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Wednesday, January 2nd, 2008, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:08] tjcarter: That's what I just did
[00:00:13] rn114 (rn114! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:00:28] tjcarter: did you have a precompiled Qt laying around?
[00:00:32] dans91: tjcarter: interesting. Did you update to 10.5.1?
[00:00:35] tjcarter: yes.
[00:00:42] dans91: tjcarter: no Qt on here.
[00:00:52] tjcarter: There's a Qt.
[00:01:00] tjcarter: It's part of the osx-packager build process.
[00:01:06] tjcarter: (and why it takes so long)
[00:01:15] dans91: tjcarter: yes. but I mean, I didn't have a precompiled one anywere
[00:01:51] tjcarter: I don't know how you got it to work then, because from what I can see it clearly cannot work.
[00:02:23] tjcarter: using osx-packager I just downloaded from svn after you said you'd started working on it.
[00:02:28] tjcarter: ls
[00:02:37] ** tjcarter needs focus follows brain **
[00:02:49] squish102: is there a difference between libfaac and libfaac0 (iamlindoro's script complaining about libfaac but i have libfaac0)
[00:02:54] directhex: Qt is great! all the cool kids use Qt!
[00:03:12] directhex: i kid, i kid. /me ports myth to gtk# in c#
[00:03:35] squish102: and im on ubuntu
[00:03:46] Dave321: cool kids use gentoo
[00:03:48] tjcarter: acce957c96cf59a78f5192f6d3c27947
[00:04:03] telee (telee! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:04:10] directhex: Dave123, unrolled any loops lately?
[00:04:12] telee: whats the best way to rip a dvd?
[00:04:25] directhex: telee, i like avidemux
[00:04:27] |Torg|: legally, none
[00:04:30] Dave321: directhex, of course
[00:04:47] telee: you cant rip dvd's you own?
[00:04:56] |Torg|: legally, no
[00:04:58] directhex: you can't break DRm legally, no
[00:05:03] tjcarter: that's even more interesting actually
[00:05:07] directhex: except in, i think, finland
[00:05:09] tjcarter: the script SHOULD use 3.3.8
[00:05:17] directhex: or iceland. somewhere css was declared to be worthless
[00:05:31] |Torg|: directhex: I thoguht that was sweeden, ala PB
[00:05:36] telee: is avidemux a ripper?
[00:05:45] directhex: it's a transcoding gui
[00:05:50] dans91: tjcarter: i was just about to mention that :)
[00:05:57] directhex: i use vobcopy to get vob files to work with, and do the work with avidemux
[00:05:58] telee: does that mean i can take a dvd and put it on my computer?
[00:06:24] telee: directhex, oh ok that makes more sense... so basically you take all the vobs and make them into one
[00:06:25] |Torg|: if your computer has a licensed player, or that dvd has pc content, yes
[00:06:47] telee: oh
[00:07:00] directhex: telee, it's a 2-part process – you need to gain access to decrypted versions of data on a disc, and you need to turn those files into a useful video format. i use 2 apps – vobcopy to copy decrypted vob files to disk, then avidemux to clean up the files, rescale, deinterlace, and reencode using a better codec
[00:07:06] |Torg|: if its dsitributed by Sony, DO NOT LET IT NEAR YOUR PC
[00:07:25] telee: |Torg|, why?
[00:07:28] dserban_: what's the most/well recognized ir blaster? I have to control a cable box via ir due to my cable company being idiotic and disabling the serial port on the box.
[00:07:44] |Torg|: becae it will install a trojan, called a rootkit, hide its existance and infect it
[00:07:53] directhex: |Torg|, you assume he runs windows
[00:08:03] directhex: |Torg|, and that was music, not dvd
[00:08:27] |Torg|: no I assume Sony are assholes and dont trust anything they make near my network, pcs or home
[00:08:30] telee: directhex, so do you convert the files to something smaller... and how long does vobcopy take to copy a dvd
[00:08:55] |Torg|: hence by strong support for bluray :P
[00:08:57] directhex: telee, vobcopy is fairly quick
[00:09:12] telee: ok sweet
[00:09:19] squish102: doesnt k9copy alco copy dvd's?
