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Friday, November 23rd, 2007, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:01] black_Nightmare_: clever_ you still there?
[00:00:09] clever_: yes
[00:01:39] black_Nightmare_: clever_ just curious but which ross kvm switch do you have?
[00:01:54] clever_: checking
[00:02:37] clever_:
[00:02:40] clever_: top one i beleive
[00:02:51] clever_: 4 ports
[00:04:51] black_Nightmare_: hmm choice of manual or software switching I like that
[00:06:52] black_Nightmare_: this looks nice as well but hmm.... *looks for some prices*
[00:10:10] clever_: i got the kvm i have for free basicaly
[00:10:20] clever_: they are used at my dads job but some places dont need it
[00:10:26] Dr_willis (Dr_willis! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:28] clever_: so we get to store it on my desk:P
[00:11:51] black_Nightmare_: heh ok :p
[00:12:09] black_Nightmare_: but being able to have two systems (stacked in a sense) on one monitor here would been nice if possible ;)
[00:12:44] black_Nightmare_: might be amusing on anyone visiting tho... see one desktop and softwares one time .. next time they come back they're wondering just what the hell this is...different desktop with its own different list of softwares :p
[00:12:52] ** black_Nightmare_ chuckles **
[00:13:18] clever_: i have 2 towers psysicaly stacked
[00:13:44] clever_: and one of them is wired into 3 kvm ports atm but only 1 working
[00:13:51] black_Nightmare_: *nudges one well and watch it flip and crash* :P
[00:14:07] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:09] k-man: hello
[00:14:14] clever_: its wedged between the desk and microwave stand
[00:14:23] clever_: but im surprised the microwave hasnt fried either:P
[00:14:29] k-man: whats the status of multirec like?
[00:14:31] clever_: and its as old as me
[00:14:32] black_Nightmare_: heh I was just teasing know how instable towers gets some of these times ;)
[00:14:34] k-man: is it useable?
[00:14:36] k-man: yet?
[00:14:50] clever_: last i heard it was deaf
[00:14:53] clever_: but that was weeks ago
[00:15:16] black_Nightmare_: clever..but anyhow..this is two desktops here .. one being custom case
[00:15:22] clever_: ah:)
[00:15:32] clever_: custom case's might not fit/stack as well
[00:15:52] clever_: one of my problems is that the side wont come off till you remove the front
[00:16:04] clever_: and the latch for the front is under it(so you need to lift it up)
[00:16:19] clever_: and its more work when your lifting 2 desktops at once without tiping it over
[00:16:32] black_Nightmare_: heh well I hate how most desktop cases are always overpriced htpc-type ones and the fact several of them don't even have the number of bays I need (like WTF why do some only have *one* or *two* only?)
[00:17:00] clever_: the P4 case i think has 4 cd sized bays
[00:17:18] black_Nightmare_: so...its going be custom wood case for me (and I'll probably make it in a sliding two section type .. front&bottom and top&sides&rear you know
[00:17:18] clever_: id run out of ide plugs first(if i wanted a hdd)
[00:18:28] Caliban__ is now known as Caliban
[00:20:01] black_Nightmare_: heh well I'm not sure yet but planning on one new oem hd and reusing old cdrw + dvdrom (not sure about a combo or so yet) and well if I somehow end up with scsi from any expansion card might as well as see if couldn't fit a 4-/6-cd changer drive in too ;)
[00:20:18] black_Nightmare_: just something small for a little case but still able to do what I'll need out of it
[00:23:17] black_Nightmare_: clever how many systems do you have..two?
[00:23:34] clever_: more:P
[00:23:35] clever_: way more
[00:23:42] clever_: over 10 easily
[00:23:48] clever_: takes a few mins to count:P
[00:23:57] mzb_d800 (mzb_d800! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:24:10] mzb_d800 (mzb_d800! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:38] black_Nightmare_: ughh
[00:24:47] mzb_d800: black_Nightmare_: re scanner mount:
[00:24:51] mzb_d800:
[00:24:57] black_Nightmare_: clever...any slot1 or amd k6 series powered ones? ;)
[00:25:01] mzb_d800: . . . itemId=20351
[00:25:06] clever_: black_Nightmare_: slot1?
[00:27:13] black_Nightmare_: know...cpu on card mounted to board ... before skt370 came out :p
[00:27:21] clever_: ahh
[00:27:31] clever_: i had one ages ago that had the cpu on an isa like card
[00:27:40] clever_: and the media system is a P2(slot mounted)
[00:28:12] clever_: ive also got a 486 that got infected by a mac
[00:28:20] clever_: (monitor and comptuer in 1 peice)
[00:29:18] black_Nightmare_: heh.. P2 would sound like a MMX system to me
[00:29:42] Dr_willis (Dr_willis! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[00:30:33] mzb_d800: black_Nightmare_: does the pic explain the mount? :)
[00:30:40] mzb_d800: (and the type of scanner)
[00:31:08] black_Nightmare_: yeah I see now
[00:31:35] black_Nightmare_: you know what might have had been fun for me? :p
[00:31:51] mzb_d800: wooden computer? :)
[00:32:06] black_Nightmare_: moment..
[00:33:28] clever_: ive seen a lego and cardboard case on the internet
[00:33:48] mzb_d800: heh
[00:33:54] black_Nightmare_:
[00:34:30] black_Nightmare_: mount in 5.25" bay on top of the cd drive or so (in the old ads they're shown mounted to top of disk or floppy drives anyhow)
[00:35:24] black_Nightmare_: I could use one and load it pcdos2001 or the so with a CF card in ide adapter then use it as a programmable mass i/o control board with almost 0% load on the main processor :P
[00:35:37] black_Nightmare_: and well other ideas you know ;)
[00:35:55] gbee: I'm making a wooden computer case atm ....
[00:36:22] mzb_d800: nice ... what type of wood?
[00:36:46] mzb_d800: (I'd love to make a huon pine one someday ;)
[00:36:55] black_Nightmare_: this one has external overlaying support so it probably could be used to run message tickets or whatever on top of the whatever the main (you know..duh from the motherboard) video card is delivering
[00:37:09] black_Nightmare_: you see where I'm going if I could ever find one of these ampro things? :p
[00:37:26] Dr_willis_ (Dr_willis_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:37:30] Dr_willis_ (Dr_willis_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:37:35] gbee: haven't actually bought the wood yet :) but probably pine, because a) it's cheap b) it's sold everywhere and I don't have to go searching for a decent timber place
[00:37:47] mzb_d800:
[00:37:59] gbee: it's also easy to work
[00:38:10] black_Nightmare_: I don't even know where else to look for a board like know what I mean
[00:38:30] black_Nightmare_: these BASIC ones etc just aren't any good..expensive for their analog i/o purpose (and how am I supposed to interface actual drives to them?)
[00:38:50] mzb_d800: black_Nightmare_: I can't imagine I/O being too good on one of those boards
[00:39:02] gbee: it's going to house this lot: and be a wall mounted frontend (probably for the kitchen)
[00:39:28] mzb_d800: nice
[00:39:44] fxr__ (fxr__!n=fxr@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:43] mzb_d800: I'd imagine that Huon Pine would be classed as an (expensive) Exotic Timber in your neck of the woods ;)
[00:41:08] gbee: aye
[00:41:28] mzb_d800: very interesting tree ... they actually grow horizontally like a creeper for (I think) the first 15–30 yrs, before "standing up"
[00:41:50] gbee: I suppose it wouldn't be too expensive to get something better than pine considering how little wood we're talking about
[00:41:50] black_Nightmare_: mine case might just be whatever wood I feel like using (providing it can support a bit of weight from the top via the side panels anyhow) and nothing fancy but then you never really know ;)
[00:42:20] black_Nightmare_: I'll have to size the case's height to the tallest card on the motherboard tho as if go figure with that (hint: its the damned sound card .. heh)
[00:42:42] gbee: I'll probably use pine and if the results are good, then I'll redo it with better quality wood but I won't be wasting the good stuff if I screw up
[00:42:55] mzb_d800: gbee: embedded in the wall? You'd really only need a face plate, right?
[00:43:04] clever_: gbee: that jpg looks like a laptop
[00:43:22] clever_: gbee: ive had my laptops appart before also
[00:43:23] mzb_d800: there's another amasing Tasmanian timber ... now let's see if I can remember what it's called
[00:43:49] gbee: mzb_d800: not embedded no, brick walls with a thin plaster so there isn't really room to embed
[00:44:13] gbee: clever_: correct, in a previous life it was a laptop
[00:44:52] mzb_d800: ah, ok
[00:44:54] clever_: gbee: my old dell laptop currently has a cracked lcd
[00:45:11] clever_: you could mount a normal lcd on the wall and throw the whole laptop under the counter
[00:45:19] mzb_d800: I think the timber I'm thinking of is either Black Hearted Sassafras or Celery Top Pine ... I'll see if I can find a pic
[00:45:29] clever_: and stick a lirc receiver somewhere(or normal keyboard)
[00:45:43] gbee: clever_: not nearly as much fun :)
[00:45:48] clever_: yeah
[00:46:04] clever_: the tvout works on my olddell but the brightness is off(oddly white washed)
[00:46:18] clever_: and it takes 20mins of fidling to get it to work
[00:46:53] gbee: another reason for not embedding is that I want the DVD drive to be accessible and the USB ports too (for pluging in a keyboard to debug or copy over pictures/music/video)
[00:47:23] clever_: my dell is currently on a shelf in the furnace room
[00:47:32] mzb_d800:
[00:47:33] clever_: running the irc client im in right now(over ssh)
[00:47:58] mzb_d800:
[00:48:12] gbee: I'm not doing this because I want a wall mounted frontend and the laptop is all I could find, but because I've got this old laptop and I wanted to find a good use for it
[00:48:28] clever_: ahh:)
[00:48:31] mzb_d800:
[00:48:37] gbee: the hinge was broken and it's a little too old to be really useful as a laptop anymore
[00:48:39] mzb_d800: ^^ best pic I could find
[00:48:50] clever_: gbee: the hinge for the lcd broke in my olddell
[00:48:55] mzb_d800: stunning looking timber
[00:49:02] gbee: mzb_d800: very nice
[00:49:06] clever_: gbee: i got a whole new lcd panel and swaped parts and it broke again:P
[00:49:50] clever_: gbee: then the lcd cracked so i just used it blindly for a few days:P
[00:49:51] clever_: (i can still run mplayer when blind)
[00:50:08] gbee: heh
[00:50:22] clever_: turned it into a oversized mp3 player(without display)
[00:50:34] clever_: 20gig+nfs to more
[00:50:44] clever_: can ipod beat that?:P
[00:50:48] clever_: (it also had wifi)
[00:51:28] mzb_d800: gbee: but if you want to *really* enjoy some wordwork, try a piece of Huon Pine (if you can get it) ... not just a pleasure to work with, but the smell is nothing short of incredible (woodturner's high?:)
[00:52:06] mzb_d800: very fine grain (due to the age + slow growing)
[00:52:07] gbee: I'll try to remember that if I ever see some
[00:52:34] mzb_d800: probably pretty good for a kitchen too ... won't rot
[00:52:53] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[00:54:05] gbee: considering it's a protected species, slow growing and only found in Tasmania, I think my chances are slim
[00:54:40] gbee: but then I've got relatives out there, so who knows?
[00:54:50] fxr_ (fxr_!n=fxr@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:55:48] gbee: I can probably buy a sapling from a nursery in this country, but even assuming it will grow, it would probably take 50 years to reach the right size :p
[00:55:58] black_Nightmare_: heh :p
[00:56:46] mzb_d800: yep ... we had a 2 foot Christmas Tree (Huon Pine) as kids ... I suspect I've seen it grow about 1/2 foot ;)
[00:57:02] mzb_d800: not sure where it is now .... have to ask Mum
[00:57:29] gbee: whereabouts do you live?
[01:01:40] mzb_d800:
[01:02:09] gbee: my dad spent a few years in Tasmania as a ki, my grandfather was the vicar at what was then an outback town, until he died my uncle still lived in Port Arthur (died a couple of years after the massacre)
[01:03:18] gbee: err, years == months
[01:03:33] black_Nightmare_: anyone here good with video circuits out of curiousity?
[01:04:31] mzb_d800: nice area ... g/f's uncle has a shack down there ... and her family all have "Indigenous Fishing Licences" ($5 for life) ... which means as much crayfish as you can eat (basically)
[01:04:49] mzb_d800: breakfast, lunch and tea :)
[01:05:12] mzb_d800: they probably sell for about $80/kg here
[01:05:29] black_Nightmare_: well either way I'm just curious if this old circuit near bottom is video-only or its video&audio as well?
[01:06:29] mzb_d800: look at the circuit diagram
[01:06:32] mzb_d800: video only
[01:07:03] gbee: Ringarooma was the place that my dad lived while my grandad was posted there as the vicar for the area
[01:07:19] gbee: that was back in the mid 50s
[01:07:51] amrit is now known as amrit|bbl
[01:08:05] black_Nightmare_: hmm...
[01:08:17] black_Nightmare_: wonder how a seperate circuit could feed audio into the coax cable
[01:12:21] black_Nightmare_: nah..nevermind I asked :p
[01:12:22] mzb_d800: well, there's your answer ... you need a combined circuit ;)
[01:12:29] mzb_d800: (and probably stereo;)
[01:12:39] black_Nightmare_: a what?
[01:14:23] mzb_d800: a stereo video modulator
[01:16:48] mzb_d800: eg
[01:16:50] mzb_d800: . . . uct=37400005
[01:17:08] mzb_d800: . . . uct=37400010
[01:18:04] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@ has quit ("Leaving")
[01:18:37] black_Nightmare_: hmm $34aud .. think I'll just stick to rca's :p
[01:21:06] black_Nightmare_: this one is maybe a bit more interesting tho ...
[01:21:16] black_Nightmare_: imagine the computer playing a movie on "channel 4" :p
[01:21:21] ** black_Nightmare_ hehs **
[01:21:29] GreyFoxx: I have a slave backend that does just that :)
[01:21:42] GreyFoxx: well, actually both of my backends do
[01:21:56] black_Nightmare_: greyfoxx..but do they have *no* cables between system and tv? ;)
[01:21:57] GreyFoxx: one feeds channel 4 in my motherinlaws house nextdoor from my slave backend
[01:21:59] smr (smr! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:22:24] GreyFoxx: black_Nightmare_: RF modulators taking the svideoout+audio and putting it on channel 4
[01:22:49] GreyFoxx: and I have anotch filter on the incoming cable signal to ensure no interference
[01:22:53] black_Nightmare_: greyfoxx....umm look at the xmitter diagram doesn't have any 'out' connectors
[01:22:55] black_Nightmare_: ;)
[01:23:20] smr: I just checked out latest svn and now mythweb status page doesn't work. anyone else having this problem+
[01:23:22] smr: ?
[01:23:47] smr: backend is not listening to port 6544
[01:24:05] GreyFoxx: black_Nightmare_: well, most TV's, at least with an arial can pick up wireless video, so I can imagine someone making something to do it themselves :)
[01:25:18] black_Nightmare_: yeah could be funny to sleep over at someone's and tell them to turn to channel 5 (which I know is not ever used at all) then see what they make out of seeing a desktop screen on the tv even although they know there's nothing but the antenna and power cables plugged in :p
[01:25:27] ** black_Nightmare_ hehs **
[01:25:51] GreyFoxx: ACtually we have channels 2, 3, 5 and 8 available over the air locally :)
[01:26:17] GreyFoxx: though it often looks crappy without an arial
[01:26:17] sjkwizard (sjkwizard!n=simone@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:27:59] black_Nightmare_: here its 4,6,9,11*,13,24,30,40**,60**,65*** (*=seem to friz just a bit of the times,**=usually heavy static with bit visible picture but sometimes useable otherwise,*** umm good one time then just a bit hard to even get anything another time at all)
[01:28:28] black_Nightmare_: I think I'm at fault for using mix of old and homemade boosters too but go figure heh
[01:29:03] black_Nightmare_: (I still don't know whats wrong with the particular 30dBA one I built...for some reason the transformer has been blowing out two times in the first three months *sigh*)
[01:29:18] gbee (gbee! has left #mythtv-users ("Gone")
[01:30:20] black_Nightmare_: to love boosters sometimes except when they go FWHOM! .. you know
[01:32:56] CrevilO: isn't that the best part?
[01:33:47] black_Nightmare_: not meant something the damned blew out :P
[01:36:18] black_Nightmare_: hmm how much use is there for I2C or its more of only for embedded designs alone?
[01:36:52] mzb_d800: black_Nightmare_: you can't recommend your booster circuit then? :)
[01:37:14] black_Nightmare_: of them maybe as its been staying stable so far
[01:37:25] mzb_d800: got a diagram?
[01:37:27] black_Nightmare_: but the 30dBA one I don't know whats quite wrong with its voltage
[01:37:32] black_Nightmare_: :p
[01:37:58] mzb_d800: dm ... I'll get Dad to scribble one down when I see him next
[01:38:05] clever_: ive heard of a multi watt booster(dual direction) for wifi
[01:38:15] clever_: which gave a 10mile or so range of wifi
[01:39:21] mzb_d800: I've seen 34km
[01:39:35] mzb_d800: but that involved boosting the signal above the legal limit
[01:39:51] clever_: yeah
[01:40:08] clever_: a directional antena would just focus the exisitng signal into a more powerfull beam
[01:40:29] mzb_d800: I'm just looking for something cheap to build to get a stronger signal to my new dvb tuner
[01:40:33] mzb_d800: (piece of crap)
[01:40:41] jandshog (jandshog! has quit ()
[01:41:08] mzb_d800: 99% signal on everything else in the house, but it doesn't like it
[01:41:32] mzb_d800: partially works on it's original aerial ... but not good enough too watch
[01:41:40] hgait: mzb_d800, have a look at
[01:42:36] hgait: there have some cool wireless stuff there
[01:42:38] black_Nightmare_: hmm looks like I2C is for hardware monitoring and volume control of intelligent speakers....
[01:42:44] black_Nightmare_: *wonders if there's even a circuit somewhere*
[01:42:48] pigeon (pigeon! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:43:04] mzb_d800: hgait: no, I don't need wifi ... VHF TV
[01:43:09] pigeon (pigeon! has quit (Client Quit)
[01:43:11] mzb_d800: thanks anyway
[01:43:28] hgait: are sory thought you were on about wifi
[01:43:32] pigeon (pigeon! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:43:59] mzb_d800: black_Nightmare_: look for I2C DIMM memory mods
[01:44:11] black_Nightmare_: mzb..not sure thats any use for me sorry :p
[01:44:44] mzb_d800: iirc, you can use it to form an I2C bus
[01:45:12] black_Nightmare_: hmm in that case..links?
[01:46:27] mzb_d800: ;)
[01:47:19] black_Nightmare_: thats not even a link you silly thing :p
[01:49:19] mzb_d800: :)
[01:49:45] mzb_d800: I think I remember tripping across it when I first started playing with lmsensors
[01:50:58] mzb_d800:
[01:52:02] mzb_d800: err .. not I2C, but you get the idea
[01:52:11] mzb_d800: (still a one-wire protocol)
[01:53:16] mzb_d800: or is I2C ~= smbus ... ah well ... can't remember
[01:53:28] black_Nightmare_: hm interesting
[02:02:45] mzb_d800: but if all you want is I/O, this can be easier: Advanced Search
[02:02:45] mzb_d800: Preferences
[02:02:45] mzb_d800: Search: the web pages from Australia
[02:02:45] mzb_d800: Web Results 1 – 10 of about 556 for "24 line" I/O circuit for PC. (0.09 seconds)
[02:02:45] mzb_d800:
[02:02:45] mzb_d800:
[02:02:47] mzb_d800: Sponsored Links
[02:02:49] mzb_d800: Modbus I/O
[02:02:51] mzb_d800: Low cost Modbus I/O module
[02:02:54] mzb_d800: 4 DI, 4DO, 2AI, 1AO, 2 Temp
[02:02:56] mzb_d800:
[02:02:58] mzb_d800: Schematic For
[02:02:59] mzb_d800: Free Repair Manuals and Support.
[02:03:01] mzb_d800: Find Manuals for any Product
[02:03:03] mzb_d800:
[02:03:05] mzb_d800: Open Directory – Computers: Hardware: Embedded
[02:03:10] mzb_d800: Sysmedia – New generation of components for embedded CPU modules, PC/104, ISA bus SBCs, microcontrollers for I/O interfacing. ...
[02:03:12] mzb_d800: oops
[02:03:14] mzb_d800: sorry about that
[02:03:16] mzb_d800:
[02:03:33] mzb_d800: I've got something similar in a box downstairs (somewhere)
[02:04:01] mzb_d800: you used to be able to get them from kit suppliers like Jaycar
[02:06:16] black_Nightmare_: heh this one I like..probably will try build it :p
[02:06:38] mzb_d800: or if you want low frequency (22kHz?) A/D then: . . . SUBCATID=432
[02:12:33] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:14:23] black_Nightmare_: heh sorry was afk for a second
[02:14:29] black_Nightmare_: interesting plug-in card there
[02:33:42] black_Nightmare_: mzb_d800 something tells me this person has been junking it too long and now wants the floor space there back :p
[02:33:48] black_Nightmare_: its only $10 too
[02:34:22] mzb: heh
[02:41:04] ** black_Nightmare_ pokes you for no reason :p **
[02:42:07] mzb: *ouch*
[02:42:13] black_Nightmare_: mzb just a curious question for you anyhow...
[02:42:33] black_Nightmare_: what would you think if you actually saw a car with 'V' antenna somewhere on the hood? :P
[02:43:15] mzb: "Get a better aerial" ?? :)
[02:43:48] black_Nightmare_: heh I sometimes wonder about the funny thought of a little tv in car and run wire to mount the antenna permamently on the hood :p
[02:45:14] |Torg| (|Torg|! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:45:31] black_Nightmare_: mzb no comment I presume?
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[02:45:47] mzb_d800: "rabbit ears" are totally wrong for a mobile environment
[02:46:00] mzb_d800: (if you have a think about how they work)
[02:47:12] black_Nightmare_: what else would you suggest then?
