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Saturday, September 22nd, 2007, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:10] Dagmar: directhex: That would be a good assessment
[00:00:18] juski: there are some nifty opengl transition libraries that can be called upon
[00:00:50] directhex: Dagmar, c++ isn't my language of choice. i simply couldn't begin to do the rewriting of the library to, well, not suck. which is needed before more eye candy can be added
[00:00:55] Dagmar: I'm still trying to find some "normal" way to correctly stop the scrolltext on the OSD
[00:01:09] juski: you know, every time this discussion comes up I just sigh & think 'hmm rewrite mythfrontend'
[00:01:39] laga: directhex: you talking about mythui or how it's hooked into the frontend
[00:01:46] juski: or take some existing thing which does a good job at playing media & bolt bits on
[00:02:05] juski: I have a feeling the linux port of XBMC is going to get legs & go real places
[00:03:35] directhex: laga, mythui
[00:04:12] juski: those menu transitions don't even have timings. it's all quick & dirty
[00:04:26] juski: I get the impression that the faster your machine, the faster they'll be
[00:04:42] Dagmar: That would be the case
[00:05:00] juski: but.. there don't have to be 255 fade steps
[00:05:12] Dagmar: Generally, someone wraps the entire thing in an idle loop that repeatedly signals for the transitions to change
[00:05:14] juski: there could be like 50
[00:05:18] directhex: juski, there aren't. iirc there are 25.5 steps
[00:05:22] Dagmar: Like, dropping into main() with gtk+
[00:05:28] Dagmar: That doesn't appear to be happening in the Myth code
[00:05:29] directhex: juski, it jumps in steps of 10!
[00:05:36] juski: does it?
[00:05:37] juski: heh
[00:05:59] directhex: Dagmar, port myth to gtk+! genius!
[00:06:14] Dagmar: directhex: might as well since it's near to needing a rewrite anyway
[00:06:20] juski: cos all gtk apps look lovely, right
[00:06:39] Dagmar: That would also inherit another database access lib (no problem) as well as the ability to draw svg elements.
[00:06:44] Dagmar: Cairo.
[00:06:55] juski: elisa uses that. and it's shit
[00:06:56] Dagmar: ...and pango.
[00:07:05] directhex: i'm more familiar with gtk than qt
[00:07:33] Dagmar: elisa must not be trying very hard
[00:07:38] juski: the big thing you have to worry about is the player
[00:07:48] juski: it's not hard to speak the mythtv protocol
[00:07:58] juski: it's not hard to draw stuff onscreen either
[00:08:00] Dagmar: That thing really should operate as it's own element
[00:08:40] Dagmar: Like, if the player were actually just running as a daemon of it's own, you could flip layers on the screen to bring up the menu, audio could/would keep going, and flipping back wouldn't mean reinitializing the stream from the backend
[00:08:57] Dagmar: There's a few ways to wedge GL fades into that I'm sure
[00:09:04] juski: yeah
[00:09:10] directhex: MythPlayer.Show();
[00:09:12] Dagmar: ...although at the rate things are going, we could almost fake it with freaking compiz-fusion
[00:09:22] juski: then you could have the player handle not just video
[00:09:34] HeatHawk[LI] (HeatHawk[LI]! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:09:51] juski: I'd probably throw away about a zillion config options too
[00:10:11] my2keh (my2keh! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:10:19] HeatHawk[LI]: Ok, I installed the latest driver, and firmware, and instead of crashing because of the firmware, I am getting this: ivtv: Unknown symbol cx2341x_log_status, and lots of it
[00:10:20] HeatHawk[LI]: ivtv: disagrees about version
[00:10:35] HeatHawk[LI]: I am running suse 10.2 with kernel 2.6.18
[00:10:52] juski: that's nice. why not ask somebody in #ivtv or wherever?
[00:11:08] Dagmar: I don't know if this is a plus, but it would also mean a really easy avenue to dbus as well, and there's lots of code using that to pillage from GNOME
[00:11:10] my2keh: anyone know why hald-addon-hid-ups eats a lot of RAM?
[00:11:34] HeatHawk[LI]: juski, I had asked a question earlier about it, its kindof a follow up thing
[00:11:53] Dagmar: my2keh: check the docs. It's possible it's keeping a little table of battery status over time
[00:12:02] my2keh: hmm ok!
[00:12:18] Dagmar: I know GNOME talks to it now and it gets data for a chart from *somewhere*
[00:12:34] Dagmar: It could also be that it's just leaking like a sieve
[00:12:35] Dagmar: ;)
[00:12:51] my2keh: lol
[00:12:56] juski: anyway – I need to start feeling positive about the direction mythtv is going in again. anyone?
[00:12:58] my2keh: I guess I couldn't find out eh?
[00:13:02] Dagmar: HAL is still a 0.x thing, keep that in mind
[00:13:32] Dagmar: juski: The frontend can't get any worse and the backend is already separate from it.  :)
[00:13:50] directhex: juski, autodetected backends signal and end to people fucking with IP addresses?
[00:13:54] directhex: juski, that's good, right?
[00:13:58] juski: you've not seen the first hundred python 'plugins' yet
[00:14:14] Dagmar: Do they all suck like mythstream?
[00:14:31] Dagmar: ...because it's UI is breathtakingly bad.
[00:14:42] juski: it's good when it works though
[00:14:44] Dagmar: There should be *visual feedback* when you press a button.
[00:14:57] Dagmar: Not this crazy asynchronous stuff it's doing
[00:15:04] juski: it'll be nice when the new mythweather is fixed too
[00:15:08] Dagmar: It makes the thing very hard to figure out
[00:15:32] Dagmar: You click something with a terse description to figure out what it does, nothing obvious happens, a while later while you'er clicking on other things the first thing you clicked on completes
[00:15:35] laga: mythstream is nice feature-wise, but the UI is so bad that i'm having secound thoughts about including it in mythbuntu
[00:15:59] juski: there were good reasons for it not being made an official plugin ;)
[00:16:09] Dagmar: If he had the damn thing just put an hourglass on the screen and make the user wait for things to complete, it would be 100 times less annoying
[00:16:52] directhex: Dagmar, ever used an xbox 360? i rather like the UI on that
[00:17:03] Dagmar: Nope.
[00:17:03] BULLE: juski: but isnt there some official work on making realtime transcoding and streaming going into myth ?
[00:17:08] directhex: Dagmar, it's good at the "responsive" thing, there's always something swirling to let you know when it's busy
[00:17:23] Dagmar: directhex: yeah, but that's practically GUI 101
[00:17:25] ** juski wonders if anybody has considered doing a feature freeze so people can be coerced into helping port the UI code along with about another 200 tickets **
[00:17:28] Dagmar: It's almost shameful to not do that
[00:17:32] directhex: Dagmar, someone skipped class!
[00:17:36] BULLE: directhex: the annoying part with an 360 is that it sounds like a vacuum cleaner with a nox supercharger fitted on it
[00:17:51] directhex: juski, mythui won't fix mythfrontend's overriding gui problems
[00:18:04] juski: BULLE: I heard it was just a rumour somebody was looking into it
[00:18:04] directhex: BULLE, my backend, with its 8 hard disks, is in the same room. so i don't notice
[00:18:23] laga: your bedroom? ;)
[00:18:26] juski: directhex: ok then make a new UI class & port everything to that
[00:18:38] Dagmar: I'll have Glade compiled to use in about 24 more hours.  ;)
[00:18:40] juski: it's not as if miles of code belong to mythui
[00:18:45] BULLE: directhex: i have a miditower case with 8 disks, it makes way less noise then my 360
[00:19:36] BULLE: there is realy only one good thing with the 360 imho, and thats the games
[00:19:52] directhex: Dagmar, glade? ick!
[00:19:54] Dagmar: I thought you were going to say "it's ability to make grilled cheese sandwiches"
[00:20:02] BULLE: the hardware is just a noisy hot running very unstable often breaking piece of poop
[00:20:10] Dagmar: directhex: Actually, glade makes prototyping an interface stupidly easy
[00:20:12] BULLE: Dagmar: ah, yeah, guess i should have said that aswell =D
[00:20:24] directhex: the 360, by a HUGE margin, offers the best games of all the current-gen systems
[00:20:37] Dagmar: directhex: You should try the Wii
[00:20:42] directhex: Dagmar, i'm a c# coder. i use stetic
[00:20:49] Dagmar: Ah
[00:20:49] directhex: Dagmar, i own a wii. i stand by my comment
[00:20:50] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has quit (No route to host)
[00:21:03] BULLE: i see no sane reason to not be usign qtdesigner/glade
[00:21:05] juski: anyway isnt the -vid work all about making putting stuff on top of video easier, among everything else?
[00:21:09] Dagmar: I love Rayman so much
[00:21:26] Dagmar: Shooting those rabbids never gets old
[00:21:38] BULLE: there is realy only one game that i want to play on the wii, and thats metroid prime 3 – corruption
[00:21:38] juski: forget all about pvr350 owners & people who have lame hardware :)
[00:21:39] directhex: Dagmar, raving rabbids is good, but there should be more on the wii to play by now
[00:21:46] BULLE: directhex: metroid prime 3 !
[00:22:02] Chutt: mp3 is meh.
[00:22:06] Dagmar: Super Paper Mario.  :)
[00:22:11] directhex: juski, right, make sacrifices over support. i say gl only!
[00:22:13] BULLE: Chutt: Meh. ?
[00:22:15] Chutt: super paper mario was meh, too.
[00:22:23] BULLE: i think Chutt is meh.!
[00:22:24] Chutt: BULLE, it's nowhere near as good as mp2
[00:22:26] BULLE: whatever now that means =D
[00:22:30] directhex: Dagmar, but for the price of a wii game, you could get two longer, better 360 games
[00:22:31] Chutt: which wasn't _anywhere_ near as good as mp1
[00:22:34] BULLE: Chutt: i thought mp1 was better then mp2
[00:22:38] BULLE: Chutt: agreed
[00:22:44] directhex: sorry, super metroid is the best in the series
[00:22:47] directhex: no others have competed
[00:22:51] Dagmar: directhex: I could also be paying more for a box that does less
[00:23:03] Chutt: i'm over half through mp3, and don't have any desire to finish the game right now
[00:23:22] BULLE: Chutt: cool, put it in a box togheter with your wii, and mail it to me
[00:23:25] directhex: Dagmar, the ps3 you mean? ;)
[00:23:27] Chutt: no :p
[00:23:30] BULLE: Chutt: its not released here until the 16th of october
[00:23:59] juski: well, I've run out of steam with this channel config wizard effort
[00:23:59] Dagmar: Elebits is also a hoot
[00:24:08] Dagmar: It's a "fiending for crack" simulator
[00:24:13] laga: juski: would someone please think of the s100? :/
[00:24:27] directhex: Dagmar, the wii offers shallow party games
[00:24:32] laga: juski: there's no need to make opengl a rquirement for the UI, imho :)
[00:24:37] Dagmar: Hey I like Mario Party 3
[00:24:43] BULLE: juski: talking about channels, i have found out that if i make two video sources, that share some channels, then the mythfrontend goes all nuts, and cant find any data to display for those channels
[00:24:48] BULLE: juski: how do i get around that ?
[00:24:54] juski: arghhH!
[00:24:58] juski: don't ask me
[00:25:01] BULLE: tunrer A have channels 1,2,3,4 and tuner B 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
[00:25:13] juski: oh they have the same channum. silly!
[00:25:24] BULLE: juski: they are the same channels
[00:25:35] juski: yeah but...
[00:25:40] BULLE: juski: eg 1 on tuner A is the exact same channel as channel 1 on tuner B
[00:25:56] juski: yes but...
[00:25:59] BULLE: but what ?
[00:26:05] juski: but they have the same channum
[00:26:31] BULLE: if i set them to different channum then they BOTH show upp in the schedule gui
[00:26:41] BULLE: and its a bit annoying to se dual lanes for the same channel, displaying the exact same info
[00:27:01] juski: so set one to be a favourite & only show favourites
[00:27:32] BULLE: juski: so when i want to schedule something to be recorded on that channel then, but on the other tuner, what do i do then ?
[00:27:48] BULLE: juski: as this channel is only available to one tuner then
[00:27:53] juski: can't remember how the 'any time on this channel' works
[00:28:27] BULLE: hmmm, can one tuner have more then one videosource ?
[00:28:28] BULLE: i think not
[00:28:33] juski: nope
[00:28:55] BULLE: otherwise i could have made two sources, source A with 1,2,3,4 and source B with 5,6,7, and then have both tuners have A, and then just one have A and B
[00:29:19] juski: anyway it's 1:30 in the morning here don't expect me to be able to come up with help other than a "have you tried turning it off & back on again"
[00:29:35] BULLE: so if you have two tuners, then they either tune totaly different sets of channel, or an identical set ?
[00:29:43] BULLE: juski: its 02:30 here!
[00:30:13] Yahooadam (Yahooadam! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:30:25] juski: personally I don't know, because although I have 2 sources which carry a number of identical channels, I opted to leave the dupes out of one lineup
[00:30:58] juski: and I can't remember enough about how the scheduler works to tell you otherwise
[00:31:05] BULLE: no worries
[00:31:13] BULLE: i will just lurk here and try to get someone to explain it to me eventualy
[00:31:15] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:31:47] bsdfox (bsdfox! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:32:32] juski: as far as I remember though, recording schedules are all stored against a chanid, which is a unique field the user never sees. so if you say 'any time on BBC1' it'd be the BBC1 which has a given chanid. don't quote me but that's how I remember it
[00:35:13] juski: so that (if true) pretty much makes 'on this channel' not much use if you have more than one instance of a particular channel
[00:36:39] laga: i dont think that's true.
[00:36:46] laga: hum
[00:36:57] juski: worth a look at the record table to find out
[00:37:07] laga: at least mythweb will regard channels as being identical if the name/callsign are the same
[00:37:10] laga: hum
[00:37:22] laga: i wish i could remember this for once :)
[00:38:25] juski: record table has chanid, not name or callsignA
[00:39:06] juski: and chanid is a hidden column in the channel table – i.e. not one the user can meddle with
[00:39:36] juski: notonly unseen in the GUI but a primary key
[00:40:50] juski: so maybe I remembered it right, unless the scheduler does something with the chanid, looks up the name & sees if there's another one the same it can use
[00:41:16] juski: this is bugging me now
[00:41:40] ol_schoola_ (ol_schoola_! has quit ()
[00:44:28] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:44:34] juski: maybe the numbers can't be the same but if the names & callsigns are the same, it'll treat them as the 'same' channel
[00:44:46] dageshi: quick question, would myth find a tv channel in its scan but then not actually show it? as in at the moment whatever I do myth on a full scan finds some channels but then won't display them in live tv, showing a "L__"
[00:45:56] pat_ (pat_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:46:37] juski: arghhH! scary queries in scheduler.cpp !
[00:47:10] juski: i tried
[00:47:16] juski: sorry BULLE
[00:48:03] Yahooadam: i hate winblows
[00:48:43] juski: BULLE: you've not got much to lose – maybe change the channums of the duplicated channels as an experiment
[00:49:12] Chutt: it's usually just callsign that it checks, iirc.
[00:49:36] juski: Yahooadam: linux isn't much better sometimes. twinview is putting the login screen and new apps I open on the VGA output of my nvidia card damnit. my nice monitor is on DVI
[00:50:02] juski: Chutt: so it'd get the callsign by looking up the chanid in the channel table then I guess
[00:51:07] Yahooadam: lol
[00:51:11] Yahooadam: i cant install anything on windows
[00:51:27] Yahooadam: i just get fucked up by windows installer errors, or installshield errors
[00:51:34] juski: double-click on setup.exe man. and have you tried turning it off & then back on again? :P
[00:52:03] juski: or have you tried turning it off & never turning it back on again?!