[00:09:23] directhex: transcoding properly is not
[00:09:31] |Torg|: Sony isnt sorry they put in rootkist, there sorry they got cought
[00:09:34] directhex: squish102, maybe. i have very very strict requirements when ripping
[00:09:45] telee: directhex, so when you vobcopy do you specify the file size? if i want it in highest quality what do i put?
[00:10:00] telee: squish102, k9 freezes when i use it
[00:10:10] directhex: |Torg|, sony is a gargantuan company. much like microsoft, one department is capable of being less evil than another
[00:10:24] directhex: telee, vobcopy just copies the vob files, and decrypts. no recompression or anything
[00:10:38] tjcarter: dans91: maybe I didn't properly sanitize my build directory somehow, it's definitely downloading 3.3.8
[00:10:47] telee: ok so basically i just type vobcopy
[00:10:50] telee: and it rips
[00:10:54] |Torg|: directhex: its simply a matter of trust, and I do not trust them. screw me one, shame on you., screw me twice, same on me
[00:11:13] telee: vobcopy without any options will copy the title with the most chapters
[00:11:13] telee: into files of 2GB size into the current working directory.
[00:11:13] telee: do i need to specify -M so it is not compresed?
[00:11:17] tjcarter: or maybe MythFrontend just hates me =D
[00:11:50] |Torg|: hate is such a strong word
[00:12:21] directhex: telee, vob files, due to a filesystem limitation, are a maximum of 2gib when stored on a dvd
[00:12:39] directhex: telee, and 2gib is a limit on many filesystems. typically, you have a number of sequentially numbered files
[00:12:39] telee: oh
[00:12:47] telee: oh i see
[00:12:48] tjcarter: actually, they cut off at 1
[00:12:54] directhex: tjcarter, yeah, true
[00:13:01] tjcarter: that's the standard anyway
[00:13:09] tjcarter: iso9660 can't handle > 2
[00:13:41] telee: ok so i put in Mr. Brooks in the drive and it wont moutn... is this because its protected or i just need to manually mount it ?
[00:13:49] tjcarter: udf can, but the DVD standard still cuts them at 1 because the DVD player may not be able to handle > 2.
[00:14:06] tjcarter: All DVD players are required to read iso9660 and udf.
[00:14:23] directhex: telee, don't mount. just run vobcopy
[00:14:31] directhex: tekny__, if it doesn't run, you probably lack libdvdcss2
[00:14:34] directhex: bah
[00:15:20] |Torg|: tele its a 32 bit restriction, 2^32–1 is the file sisze limit becasue of that
[00:15:25] tjcarter: directhex: I love having a Mac in some ways.. I can rip an unencrypted vob right off the disc if it's a region 1 disc without using anything illegal in the United States  ;)
[00:15:28] telee: directhex, i get this error libdvdread: Invalid title IFO (VTS_04_0.IFO).
[00:15:28] telee: libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 4 (VTS_04_0.BUP).
[00:15:56] tjcarter: I still have libdvdcss though, because I also have some region 2 discs  ;)
[00:16:40] xand: you need libdvdcss for any retail DVDs, whatever region
[00:17:19] |Torg|: tele its "copy protection" on teh dvd
[00:17:34] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ()
[00:18:01] Aval0n: torg
[00:18:07] telee: |Torg|, Ie i wont be able to copy it?
[00:18:11] Aval0n: I never did have luck with passing 1080i to my damned TV
[00:18:21] |Torg|: not without patching libdvdread, no
[00:18:22] Aval0n: nvidia driver never accepts the mode
[00:18:36] jarle_: I have noticed that lately I get lot of "QDateTime::fromString: Parameter out of range" in the BE log, any idea what might cause this? (everything seems to work OK as far as I can tell...)
