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Tuesday, August 7th, 2007, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:43] duerF: applecrumble, "#
[00:02:43] duerF: 2007-08–07 00:51:49.475 DVBChan(0) Warning: Your frequency setting (0) is out of range. (min/max:44250000/867250000)"
[00:03:51] applecrumble: heres the channel debug output (all produced streams of stuff!):
[00:04:13] applecrumble: yeah, i saw that. what does that mean? all my channels are on 0 frequency?
[00:04:34] applecrumble: oh, the pastebin is the output from when i change channel
[00:06:08] duerF: applecrumble, yeah, I prefer "-v most" and then "grep -v" for the most reoccurring stuff
[00:06:24] _Zoltan_ (_Zoltan_! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:06:50] applecrumble: thanks, but what now. i just don't know what else to try :S
[00:07:00] juski: applecrumble: are you trying to use the tv_grab_uk_rt grabber as well as EIT? what I think's happened is that you ran mythfilldatabase as told to by mythtv-setup & you've had a bunch of blank channels inserted into the database
[00:07:05] cesman (cesman! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:07:43] Aval0n: guys does mythtv scan for QAM signals by itself or do I have to rely on dvb-apps?
[00:07:57] applecrumble: as far as i know, just eit. i did a clean attempt by dropping the whole mythtv database before going thourgh setup and got the same problem
[00:08:20] juski: Aval0n: mythtv should be able to scan by itself
[00:08:24] GreyFoxx: Aval0n: You initiate the scan in mythtv-setup
[00:08:30] Aval0n: grey ok cool
[00:08:32] GreyFoxx: It wont automagically happen
[00:08:33] Aval0n: juski thnx
[00:08:40] Aval0n: I was runnin into some weird stuff with it today
[00:08:47] Aval0n: I had to reset the mysql pass to blank
[00:08:59] Aval0n: and also mysql.txt
[00:09:15] Aval0n: and it still has some sort of error filling the mf database
[00:09:19] juski: applecrumble: do me a favour & drop the output of this into a pastebin please: mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg -e "select name, channum, chanid, mplexid, xmltvid from channel;"
[00:09:32] Aval0n: strange thing was for OTA ATSC it was just timing out on everything
[00:10:02] juski: applecrumble: it'll ask you for a password. the password you want – well you should know it. if you're on ubuntu it'll be in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[00:10:10] Esotericisms (Esotericisms! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:10:25] Aval0n: juski I never made a mythtv user
[00:10:52] Aval0n: however I did add my user to the mythtv group
[00:11:02] applecrumble: thanks for the help juski ;-), here it is:
[00:11:04] Aval0n: for the database I had to use root user and blank pass
[00:11:42] juski: applecrumble: all looks sensible.
[00:11:53] Aval0n: is that for my juski?
[00:11:56] Aval0n: me*
[00:12:02] Aval0n: never mind no it wasn't
[00:12:06] applecrumble: :(
[00:13:36] juski: applecrumble: next try mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg -e "select mplexid, sourceid, transportid, networkid, frequency from dtv_multiplex;"
[00:14:27] juski: if any of the frequencies in this table are zero, that will be the problem
[00:14:34] applecrumble: hmm, lots of zeros :P
[00:14:55] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:55] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[00:15:06] juski: applecrumble: stop mythbackend. run mythtv-setup again and delete all your channels
[00:15:15] juski: then run a full scan
[00:15:22] Aval0n: juski, I never made a mythtv user along my process, however I did add my username aval0n to the mythtv group. Does myth-database rely on the mythtv username for mysql?
[00:15:31] Aval0n: I've been forcing it to root and no pass.
[00:15:48] juski: Aval0n: you can do what you like but I'd not recommend you using a root mysql user
[00:16:01] applecrumble: i've already tried that twice though, it took almost 40 minutes each time. :-S
[00:16:08] Aval0n: I'm just trying to do it right :P
[00:16:15] Aval0n: so do most people MAKE a mythtv user?
[00:16:16] applecrumble: actually, it segfaulted the first couple of times. could that cause this problem?
[00:16:34] applecrumble: segfaulted during the scanning process i mean
[00:16:39] juski: applecrumble: what kind of tuner card have you got?
[00:16:47] juski: make/model I mean
[00:17:13] applecrumble: "DVB: registering new adapter (WideView WT-220U PenType Receiver (Typhoon/Freecom))."
[00:17:20] juski: btw the reason I've gone all out with the mysql-fu here is that you did your homework & tried kaffeine first ;)
[00:17:30] juski: applecrumble: ah a USB stick thingy right
[00:17:58] juski: what distro are you running? mythtv-setup shouldn't be segfaulting during a scan. that's v. bad
[00:17:58] applecrumble: thanks juski, i appreciate the help :) especially since i didnt do the pastbin thing at the start
[00:18:07] applecrumble: ubuntu feisty
[00:18:14] juski: applecrumble: you didn't go too ott like some do ;)
[00:18:43] juski: applecrumble: apart from working is the reception in kaffeine ok? no breaking up/blockiness?
[00:18:54] applecrumble: it segged a couple of times after a couple of minutes, then i _think_ it did a full scan (i saw it go to 100% very slowly)
[00:19:20] juski: applecrumble: 40 mins is a seriously long time though. way too long. why did you increase the tuning timeout to that amount?
[00:19:22] applecrumble: very good reception actually. i dont get all the channels but the ones i do are very clear with no blockiness
[00:19:34] applecrumble: its the default
[00:19:41] juski: really?! lol
[00:20:09] applecrumble: i put it down to the lowest (3000 i think), and the scan found the same stuff
[00:20:23] kslater (kslater! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:20:35] juski: if you were using a recent version of -fixes (not the ubuntu packages) I'd recommend you just use the dvb-utils scan program to produce a channels.conf file & import that
[00:20:35] Aval0n: juski, is it customary to make a mythtv user?>
[00:20:38] applecrumble: is there a way to just grab the channel information from some static source (i.e. no scanning)
[00:20:50] juski: Aval0n: any user that isn't the mysql admin account, yesh
[00:21:02] Aval0n: hmm
[00:21:10] Aval0n: the user aval0n is my only user
[00:21:13] _Zoltan_ (_Zoltan_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:16] applecrumble: lol, you answered my question before i asked it
[00:21:37] juski: applecrumble: you can get mythtv *working* by using the dvb-utils scan program, but I think with the version of mythtv in those packages you've got there, EIT won't work
[00:21:52] juski: at least not when you import a channels.conf file
[00:21:57] Aval0n: but by default when you install the myth-database, does it look for mythtv user by default?
[00:22:15] juski: Aval0n: the default IS mythtv yes, but it can be anything you want
[00:22:15] applecrumble: will it work with the xml tv guide thingie?
[00:22:27] Aval0n: ok juski that's what I'll do
[00:22:31] Aval0n: make mythtv
[00:22:34] juski: applecrumble: yeah but setting that up will involve some reading & manual channel editing
[00:22:34] Aval0n: thanks man
[00:22:45] applecrumble: :S
[00:22:54] juski: Aval0n: the mysql account that mythtv uses could be called Aval0n ;)
[00:22:59] jcsmith (jcsmith! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:23:02] juski: it doesn't *have* to be 'mythtv'
[00:23:07] juski: just anything non-rooty
[00:23:31] applecrumble: what do you recommend then? this dvb-utils approach sounds messy
[00:23:33] juski: applecrumble: it's not that hard. I use xmltv and EIT (xmltv for TV & eit for radio channel EPG data)
[00:23:58] applecrumble: i can live without radio
[00:24:03] applecrumble: if that makes it easier
[00:24:05] juski: applecrumble: well, what I could likely help you do is get a working setup from a channels.conf file
[00:24:22] juski: applecrumble: sudo apt-get install dvb-utils
[00:24:49] applecrumble: done it already, dvbscan now? its not there :S
[00:25:02] juski: applecrumble: it's called just 'scan'
[00:25:10] applecrumble: lol, thanks
[00:26:04] juski: applecrumble: scan /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/uk- then press TAB & find the file for your nearest transmitter
[00:26:04] applecrumble: hmm, which transport to use...
[00:27:37] juski: you need the uk-BlackHill file ;)
[00:27:38] applecrumble: i hope this isn't a really dumb questions, but im in edinburgh. how do i know which transmittor file is closest?
[00:28:02] juski: applecrumble: here's the full command: scan /usr/share/doc/dvb-utils/examples/scan/dvb-t/uk-BlackHill > channels.conf
[00:29:15] applecrumble: doh "main:2247: FATAL: failed to open '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0': 16 Device or resource busy"
[00:29:24] juski: applecrumble: stop mythbackend
[00:29:24] applecrumble: shutdown the backend and its still saying it
[00:29:37] juski: you still got kaffeine open?
[00:29:56] juski: make sure nothing else is using the device
[00:30:02] juski: do lsof /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0
[00:30:04] applecrumble: nope, nothing.
[00:30:18] applecrumble: i just unplugged/plugged the stick in and get:
[00:30:24] applecrumble: main:2247: FATAL: failed to open '/dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0': 2 No such file or directory
[00:30:39] applecrumble: lsof: status error on /dev/dvb/adapter0/frontend0: No such file or directory
[00:30:44] juski: ah. you know some of these things don't hotplug too well
[00:31:18] applecrumble: :P
[00:31:30] juski: personally I wouldn't trust a usb tuner as far as I could chuck it
[00:31:55] applecrumble: lol
[00:31:58] applecrumble: why?
[00:32:38] applecrumble: i've only got 2 free pci slots so i thought usb was better to keep the space free. i could get two and still have free pci slots
[00:32:43] juski: because I've always had doubts about their reliability
[00:33:12] applecrumble: its doing good in kaffeine though
[00:33:16] juski: I hate USB – it's the most lame interface ever devised
[00:33:20] applecrumble: hmm, think i might have to reset
[00:33:32] juski: reset or unload the kernel module(s)
[00:33:45] applecrumble: but i like the windows way! :)
[00:33:52] juski: lol
[00:35:14] applecrumble: how do i get the module name i need :'(
[00:35:17] applecrumble: (sorry about this)
[00:35:40] juski: seems to me like there's a bit of a snafu with the scanning which might need a developer to have a look at. it shouldn't be taking 40 mins – no frickin way.
[00:35:55] juski: applecrumble: lsusb
[00:36:03] juski: that should list the device -ish
[00:36:24] juski: you can then do 'lsmod' to find which modules are loaded & get an idea which one to unload
[00:36:25] applecrumble: cant see it, mouse, keyboard then two blank ones
[00:36:30] juski: it'll be dvb-$something
[00:36:33] juski: applecrumble: ah
[00:36:39] juski: well time for that reset then
[00:36:45] applecrumble: lol
[00:36:52] applecrumble: ok, see you on the other side
[00:36:52] applecrumble: brb
[00:36:55] juski: what I'd be tempted to do is get rid of the packages
[00:37:02] applecrumble: ?
[00:37:03] juski: hang on! I'm going to bed in a tic
[00:37:21] applecrumble: its ok, i should be able to work out the channels.conf thing
[00:37:27] juski: what I'd be really tempted to do is get shot of the ubuntu mythtv packages, and build a new version of -fixes from source.
[00:37:46] applecrumble: hmmm, sounds messy
[00:37:52] juski: there could have been some fixes to the scanning code that the ubuntu packages are too old to have
[00:37:52] applecrumble: is it?
[00:37:57] juski: it's not too bad
[00:38:14] applecrumble: its it just configure/make or is it more involving?
[00:38:23] juski: it's not too much more involved than that
[00:38:36] applecrumble: what do you use?
[00:38:44] applecrumble: are the mythubuntu ones really out of date?
[00:38:58] juski: is that what you're using – the mythbuntu ones?
[00:39:10] juski: drop me a mythbackend --version please
[00:39:31] applecrumble: 0.20.20060828–3
[00:39:42] juski: that's actually pretty damn new
[00:39:46] applecrumble: lol
[00:39:57] juski: what does it say the source code rev is?
[00:40:05] applecrumble: "unknown"
[00:40:05] tzanger (tzanger! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:07] tzanger: evening
[00:40:16] juski: ppft. fat lot of use that is then ;)
[00:40:23] applecrumble: won't this dvb-scan thing work out ok though?
[00:40:32] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:40:41] juski: applecrumble: yeah it'll work fine
[00:40:42] tzanger: I recall seeing somewhere a howto which explained how to move a master backend database... the hostname was important, and it told how to update the db to reflect the new hostname... does anyone have that link handy?
[00:40:51] laga_: re
[00:40:53] juski: tzanger:
[00:41:02] juski: applecrumble: can't envisage any problem
[00:41:03] tzanger: juski: I'm there
[00:41:06] tzanger: that was the easy part
[00:41:12] tzanger: tryign to find the correct page is the difficult one
[00:41:32] applecrumble: i'll just try that they. thanks for all your help juski. :P ill update a wiki page somewhere if i fix it
[00:42:05] tjcarter: huh, that looks familiar
[00:42:12] ** tjcarter checks his frontend version **
[00:42:21] juski: tzanger: ooops :
[00:42:39] tjcarter: Library API version: 0.20.20060828–3 / Source code version: 12923M
[00:42:41] tzanger: that's the one!
[00:42:42] tzanger: thank you
[00:42:45] tjcarter: I thought so
[00:42:56] tjcarter: Wait, that's quite recent?
[00:42:56] juski: applecrumble: EIT may or may not work with an imported channels.conf file with that version of mythtv, be warned ;)
[00:43:01] tjcarter: O_O
[00:43:09] tjcarter: It's a year old =D
[00:43:15] applecrumble: btw, how did you know that i should use the blackhill transport?
[00:43:30] juski: applecrumble:
[00:43:46] juski: googled for Edinburgh dvb-t ;)
[00:44:11] tjcarter: (one of these days someone will give me the secret to a properly correctly correct Qt for Mac for building MythFrontend on said Mac..)
[00:44:36] applecrumble: thanks :P
[00:44:39] juski: right tis way past my bedtime. another day of slog tomorrow
[00:44:46] laga_: g'night juski
[00:44:46] juski: g'night all – good luck applecrumble
[00:44:54] applecrumble: hey, that link at the bottom has a table with my missing frequencies!
[00:45:46] applecrumble: thanks, goodnight
[00:46:51] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:28] applecrumble (applecrumble! has left #mythtv-users ("Kopete 0.10.3 :")
[00:48:09] cesman (cesman!n=cecil@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cesman) has quit ("Mata ne.")
[00:48:19] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:32] cesman (cesman! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:03:58] cogswell (cogswell! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:11] cogswell: anyone available for a question?
[01:11:50] laga_: maybe
[01:19:47] kali67 (kali67! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:25:40] varun0 (varun0! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[01:36:00] Disputin (Disputin! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[01:39:18] cesman (cesman!n=cecil@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cesman) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:43:42] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:46:35] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:25] mboman (mboman!n=mboman@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:56:07] cogswell: im having problems ripping dvds. it seems to fail sometime during the file extraction
[01:57:52] adante (adante! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:58:27] rtsai (rtsai! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:00:06] Uranus (Uranus! has quit ()
[02:05:02] floppyears: hi guys
[02:05:29] floppyears: could you take a look at the following list of components and tell me what you think ? What's overkill?
[02:06:50] cogswell: most folks seem to be snoozing right now
[02:08:15] floppyears: what's your opinion cogswell ?
[02:08:43] cogswell: about what?
[02:09:57] floppyears:
[02:10:15] floppyears: in that link what do you think aboutthose components for a mythtv box ?
[02:13:29] cogswell: seems good to me. make sure all components are supported by linux
[02:15:37] rtsai1111 (rtsai1111! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:16:10] enyc_ (enyc_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:16:12] hatredx (hatredx! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:17:11] cogswell: i have a similar setup. one thing I ran into was that the fan on the video card was loud enough to be annoying for a media pc
[02:18:09] hatredx (hatredx! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:18:20] cogswell: tiger direct had a gamer video card fan for $10 that is good and quiet though
[02:20:03] floppyears: cogswell: yes, I've been checking that
[02:20:28] floppyears: what I'm worried is that I'm wasting too much $$$ on some components that is an overkill.
[02:20:29] heanol: why not get a passively cooled card?
[02:20:33] cogswell: you planning on using the remote with the 500 i take it
[02:20:59] cogswell: heanol: i built a low profile machine, and didnt have alot of choices
[02:21:41] floppyears: heanol: what's that ?
[02:21:54] floppyears: what card would you guys recommend that is quieter ?
[02:22:09] kormoc: a fan-less one?
[02:22:14] cogswell: its a half height case... just a little shorter than the TiVo it is going to replace :)
[02:22:36] floppyears: kormoc: any specific one that you recommend ?
[02:22:53] kormoc: I like MSI and XFX brand cards
[02:23:33] kormoc: floppyears, you could just use newegg's power search with the settings of Nvidia, Fanless, (Interface type here) and see if you find any you like...
[02:23:45] floppyears: cogswell: yes, I plan on using a remote, but don't know which one is the best. I think the remote is a key part
[02:23:59] kormoc: I really like the MS MCE remote and keyboard
[02:24:16] floppyears: kormoc: ok
[02:24:38] floppyears: kormoc: how well is it supported
[02:24:48] kormoc: fully
[02:25:07] kormoc: well, 1 of the 2 ir blasters are supported, remote and keyboard are both fully supported
[02:26:31] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:41] enyc (enyc! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:30:05] floppyears: kormoc: why do you like that remote, I'm looking at it now on a website
[02:30:16] croppa (croppa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[02:33:12] subpacket (subpacket! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:33:41] kormoc: floppyears, cause I do? it has a huge ir range, and is usb, so no mucking with lirc to support the ir blaster and the remote, as well as a unified interface for the keyboard/mouse. it feels right, buttons are placed well, battery life is quite good, programmable tv-on/off tv-vol up/down, etc...
[02:35:19] floppyears: is it durable ? meaning does it survive falls and stuff like that ?
[02:35:42] kormoc: survived my abuse for a year and a half, same set of batteries too
[02:36:37] Aval0j (Aval0j!i=aval0n@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:37:44] cogswell: i picked up a streamzap... its kind of basic, and has no blasters
[02:39:02] riddlebox (riddlebox!n=james@ has quit ("Leaving")
[02:39:23] ** hads agrees with kormoc **
[02:39:43] hads: I've put in 5 of those remotes and been happy with them.
[02:39:58] floppyears: ok, then that's one component I will set into stone :)
[02:40:11] cogswell: i also have a logitech wireless kb and mouse, i wanted a remote insted
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[02:45:53] HReadren (HReadren! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:46:13] Grecko: Any reasons why myth would suddenly stop recording anything? I went away for a month, I get back, and myth didn't record anything after 2 days after I left, but sadly I don't have the logfiles so I'm just looking for generic things to check to make sure it doesn't happen again.
[02:46:35] kormoc: have guide data?
[02:46:35] cogswell: disk full?
[02:47:46] Grecko: Had guide data, disk was at 100%, but it always is.
[02:48:32] cogswell: and you verified stuff in the queue?
[02:48:34] santas_slayer (santas_slayer! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:48:37] santas_slayer: hey all
[02:48:41] santas_slayer: any dvb-s myth users around?
[02:49:20] Grecko: cogswell: Queue was empty when I got home.
[02:49:33] santas_slayer: hey grecko
[02:49:51] Grecko: Hello.
[02:51:30] santas_slayer: you use dvb-s?
[02:51:46] cogswell: anything listed under Manage -> UPcoming?
[02:52:35] Grecko: cogswell: Yep, lots of shows. Once I got back, I had to reboot the machine as I wanted to replace the DVD drive, when I brought it back up again, everything worked like a charm.
[02:52:39] Grecko: santas_slayer: Nope.
[02:53:03] Aval0n (Aval0n!i=aval0n@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:55:19] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:56:02] cogswell: sounds like the job queue got hung. Perhaps there is a logfile for it that has a clue
[02:56:23] Grecko: All my logfiles get rotated and deleted after 2 weeks.
[02:56:30] cogswell: heh
[02:57:00] hads: Anduin: Thanks for hunting for #3690, ping me if you want someone else to test.
[02:57:03] Grecko: And my router was misbehaving, so I couldn't ssh into home the whole time (what a waste, I paid like 200$ to get a 15mbit upload for the month so I'd have access to all my stuff)
[02:57:05] cogswell: ive been trying to figure out a problem with the dvd ripper and transcoder myself
[02:57:40] Grecko: I'm really thinking of retiring this Dlink POS.... if it weren't for my kline, I'd get rid of it in a heartbeat.
[02:58:48] cogswell: noone makes good network stuff anymore :)
[02:59:48] Grecko: I run an old Dell PIII 500mhz box as my main gateway....
[02:59:49] fryfrog: Grecko: kline?
[02:59:55] fryfrog: Dlink?
[03:00:07] Grecko: fryfrog: Dlink, the networking company
[03:00:11] cogswell: d-link is a brand :)
[03:03:14] cogswell: so I try to rip a DVD and more often than not the process just stops with no error indication while extracting the file. anyone got any suggestions on where to look?
[03:04:47] fryfrog: sorry, i know what dlink is.. you just said you use a dell box as your gateway, so why would you have a dlink router?
[03:04:55] fryfrog: and kline... isn't that being banned from irc?
[03:06:11] Grecko: I have my gateway, and then between it and the internet, I have a cheap dlink router as it has a really quick mac address changing script on it, so I can change my MAC and get a new IP from my ISP.
[03:06:12] Anduin: hads:
[03:06:14] santas_slayer: kline
[03:06:22] santas_slayer: is being banned from a specific server
[03:06:36] Grecko: santas_slayer: Or in freenodes case, being banned from the entire network.
[03:06:42] santas_slayer: really?
[03:06:52] santas_slayer: i thought that was a gline or something
[03:06:52] santas_slayer: meh
[03:06:59] santas_slayer: i'm out of my ircd ircop days
[03:07:28] Grecko: It should be a gline or some such, but freenode has it implemented improperly.
