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Saturday, October 20th, 2007, 00:04 UTC
[00:04:57] radi0head (radi0head! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:06:29] siXy (siXy!n=hidden@ has quit ("Hometime!")
[00:08:55] xamindar (xamindar! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:09:44] Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:20:42] baver (baver! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:42] baver: I've made a few recordings of TV shows using mythtv, but I'm noticing significant tearing when playing back with video output. I don't see this problem using windows
[00:21:56] baver: err, tv output. Any ideas? (sorry, hit enter by accident while typeing)
[00:22:43] rooaus: mzb_d800: You can browse the source code here:
[00:23:46] mzb_d800: ah, the "Browse Source" button .. doh!
[00:23:48] mzb_d800: thx
[00:24:05] mzb_d800: rooaus: was it you that was talking about the shoutcast patch the other day?
[00:24:18] rooaus: mzb_d800: Yeah, how have you gone with it?
[00:24:51] mzb_d800: I've managed to get it to build, but no sign of it yet ;)
[00:25:29] Kazan (Kazan! has quit ()
[00:25:59] mzb_d800: how are you supposed to use it?
[00:26:17] mzb_d800: I've just changed themes, and menu styles around to see if I can find it
[00:26:36] rooaus: From memory you need to use the browse tree mode in mythmusic.
[00:27:15] mzb_d800: browse tree? hmm
[00:27:57] Dr_willis_ (Dr_willis_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:28:06] baver (baver! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:28:09] cesman (cesman! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:31:41] mzb_d800: rooaus: perhaps caffeine deficiency is affecting my ability to do that?
[00:31:53] mzb_d800: no idea how to use browse tree (or get to it)
[00:32:06] rooaus: "Show entire music tree" in settings->music->player of frontend, see
[00:32:20] mzb_d800: k, thx
[00:33:24] mzb_d800: yep, in player settings
[00:35:42] mzb_d800: I only get "Active Playlist"
[00:36:29] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:36:30] rooaus: mmm, how much patch-fu did you need to do to get the patch to apply?
[00:36:52] mzb_d800: I just moved the delete editDialog from one function to another
[00:36:58] mzb_d800: err
[00:37:03] mzb_d800: sorry, patch applied fine
[00:37:09] mzb_d800: building was the problem ;)
[00:37:15] mzb_d800: fixed by ^^
[00:37:45] mzb_d800: I'll try an uninstall from the old build dir and reinstall
[00:38:05] rooaus: Ah, did you checkout r1440(?) or HEAD
[00:39:48] mzb_d800: head
[00:40:49] mzb_d800: I'm running head now
[00:41:02] mzb_d800: then copied source over to another dir, and patched it
[00:41:53] saucisson_ (saucisson_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:42:14] rooaus: Try a dist clean before the rebuild
[00:42:33] mzb_d800: yeah, didn't do that
[00:42:44] rooaus: how long does the compile take for you? Or are you using distcc?
[00:43:21] mzb_d800: takes a while, no distcc atm (was experimenting with icecc for a bit)
[00:43:58] mzb_d800: I'll do a distclean and mow the back lawn while I wait ;)
[00:44:42] rooaus: I think it was xris that said he can build myth in 6 mins! It takes ~30mins on my AMD64 3000+.
[00:45:51] mzb_d800: this is on the 804M system ;)
[00:46:00] mzb_d800: with 256MB RAM ;)
[00:46:06] mzb_d800: so it takes a while
[00:46:28] mzb_d800: already done half a dozen builds in the last 24 hrs (was up till late;)
[00:47:00] mzb_d800: given up on icecc for this, so I'll get around to a distcc system soon
[00:47:09] rooaus: yeah, a distclean is worth a shot, it does cleanup some strange errors/problems sometimes
[00:47:17] mzb_d800: k, thx
[00:47:23] mzb_d800: I'll see how it goes
[00:47:31] Der_Thomas (Der_Thomas! has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[00:47:34] mzb_d800: time to change 2yo and mow lawn
[00:48:28] rooaus: time for breakfast, I was up late too... drinkning. Feeling a bit weary at the moment. :)
[00:55:07] Pitchin_uk (Pitchin_uk!n=Pitchin_@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:57:04] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:59:58] saucisson (saucisson! has quit (Connection timed out)
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[01:20:54] Suggley (Suggley! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:22:07] Suggley: Hi guys – i been looking to find a way to make the music section show like the video section (ie in folders) and havent been able to find a thing – does anythign exist to make it so?
[01:24:11] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:28:13] parataral (parataral!n=paratara@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:32:58] Disputin (Disputin!n=disp@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[02:07:59] jblack (jblack! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:12:50] Kernel (Kernel! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[02:14:05] kdubya (kdubya! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:14:48] Reepicheep (Reepicheep! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[02:14:54] kdubya: where would one find the contrib directory
[02:16:23] mzb_d800: rooaus: complete rebuild, still nothing but "Active Playlist"
[02:17:00] parataral: can anyone help troubleshoot mythdvd where it rips but fails the transcode silently?
[02:18:06] Nem^1 (Nem^1! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:18:54] Nem^ (Nem^! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:18:57] Nem^1 is now known as Nem^
[02:19:47] rooaus: kdubya: from source, mythtv/contrib. If installed via packages it depends on your distro. Search your HDD for a file from
[02:20:40] qfe0 (qfe0! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:20:59] rooaus: mzb_d800: I am not sure then, do you any stations defined? I thought the patch added some by default but have a look.
[02:21:10] mzb_d800: no
[02:21:19] mzb_d800: didn't know where to start
[02:21:32] mzb_d800: just browsing the patch atm
[02:22:28] mzb_d800: I'm tempted to rescan for music, but I seem to recall I'll lose my ratings (??)
[02:22:44] mzb_d800: (that may have been because I was moving it previously;)
[02:22:49] qfe0: I'm running into a weird problem... My mythtv is recording most programs fine, but sometimes, it record the wrong audio...
[02:22:54] kdubya: rooaus, i found a bunch of them, which one has the scruipt to repair the DB?
[02:22:54] rooaus: mzb_d800: you using trunk or -fixes
[02:23:00] kdubya: it wasnt in mythtv or mythtv backend
[02:23:01] mzb_d800: trunk
[02:23:12] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit ()
[02:23:13] qfe0: like csi was recorded with nova audio
[02:23:16] mzb_d800: as per instructions
[02:23:39] fxfitz (fxfitz! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:23:40] qfe0: if I cancel the recording, and go to livetv, it sounds fine
[02:23:59] kdubya: ah
[02:24:00] kdubya: found that mess
[02:24:02] fxfitz: For some reason, my recordings have not been starting for the past week. Does anyone know why?
[02:24:10] rooaus: I think that was fixed in trunk, the ratings thing that is.
[02:24:18] mzb_d800: Scan Music .... xx .xx x... "Rebuilding Music Tree" ... hmmm sounds promising
[02:24:21] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:29] mzb_d800: nope
[02:24:34] kdubya: should the backend be running when you run or does it not matter
[02:25:13] qfe0: fxfitz: do you have any listings?
[02:25:37] fxfitz: qfe0, Actually, no! Where did they go?! :(:(
[02:26:00] qfe0: are you in north america?
[02:26:02] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit (Client Quit)
[02:26:09] fxfitz: Yes,
[02:26:29] qfe0: and do you have a scheduledirect acccount?
[02:26:31] rooaus: kdubya: I don't think it needs to be running. I believe if mythbackend is running there is a tiny, tiny chance of a problem.
[02:26:51] fxfitz: qfe0, I sure do.\
[02:27:25] qfe0: you could try running mythfilldatabase by hand to see what errors (if any) it returns
[02:27:45] qfe0: it might fix your problem, or show you where to look next
[02:27:59] rooaus: mzb_d800: How did you apply the patch? From what directory and with what command line? I will try it on my laptop to help refresh my memory.
[02:28:28] mzb_d800: err
[02:28:40] qfe0: has anyone run into a problem where mythtv records the wrong audio channel?
[02:29:02] mzb_d800: from root ... ie. dir contains mythtv, mythplugins and myththemes
[02:29:11] parataral: does anyone know a good resource for troubleshooting mythdvd and mtd?
[02:29:20] mzb_d800: something like patch -p0 < shoutcast.patch
[02:29:43] rooaus: mzb_d800: I am svn up'ing now
[02:30:08] fxfitz: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
[02:30:11] fxfitz: There is a lot of those. :(
[02:30:42] mzb_d800: looking in the theme I'm using, I can see in music-ui.xml that searchstation_button etc are defined
[02:32:23] fxfitz: qfe0, I just logged into my schedules direct account and I had to accept the new privacy policy, terms, and something else. Now I can do mythfilldatabase. Do you think that was the prboelm?
[02:32:27] qfe0: try going into mythtv-setup and confirming that your login/password are set correctly
[02:32:36] qfe0: that could be
[02:32:42] fxfitz: Hmm :(
[02:32:50] jblack (jblack! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:32:58] qfe0: I think that they wanted to make sure people agreed to teh new policy
[02:33:20] qfe0: I have a recollection they were going to cut people off that didnt agree.
[02:33:25] fxfitz: Oh yeah, reading my e-mail now it said that my account was disabled because I had not accepted the new policy. :-P
[02:33:32] qfe0: there you go
[02:33:34] qfe0: :)
[02:33:44] qfe0: glad that fixed it for you
[02:33:59] fxfitz: Hmm. I guess I should have paid more attention to that e-mail. Thankfully my show is being replayed tonight at a later time! :-D
[02:34:18] qfe0: thank goodness for repeats :D
[02:34:19] mikeones: I have a show that is being ignored... It starts a 1:00 with a priority of 98 and the show that wins starts at 1:30 with a priority of -1.
[02:34:27] mikeones: anyway to fix this?
[02:34:39] mzb_d800: rooaus: I can also see some (crappy;) Radio entries in the streams table
[02:35:30] mzb_d800: but I suspect that's netflix (or whatever was there before)
[02:36:18] kormoc: mikeones, did you enable the 'reschedule higher priority shows' option?
[02:37:07] mikeones: in mythth-setup?
[02:37:08] mzb_d800: and a (new?) table called: music_radios
[02:37:13] mzb_d800: (with content)
[02:37:16] mikeones: *tv
[02:37:26] rooaus: mzb_d800: I had to edit the G.A.N.T. dir in the patch to be G.A.N.T as the name changed.
[02:37:35] kormoc: mikeones, likely
[02:37:54] mzb_d800: yes, I recall doing that last time, but I think it went clean this time
[02:38:24] rooaus: mzb_d800: I think Eskil had soma fm (or something) defined by default, sounds like the db schema upgrade worked at least.
[02:38:25] mzb_d800: yep, already changed that
[02:38:26] mikeones: kormoc: actually, this is the only show that does it. I have othe high/low priority conflicts that work as expected.
[02:38:38] mzb_d800: ok, I'll try search for Soma
[02:39:30] mzb_d800: wha.!!!
[02:39:30] kormoc: mikeones, what status does it show?
[02:39:46] mzb_d800: I just tried searching for Soma ... 0 results
[02:40:16] mzb_d800: tried escaping out of the search and now I see "All My Music, All My Radios, All My Playlists"
[02:40:19] mikeones: kormoc: it has a red box around te title
[02:40:23] mzb_d800: not sure what I did there
[02:41:15] parataral: what files need special permissions in order for mtd to transcode a ripped video?
[02:41:18] kormoc: mikeones, in what interface?
[02:41:30] mikeones: mythweb
[02:41:43] rooaus: mzb_d800: You compiled mythtv and installed then did the same for plugins right?
[02:41:43] mzb_d800: but then I go back to the playlist editor (re)select All My Music, and there's no radio !
[02:41:45] mzb_d800: grr
[02:41:49] mzb_d800: yes
[02:41:52] kormoc: mikeones, if you hover over it, it should give a text status in the popup
[02:42:02] mzb_d800: distclean for everything, install between each build dir
[02:42:39] rooaus: cool, that patched touched a file in mythtv/libs/... was just checking :)
[02:42:47] fxfitz (fxfitz! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:43:06] mzb_d800: that's frustrating ... feels so close ;)
[02:43:29] rooaus: I will try building here, on my laptop and let you know how it goes.
[02:43:34] mikeones: kormoc: wheh I hover over it I do not see status but I see notes at the bottom.
[02:43:45] mzb_d800: I can see "All My Radios" but can't select that list
[02:44:01] mzb_d800: and when I include all my music, no radio stuff
[02:44:04] mzb_d800: hmm
[02:44:42] parataral: anyone help with mythdvd and mtd?
[02:45:26] mzb_d800: wouldn't have anything to do with not having any playlists defined? (I just have all my music in the current queue)
[02:46:09] rooaus: mzb_d800: I don't think so, but the last time I used the patch was a long time ago. Things may have changed since then.
[02:47:08] mzb_d800: I even wrote a dodgy little script to create individual pls files for all the node stations on their radio page
[02:47:19] rooaus: parataral: Don't really use mtd much or mythdvd but if I can help I will.
[02:47:47] venger (venger! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:48:13] rooaus: mzb_d800: I think there is a playlist on the IGN somehwere, was mentioned on whirlpool. Kingsley maintains it I think.
[02:48:34] mzb_d800: for node?
[02:48:40] mzb_d800: k, too late ;)
[02:50:12] EnterUse1Name (EnterUse1Name! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:51:40] parataral: rooaus are you getting my messages?
