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Monday, February 18th, 2008, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:16] kothog__ (kothog__! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:01:22] directhex: GreyFoxx, tomorrow i nail you to the floor and... damn, i'm out tomorrow. TUESDAY i nail you to the floor & work on this ps3 issue
[00:01:22] kothog_ (kothog_!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:01:37] GreyFoxx: directhex|bsp: I did a test with the 360 today and it was fine
[00:01:46] GreyFoxx: I'm gonna rent a ps3
[00:01:52] GreyFoxx: I wanna play some bluray stuff anyway
[00:01:59] rhpot1991: so I have this problem where I play recordings from another backend and get skipping every few seconds, this problem doesn't seem to happen if I play the records from an nfs share instead, running trunk btw
[00:03:09] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: Do you leave handbrake as default settings ?
[00:03:14] GreyFoxx: or do you mess with the advanced stuff ?
[00:03:57] iamlindoro_: GreyFoxx: I pretty much just left it alone
[00:04:19] directhex: GreyFoxx, it seems fine on the 360 (where it wasn't on 0.20.2)
[00:04:29] directhex: GreyFoxx, well, i don't think music works iirc
[00:04:37] iamlindoro_: I think I've experimented with upping the bitrate a bit, but for the space consumed, I just couldn't perceive the difference
[00:04:40] directhex: GreyFoxx, but on the ps3 it's certainly misbehaved
[00:04:53] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: used mp4 or avi output ?
[00:05:03] iamlindoro_: mp4
[00:05:19] GreyFoxx: Do you use the Internal player or an external one ?
[00:05:27] iamlindoro_: Two pass with a turbo first pass
[00:05:30] directhex: Internal is broken on mp4 for me
[00:05:59] iamlindoro_: GreyFoxx: I use internal... only tiny issue I see with it is that the first few frames have color issues, then it finds a keyframe and everything snaps into correct-ness again
[00:06:00] ecto (ecto! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:06:26] iamlindoro_: I think I picked the right time to forget to svn up, everyone seems to have big issues lately
[00:07:09] blackest (blackest! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:07:56] iamlindoro_: GreyFoxx: It's more or less just a frontend for ffmpeg and x264, so if you have any luck with mp4's generated by those, then avi might be a safer bet
[00:08:05] iamlindoro_: er if you *don't* have any luck
[00:08:43] directhex: hm. internal is fine on THIS machine
[00:08:51] directhex: which means, sigh, it's a problem on my Sick(tm) backend
[00:09:10] iamlindoro_: Oh, just occurred to me-- I know it's possible to use a similar method to rip Blu-ray disks on PS3 linux, so if you're going to rent a PS3, you might figure that out and get a movie or two ripped to play with in myth
[00:09:15] ecto (ecto! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:09:44] ** directhex has been unable to find a way to generate h264 movies in linux with parameters he likes that will play on 360/ps3 **
[00:09:48] iamlindoro_: Pretty sure there's more or less no differences with the method I put in the wiki
[00:09:52] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: well I plan to buy Transformers as my first bluray disk, so I'll investigate that
[00:09:54] directhex: even though all the windows encoders are just frontends
[00:10:22] iamlindoro_: Oooh, did they release it on Blu now?
[00:10:30] iamlindoro_: or is that a "coming soon?"
[00:10:46] iamlindoro_: directhex: what's it complain about, anyway?
[00:10:56] GreyFoxx: iamlindoro: I assumed it was out already
[00:11:05] directhex: iamlindoro, nvp prebuffering
[00:11:09] iamlindoro_: GreyFoxx: I know it's out on HD-DVD, but I'm not so sure about BR
[00:11:14] GreyFoxx: Ahhh ok
[00:11:16] iamlindoro_: directhex: ahh
[00:11:29] GreyFoxx: man, 55fps on my macmini hehe
[00:11:33] GreyFoxx: that makes me happy enough
[00:11:35] directhex: i thought transformers was a hd-dvd exclusive, much to michael bay's disgust
[00:11:35] iamlindoro_: I remember when Michael Bay was bitching about not being out on Blu
[00:11:46] iamlindoro_: directhex:  ;)
[00:12:00] GreyFoxx: directhex|bsp: handrake has a preset you can use if encoding for the PS3
[00:12:15] directhex: GreyFoxx, i really don't like handbrake
[00:12:25] GreyFoxx: well, I'm gonna let this run and check back with it later
[00:13:17] directhex: i'd be happy if avidemux output was considered "good enough"
[00:13:26] directhex: then again, sod it, wife's pc is 3x faster than mine anyway
[00:13:38] iamlindoro_: Hmm, I don't suppose anyone knows when the new "Discovery Atlas" shows for this year are going to be aired?
[00:13:54] iamlindoro_: If you haven't seen them on Discovery HD, they're really awesome
[00:14:31] hads (hads! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:16:00] iamlindoro_: ah well, I'm sure they'll air eventually
[00:16:22] iamlindoro_: Ah, but the DHD new Dinosaur special is on tonight
[00:16:26] iamlindoro_: Neat!
[00:17:14] blackest (blackest! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:17:39] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:18:37] k-man_ (k-man_!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:18:58] k-man_: is it possible to add subtitles to a video in mythvideo?
[00:20:55] Tr1p: k-man_: yes put the file in the same directory and call it the same name
[00:20:59] iamlindoro_: k-man_: The few movies I use subtitles with I don't play with mythvideo, but I *believe* it should be as simple as having an .srt file in the same directory
[00:21:16] k-man_: Tr1p, so it has to have the same file name also?
[00:21:17] directhex: bleh @ external sub files
[00:21:20] Tr1p: ye
[00:21:22] iamlindoro_: right, named identically except the extension
[00:21:30] k-man_: ok, thanks guys
[00:21:36] Tr1p: film.avi and
[00:21:49] Tr1p: night night folks
[00:23:29] nordle (nordle!n=nordle@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[00:25:57] robbins876 (robbins876! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:27:51] nayfly (nayfly!n=nayfly@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:28:19] robbins876: Anyone know what the deal is with IMDB search in the video manager is?
[00:28:34] robbins876: it's not working even when i put in the imdb number manually
[00:29:02] blackest: it should do your not using the # are you
[00:29:26] robbins876: what?
[00:29:49] blackest: the number your using its all numeric
[00:29:54] robbins876: correct
[00:30:11] robbins876: all it does is makes the filename return to it's original filename
[00:30:32] nayfly: hey, i've just installed mythtv on a fresh ubuntu install, i compiled my capture card drivers (dvico DVB-T Pro) and installed... however, when i go to scan in mythtv-setup input connections, i get an error 'failed to open card' ...... it's a bit of a mystery because myth seems to be able to probe my device for its hardware information.... what can i do to get this sucker working?
[00:30:35] majost: is anyone having issue building the mysql driver for mingw?
[00:30:48] blackest: well it does a bit more than that gives you a plot synopsis too
[00:31:12] robbins876: blackest, i mean, usually it finds the movie automatically
[00:31:15] iamlindoro_: nayfly: In general the failed to connect to card message is because you haven't created a video source and attached it to the input
[00:31:16] blackest: mknod nayfly
[00:31:26] robbins876: sometimes you have to put in the number manually to get it to find the information for the database
[00:31:50] nayfly: yeh, i've tried to select the proper input for the card, but i am unable to...... it comes up 'none'
[00:31:51] robbins876: however, this time, it returns nothing automatically, and when i put in the meta data for the name of the movie, in this case Fargo
[00:31:58] robbins876: then do the manual input one
[00:31:58] blackest: it should i dont know why that should have changed robbins876
[00:32:10] iamlindoro_: nayfly: have you set up a listings source yet?
[00:32:12] robbins876: it changes it back to the original filename and doesn't get the information
[00:32:15] nayfly: not yet...
[00:32:24] nayfly: i figured i would have to scan for channels first
[00:32:43] iamlindoro_: nayfly: That's what I'm telling you. Until you do (or at least create a dummy one with "none" as the grabber) and attach it to the input on the card, it won't scan
[00:33:04] iamlindoro_: nayfly: The steps are in numerical order in mythtv-setup for a reason :)
[00:33:07] nayfly: aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaah
[00:33:26] nayfly: well i appreciate your help, nevertheless :)
[00:33:30] iamlindoro_: ;) no problem at all
[00:34:21] iamlindoro_: robbins876: are you using trunk, or a stable version?
[00:34:42] iamlindoro_: robbins876: I ask because if it is pointed at an old version of the script, that can happen
[00:36:43] robbins876: iamlindoro, trunk
[00:36:53] robbins876: i think
[00:37:02] robbins876: i get so confused looking at the svn thing
[00:37:57] stowaway-atwork (stowaway-atwork! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:00] stowaway-atwork: gday
[00:38:23] robbins876: . . . ipts/
[00:38:28] robbins876: iamlindoro, that's what i'm using
[00:38:32] stowaway-atwork: hey iam – i tried that limit 100 thing to fix ur script. it didnt pause straight up (i had to click y heaps of times) then it froze at the very end.
[00:39:01] stowaway-atwork: but i also edited the script to take out the part where it asked me to click y. i think its faster to just let it guess then go in and fix it after
[00:39:48] iamlindoro_: robbins876: OK, unknown, then... you should be 100% certain that it's pointing at that version and not a version of the script from .20.2
[00:40:10] stowaway-atwork: any in the end i just used ur original script. (with the part where it asks for y taken out) and i just added each show then ran it. then moved in another show and ran it like that. so its cool now
[00:40:25] robbins876: i havne't updated myth in ages
[00:40:43] iamlindoro_: stowaway-atwork: good, glad it ended up ok... very likely, since you need to add the limit 100 to three seperate scripts, that it got to the next script and you hadn't changed that one
[00:41:00] stowaway-atwork: ohhh
[00:41:07] stowaway-atwork: i only added it 2 1 script.
[00:41:13] iamlindoro_: yup, that's the issue then
[00:41:20] stowaway-atwork: oh well. its done now.
[00:41:28] stowaway-atwork: ill keep my eye out for version 2 for next time ;)
[00:41:28] iamlindoro_: indeed so long as it came out ok
[00:41:30] iamlindoro_: ;)
[00:41:49] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[00:42:07] stowaway-atwork: is there any documentation regarding sql and how the tables are managed ect for mythtv?
[00:42:46] iamlindoro_: stowaway-atwork: Not really (that I know of), you just sort of have to go in and start exploring
[00:43:19] robbins876: do i need to backup my mysql database before updating myth?
[00:43:50] iamlindoro_: robbins876: It's a very very good idea, but that's for safety in case something goes wrong, it's not a *requirement*
[00:44:04] robbins876: i'll just cross my fingers!
[00:44:09] iamlindoro_: although I'm loathe to say that, for most people I would just say "Yes, it's required."
[00:45:09] iamlindoro_: it takes one command line and less than ten seconds, there's no real reason not to
[00:45:17] stowaway-atwork: does the mysql database just store ur videos/music file info ect? or does it have other stuff
[00:45:17] robbins876: agreed
[00:45:22] robbins876: i already did it before you said that
[00:45:24] robbins876: actually
[00:45:29] robbins876: i realized how ridiculous i was being
[00:45:29] stowaway-atwork: coz ive re-built my video/music database about 4 times since installing about a month ago
[00:46:03] iamlindoro_: stowaway-atwork: All metadata in myth, and all configuration for the whole system is in the DB
[00:46:16] stowaway-atwork: yeah.. well thats no big deal for me then
[00:46:27] stowaway-atwork: but im still in "Development" Stages of my htpc.
[00:46:34] stowaway-atwork: once its all up and runing proprely i guess itll matter
[00:46:53] robbins876: once you have some 500 movies, thousands of albums and recorded tv shows, you'll change your mind
[00:47:02] stowaway-atwork: have u ever made a plugin for mythtv? even a small 1?
[00:47:03] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:35] pab (pab! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:40] stowaway-atwork: yeah i have 150movies and 150gig of tv shows. But ive set *most* of the movies up so it its named right and automattically detects right with the autometa updater
[00:47:52] iamlindoro_: stowaway-atwork: Only the hellomyth one from the wiki as an experiment
[00:48:04] stowaway-atwork: ahh. yeah me too.
[00:48:37] stowaway-atwork: im still bent on making my plugin to seperate the movies and tv shows.
[00:48:39] robbins876: what is the autometa updater?
[00:49:03] stowaway-atwork: theres 2. 1 that iam made for ur tv shows. and 1 that gets the data from imdb automattically so u dont have to do it 1 by 1
[00:49:37] iamlindoro_: yup, that's more or less it. Mine does all TV shows, generates lengths and thumbnails, and the imdb-bulk-updater does movies.
[00:49:39] robbins876: how does the movie one work? well?
[00:49:56] robbins876: iamlindoro, can i get that imdb one from you?
[00:50:00] stowaway-atwork: yeah it works great.
[00:50:11] stowaway-atwork: its just like if u do it one by one.
[00:50:30] stowaway-atwork: except sometiems u need to add in the imdb number.. coz it cant find it. but i found it finds about 80%
[00:50:37] stowaway-atwork: although i do rename all my movies
[00:50:52] iamlindoro_: robbins876: It's not mine to give, but... . . . /195918.html
[00:51:06] robbins876: sweet
[00:51:09] robbins876: this will save me some time!
[00:51:13] nayfly: hey, how do i add a grabber to mythtv?
[00:51:26] nayfly: i have one called tv_grab_au and myth doesn't seem to see it
[00:52:55] robbins876: iamlindoro, do you run that from command line or from in myth?
[00:53:12] stowaway-atwork: command line
[00:53:24] stowaway-atwork: u have to edit a few files to suit
[00:53:36] stowaway-atwork: then u run it from terminal. and it adds the data to the sql database
[00:54:13] MavT (MavT! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:54:24] iamlindoro_: yup... sorry, am in and out here
[00:54:26] stowaway-atwork: although beware when it picks up 2 movies of the same name and u have to enter in imdb number the a (for auto) doesnt work. (atleast it didnt for me) u have to click m or somethign for manual. and put in the number ur self.
[00:55:14] stowaway-atwork: but for me 100% of the time it choose the right imdb number to put in, so i just manual did it and copied the one from auto.. but u only get that problem when it finds 2 moves of same name.. most of them will just add in automatically
[00:55:30] robbins876: well, i can't even get it to do it 1 by 1 currentl
[00:55:31] robbins876: y
[00:55:49] stowaway-atwork: have u edited the file ?
[00:56:07] robbins876: it's my that's the issue
[00:56:15] robbins876: i'm updating myth for the first time in over a year right now
[00:56:49] stowaway-atwork: oh i have no idea sorry. im a n00b. just used that program a few times
[00:58:01] robbins876: update complete...hopefully it works onw
[00:58:23] robbins876: iamlindoro, how can i verify that this is the most current version of myth?
[00:59:28] robbins876: man...what the hell could the problem be?! it's still not working
[01:00:27] stowaway-atwork: whats the error message?
[01:01:01] robbins876: it's not giving an error message
[01:01:05] robbins876: i'm doing it in myth
[01:01:21] robbins876: how do you do it from command line?
[01:01:27] stowaway-atwork: what r u trying to do?
[01:01:33] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:01:35] robbins876: get information from imdb for my video
[01:01:57] stowaway-atwork: no idea. mine just worked
[01:02:13] justinh: bout time there was a media format which could store metadata that isn't mkv
[01:02:17] robbins876: mine has worked for almost 2 years up until today
[01:02:42] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:53] stowaway-atwork: what format is that justin?
[01:03:09] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:03:29] XChatMav (XChatMav! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:03:52] robbins876: iamlindoro, what all do i need to edit in the bulk updater?
[01:03:52] justinh: AFAIK only mkv can store metadata in the file. it's about time others could
[01:03:53] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:04:18] arschjucken: robbins876: same issue here :(
[01:04:19] xris: justinh:
[01:04:30] robbins876: arschjucken, you're having the problem with imdb?
[01:04:41] xris: justinh: pretty sure mp4 can.
[01:04:52] arschjucken: even invoking vom commandline with imdb no. fails :(
[01:05:07] justinh: hey so it can! nifty
[01:05:11] arschjucken: robbins876: yes, it jsut outputs empty strings for title etc
[01:05:56] arschjucken: /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/ -D 0389738
[01:07:32] Woosta: Wow .. just noticed I've inadvertently (and indirectly) contributed to the mythtv project
[01:07:52] Woosta: (optionally) uses a perl module I wrote :-D
[01:08:10] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:08:20] justinh: hard habit to break, that one
[01:08:21] waini (waini! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[01:08:38] robbins876: arschjucken, is that after putting in the number manually?
[01:08:46] arschjucken: yep
[01:08:55] robbins876: what happens if you try to do it automatically?
[01:09:09] arschjucken: it cant find anything
[01:09:14] robbins876: exact same problem
[01:09:20] robbins876: at least i can stop pulling my hair out now
[01:09:31] Woosta: iamlindoro_: did you say you'd written a script that could do TV shows? I was about to look at doing similar ..
[01:09:32] arschjucken: so i tried invoking from cmdline and same issue
[01:09:33] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:41] robbins876: arschjucken, USA?
[01:09:51] arschjucken: robbins876, germany
[01:10:12] robbins876: hence the name
[01:10:15] robbins876: i don't get it
[01:10:36] robbins876: iamlindoro and stowaway-atwork aren't having any problems at all
[01:11:03] arschjucken: robbins876: my name is german lol :)
[01:11:15] ** justinh cheers up. Mitchell & webb are back on telly next week! **
[01:11:40] arschjucken: heres a paste from invoking with a imdb number from cmdline:
[01:11:41] ** robbins876 cheers up. Obama will be our next president. **
[01:12:11] robbins876: arschjucken, i'm having the same issue
[01:12:28] arschjucken: Use of uninitialized value in printf at /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/ line 123.
[01:12:29] arschjucken: mmmmh
[01:12:36] justinh: robbins876: no matter. you still won't be able to play bluray discs legally in linux
[01:12:38] robbins876: let me check that
[01:12:51] robbins876: justinh, that ain' no thang.
[01:13:49] Woosta: That means that LWP::Simple didn't get a response
[01:13:56] Woosta: Do you have a proxy you need to use?
[01:14:31] robbins876: Woosta, who are you asking?
[01:14:38] Woosta: arschjucken:
[01:14:40] arschjucken: yep $response isnt defined, no proxy needed woosta
[01:15:13] Woosta: From the commandline what do you get for: GET
[01:15:47] robbins876: arschjucken, i'm not getting the error at 123, but i am getting blank lines
[01:15:54] robbins876: /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/ -D 0116282
[01:15:59] robbins876: that should be for fargo
[01:16:01] robbins876: but it's nothing
[01:16:10] arschjucken: Woosta, from which commandline ? perl ?
[01:16:20] dillweed: does the mythweather plugin working for 20.2?
[01:16:27] Woosta: arschjucken: a shell
[01:16:38] Woosta: Or are you on 'doze?
[01:16:43] justinh: robbins876: nothing here either
[01:16:52] arschjucken: Woosta, GET command not found lol :)
[01:16:55] arschjucken: sry :)
[01:17:08] MavT (MavT! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:17:09] robbins876: justinh, think it could be an issue with IMDB?
[01:17:11] arschjucken: wget works tho
[01:17:42] justinh: robbins876: maybe they're fecked about with the site again
[01:17:49] robbins876: that's my guess
[01:18:02] justinh: but works for 2001
[01:18:06] Woosta: (why doesn't hte script use the API?)
[01:18:23] justinh: Woosta: becuz it wasn't writ that way innit ;)
[01:18:31] justinh: and.. there's an API?!
[01:18:53] Woosta: arschjucken: try: perl -MLWP::UserAgent -wle 'my $u = new LWP::UserAgent; $r = $u->get(""); print $r->status_line'
[01:18:53] robbins876: justinh, i get nothing when i do /usr/share/mythtv/mythvideo/scripts/ -D 0062622
[01:18:57] Woosta: You should get 200 OK
[01:19:11] justinh: robbins876: I get nothing when I do that either
[01:19:18] justinh: works in mythvideo though AFAIK
[01:19:22] arschjucken: Woosta, 200 OK
[01:19:27] justinh: or it did last week
[01:19:30] robbins876: justinh, can you try it out for me?
[01:19:54] justinh: ah wait. when I last tried it, it was with trunk
[01:20:10] Woosta: arschjucken: then something bizarre is happening
[01:20:12] waini (waini! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:20:22] arschjucken: Woosta, lol i guessed already :)
[01:20:26] justinh: ooo. it faileth
[01:20:32] Woosta: the code is correct
[01:20:37] robbins876: justinh, thank god!
[01:20:54] justinh: oh bum
[01:20:57] stiev3 (stiev3! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:20:59] robbins876: justinh, so there's got to be a disconnnect somewhere in between imdb and
[01:21:21] robbins876: now i drop to my knees and bring my hands together to pray that someone fixes it!
[01:21:21] Woosta: arschjucken: last one: perl -MLWP::Simple -wle 'print get ""'
[01:21:26] justinh: robbins876: nah I just think the site changed & nobody's changed the 0.20.x script
[01:21:33] xris: what's the command to force mythfrontend to use the qt painter instead of gl?
[01:21:36] Woosta: as that's what the script is calling
[01:21:52] arschjucken: Use of uninitialized value in print at -e line 1.
[01:21:53] justinh: xris: -O ThemePainter=qt
[01:21:56] stiev3 (stiev3! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:56] xris: thx
[01:22:03] Woosta: arschjucken: reinstall LWP
[01:22:04] robbins876: justinh, that's what i figured the problem was
[01:22:10] Woosta: It's broked
[01:22:15] arschjucken: thanks Woosta :)
[01:22:31] xris: the GL painter doesn't work so well over vnc. heh
[01:22:39] solexious (solexious! has quit (Connection timed out)
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[01:22:59] Woosta: arschjucken: it should be something like: `sudo cpan` then `force install libwww-perl`
[01:23:01] justinh: don't like the gl painter one bit
[01:23:57] xris: justinh: ah, I think it looks nice on a fast frontend.
[01:24:06] xris: but doesn't matter. mythweather is still broken for me.. oh well
[01:24:19] arschjucken: Woosta, ah thanks :) tho i already invoked cpan isntall LWP
[01:24:27] pab (pab! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:24:35] justinh: xris: it's the fade. I hate it with a passion
[01:24:38] Woosta: arschjucken: unless you're not up to date, that will not force it
[01:24:50] Woosta: If you weren't up to date, then that will work
[01:24:51] xris: justinh: figured. esp. since that's the only GL effect that's really used
[01:25:15] justinh: I hate it enough to want to abstract it out & put a choice of things in there sometime. no point right now though
[01:25:20] arschjucken: Woosta, it found unsatisfied dependecies :)
[01:26:00] justinh: robbins876: also fails with the new from trunk
[01:29:23] Woosta: Is the script under active development?
[01:29:36] Woosta: Hmm 1 week ago .. guess so
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[01:32:46] directhex: justinh, unichrome is... different
[01:32:53] justinh: whoah. when did this change? "You may not use data mining, robots, screen scraping, or similar online data gathering and extraction tools on our website. If the information/data you want is not present in the data files available from our FTP sites, it means it's not available for non-commercial usage."
[01:33:37] Woosta: Never
[01:33:43] Woosta: that's always been IMDB's policy
[01:33:49] Woosta: Which is why their DB is available for download
[01:33:50] justinh: ah so doesn't scrape then
[01:33:55] Woosta: yes, it does
[01:34:07] Woosta: It's just doing so against the ToS
[01:34:11] justinh: oof
[01:34:28] justinh: the original mythweather went unfixed because of a breach of ToS
[01:35:00] kisak: Type of Service?
[01:35:02] arschjucken: Woosta, i reinstalled 3 times LWP on 2 rigs, both giving the unint value error on your last cmd i should try
[01:35:04] arschjucken: :((((((
[01:35:13] Anduin: kisak: terms
[01:35:16] justinh: kisak: terms
[01:35:19] kisak: ok
[01:35:28] Woosta: arschjucken: you're letting it install all the dependencies?
[01:35:34] arschjucken: yup
[01:35:35] kisak: I was thinking in networking terms
[01:35:50] Woosta: arschjucken: then one of the deps or one of the dep's deps is broken :-D
[01:36:15] Woosta: Though I can't see what .. LWP::Simple's get() is a simple wrapper around the LWP::Useragent version
[01:36:25] justinh: so er.. I guess that means the end of in mythtv then
[01:36:34] arschjucken: Woosta, maybe is hould stick with my lovely gameboy haha
[01:36:51] Woosta: justinh: no, just this screen-scraping version
[01:37:37] Anduin: Yeah, because the license for the data is so different...
[01:37:43] arschjucken: Woosta, i tried a different URL in your command and it works, strange
[01:37:57] justinh: ok so download a 20MB gz file, unzip it, search for the info, minus posters... sounds icky
[01:38:01] arschjucken: perl -MLWP::Simple -wle 'print get ""' gives loads of output
[01:38:18] arschjucken: when using imdb you init value :/
[01:38:25] arschjucken: you=just
[01:39:04] directhex: justinh, sounds like an improvement to me. cache imdb.gz locally, search locally. machine readable data
[01:39:11] Woosta: No
[01:39:20] Woosta: directhex .. that sucks
[01:39:22] Woosta: the data is constantly updating
[01:39:38] Woosta: You need one central site that provides the data for myth users
[01:39:53] robbins876_: I quit watching the conversation for a few minutes...any news on the broken imdb situation?
[01:40:01] justinh: they'd rather you plunder their massive files on their servers than allow scrapign? sounds crazy
[01:40:05] iamlindoro_: yes, we fixed it, then broke it again
[01:40:28] directhex: File: actors.list.gz 112556 KB 15/02/08 13:34:00
[01:40:28] arschjucken: no robbins876_ :( my perl env isnt the fault
[01:40:29] justinh: robbins876: turns out the script is against their T&Cs apparently
[01:40:49] Anduin: Woosta: and the wayback machine can easily prove that it hasn't always been the way it is now
[01:41:23] Woosta: Anduin: does it?
[01:41:23] Anduin: justinh: No, read the restrictions on the data files...
[01:41:29] directhex: something to add to SD subscription fees then
[01:42:31] Woosta: Is there a reason for using IMDB rather than amazon?
[01:42:49] directhex: good question
[01:42:53] directhex: amazon even do SOAP
[01:42:58] piecesandbits (piecesandbits! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:43:02] directhex: along with about ten billion other interfaces
[01:43:03] arschjucken: should we care about imdb tos ? if their stuff is good and it works i think not :)
[01:43:21] Woosta: Erm .. yes, we should
[01:43:31] lwizardl (lwizardl! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:43:33] lwizardl: Hi
[01:43:49] directhex: arschjucken, would you care if someone used code from myth in a commercial product without sharing the code under the gpl license terms?
[01:43:59] justinh: directhex: I think amazon's API has conditions on it
[01:44:04] Anduin: Woosta: If you were open minded you could read their old ToS to mostly exclude re-purposing things like images for a website. I do agree we are clearly violating it currently (at some point I had hopped to write them about a FOSS exception).
[01:44:22] directhex: justinh, it does, but the conditions are enormously liberal
[01:44:24] Anduin: Woosta: Yeah, the amazon license is eerily similar :)
[01:45:21] Anduin: They are not enormously liberal, I removed the amazon support from for that very reason.
[01:45:34] arschjucken: i think writing down by hand or grabbing from them isnt a difference, its information and it should be free accessible... i think the comparisation to GPL and myth isnt a good one
[01:45:34] justinh: when did amazon buy imdb?
[01:46:00] justinh: not saying I've ever paid much attention to their legals pages but.. 'an company' is news
[01:46:03] Woosta: years back
[01:46:08] justinh: hm
[01:46:09] Anduin: justinh: 2000 ish
[01:46:31] Inssomniak: So, is there a way to redo the recordseeking in recordings besides using the badly broken mythcommflag --rebuild option?
