:: #mythtv-users

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Wednesday, September 12th, 2007, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:03] Yahooadam: coastermaster
[00:00:07] Yahooadam: launch lircd with lircd -n
[00:00:09] iamben: CoasterMaster: do you have lirc running?
[00:00:12] iamben: err lircd
[00:00:32] Yahooadam: then in another terminal do irw
[00:00:40] Yahooadam: then you can see what error you get with it drops out
[00:00:44] CoasterMaster: if I run lircd -n, i get cant open or create /var/run/
[00:00:50] CoasterMaster: Permission Denied
[00:00:54] Yahooadam: ubuntu ? if so sudo lircd -n
[00:00:55] CoasterMaster: and yeah, lirc is running (I believe)
[00:01:02] CoasterMaster: yeah ubuntu 7.04
[00:01:21] Yahooadam: sudo it :)
[00:01:34] CoasterMaster: ok found the error
[00:01:50] CoasterMaster: let me pastebin it
[00:01:59] CoasterMaster:
[00:02:01] Yahooadam: ubuntu and lirc = sigh
[00:02:06] iamben: these ringbuf errors are getting annoying, i have to close live tv and restart it on every half hour
[00:02:15] iamben: 2007-09–11 19:00:34.849 RingBuf(/mnt/80/1027_20070911190000.mpg) Error: Waited 16 seconds for data, aborting.
[00:02:19] billytwowilly (billytwowilly! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:02:23] CoasterMaster: Yahooadam, yeah?
[00:02:35] iamben: mythtv seems to get more and more broken w/ every svn update i do
[00:02:47] laga: iamben: seen ticket #2335 ?
[00:02:48] CoasterMaster: Yahooadam, I was using this guide . . . te_on_Ubuntu
[00:02:52] Yahooadam: what guide are you following
[00:02:53] Yahooadam: ah :p
[00:03:06] Yahooadam:
[00:03:17] Yahooadam: which MCE remote ->
[00:03:19] |Torg|: iamben why are you updating mythtv?
[00:03:58] CoasterMaster: Yahooadam, version 2 (the hauppauge one)
[00:04:04] CoasterMaster: 4th one from the left
[00:04:07] Yahooadam: ah i set that one up the other day
[00:04:08] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:04:13] Yahooadam: follow the guide i just linked
[00:04:13] iamben: |Torg|: because im a compulsive updater
[00:04:15] Yahooadam: should work
[00:04:18] CoasterMaster: ok will do
[00:04:21] rushfan: Mythfrontend works, but I cant actually watch any channels and my logs dont yield any errors.
[00:04:24] CoasterMaster: thanks
[00:04:26] rushfan: Anyway to figure out the issue?
[00:04:27] |Torg|: iamben it it aint borke, dont fix it
[00:04:40] iamben: but breaking it is half the fun
[00:04:48] Yahooadam: cos then he gets to fix it :p
[00:04:59] iamben: laga: thanks for the link, seems to be what im experiencing
[00:05:19] iamben: Yahooadam: i fix very few things... however i do report a lot of bugs to be fixed =)
[00:05:46] rushfan: "2007-09–11 20:05:30.347 TV Error: StartRecorder() — timed out waiting for recorder to start" --> What does that mean?
[00:07:04] Yahooadam: lol
[00:07:04] hads: Kinda what it says.
[00:07:13] Yahooadam: so u just like making work for the devs :p
[00:07:26] rushfan: hads: but I mean... how I can figure out WHY this is happening
[00:07:39] iamben: anyone using gentoo? why doesnt the ebuild just build from current svn always? why must we wait for someone to rename an ebuild to a new svn rev# to upgrade?
[00:07:56] tjcarter: does anybody else not actually use things like numbers on their remotes anymore?
[00:07:56] laga: iamben: rename it yourself? ;)
[00:08:10] Yahooadam: num ... bers ???
[00:08:23] GreyFoxx: tjcarter: Very rarely, but I do use them for jumping several minutes at a time
[00:08:24] iamben: tjcarter: i dont
[00:08:28] Dr_Willis: i use a wireless keyboard for my remote now a days. :)
[00:08:34] Yahooadam: rich bitch :p
[00:08:36] Dr_Willis: harder to lose on the coffee table.
[00:08:40] iamben: ive thought about making an overlay on my remote and calling all my buttons different things
[00:08:46] |Torg|: Dr_Willis DEFINATLY!
[00:08:49] Timelord_ (Timelord_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:08:50] iamben: because my remote sucks, it doesnt even have play/pause or anything like that
[00:08:58] GreyFoxx: (for those that don't known you can type 5 then right arrrow to jump 5 minutes forward, or 3 backrrow to jump back 3 minutes etc)
[00:09:04] Dr_Willis: Gotta love the week long search for the remote.. that finds it in the freezer.
[00:09:10] |Torg|: and its not the coffe table I worry about its the couch, i always loose the surround sound volume remote ther
[00:09:19] tjcarter: I think I'd like a few more keys than the Apple remote, but not by much
[00:09:28] |Torg|: my remote works fine, I just dont use it
[00:09:31] Yahooadam: he he :)
[00:09:33] Dr_Willis: I took yarn and eyehooks and TIED down all the remotes.. :)
[00:09:36] Dr_Willis: darn kids.
[00:09:40] Yahooadam: can u use mythtv to control ure surround sound torg ?
[00:09:46] |Torg|: I wish, no
[00:09:50] tjcarter: Part of what drew me to the Sony TiVo remote was that I only used the bottom half of it
[00:09:51] Dr_Willis: one walks out of the room with the remote.. it gets yanked out of his hand... :)
[00:09:53] |Torg|: its a seprate Sony box
[00:10:00] Yahooadam: serial ir transmitter ?
[00:10:02] |Torg|: SPDIF has two settings, on and off
[00:10:05] CoasterMaster: Yahooadam, no go :(
[00:10:08] Dr_Willis: I had a Tivo Given to me over the weekend. :)
[00:10:14] Dr_Willis: is it even worth messing with?
[00:10:20] |Torg|: yes Yahooadam I could setup a ir balster to do it
[00:10:25] Yahooadam: what problem did u get coastermaster
[00:10:43] |Torg|: Dr_Willis I have two series 1s siting in my garrage, with lifetime subscritions
[00:10:43] CoasterMaster: Yahooadam, again irw ends immediately
[00:10:58] Yahooadam: :o
[00:11:05] Yahooadam: u might need to restart your box now
[00:11:16] tjcarter: . . . -control.jpg
[00:11:20] Dr_Willis: |Torg| heh.. Thats worth more for the sub. then for the devices eh. :) i aint paying any $$. just wonderd if it was even worth hooking up. wife just watches 1 channel all day.
[00:11:23] |Torg|: Yahooadam this is linux not Windows, no need to restart the box :P
[00:11:40] Yahooadam: well i dunno what needs to be restarted
[00:11:50] |Torg|: lircd
[00:11:56] Yahooadam: but messing around with lirc does stuff, only way of getting it working was to restart the box
[00:12:00] Yahooadam: na that didnt work
[00:12:05] CyberKnet: GreyFoxx: Oooh, thanks... I did not know that.
[00:12:27] |Torg|: if you mesed with devs you may even screw it up worse with rebooting as UDEV gets to stamp on them
[00:12:30] Yahooadam: when you install it it sets up the /etc/lirc files and stuff, but if you change the install it seems to need a reboot
[00:12:48] tjcarter: actually I had this one:
[00:13:05] tjcarter: seems to have just the right amount of buttons
[00:13:08] iamben: oh crap i uninstalled myth instead of upgrading it, i suck at teh package manager
[00:13:11] |Torg|: nothing on a linux box requires rebooting it expect changing the kernel
[00:13:22] |Torg|: well nothing software wise
[00:13:40] CoasterMaster: Yahooadam, nothing
[00:13:44] CoasterMaster: irw still immediately quits
[00:13:56] |Torg|: run lircd -n and see what is says
[00:14:27] CoasterMaster: lircd: can't open or create /var/run/
[00:14:27] CoasterMaster: lircd: Permission denied
[00:14:38] minthome (minthome! has left #mythtv-users ("peas porridge")
[00:14:38] |Torg|: run lircd as root or use sudo
[00:14:40] Yahooadam: did u sudo it ?
[00:14:51] |Torg|: type sudo lircd -n
[00:14:53] CoasterMaster: oh there we go
[00:14:55] CoasterMaster: duhhh
[00:14:58] Yahooadam: ;)
[00:15:00] CoasterMaster: ok it's hangin
[00:15:08] CoasterMaster: i mean i got ready and then nothing
[00:15:20] |Torg|: what did the -n put out, pastebin that
[00:15:20] CoasterMaster: and running irw causes it to crash
[00:15:21] Yahooadam: it didnt go back to the command line though ?
[00:15:47] Yahooadam: what did it say coastermaster ?
[00:16:10] |Torg|: irw defaulting to the command line with no ewrror means usualy you segfaulted lircd
[00:16:21] CoasterMaster:
[00:16:21] |Torg|: things like not having the deive, setting it up improperly, missing drivers
[00:16:32] Yahooadam: sudo modprobe lirc_mceusb2
[00:16:55] Yahooadam: then sudo lircd -n
[00:17:01] Yahooadam: see if that helps
[00:17:03] |Torg|: yes device is not correct
[00:17:16] |Torg|: CodeMaster what do you recive IR on that box with?
[00:17:26] Yahooadam: its a mceusb2 box
[00:17:32] Yahooadam: USB ir reciever
[00:17:36] |Torg|: what is /dev/lirc?
[00:17:52] Yahooadam: he has the hauppage mce remote
[00:17:55] CoasterMaster: that's what i get upon lircd's crashing
[00:18:03] Yahooadam: it still did it ?
[00:18:13] |Torg|: its going to crash over and over if you dont set that correctly
[00:18:21] |Torg|: lircd is setup to listen to the dvice /dev/lirc
[00:18:25] k-man__ (k-man__! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:18:36] |Torg|: I dont know what driver you need but its either not installed or not setup corectly
[00:18:46] degreseven (degreseven! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:18:51] |Torg|: whatever that driver puts out as a device you need to link to /dev/lirc
[00:19:03] |Torg|: that or setup lircd to listen to whatever device that thing is
[00:20:07] |Torg|: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 Dec 10 2006 /dev/lirc -> ttyS0
[00:20:07] Yahooadam: coastermaster, can you pastebin your hardware,conf and lirc-modules-source.conf
[00:20:15] |Torg|: thats becase mine is a serial device
[00:20:15] degreseven: When using the internal player in mythvideo I'm getting bright colored stripe across the bottom of the video, usually green or purple, but it doesn't happen with every file. mplayer plays all of them just fine. anyone know what this is or how to fix it?
[00:20:35] CoasterMaster: oh sorry both, i didn't realize xchat wasn't scrolling
[00:20:43] Dr_Willis: i used to get a stripe on the top and left side.
[00:21:03] Dr_Willis: the video overscan (i think) is set a little off by a pixle or 2 i recall.
[00:21:21] degreseven: you mean in xorg.conf?
[00:21:30] CoasterMaster: /dev/lirc doesn't exist
[00:21:38] CoasterMaster: /dev/lircd does however
[00:21:50] |Torg|: what is /dev/lircd?
[00:21:51] Yahooadam: anything else in /dev to do with lirc ?
[00:22:08] CoasterMaster: just lircd
[00:22:14] Yahooadam: hmm thats not right
[00:22:26] |Torg|: the device should be /dev/lirc the thing lircd puts out its command is /dev/lircd
[00:22:50] _gnome42 (_gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:22:57] Yahooadam: on mine torg, i have lircd and lirc0 ;)
[00:23:06] CoasterMaster: lircd is the only thing
[00:23:06] CoasterMaster:
[00:23:08] |Torg|: I only asked what it was to be sure someoen didnt so something like step on it with a driver
[00:23:23] |Torg|: CoasterMaster thats normal
[00:23:27] CoasterMaster: oh ok
[00:23:31] Yahooadam: coastermaster
[00:23:47] Yahooadam: could you pastebin the hardware.conf and lirc-modules-source.conf in /etc/lirc
[00:23:47] |Torg|: yes Yahooadam lirc0 and lirc1 would techncialy be the first and second lirc devices
[00:24:13] |Torg|: the default for lircd to listen to is /dev/lirc
[00:24:21] CoasterMaster: hardware.conf:
[00:24:24] Yahooadam: dunno why mine changed from /dev/lirc to /dev/lirc0
[00:24:33] toddejohnson (toddejohnson!n=toddejoh@ has quit ("Leaving")
[00:24:41] |Torg|: Yahooadam its just setup conventions
[00:24:43] Yahooadam: nononono
[00:24:53] Yahooadam: leave device blank coastermaster
[00:25:16] |Torg|: CoasterMaster type sudo lsmod | grep lirc
[00:25:19] CoasterMaster: here's the other file
[00:25:22] Raspberry (Raspberry! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:25:23] |Torg|: is the module loaded?
[00:25:39] CoasterMaster: |Torg| here's the output
[00:25:40] CoasterMaster: lirc_mceusb 11488 0
[00:25:40] CoasterMaster: lirc_dev 15988 1 lirc_mceusb
[00:25:40] CoasterMaster: usbcore 134280 7 lirc_mceusb,usblp,usbhid,xpad,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd
[00:25:53] |Torg|: is there a /dev/lirc/0 device?
[00:26:13] CoasterMaster: there's no /dev/lirc
[00:26:15] Yahooadam: coastermaster, you should be using mceusb2 aswell
[00:26:34] Yahooadam: in hardware.conf
[00:26:40] Yahooadam: DEVICE=""
[00:26:40] Yahooadam: MODULES="lirc_mceusb2"
[00:26:56] |Torg|: sudo modprobe lirc_mceusb2
[00:27:14] CoasterMaster: FATAL: Module lirc_mceusb2 not found.
[00:27:15] |Torg|: wahtch what it puts out, it may put out nothing and youll have to look in dmesg
[00:27:25] Yahooadam: sigh
[00:27:40] |Torg|: sudo rmmod lirc_mceusb and sudo modprobe lirc_mceusb
[00:27:50] xris: !dig
[00:27:53] Yahooadam: torg, that wont help
[00:27:59] xris: hmm, he turned it off. oh well
[00:28:00] xris: heh
[00:28:06] |Torg|: it will tel him if he loaded it or not
[00:28:07] Yahooadam: its the wrong driver to start with, and his hardware.conf is wrong
[00:28:14] CoasterMaster: doesn't output anything
[00:28:14] |Torg|: and posibly if its getting an error
[00:28:20] CoasterMaster: Yahooadam, already tried mceusb2
[00:28:38] |Torg|: now type sudo dmesg | tail
[00:28:59] gu014 (gu014! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:06] Yahooadam: sigh
[00:29:20] gu014 (gu014! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:29:22] CoasterMaster: |Torg|,
[00:29:48] Yahooadam: it loaded fine, but it WONT HELP because its the wrong driver for that remote
[00:29:50] ben1 (ben1! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:30:10] |Torg|: Yahooadam liek I said I dunno what driver he needs
[00:30:33] |Torg|: CoasterMaster do the same rmmod this time modprobe lirc_mceusb2
[00:30:49] Yahooadam: that wont work cos he didnt build mceusb2 with lirc
[00:31:08] |Torg|: then I guess he can go recompile lird :)
[00:31:22] billytwowilly (billytwowilly! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:31:40] CoasterMaster: i'm recompiling now :)
[00:31:47] Yahooadam: coastermaster, can you pastebim your lirc-modules-source.conf
[00:32:01] Yahooadam: and did u make those changes to hardware.conf that i said
[00:32:11] CoasterMaster:
[00:32:13] CoasterMaster: and yeah
[00:32:33] Yahooadam: you need to change the mceusb at the top to mceusb2 in modules-source
[00:32:52] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:33:26] Yahooadam: hardware.conf should have device = "" and modules="lirc_mceusb2"
[00:33:34] Yahooadam: once youve done that, recompile
[00:34:05] CoasterMaster: yeah
[00:34:06] CoasterMaster: all done
[00:34:14] Yahooadam: sudo modprobe lirc_mceusb2
[00:34:15] CoasterMaster: now irw gives me an error
[00:34:32] Alowishus (Alowishus!n=jpenix@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:34:45] CoasterMaster: Yahooadam, no output
[00:34:49] Yahooadam: thats fine
[00:34:54] gu014 (gu014! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:34:55] CoasterMaster: irw gives me connect: connection refused
[00:35:12] Yahooadam: is lircd running ?
[00:35:16] Yahooadam: sudo lircd -n
[00:35:26] CoasterMaster: did it
[00:35:33] Yahooadam: and then irw
[00:35:34] CoasterMaster: it gives me ready, i start irw and it crashes again
[00:35:39] CoasterMaster: same error as before
[00:35:40] Yahooadam: what error ?
[00:35:43] Yahooadam: bah
[00:35:44] gu014 (gu014! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:36:07] Yahooadam: well id suggest you reboot, so lirc can set up its /dev files
[00:36:21] iamben: wtf is reboot
[00:36:23] iamben: =)
[00:36:33] Yahooadam: not this again lol
[00:36:35] iamben: just reload the kernel modules
[00:36:53] |Torg|: iamben I already told him that once, I guess he didnt belive me
[00:37:14] iamben: reboot does VERY few things you cant do with a simple console command
[00:37:42] Yahooadam: ./shrug, when i modified lirc from serial -> usb and back again, i had to reboot between
[00:37:45] Yahooadam: otherwise, no luck
[00:38:02] |Torg|: you could have unloade the modles and reloaded the new ones
[00:38:07] iamben: did you reload the kernel modules? because thats what the reboot did for ya
[00:38:11] |Torg|: maybe even had to change the device
[00:38:12] Yahooadam: there was probably somthing i could have done to fix it, but u know its just faster to reboot then find out all the stuff
[00:38:32] Yahooadam: and yes i did remove the serial modules and load the mceusb modules
[00:38:43] |Torg|: faster to reboot? yea exp when you have to read everything from disk and probbly run a fsck on them
[00:38:46] Yahooadam: maybe there are some lirc modules, i have no idea
[00:38:55] CoasterMaster: ok
[00:38:58] CoasterMaster: we've gotten somewhere!
[00:39:11] CoasterMaster: irw no longer immediately exits, but button presses aren't showing up
[00:39:15] Yahooadam: kk
[00:39:19] Yahooadam: did u setup the lircd.conf ?
[00:39:29] CoasterMaster: i'm pretty sure i did, how can i check
[00:39:33] Yahooadam: wget
[00:39:33] Yahooadam: sudo cp lircd.conf.mceusb /etc/lirc/lircd.conf
[00:39:49] Yahooadam: then sudo /etc/init.d/lirc restart
[00:40:01] Yahooadam: and then irw should pick up the remote
[00:40:33] CoasterMaster: beautiful!
[00:40:41] CoasterMaster: thank you Yahooadam and |Torg|
[00:41:00] Yahooadam: and that took me like 4 hours to get working :p
[00:41:15] CoasterMaster: :-p
[00:42:09] Yahooadam: and if you want to use it with mythtv
[00:42:16] CoasterMaster: i was just about to ask :)
[00:42:23] Yahooadam: wget
[00:42:23] Yahooadam: cp lircrc ~/.lircrc
[00:42:29] Yahooadam: ln -s ~/.lircrc ~/.mythtv/lircrc
[00:42:46] Yahooadam: im not sure why the guide says to link it, but whatever
[00:42:55] CoasterMaster: probably so mythtv can access it
[00:43:08] Yahooadam: why not just move it to the mythtv directory :p
[00:43:09] |Torg|: iamben you have me thinking now, other then a kernel change, hardware change, or want to shut it down for power/heat/etc. Why else reboot?
[00:43:24] Yahooadam: change bios settings
[00:43:49] Yahooadam: you could just sudo cp lircrc ~/.mythtv/lircrc
[00:44:04] Yahooadam: no need to do a link
[00:44:07] |Torg|: Yahooadam that would fall under hardware change
[00:44:14] Yahooadam: pfft :p
[00:44:30] iamben: |Torg|: when you have no more advice to give someone, but dont want to admit you are stumped, you tell them to reboot =)
[00:44:43] Yahooadam: lol
[00:44:44] iamben: no offense guys!
