:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (178):

a5benwillis, achew22, adante, Agrajag-, Anduin, AndyCap, AngryElf, anykey_, Aquahallic, atrus, bagpuss_thecat, bball_, bb__, beata--, Beirdo, benc-, blackest, Blaksmith, blergit, Brian2, cal, Caliban, Captain_Murdoch, CCFL_Man2, cesman, ChanServ, charlieS, chickeneater, clif4d, clintar_, Cougar, cout, croppa, czth_, d00gster, Dagmar, DarkHelmut, DGnome, Dibblah, directhex, directhex|work, Disputin, dlblog, enyc_, Esotericisms, Exstatica, extremis, flatronf701B, flindet, frink_, fryfrog, fxfitz, fysafysa, GiantPickle, gnome42, gpd, grantm, Grecko, GreyFoxx, GUARDiAN|nb, Guest41757, hads, HalonChilled, hashbang, hatredx, hiredgoon, Honk, Hoxzer_, hugolp, human39_, Hype^, immolo, imperfect-, j-rod, jams, jan2600, janneg, jarle, jasta, jcsmith, jd86, jduggan, jduggan_, jk1joel, k-man__, kali67_, kash, kayelem, KaZeR, keith4__, kothog, KraMer, Krazylegz, Kritter, kslater, LabMonkey, laga, ldam, livingtm, Loto_, Lo_Pan, lsobral, mace_, majesty, maniacxs, masonsjax, mchou, Merlin83b2, MGisbers, mike3_, mikeones, mikeones_, Milosch, mishehu, Mixx, monkeyBox, MythLogBot, Nik_Doof, nipuL_, nuonguy, Octane, onewheelskyward, onixian, opello, orb_rox, packetscan, paranoid_, pat_, phedny, pigeon, piksi__, pink_, PointyPumper, prg3, Pryon, quicksilver, radi0head, RaYmAn-Bx, rcxdude, Reiver2003, Ribs, rikstahh, rn114, rogue780, rtsai, russellb, Ryushin, sannes, sc00p, Scopeuk, scurb, Sedorox, ServerSage, SiD3WiNDR, Sid`, simcop2387, SlicerDicer-, sphery, splat1, squish102, sunbug_, t0ny-p40, tank-man, Tanthrix, tfm, thrall_, tomimo, tris, TSCHAK, tuxd00d, Vaelys, visit0r, xand, xris, zambaboo, Zambezi, Zider, [PUPPETS]Gonzo
Monday, June 18th, 2007, 00:07 UTC
[00:07:47] jcsmith (jcsmith! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:08:26] Nik_Doof (Nik_Doof! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[00:10:13] jcsmith (jcsmith! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:16:23] keith4__ (keith4__! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:17:42] keith4__: kormoc, you around?
[00:22:43] Nik_Doof (Nik_Doof! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:22:44] pat_ (pat_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:22:57] pat_ (pat_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:22] kormoc: keith4_, aye
[00:25:17] Bredin (Bredin! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:25:18] pat_ (pat_! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:25:26] Bredin: anyone alive that is able to assist with a MythTV install on Fedora 6 ?
[00:25:38] pat_ (pat_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:25:42] kormoc: Bredin, you should just ask what your problem is
[00:26:16] Bredin: hehe... I'm having problems running the x app mythtv-setup
[00:26:58] kormoc: you just might want to explain what said problem is
[00:27:33] Bredin: yeah, cant be found
[00:27:51] kormoc: and how did you install myth?
[00:28:14] Bredin: yum -y install mythtv-suite
[00:29:14] kormoc: and if you type myth<tab><tab> nothing that is similar shows up?
[00:29:35] Bredin: nothing
[00:30:17] kormoc: you're gonna need to talk to the package maintainer
[00:30:40] Anduin: Bredin: did that yum install actually do anything? (you need atrpms enabled)
[00:30:47] Bredin: ok, when I try to do yum -y install mythtv-suite again, it comes back with 'nothing to do'
[00:31:00] kormoc: if it's already installed, it won't reinstall i
[00:31:01] kormoc: t
[00:31:49] Anduin: Bredin: do a yum repolist enabled and make sure atrpms is there
[00:32:03] Bredin: ok...
[00:32:32] Bredin: yeah its there
[00:33:15] Ryuken (Ryuken! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:34:47] Anduin: Bredin: rpm -q mythtv-setup
[00:35:59] Bredin: hold on.... just tried yum -y install mythtv-suite again and it is downloading something... which it hasnt done before..... has just said "nothing to do" before....
[00:36:57] thufir007 (thufir007! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:43:43] Lee0r (Lee0r! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:50:51] knowledgejunkie: Bredin: (just off to bed) what is the result of 'ls -l /usr/bin/mythtv-setup'?
[00:53:32] wastrel (wastrel! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:54:54] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:59:25] knowledgejunkie (knowledgejunkie!n=knowledg@unaffiliated/knowledgejunkie) has left #mythtv-users ("I want my, I want my, I want my MythTV")
[01:04:26] Bredin (Bredin! has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[01:05:48] directhex (directhex! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:06:03] HalonChilled (HalonChilled! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:07:32] ix__ (ix__! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:10:36] jcsmith (jcsmith! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:10:40] tuxd00d (tuxd00d!n=tuxinato@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:43] thufir007 (thufir007! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:30:09] planktonboy (planktonboy!n=john@ has quit ("Leaving")
[01:36:49] niter3 (niter3! has quit ("leaving")
[01:42:37] mboman (mboman!n=mboman@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:42:38] KraMer (KraMer! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:43:15] KraMer (KraMer! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:43:59] ix__ (ix__! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[01:55:11] Mr_Grieves (Mr_Grieves! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:55:41] a5benwillis (a5benwillis!n=benwilli@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:57:51] Mr_Grieves: Using mytharchive, is there a way to add chapters to the recordings?
[01:58:38] LennonNZ (LennonNZ!n=lennon@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:08] LennonNZ: has anyone got a Nova-S+ Card they are using give me the correct options for lircd and maybe a copy of their lircd.conf and .lircrc file
[02:00:39] mboman (mboman!n=mboman@ has quit ("Pooof!")
[02:01:25] kormoc: LennonNZ, did you ever check the pile of lircd confs on lirc's website?
[02:08:24] keith4_: kormoc: master/slave setup is working beautifully, thanks for the help earlier
[02:09:51] LennonNZ: kormac: the the lircd.conf file I is ok I think
[02:10:00] LennonNZ: just the lircrc fiel I have misses alot of things
[02:10:57] kormoc: no keith4_
[02:11:36] kormoc: *np
[02:12:56] keith4_: one last question: i have the master and slave sharing storage via nfs, is there a way to have the master serve everything and just leave the slave as a recording box?
[02:13:20] keith4_: i can't find anything in the wiki
[02:14:09] cesman: well, in affect the master does serve everything as nothing can be done with the master offline
[02:14:14] kormoc: in theory you could screw with storage groups and a script and do it, but it's likely more work then it's worth
[02:14:34] cesman: however if a recording was done on the slave, I do believe the slave must be online for that recording to be viewed
[02:14:53] keith4_: the slave records to the same place as the master
[02:15:16] keith4_: this page ( . . . tion_Backend ) seems to indicate that the "master backend override" should do this.. but it doesn't seem to work
[02:16:43] kormoc: did you enable it on both backends?
[02:16:54] keith4_: ah
[02:16:56] keith4_: good point
[02:17:03] keith4_: er, good idea anyway
[02:20:17] |SlicerDicer| (|SlicerDicer|! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:20:37] imperfect- (imperfect-!n=tbw@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:20:52] imperfect-: How do I get the remote the turn the volume up and down on the correct device?
[02:20:56] |SlicerDicer| (|SlicerDicer|! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:21:04] imperfect-: the arrows work just fine just not the volume
[02:21:59] keith4_: on a remote?
[02:22:00] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:22:09] imperfect-: yeah
[02:22:12] imperfect-: I've got a USB remote
[02:22:23] imperfect-: turning stuff down does nothing in t he music thing
[02:22:27] kormoc: seems silly to have a usb plug on a remote
[02:23:02] kormoc: personally I perfer a wireless remote and a usb receiver...
[02:23:21] imperfect-: Wow
[02:23:28] imperfect-: The sarcasm
[02:23:31] imperfect-: is totally awesom
[02:23:34] imperfect-: ut serously folks
[02:23:40] keith4_: does it use lirc?
[02:25:47] imperfect-: Yes it does
[02:25:57] kormoc: imperfect-, you really should tell more about your setup, like does the [ and ] keys control volume correctly in myth? or do you want help configuring your lircrc to use [ and ]? or do you want to program vol+/- to control the tv vol?
[02:26:29] keith4_: isn't there a way to put lirc in learn mode or something? where you can hit the keys and get the codes for them?
[02:26:52] imperfect-: I dunno
[02:26:55] zambayoo: im trying to do that but irw crashed lircd
[02:27:05] imperfect-: the .lircrc looks like it has codes for everything it shoudl need
[02:27:05] Mr_Grieves: Is it possible to add chapters to a dvd using mytharchive?
[02:27:08] imperfect-: it just has no love for me
[02:27:20] kormoc: Mr_Grieves, doubtful
[02:27:35] RyeBrye: Mr_Grieves – I think it adds some automatically, but you can't specify where they are
[02:27:58] kormoc: it's one chapter per video file
[02:28:18] RyeBrye: In trunk? I'll check out my last burned one, I think it had chapters
[02:28:32] RyeBrye: I'm probably wrong
[02:28:46] kormoc: hrm, last time I used it (a few months ago granted...) it was one per file, but I only did short files
[02:29:22] Mr_Grieves: It's kinda confusing, since the theme selection shows a chapter selection screen
[02:30:23] RyeBrye: I burned a movie, and it has chapters
[02:30:28] RyeBrye: a movie taped off of TV
[02:30:42] RyeBrye: of course, it didn't actually delete my cutlist, so I still have all the commercials – which kind of sucks
[02:30:53] RyeBrye: I think mythtranscode hates me
[02:31:23] Mr_Grieves: Were the chapters random, or did it place them at the cutpoints
[02:32:00] RyeBrye: I found a line in Mythtranscode and it says: #ifdef RyeBrye's computer \ workLikeCrap(); quitRandomly(); spitOutErrors(); #endif
[02:32:07] RyeBrye: I don't know
[02:32:11] TSCHAK2: oh man
[02:32:13] TSCHAK2: that was GREAT
[02:32:19] ** TSCHAK2 just finished watching the Robot Chicken special **
[02:32:20] TSCHAK2: :-D
[02:32:33] Mr_Grieves: :) gotta love open source / TSCHAK2 same here :)
[02:32:49] fall0ut (fall0ut! has quit ("[BX] fall0ut has no reason... just kidding :)")
[02:33:43] RyeBrye: looks like it put chapter markers in every 5 minutes
[02:33:52] RyeBrye: not according to any cutlist
[02:33:54] wastrel: chpters
[02:35:58] Mr_Grieves: RyeBrye: Well, that's better than nothing. The commerical breaks seem like they'd be easy and useful chapter points.
[02:38:28] mboman (mboman!n=mboman@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:38:48] RyeBrye: Yes, they would be – although I would rather not have any commercials in my file at all...  – but it would be convenient if it used the start point of all the cutlist parts as chapter markers
[02:39:08] RyeBrye: (so once it removed the commercials, you would still jump to the relevant point)
[02:39:20] kormoc: RyeBrye, can't just use the lossless mpeg cutting?
[02:39:25] RyeBrye: I did, but it didn't work :(
[02:39:39] RyeBrye: I should probably stop badmouthing mythtranscode so much – since I didn't really read any output this time
[02:40:06] jcsmith (jcsmith! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:40:10] RyeBrye: It said in the archive log that it was usng mpeg2mpeg or whatever for the lossless part
[02:40:58] RyeBrye: it's possible that mythcommflag missed a few breaks, but I think I scanned through the movie pretty quickly and noticed at least three or four commercial breaks in there, and mythcommflag usually isn't that sloppy for me
[02:41:15] RyeBrye: When I get more time I'll look into it more and try to figure out what went wrong
[02:42:06] TSCHAK2: mythcommflag for the most part behaves for me
[02:42:08] TSCHAK2: as does mythtranscode
[02:42:33] RyeBrye: mythcommflag loves me, mythtranscode hates me
[02:42:44] RyeBrye: or hates the mpeg2 files my pvr500 card puts out
[02:43:24] keith4_: current version?
[02:43:51] RyeBrye: trunk version
[02:46:36] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:46:42] TSCHAK2: the pvrx00 cards do tend to output very nasty mpeg
[02:46:42] zambayoo: shrug
[02:46:48] zambayoo: lirc on t21 anyone?
[02:46:53] TSCHAK2: but usually mythtranscode or other tools can take care of it just fine and clean it up
[02:47:31] keith4_: does pvrx00 include pvrxx0 ?
[02:48:16] squish102: im also wondering
[02:48:48] RyeBrye: Does any repo other than atrpms have the ivtv kernel module?
[02:48:52] RyeBrye: if not, I'll just build my own...
[02:49:05] ** RyeBrye is trying to avoid atrpms for ease of upgrade purposes **
[02:52:49] TSCHAK2: keith4_, yes, same family of chips.
[02:53:09] TSCHAK2: and it also includes the pvrusb2 devices
[02:53:45] TSCHAK2: it's why mythburn (mytharchive) goes through the trouble of demuxing and remuxing, unless you specifically tell it not to.
[02:55:26] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:56:10] drewzhrodague (drewzhrodague! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:57:55] imperfect-: How do I tun orn on deinterlacing during placback of a DVD?
[03:04:33] RyeBrye: I wonder how soon it will be until Fedora has the 2.6.22 kernel out as the main one – it will be nice ot have ivtv in the kernel
[03:05:15] zambayoo: gosh how do i even check that this thing works
[03:05:31] cesman: imperfect-: I'd say that depends on what you are using for DVD playback....
[03:07:33] newdebusr1 (newdebusr1! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:34] drewzhrodague (drewzhrodague! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:41] drewzhrodague: Hi, all!
[03:10:52] drewzhrodague: Anyone doing dvb? I need some assistance.
[03:11:32] zambayoo: just ask
[03:12:06] drewzhrodague: Great!
[03:12:33] drewzhrodague: I'm trying to use a standard DSS dish to get NASA tv via a Hauppauge Nexus-s.
[03:12:59] drewzhrodague: I am trying to use scandvb to tune in the channel, but it doesn't get anything.
[03:13:33] drewzhrodague: I am trying to populate a channels.conf.
[03:16:45] drewzhrodague: I believe that my dish is aimed at the proper satellite, as the old sat tuner box I have seems to pick up the channel listings, and I have a 92% signal strength.
