:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (182):

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Monday, July 9th, 2007, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:00] RaYmAn-Bx: especially if they are looking for support for an open source project
[00:00:10] RaYmAn-Bx: for some reason
[00:00:35] viridari: maybe set chanserv to auto-notify people as they enter
[00:00:41] viridari: they would probably ignore that, too
[00:00:48] RaYmAn-Bx: indeed
[00:01:24] egsavage (egsavage! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:01:59] RaYmAn-Bx: one channel I frequent has a quiz for newcomers..requires people to have some amount of sanity (and willingness to actually read docs) to get help..unfortunately that just means they whine in other channels, but it still works somewhat
[00:03:53] hiredgoo1 (hiredgoo1! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:04:10] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:04:41] justdave: irssi for example shows the topic first before listing the users on the channel when you join a channel
[00:04:57] justdave: which means the topic scrolls off the screen on channels like this one with tons of users on them
[00:05:17] snarkster: yah i give up trying to get myth to work on the tv.
[00:05:18] onixian (onixian!n=xian@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:11:33] hiredgoon (hiredgoon! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:14:00] kslater: suppose one had a new mythtv system and had a buddy across town with a similar system (same provider), being that zap2it is still down, how much would one have to get from the other's db to get a single channel working for a recording?
[00:17:16] viridari: kslater: tried EIT yet?
[00:20:33] egsavage: is EIT the new official project for the tv listing datastream?
[00:21:13] viridari: I was just suggesting that people who are panicking about zap2it should at least try it
[00:21:35] GreyFoxx: viridari: It's not an option if you are using analog cable
[00:21:36] macala (macala! has quit ("Computer goes to sleep!")
[00:21:52] GreyFoxx: egsavage: No, EIT is the standard way of sending programming data over DVB broadcasts
[00:22:10] GreyFoxx: at a minimum it has the now/next show for each channel
[00:22:12] egsavage: right, analog cable here too – don't have access to that data
[00:22:14] GreyFoxx: some places broadcast more
[00:22:29] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:22:32] loops: how can you tell if there is EIT data being sent?
[00:22:34] egsavage: maybe its time to revive screen scraping? (sigh)
[00:22:42] kslater: GreyFoxx, this is for DirecTV and the like in the US?
[00:22:57] kslater: I thought EIT was only for HD OTA signals
[00:23:01] GreyFoxx: kslaOTA HDTV, QAM cabnle, DVBS etc
[00:23:09] GreyFoxx: kslater: Any digital broadcast
[00:23:13] viridari: <- look at "current status"
[00:23:13] mchou (mchou! has left #mythtv-users ("Kopete 0.12.4 :")
[00:23:54] GreyFoxx: There will likely be an official announcement this week
[00:24:12] justdave: hmm, so I just got a new TV... hooked the Mythbox up to it... the manual for the TV says the display resolution for a connection from a PC is 1360x768. The nvidia config panel in Ubuntu doesn't seem to have that as an option
[00:24:24] loops: what does the R.I.P., hammer, and book icons mean that appear on some recorded programs? is there a list of icon meanings somewhere?
[00:25:08] justdave: the RIP probably means the autodelete flag is enabled on that recording (so when it runs out of disk space or gets to a certain age, it's okay to delete it automatically)
[00:25:49] loops: that makes sense.. do you know if the icons documented anywhere?
[00:25:53] loops: are*
[00:26:05] justdave: dunno. been wondering about those myself
[00:26:19] snarkster: what does MythMusic has encountered the following error: DecoderMAD: Failed to open input. Error 5 mean
[00:26:19] justdave: I'd imagine on the wiki somewhere
[00:28:29] jams: loops- press F1
[00:28:40] jams: a legend will appear and explain it all
[00:28:42] kslater: look at the Daily Use Guide on the wiki loops
[00:28:45] loops: ahh.. nice.. never would have found that
[00:28:51] loops: thanks
[00:28:58] hads: loops: There's a bookmark icon, watched, commercial flagged, etc.
[00:29:06] hads: What they look like will depend on the theme
[00:32:26] egsavage: anyone seeing lack of data in today's Zap2It data load? My guide is empty! Looks like they may be stopping things early
[00:33:24] GreyFoxx: egsavage: No, they are just having server issues this weekend
[00:33:28] jams: egsavage- their servers are having trouble, so far there is no reason to believe it will not be fixed monday
[00:34:07] egsavage: k, good to know ... so 9/1/07 is the date we still need to worry about
[00:34:25] ** jams goes back to adding freenx support to the latest installation code **
[00:34:44] GreyFoxx: I wouldn't worry, we'll likely see an announcement
[00:34:45] kslater: freenx – cool!
[00:35:42] jams: no idea if it will work well, but it's worth playing with
[00:38:07] snarkster: whats the keyboard command for raising the volume inthe shoutcast screen
[00:39:47] Cyberai (Cyberai! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:23] valhalla (valhalla! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:38] valhalla is now known as idyll
[00:41:18] ** egsavage is still running version .18 – guess I need to devote some time to upgrade **
[00:41:24] Cyberai: can anyone tell me what the url is that mythtv attempts to connect to in order to retrieve listings data? Although I know for certain my username/password are correct my system does not seem to be able to retrieve channel listings.
[00:41:56] GreyFoxx: Cyberai: zap2it is having issues
[00:42:06] Cyberai: oh
[00:43:15] justdave: I had to manually refresh mine the other day
[00:43:21] Cyberai: so no one can retrieve data right now/
[00:43:23] Cyberai: ?
[00:43:33] GreyFoxx: Cyberai: IT's very hit or miss
[00:43:38] GreyFoxx: works one minute not th enext
[00:43:43] GreyFoxx: and if it works sometimes it has no data
[00:43:44] Cyberai: el sucko
[00:43:53] hads: Cyberai: No one that uses zap2it...
[00:44:12] olsta (olsta! has quit ("bis dann")
[00:44:29] Cyberai: I know about the whole zap2it issue for sept 1
[00:44:33] Cyberai: this isnt related is it?
[00:44:50] DrMitch (DrMitch! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:44:53] GreyFoxx: no way for us to know, but I doubt it
[00:44:57] Cyberai: hmm
[00:45:41] Cyberai: so I was in mythtv-setup and I hit "retrieve listings". It's stuck at 50%. Will it just keep trying til it gets it or should I intervene?
[00:46:18] justdave: it took forever when I ran it the other day
[00:46:23] justdave: but it worked eventually
[00:46:29] Cyberai: OK, I'll just let it go then
[00:46:43] justdave: I ran mythfilldatabase from the command line
[00:46:44] Cyberai: suckage, oh well
[00:47:06] Cyberai: I'll check on it later
[00:47:08] Cyberai: thansk guys
[00:47:10] Cyberai (Cyberai! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:47:55] idyll: does anyone have experience setting up a radeon 9250 for tv out?
[00:49:11] idyll: all the guides i've read say that all i need to do is modify the xorg.conf, but I thought the 9250 could display the console on tv out as well and I'm getting no output what so ever
[00:49:32] idyll: I'm using Mythdora 4.0 and the ati legacy drivers
[00:49:34] d00gster (d00gster! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:49:48] DrMitch (DrMitch! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:50:08] idyll: someone please help with any info. I'm at my whits end
[00:52:06] snarkster: idyll ive the same problem using nvidia
[00:52:18] snarkster: on mythdora 4
[00:52:19] kurre2__ (kurre2__! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:52:31] idyll: does mythdora just suck?
[00:53:20] idyll: it's my first time using it so i have nothing to compare it to
[00:53:25] viridari (viridari! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:53:29] snarkster: nah, i get it on my monitor beautifully..
[00:53:32] snarkster: just not on tv
[00:54:02] idyll: but I have to have it on the tv
[00:54:03] ben_goodger (ben_goodger! has quit ("Goodbye, cruel world... goodbye, cruel lamp... goodbye, cruel velvet drapes, lined with what would appear to be some sort of )
[00:54:09] idyll: i also get it on the monitor
[00:54:18] ** jams decides that freenx is to much of a pita and proceeds with vnc **
[00:55:29] snarkster: i just cant get sound anymore..
[00:55:34] snarkster: well as well as no tv
[00:56:48] PointyPumper (PointyPumper! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:58:35] snarkster: id like to have the mythtv just goto the tv
[01:00:40] snarkster: now how do i direct mythtv to the tv
[01:01:31] TUplink_: snarkster you have tv out?
[01:01:40] snarkster: yes
[01:01:47] snarkster: svideo to the big screen..
[01:01:56] TUplink_: you can see x on the tv?
[01:02:03] snarkster: yes
[01:02:08] TUplink_: i dont know much about it... never done it
[01:02:25] TUplink_: you could mun frontend on that screen...
[01:02:37] TUplink_: my idea is run it windowd
[01:02:45] snarkster: well i know that if you turn off the monitor you lose everything
[01:02:57] TUplink_: hum....
[01:03:06] d00gster0 (d00gster0! has quit (Success)
[01:03:14] viridari (viridari! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:03:30] kurre2 (kurre2! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:04:00] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:06:17] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:36] TUplink_: i have seen some peoples mythweb has the mythmusic link on it how do i get it?
[01:06:59] TUplink_: i have mythmusic instaled
[01:07:33] robthebob (robthebob! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:08:55] idyll (idyll! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:11:29] snarkster: yah so i made the tv +0+0 and the montior +1024 and it just reboots over and over again
[01:14:23] TUplink_: will mythtv run on freebsd?
[01:16:00] chuggs (chuggs! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:18:29] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has quit ("bleh")
[01:19:19] snarkster (snarkster! has left #mythtv-users ("Part who goes there!!!")
[01:23:21] checking123 (checking123! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:28:01] checking123 (checking123! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:35:16] my2keh (my2keh! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:35:22] my2keh: yo yo yo
[01:35:49] my2keh: anyone around here use/have knowledge of LVM?
[01:35:59] d00gster (d00gster! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:44:25] TUplink_: my mythweb dosnt have the video and music link.... how do i enable them?
[01:46:43] cesman: from my experience, it should if you have MythMusic and MythVIdeo installed
[01:46:50] cesman: do you?
[01:47:34] cesman: note, my experience comes from the stable releases
[01:50:15] TUplink_: yes they are instaled
[01:50:22] TUplink_: i can use them from frontend
[01:50:52] GhostFreeman (GhostFreeman!n=GhostFre@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:50:56] snarkster (snarkster! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:02] Kritter: anyone else got problems with mythfilldatabase?
[01:51:07] viridari (viridari! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:51:17] snarkster: zap is having server issues today
[01:51:25] Kritter: I only have one day of data...
[01:51:32] snarkster: or so ive heard
[01:51:37] Kritter: which is a little troublesome
[01:51:43] chuggs: cd /var/log
[01:51:45] chuggs: ls
[01:51:51] viridari (viridari! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:54] snarkster: i think maybe ive fixed my tv problem
[01:52:25] viridari (viridari! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:52:28] snarkster: ive set the tv as screen 0
[01:53:25] my2keh: damn LVM
[01:53:26] my2keh: ugh
[01:54:26] snarkster: freeaking hell
[01:54:30] snarkster: still wont start mythtv
[01:55:01] cesman: logs....
[01:55:29] snarkster: yah if i can stop it from restarting X every few seconds
[01:57:28] [R] ([R]!n=ron@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:05] snarkster: i dont see any error messages in the logs.
[01:59:45] my2keh: df -h | grep /dev/vg/myth gives me nothing
[02:00:01] Anduin (Anduin! has quit ("Leaving.")
[02:00:05] my2keh: because it's /dev/mapper/vg-myth
[02:00:08] my2keh: does that make sense?
[02:01:16] chuggs: my2keh: thats how mine shows up
[02:01:32] my2keh: chuggs>> did you follow the as the guide?
[02:01:34] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:02:06] my2keh: because further down the line, i need to edit fstab right
[02:02:09] my2keh: with /dev/vg/myth /myth auto defaults,auto 0 2
[02:03:30] chuggs: my2keh: in fstab mine doesnt use the mapper device though
[02:03:44] my2keh: right, mine either it uses /dev/vg/myth
[02:03:52] my2keh: that's not the mapper device, correct?
[02:04:05] my2keh: when I reboot, I have no /myth directory heh
[02:04:13] my2keh: but the LV shows up in webmin
[02:06:45] chuggs: my2keh: you have no myth dir or nothing mapped to it
[02:07:03] my2keh: chuggs, when I do "df" no /myth shows up
[02:08:08] snarkster: say how do i tell mythtv to start on the tv but leave the desktop alone?
[02:09:22] chuggs: sorry mapped wast the wrong term. mounted would be more accurate. Can you mount it manually
[02:09:30] hads: snarkster: If your TV is :0.1 then set DISPLAY=:0.1 before you start mythfrontend
[02:10:08] snarkster: hads well right now tv is set to screen 0 and it wont work, it just restart the x server
[02:10:35] my2keh: chuggs> you mean mount /dev/vg/myth /myth ?
[02:12:33] chuggs: my2keh: yes .. you might have to use the /dev/mapper/myth dev
[02:14:31] my2keh: ok i will try in a second
[02:14:43] TUplink_: im on fedora 7 used yum ti install myth and plugins
[02:14:50] TUplink_: how do i just remove the plugins
[02:15:36] clever: /dev/vg/myth is often a symlink to /dev/mapper/vg-myth
[02:16:15] my2keh: yes..I noticed that
[02:16:18] my2keh: hmmm
[02:16:25] clever: so they are the same thing
[02:16:26] snarkster: running set DISPLAY=0.1 and i lost everything
[02:16:33] clever: you need a :
[02:16:36] clever: DISPLAY=:0.1
[02:17:06] aarcane (aarcane!n=Christ@2001:4830:1510:1:0:0:0:131) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:17:11] aarcane: hello
[02:17:19] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:17:21] psofa (psofa! has quit ()
[02:17:23] aarcane: have any of you heard of the new netflix service ?
[02:17:36] aarcane: the download videos one... if so, is it linux friendly ?
[02:17:44] Nem^ (Nem^! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:18:05] my2keh: just rebooting now
[02:18:18] Nem^ (Nem^! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:20:11] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:20:33] TUplink_: errrrr if i remove mythtv will it keep all of my settings?
[02:20:47] my2keh: shoot, forgot to edit fstab
[02:20:48] my2keh: heh
[02:21:18] psyco-obiwan (psyco-obiwan!n=cschnee@2001:4060:4419:b1:0:0:0:2) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:21:25] chuggs: my2keh: I used Jarods how btw
[02:22:06] exobyte (exobyte! has quit ("leaving")
[02:22:29] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:22:48] a5benwillis (a5benwillis! has quit ("See ya on the flip side!")
[02:23:05] my2keh: chuggs>> where's that at?
[02:23:15] my2keh: woah
[02:23:17] my2keh: it works
[02:23:23] my2keh: I musta fat fingered something the first time
[02:23:26] snarkster (snarkster! has left #mythtv-users ("Part who goes there!!!")
[02:23:56] chuggs: has anyone ever had issues deleting recorded files. i have these kicking around
[02:24:33] chuggs: the file information is all question marks ( date time permissions etc)
[02:25:08] clever: run stat on one of them
[02:25:11] clever: and pastebin that
[02:25:12] geek (geek! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:25:27] geek: whenever i open mythtv
[02:25:34] geek: it tells me that database failed to load
[02:25:43] geek: and i just continues to ask for configuration
[02:25:49] clever: geek comfirm the settings in mysql.txt
[02:25:55] clever: and that mysql is running
[02:26:08] geek: im having trouble with mysql
[02:26:28] clever: what kind of trouble?
[02:26:54] chuggs: clever: permission denied on the stat
[02:27:00] geek: like simple stuff that the tuts arent explain like
[02:27:00] clever: nfs?
[02:27:05] geek: running mysql and what not
[02:27:27] chuggs: no local files. reiserfs on LVM
[02:27:28] geek: whenever
[02:27:31] geek: i try to start mysql
[02:27:32] geek: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
[02:27:37] clever: chuggs: try to stat it as root maybe
[02:28:14] chuggs: clever: same result
[02:28:29] clever: chuggs: check dmesg|tail for any errors
[02:28:36] clever: maybe fsck the filesystem
[02:28:45] clever: youll probly need to umount to fsck it
[02:29:19] my2keh: does anyone else's root partition always fill up?
[02:29:37] clever: my2keh: that depends on the size and other stuff
[02:29:38] chuggs: clever: i did that yesterday when I had it down to add another drive. and did fsck it while booted from knoppix
[02:29:59] clever: dont know then
[02:30:03] my2keh: hmmm
[02:30:08] clever: havent used reiserfs
[02:30:12] my2keh: mine was created as to whatever the default size is
[02:30:13] clever: i mainly use ext2
[02:30:15] geek: what does ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
[02:30:19] geek: what does that mean?
[02:30:24] mboman (mboman!n=mboman@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:30:26] clever: geek: means mysql isnt running
[02:30:31] my2keh: means ur sql isn't running
[02:30:33] my2keh: doh
[02:30:39] geek: whenever i try to run mysql
[02:30:43] geek: it gives me that?
[02:31:03] geek: why is it telling me that its not running when im trying to start it that doesn't make sense
[02:31:04] clever: geek: ask #mysql
[02:31:28] chuggs: my2keh: the how to is here -> . but it is Fedora specific
[02:31:40] my2keh: thanks chuggs!
[02:32:59] my2keh: stupid question, but isn't 'everything' in the root partition? heh
[02:33:05] my2keh: like off of /
[02:33:07] my2keh: ?
[02:33:21] clever: you could make /home its own partiition
[02:33:25] clever: then that wont be using space on /
[02:34:32] my2keh: home is 314768
[02:35:05] my2keh: isn't that only like 307 MB's?
[02:35:13] clever: df -h
[02:35:20] clever: that will show the sizes
[02:35:25] clever: in mb or gig
[02:35:40] chuggs: or TB ;)
[02:36:27] clever: lol
[02:36:30] my2keh: heh
[02:36:49] my2keh: dev/sda1 4.7G 4.0G 451M 90% /
[02:37:38] clever: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
[02:37:43] clever: /dev/hdb1 1.4G 1.3G 51M 97% /
[02:37:51] clever: you think you got problems?:P
[02:37:55] my2keh: hahaha
[02:38:00] my2keh: but mine was just 100%
[02:38:05] my2keh: until I deleted some log files
[02:38:27] clever: mines ran into 0 bytes many times
[02:38:35] my2keh: right, then stuff breaks
[02:38:36] PointyPumper (PointyPumper! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:38:45] my2keh: I want to not have to go and delete stuff
[02:38:46] clever: yeah
[02:38:47] Denidil (Denidil! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:38:48] clever: and it breaks in odd ways
[02:38:53] Denidil: Zap2it is full of it
[02:38:54] clever: if theP4 host runs out of space on /
[02:38:55] my2keh: not very wife friendly
[02:39:01] clever: the redhat9 host freezes up
[02:39:01] Denidil: they said they were going to wait until september to go offline
[02:39:06] clever: after i fix the free space
[02:39:13] Denidil: they stopped providing channel data for atleasta dozen of my channels
[02:39:15] my2keh: Dagmar>> may be they are just having server issues
[02:39:23] clever: the php scripts on the redhat accessing mysql block because of the low space on the mysql server
[02:39:26] my2keh: it's happening for alot of people, getting timeouts
[02:39:31] clever: then when i fix the mysql server they all come to life
[02:39:33] clever: at once
[02:39:39] clever: 500 scripts resuming on 64mb ram...
[02:39:50] my2keh: lol
[02:42:08] Denidil: hmm
[02:42:14] Denidil: so it's just zap2it timing out huh?
[02:42:19] my2keh: yes
[02:42:24] Denidil: probably throttled their bandwidth usage on datadirect
[02:42:28] Denidil: since they're going to pull the plug
[02:42:31] Denidil: how polite of them
[02:42:34] my2keh: remember
[02:42:38] my2keh: it's a free service!
[02:42:39] my2keh: sheesh
[02:42:46] clever: failed: Connection timed out.
[02:42:49] clever: Connecting to||:80... 2007-07–08 21:41:03.043 NVR(/dev/video0) Error: Reading VBI data
[02:42:56] clever: im also having that prob;em
[02:42:56] my2keh: they can do whatever they want
[02:42:57] Denidil: there is still a thing called courteousy my2keh
[02:43:02] my2keh: they did
[02:43:05] my2keh: Sept 1st
[02:43:07] Denidil: if they're going to claim to provide a service, provide it
[02:43:10] GreyFoxx: Denidil: no, it's server issues, not bw throttling
[02:43:14] Denidil: if they say they're going to kill it sept 1st
[02:43:18] Denidil: then provide it until sept 1st
[02:43:23] Denidil: don't start killing it before hand
[02:43:27] my2keh: and maybe it's down
[02:43:30] my2keh: and it's the weekend
[02:43:32] Denidil: GreyFoxx: a "server issue" we've never seen before
[02:43:34] my2keh: so no one is in to fix it
[02:43:40] Denidil: my2keh: it's not new on my box
[02:43:49] Denidil: i have several channels, about a dozen, with no listing data
[02:43:56] GreyFoxx: Denidil: It started failing late Friday night
[02:44:09] GreyFoxx: and it wont likely be fixed til tomorrow morning
[02:44:32] Denidil: others with intermitten data
[02:44:48] Denidil: GreyFoxx: shouldn't i still have data atleast 10 days out on those channels then
[02:44:59] Denidil: instead of some of them having no data right now
[02:45:07] rmoquin (rmoquin! has quit ("ChatZilla [Firefox]")
[02:45:44] GreyFoxx: It depends actually, If you fail to connect you will be fine, if it connect but doesn't get all of the data it's possible mythfilldb would wipe the day, before trying to import the "new" and incomplete data
[02:46:04] geek (geek! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:46:06] my2keh (my2keh! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:46:16] GreyFoxx: And it's affected more than datadirect
[02:46:19] justdave: I had to do a force refresh on a couple days to get listing data this weekend
[02:46:43] justdave: it only partially filled a couple days, others were fine
[02:46:53] justdave: depends when you hit it
[02:46:58] justdave: sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.
[02:47:04] my2keh (my2keh! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:47:06] my2keh: stupid laptop
[02:47:14] justdave: try a force refresh of the affected day periodically until it gets it
[02:48:06] my2keh: do I need to keep /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18-chw-13 kicking around?
[02:48:53] my2keh: and if I delete it, does it reside on the root partition?
[02:50:16] GreyFoxx: my2keh: The only one who can check that is you
[02:50:31] my2keh: GreyFoxx>> what do you mean?
[02:50:43] GreyFoxx: /usr is a seperate partition on my machine, but that doesn't mean it is on yours
[02:50:54] GreyFoxx: depends on who you and or your distro partitioned the drive(s)
[02:51:19] my2keh: ok I have one for / one for /myth
[02:51:25] my2keh: so then it is
[02:51:29] GreyFoxx: Then yes
[02:51:38] my2keh: and I can delete that correct?