[00:44:47] |Torg|: lol
[00:44:51] ** Yahooadam slaps iamen **
[00:45:07] CoasterMaster: Thanks again for your help! It's working in MythTV
[00:45:11] Yahooadam: :)
[00:45:32] |Torg|: iamben its easer to tell them to download the aource code and recompile, makes you look les stupid :P
[00:45:42] my2keh (my2keh! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:45:46] Yahooadam: so what do u think lirc does when you restart that it cant do when its running
[00:45:54] mathias999us (mathias999us! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:45:58] |Torg|: open its device
[00:46:00] |Torg|: read it config
[00:46:02] Yahooadam: because restarting it allows it to meddle with the /dev/lirc* files
[00:46:05] my2keh: Is anyone having a problem with the Upcoming Recording screen in mythweb?
[00:46:11] my2keh: specifically cancelling a recording from there?
[00:46:29] Yahooadam: works fine for me
[00:46:30] |Torg|: my2keh I dint know you could
[00:46:35] iamben: Yahooadam: lircd doesnt set up the device nodes, udev does that when you load the drivers in the kernel
[00:46:45] my2keh: yeah, there's a "Don't Record" link
[00:46:47] Yahooadam: except it doesnt dissapear from the list when you do
[00:46:54] |Torg|: no iamben *I* do that when I use MAKEDEV :P
[00:46:54] my2keh: I click on it, and nothing happens
[00:46:56] Yahooadam: but it wont record
[00:47:02] my2keh: right, it doesn't disppear from the list
[00:47:05] my2keh: it should though
[00:47:15] my2keh: it used to if I'm not mistaken
[00:47:22] Yahooadam: thats what i thought, but it doesnt these days
[00:47:31] my2keh: hmmm
[00:47:31] Yahooadam: but that doesnt mean it will record ;)
[00:47:32] iamben: |Torg|: are you really on a static /dev, or just saying that?
[00:47:38] iamben: that'd be pretty hardcore
[00:47:42] my2keh: Yahooadam>> what version you running?
[00:47:51] |Torg|: im really on static dev
[00:48:05] GreyFoxx: dynamic /dev entries are a pain in the ass
[00:48:15] |Torg|: or more prciesly elimited a bunch of devices from udev control
[00:48:18] GreyFoxx: I can understand auto adding entries that don';t exist
[00:48:32] GreyFoxx: but do NOT alter existing entries or rebuilt at every reboot
[00:49:09] Yahooadam: i have no idea my2keh :p
[00:49:24] my2keh: oh ok heh
[00:49:29] Yahooadam: where do u find out ?
[00:49:50] Yahooadam: although the non helpful answer is the latest version in the ubuntu repositories :p
[00:50:11] |Torg|: I got tired of udev moving my dvb adapters on me, so I took a buch oif it out, I couldnt get rid of udev beacse debian sems to think the kernel is dependant on it
[00:50:14] my2keh: well it's probably clsoe to what I'm using
[00:50:35] GreyFoxx: I manually createa lot of the /dev entries myself
[00:50:38] ** jblack prepares to get berated again **
[00:50:40] GreyFoxx: I hate udev
[00:50:50] |Torg|: im with GreyFoxx
[00:50:54] jblack: greyfoxx: udev is getting pretty hard to avoid
[00:51:00] iamben: my udev usually behaves pretty well
[00:51:02] GreyFoxx: jblack: yeah :/
[00:51:09] jblack: I don't like it either
[00:51:12] iamben: although arent most of the udev rule sets distro specific?
[00:51:17] |Torg|: yes jblack dosnt mean I dont try :P
[00:51:29] GreyFoxx: I can get behind auto creating entries, but this rebuilding all from scratch each reboot is kinda lame
[00:51:47] iamben: GreyFoxx: how would it remove entries then?
[00:51:51] GreyFoxx: if I chmod or chown something it should REMAIN that way without me having to go mess with aconfig file
[00:52:08] GreyFoxx: iamben: why remove them? They take up no real space so it's not like it's wasting disk :)
[00:52:12] jblack: That's a doable feature.
[00:52:18] jblack: Though it would slow down shutdown
[00:54:21] mathias999us (mathias999us! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:12] jblack: I was the guy that griped about the privacy policy yesterday or the day before. I put up a post on in the SD forum that clearly defines my complaint, and how I think SD should resolve it.
[00:55:17] mathias999us: AndyCaq – what option was that you mentioned earlier that would allow for 1366x768 res?
[00:55:41] mathias999us: AndyCap rather (yikes, blunder)
[00:55:54] jblack: mathias: I'm scroling back and reading what you asked for in case he isn't here to answer.
[00:56:13] my2keh (my2keh! has quit ()
[00:56:25] mathias999us: He mentioned an xorg.conf option that would enable may allow that...
[00:57:48] jblack: mathias: Ahh, ok
[00:57:58] jblack: Yeah, go into, and look for:
[00:58:14] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:58:41] jblack: lines that start with Modes. Like: Modes "1280x800" "1024x768"
[00:58:46] wireddd (wireddd! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:58:56] jblack: They are in the display subsections
[00:59:07] jblack: Which is in the screen section
[00:59:57] |Torg|: jblack changes are his TV isnt putting out that mode via EDID
[01:00:02] wireddd (wireddd! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:07] |Torg|: so hell have to create a specail modeline
[01:00:19] jblack: torg: And I'm telling him where to change it. :)
[01:00:21] mathias999us: Hmmm, yeah – I'm currently running 1280x720 over HDMI, but I have been unsuccessful getting my native 1368x768 to work... he had some "horizontalwidthoverride" (?memory?) that might allow someone to enable it...
[01:00:32] Toxicity999 is now known as ToxicNorris
[01:00:37] |Torg|: ok jblack im sorry to interrupt
[01:00:45] mathias999us: 1366x768 I believe
[01:01:20] mathias999us: Would be nice, but I've been discouraged about getting this to work over DVI/HDMI (FUD?)
[01:01:26] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:01:30] jblack: Ok. here
[01:01:59] jblack: Go to this page:
[01:02:19] jblack: It has all the special modelines you need, where to put them. It even includes a long list of examples for unique monitors.
[01:02:35] |Torg|: there is also the HDTV database
[01:02:42] |Torg|:
[01:03:46] mathias999us: Thanks jblack – been there before with no luck. AndyCap mentioned some other option that isn't mentioned in that modeline_database page earlier (which i neglected to record)
[01:04:52] jblack: I have a scrollback log. How long ago did he tell you?
[01:05:09] mathias999us: |Torg| Hmm, no luck there either – thanks though (will be a good page when it's more comprehensive)
[01:05:14] Tanthrix: mathias999us: Not FUD unfortunately. The EDID spec cannot properly handle 1366x768 resolutions, so it can be tricky getting your set to display natively over DVI/HDMI, or even impossible.
[01:05:20] mathias999us: jblack – I'm guessing about an hour
[01:06:09] |Torg|: "1366x768" 85.500000 1366 1494 1624 1798 768 770 776 795 -HSync +VSync
[01:06:15] |Torg|: thats from the HDTV database
[01:06:20] Tanthrix: mathias999us: Check out the nvidia linux forum – register an account then search for 1366x768 and you'll come across a number of people with the same issue – might help you find the right override parameters.
[01:06:35] rtsai1111 (rtsai1111! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:55] mathias999us: Tanthrix – Hmmm – EDID will tell a video source device what modes the display device supports, right? But why wouldn't the display accept it's native res signal over its digital connection, even if it doesn't report it supports that?
[01:07:03] mathias999us: |Torg| – I'll give it a shot...
[01:07:22] jblack: . . . roblems.html
[01:07:35] |Torg|: yes mathias999us remebre my comemnts about why int eh hell do they make those 1360x and 1366x tvs and try to call them HDTV
[01:07:43] Tanthrix: mathias999us: EDID cannot do horizontal resolutions that are not divisible by 8.
[01:07:51] Tanthrix: Evenly divisible, that is.
[01:07:58] Tanthrix:
[01:08:05] |Torg|: 1366x768 isnt a tv resolution
[01:08:12] Tanthrix: Doesn't mean your TV can't do it – just means that it's going to be a hell of a lot harder.
[01:08:23] jblack: Yeah. I see the conversation, I see where matthias then talked about a misnamed recording.
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[01:08:36] jblack: I don't see anything that looks like an xorg.conf configuration setting.
[01:08:50] |Torg|: Modeline "1360x768@60" 84.50 1360 1392 1712 1744 768 783 791 807
[01:08:56] |Torg|: thats what the modeline genrator spit out
[01:09:53] mathias999us: Hmmm, but EDID is just a protocol to report supported modes, right? The TV can accept that res from other sources, like internal tuner, but not through hdmi? Or, why wouldn't it accept a 1080i signal and "downmix" it since 1366x768 is higher res than a 720p signal
[01:10:11] jblack: You said old tv, right?
[01:10:23] mathias999us: 3 year old 50" plasma
[01:10:34] jblack: I had one that took 480p on one set of inputs, 720p on another, and 1080i on yet another.
[01:10:34] |Torg|: brand new plasmas do that too
[01:11:18] |Torg|: mathias999us try the 1360x876 one too that is divisble by 8
[01:11:33] |Torg|: some drivs, notibly the nvidia wones will chop it to that anyway
[01:11:48] mathias999us: jblack – I'm a techie by nature, but I must admit – the TV industry is making it REALLY difficult for the average non-technical user to understand HD
[01:12:10] jtopjian (jtopjian! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:34] jblack: Yeah. I decided a long while back to let things congeal a bit while the new standards actually become standards.
[01:13:01] mathias999us: It's not as bad as the HD-disc format war I guess...
[01:13:04] jblack: Even if you go out and buy a TV today, you're not guaranteed to get something that actually works right.
[01:13:18] jblack: I think it's worse than the HD format war. There's two, and it's clear whether its one or the other.
[01:13:36] |Torg|: mathias999us where did you get the 1366x768 resolution from?
[01:13:45] jtopjian: I'm using knoppmyth and when I'm not using the frontend, all services shut off after an idle time. I can't find where this setting is — does anyone know?
[01:13:59] rushfan_ (rushfan_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:14:28] jblack: HDMI this, HDCP that, various hdtv modes of which some are here, but not there, some disabled if you buy the wrong cable or incompatible sets... and stir it all up with a big chunk of cablecard. It's a disaster
[01:14:47] Dr_Willis: I think my new LCD pc monitr has HDCP features. whatever That is...
[01:15:04] jblack: Americans might end up loosing all that extra fat, becuase they won't be able to figure out how to watch TV any more.
[01:15:05] Dr_Willis: i dont have any HD stuff to even test it with.. :) other then my pc.
[01:15:59] |Torg|: Im wondering if the plasmas in the US are sold at 1366x768 and UK ones are 1360x768
[01:16:14] |Torg|: Ive seen both here
[01:16:38] |Torg|: I do know 1360x768 is a real mode and 1366x768 is not
[01:16:44] rtsai (rtsai! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[01:20:57] mathias999us: |Torg| I got the 1366x768 from the specsheet in the back of the manual
[01:22:09] mathias999us: Hmmm, I put the modeline in there, and get the ol' "Unable to valudate any modes, falling back to the default mode" from the nvidia driver in /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[01:22:30] |Torg|: your goign to have to lobotomize the drivers
[01:24:22] mathias999us: HAHA. So do I blame this on nvidia drivers for not "pushing" the signal I'm asking it to send, or the TV? I'm guessing I haven't even seen what the TV would do at this point since nVidia drivers are refusing to "obey"
[01:24:40] |Torg|:
[01:24:49] |Torg|: look under the options I use for ModeValidation
[01:25:00] |Torg|: you may not need them all, I use them becase my EDID lies to my card
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[01:30:40] mathias999us: What's that custom EDID bin?
[01:31:45] |Torg|: I use EDID for more then just modelinees
[01:32:09] |Torg|: I used nvidias tools to copy teh edid to a file, that way the TV dsont have to be n when I start X
[01:33:23] mathias999us: Hmmm, interesting....
[01:34:07] mathias999us: So, the nvidia driver is completely ignoring EDID sent by your TV, and you can edit what the nvidia driver thinks is the TV's EDID data?
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[01:34:32] |Torg|: the nvidia drive isnt getting the edid from my tv at all, it gets it from that file
[01:34:54] psofa_ (psofa_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:34:58] mathias999us: Is that a binary file, or can you easily edit it?
[01:34:59] |Torg|: its less to hack edid then it is to allow X to not thorw out all my modes and default to 800x600
[01:35:09] |Torg|: its a binary file you COULD edit it but why?
[01:35:35] |Torg|: ther are comman line tools to interpet it too
[01:35:35] mathias999us: Well, could you edit it to tell the nvidia driver that your tv "supports" 1360x768?
[01:35:53] |Torg|: give it a modeline, tell nvida to not check it, and X will ue it
[01:36:52] mathias999us: After added the options from your Screen section for validation override, I see that the nvidia driver is recognizing the options correctly in the log, but still getting "Unable to validate any modes..."
[01:37:23] Dr_Willis (Dr_Willis! has quit ("Dr_Willis has no reason")
[01:37:28] |Torg|: run X -verbose 6 > /tmp/X.log 2>&1 &
[01:37:40] |Torg|: let X start, kil it with ctrl-alt-bksp or kill -9 its pid
[01:37:55] |Torg|: then read the log, it will tell you what it did to each mode, then tell you which it used
[01:40:03] |Torg|: Mode "1920x540" # vfreq 60.053Hz, hfreq 33.750kHz
[01:40:12] |Torg|: that is what my EDID thinks is 1080I
[01:40:52] |Torg|: 74.250000 1920 2008 2052 2200 540 542 547 562 +hsync +vsync interlace
[01:41:01] |Torg|: note the differnce between that and my REAL modline
[01:41:18] |Torg|: ModeLine "ATSC-1080–60i" 74.25 1920 1960 2016 2200 1080 1082 1088 1125 +hsync +vsync interlace
[01:41:35] |Torg|: that damn EDID screwed me up for nearly a week until I figured out what was wrong
[01:42:02] mathias999us: Hmmmm
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[01:49:35] mathias999us: Torg – Hmmmm, after looking at verbose output like yu suggested, I see that my EDID on the display reports support for 1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz. Maybe it would be possible to just send that, and let the TV handle scaling. Not ideal for desktop, but probably good for Myth...
[01:49:58] |Torg|: its posibl, depdends on tv
[01:50:06] |Torg|: send it a 1080I moeline and see what it does
[01:51:22] Yahooadam (Yahooadam! has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:51:56] mathias999us: I think this is an nvidia driver issue. Looking further down, when it tried to validate my 1360x768 modeline, it threw it out because it was higher than the EDID native res
[01:52:21] |Torg|: the modevalidaiotns will fix that
[01:52:47] mathias999us: I have same options as you, but it's still trying to validate it...
[01:54:55] |Torg|: what verisojn of drivers dop yuou use?
[01:55:27] mathias999us: 9755
[01:56:18] mathias999us: Sorry, my bad – it's actually 9631
[01:56:30] |Torg|: I was gogin to say i have 9639 and I thught it was current
[01:56:39] |Torg|: I was looking at teh nvidia site to be sire
[01:56:44] |Torg|: update it
[01:56:45] mathias999us: heh
[01:57:17] mathias999us: arg, let me try 1080 modeline first...
[02:03:44] mathias999us: Yeah, it rejects the 1080 because it's larger than the native EDID "native res" also.
[02:04:38] mathias999us: That's about it for me tonight – thanks a bunch for your help/time – if I see you tomorrow, I'll let you know how it went
[02:04:51] |Torg|: ok take care
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[02:51:36] justdave: does TMS typically pick up on lineup changes pretty quick? my cable company is supposedly changing their lineup around tomorrow
[02:57:01] ol_schoola: justdave: seems like you'll find out
[02:57:14] justdave: yup :)
[02:57:40] ol_schoola: i've had so few problems with
[02:57:47] ol_schoola: TMS in the past
[02:58:10] ol_schoola: nearly always PBS during fund drives and thats not TMS's fault
[02:58:44] esandeen: how can I find out why bunch of my scheduled recordings are now "deactivated...." how can I found out, um, why? :)
[03:00:04] iamben: ol_schoola: i'd hate to miss 'this old house'
[03:02:54] d3ity (d3ity!n=d3ity@unaffiliated/d3ity) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:03:18] esandeen: MythTV Status:
[03:03:18] esandeen: (Never Record)
[03:03:20] esandeen: what the heck
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[03:21:37] esandeen: where can I find a key for what the various different colors, outlines, dashed outlines, etc mean in recording schedules...?
[03:22:47] esandeen: ugh, duh. lost an encoder... no wonder :/
[03:29:40] xanderp (xanderp! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:31:09] iamben: hey the freezes on the half hour seem to have gone away with 14450->14480
[03:31:18] xanderp: ok, so I signed up for a paid SD account the day zap2it closed. I kept seeing a 7 day expiration date on my account even after I paypal'ed the money. I thought it was just letting my trial period run out before staring my paid account time, but now when I log into SD it says I'm expired....
[03:32:44] hads: Doesn't look like they have a support contact, you're probably best to post in their forums.
[03:33:44] xanderp: I emailed them just now from the 'Contact Us' link...
[03:35:16] iamben: xanderp: not sure what timezone you're in, but if you come in here during the day (say, 4–8 hours ago), some of the people behind SD hang out here
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[03:52:48] p1mrx: "NOTE: You must not use ReiserFS v3 for your recordings. You will get corrupted recordings if you do." <-- is there any evidence to back up this claim?
[03:53:15] degreseven: where was that? i used reiserfs v3 on my mythbox for a long time with no problems
[03:53:22] GreyFoxx: I've never heard of it causing corruption, it's just slow at deleting large files
[03:53:45] p1mrx: it's on this page:
[03:54:28] GreyFoxx: regardless of what it says, I've never heard of anyone have corruption from it. People generally avoid it due to the poor performance dealing with the large recording files
[03:54:50] jams: p1mrx- been running it for 4 years. no corruption here
[03:55:24] jams: no real problem with performance either.(better then ext3)
[03:56:03] p1mrx: wtf is up with that HOWTO then? it seems really odd that they'd bash on what seems to be the best filesystem for general usage, without any evidence
[03:57:04] GreyFoxx: p1mrx: There might well have been repeatable problems when that was written
[03:57:38] p1mrx: well, at least I got plenty of "works for me"s... I think I'll just use it
[03:58:15] p1mrx: thanks
[03:58:16] GreyFoxx: well just be warned. I know jams hasn't had performance problems many people report it being very slow for deleting large files like you get with recordings
[03:58:44] hads: p1mrx: It's just about as much personal choice as anything else. People get very into their preferred FS.
[03:58:46] jams: GreyFoxx- i always thought robert had a grudge when he wrote that line
[03:59:01] p1mrx: XFS looks nice, except for the fact that you can't shrink it, which is pretty bad.
[03:59:08] hads: Yeah, or very against their least favourite.
[03:59:11] GreyFoxx: I've had a major distrust of reiser going back like 5–6 years with reiser filesystems becoming corrupt
[03:59:23] hads: I've had a few bad experiences too.
[03:59:44] hads: Then again I have had some dodgy ones with ext3
[03:59:45] GreyFoxx: but the last corruption "beyond repair" was a year ago
[04:00:09] GreyFoxx: but to be fair each one occured durring a power loss
[04:00:30] jams: i hade one a few years ago, but also had one with xfs. Both were kernel bugs
[04:01:09] jams: p1mrx- so in other words use which ever you trust
[04:02:03] jams: any way i'm off to bed
[04:02:18] cesman: rest well
[04:02:19] catisonh (catisonh! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[04:06:39] xanderp: I PM'ed one of the SD admins with a copy of my paypal receipt, hope he can fix it before I run out of listings! :)
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[04:09:16] GhostFreeman|3 (GhostFreeman|3!n=GhostFre@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:21:26] xanderp: Wow, those SD guys are awesome... they already fixed my account!
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[04:31:33] ** xris grins at the shiny new mythbox **
[04:34:44] cesman: :)
[04:35:02] CoasterMaster: Is there a fix to my front end crashing when going to the guide?
[04:35:45] xris: cesman: now if only it was in one piece
[04:40:01] mchou: lol, why anyone wants to use a FS written by an alledged wife murderer is beyond me
[04:42:02] degreseven: hey, if it's free & it works well i'll take it no matter who wrote it =P
[04:47:47] floppyears_ (floppyears_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:50:05] xanderp: mchou what's a FS?
[04:53:32] MaverickTech: file system
[04:54:56] xanderp: ahh
[04:55:48] xanderp: my stupid backend has started locking up on me occasionally. Haven't been able to locate the source yet.