[02:47:30] mzb_d800: no idea ... never thought about it
[02:47:37] black_Nightmare_: heh ok
[02:47:42] mzb_d800: hmm ... my MBE isn't working ... can't even start mythtv-setup
[02:47:45] black_Nightmare_: either way there'll be the radio and cb radio antennas as well
[02:49:46] black_Nightmare_: mzb...its just kinda crazy thought but I've been wondering about the idea of an otherwise-plain sedan being turned into a single person home car :P
[02:49:56] black_Nightmare_: or even a wagon too
[02:50:17] mzb_d800: for certain functions, Dad uses a clever circuit he designed to use a single aerial for multiple devices (no ... not a splitter)
[02:50:34] tarrybone (tarrybone! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:50:41] mzb_d800: but then his "Rally Vehicle" looks like a porcupine ;)
[02:50:52] clever_: lol:)
[02:51:13] mzb_d800:
[02:52:09] black_Nightmare_: take passenger seat out to make bed... put tv&laptop behind driver seat .. some dry food and the so in rear .. cb radio mounts-banged onto the right side dashboard top or whatever fits ... water tank and two extra tires on roof ... and who knows what other minor details
[02:52:37] clever_: sounds fun:P
[02:52:50] clever_: how much range can you get out of a cb radio normaly?
[02:53:41] black_Nightmare_: no idea
[02:54:45] black_Nightmare_: but clever..when you think about would you react if you were just a plain driver on the highway then a car passes by you then suddenly you see its got multiply antennas out front then as that comes into view you see the tank and tires on roof then finally the odd rear? :P
[02:54:50] clever_: .
[02:54:56] black_Nightmare_: maybe "...what the hell is that?" :p
[02:55:02] clever_: lol
[02:55:27] clever_: sounds like something id make:P
[02:56:00] clever_: i often weave wires thru the dash in the van without taking it appart
[02:56:09] black_Nightmare_: when you think about it can park just about anywhere a plain car could .. unlike class B rvs ;) (and more economized for just a single person too I guess)
[02:56:25] mzb_d800: clever_: iirc, Dad get's a few hundred km out of his gear (not CB)
[02:56:30] paul____ (paul____! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:56:37] clever_: .
[02:56:42] clever_: nice
[02:56:45] black_Nightmare_: not sure about this one yet but making an attachment mount on front to hang a bicycle there to keep the rear free for trailer/etc would be interesting too
[02:56:55] mzb_d800: he's recently (2yrs?) added a motorised telescopic HF aerial to the rear of the car
[02:57:00] clever_: laptop power suply and gps cable inside the dash
[02:57:02] mzb_d800: (s/car/truck;)
[02:57:13] clever_: 120 cord along with the laptop power and a serial hanging out 1 side
[02:57:18] paul____: hey: I have a bizarre problem never encountered b4 with the client: When I run it, it resets my X connection!
[02:57:19] clever_: 12v plug going out for the gps
[02:57:29] clever_: and the gps plug coming out near the door
[02:57:31] mzb_d800: black_Nightmare_: s/interesting/illegal
[02:57:36] paul____: any ideas on that???
[02:57:50] black_Nightmare_: come? some vans have front attachments already -_-
[02:59:52] mzb_d800: van? might be different ... but something as low as a sedan would be illegal (obscure view, etc)
[03:00:25] clever_: our jeep
[03:00:32] clever_: you need a step ladder to get into:P
[03:00:37] paul____ (paul____! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:00:47] clever_: you could hang the bike half a foot below the bumper and not scrape it on the ground
[03:01:20] black_Nightmare_: mzb...meh....ok maybe how about the other way.... transversal water tank on front and the bicycle to side (with tires on other side) on roof? ;)
[03:01:50] mzb_d800: nope
[03:01:59] mzb_d800: a: too much weight at the front
[03:02:00] clever_: mounting on side may block side mirrors
[03:02:07] mzb_d800: b: can't have side mount
[03:02:32] mzb_d800: top or rear only (within sane limits;)
[03:02:41] black_Nightmare_: and how come? sometimes I never understand useless car designs
[03:03:02] mzb_d800: it's not so much car designs, but your local laws
[03:03:10] black_Nightmare_: (especially with the times when a car used to have large motor but now only sold with small one alone and they never bother changing the bay leaving you with a lot of air space)
[03:03:11] mzb_d800: (mostly based on COMMON SENSE! :)
[03:03:32] clever_: what about those cars with the pointed fronts
[03:03:41] clever_: made to skewer the people you hit:P
[03:03:55] black_Nightmare_: mzb...heh well tell that to the old beater I used to have rear bumper and the licenese plate was only to be found inside the window .. on top of other details ^_^
[03:04:08] mzb_d800: putting a large object in front of the front axle is just not real smart ;) (unless you have added at least that amount to the rear as well, I guess)
[03:04:43] black_Nightmare_: sure why do people put so much cargo in a station wagon without pushing it to sit at least on or ahead of the rear axle too? :->
[03:04:44] clever_: mzb_d800: but wont that mater if its front or read wheel drive?
[03:05:20] clever_: if its front wheel drive extra weight near the front would aid in traction
[03:05:41] mzb: no, more where the engine is ... and if it's rear, or mid-rear, chances are there is NO room at the front of the car for anything extra anyway
[03:06:47] black_Nightmare_: the water probably is only going to be like what 80–100lbs ... compared to well...umm something else in the car ^_^
[03:09:21] black_Nightmare_: anyway clever_ .. re that electrical system you mentioned .. I think I'm just going to stick to adding my 400W inverter in (for tv and cc box mainly I guess) and the cb radio but otherwise probably just leave the rest stock....aside to maybe a second battery in parallel just as backup
[03:09:32] clever_: .
[03:09:53] clever_: ah:)
[03:10:14] black_Nightmare_: gps...who even needs gps anyway? :P
[03:10:17] clever_: lol
[03:10:37] clever_: i was mostly stufing the laptop psu brick up in the dash
[03:10:41] clever_: under the air bag...
[03:11:04] clever_: dad kept telling me i was going to set it off in my face
[03:12:07] clever_: i could easily pull out the glove box and theres tons of empty space behind/above it
[03:12:10] black_Nightmare_: heh well if there's one thing I know..I'm going try use a 80's car or the so anyhow...just rather prefer straight brakes in some cases (partially with mountain roads)
[03:13:01] black_Nightmare_: now that I remember it...I had to replace the front twice on the old beater because of damned big mountains :p (in a know)
[03:13:09] clever_: lol
[03:13:43] black_Nightmare_: clever...thats the problem with having to lay on brakes a lot (especially also when its not balanced too)
[03:13:50] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-e9c19a052120821b) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:13:54] clever_: :S
[03:14:14] black_Nightmare_: but I tell you something....the several times I used the brake you wouldn't even be able to copy it with your abs car without setting off the computer way too much .. end of story :p
[03:14:25] clever_: lol
[03:15:37] black_Nightmare_: clever...thats the thing with learning threshold braking on your own...again, enough said
[03:16:05] clever_: .
[03:16:10] clever_: havent driven much before myself
[03:16:20] black_Nightmare_: heh well I can tell you one thing....
[03:16:22] clever_: only time was when we got stuck in the woods without the winch control
[03:16:33] clever_: me&dad walked out and came back in with the 2nd jeep
[03:16:36] black_Nightmare_: rutty curve downhill = not for the stupid lazy cars
[03:16:38] clever_: then we had 2 jeeps in the woods
[03:17:00] black_Nightmare_: I often drifted the rear tires a bit on one particular curve all the times .. sometimes it freaks out cars coming other way heh
[03:17:00] clever_: i got stuck with the standard:P
[03:17:07] Dr_willis (Dr_willis! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:17:10] clever_: lol
[03:17:27] black_Nightmare_: well I had to because otherwise the rear wouldn't have wanted to respond in the right direction anyhow
[03:18:23] black_Nightmare_: oh yeah and clever_ you know whats funny?...
[03:18:34] clever_: what?
[03:18:47] black_Nightmare_: I had been doing this kind of thing for some time then I noticed a particular magma book that was almost a mirror of what I was doing.. 'initial d' you heard of it?
[03:19:13] clever_: ive heard of it but never seen it
[03:19:48] black_Nightmare_: heh well I have I think 5 or 6 magma books now :- >
[03:20:08] clever_: dont have any psysical books of manga but i got over 3gig of it on my pc:P
[03:20:38] Dr_willis (Dr_willis! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:21:23] black_Nightmare_: this is a bit like me (like I was saying....freaks out others :p )
[03:21:41] black_Nightmare_: I'm freaking still in MY OWN LANE .. stop freaking out!!!
[03:21:42] ** black_Nightmare_ laughs **
[03:21:46] clever_: lol
[03:21:47] black_Nightmare_: meh..oh well :p
[03:22:12] clever_: looks like your going to leave your lane though
[03:22:22] clever_: from the direction your pointing
[03:22:48] black_Nightmare_: clever....this one curve anyhow...typically its only like 40–50km/h slowdown for most vehicles but I hold like about 75–80km/h through as long as I keep the gas on nicely
[03:23:01] clever_: .
[03:23:07] clever_: lol
[03:25:38] black_Nightmare_: there's one place where the road is like a bit uphill then suddenly hump into a short steep downhill for a few hundred meters then takes a nice curve to right ... lets not say I have had skimmed air a bit there a few too many times
[03:25:42] clever_: .
[03:25:54] clever_: lol
[03:26:15] black_Nightmare_: its one little private reason why I rather like rwd or at least a good fulltime drivetrain
[03:26:31] black_Nightmare_: fwd just ... well... trying to power and steer at same time = crap
[03:26:33] black_Nightmare_: :P
[03:27:03] clever_: having a locker in the axel can cause trouble steering
[03:27:27] black_Nightmare_: heh well..a bit late now..going to bed...see you tomorrow or whatever allright?
[03:27:34] clever_: yep:)
[03:27:39] clever_: 11:27pm here
[03:28:16] Huijari: 05:28am here
[03:28:18] black_Nightmare_ (black_Nightmare_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:28:33] Huijari: and i'm "still awake", not "already awake"
[03:28:43] clever_: been there often:P
[03:29:06] clever_: i often go to sleep at 7am:P
[03:29:13] Huijari: yeah, me too
[03:29:38] clever_: dad says no1 else sleeps like that:P
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[03:39:51] Huijari: coding by day is just pretending :P
[03:40:36] clever_: i normaly sleep by day:P
[03:41:41] Huijari: i would too, but my gf wouldn't appreciate it
[03:42:06] CrevilO (CrevilO! has left #mythtv-users ("no not that button that's the")
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[03:46:53] clever_: lol
[03:46:57] clever_: dont have one:P
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[04:22:00] briand: :sigh: this must be a vast video conspiracy, or something else is going on here. For the second time in two weeks, my myth box just -locks-up- ... I hit the big red switch, wait a bit, and when I boot, I get little/no video out from my video card.
[04:22:35] briand: first time it happened, I (thought I) lost my FX5200 card; didn't see anything at all on composite out, no boot or anything.
[04:23:45] briand: replaced it with an FX6200 (couldn't find a 5200 with comp. out), and everything was fine until the same scenario happened tonight. with this card, I see the bootup until it gets to the rhgb (red hat graphical boot), and from that point forward, no video.
[04:24:37] briand: so, now I'm wondering whether the video cards are getting killed by something (seems unlikely), or there's another issue at play here.
[04:27:05] briand: any nvidia and/or video card experts around that might walk me through some troubleshooting?
[04:27:55] wladston (wladston!n=wladston@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:29:29] mzb_d800: google nvidia xorg.conf tv-out
[04:29:35] mzb_d800: (for your distro)
[04:29:42] wladston: guys, I'm thinking about building a media center machine. I am, however, really worried about the time it takes for a normal mythtv to boot, because I can't leave the pc on all the time (the light bill)
[04:30:15] wladston: how long does your mythtv box take to boot, and what OS do you use ?
[04:30:34] Dave123-road: wladston, 2–3 minutes and linux
[04:30:49] briand: mzb_d800: okay... to determine what, exactly? This mythtv box has been running for quite some time with no issues (until the past couple weeks, anyway)
[04:30:51] wladston: debian ? mandriva ? slack ?
[04:30:58] Dave123-road: wladston, but it makes it bad to record things
[04:31:02] Dave123-road: wladston, gentoo
[04:31:03] GreyFoxx: 9–12 seconds for my nfsrooted frontends, slackware 12
[04:31:14] GreyFoxx: 30 seconds for the backends
[04:31:32] wladston: wow!! 40 seconds is quite a good time!
[04:31:44] GreyFoxx: "main" frontend which I put to sleep takes 2–4 seconds to wake up via the remote
[04:32:04] wladston: any ideas on what's the power consumption while sleeping ?
[04:32:21] wladston: VIA THE REMOTE ???!!! wow, that's sexy
[04:32:30] GreyFoxx: Dunno, but if I use hibernation rather than sleeping then it's about 10 seconds
[04:32:32] wladston: I have to learn how to make that
[04:32:41] wladston: WOW
[04:32:54] GreyFoxx: yeah, usb connected remote (MCE remote). I tell the kernel to allow wakeup via usb
[04:32:56] wladston: GreyFoxx: did you follow any guide to make your system ?
[04:33:17] GreyFoxx: my systems have been built and rebuilt many times over the years :)
[04:33:44] GreyFoxx: so no, no 1 single guide
[04:34:03] GreyFoxx: but the simple compile/install docs on was enough to install myth
[04:34:23] GreyFoxx: there is a good setup guide fo the MCE remote and a example config so when I got mine it took literally 5 minutes to get working
[04:34:27] GreyFoxx: including compiling lirc
[04:34:31] wladston: I have a P4 2.26ghz with 1GB of ram, 80GB SATA and a NICE video card just colecting dust – yet I have no idea on how to transform that into a usable media center pc
[04:34:34] wladston: wow
[04:34:55] GreyFoxx: the sleep/hibernation I picked up from tuxonice, with the sleep bit from some random post I found online
[04:35:34] wladston: I'm thinking about a dedicated os, like LinuxMCE ...
[04:35:55] GreyFoxx: never touched any of that so I can't comment on it's install/config/use
[04:36:04] wladston: cool
[04:36:17] GreyFoxx: there are several myth distros though
[04:36:26] wladston: I'm quite motivated to build my box now
[04:36:28] GreyFoxx: minimyth, mythdora, mythbuntu, knoppmyth, etc etc
[04:36:43] GreyFoxx: Going to be using TV out on your video card? Or vga/dvi ?
[04:36:59] wladston: VGA for now – my TV can't take dvi
[04:37:04] GreyFoxx: k
[04:37:10] wladston: but my video card has a dvi out
[04:37:42] GreyFoxx: Just curious, generally we recommend Nvidia based cards , especially if uysing tvout, as they have by far the best driver support
[04:37:46] wladston: one thing that worries me is the cooler ...
[04:37:51] wladston: auch
[04:37:56] wladston: my card is ATI
[04:38:06] GreyFoxx: but if you aren't using TVout then you can skipp those problems :)
[04:38:11] wladston: the time I bought it, I wasn't aware of that
[04:38:34] GreyFoxx: the ATI driver support will liekly improve over the next year, but historically it kinda sucked
[04:38:40] wladston: tv-out will be the easiest way out
[04:38:43] wladston: yeah ...
[04:41:08] wladston: GreyFoxx: what hardware do you have ?
[04:41:08] Dr_Willis (Dr_Willis! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:41:25] wladston: I'm most worried about power comsumption :/
[04:41:28] GreyFoxx: Lots actually
[04:41:39] GreyFoxx: built up over years
[04:41:55] wladston: :) yeah, but witch one are you using on your media pc ?
[04:44:00] GreyFoxx: 2 backend machines, 3TB of diskspace, 3 PVR 250 tuners, 1 A180 DVB tuner, (1 bttv framegrabber and 1 dvbs too but not in use). 1 "main" frontend. All are AMD CPU's, 2 xp2500+'s and 1 sempron 2800+. 4 msntv2 hacked boxes to run linux+myth. All dedicated frontends are diskless and nfsmount the filesystems from the backends
[04:44:34] GreyFoxx: those are the bits actually in boxes and plugged in right now :)
[04:44:46] wladston: wow quite impressive
[04:45:49] GreyFoxx: and recently added 2 rf modulators and now running mythfrontends on those backends too heh
[04:45:56] GreyFoxx: 1 of them feeds my motherinlaw nextdoor
[04:46:08] wladston: cool :)
[04:46:09] GreyFoxx: so any tv in her house tunes to channel 4 and she ges mythfrontend :)
[04:46:19] benc- (benc-! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:48:13] hjohnson: how does she tune it?
[04:48:25] wladston: i was about to ask that :)
[04:49:07] GreyFoxx: ir extender next to her TV. Pics up the remote and feeds the signal via RF to the receiver in my basement which then emits the same IR signal to the "real" receiver connected to my box
[04:49:49] GreyFoxx: so she has an MCE remote that controls the frontend running on a box in my basement, 2 IR extenders in her hours (bedroom and living room). So she can tune either TV to channel 4 and have myth
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[04:51:11] GreyFoxx: She never used it for LiveTV though, just for playback of recordings/mythvideo stuff
[04:52:22] wladston: another thing that I'm worried about is the noise that all the fans and the psu are going to make
[04:52:37] wladston: it might disturb silent movies
[04:53:01] GreyFoxx: in my case the msntv's are silent (no moving parts at all) butand I don't really notice the sound from my main frontend
[04:53:31] GreyFoxx: but before I changed the PSU from the generic noname one that came with the case to the Enermax I have in there now I could hear it
[04:53:35] GreyFoxx: but not anymore
[04:54:07] wladston: :) I have a huntkey one, about 46dB
[04:54:17] wladston: the worst is the cpu cooler
[04:54:51] wladston: there are no msntv's in my country :(
[04:55:25] mzb_d800: my solution to noise was to mount the pc's under the floor
[04:55:28] wladston: oh – and how do you connect the machines ? wifi or cables ?
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[04:55:58] mzb_d800: me? cable
[04:56:04] wladston: wow – that is something my parents wouldn't let me do (yes, I still live in their house)
[04:58:19] mzb_d800: I also use ancient gear ... so there were quite a few problems to overcome
[04:59:03] mzb_d800: however, with 2 frontends (one is cloned ... so I actually have 3 viewing areas) all with remotes, I've spent a total of ~au$70
[04:59:19] [CSI]Octane-EE ([CSI]Octane-EE! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:59:27] mzb_d800: (not putting value on my time of course;)
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[05:01:12] czth (czth!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-420ad10ff22a5b1b) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:06:16] wladston: :)
[05:06:42] wladston: one frontend can connect to 2 backends ?
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[05:08:57] mzb_d800: no, I have ... let me recount
[05:09:17] mzb_d800: all my frontends are combined with backends
[05:09:27] wladston: ??
[05:09:29] keith4: I had a recording fail twice with this error: "mythbackend.log.1:2007-11–22 00:00:03.048 Canceled recording (Recorder Failed):" any ideas?
[05:09:32] wladston: 1 one 1 ?
[05:09:41] mzb_d800: so I have loungetv, bedtv and workstation (venice)
[05:10:12] mzb_d800: where loungetv has cloned output (and two remote receivers) to both the lounge and garage areas
[05:10:33] mzb_d800: there is also another backend as a virtual machine on my xen server
[05:11:14] mzb_d800: (I tend to move the tuners around a bit)
[05:15:10] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-e9c19a052120821b) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:16:51] Dr_Willis (Dr_Willis! has quit ("Dr_Willis has no reason")
[05:21:55] mzb_d800: oh dear ... trying to recover from a hostname+"identifier-goes-here" issue which resulted in (among other things) a few transcode jobs being run on a machine that's not supposed to do transcode ... I killed the jobs (had to), but now I can't get the "Stop Transcoding" in the frontend to work ... any hints?
[05:26:54] mzb_d800: dm ... deleting from db
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[06:04:46] wladston: GreyFoxx: I have a 266Mhz powerpc with 64MB of rom NAS that could run a mythtv backend ...
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[06:18:23] wladston: any of you guys know anything about "Network Media Player" products, like the Buffalo's LinkTheather ?
[06:18:39] wladston: I wanted to assemble a system like this one
[06:22:12] eYeLez (eYeLez! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[06:46:01] mchou: hmm, interesting. Wonder what proc it runs
[06:46:57] mchou: bah, nexperia
[06:50:59] wladston: ?
[06:51:01] wladston: nexperia ?
[06:52:15] mchou: phillips family of processors, derived from arm9
[06:52:31] mchou: umm, make that arm
[06:53:29] mchou: linux can run on it but I really dont know how hacker friendly it is
[06:54:04] mchou: what's the street price for the buffalo?
[06:54:26] wladston: humm
[06:54:30] wladston: I really don't know
[06:54:36] wladston: let me check
[06:54:56] mchou: if it can decode 1080p for less than US$200 it might be worth you while
[06:55:28] wladston: 140 ~240
[06:55:31] mchou: otherwise just recruit any old pc as myth front end
[06:55:56] wladston: I can't leave a 24/7 backend
[06:56:03] mchou: if it's ~150 it might be worthwhile
[06:56:04] wladston: because of energy compsumption
[06:56:09] mchou: huh??
[06:56:22] mchou: the buffalo is not a back end
[06:56:27] wladston: leaving a backend 24/7 would take a lot of power
[06:56:38] mchou: you will need a back end even if you buy the buffalo
[06:56:50] wladston: oh – in that case, I'll use my NAS
[06:56:55] wladston: I leave it on 24/7
[06:56:55] mchou: lol
[06:57:00] wladston: it's a nice powerpc server
[06:57:04] wladston: 266mhz
[06:57:13] wladston: it can even run a mythtv backend :)
[06:57:24] mchou: how much is electricity/KWh over where you live?
[06:57:26] wladston: it only uses 20w
[06:58:04] mchou: frontend dont need to be on 24x7
[06:58:25] wladston: yes – the problem is the backend being on 24x7
[06:58:26] mchou: even back ends dont need to be on 24x7
[06:58:43] mchou: ever heard of wol?
[06:58:49] wladston: wol ?
[06:58:54] wladston: the game ?
[06:59:05] mchou: use a hackable routher that does wol and you're golden
[06:59:06] wladston: oh
[06:59:08] wladston: wake on lan
[06:59:14] mchou: router*
[06:59:39] mchou: this assues router can keep correct time :)
[06:59:43] wladston: so the frontend can wake the backend ?
[06:59:44] mchou: assumes*
[06:59:51] mchou: wtf??
[07:00:05] mchou: no, your router wakes the back end
[07:00:10] stiev3 (stiev3! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:00:10] wladston: ahn, just turning it on/off at specific times
[07:00:32] mchou: wtf would you want BE to be woken up by FE
[07:01:33] wladston: I think over here 1kwh is about R$0,20
[07:01:43] mzb: because the FE is more likely to be user controlled
[07:01:47] mchou: where is here?
[07:02:00] mchou: mzb: dont be daft
[07:02:06] wladston: when I want to watch a movie, I pick the remote, turn on the FE, and the FE turns on the BE, so I can watch the movie :)
[07:02:10] mchou: the backend does the recording
[07:02:39] mzb: that assumes he wants to use that feature
[07:02:42] mchou: and it's the recordings one ought to be worried about
[07:03:30] wladston: my "dream-setup" is a VERY SILENT FE that is the BE at the same time, and is powerfull enought to decode divx
[07:03:34] mchou: any modern MB with power management can be woken up remotely via lan
[07:04:01] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:04:13] mchou: so using the front end to wake up the back end is hardly a technical challenge
[07:04:40] mchou: wladston: where is "here"?