[02:51:49] GreyFoxx: Do you have a specific reason to delete it ?
[02:51:51] my2keh: stupid question heh
[02:51:57] my2keh: I'm hurting for space on the root
[02:52:00] GreyFoxx: IE, are you desperately out of space ?
[02:52:14] my2keh: 5 minutes ago I was at 100%
[02:52:15] my2keh: heh
[02:52:27] my2keh: and I deleted some logs and was at 90%
[02:52:42] [R]: if /usr/src/linux-stupidestnamei'veeverseen is your current kernel, no, if its not your current kernel, yes
[02:53:13] my2keh: it is my current kernel
[02:53:17] [R]: then you need it
[02:53:21] my2keh: but isn't the source only necessary for compiling
[02:53:24] my2keh: and not runtime?
[02:53:36] [R]: what if you want to recomile it... or compile an external module?
[02:53:55] my2keh: I'll deal with it then, but right now i've got everything I need
[02:54:06] my2keh: i could just redownload no?
[02:54:10] [R]: you could
[02:54:17] [R]: just make sure you have your config saved somewhere
[02:54:27] GreyFoxx: You could also move it to another partition and symlink to it
[02:54:42] [R]: although i question how small your root partition is
[02:54:53] my2keh: it's 4.7GB
[02:54:55] [R]: i keep mine pretty small... and i can usually keep 2 kernels
[02:54:59] [R]: mine is 5
[02:55:04] [R]: how much crap do you have installed
[02:55:09] my2keh: not too much
[02:55:19] my2keh: I used du -xk / | sort -rn | head -30
[02:55:24] [R]: something is seriously wrong then, because i got about 3.5gb used
[02:55:25] kusznir_ (kusznir_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:55:34] my2keh: and /usr/src/linux-source was the biggest
[02:55:56] my2keh: hmmm
[02:56:12] my2keh: 961748 /usr/src
[02:56:29] [R]: how much crap do you have in there
[02:57:31] my2keh: linux source
[02:57:33] my2keh: and headers
[02:57:41] my2keh: a few mythtv directories
[02:57:59] [R]: a few myth directories
[02:57:59] [R]: lol
[02:58:04] [R]: a compiled linux source is like 300mb
[02:58:14] my2keh: well mythplugins/themes/mythtv
[02:58:18] kusznir_: Hi all: I'm having a lot of stuttering and such, and based on my top watching, it appears to be load related (loadavg around 4–8). I think something is wrong, as this is a P4–1.3Ghz. I've run a myth on a 800Mhz P3 with better performance (this was a couple years ago). Should my system be able to handle this fine?
[02:58:43] [R]: well you should have said that
[02:58:51] my2keh: I was lazy :( sorry heh
[02:58:52] [R]: its not a few... its all the myth source
[02:59:23] [R]: i got 2.3gb used on the root of my myth box
[02:59:29] [R]: with full trunk soruces and a kernel dir too
[02:59:36] [R]: my myth sources is 350mb
[03:00:19] my2keh: hmmm /usr/src shows up a few times for it's subdirectories
[03:00:25] my2keh: as being the largest on my root partition
[03:02:33] my2keh:
[03:02:38] my2keh: is the directories
[03:03:07] my2keh: does that look normal [R]
[03:03:09] my2keh: ?
[03:03:36] [R]: i thought you said it was full
[03:03:41] [R]: thats about 3.2gb only
[03:03:56] my2keh: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
[03:04:06] my2keh: dev/sda1 4.7G 4.0G 451M 90% /
[03:04:17] jasta (jasta! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:04:27] [R]: well i dont knwo what kind of crazy stuff you got going on that your kernel is 600mb
[03:04:30] [R]: thats like double what it should be
[03:04:44] [R]: also why is your /home/mythtv/.mythtv so freakin huge
[03:04:46] my2keh: could it be that I downloaded it twice?
[03:04:55] [R]: downloaded what?
[03:05:04] my2keh: the source
[03:05:23] [R]: if you have 2 copies of the source in that directory somehow
[03:05:50] my2keh: hence I was suggesting if I just blow away /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18-chw-13
[03:05:55] [R]: do you by any chance have EVERY SINGLE driver compield in the kernel?
[03:05:55] my2keh: I could redownload it
[03:05:59] [R]: cuz your direvers dir is rather large too
[03:06:05] my2keh: I have no idea :(
[03:06:29] my2keh: 248M /home/mythtv/.mythtv/osdcache
[03:06:59] my2keh: i'm assuming that is so big because I tried a few OSD themes?
[03:07:20] [R]: you can blow the contents of that directory away no problem
[03:07:27] my2keh: os osdcache?
[03:07:33] my2keh: err of osdcache no problem?
[03:09:52] hads: It will rebuild itself
[03:10:00] viridari (viridari! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:26] my2keh: oh this is odd
[03:10:31] javabugz (javabugz! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:55] my2keh: inside /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.18-chw-13
[03:11:06] my2keh: I have this
[03:11:14] my2keh: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Jun 6 17:55 linux-source-2.6.18-chw-13 -> linux-source-2.6.18-chw-13
[03:11:59] AngryElf (AngryElf! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:12:02] [R]: its a symlink to itself?
[03:12:12] my2keh: yeah
[03:12:23] [R]: if its inside the directory
[03:12:27] [R]: its just a broken symlink
[03:12:57] my2keh: that's not what's cranking up the size
[03:13:07] TUplink_ (TUplink_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:13:12] my2keh: hmm
[03:13:13] [R]: du is pretty smart with regards to symlinks anyway
[03:13:21] my2keh: smarter then me ;)
[03:14:45] hiredgoo1 is now known as hiredgoon
[03:15:04] psyco-obiwan (psyco-obiwan!n=cschnee@2001:4060:4419:b1:0:0:0:2) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:16:10] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:16:53] my2keh: the drivers directory with the linux-source is the biggest
[03:17:25] my2keh: so just blowing it away and redownloading it is a no-no?
[03:18:11] [R]: you can do wahtever you want
[03:18:19] my2keh: lol
[03:18:23] [R]: but it looks like your compiling every driver which is why its so huge
[03:18:56] my2keh: maybe I should be more pointed with my question
[03:19:03] my2keh: deleting it won't break anything?
[03:19:40] [R]: no
[03:19:40] juski: deleting the kernel headers & source will only break compiling the kernel & modules I'd have thought...
[03:20:05] my2keh: 10–4
[03:20:12] juski: since it's not something you need to do frequently I'd not worry too much about it – you can always download that stuff again
[03:20:52] my2keh: ok slick
[03:20:58] my2keh: lemme see how much that'll give me in space
[03:21:38] juski: if you're *that* desperate for space I'd be concerned tbh
[03:22:02] my2keh: i am and I'm not
[03:22:06] juski: getting rid of the kernel headers & source isn't gonna give you many more mythtv recording hours!
[03:22:12] my2keh: it's at 85%
[03:22:22] my2keh: juski>> I have 750 GB for mythtv hours
[03:22:32] my2keh: but my root partition keeps filling up
[03:22:38] my2keh: so I'm trying to do a little house keeping
[03:23:01] kusznir_: Hey, does an XFS partition need to be defragmented? It seems that my io performance has dropped considerably (slowly, over time)
[03:23:17] juski: strange things happen when / fills up.. mysql doesn't like that much either
[03:23:20] [R]: kusznir_: no
[03:23:53] my2keh: juski>> exactly...neither does X
[03:23:57] Denidil (Denidil! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:23:59] kusznir_: [R] Thanks
[03:24:13] juski: I don't think you ever *need* to defragment but it can sometimes help – mythtv partitions can (and do) get very fragmented
[03:25:53] my2keh: down to 72%
[03:26:39] GhostFreeman (GhostFreeman!n=GhostFre@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:24] my2keh: now 65%
[03:33:40] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:36:41] aarcane_ (aarcane_!n=Christ@2001:4830:1510:1:0:0:0:131) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:37:21] kusznir_: I'm also curious about using XvMC or some other hardware accelleration. I'm currently using a GeForce 4MX, and am considering replacing it if it will help. Myth is becoming nearly unusable with its jumping and such.
[03:37:47] juski: if you can avoid resorting to using XvMC, I would if I were you
[03:38:07] juski: more horsepower is best :)
[03:38:12] my2keh: heh
[03:38:29] juski: at LRL we had 3 frontends working off my 800mhz backend just fine
[03:38:37] my2keh: what's LRL?
[03:38:45] juski: LUGRadio live
[03:38:51] my2keh: ahh ok
[03:38:59] juski: linux show – we were exhibiting mythtv
[03:39:08] my2keh: nice deal
[03:39:26] kusznir_: I'm running a single combined FE/BE with PVR-500 capture, SD only on a 1.3Ghz box, and its getting worse and worse in its struggling.
[03:39:39] juski: kusznir_: that should be plenty
[03:40:01] kusznir_: I thouht so....I just can't figure out where its all going...We were wathing a jow, and it was pausing about 1 sec out of every 5.
[03:40:11] kusznir_: darn laptop...sorry for the typos.
[03:40:25] juski: kusznir_: if you're running svn with the latest mythweb, check that you don't still have rogue ffmpeg processes running
[03:40:52] my2keh: damn I need to upgrade my drivers
[03:40:59] my2keh: I can't use the Option UseEvents true
[03:41:00] my2keh: ugh
[03:41:01] juski: maybe making jobs take less CPU (e.g. commflagging & transcoding) will help too
[03:41:09] kusznir_: My process list from top shows mythfrontend using the majority, with mythbackend right below (currently recording), then X, then ivtv-enc.
[03:41:43] my2keh: 'cause Xorg is taking up 80% of 1 core
[03:41:45] [R] ([R]!n=ron@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit ("Leaving")
[03:41:47] juski: kusznir_: are you using the 'nvidia' or 'nv' driver? the binary blob 'nvidia' driver gives best performance
[03:41:56] snarkster (snarkster! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:41:56] kusznir_: Its been doing this for a couple months accross several reboots. I'm using Knoppmyth R5E50, which I believe is .20.
[03:42:13] snarkster: ok well ive finally gotten the myth box to just use the tv
[03:42:14] kusznir_: I should be using the binary, let me double-check that it still is...
[03:42:25] snarkster: andnow myth wont start.
[03:42:38] juski: kusznir_: playing back SDTV on my 800mhz box was using about 40% CPU over the weekend, without XVMC
[03:43:25] snarkster: when i try to start mythtv it just runs the mythsetup program.. the gnome launcher is pointing to the right place.
[03:43:31] kusznir_: That's more what I first myth was an 800Mhz P3. I don't understand why this system is having such a problem now...It used to be OK.
[03:43:52] kusznir_: My box just hard-crashed (as far as I can tell, overload brought it on)
[03:43:53] juski: snarkster: the frontend is called 'mythfrontend'
[03:43:59] snarkster: yup
[03:44:08] snarkster: juski yup sure is
[03:44:27] snarkster: its configured to start automatically as well..
[03:44:31] snarkster: which it doesnt do
[03:44:50] juski: maybe there's no mysql.txt file for the user you're auto logging in as
[03:44:56] kusznir_: Yes, it is using binary nvidia drivers
[03:45:01] juski: ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[03:46:00] snarkster: hmmm ill have to check that
[03:46:11] snarkster: i just rebooted
[03:47:36] snarkster: yes there is a mysql.txt file
[03:47:58] snarkster: maybe i should move the .mythtv so it can rebuild the profile
[03:49:09] juski: are you 100% sure it's logging in automatically as the right user? ;)
[03:49:31] HalonChilled (HalonChilled! has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:52:13] javabugz (javabugz! has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:54:25] snarkster: yup
[03:54:28] kusznir_: So, one question I have is about deinternlace. Without it, the recording looks like garbage. However, I don't know which one to use to get decent results without being too costly in CPU. Currently, I'm running kernel.
[03:54:32] snarkster: its coming up now
[03:54:52] kusznir_: Oh, and now that I'm not concurrently recording, playback is performing acceptably.
[03:55:14] my2keh: I like Bob2
[03:55:37] juski: if you use a nvidia tv output, load nvidia-settings & crank the flicker filter to half way ;)
[03:55:46] juski: magical deinterlacing effect :)
[03:56:26] squidly (squidly!n=craig@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:58:17] adam (adam! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:59:23] adam: hey i was hpoing for a little advice on a problem with my mythtvbackend
[03:59:37] adam is now known as fUnGuiiiiiii
[04:00:39] hads: Ask and you may get an answer
[04:01:07] juski: though maybe not with a nick like that! :-P
[04:01:17] fUnGuiiiiiii: haha ya well
[04:01:40] fUnGuiiiiiii: i can't figure out why it seems to crash every time
[04:01:46] fUnGuiiiiiii: mythtvbackend refuses to start
[04:01:57] fUnGuiiiiiii: i started on an ubuntu 7 box
[04:02:11] fUnGuiiiiiii: and ran the setup and everything seemed fine
[04:02:15] snarkster: wow whats the deal with mythweather
[04:02:28] snarkster: no weather icons, and the test is messed up
[04:02:35] snarkster: is it working for you?
[04:02:43] hads:
[04:02:53] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:02:59] juski: the deal with mythweather is – it's broken & nobody can be bothered to fix it properly, so it's stayed broken
[04:03:17] juski: when somebody bothers to fix it, it'll be fixed :)
[04:03:24] snarkster: oh ok
[04:03:26] snarkster: :)
[04:03:52] fUnGuiiiiiii is now known as aj90
[04:04:26] sinthetek: everyone still having trouble with zap2it?
[04:04:32] juski: the site mythweather scrapes to get its data from, changed the layout – that's how it got broken. then people realised mythweather was breaking that site's licence conditions by scraping it anyway. which is why it didn't get fixed right away
[04:05:11] aj90: yes zap2it let me rigister but not pick my channels
[04:05:39] hads: adam/fUnGuiiiiiii/aj90: You need to be more specific i.e. "X happens when I do "Y rather than, "It doesn't work".
[04:06:03] sinthetek: bleh, that sucks. still messed up i guess
[04:06:09] aj90: haha well i don't know how to isolate the problem
[04:06:18] aj90: i type the command to start the backend
[04:06:26] aj90: and then i ps -e | grep my
[04:06:29] hads: Yes, "the command"?
[04:06:32] aj90: and all i get is mysql server
[04:06:44] hads: That's what being specific is not :)
[04:06:57] snarkster: hmm mythmusic doesnt play my mp3's
[04:07:01] aj90: sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start
[04:07:06] aj90: sry i had to look it up
[04:07:07] snarkster: i see them, and can scroll through them but no sound
[04:07:12] juski: snarkster: ubuntu doesn't support mp3 playback out of the box
[04:07:25] juski: handy!
[04:07:33] snarkster: juski what about MythDora 4
[04:07:41] sinthetek: aj90 look at /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log
[04:07:43] juski: no idea, but again maybe not that either
[04:07:46] egsavage: Re: zap2it ... Anyone see this post? Sounds like a good idea, some type of caching server so z2i's servers don't get overloaded
[04:07:56] hads: aj90: Run the mythbackend binary itself and you may get some insight.
[04:08:05] snarkster: how then do i add it??
[04:08:15] juski: oh ffs just let the devs get on with fixing up a deal with a data provider
[04:08:55] my2keh: egsavage>> they aren't worried about server utilization
[04:08:59] snarkster: hmm it shows that it can write mp3
[04:09:02] my2keh: or bandwidth, that's not the big deal
[04:09:17] egsavage: my2keh : oh, that guy made it sound that way
[04:09:23] egsavage: guess it's just $
[04:09:49] my2keh: correct. if Zap pays let's say $12K/month to get the data
[04:10:06] my2keh: and the Company A signs up for Zap's service (for free) then sells the data
[04:10:19] my2keh: or Company A should be buying it
[04:10:27] my2keh: basically it was meant for hobbyists
[04:10:34] egsavage: agreed, for commercial use, sure
[04:10:35] juski: that's basically what was happenning – those guys selling preconfigured myth boxes etc...
[04:10:46] egsavage: right, i hear ya
[04:10:54] TUplink_ (TUplink_! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:11:12] TUplink_: how do i get my frontend to load on my second monotor?
[04:11:30] juski: TUplink_: pretty straightforward dual desktop question...
[04:11:40] TUplink_: yup
[04:11:53] juski: same way you'd get any app to run on your 2nd monitor
[04:11:57] aj90: hey thanks hads
[04:12:05] TUplink_: and that would be...
[04:12:06] aj90: i had tried that before without success
[04:12:14] aj90: but it just gave me some simple erros i fixed
[04:12:22] TUplink_: in windows i would just just drag it over there
[04:12:32] aj90: so it seems to be workin now
[04:12:48] aj90: any idea why sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start doesnt work?
[04:13:03] aj90: shouldnt that start it when the comp boots?
[04:13:10] juski: . . . amp;safe=off
[04:13:38] juski: aj90: not if it's not in the default run level, no. man update-rc.d
[04:13:41] hads: aj90: It should but if there were problems then it wouldn't. If you fixed them it might next time you boot, otherwise it may be something else.
[04:13:45] aj90: sinthetek i didn't see anything out of the ordinary in the log
[04:13:55] aj90: but thats a good heads up for the future!
[04:14:02] my2keh (my2keh! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:14:25] TUplink_: looks like loads of fun i hate configuring X
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[04:21:50] TUplink_: think i figured it out....
[04:22:09] TUplink_: juat have to open mythfrontend in that screen
[04:24:03] aj90: sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start still doesnt work
[04:24:12] aj90: i'm looking at mythtvbackend in bum
[04:24:26] aj90: it wont start from there either
[04:24:32] aj90: and the running icon is a ?
[04:24:47] aj90: i know this probably isnt the place to ask
[04:25:06] aj90: but i dont know how to change the runlevel or what to change it to
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[04:28:13] aj90: i'm looking at my configuration using the sysv-rc-conf tool
[04:29:00] aj90: mythtvbackend has Xs all across 2–5 but not 1, 0, 6 or S
[04:29:37] hads: Default Debian/Ubuntu runlevel is 2
[04:29:56] hads: And mythbackend will start in that runlevel.
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[04:32:00] aj90: hmmm well it seems to be set to 2
[04:32:06] aj90: should i set it to only 2?
[04:32:28] hads: You needent play with it.
[04:32:37] aj90: kk
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[04:33:43] hads: Run that; `find /etc/rc2.d/ -name '*myth*'` if it comes back with something then myth will start when you boot.
[04:33:59] aj90: so is that not my problem then?
[04:35:37] kusznir_: Question: What does this mean (from mythbackend.log):2007-07–08 20:06:41.983 TFW, Error: Write() — IOBOUND begin cnt(2048) free(2047)
[04:35:37] kusznir_: 2007-07–08 20:06:45.570 TFW, Error: Write() — IOBOUND end
[04:35:38] regicide666: anyone using linux-2.6.22
[04:36:01] aj90 (aj90! has quit ("Lost terminal")
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[04:36:21] TUplink_: im using 2.6.21
[04:36:42] regicide666: does that have ivtv in kernel
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[04:37:32] TUplink_: no...
[04:37:34] regicide666: I was just looking at and 2.6.22 was released and ivtv has been merged
[04:37:47] TUplink_: with fedora it was easy to instal
[04:37:48] regicide666: I was just wondering if anyone has used it yet
[04:40:22] TUplink_: will mytharchive let you import and add them to your database?
[04:41:39] juski: kusznir_: your box is iobound by the look of that message – not enough IO bandwidth. I had that kind of problem when I used ext3
[04:41:52] OpenMedia: Were you deleting a large file.
[04:42:06] kusznir_: juski: what fs do you use now?
[04:42:09] OpenMedia: I found things work a lot better if I enable "Delete files slowly"
[04:42:16] kusznir_: No, I was recording a program and watching another.
[04:42:38] kusznir_: And it appears that mythfilldb was running in the background (using server-recommended run-time)
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[04:42:41] juski: kusznir_: is dma enabled?
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[04:43:13] kusznir_: juski: yes, hdparm reports is on.
[04:43:30] kusznir_: I am running XFS on my myth partition (ext3 on /)
[04:43:39] OpenMedia: whats the disk performance like (hdparm -Tt partition)
[04:44:32] kusznir_: Cached: 392.36, buffered: 22.25
[04:45:24] TUplink_: kusznir_ i dont know any thing about your prob but is taht ata-100?
[04:46:26] kusznir_: TUplink_ I actually don't know...I never figured out how to tell what speed the IDE bus was running at in linux.
[04:46:36] TUplink_: oh... ok
[04:46:40] kusznir_: dmesg doesn't offer any hints (other than its running DMA rather than pio)
[04:46:46] TUplink_: really was wondering if it was sata
[04:46:53] kusznir_: No, not sata. pata.
[04:47:13] kusznir_: This is a P4–1.3Ghz, mobo at least 5 yrs old.
[04:47:22] kusznir_: (mobo + proc)
[04:47:34] juski: via chipset?
[04:48:16] kusznir_: nope, intel: Intel Corporation 82850 850 (Tehama) Chipset
[04:48:40] TUplink_: my sata is cached 328.01 and bufferd is 54.67
[04:49:36] kusznir_: juski, OpenMedia: are my hdparm performance numbers sufficient to allow recording something and watching something else on xfs?
[04:50:10] OpenMedia: The ide drive in my personal box is 25.14 MB/sec
[04:50:10] OpenMedia: and I don't have these issues since I enabled delete files slowly.
[04:50:17] OpenMedia: What type of video capture are you using?
[04:50:23] kusznir_: PVR-500
[04:50:32] kusznir_: no trancoding anywhere.
[04:50:37] mchou: kusznir_: how much space is left on your video volume for myth?
[04:50:43] TUplink_: kuszner.... would depend on the birthrate
[04:50:44] OpenMedia: cat /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes
[04:51:01] kusznir_: /dev/hda3 228G 160G 69G 71% /myth
[04:51:10] mchou: kusznir_: OpenMediahas it right
[04:51:13] OpenMedia: kusznir_: What value do you get for the above command?
[04:51:51] kusznir_: 2508
[04:51:57] OpenMedia: Argh.
[04:52:10] OpenMedia: echo "16384" > /proc/sys/vm/min_free_kbytes
[04:52:16] mchou: lol
[04:52:27] TUplink_: thats 16 MB
[04:52:29] kusznir_: what does that do?
[04:52:32] TUplink_: whats that do
[04:52:33] TUplink_: yea
[04:52:35] TUplink_: same q
[04:52:40] TUplink_: im trying to lern
[04:52:55] TUplink_: i had 3816
[04:53:36] kusznir_: I take it I need to add that echo statement to rc.local or equiv?
[04:53:51] kusznir_: (or is there a nicer way to set it, i.e., sysctl.conf
[04:54:11] TUplink_: probably keeps it after a reboot
[04:54:23] kusznir_: Most things in /proc are not kept after a reboot.
[04:54:40] TUplink_: ok...