[04:59:32] xanderp (xanderp! has quit ()
[05:00:54] floppyears (floppyears!n=floppy@poipu/supporter/floppyears) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[05:05:38] Tanthrix: xanderp: Sorry to hear that. I hate those kinds of issues.
[05:06:06] Tanthrix: And, I was scrolled up and didn't see that he left. Oh well.
[05:21:11] pab_: debian lenny....20.2–0.2 but no schedules direct in there a repository or do I need to do a reinstall from source?
[05:22:14] jhatch (jhatch! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:24:14] xris: hmm, quad core doesn't officially WORK in my server.. says I should put it in the mythbox instead. wtf do I need a quad core mythbox for...
[05:24:31] robbins876 (robbins876! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[05:25:59] cesman: transcoding ;)
[05:26:14] bsdfox__: xris: nothing unless you got a bunch of software capture devices or a ton of transcoding to do
[05:26:22] ** cesman needs a quad core to compile **
[05:26:58] bsdfox__: I want a x3210
[05:26:59] bsdfox__: :D
[05:27:08] hads: Anyone seeing issues with playback in mythvideo after the mythtv-vid merge? I'm getting "NVP: Prebuffer wait timed out 10 times" messages and no playback but normal recordings are fine.
[05:27:10] xris: cesman: apparently, the mythbox is the only hardware that actually works with the proc.
[05:29:15] piecesandbits (piecesandbits! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:29:30] xris: it's not like I paid retail for the proc, but it does seem like a waste to put it into the mythbox
[05:31:07] ireverentReveren (ireverentReveren! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:31:11] ireverentReveren: Hello
[05:31:57] ireverentReveren: i'm trying to get mythtv running on OSX and I am running into all me media files hae a length of 0, and wont play
[05:32:04] ireverentReveren: am i missing something obvious?
[05:32:59] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:33:44] bsdfox_: xris: what kinda proc is it
[05:34:04] Anduin: hads: did you distclean?
[05:34:21] xris: bsdfox_: q6600
[05:34:26] drindt (drindt! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:36:37] bsdfox_: I want :D
[05:37:03] bsdfox_: which stepping did you get
[05:37:20] hads: Anduin: Yeah, distclean and clean and recompile. With -v playback I'm getting "AFD: No codec for stream index 0, type(Video) id(Unknown Codec ID:14)"
[05:37:58] hads: I just discovered I can play an mpeg I dumped manually from an IVTV card but not avi files so it's some sort of codec thing
[05:42:43] Anduin: hads: someone else was seeing something similar, though the distclean cleared it up. Looking at config.mak and avcodec.h/allcodecs.c can verify which are being compiled in
[05:44:36] hads: Anduin: Thanks, I'll keep looking, I'm just doing a new compile after removing my ccache just incase something went wrong there.
[05:48:11] ** cesman wishes he has xris' contacts **
[05:48:58] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[05:49:00] Slyboots (Slyboots! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[05:51:29] bsdfox__ (bsdfox__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:51:37] xris: cesman: my company gets "one" of a handful of parts from intel for really cheap.
[05:51:46] xris: can use for internal demos, or employee personal stuff.
[05:52:02] xris: I, um, acquired this one because no one else seemed to want it (or know about it)
[05:52:05] cesman: you guys hiring? ;)
[05:52:30] xris: cesman: at the moment, not worth it. too many important people thinking about bailing.
[05:53:05] cesman: I'm happy where I'm at, but we don't get processors for less than retail ;)
[05:53:38] xris: we don't really, either. there were only about 4 procs in the pool. not exactly a lot of we had to actually try to spread them between the 100+ employees
[05:53:49] xris: s/of/if/
[05:54:17] chris__ (chris__! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:55:59] Rongo (Rongo! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:57:04] Rongo: How do you trigger a rescan of my videos directory? Shouldn't it do it more often than..... never?
[05:58:04] xris: Rongo: video tools under setup
[05:58:13] xris: and yeah, it's a little annoying that it's not automated
[05:59:02] Rongo: So its a manual-only process?
[06:00:14] xris: you could cron the perl script that does the actual work
[06:01:02] billytwowilly (billytwowilly! has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
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[06:05:19] piecesandbits (piecesandbits! has quit ("Leaving")
[06:08:04] hads: Anduin: Hmm, now I can reliably segfault :)
[06:08:44] clever: what are the legal things about a firewire cable box
[06:08:58] clever: is the cable company supposed to give one if asked(legaly?)
[06:09:11] Tanthrix: hads: Mmmm reliable errors.
[06:09:14] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:09:14] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[06:09:24] Rongo: what perl script does the video scan?
[06:09:24] ServerSage: clever: No, there is nothing legalling making them give you a firewire box.
[06:09:29] clever: ahh:(
[06:09:40] clever: must be the public channels being unencrypted im thinking of
[06:10:24] clever: ive got a pci firewire card but no firewire on my box
[06:11:04] xris: Rongo: I think it depends on .20.x vs trunk... and I don't know which does what.
[06:11:12] defaultro: hey folks, which is graceful kill, is it -15 or -9? I'm brain dead right now
[06:11:21] Rongo: hmm
[06:11:22] xris: defaultro: definitely not -9
[06:11:27] xris: usually just "kill"
[06:11:27] defaultro: k
[06:11:34] defaultro: so yeah. it's -15
[06:11:35] defaultro: :)
[06:12:02] defaultro: it's because, I would like to start using nohup. I don't know if it's possible to run a process that can only be killed by -9
[06:13:45] hads: Well some now play so that must have contributed but a number that playe before now cause a segfault. I'll have to find some time to track that one down.
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[08:04:26] Netslayer: where does mysql store databases usually?
[08:05:40] bsdfox_: probably /var/db/mysql/DBNAME
[08:06:01] Anduin: or /var/lib/mysql
[08:06:35] Netslayer: that's it :-P
[08:10:12] bsdfox_ (bsdfox_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:13:36] tjcarter: Everybody but me has already seen this: My response:
[08:19:15] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[08:33:38] area52 (area52! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:34:25] ** jblack groans in frustration **
[08:34:42] jblack: ANyone have a problem they need help with?
[08:38:33] area52: I have a compalint
[08:38:38] area52: complaint
[08:38:50] area52: I changed my hostname
[08:38:54] ahbritto (ahbritto! has quit (Client Quit)
[08:39:06] area52: and mythtv massively screwed up
[08:39:49] Anduin: area52: There is a section in the docs dealing with changing your host name, yes it sucks.
[08:41:28] area52: I had to spend ages using phpmyadmin to change it everywhere
[08:41:46] area52: why it is defined in so many different fields in so many different tables?
[08:42:23] directhex|work: because hostname is used to define a lot of per-host settings
[08:43:05] area52: and why can't it be stored in a single field in a setting table and have all other fields linking to that?
[08:43:11] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:44:03] area52: I believe that is the point in relational databases :P
[08:44:05] directhex|work: because third normal form is for weenies
[08:44:17] directhex|work: be thankful you get multiple tables at all!
[08:44:31] area52: I'm not thankful
[08:44:33] jvs (jvs! has quit ("Leaving")
[08:44:36] area52: I'm irritated
[08:45:10] jblack: Back in the old days (you know – uphill in the snow), we were glad to have flat files. Flat files i tell ya
[08:45:21] area52: the other thing is, the error messages mythbackend writes to its log files are mostly incomprehensible
[08:45:38] jblack: For example?
[08:45:59] area52: 2007-09–12 19:06:28.911 MythSocket(8173150:8): readStringList: Error, timeout.
[08:46:15] jblack: That is pretty bad
[08:46:29] area52: how the hell does that help an end user?
[08:46:31] jblack: I haven't seen that one before.
[08:46:37] area52: maybe a developer
[08:46:42] area52: but sheesh
[08:46:46] jblack: It helps an end user because they give it to a developer? :)
[08:46:51] area52: lol
[08:47:20] area52: I have used mythtv for 3 or 4 years
[08:47:20] jblack: Ouch. readstringlist is used all over the codebase.
[08:47:32] area52: I'm very unhappy with the overall architecture
[08:48:02] jblack: would you be comfortable with running mythbackend through a debugger?
[08:48:19] area52: no
[08:48:59] jblack: It's a socket problem. I can tell you that much
[08:49:11] area52: yep
[08:49:33] area52: well that was the error when I changed my hostname
[08:49:39] area52: its not a problem now
[08:49:44] area52: but still
[08:49:56] area52: it took me ages to figure what had happened
[08:50:39] jblack: Something, I don't know what, tried to get a list over a socket, and it didn't get the info
[08:51:39] area52: it just seems there that mythtv is quite an uncoordinated development effort, and the protocol is shockingly/not at all documented
[08:51:57] jblack: How exactly did you get into this mess?
[08:52:10] area52: I changed my domain name
[08:52:16] area52: and hostname
[08:52:39] jblack: yeah, that's how in general. How did you get into that specific readlist problem?
[08:52:47] jblack: Were you changing things in the database by hand?
[08:52:55] area52: I changed /etc/hostname
[08:53:00] area52: and restarted the backend
[08:53:03] area52: that was it
[08:53:14] area52: no I didn't change anything in the database
[08:53:21] area52: until I had to to fix the problem
[08:53:32] jblack: That is pertty bad.
[08:53:48] Ozymandias2 (Ozymandias2! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:53:50] area52: then I had to go through all the tables and update all the hostname fields
[08:53:57] area52: of which there were dozens
[08:54:02] ireverentReveren (ireverentReveren! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:54:02] jblack: (I have less pity for people that change internal data behind the interfaces back than I do for someone that changes a common system configuration file)
[08:54:13] area52: lol, yeah
[08:54:40] jblack: Were there any other associated errors before or after that?
[08:55:21] jblack: if there was more than one, would be a good place to paste it
[08:55:28] area52: yes
[08:55:30] area52: 2007-09–12 19:09:23.162 MainServer::HandleQueryRecordings()
[08:55:31] area52: Couldn't find backend for:
[08:55:31] area52: My Name Is Earl : ""
[08:55:38] area52: tons of them
[08:55:57] area52: thanks, yeah if I find anymore I will pastebin it
[08:56:05] jblack: can you dump the whole log since the start at
[08:56:19] area52: sure 1 sec
[08:56:22] jblack: I'm looking for a good place to put in a check for whether or not the hostname has been changed
[08:56:37] jblack: btw, since the start = since the start of mythbackend, not since the start of the log!
[08:56:46] area52: oh you're a developer then?
[08:58:56] area52:
[08:59:20] area52: ok, first it does ERROR: no valid capture cards are defined in the database.
[08:59:54] Netslayer (Netslayer!n=chrisg@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[09:00:00] area52: which also provides no clue that its a problem with not having the correct domain name set
[09:00:17] jblack: Not directly, at any rate.
[09:00:29] area52: thats because of the entry in the tuners table
[09:00:33] jblack: Yup
[09:00:41] area52: oh
[09:00:48] area52: and it decides its a slave backend
[09:01:01] area52: which is a very faulty assumption
[09:01:24] ** jblack ponders for a moment. **
[09:01:32] jblack: I suppose you already fixed your problem?
[09:01:36] area52: yer
[09:01:59] area52: I'm here purely to complain ;)
[09:02:22] area52: why, is there some other information you want?
[09:02:35] jblack: awww. now you're stuck here helping someone debug the problem, that's spent all fifteen minutes in the codebase.
[09:03:01] area52: lol
[09:03:08] jblack: I was gonna ask you to strace it to see if it tried opening any local configuration files.
[09:03:35] area52: hmmmm
[09:03:39] area52: thats a good idea
[09:03:41] jblack: The only one I know about offhand is mysql.txt
[09:03:51] leperkhanz (leperkhanz! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:03:57] area52: I really don't want to screw it up again
[09:04:02] jblack: and that's not exactly a good place to put a "my-name-is"
[09:04:07] jblack: Yeah. I'm not asking you to.
[09:04:09] leperkhanz: hey, I am new to mythtv. I installed mythtv frontend, but that just runs a config.
[09:04:12] area52: ok
[09:04:15] leperkhanz: what am I doing wrong?
[09:04:18] jvs|dagobah (jvs|dagobah! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:04:29] jblack: leperkhanz: By new, you mean totally new?
[09:05:13] jblack: As in "you know you have to have a backend running somewhere, right?" new
[09:05:39] ** jblack checks to see if his transcoder is running **
[09:05:50] jblack: darn
[09:07:16] jblack: Hmmm. area52, do you know C++ ?
[09:07:49] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuart@unaffiliated/stuarta) has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:07:56] area52: a bit of Objective-C :/
[09:07:58] area52: so no
[09:08:02] area52: would be the answer
[09:08:02] jblack: close enough
[09:08:08] area52: lol
[09:08:13] area52: I hate writing C
[09:08:18] area52: I'm a ruby programmer
[09:08:27] stuarta: i hate ruby & love C
[09:08:32] area52: lol
[09:08:35] stuarta: :-P
[09:08:48] jblack: Offhand, I'd say MythContextPrivate::Init() would be a good place to place a call to do a user friendly sanity check
[09:08:49] ** area52 is highly amused **
[09:08:52] ** stuarta goes back to php SOAP **
[09:09:26] area52: ruby owns php
[09:10:06] hads: *yawn*
[09:10:14] leperkhanz: do I need to log off and log on to make mythtv work?
[09:10:32] leperkhanz: and yes, TOTALLY new.
[09:10:36] area52: leperkhanz: do you have a mythbackend
[09:10:37] directhex|work: leperkhanz, do you have a backend running somewhere?
[09:10:41] ** stuarta isn't bothered **
[09:10:44] leperkhanz: I have no idea.
[09:10:50] area52: ok, so no
[09:10:52] leperkhanz: My backend is in a chair on IRC.
[09:11:09] leperkhanz: :P
[09:11:13] jblack: I could imagine an error message like "My hostname does not exist in the database. You can run mythtv-setup to fix my hostname"
[09:11:19] area52: leperkhanz: mythtv requires a backend to run on a machine with a tv tuner
[09:11:28] area52: jblack: good idea
[09:11:37] leperkhanz: alright! Give me a sweet, sweet backend!
[09:11:51] area52: leperkhanz: you have to set one up
[09:11:59] leperkhanz: synaptic says I have one.
[09:12:11] leperkhanz: Which is good, as I'd hate to think it'd gone missing.
[09:12:12] area52: ok, do you have a tv tuner?
[09:12:13] jblack: leper: Heh. Yeah. there are backends, and frontends. The frontend is the mushy user stuff. THe backend is the part that does all the actual recording work
[09:12:19] leperkhanz: Yes.
[09:12:32] leperkhanz: i have a winfast junk or something.
[09:12:42] leperkhanz: It works in TvTime.
[09:12:43] leperkhanz: :)
[09:12:49] jblack: Then it should work for myth
[09:13:17] leperkhanz: oh sweet, seven pound, little bright eyed, angelic angel baby jesus!
[09:13:26] leperkhanz: So how do I make it record a show?
[09:13:58] jblack: You use the front end (the user interface) to say "I have no taste and want you to record every Family guy episode you cna get your hands on"
[09:14:00] area52: leperkhanz: you need to configure it, take a look at
[09:14:20] laga: leperkhanz: you need to be curious enough to look around
[09:14:32] jblack: Behind the scenes, the frontend puts that in the database. The backend sees it in the database, and becomes enamored of questionable comedy. ;D
[09:14:40] laga: leperkhanz: if you installed mythbuntu and it's borkne, please come to #ubuntu-mythtv to find out how we can fix it
[09:14:41] leperkhanz: words, words. God damn it. *sigh* Ok, I'm reading that page. Thanks.
[09:14:51] leperkhanz: I'm in gutsy 64 bit.
[09:15:03] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:15:10] laga: oddly enough, you're the second guy having trouble with that
[09:15:44] laga: leperkhanz: when you started mythtv-setup, did you get a message asking you to put your user into the mythtv group?
[09:15:49] jblack: laga: Does #ubuntu-mythtv care about nuvexport?
[09:15:55] leperkhanz: That Quickstart has nothing to do with a damn thing I know in this world.
[09:15:58] leperkhanz: yeah, I did that.
[09:16:16] leperkhanz: Do you want my password?
[09:16:18] ** jblack starts getting a bad feeling **
[09:16:25] hads: Ugh
[09:16:28] jblack: leperkhanz: Do you know what a sql server is?
[09:16:35] laga: jblack: not right now because it's not packaged.
[09:16:52] laga: leperkhanz: did you log out and log back in after that?
[09:17:01] leperkhanz: Look, I just need to package my backend here, I'm not into sql servers or anything.
[09:17:10] leperkhanz: I have not logged out.
[09:17:15] leperkhanz: Do I need to do that?
[09:17:17] laga: leperkhanz: yes
[09:17:20] laga: you need to do that
[09:17:24] hads (hads! has left #mythtv-users ("Oh, that's why I don't hang out here")
[09:17:25] laga: just like that message told you.
[09:17:32] leperkhanz: Ok, I did not see that message.
[09:17:34] leperkhanz: brb.
[09:17:46] jvs|dagobah (jvs|dagobah! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[09:17:53] leperkhanz (leperkhanz! has quit ("Leaving.")
[09:18:06] jblack: oh boy
[09:18:11] area52: lol
[09:18:13] area52: indeed
[09:18:14] laga: we tried to make it idiot-proof
[09:18:38] area52: the idiots just keep getting more idiotic
[09:18:42] jblack: I'm sure you did great
[09:19:18] jblack: (I run ubuntu, but started with non-ubuntu packages for various reasons)
[09:20:38] laga: yeah, reports like that leave me with a bad feeling that something is wrong with the packages. that we missed some corner case or something
[09:22:33] jblack: I'm on your packages these days. At the time I started using myth, the ubuntu packages were not kept up as well.
[09:24:15] laga: yes, early ubuntu releases didn't get much mythtv love
[09:24:16] directhex|work: i needed trunk for a while
[09:24:36] laga: directhex|work: we have trunk packages now. :)
[09:24:45] directhex|work: my old myth machine was a horribly hacked debian box with hand-rolled lots, largely due to lack of support for practically all the hardware
[09:25:01] directhex|work: e.g. kernel patches taken from dodgy german mailing lists, just to get it booting
[09:26:17] jarle: laga: trunk packages for ubuntu available?
[09:27:43] leperkhanz (leperkhanz! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:27:56] leperkhanz: Ok, I logged out and logged in a couple of times. I feel much better now.
[09:28:09] leperkhanz: I still don't have a program that can record tv though.
[09:28:13] laga: jarle: yes
[09:28:34] laga: jarle, directhex|work:
[09:28:37] jblack: leper.. what distro do you use?
[09:28:40] leperkhanz: i feel sexy, though. Fresh from the reboot.
[09:28:44] leperkhanz: gutsy 64.
[09:29:01] jarle: laga: where? I'm still running 0.20svn from january, and have been waiting for newer pacakges to become available...
[09:29:02] jblack: And you caught that if you install _one_ package, it'll install everything else you need too?
[09:29:08] laga: leperkhanz: right. do you have a file /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt with a password in there which is *not* "mythtv"? (no need to say it in here)
[09:29:13] leperkhanz: I installed a bunch of packages.
[09:29:23] laga: jarle: that's likely fixes what you're running then
[09:30:48] leperkhanz: Yes, but I changed the password to something easier.
[09:30:55] leperkhanz: That was a mouth full.
[09:31:00] ** jblack coughs up his coffee **
[09:31:34] leperkhanz: should I not do that?
[09:31:40] laga: no
[09:31:43] laga: you shouldn't.
[09:32:01] jblack: You shouldn't change your key unless you change the lock tumbler too....
[09:32:05] laga: leperkhanz: anyways, it's fixable. another thing. is mysql running?
[09:32:10] leperkhanz: well, I tried that logon and password a couple times, and it didn't work for $4|+
[09:32:29] leperkhanz: I dunno.
[09:32:32] laga: leperkhanz: those login credentials are meant for mysql, not any regular user
[09:32:38] leperkhanz: oh.
[09:32:49] leperkhanz: well they were pretty hard to use.
[09:33:04] laga: leperkhanz: go to a terminal, type "mysql". if you get a error message saying that your apssword was wrong or something it's running
[09:33:14] directhex|work: leperkhanz, you should never need to interact with that password manually. the password is automatically set & used by the appropriate apps
[09:33:21] leperkhanz: access denied.
