usually is. that's why he gets the big bucks
[00:46:12] fryfrog: some recordings played fine, some were horrible
[00:46:15] fryfrog: turns out it was extants
[00:46:18] clever: rewriting the entire file in 1 batch
[00:46:32] clever: depending on the freespace fragmentation it gets better or worse
[00:46:56] directhex: wheee!
[00:46:59] directhex: /data/MythTV/Recordings/1001_200705252030.mpg: 4237 extents found
[00:46:59] fryfrog: oh yeah
[00:47:07] alexvd: its just sitting thier right now saying Found 5 mounted, writable, XFS filesystems
[00:47:07] alexvd: xfs_fsr -m /etc/mtab -t 7200 -f /var/tmp/.fsrlast_xfs ...
[00:47:07] alexvd: START: pass=0 ino=0 /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1
[00:47:07] alexvd: ino=171
[00:47:08] fryfrog: HD war is *over* woo woo :)
[00:47:13] czth__ (czth__!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-6540f79868dc39fe) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:47:16] fryfrog: that is normal
[00:47:24] fryfrog: oops, i guess you have more than one XFS file system :(
[00:47:33] fryfrog: that is going to do *all* of them (not a horrible thing)
[00:47:34] alexvd: yeah i have 3
[00:47:39] fryfrog: once it finishes that file, you'll see more
[00:47:42] fryfrog: it says it found 5?
[00:47:46] alexvd: waiting for storage groups
[00:48:03] ** fryfrog <3 one big array :) **
[00:48:18] clever: my ffcmd is still working away
[00:48:19] fryfrog: man, i hope MS makes a blu-ray for 360
[00:48:26] fryfrog: then i'll be even *more* wanting one
[00:48:32] clever: its got 240gig to check
[00:48:33] alexvd: yep the rumour is MS will have it out soon
[00:48:43] fryfrog: coool :)
[00:48:52] fryfrog: i hope by the time i get a 360, the blu-ray is built in :)
[00:48:54] fryfrog: well, no
[00:48:54] alexvd: have a blueray hdvd drive
[00:48:55] fryfrog: nm :)
[00:49:00] alexvd: didnt take the chance
[00:49:04] fryfrog: oh, a 1 device, 2 formats?
[00:49:07] fryfrog: oh
[00:49:09] alexvd: yup LG
[00:49:25] fryfrog: i haven't bothered with either, 30" HDTV isn't worth it :)
[00:49:52] geu (geu! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:50:05] alexvd: I have 65" and projector so I can find the value. staring at directv sd is painful
[00:50:15] fryfrog: hehe
[00:51:20] alexvd: curious about the freezes, would increasing the livetv buffer make a difference?
[00:51:26] fryfrog: doubt it
[00:51:38] fryfrog: i think increasing the reserved free space is the only thing that will help
[00:51:42] fryfrog: after the defrag, that is
[00:51:49] fryfrog: or running xfs_fsr regularly
[00:51:54] fryfrog: which also isn't bad :)
[00:52:16] alexvd: well ubuntu has disk utils that are supposed to run
[00:52:22] clever: id think increasing the free space would help the defrag
[00:52:45] clever: 1006_20080218215900.mpg: 5503 extents found, perfection would be 10 extents
[00:52:49] clever: take that directhex !
[00:52:51] clever: :P
[00:53:25] directhex: bah, you win
[00:53:27] directhex: bastard :'(
[00:53:35] alexvd: I have another question. I can be watching HD recording and recording two others while commercial flagging and it will be ok except for anytime the audio gets loud it will get garbled. Is that just a processor issue or something else
[00:55:00] clever: i cant queue a lossless transcode
[00:55:06] alexvd: its odd because it doesnt pause but I just get garbled audio when people speak loud
[00:55:07] clever: the existing queue one wont stop
[00:55:32] geu (geu! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:55:35] geu (geu! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:56:24] mzb: alexvd: perhaps use realtime prio on audio?
[00:57:06] iamlindoro: alexvd: if you have *fewer* jobs going on, is it not a problem?
[00:57:45] mzb: @audio  – rtprio 50
[00:57:45] mzb: @audio  – nice 0
[01:04:42] splendidjim_ (splendidjim_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:05:15] lotia (lotia! has quit ()
[01:05:52] alexvd: i think i have realtime priority threads enabled
[01:06:40] alexvd: on the audio front it doesnt happen if I am not commflagging
[01:07:09] alexvd: ok in regards to the defrag.. have recordings going so it is saying it is aborting
[01:07:31] alexvd: i will have to run later when my wife isnt watching access hollywood or others shows are being recorded
[01:10:12] Woosta (Woosta! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:10:33] fryfrog: it'll abort for any file it can't do, and continue, no big deal
[01:10:33] fryfrog: but it'll stop after 2 hours, if it is finished or not
[01:10:49] fryfrog: it tries to do 10 passes, so it should be obvious if it finished defragging or time ran out
[01:11:46] jgarvey (jgarvey! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:12:09] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit ()
[01:12:18] clever: [19 21:12:12] [clever(+6i)] [18:#mythtv-users(+cnst)] [Lag: 115.19]
[01:12:25] clever: ctrlproxy is taking forever to respond!
[01:12:34] clever: causing ping timeouts!
[01:13:00] mick_laptop (mick_laptop!n=mweiss@clamwin/admin/mickhome) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:13:28] mick_laptop: hi everyone
[01:13:43] alexvd: its done already 10 pass all disks
[01:13:43] clever: hi one
[01:13:56] mick_laptop: has anyone gotten a DVD to "just play" under mythtv (on insert)
[01:14:03] alexvd: sure
[01:14:09] alexvd: play dvd no problem
[01:14:18] alexvd: have to have right stuff installed
[01:14:23] clever: wrong channel for the above pastes
[01:14:27] mick_laptop: dvds play just fine
[01:14:40] Idle (Idle! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:14:41] mick_laptop: i want it to start playing *on iunsert*
[01:14:53] mick_laptop: clever: he misunderstood the question ;)
[01:15:07] alexvd: sorry
[01:15:31] mick_laptop: Utilities > DVD > Play DVD <-- this is 3 menus away
[01:15:53] alexvd: monitor cd/dvd drive
[01:16:06] alexvd: isnt that an option you can check in frontend
[01:16:08] mick_laptop: i used to have a mythtv setup on debian that would "just play" a CD with *.avi files on it — not sure how i got that to work
[01:16:17] mick_laptop: my drive died so i decided to try mythbuntu
[01:16:29] mick_laptop: alexvd: where?
[01:16:38] mick_laptop: i looked under setup > dvd setup
[01:16:51] iamlindoro: There is an option of "On DVD Insertion:" and one of them is Play DVD...
[01:17:05] ** mick_laptop looks again **
[01:17:05] alexvd: lemme look
[01:17:58] alexvd: In general setting is the monitor cd/dvd check box
[01:19:05] mick_laptop: ok, i found it – i do have it set already
[01:19:06] iamlindoro: That's only half the equation... you then need to set the DVD insert action
[01:19:20] mick_laptop: aah i missed the first part
[01:19:42] mick_laptop: well, i think i might have — /me looks
[01:20:11] JohnMahowald (JohnMahowald!n=john@fedora/fedorared) has quit ("Changing server")
[01:20:43] JohnMahowald (JohnMahowald!n=john@fedora/fedorared) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:34] lanuser (lanuser!i=lanuser@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:35] mick_laptop: sweet – looks like it works
[01:22:06] mick_laptop: that is (IMO) a bug
[01:22:21] lanuser: Hello – Which is a higher quality recording profile, "Live TV" or "High Quality" ?
[01:22:36] a1fa: why dont you go check
[01:22:46] a1fa: when does mythtv3 come out?
[01:22:52] mick_laptop: if "on insert – play DVD" is selected then "monitor cd/dvd" should automatically be selected
[01:23:09] a1fa: 3.31 r24 beta4
[01:23:18] mick_laptop: a1fa: when it's ready
[01:23:41] a1fa: when is it going to be ready
[01:24:03] mick_laptop: having done plenty of open source development in my time — i can telll you that this is the answer that you will (and rightfully should) get ;-)
[01:24:19] a1fa: when does mythtv 4.3 come out?
[01:24:28] mick_laptop: *sigh*
[01:24:41] a1fa: good job noticing the first time
[01:24:43] a1fa: jerk :P
[01:25:27] mick_laptop: ah yes, /me goes to find the /ignore command before hitting a1fa with a cluebat
[01:25:27] carvajal (carvajal!n=carvajal@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:25:29] fryfrog: lanuser: would depend on the settings you picked, could be either way or they could be the same.
[01:29:18] geu (geu! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[01:29:54] dec (dec!n=tom@unaffiliated/dec) has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:34:45] mzb: hmmm: extents before:1564 after:1 DONE ino=161375
[01:35:04] fryfrog: score!
[01:36:13] mzb: lanuser: highest is "lossless" ! ;)
[01:37:58] iamlindoro: Lord. BBC-HD users have it good. What I wouldn't give for our cable channels to come in h.264. It's really astounding looking. *sigh*
[01:38:50] directhex: iamlindoro, america should invent its own codec. h264 is too globalized
[01:39:14] iamlindoro: directhex: We'll call it !.265. It's one better AND it's America.
[01:39:18] iamlindoro: er American
[01:39:27] iamlindoro: er A.265
[01:40:13] iamlindoro: jokes are less funny when I inflict my typing on them
[01:41:42] geu (geu! has quit ("Verlassend")
[01:42:12] mzb_d800: I reckon you should add a few zeroes to that ;)
[01:42:19] mzb_d800: ie: A.265000
[01:42:55] mzb_d800: stuff it, call it A.265-Billion ;)
[01:43:06] iamlindoro: America, fuck yeah
[01:43:10] directhex: iamlindoro, i mean, h264 can be used by the french! imagine using the same codec!
[01:43:20] directhex: america would be like the france of the 21st century!
[01:43:29] iamlindoro: Lord knows if we all use the same codec, then the terrorists win
[01:44:37] directhex: 9/11 was enabled by mpeg2. that's why the ps3 and xbox 360 don't let you use mpeg2 over a network
[01:44:49] iamlindoro: My "Yay America" moment of the week is the fact that Castro is stepping down and... our Cuba policy isn't going to change. Ever.
[01:45:14] directhex: iamlindoro, obama has said he wants to open dialog with cuba. clinton & mccain say the embargo remains
[01:45:28] iamlindoro: directhex: Yup. I'm optimistic about that.
[01:45:47] GreyFoxx: beob: No, there isn
[01:45:50] directhex: iamlindoro, reckon hillary will stop being a whiny bitch & step down before tearing the democrats in two?
[01:45:51] beoba` (beoba`!n=fsoh@unaffiliated/beoba) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:45:52] iamlindoro: But baby steps... nomination first
[01:46:01] beoba`: hi, ive noticed that remotely controlling mythtv over the network doesnt work in cases when mplayer is used to play a video file. is there a workaround for this?
[01:46:05] beoba` is now known as beoba
[01:46:06] iamlindoro: directhex: doubtful
[01:46:13] GreyFoxx: beoba: No, there isn't, unless you manually launch it and control form the console or use VNC to control the ui
[01:46:31] beoba: mmk
[01:46:36] dec__ (dec__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:46:36] beoba (beoba!n=fsoh@unaffiliated/beoba) has left #mythtv-users ("Buy a better life from the comfort of your sofa.")
[01:46:38] clever: GreyFoxx: mplayer can take commands from a fifo
[01:46:48] clever: which combined with netcat or ssh could give you remote control of that
[01:46:57] mick_laptop: as far as ripping DVDs is concerned, iamlindoro the problem is licensing
[01:46:58] GreyFoxx: clever: If it's being launched from myth it's not controllable via the network controls
[01:47:04] GreyFoxx: which is what he was asking
[01:47:05] mick_laptop: ah damnit
[01:47:17] iamlindoro: hmmm??
[01:47:19] clever: GreyFoxx: you can configure what cli args mplayer gets
[01:47:21] clever: or put them in the ~/.mplayer/config
[01:47:30] directhex: iamlindoro, i just find it madness. obama is essentially running on bill's original ticket. he was the man from a town called hope, the inexperienced guy with big ideas. and now he's paying for hillary's campaign, out of his own pocket, to fight using every word used against HIM back in the ninties
[01:47:35] mick_laptop: iamlindoro: forget the first part of that
[01:47:39] clever: then mplayer would allways listen on the fifo for commands(even when myth starts it)
[01:47:48] GreyFoxx: It's still not controllable via the network controls, what you are talking about is a completely seperate mechanism outside of myth
[01:47:55] clever: yeah
[01:47:59] clever: a 2nd network control
[01:48:05] clever: for just mplayer
[01:48:21] iamlindoro: mick_laptop: Didn't ask/say anything about ripping DVD...
[01:48:43] mick_laptop: iamlindoro: read my last part "forget about the first part"
[01:49:22] mick_laptop: i started asking a question, then i switched terminals — then i read the comment about h.264 — i forgot that i was in mid sentence :)
[01:49:38] mick_laptop: the curse of multitasking :)
[01:50:07] mick_laptop: to use h.264 — the price is pretty high (licensing costs)
[01:50:21] GreyFoxx: well, I've got a cheating fix to the not starting playback at the start of a video problem
[01:50:51] mick_laptop: as for the DVD ripping part, i was wondering how to get that to work in myth
[01:50:53] directhex: the bigger issue is the need to replace existing equipment
[01:51:25] mick_laptop: i just get "No jobs. Checking or waiting for DVD"
[01:51:35] directhex: bedtime!
[01:51:36] mick_laptop: directhex: that too
[01:52:08] mick_laptop: x264 on linux isn't that hard to get running — though it can be flakey at times
[01:52:39] mick_laptop: plus the whole issue w/ interlaced and noninterlaced h.264 (one works, the other one doesn't — at least in mplayer)
[01:55:13] iamlindoro: I've never had a problem with either in mplayer
[01:57:50] jams: general quesion: if collecting public stats for myth installs, is collecting non-fully qualifed hostname to nosey?
[01:57:55] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:57:55] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[01:58:10] Cackette: hey guys, check this
[01:58:13] iamlindoro: not in my opinion
[01:58:32] jams: i don't think so either, but just looking for a general sense
[01:58:53] iamlindoro: presuming the whole exercise is voluntary
[01:58:56] jams: it might be interesting or distrubing to see some hostnames out there.
[01:59:15] jams: yes it's all opt-in
[01:59:16] iamlindoro: Well I needed to click *that* link
[01:59:20] iamlindoro: My day is complete
[01:59:44] jams: iamlindoro-
[02:00:08] iamlindoro: jams: Yeah, I've checked it out before... would be a cool tool for building a hardware compatibility matrix
[02:00:15] jams: ah
[02:00:29] jams: yes thats part of the point
[02:00:42] iamlindoro: I wouldn't mind sharing the info... But I'm not one of the privacy crazies :)
[02:00:48] jams: heh
[02:01:04] jams: i bet there are tons of "myth" hostnames out there
[02:01:17] iamlindoro: Oh hell, you know what continent I live on!!
[02:01:29] iamlindoro: Yup, my master BE is mythtv... what can I say, I'm boring
[02:02:05] iamlindoro: Would love a find/line count of all things MKV to see who all the Arrrrr! Pirates! are ;)
[02:02:33] iamlindoro: find * | grep aXXo
[02:03:05] jams: it would be interesting, but not sure it's worth the effort
[02:03:20] iamlindoro: naw, of course not, just playing
[02:03:48] jams: meant the hostname..not the mkv stuff. I'm not that stupid ;)
[02:04:15] jams: hey let me scan your harddrive looking for "interesting" files
[02:04:26] iamlindoro: What going to be your primary key? MAC address or something?
[02:04:43] mick_laptop: iamlindoro: well, i'm working w/ an h.264 encoder that makes video that mplayer can't play (after changing from interlaced to noninterlaced or deinterlaced — or whatever) it worked — but that is outside of the scope of this channel
[02:04:45] jams: randomly generated uuid
[02:05:12] jams: 35+ characters long
[02:05:25] iamlindoro: ah, ok
[02:06:20] mick_laptop: how can i see if mythdvd is compiled w/ transcode support?
[02:07:05] iamlindoro: mythdvd can't be built *without* transcode support... all it does it feed it to mtd
[02:07:42] mick_laptop: well – the wiki troubleshooting:using page said to check that
[02:08:15] mick_laptop: and it said: "look here for instructions:____" — and that link was dead
[02:08:37] mick_laptop: i hate when wikis reference instructions elsewhere (and the link dies)
[02:08:39] TelnetManta (TelnetManta! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:09:05] iamlindoro: sounds like outdated instructions (ie when mythdvd was a plugin and not part of actual MythTV as it is now)
[02:09:08] runoff (runoff! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:09:34] jams: you mean mythvideo
[02:09:37] mick_laptop: well the error is there in the troubleshooting section (the one that i'm getting)
[02:09:40] iamlindoro: yeah
[02:09:41] iamlindoro: my bad
[02:10:00] mick_laptop: but the things that it says to check should be done by MythTV itself
[02:10:07] mick_laptop: like "check permissions"
[02:10:20] mick_laptop: that would be easy enough to write
[02:10:22] mick_laptop: IMO
[02:10:33] GreyFoxx: then fire your patch into trac
[02:10:42] iamlindoro: mick_laptop: I'm sure nobody would mind ytou doing so
[02:13:23] mick_laptop:
[02:13:40] mick_laptop: mtd -n says that hostbased authentication failed
[02:14:19] GreyFoxx: that's actually X related I believe
[02:14:24] GreyFoxx: That error message
[02:14:34] GreyFoxx: I'm sure if you google it you will find many referrences
[02:15:37] ** GreyFoxx starts to dig into the mp4/mkv seeking issues **
[02:15:51] GreyFoxx: Want my new rips to play properly :)
[02:17:07] mick_laptop (mick_laptop!n=mweiss@clamwin/admin/mickhome) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:18:08] alexvd: All I think the defrag fixed my hang at :30 minutes issue. It hasnt happened since I ran it. Funny thing is that it had to abort alot because of recordings
[02:18:43] dec_ (dec_!n=tom@unaffiliated/dec) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:20:15] iamlindoro: I think it's defrag-related fix week in #mythtv-users
[02:21:12] iamlindoro: There've been a few other people who've had to do some major defragging this week... weird that they would all come in a cluster.
[02:25:01] iamlindoro: Although I guess with WinMyth becoming more of a reality, I should get used to it...
[02:25:51] ** iamlindoro wonders if he can write himself a little trojan to send him BBC HD programming from WinMyth 2000 Ultimate Edition **
[02:26:27] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:33] mick_laptop (mick_laptop!n=mweiss@clamwin/admin/mickhome) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:45] mikeones: anyone in here running nuvexport 0.5 with ffmpeg from svn? what does your ffmpeg -v look like?
[02:30:47] mick_laptop: sorry guys – mythtv crashed my box
[02:31:28] mick_laptop: anyone know why i was getting auth errors (about my hostname) from mtd -n ?
[02:31:51] iamlindoro: mikeones:
[02:31:54] GreyFoxx: mick_laptop: that error I'm pretty sure is a commond X error
[02:32:03] GreyFoxx: I'm sure you will find it if you google it
[02:32:15] Anduin: mick_laptop: pastebin the errors
[02:32:20] xris: mikeones: ffmpeg has been "only" svn for like the last 2 years
[02:32:36] iamlindoro: mikeones: That's with ffmpeg r11584
[02:33:05] iamlindoro: mikeones: And yes, I'm using SVN nuvexport, but only for HD stuff -> MP4 when mythtranscode chokes on the files
[02:33:29] mikeones: xris: I did not know, when I get the .deb, the version is unknow and nuvexport complains
[02:34:28] arschjucken (arschjucken! has quit ("Verlassend")
[02:34:38] mikeones: so I thought I checking ot the svn trunk and building it would be the solution
[02:34:59] xris: mikeones: the deb version likely won't be compiled with enough options to be useful, anyway
[02:34:59] mikeones: not sure what options to enable
[02:35:06] xris: there should be info about it in the mythtv wik
[02:35:20] mikeones: let me check agian
[02:35:45] iamlindoro: mikeones: All my config options are in that pastebin... I enable pretty much everything
[02:36:24] dec (dec!n=tom@unaffiliated/dec) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:36:45] mikeones: thanks
[02:36:51] iamlindoro: np
[02:38:20] Como|lappy (Como|lappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:42:57] mick_laptop: Anduin: i did – before mythtv crashed on me :)
[02:43:31] sshirley (sshirley! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:44:28] Anduin: mick_laptop: Look like xsession stuff
[02:44:42] sshirley: I have a hardware question. I think I know the answer, but is there truly a huge, noticeable difference between 780p/i and 1080p/i?
[02:45:02] mick_laptop: Anduin: i had that before when i changed ips
[02:45:26] mick_laptop: i think that it is a problem with mythtv looking for a specific ip
[02:45:29] Anduin: mick_laptop: does something simple like xclock have the same message?
[02:45:41] sshirley: I'm looking to buy a HDTV, but 1080p/i gets kinda expensive
[02:45:56] mick_laptop: lol – no :)
[02:45:58] tarbo (tarbo!n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) has quit ("leaving")
[02:46:25] mick_laptop: i was running AssaultCube just now – just fine
[02:46:34] mick_laptop: it is a problem with Myth
[02:46:51] mick_laptop: there are a bunch of places where you can put an ip in the myth configs
[02:46:55] Tokayla (Tokayla! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:46:57] mick_laptop: one of them is set wrong
[02:47:08] mick_laptop: i'm fairly sure of it
[02:47:25] mick_laptop: just myth doesn't really do the best job of logging what it doesn't like ;)
[02:47:40] Tokayla: myth tv works from a backend server i assume.. so will it work from a bog standard upnp server?
[02:47:53] Tokayla: or samba shares
[02:48:15] ol_schoola: sshirley: 1080p trumps 720p, big diff when comparing blu-ray to broadcast atsc HD which is 720p and 1080i
[02:48:28] amrit|wrk is now known as amrit|bbl
[02:49:08] ol_schoola: sshirley: 1080p is also a very easy resolution to get the linux and consumer hardware bits to play nice
[02:49:13] mick_laptop: Tokayla: as the source of the content? yes — check the wiki about upnp
[02:49:21] mick_laptop: i did see some stuff on upnp in there
[02:49:26] Tokayla: sweet
[02:49:30] iamlindoro: Tokayla: No
[02:49:35] Tokayla: boo :|
[02:49:35] iamlindoro: it will not work from uPnP
[02:49:40] iamlindoro: myth is a uPnp Server, not a client
[02:49:49] ol_schoola: sshirley: are you US?
[02:50:14] Tokayla: bleh im basicly looking for something to replace the rubbish xbox360
[02:50:21] mick_laptop: and another WTF i found in the logs... it looks for some redhat path (i'm on debian) — lol :)
[02:50:27] tarbo (tarbo!n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:50:33] iamlindoro: You can mount SAMBA and NFS shares for Mythvideo and music, however, but for recordings, etc., myth needs its own backend running
[02:51:00] tarbo (tarbo!n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) has quit (Client Quit)
[02:51:05] Anduin: mick_laptop: It isn't a MythTV IP problem
[02:51:26] tarbo (tarbo!n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:51:45] Tokayla: that could work though. but how is mythtv for support of mkv / embedded truetype fonts?
[02:52:02] GreyFoxx: mkv support is not very good right now
[02:52:07] iamlindoro: Tokayla: for MKV, you would want to use myth to launch mplayer
[02:52:09] GreyFoxx: and no embedded font support
[02:52:20] tarbo (tarbo!n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) has quit (Client Quit)
[02:52:23] Tokayla: bleh is there anything on nix that supports embedded fonts?
[02:52:37] iamlindoro: myth's playback is based on ffmpeg... and ffmpeg only got patched this month with embedded font and subtitle and poster support
[02:52:52] GreyFoxx: no clue. I've got 2 mkv files, and I made boith of them. So I've never looked for that sort of thing :)
[02:53:22] Tokayla: doh atm i have to transcode all of it
[02:53:45] iamlindoro: presuming myth's next ffmpeg sync is to a very new ffmpeg version, the possibility is then opened up to supporting those things... but it would still need to be implemented in myth
[02:54:12] mick_laptop: Anduin: i just did a mysqldump of the database to look for my old ip – everything is now set to localhost — so it shouldn't be
[02:54:15] iamlindoro: so it's a little bit down the road, at least
[02:54:43] johndbritton (johndbritton! has quit ()
[02:55:32] iamlindoro: Woo hoo, Wisconsin to Obama!
[02:55:42] Anduin: mick_laptop: If you mean literally "localhost" that isn't good, it wants an IP when it asks.
[02:55:46] mikeones: now I have ffmpeg built as iamlindoro posted and I have the lattest nuvexport and am running nuvexport-xvid from the console and it says ffmpeg died early
[02:56:32] Kernel (Kernel!n=free@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:57:07] iamlindoro: ffmpeg has a known incompatibility with episodes of Judge Joe Brown.