[04:54:57] kusznir_: /proc is a virtual filesystem that interfaces into parts of the kernel.
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[04:57:50] kusznir_: Ok, adding the line "vm.min_free_kbytes = 16384"
[04:58:01] kusznir_: to /etc/sysctl.conf will make it persist accross reboots.
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[05:01:05] juski: kusznir_: that IO performance should be more than enough
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[05:03:54] kusznir_: So, the vm/min_free_kbytes: Does that set the minimum amount of free memory required? What happens when that is violated?
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[05:12:56] kusznir_: So as best as I can gather from googling, that limits file caching (when that bound is violated, it releases disk cache).
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[05:13:32] kusznir_: Anyway, I've got to head out.
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[06:08:27] k-man_: hello
[06:08:35] k-man_: anyone tried the mutlirecorder stuff yet?
[06:08:43] k-man_: it looks interesting
[06:09:20] juski: interesting but probably too bleeding edge for now
[06:10:25] TUplink_: what is multirecord?
[06:10:28] hads: Yeah, I little too alpha for me currently, I don't have a dev environment so need the box to keep going for WAF
[06:11:56] juski: multirecord is going to allow users with digital tuners to record more than one channel at the same time using only one tuner – provided they're on the same transport ;)
[06:12:59] TUplink_: kool
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[06:24:02] k-man_: yeah
[06:24:06] k-man_: its going to be really good
[06:24:17] k-man_: as i have to often record overlapping shows on the same channel
[06:24:33] k-man_: as channel 10 over here regularly likes to run up to 20 minutes late
[06:24:36] k-man_: its very annoying
[06:25:09] k-man_: so at the moment, I practicaly need 2 tuners to record the one channel
[06:27:29] juski: those aussies need to get less laid-back with their timing ;)
[06:29:42] aarcane_: anyone here heard of the new netflix download service?
[06:29:52] aarcane_: is it linux/mythtv friendly ?
[06:30:48] juski: no it's not linux/mythtv friendly. DRM'd to the hilt
[06:31:52] aarcane_: no known way to remove the DRM, or install the DRM key so that myth-video can play it ?
[06:32:49] juski: "You must have a computer running Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or higher, or Windows Vista; Internet Explorer version 6 or higher; Windows Media Player version 9 or higher"
[06:33:17] juski: aarcane_: as if the developers would want to have a hand in undoing Netflix's DRM
[06:33:19] aarcane_: lots of things require windows XP or Vista, but lots of them work with Linux anyway
[06:34:03] aarcane_: DRM can't be that hard to break, DVD Encryption was broken, and that was "secure"
[06:34:30] juski: so you'd want the mythtv developers to get sued?
[06:34:42] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:35:00] Dagmar: I think it's more likely a matter of he doesn't care so long as he gets his warez
[06:35:02] aarcane_: not at all, I'm just certain that someone must have a solution to windows DRM
[06:35:22] juski: maybe, maybe not. I don't care either way
[06:35:37] aarcane_: if you don't know of a solution for me as a Linux user to watch movies I've paid to download from a pay to download service, just say so :)
[06:35:41] Dagmar: Yes, but a) this project doesn't run on windows, and b) you're a serious freaking lamer if you can't find it through Google.
[06:35:42] juski: even if there is, this isn't the place to talk about it
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[06:36:04] Dagmar: just gtfo lamer
[06:36:33] juski: aarcane_: you asked about it from a mythtv angle. I said NO because of the DRM and explained there's NO chance of mythtv ever supporting it if it involves reversing the DRM
[06:37:49] aarcane_: juski, but I also specified myth-video, which relies on mplayer and xine, both of which use windows DLLs. Furthermore, I'm not asking to remove DRM entirely, just to be able to include my key into a file and watch a movie I paid for using mythtv as the front end.
[06:38:11] aarcane_: I'll go ask in #mplayer and #xine, since it seems that fair use is a touchy subject here :-S
[06:38:21] ** cesman wonders why it is folks think that everything that is "secure/DRM" must be broken and it must be available on Linux.... **
[06:38:21] Dagmar: They'll give you the same reaction
[06:38:46] ** cesman thinks it is a safe bet that more pirating of is done on Windows than anything else.... **
[06:38:56] cesman: funny how no one whats to talk about that....
[06:38:58] aarcane_: cesman, it's not broken, it just doesn't work yet.
[06:39:07] Dagmar: It's not going to work either.
[06:39:19] Dagmar: They made a _proprietary_ service for a specific reason
[06:39:27] Dagmar: Only a moron would expect that it's going to work with other things.
[06:40:04] cesman: aarcane_: what is the problem? Why must you keep harping on this.... NetFlix made it proprietary.
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[06:40:20] cesman: Talk to them if you want wider support
[06:40:26] juski: sadly I met a lot of people at the weekend who think that all they need to watch TV is a fast internet connection & a big HDD
[06:41:13] Dagmar: cesman: The idea is usually to twist the argument so that it becomes an "Oh yeah? I bet you guys *can't* do it becuse you're not smart enough." argument so that the lamer can "trick" the intelligent people into doing their droll little task.
[06:41:14] juski: XBMC got a lot of attention for all the wrong reasons – the guy who brought it to the show had downloaded content on it, with kinda *obvious* filenames
[06:41:26] Dagmar: cesman: This guy just ain't smart enough to pull it off.
[06:41:50] Dagmar: juski: Oh how effing *wonderful* of him
[06:41:59] juski: folks were sure turned off when I told them XBMC can only be built for the xbox with illegally obtained tools though
[06:42:14] aarcane_: why must I be harping ? I simply inquired if a solution was available for a problem, I didn't ask about anything immoral, or even illegal, only my rights under us copyright law, and whether or not they're able to be acted upon yet. a simple "I don't know, but you might try asking.." would suffice, you don't have to insult me, or insinuate that I am a criminal for trying to exercise my right to fair use.
[06:42:42] juski: similarly fluendo's elisa offerring didn't go down well when folks found out it needs paid-for closed source blobs to play common formats already playable in linux
[06:42:44] Dagmar: This is not a fair use issue.
[06:42:48] OpenMedia: I brought this up here in NZ with our local "On Demand" TV Service.
[06:42:49] cesman: when did I insult you?
[06:42:53] Dagmar: Not in the LEAST is it a fair use issue.
[06:43:06] juski: it's a BUSINESS issue for netflix
[06:43:09] OpenMedia: TVNZ Just turn round and told me to buy a Windows PC>
[06:43:13] juski: nothing to do with fair use
[06:43:17] Dagmar: Don't sully the definition of fair use by even ATTEMPTING to make that claim until you've read the damn law.
[06:43:18] aarcane_: watching movies on my choice of OS isn't a fair use issue ?
[06:43:25] OpenMedia: No
[06:43:36] juski: they can place whatever restrictions they like on the media they serve – it's their perogative
[06:43:44] Dagmar: That's right. IT'S NOT.
[06:43:44] aarcane_: it was when CSS encryption was cracked
[06:43:46] OpenMedia: The copyright holder has the right to restrict how you access their material.
[06:44:01] Dagmar: Well, Juski isn't quite right there (for once)
[06:44:27] OpenMedia: Don't forget when you buy a DVD you have bought the right to watch the material on a DVD player, but you don't own any other rights.
[06:44:28] Dagmar: I mean, they CAN do that, but that's not why this isn't a fair use exemption
[06:44:39] Dagmar: It's not a fair use exemption because the issue is with the _service_
[06:45:01] Dagmar: You are not *purchasing* therefore you are only using their service, not purchasing media
[06:45:07] aarcane_: Dagmar, so does it relate to how nothing has physically changed hangs ?
[06:45:14] OpenMedia: Be thankful you have some fair use rules in the US. Here in NZ we don't have any such rights
[06:45:15] Dagmar: ...and for *services* there are no "fair use" exemptions.
[06:45:29] aarcane_: okie then
[06:45:31] juski: that was a bit nit-picky even for you Dagmar
[06:45:34] Dagmar: No, zero, none, nada
[06:45:36] aarcane_: Dagmar, thank you for the clarification.
[06:45:51] Dagmar: juski: You do realize I'm one of the guys who started up the whole SE2600 conglomeration, right?
[06:46:01] juski: ????
[06:46:15] Dagmar: Knowing EXACTLY where the letter of the law is is what keeps us from opening our own wing in a prison
[06:47:04] aarcane_: Dagmar, do you know some good sites I can hit to do some research on the details of US copyright law ?
[06:47:07] Dagmar: juski:,
[06:47:18] Dagmar: aarcane_: Groklaw is very useful
[06:47:50] juski: saw the Neuros OSD damp squib being demoed
[06:47:59] juski: about 5 years too late, that thing
[06:48:02] Dagmar: damn squib?
[06:48:07] Dagmar: er damp squib?
[06:48:15] juski: the 'HD' version isn't gonna do h.264 HD either :(
[06:48:38] juski: much ado about nothing, Dagmar
[06:48:41] Dagmar: Ah
[06:48:44] Dagmar: I googled it
[06:48:55] Dagmar: I couldn't tell if it was a british idiom or not
[06:49:21] aarcane_: alright, thank you Dagmar.
[06:49:22] Dagmar: I don't think one can really expect to have the computational power necessary to do x264 for the price point they're aiming at just yet
[06:49:39] juski: they're using media co-pro tech from TI
[06:49:39] aarcane_: Sorry to everyone whom I may have upset, it wasn't my intent. I am headed to bed for the eve
[06:50:01] Dagmar: aarcane_: Seriously man. Fair use is something we should fight tooth and nail to keep, but it's highly counterproductive to start trying to use it for things to which it does not apply
[06:50:26] Dagmar: We're doing good just to be abel to retain the ability to have friends over to watch rented DVDs with us without paying a fee as it stands in the current climate
[06:50:28] juski: I didn't get upset. I'm just fucking sick to death of bleeding heart linux users who think they have a God given right to use anything however the hell they like regardless of law
[06:51:12] juski: I don't care about stuff being free or open source. If I had to pay the $2 to Dolby/Macrovision/whoever to watch DVDs legitimately then so be it
[06:51:20] Dagmar: aarcane_: The thing they don't tell you that I found out when I tried Vongo is that it's pretty easy to make your ISP kinda mad at you with those services.  ;)
[06:51:32] Dagmar: I hit 46gb in two weeks
[06:52:37] mchou (mchou! has quit ("Kopete 0.12.4 :")
[06:52:40] aarcane_: wow
[06:52:44] Dagmar: Most of the time even with my computer downloading all those GNOME tarballs, I don't hit 10Gb a month
[06:53:07] aarcane_: wow
[06:53:25] aarcane_: so where do you live that your ISP meters your bandwidth usage ?
[06:53:33] Dagmar: They don't meter it.
[06:53:41] Dagmar: They use a "top ten" list over here.
[06:53:57] juski: everybody in the UK meters it
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[06:54:00] aarcane_: how does that work ?
[06:54:05] Dagmar: i.e. the top ten bandwidth hogs get warned about not pirating stuff and threatened with termination
[06:54:06] juski: unless you pay through the nose for it
[06:54:25] aarcane_: over here, I get free unlimited usage..
[06:54:27] Dagmar: ...becuase frankly, someone doing 200gb a month is pretty damn assuredly pirating sthi
[06:54:51] aarcane_: my upload is just severely limited to only a 100 K or so
[06:54:51] juski: <shock>!
[06:55:04] Dagmar: ...which is mainly a measure to keep the ISP from having to deal with the asshat lawyers of the MPAA and RIAA
[06:55:36] juski: all the UK folks who whine about broadband caps are downloading 20GB+ a day ffs.. tell me they're not downloading warez all day & all night long
[06:55:36] Dagmar: Either I have an upstream of 44K or the site I ssh my work to is throttled to that
[06:55:43] aarcane_: anything I can download encrypted and decentralized I do
[06:55:44] Dagmar: s/ssh/scp/
[06:55:54] aarcane_: to make as much additional case against blocking such traffic as possible
[06:56:03] Dagmar: ...but I can hit 700KB/s pretty easily downloading
[06:57:32] juski: I can easily forsee a future in which everything is DRMd & you pay per view with everything on propriatary hardware. it's gonna happen unless the general public revolt against the existing controls that are in place. Thing is though, folks are already buying into locked-down cable & satellite TV as well as HD-DVD & bluray
[06:57:47] juski: it may already be too late
[06:58:16] aarcane_: I envision a world where you must slide a credit card to turn on your PC
[06:58:16] juski: I still maintain if things get that bad I'll just abstain
[06:58:22] aarcane_: and another for any app or game you want to run
[06:58:32] aarcane_: and another for your 3D card, and yet again to touch the harddrive
[06:58:33] Dagmar: Nah, that was shot down actually
[06:58:38] TUplink_: um... i was trying to rip a dvd and got this error cannot conect to your Myth Transcoder daemon
[06:58:41] TUplink_: ...
[06:58:43] Dagmar: TCPA was stepping in that direction
[06:58:54] juski: TUplink_: you need mtd running
[06:59:07] TUplink_: what is mtd?
[06:59:17] aarcane_: and every write to your harddrive is sent to the FBI and the CIA and decrypted and scanned
[06:59:20] Dagmar: "Trusted Computing" doesn't mean your hardware is secure against attackers. "Trusted Computing" initiatives are about making sure your hardware and software is secure from _you_
[06:59:32] juski:
[06:59:44] juski: Dagmar: we know all that ;)
[07:00:12] juski: "we have to see all your files so we can stop terr-ists!"
[07:00:17] aarcane_: the DMCA is a step in the wrong direction
[07:00:42] Dagmar: It's weakening
[07:00:45] juski: yeah & if somebody did something like DVD Jon did, now – in this day & age, they'd have him extradited & tried in a US court
[07:00:47] aarcane_: the DMCA is a piece of legislation which needs to be repealed, and written to protect the copyright rights of users more than corproations
[07:00:53] Dagmar: ...and that one is also important to read because you can use it right back at them
[07:01:09] aarcane_: Dagmar, how ?
[07:01:17] Dagmar: Google up "YouTube Superbowl DMCA suit"
[07:01:35] TUplink_: is it suposed to play when its recording it?
[07:01:43] Dagmar: Since it was assumed some companies would abuse the DMCA there is actually a *very* rigid appeal process
[07:02:24] Dagmar: Meaning if someone pulls a DMCA takedown on you for media that isn't covered, you can get it put back up with not much trouble, and if it happens even a _second time_ you are actually allowed to sue for damages
[07:02:27] cesman: Support the EFF
[07:02:28] Dagmar: ...and legal fees.
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[07:22:41] aarcane_: Dagmar, nice, I like that someone thought that far ahead
[07:22:55] ** aarcane_ googles eff **
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[08:00:51] juski: I've donated to the EFF before – very very good cause
[08:13:48] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:17:10] TUplink_: ia there a prob with mythweaather?
[08:17:17] hads: Yes
[08:17:22] TUplink_: any fix?
[08:18:08] TUplink_: im guessing the sorce it gets its data from changed
[08:18:23] hads: Search the mailing lists or google, it's been discussed at length.
[08:19:55] TUplink_: you dont know if there is a fix
[08:20:03] TUplink_: if there isnt a fix i will just can it
[08:20:30] clever: i think mythweather has the same major problems as xmltv
[08:20:40] clever: its scraping automaticaly gernerated html pages
[08:21:02] clever: any minor changes in the skyle or layout of the page will horibly break the scraping program
[08:21:35] TUplink_: yea
[08:21:50] clever: and generating that html on the server side takes more time then gernerating a compact xml format
[08:24:22] clever: i run some services for a game
[08:24:35] clever: my tools scrape pages from the game that are in a txt format
[08:24:45] clever: and then i give out stats in php/html stuff
[08:25:12] clever: but i also have a public mysql name for direct access to the data which will let you get querys my pages dont give yet and lessen the load on my systems
[08:25:14] Hugolp (Hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:25:43] clever: if such a method was done on a weather or tv listings site it would simplify some things
[08:26:09] clever: you could posibly get tv listings by just exporting importing and patching up a few fields like chanid
[08:28:14] juski: there is no fix for mythweather outside of NA yet
[08:28:36] juski: people need to get working on the mythweather-revamp code that was started in last year's SoC & make it usable
[08:29:07] laga: morning
[08:29:09] laga: heya juski
[08:29:15] clever: is it as simple as fixing a regex its using to scrape the website
[08:29:19] clever: or something more major?
[08:30:11] TUplink_: mythweather was pulling from MSN weather
[08:30:20] hads: clever: Search the mailing lists or google, it's been discussed at length.
[08:30:23] laga: there is a patch for mythweather. it's in the ubuntu packages
[08:30:32] clever: i have the mailing lists going to my adr
[08:30:32] laga: and in trac
[08:30:36] clever: and i cant shut them off either:P
[08:30:47] TUplink_:
[08:30:58] juski: morning laga
[08:31:13] clever: TUplink_: lol that explains the problem i think:P
[08:31:21] TUplink_: laga.... give me a link
[08:31:26] TUplink_: please
[08:31:33] juski: the problem with mythweather is still that it's contravening MSNBC's usage policy I think
[08:31:37] TUplink_: clever dont that string look femiler
[08:31:51] clever: would it be posible to modify mythweather
[08:31:56] TUplink_: why not just make it use NOAA
[08:32:00] clever: so each user can provide there own site and regex to use
[08:32:09] juski: course it'd be POSSIBLE to modify mythweather. somebody just needs to get off their ass & do it
[08:32:15] clever: lol
[08:32:18] TUplink_: haha
[08:32:22] clever: so i can pick whatever site gets the best info for my local area
[08:32:22] TUplink_: im not a programer
[08:32:38] laga: TUplink_: suse a search engine?!
[08:32:42] TUplink_: is the best out there atleast for hte us
[08:32:42] laga: s/suse/use/
[08:32:43] clever: im waiting for a bug in mythbackend to come back so i can see the debug info im searching for
[08:32:49] juski: I'm not a programmer, but there have been times when I've thought "yeah I'll have a go" & I've made changes I found useful
[08:32:50] clever: im in canada
[08:32:52] TUplink_: laga... i have been
[08:32:53] Hugolp (Hugolp!n=jo@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[08:33:07] laga: TUplink_: it's not hard. go to and use the search engine there
[08:33:27] clever: juski: i managed to figure out how to handle QString enough to spit out some basic debug info from mythbackend
[08:33:30] laga: note to self: #mythtv-users after having just gotten up is not a good idea
[08:33:35] clever: never used qt before then
[08:33:45] clever: laga: lol:P
[08:34:10] laga: clever: the mythweather-revamp branch does have support for multiple data sources.
[08:34:17] clever: ahh nice:)
[08:34:23] juski: laga: LRL sucked
[08:34:25] clever: where could i dl it?
[08:34:48] juski: clever: you get the mythweather-revamp code from the branch at
[08:35:05] juski: I'll tell you now it's a bitch to build, and I've so far not managed to make it work
[08:35:18] laga: juski: why?
[08:35:51] juski: laga: preaching to the converted, mostly
[08:36:34] clever: managed to mangle into a svn co cmd that worked
[08:36:40] juski: met a few users who'd previously tried & failed to get myth worky & inspired em to try it again, but it was generally far from interesting
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[08:37:02] laga: juski sad :( just read the backlog in #mythtv
[08:37:09] juski: we had a valiant battle with Jack Daniels on Saturday night though – and won :)
[08:37:18] laga: juski: that's great :)
[08:37:38] juski: I spent about £50 on booze on saturday
[08:38:14] laga: that's a lot of badgers
[08:38:19] juski: been asked if I'll do next year already. I said 'probably' but maybe just with a laptop
[08:38:41] juski: much rather do something where there are loads of people who've never even seen mythtv before
[08:39:19] juski: maybe LinuxTAG, or CeBit or something
[08:39:44] TUplink_: i dont understand this... can someone help me make sence of it all?
[08:39:45] TUplink_:
[08:39:48] juski: my 800mhz backend served 3 frontends just great though – I was quite impressed by it
[08:39:58] laga: nifty
[08:40:05] laga: my backend at home seems to be offline.
[08:40:21] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has quit ("Leaving")
[08:40:30] juski: live tv worked too :) +++
[08:40:38] clever: my 1.6ghz framegrabbing backend is able to record and serve frontends at the same time
[08:40:47] clever: but it cant record and be a frontend at the same time:(
[08:40:52] laga: gna. i bet the box shut down. WOL does not work :(
[08:40:58] juski: . . . 9&ref=mf
[08:41:56] juski: I bumped into Gerhard who made the Retro theme though – we're gonna collaborate on a new theme later this year :)
[08:42:11] laga: nifty :)
[08:42:11] geek (geek! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:42:12] juski: and demoing myth in a cinema was pretty cool
[08:42:15] geek: hey guys
[08:42:20] geek: im kinda new
[08:42:26] laga: i'd have to login to read your facebook link :(
[08:42:29] geek: and just successfully install mythtv
[08:42:34] geek: kinda took awhile
[08:42:42] juski: laga: boooooooooo. I'll put it on my webspace then
[08:42:43] geek: but now im having problems with Zap2it?
[08:43:14] geek: Zap2it is only letting me long in on the main page =\
[08:43:21] geek: is their site having problems?
[08:43:22] juski: okay.. I'll put it in my theme download area.. fscking crappy ISP
[08:43:45] clever: i was also having connect timeouts to zap2it
[08:43:58] juski: laga:
[08:44:13] clever: juski: 404:P
[08:44:20] juski: hang on.. damned case changery
[08:44:36] juski: try again :)
[08:44:40] clever: lol
[08:44:45] clever: now it works
[08:45:13] clever: is that an apple thingy in the middle of the table?:P
[08:45:33] juski: yup
[08:45:35] Ruleke (Ruleke! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:46:51] juski: wasn't much to do on Sunday other than rest & watch the GP.. all the death metal being played in the hall gave me a headache
[08:47:04] clever: UU
[08:47:07] clever: thats that mean in svn update?:S
[08:48:26] juski: laga: I kinda pissed off the guy who'd brought XBMC along when I told him my opinion of software built with stolen tools :-P
[08:48:53] Ruleke: stolen how
[08:49:19] juski: you need the XDK to build it
[08:49:24] Ruleke: oic
[08:49:35] juski: not with the linux port of course, but he didn't have that with him
[08:50:01] nuonguy: any word on what we're going to do to replace zap2it?
[08:50:10] juski: nope
[08:50:12] nuonguy: I've been on vacation for a while
[08:50:20] nuonguy: too bad
[08:50:30] juski: people are doing a lot behind the scenes, don't panic
[08:50:36] nuonguy: our options seem to be web site scraping?
[08:50:47] nuonguy: not panicing
[08:50:48] nuonguy: ...yet
[08:51:37] juski: put it this way, it's quite probable that an agreeable will be found that a lot of people will like
[08:51:45] nuonguy: nice
[08:51:48] clever: could some1 in mythtv run a server to scrape html and then export publicly a xml format?