[01:46:56] justinh: Inssomniak: if it's broken, and nobody reports it as broken it'll stay broken
[01:46:58] Woosta: Anduin: does the amazon API not allow for use of data that would meet myth's needs?
[01:47:07] lwizardl: would radio shack have all the parts I need to build my lirc ir receiver?
[01:47:07] directhex: "link back to and only 1 hit per second" doesn't seem enormously onerous
[01:47:24] Anduin: Woosta: It does not, just look at that data you are allowed to "cache"
[01:47:49] Woosta: Hmm
[01:48:06] Anduin: directhex: and to comply with the demand that it periodically check, and delete data amazon no longer allows? and pictures? There are issues.
[01:48:23] directhex: . . . 6L942TSJ2AJA
[01:48:28] Anduin: I'd love it if someone found a better way, I hate
[01:48:54] justinh: who's gonna fund an open source, user contributed site?
[01:49:36] justinh: what next – shutting off cddb etc?
[01:50:03] rhpot1991: justinh: I talked to you the other day about skipping on playback of recordings from a different backend in trunk
[01:50:06] directhex: so for movies, then?
[01:50:16] rhpot1991: you told me to try nfs, when I do so the problem seems to go away
[01:50:21] justinh: oh wait. cddb became gracenote. freedb is the one I thought of
[01:50:38] justinh: rhpot1991: cool. I think
[01:50:43] rhpot1991: well kinda
[01:50:49] Anduin: directhex: That looks promising
[01:50:54] rhpot1991: but now I have recordings on other backends that cannot be viewed on others
[01:50:58] rhpot1991: and I dunno how to solve it
[01:52:28] directhex: Anduin, the data's sorta crappy really, but at least it's Free
[01:52:32] justinh: are they allowed to publish the SD series ID?
[01:53:18] Anduin: directhex: Yeah, now to get them to start doing it for movies.
[01:53:20] directhex: i am not a serial number, i am a free database
[01:54:16] justinh: power to the people! or something
[01:54:48] justinh: nifty. they output xml. no messy scrapey scrape
[01:55:29] justinh: aaand Meedio! Now! Owned! By! Yahoo! (!)
[01:55:39] justinh: ffs where the hell have I been?
[01:55:40] Woosta: To write an app that uses downloaded IMDB would require about 28mb/week to grab the diffs .. Hmm .. would that be too onerous?
[01:56:18] directhex: Woosta, they do diffs?
[01:56:25] Woosta:
[01:56:31] Woosta: one per week
[01:56:38] directhex: that's not so bad then is it?
[01:56:39] Woosta: last year < 8MB per weeek
[01:56:50] directhex: there are Options.
[01:56:52] Woosta: But this year 28 64 28 28mb
[01:58:07] justinh: 2nd defrag pass. now only 50 times too many pieces
[01:58:18] Woosta: it would be quite doable to write a client that grabbed the diffs each time they were available, applied them to a local DB (of only the datasets we care about) and then query them on demand
[01:58:22] waini (waini! has left #mythtv-users ("Apple forever!")
[01:58:38] justinh: Woosta: still though – messy
[01:58:49] Woosta: For what value of messy?
[01:59:00] Woosta: user sees nothing other than an extra 28MB of downloads each week
[01:59:02] Anduin: and just as against the rules
[01:59:07] Woosta: eh?
[01:59:13] Woosta: I missed where it's against their rules?
[01:59:24] nayfly: Quick question, is it easy to setup some kind of auto compression process to occur at, say, 2am every morning that will convert the videos of the day into divx or something similar?
[01:59:26] Woosta: You can't redistribute the data, but you can use it for your own purposes
[01:59:51] justinh: more community minded to say screw them & make yer own. they can't coyright the fact that Tom Cruise is a 4 foot tall dick who's been in a few films (etc)
[01:59:59] Anduin: Woosta: You mean everyone downloads the data, getting them in the "personal use" category?
[02:00:08] Woosta: yes
[02:00:15] Woosta: that's what I'm suggesting
[02:00:18] justinh: that'd take more bandwidth than scraping
[02:00:21] directhex: justinh, [citation required]
[02:00:29] Woosta: justinh: not arguing that
[02:00:47] Woosta: scraping is easy, but against ToS
[02:01:02] justinh: they might have to rethink their ToS – is that your thinking?
[02:01:11] Woosta: .. no?
[02:01:11] Anduin: justinh: and all of it from Germany, Finland, or Sweden
[02:01:36] justinh: Woosta: if enough people did, I think they would
[02:01:46] Woosta: the initial download would take a while .. and then each week an update .. but looking up individual shows would (a) be damned fast and (b) accurate
[02:01:54] arschjucken: please just fix this :) we dont care about tos and law :D
[02:02:02] directhex: arschjucken, yes, we do
[02:02:44] justinh: so uhhh.. where does get all its data from then?
[02:02:57] Woosta: justinh: the aim is to get the data. Changing their policies is secondary. And can you imagine going to them and saying "I recorded a show off the TV to a file on my HD and I want to use your service to populate all the data" .. they'll have a pink fit
[02:03:00] Anduin: justinh: I think we should first attempt to get their blessing (or hopefully a broad FOSS exception)
[02:03:07] directhex: justinh, user contribution. and, originally, before was bought & became corporate
[02:03:36] Woosta: I can't imagine them giving their blessing .. they (amazon) wont want to be anywhere near such uses of the data
[02:03:37] directhex: i think it was back then
[02:03:42] justinh: Anduin: you're right, of course
[02:04:18] Anduin: Woosta: Yes, I can't imagine it either, but it is worth a shot. After all we do nothing to disguise, they could easily kill it.
[02:04:56] Woosta: I'm surprised they let you get away with a libperl-www useragent :-D
[02:05:03] Anduin: exactly
[02:05:06] justinh: not sure I'd pay for the privilege if it ever came to it
[02:05:12] Woosta: pay?
[02:05:14] Woosta: who said pay?
[02:05:23] justinh: nobody said pay. I'm just saying
[02:05:35] directhex: justinh, i might pay a small fee for movies AND tv. if myth had *full* use of both
[02:05:47] justinh: it's nice to have but not the kind of info your pvr is impotent without
[02:07:51] justinh: if I've got a film I generally know what it's about, who might be in it & what the cover looks like
[02:11:09] BathoryQuorthon (BathoryQuorthon! has left #mythtv-users ("Great Hall Awaits a Fallen Brother")
[02:11:13] arschjucken: i often dont know who and what etc., watching mostly european films ;) think they often dont even have a cover =)
[02:11:46] justinh: is needed then!
[02:12:17] arschjucken: haha tho i didnt meant porno, but yea would be great =)
[02:12:32] justinh: put a disc in, it analyses the flesh tones & movement patterns to identify the film & its stars
[02:13:06] arschjucken: yep and recommends you the best films of the star etc
[02:13:08] justinh:
[02:13:47] arschjucken: not bad...
[02:14:15] arschjucken: but a bit incomplete =)
[02:14:55] iamlindoro_: I actually had a little scraper working for, but my meager collection wasn't worth continuing to work on it ;)
[02:15:42] justinh: why is the name of the imdb guy familiar? does it crop up on the mythtv mailing lists?
[02:15:42] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:16:50] justinh: hahaha Chuck, not Col.
[02:16:56] arschjucken: bookmarked thx justinh =)
[02:18:03] jamesd (jamesd! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:18:41] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:18:53] iamlindoro_: What the....? Discovery HD hawks a new Dinosaur special for months, and it's in some *bizarre* aspect ration? wtf is this, 14:9?
[02:18:58] jamesd: any one have a quick guide on how to reset mythtv passwd and syncronise them with mysql
[02:19:00] iamlindoro_: er ratio
[02:19:46] justinh: iamlindoro_: pay per pixel rendered in CGI :P
[02:19:55] iamlindoro_: justinh: I guess so!
[02:20:14] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit (Client Quit)
[02:22:54] nayfly: hey i'm having issues with my ATI card..... the video in myth (and in other programs) displays in really strange colours..... almsot inverted... it's weird
[02:23:01] nayfly: almost*
[02:24:09] iamlindoro_: Ya lost me at ATI
[02:27:15] Anduin: nayfly: may help
[02:30:07] nayfly: thans anduin
[02:30:14] nayfly: thanks*
[02:31:07] justinh: well the imdb script is a bit brokened, run it with -d & paste the URL into a browser it works fine
[02:31:36] justinh: I can read c++ better than I can parse perl or I'd have a bash at it
[02:31:43] nayfly: i'm wondering if i should just use my motherboard's onboard video... i'm sure that would handle myth
[02:32:34] justinh: hmm that's not too bad. parse between.. etc.
[02:35:24] justinh: eep. seen the time? bedtime!
[02:35:31] justinh (justinh! has quit ()
[02:36:01] Anduin: justdave: Yeah, they may have finally started blocking it, looking at it now.
[02:36:52] ** justdave redirects the above message to justinh **
[02:37:01] justdave: (if he were still here)
[02:37:33] Anduin: Yes, I didn't read the whole screen, sorry.
[02:37:38] a1fa: who said amazon bought imdb?
[02:37:43] robbins876_: Anduin, they've started blocking IMDB?
[02:38:02] Anduin: robbins876_: I can't say that for sure currently, but it doesn't look good.
[02:38:15] a1fa: FUCK ATI
[02:38:18] a1fa: period
[02:38:31] a1fa: i only support product who support linux
[02:38:36] a1fa: products
[02:39:00] robbins876_: Anduin, that's blows
[02:39:05] bsdfox_: ati has linux drivers
[02:39:19] a1fa: no
[02:39:26] a1fa: ati is piece of sh17
[02:39:28] a1fa: :P
[02:39:34] robbins876_: hopefully something can be figured out to make it work
[02:39:55] npurciful (npurciful!n=npurcifu@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:40:30] npurciful: hey does anyone know if HDhomerun supports multrec
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[02:41:07] Anduin: robbins876_: supports a local DB, still icky and not much time to workaround it.
[02:43:16] beoba (beoba!n=fsoh@unaffiliated/beoba) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:44:11] beoba: hello, i've finished setting up a debian system with mythtv, and ive noticed that when playing any videos (via mplayer), no keys work
[02:44:47] beoba: i tried installing "mythremote" on a separate powerbook, and while i can use it to navigate menus, as soon as a video has started playing, there's pretty much nothing that i can do other than ctrl+alt+backspace to reload X entirely
[02:44:50] a1fa: i need to buy a cheap computer to run xbmc
[02:44:53] a1fa: err
[02:45:11] a1fa: i am debating on running zoneminder on my mythtv box
[02:45:17] beoba: is there an option that im supposed to have enabled, or a flag for mplayer?
[02:45:21] a1fa: if i do, i will have to buy IP cameras
[02:45:24] a1fa: which are expensive
[02:45:35] clever: beoba: you may need to run a window manager
[02:45:38] beoba: also, ive noticed that mythweather only prints out fragments of javascript in place of content, is this a known problem?
[02:45:53] beoba: oh, that could do it, ive only got it set up to have xdm->straight to mythfrontend
[02:46:03] beoba: (via .xsession file)
[02:46:07] clever: and then the focus gets lost when you open a 2nd prog
[02:46:15] clever: cat > .xsession
[02:46:17] clever: metacity &
[02:46:20] clever: exec mythfrontend
[02:46:27] clever: ^d
[02:46:30] beoba: sounds good
[02:47:19] clever: also if using lirc you may need to put in some bindings for mplayer too
[02:47:34] beoba: i dont have lirc, i was just using a ps/2 keyboard
[02:47:52] Anduin: robbins876_: Just simple brokeness, easy to fix.
[02:52:58] beoba: that did it :D
[02:53:27] beoba: i used: mythwelcome &\nexec openbox
[02:54:40] robbins876_: Anduin, how do i fix it?
[02:55:13] Anduin: robbins876_: working on it, I'll check something in soonish
[02:55:14] beoba: is anyone else encountering "weatherobj()" output when attempting to view weather?
[02:55:37] beoba: im guessing the source site changed their page layout and the plugin hasnt been updated to reflect that
[02:55:56] Anduin: beoba: Which version of MythTV are you running?
[02:56:07] beoba: its uhh, i'll check
[02:56:18] iamlindoro_: OMG Mythweather is broken! Oh wait, it's been that way for a year ;)
[02:56:31] beoba: im using the debs at: testing main
[02:56:33] iamlindoro_: unless you're running trunk, of course ;)
[02:56:33] Anduin: beoba: basically if you are not running trunk or the 0.21 release branch, mythweather is known to be broken
[02:56:43] beoba: probably not running trunk
[02:57:16] beoba: . . . hweather.php
[02:57:23] beoba: 0.20.2.svn20080126–0.0
[02:57:29] beoba: so known problem then :)
[03:03:07] Anduin: Yup, 0.21 will be out soon, mythweather is slightly better there
[03:05:40] PointyPumper (PointyPumper!i=Pintlezz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:09:35] a1fa: when
[03:12:58] arschjucken (arschjucken! has quit ("Verlassend")
[03:12:59] iamlindoro_: soon
[03:13:01] iamlindoro_: ;)
[03:13:19] iamlindoro_: (ie, I don't think there's a hard and fast date)
[03:13:40] Guyfromhe: 0.21 is gunna be out soon?
[03:13:46] iamlindoro_: yes
[03:13:49] Guyfromhe: yay
[03:14:01] iamlindoro_: What clued you in, somebody saying ".21 is going to be out soon?"
[03:14:01] Guyfromhe: i'm gunna buy a 500 gig and a fresh install to celebrate when it comes out
[03:14:10] Guyfromhe: something like that
[03:17:18] tanner (tanner! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:17:44] Gumby: does anyone know if it is possible to switch channels only in the PiP Window (the small one) while leaving the main channel on one channel
[03:18:53] Gumby: and, does anyone know if there is a way to switch which tuner is being shown in the PiP window. I have 4 cards (two DVB and two Cable). I'd like to have a DVB input shown in the PiP window while watching cable and vice verse for Satellite.
[03:19:23] fryfrog: Gumby: you could swap, change around, then swap back?
[03:19:30] lwizardl (lwizardl! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:20:18] Gumby: fryfrog: yes, I could. I was just hoping there was a way to do it via the remote. I'm not always going to want to watch the same tuner in the PiP window so even changing the order of the cards that are added isnt going to work I dont think
[03:21:56] janneg: Gumby: change the active window to the pip
[03:22:35] Newbuntu2 (Newbuntu2! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:24:08] tank-man: are ati cards basicly crap under linux for video/multimedia?
[03:24:24] iamlindoro_: yes
[03:24:25] Newbuntu2: hello all
[03:25:24] Newbuntu2: I want to record 2 (eventually 4) video streams from cameras. I ahve a hauppauge pvr 500, will add a second one if I'm happy with how it works. Is mythtv appropriate for this use, or is it too TV centered? Should I use a different progrram?
[03:25:51] tanner: so.. is there a way to offloading the video processing off my machine with the tv tuner to my laptop? basically i want to stream the video from the serving machine to this computer
[03:26:24] iamlindoro_: Newbuntu2: Zoneminder is a far far more appropriate choice
[03:28:13] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:41] Newbuntu2: Thanks, will look at it. I need a lightweight system because I will eventually run it on a portable platform, something small like a miniITX, so I need to minimize CPU use. I welcome any suggestions/advice for this!
[03:28:53] Gumby: janneg: thats a response to my first Q correct? Ive mapped a button on my remote to "Toggle active PiP window" and when I press it, it brings up the channel info for me to start browsing through using ch+/ch-. if I browse to something and press enter it takes my main window there. not the PiP window
[03:30:12] Gumby: I could browse, change channel, swap PiP window, etc etc but just being able to browse and change channels in the PiP window seems much more efficient. Im not sure if myth can do this or not or whether its just a setup issue on my part
[03:30:39] iamlindoro_: Newbuntu2: Zoneminder is far more lightweight than myth, that's for sure, and has many many more options for camera capture
[03:30:52] Gumby: hrm, I think maybe pressing toggle active pip twice does what I am wanting
[03:31:16] nayfly: hey i've downloaded the LIRC configuration file for my remote, but can't seem to get it to work... any ideas about what could be going wrong?
[03:31:32] Newbuntu2: I'm looking it up as we speak. Or type. I assume IVTV is the best/only option for hauppauge cards?
[03:31:40] Gumby: yes, that is it. I think Ive got it now :)
[03:32:01] iamlindoro_: Newbuntu2: Yup, ivtv is the only driver for (most) hauppauge cards
[03:32:08] iamlindoro_: and, I suppose, therefore the best ;)
[03:33:27] tanner: anyone know how to stream video over the network?
[03:33:43] iamlindoro_: tanner: myth streams video fine to its frontends
[03:34:02] Newbuntu2: tanner: you might also look at VLC, it's designed for that sort of app
[03:34:53] tanner: i was thinking vlc as well
[03:34:56] iamlindoro_: or, as a combination of the two, you could record with myth and stream it to VLC clients... pretty much anything can be worked out...
[03:35:06] tanner: my poor little P3 is too weak to do much video processing
[03:35:38] tanner: i just want to offload all the video processing to my other machine
[03:42:09] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[03:42:22] dillweed (dillweed! has quit ("have to leave to pick my nose")
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[03:47:15] ma9mwah|c2d (ma9mwah|c2d! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:48:13] tanner: is there a way to offload video processing from the device?
[03:48:21] tanner: when i can get it to work, it is rather slow
[03:49:33] Anduin: video processing = what (decoding?)
[03:50:40] doobeh: the only way you could make it less of a headache, would put less compression on it/reduce the res
[03:51:01] doobeh: the frontend has got to decode the data, doesn't matter if it's streaming or not
[03:51:10] tanner: basically, i would like to stream the raw data to my laptop to do the decoding and such
[03:51:39] doobeh: the p3 is the frontend or the backend?
[03:52:02] tanner: backend
[03:52:11] tanner: my C2D laptop would like to be the frontend =)
[03:53:04] doobeh: then that's what's happening anyway, the backend (assuming its not transcoding it) is just passing you the raw data
[03:53:19] doobeh: you being the front-end
[03:53:54] tanner: well, actually, right now i'm ssh'd into the machine running xawtv and what not.. i would like to set the machine up to stream the data
[03:56:14] doobeh: and you can't access the shows via the front-end interface?
[03:56:34] doobeh: Sorry-- I seem to be rather slow at understanding this:)
[03:56:40] robbins61 (robbins61! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:56:50] tanner: haha, my fault i'm sure, currently i dont have myth running at all =)
[03:58:13] robbins876 (robbins876! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:58:27] doobeh: alright, your backend is always going to have to manage the inital capture, assuming it's got mpeg2 hardware on it, that's not going to hurt your backend at all
[03:58:36] robbins876 (robbins876! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:58:40] Loto (Loto!n=bak@xbmc/user/Loto) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:58:56] doobeh: then any front-end you connect to it, will just pull that file
[03:58:59] robbins876_ (robbins876_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:59:16] jams: any mythdora users about ?
[03:59:31] ma9mwah|tired (ma9mwah|tired! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:59:42] tanner: doobeh: i dont believe the tv tuner i have has mpeg2 decoding on it, though im not sure how to check
[03:59:50] jams: that are willing to check for a file in /etc or run lsb_release ?
[04:00:01] doobeh: what tv tuner is it?
[04:00:45] robbins61: iamlindoro, know if anything's been resolved on the imdb front?
[04:00:54] tanner: "WinTV" using the bt787/bttv driver
[04:01:26] doobeh: do you know the actual model number?
[04:01:47] tanner: ill let you know when i can do a lspci :P (scantv currently running)
[04:01:50] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:02:11] Inssomniak: its bt878
[04:02:31] tanner: haha damn dyslexia ;)
[04:03:56] tarbo (tarbo!n=tarbo@unaffiliated/tarbo) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:04:31] tanner: doobeh: no idea how to get the model off it
[04:04:45] doobeh: physically look at the card
[04:05:24] tanner: ill have to take a look at it later
[04:05:25] beoba: does anyone have recommendations for a pcie hardware tuner, or do those really exist yet?
[04:05:31] doobeh: Assuming it does have hardware encoding (it most likely does) then you're on easy street
[04:05:32] nayfly: anyone know of a h.264 decoder codec for linux?
[04:05:56] beoba: (preferably one that did both ntsc and uh.. hdtv)
[04:06:26] doobeh: if it doesn't then you might still be alright, depending what you're capturing, theres a few stats on the MythTV site about processing needs for non-hardware supported capturing
[04:06:52] rhpot1991 (rhpot1991! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:06:56] doobeh:
[04:07:08] doobeh: most likely you'll be fine in either case
[04:07:19] tanner: ill check, brb
[04:10:54] tanner: i'm going to assume that it probably has mpeg2 decoding, as only sshd is running up the processor
[04:10:59] nayfly (nayfly!n=nayfly@ has quit ()
[04:11:05] iamlindoro_: ahem, where to start....
[04:11:23] iamlindoro_: ok, first off, the WinTV bt878 card is a framegrabber, so no, it's not a hardware encoder
[04:11:29] ahbritto (ahbritto! has quit (Client Quit)
[04:11:57] iamlindoro_: secondly, no, don't know of any fixes so far to the, I think a three hours fix is *awfully* wishful thinking, you'll be lucky if there's a fix in the next few days
[04:12:32] iamlindoro_: thirdly, nayfly, what codec is it you are looking for? mplayer, mythtv, and xine all use libavcodec, which has a h.264 decoder
[04:12:45] tanner: hmmm
[04:12:58] doobeh: tanner: in that case, docs say you'll be alright with a 733mhz+ p3
[04:13:10] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:13:16] iamlindoro_: finally, beoba, ntsc and atsc combined tuners are bad news, far better just to get a decent analog card (a PVR-150) and a good ATSC tuner (a HDHomeRun, Kworld 110 or 115, etc.)
[04:13:36] tanner: doobeh: perhaps without the overhead of ssh
[04:13:49] doobeh: that certainly isn't helping :)
[04:15:06] tarbo_ (tarbo_!n=tarbo@unaffiliated/tarbo) has quit (Connection timed out)
[04:15:09] tanner: not at all, so would the easiest/cleanest method for setting this up using mythtv to stream the video or? mind you i have NO intention of recording video or anything of the like (only 20Gb drive and of course, lack of power)
[04:16:18] doobeh: the only thing the backend does when you talk about streaming (correct me if I'm wrong folks) is pass a network shortcut to the front-end
[04:16:18] iamlindoro_: if you have no intention of recording anything, what's the point of the tuner? Mythtv is recording, even if you're just watching livetv.
[04:16:31] mzb: a 733 will probably play mpeg2 reasonably well with an nvidia card
[04:16:44] Anduin: Hmm, simple fix isn't so simple, they block the perl trivial user agent id.
[04:17:07] doobeh: so as long as your network can manage passing the data between the machines, you're fine
[04:17:19] mzb: combine that with a framegrabber and I'd say it'd be unlikely that you'd be able to watch livetv
[04:17:37] doobeh: true, so say the docs
[04:17:38] tanner: so i can watch tv on my laptop
[04:18:11] beoba: i installed mythtv to an 800mhz earlier today for playing movie files already on the machine, seems to work fine so far
[04:18:22] beoba: with nvidia 6200 w/ their drivers, if that matters
[04:18:23] doobeh: piii/800mhz allows live tv, plus network overhead
[04:18:39] doobeh: best bet tanner, is just try it
[04:18:39] doobeh: :)
[04:19:06] beoba: does mythtv use mplayer by default for all video
[04:19:15] beoba: or does it use something else for live broadcasts
[04:19:26] iamlindoro_: Myth has its own player
[04:19:46] iamlindoro_: which, like mplayer, is based on ffmpeg's libraries
[04:20:09] tanner: hmm
[04:20:28] iamlindoro_: although mplayer adds in a few more libraries and improves handling certain containers and formats, so in a few cases (like MKV files) can be the better choice... in general, Internal works perfectly
[04:21:08] tanner: is there a guide to setting up a myth backend to stream video?
[04:21:44] robbins61: Anduin, what does that mean in english?
[04:22:33] iamlindoro_: tanner: if you aren't going to be recording television, there's no point in using myth at all... just put your video files on Samba shares and play from the shares
[04:23:13] tanner: there are no video files, i just want to stream the video from the tuner
[04:23:26] iamlindoro_: tanner: And if what you mean is you just want to watch live TV, then you will need to install both myth backend on the machine you're talking about, and the frontend on the laptop or wherever you intend to play them
[04:23:28] Anduin: robbins61: It means I'm hesitant to work around the problem.
[04:23:41] iamlindoro_: tanner: Then what you are talking about is a regular myth setup
[04:24:04] iamlindoro_: because to stream live TV from myth, you will need to install the frontend somewhere.
[04:24:24] tanner: does it have to be a full front end, or can i use something like VLC?
[04:24:34] iamlindoro_: needs to be a full frontend for live TV
[04:26:19] mzb: tanner: you need to understand the basics of mythtv (see the wiki)
[04:26:52] mzb: one fundamental thing you don't seem to understand is that the frontend watching video from a file ... not streamed directly from the card
[04:27:02] mzb: in that sense "livetv" is a misnomer
[04:27:20] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:27:27] mzb: s/watching/is watching/
[04:27:48] tanner: hmm
[04:28:32] Gumby: any mythconverg experts here? I am wanting to export my old weekly recording schedules into my new db. Im wondering which table(s) need to be moved over
[04:28:52] iamlindoro_: Gumby: There's a section in the howto specifically about hat... section 23.5 I believe
[04:28:55] iamlindoro_: er that
[04:29:01] mzb: the backend is the part of mythtv which puts the video from the card into the file in the first place (in simplistic terms)
[04:29:05] iamlindoro_: somewhere between 23.5–23.7 I think
[04:29:10] Gumby: iamlindoro: cool thanks
[04:29:37] iamlindoro_: 23.7 I guess
[04:29:38] iamlindoro_:
[04:29:47] ** iamlindoro_ wonders how he remembered that... **
[04:30:38] doobeh: cool, just noticed flash video is built right in now :)
[04:32:12] Anduin: Hmm, freevo seems to have permission from imdb, there may be hope.
[04:38:49] GreyFoxx: bah, myth wont play my new h164 mp4 file
[04:39:22] GreyFoxx: h264 that is
[04:39:40] iamlindoro_: GreyFoxx: This the Handbrake encode?
[04:39:44] GreyFoxx: yeah
[04:39:52] GreyFoxx: 2008-02–18 00:35:30.492 NVP: Prebuffer wait timed out 10 times.
[04:39:52] GreyFoxx: 2008-02–18 00:35:30.659 NVP: Prebuffer wait timed out 10 times.
[04:39:55] iamlindoro_: Hmm... weird :(
[04:39:59] GreyFoxx: just that over and over
[04:40:02] GreyFoxx: plays fine in mplayer
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[04:41:44] GreyFoxx: oh well, I'll look into it tomorrow
[04:42:55] iamlindoro_: Gah, true 1080 stuff off a disk is unreal... I'd forgotten what *film grain* looks like
[04:44:17] iamlindoro_: Just got a copy of "Across the Universe" on blu-ray... may be my new "show-off" disk. I think it may even look better than some parts of Planet Earth
[04:45:43] npurciful: heh
[04:46:54] npurciful: i havent got a 1080 hdtv but 1080 downconverted to 720 looks pretty good
[04:48:05] stowaway-atwork (stowaway-atwork! has quit ()
[04:48:27] iamlindoro_: People who play crap downloaded from the internet (not talking about you, npurciful) are cheating themselves... quadruple the bitrate and no smoothing filters applied = what I had been imagining when I put all that money into my Home Theatre
[04:48:48] robbins61: iamlindoro_, nothing looks better than planet earth
[04:49:14] iamlindoro_: robbins61: I had thought that myself, up to this point, but this may just do it
[04:49:17] npurciful: on a funny note though i was watching Knightrider on NBC, and i was like this resolution sucks, and about 20 min it someone hit the HD switch and it switch to 1080
[04:49:26] iamlindoro_: or at the very least equals it
[04:50:08] kayle (kayle! has quit ("Leaving")
[04:50:13] robbins61: i hate standard def
[04:50:51] robbins61: i want to kill it everytime i see it
[04:51:41] npurciful: yeah, me to and i have a ANALog card to that is about to get demoted to securitycam only
[04:51:52] robbins61: you have a stand-alone player or PS3, iamlindoro
[04:52:28] iamlindoro_: I had a MythVideo array crash a few months ago... it was a blessing in disguise. decided that everything that went back into mythvideo on rebuild would be 720p or higher. Haven't regretted it yet.