[09:33:27] laga: leperkhanz: that is the point. they're randomly generated and you shouldn't ever have to touch them.
[09:33:31] laga: leperkhanz: that's good.
[09:33:44] leperkhanz: Ok.
[09:33:50] laga: leperkhanz: ok. now, run sudo dpkg-reconfigure --force mythtv-common
[09:33:51] leperkhanz: I feel better being denied.
[09:34:06] jblack: Somehow, so do I
[09:34:07] laga: leperkhanz: there you can choose a nice password.
[09:34:24] laga: leperkhanz: don't change anything else, though. defaults are good.
[09:34:41] directhex|work: de fault. the two sweetest words in the english language
[09:34:54] leperkhanz: OK, done and done.
[09:34:54] laga: leperkhanz: once that's done.. there's a file called .mythtv/mysql.txt in your home directory. delete that.
[09:35:05] leperkhanz: ok
[09:35:20] laga: leperkhanz: start mythtv-setup now
[09:35:26] leperkhanz: I can't delete it.
[09:35:53] laga: why not?
[09:35:56] leperkhanz: There's no option. I don't have permission. I feel like a 3 yr old kid being taunted by a sinister TIVO that is smarter than me.
[09:36:44] leperkhanz: And my ankle hurts, but I'm pretty sure that is an unrelated problem.
[09:37:00] jarle: laga: upgrading using your packages I'm told that the following packages will be held back: "mytharchive mythdvd mythtv mythtv-backend mythtv-common mythtv-database mythtv-frontend" is this normal??
[09:37:17] laga: huh? is it owned by root or something? ls -al ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[09:37:29] laga: jarle: are you using a mirror or the PPA directly?
[09:37:56] leperkhanz: oh sweet mother of all that is holiest in this world including the un-invaded female bits.
[09:38:12] jarle: laga: the UK mirror
[09:38:39] laga: jarle: i have no clue why that happens. maybe it needs two runs of apt-get upgrade? :/
[09:38:46] leperkhanz: Ok, done.
[09:38:56] laga: leperkhanz: is it deleted now?
[09:39:24] leperkhanz: yes, runstarted data file base.
[09:39:42] leperkhanz: backend found running, none killed.
[09:39:44] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuart@unaffiliated/stuarta) has left #mythtv-users ()
[09:39:53] leperkhanz: no error from qsqlElrror? Strange....
[09:40:17] jarle: laga: The mentioned packages are still held back on the second run...
[09:40:21] leperkhanz: access denied using password: YES (which is NOT my password, by the way.
[09:40:34] leperkhanz: )
[09:40:45] laga: leperkhanz: ok, i'll tell you again: "your" password and the mysql password are different.
[09:40:54] leperkhanz: OK.
[09:40:57] leperkhanz: that is fine.
[09:41:06] leperkhanz: I don't want it's stupid bossy password any way.
[09:41:12] SlySir (SlySir! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:41:16] laga: leperkhanz: is it using the same password as shown in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt ? and dont change anything in there please :/
[09:41:22] jarle: laga: I could give the US mirror a go...
[09:41:25] leperkhanz: i think so?
[09:41:38] leperkhanz: it just says uable to connect to database!
[09:41:51] laga: leperkhanz: ah. ok.
[09:42:06] leperkhanz: access denied for user mythtv@localhost
[09:42:37] leperkhanz: I'm ok with out a password. I'm not worried somebody will copy my copy of "The Office".
[09:42:41] laga: leperkhanz: are you *sure* that you have deleted ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt ?
[09:43:02] leperkhanz: i did that ls thing.
[09:43:07] leperkhanz: but it is still there.
[09:43:10] laga: well
[09:43:14] laga: you need to delete it.
[09:43:26] leperkhanz: defying me, and telling me the rest of the monkeys are not built for technology.
[09:43:35] leperkhanz: ok.
[09:43:55] leperkhanz: I have "Send to", but that just goes to email. That can't be right.
[09:44:17] laga: leperkhanz: open a terminal. type sudo rm ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[09:44:40] leperkhanz: I'd like to "Open with other Application" for instance the "Destroyer" Application, but I don't have that application.
[09:45:24] leperkhanz: did that one, still there.
[09:45:56] leperkhanz: wait, now it says can not remove no such file.
[09:45:56] directhex|work: you remembered the "sudo" bit?
[09:46:12] leperkhanz: so I guess it worked after a couple of times?
[09:46:52] leperkhanz: wait a minute. Something looks weird.
[09:47:36] jarle: laga: if I could only figure out why the packages are held back...
[09:47:43] leperkhanz: Ok, I think I got it deleted.
[09:47:50] leperkhanz: jesus, that was tricky.
[09:47:51] directhex|work: jarle, try installing one of the held-back packages then
[09:48:03] laga: jarle: they're probably not properly signed
[09:48:04] leperkhanz: I had to navigate through folders in the console using cd ..
[09:48:06] leperkhanz: cd ..
[09:48:11] leperkhanz: cd etc
[09:48:14] leperkhanz: cd mythtv
[09:48:15] leperkhanz: dir
[09:48:34] directhex|work: leperkhanz, the console isn't a hindrance.
[09:48:34] leperkhanz: sudo rm mysql.txt then enter then my password.
[09:49:00] leperkhanz: That was some wizardry. I am a computer genius and you must all bow in awe of my years of ms dos experience!!!
[09:49:04] jarle: directhex|work: They are already installed, they are just not upgraded...
[09:49:15] leperkhanz: ok, now what do I do?
[09:49:16] directhex|work: jarle, i know that. do what i said anyway
[09:49:22] laga: leperkhanz: well
[09:49:29] laga: leperkhanz: you just deleted the wrong file
[09:49:42] leperkhanz: doh!
[09:50:03] leperkhanz: Now I will perform an exotic dance for you all! So what do I do now?
[09:50:15] leperkhanz: I just want to record "The Office".
[09:50:20] leperkhanz: It's on in like an hour.
[09:50:21] jarle: directhex|work: That did the trick actually :)
[09:50:26] laga: leperkhanz: just type "sudo rm /home/<YOURUSERNAME>/.mythtv/mysql.txt"
[09:50:38] laga: leperkhanz: where you replace <YOURUSERNAME> with your user name
[09:51:02] leperkhanz: cannot remove, no such file.
[09:51:30] laga: leperkhanz: type ls -al ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[09:51:34] leperkhanz: must've succeeded somewhere a long the way?
[09:51:37] laga: leperkhanz: and give me the output.
[09:51:56] leperkhanz: no such file or directory.
[09:52:22] leperkhanz: See? I'm so good I deleted the whole directory. In your face directory!
[09:52:28] laga: no
[09:52:34] laga: listen
[09:53:04] laga: look at those two things: "~/.mythtv/mysql.txt" and "/etc/mythtv/mysql.txt" – are you capable of making out the difference between these two strings?
[09:53:04] ** leperkhanz listens. **
[09:53:14] laga: they are not the same thing?
[09:53:19] leperkhanz: yes. I believe so.
[09:53:24] laga: good.
[09:53:27] leperkhanz: Neither currently exist so far as I know.
[09:53:31] laga: good.
[09:53:51] leperkhanz: Though I wish them no ill will.
[09:54:10] laga: now, run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure --force mythtv-common" again in order to recreate the /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt you have wrongly deleted
[09:54:21] leperkhanz: I felt it was necesary to delete them to watch "The OFfice" cause you said so.
[09:54:24] leperkhanz: Ok.
[09:54:33] Immolo (Immolo! has quit ("Leaving")
[09:54:47] leperkhanz: done.
[09:54:59] leperkhanz: ran the little text based wizard.
[09:55:09] laga: no, i didn't say to delete /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt but it doesn't matter now
[09:55:11] leperkhanz: Nice color scheme. Felt old school.
[09:55:17] laga: leperkhanz: and you picked a nice password there?
[09:55:21] leperkhanz: Yes.
[09:55:23] leperkhanz: Very nice.
[09:55:38] leperkhanz: BloodyCorpseofJudas317
[09:55:49] leperkhanz: That should keep 'em out!
[09:56:29] leperkhanz: J/K
[09:56:36] leperkhanz: But I did pick a password.
[09:56:39] laga: good. now, mythtv stores a lot of stuff in the database. and it needs to access the database. the stuff in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt are those login credentials. now, open a terminal and type "mysql -u mythtv -p"; it'll ask you for a password then. enter the password you picked and you should get a command prompt.
[09:57:11] leperkhanz: access denied.
[09:57:48] leperkhanz: Yeah, that didn't seem to work so well.
[09:58:04] jblack: just for fun, can you run "sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart", and then try again?
[09:58:05] blackest (blackest! has quit (Connection timed out)
[09:58:05] leperkhanz: It made a reassuring beep though, allowing me to feel certain it heard me.
[09:58:27] laga: that's odd. very odd.
[09:59:07] leperkhanz: access denied for user mythtv@localhost using password:YES
[09:59:14] leperkhanz: which is not, of course my password.
[09:59:26] leperkhanz: that is a really gay password, and I don't recommend it for anyone.
[09:59:40] ** jblack laughs **
[09:59:40] SiD3WiNDR: lol =)
[09:59:45] leperkhanz: Even if Yes is really your favorite band.
[10:00:11] leperkhanz: Then you should probably just kill yourself and forget about passwords altogether.
[10:00:16] tjcarter: I remember a bug in Ubuntu 0.18 packages way back when that caused that.
[10:00:20] jblack: When you ran mysql, it did ask you to enter the password, right?
[10:00:27] leperkhanz: um...
[10:00:39] SiD3WiNDR: yes
[10:00:45] SiD3WiNDR: otherwise it'd be using password: NO
[10:00:46] SiD3WiNDR: :-)
[10:01:06] leperkhanz: Which is another password I really don't recommend.
[10:01:14] SiD3WiNDR: hmm, not always I just realize :]
[10:01:21] ** jblack grins **
[10:01:45] leperkhanz: I can do the safety dance, if you think my computer will like it and be nice.
[10:01:53] ** leperkhanz safety dances. **
[10:02:09] jblack: No, go safetdance in the kitchen for a couple minutes
[10:02:13] leperkhanz: boop boop BEEP BEEP boop boop, boo BEEP BEEP.
[10:02:31] ** leperkhanz goes to kitchen. **
[10:04:04] ** jblack pokes around with mysql for a moment **
[10:04:19] ** laga pokes around gutsy for a moment **
[10:05:10] jblack: leper, let me know when you get back.
[10:05:40] leperkhanz: I have returned from the kitchen. I am pretty sure the computer could not see me from here, therefore I have determined that it may not have been impressed.
[10:05:51] leperkhanz: I could be wrong, though.
[10:06:08] jblack: Poor computer.
[10:06:22] leperkhanz: Yes, I also had peanuts, and am not sharing.
[10:06:23] jblack: Ok, I'd like you for the moment, while waiting for laga, to do a couple things for me.
[10:06:30] leperkhanz: ok.
[10:06:33] jblack: first, run "sudo su". That should change your prompt to #
[10:06:44] jblack: next, type this in exactly, but don't tell me the result.
[10:06:50] leperkhanz: yep.
[10:07:01] jblack: echo "select user,password from user" | mysql mysql
[10:07:29] jblack: You should see a couple of usernames on the left, perhaps root, debian-sys-maint and mysql. Correct?
[10:08:00] jblack: pardon, not mysql, but mythtv
[10:08:19] leperkhanz: access denied password no
[10:08:30] leperkhanz: ah
[10:08:40] jblack: You ran sudo su, and got a # for a prompt?
[10:09:33] leperkhanz: woah, that tripped out, then the gui think came up, and I left it all the same in there.
[10:09:37] leperkhanz: yeah.
[10:09:54] leperkhanz: next, next, next, here I am.
[10:09:57] jblack: I don't understand
[10:10:05] laga: i think he ran | mythtv mysql
[10:10:27] SiD3WiNDR: ehhm... :p
[10:10:39] leperkhanz: the console ran a book, for a second, then popped open a gui, and then I selected English, left my user name and password all the same, and then selected next, and then done.
[10:10:46] Spida (Spida! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:10:55] jblack: Let's make it simple.. type "whoami"
[10:10:57] Spida (Spida! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:11:01] webman (webman! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:11:05] leperkhanz: root
[10:11:22] jblack: Oh, yeah.
[10:11:27] leperkhanz: root@mycomputer:/etc/mythtv#
[10:11:27] jblack: Ok. You didn't type what I said exactly. :)
[10:11:33] jblack: echo "select user,password from user" | mysql mysql
[10:11:44] jblack: I really want you to say mysql twice. :)
[10:12:16] leperkhanz: echo "select user,password from user" | mysql mysql
[10:12:29] jblack: Ok. Users on the left, gobledegook on the right?
[10:12:37] leperkhanz: I typed that in exactly, and got access denied for user root @ localhost password NO
[10:13:04] leperkhanz: ERROR 1045 (28000)
[10:13:32] jblack: well, hmmm.
[10:13:33] directhex|work: type the following in exactly: dpkg -l mysql-server | grep ^ii
[10:14:23] leperkhanz: ii mysql-server 5.0.45–1ubuntu2 MySQL database server (meta package depending on the latest version)
[10:14:33] leperkhanz: I decided to copy paste this time.
[10:14:39] webman: I changed the hostname of my mythtv-backend as well as upgrading mythtv packages, I updated the hostname in the mysql settings table, but I still can't playback a video from mythfrontend running on another machine (and there is no error message in the mythtv logfile on the server). Any suggestions on whatI need to change?
[10:15:00] directhex|work: webman, did you read the section in the docs on changing hostname?
[10:15:15] leperkhanz: Ooooh.. BUSTED!
[10:16:01] jblack: leper: can you type "telnet localhost mysql" and then hit enter two or three times?
[10:16:15] jblack: You should get a bunch of trash on your screen
[10:16:35] leperkhanz: Trying
[10:16:35] leperkhanz: Connected to localhost.
[10:16:35] leperkhanz: Escape character is '^]'.
[10:16:35] leperkhanz: H
[10:16:35] leperkhanz: 5.0.45-Debian_1ubuntu2-log�6bmy=aOK,fD](L)''-Jnk
[10:16:36] leperkhanz: Connection closed by foreign host.
[10:17:02] jblack: Ok, so the server is there...
[10:17:14] leperkhanz: I'm going to type that in at parties just to impress people.
[10:17:34] jblack: You'll impress them more if you strip down to your thong.
[10:17:38] laga: leperkhanz: when you installed mysql-server, i'm sure you were asked to choose a password. did you do that?
[10:17:44] jblack: While safety-dancing
[10:17:53] leperkhanz: yes.
[10:18:21] leperkhanz: jblack: Yes, that certainly makes an impression. I'm looking more for a positive impression.
[10:18:48] leperkhanz: and less crying on my part, at least in front of people.
[10:19:13] jblack: ok...
[10:19:33] jblack: do you remember the password you gave when you setup mysql during installation?
[10:19:43] ** leperkhanz sends mental image of chubby bald dude in thong, safety dancing at polite upscale cocktail party, blubbering senselessly. **
[10:19:58] leperkhanz: I think so?
[10:20:17] jblack: Well... let's see if you do
[10:20:22] laga: ffs.
[10:20:22] leperkhanz: let's be honest, maybe not.
[10:20:41] jblack: echo "select user,password from user" | mysql -p mysql
[10:20:49] leperkhanz: I've typed a lot of random things in consoles tonight, man, but if I got to PICK the password, it should be the same.
[10:20:56] jblack: You can try it a few times if you want to take a few guesses at your passwords
[10:20:59] laga: now i know why reconfiguring mythtv-common didn't work. it's mythtv-database which actually sets the credentials.
[10:21:02] laga: jblack: BTW
[10:21:08] laga: jblack: the admin account is "root" usually.
[10:21:24] jblack: laga: I have him su'ed to root right now.
[10:21:31] leperkhanz: um, that gave me debian sys maint, etc.
[10:21:34] laga: jblack: in mysql i mean.
[10:21:36] laga: oh
[10:21:39] laga: it worked
[10:21:40] laga: well
[10:21:51] laga: jblack: gah, sorry, i was being stupid for a second!
[10:21:54] jblack: laga: Great. Users on left, encrypted passwords on right
[10:21:57] laga: leperkhanz: ok, we're close now.
[10:22:05] leperkhanz: yay! I had no idea whether that was wroking or not.
[10:22:07] jblack: Ok. Do you see a mythtv user on the left?
[10:22:22] laga: leperkhanz: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database now, enter your mysql admin password there.
[10:22:42] leperkhanz: user password
[10:22:51] laga: leperkhanz: and *this* will then set up the database to use the login stuff from /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[10:23:02] leperkhanz: root *F2345ASDF1$FaSDF41$%$
[10:23:19] jblack: leper: You can stop listening to me now. Listen to laga.
[10:23:47] leperkhanz: sudok.
[10:23:55] leperkhanz: ok.
[10:24:05] leperkhanz: so now what do i do?
[10:24:11] ** leperkhanz gets excited! **
[10:24:29] laga: btw, i just watched the safety dance vid and it's horrible.
[10:24:44] laga: leperkhanz: have you run dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database?
[10:24:49] jblack: well, you can dance if you wanna, you can leave your friend behind. Cause if he don't dance, then he don't dance and he ain't no friend of mine
[10:24:53] leperkhanz: Yes, that is a really, really, really stupid dance, and a stupid song. Unless you have a thing for midgets.
[10:25:07] leperkhanz: yep, just ran that.
[10:25:25] leperkhanz: no errors, back to cursor, ran the gui, selected password, etc.
[10:25:29] leperkhanz: user root now.
[10:25:44] laga: what gui?
[10:26:04] leperkhanz: some text based one with grey on blue.
[10:26:12] leperkhanz: it was handsome!
[10:26:22] laga: heh.
[10:26:58] leperkhanz: what do i do now?
[10:27:02] laga: leperkhanz: once again, "rm ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt" just to be sure it's not picking up old settings and start mythtv-setup then
[10:27:32] leperkhanz: cannot remove no such file or directory.
[10:27:37] leperkhanz: setup again?
[10:28:04] rooaus: !seen juski
[10:28:04] MythLogBot: juski was last seen 5 days 9 hours 50 minutes 59 seconds ago
[10:28:07] laga: yup, try mythtv-setup
[10:28:11] laga: rooaus: he's on vacations
[10:28:43] leperkhanz: says i need to restart... wish me luck?
[10:28:55] leperkhanz: or the changes to take effect, your current login session will have to be restarted. Save all work and then press OK to restart your session.
[10:29:11] leperkhanz: now, how should I log in, btw?
[10:29:21] leperkhanz: root, or me, or mythtv?
[10:29:25] laga: you
[10:29:26] leperkhanz: when I log back in.
[10:29:33] laga: your regular user
[10:29:35] leperkhanz: ok, and then there will be an app in applications.
[10:29:37] leperkhanz: ?
[10:29:39] rooaus: laga: thanks
[10:30:24] laga: leperkhanz: you'll still need to run mythtv-setup again
[10:30:35] leperkhanz: after I relogin?
[10:30:39] laga: yes
[10:30:44] jblack: just log back in and come back
[10:30:50] leperkhanz: ok. will do, then report back here.
[10:30:52] leperkhanz: brb.
[10:30:59] laga: ok, it's breakfast time for me.
[10:31:02] leperkhanz (leperkhanz! has left #mythtv-users ()
[10:33:20] ** jblack whistles **
[10:34:03] directhex|work: urgh
[10:34:05] webman: thanks, that solved it.... there were a couple of other places in the DB that use the hostname .....
[10:35:04] ** jblack swears off of chinese food after reading **
[10:38:22] tjcarter: most of us just use the back of a skillet?
[10:39:40] laga: :/
[10:39:49] jblack: I wonder if leper is coming back
[10:41:03] Spida (Spida! has quit ("leaving")
[10:42:16] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:44:08] leperkhanz (leperkhanz! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:44:22] leperkhanz: OK, it's running now, but I can't watch TV.
[10:44:44] leperkhanz: It says I need to go to the delete menu and delete a scheduled recording, but I don't have any scheduled recordings.
[10:45:11] directhex|work: did you configure any actual tv cards in mythtv-setup?
[10:45:26] directhex|work: the 5 steps it lists that you need to do in order. did you do those?
[10:45:27] leperkhanz: I think so?
[10:45:38] leperkhanz: should I run it again?