[03:07:46] piecesandbits (piecesandbits! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:07:56] Grecko: cogswell: I just use mencoder to rip the DVD from the command line – maybe see if you can get that working, and then just pop that command into myth.
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[03:09:07] Anduin: cogswell: You should look at the mtd.log file, mtd is finicky.
[03:09:26] Grecko: fryfrog: Really, I should have my Dlink on a seperate modem, and run it through the second internet interface on my gateway and then just route my IRC traffic through that...
[03:10:19] Grecko: fryfrog: But I don't have a second unfiltered phone port anywhere that I can plug that second modem into, so...
[03:10:57] santas_slayer: or just get a bnc :P
[03:12:51] Grecko: bnc?
[03:13:07] Grecko: As in, video cable?
[03:13:21] santas_slayer: one sec
[03:15:23] santas_slayer: brb
[03:15:25] santas_slayer (santas_slayer! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[03:15:39] santas_slayer: whois me
[03:15:42] hads: Anduin: Just rebuilt with that. It's infinitly more watchable. Not as smooth as pre-ffmpeg-sync but a lot better.
[03:16:00] santas_slayer: Grecko
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[03:17:05] santas_slayer: Grecko
[03:17:06] santas_slayer: ?
[03:17:28] Anduin: hads: Yeah, the CPU usage seemed a bit higher but my only real concern was being able to get 1x-2.5x on my slow frontend.
[03:18:44] hads: Anduin: Thanks for looking at it, I had no idea where to start.
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[03:20:08] hads: Anduin: Yeah, CPU does seem a bit higher. I'm getting Xorg at ~70%, I don't know exactly what it was before but that seems a bit higher.
[03:20:25] Anduin: hads: It took me way too long, the good spots I started in didn't turn out to be the cause.
[03:21:19] santas_slayer: heh
[03:21:25] santas_slayer: where did Grecko go?
[03:21:25] Anduin: hads: No UseEvents or whatever? (That seems very high, I usually see up to 13%)
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[03:23:45] hads: Anduin: UseEvents? Not that I know of. It does seem high. That's running 1280x720 in Windowed mode on my desktop. I'll look at what it was before.
[03:24:20] Grecko: santas_slayer: Whois you?
[03:24:59] TUplink1 (TUplink1! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:25:21] Grecko: Ok, you work for tolerant...
[03:25:57] regicide666 (regicide666! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:26:33] TUplink1: no new info on US listings
[03:26:33] TUplink1: :(
[03:26:43] hads: Anduin: Must be something else going on there, it's similar without that patch.
[03:28:28] hads: Anduin: Oh. I must have been playing with deinterlacers. Turning that off drops it to < 15%
[03:28:59] TUplink1 (TUplink1! has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:29:06] santas_slayer: Grecko> no i don't
[03:29:14] santas_slayer: but what i mean is a bnc is just as easy
[03:29:18] cogswell: ok i think mencoder wins the prize for the most command line options ever
[03:29:20] santas_slayer: switch ips on the fly
[03:29:22] santas_slayer: google psybn
[03:29:24] santas_slayer: psybnc
[03:35:52] Anduin: hads: but still not 13654 good/
[03:36:05] Grecko: santas_slayer: Yeah, but then I have to pay :P
[03:36:13] Grecko: santas_slayer: This is free.
[03:38:26] santas_slayer: tru
[03:38:45] santas_slayer: i pay like $30 for the year and its good services...logs all my channels, etc
[03:38:54] santas_slayer: hey i got myth stuck in recording only mode
[03:39:02] santas_slayer: any idea how to bust it out
[03:39:16] Dagmar: ctrl-alt-backspace should do it
[03:39:51] santas_slayer: :p
[03:40:10] hads: Anduin: It's close I think. Easily watchable, which it wasn't before.
[03:40:40] hads: Anduin: It seems to calm down once it's been going for 20 seconds or so.
[03:40:44] Vantage13 (Vantage13! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:42:56] Vantage13: hi, recently my myth box has had problems with audio sync, popping audio, and pixelation at random intervals. I haven't been able to track it down yet, but I've found this in my myth log
[03:42:59] Vantage13:
[03:43:10] Vantage13: Can anyone tell me what that might mean?
[03:43:34] Dagmar: It means a corrupted stream is coming from the tuner, apparently
[03:43:38] hads: Vantage13: What type of capture card?
[03:43:49] Vantage13: hads: 2 pvr-150's
[03:43:51] Dagmar: If you didn't make any software changes, it's probably time to run memtest86
[03:44:03] hads: Vantage13: Not getting too hot?
[03:44:39] Anduin: should also dmesg and make sure things aren't being dropped
[03:44:44] Vantage13: hads: no idea.. I *think* (though I have no proof, that it may be happening when either two programs are recording or two are recording and commercial flagging is running...
[03:45:00] Vantage13: cpu is only sitting at about 50% usage though
[03:45:54] mljohns4 (mljohns4! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:46:24] Vantage13: here's the dmesg output
[03:46:25] Vantage13:
[03:46:37] Vantage13: looks like something up with ivtv1 at the end there...
[03:46:42] hads: On my old system I used to see that occasionally. It appeared to be the firmware getting into a strange state as only a cold boot would fix it.
[03:46:51] Dagmar: bzzt!
[03:46:55] Dagmar: "ivtv1 warning: No memory on buffer alloc!:
[03:47:24] Dagmar: Why is there this other stuff in dmesg output tho
[03:47:33] Vantage13: Dagmar: I have no idea :)
[03:47:51] Dagmar: How much RAM do you have in that box?
[03:48:10] tjcarter: sortof TV related, kindof..
[03:48:21] Vantage13: Dagmar: 512MB
[03:48:25] Dagmar: I get the feeling that lines 10–22 mean something bad is happening
[03:48:26] hads: Anduin: See the timing of these pauses here; – After the last one there are none for n minutes.
[03:50:04] Dagmar: Okay
[03:50:19] Vantage13: Dagmar: so what does that message mean?
[03:50:22] Dagmar: Google hints that this is probablhy a result of the OOM killer coming out to play
[03:50:25] Dagmar: This is not good
[03:50:31] Tanthrix: tjcarter: The sad thing is that I think I know what episode that is from..
[03:51:29] Dagmar: I would make sure the box is only trying to do two jobs at once
[03:51:46] Dagmar: ...and I'd check your memory usage.
[03:52:04] Dagmar: SHell into the machine with ssh and take a look-see at what's gobbling all yer ram
[03:52:08] Vantage13: Dagmar: currently it's watching live tv, recording one program. It also looks like two mthcommflag processes are running
[03:52:09] tjcarter: Tanthrix: which one?
[03:52:15] Dagmar: the OOM killer is VERY uncaring about what it kills
[03:52:39] tjcarter: Dagmar: init =D
[03:52:47] Dagmar: Vantage13: I didn't say "tell me about it", I said "make sure the thing is only running two jobs at once". I.e., check your configutation
[03:52:55] Vantage13: Dagmar: currently mythfrontend is eating 17.5%, and each mythcommflag is eating about 9% of ram
[03:53:02] Anduin: hads: Yeah, I normally see the occasionally ones at the start, this is at 1x?
[03:53:13] Dagmar: Again, I didn't say "tell me about it"
[03:53:24] Vantage13: Dagmar: what should I be checking in the config then?
[03:53:44] Dagmar: That it's set to only run a max of two jobs at once
[03:53:55] Vantage13: Dagmar: commercial flagging or recording?
[03:53:59] Dagmar: Looks like your'e running out of DMA buffers somehow
[03:54:06] hads: Anduin: Yeah, 1x. It appears to be as smooth as 13654 after a bit more playing around.
[03:54:17] Dagmar: When you actually look in the setup menus and find the option, that question will be meaningless
[03:54:23] tjcarter: actually, I think the OOM killer won't kill init.
[03:54:37] tjcarter: too bad, because that will definitely solve your OOM problem.
[03:54:47] Dagmar: The OOM killer goes after what was hopefully sucking down the resources first
[03:55:07] Dagmar: init isn't likely to ever use much more than the smidgen of RAM it ever does
[03:55:09] Anduin: hads: Thanks for trying the patch (I added it to the ticket as well)
[03:55:13] tjcarter: Dagmar: it should go after init first. >=)
[03:55:16] Tanthrix: tjcarter: Manage a Troi – he's pretending to profess his undying love to Lwaxanna Troi
[03:55:36] hads: Anduin: No problem. Thank you.
[03:55:45] tjcarter: Tanthrix: nerd.
[03:55:48] Dagmar:
[03:56:02] tjcarter: Tanthrix: crap, the fact that I know you're right ... nevermind.
[03:56:03] Tanthrix: tjcarter: You better believe it. But in fairness to me, I did have to look up the name of the episode...;)
[03:56:21] tjcarter: I didn't. =D
[03:56:31] tjcarter: And I'm not a trekkie by any means.
[03:56:41] Tanthrix: Certainly not.
[03:56:44] tjcarter: I generally like my Sci Fi without reset buttons.
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[03:58:01] Dagmar: HAH actually the OOM killer won't ever kill init. It's hard-coded to not touch pid 1.
[03:58:03] tjcarter: Too bad every time Majel takes something from daddy's notebook and attempts to produce that, someone like Berman or Braga get involved to screw it up for everyone.
[03:58:06] Dagmar: So much for people respawning init.
[03:58:09] Vantage13: Dagmar: the only reference in the setup menus to jobs I can find is user jobs, and none of those are selected... care to give a hint?
[03:58:29] Dagmar: No.
[03:58:43] tjcarter: Dagmar: now see, that patch should be reversed. Not as in, remove that hardcode, but reverse that hardcode. Always go after init.
[03:58:46] tjcarter: surest fix.
[03:58:56] Vantage13: Dagmar: gee, thanks.
[03:58:58] tjcarter: That'll learn ya not to buy enough RAM!
[03:59:02] Dagmar: I think there's some kernel devs who hate OOM in principle who would agree with you
[03:59:15] Dagmar: Vantage13: It's not my fault if you can't find something in a set of menus
[03:59:26] tjcarter: Dagmar: Would you believe I used to write games? =)
[03:59:33] Vantage13: Dagmar: you mean the needle in the haystack?
[03:59:37] Dagmar: You should also probably make sure you're using the latest version of ivtv for the kernel you're using
[03:59:49] Dagmar: Vantage13: I didn't write the setup menus so don't blame me
[03:59:58] tjcarter: 3 fps more and it costs you just 600k? EASY choice!
[04:00:08] Vantage13: Dagmar: sure, but if you know where it is you could point me in the right direction...
[04:00:08] Dagmar: I'm wandering around in them like a deranged nomad just like everyone else
[04:01:00] Tanthrix: Never have I heard the state of mythtv's menus so articulately stated.
[04:01:45] Dagmar: THe only more tedious thing I've ever done was playing A Tale In The Desert III
[04:02:11] tjcarter: 85 fps with vsync in exchange for requiring 256 MB video card instead of 128? Obviously.
[04:02:21] Dagmar: ...and that only beats out running strace on an X11R6 *compile* by a small margin
[04:02:53] Dagmar: darn coffee house is closing. Pfft
[04:03:44] ** tjcarter would like to see a very lightweight version of Mythfrontend designed to be embedded in stuff like Front Row on Macs =) **
[04:04:14] tjcarter: Should greatly simplify the menus since you wouldn't need all of the plugin support..
[04:05:44] tjcarter: I have given up trying to build my own Mythfrontend. I can't get a Qt that will actually do so.
[04:07:45] tjcarter: Probably better off using native stuff, libmysql, and Core Video
[04:07:54] cogswell: Auduin: any options reccomended for mencoder for dvd ripping?
[04:08:25] tjcarter: -oac pass  ? =)
[04:08:50] cogswell: got that one :) just not sure if i need to turn off the noise it spews or anything like that
[04:08:53] tjcarter: select the AC3 track and leave it alone.
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[04:14:17] tjcarter: okay, I found the coolest VG tune on OCRemix and it's about 3 minutes too short.
[04:15:39] santas_slayer: loop it
[04:15:56] jhatch (jhatch! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:17:02] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:17:19] tjcarter: Nah, it's not something you'd loop
[04:17:52] tjcarter: It's probably the best version of the original Final Fantasy Temple of Fiends music I've heard
[04:19:08] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has quit (Connection timed out)
[04:19:50] zdzisekg: any linux audio experts here?
[04:21:57] tjcarter: probably a couple.
[04:22:54] zdzisekg: I can't seem to find a solution to my ac3 audio volume being very low.
[04:23:23] zdzisekg: my mythbox is connected to an external amp via an 2ch analog jack
[04:24:02] Tanthrix: zdzisekg: You sure you've got everything turned up in aumix / alsamixer ?
[04:24:20] zdzisekg: went over it many times, all sliders are way up
[04:24:42] tjcarter: I have a low volume problem with my STB, so the problem could be there.
[04:24:46] Tanthrix: Do you hear all the channels coming through?
[04:24:55] tjcarter: when I pull off the tuner, volume is overdriven
[04:25:07] tjcarter: when I pull off the audio input, it's very quiet
[04:25:31] Tanthrix: If all the channels are there being downmixed properly, then it's probably just something you'll have to live with
[04:25:39] zdzisekg: how would I test, it's downmixed to 2ch obviously
[04:25:43] tjcarter: it was acceptable with a recording profile set to 100% recording volume
[04:25:52] JeffATL (JeffATL! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:25:54] Tanthrix: Well, I just mean if it sounds funny or not, like the main channel is missing or something
[04:25:57] tjcarter: play another sound on mythbox
[04:26:32] zdzisekg: it sounds just fine, just the volume on HD channels is much lower then 2ch stereo
[04:26:35] tjcarter: that or get yourself a sound card with a toslink connector or so
[04:27:03] tjcarter: oh, just for HD channels
[04:27:08] tjcarter: you may not be able to fix that =(
[04:27:29] tjcarter: actually, I wonder..
[04:27:33] zdzisekg: HD channels and anything with ac3 audio, like a divix movie
[04:27:35] cogswell (cogswell! has quit ()
[04:27:49] tjcarter: can I select a recording profile default based on the input used maybe?
[04:28:40] tjcarter: preferably with the profile being selected according to input despite rescheduling inputs?
[04:29:14] JeffATL: the gentoo mythtv howto seems broken right out of the gate – manip of package.mask and package.use throws errors at "emerge -1 =x11-libs/qt-3*" saying "!!! Multiple versions within a single package slot have been
[04:29:14] JeffATL: !!! pulled into the dependency graph:"
[04:29:50] tjcarter: JeffATL: Congratulations, welcome to Gentoo!
[04:30:23] JeffATL: tjcarter: i've used gentoo for many years, but this is the kind of wall that mythtv slams you into if you're using gentoo
[04:30:48] hiredgoon (hiredgoon! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:31:01] tjcarter: actually, it's the wall the person who built the myth ebuild and the qt ebuild and the ... yeah, slam you into collectively.
[04:31:14] tjcarter: You get similar situations with Ubuntu prior to Feisty if you have NV card
[04:31:32] tjcarter: you couldn't install correct qt to compile Myth with NV drivers installed.
[04:32:37] tjcarter: I blame Branden Robinson, partly because he and I never liked eachother, but also because Ubuntu mostly just recycles his X packages from Debian wholesale, and he hates NV cards/drivers and doesn't care if his packages don't cooperate with same  ;)
[04:32:52] zdzisekg: ok, looking at . . . dec/ac3dec.c does anyone know how the values in table on line 127 work?
[04:33:39] tjcarter: zdzisekg: why the hell are you fiddling with that exactly?
[04:34:26] zdzisekg: tjcarter, I haven't fiddle with it yet, just looking for a way to boost the volume on ac3 downmixed to 2ch
[04:34:30] JeffATL: tjcarter: as things now stand, it appears as though emerging qt will bring in qt-3.3.4-r8 along with tons of other stuff
[04:34:35] zdzisekg: is that a right place to do?
[04:35:01] tjcarter: zdzisekg: oh hell, why not. =D
[04:35:23] tjcarter: zdzisekg: increase the center channel probably.
[04:36:04] JeffATL: tjcarter: seems to me that is at least the desired end result regardless of portage bitching
[04:36:18] tjcarter: JeffATL: agreed.
[04:37:11] zdzisekg: tjcarter, center channel is up at 95%
[04:37:21] tjcarter: JeffATL: although, I think it causes me to reiterate my interest in a lightweight myth frontend for desktop systems which doesn't necessarily depend on Qt
[04:37:43] tjcarter: zdzisekg: that's not how I read that table, but I am not sure I know how to read the table either, so..
[04:38:37] JeffATL: tjcarter: i can certainly see your point – if it can't deal with qt4 as it is, why not just do away with any qt?
[04:38:57] tjcarter: Myth uses QT pretty heavily
[04:39:41] tjcarter: although, Qt is only used because it makes the existing frontend very easy to do what it does with all of the things it does..
[04:40:00] tjcarter: video, multithreading, widgets, OpenGL, MySQL, etc..
[04:40:47] tjcarter: Mattias once explained to me that Qt was not really a widget set but a way of life. I thought he was kidding. A couple major versions of Qt later, I believe him.  ;)
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[04:41:34] JeffATL: tjcarter: note
[04:42:26] tjcarter: Actually, the Windows frontend, whatsitcalled, the one that has nothing to do with MythTV at all and doesn't care to play by Myth's rules.. It's got a great non-dedicated desktop computer interface to your recordings.
[04:43:02] adante: tapeworm?
[04:43:11] tjcarter: that's the one.
[04:43:22] JeffATL: cute name for it
[04:44:46] tjcarter: I imagine a frontend that behaves like it or perhaps something like iTunesalike programs have to sort through your recordings. Then watch them in a window or fullscreen using something that could look like the current Myth OSD
[04:45:21] tjcarter: My primary workstation is my Mac though, and I'm in the same boat as you for Qt on it.
[04:46:08] tjcarter: Which is fecking annoying because the workarounds for a couple of significant bugs in the only precompiled Mythfrontend for Mac are pretty well documented.
[04:46:27] tjcarter: I just can't actually get a Qt that will build it =p
[04:47:26] tcpsyn: Evening Gentlemen
[04:47:46] tjcarter: and I'm not about to start writing a frontend of my own without the ability to compile a known working quantity!
[04:48:44] tjcarter: If I did, I'd probably write it in C for GTK/Glade with as much insulation from GTK's guts as I could.
[04:49:29] ** tjcarter has dark plans to shove such a simplified recordings-only frontend into Mac's Front Row and/or Apple TV.. **
[04:50:04] tjcarter: Next version of Front Row basically is Apple TV without streaming from another iTunes.
[04:52:01] JeffATL: tjcarter: you're saying that once i have a gentoo mythtv box running (i've done it once, so it's not too outlandish an idea) i ahve a path forward to connect a frontend to it running on a macbook pro?
[04:52:17] ** kormoc points at the OS X frontends **
[04:53:02] tjcarter: kormoc: has sigifnicant (unfixed at any point in the past YEAR despite known fixes) bugs.
[04:53:24] ** kormoc shrugs **
[04:53:26] tjcarter: like, w to change aspect? Doesn't even pretend to try.
[04:53:27] kormoc: that I donno bout
[04:53:40] tjcarter: Fix is to actually use Core Video for that stuff
[04:53:48] tjcarter: patch exists =D
[04:54:04] tjcarter: but you have to have a Qt that can build Myth and I can't seem to get one.
[04:54:18] ** kormoc wonders if anyone here would like to buy a used Pc Power and Cooling 510 ATX Delux power supply **
[04:54:39] kormoc: There's people on the -dev list who do build it, but I donno how happy it is tho
[04:55:10] tjcarter: yeah, I want to know where they get their dead chickens to make it compile.
[05:01:25] iuaudio (iuaudio! has quit ("KVIrc 3.2.5 Anomalies")
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[05:20:47] floppyears: hi
[05:20:55] floppyears: what do you guys think about the following system setup ?
[05:21:15] tjcarter: It's not following yet.
[05:21:16] floppyears: is the cpu or motherboard overkill ? what about ram ? do I need faster ram ?
[05:21:28] tjcarter: can't read minds. =D
[05:22:21] tjcarter: (don't mind me, I'm in a weird state tonight)
[05:22:37] hatredx: them specs are WAY to high
[05:22:47] hatredx: wait, no ... way to low.
[05:22:51] floppyears: which oens
[05:23:06] hatredx: the second ones
[05:23:30] tjcarter: floppyears: you might have to give us some specs before we can guess.
[05:23:43] tjcarter: otherwise we'll guess you need to spend lots more money =D
[05:23:53] tjcarter: because that's always a safe answer.
[05:24:22] piecesandbits (piecesandbits! has quit ("Leaving")
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[05:25:47] floppyears:
[05:25:54] floppyears: arg, I forget about giving the url
[05:27:53] floppyears: is the cup or motherboard too much in that link ?
[05:28:00] floppyears: what about ram ? do I need faster ?
[05:29:12] chakie_work (chakie_work! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:29:24] chakie_work: good morning
[05:29:31] kormoc: floppyears, what's a '1 GN'? :P
[05:30:24] tjcarter: floppyears: My thoughts: No case selling for $65 is actually reasonable for anything, IME. Any AMD64 X2 chip is plenty for a PVR-500. You'd probably be happier with two PVR-150's UNLESS you KNOW you will use the AV inputs only. PVR-500 tuners suck, both of them, period.
[05:30:48] tjcarter: floppyears: HD is a good capacity, but do yourself a favor and consider something with a better warranty than a WD.
[05:31:28] kormoc: floppyears, keep in mind, what you're being told is just tjcarter's opinion. Others may and do have different ones, so keep that in mind
[05:31:31] kali67 (kali67! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:31:31] tjcarter: Samsung is 3 years. Seagate is 5. (Maxtor is now Seagate owned, and I have yet to decide that's good or bad for either, but Maxtor drives are AFAIK not 5 year)
[05:31:33] floppyears: thanks guys
[05:31:54] kormoc: tjcarter, and that WD is 5 years
[05:31:58] tjcarter: My opinion is worth what you paid for it of course =D
[05:32:11] tjcarter: kormoc: is it? okay, I sit corrected then.