[08:52:01] anykey_: clever: probably not legal
[08:52:01] KaZeR: hey guys. is it possible to make a record with a pvrx50 card deintelaced?
[08:52:05] clever: they may need to fork out alot of bandwidth to do it but it would lessen the load on the site your scraping
[08:52:21] KaZeR: my current recordings are all intelaced, and i think it's ugly
[08:52:35] clever: anykey_: yeah may need to check the policy on the site your scraping and copying
[08:52:38] juski: KaZeR: you can enable deinterlacing during playback in mythtv
[08:53:08] juski: KaZeR: if you use a nvidia VGA card & TV out (composite or svideo) you can use nvidia-settings to turn the flicker filter half-way to fix it too
[08:53:23] KaZeR: juski, yes, but if i export my recording for example, it doesn't look very nice
[08:53:55] juski: you can easily make a user job to export a recording & deinterlace it
[08:53:55] loops: most everything i record has a few audio problems sprinkled throughout.. sometimes a second of silence, other times a moment of static..
[08:54:24] loops: using ivtv & pvr-500... anyone else ever seen this? know how to fix it? willing to feel sorry for me?
[08:54:57] KaZeR: juski, so software deinterlace is the only way?
[08:55:00] juski: never get any sympathy in here
[08:55:20] loops: lol.. i know.. just figured i wouldn't get any answers on the first two questions either ;o)
[08:55:37] juski: KaZeR: either deinterlace it during playback or during exporting. you'd only be throwing resolution away if you did it at capture time anyway
[08:56:07] KaZeR: ok thanks.
[08:56:09] loops: i didn't notice any difference when enabling deinterlace option..
[08:56:25] KaZeR: loops, enabling at recording time or export time?
[08:56:37] loops: at view time in front end.
[08:56:48] KaZeR: cause i'd also like to put some video footage onto dvd, and i also capture them with my pvr card
[08:57:04] KaZeR: i made a try recently, and i wasn't satisfied with the result.
[08:58:13] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:58:34] juski: morning gbee
[08:58:46] gbee: morning
[08:59:08] juski: have you managed to get that pesky lock off your laptop yet?
[08:59:39] gbee: no, haven't even tried yet
[09:00:28] clever: ive taken one of my laptops appart totaly
[09:00:40] clever: and it would be posible to take the motherboard and leave the case locked to the desk
[09:00:57] clever: but the pc isnt that useable if you leave half the case locked to a desk and some1 would notice:P
[09:00:58] gbee:
[09:01:23] juski: I'd be tempted to risk it, then if it doesn't work, put it on ChumpBay ;)
[09:01:28] clever: but you could steal 90% of the laptop without undoing the lock
[09:01:46] loops: most criminals just aren't that industrious
[09:01:52] clever: yeah
[09:01:58] juski: clever: and of course you could always just take whatever the laptop is attached to aswell :-P
[09:02:00] clever: they wouldnt have a screwdriver in there back pocket
[09:02:12] clever: and enough pantience to slowly take it appart without damaging it
[09:02:40] juski: I need a laptop. get donating now!
[09:02:46] loops: some might just smash it to spite you for locking it up.. happens in schools lots of times.
[09:02:47] clever: would be alot easyer to just nick the pcmcia cards and maybe the batery or hdd
[09:02:53] clever: or the modular cd drive
[09:02:54] anykey_: juski: you could use my old :p
[09:03:16] clever: i dont know how it happened
[09:03:22] juski: I tried the ubuntu live cd on my wife's laptop. it was horrendous.. silly p3 crap
[09:03:23] clever: but i went from knowing where 1 pcmcia card was
[09:03:30] clever: to having 5 stacked up on my desk:P
[09:03:47] clever: 2 of them nearly identical(never knew i had that second one)
[09:03:52] gbee: the point of these locks isn't to stop people stealing things if they really want it and have the time, just to stop them grabbing and running
[09:04:38] juski: yeah if somebody needs to spend even 10 minutes cutting through the cable that's time they can be discovered
[09:04:41] clever: but with the wifi cards sticking so far out of the pcmcia slot they could still rip that out and run:P
[09:04:49] gbee: only took me ten minutes to cut through the cable on mine with juski's multi-tool
[09:04:56] clever: lol
[09:05:04] juski: damn good thing I packed that
[09:05:24] clever: or just get a hacksaw and slice the table leg its wraped arround:P
[09:05:30] gbee: yeah :D
[09:05:37] geek: hey guys
[09:05:41] geek: i have a question about drivers
[09:05:52] Ruleke: don't drink and drive
[09:05:59] TUplink_: i dont know about you but i cary bolt cutters so im redy to stael laptops
[09:06:04] geek: before i started installing mythtv
[09:06:12] geek: the stupid bt878 drivers were loaded
[09:06:21] geek: now when open myth and it probs
[09:06:25] geek: it shows the bt878
[09:06:33] geek: instead of the ivtv
[09:06:35] geek: =
[09:06:46] TUplink_: cat /dev/video0 and see if its there
[09:07:14] gbee: geek, this is a Hauppauge PVR?
[09:07:17] juski: you need to tell mythtv to use an mpeg2 type of tuner card ya know
[09:07:31] juski: the default is a crappy framegrabber (bt878) type
[09:07:42] gbee: what juski just said, and I was about to
[09:08:00] clever: TUplink_: i perfer to hd and not cat
[09:08:05] geek: continue please lol
[09:08:11] clever: TUplink_: cat can output the binary and mess up your terminal emulator
[09:08:24] TUplink_: yea i guess
[09:08:27] clever: TUplink_: also stat works to see if the dev even exists
[09:08:29] gbee: scoll through the list of different card types, you need to select the mpeg2 hardware encoder option (PVRxxx)
[09:08:49] clever: and ive also seen people mention 'cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/video;mplayer /tmp/video"
[09:08:50] geek: i did that already
[09:08:58] clever: with a ctrl+c to stop the cat after a few seconds
[09:08:58] juski: yikes! been using xfs for a few months.. 95% fragmented!!!!
[09:09:08] clever: lol
[09:09:16] clever: im using ext2 on my myth box
[09:09:21] Ruleke: sounds about normal for a recordings FS :)
[09:09:24] clever: with filefrag i can check the fragmentation on a single file
[09:09:30] gbee: well then it should work, the fact that the bt878 driver is installed is irrelevant
[09:09:40] geek: i set it to the mpeg2
[09:09:42] juski: might be worth changing the thingy size effort doodah
[09:09:44] TUplink_: how you defrag ext3?
[09:09:52] geek: but below it says probing and it find
[09:09:54] clever: ext2/3 cant be defraged
[09:09:54] geek: bt878
[09:10:03] TUplink_: haha great
[09:10:05] clever: but the way they alocate blocks reduces fragmentation a great deal
[09:10:11] gbee: have you installed the ivtv drivers?
[09:10:13] TUplink_: why did i chose ext3 then
[09:10:15] geek: yea
[09:10:16] clever: you can also kinda defrag the free space
[09:10:20] geek: i followed the tutorial
[09:10:28] clever: by resizing it until its as small as posible
[09:10:32] clever: then resizing it back to normal
[09:10:42] clever: youll wind up with all the free space at the end in 1 long block
[09:10:59] clever: which means any further recordings wont get fragmented till you start deleting
[09:11:14] geek: since the tutorials says nothing about removing old drivers i think the bt878 drivers are messing up the ivtv
[09:11:18] juski: hmmm... I think I know how I could get some money to buy a laptop :)
[09:11:21] TUplink_: what is the best fs to use for myth?
[09:11:26] gbee: geek: hang on, let me just grab a screenshot of what you should be seeing and the settings you should have, then we can be sure that everything is correct and work on fixing the problem from there
[09:11:43] juski: TUplink_: xfs is rumoured to be great for mythtv. I've not had any issues with it
[09:11:57] TUplink_: humm....
[09:11:58] juski: ext3 can be messy if you don't enable the slow deletion feature
[09:12:01] clever: filefrag *>filefrag;cat filefrag|grep perfe|sort -nk2
[09:12:01] clever: 1011_20070630200000.nuv: 605 extents found, perfection would be 8 extents
[09:12:05] clever: ouch:P
[09:12:12] TUplink_: maybe i should reformat it early on
[09:12:22] clever: listshows |grep 1011_20070630200000.nuv
[09:12:23] clever: 1011 2007-06–30 20:00:00 Stargate SG-1 Fallen theP4 0 1 1035527517 1011_20070630200000.nuv
[09:13:05] clever: now i just tracked down whats most fragmented and can atleast watch&delete to 'fix' it:P
[09:13:36] clever: but by deleting that i open up 605 holes to fragment other stuff
[09:13:46] clever: deleting the unfrag'ed files may do better:P
[09:14:06] TUplink_: how do i format it with xfs?
[09:14:25] clever: in a terminal type mk<tab><tab>
[09:14:32] clever: most of the format commands start with mk
[09:15:07] gbee: should have made some notes while at LRL, a few good ideas were discussed but I'm probably going to forget a few of them
[09:15:09] Ruleke: defrag is overrated :)
[09:15:30] TUplink_: mkfs -txfs /dev/sdb1 ????? will that do it
[09:15:55] rcxdude (rcxdude! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:17:04] clever: maybe
[09:17:10] clever: but it cant hurt to try
[09:17:16] clever: worst youll do is format sdb1
[09:17:24] clever: which is what your trying to do anyway
[09:17:33] rooaus (rooaus! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:18:32] TUplink_: :P
[09:18:42] TUplink_: have to install the xfsprogs :P
[09:21:26] TUplink_: hehe had to add the -f to it cause it was alredy formated
[09:21:43] TUplink_: puting all of my stuff back on it :P
[09:21:48] TUplink_: shouldnt take long
[09:21:53] TUplink_: 2 min at most
[09:21:57] TUplink_: only 11 GB
[09:22:43] TUplink_: DONE now to start mythbackend back up :P
[09:23:39] TUplink_: kool
[09:23:43] TUplink_: all back up
[09:24:15] TUplink_: now how do i defrad xfs?
[09:24:28] clever: no idea
[09:24:58] TUplink_: :P
[09:25:06] TUplink_: so i google it :P
[09:25:38] Dagmar: You don't.
[09:25:44] Dagmar: THere is no point
[09:25:59] Dagmar: We don't have any non-fragmentation-resistant filesystems.
[09:26:15] clever: ?
[09:26:20] Dagmar: Your simplest and least egregious waste of time is just going to be to copy everything to another partition and then copy if back
[09:26:36] clever: moving would do better i think:P
[09:26:54] Dagmar: Hell, reiserfs actually unfragments files as it goes
[09:26:54] clever: moving would leave the whole thing empty so it wont fragment when moving back
[09:27:11] clever: copying would just fragment it differently
[09:27:22] TUplink_: xfs_fsr -v /dev/sdb1 start inode=0
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[09:49:22] voltagex (voltagex! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:49:45] voltagex: where on earth does mythtv store the frequencies it tunes to?!
[09:49:56] voltagex: I can't find it in mythconverg...
[09:50:57] clever: mythbackend -v database
[09:51:07] clever: if you start it up with that youll see everything it does to the database
[09:51:20] clever: you may see freq's flying by on the screen when you change channels
[09:51:28] voltagex: yes, but I've currently got a recording going :D
[09:51:37] clever: ah
[09:52:06] gbee: geek:
[09:52:08] clever: any1 got a better answer?PP
[09:52:11] clever: :P*
[09:55:51] James2 (James2! has quit ("<@Darryl> F**king c##ting retards who send heavy thugs to attack bots <@Darryl> I hope they get their penis fed to an industr)
[10:00:53] juski: mythtv stores *every* setting in the database dog gonnit
[10:01:28] voltagex: yes, I know, but there's nothing in the channel.freqid column of mythconverg so where the hell is it.
[10:01:54] juski: voltagex: if you're doing HDTV or DVB there's likely nothing in the freqid column
[10:02:02] voltagex: ah. DVB
[10:02:03] voltagex: so.
[10:02:25] juski: since in digital tv, channels don't bear a direct relation to frequencies as such
[10:03:11] juski: digital channels are found on multiplexes or transports – terminology varies according to the standard
[10:03:39] juski: the mplexid field is used for digital channels which in turn has its freq. stored in the dtv_multiplex table iirc
[10:04:10] voltagex: hmm, yeah, all I'm trying to find out is wtf my card is tuning to
[10:05:32] juski: it should *say* what it's trying to tune to – at least in terms of the channel
[10:07:12] juski: !trout ticket-trolls
[10:07:12] ** MythLogBot slaps ticket-trolls with a trout on behalf of juski... **
[10:07:32] TUplink_: can you tell myth how long to keep live tv?
[10:07:40] juski: nope
[10:07:54] TUplink_: so just have to wait till the drive fills up
[10:08:02] juski: it gets expired either.. 1. 24 hours or 2. when disk space is needed for something else
[10:08:05] TUplink_: so it will start dumping it
[10:08:23] juski: you can however set a minimum amount of disk space for mythtv to keep free. the default for that is 1GB
[10:08:40] TUplink_: 1GB is fine for me....
[10:08:56] TUplink_: the only thing it /content gets used for is MYTH :P
[10:09:13] TUplink_: so 1bit is good to
[10:09:13] TUplink_: :P
[10:10:02] TUplink_: actual 33, ideal 29, fragmentation factor 12.12% i just formated like 20 min ago :P
[10:10:32] TUplink_: i want to see this movie.... the Born Ultamatum
[10:10:34] juski: oh for hell's sakes. Virgin Media might be rebranded if the buyout goes ahead. they just spent millions changing to Virginmedia
[10:13:24] juski: I need to do some theme work, but ENOMOTIVATION
[10:13:49] TUplink_: hehe
[10:13:57] TUplink_: make a cool theme
[10:14:08] juski: I already have – eight of them!
[10:14:26] TUplink_: hehe... where is the link
[10:14:33] juski:
[10:14:40] TUplink_: can you have anamations in them yet?
[10:14:45] juski: not good ones no
[10:15:02] juski: flipbook-style animation that MePo-wide uses is all you can do right now
[10:15:34] juski: I made a rotating 3d mythtv logo for my themes but the animation playback sucks
[10:15:43] TUplink_: hehe im using ProjectGrayhem rite now :P
[10:16:07] juski: if that's not cool enough for you then tough titties
[10:16:23] TUplink_: need to have the stuff move around the screen really slow... o dont want to burn an image in my tv :P
[10:16:39] juski: so er.. don't leave your TV switched on
[10:16:44] TUplink_: and i was using neon-wide
[10:16:48] juski: or enable DPMS or whatever
[10:16:57] TUplink_: dpms?
[10:17:07] juski: blanks the screen after so long, which mythtv disables for media playback :)
[10:17:22] TUplink_: how i enable it?
[10:17:26] juski: . . . ch&meta=
[10:17:47] TUplink_: but does it work on TV's?
[10:18:18] hads: That would depend on your TV
[10:18:26] juski: if enabled it should blank the screen whatever kind of display you use
[10:18:34] quicksilver: doesn't depend on the TV, at all
[10:18:39] quicksilver: it's done by the video card
[10:18:49] juski: it makes the screen go black!
[10:18:51] juski: muhahahaha
[10:19:13] Ruleke: blows it up ;)
[10:19:51] juski: if only!
[10:20:22] TUplink_: hehe
[10:23:33] hads: quicksilver: Well if your TV doesn't support DPMS then it won't turn itself off...
[10:23:44] quicksilver: hads: no, but it will go black
[10:24:00] hads: That would be blanking, not DPMS off mode.
[10:24:10] quicksilver: hads: in any case, I don't think you could call it DPMS if it's over an analogue connection
[10:24:13] quicksilver: as many people are
[10:24:18] quicksilver: there aren't any signal pins
[10:24:18] hads: If it goes into DPMS off then you may get a nice blue screen :)
[10:24:31] quicksilver: it still stops burnin-in though
[10:24:32] TUplink_: so if i just change the powermanagment stuff in gnome i can make it so it turns the screen off after 20 min.... and when mythtv is playin stuff it wont let it turn it off... but if myth is just sitting at the main menu it will turn off?
[10:24:58] juski: TUplink_: that's the general idea yes
[10:25:02] TUplink_: kool
[10:25:05] TUplink_: i did it
[10:25:05] hads: quicksilver: True, DPMS interests me more for automatically switching off an LCD/plasma.
[10:26:57] geek: hey u guys
[10:27:02] geek: im having a problem
[10:27:10] geek: i keep getting a black screen
[10:27:10] TUplink_: arnt we all
[10:27:31] geek: when i run the test video command with mplayer
[10:27:38] geek: it plays slow and audio is bad
[10:27:48] juski: I'm having a problem. I keep seeing all these questions come up
[10:27:50] TUplink_: off of cd/dvd?
[10:27:58] gbee: juski: close your eyes ;)
[10:27:59] geek: but when i use the mythtv client its black and says
[10:28:08] geek: TV Error: StartRecorder() — timed out waiting for recorder to start
[10:28:18] geek: no just tv
[10:28:18] juski: geek: you might want to try installing proper video card drivers.. eg. for nvidia, use 'nvidia' etc :-P
[10:28:40] geek: i have the hauppauge pro plus winTV
[10:28:41] voltagex (voltagex! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:29:07] juski: geek: you were talking about ivtv earlier.. that driver isn't for framegrabber cards
[10:29:25] juski: ivtv is only for PVR cards
[10:29:31] gbee: ahh, which is why I asked in you have a hauppauge PVR – your card is not ivtv
[10:29:40] geek: oh
[10:29:40] gbee: s/in/if/
[10:29:41] TUplink_: mpeg-2 encoders on the card :P
[10:29:44] geek: i c
[10:29:57] geek: what do i do now? lol
[10:30:14] TUplink_: greek record some tv :P
[10:30:24] TUplink_: geek*
[10:30:29] juski: test the tuner card with tvtime or xawtv
[10:30:43] juski: don't even consider mythtv until you KNOW the tuner card works in linux
[10:30:56] TUplink_: what card is it?
[10:31:07] juski: he just said it's a "hauppauge pro plus winTV"
[10:31:41] TUplink_: ok note to self do not get a hauppauge pro plus winTV
[10:31:41] geek: when i try with tvtime it is scrampled
[10:32:01] juski: if it's not worky in tvtime you don't stand a cat in hell's chance with mythtv
[10:32:31] TUplink_: geek dose the card work in winblows?
[10:32:47] TUplink_: in the same system
[10:32:59] juski: a card working in windows will not be indicative of anything other than the fact it works in windows
[10:33:21] TUplink_: no if its scrambled it sounds liek a hardware prob
[10:33:33] juski: not a hardware problem at all
[10:33:40] TUplink_: so if it works in winblows its not hardware
[10:33:42] TUplink_: ok....
[10:33:54] TUplink_: i mean eletronics do break
[10:34:00] juski: the driver attempts to autodetect the card type & sometimes gets that wrong, resulting in garbled video
[10:34:00] TUplink_: but ok.....
[10:34:29] TUplink_: i always think back to my CCNA certifacation
[10:34:39] juski: finding the right combination of settings can be a lot of bother – which is just one of the reasons to avoid lamegrabber cards at all costs
[10:34:44] TUplink_: physical layer is hardware thats what i test 1st
[10:35:20] geek: when i run it in mplayer the screen is fine and sound is okay just fps is slow
[10:35:43] juski: mplayer shouldn't even work with it – certainly not catting /dev/video0 to a file & trying to play it
[10:35:52] TUplink_: but i will shutup now cause i dont know much about this
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[10:36:08] geek: i was running this
[10:36:32] geek: mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0:amode=1:input=0:norm=NTSC:adevice=/dev/adsp:immed iatemode=0:audiorate=48000:fps=30 tv://
[10:36:54] juski: right. that would prolly work
[10:37:07] juski: if tvtime isn't giving you joy, it's probably just not configured right
[10:37:29] juski: and if you can't even do that, I don't hold much hope for you getting mythtv working ;)
[10:37:47] geek: ^_^
[10:38:00] TUplink_: maybe fps should be 60
[10:38:26] geek: if i were to ask u for a recommendation for a new card which one would u tell me lol
[10:38:36] juski: hauppauge pvr150 or pvr500
[10:38:39] TUplink_: PVR-XXX
[10:38:42] juski: for analogue tv only ^^^
[10:39:05] geek: what do they go for like $80?
[10:39:16] juski: around that for a pvr150 yeah
[10:42:00] juski: well may aswell get around to finding where my themes have missing images & doing away with those nasty trans- images & symlinks
[10:43:25] geek: im gonna go online and search for success stories for this card =\
[10:43:52] juski: that's one thing you said you'd be putting on your list gbee – doing away with the UI loading images that aren't specified :)
[10:46:08] Ruleke: geek: works perfectly
[10:46:37] TUplink_ (TUplink_! has quit ("Leaving.")
[10:50:42] geek: wtf
[10:50:42] geek: i had
[10:50:42] geek: my sound muted
[10:50:42] geek: then i turned it on to watch funny video and hear bbc
[10:50:42] geek: i thought i was going crazy
[10:50:42] geek: sounds pretty good
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[10:52:08] juski: geek: are you routing the audio from the tuner through your soundcard?
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[10:52:33] geek: ya
[10:52:52] geek: wow i guess i was one of the lucky ones
[10:53:12] cesman (cesman!n=cecil@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cesman) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:53:18] geek: that hit 24 people
[10:53:35] Ruleke: just a server split
[10:53:58] Ruleke: from their poin tof view, they were lucky
[10:53:59] Ruleke: :P
[10:55:35] juski: geek: in that case you will need to configure the linux mixer to record audio from the soundcard input the tuner audio is plugged into
[10:55:52] juski: or you won't get audio in your recordings and the audio will be out of sync in livetv
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[11:02:37] juski: for the love of $deity... I'm just gonna bar msgs in this IRC client
[11:03:23] juski: little tip for ya.. I don't read msgs from people I don't know, so don't send em
[11:07:02] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:08:57] ubuntuEdgy (ubuntuEdgy!n=thami@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:09:20] ubuntuEdgy: hi all
[11:09:58] gbee: juski: thanks for the reminder
[11:10:50] ubuntuEdgy: can any one please let me know if things are secure by looking at thing picture
[11:12:17] ubuntuEdgy: secure ?
[11:14:30] ubuntuEdgy: guese I'm gonna have to keep my fingers crossed.
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[11:16:44] gbee: hmm, adhesive on these case badges is pretty good – the one I slapped on the laptop isn't square but it won't budge :(
[11:18:42] ben_goodger: mmm
[11:19:01] ben_goodger: you want to try one of the ones on the front of laptops that tells you how much RAM it's got
[11:23:30] onixian (onixian! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[11:49:10] juski: actually I think I'll just continue my policy of putting anyone I don't know who msgs me on ignore :)
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[11:50:23] ben_goodger: do you know me?