[00:18:42] telee: |Torg|, where would i start to patch libdvdread
[00:18:43] |Torg|: Aval0n: look at the log and see why it rejects it
[00:18:54] |Torg|: telee: google
[00:19:16] larson999 (larson999! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:19:21] telee: |Torg|, thanks
[00:19:30] telee: do iwant to patch it or just install the latest version?
[00:19:39] Aval0n: Torg I did it just says it's too big
[00:19:40] Aval0n: this is the problem that stumped you when you were looking in my box remember? :P
[00:19:40] Aval0n: [05:19pm] *** larson999 (
[00:19:46] Aval0n: woops
[00:19:52] larson999: does mythtv delete the oldest recordings when it run out of space?
[00:20:08] iamlindoro: if they are set to auto-expire
[00:20:34] larson999: iamlindoro, and if not it just does like normal when the file system gets too full?
[00:20:58] iamlindoro: Yup
[00:21:08] tkoepp (tkoepp! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:22] iamlindoro: by which I assume you mean start doing strainge things and then crash and/or never reboot properly ;)
[00:21:34] iamlindoro: er strange
[00:21:45] larson999: iamlindoro, yep.
[00:22:10] xand: no, it sends off an order for more harddisks ;)
[00:22:25] iamlindoro: Myth has an option to preserve x # of GB space
[00:22:34] iamlindoro: so you can always guarantee yourself a margin
[00:22:40] larson999: boy mythtv sure has come a long way since the last time i looked. i could even install it this time!
[00:23:00] directhex: telee, any sensible distribution should already provide a patched libdvdread3 which will use any libdvdcss2 you happen to have on your system
[00:23:34] telee: directhex, so in my snaptic i do have libdvdread3... uh is that sufficient?
[00:23:45] telee: so i should be alright... correct?
[00:24:09] directhex: telee, do you have libdvdcss2 installed?
[00:24:17] jarle_: larson999: in trunk you also get the option to have watched recordings expire before recordings you still haven't watched... (this is not available in stable version yet)
[00:24:25] telee: directhex, no
[00:24:32] directhex: telee, as root, run /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/
[00:24:34] telee: i did not see it in synaptic
[00:24:47] larson999: this is so great i might get a 2nd tuner and hook up the whole house!
[00:24:56] directhex: telee, note, if you're in yankland, the fbi will come and shoot you with a taser until you die for running the above command
[00:25:13] tkoepp: i just did a fresh install of mythbuntu on top of ubuntu 7.10, this system is going to only be recording on the composite source so no guides or other info is nessisary, the input sources are configured (assumed properly) and when we go to live tv we can see out composite source but when we record it does not show up under recorded programs and have already set the group filter to view all programs
[00:25:43] larson999: jarle_, that's nice. i think i'll wait until it's stable though. i'm a bit new to mythtv to start living on the edge
[00:25:50] telee: directhex, ? lol for some reason i think they have better things to do than busting someone copying a dvd that i own
[00:25:50] tjcarter: one of these centuries I might have to revive my project.
[00:26:16] telee: and not all americans are Yanks lol... just the people from the southern USA
[00:26:17] directhex: telee, really? sure about that? give the DMCA a read
[00:26:30] telee: so what does that command do?
[00:26:39] directhex: telee, can you guess?
[00:27:13] telee: lol
[00:27:15] tjcarter: my little project was basically a more barebones knoppmyth that you could be less nervous about upgrading.
[00:27:19] larson999: i wonder why not let you decide to delete a recording when you're going through looking for recording to watch? why make you have to go back out and then go to the delete menu
[00:27:45] directhex: larson999, tried pressing d?
[00:28:32] larson999: directhex, i just have a remote. is there a key on the remote that maps to d?
[00:29:05] larson999: or can i map a key on my remote to d?
[00:29:21] larson999: got a lot of rtfm'ing to do.