[03:17:16] drewzhrodague: I am only interested in FTA channels, btw. (not at all interested in hacking satellite codes)
[03:17:30] drewzhrodague: Anyone have any experience with this in the US?
[03:17:31] hqcaudill (hqcaudill! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:18:15] hqcaudill: Hello...
[03:18:45] hqcaudill: I'm running a frontend on Ubuntu/Gnome. When the machine starts, it logs in mythtv and runs the frontend...
[03:18:59] hqcaudill: and, in this process, all the interface fonts are quite small.
[03:19:22] drewzhrodague: There should be a setting in the setup section to specify the fonts.
[03:19:32] drewzhrodague: I make mine huge, as NTSC is incredibly crappy.
[03:19:34] hqcaudill: there is, and it doesn't matter what it's set to
[03:19:44] hqcaudill: if i start mythfrontend any other way, the font is correct
[03:19:51] hqcaudill: correct, that is, according to the settings
[03:19:52] drewzhrodague: Have you tried to use the freesans font? THat's my favorite.
[03:20:15] hqcaudill: No, I have it all customized how I want it... it's just when the machine loads initially that the fonts are so small.
[03:20:38] hqcaudill: if i quit and re-load the frontend from the console, or even running the exact command the login script runs
[03:20:43] hqcaudill: it's normal...
[03:20:59] drewzhrodague: Hm. I am not sure how to setup the fonts with Xorg. I am trying to get help with DVB tuning...
[03:21:23] hqcaudill: Never done it... only familiar in passing.
[03:22:17] achew22: if you are going to do both HD (via HDHomeRun) and SD (via PVR150s) what channel frequency table should I use?
[03:25:27] hqcaudill: is the freq. table set universally or per tuner?
[03:25:27] hqcaudill: or per source?
[03:25:27] achew22: i beleive its univeral — its in the general tab
[03:25:27] wastrel: teh yay finally got my sata drive working
[03:25:27] majesty (majesty! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:25:27] majesty (majesty! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:25:49] wastrel: ext3 she is ok for my myth thingies
[03:25:54] wastrel: er, tv shows?
[03:26:01] achew22: its prefered to use xfs or jfs
[03:26:09] achew22: but ext3 is what I use
[03:26:52] wastrel: i can use jfs or xfs
[03:26:55] wastrel: i guess
[03:27:24] achew22: ext3 will basicaly hang myth when you decide to delete a file
[03:27:36] wastrel: don't want that!
[03:27:40] wastrel: lot of deleting planned
[03:27:52] drewzhrodague: ...and you cannot 'undelete' files with ext3, and I don't think your disks will spin-down with ext3
[03:27:55] achew22: yeah — but there is an option for slow deleting. it is magic and makes that not happen
[03:28:11] achew22: drewzhrodague, they do spin down but no undelete
[03:28:32] drewzhrodague: Hm, haven't figured out how to get 'em to spin down. Any suggestions, achew22?
[03:28:38] achew22: it just happens for me
[03:28:58] drewzhrodague: Hm. The journaling write happens too often.
[03:29:02] wastrel: i'll try xfs i suppose
[03:29:21] achew22: try that i think its on ext3 (not sure though)
[03:29:35] drewzhrodague: Wow, bitch'n.
[03:29:38] drewzhrodague: THanks, man.
[03:29:52] achew22: drewzhrodague, don't thank me thank superman...
[03:29:57] achew22: or google... whichever one works for you
[03:30:16] drewzhrodague: Hehehehehe!
[03:30:28] achew22: does anyone know of a place to get a cheap docking bay for my dell latitude?
[03:30:30] drewzhrodague: Anyone with experience with Satellite/DVB?
[03:31:30] drewzhrodague: I'll come back tomorrow, and see if anyone's on.
[03:31:36] drewzhrodague: Nite, all!
[03:31:49] achew22: good night
[03:31:59] ** drewzhrodague gets nekkid. **
[03:32:02] drewzhrodague (drewzhrodague! has quit ()
[03:34:31] hqcaudill (hqcaudill! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:40:36] linex (linex!n=kvirc@ has quit (Connection timed out)
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[03:41:10] Belboz91: damn, I think I need a new PSU
[03:41:54] RyeBrye: that sucks
[03:42:28] Mr_Grieves (Mr_Grieves! has left #mythtv-users ("Kopete 0.11.3 :")
[03:42:39] zambayoo: am i supposed to have an irda0 device?
[03:45:27] wastrel: irda is different than remote control IR
[03:45:49] achew22: Belboz91, why?
[03:49:25] newdebusr1 (newdebusr1! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:58:03] jarle (jarle!n=jarle@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:03:52] Weed (Weed! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:06:58] Belboz91 (Belboz91!n=dan@ has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:08:20] RyeBrye: . . . o_lolcat.jpg
[04:08:24] RyeBrye: woops, wrong window :)
[04:09:58] zavala (zavala! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:13:41] Dr_willis (Dr_willis! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:14:53] Weed (Weed! has quit ("Peace and Protection 4.22")
[04:40:47] wastrel: i'm installing linux
[04:42:06] systemloc (systemloc! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:42:51] zavala: wastrel – which flavor of linux?
[04:43:00] wastrel: ubuntu as usual
[04:43:16] wastrel: mmm love me some brown sugar
[04:43:46] zavala: lol
[04:45:58] systemloc: Is there a troubleshooting guide for mythfrontend not connecting to lirc? My remote works, lirc works, irw works, but mythfrontend won't respond to the remote. I looked at lirc's logfile, and myth isn't even connecting to it, nor is myth throwing any error in it's log.
[04:46:16] zambayoo: RyeBrye, omg awesome lolcat
[04:50:10] systemloc: I tried adding verbose logging to mythfrontend, I tried putting lircrc as both /home/~/.lircrc and /home/~/mythtv/lircrc and I tried recompiling with --enable-lirc to ensure support was in there. I also checked that the permissions of /dev/lircd were 666. I'm tearing my hair out
[04:51:06] zambayoo: systemloc, hey, run the frontend from the command line and see what is it saying about lirc.
[04:52:31] zavala (zavala! has quit ()
[04:53:25] achew22 (achew22! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:53:52] systemloc: zambaboo, that's the problem.. it doesn't mention lirc in the logging whatsoever anywhere
[04:54:30] zambayoo (zambayoo! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:54:39] ** systemloc killed zambaboo **
[04:57:06] achew22 (achew22! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:57:22] achew22: okay — why can't I cd to #mythtv-users!
[04:59:28] wastrel (wastrel! has quit ("g'night")
[05:01:58] Octane (Octane! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
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[05:05:20] Dr_willis (Dr_willis! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[05:28:10] LennonNZ (LennonNZ!n=lennon@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[05:53:14] RyeBrye: is there anything special I have to do if I am goign to have /var/httpd/html/mythweb be a symlink the the mythweb build directory of my svn trunk? I modified my mythweb.conf to point to the subdirectory but I get 403 forbidden errors when I try to use it
[05:54:14] kormoc: make sure apapche has read permissions on the directory the link points to
[05:55:26] Dagmar: *kof*FolllowSymlinks*kof*
[05:55:36] RyeBrye: yeah, I chowned it to apache – and I have FollowSymlinks on, I believe in the options...
[05:55:42] kormoc: yeah, enabling that also would be important
[05:55:53] Dagmar: ...mebbe fewer l's tho.
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[06:04:21] RyeBrye: my symlink was bad
[06:04:23] RyeBrye: that's the problem
[06:04:30] ** RyeBrye slaps himself **
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[09:03:06] clever: 2007-06–18 04:00:49.454 Recording starts soon, AUTO-Startup assumed
[09:03:20] clever: but acording to mythweb i dont have anything starting for 13 hours
[09:03:44] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has quit (Client Quit)
[09:03:54] clever: wait a second
[09:03:58] clever: is it 4am or 4pm
[09:04:05] achew22: clever, am I think
[09:04:16] clever: lol yeah
[09:04:21] clever: so thats 1 hour till its recording:P
[09:04:25] achew22: clever, thats an oops
[09:04:37] clever: i thought i was only asleep on the couch all day
[09:04:49] clever: didnt notice a night slipped by on me
[09:05:22] clever: but an hour is still pretty far for the auto-startup to be asumed i think
[09:06:05] achew22: clever, I've had it say that 4 or 5 hours from it
[09:06:25] clever: lol
[09:06:25] clever: i restarted it after a make install
[09:06:56] clever: also all the times im spitung out arent in the zone i live in
[09:07:01] rsdvd (rsdvd! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:07:02] clever: the pc and mythtv may say 4am but its 6am
[09:07:17] achew22: ntpdate
[09:07:24] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:07:28] clever: my mysql server is running in gmt-6 so now() matches a game
[09:07:39] clever: and it is synced using ntp
[09:08:07] clever: but if i use a TZ wraper arround mythback/frontend and not mysql everything crashes horibly:P
[09:08:16] achew22: yeah thats silly
[09:08:21] clever: so i just tz wraping the frontends which are in the proper tz
[09:08:42] achew22: how do you tz wrap?
[09:08:49] achew22: wait — I don't think my problem is in the time zone
[09:08:55] clever: make a script which sets TZ before starting the prog
[09:09:00] achew22: i think its the clock — its off by like 5 months
[09:09:06] k-man__: is there any themes that show the current time in the menus?
[09:09:07] clever: what i did was just stick it in mythtv's bash_prifile
[09:09:15] achew22: mythcenter
[09:09:18] achew22: bottom right
[09:09:23] achew22: clever, cron?
[09:09:47] achew22: while [ 1 ] { ntpdate }
[09:09:50] clever: cron does start sutff from the wrong zone but its just the daily update of mythfilldb
[09:10:05] clever: lol thats ugly:P
[09:10:05] achew22: .com
[09:10:05] clever: im running ntpd
[09:10:13] clever: which does basicaly the same thing 24/7
[09:10:34] achew22: lol thats the only time server url I can remember
[09:10:34] clever: also running a local ntp server on the router linux so theres less lag and dsl trafic
[09:10:43] clever: mine is
[09:10:49] clever: which syncs to a large list of servers
[09:11:11] achew22: thats an idea
[09:11:15] achew22: i think my router has a ntp server...
[09:11:28] clever: my cisco switch can be a ntp client
[09:11:44] clever: ive moved half my routers work to a linux pc
[09:12:02] clever: atm dns cache/dhcp/ntp all go to the linux
[09:12:14] clever: gateway and dsl go thru the hardware router
[09:12:31] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:12:43] clever: hardware router also has a static routing entry for 5.*.*.* feeding it to theP4 box which routes it into a vpn
[09:12:52] clever: causing the whole house to have vpn support
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[09:13:13] dlblog (dlblog! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:13:30] achew22: what is 5.*?
[09:13:44] clever: its a reserved range of ip's on the public web
[09:13:52] clever: but hamachi(vpn client) uses it
[09:14:02] clever: when you first start the client you get a static ip in that range
[09:14:16] clever: and then you can join private networks
[09:14:19] Dagmar: ffs
[09:14:33] clever: only those within your private network can see your true ip and tunnel packets over to you
[09:14:43] Dagmar: That netblock is *still* marked as reserved and not to be used
[09:14:58] Dagmar: When the fuck will product developers learn to follow fucking RFCs
[09:15:12] clever: and its getting wrapped in another tcp packet and encrypted before ever leaving the pc
[09:15:31] clever: i can easily ssh into from any pc even if im not on the lan
[09:15:45] Dagmar: clever: And what happens when that netblock is actually allocated for something, and then some poor bastard is *on* it and tries to use that software.
[09:15:50] Dagmar: Shit breaks is what happens.
[09:16:09] clever: it will also lead to being unable to access that block from otuside it
[09:16:40] clever: but im in the 156.* area so im safe
[09:16:52] achew22: they are done alocating ip blocks like that A class blocks are all alocated
[09:17:04] Dagmar: No, once IANA assign the block, it'll be out of the bogon list so it'll be reachable over the internet just like any other netblock if they allocate it as a publicly routable netblock
[09:17:21] thufir007 (thufir007! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:17:35] achew22: Dagmar, do you really think they'd do that?
[09:17:36] Dagmar: achew22: 005/8 is still marked as IANA reserved
[09:17:43] clever: a local routing entry in the pc sends all trafic to the virtual interface
[09:18:01] clever: which encrypts it with a public/private key pair and sends over udp to the persons real ip/port
[09:18:06] Dagmar: achew22: If someone came up with something really slick, like say, public wireless internet services, they might well allocate that 005/8 block as public
[09:18:12] clever: which also doesnt need to be port forwarded
[09:18:21] achew22: what happens if you set your netmask to /0?
[09:18:31] Dagmar: Regardless, there are already netblocks that are preferable for use for VPNing than 005/8
[09:18:33] clever: *.*.*.* i think
[09:18:46] clever: Dagmar: such as?
[09:18:49] Dagmar: achew22: Umm... everyone knows you're lost?  ;)
[09:19:08] Dagmar: clever:
[09:19:10] achew22: Dagmar, never represented myself as an expert at anything
[09:19:20] Dagmar: Learn to do your own research, clever.
[09:19:27] achew22: Dagmar, in fact everyone should know I'm 17 and know nothing and am just trying to learn more
[09:19:28] clever: i'kk try to do that next time:)
[09:19:39] clever: I am 20.241419 years old. (I'll be 21 in 39wks 4days 19hrs 40mins 20secs.)
[09:19:53] achew22: dear lord I hope thats a script
[09:20:01] Dagmar: RFCs are an area where effort expended in research results in direct returns in less hassle down the road.
[09:20:02] clever: it is but i made it:P
[09:20:15] achew22: clever, that makes it a little better
[09:20:22] achew22: clever, /birthday?
[09:20:24] Dagmar: ...excepting issues where butt heads with knobgoblins who didn't read RFCs and have made a hideously noncompliant product
[09:20:31] clever: Dagmar: seems 0.* 1.* and 2.* are also reserved and one may take it before 5.
[09:20:34] clever: achew22: /age
[09:20:40] achew22: damn
[09:20:43] achew22: I was close
[09:20:59] Dagmar: clever: You'd be, and I'm saying this as politely as possible, a fucking moron to try to use 000/8 for anything.
[09:21:14] clever: lol yeah that might cause problems
[09:21:17] hads: This conversation is pointless.