[11:51:06] juski: don't think so
[11:51:40] ben_goodger: :(
[11:51:42] juski: it used to be considered bad ettiquette to send unsolicited msgs.. it just annoys me
[11:51:54] juski: one of the many, many (MANY) things :)
[11:52:57] ben_goodger: mmm
[11:53:48] mboman (mboman!n=mboman@ has quit ("Pooof!")
[11:53:51] juski: the main reason is that I don't give 1:1 help – folks aren't paying for it
[11:54:16] ben_goodger: ho hum
[11:57:46] juski: imagine if all the help everybody ever got was behind closed doors – people searching for solutions to problems would never find anything
[11:58:07] blergit (blergit! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:58:16] ben_goodger: indeed
[11:58:33] juski: there's method to my madness ya knows ;)
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[12:15:51] juski: this exporter script should save me some time
[12:22:15] onixian (onixian! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:23:10] juski: right folks my themes are temporarily unavailable while I update them
[12:30:08] stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:34:47] juski: all uploaded. there. that wasn't so bad
[12:35:36] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:36:31] ben_goodger: ...hooray?
[12:37:48] juski: if you're not running SVN trunk you probably won't notice anything new
[12:37:53] ben_goodger: ah
[12:38:04] ben_goodger: no, sorry, I'm running bog-standard debian
[12:38:34] juski: bog as in toilet? :-P
[12:39:14] kurre2 (kurre2! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:39:17] ben_goodger: I don't know where the term comes from
[12:45:03] juski: :)
[12:45:38] ben_goodger: lovely
[12:45:53] juski: gotta luv teh intrawebbers
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[12:53:02] wireddd: I don't know if something like this exists, but I want a kicker applet that displays a list of all the recorded shows on my mythtv, and if I hover one, shows all the episodes, and if I click on an episode it launches what ever application is associated with that file type and plays that video
[12:53:56] juski: I want world peace
[12:54:10] juski: if you get what you want can I get what I want?
[12:54:33] wireddd: well if it does not exist, I think I may try and write one
[12:54:53] juski: if it existed I reckon it'd be pretty obvious it did
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[13:03:04] voltagex: where is mythtv getting its "You have x hours left using your minimum bitrate of y" calculation from?
[13:04:32] juski: presumably from the stats it gathers
[13:05:12] voltagex: mythfrontend/statusbox.cpp
[13:05:36] voltagex: the calculation is in there... but it doesn't make it to the xml or http status page.
[13:06:00] voltagex: any way to access it via there or am I doomed to hack the code?
[13:06:19] juski: lemme see
[13:06:46] juski: hang on what xml page?
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[13:07:39] voltagex: http://hostname:6544 or http://hostname:6544/xml
[13:08:03] juski: yeah you're gonna have to hack the code
[13:09:23] juski: put stuff into httpstatus.cpp I'd bet
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[13:09:53] voltagex: screw that, I'll just query the database
[13:09:58] juski: rofl
[13:10:19] subx: anyone here use samsung hard drive(s) ?
[13:10:25] juski: to hell with making an improvement everybody could benefit from eh? ;)
[13:10:39] voltagex: I'm not going to hack 0.20 at least, I'd have to be using SVN and I'm not using it on my stable box
[13:10:54] voltagex: juski: no, it'll get done, after I finish my final exams :P
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[13:12:32] wireddd: I guess I can always make a script that makes a bunch of links
[13:13:19] voltagex: subx: I use a samsung hard drive, but I'm guessing that's not what you're here to find out.
[13:14:22] juski: ffs are these ATI owning people ever gonna wake up? Guy with an XP2100 can't play back standard def. TV smoothly. roflmao
[13:14:40] subx: voltagex: just finding out if they quiet and good enough to use in a mythtv frontend
[13:15:04] juski: subx: how quiet the HDD ends up depends on how you mount it, and the case you use.
[13:15:22] juski: they have as good a reputation as anybody for being reliable, if not slightly better than anybody else
[13:15:46] juski: anyway if it's just a frontend why even have a HDD inside? :-O
[13:16:03] voltagex: yep, noisy as hell in a cheap case, but the fans are louder than anything else in my Antec Gamer :D
[13:16:11] juski: save your money, noise, heat & power & go diskless :)
[13:16:19] voltagex: juski: that's a damn good point
[13:16:20] subx: juski: my HD enclosure on my case has got rubber mounts for the hard drive, my frontend is the backend also
[13:16:52] juski: rubber mounts aren't always a good idea but that's a whole other physics lesson
[13:17:01] voltagex: subx: test it with your current hard drives, the one I have is not much louder than any other
[13:17:16] voltagex: louder/quieter
[13:17:42] voltagex: juski: oh, and I can't improve httpstatus.cpp because I don't know c++ :P
[13:17:43] subx: ok
[13:21:28] juski: not knowing c++ has never stopped me submitting patches ;)
[13:22:05] HalonChilled (HalonChilled! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:24:31] voltagex: juski: ;)
[13:25:49] voltagex:
[13:27:07] voltagex: crap, I didn't mean to submit it anonymously
[13:27:20] juski: it'll get closed unceremoniously. feature requests do not go in trac
[13:27:47] voltagex: :/ crap, I fucked up before I even started.
[13:28:18] gbee: voltagex: in future enter your name/email on the 'Preferences' page and it will add your details to any tickets or comments you make
[13:28:25] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[13:29:00] juski: anyway if you ever wanna see 0.21 alive, we need LESS tickets, not more
[13:29:06] voltagex: ok
[13:29:37] juski: if you have a go doing a patch when you get time & it works, then open a new ticket & attach the patch as a suggested feature enhancement
[13:30:01] voltagex: I really need to learn how to make patches.
[13:30:18] voltagex: I don't even know how to use diff
[13:30:29] juski: if you use subversion it's easy
[13:30:52] gbee: svn diff programs/mythfrontend/statusbox.cpp > filename.diff
[13:30:57] kslater: diff <somefile> <someotherfile>
[13:31:01] onixian (onixian! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:31:22] gbee: use "svn diff" instead of diff
[13:31:42] Ruleke: who reads non-unified these days
[13:31:50] juski: svn diff is more like diff -u IIRC
[13:32:10] kslater: I read non-unified
[13:32:13] kslater: :)
[13:32:17] Ruleke: masochist
[13:34:23] koffein (koffein! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:35:11] kslater: I can read either, but I have to say I prefer non-unified. Maybe I'm just old. If I was the patch program I guess I would be the other way around
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[13:45:29] Ruleke: ah well
[13:46:05] voltagex: ok first things first, I'll bite the bullet and upgrade to SVN – I'll back up mythconverg first but is there a howto for upgrading from 0.20-fixes?
[13:46:20] tcpsyn (tcpsyn! has joined #mythtv-users
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[13:46:35] juski: uninstall any packages of mythtv, make sure the db is backed up, make sure the db is backed up and make sure the db is backed up
[13:46:45] voltagex: heh
[13:49:20] onixian (onixian! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[14:24:11] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stuarta
[14:26:17] voltagex: not much going on in here, everyone asleep or working?
[14:26:34] ** stuarta is asleep **
[14:27:40] rsdvd (rsdvd! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:29:38] rsdvd: Hi All – does anyone use the in the contrib directory? It seems as though it nolonger works!
[14:32:27] iamchrist (iamchrist!n=Christ@2001:4830:1510:1:0:0:0:131) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[14:33:21] juski: rsdvd: I tried a different script the other day from the mythtvtalk forums
[14:33:47] rsdvd: do you have a link ?
[14:34:07] juski:
[14:34:16] rsdvd: :-)
[14:35:14] juski:
[14:35:27] rsdvd: thanks – I found it!
[14:35:32] briand (briand! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:35:32] rsdvd: just reading it now
[14:38:12] egsavage (egsavage! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:38:55] rsdvd: juski ; this scripts looks ok – but it appears to get ALL the trailers from Apple – not just ones we have movies for :-)
[14:39:23] juski: so edit yon script ;)
[14:39:50] juski: you can also download the 'downloaded' file & delete lines for the only ones you want to download
[14:39:56] rsdvd: I will – jus commenting that is seemed a weird way to do it! you end up with several Gigs of trailers that way
[14:40:29] rsdvd: yeah! I think I will hack my own based on a mixture of that and
[14:41:28] juski: gucking flad I didn't have to go into work today
[14:41:50] rsdvd: :-) you had a day off
[14:41:58] juski: needed one after LRhell
[14:42:11] rsdvd: Arh – how was it?
[14:42:19] juski: in one word.. shoite
[14:42:22] rsdvd: lol
[14:42:45] rsdvd: for any particualr reason (or just being stuf in a room with the worst geeks imaginable)
[14:43:28] egsavage: looks like the xml feed from zap2it is still 'not quite right' yet...
[14:43:43] stuarta: rsdvd: it's a narcaristic commune
[14:43:48] juski: loads of effort for little payback, rsdvd
[14:44:15] rsdvd: juski : shame! I am sory you feel you wasted your effort
[14:44:38] juski: wasted? yeah I was on Saturday :)
[14:44:46] rsdvd: lol
[14:45:07] stuarta: luckily the bar had extra supplies of Jack Daniels
[14:45:11] juski: we were last out of the bar, by the scruff of our necks apparently
[14:45:24] rsdvd: 'apparently' :-)
[14:45:26] stuarta: we walked out.
[14:45:37] stuarta: no scruffs involved thank you very much
[14:46:03] juski: I meant in a 'time gentlemen please thankyou very much' way not in a chucky-outy physical way
[14:46:11] stuarta: ah
[14:46:31] juski: been ages since I was chucked out of a bar & don't intend to ever repeat it
[14:46:55] juski: I seriously can't remember leaving there though. nothing but static on the tape here
[14:49:42] juski: looks like we didn't make it onto any photo streams of the event either.. like we wasn't there almost
[14:50:14] rsdvd: lol – I was just looking through the photos to see if I could spot any 'Myth' things
[14:52:28] juski: but but but but.. xbmc was there!  :-\ cheeepies
[14:53:07] rsdvd: did you take your S100s?
[14:53:40] juski: did I feckerslike. if there's a next time I'll take less. way less.
[14:53:52] rsdvd: :-(
[14:54:43] rsdvd: juski : random question for you – have you ever used the PCI splot in your S100?
[14:54:54] rsdvd: s/splot/slot/
[14:55:14] juski: it's fucking hard work, we broke no real new ground, nobody from lrl even said thanks for being there and I don't mind going on record & saying that
[14:55:53] maddyx (maddyx! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:56:00] madfactor (madfactor! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:56:04] juski: no I've not but I've heard it can be a tricky one to get working – the main problem being the S100's PSU
[14:56:32] rsdvd: PSU ? not enough power?
[14:56:36] juski: aye
[14:56:39] my2keh (my2keh! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:56:44] my2keh: LVM is working!
[14:56:46] my2keh: SWEEEEETTT
[14:56:48] stuarta: nobody from LRL even came to see us, only the volunteers helping run the thing
[14:56:59] my2keh: 694GB's heh
[14:57:13] rsdvd: juski : mmmm.....I was thinking of making one into a CCTV cam server with a cheap BT878
[14:57:15] juski: they'd be up shite creek without the crew, they're ace they are
[14:58:04] juski: next year it's allegedly gonna be organised differently/better so we'll see. though I might be washing my hair that weekend
[14:58:14] my2keh: lol
[14:58:27] ** stuarta will have better things to do **
[14:59:40] maddyx is now known as madfactor
[15:02:06] GreyFoxx: juski: How early do they announce the dates for those shows ?
[15:02:18] GreyFoxx: Maybe I'll finally use up some of my points and fly over :)
[15:02:35] GreyFoxx: damn, gotta run, bbl
[15:04:26] Disputin (Disputin! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:04:49] juski: GreyFoxx: likely to be in July sometime. expect the venue's not even decided on/booked yet anyway
[15:06:26] Bazil_ (Bazil_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:11:24] Lin (Lin!n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:11:45] stuarta: GreyFoxx: be more worthwhile to do either LinuxExpo or LinuxTag (in Germany)
[15:11:59] juski: or have a mythtv dev conference
[15:12:07] juski: or both, or all 4
[15:12:08] juski: 3
[15:12:15] Daviey (Daviey!i=daviey@ubuntu/member/daviey) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:13:04] stuarta: or a dev conference @ <insert your favourite event here>
[15:13:56] juski: prolly cheaper for me to go to linuxtag
[15:14:06] juski: than linuxworld I mean..
[15:14:07] stuarta: beer's good too
[15:14:21] my2keh (my2keh! has quit ()
[15:14:24] Daviey: do them all... spread the love
[15:14:26] stuarta: and schnapps for when you get bored
[15:15:00] juski: point being LW is in london & I'm a pauper
[15:15:20] juski: not keen on spending £85 a night for a hotelroom so cold I have to sleep in my coat
[15:16:14] juski: how was your LRL Daviey ? recovered yet?
[15:16:36] ** stuarta remembers chatting with Daviey **
[15:16:41] Daviey: heh, just about – got back about 30 mins ago
[15:16:54] Daviey: you guys put on a great stand imo
[15:17:30] juski: would've been nice to hear that from one or more of the 4 large gents tbh
[15:18:06] laga: greedy juski. :)
[15:18:19] voltagex: no one sent me a free airfare, otherwise I would've been straight over!
[15:18:25] juski: jesus. Easyjet..£10 flights to berlin
[15:18:29] ** voltagex is stuck in Australia **
[15:19:22] juski: anyone fancy linuxtag next year then?
[15:19:26] rsdvd: juski : the interchange dev group (my other OS project) have just been to LinuxTag – they said it was very good
[15:19:28] Daviey: juski: none of the presenters went to your stand?
[15:20:14] stuarta: Daviey: some of the guest speakers did
[15:20:28] juski: Daviey: nope. I'm not pissed about it, just might've been a bit of a courtesy
[15:21:13] chuggs (chuggs! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:22:09] Daviey: yeah, thought they might have. Mind you, maybe they didn't want to interupt your telly viewing :)
[15:22:50] juski: that was the other thing though – not very busy compared to last year – like preaching to the converted this time :-\ didn't feel like we gained any new ground really
[15:22:57] voltagex: juski: so the t-shirts next year will say "Talk to a MythTV dev today!" ?
[15:23:10] juski: what next year?
[15:23:26] robthebob (robthebob! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:23:47] voltagex: err...nvm I think I misunderstood
[15:24:00] Daviey: juski: maybe so, but for me at least – it was great to see what SVN was doing & actually talk to the 'guys in the know' – so i defiently foudn it useful you being there
[15:24:28] jams: voltagex- the shirt will say, "this booth is for development"
[15:24:50] voltagex: jams: svn co mythtv-booth
[15:24:54] voltagex: :D
[15:25:00] juski: don't get me wrong we did benefit a handful of people but they were very few & far between
[15:25:56] juski: demoing myth on the cinema screen was kinda cool but I suck at presenting
[15:26:09] voltagex: is there a way to join two recordings together? My scheduling was slightly out-of-whack so there's the very end of one program in the start of the next
[15:26:26] Daviey: juski: i missed your talk! when was that?
[15:26:54] juski: in the hour of power. there'll be video of ummmm ..... (long pause).. that... (long pause) soon .,. (long pause). allegedly
[15:28:29] Daviey: yeah, there's about 30hrs of video from the event – so it's gonna take a ickle bit of time
[15:28:46] juski: lol
[15:29:03] Hugolp (Hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:29:11] juski: oh fawk that reminds me I'm transferring a holiday DV tape to DVD soon. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[15:30:01] Daviey: :)
[15:30:28] juski: well, at least I got some theme work in today :)
[15:30:42] Daviey: Ah heres a question, has the schema / protocal changed from last release to current SVN?
[15:30:58] juski: yup
[15:31:04] Daviey: boo
[15:31:09] juski: you still cannae mix virgins
[15:31:10] stormy| (stormy|! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:31:40] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:31:48] stuarta: it pretty much always changes
[15:32:05] ** Daviey is getting earache having too many machines in the house. :( **
[15:32:23] stuarta: :(
[15:32:59] Daviey: anyway, better put some family time in... But just wanted to say thanks for the demo.
[15:33:37] juski: noted. you guys (the crew) did a nice job at the weekend.. they'd be screwed widdoutcha
[15:34:10] a1fa (a1fa!n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:34:18] a1fa: hi
[15:34:20] a1fa: hi hi hi ;P
[15:34:25] a1fa: i think my DVI port busted
[15:34:37] a1fa: i am just not sure where, on the tv or on the video card
[15:34:46] a1fa: picture is all scrambled up
[15:34:49] a1fa: on the tv
[15:34:50] a1fa: :(
[15:35:07] dr_willis (dr_willis! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:35:53] juski: maybe only X is broken, not your hardware
[15:36:19] Ruleke (Ruleke! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:36:48] chadmaynard (chadmaynard! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:37:05] a1fa: nah
[15:37:10] a1fa: scrambling starts on power on
[15:37:23] a1fa: well, i am here to raise my concern regarding zap2it
[15:37:45] subx: broken X + broken LIRC, what is the world coming to?
[15:37:58] chadmaynard: With MythTV, can you create a "playlist" that loops where you just play the same thing over and over again?
[15:38:36] a1fa: chadmaynard : why just not use mplayer?
[15:38:44] juski: a1fa: a solution for the zap2it problem is in the making
[15:38:53] stuarta: !trout a1fa mplayer shaped
[15:38:53] ** MythLogBot slaps a1fa with a mplayer shaped trout on behalf of stuarta... **
[15:39:06] stuarta: chadmaynard: yes you can make a playlist
[15:39:17] wireddd: well I ended making a script that creates a bunch of links, and then used the quick link applet to make a menu option for it on kicker. here is the script(very hackish)
[15:39:20] chadmaynard: yey
[15:39:24] a1fa: juski : lets hope so :)
[15:39:38] a1fa: juski : or we'll have to convert our boxes into windows media center
[15:39:44] juski: but no it can't be made to loop continuously.. not in 'watch recordings'
[15:39:49] mkrufky: a1fa: an announcement will be made, when there is something to announce
[15:39:51] ** a1fa ducks.. **
[15:39:56] a1fa: i know
[15:39:56] juski: a1fa: MCE guide data is as good as nothing anyway
[15:40:01] xian__ (xian__! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[15:40:39] stormy|: juski: is zap2it down right now? I'm not able to get guide data atm
[15:40:54] juski: how the fuck should I know?
[15:41:09] stuarta: hehehe. UK != US
[15:41:15] stormy|: I just asked? you might have a box you could check wtih
[15:41:16] mkrufky: ^^ it's less keystrokes to open a browser and find out for yourself
[15:41:32] mkrufky: stormy|: juski doesnt live in the USA
[15:41:37] stormy|: Oh okay
[15:41:43] ** stuarta looks for the cluebat **
[15:41:45] mkrufky: zap2it is NOT down
[15:41:51] mkrufky: working fine right now
[15:41:55] ** juski is seemingly back to his grumpy old self :) **
[15:42:31] gbee: you can create a playlist, but it's not currently possible to have that playlist repeat (easy patch though)
[15:43:04] chadmaynard: What is wrong when mythweather says it is Obj() degrees outside : ) ?
[15:43:23] stormy|: okay, thanks mkrufky
[15:43:25] gbee: heh, juski said that already – can't keep up with -users and read code at the same time
[15:43:31] stormy|: chadmaynard, you on mythdora?
[15:43:46] chadmaynard: stormy| nope
[15:44:14] stormy|: wierd, well, in the version of mythdora, the mythweather is broken and you need to update (but I can't, it will mess up my mythdora install)
[15:44:18] gbee: chadmaynard: mythweather uses MSNBC and, both of which changed their data format and that broke mythweather
[15:44:42] chadmaynard: so i am probably outdated....
[15:44:52] gbee: stormy|: all versions are broken, unless the packagers are continuing to use against the wishes of the mythtv devs
[15:44:53] dr_willis: aha – thats whats wrong with my MythWeather
[15:45:03] stormy|: ah
[15:45:29] gbee: thinking I might just do what was suggested by sphery and delete mythweather from the repo
[15:45:38] gbee: -fixes as well maybe
[15:45:56] chadmaynard: is there not a working version?
[15:46:07] a1fa: juski : so, the tv screen is all sacrambled up via DVI, but the output is clear via S-VIDEO
[15:46:14] a1fa: juski : i just hope its the video card
[15:46:19] gbee: chadmaynard: there is a rewrite of mythweather which will replace mythweather in 0.21
[15:46:25] a1fa: juski : tv is too heavy to take out and replace ;P
[15:46:28] stuarta: a1fa: sounds like hdcp
[15:46:29] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[15:46:34] a1fa: hdcp?
[15:46:46] gbee: but currently no-one has stepped forward to create scripts for countries outside the US
[15:46:48] stuarta: fucking encryption
[15:47:02] a1fa: why would my video card send encrypted data?
[15:47:11] stuarta: it's in the HDMI spec
[15:47:31] a1fa: it was never encrypted before
[15:47:35] stuarta: you want HD, you need HDMI with proper HDCP
[15:47:44] a1fa: GeForce MX 4000
[15:47:48] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:47:48] stuarta: well i've no idea then
[15:47:49] a1fa: DVi->HDMI
[15:47:52] a1fa: it worked fine
[15:47:56] a1fa: for almost 5 months
[15:48:04] a1fa: one day i come home all computers are off in the house
[15:48:05] stuarta: you upgrade anything?
[15:48:07] a1fa: nope
[15:48:15] a1fa: i was thinking a power surge
[15:48:26] a1fa: i turn on the mythtv box, and the picture is all scrambled upo
[15:48:37] a1fa: vga port, and svideo work fine
[15:48:54] stuarta: only way to check is to borrow a card
[15:49:21] a1fa: i got one at home i just cant afford down time
[15:50:13] gbee: a1fa: did you upgrade the nvidia driver sometime in those 5 months but never rebooted so the new driver wasn't loaded until the power cut?
[15:50:29] a1fa: gbee : maybe
[15:50:41] a1fa: but the picture is scrambled on power-on
[15:50:48] a1fa: immediatley
[15:50:54] stuarta: sounds fubar'd
[15:50:56] a1fa: as soon as you power the box, the image is scrambled
[15:51:03] a1fa: i need a new video card
[15:51:10] a1fa: what do you guys suggest
[15:51:12] stuarta: i broke a card like that. was a throw away
[15:51:20] a1fa: well, its not a total loss
[15:51:24] a1fa: it has vga and svideo working
[15:51:32] a1fa: i just want to use DVI port
[15:51:46] a1fa: so i can do 1080i :( dont lart.. my tv doesnt support 1080p
[15:53:08] gbee: a1fa: other possibility is that the TV has a setting to switch modes for the HDMI port and that got reset?
[15:53:25] a1fa: what kind of settings?
[15:53:40] gbee: no idea :)
[15:53:45] gbee: just reaching
[15:53:46] a1fa: yeah :P
[15:54:08] a1fa: well, i can use DVI->HDMI or native HD 3-prong plug
[15:54:11] a1fa: which one is better?