[05:33:05] tjcarter: 1GB RAM is sufficient for most things. If you plan on doing a lot of transcoding to x264 or something, you might want more RAM or as fast a processor as you can afford.
[05:33:22] floppyears: tjcarter: why should I go with 2 150 instead of 1 500 hauppage ?
[05:33:27] tjcarter: If you want games with OpenGL, that FX 5200 is going to blow.
[05:33:41] tjcarter: floppyears: because you'll never get the right signal strength on the 500.
[05:33:45] kormoc: tjcarter,
[05:33:59] kormoc: floppyears, some people have signal level issues with a 500, not everyone mind you
[05:33:59] tjcarter: floppyears: tuner 1 will be overdriven and tuner 2 will be too fuzzy to watch.
[05:34:06] k-man_ (k-man_!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:34:31] kormoc: floppyears, some people can correct it with a rf repeater, others just can't get a clean enough signal to do so
[05:34:48] tjcarter: kormoc: I got better results without the repeater actually
[05:35:00] kormoc: tjcarter, heh, fair 'nuff
[05:35:00] floppyears: hmm
[05:35:06] tjcarter: maybe it's because my repeater's outputs are each designed to drive one TV.
[05:35:11] tjcarter: radioshack.
[05:35:40] kormoc: floppyears, as with everything, your results will vary wildly and unpredictably
[05:36:28] tjcarter: My solution was to go without the repeater with tuner on input 1 and to use a STB on the svideo of input 2
[05:36:47] tjcarter: If I ever become totally satisfied with the STB, I'll get two, they're small  ;)
[05:36:57] tjcarter: SA3250HD
[05:37:06] floppyears: darn, and I thought buying a hauppage 500 would be safe
[05:37:08] tjcarter: channel changed over Firewire
[05:37:39] tjcarter: the two 150s is safe. The one 500 may work well for you, but a lot of people just can't seem to catch a break with it.
[05:38:02] tjcarter: You might also consider one 150 and one ATSC/NTSC hybrid card..
[05:38:21] tjcarter: you might get five HDTV channels out of the deal.
[05:38:35] tjcarter: NOVA for the big screen!
[05:39:27] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has quit ()
[05:40:48] floppyears: so to be safe, it's better to go with 2 150 hauppage correct ?
[05:41:01] floppyears: will that motherboard be enough to hold them?
[05:41:14] floppyears: how much power of a power supply is needed ?
[05:41:44] xris: floppyears: 500 literally is two 150s
[05:41:49] floppyears: ok
[05:42:56] floppyears: out of the tv tuners from newegg in here . . . ;x=0&y=0
[05:43:01] floppyears: which one would you guys recommend ?
[05:43:11] floppyears: there's more than 2 hauppage 150 :(
[05:43:29] tjcarter: xris: yeah, but the inputs to the tuners are ganged, and this is maybe not a good thing.
[05:43:59] xris: tjcarter: doesn't make much of a difference.. either you split in the card, or you buy a splitter and add some cable to pick up stray signals
[05:44:41] tjcarter: xris: most people have no trouble getting good signal on first tuner of a 500.
[05:44:57] tjcarter: it's a balancing act, but it's doable.
[05:45:07] tjcarter: Tuner 2 is hard.
[05:45:27] mycroes (mycroes! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[05:45:50] tjcarter: floppyears: I'd get the MCE model
[05:46:18] floppyears: tjcarter: why ?
[05:46:20] tjcarter: floppyears: if you're getting MCE remote, you don't need the first one, and the MCE model doesn't make you fiddle with 35mm adapters
[05:46:36] tjcarter: the non-MCE comes with a remote and IR receiver.
[05:46:44] floppyears: I'm going to be buying the ms mce remote separately
[05:46:58] tjcarter: are you getting one with a USB receiver?
[05:47:19] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:47:39] floppyears: yes, that's the one that I'm planning on getting
[05:47:48] floppyears: it was recommended to me in this channel earlier today
[05:47:54] kormoc: there's a MCE remote without a usb receiver?
[05:48:25] floppyears: <- that's the remote that I plan on getting
[05:48:55] tjcarter: I don't like the remote that comes with the non-MCE 150 anyway.
[05:49:11] floppyears: tjcarter: so which one are you recommending ?
[05:49:21] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[05:49:41] tjcarter: Well, as I said, MCE cards don't bother to include remotes (assumed you'll use MCE remote)
[05:49:48] kormoc: floppyears, that's the remote I like
[05:50:10] tjcarter: and they have proper RCA audio inputs, which is convenient.
[05:50:19] floppyears: kormoc: I'm buying it just because I think usb is easier than dealing with lirc + you like it :)
[05:50:38] kormoc: you'll still need lirc, it's just brain dead simple :)
[05:50:50] floppyears: ok
[05:50:53] tjcarter: can't you just use kernel driver for MCE?
[05:51:07] floppyears: so basically you guys are recommmending the 2nd tuner in that list ? what about the last tuner in that list ?
[05:51:09] kormoc: the kernel driver is for the keyboard
[05:51:18] kormoc: just so happens to also support using the remote and blaster with lirc
[05:51:56] tjcarter: You can for the ATI, but the ATI remote is as ugly as Lindsay Lohan at 6am the morning after she's been partying.
[05:51:59] kormoc: floppyears, the LP is just low profile, it's just smaller, no difference
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[05:52:53] floppyears: ok, so I'll go with the 2nd in the list
[05:53:12] cann (cann! has quit ("Changing server")
[05:53:33] floppyears: now, it almost feels like a waste to have 2 tuner cards when I'm going to be using only 1 most of the time
[05:53:48] tjcarter: I have a Firefly 2 remote. Not that great either, but it's RF. It ALMOST works with the ati/x10 driver. I modified the driver so it did work, but I lost it in a HD crash two weeks ago =(
[05:54:02] tjcarter: someone did post lirc config for it though
[05:54:15] tjcarter: It's not braindead simple. I'm considering the MCE remote possibility.
[05:54:31] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[05:55:23] floppyears: what other online store would you guys recommend that is as good and reliable as newegg to look for prices ?
[05:55:48] kormoc: I like Directron (doubtful they'll have tv cards tho)
[05:57:59] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has quit ("ASCII a stupid question, get a stupid ANSI!")
[05:58:25] floppyears: hmm
[05:59:57] tjcarter: I actually miss one of the older Hauppauge remotes
[06:00:06] tjcarter: I never actually had one myself, but I really liked it
[06:00:30] mikeones (mikeones! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:00:37] tjcarter: Sold with the PVR-350
[06:00:46] tjcarter:
[06:01:04] tjcarter: But then, I used to own a Sony TiVo.
[06:01:29] tjcarter: That's almost identical layout
[06:01:43] tcpsyn: I should get my pchdtv card tomorrow
[06:01:47] tcpsyn: I'm psyched
[06:01:53] floppyears: kormoc: how are they with customer support, delivery and prices ?
[06:01:57] tcpsyn: and an actual dvi->hdmi cable
[06:01:58] tcpsyn: heh
[06:02:10] tcpsyn: since I've tried to avoid it in every possible way
[06:02:41] kormoc: floppyears, directron? Customer support, been quite happy, delivery, always been great, and prices tend to be around the same as other places
[06:02:52] floppyears: thanks kormoc
[06:03:09] floppyears: I notice form their website that they have a 10th year anniversary, that's quite something for the web
[06:03:30] kormoc: Yeah, been ordering from them off and on for say, 7 years now or so
[06:03:40] tcpsyn: ordering what?
[06:03:48] tjcarter: I recently saw a reasonably small (for native 1080) LCD TV with native 1080 that was reasonably priced. I can't remember which it was now.
[06:03:49] kormoc: not the best site, but everytime I needed to talk to them, was great
[06:03:56] kormoc: tcpsyn, talking bout directron
[06:04:07] tcpsyn: never heard of it
[06:04:34] kormoc: tcpsyn, web store I happen to like :)
[06:05:15] tcpsyn: ah, never heard of this one.
[06:05:23] tcpsyn: you dig them over newegg or zoomfly?
[06:05:30] chakie_work: is mythtv supposed to be able to scan dvb-c channels? for me it just directly fails when i start the scan, even if the frequency and symbol rates are valid. the dvb cards have worked fine for years with VDR
[06:05:50] kormoc: tcpsyn, I tend to order from them if the price is the same or lower, aye
[06:06:10] chakie_work: mythtv does find the cards and show the correct frontends and some other data
[06:06:31] kormoc: tcpsyn, they also sell somewhat less popular stuff, which comes in handy dealing with older hardware and the like
[06:07:10] tcpsyn: a 60 gig nas for 1600?
[06:07:16] tcpsyn: bejesus
[06:08:12] jthomas_work (jthomas_work! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:13:30] chakie_work: is it possible to get some more informational messages from mythtv while doing channel scans? right now it only prints something like "scan failed" on stdout. or is it better do use some real dvb app to do the scan and feed mythtv a ready channels.conf?
[06:13:57] chakie_work: the docs are very brief on this subject
[06:14:18] kormoc: chakie_work, might get a better result by asking on the -users mailing list
[06:14:48] chakie_work: kormoc: ok, perhaps the list has an archive too
[06:14:54] kormoc: it does
[06:15:01] chakie_work: i'll check there first
[06:15:12] vallor: okay, I've browsed around and for this one, no joy — for some reason, mythbackend sets my wintv-pvr usb2 to only give audio out the right-hand channel, left channel is silent — I've verified this with mplayer, and I'm about to drill down through /sys/class/pvrusb2 to find what bit needs to be flipped — but was wondering, has an
[06:15:13] vallor: yone seen this before?
[06:17:14] JeffATL (JeffATL! has quit ("Leaving")
[06:19:34] chakie_work: quite a few have scanning problems, it seems :)
[06:20:02] chakie_work: i'm so used to VDR where this part is a no-brainer (but a lot of other stuff then is more or less impossible)
[06:21:27] jk1joel (jk1joel! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:22:49] tjcarter: The municipality. Honor. Valor. Buttor.
[06:22:56] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:28:38] floppyears: how many tuners do you guys have in your mythtv boxes ?
[06:29:34] Tanthrix: Two in mine, plus firewire, so a total of 3.
[06:30:59] czth__ (czth__!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-f61cc22f080d5b25) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:31:27] chakie_work: my box would have two dvb-c and one dvb-s
[06:31:36] GlemSom: I just have 3 tuners – but I only use the 2 of them (Don't use the tuner on the PVR-350)
[06:32:07] Tanthrix: I'd only have one if I could get everything I wanted from it, very rarely do I have conflicts
[06:36:33] xris: floppyears: zero, and proud of it. firewire for the win.
[06:37:44] squidly (squidly!n=craig@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:38:21] floppyears: wow
[06:38:30] floppyears: chakie_work: what's dvb-c and dvb-s ?
[06:38:44] floppyears: xris: firewire? is that form satellite? cable or what ?
[06:39:17] chakie_work: floppyears: cable and satellite dvb
[06:39:35] chakie_work: floppyears: digital video broadcasting, used a lot in europe
[06:39:40] vallor: I don't blame you guys for not knowing the answer to the pvr usb2 dilemma, it's might be something in the driver. crazy that it worked fine on my old workstation, but this one would have such a specific problem
[06:39:55] vallor: -'s
[06:40:19] floppyears: chakie_work: you're lucky here, in the us,lots of stuff is just crap :(
[06:40:58] chakie_work: floppyears: well, over here the dvb transmissions are often far too heavily compressed, so the image quality just sucks
[06:41:54] chakie_work: but it does seem like mythtv isn't the way to go for seamless timeshifting and recording of dvb stuff anyway
[06:42:33] floppyears: oh
[06:44:09] xris: floppyears: firewire from digital cable (US)
[06:45:37] chakie_work: is the us moving to digital hd?
[06:46:09] floppyears: chakie_work: I think so, and I'm waiting for prices of tvs to decrease
[06:46:14] floppyears: xris: oh
[06:46:57] xris: floppyears: plenty of info in the mythtv wiki
[06:47:06] xris: chakie_work: what other kind of broadcast HD is there?
[06:47:20] xris: only way to get analog HD is with component connectors (old devices)
[06:47:47] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-bd949954f3512593) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[06:48:20] chakie_work: xris: well, the question was a bit bad, yeah
[06:53:07] kormoc: chakie_work, there's a ton of people using myth with dvb, you might just be using a bad driver or a buggy version of myth, hence why asking on the -users list would be best
[06:53:09] floppyears: how can a vcr co-live with mythtv ?
[06:53:26] floppyears: meaning I may want to play a vhs once in a while
[06:54:00] chakie_work: kormoc: the list seems to be full of dvb related questions, but little answers
[06:54:53] chakie_work: kormoc: but i'll gather up some kernel logs etc before posting, better chance to get some help then
[06:55:14] chakie_work: kormoc: and the cards & drivers have been working well for years
[06:56:10] chakie_work: just getting a "scan failed" message doesn't make anyone happy, perhaps even some real error message, errno:s or similar would be of infinitely more help when tracking problems
[06:56:16] otwin (otwin! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:56:45] kormoc: chakie_work, there's logging in the backend, and the frontend outputs logging to the term window, you can reditect to a file and increase the output level as well
[06:57:40] chakie_work: kormoc: the backend isn't even running yet, this is from mythtv-setup
[06:57:56] kormoc: well, it outputs to a term window like a frontend would as well I believe
[06:58:12] chakie_work: kormoc: and on the term window there is nothing more then "Scan failed" or similar
[06:58:58] kormoc: might want to try --verbosity all (or is it --verbose...)
[06:58:59] chakie_work: it does print a lot more related to other things it did setup ok, but this particular operation has little logging (unless it uses syslog?)
[06:59:15] chakie_work: ok, that i will try
[06:59:41] chakie_work: can a started mythtv-setup be stopped and restarted without having to redo everything?
[06:59:47] kormoc: yeah
[07:01:02] chakie_work: nice
[07:01:41] chakie_work: i'll check that when i get home, if there isn't any more logging that helps me track down what's wrong, i'll ask on the mailing list
[07:01:47] chakie_work: kormoc: thanks a lot
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[07:29:12] Solv (Solv! has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:33:06] Solv: does anybody know if I can trust xine to play audio sync accurately from an iso made with mytharchive? I have made an iso of a show, and the audio sync is a little out...but I'm wondering if it has more to do with the player than with the actual mythtranscode job
[07:34:09] juski: Solv: here's a tip: mytharchive shouldn't be making dvds with out of sync audio
[07:39:12] juski: xine isn't known for playing audio out of sync. if you think xine might be at fault, try a different player
[07:40:07] Solv: juski, well I've only tried it a couple of times, and I have upgraded since the first time...but it still does it...I will try mplayer as well I guess...just don't want to burn it to DVD if it is out of sync
[07:40:23] Solv: btw, is there a way around it if it is mytharchive?
[07:44:05] juski: are you going from .nuv to mpeg2?
[07:44:33] juski: i.e. is your tuner card a framegrabber? I'd suggest ditching it. You know there are good reasons why I don't recommend framegrabbers
[07:44:40] Solv: nope...from mpeg2...transcoding is just for the cut list
[07:44:53] Solv: DVB OTA card
[07:44:55] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:44:55] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[07:44:55] Solv: SD
[07:45:19] juski: wouldn't have thought it'd even have a chance to get out of sync then
[07:45:26] Solv: I have a suspicion it has something to do with the cut lists...but I'm not certain
[07:45:35] Solv: yeah me neither
[07:45:54] Solv: it doesn't even have to re-encode either video or audio
[07:47:10] Solv: does demux it and then remux it
[07:47:16] Solv: just watching the logs now
[07:47:38] Solv: so maybe it stuffs it up during that process...
[07:49:25] Solv: I have been thinking about just finding the file and loading it into cinellera, cutting it up myself and all that, but it's a fairly long process...specially cause I have to move the file over to another pc via 22mbps wireless
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[07:54:29] DanielHolth (DanielHolth!n=dholth@2002:18aa:c17b:1:211:2fff:fed5:f7c7) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:56:56] DanielHolth: Any tips on choppy audio?
[07:57:14] DanielHolth: I've tried all the variations on nvidia-settings and xvmc, and vlc plays the same hdtv without problems.
[07:57:58] kormoc: did you try playing with the "enable extra audio buffers" and "aggressive audio buffering" options?
[08:01:01] rn114 (rn114! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:01:53] DanielHolth: I wonder whether mythtv is using a different sampling rate than my card is using.
[08:02:05] DanielHolth: I did play with them, but the result is about the same either way.
[08:02:22] DanielHolth: And I can't seem to find other decent tv players for atsc...
[08:12:53] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit ("Leaving")
[08:13:29] pretender (pretender! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:14:20] juski: if your system can't keep up with playing HDTV mpeg2, it might be time to think about an upgrade. Yeah so VLC plays the stuff okay – so what? ;)
[08:14:27] pretender: can anyone help with the sound pausing in recordings every 10 seconds or so. Live TV is fine
[08:14:54] juski: pretender: more info needed!
[08:15:15] juski: btw livetv IS a recording
[08:15:18] DanielHolth: Where is the option to save either the complete TS or just the PS?
[08:15:25] pretender: system specs sempron 3000+ 512 RAM Nvidea 5200 and hauppage 150
[08:15:42] juski: pretender: and you're not using the nv drivers right?
[08:15:57] pretender: ristricted drivers?
[08:16:02] juski: install the *nvidia* drivers
[08:16:11] pretender: where do i get them from
[08:16:26] pretender: running ubuntu
[08:16:30] juski: from your friendly local repository, usually
[08:17:04] juski:
[08:17:05] pretender: what do i search for just nvidea or something in particular
[08:17:13] pretender: thanx
[08:19:55] pretender: i'm already running the binary driver System → Administration → Restricted Devices
[08:20:21] DanielHolth: Is there a driver for the pchdtv5000 remote control sensor?
[08:21:17] juski: pretender: really? then you shouldn't be seeing playback problems on that machine. something is very very wrong
[08:22:02] pretender: any idea is my pc under speced
[08:22:13] juski: lol no way
[08:22:35] pretender: what specs are you running mytht on
[08:22:39] juski: pretender: what kind of tuner card are you using?
[08:23:00] juski: DanielHolth: you can no longer choose to record the TS or PS in mythtv-setup
[08:23:05] pretender: hauppage pvr 150 the one with mpeg 2 encoding
[08:23:07] DanielHolth: what does it do?
[08:23:09] kormoc: pretender, my old mythbox was a celeron 2.13 ghz with 256 megs of ram and a pvr 250
[08:23:29] juski: pretender: my 800mhz athlon can play SDTV mpeg2 without any problems
[08:23:51] pretender: ok config some where i gather
[08:23:53] juski: and it has 512MB RAM. and it can serve 2 other frontends with recordings at the same time
[08:24:14] juski: pretender: the only thing to differentiate livetv & scheduled recordings is your recording profiles
[08:24:27] juski: pretender: if you've not messed with any settings in there they should be fine
[08:24:38] juski: anyway I need to get to work
[08:24:51] pretender: okhave a good one
[08:25:35] chakie_work: so a sempron 3600 should be fast enough to run mythtv and play some sd dvb material without grinding to a halt? i'm so used to VDR which uses the hardware decoders and runs on a p2–333 just fine
[08:26:42] slaine_ (slaine_!n=glengray@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[08:27:42] pretender: anyone out there from australia?
[08:33:02] pretender (pretender! has quit ("Leaving")
[08:34:05] DanielHolth: My ATSC tuner also has some audio buffer problems with SD.
[08:34:07] hobophobe (hobophobe! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:34:09] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:34:46] hobophobe: On several of the OSD themes the timecount features a font with an anomalous number 2 .. it looks like it has a dash through the middle .. is there a known fix/cause?
[08:39:10] otwin (otwin! has left #mythtv-users ()
[08:40:31] hobophobe: The fonts themselves appear fine, I'll try adding symlinks to them in the main theme directory
[08:43:17] zigovr (zigovr! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:44:19] hobophobe: Dpesm
[08:44:24] hobophobe: err, doesn't seem to make a difference.
[08:45:03] hobophobe: for example with Retro-OSD the timefont is specified as Vera.ttf which exists in that directory. if I view that font the 2 is just fine.
[08:49:13] hobophobe: Okay, looking at 5 separate osd.xml files it's the ones that specify a particular fontfile with the font designation that's used for time that have the problem.
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[09:04:06] hobophobe: Yep. Commenting out the font fixed it. I wonder what it's defaulting to?
[09:06:21] floppyears: quick question
[09:06:43] floppyears: I'm trying to decide between: and
[09:07:02] floppyears: the seagage hd has 5 yr warranty and the other one has 5 years
[09:07:11] floppyears: how much does 2 yrs make a difference ?
[09:07:34] floppyears: if a problem occurs with the hd do the manufacturers refund you or fix it ? what do they usually do ?
[09:08:46] hobophobe: Probably you send them the drive and then they send you a new drive or a refurbish one
[09:08:55] floppyears: oh
[09:09:07] hobophobe: I doubt they fix it most of the time probably not worth it to fix
[09:09:16] Dibblah: No, they fix.
[09:09:30] floppyears: in the meantime you are left with no drive ?
[09:09:34] Dibblah: They don't fix _your_ drive and give it back to you, though.
[09:09:39] Dibblah: Yes.
[09:09:40] hobophobe: Ah
[09:10:15] floppyears: oh, so they just give you a used or refurb drive of same capacity ?
[09:10:22] Dibblah: A fear of hobs? What do you have against gear making tools?!?!?
[09:10:40] Dibblah: floppyears: same model.
[09:10:44] hads: Or cooking surfaces.