[02:51:45] mzb_d800: k, defined a playlist (copy of active queue) for sanity .. no change
[02:51:54] rooaus: parataral: Yep
[02:52:34] jblack (jblack! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:52:52] qfe0 (qfe0! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:53:51] mzb_d800: Error parsing: /usr/local/share/mythtv/themes/MythCenter/music-ui.xml
[02:53:51] mzb_d800: at line: 157 column: 2
[02:53:51] mzb_d800: unexpected character
[02:53:53] mzb_d800: oops
[02:55:37] parataral is now known as paratara1
[02:55:38] mzb_d800: hah
[02:55:50] mzb_d800: seems to have mythuitheme defined twice
[02:55:55] mzb_d800: (at first glance)
[02:57:09] paratara1 is now known as parataral
[02:57:14] mzb_d800: make that four times (but fails on the 2nd)
[02:58:16] rooaus: mzb_d800: Maybe use "svn status" and "svn diff" to review the changes the patch made, I got a lot of offsets when I applied it. Maybe some of them are a little bogus.
[02:58:33] venger: just implemented a manual fix to the ftdi_sio driver code in for the usb-uirt receiver and it seems to be working =)
[03:03:07] mzb_d800: ah, I'm wonderind if I've patched myththemes properly
[03:06:09] alexp789 (alexp789!n=alex@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:08:28] mzb_d800: I'll grab themes again and try patching it (only)
[03:10:01] mzb_d800: hmm, MB remaining for month 846 ... not good ;)
[03:10:22] mzb_d800: might have to start turning off a few (more) things
[03:11:56] rooaus: mzb_d800: No need to download again, svn keeps a copy of the base revision in the .svn folders. Just try a "svn -R revert path"
[03:12:08] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:12:35] mzb_d800: too late
[03:12:38] mzb_d800: gone clean ;)
[03:14:05] mzb_d800: no result from svn diff (still)
[03:14:22] mzb_d800: svn status just has ?'s for the three music-ui.xml files
[03:14:56] mzb_d800: Error parsing: /usr/local/share/mythtv/themes/MythCenter/music-ui.xml
[03:14:56] mzb_d800: at line: 157 column: 2
[03:14:56] mzb_d800: unexpected character
[03:15:03] rooaus: ? means they are unversioned files
[03:16:20] rooaus: try "svn diff <srcdir>/mythtv/themes/MythCenter/music-ui.xml"
[03:17:02] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:19:58] mzb_d800: $ svn diff MythCenter/music-ui.xml
[03:19:58] mzb_d800: svn: 'MythCenter/music-ui.xml' is not under version control
[03:21:58] mzb_d800: I can get rid of the error by removing the extra 3 sections, but still no radio
[03:25:39] rooaus: mzb_d800: I see what you are saying now :)
[03:25:51] mzb_d800: :)
[03:26:39] mzb_d800: enabling all frontend debug
[03:28:09] rooaus: The MythCentre/music-ui.xml is *not* well formed xml. There should be a single root element <mythuitheme> </mythuitheme> and it is duplicated. Could it be from multiple applications of the patch?
[03:29:33] blergit (blergit! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:29:35] mzb_d800: no, clean scn co
[03:29:40] mzb_d800: single patch
[03:29:59] mzb_d800: 2007-10–20 14:26:59.935 XMLParse::LoadTheme using /usr/local/share/mythtv/themes/default/music-ui.xml
[03:30:19] mzb_d800: 2007-10–20 14:27:00.974 MSqlQuery: SELECT url, station, channel, genre, intid, rating, format, metaformat FROM music_radios ORDER BY station, channel
[03:31:09] saucisson_ is now known as saucisson
[03:31:14] mzb_d800: (I can confirm the above query returns data)
[03:32:33] rooaus: the themes/default/music-ui.xml is OK as myth fallsback to the default or default-wide depending on how the theme's xml is done.
[03:35:44] mzb_d800: going for sanity reboot (also changed my audio not to use realtimeprio;)
[03:37:44] piecesandbits (piecesandbits! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:40:12] mzb_d800: SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'TreeLevels' AND hostname = 'loungetv' ;
[03:40:21] mzb_d800: ==> | splitartist artist album title |
[03:40:52] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has quit (Connection timed out)
[03:41:44] rooaus: mzb_d800: I need to go do some things today, but I will have a look at this tonight. I am hoping this patch (or something based on it) will make it into svn.
[03:41:53] mzb_d800: k
[03:42:04] mzb_d800: thx
[03:42:15] mzb_d800: I'll keep fiddling for as long as I can
[03:43:59] rooaus: I will check back with you later if you are around, cheers.
[03:47:28] my2keh (my2keh! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:47:55] my2keh: anyone ever notice uhh "movement" or artifacts on still images on their picture?
[03:48:16] my2keh: like a person standing, and the wall looks like it has pixels moving or something
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[03:52:27] adante: hi, anybody using an IR remote here.. i am trying to set mine up, but when i run evtest on the /dev/input/eventX device, it just keeps spamming events
[03:53:01] adante: i'm not that familiar with the setup but this normally means that it thinks a button is being held down?
[03:59:47] t0ny-p40: mzb_d800, you still around?
[03:59:56] mzb_d800: yep
[04:00:08] J-e-f-f-A: my2keh: Try a higher bitrate. That's an artifact of the mpeg compression. Also, what is your video card? It may be a factor too...
[04:00:18] t0ny-p40: I cant even get the psu to power with a wire between grd and poweron
[04:00:27] t0ny-p40: but I get 5v between those.
[04:00:51] mzb_d800: it probably won't start without a (proper) load on it
[04:00:53] t0ny-p40: and both the hard drives and cdroms power on from a different psu
[04:01:08] t0ny-p40: I tried the same thing with another psu and it works
[04:01:14] mzb_d800: I suggest you don't fiddle if you don't know what you're doing
[04:01:25] t0ny-p40: I somewhat know what I'm doing.
[04:01:26] mzb_d800: switch mode psu's are pretty dangerous
[04:01:30] J-e-f-f-A: mzb_d800, t0ny-p40 — It should start without a load – every ATX ps I've tested has...
[04:01:34] t0ny-p40: no its a atx
[04:01:41] mzb_d800: doesn't sound like it
[04:01:52] t0ny-p40:
[04:02:05] t0ny-p40: Thats how you power one on without a mb
[04:02:06] mzb_d800: all (*>) computer psu's are switch mode
[04:02:32] t0ny-p40: I'm being safe.
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[04:02:59] t0ny-p40: I did feel a buzzing feeling in my finger when I touched my surge protectors power switch
[04:03:08] t0ny-p40: which is odd since it is plastic.
[04:03:20] t0ny-p40: And that was only with the bad psu
[04:03:26] t0ny-p40: so I think it is trash.
[04:03:27] J-e-f-f-A: t0ny-p40: Sounds like your PSU is dead. Hopefully it didn't take the motherboard or other components with it...
[04:03:27] mzb_d800: not that I'm interested in an answer, but what are _his_ qualifications?
[04:04:08] t0ny-p40: J-e-f-f-A, the hard drives and dvd rom power up so I think they are ok.
[04:04:44] J-e-f-f-A: t0ny-p40: You don't have another psu to try?
[04:05:04] t0ny-p40: I'm going to take it to the Warhawk AIr Museum tomorrow and test it with a good psu.
[04:05:18] t0ny-p40: J-e-f-f-A, not with that four pin cpu power thing.
[04:07:23] J-e-f-f-A: t0ny-p40: And the Air Museum also fixes computers? <confused>
[04:07:52] t0ny-p40: No, I do tech work for them and we have tons of spare parts there.
[04:09:45] t0ny-p40: I miss my mythtv :(
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[04:12:45] venger: for lirc and transmitting, how can i map a button on the main remote that i use to actually send the code for the button on the remote needed to operate a device? right now irsend sendonce <remoteconf> <remotebutton> works
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[04:53:14] robbins61: venger, you should be able to edit the buttons with the lircrc in ~/mythtv
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[04:58:33] venger: robbins61, i figured out i can do a prog=irexec and have it call irsend
[04:59:30] venger: needed to control the sound source volume with the same remote ya know ;)
[04:59:44] robbins61: oh, i see
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[05:20:00] robbins61: Anyone know how to rename multiple files at once while retaining their .r** file extensions?
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[05:20:46] venger: add to the main part of the filename then?
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[05:21:20] robbins61: well, some of the files are named something like this-file.a.r** and others are this-file.A.r** i need them all to have the uppercase A
[05:23:08] venger: you'll have to regex and pattern match \..\. save it and replace
[05:23:17] robbins61: i have no idea how to do that
[05:27:31] kdubya: i always just write a for loop in a bash script
[05:27:54] kdubya: probably easier ways but that works
[05:29:12] kdubya: or you could just start stealing stuff all from the same source like the rest of us do
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[05:37:10] robbins61: i just changed them all manually
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[06:41:53] clever: my recording list in mythfrontend is no longer updating after changes
[06:42:01] clever: if i delete a show it stays grey till i reload the list
[06:42:20] clever: also recording thigns (green) stay green long after they finished
[06:42:27] clever: and new recordings arent showing up
[06:42:46] clever: it like its ignoring all recordlist_change events
[06:46:24] clever: restarting the frontend seems to have fixed it(just the mythfrontend process)
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[08:31:56] adante: say
[08:32:02] adante: there was a funny youtube vid of a 'mythtv install'
[08:32:17] adante: where they put subs on old footage of some german kid screaming at his computer
[08:32:28] adante: anybody know if thats still around? can't find it
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[08:46:47] Nik_Doof: the angry german kid? how many times has that been edited for various situations ;)
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[09:03:01] jotil: whenever i want to watch Live TV, i get an error message "MythTV is already using all the available inputs for the channel you selected."
[09:03:10] sebrock: been looking at the PS3 as a frontend lately. How is the development going there?
[09:03:31] jotil: but i am not recording anything. there is nothing in the scheduled recordings and stuff.
[09:07:09] KaZeR: i need a mythfrontend which speaks protocol version 33. how can i find the right svn revision to use?
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[09:15:33] jotil: does MythTV support MSI TV@anywhere Plus? it's working fine with xawtv using V4L driver.
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[09:25:05] KaZeR: i'm not a mythtv guru,but if it works with v4l, it should work with mythtv
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[09:42:32] dr_lulz: KaZeR:
[09:43:42] jotil (jotil!n=Farhan@unaffiliated/) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[09:45:13] KaZeR: thanks dr_lulz
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[09:53:12] atoula1: I want to know if i can record from an analog tv card using mpeg format instead of nuv format, is it possible ?
[09:57:57] Dibblah: Setup / TV Settings / Recording profiles
[09:58:45] Dibblah: Yes, it's possible. But MPEG takes a _lot_ more processing power than mjpeg
[10:01:29] atoula1: is there a way to convert "quickly" from nuv format to mpeg
[10:01:36] Dibblah: No.
[10:01:41] Dibblah: Well, depends.
[10:01:48] Dibblah: nuv is a container format.
[10:01:55] Dibblah: Which can contain anything.
[10:03:28] Dibblah: Usually, in Myth, it contains either rtjpeg or (in earlier versions of Myth) mislabeled mpeg.
[10:03:39] Dibblah: But that's only if you're actually recording mpeg.
[10:03:55] atoula1: so can we make mythtv record nuv file from analog source that be cut/joined directly with ffmpeg?
[10:04:01] atoula1: its an analog source
[10:04:24] Dibblah: Easiest way would be to record in mpeg rather than rtjpeg.
[10:04:40] Dibblah: Otherwise, you need to transcode.
[10:05:27] atoula1: and the settings for this is what you mentioned before (Setup / TV Settings / Recording profiles) ?
[10:05:56] jeffery (jeffery! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:07:44] Dibblah: Yes.
[10:07:53] Dibblah: Somewhere near there, anyway :)
[10:08:52] sebrock (sebrock! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[10:08:53] atoula1: ok thanx i will check it out
[10:13:52] tank-man: atoula1, what card do you have?
[10:14:32] atoula1: lifeviewTV
[10:14:47] tank-man: if it is a hardware mpeg2 card like the pvr-x50 cards, it can record in mpeg/mpeg2
[10:15:07] atoula1: no it isn't
[10:23:05] atoula1: tank-man: ok I changed the LiveTV recording profile to use mpeg, and it worked like a charm. Thanks a million :) However it is still naming it .nuv
[10:23:55] tank-man: yea
[10:24:01] tank-man: as expected
[10:24:26] tank-man: get something like nuvexport,
[10:25:01] atoula1: tank-man: cpu usage is not shabby. mplayer can play the file... ffmeg should be able to cut it right ?
[10:25:18] atoula1: tank-man: I failed to understand or use nuvexport.
[10:27:00] tank-man: nuvexport is just a script that uses some other stuff
[10:27:12] tank-man: like ffmpeg, etc
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[10:27:30] atoula1: tank-man: it needs cutlists and strange things to be done in mythfrontend right ?
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[10:28:00] tank-man: yes
[10:28:21] tank-man: if it doesnt have a cut list, how does it know where to cut/edit it?
[10:28:41] atoula1: atoula1: maybe I'll figure it out one day. I am using a script to do the editing
[10:28:59] tank-man: cutting every 5min or something?
[10:29:31] mzb_d800: rooaus: I have guests. I'd really like to work on the shoutcast plugin with you though, so let me know when you're available.
[10:29:55] atoula1: tank-man: yes something like that and ffmpeg -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss 2 -t 10 -i foo.mpg foo-cut.mpg
[10:30:28] atoula1: tank-man: this should work with the nuv files that have mpg inside, right ?
[10:30:49] tank-man: i dont think so
[10:31:03] tank-man: you have to pipe it to ffmpeg with mythtranscode or something
[10:31:13] tank-man: nuvexport will do that for you
[10:32:21] atoula1: hmm can it do it without needing overly complex stuff ?
[10:33:36] tank-man: define complex
[10:34:05] atoula1: tank-man: nuvexport foo.nuv | ffmpeg foo.mpg
[10:34:09] atoula1: for example :P
[10:34:39] tank-man: yea, too hard for you. give up now
[10:35:13] atoula1: lol, I will look at it now
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[10:47:07] rooaus: mzb_d800: I have reverted to r14140 (the rev the patch is against) and am building it atm. Will let you know how it goes, at least it is a baseline.
