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Tuesday, November 13th, 2007, 00:04 UTC
[00:04:30] d1n0 (d1n0!i=dino@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:20] jk1joel (jk1joel! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:52] jeffery (jeffery! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:23:11] black_Nightmare_ (black_Nightmare_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:23:14] black_Nightmare_: back
[00:23:49] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[00:23:52] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:48] flindet (flindet! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:25:16] radi0head (radi0head! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:27:53] TelnetManta (TelnetManta! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:30:50] jeffery: for how many days does a programme last before auto-expiring ?
[00:31:21] jams: depends on the amount of diskspace you have
[00:38:45] Agrajag-: also if you've set it to only keep a certain number of episodes of the particular programme
[00:41:36] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[00:43:02] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:45:08] quink (quink! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:45:12] ali1234: is anybody using to get the icons for UK freeview?
[00:45:26] jeffery: jams, so it will auto-expire only if I run out of space ?
[00:45:57] quink: hello. I'm not sure what I did but suddenly myth-video won't playback xvid files. I am using xine for video playback(it complains there is no Xvid codec). What might be some suggestions as to where i look to fix this?
[00:47:06] jheizer_ (jheizer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:08] jheizer_ is now known as jheizer
[00:49:58] degreseven (degreseven! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:35] d1n0: heh, which distro is mythtv based on? or do you have to install a distro before installing myth?
[00:57:20] jeffery: d1n0, its not based on any distro.. mythtv is a software
[00:57:44] jeffery: but ofcourse there are distros specific for mythv
[00:58:07] jeffery: like mythdora and mythbuntu
[00:58:25] d1n0: mythbuntu is probably the one i gotta go for then
[00:58:31] bsdfox__ (bsdfox__! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:59:28] kdubya (kdubya!n=kyle@ has quit ("Leaving")
[01:02:12] iamlindoro: quink, you'll probably have to seek help from xine support sources for that, internal player should play them fine
[01:02:35] kormoc: d1n0, you could just install ubuntu and install myth
[01:03:28] quink: okay.
[01:03:31] quink (quink! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:04:55] fryfrog (fryfrog! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:05:19] mzb (mzb! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:05:28] mzb_d800 (mzb_d800! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:05:41] mzb (mzb! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:19] mzb_d800 (mzb_d800! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:23] rn114__ (rn114__! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:11:09] black_Nightmare_ (black_Nightmare_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:11:14] Hoodman (Hoodman! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:12:50] d1n0: kormoc: allready 70% on mythbuntu
[01:19:30] ali1234: d1n0: mythbuntu is much easier than installing myth on a normal ubuntu
[01:19:43] d1n0: ali1234: i thought so :)
[01:20:18] ali1234: for example, mythbuntu install cd includes nvidia driver and vlc. with regular ubuntu you have to install them afterwards.
[01:20:48] d1n0: should i use the amd64 version if i got amd64?
[01:20:57] ali1234: er...... yes?
[01:21:06] d1n0: does it run better?
[01:21:12] d1n0: what about issues with 64bit?
[01:21:16] ali1234: no idea i dont have amd64
[01:21:38] ali1234: i would guess that everything myth related works, otherwise they wouldn;t make an amd64 version
[01:22:17] d1n0: btw, i've got ati hd2400xt.. you know if will work properly?
[01:22:29] ali1234: no idea i use nvidia
[01:25:51] d1n0: ok, anyone else?
[01:26:01] iamlindoro: ati sucks in linux, the drivers blow (although there is hope that that will improve in the future), you will likely run into issues... that's why almost all of us use nVidia ;) But hey, it's worth a shot.
[01:26:52] ali1234: of course nvidia has it's problems too, just try playing interlaced video on an interlaced display without deinterlacing it
[01:27:31] iamlindoro: Basically, you'll be lucky if you can get it to display television and not crash on you/give you bizarre gibberish instead of video/etc.... you certainly will *not* have any of that fancy hardware acceleration of Mpeg-2 or x.264 that you paid for
[01:28:19] iamlindoro: Because believe me, the ability to watch tv without crashes/major glitches when running myth and an ATI card makes you one of an extremely lucky few
[01:30:01] ali1234: don't use "TV out" aka composite/s-video – use the VGA connector with an adapter and an appropriate modeline. better quality, and no need for special drivers
[01:32:13] DapOrp2 (DapOrp2! has quit ()
[01:33:54] d1n0: cant i use dvi -> hdmi ?
[01:34:09] ali1234: sure if you want
[01:34:29] ali1234: dvi is just a connector
[01:34:36] iamlindoro: But regardless of what connector you use, the ATI driver stinks, and causes issues
[01:34:48] d1n0: i hear they release new drivers every month now
[01:35:01] d1n0: im gonna go for fullhd
[01:35:17] iamlindoro: They have released *one* new driver that has improved things, but it's not even close to on par with the nVidia cards/drivers
[01:35:31] iamlindoro: Whether they will release every month, well... time will tell.
[01:35:41] iamlindoro: But still, for the first time in a while, there's hope
[01:35:56] d1n0: hope is good
[01:36:01] iamlindoro: And this is from a jilted ex-ATI owner, so believe me I would love to have it be equal :)
[01:36:51] ali1234: i have an ATI card in my linux devel machine at work and it's rock solid. it runs compiz no problem... of course it's a 5 year old card with the open source driver...
[01:37:09] iamlindoro: Then you are the exception and not the rule
[01:37:33] ali1234: the secret is not to buy the latest and greatest hardware and expect it to work with linux
[01:37:35] iamlindoro: and the OSS driver makes a difference... and the OSS driver won't support his card :)
[01:41:21] wsuetholz (wsuetholz! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:41:30] wsuetholz: hello
[01:41:52] wsuetholz: I have a problem with hdhomerun recording on the wrong backend
[01:43:11] d1n0: i've got a nvidia 8800gts card on my way for this computer.. the hd2400xt was just a cheap card with hdsupport i needed at the time
[01:43:26] iamlindoro: Ah, there you go, that will work well
[01:43:42] iamlindoro: Overkill, but it'll work well :)
[01:43:48] d1n0: not gonna use the 8800gts in the htpc
[01:44:01] d1n0: or i might
[01:44:06] d1n0: we'll see
[01:44:07] jeffery: how can I verify that the reception I am receiving is HDTV and not normal tv?
[01:44:54] ali1234: good question
[01:45:32] ali1234: i don't know if there is a way from within mythtv frontend
[01:45:51] iamlindoro: Heh, looking at it would be the primary cue :) ffmpeg -i filename will give you the resolution and framerate
[01:45:55] ali1234: what you would need to do is record some and then feed the recording into a program that can tell you information about the video stream
[01:46:50] ali1234: then again, if you can;t tell just by looking at it, what difference does it make?
[01:47:14] wsuetholz: the hostname in the capturecard table is set correctly
[01:47:19] t0ny-p40: I doing a tripple boot, any one here able to mount their windows partion with tripple booting?
[01:47:32] t0ny-p40: oops
[01:47:36] t0ny-p40: wrong room
[01:47:38] wsuetholz: I had a short discussion with justinh earlier about this
[01:47:39] d1n0: can i get sound through dvi -> hdmi with mythtv?
[01:47:41] t0ny-p40: Stupid irssi.
[01:47:45] jheizer_ (jheizer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:58] wsuetholz: d1n0 dvi doesn't contain sound
[01:48:09] iamlindoro: no, but that's not mythtv's limitation, that's hardware's :)
[01:48:11] wsuetholz: you can purchase a device though
[01:48:42] wsuetholz: it costs > $200 it has audio and dvi inputs and hdmi output
[01:49:05] gaspipe67 (gaspipe67! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:50:47] gaspipe67 (gaspipe67! has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[01:53:54] d1n0: installation stopped at 94% :/
[01:55:24] ali1234: are you sure it's stopped and not just doing something slow? if all else fails check the cd (i think it's the bottom item on the boot menu)
[01:58:19] billshovel (billshovel!n=billshov@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:02:11] ablyss (ablyss!n=ablyss@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:04:38] jheizer (jheizer! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:07:15] ablyss (ablyss!n=ablyss@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:09:57] d1n0: do i need to have internet connection while installing?
[02:10:00] jeffery: iamlindoro, thanks will test with ffmpeg command
[02:10:49] d11n0 (d11n0!i=dino@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:51] d1n0 (d1n0!i=dino@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:10:53] d11n0: do i need to have internet connection while installing?
[02:14:20] mzb_d800: jeffery: install gkrellmd on your tuner backend (or on the nfs server the recording is saved to ... if that's a different machine + applies;) ... in my experience with .au dvb, SD is about 700/800 KB/s and HD is about twice that.
[02:14:59] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:01] mzb_d800: watching the streamed data as it's being saved (either to disk or over network) will make it obvious
[02:15:17] mzb_d800: if it's HD or SD
[02:15:27] mzb_d800: (*as* it happens)
[02:16:05] jeffery: mzb_d800, g'day.. if the resolution is higher does that mean its HD ?
[02:16:11] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:16:18] mzb_d800: err ... I guess
[02:16:29] mzb_d800: SD should be 720x576 (iirc)
[02:16:50] mzb_d800: (for PAL .au)
[02:17:08] jeffery: I ran ffmpeg command and it returns: Video: mpeg2video, yuv420p, 720x576 .... I am guessing that is not HD
[02:17:21] jeffery: k
[02:17:23] mzb_d800: I wouldn't think so
[02:17:39] jeffery: do you happen to get HD on all aussie channels ?
[02:17:48] mzb_d800: (ps: gday;)
[02:17:49] jeffery: like 7 9 and 10 ?
[02:18:00] mzb_d800: err
[02:18:08] mzb_d800: different here (remember;)
[02:18:11] jeffery: unless you call it something else in Tas
[02:18:33] jeffery: yep
[02:18:48] d1n0 (d1n0!i=dino@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:19:09] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar! has quit (Client Quit)
[02:19:27] mzb_d800: southern cross, win, sbs, abc and tdt
[02:19:37] mzb_d800: all with HD streams ... but often only in test mode
[02:20:06] mzb_d800: I've only recorded a couple of samples to prove the point, I don't have a FE fast enough to watch live
[02:20:53] fryfrog: a digital hd broadcasting station doesn't have to be *sending* hd at all times :/
[02:20:54] mzb_d800: but I can record and then transcode to a low res if I have to (if I'm using the same transport for something else;)
[02:21:07] fryfrog: you kind of need to wait for a show you *know* would be in hd, record it and then compare file sizes
[02:21:18] fryfrog: SD is 1–2G/hr, HD will be 7–9G/hr
[02:21:19] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[02:21:55] mzb_d800: using the method I suggested before will guarantee the result, regardless
[02:21:58] fryfrog: but really, if you play back something in SD and something in HD, you *will* see the difference
[02:22:28] mzb_d800: ie. watching the bandwidth
[02:24:55] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:26:47] mzb_d800: and afaik, even if an SD programme is shown on an HD channel, it's still converted by the station into HD for transmission ... but then I'm only going on gossip for that one ;)
[02:27:23] mzb_d800: either way ... the bandwidth of the stream being recorded to disk should show the difference
[02:27:33] mzb_d800: (in real time)
[02:27:59] mzb_d800: [ you can probably tell I'm a gkrellm junkie ;]
[02:28:42] floppyears: hi guys
[02:29:11] floppyears: how can I make it so that a frontend uses a remote tuner for a backend instead of the local tuner ?