[04:52:51] iamlindoro_: robbins61: I rip blu-ray and HD-DVD disks and play the untranscoded files from the disk.
[04:53:10] CCFL_Man3: iamlindoro_: say if a satellite receiver has a dvb-asi output and it has the option to output the whole mux over dvb-asi, will it output hd channels too?
[04:53:10] iamlindoro_: rather, pulled from, as I'm not playing straight off the disk.
[04:53:30] iamlindoro_: CCFL_Man3: sure, theoretically it should
[04:53:45] robbins61: iamlindoro, my mythbox runs on a VIA epia with 1ghz cpu...don't think i can play HD vids on it
[04:53:57] iamlindoro_: robbins61: profoundly unlikely :)
[04:54:17] CCFL_Man3: iamlindoro_: if within the symbole rate limit i guess?
[04:54:58] iamlindoro_: CCFL_Man3: I guess, have never tried what you're talking about... but if all it's doing is bumping the whole mux, I can't imagine why it *wouldn't* work
[04:54:59] Idle (Idle! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:55:02] iamlindoro_: er dumping
[04:55:25] Idle: is there any debian sources of mythtv? or do I need to compile it myself?
[04:55:32] iamlindoro_: Idle: debian-multimedia
[04:55:55] Idle: erm?
[04:56:07] iamlindoro_: That's the repos for mythtv...
[04:56:11] CCFL_Man3 is now known as CCFL_Man2
[04:56:41] Idle: I dont actually know what you are talking about.... :S
[04:56:42] npurciful: err: blueray drives are 200–1000$ goodlord
[04:56:52] Idle: .org ?
[04:57:02] CCFL_Man2: iamlindoro_: you definatelly know your shit, i am thinking the same thing too
[04:57:29] iamlindoro_: Idle: debian installs software via apt... apt works with repositories... the repository that contains myth is debian-multimedia... what's not to get?
[04:57:47] kisak: is umm ... xris around?
[04:58:10] Pryon (Pryon! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:58:24] iamlindoro_: CCFL_Man2: Would be sweet assuming it all works
[04:59:19] Idle: iamlindoro_: I get that
[04:59:30] Idle: but has the info I required
[04:59:46] Idle: sadly, no gpg key
[04:59:55] CCFL_Man2: iamlindoro_: i'm going to buy rl drake qam modulator and rf upconverter with my income tax, i was contemplating buying a coship cdvb5110g with is a fta dvb ird with asi output, but the motorola ird should work fine
[05:02:24] CCFL_Man2: with = which
[05:04:31] EnderTheThird (EnderTheThird! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:05:52] EnderTheThird: fyi all: Best Buy has that 1TB "green" HDD from WD (5400–7200RPM, variable) for $230, or like $202 if you use a 12% off Reward Zone coupon
[05:06:48] mzb_d800: Idle: read the site, gpg info on it
[05:10:21] npurciful: really
[05:10:34] npurciful: EnderTheThird: did you buy one
[05:14:17] Guyfromhe (Guyfromhe! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:15:36] robbins61: anyone know how i can find the cheapest item on amazon?
[05:17:40] robbins61: I need ot add something for $0.01 to my order
[05:18:47] CCFL_Man2: i hate best buy though
[05:19:00] npurciful: . . . ;x=0&y=0
[05:19:28] CCFL_Man2: nothing but idiots there
[05:19:55] npurciful: the reason i ask is some of those drives have 1 year warranty and some have 3yr warranty
[05:20:09] npurciful: CCFL_Man2: they are idoits
[05:20:21] robbins61: npurciful, i think it needs to be from amazon, not another seller
[05:20:25] npurciful: CCFL_Man2: i just tell them to puk off
[05:21:19] CCFL_Man2: npurciful: i don't even go there
[05:21:32] Guyfromhe: what you need is a good 5 year warranty
[05:23:27] npurciful: yeah, lookin at dual 500gb seagates, icase on fail dont lose all recording
[05:23:33] npurciful: just half
[05:24:26] CCFL_Man2: infact best buy has nothing i'd ever want
[05:24:59] npurciful: robbins:
[05:25:17] EnderTheThird: npurciful: yeah
[05:25:32] npurciful: does it have 3 or 1 yr warranty
[05:25:36] CCFL_Man2: unless it's a really really good deal
[05:26:00] Woosta: If anyone's interested, I quickly rewrote to use a perl module to retrieve the information .. it isn't as complete as the version in the distro, but -D works. -P just gets the low-res cover shot from imdb and -M isn't implemented at all. But if you need something quick, this should work:
[05:26:06] npurciful: CCFL_Man2: yeah same here i usual am 10fold on bestbuy
[05:26:11] EnderTheThird: 3 year
[05:26:30] npurciful: 10fold aheadon bestbuy
[05:26:47] npurciful: EnderTheThird: you sure
[05:26:57] EnderTheThird: just checked the box. 3 year limited warranty
[05:27:13] npurciful: okay some are 1 yrs
[05:28:15] npurciful: look for warranty info on that drive and 9 of 10 dont have warranty info posted including WD website
[05:28:52] Idle: so, is mythtv just for playing and recording tv?
[05:29:21] EnderTheThird: no prob
[05:29:24] JohnMahowald: Myth can do those things
[05:29:54] EnderTheThird: now i'm just debating how i want to format it. i'd like to put all my media and documents on there, then back up some media and all documents regularly to my 300 GB drive.
[05:30:01] npurciful: ext3
[05:30:08] EnderTheThird: is ext3 ok for myth's large HD files?
[05:30:14] EnderTheThird: my current LVM has XFS
[05:30:47] JohnMahowald: EnderTheThird: Should be
[05:31:50] EnderTheThird: Alright. I think I'll just format the whole thing ext3, mount it as /var/media, then add a .recordings folder in there or something
[05:32:15] EnderTheThird: then ln -s the crap out of the media folders, heh
[05:32:24] npurciful: heh
[05:32:25] JohnMahowald: Depending on block size evidently
[05:33:03] npurciful: i do /mythTV/disk1, /mythTV/disk1, /mythTV/LiveTV
[05:33:29] npurciful: err tomany disk1
[05:34:07] npurciful: i wrote a script to setup and link everything after a reload
[05:34:16] npurciful: heavy forbid
[05:34:27] npurciful: heavy = heaven
[05:34:39] npurciful: damn drink another beer
[05:36:54] EnderTheThird: npurciful: sounds fancy
[05:37:12] Hannibal- (Hannibal-! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:37:29] EnderTheThird: worst thing is i'll probably redo it all when Hardy comes out. But backing up the myth db and restoring isn't too bad
[05:37:57] npurciful: not really just a couple of mkdir, ln -s, echos
[05:39:07] EnderTheThird: any of you guys using firefox 3 b3 now?
[05:43:00] npurciful: no, i thought it was slow and slugish
[05:43:16] npurciful: that was b2 though
[05:43:35] EnderTheThird: yeah, it's a little delayed when switching tabs and i'm having slow scrolling. not cool
[05:48:01] janneg (janneg! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[05:48:10] EnderTheThird: 931.5GB usable on that 1TB HDD.... not too bad i guess
[05:49:26] EnderTheThird: "explain that he can keep his Windows partition and duel-boot with Linux" Anyone else get a mental image of a penguin dueling Clippy after reading that?
[05:49:47] EnderTheThird: a penguin = Tux, of course. not just *any* penguin
[05:55:50] mzb_d800: EnderTheThird: go to ubuntu on lvm ;)
[05:56:12] mzb_d800: makes upgrades trivial (and reversible)
[06:04:41] clever: ive got root on lvm with 1 system(a laptop)
[06:04:57] clever: and yes you could in theory use snapshots to undo upgrades
[06:05:07] clever: but the UUID mounting may get confused by that
[06:07:53] clever: i know UUID swap can cause it to swapon botn versions of the same blockdev
[06:08:10] clever: causing it to go crazy once swap usage hits '50%'
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[07:01:05] clever: clever@olddell:~$ bash
[07:01:05] clever: bash: /bin/bash: cannot execute binary file
[07:01:10] clever: thats some odd stuff:S
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[07:26:30] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:31:12] anykey_: clever: compiled for the wrong arch?
[07:32:33] clever: cache is messed up
[07:32:35] Anduin (Anduin! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[07:32:41] clever: when i md5 it on the nfs client i get 1 hash
[07:32:48] clever: if i md5 it on the other end i get another
[07:33:00] Anduin (Anduin! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:33:03] clever: 44bcaa862fbb31e6dc4e232234bee92c /bin/bash
[07:33:07] clever: e0b0fb44e091b5ccda5f5a5d4353034a /media/mainlv/nfsroot/bin/bash
[07:33:47] patdk-lap: just spent the last few hours making a nice replaytv to mythtv video importer
[07:33:51] anykey_: clever: nice ;)
[07:33:59] clever: and i just remembered
[07:34:14] clever: changing the lastmod time on the nfs server causes exess bandwidth usage for mythtv
[07:34:19] clever: because it invalidates the cache!
[07:35:00] clever: which means if a file is being recorded the client takes alot more bandwidth to play it
[07:35:14] clever: but also let me invalidate the cache on bash:P
[07:35:25] anykey_: heh
[07:35:45] clever: streaming recordings from the backend gets arround that cache problem
[07:36:00] clever: but also causes transcode and commflag to stream when they dont have to
[07:36:31] clever: i could probly use a -O on the frontend to make it stream and nothing else now that i think of it
[07:36:44] clever: but streaming only things which are recording seems better
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[08:35:01] mick_laptop (mick_laptop!n=mweiss@clamwin/admin/mickhome) has joined #mythtv-users
[08:35:31] mick_laptop: has anyone gotten video thumbnails to come up?
[08:35:48] mick_laptop: i just get yellow squares
[08:36:09] Cackette: oh guys, i have a good question
[08:36:23] Cackette: is it possible to manage my myth box from a windows XP computer on the same network
[08:36:41] Cackette: so i dont have to deal w/ having a keyboard/mouse in the same room as the TV
[08:38:01] mick_laptop: yes you can
[08:38:09] mick_laptop: there is a frontend for windows
[08:38:16] mick_laptop: there is also the web interface
[08:38:24] mick_laptop: Cackette: ^^^
[08:38:33] mick_laptop: google: mythtv windows frontend
[08:44:27] Cackette: thanks bro
[08:44:46] rooaus: Cackette: Also you can setup ssh server on the Linux box and install Putty on the windows machine, there is vnc as well. Google will have heaps of info on ssh and vnc.
[08:45:14] Cackette: ok, sweet
[08:45:18] Cackette: which is easier
[08:45:26] mick_laptop: . . . s-for-mythtv <-- i saw this, (so I can make thumbnails) — not what i really was looking for (but whatever)
[08:45:34] Cackette: i'd assume ssh would make it command-line instead of gui?
[08:45:49] mick_laptop: Cackette: you can do x11 forwarding with ssh
[08:45:57] Cackette: whats that
[08:45:58] Cackette: lol
[08:46:02] mick_laptop: you'd need an X server (i think that cygwin has one)
[08:46:21] mick_laptop: in short — yes ssh == commandline
[08:46:41] mick_laptop: but you'll probably want to do VNC
[08:46:56] mick_laptop: VNC == gui ;)
[08:48:04] kuil (kuil! has joined #mythtv-users
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[08:50:52] mick_laptop: i'd actually like to see something that thumbnails like in YouPorn (as stated in the repy of the blog post)
[08:51:03] Cackette: wow
[08:51:13] mick_laptop: ?
[08:51:55] mick_laptop: i wish taht there was another example of that that would come to mind :-P
[08:52:02] kuil: :)
[08:52:20] mick_laptop: but they do it in flash :-/
[08:52:57] metusine (metusine! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:53:49] mick_laptop: i'll be back a little later
[08:53:55] mick_laptop: see you o/
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[09:02:35] mick_laptop: ok, that sucked — it seemed to work (the thumbnail thing) — but it didn't actually change it for me in the frontend
[09:03:54] SpAc (SpAc! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:05:02] SpAc: Hi, I'm struggling to get this to work. My Myth backend is going great, but I would like to manually edit my recording using ProjectX or similar. It would be great if I could load in Myth's cutlist and work from there. Does someone have a script that makes this possible?
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[09:11:01] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:12:02] justinh: well, it's d-day for mythtv in my house today :(
[09:12:48] kuil: big update?
[09:12:58] kuil: (btw I've got minimyth working again.. thx)
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[09:14:14] justinh: big update in that SWMBO has decided we should get a standalone PVR & use that instead
[09:17:44] justinh: it'll have its plus points no doubt but I've made it clear, three strikes & it's out. Gave MediaPortal a tryout yesterday – no dice with that. Got it worky within an hour and within another 2 hours the machine had hard-locked & upon rebooting the tuner drivers were fecked & needed reinstalled. Gotta love windows for that
[09:17:49] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:20:55] justinh: anyway, turned out the problem with occasional glitches in playback of recordings were due to excessive fragmentation on the xfs recording partition. When I say 'excessive' I mean like 160000 fragments for 450 files or so. But then, other players coped with the same files just fine :-\
[09:23:52] rooaus: justinh: That is a pity, I am sure there will be good aspects to a commercial product.
[09:25:24] justinh: I had a brief dig in the player code yesterday to see if I could spot a way to change the buffering – drew a bit of a blank but my c++ fu is weak
[09:25:55] justinh: a c2d 1.83 should be more than capable of playing sdtv mpeg2! not that high cpu usage was the culprit
[09:26:24] rooaus: justinh: I wonder if it is in the ffmpeg libs, haven't looked into the source though.
[09:27:47] justinh: ffmpeg-based players worked fine on the same files. I didn't think to try sharing the recordings dir to the same path on the frontend – that might well have solved it too, meaning the issue lies in the protocol stuff
[09:27:59] rooaus: Is that why she wants to use a commercial solution (something buffer related)?
[09:29:12] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:29:50] justinh: yeah. won't listen to reason. I've started to have my doubts about mythtv lately too though.. I mean a PC just for TV & video playback?
[09:30:02] justinh: infact TWO PCs
[09:32:01] Cackette: . . . band-trailer LOL
[09:32:06] justinh: from advocate & #1 fan to non-believer in what.. 2 days. Sad sign of the times. Not sure 0.21 will be going on the box when it comes out – the backend will be staying, doing its normal duties. She doesn't know that though
[09:33:39] gardz (gardz! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:33:59] rooaus: Yeah, I can understand that (about the multiple PCs). But the thing that has my wife hooked on Myth is the music and the ability to record from three tuners (which seems to happen 2/3 times a week).
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[09:34:50] SpAc: I got the cutlist in to a format ProjectX can recognise, but it wont seem to give me a preview unless it is set to use the BytePos not the Frame Number
[09:35:23] justinh: Maybe everybody else in the UK just lives with the problems apparently caused by spikes in the bitrate, I dunno. Then again the fragmentation was _really_ bad – but I've not heard of other xfs users running a regular defrag – infact there's a whole mythology of "it's linux! defrag? are you MAD?" going on
[09:37:35] rooaus: justinh: Some of the devs run xfs defrag some cron jobs I believe. xfs can be tuned to reduce fragmentation when writing large files which helps but some kind of defrag seems reasonable.
[09:37:57] justinh: the buffering was what forced my hand to replace the epia too and it's not an unknown problem
[09:39:34] justinh: rooaus: I'm not surprised. I'll look into xfs tuning later today
[09:41:12] t0ny-p40 (t0ny-p40!n=t0ny-p40@ has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[09:41:32] rooaus: AIUI, you cant pass a mount option to control the size of the write ahead allocation (not the correct term) when writing files.
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[09:42:00] ** rooaus checks fragmentation on his xfs partition... **
[09:42:06] justinh: my home network's not slow but maybe there's latency which isn't helping the buffering problems. might have to try taking out the cheapnnasty switch too
[09:42:20] justinh: anyway time to skedaddle
[09:42:24] rooaus: cheers
[09:42:39] mzb_d800: can anyone advise on how to find remote codes for a nu-tech dvb stb?
[09:43:22] mzb_d800: I assume it's rebadged junk
[09:43:34] mzb_d800: does globaltech ring a bell?
[09:45:04] Solv: I have a knoppmyth install that has gone screwy, and I need help to figure it out. Everytime I record a program, it doesn't write a seek table. This may be the reason that the commercial flagging job doesn't autostart even though it is set to. I have fixed the mysql databse one with myisamchk, but the problem still occurs, and now when i run it everything reports okay. If i rerun myythcommflag --rebuild on the mpeg files it does it success
[09:45:04] Solv: fully, but then if i watch it and press edit, it still says no seek table!
[09:46:39] Solv: As well as that, after about 20 minutes of watching live tv, if i jump backwards or forwards it gets 'stuck' and the last point I was at and refuses to jump further ahead into 'real' time...insisting that the time I paused it at or went backwards to IS the furthest point along in time...if that makes sense
[09:46:41] mzb_d800: I don't have a remote for this box, but I'm planning on using it in the same room that my lirc transmitter (successfully) operates, so I just need to find some codes that work
[09:47:00] mzb_d800: Solv: isn't there a knoppmyth channel somewhere?
[09:47:20] Solv: i haven't seen anything in the docs...there is a wiki and forum
[09:47:22] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:47:53] mzb_d800: . . . nt=firefox-a
[09:48:14] mzb_d800: ie: google is your friend ;)
[09:48:17] Solv: yes..well...i had only been looking at their site briefly...
[09:48:25] Solv: yeah i got the same result as you posted it =)
[09:48:37] Solv: still...i came here, because i'm used to it here...
[09:48:58] mzb_d800: ok ... I suggest that support for the distro (et al) that you're using is the best place to start
[09:49:11] mzb_d800: but then I could be wrong ;)
[09:49:22] Solv: i will try, but there aren't too many ppl on the channel
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[09:50:33] mzb_d800: Solv: try a lossless transcode
[09:50:47] Solv: mzb_d800, it fails
[09:50:47] mzb_d800: (I'm stabbing in the dark;)
[09:50:53] mzb_d800: hmm
[09:50:57] Solv: yeah that was on the wiki'
[09:52:47] Solv: so i can watch them fine, and the archive okay (albeit without the cuts) but i cannot get them to's driving me nuts...i've updated to the latest mysql...already have the latest mythtv that knoppmyth will let me sux after my previous gentoo box worked so well! (I can't remember why i got rid of it now....dammit)
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[09:59:15] Solv: mzb_d800, could switching to a xfs file system from the ext3 make any difference?
[09:59:39] mzb_d800: did for me
[09:59:50] mzb_d800: but not re seek tables
[09:59:59] Solv: ...just performance
[10:00:01] XChatMav (XChatMav! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[10:00:02] mzb_d800: I had problems with ext* full stop
[10:00:12] mzb_d800: yes, performance a lot better with xfs
[10:00:41] mzb_d800: regardless of the machine hosting the fs
[10:00:55] mzb_d800: I started with ext2|3 on a p3–650
[10:01:00] mzb_d800: then went to xfs
[10:01:08] Solv: there is a howto here for backing up your myth partition and changing it to xfs, and then restoring looks a little scary, i hope i don't screw it up!
[10:01:28] mzb_d800: eventually I moved the recordings to my server (Sempron 3400+ == 2000MHz)
[10:01:35] mzb_d800: started again with ext2|3
[10:01:46] mzb_d800: still ended up going to xfs
[10:02:25] Solv: hmm...well i might give it a go nonetheless...then if i do screw it up it gives me an excuse to try mythbuntu
[10:02:35] mzb_d800: Solv: a lot of data involved :)
[10:02:38] jvs (jvs! has quit ("Leaving")
[10:03:03] mzb_d800: simplest is to have portable USB drive for "emergency" situations ;)
[10:03:27] mzb_d800: (like reformatting large partitions without chance of data loss)
[10:03:48] Solv: i don't have much....i deleted all my current recordings...just some games and some livetv on there at the music is on this pc
[10:04:54] mzb_d800: well my first suggestion (if you ever start from scratch, or have a chance to slowly migrate) is to use lvm
[10:05:11] Solv: true...i've really understood lvm
[10:05:14] mzb_d800: ubuntu (in particular) doesn't support lvm (in their installer)
[10:05:22] mzb_d800: but I use lvm on everything
[10:05:26] Solv: maybe i should try mythdora...that would probably use it
[10:05:47] mzb_d800: basic theory is that instead of creating a lot of partitions on the drive, you only create (say) 4
[10:05:58] mzb_d800: boot, swap, root and lvm
[10:06:10] mzb_d800: then put *all* your data in the lvm partition
[10:06:36] Solv: yeah and it can expand dynamically, and you can add other hard drives under the different logical volumes
[10:06:47] mzb_d800: the lvm partition is further split up into "logical volumes" (simplistic explanation)
[10:06:52] Solv: but still i can't understand how that helps on a single pc environment
[10:07:08] mzb_d800: not dynamically (as such), as you can't resize a mounted fs
[10:07:24] Solv: oh....i thought it resized itself
[10:07:32] mzb_d800: no
[10:08:36] mzb_d800: it means, for eg, if I've got a an lvm LV for home of 100GB, and 10GB free on the drive, but I need to create a 20GB partition (for some reason), then I can unmount home, reduce it by 10GB and then create my new 20GB partition
[10:08:48] mzb_d800: it's also really handy for doing dist-upgrades
[10:08:58] mzb_d800: eg, if you put root on an LV
[10:09:19] Solv: ah cool
[10:09:19] mzb_d800: eg. I usually have a root LV named after the release I'm using
[10:09:31] quigleymd (quigleymd! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[10:09:38] mzb_d800: when I want to go to the next release, I make a copy of the existing one (from a snapshot)
[10:09:51] mzb_d800: then reboot into the new partition and dist-upgrade it
[10:10:04] Solv: ah...and if it screws up just put it backl
[10:10:24] mzb_d800: which *guarantees* that if I stuff up, all I have to do is select a different boot option in grub
[10:10:52] Solv: yeah that's pretty cool
[10:10:58] mzb_d800: when I'm happy with the new system, I burn a compressed copy of the old LV to DVD, and then delete it
[10:11:06] mzb_d800: (I use 5GB root fs's)
[10:11:09] Solv: which distro do you use?
[10:11:23] Solv: so do you have a seperate /usr partition?
[10:11:25] mzb_d800: debian | ubuntu ... whatever suits the purpose
[10:11:27] Solv: 5 gig isn't much
[10:11:47] mzb_d800: no, but I have other partitions for various things, depending on the machine
[10:11:58] mzb_d800: eg. tmp, /usr/local, var
[10:12:05] Solv: i always make my / at least 10 because often porgrams plus distro take that muchy
[10:12:11] mzb_d800: really depends on the purpose of the machine
[10:12:17] mzb_d800: heh
[10:12:19] Solv: yeah /tmp and /var can be big too
[10:12:32] mzb_d800: depends how you install apps & use your space ;)
[10:12:33] Solv: actually i should propably get tmpreaper for my mythbox
[10:13:15] mzb_d800: don't forget, though, you just keep a spare rootfs for emergencies and with LVM you have the ability to increase the size of your rootfs when|if you need to
[10:13:53] mzb_d800: wench:~# lvdisplay -C | wc -l
[10:13:53] mzb_d800: 66
[10:13:54] Solv: yep....i reckon if i have the time i will experiment with that...sounds cool....
[10:14:03] mzb_d800: ("wench" == the server ;))
[10:14:11] Solv: hehe
[10:14:15] Solv: i guessed that much
[10:14:42] mzb_d800: this is where LVM comes in *really* handy:
[10:14:46] mzb_d800: wench:~# xm list | wc -l
[10:14:47] mzb_d800: 9
[10:14:56] mzb_d800: (xen)
[10:15:22] Solv: what's xm
[10:15:27] Solv: ah xen
[10:15:35] mzb_d800: eg: "oops, mailserver is running out of space" ... shutdown mailserver VM, resize LV, restart VM
[10:16:01] Solv: most people just go out and buy another hdd =)...but beggers can't be choosers
[10:16:06] Solv: like myself
[10:16:20] mzb_d800: this website runs on a xen VM:
[10:16:59] mzb_d800: that machine has 2x 250GB SATA (raid 1) ... + 500GB PATA for recordings
[10:17:07] rooaus: mzb_d800: Ubuntu alternative cd supports lvm installs IIRC.
[10:17:37] Solv: are there both svn and cvs version of myth?
[10:17:41] mzb_d800: really? nice, thanks rooaus ... might have to upgrade customers to a new world of convenience (one day;)
[10:17:54] clever: ive also done a lvm root install using debootstrap (with a nfsroot host)
[10:17:54] norcal_ (norcal_! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:18:22] clever: basicaly i made the PV and /boot/ and then mounted the root and /boot/ and installed thry debootstrap
[10:18:31] mzb_d800: yep, all sorts of magic and trickery available with LVM ;)
[10:18:35] clever: and chroot'ed in to install a kernel&lvm&grub
[10:18:52] norcal_: How hard would it be to get a wiimote to work on XBMC
[10:19:07] rooaus: mzb_d800: Yeah, it is based on the debian installer. Personally I wouldn't use the LiveCD to install from.
[10:19:17] mzb_d800: :)
[10:19:25] Solv: don't worry...cvs was old.....svn is new....
[10:20:08] mzb_d800: final step in my installs is to patch grub so that "hidden menu" option works the way I think it should
[10:20:30] mzb_d800:
[10:20:42] mzb_d800: (ie. no menu until you hit escape)
[10:21:24] Solv: is svn trunk stable-ish...or is releases .20 with fixes a better idea
[10:21:40] mzb_d800: I use svn-multirec
[10:22:14] Solv: mzb_d800, is that the ability to record multiple channels on the same multiplex?
[10:22:25] mzb_d800: I have 2(.5) frontends, 2 (DVB) tuners, and 2 demanding females to keep happy
[10:22:31] mzb_d800: yes
[10:22:34] mzb_d800: and also overlap
[10:22:35] Solv: sweet!
[10:22:48] Solv: what do you mean overlap?
[10:22:57] mzb_d800: are you .au?
[10:23:00] Solv: yeah
[10:23:24] Solv: i have several different channels on the same multiplex...and only 1 tuner card
[10:23:28] Solv: so it would be so damn sweet
[10:23:37] mzb_d800: you know how *some* channels are (say) about 15mins late to finish programmes (say after 12midnight)
[10:23:58] Solv: yep
[10:24:11] clever: id like to get overlap working on single channel cards (2 programs on the SAME channel overlaping)
[10:24:15] mzb_d800: multirec allows you to have two recordings (back to back) and have overlap between the two
[10:24:38] mzb_d800: eg. if you have two episodes of "Everyone Loves Raymond" at 2am
[10:24:49] mzb_d800: but the station is running ~13min late
[10:24:59] Solv: ah yep i see
[10:25:14] mzb_d800: your programme timing is going to be out ... and you'll end up with one of them being cut short (or early)
[10:25:30] rooaus: Solv: Trunk is pretty stable, but at the moment there is a *lot* of work going on in prep for the 0.21 release. Probably wouldn't run 0.20-fixes.
[10:26:58] mzb_d800: in this matter, multirec allows you to record both, with (for eg) 3 mins pre, and 15 mins post for *both* sessions ... ie. they overlap in the middle
[10:27:06] mzb_d800: *very* handy
[10:27:12] clever: even on the same channel?