[10:45:57] directhex|work: you could do. quit the frontend, and there should be an option in System/Administration to run the config
[10:52:37] leperkhanz (leperkhanz! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:54:42] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:03:23] leperkhanz (leperkhanz! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:03:44] leperkhanz: Well, every time I try to select "Watch TV" it crashes my whole machine, and I have to reboot.
[11:03:49] leperkhanz: Tried it a couple times to be sure.
[11:05:24] laga: :/
[11:05:53] leperkhanz: Yeah... *sigh*
[11:06:08] leperkhanz: I just wanted to record my video camera.
[11:06:16] laga: leperkhanz: you've got broken drivers/hardware then i'd say.
[11:06:24] laga: well, mythtv is the wrong software then anyways ;)
[11:06:32] leperkhanz: What should I use?
[11:06:48] laga: leperkhanz: can you put /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log on ?
[11:07:02] laga: leperkhanz: i dunno, to be honest. i only use mythtv
[11:07:16] leperkhanz: sure.
[11:08:24] leperkhanz:
[11:08:30] leperkhanz: damn.
[11:10:00] laga: leperkhanz: is your tv card for digital TV or for analog TV?
[11:10:24] laga: anyways, your mythtv is not set up properly.
[11:11:05] laga: leperkhanz: . . . une_TV_cards
[11:11:34] laga: leperkhanz: . . . tion_Backend
[11:11:54] laga: but if you just want to record random stuff from your composite input it's the wrong tool
[11:12:26] leperkhanz: hmmm
[11:13:10] leperkhanz: tvtime sees tv signal
[11:13:47] bb (bb! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
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[11:14:18] laga: if you're looking for a good PVR solution, mythtv is the right thing for you though
[11:14:45] leperkhanz: I'm looking for that ALSO. :)
[11:20:12] leperkhanz: hmm.
[11:20:12] jarle: I was of the inpression that mythtv 0.20.2 should have the ability to group TV-cahnnels in the program guide, but I can't seem to find this feature?
[11:20:49] laga: what gave you that impression?
[11:21:43] jarle: laga: I seem to remember somebody talking about it in this channel, but this was maybe a feature that was planned for 0.21 then?
[11:22:14] directhex|work: #
[11:22:14] directhex|work: Could not get inputs for the capturecard.
[11:22:14] directhex|work: #
[11:22:14] directhex|work: Perhaps you have forgotten to bind video
[11:22:14] directhex|work: #
[11:22:14] directhex|work: sources to your card's inputs?
[11:22:19] laga: i havent heard of such a thing
[11:22:21] directhex|work: erk, stupid
[11:22:38] directhex|work: anyway, leperkhanz, did you bind video sources to your card's inputs in mythtv-setup?
[11:22:54] jarle: I'd better have a look at the changelog, at first glance I can't see any new features after upgrading from my 9 months old installation of mythtv...
[11:23:14] laga: jarle: you know, the 0.20-fixes branch is not about new features :)
[11:23:55] jarle: laga: so 0.20-fixes != trunk?
[11:25:09] laga: yes.
[11:25:20] laga: surprising, huh?
[11:25:29] laga: different names, different software.
[11:25:39] jarle: laga :)
[11:35:15] leperkhanz (leperkhanz! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[12:10:13] tjcarter: You know, I think Eureka needs a couple of scientists on staff.
[12:10:21] tjcarter: Seriously.
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[12:15:27] jarle: <- Am I missing something? I thought that just running "mythfilldatabase --manual" should do the trick?
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[12:32:26] jarle: laga: you happen to know if there are more recent versions of xmltv around for ubuntu? There is a bug in the norwegian grabber in 0.5.44 which comes with ubuntu by default...
[12:33:05] laga: jarle: maybe in gutsy. or in robert eden's repo
[12:33:45] jarle: laga: maybe this should be something for to put together?
[12:34:39] directhex|work: jarle, report a bug, cross fingers about something arriving in $FOO-backports
[12:34:48] directhex|work: that's the right way to fix it for everybody else
[12:36:52] jarle: directhex|work: But first I need to install latest xmltv and see if the bug is fixed there... I found instructions on how to fix the bug here . . . 4317215.html so I would guess that this fix has made it to the latest xmltv..
[12:36:54] stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:41:10] jarle: The xmltv grabbers that are in the ubuntu repos are more than a year old(!) it turns out...
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[12:44:15] jimbalaya: is there a document/wiki anywhere that will explain the alternatives to schedules direct?
[12:46:10] Dibblah (Dibblah! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:47:20] directhex|work: jimbalaya, for .US?
[12:47:34] jimbalaya: directhex|work : yes
[12:47:56] eelriver (eelriver!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[12:48:42] directhex|work: jimbalaya, EIT, if you're using digital (ATSC or whatever you jingoists call it). 3 days' listings. or a screen-scraper like zap2xml which may or may not suddenly stop working when the people behind the scrapers realise what's going on & block them
[12:49:25] jimbalaya: hah 'jingoists' ... gonna have to look that one up .......
[12:50:03] jimbalaya: i'll have to check out the zap2xml ... I've seen 'xmltv' referred to in a few places, but I can't tell if it's just the software used to retrieve the SD info, or if it can be used in other settings (ie: screen scraping)
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[12:57:22] directhex|work: xmltv is a set of grabbers from different sources, often they're screen scrapers (browse thorugh web sites, very slowly, to extract useful data). sometimes they aren't (e.g. the bbc provides 14 days of data in machine-readable format to Uk people)
[12:58:06] directhex|work: in the end, the output format is common between all grabbers, so all xmltv-supprting apps know how to deal with xmltv data
[12:59:38] jimbalaya: cool – so it seems that I should look into zap2xml and xmltv in order to find the solution that I'm most comfortable with, and that is supported by mythtv (I haven't even looked at the config yet to see what options exist in mythtv)
[13:00:28] jimbalaya: if mythtv can be configured to point to an xml file, then all i need to do is either find software to update that local xml file, or manually update it every so often
[13:00:38] morpheus: how do i prevent mythtv from booting? when I exit it al it does is freeze my box?
[13:01:36] jimbalaya: morpheus: are you running a myth-specific distro, or have you installed mythtv on top of your own linux install?
[13:02:10] morpheus: I installed it on top of ubuntu, now ubunto goes straight into mythtv, when I exit the box freezes
[13:02:28] directhex|work: morpheus, uninstall the ubuntu-mythtv-frontend package
[13:02:42] morpheus: how if I cant get it booted
[13:02:56] directhex|work: switch to a text console
[13:02:59] directhex|work: hell, run in rescue mode
[13:03:03] jimbalaya: directhex|work: wouldn't that disable his ability to run mythtv at all?
[13:03:04] morpheus: k
[13:03:15] morpheus: apt-get remove?
[13:03:30] directhex|work: jimbalaya, no. ubuntu-mythtv-frontend is mostly a metapackage, with a few little things like the autologin script for GDM
[13:03:36] directhex|work: morpheus, yes, that would work
[13:03:42] morpheus: fankoo :)
[13:07:22] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:08:25] jarle: Anybody else in here using tv_grab_no by chance?
[13:11:18] BULLE: jarle: nope
[13:12:44] morpheus: right, I've done apt-get remove mythtv-backend and its still booting in to a mythtv screen? any suggestions?
[13:13:29] directhex|work: morpheus, i suggest you read & act
[13:13:34] directhex|work: <directhex|work> morpheus, uninstall the ubuntu-mythtv-frontend package
[13:13:39] mike3_: whoa, getting my 500 gig today.
[13:14:04] mike3_: morpheus, You need to remove the front end too
[13:14:32] mike3_: Load up Synaptic and remove all Mythtv related packages if you want it completely removed
[13:14:47] directhex|work: GAH
[13:15:06] directhex|work: the only reason it will automatically log in the mythtv user is the sodding ubuntu-mythtv-frontend package
[13:16:26] Kazan (Kazan! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:17:09] morpheus: doh! it helps if you type it correctly :(
[13:17:19] Kazan: so apparently decoding 720p DivX6 is far less CPU intensive than 1080i MPEG2 ... 20% CPU util doing 720p DivX6 w/o XvMC assist (MPEG4 makes XvMC-blit unavailable), 50% CPU utilitization on 1080i MPEG2 w/ XvMC
[13:18:14] morpheus: boy do i feel stupid now
[13:18:19] morpheus is now known as dunce
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[13:53:11] MilkBoy: sheit... myth only finds EIT data on one multiplex now
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[14:35:16] gcr: Hey what's the best capture card for Linux? I am starting to look at the pcHDTV 5500. I currently have firewire from my cable box, but no HD :-(
[14:36:16] directhex|work: gcr, best for what?
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[14:37:39] webman: ok, so I'm reading about all the "Record multiple channels from one multiplex" and coming to the realisation that it won't be written for quite some time, and even if it is, it won't help my country for another two years. BUT, can I record two programs on the same channel one after the other and still have a start 5min early and end 5 min late with a single tuner ?
[14:38:24] eelriver (eelriver!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[14:38:57] jafa: hi guys
[14:39:15] jafa: we are working on tracking unencrypted QAM channels...
[14:39:16] jafa:
[14:39:50] webman: or the other question, can I somehow tell mythtv to simply record every program from 5pm to midnight on channel X, and then I will know that it all is recorded?
[14:39:52] jafa: it uses feedback (optional, user enabled) from HDHomeRun ATSC/QAM tuners
[14:40:18] ben (ben! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:40:28] ben: hi can i run front end only on a ps2
[14:40:49] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:40:50] directhex|work: ben, no
[14:40:53] ben: aw
[14:40:53] GreyFoxx: jafa: Several of us have been considering the same thing.
[14:40:59] directhex|work: ben, no chance. the ps2 barely gives you 24mb ram
[14:41:02] GreyFoxx: jafa: It would certainly be handy
[14:41:05] ben: 24mb!
[14:41:11] varun0: has anyone had problems seeking within an mkv file? When I try and ff, it says "Cannot seek in this file..000 ct: -0.000 100/100 49% 1% 15.9% 0 0"
[14:41:12] ben: didnt know it was that low
[14:41:14] directhex|work: ben, the ps3 is a different matter
[14:41:27] ben: xbox 360?
[14:41:40] directhex|work: ben, a right royal pain in the arse to run unsigned code on
[14:41:42] ** webman uses an xbox reasonably well **
[14:41:54] jafa: GreyFoxx – it works by matching the live video stream (hash) between tuners when the tuners are not in use
[14:42:03] ben: whats the cheapest solution to a frontend
[14:42:09] directhex|work: ben, an old pc
[14:42:16] ben: bit big
[14:42:20] webman: ben: get a second hand xbox with modchip
[14:42:25] GreyFoxx: jada: Nifty
[14:42:29] GreyFoxx: rerr jafa
[14:42:30] ben: a xbox will work?
[14:42:32] ben: ok
[14:42:34] directhex|work: webman, 64mb ram? mythfrontend is a bust on that
[14:42:37] ben: thought it had to me 360
[14:42:41] ben: *be
[14:42:54] ben: ok will it run smooth?
[14:43:08] GreyFoxx: jafa: We've been considering something where yusers having id'd the channels could submit them to just like the channel icon stuff xris had worked on
[14:43:20] webman: directhex: well, it works slowly, but I read in the most recent changelog that some themes use 70% less RAM but I haven't installed that version yet
[14:43:47] directhex|work: ben, 64mb ram, celeron 733. take it or leave it
[14:44:03] webman: ben: it runs fine with standard definition video, HD is unusable (few seconds of audio with blue screen every 15 secs)
[14:44:16] jafa: GreyFoxx – we have a XML / HTTP PUT api to resolve names and to store feedback
[14:44:20] GreyFoxx: jafa: And maybe add something to mythtv-setup to let them suck in the info for their local area when adding a video source
[14:44:23] ben: hd lol
[14:44:25] directhex|work: webman, how would you get hd *out* of an xbox anyway?
[14:44:26] ben: on xbox
[14:44:45] GreyFoxx: jafa: cool]
[14:44:55] fer_: GreyFoxx, hi
[14:45:03] jafa: GreyFoxx – for locals it should do a good job of giving the guide name
[14:45:10] webman: well, my tuner card is digital HD, my xbox and TV are both SD, but still, a HD stream is unwatchable until after the transcode completes
[14:45:58] GreyFoxx: jafa: How are you matching the channel name? From something the user inputs on what freq/programid is what channel >?
[14:46:27] webman: I did see a project on the net on how to upgrade the xbox (add extra 64MB RAM I think) but it required very speciifc RAM chips, and to solder them onto the mainboard .... I have a friend can do the soldering, but I haven't risked it or even seriously looked at it :)
[14:46:28] ben: is mythbuntu stable enough or should i install ubuntu then mythtv
[14:46:36] directhex|work: ben, same difference
[14:47:27] directhex|work: ben, and *no chance* of running a distro like that on an xbox 1
[14:48:14] laga: ben: it's alpha. if you need a completely stable solution, dont use it
[14:48:27] webman: my biggest issue with mythtv is that I need to specify 5 to 10 minutes late finish for every recording, which means I can't record two programs one after the other (ie, 8:30 – 9:30 and 9:30 – 10:30)
[14:48:36] rushfan (rushfan! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:48:40] ben: Its only a extra frontend so im not that bothered
[14:48:49] ben: about 100% stability
[14:48:57] webman: directhex: there is a debian distro for xbox which I used
[14:48:57] ben: but as long as its 90%
[14:49:02] jafa: GreyFoxx – in the windows sw we do the name lookup as part of the channel scan. the xml file specifices the frequency, modulation, and channel number for each program. location (postcode) is also needed.
[14:49:11] directhex|work: webman, what's your boot time?
[14:49:23] directhex|work: webman, power-on to mythfrontend fully loaded.
[14:49:47] rooaus: webman: Why do you say the multirec wont be written for a long time?
[14:50:02] jafa: GreyFoxx – the server finds the closest program by location
[14:50:15] Dagmar: ramiro: The order of the arguments really does matter
[14:50:33] jafa: GreyFoxx – then finds the best name based on channels that have the same video stream, and by location
[14:50:36] webman: rooaus: well, the last discussion I found on the dev list was from 12 months ago, and it just seems to run in circles and never progress ....
[14:50:59] GreyFoxx: webman: multirec development is ongoing and works fine. It's not been abandonded
[14:51:05] jafa: GreyFoxx – the trick is that everything is keyed on the server side by matching video streams
[14:51:05] GreyFoxx: I've been using it for a few weeks now
[14:51:16] GreyFoxx: jafa: ok.
[14:51:46] jafa: GreyFoxx – user feedback uses the same approach – an xml file that includes the names
[14:52:00] rooaus: webman: Oh ok, you need to have a look at the multirec branch, it is under active develoment and as Greyfox said is usable at present.
[14:52:00] webman: multirec means recording the same channel to two different programs at the same time using the same tuner
[14:52:22] GreyFoxx: yes I'm aware
[14:53:09] rooaus: Recording multiple files from the same transport, that could be two instances of the same multiplex or two different multiplexes.
[14:53:18] jafa: it has limited Canada support... not on the website yet
[14:53:40] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:53:50] webman: boot time of my xbox from power on to mythtv main menu is 3 minutes and 36 seconds :)
[14:54:22] GreyFoxx: jafa: with the hdhr, can I stream the entire transport at once?
[14:54:32] webman: it would be nice to reduce this, (I started a little tonight by removing inetd and sysklogd from startup)
[14:55:08] webman: I was thinking of using the suspend/resume style option, which I presume should result in a much quicker boot time, but I haven't even started to look at it yet
[14:55:16] jafa: GreyFoxx – yep. you can filter by PID, program number, virtual channel, or pass everything.
[14:55:21] GreyFoxx: jafa: nice
[14:55:41] GreyFoxx: I've been thinking of getting another QAM capable card, but have no more PCI slots in the backend I want it for
[14:55:42] webman: rooaus: would I need that new version on the backend or frontend or both ?
[14:55:54] rooaus: My main interest in it (and why I contributed to the bounty) is to be able to record back to back programs from the same channel (mux) with overlap on one tuner.
[14:56:00] jafa: the MythTV "quick tune" feature (trunk) uses the HDHR tune-by-program-number mode
[14:56:13] rooaus: You would need an updated be and fe
[14:57:06] gcr: I'm interested in getting a couple capture cards to hook up to my cable. Are there any capture cards that work with the encrypted digital channels? Or do I have to stick with the firewire out from my cable providers dvr box?
[14:57:08] webman: rooaus: any idea how long it might be before it is included in a release? ie, 3 months, 6 months or years?
[14:57:23] Slyboots (Slyboots! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:58:06] ** rooaus goes off to see what the milestone is set to on the ticket, brb **
[14:58:15] GreyFoxx: I doubt there is a release of trunk in the next 3 months
[14:58:26] jafa: gcr – unencrypted cable you need a QAM tuner to get HD. encrypted you are stuck with a low-def capture card from the stb output
[14:58:32] GreyFoxx: but maybe if everyone gets very motivated
[14:59:15] russellb (russellb!i=russellb@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:59:21] gcr: So I do a low def capture basically from the video out for the standard definition channels.
[14:59:24] jafa: gcr –
[15:00:29] gcr: thank you. So two tuners for broadcast hd
[15:00:52] jafa: broadcast OTA (ATSC) and/or unencrypted digital cable
[15:00:54] rooaus: webman: Milestone=unknown, I guess that means some time after 0.21 is released.
[15:01:39] gcr: jafa: thanks. So Does myth connect to this over ethernet?
[15:01:46] webman: rooaus: how stable is the svn version? is it reasonably commonly used for 'real life'??
[15:02:18] jafa: gcr – yes
[15:02:34] russellb (russellb!i=russellb@nat/digium/x-c2ae9896c9ba9ea8) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:02:38] jafa: gcr – in mythtv-setup it shows up as two seperate capture cards
[15:02:58] jafa: ypu can set on to OTA and one to digital cable if desired
[15:03:18] rooaus: I am not using it myself, yet, but there a number of people using it in their production systems.
[15:03:29] gcr: jafa: excellent. That seems like a great product. So do Cable companies have to provide the ota hd for local channels?
[15:04:13] jafa: they have to provide local channels, though that may not always mean the digital version
[15:04:24] jafa: try –
[15:04:40] gcr: My digitial package includes the local channels, but I didn't know if they're encrypted or not
[15:04:43] gcr: I will thanks!
[15:05:05] jafa: gcr – note that the results usually include OTA (8vsb) and cable (qam)
[15:05:19] rooaus: The thing to watch out for would be updating an existing system and having the db upgraded, it could make going back to your old version difficult. But that is what backups are for.
[15:05:39] gcr: So it found 30! Does that mean that there are 30 ota hd channels I should be able to get?
[15:06:20] gcr: ty
[15:06:27] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[15:06:30] gcr: I just saw your last post. That helps
[15:06:32] jafa: what is you zipcode?
[15:06:53] gcr: So they are all 8vsb
[15:07:12] jafa: ok, try another zipcode that is close
[15:07:39] jafa: 8vsb usually means OTA locals
[15:07:47] gcr: Interestingly, I entered one zip code, but it came up with a different one
[15:08:04] gcr: So I would need to get an antennae?
[15:08:19] jafa: for the 8vsb channels
[15:09:38] gcr: Wow, so I tried a bunch of different zip codes and they all came up about the same, but when I put in 40210 it came up with a whole different list
[15:09:48] gcr: including a bunch of qam256
[15:10:15] gcr: oddly enough about 30 of them are UNKNOWN
[15:10:23] jafa: the db is still learning
[15:10:35] jafa: cable companies don't broadcast the channel names
[15:10:45] gcr: gotcha. Seems like a great addition to the myth tv setup :-)
[15:11:17] jafa: yep :-)
[15:11:51] rooaus (rooaus! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:11:58] gcr: So for my regular digital cable, its safe to assume its all encrypted right? I have the firewire solution, but I can only access one of the tuners that way.
[15:12:12] gcr: gotta get my coffee, brb
[15:12:37] jafa: cable companies usualy have a percentage of unencrypted channels
[15:13:08] jafa: most likely the db hasn't learnt the cable system in your zipcode yet
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[15:16:03] ben: if i make a plugin will it effect the backend?
[15:16:18] ben: because i have a stable backend and frontend
[15:16:32] ben: that i dont want to screw up, and a laptop which is connected to the backend
[15:16:40] ben: but i want to make a plugin
[15:16:47] ben: dont really care about the laptop
[15:16:53] ben: but i do care about the master backend
[15:18:13] floppyears_ is now known as floppyears
[15:24:16] Reepicheep (Reepicheep! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:24:43] gcr: So do we have little embedded mythtv front end tv out (hd or sd) embedded linux boxes yet?