[09:21:25] clever: who wants to ping ?:P
[09:21:34] directhex|work: so is the welsh language. but some people persist
[09:21:37] Dagmar: And at any rate, grabbing for the biggest netblock possible for a group of machines that's going to be <16 is just dimwitted in the extreme
[09:21:54] clever: its not private to me
[09:22:05] clever: every single client for hamachi has its own ip in that range
[09:22:12] achew22: um.. clever thats the definition of private
[09:22:24] achew22: 'its not private... at least not to me'
[09:22:35] clever: but i wont get a ip colision with other clients in the future when we connect
[09:22:52] clever: which is part of the reason it needed a larger block
[09:22:58] Dagmar: IANA does regularly still assign /8's
[09:23:02] Dagmar: See for some recent ones
[09:23:13] achew22: just get a ipv6 address block in that same range its got how many trillion posible ips?
[09:23:26] clever: lol
[09:23:33] clever: that would also need ipv6 support
[09:23:38] Dagmar: But grabbing for the biggest netblock one can is a little crazy
[09:23:48] Dagmar: Let's take for example...
[09:23:58] clever: 65535 posible addresses:P
[09:23:59] achew22: clever, just claim 0:: as your own private one
[09:24:17] Dagmar: At least Microsoft made an attempt at writing an RFC when they just claimed it for their own purposes, although they didn't seem to bother with asking IANA about it
[09:24:37] Dagmar: clever: Yes. 65,000+ possible addresses for use for Windows machines.
[09:24:44] achew22: is wikipedia the best place to learn about the ip protocol?
[09:24:51] Dagmar: Machines which we already *know* go berzerk if you even have a fully populated /24 block
[09:25:10] clever: lol why would it go bezerk?
[09:25:16] Dagmar: Over about 100 hosts on one broadcast segment, Windows machines go into a never-ending cycle of browser election and dispute
[09:25:41] clever: lol
[09:25:47] Dagmar: So realistically, a /24 would have been a much better choise than a /16 for IP addresses that will be allocated through random chance
[09:25:48] clever: just ditch winblows:P
[09:25:50] clever: also at my school
[09:25:58] clever: i played a bit with 'net send * hi'
[09:25:59] hads: and not mythtv related in the slightest.
[09:26:04] clever: uses a broadcast packet
[09:26:05] achew22: i like to think that computer biquoring would be very short...
[09:26:11] Dagmar: ...but you know, if they'd used a smaller netblock it would have apparently been publicly admitting that teh developers all have small penises or something.
[09:26:19] clever: i didnt know half the schools in the province where networked together
[09:26:35] clever: i messaged half the schools in the whole province(every pc in ecch one):P
[09:27:14] achew22: clever, very nice
[09:27:25] clever: Dagmar: if i where to send a broadcast msg to it wont reach every client(just the ones im able to see on the client)
[09:28:40] clever: and because i have the free client thats also limited
[09:29:10] clever: every client can join a 'private' network which acts like all of them being in the same LAN
[09:29:34] Dagmar: Congratulations on typing the definition of a VLAN
[09:29:39] clever: netbois and protocols other then tcp/udp will work over it
[09:29:41] clever: lol
[09:30:09] clever: and since only a small number of people are in the vlan the broadcast isnt that wide
[09:30:15] achew22: FUCK my modelines are for 1080i widescreen and I have a 4:3
[09:30:24] clever: but every client still has a uniq adr for when they may join the same vlan
[09:30:28] achew22: clever, can I join your vlan?
[09:30:33] hads: Watch your language
[09:30:42] clever: achew22: if you had hamachi installed you could:P
[09:31:11] clever:
[09:31:12] achew22: hads, do you have the window open and reading or do you have a trigger?
[09:31:51] achew22: clever, do they really need an email?
[09:32:03] clever: dont remember them needing one
[09:32:23] Dagmar: What real men use... or
[09:32:38] clever: do those need ports forwarded?
[09:32:42] Dagmar: ...although FreeS/WAN is a bit dated
[09:32:48] achew22: Dagmar, is swan the one that is built into the kernel?
[09:32:52] clever: hamachi does p2p tunneling
[09:33:06] Dagmar: achew22: It's "true" IPsec, so yes.
[09:33:06] clever: so it can better use the bandwidth then a p2server2p layout
[09:33:20] Dagmar: is probably the more useful of the two
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[09:33:50] clever: what could i use to connect to an existing ipsec network used by a windows based client?
[09:34:09] clever: my dad uses ipsec on his work laptop and im wondering if i could get a linux pc to join in on that vpn
[09:34:19] Dagmar: Yes.
[09:34:47] clever: id probly need atleast a server ip but would i also need encryption keys?
[09:34:50] Dagmar: This is why open standards are good... Interoperability
[09:34:53] directhex|work: i wuv network-manager
[09:35:11] Dagmar: Unless you have a really craptacular VPN solution, you'll need keys to connect to it
[09:35:11] directhex|work: with its sexy trivial clicky openvpn, vpnc, and pptp plugins
[09:35:23] clever: hamachi uses its own central server that cant be changed so it will only be able to connect to other hamachi's
[09:35:39] Dagmar: directhex|work: God it's wonderful to be able to hop on a wireless network without having to execute a half dozen arcane shell commands
[09:35:45] hads: Did I join #vpn or something?
[09:35:56] clever: Dagmar: theres a 6 digit 'random' number on a key fob which is part of the password to join the ipsec network
[09:36:03] clever: changes every 60 seconds
[09:36:04] directhex|work: Dagmar, yes!
[09:36:14] Dagmar: clever: RSA-based SecureID token
[09:36:22] clever: yep that name is on it:P
[09:36:32] achew22: clever, why would you want in?
[09:36:36] Dagmar: I remember when they opened up shop.
[09:36:40] directhex|work: click, ooh, a list. click, connected to a wpa network. click, list of vpns, click connected to university's cisco-vpn
[09:36:43] directhex|work: done!
[09:37:01] clever: sometimes my dads laptop is fryed and he cant even get at his work email
[09:37:03] clever: if i could get in with a diff pc it would half fix that
[09:37:26] directhex|work: Dagmar, using with it is part of the trick, it makes everything all Nice(tm)
[09:37:39] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:37:49] juski: muhhhhhhhh
[09:38:04] hads: Welcome to #vpnchat
[09:38:10] directhex|work: juski, sleepy?
[09:38:10] clever: lol
[09:38:25] juski: 1st day back at w***
[09:38:59] janneg: morning juski
[09:39:13] juski: morning :)
[09:39:31] janneg: is the different capitalization of projectgrayhem-OSD intended?
[09:39:44] juski: yeah it makes my autocomplete easier
[09:40:00] achew22: juski, thats the best answer i've ever read
[09:40:23] clever: i noticed today that that theme is missing the 'watched' icon in the recorded window
[09:40:31] juski: which theme?
[09:40:39] clever: grayhem i beleive
[09:40:47] juski: just the 4:3 version?
[09:40:51] clever: yep
[09:40:58] juski: I'll check it later today, no worries
[09:40:58] clever: havent looked at the widescreen
[09:41:25] clever: what was the link to your site?
[09:41:29] juski: ah yeah I remember not adding it now – since the 'watched' icon came along after I'd decided to stop updating the 4:3 themes lol
[09:41:35] juski: www.$
[09:41:38] clever: ahh lol
[09:41:49] clever: www. not needed:P
[09:41:56] juski: maybe I did add it recently though – I've done so much it's hard to say
[09:42:20] hads: All these people that laugh out loud so often must annoy their neighbors.
[09:42:21] clever: my copy is over 2weeks old
[09:42:48] janneg: juski: if your not strongly disagree I'll change it to ProjectGrayhem-OSD and add it to
[09:42:57] juski: two weeks?! bwahahahaa
[09:43:11] juski: janneg: sob! yeah okay then :)
[09:43:13] clever: i just got back from a 2week trip
[09:43:20] achew22: clever, where did you go?
[09:43:22] clever: all my X servers and frontends where off at home
[09:43:24] clever: cleveland
[09:43:34] clever: my backends at home where still going
[09:43:45] clever: i moved the nuv's over to the hotel at 50kb/sec all day and night
[09:43:52] clever: and watched them localy:P
[09:44:27] achew22: has there recently been a bug in svn where "Fetch channels from listing source" was broken?
[09:45:20] janneg: I remembered the commit and was very confused that it wasn't installed. I checked and I had problems to find it in ls -l themes
[09:46:20] juski: clever: <image name="watched" draworder="6"> <filename>type/watched.png</filename>
[09:46:29] clever: add that where?
[09:46:30] juski: in ProjectGrayhem, so muhhhhhh!
[09:46:36] clever: ahh allready there
[09:46:37] juski: clever just get a newer tarball
[09:46:44] clever: i just finished extracting . . . yhem.tar.bz2
[09:47:00] juski: janneg: I keep forgetting I'm playing with the big lads
[09:47:06] clever: mythtv@theP4:~/.mythtv/themecache$ rm ProjectGrayhem.1024.768/ -r
[09:47:13] clever: theme cache whiped:)
[09:47:18] juski: clever: I need to check the tarball location is right
[09:47:22] clever: lol
[09:47:43] juski: see if there's a newer one at
[09:47:52] achew22: I really like the idea of random themes but don't like the idea of redoing the cache every time — does myth delete the theme cache every time it changes or does it just let it stay?
[09:47:52] juski: it was a busy week last week, and the one before
[09:48:15] clever: Modify: 2007-06–07 14:19:01.000000000 -0500
[09:48:16] juski: achew22: in trunk you can keep a number of themecaches – you set the number – default is 10
[09:48:26] clever: wget seems to have applied the last mod time from the http header
[09:48:37] janneg: juski: I like consistency
[09:48:47] achew22: juski, is that in apperences
[09:49:47] rwscott (rwscott! has quit ("Leaving")
[09:50:04] hads: janneg: Thanks :) Me too.
[09:50:31] juski: clever: uploading a new tarball to anyway
[09:50:39] clever: :)
[09:50:46] clever: still rescaling the theme...
[09:51:28] achew22: is a cronjob that does svn ups with recompiles and such viable?
[09:51:48] achew22: provided it restarts mythfrontend and backend?
[09:51:50] clever: mythbackend crashes when you do make install
[09:52:07] clever: and it may kill and restart it in the middle of a tv show you wanted to record
[09:52:25] achew22: yeah — I'd do it at 4am or something like that when nothing good is on
[09:52:58] clever: you have mythtv so it can record the good shows at 4am and watch them when your awake:P
[09:53:30] achew22: good point — I'll do it at 6pm
[09:53:31] clever: theres an episode of how its made on at '5am' which is actual 7 local time:P
[09:53:54] clever: i just do it all manualy
[09:54:03] clever: so when something breaks i know what i did recently
[09:54:12] clever: and it would be simple to make that 1 cmd
[09:54:27] clever: cd builddir;svn update;make;sudo make install
[09:54:29] achew22: clever, are you running svn?
[09:54:34] clever: maybe a configure in there incase its updated
[09:54:37] clever: yep
[09:54:38] achew22: clever, /myth/source/
[09:54:57] achew22: would you be willing to run mythv-setup go into the input connections thing pick one and do fetch challes from listing source
[09:55:01] clever: allready made a update bash script which updates plugins/themes/main and logs it
[09:55:33] clever: juski: when did you add the time to the theme?:P
[09:55:47] achew22: it looks sexy doesn't it
[09:55:59] clever: yeah
[09:56:13] clever: and i dont see the watched icon yet
[09:56:27] mboman_ (mboman_!n=mboman@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:56:33] achew22: clever, did that work for you?
[09:56:40] clever: i updated to the Modify: 2007-06–07 14:19:01.000000000 -0500
[09:56:43] mboman (mboman!n=mboman@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:56:46] clever: wrong paste
[09:56:58] clever: updated to . . . yhem.tar.bz2 with that modtime
[09:57:47] juski: 3442717 Jun 18 09:51 ProjectGrayhem.tar.bz2
[09:57:49] achew22: damn — it was outputting to file not to stdout
[09:57:52] achew22: nevermind
[09:57:55] mboman_ is now known as mboman
[09:57:59] ** clever wgets again **
[09:58:59] clever: Modify: 2007-06–18 04:51:46.000000000 -0500
[09:59:07] clever: nice its new now:P
[09:59:10] ** clever untars again **
[10:00:50] achew22: why do they need the miliseconds to the 10th diget?
[10:02:08] tomimo (tomimo! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:02:46] achew22: "Your computer is losing, or gaining 0.598484 seconds per second" well — that computer is not going to be my ntp server
[10:03:23] clever: LOL
[10:03:29] clever: what did you use for that etst?
[10:03:39] achew22: thats bibilcal ammounts of time lost
[10:03:53] clever: yeah but how would i test my own systems?:P
[10:04:02] achew22: little bash script
[10:04:11] clever: home made or found?
[10:04:25] achew22: I made it
[10:04:32] clever: ahh
[10:04:34] achew22:
[10:04:39] clever: thanks
[10:04:42] achew22: its not an error I assure you
[10:04:50] achew22: its an esc motherboard
[10:05:08] achew22: I used to think the time zone was wrong on the computer because it lost so much time
[10:05:19] achew22: do you see any problem with that?
[10:05:21] clever: your assuming the sleep 1s is acurate
[10:05:23] achew22: oops i missed line 1
[10:05:38] clever: and if theres a slow cpu or high cpu usage it may run late causing it to appear to have gained time
[10:05:45] achew22: clever, its close enough to find out that my computer sucks at keeping time
[10:05:57] Zider: Your computer is losing, or gaining 0.001396 seconds per second – tee hee
[10:05:58] clever: lol
[10:05:58] achew22: clever, i'd worry about network latency first
[10:06:06] achew22: yeah
[10:06:10] clever: ntpdate takes care of network lag
[10:06:13] achew22: and it keeps a running log so you can track it over time
[10:06:29] dlblog (dlblog! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:06:49] achew22: clever, even then — if sleep 1s is a little long then your testing over an exteded ammount of time making it even more accurate
[10:07:27] juski: oh noes! "How to change the MythTV UI background?". hell
[10:07:33] clever: 18 Jun 05:07:27 ntpdate[24670]: bind() fails: Permission denied
[10:07:53] Zider: hm, result is getting worse each time I run the script..
[10:07:58] clever: probly needs more root:P
[10:08:04] achew22: lol — SUDO !!
[10:08:14] Zider: sudo ku
[10:08:17] achew22: Zider, maybe your computer is mad at you?
[10:08:44] Zider: achew22: well at least the PSU.. got too much shit hooked up to it :P
[10:08:51] clever: awk: cmd. line:1: fatal: cannot open file `./datedifference.log' for reading (No such file or directory)
[10:09:08] clever: it prints to home and then reads from cwd
[10:09:15] Zider: now its 0.15 secs
[10:09:15] clever: its asuming $HOME == `pwd`
[10:09:23] Zider: and increasing
[10:09:27] achew22: clever I ran that thing continuously as an init script and then realized that I had made 5 gb of data to test on and I probably was about as accurate as I was going to get
[10:09:34] clever: lol
[10:09:44] clever: Your computer is losing, or gaining -0.00036 seconds per second
[10:09:50] clever: while playing a show in frontend
[10:10:07] achew22: I'm beginning to think I shouldn't have put that out to the community....