[02:30:08] mzb: start a 2nd lircd which reads over the network
[02:30:17] mzb: google for lircd network
[02:30:34] mzb: oop
[02:30:35] mzb: s
[02:30:40] mzb: sorry, not reading
[02:31:00] mzb: change your tuner priorities
[02:31:38] jeffery: I think the last time I recorded a show for approx 7 hours it totalled 22GB... I assume that is HD as it was wide screen
[02:32:03] mzb: just because it's wide doesn't mean it's HD
[02:33:20] mzb: and if you use the figures I quoted above and do some sums, you'll *know* that 22GB would have to be SD
[02:33:54] mzb: ie: 1.6*60*60*7 = 40320
[02:34:22] mzb: whereas: 0.8*60*60*7 = 20160
[02:34:31] jeffery: mzb, interesting I just tested that recording and its only "720x576"
[02:34:42] mzb: (although my figures are rough, you get the idea
[02:34:58] mzb: yes, widescreen is still the same resolution
[02:34:59] jeffery: yep
[02:35:06] mzb: the aspect ration is different
[02:35:12] mzb: s/ratio
[02:35:55] mzb: wikipedia could probably explain that for you better than I can
[02:36:58] d11n0 (d11n0!i=dino@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:37:38] d1n0: is it gonna be hard for me to get 1920*1080 with hd2400?
[02:38:45] jeffery: mzb, does HD also depend on the reception.. do I need extra boosters to get HD quality?
[02:38:55] mzb: no
[02:38:59] jeffery: k
[02:39:23] mzb: if your tuner already receives SD, then it *should* be capable of doing HD
[02:39:27] mzb: although
[02:39:56] mzb: that being said, a higher bandwidth signal does probably require a better quality signal
[02:40:04] mzb: I've not had that problem ;P
[02:40:21] mzb: (95% minimum)
[02:40:23] amrit|wrk is now known as amrit|afk
[02:40:31] floppyears: mzb: I've tried
[02:40:34] floppyears: I set the tuner to -7
[02:40:46] floppyears: but it still chooses the local tuner over the tuner in another backend :(
[02:40:59] jeffery: mzb, on normal channels when I check the recption it always says 65% even thought the quality of the reception is fine
[02:41:39] mzb: there's some sort of formula involved in which tuner is chosen, and priorities all over the place ... I'm also reasonably sure the answer is the wiki (I could be wrong)
[02:42:09] mzb: jeffery: increase the tuning delay to get "real" figures
[02:42:24] floppyears: anybody ?
[02:42:35] mzb: floppyears ^^
[02:43:34] mzb: I've got my tuner selection working by trial and error ... keep fiddling! ;)
[02:44:05] jeffery: mzb, will do when I get home this evening
[02:45:41] floppyears: mzb: thanks
[02:47:07] mzb_d800: sorry I can't spell out the answer for you ... I really only use one tuner ... (which does dvb so I can use multirec to get multiple streams from the same transport) ... the other being a bt848 framegrabber which is pretty useless in it's current location (WIP)
[02:47:32] mzb_d800: new tuner on it's way (au$23 delivered!!! :))
[02:47:37] pogonip__: How does Mythtv send channel info to lirc?
[02:47:56] mzb_d800: huh?
[02:50:15] pogonip__: When the remote is used to change the channel on the tuner, is there a way to have that sent to my Dishnetwork PVR to change the channel
[02:51:21] mzb_d800: make|buy an IR-transmitte (eg. IRblaster)
[02:51:27] mzb_d800: make|buy an IR-transmitter (eg. IRblaster)
[02:51:42] mzb_d800: look in the wiki for info on that
[02:52:54] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:53:33] pogonip__: I have an IR blaster and I can use IRSEND/IRW an IREXEC in a console to change transmit to the Dish, but I haven't found anything on line that ties mythtv to lirc.
[02:54:55] pogonip__: I was hoping to find someone who had done this, but it looks like I'll have to go back to the web.
[02:55:19] mzb_d800: haven't looked to hard: . . . nt=firefox-a
[02:56:15] pogonip__: I've been there, but it doesn
[02:56:31] pogonip__: doesn't address all of my questions.
[02:57:05] mzb_d800: it seems to answer the ones you've asked here (so far)
[02:57:17] mzb_d800: bbl
[03:07:30] jedix: strange
[03:07:41] jedix: one of my tuners stopped working
[03:11:09] pogonip__ (pogonip__! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:16:42] hadees: so is it possible to use wireless on my mythtv frontend for hdtv?
[03:16:48] hadees: i know not b but g or n
[03:17:01] jheizer_ (jheizer_! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:17:46] hadees: hmm i guess 802.11n doesn't work with linux
[03:17:47] hadees: bummer
[03:18:33] hadees: any other suggestions instead of running wire? how about something through the power lines? could that work?
[03:22:08] pcglue (pcglue! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:22:08] fryfrog: homepna?
[03:22:15] fryfrog: anything networky that supports linux
[03:22:28] fryfrog: and why wouldn't wireless n work in linux?
[03:22:43] jedix: drivers?
[03:22:47] jedix: sin't g enogh?
[03:22:53] fryfrog: for HD?
[03:22:55] jedix: maybe not surround sound
[03:22:57] jedix: yeah
[03:22:58] fryfrog: in theory, it should be
[03:23:05] jedix: I do hd over wired 100bT
[03:23:12] fryfrog: 54mbits, actual maybe like 20mbit
[03:23:23] jedix: oh, didn't know the exact standard
[03:23:28] jedix: that's a bit low
[03:23:29] fryfrog: it'd be borderline, and having more than one wireless client, a microwave or portable phone could kill it
[03:24:01] fryfrog: homepna the ancient version was either 1mbit or 10mbit, i forget
[03:24:04] fryfrog: they prolly have faster now
[03:28:28] jedix: seems my transponder is dead
[03:28:35] jedix: fuck I dont want to get on the roof to replace it
[03:33:08] czth__ is now known as czth
[03:33:24] iamlindoro: I looked into it a few weeks ago and it was something like 27 Mbit max
[03:37:24] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:41:21] ali1234 (ali1234!n=Al@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:47:09] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:47:09] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[03:47:19] jeffery: jedix, tell me about it ... gettin to the roof is ok.. sitting there in that cramped up space and heat is unbearable!
[03:48:45] jedix: so.. i'm in canada
[03:48:51] jedix: it's not exactly hot here right now
[03:49:08] jedix: also, the roof has about a 30ft fall on the back
[03:49:17] jedix: so I will begoing up the front
[03:49:28] jedix: as I only have a 12 ft ladder
[03:49:44] jedix: my plan is to tie a climbing rope on my car, and belay down
[03:49:54] jedix: if I fall
[03:50:42] jedix: I'll need a grigri
[03:50:44] jedix: and a rope
[03:58:14] macala (macala! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:00:36] psofa (psofa! has quit ()
[04:02:45] clever: when i go in to set the bitrate
[04:02:48] jedix: oh, and a new transponder
[04:02:58] clever: it says right down in the help area that 2200 is about 1gig/hour
[04:03:08] clever: and when i was on revision 14799 it was
[04:03:16] clever: but now its getting about 1.9gig/hour
[04:07:19] squidly (squidly!n=squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:07:35] clever: something is messed up
[04:11:10] SlySir (SlySir! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:11:39] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:17:32] jeffery: jedix, snow country heh
[04:19:58] jedix: no snow yet
[04:19:58] squish102 (squish102! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:20:05] jedix: but it's about -3c
[04:20:52] squish102: any1 have an idea how i diagnose mysql errors when trying to start mythtv-setup?
[04:20:59] squidly (squidly!n=squidly@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:21:24] squish102: if i use mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg and get the password out /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt it works and connects
[04:22:00] jedix: I fail to see the issue with that statement
[04:22:59] squish102: but my mythtv-setup gives all kinds of mysql errors and displays the default values and not what is in mysql
[04:23:21] jedix: is it on the same machine?
[04:23:34] squish102: yes
[04:23:41] squish102: 2007-11–12 23:14:42.838 Driver error was [1/1045]:
[04:23:41] squish102: QMYSQL3: Unable to connect
[04:23:42] tank-man (tank-man! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:23:53] squish102: i get errors like that, over and over again
[04:24:02] jedix: netstat -an|grep 6543
[04:24:11] squish102: and this is on ubuntu... not that that should make any difference
[04:24:42] jedix: what does netstat -an|grep 6543
[04:24:43] jedix: say
[04:24:46] squish102: that didnt return anything
[04:25:11] jedix: is the back end running?
[04:25:42] squish102: it probably stopped when i started the setup
[04:25:53] jedix: oh, right
[04:25:56] jedix: you shoudl stop it
[04:25:57] jedix: sorry
[04:26:24] jedix: that was dumb of me
[04:26:45] jedix: have you tried restarting mysql?
[04:26:53] jedix: I'm not sure what to tell you really
[04:27:13] squish102: ive just rebooted... very strange i know..
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[04:30:41] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[04:31:11] squish102: oh i think i may have found it
[04:31:22] tcpsyn_: evening gents
[04:31:41] squish102: somehow i have a .mythtv/mysql.txt with a different password
[04:31:57] squish102: i wonder how that got there?
[04:32:19] jeffery: anyone know why I get a "DVBChan(0) Error: Tune(): Setting Frontend tuning parameters failed." error .. all scheduled recordings are failing
[04:32:31] clever: i checked the numbers
[04:32:44] tcpsyn_ is now known as tcpsyn
[04:32:45] clever: and when i was running mythtv with a bitrate of 2200 after the ffmpeg sync
[04:32:53] clever: it was recording at about 4352kb/sec
[04:33:20] clever: which is allmost exactly double what i set it for
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[04:51:56] jeffery: hmm restarting the box fixed it
[04:54:03] tcpsyn: man. I'm tired as hell but I've been unproductive today
[05:02:59] clever: ive partialy fixed my ffmpeg problem
[05:03:13] clever: by asking for a bitrate of 1100 i wind up with 2200 like i waned
[05:03:16] clever: wanted*
[05:04:03] tcpsyn: wait.. what
[05:04:05] tcpsyn: what's that about
[05:04:22] clever: after the ffmpeg sync
[05:04:27] tcpsyn: yea
[05:04:30] clever: all my recordings record at twice the requested bitrate
[05:04:38] tcpsyn: that's odd
[05:04:41] clever: so it jumped to 2gig/hour
[05:04:42] clever: yeah
[05:05:03] clever: it cut my free space in half pretty much
[05:05:16] tcpsyn: heh. well, I have no free space anyway.
[05:05:23] clever: theres also a slightly odd line in the source
[05:05:23] clever: int usebitrate = targetbitrate * 1000;
[05:05:31] clever: shouldnt that be 1024? :P
[05:05:53] tcpsyn: oh yeah. everythings over 2G
[05:06:11] tcpsyn: damn
[05:07:20] clever: simplest way to fix the files i think would be to setup a transcode profile with half your target bitrate
[05:07:24] clever: and transcode the fat files
[05:07:41] Aval0n (Aval0n!i=aval0n@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:07:41] kormoc: it only is a problem with software encoder cards
[05:07:43] tcpsyn: changing the bitrate to 1100 sounds simpler.
[05:07:57] clever: kormoc: yeah and im one of the unlucky ones with a frame grabber
[05:08:09] tcpsyn: pvr-150 is hardware, right.
[05:08:14] kormoc: yes it is
[05:08:15] tcpsyn: my files are huge too.
[05:08:20] clever: also i cant transcode every file to be small because of
[05:08:26] tcpsyn: But I'll have to verify they're not supposed to be
[05:08:42] Aval0n: 1100 bitrate is a tad high for analog isn't it?