[09:10:48] hobophobe: It's from a song... hobos meaning bums.. I don't fear them, just liked the name :o)
[09:10:50] floppyears: oh
[09:13:25] adante (adante! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:13:26] adante_ is now known as adante
[09:13:44] DanielHolth: I fixed my audio jitter problem! Now I am using jackd.
[09:14:32] DanielHolth: ALSA sucks! Long live jackd!
[09:14:34] Solv: DanielHolth, are you using it in realtime mode? that could be why it has solved it if it's running in realtime mode
[09:14:42] DanielHolth: I doubt it.
[09:14:45] Solv: DanielHolth, hate to say it...but jack uses alsa
[09:14:58] DanielHolth: I was running mythtv in realtime, but it totally crashed my system.
[09:15:05] DanielHolth: and still had the same problems.
[09:15:09] Solv: jack is just a server that intercepts the audio and then feeds it to the alsa outputs
[09:15:15] DanielHolth: well jack has more time to perfect their alsa.
[09:15:17] DanielHolth: I know how these things work.
[09:15:25] ** DanielHolth can program in C++ **
[09:15:40] hads: Congrats
[09:15:42] Solv: the writers of jack don't write alsa
[09:15:48] DanielHolth: yes, I know.
[09:15:52] Solv: ok
[09:16:05] DanielHolth: It's probably because jackd gives me flexibility with choosing my buffer size.
[09:16:13] Solv: DanielHolth, yeah good point
[09:16:26] DanielHolth: I would imagine the jack authors can spend more time properly using audio drivers than the mythtv drivers.
[09:16:47] Solv: DanielHolth, I understand what you mean now...yep
[09:17:14] Solv: I use jack for everything I can...i wish all programs supported jack, I'd just have it running 24/7
[09:17:20] hobophobe: jackd makes me sad
[09:17:21] DanielHolth: Just today a new channel came online with 4 SD subchannels
[09:17:30] hobophobe: though it seems to mostly work
[09:17:35] DanielHolth: I like DTV
[09:17:59] DanielHolth: You can never have too many incompatible audio APIs right?
[09:18:03] Solv: hobophobe, it sometimes doesn't work when the program relies on a jackplug script, or doesn't implement support for jack properly...
[09:18:29] DanielHolth: Can Mythtv use OpenGL for OSD overlays when in OpenGL mode?
[09:18:44] hobophobe: Solv, yeah... that's my big issue... earlier today I installed LiVeS and it started spewing the jack temp directory and using 100% cpu until I told it not to use jack
[09:19:47] hobophobe: DanielHolth, I think the OpenGL choice is for the pre-playback.. I think the OSD runs off the same thing video will be played off? not sure.
[09:20:04] DanielHolth: not sure.
[09:20:20] DanielHolth: on my machine the OSD display slows things down significantly.
[09:20:33] hobophobe: I tried to take a screenshot of this OSD theme problem I'm having and it was definitely an overlay because the screenshot was blank
[09:21:36] juski: what OSD theme problem?
[09:22:15] hobophobe: The number 2 has a dash through it in some themes... which led me to figure that it's not using the themes custom fonts from the osd.xml file... just confirmed that by commenting them out in one of the themes
[09:22:35] hobophobe: themes that don't use custom fonts have no problem, those that do it's not finding and substituting some weird font with a dash in the middle of 2s
[09:24:31] juski: there's a font scaling issue anyway, just comment out the filename definitions
[09:25:41] hobophobe: Ah, okay
[09:27:16] juski: you can still choose the font used on the OSD in the tv playback settings menu
[09:27:27] juski: just don't use freemono – it SUCKS ;)
[09:28:30] hobophobe: I just figured that out. freesans does look a lot better.. also just enabled closed captioning
[09:29:23] rcxdude (rcxdude! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:31:45] hobophobe: wow, there's actually a change as of 4 days ago to make freesans the default :o)
[09:37:19] juski: yep. and I've changed the svn versions of my OSD themes to make the font definable by the user
[09:37:30] juski: probably saved myself some tickets & email whining there
[09:38:53] hobophobe: On the other hand, you just gave people with bad taste in fonts artistic license :o)
[09:39:04] juski: that's their problem, not mine
[09:39:48] juski: I'll keep the trout on ice for folks who come to me with complaints about comicsans breaking stuff
[09:46:46] pretender (pretender! has quit ("Leaving")
[09:47:14] juski: laga_: did you see the forum posting somebody made about changing the black border of 4:3 content to another colour? I said patches are always welcome & he came back with code changes :D
[09:47:19] DanielHolth (DanielHolth!n=dholth@2002:18aa:c17b:1:211:2fff:fed5:f7c7) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[09:53:36] hobophobe (hobophobe! has quit ("Ommm.......")
[10:06:12] juski: laga_: also been looking at that zenega user forum thread properly – from the basis of what is going on there, it should be possible to put fs454 tv encoder support into the OSS intel driver, thereby doing away with the need for iegd!
[10:06:15] dbatt (dbatt! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:07:50] pat_: yay for mdadm --grow and xfs_grow
[10:12:13] juski: you won't need them with mythtv 0.21's storage groups :D
[10:18:52] chakie_work: the docs refer to 0.21 all over the place, but there is no 0.21 to be downloaded?
[10:19:00] tjcarter: you have to compile it
[10:19:24] ** tjcarter sighs again about qt3 compile that won't **
[10:21:04] juski: of course there's not. it's not finished yet
[10:21:58] chakie_work: ok, so the docs are just future proof
[10:23:32] juski: you can download the source from trunk for what'll eventually become 0.21 of course
[10:23:41] chakie_work: sure
[10:24:03] chakie_work: i just thought i had downloaded, compiled and installed an obsolete version when i read the docs
[10:27:49] k-man_ (k-man_!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has joined #mythtv-users
[10:28:17] juski: laga_: can I become a moderator again so I can ban arnabsaha's sorry ass? ;)
[10:28:43] juski: his profile says he's an embedded system engineer but he doesn't seem to have a brain in his head
[10:43:32] mohamed_ (mohamed_!n=mohamed@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[10:51:42] pat_: juski, I like the redundancy
[10:57:57] juski: pat_: fair enough for the database & stuff, but I always feel recordings are eminently disposable ;)
[10:58:19] k-man_ (k-man_!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:59:19] mohamed_: hi
[10:59:30] mohamed_: i get error while i start watch TV
[10:59:51] mohamed_: it run around few seconds then everything freeze
[10:59:59] mohamed_: when i look at mythbackend.log
[11:00:01] mohamed_: i find this
[11:00:03] pat_: juski: I don't just do mythtv on this machine
[11:00:09] mohamed_: 2007-08–07 12:46:48.901 Preview Error: Previewer file '/home/public/data/videos/tv_shows_1/1604_20070807124645.mpg' is not valid.
[11:01:17] juski: mohamed_: seeing some log output from the backend would help
[11:01:42] mohamed_: ok , moment
[11:02:37] juski: and put the log output into a pastebin, like
[11:07:40] mohamed_: juski, this is part from mythback log
[11:07:44] mohamed_:
[11:11:27] juski: MySQL server has gone away
[11:11:57] juski: that's not good news
[11:12:07] juski: it's very very bad news
[11:12:25] mohamed_: how to know the reason ?
[11:12:31] mohamed_: i use linumce
[11:12:32] juski: the mysql server has crashed or somehow dropped its connection, and that's where your problem comes from
[11:13:01] mohamed_: then i have to look at mysql server first
[11:13:38] juski: if you run out of space on the partition where the database is kept, that could cause the problem
[11:14:24] juski: after that, I'd say go hassle the linuxmce guys about it
[11:14:54] juski: they USE code from mythtv, but what they've done is mostly nothing to do with us here
[11:15:37] duerF (duerF! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[11:15:56] mohamed_: thx, juski i will try to contact them
[11:16:47] juski: linuxmce is VERY beta
[11:17:03] juski: very very beta. I wouldn't trust it as far as I could throw the install disc
[11:17:44] mohamed_: of course u r right the main reason to go with linuxmce is that i couldn't run my DVB card with plutohome
[11:18:06] mohamed_: plutohome use old kernel and when i try to compile dvb drivers i can't
[11:18:19] juski: mohamed_: if you don't need the home automation FLUFF that comes with linuxMCE I would not recommend it at all
[11:18:45] mohamed_: the point is that we need home automation
[11:19:00] mohamed_: mythtv is part from it
[11:19:02] juski: well then you're stuck with it I guess :-P
[11:19:24] mohamed_: otherwise i will separate TV on another pc
[11:20:52] adante_ (adante_! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:23:18] nelius (nelius! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:24:04] nelius: how do i switch the video source in mythfrontedn?
[11:24:34] Merlin83b: y or c
[11:24:36] Merlin83b: I forget.
[11:24:39] juski:
[11:24:42] juski:
[11:25:06] Merlin83b: So helpful, he pasted it twice ;-)
[11:25:12] ** juski burns the docs. nobody ever uses them anyway **
[11:25:49] chakie_work: oh, the mythtv docs are quite good
[11:25:57] juski: eh?!
[11:26:05] chakie_work: i actually read through them before installing
[11:26:08] juski: did somebody IN HERE just admit to reading the docs?!
[11:26:11] ** juski faints **
[11:26:14] Merlin83b: Heh
[11:26:18] k-man__ (k-man__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:26:23] chakie_work: ok, they don't really cover my current problem at all, but that's another issue
[11:26:26] juski: you read them BEFORE installing mythtv?!
[11:26:35] chakie_work: yeah
[11:26:43] juski: you should get checked out by a doctor. that's just plain abnormal
[11:26:51] chakie_work: i've heard that it's the worst bitch project in the universe to get up and running
[11:26:57] juski: or it might just mean you're not retarded ;)
[11:27:14] chakie_work: my last install a few years ago was an utter failure, nothing worked (debian packages...)
[11:27:37] juski: mythtv itself is easy. the hard parts are provided by LIRC, tuner card drivers & video card drivers
[11:28:01] chakie_work: i thought that i'd do the rtfm dance for once, and it did pay off, the install was trivial. the setup isn't yeta working
[11:28:39] juski: so spit it out then. what's not worky?
[11:28:44] chakie_work: i actually think that the etch packages for lirc could work, i even found configs for my remote and the irman driver is simple
[11:28:57] chakie_work: dvb scanning
[11:29:15] chakie_work: but i need to do some more logging to see some real reason for the failure
[11:30:05] juski: try increasing the signal timeout. some dvb card drivers are crappier than others
[11:30:35] tjcarter: "How did that piece of gar--I mean, how did this guy..." <-- not a journalist
[11:30:52] chakie_work: juski: ok, i think it was set to 0, and the scan failed immediately
[11:32:20] tjcarter: Talking head on TV talking about that McClellan dirtbag.
[11:32:27] tjcarter: <--- not a journalist either
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[11:49:24] Dibblah: Bah humbug.
[11:49:36] juski: heh. it's funny looking for old girl friends on facebook. "poke her". yeah.
[11:49:43] adante_ (adante_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:49:59] Dibblah: I'm getting gcc falling over on one of these C2D motherboards.
[11:50:12] Dibblah: Memtest seems to pass, though :(
[11:50:37] Dibblah: CPU hits 32 deg C, so I doubt it's temperature related.
[11:50:58] juski: jees! watch you don't burn yourself/set fire to your house ;)
[11:51:14] Dibblah: Well, it is a rather small cooler.
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[11:54:44] blergit (blergit! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:59:43] MilkBoy: 32C for the cpu? lucky you.. we have like 30C room temp right now..
[12:00:18] juski: I need to get me a modern CPU
[12:01:30] ** MilkBoy is waiting for the Asus G1S to arrive... mmmmm **
[12:03:14] adante__ is now known as adante
[12:03:16] juski: when the h.264 support in ffmpeg is improved (i.e. goes multithreaded), do you reckon a core2 duo 4300 would be gutsy enough?
[12:03:46] juski: just wondering cos I'm not keen on updating unless it's pretty future-proof
[12:05:08] juski: though since it'll only be playing SDTV for the forseeable future I could make do with a much slower processor so long as it's easy to cool silently
[12:05:29] Dibblah: juski: Go laptop ;)
[12:05:40] Dibblah: Or laptop processor, at least.
[12:06:13] juski: why don't they make desktop processors as efficient as laptop ones?
[12:06:16] Dibblah: I must try janneg's patch against this C2D...
[12:06:22] Dibblah: juski: Cost.
[12:06:42] Dibblah: The yields on laptop processors are much worse.
[12:06:46] juski: ah
[12:07:43] juski: pity there's no guide on which CPUs to use in silent scenarios & which coolers to use
[12:07:49] Dibblah: Let's see if it's just mythtv-vid, or if this system is in fact busted :(
[12:08:13] juski: I don't want to waste time & money making a system with a whiney fan ;)
[12:08:13] Dibblah: Well, this specific motherboard I'm using has a standard S478 mount.
[12:08:36] Dibblah: However, all of the mobile desktop motherboards are different.
[12:08:41] juski: I also don't want to spend over the odds if it's not gonna be capable of HDTV playback
[12:08:50] juski: h.264 HD I mean
[12:09:26] juski: it'll also be frustrating because my desktop machine is only an athlon 2800xp :-P
[12:09:34] Dibblah: Yeah. If I understand right, the BBC stuff is 'odd' in some way – It consumes far more horsepower. Not just PAFF / MBAFF differences.
[12:09:43] juski: AVC1
[12:09:57] Dibblah: No – It's h.264.
[12:10:07] juski: h.264 AVC1
[12:11:18] |Tex (|Tex! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:11:25] Dibblah: Interesting.
[12:12:36] |Tex: afternoon all
[12:12:43] adante_ (adante_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[12:19:58] kslater: juski – wouldn't someplace like be a source for the sort of info you're looking for?
[12:20:57] kslater: I think what you're asking, in the general sense of how much computer for how much energy, will become more important to the masses down the road
[12:23:02] cyrexion (cyrexion! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:23:27] cyrexion: Hey guys, can anyone recommend a very good heatsink for a mythbox?
[12:23:49] Dagmar: Anything with lots and lots of fins
[12:24:28] Dagmar: As large a fan on the CPU as you can get, and by large I mean in diameter. 80mm CPU fans are not the common case, but they are quiet
[12:24:51] Dagmar: Larger fan radius == more air for less speed. Rotational speed == noise
[12:25:16] Dagmar: larger surface area of heat sink == more cooling interface
[12:25:21] kslater: you can even get 120mm CPU fan/heatsinks these days
[12:25:30] quicksilver: the zalman super flower is 120mm I think?
[12:25:38] juski: I've seen people's claims of 'silent' & found them all to be BS in the past
[12:25:42] quicksilver: it's very quiet
[12:25:43] Dagmar: Yep.
[12:25:45] juski: 25dBA is noticable in my livingroom
[12:25:47] quicksilver: and it doubles up as a case cooler
[12:25:59] heanol: amd or intel?
[12:26:00] Dagmar: I went through a bunch before I got to Vantec's "stealth" line of chassis fans.
[12:26:01] quicksilver: since it generates pretty good airflow throughout
[12:26:08] kslater: juski – re: my silentpc comment?
[12:26:14] Dagmar: They're cheap and actually as quiet as they claim
[12:26:19] quicksilver: I turned off two of the three case fans in my case
[12:26:28] quicksilver: use mostly the super flower and the PSU fan
[12:26:40] quicksilver: (obviously you want to watch your sensors whilst doing that)
[12:26:40] Dagmar: quicksilver: Rubber grommets?
[12:26:43] juski: kslater: they don't tend to list complete, no nonsense examples. just show me thr frickin money already
[12:26:59] quicksilver: Dagmar: then I got some new hard disks and the whole thing became irrelevant
[12:27:13] quicksilver: Dagmar: 400G barracudas. Nice reliable disks, bloody noising when accessing :)
[12:27:13] Dagmar: You can grommet hard drives, too
[12:27:24] juski: wtf would I want with a HDD in my frontend? ;)
[12:27:36] quicksilver: I'm too cheap to have a separate backend
[12:27:39] quicksilver: and my house is quite small
[12:27:41] quicksilver: maybe one day
[12:27:43] kslater: I'm with you on that. I do believe people will be more and more interested in the cycles/watt type of metrics as power becomes in more demand
[12:27:44] cyrexion: so, is this what you would all recommend —  ?
[12:27:47] Dagmar: I 'spose you could boot off a 4Gb SDHC card
[12:27:51] mohamed_ (mohamed_!n=mohamed@ has left #mythtv-users ("Ex-Chat")
[12:28:11] Dagmar: cyrexion: It looks like it will do good cooling
[12:28:18] quicksilver: cyrexion: I have something like that, and I'm very pleased with it
[12:28:25] quicksilver: (as long as it fits in your case)
[12:28:28] Dagmar: Zalman is also pretty good about not making anything that roars
[12:28:39] Dagmar: They can come in absurdly large sizes
[12:28:45] heanol: What do you guys think, intel core2duo or amd x2?
[12:28:55] Dagmar: There's one TT makes that's the size of a damn dessert plate
[12:28:59] cyrexion: :) I really hope so.... I get about a minute of recording via the hd-5500 before the system just shuts down on its own :(
[12:29:00] juski: kslater: the other problem is that other people's 'silent' is not my 'silent' I mean like < 25dBA
[12:30:00] kslater: juski – are you willing for it to become louder as the load increases? (And by extension the amount of noise from what you're watching?)
[12:30:10] Dagmar: Hey there's a plan
[12:30:12] juski: kslater: there should be FA load playing SDTV
[12:30:16] Dagmar: Have it be silent when no one is using it.
[12:30:19] Dagmar: :/
[12:30:32] adante (adante! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[12:30:33] adante_ is now known as adante
[12:30:47] juski: I can't imagine SDTV being much pull on a modern-ish CPU somehow
[12:31:17] kslater: right, but you want something with the headroom for h.264 AVC1 also
[12:31:18] juski: well, unless I put an ATI card in there & use the ATI drivers
[12:32:15] juski: maybe I should just aim for silent SDTV playback on the cheap. it's gonna be *years* before HDTV comes to FTA in the UK
[12:32:38] juski: and come to think of it I've not had the shitty epia for 2 years yet, so sod it
[12:35:25] harzi (harzi!n=dani@ has quit ("leaving")
[12:35:27] heanol:
[12:35:28] heanol: how
[12:35:32] heanol: how's that looking?
[12:35:43] heanol: for a frontend+backend
[12:35:44] heanol: :p
[12:37:07] kslater: looks like plenty for SDTV
[12:37:07] juski: for SDTV? way over-specced
[12:37:15] kslater: what about HD?
[12:37:47] heanol: juski, well i'll probably play downloaded hd-content too
[12:37:57] heanol: no hdtv-content available on tv here now :)
[12:38:10] juski: ah you mean those creative commons HD videos
[12:38:17] heanol: yes exactly
[12:38:32] heanol: i guess it
[12:38:35] kslater: heanol: what country?
[12:38:39] heanol: i guess it'll be able to do at least 720p/1080i?
[12:38:43] heanol: kslater, Sweden
[12:39:14] juski: Dibblah: what was that ebay shop name again?
[12:39:43] heanol: kslater, for dvb-t there's no hdtv content yet, for dvb-c and dvb-s there is i think though
[12:40:13] juski: you know, I think I have about half the money I need to build a decent frontend in my paypal account already
[12:41:47] Dibblah: spiredream.
[12:42:53] juski: Dibblah: cheers :)
[12:43:03] cyrexion: Guys — one last question regarding the heat sink. I know about the noise issue (bigger fan --> quieter cooling) — can I safely assume the HS on the right is the better choice in this picture — . . . ize-side.jpg  ???
[12:43:23] cyrexion: oops, i meant far left
[12:44:01] heanol: the one on the far right looks like some kind of stock-cooling :)
[12:44:27] cyrexion: yeah — I mistakenly said "right", when I meant "left"
[12:44:41] kslater: yeowsers
[12:44:43] juski: and you wanna install mythtv? ROFL good luck
[12:45:03] Dibblah: cyrexion: It's not exactly linear, but larger _can_ be better. As in many things.
[12:45:05] kslater: yes, stock looking (or worse) on the far right
[12:45:22] Dagmar: I think the one on the left is a dual-fan monstrosity that will not be quiet
[12:45:51] kslater: I'd guess the other 2 are somewhat equal
[12:46:11] kslater: speaking of cooling not necessarily noise
[12:46:22] kslater: I think my buddy has the one on the far left
[12:46:24] kslater: let me check
[12:46:33] cyrexion: the one on the left would be ideal as far as channeling air directly out of the case...
[12:47:14] cyrexion: yet the middle one directs air in the direct opposite direction of the cpu — "pulls" better ?
[12:47:20] kslater: . . . 320/Mobo.jpg
[12:47:28] Dagmar: cyrexion: except for the CPU you are usually bringing air *into* the case directly at it, not hte other way around
[12:47:31] heanol: i think the stock cooling on the core2duos is pretty nice actually
[12:48:35] cyrexion: kslater, that's a really huge hs
[12:48:43] kslater: no kidding
[12:48:55] kslater: his wife's criteria for myth
[12:49:03] kslater: 1) aesthetically pleasing
[12:49:11] kslater: 2) flawless operation
[12:49:17] kslater: 3) absolutely silent
[12:49:38] kslater: by juski's measure he missed on all three for sure. ;-)
[12:50:01] juski: !trout kslater feekychuck
[12:50:01] ** MythLogBot slaps kslater with a feekychuck trout on behalf of juski... **
[12:50:11] kslater: hehe
[12:50:16] juski: you're not fucking funny
[12:50:28] cyrexion: hmm, I take it point #1 is with the case closed..
[12:50:32] juski: asswipe
[12:50:37] heanol: i can hear my current mythtvbox from anywhere in the apartment, it sucks :)
[12:50:42] juski (juski! has left #mythtv-users ()
[12:50:51] kslater: it's making me laugh. I'm just saying you don't like his choice of case
[12:50:59] heanol: and the box is some old cheapo desktop-box from the early 90s, teal.