[10:10:12] clever: lol
[10:10:53] clever: even if your pc is loosing that much
[10:11:02] clever: ntpd can tell the kernel to skew the clock
[10:11:04] Zider: perhaps your script is faulty
[10:11:18] achew22: Zider, no — I am fairly sure its not
[10:11:22] clever: so if 1 real sec is showing as 0.5 the kernel can be told to double time
[10:11:38] clever: assuming tha it remains stable at that speed
[10:11:53] achew22: I used to think the timezone was wrong after 8 hours of uptime on the box
[10:12:01] Zider: 0.25 now
[10:12:04] Zider: dammit
[10:12:10] Zider: this is weeird
[10:12:36] achew22: please feel free to critique the scrip
[10:12:37] achew22: t
[10:12:44] achew22: any flawas in the logic?
[10:13:25] Zider: I don't even understand how it works ;D
[10:13:45] achew22: sets your clock — waits a seccond checks the clock and checks the difference
[10:14:15] laga: executing the script takes some time, too
[10:14:28] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[10:14:30] achew22: it uses ntpdate's offset
[10:14:43] Zider: if I remove datedifference.log I get low values yet again
[10:15:03] achew22: the script execution time actualy increases the timespan testing occurs over making it more accurate, laga
[10:15:31] achew22: I guess — putting a ntpdate at the front of the script would make it a bit more accurate but when your running it over and over it doesn't matter
[10:16:15] Zider: perhaps delete datedifference.log each time the script is run? :P
[10:16:39] achew22: Zider, no — that is a running log of your results
[10:16:47] achew22: it also increases the timespan testing occurs over
[10:16:58] asd (asd! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:17:13] asd: dudes nvidia-tv_out ignore modelines?
[10:17:15] Zider: well, it seems to be the reason that my values are increasing each time I run it :P
[10:17:28] achew22: Zider, its just getting more accurate
[10:17:36] asd: I've got my gf6600GT with compoment out
[10:17:47] achew22: tack an extra ntpdate at the beginning please and rm the log file and run it a few times
[10:18:46] Zider: " tack an extra ntpdate"?
[10:18:47] Tanthrix: asd: I think it might. Not sure though.
[10:19:04] achew22: Zider, take one of the ntpdate lines and copy it to the 1st line
[10:19:19] Zider: there is only one line with ntpdate
[10:20:17] Tanthrix: Your computer is losing, or gaining 0.26277 seconds per second
[10:20:25] Tanthrix: That's not so good...
[10:20:38] achew22: nope
[10:21:47] Dagmar: Wow
[10:21:51] Dagmar: That's some crazy skew
[10:21:53] Tanthrix: Probably because I'm using an nForce board
[10:22:00] blackest (blackest! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:22:03] Dagmar: My *worst* is about 76 seconds off a day
[10:22:38] Tanthrix: Had to do some "timer_override" thing with the kernel to get myth to work with RTC, in addition to disabling the "High Precision Event Timer" in the BIOS
[10:22:52] Zider: well I know my computer isn't skewing more than maybe a minute or two in 4 weeks.. :P
[10:23:15] kurre2 (kurre2! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:23:53] asd: It's strange, a simple DVD player with video out..seems to do a perfect job, but when one screws with nvidia tv-out it's never perfect
[10:23:55] Tanthrix: .4 now....hrm
[10:24:07] achew22: I'd love to think this is wrong
[10:24:22] Zider: asd: my nvidia tv-out is pretty perfect :P
[10:24:47] Zider: asd: gf6600GT as well, s-video-out
[10:24:53] asd: Zider u have modelines?
[10:25:01] asd: i'm using compoment
[10:25:10] Zider: asd: no modelines
[10:25:15] achew22: Tanthrix, it may be that right now your on the + side and in 10 hours you'll be in the – side of things
[10:25:27] Zider: just a plain xorg.conf with twinview enabled
[10:25:47] Tanthrix: achew22: What do you mean?
[10:26:08] achew22: Tanthrix, you may right now be gaining but in 20 min you may be loosing
[10:26:15] asd: i think nvidia tv_out outputs at 60hz
[10:26:33] Tanthrix: achew22: Oh – that still isn't good though...
[10:26:53] Guest41757 (Guest41757! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:26:54] achew22: Tanthrix, remember — I'm stupid and don't really know anything
[10:27:08] Zider: asd: with NTSC it should be 60Hz yes :)
[10:27:48] asd: i have pal
[10:27:59] Zider: have you set it to PAL then?
[10:28:09] Zider: :P
[10:28:14] asd: i have it on HD i576
[10:28:31] Zider: oh you're running HD
[10:28:43] asd: HD576i
[10:28:48] Tanthrix: Everything in the datedifference.log is between -.03 and .002 – where are my crazy .X numbers coming from?
[10:28:49] asd: it works colors are right
[10:29:08] AngryElf (AngryElf! has quit ("Leaving")
[10:29:27] juski: 576i HD? heh. I think more SD than HD
[10:30:42] asd: thats what it says on nvidia-readme
[10:30:44] achew22: Tanthrix, maybe my sum program thing isn't working
[10:31:34] achew22: wait..
[10:31:42] achew22: lets look at it
[10:31:55] directhex|work: l h o l k d i e i t r a e i e
[10:31:55] directhex|work: a l t e c o i s l k n e l c d v d o
[10:32:04] achew22: what the/
[10:32:35] directhex|work: achew22, deinterlace it!
[10:32:37] Zider: directhex|work: tee hee
[10:33:30] juski: achew22: use the flicker filter if you're using svideo or composite out :)
[10:33:40] juski: set to 128, no more need to deinterlace ftw!
[10:35:15] asd: motion blur
[10:35:20] achew22: I'm never walking into that trap again — and noone like interlaced video
[10:35:24] achew22: thats really hard to read
[10:35:33] juski: no motion blue, asd
[10:35:39] juski: s/blue/blur
[10:35:39] Tanthrix: For the last damn time, that flicker filter IS deinterlacing. It's not some magical thing that makes progressive video from interlaced.
[10:36:11] Tanthrix: And it only works for people using old fashioned SD technology ;)
[10:36:22] juski: I meant when you use the flicker filter, no more need to use deinterlacing in mythtv :)
[10:36:28] ** laga still doesn't believe in the flicker filter **
[10:36:32] achew22: I'm 1080i but thats stilinterlaced I guess
[10:36:44] directhex|work: Tanthrix, are those the people with steam-powered tvs who eat rocks and ride dinosaurs to work?
[10:36:52] Tanthrix: hehe, exactly!
[10:36:58] achew22: lol
[10:37:07] juski: ffs
[10:37:13] Tanthrix: And I seriously wish 720p60 was the broadcast standard, not this interlaced crap.
[10:37:21] achew22: I've been trying to cut back on the rocks — I go for the salt water
[10:37:31] achew22: it conducts electricity beter
[10:37:31] juski: !trout HDTV-owners superiority
[10:37:31] ** MythLogBot slaps HDTV-owners with a superiority trout on behalf of juski... **
[10:38:15] Tanthrix: Though, most stuff is filmed at 24fps so you can turn 1080i into 1080p30, so I guess it's not that big of a deal
[10:38:21] juski: when there's any point getting a HDTV, I'll get one. not before :) then I'll join you lot in lording over the plebs
[10:38:23] Tanthrix: I just want interlacing to die forever!
[10:38:38] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:39:00] achew22: why does the homepage for MythTV's wiki have a link to a page thats not very praising of myth?
[10:39:08] juski: Tanthrix: like it or not some people believe (the powers that be no less) interlaced material looks better
[10:39:17] juski: achew22: what link?
[10:39:24] achew22: the one to the AVS forums
[10:39:35] achew22: its a long story that got /.'d a while back
[10:39:43] achew22: but its not perticularly praising
[10:39:45] juski: edit it out then :)
[10:39:53] achew22: also — is the search function working?
[10:40:04] juski: problem with the avs forums is that too many windows fannies hang out there
[10:40:04] laga: juski: ther eis a point in getting a HDTV set. it seems they are cheaper than CRT SDTV sets these days :'(
[10:40:40] Tanthrix: juski: I don't think that's quite the case – just that interlaced stuff at 30 fps per second is better than progressive video at 30fps, since assuming it was filmed interlaced you get better motion.
[10:41:10] juski: filmed interlaced? film is always progressive
[10:41:12] Tanthrix: (IE, 60 unique chunks per second, as opposed to 30)
[10:41:29] Tanthrix: Er, sorry. Here in the states we don't "video" things ;)
[10:42:22] juski: it can't be filming if it doesn't go on film though
[10:42:28] Tanthrix: I guess I could have said tape instead
[10:43:21] Tanthrix: According to webster the verb film means "to make a motion picture of or from" so I win. ;)
[10:43:48] juski: pah
[10:43:59] juski: webster.. you & your 'english'
[10:45:01] Tanthrix: Anyway, I don't think anyone would ever say an interlaced format is better than a progressive format when the FPS of the latter is equivalent to the field rate of the former.
[10:45:22] Tanthrix: And if they do, they're blubbering idiots and shouldn't be listened to any more than the audiophiles.
[10:45:49] juski: "verb 1 make a film of; record on film. 2 become covered with a thin film."
[10:46:28] juski: I'm right, you're wrong. Holy war! ;)
[10:46:32] Tanthrix: . . . p;va=filming
[10:46:39] Tanthrix: Ahh semantics, so much fun
[10:47:11] Tanthrix: In any case, persistence of vision is a really weird thing.
[10:47:32] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[10:47:39] achew22: this is the worst argument ever — just want you all to know
[10:47:39] Tanthrix: At 30 FPS, your average video game will look like crap, where as video will be pretty decent. The difference is the lack of motion blur.
[10:47:55] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[10:48:05] laga: achew22: what about mythtv VS vdr?
[10:48:15] achew22: thats a bad one too
[10:48:26] achew22: I really like ones about windows vs linux though
[10:48:27] Tanthrix: We weren't arguing – more like mocking ourselves from a distance
[10:48:50] achew22: obviously
[10:48:55] Tanthrix: And flicker is another issue.
[10:49:17] Tanthrix: So bottom line: All problems go away at 60fps and higher, so that's where film should be headed.
[10:49:45] Tanthrix: Motion blur is not a good solution, and the more HD stuff I watch the more it bugs me since it pops out so much in comparison to SD content.
[10:50:23] Tanthrix: Makes me think my set is ghosting, then I freak out ;)
[10:51:26] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:51:48] asd: 60hz should be 50hz
[10:52:54] achew22: I've figured out how myth could beat all other PVRs --- MythPorn
[10:53:05] directhex|work: mythboobs?
[10:53:17] achew22: serously...
[10:53:21] Tanthrix: And on that note, I'm going to bed.
[10:53:25] achew22: lol
[10:53:30] laga: achew22: create a porn-get frontend
[10:53:33] asd: i think thats why mythtv has blur issues
[10:53:41] achew22: laga, that'd be awesome
[10:53:46] directhex|work: let's not concrete the world's view of linux people as pasty-faced nerds who never get laid, mmkay?
[10:53:52] achew22: laga, however I think they aren't updating that any more
[10:54:34] achew22: directhex|work, muahahha I've always wanted to say this. There are a few downsides to open source like programs you REALLY don't want
[10:54:37] laga: achew22: why don't you become a package maintainer?
[10:54:42] Tanthrix: Isn't the entire internet a porn-get frontend when you get down to it?
[10:54:50] laga: Tanthrix: google is
[10:54:55] achew22: laga, that is the most rediculous thing i've ever heard — and yet it is amazing
[10:55:03] laga: achew22: yes. i was flabbergasted+
[10:55:20] achew22: laga, get it to curl get some porn pages and make it parse it and such...
[10:55:33] directhex|work: achew22, given the number of furry MMORPGs, it's not just open source
[10:55:45] laga: directhex|work: i never understood the furry people
[10:55:50] laga: achew22: got a GF :(
[10:55:55] achew22: in fact I do
[10:55:55] ** directhex|work whimpers a bit at a 497 page manual **
[10:56:19] achew22: laga, i'm stunned by it aswell
[10:57:18] achew22: Tanthrix, have fun doing dirty things...
[10:57:34] juski: "achew22> I've figured out how myth could beat all other PVRs".. eh? it already beats all over PVRs. BLASPHEMER!
[10:57:56] Tanthrix: My GF is asleep already, so I'm afraid it will have to wait until tomorrow
[10:58:07] achew22: I hope to god that typo is intentional
[10:58:10] achew22: if not thats the best typo ever
[10:58:22] asd: seems like nvidia tv_out are all broken, none can do 50hz
[10:58:22] achew22: "beats all over PVRs"
[10:58:23] achew22: lol
[10:59:04] juski: you should give Elisa a spin & marvel at how seamlessly it integrates with mythtv's own Upnp server. oh yay. Then you can reel back in horror as it prompts you to pay $money to download a binary plugin to play mpeg material
[10:59:11] Tanthrix: Now I'm really going to bed. Later folks.
[10:59:19] achew22: if I wrote MythPorn do you think ijr would accept the commit/
[10:59:44] directhex|work: juski, mythtv's upnp actually does something? lies!
[10:59:55] juski: directhex|work: seriously
[11:00:06] achew22: while I'm at work I'm so going to write that tomorrow...
[11:00:45] achew22: my boss (a father of 4) sent me 6 emails on fathers day
[11:00:50] juski: you can browse all recordings by genre, group, channel, date.. just not play without paying. lame
[11:01:15] achew22: juski, doesn't VLC have a upnp interface?
[11:01:31] juski: no idea
[11:02:53] adante: greetings
[11:04:11] achew22: crap its sunup and I gotta be at work in 3 hours
[11:04:17] achew22: damn you internet!
[11:04:41] blackest: some of us been to work already
[11:04:52] juski: sweet dreams achew22 . heheh
[11:04:57] laga: some of us don't work at all
[11:05:04] achew22: lol i'll be dreaming of mythPorn
[11:05:25] bb (bb! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:05:41] blackest: ok best capture device ?
[11:06:16] juski: for analogue SDTV – hauppauge pvr150, pvr500
[11:06:27] achew22: did you all know that is actualy paypal?
[11:06:43] laga: achew22: go to bed?