[02:57:17] mick_laptop: well the full error is here:
[02:57:24] mick_laptop: Anduin: ^^^
[02:57:27] mikeones: haha
[02:57:48] mick_laptop: you killed it – you bastard :-P
[02:58:16] mikeones: I knew I should have chose sally
[02:58:20] Anduin: mick_laptop: Yes, but the error comes from dcop/ice not mtd directly
[02:59:29] lanuser (lanuser!i=lanuser@ has quit ("[BX] Reserve your copy of BitchX-1.1-final for the PalmPilot today!")
[03:00:00] mick_laptop: ah
[03:01:01] mikeones: not sure if I have to run all these commands at once, may take 6 console winsows.
[03:01:56] xris: mikeones: did you follow the advice in the error message?
[03:02:15] mikeones: my above paste it with --debug
[03:02:16] ecto (ecto! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:02:25] xris:
[03:04:14] ** xris goes to add a link to that entry to go along with the "use --debug" message **
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[03:05:00] mikeones: the above exqample show 2 forks, my --debug has 6 forks
[03:05:14] mikeones: do I have to have 6 console windows up for this?
[03:05:22] mick_laptop: guess the wiki article didn't lie
[03:05:32] mick_laptop: it is a "bit tricky" :)
[03:05:49] xris: mikeones: you should only need 2 or 3... the extra forks are probably for multi-pass
[03:06:45] mikeones: ok
[03:07:13] iamlindoro__: Looks like the first four should tell you everything you need to know
[03:07:28] mikeones: run all four at once?
[03:07:51] iamlindoro__: well, the first line, then the three forks thereafter, since the first line just creates a directory
[03:08:00] mikeones: ok
[03:08:10] iamlindoro__: and yes, at the same time, in that order
[03:08:36] iamlindoro__: ie, open open terminal, paste the first line, hit enter. Open another terminal, paste the next line, hit enter
[03:09:11] iamlindoro__: etc., until to run the first ffmpeg line... it should die when/by the time you run that
[03:09:22] iamlindoro__: er until you run
[03:09:26] fryfrog: "screen" might be a good place to do this ;)
[03:10:04] iamlindoro__: screen would work, but four xterms is easier since you can visualize all four at once
[03:10:36] fryfrog: true
[03:10:42] fryfrog: though you can split screen
[03:10:54] fryfrog: i always do it on accident, but then don't know how to *un* do it :p
[03:10:56] xris: mikeones: read the wiki articke.. it tells you what to do
[03:11:01] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:11:15] clever: fryfrog: ^a,Q will make the current split full
[03:11:23] fryfrog: ah!
[03:11:26] clever: fryfrog: ^a,x will remove the current split
[03:11:37] clever: ^a tab to cycle thru them
[03:11:37] fryfrog: and how do you *split*?
[03:11:40] mikeones: Unknown encoder 'xvid'
[03:11:42] clever: ^a S
[03:12:02] mikeones: I thought that was included
[03:12:04] clever: and be carefull because ^a s is XOFF
[03:12:12] fryfrog: hehe
[03:12:15] xris: mikeones: you need to install a newer nuvexport
[03:12:17] clever: which effectively freezes the prog till you ^a q
[03:12:29] fryfrog: yeah, *that* i have memorized the combo for
[03:12:38] fryfrog: cause i'd hit ^a s all the time :/
[03:13:01] clever: plain ^s will stop the xterm before screen
[03:13:01] clever: blocking the whole screen ui
[03:13:01] clever: ^a s blocks the window in screen
[03:13:09] clever: i miss the shift every now and then
[03:13:21] fryfrog: ah
[03:13:30] fryfrog: ctrl a, x locks the screen
[03:13:34] fryfrog: but also removes the split
[03:13:43] fryfrog: can you make the split... not 50/50?
[03:13:46] clever: aahh it was ^a X
[03:13:59] clever: ^a :resize -20
[03:14:05] clever: shrink the current one by 20 lines
[03:14:39] fryfrog: neat
[03:14:47] clever: you can also set it to a certain size or +20
[03:14:51] fryfrog: i have a little bar at the bottom of my screen
[03:14:52] mikeones: xris: I am running the version in mythextras
[03:14:56] mikeones: snv
[03:14:58] clever: yeah
[03:14:58] mikeones: svn up
[03:14:58] mikeones: At revision 16174.
[03:15:00] clever: the caption
[03:15:07] clever: ' 2 bash ...."
[03:15:07] fryfrog: yeah, exactly :)
[03:15:11] fryfrog: name my screens and such
[03:15:11] clever: at the bottom of every window
[03:15:17] fryfrog: yup
[03:15:23] clever: ive set the caption to allways be there
[03:15:25] fryfrog: cept, named
[03:15:32] clever: so even in 1 window i can clearly see im in screen
[03:15:35] fryfrog: so i remember what is what nice and easy :)
[03:15:58] clever: 0 is mythbackend
[03:16:03] clever: 1 is irexec(and frontend)
[03:16:06] clever: 2 is irssi
[03:16:15] clever: 3 is ctrlproxy, 4 is a highlight thing and stuff
[03:16:26] clever: 5 is for background stuff like tail
[03:16:34] clever: 6 for file editing, 7 is mostly root
[03:16:39] clever: 8 is free space, 9 top
[03:16:40] ** xris points out that "using svn" could mean branches/0.18/ and has little to do with "svn trunk" which refers specifically to the HEAD/development branch. **
[03:16:42] fryfrog: humm, now i have 2 status bars :/
[03:16:46] fryfrog: er, 3 even
[03:16:47] clever: 10 is tail thru ssh
[03:16:53] clever: and a few others
[03:17:08] fryfrog: lotta screen sessions :0
[03:17:08] clever: xris: my mythweb is broken:(
[03:17:15] fryfrog: ohz noz!
[03:17:34] xris: mikeones: if you're at 16174, you need to reinstall nuvexport because I *just* committed that transaction.
[03:17:45] clever: fryfrog: its actualy 1 SESSION with many windows
[03:17:45] clever: Fatal Error at /media/mainlv/sharedbuilds/7.10/mythplugins/mythweb/classes/Database/Query/mysql .php, line 83:
[03:17:45] clever: SQL Error: Table 'mythconverg.weatherscreens' doesn't exist [#1146]
[03:17:56] fryfrog: er, true
[03:18:03] fryfrog: okay, that is a lot of windows in your screen :)
[03:18:04] xris: clever: thanks.
[03:18:08] sid (sid!i=unstable@tor/regular/sid) has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:18:30] xris: mikeones: but also make sure that you have only one copy of nuvexport installed. shared libraries in /usr/ will conflict with ones in /usr/local/
[03:18:31] clever: something complained of that table existing yet not existing and i wasnt using it so i droped the thing months ago
[03:18:33] fryfrog: split will be very useful for getting openvpn working 100% :)
[03:18:53] mikeones: xris: I just updatedb and will check now
[03:18:54] clever: often i split my screen into 3
[03:18:59] clever: with 2 tails and an irssi
[03:19:09] xris: clever: run this: SHOW TABLES LIKE "weatherscreens"
[03:19:16] fryfrog: must be either very small or you have a very *tall* ssh session?
[03:19:20] clever: and im ^a'ing and alt+a'ing so much its starting to hurt my ctrl finger
[03:19:28] xris: clever: and tell me how many rows mysql says it returns
[03:19:32] fryfrog: hehe
[03:19:58] clever: 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
[03:19:58] clever: | weatherscreens |
[03:20:23] clever: mysql> select * from weatherscreens ;
[03:20:23] clever: ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'mythconverg.weatherscreens' doesn't exist
[03:20:28] clever: it exists but it doesnt exist!
[03:20:38] xris: clever: corrupt db
[03:20:58] clever: Feb 19 23:20:17 media mysqld[4874]: 080219 23:20:17080219 23:20:17 [ERROR] Cannot find table mythconverg/weatherscreens from the internal data dictionary
[03:21:16] clever: where are innodb files stored?
[03:21:28] sshirley (sshirley! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:21:51] fryfrog: in mysql's db dir
[03:21:57] fryfrog: like /var/lib/mysql or something
[03:22:12] fryfrog: depends on the distro, but "slocate mythconverg" might find it
[03:22:15] xris: clever: innodb stores all of its stuff in one or two files, unless you have the "one table per file" setting turned on
[03:22:18] clever: im using the same $datadir/mythconverg as allways
[03:22:29] clever: but the host has changed several times
[03:22:30] xris: fryfrog: innodb data by default is all jumbled into a single innodb data file.
[03:22:36] clever: ahhh
[03:22:39] fryfrog: oh
[03:22:42] fryfrog: that i didn't know :)
[03:22:45] clever: and i didnt move that thing over to the new host
[03:23:39] clever: where would that big file be then?
[03:25:03] xris: clever: /var/lib/mysql/
[03:25:07] clever: checking
[03:25:17] clever: ibdata1 and friends?
[03:25:48] xris: yeah
[03:26:10] clever: all 3 mysql servers have those files allready
[03:26:11] xris: there's a config command you can set that'll split it out into separate files like myisam does
[03:26:29] clever: no idea which one has the data
[03:26:36] ecto (ecto! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:26:41] clever: and what id be screwing up when i drop 1 on the other
[03:26:53] mikeones: xris: I went through and cleaned up all the nuvexports and re-ran the --debug output and still get this. Unknown encoder 'xvid'
[03:26:58] clever: cant i just drop the table and start that one over?
[03:27:09] xris: clever: probably, as long as you have the table definition
[03:27:16] ahbritto (ahbritto! has quit (Client Quit)
[03:27:19] clever: ive got the .frm
[03:27:22] clever: thats all ive got
[03:27:29] xris: mikeones: it should be libxvid... and nuvexport should detect that, which is why I suggested you should update.
[03:27:41] xris: clever: as in the .sql.. from the mythweather source.
[03:27:59] clever: im not even using mythweather
[03:28:05] clever: it didnt work last i tried
[03:28:19] clever: now that i think of it, this could be WHY
[03:28:47] mikeones: xris: I see you added the link to the wiki for --debug. I ran make install and I get the same error
[03:28:56] mick_laptop: anyone know of a channel for lircd?
[03:29:13] clever: #lirc maybe
[03:29:29] mikeones: I see ffmpeg ./configure shows that XviD is enabled
[03:29:33] clever: xris: moving the weatherscreens.frm out of mysql's sight 'fixed' it:)
[03:29:34] ecto (ecto! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:29:44] clever: mythweb is alive again!
[03:29:53] mick_laptop: i saw that the kernel patches for getting the ATI Remote Wonder Plus to work — reference a file that isn't in my kernel version (same major minor version)
[03:30:07] xris: clever: funky
[03:30:21] clever: wasnt realy using weather to begin with
[03:30:22] xris: mikeones: ffmpeg -formats 2>&1 | grep -i xvid
[03:30:29] mick_laptop: clever: checked that aLREADY
[03:30:31] clever: i tryed the beta and after adding screens it wouldnt stick
[03:30:34] mick_laptop: damn caps lock
[03:30:42] mikeones: configuration: --prefix=/usr/local --enable-shared --enable-gpl --enable-pp --enable-swscaler --enable-pthreads --enable-liba52 --enable-liba52bin --enable-libfaac --enable-libfaad --enable-libfaadbin --enable-libgsm --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libtheora --enable-libvorbis --enable-libx264 --enable-libxvid
[03:31:15] xris: mikeones: and that's it?
[03:31:46] mikeones: ffmpeg -formats 2>&1 | grep -i xvid
[03:31:53] xris: it probably means that you told it to compile xvid support, but you didn't have the xvid libraries installed so it didn't really include xvid support
[03:32:15] mikeones: really??? that would suck
[03:32:34] mick_laptop: the kernel patch is for 2.6.22 — i have 2.6.22–14
[03:33:00] clever: i think the -14 means the 14th patch of 2.6.22
[03:33:20] Anduin: and sometimes they lie
[03:33:47] clever: and all 2.6.22's binary compabitle for modules
[03:34:26] xris: mikeones: ffmpeg doesn't error out if you tell it to compile something but it can't find the necessary libraries.. so you need to get all of the build dependencies installed first.
[03:35:03] mikeones: build-dep?
[03:35:37] xris: mikeones: that'll pull down the ones for the default ffmpeg package
[03:37:48] mikeones: is this not it? libavcodec0d
[03:38:19] iamlindoro: no
[03:38:21] iamlindoro: it's not
[03:38:26] iamlindoro: what distro?
[03:38:32] iamlindoro: apt-cache search libxvid
[03:38:53] iamlindoro: install regular and -dev
[03:39:00] mick_laptop: the wiki page said that there is a file called ati_wonder.c
[03:39:06] mick_laptop: liars :-P_
[03:39:49] iamlindoro: mick_laptop: I presume before complaining about it you went ahead and fixed any errors?
[03:39:56] mikeones: The following NEW packages will be installed: avifile-xvid-plugin libavifile-0.7c2
[03:40:15] mikeones: Suggested packages: avifile-player avifile-utils avifile-mad-plugin avifile-mjpeg-plugin avifile-vorbis-plugin avifile-win32-plugin avifile-divx-plugin
[03:40:41] mikeones: Any in the suggested that may be needed?
[03:40:55] mick_laptop: iamlindoro: ahem... they say "patch ati_wonder.c under /usr/src/kernel/drivers/input/misc)
[03:41:01] xris: mikeones: what distro?
[03:41:18] mick_laptop: i'm to the point of not seeing any file called ati_wonder.c :-P
[03:41:18] iamlindoro: mick_laptop: So? If there's an error, did you fix it?
[03:41:43] mikeones: now it has started
[03:41:48] iamlindoro: I figure you've got full leave to complain about it if you fixed it, I've got no problem with that
[03:42:02] mick_laptop: iamlindoro: either you are dense or i'm really not explaining myself
[03:42:46] iamlindoro: you're the one saying the wiki page is wrong...
[03:42:56] mick_laptop: anyone else get that I'm saying that the docs say to patch a nonexistent file?
[03:43:13] xris: mick_laptop: I think ht's saying that you should fix the wiki if it talks about a nonexistent file
[03:43:21] xris: not fix the file as if it was causing compile errors
[03:43:34] mick_laptop: i'm more interested in getting to know wtf is going on first ;)
[03:43:41] iamlindoro: that's precisely what I'm saying. I have no problem with your bitching about the errors so long as you take the time to fix them
[03:45:20] xris: mick_laptop: the file was probably deleted at some point... or the wiki article used to mention where to grab it from, and someone deleted that part.
[03:46:56] mick_laptop (mick_laptop!n=mweiss@clamwin/admin/mickhome) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:48:25] mick_laptop (mick_laptop!n=mweiss@clamwin/admin/mickhome) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:51:04] mick_laptop: taht sucked
[03:51:15] mick_laptop: something keeps crashing my box
[03:51:31] mick_laptop: this time i know it isn't myth – since (for once) it wasn't running
[03:52:02] DustyBin: mick_laptop: the only thing what crashes boxes is faulty hardware or windows
[03:54:05] mick_laptop: lol – if only ;)
[03:54:57] mick_laptop: X (along w/ the shitty ATI drivers) and a few other things can just as easily take down a box
[03:56:00] Loto (Loto!n=bak@xbmc/user/Loto) has quit ()
[04:06:05] feiner_ (feiner_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:06:07] feiner_ (feiner_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:06:13] mikeones: xris: now I get this Unknown encoder 'mp3'
[04:06:23] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:07:04] mikeones: missing mp3 library?
[04:07:27] tjcarter: . . . oducts_id=94 <-- Best price I can find
[04:07:51] tjcarter: That beats what I'm paying for CF to 2.5" IDE (but isn't a substitute obviously)
[04:08:36] tjcarter: They also have adapters for use on the end of an IDE cable and a dual CF board as well
[04:08:44] tjcarter: all of them under $2
[04:10:23] mikeones: is this accurate? . . . /008735.html <- says -acodec aac is now -acodec libfaac
[04:10:55] johndbritton (johndbritton! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:11:01] xris: mikeones: because it's libmp3lame
[04:14:34] mikeones: ok
[04:16:56] mikeones: xris: is that the package name?
[04:17:13] xris: that's the codec name in ffmpeg
[04:17:21] xris: package is probably something like lame-dev or liblame-dev
[04:17:22] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:17:38] iamlindoro: apt-cache search someword is your friend
[04:18:05] mikeones: apt-cache search libmp3lame show nothing
[04:18:16] mikeones: returns nothing
[04:18:21] iamlindoro: now try parts o that word...
[04:18:51] iamlindoro: something like apt-cache search lame |grep mp3 |grep lib
[04:19:14] iamlindoro: er, capitalize MP3
[04:19:57] xris: iamlindoro: that's why `grep -i` is useful.  :)
[04:20:13] iamlindoro: xris: true, would have been better
[04:20:19] mikeones: apt-cache search lame |grep -i mp3 |grep lib
[04:20:19] mikeones: liblame-dev – LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder
[04:20:19] mikeones: liblame0 – LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder
[04:20:21] mikeones: apt-cache search lame |grep -i mp3 |grep lib
[04:20:21] mikeones: liblame-dev – LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder
[04:20:23] mikeones: liblame0 – LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder
[04:20:26] mikeones: ops
[04:20:28] mikeones: opps
[04:20:37] mikeones: I have both of those installed
[04:20:42] mikeones: already
[04:21:11] xris: mikeones: I only fixed the mp3 stuff the other night... you sure you don't have some random old nuvexport file directory hanging around somewhere?
[04:21:44] mikeones: yep
[04:21:49] iamlindoro: ffmpeg -formats |grep mp3
[04:22:19] iamlindoro: and...
[04:22:40] mikeones:
[04:23:03] iamlindoro: well that's ok, anyway
[04:23:45] iamlindoro: or at least to my eyes it is
[04:24:41] mikeones: going through the debug agian
[04:31:18] npurciful: is the a limit on the amount of jobs mytharchive can handle because the new rip button is disappeared
[04:31:35] npurciful: sorry it is svn build
[04:31:51] xris: iamlindoro: ffmpeg needs 2>&1 — all of their help text goes to STDERR, which |grep won't pick up
[04:33:06] iamlindoro: xris: that particular line works ok here... although I do need to use 2>&1 when I'm trying to awk out lines w/o the header
[04:33:36] xris: iamlindoro: ah, you are correct. I guess only -h goes to stderr
[04:34:21] iamlindoro: yeah, and that was definitely a pain in the butt figuring out the first time I tried to get useful info out of ffmpeg -i :)
[04:34:50] mikeones: xris: I tried -acodec mp3 and it failed but -acodec libfaac worked
[04:35:10] xris: mikeones: that's because it's -acodec libmp3lame
[04:35:24] mikeones: so mp3 should work?
[04:35:37] iamlindoro: mikeones: as xris told you, it's -acodec libmp3lame
[04:35:50] xris: no, ffmpeg renamed "mp3" to "libmp3lame" awhlie back.
[04:36:05] xris: nuvexport understands the difference, but you need to compile ffmpeg with LAME
[04:38:43] mikeones: all I have is one copy of this.
[04:38:44] mikeones: locate nuvexport-xvid
[04:38:44] mikeones: /usr/local/bin/nuvexport-xvid
[04:39:12] xris: mikeones: and it's a symlink.
[04:39:16] xris: just look for nuvexport
[04:39:32] xris: and that still won't help your ffmpeg installation.
[04:40:11] mikeones: so I need to rebuild ffmpeg?
[04:40:52] xris: mikeones:
[04:41:10] xris: (since I don't think you ever did tell us which distro, I'm assuming ubuntu)
[04:41:28] iamlindoro: well, the fact that ffmpeg is complaining about "invalid codec mp3" seems to imply it's being passed a bad command line, which implies old nuvexport
[04:42:11] xris: iamlindoro: or... "mp3" is the default and nuvexport can't find libmp3lame in its supported codecs list so it sends mp3, and ffmpeg doesn't recognize either.
[04:42:22] xris: what do you get from: ffmpeg -formats | grep -i mp3
[04:42:38] iamlindoro: xris: this was his output:
[04:42:52] iamlindoro: he shows and encoder for libmp3lame
[04:42:54] iamlindoro: er an
[04:42:55] xris: ok, that seems to be right, then.
[04:43:09] xris: which means maybe nuvexport isn't fully up to date, or is installed multiple times.
[04:43:18] Gumby: hell all, I am looking for a suggestion for which theme to run on a 720p TV 16:9.
[04:43:21] xris: mikeones: what do you get when you `locate nuvexport` ?
[04:43:27] xris: Gumby: metallurgy
[04:43:48] xris: or if you're still in .20, use blootube
[04:43:52] xris: er, blootube-wide
[04:43:55] Gumby: xris: odd, that one doesnt seem to work for me. is there a specific version for widescreen? all the channel info isnt on screen
[04:43:55] npurciful: yeah, that is good one, i use it
[04:44:00] iamlindoro: metallurgy *is* nice... HD OSD makes all the difference in the world
[04:44:11] xris: Gumby: metallurgy needs 0.21
[04:44:14] Gumby: ah
[04:44:21] npurciful: metallurgy that is
[04:45:03] xris: iamlindoro / mikeones: ok, it looks like my mp3 test code in nuvexport needs to be rearranged....
[04:45:13] xris: since your -formats output is showing *both* mp3 and libmp3lame
[04:45:35] Gumby: I wonder if the DVB patches I use for satellite work with .21
[04:45:58] Gumby: Im using Retro-OSD right now and it looks great but has font issues
[04:46:23] ** iamlindoro smells a SoftCAM **
[04:47:07] ** Gumby looks around **
[04:47:16] xris: mikeones: svn up and try now
[04:47:20] mikeones: ok
[04:47:34] iamlindoro: It doesn't help that you were in a few months ago asking how to install said softcam...
[04:47:43] ** iamlindoro puts two and two together **
[04:48:27] Gumby: iamlindoro: I dont think I was asing about installing it. I think I was asking about whether it was ok to ask about it in here :) There again, that was a bit ago and I cant remember exactly what was discussed
[04:48:35] iamlindoro: mmhm
[04:48:43] iamlindoro: The IRC logs remember
[04:48:47] npurciful: lol
[04:49:11] jamesd (jamesd! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:49:13] npurciful: heh, paper tails everywere
[04:49:46] Gumby: iamlindoro: yeah, I was just looking through them. hehe
[04:50:55] Gumby: Jan 11 11:53:49 PST
[04:50:57] Gumby: :)
[04:51:25] ** iamlindoro wishes he hadn't revealed his fondness for livestocxk in channel **
[04:51:28] tjcarter: Gumby: if you're using it for channels you legally pay to access, nobody cares.
[04:51:44] Gumby: tjcarter: true.
[04:51:47] tjcarter: Gumby: If you're using it for channels you don't legally pay for, this channel is logged publicly  ;)
[04:52:12] xris: tjcarter: actually, the topic of softcam is completely forbidden here
[04:52:13] iamlindoro: This *channel* cares, it's off-limits discussion regardless of intent... and I'm pretty sure the sat provider cares an awful lot too
[04:52:29] Gumby: I've not asked for any info on here regardeing softcams etc. I only asked if it was ok to ask, I was told no, I left it alone
[04:52:37] xris: even if you pay for the service, it's still illegal in the US (where mythtv and this channel are virtually hosted)
[04:53:13] tcpsyn (tcpsyn! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:53:15] xris: anyway, best just to change the topic of conversation back to themes
[04:53:16] fryfrog: stupid US :p
[04:53:17] jamesd (jamesd! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:53:30] tcpsyn: any idea why the latest v4l-dvb tree would kill the sound on my pvr-150s?
[04:53:31] ** iamlindoro pets the USA.... **
[04:53:31] tcpsyn: Opening audio device 'default'. ch 2(2) sr 48000
[04:53:35] iamlindoro: It's ok, baby, I still love you
[04:53:37] tcpsyn: looks like it opens fine
[04:53:42] tcpsyn: but, I get no sound from them.
[04:53:48] tcpsyn: my atsc cards work fine
[04:53:57] tcpsyn: spdif passthrough
[04:54:01] tjcarter: xris: to bad, it's one of the easiest ways to get HD content into Myth, I understand.
[04:54:14] tcpsyn: and it worked right before I rebuilt the v4l-dvb branch
[04:54:20] tjcarter: too bad too
[04:54:23] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:54:24] xris: tjcarter: atsc and firewire work just fine, are legal, and don't require any special hardware.
[04:54:38] xris: or the hdhomerun
[04:54:39] Gumby: ok, here is a valid question. when I try to use nuvexport I get the following error.....
[04:54:42] tjcarter: xris: and get you like 6 channels if you're lucky
[04:54:45] Gumby: anyone have any idea why this is?
[04:54:49] mindframe_ (mindframe_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:55:07] ecto (ecto! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:55:19] tjcarter: xris: doesn't exactly compete with a TiVo or DirecTV DVR or so..