[05:08:52] clever: 2200 is the default bitrate
[05:08:56] Aval0n: err
[05:08:57] Aval0n: sorry
[05:08:59] clever: and when you ask for 1100 you wind up with 2200
[05:09:00] Aval0n: read it wrong
[05:09:19] Aval0n: :)
[05:09:56] clever: and bit rate scaling(for frame size) is off
[05:12:09] bsdfox (bsdfox! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:25:37] Cyrexion: Is there a way to specify which capture card to use when scheduling shows using mythweb?
[05:25:48] Cyrexion: Hello guys, by the way
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[05:32:00] wsuetholz: Hello, I have two backends defined, on one of them I assigned a HDHomerun, on the other I defined a Hauppauge USB PVR2.
[05:32:49] wsuetholz: But, it seems the second one is doing the recording on the HDHomerun. I checked the card table, and the hostname is set properly.
[05:32:56] wsuetholz: any ideas?
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[05:42:57] clever: make[2]: Entering directory `/media/mainlv/sharedbuilds/7.10/mythplugins/mythvideo/mtd'
[05:43:05] clever: g++ -o mtd ....
[05:43:10] clever: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lmyth-0.20
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[06:12:09] bsdfox: is there a plugin that allows us to burn iso images created by mytharchive?
[06:19:49] tcpsyn: I thought mytharchive would burn them
[06:20:42] bsdfox: I don't see the option anywhere :(
[06:20:56] clever: ive seen an option to make an iso
[06:21:06] clever: im guessing when disabled it would burn on its own
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[06:35:45] ARfdee: i am confused
[06:35:51] ARfdee: Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package mythmusic
[06:36:04] ARfdee: i am having this problem on yum update, is this supposed to be in faad2 package?
[06:38:52] Floppe: yepp, atleast in gentoo
[06:39:33] ARfdee: but i have faad2 installed
[06:39:51] ARfdee: MAN
[06:40:07] ARfdee: Package faad2.i386 1:2.0–21.20050131.lvn8 set to be updated ---Processing Dependency: for package: mythmusic
[06:40:07] ARfdee: Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package mythmusic
[06:40:56] mzb_d800: in Ubuntu, that file is provided by libfaad2 ... perhaps you have the binaries, not libraries installed?
[06:41:09] ARfdee: oic sirs and mams
[06:41:53] ARfdee: this is ridiculous
[06:42:07] ARfdee: rpm -qif /usr/lib/
[06:42:19] ARfdee: says it's provided in faad2 for fc8, so why does it keep saying that for mythmusic
[06:42:26] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:43:07] mzb_d800: are you trying to build or install mythmusic?
[06:43:18] ARfdee: well, i am trying to yum update myth junk
[06:43:30] ARfdee: and it keeps saying that, even though i have the latest mythmusic rpm, so i am not sure why it's trying to even mess with that
[06:44:15] mzb_d800: hmm .. unless some fedora(?) users are here I suggest you look in a distro specific #
[06:44:17] ARfdee: Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package mythmusic  – it's installed!
[06:44:32] mzb_d800: (google will probably have an answer
[06:44:56] mzb_d800: $ ls -l /usr/lib/libmp4ff*
[06:45:03] mzb_d800: and check for symbolic links
[06:45:39] mzb_d800: in Ubuntu, /usr/lib/ is actually a link to /usr/lib/
[06:46:03] mzb_d800: (relative, not absolute)
[06:46:16] macala (macala! has quit ("Computer goes to sleep!")
[06:47:08] ARfdee: well, it' definitely works
[06:47:14] ARfdee: i mean, i can use myth now, it's just some dumb yum update thing
[06:47:32] ARfdee: Processing Dependency: for package: mythmusic
[06:47:43] ARfdee: that is killing me, because i already instlaled the rpm for that
[06:47:45] ARfdee: mythmusic
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[08:28:56] tcpsyn: justinh, man, just taking a look at the new glass theme.
[08:28:57] tcpsyn: slick.
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[10:14:38] justinh: heheheh 110MB/sec out of this esata port expander board. I want one
[10:22:58] portahex (portahex! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:24:46] justinh: we've got spares. nice. hmmm with a motherboard that has 8 sata ports, if they're all PM aware you could have 40 HDDs in one box :D no hardware RAID which is a pity though
[10:25:46] anykey_: well, find a box that takes 40 HDDs ;)
[10:27:48] SiD3WiNDR: as they're esata you could do with multiple boxes ;)
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[11:09:49] justinh: wow. an optical drive manufacturer is sticking by their guns regarding the voltage levels on the IDE bus being 3v3 logic & only that. b!
[11:13:47] portahex: ide? how retro! all the cool kids use sata for optics!
[11:16:17] justinh: yeah but you can't bit-bash a sata interface :P
[11:16:41] phiwer (phiwer! has quit ("Leaving")
[11:24:58] justinh: some of our competitors don't even have PCI buses yet guy
[11:27:33] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:28:21] gbee: the xv bug in the latest nvidia drivers, does anyone know which version it is safe to downgrade to?
[11:28:58] portahex: the previous minor minor version?
[11:28:59] gbee: or to phrase that better, is the bug only in the very latest version? should 100.14.11 be ok?
[11:32:40] justinh: IIRC it's the current version -1 – i.e. the last release before this
[11:33:17] gbee: great, as installing the new driver is always a pain I didn't want to be doing it more than once
[11:33:19] justinh: how the hell do all these vga drivers get away with such nasty xv bugs?
[11:33:51] justinh: have they not heard of testing? ;)
[11:34:23] gbee: I only need to downgrade so that the video works well enough to test the 'video in guide' on the theme, otherwise opengl playback works just fine with the latest driver
[11:34:29] justinh: F.H. ! If this paypal activity keeps this up I'm gonna have to declare it
[11:34:37] gbee: !
[11:34:54] justinh: get yer theme out gbee
[11:34:54] portahex: justinh, is that a bad thing?
[11:35:19] justinh: giving 25% to the taxman is never a good thing
[11:35:31] gbee: nor is the associated paperwork
[11:35:37] portahex: justinh, people who love you long time enough to send you buckets of cash, though?
[11:35:55] justinh: portahex: oh yesh I like that bit. who wouldn't
[11:36:13] gbee: he ain't all that likeable either :p
[11:36:15] justinh: makes it harder to stay on the straight & narrow ego wise though
[11:36:41] justinh: so long as my email filter keeps all the requests out of my sight I'll be fine
[11:36:50] justinh: gbee: unless I'm buying you mean ;)
[11:36:54] portahex: justinh, you stay on the straight & narrow egowise? O_o
[11:37:21] justinh: well er.. ummm.. uhhhh.. hmmmm
[11:37:23] justinh: ;)
[11:37:27] gbee: :D
[11:37:36] justinh: it's all relative
[11:38:06] gbee: brb, installing the driver means dropping out of X
[11:38:10] gbee (gbee! has quit ("Gone")
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[13:33:57] ** justinh coughs loudly **
[13:35:47] ** portahex moos like a moo cow **
[13:35:52] justinh: cheers btw tcpsyn. I _do_ try not to make things suck
[13:36:04] justinh: apart from maybe vacuum cleaners
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[14:23:56] justinh: roflmao @ the guy who used a shotgun to remove a wheelnut
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[15:05:00] clever: damnit
[15:05:09] clever: frontend is segfaulting on startup
[15:05:12] clever: on all frontends
[15:09:40] justinh: so apparently under the GPL, people who use bits of my old work in shitty themes can mention my name & I'll be guilty by association? that can't be true can it?
[15:09:52] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:14:40] clever: #0 0x0807c88a in QShared::deref (this=0x0) at qshared.h:50
[15:14:41] clever: 50 bool deref() { return !--count; }
[15:15:04] clever: that appears to be the cause of my seg fault(the value of this ive seen as 0 1 and some big number)
[15:15:35] clever: its hapening on multiple systems
[15:15:38] andcor (andcor! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:16:08] poptix: justinh: no, you can demand that they mention it's derived from something
[15:16:42] justinh: fair enough
[15:16:44] andcor: I've just compiled the latest svn, but now my mythfrontend is making segmentation faults just after it has resized the images
[15:16:57] clever: andcor: same problem here
[15:17:03] justinh: I'd want them to just be quiet. I don't want to be associated with their crap
[15:17:17] andcor: clever: no idea why ?
[15:17:24] clever: not yet
[15:17:38] clever: ive backed my svn up to the point where it stoped crashing
[15:17:52] clever: now im slowly going back forward upgrading it 1 revision at a time till i kill it
[15:18:24] andcor: when you find out which revision it beaking it, would you write me an email ?
[15:18:57] clever: dont have your email
[15:19:05] clever: but you could just sit in the channel:)
[15:19:12] andcor: clever:
[15:19:31] andcor: I'm not sure that I have the time to stay online until that happens
[15:19:51] justinh: passing email addresses in a logged channel. smart!
[15:19:51] clever: i know in revision 14800 its not broken
[15:19:56] feiner (feiner! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:19:57] clever: lol
[15:20:10] clever: you could just back up to 14800 until latter
[15:20:16] justinh: phone anybody? 0161 3467869
[15:20:16] andcor: thank you
[15:20:19] justinh: :P
[15:20:37] clever: lol
[15:23:50] clever: 14800 just faulted when trying to play a file
[15:23:51] clever: #0 0x0807c3a4 in QShared::deref (this=0x805a51a) at qshared.h:50
[15:25:24] wsuetholz: justinh, yesterday I asked about my HDHomerun problem.. Last night I did check the database and the hostname is set correctly.
[15:25:51] wsuetholz: I think that I'm going to put the HDHomerun on it's own network card in the master backend and do things that way.
[15:26:04] wsuetholz: thanks again for your words yesterday
[15:28:12] clever: #0 0x0807c3a4 in QShared::deref (this=0x805a51a) at qshared.h:50
[15:28:24] justinh: np, but I still can't see how what you said is happenning is even possible
[15:29:11] andcor: so 14800 isn't stable either ?
[15:29:23] clever: not shure what the problem is
[15:29:29] clever: because 14800 was stable last week
[15:29:40] andcor: weird
[15:29:49] clever: i'll try a make clean
[15:30:45] andcor: ok
[15:32:25] ** justinh sends an abusive email to get his name lifted from heliocrap **
[15:33:28] clever: lol
[15:33:52] chuggs_ (chuggs_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:37:17] djbeenie (djbeenie! has quit ("Leaving")
[15:39:49] justinh: clever: you should take a look at their code. it's funny
[15:40:26] clever: link?
[15:40:51] justinh:
[15:41:54] clever: looks like a branch of mythtv
[15:42:26] justinh: a forkup
[15:42:33] clever: lol:)
[15:42:47] GreyFoxx: anyidea what rev it's forked fron >
[15:42:47] clever: and which code did they f up and whats old code from original myth?:P
[15:42:49] GreyFoxx: ?
[15:42:57] justinh: GreyFoxx: -fixes
[15:43:02] GreyFoxx: ahh
[15:43:09] justinh: clever: all the new 'plugins'
[15:43:13] clever: ah
[15:43:25] justinh: sudo wget http://youtubevideo.swf
[15:43:44] justinh: sudo ffmpeg -i youtubevideo.swf youttubevideo.mpg
[15:43:45] clever: didnt know the tld .swf existed:P
[15:43:54] GreyFoxx: wtf would sudo be required ?
[15:43:54] justinh: you get the picture
[15:43:57] clever: (enter your pw next:))
[15:44:05] GreyFoxx: I saw his post about needed sudo to save IP settings too, bollocks
[15:44:20] clever: lol
[15:44:29] clever: probly a place holder for a trojan they will put in latter
[15:44:31] j-rod (j-rod!i=jarod@nat/redhat/x-34a9f500de4c39e8) has left #mythtv-users ("I give up!")