[11:06:48] achew22: ohh yeah
[11:06:49] achew22: my bad
[11:06:50] achew22: good night
[11:06:56] blackest: how much would you pay for a 150
[11:07:17] achew22: 58.95+tax
[11:07:21] ** achew22 goes to bed finaly **
[11:07:58] juski: blackest: no more than I paid for mine- 37 GBP
[11:09:47] blackest: i think white box is the lower price but without remote i think
[11:10:01] ** laga yells at mythweb for being slow **
[11:10:36] blackest: i wish i could use my adaptec with mythtv
[11:11:00] juski: blackest: you mean you wish adaptec would help make V4l compliant drivers
[11:11:37] blackest: well that would be nice but ... they had my money already
[11:11:42] mboman (mboman!n=mboman@unaffiliated/mboman) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:12:07] blackest: there is a linux driver but its not what you would call v4l compatible
[11:12:39] juski: time to go whine at adaptec then
[11:12:40] juski: :-P
[11:13:11] blackest: adaptec didn't write it
[11:13:54] juski: ah so you're moaning about an open source driver somebody wrote for free in their spare time. nifty
[11:14:39] laga: o_O
[11:14:46] blackest: i'm just wondering if mythtv could take as input an mpg stream
[11:15:11] juski: it already can from ivtv devices
[11:15:21] juski: and v4l mpeg devices
[11:15:32] linex (linex!n=kvirc@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:16:01] linex (linex!n=kvirc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:16:12] blackest: the existing driver pipes to mplayer
[11:16:19] blackest: or to a file
[11:16:34] juski: what about the control mechanisms?
[11:16:39] juski: are they v4l compliant?
[11:16:54] blackest: i don't think so
[11:17:14] juski: well, with your input maybe the v4l guys could help
[11:17:31] juski: then everybody who owns that hardware will benefit.. worth a try
[11:18:43] juski: anyway I need to visit the post-office to dispatch some more badges
[11:19:01] blackest: i have got the source for it
[11:19:13] laga: juski: oops. i still haven't talked to my bank yet wrt international money transfers
[11:20:07] blackest: i guess its possible as i do have some spare time now i finished my exams
[11:25:49] laga: gah
[11:25:57] laga: /var filled uzp again. stupid mysql binary logs
[11:26:22] Dagmar: So turn them off
[11:26:25] Dagmar: Yuo don't need them
[11:26:53] laga: i'm doing that now
[11:27:03] laga: i know i should have done fit when i saw it was enabled
[11:27:09] laga: i figured it can't hurt.. :(
[11:27:39] jvs (jvs! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:29:26] blackest (blackest! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:32:55] linex (linex!n=kvirc@ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[11:37:12] Milosch (Milosch! has quit ("Leaving")
[11:43:53] blackest (blackest! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:44:53] juski: ahh all done :)
[11:46:56] blackest: juski here's commandline for the device i was on about cat /dev/avcap0 > file.mpg
[11:46:56] juski: blackest: fair nuff
[11:46:56] juski: is it just a video in device?
[11:46:56] blackest: that produces
[11:46:56] blackest: sorry a
[11:46:56] juski: might not take too much to adapt myth to use it
[11:46:56] blackest: an mpeg2 encoded copy complete with audio from any composite source
[11:47:08] blackest: there is a tuner as well but i never got that working fed it with a vcr and that was good
[11:47:45] directhex|work: i'm sure myth supports networked mpeg devices
[11:47:49] directhex|work: like go7007 things
[11:48:52] blackest: hmm i think i need to get it compiled on my backend and start fiddling
[11:48:55] juski: the problem will probably come from myth trying to set capture inputs & parameters
[11:49:16] juski: if they've not used v4l compliant ctls it could be messy
[11:49:21] directhex|work: use a channel change script? i sunno
[11:49:46] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:50:29] blackest: hmm i think i can configure the quality prior to connecting it to mythtv
[11:50:37] juski: that might not be the issue
[11:51:03] juski: there might be a problem when myth _tries_ to change the capture parameters itself
[11:51:28] ** asd believes all of nvidia's tv_out is useless for 50hz tv's **
[11:51:44] juski: though quite why anybody would write a driver for a device like that & ignore the v4l API is beyond me
[11:51:52] clever: my nvidia tvout worked so painlessly its amazing:P
[11:51:53] ** juski knows asd is wrong **
[11:51:56] clever: and my ati took months of pulling teeth
[11:52:05] directhex|work: tvout's for rock-eaters!
[11:52:10] blackest: he's a uni professor
[11:52:43] juski: blackest: even more so then
[11:52:53] asd: mabe my ati-card can do 50hz
[11:53:08] clever: lol
[11:53:10] rooaus (rooaus! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[11:53:21] clever: one of my OLD agp cards
[11:53:28] clever: has a jumper right on the card for ntsc or pal
[11:53:32] blackest: he wasn't that interested in v4l from what i remember although he did email me the source and said i could bang away with it
[11:53:44] clever: and one person i talked to says its a frame buffer and no gpu practicaly:P
[11:54:10] juski: blackest: that's pretty crazy IMHO, to just ignore the API like that.
[11:54:52] clever: s3virge card one of them
[11:56:42] nero_ (nero_! has quit ("Leaving")
[12:00:46] asd: clever even if i select pal it still runs at 60hz
[12:01:00] clever: lol
[12:01:02] siXy (siXy!n=hidden@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:03:01] asd: clever i've never been statisfied with my tv_out i've been using mythtv for about a year
[12:03:33] clever: my tvouts are
[12:03:44] clever: 3 agp cards(nvidia s3virge and other)
[12:03:54] clever: and 3 laptops(ati ati and i forget)
[12:04:17] clever: the agp nvidia i used under xp abd the wiring was a mess
[12:04:24] clever: tons of 60hz noise
[12:04:36] clever: and horibly fuzzy
[12:04:44] clever: might have been the 15year old tv:P
[12:04:56] clever: the tv didnt even have channel numbers on its remote
[12:05:30] clever: the same agp nvidia under linux gives great images to what it used to do and was too easy to setup
[12:05:46] clever: the olddell laptop ati card is a pain but ive figured it out
[12:05:53] asd: only way to get a good signal is buy LCD screen and throw the tv in the bib
[12:05:58] clever: atitvout -f t sets it for tvout
[12:06:05] clever: but any time i change the res i needed to reinit it
[12:06:43] clever: root@laptop:~# xrandr -s 1;atitvout -f l;atitvout -f c
[12:06:55] clever: that changes the res then cycles it between lcd and crt
[12:07:09] clever: without that the freq's are scrambled after any res change
[12:07:15] clever: also made tvout near imposible to use
[12:07:52] HalonChilled (HalonChilled! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:08:01] clever: the newdell ati card i havent used much under linux yet
[12:08:27] clever: the gateway's tvout i dont even know what card it has and it eats harddrives for lunch so i have installed linux on it
[12:08:29] asd: clever do nvidia released Tv-out which made it useless for all european and australian users?
[12:08:47] clever: im canadian so i havent had a need for pal/50hz
[12:09:01] clever: and i have nothing that accepts it acept maybe my framegrabber
[12:09:25] clever: with my nvidia card i just copyed the device display and screen sections in xorg.conf
[12:09:31] clever: renamed the copy's identifyers
[12:09:44] clever: tweaked the copys so they reference the renamed pair
[12:10:04] clever: and added a 'screen 1' to the copy and 'screen 0' to the first device sections
[12:10:23] clever: and another part at the serverlayout to make it use both screens
[12:10:29] clever: i can pastebin it
[12:11:29] clever:
[12:12:15] tomimo (tomimo! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:21:34] asd: modelines don't work with tv_out?
[12:24:59] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:29:19] Ruleke (Ruleke! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:41:05] blackest (blackest! has quit ("Leaving.")
[12:48:35] asd: ati and nvidia are all broken
[12:49:01] directhex|work: 50hz is broken
[12:49:56] Ruleke: hello folksies
[12:50:12] Zider (Zider! has quit ("weeeee")
[12:50:18] Ruleke: what's broken about my AC wall outlet, directhex|work ?
[12:51:20] directhex|work: Ruleke, it's an inferior non-375-volt supply, that's what!
[12:52:32] Ruleke: meh
[12:52:41] Ruleke: beats the US one ;)
[12:52:45] eelriver (eelriver!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
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[12:55:45] planktonboy (planktonboy!n=john@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:55:56] planktonboy: hi all
[12:56:27] planktonboy: is anyone here clued up about wakeup shutdown functions
[12:56:44] juski: is anyone here clued up?
[12:56:54] planktonboy: hi juskie, LOL
[12:57:02] planktonboy: good weekend mate ?
[12:57:16] juski: aye
[12:57:23] juski: and lots of it!
[12:57:31] planktonboy: I can get my pc to shutdown ok, and if I set /proc/acpi/alarm manually then it wakes up ok
[12:57:34] juski: still grumpy though
[12:57:47] planktonboy: but just not from the myth scripts I have used
[12:57:57] planktonboy: juski, yeah?
[12:58:12] planktonboy: Im just hung over and tired
[12:58:18] maniacxs (maniacxs! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:01:36] Dibblah: janneg: Okay. Maybe I lied about an easy sync for a change :)
[13:01:56] Dibblah: juski: Clued up about what?
[13:02:24] Ruleke: re: plankton :)
[13:02:44] mikeones_ (mikeones_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:03:45] planktonboy: Ruleke, I think it was just a rhetorical question
[13:03:52] Ruleke: yer
[13:03:57] planktonboy: :)
[13:04:21] planktonboy: big word for me..just wish I could spell it properly :)
[13:04:26] Dibblah: In which case, I'm taking the easy option. Me know nathing.
[13:04:33] Ruleke: looks ok to me :)
[13:04:53] Ruleke: Dibblah: heh just got back from holiday in Spain ;)
[13:05:03] Ruleke: I _did_ encounter the Manuel-effect
[13:07:55] directhex|work: que?
[13:09:38] Ruleke: eas terribull
[13:10:06] Mixx (Mixx! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[13:10:39] planktonboy: does anyone in here use the mythtv wakeup shutdown function at all, just wondering what your time format is....
[13:15:58] wastrel (wastrel!n=wastrel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:16:02] wastrel: mythtv
[13:16:29] Ruleke: quite
[13:16:54] planktonboy: indeed
[13:19:08] juski: big all-dayer this coming saturday.. oyay
[13:19:18] asd: i have no idea why mythtv pre scales everytime i load it up
[13:20:10] janneg: Dibblah: yeah, unfortunately. but someone has to do it. and it won't become easier the longer we wait
[13:20:24] janneg: asd: it does not. it is just lying
[13:22:04] planktonboy: what does the $ sign in front of time mean in the command sudo sh -c 'echo $time > /proc/acpi/alarm'
[13:23:20] Ruleke: not much in that case, it's probably a variable that is not set
[13:23:23] planktonboy: I guess if I just run that from the terminal it has nothing to refer $time its only from within mythtv mbe that it interprets it to mean the format of the time
[13:23:39] planktonboy: ah ok
[13:23:52] Ruleke: well that depends, I don't know that part of myth
[13:25:12] planktonboy: no worries
[13:25:20] planktonboy: thanks for trying though :)
[13:25:38] kabtoffe (kabtoffe! has quit ("leaving")
[13:25:38] planktonboy: I guess I'll figure it out eventually
[13:25:52] Ruleke: isn't that sort of thing documented ?
[13:26:18] planktonboy: this is for the pc that I built for my mother, as she asked me if I can get it to shut down when she isnt watching it
[13:26:20] planktonboy: hehe
[13:26:42] planktonboy: Ruleke, yeah there are a few pages on the wakeup shutdown settings and how to
[13:26:49] Ruleke: power button too complex ? ;)
[13:26:59] planktonboy: LOL
[13:27:08] niter3 (niter3! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:27:18] planktonboy: for my old dear yes I reckon :)
[13:28:00] planktonboy: I just thought it might be handy to get working so that it wakes up to record and then shuts down again
[13:28:10] Ruleke: yeah
[13:28:20] Ruleke: shouldn't be too hard I thought
[13:28:31] wastrel: set it up so the power button on the remote wakes it
[13:28:31] niter3: I'm having a heck of the time getting ivtv to load up.
[13:28:34] niter3: FATAL: Error inserting ivtv (/lib/modules/2.6.18-suspend2-r1/extra/ivtv.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
[13:28:45] Ruleke: was toying with that too, but I've become lazy about configuring my myth frontend
[13:29:18] asd: i need RGB to compoment
[13:29:19] planktonboy: if I send it a direct command from the terminal like so, sudo sh -c 'echo "2007-06–18 13:15:00" > /proc/acpi/alarm',then it wakes up fine
[13:29:26] asd: at 50hz :)
[13:30:09] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has left #mythtv-users ()
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[13:32:10] planktonboy: so t means it can recognise that sort of command but that also means that somewhere between the mythtv mbe sending the wakeup time command sudo sh -c 'echo "$time" > /proc/acpi/alarm' and the time format set as yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss there is a problem
[13:32:30] siXy: planktonboy: why sudo sh -c? sure you dont mean sudo su -c?
[13:32:49] Ruleke: no he doesn't
[13:32:56] Ruleke: why sudo an su :P
[13:33:06] siXy: Ruleke: ubuntu
[13:33:08] planktonboy: siXy, thats what it says on all the info pages I have read
[13:33:23] Ruleke: isn't the 'su' redundant then ? ;)
[13:33:24] planktonboy: . . . ext/ACPIWake
[13:33:26] wastrel: sh is shell
[13:33:36] Ruleke: duh
[13:33:54] wastrel: you're calling the shell sh -c calls the shell with the command 'echo ... '
[13:34:05] Beirdo: I usually do "sudo bash" :)
[13:34:15] directhex|work: i do what Beirdo does
[13:34:19] Dibblah: sudo -i
[13:34:20] Dibblah: ;)
[13:34:27] Ruleke: reminds me of Austin Powers
[13:34:30] Ruleke: judo chop !
[13:34:31] siXy: yeah... the sh -c seems redundant to me unless you are running from a user with an unusual default shell
[13:34:32] Beirdo: but then again, I'm used to being logged in as root and not messing crap up
[13:34:48] wastrel: it's because you can't redirect like that with sudo
[13:35:08] wastrel: the echo would run as the superuser but the file redirect would be the user
[13:35:18] wastrel: so you have to wrap it in a sh
[13:35:41] directhex|work: tee
[13:35:44] siXy: ok that makes sense
[13:35:55] Beirdo: I think you can
[13:35:57] niter3: hey question guys. I've ghosted over my hd to a new computer. Do I have to do a emerge --newuse world
[13:35:58] directhex|work: tee
[13:36:00] niter3: now?