[07:04:40] wladston: humm... so we need to know how much time it would take to wake up
[07:04:46] wladston: brazil
[07:05:35] mchou: how much is R$0.20? (How much does a loaf of bread cost on average)?
[07:05:54] mchou: in .br
[07:06:05] wladston: a loaf of bread is about R$0,25
[07:06:13] mchou: really??
[07:06:16] wladston: and a liter of milk is about R$1,00
[07:06:22] wladston: yup
[07:06:22] mchou: wow
[07:06:27] mchou: that is pricy
[07:06:30] mchou: heh
[07:06:40] mchou: I mean the electricity :)
[07:06:40] wladston: BUT all the other things are FAR more expensive
[07:06:49] wladston: :D
[07:07:27] mchou: man, that's crazy
[07:07:35] wladston: wait ...
[07:07:39] wladston: maybe I'm wrong
[07:07:45] mchou: it's a wonder .br has power at all then
[07:07:49] mchou: lol
[07:08:01] mchou: how about those farvelas in rio? :)
[07:08:13] wladston: a MWh costs R$210
[07:08:26] wladston: lol – they don't pay for energy, mostly
[07:08:38] mchou: huh??
[07:08:50] mchou: farvelas don't pay for energy??
[07:08:56] wladston: they use the popular "gato" or cat
[07:09:02] mchou: move your server over there then :)
[07:09:04] wladston: ilegally wire energy
[07:09:09] wladston: LOL
[07:09:41] [[thufir]] ([[thufir]]!n=[[ has left #mythtv-users ()
[07:09:46] wladston: the drug traffic dealers will end up taking root if I do it
[07:09:49] mchou: dude, it's no laughing matter
[07:10:11] mchou: why the hell would traffic dealers need a server?
[07:10:18] wladston: favelas are DANGEROUS places
[07:10:22] mchou: I mean drug traffic
[07:10:34] mchou: only if you're rich :)
[07:10:55] wladston: no – even if you are very poor, it's still dangerous
[07:10:59] mchou: if you're poor there is nothing to be scared of :)
[07:11:45] wladston: . . . e%20copy.jpg
[07:11:53] wladston: that is a guy performing the "gato"
[07:12:02] mchou: lol
[07:12:08] mchou: that's crazy
[07:12:21] wladston: I don't want to be wiring up my server there
[07:12:21] wladston: LOL
[07:12:26] mchou: haha!!
[07:12:38] mchou: as long as it works
[07:12:50] squidly__ (squidly__! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:12:59] mchou: hook it up to a UPS, you got nothing to fear
[07:13:01] wladston: my situation is : 1- I have a noisy p4 2.6 ghz 1gb ram with a good ATI card with NO USE AT ALL
[07:13:07] squidly (squidly!n=squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[07:13:16] wladston: 2. I have a nice NAS with a 250GB hd
[07:13:17] squidly__ is now known as squidly
[07:13:22] mchou: dude, ditch the P4 already
[07:13:32] wladston: ditch == ?
[07:13:54] phiwer (phiwer! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:13:55] mchou: P4 is a airport, and is responsible for global warming
[07:14:03] mchou: ditch==get rid of
[07:14:14] wladston: oh, I'm trying to
[07:14:19] wladston: but I actually like it
[07:14:30] wladston: noone was intresting on my online ad
[07:14:38] wladston: *interested
[07:14:38] mchou: lol
[07:14:50] mchou: that's cause they all got rid of theirs
[07:14:55] wladston: the p4 NEVER gave me any problems
[07:15:05] wladston: always worked flawlessly
[07:15:13] wladston: what do you recommend them ?
[07:15:15] mchou: except noise and heat and a big power bill
[07:15:24] wladston: oh, yeah, there is that
[07:15:45] mchou: any modern processor that does voltage and prequency stepping dynamically
[07:15:54] mchou: frequency*
[07:15:56] wladston: you mean that If I get another system, I might have better luck with power/heat ?
[07:16:08] mchou: guaranteed
[07:16:18] wladston: my notebook
[07:16:26] [[thufir]] ([[thufir]]!n=[[ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:16:28] wladston: it's supposed to have frequency stepping
[07:16:32] mchou: AMD64 or core duo or some such
[07:16:41] wladston: but it's ALL THE TIME in either 1Ghz or 2,6Ghz
[07:16:53] mchou: no, you need voltage and frequency stepping
[07:17:19] mchou: wladston: what proc is the laptop?
[07:17:19] wladston: I can see it using the frequency monitor gadjet on gnome
[07:17:32] wladston: it's an intel core 2 duo
[07:17:37] mchou: lol
[07:19:39] wladston: mchou: you seem to know about this hardware thing, please tell me ...
[07:20:01] wladston: with hardware should I get ? any newer amd 64 ?
[07:20:09] wladston: with mobo ?
[07:20:17] wladston: is passive cooling an option ?
[07:20:26] mchou: no, I no longer keep up
[07:20:45] mchou: I think I've invested in my last desktop
[07:21:14] mchou: desktop is dying breed in US and everywhere other developed country
[07:21:15] wladston: I'm planning to get a 27 zalman quiet cooler, buy a fanless PSU, and stick with the p4 ...
[07:21:22] mchou: hell no
[07:21:38] wladston: a better option ?
[07:21:39] mchou: wladston: trust ne on this, buy a new system
[07:21:48] wladston: but WITH ?
[07:22:02] mchou: spending more money on P4 is useless
[07:22:08] wladston: hardware stores on brazil arren't like the ones on usa
[07:22:13] mchou: diminishing returns
[07:22:34] wladston: hummm... I get the idea
[07:22:50] mchou: wladston: maybe, but I find it hard to believe that you cant get AMD64 in .br
[07:22:54] mzb: get an amd m2
[07:23:11] mchou: well, there you go
[07:23:16] mchou: that's pretty modern
[07:23:26] mchou: in fact that's pretty current
[07:23:28] wladston: I had a bad historical with amd ..
[07:23:43] mchou: that's not AMD fault
[07:23:56] mchou: most likely bad chipsets
[07:24:23] mchou: nvidia chipsets are alright with AMD64
[07:25:15] mzb: I have skt754 with sempron 3400+ (the cheapest 64bit cpu I could get)
[07:25:23] KaZeR (KaZeR!n=kazer@ has quit ("Allez Salut... ET BANZAII!")
[07:25:24] wladston: can these be combined with mini-itx ?
[07:25:30] mzb: and skt939 athlon 3200+
[07:25:35] mchou: 2 AMD64 here with incredibly long uptimes
[07:25:39] mzb: neither give me problems
[07:25:51] mzb: look for a small am2 mobo
[07:26:09] mzb: and then get the fastest cpu you can find to match
[07:26:18] mchou: I've avoid mini-itx like the plague
[07:26:36] mchou: the VIa ones are underpowered and not hacker friendly
[07:26:39] wladston: why ? it would look nice on the living room ...
[07:26:41] wladston: humm
[07:26:58] mchou: meaning they are a pain in the ass
[07:27:06] wladston: I get that
[07:27:13] wladston: forget the mini-itx thing
[07:27:18] mzb: ps: I don't use my amd machines for mythtv
[07:27:26] wladston: stick with regular atx then ?
[07:27:45] mchou: wladston: TV in .br are didgital, no?
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[07:27:47] wladston: mzb: what do you use for Mythtv ?
[07:28:04] wladston: mchou: brazil will make the first digital broadcast in december
[07:28:09] wladston: only in one state
[07:28:26] mchou: you live in that state?
[07:28:27] wladston: if it works, in mid 2008 there will be digital tv here in my state
[07:28:30] wladston: nope
[07:28:38] wladston: I live on one next to it
[07:28:48] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit ("Leaving")
[07:28:50] mzb: an overclocked p3–650 (MBE+FE) [cloned output], p3–866, and a virtual machine on my Xen server (sempron)
[07:28:52] wladston: the 3rd "most important"
[07:28:53] mchou: wladston: which large city are you closest to?
[07:29:10] wladston: I am in a very large city
[07:29:20] wladston: it's called "Belo Horizonte"
[07:29:40] mzb: brazil's pretty interesting from a TV point of view ... the largest private network in the world iirc
[07:29:42] mchou: looking on google earth......
[07:29:42] wladston: 2.412.937 people
[07:30:18] wladston: mzb: yah ... TV in brazil is a WEIRD thing ...
[07:30:25] wladston: the open tv
[07:31:47] mzb: but from memory you have to be related to a politician to get a licence ;)
[07:32:01] mchou: man, that city looks huge in google earth
[07:32:23] Fujitsu (Fujitsu!n=fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu) has quit ("leaving")
[07:32:39] wladston: AMD AM2 Sempron 3500+ 2000MHz 128KB , R$120.00!
[07:32:46] wladston: what about this one ?
[07:32:47] mchou: well, actually it's not that large
[07:32:56] mzb: hmm .. and a really cute children's show host that earns more than Mel Gibson (although my knowledge is pretty dated;)
[07:32:56] wladston: mchou: it's a very big city
[07:33:06] mchou: wladston: for frontend or backend?
[07:33:16] wladston: LOL
[07:33:26] wladston: you're talking about xuxa ?
[07:33:35] mzb: sounds vaguely familiar
[07:33:35] wladston: mchou: for the both – fronend and backend
[07:34:00] wladston: mzb: she is one of the icons in the popular brazilian culture
[07:34:03] mchou: wladston: a backend doesnt need a very powerful proc at all
[07:34:14] wladston: mzb: specially considering the poor people
[07:34:39] mchou: frontend need mucho power if you're going to decoded digital :)
[07:34:47] mchou: decode*
[07:34:48] wladston: mchou: I'm aware. But I'll moutn a front/back end
[07:35:05] wladston: is that enought ?
[07:35:14] wladston: 2Ghz ?
[07:35:28] wladston: 128kb cache ?
[07:35:36] mchou: should be decent enough.....
[07:35:43] wladston: (my good ol' p4 is more powerfull lol )
[07:36:15] mzb: sempron 3500+ should whip an old p4 in every way
[07:36:18] mchou: that power comes at a steep price
[07:36:21] mzb: a: 64bit
[07:36:27] mzb: b: dual channel memory
[07:36:42] mchou: less noise
[07:36:43] mzb: c: PowerNow (stepping, etc)
[07:37:04] mzb: less heat
[07:37:06] mchou: some ppl run AMD64 with passive cooling only
[07:37:16] mzb: *better* in every way (imo)
[07:37:18] mchou: underclocked
[07:37:24] wladston: Gygabyte, Asus, Abit .. ?
[07:37:36] wladston: I would like passive cooling ...
[07:37:38] mzb: any
[07:38:10] mzb: Asus would be my preference out of the cheaper boards
[07:38:28] wladston: anyone knows where I can find information about how to make passive cooling ?
[07:38:30] mzb: (although I have two Abit mobos here which are quite nice)
[07:38:38] wladston: asus ? that's the most expensive brand here :)
[07:38:44] mzb: get a BIG piece of aluminium ;)
[07:39:16] mzb: (that's about enough info to get you started;P)
[07:39:33] wladston: lol
[07:39:38] wladston: seriously talking :)
[07:40:29] wladston: I can't find any passive cooler to buy
[07:40:48] phiwer (phiwer! has quit ("Leaving")
[07:42:29] fxr__: good infos, mzb... fanks
[07:43:11] mzb: ;)
[07:43:44] wladston: indeed, nice info I got here :)
[07:43:52] wladston: now I'm no longer staying with the p4 :)
[07:44:40] mchou: lol
[07:44:55] mchou: did dell ever sell AMD mobos??
[07:45:03] mchou: I mean systems
[07:45:20] mchou: cause there was some news and it all "disappeared"
[07:45:59] squidly (squidly!n=squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:47:47] mchou: OK, I guess it's for real: . . . p;lid=585543
[07:48:04] mchou: that's a bit steep though.....
[07:50:13] mchou: In any case dell systems are the quietest
[07:50:32] mchou: they do a good job on their cases
[07:51:23] mchou: beats anything you build yourself when it comes to silence
[07:52:22] wladston: guys ... I really must go sleep now or I'll be a dead zombie by tomorrow
[07:52:31] wladston: you always hang in here ?
[07:53:05] mzb: I'm just visiting for a couple of years
[07:53:07] mzb: ;)
[07:53:25] mzb: (or until my interest|ability expires)
[07:53:35] cmh0101 (cmh0101! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:54:12] cmh0101: I live in North America and was wondering if there is an alternative to SchedulesDirect?
[07:54:29] wladston: :) okay guys
[07:54:41] wladston: see you latez!
[07:54:41] wladston: thanks for everything!
[07:54:41] wladston (wladston!n=wladston@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[07:54:43] mchou: cmh0101: North America consists of 3 countries
[07:54:55] mchou: need to be a bit more specific
[07:55:03] cmh0101: USA
[07:55:07] mchou: lol
[07:55:27] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:55:27] mchou: ashamed to admit to living in USA on the net? :)
[07:55:35] cmh0101: yup
[07:55:40] mchou: haha
[07:55:50] mchou: I dont blame you
[07:55:58] mchou: King Bush screwed us all
[07:56:05] cmh0101: haha
[07:56:26] mchou: even drug dealers no longer want US$
[07:56:50] mchou: I heard even places in India dont even want US$
[07:56:59] mchou: I kid you not
[07:57:05] cmh0101: i wouldn't either its not worth anything lol
[07:57:22] mchou: we've become a banana republic w/o bananas
[07:57:29] cmh0101: haha
[07:57:45] mchou: dude, it's no laughing matter
[07:58:11] mchou: not much to be thankful for this thanksgiving
[07:58:21] scopeuk: usd has been deflated by the chinease taking on silly numbers of financial bonds that the us is using and hence benign able to hold the currency to ransom
[07:58:33] mchou: scopeuk: huh???
[07:59:00] mchou: scopeuk: dude, it's all the bad loans (subprime market)
[07:59:14] scopeuk: the state of the $ currently is due to us institutional borroring on the international market, sub prime isent helping
[07:59:21] mchou: scopeuk: everyone holding a bunch of worthless IOUs
[07:59:30] scopeuk: pretty much
[07:59:37] mchou: with no collateral
[07:59:55] scopeuk: sometimes im glad i live in the uk
[08:00:10] mchou: I blame Greenspan, Fed, and bush Bush, not necessarily in that order
[08:01:09] ol_schoola_ (ol_schoola_! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:01:36] mchou: the only thing propping up the US economy up for last 5 yrs or so was real estate speculation and low interest rates
[08:02:05] mchou: all other sectors of economy was in da shithole
[08:02:28] mchou: now the house of cards has been exposed for what it is
[08:02:37] cmh0101 (cmh0101! has quit ("Leaving")
[08:03:06] mchou: lol
[08:03:42] mchou: I was just about to tell cmh0101 it's possible to do w/o schedules direct
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[08:52:33] Mauriez: any dutch users here? Since a few days Im unable to load an update for my program listing from .. it gives me Connection reset by peer...
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[09:13:03] rooaus: justinh: How is the "Video Sources" patch coming along? :D
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[10:05:46] justinh: rooaus: it's in the BIN
[10:06:27] justinh: if those who post on the -dev list can't get off their fsking high-horses for more than 2 minutes at a time...
[10:06:47] justinh: I know they're not devs btw. I think only one or two people who actually have commit access have replied
[10:07:17] rooaus: Did you read that bikeshed link I posted, it is pretty accurate still?
[10:07:30] justinh: it's a matter for discussion within the inner sanctum, which I'm not part of so I'll just leave it
[10:07:46] rooaus: fair enough
[10:07:50] justinh: bikeshed link?
[10:08:44] justinh: it's easy to see how people get the wrong impression about the development community in mythtv circles. people who have FA to do with it shouting their mouth off
[10:08:57] rooaus:
[10:09:50] justinh: hahaha
[10:10:07] hashbang: rooaus: I prefer
[10:10:21] justinh: flamewar! jihad!
[10:11:00] rooaus: justinh: Seems many in that wanted to argue about the colour. You would prefer poiple wouldn't you?
[10:12:10] justinh: seriously though.. over 40 posts to the ML & barely anything but complete & utter twaddle posted
[10:13:26] justinh: wonder what the record is. maybe I'll read the responses to the 'usability report' again
[10:13:42] justinh: then again, my will to live is weak ;)
[10:15:54] justinh: maybe those who can't code are wanting to make their stamp on the project like "hey, see how that's been renamed? I suggested the name" :P
[10:19:01] rooaus: possibly
[10:19:30] directhex|bsp: the bigger issue is that the world today is saturdated with an instant gratification, compensation culture
[10:19:33] grokky (grokky! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:19:54] directhex|bsp: people feel that you owe them hard work for free, and they're allowed to criticize as they see fit, because you should be grateful they use you at all
[10:20:37] directhex|bsp: people who download music, software, games, movies, etc – then bitch about them
[10:21:02] justinh: I've only had one 'great BUT' email about my themes these last few months :)
[10:21:14] directhex|bsp: people don't feel the need to be educated or informed, because they can just get away with anything, via the anonymity and low barrier-to-entry of the internet
[10:21:34] justinh: still haven't received my Mac Mini though :P
[10:22:16] directhex|bsp: i've stated on more than one occasion i'll buy a ps3 remote for anyone who wants to work on writing an uncrap driver for it
[10:22:29] directhex|bsp: a mac mini is out of my price range, especially having just bought a house
[10:22:31] justinh: almost considering making a 4:3 glass theme to secure its delivery. there must be a generous enough _mug_ somewhere
[10:22:44] rooaus: that would be nice, a knock at the door and someone holding a mac mini for you. (Or a bit creepy) :)
[10:23:28] directhex|bsp: "hello, hmmmmmmmmmmm, justin. this is a special, hmmmmmmmmmm, present, just for you. i already put on some special, hmmmmmmmm, pictures to enjoy."
[10:23:41] rooaus: lol
[10:24:16] justinh: I had a stalker once. theywere scary. never brought me computing gear though.. just weird presents like bottles of milk left on my doorstep. I inspected the top of one of said bottles.. it'd been pierced already. thought it best to pour it away just in case
[10:25:15] rooaus: sorry... I was just joking.
[10:26:45] justinh: got home from work, found a message on my answerphone, flew down to my parents to find out wtf their message was about. got home 2 hours later.. bottles on my doorstep. Weird. Looked around the neighbours .. no milk delivery. looked further afield.. same story. V. weird. next day had a message left on my answerphone asking if I'd liked the milk. I called the police
[10:28:13] justinh: no need to be sorry rooaus – I think it's quite funny (in a sad way) now
[10:28:50] justinh: "yeah you DJ folks must get all the women eh?"... yup. all the lonely nutbags ;)
[10:30:47] rooaus: Yeah, there are some sad types out there. Brother in law is a cop and the wife works in the courts.
[10:41:44] omry (omry! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[11:14:18] justinh: ARGHHH! after all that fsking WAITING, the paypal/bank xfer FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!
[11:14:33] ** justinh nukes Paypoo **
[11:15:05] ** Tanthrix makes a paypal purchase as we speak for his new MCE remote **
[11:15:56] justinh: they're fine so long as you have the fund in your paypal account or a credit card attached
[11:17:21] Tanthrix: Mine just went through instantly from my checking account – that's weird.
[11:17:35] justinh: Tanthrix: you're not in the UK though
[11:19:01] Tanthrix: Still, I thought it took longer.
[11:19:51] Tanthrix: I'm glad though – I'm about to throw my current remote and reciever through my TV.
[11:23:53] SiD3WiNDR: that's not too handy
[11:24:00] SiD3WiNDR: mythtv without tv ;)
[11:26:27] Tanthrix: Indeed!
[11:26:41] Tanthrix: Off to bed, later all.
[11:28:03] pink_ (pink_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[11:48:59] mzb_d800: justinh: I wouldn't trust pp enough to give them a credit card (if I had one) ... I find a debit card sufficient
[11:49:50] Schmidt_ (Schmidt_! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:51:15] justinh: well, it's a debit card. I kept getting spoof emails that my card was going to expire, so I ignored them. Then the real card expired & I forgot to update the account. When I paid for the CPU it fell back to a bank account xfer, which eventually failed
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[11:57:27] kale (kale! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:57:46] kale: hi, i'm curious, how do i set the channel on my saa7134 compatible card?
[11:58:28] jeffery (jeffery! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:00:09] justinh: I'm curious. what do you mean?
[12:02:49] kale: i'd like to know how to show some television
[12:02:58] kale: how do i select a channel
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[12:06:47] Schmidt (Schmidt! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:08:34] Hoxzer: I suppose it is not possible to change mythfrontend window name ?
[12:10:37] dr_lulz: you could always edit the source ;)
[12:11:56] justinh: to select a channel, you um... have to have channels set up already
[12:14:58] kale: justinh: i've only put in the card and loaded the driver
[12:15:25] kale: justinh: modprobe saa7134 i2c_scan card=84
[12:15:32] ** justinh points kale at tvtime or xawtv **
[12:16:04] kale: this is a dvb card, and i'm not sure what tuner to select
[12:16:37] justinh: it's a DVB tuner? kaffeine is what you want then
[12:17:18] kale: it has bot regular tuner, dvb and input for satelite too
[12:17:42] kale: the parameter "tuner=X", how do i know what tuner that is?
[12:18:37] justinh (justinh! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[12:21:25] jduggan_: so, whats the best way to get my virgin cable socket extended from the wall in my lounge to my office? :\
[12:21:38] jduggan_:
[12:22:23] Mauriez: anyone here using an apple tv as front end?
[12:23:43] Mauriez: im currently using old xbox. but its seems to make more noise every day
[12:24:05] jduggan_: heh
[12:27:37] directhex|bsp: jduggan_, about £110 at a guess
[12:27:49] directhex|bsp: jduggan_, and ntl are happy to sue if you tamper with their equipment
[12:28:06] jduggan_: directhex|bsp: yea
[12:28:07] jduggan_: :\
[12:30:03] kale: i get this from kaffeine "dvbsi: Cant tune DVB
[12:30:04] kale: "
[12:30:52] k-man_ (k-man_!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:31:30] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:35:48] jduggan_: kale: sounds like it cant tune DVB
[12:38:24] kale: jduggan_: could that be because i choose the wrong tuner?
[12:40:58] directhex|bsp: what's the card?