[15:44:37] GreyFoxx: If it's a closed system, he could let the user have write permissions to a config file that the bootup scripts read for IP config
[15:44:57] clever: thats what i do often
[15:45:53] justinh: aye
[15:46:11] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=Jeff@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:46:14] ** clever returns to trying to track down this segfault prob **
[15:46:43] justinh: they better pull my name from their effort anyway
[15:46:57] clever: wtf
[15:47:01] clever: a commflag job finished
[15:47:05] clever: 139 comercials flagged
[15:47:11] justinh: lol
[15:47:19] justinh: is that all?!
[15:47:20] clever: and its a 30min show
[15:47:30] justinh: plenty fades to black eh?
[15:47:39] clever: thats over 4 comercials a min
[15:47:57] clever: and i watchedit while it recorded and it didnt black fade any more then normal
[15:48:30] drindt (drindt! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:48:33] clever: and the backend on that box isnt even running now...
[15:49:02] clever: looks like the front&backend segfaulted
[15:49:12] jarle_: clever: maybe hidden commercials between the frames? Maybe you are being brain-washed(!)?
[15:49:20] clever: lol
[15:49:45] clever: id blame the segfaulting
[15:50:24] clever: pre-scaling theme images...
[15:50:51] clever: done
[15:51:22] clever: now it doesnt segfault when playing
[15:51:45] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:51:59] clever: cant even load the commflag into cutlist
[15:53:21] justinh: hahaha is broken cos of the embedded lametubes video
[15:53:53] clever: lol
[15:54:06] clever: youtube is owned by google now:P
[15:57:30] Matt (Matt!i=matt@freenode/staff/matt) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:57:33] Matt: morning!
[15:58:03] clever: snow!
[15:58:15] ** Matt looks out the window **
[15:58:19] Matt: no, nice sunny day
[15:58:21] Matt: no snow yet
[15:58:27] clever: thin layer of it here
[15:58:34] Matt: where's here? :&)
[15:58:44] clever: nb canada
[15:59:09] Matt: ah, over there
[15:59:13] ** Matt waves **
[15:59:20] clever: :)
[15:59:24] ** Matt is in ON **
[15:59:35] clever: cant see where you are from whois
[15:59:46] Matt: they've got some further north I think
[16:00:14] Matt: it tried snowing end of last week, but it was warm enough that it was wet
[16:04:12] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=Jeff@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has quit (Nick collision from services.)
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[16:19:36] jheizer: Anyone ever use SD to IDE adapters?
[16:19:52] jheizer: I know CF to IDE are very common, but you don't here much about SDD
[16:20:04] justinh: just get a DoM man
[16:20:07] jheizer: I'm assuming they would work the same and just as good
[16:20:09] Matt: I've used CF-IDE
[16:20:14] justinh: just get a DoM man
[16:20:22] justinh: or use cheap-as-hell USB sticks
[16:20:25] SiD3WiNDR: heh
[16:20:27] fysa (fysa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:20:33] SiD3WiNDR: cf to ide works simply because cf speaks ide inside
[16:20:40] Matt: yup
[16:20:41] SiD3WiNDR: sd to ide would involve a little more magic I'd imagine
[16:20:43] justinh: has to be some old PoS system not to boot from USB
[16:21:00] jheizer: 500mhz K6–2
[16:21:01] justinh: DoM is better. space saving, cheaper..
[16:21:01] jheizer: hehe
[16:21:08] jheizer: what is DoM?
[16:21:15] justinh: disk-on-module
[16:21:23] Matt: CF-IDE adaptors are pretty much just a matter of remapping pins
[16:21:24] jheizer: and this is what I am referencing
[16:21:27] justinh: not much bigger than an IDE plug
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[16:22:14] justinh: DoMs are cheaper than a CF-IDE adapter with CF card
[16:22:15] justinh: and take less space
[16:22:23] djbeenie: question: I have /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usbdisk vfat noauto,user,exec,sync 0 0 in my fstab...I can see everything by root, but not by my user
[16:22:33] jheizer: yeah, I noticed that about that CF when looking at the pictures
[16:22:34] Matt: ok, question time
[16:22:40] justinh:
[16:22:53] Matt: I've got one frontend that's giving me "no seek table" for any recording
[16:23:02] Matt: other frontends are fine
[16:23:07] Matt: any thoughts?
[16:24:03] djbeenie: whoops wrong channel
[16:24:24] jheizer: Hmmm, so no SD users. I just rather buy and extra SD card than a POS CF
[16:24:36] jheizer: and might have one already actually
[16:24:56] justinh: just buy a DoM man
[16:25:05] Matt: djbeenie, check out the vfat section of mount(8)
[16:25:54] djbeenie: Matt, What do you mean?
[16:25:55] jheizer: where can I order them from?
[16:26:07] Matt: djbeenie, man mount
[16:26:17] Matt: then look at the sections in there for fat and vfat
[16:26:31] justinh: jheizer: ever heard of GOOGLE ?
[16:26:31] djbeenie: ahh ok
[16:26:53] Matt: I suspect you just want a umask=644,dmask=755,uid=(your uid)
[16:29:55] Andycasss (Andycasss! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:33:07] SiD3WiNDR: justinh: what's google?
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[16:42:34] Teejayy: anyone know how to fix WriteAudio: buffer underrun errors ?
[16:43:20] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=LedHed@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:44:02] justinh: well, what I'm doing to fix it is to put my shitty epia frontend in the bin ASAP
[16:44:51] justinh: mobile core2 duo 1.8Ghz mobile CPU, board & 1GB Ram all under £100 :)
[16:45:10] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[16:47:41] Matt: ooh, nice
[16:47:43] Matt: where from?
[16:48:07] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:48:16] justinh: ebay mostly
[16:48:32] Matt: right
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[16:50:24] justinh: CPU was £36 ish, motherboard was £36 ish, ram was £18
[16:50:29] Matt: so what's going on with this frontend eh? :&)
[16:50:37] justinh: even with postage, still way under £100
[16:51:31] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:51:42] justinh: problems with buffer underruns can be caused by the a/v sync code in mythtv, or drivers, or any combination of everything
[16:52:20] Matt: doesn't help with my one frontend that's telling me no seek table
[16:52:34] ** Matt tries a third frontend **
[16:53:04] seth|web: anyone here using the mceusb (pvr mce edition) irblasters, I have a pvr-150-MCE and I was wondering if it was possible to utilize the onboard ir blasters?
[16:53:39] justinh: thought the IR blasters you got with them were USB things
[16:54:00] seth|web: yes, the USB receiver has 2 jacks for irblasters, it comes with one
[16:54:08] Matt: oh, talking of remotes
[16:54:14] Matt: any recommendations for cheap remotes?
[16:54:15] justinh: talking of remotes...
[16:54:18] seth|web: and in winders, supposedly it works, but I have no M$ boxen
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[17:02:13] bsdfox_: anyone know how to log mythfrontend? I'm having lockups while playing dvds :(
[17:02:32] iamlindoro_: mythfrontend -v all > filename
[17:02:50] bsdfox_: I suppose that would work :P
[17:02:54] iamlindoro_: Heh
[17:03:25] GreyFoxx: -l filename
[17:03:48] iamlindoro_: or that ;)
[17:03:51] jarle_ (jarle_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:06:03] bsdfox_: 2007-11–13 09:03:43.770 NVP: Waiting for prebuffer.. 3 AAUAuUAAAAAUAAAAAAAAAAAUUAAUALA
[17:06:14] bsdfox_: that's a strange message right?
[17:06:16] iamlindoro_: I think I've made that sound before
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[17:06:34] bsdfox_: tarzan
[17:07:13] jheizer: hahahahaha
[17:07:46] bsdfox_: I'm also getting lots of this garbage- 2007-11–13 09:04:15.102 AO: 61404 bytes free on soundcard
[17:07:56] bsdfox_: between 50000 and 65000 bytes free on soundcard
[17:09:42] siXy (siXy!n=hidden@ has quit ("bye!")
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[17:19:20] Matt: ok, so I try another frontend, and it's fine
[17:19:34] Matt: so it really just is this one frontend that's coming up "No Seektable"
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[17:48:04] Matt: hrm
[17:48:08] Matt: even stranger
[17:48:17] Matt: if I hit Z, it says not flagged
[17:48:32] Matt: yet the recordings screen shows it as being flagged
[17:48:53] Matt: and other frontends see it as flagged fine
[17:50:02] seth|web (seth|web!i=c6082109@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit ("CGI:IRC (EOF)")
[17:55:06] bsdfox_: that is strange
[17:55:17] Matt: yus
[17:57:00] Dr_Willis (Dr_Willis! has quit ("Dr_Willis has no reason")
[17:57:32] Matt: ahha, looks to be time related
[17:58:19] Matt: yus, it would indeed seem to be time related
[17:58:27] Matt: this frontend seems to have dumped itself into PST
[17:58:29] Matt: which is wrong
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[18:00:55] Matt: ahha, that seems to have got it
[18:01:38] ** Matt sighs **
[18:01:44] Matt: gonna have to rebuild this CD *again*
[18:02:01] Matt: my fault for not testing sufficiently in advance of course :&)
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[18:06:06] Matt: wonder why the database doesn't store times in UTC :&)
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[18:19:06] toma: in 2.6.22 the ivtv drivers should be included, so why are there separate packages for fc6 for that kernel and even more interesting why do they have an unknown symbol
[18:19:36] seth|web: where does mythmusic aquire album art from, my songs have artwok in amarok, but when played in mythmusic, i get a "?"
[18:19:51] ali1234: because fedora sucks
[18:20:14] ali1234: seth|web: sometimes mp3 have embedded artwork
[18:20:19] toma: ali1234: sure, any other idea before i trash it?
[18:20:39] ali1234: sorry no, i stopped using fedora back when it was still called "red hat linux" because of stuff like that
[18:21:09] toma: yeah, well, mythdora seemed like a nice distro
[18:21:18] ali1234: i recently install mythdora, it took approx half an hour before X became irretrievably broken
[18:21:32] ali1234: no matter what i did, X would bomb out the instant I started mythtv
[18:21:41] toma: no problem with that
[18:21:51] seth|web: if your lookijng for an all-in-one myth distro, knoppmyth is what I recommend, I had issues before with mythdora, as well as mythbuntu, knoppmyth just works, hehe
[18:21:54] ali1234: which is pretty annoying when you cant stop it from endlessly trying to log in and autoload mythtv
[18:22:34] toma: ok, so say that i switch, what happens with the currently recorded programs?
[18:23:43] ali1234: it depends
[18:24:14] toma: i've the actual recordings on a separate partition
[18:24:30] ali1234: if you reinstalling using "full disk" then obviously they get deleted. if you have a separate recordings partition, then they wont. but you'll have to export the information from the myth database first, if you want them to just magically appear in the new install
[18:24:50] ali1234: i think there's a tool you can use, but since i've never done this...
[18:25:06] toma: ok so i should dump the db and reload it in the new install?
[18:25:14] toma: anything else i need to preserve?