[00:29:31] ** iamlindoro nods his head wildly **
[00:29:53] telee: directhex, so basically if the cd is protected i cannot copy it
[00:29:59] telee: and just not worry about it?
[00:30:46] iamlindoro: telee: If you have a windows box, look at Slysoft AnyDVD... it will allow you to copy *anything*
[00:31:01] telee: nope no windows
[00:31:03] telee: how about mac?
[00:31:16] iamlindoro: Handbrake has done a pretty good job for me on mac
[00:31:25] iamlindoro: And Mactheripper is good if that fails
[00:31:26] directhex: telee, almost all retail DVDs are encrypted. you either need to use a decrypting library like libdvdcss2, or give up
[00:31:36] directhex: telee, did you install css?
[00:31:46] telee: no you told me not to lol if i wanted to die =[
[00:31:53] tkoepp: does anyone have any idea about the no recordings showing up for live tv that i posted earlyer any help would be appretiated, thanx
[00:32:12] telee: and i need debhelper and fakeroot installed.
[00:32:20] directhex: telee, so install them
[00:32:22] iamlindoro: telee: Any of the methods I mentioned are just implementations of the same deCSS
[00:32:32] iamlindoro: might as well install libdvdcss2
[00:33:32] telee: why doesnt slyfox thing get shut down?
[00:34:07] iamlindoro: Slysoft... because a) they're not a US company and b) it's legal to decrypt DVDs in many many counties
[00:34:47] dans91: poor Americans :)
[00:34:55] jarle_: somehow I have got epg data until year 2037, could anybody please remind me how I remove unwanted epg-data?
[00:34:56] iamlindoro: Hell, it's even legal to pirate software in some countries (I'm lookin at *you*, antigua)
[00:35:15] directhex: iamlindoro, only $21m of software per year
[00:35:17] justinh: and c) the MPAA doesn't _yet_ have the reach to take action in other countries
[00:35:33] iamlindoro: directhex: Yeah, I know, but sounded funnier without the qualification ;)
[00:35:36] dans91: every time my russian friends make me feel bad about australia copyright law, I only have to look at America to feel all warm and fuzzy again. :)
[00:36:04] tjcarter: dans91: you can make them feel bad about Russian politics.
[00:36:49] tjcarter: dans91: where they have two boxes.. One is labeled Putin. The other is a paper shredder.  ;)
[00:37:15] directhex: tjcarter, just because he'll shootinate you if he dislikes you...
[00:37:18] iamlindoro: Ah, but this year the first box is labeled "Putin's bitch."
[00:37:18] dans91: tjcarter: yes. whereas we have the choice between three or four absolute morons. wonderful :)
[00:37:37] tjcarter: iamlindoro: yeah well..
[00:38:00] telee: directhex, i get this error when i run that
[00:38:02] telee: checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
[00:38:11] directhex: telee, install build-essential
[00:38:26] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:37] tjcarter: how the hell does ubuntu install gcc without the necessary things for gcc to compile?
[00:38:53] directhex: tjcarter, it doesn't
[00:39:14] directhex: tjcarter, and this is a fairly old question. the usual answer is "which libc do you want to compile against today?"
[00:39:23] tjcarter: according to telee, obviously it does.
[00:39:40] telee: yeah i dunno thats the error
[00:39:42] directhex: tjcarter, he'll have installed "gcc" separately. gcc doesn't depend: on libc6-dev
[00:39:48] tjcarter: he's on linux, There Can Only Be One libc.. glibc2  ;)
[00:39:55] iamlindoro: If he's installing on Ubuntu, just enable the medibuntu repositories and apt-get install libdvdcss2
[00:40:06] xand: "checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" = gcc not installed
[00:40:19] directhex: tjcarter, it recommends: libc6-dev, so only a retarded package management tool like synaptic will ignore recommends
[00:40:32] tjcarter: ah
[00:40:45] directhex: tjcarter, also, i think there are about four libcs in ubuntu
[00:41:03] tjcarter: four?