[15:55:03] juski: DVI/HDMI >> component
[15:55:48] juski: RF << composite << svideo << RGB << VGA/Component << DVI/HDMI
[15:56:54] a1fa: right
[15:56:59] a1fa: 6200TC is recomended by the wiki
[15:57:09] a1fa: i think i am going to go ahead and dish some cash
[15:58:07] ** a1fa checks out newegg **
[15:59:11] ** juski digs around in his silver flightcase looking for his brain **
[15:59:13] Hugolp (Hugolp!n=jo@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:59:17] a1fa: hehe
[15:59:25] a1fa: i wondwe what i have at home
[15:59:38] a1fa: maybe i can swap the video cards i have
[16:01:33] a1fa: should i go with 8 series or 6 series?
[16:02:12] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:02:12] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[16:03:34] gbee: a1fa: really doesn't matter, there is no difference in TV out between a GF4 and the latest generation GF
[16:03:55] juski: sept some GF4 cards won't have DVI out
[16:04:54] gbee: for mythtv the only other place that you need the power is with opengl rendering, music visualisations etc and I think even there a GF4 is sufficient, so a GF6 would have no problems
[16:05:36] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:05:57] a1fa: i have GF4 atm
[16:06:02] a1fa: and it doesnt do 1080i damn it
[16:09:26] xris: hmm, 20% discount to oscon....
[16:10:00] armbar (armbar! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:10:07] armbar: hello
[16:10:21] juski: don't do it xris! exhibiting is like umm.. work or something ;)
[16:10:35] xris: juski: was thinking more about going to some tuturials
[16:10:36] armbar: Connecting to||:80... failed: Connection timed out.
[16:10:38] armbar: Retrying.
[16:10:46] armbar: anyonr else having issuses?
[16:10:49] juski: damn me – got showing off on the brain
[16:10:51] xris: armbar: they've been having trouble all weekend
[16:10:55] armbar: ok
[16:11:02] opello: but it's not september yet
[16:11:09] juski: they'll be fine once they manage to get all the strings damp again
[16:11:13] xris: juski: granted, I might work at the booth, TOO... but it's less like programming and more like socializing.
[16:11:27] xris: opello: not september, which means that they WILL fix the issue
[16:11:32] opello: heh
[16:12:53] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has quit ("On the other hand, you have different fingers.")
[16:14:33] stormy|: armbar: i'm having that issue
[16:15:42] xris: stormy|: so is everyone
[16:15:54] stormy|: yeah...
[16:16:22] lane (lane! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:16:46] stormy|: a1fa: I'm using a GF 7600 at 1080i if you're curious... I bet the 6 series can do it as well... I remember my card claimed it could do "HDTV"
[16:17:29] a1fa: how much did you pay for it?
[16:18:22] stormy|: the 7600 was $150–200... my 6800 was $225 2 years ago
[16:18:31] HalonChilled (HalonChilled! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:18:33] a1fa: i got agp
[16:18:41] stormy|: the 7600 is agp
[16:18:44] ** TSCHAKWerk seems to have guide data for the next 11 days **
[16:18:48] justdave: hmm, is there something I can add to my mplayer command line to get it to maintain the aspect ratio when it goes full-screen?
[16:19:22] justdave: have a high-def TV hooked up to the mythbox now, and when I play videos that are standard def in MythVideo it looks like it's stretching them to make them fit the screen
[16:19:36] stuarta: ho hum, just crashed X by changing to a new theme :(
[16:19:53] TSCHAKWerk: justdave: and you're not using the internal player....becauuuuse?
[16:20:18] justdave: because that's the way the ubuntu package set it up by default?
[16:20:23] squidly (squidly!n=craig@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:20:24] lane: Hi all. I did a clean install last night (on Fedora 7 now). When I run mythtv-setup and try to get my channel lineups from the source (Zap2It) it hangs, and the connection to zap2it times out. Likewise, mythfilldatabase can't make a connection to Zap2it either.
[16:20:29] lane: Have any other USA users successfully gotten data from Zap2It during the past 12 hours or so?
[16:20:42] TSCHAKWerk: lane: problems.. no announcement yet
[16:21:07] lane: so you've been having problems, too?
[16:21:12] stormy|: lane: everyone has
[16:21:15] lane: aha
[16:21:18] TSCHAKWerk: justdave: set your video player to "Internasl"
[16:21:31] TSCHAKWerk: "Internal"
[16:21:39] lane: stormy: thanks, good to know it's not just me
[16:22:13] justdave: I just put that on the player command line in place of the long mplayer command?
[16:22:24] TSCHAKWerk: yes
[16:22:39] stormy|: lane: go read this though: ... if you don't know about the current issues
[16:23:01] justdave: my listings data seems intact for the next few days anyway (haven't looked much further yet to see what's there)
[16:23:21] justdave: I know I had issues with Sunday over the weekend, had to force a manual refresh in the middle of the day Saturday to get any data for Sunday
[16:23:37] lane: I haven't been on the mailing list in a while, so I guess I missed out on whatever discussion has been going on there. I did hear about the impending shutdown, but that's not supposed to be until September.
[16:24:10] stormy|: Alright cool, well at the moment the devs are talking, and they say not to panic ;)
[16:24:13] xris: basically, all of zap2it's techs took the end of last week off.
[16:25:00] lane: xris: meaning that if something went screwy (and it looks like it did) there was no one there to fix it
[16:25:03] lane: ?
[16:25:12] xris: lane: looks like it
[16:25:22] Lin (Lin!n=igor@unaffiliated/lincity) has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[16:25:30] lane: xris: good to know
[16:25:30] xris: most people expect/hope that it'll get fixed.
[16:25:36] xris:
[16:25:39] lane: hehe
[16:26:40] lane: I guess I'll set up manual channels in the meantime, while I make sure the rest of the setup is working.
[16:27:04] stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has quit ("Leaving")
[16:27:30] voltagex (voltagex! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:29:48] lane: I actually tried MythDora last week, but I kept getting a problem where mythbackend would crash right away when mythwelcome launched – some error about MainServer: HandleRemoteEncoder(cmd GET_STATE) Unknown encoder: 1, exiting. So, I tried Fedora 7 last night, and I'm getting the same problem. It's really weird, though – if I delete all my cards using mythtv-setup, then start mythbackend, then mythwelcome or mythfrontend, I can wat
[16:31:48] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:32:31] onixian (onixian! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:34:04] stormy|: lane, mythdora worked perfectly for me... what version are you doing?
[16:34:30] lane: 4.0
[16:35:25] lane: and as I said, I'm now getting the exact same problem with fedora 7 and the latest myth from atrpms
[16:36:35] gshearer (gshearer!n=george@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:36:57] gshearer: :(
[16:37:04] lane: yeah, pretty much
[16:37:21] gshearer: Did they take it down early?
[16:38:26] laga: naw
[16:38:42] laga: the moon is still up
[16:38:49] gshearer: DataDirect......
[16:38:50] gshearer: :(
[16:39:08] gshearer: forums are all deleted from
[16:39:21] gshearer: Connecting to||:80... failed: Connection timed out.
[16:39:30] gshearer: Kinda sucks the big one if they aren't going to wait until Sept 1 like they said.
[16:40:15] juski: oh ffs
[16:40:20] lane: is there a log for this chat session online anywhere?
[16:40:41] laga: !notice lane
[16:40:41] MythLogBot: This channel (#mythtv-users) is logged —
[16:40:46] juski: MythLogBot(n=bot@unaffiliated/beirdo)- This channel (#mythtv-users) is logged —
[16:40:59] lane: gshearer: look at the log from about 10 minutes ago
[16:41:19] juski (juski! has quit ("You'll never get to heaven with a smile on your face from me")
[16:41:28] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:41:34] a1fa: i am hungry
[16:41:35] juski (juski! has quit (Client Quit)
[16:41:37] a1fa: taco bell
[16:41:48] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:41:55] juski: argghh
[16:41:56] stormy|: lol ya
[16:42:00] stormy|: wb
[16:43:33] gshearer: shit... zap2it's techs split :(
[16:43:55] Dagmar: pics or shens
[16:44:08] stormy|: gshearer: why all the gloom and doom? I heard it was just weekend vacation?
[16:44:22] stormy|: the devs said, not to freak out :)
[16:44:35] gshearer: I'm not the one whos gonna freak out its my wife :)
[16:44:36] gshearer: heh
[16:45:02] stormy|: yeah, gshearer, curious, where are you located?
[16:45:18] gshearer: Ohio, USA
[16:45:23] jhatch (jhatch! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:45:32] stormy|: oh sweet.. I asked because you were starting to sound like someone I knew :)
[16:45:33] laga: gshearer: the techs split?
[16:45:51] xian__ (xian__! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:45:53] gshearer: laga: someone on the irc log said that
[16:46:04] gshearer: "xris" said it
[16:46:04] stormy|: they went on vacation I believe
[16:46:22] ** xris said what? **
[16:46:25] xris: oh, at zap2it.
[16:46:26] onixian (onixian! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:46:35] xris: yeah. most took apparently time off after the 4th.
[16:46:55] gshearer: understandable but..
[16:47:05] gshearer: the fact that the forums are all MISSING (deleted) and datadirect == connection timed out
[16:47:06] stormy|: Why would they just leave?
[16:47:07] gshearer: worries me :-/
[16:47:27] mkrufky: lol forums got deleted? i havent logged on since last week
[16:47:36] mkrufky: thats never a good thing
[16:48:05] stormy|: well, all we know is that the devs are talking to the zap2it people... Best thing that we can do is trust that they know what they are doing. (very likely at that :)
[16:49:14] jhatch: just tried logging into my labs account and my lineup was deleted and I can't add another one... so, did zap2it close early?
[16:49:27] stormy|: hmm
[16:49:58] mkrufky: jhatch: my lineup is still there
[16:50:02] mkrufky: and i got updates today
[16:50:31] lane: one of my lineups got deleted, the other 2 are there
[16:51:01] jhatch: Interesting... If I enter my zipcode I just get "you need to add a lineup" or something...
[16:51:05] stormy|: :x where do you go to login? I haven't logged in since I made my lineup
[16:51:15] mkrufky: stormy|:
[16:51:27] Hugolp (Hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:52:02] stormy|: omg, mine has been deleted as well
[16:52:27] stormy|: I can't pick local broadcast either...
[16:52:39] mkrufky: umm... the forums are NOT deleted
[16:52:50] mkrufky: gshearer: everything is still there
[16:52:58] laga: ffs.
[16:53:18] gshearer: mkrufky: huh?
[16:53:32] gshearer: forum index is blank on my screen
[16:53:35] mkrufky: zap2it is totally working afai am concerned .... no idea what you guys are talking about
[16:53:49] mkrufky: gshearer: you have to log in w/ your username + password for the forums to show
[16:53:49] gshearer:
[16:53:59] gshearer: I am logged in ... I've made posts here before, I'm not a n00b :)
[16:54:05] mkrufky: strange
[16:54:06] stormy|: mkrufky: it seems people's linups are deleted
[16:54:11] gshearer: oh wait a second
[16:54:16] gshearer: Sorry. I am a noob.
[16:54:19] gshearer: nevermidn :)
[16:54:20] mkrufky: well, i saw an empty page, then i logged in, now i see everything
[16:54:22] mkrufky: n00b!
[16:54:29] mkrufky: :-P
[16:54:38] gshearer: yeah.. heh. I logged into the site, but apparently not the forums
[16:54:39] gshearer: duh
[16:55:06] GreyFoxx: mkrufky: What does resolve to for you ?
[16:55:25] gshearer: [root@dfs ff]# host
[16:55:25] gshearer: has address
[16:55:46] GreyFoxx: same IP here, yet I timeout reaching it
[16:55:47] mkrufky: Non-authoritative answer:
[16:55:47] mkrufky: Name:
[16:55:47] mkrufky: Address:
[16:56:07] gshearer: Grey: yeah my server hasnt been able to get any data in the past 3 or 4 days
[16:56:11] mkrufky: i'll ssh to my mythbackend at home and confirm
[16:56:22] xris: mkrufky: it's happening to just about everyone
[16:56:44] mkrufky: strange... i guess im just lucky
[16:57:40] jhatch: mkrufky, I can add a lineup now, but local broadcast is no longer an option (it has a big X next to it)...
[16:58:02] mkrufky: yikes
[16:59:05] mkrufky: well, im going to log off zap2it and not touch a thing... i seem to be the lucky one who didnt get affected by this? (no idea why — usually i'm the #1 target of Murphy's Law ) .... you know what they say.... if it aint broken, dont fix it!
[16:59:36] stormy|: mkrufky: you are very lucky indeed.
[16:59:48] mkrufky: ah, and i was wrong... my last update was yesterday, not today
[17:00:13] mkrufky: and mythweb-status does NOT report the next suggested mythfilldatabase run
[17:00:21] otwin (otwin!n=Use@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:00:45] stormy|: mkrufky: it's broken then :x
[17:00:50] stormy|: brb
[17:00:55] mkrufky: i last updated 23 hours and four minutes ago
[17:01:36] a1fa: awww
[17:01:39] a1fa: i am so hungry
[17:01:46] a1fa: i can eat a cow
[17:02:32] stuarta: sorry, we are currently out of cows
[17:02:42] laga: s/cows/epg data/
[17:03:06] stuarta: :-P
[17:03:08] a1fa: i want taco hell
[17:03:13] stuarta: i have epg data, just no cows
[17:03:14] a1fa: but its raining outside
[17:03:25] a1fa: and i parked my car 100m away from the building
[17:03:28] egsavage: send the rain our way – we need it (NC)
[17:03:35] ** a1fa sends rain **
[17:03:36] jhatch: mkrufky, try running mythfilldatabase manually. What does it do?
[17:03:45] noddan_ (noddan_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:03:52] gshearer: Connecting to||:80... failed: Connection timed out.
[17:04:11] egsavage: same errors for me
[17:04:19] egsavage: same as last night
[17:04:32] gshearer: yeah, their server is down apparently.
[17:04:36] a1fa: do a manual telnet
[17:04:41] gshearer: telnet is no different.
[17:04:44] a1fa: telnet 80
[17:04:46] a1fa: yeah
[17:04:52] a1fa: their site is down then
[17:04:57] stormy|: ... hmm
[17:05:02] jones (jones! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:05:15] a1fa: everyone do a port scan
[17:05:15] a1fa: :P
[17:05:18] stormy|: hahaha
[17:05:19] a1fa: :P
[17:05:22] mkrufky: jhatch: im not going to bother.... the ip doesnt ping.
[17:05:32] a1fa: ping may be disabled
[17:05:35] a1fa: do a portscan
[17:05:36] stormy|: what do you guys think?
[17:05:38] mkrufky: jhatch: so, im still lucky, in that my lineups were not deleted
[17:05:38] egsavage: any news on the long term solution for tv listings?
[17:05:41] a1fa: the site is down
[17:05:42] gshearer: It's down.. just sit tight.
[17:05:47] a1fa: ok brb
[17:05:48] gshearer: Dont piss them off by scanning
[17:05:48] stormy|: no news egsavage
[17:05:52] a1fa: brb
[17:05:58] stormy|: yes, lets not piss them off
[17:06:07] gshearer: I just hope that some asshole didn't hack them over their announcement...
[17:06:16] stormy|: that would SUCK
[17:06:16] egsavage: hmm, that could be
[17:06:27] gshearer: and the techs are on vacation :-/
[17:06:36] gshearer: So maybe nobody around to fix whatever they broke
[17:06:54] mkrufky: so long as those techs come back in < 12 days, im still OK O:-)
[17:07:10] egsavage: really? my guide is emtpy last I looked
[17:07:11] gshearer: I have just over 11 days :(
[17:07:12] stormy|: hence the reason for the listings going away in people's users?
[17:07:19] jones: hi all, i have a problem. my tv card is recognized and i can use it with other software but in mythtv setup it is not stored...
[17:07:23] egsavage: although my schedule for recording is set for about 12 days
[17:07:27] laga: jones: "stored"?
[17:07:29] gshearer: yeah most of my friends have less than 2?
[17:07:30] jhatch: my mythtv says: There's guide data until 2007-07–19 21:00 (10 days).
[17:07:35] jones: saved :)
[17:07:38] jhatch: anyone else have daya past then?
[17:07:40] gshearer: I attribute that to the fact that I run my mythfilldatabase during the middle of the day
[17:07:41] stormy|: I have 10 days
[17:07:42] gshearer: # MythTV
[17:07:42] gshearer: 15 10 * * * root /usr/local/sbin/runmythfilldatabase
[17:08:02] egsavage: mine could be 10 now too – haven't checked – @ work right now
[17:08:15] jones: the information about the card is not saved
[17:08:32] xris: gshearer: why aren't you letting mythtv run mfdb on its own? really helps keep the load off of the zap2it servers.
[17:08:37] laga: jones: what exactly are you doing?
[17:08:53] jones: starting myth backend
[17:08:57] mkrufky: There's guide data until 2007-07–20 06:00 (11 days).
[17:09:07] gshearer: xris: Admitally, thats just an install habit of mine.
[17:09:10] gshearer: moot now I guess
[17:09:20] jones: there "tv cards", add new
[17:09:30] noddan (noddan! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:09:34] jhatch: mkrufky, is that about right or are you missing a day or so?
[17:09:40] egsavage: hmm, attached to mythweb – guide actually has data this second
[17:09:43] egsavage: weird
[17:10:09] egsavage: "There's guide data until 2007-07–22 03:00 (13 days)."
[17:10:13] mkrufky: jhatch: are you asking me to look at my listings for 7/20 ?
[17:10:14] egsavage: maybe it connected last night?
[17:10:15] xris: gshearer: whatever new service replaces zap2it will probably appreciate the same convenience.
[17:10:59] Hugolp (Hugolp!n=jo@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:11:11] jhatch: mkrufky, no, I'm asking when mythfilldatabase was last run and if there were 13 days from there.
[17:11:49] dr_willis (dr_willis! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[17:11:51] egsavage: seems it download data at 13:00 – 13:10 today (that's 1PM Eastern US)
[17:11:52] mkrufky: jhatch: last run yesterday, around this time right now
[17:12:12] jhatch: mmmkay.
[17:12:14] mkrufky: jhatch: and it claims to have data until 2007-07–20, but i just checked, and it all ends on 07–19 , lol
[17:12:21] mkrufky: so you're onto something
[17:12:30] jones: laga, do you need some other informations?
[17:12:33] ** jhatch cries **
[17:13:04] laga: jones: yes. i need to know what you did there and how you see that it's not saved
[17:13:05] jhatch: mkrufky, what's your zip code? I'm going to see what lineups are available there.
[17:13:13] gshearer: xris: actually, I ran it from cron because I wanted to run it during the day.. most default myth installs ran them at night.. once upon a time, there was a post on zap2it labs forums asking people to change that time/date..
[17:13:41] xris: gshearer: no, myth runs it when zap2it tells it to run
[17:13:44] mkrufky: aha, i have guide data thru 6 AM on 7/20 ... .it's all good
[17:13:44] gshearer: just didnt occur to me that letting mythtv run it internally is 'even nicer'
[17:13:48] mkrufky: jhatch: 11209
[17:13:54] egsavage: I think I have some random stuff in the crontab too to vary download times
[17:14:05] jhatch: mkrufky, no local broadcast there either.
[17:14:12] xris: gshearer: zap2it has a "requested next run time" that it sends back, to help reduce the load on their servers.
[17:14:19] mkrufky: well, i still have my linups... i shit you not
[17:14:40] egsavage: my lineups were gone last night, but there are back right now
[17:14:45] jhatch: I believe you...
[17:14:51] jhatch: I just think it's wierd.
[17:15:55] mkrufky: no kidding.
[17:16:32] gshearer: xris: yea I must've missed that in the docs.. I've b een running mythtv for a *long long* time
[17:16:43] gshearer: so most of my installs are done by script and some of that is habbit
[17:17:03] xris: gshearer: figured. it was sort of a big deal when the feature came out, but a lot of people missed it.
[17:17:16] ** egsavage needs to upgrade to v .20  – I'm still running v .18 **
[17:17:30] gshearer: I dont use any 'real' mythtv front-end clients anywhere
[17:17:34] gshearer: heh
[17:17:45] gshearer: I use xbmcmythtv on 6 TV's in the house instead
[17:18:12] egsavage: xbox frontend?
[17:18:16] gshearer: yea
[17:18:19] egsavage: does that require a hacked box I guess?
[17:18:20] gshearer: 6 of'em
[17:18:31] gshearer: yes but.. not hardware hacked.. didnt even open them
[17:18:40] egsavage: really? hmmm tell me more ;-)
[17:18:47] gshearer: well. admitally I did put bigger hard drives in the xboxes in the kids rooms.. for game space
[17:19:05] gshearer: egsavage.. whats to tell.. go get a used xbox from ebay for $50
[17:19:17] egsavage: you have a url for the non-hw hack?
[17:19:24] gshearer: put XBMC on it... enjoy 720P/component video and SPDIF digital optical audio.
[17:19:31] egsavage: already have an xbox
[17:19:37] jones: laga: the card should be in the list where you can choose to delete all cards and add a new card, right?
[17:19:42] gshearer:
[17:19:45] gshearer: look under FAQ's at the top
[17:19:58] egsavage: k, thanks
[17:19:58] gshearer: welcome
[17:20:30] gshearer: egsavage: in the 'xbox scene', they term they use for what I'm talking about is called 'softmod'
[17:20:59] egsavage: ok, I'll look out for that ... I always thought some type of HW chip mod was needed
[17:22:15] egsavage: for the kids' rooms, I was thinking mythtv clients on their PCs would be good enough – they should be able to watch TV on the computer
[17:22:29] laga: jones: it should be there *after* you have added it yourself
[17:23:07] gshearer: egsavage: its annoying how various 'hacker' scenes come up with their own terminology for things
[17:23:18] jones: laga, but is not...could this be a problem of a not working database?
[17:23:35] gshearer: egsavage: in the 'xbox scene', the term 'hw chip' is slang for 'selectable multi-bank eeprom'
[17:23:49] laga: jones: probably. you should have seen some error messages in the terminal from which you started mythtv-setup
[17:24:15] gshearer: so you can, for example, have a modified bios.. and/or an unmodified bios.. and select which one to boot
[17:24:16] egsavage: oh, different bootstraps I would guess then?
[17:24:26] egsavage: ok, bios
[17:24:26] gshearer: none of that is needed though...
[17:24:39] jones: laga, should i pm them to you?
[17:24:59] laga: jones: no, put them in a pastebin like
[17:25:27] egsavage: now only if we can get a tv listings feed for post 9/1/07 so I can continue to use/enjoy mythtv ;-)
[17:25:43] chadmaynard (chadmaynard! has quit (Connection timed out)
[17:26:09] gshearer: I suppose we can always do manual schedules :(
[17:26:17] egsavage: gag!
[17:26:21] gshearer: might make it tough to catch those 1am marathons of myth busters though ;-(
[17:26:48] GreyFoxx: egsavage: Something will be available
[17:26:53] egsavage: back to screen scraping?