[18:25:25] ali1234: ~/.mythtv/
[18:25:40] toma: k
[18:26:19] ali1234: i think there's a guide on the web somewhere
[18:27:07] ali1234: i've only been using myth for about 2 months so this is the one problem i havn't had yet :)
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[18:36:44] toma: ali1234: oki, i got it working again, allthough they suck, i will keep it around for now, saves me the trouble of reinstalling. Now I only need the kernel to see my dvb-c pci card ;-)
[18:36:46] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:36:48] toma: thanks for the help
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[19:00:44] justinh: ffs. is properly borked in anything but IE
[19:01:22] iamlindoro_: Whoah, yeah it is
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[19:05:16] justinh: who develops websites only in IE? :D
[19:05:25] dr_lulz: ouch
[19:05:43] justinh: I checked my new site in IE, saw it doesn't look right, then thought "bah not my fault"
[19:06:21] justinh: it isn't royally screwed like that is though :)
[19:06:27] dr_lulz: i recently had to cope with IE shit ;/
[19:06:55] dr_lulz: website was all borked.. at least IE has one useful feature: conditionals, <!--[if lt IE 7]>
[19:07:20] ali1234: that's not useful, it's a damn menace
[19:07:45] dr_lulz: ali1234: i wouldnt know how to fix that specific problem without that
[19:08:03] dr_lulz: without damaging the appearance in other browsers
[19:08:23] jhatch (jhatch! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:08:33] justinh: guy at work turned to me & told me to be careful because some nasty virus is doing the rounds that can format your hard drive & turn it into a zombie!!!!!!!!!!! I just looked at him saying "so?". he said I must be mad not to be worried. I said "no, I don't use a MS email client, so chances are I'm fine :D"
[19:08:37] ali1234: anything that lets bad designers hide content from certain browsers does not belond on the internet
[19:08:57] justinh: ali1234: I often consider putting code on my site to disable IE completely
[19:09:13] Tronic: ali1234: The only thing to be hidden is the big pile of hacks for IE.
[19:09:17] justinh: that's not a bad thing IMHO, and if more sites did it, maybe MS would get their bloody act together
[19:09:22] directhex: ali1234, i use server-side sniffing to warn users of obsolete browsers to upgrade, if they visit my site
[19:09:29] Tronic: ali1234: I.e. special CSS.
[19:09:36] directhex: where "obsolete" means "ie6"
[19:09:47] dr_lulz: directhex: sniffing? oO.. sounds like the job for some server module
[19:09:51] Tronic: The stupidest thing is that now you must write your CSS three (3) times.
[19:09:57] justinh: I tried IE7 once. it made me very angry
[19:10:05] directhex: dr_lulz, it is!
[19:10:08] Tronic: Once for all browsers that work. Then for IE6, and finally for IE7.
[19:10:13] justinh: when did the definition of the word 'standard' change anyway?
[19:10:15] directhex: justinh, ie7 has one important feature
[19:10:40] justinh: fake tabbed browsing?
[19:10:54] directhex: it's not ie6
[19:10:55] justinh: the ability to slow a whole machine down with pages with less content?
[19:10:55] iamlindoro_: Hrm, linuxMCE is claiming HD-DVD and Blu-ray playback in their next release... I wonder how they plan to manage that without some major, painful caveats
[19:11:11] Tronic: IE7's CSS is b0rked in different ways than IE6's. It's even close to standards-conforming, but the hacks that used to work with IE6 don't work with it anymore.
[19:11:19] directhex: iamlindoro, who said anything about " without some major, painful caveats"?
[19:11:27] iamlindoro_: ah, there we are :)
[19:11:34] directhex: Tronic, aye. my new site design is 97% ie7 compatible with 0 tweaks
[19:11:41] justinh: iamlindoro_: by hosting the binaries on a server in the continent of Ongo-Bongo where the DMCA doesn't apply anything's possible
[19:11:51] dr_lulz: Tronic: 3 times? in my case i only needed this:
[19:12:08] justinh: dr_lulz: the point is, to even need TWO is a pain in the rectum
[19:12:20] dr_lulz: yeah, i concur
[19:12:32] Tronic: dr_lulz: The width attribute has different meaning in IE6 and IE7. Which one is that for?
[19:12:42] ali1234: if you need css hacks to make your website look "right" chances are you are worrying to much about the layout and neglecting the content
[19:12:44] iamlindoro_: Heh, I'm less worried about the DMCA and more worried about the fact that *I* currently have to rip the movies, as well as run a patched-as-heck version of mplayer and ffmpeg to make it work.
[19:12:53] justinh: ali1234: roflmao
[19:12:59] iamlindoro_: And as far as I know, I'm on the bleeding edge, sooooo
[19:13:05] dr_lulz: Tronic: the lines under the links on the top left here:
[19:13:23] Tronic: dr_lulz: But which IE version?
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[19:13:39] justinh: ali1234: I suppose your ideal websites are just plain text with those 'hyperlink' thingies :P
[19:13:40] Tronic: (I don't have any IE, so I can't see what your site looks with them)
[19:13:42] dr_lulz: Tronic: thats for IE6
[19:14:04] Tronic: Okay, so you get what min-width is supposed to give you (according to CSS specs).
[19:14:13] ali1234: justinh: they are the only ones that render properly on mobile browsers. also they load fast over gprs.
[19:14:23] justinh: who gives a damn about mobile users?
[19:14:24] dr_lulz: Tronic: if i leave that extra css away, it wil make the lines too long, and then put the right (content)div under the left(links, dates etc) div
[19:14:55] ali1234: any website that has "styling" is either 6 times winder than the width of the screen, or has one word per line of text
[19:15:02] justinh: if anything these days people should be paying a load more attention to accessibility for less-abled people
[19:15:10] dr_lulz: i'm glad i dont do any webdesign in the first place
[19:15:13] justinh: never mind fecking 'mobile' content
[19:15:23] ali1234: 'mobile' content is half the problem
[19:15:23] Tronic: Now, if you want to do the same thing in IE7, what do you do? IIRC, it still does not support min-width, but it changes the meaning of width to what it is supposed to be (i.e. exactly that width, no more, no less).
[19:15:29] dr_lulz: i'd shoot myself or run amok at some point in time if i had to do this more often
[19:15:42] ali1234: the best way to make pages render okay on a mobile browser is to filter all the css out of them
[19:15:42] kormoc: ali1234, I'll point out that pocket opera supports CSS just fine
[19:15:51] dr_lulz: Tronic: it worked fine in IE7 without modifications
[19:16:00] kormoc: ali1234, and mythweb's mobile hooks are css and works fine on a wide array of mobile devices
[19:16:31] ali1234: i've never tried mythweb on my phone, because my myth box is not connected to the internet... but if you say so...
[19:18:47] ali1234: incidentally, does mythweb support previews/streaming to the firefox vlc plugin?
[19:19:05] Cyberai: Would anyone know where I could get information on how to do more over firewire with the Motorola 6100 STB's than just change channels? I'd really like to be able to tell it to reboot.
[19:19:33] amrit|zzz is now known as amrit|wrk
[19:19:34] ali1234: Cyberai: you could probably make it crash quite easily... that might be enough to reboot it
[19:20:03] Cyberai: ali1234, hmmmm, i't an idea
[19:20:14] Cyberai: hadn't thought of that
[19:20:19] ali1234: firewire just gives you access to an area of the devices memory
[19:20:35] Cyberai: so in theory, how would I crash it?
[19:20:35] ali1234: iirc. that makes firewire quite insecure...
[19:20:44] ali1234: just write garbage to it's memory :)
[19:21:36] justinh: lol @ an email asking where the clock has gone in blootube-wide
[19:21:40] ali1234: google "firewire dma"
[19:21:53] ali1234: there's some interesting looking links...
[19:22:09] ali1234:
[19:22:37] mkrufk1 (mkrufk1!n=Jeff@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:23:29] scopeuk (scopeuk!n=Scope@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:23:56] ali1234: Cyberai: actually if you find out about the device's CPU and interrupts and stuff it should be quite easy to reboot it properly
[19:24:22] Cyberai: yeah, if I were a programmer. I can barely write a decent shell script.
[19:24:25] ali1234: well, compared with doing the same with a USB (self powered) device anyway
[19:24:29] Cyberai: I'm struggling here
[19:26:01] Cyberai: I was hoping for a modification to 6200ch
[19:26:19] ali1234: i dont know what that is :)
[19:26:51] Cyberai: 6200ch is the c program used to talk to the motorola 6100 and 6200 series boxes to tell them to change the channel.
[19:27:43] ali1234: well yeah, eventually you would be able to put the changes into that code
[19:28:00] Cyberai: would be nice if I could just use "6200ch $GARBAGE" to cause it to say "WTF?" and reboot.
[19:28:24] ali1234: it's not quite that simple because presumably that tool verifies it's input to stop you doing that
[19:28:43] kormoc: ali1234, mythweb supports streaming of flash video and raw mpeg video, no idea about the ff plugin
[19:28:49] Cyberai: hmmm, maybe I can look at tthat code and kill the verification
[19:29:06] ali1234: kormoc: well vlc plugin for ff supports anything vlc does. but it can be embedded in an html page
[19:29:47] ali1234: Cyberai: be careful... you could potentially brick your tuner doing this
[19:30:16] ** kormoc hardly thinks so **
[19:30:51] Cyberai: yeah, that seems unlikely
[19:31:00] ali1234: yeah it would require that the random data you send "just happens" to be the code that reprograms the firmware flash chip... but it is possible
[19:31:14] ali1234: anyway, dont say i didnt warn you
[19:31:18] Cyberai: besides, I can always call them and say it's broken and they have to give me a new one
[19:31:25] Cyberai: it's like a rental car  :)
[19:31:37] ali1234: they could just terminate your contract instead :)
[19:31:54] Cyberai: nah, they've been pretty mellow
[19:32:22] Cyberai: besides, how would they know? They gonna send it to motorola forensics or are they just gonna say "whopps, fried box' and chuck it?
[19:32:42] Cyberai: I'm good at playing stupid
[19:32:51] ali1234: yeah but if you do it three times in one week they will just write you off as too expensive a customer...
[19:32:54] Cyberai: "I was just watching the simpsons and it broke"
[19:33:01] ali1234: doesnt matter if it was accidental or not
[19:33:01] Cyberai: lol
[19:33:12] Cyberai: I think I'll stop if I fry ojne
[19:34:38] ali1234: anyways... given that you can access the device's main memory... if all you want to do is crash it, all you have to do is find out where the watchdog timer is and trip it
[19:35:25] Cyberai: beyond my level of sophistication
[19:35:43] ali1234: okay do you know what interrupts are?
[19:35:51] Cyberai: yeah, in theory
[19:36:06] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[19:36:09] ali1234: timers?
[19:36:12] Cyberai: nope
[19:37:10] ali1234: basically, a hardware timer will increment with every clock cycle. when it overflows (or reaches it's maximum value) it triggers an interrupt, or in the case of the watchdog, it resets the cpu
[19:37:21] Cyberai: I see
[19:37:46] ali1234: this is so that the box can never get stuck. the firmware has to keep reseting the watchdog timer to 0 to stop the box reseting. if that doesnt happen, the box is assumed "locked up" and rebooted
[19:38:27] Cyberai: I see, so you set it to a non-zero value and it reboots
[19:38:47] ali1234: no. you set it to the maximum value it can store
[19:38:52] Cyberai: ah
[19:39:01] ali1234: otherwise it will maybe be reset by the OS
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[19:40:24] ali1234: the problem is the watchdog timer is usually stored in a cpu register so you have to figure out how to execute a couple of arbitrary instructions. that should not be too hard if you know the memory layout of the device... and that can be found by looking up the cpu
[19:41:43] floppyears: hi
[19:42:06] ali1234: it's possible whoever wrote 6200ch.c has already done a lot of this work...
[19:42:07] floppyears: do any of you guys know how to make it so that livetv in a slave backend uses one of the tuners from the master backend ?