[10:27:15] Solv: mzb_d800, what's the url for multirec...can't see it listed in
[10:27:24] rooaus: Solv: The devs have branched 0.21-fixes, you could run that if don't want to run trunk.
[10:27:26] mzb_d800: under branches
[10:27:58] anykey_: mzb_d800: multirec has been merged with trunk some weeks ago
[10:27:59] rooaus: Solv: The branch has been deleted as it was merged back to trunk and will be in 0.21.
[10:28:19] mzb_d800: anykey_: yes, I'm aware of that
[10:28:23] Solv: so use this: svn co
[10:28:39] mzb_d800: but iirc there is still a scheduling bug to fix
[10:29:03] mzb_d800: ok
[10:29:36] mzb_d800: deleted? couldn't it have been archived?
[10:29:39] rooaus: Solv: Do you want to run trunk after the release, if not use branches/release-0-21-fixes
[10:30:15] Solv: rooaus, no not after the release....okay cheers...and that has multirec included
[10:30:22] rooaus: mzb_d800: It is svn, so *all* revisions can be retrieved.
[10:30:29] rooaus: Solv: Yeah
[10:30:34] Solv: rooaus, thankyou
[10:30:36] mzb_d800: :) fair enough
[10:31:53] mzb_d800: clever: re overlap, that's what I'm talking about ... the same channel (or multiplex) makes no difference (to me;)
[10:32:10] clever: ahh
[10:32:18] clever: but can it even do that on analog inputs?
[10:32:38] mzb_d800: don't know, I doubt it
[10:32:49] rooaus: mzb_d800: You could "svn switch" your checkout to trunk or fixes.
[10:32:59] mzb_d800: ah ... thx
[10:33:01] clever: in theory you could just stream the mpeg2 from the card to 2 files at once
[10:34:03] Solv: man svn can't connect...but i can browse there....what's going on with that?
[10:34:11] rooaus: clever: No, not yet. But most of the "infrastructure" is in there now, I think there were a couple of posts daniel answered about that in the mailing list.
[10:34:14] mzb_d800: brb
[10:34:17] norcal_ (norcal_! has quit ("Leaving")
[10:34:28] clever: ahh
[10:34:35] clever: i'll have to dig thru the spam
[10:34:39] clever: i mean mailing list:P
[10:34:44] rooaus: Solv: What url you using, not the one from the "browse" view of trac?
[10:35:21] Solv: i'm doin this: svn co
[10:35:57] rooaus: Solv: Looks good, I will try it here...
[10:36:04] Solv: put that url in firefox and it goes there
[10:37:58] rooaus: Solv: "svn info <url>" works. Do you already have a mythtv dir where you are running the command from?
[10:38:23] Solv: made an svn dir in my home
[10:38:45] Solv: svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svn/!svn/vcc/default'
[10:38:45] Solv: svn: PROPFIND of '/svn/!svn/vcc/default': could not connect to server (
[10:40:05] Solv: why doesn't anything work for me!...actually i know why....i suck
[10:40:27] Solv: i know enough to get myself into trouble, and not enough to get back out =)
[10:41:10] mzb_d800: hmm .. now I'm thinking I'm going to have to write a script to go through all the remote definitions on and test irsend to the STB until I find one that works ... *sigh*
[10:41:18] mzb_d800: (complete madness! ;))
[10:41:58] mzb_d800: ah .. but I have the source (stupid!)
[10:42:03] Solv: why not use irrecord?
[10:42:13] mzb_d800: I don't have the remote
[10:42:17] Solv: oh
[10:42:20] mzb_d800: just the box
[10:42:24] Solv: okay...
[10:42:27] mzb_d800: (repaired)
[10:42:30] Solv: who has the remote?
[10:42:56] mzb_d800: errr... I got given two STB's by the father-out-of-law ;)
[10:43:10] Solv: ah...nuff said
[10:43:23] mzb_d800: no remotes, one with broken aerial connectors, the other with water damage
[10:43:33] Solv: what a generous bloke
[10:43:41] mzb_d800: *not hot* ;)
[10:44:18] mzb_d800: he did have a remote for one of them, but there was some deal where he bought a replacement (for one of them) without a remote, so he kept it
[10:44:33] mzb_d800: I guess I should ask him which one he still has a remote for
[10:44:48] mzb_d800: yeah, he's a nice bloke, we get on well
[10:45:40] Solv: yay it's working
[10:45:53] Solv: must have been my isps proxy
[10:47:25] Solv: so are there any other good osd's other than retro?
[10:47:29] rooaus: Solv: You can configure svn for a proxy I believe (never had to do it though).
[10:47:58] Solv: all the other themes, most of which are good...have bery ordinary osds..with aliased fonts and are really hard to read
[10:48:05] Solv: s/bery/very
[10:48:09] Solv: well that i have found
[10:49:01] Solv: rooaus, i wouldn't have the desire either...if it didn't work i'd just wait for the release =)
[10:49:23] rooaus: Metallurgy is *nice* but in beta still, there is also the stuff in themes as well. You will find something nicer in them.
[10:49:48] Solv: rooaus, some new stuff in the svn themes? sweet
[10:51:47] ahbritto (ahbritto! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:51:53] rooaus: yeah, themes not myththemes.
[10:53:24] Solv: ah...i see, will i need myththemes from svn, or should my .20 myththemes work?
[10:53:37] directhex|bsp: you need new themes or lots of things break
[10:54:00] Solv: okay, was hoping to save know how it is..thanks
[10:54:12] mzb_d800: you need to install just about everything from svn at this point, a lot of changes since .20
[10:54:22] mzb_d800: s/just about//
[10:54:55] Solv: mzb_d800, you corrected a non mistake?
[10:55:08] mzb_d800: :)
[10:55:20] ** Solv chuckles **
[10:55:39] mzb_d800: s/a long story about nothing/nothing/
[10:56:27] mzb_d800: ie: I can't think of a single "old" portion that can be re-used
[10:56:28] Solv: s/in response to your question/meh
[10:56:34] mzb_d800: :)
[10:57:08] Solv: oooo mythburn has 'funky.ac3'
[10:57:24] rooaus: Solv: Everything needs to be the same. You *will* have problems otherwise, at some point.
[10:57:34] mzb_d800: does that improve the tone? ;)
[10:57:42] Solv: yep...looks like i'll have to rebuild the frontend from svn on this pc as well
[10:58:06] mzb_d800: *everything* (themes, plugins, etc)
[10:58:18] mzb_d800: on *all* machines
[10:58:27] Solv: ta, will do
[10:58:36] mzb_d800: (mythtv protocol will be different for a start)
[10:58:56] rooaus: Solv: Make sure you have removed all the old libs from 0.20. You might want to backup the DB before upgrading and make a copy of the init scripts for the backend etc (if from a package)
[10:59:20] mzb_d800: (make an LVM copy!!!;)))
[10:59:25] Solv: lol
[11:01:50] mzb_d800: another good reason to start again? you can always use a livecd to compress an image of your rootfs (to somewhere) and then do some magic ;)
[11:02:21] mzb_d800: (patience and careful thinking required;)
[11:03:37] rooaus: Solv: What distro you using?
[11:03:40] mzb_d800: the *only* problem with xfs (btw) is that you can't reduce the size of the fs. I'm told by the XFS maintainer at SGI that this in the pipeline and should be achievable in <12mths
[11:03:56] mzb_d800: s/that this/that this is/
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[11:16:23] Solv: rooaus, distracted...knoppmyth
[11:18:01] mzb_d800: btw, If you're thinking of upgrading to svn, I suggest you try Lenny rather than ubuntu
[11:18:15] Solv: Lenny?
[11:19:07] mzb_d800: Debian Testing
[11:19:55] mzb_d800: but ymmv
[11:20:02] Solv: ah...i've never done the debian thing...or the slackware...just gentoo...but i haven't the time to manually configure stuff much anymore...i just use opensuse for my main pc
[11:20:26] mzb_d800: debian couldn't be much simpler, or easier to modify
[11:20:35] directhex|bsp: mzb_d800, any specific reason for using lenny?
[11:20:37] Solv: yeah, but it's a new distro to learn
[11:20:39] mzb_d800: get a netinst CD ;)
[11:20:44] mzb_d800: directhex: vs what?
[11:20:57] mzb_d800: Solv: ubuntu is based on it
[11:20:59] directhex|bsp: mzb_d800, ubuntu
[11:21:10] Solv: i know
[11:21:21] Solv: i don't like ubuntu
[11:21:29] rooaus: Solv: ok, if you said ubuntu I would have suggested the trunk builds from mythbuntu guys.
[11:21:56] mzb_d800: directhex|bsp: I've had problems with running some machines on ubuntu (from svn) ... although tbh, I was using a mixed ubuntu, debian environment
[11:22:32] mzb_d800: that being said, one of my FE's is still ubuntu (workstation), which I use for editing
[11:22:43] mzb_d800: (windowed mode)
[11:24:26] mzb_d800: I've also found debian testing to be much more reliable for development work
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[11:26:18] mzb_d800: over a 4–5 year period (???) as compared to ubuntu which is a lot younger but heading in the right direction
[11:26:48] mzb_d800: ie: nothing against ubuntu, I've just had a few minor issues with it
[11:27:06] mzb_d800: (in the last 12 months)
[11:27:20] directhex|bsp: i just got sick of doing things by hand more with debian. especially managing 32/64-bit behaviour
[11:27:49] mzb_d800: I can't see the issue (or difference) in that respect
[11:29:01] mkasson__ (mkasson__! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:29:04] directhex|bsp: nspluginwrapper, fr'example
[11:29:37] mzb_d800: how is that different with Debian vs Ubuntu?
[11:30:05] mzb_d800: (I assume you're talking about Flash 9 and "automatic" chroots)
[11:31:00] directhex|bsp: mzb_d800, it's been part of ubuntu for longer
[11:31:14] directhex|bsp: mzb_d800, in the end, debian release cycles are too long for me, for desktop use
[11:31:29] grokky (grokky! has quit ()
[11:31:32] mzb_d800: release cycles in testing???
[11:31:47] mzb_d800: I'm not talking about stable
[11:32:00] directhex|bsp: mzb_d800, i won't run an os that can break on me randomly on a daily basis. too much excitement
[11:32:10] directhex|bsp: every time something 'big' appears, the distro goes to shit
[11:32:14] mzb_d800: heh
[11:32:18] directhex|bsp: a gnome update, or xorg update, or whatever
[11:32:28] sigger__ (sigger__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:32:37] mzb_d800: never had a problem I couldn't fix
[11:32:46] mzb_d800: and as I said, I run both
[11:32:57] directhex|bsp: i don't want to have to fix things like that. too old
[11:33:22] directhex|bsp: i was writing install guides for debian when sarge was still testing, i've just migrated away to free up time
[11:33:37] mzb_d800: I still prefer the "purity" of Lenny, vs the "spice" of ubuntu for a machine that I want to develop|compile software on
[11:34:26] mzb_d800: too much colour in ubuntu ;)
[11:34:36] mzb_d800: (for *that* purpose)
[11:34:40] mzb_d800: imo
[11:35:10] mzb_d800: running ubuntu-only source probably wouldn't be as much as a problem, I guess
[11:40:29] mzb_d800: also, tbh, being from .au, I'm naturally biased towards Debian ... even to the point of choosing my ISP (at the time) because it had a Debian mirror (uncharged bandwidth)
[11:41:55] mzb_d800: after living on 33.6KB for a decade that was a big deal :)
[11:42:19] directhex|bsp:
[11:42:19] directhex|bsp:
[11:42:22] directhex|bsp: handy!
[11:42:32] mzb_d800: :)
[11:42:46] mzb_d800: yeah, but you don't have monthly limits, right?
[11:43:03] directhex|bsp: christ no
[11:43:20] runoff (runoff! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:43:46] mzb_d800: my first "big" internet access involved 150 hrs/mth (1995|6?) on a beta plan called "Big150" (in Melbourne)
[11:44:11] mzb_d800: I combined that with a free account called "NightRider" from 1am to 8am(?)
[11:44:39] mzb_d800: kept me going for years until ADSL was available in my area
[11:45:11] mzb_d800: was cheaper to buy distros on CD, so I got to try quite a few over the years
[11:46:11] mzb_d800: now, I get all my software at no charge, and essentially pay for browsing (10GBmax at $75 /mth)
[11:46:25] mzb_d800: (about to change ... long story)
[11:47:22] mzb_d800: iow, I started with Redhat 5.2 and worked up
[11:48:54] mzb_d800: and my choices have been based on combinations of experimentation, frustration, cost and maintenance (time).
[11:51:06] SpAc (SpAc! has quit ("Leaving.")
[11:51:17] justinh: well, same old same old
[11:51:42] mzb_d800: so the conclusion of my long rant is that I find Debian Testing easier to deal with (in the long term) rather than Ubuntu. However there are so many reasons why I've come to that conclusion. Hence my "ymmv" comment.
[11:51:48] jvs (jvs! has quit ("Leaving")
[11:52:12] mzb_d800: yeah, thanks for your constructive comments justinh ;)
[11:52:29] mzb_d800: drinking cold beer yet? ;)
[11:52:34] justinh: ymmv with anything. I don't think ubuntu is by any means the 'best' of anything (best is up to an induh-vidual to decide) but it works & can be cajoled to do my bidding
[11:53:27] justinh: mzb_d800: no, but we're gonna give a standalone pvr a shot from today
[11:53:35] mzb_d800: nice
[11:53:50] mzb_d800: (I guess)
[11:54:03] justinh: the ui will suck, it can only record 2 things at once, can't play dvds or network shares of videos/music but hey...
[11:54:04] mzb_d800: never seen one, so I wouldn't know ;)
[11:54:40] justinh: I give it a week & the missus will be hankering for mythtv again
[11:54:45] mzb_d800: lol
[11:54:56] justinh: I couldn't care either way anymore tbh so long as it works
[11:55:16] mzb_d800: yeah, don't think mine would give her FE away ... can't even take the remote out of the bedroom these days ;)
[11:55:45] directhex|bsp: i get xbmcmythtv working, and 3 days later, upgrade my BE to 0.21 :)
[11:56:03] justinh: wow. Toshiba shares surge on their choosing to drop hd-dvd :)
[11:56:11] mzb_d800: heh
[11:56:22] justinh: er.. 'alleged' choosing
[11:56:54] directhex|bsp: really? hahahahahahahaha
[11:56:57] directhex|bsp: that's classic :)
[11:56:57] mzb_d800: lose billions vs gain trillions? ;))
[11:57:50] justinh: is it April 1st? just seen a news bit about Panasonic making a wii-mote proof screen
[11:58:09] Woosta: eh?
[11:58:17] Woosta: how can you be wiimote proof?
[11:58:30] Woosta: the screen has nothing to do with the wiimote
[11:58:41] justinh: because of all the smashed flat panels with wiimotes embedded in em of course!
[11:58:45] RaYmAn-Bx: it could flood IR beams at the correct frequency so the wiimote gets confused =P
[11:58:46] directhex|bsp: justinh, no, it's troo
[11:59:02] clever: RaYmAn-Bx: the wiimote uses bluetooth(rf) mainly
[11:59:06] directhex|bsp: Woosta, withstands high impact forces from flying wiimotes
[11:59:13] Woosta: ahhh
[11:59:18] directhex|bsp: clever, but uses IR for positional elements
[11:59:20] Woosta: never let mine go before ..
[11:59:26] RaYmAn-Bx: exactly.
[11:59:28] clever: directhex|bsp: yeah but theres no data in the ir
[11:59:34] clever: the ir is just a constant source
[11:59:50] directhex|bsp: Woosta, also,
[11:59:54] Woosta: yeah, what looks like the IR sender on a regular remote is actually a camera
[12:00:03] clever: ive read you can even use a pair of candles as the ir source
[12:00:12] RaYmAn-Bx: clever: it was just a guess tbh..that it might get confused by excessive IR =P
[12:00:12] Woosta: true
[12:00:17] directhex|bsp: clever, VERY hard to pull off, IME
[12:00:20] Woosta: have you seen Johnny Lee's stuff?
[12:00:26] clever: dont think so
[12:00:37] RaYmAn-Bx: it works pretty okay with a std. remote pointed straight at the wiimote IR camera
[12:00:45] RaYmAn-Bx: or "works", as it it reacts
[12:01:08] clever: would be interesting to access that camera from custom software on a pc
[12:01:09] Woosta: Johnny Lee ROCKS ..
[12:01:21] Woosta: clever: see above :-D
[12:01:30] clever: how far above?
[12:01:33] directhex|bsp: gak. has 0.21 gained another protocol version jump?
[12:01:43] Woosta: clever: immediately .. Johnny Lee
[12:01:47] clever: ah
[12:01:57] clever: was expecting a url not a name
[12:02:00] justinh: directhex|bsp: wouldn't be surprised. I'm stopping upgrading til after 0.21 is out
[12:02:10] Woosta: at about the 2min mark IIRC it totally goes sick
[12:03:16] mzb_d800: Solv: the other *really cool* thing about LVM is snapshots
[12:03:50] Woosta: 2m 45
[12:04:56] justinh: no need for lvm with 0.21
[12:05:35] justinh: and it's starting to look like network shares for everything could be a thing of the past in 0.22
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[12:11:08] justinh: directhex|bsp: looks related to you know what
[12:12:55] jblack: It would be so nice to get rid of nfs.
[12:13:07] directhex|bsp: 2008-02–16 09:20:53.832 NVP: Waiting for prebuffer.. 0
[12:13:10] directhex|bsp: nice code!
[12:14:48] justinh: I've seen exactly that kind of debug output described as buffer over/undershoot
[12:15:15] directhex|bsp: let's call them buffer fuckups
[12:15:22] mzb_d800: that's clever stuff with the Wii
[12:15:50] directhex|bsp: or the "epic fail buffer"
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[12:16:05] blackest: Is it wireless streaming thou
[12:16:06] mzb_d800: need to do something like that in Linux (in a useful, non-trivial way;)
[12:16:14] justinh: blackest: that's off a dvd
[12:16:28] blackest: local plaback
[12:16:32] justinh: I've seen it with freeview recordings
[12:16:36] blackest: playback then
[12:17:06] mzb_d800: jblack: got a better suggestion, or you just need to configure it properly?
[12:17:24] blackest: it could be error correction (or not)
[12:17:30] justinh: but something I've wondered for a while is why there's even a need for that kind of buffer
[12:17:54] justinh: blackest: it's not that either. other players cope fine. there are too many examples in the field to ignore this
[12:18:25] blackest: well whats different between other players and this one
[12:18:39] justinh: sharp changes in bitrate can cause it
[12:19:07] justinh: blackest: other players? they're all inherently different
[12:19:24] Solv (Solv! has quit ("Leaving")
[12:19:51] justinh: if you don't watch much stuff from Virgin1, try some from its freeview outlet
[12:19:57] justinh: great examples of the effect
[12:19:58] blackest: i've been playing about some with mpeg-ts and regular mpeg i was finding horrendous problems with the ts stream due to errors
[12:20:18] blackest: then there is the pal reverse frame thing as well
[12:20:42] justinh: oh yeah babbling between interlaced & progressive – when generally UK TV is ALL interlaced
[12:20:47] blackest: when the interlacing is swopped
[12:21:31] blackest: that messes things up good too
[12:21:35] justinh: I'm of the opinion that software players leave a lot to be desired compared to real hardware
[12:21:52] justinh: *now
[12:22:07] blackest: I think a lots to do with applying error correction or not
[12:22:29] justinh: a £20 dvd player can play back dvds better than anny linux software, ignoring the ability to skip annoying trailers & notices ;)
[12:22:43] blackest: theres a lot of mangled signals
[12:22:44] directhex|bsp: just a minor point, that one
[12:22:47] justinh: blackest: bollocks.
[12:23:24] justinh: mangled signals manifest themselves as audio squeaks & blocky picture interludes
[12:24:02] blackest: try play back in vlc with messages on you soon start seeing errors
[12:24:07] justinh: and if the problem was the signal strength/quality I'd have done something about it. I get virtually zero BER, SNR is in the high FF00 region
[12:25:25] justinh: you can't blame it all on the streams. and even if the stream was at fault but yet other players cope just _fine_ what does that say?
[12:25:53] blackest: that the player isn't as good as it needs to be
[12:26:18] justinh: could you sit idly by as your very modern (non slow by any means) CPU struggled to play an episode of the simpsons recorded from channel 4? ffs it's SDTV mpeg2!
[12:26:35] justinh: and no, the cpu isn't pegged
[12:26:39] directhex|bsp: and the problem manifests with any media which is fine frmo other sources – e.g. dvd
[12:27:31] blackest: well if you could dual boot and see say windvd play the same thing without issues what about then
[12:28:05] justinh: dual boot? what the fuck is that going to achieve?!
[12:28:16] justinh: other _linux_ programs play the stuff fine
[12:28:29] justinh: I know full well where the problem lies
[12:28:48] blackest: in which case other linux programs are doing a better job
[12:28:55] justinh: no shit
[12:29:18] justinh: I'm not about to patch mythtv to use an external player for recordings though
[12:29:33] justinh: the source needs to be found & sorted out
[12:30:33] blackest: ideally both algorythms need to be analysed and see whats going wrong
[12:30:58] nayfly (nayfly!n=nayfly@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:31:37] justinh: if anything is holding mythtv back, it's not its lack of fucking stupid animated UI elements & the ability to play youtube videos – it's the fact that compared to other programs it doesn't fare as well at playing the same content
[12:31:46] nayfly: hey is there a way to watch mythtv whilst you're recording something? it seems to block out my capture card input...
[12:32:00] nayfly: like, i'm recording letterman as we speak, but i'd also like to watch it!
[12:32:01] justinh: nayfly: you can watch what you're recording
[12:32:10] nayfly: how so?
[12:32:20] justinh: er.. the 'watch recordings' menu
[12:32:27] justinh: DERR
[12:32:46] nayfly: i've tried that, but it only plays the first 50 seconds of the recording
[12:32:50] blackest: it hides the current recording thou b default doesnt it
[12:32:55] nayfly: and it's been recording for longer than that!
[12:33:08] justinh: does it still think it's recording it?
[12:33:17] justinh: if not, something is very wrong
[12:33:25] nayfly: yes it does
[12:33:30] nayfly: it's bright pink
[12:33:42] justinh: gotta love those default theme colours
[12:34:26] nayfly: mmm... so it's a bit of a mystery why it won't show me the rest...
[12:34:42] nayfly: it says it's still recording if i go into the edit schedule options.
[12:34:44] blackest: check the error logs
[12:34:55] nayfly: it may be because i'm on another frontend eh
[12:35:20] blackest: it shouldnt be a problem
[12:35:43] nayfly: strange.
[12:35:58] blackest: have you got much network traffic
[12:36:22] nayfly: i finally got my myth setup working! MAN it's a monster to set up... especially when you're coming from XP and OS X
[12:36:29] Dibblah: nayfly: NFS caches attributes – Such as file size.
[12:36:57] nayfly: hmm
[12:37:22] Dibblah: If you have a mount which is ONLY used for recordings, you can reduce the attribute caching length with a mount option.
[12:37:24] nayfly: that makes sense
[12:37:39] Dibblah: Easiest way, though, is just to always use streaming, but YMMV.
[12:37:43] justinh: why even mount the recording dir on a remote frontend?
[12:38:01] nayfly: yeh i'm not mounting the remote backend
[12:38:19] Dibblah: In which case, it's streaming.
[12:38:26] Dibblah: Hence the YMMV comment :(
[12:38:27] nayfly: evidently it isn't
[12:38:55] nayfly: perhaps the backend caches the video for remote frontends upon a remote request
[12:39:04] Dibblah: Nope.
[12:39:31] Dibblah: Which Myth version?
[12:39:42] nayfly: i'm using myth on OS X
[12:39:45] nayfly: it's a frontend only
[12:40:07] justinh: directhex|bsp: it does change the buffer amount according to the bitrate
[12:40:08] Dibblah: You may be seeing another symptom of the issue where recording lengths are wrong.
[12:40:26] nayfly: yeh
[12:40:29] directhex|bsp: justdave, which is fucking dense, we left the days of CBR behind years ago
[12:40:33] Dibblah: justinh: Some time ago (<2 months, ISTR) that code was wrong.
[12:40:47] nayfly: i'm sure it'll be fine once the recording finishes, but it'll suck if it keeps doing this
[12:41:04] Dibblah: It had a tendency to bounce around, even on a CishBR recording.
[12:41:11] justinh: and now?
[12:41:26] Dibblah: I have no idea. I haven't had the issue recently, though.
[12:41:30] justinh: why even vary the buffer amount?
[12:41:36] Dibblah: ?
[12:41:41] justinh: you don't need to for recordings
[12:42:04] justinh: and if the bitrate changes by a large amount abruptly... as it often does on freeview recordings...
[12:42:23] Dibblah: It's a readahead buffer, ISTR.
[12:42:28] nayfly: well i haven't changed ANYTHING.... i wouldn't screw with any buffer settings
[12:42:41] justinh: nayfly: not talking to/at you :P
[12:42:58] nayfly: lol ah. sorry :)
[12:43:06] nayfly: twas semi-related
[12:43:09] Dibblah: So is just used to reduce the # of seeks / requests to the BE.
[12:43:11] justinh: Dibblah: yeah – a buffer which can empty faster than expected
[12:43:27] mzb_d800: btw: do not use noac on nfs mounts
[12:43:32] Dibblah: It's dynamically recalculated.
[12:43:44] justinh: yes and not always correctly, is my point
[12:43:50] DustyBin: my internal dvd players can play digital audio on a ripper copied CD, but when i try and play a original disc, there isnt no audio, does this mean my card isnt decoding the DTS track ?
[12:43:51] Dibblah: mzb_d800: It's fine for a remote FE mounting the recordings directory.
[12:44:04] Dibblah: Anything else... There's potential for massive breakage :(
[12:44:35] Dibblah: (Some apps busy / wait and rely on AC to save them)
[12:44:45] mzb_d800: Dibblah: then why do it at all? ;)
[12:44:49] justinh: DustyBin: DTS is for the surround amp
[12:45:15] mzb_d800: see Friday: Session 3 of
[12:45:17] justinh: and if there isn't no audio, there must – by definition, be audio!
[12:45:19] mzb_d800: (50 mins?)
[12:45:21] DustyBin: justinh: yes i got my sound card connected to my surround amp but no sound
[12:45:41] Dibblah: justinh: Pedant. ;)
[12:45:43] justinh: DustyBin: did you check the tickboxes to enable ac3 & DTS passthru?
[12:45:45] DustyBin: justinh: there is audio on a copied / ripped dvd but not when i play a original disc
[12:45:51] DustyBin: ill double check
[12:46:45] DustyBin: excellent
[12:46:50] justinh: anyway I'm not gonna argue the toss over the rights/wrongs of the buffering. if I can fix it I will, by whatever means I have at my disposal
[12:47:16] DustyBin: justinh: i had to turn the other one off
[12:47:20] DustyBin: now it works :D
[12:47:28] mzb_d800: justinh: ah good, so you're knowledge and experience won't be wasted then?
[12:47:34] justinh: you can have both enabled
[12:47:45] mzb_d800: s/you're/your/
[12:47:53] justinh: mzb_d800: wasted? I've wasted 3 years of my fucking life doing lame themes
[12:48:30] mzb_d800: so you're saying that you'll do "core" stuff now rather than paint pretty pictures? ;)
[12:48:43] DustyBin: if you play a original dvd disc, the quality is superb through mythtv
[12:49:09] mzb_d800: (at your convenenience?;)
[12:49:15] at0m|c: logitech harmony 885's for 90eu today at
[12:49:18] ** at0m|c doubts **
[12:49:48] mzb_d800: btw: I don't think most of your downloaders would think that your themes are lame
[12:50:09] DustyBin: this sub woofer kicks ass
[12:50:14] Dibblah: ... Definitely not, even compared to the so-called 'core' themes.