[13:36:03] Beirdo: sudo "blah blah blah > blah"
[13:36:10] Beirdo: or maybe use ' '
[13:36:18] vallor (vallor! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:36:23] directhex|work: echo "2007-06–18 13:15:00" | sudo tee /proc/acpi/alarm
[13:36:31] niter3: I've already changed my CFLAGS
[13:36:33] Beirdo: just put the whole command in the ' '
[13:36:39] niter3: ???
[13:36:42] siXy: niter3: #gentoo
[13:37:08] wastrel: sudo 'echo blah > foo'
[13:37:08] wastrel: Password:
[13:37:08] wastrel: sudo: echo blah > foo: command not found
[13:37:09] Beirdo: what ever would make you think this is a gentoo support channel? ;)
[13:37:16] Beirdo: half the people here hate gentoo
[13:37:25] Ruleke: only half ?
[13:37:31] Beirdo: wastrel, OK, I guess I'm wrong, but I thought I'd done that before
[13:37:42] fysafysa: what's the command to view a list of file locks?
[13:38:01] Beirdo: the other option is to make a script file that does what you want (all the redirections) with $1 as what to echo, then sudo that
[13:38:01] directhex|work: tee!
[13:38:10] Ruleke: hehe
[13:38:21] Beirdo: like sudo /usr/local/bin/myecho "blah blah blah"
[13:38:31] planktonboy: yeah I tried that too
[13:38:40] directhex|work: for *tender loving* *gently caress* sake. use *tender loving* tee! that's what it's for!
[13:38:42] planktonboy: but obviously not correctly :)
[13:38:50] vallor: heya -- :) — does mythfilldatabase perform an "optimize table program" on the mythconverg database?
[13:38:50] Beirdo: hehe
[13:38:52] Ruleke: hehe
[13:38:53] Beirdo: or tee
[13:39:05] Beirdo: but this is UINX, there are 100 ways to do anything, ya know ;)
[13:39:10] Beirdo: UNIX rather
[13:39:19] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:39:21] Ruleke: just a few to do it elegantly ;)
[13:39:30] directhex|work: EUNUCHS
[13:39:35] Beirdo: and usually 90+ of them are stupid and overworked, but still will do the trick
[13:39:54] ** vallor strokes his gray beard: "UNIX(tm) is a trademark of the Open Group — but Unix(no tm) is not. :)" **
[13:40:22] Beirdo: same diff
[13:40:34] Dagmar: <-- best prank to be played through compromise of "live" robotic cameras, ever
[13:40:46] wastrel: lunix is a trademark of Red Hot Lunix, LLC
[13:40:49] Beirdo: Kleenex is trademarked too, but everyone refers to facial tissues as kleenex regardless of brand
[13:40:54] Dagmar: ...and the best part is that apparently no one completely freaked out over it
[13:41:01] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has quit (Client Quit)
[13:42:01] vallor: Beirdo: there was a time when Linux was referred to as a "*nix" — ah, the good old days of chilled speech...
[13:42:03] vallor: ...not!
[13:42:22] Beirdo: anyways, time for me to work on the trac plugin for the bot that I kinda promised xris, what... 8 months ago?
[13:42:23] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has quit ()
[13:43:15] Beirdo: it should actually be fairly simple to start with, just regexps
[13:43:28] vallor: so anyway — is there any other yum-style repo tracking mythtv besides atrpms?
[13:43:57] Beirdo: no clue, I switched from FC1 to ubuntu, never to look back ;)
[13:44:21] vallor: durn!
[13:44:46] Beirdo: just fit my needs better, I guess
[13:44:46] vallor: I like to tell folks that I've been using Fedora since RedHat 3.03 ;P
[13:46:09] _flindet is now known as flindet
[13:46:43] planktonboy: so if I put that command into mythtv wakeup then it would have to look like so...
[13:46:46] planktonboy: echo $time | 'sudo tee /proc/acpi/alarm'
[13:47:03] planktonboy: or am I barking up the wrong tree
[13:47:19] Ruleke: tee
[13:47:30] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:47:50] planktonboy: yeah....barking up the wrong tee rather
[13:47:55] Beirdo: I think you just need
[13:48:08] Beirdo: echo $time | sudo tee /proc/acpi/alarm
[13:48:17] Beirdo: I doubt you'll need '' in that contruct
[13:48:34] planktonboy: Bierdo, ok will try that...thanks mate
[13:48:40] Beirdo: worth a try :)
[13:48:47] planktonboy: for sure
[13:48:51] planktonboy: :)
[13:49:07] TSCHAKWerk (TSCHAKWerk! has joined #mythtv-users
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[13:53:03] Esotericisms: !seen GreyFoxx
[13:53:03] MythLogBot: GreyFoxx is here and has been idle for 1 day 20 hours 56 minutes 15 seconds
[13:53:15] Esotericisms: :(
[13:53:38] jams: Esotericisms- maybe he's avoiding you
[13:53:55] Esotericisms: probably .... :), morning to you all
[13:54:42] Esotericisms: I think I have finally tracked down my remote problem to the driver, it seems that the command function in the driver is getting called twice with each key press
[13:55:08] Dagmar: Let me guess... becausae you didn't read the instructions
[13:55:56] Esotericisms: very funny Dagmar, but no, not unless I really missed something that you know that I don't ... btw the driver is a custom ati_remote driver that is compiled with the kernel, not lirc
[14:00:33] Dagmar: If lirc reads it's device then it still amounts to needing to look over the parts of the docs relating to lirc
[14:00:41] Dagmar: ...or the man pages for whatever you have reading it
[14:00:53] Esotericisms: it doesn't use lirc, lirc isn't even installed
[14:01:00] Dagmar: What you're describing sounds to me like you tried to engineer something that didn't need to be engineered
[14:01:58] directhex|work: ati_remote.ko doesn't use lirc
[14:02:06] Esotericisms: thank you :)
[14:02:14] Dagmar: Uh oh
[14:02:22] Dagmar: You admitted some familiarity with the piece in question
[14:02:37] directhex|work: i stopped using my ati remote years ago. it sucked!
[14:02:46] otwin (otwin! has left #mythtv-users ()
[14:03:07] Esotericisms: well mine isn't an ati_remote ... it is a niveus ... I just use a customized driver fixed by GreyFoxx ...
[14:03:32] Esotericisms: I have done extensive troubleshooting and it appears that the driver is repeating the same command twice for every key press
[14:03:48] Dagmar: That's actually pretty bizarre
[14:03:57] Sedorox (Sedorox!i=brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[14:04:46] vallor: yay, I've got MythTV running with F7, using the atrpms repo :) :)
[14:04:46] Esotericisms: well I have injected debugging code into the driver, and recompiled and each keypress no matter how quickly it is done, always 2 debug messages appear for that key
[14:05:00] Esotericisms: xev, shows it happening as wel
[14:05:02] Esotericisms: well*
[14:05:19] vallor: Esotericisms: could it be key-down / key-up events you're seeing?
[14:05:47] mikeones__ (mikeones__! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:06:18] Esotericisms: vallor, I thought so to, but no, xev is showing two keypress and two keyrelease
[14:06:25] Dagmar: Esotericisms: That's sounding like maybe it *is* sending the same stroke twice
[14:06:43] Dagmar: I don't suppose you have some other reciever hardware you can watch the raw stream with to see for sure would you?
[14:06:55] mikeones_ (mikeones_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:07:22] Esotericisms: unfortunately I do not, however this was working perfectly last week with FC4 and the older version of the driver off of GreyFoxx's website
[14:07:34] vallor: Esotericisms: hmmm! I remember seeing in the accessability features (under control-center) the option to turn on "key debounce" — an old trick from apple ][ days :)
[14:07:37] Esotericisms: unfortunately the old driver does not work with FC6
[14:07:39] siXy: Esotericisms: irxevent from older lirc pacakges has a very simple mechanism for avoiding that problem. if you have a look at the lirc source you might be able to apply it you your driver. but we warned: its *ugly*
[14:07:44] vallor: (in F7)
[14:08:07] Esotericisms: siXy, I am not using LIRC ...
[14:08:07] siXy: oh wait not irxevent its one of the others
[14:08:11] siXy: yes i know
[14:08:23] siXy: im suggesting you use the same mechanism to fix the same problem...
[14:08:47] Esotericisms: hrm ... , I will take a look at it ...
[14:08:49] Esotericisms: just a minute
[14:10:08] siXy: hmm maybe it is irxevent. sorry its been a while since i did anything with lirc source
[14:10:09] Esotericisms: "could not connect to socket" "no such file or directory"
[14:10:20] Esotericisms: those are my errors with irxevent
[14:10:40] Ruleke: he suggested looking at the source code :)
[14:11:01] siXy: running it will not get you far without lirc running ;)
[14:11:08] Esotericisms: ah, :)
[14:11:23] Esotericisms: Ruleke, say what? source code of the driver?
[14:11:49] siXy: it was basically a simple bit of c that filtered inputs based on time between keypresses
[14:12:03] siXy: thus you could set it to filter out the second keypress
[14:12:09] Esotericisms: well siXy, the driver I have filters
[14:12:47] Esotericisms: filter time currently is 100 msec, I have taken it down all the way to 40msec and still no luck in fixing the problem
[14:14:05] planktonboy (planktonboy!n=john@ has quit ("Leaving")
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[14:14:45] siXy: Esotericisms: yes the reason why i reccomended the irxevent solution is that its so simple that it is hard to fool. the filter for your driver is letting the second keypress though as it detects it as valid
[14:15:35] siXy: s/though/through
[14:15:51] Esotericisms: so irxevent should work even though I am not using lirc ir ... ok I will install lirc and see what I can do
[14:16:28] siXy: nooo it wont :) you will have to grab the code out of the rixevent source, add (and modifiy a little maybe) it to your driver and recompile the driver
[14:16:45] siXy: ....or buy a new remote :P
[14:16:56] Esotericisms: gotcha
[14:16:59] Esotericisms: I see :)
[14:17:19] siXy: there may also be a driver bug that can be fixed, but for that you would need to find the person who wrote it
[14:18:31] jarle (jarle!n=jarle@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:18:33] jvs (jvs! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:18:42] Esotericisms: GreyFoxx, last modified it ... thats why I am looking to him, I have been pouring over the driver ( cause I am a programmer ) ... but I am not really familiar with linux drivers
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[14:21:35] faisal_ (faisal_!n=faisal@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:22:01] Dagmar: See, this is probably well past the point where most people would just up and order some new hardware.
[14:22:18] faisal_: Anyone know if snazzi cards are supported in linux ? lspci does not show that its detected.
[14:22:53] Dagmar: faisal_: If it's a PCI card and it's not showing up in lspci at all, then you should probably throw it out and then make an obscene phone call to the manufacturer
[14:23:04] Dagmar: It should *at least* be popping up as an unknown device
[14:23:19] faisal_: Dagmar: :-)
[14:24:00] faisal_: wait a minute
[14:24:02] Esotericisms: Dagmar, I like having my RF remote
[14:24:07] faisal_: Multimedia video controller: Winbond Electronics Corp W99200F/W9922PF MPEG-1/2 Video Encoder (rev 03)
[14:24:14] faisal_: that must be it
[14:24:54] faisal_: what does that mean ? Am I good for mythtv ?
[14:25:15] siXy: Esotericisms: firefly remote maybe?
[14:25:44] GreyFoxx: Esotericisms: If memory serves, there is a #define at the top of that file for repeat rate
[14:25:59] GreyFoxx: cause every time you press a key on the remote it actually transmits it 5 times
[14:26:16] GreyFoxx: It's up the to driver to determine if it was a unique keypress or not
[14:26:17] Esotericisms: GreyFoxx, you are back ... well the ati_remote_input_report is being called twice
[14:26:31] GreyFoxx: It would, if you don't tweak that define
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[14:26:35] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stuarta
[14:26:37] anykey_: faisal_: this is not a tv-tuner, what is it good for?
[14:26:52] faisal_: yeah its not.
[14:26:54] Esotericisms: GreyFoxx, I am going to look at it right now
[14:27:02] GreyFoxx: Now, I should mention I have only used it up to, so anything newer is untested
[14:27:03] faisal_: no good ?
[14:27:22] anykey_: faisal_: what is it good for?
[14:27:47] faisal_: anykey_: its a snazzi video thng
[14:27:56] faisal_: I borrowed it to test mythtv
[14:28:02] faisal_: anykey_: its a snazzi video thing
[14:28:21] Esotericisms: GreyFoxx, I am using the exact same one
[14:28:23] faisal_: 3–4 years old. for burning cd I think
[14:28:25] GreyFoxx: "FILTER_TIME"
[14:28:35] GreyFoxx: is the value to playwith
[14:28:44] Esotericisms: cause we have the same remote, and it is off of your website
[14:28:52] GreyFoxx: You can edit it during a module load
[14:29:02] anykey_: faisal_: i don't now what that is. What can you capture with it?
[14:29:08] GreyFoxx: I dunno if that is the newest
[14:29:10] Dagmar: Pokemon!
[14:29:11] GreyFoxx: lemme check
[14:29:22] Dagmar: Gotta catch 'em all, and that takes dedicated PCI cards.
[14:29:34] Esotericisms: GreyFoxx, I have modified it in the code recompiled and installed it and I have taken the FILTER_TIME down to 40 msec
[14:29:36] Esotericisms: with the same problem
[14:29:42] faisal_: anykey_: I got video input on the card
[14:30:15] GreyFoxx: You want to increase it, not decrease it
[14:30:15] anykey_: faisal_: well, did the kernel load some modules for it? if not, try searching the web
[14:30:18] faisal_: I can plug-in my cable into the video-in and watch cable on my computer
[14:30:28] GreyFoxx: decreasing it makes it even more likely to repeat keys
[14:30:43] faisal_: anykey_: Thats a good question, not sure if it did. How do I check ?
[14:31:00] Esotericisms: stupid mistake on my part ...
[14:31:02] faisal_: lsmod list a lot of stuffs
[14:31:04] GreyFoxx: Esotericisms: but to can alter it without recompiling
[14:31:09] GreyFoxx: for testing and such
[14:31:28] faisal_: not sure if any of those loaded got to do with the card
[14:31:49] Esotericisms: GreyFoxx, in modprobe.conf?
[14:31:50] GreyFoxx: repeat_filter is the parameter
[14:32:01] GreyFoxx: Esotericisms: I'd do it manually
[14:32:14] GreyFoxx: modprobe ati_remote repeat_filter=VALUE
[14:32:30] Esotericisms: ok
[14:32:33] anykey_: faisal_: do you have any /dev/v4l/ or /dev/video* entries?
[14:33:18] vallor (vallor! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:33:25] faisal_: anykey_: nope
[14:33:48] faisal_: anykey_: you mean in lsmod, right ?