[00:41:13] tjcarter: is ubuntu trying to out-Debian Debian again?
[00:41:21] directhex: tjcarter, no, they're the debian packages
[00:41:28] dans91: directhex: 6 at last count :)
[00:41:38] dans91: including -prof etc
[00:41:41] telee: directhex, ok so i installed libcss2 thing
[00:41:52] telee: now i should be able to rip this dvd
[00:42:10] tjcarter: profiling, debugging, and standard.. Oh, and uclibc for embedded weenies
[00:42:15] iamlindoro: Assuming it doesn't have other copy protection methods besides CSS
[00:42:28] telee: lol
[00:42:31] telee: wow this sucks
[00:42:48] iamlindoro: telee: It's fairly uncommon
[00:42:52] dans91: tjcarter: also -amd64 and i686 :)
[00:42:52] telee: libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 4 (VTS_04_0.BUP).
[00:42:58] telee: ui get that error with vobcopy
[00:43:07] directhex: dans91, that's all glibc. there are other libcs
[00:43:22] directhex: telee, what does "vobcopy -I" say?
[00:43:24] iamlindoro: !seen gbee
[00:43:24] MythLogBot: gbee was last seen 2 days 4 hours 27 minutes 8 seconds ago
[00:43:38] dans91: directhex: ah I see what you there are that many other libc replacments now? wow. cool :)
[00:44:09] telee: name of dvd: MR_BROOKS_US
[00:44:09] telee: There are 20 titles on this DVD.
[00:44:09] telee: There are 77 chapters on the dvd.
[00:44:12] tjcarter: libc-without-gnu-crap-and-with-useful-stuff-gnu-people-refuse-to-add
[00:44:16] telee: and some other stuff with title
[00:44:26] iamlindoro: Ooooh, internal will parse an .EVO!
[00:44:26] tjcarter: strl functions anyone?
[00:44:29] iamlindoro: interesting!
[00:44:34] telee: DVD-name: MR_BROOKS_US
[00:44:34] telee: disk free: 277863 MB
[00:44:34] telee: vobs size: 0 MB
[00:44:38] tjcarter: evo?
[00:44:49] iamlindoro: HD-DVD container file
[00:44:56] tjcarter: ah
[00:45:00] directhex: telee, looks like an invalid dvd to me
[00:45:06] telee: lol
[00:45:08] iamlindoro: won't necessarily play the codecs within (in fact, it mostly won't) but the video/container play fine
[00:45:23] directhex: telee, look at the titles list. one title has 77 chapters. what's the second most chaptery on the list?
[00:45:40] tjcarter: er shouldn't the codecs within be just avc video and the like?
[00:45:51] iamlindoro: video codecs are fine
[00:45:55] telee: 33
[00:46:00] iamlindoro: audio codecs are mostly without an OSS decoder
[00:46:03] directhex: telee, which title?
[00:46:17] iamlindoro: E-AC3, MLP, TrueHD... all playable by patching mplayer, however
[00:46:21] telee: title 1
[00:46:28] tjcarter: e-ac3?
[00:46:31] iamlindoro: yup
[00:46:32] directhex: telee, try "vobcopy -n 1"
[00:46:32] tjcarter: hmm
[00:46:40] tjcarter: never heard of e-ac3
[00:46:49] tjcarter: the others I've heard of
[00:47:00] telee: libdvdread: Invalid title IFO (VTS_04_0.IFO).
[00:47:00] telee: libdvdread: Invalid IFO for title 4 (VTS_04_0.BUP).
[00:47:00] telee: [Error] Can't open the title 4 info file.
[00:47:07] iamlindoro: Well those are the audio formats used by the main audio tracks of HD-DVD and Blu-ray
[00:47:36] directhex: telee, hm, looks like you can't work around the invalid dvd structure with vobcopy then
[00:47:49] telee: ok