[12:50:26] Dibblah: DustyBin: You need to place it somewhere else.
[12:50:37] mzb_d800: sit on it? ;)
[12:50:39] Dibblah: It's meant to kick air.
[12:50:52] directhex|bsp: and small children
[12:50:59] directhex|bsp: can't go wrong with kicking small children
[12:50:59] mzb_d800: oooh
[12:51:05] Dibblah: And small churches.
[12:51:11] mzb_d800: (unless they're your own)
[12:51:12] Dibblah: Err... Sorry. Wrong sketch.
[12:51:43] mzb_d800: mind you ... I've taught mine the theory of "bouncing" ;)))
[12:52:54] DustyBin: i was judging mythtvs dvd player using a pirated disc, bad idea, the quality looks perfect now im using a original
[12:52:57] mzb_d800: eg: child falls ... "Did you bounce?" ... looks of horror from relatives ... deep breath from child ... then she cracks up
[12:53:14] mzb_d800: not quite the same as kicking, though
[12:53:32] mzb_d800: I guess that's something I should investigate later
[12:53:57] mzb_d800: (I should never have been given a "Dad License" ;)
[12:54:22] justinh: anyway, all you 'lovers' out there be careful. familarity can breed a lot of contempt
[12:55:02] mzb_d800: yeah, I hate warm beer too
[12:56:38] justinh: oh noes! the new pvr won't be able to show me the weather forecast or recipes!
[12:56:44] Dibblah: justinh: How's MediaPortal treating you?
[12:57:04] directhex|bsp: Dibblah, he felt ill & stopped within 2 hours
[12:57:37] justinh: Dibblah: gone. lasted 3 hours. took an hour or so to get worky, then fed it lots of recording. it hard locked the machine. I rebooted it & then the tuner drivers were broken all of a sudden. gave it up
[12:57:41] mzb_d800: eyes must be glazing over by now ;)
[12:58:12] mzb_d800: justinh: this is your new pvr?
[12:58:18] lsobral (lsobral!n=sobral@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:58:22] Dibblah: Hmm. Don't really know any other (SW) alternatives.
[12:58:23] mzb_d800: dm
[12:58:30] justinh: no. the new one is a 'proper' one
[12:58:35] mzb_d800: ok
[12:58:40] Dibblah: How about rewriting Myth in 1000 lines of perl?
[12:59:11] mzb_d800: only alternatives I've been able to see hear are eithe Topview or DViCO
[12:59:16] mzb_d800: *either
[12:59:21] mzb_d800: *here
[12:59:24] mzb_d800: *sigh*
[12:59:37] mzb_d800: .
[13:00:00] mzb_d800: (warm white wine is the culprit ... not MY fault!!)
[13:00:22] Dibblah: Mmmm... Warm whine.
[13:00:49] justinh: the only good warm wine is that Bavarian stuff
[13:01:01] at0m|c: gluhwein
[13:01:07] mzb_d800: I wish
[13:02:08] directhex|bsp: Dibblah, port myth to!
[13:02:19] mzb_d800: Chateau Cardboard atm
[13:03:26] mzb_d800: hmm ... smaller glass might make sense ;)
[13:03:49] mzb_d800: esp. with this heat
[13:03:56] justinh: drinking it out of the box is just uncouth & best left to studinks
[13:04:31] czth__ (czth__!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-6bf08469c5fcb2d5) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:04:32] mzb_d800: long time since I've been strong enough to lift a whole cask that high ;)
[13:04:41] directhex|bsp: box of wine plus straw.
[13:04:48] mzb_d800: (and my walking frame gets in the way;)
[13:05:09] justinh: I've got the grumpy. now I just need to wait & get old
[13:05:21] mzb_d800: (or I get drips on the wheelchair joystick;)
[13:05:51] mzb_d800: justinh: no hopes of becoming a "nice old man"?
[13:05:53] justinh: hope I don't do a Rod Hull putting a dish up in the summer
[13:06:10] justinh: be wary of the 'nice old man' he always wants something
[13:06:23] mzb_d800: hmm
[13:06:52] mzb_d800: depends on individual judgement I guess
[13:07:19] mzb_d800: *that* version of nice isn't nice to me ... just creepy ;)
[13:07:28] directhex|bsp: . . . yHerbert.jpg
[13:07:35] justinh: hahahaha
[13:07:44] nayfly: what would you guys recommend as a straight-forward video encoder to export videos from myth?
[13:07:53] justinh: I'm more of a Stewie than a Herbert IMHO
[13:08:03] mzb_d800: heh
[13:08:09] justinh: nayfly: ffmpeg commandline
[13:08:15] mzb_d800: lol
[13:08:22] nayfly: k cool.
[13:08:23] mzb_d800: oh dear ... I can't compute either image
[13:08:33] nayfly: thanks justinh
[13:09:04] mzb_d800: I'd be the grim reaper (in the same context) ... forget the name of the episode
[13:09:07] justinh: might see if is available
[13:09:16] nayfly (nayfly!n=nayfly@ has quit ()
[13:12:51] directhex|bsp: justinh, i see you as more of a tom tucker
[13:13:23] justinh: thanks Diane
[13:14:22] justinh: but I don't have a kid with an upside down face :(
[13:14:30] justinh: oh wait.. that's me, smiling :P
[13:14:58] directhex|bsp: time to grow an epic tash, justinh!
[13:15:16] justinh: not sure I could, tbh
[13:15:24] directhex|bsp: we now go live to diane being a bitch! diane?
[13:15:35] DustyBin: justinh: instead of making a vga > scart cable, would this little device do the job: . . . er/KST1.html
[13:16:09] justinh: I'll be honest & say I CBA to look but IIRC it's going the wrong way. ie. from SCART to VGA monitor
[13:16:31] stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:16:50] DustyBin: "Output Your PC signal to a TV as RGB using Powerstrip or similar software (note-an appropriate graphics card is required)"
[13:17:03] DustyBin: i bet the card is ATI
[13:17:29] directhex|bsp: i am so very glad i don't have to deal with that crap
[13:17:56] davilla (davilla! has quit ("Leaving")
[13:18:04] justinh: £50 and not even a PSU? they can get bent
[13:18:08] ma9mwah|c2d (ma9mwah|c2d! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:20:01] DustyBin: justinh: its probably for only ATI cards too
[13:20:09] DustyBin: ive already ordered my bits anyway so it doesnt matter
[13:20:35] czth_ (czth_!n=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-ee4e332183eaec83) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:26:10] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:27:31] justinh: another difference I'll no doubt see eventually is the electricity bill
[13:29:14] ma9mwah|tired (ma9mwah|tired! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:30:08] justinh: backend is costing me £8 a month
[13:33:46] saxin (saxin! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:43:05] blackest: Dusybin wouldnt you be better off getting a different graphics card
[13:43:50] justinh: oo are there any nvidia cards with RGB SCART output?
[13:44:24] blackest: well you could try an xbox
[13:45:11] blackest: that would do rgb i think
[13:50:51] blackest: does the mediamvp work with myth these days
[13:57:04] DustyBin: blackest: the only cards to use are nvidia or intel, otherwise one wont have Xv
[13:57:18] DustyBin: (whatever that is hehe)
[13:58:20] jimbalaya (jimbalaya! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:58:24] DustyBin: i think its something to do with scaling?
[14:01:04] blackest: yeah thsts that video overlay thing without which your stuffed
[14:01:32] blackest: where abouts are you DustyBin ?
[14:02:22] blackest: I do have a solution but it might be too much for you
[14:02:59] DustyBin: Im UK based
[14:03:03] DustyBin: London
[14:03:17] blackest: see the Tm9100s is a satellite box which can record it also plays back its got ethernet too
[14:03:32] blackest: and can use vlc both directions
[14:04:09] DustyBin: so you can pump nvidia VGA into it and it will output RGB scart?
[14:04:22] blackest: so in theory you could use it as a front end for the stuff you have on your mythtv system
[14:04:49] DustyBin: the reason why i want to use RGB SCART is because S-Video looks terrible on my TV
[14:05:02] DustyBin: no other reason
[14:05:19] DustyBin: my small 15" CRT looks fine with S-Video, but my 24" widescreen CRT looks bad
[14:05:33] DustyBin: lots of reds and oranges with waves / fuzzyness
[14:05:38] blackest: it outputs as scart or component and s-video
[14:06:18] DustyBin: ATI and Nvidia require different circuits, detailed here:
[14:06:48] DustyBin: ive ordered some resistors and a transistor from ebay, im going to try and make the cable myself..
[14:07:10] justinh: just been told a tale of Maplin here. guy at the component counter conversing with a sales droid. takes his car PSU adapter to bits to check the fuse. droid pulls out the DVM. reads the fuse rating. 10 amps. sets the meter to amps. nothing. sets the meter to volts. nothing. Fuse is dead, mate !
[14:07:47] xand: mmkay
[14:08:24] DustyBin: Pepsi max2k <--- im sure ive seen this guy here before
[14:08:24] blackest: from that wiki page If you happen to live in the UK, I'll also have a spare one made up within a couple weeks which I'll send you for cost price + postage (only a few £ max), so don't worry if you can't solder owt, although mine aren't exactly works of art...
[14:08:38] DustyBin: yep
[14:08:52] blackest: he's got to be from the north :)
[14:08:54] DustyBin: Pesimax2k is the guy i need to get in touch with
[14:09:17] Newbuntu2 (Newbuntu2! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:09:23] mick_laptop: morning
[14:09:26] justinh: have to say I'd be worried if I put a DVM across a lone fuse & saw 250V, personally. wtf do they have those people working in electronics shops?
[14:09:40] DustyBin: lol
[14:10:04] justinh: DustyBin: why the need to get in touch? it's plain as day
[14:10:27] DustyBin: justinh: i havent soldered anything for ages
[14:10:45] justinh: so buy more than you need & practice
[14:11:08] justinh: you're not realistically gonna break anything
[14:11:14] DustyBin: justinh: i thought the quality might be better if i buy a professionally made one
[14:11:31] justinh: wouldn't bank on it
[14:12:03] DustyBin: well ive ordered the bits, have a multi-meter, soldering iron, a spare scart cable i can break and a spare vga > vga cable i can break
[14:12:09] justinh: my s100 boxes can do RGB out. very spiffy. pity about the 733Mhz Celery though
[14:13:17] DustyBin: never heard of a s100
[14:13:31] DustyBin: lots of items are called s100 according to google
[14:13:36] blackest: I'm tempted to do the ati cable i've got a 9200se in a box downstairs and the vga port is connected via a 10 pin header
[14:13:48] revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:13:56] justinh: . . . nlineQ20s100
[14:14:40] DustyBin: justinh: dont tell me you've installed the front end on one of those
[14:14:47] blackest: as my card is currently in a half height slot the vga cable isn't accessable
[14:14:52] justinh: in the past I have yeah
[14:14:55] DustyBin: hehe
[14:15:10] DustyBin: blackest: wouldnt it be wise to get a nvidia card so you have some scaling
[14:15:14] justinh: demoed it at LRL06
[14:16:01] directhex|bsp: justinh, xboxen are okay with a 733 celery
[14:16:11] directhex|bsp: justinh, the xbox is certainly spiffier than a 1ghz epia...
[14:16:17] justinh: directhex|bsp: they make a _passable_ frontend
[14:16:31] blackest: 1 t is 1 tag isnt it
[14:16:31] directhex|bsp: justinh, well, sub-optimal for myth. i meant generally
[14:16:51] directhex|bsp: justinh, i can play my dvd rips. or recording files
[14:16:54] justinh: 128MB means I couldn't use any of my ex-themes
[14:17:07] blackest: its mainly a quiet backend box
[14:18:37] DustyBin: a lot of those themes from .20 should be dropped IMO
[14:18:50] justinh: DustyBin: they won't be
[14:18:52] DustyBin: keep retro though :D
[14:19:13] justinh: retro is a menmu reskin, not a theme
[14:19:31] DustyBin: aye ok
[14:19:53] DustyBin: once .21 is released ill try some new widescreen ones
[14:20:20] justinh: what new widescreen ones?
[14:20:25] GreyFoxx: Ok, I don't remember, do we still have to enable something for AAC support in svn when compiling ?
[14:20:42] DustyBin: project graham
[14:20:50] justinh: DustyBin: won't work with 0.21
[14:20:55] DustyBin: :(
[14:21:27] blackest: bluutube :)
[14:21:30] DustyBin: GreyFoxx: i believe you do
[14:21:35] justinh: DustyBin: won't work with 0.21
[14:21:43] justinh: blackest: won't work with 0.21
[14:22:02] justinh: a pattern is emerging
[14:22:03] DustyBin: justinh: that means none of the original .20 themes will work with .21 ?
[14:22:09] GreyFoxx: I'm experimenting with encoding my stuff to H264/AAC so I need to make sure it works
[14:22:15] blackest: do the keybindings come with the theme ?
[14:22:22] justinh: core ones will, as will any where the developer updates em
[14:22:33] GreyFoxx: justinh: Ever see this under mythcenter-wide ?
[14:22:33] justinh: blackest: no
[14:22:57] blackest: ok any way got to return to work see ya's
[14:23:00] justinh: GreyFoxx: nope
[14:23:09] DustyBin: this theme looks nice
[14:23:09] justinh: missing font?
[14:23:10] DustyBin:
[14:23:20] justinh: that'll work
[14:24:33] justinh: never been a fan of non-vertical menus myself though. somebody else can turn into the chief theme churner-outer
[14:24:59] DustyBin: i prefer verticle menus too
[14:25:17] directhex|bsp: i like spinning menus that whizz around the screen. WHIZZZZZZZZZZ!
[14:25:27] DustyBin: me too
[14:25:39] DustyBin: MCE kicks ass for that
[14:25:43] DustyBin: and Apple TV
[14:25:57] directhex|bsp: i was being ironical!
[14:26:02] DustyBin: i know :P
[14:26:42] DustyBin: if one takes the apple tv + MCE menu system and the mythtv engine, one has a perfect setup :D
[14:26:51] justinh: :-\
[14:27:19] justinh: I used MCE for the 2nd time the other week. words cannot adequately describe how bad its UI sucks
[14:27:45] DustyBin: maybe it looks better than it operates
[14:27:47] directhex|bsp: DustyBin, you missed one
[14:27:48] justinh: that cross menu effort stinks of poo
[14:27:56] directhex|bsp: DustyBin, EVERYTHING is improved with bacon
[14:28:04] DustyBin: ?
[14:28:06] directhex|bsp: <DustyBin> if one takes the apple tv + MCE menu system and the mythtv engine, one has a perfect setup :D <-- ADD BACON
[14:28:20] Vaelys: racist.
[14:28:21] DustyBin: what is BACON ?
[14:28:28] Vaelys: pig meat
[14:28:31] DustyBin: lol
[14:28:37] directhex|bsp: DustyBin, IT'S MADE FROM PIG, TRY IT WITH ONION RINGS
[14:28:44] DustyBin: o_0
[14:28:52] justinh: that's just sick
[14:30:51] at0m|c: hi, been searching for what lirc module to compile for ma-620. there's some reports that it should work, but does someone know what lirc driver module an ma-620 needs?
[14:35:50] justinh: well, time to go & enjoy my new STB
[14:35:52] justinh (justinh! has quit ()
[14:38:32] grim[GameOp]_ (grim[GameOp]_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:46:03] ** DustyBin finishes bacon sandwich **
[14:47:22] gardz (gardz! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:51:09] ** mzb_d800 searches cupboards for remnants of anything bacon-related or flavoured **
[14:53:51] Dagmar: Let's hope his pantry doesn't include Beggin' Bits
[14:54:13] Dagmar: ...and if it does that he just keeps whatever he does with the dog treats to himself.
[14:55:00] ** mzb_d800 finds generic "Barbecue Snax" and dreams about crunchy pig meat **
[14:55:35] mzb_d800: ah ... dog treats ... didn't think of those
[14:55:46] ** Dagmar doesn't _want_ to think of those. **
[14:55:51] mzb_d800: ... nah, I suspect they've been hidden ;)
[14:55:52] Dagmar: NOT PPL FUD K?
[14:56:04] ** Dagmar flashes a picture of a puppy **
[14:56:14] mzb_d800: ah my eyes!
[15:00:08] mzb_d800: well, I reckon it took me about 4 months to get my ancient crap to play video (well), and it's taken another 2 months to iron out the other annoying problems (signal strength, NFS shares, time issues, etc). Hopefully now the major problem with the whole system will revolve around running out of hard drive space ;)
[15:00:50] Dagmar: Just so long as /var NEVER FILLS
[15:01:07] mzb_d800: ie: now that the g/f has started recording her own shows
[15:01:11] mzb_d800: heh
[15:01:16] Dagmar: If the place where your mysql databases live gets full, think of a picture of the San Francisco fires of the early 1900's
[15:01:21] mzb_d800: Dagmar: more complicated than that
[15:01:36] mzb_d800: db lives on it's own host
[15:01:45] mzb_d800: (xen vm)
[15:02:05] mzb_d800: master backend is it's own (tunerless host) ... another xen vm
[15:02:50] mzb_d800: dual tuner BE is the main FE (until next week ... big au$17 upgrade arriving;)
[15:03:01] Newbuntu2 (Newbuntu2! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:03:40] mzb_d800: second FE is almost faultless (apart from previously mentioned NFS+time issues which should now be fixed)
[15:04:10] mzb_d800: all machines are silent ... *cough* ... from the point of view that they're mounted under the floor :)
[15:04:22] mzb_d800: all very good for < $100
[15:05:02] mzb_d800: hopefully that means that g/f will be happy to allocate more $ for either drives or blank DVD's
[15:05:20] mzb_d800: (or a lesson in what to keep and what to auto-expire;)
[15:06:17] mzb_d800: I'm mostly celebrating because bandwidth graphs are now almost solid
[15:06:45] mzb_d800: which tends to indicate everything is working well
[15:08:17] patdk-lap: heh? is it possible to run a tunerless master backend? every documentation says you can't
[15:09:40] jams: patdk-lap- yes it works, however it's not advised to setup a slave backend with a tuner.
[15:09:41] mzb_d800: I'm doing it
[15:10:08] mzb_d800: I have backends on all the machines
[15:10:09] iamlindoro_ (iamlindoro_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:10:21] mzb_d800: mostly because I moved my tuners around a bit
[15:10:40] mzb_d800: so now ... the MBE doesn't have any tuners (xen issue)
[15:10:52] Dagmar: So make a fake one
[15:10:53] mzb_d800: and only SBE's have them
[15:11:04] iamlindoro_ (iamlindoro_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:11:12] mzb_d800: fake what?
[15:11:26] Dagmar: A fake tuner
[15:11:35] mzb_d800: no need to
[15:11:36] GreyFoxx: You can setup dummy tuners which use video files/mpeg2 files as "content"
[15:11:52] Dagmar: If it's really requirign _a_ tuner, then put in a fake one, and dont' assign any channels to it
[15:12:01] Dagmar: If it's never used, the backend isn't likely to notice
[15:12:37] Dagmar: systemloc: I don't think those versions _had_ an icon cache
[15:12:50] patdk-lap: I'm just finishing up the second part of importing all my replaytv videos into myth
[15:12:51] mzb_d800: I initially setup the MBE with tuners, but then saw the error of my ways, removed them, flushed the card-related tables (again), and set them up elsewhere
[15:13:04] patdk-lap: running commflag on them to fill the recordedseek table
[15:13:05] mzb_d800: no problems to speak of
[15:13:22] Agrajag- (Agrajag-! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:14:48] GreyFoxx: hmmmmm
[15:15:01] ** GreyFoxx ponders a screensaver/gallery mode in the frontend **
[15:15:25] mzb_d800: oohh ... menalto gallery? :)))
[15:15:42] GreyFoxx: point it at a dir of pictures and after X amount of idle time bring up sliding/fading/whatever slideshow of them
[15:16:00] GreyFoxx: mzb: I have no idea what that is
[15:16:03] ** GreyFoxx googles **
[15:16:18] TelnetManta (TelnetManta!n=benwilli@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:16:24] jams: GreyFoxx- require mythgallery to be installed?
[15:16:28] mzb_d800:
[15:16:48] praet^ (praet^! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:16:48] mzb_d800: I wrote a silly bash script to convert g2 galleries to DVD
[15:16:54] GreyFoxx: jams hmmmmmm I suppose it could just be a part of mythgallery if it's installed
[15:17:02] mzb_d800: (dvd-baker)
[15:17:07] GreyFoxx: since mythgallery alreayd has the effects and such
[15:17:30] jams: thats what i was thinking, maybe a MFE setting but use mythgallery
[15:17:35] GreyFoxx: I want Uyeah
[15:18:02] mzb_d800: the major problem is the effects, rather than the method of getting the pics ... so if mythgallery already handles that (nicely) all is sweet
[15:18:54] GreyFoxx: I want to have the "screensave" move through a directory of specific photos I have... fading/sliding/whqtever them in and out
[15:19:15] GreyFoxx: shouldn't be too hard to make mythgallery do that
[15:19:26] GreyFoxx: and add a jumppoint to call it and have the FE call the jumppoint
[15:19:42] mzb_d800: I'd like to be able to pull shots off my g2 gallery: eg: . . . Id=1942&
[15:19:59] mzb_d800: all mysql db driven ... so custom queries would be cool
[15:20:25] mzb_d800: (that gallery is embedded by the way, in wordpress)
[15:20:28] GreyFoxx: well, you could just have a shellscript that pulls the pics on it's own and places them in the agreed on location
[15:20:48] mzb_d800: totally
[15:21:56] mzb_d800: but the problem with that method would be that not all the pics would be there (most likely) when the slideshow starts
[15:22:12] GreyFoxx: that easy
[15:22:16] mzb_d800: (13000 pics might be a bit much;)
[15:22:22] GreyFoxx: when the cycle of all pics finishes, it could reread the list of them
[15:22:31] GreyFoxx: so newly added/removed ones will be taken into account
[15:22:31] mzb_d800: hmm .. no
[15:23:13] GreyFoxx: besides, remember I'm talking about writing this for my uses :)
[15:23:47] tarbo_ is now known as tarbo
[15:23:49] GreyFoxx: I would never want it to go through all of my photos, but that would be user decided by the user choosing what directory(and subdirs) to search for photos
[15:23:54] mzb_d800: hmm ... ok ... want to haggle over it with me for a while until we get something we both like? :)
[15:24:04] GreyFoxx: not really no :)
[15:24:10] mzb_d800: ok
[15:24:27] mzb_d800: I was only going to suggest a playlist kept in a db table
[15:24:36] GreyFoxx: nah, way too complicated
[15:25:00] GreyFoxx: "look here for files, if there are some show em, when finished check for updates , rinse and repeat"
[15:25:32] GreyFoxx: and you could either point to a subdir with photos, a top dir with lots below, or a dir with symlinks , etc etc
[15:25:39] GreyFoxx: it'll show what it finds
[15:25:56] ** jams watches yet more snowfall **
[15:25:57] GreyFoxx: could be neat to extend it to play videos as a slideshow too
[15:26:02] mzb_d800: in which case a script could download items in real time, while the screenshow is playing, and insert new items into the "playlist" at it's leisure ... the only requirement being that the "screenshow" app reads it's next image from the db
[15:26:33] mzb_d800: your approach doesn't suit g2
[15:26:38] directhex|bsp: i've got a better idea
[15:26:50] GreyFoxx: mzb: I don't use g2 so I'm not too worried baout that :)
[15:26:51] directhex|bsp: remove the suck from myth's video buffering behaviour
[15:26:54] praet (praet! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:27:17] jams: GreyFoxx- mind if i use .21 with screenshots enabled for the release of mythvantage?
[15:27:24] GreyFoxx: jams: I don't mind
[15:27:29] jams: cool
[15:27:44] GreyFoxx: I'm not sure why xris has troubles with it really, works perfectly for me
[15:28:06] jams: when .21 is released i will finally take off the account requirement to download the iso.
[15:28:12] GreyFoxx: heh
[15:28:12] mzb_d800: GreyFoxx: ok ... if it's even vaguely possibly that you can divorce your directory-centric methodology from the slideshow functionality I'll be happy to add the g2 section myself
[15:28:30] mzb_d800: s/possibly/possible
[15:28:38] jams: GreyFoxx- he seems to have all sorts of troubles like that
[15:28:45] GreyFoxx: jams: yeah
[15:28:58] GreyFoxx: though I had a firewire recording glitch myself lsat night
[15:29:09] GreyFoxx: restarted mythbackend and it started the recording again and worked fine
[15:29:41] jams: firewire seems to be odd for everybody at times
[15:29:42] GreyFoxx: I've got a list of like 15 things, mostlty video playback related I want to work on soon for 0.22
[15:30:05] jams: and one dvd changer related item =)
[15:30:05] GreyFoxx: I've got several test videos for glitches I have run into
[15:30:13] GreyFoxx: jams: I want that more than ever now
[15:30:33] GreyFoxx: offline mythvideo support, be it stored on disk or external changer
[15:30:58] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:31:28] directhex|bsp: dynamic buffer behaviour is broken
[15:32:23] GreyFoxx: I didn't realize we had dynamic buffer sizes ? But I have seen patches recently to allow you to define the size of the buffers used for recording and such
[15:32:36] GreyFoxx: not sure if it's gone in or not
[15:33:05] jams: yeah there is a dynamic buffer, it causes prebuffering pauses sometimes when screens switch from light to dark
[15:33:10] GreyFoxx: ahhh
[15:33:12] GreyFoxx: ok
[15:33:21] jams: ask stuarta about it
[15:33:21] directhex|bsp: justinh is quite possibly dropping myth because of it
[15:34:01] GreyFoxx: Are there sample videos anywhere to reproduce it or does it work for one person and not the next ?
[15:34:05] directhex|bsp: the dynamic buffer breaks on anything where the bitrate isn't pretty much constant
[15:34:14] directhex|bsp: the channel 'virgin 1' is a culprit
[15:34:38] jams: GreyFoxx- it's my understanding that it works for one person but not the next.
[15:34:49] GreyFoxx: jams: joy, the best ones to trac down
[15:35:02] mzb_d800: I get the impression that poor signal doesn't help the issue
[15:35:31] directhex|bsp: mzb_d800, it doesn't, but it's an issue with *recordings*, which everything else plays flawlessly (mplayer, vlc, xine, ffplay, etc)
[15:35:31] GreyFoxx: I'm hoping the current amount of fixes and coding going on doesn't slow down :)
[15:36:10] jams: from the look of it .21.1 is going to be fairly stable
[15:36:39] jams: all that valgrinding being done can only result in goodness.
[15:36:55] patdk-lap: I've just come back to myth last week
[15:37:09] patdk-lap: last time I used it was version .12
[15:37:14] mzb_d800: directhex|bsp: my point being it's hard to tell from user reports if it really is a buffer issue *because* of possible problems with signal strength
[15:37:29] mzb_d800: (as if there aren't other issues that have more bearing;)
[15:37:58] directhex|bsp: mzb_d800, yes, it's a buffer issue. the behaviour is entirely different, and again, the issue manifests with *recordings* where *only mythtv sucks on playback*
[15:38:14] GreyFoxx: Right now my biggest concern is why my mp4 files wont play :)
[15:38:25] mzb_d800: s/user reports/individual user reports/
[15:38:38] directhex|bsp: GreyFoxx, in myth?