[04:55:32] mindframe_ (mindframe_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:55:35] xris: tjcarter: there really isn't that much HD in the US. only directv has more, and you can't get at their stuff from myth, no matter what, since they use a proprietary satellite signal (i.e. no tuner cards work)
[04:55:38] iamlindoro: sounds like missing perl modules
[04:55:41] ecto (ecto! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:55:49] xris: tjcarter: fwiw, I get all of my HD and SD channels over firewire....
[04:55:51] Gumby: hrm
[04:56:18] tjcarter: xris: cool, how'd you manage that?
[04:56:27] iamlindoro: xris: as do I
[04:56:37] xris: tjcarter: that's just how comcast works in my area... and in a number of other areas of the US. luck of the draw, I guess.
[04:56:57] xris: Gumby: you have Term::Cap installed? term cap file should be standard on any interactive linux distro
[04:57:03] tjcarter: xris: I got Minet to open up 8 channels by complaining
[04:57:46] xris: tjcarter: nice.
[04:57:57] tjcarter: xris: they're the only 8 channels I get
[04:57:58] Gumby: xris: not sure how I can tell. nuvexport ran fine and then I updated a few files and reinstalled them all(from what I can tell) but the problem isnt fixed. I'll see if I can figure out if Term::Cap is installed
[04:58:00] xris: I don't even have an hdtv, so I can't complain much.
[04:58:21] tjcarter: xris: And frankly, reruns of America's Top Asshole Reality Show Judge don't appeal.
[04:59:08] xris: tjcarter: such is the state of US tv these days... hd or no. but yeah, sucks to have recording problems with HD.. but it affects everyone who wants to use a third party DVR, not just myth
[04:59:26] xris: anyway, I need to get away from this keyboard for awhile... afk
[05:00:02] tjcarter: xris: I can plop a CableCard in a TiVo
[05:00:15] iamlindoro: Gumby: cpan -i Term::Cap
[05:00:26] xris: tjcarter: didn't know that cablecard was even available yet. but point taken.
[05:00:34] tjcarter: xris: someone oughtta do a CableCard thing for Linux =D
[05:00:37] xris: Gumby: make sure you have the latest version of nuvexport (I *just* pushed a new one a few minutes ago with some typo fixes)... that termcap stuff should be pretty standard.
[05:00:41] tjcarter: OUTSIDE the US naturally
[05:00:42] Gumby: iamlindoro: shouldnt it be available via my systems package manager
[05:00:53] tjcarter: or face the wrath of Hollywood and NYC lawyers
[05:00:58] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:00:59] xris: anyway, afk
[05:01:01] iamlindoro: Gumby: What's the philisophical issue with using cpan?
[05:01:22] iamlindoro: or rather, against using it?
[05:01:48] Gumby: iamlindoro: I'd just like to use system packages if I can thats all. Nother against using it and I will if need be but if I can just install an ubuntu .deb I'd rather do that
[05:02:21] iamlindoro: Gumby: Then you're on your own, good luck
[05:02:46] Gumby: iamlindoro: dont get me wrong, I do appreciate the suggestion
[05:03:11] mikeones: xris: mp3 is working now
[05:03:26] mikeones: thanks xris and iamlindoro for all you help!
[05:03:42] iamlindoro: mikeones: no problem, glad xris fixed it for you, I didn't really do anything :)
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[05:11:58] Gumby: hrm, install Term::Cap via cpan didnt work
[05:12:38] iamlindoro: i think your cpan might be a bit broken... it installed ok that way here
[05:13:11] Gumby: it installed without errors. I am just getting the same error using nuvexport
[05:13:15] iamlindoro: I'd offer more advice but must admit to having fairly limited knowledge about cpan
[05:14:41] iamlindoro: ah, 36...
[05:15:06] iamlindoro: looks like line 36 refers to mythtv perl bindings... if you didn't install from source, or didn't enable perl bindings, you might not have them
[05:15:21] iamlindoro: (or if you installed someones poorly packaged version, as has been known to happen)
[05:15:36] Gumby: hrm. I did compile from source, and I have used nuvexport since ive installed.
[05:15:56] Gumby: maybe I should install the hardy package for ubuntu and see if it works
[05:16:03] iamlindoro: tought to tell, then... you would know better than I what you might have changed since then
[05:16:06] iamlindoro: er tough
[05:28:46] iamlindoro__: hmmm, is "ghaushe" any of the devs who comes in here?
[05:32:37] CCFL_Man2: i love being a c bander
[05:33:03] Anduin: iamlindoro__: That is Geoffrey, and no, not that I can remember.
[05:34:12] iamlindoro__: Anduin: I just wonder because the four or five tickets assigned to him (all for mythtranscode) haven't been touched in like a year and a half... I know that those particular issues affect a lot of us, and wondered if anyone else might be looking at them. Don't want to come across as an ass about it, though.
[05:36:15] Anduin: A poke to the mail list may be good, would probably depend on Janne or Daniel picking it up though.
[05:36:38] robbins61 (robbins61! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:37:10] robbins61: Still too early for imdb fix?
[05:37:16] iamlindoro__: Understandable. I'll drop the dev list a mail. Just didn't/don't want to step on any toes as I know how obnoxious it can be to complain without being a part of the solution
[05:37:51] Anduin: iamlindoro__: Some things would never be looked at without some friendly prodding.
[05:38:39] Anduin: robbins61: Still waiting for their licensing people to e-mail me back. Doesn't help that I don't know anyone who knows someone that works there.
[05:39:07] stiev3 (stiev3! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:39:36] Anduin: I've actually considered sending an e-mail to the Freevo people to see if they can give up a contact.
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[05:42:37] mikeones: now that I can run nuvexport from the cli, I have an issue running it as a user job
[05:43:00] mikeones: my path is set to /tmp , nit sure what causes this
[05:43:00] mikeones: Loading MythTV recording info.
[05:43:00] mikeones: 98%
[05:43:00] mikeones: . isn't writable.
[05:43:08] robbins61: Anduin, i know someone
[05:43:20] mikeones: That is in my backend logs
[05:51:02] jeffery (jeffery! has quit ("Leaving")
[06:07:56] Anduin: robbins61: Where?
[06:12:40] mikeones: nm, the /etc/nuvexportrc file was read before the on in my user home directory
[06:27:53] squidly (squidly!n=squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit ("leaving")
[06:31:05] Gumby: hrm, so termcap wasnt my issue. it was that the terminal type wasnt being read by termcap and for some reason I wasnt being allowed to edit the termcap terminal either
[06:38:06] Dagmar: So, you should probably be yelling at your distro maintainers then
[06:44:55] craig (craig! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:55:47] ecloud (ecloud! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:55:53] Solv (Solv!n=solv@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:56:19] ecloud: anybody getting digital sound with a pcHDTV 5500?
[06:57:18] Solv: I just compiled myth 0.21 from svn and everything seems fine except for 2 issues. mythstream says i have compiled against an old 'libmyth'. How is that possible, seeming as i compiled after i built and installed the svn mythtv package? shouldn't the old libmyth have been deleted?
[06:59:32] Solv: 2nd issue is the reason i upgraded in the first livetv stopped working after the I cleaned up tmp files...I've been trying to get help on it for days but nobody seems to know...
[07:00:58] mikeones: Solv: I see that 1st issue also
[07:01:19] mikeones: if I apt-get build-dep mythtv I get
[07:01:19] mikeones: The following packages will be REMOVED: libmyth-dev
[07:01:25] mikeones: weird
[07:01:43] Solv: yeah
[07:03:08] Solv: i did have the error details for the livetv problem...but i have to rebuild my frontend on my remote box now, since i updated on the backend
[07:05:04] mikeones: yep
[07:05:54] Solv: just got a faster net connection today...makes getting stuff from svn a breeze
[07:06:49] Solv: do you know how to build the frontend it a flag like --frontendonly or something
[07:08:31] iamlindoro__: cat configure |grep disable |grep backend
[07:08:41] iamlindoro__: It's unsupported, though
[07:08:55] iamlindoro__: albeit possible
[07:10:36] Solv: ta
[07:17:04] Solv: says i need the lame mp3 library which i have...don't wanna install the svn version...why should i have to...
[07:17:26] [[thufir]] ([[thufir]]!n=[[ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:18:53] iamlindoro__: make sure you have any -dev packages installed, not just the libraries
[07:19:38] iamlindoro__: ie liblame-dev
[07:19:50] Solv: ah...sweet
[07:21:06] Solv: okay we're in business
[07:21:28] Gumby: hrm, ok. I can run nuvexport now. But xvid is disabled. So when I compile ffmpeg and run nuvexport everything is disabled and I also see this message "Use of uninitialized value in numeric gt (>) at /usr/local/share/nuvexport/export/ line 65." Anyone know how I'd go about fixing that?
[07:23:17] Gumby: hrm, maybe I shouldnt use debians ffmpeg
[07:23:32] Gumby: or rather ubuntus
[07:23:45] davilla: xvmc decode hang/video glitch (green blocks) solved on the appletv.
[07:24:23] iamlindoro__: sorta sounds like the ol' nvidia driver bug to me
[07:24:35] davilla: underclock the gpu from 360MHz to 200Mhz and overclock the vram from 700MHz to 800MHz
[07:25:10] davilla: it's the underclock that solves the problem
[07:25:24] Dagmar: So the overclocking would just be inviting a new one to replace it then.
[07:25:38] davilla: maybe some sort on interaction with powermiser
[07:26:31] iamlindoro__: Myth on Apple TV is like building the world's sexiest AM radio
[07:26:42] davilla: nah, steady 61C and 56C at idle. nvidia-settings reported even higher overclock speed
[07:27:42] davilla: smooth 1080i mpeg2 decode at 60 percent cpu is not AM radio :>
[07:28:30] iamlindoro__: broadcast level mpeg-2 1080i is only middle-quality HD
[07:29:22] iamlindoro__: that machine couldn't cope with a *single* file in my MythVideo... anyway, it's too late at night for jihad, it's just not powerful enough for my purposes
[07:29:27] hads (hads! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:29:32] davilla: that's what they broadcast here, anything else is blueray and I'm not going there right now
[07:31:03] opentrinity (opentrinity! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:31:32] davilla: who's jihad'g, I'm just announcing for those interested in a inexpensve, silent frontend that can decode upto 1080i
[07:31:40] Solv: can i build svn with qt4 libraries?
[07:31:46] iamlindoro__: no
[07:31:52] Solv: ta
[07:31:57] iamlindoro__: np
[07:32:10] Solv: bloody opensuse wants me to delete a heap of kdelibs just to get qt3-devel
[07:33:16] Solv: i just tell it to ignore all the requirements =) screw my system up good
[07:33:23] davilla (davilla! has quit ("Leaving")
[07:37:37] hads: Solv: QT4 isn't required or supported. You need QT3
[07:38:17] hads: I see you already got an answer though :)
[07:38:23] Solv: yeah it happening now...actually i have both...i'm pretty sure their designed to coexist
[07:38:57] Solv: or maybe not
[07:39:03] Solv: just got an error on make
[07:39:05] Solv: 'doh!
[07:40:31] Solv: – anyone know what that might be
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[07:43:34] Solv (Solv!n=solv@ has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[07:43:45] mcquaid: on a somewhat older box, mythfilldatabase hogs the cpu, is there a way to make it take less cpu?
[07:43:48] Solv (Solv!n=solv@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:44:11] Anduin: Solv: You have Qt4 stuff
[07:44:28] Solv: ta
[07:44:35] mick_laptop (mick_laptop!n=mweiss@clamwin/admin/mickhome) has quit ("Lost terminal")
[07:45:11] mcquaid: are there any features for this or is just tweak the nice value?
[07:45:19] Solv: Anduin, i have to have qt4 for some things on my you reckon just removing the qt4-devel package would do the trick?
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[07:45:44] Anduin: Solv: You should be able to just use the Qt 3 qmake etc
[07:46:36] Solv: Anduin, yeah i think that's in the qt3-devel package...cause qmake isn't a standalone package in opensuse
[07:47:41] Solv: hmmm...nope that didn't work....not sure what to do was using the qt4-devel for rid of that..added qt3, but still can't find qmake...
[07:49:51] Solv: ah man this is such bulls#%t....try and remove qt4 and it wants to remove half of my program i really need....maybe i should just build qmake from source as wel or something
[07:50:28] Anduin: You shouldn't need to remove it, should be a simple path/QTDIR thing
[07:51:26] Solv: so if I just set the the QTDIR to qt3 before configure it should be okay?
[07:52:42] Solv: ie export QTDIR=/usr/share/qt3 doesn't work =(
[07:53:09] Anduin: Solv: and `which qmake`?
[07:54:18] Solv: damn...wife telling me we gotta go next door for dinner...thanks for your help....hopefully someone will be here to help me when i get back
[07:54:57] Anduin: Solv: There are people on the ml that have done it, may want to search the archives.
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[08:31:35] califdreas: maybe someone can let that ppor guy Solv know that he needs to export export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3 and export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH to successfully compile mythtv on opensuse 10.3
[08:32:16] califdreas: and of course he has to have the full set of qt3 stuff installed.
[08:36:13] Dagmar: Pfft. Why bother
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[08:43:23] berndl: hi everybody. i get a lot of nvp prebuffering errors on my setup and i have tracked it down as far as i am pretty sure i have a problem with my sound settings. I am using archlinux (so alsa is up-to-date), I have an internal mcp61 high definition audio chip and in mythtv settings i use ALSA:default. recording is fine, watching tv with mplayer is fine as well, and i have no prebuffering errors if i pause mythtv for a few seconds befo
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[08:50:45] cesman: hello berndl
[08:50:50] berndl: hi cesman
[08:51:02] cesman: there is no magic to resolving prebuffering pause
[08:51:08] rinaldi_ (rinaldi_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[08:51:11] cesman: different things for for different people
[08:51:25] cesman: if you feel it is audio related, you can try "extra audio buffers"
[08:52:16] berndl: cesman ok, i forgot to write that i tried both extra audio buffers as well as "aggressive audio..". prebuffering errors only stop, if i completely turn off audio....
[08:53:06] cesman: doh!
[08:53:15] berndl: may it have something to do with the mcp61 audio card?
[08:54:01] cesman: well, like I stated, there is no magic solution I'm aware of
[08:55:24] berndl: ok, i probably try another soundcard then :) thanks a lot for your input!
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[09:12:00] rinaldi1: hi, for some reason today the mythbackend isnt starting on boot-up. why could this be and how can i make it start up when i turn my pc on again?
[09:12:23] cesman: rinaldi1: check the backend log
[09:12:51] cesman: there must be a reason it isn't starting
[09:12:59] johndbritton (johndbritton! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:13:14] justinh: moar hatemail. wow what it must be like to be popular :(
[09:13:16] rinaldi1: cesman: where can i find it? sorry im kinda new to this
[09:13:26] armbar (armbar! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:13:26] justinh: /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log sometimes
[09:13:38] justinh: /var/log is typically where logfiles live
[09:15:39] rinaldi1: well the latest message is that the nfslogfile.lock is missing from the recordings folder...
[09:16:00] rinaldi1: it says permission denied
[09:16:27] johndbritton (johndbritton! has quit (Client Quit)
[09:16:50] justinh: so the permissions on the recordings directory have changed...
[09:17:08] justinh: that doesn't come about by accident
[09:17:31] ** cesman hands the reins over to justinh ;) **
[09:18:49] justinh: well, either permissions or ownership of the recordings directory have changed. take your pick
[09:19:36] rinaldi1: well this is a fresh install from yesterday and i havn't changed anything in that folder, i've recorded a couple of programs. but did notice that the lockfile was missing yesterday. but now there is one
[09:20:10] justinh: seriously. permissions & ownership don't change by accident
[09:20:11] cesman: rinaldi1: which distro are you using?
[09:20:29] justinh: either that or you ran mythbackend previously as a user who had permission to write to the recordings dir
[09:20:36] rinaldi1: ubuntu gutsy, but installed mythbuntu over it
[09:21:16] cesman: oh
[09:21:28] cesman: KnoppMyth is my speciality ;)
[09:21:36] justinh: ahh good ole bunty
[09:21:43] justinh: s/good/bad
[09:21:47] cesman: I believe mythbuntu uses /var/lib/recordings
[09:21:56] rinaldi1: cesman: yes
[09:22:06] justinh: /var/lib is no place for a default recording location
[09:22:08] cesman: so, you need to ensure your users has permissions to write in that directory
[09:22:24] justinh: is the dir owned by the mythtv user/group ?
[09:23:20] rinaldi1: justinh: how do i find out? it told me to rstart my user session to become part of the mythtv group
[09:23:39] justinh: ls -al /var/lib
[09:24:25] rinaldi1: justinh: one of the entrys is mythtv yes
[09:24:37] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:25:25] justinh: the ubuntu packages should make users pass an aptitude test before allowing an install IMHO
[09:25:32] ** cesman thinks rinaldi1 should pastebin the results **
[09:26:41] rinaldi1: cesman
[09:27:10] cesman: yep..
[09:27:13] cesman: there is your problem
[09:27:22] justinh: looks like the recordings dir isn't there
[09:27:53] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:28:17] justinh: one way to find out would be to stop mythbackend if it's running & check in mythtv-setup to find out where it's set to use
[09:28:22] justinh: to be absolutely sure
[09:28:42] rinaldi1: justinh: ok il make sure
[09:29:44] rinaldi1: justinh: yep its /var/lib/mythtv/recordings/
[09:30:02] cesman: cd /var/lib/mythtv
[09:30:03] cesman: ls -al
[09:31:21] rinaldi1: cesman
[09:31:48] cesman: that looks good
[09:32:11] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:32:31] ** cesman like the fs layout w/ KnoppMyth better ;) **
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[09:32:59] cesman: justinh: how are you this morning?
[09:33:51] cesman: rinaldi1: in one xterm
[09:34:06] cesman: tail -f /var/log/mythtv/mythtvbackend.log
[09:34:24] cesman: and in another sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start
[09:34:43] cesman: you may probably need sudo before that tail
[09:35:03] cesman: it starts w/o issue...
[09:35:16] cesman: update-rc.d defaults mythtv-backend
[09:35:37] cesman: that should ensure the backend is set to start on boot
[09:35:53] rinaldi1: tail: cannot open `/var/log/mythtv/mythtvbackend.log' for reading: No such file or directory
[09:36:29] cesman: that might be mythtv-backend.log
[09:36:43] cesman: tab completion is our friend ;)
[09:37:03] rinaldi1: oo its mythbackend.log
[09:37:47] justinh: cesman: not bad. just been having a discussion about other pvrs here at work. bought a humax thing to take it for a spin. piece of CRAP. it went back yesterday. apparently there are other pvrs (standalone ones) which don't show you programme names in the recordings list – only channel, time & date (!!!!!!!!!!!). I got off lightly there I think
[09:38:09] rinaldi1: cesman: with the tail, i get that lockfile permission denied
[09:38:45] cesman: cd /var/lib/mythtv/recordings
[09:38:47] cesman: ls -al
[09:40:02] rinaldi1: cesman
[09:41:01] cesman: ah
[09:41:14] cesman: ok...
[09:41:37] cesman: the script that starts the backend probably su mythtv
[09:42:03] grim[GameOp]_ (grim[GameOp]_! has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
[09:42:16] cesman: so, you need to sudo chown mythtv.mythtv /var/lib/mythtv/recordings/nfslockfile.lock
[09:42:30] cesman: then start the backend again
[09:42:38] cesman: make sure you are still tailing the log file
[09:44:42] rinaldi1: sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start gives me "mythbackend already running, use restart instead."
[09:45:45] rinaldi1: i then did restart instead and my frontend finds it when i do "watch tv"
[09:47:52] rinaldi1: strange, because the backend wasn't detected by the frontend before i did that command
[09:48:07] Solv: califdreas, hey thanks very much...I'll make sure not to Dagmar any favours in the future
[09:48:12] justinh: because it wouldn't have continued running before
[09:49:46] quicksilver: "Start" isn't very clever : it belives the backend is running if the PID file is there.
[09:50:08] quicksilver: if the backend crashed, it wouldn't have deleted the PID file properly.
[09:50:27] justinh: restart isn't very clever either
[09:50:38] justinh: for the same reason :)
[09:50:48] rinaldi1: so what is clever?
[09:50:59] justinh: being a clever user :)
[09:51:14] quicksilver: restart will try (and fail) to kill the old backend but it will then start a new one.
[09:51:21] quicksilver: start will just give up when it sees the pid file
[09:51:41] justinh: stop, then start. one more step than restart. always works for me 9tm)
[09:53:11] justinh: anyway. seems like I'm stuck with mythtv for the time being. those commercial standalone pvrs just suck so much, never mind the lack of features & flexibility
[09:53:51] Solv: I can get myth to configure now, but trying to make it stop straightaway, stating that it can't find the make target: /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/default/qmake.conf, but I can't get rid of gt4, or else it will hose my system
[09:54:14] justinh: qt4? oh noes!
[09:54:18] Solv: i have set the qt path to qt3
[09:54:40] Solv: i have several packages that required me to build against qt4
[09:54:54] xplosion (xplosion! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:55:07] justinh: can't take it out on those packages for being so 21st century eh
[09:56:06] directhex|bsp: <califdreas> maybe someone can let that ppor guy Solv know that he needs to export export QTDIR=/usr/lib/qt3 and export PATH=$QTDIR/bin:$PATH to successfully compile mythtv on opensuse 10.3
[09:56:06] directhex|bsp: <califdreas> and of course he has to have the full set of qt3 stuff installed.
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[09:56:40] dec_ is now known as dec
[09:57:56] Solv: yeah i do
[09:58:38] Solv: directhex|bsp, i have qt3-devel packages, but i removed qt4-devel packages...but i have to keep qt4 libs
[09:58:43] cesman: rinaldi1: you good to go?
[09:59:25] bsdfox__ (bsdfox__! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:59:37] Solv: I've just compiled it on my knoppmyth box fine....and I need the frontend on my opensuse box to do a bit of troubleshooting
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[09:59:54] rinaldi1: cesman: well i duno, iv confised myself with this... after doing the mythtv-backend restart the backend starts ok....
[10:00:11] KraMer (KraMer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:00:31] Solv: because I can't be bothered walking back and forth between my computers to post error messages =)
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[10:00:51] directhex|bsp: isn't suse fun
[10:03:06] Solv: most of the time it's great...when you don't wanna do any customizations...
[10:03:06] Solv: cesman, I've read your knoppmyth wiki posts...wondering if you could help me with an issue i can't resolve
[10:05:34] Solv: cesman, my knoppmyth box filled up with logs and crashed, so i removed a heap of logs and tmp files, then installed tmpreaper =)...but afterwards livetv couldn't start...i can't remember the error message exactly but there wasn't much on google about it...recordings still went on and i can watch them as they are being i don't know what's going on...i updated to the latest svn and still the same mythconverg database seems okay
[10:06:38] cesman: Solv: logs from when you attempt to watch livetv would help
[10:06:44] Solv: before updating via svn i tried ./install-i586 but it didn't work, gave me some errors about diffirent maybe my box is screwed?
[10:06:57] Solv: cesman, yeah that's why i'm trying to get mythfrontend on my suse box
[10:08:19] Solv: the mythfrontend log doesn't seem to have the same errors as when run from cli
[10:08:26] ** cesman ponders why Solv didn't use the live cd first instead of updating MythTV first **
[10:08:44] ** Solv doesn't know about the livecd **
[10:09:01] cesman: you're kidding right?
[10:09:17] cesman: have you not ever read my changelog?
[10:09:37] Solv: cesman, is the install cd a livecd? i can't remember...tried about mythbuntu as well just before settling on knoppmyth...
[10:10:17] Solv: cesman, to be honest no i haven't
[10:10:24] cesman: KnoppMyth has had a live frontend longer than Ubuntu has been a distro
[10:11:28] Solv: cesman, ah that rings a bell...dammit...that would have been a good option...i found the errors...can i pastebin them?
[10:11:41] cesman: certainly
[10:12:35] Solv: This was before updating to svn version...just after deleting the /tmp /var/log/myth and /myth/tmp files -->
[10:13:16] cesman: do you have the logs from the backend?
[10:13:44] Solv: cesman, i reran mythfilldatabase...i reran mythtv-setup and deleted and rescanned the channels, then reran mythfilldatabase...but same thing....umm i'll look
[10:14:14] cesman: Solv: "No connection to the backend"
[10:14:27] cesman: so, the backend log is needed
[10:14:32] Solv: cesman, backend records shows fine btw
[10:14:42] cesman: ideal, fresh logs
[10:15:41] Solv: just scanning through them...i deleted all the livetv mpegs to make some it has a dummy spit about those....lots of lines of files it can't autoexpire!