[00:52:08] Yahooadam: if only :p
[00:52:10] rooaus (rooaus! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:52:11] Yahooadam: i have restarted
[00:52:17] Yahooadam: ive re-installed installshielf
[00:52:20] Yahooadam: shield #
[00:52:23] BULLE: juski: ye, except that the channums are used when the tuners tune into the channel, so if i change channum, i get some other channel, when the tuner tunes to it =/
[00:53:11] juski: see I think this is why I never put the duplicate channels on my other source
[00:53:22] laga: juski: btw, the TV also gets darker if i open a big white window. i'd guess that some caps are not in a good shape anymore :/
[00:53:36] juski: cos I didnt know what'd happen – and dvb-t is better quality anyway
[00:53:50] juski: laga: yeah smells like a PSU issue then
[00:54:32] juski: BULLE: that and all my cable channels are prefixed by '50'
[00:55:36] juski: BULLE: you did bind the 2nd video source to a tuner input didn't you? ;)
[00:55:49] BULLE: juski: yes
[00:56:17] juski: well in my current state I can't be any more help then
[00:56:17] BULLE: each darn card only have one input so its not so much to fiddle around with
[00:56:31] BULLE: juski: no worries, i will play around a bit and see what i come upp with
[00:56:36] BULLE: juski: thanks for your time
[00:56:43] BULLE: i should sneak past to bed now i think
[00:56:47] ** BULLE --sova & **
[00:57:36] juski: oh ffs now firefox, after being opened a good few times on the main monitor, is now deciding to appear on the other one
[00:57:55] laga: juski: my kicker panel keeps vanishing. :>
[00:57:56] juski: am i gonna end up running 2 X servers?
[00:58:01] laga: heh
[00:58:03] Yahooadam: dont u just love dual screen juski :p
[00:58:10] laga: tell ya what. that's not possible on nvidia.
[00:58:16] juski: what?!
[00:58:20] juski: oh ffs
[00:58:21] laga: my radeon should arrive tomorrow. :)
[00:58:26] Yahooadam: ?
[00:58:28] juski: how hard can it be?
[00:58:33] laga: juski: you can have two separate X displays :)
[00:58:41] laga: :0.0 and :0.1
[00:58:42] juski: ah right
[00:58:55] laga: but SRSLY, the the "connectedmonitor" option
[00:58:55] juski: and everything will be nice then?
[00:58:56] Yahooadam: and u can set it up with 2 seperate screens ... ah
[00:58:59] Yahooadam: think thats what u mean
[00:59:00] jafa (jafa! has quit ()
[00:59:14] laga: Yahooadam: no, you can't run two separate X servers.
[00:59:21] laga: you can have two separate displays
[00:59:37] laga: err,
[00:59:41] laga: separate X screens
[00:59:43] juski: hmm sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf then
[00:59:44] laga: sorry, i'm tired.
[00:59:49] Yahooadam: i need to restart, bloody winblows
[00:59:56] Yahooadam (Yahooadam! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:00:15] juski: are there any bugs open for this in ubuntu?
[01:00:30] laga: i dunno
[01:00:44] laga: it's close to 3am so i won't check
[01:01:16] laga: g'night
[01:01:22] juski: night
[01:01:49] juski: argh duck. can only do Xinerama outside the binary driver
[01:01:54] my2keh (my2keh! has quit ()
[01:04:00] keith4 (keith4! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:04:31] keith4: does anyone know what are the realistic limits on length of DVI to HDMI cable?
[01:04:42] juski: about 15 metres
[01:05:02] juski: you're unlikely to get a HDMI certified cable above that length
[01:05:41] keith4: wow, plenty of length
[01:05:53] juski: that's not to say cables longer than that won't work – YMMV
[01:05:57] keith4: of course
[01:06:11] keith4: i can't believe people buy 6' gold-plated DVI cables
[01:06:22] HeatHawk[LI] (HeatHawk[LI]! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:06:40] keith4: at such a short length... the crappiest cable should be fine, right?
[01:06:48] juski: pretty much
[01:06:56] keith4: excellent, thanks
[01:07:07] Chutt: just buy from monoprice.
[01:07:25] juski: assuming when you say 'crappiest' you mean 'not Monster' or similar at $100/foot
[01:08:20] keith4: Chutt: that's what I was just looking at
[01:08:20] seth|laptop (seth|laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:08:28] keith4: any reason not to spend $2 extra for 4' ?
[01:08:43] Chutt: the vast majority of my cabling is from there =)
[01:08:55] juski: yeah if you end up bundling the 3' you didn't need ;)
[01:09:14] juski: time to restart X
[01:09:16] juski (juski! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[01:09:17] keith4: but i might need it later
[01:09:24] keith4: damn... the 15' is the same price
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[01:30:20] quink_ (quink_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:30:52] quink_: hello. i have an issue. Livetv works. But video recording doesn't.
[01:31:57] quink_: i get weird errors in my logs:
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[01:31:58] quink_: 2007-09–21 17:00:03.509 Channel(/dev/v4l/video0): SetInputAndFormat() failed
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[01:33:50] keith4: quink_ : . . . 4s15552.html
[01:36:06] quink_: ok. thanks
[01:36:16] quink_: any idea as to what : lacing: 0
[01:36:26] venger (venger! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:28] quink_: refers to? my logs were full of that too, with different #'s with the 0
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[01:36:43] Guest11413 is now known as PointyPumpoer
[01:36:49] PointyPumpoer is now known as PointyPumper
[01:37:33] venger: for xorg & setting up second monitor, does part of this -> BusID "PCI:1:0:0" point to the actual vga/dvi port on the card?
[01:42:33] keith4: no
[01:42:37] keith4: what card?
[01:42:50] venger: 9800pro
[01:43:06] keith4: using fglrx?
[01:43:36] venger: xorg ati in debian sid
[01:44:02] venger: yes, i normally use nvidia in linux
[01:44:17] keith4: does the ati driver even support dual head?
[01:44:27] keith4: i've only done it with (shudder) fglrx
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[01:45:19] venger: i assumed it would by now but i dont know where i would check to verify that it absolutely would
[01:45:49] venger: i do know it tuned standard definition coming from the backend very smoothly =)
[01:46:16] keith4: well.. with fglrx anyway, the 2nd Device section just has " Screen 1" at the bottom
[01:46:26] keith4: same BusID as the 1st device entry
[01:46:59] venger: interesting, i just thought there was some link to which port pertains to what unless its an implied enumeration from top to bottom of the card
[01:47:06] ARfdee (ARfdee!n=Arfere@ has left #mythtv-users ("Had Du Ken")
[01:47:15] keith4: i usually use twinview
[01:47:22] keith4: so.... i dunno
[01:47:34] venger: i seen a guy talk about it, it may be worth investigating
[01:48:04] venger: ill let something highlevel get it configured then check out the conf to see what it produced
[01:52:50] mzb_d800: hi all, I've been experimenting with some (old) machines over the last few months ... atm I am having a play with knoppmyth
[01:53:13] mzb_d800: I am able to watch TV on most channels, but two of them don't provide lock
[01:53:31] mzb_d800: using tzap I can lock on to those channels, but not from mythfrontend
[01:53:45] mzb_d800: can anyone suggest a way of debugging the problem?
[01:54:11] mzb_d800: my last attempt was with $ mythfrontend -v channel
[01:54:13] mzb_d800: (iirc)
[01:54:51] mzb_d800: btw: I have 95% signal strength
[01:55:06] mzb_d800: (home-made digital aerial)
[01:55:31] mzb_d800: I'm using a K-World Vstream USB2.0 on a P3–866 with 512MB RAM
[01:56:20] mzb_d800: I have guide data working, I can watch and record at the same time ... I just can't get lock on a couple of channels
[01:56:44] mzb_d800: experimenting with tuning timeouts,etc does not seem to have helped
[01:56:52] mzb_d800: any ideas?
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[02:09:50] lsemple: how can I tell if my system uses XF86Config, XF86Config-4, or xorg.conf ?
[02:10:48] mzb_d800: maybe: # grep config /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[02:10:57] mzb_d800: (or similar)
[02:11:20] rooaus (rooaus! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:11:22] lsemple: ahh
[02:11:25] lsemple: "using xorg.conf"
[02:11:28] lsemple: thank you
[02:12:30] mzb_d800: np
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[02:25:00] ARfdee (ARfdee!n=Arfere@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:25:03] ARfdee: hi friends
[02:25:06] ARfdee: anyone use mytharchive?
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[02:30:49] venger: |Torg|, you here?
[02:33:57] mzb_d800: looks like I've got: Parser not found for Codec Id: 94211
[02:34:04] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:34:05] mzb_d800: at least I've got something to work on now :)
[02:34:36] ARfdee: is it possible in linux to make dvds from mp4s?
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[02:51:09] Slyboots: Sure
[02:51:33] Slyboots: You can make a DVD of pretty much anything realy, If its a good idea or not.. thats another question
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[02:52:41] merlin_ (merlin_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:54:03] merlin_: howdy, is there a proper way to suggest a feature for a new mythtv version? I filed an rfe on trac, but it got closed with "invalid, feature request with no patch"
[02:54:37] rooaus: ARfdee: Mythmusic can write a disc from a playlist I believe, never tried it though.
[02:57:11] Slyboots: merlin_: Which basicly means "If your going to suggest something, show a basic layout of code of how it could be done"
[02:57:40] Slyboots: Or write the entire thing yourself
[02:57:43] merlin_: yeah, I got that :)
[02:57:45] Slyboots: But whats your suggestion anyway
[02:57:58] merlin_:
[02:58:42] Slyboots: You can do that with partitioning
[02:59:01] merlin_: I'd have to repartition a full 2TB array, not super convenient :)
[02:59:18] merlin_: but yes, I can work around it on the admin side by creating a filesystem with the FS, or somesuch
[02:59:23] merlin_: it's just a bit brutal
[02:59:24] Slyboots: You should be able to do it wihtout having to destory the current data
[02:59:39] mzb_d800: lvm
[02:59:39] merlin_: yes, with fs resize yes
[02:59:42] Slyboots: If your on a 2tb storage, you must be using LVM
[02:59:42] Lo_Pan: w
[02:59:45] merlin_: yes
[02:59:53] Slyboots: So resize it, Its a native feature
[03:00:11] merlin_: I know how to do it, it's just a bitch to have to resize something so big each time I need to move the limit
[03:00:30] Slyboots: Why not just give yourself a good margin of error, Say.. 10%
[03:00:32] ARfdee: rooaus: well, this is all video files:O
[03:00:34] mzb_d800: lvm + storage groups?
[03:00:35] merlin_: it takes hours on something so big, and the downtime is hard to get
[03:00:46] merlin_: yeah, storage groups will help when I get that
[03:00:48] Slyboots: Its a mythbox lol, Not a mission critical ssystem :D
[03:01:18] merlin_: the storage backend server is more mission critical :)
[03:01:21] mzb_d800: how about using snapshots, so you can resize original while system still up?
[03:02:32] merlin_: nope, you can't use snapshots and resize at the same time
[03:02:57] merlin_: also lvm2 snapshots are still super unstable, trust me on this
[03:03:17] mzb_d800: I only use them for small jobs
[03:03:35] mzb_d800: iirc the only thing that makes them unstable is filling them ;)
[03:04:18] merlin_: more or less
[03:04:29] merlin_: I've had many kernel bugs with them in the past, from 2.4 to the latest 2.6
[03:05:13] mzb_d800: I've used them on my xen server for the last couple of years, so only really experimented with 2.6.18
[03:05:40] merlin_: snapshots for short term usage (snapshot, backup, release snapshot) are ok
[03:05:55] merlin_: long term usage, netapp like snapshots, are what is very unstable
[03:06:09] merlin_: also each write you do is doubled for each snapshot, the implementation is pretty bad :-/
[03:06:48] robbins876: Anyone here familiar with nvidia quadro 140NVS?
[03:06:54] mzb_d800: I can believe that ... I only use it for backing up a vm (or it's data) while still running
[03:07:03] merlin_: anyway, I'll look at workarounds for now
[03:07:22] merlin_: too bad the developers don't take rfes (with no obligation to do them of course)
[03:09:04] piecesandbits (piecesandbits! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:56] venger: had success with 9800pro DVI->HDMI to Panasonic CRT. I have quite a bit of overscan, is this something i need to approach vi custom mode line -or- some other Xorg.conf setup -or- mythtv ? I'd rather not adjust the TV since 480i is fine for all the other sources
[03:17:17] Rongo (Rongo! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:17:30] venger: i asked to soon i found a nice wiki on mythtv overscan
[03:17:49] Rongo: anyone have any horror stories regarding how to upgrade ivtv on a knoppmyth machine? Just checking before I try it myself
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[03:31:03] Tanthrix: venger: Ideally, you'll want to fix it on the driver or TV level and not myth unless you have to. And unfortunately, more often than not there isn't much you can do when your set overscans.
[03:31:09] mzb_d800 (mzb_d800! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:31:19] mzb: problem above with tuning ABC + SBS seems to be fixed with tuning delay > 1000ms (can't remember it being that high before) ... currently testing 1250ms
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[03:35:41] venger: Tanthrix, running X -verbose 5 gave me a ton of modelines, I've looking into understanding how to use that output in modeline statement in xorg.conf. I did find that a restart of myth actually got it to scale correctly so most of my consern now seems to tidy up X a little for times when I may trouble shoot while only the tv is connected
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[03:41:07] IamEthos: so.... I was literally just watching live tv
[03:41:09] IamEthos: changed nothing
[03:41:19] IamEthos: and suddenly, I can't watch livetv anymore
[03:41:29] IamEthos: when I select it, it goes to a black screen and then brings me back to the menu
[03:41:38] IamEthos: has anyone seen that before?
[03:42:16] rooaus: venger: You know that you can tun the gui (menu and setup screens etc) with a different res to the video playback? Useful to avoid cutting off buttons etc in the gui.
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[03:44:23] venger: rooaus: yes however gui now scales fine with no change, seems to initial x res messed with mythth then myth causes x to switch to lower res and in turn i had to reload myth to get it to scale under the new res correctly
[03:46:55] HReadren (HReadren! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:48:28] venger: I have one question about creating a custom modeline. If anyone would like to help ->
[03:49:27] HeatHawk[LI] (HeatHawk[LI]! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:50:13] HeatHawk[LI]: For anyone who saw my questions earlier, I got my card working, and its amazing. Can't believe the difference between it and that wintv usb2. mpeg ftw. Thanks guys.
[03:50:43] venger: what card is that?
[03:52:50] HeatHawk[LI]: the pvr 150 mce
[03:52:53] rooaus: venger: That sounds right. IIRC, if run with verbose level 6 it should log the reason a mode fails validation (if that modeline doesn't work first time)
[03:53:50] venger: verbose 6 while trying to implement it?
[03:55:03] venger: oic, yes if it fails ill use lvl 6.
[03:56:04] HeatHawk (HeatHawk! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:58:30] venger: was going to tell HeatHawk that i just set up a 150mce yesterday and today it is what i'm working with now
[03:59:37] HeatHawk[LI]: im still here
[03:59:38] HeatHawk[LI]: lol
[03:59:42] HeatHawk[LI]: whats wrong with it?
[03:59:47] HeatHawk[LI]: IIRC, the remote?
[03:59:54] venger: nothing, i seen your ghost leave
[04:00:19] venger: i got the whitebox, no IR stuff
[04:00:41] venger: thats a whole other 3rd party project ill work on for the front end sometime or another
[04:00:46] HeatHawk[LI]: i dont have a remote with mine, i did with the usb one, but i never used it anyways so i didnt pick up the remote version (it was 40 bucks more at the local shops)
[04:01:11] HReadren: anyone here using latest svn after the mythtv-vid branch merge and using a VIA graphics with MPEG acceleration ala XMVC VLD ?