[15:39:12] GreyFoxx: yeah, some H264/AAC mp4 encodings I did, wont play in myth. It bitches about buffering over and over and finally halts :)
[15:39:44] directhex|bsp: mythtv in 'borken buffer' shocker. i get something similar with my BE/FE – whilst my FE is fine on the same files
[15:39:47] GreyFoxx: could be related for all I know
[15:40:02] directhex|bsp: i *think* it's playing with internal not mplayer, i ought to check
[15:40:04] GreyFoxx: 2008-02–18 11:35:41.196 Stream #0.1(eng), 65036971/48000: Data: text / 0x74786574
[15:40:20] GreyFoxx: looks like in my case we are misid'ing my video stream
[15:40:34] mzb_d800: I've seen a lot of questions + complaints where some have jumped in declaring that it's a buffer issue, but without the evidence to support it. GreyFoxx's question above was re: "are there sample videos ...." .... hence my response ... there's a lot of "blame it on buffers" atm
[15:40:55] mzb_d800: without checking other more obvious symptoms first
[15:41:03] mzb_d800: (or causes)
[15:41:14] revilootneg (revilootneg!n=oliver@ has quit ("leaving")
[15:41:28] directhex|bsp: mzb_d800, no, you were doing a handwavey "it's your tv reception, who cares if other apps are fine"
[15:42:01] mzb_d800: I'm not saying there's not a buffer issue
[15:42:14] patdk-lap: how about we just wait for mythtv 1.0?
[15:42:20] mzb_d800: directhex|bsp: I think you are mistaking me with someone else
[15:46:29] directhex|bsp: take as an example where it happens with *dvd*
[15:47:29] ** mzb_d800 waves at directhex|bsp **
[15:47:36] ** mzb_d800 pulls up his sleeves to show the crowd his bare arms **
[15:47:44] ** mzb_d800 pulls a dead penguin out of directhex|bsp's butt **
[15:47:49] mzb_d800: want me to do more handwavey? :))
[15:48:00] patdk-lap: mzb_d800, grow some hair :)
[15:48:05] GreyFoxx: hmmmm my instance of ffmpeg/ffplay svn is older than our ffmpeg sync and it can play the files
[15:48:18] GreyFoxx: show I should be able to get this properly id'd under myth
[15:48:22] mzb_d800: had to shave it off ... was making it hard to see ;)
[15:48:30] directhex|bsp: GreyFoxx, that's been my experience too
[15:48:38] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:48:51] directhex|bsp: GreyFoxx, not the IDing thing, the "fine with neolithinc ffplay" thing
[15:48:52] mzb_d800: but then ... don't have to do that now ... it falls out by it's self ;)
[15:50:23] patdk-lap: guess I should get the new 6tb server started up, so I can copy my videos over and reformat
[15:51:48] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:54:04] jamesd: patdk-lap, don't forget to budget for 10gigE or you will spend days moving and/or backing up your files
[15:56:07] Dagmar: About on par with the cost of anotehr 6Tb server.  :)
[15:56:48] Dagmar: Someone's telling me this might be of interest...
[15:57:02] Dagmar: He's going to try to use that as a uPnP browser for MythTV.
[15:57:04] Dagmar: hehe
[15:57:10] Dagmar: I'm not sure how well that's going to work
[15:57:30] GreyFoxx: hmm wonder if they ship to canada now
[15:58:04] GreyFoxx: nope
[15:58:11] Dagmar: I don't know if a _photo frame_ is going to even be able to playback a video
[15:58:19] Dagmar: I have serious doubts.
[15:58:25] GreyFoxx: not bloody likely :)
[15:59:55] Dagmar: "Insignia virus not included" LOL
[16:01:30] jamesd: i wish they would start making some small cheap lcd screens... no photo frames but monitors.. should be cheaper than a photo frame... $75 for a 8–10" monitor would be cool... watch videos control the house and mythtv would be cool, but i don't want to pay $150 for a 15" monitor...
[16:06:21] PatrickDK (PatrickDK! has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:08:38] quicksilver: Dagmar: some "photo frames" are mp4 players, afaik
[16:08:51] quicksilver: Dagmar: i've seen them running in shops
[16:09:00] Dagmar: I never assume these things support anything beyond what they say explicitly they do
[16:09:17] Dagmar: this one only mentions still formats and music
[16:09:18] directhex|bsp: Dagmar, dangerous assumption
[16:09:32] directhex|bsp: Dagmar, they rarely fully support what they DO say they di
[16:09:33] directhex|bsp: do
[16:09:34] Dagmar: What? Assuming that the things do what they say they can?
[16:09:37] quicksilver: e.g. . . . ith-MP4,,153
[16:09:52] quicksilver: not that I have any personal experience with that frame
[16:10:20] directhex|bsp: mp4 is such an abused term
[16:15:14] rinaldi_: hi my mythtv frontend over a wireless connection is really choppy when watching live tv, usually when it goes out of within a few meters of my wireless router. is there any way of changing the bitrate that the backend outputs? the frontend is on a smallish screen high quality isn't really needed.
[16:17:33] metusine (metusine! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:17:35] directhex|bsp: rinaldi_, bitrate is rarely the problem
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[16:18:30] rinaldi_: directhex|bsp: well what would you suggest?
[16:19:13] directhex|bsp: rinaldi_, magic wireless into being reliable & assured, rather than for surfing the web
[16:20:01] jamesd: wireless is for laptops... anything that is going to sit in the same place for more than a day, needs wired networking.
[16:21:04] jams: any mythdora users about?
[16:21:21] rinaldi_: yeh well mines a laptop and needs wireless because it is moved around the house a lot,
[16:21:39] rinaldi_: directhex|bsp: how would i do that?
[16:22:30] directhex|bsp: a magic wand is a good start
[16:23:10] rinaldi_: wow thanks il go get one
[16:24:32] armbar (armbar! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:24:38] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:24:43] justinh: surprise!
[16:25:25] armbar: hello, working with nuvexport-xvid and after mythtranscode finishes I get this
[16:25:28] armbar: mythtranscode died early.Please use the --debug option to figure out what went wrong.
[16:25:46] robbins61: justinh, anything new come about with the IMDB problem from yesterday?
[16:25:53] directhex|bsp: it's justinh!
[16:25:56] justinh: robbins61: nope
[16:25:58] xris (xris! has quit ()
[16:26:02] directhex|bsp: take a buffer and move to the back of the queue
[16:26:05] armbar: nuvexport-xvid does not take a --debug option
[16:26:31] armbar: not sure how mythtranscode is being called
[16:26:39] justinh: directhex|bsp: the truth is out there. the problem is trying to get anybody to believe you
[16:26:58] directhex|bsp: justinh, how's the stb? humax, is it>?
[16:27:15] justinh: yeah. steaming PoS
[16:27:52] directhex|bsp: justinh, as good as it gets!
[16:28:49] robbins61: justinh, that makes me sad.
[16:29:12] GreyFoxx: getting someone to believe you about what ?
[16:30:37] rinaldi_ (rinaldi_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[16:32:06] directhex|bsp: GreyFoxx, buffering issues in myth
[16:32:20] GreyFoxx: It's not about delieve
[16:32:23] GreyFoxx: belief
[16:32:30] GreyFoxx: It's about reproducing the problem
[16:32:50] GreyFoxx: if you have a video I can use or a method I can use then I'd be all over it
[16:33:25] Newbuntu2 (Newbuntu2!n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:33:30] GreyFoxx: I've narrowed down my mp4 problem in the avcodec libs because I can reproduce it every time
[16:34:04] directhex|bsp: GreyFoxx, do your mp4 files start playing at all?
[16:34:22] justinh: best way would be to send a dvd with the whole file
[16:34:33] justinh: haven't got time to upload 2GB worth
[16:34:34] GreyFoxx: yes, but these particular ones for some reason the avformat libraries are stripping out that video stream
[16:34:41] GreyFoxx: 2008-02–18 12:25:05.350 av_remove_stream 0x1
[16:35:13] GreyFoxx: so now I need to find out why that's being called :)
[16:35:45] Mixx (Mixx! has quit ("and he can gnash and grind his teeth / and compose spells - kingadroc")
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[16:38:42] GreyFoxx: justinh: Do you have a file that does it a lot? or early on in the file ?
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[16:41:08] justinh: most recordings from Virgin1, almost always The Simpsons, as it goes into & comes out of ad breaks
[16:41:37] justinh: suspect it's buffer over/undershoot caused by sudden bitrate changes
[16:43:05] justinh: symptoms are just like those described in the recent dvd playback ticket
[16:43:05] GreyFoxx: could be could be
[16:43:54] justinh: can't reproduce it since I defragged but other players weren't exhibiting the problem. it's such a minor niggle but it's been adding up & adding up
[16:44:08] directhex|bsp: does it happen on your humax?
[16:44:10] directhex|bsp: :p
[16:44:28] GreyFoxx: justinh: majorly fragmented fs?
[16:44:58] justinh: it was very majorly fragmented
[16:45:45] justinh: directhex|bsp: that thing doesn't even stand a chance of having a fair crack. I already hate its guts
[16:46:21] directhex|bsp: justinh, it's top of the range. spoken without irony. humax are leaders of twin-tuner dvb-t boxes
[16:46:42] armbar: user defined jobs can be command1; command2; command3 ?
[16:47:02] directhex|bsp: them and topfield
[16:47:11] tarbo (tarbo!n=tarbo@unaffiliated/tarbo) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:47:33] justinh: I figured the 'toppy' wouldn't be much cop if folks saw fit to hack the tv_grab_uk_rt data into it
[16:47:54] directhex|bsp: it's as good as it gets! \o/
[16:47:57] directhex|bsp: anyway, i'm off
[16:48:03] justinh: effinelle
[16:48:13] justinh: oh, the despair
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[17:18:17] justinh: blimmin bazza. this humax effort kicks the slightly annoying playback glitches neatly into a hat, and then some. have to make a killer case for the defense tonight
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[17:19:20] justinh: well, when I say that I mean mythtv despite its frequently minor foibles, neatly whacks the living crap out of the 'best' standalone freeview pvr. and that's without taking extra features into account
[17:19:46] justinh: I think this humax box is going to develop a nasty fault tonight
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[17:27:11] Guyfromhe: it has minor foibles?
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[17:30:52] justinh: the humax pvr? more than minor. it's a pile of stinking poo with a sluggish ugly UI. I just hope SWMBO agrees
[17:31:59] Dagmar: lol
[17:32:13] Dagmar: I'm rather sure you'll be coming back to Myth soon
[17:32:22] saxin (saxin! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:32:53] justinh: don't get me wrong. the backend is still running. nothing has been dismantled
[17:33:37] justinh: and frankly I don't want anybody to care if the project 'loses' a whiny user – it hasn't before & shouldn't start now no matter who they think they are
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[17:37:35] tracer903: will the smk usb blaster work with mythtv and model 322 dishnetwork box
[17:38:28] Anduin: tracer903: It is usually an lirc question
[17:38:58] tracer903: ok
[17:39:15] justinh: smk? you mean the one which comes with a PVR card?
[17:39:32] Anduin: It is, the USB one that comes with some 150s
[17:39:44] tracer903: yes
[17:39:47] justinh: . . . atellite.htm – that dish box is in the list of supported codes
[17:39:58] justinh: you just need to tell lirc which codeset to send
[17:40:03] Anduin: My lirc_mce2 remote blaster "works" if I tried to use it.
[17:41:19] tracer903: well, I've been looking for doc's, I guess i don't know what I'm looking for
[17:41:42] justinh: doc's what?
[17:41:45] justinh: and who is doc?
[17:41:47] robbins61: Anduin, what can i do to help out with the IMDB issue?
[17:41:51] tracer903: documentaion
[17:42:00] Anduin: robbins61: write your congress critter
[17:42:07] justinh: oh _docs_
[17:42:08] robbins61: that's all?
[17:42:14] Anduin: robbins61: I have an e-mail out to theme to get us permission like Freevo.
[17:42:43] Anduin: Since I can find nothing that says we ever had permission.
[17:42:44] ma9mwah|c2d (ma9mwah|c2d! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:42:47] PF4[offline] is now known as PF4
[17:43:17] robbins61: Anduin, the problem is that IMDB blocked us?
[17:43:33] justinh: robbins61: blocked certain user agents
[17:43:38] Anduin: robbins61: If you change and remove LWP::Simple (and replace it with UserAgent) it will work as well.
[17:43:54] robbins61: Anduin, that's in
[17:44:14] Anduin: robbins61: Well I don't know we were specifically targeted, but yes they now block anyone using LWP::Simple.
[17:44:41] robbins61: so i change LWP::Simple to LWP::UserAgent ?
[17:44:42] Anduin: (They do not block the other very common perl mechanism though)
[17:44:45] robbins61: or just UserAgent
[17:44:55] Anduin: robbins61: Well it isn't quite that simple, but yes.
[17:45:05] robbins61: oh, i thought it was sipmle
[17:45:14] Anduin: It is, just not that simple.
[17:45:16] robbins61: and i'm a simple person
[17:45:24] justinh: I'm not usually big on altruistic tree-hugging community stuff but I rather like the idea of the community version of it
[17:46:09] toad_ (toad_!n=toad@freenet/developer/toad) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:46:16] Anduin: I do too (an xml interface!), but, ugh, who to actually do it.
[17:46:42] justinh: who to host it & pay for said hosting
[17:46:49] praet (praet! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:47:17] toad_: how do i play some radio programmes that were broadcast at double speed? the slower/faster code doesn't seem to fix the problem ... do i have to write a script to export the episode, feed it through sox and play it?
[17:47:36] justinh: what what what?
[17:47:55] justinh: radio programmes broadcast at double speed?
[17:48:03] toad_: on oneword, the talking book channel
[17:48:05] HEP85: since when do they block?
[17:48:07] justinh: or you want to play radio programs at double speed ?
[17:48:21] toad_: they sound like they were broadcast at double speed, so i need to play them at half speed
[17:48:51] justinh: toad_: chipmunk style?
[17:49:00] justinh: toad_: if yes, sounds like an alsa problem or a bug
[17:49:22] toad_: hmm that's possible ... all programmes i get from that channel seem to be at double speed
[17:49:49] toad_: radio progs from others ... hmmm actually i have seen such things on other channels sometimes, maybe it is a bug :|
[17:49:54] Hoxzer: Does somebody here have experience with dual lircd setup ? I have them both using /dev/lircd but depending on which lircd-process has started first takes over another when it comes to new program startups. For example if I mythfrontend1 running while I have on lircd(1) process running then _that_ lircd process is kept controller for mythfrontend1 but when I start another lircd(2) then all the programs that start before that will be u
[17:49:55] justinh: toad_: I have an idea. try another mono station like talksport / radio 5 live – see if they're the same. if so, it's only mono streams
[17:50:10] toad_: yeah i bet it's a mono issue ... :|
[17:50:27] justinh: I generally just use the script & dump them to USB stick to play in the car
[17:50:33] Hoxzer: s/before/after
[17:51:03] justinh: I actually record slightly more radio shows than TV
[17:51:09] toad_: hmm will that be in the package or do i need to download it?
[17:51:17] Hoxzer: :\ I'm really confused and since mythfrontend has no option for /dev/lircd location set I'm left with confusion
[17:51:37] justinh: contrib scripts are seldom included
[17:51:40] justinh: in packages
[17:51:43] toad_: Hoxzer: i use inputlirc ...
[17:52:38] Hoxzer: wow..
[17:52:41] Hoxzer: Wait a sec
[17:52:51] Hoxzer: toad_: you have dual setup ?
[17:53:00] Hoxzer: a.k.a dual headed
[17:53:04] toad_: no
[17:53:08] toad_: sorry :|
[17:53:16] justinh: no what?
[17:53:18] toad_: nowadays i just use a keyboard :|
[17:53:27] danielito (danielito! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:53:47] danielito: hey ho. just am thinking about using mythtv but i can't see any news on the homepage
[17:53:52] danielito: so... is it still under development?
[17:54:00] justinh: danielito: is it ever!
[17:54:19] justinh: the homepage is a drag to update, so it doesn't get much activity that way
[17:54:22] Hoxzer: toad_: I'm reading about it right. IT is said that it requires :\ no confiration and converts buttonpresses directly to keyboard commands
[17:54:35] Hoxzer: toad_: so it requires focused window am I righ t?
[17:54:35] toad_: yeah
[17:54:55] toad_: don't know, i would imagine there would be difficulties if you have two heads
[17:55:12] bradd (bradd! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:55:21] justinh: zaphod has problems with his dual head
[17:55:36] HEP85 (HEP85! has quit ("ChatZilla [Firefox]")
[17:55:38] toad_: oooh mythtvfs ...
[17:56:29] danielito: okay okay, thx guys. so I'll try it as soon as the new digital lnb is installed :)
[17:56:51] Hoxzer: toad_: :\ yes
[17:57:01] Hoxzer: toad_: there would be definetly .
[17:57:22] Hoxzer: toad_: sucks that my video card can't handle two x-servers so I need to run just one which means one focus
[17:57:44] praet^ (praet^! has quit (Connection timed out)
[17:57:46] justinh: danielito: some time after 0.21 there will be a new website launched but tbh I can't see it being updated much more frequently then either
[17:57:47] bradd (bradd! has quit (Client Quit)
[17:58:17] Anduin: robbins61: You can also go the route.
[17:58:25] Hoxzer: I guess ideal solution for this would be to create a init script for mythfrontends that handle lirc startups too. Since one frontend only uses mythtv I can deal with this....
[17:58:29] Hoxzer: actually it doesn't :D
[17:58:41] Hoxzer: JUst remembered that DVD is used with xine so hmm :\
[17:58:49] Hoxzer: Back to the drawing board
[17:58:50] robbins61: Anduin, i'm not familiar with that route. is there documentation somewhere?
[17:58:56] danielito: justinh: this doesn't matter to me. I just have made some bad experiences with installing and using new software for any purposes and then to realize after a few weeks (and the first problems) that it's not under development any more
[17:59:17] danielito: omg, my english sucks today :)
[17:59:17] justinh: danielito: it's very much active, so no worries there
[17:59:25] danielito: yep, that's cool
[18:00:15] quicksilver: Hoxzer: I would think the answer to your problem would be two named pipes
[18:00:16] Anduin: robbins61: Only at the top of
[18:00:32] quicksilver: Hoxzer: and two lircds.
[18:00:38] quicksilver: Hoxzer: but I've nebver tried it and I'm not sure.
[18:01:04] justinh: Anduin: I suppose IMDB will get wise pretty soon if those automated scrapers aren't careful
[18:02:38] Newbuntu2_ (Newbuntu2_!n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:02:41] Anduin: justinh: I don't know, we didn't try to hide, it has worked for years, and anyone wanting to block perl/python would have done a better job. Freevo managed to get official permission, so I have some hope we can get it (with out own user agent so they can track us)
[18:03:02] Anduin: er our
[18:03:13] justinh: Anduin: that'd be very cool. was just suggesting they might get upset at the bulk imdb scripts doing the rounds
[18:03:46] justinh: doing hundreds of queries in a short space of time would stick out a mile is all
[18:03:49] toad_: hmmm
[18:03:56] Anduin: Yeah, fear of getting blocked is why I've been opposed to anything that allows lookups to be done in bulk.
[18:04:00] ** toad_ exported using mythtvfs ... it's a .nuv.mpg **
[18:04:17] toad_: and when i play it with mplayer, on a completely different machine to either the frontend or the backend, it's still at double speed
[18:04:28] toad_: NuppelVideo file format detected.
[18:04:29] justinh: wth is mythtvfs ?
[18:04:46] toad_:
[18:04:54] toad_: it just turns the metadata into really long filenames
[18:05:00] toad_: and exposes the .nuv's
[18:05:02] danielito (danielito! has left #mythtv-users ()
[18:05:08] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[18:05:13] justinh: toad_: ffmpeg -i $filename -acodec liblame -b 128 outputfilename.mp3 :)
[18:05:44] Tr1p: is "Search IMDB" working with u guys
[18:05:54] toad_: Seems stream 0 codec frame rate differs from container frame rate: 1000.00 (1000/1) -> 25.00 (25/1)
[18:06:08] justinh: toad_: only thing is, and an mpeg2 video file with mpeg1 layer2 audio  – the video stream is a dummy.
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[18:07:15] toad_: hmmm i don't have liblame ... i can use mplayer to turn it into a wav and then run that at half speed perhaps...
[18:07:23] toad_: it thinks it's stereo
[18:07:41] Anduin: Tr1p: It is broken
[18:07:52] toad_: so it's recording a mono stream as stereo somehow perhaps?
[18:08:03] justinh: toad_: you running trunk?
[18:08:18] toad_: no, 0.25.something snapshot... 1sec
[18:08:24] justinh: what?
[18:08:28] justinh: ;)
[18:08:35] toad_: 0.20.2.svn20080126–0.0
[18:08:36] justinh: 0.25 – bloody time-travellers!
[18:09:00] toad_: taken from the stable branch by the packager
[18:09:11] justinh: toad_: is the script I use to export my radio recordings
[18:09:36] justinh: anyway, oneword has gorn orf the air, so what are you gonna do now?
[18:09:44] toad_: hmmm?
[18:09:48] justinh: oh shat
[18:09:53] toad_: it doesn't exist any more
[18:09:53] toad_: ?
[18:09:55] justinh: that server doesn't like perl
[18:10:05] justinh: toad_: oneword ceased broadcasting last month
[18:10:09] toad_: :<
[18:10:19] toad_: well i'd still like to be able to play my existing recordings ...
[18:10:28] toad_: is it possible that it's recording mono as stereo somehow?
[18:10:44] toad_: or was it really broadcast at double speed?
[18:11:29] justinh: I'd say your only bet is to wget & find out
[18:11:50] justinh: bugger. stupid virgin media webserver
[18:12:01] toad_: still 403 :|
[18:12:06] dberry (dberry!n=dberry@unaffiliated/dberry) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:12:07] tracer903 (tracer903! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[18:12:12] toad_: cp: cannot stat `./\\{Yes\\,\\ Minister\\}\\{2008-02–14\\}\\{Doing\\ the\\ Honours\\}\\{08.00\\ AM\\ Thu\\ Feb\\ 14\\,\\ 2008\\}\\{BBC\\ 7\\}\\{1800\\}\\{In\\ which\\ Sir\\ Humphrey\\ is\\ not\\ in\\ any\\ sense\\ reprimanded.\\ Derek\\ Fowlds\\ and\\ Nigel\\ Hawthorne\\ appear\\ in\\ an\\ episode\\ from\\ November\\ 1983.\\ \\[Rptd\\ today\\ 12.00pm\\,\\ 7.00pm\\].\\}1708_20080214080000.nuv.mpg': File name too long
[18:12:15] toad_: grrrrr
[18:12:23] Dagmar: Jesus holy christ
[18:12:26] toad_: i can list it!
[18:12:31] Dagmar: Why do you hate filenames so much!
[18:12:53] toad_: that's from mythtvfs
[18:12:57] justinh: toad_:
[18:13:22] justinh: all looks Dutch to me now :)
[18:13:32] Dagmar: Find the man who wrote that and beat him with something until it stops making filenames like that
[18:13:51] Dagmar: If we didn't want them to be conceivably human-typable, they would just be numbered database entries
[18:14:04] justinh: lol Dagmar
[18:14:12] Dagmar: Seriously man
[18:14:18] Dagmar: That filename is a recipe for doom
[18:14:21] toad_: well it doesn't work anyway :|
[18:14:25] Dagmar: It has every type of risky character in it possible
[18:14:34] toad_: maybe fuse has some wierd length issues
[18:14:34] xand: why are there double \s?
[18:14:37] feiner (feiner! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:14:39] Dagmar: Commas, square brackets, curly brackets, parens...
[18:14:43] toad_: the \\'s are escapes
[18:14:46] Dagmar: Somewhere in there I"m sure I'm about to find a colon
[18:14:54] xand: yes... but \\ = \ no?
[18:15:02] justinh: well, wifey's back. took one hold of the remote for a minute. it's going back tomorrow. after I remove the warranty void labels in one piece & unplug its HDD
[18:16:32] Floppe (Floppe! has quit ("Dona")
[18:16:45] justinh: sometimes snotty about taking non-faulty gear back, so you have to make sure :)
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[18:17:36] justinh: spoilt? oh yes
[18:17:39] toad_: hmmm i have to specify exporttime etc ...
[18:18:01] justinh: toad_: starttime & chanid is all you need
[18:18:30] Exstatica_ (Exstatica_!i=Exstatic@freenode/staff/exstatica) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:18:34] patdk-lap (patdk-lap! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[18:18:37] gbee: toad_: I setup that script as a userjob, so I can export recordings to mp3 from the watch recordings page
[18:18:39] Newbuntu2 (Newbuntu2!n=chatzill@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[18:18:47] toad_: gbee: ah, i see
[18:18:57] justinh: I was once planning to turn it into something that could output poocast feeds
[18:19:21] gbee: "Recording Menu >> Job Options >> Begin Export to MP3"
[18:19:22] gbee: :D
[18:19:56] justinh: I have it run by default on all radio recordings
[18:20:23] justinh: most used thing I've ever cobbled together
[18:20:52] gbee: exportdir=/mnt/myth/music starttime=%STARTTIME% chanid=%CHANID% maxbitrate=320 debug
[18:21:00] justinh: daresay it'll rest like that too
[18:21:31] gbee: in the mythtv-setup under userjobs, as job #1 in my case
[18:21:52] otwin_ (otwin_!n=otwin@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:21:56] justinh: best avoid all the mysql mangling the wiki page about user jobs suggests
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[18:22:43] gbee: I don't actually use it much, since I'd only bother to export a single track I'd edit it first then run it through
[18:22:45] justinh: people coded a settings UI for a reason – certainly wasn't to encourage folks to let loose on the database with random mysql
[18:22:46] toad_: ok how do i find the chanid...
[18:23:10] justinh: god give me strength
[18:23:14] toad_: :)
[18:23:16] toad_: sorry
[18:23:34] justinh: toad_: as gbee said just make a new user job in mythtv-setup
[18:23:42] justinh: then you can do it from the 'watch recordings'
[18:23:46] justinh: *screen
[18:24:32] gbee: or from mythweb (I at least I think you can trigger userjobs on recordings from mythweb)
[18:24:35] mick_laptop (mick_laptop!n=mweiss@clamwin/admin/mickhome) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:24:38] sc00p (sc00p! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:24:50] justinh: gbee: you can't on 0.20.x
[18:25:23] gbee: mythtv-setup, general – page through until you reach the user jobs section, enter that string into Userjob #1, give it a pretty name and save
[18:25:39] gbee: justinh: who still uses 0.20.x? :)
[18:25:45] justinh: me !
[18:25:54] toad_: id3tool unrecognised option --song ?!? wtf? /me looks for other versions of id3tool...
[18:26:16] justinh: reluctant to upgrade to 0.21 too after the recent spat of majorly neg WAF
[18:26:26] gbee: justinh: :(
[18:26:41] Guyfromhe: WAF?
[18:26:52] justinh: WAF/GAF/PAF
[18:26:58] Guyfromhe: ?
[18:27:09] justinh: wife/girlfriend/partner acceptance factor
[18:27:14] Guyfromhe: ohh
[18:27:19] Guyfromhe: is it different?
[18:27:38] justinh: in laymans terms, patience of the other half in putting up with minor bugs
[18:27:54] Guyfromhe: oh it's still a bit buggy is it
[18:28:00] praet^ (praet^! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:28:00] gbee: parents had problems with their box too, but it was down to a crappy signal – makes no difference really though :( One reason I'd like to get the DVB-S card in there so that there is an alternative source in bad weather conditions
[18:28:04] justinh: no program is bug free
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[18:28:28] justinh: gbee: been trying out a humax pvr today. it is _unbelievably_ shit
[18:28:31] Guyfromhe: I could write one
[18:28:37] Guyfromhe: while 1:
[18:28:41] Guyfromhe: print "hello"
[18:28:46] Guyfromhe: there ya go
[18:28:48] Guyfromhe: bug free
[18:29:17] Guyfromhe: anyone tried that beyond tv thing?