[14:33:59] anykey_: faisal_: no, i mean using ls -l
[14:34:33] faisal_: ooops, sorry
[14:34:45] faisal_: nope, I don;t think I got v4l installed
[14:34:51] faisal_: yet
[14:34:58] faisal_: I'm installing it right now
[14:36:11] faisal_: I'm installing v4l-tools
[14:36:58] immolo (immolo! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:36:59] cal: i have a 40" wide screen lcd ..that does 1080p.. so i should be able to do 1920x1080 in mythtv right?
[14:37:23] Ruleke: depending on the input :)
[14:37:36] cal: its a HDMI/DVI cable
[14:37:42] maniacxs (maniacxs! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:37:48] Ruleke: and the gfx card :)
[14:38:06] cal: yeah its an nvidia GS something or other, it does really high modes.
[14:38:15] Ruleke: then yes
[14:38:33] Esotericisms: GreyFoxx, that did it .. I had to up it to almost 200 msec
[14:38:34] cal: i can only get as high as 1280x1024
[14:38:43] cal: using control-alt +/0
[14:38:46] cal: +/- even
[14:39:02] newdebusr1 (newdebusr1! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:39:06] cal: and EDID is set to YES
[14:39:18] TSCHAKWerk (TSCHAKWerk! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[14:39:40] Dagmar: Assuming your monitor manufacturer isn't bullshitting you
[14:39:51] Dagmar: You *will* need to create a modeline to use that mode.
[14:40:06] cal: aww
[14:40:12] Dagmar: It is not a VESA default, so you will never ever see it by doing CTL-ALT-KP+/-
[14:40:18] Dagmar: Search the wiki
[14:40:29] Ruleke: yeah the edid on mine is faulty, it says it won't do 1080p24, but it does
[14:41:12] cal: so the EDID coming from the tv isnt reporting the higher mode, or X doesnt look at the higher modes EDID is reporting.. which is it?
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[14:41:20] Dagmar: Could be both
[14:41:28] Dagmar: The answer is still the same and is what I said
[14:41:33] Dagmar: You must create a custom modeline
[14:41:44] cal: and i notice the EDID is a .BIN file :( so i cant easily look at it
[14:42:04] cal: i was gonna grab the mode line from it
[14:42:19] Dagmar: OKay, um... EDID is not a .bin file
[14:42:24] Dagmar: EDID is a protocol.
[14:42:40] cal: dagmar: well, what i mean is, nvidia-settings extracts it to a BIN file.
[14:44:02] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:46:11] cal: crap, my tv isnt in the modline database on the wiki
[14:47:14] Dagmar: Who cares
[14:47:20] Dagmar: Pick one that is close to the res you want
[14:47:45] Dagmar: Shhhhhh
[14:48:06] cal: your pulling me leg arnt ya =)
[14:48:30] cal: *watches his tv blow up from too high scan line settings*
[14:50:09] cal: The latest NVIDIA drivers of both the 9xxx and 8xxx series have a standard ModePool format that can be used to easily create a screen mode without the need of a modeline.
[14:50:13] cal: that sounds promising.
[14:50:40] anykey_: cal: I don't think a LCD/plasma screen will blow up because of wrong modes
[14:50:59] anykey_: mine just says "can't display video"
[14:51:04] cal: ahh
[14:51:40] Dagmar: cal: Not pulling your leg
[14:51:42] Dagmar: Let me put this another way
[14:52:28] Dagmar: How well do you think a consumer DVD player would work if there were this huge difference in frequency ranges for a very small set of source types
[14:52:52] Dagmar: I mean, there's basically SD, and then 720p, 720i, 1080p, and 1080i.
[14:53:09] Dagmar: Five potential input signal types. Not the sort of thing that requires much fancy-fancy.
[14:53:48] cal: ah.. okay. i will try this other samsung 1080p then.
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[14:53:53] Dagmar: What works for one TV is highly likely to work for another in the same country
[14:54:13] Dagmar: All the rest is just going to be tweaking the values a little to adjust the porch sizes
[14:54:47] Zathras (Zathras! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:55:06] Zathras: Hi. Q: Debian Etch. Mythtv 0.20.Lirc 0.8.0. When running irw from shell my grey Hauppage RC at my pvr350 is recognized. Yet MythTv seems to ignore my RC. Anything special I should do/look at?
[14:55:34] anykey_: Zathras: did you create a .lircrc file in ~/.mythtv?
[14:56:06] Dagmar: The documentation would be a good place to start looking
[14:56:44] Zathras: I have lircrc files copied from the internet to /etc/lirc/lircrc and /home/mythtv/lircrc and /home/mythtv/.mythtv/.lircrc
[14:57:12] Zathras: the RC5 codes are interpreted ok as I can see commands when using irw
[14:57:18] Dagmar: See, ,this is why documentation is good.
[14:57:31] anykey_: Zathras: read the docs, and look for lirc messages on the console when starting the frontend
[14:57:31] Dagmar: ...because with it, you'd know that three places is not possibly useful
[14:57:57] niter3 (niter3! has quit ("leaving")
[14:58:10] Dagmar: There are two very specific places you need to put files, and the documentation says what those places are, and so far you've hit only one of them
[14:58:45] Zathras: did not sound usefull to me either. But I found docu for greatly differ between various Linux distro's and lirc versions
[14:59:34] Zathras: I have no console when loading the frontend as I only get TV-out.
[15:00:45] Ruleke: ssh
[15:01:59] Dagmar: Zathras: Well, around *here* we're referring to only two things usually... The wiki and the Installation HOWTO on the main MythTV site
[15:02:14] Dagmar: You can hopefully guess which document we're referring to now.
[15:03:50] Zathras: The install howto also hints at /etc/lircd.conf so I guess in your guessing game that is location nr2. But I also have this file. I have looked at both Wiki and Howto before
[15:04:16] Dagmar: It's no guessing game.
[15:04:47] Dagmar: If you actually read the documentation, generally the stuff will generally work.
[15:04:55] Dagmar: Ignore the documentation, and you will almost always *fail*
[15:05:26] tomimo (tomimo! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:05:32] Dagmar: As a bonus, when someone has read the documentation, typically their questions are of a type where someone will just go "Oh! You just need to do x to y and then z will happen just fine."
[15:06:02] Zathras: After using computers for over 20 years I agree. (of which about 12 years of Linux)
[15:06:24] Dagmar: Seriously then the main installation doc tells pretty much _everything_ you need to know
[15:06:36] Zathras: My point being: I am not the moron you think I am
[15:06:55] Ruleke: hehe
[15:06:58] stuarta: lirc is a pita
[15:07:04] Zathras: But I might have overlooked something
[15:07:10] Dagmar: lirc is a HUGE PITA
[15:07:12] Ruleke: bear with dagmar, he gets abrasive sometimes ;)
[15:07:23] Dagmar: One sec and I might be able to find where I wrote up how lirc works
[15:07:28] stuarta: he's probably doing nights again... :)
[15:07:32] Ruleke: :)
[15:07:39] Dagmar: I am *always* doing freaking nights
[15:08:09] Dagmar: Aha
[15:08:11] Dagmar: Read
[15:08:15] Dagmar: Things will get simpler, fast.
[15:08:42] Zathras: tnx. I'll start reading. Again...
[15:09:02] Dagmar: That's a bit of an excessively detailed drill-down *just* pertaining to lirc.
[15:09:17] Dagmar: If you don't understand lirc after reading it, try again after the bong hits wear off.  ;)
[15:10:52] Ruleke: wuzzlewozzle ?
[15:10:54] Ruleke: :)
[15:11:34] Dagmar: I did infographics.
[15:11:38] Zathras: lirc is running fine on one of my three IR receivers as stated before (irw translates the RC keypress codes correcttly to the text defined in lircrc
[15:11:47] Dagmar: Primitive peoples could probably look at the page and know what lirc is
[15:11:58] anykey_: Zathras: so you need to translate the text to a keypress for myth
[15:12:07] Dagmar: Zathras: See... a much more intelligent statemnt than before
[15:13:05] Zathras: it's just that Mythtv does not recognize it. but I am still reading
[15:13:26] Dagmar: okay, so focus on the bit about the two config files and what the second one does. Look at the pitchers in the middle of that wiki page, actually
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[15:18:17] Ruleke: hmmmm pitchers
[15:18:23] ** Ruleke thirsty **
[15:18:44] laga: <- sober
[15:18:45] laga: :'(
[15:19:03] Ruleke: there's a pub around here where a lot of airport personnel goes that's called pitchers :)
[15:19:55] adante: hola hola
[15:20:02] Ruleke: holapola
[15:21:05] Ruleke: yay, 15 new channels on the cable today !
[15:21:16] ** Ruleke tries a new channels scan **
[15:21:22] Ruleke: over 100 PIDs now :)
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[15:21:52] Esotericisms (Esotericisms! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:23:02] Ruleke: time to go home :)
[15:23:11] Ruleke (Ruleke! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:25:29] The_Ball_ (The_Ball_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:26:32] Zathras: k. Had to do some stuff in between. But I read the wiki and I still do net get it. Dagmar claims I got only 1 locatoin right on placing lircrc files. In the wiki there is quote on 2 locations and I have lircrc files (as I said above) ob those locations: The log file showing "accepted new client" immediately followed by "removed client" can indicate a a ~/.lircrc or ~/.mythtv/lircrc parsing error.
[15:26:43] newdebusr1 (newdebusr1! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:27:04] Dagmar: You know they're *not* supposed to be the same file, right?
[15:27:34] Zathras: I run mythtv as user mythtv with homedir /home/mythtv
[15:28:20] Dagmar: Well, MythTV reading ~/.lircrc is actually a new thing, but...
[15:28:31] Dagmar: This is not the same file as /etc/lir...
[15:28:53] Dagmar: Two different tasks, two different config files
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[15:31:01] Zathras: both called lircrc? I do not spot the difference in the wiki right now but my mind is a bit buzzing at the moment as I am a but preoccupied by something else. sry
[15:32:19] Zathras: so basically I shoudl have a /etc/lirc/lircrc file which is different from /home/mythtv/.mythtv/lirrc and I can delete all other lirrc files?
[15:33:08] wastrel: something about lirc
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[15:35:30] RyeBrye: I'm trying to run my mythweb out of a symbolic link from /var/www/html/mythweb to /home/mythtv/mythtv_build/mythplugins/mythweb – but I seem to have a permissions issue
[15:35:49] RyeBrye: despite the fact that I have /home/mythtv/mythtv_build/mythplugins/mythweb owned by apache and in the apache group, and even with 777 permissions – when I try to do:
[15:36:16] RyeBrye: sudo -u apache ls -al /home/mythtv/mythtv_build/mythplugins/mythweb it doesn't work because permissions are denied
[15:36:29] RyeBrye: is there something obvious I'm forgetting to do?
[15:36:33] ** RyeBrye scratches head **
[15:37:41] wastrel: permissions
[15:38:22] wastrel: make sure each of the directories has execute perms?
[15:38:28] wastrel: i dunno
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[15:38:32] wastrel: i blame the gov't
[15:38:41] RyeBrye: yeah. it's confusing – the mythweb dir has this: drwxrwxrwx 8 apache apache 4096 2007-06–18 09:06 mythweb
[15:38:42] moodboom: check the permissions on the parent directories?
[15:39:21] RyeBrye: drwxrwxrwx 18 mythtv mythtv 4096 2007-06–17 23:53 mythplugins :(
[15:39:30] RyeBrye: I'll just run apache as root. That will fix everything! ;)
[15:39:54] laga: :'(
[15:43:35] RyeBrye: Hmm... I had to +x and +r my home directory and that seemed to fix it so I coudl sudo -u apache ls the directory
[15:43:58] RyeBrye: I'll probably move my svn build directory out of my home dir now to avoid having to make my user dir accessible like that...
[15:44:16] Dagmar: Only the data directory needs to be writeable by apache
[15:44:29] Dagmar: Having the rest of mythweb's files being writeable by apache is very bad security
[15:44:33] RyeBrye: ok
[15:45:01] RyeBrye: I just pretty much "unzipped my fly" on this one to try to get it working... I'll go back and re-adjust permissions now
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[15:52:13] maniacxs (maniacxs! has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:53:32] maniacxs: hi i have got a problem with watching recordings on a frontend i get "GetRecordBasename found no entry" in the logfile when selecting the recording.
[15:53:46] maniacxs: i am using current svn from today
[15:53:53] juski: a frontend with the same hostname as the backend perchance?
[15:54:16] maniacxs: not on the backend, but it is proto 34, too
[15:54:42] maniacxs: no it does not have the same hostname
[15:54:45] juski: backends & frontends have all got to be the same version
[15:55:00] juski: protocol version isn't the only variable to consider
[15:55:27] jgarvey (jgarvey! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:55:29] TSCHAKWerk: bad things happen
[15:56:01] juski: there's also dbschemaver – the schema version of the database – that'd include new columns, new tables (maybe).. general changes like that & more
[15:56:33] juski: chances are the newest executable has upgraded the dbschema version – this will throw a big spanner into the mix
[15:56:39] maniacxs: juski: i give it a try...
[15:56:48] grantm (grantm! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:56:57] juski: so if you've not planned to make all systems run the same version, you'd best do it soon
[15:57:17] TSCHAKWerk: bad things, man...bad things...
[15:57:28] juski: technically even mixing versions from the same branch can be bad news
[15:57:50] juski: e.g. 0.20-fixes from a few days/weeks/months ago with a later version from 0.20-fixes
[15:58:11] kali67 (kali67! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:58:11] laga: e.g mythtv 0.20 and the release-0-20-fixes branch from a few days after the release :)
[16:00:13] mkrufky: janneg: re: my backend's hardlockup ...... i did azap -r on 4 pci atsc cards concurrently while also using mplayer to play a recording off my raid5 array, and nothng crashed
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[16:10:35] juski: me shuts down his dev box. hot enough in here
[16:13:37] mkrufky: / me  ;-)
[16:13:56] juski: see – too hot – I forgot the /
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[16:41:25] maniacxs: juski: it does not work with the same rev., too
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[16:46:37] moodboom: hey all! mythtv autoplays my dvds by taking me to some directory listing, not actually playing the dvd – any ideas on where to fix that? i think it thinks it's a CD instead of DVD?
[16:49:01] Dagmar: moodboom: Whose binaries are you using?
[16:50:32] moodboom: compiled w gentoo
[16:50:41] moodboom: stable
[16:50:45] Dagmar: Yep. You have fun with that
[16:50:50] moodboom: 2007.0 profile
[16:51:03] moodboom: ? i love it  :>
[16:51:18] moodboom: well, except for said problem  :>
[16:51:31] kruuli (kruuli! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:54:15] Dagmar: You might want to ask in #Gentoo
[16:54:33] Dagmar: See, the rest of us either use binaries made by people who know what they're doing, or we *are* people who know what we're doing.