[10:17:40] Solv: i think i found the problem...although i don't know why myisamchk didn't seem to pick it up...maybe i missed it --->
[10:17:41] Solv:
[10:19:27] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:19:38] cesman: yeah...repairing is a good idea
[10:20:53] amrit|bbl is now known as amrit|zzz
[10:20:53] bsdfox__ (bsdfox__! has quit (Connection timed out)
[10:21:15] Solv: cesman, is myisamchk the only repair tool...or is there other commands to repair the other files that aren't MYI
[10:21:25] justinh: mysqlcheck
[10:23:16] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[10:23:21] Solv: ta
[10:23:40] Solv: hmmm they all check out but livetv still flicks back..i'll go back to the logs
[10:23:45] bsdfox__ (bsdfox__! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:24:01] justinh: flicks back, to the 20th century, where it belongs? ;)
[10:24:09] hashbang: . . . amp;doy=20m2 # someone on here wanted an MP3 car stereo with USB mass storage support?
[10:24:12] ectospasm (ectospasm! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:24:26] justinh: hashbang: rofl
[10:24:27] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[10:24:29] hashbang: DustyBin: was it you?
[10:24:51] justinh: £70 for that junk?!
[10:24:57] justinh:
[10:25:10] directhex|bsp: hashbang, usb and vorbis were required
[10:25:29] hashbang: directhex|bsp: ah, it was teh vorbis that was the showstopper
[10:25:39] justinh: not gonna happen in our lifetimes I bet
[10:25:57] directhex|bsp: justinh, there are a few. like i said, if something's korean, check it for ogg infection
[10:26:19] directhex|bsp: justinh, including, i might note, a kenwood product. a very VERY expensive one
[10:26:38] hashbang: justinh: directhex|bsp is probably right; iRiver are fans of Ogg, too, and they're Korean
[10:26:43] justinh: not the music keg. apparently only the windows player software supports ogg, not the player
[10:27:00] directhex|bsp: justinh, really? O_o
[10:27:09] quicksilver: directhex|bsp: hashbang?
[10:27:59] hashbang: quicksilver: que?
[10:28:02] rinaldi1: cesman: thanks for your help, got it going, going to reboot test out...
[10:28:39] quicksilver: directhex|bsp: "< directhex|bsp> hashbang, usb and vorbis were required"
[10:28:43] justinh: or (!) . . . Manufacturer
[10:28:57] quicksilver: directhex|bsp: usb and vorbis I understand, in the context of car radios. Hashbang I don't...
[10:29:00] justinh: . . . roductJJ3472
[10:29:00] directhex|bsp: quicksilver, look at the people in the channel
[10:29:09] quicksilver: ah ;)
[10:29:18] quicksilver: that would explain it
[10:29:18] bsdfox__ (bsdfox__! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[10:29:20] ** quicksilver grins **
[10:29:47] rinaldi1 (rinaldi1! has left #mythtv-users ()
[10:29:51] directhex|bsp: justinh, like i said, there are a few. personally, i think i'm done pushing Free formats & essentially giving myself vendor lock-in
[10:30:10] justinh: ogg would be nice, but the unit not sucking is nicer
[10:30:44] justinh: but but but but.. what about teh free?  :( (yeah, what about it?)
[10:31:43] justinh: only tends to be shit makes you've never heard of which support ogg (in car players at least)
[10:31:50] directhex|bsp: yep
[10:32:02] directhex|bsp: for portable players, i use rockbox, which will play pretty much anything ever
[10:34:10] bsdfox__ (bsdfox__! has joined #mythtv-users
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[10:34:15] Solv: justinh, mysqlcheck said all was okay...restarted mysql and now --> mythconverg.settings is Corrupt, how can i repair it?
[10:34:48] justinh: mysqlcheck
[10:35:23] Solv: was a misleading name
[10:36:15] cesman: Solv: you have to throw it some switches
[10:36:39] orbrox (orbrox! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:36:58] Solv: cesman, well for some reason they all came up as OK again....something really weird is goin on here
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[10:37:59] orb_rox (orb_rox! has quit (No route to host)
[10:38:51] Solv: okay now mythconverg.settings doesn't even appear in the list!
[10:39:47] rinaldi_ (rinaldi_! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:40:48] rinaldi_: cesman: yep works, backend started up perfectly. cheers
[10:41:12] Solv: rinaldi_, glad you got something working for you
[10:41:50] orb_rox (orb_rox! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:42:06] Solv: now i can't start mythfrontend at all --> Unexpected DB Schema version. Waiting to see if DB is being upgraded.
[10:43:12] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:44:17] justinh: how do all those spam merchants know I'll be interested in "watch two yng grls pee into a pot" ? it's like they read my mind!
[10:45:41] bsdfox__ (bsdfox__! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:45:43] cesman: rinaldi_: happy to help
[10:47:11] cesman: Solv: odd
[10:47:43] cesman: Solv: trying running mythtv-setup (<alt><s>) to see if it wants to upgrade the schema
[10:47:49] rooaus: Solv: Frontends can't upgrade the db schema any more (since the auto db backup),
[10:48:47] Solv: yeah it tried to...but it couldn't...but i had forgotten to stop backend...did that...and now i have a bigger problem...there is no option for a dvb tuner card anymore
[10:49:10] rooaus: From memory, the frontend has probably seen the schema lock and is waiting for a backend or mythtv-setup to finish the upgrade.
[10:49:43] Solv: i deleted my card, and go to add a new one...but dvb is no longer in the list..could I have built it without dvb support?
[10:50:08] cesman: Solv: possibly
[10:50:24] Solv: i followed the knoppmyth build from svn wiki exactly
[10:50:25] cesman: Solv: would you like a new KnoppMyth ISO w/ the latest SVN?
[10:50:54] Solv: certainly
[10:51:24] Solv: after hearing about the multirecord function i can't wait to try it
[10:51:43] rooaus: Solv: Try "mythbackend --version", see if you have using_dvb listed.
[10:52:01] Ruleke (Ruleke! has joined #mythtv-users
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[10:53:05] Solv: rooaus, thanks it's not there...but i configured mythtv with --enable-dvb
[10:53:54] cesman: Solv: still doing some testing
[10:54:00] cesman: give me a few more
[10:54:00] rooaus: Solv: If the configure can't find the kernel headers it won't enable dvb.
[10:54:02] Solv: rooaus, I think I'm just not quite skilled enough to deal with the complexities of mythtv =/
[10:54:06] Solv: cesman, thanks heaps
[10:54:09] cesman: Solv: I'll still need to upload it
[10:54:17] cesman: that will take another 3 to 4 hours
[10:54:20] Solv: cesman, you're a champ
[10:54:29] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:54:34] cesman: Solv: I try
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[10:54:59] DGnome: justinh: they are incredible, they know about my penile problems too and recommend alot of nice pills that will get me loads of women :)
[10:55:42] Solv: rooaus, interesting...i wouldn't have ever known that...especially as i build nvidia from source
[10:56:34] Solv: DGnome, if spammers could deliver the women to your door, rather than stupid promise, I'm sure none of us would complain =)
[10:56:46] quicksilver: my wife would.
[10:56:52] Solv: true
[10:56:54] Solv: mine too
[10:56:55] rooaus: Solv: What is the output of a configure with no other options specified?
[10:57:05] Solv: rooaus, doin it now
[10:57:35] DGnome: They also recommend pills that will "satisfy" my woman so.. :)
[10:57:50] Solv: rooaus, lol
[10:57:54] [[thufir]] ([[thufir]]!n=[[ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:57:59] Solv: DVB location needs to have linux/dvb/frontend.h [/usr/src/linux-2.6.18-chw-13/include]
[10:58:01] Solv: first line
[10:58:04] runoff (runoff! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:58:47] rooaus: Solv: Yeah, it scrolls off the screen from memory.
[10:59:01] Solv: so that means i don't have the kernel headers installed
[11:00:37] rooaus: Solv: You can also specify the location but I don't need to do that, just installed the kernel headers.
[11:01:34] Solv: rooaus, i'm getting confused about my 2 boxes...i only compile nvidia against my suse box...not the knoppmyth ones
[11:02:28] cesman: Solv: I'm seeing a problem I've not seen before with MythTV
[11:02:35] cesman: may be a bit before I upload
[11:03:05] rinaldi_ (rinaldi_! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:03:30] Solv (Solv!n=solv@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[11:06:32] rooaus: Solv: If the headers are installed at "/usr/src/linux-$KERNEL_RELEASE/include" then configure will enable dvb. (KERNEL_RELEASE==`uname -r`)
[11:07:20] Solv: cesman, i'm gonna be asleep by the time the iso is uploaded...gotta go to work tomorrow...can you pm me the url so i don't lose it in my scrollbuffer
[11:07:33] Solv: rooaus, cool
[11:07:40] rinaldi_: cesman: i have another question, but involving the UPnP AV server in mythtv. do you know much about this?
[11:07:41] cesman: sure
[11:08:26] cesman: rinaldi_: I'd recommend using fuppes and a UPnP "server"
[11:11:06] rinaldi_: cesman: whats the difference between the two?
[11:11:55] cesman: fuppes at the time of 0.20 release was a better UPnP server than MythTV's
[11:12:54] Solv: rooaus, would i need linux-kernel-headers-knoppix or linux-kernel-headers?
[11:13:26] justinh: pills that will completely satisfy a woman? roflmao
[11:13:36] cesman: Solv: the kernel headers _are_ already installed with KnoppMyth
[11:13:38] rooaus: Solv: I am not sure, I have a sneaking suspicion cesman might know though :)
[11:14:07] Solv: cesman, so why would configure not find the dvb ones?
[11:14:10] cesman: Solv: I don't use DVB included with the kernel
[11:14:32] cesman: I get the "tip" so I can offer support for more hardware
[11:15:03] Solv: cesman, okay then
[11:15:46] Solv: cesman, looks like i'll defintely be waiting for the iso...i don't know how to build dvb support other than enabling it in the kernel
[11:15:57] cesman: Solv: ./configure blah blah blah --dvb-path=/usr/include
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[11:16:44] Solv: ah, so they are already all the development comes with knoppmyth as well obviously =)
[11:16:58] justinh: cesman: getting that secret project finished in time is going to be a major struggle even without continuing my own crap themes
[11:18:18] cesman: dicking around w/ nvidia is going to cause me to drink
[11:18:20] cesman: more
[11:18:56] Dagmar: THen read the driver readme
[11:19:01] Dagmar: nVidia is EASY MODE
[11:20:09] DGnome: nVidia is like... sh NVIDIA-LINUX-yadda.bin and tadaa.wav
[11:20:17] justinh: not so easy when you're making your own distro & nvidia decide to split supported cards into different versions. if that's the kind of crazy stuff they do
[11:20:18] DGnome: ati is like, going to church
[11:20:35] ** cesman knows how to install the nvidia drivers thanks **
[11:21:01] cesman: justinh knows what I'm getting at...
[11:21:41] Solv: cesman, configure still spits out the same garbage...DVB location needs to have linux/dvb/frontend.h [/usr/src/linux-2.6.18-chw-13/include]
[11:21:52] Solv: I'll just wait for the ISO =)
[11:22:02] Solv: thanks for all your help though
[11:22:11] Solv: my wife can read a book tomorrow
[11:24:49] cesman: Solv: I've resolved the issue, however I'll need to build another ISO
[11:26:03] SlimG (SlimG!n=SlimG@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:30:25] justinh: whoah. does mythtv support this yet? :P#
[11:31:04] justinh: have to be careful though. could delete all your wife's crap just by thinking about it carelessly :P
[11:31:41] Solv: justinh, us husbands would have to keep our minds out of the gutter, or it'd record porn all the time
[11:31:49] justinh: speak for yourself
[11:32:04] Solv: i was!
[11:32:22] jvs_ (jvs_! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:32:42] SlimG: Can anyone recommend me a DVB-S2 card with a card-reader that´s known to work with MythTV (For use with a CanalDigital (Norway) HD signal via a satelite-disk) ?
[11:33:08] justinh: SlimG: AFAIK no dvb-s2 stuff works with mythtv yet. they barely even work in linux
[11:34:37] SlimG: justinh: so... no support for HD signals using satelite disks then ? *sigh*
[11:34:44] jvs (jvs! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[11:34:51] jvs_ is now known as jvs
[11:34:54] justinh: not if you need dvb-s2. as far as I know
[11:35:28] justinh: anyway, they're all h.264 in europe which means you need a meaty machine to play them
[11:36:02] justinh: core2 duo > 1.8Ghz & svn trunk (or 0.21 when it's out). way more power needed than for mpeg2 HD
[11:36:44] SlimG: justinh: I don´t quite know if I need DVB-S2, I came to the conclution that DVB-S2 is for HD signals, and DVB-S is for non-HD signals … please tell me I´m mistaken :)
[11:37:48] justinh: SlimG: depends on the satellite. As far as I know the only HD which isn't using DVB-S2 is BBCHD on astra
[11:37:55] geu (geu! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:39:12] justinh:
[11:39:55] justinh: looks like a pretty big NO then
[11:40:01] justinh: and not just for mythtv
[11:40:41] geu: hi, I'm looking for a low budget AGP graphics Card with DVI that is able to generate resolutions up to 1920x1080p, am I able to use it with MythTV? Do you know some cards like that? thx for your help
[11:40:55] rinaldi_ (rinaldi_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[11:41:10] justinh: thanks for what help? nobody helped yet
[11:41:25] directhex|bsp: geu, nvidia 5200. there are low profile versions
[11:41:25] justinh (justinh! has quit ("Crazy channel")
[11:41:37] directhex|bsp: there are generally low-profile versions of low-end cards
[11:42:20] geu: directhex|bsp have you tried to run mythTV with 1920x1080?
[11:42:45] directhex|bsp: no, i use VGA and my tv won't go over 1366x768 on the VGA input
[11:43:07] Dagmar: You sure it's not 1360?
[11:43:28] Dagmar: 1366 % 8 != 0 which is invalid for most cards.
[11:43:41] Dagmar: 1366 % 8 == 0
[11:43:48] Dagmar: @#$@#$ 1360 % 8 == 0
[11:43:53] directhex|bsp: yeah, i meant 1360
[11:44:03] Dagmar: So we both sufffer from the same typos. Heh
[11:46:15] geu: I just checked: ~30 € for a 5200?
[11:47:03] directhex|bsp: sounds about right
[11:47:52] geu: mhm I think I'll go and get one, but what do I need to change in MythTV? just crank up the resolution?
[11:48:25] directhex|bsp: yes, at the x-server level
[11:48:42] ** cesman is hungry **
[11:48:58] geu: wohooo!
[11:52:38] geu: did anyone change the boot splash?
[11:53:50] cesman: bootsplash for?
[11:54:18] cesman: geu look for something based on the Geforce 5200
[11:54:35] geu:
[11:56:16] geu: isn't that a problem?
[11:57:35] cesman: geu: I don't see it as the problem
[11:57:41] cesman: read the last post
[11:58:10] geu: cesman: this "mythTV is booting now" I use knoppmyth but this splash is so damn ugly and Id like to get an alternative but don't know how
[11:58:36] cesman: "damn ugly"
[11:58:38] cesman: ouch
[11:58:41] cesman: that hurts
[11:58:57] geu: sry too much movies
[11:59:13] GreyFoxx: cesman: Hehe
[11:59:50] geu: so I have to look for a fx 5200 that supports: "Only the extended frequency (155 MHz) of single link TMDS"
[12:00:49] grokky (grokky! has quit ()
[12:01:16] cesman: you try your best and you're told the results are "damn ugly"
[12:01:18] cesman: :(
[12:01:40] cesman: guess I'll take my ball and go home
[12:01:47] GreyFoxx: cesman: I haven't seen the splash but I;m sure it's better than I would do
[12:01:47] blackest: is it worth getting eee pc701 2gb without web cam or spending a bit more and getting it with 4gb flash and a webcam built in basically £190 instead of £240
[12:02:04] GreyFoxx: I can't make images that actually look good if my life depended on it :)
[12:02:14] jthomas_work (jthomas_work! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:02:16] Solv: cesman, at least you can make a splash...i could never figure out how to do that properly
[12:02:17] directhex|bsp: blackest, get the model with lots of ram
[12:02:24] geu: cesman my english isn't probably good enough but I didn't get your post
[12:02:52] blackest: well they both come with 512mb its the flash hard drive and the web cam which makes the difference
[12:03:21] TelnetManta (TelnetManta! has quit (Client Quit)
[12:03:55] cesman: geu: the bootsplash on KnoppMyth is there because I like
[12:04:18] cesman: geu: everything is KnoppMyth is there because I put it in there
[12:04:18] blackest: they are cute pc's i probably will just use exports to give it plenty of hd space
[12:04:26] geu: oh oh
[12:04:29] geu: sry
[12:04:37] cesman: geu: if you don't like the bootsplash, read the docs
[12:05:52] blackest: anyone bought from ?
[12:06:17] directhex|bsp: blackest, lots of people
[12:06:48] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:07:08] cesman: Solv: I've put _lots_ of work into the distro
[12:07:15] justinh: right that does it. I'm taking the email address down. I can't be doing with threats & crap
[12:07:28] Solv: cesman, I can tell, it must take up all of your spare time
[12:07:31] justinh: well, I can just leave it up but stop reading it
[12:07:35] cesman: some little things that users take for granted can cause me hours if not days to smooth out
[12:08:19] directhex|bsp: justinh, threats? you should make a gallery of these, you know
[12:08:56] justinh: cesman: I dunno how anybody puts up with being taken for granted so much. it's not that I want people to send me money, get on their knees & do stuff or anything..
[12:09:04] Solv: cesman, i used to have a gentoo box, and i could never get the frontend to go for more than about 3 hours without an error...but with knoppmyth it just keeps running all day if I want it to! woohoo
[12:09:12] blackest: threats for doing what
[12:09:23] cesman: Solv: that is the idea
[12:09:23] directhex|bsp: cesman, you could have a splash with a half-naked chick driving a ferrari out of an enormous explosion. that'd attract just the right sort!
[12:09:35] justinh: directhex|bsp: I have half a mind to get the police involved
[12:09:43] ** cesman isn't an artisit **
[12:09:53] runoff_B (runoff_B!n=tmacdona@Gatehouse.CambridgeMA.GOV) has joined #mythtv-users
[12:09:58] cesman: directhex|bsp: but that is a nice idea!
[12:10:05] directhex|bsp: justinh, if you feel like it. but the police have no interest in internet-related crime that doesn't impact corporations
[12:10:08] bradd: someone threatened you over mythtv?
[12:10:10] blackest: who is threatening you and why ?
[12:10:31] justinh: why?
[12:10:39] directhex|bsp: fraud, libel, murder, etc, are of no interest
[12:10:43] cesman: justinh: at SCALE last weekend, I had to put a guy in his place
[12:11:04] Dagmar: justing: Someone's sending you threats against your life or osmething?
[12:11:40] justinh: not quite. stuff like "be careful, it owuld be terrible if anything were to happen to you" kind of thing
[12:11:53] Dagmar: Feh. That would be a chicken-shit then.
[12:11:55] directhex|bsp: cesman, ooh, details?
[12:12:30] blackest: is it a traceable email ?
[12:12:38] geu: cesman may I get a link to the docs please?
[12:12:39] Solv: justinh, I've never seen neon's frickin awesome
[12:12:40] justinh: cesman: did 'his place' just happen to be lying on his back, sprawled across a table with a bloody nose?
[12:12:47] directhex|bsp: justinh, post them up. including From:
[12:13:01] cesman: justinh: no
[12:13:08] cesman: just had to tell him what was what
[12:13:18] justinh: I'm not giving the asshole any more oxygen
[12:13:24] cesman: Saturday he came by asking about 64 bit
[12:13:47] cesman: as he was running MythTV on Ubuntu (all 64 bit)
[12:14:06] Dagmar: ...and he wanted to know what the five fingers said to the face?
[12:14:22] cesman: I told him I personally knew of no issues w/ 64 bit
[12:14:31] cesman: but KnoppMyth is just 32 bits
[12:14:49] cesman: after our next major release we'll do 64 bit
[12:15:10] justinh: I dunno wtf gives these idiots the impression they have the right to comment & think it means anything to anybody
[12:15:22] cesman: so, he comes by the next day w/ a buddy and loudly states "KnoppMyth was of no help"
[12:15:27] Dagmar: Because this is the interweb
[12:15:35] Dagmar: You just have to expect that the loons will sink to the bottom and disappear
[12:15:47] cesman: as if his issue is related to KnoppMyth
[12:15:52] directhex|bsp: int internet is serious business!
[12:15:52] justinh: well, they're spoiling it for those who deserve it
[12:16:23] Dagmar: Yes, but we're not allowed to make them into Soylent Green (yet) so ignoring them is usually the least work-intensive solution
[12:16:49] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[12:16:57] Dagmar: No sense in getting too stressed because John Q. Livesinabasement says nasty things about you on his blog.
[12:17:18] Dagmar: Now, if they start hounding you all over and engaging in character assassination, that's another matter, but most of them arent' that industrious (or skilled)
[12:17:29] blackest: some people just enjoy trolling , they have no life
[12:17:45] Dagmar: I say this after having seen someone trash-talking both me personally and Dropline last week.
[12:18:06] directhex|bsp: especially Dagmar
[12:18:37] ** cesman is dismayed at "professional author" out there that have written about MythTV distro **
[12:18:54] cesman: Solv: should go to bed or he'll get no ISO
[12:19:08] Solv: yes sir = (
[12:19:11] rooaus: No iso for you! :)
[12:19:12] Dagmar: directhex: I have a "bad attitude". LOL
[12:19:23] Solv: lol
[12:19:41] justinh: cesman: you've obviously not been paying them enough ;)
[12:19:50] directhex|bsp: cesman, i've never badmouthed mythtv distros. i've badmouthed ps3 distros viciously though
[12:19:50] Solv: anyone seen videocopilot tutorials before...they're pretty cool
[12:20:06] cesman: geu: create your "better" theme /etc/bootsplash/themes/knoppmyth/images as silent-800x600.jpg
[12:20:31] justinh: for that kind of thing to be put right mythtv would need PR people whose job it is to make sure reviews etc end up on-message & actually _factual_
[12:20:43] cesman: geu: cp /boot/initrd.gz.orig /boot/initrd.gz
[12:21:00] cesman: geu:
[12:21:00] Solv: cesman, what's the url for the article?
[12:21:18] justinh: put an end to the 'surf the web while watching TV' kind of shite that linuxworld magazine & the likes peddle
[12:21:19] cesman: geu: asnwer yes to using bootsplash
[12:21:24] cesman: geu: that is it...
[12:23:50] blackest: most linux magazines seem to be ... annoying , they seem to hell bent on brown nosing the worst linux fanbois
[12:24:55] blackest: They are as bad as the we must all worship microsoft magazines
[12:25:01] Ruleke (Ruleke! has left #mythtv-users ()
[12:25:02] Solv: is there much tension between the mythtv and linuxmce camps...or do they get on well?
[12:26:14] justinh: we hate linuxmce. not that I'm an ardent fan of mythtv anymore
[12:27:05] Solv: justinh, because of the users...or the development and progress?
[12:27:14] justinh: I don't think the 'project' of mythtv could care less either way officially – just some of us have very strong negative opinions of linuxmce
[12:27:24] justinh: Solv: you call that progress?
[12:27:38] justinh: that UI?!
[12:27:49] Solv: no I wasn't referring to mce
[12:28:05] justinh: Solv: because of everything to do with it
[12:28:05] Solv: i was wondering if you were disillusioned with where mythtv was going
[12:28:12] justinh: I am, yes
[12:28:17] Solv: okay
[12:28:38] Solv: i guess you could fork it? that's the beauty of opensource isn't it
[12:29:50] justinh: I could, but I don't care that much
[12:29:55] Solv: k night ppls
[12:30:33] Solv: cesman, thanks again...i look forward to downloading a brand new iso tomorrow..yay!
[12:33:11] opentrinity is now known as Banuva
[12:34:32] Banuva is now known as opentrinity
[12:35:30] jblack: justinh: After my experience yesterday.... I think you may be on to something.
[12:35:45] systemloc: is there any way to configure mythbackend from the CLI?
[12:36:03] splendidjim_ (splendidjim_! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:36:21] Dagmar: If you know SQl really, really well, sure.
[12:36:34] levander: I'm trying to grok my head around how mythdvd works. Is there no way to rip all the titles, then have them show up as one video under "Watch Videos"?
[12:36:39] systemloc: Dagmar: that's a negative
[12:37:01] systemloc: Dagmar: off to install vnc so I can configure this thing.. *grumbles*
[12:37:29] geu (geu! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:37:58] ** splendidjim_ is geu **
[12:38:25] cesman: splendidjim_: did you get the directions?
[12:39:01] justinh: levander: rip as iso ? there's no way to 'know' what all the titles are, how they're arranged etc
[12:40:47] levander: justinh: Rip as anything. Don't care about quality right now. I'm just trying to get all the titles from a DVD into a single video under Watch Videos. Maybe it's not done that way in mythdvd?
[12:40:58] levander: I don't want to customize anything right now. I'm just learning the UI.
[12:41:15] justinh: no comment
[12:41:18] levander: Well, customize beyond simple menu actions in setup.
[12:41:26] splendidjim_: cesman yes and I was even able to copy the silent-800x600 to my fileserver *I learnt a lot today* what happens if I change the silent-800x600 into silent-1920x1080 ? does mythtv get along with it? I have never seen the bootsplash-800x600 before, do you have an idea why?