[04:01:18] venger: doesn't do much good if you have a remote front end in another room
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[04:03:03] venger: i plan on getting and Ira3, Tira2, USB-UIRT or custom . . . eceiver.html and using an existing remote
[04:03:09] HeatHawk[LI]: venger, wireless keyboard, lol
[04:04:47] venger: the latter being the most involved but i like how it interfaces with the power header on the motherboard
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[04:09:43] IamEthos: does anyone have any ideas regarding my issue?
[04:09:49] IamEthos: I can resend it if you'd like...
[04:10:40] venger: IamEthos, you have a remote frontend?
[04:10:41] IamEthos: when it occurs, i get errors about myth not being able to read ####timestampfilename###.mpg
[04:10:46] IamEthos: venger, nope
[04:11:22] IamEthos: and restarting mythbackend doesn't help either.
[04:11:22] venger: check df -k disk usage ?
[04:11:28] IamEthos: restarting the machine did
[04:12:47] IamEthos: venger, I will, but I can't imagine that that's the issue. I used this same machine for myth with the same settings before and I had 5 or 6 episodes of heroes recorded with no trouble
[04:14:06] venger: alright but for something to up an break means something changed, you still have to go through some sort of process of elimination
[04:14:45] IamEthos: looks like I have 46 gb left
[04:14:54] IamEthos: venger, yeah, I know
[04:15:00] venger: what about permissions
[04:15:03] IamEthos: I just don't know where to start for something so strange
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[04:15:44] IamEthos: venger, I'm running as user nsloan. All files in my home directory (where myth saves) are owned by nsloan, whether myth created or otherwise
[04:16:17] IamEthos: and unless something magical happened to make my capture card owned by some other user or group, that should be fine still to
[04:16:33] IamEthos: I literally ONLY watched live tv between this working and this breaking
[04:16:41] IamEthos: didn't even open an instance of a terminal
[04:17:06] venger: so the error you posted was from the mythtv.log?
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[04:17:51] IamEthos: venger, well, no. Mythtv was running in a terminal
[04:18:03] IamEthos: but no other terminals but the one dong Myth's bidding were open
[04:18:35] IamEthos: myth and one instance of xterm
[04:19:13] venger: ok so from stderr
[04:19:24] IamEthos: venger, yes
[04:22:38] venger: using stable?
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[04:30:06] internat2 (internat2!n=nf@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:33:33] internat2: so.. im hoping this is something that mythtv can do.. Have a central server, that has 1 or more tv capture cards in it, that can stream live tv, or record it.. or both, and have 1 or more clients that basicly can watch either prerecoreded shows, or watch livetv, with the ability to pause/play as required..
[04:33:54] GreyFoxx: internat2: That's exactly what myth does
[04:33:59] internat2: perdy
[04:35:10] H00chster: heh
[04:35:20] H00chster: ya that is the description of myth I believe to a T in fact lol
[04:35:22] internat2: what does it encode the shows in? does it use a lot of bandwdith in terms of the clients.. i have a gb switch..
[04:35:41] GreyFoxx: internat2: It depends on what you are recording from
[04:35:43] internat2: im thinking id only have 5 clients max, but still :)
[04:35:48] GreyFoxx: PVR cards, or DVB/ATSC (HDTV) are mpeg2
[04:36:02] internat2: dvb-t
[04:36:13] GreyFoxx: if you arre using standard def then youa re only looking at like 2–4megabit persec per channel
[04:36:30] IamEthos: venger, sorry. I am using stable
[04:37:54] ** seth|laptop is away: Gone away for now. **
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[04:39:29] internat2: hmms
[04:39:38] internat2: thank god i have gigabith then :)
[04:39:58] GreyFoxx: internat2: that should be much more than you need
[04:40:08] GreyFoxx: 100mb is more than enough
[04:40:10] internat2: awsome.. now for the setup part :)
[04:40:20] internat2: *goes googling for debian howtos*\
[04:40:41] GreyFoxx: debian is popular enough. I imagine there is a howto or two :)
[04:40:54] venger: IamEthos, i think mythfrontend -v help will tell you about verbose logging, have you tried uping the level?
[04:42:28] rooaus: IamEthos: I was reading scrollback, did you do any update recently? Some distros reset permissions on devices at startup, maybe an upgrade tweaked that behaviour.
[04:42:40] IamEthos: rooaus, nope
[04:42:50] IamEthos: not since before I got it working in the first place
[04:43:14] rooaus: but had you rebooted since then?
[04:43:17] venger: IamEthos, you did mention a reboot does correct the problem?
[04:43:41] IamEthos: and I know it's not a permissions issue with the device because the red light turns on on my device (it's a USB capture device)
[04:43:55] IamEthos: that wasn't happening before I had my permissions figure out properly
[04:44:05] IamEthos: rooaus, yeah, i've booted two or three times today
[04:44:12] IamEthos: last update was two or three days ago
[04:44:18] IamEthos: when I did the install
[04:44:26] IamEthos: venger, yes
[04:44:29] IamEthos: but only temporarily
[04:44:58] IamEthos: rebooting gets it working again, but doing nothing else, it will occur again after working correctly for a while
[04:45:29] venger: IamEthos, hmm interesting and you say usb so i wonder does dmesg or /var/log/syslog have anything to say
[04:45:37] rooaus: np, just thought I would throw it out there. Have heard of it biting people before (it is a windows like behaviour IMHO).
[04:46:26] venger: anyone know why xorg doesn't respond to ctrl-alt-+/- res adjustments when multiple modes are listed?
[04:46:51] IamEthos: venger, I thought I mentioned above, dmesg didn't mention anything in particular about the capture card. Some entries regarding my video card/driver, but nothing seeming problematic
[04:47:03] rooaus: venger: I think there is a setting in the xorg.conf to enable that.
[04:47:30] venger: iamben, ok so you tested this before was it on the same distrib/kernel version? i'm just tossing ideas out there since this problem needs them
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[04:48:31] rooaus: IamEthos: Have you tried unloading and reloading the relevant kernel modules instead of rebooting?
[04:48:51] IamEthos: venger, yes. Last year I had myth running on my laptop after I bought a new one. I used it for months with archlinux and MythTV from the repos and never experience this issue.
[04:49:17] IamEthos: I recently formatted and reinstalled Arch and Myth because there was a lot of stuff that i didn't need on there for a myth box (OO.o and such)
[04:49:28] IamEthos: rooaus, nope
[04:50:00] IamEthos: fglrx, or my capture card module?
[04:50:36] rooaus: IamEthos: I would try reloading the capture card module.
[04:50:49] IamEthos: rooaus, alright, give me a minute
[04:53:29] IamEthos: rooaus, that seems to do it
[04:53:32] IamEthos: now why...?
[04:53:56] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-f0bc31ba12740934) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:55:11] rooaus: IamEthos: Google may be your friend, I remember seeing some info about needing to reload kmods when I was looking for a new capture card. Steered clear of USB for this reason.
[04:58:29] internat2: on the offchance, is there a osx and/or windows client for mythtv?
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[05:27:18] robbins876: Hooray, just got fedora installed on my new laptop for the first time! YES! Now, are there any packages I should get to increase laptop performance, battery life or anything else?
[05:28:09] piecesandbits (piecesandbits! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:29:27] rooaus: internat2: Check the wiki, it can be built from source and I believe there are binary packages available as well.
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[05:30:59] jonesy_: after upgrading some packages in debian sid this morning (mainly gnome and perl packages) mythbackend is now segfaulting
[05:31:05] jonesy_: any ideas why?
[05:34:06] jonesy_: btw, I'm using mythtv 0.20.2 from debian-multimedia
[05:34:16] jonesy_: but it was definitely not upgraded this morning
[05:35:06] venger: finally found that tv screen wasn't default, now getting the default resolution i want 640x512, however xorg sets the virtual desktop to 1080i. what do i to tell xorg to do 1:1 with res ?
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[06:04:18] Fesha: Question: The image gallery in Myth TV is having issues with my MCEusb2 controller. I cant seem to start slidde shows
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[06:19:45] emory: howdy people
[06:20:17] emory: Having issues with Image Gallery in MythTV
[06:20:23] emory: Can't seem to start a slideshow...
[06:21:18] emory: well.. i'll take it none of you know...
[06:21:22] emory: :)
[06:21:31] emory: or you're all gone... I guess its late and I must be talking to myself...
[06:22:05] emory (emory! has left #mythtv-users ("I'll try again later...")
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[07:07:09] bsdfox: jonesy_: try strace mythbackend
[07:07:12] bsdfox: might shed some light
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[07:11:02] jonesy_: mmap2(NULL, 372736, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0xb4e46000
[07:11:05] jonesy_: getpid() = 4029
[07:11:08] jonesy_: getpid() = 4029
[07:11:10] jonesy_: --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) @ 0 (0) ---
[07:11:13] jonesy_: +++ killed by SIGSEGV +++
[07:11:25] jonesy_: that's the last few lines, before that just a couple of opens of /dev/zero
[07:11:41] jonesy_: if you need more I can pastebin it...
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[07:49:16] ShockValue: well, since i had my mythtv down, i thought id give that gbpvr software a look
[07:49:54] ShockValue: took me about an hour to resolve installation issues.. and then couldnt figure out if it would support dc6200 and firewire without a bunch of external utilities..
[07:50:04] ShockValue: so .. here I am.. rebuilding my mythtv box :)
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[08:52:43] penney (penney! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:52:55] penney: Howdy everyone
[08:53:31] pat_ (pat_! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:53:44] Fesha: Howdy
[09:01:06] Fesha: Hello...? I could use some help..
[09:02:37] penney: I need help people!!!!
[09:03:06] penney (penney! has left #mythtv-users ("DAMNIT")
[09:07:22] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:08:13] Fesha: Can anyone tell me where myth tv puts its recording directories?
[09:08:48] juski: it puts them where _you_ _tell_ _it_ to put them
[09:09:30] Fesha: how do I tell it to put it where
[09:09:36] juski: mythtv-setup
[09:09:37] Fesha: it looks like it puts them in two different directories
[09:09:44] juski: no it doesn't
[09:09:55] Fesha: then why can't I play any of my recordings
[09:10:03] juski: if you're using 0.20, you can have one place to put the recordings
[09:10:12] Fesha: but I have a gigantic list of things that I have watched in my recordings list
[09:10:16] juski: and that place is set within mythtv-setup, in the 'general' section
[09:10:20] Fesha: but not the things that MythTV reports it recorded.
[09:10:50] juski: . . . ecordings.3F
[09:11:17] juski: always look in the FAQ
[09:17:41] Fesha: I looked through 15 FAQ's but thanks that seems to have done it!
[09:17:45] Fesha (Fesha! has quit ("Leaving")
[09:18:29] juski: always look in the _right_ FAQ then!
[09:18:30] juski: ;)
[09:27:40] laga: morning
[09:28:20] pat_: evening
[09:28:24] juski: morning
[09:29:47] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:30:04] juski: well, better get ready. we're going to look at dogs today :(
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[09:31:32] juski: yeah we'll be buying a case of 1001 carpet cleaner just in case :-\
[09:31:35] juski: ffs
[09:31:47] laga: heh
[09:31:51] laga: you'll like your dog
[09:37:06] juski: it's not gonna be _my_ dog. if it turns out I can count the number of times she's fed or walked it on one hand, it'll have to go
[09:37:14] juski: or I will
[09:37:41] laga: yeah, a man needs a dog. you're right.
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[11:39:41] blackest (blackest! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:41:25] blackest: hi anyone had any success with ati tv out and mythtv? It works on vesa driver but its a very low frame rate. (I know ati sucks)
[11:42:26] laga: i'm afraid this is gonna be harder than i thought. running nvidia and ati simultaneously on one box. seems like i need to fiddle with mesa libs to get opengl working for ATI because the nvidia driver come with their own libs :/
[11:42:55] rooaus: juski: get a lab! labradors are real dogs
[11:43:04] Lunar_Lamp (Lunar_Lamp!n=Lunar@unaffiliated/lunarlamp/x-038437) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:43:06] pat_: get a bitsa, mine is a bitsa
[11:44:08] laga: blackest: what card, what driver...
[11:44:22] Lunar_Lamp: ok, I'm loathe to ask this as it seems the kind of thing I should have found out by googling, but... I can connect to my backend using "mysql -u mythtv mythconverg -h -p ", but when I'm in mythfrontend, on this same machine, it says that it acnnot connect. The db name, user and pass are the same, as is the ip. What's going on? :-/
[11:45:00] laga: Lunar_Lamp: does it say that it cannot connect to the _database_ or to the _backend_?
[11:45:54] Lunar_Lamp: Ah, the backend server
[11:46:10] blackest: its a 9200se i didnt get anywhere lastnight with ati or flglrx both didnt sync on tv and were scrambled.
[11:46:18] laga: Lunar_Lamp: that's a difference
[11:46:37] laga: blackest: i've just plugged in my radeon 9250 and i'm seeing some messages related to TV.
[11:46:47] laga: blackest: do you see any in your X log?
[11:46:52] Lunar_Lamp: blackest: I;ve had the exact same issue with the same card – if you find a solution (and I'll be working on it this afternoon too hopefully) – let me know!
[11:47:09] drindt (drindt! has quit ("Segmentation fault")
[11:47:13] laga: "restore TV standard" etc is what i get
[11:47:28] blackest: well so far i found an nvidea 5200 half height card for less than £20
[11:48:03] ** laga reboots **
[11:48:07] rooaus: laga: Why do that to yourself. ati AND nvida???? Dude, self flagellation is far more rewarding.
[11:49:32] blackest: the box wasnt going to be a frontend but i bought an nvidea for another system and got left with a spare ~ati card so i thought why not. ... and 4 this morning i gave up and went to bed :/
[11:49:49] blackest: why two cards ?
[11:52:28] blackest: . . . 000/9100_IGP looks hopeful I am going to try it later anyway
[11:53:18] rooaus: juski:
[11:53:44] pat_: juski: . . . umbnail=true
[11:58:30] bluey- (bluey-! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:58:57] rooaus: juski: I agree with you about check boxes in menus, seems like a shite idea.
[12:02:25] Lunar_Lamp: It seems having the backend and frontend communicating via wireless is not enough for streaming live TV :-(
[12:02:49] blackest: it is I do it regularly
[12:03:15] Lunar_Lamp: Hmm, ok, then my network must just suck. I'll have to play around a bit and see if I can improve the signals I guess.
[12:05:33] blackest: wds is a pain thou the throughput is up and down like a yoyo
[12:09:26] laga: rooaus: because i need two cards. ati will be using the OSS driver.
[12:11:01] Patina (Patina!n=tomas@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:11:01] laga: i just got to find out why i can start X just fine as the regular user but it won't work when using su – <user> -c in /etc/rc.local
[12:16:12] rooaus: laga: There is a permission thing with X, similar reason that you can't ssh into a different machine and startx. Will try to remember the reason.
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[12:16:40] rooaus: I mean with some distros. not all distros though.
[12:16:45] laga: yeah
[12:16:49] laga: i seem to remember something similar
[12:16:53] laga: sonthing involving ttys AFAIK
[12:20:15] laga: i'll just use kdm for auto-login.
[12:21:07] juski: rooaus: be nice if other people spoke up too
[12:21:51] juski: well, looked at one home – found a doggie, was about to sign everything & he started bleeding from his manhood. never a good sign. like yikes man
[12:25:33] laga: !
[12:25:44] Slyboots (Slyboots! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:26:59] rooaus: juski: Didn't know they circumcised dogs.
[12:35:52] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:36:05] rooaus: juski: +1 on the mailing list.