[12:51:03] kslater: and it's not less than 25 dba I'm pretty sure
[12:51:20] kslater: and what myth setup is flawless in operation?
[12:51:57] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:52:05] heanol: anyone have an opinion on the Antec NSK2400?
[12:52:24] cyrexion: Welcome, juski, to #mythtv-users !
[12:52:30] juski: kslater: MY mythtv setup is flawless in operation so long as I don't upgrade to a newer version of minimyth
[12:52:41] juski: and it's aesthetically pleasing
[12:52:44] juski: AND it's silent
[12:52:50] heanol: what are you running it on?
[12:52:59] kslater: I'm just saying, she set the bar too high. especially for a single box solution
[12:53:04] juski: it also sucks that it can't play SDTV without xvmc. it totally relies on it
[12:53:22] juski: DO NOT buy EPIA systems. they SUCK
[12:53:32] heanol: my box is a single box now. 900MHz t-bird
[12:53:40] heanol: about 99–100% cpu usage when watching sdtv :-)
[12:53:43] juski: noisy AND hot. not nice
[12:53:46] heanol: some of that comes from sasc though
[12:54:10] juski: lame
[12:54:51] juski: you do not even mention that crap in here, on pain of death
[12:55:01] heanol: oh, sorry.
[12:55:09] Ruleke (Ruleke! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:58:20] heanol: ok, order sent =)
[12:58:32] Dibblah: Woo. Segfault with mythtv-vid :(
[12:58:43] juski: heanol: my 800Mhz t-bird could play back sdtv from live or recorded TV AND stream to 2 other frontends, all with plenty CPU to spare
[13:00:45] laga_: re
[13:01:21] heanol: juski, odd.
[13:01:56] juski: heanol: not odd at all. I don't run that nasty 1337 PoS code on my box :)
[13:02:09] juski: I PAY FOR MY PAY TV
[13:02:12] heanol: haha
[13:02:13] heanol: i pay too
[13:03:02] Ruleke: what nasty PoS code ? :)
[13:03:19] Ruleke: hello juski btw
[13:03:25] heanol: the-one-whose-name-must-not-be-mentioned
[13:03:41] Ruleke: err ok...
[13:03:48] Dibblah: heanol: Meta mentioning is not OK either.
[13:03:51] Dibblah: ;)
[13:04:17] JackEStorm: AKA: Tom Riddle
[13:04:18] Dibblah: We don't make the rules.
[13:04:20] jarle__: Sas C is a C-compiler for Amiga...
[13:04:25] Dibblah: Oh, wait, yes, we do.
[13:04:39] Ruleke: sigh
[13:05:00] Ruleke: censorship is the answer for all !
[13:05:15] Dibblah: Works for me :)
[13:05:22] Ruleke: shaddapayoface
[13:05:23] juski: just DDOS youtube :)
[13:05:24] Ruleke: :P
[13:05:31] Dibblah: It's not so much sensorship.
[13:05:41] Dibblah: Woah. Misspelling.
[13:05:45] Ruleke: I just joined late, figured I missed something
[13:06:01] juski: it's keeping mythtv's collective nose clean in the eyes of the law – and rightly so
[13:06:12] Dibblah: It's more that there are perfectly good other places to discuss such things – Without involving Myth people.
[13:06:16] Ruleke: so I assume the topic was a software decryptor ?
[13:06:36] juski: Dibblah: like daahn the pub with Rough Jon
[13:07:06] Dibblah: Jon And His Dodgy Season Interface, you mean?
[13:08:19] ** Dibblah just wishes that CAMs were a _lot_ more flexible. **
[13:08:32] Ruleke: some are
[13:08:41] heanol: what do you mean more flexible?
[13:08:49] juski: some are even legal
[13:08:52] Ruleke: I'm looking for one that can attach a custom 'box-id' or whatever they call it
[13:09:01] Dibblah: 1 CAM == 1 Card.
[13:09:10] Dibblah: Ruleke: So ask somewhere else ;)
[13:09:21] juski: Ruleke: for $ky – murdoch'd turn in his grave (if only...)
[13:09:22] Ruleke: I don't see why I would ask for it
[13:09:31] Ruleke: heck no
[13:09:42] Ruleke: my cable company, for which I pay a subscription
[13:09:44] Dibblah: Ummm... Because you're "looking for one"....?
[13:09:52] Ruleke: the new cam/smartcard links to the STB
[13:09:58] Ruleke: well not here ;)
[13:10:24] juski: no cable company with any commercial sense would allow it
[13:10:25] Dibblah: Anyway. How many people are testing -vid?
[13:10:43] juski: I'm busy. I have people to shout at
[13:11:00] laga_: Dibblah: i'm not... i was going to, but i didn't have time yet
[13:11:14] laga_: juski: are you sure you don't need the button definition for mythstream as well?
[13:13:16] laga_: Dibblah: how do you like it so far?
[13:14:27] Dibblah: It segfaults and I'm just getting GDB :)
[13:15:28] Dibblah: ... Yes, I'm still on Gentoo :((
[13:15:33] juski: laga_: button definition for the theme.xml file? that kind of assumes a theme has watermark graphics
[13:16:12] laga_: juski: yup. mythstream comes with a watermark AFAIK
[13:17:10] juski (juski! has quit ("I'll start being nice when you start being smart")
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[13:19:20] juski: damn limpets
[13:19:35] juski: laga_: it's up to theme designers which watermark graphic to use
[13:19:54] juski: some themes are way behind in terms of plugin watermarks & quite frankly I can't be bothered to update them
[13:20:06] juski: I'd much rather just have em dropped ;)
[13:21:01] laga_: bah
[13:21:06] laga_: i want my iulius!
[13:21:34] juski: where's the watermark that comes with mythstream?
[13:21:54] juski: if it fits in with the 'style' of the other ones I'll include it
[13:22:22] laga_: juski: it's in there ;) . . . .17_2.tar.gz
[13:23:38] laga_: in /mythstream/themes/default/stream.png
[13:23:49] juski: eew
[13:24:27] juski: does Iulius even have watermarks anyway?
[13:25:06] laga_: dunno, i don't use mythstream anyways. it's just a good thing to have those menu entries for all those tortured packagers out there ;)
[13:25:33] jams: juski- it does not
[13:25:43] juski: if they're in the menu entries I put into svn yesterday, it'll work
[13:25:59] laga_: juski: ah, so stream.png is not necessary?
[13:26:04] varun0 (varun0! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:26:18] juski: only necessary if a theme designer wants to associate a graphic with it
[13:26:27] Ruleke (Ruleke! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:26:56] juski: or if they made their own custom menu themes, but then if they do that, they're on their own & I couldn't give a f. about them :)
[13:27:03] laga_: heh
[13:27:06] laga_: ok, thanks then :)
[13:27:56] juski: I think I'll start again on that glassy theme & base it on Iulius
[13:28:05] juski: and make a wide version at the same time
[13:31:30] juski: wtf? mythstream has no ./configure?
[13:31:46] laga_: does it need one? it gets its config from the myth libs
[13:32:21] juski: ah just qmake && make && make install
[13:33:46] Lin (Lin!n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity) has quit ("Ex-Chat")
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[13:36:09] Solv: juski, good to see your latest update was made 2 years from now ;)
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[13:37:45] NHIwerx (NHIwerx!n=frank@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:40:47] juski: stay ahead of the game, that's my plan
[13:42:17] juski: wtf was that about anyway? no reference to 2009 on my site AFAICT
[13:44:30] mulletron: hmm, I've ordered a NOVA-T 500 and the "diversity" (sic) model is the one that was delivered
[13:44:30] kali67 (kali67! has quit ()
[13:44:40] mulletron: does anyone have any recommendations for getting my money back on it?
[13:45:05] juski: mulletron: contact Hauppauge UK & tell them you want to use it in linux
[13:45:27] Dagmar: They will happily apologize and trade that out for what you ordered
[13:45:48] juski: that's what they've been doing so far apparently :)
[13:45:54] mulletron: oh, fantastic!
[13:45:58] mulletron: cheers
[13:46:07] juski: might cost you return postage, but that won't amount to much
[13:46:15] juski: less than being stuck with a useless card ;)
[13:46:32] juski: oh ffs another guy is leaving this place
[13:47:19] juski: laga_: mythstream's script is borked. it assumes the prefix is /usr
[13:48:07] juski: quick edit of later and...
[13:49:03] juski: laga_: I'll backport the xml file changes to -fixes in a bit
[13:49:10] laga_: juski: thanks
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[14:42:07] juski: laga: 14154
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[14:46:01] laga_: juski: thanks for the fix. it was a major blocker.
[14:46:43] juski: as if you couldn't have done a bit of sed-fu :-P
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[14:49:26] laga_: juski: i was joking about "Fixed problem caused by missing mythstream menu items" ;)
[14:49:59] juski: I wasn't
[14:50:54] juski: hey 3797 is froma mythtvtalk user
[14:51:33] laga_: grey boxes. sounds like a pleasant way to watch tv
[14:51:56] juski: saves burning on DLPs
[14:52:13] juski: they can go dull in the middle, much like plasmas can. muhahahaha
[14:54:08] Krazylegz (Krazylegz! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[15:05:54] armbar (armbar! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:11:46] Dibblah: juski: eh?
[15:12:04] juski: not DLPs. I meant rear projection
[15:12:23] Dibblah: Depends on the RP technology.
[15:12:30] Dibblah: LCD, yes.
[15:12:36] Dibblah: DLP RP, no.
[15:12:49] Dibblah: LCoS, AFAIK, no.
[15:16:22] Merlin83b: I have a CRT RP. I think that makes me 'old school'.
[15:18:26] Dibblah: DLP FP here.
[15:22:18] rooaus (rooaus! has quit ("Leaving.")
[15:25:21] Krazylegz (Krazylegz! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:27:27] fysa: which one did you go with, Dibblah?
[15:27:30] fysa: is that your first FP?
[15:27:46] Dibblah: Infocus X1, and yes.
[15:27:55] Dibblah: Actually, IBM ILV300.
[15:28:08] fysa: ah
[15:28:23] fysa: have a Sanyo Z2 right now, looking to upgrade soon.
[15:28:27] fysa: bbl
[15:31:19] slaine_ (slaine_!n=glengray@ has quit ("/\_/\_/\_/\______________")
[15:32:37] ben_goodger (ben_goodger! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:33:39] Dibblah: There's no protocol changes in mythtv-vid, are there?
[15:33:51] Dibblah: I'm seeing an awfully strange segfault.
[15:34:34] mat__ (mat__! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:37:43] GreyFoxx: bbiab
[15:37:45] GreyFoxx: oops
[15:38:57] MilkBoy (MilkBoy! has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable))
[15:43:30] Dibblah: Of course, I could just blame Gentoo.
[15:44:50] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[15:47:27] juski: just blame gentoo anyway
[15:49:27] MilkBoy (MilkBoy! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:54:12] Dagmar: All the cool kids are doing it
[15:57:26] zo0m: so any new word on zap2it replacement? and havent been updated in weeks and we're getting closure to the 9/1/07 date..
[15:57:38] zo0m: er closer
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[16:09:40] juski: zo0m: no news is good news. be patient
[16:10:35] macala (macala! has quit ("Computer goes to sleep!")
[16:10:43] juski: be patient.. heh who am I kidding?
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[16:22:43] floppyears: quick question, I was thinking about building a mythtv box this coming week,
[16:23:02] floppyears: can I get the tv listings right now with zap2labs ? or is registration for that now closed ?
[16:23:45] juski: still open AFAIK
[16:23:57] floppyears: thanks juski
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[16:28:33] juski: yay the noob thumper is here :D
[16:29:04] iamlindoro: haha It's so bad for my blood pressure, I don't know why I keep reading
[16:29:38] juski: you should quit now before you've been there as long as I was before I quit the first time
[16:29:39] iamlindoro: Ummm not that you are not just as guilty of it ;)
[16:30:14] juski: hey I never yelled at anybody who didn't have it coming
[16:30:26] iamlindoro: My favorite was the responding to a question only with links to google searches... that cracked me up
[16:30:45] juski: subtle, huh?
[16:30:52] iamlindoro: very
[16:31:26] juski: makes me mad to see people ask what plain English error messages mean
[16:31:49] juski: what does "warning: cannot connect to mysql server" mean? :-O
[16:32:13] iamlindoro: like "Cannot connect to mythbackend, is it running?"
[16:32:50] juski: yeah and "cannot connect to socket. warning: lirc init failed, see preceding messages"
[16:33:08] Merlin83b: That should say "Cannot connect to mythbackend, is it running? Hint: No."
[16:33:25] iamlindoro: True
[16:33:52] heanol (heanol! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:33:57] juski: "step away from the computer. telephone a certified professional & pay for them to dispose of the hardware for you in a safe, controlled manner. Do NOT touch anything!"
[16:34:50] iamlindoro: What I realized last night is, since Myth is an umbrella over so many other, seperate moving parts, people are still going to come to myth boards and chat rooms with problems having NOTHING to do with mythtv
[16:35:06] iamlindoro: I mean really, when was the last time someone had an issue on mythtvtalk that was with *mythtv* itself?
[16:35:19] juski: iamlindoro: really? hmmmm...
[16:35:30] juski: ;)
[16:35:37] iamlindoro: I'd say it's 80% lirc and 20% "random crap"
[16:35:48] iamlindoro: heh
[16:36:20] juski: is this motherboard suitable?\E67FDSAGA5R6732 Q57GVWFGASDY^7*^*&(^(*&^s&*dGSAJGKJ.ASP
[16:36:30] opello (opello!n=opello@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[16:36:34] iamlindoro: hahahahahahaa EXACTLY
[16:36:54] Dagmar: Only if you buy it from a guy in Chai Wai province down an alley
[16:37:06] heanol (heanol! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:37:08] Dagmar: ...because it's always best to get it from the manufacturer directly fi you can
[16:37:22] juski: heh. straight off the back of the test line ;)
[16:37:50] Dagmar: Man I really think the stores around here don't actually want to sell any 22" LCD monitors today
[16:37:55] iamlindoro: One caught my eye this morning... what was it.. oh yeah, and I'm quoting now: "after much digging around the internet i found that all I needed was to get the IR codes for my direct tv reciever and paste them at the end of the lircd.conf file."
[16:38:07] iamlindoro: Seriously, he had to "dig around the internet" for that???
[16:38:13] ben_goodger (ben_goodger! has quit ("Goodbye, cruel world... goodbye, cruel lamp... goodbye, cruel velvet drapes, lined with what would appear to be some sort of )
[16:38:23] iamlindoro: And this after, in the same post, he claims to have read the lirc howto I sent him to??
[16:38:31] Dagmar: iamlindoro: Yes. The lirc docs are protected with README encryption
[16:38:34] Dagmar: Not many people can break it
[16:38:37] juski: translation – "the fifth hit on google told me all I needed to know"
[16:38:59] juski: and people wonder why I'm such a grumpy bastard all the time
[16:39:00] juski: man
[16:39:13] Krazylegz (Krazylegz! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:39:31] juski: oh I'm sorry mister noob. how may I suck you off today?
[16:39:37] iamlindoro: lol
[16:40:17] juski: actually no. excuse me. there's nothing wrong with noobs as such. only lazy, lazy, habitually lazy people
[16:41:03] iamlindoro: Sadly, lazy doesn't go away, even with experience
[16:41:06] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@ has quit ("Leaving")
[16:41:21] Dagmar: A little lazy is a good thing
[16:41:38] Dagmar: It's also a rare thing
[16:41:50] Dagmar: It's kinda like weed
[16:41:57] juski: I know none of us is perfect fgs, but there's a limit. anyway
[16:42:00] juski: ...
[16:42:33] Dagmar: It would be nice if people only smoked a wee bit on weekends, but the majority case is well within the bounds of "pothead"
[16:42:35] iamlindoro: ok, deep breaths ;)
[16:42:46] Dagmar: You just gotta laugh at it and move on
[16:42:47] iamlindoro: in with love, out with hate, we're all pretty
[16:42:53] Dagmar: Otherwise, there's always Arkham Asylum
[16:43:05] Dagmar: out with hate?
[16:43:06] Pryon: friggin' debian's trying to drive me insane. That's what I get for running unstable. Mytharchive compiled one version of libmyth, current version of installed libmyth is one debian version back. Mytharchive no worky....  :/
[16:43:09] Dagmar: What will I fuel my rage with?
[16:43:15] iamlindoro: ponies?
[16:43:22] Dagmar: Do ponies burn?
[16:43:28] juski: kittens :)
[16:43:31] iamlindoro: I suppose everything burns with enough effort
[16:44:22] juski: Pryon: just cut your losses. dump the packages & build it all from source
[16:44:29] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:44:32] Dagmar: I think I'd need some sort of catalyst to get ponies to burn as well as hate
[16:44:42] t0ny-p40 (t0ny-p40!n=t0ny-p40@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:44:46] iamlindoro: ok, so lighter fluid and ponies then
[16:45:06] Dagmar: They already eye me funny from the last time I bought iodine crystals
[16:45:17] Dagmar: I would probably get picked up and disappeared if I bought a lot of lighter fliud
[16:45:38] MilkBoy (MilkBoy! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:45:42] Pryon:
[16:45:48] Dagmar: How was I supposed to know meth fiends use iodine crystals for making meth
[16:45:52] iamlindoro: You could always claim you're extremely in to grilling
[16:45:53] Pryon: Lots and lots of wood
[16:46:08] iamlindoro: Hahah, *I* Knew iodine was used for making meth... :)
[16:46:19] Dagmar: I just wanted to make a little a.n.t.i (in small amounts, because I like my fingers)
[16:46:27] iamlindoro: but I was a professional police officer, after all ;)
[16:46:50] Pryon: there are amateurs?
[16:46:59] Dagmar: iamlindoro: Yeah, so, it turns out that they get even more excited when they find out a.n.t.i has a higher gas expansion ratio than TNT and is hellishly unstable
[16:46:59] iamlindoro: Sure, reservists
[16:47:20] Dagmar: I'm like, "kids play with it all the time. Even toddlers"
[16:47:35] iamlindoro: When I left (This was only a few months ago) the big one was wasp spray, which is apparently chock full of amphetamines
[16:47:42] Dagmar: yeesh
[16:48:00] Dagmar: I'll have to remember that the next time my sinuses act up
[16:48:04] iamlindoro: ha
[16:48:35] Dagmar: It's not exactly easy to get antihistamines with psuedoephidrine HCl in them around here anymore
[16:49:04] Dagmar: In theory, there should just be some paperwork to fill out so they know who is buying enough to make meth with, but in practice, probably 3/4 of the places that would have sold it, just don't now.
[16:49:13] iamlindoro: nor here... it's controlled and you have to register if you buy more than a couple of boxes
[16:49:16] Dagmar: Everything's got that lame stuff that Dimetapp was in it now
[16:49:28] Dagmar: ...and I developed an outright immunity to that when I was like 10
[16:49:55] iamlindoro: in all seriousness, serious cranksters are scary people. Almost every fight I was ever in was with some whacked out crankster
[16:49:56] Dagmar: Here you register when you buy one box.
[16:50:02] Dagmar: oh yeah
[16:50:07] Dagmar: DEfinitely. No argument there at all.
[16:50:14] Dagmar: Meth destroyed the rave scene in lots of areas.
[16:50:16] iamlindoro: including my very last day of work, hahaha
[16:50:33] Dagmar: ...and when people start doing it, you can see the schizophrenia showing up with lightning speed
[16:50:38] juski: armbar: and that's a bad thing why?
[16:50:54] juski: oops.. Dagmar and that's a bad thing why?
[16:51:13] Dagmar: I've had to take a few people aside and explain to them that if they don't stop the meth, they probably won't see the next christmas
[16:51:17] armbar: juski: :)
[16:51:33] Dagmar: juski: I'm serious, man. You were a DJ, so I'm sure you've seen it, smart-ass.
[16:51:42] iamlindoro: Ah, meth... the only think that could make nailing a stripper unpalatable
[16:51:46] Dagmar: People on meth go through dramatic personality changes in the space of weeks
[16:51:47] juski: Dagmar: yeah. the world will be a better place without them
[16:51:58] iamlindoro: since all strippers love the crystal
[16:51:59] iamlindoro: sigh
[16:52:13] juski: legalise it all, let them have as much as they want & let natural selection do the rest
[16:52:25] Dagmar: juski: It's the burnout time that's a bitch
[16:52:39] Dagmar: ...and of course, seeing the zombies that look like your friends walking aroudn
[16:52:59] iamlindoro: juski: I actually agree, only problem is when a huge number of them have a psychotic break and get some decent person killed
[16:53:09] Dagmar: Meth is the only thing I've seen wipe out people with more certainty than heroin
[16:53:26] Dagmar: ...and meth does it's work MUCH faster than heroin
[16:53:40] iamlindoro: Maybe if we put them on an island :) Then it's ok with me to legalize it
[16:53:46] iamlindoro: then they can only kill each other
[16:53:49] juski: I don't think I've actually seen that many people on meth/crack/heroin. Mostly ketamine casualties
[16:54:57] iamlindoro: I was a narcotics officer full time... meth was what I saw most of, then probably crack... then various other things... obviously there's weed but that doesn't count
[16:55:36] tank-man: weed doesnt count as what?
[16:55:38] Dagmar: juski; This is probably because meth will take people out in 3 months with no problem
[16:55:56] Dagmar: tank-man: A horrifyingly destructive narcotic
[16:56:08] iamlindoro: doesn't count as a hard drug when you're looking for felonies as an officer... since it's only a misdemeanor here, most of us didn't care about it
[16:56:20] Dagmar: juski: You can just lose track of peripheral friends for a little while and pfft meth eats them
[16:56:46] Dagmar: potheads typically aren't super-motivated to cause trouble.