[19:45:36] mkrufky: floppyears: you can do it this way — 1) set up the option where live tv will use the tuner least likely to be used for a recording
[19:45:55] mkrufky: floppyears: then, pick the tuner on your master backend, and set it to the lowest priority
[19:46:14] Andycasss (Andycasss! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:46:29] mkrufky: i think the option is called something like, "avoid schedule conflicts" or something... with livetv
[19:46:44] floppyears: mkrufky: I want the two tuners in the master backend to be used for recording whenever possible. the slave backend has a software based tuner
[19:46:57] Cyberai: yeah, finding out who wrote 6200ch.c has been hard
[19:47:06] ali1234: i can't even find a copy of it
[19:47:12] floppyears: and I want to use that one when the other two tuners in the slave backend are busy recording :(
[19:47:20] mkrufky: ok, easy
[19:47:42] mkrufky: master backend tuners, priority high, slavebackend priority low
[19:47:50] mkrufky: voila!
[19:48:02] mkrufky: </non user friendly answer>
[19:48:12] mkrufky: i cant really translate that into menu options.... its
[19:48:15] mkrufky: its in mythtv-setup
[19:48:45] iamlindoro_: . . . .c?rev=14682
[19:49:07] iamlindoro_: You can look at who has revised it... original revision says "Stacey D. Son"... I'll let you get his e-mail rather than post it here
[19:49:21] Cyberai: im a dork, the authors name/email is in the code  :P
[19:49:25] Cyberai: I'll email him
[19:52:32] toma (toma! has left #mythtv-users ("Ooh, look, a shiny object...")
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[19:57:19] Cyberai (Cyberai! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[20:04:44] floppyears: mkrufky: last night I tried settting the slavebackend tuner priority to -7, but when watching livetv on the slave backend it still chose the slave backend tuner although it had a priority of -7 :(
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[20:07:30] mkrufky: ?!?
[20:07:47] mkrufky: floppyears: isn't that exactly what you're askign for?
[20:08:27] floppyears: mkrufky: not exactly.
[20:08:52] floppyears: I want the tuners in the master backend to be the prefered ones for watching live tv and recording and only use the slave tuner for recording when absolutely necessary
[20:09:20] floppyears: this works except in the slave backend that chooses to use its tuner to watch livetv instead of a free tuner from the master backend :(
[20:11:27] mkrufky: do you want to have your cake, or do you want to eat it?
[20:12:10] mkrufky: actually, just turn OFF the feature "prevent shedule conficts" ..... that will probably get what you're asking for
[20:12:18] mkrufky: then, it will all be first-come first-serve
[20:12:23] mkrufky: until something farks up
[20:12:31] mkrufky: and you wont know it farked up until its too late
[20:12:37] mkrufky: if i were you, i'd just leave it as-is
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[20:25:23] floppyears: mkrufky: yep, I'm afraid I'm going to have to do some manual work to get it working the way I want to :(
[20:26:11] floppyears: I have the 2nd machine act only as a frontend, and enable it as a backend whenever I have a 3rd recording that I can't handle with the master backend :(
[20:26:25] mkrufky: seriously, turn off "avoid schecule conflicts" etc .....
[20:26:32] mkrufky: that will get you exactly what you "want"
[20:26:47] mkrufky: ...then, you will later understand why you shouldnt really want this at all
[20:27:01] mkrufky: but you have to find that out yourself from experience, i guess
[20:27:54] mkrufky: only problem will be that if you're watchign livetv while a recording is in progress, and a 2nd recording is scheduled, that 2nd recording is likely to fail
[20:28:40] bsdfox__: is there any hot key to switch to livetv that I can bind with lirc?
[20:28:51] bsdfox__: also wondering the same about last channel
[20:29:20] Matt: mythgallery really needs to let you play audio in the background
[20:43:17] Yahooadam: it would be nice if videos/music didnt stop when you are navigating the frontend, sadly, it doesnt happen atm
[20:44:27] Scopeuk_ (Scopeuk_!n=Scope@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:45:03] justinh: won't happen til somebody rips the frontcode out & rewrites it either
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[20:45:29] justinh: bsdfox__: see 'jump points' in the wikiwiki
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[20:47:17] DustyBin: i do like the new mythtv svn im sure the video looks smoother now, maybe its just me
[20:47:24] seth|web: does anyone know if linux can use the mceusb2 irblasters these days?
[20:47:32] justinh: seth|web: yesh
[20:47:55] seth|web: i can't get mine to work, and I grow weary of the serial one I am using now
[20:48:39] seth|web: i have the one with the dual outputs, but as far as I knew you needed windows to make it work
[20:49:02] justinh: don't think so
[20:49:04] DustyBin: am i right in thinking that different tv cards could make mythtv stable or unstable? ie. a lot of the instability towards mythtv with all the different tv cards it works with?
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[20:49:47] justinh: DustyBin: DVB tuners can make the backend a tad wobbly if your signals aren't up to snuff
[20:50:15] DustyBin: that would explain some stuff
[20:50:25] justinh: seth|web:
[20:51:29] DustyBin: when i move im going to invest in a quality digital antenna and signal booster
[20:51:35] hashbang (hashbang! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:52:42] DustyBin: my sister is using KDE as her desktop computer! she only had to ring me up for help once because she forgot her password, i havent heard from her since :D
[20:53:12] DustyBin: my next mission is mythtv :D
[20:53:28] mkrufky: it's always nice when a family member calls and it's NOT to ask a computer question
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[20:53:56] DustyBin: indeed, considering shes never used linux before im suprised
[20:54:02] mkrufky: heh
[20:55:39] seth|web: i have the receiver working, I was more concerned with its irblasters
[20:56:05] seth|web: there are no really good links to explain getting them working
[20:57:05] iamlindoro_: seth|web, it depends totally on what blaster you are using
[20:58:03] Kernel: whatoptions do i have if the colors are off on my pvr-150?...lots of washed colors and everything has a greenish/yellow tint to it.
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[20:59:19] seth|web: well my serial blaster works fine, other than outting the strangle hold on the pc for just an instant, but I have never been able to get the mceusb blaster working, excpet in windows, but I don't have any windows boxes anymore.... so
[20:59:48] iamlindoro_: mceusb, or mceusb2?
[21:00:06] seth|web: mceusb2
[21:00:21] iamlindoro_: If you use a newish version of lirc, the blaster "just works," using the same device node as the receiver
[21:00:27] iamlindoro_: on mceusb2, that is
[21:02:22] seth|web: really, as of which version of lirc?
[21:02:28] ** seth|web ssh's home **
[21:02:53] iamlindoro_: Dunno, has been a little while though... Let me check
[21:03:05] iamlindoro_: Current source certainly will, though
[21:03:12] iamlindoro_: I think since .8.2
[21:03:16] feiner (feiner! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:04:20] iamlindoro_: Yeah, looks like that's right.
[21:06:02] seth|web: how do you check lirc version
[21:06:14] iamlindoro_: lircd -v
[21:06:35] seth|web: lircd 0.8.2-CVS-pvr150 that should do it
[21:06:49] iamlindoro_: You have the mceusb2 module loaded?
[21:06:53] seth|web: yes
[21:07:11] seth|web: lirc_mceusb2
[21:07:32] iamlindoro_: whelp, should be as simple as irsend --device=/your/lirc/device SEND_ONCE REMOTENAME SOMEKEY
[21:08:09] seth|web: interesting, so the remote defintion gets added to the current lircd.conf
[21:08:14] iamlindoro_: Correct
[21:08:23] seth|web: i currently have it in irblasterd.conf, as per my knoppmyth setup
[21:08:52] seth|web: well that would be great
[21:08:55] iamlindoro_: Ah, I dunno what they do or why, but in lircd.conf is the "standard" way as far as I know
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[21:10:56] seth|web: well KM creates a seperate instance .vs lircdx caleed irblasterdx i am guessing to remove any head butting , I am curious, how does myth know to use the dish codes, as a blaster, .vs the mce codes (which control mythtv)
[21:11:18] seth|web: if they reside in the same file
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[21:11:43] iamlindoro_: your lircrc refers to one remote
[21:11:57] seth|web: in .mythtv
[21:12:03] seth|web: well ~/.mythtv
[21:12:13] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=Jeff@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:12:16] seth|web: that is where the mce remote is set up
[21:12:45] iamlindoro_: yeah, so, you set an external channel change script in mythtv-setup
[21:12:51] iamlindoro_: something like, (pastebinning)
[21:13:21] iamlindoro_:
[21:13:34] iamlindoro_: That. Then then you just put your dish remote name in as REMOTE_NAME
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[21:14:26] seth|web: ah, so the script I have now, just gets its input codes from the REMOTE_NAME even if it is identified in lircd.conf, versus irblasterd.conf
[21:14:36] iamlindoro_: correct
[21:15:30] iamlindoro_: and, of course, on the last line, my lircd.conf has a key on DCT2524 called "ok/select", you'd have to change the name to whatever your equivalent is
[21:16:13] bsdfox__ (bsdfox__! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:16:15] iamlindoro_: but it should be as simple as recording your remote into lircd.conf, creating a script like that, changing remote name and ok/select as appropriate, and setting that script as executable and in mythtv-setup
[21:16:48] iamlindoro_: And, of course, making sure it points at the right lirc device for you
[21:17:04] seth|web: like this:
[21:17:12] mikeones_ (mikeones_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:17:17] ** seth|web can't beleive it can be that easy **
[21:18:13] iamlindoro_: well, I dunno if the dev will be /dev/irblasterd... the question is, what's the device that your mceusb2 RECEIVER lives at? Probably /dev/lircd, no?
[21:18:59] seth|web: it is at /dev/lirc0 so i would change my channel script to reflect the new device, and it will know to use the REMOTE_NAME called for in lircd.conf this time
[21:19:07] iamlindoro_: Because the mceusb transmitter occupies the exact same dev node... so if your mceusb receiver is at /dev/lircd, then that's ALSO where the transmitter lives
[21:19:31] iamlindoro_: the mceusb one, anyway
[21:19:50] seth|web: and does it use, both outputs, (there are 2 ir blasters included with it) or would that fall under a different /dev entry
[21:20:04] iamlindoro_: It only uses one, can't use the other, only #1
[21:20:11] seth|web: ok, thats cool
[21:20:23] seth|web: I hope this works for me, thanks for the information
[21:20:33] iamlindoro_: anyway, hold on, and what is your dish remote called in whatever conf file?
[21:20:47] iamlindoro_: I will edit the script and show you how I *think* it should work for you
[21:20:49] seth|web: i have "non-production" downtime tonight between 11pm and 3am, so I will try it then
[21:20:56] seth|web: i can always roll back if it borks up
[21:21:00] seth|web: ;-)
[21:21:39] seth|web: the dish code I use is here :
[21:21:46] iamlindoro_: What's that remote called in irblasterd.conf, your dish one?
[21:21:55] iamlindoro_: OK, and you just cut and pasted?
[21:22:44] iamlindoro_: Then your channel change script should look like this:
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[21:24:02] iamlindoro_: oops, hold on
[21:24:17] iamlindoro_: That is, like this:
[21:25:20] iamlindoro_: of course, that will likely only work when you merge that remote code into lircd.conf
[21:25:36] Kernel: everything seems to have a yellow tint ......i cant find out any info on how i can fix this....its even yellow when i use mplayer to watch straight from the card. im using a pvr-150 and ivtv
[21:25:51] Kernel: the picture quality looks horrible.