[12:48:17] rooaus: laga: Found it, google ".xauthority" I suspect that is your issue.
[12:48:56] juski: well, this surely beats trying to get dual monitors to behave
[12:49:08] ** juski goes back out **
[12:51:01] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:53:25] Lunar_Lamp: Hmm, I'm wanting to get a remote solely for use with my mythtv box. I'll need a usb reciever and a remote. Is there anywhere I can get a USB reciever separate from the remote? There are a few all-in-one remotes I like the look of that don't come with usb recievers.
[12:54:30] Slyboots (Slyboots! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:55:09] fysa:
[12:55:15] fysa: Supported Hardware on the left
[12:58:16] rooaus: also:
[13:00:54] Lunar_Lamp: Hmm, that looks like it might be an expensive way of doing it – I guess I'll just go and get a cheap usb remote elsewhere for about a tenner.
[13:07:34] bluey- (bluey-! has quit ("Leaving")
[13:08:06] roelf (roelf! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:08:15] roelf: hello mythusers
[13:08:43] roelf: i have a problem when i try to scan for channals with my technotrend S-1500
[13:09:10] roelf: if i use channels.conf to scan the scanner stocks at 3%
[13:09:42] roelf: if is scan with a ETI is get the following error 'Error pasing parameters"
[13:10:03] roelf: in the terminal i get the following error 2007-09–22 15:01:13.847 DVBTuning Error: Invalid symbol rate parameter '', aborting.
[13:15:13] Internat (Internat!n=nf@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:30:14] blackest: lunar_lamp you still about?
[13:30:53] blackest: I think i am getting somewhere with the ati tv-out
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[13:47:23] Frostshock (Frostshock! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:48:05] Frostshock: what dist should i install in order to get the smallest installation?
[13:50:20] rooaus: Frostshock: lfs, but what does that matter if a typical recording runs into the GBs anyway.
[13:50:20] Frostshock: debian netinst + openbox + mythtv?
[13:50:35] Frostshock: well.. i dont need gnome/kde..
[13:51:41] laga: you dont have to install them.
[13:52:02] Frostshock: ok
[13:52:06] laga: i'd recommend ubuntu. you can remove the cruft then and install ubuntu-mythtv-frontend which will boot into mythfrontend and openbox
[13:52:44] Frostshock: how are updated handled?
[13:53:00] Frostshock: -d+s
[13:53:38] laga: what kind of updates?
[13:53:49] Frostshock: the whole mythtv system.. plugins etc
[13:54:03] laga: with apt-get.
[13:54:18] laga: there are weekly builds for the 0-20-fixes branch available at
[13:54:18] Frostshock: ok
[13:59:38] phedny (phedny! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:05:11] blackest: any idea's where to start looking i have been playin around with X and now mythfrontend switches to square mode and core dumps
[14:05:39] laga: mythfrontend --reset?
[14:05:57] blackest: ok i'll try it
[14:07:08] blackest: hmm no luck there
[14:08:09] laga: where does it core dump?
[14:08:13] laga: mythfrontend -v all
[14:08:22] laga: might be kind helpful to see if it gets stuck somewhere
[14:08:33] blackest: straight after switching to gant and square pixel mode
[14:09:07] blackest: i'm just going to try vesa driver again see if it likes that any better
[14:09:13] laga: yup
[14:09:17] laga: might be a opengl problem
[14:09:37] tuxd00d (tuxd00d!n=tuxinato@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:09:54] blackest: might actually be a blacklist problem the original fglrx that comes with ubuntu i think needed blacklisting
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[14:10:22] laga: rooaus: btw, ati & nvidia seem to be working well together.
[14:10:44] laga: rooaus: if you shuffle around some library paths :/
[14:11:45] blackest: got worse vesa dumps now :(
[14:12:15] laga: huh?
[14:13:23] blackest: i just switched drivers back again ... ok time to restore xorg.conf
[14:14:20] phedny_ (phedny_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:15:47] blackest: maybe i should just pony up for an nvidea card :(
[14:17:12] rooaus: laga: That is good to know, I really thought that might have ended in tears. :)
[14:18:48] laga: blackest: btw
[14:19:13] laga: blackest: if you have installed fglrx, it's probably picking up the wrong
[14:19:16] laga: blackest: if you have installed fglrx, it's probably picking up the wrong
[14:19:49] laga: you should tell it to use the qt painter
[14:19:49] laga: or remove glrx completely
[14:20:01] laga: i'm assuming that fglrx ships its own now :)
[14:27:10] merlin_: howdy, I'm debugging a debian/ubuntu package issue and we're trying to figure out if anything in mythtv setup or frontend config (re-)creates ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[14:28:25] laga: merlin_: debian or ubuntu?
[14:28:34] laga: it's not exactly the same set of packages
[14:29:09] merlin_: debian for now, but it looks like ubuntu has the same problem. I'm working with Christian Marillat, the package author (he does both)
[14:29:20] bbitz (bbitz! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:29:56] merlin_: on one of my systems, something created ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt from under me and broke my slave backend since it overrides /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt which had the correct settings
[14:30:00] bbitz: Hello everyone
[14:30:02] iamben (iamben! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:30:11] laga: i'm pretty sure that marillat does not do mythtv packages for debian :)
[14:30:32] merlin_: not in debian proper, he maintains them out of tree
[14:30:49] merlin_: deb testing main
[14:30:51] laga: merlin_: i know about debian multimedia, but i doubt they're the same as the ubuntu packages.
[14:30:57] laga: ah, sorry. i made a typo
[14:31:01] merlin_: He maintains a lot of third party stuff that debian doesn't package
[14:31:02] laga: i meant "for ubuntu"
[14:31:13] merlin_: ah
[14:31:19] laga: alright
[14:31:37] laga: on your debian box, is /usr/bin/mythfrontend a shell script or a binary?
[14:31:44] merlin_: I think I have his repository on ubuntu too and it's newer than ubuntu proper, so you're likely right
[14:31:52] merlin_: I don't have mythfrontend on the debian box, just mythbackend
[14:32:04] merlin_: and that's a binary
[14:32:08] bbitz: MythTV delays LiveTV so that you can rewind LiveTV, Should a channel change really be delayed also? Is that how it is supposed to work or is my setup not working correctly?
[14:32:21] laga: merlin_: what about mythtv-setup?
[14:32:34] laga: bbitz: channel changes take long, aye
[14:32:38] merlin_: bbitz, there is a delay for a small buffer to fill up between recording and playing
[14:33:01] doje (doje! has quit ()
[14:33:03] merlin_: that's a binary too
[14:33:24] laga: ok, he hasn't merged the ubuntu packaging stuff into his packages then.
[14:33:25] ol_schoola: bbitz: part of a channel change is buffering that is required no matter what, not to mention tuning, locking, demuxing, yadda yadda yadda
[14:33:42] laga: that's why it's important to make that decision, ubuntu does some additional magic to make sure you're in the right group etc.
[14:33:52] merlin_: laga, possible. I haven't had the problem on ubuntu
[14:34:19] laga: merlin_: AFAIK, the ubuntu packages will only create /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[14:34:22] merlin_: I just noticed that I had his package there too for some reason (probably because ubuntu doesn't have 0.20.2, and he does)
[14:34:33] laga: merlin_: if you're looking for current ubuntu builds, go to :)
[14:34:38] laga: ubuntu has 0.20.2
[14:34:44] merlin_: ah, cool, I go check that
[14:35:02] merlin_: So I should tell christian to look for a fix to this problem in the ubuntu package?
[14:35:16] merlin_: s/I go/I'll go/
[14:35:23] laga: um
[14:35:29] iamben: my script runs fine under root but gives an error as mythtv user, what permissions am i missing?
[14:35:42] laga: merlin_: it's not something we have actively fixed as far as i know.
[14:35:52] rooaus: bbitz: Don't expect the same channel change times in myth as a STB, myth buffers livetv so you can pause etc. but also has to run on many different hardware combinations.
[14:36:22] rooaus: that said, how long are your channel changes taking?
[14:36:49] laga: rooaus: looks like my adventure will end in tears till i rebuild my tv-out cable :)
[14:36:50] merlin_: laga, and do you have any idea what could recreate ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt?
[14:37:13] merlin_: is that the core code that could do that, or other glue added in the package, or some shell script that I haven't found yet
[14:37:16] laga: merlin_: yes, mythtv itself ;)
[14:37:43] ol_schoola: bbitz: are you watching an analog or digital source?
[14:37:54] bbitz: ol_schoola, it is analog
[14:37:57] merlin_: Ok, so deleting ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt isn't the right fix because it'll just come back later I guess
[14:38:06] merlin_: bbitz, are we talking 1–2sec?
[14:38:21] bbitz: merlin_, something like that
[14:38:32] ol_schoola: thats normal
[14:38:35] rooaus: laga: That is bad luck.
[14:38:36] bbitz: oh, ok
[14:38:38] laga: merlin_: oh. hum. is your user part of the "mythtv" group? if not, a mysql.txt might be created with the wrong info
[14:38:40] merlin_: laga, do you have a suggestion I should give to Christian for a fix to this problem? symlink? delete the file at mytbackend startup, other?
[14:38:49] laga: merlin_: because /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt cannot be read
[14:38:52] merlin_: I run mythtv as mythtv
[14:38:55] merlin_: it can
[14:39:08] merlin_: ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt overrides info from /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[14:39:15] ol_schoola: bbitz: if you go digital, get ready for longer times to switch, but you'll also see that in a cable or dish STB for digital as well
[14:39:25] rooaus: bbitz: Have you enabled browse mode, that takes the pain out of channel changes for me.
[14:39:27] merlin_: bbitz, I get 1–2sec too, I think you just have to live with it
[14:39:46] ol_schoola: browse mode is definately the way to go
[14:39:47] laga: merlin_: it shouldn't be recreated then.
[14:39:59] laga: merlin_: or at least it should be recreated with the correct information
[14:40:04] merlin_: ok. So, hopefully it's a one time thing, and delete the file should be ok
[14:40:24] merlin_: it recreated the file to talk to a local mysql db which didn't exist since I was using a remote db on the master backend
[14:40:32] bbitz: rooaus, is that where you must hit the select button before it will actually change the channel?
[14:40:41] rooaus: yeah
[14:40:41] merlin_: I scratched my head a long time as to why mythbackend was reporting db connect errors :)
[14:40:58] bbitz: yeah, I am using that
[14:41:06] laga: merlin_: weird stuff.
[14:41:36] merlin_: btw, the deb and ubuntu packages I have do create a mythtv user and switch the uid to that with start-stop-daemon before running the backend
[14:42:03] laga: is /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt owned by mythtv? :)
[14:42:28] merlin_: I think I'll suggest to Christian to check for ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt and move it out or print a big warning at startup time if it's there
[14:42:37] merlin_: no, it's owned by root on my system
[14:42:43] merlin_: does mythtv try to write to it?
[14:43:10] merlin_: mythtv can read it, but not write to it, as I would expect such a file to be
[14:43:11] laga: hashbang: hey. you here? i'm now using my vga->scart cable with a radeon card and the picture is messed u, eg i can see it two times (horizontally, not vertically). using the same modeline as before with my nvidia card. do you know what could cause this?
[14:43:43] laga: merlin_: hum.
[14:43:59] laga: merlin_: there is nothing wrong with having a ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt file per se
[14:45:21] merlin_: well, there is if it overrides the system default file which the admin thought was authoritative :)
[14:45:31] bbitz: oy, mythtv worked last night... not anymore, maybe the logs will help
[14:45:37] merlin_: it's also bad if it gets randomly written with bad info, like it did on my slave backend
[14:45:52] Lin (Lin!n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:46:05] laga: merlin_: where the admin thought :P config files in ~ usually override /etc/
[14:46:16] laga: anyways, there's something quirky..
[14:46:25] laga: the file shouldn't have ever generated in the first place
[14:46:57] laga: maybe you came home from a night out drinking, fired up mythtv-setup using that account and entered some bogus information? maybe it was the KGB?
[14:47:04] merlin_: laga, see
[14:47:25] laga: i don't have X at the moment so reading that is gonna be a bit hard
[14:47:46] merlin_: that was the file that got autocreated somehow. Maybe you can see from the format if it looks like it came from mythtv-setup, or not
[14:47:52] merlin_: ah
[14:48:08] bbitz: hmm
[14:48:42] bbitz: Is it normal for the backend to state that it has connected to the database 4 times when starting up?
[14:49:09] ireverentReveren: whan i let mythbackend start from an init.d script, everything complains that it cannot connect to it, but if I run "mythbackend" by hand, everything works... any suggestions?
[14:49:37] merlin_: I did re-run myth-setup to fix some other stuff, does that recreate the mysql.txt file?
[14:49:49] merlin_: In that case, it's the most likely explanation
[14:49:55] laga: probably. possible.
[14:50:30] laga: do you have a local DB on that box? that might explain why you didn't get errors
[14:50:44] merlin_: no local db, it's a slave backend without a mysql server
[14:51:01] laga: odd :/
[14:51:14] merlin_: it was fully working with my master backend, and some day (while admittedly, I was still fidling with the config), it stopped
[14:51:45] merlin_: it took me a fair while to find the rogue config file that broke the config, and at least I know for sure I didn't create it, and it's not from the package either
[14:52:57] laga: hum
[14:53:06] AndyCap: laga: what modeline are you using?
[14:53:06] laga: i can't be much more help here, running out of ideas
[14:53:18] merlin_: that's ok. Thanks for suggesting things anyway
[14:53:20] laga: merlin_: join #ubuntu-mythtv and talk to superm1
[14:53:30] merlin_: ok, I'll try that, thanks
[14:53:47] laga: Modeline "720x576pali" 13.88 720 742 808 888 576 580 583 625 -hsync -vsync interlace
[14:55:15] AndyCap: laga: did you override the clock?
[14:55:46] laga: yes
[14:55:49] laga: to 12MHz
[14:56:27] laga: i am using a "smart" cable whhich generates composite sync from hsync and vsyync, but you probably guessed that.
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[14:56:56] AndyCap: laga: yeah, since you moved from an nvidia you'd have to. :)
[14:57:11] laga: heh
[14:58:31] laga: i'll try another modeline
[14:59:02] laga: or rather, i'll talk to gigabyte first because the PCI vga card is always recognized as #1, no matter what
[14:59:25] bbitz: how many in here use NTSC? Are all using PAL?
[14:59:30] AndyCap: Id guess that the cards don't generate the exact same output for the modeline.
[14:59:39] laga: AndyCap: yup
[15:00:08] AndyCap: but where did I put my modeline..
[15:03:38] AndyCap: Probably be off on your tv though. and I dunno if the sync agrees with your sync mixer you probably want – ModeLine "720x576tvx" 15.1 720 762 834 968 576 579 607 625 +hsync +vsync interlace composite
[15:04:18] laga: let's try it *shrug*
[15:04:21] laga: can't hurt
[15:04:32] AndyCap: famous last words
[15:04:34] AndyCap: :P
[15:05:07] foxhunt (foxhunt! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:08:38] iamben: my mythtv script doesnt work as non-root, any ideas? root and user script output:
[15:11:06] rooaus: goodnight all
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[15:18:57] bbitz: I am getting the error: NVP::AddAudioData():p3: Audio buffer overflow, audio dat
[15:18:57] bbitz: a lost! , when I try to watch LiveTV. It repeats constantly and consequently never outputs audio. I have the audio record set to /dev/dsp1, the playback to /dev/dsp1 and the mixer device to /dev/mixer1. Are there any problems with this?
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[15:20:47] bbitz: Now that I think of it, can /dev/dsp1 be used for record and playback at the same time?
[15:21:12] bbitz: It should be a full-duplex soundcard
[15:21:54] iamben (iamben! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:22:34] iamben: is maintained by the mythtv team, or someone else?