[16:56:46] juski: yeah well, seen that. screw em. it's their mistake
[16:57:05] Dagmar: jib monkeys on the other hand...
[16:57:24] juski: I never felt any responsibility towards anybody who had a propensity to waste their body on narcotics
[16:57:35] opello_ is now known as opello
[16:57:36] tank-man: i know someone on bail and his conditions are: keep the peace, no alcohol and no weed (weed is already illegal substance but i found it interesting it was a bail condidtion)
[16:57:59] Dagmar: They probably figure it's what was messing with his judgment
[16:58:17] Dagmar: ...especially if he was basically being arrested for criminal stupidity
[16:58:33] tank-man: sounds reasonable
[16:58:40] Dagmar: Before they closed it up I used to go to watch night court around here
[16:58:53] iamlindoro: There are some very interesting bail conditions, but moreso (here at least) parole and probation conditions are funny... 'cause sometimes a judge will set funny conditions
[16:59:00] juski: night court? wtf?
[16:59:06] iamlindoro: loved that show
[16:59:06] iamlindoro: ;)
[16:59:15] Dagmar: Those judges would hand out sentences like that, because so many of the people getting hauled in at 2am are doing so because their choise of inebriate has made them dumb as a stick
[16:59:41] iamlindoro: That's why I purposely never bid one of our downtown districts... dealing with drunks is just a waste of time
[16:59:48] Dagmar: juski: Night court. As in the bench sessions that happen at the police station throughout the night as cops bring various screwballs in
[17:00:00] iamlindoro: my first training officer said to me, "You'll never win an argument with a drunk." So true.
[17:00:23] floppyears: iamlindoro: by the way thanks for the url that you gave me yesterday, it was really handy
[17:00:36] juski: Dagmar: ah thought it was a parallel court system to save overloading the real law courts
[17:00:47] Dagmar: You could actually sit in the gallery and watch the proceedings, and as long as you didn't giggle too loudly the judge wouldn't toss you for spectating
[17:01:03] iamlindoro: floppy: No problem, thought that would clear some stuff up faster than asking as it occurred to you
[17:01:06] Dagmar: juski: In that it's run at night instead of the day, yeah it's parallel
[17:01:11] Dagmar: Mainly it's triage
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[17:01:58] juski: well -anyway it's hometime
[17:02:00] iamlindoro: We don't have it here... Any drunk offense (public intoxication or DUI) just gets released after 8 hours and gets a court date a few months later
[17:02:08] Dagmar: LIke the man who was arrested for public indecency
[17:02:34] Dagmar: He'd gotten too drunk, wandered onto the roof of the hotel he was staying at, and decided it would be a safe place to take a leak from.
[17:02:47] iamlindoro: hahaha
[17:02:47] Dagmar: Problem: It was a three storey hotel surrounded by 10-story buildings
[17:03:05] Dagmar: So, basically, if he'd looked down, he would have seen about 100 people staring up at him
[17:03:31] iamlindoro: Funny... here for it to be indecent exposure it has to be done with the intent to stimulate sexually
[17:03:43] iamlindoro: we'd just call it public urination :)
[17:03:54] Dagmar: It was either that or hit him with 20 or so assault charges
[17:03:59] Dagmar: i.e., the people he peed on
[17:04:15] iamlindoro: *that* we would do :)
[17:04:21] cyrexion (cyrexion! has quit ()
[17:04:27] iamlindoro: well, battery, but same difference
[17:05:06] Dagmar: The cops were cutting him a break because it would ahve meant up rounding up the people he peed on, again, and getting paperwork, and boringboringboring
[17:05:20] iamlindoro: I know the feeling :)
[17:05:26] Dagmar: "Criminal stupidity"
[17:05:30] kali67 (kali67! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:05:33] iamlindoro: Although got to watch the cutting of breaks... that's how I lost *my* job
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[17:05:55] Dagmar: He could have peed off the rear of the hotel and no one would have seen him
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[17:06:10] laga_: he could have used, like, a *toilet*
[17:06:15] iamlindoro: true
[17:06:25] Dagmar: But ya know, he chose the lit side so he could be sure he wasn't peeing on the roof.
[17:06:41] Dagmar: You can't normall pay to see this kind of lunacy
[17:06:49] Dagmar: Well, you can't see it anymore here anyway
[17:06:59] laga_: but you can pay to get peed on.. ah, well
[17:07:01] ** laga_ stfu **
[17:08:51] Dagmar: The dominatrix getting teh wrong apartment was the best oneI saw
[17:09:12] Dagmar: Both of them were mortified
[17:09:26] Dagmar: The dude just thought she was coming onto him. hehe
[17:09:36] Dagmar: ...until she started getting kinky and he calls the cops.
[17:09:37] Dagmar: :)
[17:10:30] iamlindoro: Ooooh, sexy new iMacs
[17:10:34] Dagmar: He got to explain why she was at his apartment for over an hour before he called the police.  :)
[17:11:31] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:11:57] tank-man: explain to who?
[17:12:01] tank-man: wife?
[17:12:04] tank-man: lol
[17:12:06] Dagmar: You could almost see the guy melt when he found out he could elect to not press charges
[17:12:13] Dagmar: Oh he got to explain this to the judge
[17:12:26] primeministerp (primeministerp!i=ppouliot@nat/novell/x-0fd4594846e703cf) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:12:35] Dagmar: As a haha the cops never bothered to mention that it was he who decided whether or not charges would be pressed
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[17:12:47] tank-man: ahha
[17:12:49] Dagmar: ...and he clearly didn't want to be explaining it to his wife
[17:14:57] ** xris hopes that apple announces new macbooks... **
[17:15:07] ** iamlindoro nods... **
[17:15:10] Dagmar: I would rather see the new Palms
[17:15:16] iamlindoro: although I already have a macbook pro
[17:15:26] rcxdude (rcxdude! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:15:44] iamlindoro: I am considering getting a mac desktop for image manipulation... can't stand to edit big images on my laptop
[17:16:24] Dagmar: Hmm... Don't like Gimp?
[17:17:06] iamlindoro: Actually... and maybe it's sacrilege in here.. no, I don't care for the Gimp, I like photoshop... although pixelmator for mac os looks like it will be great
[17:17:36] iamlindoro: I just can't get anything *done* in the gimp.. although there, the fault is clearly with me and not with the software
[17:17:36] keith4: any news on the schedule direct front?
[17:18:12] tank-man: use an external monitor with your laptop
[17:18:24] xris: keith4: should hopefully be an announcement by the end of the week
[17:18:28] xris: still waiting on legal stuff
[17:18:37] keith4: excellent
[17:19:29] floppyears: iamlindoro: why can't you get anything done with gimp ?
[17:19:45] Dagmar: Hmm...
[17:19:47] iamlindoro: Just spent years using photoshop so I'm set in my ways
[17:19:59] floppyears: xris: yeah, I'm so anxious about the legal stuff that that's why I haven't ordered the parts for my mythtv box :(
[17:20:03] Dagmar: I almost want to say "stop trying to use it like Photoshop" but if you'er used to Mac programs then that can't be your issue
[17:20:04] floppyears: iamlindoro: oh
[17:20:49] iamlindoro: Hey, like I said, the problem lies with me and not with the program... I just want to use what allows me to get work done
[17:21:08] Dagmar: Gimps tools are just as logically laid out, they just use a different organizational method and most of the hardcore PS users I've seen simply get hung up looking for the photoshop menus and wind up installing Gimpshop
[17:21:08] xris: floppyears: legal means contract negotiations.. nothing that affects you guys
[17:21:30] xris: we just can't release any info (like who we're negotiating with) until that's all settled
[17:21:36] floppyears: xris: but it affects me if I can't get tv listings
[17:21:57] iamlindoro: Still, if anyone into mac software, check out pixelmator... I may even dump Photoshop for that when i comes out in a few months
[17:22:21] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:22:40] xris: floppyears: no worries on that front. it'll happen. just won't be free anymore.
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[17:27:30] floppyears: xris: and the not being free part is what worries me, if I'm going to have to pay, why shouldn't I then just got with tivo ?
[17:27:58] floppyears: also, I remember that before zap2labs there was a free version, but it just required more time crunching and parsing data
[17:28:33] xris: floppyears: because mythtv is better than tivo? (and will cost less)
[17:28:45] iamlindoro: 'cause your Tivo doesn't play games or hold your dvd collection or your whole music collection or allow you to browse the web or let you cut out the commericals or let you do the whole thing without watching ads?
[17:29:16] floppyears: oh, I thought a big thing of tivo was no ads
[17:29:24] laga_: xris: are you thinking about a 'trial' version? people might wanna try it before they buy it
[17:29:42] xris: yeah. there are already free alternatives that use xmltv... they're just not quite legal since they violate the TOS of the sites that they scrape.. and thus won't be included with xmltv, which means that when the sites change and the grabber breaks, you need to scramble to find a new copy
[17:29:46] xris: laga_: can't say anything
[17:29:47] iamlindoro: I believe Tivo inserts ads on the OSD now
[17:30:11] iamlindoro: or while fast forwarding or something.. they're somewhere in there
[17:30:16] laga_: xris: k, i guess i'll get to know soon enough :)
[17:30:44] floppyears: oh, so you still get ads with tivo
[17:31:18] floppyears: so for you guys that have non-geek people using the mythtv: wife, family, etc what is the biggest hump for them? how did you make it so that they love it ?
[17:31:22] iamlindoro: just checked... yes, while fast forwarding... and it doesn't cut out your commericals automatically, sooooo
[17:31:29] JackEStorm: floppyears: yeah, a static photo for the 5sec or so you ff in to that comercial that has paid for that.
[17:31:47] GreyFoxx: floppyears: There mere ability to skip through commercials and book mark was enough for my wife
[17:32:06] clever: as soon as i start playing something on mythtv my dad runs
[17:32:16] GreyFoxx: And later after we had my daughter the ability to have her shows/dvd's at a buttons press away did it
[17:32:22] clever: even if its a show that he would normaly watch
[17:32:50] iamlindoro: Floppy: I ripped all my parents DVDs and set up every one of the features (mythweather, game emulation, etc) before I unveiled it to them, so everything "just worked" before they ever had a chance to see it
[17:32:54] clever: my dad doesnnt like the way the video sync is lost and the audio problems
[17:33:06] clever: and he wont get me a better card for the recording
[17:33:06] iamlindoro: 'cause if I had given it to them and it had been a work in progress, I think they never would have used it... but now they love it
[17:33:48] xris: floppyears: tivo doesn't let you skip commercials at all.. just fast forward
[17:33:49] GreyFoxx: floppyears: And of course since we have an army of mythboxes all over the house with everything availabnle on all of them she loves that too
[17:34:16] floppyears: thanks for the insight guys
[17:43:51] juski: floppyears: FWIW, mythtv is way more reliable & stable than any commercial competition from standalone hardware
[17:44:03] juski: oh and more versatile
[17:44:26] juski: remember if I was spending loads of time fixing mythtv & farking around with it I wouldn't have time to be in here
[17:45:50] floppyears: hehe, true
[17:46:21] floppyears: juski: I just can't believe that you wouldn't run into problems when doing upgrades. Stuff like that is common in open source world.
[17:46:42] floppyears: for example, program 1 is compiled with library a, but that depends on another library, but the version is wrong ...
[17:46:52] juski: floppyears: I upgraded mythtv on friday night. I backend up the db, wiped out the old programs, then compiled & installed the new one
[17:47:12] juski: I haven't updated the host OS since it was installed, and that might very well be the key
[17:47:35] juski: anyway I've yet to hear any tales of dependency hell on ubuntu
[17:47:38] floppyears: wow, I can't believe that you aren't using a package manager
[17:47:40] juski: unlike, say FC
[17:48:03] juski: I like to retain a modicum of control
[17:48:12] juski: mythtv is the only thing I build from source
[17:48:25] juski: the ubuntu packages are always too old
[17:48:44] juski: and some of the stuff the package installer scripts do is still crazy
[17:48:45] floppyears: oh
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[17:49:09] juski: randomised mysql passwords ffs. it's mythtv, not fort knox
[17:49:27] floppyears: I would see that as a good thing
[17:49:42] iamlindoro: til you need to get at your mysql database
[17:49:50] juski: it's only relatively recently that the installer tells you what the password is & where the file is stored
[17:50:01] r10 (r10! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:50:01] floppyears: oh
[17:50:14] juski: it was all a farking big mystery up until the Feisty packages
[17:50:20] juski: oh indeed
[17:50:31] r10: hi :)
[17:50:53] iamlindoro: How to become a hacker: 1) Install mythtv with apt. 2) Attempt to access mysql database. 3) ??? 4) Profit?
[17:51:22] r10: can any help we I set a database error when I try to start mythfrontend :(
[17:51:28] juski: floppyears: for a good while, a few of us here probably hates those package makers
[17:51:39] r10: it is with the statement: INSERT storagegroup (groupname, hostname, dirname) SELECT 'Default', hostname, data FROM settings WHERE value = 'RecordFilePrefix';
[17:51:43] juski: r10: oh wow. funny you should say that
[17:51:59] juski: r10: running svn eh?
[17:52:11] r10: juski: yes...
[17:52:19] juski: or wait. let me guess. but the backend isn't running svn
[17:52:45] juski: or maybe not the very same version
[17:52:47] r10: no, it is also running svn
[17:53:04] floppyears: juski: how long does it take you to do that upgrade on friday nights ?
[17:53:16] r10: I just installe mythtv from the svn version
[17:53:24] juski: floppyears: as long as it took to compile. maybe an hour & a half. wasn't timing it
[17:55:14] Mixx (Mixx! has quit (Excess Flood)
[17:55:15] floppyears: juski: what about security ? you say that you never update the host OS or any other programs
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[17:55:26] xris: juski: another test idea for the logo.. somehow use the >> << >>| type symbols for ff/rw instead of the arrows.
[17:55:26] r10: juski: the front and backed are both running version 0.20.20070717–1
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[17:55:39] armbar (armbar!n=chatzill@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:55:42] xris: juski: and what fonts did you use? (license concerns)
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[17:59:10] directhex (directhex! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:59:12] juski: xris: century gothic – and the other letters were just drawn
[17:59:41] juski: xris: there's sure to be a 'free' version of that font somewhere
[18:00:15] xris: juski: we should find it.
[18:04:53] sphery: xris: Do you actually rename file with
[18:04:53] Cardoe: xris: kormoc MIA?
[18:05:12] xris: Cardoe: possibly sleeping. no clue
[18:05:18] xris: sphery: yeah.
[18:05:27] xris: ok, I really need to head into work now.
[18:06:08] sphery: xris: Earlier knowledgejunkie mentioned that it doesn't rename PNG preview images. I wrote up a patch but haven't tested it in place (only in a "test harness") since I don't rename my files.
[18:06:25] xris: sphery: ah, yeah, that'd be a good thing to add.
[18:06:40] sphery: xris: Was wondering if I should create a ticket and mention the lack of in-place testing or if I should wait and see if I can get someone who renames to test it.
[18:06:47] MilkBoy (MilkBoy! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:06:50] xris: go ahead
[18:06:56] sphery: thx
[18:07:16] sphery: I'll mention the location of the patch to knowledgejunkie and see if he can do some testing before you... Thanks.
[18:07:34] r10: is iot a bug that I need to run mythbackend before mythtv-setup or else will Iget a batabase error when I start mythfrontend ?
[18:07:40] jvs (jvs! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[18:07:55] juski: r10: you should run mythtv-setup before mythbackend or mythfrontend
[18:08:06] sphery: r10: what database error
[18:08:38] juski: xris: FWIW, I think freesans will do just fine
[18:08:58] r10: juski: if I do that then I get Duplicate entry error
[18:09:08] xris: juski: cool.
[18:09:16] xris: I'll let you play with those ideas...
[18:09:40] sphery: r10: What entry? Can you post the exact text of the messages? (logs or copy/paste on pastebin)
[18:10:21] r10: I have:
[18:10:23] r10: 2007-08–07 19:55:53.881 DB Error (Performing database upgrade):
[18:10:23] r10: Query was: INSERT storagegroup (groupname, hostname, dirname) SELECT 'Default', hostname, data FROM settings WHERE value = 'RecordFilePrefix';
[18:10:23] r10: Error was: Driver error was [2/1062]:
[18:10:23] r10: QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
[18:10:24] r10: Database error was:
[18:10:26] r10: Duplicate entry 'Default-idefiks7-/mnt/store/' for key 2
[18:10:28] r10:
[18:10:30] r10: new version: 1171
[18:10:32] r10: 2007-08–07 19:55:53.882 Database Schema upgrade FAILED, unlocking.
[18:10:48] juski: xris: I also think using ffw & rew symbols will seem a bit hackneyed.. but I'll run em up anyhow
[18:11:22] juski: the fading arrow sequence I've got implies continuous input IMHO ;)
[18:13:05] xris: juski: yeah, I like the arrows.. but robert k wanted to see what the other would look like.
[18:13:05] sphery: r10: That's a failed DB update. How did you get the initial DB? (running mc.sql, importing a backup from an older version, ... ?)
[18:13:07] xris: dvr-ish.
[18:13:36] r10: sphery: I used the mc.sql file in the database dir in the svn version
[18:14:29] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[18:15:03] sphery: As I'm reading the code, the only possible way you could get a duplicate entry from that code is if you run the db update twice. Since Myth has code to prevent that, it should only be possible if you have a crash during the update.
[18:15:07] juski: r10: if it's the 1st time you've installed mythtv & don't have a previous db to come from, you'd be just aswell wiping the current mythconverg out & doing it again
[18:15:38] sphery: So, if you killed mythtv-setup while it was doing the updates or if mysql dies while it's doing the updates, I could see that happening.
[18:16:20] sphery: If you have a chance to do as juski recommended ("DROP DATABASE mythconverg;") and verify that it doesn't happen again, it would be great.
[18:16:56] willcooke (willcooke! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:16:57] sphery: You will lose any configuration you've already done (but that may be good if your DB data is potentially corrupt--as it would be from the above mentioned failures)
[18:16:59] lcase (lcase! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:17:24] r10: juski: it works now when I have run the backed first..
[18:17:36] Como (Como! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:17:54] sphery: r10: It /seems/ to work... ;) (Dont' know what else may be broken.)
[18:18:20] r10: sphery: I did not kille mythtv-setup I close it like I should
[18:18:23] sphery: Did you have any failures? Ctrl-C, kill, DB server died?
[18:18:47] r10: sphery: no failures
[18:18:51] sphery: It would have had to have died before you were allowed to close it properly
[18:19:40] rcxdude (rcxdude! has quit ("Leaving.")
[18:20:15] sphery: r10: Can you paste the output of executing the query: "SELECT * FROM settings WHERE value = 'RecordFilePrefix';" (without the double quotes)
[18:20:20] rcxdude (rcxdude! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:20:38] r10: it works now, when I have run mysql < mc.sql and then mythbackend and then it could update the database
[18:21:31] r10: and it did not look like that mythtv-setup did died, and if it did it was when it was closing
[18:21:43] sphery: But the thing is, the exact same DB update code is executed whether you're running mythtv-setup or mythbackend.
[18:21:48] sphery: (or mythfrontend, for that matter)
[18:22:08] r10: sphery: do you want me to drop my database, and start over ?
[18:22:27] r10: sphery: and I just telling you what happend...
[18:22:38] sphery: There's only one possible way the DB update could fail without a mythtv/mysql crash and the query I mentioned will tell me if that's the case.
[18:22:45] sphery: SELECT * FROM settings WHERE value = 'RecordFilePrefix';
[18:22:57] armbar (armbar!n=chatzill@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:23:33] sphery: r10: If you could first run that query, I'd appreciate it.
[18:23:59] r10: sphery: like I sayed it works now, no problem, but if you wants me to I can drop my database and try to get the error again
[18:24:12] sphery: Can you run the query on your existing DB?
[18:24:51] r10: sphery: when i run the qury on the DB I have not I get nothing
[18:27:34] sphery: r10: what is your machine's hostname? idefiks7?
[18:27:43] r10: sphery: yes
[18:32:30] sphery: Hmmm. I'll have to wipe my DB and do some testing, but it doesn't seem it should fail.
[18:32:43] sphery: even without a DB.
[18:32:56] sphery: (or, actually, with a "blank" DB)
[18:33:11] r10: sphery: don't worry, it work for me now .-)
[18:33:39] ben_goodger (ben_goodger! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:33:57] armbar (armbar!n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:34:10] sphery: r10: I'm not so much worried about you as I am about everyone who upgrades to/starts fresh with 0.21 when it's released.
[18:34:12] zo0m: thanks for updating
[18:34:13] sphery: :)
[18:34:22] zo0m: (i had to leave after asking the question earlier this morning)
[18:34:25] Krazylegz (Krazylegz! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:35:09] r10: sphery: now you are aware of the posibility of it failing, and now what to telle pepole there have the same problem
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[18:35:21] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has quit (Connection timed out)
[18:37:21] lexs (lexs! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:38:34] sphery: r10: Yeah. But, I hope to test it and--if there is a problem--fix it before other people have the problem.  :)
[18:39:33] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has joined #mythtv-users
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[18:39:53] Cry_wolf2: Anyone here using nvidia + component + plasma ? Could use some xorg help :=)
[18:40:30] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:41:03] sphery: Cry_wolf2: any other inputs on your TV? VGA/DVI/HDMI (or DisplayPort ;)
[18:41:26] Cardoe: kormoc: ping
[18:41:36] kormoc: Cardoe, pong
[18:41:47] Cry_wolf2:
[18:41:54] Cardoe: kormoc: xris said you had plans to backport the PHP session destruction fixes to -fixes?
[18:42:59] sphery: Cry_wolf2: I'd recommend using VGA.
[18:43:04] Cry_wolf2: ok
[18:43:15] sphery: Component is less robust
[18:43:24] kormoc: Cardoe, Aye, I do, once my mythbox gets working again
[18:43:37] Cardoe: kormoc: do you have a ticket that I can reference to track this?