[15:24:46] webman__ (webman__! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:25:02] gcr: Or do we just build a pc?
[15:25:43] gcr: I'm currently using my PS3. It is really awesome hooked up to mythtv or mediatomb.
[15:26:01] XLV: gcr, msntv or zenega s100 stb
[15:26:02] ben: how can i display mythtv status info on a external lcd?
[15:26:13] ben: i cant seem to get it to work
[15:26:19] gcr: Except for no audio on mythtv programs yet. Another todo item for today
[15:26:21] ben: i enabled it in options
[15:26:36] gcr: XLV: thankx
[15:26:37] ben: and connected a external lcd
[15:26:42] gcr: I'll go look now
[15:26:44] ben: but not sure what to do now
[15:27:08] Zombie (Zombie! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[15:27:38] XLV: gcr, about 100$ on ebay
[15:27:47] justdave (justdave!n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:28:20] gcr: sweet! That'd be perfect I think
[15:29:09] XLV: not hd though.. those are rather underpowered for hd, msntv is celeron 700, 128MB ram
[15:29:23] jimbalaya7721 (jimbalaya7721! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:29:38] ben: sorry understood the lcd thing wrong
[15:30:10] Dr_Willis (Dr_Willis! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:30:27] gcr: So the msntv can be modded for linux and mythtv?
[15:30:41] _gnome42 is now known as gnome42
[15:31:23] gcr: I found the info on wikipedia
[15:31:29] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[15:31:37] GreyFoxx: gcr the msntv2 yes
[15:31:38] gcr: quote: In February 2006, Chris Wade analyzed the proprietary BIOS and applied a sophisticate in Memory patch which allowed the Bios to be flashed and used to boot Linux on the MSN TV2 player. Since then, the price of used MSN TV2 devices in auction sites has skyrocketed.
[15:31:41] GreyFoxx: Ihave 4 of them
[15:31:51] gcr: Awesome. One for each tv eh?
[15:31:55] jimbalaya7721 (jimbalaya7721! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:31:57] GreyFoxx: yup
[15:32:06] gcr: all running myth front ends?
[15:32:08] XLV:
[15:32:42] GreyFoxx: yes
[15:33:05] gcr: Is it possible to pause one of them and start playback on a different one?
[15:33:33] webman (webman! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:33:38] GreyFoxx: yes
[15:33:49] GreyFoxx: they are all independant of each other
[15:34:05] GreyFoxx: but yeah I can book mark a show on one, go to another and continue from that bookmark
[15:34:18] gcr: That'd be perfect.
[15:34:37] gcr: Now to figure out how to do the hd player....
[15:34:48] GreyFoxx: the what ?
[15:34:49] gcr: I guess that will just have to be a more powerful pc
[15:34:52] GreyFoxx: yes :)
[15:34:56] GreyFoxx: the msntv wont be going hd :)
[15:35:17] gcr: right. I guess I just need to figure out the right graphics card for hdmi
[15:35:22] gcr: that'd do it I think
[15:35:45] gcr: It would be nice to have a small embedded system w/o a hard drive though...
[15:36:12] GreyFoxx: I'd love something like the msntv2 with the umph to handle HDTV
[15:37:03] jimbalaya7721 (jimbalaya7721! has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:37:31] ben: here is the link to the lcd
[15:37:45] webman__: is there some sort of modern standard pc hardware suggestion for a mythtv frontend? I keep thinking of upgrading to something more powerful, but don't want to spend the money to find out it doesn't improve anything (especially fan/HDD noise)
[15:37:47] fer_ (fer_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:38:31] webman__: I've looked at the VIA based systems, but was concerned about CPU capability/etc...
[15:38:37] webman__ is now known as webman
[15:38:47] XLV: wish i could find those here, few US ebay sellers send to EU
[15:39:09] GreyFoxx: gcrL is one of mine showing what they look like
[15:39:16] laga: vlwhat? the msntv2?
[15:39:16] directhex|work: webman, epias are very very underpowered
[15:39:28] directhex|work: webman, basically, pick a budget & there are suggestions
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[15:40:27] webman: so how do you minimize the fan noise on a standard desktop style system (ie case/motherboard)
[15:40:30] gcr: GreyFoxx: thanx  — I'll go look
[15:40:46] laga: XLV: what are you looking for? msntv2?
[15:40:46] directhex|work: webman, by spending a metric tonne of money
[15:41:08] XLV: laga, yeah, or the s100
[15:41:10] gcr: So cool!
[15:42:02] laga: XLV: the s100 is available in europe :)
[15:42:08] directhex|work: webman, generally, you'll get a quieter frontend by buying some kind of pre-built machine than if you start sticking 80mm fans into an ATX system. examples would include the mac mini, which is extremely high-end CPUwise, but pretty much silent
[15:42:15] webman: directhex: I just got myself a new PC for the office, and spent about an extra $200 for a 'quieter' case fan and power supply but at the end of the day it didn't seem much better
[15:42:18] gcr: small, quiet, no hard drive, hd output, embedded, myth front end
[15:42:39] gcr: I couldn't figure out if the s100 was a good candidate in the US.
[15:43:08] directhex|work: webman, right. like i said, you have to spend a LOT for a slient atx machine.
[15:43:11] ** gcr was presenting some great specs for a tv unit **
[15:43:34] webman_ (webman_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:43:49] webman: whats a mac mini worth? will they run linux, or do you use the mac os + mythtv-frontend for mac ?
[15:44:07] XLV: webman, get a normal pc, get a silent or even fanless psu ( $$$ ) and large hsf ( eg thermalright 120 extreme can even cool a modern psu fanless if undervolt/underfrequency a bit ), igp or even a gpu with after market hsf on it ( zalman eg ), 2.5" hdd if you get paranoid
[15:44:12] GreyFoxx: gcr: the problem is getting the s100 here and not making it too expensive
[15:44:22] GreyFoxx: I got my 4 msntv2's for an average of $9 each
[15:44:27] directhex|work: webman, a brand new mac mini is $600, and runs whatever you want it to
[15:44:50] GreyFoxx: works great for sd playback. tvout is really really good
[15:44:52] webman: directhex: I assume $600 is USD$??
[15:45:00] directhex|work: webman, yeah.
[15:45:11] XLV: laga, got any links? or dont seem to even know their existance
[15:45:23] jimbalaya (jimbalaya! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:45:26] webman: hmmm, not bad... does it include infra red controller, or would that be an addon ?
[15:45:44] laga: XLV: . . . p;category0=
[15:45:46] directhex|work: webman, yes, it does. it's not very functional though
[15:46:15] webman: I'd probably spend similar on a basic PC config anyway... might need to look at that more when I get some time
[15:46:20] directhex|work: webman, . . . top/mac_mini
[15:46:36] gcr: $9 each!!!! omg!
[15:46:50] webman: btw, how does my 3.5 minute boot time compare with other PC/macmini style frontend boot times? What would I expect to reduce this to?
[15:46:59] directhex|work: webman, . . . #picture_nav
[15:47:06] GreyFoxx: gcr: Yeah not including shipping. maybe $14 each including shipping
[15:48:01] tjcarter: I should find that ticket..
[15:48:16] tjcarter: The OS X build script in trunk's contrib should move to -fixes
[15:48:22] tjcarter: the one in -fixes doesn't build.
[15:48:34] tjcarter: the one from trunk builds fine..
[15:48:48] gcr: So can the dvi->hdmi for the mac mini handle hd content from mythtv well?
[15:49:15] tjcarter: gcr: yes, but only the Core 2 Duo mini will handle HD exceptionally well.
[15:49:19] directhex|work: gcr, as well as any intel-onboard based core2 system
[15:49:26] directhex|work: tjcarter, so all of them then?
[15:49:32] tjcarter: No.
[15:49:32] gcr: Apple TV offers HDMI, but can it be modded
[15:50:03] gcr: And can it even handle the mythtv hd content I wonder.
[15:50:06] tjcarter: The mini was a Core Solo until July or so
[15:50:15] gcr: I saw something that said it's half the price of the mini
[15:50:15] directhex|work: tjcarter, right. so they're all core2 now
[15:50:27] tjcarter: If you just bought one, yes.
[15:51:01] MaverickTech (MaverickTech! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:51:07] tjcarter: gcr: it should handle it better if I can get this smegging UPnP AV client code to work.
[15:51:24] tjcarter: gcr: I am planning to add MythTV to BackRow.
[15:52:09] directhex|work: webman, my laptop is a little old now, but has the main speed impediment a mac mini has (laptop drive). takes 1 min from boot to logged in with no tweaking
[15:52:13] tjcarter: You'll need AppleTV's OS files to use that on a mini, or to put 10.5 on it in October.
[15:52:17] directhex|work: webman, so expect a modern machine to be faster
[15:52:56] ** directhex|work suspects the mythtv upnp server code isn't 4-bit clean, which is why it's broken for him **
[15:53:00] directhex|work: 64
[15:53:02] drindt (drindt! has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[15:53:16] tjcarter: directhex: in trunk?
[15:53:51] gcr: So when the AppleTV and mythtv place nicely together that sounds like a really good option
[15:53:52] webman: directhex: that is more the timing I would like, though my DVD player starts in around 30 sec if you count the time it spins up the DVD and reads the menu.... would be nice to get something equivalent to that, and as neat/quite....
[15:54:52] webman: directhex: have you played with linux suspend/resume to see if that will result in a faster start time ?
[15:55:40] directhex|work: tjcarter, 0.20.2
[15:55:54] tjcarter: directhex|work: don't count on UPnP stuff working there.
[15:56:02] directhex|work: webman, i'm sure i could speed things up on a dedicated machine
[15:56:15] tjcarter: All the work on it is happening in trunk
[15:56:23] directhex|work: webman, right now i only have a combined FE/BE though, as only one socket in the house comes close to getting reception
[15:57:02] tjcarter: I'm gonna have to move my BE into a closet at some point.
[15:57:22] directhex|work: i'm keen to give the ps3 a whirl as a frontend
[15:57:48] tjcarter: there's only one jack in my apartment, far from the closet in question, but that's where my fiber drop comes into the transievers.
[15:58:18] ** tjcarter lives in a town with fiber to the home, but no grocery store  ;p **
[15:58:47] directhex|work: grocery store?
[15:58:49] directhex|work: internet shopping!
[16:00:30] gcr: directhex|work: I'm using my ps3 as a front end
[16:00:41] gcr: using its find media center functionality
[16:00:49] directhex|work: gcr, ah, right. the upnp stuff
[16:00:57] tjcarter: directhex: who'd deliver way the hell out in 97361 ?
[16:01:12] gcr: I have yellowdog on it, but I haven't tried from that side
[16:01:17] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:01:18] gcr: with say a mythtv front end
[16:01:23] gcr: Any reports on that?
[16:01:29] directhex|work: gcr, there are ps3 optimizations in mythtv trunk, so i'm keen to find out how that handles
[16:01:58] gcr: I should give it a try
[16:02:06] directhex|work: yes
[16:02:08] gcr: I'll report back
[16:02:30] gcr: What's the best way to put myth on the ps3? yum by chance?
[16:02:36] gcr: Or just download and build it
[16:03:03] gcr: I'm running release-20-2-fixes on the backend so I'll probably just build that one
[16:03:21] directhex|work: gcr, there are no ps3 opimizations in 0.20-fixes
[16:03:30] gcr: Gotcha
[16:03:36] gcr: in the trunk you said
[16:03:54] ** gcr needs to learn to pay attention :-) **
[16:04:10] gcr: So trunk and not 21?
[16:04:22] directhex|work: remember ps3 linux has no GPU. the optimizations move all the video scaling things into the SPEs on cell
[16:04:33] directhex|work: well. some. i don't know how it handles real-world
[16:04:58] gcr: No that I think about it I had a hard time playing some movies with mplayer/xine/....
[16:05:35] directhex|work:
[16:06:00] gcr: I really need to get better at reading the wiki :-), brb
[16:08:44] ben: hi i have a lcd screen and some parallel cable but i dont know how to wire them up so i can display mythtv info on it
[16:08:48] ben: does anyone know?
[16:09:33] gcr: hmmmm. For now I think I'd be happy to play hd using ps3 directly and the media server. This seemed to work, except for missing audio. I'm sure its just an incompatiblity in the formats
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[16:14:07] gcr: Yeah 200mb of free ram on the ps3 running linux blows. My 3 year old laptop has 2 gb
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[16:48:02] anto_n (anto_n! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:49:24] georgek: Are there any mythfilldatabase experts in the house? I have a question as to how it maps the 'station' id (in the schedules direct xml data) to the 'xmltvid' field.
[16:51:57] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:53:26] anto_n: Do any one know why mythtv doesn't like mythvideo in the latest revision on svn?
[16:54:18] laga: "like"?
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[16:55:21] jhulst (jhulst!n=jhulst@ has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[16:58:20] anto_n: :) i just dosn't work. mythfrontend says something like "Can't load 'mythvideo'"
[16:58:27] anto_n: *it
[16:58:34] Slyboots (Slyboots! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:59:51] anto_n: I guess the developers just haven't fixed it yet. but do someone know the latest revision when it was working?
[17:00:26] GreyFoxx: it works fine now sounds like you have mismatched vresions of mythtv and mythvideo
[17:01:03] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:01:05] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[17:01:34] anto_n: hmm... that's strange. maybe i just have to try again :)
[17:05:03] ToxicNorris (ToxicNorris!n=bryan@unaffiliated/Toxicity999) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:10:22] CoasterMaster (CoasterMaster! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:11:36] CoasterMaster: My recorded programs aren't showing up in MythTV (in view recordings). The file actually exists, and the entry appears in recently recorded, but I can't figure out how to watch them. Any ideas?
[17:13:27] MilkBoy: anyone got ideas about how to debug EIT? Myth ony gets information for one multiplex (which sends only EIT regarding the channels in it), but the other multiplexes seem to send EIT data for all channels in all multiplexes, but myth won't even notice this
[17:15:37] laga: MilkBoy: mythbackend -v eit?
[17:15:54] anto_n (anto_n! has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:16:22] MilkBoy: laga: not useful =/ it says that everything is ok for the working multiplex, but it finds nothing on the other
[17:18:15] MilkBoy:
[17:19:27] MilkBoy: gah.. wrong paste =)
[17:22:09] MilkBoy:
[17:22:49] CoasterMaster: Is it normal for every program I've watched to appear in my Watch Recordings screen?
[17:23:41] MilkBoy: CoasterMaster: if you have the "show livetv recordings" (can't remember the exact name) setting turned on yes
[17:24:22] CoasterMaster: MilkBoy, so if I uncheck that, the liveTV recordings will disappear? also, my normal recordings aren't showing up there a way I can make them reappear or is that more complicated?
[17:25:01] MilkBoy: CoasterMaster: uhm... they should be there.. unless you have som filter on or something
[17:25:26] CoasterMaster: MilkBoy, they aren't showing up (and I don't think I have a's a new install), but they appear in my recordings directory
[17:25:44] gu014 (gu014! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:26:20] MilkBoy: CoasterMaster: oh.. uhmm.
[17:26:47] CoasterMaster: yeah, it's weird
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[17:27:54] MilkBoy: argh.. better get home from work -->
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[17:35:37] H00chster: Anyone know if there is a way with schedules direct to have it follow a channel # offset. ie: I have different sources the channels overlap each other so I offset 1 of the sources so they don't. but we have come to the conclusion sd won't update the guide data now cuz they don't match. is there a better way to offset?
[17:46:36] fryfrog: if they are the same channel, why do you offset them?
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[17:49:55] DustyBin (DustyBin!n=subx@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:52:46] mike3_: Me Mike, me want to go hommmmemeee to fix me mythtv..
[17:52:53] mike3_: me no work
[17:52:54] mike3_: urg
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[17:57:54] H00chster: fryfrog unless I am missing something if they are on the same channel and you want to go directly to that channel how would you do it?
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[18:05:49] willcooke (willcooke! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:06:29] willcooke: Can I get myth to display a signal level all the time, so I can move my antenna about and see when I get a better signal?
[18:07:43] fryfrog: H00chster: maybe I don't understand, sorry
[18:08:08] fryfrog: H00chster: On mine, I have an analog and digital tuner, so I have a "real" channel 5 that is analog cable and some digital ones like "5.1" and "5.2"
[18:08:29] fryfrog: if i had 2 different sources with the same channel, i would give them the same name
[18:08:35] fryfrog: but... maybe you mean you have cable *and* satalite?
[18:08:39] H00chster: fryfrog just re-reading your answer and I think I understand where you are confused, they are different types of sources, so the channels aren't the same information, they are just the same channel #'s. so I offset them so that they don't collide like that, I would have to us ethe program guide all the time to change to the channels
[18:08:51] fryfrog: and cable's channel 11 also has a satalite channel 11, but that is different
[18:08:58] H00chster: but yes to your assumption, it is 2 diff satellites
[18:09:03] fryfrog: ahhhhh
[18:09:12] fryfrog: humm, i'm not sure how it should deal with that :(
[18:09:24] H00chster: I can use the guide no prob and goto each channel but you can't just enter the channel #'s to change to them it will only goto the first one
[18:09:54] H00chster: offseting is the better answer, wish myth had it built into the scanner instead I just send an sql query to move them + 10000.
[18:10:09] H00chster: which normally isn't a problem, but using SD I guess they only link with the channum not the chanid
[18:10:18] H00chster: the chanid doesn't change just I offset the channum
[18:10:28] H00chster: and since it doesn't match I get no guide data on the offset channels
[18:19:50] CoasterMaster: What's the easiest way to reconfigure the remote? I have it working, but I want to configure what button does what function.
[18:23:53] mikeones (mikeones! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:24:14] H00chster: In your frontend you have Utilities/Setup and Edit Keys if you installed the Remote plugin
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[18:42:27] jarle: I am a bit confused, I have setup xmltv in video sources, and when running "mythfilldatabase --manual" it tells me "New channel found". Am I not supposed to enter the same channel ID as this channel already has in my listings? Isn't this the way myth knows to which channel to insert the xmltv data?
[18:42:55] laga: jarle: is this channel aready in the database?
[18:43:34] jarle: laga: yes
[18:44:04] jarle: laga: I do not download xmltv data for any channels that are not in my database already..
[18:44:24] TelnetManta (TelnetManta!n=benwilli@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[18:44:26] laga: you can just enter the xmltvid in mythweb/mythtv-setup then.
[18:44:40] laga: mythfilldatabase --manual is used to insert new channels from a xmltv source into the database.
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[18:46:17] Yahooadam: does anyone here know anything about xboxs :)
[18:46:24] Yahooadam: or is there a good mythtv wiki page on it ?
[18:46:48] jarle: laga: where in mythweb do I do this setup? Listings?
[18:48:09] laga: jarle: settings
[18:48:14] laga: there's a channel editor
[18:51:01] Yahooadam: hmm
[18:51:19] Yahooadam: well the mythtv wiki did answer a question or 2, but i have a few more if anyone knows anything :)
[18:51:48] Yahooadam: mainly, if i make a xbox -> usb adaptor, can i plug in a hub so i dont have to make loads of usb adaptors ?
[18:52:01] Yahooadam: and im assuming the xbox uses usb1.1 ?
[18:52:08] Gurft (Gurft! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:55:29] borga2 (borga2! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:56:21] borga2: I'm about to build a dedicated backend, will a 2,3Inte core duo do the job? 4dvb cards in the system.
[18:57:25] borga2: oppinions anybody
[18:58:01] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:58:45] jarle: laga: in ~/.mythtv/LNB4.xmltv I have lines like "channel", but there doesn't seem to be channel name there, even though I'll mostly be able to read it from the ID...
[18:59:15] laga: jarle: tv_grab_yourgrabber --list-channels should tell ya
[18:59:19] Yahooadam: borga, what type of dvb cards, and is this HDTV ?
[18:59:32] Yahooadam: mainly, do the cards have mpeg2 encoders
[19:01:19] Toxicity999 (Toxicity999!n=bryan@unaffiliated/Toxicity999) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:01:45] borga2: it's one nova t-500( this one can "read" hd channels but I get skips in picture and sound about every 3rd second now, and a knc1 (with cam module) and last is a trio which should be hd capable.
[19:02:13] borga2: I guess they don't because they are all dvb-t cards and dvb-s.