[12:49:41] justinh: no answer to that one :)
[12:49:49] human39 (human39! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:50:14] kale: 05:07.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7133/SAA7135 Video Broadcast Decoder (rev d1)
[12:50:30] kale: lifeview flyDVB Trio
[12:50:47] justinh: kale: that's not telling us what CARD it is
[12:51:17] kale: justinh: can you clarify?
[12:51:19] justinh: probably not supported by linux yet. well, not all of it anyway
[12:51:41] justinh: can I clarify? you were asked what card it was & you posted output from lspci
[12:52:08] kale: justinh: do you want the manufacturer?
[12:52:20] justinh: lifeview
[12:53:10] human39 (human39! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:57:58] justinh: kale: here's a hint for you. for dvb to work you have to load a dvb related kernel module (e.g. saa7134-dvb etc)
[12:58:48] justinh: that's one brand I wouldn't use even if I was given a card for free
[13:00:58] directhex|bsp:
[13:01:12] directhex|bsp: DVB-T, Satellite and Analog
[13:01:25] directhex|bsp: justinh LOVES hybrid cards. that's three times the fun!
[13:02:11] justinh: nah lifeview are just a shitty brand
[13:02:37] directhex|bsp: well, yes
[13:02:51] directhex|bsp: if i could use dvb-t and dvb-s at the same time, i might be interested in a hybrid
[13:02:56] directhex|bsp: also, a CI connector
[13:03:22] kale: justinh: i have saa1734-dvb loaded
[13:03:45] justinh: kale: since this channel isn't #linuxtv, maybe try asking in #linuxtv
[13:03:56] kale: justinh: ok
[13:04:23] ** justinh sends his apologies to mkrufky already **
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[13:36:50] levander: Anyone can tell me why whenever I hit "Watch Live TV" the master volume on the alsa mixer goes down?
[13:37:38] directhex|bsp: levander, there's an override somewhere. i forget where
[13:38:00] levander: directhex|bsp: I been looking for it. Haven't found it yet.
[13:40:39] levander: found it, setup -> general -> 3rd screen
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[14:19:42] mishehu: trying to compile 0.20.2, and getting a fail on upnputil.h:26: error: `int32_t' does not name a type
[14:20:03] mishehu: oh wait
[14:20:14] mishehu: duh, that might be because the order of the params is mixed.
[14:23:21] mishehu: hmm no, checking with some code I wrote about 6 months ago, line 26 is the proper way to do it...
[14:25:50] blackest (blackest! has left #mythtv-users ()
[14:25:55] mishehu: wonder why it was complaining about something only triggered if __FreeBSD__ is defined. *shrug*.
[14:26:19] mishehu: commented out the #ifndef block and it compiles now.
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[14:58:51] Hoxzer: Has somebody here used evrouter ?
[15:00:32] Scopeuk_ (Scopeuk_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[15:12:16] tzanger (tzanger! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:13:14] tzanger: has anyone else run against problems with CX24123-based DVB-S cards? I can't get the thing to reliably tune ofr hte life of me... dvbtune shows it bouncing between carrier and viterbi or carrier and sync, and once it does lock it's great
[15:13:27] tzanger: same cable plugged into the venerable but still shitty 102g has no such issues
[15:13:32] tzanger: (but the 102g has issues of its own)
[15:32:02] justinh: er.. two dvb-s cards plugged into the same cable?
[15:33:06] tzanger: no
[15:33:09] tzanger: two cards
[15:33:23] tzanger: cable in card 1 (cx24123) – weirdness
[15:33:30] tzanger: cable in card 2 (102g) – fine
[15:33:43] tzanger: I do have a 4x4 up on the dish but I have it bypassed at the moment
[15:33:53] justinh: all tuners are not equal in terms of sensitivity etc
[15:34:05] justinh: maybe your 12V rail is a bit squiffy
[15:34:44] tzanger: perhaps, I have to do some more testing
[15:35:09] tzanger: I was thinking of trying to use a power injector for the 4x4
[15:35:22] tzanger: the 102g has trouble switching it, but it's *known* for powering problems
[15:35:28] tzanger: it worked great with a 3x4 and one bird
[15:35:44] tzanger: but the 4x4 it either can't reliably send tone under load or something, I haven't figured it out yet
[15:37:35] justinh: oh ffs. this can't be real. seller I bought the CPU off – their feedback profile has a load of negatives after it in the last few days & my item's not been shipped yet
[15:39:04] Der_Thomas (Der_Thomas! has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:42:21] directhex|bsp: justinh, hijacked account? yay :|
[15:43:08] justinh: well, if I lose this cash, that'll be the last business I do with Paypoo & ebay
[15:43:51] SiD3WiNDR: if you've paypal'd it you should be covered
[15:44:34] justinh: yeah funny, that seems to be what other people who've been defrauded thought too
[15:45:03] ** SiD3WiNDR was covered by ebay with regular bank transfer **
[15:45:09] justinh: I've successfully reclaimed several times this amount so should be fine
[15:45:13] SiD3WiNDR: :)
[15:45:17] sege (sege! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:45:29] justinh: just saying if it does go pear-shaped, that'll be my last dealings with em
[15:46:21] justinh: other auction sites are available
[15:49:44] justinh: "I just wanna be able to build my new frontend! wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
[15:51:53] tank-man: fuck ebay
[15:52:00] tank-man: i use craigslist now
[15:52:26] justinh: we don't have craigslist here
[15:53:06] justinh: hang on they do UK now
[15:53:09] tank-man: its way safer when you meet in person
[15:53:34] justinh: fuck that. agreed to meet some ebayer who wanted to buy some records from me & he was well dodgy
[15:54:26] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:55:41] justinh: less chance of being ripped off, maybe. more chance of being killed... ftw
[15:56:35] tank-man: well, if you are scared of being killed, that is a problem with your city/area
[15:57:17] justinh: the UK in general, really. folks get killed for not having a light
[15:57:26] justinh: as in a light to light a cigarette
[15:58:09] tank-man: oh yea! i can beat that! where i live (vancouver canada), you can get tasered for not speaking english!
[15:58:22] tank-man: tasered by the police
[15:58:23] justinh: what's wrong with that?
[15:58:43] justinh: and tasering != murdering
[15:58:50] tank-man: one time incident a while ago, but it happened
[15:58:58] tank-man: yea, but the guy did die
[15:59:13] SiD3WiNDR: masering
[15:59:29] justinh: not sure this guy intended his victim to die, but stabbing somebody more than 25 times is pretty conclusive
[15:59:57] SiD3WiNDR: just wanted to check if he was ticklish
[16:00:15] tank-man: 25 times eh? you win
[16:03:46] mzb_d800: iirc you can only make 3 claims against dodgy ebay sellers per year
[16:04:03] mzb_d800: (I'm about to commence my 2nd;)
[16:04:18] mzb_d800: (covered by paypal that is)
[16:04:55] mzb_d800: I got 100% back the first time for non-supply
[16:05:01] _Zoltan_ (_Zoltan_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:05:17] mzb_d800: this time it will be "significantly not as described'
[16:08:33] tzanger: wow the 102g is taking like 10–15s to tune
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[16:16:49] Der_Thomas: Hi all, I'm having trouble with interlace lines on my TV. I was talking aobu thti sa few days ago on here and someone told me I have my xorg.conf set up wrong
[16:17:18] Der_Thomas: I have a CRT TV and they told me that I sould NEVER have to use software deinterlacing on a CRT TV
[16:17:28] justinh: they were talking BS then
[16:17:38] Der_Thomas: Really?
[16:17:41] justinh: really
[16:17:54] justinh: you usually have to deinterlace in software even when outputting to a TV
[16:18:10] justinh: the only time you don't have to is when you output interlaced video by using an interlaced video mode in X
[16:18:22] justinh: which can't be output to most VGA card TV outs
[16:18:44] justinh: name & shame time
[16:19:17] Der_Thomas: yeah I think that this is what he was talking about. I think that he was telling me that I should output interlaced video to my TV since it is a CRT
[16:19:40] Der_Thomas: does that make sense?
[16:19:55] justinh: outputting interlaced video is preferable but it's rarely easy
[16:19:56] Der_Thomas: I'm having trouble with the software de-intermalers
[16:20:15] Der_Thomas: haha, I mena de-interlacers
[16:20:39] Der_Thomas: do you know if there are any good webpages or how-to's?
[16:20:56] justinh: depends on what VGA card you use
[16:21:16] Der_Thomas: unichrome – onboard a via EPIA m10k
[16:21:25] justinh: they cna't output interlaced video
[16:21:34] Der_Thomas: shit
[16:21:58] Der_Thomas: I think that you had said that you use this same board?
[16:22:02] justinh: well, the TV output is interlaced but you can't run X in an interlaced mode
[16:22:09] justinh: yes, it's a stinking PoS
[16:22:18] Der_Thomas: yeah
[16:22:41] Der_Thomas: do you de-interlace with this board?
[16:22:46] justinh: yeah
[16:23:05] justinh: because the board is so lame I had to enable XvMC just to play mpeg2 standard def. TV
[16:23:10] Der_Thomas: which one do you use, kernel, bob, or lb etc
[16:23:15] justinh: bob 2x
[16:23:24] justinh: works fine, OSD looks fine
[16:23:35] justinh: when I say 'fine' I mean smooth as the real thing
[16:23:50] Der_Thomas: I have a bug with that, do you use 0.20.2 or something else?
[16:23:56] justinh: scrollers, titles, sports, all look great
[16:23:59] justinh: 0.20-fixes
[16:24:13] justinh: didn't need to upgrade, so I didn't upgrade
[16:24:28] Der_Thomas: is that older then 0.20.2?
[16:24:32] justinh: aye
[16:24:38] Der_Thomas: OK
[16:24:59] Der_Thomas: Maybe I'll try to compile that to /usr/local and see if my prob goes away
[16:25:19] justinh: it's ridiculous that it won't play a DVD without xvmc. pfft so much for '1Ghz'
[16:25:22] Der_Thomas: you know if I can run that on my FE with 0.20.2 on my BE?
[16:25:40] justinh: you can't mix and match versions
[16:25:48] justinh: not on the same database anyway
[16:26:23] ali1234 (ali1234!n=Al@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:26:24] Der_Thomas: shit
[16:26:39] Der_Thomas: that makes it much more of a pain in the ass to try out then
[16:26:55] justinh: when my CPU finally arrives, the epia is going in the bin or something
[16:27:37] Der_Thomas: yeah, I bought it because it is supposed to be quiet and good for a FE, but it just seems to be a pain
[16:27:40] ** SiD3WiNDR will play bin **
[16:27:40] SiD3WiNDR: :p
[16:27:46] Der_Thomas: haha
[16:27:58] justinh: make a great doorstop
[16:28:00] SiD3WiNDR: seriously, I'm semi-looking for an epia ;)
[16:28:03] Der_Thomas: have you ever had a prob with the on board lan?
[16:28:22] justinh: Der_Thomas: yes if it goes into suspend, the lan is dead on wakeup
[16:28:23] Der_Thomas: SiD3WiNDR, no you're not
[16:28:27] sege (sege! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:28:29] SiD3WiNDR: yes, yes, I am
[16:28:43] justinh: SiD3WiNDR: it's useless for mythtv
[16:28:50] SiD3WiNDR: I don't need it for mythtv ;)
[16:29:06] justinh: like I said, epia boards make great doorstops
[16:29:16] SiD3WiNDR: so what sucks about them?
[16:29:18] justinh: expensive doorstops
[16:29:23] justinh: the cpu is puny
[16:29:30] Der_Thomas: My lan does not work at all. I bought the board on ebay
[16:29:37] Dave123-road: justinh, what cpu is in them?
[16:29:41] SiD3WiNDR: puny to do what?
[16:29:42] justinh: I mean like it doesn't play back SDTV mpeg2 without xvmc
[16:29:44] SiD3WiNDR: just ron the fe?
[16:29:46] justinh: Via C3
[16:29:47] SiD3WiNDR: heh
[16:29:59] ali1234: Der_Thomas: i have been there with the interlacing
[16:29:59] SiD3WiNDR: well, an epia m12000 or something should be plenty for my car pc
[16:30:23] justinh: car pc.. now there are two words that should never be seen next to another
[16:30:30] SiD3WiNDR: :]
[16:30:33] SiD3WiNDR: CAR PC
[16:30:42] SiD3WiNDR: ~ oops I did it again. :>
[16:30:42] Der_Thomas: well you have ot remember that even though it is 1ghz it does not have the computing power of an AMD or Intel chip
[16:30:56] justinh: Der_Thomas: doesn't have the computing power of a lame slug
[16:31:15] Der_Thomas: ali1234, you ever get something to work
[16:31:29] justinh: either something in mythtv has got out of control or something in later drivers. used to be fine
[16:31:33] ali1234: no
[16:31:51] ali1234: it almost works, but half the time the fields are played in the wrong order
[16:31:57] justinh: gonna give knoppmyth another spin on it before I retire it though
[16:31:57] Der_Thomas: ali1234, what is the porblem you see?
[16:32:39] ali1234: well for 5 seconds it looks perfect, like the output from an rgb stb, then for 5 seconds, everything "judders" when the fields are played in the wrong order
[16:33:02] ali1234: note: i'm using an interlaced X modeline on the VGA output of an nvidia card
[16:33:02] Der_Thomas: ali1234, I have a problem were it plays OK, until I hit pause. Then after un-pausing, the whole rest of the video play looks SUPER choppy
[16:33:09] justinh: Der_Thomas: the reason the Epia can't do interlaced modes properly is the issue of getting fields in the right order – i.e. there's no mechanism for the driver to distinguish odd from even fields
[16:33:29] ali1234: ^ yes same problem with the nvidia
[16:34:01] ali1234: i'm actually considering building a parallel port dongle that looks at the video sync to work out which field is being displayed
[16:34:10] sege (sege! has quit ("leaving")
[16:34:26] justinh: sync separator eh
[16:34:30] Der_Thomas: I though that it was just with Bob 2x at 1st, but I've realized it is with ALL of the de-interlacers that you can chose from the drop down menu
[16:34:47] ali1234: however using software deinterlacing produces acceptable results for me with the nvidia for all shows except sports
[16:35:03] justinh: Der_Thomas: if you're using xvmc only bob2x & discard will do anything
[16:35:06] ali1234: justinh: no not a sync separator, RGB sync is already separate
[16:35:22] justinh: ali1234: ah
[16:35:24] ali1234: just a vsync counter basically
[16:35:46] Der_Thomas: justinh, why is that?
[16:35:47] ali1234: pull strobe and set a pin high or low depending on the field
[16:35:49] justinh: ali1234: nvidia flicker filter on my fx5200 looks great at the half way point
[16:35:56] justinh: Der_Thomas: because the hardware is crap
[16:36:02] ali1234: then just make the player use parallel interrupt instead of opengl vsync
[16:36:15] justinh: Der_Thomas: oh the deinterlacing method.. er.. it just IS
[16:36:19] ali1234: flicker filter does not function on the VGA output
[16:36:42] justinh: heh
[16:36:47] ali1234: and if you think svideo looks great, then there is either something wrong with your tv, or something wrong with your eyes
[16:37:18] justinh: might try VGA-SCAT (yeah I know, not SCART) on my new FE – it'll mean relegating the cable STB to AV2 though
[16:37:42] justinh: svideo looks FINE
[16:37:49] ali1234: my STB has an autoswitcher for RGB, so i just chain them
[16:37:49] justinh: not as good as rgb but GOOD ENOUGH
[16:37:55] ali1234: turn off STB, get myth
[16:38:04] ali1234: no, i could not disagree more
[16:38:14] justinh: so don't!
[16:38:37] ali1234: okay, i'll just disagree exactly this much then (completely)
[16:38:42] SiD3WiNDR: lol
[16:38:45] Der_Thomas: haha
[16:39:03] justinh: depends on the TV you put it into. I've seen some TVs where you can't tell even a difference between composite, svideo & RGB
[16:39:05] ali1234: i think svideo makes all shows look like american TV shows
[16:39:43] justinh: NTSC does that
[16:39:59] justinh: as for replacing the STB with mythtv – NO WAY!
[16:40:05] justinh: mythtv sucks at live tv completely
[16:40:08] Der_Thomas: ali1234, I'm from the states, so I haven't see many non-american TV shows. What is the difference in appearence
[16:40:18] ali1234: that's why i still have the STB in the chain...
[16:40:23] justinh: Der_Thomas: stuff is the right colour
[16:40:33] justinh: (outside america)
[16:40:46] justinh: it's why the Simpsons are all yellow
[16:40:51] ali1234: Der_Thomas: well, when NTSC gets converted to PAL for broadcast in the UK, basically it drops the quality a lot
[16:40:51] SiD3WiNDR: =)
[16:41:08] justinh: ali1234: I've seen NTSC at source. it still looks shit
[16:41:18] Der_Thomas: funny, in todays world, why do we need two standards?
[16:41:39] justinh: Der_Thomas: yeah.. why do we need dvd regions etc too?
[16:41:48] justinh: why can't we all just get along?
[16:41:51] ali1234: i have not... well... the TV can display eg an NTSC signal from games console. that looks sort of okay
[16:41:53] justinh: :P
[16:42:03] Der_Thomas: agreed
[16:42:24] justinh: ali1234: ahh well NTSC which hasn't been broadcast doesn't have a chance for the chroma subcarrier to be phase shifted
[16:42:48] justinh: broadcast/recorded/played back
[16:43:28] justinh: when the chroma subcarrier's phase is shifted, the colours change completely
[16:43:39] ali1234: for another example... compare the quality of QI on bbc4 to the reruns on dave. notice the drop in quality? not if you are using svideo and deinterlacing...
[16:43:45] justinh: it turns skintones from green to blue at either end
[16:43:51] justinh: ali1234: I do actually
[16:43:57] justinh: dave is lower res
[16:44:16] Der_Thomas: justinh, you said before that you can't mix version onthe same DB, does that hold true for SVN too?
[16:44:18] justinh: dave's encoding is very crap too
[16:44:21] justinh: Der_Thomas: yes
[16:44:39] justinh: Red Dwarf on Dave looks like it's been on VHS
[16:45:18] Der_Thomas: justinh, how do the devs cut this off? once there is a release, they make the next SVN incompatable?
[16:45:21] ali1234 (ali1234!n=Al@ has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[16:45:26] justinh: ali1234: using a test signal DVD I spotted over 5MHz bandwidth out of my svid output
[16:45:39] ali1234 (ali1234!n=Al@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:45:40] justinh: Der_Thomas: every time the protocol & db schema version changes
[16:46:19] Beakster (Beakster! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:46:20] ali1234: yeah dave is actually a bit extreme
[16:46:31] justinh: ali1234: and with my in-laws' TV – it doesn't matter which input you use. they all look like crap :P
[16:46:34] Der_Thomas: is dave a UK channel
[16:46:41] justinh: Der_Thomas: yep
[16:46:48] justinh: 504x576 most of the time IIRC
[16:47:00] Beakster: Help, I've got Mame running from MythGame, but I need to make MythTV aware of Catver.ini so I can get more info about each game. How do I do this? The set up screen seems very generic
[16:47:05] ali1234: for a more realistic example compare an original mpeg2 recording of a live tv show filmed on digibeta, to a transcoded xvid
[16:47:21] ali1234: you will see the difference if using RGB with proper interlacing
[16:47:31] justinh: ali1234: I can see the difference anyway
[16:47:37] justinh: xvid is watchable, just about
[16:47:53] cheshair (cheshair! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:48:08] ali1234: it's watchable for american shows – no quality drop. but not for stuff like match of the day, where everything just blurs in to a mess
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[16:48:27] justinh: I disagree. everything looks shitty but watchable in xvid
[16:48:35] justinh: with the emphasis on shitty
[16:48:51] justinh: watchable, as in you can tell what's going on most of the time
[16:49:01] ali1234: i can't tell the difference between xvid sopranos and mpeg2 sopranos... but there you go. xvid varies a lot depending on encoder settings
[16:49:15] justinh: ali1234: just like RGB vs svideo
[16:49:56] Der_Thomas: does you guys know where to submit bugs to?
[16:50:05] justinh: if I had my way I'd use a high res CRT with HDMI input but my budget doesn't stretch to that
[16:50:17] justinh: Der_Thomas:
[16:50:20] ali1234: hmm not really... unless you are saying that the quality of the DACs on the video card makes a difference
[16:50:30] justinh: ali1234: it can, and does
[16:51:30] justinh: seen differences in contrast/clarity between graphics cards in the past. depends on the res mostly but seen it all the same
[16:51:48] justinh: not sure you'd notice much at pal or ntsc res/framerate
[16:51:53] ali1234: at a low res like PAL no card should struggle...
[16:52:05] ali1234: i think most cards have at least 12 bit dacs these days
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[16:52:34] justinh: no point having 12 bit dacs when you're feeding them 4:2:1 crap
[16:52:54] ali1234: dont forget the video overlay colour controls
[16:53:03] lucidblue (lucidblue! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:53:17] ali1234: that's applied before it hits the dac, giving the extra bits
[16:53:44] justinh: hardly needed though is it
[16:54:11] justinh: anyway as interesting as all this is I have to go home
[16:54:37] ali1234: my point is the card is easily powerful enough to produce images that exceed the quality of svideo :)
[16:55:18] ali1234: and properly encoded mpeg2 from a clean source like digibeta has enough information too
[16:55:33] Mauriez: anyone here using an apple tv as front end?
[16:55:59] Beakster (Beakster! has quit ("[BX] Time wasted: 3 days 17 hours 3 minutes 17 seconds 94 milliseconds")
[16:56:12] ali1234: i'm turning into the video equivalent of those people who can hear the difference with those gold plated argon sealed audio cables
[17:03:33] Der_Thomas: justinh, you have opengl working on you epia?
[17:07:08] cmoates (cmoates! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:08:26] beakster (beakster! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:08:58] beakster: Hi, I have a Sonic Vortex 2 sounds card connected to a 5.1 surround sound system with an optical cable. When playing DVDs should I use DTS?
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[17:12:14] beakster: Hi, I have a Sonic Vortex 2 sounds card connected to a 5.1 surround sound system with an optical cable. When playing DVDs should I use DTS?
[17:12:46] ali1234: how is the sound card connected to the surround system?
[17:12:58] beakster: by an optical cable
[17:13:20] beakster: i also have a mini jack to mini jack cable connected and i can switch between the 2 on the sound system
[17:13:32] ali1234: and does the surround system have a dts decoder?
[17:13:53] beakster: it has 3 logos on it:
[17:13:55] beakster: DTS
[17:13:59] beakster: Dolby Digital
[17:14:01] beakster: and THX
[17:14:19] ali1234: in that case, the answer is almost certainly yes
[17:14:32] beakster: ok, but I also have the Option of Dolby on the DVD menu
[17:15:19] beakster: i am using mythfrontend to play the DVD
[17:15:42] ali1234: i think you also will want to turn on "spdif passthrough" if such an option is available
[17:15:55] beakster: where would i find such an option?