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[15:28:35] ol_schoola: lamden: have you tried reading the script yet? does it have any tmp directories tha may have the wrong perms?
[15:29:00] ol_schoola: the author should be listed at the beginning of the script
[15:31:27] iamben: ol_schoola: i figured out the issue, it fails when i have $http_proxy set in bash
[15:31:34] iamben: which... seems wrong to me
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[15:32:17] iamben: but im in a bit of a problem now, because i MUST have $http_proxy set when i fetch listings
[15:33:38] ol_schoola: ummm, modify the listings update process to set proxy at start and disable when finished?
[15:33:50] ol_schoola: kludgy
[15:34:37] iamben: im gonna try to just use a bash alias for a dirty workaround
[15:36:23] iamben: and... using a bash alias for the imdb command doesnt work, maybe itll work for the mythfilldatabase command
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[15:36:25] bbitz: Can 1 soundcard be used for recording and playing at the same time in Linux?
[15:37:54] bbitz: Do I need two soundcards to use LiveTV with MythTV?
[15:38:42] AndyCap: bbitz: possibly. can't your card supply digital audio by itself?
[15:39:36] AndyCap: bbitz: dunno how the oss drivers cope with fullduplex, nor the alsa oss emulation you're probably using
[15:39:53] AndyCap: bbitz: how is this set up?
[15:40:08] bbitz: AndyCap, unfortunatly no, I am using DirecTV as the source and they do not offer a digital output on this box
[15:40:29] AndyCap: bbitz: aha.
[15:40:58] bbitz: I have a STB connected over SVideo to an analog capture card and the audio to line in on the soundcard
[15:40:58] iamben: ugh this is really annoying, i cant figure out a good way to have the variable set for some mythtv functions and not set for others
[15:41:45] AndyCap: bbitz: No clue, but maybe if you use myths alsa support instead of OSS. (stop me anyone if this is not a hot idea)
[15:42:28] bbitz: hmm, ok
[15:42:59] AndyCap: bbitz: btw, what's /dev/dsp?
[15:43:08] AndyCap: since you have dsp1
[15:44:32] bbitz: , /dev/dsp is the motherboards built in audio, which has bad interference when using linein and /dev/dsp1 is a PCI card that does not have that problem
[15:44:42] blackest: bbitz the analog capture card will be a pig better to get a pvr150 or similar
[15:44:43] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@unaffiliated/jhulst) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:45:18] AndyCap: bbitz: and line-out on the motherboard isn't useful either?
[15:46:14] bbitz: AndyCap, I haven't tried that actually...
[15:46:55] blackest: anyone done a myth install on gutsy yet ?
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[15:47:37] bbitz: in mythtv-setup, Capture Card Setup, Audio device has (None), (/dev/dsp), (/dev/dsp1). Can it support ALSA here?
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[15:52:57] iamben: bbitz: if its built w/ alsa support, you can use ALSA:default
[15:54:47] J-e-f-f-A: ugh... My backend isn't recoding scheduled programs — says "Canceled recording (Recorder Failed)" — but I can watch "LiveTV" on all recorders... what gives?
[15:54:47] GreyFoxx: no
[15:54:58] GreyFoxx: myth coesn't support alsa capture
[15:59:59] iamben: oh
[16:00:21] GreyFoxx: Noone has added it. There is no specific reason why it's not
[16:01:05] ol_schoola: can the user running the BE acces the recordings directory?
[16:01:20] ol_schoola: nvr mind
[16:01:37] ol_schoola: still thinking in terms of the ringbuf
[16:01:41] J-e-f-f-A: ol_schoola: Yep. LiveTV works...
[16:01:58] bbitz: mythfilldatabase said that my xmltv script is "not verified as working". What does it mean by that? It seems like its refusing to run it...
[16:02:03] ol_schoola: yeah, and live tv creates new recordings in the recordings directory, my bad
[16:02:48] J-e-f-f-A: ol_schoola: That's ok, ;-)
[16:03:03] bbitz: If I have the script output to an XML file and feed that to mythfilldatabase then it works fine...
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[16:04:08] bbitz: the script is working fine, it outputs XML that mythfilldatabase accepts, but mythfilldatabase will not run the script defined in the MySQL database.
[16:04:47] offset: anyone know how to get mythpython compiled? I'm getting "`QMutex' does not name a type" errors from make.
[16:05:14] bbitz: Is there some table of "approved" XMLTV scripts somewhere?
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[16:07:14] iamben: anyone know a good tv show filenaming scheme that is usually interpreted properly by the imdb script for mythvideo?
[16:07:31] GreyFoxx:
[16:07:41] J-e-f-f-A: Ah, shoot... All of these schedules were setup before I switched over to SD... If I setup something now, it records. yuck. (googling how to fix now...)
[16:07:43] GreyFoxx: toy.story.1.avi
[16:07:44] GreyFoxx: etc
[16:08:15] iamben: GreyFoxx: i got it working great for movies
[16:08:34] GreyFoxx: sorry I missed the "TV Show" part of your question
[16:08:45] GreyFoxx: I've never actually tried to import info for those
[16:08:46] iamben: but what about "heroes season 1 episode 2", there is a unique imdb id for that episode but i dont know how to use imdb's search well enough
[16:08:54] GreyFoxx: those I have been thinking abou it
[16:09:03] iamben: i havent yet because its soo much of a PITA
[16:09:46] iamben: i suppose i must first become one with the imdb search, then i can figure out how to make the script do it properly
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[16:11:48] GreyFoxx: Ok, first you need to do a title search to get the title id, then do a episode list with
[16:11:56] GreyFoxx: 1 pager per season
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[16:17:49] AndyCap: mythpython? ooh, shiny. :)
[16:18:17] gberardi: Is zap2it no longer the right service to use for channel data? It seems that just redirects to the main page.
[16:18:44] GreyFoxx: gberardi: They shutdown tghe free labs stuff on Sept1st
[16:18:55] ** AndyCap wonders how people miss that. I don't even live in the us and I know. :P **
[16:19:00] gberardi: GreyFoxx: Ah, I see.
[16:19:12] GreyFoxx: gberardi: Most people have moved to using
[16:19:18] gberardi: AndyCap: Well, when I didn't have cable for over a month, it is easy to miss. B-)
[16:19:28] gberardi: Thanks!
[16:19:38] AndyCap: gberardi: on the bright side that must mean your mythtv use is a happy one..
[16:19:38] GreyFoxx: a bunch of devs from various projects got together to buy the data on users behalf and resell it to them
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[16:20:22] gberardi: AndyCap: Well, my girlfriend watches more TV than I do, but yeah, she had to watch a number of recorded shows all this time.
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[16:32:45] J-e-f-f-A: ugh... Do I have to delete & re-define my sources and 38 searches to get scheduling to work right again after my switch to schedules Direct?
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[16:52:00] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: You won't need to redefine recording rules.
[16:52:17] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: Really, you shouldn't redefine your sources--you should just change grabber, userid, password.
[16:52:57] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: You only need to redefine sources if you mess them up (i.e. you'll likely need a Delete all video sources if you delete the existing source and add a new one for SD).
[16:53:29] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: But even then, the recording rules and everything (except video sources, input connections, and channels) is untouched.
[16:55:40] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: I think I did delete the sources and re-add them with SD... My bad. ugh.
[16:56:30] sphery: J-e-f-f-A: You might want to delete all video sources and recreate them.
[16:56:37] sphery: On the bright side, it shouldn't be too tough.
[16:57:08] sphery: This is the "right" approach for switching:
[16:59:10] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: Yeah, thanks. they say "Hindsight is 20:20"... I had put off upgrading due to time contraints, but when my dd info was gone, my hand was forced... and I goofed up trying to do it 'last minute' to get it back online...
[17:00:56] J-e-f-f-A: sphery: Thanks for the help. I've got to do some work on my truck now — I'll work on Myth later today. Thanks again.
[17:13:31] blackest: any ideas best ati driver supporting tv-out
[17:14:00] blackest: gutsy looks to be good btw for mythtv :)
[17:14:46] blackest: theres been major improvements in setting up xorg
[17:15:18] laga: i've done it manually mostly ;)
[17:16:54] blackest: me too but the graphics card aNd screen setup is a major improvement i mean pick a driver from the list
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[17:17:11] laga: i've used dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg for that :)
[17:17:28] laga: last time i tried xorg-config it wouldn't let me choose a widescreen resolution
[17:17:40] blackest: i might try it you've got a 9200se havent you
[17:18:02] laga: which makes me wonder if they locked some poor guy in a dark room with a 14" CRT
[17:18:11] laga: blackest: heh, i wasn't talking about my radeon ;)
[17:19:06] blackest: well i've got live tv running via two routers working fine just cant get a signal on the tv-out again
[17:19:39] laga: are you using gutsy?
[17:19:48] blackest: I am now
[17:20:32] xamindar (xamindar! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:20:39] blackest: easiest install yet its a slave backend /frontend i just needed to set the password and the master backend ip
[17:20:45] laga: there is some limited tv-out support
[17:20:50] laga: blackest: glad you like it
[17:21:11] blackest: the tv-card settings were still in the database so nothing to do
[17:21:42] TechBill: anyone here use mplayer?
[17:21:48] blackest: so any idea's which driver will work for tv out as vesa is dog slow
[17:21:49] ** linagee yells, "i am not a TV addict!" while subscribing to the pay xmltv feed. :( **
[17:22:42] NHIwerx (NHIwerx!n=frank@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:22:51] laga: blackest: if you use "radeon", don't you get tv-out related messages in xorg log?
[17:22:54] blackest: i guess i could feed to my projector which doesnt need tv out :) but i dont like using that for basic stuuff
[17:23:34] blackest: i will just check
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[17:25:04] laga: blackest:
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[17:26:00] laga: blackest: skip the parts telling you to install a driver, it should be in gutsy IMHO
[17:27:29] blackest: well xorg log says i can have pal or ntsc and its default pal
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[17:29:29] laga: have you seen the link i've posted
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[17:33:32] blackest: i'm looking at it now and developing a headache ;)
[17:33:35] kabtoffe (kabtoffe! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:33:57] laga: just set your screen resolution to 800x600
[17:34:02] laga: that might just work
[17:34:05] blackest: i've got ati set as driver for now i guess i need to change to radeon
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[17:34:50] laga: should be the same
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[17:36:04] fer_ (fer_! has quit ("What's this red button for? ... <click>... oops... :)")
[17:36:35] blackest: darn still no go
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[17:37:10] laga: is it set to 800x600
[17:37:17] blackest: yes
[17:38:36] blackest: i could try ntsc see if thats a possible
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[17:48:07] blackest: somethings wrong i dont think i'm understanding what i'm supposed to be doing
[17:48:58] laga: o_O
[17:49:59] blackest: device is Ati radeon
[17:50:07] blackest: driver ati
[17:50:32] blackest: only option now is mergedfb is off
[17:51:12] blackest: if I add option "TVOutput" "PAL" it should work ?
[17:51:15] laga: maybe
[17:51:20] laga: where are you located?
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[17:52:38] blackest: uk
[17:52:58] laga: yes, PAL is correct then
[17:53:59] blackest: its not turning on unless i need a full reboot rather than ctrl alt backspace
[17:54:18] laga: i'd try to workout how it's done, but my card only has s-video and the tv can only do composite.
[17:55:13] willcooke (willcooke!n=will@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:55:17] blackest: this cards composite out although it comes with some weird 8pin s-video adapter
[17:56:44] juski: oh gawd I still can't get that image out of my head :(
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[17:57:39] galorin: What sort of things can cause 100% CPU usage for visualisations in mythmusic?
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[17:58:14] xris: lack of video acceleration?
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[18:00:23] blackest: what image
[18:00:53] galorin: hmm, wonder why I don't have it.. glxgears is also spiking CPU usage.
[18:01:04] laga: check glxinfo
[18:01:38] galorin: what should I look for in glxinfo's output.. there's a lot of stuff there?
[18:02:15] robbins61 (robbins61! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:02:38] juski: blackest: you really don't want to know, believe me
[18:03:05] blackest: cant be worse than tubgirl or goatse
[18:03:20] ireverentReveren: so, running mythbackend from init.d makes the frontend cry about no backend, running it by hand works... any suggestions?
[18:04:58] AndyCap: blackest: oh really?
[18:05:35] blackest: if you don't know don't google them.
[18:05:47] juski: ireverentReveren: maybe mysql issues- i.e. the backend isn't staying up when you start it with the init script
[18:05:59] ireverentReveren: juski i'll look into that
[18:06:09] ireverentReveren: thanks a bunch
[18:06:43] ireverentReveren: when i do a /etc/init.d/mythbackend start, and then a status, it is reported as up, though
[18:06:48] bsdfox_: galorin: glxinfo | grep -i direct
[18:06:51] juski: god I couldn't have been more wrong about going to see all those dogs' homes today. I thought I'd be more dispassionate
[18:07:06] juski: ireverentReveren: init scripts aren't known for always telling the truth
[18:07:10] AndyCap: blackest: Give this method a shot if you think you can't find worse. :P
[18:07:18] juski: try ps -ef |grep mythbackend
[18:07:22] ireverentReveren: juski fair enough
[18:07:52] ivan (ivan! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:08:00] juski: try running mythbackend as the user the init script runs it as & see what happens
[18:08:08] ireverentReveren: juski its shown as running
[18:08:19] galorin: bsdfox_, direct rendering: Yes and that's all that comes up.
[18:08:28] bsdfox_: what transcoding scheme do you guys use? I mean my quality is crappy for a 500mb episode of south park with my current scheme
[18:08:47] juski: ireverentReveren: is the user mythbackend runs as a member of a group which can access the tuner hardware?
[18:09:41] ireverentReveren: not sure, its run by root when i do it by hand, not sure who init runs as
[18:09:54] galorin: bsdfox_, on my home system, standard medium setting seems to work, but for my in-law's system, only high-quality or not transcoded is acceptable to him.
[18:10:31] juski: ireverentReveren: the init script will know
[18:10:37] bsdfox_: I meant more like.. raw video to xvid or something
[18:11:03] bluey- (bluey-! has quit ("Leaving")
[18:11:12] ivan: Hi all
[18:11:31] ivan: I'm new here and wanted to know more about mythtv
[18:11:50] juski: ivan: go real the manual at
[18:12:00] juski: then when you've digested some of that, ask questions
[18:12:19] ivan: ok
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[18:29:19] jedix: why does myth keep changing the channel the tuners start on?
[18:30:16] blackest: because you changed channel last time
[18:31:18] jedix: uhu?
[18:31:26] jedix: how do I change it to something else?
[18:32:02] blackest: myth remembers the last channel you were on i think theres a config option but i don't remember it
[18:36:13] loops (loops! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:36:31] Anduin: It is start channel, in mythtv-setup, and yes it remembers.
[18:36:36] jedix: but I change the channel to something else and go out of watching
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[18:36:59] Anduin: jedix: So you have a bad channel?
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[18:38:00] jedix: nah, it's just doesn't always change the channel I'm on
[18:39:43] jedix: err
[18:39:47] jedix: change the start channel
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[18:48:47] lotia (lotia! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:51:03] lotia: anyone having odd problems with myth and vlc with the latest release 0.20.2 fixes
[18:52:05] juski: er.. you>
[18:52:06] juski: ?
[18:52:07] juski: ;)
[18:53:35] lotia: thanks juski )
[18:53:46] lotia: yes i am indeed having problems
[18:54:21] armbar (armbar! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:54:37] lotia: if i run vlc and then run myth, i get a totally corrupted display
[18:54:52] lotia: if i run myth first and then vlc, the vlc display is totally corrupted.
[18:54:56] lotia: very curious
[18:55:40] galorin (galorin!n=mythtv@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:55:44] jedix: 0.20.2 fixes?