[10:49:01] stevetv (stevetv! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:49:53] stevetv: hi there.. id like to rename some of my video files. would changing file names via the terminal break my database?
[10:50:48] purserj: recording videos or mythvideo videos?
[10:52:47] stevetv: :0 .. thanks. mythvideo videos
[10:53:35] stevetv: i just wish to rename them so they will be imdb info.. if that makes sense.
[10:54:03] purserj: right, there is a facility to import IMDB info through mythvideo
[10:55:53] stevetv: yes.. i know. they need to be named similar to the actual movie title though. for example, one of my movies is called steve_fight_club.avi .. i'd like to rename that file fight club.avi.
[10:56:22] atoula1: purserj: Can you tell me how to get this data?
[10:56:57] purserj: atoula1: hold on
[10:57:50] purserj: stevetv: essentially what will happen is that you rename the file, rerun the video manager tool which will see that the old name is gone and so remove the entry and add the new name as a new entry
[10:59:16] stevetv: ok great.. so it won't freak out that a file has been removed.. it'll just recognise that fact and remove the non existing record from the database? .. will this be captured in a log? which log
[10:59:28] purserj: atoula1: make your way to the Video Manager and select the video you want to check IMDB for.
[10:59:50] purserj: atoula1: then hit the i key (assuming you're doing this via keyboard), you will be presented with a menu
[11:00:15] purserj: in that menu you have two options, search imdb or manually enter imdb number
[11:04:09] stevetv: purserj.. thanking u for ur help.
[11:04:16] purserj: no worried
[11:04:21] purserj: worries even :)
[11:04:23] stevetv: :)
[11:04:30] mzb_d800: rooaus: fair enough
[11:04:41] purserj: ah a fellow aussie :)
[11:05:04] stevetv: :) :)
[11:05:25] mzb_d800: having problems getting my SBE+FE to join my mythnet atm (along with having inlaws here), so will work on the rest
[11:05:42] mzb_d800: purserj: no I'm from the south island ;)
[11:06:00] atoula1: purserj: thanx a lot
[11:06:00] purserj: mzb_d800: thats alright, we on the west island forgive you
[11:06:04] purserj: atoula1: no worries
[11:06:08] mzb_d800: *cough*
[11:06:13] mzb_d800: south to you!
[11:06:24] purserj: oh you mean tassie
[11:06:30] mzb_d800: ie. two headed, southern cousin ;)
[11:06:36] purserj: heh
[11:06:46] purserj: Only time I hear south island is from kiwis
[11:06:54] mzb_d800: ie. that makes you a "north islander"
[11:07:18] stevetv: mzb ... no we're australians :D
[11:07:22] mzb_d800: ("mainland" might make youu feel superior;)
[11:08:23] mzb_d800: but there's no need to get into the "founding states" argument ;)
[11:09:10] mzb_d800: stevetv: don't rename files via console ... bad plan
[11:09:23] mzb_d800: your database will get confused
[11:09:53] stevetv: oh? i had suspected that.. purserj seemed to suggest it would be fine?
[11:10:16] mzb_d800: well, you can recover using the method suggested
[11:10:17] tank-man (tank-man! has quit ("Leaving")
[11:11:33] stevetv: ok... would u suggest a safer method?... im rather protective of my database
[11:11:41] mzb_d800: sorry, a lot of distraction here ... under video manager that should work
[11:11:47] mzb_d800: my mistake
[11:11:48] mzb_d800: but
[11:12:00] stevetv: dont confuse me man.. im new at this
[11:12:04] stevetv: :)
[11:12:07] mzb_d800: you will lose any metadata associated with it ;)
[11:12:13] mzb_d800: yep no worries
[11:12:19] stevetv: yeah thats fine.. theres no metadata
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[11:12:56] mzb_d800: apart from having to worry about my second head, I've got a room full of two-heads, so both of me are a bit confused ;)
[11:13:00] stevetv: as yet.. which is why i wanted to rename it.. or them actually.. so that i could run a scrip to assign imdb data on mass
[11:13:22] mzb_d800: hmm
[11:13:35] mzb_d800: does that work on a single file (for testing?)
[11:13:51] mzb_d800: how many files do you need to rename?
[11:15:28] stevetv: .. like 20. torrents tend to use complicated names for movies that imdb doesnt understand.. so i need to rename them. i tested on one file by renaming from the console, and then rescanning for movies.. it worked
[11:16:30] stevetv: and as i have like 100 movies.. i;ll use an automated script to assign imdb data for all of them at once.. rather than doing it movie by movie
[11:18:23] mzb_d800: sounds fair
[11:18:54] mzb_d800: I've had a recent experience going through an old archive of (questionable:) videos
[11:19:06] mzb_d800: had to work out what they were
[11:19:12] mzb_d800: rename the lot
[11:19:34] stevetv: you made a script to do this for you ? (hopefull)
[11:19:57] mzb_d800: so while I was there (on the associated website) I saved pics for thumbnails
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[11:20:27] mzb_d800: no ... random names, often not correct, and multiple (possible) results
[11:20:34] mzb_d800: had to be done by hand
[11:20:49] stevetv: :) .. .im feeling your pain.
[11:21:56] mzb_d800: all to make the g/f happy, so it was worth it :))
[11:22:17] mzb_d800: (I get thanked every night for them ;) ... yep *those* kind of movies ;)
[11:22:40] stevetv: but i do like metadata.. so its fine. also... im thinking we should make a similar script for tv shows
[11:23:12] stevetv: theres a website similar to imdb for telly shows.. cant quite find it right now..
[11:25:23] stevetv: arr.. this one
[11:25:58] stevetv: it provides similar data to imdb .. so it should be straightforward to write a script to assign the data to tv shows
[11:27:26] stevetv: anyway... im missing back to the future 3... laters
[11:27:33] stevetv (stevetv! has quit ()
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[11:33:18] Pitchin_uk (Pitchin_uk!n=Pitchin_@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:34:15] Pitchin_uk: How do I get the MCE remote working with myth
[11:42:44] KaZeR: i'm trying to build svn mythtv on opensuse.
[11:42:48] KaZeR: /usr/lib/gcc/i586-suse-linux/4.2.1/../../../../i586-suse-linux/bin/ld: cannot find -lqt-mt
[11:43:06] KaZeR: ls -l /usr/lib/
[11:43:06] KaZeR: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 oct 17 20:38 /usr/lib/ -> qt3/lib/
[11:43:15] KaZeR: what am i missing?
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[11:57:41] rooaus: mzb_d800: I have built against r14140 and was able to get the patch to work, I successfully added a Node station to the list and played it. :)
[11:57:53] mzb_d800: hmm
[11:58:01] mzb_d800: want to compare the two?
[11:58:18] mzb_d800: or leave the author to work it out?
[11:58:46] mzb_d800: ps: how do you svn a particular rev?
[11:59:06] rooaus: I have had a quick look, the music-ui.xml stuff is broken as there have been some changes since r14140 but they will be easy to fix.
[11:59:50] rooaus: "svn up -r <rev number> mythtv"
[12:00:26] mzb_d800: thx, looks simple
[12:00:52] mzb_d800: want me to keep my current stuff (archived) for comparison?
[12:01:08] mzb_d800: err
[12:01:30] mzb_d800: so up -r is only after svn co?
[12:01:52] Pitchin_uk (Pitchin_uk!n=Pitchin_@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:02:23] mzb_d800: (silly, I've authored 2 projects that use svn, but not anywhere near fluent ... script everything;)
[12:02:46] mzb_d800: [ramdisk rescue and dvd-baker]
[12:02:50] rooaus: you can do an update on your current working copy if you want, it will only "download" the differences between the working copy version and the version you want
[12:03:01] mzb_d800: ok
[12:03:03] rooaus: mzb_d800: cool
[12:03:41] mzb_d800: rr has a *really* complex build system as it's for a number of different machines
[12:04:07] rooaus: when you have time have a look at the svn book, it really is a great reference.
[12:05:01] mzb_d800: yep, have done, I just have a poor memory for some things
[12:05:04] MGisbers (MGisbers! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:05:10] mzb_d800: (big knock on the head ;)
[12:05:25] rooaus: oh
[12:05:36] mzb_d800: and if you're interested
[12:05:43] atoula1 (atoula1!n=atoulan@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[12:06:27] rooaus: I will bookmark them, have a look later. Sounds interesting.
[12:06:28] mzb_d800: I've had to learn a technique of using long term memory instead of short (long story;) ... but I lose out when there's a lot of detail
[12:06:48] mzb_d800: (all at once)
[12:07:28] mzb_d800: so for something new, I will read it many times before I remember enough to understand it in total
[12:07:54] mzb_d800: (given that I know nothing about it to start with)
[12:08:11] attila (attila! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:08:14] rooaus: It is amazing how the mind can adapt.
[12:08:57] mzb_d800: absolutely
[12:09:42] mzb_d800: 18 years ago I couldn't remember the start of a sentence while I was half way through saying it ;)
[12:10:23] mzb_d800: has taken a lot of trial and error to (almost) become human again
[12:11:02] Yahooada1 (Yahooada1! has joined #mythtv-users
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[12:21:29] rooaus: mzb_d800: I will email Eskil and ask if he has an update that he hasn't published, otherwise we can try to update it.
[12:26:26] mzb_d800: ok, I look forward to playing :)
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[13:05:52] mzb_d800: I'm confused by my upgrade to svn
[13:06:33] mzb_d800: my SBE's won't allow me to run mythtv-setup (or the frontend)
[13:06:58] mzb_d800: claiming they can't get access to the sqlserver (which is remote)
[13:07:37] mzb_d800: the correct details are available in both /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt and /home/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[13:07:47] mzb_d800: what am I doing wrong?
[13:08:18] mzb_d800: err ... hang on
[13:08:20] rooaus: It could be the autodiscovery stuff, run mythtv-setup on the Master Backend and set the PIN to 0000 which means "No Pin" if you haven't already.
[13:08:57] mzb_d800: *sigh*
[13:09:11] mzb_d800: password in /home/mythtv/.mythtv/mysql.txt was wrong
[13:09:56] mzb_d800: can the MBE and SBE use different pins?
[13:10:35] rooaus: Did you try clearing your theme cache before? I totally forgot about it, it can cause weird probs when a new screen etc is added.
[13:11:38] mzb_d800: now I run the frontend and it's denied sqlserver access too ...
[13:12:06] mzb_d800: theme cache? no ... didn't think of that ... but it was regerated a few times (iirc)
[13:12:14] mzb_d800: how do I clear it?
[13:13:30] rooaus: rm -rf ~/.mythtv/themecache && rm -rf ~/.mythtv/osdcache
[13:14:12] rooaus: maybe a longshot anyway, but it has bitten me before.
[13:14:53] rooaus: actually you wouldn't need to rm the osdcache thinking about it :)
[13:15:51] sebrock (sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:16:21] mzb_d800: rooaus: ok, I'll try that once I get the SBE running again :)
[13:18:27] mzb_d800: just plain stupid ... grr
[13:18:44] mzb_d800: I can connect to sqlserver via cmdline
[13:19:02] mzb_d800: sanity reboot
[13:23:01] rooaus: So all you did was upgrade to svn trunk? Is this build HEAD or r14140?
[13:23:26] mzb_d800: head
[13:23:44] mzb_d800: thought I had it working
[13:23:59] mzb_d800: but g/f went to show it off to her mum and it wasn't working
[13:24:01] mzb_d800: doh!
[13:24:34] mzb_d800: which is funny, as I can use the SBE it lives on to view live tv
[13:24:59] rooaus: Could be the autodiscovery stuff, it has caused a few issues. Could you pastebin the log?
[13:25:24] mzb_d800: found it:
[13:25:27] mzb_d800: Protocol version mismatch (frontend=31,backend=36)
[13:25:36] mzb_d800: must have something wrong there!
[13:26:14] rooaus: ah, have you updated the frontend to svn trunk?
[13:29:54] mzb_d800: $ mythfrontend --version | grep Protocol
[13:29:55] mzb_d800: Network Protocol Version: 36
[13:31:08] mzb_d800: totally confused
[13:33:35] mzb_d800: nope ... old error (2 days)
[13:34:07] mzb_d800: df is ok
[13:34:29] mzb_d800: permissions in home dir ok
[13:36:12] Yahooadam (Yahooadam! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:36:25] mzb_d800: must be getting old, tired and drunk
[13:36:33] mzb_d800: trying to do: mythfrontend --geometry 800x600 -v all -l mythfrontend.log
[13:36:41] mzb_d800: (via ssh -X)
[13:36:53] mzb_d800: and nothing getting written to log
[13:37:25] mzb_d800: (xhost + makes no diff)
[13:38:34] mzb_d800: nope, going insane ... won't be able to sleep if I keep going this way
[13:38:43] mzb_d800: try again tomorrow
[13:39:12] mzb_d800: (answer will prob come to me 5mins after I lie down ... trick is to remember the answer when I wake up;)
[13:43:38] Yahooadam: i cant compile v4l-dvb ....
[13:43:53] Yahooadam: i did make – got – make: *** [all] Error 2
[13:44:03] rooaus: heh, I often work it out on the drive to work the next morning.
[13:44:03] rooaus: Hopefully I will have an updated patch tomorrow, I applied patch to r14140 then svn updated to HEAD. Subversion seems to have merged the local changes OK. Still needs some testing though.
[13:54:15] Yahooadam: bah
[13:54:18] Yahooadam: why isnt this working
[13:54:22] Yahooadam: the guide used to work
[14:04:18] rooaus: mzb_d800: Yay! I just tried with the lastest svn version and it works, I could play the node station I added when running r14140. :) Still need to fix up some theme files though.
[14:05:23] rooaus: Yahooadam: You trying to build from HG?