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[19:07:27] Yahooadam: well borga2 i think you will be fune for a dedicated backend
[19:07:43] Yahooadam: fine #
[19:10:29] mathias999us (mathias999us! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:27:10] skopii: I am wondering if anyone can advise on a capture card for myth? I am looking at the pcHDTV HD-5500 – is it the best option? I don't have a HDTV and don't think my cable box can do HDTV (tiny motorola box from comcast that looks more like a cable modem than a settop box), but I did want to keep that option open. I just wanted to connect the cable box to the capture card via coax or RCA (or maybe s-video) and use the IR d
[19:27:10] skopii: ongle to emulate a remote. I wanted to do software mpeg-4 encoding because I have the horsepower, which as I understand is better quality that HW-mpeg2 (PVR-XXX or similar). is the hd-5500 what I am looking for? Or is there a better tuner? I don't mind spending a little more cash for better hardware (quality – not ease of setup). any advice? the target system will be gentoo
[19:28:11] tjcarter: skopii: you have the replacement for the DCT-2000, I forget the model.
[19:28:18] tjcarter: it's not a bad STB
[19:28:35] tjcarter: you can use a PVR150 if you don't want to mess with HD
[19:28:49] Toxicity999 (Toxicity999!n=bryan@unaffiliated/Toxicity999) has quit ("Leaving")
[19:29:17] skopii: tjcarter, doesn't the pvr-150 do mpeg2 in hw? I guess what is the difference exactly? is mpeg4 better quality and better compression? or just better compression?
[19:29:40] tjcarter: The 150 is MPEG2 hardware, yes
[19:30:11] directhex (directhex! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:30:18] tjcarter: the quality/bitrate ratio is higher for MPEG4, but the CPU demands of MPEG4 are higher.
[19:30:31] skopii: I have an old server (dual xeon 2.6Ghz) just sitting here ;]
[19:31:08] skopii: I wasn't really planning on watching TV in realtime either, just recording some shows to watch later (mostly adult swim stuff, heh)
[19:31:34] skopii: I am just at a loss because I was unable to find a good comparison of all the different hardware options
[19:31:45] skopii: I guess I could try them all!
[19:31:52] tjcarter: Of course, MPEG4 gets divided up into ASP, AVC, and VC-1 more or less
[19:32:11] skopii: asp = sound? avc = video ? what is vc-1?
[19:32:18] tjcarter: ASP is good (Xvid and the like), AVC and VC-1 are replacing it.
[19:32:28] skopii: I am just guessing on that stuff...
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[19:32:42] skopii: is mpeg4 a 'container' format?
[19:32:53] tjcarter:
[19:32:58] skopii: thanks for that =]
[19:33:06] tjcarter: no
[19:34:02] tjcarter: it's usually contained in RIFF (avi) or moov (.mov, .mp4, .m4v, etc)
[19:35:51] tjcarter: I tend to put my MPEG4 ASP files in avi format and my AVC files in QuickTime
[19:37:54] directhex: ogm!
[19:38:25] skopii: ogm?
[19:38:43] directhex: it's a container format
[19:39:02] skopii: wikipedia saves the day once again!
[19:39:20] skopii: I have used ogg + flac before, but just for audio
[19:39:33] tjcarter: I don't see the advantage of ogm really
[19:39:41] directhex: i use ogm/h264/ac3 for my dvd rips
[19:39:49] tjcarter: They don't have widespread enough support
[19:40:22] tjcarter: er, why use ogm codec with non-Ogg codecs?
[19:40:31] tjcarter: er
[19:40:35] tjcarter: ogm container
[19:40:46] directhex: because ogm supports things avi doesn't
[19:40:52] directhex: like multiple audio streams, and text streams
[19:41:03] directhex: however, theora isn't mature enough yet to have a 2-pass encoder
[19:42:44] tjcarter: oh right, ogm is useful for anime fanboys
[19:43:14] tjcarter: who bicker about the value of ogm vs. mkv
[19:43:21] tjcarter: Nobody else uses either one =D
[19:43:41] skopii: so does myth do on-the-fly encoding? I have never actually set it up – I am still trying to figure out which capture card to use
[19:43:46] directhex: mkv's technically superior, but poorly supported
[19:43:58] directhex: skopii, depends on the type of tv card you use
[19:44:25] tjcarter: directhex: I don't think the QuickTime mkv support actually even works properly.
[19:44:51] tjcarter: it doesn't much matter, I tend to use mplayer for most discrete file playback
[19:44:57] directhex: skopii, top of the desirable list is some kind of digital tuner (dvb/atsc) which takes a pre-encoded mpeg2 or h264 signal and dumps to disk. next is a hardware encoder card, that takes an analog signal in & generates mpeg2 itself. least desirable by a long shot is a "framegrabber" that generates a sequence of bitmaps that myth must convert to something more space-efficient like mjpeg
[19:45:28] directhex: tjcarter, i have no doubts that mkv is a better format on paper, but ogm is "good enough" for my needs – and avi isn't
[19:46:00] skopii: directhex what kind of capture card do you use?
[19:46:10] directhex: skopii, a pair of DVB-T cards
[19:46:30] skopii: bah
[19:46:52] skopii: well actually can you show me a link?
[19:47:25] skopii: I just did a froogle search for DVB-T and the first two options were like 30,000 but they appear to be signal generators
[19:47:56] directhex: and
[19:48:28] directhex: dvb-t is the standard used for antenna-based over-the-air digital tv globally
[19:48:31] directhex: except, as per usual, yankland
[19:48:37] directhex: where they use "atsc" instead
[19:49:07] skopii: is it a silly idea to capture raw audio/video and just write some sort of a script (a cron) to use mencoder to transcode to save space?
[19:49:28] skopii: I mean is it really worth it in the long run, will I save that much space/quality?
[19:49:38] directhex: myth can already do that. but for one thing, quality on a framegrabber is usually disasterous
[19:50:52] skopii: well that is good to know!
[19:51:20] directhex: i sorta said a framegrabber was the worst option didn't i?
[19:51:23] skopii: so I should try to do everything in hardware, and just stick with something well supported like a PVR-150 for now and when I need HDTV buy a new capture card
[19:51:41] skopii: yes you did, but I did not equate a 'framegrabber' with what I was thinking, even though its exactly what I was thinking
[19:52:45] directhex: skopii, pvr-150 for analog in (e.g. if you need to use some kind of cable STB). i can't advise on atsc cards. check the linuxtv wiki
[19:53:13] skopii: directhex – perfect, thats all I plan on doing initally as I dont even have a HDTV (yet)
[19:53:50] skopii: err one more question, sorry
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[19:54:09] directhex: ?
[19:54:26] skopii: is there a combination ATSC/NTSC capture card? that will dump the h.264 to disk, but can also capture+encode (in hw) an analouge NTSC stream?
[19:54:46] GreyFoxx: skopii: Nope
[19:54:55] GreyFoxx: none of them do encoding
[19:54:59] directhex: i think there are combo atsc/framegrabber cards
[19:55:12] directhex: but no combo atsc/mpeg2 cards
[19:55:15] GreyFoxx: the ntsc side is just cheap framegrabbers
[19:55:21] directhex: GreyFoxx is free to correct me
[19:55:33] GreyFoxx: you are correect :)
[19:55:58] directhex: personally i'm considering the world of OTA DVB-S
[19:56:07] XLV: hauppage hvr 1300 is dvb-t and hardware mpeg2 ( ofcourse hardware encoder support is still in working progress )
[19:56:14] czth: BTW, ++ to the mythtv devs for making schedulesdirect data integration very painless.
[19:56:28] czth: just had to upgrade the mythtv packages and run mythtv-setup.
[19:57:22] Kazan: hvr 1800 skopii
[19:57:48] Kazan: anaog side suuport isn't finished though
[19:57:56] Kazan: nor is qam from my undersading
[19:58:05] Kazan: vut the driver is a wip
[19:58:22] tjcarter: *sigh* That was too much to hope for I guess
[19:58:41] tjcarter: I was hoping that changing to OpenGL paint engine might give me aspect changes on a Mac
[19:58:41] Kazan: should be done in the not-so-distant
[19:58:55] Tall-guy (Tall-guy! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:58:57] Kazan: mac sucks what do you expect :P
[19:59:07] Tall-guy: oh man...what did I walk into?
[19:59:24] Kazan: me teasing tjcarter
[19:59:26] tjcarter: Tall-guy: I just noted that the Mac FE needs some love for aspect ratio changes
[19:59:31] Tall-guy: ah :)
[20:00:11] Tall-guy: So, listen guys, I'm an old mythtv user from way back, and threw mythdora on a new box just for a hoot.....signed up with sched direct and all that stuff....I got timezone/one-hour off b.s. going on...can anyone point me?
[20:00:40] tjcarter: Apparently there is discussion on list about cleaning up the quartz code (I'd suggest just rewriting it, it's disgusting) and merging some OpenGL stuff together since for the most part OpenGL is OpenGL.
[20:00:52] Tall-guy: localhost time is fine,...Fedora is happily showing right, but mythweb and all myth stuff is 1 hr ahead
[20:00:56] Anduin: Tall-guy: does "data" return the proper TZ?
[20:00:58] tjcarter: Unless you are using Windows, in which case it's actually Direct3D
[20:01:10] Tall-guy: Anduin: I dunno :)
[20:01:27] Anduin: Tall-guy: It probably doesn't
[20:01:29] tjcarter: But currently there is no official FE support for Windows, so it's not worth considering atm
[20:01:47] Tall-guy: Anduin: is that a shell command?
[20:01:54] Anduin: Tall-guy: It is.
[20:02:04] Tall-guy: Anduin: ok, lets pretend its wrong...which file contains that info?
[20:02:20] Tall-guy: Anduin: lemme throw another wrinkle....I live in a place that doesn't follow DST
[20:02:27] Anduin: Tall-guy: You would run system-config-date (or something like that)
[20:03:50] Tall-guy: Anduin: I would have thought the date/time applet in Gnome would do the same? (sets my ntp, chooses city location...etc)
[20:04:16] tjcarter: Actually, updating the CoreVideo code might be a good alternative for Intel Macs..
[20:04:45] tjcarter: I don't even know if the existing patch applies to current -fixes, and I rather doubt it applies to trunk
[20:04:49] Anduin: Tall-guy: I don't know for a fact that it doesn't (I'd just suspect so)
[20:05:03] Tall-guy: anduin: fair enuf, I'll try the shell command.
[20:05:06] Tall-guy: thanx bud.
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[20:06:16] Tall-guy: Question #2 for the masses...I'm going to blow away my old box, and re-mythify it (yeah, thats a word!), I want to keep about 20 GB worth of I'm going to move them to an external HD, is there a "nice" way to re-import them with correct info in listings?
[20:06:39] laga: Tall-guy: use nuvexport and the dump method there
[20:06:44] laga: Tall-guy: that should work
[20:08:16] Tall-guy: laga: okie doke...I'll give it a whirl
[20:10:03] skopii: so I am looking at the PVR-500. Does the remote work at all?
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[20:10:35] tjcarter: skopii: PVR-500 doesn't have a remote I thought?
[20:10:46] skopii: I will take that as a 'not' ;]
[20:10:47] skopii: thanks
[20:10:49] Anduin: skopii: Yes
[20:10:56] tjcarter: skopii: MCE remotes work fine
[20:11:07] fryfrog: skopii: i think the OEM has no remote, the MCE does?
[20:11:19] tjcarter: fryfrog: might be other way around?
[20:11:22] fryfrog: and i got a pvr500 from soemone who used myth and wanted to keep the remote, so i assume it works fine
[20:11:26] fryfrog: tjcarter: could be :)
[20:11:28] tjcarter: MCE card has no remote, I'm sure of that.
[20:11:43] fryfrog: I *believe* it comes with a usb ir dongle (or rf?) and remote
[20:11:52] skopii: well what I shoudl have asked is does the remote work with myth at all?
[20:11:56] fryfrog: yeah
[20:11:57] tjcarter: fryfrog: Mine sure didn't.
[20:12:03] fryfrog: gotta configure it of course
[20:12:11] fryfrog: Maybe Retail has remote, OEM and MCE don't?
[20:12:28] tjcarter: skopii: The WinTV PVR card remotes work, and so do MCE remotes.
[20:12:29] skopii: werd, then I am picking up a WinTV-PVR-500 MC Kit NTSC by Hauppauge from their website now! =]]
[20:12:32] fryfrog: MCE not having it seems *logically* weird to me, since it means "Media Center Edition" for you know, the windows thing
[20:12:33] tjcarter: setup differs though.
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[20:12:59] fryfrog: if you are using it with a tv, stereo and all that jazz...
[20:13:02] tjcarter: fryfrog: MCE cards are intended for Windows Media Center PCs which have the receiver onboard.
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[20:13:12] fryfrog: the logitech harmony remote series of remotes are super awesome
[20:13:21] fryfrog: tjcarter: ahhhh, and maybe already come with a remote too?
[20:13:25] Anduin: skopii: The kit version has the MCE USB remote, and their site isn't the cheapest place to buy usually.
[20:13:32] BULLE: tjcarter: nah
[20:13:35] tjcarter: fryfrog: the assumption is that your PC came with a remote.
[20:13:51] BULLE: tjcarter: they dont have the receiver on board, the mce remote comes with an usb ir blaster/receiver
[20:14:03] skopii: so many options – I just want to buy this already
[20:14:03] tjcarter: BULLE: okie
[20:14:18] tjcarter: BULLE: they just bundle the standard issue USB MCE dongle
[20:14:30] tjcarter: I actually don't like the MCE remote
[20:14:32] tjcarter: too many buttons
[20:14:42] skopii: is there a better remote to buy?
[20:14:42] tjcarter: I'm very fond of the Sony TiVo remote
[20:14:44] BULLE: tjcarter: i like it a lot, and the irblaster functionality works aswell
[20:15:02] Tall-guy (Tall-guy! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:15:04] tjcarter: BULLE: I suppose that's an advantage.
[20:15:07] skopii: Anduin, thanks for that I am just going to ebay a PVR-500 and see what remotes are available later
[20:15:20] BULLE: skopii: its nothing technical wrong with the ms mce remote, i like it a lot, so it all boils down to what you like, how big you want it to be, how many buttons etc
[20:15:23] tjcarter: I posted a pic a day or two ago of the Sony TiVo remote
[20:15:26] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:15:36] BULLE: tjcarter: and how much is a sony TiVo remote ?
[20:15:36] ** tjcarter no longer has one, but really would like to find something similar **
[20:15:44] jafa: btw – the HDHomeRun has an IR receiver that works with mythtv/lirc
[20:15:46] tjcarter: BULLE: I don't know if they still sell them
[20:16:01] tjcarter: I assume ungodly price because it's Sony and they charge what they want.
[20:16:08] BULLE: ye
[20:16:20] tjcarter: Hauppague had a remote that was kinda similar sortof for awhile
[20:16:27] BULLE: the mce remote and irblaster/receiver was like usd 35 here or so, not that cheap, but atleast it works without any problems
[20:18:10] RedSix (RedSix!i=ce4a2a45@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:18:15] tjcarter: BULLE:
[20:18:20] RedSix: Hi all
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[20:19:01] RedSix: Does anyone know how to watch shows from a ReplayTV on a MythTV htpc?
[20:20:26] BULLE: tjcarter: thanks
[20:20:30] RedSix: I have used DVArchive to copy the shows off to the htpc and can play the videos that way, but i was wondering if it is possible to stream the show directly from the ReplayTV?
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[20:21:18] BULLE: RedSix: i have no idea what an ReplayTV is, so sorry, cant help you there
[20:21:24] BULLE: s/an/a
[20:21:30] tjcarter: BULLE: I don't think you can get the original Sony RMT-V303 anymore
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[20:21:46] BULLE: tjcarter: guess i would just go for some of the logitech harmony remotes then
[20:21:57] fred_basset: evening all
[20:22:04] BULLE: doggie!
[20:22:09] ** fred_basset knows it's not friday **
[20:22:17] tjcarter: the bottom of the remote has kind of a bulge that starts around the area of the play button
[20:22:28] tjcarter: really fits into your hand easily
[20:22:31] RedSix: hello
[20:22:56] tjcarter: the bottom 2/3 of the remote are really accessible with it.
[20:23:02] tjcarter: the numbers aren't.
[20:23:08] tjcarter: Who uses them anyway? =D
[20:23:29] BULLE: RedSix: replay tv is just some software you run on your pc , to record tv shows ?
[20:23:50] tjcarter: BULLE: it was a competitor to TiVo
[20:23:50] Dr_Willis: Hmm. Has anyone seen a wii controler to pc adaptor yet?
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[20:23:53] tjcarter: no longer made
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[20:25:06] Yahooadam: Dr_willis
[20:25:16] Yahooadam: wii controller uses blutooth, u dont need an adaptor
[20:25:23] tjcarter: BULLE:
[20:25:25] BULLE: tjcarter: well, seems to be some sort of windows software nowadays
[20:26:17] BULLE: tjcarter: he, not exactly cheap
[20:26:51] RedSix: it is now, but i have the old hardware version, i know XBMC allows you to stream from ReplayTV but i was wondering if anyone has successfully done so from MythTV...
[20:28:26] skopii (skopii! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[20:29:27] tjcarter: BULLE: It's not because people who hate hate hate the TiVo peanut will just about kill for one.
[20:29:55] BULLE: RedSix: well, how does the ReplayTv thingy share its recordings with XBMC ?
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[20:31:13] Dr_Willis: Yahooadam oh? cool. i was thinkin it used IR for that bar.. but thats just for the motion i guess. :)
[20:31:34] Dr_Willis: wife wanted to use one on her pc the othe rday, so she could play solitare.
[20:31:34] directhex: yes
[20:31:41] directhex: the "sensor bar" is just a pair of IR LEDs
[20:31:50] directhex: the remote tracks their position, not the reverse
[20:31:59] RedSix:
[20:31:59] RedSix:
[20:32:00] RedSix: I believe it is done through the uPnP protocol... here's what i have
[20:32:07] benc-: anyone else have their database regularly banning the backend's ip address for too many connection errors?
[20:32:17] RedSix:
[20:32:20] TelnetManta (TelnetManta!n=benwilli@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[20:32:20] RedSix:
[20:32:23] ol_schoola: directhex: so the bar just gets power?
[20:32:47] directhex: ol_schoola, the bar just gets power, yeah. you can build your own if you want
[20:32:56] RedSix: sorry for the spam....
[20:33:07] directhex: ol_schoola, the bar is needed for *pointing* with the remote, not the accelerometers
[20:33:20] RedSix: i didn't mean the spam, sorry this web client is not so good :(
[20:33:29] ol_schoola: directhex: that is so freakin cool. i have a cklient that will go nuts when i tell him i can stealth it
[20:34:30] tjcarter: hmm, I can't for the life of me come up with a really good way to upgrade KnoppMyth to trunk and be able to then downgrade easily if I need to =p
[20:35:11] directhex: ol_schoola,
[20:35:30] directhex: tjcarter, recompile the packages on the mythbuntu PPA?
[20:35:33] ol_schoola: sahow you how little i keep up on consoles
[20:35:38] ol_schoola: shows
[20:35:41] directhex: tjcarter, they have trunk packages and 0.20-fixes packages built weekly
[20:36:07] tjcarter: directhex: I gave up trying to use Ubuntu for Myth. I got tired of figuring out how precisely they broke MySQL network access THIS week  ;p
[20:36:57] tjcarter: They do seem to disable networking in MySQL for safety and security supposedly in different, incompatible ways about that often.
[20:37:33] tjcarter: about the 4th time I did an apt-get upgrade to find my FE no longer able to connect, I just gave up.
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[20:39:36] fred_basset (fred_basset!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("leaving")
[20:39:54] RedSix: i just switched to the mythbuntu and find it very nice to use for ubuntu based MythTV, i used to build it from SVN on the standard ubuntu desktop iso, but this has been easier
[20:40:37] tjcarter: anyway, my issue is that I might need to DOWNGRADE to -fixes in a hurry if the FE doesn't work
[20:41:11] directhex: tjcarter, hence my suggestion of using packages where both trunk and 0.20-fixes are built for the same distro. you can recompile the souce packages on anything debianish
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[20:42:49] tjcarter: directhex: I should just upgrade to current KnoppMyth, but I am nervous about breaking a dedicated BE ..
[20:43:17] tjcarter: I suppose I can just make install over trunk if I need to.