[12:41:37] levander: justinh: Are you afraid of prosecution?
[12:42:08] justinh: more afraid of being an effing hypocrite :P
[12:43:10] cesman: splendidjim_: MythTV knows or cares nothing about bootsplash
[12:43:24] justinh: I'll just stick to using other ripping tools if that's all the same to everybody, thanks
[12:43:34] levander: mythtv is so confusing. You ask for something you can't figure out after a while, and people are afraid of telling you how because then they'll be a hypocrite...
[12:44:00] justinh: levander: you missed the point
[12:44:19] levander: justinh: And how.
[12:44:39] splendidjim_: how is the pink bar in the lower center created? how can I change its colour?
[12:44:55] justinh: if you can't figure out the UI by looking at it. I refuse to comment on that. Maybe though, you could decide to do what I (eventually) did & RTFM
[12:45:36] levander: justinh: You know, people just usually ignore when they don't want to answer. You've got chutzpah.
[12:46:08] TelnetManta (TelnetManta!n=benwilli@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:46:16] cesman: splendidjim_:
[12:46:24] splendidjim_: thx
[12:46:28] justinh: levander: you can't figure it out, right? I couldn't work it out just by looking at it either, so I RTFM'd
[12:46:39] cesman: splendidjim_: sorry, I've other fish to fry at the moment
[12:46:51] splendidjim_: no problem
[12:47:05] levander: justinh: That's what I'm doing. I've searched the wiki, and I'm on mythtv-users doing a search for mythdvd. If there's a page that's documenting it, I haven't found it yet.
[12:47:08] justinh: levander: and frankly I dunno how anybody can figure it out just by looking at it
[12:47:42] justinh: what's this then?
[12:48:17] levander: Let me look at that page again. I didn't see how to get multiple titles into a single Video item on it. Let me look again...
[12:48:51] justinh: ah no it doesn't mention that. maybe you're expecting to be able to do something it can't do
[12:49:06] justinh: I think each title comes out as separate videos
[12:49:43] levander: Well, I hoped I entertained you while you were trying to make me look like a jerk at least..
[12:49:46] levander: brb, I gotta smoke.
[12:49:46] justinh: movie discs generally have the main feature (e.g. the film itself) as one title, extras as other titles
[12:50:13] justinh: but after having used mythdvd once I'll def. stick to other methods
[12:51:50] blackest: levander you can join titles with ffmpeg
[12:52:20] blackest: thou why you would want to i dont know
[12:53:15] levander: blackest: And, you use ffmpeg from the command line, not from menus in MythTV?
[12:53:47] blackest: yes you don't need to do everything with mythtv
[12:53:59] levander: blackest: Okay, thanks. Mission complete.
[12:53:59] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:54:04] levander: Thanks justinh, thanks blackest
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[13:10:00] psofa: anyone knows if myth can change mode depending on the video res?
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[13:11:25] justinh: hmm the bbc iplayer is going to be made available on virgin media STBs from march. great – one more way to crash the box yay!
[13:12:19] cesman: psofa: If you xrandr, I believe so
[13:12:42] psofa: you mean mythtv can use xrandr?
[13:12:56] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:13:08] psofa: i cant seem to find sth in the setup pages
[13:13:10] blackest: virgin are doing an upgrade from 4 -> 10 meg
[13:13:36] blackest: if you want it now though you need to live in preston
[13:13:38] justinh: psofa: tv playback settings
[13:14:51] justinh: blackest: yeah, pity I won't be needing the upload speed increase. also a pity I'll need a separate cable modem
[13:16:09] psofa: justinh, all i see there is decoder options based in video res. what im asking is auto mode changing by myth
[13:16:49] justinh: trunk?
[13:16:57] justinh: maybe it was moved to appearance settings then
[13:17:14] psofa: im running a 2 months old trunk
[13:17:16] justinh: it's definitely there somewhere
[13:17:49] psofa: which i dont dare changing bcause i have applied some hacks on it
[13:17:52] justinh: or maybe it's got something to do with the video playback profiles nightmare of a UI
[13:19:07] psofa: ooh
[13:19:08] psofa: nice
[13:19:15] psofa: great actually
[13:19:26] psofa: its in appearance
[13:20:02] amrit|zzz (amrit|zzz! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:20:40] psofa: uhm
[13:20:43] psofa: damn :(
[13:20:51] psofa: theres no interlacing criteria
[13:21:17] psofa: all i wanted was switching to interlaced for interlaced material
[13:21:55] justinh: is the new greedy deinterlacer no good or something?
[13:22:18] geu (geu! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:23:04] psofa: im not sure if its my box or interlacing but im getting crap motion in sports which i can see that are interlaced
[13:23:20] psofa: so i wanted my tv to take care of interlacing
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[13:24:40] justinh: interlaced modes are fraught with problems anyway -such as most drivers not being able to tell the application which field is which
[13:24:52] justinh: displaying fields in the wrong order is worse than bad deinterlacing
[13:25:48] psofa: it cant be that bad
[13:26:13] psofa: btw
[13:26:26] psofa: is the opengl video renderer functional?
[13:26:43] psofa: im sick of this xvideo bugness
[13:26:52] justinh: oh but it is, my cable box sometimes gets its knickers in a twist & shows fields in the wrong order. it sucks
[13:26:58] psofa: opengl with mplayer is much better
[13:27:28] psofa: so do you see things all chopped up?
[13:27:35] psofa: that must look great :P
[13:27:39] justinh: worse than that
[13:27:49] justinh: chopped up you can live with
[13:28:10] justinh: when fields are shown in the wrong order it looks like visual echoes
[13:28:25] justinh: v. bad
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[13:42:04] systemloc: hmmmm... lirc works.. irw shows appropriate output, but when I run mythfrontend, /var/log/lircd does not show a client connect.. How can I figure out why mythfronend isn't connecting to lirc?
[13:54:59] clever: mythfrontend i think uses the /dev/lircd socket
[13:55:35] systemloc: That socket exists. I believe irw working tests that as well
[13:55:47] clever: check the frontend logs/output
[13:56:48] systemloc: I checked the output.. no mention of lirc at all. Also, there is no myth log in /var/log.. no idea why.. how do you enable logging?
[13:57:02] clever: mythfrontend logs to stdout by default
[13:57:23] systemloc: ok, yeah, I checked stdout, no mention of lirc, no "error couldn't connect to socket" or anything like that
[13:57:31] systemloc: it looks as if it didn't bother trying :(
[13:57:39] clever: is lirc support even compiled it?
[13:58:22] systemloc: I'm 99% sure it is.. Just in case, I'm already doing a recompile, which I verified had it.. Is there a myth??? --chk-configs or something to show the compile options to verify this?
[13:58:40] clever: the configure output will tell you whats selected
[13:59:05] systemloc: clever: that's fine and dandy, but what about a precompiled binary that comes w/ a distro?
[13:59:16] clever: mythfrontend --version
[13:59:23] Dagmar: justinh: This pretty much sums it up:
[13:59:29] clever: Options compiled in: linux debug using_oss using_alsa using_arts using_jack using_backend using_dbox2 using_dvb using_firewire using_frontend using_hdhomerun using_iptv using_ivtv using_joystick_menu using_lirc using_v4l using_x11 using_xrandr using_xv using_xvmc using_xvmcw using_xvmc_vld using_bindings_perl using_bindings_python using_opengl using_ffmpeg_threads using_live
[13:59:44] clever: using_lirc
[14:01:09] systemloc: there's the problem. lirc doesn't show up... that's kinda strange, cause I coulda swore I checked the config output, but I already have a fresh compile brewing, so, hopefully, I'll have this working in a few min. :) Thank you very much, clever. I was looking all over for that command line option to check that :D
[14:01:27] clever: check that you have the lirc dev headers too
[14:01:30] geu: did anyone try to use splashy instead of bootsplash? for knoppmyth?
[14:01:43] cesman: why?
[14:01:49] cesman: bootsplash works fine
[14:02:22] cesman: bootsplash was around and working w/ KnoppMyth before splashy came around
[14:03:15] systemloc: clever: that was probably the source of the problem. I compiled mythtv before I had lirc installed, so the headers weren't present.
[14:03:25] systemloc: thanks :)
[14:03:40] geu: NOTE: The bootsplash project has been superseded by Splashy, a boot splash implementation that does not require a kernel patch and is a lot easier to configure. We suggest you go and update to Splashy.
[14:03:43] clever: ive had similar problems with mythplugins before
[14:03:47] clever: i would recompile EVERYTHING in 1 batch
[14:03:50] clever: then install
[14:03:55] geu: thats what . . . rld_of_Linux says
[14:03:58] clever: plugins got compiled against the old mythtv!
[14:04:06] cesman: geu: I don't care what that NOTE states (and yes, I've read it)
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[14:05:09] geu: no need to get upset, As I 'm a newby I tend to listen to notes like that, so I thought I better do what they suggest
[14:05:12] cesman: geu: the simple fact of the matter is, I had bootsplash working way before there was (at least before I heard of splashy) a splashy
[14:05:28] cesman: geu: I'm not getting upset, just stating the facts
[14:05:58] cesman: geu: I've been working on KnoppMyth going on 5 years now...
[14:05:59] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[14:06:14] geu: P.S.: your tipps worked out fine! thx all I need to change now is the bar
[14:06:18] cesman: geu: I've learned my lessons trying to implement something "new"
[14:06:27] geu: ^^
[14:06:33] cesman: just because it is new, doesn't mean it is better
[14:07:04] cesman: geu: that is _especially_ true when you are trying to replace something you _already_ have working
[14:07:08] justinh: I believe the newbies are our future. listen well & let them lead the way...  :P
[14:07:17] justinh: oh wait that's just a corny song I heard somewhere
[14:07:19] geu: yeah!!
[14:07:21] quicksilver: ;)
[14:09:30] mzb_d800: blackest: get the 4GB version with the webcam
[14:09:44] justinh: eeeee
[14:09:51] mzb_d800: :)
[14:10:28] clever: i was using my uncles eeepc last week
[14:10:31] clever: damn small!
[14:10:34] mzb_d800: you can always add more (secondary) "flash" with the guts of a USB stick wired to the second PCI-E slot ;)
[14:10:57] mzb_d800: they get a bit warm around the touchpad though
[14:11:03] clever: the ones on ebay are more expensive then i can afford though
[14:11:14] mzb_d800: can't imagine how hot they'd be if they ran at full speed
[14:11:20] justinh: clever: as in , they cost any money at all :P
[14:11:43] clever: i have money:P
[14:11:43] clever: just not that much
[14:12:05] justinh: I have 40 pence
[14:12:38] mzb_d800: I'd offer 99cents + post ... but I don't reckon I'd be able to afford the 2nd component ;)
[14:12:43] cesman: geu:
[14:12:57] cesman: geu: if you get it working, post on the KnoppMyth forum or wiki
[14:13:03] cesman: others maybe interested
[14:13:41] mzb_d800: blackest: webcam comes into it's own when you take a look at the skype beta ;)
[14:14:20] Dagmar: ...or if you use Ekiga
[14:14:51] mzb_d800: I didn't want to mod Dad's machine much ... so I tried to keep it "standard"
[14:14:52] Dagmar: I've gotten all of one call using ekiga so far. I don't use it much.
[14:15:07] geu: I'm afraid now. . . I may stick with bootsplash, I'll post if I progress
[14:15:25] Dagmar: You would think, that with as much trouble as it is to get Ekiga working, someone would have had something better to do with their time than _moon me_ over a webcam, but at least I can appreciate the humor in using it for that
[14:15:34] Dagmar: (Yes, I know who it was, unfortunately)
[14:15:40] blackest: lol
[14:15:43] mzb_d800: heh
[14:16:13] clever: frontend buggered up
[14:16:21] clever: mythmusic doesnt appear to have closed /dev/dsp
[14:16:22] blackest: seems to be about the shortest wait / price for the eee
[14:16:28] clever: so not the frontend cant open it for tv
[14:16:33] ldam (ldam! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:16:37] clever: even though it already has it open!
[14:16:45] cesman: geu: whats to be afraid of?
[14:16:58] geu: to crash the whole system
[14:16:58] systemloc: Dagmar: I got lirc to work :)
[14:17:02] Dagmar: Ah good
[14:17:07] blackest: work calls seeya
[14:17:08] cesman: geu: as long as you have a _good_ backup, you can dick with whatever you want
[14:17:22] Dagmar: It really isn't that hard to work with aside from the chaos that is figuring out which remote profile to use (or creating a new one. UGH)
[14:17:22] cesman: geu: if you brake something, just auto upgrade
[14:21:28] johndbritton (johndbritton! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:23:27] mzb_d800: use lvm, make images of snapshots
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[14:34:19] DustyBin: in mythmusic, in the ripper settings, ive selected mp3 lame encoding and set the default quality rip to high
[14:34:24] DustyBin: what kbps is high?
[14:36:04] DustyBin: what is perfect? does that use FLAC?
[14:36:29] DustyBin: mythmusic isnt very informative with important rip information
[14:37:21] DustyBin: <-- i think this has gone down?
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[14:41:06] justinh: heh. all sorts of areas are lacking info but as long as people are intent on making stupid plugins for recipes & fucking youtube...
[14:41:37] g0rAngA: how can I prevent mythtv from locking the sound card?
[14:41:45] cesman: that recipe plugin as been around for a while, however it was for an older version of MythTV
[14:42:17] cesman: I was going to include it at one point, however it wasn't upgrade friendly
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[14:51:12] DustyBin: . . . en&tab=F
[14:51:12] Newsome (Newsome! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:51:15] DustyBin: very nice
[14:52:09] justinh: we're all doomed!
[14:58:40] Hoxzer: hmmm, seems to be offline or it is just my ISP messing around
[14:59:09] justinh: DustyBin: don't see ogg vorbis mentioned there
[14:59:28] DustyBin: justinh: ive given up on that, after doing some more research
[14:59:28] johndbritton: i think they mentioned something about that in the dev channel
[14:59:56] johndbritton: oh oops, i thought this was a different channel
[15:00:02] DustyBin: justinh: the only difference between AAC and MP3 is at lower bit rates, AAC performs better, at higher bit rates, the difference between the two are unnoticable
[15:00:15] johndbritton: another project (hoseted on sf) is having problems with svn
[15:00:24] DustyBin: ogg just isnt supported enough, so im going to stick with 320kbps mp3s
[15:00:26] kslater: does anyone know if is down?
[15:01:00] MilkBoy: kslater: seems to be
[15:01:18] justinh: seems to be here too. ach well
[15:01:19] DustyBin: not here it isnt in UK
[15:01:26] DustyBin: strange
[15:01:26] justinh: better luck next time etc
[15:01:49] DustyBin: must be something to do with a back bone connection
[15:02:04] MilkBoy: more cables cut? =)
[15:02:11] justinh: can't resolve from home or work
[15:02:18] kslater: maybe they posted some expose' about banks in the Caymans..
[15:02:26] DustyBin:
[15:02:27] MilkBoy: lol
[15:03:15] DustyBin: is Isaac Richards still involved with mythtv?
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[15:04:13] DustyBin:
[15:04:25] DustyBin: o_0
[15:04:36] GreyFoxx: DustyBin: Yes
[15:04:47] GreyFoxx: and we know it's unreachable
[15:04:54] GreyFoxx: :)
[15:05:14] DustyBin: never heard of pluto
[15:05:16] DustyBin:
[15:05:17] DustyBin: interesting
[15:05:45] justinh: DustyBin: far from it. it's awful
[15:05:56] DustyBin: LOL
[15:06:00] DustyBin: never heard of motion either
[15:06:01] DustyBin:
[15:06:06] DustyBin: is that zoneminder in drag?
[15:06:24] cesman: motion has been around longer than zoneminder
[15:06:44] GreyFoxx: gbee: where in the code are we discarding the first frame ?
[15:06:45] cesman: zoneminder is perhaps more user friendly
[15:06:45] GreyFoxx: oops
[15:07:15] bagpuss_thecat: aaah, the good old days of Motion
[15:07:27] ** bagpuss_thecat recalls playing with some cctv kit and Motion about 10 years ago **
[15:08:43] DustyBin: is there a way to get mythmusic to rip your music at 320kbps intead of 256kbps on the 'high' setting ?
[15:08:58] directhex|bsp: mp3 gains nothing at excessive bitrates
[15:09:12] directhex|bsp: it still lops off plenty of the audible spectrum
[15:09:27] DustyBin: no difference at in between 256 and 320 ?
[15:09:30] DustyBin: all
[15:09:39] DustyBin: apart from wasted disk space
[15:09:55] Hoochster: guess the final transition to 0.21 is taking place both trac and org sites are down heh. anyone have the notes to what tables to backup from the db to xfer to a new db for keeping your recordings and schedules?
[15:10:23] DustyBin: .21 is about to be released!!!!!?
[15:10:33] sid3windr: !!!!!!!!!!8?
[15:10:35] cesman: DustyBin: "soonish"
[15:10:41] DustyBin: wow :D
[15:11:08] GreyFoxx: DustyBin: couple weeks away
[15:11:11] DustyBin: i was expecting another 6months – year
[15:11:26] DustyBin: excellent!
[15:11:33] Hoochster: hows GreyFoxx ?
[15:11:33] DustyBin: this time i will compile it myself and not use the debian packages
[15:14:02] directhex|bsp: DustyBin, why?
[15:14:03] DustyBin: "Surprisingly, 256Kbps and 320Kbps MP3 were virtually indistinguishable by my ears from the CD, except for a light boost in the upper midrange and treble.
[15:14:06] cesman: Hoochster:
[15:14:15] cesman: is that what you are looking for?
[15:14:38] justinh: DustyBin: only wy to change-o bitrate-o – patch-o code-o
[15:14:56] DustyBin: "On the other hand, for critical listening on a HiFi, I feel that 256Kbps is the best bitrate to use, because it sounds significantly better than 192Kbps. Since I couldn't hear any improvement at all when going to up to 320Kbps, I don't recommend going this high for the simple reason that the file sizes are significantly larger."
[15:15:51] Hoochster: cesman, yes indeed, thank you kindly!
[15:15:58] justinh: DustyBin: try some samples with liblame & see  – or rather _hear_ for yourself
[15:16:02] cesman: you're welcome
[15:17:08] splendidjim_ (splendidjim_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:17:19] cesman: Hoochster: with KnoppMyth, I include the docs as a link at http://ip.of.back.end
[15:17:29] Dagmar: If you bought cheap-ass speakers, you're not going to notice much above 192k
[15:17:32] cesman: Hoochster: that maybe something you want to consider yourself
[15:17:48] cesman: no need to hit when you can have it locally ;)
[15:18:12] justinh: if you have an ACME super-turbo-soundcard, you won't notice the difference between 256kbits and 64kbits :P
[15:18:19] Hoochster: good idea, prob is in the docs that get installed by source honestly didn't think to look, long week heh. thank you again
[15:18:46] cesman: you're welcome
[15:19:37] PatrickDK: I can defently hear the difference between 160k 192k and 256k
[15:19:45] splendidjim_: cesman how do do you start fluxbox on knoppmyth?
[15:19:54] PatrickDK: I still debate the difference of 256k and 320k
[15:21:05] cesman: splendidjim_: very carefully ;)
[15:21:14] levander (levander! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:21:46] cesman: splendidjim_: via inittab c7:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/openvt -fwc 6 — /bin/su – mythtv -c /usr/bin/startx >& /dev/null
[15:22:26] splendidjim_: is that the command or the way you told the system to do it?
[15:23:14] clever: cesman: i just used a few sudo's in rc.local to autostart my myth
[15:23:29] clever: and im not even using startx, just X and the fe
[15:25:10] cesman: splendidjim_: are you familiar with /etc/inittab?
[15:26:10] splendidjim_: cesman no
[15:26:16] splendidjim_: what is it good for?
[15:27:03] Hoochster: doh looks like the docs are gonna have to be updated something has changed heh guessing a field name don't match lol bout to research heh.
[15:27:43] cesman: splendidjim_:
[15:29:06] splendidjim_: thx
[15:29:49] cesman: hmmm
[15:30:30] cesman: source fource looks like a farce
[15:32:34] justinh: always dead slow here
[15:32:38] Curiouser (Curiouser! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:33:59] Como|lappy (Como|lappy! has quit ()
[15:34:00] directhex|bsp: cesman, just think, you could use VS.NET as your IDE when working on your distro!
[15:34:26] craig is now known as squidly
[15:35:36] ** cesman would rather be wrongly accused of a crime, get place in prison and be gang raped than use M$ tools to create his distro **
[15:36:12] geu (geu! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:36:29] saxin (saxin! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:36:48] Arfdee (Arfdee!n=Arfer@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:36:50] Arfdee: hi friends
[15:36:58] Arfdee: it seems that atrpms is generally recommended against
[15:37:06] Arfdee: are there plans to put myth on other repos?
[15:37:12] cesman: hello Arfdee
[15:37:15] Arfdee: hi cesman
[15:37:26] justinh: that'd be up to whoever wants to make repos I reckon
[15:37:32] justinh: FA to do with mythtv itself
[15:37:39] Gumby` (Gumby`! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:37:40] cesman: what he said
[15:37:52] Arfdee: FA?
[15:38:03] justinh: f... all
[15:38:19] saxin (saxin! has quit (Client Quit)
[15:38:21] Arfdee: that doesn't even make sense as a sentence
[15:38:24] Arfdee: ok, bye
[15:38:26] Arfdee (Arfdee!n=Arfer@ has left #mythtv-users ("Client exiting")
[15:38:38] cesman: Arfdee: MythTV packages go where the person that packages them wants to put them
[15:38:43] Gumby` (Gumby`! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:38:45] justinh: f*** all, as in 'nothing'
[15:38:57] cesman: justinh: I think you scared him away ;)
[15:38:59] justinh: a UK colloquialism
[15:39:14] splendidjim_: cesman do you remember how you called your wallpaper?
[15:39:40] cesman: a wallpaper is a wallpaper
[15:39:54] cesman: although some people like to call it a screensaver
[15:40:09] justinh: those people must die
[15:40:30] quicksilver: DIE! DIE! The baby bear must DIE!
[15:40:58] justinh: the voices in my head made me do it
[15:41:18] splendidjim_: ??
[15:41:23] SlimG (SlimG!n=SlimG@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:42:10] cesman: splendidjim_: grep feh /home/mythtv/.fluxbox/init
[15:42:30] mindframe- (mindframe-! has quit ("Leaving")
[15:42:32] cesman: splendidjim_: that will tell you all you need to know
[15:42:40] DustyBin: roughly how many years will it take for sd-dvd production on movies to stop and switch to 100% blueray?
[15:43:03] justinh: DustyBin: how long will it take for UK freeview to go to HDTV? about a quarter of that length of time
[15:43:21] DustyBin: as soon as that?
[15:43:26] DustyBin: no way
[15:43:33] DustyBin: 4 years for uk freeview
[15:43:40] justinh: ahh seen what you've done is assume UK HDTV comes in 2012.
[15:43:48] DustyBin: hehee
[15:43:56] cesman: what's blueray? is another format war pending?
[15:44:03] DustyBin: how long did it take for betamax to fizzle out?
[15:44:08] justinh: cesman: bluray == winner
[15:44:25] cesman: I imagine Sony will sue considering how close it is to bluray
[15:44:29] justinh: DustyBin: considering you can still buy VHS.. I think it'll be some time before doovde dies off
[15:44:36] DustyBin: lol
[15:44:41] cesman: don't want to get lacky consumers confused...
[15:44:42] DustyBin: who buys vhs
[15:44:59] justinh: pikeys. in ASDA
[15:45:02] PatrickDK: heh? where can you by vhs?
[15:45:02] DustyBin: lol
[15:45:15] DustyBin: ebay
[15:45:16] PatrickDK: I don't think I have even seen vhs in walmart :)
[15:45:26] justinh: Wilksinsons sell movies on video too
[15:45:39] br14: i'm going to guess you can get vhs porn at truck stops in usa
[15:46:09] justinh: Argos sell VCRs still too
[15:46:37] DustyBin: ive seen combo units
[15:46:54] justinh: they're still bein made, so they can still be sold
[15:47:16] justinh: Mplin sell a VHS machine with HDMI output
[15:47:20] justinh: *Maplin
[15:47:40] justinh: I wish I was making that up
[15:48:09] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:48:34] mindframe- (mindframe-! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:49:12] djc__ (djc__!n=djc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:49:12] justinh: . . . amp;doy=20m2 – tada!
[15:49:18] cesman: LOL!
[15:49:47] justinh: file that under junk, next to the USB cassette deck
[15:49:52] cesman: justinh: I'm suffering from a cough...
[15:49:58] cesman: you cannot make me laugh like that
[15:50:21] djc_ (djc_!n=djc@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:50:22] justinh: oops. sorry don't want you keeling over on us
[15:50:35] jackson (jackson! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:50:42] jackson: hi
[15:50:45] g0rAngA (g0rAngA! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:51:05] cesman: hello
[15:51:16] jackson: does MythTV run on Windows Vista?