[14:11:29] Yahooadam: . . . va-T_500_PCI
[14:11:33] Yahooadam: following that guide
[14:11:40] Yahooadam: Ubuntu users only! (Repace linux-source-2.6.20 with your Kernel; 2.6.20 is Feisty ; 2.6.22 Gutsy)
[14:11:43] Yahooadam: i think thats my error
[14:11:51] Yahooadam: but i dont understand what he means ...
[14:15:04] Yahooadam: originally i thought he meant only ubuntu users have to do that section ...
[14:15:18] Yahooadam: but i think he means that i need to change what i type in, but i have no idea what he wants me to do
[14:15:54] Hoxzer: any ideas how do I start frontend with different name than the default ?
[14:18:37] blackest (blackest! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:22:52] subflux (subflux! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:23:05] subflux: Hi – is there any way to watch you-tube videos with MythTV?
[14:24:20] blackest: Mythbrowser maybe
[14:26:37] xand: am I likely to see any issues with recording to NFS (over gigabit lan)?
[14:28:42] rooaus: Yahooadam: You just need to correct the commands for the tar ball that was downloaded.
[14:28:45] blackest: it's just networked storage should not be a problem your essentially doing the same when you playback to a remote frontend
[14:30:16] blackest: provided you have it properly mapped with useable permissions it should be ok
[14:30:56] blackest: that could be the slightly tricky bit
[14:32:08] blackest: it shouldnt be however i admit i've messed up trying to make folders accessable from other pc's
[14:33:30] blackest: ok my question anyone used a sky keyboard with mythtv :)
[14:35:10] Yahooadam: sky keyboard ?
[14:38:20] blackest: yeah sky tv do a remote in the form of an ir keyboard
[14:38:29] Yahooadam: the navigator ?
[14:38:52] blackest: its a semitransparent blue thing
[14:39:57] Yahooadam:
[14:40:00] Yahooadam: probably not that then
[14:40:15] xand: I can setup NFS fine, just wondering if there was anything mythtv specific that might not like it
[14:40:16] Yahooadam: anyway, if it uses IR, and you can make a lircd.conf (which is pretty easy) there really shouldnt be a problem ....
[14:41:27] blackest: i picked one up at a car boot the other weekend for £1.50 thinking i might use it for myth what with it having a fullish keyboard
[14:41:34] blackest:
[14:41:46] blackest: think thats it in that link
[14:43:22] leprechau (leprechau! has quit ("Leaving")
[14:43:53] crichardson: does anyone know if a Pinnacle pctv hd card will work in linux/myth?
[14:48:51] subflux (subflux! has quit ("Leaving")
[14:48:54] rooaus: xand: It is safe to say a properly configured NFS should work well with myth... many of the devs are doing this themselves from what I gather :)
[14:49:21] blergit (blergit! has quit ()
[14:58:54] Yahooadam: rooaus: Yahooadam: You just need to correct the commands for the tar ball that was downloaded.
[14:58:54] Yahooadam: umm ... how would i do that ....
[14:59:06] jblack (jblack! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:59:13] Yahooadam: i ran the code as it was there, and it all worked fine, except v4l-dvb wouldnt compile ...
[15:00:22] blackest: I've just upgraded to gutsy and mythfrontend seems a little different its not performing very well and the screen is fading to grey and then back to normal
[15:01:37] Yahooadam: does mythfrontend work with the new gutsy desktop effects ....
[15:01:47] Yahooadam: it never worked with beryl so ....
[15:03:29] blackest: well its stuttering lots of waiting 15:55:35.929 NVP: prebuffering pause
[15:05:30] blackest: i'll just check to see if its maxing cpu but it feels like bad network speeds
[15:06:15] rooaus: What version of Ubuntu are you using?
[15:06:23] rooaus: Yahooadam: ^^^
[15:07:30] Yahooadam: oh
[15:07:32] Yahooadam: feisty
[15:08:56] rooaus: what is the output of "ls -l /usr/src"?
[15:09:39] parataral (parataral!n=paratara@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:10:32] Yahooadam:
[15:10:39] parataral: anyon have experience with mythdvd and myth transcoding daemon that can help me troubleshoot?
[15:11:01] Yahooadam: parataral, you will get a response faster if you ask your question
[15:12:52] blackest (blackest! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:13:24] parataral: when ripping a dvd the rip completes fine, then i get "Transcode is thinking . . " and then it just stops
[15:13:28] parataral: no mtd.log errors
[15:13:45] parataral: any idea why that is?
[15:14:00] parataral: and the rip is deleted by mtd
[15:15:18] Yahooadam: rooaus –
[15:15:53] Yahooadam: are you sure its not transcoding them? it sounds like it might be, can it write to the output dir, did you setup the output dir ?
[15:16:36] parataral: yeah, it's not transcoding anything, nothing is being put in my output dir
[15:17:07] parataral: the output dir has proper permissions
[15:17:19] parataral: and the transcode is running as root
[15:17:21] jonty (jonty! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:17:58] rooaus: Yahooadam: according to apt-file, "apt-get install linux-source" should result in "/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.20.tar.bz2" on my feisty install. I dont see any *.bz2 in your listing.
[15:18:34] Yahooadam: so i do want to do apt-get install linux-source ?
[15:19:43] rooaus: Yahooadam: Yes, you need to get the kernel source that Ubuntu is using, otherwise you will need to build all the other kernel modules etc.
[15:19:51] Yahooadam: kk
[15:19:58] Yahooadam: running it now
[15:20:30] Yahooadam: packages and kernels and stuff confuse me >_<
[15:20:34] directhex (directhex! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:21:35] rooaus: I think what the guy is trying to say is the install linux-source will result in linux-source-2.6.20.tar.bz2 on feisty and linux-source-2.6.22.tar.bz2 on gutsy. ie Gutsy uses a later kernel.
[15:22:17] Yahooadam: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 47714618 2007-09–23 21:05 linux-source-2.6.20.tar.bz2
[15:22:18] ** directhex wonders why people need to use linux-source, since it rarely does what they need (as compared to linux-headers) **
[15:22:42] Yahooadam: ive got linux-headers directhex, apparently thats not good enough :p
[15:23:15] Yahooadam: ohhh i think i see now rooaus
[15:24:28] Yahooadam: ok rooaus – back where i was before :p
[15:24:29] Yahooadam:
[15:24:37] phiwer (phiwer! has quit ("Leaving")
[15:24:43] parataral: what are good permissions for /var/lib/mythtv/videos ?
[15:26:02] Yahooadam: 000 is allways fun :p
[15:26:14] rooaus: Yahooadam: did you untar the kernel and create the symlink? From what I can tell from the wiki page, if you follow it exactly you should be right.
[15:26:25] Yahooadam: yes and yes rooaus :)
[15:26:34] Yahooadam: i have followed it exactly :(
[15:26:50] Yahooadam: it worked fine the last time i did it some months ago :(
[15:27:07] Yahooadam: but being a wiki somone might have changed it ... or some pacakges may have changed
[15:28:38] greed_ (greed_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:33:32] rooaus: Yahooadam: Check your symlinks etc as the first error from the pastebin log is "include/asm/mpspec.h:6:25: error: mach_mpspec.h: No such file or directory"
[15:34:42] rooaus: Time for sleep, I need to be up early in the morning. Goodluck.
[15:36:44] Yahooadam: :(
[15:36:48] Yahooadam: well thanks anyway, sleep well
[15:37:00] Yahooadam:
[15:37:08] Yahooadam: symlink looks ok to me ...
[15:40:16] alsoconfused (alsoconfused! has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:44:40] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:05:10] Yahooadam: come on somone must be able to help me
[16:05:27] directhex: what isn't working?
[16:05:42] Yahooadam: compiling v4l-dvb
[16:05:55] Yahooadam: ive followed the guide to the letter, twice
[16:06:11] Yahooadam: and checked every step
[16:06:35] directhex: you definitely have a mach_mpstep.h ?
[16:07:01] Yahooadam: ill take a look .. where would it be ?
[16:07:25] Yahooadam: it seems to be missing lots of files, but i dont know why, or if thats anything to worry about
[16:07:55] Yahooadam: Kernel build directory is /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-server/build -> is that right, i installed linux-sources so ...
[16:08:25] Yahooadam: no i dont have that file directhex
[16:08:35] Yahooadam: (updated database and did locate mach_mpstep.h)
[16:10:43] Yahooadam: directhex –
[16:12:42] jblack: I imagine you may be missing the kernel headers.
[16:13:54] Yahooadam: linux-headers-2.6.20-15-server is already the newest version.
[16:13:55] Yahooadam: build-essential is already the newest version.
[16:14:14] Yahooadam: try re-installing them ?
[16:14:34] jblack: Nah
[16:14:56] jblack: I'm looking for it now
[16:15:28] jblack: huh
[16:16:05] Yahooadam: well i tryed removing and re-installing the headers, didnt make any difference ;)
[16:16:14] jarle: Right now I have analogue sound working on the integrated soundcard on my mainboard, I also have SPDIF out, do I need to do anythng special (in BIOS or in linux) to use SPDIF out instead?
[16:16:34] jblack: No info on google, it's not in the headers I have, it's not in the mythtv archive.
[16:16:46] jblack: What file is including it?
[16:17:26] ** jblack greps the mythtv tree **
[16:17:27] Yahooadam: i dunno jblack, the last pastebin i linked directhex to has a make on it
[16:17:42] Yahooadam: this is v4l-dvb jblack, not mythtv
[16:17:53] Yahooadam: mythtv-backend is working ok ....
[16:17:59] jblack: Ahh
[16:18:10] Yahooadam: apart from the damn tuner cos i cant get the drivers to compile >_<
[16:18:16] jblack: Where did you get v4l-dvb from?
[16:18:32] Yahooadam: hg clone
[16:18:50] ** jblack installs mercurial **
[16:19:05] Yahooadam: . . . va-T_500_PCI
[16:19:06] jblack: Check the libdvd-dev package while I'm downloading mercurial?
[16:19:09] Yahooadam: im following that guide jblack
[16:19:17] jblack: um, I mean libdvb-dev
[16:20:00] Yahooadam: i dont think i have it installed
[16:20:02] jblack: nm. I'll check. I can do that
[16:20:28] Yahooadam: thanks :)
[16:20:51] jblack: I didn't think I'd be able to do both at once, but apt-get source is non-locking command
[16:20:54] Yahooadam: there are libdvb-dev packages in apt, but i havent been told to install any ...
[16:21:11] jblack: Yeah, because build dependancies aren't installed by default.
[16:21:26] jblack: I have a hunch it's in that package, but be patient for me to verify it
[16:21:28] Yahooadam: the guide im following hasnt told me to either ....
[16:21:35] Yahooadam: ok :)
[16:21:53] jblack: no
[16:23:30] jblack: I'm down to querying the rcs data to see when he started looking for it. Maybe he forgot to add the file in
[16:24:08] ** Yahooadam nods and smiles polietly **
[16:24:21] jblack: oh man, I've been mispelling mpstep
[16:25:15] jblack: no prob
[16:25:53] jblack: Hmm. "mach_mpstep.h", are you sure?
[16:26:42] jblack: Do you have /usr/include/mpspec.h ?
[16:26:47] Yahooadam: directhex said that, i really dont understand any of this, but here is the output of
[16:26:52] Yahooadam: of make #
[16:27:07] jblack: I found it
[16:27:21] Yahooadam: i have mpspec.h, but not in /usr/include
[16:27:47] jblack: where?
[16:27:59] Yahooadam: its in /usr/src/linux-headers/source-2.6.20–15/include/asm-i386
[16:28:29] Yahooadam: (by linux-headers/source i mean its duplicated in both linux-headers-2.6.20 and linux-source-2.6.20
[16:28:58] jblack: Well, these are kernel headers
[16:29:16] Yahooadam:
[16:29:39] jblack: Ok. I see what's going on
[16:30:16] jblack: The kernel comes with two kinds of headers... the public interface headers, and the headers that are for internal kernel use.
[16:30:33] Yahooadam: riiigt ...
[16:30:45] jblack: The v4l guys are using the internal ones.
[16:31:28] jblack: Either that, or the v4l tree is working against a newer kernel than you have. And there's no way I'm pulling the kernel tree via git to check
[16:31:36] Yahooadam: lol
[16:31:57] jblack: Pulling the kernel tree via git is gigs.
[16:32:14] ** Yahooadam would be orite at uni with a 3gbit connection lol **
[16:32:31] Yahooadam: so what do you suggest ....
[16:33:23] jblack: gimme a moment. I want to see if v4l builds here
[16:34:05] jblack: so far so good. What distro are you using?
[16:34:11] Yahooadam: feisty server
[16:34:34] jblack: I'm using gutsy desktop here
[16:34:43] sebrock (sebrock! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[16:34:59] Yahooadam: is there a way to update to 2.6.20–16 ?
[16:35:06] Yahooadam: maybe thats my problem
[16:35:09] jblack: you could add backports
[16:35:26] jblack: Do you have security already enabled?
[16:35:32] jblack: deb feisty-security main universe restricted
[16:35:39] Yahooadam: The following packages have been kept back:
[16:35:39] Yahooadam: gnupg linux-image-server linux-server mythtv-backend mythtv-backend-master mythtv-common mythtv-database
[16:36:08] jblack: v4l takes a while to build
[16:36:15] kristok (kristok! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:36:23] Yahooadam: mine fails right at the begging, so your probably ok ...
[16:36:52] jblack: Have you munged the packages up on your system? local builds, installing packages that aren't part of feisty.. ?