[18:43:39] Cry_wolf2: Harder to get to work but better when it does ?
[18:43:41] Cardoe: kormoc: what happened?
[18:43:44] sphery: Cry_wolf2: I use VGA for 1080p from an NVIDIA and it works great (and picture is great)
[18:44:05] Cry_wolf2: ok
[18:44:23] Cry_wolf2: Only have 1024x768 on my plasma
[18:44:31] sphery: It's only harder to get to work in that you can't use the built-in component modelines
[18:44:46] sphery: If you search at, you can probably find a modeline for your specific model of TV>
[18:44:52] kormoc: Cardoe, power supply died, have new parts but need a power supply adapter now
[18:44:58] kormoc: Cardoe, it's been down for like 2 months now
[18:45:37] sphery: how can you live without Myth for 2 months...
[18:45:53] kormoc: Very sadly
[18:45:57] ** kormoc sheds a tear **
[18:46:10] ** sphery wonders if Cry_wolf3 would just be ignored... **
[18:46:49] r10 (r10! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[18:47:08] Cry_wolf2: Hmm, rebooted the mythbox and now the image is ok
[18:47:24] sphery: kormoc: my condolences for your loss.
[18:48:45] Cry_wolf2: hmm, using "Option "metamodes" "CRT: 1280x720 +0+0" in my xorg on a plasma 1024x768 tv and the image looks nice.
[18:48:49] Cry_wolf2: Should that be ?
[18:49:57] immolo: you can use HD over vga then?
[18:50:11] sphery: Cry_wolf2: if you move the mouse from left to right, does the screen scroll when you get to an edge?
[18:50:24] sphery: immolo: Yep. I do 1080p.
[18:50:50] immolo: sphery- you have made my day
[18:51:23] sphery: immolo: It's actually more likely to succeed for 1080p than DVI (or early versions of HDMI) because (without "cheating"), 1080p requires a dual-link TMDS transmitter and many cards/TV's don't support dual-link TMDS.
[18:51:26] immolo: I've got a new tv on order and I've been trying to work out how I can get 1080 on it
[18:51:36] sphery: technically, requires dual-link TMDS transmitter and receiver.
[18:51:58] sphery: VGA has more bandwidth available than single-link TMDS.
[18:52:03] sphery: and has enough for 1080p
[18:52:36] immolo: well thats more then I know but it makes sense
[18:52:39] sphery: I don't remember which version of HDMI required dual-link support (but it may have been the current--1.3)
[18:52:56] Cry_wolf2: sphery: COmpared the tvimage that a get from mythtv with what i get from my usual tvbox, and they are tha same...
[18:53:17] applecrumble (applecrumble! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:55:05] sphery: Cry_wolf2: Then your TV is scaling the input.
[18:55:26] applecrumble: hi. i can view channels in mythtvfrontend but my guide is empty. i'm using the eit grabber. when i run mythfilldatabase, it doesn't seem to do anything (it finishes after about a second). any ideas what i can try?
[18:56:01] Cry_wolf2: Might be..will play some more and try teh vga option.
[18:56:10] sphery: If the scaler in your TV is better than that in Myth (which is just a linear scaler), you can continue doing it that way for 720p recordings, but you'd be better off using Xrandr to allow a 1080i (or at least a 1080p) modeline for 1080i/p material.
[18:56:50] sphery: Using a 1024x768 modeline at 1024x768 will give you the best quality you can get with a single resolution for 720p and 1080i/p
[18:57:24] sphery: applecrumble: you've defined "EIT only" as your video source in mythtv-setup?
[18:57:45] applecrumble: yep, and linked this video source to my dvb card
[18:57:59] sphery: so, mfdb will skip the source (as you've told it to do).
[18:58:07] applecrumble: should filldatabase take a few minutes when using eit?
[18:58:12] applecrumble: oh
[18:58:21] applecrumble: why is my guide empty though?
[18:58:27] sphery: No, mfdb doesn't populate it, the backend's EIT grabber (which runs basically all the time) will
[18:58:31] sphery: It takes time.
[18:58:44] sphery: Also, if you're in the US, it's very unlikely that you'll get usable EIT data.
[18:58:48] sphery: I only get now/next info.
[18:58:52] applecrumble: myth has been on for about 24 hours though. can i force an update
[18:58:56] sphery: (and that's usually wrong)
[18:59:04] applecrumble: im in the uk. kaffeine picks up eit fine
[18:59:13] sphery: applecrumble: I don't know if you can force EIT
[18:59:39] applecrumble: so i just have to wait to see if it gets it...? its been on for a while now
[18:59:48] sphery: You might want to run mythbackend with the "-v eit,important" option for a while and see if there are errors
[18:59:58] applecrumble: ok, thanks
[19:00:00] sphery: (might need "-v important,eit"--I never remember the proper order
[19:00:23] sphery: Others (i.e. those in the UK using EIT) would be better sources of info than I.  :) Good luck.
[19:00:50] applecrumble: thanks :P
[19:01:16] sphery: applecrumble: Also, make sure that your video sources, input connections, and channels are properly defined.
[19:01:56] sphery: If not, you may get EIT data and just never see it in your guide (i.e. Myth's guide only shows you those channels from which it can record using a recording rule)
[19:02:39] Cardoe: kormoc: you don't have a ticket for the backport do you?
[19:02:41] sphery: Unfortunately, the best test for whether they're configured properly is to select something from the guide and schedule it to record. If it shows up in "Upcoming Recordings", it's properly configured. If not, it's not.
[19:03:30] sphery: But, as a quick test, you can do, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM program;" Any value other than 0 means you most likely have an error in video sources, input connections, or channels configuration.
[19:04:23] applecrumble: the log doesn't seem to have much interesting about eit in it. :S
[19:04:42] applecrumble: it did have this coming up every second when watching tv: 2007-08–07 20:03:39.427 DVBRec(0) Error: Could not open demux device. eno: Too many open files (24)
[19:05:24] sphery: That's way beyond me.
[19:05:58] Cardoe: you might need to tweak pam or capabilities to allow you to open more files as your user
[19:06:17] sphery: If you only have one capture card, I'm pretty sure you'll need to not watch TV to collect EIT.
[19:06:31] sphery: Also, make sure you've enabled EIT on your capture cards as well as on your video sources
[19:06:58] applecrumble: :-S
[19:08:13] juski: I thought we'd banned that emoticon in here
[19:08:44] juski: applecrumble: I told you last night that EIT might not work if you imported a channels.conf file ;)
[19:09:16] applecrumble: oops, so you did :(
[19:09:27] juski: that's been fixed in the latest rev. of -fixes but sadly a lot of distros take a long time to catch up
[19:09:27] applecrumble: i got the channels.conf thing working though, thanks ;)
[19:09:41] applecrumble: the radiotimes grabber seems to hang though so i tried eit
[19:09:53] juski: applecrumble: the issue with scanning needs to be reported IMHO
[19:10:19] applecrumble: dont worry, i will when i pin it down more
[19:10:22] juski: and, there's a way to get the info you're missing into the database for EIT to work, but I can never remember what it is
[19:10:28] floppyears: out of curiosity do people in europe also use zap2labs or do they have a nicer system to get tv listings ?
[19:10:40] fryfrog: no, i think they scrape using xmltv
[19:10:50] fryfrog: us us guys are lucky with zap2it
[19:11:21] juski: we get a proper xmltv feed from
[19:11:26] floppyears: oh
[19:11:33] juski: yes. OH :D
[19:11:41] floppyears: you are lucky, so many technology things are messed up in us
[19:11:59] juski: yeah – when we finally get HDTV it'll blow your HDTV away completely
[19:12:13] applecrumble: sorry juski, but how do i link my channels.conf file up to a video source. what can i google for?
[19:12:33] juski: applecrumble: eh?
[19:12:34] applecrumble: i found a few links with scripts for doing this but most say things like "dont use on 0.20 or itll break your db"
[19:12:56] juski: applecrumble: there's a thing in mythtv-setup to directly import a channels.conf file
[19:13:04] juski: you choose that as the scanning method
[19:13:11] applecrumble: oh, thats what ive done
[19:13:24] Noble (Noble!n=noble@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:13:26] applecrumble: i've done scan->import channels.conf, goto mythfrontend and then i can watch tv
[19:13:38] fryfrog: To set my backend to *only* playback what it has currently recorded (and not record anything new), is the backend option "--nosched Do not perform any scheduling" what I am looking for?
[19:13:43] juski: applecrumble: good
[19:13:46] fryfrog: or will that continue to record what it has *already* scheduled?
[19:13:50] applecrumble: im a bit confused, do i need to scan for channels again?
[19:13:55] juski: applecrumble: no you don't
[19:14:14] applecrumble: how do i get the guide data for my channels.conf channels then?
[19:14:18] Noble: can anyone suggest an mp3 player with a web remote interface? can myth do that?
[19:14:34] fryfrog: I <3 Jinzora + MPD
[19:14:36] Noble: not a streaming server, just a web interface for my pda remote
[19:14:55] fryfrog: it can control an MPD queue, (and does streaming and a few other things)
[19:14:56] floppyears: so if you are watching live-tv and there's a comercial what does mythtv do ? show a blank screen instead of the comercial ?
[19:14:59] fryfrog: organization, etc
[19:15:08] Noble: mpd, interesting
[19:15:09] fryfrog: think it has a mobile web interface (ie, simple)
[19:15:19] fryfrog: well, mpd is just a command line daemon
[19:15:29] juski: applecrumble: remain calm
[19:15:30] fryfrog: so you can interact with it with anything, mpc is the command line client
[19:15:46] fryfrog: jinzora just happens to use it as well (can hook up to winamp and a few other things too, afaik)
[19:15:57] juski: applecrumble: lemme dig the link out. it might involve some kung-fu but I'll help
[19:16:11] applecrumble: i am calm. :) im just not sure what else to try and i feel bad for hassling people on irc
[19:16:17] applecrumble: thanks :)
[19:16:50] juski: applecrumble: I don't often stay with a 'problem' this long, but I have a feeling you'll send me lots of money :-P
[19:17:00] juski: <joke>
[19:17:37] applecrumble: ill update a wiki and do a bug report. is that payment enough? :)
[19:18:23] fryfrog: to answer my own question, the answer is yes :)
[19:18:50] Krazylegz is now known as Greatness
[19:19:11] Greatness is now known as Krazylegz
[19:19:47] juski: applecrumble: right. I need to know something. You've attached the channels.conf channels to a video source which is set to 'use EIT only' yes?
[19:19:53] floppyears: so if you are watching live-tv and there's a comercial what does mythtv do ? show a blank screen instead of the comercial ?
[19:20:06] Cardoe: floppyears: no
[19:20:18] floppyears: Cardoe: what does it do ?
[19:20:21] applecrumble: juski: yes
[19:20:29] Cardoe: floppyears: shows the ad
[19:20:31] Noble: mpd is EXACTLY what i was looking for, thank you!
[19:20:50] floppyears: Cardoe: oh, so you can't skip ads if you are watching live tv :( ?
[19:21:00] juski: applecrumble: good. there are 2 ways you can do this. there's the easy way which will risk breaking your setup (but it'd be easy to fix again) and there's the hard way I can't find the howto for
[19:21:06] Cardoe: floppyears: no. how is it suppose to do that in real time?
[19:21:28] applecrumble: either or both ways is good for me :)
[19:21:44] juski: applecrumble: the first way involved you stopping mythbackend, going into mythtv-setup, selecting the video source & deleting all the channels. then go into the scanner & use the 'scan existing transports' option
[19:22:01] applecrumble: ok, ill try that now
[19:22:51] applecrumble: i think i actually tried that, it only found a few channels and in frontend none had guide data still. ill try again though
[19:23:19] floppyears: Cardoe: oh, I thought it could do it
[19:23:43] applecrumble: wait, "full scan of existing transports" or "existing transport scan"?
[19:23:56] juski: full scan of existing transports
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[19:24:53] applecrumble: ok, i've got my scan timeout set very low to hurry up my scans, hope that won't mess this up though. i think itll find more channels if i set it higher but is fine for testing
[19:25:57] juski: yeah well when your scan took 40 minutes to find bugger all I can understand that
[19:25:57] applecrumble: btw, im getting hundreds of messages like this "2007-08–07 20:25:30.938 DVBSM(0): Failed to open demux device /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 for filter on pid 1031" during scanning
[19:26:03] applecrumble: :)
[19:26:13] juski: applecrumble: that may or may not be useful
[19:26:17] stuarta: that's not particularly good
[19:26:30] lsobral_ (lsobral_!n=sobral@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:26:58] stuarta: that essentially means, myth is asking the card to look for something for it, but it's failing to get setup
[19:26:59] applecrumble: sorry for all the questions, but ive googled most of these errors and only found a couple of posts about peoples debug output
[19:27:42] stuarta: applecrumble: is this dvb-t, dvb-s or dvb-c?
[19:27:46] applecrumble: its finding channels though, maybe its just asking it to check silly frequencys and thats when it fails
[19:27:52] applecrumble: dvb-t only
[19:27:53] briand (briand! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:27:57] Noble (Noble!n=noble@ has quit ("Java user signed off")
[19:28:41] yoshibond (yoshibond! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:28:46] fryfrog: humm, it still scheduled stuff :(
[19:28:46] yoshibond: hi everyone! thanks for any help anyone can provide. I have a 36" older 1080i capable fullscreen (not widescreen TV) which I just managed after a long struggle to get working with Ubuntu via the component out port on my videocard /// i am currently using 480i 720X480 .... if i want to get 1080i ... what resolution should I use??? I tried 1920X1080 and it was huge overscan (could only see the middle of the screen) and i tried
[19:28:46] yoshibond: 1024X768 and it only showed the whole screen in a box in the center about 1/4 the size of my TV ./... any help would be awesome!
[19:29:23] juski: yoshibond: what does that have to do with mythtv again?
[19:29:31] yoshibond: the 480i setting i have is perfect
[19:29:36] yoshibond: the TV is for my mythtv setup
[19:29:40] juski: oh yeah. mythtv uses screens, and you have a screen problem
[19:29:51] applecrumble: juski: ok, scan has finished, looks like it found most of the channels
[19:30:02] applecrumble: run mythfrontend now?
[19:30:06] fryfrog: you'd use the *proper* resolution for 1080i, 720p, 480p, 480i
[19:30:15] juski: applecrumble: restart mythbackend now, then run mythfrontend
[19:30:16] fryfrog: if there is overscan, you can adjust the size of the myth ui
[19:30:32] yoshibond: thats what my question was fryfrog – whatr is the proper resoultion for 1080i
[19:30:45] fryfrog: uh, ummm
[19:30:49] fryfrog: 1920x1080?
[19:31:00] fryfrog: i know 720p is 1280x720
[19:31:01] yoshibond: i tried that .. is that a widescreen resolution?
[19:31:14] fryfrog: 1080i and 720p *are* widescreen resolutions
[19:31:23] yoshibond: i have a 4:3 TV and it was huge overscan at that resolution
[19:31:32] fryfrog: if your tv *isn't* wide screen, it probably adapts to it by scanning only the *area* of a widescreen TV
[19:31:42] yoshibond: my TV works perfectly right now at 480i with the resoluton i mentioned above
[19:31:45] fryfrog: i don't spose it has dvi or hdmi input?
[19:31:51] yoshibond: 720X480
[19:31:59] yoshibond: component video input
[19:32:00] guest__ (guest__! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:32:05] fryfrog: you search the internets?
[19:32:13] applecrumble: juski: now i cant see anything in livetv and my guide is empty
[19:32:18] fryfrog: yoshibond: i know you are *using* component, but does it have other?
[19:32:26] yoshibond: but i want to get higher than 480i – all im saying is that this resoultion has NO overscan and the windo fits perfect
[19:32:29] sphery: knowledgejunkie: If you get a chance to test in place to see if it fixes to rename preview's, I'd appreciate it.
[19:32:35] yoshibond: the tv doesnt have DVI or VGA
[19:32:48] juski: applecrumble: I just heard that with some newer dvb drivers, the scanning code in mythtv 0.20-fixes is toasted
[19:32:50] sphery: knowledgejunkie: Comment in the ticket would be good. Thanks.
[19:33:28] juski: applecrumble: you using any 'special' driver modules from or the bog standard ones?
[19:33:29] applecrumble: hmm, just wait for fixes then?
[19:33:41] applecrumble: bog standard ubuntu feisty ones
[19:33:43] JackEStorm: yoshibond: ummm, you need to be using a 4:3 res, and not a 16:9 res
[19:34:03] juski: or try building svn from source after removing the packages. it's gonna be more usable than what you have now
[19:34:12] yoshibond: thats waht i was thinking .. waht would a 4:3 resolution be in 1080i?
[19:34:20] juski: plus any more scanning issues you've got can get hopped on in less time
[19:34:41] JackEStorm: 4:3? (v/3)*4xv
[19:34:49] applecrumble: you mean you think the svn version might have fixed this already?
[19:35:01] yoshibond: what does that mean Jack?
[19:35:25] juski: applecrumble: more than likely. though I'm amazed you had problems with -fixes in the UK. it's been sweet for ages
[19:35:40] applecrumble: :(
[19:36:05] iamlindoro: there is no 4:3 1080i... 1080 is by its name 16:9
[19:36:05] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:36:05] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[19:36:08] yoshibond: wouldnt i go 1620X1080 for 4:3?
[19:36:10] iamlindoro: er nature
[19:36:29] yoshibond: but my TV says 1080i on it..
[19:36:42] yoshibond: what resoultion can i use @ 4:3?
[19:36:47] juski: yoshibond: so it accepts 1080i. it might scale it to 320x240 for all you know
[19:36:48] applecrumble: ok, ill look into now, this'll probably take a while. im a bit confused as how kaffeine picked everything up fine though (EIT and all the channels)
[19:37:02] juski: applecrumble: yeah that's what concerns me
[19:37:29] yoshibond: ok well my issue is that right now the windows on the screen display etc is HUGE so i can only see a portion of each window – like running a computer moniotr in a very low resolution
[19:37:33] yoshibond: i want to make things bigger
[19:37:38] yoshibond: ie more desktop space\
[19:37:56] Cardoe: juski: more -fixes!
[19:38:00] iamlindoro: You need to figure out what the native resolution of the panel is and use that
[19:38:22] fryfrog: If you have a 4:3 TV that takes 1080i, it *probably* just scans in the center of the screen a 16:9 image
[19:38:30] yoshibond: gochta
[19:38:34] fryfrog: search the internets for your TV, find its native resolution, etc
[19:38:41] fryfrog: *someone* has probably tried to get it working in X
[19:38:42] yoshibond: so i would probably be better not using 1080i then right?
[19:38:49] xris: more updates:
[19:38:50] yoshibond: i searched for my TV and couldnt find anything
[19:39:06] ** juski cues the whining machine **
[19:39:06] iamlindoro: What's the TV?
[19:39:19] yoshibond: its bought in 2001
[19:39:24] fryfrog: sofaking sweet!
[19:39:28] applecrumble: hmm 2006 sep posting . . . /148626.html , same usb key as mine and same weird errors and long scanning time
[19:39:40] yoshibond: Panasonic Tau Model # Ct-36hX41CE
[19:39:42] applecrumble: didnt seem to be solved in the thread though
[19:40:02] fryfrog: man, i'd love to know the data that you guys got from tribune
[19:40:12] fryfrog: like, how many data direct users, how much the license costs, etc
[19:40:19] GreyFoxx: hehe It's not cheap
[19:40:21] JackEStorm: what you are looking for is 1440x1080i
[19:40:26] yoshibond: yah?
[19:40:27] fryfrog: yeah, i bet
[19:40:49] yoshibond: will that only display the middle of the 9:6 or will i be able to see the whole screen on my tv with that?
[19:41:05] fryfrog: who knows, we don't have your TV
[19:41:23] yoshibond: ok well does it help to know what my current working resoluton is?
[19:41:25] clever (clever! has quit (Connection timed out)
[19:41:31] fryfrog: no
[19:41:34] yoshibond: ok
[19:41:43] yoshibond: well ill try that and come back and let you guys know . K?
[19:41:45] fryfrog: you need to dig around on the internets and find as much info about your tv as possible
[19:42:03] juski: applecrumble: basically just apt-get remove mythtv mythplugins myththemes, then apt-get build-dep mythtv & follow a SVN howto for feisty. you'll be allreet
[19:42:20] yoshibond: i couldnt even find my tv on the internet
[19:42:22] yoshibond: :S
[19:42:49] fryfrog: search better
[19:42:56] fryfrog: you can't be the only one who has bought it?
[19:42:57] iamlindoro: I find many references
[19:43:04] juski: I'm tempted to think, applecrumble that if DVB was so badly broken on Feisty with mythtv, then there's be more evidence of it elsewhere
[19:43:09] yoshibond (yoshibond! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[19:43:46] applecrumble: cheers for all the help. what do you mean? the fact that it works fine in kaffiene but not in mythtv is confusing to you?
[19:44:10] pimpministerp (pimpministerp! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:44:25] juski: applecrumble: kinda
[19:44:49] applecrumble: go with release-0-20-fixes or trunk?
[19:45:00] fryfrog: -fixes for teh "safe"
[19:45:03] juski: apparently with kernel headers from march onwards there have been issues with dvb scanning reported with -fixes
[19:45:12] fryfrog: trunk will be more / new features, but potentially not-stable
[19:45:17] juski: applecrumble: try a newer version of -fixes first, but I'd not hold your breath
[19:45:32] fryfrog: i'd do -fixes unless you *know* there is a specific feature you are looking for and it is only in trunk
[19:45:46] juski: fryfrog: he's got -fixes and scanning is borked
[19:46:40] applecrumble: the svn fixes will be newer than the fesity one though, yes?