[15:51:22] cesman: LOL!
[15:51:27] Hoxzer: Windows :( I feel pitty for you
[15:51:27] cesman: another one...
[15:51:28] jackson: just kidding.
[15:51:39] saxin (saxin! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:52:10] directhex|bsp: jackson, mythtv player runs, if you just want recordings access. work has gone on in SVN at native win32 builds
[15:52:28] jackson: anyone know if we'll soon be able to sort media fiels via mythvideo by file date?
[15:52:47] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:52:47] justinh: jackson: I know we won't be able to until somebody adds that feature
[15:53:10] jackson: Has anyone else expressed and intrest in that feature?
[15:53:16] GreyFoxx: jackson: I don't think I've ever seen anyone ask for that
[15:53:19] justinh: not AFAIK
[15:53:37] cesman: jackson:
[15:53:46] justinh: sorting might be cool actually. don't think sorting order can be changed
[15:53:46] jdhall (jdhall! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:53:48] jackson: Ok, I'll read the mail list
[15:53:49] GreyFoxx: I think there is some sort of sorting ablity ability in there, but I've never used itself
[15:54:10] justinh: GreyFoxx: roly? I knew about filters, not sorting
[15:54:18] GreyFoxx: justinh: I thought there was
[15:54:26] GreyFoxx: but it's not something I've ever wanted to do
[15:54:32] GreyFoxx: I put everything in subfolders and such
[15:54:32] jackson: well, it can sort by meta data, but nothing like file date.
[15:54:33] justinh: don't think so, only filtering
[15:55:02] justinh: jackson: I don't think you can choose how it sorts from the actual UI screens though
[15:55:20] jackson: sure, the Menu button :)
[15:55:47] jackson: but just based on meta data in the myth database.
[15:56:44] justinh: nah that's not sorting, I'm pretty sure
[15:57:12] justinh: you can change views & filter settings by pressing M but not change sort order or criteria
[15:58:10] jackson: I swear to god a 'sort' is there, but as I say again I think it's based on meta data for the files in the mythconverg database – if no meta data is in the database, no sorting.
[15:58:19] justinh: there's no sorting
[15:58:37] justinh: well rather there is, but only one type & you can't change it
[15:58:56] justinh: alphanumeric based on filename or metadata title
[15:59:02] justinh: and that's it!
[15:59:58] justinh: I have this vision of how I'd like mythvideo to be revamped sometime but it's way beyond what I could code so it'll prolly never happen
[16:00:40] geu (geu! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:00:41] jackson: the ui revamped? Or the whole shabang?
[16:01:01] directhex|bsp: justinh, with spinning 3d logos, i hope!
[16:01:12] justinh: directhex|bsp: rotating cubes!
[16:01:26] splendidjim_ (splendidjim_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:01:35] directhex|bsp: and EXPLOSIONS!
[16:01:51] justinh: fire. delete a video from the menu & IT INCINERATES!
[16:02:03] justinh: with sound effects
[16:02:17] jackson: and optional smoke generator attachment?
[16:02:51] directhex|bsp: justinh, i'd like mythvideo to support things that aren't movies without swallowing copious amounts of dick in the process; i'd like mythvideo to have linked metadata (i.e. filter on a current selection's metadata, so you could pick a movie, say 'i liked that actor' and filter on all the movies you have with him in)
[16:02:55] justinh: jackson: yeah a UI revamp. I think it'd sit well with ideas I've had for other areas too. problem is turning those ideas into working code & getting them past the committee
[16:02:55] Curiouser: Smoke generator... wouldn't that be nice for watching Backdraft?
[16:02:57] directhex|bsp: like xbmc. couth.
[16:03:11] Curiouser: Trigger on subtitles.
[16:03:44] DustyBin: now i can start building up a blueray disc collection :D
[16:03:56] DustyBin: its good news for PS3 owners
[16:04:10] justinh: DustyBin: why not build up a hd-dvd collection? it'll be cheaper
[16:04:15] DustyBin: lol
[16:04:19] directhex|bsp: DustyBin, blu-ray has always been available for ps3 owners. what's changed?
[16:04:34] jackson: Toshiba bailed on hddvd
[16:04:35] justinh: DustyBin: it's not as if hd-dvd discs are suddenly unplayable
[16:04:37] DustyBin: directhex|bsp: its good news because its now the standard
[16:05:02] directhex|bsp: jackson, so that affects ps3 owners how?
[16:05:16] jackson: it doesn't, it's good for blu ray owners (aka ps3)
[16:05:24] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:05:27] DustyBin: directhex|bsp: if hd-dvd was the standard, ps3 owner will be missing out
[16:05:30] justinh: and once a disc is ripped (which is the only way to play them in linux at the mo), who cares anyway?
[16:05:48] DustyBin: justinh: talk like that can get you a ban :P
[16:06:10] directhex|bsp: DustyBin, no, talk of downloading or illegal signal cracking gets a ban
[16:06:15] ** DustyBin bans justinh **
[16:06:17] justinh: anyway, even people with bluray players haven't been prevented from looking like suckers
[16:06:20] DustyBin: oh ok
[16:06:23] directhex|bsp: rippinf your own discs is legal in, um, some countries
[16:06:29] directhex|bsp: not in the uk. nevermind
[16:07:11] justinh: don't care anyway. ban me – do me a favour!
[16:07:20] ** DustyBin sets mode +b justinh **
[16:07:29] geu: changing the knoppmyth.png from 800x600 to 1920x1080 shouldn't be a problem, should it?
[16:07:40] justinh: geu: yeah for 4:3 themes
[16:07:53] justinh: base res for 4:3 themes is 800x600
[16:08:01] directhex|bsp: geu, do you have a 1920x1080 framebuffer?
[16:08:10] directhex|bsp: geu, assum,ing you're still talking about bootsplash
[16:08:11] geu: how can I find out?
[16:08:32] justinh: all this time and you still don't know?
[16:08:39] jackson: So, does anyone run mythtv as a non-dedicated frontend with compiz?
[16:08:49] geu: no sry, about the background image at the moment, but its the same with the splash
[16:08:49] directhex|bsp: jackson, aye. occasionally
[16:08:56] directhex|bsp: jackson, no window decorations due to qt3 suckage
[16:08:59] DustyBin: can any brand out there now start making blueray players? or do they need to have special permission etc?
[16:09:12] directhex|bsp: DustyBin, several companies already do and have
[16:09:13] justinh: ignore DustyBin
[16:09:23] justinh: arseburgers. that so needed a slah
[16:09:24] jackson: directhex|bsp, not even emerald?
[16:09:28] DustyBin: directhex|bsp: there isnt many
[16:09:29] iamlindoro_ (iamlindoro_!n=robert@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:09:31] directhex|bsp: DustyBin, you just need to license the appropriate technology from the consortium that owns them
[16:09:43] DustyBin: ok
[16:09:56] directhex|bsp: DustyBin, you could buy a samsung or pioneer blu-ray player last year
[16:09:57] justinh: 'just' meaning sell your soul, hand over bankloads of money, a cut of revenue..
[16:10:10] DustyBin: yep just 2 brands
[16:11:00] directhex|bsp: sharp
[16:11:05] directhex|bsp: lg
[16:11:44] directhex|bsp: panasonic
[16:12:00] justinh: and soon, Toshiba :D
[16:12:09] DustyBin: directhex|bsp: would one of these show up as a normal cd/dvd device in linux:
[16:12:27] directhex|bsp: DustyBin, yes
[16:12:33] DustyBin: excellent
[16:12:38] directhex|bsp: DustyBin, no idea on burning software though
[16:12:52] DustyBin: it uses serial ATA
[16:12:58] directhex|bsp: so?
[16:13:00] justinh: so?
[16:13:08] DustyBin: never seen a drive what uses serial ATA, thought it would of been ide
[16:13:10] jblack: dvdjon will save us
[16:13:23] directhex|bsp (directhex|bsp! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:13:37] justinh: jblack: I think he sold us out already.
[16:13:47] jblack: oh?
[16:13:54] directhex|bsp (directhex|bsp! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:14:05] directhex|bsp: my x died!
[16:14:13] justinh: working for the man, cracking ichoons or something
[16:14:13] amrit (amrit! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:14:14] directhex|bsp: anyway, was about to say:
[16:14:35] directhex|bsp: nerolinux3 definitely burns bd-r. not sure about any open-source apps
[16:14:39] jblack: You mean that drm a2a thing he's working on?
[16:14:49] directhex|bsp: and why does DustyBin care about hd? he has an old sd crt
[16:15:02] justinh: feknows
[16:15:21] justinh: why do I keep coming back here?
[16:15:21] DustyBin: directhex|bsp: im looking ahead, i was thinking about buying a normal seperate dvd player but i might wait now
[16:15:46] DustyBin: ill use mythtv to play dvds for now
[16:16:04] jblack: I usually rip my dvds, and use mythvideo to watch them.
[16:16:18] DustyBin: jblack: whats the point? waste of space IMO
[16:16:32] justinh: I usually buy or get given a dvd, watch it once & put it in a cupboard
[16:16:36] jblack: DustyBin: If you're the sort of person that only watches things once, then yeah, it would be a waste.
[16:16:43] jackson: ...not when officemax was selling 1tb drives for $99 the other day.
[16:17:01] DustyBin: jblack: how many times on average have you watched the same film? o_0
[16:17:04] iamlindoro_: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
[16:17:05] justinh: takes time & patience to memorise every line of LOTR dialogue though, you have a point :P
[16:17:13] jblack: Over time? Probably 3 or 4...
[16:17:20] DustyBin: :-o
[16:17:48] peoples (peoples! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:17:58] peoples: hey guys ..
[16:18:08] justinh: These are not the droids you're looking for. Or something. Uhhhhuhuhuhuhu. Uhhhhuhuhuhuuhuh
[16:18:10] jblack: ya know.. whenever nothing good is on TV, nothing's in the theatre, I'll watch the mosquito coast, or the ring....
[16:18:41] directhex|bsp: how about "help! i'm a fish!"?
[16:18:51] ** justinh is going to the flicks tonight. too bad you can't skip those ads **
[16:18:55] DustyBin: jblack: you could do that by manually putting the dvd in the dvd drive and saving yourself lots of space
[16:19:01] directhex|bsp: justinh, to see what?
[16:19:22] jblack: DustyBin: I could. I'd rather watch copies of the dvd though, so that I don't have to worry about scratches.
[16:19:22] justinh: that Michel Gondry thing with Jack Black in it
[16:19:27] DustyBin: jblack: not forgetting optimum quality
[16:19:34] DustyBin: ok
[16:19:36] justinh: directhex|bsp: looks about the best of a fucking awful bunch
[16:19:40] peoples: i've a problem with mythweb svn r16052
[16:19:40] jackson: DustyBin, it takes a lot of effort to get up off the damn couch and open a dvd case, eject the previous dvd occupant etc.
[16:19:44] directhex|bsp: justinh, be kind rewind?
[16:19:49] DustyBin: lol
[16:19:51] justinh: aye that's it
[16:19:56] peoples: localhost/mythweb shows only a blank page and logs file says
[16:19:57] peoples: Call to undefined function posix_uname()
[16:20:04] jblack: dustybin: I'm not an optimal quality sort.
[16:20:05] peoples: some idea? :)
[16:20:06] DustyBin: jblack: do you use H.264 to rip the dvds
[16:20:20] jblack: nope. standard 700 megabyte xvids.
[16:20:23] iamlindoro_: peoples, you didn't just try to upgrade mythweb without upgrading your entire mythtv setup to the same revision, did you?
[16:20:36] justinh: iamlindoro_: (yes)
[16:20:46] iamlindoro_: justinh, ;)
[16:20:51] justinh: iamlindoro_: (teh streeeeeming, teh streeeeming!)
[16:20:58] peoples: no i upgradet all .. ;)
[16:21:10] iamlindoro_: that's not what your mythweb seems to think
[16:21:43] jblack: I have about 100 movies in mythvideo at this point. I'd have three times that if I didn't ignore the big pile of stuff that I still need to rip
[16:21:58] peoples: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function posix_uname() in /home/httpd/html/mythweb/includes/defines.php on line 21
[16:22:12] iamlindoro_: anyway, and I'm setting myself up for heartache here, I presume you read the INSTALL file in mythweb and followed its instructions carefully, including modifying mythweb.conf and enabling the correct apache modules?
[16:22:23] iamlindoro_: (no, you didn't)
[16:22:31] justinh: directhex|bsp: least it's only 100 minutes of my life I'll never get back if it turns out to be total poo
[16:22:32] ** iamlindoro_ channels justinh **
[16:23:00] directhex|bsp: justinh, buy and bring a game-boy!
[16:23:31] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:23:55] justinh: why a game boy? for the sucking of the offing?
[16:23:56] jblack: justinh: How old are you, that wasting 100 minutes doesn't mean much?
[16:24:20] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:25:01] jblack: If one hypothesizes that you get hit by a bus 5 years from now, that's 1.5 hours of the 43,800 hours that you have left in your life.
[16:25:09] justinh: jblack: too old to appreciate shite like Cloverfield & definitely maybe. and 'all the boys love mandy lane'
[16:25:28] iamlindoro_: If one took the time to do the math to figure 8that* out, their time isn't that valuable anyway
[16:25:30] iamlindoro_: er *that*
[16:25:41] jblack: Assuming you don't sleep. Take 8 hours a day from that, and you only have 30k hours left.
[16:25:42] justinh: sweeny todd might be worth a look but mrs is fixing for a comedy
[16:26:00] jblack: Hey! I'm no spring chicken either, and I liked Cloverfield!
[16:26:14] justinh: cloverfield just looks like MUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
[16:26:22] DustyBin: "TOKYO (Reuters) – Sony Corp said on Wednesday it will sell its microchip production facilities in western Japan to Toshiba Corp for 90 billion yen ($835 million), in their latest move to focus on their core businesses." I guess Toshiba shutting down HDDVD might not be a surprise after all, it could be a venture deal in order for them to buy Son'y factory for the price they want they had to in turn give Sony Bluray."
[16:26:38] justinh: one review I saw said "if you loved lost... ". I didn't bother reading on
[16:26:48] jblack: heh. I also like lost.
[16:27:23] iamlindoro_: Heh, HD-DVD players are $99 with 7 movies now... So... I guess that means you can buy 7 HD-DVD movies at $15 a piece and get a free player for them.
[16:27:28] jblack: Lemme guess. You don't like house either.
[16:27:41] justinh: don't forget the hundreds, nay thousands of hours I've wasted in IRC & making themes. Oh boy.
[16:27:49] justinh: jblack: never seen it
[16:27:56] jblack: You wouldn't like it.
[16:28:09] justinh: if House is worse than series 2 of Heroes..
[16:28:15] iamlindoro_: it is
[16:28:23] justinh: effinelle
[16:28:28] jblack: I haven't watched Heroes 2 yet, so couldn't tell you.
[16:28:35] jblack: It's been sitting here for months.
[16:28:47] justinh: is it worse than torchwood?
[16:29:02] jblack: Personally, I think house is better than heroes 1, and lost is better than house.
[16:29:14] iamlindoro_: Well... I like Torchwood, so you don't want my opinion on that :)
[16:29:20] justinh: actually I'm not sure anything could possibly be worse.. apart from Eastenders
[16:29:47] iamlindoro_: House is what would happen if CSI and Monk had an obnoxious hairy baby
[16:29:49] jblack: That's right. You're a brit. Home of Benny hill and the spice girls.
[16:30:07] justinh: whatever the eff CSI is
[16:30:18] cesman: what is wrong w/ Benny Hill?
[16:30:29] justinh: Benny Hill.. WE caren;t the ones still showing it!
[16:30:33] directhex|bsp: justinh, what they show on channel 5 between noon & midnight, 8 days a week
[16:30:35] iamlindoro_: justinh, Well then, how about this? It's on *Fox*.
[16:30:46] justinh: iamlindoro_: probably crap
[16:30:59] iamlindoro_: justinh, Got it on the first try
[16:31:01] justinh: that said, Fox show American Dad & Family Guy
[16:31:12] jblack: ohhh. Low blow.
[16:31:26] iamlindoro_: justinh, And Prison Break and American Idol and *vomits*
[16:31:35] justinh: so Fox isn't necessarily synonymous with dirge
[16:31:45] jblack: Hey, American Idol is great, once you buy into votefortheworst!
[16:31:51] iamlindoro_: and anything worthwhile gets canceled (Firefly) and House hasn't been canceled, soooooo
[16:32:13] justinh: Invasion was poo at first but man how it picked up eventually. only to be canned :(
[16:32:21] jblack: Firefly certainly was awesome.
[16:32:39] iamlindoro_: Wonderfalls was on target to be good, they canned that...
[16:32:52] iamlindoro_: So Wonderfalls changed its name and actors and became Pushing Daisies
[16:33:03] justinh: as for The Bionic Ex-Eastender – I think I'll pass
[16:33:07] jblack: Did you guys ever see breaking bad?
[16:33:23] iamlindoro_: justinh, Bionic Woman got canceled, so no need to worry about catching it
[16:33:39] jblack: High school chemestry with terminal lung cancer gets into cooking crack...
[16:34:40] jblack: It's doomed to be canceled.
[16:34:57] justinh: oh no. why do I get the distinct impression that wifey has already chosen & it'll be 'over her dead body' tonight? :(
[16:36:18] justinh: we should go see it at The Gallery. At least they have a bar there. And comfy seats
[16:36:34] justinh: film sucks, get wasted
[16:36:40] jblack: I seem to remember a huge sign in london, saying something like 'Beyond this point crime is bad. Don't whine to use after you get robbed'
[16:36:42] directhex|bsp: boozes!
[16:36:45] directhex|bsp: as long as you don't drive in
[16:36:47] justinh: film is good, get wasted afterwards
[16:37:08] justinh: jblack: yeah and?
[16:37:32] jblack: did I actually see that?
[16:37:41] justinh: jblack: I bet they don't have warning signs outside the bronx
[16:37:48] jblack: They should.
[16:38:34] justinh: "you are now entering.. XXXXX. please keep your valuables safe at all times. or turn back now. yes, we really think you ought to turn back, if you know what's good for you"
[16:38:51] jblack: Yeah, something like that.
[16:38:58] justinh: please do not feed the locals
[16:39:09] geu: cesman: hi, do you remember how many hooks you used for your bootsplash?
[16:39:12] jblack: The eastenders chat reminded me of the sign
[16:39:35] cesman: hooks?
[16:39:55] justinh: such a pity foreigners only have London as a point of reference for the UK. it's NOTHING like the UK really is
[16:40:10] jblack: I don't remember which is which, but I know of eastenders and westenders that one group is rich and snobby, and the other group is hookers and pirates (Arrgh)
[16:40:20] ** cesman certainly hopes so... **
[16:40:53] geu: bootsplash says that there is are hooks that tell the bar to move on
[16:40:54] jblack: Yeah. My experience is limited. a month in london and two weeks in oxford.
[16:40:54] cesman: 2 weeks in London was enough for me
[16:40:59] jblack: Oxford was nice.
[16:41:06] geu: are not is are
[16:41:10] justinh: I'm no fan of London. The attitude, the lack of service, the hustle..
[16:41:32] cesman: geu: I cannot recall
[16:41:34] jblack: I imagine it's much too much like america for most brit's taste.
[16:41:40] geu: kk
[16:42:10] cesman: London? Like America?
[16:42:10] justinh: jblack: been to FL & London was nothing like that. The locals were very friendly. and in SF
[16:42:38] jblack: Heh. Let me take you to New York some time. Or boston. Or LA... better yet, Detroit. ;)
[16:42:53] justinh: I was on business in FL on my own, took a drive down the beach & was invited to parties & godknowswhat. had an ace time
[16:43:05] ** cesman found Londoners to be indifferent to the point of being cold **
[16:43:26] jblack: Florida (I was born there, actually) is generally a nice place if you avoid miami.
[16:43:33] siXy (siXy!i=siXy@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:43:44] justinh: cesman: I find them to be indifferent to the point of, if their granny was sitting in a seat they wanted, they think nothing of killing her to get it
[16:43:51] jblack: cesman: You've found an outpouring of love an appreciation in new york?
[16:44:10] ** cesman has never been to New York **
[16:44:25] cesman: nor can I saw I have an interest in going
[16:44:41] cesman: to saw London is the same as the US is a crap statement
[16:44:52] jblack: who said that?
[16:45:04] cesman: some places maybe...but don't make blanket statements
[16:45:21] cesman: [08:40] <jblack> I imagine it's much too much like america for most brit's taste.
[16:45:32] justinh: not all londoners are cold, unfriendly bastards – I'm sure of that. I just have yet to meet any who aren't ;)
[16:45:48] ** cesman met one or two **
[16:46:01] jblack: When it comes to overbuilding, general callousness, obnoxious showing of wealth?
[16:46:02] cesman: but no more than a handfull at any one time
[16:46:22] cesman: again with the blanket statements
[16:46:32] Dagmar: Mm.... warm confy blankets.
[16:46:38] justinh: cesman: kinda blows away the stereotype of men in bowler hats saying "aiir nair, arrrfter you!"
[16:46:42] jblack: Yeah... in those regards, London is very much like many american cities that I've lived it. It's in those regards that London is very much so unlike the other parts of britian that I've seen.
[16:47:16] cesman: next topic...
[16:47:23] justinh: aye. hometime!
[16:47:34] justinh (justinh! has quit ("Vroom!")
[16:47:39] jblack: Actually, it's like a lot of cities I've seen everywhere....
[16:48:06] jackson: just watch out for the football hooligans
[16:48:15] jblack: Pack people in like sardines, and I guess the stink is inevitable.
[16:49:03] systemloc (systemloc! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:49:16] adante (adante! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:49:36] systemloc: I've got mythtv working. I've got lirc working. I've even got them working together! I have mythvideo working. I have xine setup for certain video files in MythVideo. I have the keymaps customized and verified that the keys worked correctly with my keyboard in X. However, xine doesn't respond to my remote, via lirc. Umm? Do I need to add xine mappings into my lircrc, or is there an easier way to make this work?
[16:50:18] iamlindoro_: yes, you do need to add xine mappings into ~/.lircrc
[16:50:51] iamlindoro_: keep in mind that myth uses ~/.mythtv/lircrc, while xine, mplayer and others use ~/.lircrc
[16:51:04] systemloc: iamlindoro: thanks. :)
[16:51:05] iamlindoro_: note the differing direcotries and the fact that one has a preceding dot and the other does not
[16:51:12] iamlindoro_: np
[16:51:18] peoples: k i've reinstalled mythtv + mythplugins an configured mythweb like INSTALL tells and same error ..
[16:51:19] peoples: blank page
[16:51:20] systemloc: iamlindoro: Any other obvious steps?
[16:51:21] peoples: PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function posix_uname() in /home/httpd/html/mythweb/includes/defines.php on line 21
[16:51:24] peoples: :(
[16:51:28] iamlindoro_: nope, that's the most obvious one
[16:57:41] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:57:41] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[16:58:04] jackson: What? myhttv doesn't use ~/.lircrc?
[16:58:33] iamlindoro_: Nope
[16:58:46] jackson: it does on all my boxes.
[16:58:51] iamlindoro_: then you have it symlinked
[16:58:57] jackson: nope
[16:59:00] iamlindoro_: ok
[16:59:13] jackson: I am using svn
[16:59:50] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:00:09] jackson: I don't see why myth cares where lirc's files are as long as it knows to talk to the lirc daemon.
[17:00:46] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[17:03:02] CCFL_Man2: so the better format won the format war
[17:03:18] CCFL_Man2: i'm glad
[17:05:02] iamlindoro_: Depends on what your definition of "better" is... HD-DVD had no region locking and had encryption that was 100% defeated, Blu-ray has more space, but has region locking and BD+ has not been defeated yet. For myth purposes, HD-DVD was the nicer format to work with in that regard.
[17:05:31] CCFL_Man2: well, thats true
[17:05:42] CCFL_Man2: i mean without the crappy drm
[17:05:54] directhex|bsp: so other than the main difference...
[17:06:01] lotia (lotia! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:06:37] iamlindoro_: sure, take away the DRM (and, of course, ultimately we will) and it'll end up being nicer. Just in the near term, as an owner of both I preferred to get stuff on HD-DVD because it was less of a headache to get into MythVideo
[17:06:41] systemloc: iamlindoro: Does xine have to be compiled with lirc support? Or do I need to use irxevent or something? Still not working
[17:07:09] iamlindoro_: systemloc, I don't use xine, but presumably yes, it would need to be compiled with lirc support
[17:07:37] CCFL_Man2: iamlindoro_: there any linux ripping tools or no?
[17:07:43] systemloc: iamlindoro: thank you
[17:07:48] iamlindoro_: CCFL_Man2, Yes
[17:08:08] iamlindoro_: CCFL_Man2, I wrote a step by step article in the wiki
[17:08:36] Curiouser (Curiouser! has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:09:08] CCFL_Man2: oh, nice
[17:11:17] lotia: iamlindoro_: where in the wiki did you write this?