[16:37:00] larson9999 (larson9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:37:08] Yahooadam: umm i installed lirc ... thats about it
[16:37:19] Yahooadam: thats the most non-standard thing ive done
[16:37:26] Yahooadam: ive also put samba and nfs on
[16:37:28] jblack: yeah, built on gutsy fine. But who wants to drag a server to gutsy three days after release
[16:37:37] jblack: I'll try building it on a feisty box that I know is clean
[16:37:43] Yahooadam: kk
[16:37:55] Yahooadam: i think mines clean
[16:38:02] Yahooadam: i only installed feisty on it yesterday
[16:38:20] Yahooadam: well re-installed, i lost the OS due to memory issues
[16:39:25] larson9999: i'm going to give mythtv a go. don't have a capture card. i'm in the US. any recommendations on a card with hardware decoder? are the external devices better? i've read a bit but don't see much that points me to one device over another.
[16:39:42] Yahooadam: what do you want to record larson ?
[16:39:48] jblack: This is gonna take a while to build on a linode, as it's a virtual machine, becaues they'll punish cpu time for hogging
[16:40:10] jblack: larson: I like the hd-5500 from I have two of them
[16:40:10] larson9999: Yahooadam, will be cable tv and maybe a view vhs tapes.
[16:40:48] jblack: oh man, I forgot that I don't have compilers and such on this machine
[16:40:53] Yahooadam: lol
[16:40:56] larson9999: jblack, that's one of the ones i was thinking about.
[16:41:19] jblack: larson: Well, it works pretty well, at least on systems that have reasonably modern cpus and perhaps a gig of ram.
[16:41:55] jblack: Some of the people that regularly support mythtv vehemently hate them, though. Something about them being framebuffer devices. All the same, I've had no problems keeping them working or recording hdtv
[16:42:44] jblack: I personally like the pdhdtv company because their hardware was developed specifically for the purpose of giving tv hardware with free software drivers to linux. They don't even work with windows
[16:42:45] larson9999: i have 4 boxes from which to chose and was hoping to get by with the oldest. it's a p3 700mhz with a gig of ram.
[16:42:50] Yahooadam: (and as 1gb ram is now like £20 ($40 i guess) its hardly an issue ;))
[16:43:15] jblack: You're probably a bit light on the cpu, especially if you want to do commercial detect or transcoding.
[16:43:47] jblack: You might need a card that does all of the work onboard (I understand the 5500s let the host processor do much of the work)
[16:44:04] larson9999: the next one up is a 1.4 p4 but it takes rimm and only has 256mb. to go to a gig the last time i looked would cost as much as a new system.
[16:44:26] jblack: yahoo: I'm out of suggestions for you. I don't want to put build infrastructure on the only feisty box I have
[16:44:53] Yahooadam: kk
[16:44:59] Yahooadam: im upgrading to 2.6.20–16
[16:45:10] Yahooadam: how can i tar up a group of files ?
[16:45:12] Hilikus (Hilikus!n=ROCKERO@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:45:15] Yahooadam: like file1 file2 file3
[16:45:25] jblack: tar cvfz file.tgz file [file] [file] [file]
[16:46:03] Hilikus: my live tv froze, i killed mythfrontend and reloaded it and now i try to watch live tv but it says the tuner is busy, if i go to the information center it says the tuner is busy watching live tv, how do i fix thta?
[16:46:08] jblack: That's a bad habit though. It's better to tar up dirs, not files
[16:46:24] Hilikus: do i need to kill the backend?
[16:46:37] jblack: hilik: Hold up.
[16:46:45] jblack: hilik: Do you have scheduled shows?
[16:46:48] Hilikus: no
[16:46:51] annulus (annulus! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[16:47:00] jblack: Are you sure? Perhaps you told it to record the show?
[16:47:05] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:47:15] jblack: Go to info, and check to see if it says your tuner is recording
[16:47:28] Hilikus: yep, im lookig at mythweb
[16:47:40] Hilikus: yes, it says its recording live tv
[16:47:46] jblack: Ok, that's why then. Your turner really is busy.
[16:48:09] Hilikus: yes. but the problem is the previous frontend froze and i killed it
[16:48:18] Yahooadam: ok well it booted :)
[16:48:22] Yahooadam: allways a bonus
[16:48:43] larson9999 (larson9999! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:48:48] jblack: So, cancel the recording that's happening now.
[16:48:48] Hilikus: and i guess the backend didnt lose the connection to the old frontend
[16:48:52] Hilikus: how?
[16:49:03] jblack: It's in the recording menu somewhere.
[16:49:09] Yahooadam: yeah
[16:49:14] Yahooadam: in a mythtv-frontend
[16:49:16] Hilikus: Encoder 1 is local on mazinger and is watching Live TV: 'Dog Whisperer' on NATGC. This recording will end at 1:00 PM.
[16:49:33] Yahooadam: you have to do it from a frontend, cant do it from mythweb (i believe)
[16:49:40] jblack: Yeah, go to the media library, watch recordings
[16:49:51] jblack: The live tv being recorded should be on the top of list for all, in read.
[16:49:54] Hilikus: i dotn get live tv on the watch recordings menu
[16:50:07] jblack: Then hit m, and pick all, not just default
[16:50:23] jblack: (change group filter from default to all)
[16:50:25] ** Yahooadam has to download all the headers again :( **
[16:50:51] Hilikus: k, i think i got it
[16:50:56] jblack: great
[16:51:08] ** jblack goes for a smoke **
[16:51:22] Hilikus: but how do i stop it??
[16:51:32] Hilikus: it doestn let me
[16:51:45] Yahooadam: sudo m-a a-i -f lirc
[16:51:47] Yahooadam: doh
[16:51:52] Yahooadam: (5:50:22 PM) jblack: Then hit m, and pick all, not just default
[16:52:22] Hilikus: yes, i see the current recording, but how do i stop it
[16:52:35] xamindar (xamindar! has quit ("Leaving")
[16:53:02] Yahooadam: press m
[16:53:23] justinh (justinh! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:53:34] kristok: anyone use an ati remote wonder 2?
[16:53:50] annulus_ (annulus_! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:53:56] justinh: kristok: according to the all great, all-knowing wiki they should work in linux just fine
[16:54:12] justinh: anyone here use a computer? :P
[16:54:13] kristok: justinh: yeah, i realize that, i'm just looking for opinions :-)
[16:54:29] justinh: kristok: do yourself a favour & avoid everything made by ATI
[16:54:33] justinh: that's my opinion
[16:54:49] Yahooadam: lol
[16:55:02] Yahooadam: ATI hardware isnt that bad, their drivers are total crap though
[16:55:10] Yahooadam: and thats OS independant
[16:55:12] justinh: I once bought a AIW card & got it to work for about half an hour. That was a burn. Never again
[16:55:13] kristok: any other cheap RF remotes around?
[16:55:41] justinh: Yahooadam: so what if the hardware is okay if the drivers blow donkeys ?
[16:55:56] Yahooadam: i know :p
[16:55:56] justinh: you kinda rely on the driver to make the hardware work
[16:56:05] Yahooadam: its just a shame the hardware is let down
[16:56:10] Hilikus (Hilikus!n=ROCKERO@ has quit ("Estoy usando el Ambar-Script v1.1, yo lo cree y me quedo muy bacano, bajatelo de | There are 10 ki)
[16:56:14] jblack: A card without good drivers is basically a big pile of child poisoning lead
[16:56:16] justinh: it's like saying "yeah they make crap hardware but it always comes in a pretty box"
[16:56:27] Hilikus (Hilikus!n=ROCKERO@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:56:36] Yahooadam: who doesnt these days justinh :p
[16:57:00] ** justinh smacks lilo again **
[16:57:04] justinh: I'
[16:57:22] Yahooadam: omg make, DIE !
[16:57:36] justinh: I'm getting farking tired of this now. it ran once but suddenly when I chroot into the usb stick it doesn't have permission to run it on /dev/sda
[16:57:41] Yahooadam: Kernel build directory is /lib/modules/2.6.20-15-server/build
[16:57:47] Yahooadam: NO – its Kernel build directory is /lib/modules/2.6.20-16-server/build
[16:58:07] ** justinh blames laga **
[16:58:24] jblack: Kernel detection. Restart, or find the flag to specify a different kernel
[16:58:31] Dr_willis (Dr_willis! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:58:40] Yahooadam: restarted twice jblack
[16:58:45] Yahooadam: wheres the flag ?
[16:58:50] justinh: I do hope the doggy keeps his nose out of the s100 with the case off
[16:58:54] Yahooadam: is that a make flag, or OS flag ?
[16:58:55] jblack: what does "uname -a" say?
[16:59:08] Yahooadam: Linux DataServer1 2.6.20-16-server #2 SMP Sun Sep 23 19:57:25 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
[16:59:27] jblack: christ. Does anything on your computer work right?
[16:59:31] Yahooadam: lol
[16:59:35] Yahooadam: ill redownload v4l
[16:59:57] jblack: Isn't it a hg tree? just revert
[17:00:12] Yahooadam: cos i have no idea how to do that :p
[17:00:23] jblack: hg revert --all
[17:00:36] Dr_willis (Dr_willis! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[17:00:43] jblack: also, run a make clean
[17:01:04] Yahooadam: no luck on either of them (didnt fix the problem)
[17:01:22] Yahooadam: its still looking at -15 instead of -16
[17:01:38] jblack: What is telling you what is telling you that it's -15 rather than -16?
[17:01:41] ** Yahooadam puts his head through a birck wall **
[17:01:58] Yahooadam: v4l-dvb make keeps going into -15, when my kernel is now -16
[17:02:08] ** jblack looks at the makefile **
[17:03:01] Yahooadam: i really could put my head through a wall at this rate
[17:03:06] jblack: Please do
[17:03:13] Yahooadam: this computer is really starting to piss me off :p
[17:03:32] Yahooadam: re-downloaded v4l-dvb
[17:03:34] Yahooadam: its compiling
[17:03:46] Yahooadam: its actually compiling this time !
[17:04:02] jblack: awsome
[17:04:07] ** jblack wonders what sets KERNELRELEASE **
[17:04:25] Yahooadam: somthing that isnt fixed by hg revert or make clean ....
[17:06:30] Yahooadam: now for xmltv – LOL
[17:07:42] jblack: Found it.
[17:07:47] ** Yahooadam cries **
[17:07:49] Yahooadam: it failed
[17:07:53] jblack: ..../v4l/.version
[17:08:29] Yahooadam: v4l didnt compile >_<
[17:08:35] docjay: I can never download just never finds the file
[17:08:40] jblack: Why don't you just stick with the software that comes with feisty?
[17:09:07] Yahooadam: because v4l isnt in feisty as standard, or atleast the nova-t 500 wont work out the box
[17:09:46] Yahooadam: make[3]: *** [/home/adam/v4l-dvb/v4l/aci.o] Error 1
[17:09:46] Yahooadam: make[2]: *** [_module_/home/adam/v4l-dvb/v4l] Error 2
[17:09:47] jblack: So you're spending 10 hours trying to make a $50 card work?
[17:09:53] jblack: Is your time really worth 5 dollars an hour?
[17:10:05] Yahooadam: what other choice do i have ....
[17:10:13] jblack: Buy a better supported cad?
[17:10:14] jblack: card
[17:10:26] Yahooadam: the nova-t 500 is supposed to be well supported
[17:10:38] jblack: It's in 2.6.22–13
[17:10:44] jblack: See if 2.6.22 is in backports?
[17:11:34] jblack: huh.
[17:11:36] Yahooadam: lol
[17:11:37] Yahooadam:
[17:11:38] jblack: It's in 2.6.20–16 too
[17:11:43] jblack: ./2.6.20-16-generic/kernel/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvb-usb-nova-t-usb2.ko
[17:11:45] Yahooadam: its bugged in gutsy too
[17:11:51] Patina: My nova-t-500 works quite well.
[17:12:20] Patina: Got a newer kernel and compiled v4l-dvb, thats about it.
[17:13:15] jblack: yahoo: Just for the heck of it, try "modprobe dvb-usb-nova-t-usb2"
[17:13:48] Patina: jblack: You can't use that one for the t-500.
[17:14:06] Yahooadam: adam@DataServer1:~/xmltv-0.5.49$ modprobe dvb-usb-nova-t-usb2
[17:14:06] Yahooadam: WARNING: Error inserting dvb_usb_dibusb_common (/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-server/kernel/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvb-usb-dibusb-c ommon.ko): Operation not permitted
[17:14:06] Yahooadam: FATAL: Error inserting dvb_usb_nova_t_usb2 (/lib/modules/2.6.20-16-server/kernel/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvb-usb-nova-t-u sb2.ko): Operation not permitted
[17:14:20] Yahooadam: works better when you sudo it ;)
[17:14:30] jblack: Heh, you'd want to do it as root, and besides, patina says it's the wrong driver anyways
[17:14:30] Patina: Yahooadam: Yes, you have to be root.
[17:14:36] Yahooadam: [ 1081.390000] usbcore: registered new interface driver dvb_usb_nova_t_usb2
[17:14:46] Diabolic: sudo modprobe dvb-usb-nova-t-usb2
[17:15:32] Yahooadam: dmesg output above ^^
[17:16:03] Yahooadam: dont tell me that it actually works fine and i just wasted like 4 hours of my life
[17:17:16] jblack: You owe me a cookie if it works
[17:18:41] reclusivemonke2 (reclusivemonke2! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:19:41] LadyBug (LadyBug! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:20:00] jblack: Heh. I think my online bank is broken.
[17:20:11] Yahooadam: dvb-usb: did not find the firmware file. (dvb-usb-dib0700–01.fw)
[17:20:49] jblack: "Available Balance: $1,064.07 Current Balance: $1,064.07 Avg Daily Bal – DCurrent Cycle: $1,064.07 Last Statement Balance: $1,064.07"
[17:20:58] Yahooadam: apparently it doesnt like the fact my firmware is named slightly differently
[17:21:07] Yahooadam: lol jblack
[17:21:11] Yahooadam: they must be running windows :p
[17:21:26] jblack: Either that, or Yahoofrank built their kernel for 'em
[17:21:34] Yahooadam: lol :p
[17:21:51] LadyBug: Is there a known issue with Technotrend T1300 and newest firmware (2.17g). says only 2.16 works. I have used the latest and my card doesn't tune.