[19:46:42] iamlindoro: too bad yoshi is gone... info on the native resolution for his tv is on its page... too bad that Tv exists *nowhere* on the internet(s)
[19:46:56] laga_: juski: why don't you just get a new mainboard for you minitx box?
[19:47:20] iamlindoro: ahem "Built-in image scaling adapts 1080i signals to the set's native 800-line resolution"
[19:47:36] juski: laga_: I've been put off ITX shite for life!
[19:47:39] fryfrog: ahahha
[19:47:42] fryfrog: 800 line
[19:47:49] fryfrog: so it is *barely* better than 720p?
[19:48:07] fryfrog: applecrumble: yes
[19:48:31] JackEStorm: 800??? wtf?
[19:48:35] laga_: juski: $favourite_computer_magazine says the cpu on board renders almost 3.6 times fastr in cinebench than via's C7 1GHz. at 83€, it should make a decent replacement :)
[19:48:38] primeministerp (primeministerp!i=ppouliot@nat/novell/x-0fd4594846e703cf) has quit (Connection timed out)
[19:49:01] juski: laga_: I'm gonna replace the ITX crap with a REAL CPU
[19:49:12] juski: no IFs, no BUTs
[19:49:14] applecrumble: lol
[19:49:20] applecrumble: what are you using just now juski?
[19:49:23] laga_: juski: "real"? one of those new cheap quad cores?
[19:49:25] juski: Epia M10k
[19:49:35] applecrumble: im tempted to build a myth tv box
[19:49:39] juski: it's a piece of steaming poo. it cannot play SDTV mpeg2 without xvmc
[19:49:50] juski: and xvmc is the devil's jizz
[19:49:58] applecrumble: oh, maybe i should just try a myth livecd. might be easier
[19:50:20] iamlindoro: mmmm, devil jizzzzzzzz
[19:50:58] juski: laga_: I bet that motherboard would be 'ok' for what I need right now. I also bet it ain't cheap
[19:51:05] mohamed_afk (mohamed_afk!n=mohamed_@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:51:15] juski: certainly more $$$ than a real CPU on a real motherboard
[19:51:24] juski: with real VGA hardware
[19:51:34] juski: oh yeah with a real TV out :)
[19:51:43] laga_: juski: 83€
[19:52:07] juski: optional TV output? wtf?
[19:52:36] juski: SiS graphics? whoah there. Not good for linux
[19:52:52] ** juski crumples up that idea & throws it towards the bin **
[19:52:54] laga_: optional tv-out? dunno about that.
[19:53:03] juski: One S-Video output port (optional)
[19:53:05] laga_: i was suggesting a vga->scart cable ;)
[19:53:14] floppyears: so do you guys recommend using the small form factor pcs for mythtv or a regular mid tower ?
[19:53:27] juski: floppyears: stay away from mini-itx crap!
[19:53:29] fryfrog: what ever you want/can afford/can stand
[19:53:37] fryfrog: i use a plain jain tower cause i don't care how it looks
[19:53:51] juski: spend your money on proper hardware, not the crippled miniture kind
[19:54:29] laga_: miniitx does not ahve to be crippled
[19:54:54] juski: it doesn't have to be, but if it's that EPIA shite from Via, it will be!
[19:55:20] juski: I'm really gunning against them now. I really do hate that puny board
[19:56:49] floppyears: thanks for the info again guys
[19:56:55] Cry_wolf2: floppyears: Go with a midtower, then if you use that as a dedicated backend later on when you get something small as frontend
[19:56:56] _gnome42 (_gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:57:22] floppyears: jok
[19:57:23] floppyears: ok
[19:57:47] applecrumble: i dont have a myth box, but if i did id just get some ugly box and stick it in a cupboard where you cant see it. as long as its quiet anyway
[19:58:59] ** iamlindoro wishes he could find the chud who decided blue LEDs all over cases were "a good thing" and wring his neck... **
[19:59:05] iamlindoro: I haven't purchased a case that I liked in YEARS
[19:59:16] mycroes (mycroes! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:59:33] applecrumble: yeah, blue lights suck, its like being in a planetarium when i turn the lights of in here
[19:59:54] Cry_wolf2: I made a cover for my
[20:00:16] iamlindoro: Something about Blue LED light wavelength actually bores through my eyelids and into my skull *shudder*
[20:00:24] applecrumble: ive got that massive silver antec case. its really quiet and looks quite nice. blue leds though
[20:00:48] fryfrog: my center channel speaker on top of my monitor has a blue led
[20:00:58] fryfrog: it is so bright it makes me cry
[20:01:03] applecrumble: lol
[20:01:06] fryfrog: then i curl up in a little ball and poop on myself
[20:01:10] fryfrog: horrible light :(
[20:01:25] iamlindoro: Ergo my love for my macs
[20:01:25] applecrumble: have you tried disconnecting them? try some duct tape
[20:01:32] iamlindoro: no LEDs, good cable management
[20:01:45] fryfrog: i keep meaning to paint over it with some black or something nail polish
[20:01:52] fryfrog: enough that a *little* shines trhough
[20:02:09] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:02:21] Beirdo: your local goth girl/boy should have some for ya, fryfrog
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[20:02:44] ** clever wonders what i walked into... **
[20:03:33] mohamed_afk is now known as mohamed_
[20:03:44] iamlindoro: dog collars, clever. Welcome to #S&M-users!
[20:03:51] Cry_wolf2 (Cry_wolf2! has quit ()
[20:03:54] clever: lol
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[20:17:48] juski: ffs the guy whining about schedulesdirect on the mailinglist can't even post the right URL
[20:18:07] stuarta: muppet
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[20:20:48] o_cee (o_cee! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:21:01] Cardoe: why's he whining?
[20:21:27] stuarta: that is the entire reason i stopped reading users
[20:24:26] Cardoe: are all the schedulesdirect changes in -fixes yet?
[20:24:29] Cardoe: or no
[20:26:00] ldam (ldam! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:32:21] sphery: Cardoe: Whining because he has to pay $.
[20:32:29] sphery: Cardoe: But changes aren't yet in -fixes (or trunk)
[20:32:49] sphery: Though there is code "at" schedules direct for it.
[20:34:22] laga_: paypal!
[20:34:33] laga_: :(
[20:34:48] laga_: i read some very scary stories today about paypal in a german computer magatzine
[20:35:04] iamlindoro: It's not as bad as it seems, though... I just leave my paypal account empty and set my bank account as my "backup" funding source, so it just ends up coming straight from the bank account
[20:35:07] sphery: what kind of scary?
[20:35:24] laga_: iamlindoro: can they access your bank account that way?
[20:35:36] sphery: iamlindoro: I do the same, except I use a credit card (to get the credit card's fraud coverage)
[20:35:53] iamlindoro: If you authorize transfers, since paypal is a US bank
[20:36:01] iamlindoro: it's just a bank-to-bank wire transfer
[20:36:12] laga_: sphery: scary as in "people didn't get their money" (although that was the issue before today's) and "people got scammed on ebay and didn't get their money refunded by paypal"
[20:36:38] iamlindoro: Or, as sphery says, credit card is a good solution.. used to have in linked to my amex that way too... good way to get an extra layer of fraud protection
[20:37:31] sphery: Plus, get credit card miles/cash back/whatever even when you're paying someone who doesn't accept that credit card.  :)
[20:38:17] fryfrog: iamlindoro: having it access your bank account is the problem
[20:38:37] fryfrog: iamlindoro: i need to double check, but you should have it at leasted hooked only to a real cc card
[20:38:52] fryfrog: i've read horror storries of paypal accidentally (or on purpose) pulling huge sums from you bank account
[20:39:02] fryfrog: of course, to them it is nothing... but to you... oops, can't make your mortgage!
[20:39:10] iamlindoro: Depends on how you use paypal, I guess... I very infrequently do... in fact, mythtv will become my first use of it in months
[20:39:35] sphery: fryfrog: With that approach, though, they're always whining at me for not being a "validated" user (or something like that) since I don't have a bank account linked. Though I have no idea why that's a problem (it's never been a problem for me.)
[20:39:45] fryfrog: yeah, that was my problem too :(
[20:39:48] iamlindoro: Still, you are right that the safest thing is to link to a credit card with extra protection
[20:39:56] fryfrog: i think i ended up doing that, but now i wish i hadn't :)
[20:40:10] fryfrog: I avoid paypal when possible, but sometimes you just gotta use it
[20:40:17] sphery: cool... I won't do it, then.  :)
[20:40:51] sphery: Yeah, I agree. I only use it when it's to my advantage (and, one such example is when it's the only accepted form of payment)
[20:41:17] sphery: Otherwise, it's only if it allows me to get cash back I otherwise wouldn't get.
[20:41:37] fryfrog: hehe
[20:47:24] mat__ (mat__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:00:21] iamlindoro: Someone on the users list is asking if the TV app from LinuxMCE could be integrated into Myth... am I the only one who thinks the LinuxMCE Ui is the most repulsive thing they've ever seen?
[21:01:28] ** stuarta chuckles **
[21:01:46] clever: sound a bug in mythfrontend(when playing dvd)
[21:01:53] clever: found*
[21:02:12] stuarta: verified with head?
[21:02:16] iamlindoro: I mean, if it looks like that, I'll just turn my OWN lights on and off and flip the dial on the TV *myself*
[21:02:19] clever: id paste the error but you would probly bitch at me
[21:02:30] stuarta: that's what pastebins are for
[21:02:35] clever: Revision: 14114
[21:03:01] clever: pastebining
[21:04:27] clever:
[21:05:27] lsobral_ (lsobral_!n=sobral@ has quit ("leaving")
[21:05:53] stuarta: ew
[21:06:30] clever: reproduce with -v all?
[21:07:35] yoshibond (yoshibond! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:08:03] yoshibond: hi everyone. i believe my mythtv database is corrupted -= everything was working perfectly , now it says it cannot find database all of a sudden... what can i do?
[21:08:09] sphery: knowledgejunkie: yep, still here (figured #mythtv has enough traffic today)
[21:08:48] yoshibond: mysqlcheck?
[21:09:23] knowledgejunkie: sphery: I had to head out earlier and just saw your msg
[21:09:34] rcxdude (rcxdude! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:09:51] yoshibond (yoshibond! has quit (Client Quit)
[21:10:14] sphery: knowledgejunkie: Was just letting you know that I wrote a patch for the preview renaming, but haven't tested it in place (since I don't rename) –
[21:10:37] sphery: knowledgejunkie: So, feedback (or fixes) from someone who does rename would be appreciated
[21:11:03] knowledgejunkie: sphery: nice  – I'll have a look and post the results on the ticket
[21:11:17] knowledgejunkie: sphery: LiveTV will have to wait :)
[21:11:55] sphery: knowledgejunkie: thx
[21:12:11] sphery: though many may prefer you work on LiveTV.  :)
[21:12:19] knowledgejunkie: sphery: if only I could...
[21:13:29] sphery: Oh, you were watching...
[21:13:55] knowledgejunkie: sphery: although I do have a shutdown/reboot patch ready to post
[21:14:43] sphery: for mythwelcome?
[21:14:44] knowledgejunkie: sphery: stuartm posted to the LiveTV ticket – it's a race condition when changing ringbuffer apparently
[21:14:53] knowledgejunkie: sphery: no, for mythfrontend proper
[21:14:54] sphery: cool
[21:15:03] sphery: Oh.
[21:15:31] knowledgejunkie: sphery: it lets you choose what appears in the exit menu based on a user configurable setting
[21:15:55] sphery: Does it enable shutting down the box if it has a backend?
[21:15:59] knowledgejunkie: sphery: it expands on an initial patch posted to trac
[21:16:03] knowledgejunkie: sphery: yep
[21:16:07] sphery: (I personally don't think it should, but many do.)
[21:16:09] knowledgejunkie: sphery: and reboot it
[21:16:18] knowledgejunkie: sphery: but only if you choose that option
[21:16:25] sphery: I'm sure many will like it.
[21:16:36] knowledgejunkie: sphery: default is exactly as it works now
[21:16:44] knowledgejunkie: sphery: for the 'old skoolers'
[21:17:42] sphery: cool.
[21:18:11] sphery: My mythtv user doesn't even have permission to shutdown/poweroff/halt/sudo, so it won't affect me. :)
[21:18:19] knowledgejunkie: sphery: works well on my mythtv network, just needs a little more testing
[21:18:19] sphery: But, many have requested the ability.
[21:18:44] knowledgejunkie: sphery: a user might need to update sudoers to allow full functionality, but that's for them to decide
[21:19:19] sphery: Right.
[21:20:42] knowledgejunkie: sphery: I have about 14 user-submitted patches in my build tree that I'm testing. I figure I might as well benefit from them as there's a obvious shortage of devs to check them
[21:21:24] sphery: Yeah. Or, devs care about things that are different from what users care about. :)
[21:23:52] knowledgejunkie: sphery: it's still 'for the devs'. I would prefer it to be 'for everyone'. The product is good enough, just not enough time
[21:24:15] knowledgejunkie: sphery: the shutdown/reboot patch will be posted to
[21:25:31] sphery: But, for anyone willing to compile his/her own version, it's easy enough to patch.
[21:26:11] sphery: I haven't run a "vanilla" Myth since the first time I compiled it (and only ran it for about 2 hours that way)
[21:27:19] knowledgejunkie: sphery: I'd love to know the compilers/yummers ratio. The other thing is it takes 'a while' to find good patches on trac with the hundreds of tickets! It can be fun though, if you've got the time
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[21:28:54] juski: iamlindoro: you're not alone in thinking the linuxmce is by far & away the most awful UI ever seen
[21:29:14] juski: but it bends round a cube! ZOMGzomgZOMGzomgZOMGOMG!
[21:29:57] juski: I know I moan when new OSD menu items are added but they really take the biscuit
[21:30:06] iamlindoro: Hahaha
[21:30:27] juski: I'm not usually one for wishing ill of a project but...
[21:30:30] iamlindoro: It makes me shudder
[21:31:09] juski: thing that concerns me is that it's really just plutohome underneath – so that must be what plutohome was like
[21:31:12] juski: was/is
[21:31:53] juski: anyway.. enough bad-mouthing other projects.. time for bed
[21:31:58] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuart@unaffiliated/stuarta) has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:32:02] iamlindoro: Just wayyyyyyy too much bolting things together... sometimes the whole is LESS than the sum of its parts... It's the linux equivalent of sharks with frickin laser beams on their heads
[21:32:24] juski: like freevo on compiz? ;)
[21:32:36] juski: hem.. bedtime
[21:32:38] juski: g'night all
[21:33:54] mikeones (mikeones! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:34:07] mikeones: hello
[21:36:10] mikeones: anyone notice that with mythweb svn trunk if you leave the search feild blank and hit search it returns a blan page?
[21:36:18] mikeones: *blank
[21:38:58] jarle (jarle! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:39:39] sphery: mikeones: Not on my system. I think you ran out of memory in PHP, so you got nothing back.
[21:40:36] sphery: no search term means everything matches, and MythWeb tries to sort it so each program is listed once but shows all the timeslots when it airs (meaning there's a lot of in-memory sorting/manipulation going on)
[21:41:10] mikeones: sphery: makes since
[21:41:22] jarle: Any idea why a lot of my recordings does not show up in the frontend, however they are all listed under recorded shows in mythweb (and plays OK)
[21:41:24] knowledgejunkie: sphery: i get the empty page too. More like a missing if (query != "") ...
[21:42:23] sphery: I probably have significantly less listings data than either of you (only about 13 channels), so I still think it's a memory issue...
[21:42:37] sphery: Though, checking for a blank query may be a good thing
[21:42:47] knowledgejunkie: sphery: more than likely, but that's bad query handling
[21:43:04] sphery: jarle: . . . ecordings.3F
[21:44:39] jarle: sphery: thnx, that did the trick :)
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[22:00:19] hads: mikeones: I just created a little ticket about it; #3801
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[22:35:50] hiredgoon: can i take a box with no tv card in it and turn it into a backend machine just used for transcoding?
[22:39:20] laga_: should be possible
[22:41:05] jthomas_work: i think you just need a tuner and sound card
[22:43:34] hiredgoon: i have a tv wonder ve which creates HUGE files which i need to transcode to save space  :)
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[22:44:02] hiredgoon: so i want to setup a second box to help crunch the file faster (my backend is a p3–800 with 1gb ram)
[22:44:11] hiredgoon: my spare box is also a p3–800 but i only have on tuner card
[22:44:16] hiredgoon: er, one tuner card
[22:44:34] hiredgoon: i suppose i should just try it and see
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[23:14:43] luke: I'm stuck.
[23:14:47] luke is now known as tcpsyn
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[23:15:08] tcpsyn: I had my tv working with a vga cable, but I just tried to replace it with a dvi->hdmi cable
[23:15:16] tcpsyn: and now I can't get it to show a signal
[23:15:22] tcpsyn: I can't go back to the vga cable either
[23:15:33] tcpsyn: nvidia-settings shows the edid info for the tv
[23:15:38] tcpsyn: but I can't get a picture on it
[23:15:39] juski: sounds like a job for vnc
[23:17:02] fryfrog: have it ignore edid, it is usually wrong anyway
[23:17:27] ** jarle is looking for a description of the different icons (like the red flag) that is connected to a recording in the "watch recording" menu... **
[23:17:36] juski: getting nvidia drivers to ignore edid stuff in later drivers is *fun*
[23:17:47] ** juski suggests jarle should press the '1' button **
[23:18:41] fryfrog: press F1
[23:19:03] jarle: "1" did the trick.... still learning every day...
[23:19:09] jarle: 1 == F1 ?
[23:20:23] juski: 1 OR F1
[23:20:23] duerF (duerF! has quit (Connection timed out)
[23:20:35] fryfrog: not sure
[23:20:44] juski: look in the 'keyboard commands' section of the <now shouting> documentation
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[23:22:38] jarle: So... I've found some spelling that needs to be corrected in the Norwegian translation of the frontend, is there somebody in charge of this translation?
[23:24:55] tcpsyn (tcpsyn! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:25:47] juski: open a ticket & attach a patch
[23:26:47] jarle: guess I should check the CVS to see if it has been corrected already...
[23:27:08] juski: SVN, not CVS
[23:27:10] juski: sheesh
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[23:31:19] tcpsyn: Well, I got the picture on it
[23:31:28] blackest (blackest! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:31:29] tcpsyn: But I can't get it to a higher resolution than 1280x768
[23:31:39] tcpsyn: Native is 1366x768
[23:31:47] tcpsyn: anything over 1280, and the screen goes blank.
[23:33:10] rn114 (rn114! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:35:02] blackest: anyone got slingbox ?
[23:35:21] juski: who'd want one of them when there's the mythweb in svn?
[23:36:14] blackest: it wouldnt be bad if they didnt update firmware to make it completely f... useless
[23:36:36] juski: ah. mythweb doesn't have firmware
[23:36:49] juski: you could always sell it on ebay
[23:36:58] juski: though obviously not to one of us ;)
[23:37:20] blackest: i got it earlier this evening so it probably will be returned
[23:37:50] blackest: they decided to encrypt the streams making it useless for recording
[23:38:47] juski: just use mythweb from svn, or if you still need to rely on -fixes there's mythstreamtv for mythweb
[23:38:47] blackest: to be fair thou if it was recordable it is a nice bit of kit its just lousy as they sell it
[23:39:12] blackest: ?
[23:39:22] juski: and you know, as awesome as the new streaming bit in mythweb is, it's gonna get better
[23:39:25] tcpsyn: mythweb from svn is awesome
[23:39:27] tcpsyn: So awesome
[23:39:31] tcpsyn: It's god damn incredible.
[23:39:44] juski: I don't use the word awesome lightly
[23:40:01] blackest: i basically wanted something to pipe from my technomate to my mythbox ideally
[23:40:23] blackest: having the slingbox do it seemed like a good idea
[23:40:29] juski: lol
[23:41:05] blackest: to be fair it does work well on a live stream but thats not worth nothing
[23:41:08] laga_: it's gonna be even more awesome i 0.21 is released before the backend will support on-the-fly transcoding. streaming will be removed then ;)
[23:41:23] juski: yeah that'll be wicked
[23:41:36] juski: esp if it transcodes on the fly to suit the playback device. oooo boy
[23:41:48] blackest: oh well back to routing round trying to find sling player 1.2beta
[23:42:05] blackest: its out there somewhere :)
[23:42:14] juski: so it's not even all that? you've got to install software at the other end?! outrageous!
[23:42:29] juski: man that sucks
[23:43:40] juski: that's like those wireless media stream things that aren't actually music players in their own right but things which take a stream that is pushed from a windows PC – V. bad
[23:44:06] juski: next to useless
[23:44:44] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:45:03] laga_: heya NightMonkey
[23:45:17] laga_: NightMonkey: any news on the enbd front? :)
[23:46:21] juski: muhahaha. zero points.. "The requested URL /demo/main.html was not found on this server."
[23:47:42] NightMonkey: Hi laga_. Nope, I just got out of jury duty today...
[23:47:44] NightMonkey: laga_: I'll probably not be able to get to that for a few days, sorry. :|
[23:48:34] NightMonkey: laga_: Did you make any progress?
[23:48:34] laga_: NightMonkey: it would seem their mailing list is broken.. at least my mail doesn't get through, and there have been no new postings in a few months
[23:48:38] laga_: no :(
[23:48:44] NightMonkey: Gah.
[23:49:05] laga_: NightMonkey: i managed to compile and install enbd. however, i can't transfer anything over the block devices.
[23:49:07] NightMonkey: laga_: Hrm, perhaps gnbd is an avenue to pursue?
[23:49:23] laga_: i wonder if they support ioctls
[23:49:29] NightMonkey: laga_: I haven't looked at ioctl support with gnbd, tho.
[23:49:36] NightMonkey: Jinx.
[23:50:00] laga_: heh
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[23:56:59] juski: are there *really* people using mythtv to save themselves $5 a month? pfffft!
[23:57:10] juski: those silly -users mailing list people
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