[17:13:41] iamlindoro_: lotia, If you're asking, you haven't even searched ;)
[17:13:59] iamlindoro_: since you can get to it by about seven different article titles
[17:14:22] alexvd: hey looking at the dev list looks the windows port is close to usable. Are they going to release a way to install easily with a windows setup file executable?
[17:14:45] lotia: iamlindoro_: i'll admit, i'm being lazy. and i got onto the channel half way. wondering if you were talking about ripping tools for hd-dvd or for regular dvd?
[17:14:46] CCFL_Man2: iamlindoro_: can you provide a link? i can't find it
[17:15:03] iamlindoro_: CCFL_Man2, you're kidding, right? What terms did you search?
[17:15:18] iamlindoro_: lotia, I am speaking of ripping blu-ray and hd-dvd
[17:15:27] CCFL_Man2: i'm looking directly on the mythtv wiki
[17:15:32] lotia: iamlindoro_: and this is on the myth wiki?
[17:15:40] iamlindoro_: CCFL_Man2, ok, and what search term did you use?
[17:15:42] iamlindoro_: lotia, yes
[17:15:52] CCFL_Man2: iamlindoro_: none, i just followed links
[17:16:12] lotia: iamlindoro_: okay, i'll admit, i don't see something obvious in the howto section.
[17:16:16] iamlindoro_: CCFL_Man2, Use the search, luke...
[17:16:29] CCFL_Man2: ahh, there we go
[17:16:35] iamlindoro_: lotia, the howto section is a page that's hand-edited, why don't people use the freaking search box?
[17:16:55] iamlindoro_: bluray, blu-ray, hddvd, hd-dvd, high definition disk formats.... any of the preceding will work...
[17:17:10] lotia: iamlindoro_: because wiki search results are not stellar in most cases.
[17:17:26] iamlindoro_: lotia, And relying on pages to be edited by human beings is better?
[17:18:03] adante (adante! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:18:04] lotia: iamlindoro_: i didn't know it was hand edited.
[17:19:35] CCFL_Man2: ripping blu ray and hd dvd looks like fun
[17:19:52] peoples: k found it ..
[17:19:57] peoples: php.ini
[17:20:00] CCFL_Man2: now, where does one find a cheap blu ray drive :P
[17:20:05] peoples:
[17:20:05] peoples: ;)
[17:20:19] iamlindoro_: there are $250 combo drives out there... sometimes even less
[17:20:29] iamlindoro_: the LG drive will do HD-DVD and Blu
[17:20:51] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:21:39] CCFL_Man2: blu ray stuff will go up
[17:21:43] CCFL_Man2: in price
[17:22:27] iamlindoro_: CCFL_Man2, Why in the world would that be? Now that Oppo, LG, and a host of others are buying into a single format, the competition for players is already increasing... prices are going to drop like a stone
[17:23:25] Hannibal-: i'd wait for the xbox360 blu-ray addon – be a nice cheap player. the HD-DVD one could be used on a computer... I'm sure the blu-ray will work also.
[17:23:48] CCFL_Man2: iamlindoro_: oh yeah, never thought of it that way
[17:26:02] Dagmar: iamlindoro: I think perhaps that you forgot that /without/ a competing format, prices are going to be that much more likely to stay exactly where they are now.
[17:26:09] Dagmar: ...because Sony is now calling all the shots.
[17:26:51] jblack: That won't stop prices from dropping.
[17:27:01] iamlindoro_: Ah, wikis wikis wikis... guy telling me that saying a Blu-ray rip at 40 Mbit/s is vastly superior in quality to a 10 Mbit MKV off the internet is just opinion and the quality difference is invisible
[17:27:25] Chutt: um
[17:27:29] Chutt: 40mbps > 10mbps
[17:27:34] Chutt: quality is, by definition, higher.
[17:27:36] iamlindoro_: Dagmar, Sony can't call the shots on price, Price Fixing is a federal crime... all they can do is control licensing costs
[17:27:44] iamlindoro_: Chutt, That's precisely my point
[17:27:45] Dagmar: Hahahahaha
[17:27:50] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ()
[17:27:55] Dagmar: Since when has something being a crime stopped companies from making up their own rules.
[17:28:07] Dagmar: Price-fixing is exactly what DVD region codes _enforce_
[17:28:18] jblack: The fact of the matter is that the US is headed into a recession at best. They'll lower prices because if they don't, sales will remain too limited.
[17:28:28] Dagmar: It's just not illegal because it crosses jurisdictional boundaries, and therefore prosecution is total grey area.
[17:28:46] jblack: Especially when considered within the context of high US consumer debt.
[17:28:51] iamlindoro_: Prices are going to drop, if only based on the sheer number of player manufacturers suddenly throwing their hat in the ring
[17:29:02] Dagmar: <-- 0 debt
[17:29:19] CCFL_Man2: Dagmar: what about a car loan?
[17:29:29] jblack: and you think that you're respentative of most consumers?
[17:29:36] jblack: 'cause you're not.
[17:29:37] Dagmar: Zero means zero.
[17:29:51] Dagmar: I actually _own_ my own car. I don't just pretend to own it like most people.
[17:29:53] iamlindoro_: "Hardly 'vastly superior', I think that is just opinion rather than fact. Having downloaded Bluray movies prior to purchasing, I have been surprised to find little difference in quality on-screen. Perhaps technically, the quality is very much different due to sheer bitrate differences, but on-screen I can't tell."
[17:29:55] iamlindoro_: *sigh*
[17:30:00] Dagmar: I bought it with cash (okay, well, a teller's check)
[17:30:01] iamlindoro_: What a tool
[17:30:30] Dagmar: iamlindoro: Okay man...
[17:30:33] CCFL_Man2: i need to find a better job
[17:30:39] jblack: consumer debt is 2.5 trillion, of which 943 billion is revolving (i.e. credit card like) debt.
[17:31:01] iamlindoro_: Dagmar, wasn't calling you a tool, was talking about the guy who says a 10 Mbit MKV looks the same as a 40 Mbit disk
[17:31:11] Dagmar: I know you werne't calling me anything.
[17:31:13] Dagmar: Check the comic.
[17:31:19] iamlindoro_: Saw it earlier
[17:31:27] Dagmar: Just because some retard posts something stupid doesn't mean you should let them get you worked up over it.
[17:31:36] Dagmar: Stupid people don't use condoms, and that's why they breed so fast.
[17:31:51] Dagmar: We just have yet to find a publicly acceptable way of culling their numbers.
[17:31:51] jblack: So, anyways, the prices will drop pretty quick.
[17:31:59] Dagmar: Like maybe, slot machines that explode 1 in 6 times.
[17:32:03] iamlindoro_: I have no problem with an individual being wrong, everyone is entitled to their broke-ass opinion... it's another thing to put your broke-ass opinion somewhere where it'll confuse people
[17:33:12] Dagmar: I was under the impression that blogs were where stupid opinions were supposed to dgo.
[17:33:28] iamlindoro_: They probably should... but wikis aren't
[17:33:41] jackson: ...and irc channels
[17:33:51] jblack: heh. jackson beat me to the punch.
[17:33:55] Dagmar: Yes, but we _know_ everyone talking on IRC is a know-nothing dumbass.
[17:34:26] jblack: Dagmar: A word of advice... quit while you're behind.
[17:34:31] Dagmar: hehe
[17:34:51] geu (geu! has quit ("Verlassend")
[17:34:54] sid3windr: reminds me of the "quit while you're a head" joke ;)
[17:35:23] jblack: yeah. quit while you're ahead. quit while you're behind... feel free to reduce that to "just quit"
[17:37:24] stiev3 (stiev3! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:38:03] CCFL_Man2: listerine says to rinse for 30 seconds but my jaw cramps up
[17:38:14] Dagmar: I'm suprised your eyes don't melt.
[17:38:28] CCFL_Man2: i don't find it that bad
[17:38:33] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:38:44] CCFL_Man2: i use the regular green listerine
[17:39:14] pebkac (pebkac! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:39:46] CCFL_Man2: you know, my mac mini can probably decode mpeg4 nicely if i purchase a $400 processor for it
[17:39:58] Dagmar: heheheh
[17:40:12] Dagmar: Yes, I imagine for $700 you can make a pretty good playback machine.
[17:40:59] pebkac: you'd better be able to for $700, or we should chuck everything and go buy tivos instead.  :)
[17:41:35] opentrinity (opentrinity! has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:41:54] jackson: most mythtv boxes don't end up being cost effective, do they?
[17:41:55] CCFL_Man2: pebkac: thats the cost of the socket m core 2 duo
[17:41:57] jblack: Hrmmm. The sequel to Hardy Heron is Intrepid Ibex.
[17:42:23] CCFL_Man2: $2GHz or more
[17:42:35] CCFL_Man2: err, 2GHz
[17:42:41] jblack: For those that don't know what an Ibexd is (self included), they look like mountain goats.
[17:43:01] pebkac: hate to admit I don't know what socket M is. socket 775 yeah, but not socket m.
[17:43:21] CCFL_Man2: mobile socket for intel
[17:43:25] pebkac: ahh, thanks
[17:43:44] CCFL_Man2: gone are the days of wintendo machines
[17:44:03] lcase (lcase! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:45:54] pebkac: hey, any of you run into a problem where you can ff/rew live tv, but the moment you hit R and save the recording, you can't?
[17:46:59] CCFL_Man2: i'd love do do some fta ku
[17:47:15] peoples (peoples! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:47:37] CCFL_Man2: ahh, cirrostratus clouds in the sky right now
[17:47:38] iamlindoro_: It wouldn't be a day in #mythtv-users if CCFL_Man2 didn't say "I love being a C Bander" in hopes someone would ask him about it ;)
[17:47:48] CCFL_Man2: lol
[17:47:51] iamlindoro_: Do *not* construe that as being asked about it
[17:48:01] CCFL_Man2: lol
[17:48:30] CCFL_Man2: i said that last night because i think i actually, properly, aligned my dish
[17:48:39] CCFL_Man2: no blocking
[17:48:40] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[17:49:03] CCFL_Man2: i'm waiting for poor weather to see how it holds up
[17:50:42] CCFL_Man2: iamlindoro_: lots of ku stuff on galaxy 25 though
[17:53:05] pebkac: (wow, looks like nobody's ever heard of that bug. joy joy.)
[17:54:09] Gumby` (Gumby`! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[17:54:23] CCFL_Man2: pebkac: what do you use as a source?
[17:54:43] CCFL_Man2: please don't say analog cable
[17:54:51] pebkac: ATSC OTA... signal is cleeeeean (2.9dB usually)
[17:55:13] CCFL_Man2: you can stand most broadcast programming?
[17:55:16] pebkac: here's the weird part... only happens on *one* channel that I get OTA, and it happens for *every* recording on that channel.
[17:55:33] pebkac: I have a wife, I disconnected my brain a long time ago.  :)
[17:55:44] CCFL_Man2: ahh
[17:55:45] blackest: I do ku every day but i cant do C
[17:55:48] jblack: ahhh. the road to marital bliss.
[17:56:08] CCFL_Man2: blackest: kick ass mang, what birds?
[17:56:42] blackest: various astra hotbird basically between 45w and 60 E
[17:57:11] CCFL_Man2: ahh, you might be able to do atlantic birds
[17:57:15] blackest: not everything coz some of its just not aimed in my direction
[17:57:45] blackest: i think generally hispasat is about as far as i usually go
[17:57:56] CCFL_Man2: probably can't get knr tv and radio
[17:58:11] CCFL_Man2: 34w?
[17:58:23] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has quit ()
[17:58:40] blackest: just about I think the house starts getting in the way
[17:58:43] CCFL_Man2: ahh
[17:59:08] CCFL_Man2: since your in the uk you might be able to get it via c band
[17:59:18] blackest: east i have a clear view since i took down m neighbors tree , cant do that for the house
[17:59:31] blackest: i've never seen a c band lnb
[17:59:37] CCFL_Man2: put it on the roof?
[17:59:40] J-e-f-f-A-2: J-e-f-f-A|work
[17:59:54] blackest: its bad enough were it is
[18:00:00] blackest: where it is
[18:00:04] J-e-f-f-A-2 is now known as J-e-f-f-A|work
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[18:00:34] blackest: i needed to mount it on a pole and move it skywards to get anything west
[18:01:06] CCFL_Man2: ahh
[18:01:08] blackest: i sometimes get the news from bombay but thats pushing it
[18:01:21] blackest: thats 57 east
[18:01:37] CCFL_Man2: oh, cool
[18:02:09] blackest: funny that one they use about 3 languages and change every 3 minutes or so
[18:02:42] CCFL_Man2: ahh
[18:03:10] blackest: I have a friend in clifton who gets stuff from me via my slingbox
[18:03:24] CCFL_Man2: i wonder how international channels get their signals across the world
[18:03:31] CCFL_Man2: oh, lol
[18:04:16] blackest: it works although I don't think the slingbox knows about my latest sat box
[18:04:49] blackest: i got a tm9100s its not too bad although i am still trying to make things optimal
[18:05:49] blackest: its got a 160 gb hd on it which i have exported a share to the rest of my network, it's got a web interface which will stream as well
[18:06:32] blackest: I should be able to get it receiving via vlc but i've not done that yet
[18:07:48] CCFL_Man2: strange
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[18:26:51] CCFL_Man2: i'm getting a new fta ird tomorrow
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[18:59:04] ma9mwah: is there a good guide to how to compile the svn? (ubuntu)
[19:02:17] jackson: dunno, don't you just fetch the svn repositories of interest, (apply any patches you might need), ./configure (using params for your config if needed), the compile and install it.
[19:03:59] siXy: ma9mwah: theres a guide on the wiki iirc
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[19:41:35] ma9mwah: is installing svn over 20.2 ok (on a dev system which i dont mind hurting)
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[19:51:32] EnderTheThird (EnderTheThird! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:51:46] siXy: ma9mwah: i would remove the old one first, if i were you
[19:51:53] commander-ape: hi. is someone using a technotrend c-1500 budget card with his mythtv configuration?
[19:51:54] iamlindoro_: It's fine to use the old database, but if you installed from packages you should remove the old packages
[19:52:00] iamlindoro_: siXy, heh, good timing ;)
[19:52:19] commander-ape: the wiki tells me to use the native V4l saa7146/stv0297 drivers
[19:52:29] commander-ape: but where do i select them using mythtv-setup?
[19:52:51] siXy: heh :)
[19:53:03] EnderTheThird: i could use some opinions here. i'm transferring all of my media to a 1tb drive that's going to be on my BE (not my primary desktop). i know how to auto-mount nfs drives and all that, but i'm just trying to think of the best setup. should i just have my entire home drive mounted from network or just the media separately?
[19:53:36] iamlindoro_: commander-ape, drivers aren't selected in mythtv-setup, they're loaded by linux at boot or when you modprobe them
[19:53:39] Dagmar: I'd say just the media.
[19:53:52] Dagmar: If you have /home NFS-mountable, you gotta remember to allow root logins at the console.
[19:54:00] iamlindoro_: mythtv-setup is higher level, you select a card "type" (DVB, analog, etc) and if you have a compatible card, myth autodetects it.
[19:54:03] ahbritto (ahbritto! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:54:11] Dagmar: ...because on most distros, if the user's $HOME doesn't exist, the user is not considered valid for logging in
[19:54:26] commander-ape: okay. so i guess they are loaded up correctly. in my dmesg it shows them.
[19:54:26] Dagmar: a network failure can lock out all your joe accounts if /home is NFS-mounted.
[19:54:32] EnderTheThird: Dagmar: thanks. i'm leaning towards media only. i'd rather use the 1TB for "permanent storage" so i don't waste transferring temp download files back and forth if it were my home drive
[19:54:44] commander-ape: but i still dont know which card type to choose
[19:54:52] directhex: dvb
[19:54:59] Dagmar: EnderTheThird: For most people, 100base-T makes that somewhat of a non-issue
[19:55:19] Dagmar: ...cuz not all that many people's machines have cojones robust enough to say, transcode at 100base-T speed.
[19:55:45] Dagmar: The network only has to be as fast as the fastest process involved.  ;)
[19:56:15] commander-ape: okay. had them already. then i created a new video source for the card and when i try to scan for channels he tells me "error while analyzing the parameters" (translated)
[19:56:27] EnderTheThird: true enough. Myth's HD recordings should be OK on an ext3 fs, right? i've been using XFS for my recordings partition because it's supposed to be better for big files and all that
[19:56:45] Dagmar: They'll be "okay" so long as you rememebr to enable the thing for "slow deletes"
[19:57:08] Dagmar: Ext3's problem is that when you delete a 2.2Gb file, it _journals the entire deletion_ which makes disk i/o kinda *stop* for everything for a second or two.
[19:57:55] EnderTheThird: got ya. i'll be sure to do that
[19:58:04] Dagmar: JFS & XFS treat the deletion like one tiny event, and cleans up the mess in the background, so to speak
[19:58:38] Dagmar: I *think* reiserfs does as well, btu I can't be sure.
[19:58:38] clever: so you probly dont get the free space instantly
[19:58:38] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[19:58:42] Dagmar: You do.
[19:58:54] siXy: GNUs JFS implemntation is shocking however.
[19:58:55] clever: cleans up on demand later on?
[19:59:00] EnderTheThird: I already formatted ext3 and started copying everything from my 250. ext3 will do fine, heh
[19:59:15] Dagmar: No, it's a matter of they store the information abotu where the pieces of the file are differently.
[19:59:15] commander-ape: and when i enter frequency and symbolrate and try to scan for channels he stops at 3%
[19:59:22] PatrickDK: resiserfs is slower than crap to delete
[19:59:31] Dagmar: PatrickDK: Okay, so it's in with ext3 then
[19:59:48] Dagmar: I couldn't remember how it handles it. I just know it's scribbled in the wiki somewhere or other.
[20:00:12] PatrickDK: I am reformatting all my reiserfs as other things
[20:00:14] Dagmar: I made my pick of JFS long ago
[20:00:16] PatrickDK: cause they are all having issues
[20:00:23] avsa242 (avsa242! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:00:27] PatrickDK: I did this long before myth
[20:00:31] directhex: do not use JFS if you value your files!
[20:00:35] Dagmar: Why not?
[20:00:39] Dagmar: My files have been fine
[20:00:39] iamlindoro_: Mmmm, MurderFS
[20:00:51] Dagmar: iamlindoro: No body, no murder.
[20:00:51] directhex: Dagmar, majo losses twice at home and once at work due to jfs
[20:00:52] Dagmar: I guess.
[20:01:04] directhex: Dagmar, jfs is now officially worse in my record book than fat16
[20:01:06] Dagmar: directhex: Well, I've not lost anything so far
[20:01:10] iamlindoro_: Dagmar, That's not how our legal system works
[20:01:15] Dagmar: You have a power failure or something?
[20:01:32] Dagmar: iamlindoro: I've been reading bout the trial on Wired.
[20:01:40] directhex: Dagmar, no. just major failures. usually, dmesg contains an entry like "aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" from the jfs module
[20:01:42] Dagmar: The dude doing the court sketches went a bit overboard.
[20:01:51] Dagmar: I think he thinks he's creating art for a gallery or something
[20:02:08] Dagmar: directhex: Well, I'm up to almost 2Tb now
[20:02:26] Dagmar: I've _caused_ four unexpected power fail events, and it wasn't the JFS I ever had a problem with
[20:02:51] siXy: you pulled the plug?
[20:03:10] Dagmar: Once
[20:03:18] dec (dec!n=tom@unaffiliated/dec) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:03:35] Dagmar: Once was a power failure in the neighborhood, and once more was me pulling the wrong damn breaker with a dead UPS and the last time was me being stupid before instlaling the NEW UPS.
[20:03:53] Dagmar: LVM is very gnomic about inconstencies _it_ finds
[20:04:12] Dagmar: It'll just quietly mark your damn filesystem read-only out of the blue
[20:04:21] Dagmar: ..._after_ you've been running a few minutes
[20:05:02] Dagmar: At one point, half my mysql files made their way into lost+found (thanks ext3!)
[20:05:13] Dagmar: zero byte files.
[20:05:29] EnderTheThird: I haven't had any trouble with LVM (used it for recordings)
[20:05:31] Dagmar: All in all, I've been pretty abusive to my machine's filesystems.
[20:05:45] EnderTheThird: But I basically set it up for Myth and didn't touch it afterwards.
[20:05:54] Dagmar: So, for all but the LVM inconsistency failure, I have workarounds in the box now.  :)
[20:06:20] Dagmar: Careful, hourly backups of the database.  :)
[20:06:59] Dagmar: Should the db come up hosed, the backups are automatically reapplied.
[20:07:27] EnderTheThird: Hourly might be a little extreme for me, ha. I'll prob set up daily for the myth db, then weekly for my other important documents on there. Losing 1TB of data is terrifying
[20:07:39] Dagmar: No, screw losing 1Tb of data.
[20:07:41] Dagmar: That's nothing.
[20:07:54] siXy: losing 1TB of recorded soaps does not terrify me.
[20:08:06] Dagmar: Losing the 550Mb of data that was all record of what the f**k you were storing in that 1Tb... THAT's the bleeping nightmare.
[20:08:12] EnderTheThird: siXy: ah crap, you've figured me out
[20:08:25] Dagmar: I am *almost* done sifting through that now
[20:08:32] Dagmar: 1.5Tb, 338 files.
[20:08:39] EnderTheThird: Dagmar: that's how big your myth db is?
[20:08:57] Dagmar: It's going back to 2Tb after I finish sorting through this crap
[20:09:11] Dagmar: So yeah, _hourly_
[20:09:17] Dagmar: Not off the box mind you.
[20:09:46] Dagmar: Just a working copy stored neatly elsewhere on the filesystem and sync'd to make sure it won't necessarily go bye-bye during a filesystem unclean mount (i.e., crash)
[20:09:59] Dagmar: If the whole disk goes, screw it.
[20:10:09] Dagmar: I just need to prevent it from ever losing the bloody database information again
[20:10:32] Dagmar: It's a bit more complex than it at first appears.
[20:11:05] Dagmar: ...because, there's this 1.5Tb of disk you'd _really_ like to be putting to use, but it's full of a bunch of stuff you don't want to delete, but is functionally inaccessible until you spend X number of hours looking at all the recordings.
[20:11:11] EnderTheThird: At least Linux is way nicer to HDDs than Windows ever was. I had probably 1 crashed HDD per year when I was using XP. I think NTFS just caused an enormous amount of unnecessary writing or something.
[20:11:24] Dagmar: At least if you lose the 1.5Tb outright you have a lot of free disk space.
[20:11:33] SlimG (SlimG!n=SlimG@ has quit ()
[20:11:38] Dagmar: I'm almost considering a flash drive.
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[20:12:47] Dagmar: I baby the actual drives, so they pretty much just don't fail for me.
[20:12:53] EnderTheThird: is it me, or is Wednesday a complete void for anything decent on the main networks?
[20:13:02] Dagmar: BBC America
[20:13:10] Dagmar: I *think* torchwood is airing on it on those nights. Not sure.
[20:13:22] EnderTheThird: well, for HD networks (NBC, ABC, etc.)
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[20:13:28] Dagmar: ...or BBC3, but I'm not sure if anyone gets that outside the UK
[20:13:47] Niklas_E: is there any script or something to fix the tvprograms in the database if the "tv-program" list have programs like "2031-04–31"
[20:14:00] EnderTheThird: Doesn't look like I get BBC here anyway. Stupid analog cable.
[20:14:07] Niklas_E: (it updates the data though eit)
[20:14:29] EnderTheThird: Niklas_E why use EIT at all when there's schedules-direct?
[20:14:46] Dagmar: That's only useful for NA users.
[20:15:07] Dagmar: He's in Sweden.
[20:15:08] Niklas_E: direct?
[20:15:20] EnderTheThird: Nevermind. Crazy Swedes...  :)
[20:15:21] Niklas_E: well it is for astra saterlite
[20:15:36] Dagmar: There's no post-mortem fix I know of
[20:15:48] Niklas_E: ok
[20:15:57] Dagmar: If you knew it was going to happen, you could pehaps diddle the EIT grabber code to filter it out without storing it
[20:16:01] Dagmar: ...but too late for that now.
[20:16:43] Niklas_E: hmm
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[20:17:24] moegreen: whats the wget command to download and install apps like firefox?
[20:17:37] Dagmar: There isn't one.
[20:17:42] Dagmar: Wget _just_ gets files.
[20:17:48] Dagmar: Installing them is up to you.
[20:18:27] moegreen: no, ive done it before with just wget and some parameters and it did everything for me and loaded firefox on its own, i just forgot the command
[20:18:32] blackest: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop that'll get you a load of apps  ;)~
[20:18:47] Dagmar: moegreen: I've read the wget man page several times.
[20:18:49] blackest: includes firefox
[20:19:02] Dagmar: I can assure you. It does not install software for you.