[21:28:34] iamlindoro_: Kernel, it's clearly not a mythtv issue, but maybe something here will help you:
[21:29:05] seth|web: thanks iamlindoro , this may work for me. It also opens up a new door, I have 2 receivers, if i decide to keep my existing serial blaster, i can isolate the eyes from each other, and use both receivers
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[21:29:18] Kernel: iamlindoro_: i only ask here because alot of ppl here are probly using this card...and there isnt many other places that might knows
[21:29:20] iamlindoro_: Right, I used to do that
[21:29:38] Kernel: iamlindoro_: thanks for the link. ill scope it out
[21:29:40] iamlindoro_: Kernel, I understand, that's why I pointed you at a link instead of being rude about it :)
[21:30:02] seth|web: I had the discoloration issue, updateing the ivtv drivers helped
[21:30:05] iamlindoro_: I think xv picture control might help you
[21:30:09] iamlindoro_: and as seth said
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[21:30:56] seth|web: i have 2 pvr150 cards, and after todays little lirc lesson, I may actually get to use both of them. :-)
[21:31:48] t0ny-p40 (t0ny-p40!n=t0ny-p40@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:31:56] iamlindoro_: Seth, the other thing is, if you're controlling two boxes with different remote codes, you shouldn't even need to isolate the emitters
[21:32:08] iamlindoro_: But if they're the same, of course, you will. Tinfoil works really well.
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[21:32:37] seth|web: well, that is a whole other issue, I know I can change the remote codes for each box, but I am not sure how to make the appropriate changes for the second set of codes.
[21:32:52] seth|web: I have been pondering this, and googling it to no real success
[21:33:08] iamlindoro_: Well, they are two of the same type of box, or two different types?
[21:33:11] seth|web: dish makes it easy to change the remote codes, I guess I need to use irrecord, to captuer the changed codes
[21:33:22] iamlindoro_: Yeah, that would work
[21:33:29] seth|web: they bith work with that remote code i linked earlier
[21:33:37] seth|web: er both
[21:33:46] iamlindoro_: Ah, yeah, then if you could get the box to take a different set, that would probably be simples
[21:33:47] iamlindoro_: t
[21:33:53] seth|web: I have a dish 522 receiver, and a echostar 3100, remote code 1 operates both
[21:34:20] iamlindoro_: Then you could just copy the script to another, change the remote name, point it at a different device and everything should work
[21:34:38] seth|web: i know how to channge the code, the question would be getting the correct lirc information
[21:35:03] seth|web: and
[21:35:32] seth|web: and I am guessing if i cvhange the remote code to something like 3 the irrecord app should capture the changes to a file I specify
[21:35:52] iamlindoro_: you could just irrecord -d /dev/whatevarthereceiveris newcode.conf
[21:36:03] iamlindoro_: then cut contents of newcode.conf out and dump them at the end of lircd.conf
[21:36:51] seth|web: i have been playing with the idea the standard 301 codes start with 0x000 which means "remote code 1" and "remote code 3" uses 0x100 as the lead set on all commands, perhaps just changing those first 4 digits would do it
[21:36:54] mikeones (mikeones! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:37:09] seth|web: but I have nit the opportunity ti try this yet, all theory irrecord would be a much better choice
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[21:38:05] seth|web: but i will try the mceusb2 blaster part first
[21:38:34] seth|web: the receivers are hdden from view, no one would notice the electrical tape over the eye, hehe
[21:39:23] iamlindoro_: Yeah, if you have the right module loaded, it should be a simple matter
[21:39:37] iamlindoro_: if you dmesg |grep mceusb
[21:39:40] fysa: OK, I figured out why my bluetooth device wasn't working properly.
[21:39:43] fysa:
[21:39:56] iamlindoro_: You should get a line about it also being a tranceiver
[21:39:57] fysa: my case just fell off revealing a fake antenna.
[21:40:18] directhex: fysa, nice :|
[21:40:22] justinh: bluetooth works properly in linux?! all I ever get is a logful of meaningless crap from mine that hogs the system
[21:40:24] directhex: fysa, hooray for chinese electronics!
[21:40:28] fysa: haha
[21:40:41] justinh: it 'works' though
[21:40:42] fysa: justinh, you have to add the PID to a blacklist to disable some feature.
[21:40:44] directhex: justinh, blootoof justworks(tm). the question is what the blootoof *profiles* do
[21:40:46] fysa: or syslog will go nuts.
[21:40:48] justinh: aah
[21:41:17] fysa: an entire chipset is plagued with it — I believe the hardware is poorly documented so the drivers are just 'good enough'
[21:41:21] seth|web: thanks again iamlindoro
[21:41:30] iamlindoro_: no problem
[21:41:39] seth|web: i will defintiely try these tonight, after productoin stops, hehe
[21:41:43] devsforev (devsforev! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:41:45] directhex: justinh, blootoof hardware support is one thing, there are about 16 "profiles" which define capabilities, e.g. hand-free headset support, bluetooth printer support, bluetooth serial port support
[21:42:37] iamlindoro_: ok, let me know how it goes
[21:42:57] seth|web: will do
[21:44:07] fysa: I think I should probably attach a paperclip to the antenna lead to make everything 'right.'
[21:44:27] sebrock (sebrock! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:46:36] directhex: justinh, the typical example of the problem is that windows xp supports bluetooth out of the box – but the included stack only has support for 4 very basic profiles. so most windows users install a replacement stack with better features (widcomm or bluesoleil)
[21:54:09] mirak (mirak! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:56:57] seth|web (seth|web!i=c6082109@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit ("CGI:IRC")
[21:57:02] BULLE: even worse, is that the diff bluetooth stacks arent fully compatible with each other either
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[22:22:03] RyeBrye: Any MythTV – on – AppleTV users around?
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[22:38:02] mzb_d800: justinh: bluetooth is pretty nifty. You can do all sorts of tricks with it.
[22:38:23] justinh: I know, and have done
[22:38:44] mzb_d800: ah ok
[22:38:46] mzb_d800:
[22:40:13] mzb_d800: I've got a PAN&DUN scatternet with BT2.0 dongles acting as a "high speed backbone" ;)
[22:41:49] mzb_d800: err... and justinh, I meant in linux
[22:54:16] jcsmith (jcsmith! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:54:29] fysa: this n800 is nice
[22:55:06] fysa: plays sd-quality mpeg4 without transcoding too.
[22:55:56] GreyFoxx: The N810 looks pretty nice. I like the built in gps and keyboard
[22:57:58] justinh: er.. hmm.. just found this as a 3d model..
[22:58:17] justinh: if I can populate all the watermarks with photo quality models.. :D
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[22:59:30] black_Nightmare_ (black_Nightmare_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:59:32] black_Nightmare_: hey
[23:02:29] clever: hey
[23:02:54] black_Nightmare_: how're you?
[23:02:59] clever: good
[23:03:43] jeffery (jeffery! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:03:58] black_Nightmare_: you perhaps know about the ti4200 cards or not really?
[23:04:22] clever: never heard of them but some1 else in here might
[23:04:30] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-33c7b3f3d9c4bec4) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:04:47] black_Nightmare_: hm ty anyway...might check back later
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[23:08:38] jeffery: hmm shepherd is giving me data with wrong times :(
[23:08:46] mzb_d800: marcus@dee800:~$ lspci | grep VGA
[23:08:47] mzb_d800: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV28 [GeForce4 Ti 4200 Go AGP 8x] (rev a1)
[23:08:54] iamlindoro_: jeffery, is it just off by x hours or something?
[23:09:07] iamlindoro_: you can set XMLTV adjust in mythtv-setup
[23:09:16] mzb_d800: NO! ;)
[23:09:25] mzb_d800: should be fine
[23:09:39] iamlindoro_: sheesh
[23:09:44] mzb_d800: heh
[23:09:56] mzb_d800: adjusting there is a hack
[23:09:59] mzb_d800: do you mean on your schedule, or in mythweb?
[23:10:02] iamlindoro_: Yes, all you need to do is just move that many time zones away. Then it will be perfect. ;)
[23:10:06] jeffery: yep for example a &PM show got recorded this morning at 8AM
[23:10:09] mzb_d800: heh
[23:10:23] jeffery: mythweb and it shows it recorded it as well
[23:10:32] jeffery: 7PM*
[23:10:41] mzb_d800: did you adjust your timezone in php.ini like I said?
[23:10:46] jeffery: yes I did
[23:10:51] mzb_d800: ok
[23:10:59] wsuetholz (wsuetholz! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:11:04] jeffery: it was working fine until last night schedules... stuffed up after early morning update
[23:11:06] mzb_d800: make sure you "don't" set your timezone in setup
[23:11:10] mzb_d800: ah
[23:11:14] mzb_d800: I'll check mine
[23:11:59] mzb_d800: iamlindoro_: this is all the more confusing in .au ... as we have to jump through more hoops to get data
[23:12:26] mzb_d800: data looks ok to me
[23:12:44] jeffery: mzb_d800, I am doing an other update .. lets see if that fixes it
[23:12:45] iamlindoro_: mzb_d800, Yeah, I don't envy you guys that at all
[23:12:50] mzb_d800: :)
[23:13:05] mzb_d800: hmm ... it's a real pain to get it going (nicely)
[23:13:23] tempb0y (tempb0y! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:13:25] mzb_d800: but, as a side-benefit ... we do get a fantastic result (in the end)
[23:13:42] tempb0y: hi all what is a good small form factor case for uATX motherboard to be used for front-end?
[23:13:42] iamlindoro_: I have also heard that
[23:13:54] mzb_d800: not sure how it compares to the "real" world ;)
[23:13:55] tempb0y: all the ones i've found are towers
[23:15:15] iamlindoro_: i would say that Schedules Direct is quite good... of course, I have my "dream" features like getting info on what resolution HD programs are broadcast in, etc... Hoping that everyone patronizing SD will lead to that kind of thing some day
[23:15:48] jeffery: :) :) its fixed now
[23:15:57] mzb_d800: cool
[23:16:06] jeffery: can you image Mint being run at 1PM in the afternoon!
[23:16:14] mzb_d800: ahh!!!!
[23:16:21] mzb_d800: I mean NOOOOO!!!
[23:16:39] mzb_d800: haven't got enough hair for that ;)
[23:16:43] jeffery: lol
[23:17:35] mzb_d800: when it first came on I didn't mind snoozing while watching t!ts ... but really ... there's got to be better things to do ;)
[23:18:17] tempb0y: whats mint?
[23:19:03] jeffery: tempb0y,
[23:19:06] mzb_d800: a "dial-in" "guess my brain-cell count" show
[23:19:21] mzb_d800: god ... on wikipedia ... that's just sad
[23:20:00] jeffery: lol I found that after googling for people who blogged about it
[23:20:33] czth (czth!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-fc42f001d7b7a7c0) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:20:40] tempb0y: cool
[23:23:02] tempb0y: what are you all doing for disk storage on myth backend?
[23:23:12] tempb0y: i mainly want to store dvd images. you know rip dvd library to disk
[23:23:20] tempb0y: and view on front-ends
[23:23:29] mzb_d800: well, I feel dumber having read that ... time to recaffeinate
[23:24:06] iamlindoro_: tempboy, I just use a huge array of disks... when I built my folk's machine, the Buffalo terastation NAS' were cheap, so they bought one of those and the MythVideo stuff is on a SAMBA mount
[23:24:31] tempb0y: mythvideo? dvd images?
[23:24:31] iamlindoro_: Both work fine, mine works better because it's local
[23:24:46] iamlindoro_: tempb0y, is there a question in there?
[23:25:02] tempb0y: ahh i see. my intel based board has 4-sata ports on it and i wanted to use 4–500GB sata drives w/ software raid
[23:25:11] tempb0y: iamlindoro, yea what is mythvideo
[23:25:12] iamlindoro_: Yeah, that would work well
[23:25:21] iamlindoro_: MythVideo is where all those DVD images live :)
[23:25:31] iamlindoro_: ie, the video archive portion of MythTV
[23:25:36] tempb0y: ok. about how long does it take to rip dvd with 1.8ghz celeron?