[18:29:31] toad_: hmmm
[18:29:55] justinh: mediaportal went for a spin yesterday. I dunno where to begin with that one. FA CPU usage but it's unresponsive. hard locked the machine. lasted 3 hours total
[18:30:22] Guyfromhe: my 0.18 has been realtively perfect
[18:30:24] justinh: looks like we're stuck with mythtv. looks like you're stuck with me
[18:30:25] ** toad_ is debugging the script you sent me :) **
[18:30:42] justinh: toad_: there's FA wrong with it. works for me (tm)
[18:30:43] gbee: mythtv is a _huge_ piece of software, designed to work with hundreds of hardware and software combinations. We've got a tiny dev team, so although we try our best, there are always going to be bugs that creep in, best we can do right now is make it bug free for 99% of users – something we're pretty close to achieving right now
[18:30:45] Guyfromhe: since I screwed with the PCI latency it's been running perfect
[18:31:05] toad_: justinh: it assumes a version of id3tool which is incompatible with the one i have
[18:31:08] toad_: i've fixed that
[18:31:23] Guyfromhe: i
[18:31:28] Guyfromhe: i've never really minded small things
[18:31:43] justinh: gbee: I'm dropping _everything_ until the buffering problems I've seen are nixxed. I'm not having a c2d 1.83 being incapable of playing freeview recordings
[18:31:47] Guyfromhe: only thing thats really bugged me is the corrupted recordings
[18:31:51] toad_: now i get another wierd error ... /1717_20070312070000.mpg: no such file or directory
[18:31:55] toad_: probably a config problem
[18:32:02] Exstatica (Exstatica!i=Exstatic@freenode/staff/exstatica) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:32:30] Guyfromhe: since I screwed with it it's letting me watch live TV as long as I want
[18:32:32] justinh: gbee: been looking around in the player code to see if I can hard-wire the bufferring to see if it improves it any. I couldn't give a monkey's about livetv channel change times
[18:32:41] toad_: ok it's looking for .mpg when it's actually a .mpg because i auto-transcode everything
[18:32:55] toad_: i mean when it's actually a .nuv
[18:33:05] gbee: justinh: I've not seen that, some dvb radio/mheg breakage post-multirec but hoping that Daniel's work today has fixed those
[18:33:22] justinh: bitrate spikes causing prebuffer pauses?
[18:33:34] toad_: so if i just change $filename to point to .nuv ... then it should work ... ?
[18:33:36] ** toad_ tries it **
[18:33:49] justinh: toad_: whoah there. that's why you're having the issue. I bet nobody has tested that with mono dvb radio recordings
[18:34:03] toad_: justinh: well we record a lot of video too
[18:34:26] toad_: i could fix the auto-transcode script to only transcode video though...
[18:34:27] justinh: toad_: but transcoding a radio recording? it's prolly gonna need some serious work on it
[18:34:48] toad_: ("automatic" auto-transcoding has never worked for me, i use a cron job)
[18:35:19] Dagmar: Automatic transcoding is not automatic
[18:35:23] Dagmar: It is merely pre-determined.
[18:36:01] justinh: well, tea time
[18:36:03] justinh (justinh! has quit ()
[18:37:36] toad_: so i'm back to my original strategy ... extract the nuv, turn it into a wav, feed it through sox to halve the speed
[18:37:49] toad_: DVB-T uses 48kHz mp3 right?
[18:38:10] toad_: not 44?
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[19:07:54] code-rr: Any one know of any EXTERNAL ATSC tuners (not for computer but for tv)
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[19:11:14] Andy_NL: question: I have 2 TV-cards available. How can I start watching TV on the second?
[19:12:35] JohnMahowald: Andy_NL: Set up picture in picture
[19:12:59] Andy_NL: where do i do that?
[19:13:10] JohnMahowald: No idea.
[19:13:20] Guyfromhe: what do you want to do?
[19:13:37] Guyfromhe: what do you mean by "How can I start watching TV on the second?"
[19:13:41] Guyfromhe: what are you doing with the first?
[19:14:01] JohnMahowald: Or, schedule recording(s) while watching something else
[19:14:12] Andy_NL: When I choose Watch TV, it always starts at the first channel on the first TV-card
[19:14:20] Guyfromhe: whats wrong with that?
[19:14:29] Andy_NL: Wrong set of channels
[19:14:30] mick_laptop (mick_laptop!n=mweiss@clamwin/admin/mickhome) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:14:32] Guyfromhe: oh
[19:14:39] Guyfromhe: hrm
[19:14:51] mick_laptop: anyone get "DVD Rip" to work?
[19:14:53] code-rr: ok why is it imposible to find an ATSC tuner in canada?
[19:15:19] Guyfromhe: code-rr: no idea
[19:15:30] mick_laptop: it just says "No jobs, checking or waiting on DVD" :-/
[19:15:45] mick_laptop: code-rr: go online ;)
[19:15:46] code-rr: Guyfromhe: theres like TONES in us, but a ATSC box in canada.. nowhere
[19:15:52] GreyFoxx: code-rr: considering I have 2 sitting on my desk, and another at home it's not impossible :)
[19:15:59] JohnMahowald: Andy_NL: Your cards have different input sources?
[19:16:07] Andy_NL: Yes
[19:16:17] GreyFoxx: ncix sells them, my local computer store sells them, and I got my from a local distributor
[19:16:18] code-rr: GreyFoxx: can you suggest a place to find them
[19:16:32] code-rr: GreyFoxx: im not looking for a COMPUTEr atsc tuner though
[19:16:34] mick_laptop: so i guess i shopuld just rip dvds from the commandline then ... sigh
[19:16:50] GreyFoxx: code-rr: So you are looking for a standalone settop box ?
[19:16:56] GreyFoxx: or a tuner to add to a TV ?
[19:17:03] code-rr: GreyFoxx: standalont settop.
[19:17:12] GreyFoxx: those I dunno, I've never looked for one of those
[19:17:12] code-rr: GreyFoxx: i got an HDTV with no ATSC tuner.. just NTSC
[19:17:17] Guyfromhe: Andy_NL: i dunno then....
[19:17:31] code-er (code-er! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:17:32] code-rr: GreyFoxx: bestbuy US.. tones of them.. bestbuy canada.. not one
[19:17:45] code-rr: GreyFoxx: and like 99% of their tvs have NTSC but no ATSC! like wtf
[19:17:52] Andy_NL: ok, thnx anyway
[19:17:53] Guyfromhe: prolly a CRTC thing
[19:18:00] zabadapp: Andy_NL: there's a setting with a name like "avoid collisions of live tv and recordings", that will select the last tuner for live-tv ... and I guess the card prio in mythsetup would do the same if they are different
[19:18:17] code-rr: Guyfromhe: but thers like ATSC 15 channels in th eGTA
[19:18:24] GreyFoxx: code-rr: I just got one from them Saturday which has ATSC/NTSC/QAM. It's nifty
[19:18:37] GreyFoxx: but then I had that ability with the pci card, so only marginally so
[19:19:07] jblack: code-rr: Huh. I'd have to double check, but I thought my hdtv tuners (here in pennsylvania) use ATSC
[19:19:08] code-rr: dont have to room for a computer :-S just want to watgch some hdtv b4 i go out and buy a package
[19:19:33] code-rr: jblack: in the us there was a mandate that all tvs with NTSC must have ATSC as well
[19:19:47] jblack: Yeah, ATSC is the replacement for NTSC
[19:19:55] code-rr: seeing how analog will no longer be mandanated after feb 09\
[19:20:01] code-rr: so WH
[19:20:08] code-rr: so WHY is it so hard to find an ATSC tuner
[19:20:20] jblack: I must have misunderstood your point. I thought you were looking for a NTSC tuner instead of an ATSC one.
[19:20:24] runoff (runoff! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:20:33] jblack: code-rr: I use
[19:20:33] code-rr: jblack: looking for ATSC
[19:20:48] mick_laptop: and how do i insert a cd/dvd w/ videos and have it just automatically play? i used to have that in debian — i'm running another distro now though
[19:20:49] code-rr: jblack: but i need on for the TV not the PC
[19:21:08] mick_laptop: used to be when i inserted a CD w/ vids, it would just go to that part of mythfrontend
[19:21:08] jblack: For an existing tv?
[19:21:13] code-rr: jblack: yes
[19:21:16] jblack: They're not selling converter boxes yet.
[19:21:19] Andy_NL: zabadapp: what is highest prio: 0 or 1
[19:21:30] code-rr: jblack: converter? who needs a converter.. its an HDTV
[19:21:35] jblack: Just read about that a few days ago, about how there's no converter boxes yet.
[19:21:40] code-rr: jblack: problem is that the MAJOR stores sell 90% of them w/p atsc
[19:21:47] code-rr: jblack: convert to WHAT
[19:21:55] jblack: ATSC to NTSC.
[19:22:03] code-rr: jblack: dont need to convert from ATSC to NSTC
[19:22:16] zabadapp: Andy_NL: I don't know, have never tried changing them .... "avoid collisions" was good enough for me
[19:22:20] ** jblack tries again **
[19:22:22] code-rr: jblack: just needot RECEIVE atsc and transmit it via HDMI or COMPONINT
[19:22:41] jblack: You're looking for a tuner for an hdtv ready TV set, becuase it has no ATSC tuner at all?
[19:22:49] code-rr: yes
[19:23:05] code-rr: IE: . . . 161734592183
[19:23:30] code-rr: not this: . . . 199495190393
[19:23:30] jblack: HEre's one with DVD/VCR built in for 300 bucks
[19:23:45] code-rr: dont wanna spend 300 bucks, got a dvd and a vcr lOl
[19:23:47] code-rr: AND i need it in CANADA
[19:24:12] jblack: Ahh. I don't know anything about canadian markets.
[19:24:16] code-rr: i'd rather just buy an FTA (even though i got no sat) for 300 that includes a pvr.. but dont wanna lay down that kinda cash for somethign that is just a "proof of concept"
[19:24:33] code-rr: just dont get why there is NOTHING available for canadians!
[19:24:34] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit ()
[19:24:49] GreyFoxx: ASTC isn't as wide spread here?
[19:25:00] jblack: because the rest of the world is racist, and thinks canada hasn't even managed to run power cable, much less broadcast tv. :)
[19:25:04] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:25:04] GreyFoxx: We aren't mandated to not use our current tech by Feb 09 like the americans ? :)
[19:25:04] code-rr: GreyFoxx: my pc can pick up 16 channels from my Stock antenna
[19:25:22] GreyFoxx: code-rr: What you can see is irrelevant to what I said
[19:25:27] GreyFoxx: It's not as wide spread here
[19:25:41] GreyFoxx: there are like 3 or 4 locations in Canada where you can really get much of it
[19:25:42] code-rr: GreyFoxx: i sopposee.. i just dont get why the major companies dont sell tv w/ them
[19:25:43] jblack: The great conspiracy, to keep the canadi-man down.
[19:25:50] code-rr: GreyFoxx: i guess your right
[19:25:57] GreyFoxx: code-rr: Dunno, my LG came with one
[19:26:01] code-rr: GreyFoxx: now to search out an atsc tuner..
[19:26:03] GreyFoxx: but then I made sure to pick one with it
[19:26:29] code-rr: GreyFoxx: yeh i was looking.. i NEEDED ntsc though.. the 2 or 3 i found with ATSC had no NTSC...
[19:26:45] code-rr: GreyFoxx: i though i't be quite easy to grab an ATSC settop tuner.. boy was a wrong
[19:27:50] jblack: 'A cream designed to protect women from HIV did not protect infection'... oh man, to be stuck on the losing end of that study...
[19:28:44] ** code-rr gives up **
[19:28:46] code-rr: off i go searfching
[19:28:48] code-rr: thanx guys
[19:28:51] code-rr (code-rr! has quit ("ARG!!")
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[19:32:22] Andy_NL: hmm, It seems the second TV-card isnt available
[19:32:42] Andy_NL: but I just scanned for channels and all channels were found
[19:32:49] Geshka1963 (Geshka1963!n=MirandaL@nat/cisco/x-1fe678a856bc3239) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:33:01] Geshka1963: Hi there.
[19:33:14] majost (majost! has quit ("My damn controlling terminal disappeared!")
[19:33:15] Andy_NL: Hi Geshka
[19:33:34] Geshka1963: How to make mythtv to show something to second monitor on laptop?
[19:34:05] Geshka1963: Actually I see mythtv pictures, but no TV or moves
[19:34:19] Tr1p: is "Search IMDB" working with u guys
[19:34:37] JohnMahowald: Andy_NL: You have both capture cards associated with video sources?
[19:34:52] Andy_NL: Yes, different ones
[19:34:55] GreyFoxx: sweeet! because of code-rr I looked up the TV I just bought on bestbuys site and it's now $200 cheaper since last week
[19:35:10] GreyFoxx: and they are going to credit me $200 because of their 30 price guarantee :)
[19:36:04] jblack: yay!
[19:36:27] jgarvey (jgarvey! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[19:37:13] Andy_NL: I can use TV-card with kaffeine just fine
[19:37:28] mick_laptop (mick_laptop!n=mweiss@clamwin/admin/mickhome) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:38:48] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 148 (No route to host))
[19:40:06] Andy_NL: The first TV-card is present in the mythtv-backend, the second one in the frontend.
[19:40:39] Andy_NL: Im (trying) to watch live tv on the frontend. Only the TV-card on the backend is available
[19:41:20] toad_ (toad_!n=toad@freenet/developer/toad) has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[19:42:15] JohnMahowald: Andy_NL: As I understand it this requires multiple backends
[19:43:24] Andy_NL: It does?
[19:43:32] Anduin: Yes, a slave backend
[19:44:07] Andy_NL: Does the slave backend requires MySQL?
[19:44:17] GreyFoxx: no
[19:44:20] Anduin: Andy_NL: Not of its own
[19:44:21] GreyFoxx: just the client libraries
[19:44:51] Anduin: Andy_NL: basically if you've already configured the card in mythtv-setup on the machine you probably just need to start mythbackend
[19:45:09] Andy_NL: on the frontend machine?
[19:45:18] Anduin: and keep it started, kick it if if ever loses connection, etc
[19:45:21] Anduin: Yes
[19:45:33] Andy_NL: ok, ill try, one sec
[19:45:34] Anduin: "one the machine with the card"
[19:45:38] JohnMahowald: Time to read the howto
[19:48:06] Andy_NL: mythbe starts as slave, so that must be good
[19:48:29] Andy_NL: mythfe gives black screen when I start watching TV
[19:48:42] Anduin: Look at the backend log
[19:50:03] Andy_NL: last msg is: 2008-02–18 20:46:39.721 mythbackend: Running housekeeping thread
[19:50:55] Andy_NL: Im running mythtv-setup on fe now
[19:52:21] Andy_NL: Its getting more and more complex
[19:52:57] Andy_NL: the TV-card in the fe is a hybrid one. setup detects its aswell and names it the same as the TV-card in the back-end
[19:54:06] JohnMahowald: Bleh, should upgrade to make PulseAudio work
[19:55:08] Andy_NL: on the backend setup, non of the fe cards are visible
[19:56:32] mick_laptop (mick_laptop!n=mweiss@clamwin/admin/mickhome) has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:00:28] Andy_NL: anyone recommend a good reading source on mythtv distributed setup?
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[20:01:58] JohnMahowald: Andy_NL: The howto
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[20:11:04] freenod__: Andy_ML: what do you have a TV-card in a FE for?
[20:11:16] freenod__: don't those belong in a backend somewhere?
[20:11:39] freenod__ is now known as kslater
[20:12:39] xand: hmm
[20:12:50] xand: FiveUS showed Without a Trace but called it CSI :|
[20:12:59] xand: silly crossovers
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[20:14:38] Andy_NL: freenod: im not sure, but its a saa7134 based hybrid card
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[20:16:48] Andy_NL: Ive read somewhere that its recommended spreading TV-cards in fe's and be's. Max 1 card in a fe is enough ofcourse
[20:17:32] Andy_NL: It was on the same page where was explained in what order to install the cards. I cant find that page anymore though :(\
[20:18:35] xri1 (xri1! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:21:33] kslater: Andy_NL: I don't think you want to put capture cards that you're going to use with Myth in a FrontEnd machine. Doesn't work that way.
[20:21:46] kslater: I have a system with 2 backends and 5 frontends
[20:22:07] kslater: (two machines are both frontends and backends)
[20:22:35] Andy_NL: kslater: are all cards available to watch tv on all fe's?
[20:23:35] kslater: yes
[20:23:58] kslater: I have 1 backend with a HD capture card and 1 backend with a PVR-250 (SD) capture card
[20:24:17] kslater: any frontend can watch any channel on either backend (as long as it's not in use)
[20:24:41] Andy_NL: so all fe's are running backends as slaves?
[20:25:06] kslater: no, backends are only for recording with their capture cards
[20:25:22] kslater: frontends connect to backends to play back recorded media
[20:25:42] kslater: even for livetv which is just playing back an in progress recording (all in one step)
[20:25:52] Andy_NL: ok, so all fe's are working stand-alone for watching live tv?
[20:26:51] kslater: sort of, but I wouldn't say they are stand-alone, since on two machines, they are one the same machine as a running backend
[20:27:05] otwin_ is now known as otwin
[20:27:48] kslater: the point is that it doesn't matter where the frontends are in relation to the backend machines. as long as they have enough bandwidth, they can play back the backend content
[20:28:15] kslater: does that make sense?
[20:28:29] Andy_NL: but you could setup those two be's with multiple cards, and watch live tv from them from card-less fe's, right?
[20:30:38] kslater: exactly
[20:30:46] kslater: that's how 3 of my machines are setup
[20:30:55] kslater: just frontend software
[20:31:47] Andy_NL: how many tv-cards do you have in the entire setup total?
[20:32:05] kslater: just 2
[20:32:17] kslater: but I could easily add more if I like
[20:32:31] solexious (solexious! has quit (Success)
[20:32:40] kslater: the load on a backend with a hardware encoding capture card is negligable
[20:33:08] Andy_NL: im sure it is.
[20:34:30] Andy_NL: my plan for a setup is 1 be, with as many tv-cards as it will take, starting with 3: 2 analog, and 1 hybrid
[20:34:51] Andy_NL: and (eventually) just thin clients for fe's
[20:35:11] Andy_NL: why did you choose 2 be's?
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[21:18:05] levander (levander! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:18:29] levander: Does it matter if I'm using mythtv 0.20 or mythtv 0.21 for the ProjectGrayhem theme on justinh's site?
[21:19:48] fryfrog: what do you have and is it working?
[21:20:45] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:21:11] gbee: not sure if he upgraded ProjectGrayhem to work with trunk before deciding to drop support for it
[21:23:07] justinh: he being? :) I'm not sure what state any of them are in anymore tbh. shouldn't be anything majorly wrong since the last bout of checkins I did and assuming no UI changes before 0.21 is unleashed they'll mostly be ok
[21:23:40] gbee: justinh: levander was asking if the themes on your site required 0.20 or 0.21
[21:23:56] justinh: on my site? 0.20
[21:24:05] justinh: glass-wide won't work with trunk
[21:24:11] levander: k, thanks justinh
[21:24:23] levander: I don't like glass-wide anyway.
[21:24:30] justinh: makes two of us
[21:24:52] gbee: gonna have to spend time finishing metallurgy this week :/
[21:24:59] levander: I was just joking. It's not what I want, but it does look like a good thing.
[21:25:18] levander: gbee: Oh yeah, metallurgy looks good too. Makes me wish I had a widescreen.
[21:25:35] justinh: I just can't take any more of this bipolar shit. I think I might just have to try & leave them well alone – let some other mug do em
[21:25:55] justinh: I hate them but I keep going back. wtf is wrong with me
[21:25:56] npurciful (npurciful!n=npurcifu@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:26:23] gbee: not enough people willing to step up and do any work :(
[21:26:34] justinh: anyway incase anybody is interested, humax is winning in my wife's eyes again. mythbackend fell over spectacularly & missed all 3 of her soaps
[21:26:52] levander: All computer geeks get like that. You can configure Linux endlessly. I keep telling myself to stop, but there's always one more thing I'd really like to get working.
[21:26:56] gbee: justinh: but that's a feature, surely?
[21:27:10] runoff (runoff! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:27:24] justinh: gbee: in my eyes it is, and a backend restart (EIT caused the fall I think, as ever) takes but seconds
[21:27:49] justinh: IIRC it was around the same time of day last time it died too
[21:27:58] levander: I think it's an issue of life-balance. Just make sure you "budget" things so you have time to pursue other activities too. Not that I do that well myself...
[21:28:10] gbee: justinh: 0.20 or trunk?
[21:29:31] justinh: I'm not saying I'm never ever EVER gonna do themes again. right now I want to get as far away from my own lame crap as possible. and then again, when I don't promise to do graphics related work for anybody & just do what I really want to do (not that I dont really want to help other people out) I get like this. it's madness
[21:29:41] justinh: gbee: 0.20. not brave enough for trunk
[21:29:47] levander: Humax's are just Tivo's apparently. I used to hack Tivo's.
[21:30:00] justinh: as much as I like the idea of it I just can't bring myself to trust it
[21:30:35] justinh: I think I'm the 'wrong kind' of user
[21:30:38] gbee: justinh: ahh, ok I had to ask as my backends haven't failed in months (a year?) of running trunk
[21:30:38] levander: justinh: You need to spend more time with human beings and less time with computers.
[21:30:57] levander: The second trust with computers becomes an agonizing issue in your life...
[21:31:36] justinh: I get madly pissed off if my shows don't record. I don't watch that much TV, so what I do is really what I want to watch. and if it ain't there.. oh boy
[21:31:36] levander: justinh: And no, chtting with random internet users doesn't count as time with human beings...
[21:32:07] justinh: come to think about it, I don't think myth has ever missed anything *I* want to watch :)
[21:32:53] justinh: levander: you're kidding? you mean coming in here trying to help clueless people isn't good for the soul after all?!
[21:32:57] justinh: :-O
[21:33:01] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit ()
[21:33:22] gbee: can be pretty stressful hanging around in this channel :D
[21:33:34] levander: Only in limited doeses...
[21:33:51] justinh: and don't get me started on going out in r/l. bloody hell you should see the people I call friends
[21:33:51] levander: but justinh, I can't give you much more advice. We're getting into my hourly rate territory.
[21:33:59] justinh: I need to see them in ever smaller doses
[21:34:31] levander: Yes, real people suck. I've learned to enjoy laughing at people. It's so much easier when you're not trying to meet good people to make friends with. Just people you can giggle at...
[21:35:03] justinh: 1. don't ever start theming. 2. don't ever care – don't even pretend you don't care. you always will. 3. try not to feel bad about feeling obliged to do stuff you don't really want to do but it'd be a nice turn & make em happy for a while. just don't. it feels awful
[21:35:19] xand: 2008-02–18 21:31:36 < levander> justinh: And no, chtting with random internet users doesn't count as time with human beings...
[21:35:25] xand: yes it does.
[21:35:36] justinh: maybe it does if you charge by the hour :P
[21:35:43] npurciful: have a question how do i remove letterboxing on a ATSC recording broadcast in 1080 but is really 480 ( has letterbox all the way around), what tools would i use
[21:35:52] ** levander thinks xand is a computer program spitting output into the channel, and I've hurt *it's* feelings. **
[21:36:47] tvless (tvless! has quit ("BitchX-1.1-final -- just do it.")
[21:37:27] justinh: npurciful: avidemux has cropping n stuff. then so does nuvexport IIRC
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[21:38:03] levander: justinh: Have you learned all this video processing stuff you know just working with myth?
[21:38:10] levander: You do seem to know a lot of stuff about it.
[21:38:12] justinh: hell no
[21:38:32] levander: You've had jobs working with video processing?
[21:38:49] justinh: *have* a job working intimately with video signals
[21:39:13] justinh: always been interested in video. the PC stuff I know from messing about with videos in windows
[21:39:34] levander: Sounds like fun. I've never done engineering work so specialized. I've always stayed pretty much in gneralized application development – which I do like.
[21:40:08] justinh: I had a bit of a brush with c++ recently. not sure I wanna go back there now
[21:40:20] justinh: prolly will when I recharge my batteries
[21:40:32] terr1: When I put my PC into S3 suspend using hibernate-ram with my USB MCEUSB2 remote, it suspends fine, but it cuts the power to my USB IR receiver.. Is it because I need some cable on my motherboard to ensure that USB port get 5V even when in suspend, or is it just jumper settings? or can it be something else? already tried to echo USB0 > /proc/acpi/wakeup without luck?
[21:40:36] justinh: it's too much temptation
[21:40:40] levander: C++ is just a good widely used platform. It's a very outdated language.
[21:40:44] praet (praet! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:41:05] levander: C++ kind of like watching television on and old analog television. It's quaint in a way.
[21:41:23] justinh: levander: couldn't care less what anybody's opinion of c++ is. if I anybody wants to improve mythtv they basically have to get into c++
[21:41:54] justinh: and today's flavour of the month language.. in a few years time.. ?
[21:42:09] levander: Yeah, that's the platform thing. Some applications just can't be written in anything but C++, even though it's outdated, these days.
[21:42:11] justinh: who? anybody remember er.. ?
[21:43:28] justinh: everything goes so well for a while then you just hit a big wall, like a class something uses doesn't have a thing you need as a member – and you CBA to rewrite anything or risk breaking lots
[21:43:44] levander: CBA?
[21:43:52] justinh: can't be arsed
[21:44:28] neil__ (neil__! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:44:32] neil__: hello
[21:44:34] levander: justinh: How do you feel about Britain's colonial past?
[21:44:51] levander: Oh hi neil__, how are you?
[21:44:55] neil__: all good
[21:45:04] neil__: mythtv frustrating me :)
[21:45:11] justinh: levander: we sucked, but don't bother trying to make me feel guilty about it
[21:45:11] levander: neil__: Just ask.
[21:45:28] levander: justinh: Damn, I was hoping to get you on a political rant.
[21:45:28] neil__: levander: getting all inputs being used for the channel i apparently selected
[21:45:45] neil__: have chmodded /dev/video0
[21:45:50] neil__: have rebooted
[21:46:02] levander: neil__: Never heard of it. But, I saw someone mention that on the mailing list. Was that you?
[21:46:08] neil__: nope
[21:46:09] justinh: levander: don't get me started. this channel is so boring when it starts on politics/anime
[21:46:30] levander: Or, maybe it was on If that wasn't you either, I'll go see if I can find that post again.
[21:46:56] levander: justinh: I just can't believe the UK is still not out of N. Ireland.
[21:47:02] neil__: thanks!
[21:47:24] gbee: levander: they want us there – but again, don't bother trying to start that debate
[21:47:42] justinh: gbee: anyway, the whole thing about not wanting to do work for this is well – plainly if it ain't working properly for me the motivation isn't there. and if the mrs isn't happy with it... I can't effing win anyway
[21:48:16] levander: neil__: I haven't read it yet, but this is what I saw:
[21:49:04] solexious (solexious! has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:50:11] levander: justinh: I been playing with Linux since before even Red Hat came out. Slackware was the easiest thing to use. I spent an entire weekend one time getting a friends CD ROM drive working so he could get Linux installed.
[21:50:23] dberry (dberry!n=dberry@unaffiliated/dberry) has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[21:50:51] neil__: aha
[21:50:53] neil__: a clue
[21:51:02] levander: We did go out drinking that Saturday I remember, but I was talking about his computer the whole time at the bar I remember.
[21:51:20] neil__: when i run mythbackend, i get ERROR: no valid capture cards are defined in the database.
[21:51:20] levander: It was later that week with people making fun of me I realized what a computer geek I had become.
[21:51:37] justinh: it's tricky not to become a bit OC about mythtv IME
[21:51:44] praet^ (praet^! has quit (Success)
[21:51:47] levander: neil__: Sounds like you need to go into mythtv-setup and configure a capture card.
[21:52:15] neil__: but i have :)
[21:52:17] neil__: several times
[21:52:18] levander: justinh: Same goes for Linux in general. Although, the days are gone when you have to be like that to browse the web and read email in Linux.
[21:52:32] justinh: (sadly)
[21:52:51] levander: neil__: I'd like at it, but mythtv-setup is on another computer... I don't have access right now.
[21:53:00] levander: mythbackend is on another computer I mean.