[20:44:04] AndyCap: mathias999us: Option "ModeValidation" "NoWidthAlignmentCheck" wa what I was thinking of.
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[20:59:57] Kazan: AMD's commitment to open the specifications for Radeon boards is not vaporware
[21:00:04] laga: URL?
[21:00:07] Kazan: specs are on the site
[21:00:11] Kazan: with more documentation to come
[21:00:11] laga: if it's in HTMl i'll believe it
[21:00:19] Kazan:
[21:00:38] Kazan: appears to be /.'ed
[21:00:57] Kazan: two PDFs
[21:01:00] Kazan: 6.1MB and 6.7
[21:01:23] laga: hum
[21:01:25] Kazan: rv630 register reference and m56 register reference
[21:01:41] Kazan: slashdot says more documents to come
[21:01:43] laga: i might be buying an ATI card then. especially because you can run two x servers on them
[21:02:09] Kazan: the open source r500/r600 driver is supposed to come out next week according to them
[21:02:32] jimbalaya (jimbalaya! has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
[21:03:08] floppyears (floppyears!n=jose@poipu/supporter/floppyears) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:15] laga: wow
[21:03:17] Kazan: afk now.. need to epoxy the nocks on my arrows
[21:03:33] laga: glad that david airlie also found time to make a patch for my broken agp driver
[21:03:39] floppyears: is it possible to connect the audio out of my sound card to my tv's yellow & red audio inputs ?
[21:03:40] rushfan: Anyone here use IVTV with gentoo?
[21:04:41] laga: floppyears: yellow is video, usually.
[21:05:05] floppyears: oh sorry I meant white :)
[21:05:19] McBlaue (McBlaue! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:06:28] laga: floppyears: yes, that's possible. why not.
[21:06:52] floppyears: oh, I was just asking
[21:07:09] floppyears: I just don't know what type of adapter cables I need or the name of them
[21:09:57] laga: dunno if they have a special name
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[21:27:34] phatmonkey (phatmonkey!n=ben@ has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[21:28:39] Kazan: headphone to rca cable
[21:28:42] Kazan: i have two
[21:29:23] pointer: Kazan: mental note...I ended up having to upgrade the frontend as well :-\ (conversation from yesterday about upgrading just the backend)
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[21:33:59] Kazan: pointer: ah drat. well its always good toupgrade
[21:34:35] Kazan: trivia from the movie Gladiator: they deleted scenes showing Maximus doing a product endorsement and billboards of him being all across the empire
[21:34:38] KaZeR (KaZeR!n=kazer@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:34:50] Kazan: despite it being historically accurate that major gladiators did product endorsements
[21:34:59] fryfrog: ahahhaha
[21:35:08] fryfrog: "Real Gladiators drink SURGE!!!!" :)
[21:35:09] rtsai (rtsai! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:35:12] Kazan: they thought it was unbelievable
[21:35:23] Kazan: but it is true... major gladiators would do product endorsements in the roman empire
[21:36:23] tjcarter: Trunk gives me separate and, what's the deal with that?
[21:37:42] Anduin: tjcarter: That is just closer to how it is on linux, where MythTV launches directly into TV/playing what you pass it.
[21:38:21] Kazan: grrr
[21:38:34] tjcarter: Anduin: hmm
[21:38:35] Kazan: so my arrows came in and he nocks were loose (unglued) and in he wrong position
[21:38:43] Kazan: five out of the six he nocks came out rather easily
[21:38:45] Kazan: the last one.. omg
[21:42:12] Kazan: i need to somehow vice my arrow w/o damaging it
[21:44:07] liz_ (liz_! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[21:44:21] ** tjcarter just saw pear-ody theme.. **
[21:46:12] rtsai1111 (rtsai1111! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[21:55:27] ** tjcarter waits for trunk to build **
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[22:02:59] cadeon (cadeon! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:04:11] czth (czth!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-efdc09682b0ddfd6) has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:04:14] cadeon: where can I set up what directories myth backend serves out via Upnp? where does it look for audio tracks?
[22:06:13] GreyFoxx: cadeon: It will offer whatever you have imported into mythmusic
[22:06:47] GreyFoxx: can't just point it at a random directory and have it served. The mp3's have to be imported into mythmusic to be available
[22:06:57] cadeon: well that's the thing... I don't think I have mythmusic installed, and I'm not even using a proper myth frontend.
[22:07:07] GreyFoxx: then you are sol
[22:07:23] GreyFoxx: unless you wrong to write your own code to import them into the database
[22:07:24] cadeon: I'm using the uPnP to play the recordings back on my PS3
[22:07:47] GreyFoxx: You could always install mythmusic on the backend
[22:07:55] GreyFoxx: run it to import the music into the database
[22:08:31] cadeon: I will try that, thanks.
[22:09:01] cadeon: I do wish it was more like MediaTomb though, as in, directory that gets scanned every X minutes
[22:09:17] cadeon: perhaps I need to get my mysql on.
[22:09:34] GreyFoxx: heh
[22:10:31] cadeon: I was hoping to just point to my synced iTunes folder :(
[22:10:51] GreyFoxx: at this point you would need some perlscript fu to do that
[22:11:14] cadeon: I may be able to do that too ;-)
[22:11:23] cadeon: I was just looking in the wrong place
[22:12:08] cadeon (cadeon! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:13:46] directhex: i wonder if the ps3 will ever support vorbis
[22:14:03] directhex: considering sony use it for some of their home-developed ps2 games, they're not exactly unfamiliar with the format
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[22:21:32] rushfan: Any alternatives for when zap2it labs goes down?
[22:21:59] GreyFoxx: it has gone down :)
[22:22:05] GreyFoxx:
[22:22:06] rushfan: OPh
[22:22:13] rushfan: so Im basically just running off already downloaded stuff
[22:22:13] rushfan: heh
[22:22:17] GreyFoxx: and there are some scrapers out there but I've never touched any of them :)
[22:22:20] GreyFoxx: yeah :)
[22:22:22] rushfan: scrapers?
[22:22:34] GreyFoxx: webscrappers that scrape webpages to get the data
[22:22:38] rushfan: oh
[22:22:40] GreyFoxx: in general I dislike them
[22:22:46] rushfan: why?
[22:22:57] GreyFoxx: they tend to be slower, have less info, break if the website changes and you have to update etc etc
[22:22:58] rushfan: right now I need to get mythtv working again :(
[22:23:04] rushfan: Im trying a kernel upgrade and recompiling my kernel modules
[22:23:08] rushfan: oh
[22:23:12] GreyFoxx: most of us are using schedulesdirect
[22:23:38] rushfan: Ok. Except I dont have a credit card :(
[22:23:42] tjcarter: schedulesdirect is a good solution at what'll eventually be $20/month
[22:23:43] GreyFoxx: ahhh
[22:23:52] GreyFoxx: tjcarter: ummm year, not month :)
[22:24:04] tjcarter: er
[22:24:13] tjcarter: year, sorry
[22:24:13] rushfan: and the signup page wont load :(
[22:24:22] tjcarter: scaring people not good!
[22:24:42] GreyFoxx: wont load? Hmmm loads for me
[22:24:56] SlySir (SlySir! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:24:58] GreyFoxx: are you getting an error ?
[22:25:05] rushfan: No
[22:25:07] rushfan: the main page loads
[22:25:09] rushfan: but not the signup page
[22:25:13] GreyFoxx: weird
[22:25:24] rushfan: now it worked
[22:25:35] rushfan: Except I cant scroll. WTF
[22:25:37] rushfan: that is weird
[22:25:43] GreyFoxx: you are cursed :)
[22:25:54] o_cee (o_cee! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:26:25] tjcarter: what's the current state of SD? I heard that they've made break-even, but I know they're trying to build up a few months' operating costs in reserve jic..
[22:26:45] GreyFoxx: past breakeven.
[22:27:04] GreyFoxx: might seen an announcement by monday re pricing and a new privacy policy
[22:27:06] floppyears: Kazan: the headphone to rca cable would probably work, but my soundcard has 3 audio output jacks
[22:27:17] tjcarter: GreyFoxx: Already?
[22:27:51] GreyFoxx: we'll see :)
[22:28:20] tjcarter: xris said the privacy policy didn't permit providing any info about how many people are using it and whatnot
[22:28:51] GreyFoxx: so far yeah, but I think that's going to change
[22:29:07] Beirdo: well, if people haven't agreed to the new privacy policy, those people's details (even in summary) can't be provided
[22:29:21] tjcarter: yeah, that kind of data is harmless to aggregate, and nerds enjoy useless statistics  ;)
[22:29:22] Beirdo: once they have agreed to allow summary information to be said... :)
[22:30:15] tjcarter: like, say, 36% of users use a MythTV-specific Linux distribution...
[22:30:30] tjcarter: (I suspect it might be higher than that actually)
[22:31:08] rushfan: I wish I had a mythtv specific distribution
[22:31:11] rushfan: it keeps breaking on gentoo
[22:31:13] BULLE: oh, i would have guessed the oposite, that way less then 36% used a myth specific distro
[22:31:22] Slyboots (Slyboots! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:31:26] Beirdo: rushfan, stop emerging world :)
[22:31:28] BULLE: rushfan: most complex things tend to break on gentoo =D
[22:31:56] rushfan: I should exclude it from emerge -DNu world somehow
[22:32:19] BULLE: Beirdo: only problem with that is, that if you wait to long, and then finaly emerge world, then horrible things can happen, because no one thought anyone would uppgrade from such an old version to the new version etc
[22:32:24] BULLE: Beirdo: happened me several times =(
[22:32:28] tjcarter: BULLE: Myth is typically run on a dedicated box, which means you kinda have an opportunity to not use your desktop Linux distribution..
[22:32:34] Beirdo: well, using a distro that by its nature is designed to be unstable because it requires constant recompiles...
[22:32:54] Kazan: the inernal dvd player has problems with Gladiator Region 1
[22:32:57] BULLE: tjcarter: i run it on a dedicated box, and i run the average desktop linux distro
[22:32:58] Kazan: skips chapers
[22:33:05] tjcarter: and now that you have choice of KnoppMyth, Mythdora, and Mythbuntu ...
[22:33:06] Beirdo: if you choose such a distro, don't be surprised if it is unstable. :)
[22:33:09] BULLE: tjcarter: my mythbox also runs asterisk, mail, and a bunch of other services
[22:33:19] BULLE: Beirdo: agreed
[22:33:22] GreyFoxx: Kazan: What chapters? I'll try it
[22:33:36] GreyFoxx: after I finish supper anyway :)
[22:33:39] Kazan: GreyFoxx: lemme look up he numbers
[22:33:43] fryfrog: Gentoo, I had to quit you :(
[22:34:03] tjcarter: BULLE: I tend to think more in terms of my Myth boxes being embedded devices rather than servers.
[22:34:05] fryfrog: But I did love how easy it was to keep all my stuffs "latest" :)
[22:34:15] Beirdo: heh
[22:34:15] Kazan: sometimes i don't think its entire chapters
[22:34:18] SlySir (SlySir! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:34:20] BULLE: tjcarter: well, asterisk can run on very limited hardware
[22:34:27] tjcarter: If anything, I consider Knoppmyth to be a bit heavyweight in that regard.
[22:34:27] Beirdo: latest ain't always the same as "best"
[22:34:42] BULLE: tjcarter: i have a completely fanless setup, and it works quite well doing server stuff aswell
[22:34:56] tjcarter: Oh, I have a full tower going on here..
[22:35:05] Kazan: yeah think its partial chapters
[22:35:06] tjcarter: it's quiet, but not fanless
[22:35:18] tjcarter: I just think about the software in terms of an embedded device
[22:36:02] tjcarter: I've been trying to convince people that one of the major things TiVo got right is their upgrade process.. They have two root filesystems and they upgrade by blowing one of them away, repopulating it, and rebooting into the new partition  ;)
[22:36:31] fryfrog: it is a smart way of doing it
[22:36:33] tjcarter: You don't DO that with a typical Linux distribution.
[22:36:35] fryfrog: that way they can always revert
[22:36:44] fryfrog: I do, sort of
[22:36:49] fryfrog: well, when i change distros
[22:36:53] tjcarter: But for an embedded device whose downtime needs to be brief, you sure would.
[22:36:56] fryfrog: but not at every little upgrade :)
[22:36:56] Kazan: GreyFoxx: can't get you exact spots its no full chapers..i jus know scenes are is missing near the beginning should be obvious
[22:37:20] fryfrog: I run my OS on a raid1 mirror, when i'm doing something retardedly drastic, i'll break the mirror and do it on the other
[22:37:21] tjcarter: fryfrog: I also wouldn't do traditional Linux distribution package management on it..
[22:37:32] fryfrog: if it fails, i go back to the old mirror... if it doesn't, i bring the old mirror into the new one
[22:37:43] tjcarter: I'd probably have a dozen tar files containing large sections of the system software and basically unpack them, in turn
[22:37:49] fryfrog: ah
[22:37:56] GreyFoxx: Kazan: If you can come up with certain minutes in or something I can check it out. I've watched that at least 3 times on the internal player and never noticed butI;ll try it again
[22:38:17] BULLE: tjcarter: you can do that with a typical linux distribution though
[22:38:22] BULLE: tjcarter: its not that hard, just use lvm
[22:38:25] tjcarter: They could be ipkg or so
[22:38:34] BULLE: tjcarter: you can also use the linux kernel load kernel function ( whatever its actualy called ) to speed it up
[22:38:42] tjcarter: but it wouldn't really matter because every time you did an upgrade, they'd all be unpacked at once
[22:40:05] tjcarter: the idea I had in mind is that the installer would create two roots (populating one), a separate rw ext3 volume (empty), and a lvm for the rest of your HD space (empty, rw, essentially KnoppMyth's /myth)
[22:40:48] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:41:43] tjcarter: the rw filesystem is self-populating and /myth is populated when you start recording stuff and whatnot  ;)
[22:43:12] tjcarter: well, not quite, the installer's packages would be put on the rw filesystem, jsut so they wouldn't be downloaded if they happen to be current versions
[22:44:30] tjcarter: Probably won't get every little upgrade that way (just as you probably wouldn't with KnoppMyth's releases), you'd get a large section of software that probably has been extensively tested and found suitable..
[22:46:19] tjcarter: kernel + drivers + hardware setup stuff, the non-mythtv glue (scripts, busybox, etc), mysql server, mythtv BE, mythtv FE, web interface
[22:46:42] tjcarter: I'd probably consider plugins to be part of your FE except for mythweb
[22:47:37] tjcarter: As long as mysql DB format doesn't change, that pretty much allows smooth upgrades that you can always recover from
[22:51:29] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:52:25] floppyears: hi guys, so I want to connect the output of my analog soundcard to my tv's composite sound (white & red) is there an adapter that goes from the 3 sound outputs of my soundcard to the tv ?
[22:52:29] tjcarter: whelp, here goes nothing.. trunk + Mac OS X FE...
[22:52:36] tjcarter: Something's probably broken here.
[22:52:51] floppyears: will headphone to rca work ? if so headphone has only 1 jack, but the pc has 3 :(
[22:53:14] ** laga shakes head **
[22:53:15] laga (laga! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:53:26] tjcarter: floppyears: Your sound card's three outputs are 5.1 audio
[22:53:28] laga (laga! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:53:32] ** laga in disbelief **
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[22:54:00] tjcarter: floppyears: use a sound card to RCA cable in the green plug
[22:54:23] tjcarter: HEY, trunk renders fonts properly on a Mac..
[22:54:28] tjcarter: That's never happened before  ;)
[22:54:41] floppyears: ok, so just the green plug. I was afraid that since it was only 1 plug only the left or right sound would be sent to the tv
[22:56:21] Tall-guy (Tall-guy! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:57:19] Tall-guy: hey all, I've been a PVR350 output kinda guy forever, but my bud has a 500 with no MPEG decoder on he's asking me what is a decent choice for Tv-out vid...whats the flavor of the day?
[22:57:42] iamben (iamben! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:58:30] iamben: i still havent gotten rid of my prebuffering pause issue, does anything stand out in my log?
[22:58:33] tjcarter: well that bug still exists apparently
[22:58:54] tjcarter: bring up guide while watching a recording and you get guide under paused video
[23:00:32] iamben: and bloody hell, it still freezes on the half hour every time!
[23:01:01] rushfan: The PVR-500 doesnt have an mpeg decoder?
[23:01:15] Tall-guy: rushfan: MCE verssion...
[23:01:20] rushfan: Oh.
[23:01:24] rushfan: I have a PVR-150
[23:01:26] Tall-guy: sorry, I could have stated that up front :)
[23:02:00] Tall-guy: anyhoo, he's got dual tuner, inputs up the wazzoo, but all my expertise is on the 350 vid out....not on whether ati this or nvidia that is better or worse
[23:02:08] Tall-guy: so I need some help
[23:02:33] mathias999us: Anybody run a 1920x540 modeline?
[23:02:46] Tanthrix: Tall-guy: There is no flavor of the day. Nvidia is king, the end. ;)
[23:02:59] tjcarter: rushfan: 500 is a pair of 150s without an IR receiver onboard the card
[23:03:11] Tanthrix: Tall-guy: Any nvidia GF4 or later will do SD-TV out without issues.
[23:03:18] mathias999us: I got one running on a 1366x768 native display, but everything's squashed in the horizontal direction, like the the display is interpreting the signal as a 540p
[23:03:22] Tall-guy: tanthrix: thanks !
[23:03:31] Tanthrix: Tall-guy: For HD you'll want to get an appropriate card with either component or dvi out
[23:04:00] Tanthrix: Tall-guy: All you gotta do is make sure it has s-video or composite out, and it's difficult to find a GF4 or later without one
[23:04:26] Tall-guy: tanthrix: sounds good....
[23:04:55] Tall-guy: is there anything to some card not working with Xvid?
[23:05:24] Tanthrix: Xvid is just another codec and doesn't have much to do with the video card
[23:05:29] quink (quink! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:05:33] quink: hello
[23:05:51] Tanthrix: Unless you meant XvMC, which is a kind of onboard MPEG2 decoding that GF4 and later cards support, possibly minus the 6xxx cards, but that's just a rumor
[23:07:10] Tanthrix: So, really, you can't go wrong with nvidia. They have uniform drivers without outstanding feature support that nothing else can even approach. (Except a few people who say intel is catching up in some places, but I'm still doubtful)
[23:07:12] Tall-guy: man, there are like a jillion cards....I USED to be smart on this stuff....! :)
[23:07:17] Tanthrix: hehe
[23:07:21] quink: I'm having trouble setting up my hdtv(1080i) rear projection tv. was wondering if anyone could help out with display settings.
[23:07:22] Tall-guy: "never buy hercules!"
[23:07:38] Tanthrix: Tall-guy: Are we talking PCI, AGP, or PCI express?
[23:07:58] mathias999us: Does anyone know, with modelines for nvidia, is there anything you have to do to send an interlaced signal besides use the interlace option at the end of the modeline?
[23:08:03] Tall-guy: tanthrix: AGP methinks....and ideally with a quiet fan or big freekin heatsink with no fan
[23:09:04] quink: for some reason my tv will accept 720 settings but not 1080
[23:09:15] Tanthrix: Tall-guy: <--That would do prefectly for any and all SD stuff
[23:10:16] Tanthrix: Tall-guy: Heh, one of the reviews listed on the front there is for something using it for a mythTV system ;)
[23:11:02] Tall-guy: sweet
[23:11:35] Tall-guy: thanx man
[23:12:06] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:12:11] Tall-guy: like a brides nitey
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[23:18:53] Tanthrix: quink: What's the native resolution of your TV?
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[23:33:13] clever: how would i record a certain episode of a show whenever it comes on?
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[23:36:28] quink: Tanthrix: not entirely sure. i believe 1920x1080i
[23:36:41] quink: its a 65" sony rear projection from 2002
[23:36:51] quink: when i hook it up to windows i can do 1920x1080
[23:36:59] GhostFreeman (GhostFreeman!n=GhostFre@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:37:05] quink: in linux its not doing better than 1280x720
[23:37:23] Jakal (Jakal! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:37:28] quink: and i ahve to edit hte GUI widt to make it 1183x670 with offsets of 46 and 22(x,y)
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[23:51:24] rushfan (rushfan! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:51:31] rushfan: Can I get with an IVTV issue since its related to mythtv?
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[23:57:12] JakTop is now known as Jakal
[23:59:54] iamben: rushfan: go ahead and ask

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