[17:16:55] ali1234: either in the sound card settings or the myth settings. actually that might be a vlc option. i forget.
[17:17:18] beakster: ok, im going to change myth so it uses Xine instead of its built in DVD player now
[17:17:30] beakster: what is the difference between dolby digital and DTS tho?
[17:18:26] ali1234: well they both do much the same thing... one is higher quality and i think more channels
[17:18:30] ali1234: i forget which
[17:18:40] ali1234: try looking them up on wikipedia, that usually works for me
[17:19:43] ali1234: google has a lot too if you search "DTS mythtv dvd"
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[17:34:33] beakster (beakster! has quit ("[BX] Hrm... I wonder if I paid this month's electr...EOF From client")
[17:35:23] tzanger: found another interesting bug with mythtv and the 102g cards
[17:35:32] tzanger: if you go to tune the 102g sometimes it will return immediately with tuned
[17:35:35] tzanger: when it hasn't even tried yet
[17:35:42] tzanger: (old ioctl result?)
[17:35:50] Esotericisms (Esotericisms! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:37:53] Esotericisms: my mythtv doesn't seem to be streaming my videos to my clients very well anymore, there doesn't seem to be anything in the backend logs, it just is extremely slow ... takes about 30 seconds to open, then it tries to buffer, then plays for 2–3 seconds, then buffers again
[17:38:06] Esotericisms: both my clients are plugged into 1GB ports
[17:38:10] Esotericisms: so it isn't a network issue
[17:38:34] clever_: check 'top' on the server for alot of iowait
[17:39:16] Esotericisms: clever_, like command = "iowait"?
[17:39:26] clever_: no the cpu state
[17:39:39] clever_: Cpu(s): 0.4%us, 0.1%sy, 0.0%ni, 99.3%id, 0.1%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
[17:39:42] Esotericisms: oh duh ... Cpu(s): 1.3%us, 1.0%sy, 0.0%ni, 72.2%id, 25.2%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.3%si, 0.0%st
[17:39:58] clever_: we both have <20% idle so its probly not the cd
[17:40:08] clever_: is it actualy streamign right now?
[17:40:51] Esotericisms: kinda, it opens the file plays for 2–4 seconds, then buffers again (which takes about 10–14 seconds) then plays for 2–4 seconds then start the song and dance again
[17:41:08] Hoxzer: does anybody here have a) experience with evrouter b) know how to bind /dev/eventX buttons to keyboard buttons ?
[17:41:13] clever_: doesnt looklike the hdd is a problem
[17:41:39] Esotericisms: is that a question or statement?
[17:41:50] clever_: statement
[17:42:01] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:42:15] clever_: if the hdd was a problem you would see alot of iowait and no idle
[17:42:43] Esotericisms: very true and then I would have problems watching from the main server anyway as well which I don't have a big problem with that
[17:43:07] ali1234: Hoxzer: i havn't tried evrouter before but it sounds like we have a similar propblem
[17:43:12] clever_: i cant streama file im recording for some reason
[17:43:15] clever_: which is odd
[17:43:22] clever_: once its done recording it streams fine
[17:43:33] clever_: and it can stream others while recording
[17:43:36] Esotericisms: well all these files I am trying to stream are complete
[17:43:50] ali1234: Hoxzer: which is an evdev remote which generates events that X doesn't understand
[17:44:08] Esotericisms: I can't watch from my master/client box just fine while recording but not stream to another client
[17:44:24] amrit|zzz is now known as amrit
[17:44:30] Esotericisms: can't = can
[17:44:45] clever_: yeah:P
[17:45:04] Esotericisms: my load averages are <0.20–0.30
[17:45:26] clever_: using NFS to stream or just letting myth stream it?
[17:46:02] ali1234: Hoxzer: i fixed it by hacking thekernel driver of my remote to generate different keys, but evrouter looks like a better solution so i will look into it
[17:46:04] Esotericisms: well the testing I am doing is with MythTV Player for windows at the current moment, so I am pretty sure it is myth that is doing ti
[17:46:12] Esotericisms: how do you setup NFS to stream?
[17:46:30] clever_: normaly you would just do a nfs mount
[17:46:42] clever_: i have /media/mainlv mounted over nfs to /media/mainlv on all other systems
[17:46:57] clever_: but winblows doesnt have a / folder and cant support nfs
[17:47:22] clever_: you could use a samba server to mount it to x:\ but not shure how you would tell the windows player to use it
[17:47:40] Esotericisms: yeah I have tried that but it is crappy too
[17:47:42] ali1234: i'm pretty sure that at uni the NT machines had our unix homedirs mounted over nfs...
[17:47:47] Esotericisms: idk, maybe it is a hard drive issue
[17:47:55] ali1234: i could be wrong it was a few years ago
[17:48:02] Esotericisms: windows can do NFS
[17:49:13] ali1234: if you just want to watch recordings on windows, can't you just use mythweb to stream to vlc or something?
[17:49:48] clever_: my main windows box is on a KVM with the master
[17:49:55] clever_: 2 keys and im back on linux
[17:51:11] ali1234: i guess you wont get seeking that way
[17:51:30] clever_: vlc can give seeking on http streams
[17:51:46] clever_: if the file had a seek table within it
[17:52:10] ali1234: doesn't that kind of rule out mpeg2 recordings?
[17:52:23] clever_: and nuv(which my card makes)
[17:54:24] Esotericisms: even streaming over a file share is really really slow
[17:54:31] Esotericisms: maybe it is my hardware in my mythtv
[17:54:44] Esotericisms: maybe the drives are going bad, usually there are other signs though
[17:55:13] ali1234: have you checked dmesg? that's where the ide errors usually show up...
[17:56:16] Esotericisms: looking
[17:57:01] Esotericisms: I was just trying to transfer a 100mb file and it is going to take like over 1 hour to do that on a 1gb connection
[17:57:04] Esotericisms: something isn't right
[17:57:20] clever_: what transfer program?
[17:57:33] ali1234: even ssh shouldnt take that long
[17:57:42] Esotericisms: that was just windows over the share, let me try an scp
[17:57:43] ali1234: not even on 100mbit
[17:58:42] Esotericisms: I am getting 225kb/s through scp
[17:58:49] Esotericisms: started it about 30 seconds again
[17:58:54] Esotericisms: lets see how long this takes
[17:58:58] [[thufir]] ([[thufir]]!n=[[ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:59:54] Esotericisms: perhaps it is my raid
[18:00:27] Esotericisms: < — anything look out of whack here?
[18:01:18] ali1234: personally i find the fastest way to transfer big files over fast networks is http with wget
[18:01:27] Esotericisms: oh damn, line 55, looks like my drives are in need of recovery
[18:01:54] ali1234: 65. recovery complete
[18:02:12] ali1234: i'd be more worried about line 50
[18:03:07] clever_: Esotericisms: scp or WINscp?
[18:03:17] Esotericisms: winscp
[18:03:25] clever_: WINscp eats cpu like a hob
[18:03:27] clever_: hog
[18:03:41] clever_: on 2.9ghz it maxes out the cpu and can bearly max 10mbit
[18:03:55] clever_: i can never get it to max 100mbit
[18:04:00] clever_: 1000mbit will be imposible:P
[18:04:29] clever_: open up task manager and go to the cpu then network tabs and watch
[18:04:34] Esotericisms: yeah, brb .... thanks for the help so far
[18:07:50] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:13:27] Esotericisms: well my hard drives look fine
[18:13:43] Esotericisms: it seems that line 50 error isn't too much to be worried about
[18:14:05] Esotericisms: I just did an fsck on the drives to make sure they are all right and it came back clean
[18:14:43] Esotericisms: so at this point I am at a loss
[18:16:37] Esotericisms: here is something interesting ... windows media player says the path is wrong when I click a link from within mythweb
[18:20:06] clever_: right click->copy shortcut->pastehere
[18:20:32] Esotericisms: myth://
[18:20:52] clever_: that url wont work with wmp
[18:21:08] Esotericisms: it has in the past
[18:21:35] clever_: you could have changed the settings that affect how the url is made
[18:22:08] Esotericisms: I could have I suppose, or when I upgraded myth for the new subscription company it could have jacked things up then
[18:22:10] Esotericisms: what is yours?
[18:22:27] clever_: loading
[18:22:47] clever_:
[18:23:04] clever_:
[18:23:34] Esotericisms: hrm
[18:23:47] Esotericisms: I guess there are all sorts of ways to stream
[18:24:26] clever_: go into the mythweb settings then TV
[18:24:40] clever_: theres an option to use myth:// on windows
[18:24:58] clever_: try shuting it off
[18:25:04] Tapout (Tapout!n=tapoutmm@unaffiliated/tapout) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:26:01] clever_: you can also put in a dl file url override which can force the url to start with x:\mythtv
[18:26:13] clever_: which is usefull if you setup a smb mount to x:\
[18:26:28] Esotericisms: see even trying to play the file over a windows mount doesn't work
[18:26:34] Esotericisms: it is extremely choppy
[18:26:53] Esotericisms: it gets in about 2 seconds of play before it goes choppy for 10–20 seconds
[18:27:08] clever_: watch the network usage in task manager
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[18:27:25] Esotericisms: when I try to play?
[18:27:29] clever_: yeah
[18:27:49] Esotericisms: peaked at 18%
[18:27:51] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:28:09] Esotericisms: file still trying to open
[18:28:11] clever_: now try pushing it farther with other programs to the same system
[18:28:13] Esotericisms: now it is rebuffering
[18:28:31] Esotericisms: try to stream multiple?
[18:28:44] clever_: try downloading/transfering a file in another program
[18:28:51] clever_: see if you can get it 50% used
[18:29:01] Esotericisms: hrm ok
[18:29:03] Esotericisms: why?
[18:29:14] clever_: see if the network is able to get 50% used
[18:29:40] Esotericisms: ok going
[18:29:54] Esotericisms: .20 %
[18:30:07] clever_: yeah often for most stuff i dont even get 2%
[18:30:07] Esotericisms: whats not even 1%
[18:30:31] Esotericisms: wow!
[18:30:35] Esotericisms: I think I found my problem
[18:30:41] clever_: :D
[18:30:59] Esotericisms: 32000 packet errors on my drop coming from my myth
[18:31:04] Esotericisms: and counting
[18:31:20] clever_: try pinging it
[18:31:23] cheshair (cheshair! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[18:31:31] clever_: ping -t 192.168.1..210
[18:31:37] clever_: (fixing the typo)
[18:31:59] Esotericisms: all is fine on the ping front ... <1ms return
[18:32:01] clever_: (-t on windows ping makes it run non stop, ctrl+c stops and gives you the summary)
[18:32:13] clever_: but are any droped?
[18:32:19] Esotericisms: negative
[18:32:34] Esotericisms: however as I am trying to stream still the packet errors on the port continue to climb
[18:32:46] clever_: try -l on ping to send larger packets
[18:33:20] Esotericisms: 30000 packet size, 5ms, there we go dropped packet
[18:33:32] Esotericisms: time to try a different networking cable
[18:34:05] Esotericisms: looks like every 20 pings or so I drop one
[18:34:32] Esotericisms: testing max packet size, 11ms return time
[18:34:48] clever_: Minimum = 74ms, Maximum = 90ms, Average = 83ms
[18:34:57] clever_: pinging the hotel router with -l 65500 over wifi
[18:35:09] Esotericisms: you are?
[18:35:18] clever_: yeah thats my results(over wifi)
[18:35:31] clever_: since your on 1gigabit you should probly be getter better speeds
[18:35:39] Esotericisms: my switch doesn't respond to pings
[18:35:47] Esotericisms: how about my firewall
[18:35:49] Esotericisms: testing that now
[18:36:03] clever_: ping multiple things on the net and see who drops
[18:36:10] jimmygoon (jimmygoon! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:36:11] Esotericisms: 7% loss, 11ms/16ms/11ms
[18:36:12] clever_: then think of what thing is between them and you
[18:36:14] jimmygoon: Would this work as a front end assuming I got a decent CPU , . . . L-_-13186115
[18:37:29] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[18:38:00] Esotericisms: well it seems that the network drop from here to there is the problem
[18:38:07] Esotericisms: time to test a different cable
[18:38:20] ** clever_ goes off to have a shower **
[18:38:37] Esotericisms: thanks
[18:38:38] Esotericisms: btw
[18:40:44] mzb_d800 (mzb_d800! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[18:53:38] justinh: Der_Thomas: no idea. I really don't care for the gl transitions
[18:55:12] Der_Thomas: justinh: thanks just trying to figure out what is a HW problem and what is a SW problem
[18:56:33] jimmygoon: hey justinh ... can you tell me what you think of Foxconn 6150BK8MC-KRSHN2 939 NVIDIA GeForce 6150B(PV) GPU Micro ATX AMD Motherboard and AMD Athlon 64 4000+ San Diego 2.4GHz for a frontend... I can get both for 100 bucks
[18:57:19] justinh: I had my FE on ubuntu for a while – playback was superb with xvmc, no gappiness or choppiness but I couldn't get digital AND analogue audio out to work all the time
[18:58:02] justinh: jimmygoon: nowadays I'd lean toward Intel. no particular reason though
[18:58:40] jimmygoon: justinh, would that be powerful enough though? what will be the determining factor in whether or not ti wil work well as FE... the proc speed?
[19:03:29] ali1234: that is plenty for a frontend only
[19:04:10] jimmygoon: :)
[19:04:29] jimmygoon: newegg has that board, processor and 500 gig HD for $200
[19:04:43] jimmygoon: so I'd just need a cheap case and a dvd rom
[19:04:49] ali1234: and RAM
[19:04:53] ali1234: lots of RAM
[19:05:51] jimmygoon: for FE? really? how much
[19:06:20] stiev3: Scenario: 1 HD program is currently being watched @ 1080i. 1 HD program is currently being recorded. 1 SD program is currently being watched. How many tv tuner cards does that come out to? Disclaimer: I'm a noob.
[19:06:30] ali1234: well, actually, are you gonna be playing HD? because that is more demanding
[19:06:54] gbee: minimum of 256Mb is recommended, but there are quite a few people using 128Mb (with a basic theme, more images in the theme, the more memory it uses)
[19:07:14] justinh: the more images, and the bigger the images are.. and the bigger resolution you run mythtv at
[19:07:41] mchou: stiev3: it depends if the "currently watched" is live or prerecorded
[19:07:42] ali1234: my combined fe+be only has 256mb but it really needs an upgrade
[19:07:47] justinh: stiev3: you need one tuner card per program being watched live or recorded
[19:08:35] stiev3: if the program were prerecorded and streaming off a backend, that means no card required correct?
[19:08:44] gbee: some of us reckless individuals are trying to get mythtv running on the equivalent of a toaster, with 64Mb of ram
[19:08:51] mchou: stiev3: if it's live you need 2. If it's prerecorded you need 1. In other words, you only need as many cards as you are currently recording (and that includes "live")
[19:08:59] jimmygoon: ali1234, it will eventually be HD upstairs as well... I don't mind buying a gig of memory
[19:09:01] justinh: as for whether X system is powerful enough to play HDTV it depends a lot on the graphics card & its drivers too. I've seen people here complain their 3ghz system couldn't cope playing SDTV
[19:09:02] stiev3: I see
[19:09:38] ali1234: if you ever want to run gnome or kde on it you'll probably want to get the 1gb...
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[19:09:45] mchou: stiev3: and nobody needs to use myth in live mode except for testing and sanity check
[19:10:03] justinh: my frontend has no tuners. my backend has 3 tuners. that means I can record 2 things & watch one thing live, or record 3 things and watch prerecorded shows
[19:10:18] mchou: stiev3: there are much better proggies for watching live tv than myth
[19:10:36] jimmygoon: "watch one thing live" ... can't the tuner in the actual TV still tune to different channels?
[19:10:50] mchou: jimmygoon: yup
[19:10:55] justinh: jimmygoon: yes if you leave it connected to the antenna/cable
[19:11:07] jimmygoon: justinh, why wouldn't/don't you?
[19:11:09] justinh: without a doubt it's the best way to watch 'live' IMHO
[19:11:15] mchou: jimmygoon: some ppl no longer use a TV :)
[19:11:18] ali1234: gbee: 64mb? is that the frontend or backend?
[19:11:22] jimmygoon: ah
[19:11:33] justinh: I don't watch TV 'live' anymore in general. my wife does though (annoying as it is)
[19:11:52] justinh: I've given mythtv's livetv a shot but it just didn't cut it for me
[19:12:27] justinh: sometimes the fact we've always got so much stuff recorded is a blocker – I mean – choosing something to watch can be a pain ;)
[19:13:06] gbee: ali1234: frontend, not saying that I'll succeed but by setting such a low limit it gives me an incentive to optimise mythtv's memory usage as much as possible, which hopefully everyone would benefit from
[19:14:31] jimmygoon: lol, my digital picture frame has 64mb of ram :P
[19:14:35] stiev3: mchou, interesting. Interface-wise though, it seems better to me to stick to myth for both, as there will be technically handicapped people (worse than me) at the helm on occasion.
[19:15:20] mchou: stiev3: if there's anyone technically challenged they'd be best advised to avoid myth :)
[19:15:48] mchou: as nice as myth is, it's not for grandma :)
[19:15:50] gbee: mchou: that's not really fair, to set it up maybe, but not in daily usage
[19:16:22] mchou: gbee: It's a matter of opinion. I would give grandma one :)
[19:16:28] mchou: wouldnt*
[19:16:48] cmoates: Even in daily use, it's much harder to use that my old ReplayTV
[19:16:49] mchou: not unless I intend to be her tech support 24x7
[19:16:51] cmoates: A fact which I lament
[19:17:04] gbee: I took a look at some PVRs the other day and none of them were really much different in the interface from mythtv, except they weren't as pretty or feature packed
[19:17:33] jimmygoon: I guess the frontend doesn't need/get a hard drive does it
[19:17:35] gbee: when I say PVRs, I mean consumer PVR hardware
[19:17:37] jimmygoon: its all netbooted etc
[19:17:40] Hoxzer: Hmm, what screen test tools does linux system have screentest doesn't have anything to test definition capabilites
[19:17:42] mchou: gbee: the difference is with commercial DVR grandma has other options for tech support besides me :)
[19:18:04] cmoates: gbee, the comcast DVR is horrid, for sure
[19:18:14] cmoates: But Myth's segregation of live tv and recorded tv feels awkward to me
[19:18:22] mchou: bah
[19:18:27] mchou: what segregation
[19:18:38] mchou: livetv is only used for sanity check
[19:18:57] mchou: using yth to watch livetv is using a nuke to kill a gnat
[19:19:02] mchou: myth*
[19:19:02] cmoates: That's not how it gets used in my house though
[19:19:20] cmoates: The replaytv is (hopefully eventually was) used for watching everything
[19:19:21] mchou: complete overkill
[19:19:23] cmoates: live tv, recorded, etc
[19:19:31] cmoates: Because it's a one stop shop
[19:19:41] cmoates: Switching back and forth is easy, and trivial
[19:19:57] gbee: the "out of the box" default configuration could perhaps be better, some stuff isn't enabled but should be and other stuff is enabled when it's really not needed, and I know that some people have a bad experience with mythtv because they never really get their remotes setup correctly to give them proper control/access to the things they need
[19:20:00] cmoates: And yes, it's overkill, unless you like to pause live tv
[19:20:18] cmoates: gbee, that's as much a lirc problem as a myth problem, thoguh
[19:20:27] cmoates: lirc could use a lot of work in the user friendliness department
[19:20:41] gbee: aye
[19:21:15] cmoates: Myth isn't bad, I fully intend to replace the replay with it, but I will definitely miss a few things
[19:21:45] cmoates: Like watching a show, and having someone else say, "Hey such and such is on right now" being able to pull the guide up in my recorded show, find the channel, press a button, and flip to live tv on that channel
[19:22:10] cmoates: The segregation between live and recorded seemingly prevents that right now
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[19:23:48] jimmygoon: for the backend I need a sdtv and hdtv tuner and... hmmm...
[19:23:56] mchou: it's really too bad the OSD is so weak in linux
[19:24:09] jimmygoon: does mythtv have the ability to "pause" and "rewind" tv? and that would probably require another tv tuner card...
[19:24:17] mchou: that could definitely use some improvement
[19:24:27] mchou: jimmygoon: yup
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[19:24:35] cmoates: The OSD is weak in Linux, I'm not sure how you mean that?
[19:24:37] mchou: jimmygoon: that's "live"
[19:24:41] BULLE: jimmygoon: mythtv alwas records, even when you choose "live tv"
[19:24:47] BULLE: jimmygoon: so you can always hit pause, and rewind etc
[19:24:54] jimmygoon: hm
[19:25:06] mchou: cmoates: myth OSD fonts and layout is sucky
[19:25:15] cmoates: Oh, myth specific
[19:25:23] BULLE: mchou: so make a nicer layout and configure the fonts to something you like ?
[19:25:27] borga2: say I've got a strange problem! Ive installed a new mythtv frontend/backend server and migrated the recordings from a previous one.
[19:25:41] borga2: The strange now is that I have installed another frontend with a secondary backend on, and on this one I can't watch previous recordings?! All I get is a "ants war in colour" with sound.
[19:25:45] mchou: BULLE: what, that's your standard response?
[19:25:59] jimmygoon: good defaults are good for user adoption
[19:26:13] mchou: as good a programmer as I once was, I know the OSD will take major work
[19:26:33] gbee: mchou: there are several different OSD themes, any one in particular? You should also be using the freesans font by default (some people ended up with freemono instead, which _does_ suck)
[19:26:45] mchou: that's not even to mention compatibility with XvMC
[19:26:50] gbee:
[19:27:00] BULLE: mchou: no its not, but when it comes to preferences on what looks good and doesnt look good, its all pretty darn personal
[19:27:16] mchou: BULLE: ever seen Tivo OSD?
[19:27:22] BULLE: mchou: its the same with most things, some people love windows vista look and feel, other hate it, some love gnome look and feel etc, some dont
[19:27:29] mchou: that looks "professional"
[19:27:30] BULLE: mchou: no Tivo is afaik only a us thingy
[19:27:51] mchou: BULLE: well, then you wont know what I'm talking about
[19:28:04] BULLE: mchou: why not ?
[19:28:14] BULLE: tivo is the only pvr that has goo looking osd in the world ?
[19:28:14] cmoates: gbee, I look forward to your preview release ;)
[19:28:17] mchou: cause you've never seen Tivo OSD
[19:28:20] BULLE: and no online screenshots ?
[19:28:24] gbee: mchou: you telling me that the OSD in those screenshots sucks?