[17:22:09] Yahooadam: looks like it should be working jblack
[17:22:13] Yahooadam: how can i test it ?
[17:23:03] jblack: start up mythtv-setup and see if it's there in the tuner config
[17:23:29] Yahooadam: i guess that might work
[17:23:37] Yahooadam: the tuners are already there cos i imported the old database
[17:23:56] Yahooadam: we will see
[17:24:14] LadyBug: jblack: It's there and dmesg says firmware found, but when I try to scan channels (either with Myth or from command line, nothing is found).
[17:25:12] LadyBug: I have had a working Mythtv setup but I had to do a complete reinstall because my mobo got fried. And now the card can't find any channels.
[17:26:08] Yahooadam: are you sure the cards still ok ?
[17:26:13] kristok (kristok! has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[17:28:17] jblack: ladybug: Did you hook up an antenna?
[17:28:29] LadyBug: jblack: Yeah 8)
[17:28:39] jblack: And are you using the right freq tables (broadcast instead of cable, etc)
[17:28:52] LadyBug: And the set-top box we have works with the antenna source so it's ok.
[17:29:52] jblack: Ok. That sounds to me like you're just scanning with the wrong freqs. Perhaps you're trying to find pal channels in the us or some such, or looking for broadcast when you really want qam or somesuch.
[17:30:03] jblack: Just fiddle with the various options until you find the right one.
[17:30:49] LadyBug: As far as I know, I have the correct freqs/QAM settings etc for my location.
[17:32:20] jblack: If everything's right, then everything's working great!
[17:32:51] jblack: (in less sarcastic terms, something must be wrong)
[17:33:17] LadyBug: It's theoretically possible the tuner part was fried the same time my mobo (lightning damage), but how can I test that?
[17:33:23] Yahooadam: right thats lirc fixed
[17:33:26] Yahooadam: and xmltv installed
[17:33:49] ectospasm (ectospasm! has quit (Connection timed out)
[17:33:57] jblack: swap the card
[17:34:31] Yahooadam: try the card in winblows if it has winblows drivers
[17:34:43] sphery_ (sphery_! has quit ("leaving")
[17:34:55] pike_ (pike_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:35:49] dinosaurmail (dinosaurmail! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:37:02] LadyBug: I rechecked, I am using the correct frequency file from /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/. So that's not the problem.
[17:38:18] dinosaurmail: i am getting only b/w output from my card...any thoughts?
[17:39:24] reclusivemonke2: has anyone heard of any successes with the soungraph iMON pad remote?
[17:40:06] jblack: dinosaur: Yeah. I remember someone mentioning that a few days ago. I think it was a problem with an older driver, or having to wait for a newer one
[17:41:06] jblack: ladybug: Go get dvb-atsc-tools, and see if you can scan things that way. Otherwise, I'd assume lightning
[17:41:39] dinosaurmail: interesting using the 0.10.1 ivtv driver
[17:42:07] jblack: yeah. ivtv, that was it.
[17:42:14] dinosaurmail: should i consider downg to older version?
[17:42:15] jblack: there's filed bugs for that sprinkled around. You're not the first
[17:42:21] LadyBug: jblack: I've tried to use command line scan, but I'm basically getting "tuning failed".
[17:42:26] dinosaurmail: ok thats reassuring...
[17:42:38] dinosaurmail: ive googled like whoa but havent come across anything of worth
[17:42:53] Yahooadam: Patina – you there ?
[17:42:56] jblack: Yeah. google "ivtv no color"
[17:43:32] Patina: Yahooadam: yep
[17:43:42] Yahooadam: Patina, could you check in mythtv-setup for me, what does the nova-t 500 come up as under "Frontend ID"
[17:43:59] Yahooadam: mine says DiBcom 3000MC/P
[17:44:04] Yahooadam: which doesnt sound atall right
[17:44:07] Patina: Yes, that one.
[17:44:12] Yahooadam: really ?
[17:44:19] Yahooadam: fair enough then ..
[17:44:35] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:44:38] ** jblack watches yahoo with amusement **
[17:44:42] Yahooadam: lol
[17:44:58] bert__ (bert__! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:44:59] Yahooadam: and where do the xmltv listing files goes ? is it ~/.mythtv
[17:45:43] bert__: does anyone have any idea what none of my frontends can connect to my backend server? Even the front end on the same box?
[17:45:58] justinh: Yahooadam: yes
[17:46:01] Yahooadam: is the backend actually running ?
[17:46:08] Yahooadam: kk thanks justinh :)
[17:46:09] bert__: let me double check
[17:46:20] Yahooadam: its videosourcename.xmltv right ?
[17:46:26] justinh: and you even dare bleat on about those damn scripts
[17:46:44] Patina: Yahooadam: Where did you see that, I just remembered seeing it before (somewhere).
[17:47:07] Yahooadam: umm number 3 on the menu i think
[17:47:11] Yahooadam: video cards
[17:48:14] pike_ (pike_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:48:53] Patina: Found it, it shows ERROR_OPEN when the backend is running.
[17:56:12] Yahooadam: right
[17:56:20] Yahooadam: i think thats my box rebuilt ish
[17:56:26] Yahooadam: still need to rewrite a couple of scripts
[17:57:50] Yahooadam: mmm still need to fix nfs aswell
[18:04:09] Yahooadam: right thats my nfs issues sorted :p
[18:04:21] Yahooadam: making some progress today :)
[18:04:41] robthebob (robthebob! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[18:14:43] sphery (sphery! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:22:53] Yahooadam: i wonder if they can make mythfilldatabase multithreaded
[18:24:47] clever: each day can probly be handled as a seperate chunk
[18:24:58] clever: except for the odd program that overlaps the day
[18:26:35] spiker611 (spiker611! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:26:45] joyzlin (joyzlin! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:27:27] spiker611: Has anybody had luck getting the KWorld 115 tuner to work, especially with ubuntu (gusty)
[18:27:42] Yahooadam: did you check the wiki ?
[18:27:54] spiker611: I did, and followed the instructions to the tee
[18:28:07] spiker611: but when i try a channel scan it said "failed to open card"
[18:28:33] Yahooadam:
[18:28:36] Yahooadam: that card ?
[18:30:19] Yahooadam: did you check dmesg to make sure the firmware loaded ok, and modprobe worked ok
[18:33:04] spiker611: yes, that card. seems to be loaded fine
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[18:36:58] joyzlin: hi all, i just tried recording from a new dvb-s mpeg4 channel and got 0 bytes recording – could someone please tell me whether the log message "Stream #0 pid(0xaa0) type(video-h264 0x1b)
[18:36:58] joyzlin: Unknown(6) Descriptor (0x6) length(1)" explains the failed recording and what I can do for fixing it.
[18:38:28] Yahooadam: i dunno then spiker, was trying to give some general things to look at, maybe somone who knows the card will help you :)
[18:38:54] Yahooadam: restarting may or may not help, if it doesnt effect you and your waiting anyway, trying wont hurt
[18:39:08] spiker611: Could this be a problem? I guess I'm getting the same
[18:39:48] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:39:52] Yahooadam: could be spiker
[18:40:08] Yahooadam: upgrading to gutsy seems a bit foolish atm
[18:40:17] Yahooadam: give it a week or 2 so the problems can be smoothed out
[18:40:20] spiker611: He says 'just getting static' but I cannot even add the card
[18:40:38] Yahooadam: hes probably testing it with another application
[18:40:40] spiker611: I'm loving gusty at the moment, no problems otherwise whatsoever
[18:41:02] spiker611: What other applications can I test it with
[18:41:13] Yahooadam: i think MPlayer can get a tuner card
[18:41:37] spiker611: Ok I will try that
[18:42:58] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:43:52] reclusivemonke2: tvtime is ood for testing tv cards; easier than mplayer
[18:44:01] LadyBug: Kaffeine works also.
[18:45:35] Yahooadam: there u go :p
[18:45:39] Yahooadam: i knew somone would chime in
[18:46:29] Andycasss (Andycasss! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:46:58] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:47:52] Andycasss: Could someone tell me how to see the files that im sharing in windows, in mythtv?
[18:55:14] LadyBug (LadyBug! has quit ("Lähdössä")
[18:56:00] Andycasss: Is there a way to configure upnp client in mythtv so I could see the server?
[18:56:40] Caliban (Caliban!n=ianmacd@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:58:35] GreyFoxx: myth doesn't include a upnp client, only a upnp server
[18:58:48] GreyFoxx: If you want to see content from the other machine setup it up as ashare and mount it to the frontend
[18:58:52] Andycasss: So it cant read stuff from my win server?
[18:58:59] GreyFoxx: then use mythvideo to browse it
[19:00:47] borga2 (borga2! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:01:23] GreyFoxx: Do you know how to setup a share in windows ?
[19:01:38] Andycasss: Yes
[19:01:40] Yahooadam: Samba works both ways andy :)
[19:02:04] GreyFoxx: Ok, so setup ashare of the stuff you want to share on your windows box
[19:02:09] borga2: I'm using latest svn. Every time I start the frontend I get to enter the name of the backend (same machine) over and over again.
[19:02:25] GreyFoxx: then you can use the mount command to mount it (just like mapping adrive)
[19:02:50] Andycasss: I followed this guide:
[19:03:11] reclusivemonke2 (reclusivemonke2! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:03:25] Andycasss: I changed the fstab file so it launches the "// /var/lib/mythtv/music smbfs username=andy,password=akkaak 0 0" command every time ubuntu boots
[19:03:45] borga2: Anyone?
[19:04:36] Andycasss: Well damn, i just showed my pass... anyway last time, it just didn't want to work, it got stuck at this command and finally gave "failed"
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[19:08:07] Hilikus (Hilikus!n=ROCKERO@ has quit ("Estoy usando el Ambar-Script v1.1, yo lo cree y me quedo muy bacano, bajatelo de | There are 10 ki)
[19:10:32] Yahooadam: which mysql.txt does mythbackend use ?
[19:14:14] Patina: Do you have more than one?
[19:14:44] lsobral (lsobral!n=sobral@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:18:13] Patina: Yahooadam: Try /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[19:19:47] oobe (oobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:20:56] oobe: hi im having problems with mythweb i get Internal Server Error 500 when i look in error logs it says [alert] [client] /var/www/mythweb/.htaccess: Invalid command 'php_value', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
[19:21:08] Yahooadam: thanks :)
[19:21:14] Yahooadam: yeah patina, ive got like 6 for some reason
[19:21:19] spiker611 (spiker611! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:21:30] Yahooadam: ok 4
[19:21:57] Yahooadam: one in ~/.mythtv, on in /etc/mythtv, and 2 in /usr/share/mythtv
[19:22:56] Patina: You know what, for some (bizarre) reason I also have those four.
[19:23:35] Yahooadam: right time to move my servers
[19:25:26] Andycasss: Is there a way to set a repeating when samba cant find the host machine?
[19:26:18] Andycasss: For example, i turn on the ubuntu, it loads in the commands from fstab, but my host isnt turned on yet...
[19:26:25] drmitch (drmitch! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[19:28:44] oobe (oobe! has quit ("Leaving")
[19:31:40] Andycasss: Anyone?
[19:33:01] Yahooadam: just put it in a cronjob
[19:33:06] Yahooadam: sudo mount -a
[19:33:11] Yahooadam: (maybe not sudo)
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[20:02:32] sivik (sivik! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:02:54] sivik: how do i verify that my drivers are installed and how do i get past an error about not being to log into mythtv
[20:03:46] sivik: the error is
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[20:12:23] Cyberai (Cyberai! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:13:51] Cyberai: I'm ashamed to even have to ask this.... But I can't find the link in my email and I've searched schedulesdirect for an hour. Can anyone tell me the link to the instructions on how to the same lineup twice with different channels in schedules direct?
[20:14:20] Cyberai: so you can tune channels 1–100 with tuner 1, and 100–200 with tuner 2 etc?
[20:17:11] PRoGRaMMeRQ (PRoGRaMMeRQ!n=Jeff@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:63d5) has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
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[20:18:26] jblack: cyber: Use two zip codes
[20:18:32] jblack: oh well
[20:26:38] Yahooadam (Yahooadam! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[21:02:02] sivik (sivik! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:02:46] sivik: i need some help getting mythtv to work, i keep getting a login error
[21:03:25] sivik: bd error: (kickdatabase):
[21:03:28] sivik: query was:
[21:03:36] sivik: Select NULL;
[21:03:54] kurre2_ (kurre2_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:04:01] Yahooadam: Andycasss – you pmed me ?
[21:04:12] dr_lulz: sivik: wrong password?
[21:04:22] dr_lulz: sivik: is the user allowed to connect from that host?
[21:04:42] sivik: its a local database, i'm not sure how the mythtv database is set up, i just ran it from the synaptic install
[21:04:48] PRoGRaMMeRQ (PRoGRaMMeRQ!n=Jeff@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:63d5) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:04:53] dr_lulz: did you create a mythtv user?
[21:04:58] bsdfox__ (bsdfox__! has quit (Connection timed out)
[21:05:07] sivik: dr_lulz, yes
[21:05:37] dr_lulz: can you connect with that account from commandline?
[21:05:45] dr_lulz: mysql -umythtv -pmythtv mythconverg
[21:05:55] dr_lulz: or whatever your pass is behind -p
[21:06:05] bsdfox (bsdfox! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:06:18] dr_lulz: check uer/pass data
[21:06:26] sivik: access denied
[21:06:36] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:06:49] sivik: i can't connect with my local user either
[21:06:54] sivik: something going on with the mysql server
[21:07:14] dr_lulz: hrm, im gonna go now, good luck
[21:07:18] sivik: thanks
[21:07:49] Dr_willis_ (Dr_willis_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:10:48] sivik: can someone help me connect to mysql server with either one of my users
[21:11:57] sivik: i figured it out, there was something wrong with my compile
[21:12:49] sivik: god, this is pissing me off
[21:13:01] BULLE: sivik: im hard but just, so dont complain, mkay ?