[18:57:26] ygguh2 (ygguh2! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:57:42] ygguh2: Problem: qmysql3 driver not loaded, also mythtvconverg has not tables. Im running Redhat FC7, mythtv-0.20.2, and Im unable to find the appropriate RPM. Help please?
[18:58:04] juski: ygguh2: my 1st guess would be that you have not yet run mythtv-setup
[18:58:39] ygguh2: I've run mythtv-setup, that where I notice the error which made me look at mysql.
[18:59:08] galorin: grr, still 100% CPU for visualisations... wondering if the ubuntu people compiled it wrong. :S
[18:59:54] blackest: I think i nearly dun it tv-out from ati 9200se
[19:00:38] blackest: only problem mythfrontends opening on the desktop
[19:01:02] blackest: but i can see the screen on me telly :)
[19:02:28] Landon (Landon! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:02:46] Landon: does anyone have any experience with mytharchive or just backing up shows to dvds in general?
[19:02:58] Landon: I want the whole menu thing that mytharchive provides, but it just takes so long
[19:03:01] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:03:04] Landon: and I have hundreds of recordings I want to burn to dvd
[19:03:35] galorin (galorin!n=mythtv@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:04:28] xris: Landon: takes a long time to encode a dvd
[19:04:59] ygguh2: also, where can I find the schema for .20.2?
[19:06:11] lotia (lotia! has quit ()
[19:06:15] Landon: xris: no, I meant the process of picking shows
[19:06:21] Landon: it has me pick shows to choose from
[19:06:25] Landon: and then pick shows to archive
[19:06:30] Landon: and then pick encodings for each show seperately
[19:17:47] xris: ah. yeah, no clue there.
[19:17:59] xris: I use nuvexport and archive to h.264 on a network drive
[19:18:50] Anduin (Anduin! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:20:30] Landon: unless there are any shortcuts in mytharchive....
[19:20:35] lotia (lotia! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:20:36] Landon: the interface is still laggy though
[19:22:35] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:23:38] Dagmar: Maybe
[19:23:49] Anduin (Anduin! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:32:49] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stuarta
[19:33:01] stuarta: evening all
[19:35:33] blackest: evening
[19:36:36] blackest: one day i will actually watch tv with mythtv ...
[19:36:54] stuarta: no point in that.
[19:37:12] stuarta: since starting with myth i rarely watch tv
[19:37:22] Immolo (Immolo! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:37:23] blackest: i've spent all day configuring a slave setup
[19:37:29] stuarta: record what you want, watch it when you want
[19:39:01] stuarta: um, it ain't rocket science
[19:40:02] blackest: lol no but theres a few problems getting an ati tv-out working well
[19:40:28] ** laga nods gravely **
[19:40:41] blackest: its so close now i have decent frame rate but its showing on my desktop
[19:40:52] stuarta: yeah, well that requires black magic and several sacrificial chickens
[19:41:04] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:41:07] blackest: look good if it wasn't for the menu bars top and bottom
[19:41:17] stuarta: quite frankly you are doing well to get it working at all
[19:41:42] ** stuarta waves to laga **
[19:41:44] blackest: well its not my first itteration of this
[19:42:12] laga: hi stuarta
[19:42:29] AndyCap: laga: did you get the scart working?
[19:42:53] oblib: yeah, one of the first things I did in setting up myth was to move "Watch TV" down to the third option after Media Library and Manage Recordings.
[19:42:54] laga: AndyCap: no.. i'm working on it right now. set up a vnc server so i could xvidtune it remotely.
[19:43:02] laga: i'm just getting a black screen, though
[19:43:09] oblib: Live TV is no fun
[19:43:34] stuarta: live tv is for testing :)
[19:43:46] AndyCap: laga: heh, time to dump the sync circuit and go for Composite? :P meh. I dunno.
[19:44:05] laga: i'm getting a black screen in vnc i mean :)=
[19:44:27] AndyCap: laga: still havent figured out why my TV likes nvidia's 1080p and not the radeons 1080p (over dvi)
[19:44:39] AndyCap: laga: hmm, you're using vino or x11vnc ?
[19:44:44] AndyCap: not Xvnc.
[19:45:08] laga: um, using "Load vnc" in xorg.conf
[19:45:12] AndyCap: ah. :)
[19:45:21] blackest: laga you had some good idea's any idea how i get mythtv into full screen
[19:45:30] laga: i'm stupid enough to already have confiogured kdm to fire up the session. so if i change anything i restart my kde, too. :)
[19:45:40] laga: not right now, no
[19:45:59] AndyCap: laga: I used x11vnc to connect to the display and share it over vnc.
[19:46:21] AndyCap: laga: it was easier to hook up to a live X.
[19:46:43] laga: will try that
[19:46:54] laga: i messed with the modules section, maybe that causes the problem
[19:47:18] XLV (XLV! has quit ("Leaving")
[19:50:33] juski: evening stuarta. guess who has a mac mini on his shopping list again ;)
[19:51:34] stuarta: :) not been approved for purchase yet?
[19:51:53] juski: I need to clear some overdraft off first
[19:52:27] stuarta: ah, can relate to that, currently in a cash flow crisis.
[19:52:50] juski: seems likely that the 1.8ghz model will be able to do h.264 hdtv come the great ffmpeg boosticles
[19:53:15] juski: my only concern is about the TVout & whether it'll work in linux or not
[19:53:39] AndyCap: tv-out and HD sounds a little contracdictory.
[19:54:11] laga: AndyCap: interesting. x11vnc gives me a distorted picture. if i close vncviewer, x11vnc exits as well
[19:54:13] juski: AndyCap: well, I wouldn't really be keen on spending so much cash on a box if it could'nt play HD in future
[19:54:43] juski: and I don't yet own a HDTV because a) there's no HD to be had here and b) I've got nothing to play HD with
[19:54:44] AndyCap: laga: that's normal. x11vnc has a option to keep running
[19:54:53] AndyCap: laga: dunno about the distorted pucture though
[19:54:54] laga: AndyCap: ah, good.
[19:55:15] laga: AndyCap: i'll keep messing with it.
[19:55:16] AndyCap: picture..
[19:55:43] laga: AndyCap: what vnc viewer did you use? realvnc?
[19:56:04] juski: I think linux would be the best way to go, unless the apple remote receiver can be coaxed into responding to more than just 6 button codes in os x
[19:56:11] AndyCap: laga whatever comes with fedora.
[19:56:29] AndyCap: probably some realvnc build.
[19:56:51] oblib (oblib! has quit ("Leaving")
[19:56:51] laga: k
[19:57:11] juski: stuarta: in osx, how does mythfrontend get remote presses?
[19:57:26] stuarta: no idea, it just works (TM)
[19:57:52] stuarta: probably in the "apple remote support" stuf
[19:58:13] Mersault: how do I delete a game player from mythgame?
[19:58:13] Daviey: no fair, why do they get to bypass lirc!?
[19:59:42] juski: Daviey: what's fair about only having 6 buttons on a remote?
[19:59:58] AndyCap: steve says you only need 6
[20:00:26] juski: up down left right select & menu ?
[20:01:13] juski: the apple ir receiver supports up to 256 unique button codes and lirc can be made to receive them if you can coax a remote into sending them ;)
[20:01:48] AndyCap: get an irblaster and a learning remote? :P
[20:01:57] stuarta: but it's only like got about 6 buttons!
[20:02:14] AndyCap: 8 bits is a nice round number though
[20:02:16] stuarta: fwd, back, up, down, ok, menu
[20:02:19] stuarta: that's it
[20:02:21] juski: AndyCap: I can program my JP1 remote
[20:02:40] juski: emulating any protocol is easy with remotemaster :)
[20:02:40] AndyCap: juski: ah, that thing.
[20:03:00] AndyCap: got one with the dreambox iirc.
[20:03:21] AndyCap: hmm, maybe the gyration one as well?
[20:03:34] juski: no idea about that one
[20:03:44] juski: actually we use number keys a lot
[20:03:54] AndyCap: neither do I. just remembered that the ir part of it seemed familiar
[20:03:58] juski: namely 3 & 4 :)
[20:04:15] AndyCap: and they are?
[20:04:18] AndyCap: itv and channel 4?
[20:04:23] juski: for skipping ads
[20:04:31] AndyCap: ah, doh
[20:05:50] juski: I know I could just buy a MCE remote & copy it to my OFA remote & use the USB receiver, but those things are almost as big as the mac mini!
[20:06:17] Landon_ (Landon_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:06:20] juski: dunno if it'd work in OSX anyway
[20:06:50] juski: haven't been able to find anything out about the tvout in linux yet. knowing it's Intel tells me it might be umm.. 'fun'
[20:07:35] juski: see what you won't see me doing here is just buying one on the off-chance. I need more certainty before I part with £400 of hard-earned
[20:08:12] juski: it's still the #1 choice above making a new frontend though, considering how quiet I want the frontend to be
[20:08:42] laga: there's always the possibility of making a rgb cable :)
[20:09:03] AndyCap: laga: still no fun on intel. :(
[20:09:05] juski: out of £400 I'd not get much change building a PC, and it wouldn't be guaranteed to be quiet without a lot of work AND of course it won't ever be as nice to look at as a mac mini ;)
[20:09:52] juski: pity I don't have a TV with VGA input. I'd not hesitate so much then
[20:11:05] laga: AndyCap: odd. just tried without the custom modeline etc. the radeon is now running normally on a monitor at 800x600. x11vnc is still just garbage
[20:11:39] Immolo (Immolo! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:11:42] laga: trying x0vnc-server now :)
[20:11:47] AndyCap: laga: carp. :( maybe broken with new X?
[20:12:18] AndyCap: laga: I'd think kde has something equivalent to vino as well
[20:12:56] macala (macala! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:13:42] laga: yes, it has
[20:13:52] laga: i should try that
[20:13:59] laga: running openbox there right now
[20:15:52] laga: x0vnc4server gies me a black screen, too. this is just broken :/
[20:17:25] laga: i wonder if it happens because i've commented out all inputdevice sections in xorg.conf for that server.
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[20:20:41] Disconnect: so I'm setting up a new box (well.. old one with new drives, after a disk failure :( ..) and i can't get schedule direct to populate xmltvid. add the lineup (and it shows), channel scan, it finds a bunch, then 'fetch channels from listings source' works, but I still get "No channels are configured to use grabber" from mythfilldatabase
[20:20:55] Disconnect: watching tv works fine, just no guide data
[20:21:05] juski: finally! apparently, according to the ubuntu forums, mac mini tv-out has been worky since feisty with appropriate xorg config. nice
[20:21:42] juski: the intel linux driver docs could have covered that on their website though
[20:23:40] juski: hmm wonder if the info is in the driver docs themselves...
[20:23:55] juski: can't just go believing what I read on one forum post now
[20:24:19] psofa (psofa! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:24:29] stuarta: see, i can't be bothered installing non mac osx on my mini
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[20:25:00] juski: I might have to, to get support for more than 6 remote buttons without buying a USB receiver
[20:26:32] juski: jees. how bad are the intel driver docs?!
[20:27:22] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:29:21] robbins61 (robbins61! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:29:26] juski: their mailing list drew a blank :-\
[20:31:18] juski: driver notes say integrated tvout may be greyscale. only forum post I've seen where it was working in colour was NTSC. harumph
[20:31:40] Dagmar: Who the hell makes a greyscale video out?
[20:31:43] Dagmar: This isn't 1976
[20:31:55] juski: Dagmar: young driver support
[20:32:27] juski: maybe it isn't greyscale at all – but svideo & they've not figured out the register bit for that yet
[20:32:49] juski: anyway some sideways thinking has got me onto just getting an IR keyboard & stuffing the codes into my remote
[20:33:02] juski: that'll def. work in os X :)
[20:33:20] juski: just have to find an IR keyboard.
[20:37:52] lotia (lotia! has quit ()
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[20:38:35] Dagmar: I can recommend one, but it'll come with it's own dongle and (blessedly) act like a "real" keyboard
[20:39:03] juski: the more it acts like a real keyboard the better, surely?
[20:39:24] juski: as in – to the mac, just get keypresses & the mac is none the wiser
[20:39:45] Dagmar: Yes, this plugs into the USB port and acts like a USB keyboard
[20:39:48] Dagmar: No muss, no fuss
[20:40:56] juski: maybe an MCE remote receiver can be made to work in OS X
[20:41:10] juski: this thing about the 6 button remote is really bugging me
[20:41:18] Dagmar: Oh wait, sorry it's RF not IR but . . . product_id=7
[20:41:24] Dagmar: I have the black version of that
[20:41:27] Dagmar: It's zero trouble
[20:41:35] Dagmar: ...although the mouse-stick is kinda lame
[20:41:56] juski: I know other remote receivers work in linux, but I can't find out for sure if svideo works in PAL under linux. tv out is great in OS X but no idea about remote support
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[20:42:00] juski: damn
[20:42:39] juski: easiest by far would just be to wax a grand on a new telly aswell :P
[20:43:19] juski: I'll bring a megger in so I can say to the mrs "old telly broked! need new one!"
[20:43:31] Disconnect: this sucks. :( been through the setup a bunch of times, it does exactly the same thing every time :(
[20:43:31] AndyCap: IR keyboard. dunno why people would want that though.
[20:43:52] AndyCap: doh. wrong url.
[20:44:02] juski: AndyCap: so you can teach an IR remote the keys & use that as an all-purpose no-messing keyboard replacement :)
[20:44:16] juski: no peeing about with drivers
[20:44:34] AndyCap: ...
[20:44:41] juski: maybe this is where remote manufacturers are all going wrong you know
[20:44:43] juski: and lirc
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[20:45:12] AndyCap: if they'd just stick to usbhid I'd be fine
[20:45:21] juski: all the programs lirc can control would use keyboard input, so why not?
[20:45:46] AndyCap: just cut lirc down to an IR -> hid thing. :P
[20:46:02] juski: or hell they've all got micros in em – the USB ones at least – you could have a switch to flip between modes
[20:46:41] AndyCap: but I'd like the option to have the linux input subsystem ignore some HID devices. :)
[20:46:42] juski: I found a few ir keyboards on ebay
[20:47:00] laga: AndyCap: that's really interesting. i've just connected the rgb cable to my nvidia and started it with a regular mode to see if i can get any output. i get something, but i don't get anything using a proper PAL modeline for the radoen. that's really weird.
[20:47:13] AndyCap: anyhoo. this was the keyboard: . . . tastatur.jpg
[20:47:30] juski: AndyCap: yeah that's the one I found on ebay
[20:47:58] AndyCap: juski: ok. I looked at it. but I was turned off by the fact that it was ir.
[20:48:07] AndyCap: juski: . . . odeliste.pdf
[20:48:12] juski: posite :)
[20:48:18] doje (doje! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:48:18] juski: me, quite the opposite :)
[20:48:25] AndyCap: the catual keyboard did look quite nice.
[20:48:44] juski: oh FFS this dual monitor madness is starting to piss me off now
[20:48:47] AndyCap: hmm, and I don't even have a cat..
[20:49:06] juski: had firefox opening on one monitor & now it's coming open on the other
[20:49:07] juski: grrrrr
[20:49:10] AndyCap: laga: hmm, that's odd. time to junk the sync circuit and go for radeon composite sync?
[20:49:19] nordle (nordle!n=nordle@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:49:36] juski: AndyCap: I'm only gonna be using the receiver anyway, chances are
[20:50:09] AndyCap: juski: hehe, maybbe the guy on ebay did as well
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[20:50:37] laga: AndyCap: yup, i think so. gotta revamp the wiring a bit then.
[20:50:40] juski: and er.. usb keyboard is a usb keyboard is a usb keyboard, right?