[19:28:46] mchou: no, I'm saying Tivo OSD is way better than myth
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[19:29:06] ali1234: gbee: in my opinion the main difference with a commercial pvr is that they manage to fit all the "frontend" and "backend" into one box that uses an order of magnitude less silicon than an x86
[19:29:22] cmoates:
[19:29:29] mchou: ali1234: not to mention power :)
[19:29:30] cmoates: There's a rather crappy picture of TiVO's OSD
[19:29:41] ali1234: yes, that follows too
[19:30:13] jimmygoon: mmm . . . ideFinal.jpg
[19:30:16] BULLE: cmoates: okies, then atleast imho the metallurgy osd looks nicer, then the tivo one
[19:30:18] mchou: it's just too bad Tivo succumbed to an evil business model
[19:30:30] ali1234: gbee: the problem i have with metallurgy is, my TV's picture is tilted slightly. it's not noticable... unless something draws a border around the picture...
[19:30:31] BULLE: cmoates: but its all a matter of personal opinion, as always when it comes to look and feel
[19:30:51] cmoates: BULLE, that's mostly true. Some UI's suck for everyone ;)
[19:30:59] GreyFoxx: I've always found the Tivo OSD hideous
[19:31:20] GreyFoxx: but of course, that's just my opinion :)
[19:31:37] cmoates: Can you put the time on the Myth OSD, like if you pause, for example?
[19:31:42] GreyFoxx: yes
[19:31:46] BULLE: cmoates: ye
[19:31:49] GreyFoxx: DEpending on the OSD it already has it
[19:32:04] cmoates: That's something I need to experiment with more
[19:32:06] cmoates: OSD themes
[19:32:21] mchou:
[19:32:26] GreyFoxx: second screenshot is a paid screen with the time on it
[19:32:31] GreyFoxx: pause screen
[19:32:32] GreyFoxx: heh
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[19:33:23] cmoates: GreyFoxx, that's precisely it, and incredibly useful, since I can't seem to get around to mounting a clock in the living room ;)
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[19:33:46] cmoates: I did write a telnet daemon to control my new LCD TV via it's serial port this weekend, though
[19:34:03] GreyFoxx: heh I use the INFO button a lot to check the time :)
[19:34:17] cmoates: One less thing to get working with LIRC
[19:34:20] mchou: note the rounded corners on Tivo OSD (and the clearer fonts)
[19:34:44] cmoates: Yes, I will say that I don't care for the font in GreyFoxx's screenshots
[19:34:49] cmoates: Something a little heavier would be nice
[19:34:58] gbee: this this compares pretty favourably with that earlier screenshot of Tivo, if you ignore the weak selection icon (which I'm changing at the moment)
[19:34:59] mchou: that's light years ahead of any myth OSD AFAIK
[19:35:20] ali1234: rounded corners?
[19:35:29] GreyFoxx: mchou: Several myth OSD's have rounded corners
[19:35:59] mchou: GreyFoxx: yeah, they do, but they still have lousy fonts and XvMC issues
[19:36:01] GreyFoxx: looking at the screenshots you posted of tivo it's just as ugly to me as I thought it was. but obviously we have different opinions on it
[19:36:40] GreyFoxx: Fonts are easily changable, the XVMC stuff though is another thing altogether
[19:36:46] Pogonip_: I'm using an MCE remote and I want the channel to increment by one when I press ch+, how do I do that?
[19:36:47] GreyFoxx: I never use that so it's not an issue I notice
[19:37:03] cmoates: Aside from the art/layout issues, does myth's OSD code support enough to make a tivo-UI clone?
[19:37:20] mchou: cmoates: XvMC for one :)
[19:37:28] gbee: mchou: the fonts in those tivo screenshots look worse than they do in the screenshots both GreyFoxx and I have posted
[19:37:28] cmoates: What's the problem with xvmc?
[19:37:36] Pogonip_: What is XvMC?
[19:37:48] mchou: gbee: no, screenshots dont do it justice
[19:37:48] GreyFoxx: Pogonip_: hardware assisted mpeg decoding
[19:37:59] jimmygoon: would this be good enough for a backend aswell Foxconn 6150BK8MC-KRSHN2 939 NVIDIA GeForce 6150B(PV) GPU Micro ATX AMD Motherboard and AMD Athlon 64 4000+ San Diego 2.4GHz
[19:38:13] jimmygoon: or would I need to up to a dual core or something else
[19:38:19] gbee: cmoates: I could make a TIVO clone OSD for mythtv that looks better than the original IMHO
[19:38:19] mchou: gbee: it only looks worse in tivo case cause the shot is smaller than GreyFoxx's
[19:38:26] cmoates: jimmygoon, HD or SD, and microatx? How many tuners do you plan on?
[19:38:38] GreyFoxx: Pogonip_: basically letting your video card do some of the work decoding the video for playback. helps mostly if you are really low on cpu
[19:38:49] mchou: the font looks way beetr in Tivo, better visibility from normal viewing distance
[19:38:51] jimmygoon: cmoates, one hd and one sd so we can record, etc thats the biggest thing... the live tv is only an afterthought
[19:38:54] cmoates: Does xvmc cause issues?
[19:39:00] mchou: better*
[19:39:03] Pogonip_: Oh...that makes sense,
[19:39:04] cmoates: I mean, I use it, but I have a core 2 duo in there, I could remove the xvmc support
[19:39:06] GreyFoxx: cmoates: Xvmc has several issues
[19:39:17] gbee: mchou: so compare it to the shots here which are the same size
[19:39:19] GreyFoxx: main one peoples urn into is a black and white OSD or stuttering OSD
[19:39:28] Pogonip_: Is there a good HD Tuner card available somewhere?
[19:39:31] cmoates: Hm, I haven't seen either of those issues on mine
[19:39:38] cmoates: Maybe I'm not paying close enough attention
[19:39:47] GreyFoxx: If you enable Chromakey it will be coloured, but no transparency
[19:40:03] cmoates: Pogonip_, there are several, what part of the world are you in, and what do you plan to receive HD from?
[19:40:05] GreyFoxx: but I never use it so I don't see the problems, just see people mention them from time to time
[19:40:07] gbee: ... anyway, I'm getting too worked up, gonna go back to working on the theme so I can release it tonight
[19:40:21] cmoates: gbee, tonight? Woohoo!
[19:40:49] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v GreyFoxx
[19:40:51] Pogonip_: cmoates; California and satellite
[19:40:51] cmoates: Maybe I should try rebuilding without xvmc support
[19:41:02] cmoates: Pogonip_, you aren't going to get HD off of satellite with myth
[19:41:04] cmoates: afiak
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[19:41:42] gbee: cmoates: yeah, hopefully – though it's only a preview release and isn't complete (missing watermarks, only one plugin themed etc)
[19:41:44] cmoates: The satellite boxes do not output an HD signal which Myth can capture
[19:41:57] Pogonip_: Crap!
[19:42:12] Pogonip_: Is there any kind of work around?
[19:42:17] gbee: opengl OSD in trunk is very nice
[19:42:22] mchou: cmoates: not unless you're talking FTA :)
[19:42:41] cmoates: mchou, true, but FTA in the US is not a great selection, IMHO
[19:43:10] mchou: lol, nor is cable for that matter
[19:43:33] mchou: 100s of channels, none with quality programming except a handful of channels
[19:43:39] Pogonip_: Does cable output an HD signal that mythtv can use?
[19:43:52] mchou: Pogonip_: yup
[19:43:58] cmoates: It does, depending on your area, etc, but generally, expect only PBS/NBC/CBS/FOX/ABC
[19:44:05] mchou: firewire. only channels in the clear though
[19:44:14] cmoates: If you pay for HBO in HD, you won't be able to use that with Myth
[19:44:29] mchou: no "premium" channels
[19:44:31] clever_: enless you use the other outputs(non firewire)
[19:44:42] clever_: which wont be as good of a quality
[19:45:12] mchou: it's still better quality than analog (coax)
[19:45:29] mchou: I'd take svideo over coax any day
[19:45:32] clever_: im using composite to get the video from tuner->pc
[19:45:46] jimmygoon: hm, I forgot, I was planning on having my main ackend pc work as a backend and a front end :S
[19:45:50] clever_: my svideo cable is used by the other tv
[19:46:48] Pogonip_: My Satellite had HDMI, isn't there a way to split HDMI?
[19:47:16] mchou: HDMI doesnt do myth any good.
[19:47:26] justinh: Pogonip_: yes and no. hdmi is bi-directional
[19:47:51] Pogonip_: No tuner cards support HDMI?
[19:48:11] mchou: haha, noy uneless you pay big bucks
[19:48:11] cmoates: There are a few, they are very very expensivev, and don't usually support HDCP
[19:48:17] mchou: not*
[19:48:31] justinh: not only expensive in terms of $$$ but disk space too
[19:49:28] Pogonip_: Looks like HD tv PVR is out of the question at this time.
[19:49:33] justinh: the most affordable one (which still doesn't have linux drivers) won't do HDCP and only compresses in a format similar to MJPEG on the fly. mpeg2 & h.264 HDTV files are big enough. files encoded with that thing are very, _very_ big
[19:49:41] Pogonip_: at least through Myth
[19:49:47] mchou: Pogonip_: you can go with TivoHD :)
[19:49:54] justinh: not through Windows or anything else pc-based either
[19:50:13] mchou: Pogonip_: that gets a (cable) channels you're subscribe to
[19:50:19] mchou: all*
[19:50:28] justinh: some people have reported being able to record all the channels they pay for over firewire but I'll bet they're in the minority
[19:50:41] cmoates: TiVO HD is the best bet for doing pay HD DVR, and your satellite provider also provides an HD DVR, though it won't have the feature set of myth
[19:51:01] justinh: nothing comes close to mythtv's feature set out there in ready-made land
[19:52:08] Pogonip_: cmoates; I'm going the get the satellite HD DVR for the wife anyway.
[19:52:19] mchou: Pogonip_: lol
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[19:52:29] justinh: must be made o money eh
[19:52:31] mchou: that's always the excuse "for da wife"
[19:52:53] justinh: but then again I've never seen mythtv as a way to save money. god no, not in terms of the amount of time it took to set up
[19:52:54] mchou: like "get cell phone only for emergency use"
[19:53:00] mchou: haha!!
[19:53:12] Pogonip_: mchou; As soon as she sees more than one remote she freaks.
[19:53:17] justinh: if it was about saving money I'd have got Sly PLu$
[19:53:31] justinh: Pogonip_: quite right too
[19:53:51] Pogonip_: justinh; I
[19:53:59] justinh: I used to hate having multiple remotes. one for the TV, one for the VCR, one for DVD, one for the amp.. ugh
[19:54:10] mchou: Pogonip_: we all know YOU really want the HD PVR, the wife has nothing to do w/it :)
[19:54:27] mchou: Pogonip_: I dont see your wife hanging out on this channel :)
[19:54:28] justinh: it's not mythtv's fault it won't work with premium content in most cases
[19:54:29] Pogonip_: justinh; I'm a refuge from the intel Viiv nightmare
[19:55:08] justinh: blame the cable & satellite companies for being good capitalists :P
[19:55:11] Pogonip_: mchou; Well of course. But the only way I get HD PVR is to convince the wife she wants it.
[19:55:26] mchou: haha!!
[19:55:36] justinh: make it look like her idea
[19:55:38] justinh: always works
[19:55:51] jimmygoon (jimmygoon! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:55:54] Pogonip_: justinh; Absolutely.
[19:56:51] cmoates: justinh, I'm frequently tempted to ditch the hobby of myth and go with tivo3 for that exact reason, but tinkering is a lot of fun :)
[19:57:12] justinh: go on. mythtv doesn't 'need' anybody
[19:57:20] jimmygoon: I don't like shopping for all the different hw
[19:57:22] Pogonip_: justinh; I'm an engineer, and got involved in digital home while I was working on Viiv. From what I've seen, no one has a "wife friendly" solution and I think that's what's needed here.
[19:57:50] mchou: lol
[19:57:50] cmoates: justinh, I didn't imply that myth needs me at all, just that it's tempting to go with the out of the box, not quite as nice, solution, because it's less work
[19:57:51] justinh: we're not all about being evan-fecking-gelical with a mission to put mythtv on every PC in the world. 2008 will not be the year mythtv replaces MCE
[19:58:13] justinh: cmoates: absolutely
[19:58:19] cmoates: but it only strengthens their position
[19:58:24] cmoates: of locking down DVR's
[19:58:25] cmoates: :(
[19:58:29] justinh: if it'd have been any more work than it was to get it worky I think I'd already not be using mythtv
[19:58:33] mchou: most wives dont care that much, I dont think. They are perfectly content to watch live TV if they have to
[19:58:43] Pogonip_: justinh; I hope MCE is'nt the goal, because if it is we're in trouble.
[19:58:45] justinh: wives are habitual channel surfers
[19:58:54] mchou: the PVR obsession is purely a guy thing
[19:58:58] justinh: no matter how easy something is to program it'll always be too hard!
[19:59:09] justinh: no matter how easy something is to program it'll always be too hard!!
[19:59:39] justinh: whittle it down to one big red button. bah, can't be bothered with that. I'll watch this live instead
[19:59:53] cmoates: yup
[19:59:59] cmoates: hence my desire for better integrated live tv :/
[20:00:11] mchou: cmoates: hell no
[20:00:13] cmoates: The kids especially
[20:00:21] GreyFoxx: I've spoiled my wife with all of her content available all over the place for so many years. she can't stand livetv anymore
[20:00:25] cmoates: Because they don't plan ahead on what to watch, unlike me
[20:00:26] mchou: this is a wife and kid free zone :)
[20:00:32] justinh: what's happened in my house is we no longer revolve around TV schedules
[20:00:33] Pogonip_: mchou; I disagree. My wife loves the PVR. She can't stand looking around for the remotes. she wants it when she wants it.
[20:00:48] mchou: GreyFoxx: that's because you got her trained :)
[20:00:55] GreyFoxx: shes uses mythweb, sets up her own recordings, has her own recording groups so it's filtered for her shows in WatchRecordings and all
[20:00:55] [[thufir]] ([[thufir]]!n=[[ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:01:00] GreyFoxx: mchou: heh yeah
[20:01:01] cmoates: justinh, yes, years ago, with replay, I realized that had happened when my wife said, "Dinner's ready. Kids, pause the TV and get in here."
[20:01:11] justinh: this started out as something to record my fave shows so I wasn't always scuttling around looking for a blank tape
[20:01:19] GreyFoxx: justinh: same here
[20:01:31] mchou: GreyFoxx: if your wife was left to her own devices she'd be perfectly happy watching livetv
[20:01:34] GreyFoxx: but now we can watch anything anytime. And it doesn't have to be all at once (thank you bookmarks)
[20:01:43] justinh: timestretch ftw!
[20:01:50] GreyFoxx: mchou: If she had needed to install it herself yeah
[20:01:51] justinh: my wife raves about that
[20:01:52] mchou: GreyFoxx: I mean to this day
[20:02:13] GreyFoxx: but when I met her she was bitching cause she wanted a tivo :) so she was already primed
[20:02:13] cmoates: justinh, timestretch is playback at like 1.2x or whatever?
[20:02:19] justinh: cmoates: yeah
[20:02:24] mchou: GreyFoxx: haha!!
[20:02:26] cmoates: I use that on planes
[20:02:31] Pogonip_: GreyFoxx; That's it. Wife friendly.
[20:02:32] cmoates: To fit movies into the alloted flight time ;)
[20:02:37] mchou: GreyFoxx: I thought there's no Tivo in CA??
[20:02:50] GreyFoxx: mchou: There wasn't back then, which is why she was complaining :)
[20:03:04] justinh: Tivo should step back into the UK & make a kickass Freeview PVR. they'd clean up
[20:03:18] Pogonip_: GreyFoxx; My wife loves time shifting. She records what she wants and skips the comercials/
[20:03:19] sebrock (sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:03:25] justinh: all the ones currently available are crap on a stick for various reasons
[20:03:54] GreyFoxx: Pogonip_: Yeah, we rarely see a commercial now. It's why we can't stand livetv. We already reach for the remote out of instinct
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[20:04:12] ali1234: i only installed myth because i can't afford said "crap on a stick" PVR, but people will PAY you to take away their old PCs, which are in fact perfectly good for everything except running windows vista.
[20:04:19] GreyFoxx: and having the shows on all the TV's along with the moview archive (especially my daughters stuff) at a touch of a button is sooooo nice
[20:04:25] justinh: haha we meet our friends & they say weird stuff like "oh, have you seen this/that/the other advert?!". and we're like.. "ermm..."
[20:04:39] GreyFoxx: justinh: heheh yeah
[20:04:57] justinh: only ads I see these days are had from virals & on youtube
[20:05:10] justinh: and yeah, some are worth going looking for
[20:05:34] GreyFoxx: Ihad ripped all of my dvd's to xvid , but now I'm playing with just full ripping and no encoding. Deciding if I want to rip just the main title or everything+menus
[20:05:53] cmoates: xvid quality too low?
[20:05:54] Pogonip_: Why does everyone love the IPOD. It's the interface, it's easy and straight forward.
[20:05:56] justinh: aha fank gawd I wiggled the antenna cable on tuner 3. Eastenders is recording fine, WAF saved
[20:06:12] GreyFoxx: cmoates: Yeah, and just ripping the disk with no encoding is much faster ;)
[20:06:20] cmoates: but much larger, I'd imagine
[20:06:24] justinh: buying new connectors tomorrow. you just can't get decent connectors these days damnit
[20:06:25] GreyFoxx: diskspace is cheap
[20:06:28] cmoates: I've toyed with the idea of ripping down the dvds
[20:06:40] GreyFoxx: I added another TB the other day which is sitting there empty
[20:06:47] cmoates: But we don't watch them often, and I'm not sure if it's because they aren't online or if it's because we just don't watch them
[20:06:59] justinh: I've played with the idea of archiving our DVDs but we watch films a 2nd or 3rd time so rarely there's no point
[20:07:20] GreyFoxx: I['m also considering a firewire based cd carasel that holds 200 disks
[20:07:33] justinh: if there was a plugin which could jukebox our music video DVDs now... different story!
[20:08:05] anykey_: Anyone with an idea why this happens: I'm watching liveTV, a recording is scheduled to take place while i'm watching. I have two tuners, both the same video source. The backend changes channels on the tuner I'm watching LiveTV. If I go out of the LiveTV mode and re-enter it, recording still takes place on tuner1 and liveTV is now on tuner2
[20:08:18] macala (macala! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:08:20] sebrock: hey guys, just a quick question: how do I delete these files without doing it manually, so far I have listed them all recursivly with: how do I delete all hidden .DS_Store files in a folder structure without doing it manually, so far I have been able to list them with "ls -la -R | grep .DS_Store "
[20:08:24] justinh: anykey_: stop using livetv, problem solved :)
[20:08:29] Pogonip_: How do I make mythtv increment by one channel when I press the channel up on the remote?
[20:08:37] sebrock: pipe it to rm?
[20:08:46] cmoates: sebrock, | xargs rm
[20:08:50] GreyFoxx: sebrock: find . -name .DS_Store | xargs -n 1 rm
[20:08:59] sebrock: xargs... hm
[20:09:01] cmoates: xargs ftw
[20:09:02] sebrock: never used that
[20:09:03] clever_: cmoates: xargs with ls wont work
[20:09:07] sebrock: tnx
[20:09:07] ** justinh wonders if his new cpu was shipped out today **
[20:09:08] GreyFoxx: or -exec rm \; or some such for find
[20:09:18] anykey_: justinh: not a solution...
[20:09:18] clever_: GreyFoxx: you probly dont need -n 1 on xargs there
[20:09:26] justinh: anykey_: so?
[20:09:27] cmoates: clever_, for .DS_Store files?
[20:09:30] GreyFoxx: clever_: I believe is not assuming defaults
[20:09:35] anykey_: justinh: any other suggestion? ;)
[20:09:36] cmoates: but yeah
[20:09:37] clever_: .
[20:09:48] cmoates: you need to be wary of ls and spaces and whatnot
[20:09:50] GreyFoxx: cause different versions of commands between rthe bsd's, solaris, linux etc all have different defaults
[20:09:51] mchou: exec rm {} \;
[20:09:57] GreyFoxx: so I always specify
[20:09:59] clever_: cmoates: yeah which is what find fixes
[20:10:06] justinh: anykey_: investigate the tv recording options for livetv. there's something in there for that IIRC
[20:10:13] clever_: find . -name .DS_Store -print0|xargs -0 rm
[20:10:19] clever_: that sounds like it would work
[20:10:20] anykey_: justinh: in the frontend or in the setup?
[20:10:26] justinh: in mythfrontend
[20:10:38] clever_: adding a -vi to rm makes it safer
[20:10:40] anykey_: ok, will do as soon as $family finished watching ;)
[20:11:22] GreyFoxx: sebrock: Your Mac will keep recreating those though, just so yo uknow
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[20:12:47] Pogonip_: Do I need to put something like CH++ or CH-- to make the mythtv channel move up by one or down by one?
[20:12:51] squidly_ is now known as squidly
[20:14:26] Pogonip_: I could really use some help with lirc?
[20:14:32] ali1234: what's the absolute minimum memory requirement to run a single tuner DVB/SD/EIT backend, serving a single frontend, with no transcoding/flagging etc and with only about 20 tuned channels, and no plugins or anything else...
[20:15:00] GreyFoxx: ali1234: a P3 500–650, 128meg of ram (I wouldn't bother with less)
[20:15:06] GreyFoxx: the more ram the better
[20:15:40] ali1234: so you wouldn;t recommend mips 125mh with 16mb?
[20:15:53] justinh: ali1234: we had an athlon 800 system with 512MB ram, single DVB-T tuner serving 3 frontends. ran just fine
[20:15:54] GreyFoxx: Not without dedicated hardware for decoding :)
[20:15:59] mchou: bah, even P2–450 would do, I started out with that
[20:16:12] ali1234: backend only!
[20:16:19] justinh: 16MB on a box running mysql? OUCH
[20:16:20] ali1234: decoding done on frontend...
[20:16:28] ali1234: yeah mysql is the big problem
[20:16:40] mchou: yeah, mysql
[20:16:40] GreyFoxx: ali1234: backend only then a 400mhz or so is fine, could likely do less
[20:17:11] justinh: somebody has had a go running mythbackend on one of those NSLUG things with an external mysql server. I think they got it working
[20:17:18] mchou: it's really too bad there's no lighter weight db that works faster
[20:17:26] ali1234: yep this is basically the same kind of device
[20:17:32] justinh: mchou: _yet_
[20:17:39] pink_ (pink_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:17:48] ali1234: i don't care about speed :)
[20:17:57] mchou: ali1234: yes you do
[20:18:01] cmoates: ali1234, can you run mysql somewhere else?