[23:25:45] tempb0y: this is for backend. frontend will be separate system
[23:26:14] iamlindoro_: Who knows? depends entirely on a million things like drive speed, disk size, disk it's going to, etc... I don't think anyone could tell you that
[23:26:19] iamlindoro_: Not that long, though
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[23:27:50] tempb0y: ok. and all of the dvd ripping bits are included with mythtv?
[23:28:11] iamlindoro_: Well, somewhat, yes... you need to arrange for decryption libraries on your own
[23:28:12] tempb0y: is there a single distro cd with myth already installed or do i choose my own distro and install from tarball, deb, rpm?
[23:28:23] iamlindoro_: but googling the name of your distro and libdvdcss2 ought to find that easily
[23:28:30] tempb0y: ok, that is understandable
[23:28:42] tempb0y: which is the preferred distro? fedora core?
[23:28:55] iamlindoro_: tempb0y, you can get it either way... many people use "all in one" distros and many install a distro they like and myth on top
[23:29:14] tempb0y: do you have a link to one of the all-in-one distros?
[23:29:24] iamlindoro_: And there's no preferred distro, you'll get as many answers to the "best" distro as there are people in this room. I personally use Ubuntu and install myth on top
[23:29:48] iamlindoro_: if you want an all in one, Knoppmyth = Myth on Knoppix, Mythdora = Myth on Fedora, Mythbuntu = Myth on Ubuntu
[23:29:53] iamlindoro_: pick the distro you know and go with that
[23:30:12] iamlindoro_: Should be the top result if you google for any of them
[23:31:10] tempb0y: hehe, those are cute names
[23:32:15] tempb0y: thanks iamlindoro i'm going to roll with mythbuntu
[23:32:23] tempb0y: do you have any experience with eVGA cards?
[23:32:40] iamlindoro_: Just be aware that no matter what you choose, PATIENCE is the number one requirement for myth... This is software that is supposed to be FUN to tweak to get working... if you want it to be "perfect" right away you might get frustrated
[23:32:43] tempb0y: the onle i'm looking at has VGA and DVI and comes with dongle for component cable out
[23:32:44] iamlindoro_: eVGA nvidia cards?
[23:32:59] tempb0y: yea. let me get you a link
[23:33:04] Yahooadam: tempb0y – the card manufacturer doesnt really matter, its the chip maker that counts
[23:33:07] iamlindoro_: Shouldn't need it
[23:33:13] tempb0y: ahh ok
[23:33:14] mzb_d800: dvd ripping is part of MythArchive
[23:33:15] iamlindoro_: nvidia will work well, no matter the manu
[23:33:22] tempb0y: which chip maker should i go with?
[23:33:25] iamlindoro_: nvidia
[23:33:29] tempb0y: cool
[23:33:36] tempb0y: is 256mb card enough?
[23:33:40] iamlindoro_: more than enough, yeah
[23:33:41] Yahooadam: yes thats plenty
[23:33:41] tempb0y: does that matter for HD viewing?
[23:33:48] iamlindoro_: not really in this case
[23:34:01] tempb0y: how does viewing HD DVDs work in myth?
[23:34:09] iamlindoro_: Hahahahahahaahaha
[23:34:10] Yahooadam: Its done on the proccesor
[23:34:11] iamlindoro_: *tear*
[23:34:16] mzb_d800: tempb0y: myth doesn't require a "high performance 3D card"
[23:34:33] tempb0y: mzb, cool
[23:34:38] iamlindoro_: tempb0y, if you want to run HD-DVDs or blu-ray, you are in for some tweaking to be sure
[23:34:46] tempb0y: iamlindoro, i see
[23:34:50] Yahooadam: and you will need a fast proccesor
[23:35:05] iamlindoro_: you will need to rip them to watch them, and keep in mind that NO released version of ffmpeg or mplayer will support E-AC3 or TrueHD
[23:35:11] mzb_d800: anything gf4 and up is sufficient (ie. includes xvmc)
[23:35:33] Yahooadam: Ive run Mythtv on a Geforce4 with 32mb video memory
[23:35:35] iamlindoro_: so if your disk has only those tracks, and MANY do (no regular AC3) your file may not work at all
[23:35:41] Yahooadam: runs the same as a 8800GTX with 768mb memory
[23:36:03] mzb_d800: massive overkill? :)
[23:36:16] mzb_d800: (s/waste;)
[23:36:21] Yahooadam: he he
[23:36:27] tempb0y: iamlindoro, ok. i'll stick to HD disks in hd dvd player :)
[23:36:28] Yahooadam: its my gaming PC, just happened to try mythtv on it
[23:36:33] iamlindoro_: The ONE caveat is that there are E-AC3 and MLP (trueHD) patches available for those programs, but they are bleeding edge and require you to compile your own versions after patching, etc. So you're in for some serious tweaking, as I said
[23:37:02] iamlindoro_: I'm the only one I know who runs with those patches/HD-DVD rips + Myth, although there are of course others
[23:37:06] tempb0y: i'll be patient
[23:37:13] mzb_d800: heh, 2.5yo is reading the phone book :)
[23:37:29] tempb0y: or i could get you to package it up and i'll use whatever distro ur using :)
[23:37:46] Yahooadam: or you will be slapped :p
[23:38:04] iamlindoro_: tempb0y, yeah, you're bound to be much less frustrated if you just use the dedicated players for a few more months... I'm looking at the ffmpeg dev list and it looks like thsoe patches are just about to be committed, so it shouldn't be too terribly long
[23:38:23] Yahooadam: i might suggest Ubuntu if your looking for a distro
[23:38:30] mzb_d800: mythbuntu
[23:38:35] iamlindoro_: I am all too happy to share my .debs but I sure won't support 'em :)
[23:38:39] Yahooadam: its very easy to use, and has great support, but doesnt allways have the latest patches
[23:38:50] tempb0y: yea that is what i'm going with mythbuntu
[23:39:18] tempb0y: well better head home
[23:39:24] tempb0y: laters all. i will be back with more questions
[23:39:25] tempb0y (tempb0y! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:39:30] iamlindoro_: tempb0y, I rip my HD-DVDs and Blu-ray, then run them through a script I wrote to transcode them to ~10GB files... I have lots of disk space, but I don't love any movie enough to waste 50 GB on it :)
[23:39:33] mzb_d800: I've gone for Lenny and svn multirec mostly because of my lack of power
[23:39:35] Yahooadam: whats special about mythbuntu?
[23:39:55] mzb_d800: not rpm-based
[23:39:56] mzb_d800: :)
[23:40:15] Yahooadam: i mean, vs ubuntu and sudo apt-get install mythtv-frontend ?
[23:40:39] mzb_d800: it's supposedly easier for a beginner to get something close to a result
[23:40:44] Yahooadam: are there any other changes that are interesting ?
[23:40:49] mzb_d800: never tried it
[23:40:54] iamlindoro_: I think they make lirc setup simpler
[23:41:04] Yahooadam: ahh
[23:41:06] iamlindoro_: But I haven't used it either
[23:41:09] Yahooadam: lirc _is_ a bitch
[23:41:17] mzb_d800: why?
[23:41:41] Yahooadam: i spent 5 days trying to get a serial blaster and USB2MCE reciever working
[23:41:50] mzb_d800: heh
[23:41:59] mzb_d800: and that was lirc's fault? :)
[23:42:17] Yahooadam: more a fault of bad documentation for debian based distros
[23:42:51] mzb_d800: pah!
[23:42:56] Yahooadam: then again, it should be easy now
[23:43:02] mzb_d800:
[23:43:04] Yahooadam: cos after that we updated the mythtv wiki
[23:43:12] mzb_d800: (I've upgraded;)
[23:43:25] iamlindoro_: Heh, I like that checkinstall in creating .debs with string "amd64" on my Q6600
[23:43:29] iamlindoro_: er is
[23:43:58] Yahooadam: the mceusb2 reciever will work with any remote
[23:44:02] Yahooadam: and its very easy to use
[23:44:07] iamlindoro_: Wonder when AMD threw in the towel and just started making Core 2 Quads
[23:44:08] Yahooadam: bit pricey though
[23:44:10] mzb_d800: need to finish off that page
[23:44:22] mzb_d800: also need to pull my finger out and test the transmitter version
[23:44:25] mzb_d800: (I made two)
[23:44:53] mzb_d800: I've spent < au$10 for two receivers (one includes a transmitter)
[23:45:03] mzb_d800: just need to solder the D9 on and test it
[23:45:10] Yahooadam: fair enough
[23:45:25] Yahooadam: its like £30 for a mceusb2 with remote
[23:45:36] mzb_d800: the one pictured is in action in the bedroom ... works brilliantly
[23:45:58] mzb_d800: yeah ... I've got heaps of old remotes, so I didn't need to spend more $
[23:46:18] mzb_d800: I've ended up using a remote from an old surftv (web2u) "set-top" box
[23:46:28] mzb_d800: which has a matching IR keyboard :)
[23:47:41] mzb_d800: very responsive & sensitive receiver ... I was using the receiver in the Kworld USB2 box, but it was *nasty*
[23:47:47] Yahooadam: :)
[23:47:54] Yahooadam: quite funny, i was looking on the mythtv wiki
[23:47:59] mzb_d800: (and I wanted to move the tuner to another location)
[23:48:13] Yahooadam: and somone put up a channel change script for sky, and they had the same idea as me, send it like 3–4 times :p
[23:48:14] jheizer (jheizer! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:48:36] mzb_d800: sounds like a bit of a hack
[23:48:38] Yahooadam: it actually works quite well
[23:48:44] Yahooadam: yeah it is a bit of a hack :p
[23:49:01] Yahooadam: i went from loosing like 1/2 my recordings to like 1 in 100
[23:49:09] Yahooadam: maybe better then that
[23:49:31] mzb_d800: *almost* reliable, then ;)
[23:49:39] Yahooadam: yeah, not perfect, but alot better
[23:50:28] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=Jeff@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:50:50] Yahooadam: its hard to judge now, because i copy my files to a HDD and move them back to my current "flat"
[23:50:51] iamlindoro_: Hmm, how about rather than repeating it, use SEND_START and SEND_STOP?
[23:51:03] Yahooadam: so i dont know whats digital and sky
[23:51:17] Yahooadam: what would that do iamlindoro ?
[23:51:30] iamlindoro_: like irsend --device=/dev/blahblah SEND_START REMOTE REMOTECODE
[23:51:33] iamlindoro_: sleep 1
[23:51:44] iamlindoro_: irsend ... SEND_STOP REMOTE REMOTECODE
[23:51:55] iamlindoro_: would keep sending that remote code until told to stop
[23:52:08] Yahooadam: but wouldnt that remotecode be a single digit?
[23:52:32] Yahooadam: nvm actually :p
[23:52:35] iamlindoro_:
[23:52:38] Yahooadam: you can send a series of them cant u
[23:52:48] iamlindoro_: just throwing out an idea, might be worth trying. Might fail horribly :)
[23:52:57] iamlindoro_: but hey, it might just work
[23:53:10] Yahooadam: well im like an hour away from the hardware (by car) so it wont happen any time soon ;)
[23:55:47] Yahooadam: i quite like mythtv
[23:55:59] Yahooadam: once you get a decent skin, and the right interface, it isnt half bad
[23:56:16] Yahooadam: still needs quite a few things fixing/improving, but its good enough to use
[23:56:39] iamlindoro_ (iamlindoro_!n=rmcnamar@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:58:07] Yahooadam: i just wish my mythtranscode worked :(

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