[21:53:39] levander: neil__: And, when you go back into mythtv-setup, the configured capture card is still there?
[21:53:52] justinh: the elitist in me sees all the user-friendly tree hugging stuff from ubuntu as a load of pants. I worked my bollocks off to install my first working linux box. now all you need to do is put a CD in the drive. bah, etc
[21:53:53] levander: neil__: You've looked in /var/log/mythtv/mybackend.log to see if there are any errors?
[21:53:57] neil__: yes
[21:53:58] neil__: :/
[21:54:16] levander: neil__: mythbackend.log too?
[21:54:33] feiner (feiner! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:55:35] gor11zo (gor11zo! has quit ("Gor11zo's gone")
[21:55:38] npurciful: err, nuvexport say no vaild myth recordings
[21:55:49] neil__: it's giving me that no cards found error in the log
[21:56:02] neil__: oh
[21:56:03] neil__: hang on
[21:56:11] neil__: do you *have* to bind video sources to a card?
[21:56:19] levander: neil__: Why don't you post something at I'm not helping much and I have to run.
[21:56:21] justinh: neil__: er.. yeah!
[21:56:27] levander: neil__: I'm sure you do.
[21:56:34] The_Rebel (The_Rebel! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:56:42] neil__: i figured it was just a service to get channel listings
[21:56:47] justinh: neil__: no poing in having your problem ignored by even more people :P
[21:56:59] neil__: all i want to do is spit out what's coming in on composite
[21:57:05] levander: neil__: There are like five steps in mythtv-setup. The five steps are all menu items on the main menu. Do all five of them as much as you can.
[21:57:14] justinh: neil__: no need to record or anything?
[21:57:25] neil__: well i'd like to :)
[21:57:34] neil__: but i figured i could just record what's showing
[21:57:49] justinh: you can but only in 30 minute chunks
[21:58:03] justinh: mythtv without EPG data is... can you spell virtually impotent ?
[21:58:22] neil__: well i'm not sure i can get channel data for my service
[21:58:24] neil__: i'm in south africa
[21:58:41] justinh: the TV stuff totally revolves around TV guide data. it's next to useless without it – much like a VCR is
[21:58:48] djc_ (djc_!n=djc@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:58:59] justinh: except a VCR can record in more than half hour chunks when you press 'record'
[21:59:13] justinh: sure there's a guide data grabber for there
[21:59:15] neil__: justinh: i hear what you're saying, but the first thing i'd like to do is actually waytch :)
[21:59:22] neil__: watch
[21:59:32] djc_ (djc_!n=djc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:01:26] neil__: system status says tuner1 (/dev/video0) is unavailable
[22:01:26] neil__: ...
[22:04:55] neil__: ok making progress!
[22:05:47] TelnetManta (TelnetManta!n=benwilli@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
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[22:11:46] emory (emory! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:12:23] emory: I'm getting crackly audio in MythTV with all videos and all players including the internal player, but not MP3s. The crackly audio is... annoying to say the least anyone have _any_ ideas?
[22:12:52] justinh (justinh! has quit ()
[22:12:54] Led-Hed: enable extra audio buffering?
[22:13:06] Led-Hed: GreyFoxx, you around?
[22:13:10] emory: where do I do that?
[22:13:20] Led-Hed: general settings I think
[22:13:38] emory: is that going to fix videos that crackle in mplayer and vlc as well?
[22:13:54] Dagmar: Probably not
[22:14:04] Dagmar: ...but if those are malfunctioning then this clearly isn't a MythTV problem.
[22:14:06] Dagmar: Have a nice day.
[22:14:12] Led-Hed: lol
[22:14:24] emory: right... well but you mythtv guys know more about this stuff than anyone else
[22:14:39] emory: the #ubuntu guys tell me if I"m asking questions about mplayer to google it... and that doesn't help
[22:15:11] Led-Hed: emory, so you expect us to know more than google?
[22:15:38] Led-Hed: your question is far to general.
[22:15:40] emory: no I expect you to know one thing that Google hasn't provided to me in 3 weeks
[22:15:56] Led-Hed: emory, thats your problem. you expect
[22:16:04] emory: I have no idea what is wrong I know I rebuilt this thing and audio stopped working
[22:17:20] Led-Hed: emory, then we are in the same boat. I also don't have a clue what is wrong with your audio
[22:17:42] emory: do you have any suggestions on what I can do to narrow down my search?
[22:17:52] Led-Hed: things like what audio chipset, distro, etc might help
[22:18:57] emory: Ubuntu, with an Asus SLN-951 Chipset, but it was also doing it with my Audigy in an Intel 865 Chipset
[22:19:32] Led-Hed: SLN-951 isnt an audio chipset
[22:20:42] Led-Hed: did you try enabling extra audio buffering?
[22:21:02] emory: Its some Nvidia Chipset I could dig up the manual and look up the exacts for you if you want, but I feel like a hardware/compatability issue doesn't make sense seeing as it does it with three completely different sound cards... do you disagree?
[22:21:06] emory: yes it didn't fix anything
[22:21:18] Led-Hed: is this a combined frontend+backend setup? or is it split
[22:21:24] emory: combined
[22:21:58] Led-Hed: and the files you are playing are on the local hard drive?
[22:22:03] emory: yes
[22:22:11] Led-Hed: all good things to know
[22:22:55] Led-Hed: just for future reference, we shouldn't have to probe you for this kind of info. Provide it in your initial post
[22:23:13] emory: ok
[22:23:37] Led-Hed: I cant find any reference to an ASUS SLN-951
[22:24:29] Led-Hed: have you read the Topic?
[22:25:31] Led-Hed: it quite specifically states that before you ask a question that you should search the mailing list archives.
[22:25:33] Led-Hed:
[22:25:37] mick_laptop (mick_laptop!n=mweiss@clamwin/admin/mickhome) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:25:49] emory: asoundconf list reports Nvidia card, Docs say Realtek ALC883
[22:25:59] emory: I did and am finding nothing that helps
[22:26:10] Led-Hed: is your audio out going through SPDIF?
[22:27:09] emory: no
[22:28:03] Led-Hed: emory, have you tested the files in a player other than MythTV? like Xine or MPlayer?
[22:28:36] emory: yes as I said in my initial question it is only videos and the internal, mplayer and vlc all seem to have this issue
[22:29:17] Led-Hed: videos? Like DVD rips or TV Recordings?
[22:29:37] emory: DVD rips, youtube videos some home videos I compressed to mpeg and avi
[22:30:10] Led-Hed: but these same videos play fine on other computers
[22:30:14] emory: yup
[22:31:24] Led-Hed: and just to be clear. When you play the videos in mplayer, you are calling mplayer from the command line not from within mythtv
[22:31:53] zabadapp (zabadapp! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:31:53] emory: either way makes no difference
[22:31:59] siXy (siXy!i=siXy@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:32:14] Led-Hed: ok, then your problem isnt MythTV
[22:33:19] emory: Alright well I was hoping that people in this forum might be able to set-aside their "topic" oriented lives and maybe offer some help based on knowledge you might have but obviously I was wrong. Way-to-go. Driving people to Windows Media Center.
[22:33:21] emory (emory! has quit ("leaving")
[22:33:47] Dagmar: You enjoy it then.
[22:34:06] Led-Hed: damn
[22:34:17] Led-Hed: what the hell was I doing for the past 5 minutes?
[22:34:30] Dagmar: Take the bloody hint, man. Go to the support channel from your disto and say "My sound has all sorts of noise in it. Help meeeeee...
[22:35:07] Led-Hed: If he had stuck around for another 30 sec. I would have recommended that to him.  :)
[22:35:14] Dagmar: "damnit
[22:35:18] Dagmar: I didn't see he /quit
[22:35:21] Dagmar: Oh well.
[22:37:07] iamlindoro__: what a fucking douche
[22:37:15] opentrinity (opentrinity! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:37:20] fryfrog: anyone played with openvpn?
[22:39:31] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:41:10] Led-Hed: fryfron only in Smoothwall.
[22:41:15] Led-Hed: err
[22:41:18] Led-Hed: fryfrog,
[22:41:24] clever: lol
[22:41:26] mirak (mirak! has quit (SendQ exceeded)
[22:41:32] clever: my master is taxing itself
[22:41:47] clever: im watching a show+recording+compiling
[22:41:55] clever: and it starts mythfilldb and a upnp rescan
[22:42:02] Led-Hed: lol
[22:42:11] clever: now the playback is stuttering
[22:42:30] Led-Hed: thats computer cruelty
[22:42:39] clever: 1.6ghz P4
[22:43:06] fryfrog: any detailed experience, or is smoothwall openvpn all nice and gui-licious?
[22:43:13] clever: 18:43:13 up 1 day, 32 min, 14 users, load average: 14.17, 12.26, 8.97
[22:43:26] Led-Hed: fryfrog, GUI-Licious
[22:43:34] Led-Hed: just how I like it
[22:43:42] fryfrog: me too :)
[22:43:43] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:44:06] Led-Hed: fryfrog, then check it out. Might make your life a bit easier
[22:44:37] Led-Hed: anyone here use MiniMyth?
[22:44:48] fryfrog: smooth doesn't run on linksys wrt54g :(
[22:44:56] Led-Hed: fryfrog, no it doesnt
[22:45:04] fryfrog: i used to run ipcop
[22:45:22] fryfrog: but replacing a big ol' p100 tower case w/ a tiny linksys router running dd-wrt was so "the nice" :)
[22:45:23] Led-Hed: smoothwall and IPCop use to be the same project at one point.
[22:45:29] fryfrog: yup
[22:45:30] mirak (mirak! has quit (SendQ exceeded)
[22:45:41] Led-Hed: fryfrog, I can see that
[22:45:50] fryfrog: i believe smoothwall went the "screw you GPL" route and ipcop said "we <3 GPL!"
[22:45:56] Led-Hed: if you have $$$ you could build a Pico-ITX
[22:46:07] fryfrog: if only!
[22:46:09] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:46:16] Led-Hed: fryfrog, smoothwall is still Open Source
[22:46:27] Led-Hed: not sure of the license they use though
[22:46:29] fryfrog: ah, guess i had it wrong
[22:46:36] fryfrog: there are *parts* that are closed, no?
[22:46:48] Led-Hed: Smoothwall does have a corporate appliance thought
[22:46:51] fryfrog: and commercial is for pay i think? or there are some features that are for pay?
[22:47:06] fryfrog: it has been a long time, so i could be remembering wrong *or* things may have changed too
[22:47:07] Led-Hed: fryfrog, their commercial appliance is closed source.
[22:47:11] fryfrog: ah
[22:47:52] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:47:59] Led-Hed: most of the features in the Corporate version are made available by modders
[22:48:20] Led-Hed: like Dans Guardian, and OpenVPN
[22:48:34] mirak (mirak! has quit (Client Quit)
[22:48:44] Led-Hed: though OpenVPN may be standard on the free version now
[22:50:41] fryfrog: ah
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[22:54:11] Led-Hed: anyone here use name hashing in mythgame?
[22:55:08] Led-Hed: its listed in SVN, but I haven't a clue how to implement it
[22:59:32] Agrajag- (Agrajag-! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:00:31] gbee: ask GreyFoxx
[23:01:25] Led-Hed: gbee, thanks, he doesn't seem to be around
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[23:11:04] Led-Hed: is there a way to check what version of MythGame i'm running?
[23:11:49] Led-Hed: or is it directly related to the version of MythTV I'm running?
[23:14:07] gbee: directly related since mythgame is an official plugin and only released along with mythtv
[23:14:14] gbee: mythfrontend --version
[23:14:26] gbee: or mythbackend --version
[23:14:51] gbee: if you need to be more specific than the major revision number
[23:15:46] Cackette: anyone here know alot about DSLR lens filters?
[23:15:58] iamlindoro__: Holy OT, Batman!
[23:16:06] iamlindoro__: But yes, I know a bit ;)
[23:16:08] iamlindoro__: hehe
[23:16:10] gbee: heh
[23:16:13] xris: Cackette: I know that they're the same as non-digital SLR lens filters
[23:16:26] doobeh: I know a little
[23:16:32] Cackette: i need a 67mm circular polarizer, and i'm wondering what the difference between a $30 and a $90 one is
[23:16:38] iamlindoro__: $60
[23:16:40] xris: Cackette: depends on the brand.
[23:16:44] fryfrog: you beat me to it!
[23:16:52] Cackette: lol shut up im
[23:16:54] Cackette: iamlindoro*
[23:17:03] xris: usually the quality of the glass, and more often, the quality of the coatings on the glass.
[23:17:10] iamlindoro__: ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer
[23:17:33] xris: and with certain brands like B+W you pay a bit of premium for the brand name, too
[23:17:42] Cackette: . . . g_Glass.html vs. . . . er_HMC_.html NOT price-wise
[23:18:22] xris: I prefer hoya
[23:18:41] xris: but it's personal preference at that point. the two brands are usually equivalent
[23:18:43] Cackette: would the tiffen one have like quality-degrading stuff
[23:18:49] Cackette: that the hoya HMC wouldnt
[23:19:13] Cackette: from the $35 price difference
[23:19:16] xris: the hoya is multicoated.. like I said.. quality of coatings on the glass.
[23:19:20] Cackette: yeah
[23:19:23] iamlindoro__: It puts huge, circus freak nipples on all your nude photos of yourself
[23:19:29] Cackette: is multocoating necessary though
[23:19:35] Cackette: AWESOME
[23:19:43] xris: Cackette: depends on what kind of photos you're taking
[23:19:52] Led-Hed: I just installed mythgame on my backend (ubuntu) and its compiled against a different version of libmyth. So I did apt-get install mythtv-backend. says its the newest version.
[23:20:09] Led-Hed: I hate packages
[23:20:10] doobeh: also, with polarized filters, the rings are quite important, if they stick, you'll never get the alignment just so
[23:20:28] fesha (fesha! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:20:30] Cackette: rings being the threading?
[23:20:50] xris: rings being the things you use to turn the filter to adjust the polarization angle
[23:20:53] iamlindoro__: No, meaning the circulaf polarization
[23:20:57] iamlindoro__: er circular
[23:20:57] doobeh: nah, polarized have threading to attach it to the lense, but you also can swivel it
[23:21:03] doobeh: to cut the angle of the light
[23:21:09] doobeh: which you have to do alllll the time :)
[23:21:29] fesha: I am having problems with my audion in Mythtv when I play live TV. I get a crackly noise. any suggestions?
[23:21:34] Cackette: i'm planning on taking lots of pics in the snow, so i'd need alot of cutoff
[23:21:39] Cackette: from the crazy refelections
[23:22:06] levander (levander! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:22:11] xris: iamlindoro: circular refers to the angle of the light leaving the filter, not the mechanics of the filter itself... linear polarizers (aka old style) don't work well with modern auto-focus systems.
[23:23:04] Cackette: so would you guys NOT recommend the $50 tiffen?
[23:23:06] xris: Cackette: the multi-coat will reduce some lens flare and prevent some extraneous light from entering the lens and causing wash-out in the photos.
[23:23:06] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:23:29] xris: the only way to know for sure if it helps would be to test them both...
[23:23:40] Cackette: i cant
[23:23:52] xris: asking in a photo community like or would probably be better than asking in a tv-recording irc channel, too
[23:23:56] gbee: fesha: only livetv, or all recordings? If you play them back using mplayer/vlc/xine/kaffeine etc do you have the same problem?
[23:24:01] Cackette: well, yeah, but lots of people know stuff
[23:24:12] xris: or honestly, just call up b&h and talk to their people — they usually have pretty smart staff
[23:24:22] doobeh: I'd always get the better lense, unless it's a cheap-o lense
[23:24:25] jgarvey (jgarvey! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:24:28] levander: To use the mythdvd plugin. Can I put the DVD in a mythtvfrontend only machine and have it ripped to teh backend machine?
[23:24:29] doobeh: first lense == filter
[23:24:34] Cackette: closed today i belive, and they'd probably try to sell me the more expensive one either way
[23:24:58] xris: Cackette: it's "better"....
[23:25:02] fesha: gbee: I am haing problems with VLC and mplayer, my mp3's work though
[23:25:17] Cackette: yeah, to an extent, but is that extent important enough to warrant $35 extra?
[23:25:38] doobeh: how much is the camera and lense worth?
[23:25:48] Cackette: camera is like $600, lens is like $600
[23:26:16] xris: Cackette: again, that's entirely up to you and depends on what you want out of your photos.. if you're not a pro (and it sounds like you're not), you probably wouldn't notice the difference.
[23:26:31] doobeh: I'd concur with xris
[23:26:41] Cackette: yeah
[23:26:49] xris: me, I'd buy the expensive one.. but I already have one.
[23:27:03] Cackette: i just bought a 70–200mm f/4L
[23:27:18] doobeh: got B&W UV ones protecting my lenses
[23:27:31] xris: doobeh: see, that's overkill for a UV filter. heh.
[23:27:41] Cackette: i usually just buy the Canon UV filters
[23:28:12] fesha: gbee: Any idea what could be wrong?
[23:28:16] doobeh: 70–200 L series, I'd happily make sure it'd getting the best piccy it can :)
[23:28:33] Cackette: yeah, thats why i'm asking you guys
[23:28:37] xris: L series lens for $600?
[23:28:48] Cackette: $549 actually
[23:28:48] doobeh: nah, mine was 1600 i think
[23:28:59] doobeh: mines the f2.8
[23:29:02] gbee: fesha: no sorry, you might have more luck asking in a forum specific to your distro or alsa etc
[23:29:06] Cackette: f/2.8 IS?
[23:29:10] doobeh: aye
[23:29:19] Cackette: i rented one to take pics of the blue angels
[23:29:20] Cackette: sick lens
[23:29:25] Cackette: but more than i can afford :(
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[23:29:46] fesha: gbee: I have tried, and no one responds to me.
[23:29:54] Cackette: . . . 01931389264/
[23:30:31] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:30:43] doobeh: not used it that much really, waiting for a good excuse, fave lense at the moment is my little 17–55mm one, efs lense, really nice
[23:30:55] Cackette: 18?
[23:30:56] Cackette: or 17?
[23:31:00] doobeh: 17 sorry
[23:31:02] gbee: fesha: you might find someone who can help here, but you will have to hang around and be patient, it could take some time
[23:31:15] gbee: audio problems are unusual
[23:31:16] doobeh: oh I did say 17 :)
[23:31:20] Cackette: ahh, expensive
[23:31:20] Cackette: lol
[23:31:31] TelnetManta (TelnetManta! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:31:31] Cackette: i was gonna say how is the kit lens your fave, but its not the kit
[23:31:37] doobeh: really good lense, if I had one, that'd be it
[23:31:40] fesha: gbee: well thanx anyways
[23:31:59] Led-Hed: I've been asing for name hashing in MythGame for a long time, it was finally added SVN #11615. I looked over the code changes, it looks like an option in gamesettings.cpp but Its not there in the GUI.
[23:32:18] Cackette: wait, do you have one
[23:32:23] Cackette: or just used it a few times
[23:32:31] doobeh: me, I have one
[23:32:39] gbee: Led-Hed: what version are you running?
[23:32:39] GreyFoxx: Led-Hed: Yes there is a optioon for it
[23:32:42] Cackette: " if I had one,"
[23:32:43] Cackette: lol
[23:32:51] Led-Hed: GreyFoxx, where?
[23:32:54] doobeh: as in, if I were to keep only one lense
[23:33:00] iamlindoro__: The option is there, but you need to have imported a romdb.sql for it to do any good...
[23:33:02] Cackette: eew, why would you do that
[23:33:20] Led-Hed: gbee, Library API version  : 0.20.20070821–1
[23:33:20] Led-Hed: Source code version  : 14283
[23:33:20] Led-Hed: SVN Branch  : branches/release-0-20-fixes
[23:33:32] doobeh: prefer the wide angle format-- you're legs can provide the zoom
[23:33:37] doobeh: you're/your
[23:33:40] Cackette: right now i have the 18–55mm ef-s kit lens, 50mm f/1.8 II, and soon a 70–200mm f/4L
[23:33:53] GreyFoxx: Led-Hed: It's not in 0.20
[23:33:55] gbee: Led-Hed: too old
[23:33:57] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:34:00] Led-Hed: oh
[23:34:08] GreyFoxx: It was added in svn trunk after 0.20
[23:34:15] gbee: Led-Hed: that's version 0.20, you need trunk or wait two weeks for 0.21
[23:34:33] GreyFoxx: gbee: That patch make your video play at least ?
[23:34:34] Led-Hed: gbee, 0.21 in 2 weeks?
[23:34:40] GreyFoxx: Led-Hed: It's really close
[23:34:44] Led-Hed: sweet
[23:34:46] Led-Hed: thanks
[23:34:49] Cackette: i HATE how the 70–200mm f/4L (IS) has the shitty circular hood, which the f/2.8L (IS) gets the petal hood, so gay
[23:34:53] doobeh: I'll treat myself to the f1.4 50mm next time I go on holiday
[23:34:56] bsdfox: anyone fixed the double-size files on transcoding yet?
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[23:35:17] runoff (runoff! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[23:35:18] doobeh: whihc is probably a long time away :)
[23:35:20] gbee: GreyFoxx: yeah video works, audio is another matter but I think we can safely commit it
[23:35:25] GreyFoxx: k
[23:35:53] GreyFoxx: gbeee: I'd LOVE to get the seekign issue figured out too (seeking in my mp4 files, or mkv goes nuts) before 0.21
[23:36:05] GreyFoxx: but I think that might be too much to ask
[23:36:09] Dr_willis (Dr_willis! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[23:36:10] gbee: Led-Hed: 2 weeks is the plan, depends on circumstances though
[23:36:15] xris: GreyFoxx: I can't even watch mp4 files
[23:36:22] xris: frontend just crashes
[23:36:36] Led-Hed: so where might I find a list of new features in 0.21 ?
[23:36:48] Cackette: why not the f/1.2L 50mm, doobeh =D
[23:36:56] gbee: xris: obvious question, forgive me for asking ;) but have you got a ticket open?
[23:37:20] doobeh: from what i remember 1.4 was 300 bucks and my head didn't even register what the 1.2 cost
[23:37:32] Cackette: lol
[23:37:40] Cackette: 1.2 is 1359
[23:37:41] doobeh: would love to rent one for a few days and see it's potential for evening/bar/etc stuff
[23:37:53] Cackette: yeah
[23:37:55] gbee: Led-Hed: there is one in the wiki, but it's incomplete – people gave up updating it months ago (0.21 has been 18 months in the making, thousands of commits etc)
[23:38:04] GreyFoxx: xris: yeah I think I've got that fixed
[23:38:06] xris: gbee: I was told it was an ffmpeg issue out of control of the mythtv devs
[23:38:07] Cackette: i hate my city, no lens rental places around
[23:38:13] xris: GreyFoxx: how long ago? committed?
[23:38:17] doobeh: try where I live :)
[23:38:20] GreyFoxx: this afternoon and not yet
[23:38:22] gbee: xris: so ffplay doesn't work either?
[23:38:27] Led-Hed: gbee, guess I'll just wait for it.
[23:38:27] doobeh: nearest photo shop is in a different country :)
[23:38:27] Cackette: i rented the 70–200mm f/2.8 IS in seattle, that was awesome for like $40
[23:38:28] Led-Hed: :)
[23:38:28] GreyFoxx: probably gonna commit tonight
[23:38:30] xris: gbee: ffplay != mythtv's ffmpeg
[23:38:39] xris: GreyFoxx: then again, your screenshot patch doesn't work on my frontend, either.  :P
[23:38:44] GreyFoxx: xris: then I'm gonna start working at the seeking
[23:38:49] Cackette: haha, where do you live doobeh
[23:38:54] GreyFoxx: xris: hehe your machine is haunted :)
[23:39:07] doobeh: One of the islands in the Turks and Caicos
[23:39:18] GreyFoxx: xris: once the seeking is fixed I'll start workign on reencoding all my dvd's and shows
[23:39:21] Cackette: damn
[23:39:42] gbee: xris: if it works with a recent copy of trunk ffplay then it _should_ work in mythtv and if it doesn't then it's a mythtv bug
[23:39:45] xris: GreyFoxx: yeah, most of my tv archives are mp4 for ipod compat (and h.264 video)... I just watch them in xine/mplayer.
[23:40:18] GreyFoxx: xris: I've started encoding to h264 mp4's as well, so now I want to ensure it works perfectly in myth with the internal player :)
[23:40:28] xris: gbee: it's definitely a mythtv thing, but last I asked it was blamed on some ffmpeg connection later. GreyFoxx seems to know more about it, though.
[23:40:49] xris: gbee: then I just forgot about it. heh
[23:41:13] gbee: well I hate to disagree with whoever said that, but it's bullshit – even if it can't play the files, the segfault is mythtv's problem and needs to be fixed :)
[23:42:54] xris: gbee: like I said, I think it was more that I got distracted and stopped pushing about it.... but now that GreyFoxx has it as his personal project, I expect it'll get fixed soon.  :)
[23:44:31] gbee: yeah, I hope so anyway :) I'd really like to see support for additional video codecs and formats get sorted out
[23:45:52] gbee: stability issues too, by this point we should have things like memleaks and segfaults under control
[23:46:05] clever: 2008-02–18 19:45:18.873 Unable to initialize plugin 'mythmusic'.
[23:46:20] GreyFoxx: I'm curious just how many of our customizations to the ffmpeg libs need to still be there
[23:46:23] clever: ive done a make distclean;configre;make;makeinstall;ldconfig
[23:46:27] mzb: speaking of memory leaks ... time to stop this FE ;)
[23:46:57] clever: any ideas on what else would fix this problem?
[23:47:32] mzb: check your build logs?
[23:47:53] clever: it fully rebuilt without errors
[23:48:08] clever: in 2mins
[23:48:11] clever: ccache ftw!
[23:48:12] clever: :P
[23:48:44] gbee: mzb: 0.20?
[23:49:18] mzb: svn (stale)
[23:51:32] gbee: I've been valgrinding the frontend pretty hard in the last week, fixed all the leaks I could find but they were all very minor
[23:51:51] mzb: this one balloons out over night
[23:51:54] mzb: BUT
[23:51:58] gbee: if HEAD still leaks for you then I'd be interested in debugging it
[23:52:19] mzb: it was built on a different machine (32bit), and then slapped in (amd64)
[23:52:36] mzb: it's quite old now
[23:52:44] mzb: couple of months?
[23:52:44] greend139 (greend139!n=greend13@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:53:18] mzb: (and it's multirec)
[23:53:24] mzb: Source code version  : 15336M
[23:53:37] gbee: definately the frontend and not the backend?
[23:53:59] mzb: none of the other FE's have the problem
[23:54:07] mzb: (nor are they 64-bit)
[23:54:29] gbee: odd, might be the media monitor and could be specific to the hardware on that system
[23:54:39] mzb: it doesn't concern me ... planning on an update soon, and this machine is used for editing
[23:54:56] mzb: (not watching)
[23:55:15] mzb: I have noticed a lot of noise in the logs re media monitor
[23:55:22] gbee: none of my frontends leak, 32bit or 64bit and I can't explain why a 32bit build running on a 64bit machine would leak
[23:55:28] mzb: so I disabled it (I hope)
[23:55:51] mzb: built on Lenny, running on Feisty wouldn't help much either ;)
[23:56:17] bsdfox: 15263 doesn't leak at all here
[23:56:43] directhex: GreyFoxx deserves cake. he always seems to be hacking on what i could do with being fixed
[23:57:04] mzb: I'll just put it down to my own stupidity, rather than a problem with mythtv
[23:57:11] levander (levander! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:57:18] mzb: I'll keep an eye on it when I update next
[23:57:23] tarbo (tarbo!n=me@unaffiliated/tarbo) has quit ("leaving")
[23:58:28] mzb: (and do it properly;)
[23:59:51] gbee: GreyFoxx deserves cake, or beer if he prefers, for fixing my mjpeg playback problem :)

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