[20:18:07] justinh: it gets picked up & looked at from time to time. if the BFSQ ever gets whittled down to a more managable size it might well come off one day
[20:18:10] Pogonip_: is NSLUG basically the same device as MCE extender?
[20:18:13] ali1234: kind of would defeat the purpose
[20:18:16] justinh: Pogonip_: nope
[20:18:21] mchou: all the db speed is important when enumerating your recordings or whatnot
[20:18:38] ali1234: if i only have about 20 recordings... is it really going to be that slow?
[20:18:38] justinh: mchou: the BFSQ is the biggie
[20:18:45] justinh: one huge mother query
[20:18:49] sebrock: GreyFoxx: if some of the paths inlcude spaces etc. I doesnt seem to remove the files?
[20:18:54] Pogonip_: justinh; What is NSLUG then?
[20:19:01] justinh: Pogonip_: what is google?
[20:19:23] justinh: heh
[20:19:27] ali1234: according to google the nova scotia linux user group :/
[20:19:28] justinh: I misspelled it
[20:19:54] justinh: and
[20:20:21] Pogonip_: justinh; Is there a mce extender type device for mythtv?
[20:20:40] justinh: Pogonip_: there are some devices that'll play recordings over upnp
[20:20:57] justinh: mce extenders are all pale imitations of the 'real thing' anyway
[20:21:02] sebrock: Or anybody, xargs rm did not remove files in folders with spaces etc... how can I do this?
[20:21:10] ali1234: well NSLU2 is arm, but apart from that, it looks good
[20:21:43] justinh: filenames with non-alphanumerics need to be excaped don't they?
[20:22:01] justinh: the\ filename\ with\ spaces
[20:22:06] Pogonip_: justinh; Would you happen to have any links?
[20:22:21] justinh: yeah I always have a bunch o links handy for such an occasion
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[20:22:31] squidly: anyone know what could cause a pink screen when watching live tv?
[20:23:01] squidly: I'm running myth from gentoo on 64bit system. I didnt have this problem until a couple of weeks ago
[20:23:27] squidly: it hard locks my system when it happen :(
[20:23:29] Pogonip_: squidly; make sure your connections are tight.
[20:23:32] cmoates: squidly, I thought rolling back X fixed it?
[20:23:44] squidly: cmoates: it vided the xine and movie coruption
[20:23:59] squidly: Pogonip_: connections are tight? what do you mean by that?
[20:24:07] GreyFoxx: sebrock: instead of xargs use awk '{ print "rm -f \"" $0 "\" "}
[20:24:18] GreyFoxx: and then redirect that to a file
[20:24:19] squidly: cmoates: this pink screen is new issue
[20:24:31] GreyFoxx: check the file and if it looks ok sh filename
[20:26:46] Pogonip_: squidly; Video connectors were not designed for multiple insertion and extraction and if you plug and unplug video too much they can start having connection problems.
[20:27:36] sebrock: GreyFoxx: wow...
[20:27:42] squidly: Pogonip_: i'm not sure I follow you. My computer does not do any physical changes
[20:27:55] sebrock: I'm scared :D
[20:28:34] squidly: and how would havine a weak connection on to my monitor cause a pink screen of death?
[20:28:59] cmoates: (and only when using livetv)
[20:29:15] mchou: pink screen of death?
[20:29:20] mchou: wtf is that?
[20:29:30] Pogonip_: squidly; It was just a thought. I probably dont
[20:29:42] cmoates: It's what happens when you feed lumas too many star bits
[20:29:50] cmoates: They pop and coat your screen pin
[20:29:51] cmoates: pink
[20:29:57] squidly: mchou: when mythtv hard locks my box when changeing channels
[20:30:01] Pogonip_: I don't have enough background on you trouble.
[20:30:20] borga2: Has anyone run into the problem of beeing unable to play recordings from another myth-server?
[20:30:31] GreyFoxx: sebrock: Don't forget though. your mac will keep recreating them if you browse that filesystem
[20:31:28] squidly: Pogonip_: I was having an issue with video over all. movies and tv. All movie apps, I rolled back to xorg 7.2 and that fixed many of the problems I was haveing. I rebuild everything on my box but now I get a pink screen at random times, (usualy after my computer has been on for an hour or more).
[20:31:53] mchou: that's a clue right there......
[20:31:56] sebrock: GreyFoxx: I know, but I dont use AFP any more
[20:31:59] ali1234: squidly: bad caps?
[20:32:04] sebrock: got NFS now
[20:32:10] mchou: some chip is getting too hot would be my guess :)
[20:32:14] squidly: ali1234: bad caps? what do you mean?
[20:32:22] squidly: mchou: a reboot fixes it.
[20:32:31] ali1234: like, bad capacitors on the motherboard
[20:32:40] mchou: squidly: yeah, a reboot cools off the chip
[20:32:45] ali1234:
[20:32:47] squidly: mchou: I would not think that a reset would cool it off enought
[20:32:55] squidly: ali1234: ahh.. no.
[20:32:57] mchou: squidly: yes it would
[20:33:09] squidly: mchou: ok. I see what your are saying.
[20:33:19] jimmygoon (jimmygoon! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:33:24] squidly: so airflow :(
[20:33:25] ali1234: if it was anywhere near to thermal limits it would reboot automatically
[20:33:39] ali1234: bad caps, even if they dont look bad
[20:33:43] mchou: no, not if video chip got too warm
[20:33:51] squidly: ali1234: correct.. but my system is stable other then myth
[20:33:55] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:34:01] mchou: that wouldnt necessarily reboot
[20:34:02] ali1234: doesn;t mean it doesnt have bad caps
[20:34:08] mchou: it would just hang
[20:34:25] squidly: and my thermal cutoff's work fine
[20:34:39] mchou: no, not the CPU, the GPU
[20:34:52] ali1234: i woudl definately check your MB against the list of "known bad" ones on
[20:34:56] squidly: mchou: thermals report fine
[20:35:08] Pogonip_: squidly; It's not uncommon for people to plug and unplug the video connectors when they are in the process of rebuilding or testing a system. The problem here is that video connectors are not designed for high insertion and extraction and the gold plating get worn away. When that happends you have exposed Nichol and heat plus humidity in the air forms an oxide causing miss connections.
[20:35:41] mchou: Pogonip_: yeah, that happened to my memory modules once
[20:35:48] mchou: drove met batty
[20:36:01] squidly: Pogonip_: i'm aware of that, I have had no need to plug/unplug anything
[20:36:05] squidly: mchou: wow.. lol that sucks
[20:36:14] mchou: I finally saw the discoloration on the DIMMS....
[20:36:22] mchou: took an eraser to it
[20:36:30] squidly: problem solved :D
[20:36:33] mchou: and has worked fine ever since
[20:36:45] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:36:55] mchou: yeah, but that was very hard to track down
[20:37:06] Pogonip_: mchou; probably shouldn
[20:37:13] squidly: mchou: ive done that.. try tracking it down on an aircraft.
[20:37:30] rgravener (rgravener! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:37:36] mchou: Pogonip_: probably shouldnt what?
[20:37:40] justinh: Pogonip_: nearest thing there is to a 'mce extender' for mythtv would be a Hauppauge MVP, but they're no good for anything that isn't SD res mpeg2
[20:37:41] Pogonip_: mchou; probably shouldn't use an eraser, they have sulfur and will form suflur dioxide
[20:37:54] mchou: nah, eraser is just fine
[20:38:01] squidly: Pogonip_: the eraser is fine.
[20:38:08] mchou: use the best german erasers
[20:38:09] rgravener: im' building a mythtv box from scratch, there any guides on building the latest and greatest?
[20:38:10] squidly: it cleans off the connectors
[20:38:12] squidly: mchou: lol
[20:38:33] mchou: squidly: I'm not kidding
[20:38:41] rgravener: mchou: staedler?
[20:38:42] squidly: mchou: neither am I
[20:38:48] cmoates: rgravener, has a reference platform on their site
[20:38:49] justinh: dissimilar metals don't really affect signal connectors on any noticable order of magnitude, no matter what the hifi eggheads say
[20:38:51] mchou: rgravener: you got it
[20:39:04] rgravener: i use them :-) make a lot ofmisteakes
[20:39:07] rgravener: ok thanks for the ref cmoates
[20:39:15] cmoates: rgravener, are you talking hardware or software?
[20:39:26] rgravener: cmoates: hardware
[20:39:28] cmoates: ok
[20:39:30] cmoates: that's what I thought
[20:39:39] justinh: those hifi eggheads have their (emperor's new clothes) income to protect, after all
[20:40:10] Pogonip_: squidly; I would never do myself. It exposes the base metal and will transfer oxide from your contact to the connector on the MB.
[20:40:25] mchou: Pogonip_: bah. you worry too much
[20:40:31] squidly: Pogonip_: it works fine. I've done that for years
[20:40:45] squidly: Pogonip_: as mchou says you worry to much ;)
[20:41:13] justinh: nothing wrong with IPA if you're careful, other than the fact it's a carginogen
[20:41:55] Pogonip_: squidly; Yeah probably.
[20:42:05] justinh: I don't think I've ever seen bus connector contacts that needed cleaning. sheesh what are you guys doing to them?
[20:42:11] squidly: Pogonip_: quite often i've seen "clean connectors" as a fix.
[20:42:37] squidly: justinh: reconfiging a system quite often
[20:42:43] cmoates: That reminds me of a friend who worked for Bell South telecom years ago
[20:42:53] cmoates: They had a section on their form to fill out what they did to fix things
[20:42:58] cmoates: "RDOR" was one of the options
[20:43:00] squidly: and also I've done it on Aircraft that have had parts changed quite a bit
[20:43:02] cmoates: "Rearranged dust on relay"
[20:43:03] rgravener: cmoates: that site isn't really what i'm lookin for. it has capture devices, but i just want a good vid card supported by mythtv w/ hd capatilities
[20:43:12] squidly: cmoates: lmao nice!
[20:43:15] justinh: quite often? I think the insertion life of a pci connector is in the order of tens of cycles
[20:43:31] cmoates: rgravener, the card he uses in that machine works just fine, since he's aimed at HD
[20:43:32] cmoates: hang on
[20:43:34] justinh: most sata connectors are too, FYI
[20:43:36] Zombie (Zombie! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:43:41] rgravener: the dragon?
[20:43:46] cmoates:
[20:43:49] Zombie: Anyone run MythTV on Mandriva 2008?
[20:43:54] cmoates: That page has the full specs for the stuff in a dragon
[20:44:02] squidly: justinh: I've quote often rearanged my system
[20:44:06] cmoates: Including the various video cards
[20:44:12] squidly: cmoates: yep
[20:44:16] cmoates: However, any 6000+ series nvidia should be fine
[20:44:23] rgravener: ahk
[20:44:25] saucisson (saucisson! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:44:27] rgravener: thanks again
[20:44:39] Zombie: I have an saa7184 I am having issue with.
[20:44:57] justinh: squidly: then you get what you get. they're not designed for many insertion/removal cycles. not the sort of thing system builders are expected to do really
[20:45:41] squidly: justinh: well they do design in some ability to reconfig systems. And they are designed for FRU changed
[20:46:26] squidly: justinh: you would be supprised how many system I reconfig
[20:46:31] justinh: squidly: yeah but.. even then they're hardly likely to run up against the expected connector lifetime. if cards in a pc need to be swapped that much there's something seriously amiss
[20:46:37] Pogonip_: The requirement for connector insertion and extraction is generally pretty high. You gain high cycles by keeping Gold thickness, 10–15 u thick. But when a vendor wants to cut cost they reduce Gold. Gold has three functions, lubrication, moisture bearer and inteconnect.,
[20:47:14] justinh: the PCI spec states what the minimum contact thickness is. I'd assume most manufacturers go with the minimum
[20:47:45] justinh: FR4 is cheap. gold isn't
[20:47:59] sebrock: next question: how do I get "find" to print the output on a new line instead of just after each other?
[20:48:35] Pogonip_: minimum is flash, less than 5 u and gold can be replaced by pladium, the other nobel metal?
[20:48:47] justinh: actually copper is prolly more expensive than gold right now
[20:49:05] rgravener: lmao
[20:50:04] GreyFoxx: sebrock: each line output by find will always have 1 line per file/directory found
[20:50:10] gbee: Zombie: yes, I run mythtv on Mandriva 2008, thought I don't have a card based on that chip
[20:50:15] Pogonip_: Copper base, nichol bearer, gold. Nichol is pretty porous and needs the gold as a seal.
[20:50:27] Zombie: I'm having a sound issue.
[20:50:35] Zombie: And its saa7134
[20:50:44] Zombie: not 7184
[20:50:59] sebrock: GreyFoxx: not here. Ithe next path is printed directly after the other one with just a space between them
[20:51:02] Zombie: Also, Myth is slightly slower than on 2007.1
[20:51:09] Zombie: Any idea why?
[20:51:35] sebrock: GreyFoxx: I'm using "find . -name .DS_Store -type f -print0"
[20:51:48] Pogonip_ (Pogonip_! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[20:52:30] GreyFoxx: loose the -print0
[20:52:33] Dr_willis (Dr_willis! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:52:56] gbee: Zombie: haven't noticed an issue with speed, I don't have any framegrabbers so I can't help with that
[20:53:27] justinh: the best way to help people with framegrabbers would be to discontinue supporting it :D
[20:53:37] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:53:37] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[20:53:58] GreyFoxx: That wont happen anytime soon :) BM loves his framegrabbers :)
[20:53:59] gbee: justinh: that's just mean, very mean ... but true
[20:54:21] justinh: GreyFoxx: he must love his soundcards too :)
[20:54:41] cmoates: saa7134 puts sound out over the pci bus, IIRC
[20:55:01] justinh: yeah but isn't it only mono, or something?
[20:55:08] cmoates: I don't recall
[20:55:14] cmoates: I had one of those cards, years ago
[20:55:17] cmoates: it wasn't supported in linux
[20:55:24] cmoates: (at the time)
[20:55:31] cmoates: so I gave it away and bought a pvr150
[20:55:40] sebrock: GreyFoxx: I just read the man page for find, shoudl I not be able to use: find /tmp -name .DS_Store -type f -print0 | xargs -0 /bin/rm -f
[20:55:41] justinh: I need to sell my pvr150
[20:55:55] cmoates: What'd you replace it with?
[20:56:11] GreyFoxx: the print0 is outputting it all as 1 big string, not 1 file per line
[20:56:48] GreyFoxx: And it likely will still have problems with spaces
[20:56:50] justinh: sebrock: what are you doing that you need to delete a bunch of .DS_Store files? if you're wanting to get rid of image browsery files left over from theme development the best thing to do would be to copy files manually & check them into a local svn repo
[20:57:24] GreyFoxx: find -name .DS_Store -type f -exec rm {} \;
[20:57:27] GreyFoxx: try that
[20:57:28] justinh: I had .jbf files left over in godknows how many of my early efforts
[20:57:54] justinh: cmoates: another dvb-t tuner. think I might well get another one by the year is out
[20:57:58] GreyFoxx: err with the path in there of course
[20:58:15] sebrock (sebrock! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:58:37] justinh: I've got a leadtek lr6632 mpeg2 encoding tuner I want rid of too
[20:58:43] dserban (dserban! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:58:46] justinh: and a Nokia DBOX2
[20:59:02] justinh: oo and two t-online S100 boxes
[20:59:09] ** GreyFoxx looks at the time and heads out **
[20:59:40] justinh: might have to swallow my ebay hate and get em on the fleabay
[21:01:32] justinh: reminds me actually. I need to reopen my case badge shop
[21:02:34] gbee: justinh: any chance of selling little stickers to replace the Windows logo in the center of mce remotes :)
[21:03:01] justinh: not with the minimum order requirement of my supplier
[21:03:09] justinh: I bet they could do em though
[21:04:33] gbee: it's a tiny little thing, 10mmx7mmx~0.1mm and I'd fire up the printer to create one, except I don't have a colour printer of sufficient resolution (threw out the last one and replaced it with a b/w laser)#
[21:06:18] justinh: most label printers do 600ppi max, I was told
[21:06:26] justinh: mine are all 600ppi
[21:07:12] Dr_willis: i need to get a remote some day...
[21:07:31] Dr_willis: mce ones are decently supported and easy to find? eh?
[21:09:41] justinh: aye
[21:12:22] andrewju: can anyone help me to configure DVB-S with Myth? I have it working, but I have some strange problem adding another satellite...
[21:12:42] Dr_willis: Getting a few things to order from :) may add in a remote
[21:14:08] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:14:59] riddlebox: what is the best way to burn shows I recorded to dvds?
[21:15:06] andrewju: when i do a full scan, all new channels I find can't get Lock at all. When I manually scan one transponder only – it works and I can watch the new channels. But when I scan another transponder afterwards – I loose Lock on all the new channels, including those that were recently working...
[21:15:44] justinh (justinh! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[21:26:29] hiredgoon (hiredgoon! has quit ("leaving")
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[21:33:41] Der_Thomas: anyone here use myth with X10? I'm looking for a cheap x10 controller that will work with linux
[21:35:45] xris: Der_Thomas: I have a firecracker. haven't used it in ages, but it works just fine with linux.
[21:35:52] xris: no idea about using it with myth, though
[21:36:04] ** xris wonders if his mythbox even has a serial port **
[21:36:29] cmoates: firecracker works well and is super cheap
[21:36:30] clever_: my myth has 2 serial(ir blaster and serial con)
[21:36:46] cmoates: cm10 (I think that's the model number) also works just fine
[21:37:10] cmoates: Der_Thomas, are you already using X10 elsewhere? It's not the best for reliability
[21:37:28] cmoates: Insteon stuff seems to be a lot better, at a slightly higher cost, of course
[21:37:34] Der_Thomas: yeah I have it on many lights
[21:37:49] cmoates: You have an RF->power gateway?
[21:37:55] cmoates: for use with remote controls, etc?
[21:38:02] Der_Thomas: yeah remotes
[21:38:07] cmoates: ok, then firecracker will work
[21:38:08] Der_Thomas: never through the computer
[21:38:15] cmoates: firecracker acts like a remote
[21:38:19] cmoates: it's wireless
[21:38:19] Der_Thomas: ah ok
[21:38:28] cmoates: which is good because you aren't marrying serial and 120v
[21:38:30] clever_: i think
[21:38:34] Lightning (Lightning! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:38:38] cmoates: but bad because it's wireless, so just as much reliability as your other remotes
[21:38:45] cmoates: which may be good or bad, depending on your house :)
[21:38:52] Der_Thomas: so it just sents an RF to my receiver rahter then connecting to power
[21:38:55] cmoates: yeah
[21:39:01] cmoates: It works just like your remotes
[21:39:15] clever_: place it near the rf->power gateway maybe
[21:39:16] cmoates: And because of that, it's one-way, I believe
[21:39:20] Der_Thomas: are there any that DO connect to power?
[21:39:28] cmoates: Yes, CM10A, IIRC
[21:39:42] Der_Thomas: ...and it works with linuc?
[21:39:52] Lightning: Got MythTV setup but have 2 questions. 1, I still need to setup an ir receiver. Was debating between a serial connect and using the audio version of lirc. Any thoughts?
[21:39:53] Der_Thomas: *linux
[21:39:59] cmoates: Maybe it's CM11A
[21:40:05] cmoates: I have one that I use with linux
[21:40:11] cmoates: But I can't unplug it to tell you what the model is ;)
[21:40:16] Der_Thomas: :~)
[21:40:46] Der_Thomas: what software so you use with it?
[21:40:47] cmoates:
[21:40:50] cmoates: I use misterhouse
[21:40:57] Lightning: Q #2, I have my dvd's copied to the harddrive for the wife and run the stereo connect back to the tv. I only get music playing though and no voice during any movie I play. Any ideas on how to fix it?
[21:41:21] cmoates: THough I have considered tying myth into it
[21:44:01] Der_Thomas: cmotes: how does this connect to your box? USB or serial?
[21:44:36] mchou: alright, those of you in the USA, score any good black friday deals?
[21:44:57] Der_Thomas: Lightning: never hears of an audio version of lirc, what is that?
[21:45:31] Lightning: Der_Thomas: directly off their site
[21:45:54] Lightning: uses the mic or line-in input on the soundcard
[21:46:26] cmoates: Der_Thomas, via serial. Smarthome makes a USB version as well, that I also understand works with Linux
[21:46:44] gbee (gbee! has left #mythtv-users ("Gone")
[21:47:22] Der_Thomas: Lightning: well that looks cool, but I'll tell you the lirc setup seems to be the part that MOST people struggle with, so... whis might prove to be a pain
[21:47:30] mchou: Lightning: ha, that's frigging brilliant
[21:47:41] mchou: very cool
[21:48:07] mchou: Lightning: you built one?
[21:48:33] riddlebox: man does mytharchiver ever work?
[21:48:45] mchou: haha!
[21:48:58] Lightning: mchou: not yet. not sure which is better. the comp is about 20' from the tv itself
[21:49:20] mchou: Lightning: hmm.....
[21:49:40] mchou: Lightning: are they at least in the same direction?
[21:49:44] clever_: ive heard of turning your ipod into a remote
[21:49:58] clever_: it showed this ir trans/led in a module with a headphone plug
[21:50:05] hashbang: clever_: how about a Bluetooth phone and a USB dongle...
[21:50:06] clever_: which was meant for certain software
[21:50:06] mchou: clever_: that can be done too
[21:50:10] cmoates: mchou, I picked up a 47" 1080p LCD two days ago for $1100, but nothing today :(
[21:50:17] clever_: you simply record the ir signal thru the card and save to the ipot
[21:50:24] clever_: then play it back from there
[21:50:28] mchou: cmoates: which store?
[21:50:44] cmoates: circuit city
[21:51:02] mchou: cmoates: dude, you musta been there EARLY :)
[21:51:15] mchou: cmoates: oh, never mind :)
[21:51:21] mchou: 2 days early :)
[21:51:25] cmoates: They had another one today for $1300
[21:51:28] cmoates: That was also a good deal
[21:51:35] cmoates: But I figured, 200 less and no waiting at 4am
[21:51:39] cmoates: Sold!
[21:51:42] mchou: cmoates: buy, return, and rebuy?
[21:52:02] cmoates: No, it was a diff TV today and it was a higher price
[21:52:07] cmoates: BF this year was really disappointing
[21:52:10] mchou: cmoates: ok
[21:52:22] splat1 (splat1! has quit ()
[21:52:25] mchou: cmoates: yeah, that's the conclusion I came to
[21:52:25] cmoates: Only other tempting thing was Monty Python DVD's at Best Buy for like $7
[21:52:33] cmoates: But not worth waiting in line for that
[21:52:37] mchou: cmoates: must be the exchange rate
[21:52:37] cmoates: Plus I had to work today
[21:52:47] Lightning: mchou: they are on the same wall but I know the further away the lower the signal quality
[21:52:51] mchou: cmoates: really?? you had to work?