[21:13:01] reclusivemonke2 (reclusivemonke2! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:13:09] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:13:17] Yahooadam: lol
[21:13:35] Yahooadam: sivik – if you wanted hassle free you should have used ubuntu :p
[21:13:36] sivik: BULLE, what are you talking about?
[21:13:45] BULLE: sivik: you told me, that this is pissing you off
[21:13:47] sivik: Yahooadam, i am in ubuntu
[21:13:54] BULLE: sivik: so i replied, that i know life can be hard, but i am just, so dont complain
[21:14:09] kurre2_ (kurre2_! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:14:09] sivik: Yahooadam, i'm having issues with my network there is something wrong with the install, working on correcting it now
[21:14:42] BULLE: Yahooadam: except the gutsy gibbon ubuntu release, seems to come with a horribly unstable kernel right now, guess it will be fixed in a few days though
[21:15:09] sivik: BULLE: i haven't install gusty yet
[21:15:11] BULLE: Yahooadam: both me and a couple of friends have similar problems, basicly, the machines just power themselves off, directly, no logs no kernelpanic no nothing
[21:15:31] BULLE: the solution is to just use the last feisty kernel, and all is fine though, but its a bit annoying
[21:15:33] Yahooadam: weird
[21:15:44] BULLE: Yahooadam: most likely some acpi issue or similar i bet
[21:15:44] Yahooadam: gutsy seems to be a mixed kettle of fish
[21:15:47] BULLE: ye
[21:15:48] sivik: i don't use the new ubuntu yet, i have seen that it isn't great yet
[21:15:57] Yahooadam: for some people it works perfect, and others it is a miserable failure
[21:15:57] xamindar (xamindar! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:16:21] bert__: is there a .deb package of Mythtv that uses protocol 36?
[21:16:22] MrTilly (MrTilly! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:16:38] BULLE: "protocol 36" ?
[21:16:48] MrTilly: hello all.. having problems with lircd, where should i start troubleshooting, irw /dev/lirc0
[21:16:48] MrTilly: connect: Connection refused
[21:17:01] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:17:14] sivik: tvtime works fine for me, trying to get mythtv to work, going to do a clean install to see if it pics up my nic
[21:17:57] BULLE: MrTilly: connection refused means something else is already using the device, or you dont have premissions to use the device
[21:18:09] BULLE: MrTilly: eg, close anything that might use /dev/lirc0 and run irw as root
[21:18:26] MrTilly: well, ran it as root, and I dont belive anything else is using it, beacuse i've cycled lircd, hopefully kicking anything else off of it
[21:18:38] BULLE: use lsof
[21:18:45] MrTilly: oh, good idea
[21:18:47] MrTilly: hang on
[21:19:07] MrTilly: ha, dont have lsof installed, hang tight ;)
[21:20:58] bert__: BULLE: Myth 0.20.2 uses protocol 36, The myth frontend I had installed uses protocol 31 so now I can't connect to my backend
[21:21:23] BULLE: bert__: ah, just uppgrade the frontend ?
[21:21:40] Nik_Doof: mythbuntu packages are 20.2 an't they?
[21:21:49] bert__: Bulle: Thats what I am trying to do.
[21:21:52] BULLE: im pretty darn sure the 0.20.2 frontend would use protocol 36 if the backend uses it
[21:22:24] bert__: Bulle: Let me reinstall the Mythbuntu packages and see if I get the same error message
[21:23:01] bert__: Same error message
[21:23:16] MrTilly: BULLE, /dev/lirc0 isn't being used, but /dev/lircd does show up from the /usr/sbin/lircd
[21:23:23] bert__: client is running protocol 31 but the backend is running 36.
[21:24:21] Nik_Doof: wait a mo
[21:24:32] Nik_Doof: 20.2 is protocol 31
[21:24:43] Nik_Doof: sounds like your backend is on svn?
[21:24:49] bert__: crap
[21:25:01] bert__: son of a....
[21:25:14] Nik_Doof: running 0.20.99+svn on the backend? :)
[21:25:24] Nik_Doof: (assuming your using mythbuntu)
[21:25:27] leprechau (leprechau! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:26:04] bert__: yes I am, nothing before I tried the svn would work
[21:26:14] bert__: oh this blows
[21:27:40] bert__: let me guess that the mythtv plugin for xbox media center isn't protocol 36 either
[21:28:25] Nik_Doof: i doubt it
[21:28:30] Yahooadam: lmao
[21:29:08] Yahooadam: cant you get a proto 36 version for the xbox and frontend ?
[21:30:11] justinh: hmmm mixing versions sound like bad voodoo to me
[21:30:42] bert__: yahooadam: frontend yes, if I could get it to compile on this machine. It doesn't like my gcc compiler. Xbox I don't know
[21:30:55] bert__: justinh: very bad voodoo
[21:31:06] leprechau: so...anyone else have problems with the mythbackend crashing periodically?
[21:31:27] Nik_Doof: bert__: compile? why not use the mythbuntu weekly packages?
[21:31:37] Nik_Doof: oh xbox
[21:31:40] ** Nik_Doof kicks himself **
[21:32:05] bert__: Nik_Doof: mythbuntu weekly packages? What is this glimmer of light I see?
[21:32:17] Daviey: Nik_Doof: they are weekly -fixes and trunk
[21:32:22] bert__: Don't kick yourself. I need both a frontend on my Ubuntu box and Xbox
[21:32:27] Lin (Lin!n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:32:38] Nik_Doof:
[21:32:40] Daviey: bert__: look at Xebian :)
[21:32:42] bert__: where oh where do I find the weekly packages?
[21:32:54] kdubya: hey i just lost sound in myth playback
[21:33:08] kdubya: mplayer and everything else has sound
[21:33:14] Daviey: bert__ & Nik_Doof: note that we will only support -fixes, not trunk tho
[21:33:21] jarle: leprechau: yeah, apparently there is a bug in dvb EIT scanning or something....
[21:33:31] Nik_Doof: dont you do trunk anymore?
[21:33:49] Daviey: Nik_Doof: yeah.. but it it breaks – you get to keep both pieces
[21:33:49] Nik_Doof: tis been a while since i used mythbuntu
[21:33:49] leprechau: jarle, so what's the workaround?
[21:33:53] Nik_Doof: hehe :)
[21:33:59] leprechau: use daemontools or something to auto restart it?
[21:34:19] bert__: Daviey: oh, I think I have trunk on my backend machine
[21:34:38] Yahooadam: Daviey – Xebian is a waste of time
[21:34:45] jarle: leprechau: it's suuposed to be fixed in latest svn, but I'm just running monit as a fix for the moment..
[21:34:54] Yahooadam: by the time XFree has used 32MB ram, mythtv just doesnt have enough to run in
[21:34:58] jarle: leprechau: hopefully the fix will be backported..
[21:35:09] leprechau: jarle, is the svn fairly stable?
[21:35:24] jarle: leprechau: I have no idea... never used it...
[21:35:36] leprechau: gotcha
[21:35:43] Nik_Doof: i've been keeping up with svn, not had any major issues with it
[21:35:51] Nik_Doof: infact i've had less issues than -fixes
[21:36:19] Nik_Doof: had a major memory leak issue in fixes and trunk up until a month ago, and suddenly it stopped, god knows why
[21:36:48] bert__: oh sweet there is a Trunk build
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[21:39:31] bert__: arg, why is nothing simple
[21:39:39] Daviey: what?
[21:41:23] larson9999 (larson9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:41:57] larson9999: ok. i bought a wintv pvr usb and have my fingers crossed
[21:45:56] ** Yahooadam crosses larson's fingers **
[21:52:06] directhex: :o
[21:52:20] directhex: ps3 as upnp client: perfect
[21:52:30] directhex: all my recordings just work
[21:52:30] bert__ (bert__! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:52:38] directhex: only things that don't are my ogg music & ogm videos
[21:55:40] Yahooadam: work :o
[21:55:42] Yahooadam: wow
[21:56:13] larson9999: i guess before i give mythtv a go i'll see if i can get this thing working on my main box
[21:56:34] pike_: its amazing the usb devices that work out of box these days
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[21:57:44] larson9999: pike_, yeah, and maybe with manufacturers finally starting to get on board maybe soon enough linux will be THE os for hw support.
[21:58:23] larson9999: it's already best for old he imho
[21:58:25] larson9999: hw
[22:00:56] MrTilly: so i think my problem is common, anyone familiar with running irw and it exits without output, but then the second time it says connection refused?
[22:01:12] MrTilly: i can cat the device and see output
[22:02:08] Yahooadam: 2007-10–20 23:00:36.349 Failed to open DVD device at //dev/dvd
[22:02:15] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit ()
[22:03:24] directhex: okay, even cooler: the sony PSP can watch all my recordings from my mythtv server, using a PS3 and UPnP
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[22:05:07] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:05:08] Yahooadam: where the hell u get all this equipment Directhex :@
[22:05:31] directhex: Yahooadam, the shops!
[22:06:18] Yahooadam: yeah but how do u afford it :p
[22:06:21] directhex: "remote play" is basically a feature which lets you use a PSP as a VNC client, to access compatible sections of a parent PS3. which includes the UPnP client in the PS3
[22:06:27] Yahooadam: PS3 is like £400 and a PSP is like £150
[22:06:28] directhex: Yahooadam, intrest free credit!
[22:06:58] directhex: the psp was a birthday present last year, the ps3 is something we're bound to buy eventually anyway
[22:07:10] Yahooadam: lol
[22:07:45] justinh: yeah Sony are already supremely rich & powerful.. makes no sense to fight them
[22:08:26] Yahooadam: lol
[22:08:33] Yahooadam: Come Forth Skynet
[22:08:50] Yahooadam: so anyway, mythdvd & ubuntu = fail :(
[22:09:05] directhex: i have no interest in sony. just in adding another console to the collection!
[22:09:11] Yahooadam: libdvdread: Encrypted DVD support unavailable.
[22:09:12] justinh: Yahooadam: turn off that stupid pesky automounter
[22:09:13] Yahooadam: hmmm
[22:09:19] Yahooadam: ah lol
[22:09:48] justinh: and search the community docs (AKA 'Care In The Community' ) for how to play encrippled doovde
[22:10:45] Yahooadam: how do u turn off the automounter ?
[22:10:56] justinh: smack it with a large hammer, repeatedly
[22:10:59] cheshair (cheshair! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[22:11:12] justinh: it'll soon learn
[22:11:35] justinh: look in the preferences thingy for 'removable meeja bollocks & stuff'
[22:11:36] Yahooadam: yeah i dont think computers learn very well
[22:12:06] justinh: few things piss me off more than insert notifications/actions
[22:12:26] justinh: I'm a grownup, I can mount my own disks thanks
[22:12:56] justinh: anyway it's time for Heroes. bout time I caught up with my role model Sylar
[22:13:03] Andycasss: How to use the mythweb, for me it just launches a blank blue screen
[22:13:03] Computer_Czar (Computer_Czar! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:13:17] Andycasss: Is there a config/setup for mythweb?
[22:13:35] Yahooadam: there we go, thanks justinh
[22:13:43] larson9999 (larson9999! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:13:49] Yahooadam: oh automount
[22:13:53] Yahooadam: agh, no sound
[22:14:06] Yahooadam: oh ok it was just the menu
[22:14:07] Yahooadam: :)
[22:17:50] r0b- (r0b-! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:17:56] r0b-: hi
[22:18:38] r0b-: can someone help me figure out why MythTV wont connect to my MySQL server
[22:18:49] larson9999 (larson9999! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:19:34] larson9999: well, the seemingly simple instructions i followed didn't work yet :)
[22:20:04] r0b-: ?
[22:20:13] Lin (Lin!n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity) has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[22:20:23] ol_schoola (ol_schoola! has quit ()
[22:20:25] Computer_Czar: ip address maybe ... hard to tell without info ...
[22:20:34] Computer_Czar: Not like I'm an expert though
[22:28:03] Disputin (Disputin! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:30:43] larson9999: well, i have /dev/video0. within days i'm sure i'll be able to see something
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[22:33:27] Yahooadam: lol
[22:33:51] Yahooadam: r0b- – whats the problem ?
[22:34:02] r0b-: never mind
[22:34:10] r0b-: it says i dont have MySQL
[22:34:14] r0b-: well i do but it cant connect
[22:34:25] larson9999: seems this video card is giving me more problems than just no 3d.
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[22:38:09] Computer_Czar: r0b-: You sure its running ... ps ef | grep mysql ...
[22:38:27] r0b-: well im gonna go get the TV Tuner drivers
[22:38:29] Computer_Czar: r0b-: Just as a check ... it may be there but not automatically running
[22:38:41] Computer_Czar: r0b-: What is your setup?
[22:38:49] r0b-: what do u mean?
[22:39:00] Computer_Czar: What hardware are you running?
[22:39:14] r0b-: AMD Athlon 64 4200X2
[22:39:25] r0b-: with Nvidia 6100 video
[22:39:30] r0b-: with an ATI TV Tuner
[22:39:44] Computer_Czar: What distribution of Linux?
[22:39:52] r0b-: Ubuntu
[22:39:54] r0b-: 7.10
[22:40:17] Computer_Czar: Ubuntu seems very popular these days
[22:40:22] r0b-: yes
[22:40:25] Yahooadam: cos it usually works :p
[22:40:32] Yahooadam: somthing linux users arent used to ;)
[22:40:32] Computer_Czar: lol
[22:40:59] PointyPumper (PointyPumper! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:41:01] r0b-: lol
[22:41:03] r0b-: i hear that
[22:41:05] r0b-: i love Ubuntu
[22:41:35] Computer_Czar: Well we'll see if it last the test of time ...