[17:26:57] gshearer: Honestly guys.. if I could get cartoon network, history channel, TLC, and discovery channel stuff
[17:26:59] GreyFoxx: hopefully an announcement this week
[17:27:05] gshearer: I'd switch 100% to :)
[17:27:10] GreyFoxx: egsavage: Absolute worst case screen scraping
[17:27:12] egsavage: Hi GreyFoxx... I hear that is the word, just getting nervous as always ;-)
[17:27:22] GreyFoxx: but that's unlikely
[17:27:26] egsavage: greyfoxx: I agree
[17:27:31] gshearer: I use tvtad for all 'main stream' stuff now anyway.. like the stuff the wife watches... Lost, Survivor, hells kitchen, etc
[17:27:42] jones: laga:
[17:27:43] gshearer: HDTV rips x263 encoded commercial free ;-)
[17:27:54] laga: gshearer: no illegal stuff here please
[17:28:14] gshearer: laga: auto-commerical skipping is illegal ....
[17:28:20] gshearer: :-)
[17:28:27] laga: gshearer: not that i know of.
[17:28:46] GreyFoxx: redistributing content howeve ris
[17:28:56] GreyFoxx: without proper licensing at least
[17:29:00] laga: jones: interesting. your database seems to be broken :) do you know how you broke it?
[17:29:50] jones: :) nope, what can i do about it?
[17:30:13] laga: jones: what distribution?
[17:30:18] jones: ubuntu
[17:30:26] jones: laga: ubuntu
[17:31:46] laga: jones: interesting. hum. not sure what to do now. i guess you don't have anything valuable in your mythconverg database, right? is this a fresh install?
[17:32:26] jones: laga: yes, nothing valuable in there...
[17:33:32] laga: jones: fine. do you have a file "/usr/share/mythtv/sql/mc.sql" on your computer?
[17:33:33] russellb is now known as fiul
[17:33:58] fiul is now known as russellb
[17:34:09] jones: laga: yes
[17:34:20] stickyicky (stickyicky! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:34:51] laga: jones: great. use "mysql -u root" to login into mysql, then run "drop database mythconverg;" from the new mysql shell. use "exit;" or something else to log out.
[17:35:33] laga: wait. you don't "exit" yet ;)
[17:36:02] laga: ready?
[17:36:04] jones: laga: access denied for user root@....
[17:36:21] stickyicky: so, anyone else out of listing data yet?
[17:36:23] jones: laga: using pw: none ?
[17:36:28] laga: jones: gna. do you remember setting a password for that?
[17:36:59] jones: laga: yes, where to enter?
[17:37:10] laga: jones: "mysql -u root -p"
[17:38:03] jones: laga: ok dropped 2 rows...
[17:38:55] laga: after dropping the database, you need to do a mysql -u root -p < /usr/share/mythtv/sql/mc.sql; but i really recommend editing mc.sql first and replacing "IDENTIFIED BY "mythtv";" in the second line with the password found in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[17:39:01] laga: i've gotta run now, good luck
[17:39:30] jones: laga, thanks, bye
[17:42:03] metalac (metalac! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:42:11] metalac: hey guys
[17:42:17] metalac: I have a slight issue
[17:42:31] metalac: my HD works perfectly, as long as there is no OSD screen present
[17:43:00] metalac: as soon as OSD pops up it starts to stutter and what not
[17:43:27] jones (jones! has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:43:30] metalac: everything goes in slow motion
[17:43:51] xris: metalac: sounds like you need a faster cpu
[17:43:58] xris: or a different video card (and options)
[17:44:18] metalac: it's AMD 3200+ with Nvidia's 6200
[17:44:36] xris: with/without xvmc?
[17:44:55] metalac: with
[17:45:20] xris: try without
[17:45:30] clintar (clintar! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:45:40] metalac: did that then HD stutters slightly
[17:45:46] metalac: but it's same with OSD on or off
[17:46:02] metalac: with xvmc it's good with OSD off and horrible with it on
[17:46:44] jhatch: metalac, when that happens to me I restart X and it fixes it until the next time it happens. Also, it never did it until I started running svn. Are you running svn?
[17:47:12] metalac: jhatch: yeah it's svn
[17:47:30] jhatch: Yeah, thst stable-ish release doesn't do it to me.
[17:47:47] mkrufky: xris, metalac: i have seen this same issue with my mythfrontend, AMD3200+ w/ nvidia 5200
[17:47:58] mkrufky: xris: i _only_ see this problem on 1080i content
[17:48:11] jhatch: mkrufky, me too.
[17:48:14] mkrufky: metalac: ^^ sorry xris
[17:48:21] mkrufky: metalac: and you can avoid it if you turn off deinterlacing
[17:48:40] mkrufky: personally, i prefer to leave deinterlacing ON, and i just dont use the OSD while watching a 1080i program
[17:48:46] jhatch: Never noticed that... turning that off makes my picture suck. :)
[17:49:17] metalac: mkrufky: will try thanks
[17:49:17] mkrufky: but xris is correct — it is a speed issue.... you'll need a more powerful machine to juggle all that without choking
[17:49:18] ** jhatch is still using a CRT from 1990. **
[17:49:37] metalac: so what would be a CPU that will allow me to watch 1080i WITHOUT xvmc and work perfectly, no questions asked?
[17:49:59] jhatch: Intel Core Duo?
[17:50:14] gshearer: what codec? :)
[17:50:14] Dagmar: hahahah
[17:50:14] mkrufky: lol
[17:50:17] metalac: jhatch: any will do? even the low end ones? what about amd's x2? they're getting cheap now
[17:50:21] gshearer: need something beefy for x263 :(
[17:50:26] Dagmar: Dual core will gain you nothing
[17:50:41] mkrufky: linux doesnt use the good parts of a core2due yet
[17:50:44] xris: Dagmar: no, but core2 has some awesome speed improvements related to video type processing
[17:50:45] mkrufky: duo
[17:50:47] Dagmar: The evil of the x264 codec laughs at your puny attempts to multithread it
[17:50:52] jhatch: Dagmar, not necessarily, commercial flagging would be offloaded to the other CPU.
[17:51:07] Dagmar: jhatch; Commercial flagging barely strains my 3200+
[17:51:13] jhatch: That's when my machine starts to choke.
[17:51:16] clintar (clintar! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:51:32] metalac: Dagmar: so what's the solution to have flawless HD?
[17:51:39] mkrufky: i vouch for jhatch .... i see a noticeable improvement on commercial flagging on a dualcore box as opposed to a single-core box
[17:52:04] gshearer: my overclocked core duo doesnt even notice commercial flagging..
[17:52:19] gshearer: model name  : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz
[17:52:20] gshearer: cpu MHz  : 3200.199
[17:52:21] ** gshearer whistles **
[17:52:36] mkrufky: but, to be fair, i am usually running commercial flagging jobs for no less than 2 programs at a time
[17:52:47] Dagmar: If you guys would learn about process priority and the renice command, your issues with commflagging would disappear
[17:53:13] Dagmar: Just mkae it lower priority than the playback thread and it won't choke the machine anymore
[17:53:20] my2keh (my2keh! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:53:22] gshearer: renice helps, but .. if your box is *extremely* busy like mine.. multi-core helps a lot more.
[17:53:33] my2keh: anyone use a USB-UIRT here?
[17:53:36] gshearer: mythtv-backend is just one of *many* hats it has to wear....
[17:54:03] mkrufky: ew... somebody is doing commercial flagging on the same box as the frontend? yuck
[17:54:13] xris: Dagmar: doesn't myth run it at nice 19 already?
[17:54:24] a1fa: hmm
[17:54:31] Dagmar: It might well do that, I've never looked since it doesn't bother my machine at all
[17:54:31] a1fa: taco bell in my belly
[17:54:32] gshearer: mkrufky: not me.. all fo my frontends are xboxes :)
[17:54:39] xris: a1fa: eww
[17:54:43] a1fa: uhmmm
[17:54:46] a1fa: its good
[17:54:50] metalac: i only get 45% usage with 1080i content and DEinterlacing
[17:54:56] Dagmar: I figure anything working on a video stream at > 20x realtime is probably going fast enough
[17:55:04] ** jhatch is commflagging on his frontend... :) **
[17:55:04] xris: a1fa: last couple of times I ate there, I got sick... not high on my "good food" list.
[17:55:06] metalac: but with OSD it spikes to 99% keeps it there till OSD goes off
[17:55:11] mkrufky: metalac: then open your OSD and see cpu usage skyrocket
[17:55:12] jones (jones! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:55:19] immolo (immolo! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:55:22] a1fa: i know what u mean
[17:56:04] jones: hi! can someone help me with "DiSEqCDevTree, Warning: No device tree" in mythtv-setup?
[17:56:10] jhatch: one of these days I'll split my backend and frontend up... when I get some spare monies...
[17:56:34] metalac: it would be nice for somebody to make an HD decoder card of sorts, kind of like those old Hollywood cards
[17:57:13] my2keh: jones, do you have anything in the mythconverg.diseqc_tree table?
[17:58:14] mkrufky: metalac: such devices are out there, just not yet supported by linux
[17:58:40] janneg: jones: what kind of device do you have? if it's not DVB-S* ignore it
[17:59:22] metalac: mkrufky: there doesn't seem to be a PCI style card, or at least i couldn't find one. There are chips and what not that they sell in dev boxes and such
[17:59:33] janneg: mkrufky: reel (vdr embedded box) will soon chip micronas cards
[17:59:49] xris: metalac: you mean like the new nvidia cards with integrated h.264 decoding?
[18:00:08] janneg: the card actually runs linux too
[18:00:13] jhatch: xris, what cards have that?
[18:00:28] mkrufky: janneg: nGene ?
[18:00:36] jones: janneg, my2keh, i have a analog hauppauge...where can i take a look into the db?
[18:00:44] xris: jhatch: no clue. I just know that a friend bought one (for windows) because of that functionality.
[18:00:45] metalac: xris: how well does that work with windows drivers?
[18:00:56] janneg: no, I think just a h264 decoder
[18:01:03] mkrufky: ok
[18:01:10] mkrufky: metalac: google "myhd"
[18:01:36] metalac: mkrufky: oh nice
[18:01:56] armbar (armbar! has quit ("ChatZilla [Firefox]")
[18:02:19] mkrufky: metalac: i repeat — linux support isn't ready. and i dont know if / when it will ever be
[18:02:38] metalac: mkrufky: oh i know, but it's good stuff like this is out there
[18:03:05] metalac:
[18:03:12] mkrufky: yup
[18:04:13] jones: my2keh: nothing in mythconverg.diseqc_tree
[18:05:12] ben_goodger (ben_goodger! has quit ("Goodbye, cruel world... goodbye, cruel lamp... goodbye, cruel velvet drapes, lined with what would appear to be some sort of )
[18:05:13] janneg: mkrufky: yes, it's only the decoder. Micronas
[18:05:15] janneg: DeCypher
[18:05:16] kslater: I thought it was normal for Taco Bell to make people sick
[18:06:20] my2keh: are you using a DiseqC switch? are you using a DVB-S?
[18:07:02] Zambezi (Zambezi! has quit ("changing servers")
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[18:10:24] TUplink_ (TUplink_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:10:46] TUplink_: how do i transcode somthing after it has alredy ben recorded?
[18:11:29] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[18:12:49] kslater: TUplink_: let me answer for juski – . . . g_Recordings
[18:12:57] kslater: wiki wiki wiki
[18:13:38] kslater: how'd I do juski?
[18:18:13] a1fa (a1fa!n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa) has quit ("brb")
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[18:27:52] Chicory: Er ... I've lost my bookmark on how to properly install MythTV on a current installtion of Ubuntu.
[18:28:19] metalac: Chicory: was it a wiki entry?
[18:28:23] gshearer: F7 + atrpms + yum install mythtv-suite + service mythbackend start
[18:28:28] gshearer: :-)
[18:28:41] Chicory: I've been looking, but I don't think it was a wiki entry.
[18:28:43] metalac:
[18:28:45] ** Chicory may very well be wrong. **
[18:29:02] metalac: depending on the version you'd want pick a proper one
[18:30:36] Chicory: Oh, thanks metalac!
[18:31:34] metalac: np
[18:32:18] GreyFoxx: There, TMS posted to their forumns that it's a database problem and hopefully will be fixed today. All of the conspiracy theorists can rest
[18:32:32] laga: GreyFoxx: oh noes. there goes all the fun :(
[18:32:43] my2keh: finally!
[18:32:45] my2keh: sheesh
[18:33:03] ** kslater thinks they're just covering up with that db problem line **
[18:33:04] jhatch: but conspiracy theories are fun.
[18:34:03] jhatch: GreyFoxx, where did they post that?
[18:34:17] Chicory: So, for a Happauge PVR-150, all I need for now is to install ivtv?
[18:34:26] Chicory: Or is there more to firmware?
[18:34:42] gshearer: ivtv finally merged into 2.6.22 :)
[18:34:50] gshearer: man, what a long time coming that was
[18:34:53] mkrufky: and 2.6.22 is out now, officially
[18:35:08] mkrufky: and yes, you need firmware, Chicory .... ask google about ivtv firmware
[18:35:22] my2keh (my2keh! has quit ()
[18:35:23] Chicory: Okie dokie, thanks a bunch.
[18:35:46] GreyFoxx: jhatch: on their forumns
[18:36:17] jhatch: GreyFoxx, I'm on the forum and can't find it. I was just curious...
[18:36:45] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:37:16] GreyFoxx: jhatch: Even the forumns are sporadic (database issues there too) and it works one minute and not the next
[18:38:29] GreyFoxx: The User Questions forumn
[18:38:33] greg12866 (greg12866! has quit ("Leaving")
[18:38:35] GreyFoxx: subject "Everything's gonna be okay..." from tmstom
[18:38:45] gshearer (gshearer!n=george@ has left #mythtv-users (":~( ?")
[18:39:06] guest (guest! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:39:35] greg12866 (greg12866! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:40:41] greg12866: identify frisk1947
[18:41:02] jams: oops
[18:41:28] greg12866 (greg12866! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[18:41:46] GreyFoxx: hehe
[18:41:49] GreyFoxx: hiope he changes that
[18:41:52] kslater: identify greg12866
[18:42:47] jams: amazing how common that is
[18:42:54] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:43:01] jams: i'm guilty of it as well
[18:44:09] GreyFoxx: hehe
[18:44:27] GreyFoxx: when I send my info to nickserv or chanserv I iopen a seperate query window :)
[18:44:33] onixian (onixian! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:44:37] GreyFoxx: cause I use to be REALLY bad for spewing into the wrong channel
[18:44:58] jams: yes you were =)
[18:45:02] stuarta: what you mean *used* to??
[18:45:13] jhatch: xchat does all that for me...
[18:45:18] GreyFoxx: Hey, I'm better now, not perfect but better ;)
[18:45:30] GreyFoxx: now it's only every few days, not ever few hours :)
[18:45:49] rick_ (rick_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:45:53] TUplink_: anyone know if zap2it is back up?
[18:45:56] stuarta: i'll call that an improvement then
[18:45:57] jams: you must use a text based client
[18:45:58] jhatch: Not yet.
[18:46:14] jhatch: TUplink_, it's still problematic.
[18:46:18] TUplink_: any idea at to if they are going to fix it?
[18:46:19] stuarta: topic += "yes zap2it is buggered"
[18:46:39] GreyFoxx: TUplink_: Zap2it says hopefully this afternoon
[18:46:39] jhatch: TUplink_, They're working on it.
[18:46:58] TUplink_: kool
[18:46:59] GreyFoxx: It was posted to their webforumn half an hour ago
[18:47:03] stuarta: topic += "9/10s of us don't give a damn"
[18:47:26] ** jhatch is 1/10 **
[18:47:32] TUplink_: stuarta... what tould you do without program data?
[18:47:41] GreyFoxx: TUplink_: Most users are not in NA
[18:47:50] GreyFoxx: or at least a large portion are not
[18:47:50] TUplink_: oh.....
[18:48:00] TUplink_: well im part of that 1/10
[18:48:12] stuarta: not much, but the US has had really good data for ages, and the rest of us have had to live with crap data for years
[18:48:30] TUplink_: well thats all about to change
[18:48:45] GreyFoxx: If zap2it died permanently today I'd write a scraper for the free zap2it data I can get on behalf of my cable co :)
[18:48:45] jhatch: maybe...
[18:48:59] GreyFoxx: while I wait for better source
[18:49:04] TUplink_: Grey who is your cable co?
[18:49:05] jhatch: scrapers are technically bad...
[18:49:07] GreyFoxx: Eastlink
[18:49:21] TUplink_: think you could make one for comcast?
[18:49:53] GreyFoxx: Hopefully we'll have an announcement for something this week that will not require scraping :)
[18:50:01] TUplink_: kool
[18:50:08] kormoc: GreyFoxx, just fyi, if you set your nickserv password as the password to join the server ( it will identify you on login so no need to message any bots or the like
[18:50:12] TUplink_: you all think you will have somthing this week?
[18:50:35] kormoc: TUplink_, nah, he just said hopefully this week cause he expected it next week
[18:50:44] GreyFoxx: hehe
[18:50:45] TUplink_: haha
[18:50:57] GreyFoxx: TUplink_: Many options are being discussed and negotiated
[18:51:07] GreyFoxx: just waiting for final decisisions and announcements
[18:51:10] TUplink_: but you are not at will to say
[18:51:14] GreyFoxx: then the real work begins :)
[18:51:30] TUplink_: y not make a desicision sooner than later
[18:51:46] kormoc: TUplink_, cause more then one person is involved?
[18:51:52] TUplink_: hehe
[18:51:53] GreyFoxx: cause only fools rush in
[18:52:20] GreyFoxx: there is a group of people from several projects all working toward a common and "best" solution to fit us all
[18:52:26] TUplink_: um.... will this require a new version of myth?
[18:52:33] shiznix (shiznix!i=legends@gentoo/user/shiznix) has quit ("Leaving")
[18:52:50] GreyFoxx: possible
[18:52:51] kormoc: TUplink_, unknown
[18:53:11] TUplink_: hum...... <--- dont want a PATCH im using RPm's
[18:53:17] TUplink_: TRRPMS
[18:53:22] TUplink_: ATRPMS*
[18:53:37] kormoc: so just wait till they package it
[18:53:46] stuarta: i'm sure whatever happens it'll get backported to 0.20-fixes which is what the rpms are based on
[18:53:59] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit ("Leaving")
[18:54:07] TUplink_: as long as i still have data listing till then...
[18:54:23] TUplink_: may just remove the rpm's and use goold old sources
[18:54:24] TUplink_: :P
[18:55:13] jhatch: I use atrpms but I compile my own tree using his spec file.
[18:55:46] TUplink_: hum....
[18:56:00] Chicory: Oh, Ubuntu 7.04 has the firmware and drivers available in ivtv-utils.
[18:56:10] TUplink_: jhatch i was trying to do that but how do i get gmake....
[18:56:21] TUplink_: install gcc++?
[18:57:27] jhatch: TUplink_, atrpms requires you to use his rpmmacros file to build most of his RPMs. and gmake is part of make-3.80–10.2 (suse 10.2)
[18:57:58] jhatch: sorry, not suse 10.2, FC5....
[18:58:00] jhatch: my bad
[18:58:16] TUplink_: ok... well i will tacle that when/if a new version comes out
[18:58:32] jhatch: if you need the rpmmacros file, lmk.
[18:59:44] slaine_ (slaine_!n=glengray@ has quit ("/\_/\_/\_/\______________")
[19:00:16] jhatch: FYI, people, just did an svn up for mythtv and programs/mythfilldatabase/xmltvparser.cpp was updated... I'm gonna check to see what's going on.
[19:00:54] Hugolp (Hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:01:01] GreyFoxx: Nothing has been changed in relation to zap2it
[19:01:24] jimbalaya (jimbalaya! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:01:26] jhatch: nope. got my hopes up for nothing...
[19:01:26] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:01:27] GreyFoxx: lots of xmltv support changes were done in the lsat couple months though
[19:03:04] zntneo (zntneo! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:03:04] jhatch: never mind.
[19:03:16] jhatch: should look before I type...
[19:03:48] zntneo: I'm having a problem with my myth tv box. It won't pick up my lineups. anyone have any ideas why?
[19:03:53] GreyFoxx: trust me, we would make it known on the lists and in here if and when it happens
[19:04:04] GreyFoxx: zntneo: If you are in north america zap2it is having problems
[19:04:08] GreyFoxx: wait until later today
[19:04:12] zntneo: oh ok
[19:04:15] zntneo: thank you
[19:04:32] zntneo (zntneo! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:04:37] jhatch: didn't someone set the topic to reflect that yet?
[19:04:39] briand (briand! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:05:05] GreyFoxx: jhatch: I'm too lazy to change it. I'd rather just repeat it over and over in here :)
[19:05:29] jhatch: <shrug>
[19:05:38] GreyFoxx: NOONE ever reads the topics
[19:05:43] jhatch: I do.
[19:05:48] GreyFoxx: It's rare
[19:05:55] jhatch: I'm rare.
[19:06:00] jhatch: :0
[19:06:08] GreyFoxx: between here and the dev channel the number of people not bothering to read the topic is huge
[19:06:31] ** Chicory always tries to look through the FAQ's mentioned in the topic before asking a question. **
[19:06:48] Chicory: And most of the time the question is a direct result of being unable to find something in the FAQ's and wiki. XD;;;
[19:06:53] GreyFoxx: heh
[19:07:15] jhatch: turn off topic protection and I'll change it. :P
[19:07:18] stuarta: well there is an exception to every rule :)
[19:07:56] Chicory: Happily so!
[19:07:57] mkrufky: noone will ever read the topic if the topic never gets updated with news
[19:08:35] juski: nobody ever reads $stuff anyway round here. lazy bastards
[19:09:03] jhatch: heh
[19:09:08] stuarta: Zap2it servers a currently experiencing "issues", should be fixed later today
[19:09:13] stuarta: doh!
[19:09:21] mkrufky: you guys should not complain... if you dont want to update the topic to reflect the most asked (annoying) question, then you should not be surprised that people repeadly ask it
[19:09:22] jhatch: heheh
[19:09:57] mkrufky: if anything, the people that DO read the channel topic might tell newbie user to read the channel topic, instead of somebody else having to answer the question
[19:09:58] GreyFoxx: I'm not complaining about them ask
[19:10:07] GreyFoxx: noone was complaining about users asking about it
[19:10:39] jhatch: I just asked if the topic would help... never mind... :)
[19:10:44] GreyFoxx: What I was I suppose complaining about is the general lack of reading the topic overall. Not with regards to this
[19:10:45] root__ (root__! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:10:46] mkrufky: ok... so nobody's complaining TODAY
[19:10:49] juski: they never read it in #mythtv :)
[19:10:50] mkrufky: i'll drop it, sorry
[19:10:51] GreyFoxx: but either way it's irrelevant
[19:10:56] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o stuarta
[19:11:03] briand (briand! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:11:04] juski: er.. rarely read it, I mean
[19:11:04] GreyFoxx: No! Don't do it! :)
[19:11:07] mkrufky: juski: that is no justification.