[21:52:54] cmoates: possibly, though there have been some great deals in the past 2 weeks
[21:53:05] cmoates: I think they are just spreading it out, because people will shop on BF anyhow
[21:53:11] cmoates: It's no longer necessary to have great deals on BF
[21:53:12] Lightning: Don't have a good electronic store around to buy the parts either so tempted to buy something already made
[21:53:46] cmoates: mchou, yes, my company took away today as a holiday and gave us MLK day instead :/
[21:54:04] mchou: Lightning: I's say just go ahead and build it. You will need the IR receiver module for other LIRC projects if the audio version doesnt work......
[21:54:22] mchou: I'd*
[21:54:47] mchou: Lightning: you can always build an IR repeater :)
[21:55:01] cmoates: I need to consider one of those eventually
[21:55:05] cmoates: Should be easy enough to build
[21:55:06] mchou: cmoates: that's just lame
[21:55:28] mchou: The company cant expect ppl be productive on BF
[21:55:30] poptix: i skipped the whole lirc thing and just use synergy on my laptop+mythtv frontend
[21:55:40] cmoates: mchou, most people take it off, it's a skeleton crew today
[21:55:49] mchou: synergy?
[21:55:57] mchou: what's synergy?
[21:56:04] cmoates: synergy lets you use another computer as an extended monitor, sort of
[21:56:05] poptix: lets you share 1 kb/mouse across multiple PCs
[21:56:07] Lightning: understandable. But getting parts cheap isnt easy. Radio Shack obviously is no help. Any idea of how much the parts are/good place to get them?
[21:56:11] cmoates: so you can use your kb/mouse on the myth box, from the laptop
[21:56:19] poptix: move the cursor to the edge of the screen and it pops up on the other computers screen
[21:56:25] Lightning: Otherwise I'm looking at a $20 purchase for an aftermarket IR to serial
[21:56:25] mchou: Lightning: where you live?
[21:56:35] cmoates: Like multiple monitors on a single machine, except without the ability to drag apps back and forth
[21:56:40] mchou: Lightning:
[21:56:42] Zombie (Zombie! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[21:56:42] cmoates: You just scroll off one edge and start typing on the other machine
[21:57:01] poptix: mchou:
[21:57:26] mchou: Lightning: look for electronic surplus store near where you live
[21:57:29] cmoates: synergy is fantastic, but I'd never want to have to have my laptop around just to control the TV :)
[21:58:32] mchou: they generally carry IR RX modules
[21:58:44] mchou: in fact so does rat shack, iirc
[21:59:01] mchou: but you pay a hefty premium at rat shack
[21:59:47] Lightning: mchou: florida, just no real electronic surplus near me
[21:59:54] mchou: you can also cannibalize the ir rx module from that old vcr you never use now :)
[22:00:24] mchou: Lightning: if all fails try Goodwill
[22:00:27] cmoates: Lightning, where in FL
[22:00:50] cmoates: Skycraft surplus electronics is in Orlando, they have a fantastic selection of "stuff"
[22:01:05] cmoates: I've spent way way too much money at that store ;)
[22:01:11] Lightning: cmoates: clearwater. I know of 1 surplus place but last time i was there it was much larger things
[22:01:26] riddlebox: hrmm nm about mytharchive, it seems I have to run it from the server, and cannot use the frontend to do it
[22:01:44] Lightning: mouser looks like it would work
[22:01:45] cmoates: Orlando's only 2 hours out
[22:01:46] cmoates: :)
[22:01:52] cmoates: mouser will have what you need though
[22:02:00] mchou: Lightning: your ratshack doesnt carry ir rx module?
[22:02:28] mchou: Lightning: try goodwill. they have plenty of VCRs for cheap
[22:02:40] mchou: like less than $5
[22:03:02] mchou: rip out the ir rx module from the VCR, you're all set
[22:03:22] cmoates: is a specialty electronics retailer
[22:03:25] mchou: you dont need the same exact ir rx module
[22:03:35] cmoates: They have a limited selection (it's geared towards pinball machine repair) but no minimum order
[22:03:37] Lightning: mchou: they do, at about $50 :P
[22:03:44] mchou: what??
[22:03:48] Lightning: that was my thought :)
[22:03:53] mchou: $50 for Goodwill?
[22:04:07] mchou: no frigging way
[22:04:12] Lightning: ratshack: stuffed in the corner of the store in a box with other parts. nothing else was good
[22:04:17] mchou: Lightning: then try craigslist
[22:04:22] Lightning: no, ratshack :)
[22:04:42] Lightning: was just going to follow for the connection unless there is an easier hookup
[22:04:51] mchou: Lightning: go hit up goodwill dude
[22:05:15] mchou: cheaper than mouse if you factor in shipping
[22:05:31] cmoates: he's got a point. Find a broken VCR or TV with IR in it, rip that out
[22:05:35] cmoates: use it for myth
[22:05:37] mchou: and my ratshack carries ir rx modules for about $5
[22:05:46] mchou: mouser*
[22:05:49] cmoates: probably cheaper than $5
[22:06:35] Lightning: ya, but that is just the ir connect, i still need a few resistors/etc
[22:06:48] mchou: cmoates: ratshack components pricing is outrageous now
[22:06:49] Lightning: unless you guys know an easier hookup than the one modelled on the lirc website
[22:07:00] cmoates: mchou, I meant the vcr would be <5 :0
[22:07:16] mchou: cmoates: ok :)
[22:07:19] Lightning: mchou: think my ratshack is trying to phase out the "parts" area
[22:07:40] mchou: Lightning: then your local ratshack is stupid
[22:07:46] cmoates: mchou, many are, but there is usually a store in each area designated as a "parts store"
[22:07:53] cmoates: You might have to call around and ask though
[22:07:58] mchou: that's the only reason to go to ratshack
[22:08:06] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:08:30] mchou: I mean I dont expect ratshack to be able to compete wit CC, BB, or even sears
[22:08:40] mchou: without the parts dept.
[22:08:47] mchou: with*
[22:08:51] cmoates: hm, I dunno
[22:09:07] cmoates: if I was a normal, and I needed a weird battery or cable or something, I'd probably try RS
[22:09:17] cmoates: Their sales people are typically slightly less dumb
[22:09:28] mchou: that's debateable
[22:09:31] cmoates: BB/CC is really bad
[22:09:48] cmoates: I dunno about Sears, I haven't been to one in awhile
[22:10:11] cmoates: BB is the worst though, around here. Pushy and dumb at the same time, best of both worlds
[22:10:50] mchou: cmoates: my point is I dont think of rat shack as the first place I need to go for "standard stuff" like TVs, radios, or whatnot
[22:11:12] cmoates: no
[22:11:13] cmoates: definitely not
[22:11:15] mchou: if they lose their parts dept. the raison d'etre is gone
[22:11:25] cmoates: For you and I, I agree
[22:11:36] cmoates: It would make me sad though, for the occasional times I need something in a hurry
[22:11:47] cmoates: like running out of 30ga wire in the middle of repairing a board :)
[22:12:01] mchou: cmoates: that's exactly my point
[22:12:03] cmoates: Home Despot's 12ga wire just isn't going to cut it
[22:12:14] mchou: if ratshack phases that out they are toast
[22:12:25] cmoates: They already have in most stores
[22:12:29] cmoates: We have 2 parts stores in my area
[22:12:31] cmoates: The rest have nothing
[22:12:35] mchou: weird
[22:12:36] levander: I'm surprised anybody even shops at Radio Shack for anything other than parts. Do people really buy stuff like telephones there?
[22:12:44] cmoates: obviously yes
[22:12:47] mchou: all ratshacks here have parts, afaik
[22:12:57] cmoates: With stores that small, they wouldn't carry something if it didn't make them money
[22:13:34] levander: cmoates: i was being sarcastic...
[22:13:38] cmoates: heh
[22:13:48] cmoates: Now, why people would buy telephones there, that I can't answer
[22:14:03] musashiii (musashiii! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:14:08] cmoates: Alright, time to take the wife to work, bbl
[22:14:11] mchou: the last thing I bought a ratshack was a Playstaion to USB converter
[22:14:21] mchou: playstation*
[22:14:23] levander: Maybe some people just like "Radio Shack" as a brand? I see "Radio Shack" and think "cheap".
[22:14:29] andrewju (andrewju!n=spam@ has quit ()
[22:14:33] mchou: now walmart carries those
[22:14:35] musashiii: Hi all
[22:14:42] Lightning: ok, any ideas on my 2nd issue?
[22:15:18] Mixx (Mixx! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:15:22] levander: mchou: This is true, last thing I bought at Radio Shack was a coaxial thingie that connects to coaxial cables together. I was at Target last week and noticed they were cheaper at Target.
[22:15:46] mchou: levander: well, that's my point. RS cant compete w/o parts
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[22:16:04] musashiii: I just installed MythTV. I spent a lot of time with the plugins and in particular lIRc, but now I'm having problems getting my sVideo to work. I only need 1 Monitor and 1 X Session. I'm running an SiS 6326 graphics card. Any ideas?
[22:18:05] musashiii: hello?
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[22:20:20] mchou: Lightning: hell, I know my surplus electronics store carries IR rx modules
[22:21:07] mchou: Lightning: you can paypal me. I get you one at cost + first class shipping
[22:22:09] mchou: actually when you buy arts dont buy just one. why build just one when you can build many at the same price?
[22:22:17] mchou: parts*
[22:22:17] musashiii (musashiii! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:23:05] rgravener (rgravener! has quit ()
[22:23:32] mchou: I'll even toss in the resistor for free :)
[22:24:03] mchou: just to show you how magnanimous I am :)
[22:24:23] Lightning: mchou: what design are you using? the one with the cap, diode, voltage regulator, and resistor? or is there a simpler wiring
[22:24:31] croppa_ (croppa_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:24:55] mchou: I dont think it can get any simpler than the lirc-audio one you showed
[22:25:21] Lightning: mchou: ya, but that is the audio, but the serial one,, shows a more complex connection
[22:25:33] Lightning: or is the connection for the audio ok to do on the serial without damage to the serial port?
[22:25:47] mchou: huh??
[22:25:47] croppa (croppa! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:26:02] mchou: the audi o one doesnt hook up to the serial port
[22:26:20] Lightning: considering that it was mentioned that lirc is the more difficult part people have, i was rethinking on doing the serial vs the audio connect
[22:26:29] Lightning: unless no one sees an issue with the audio version
[22:26:46] mchou: just hook it up to a fan connector (with a shottkey diode)
[22:27:14] mchou: drop the voltage down from 12V to 5V
[22:27:15] robbins61 (robbins61! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:27:29] Lightning: or just tie into the 5v line :)
[22:27:40] mchou: yup, that too
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[22:27:55] Lightning: then i'll continue with the audio design
[22:28:00] mchou: nah.
[22:28:06] mchou: try the audio first
[22:28:10] mchou: low risk
[22:28:31] mchou: the other one is way too complicated. plenty ppl messed up on that one
[22:28:49] mchou: reducing parts count is always good
[22:29:14] mchou: not to mention geek factor
[22:29:42] mchou: when you show someone your ir rx is hooked up to the sound card
[22:29:48] mchou: :)
[22:30:33] Lightning: heh
[22:30:39] mchou: you're crazy even to consider the serial one if you cant even get parts locally
[22:30:55] Lightning: why do you think i was considering the simpler version originally? :)
[22:31:22] mchou: no, the part I dont get is why you decided to move to serial :)
[22:31:32] Lightning: i'll pickup a vcr at the pawn shop :)
[22:31:37] mchou: you havent explained that
[22:32:12] mchou: you should consider the lirc usb version :)
[22:32:13] Lightning: because of "Lightning: well that looks cool, but I'll tell you the lirc setup seems to be the part that MOST people struggle with, so... whis might prove to be a pain" from Der_Thomas
[22:32:24] Lightning: I somehow read that has the audio being more difficult
[22:32:39] mchou: Lightning: you need to set up lirc with either one :)
[22:32:42] Lightning: that and considering i still cant get the actor's voice to play on the dvd copies i have so the wife continues to complain....
[22:33:00] Lightning: just the background music over the stereo connection
[22:33:18] Lightning: the lirc usb version requires programming a usb chip, no thanks
[22:33:35] mchou: haha! so?
[22:33:40] Lightning: more work :P
[22:33:45] mchou: microprocessors, man
[22:33:54] Lightning: work keeps me busy enough with microprocessors and customized hardware
[22:34:03] mchou: if you go comples might as well go all da way ftw!
[22:34:15] mchou: complex*
[22:34:41] Lightning: naw, i'm going back the simple route. audio connect. if only i could get voices to play on the dvd copies i did of my dvds at home
[22:34:48] Lightning: so the wife stops complaining. any ideas?
[22:35:01] mchou: Lightning: then programming an ic should be no big deal considering you've already have all the equipment
[22:35:30] Lightning: heh, i dont have the equip to program the usb chips :P work has custom circuit boards built that i then interact with
[22:38:41] _mre|666 (_mre|666! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:42:56] Lightning: mchou: so no ideas on my odd dvd issue?
[22:51:49] mzb_d800: Lightning: re IR
[22:52:03] mzb_d800: (not complete, but enough to give you an idea)
[22:55:33] Lightning: mzb_d800: already know what i'm doing for the IR now. Going the audio route. Still need to solve missing voice on dvd copies
[22:56:03] jedix: missing channel audio?
[22:57:08] Lightning: jedix: i get the background music. only using 2 channel stereo. However I do not get any actor voices
[22:57:24] Lightning: I do not know if they are on another channel that isnt mixing in (assuming that at the moment though) or if there is another reason
[22:57:35] Lightning: i havent managed to find how to solve it either
[22:57:59] jedix: can you change the audio settings to just stereo
[22:58:04] jedix: maybe you're playing 5.1
[22:58:23] jedix: and the stereo channels are playing, but the actors are talking on the center channel
[22:59:05] Lightning: jedix: i checked my audio settings in kde, it is set to stereo
[22:59:15] jedix: and in the dvd setup screen?
[22:59:17] Lightning: unless you know of another stereo setting I'm not aware of. I just recently setup mythtv
[22:59:34] jedix: like.. through the dvd menu
[22:59:36] Lightning: didnt know there was an audio area in mythtv for that
[22:59:48] jedix: it's not in mythtv..
[22:59:51] jedix: it's on the dvd
[22:59:53] mzb_d800: err ... are these original DVD's, ripped copies on the hdd, or ones you've ripped and burned?
[22:59:56] jedix: dunno how myth plays dvds
[23:00:01] Lightning: no, not on the dvd. all dvd's do it.
[23:00:22] Lightning: They are original dvd's that I did a direct copy of to the harddrive. I'm playing the dvd iso
[23:00:37] Lightning: all dvd iso's do it though
[23:00:50] mzb_d800: there's a language setting somewhere
[23:01:10] jedix: do you get a dvd menu like any regular dvd player?
[23:01:34] mzb_d800: try playing in gxine and see if you can select a language track
[23:02:21] mzb_d800: strangely enough, mytharchive has a problem with that ... bad dvdauthor defs ... still waiting on g/f to pick me up some blank dvd-r's so I can correct it.
[23:02:37] mzb_d800: (doesn't suit all players)
[23:03:59] Lightning: jedix: yes
[23:04:14] mzb_d800: then I'll see if I can get my "random autoplay" stuff added (great for dvd's of music videos)
[23:04:32] jedix: Lightning: then go into the settings in the dvd menu and select stereo
[23:04:32] Lightning: however not all dvd's have a stereo/surround option to select
[23:04:45] jedix: but does that fix the issue?
[23:04:56] squidly (squidly!n=squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:04:58] Lightning: i dont have a dvd yet that has that option in the dvd itself
[23:05:08] jedix: oh
[23:05:10] Lightning: unless there is a setting for the dvd player of mythtv that i'm not aware of
[23:05:16] mzb_d800: it's not mp2 vs ac3 ... it's language
[23:05:29] mzb_d800: (he already said he got background music)
[23:09:02] Lightning: sounds like it, search for "voice" to find the right area
[23:09:14] Lightning: although that is talking about the digital connect and i'm using the stereo
[23:09:55] Lightning: maybe mplayer is trying to play 6 channel after reading thru it
[23:10:13] _mre|666 (_mre|666! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:10:46] Lightning: considering my onboard soundcard allows for 6 channel audio
[23:11:52] rgravener (rgravener! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:15:08] jedix: oh
[23:15:10] jedix: it's mplayer?
[23:15:21] jedix: dude, enable logging to a file and read what it's doing
[23:16:57] jedix: there's documentation about seeing what mplayer is doing
[23:17:03] jedix: but fire up a terminal and invoke it
[23:17:08] jedix: it should say what it's doing
[23:17:23] jedix: AUDIO: 48000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 640.0 kbit/41.67% (ratio: 80000->192000)
[23:17:25] jedix: etc
[23:18:16] directhex (directhex! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:18:49] Lightning: i'm guessing mplayer as i recall seeing mplayer during the setup
[23:19:08] Lightning: as it is an iso so mythtv's video library is playing it, which would be mplayer
[23:19:11] jedix: well, open a terminal and try it
[23:19:26] Lightning: at my parent-in-law's
[23:19:29] jedix: ah
[23:22:28] Dr_willis (Dr_willis! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:22:32] iamlindoro: If mplayer takes the same command line arguments as mencoder, then -ac 2 may force all to stereo
[23:22:46] iamlindoro: so you could just add that to your player line and be done with it
[23:23:59] Lightning: iamlindoro: i'll keep that in mind
[23:25:13] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@ has quit ("Leaving")
[23:25:56] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit ()
[23:26:09] iamlindoro: Heh, just tested, it won't, but -af lavcresample=48000,hrtf will work
[23:26:18] iamlindoro: resamples to 48000 Khz Stereo
[23:27:00] iamlindoro: Am listening to a 5.1 ac3 track resampled to 2 channel stereo right now
[23:27:25] rgravener (rgravener! has quit ()
[23:27:30] iamlindoro: duh, 2 channel stereo = redundant ;)
[23:30:57] mzb_d800: hasn't Lightning already said he gets background music?
[23:32:02] b0nn (b0nn! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:32:38] Der_Thomas: lightning, you still around?
[23:33:27] b0nn: Ive just installed mythtv onto my gutsy box, and now I cannot login via kdm
[23:33:50] Der_Thomas: did you say that you get background music from your DVDs but not the voices? If so, I had this before. You need to re-rip the DVd because you ripped them with the wrong audio channel
[23:34:15] Dr_willis: b0nn, clarify 'cannot' its not accepting the user? or is it auto loggint into mythtv? or what exactly.
[23:35:29] b0nn: um I put my password in, the screen goes black, then I am presented with the login request again
[23:36:46] Dr_willis: sounds like X is crashing, or the X session/desktop is not starting right. Check the KDM menus and see what sessions are being used, try a different one. Also you may want to try killing the kdm service. and using 'startx' from the console to se eif any error messages appear
[23:37:36] b0nn: its happening for all session types
[23:37:49] b0nn: I'll try killing kdm remotely and see how I go
[23:37:51] Dr_willis: Now thats..interesting.
[23:39:13] b0nn: Ive managed to startx remotely
[23:39:59] Dr_willis: remotely? You sshing into the box?
[23:40:05] b0nn: yeah
[23:40:33] Dr_willis: cant recall ever doing 'startx' over ssh. :)
[23:40:55] riddlebox: can I have more than a couple videos on a dvd using mytharchive, right now I only put one on, because my files are usually around 2.79Gb I would like to be able to put like 3–4 on, I saw something about setting a dvd or file for 6 hour (EP)
[23:41:35] riddlebox: Dr_willis, if you do ssh -X -->you can execute x programs over ssh
[23:42:06] Dr_willis: riddlebox, right.. but thats different then doing a 'startx' :) which launches the X server.
[23:42:23] b0nn: yeah, I wasnt forwarding x
[23:42:27] riddlebox: Dr_willis, yeah I have never tried that, I usually just use vnc
[23:42:28] b0nn: just startx
[23:42:44] Dr_willis: ya dont want to know the oddness i had when sshing into a machine and trying to run 'syngery' :)
[23:43:52] Dr_willis: right now using Xming on a windows box to get X apps going.
[23:45:15] riddlebox: I am just happy to get mytharchive working, now I can get rid of some of these shows I have saved
[23:45:34] riddlebox: I had my own script, but for some reason it doesnt work anymore
[23:46:10] mzb_d800: b0nn: check your X log, your xession-errors file, and double check your permissions in ~/ and /tmp
[23:46:40] mzb_d800: ($ ls -la /home/$USER | grep -v $USER)
[23:46:53] ali1234: b0nn: you got xinerama and/or composite enabled?
[23:47:42] mzb_d800: btw: doing startx is not the same as getting kdm to start x
[23:47:53] b0nn: ali1234: not that Im aware of
[23:49:26] ali1234: does it even happen with "failsafe" session?
[23:49:44] b0nn: yes
[23:49:53] robbins61 (robbins61! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:50:00] b0nn: that was the first session I tried
[23:50:14] ali1234: nasty
[23:50:24] mzb: check logs and permissions!
[23:50:55] Dr_willis: im not even sure what hes tried and whats not been tried. :)
[23:55:12] ali1234: did you install ubuntu-mythtv-frontend?
[23:55:16] b0nn: yes
[23:55:28] ali1234: "this package is intended for usage on a standalone machine only running MythTV."
[23:55:43] ali1234: which i take to mean, it will attempt to start myth-frontend every time you log in
[23:56:11] ali1234: now myth-frontend can cause X to bomb out if it doesn't like some of the setup
[23:56:18] ali1234: leading to the infinite loop you are seeing
[23:56:37] ali1234: in my case it happened when i enabled xinerama on my nvidia dual head
[23:58:25] ali1234: when you do startx you dont get the login session, so it doesnt run myth-frontend.
[23:58:25] b0nn: its a kdm issue
[23:58:35] b0nn: I just got x running from a gdm login
[23:58:36] Der_Thomas: ali1234, yeah I also saw this with the ubuntu pkg you are talking about. I think that I needed to create the Myth user, but I never looked into this
[23:58:59] ali1234: i was not using the myth package
[23:59:08] ali1234: *that myth package
[23:59:15] ali1234: i was starting myth-frontend manually
[23:59:25] ali1234: but with xinerama it would crash out X instantly every time
[23:59:59] ali1234: then i saw the same thing happening using mythdora after i changed something in the xorg.conf, which i couldn't figure out how to undo

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