[22:41:35] r0b-: is there a linux driver for ATI TV Tuners?
[22:41:37] xamindar (xamindar! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:42:25] Yahooadam: check the mythtv wiki
[22:42:32] Yahooadam: it has details on most supported cards i believe
[22:43:14] Computer_Czar: Yep ...
[22:43:35] BULLE: r0b-: the simple answear is "no"
[22:44:56] h0mer`- (h0mer`-! has quit ()
[22:45:00] r0b-: oh
[22:46:00] Computer_Czar: r0b-: I've heard or at least read that Nvidia is far better supported but you can certainly find a ATI driver or two ...
[22:46:21] Computer_Czar: r0b-: Google you card and Linux TV driver ...
[22:46:41] Yahooadam: saying that
[22:46:49] Yahooadam: my bloody ubuntu seems to have lost sound >_<
[22:46:57] r0b-: i dont know what it ix?
[22:46:59] r0b-: :*
[22:49:12] PointyPumper (PointyPumper! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:51:04] larson9999: well, i'm getting static and it's from the device. i guess that's progress
[22:53:29] Yahooadam: thats sound fixed
[22:55:09] directhex: hrm, ps3 ubuntu == totally not ready for human consumption
[22:56:19] kdubya (kdubya! has quit ()
[22:58:51] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:59:29] r0b-: alright
[22:59:31] r0b-: now im mad
[22:59:42] r0b-: i cant find the drivers
[23:01:44] Yahooadam: lol
[23:01:49] directhex: ati tv tuners are bt878 devices
[23:01:50] BULLE: r0b-: does there even exist drivers ?
[23:01:52] directhex: they should just work
[23:01:56] Yahooadam: so when will your PS3 be making your tea directhex ?
[23:01:57] BULLE: directhex: no they are not, since quite some time
[23:02:12] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:02:12] BULLE: directhex: now they use an ati proprietary chip with no linuxsupport at all
[23:02:17] directhex: BULLE, really? hm, i suppose i thought people stopped buying them, and ati stopped making them
[23:02:34] r0b-: so im screwed?
[23:02:35] BULLE: directhex: they still sell them, but no linux support whatsoever
[23:02:42] BULLE: r0b-: most likely, depends on what model you got
[23:02:52] BULLE: r0b-: if you got some old card, it might very well be bt870 based, and then work
[23:02:57] r0b-: its 2 years old
[23:03:34] dinosaurmail (dinosaurmail! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:03:44] r0b-: so
[23:03:47] ldam (ldam! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:04:06] Yahooadam: their saying it should work out the box if its bt870 based
[23:04:15] Yahooadam: so you should know if it will work or not
[23:04:28] r0b-: this is the first time ive used it in linux
[23:05:29] r0b-: this PC has Windows Media Center on it
[23:07:21] leprechau: is there a manpage for mythbackend?
[23:07:31] leprechau: someplace that gives all of the command line options for it?
[23:07:34] sivik (sivik! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:08:07] directhex: MCE only works with BDA devices, so nothing 878ishiirc
[23:08:10] GreyFoxx: leprechau: mythbackend --help
[23:08:11] directhex: so no hope of that card working
[23:08:34] leprechau: thanks ;p
[23:12:28] Yahooadam: night all
[23:12:37] Yahooadam (Yahooadam! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:14:15] ectospasm (ectospasm! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:15:17] leprechau: got mythbackend running supervise/daemontools ;}
[23:15:25] r0b-: so i can kiss a Linux Media Center good bye>
[23:15:29] leprechau: crashing will stop me no longer ;p
[23:16:21] leprechau: r0b-, i fought for ages getting ati drivers to work well under linux...finally just bought an nvidia card
[23:16:42] r0b-: well leprechau this is the hardware that came with this PC
[23:17:10] leprechau: ehh...sorry can't help you there...i haven't bought an oem pc in years
[23:17:28] r0b-: i just know its ATI
[23:17:35] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:17:36] leprechau: is it embedded?
[23:17:39] r0b-: no
[23:17:41] r0b-: its a card
[23:17:43] leprechau: or a standalone pci/pcie card
[23:17:44] r0b-: brb
[23:17:50] r0b-: stand alone
[23:17:53] larson9999: well, ati givig up specs might in the future
[23:17:53] leprechau: then pull it out and read the model number off it
[23:18:02] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ()
[23:18:13] r0b-: ummm that means leaving IRC :P
[23:18:26] leprechau: then check...your best bet will be with the ati fglrx drivers
[23:18:38] r0b-: will they conflict the ATI drivers?
[23:18:45] PointyPumper (PointyPumper! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:18:46] leprechau: those are the ati proprietary linux drivers...but they only support radeon and newer chipsets
[23:19:52] leprechau: ATI has a really poor history of providing hardware the community drivers are a hack at best....and the ATI/AMD provided drivers are way behind the curve compared to what nvidia is and has been offering to linux users
[23:20:38] larson9999: that's why i said future and maybe :)
[23:20:54] leprechau: ;}
[23:20:59] leprechau: i wouldn't hold my breath
[23:21:52] r0b-: id try Knoppmyth
[23:21:54] ldam (ldam! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:21:54] r0b-: but
[23:22:46] BULLE: r0b-: use lspi
[23:22:50] BULLE: r0b-: to see what card you have
[23:23:09] r0b-: 04:07.0 Multimedia controller: ATI Technologies Inc Theater 550 PRO PCI [ATI TV Wonder 550]
[23:23:16] BULLE: leprechau: so what about all the specs ati provided just a month or two ago ?
[23:24:11] gamalier (gamalier! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:24:16] BULLE: r0b-:
[23:24:16] leprechau: BULLE, it was a LONG time coming....and that's no guarantee they will give anything else
[23:24:17] AndyCap: BULLE: not much specs yet. hopefully there will be more
[23:24:34] BULLE: leprechau: well, i think it only happened because amd bought ati
[23:24:35] r0b-: thanks BULLE
[23:24:54] AndyCap: two pdfs with basic specs for the chipets
[23:25:12] BULLE: AndyCap: its more then nvidia hands out =D
[23:25:16] leprechau: true...if I would give AMD a better chance of coming forward than the former ATI
[23:25:22] r0b-: #
[23:25:22] r0b-: # ATI TV Wonder Pro (cx88)
[23:25:37] BULLE: r0b-: read further down, about the 550
[23:25:40] BULLE: r0b-: not supported
[23:25:41] leprechau: BULLE, but nvidia gives us decent drivers at least...and a pretty decent settings frontend
[23:25:46] r0b-: darn :P
[23:25:57] BULLE: r0b-: it uses the ati rage theater 550 chip
[23:26:05] AndyCap: BULLE: yes and old ati also provided some for a while.
[23:26:23] AndyCap: closed up when 3d became commonplace
[23:26:28] BULLE: ye
[23:26:51] BULLE: ati released all the specs up to what, r300 a year or so ago ? or two ? and then now the last months, r400 register specs, right ?
[23:27:12] BULLE: lets just hope they continue that
[23:27:22] ** leprechau pets his old nvidia quadro fx **
[23:27:48] BULLE: i just use my x600 with the opensource 3d capable ati drivers
[23:27:52] BULLE: works pretty darn good, actualy
[23:27:59] BULLE: atleast for what mythtv requires
[23:28:25] leprechau: yeah i just have a gf4 mx4000 with svid out in my myth box
[23:28:38] r0b-: so im screwed
[23:28:41] BULLE: r0b-: yes
[23:28:43] r0b-: since Linux wont support it
[23:28:44] Jasper (Jasper! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:28:46] BULLE: r0b-: yes
[23:28:49] BULLE: r0b-: or, no
[23:28:49] gamalier: hi does anyone knows of an envidia irc channel, i'm having problems with a driver
[23:28:56] BULLE: r0b-: "linux" would happily support it
[23:29:03] BULLE: r0b-: its AMD that doesnt support linux, with it
[23:29:11] r0b-: well
[23:29:24] r0b-: i wanna make a MythTV box but i cant
[23:29:36] Dagmar: BULLE: bullshit
[23:29:40] Dagmar: AMD supports Linux fine
[23:29:51] leprechau: lol
[23:29:54] BULLE: Dagmar: so where are the specs for all the ati tv cards ?
[23:29:55] r0b-: if i install MythBuntu or KnopMyth would it work!
[23:29:56] r0b-: :P
[23:30:01] Dagmar: BELLE: In ATI's hands.
[23:30:01] leprechau: Dagmar, lol chill out
[23:30:02] BULLE: Dagmar: all the ones that use the ati rage theater line of chips
[23:30:11] leprechau: Dagmar, lol AMD bought ATI ... there is no more ATI
[23:30:12] Dagmar: Learn the difference between organizational units, nub
[23:30:29] BULLE: who cares, i have even contacted amd about the rage theater 550
[23:30:34] BULLE: no plans to provide linux drivers
[23:30:35] gamalier (gamalier! has quit ()
[23:30:40] gamalier (gamalier! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:30:45] BULLE: no plans for helping/giving specs to opensource drivers
[23:30:50] Dagmar: Nevermind. You guys don't know the difference between a merger and a buyout, or more likely your butts and a hole in the ground
[23:30:54] BULLE: call it what you want, its the way
[23:30:54] Dagmar: I'm wasting my breath
[23:31:17] leprechau: r0b-, you can buy a gf4 with tvout for $20 on ebay and all will work fine
[23:31:20] Dagmar: Resume n00bing it up. Forget I said anything
[23:31:31] gamalier (gamalier! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:31:34] BULLE: leprechau: look, he has tv tuner card
[23:31:38] r0b-: leprechau i want it to capture my PC
[23:31:44] r0b-: not transmit to a TV
[23:31:46] BULLE: leprechau: so he needs a tv tuner card that is supported in linux
[23:31:56] leprechau: tv runer? or video in?
[23:32:02] directhex: people keep mixing things up. leprechau, r0b- already HAs nvidia for his video out
[23:32:14] r0b-: TV Tuner
[23:32:24] r0b-: i have an ATI TV Tuner
[23:32:34] r0b-: and Nvidia GF6100 Video Out
[23:32:43] leprechau: if you have sat box/cable box ... get a cheap video4linux supported capture card ..... if you want tv tuner you are pretty much stick with a hauppage for best support
[23:32:52] leprechau: *s/stick/stuck
[23:33:01] directhex: leprechau, how US-centric
[23:33:09] BULLE: hauppage pvr 150, 250 or 500 to be precise
[23:33:14] leprechau: lol
[23:33:28] leprechau: directhex, does anyother place matter?
[23:33:36] ** leprechau just kidding btw **
[23:33:40] BULLE: leprechau: nothign but usa exist!
[23:33:44] pike_ (pike_! has quit ("leaving")
[23:33:47] r0b-: my card is supported by Video4Linux
[23:33:58] leprechau: is it nvidia vivo?
[23:34:10] r0b-: 4 -> ATI TV Wonder Pro [1002:00f8]
[23:34:23] leprechau: if you have digital cable or satellite ... you don't need a tv tuner
[23:34:26] leprechau: just video in
[23:34:27] directhex: r0b-, you don't have a ATI TV Wonder Pro
[23:34:35] r0b-: i kno :P
[23:34:46] directhex: r0b-, you have a ATI Theater 550 PRO
[23:34:58] directhex: r0b-, TOTALLY different chip
[23:35:27] pike_ (pike_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:35:58] ** r0b- throws TV TUner out~ **
[23:36:57] leprechau: i picked up a pvr 150mce with remote and all...still in shrink wrap for $50 at a electronics liquidation place here in nashville, tn area
[23:37:07] leprechau: you can find them cheap if you look around
[23:37:30] directhex: r0b-, basically: hauppauge pvr150 if you have to use an analog source of some kind (e.g. video output from a cable STB); hauppauge nova-t for digital tv in the free world
[23:37:34] directhex: no idea for ATSC
[23:37:59] directhex: no experience with firewire output from a limited number of STBs
[23:38:07] gamalier (gamalier! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:38:10] r0b-: i dont wanna buy a new one :P
[23:38:26] directhex: stick to XP then
[23:38:48] r0b-: heh
[23:38:57] r0b-: i use Ubuntu for my main workstatiobn
[23:39:00] r0b-: workstation
[23:39:36] gamalier: Having problems with nvidia drivers. Help anyone?
[23:39:58] r0b-:
[23:40:00] r0b-: my tuner :P
[23:40:05] r0b-: join #nvidia
[23:46:33] gamalier (gamalier! has quit ()
[23:46:37] gamalier (gamalier! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:47:01] r0b-: i guess i dual boot Windows and Linux
[23:47:02] r0b-: :(
[23:47:29] MarineTim (MarineTim! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:47:43] BULLE: r0b-: or just spend usd 30 or 40 or whatever for a new tv tuner that does what you want
[23:47:49] BULLE: those are basicly your two options
[23:47:50] r0b-: its ok
[23:51:16] PointyPumper (PointyPumper! has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:51:36] rooaus: mzb_d800: ping
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[23:52:12] directhex (directhex! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[23:54:20] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:58] jordan_: Hello – im using mythtv on ubuntu gusty 7.10. I have a backend server with analog input on a Kworld ATSC 115 which works fine for analog right now, but with no sound. I have the saa7134-alsa module loading (as per the wiki) but for the life of me I cant figure out why Im getting no sound
[23:56:29] jordan_: And also, when attempting to find / use digital channels, it scans but does not ever find any channels, says most of them timeout with no signal or no tables
[23:58:43] rooaus: !seen mzb_d800
[23:58:43] MythLogBot: mzb_d800 is here and has been idle for 10 hours 19 minutes 31 seconds

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