[19:11:17] ** Chicory always attempts to be helpfully helpless. XD;; **
[19:11:20] juski: /topic "zap2it is broken.. wah wah wah!"
[19:11:29] stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta changes topic to .:. Welcome to the official user-to-user support channel. .:. .:. Latest stable release: 0.20 NOT 0.2 .:. Channel FAQ wiki at .:. MythTV Wiki .:. Use .:. Zap2it servers a currently experiencing "issues", should be fixed later today
[19:11:43] mkrufky: :-)
[19:11:45] GreyFoxx: ahhh man
[19:11:53] GreyFoxx: now we have to remember to remove it later ;)
[19:11:54] ** mkrufky prepares his "see channel topic" retort hotkey **
[19:11:57] root__: lol
[19:12:01] GreyFoxx: mkrufky: heh
[19:12:02] root__ is now known as Massif
[19:12:09] ** juski puts £1 on 10 minutes til the first question answered by the topic **
[19:12:19] Mode for #mythtv-users by stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta : -o stuarta
[19:12:43] jhatch: yeah cause you wouldn't want to be an op for too long... ;)
[19:12:56] XPertKnobTwiddlr (XPertKnobTwiddlr!n=xptwidd@unaffiliated/xpertknobtwiddlr) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:13:19] XPertKnobTwiddlr: hey guys... zap2it isnt working for me
[19:13:22] XPertKnobTwiddlr: oh.... oops
[19:13:24] XPertKnobTwiddlr: thats why, thanks
[19:13:28] juski: I used to have those powers. you don't want somebody like me with that kind of power
[19:13:33] Massif: lol
[19:13:37] onixian (onixian! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:13:45] mkrufky: haha
[19:13:47] jhatch: woo hoo it worked!
[19:13:47] TUplink_: is there a way to set it so if the file is recorded with the live tv profile to auto transcode it after?
[19:13:49] mkrufky: the power of the channel topic
[19:13:59] juski: jhatch: it didn't
[19:14:05] juski: they asked before they read the topic
[19:14:11] XPertKnobTwiddlr: hey, mkrufky ... how's my onair driver
[19:14:17] mkrufky: XPertKnobTwiddlr: #linuxtv
[19:14:18] jhatch: but he corrected himself.  :)
[19:14:35] ** juski hands everybody birch twigs so everybody can correct themselves **
[19:14:57] jhatch: Birch? I like maple...
[19:15:03] Massif: mmm syrup
[19:15:12] TUplink_: yum pancakes
[19:17:18] Massif (Massif! has quit ("leaving")
[19:18:12] kslater: TUplink_: you mean something that you are watching with Live TV and hit the Record button to save it?
[19:19:19] XPertKnobTwiddlr (XPertKnobTwiddlr!n=xptwidd@unaffiliated/xpertknobtwiddlr) has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:19:27] Zambezi (Zambezi! has quit ("changing servers")
[19:19:37] TUplink_: um..... kind of... i have one tuner.... so if im watching live tv it changes the chanel and of corse i am forced to watch it...... now the file is being recorded at 2200 birthrate..... even tho i set it to record at LOW 1300
[19:19:58] TUplink_: cause live tv is recorded for time shifting at 2200
[19:20:02] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:20:14] mkrufky: yeah, the birch twig thing went over my head
[19:20:22] juski: TUplink_: you need the 'enable auto-transcode' setting enabled for the live tv profile
[19:20:30] juski: I'm SO gonna start posting screenshots
[19:20:47] TUplink_: ok.... let me look for it
[19:21:07] juski: utils/setup > setup > tv settings > recording profiles ...
[19:21:10] greg12866 (greg12866! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:21:15] Zambezi (Zambezi! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:21:28] TUplink_: ok..... thats done
[19:21:42] TUplink_: guess next tim i will see if it workes
[19:21:59] GreyFoxx: juski: That would likely be great for a guide for a lot of stuff
[19:22:11] stuarta: i am astounded that it actually worked
[19:22:13] laga: juski: like this screen shot?
[19:22:17] GreyFoxx: heheh
[19:22:21] juski: you need to set up a transcoding profile or transcoding won't actually work
[19:22:26] Massif (Massif! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:22:42] GreyFoxx: heh
[19:22:46] juski: if you don't configure it, you'll get UNKNOWN VIDEO CODEC
[19:23:00] TUplink_: so i found a use of the user jobs
[19:23:02] TUplink_: hehe
[19:23:06] stuarta: aw dammit, i didn't even write it down properly
[19:23:14] TUplink_: actuly remove the comercials from the recording
[19:23:49] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o stuarta
[19:24:00] stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta changes topic to .:. Welcome to the official user-to-user support channel. .:. .:. Latest stable release: 0.20 NOT 0.2 .:. Channel FAQ wiki at .:. MythTV Wiki .:. Use .:. Zap2it servers are currently experiencing "issues", should be fixed later today
[19:24:00] juski: yeah your comm flagging might work in the USA, but you might be screwed after sept. 1, so stop being so damn smug
[19:24:06] Mode for #mythtv-users by stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta : -o stuarta
[19:24:25] TUplink_: dagon zap2it
[19:24:39] TUplink_: them turds that were abusing it
[19:24:50] TUplink_: ruined it for all of us
[19:24:53] juski: how does that song go? ends in "the land of the free.. EPG... that'd be the UK"
[19:24:59] laga: "dagon"?
[19:24:59] stuarta: the old adage "there's no such thing as a free lunch" applies
[19:25:12] TUplink_: slang for damn
[19:25:21] laga: ah
[19:25:26] jhatch: t'aint zap2it's fault...
[19:25:28] Dagmar: corruption of "dog gone"
[19:25:30] mkrufky: lol... doggone
[19:25:39] TUplink_: its teh peope that abuse it
[19:25:52] mkrufky: ...and i thought he was talking about a retarded dragon
[19:25:54] Dagmar: ...and it's in turn a corruption of "god damnit"
[19:26:03] juski: sorry if I'd not met so many unwashed geeks at the weekend I might be in a better mood. well, not so much _met_ – more like 'was in the same room as'
[19:26:21] jams: juski..just use this for menu navigation. . . . =MenuMap.png
[19:26:26] Massif: dog nabit
[19:26:32] juski: screw the flyers next time – we'll hand out deodorant
[19:26:33] Massif: oh I just did your dog
[19:26:39] ** jhatch showered this morning... **
[19:26:51] mkrufky: applause
[19:27:00] ** stuarta arrests Massif for dognapping **
[19:27:04] jhatch: I'm not an unwashed geek.....
[19:27:17] Dagmar: juski: You guys wouldn't be the first convention throwers to use soap as registration gifst
[19:27:25] juski: lol
[19:27:28] jhatch: though, I am working with more than a fair share of them...
[19:27:33] juski: or wear peags on noses?
[19:27:37] juski: *pegs even
[19:27:40] Dagmar: Hypericon has done it, Phreaknic came very close to doing it
[19:27:50] juski: it wasn't as hot this year thank $deity
[19:27:58] Massif: lol
[19:28:35] Massif (Massif! has quit ("leaving")
[19:29:16] juski: time to do some more themey stuff
[19:30:28] metalac (metalac! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[19:31:10] Massif (Massif! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:31:37] ** Massif sleeps **
[19:33:09] laga: you're sleeping as.. ROOT!
[19:33:24] Massif: lol
[19:33:35] mkrufky: time to whip out the reverse irc DOS attach
[19:33:38] mkrufky: attacK
[19:33:44] Massif: ahhhhh
[19:34:06] Massif: meh, it'll give me an excuse to format my mythbox again :P
[19:34:25] juski: format your who?
[19:34:40] Massif: mythtv machine
[19:34:53] jhatch (jhatch! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[19:35:09] GhostFreeman (GhostFreeman!n=GhostFre@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:35:22] Massif: not the sexual innuendo style box
[19:35:29] GhostFreeman (GhostFreeman!n=GhostFre@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:36:07] stuarta: i'd format me who as well if i found some time in the schedule
[19:36:09] Massif: I probably shound sign is as a different user
[19:36:11] Massif (Massif! has quit ("leaving")
[19:36:45] juski: yeah before some 1337 dude pwns yo ass
[19:37:06] Chicory (Chicory! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:38:14] Massif (Massif! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:38:19] Massif: All better
[19:38:28] stormy|: lol Massif: did you sign in as root?
[19:38:34] mkrufky: i was joking about the DOS attack, but better off as non, root :-)
[19:38:37] stormy|: hehehe
[19:38:42] Massif: yeah I live on the edge
[19:38:42] stormy|: always good to play it safe
[19:38:45] stormy|: xD
[19:41:38] jams: oh man just noticed that mythweather is missing from the menumap
[19:41:43] jams: how did that happen
[19:41:56] Massif: it doesn't work anyway does it?
[19:42:10] jams: it doesn't , but thats not the point
[19:47:13] Hibame (Hibame! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:48:20] TUplink_ (TUplink_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:49:03] Hugolp (Hugolp!n=jo@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:49:53] Massif: lol TUplink is root too :P
[19:50:15] stuarta: here's me thinking we had a ban on root
[19:50:49] Reiver2003 (Reiver2003! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[19:51:26] stormy| (stormy|! has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: )")
[19:53:49] jams: i thought there was a ban on root...also mythtv
[19:53:58] Massif: hehe
[19:54:49] Massif: those are the only 2 users on my system
[19:55:54] Pryon: no mysql user?
[19:57:25] Massif: nope
[19:57:39] Massif: not that I know of
[19:57:51] Massif: unless they're added automatically when you install
[19:57:58] Pryon: wc -l /etc/passwd
[19:58:07] stuarta: i reckon you have at least 35 users
[19:58:27] Massif: ok, my bad
[20:00:28] Massif: what I should have said was mythtv is the only users I created
[20:01:27] chuggs (chuggs! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:02:02] TSCHAKWerk (TSCHAKWerk! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[20:02:11] will_ (will_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:05:55] jams: mythtv is banned, but not root
[20:06:21] Massif: that makes sense
[20:10:15] jrr (jrr! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:10:34] chuggs (chuggs! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:11:39] Hugolp (Hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:12:44] juski: gbee: wonky shopping trolley! I like it :D
[20:15:30] juski: jees there's even more space I can save
[20:19:33] at0m (at0m! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:19:39] at0m is now known as at0m|c
[20:25:19] egsavage (egsavage! has quit ("Leaving.")
[20:29:45] Chicory (Chicory! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:30:19] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has quit ("OUCH!!!")
[20:30:22] Chicory: I take it that the "issues" with the Zap2It servers include removing listings, that sort of thing?
[20:30:59] mkrufky: yes, Chicory ... it'll be fixed later on
[20:31:10] Chicory: See, that's what I read in the topic. XD
[20:31:18] Chicory: I just wanted to know if that's par the course.
[20:31:53] mkrufky: its not
[20:32:02] mkrufky: things should "Just Work" and never break
[20:32:13] mkrufky: and everything in life should be free
[20:32:14] mkrufky: and prefect
[20:32:18] mkrufky: perfect
[20:32:40] mkrufky: and everybody should always know the answer to every question that hasnt even been asked yet
[20:32:57] Chicory: o_o
[20:33:00] mkrufky: :-D
[20:34:46] ** stuarta chuckles **
[20:36:58] Massif: I want to live in that world
[20:37:03] ** Chicory is tempted to go find an s-video cable and go hook this baby up to the computer in the living room. **
[20:37:14] Chicory: But where the Hell did I leave it lying around ... ?
[20:37:27] Chicory: Er, TV in the living room.
[20:38:11] stuarta: that's generally where the tv is
[20:38:20] jams: babies has s-video ports?
[20:38:38] stuarta: ew
[20:38:50] Massif: yeah, they replaced belly buttons with s-video back in 2000
[20:39:10] mkrufky: they sell the converter in Radio Shack
[20:39:16] Massif: I'm waiting for HDMI babies
[20:40:34] Chicory: ...
[20:41:04] ** Massif chirps like a cricket **
[20:49:01] beakster (beakster! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:49:17] beakster: hi
[20:49:28] beakster: im trying to get the composite input on my tv card working
[20:49:36] beakster: dvb tv works fine
[20:49:47] beakster: but i dont know where to start with the composite
[20:50:05] Nixus_Maximus (Nixus_Maximus! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:50:19] beakster: under input connections i only have dvb
[20:50:27] chuggs (chuggs! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:53:15] Chicory (Chicory! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:54:14] Nixus_Maximus (Nixus_Maximus! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:55:48] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:56:55] Hausberg (Hausberg! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:57:30] AndyCap: beakster: I have no clue, just remembered reading this today: NOTE: If you have a dual digital/analog card, such as the pcHDTV cards and some DViCO cards, then you should not configure this as two separate cards. Configure the digital portion as a DVB card, then click on the "Analog Options" button within the DVB configuration panel for the card and configure the analog portion of the card there
[20:58:01] Massif (Massif! has quit ("leaving")
[20:58:10] will_ (will_! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:58:26] SkaFreak (SkaFreak! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:01:16] Altair256 (Altair256! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:01:18] SkaFreak (SkaFreak! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[21:02:24] Altair256: Question about the PVR-150 silver/black remote...
[21:02:34] beakster (beakster! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:02:41] Altair256: whenever I press a button, the menu works, but the screen flickers
[21:02:50] Altair256: sort of like the resolution is changing for a split second
[21:02:56] Altair256: Has anyone else seen anything like this?
[21:04:46] jimbalaya (jimbalaya! has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
[21:05:21] Dagmar: The remote won't have anyuthing to do with it
[21:05:28] Dagmar: Nor will your video encoder card.
[21:05:34] Dagmar: Talk to the people who made your MythTV binaries.
[21:05:54] Altair256: thank you
[21:06:30] Altair256: the screen does not flicker whenever I use the keyboard, only the remote, so I had assumed it was something with lirc or something
[21:06:36] Dagmar: That's got to be something specific to your software/hardware configuration
[21:06:50] Dagmar: I'd say probably hardware screwing up
[21:07:01] Altair256: original Pundit, using the onboard crappy Sis video card
[21:07:05] laga: hum
[21:07:09] Hugolp (Hugolp!n=jo@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:07:14] laga: i know that problem i think
[21:07:28] laga: i don't remember what i did to fix it, it's been like a year or two
[21:07:28] Altair256: was planning on getting an nVidia FX5200
[21:07:28] Dagmar: Does it flicker when you just have X up, lircd is running, and myth is NOT running?
[21:07:33] egsavage (egsavage! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:07:45] Altair256: I have not tried that, Dagmar
[21:07:55] Dagmar: Altair256: That's almost a perfect card for this stuff
[21:08:04] a5benwillis (a5benwillis!n=benwilli@ has quit ("See ya on the flip side!")
[21:08:14] Altair256: I do know that the lircd config file normally only passes info to mythtv, it doesn't have a lot of entries for other software
[21:08:22] Dagmar: Altair256: basically, you want to eliminate mythtv as a possible source of the problem, becuase it could be myth's rendering engind cuasing somethign weird to happen
[21:08:26] Altair256: I might add an entry for xterm and try
[21:08:33] Dagmar: You don't need to add anyting for xterm
[21:08:53] Dagmar: Just having lircd listening to the IR port should be enough to make the screen go wobbly *if* it's a hardware problem
[21:08:56] Altair256: hrm, normally when I ALT-X into xterm, the remote does not respond. At least, that's what I remember.
[21:09:15] Altair256: alright. I'll try that as soon as I get home tonight
[21:09:20] Altair256: that's a very good approach
[21:09:33] Altair256: laga, any hints you can remember would be helpful :)
[21:09:48] laga: Altair256: heh
[21:10:01] laga: i used to get a greenish flicker sometimes.
[21:10:25] Altair256: Dagmar, the reason I picked the FX5200 is because it HAS to be PCI (no AGP in the original Pundit), has DVI, VGA, and SVideo, and it's fairly reasonably priced
[21:10:27] laga: maybe it's a setting in sisctrl, i don't know. the pundit hasn't been used in a few months
[21:11:29] Hausberg: I have a problem getting passthrough to work correctly
[21:12:03] Altair256: the Sis north bridge on the original Pundit doesn't support DRI, so no hardware accelerated OpenGL
[21:12:04] de-v (de-v! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:12:11] de-v: so did zap2it pull the plug?
[21:12:13] Altair256: canI still use sisctrl on that card?
[21:12:28] Hausberg: I have sample wav file and it plays correctly with aplay -D surround51 alternatively aplay -D hw=0,0 but mplayer plays only garbage
[21:12:29] laga: Altair256: on the integrated sis video? yes.
[21:12:34] de-v: dont see any official response on the forums about whats up with the connection problems
[21:12:48] Altair256: thanks laga, I'll try that as well
[21:12:53] mchou: lamers
[21:12:59] Altair256: I'm currently 800x600 VGA to a good monitor
[21:13:04] laga: Altair256: are you using the winishhofer driver?
[21:13:16] laga: Altair256: i used to blame it on my TV ;)
[21:13:21] Altair256: de-v, check
[21:13:22] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:13:36] laga: de-v: read the topic?!
[21:14:00] de-v: Thats the september 1 shutdown announcement. yeah, seen that. but mythfilldatabase hasnt been working for 2 days
[21:14:07] de-v: you guys arent having problems? connection timed out?
[21:14:12] Altair256: been longer than that for me too de-v
[21:14:33] Altair256: the website doesn't resolve via DNS, and when it does, gets a HTTP 400 error
[21:14:58] de-v: i can get on labs.zap2it and get to the forums, lots of other people having problems. no official response from albsadmin though
[21:14:58] Altair256: laga, I believe the distro I'm using has the winishhofer driver...
[21:15:11] laga: Altair256: ah, good
[21:15:18] Altair256: however...
[21:15:26] de-v: at least i still have 12 days of data heh. just hopefully they fix it and its not down for good... now...
[21:15:29] de-v: bit early ;\
[21:15:55] otwin (otwin!n=Use@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:15:59] Altair256: the Pundit uses a 315 series north bridge....
[21:16:53] Altair256: according to the 315 (including the 651) does not support DRI
[21:17:08] laga: no, it does not.
[21:17:13] Altair256: did you ever get OpenGL to work [well] on the Pundit?
[21:17:17] laga: no
[21:17:22] laga: because it doesn't support DRI ;)
[21:17:30] Altair256: then we're on the same page :)
[21:17:35] rick_ (rick_! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:17:43] Altair256: hence the desire to purchase an nVidia FX5200 :)
[21:17:53] laga: heh
[21:17:59] Altair256: I just got my PVR-150 yesterday, and was able to BARELY fit it in the case
[21:19:33] Altair256: so do you remember specifically having that problem on your Pundit?
[21:19:37] Altair256: the screen flicker thing?
[21:19:46] laga: yes, it was there
[21:19:55] Altair256: and do you remember "when" it did it?
[21:19:56] laga: and trust me, fitting two pvr 250s in there is even worse
[21:20:02] Altair256: moving through the menus, etc?
[21:20:07] laga: it did it when i used the remote AFAIK
[21:20:09] Altair256: did it involve the remotes at all?
[21:20:15] laga: maybe with the keyboard as well
[21:20:18] Altair256: hrm
[21:20:36] laga: . . . icker;#86501
[21:20:38] Altair256: I can't imagine fitting two PVR250's in it
[21:20:39] laga: Altair256: ^^
[21:21:04] Altair256: that is EXACTLY it
[21:21:07] GreyFoxx: de-v: They posted on their forumns that it is a database problem and being worked on
[21:21:24] juski: !topic
[21:22:24] Altair256: perfect, so if I get read of the Sis card from the mix, it looks like it may go away according to a linked forum post in that one you sent
[21:22:55] laga: s/read/rid/ ;)
[21:23:14] Altair256: yes, thank you
[21:23:25] Altair256: was trying to talk on the phone, read the forums, and chat on IRC all at once :)
[21:23:31] laga: was confused for a second ;)
[21:23:39] Altair256: men were not meant to multi-task this much
[21:24:10] Altair256: do you care if I ask what distro/setup you used on your Pundit?
[21:25:34] juski: easy solution. abstain from forum use. it's bad for your health
[21:25:43] Altair256: lol
[21:25:49] Altair256: helped me out a few
[21:25:54] Altair256: I'd rather chuck the phone >.>
[21:26:46] Altair256: alrighty... new question, anyone tried Mupen64 with MythGame?
[21:26:56] Altair256: my wife loves N64 games
[21:27:30] juski: g'night
[21:27:40] Altair256: g'night juski
[21:30:42] laga: Altair256: i used to use debian sarge.
[21:30:54] laga: and 0.20 fixes.
[21:31:00] Altair256: gotcha
[21:31:51] Altair256: I'm using KnoppMyth atm because it was so quick to setup
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[21:34:27] Altair256: alrighty... gotta go eat dinner. Thanks for the help guys :)
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[21:48:51] TUplink_: woooo hoooo zap2it is back up change the MOTD
[21:50:38] TUplink_: can i stream files from mythwe?
[21:50:43] TUplink_: mythweb*
[21:51:29] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o GreyFoxx
[21:51:32] GreyFoxx! changes topic to .:. Welcome to the official user-to-user support channel. .:. .:. Latest stable release: 0.20 NOT 0.2 .:. Channel FAQ wiki at .:. MythTV Wiki .:. Use .:.
[21:51:37] TUplink_: :P
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[21:55:10] stormy|: how goes it?
[21:56:25] TUplink_: stormy great now that zap2it is back up
[21:57:00] stormy|: great!
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[21:59:02] stormy|: it seems that my lineup has been lost
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[21:59:53] mintee_: everyone else having problems with mythfilldatabase?
[22:00:11] stormy|: mintee_: aparently it's being worked on
[22:00:15] mintee_: i'm getting either timeouts or unauth's from zap2it
[22:00:20] mintee_: ah, cool stormy|
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[22:00:40] mintee_: been since saturday for me
[22:00:58] stormy|: it's been messed up all day, just started coming back for me, but i went online to see that my playlist is deleted. I heard that they're having database problems, so they'll put the backup to use
[22:01:18] stormy|: mintee_: I heard that the staffed admins went on vacation for the weekend, and so there was nobody there when things broke :P
[22:01:35] mintee_: ah, that'll do it
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[22:39:20] loops: when attempting transcoding the myth log shows: "unknown video codec: transcoding failed", what is missing?
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[23:47:41] ficusplanet: Hey everyone. I've been using mplayer to play videos with MythVideo and whenever I start a video the volume is cranked up really high and I have to turn it way down. Is there anyway to make the initial volume more reasonable?
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[23:58:19] TUplink_: how do i get the music link on my mythweb?
[23:58:35] TUplink_: /mythweb/music says unknow module

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