[20:50:52] juski: maybe not 100% of the time but it's worth a shot
[20:50:54] nordle: Evening all. Anyone using DVB-T based card in the UK on a largish TV? Just curious as to what you think of the quality....mine looks crap on many channels, really blocky. I think this is because UK freeview is crammed into a small space in spectrum and compressed to hell and back.
[20:51:18] juski: nordle: looks fine on most channels on my panasonic 32" over svideo
[20:51:27] juski: looks like shit on my 22" LCD monitor though
[20:51:33] ol_schoola: i got an IR kbd just to leartn commands but ended up loving the keyboard/joypad thingy. great range ----
[20:52:07] juski: nordle: most of the major channels look fine a lot of the time
[20:52:08] SlySir (SlySir! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:52:28] juski: nordle: the only channels i've seen blockiness on tend to be the pleb channels
[20:52:31] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:52:31] nordle: juski: I'm thinking specifically football / rugby. The TV as an inbuilt analogue tuner and the picture looks sweet, switch over to dvb and its blocky and blurry. Bung a DVD in and its perfect again.
[20:52:36] nordle: ITV1
[20:52:51] juski: ITV1 can't compress in realtime to save their lives
[20:53:02] nordle: :)
[20:53:13] nordle: The adverts look great though
[20:53:19] stuarta: they squeezing their programs to fit into bugger all bandwidth
[20:53:27] AndyCap: hahaha. that's nice. :)
[20:53:46] juski: we used to watch Sm:TV which went out live, and anything with lots of moving lights, crowd action, dancing – it looked for all the world like frigging lego ffs
[20:53:51] AndyCap: nordle: got to give the paying customers good service. :)
[20:53:54] ol_schoola: well chalk that up to crappy kit
[20:54:06] Dagmar: Give it time and you'll change your tune
[20:54:08] stuarta: no, chalk it up to $$$
[20:54:08] juski: times we've watched sports it's seemed fine, but I think that tends to be on bbc
[20:54:11] Dagmar: LEGO is working on an MMORPG
[20:54:20] stuarta: more channels, more $$$
[20:54:28] ol_schoola: even the redneck "sport" we here in the Ewe Ess call stock car racing, the HD broadcasts are amazing
[20:54:30] Dagmar: When that comes out THEN you can say whether or not it looks like LEGO
[20:54:39] AndyCap: more eyeballs to sell to the advertisers.
[20:55:06] nordle: I hear the bbc is launching / launched a hd channel. But theres no bandwidth, so they have to show it from like 2am – 5am
[20:55:06] juski: I'm starting to think there's a big hole in the 'more channels, more moolah' argument though. what it comes down to is it's all going out to the same people
[20:55:16] juski: nordle: then you heard bullshit
[20:55:41] juski: BBCHD has trialled in london on terrestrial – went really well
[20:55:45] nordle: Which part, the hd part or the 2–5am, or both
[20:55:51] AndyCap: nordle: you're thinking of norwegian terrestrial :P
[20:55:52] juski: BBCHD is still on, on satellite 24/7
[20:56:05] stuarta: but the terrestrial trial is over
[20:56:10] juski: the BBC Trust & OFCOM have advised the BBC to launch BBC HD across the UK ASAP
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[20:56:30] juski: and where there's no bandwidth, they'll find it, even if it means kicking existing channels out
[20:56:39] stuarta: but they probably need to turn off a few analogue channels first....
[20:56:49] juski: I can see TUTV losing their mux space soon
[20:57:14] juski: they only had about 70,000 subscribers a while back
[20:57:34] juski: and since they scaled back their realtime output, I can imagine there are many less now
[20:58:04] juski: anyway nordle this is all academic. you can't play h.264 HD from the BBC back in linux yet. Well not at full framerate anyway
[20:58:24] directhex: you can with svn ffmpeg and a decent dual-core cpu
[20:58:34] juski: directhex: you got it to work?
[20:58:52] nordle: juski: I cant play at full framerate, how come?
[20:59:02] directhex: juski, not *entirely*. i think ffplay was syncing to a duff audio stream
[20:59:06] juski: nordle: h.264 is a beast to decode. that's how come
[20:59:11] directhex: nordle, NEED MOAR MEGAH00RTZ
[20:59:41] laga: directhex: is multithreaded decoding in ffmpeg already?
[20:59:48] nordle: I got a athlon64–3700, that encodes at 30–35fps h264, surely it could decode too?
[21:00:02] directhex: nordle, no
[21:00:06] nordle: pants
[21:00:07] juski: nordle: get hold of one of the test clips & see
[21:00:19] directhex:
[21:00:23] juski: it's even made a pussy out of a lot of windows machines
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[21:00:40] directhex: nordle, i encode at ~60fps, and can't decode on any of my machines properly
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[21:01:38] nordle: wow.... looks like the National Grid better get ready when the switchover kicks off, otherwise it'll be a melt down!
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[21:02:25] juski: thankfully it's in stages
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[21:02:54] juski: if any analogue channel space is gonna be used for HD in the UK it won't happen til after the last switchoff, in all probability
[21:03:08] juski: so that's an 'earliest' of 2012
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[21:03:33] directhex: cast your mind back to when mpeg2 playback needed a coprocessor
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[21:04:07] juski: like 1995 ?
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[21:04:21] directhex: yeah!
[21:04:25] TapoutT is now known as Tapout
[21:04:28] juski: or 2007 if you have an Epia board
[21:04:35] directhex: once everyone has a 15ghz 16-core cpu, who cares about h264?
[21:05:00] nordle: seems to play ok, I tried -benchmark with mplayer but it didn't say what the fps was apart from it "appeared to be 25fps"
[21:05:01] juski: yeah but what about h.528 and SHDTV ?
[21:05:30] juski: and then what about holo-tv ? ;)
[21:05:57] laga: s/tv/porn/
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[21:06:01] directhex: nordle, what a useless test
[21:06:18] directhex: nordle, run it fullscreen, watch for *visible* issues
[21:06:51] nordle: directhex: I'm confused, you pointed to that link, I played the file fullscreen, you said useless.
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[21:07:06] directhex: nordle, which file?
[21:07:18] Landon: so is there a good solution to mass archiving files?
[21:07:21] directhex: nordle, -benchmark isn't productive in any way, shape or form
[21:07:25] nordle:
[21:07:26] directhex: Landon, LTO3
[21:07:47] Landon: let me rephrase, is there a good solution to mass archiving files to dvd
[21:07:52] Dagmar: No.
[21:07:57] Dagmar: DVD9 is about all you can do
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[21:08:05] Landon: I really like what mytharchive does with the menus, but its so fscking slow to choose what shows to archive
[21:08:09] Dagmar: You are simply dealing with *too much data*
[21:08:21] Dagmar: "other hard drives" is another answer that comes to mind
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[21:08:28] nordle: Well, it looked perfec, no artifacts or motion issues.
[21:08:30] Dagmar: I mean, 500Gb goes for ~$110
[21:08:32] Landon: Dagmar: I want something that I can pop in my dvd player
[21:08:42] Landon: not the best archival, but its handy
[21:08:54] Dagmar: You can get removable bay chassises for IDE and SATA drives
[21:09:08] Dagmar: Get a hot-swap-capable SATA controller
[21:09:10] laga: AndyCap: just thrown the sync circuit, used a composite sync modeline and it's still not working. i'm getting some kind of green flicker on normal channels and nothing on AV. *sigh*
[21:09:21] Landon: Dagmar: and I can just pop that into my dvd player? *raises eyebrow*
[21:09:34] Dagmar: No but you can just plug it into the machine
[21:09:50] Landon: yeah but my machine generally isnt connected to any of my regular televisions
[21:09:54] Dagmar: If you're wanting to do DVD video that'll play on a consumer device, you just get to use MythArchive
[21:10:08] Dagmar: There isn't any *easy* way of backing up tons of stuff
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[21:10:12] Dagmar: DVDs are just too small
[21:10:35] Landon: ok ok, easier than mytharchive is what I was getting at
[21:10:37] laga: i like mediafactory
[21:10:43] Landon: since it has I believe 3 seperate screens where you choose files
[21:11:03] nordle: Is it me or has HD-DVD been incredibly slow to arrive on PC as a burner... I've seen Toshiba do one, but they only sell it to PC manufacturers to built into machines.
[21:12:03] laga: oh, now we#re getting somewhere.
[21:12:47] laga: huh. I'm running two X servers but i hae to use ctrl+alt+Fx to switch between them? can't i use them simultaneously?
[21:13:14] Landon: hm, is there any reason to NOT use mythburn?
[21:13:23] Landon: a mythweb interface seems much easier
[21:14:00] Netslayer (Netslayer!n=chris@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:14:30] juski: right I'm out of here. more doggie shopping tomorrow – hopefully we won't almost end up with a broken one this time
[21:14:40] Netslayer: anyone know the current state of appleTV distros/support? ie 1080i hd playback
[21:14:41] AndyCap: laga: oh. hmm. what did the multiseat x say about that?
[21:15:25] laga: AndyCap: i haven't read that (recently). i just assumed it'd work. i#ll google it now
[21:15:46] laga: Landon: yes. mythburn is dead AFAIK
[21:15:49] AndyCap: laga: mm, but maybe you have to smack it about to understand that you can use both at the same time
[21:15:56] laga: yep
[21:16:02] laga: with a f'ing sledgehammer.
[21:16:05] AndyCap: laga: usr/bin/Xorg -br -audit 0 -layout seat2 -sharevts -novtswitch
[21:16:21] AndyCap: laga: I'm guessing the last to options are the ones you want
[21:16:30] AndyCap:
[21:16:46] AndyCap: laga: chose that because of the promising "in 1 hour" title.. :)
[21:16:52] laga: AndyCap: interestingly enough, the picture is still distorted. it#s shown twice horizontally. :)
[21:16:57] laga: AndyCap: hey, thanks a lot!
[21:19:00] laga: no luck, it won't start the server that way. i'll do some more reading
[21:19:12] laga: right now i have two X config files, maybe that's bad
[21:19:33] AndyCap: laga: hm, did it say why it wouldn't start?
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[21:20:24] AndyCap: I got to reboot. the wireless card is completely freaked out after hibernation and the lag messes up my typing.
[21:20:41] laga: "(EE) No devices detected.
[21:20:42] laga: "
[21:20:51] laga: retty generic message,.
[21:22:20] AndyCap: -logverbose 5
[21:22:21] AndyCap: :P
[21:23:08] laga: AndyCap: i'll try to start :0 with -novtswitch -sharevts first
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[21:27:24] laga: AndyCap: no dice with logverbose 5
[21:27:25] laga:
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[21:28:28] AndyCap: laga: oh. look at /var/log/Xorg.1.log not the console when you run .-logverbose 5
[21:31:44] laga: AndyCap: nothing.
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[21:32:09] HeatHawk[LI]: Hey guys, ivtv reports this: ivtv0 warning: Encoder Firmware can be buggy, use version 0x02040011, 0x02040024 or 0x02050032.
[21:32:09] AndyCap: hmm, thats no good.
[21:32:19] HeatHawk[LI]: which firmware is that?
[21:32:24] HeatHawk[LI]: i have a h pvr 150
[21:32:41] HeatHawk[LI]: im using the latest, the others didnt work at all as far as i know
[21:33:07] laga: HeatHawk[LI]: have you checked ?
[21:34:00] HeatHawk[LI]: well thats where i got all my firmware from
[21:35:44] Netslayer: anyone running an appleTV here?
[21:36:05] laga: AndyCap: i still wonder if i'm having problem because i'm not explicitly specifying core pointers for the radeon
[21:36:34] laga: Netslayer: tried ?
[21:36:42] laga: it's supposed to contain the recommended firmware
[21:36:44] AndyCap: no idea. why does it complain about pci-id's btw?
[21:37:19] blackest: hooorah i done it I done it
[21:37:33] HeatHawk[LI]: laga, i did, but it caused a crash
[21:37:38] blackest: finally got mythtv outputing on tv-out
[21:37:44] HeatHawk[LI]: i used the suse package recommended by mythtv
[21:37:50] laga: AndyCap: i don't know. i'm not setting
[21:37:56] HeatHawk[LI]: i might need to try that one again eh
[21:38:01] laga: BusId anymore
[21:38:13] laga: HeatHawk[LI]: mythtv recommends suse?
[21:38:18] blackest: full screen now laga thanks for your help through the day
[21:38:50] HeatHawk[LI]: no, for the suse install instructions it lists a firmware package that usually solves ivtv problems
[21:38:54] HeatHawk[LI]: which is true, its working
[21:38:59] HeatHawk[LI]: but it crashed overnight
[21:39:07] Netslayer: laga, what is that? ivtv for the appleTV?
[21:39:12] laga: blackest: np. still working on mine. :) i didn't help you that much, though
[21:39:24] blackest: it helped trust me
[21:39:28] laga: Netslayer: sorry. i meant HeatHawk[LI]
[21:39:31] laga: i'm tired :)
[21:39:37] laga: blackest: what are you using now?
[21:39:53] blackest: well this box is now running gutsy
[21:39:57] Netslayer: i'm reading up on the appleTV and looks like some people have the HD Home Run 1080i (ATSC) playback half working. I'm looking to go pick one up and kinda wanna know what the status of it is
[21:40:30] blackest: this helped loads
[21:41:34] blackest: but its kind of a messed up thread the first page gives the principle but doesnt compile page 3 has newer packages that do work but you need to adapt page 1's instructions
[21:43:03] blackest: that kinda of got it working but then i finished up installing ubuntu-mythtv frontend so it would go full screen and auto login
[21:43:53] blackest: theres a big delay on startup thou something must be going wrong somewhere but its now a slave backend thats also a frontend
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[21:44:58] nordle: Just playing back some TV recording, looks interlaced. Settings (TV Playback) are Deinterlace=0, CustomFilters=kerneldeint=11,quickdnr=10. This works well for live playback. But the recording appears to either not have recorded the deint version, or is not using deint CustomFilter on playback. Any suggestions?
[21:45:00] blackest: i just got to do lirc and it'll be complete but i am not sure i fancy doing the work for that :)
[21:46:43] laga: lirc's easy on mythbuntu
[21:46:49] laga: not so much on feisty, though
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[21:47:22] blackest: I guess easiest remote to configure would be an xbox remote
[21:48:02] blackest: i've got a serial port ir reciever which installed ok on fiesty before
[21:48:49] laga: AndyCap: thanks for the "multiseat x" pointer. it involves some black magic. :/
[21:50:28] AndyCap: that's not nice in 20077
[21:50:51] laga: yup
[21:51:03] laga: i'll let you know how it works out
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[21:58:16] nordle: Within the channel table you have playback and recording filters But also, under TV Playback menu within settings frontend screen, you have the "DeInterlace" option and "CustomFilters". Are these only applied during TV Playback as hinted, and if so, how do they interact with the channel based custom filters?
[21:59:30] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:01:27] nordle: I need to deinterlace playback of live TV using CustomFilters, but also need to deint recordings by the looks of it. In theory, should I tweak the custom filter front end screen of tv playback. And then edit Channel table and set the videofilters to match, so recordings are deinterlaced. I would then not have to set OutPut filters up on the Channel table right?
[22:01:50] laga: what capture card are you using
[22:02:01] nordle: nova-t dvb PCI
[22:02:07] nordle: uk pal
[22:02:10] GreyFoxx: You can't deinterlace the recording
[22:02:13] laga: .
[22:02:14] GreyFoxx: Just the playback of it
[22:02:15] laga: what he said
[22:03:03] nordle: "Recording filters are set for each individual channel. These may be used when encoding in software but do not apply when using a capture card with hardware encoding such as those supported by the "ivtv" driver." I didn't think the nova-t did hardware recording
[22:03:39] GreyFoxx: nordle: DVB cards don't need hardware encoding as it's already encoded on the transmitters end
[22:03:56] GreyFoxx: recording from DVB and pvr cards is read from the card and written directly to disk with no manipulation
[22:04:19] GreyFoxx: what you are describing only applies to framegrabbers/bttv cards
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[22:04:51] nordle: videofilters only apply to what you said
[22:05:30] nordle: So why is the playback of live tv deinterlaced, but the playback of a recording that was made using the same setup interlaced?