[20:19:20] moegreen: oh wait sorry dagmar, i was thinking apt-get...thanks blackest
[20:19:25] Dagmar: heheh
[20:19:26] blackest: you could wget and then gdebi
[20:19:36] Dagmar: i r not a voice in ur hed
[20:19:47] Niklas_E: tnx :)
[20:19:56] blackest: lol
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[20:20:28] avsa242: There's no way to execute a command on each channel change is there, or a way to retain v4l2 settings on each channel change? My analog (HD3000) looks like dookie without changing the contrast & saturation values, and Xv picture controls don't seem to work
[20:21:05] Dagmar: Umm... mebbe module options, but I dunno
[20:21:22] avsa242: hmm
[20:21:30] iamlindoro_: analog off a framegrabber will look like poop regardless
[20:21:55] Anduin: There are some per channel settings as well, and the old write a fake external channel changer to do whatever you like solution.
[20:22:27] Dagmar: I couldn't remember if the external channel changer code was still in there or not
[20:22:39] Niklas_E (Niklas_E! has quit ("KVIrc 3.2.4 Anomalies")
[20:22:45] avsa242: iamlindoro_, I agree...but it looks quite acceptable (to me) with the saturation and contrast set properly
[20:23:31] EnderTheThird: Depending on the TV, framegrabbers can be watchable. An old bt878 I messed with was fine except for the audio sounding like garbage.
[20:23:58] directhex: minor detail there
[20:24:05] EnderTheThird: exactly  :)
[20:24:21] EnderTheThird: great for watching America's Next Top Model though
[20:24:28] The_Rebel (The_Rebel! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:24:44] EnderTheThird: or... you know... so i hear
[20:24:53] arschjucken: lucky guys, my bt878 is useless, cause no analog tv in germany anymore
[20:25:22] Daviey: really?
[20:25:46] arschjucken: yup, terrestrical is dvb -t since 5 years
[20:26:03] arschjucken: 32 channels tho, thats the benefit
[20:26:12] iamlindoro_: dvb-t is an awful big step up from analog
[20:26:23] arschjucken: yes :)
[20:27:09] iamlindoro_: You don't realize the ugly, ugly picture you've been looking at for years until you see your first digital stream in myth
[20:27:25] iamlindoro_: then you start to wonder how in the world you could have put up with that mush for so long
[20:27:28] arschjucken: the cable is also digital, they dont sell analog cable anymore since 3 years, so bt878 is here in germany just a brick :/
[20:27:54] avsa242: heh...I remember how ecstatic I was the first time I did mplayer dvb://somechannel and it actually worked
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[20:28:11] arschjucken: yes, thats the point iamlindoro, i always shrug when i remember those days with analog and VHS
[20:28:45] EnderTheThird: Might as well be a brick here too though, ha. At least within a couple months we'll have a chance to see premium HD in Myth though (Oh Hauppauge HD PVR, you wonderful idea you)
[20:29:22] iamlindoro_: Heck, if you've got $1000 you can get the equivalent today
[20:29:25] arschjucken: does HD dvbs pci cards exists ?
[20:29:26] EnderTheThird: Any word on that thing anyway? Last I checked it was supposed to be out around March
[20:29:46] EnderTheThird: iamlindoro_: doesn't really help if i have to sell my TV to get one, ha
[20:29:48] iamlindoro_: EnderTheThird, As of late last month, an e-mail to Hauppauge PR stated March availability, that's the last info I've got
[20:30:16] iamlindoro_: arschjucken, DVB-S allows for HD or SD, the card itself can do either
[20:30:34] iamlindoro_: it's all a matter of the stream it's fed
[20:30:38] arschjucken: hd is in dvbs2 i thought
[20:30:41] iamlindoro_: nope
[20:30:48] iamlindoro_: Regular DVB-S can do HD fine
[20:30:54] arschjucken: my 2 sat rec. und my pci card cant do it !
[20:31:09] arschjucken: and they are all 3 dvbs;)
[20:31:25] iamlindoro_: arschjucken, if you have a PCI DVB-S card, it's just as capable of any other DVB-S card of getting an HD stream
[20:31:36] arschjucken: ic ant watch pro7 jd or sat1 hd with them all :(
[20:31:56] iamlindoro_: then you have another issue, but it's *not* that DVB-S doesn't support HD, it most definitely does
[20:32:23] arschjucken: wait i will research on that matter, haha would be nice if you are right
[20:32:31] iamlindoro_: I am right
[20:33:04] iamlindoro_: All DVB is doing is dumping a digital stream... that stream can be pretty much anything, so long as it fits within the channel width
[20:33:17] npurciful_ (npurciful_!n=npurcifu@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:34:25] iamlindoro_: DVB-S2 allows for h.264, and new modulations, and a few other things, but those are the biggies
[20:34:34] arschjucken: that i meant
[20:34:38] arschjucken: i looked at lyngsat
[20:34:46] arschjucken: all german hd station are dvb-s2
[20:34:55] systemloc (systemloc! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[20:35:29] iamlindoro_: Maybe, but that doesn't make DVB-S incapable of HD, it means your broadcasters aren't sending out an HD DVB-S signal
[20:36:19] arschjucken: not maybe ;) ok they use dvb-s2 to send out hd, but i actually found pci cards for it
[20:36:37] iamlindoro_: there are cards... DVB-S2 support in linux, however, is much more tricky
[20:37:00] iamlindoro_: There are some drivers under development, but last I checked there were no stable drivers for any S2 cards
[20:37:09] arschjucken: oh :(
[20:37:29] arschjucken: ok will wait then, this dvb-s2 arent cheap neither hehe
[20:37:31] gandalfcome (gandalfcome! has quit ()
[20:37:40] iamlindoro_:
[20:37:47] iamlindoro_: Lots with experimental support, though
[20:37:54] arschjucken: ah thanks
[20:37:56] arschjucken: yes
[20:38:11] iamlindoro_: np... from what I understand the work is progressing very well on them
[20:38:32] arschjucken: yes as always :) just have to wait a little :)
[20:39:05] arschjucken: was already suprosed how well dvb-s works, i jsut did *nothing* except plugging in to get it working
[20:39:10] arschjucken: *suprised
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[20:42:29] mchou: heh, that's interesting
[20:43:08] mchou: manufacturer/seller got banned for defacing linutv wiki
[20:43:31] mchou: that's gotta take the cake
[20:43:33] EnderTheThird: you guys know how Ubuntu automatically has those Music and Video folders in $HOME? Is there anyway to keep those links present when they're sym links instead of folders (like in Nautilus and all that)?
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[20:46:19] npurciful (npurciful!n=npurcifu@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:46:23] EnderTheThird: Nevermind
[20:46:27] npurciful_ is now known as npurciful
[20:49:17] jhp: Hi everyone. I have a problem that my mythtv box goes in screensaver mode when we are not watching TV and it's in the menu, don't know after how long. The TV is normally turrned off when this happens. I regurly get a phonecall from my wife when I'm at work that the television is not working and after I do a remote gdm-restart everything works again.
[20:49:32] jhp: I can't find what screen saver is kickin in.
[20:49:45] jhp: All powersaving modes are disabled.
[20:50:00] EnderTheThird: jhp, what distro you running?
[20:50:13] jhp: mythdora with a lot of updates.
[20:50:57] EnderTheThird: hm, never used it. only thing i could tell you is to double-check all of the screensaver settings, which is kinda a gimme
[20:51:12] jhp: Sure. But which one.
[20:51:25] jhp: For example, could it be that the gnome screensaver kicks in?
[20:51:37] jhp: Where do I configure it and how do I disable it?
[20:51:41] EnderTheThird: could be. disable all of em
[20:52:34] EnderTheThird: not sure how to access the menu for it. i use *buntu
[20:53:38] jhp: I have a normal PAL TV and the menu's on the X desktop are very blurry. TV is sharp but only as sharp as normal PAL TV is.
[20:53:52] jhp: I don't have a HD TV so just staring the desktop is not an option.
[20:54:14] iamlindoro_: jhp, You should be running X at PAL native resolution for best results, ie 720x576
[20:54:30] jhp: I can do it with remote X but then I need to know what command to run.
[20:54:51] jhp: I think it is that.
[20:54:51] iamlindoro_: hmm?
[20:55:07] jhp: But I'm not sure because I have been fighting with the X config for a long tim.
[20:55:22] jhp: And it is finally working somewhat.
[20:55:52] iamlindoro_: ok... well that's most people's primary issue... But X via TV-out is never going to be great looking
[20:56:11] iamlindoro_: just be sure you're running at native 720x576 and not 800x600, 1024x768, etc.
[20:56:25] iamlindoro_: because then the TV-out is forced to scale and you'll get mush
[20:57:23] jhp:
[20:57:51] jhp: That is my current config. Any suggestions are welcom.
[20:57:54] iamlindoro_: See? None of your modes are 720x576...
[20:58:12] jhp: True
[20:58:24] iamlindoro_: so... what else is it that you want me to tell you? fix it!
[20:58:30] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:03:54] jhp:
[21:04:14] EnderTheThird: is there a way to enable thumbnails for images and movies on network mounts?
[21:04:16] jhp: That one should be better then, can't test it though, my wife is watching Bones.
[21:04:46] justinh: EnderTheThird: mythvideo doesn't generate thumbs itself
[21:05:04] EnderTheThird: justinh: i mean just in nautilus
[21:05:16] Newsome (Newsome! has quit ("Linux: Now with employee pricing!")
[21:05:44] justinh: wonder what nautilus is, and what its relevance to mythtv is...
[21:06:22] EnderTheThird: I know what you're getting at. I'm looking for the answer elsewhere, but I was hoping someone in here might know.
[21:06:48] directhex: justinh, nautilus is the gnome file browser
[21:07:07] justinh: ahhh
[21:07:18] EnderTheThird: I assumed he was being sarcastic...
[21:08:00] justinh: well, I was typing stuff, so the chances of sarcasm are high
[21:08:18] EnderTheThird: Amazing correlation huh?
[21:09:13] justinh: bit like how you tell politicians are lying (their lips move)
[21:09:25] EnderTheThird: *bah dum pshhhh*
[21:09:33] EnderTheThird: he'll be here all week folks
[21:11:21] jhp: iamlindoro_: Ok, that is fixed.
[21:11:22] justinh: if you're unlucky I will be
[21:12:01] EnderTheThird: no ideas then eh? That's gonna suck with all my media on that network drive.  :-/
[21:13:02] justinh: IIRC it was the 1st thing I turned off because it was taking too long
[21:13:43] GreyFoxx: EnderTheThird: What is gonna suck ?
[21:13:52] EnderTheThird: Nevermind.... it's an option in the Nautilus pref's. Under Preview tab, in case you ever have that problem, heh
[21:14:01] fryfrog: i kind of don't know what we are talking about :/
[21:14:10] justinh: EnderTheThird: I was just gonna say :)
[21:14:18] fryfrog: when ever i scan with myth video (it is an NFS mount), it adds pictures no problem. Usually I don't bother though.
[21:14:24] fryfrog: are we talking about something else?
[21:14:25] justinh: didn't know the GNOME file browser was called nautilus
[21:14:44] justinh: I see my dirs with ls :)
[21:14:47] EnderTheThird: justinh: I know. Gnautilus would have been way more self-explanatory
[21:15:13] iamlindoro_: That's because every linux thing ever has been named by retards
[21:15:20] justinh: EnderTheThird: nah not for me. I don't buy into that Kfirstletter for KDE & Gfirstletter for Gnome stuff
[21:15:33] jdhall (jdhall! has quit ("Leaving.")
[21:15:39] iamlindoro_: and must be a) a recursive acronym or b) a word selected by opening a random dictionary page
[21:15:41] EnderTheThird: hmmm, too bad Nautilus still doesn't show my "Pictures" folder/symlink in the file tree on the left, but oh well
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[21:15:59] justinh: like you write a program, which is all great & stuff but then you have to ruin the name by stamping your desktop affiliation all over it
[21:16:04] EnderTheThird: justinh: I agree. I was being sarcastic (I _was_ typing ya know....)
[21:16:30] onixian (onixian!n=xian@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:16:43] EnderTheThird: or in the case of Ubuntu: <Awkward Adjective> <Even More Awkward Animal>
[21:16:44] justinh: wonder what mythtv would've been called had the convention been followed..
[21:16:51] iamlindoro_: We can change Myth's name to MIMiC
[21:16:52] EnderTheThird: which I do of course adore...
[21:17:05] iamlindoro_: Myth Is (not a) M(i)edia Center
[21:17:14] justinh: (sic)
[21:17:24] iamlindoro_: Fucking recursive acronyms
[21:17:47] justinh: iamlindoro_: lame is a recursive acronym. and it's also not lame ;)
[21:17:55] iamlindoro_: WINE, etc., etc.
[21:18:16] justinh: is there a linux user emulator for windows called WHINE?
[21:18:29] EnderTheThird: They had too much trouble figuring out what they actually made, so they figured it'd be easier to just call it what it isn't
[21:18:36] iamlindoro_: Yes, but it only works properly if you get the Ultimate edition
[21:20:19] justinh: saw something at the cinema you don't see every day. mpeg artifacts in trailers
[21:20:20] iamlindoro_: Actually, it's only a matter of time after the Windows Port gets a release before there's a MythTV Windows aXXo Ultimate Edition with HaXX0rz l33t codec pack
[21:20:36] justinh: and not the ones making piracy look like it funds terrorism
[21:21:10] justinh: iamlindoro_: it won't need codecs I don't think, since myth comes with its own thanks to ffmpeg
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[21:21:36] justinh: and as far as the windows port goes, I'm trying my best not to think about it
[21:22:01] iamlindoro_: justinh, oh we'll be getting "How comes my Directshow Codec don't works?" in here in no time, never you worry
[21:22:19] justinh: won't see me for dust by that time
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[21:22:38] jmusits (jmusits! has quit ("BitchX: do not expose to open flame or fire")
[21:23:02] justinh: and don't start on at me about how it's bad to be anti-anything that can bring more users in – I can't help it
[21:23:04] Solv (Solv!n=solv@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:23:12] iamlindoro_: And then of course we'll start to see (even more of) my least favorite thing in the world... people posting their computer specs as their sig. I HATE THAT
[21:23:25] iamlindoro_: justinh, Would you expect that from *me*? No sir
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[21:23:36] jhp: Can someone show me what there xset q gives?
[21:23:58] justinh: iamlindoro_: I'll change my sig to "my wife is perfectly happy with the size of my genitalia, thanks" then
[21:24:06] iamlindoro_: justinh, EXACTLY
[21:24:36] iamlindoro_: I do NOT need to know how far your Skulltrail motherboard has been overcocked... er... overclocked.
[21:24:53] justinh: don't, I've been stuck behind a guy trying to return computer stuff on the strength of being 0.5fps short of a THG benchmark before. it's not fun
[21:25:28] directhex: O_o
[21:25:58] justinh: I was only trying to return a duff CF card ffs
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[21:36:52] justinh: petition for toshiba to release the specs of their hd-dvd player. somebody's kidding aren't they?
[21:36:59] directhex: yes, they are
[21:37:02] iamlindoro_: I should hope
[21:37:06] directhex: said hd-dvd player, of course, runs RH7.3
[21:37:10] Solv (Solv!n=solv@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:37:20] directhex: so they should be providing some source legally anyway
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[21:38:18] justinh: on the plus side hey – if the h.264 decodey could be made worky with a certain OSS pvr app I know of.. aaand then I wake up
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[22:07:37] ma9mwah: mythweb is in the mythplugins svn correct?
[22:08:11] iamlindoro_: yup
[22:08:29] xris: several times, even
[22:08:47] iamlindoro_: here comes the part where he says "how come make install didn't install it"
[22:09:13] ma9mwah: :D
[22:09:23] clever is now known as clever[rev]
[22:09:36] iamlindoro_: Does that smile mean "How come 'make install' didn't install it?"
[22:09:41] ma9mwah: yup
[22:09:50] iamlindoro_: nano mythweb/INSTALL
[22:10:14] iamlindoro_: or, if you like, cat mythweb/INSTALL |more
[22:10:19] iamlindoro_: pick your poison
[22:10:27] justinh: iamlindoro_: or just less mythweb/INSTALL
[22:10:40] iamlindoro_: justinh: The possibilities are limitless!
[22:10:41] siXy: iamlindoro:
[22:10:45] bsdfox: seriously, who uses more :P
[22:10:58] xris: iamlindoro_: but INSTALL only exists in svn trunk.. not svn
[22:11:01] siXy: bsdfox: people who don't have less on their systems :)
[22:11:34] xris: then again, I just assume that people who say they're using svn are using branches/0.19-fixes
[22:12:11] justinh: siXy: rofl @ that. nice
[22:12:38] ** directhex hands iamlindoro the useless-use-of-cat award **
[22:13:10] iamlindoro_: directhex, duh, I was being obtuse, that was the point
[22:13:25] jeffery (jeffery! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:14:18] justinh: omg. so glad this one's no longer true in my house
[22:15:13] siXy: heh :)
[22:15:30] siXy: i love the mouseover text on that one justinh :)
[22:15:40] xris: justinh: you're lucky.. my wife uses that excuse all the time.  :)
[22:16:30] justinh: something changed today. I just sat & watched a load of film trailers
[22:16:49] justinh: when I got back from the cinema I mean :)
[22:18:07] directhex: justinh, how was the movie?
[22:18:15] iamlindoro_: Well one *has* to watch a load of trailers in order to find one movie worth watching
[22:18:37] jimbalaya (jimbalaya! has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
[22:19:21] justinh: directhex: not terrible, and certainly not Hollywood fare
[22:20:00] justinh: no exploding helicopters either :)
[22:20:44] iamlindoro_: Well... what good is THAT then? We make romantic comedies with explody helos here
[22:21:00] mikeones: does mythextras/mythflash/ in svn trunk effect mythweb straming?
[22:21:05] directhex: it is the duty of a whirly to be exploded
[22:21:47] ** iamlindoro_ belongs to the FAHDA – Federated American Helicopter Demolitions Association **
[22:23:23] justinh: directhex: anyway, it wasn't awful but we paid half price. at least I didn't feel as though 100 minutes of my life had been stolen though
[22:23:38] justinh: that'd as close to a thumbs-up as I'll be doing :)
[22:24:17] directhex: justinh, yay for french music video directors?
[22:24:23] justinh: directhex: indeed yay
[22:24:35] justinh: Eternal Sunshine was better though IMHO
[22:24:56] directhex: for my sins, i've never watched any feature length gondry
[22:26:11] justinh: was funny going in -saw some info poster about that cloverfield effort. "WARNING – contains scenes of explosions, strobe lighting, fire & sparks. Shot in a 'hand-held' camera style which may produce a sensation of motion-sickness akin to that experienced while riding on a rollercoaster". I kid you not
[22:26:43] levander (levander! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:27:10] directhex: i know, i was at the cinema on monday
[22:27:12] directhex: same signs
[22:27:12] justinh: just imagine some guy even more cantankerous than I going up to the kiosk & offerring to give them a few quid to buy a tripod for the sequel
[22:27:53] justinh: directhex: why don't they cover all the bases & say "may suck" too? ;)
[22:28:10] levander: In Settings -> Media Settings -> DVD Settings -> Rip Settings, what the hell does the "Use xvid rather than divx" checkbox mean? Every time I've ripped a DVD, it ends up with an AVI or ISO file name extension. I've never seen it have an XVID extension (or a DIVX extension). And that box is checked.
[22:28:31] iamlindoro_: because xvid and divx are codecs, not containers...
[22:28:36] justinh: levander: avi is a container format, not a codec
[22:28:55] justinh: and file extensions aren't to be trusted as an indicator of what's in the file ;)
[22:28:55] directhex: does that just twiddle the fourcc?
[22:29:03] levander: I think I get it. Just shows how little I know about video. Thanks guys.
[22:29:23] levander: Is there a UNIX command I can use to tell what codec has been used to encode the file?
[22:29:30] iamlindoro_: ffmpeg -i filename
[22:29:36] justinh: directhex: don't think so. they're similar IIRC but divx isn't free whereas xvid is
[22:30:29] justinh: AFAIK you _can_ mangle the fourcc stuff & have one codec work with the other though. I read that on or something once
[22:30:48] levander: The output of that command says nothing about xvid. It says "video: mpeg4" and "audio: mp3".
[22:30:52] lotia (lotia! has quit (Success)
[22:30:59] iamlindoro_: xvid *is* an mpeg4...
[22:31:02] iamlindoro_: h.263
[22:31:25] levander: iamlindoro_: So, xvid is an implementation of an mpeg4 codec?
[22:31:30] levander: Am I right?
[22:31:47] levander: I'd be surprised if I was.
[22:32:00] iamlindoro_: an implementation of a subset of the mpeg-4 standard, yes
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[22:32:16] levander: at least I was close.
[22:32:51] levander: If I want to delve into the understanding of this video stuff. Is learning about this ffmpeg command a good place to start? ffmpeg has come up a few times in the last week with me trying to figure stuff out.
[22:33:00] directhex: levander, the same subsection as divx and 3ivx
[22:33:13] directhex: leprechau, in theory, xvid, 3ivx, divx, and more, are interchangeable
[22:33:37] levander: directhex: ahhh, so I should be able to decode a file with xvid that's been encoded with divx?
[22:33:57] directhex: levander, yes, that's the theory
[22:34:08] blackest: ayone played with linux-mce ?
[22:34:18] iamlindoro_: uderstanding how ffmpeg works is a good thing, but understanding *what* it's doing is very enlightening... you would learn a lot by starting abck at the beginning of the ffmpeg users list and reading forward
[22:34:20] levander: directhex: Have you tried it in practise? Does it work well?
[22:34:43] iamlindoro_: levander, xvid is the "free" implementation of divx... note how it's divx backwards..
[22:34:43] blackest: it looks like it'd bork my systems if i installed it
[22:34:56] levander: iamlindoro_: I think I'll try to find some documentation before digging through an entire mailing list that has probably been going for ten years now.
[22:34:56] directhex: levander, playing divx with xvid is very successful. the reverse is not always true
[22:35:16] directhex: levander, inside an AVI file, codecs are identified by an id called a "fourcc" code.
[22:35:22] directhex: DX50 for divx5, for example
[22:35:25] levander: directhex: So, I haven't needed to install divx on my Windows boxes all these years.
[22:35:28] directhex: i think it's dx50
[22:35:29] levander: Learn something every day.
[22:35:49] directhex: levander, you can install ffdshow, which is a windows decoder which uses ffmpeg (the same library used by myth)
[22:35:58] directhex: levander, which decodes pretty much anything
[22:36:19] levander: directhex: What's XD50? No idea what that line above means.
[22:36:34] levander: Does ffmpeg decode stuff encoded with xvid?
[22:36:40] blackest: any one found a 'good' gui for ffmpeg?
[22:36:45] directhex: levander, yes, it does
[22:37:07] directhex: levander, the fourcc codes used by codecs are how apps generally keep track of what codec to use in different scenarios
[22:37:11] iamlindoro_: ffmpeg's libavcodec is the 500 pound gorilla of decoders
[22:37:32] blackest: ffmpeg can do pretty much everything you might want it to do , the difficult thing is telling it what you want to do
[22:37:50] directhex: if you install xvid and xvid says "i can play DIVX, DX50, XVID, DIV3, DIV4" then it will do so
[22:38:04] directhex: iamlindoro, it amuses me how many anti-linux people rely on ffmpeg
[22:38:05] levander: ffmpeg is cross-platform too, awesome. I definitely need to dig into that.
[22:38:17] iamlindoro_: directhex, and many more of them illegally
[22:38:21] directhex: iamlindoro, or at least on libavcodec
[22:38:30] levander: directhex: Yeah, I've seen those fourcc codes around. Never completely got what they meant till now.
[22:38:32] directhex: iamlindoro, which is what we're really discussing here
[22:38:45] iamlindoro_: directhex, yup, those guys are dicks
[22:39:34] directhex: iamlindoro, all the apps for windows which say they encode to psp or ipod tend to use ffmpeg.exe at the back-end. and every windows user loves vlc, for its "plays anything" qualities
[22:39:41] iamlindoro_: directhex, and many of the "shareware" tools that want $15 bucks a copy are *nothing* more than ffmpeg forntends
[22:39:53] iamlindoro_: directhex, preaching to the converted ;)
[22:40:02] levander: vlc uses ffmpeg, or it's just another example of windows users using linux software?
[22:40:11] iamlindoro_: both
[22:40:20] directhex: vlc is cross-platform, and vlc uses libavcodec and libavformat
[22:40:35] iamlindoro_: not that there isn't some cross-pollination in that case... vlc folks are responsible for x264
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[22:40:48] levander: Yeah, I've had to download vlc to play video I've been sent before.
[22:40:51] iamlindoro_: which is a huge help to just about everyone
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[22:52:24] justinh: blackest: if you don't have a house where every appliance has a control port, I doubt linuxmce is for you :P
[22:53:55] Dibblah: justinh: Hey, you just described my house.
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