[22:06:02] GreyFoxx: It's possible to define aplaybck ground which auto deinterlaces one and not the other
[22:06:12] nordle: I've set the custom filters in TV Playback to deinterlace, surely the playback of teh recording should use the same filter
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[22:15:38] oomph (oomph! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:15:42] oomph: hi
[22:16:09] oomph: how well does the remote from the Thermaltake Media Lab work with MythTV?
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[22:23:46] directhex: oomph, as well as it works in any other LIRC-aware linux app
[22:25:08] bbitz: does anyone here use a LIRC remote with mythtv?
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[22:25:35] directhex: bbitz, plenty of people do
[22:26:27] ** laga pats directhex on the back **
[22:26:55] bbitz: I am attempting to get the audio_alsa driver working in LIRC, but I am having trouble with it
[22:27:41] bbitz: It is almost as if there is a step that isn't documented in LIRC docs about setting it up
[22:29:05] bbitz: <-- Documentation
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[22:29:50] bbitz: I don't see anything about kernel drivers
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[22:30:34] oomph: whats the ideal MATX motherboard to use on a Mytv install?
[22:30:46] oomph: im on newegg now looking for parts to build one properly
[22:31:06] bbitz: I am assuming something must claim major 63 (? +/-5) in order for the /dev/lirc device to mean anything.
[22:31:13] directhex: oomph, for a backend or frontend?
[22:32:06] oomph: i want to build a PC that i can connect directly to my 48inch Sony LCD
[22:32:12] nordle: core2 chips run cool, plenty of G33/35 matx mobo's around for not too much cash.
[22:32:16] directhex: so a combined BE/FE
[22:32:21] directhex: what type of tv cards?
[22:32:30] oomph: i dunno, im gonna buy them now :)
[22:32:34] directhex: what type of recordings (sd/hd, codec, etc)
[22:32:53] oomph: i currently have comcast
[22:33:08] oomph: and the motorola HD tuner
[22:33:12] oomph: they provider
[22:33:21] oomph: i may however switch to Dish Network at some point
[22:33:32] directhex: you're still forced to use an STB whatever happens
[22:33:45] AndyCap: and I saw a cute matx case recently.
[22:33:46] oomph: STB?
[22:33:47] directhex: so SD only, MPEG2 recorings by a PVR-150-grade card, over svideo
[22:33:58] oomph: i have a nice case already
[22:34:06] oomph: its a Lanbox by Thermaltake
[22:34:06] directhex: doesn't make much difference really. just avoid a motherboard with a sky2 ethernet controller
[22:34:22] nordle: why
[22:34:23] nordle: ?
[22:34:27] nordle: I've got sky2
[22:34:38] directhex: nordle, sky2 is trivial to fuck up. many companies do
[22:34:47] oomph: am going to be able to achieve full 1080p ever?
[22:34:50] directhex: some boards are fine, some are paperweights
[22:34:51] oomph: from any recordings?
[22:35:06] directhex: oomph, not until the restrictions over using a CAM (cablecard, whatever you yanks call it) are eased
[22:35:06] nordle: oh ok, I got lucky with that.
[22:35:18] directhex: oomph, or you use a provider which allows HD via firewire on their set-top box
[22:35:27] directhex: i think some providers/boxes do it, but not many
[22:35:42] oomph: i think my box actually has firewire
[22:35:49] oomph: now that i think of it
[22:36:51] oomph: there is a neat motherboard out by Gigabye that has HDMI
[22:36:55] oomph: out
[22:37:08] directhex: HDMI is just DVI and S/PDIF in one cable
[22:37:19] directhex: and you want nvidia more than intel onboard
[22:37:32] oomph:
[22:38:06] oomph: i have an old MatX board thats Nvidia chipset on an Athlon 2600
[22:38:07] oomph: also
[22:38:17] oomph: has the 430 chipset i believe
[22:38:28] oomph: its a biostar
[22:38:32] directhex: are your HD recordings likely to be MPEG2 or h264? i think yanks use MPEG2 generally
[22:38:48] oomph: MPEG2
[22:39:39] AndyCap: oomph: btw. having the firewire port and having working firewire output are two different things. :)
[22:41:14] oomph: AndyCap, yeah, i figured that :)
[22:41:25] oomph: its prolly disabled or something
[22:41:40] oomph: im just trying to make the right decision hardware wise
[22:41:43] oomph: so i dont make a mistake
[22:41:51] oomph: what remote is most common?
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[22:44:55] Immolo (Immolo! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:46:28] oomph: what do you guys run?
[22:46:55] directhex: DVB-T
[22:47:02] directhex: and i use a ps3 remote
[22:48:09] bbitz: directhex, how do you have your system receive commands from the ps3 remote?
[22:48:39] oomph: what exactly is a DVB-T ?
[22:48:54] AndyCap: digital terrestrial tv.
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[22:49:03] AndyCap: oomph: similar to ATSC I guess.
[22:49:30] directhex: bbitz, with a bluetooth module
[22:49:32] laga: AndyCap: you rock.
[22:49:35] oomph: gotcha
[22:49:46] directhex: oomph, digital over-the-air TV in europe
[22:49:51] laga: AndyCap: i have tv-out and kde simultaneously now. gotta tune the modeline now
[22:50:04] oomph: what TV card do you use?
[22:50:53] directhex: a hauppauge nova-t for the free stuff, and a technotrend budget t-1500 for the free stuff w/ added pay channels
[22:50:55] bbitz: I had no idea there were bluetooth remote controls
[22:51:05] AndyCap: why the world squandered the chance to lose PAL vs. NTSC I dunno.
[22:51:54] jcsmith (jcsmith! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:52:42] bbitz: So... they send pay channels over terrestrial non-directional RF.....
[22:52:59] AndyCap: bbitz: that's what encryption is for. :)
[22:53:20] ygguh2 (ygguh2! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:53:29] AndyCap: or conditional access as they like calling it
[22:53:41] directhex: bbitz, they do. not may people pay up, mind
[22:53:48] laga: AndyCap: btw, have you seen anyone who's selling those rgb cables commercially?
[22:54:00] AndyCap: laga: hmm, a couple.
[22:54:34] bbitz: Why do they not use Ku-Band satellite or hybrid fiber coax loop to distribute content?
[22:54:40] AndyCap: laga:
[22:55:27] laga: AndyCap: i'm not sure if these cables will work. they're used to hook up dvd players to video projectors AFAIK
[22:55:57] directhex: bbitz, everyone has terrestrial. everyone. the barrier to entry for pay-over-terrestrial is low compared to pay-over-anything-else
[22:56:10] AndyCap: bbitz: why not use terrestrial broadcasts? sat can't cover everything, and cable isn't economical in rural areas
[22:56:47] AndyCap: laga: yeah, I saw a couple of others who were wired like the howto. but Can't remember where.
[22:58:40] laga: oh well, mine will keep working i hope.
[22:58:43] bbitz: ahh... I am so used to how things are done in the US that I forget that the US doesn't do things in efficient/economical/logical ways...
[22:59:47] AndyCap: laga: made mine from a chopped off vga cable, an rca phono cable and a scart connector. :P
[23:00:09] wide-eye (wide-eye! has quit ("Hail Hail, the Eyeball kid")
[23:00:13] bbitz: I am wondering what the total cost for programming would be if I had to pay the content providers individually
[23:00:15] laga: AndyCap: i didn't even use rca connectors because my computer was already hooked up to the TV.
[23:00:55] laga: AndyCap: BTW, i get a nice ground loop-ish hum from my amp as soon as the radeon turns on its output. great :)
[23:01:00] laga: gotta fix that tomorrow
[23:01:17] AndyCap: eew.
[23:01:50] laga: AndyCap: thanks for all your help today. i'm almost there.
[23:01:52] jedix: sometimes the pre-scaling theme images sits a 99% forever
[23:02:00] jedix: does anyone else get that?
[23:02:16] bbitz: Ever heard of someone hooking up a IR remote receiver through a sound card?
[23:02:36] AndyCap: not before somebody mentioned alsa_audio for lirc.
[23:02:51] AndyCap: ah, that was you
[23:02:52] bbitz: well, that was me
[23:02:56] bbitz: yeah
[23:04:39] bbitz: the hookup through the audio port seemed the easiest, mostly because the DAC in the soundboard replaced all the components in the homebrew circuit.
[23:05:59] AndyCap: yeah, I'm sure the soundcard manufacturer had 32Khz IR in mind when making your card.
[23:06:26] lsemple (lsemple! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:08:19] laga: AndyCap: can you use xvidtune on your box? i'm getting "invalid mode requested" messages even when i'm "test"ing the modeline it's currently using.
[23:09:38] bbitz: err.. maybe its ADC... anyways it converts the +0V and +5V bursts into awfully clipped waveforms that the LIRC driver somehow detects as IR pulses.
[23:09:42] AndyCap: laga: not at the moment. The CRT got replaced by an LCD with DVI, so I have a free scart-vga cable..
[23:10:38] AndyCap: laga: I don't remember how I set it up. if the line worked, or if I cheated and used windows with the powerstrip trial version.
[23:11:07] laga: heh. xvidtune hasn't been working for me in a local time
[23:11:11] catisonh (catisonh!n=catisonh@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:15:37] lsemple (lsemple! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[23:18:54] jcsmith (jcsmith! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:22:22] MaxeyPad (MaxeyPad! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:23:41] ygguh2: oh, yea
[23:23:47] lsemple (lsemple! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:23:55] lsemple: how do I reset the ivtv drivers ?
[23:23:57] ygguh2: I am a moron!
[23:24:27] laga: ygguh2: no worries, you're not alone.
[23:24:31] laga: lsemple: rmmod, modprobe?
[23:24:50] ygguh2: hehehe, I couldnt figure out why the darn video devices were being created.
[23:25:18] ygguh2: then I realized I uped th kernel from .21 to .22 and I didn't reboot.
[23:25:44] lsemple: yes
[23:27:47] TheVillageIdiot (TheVillageIdiot! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:28:11] TheVillageIdiot: anyone home?
[23:28:41] ygguh2: lol, thats a cool nick!
[23:28:46] TheVillageIdiot: ;)
[23:28:56] ygguh2: I am so it tonight
[23:29:19] TheVillageIdiot: anyone know anything about adding filters under the svn/head?
[23:29:32] TheVillageIdiot: I cant seem to get any filtering to work for some time now
[23:31:10] xamindar (xamindar! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:35:56] dFG_ (dFG_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:37:48] Slyboots: For frack sake..
[23:38:02] Slyboots: Is there a way I can rescan for stations, without overwriting the XML data for the old ones?
[23:38:10] Slyboots: since it takes forever to add the details by hand
[23:38:45] Slyboots: So if stations have moved. or new channels have been added, since if I do that it blitzs everything and the RT grabber does not contain channel infomation
[23:39:01] oomph: what distros are you guys running on your Myth boxes?
[23:39:17] Slyboots: Ubuntu
[23:39:38] Slyboots: I was lazy :P
[23:40:56] oomph: heh
[23:41:05] oomph: have you tried Linux Media Center on Kubuntu?
[23:41:17] Slyboots: Nah, To be honest I dont think this could be called Ubuntu
[23:41:26] jedix: is there a way to make the guide start on the channel I'm on?
[23:41:30] Slyboots: I pretty much stripped it down to nothing, and build the system from scratch
[23:41:55] Slyboots: Debian might have been a better choice, but I had a ubuntu disk handy, and they are.. pretty much the same thing
[23:42:29] oomph: yeah i like doing debian netinstalls
[23:42:38] oomph: installs the system the way i like it
[23:42:39] oomph: usually
[23:43:01] oomph: PClinux OS is actually pretty good too
[23:43:07] Slyboots: Though there is something weird
[23:43:20] Slyboots: Myth seems to report the Signal strengh, in reverse
[23:43:33] Slyboots: For example Signal strenght 12% produces a fantastic picture
[23:43:40] Slyboots: While a strengh of 25% is almost unwatchable
[23:44:11] jedix: it's probably the card you are using
[23:44:24] jedix: I have a twain 1020a that always reads 37%
[23:44:40] jedix: but my skystar 2 gives reasonable reads
[23:46:02] oomph: the haupage 150 seems like a common card
[23:47:38] jedix: so.. is there a way to link the channel I'm on to the guide start channel?
[23:48:34] Slyboots: juski: You around?
[23:48:47] jedix: does this happen to others?
[23:48:53] dFG (dFG! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:48:54] dFG_ is now known as dFG
[23:49:01] GreyFoxx: jedix: What do you mean?
[23:49:28] GreyFoxx: The rare times I use LiveTV if I pull up the guide I'm automatically on the channel I'm currently watching
[23:50:00] jedix: hrm
[23:51:26] keith4 (keith4! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:51:33] GreyFoxx: How are you bringing up the Guide? Jumppoint or pressing Menu and picking Guide ?
[23:51:39] jedix: maybe it's the patch I used to reverse the channel order
[23:51:53] keith4: what are my chances of getting HD into myth using a pci card?
[23:53:11] keith4: i just got a 1080p TV, and I'm able to get HD and digital channels without using the cable box
[23:53:12] xris: keith4: depends on the source
[23:53:28] xris: then you might be ok to do it with QAM over pci
[23:53:36] xris: shouldn't be any different than the tv itself
[23:54:00] keith4: is there any logical mapping of channel numbers to frequency?
[23:54:24] GreyFoxx: keith4: Not really no
[23:54:33] keith4: for example, I'm watching 120.2 right now
[23:54:36] GreyFoxx: if you are lucky the provider will broadcast the mapping
[23:54:52] keith4: well, apparently my provider is pretty dumb
[23:55:09] keith4: since I'm not paying for HD or an HD box, and I think I get all of the channels that they offer in HD
[23:55:29] GreyFoxx: Lucky :)
[23:55:39] GreyFoxx: Most people who are paying can't get it off the wire :)
[23:55:47] keith4: that's such bullshit
[23:56:26] xris: keith4: I can get all of my channels over firewire, but only my local HD stuff is unencrypted if I try to grab it directly
[23:56:35] ** xris wonders if a newer HD card might have better luck. **
[23:56:49] keith4: well, I'm only getting 10 HD channels anyway
[23:57:06] keith4: xris: do all HD boxes have firewire?
[23:57:11] TheVillageIdiot: I get about 6 un-encrytped HD channels
[23:57:32] TheVillageIdiot: Kieth4: no it depends on teh manufacturer
[23:57:42] xris: keith4: in the US, they're required if you ask, but most cablecos have a stock of old boxes, and they won't check unless you ask for one (and sometimes not even then)
[23:58:13] xris: keith4: if you're getting digital SD in your TV, that's really good.
[23:58:48] Slyboots: Ah.. crap
[23:58:54] keith4: there are 5 chunks of digital channels
[23:59:00] Slyboots: I restored a version of the database that is missing recordings -.-
[23:59:07] keith4: which includes about 60 music channels
[23:59:08] TheVillageIdiot: anyone know if custom filtering is broken in the svn/head?
[23:59:13] xris: well, the "dot 2" that you described earlier is a subchannel..
[23:59:20] keith4: lots of subchannels
[23:59:23] keith4: it's very confusing
[23:59:36] keith4: I've started mapping them manually, but it's a real pain in the ass
[23:59:57] xris: yup
[23:59:59] keith4: I have the official channel listing from the provider, but they map the channels up to 550 or so

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