[16:54:36] Dagmar: :/
[16:55:01] clever: i use svn and know how to atleast compile and install:P
[16:55:33] hugolp: clever really? I suddenly feel like a want to have sex with you
[16:55:37] clever: lol
[16:55:38] hugolp: I am sooooo impress
[16:55:39] hugolp: XD
[16:55:47] clever: lol
[16:56:19] jarle (jarle! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:57:23] Dagmar: Ubuntu's next release, Goatse Gerbil
[16:59:42] hugolp: I though it was Gutsy Gibon ;)
[17:01:25] cesman: What happened to Giddy Goat?
[17:01:51] Dagmar: Maybe Gassy Gibbon
[17:05:39] TSCHAK2 (TSCHAK2! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[17:07:03] mkrufky: ...and i have new failed recordings... this one seems to have started recording and stopped for no reason just a few minutes later
[17:07:04] mkrufky:
[17:07:23] mkrufky: i think this may have been a result of the commercial flagging job running on the recording in progress ?
[17:07:38] mkrufky: (that feature doesnt normally cause a problem for me, but it's all i can think of right now)
[17:07:53] janneg: mkrufky: any result on the hard lock tests?
[17:07:58] mkrufky: yes...
[17:08:07] mkrufky: (12:00:13) mkrufky: janneg: re: my backend's hardlockup ...... i did azap -r on 4 pci atsc cards concurrently while also using mplayer to play a recording off my raid5 array, and nothng crashed
[17:08:18] mkrufky: ^^ i wrote that eight minutes ago, i think
[17:08:30] mkrufky: er, no... 1 hour and eight minutes
[17:08:34] mkrufky: (time flies @ work)
[17:09:06] Nik_Doof (Nik_Doof! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:09:29] janneg: ah, it was out of scrollback and I was idle in this channel
[17:09:35] mkrufky: that's ok
[17:10:49] mkrufky: so, janneg, this server is still running fc5 .... im hoping some of these problems might automagically disappear after i upgrade to fedora 7..........
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[17:14:07] janneg: mkrufky: how long is the recording from that log?
[17:15:09] mkrufky: janneg: the 'smallville' recording from midnight?
[17:15:44] mkrufky: i didnt play it, so i dont know the actual length... it SHOULD have been 1 hour, but the recording is only 297 MB @ 1080i ...... so i htink it's probably only 2 or 3 minutes worth, if even that much
[17:15:50] rbellamy (rbellamy!n=rbellamy@pdpc/supporter/silver/rbellamy) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:17:17] mkrufky: normally a 1 hour recording on that channel would be 10 GB or so
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[17:18:44] faisal_: how is bttv related to v4l ?
[17:19:05] fryfrog: it is serviced by it, like a man is serviced by a hooker if he pays for it
[17:19:24] fryfrog: i guess that is not very accurate :)
[17:19:39] fryfrog: v4l is "video 4 linux" and bttv is a "v4l" driver for that type of card
[17:19:40] Dagmar: Well, I think the relationship is rather similar to that, but the who is doing who is kinda switched around
[17:19:58] fryfrog: are you calling v4l a hooker!??
[17:20:02] Dagmar: ...except it's the user's CPU that's getting bitten off
[17:20:37] kormoc: faisal_, v4l is the driver architecture, bttv is a driver for the v4l architecture
[17:20:58] Dagmar: The last driver you'd ever want to use.
[17:21:23] ** kormoc cues the kitten picture **
[17:21:36] adante (adante! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:21:41] faisal_: Looks like I got to use bttv
[17:22:13] faisal_: my mpeg card is Winbond W99200F and bttv supports it
[17:22:24] faisal_: the chipset I mean
[17:22:27] faisal_: Its a Snazzi
[17:22:50] mkrufky: you'll have to add support to the driver for it — i dont think those are supported yet
[17:23:09] Dagmar: ...and you'll basically be better off just going and buying a PVR-150 card.
[17:23:21] faisal_: you mean a hauppage ?
[17:23:24] Dagmar: Yep.
[17:23:38] mkrufky: yes... raw analog framegrabbers dont do the job you'd like for mythtv as well as a hardware encoder would
[17:23:41] faisal_: I just wanna play
[17:23:43] Dagmar: Near zero CPU load so it's kinda hard to do something that will screw up a recording
[17:23:54] Dagmar: Stupidly easy driver installation
[17:24:51] faisal_: I just modprobe bttv and it worked
[17:24:57] goreguts (goreguts! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:25:22] faisal_: ok, I got the card and I just loaded the driver. Now what
[17:25:28] fryfrog: play is in experiment?
[17:25:30] Dagmar: Now you look at the docs
[17:25:32] fryfrog: or play as in, play tv?
[17:26:25] faisal_: with what
[17:26:30] faisal_: mplayer ?
[17:27:33] Dagmar: Oooh kay...
[17:27:43] Dagmar: So what does mplayer have to do with MythTV?
[17:27:44] psofa (psofa!n=psofa@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:28:02] faisal_: nothing
[17:28:25] fryfrog: 13:23 < faisal_> I just wanna play
[17:28:33] fryfrog: 13:25 < fryfrog> play is in experiment?
[17:28:38] fryfrog: 13:25 < fryfrog> or play as in, play tv?
[17:28:51] faisal_: oh ok. I took you literally
[17:29:23] kormoc: try xawtv (might need cvs) or mplayer
[17:29:45] faisal_: thanks kormoc
[17:30:15] faisal_: what happened to KwinTV
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[17:30:46] kormoc: you can use it, but xawtv is the offical tv app for bttv, so if anything will work, it would
[17:30:50] faisal_: years ago when I wasn't into multimedia stuff, I rememebr there was kwintv
[17:31:15] Beirdo: xri1, yer missing an s :)
[17:31:16] mkrufky: tvtime is also very good for using analog video
[17:31:16] faisal_: kormoc : thats an excellent tip\
[17:31:34] janneg: mkrufky: yes, 300M are approx. 100–110 seconds. there is no matching log entry for that time
[17:31:39] Beirdo: got the first run at a trac plugin created :)
[17:31:45] mkrufky: ...also, tvtime "Just Works (tm)"
[17:31:57] kormoc: tvtime was my fav nonmyth tv app
[17:31:58] Beirdo: it doesn't check the validity of the ticket or changeset numbers though
[17:32:00] faisal_: I'm going to install xawtv and tvtime
[17:32:12] mkrufky: janneg: i know — no matching log entry is consistent with the other failed recordings that i mentioned to you
[17:32:33] mkrufky: janneg: i think that the hardlock might be a side effect, perhaps even unrelated
[17:32:49] mkrufky: janneg: last night's failure did NOT result in a hardlockup
[17:33:45] janneg: mkrufky: can you please try to run the backend with -v channel,record and start as many recordings as you can
[17:34:01] mkrufky: is that something i should try remotely?
[17:34:02] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:34:34] janneg: for everyday use it'll result in huge logfiles
[17:34:48] mkrufky: hmm, sounds difficult to do remotely... i'll do that tonight when i get back home
[17:35:02] faisal_: I have load the driver ut how do I check that the device is using the driver ?
[17:35:06] janneg: mkrufky: you could, but the hard lock makes it difficult to do it remotely
[17:35:16] Beirdo: bot upgrade time
[17:35:44] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v MythLogBot
[17:36:29] Beirdo: had to upgrade the core code as well as the plugins, or it wouldn't have needed a restart
[17:36:56] Beirdo: sorry bout that
[17:37:19] ** mkrufky brb **
[17:37:44] xri1: Beirdo: huh?
[17:38:01] Beirdo: your nick is "xri1" rather than xris :)
[17:38:21] xri1: odd
[17:38:23] xri1: both of me are here.
[17:38:59] Beirdo: anyways, got some trac plugin action :)
[17:39:02] xri1 is now known as xris
[17:39:10] Beirdo: I haven't configured it on this instance yet though
[17:39:14] xris: odd. pidgin just shows me as "xris"
[17:39:18] xris: even in the chat history
[17:39:22] faisal_ (faisal_!n=faisal@ has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:39:31] kormoc: xris, you've been xri1 for weeks
[17:39:41] Beirdo: it will trigger on #1234 and show the ticket URL (base URL is configured per channel)
[17:39:51] Beirdo: and trigger on [1234] and show the changeset url
[17:40:05] Beirdo: so far no validation past being numeric is done
[17:40:05] xris: kormoc: ick
[17:40:12] xris: kormoc: that's what I get for linking my nicks, I guess.
[17:41:53] Beirdo: not bad for a morning's coding though :)
[17:42:52] Beirdo: OK, I suck
[17:43:38] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v MythLogBot
[17:43:54] Beirdo: Nice thing is, only one new notify from that
[17:43:59] xris: heh
[17:44:01] Beirdo: there we go...
[17:44:05] xris: only one per person?
[17:44:17] Beirdo: I forgot to do make from the top level, so the version string wasn't changed
[17:44:21] Beirdo: yeah, per 24h
[17:44:25] xris: ah
[17:44:41] Beirdo: but you were the only change since the last bot restart a few minutes back
[17:44:42] Beirdo: :)
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[17:44:57] xris: really annoying that nickserv doesn't alert me when I identify and someone else is using my nick
[17:45:10] Beirdo: it should
[17:46:02] Beirdo: I'll have to consider actually fetching ticket and changeset details...
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[17:47:52] xris: it should, yes. maybe pidgin ignores it...
[17:48:01] Beirdo: that could be
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[17:50:30] andcor: Hi
[17:50:50] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[17:51:25] andcor: I get this error in my frontend log when trying to watch the second recording
[17:51:28] andcor: TV Error: StartPlayer(): NVP is not playing after 20000 msec
[17:51:56] xsdnyd (xsdnyd!n=plotz@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:52:02] andcor: and my mythtv stalls totaly
[17:52:12] andcor: anyone knows how to fix this ?
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[17:57:38] henkpoley: I moved my system over to a static IP, so I can reach it with external frontends. But now there are are no planned recordings.
[17:58:26] henkpoley: "Opnameschema" (english: recording scheme?) in mythweb still shows the recording slots though
[17:58:31] Tanthrix: Make sure everything is set correctly in mysql.txt as well as myth-setup (the general page)
[18:00:39] henkpoley: will check
[18:01:24] henkpoley: doh forgot an IP
[18:02:14] henkpoley: yay :-)
[18:02:26] ** mkrufky is back **
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[18:05:14] henkpoley: Let's see if mythtv is now also less confused about running mythfilldatabase
[18:05:35] henkpoley: It seems to think it's a slave backend, though there is no other master backend
[18:06:07] noddan_ (noddan_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:06:42] henkpoley: So now it doesn't automatically run mythfilldatabase
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[18:18:54] andcor: no one can help me ?
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[18:20:48] laga: andcor: you didn't provide backend logs. or complete frontend logs
[18:22:03] andcor: should I use a pastebin or can i just paste my logs in here ?
[18:22:11] Zider: pastebin
[18:22:41] Zider: always pastebin stuff that are more than 2–3 lines
[18:23:43] sinthetek (sinthetek! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[18:24:36] andcor:
[18:24:40] andcor: frontend log
[18:25:21] andcor:
[18:25:25] andcor: backend log
[18:25:50] andcor: my mythfrontend just stalls at an black screen
[18:26:15] andcor: when i get the message TV Error: StartPlayer(): NVP is not playing after 20000 msec
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[18:53:17] TunaTom: Hi there.
[18:53:37] TunaTom: I think I broke my record scheduling.
[18:54:03] maniacxs: watching recordings does not work here, because the sql query for the basename, that the fe does has starttime in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss but the database has "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss" format
[18:54:11] maniacxs: any ideas how to fix this?
[18:54:28] TunaTom: I can activate a recording, but it never shows in the schedule.
[18:54:29] maniacxs: it works with other fe
[18:55:05] TunaTom: funny though: I can see the scheduled recording in the database
[18:55:12] TunaTom: and in mythweb
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[18:57:21] TunaTom: Mythweb is even stranger: the planned recordings are displayed in "Recording Schedules", but not in "Upcoming Recordings"
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[18:58:14] TunaTom: So I came to the conclusion, that I must have activated some setting that makes mythtv recognize the schedule but deactivate all recordings.
[18:58:24] TunaTom: Is there such a setting?
[19:00:31] goreguts: do i have to do anything special to get mythdvd to work, i set my drive location to /dev/dvd (the correct place, if i mount it i can see the files) but when i hit play, it blanks then goes back to the menu
[19:01:34] TunaTom: can you play the dvd using xine?
[19:02:44] goreguts: havent tried
[19:05:02] TunaTom: @goreguts: have you tried more than one dvd?
[19:07:03] TunaTom: ( while goreguts thinks over this, I'll ask myself, hehe )
[19:07:36] TunaTom: How does it come, that recordings are shown with
[19:07:36] xsdnyd (xsdnyd!n=plotz@ has quit ("Leaving")
[19:07:39] TunaTom: mythbackend --testsched
[19:07:43] TunaTom: but not with
[19:07:48] TunaTom: mythbackend --printsched
[19:07:53] TunaTom: ?
[19:08:44] immolo: xris- Where can I post bugs about nuvexport?
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[19:47:02] rambo3: any chess games for mythtv
[19:47:26] Zider: hehehe
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[20:00:09] laga: rambo3: oh no it's you again
[20:00:19] nuonguy: how do I turn off the X screen saver?
[20:00:53] nuonguy: I've got a script in ~/.kde/Autostart/ called dpms that does '/usr/bin/xset s off'
[20:01:02] nuonguy: but the screen saver still turns the screen off
[20:01:23] stuarta: i noticed that on the weekend
[20:01:26] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:01:34] Beirdo: !notice
[20:01:34] MythLogBot: This channel (#mythtv-users) is logged —
[20:01:40] stuarta: even got it configured to not use the screensaver
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[20:04:49] rambo3: lol , yeah its been a year now. I have Vista media center with darvin kernel
[20:04:50] ** mkrufky just fired some employees... that was fun **
[20:07:31] rambo3: and 3 chess games
[20:09:28] laga: ah
[20:09:42] laga: that reminds me i need to bug chutt about adding to the link list at
[20:10:52] xris: laga: or bug me so that it makes it into the new site (I already planned on it)
[20:11:30] laga: xris: can't you just pretend that you don't want to do it? that's the most interesting part of the whole issue ;)
[20:14:43] nuonguy: from my reading, saying 'xset s off' should turn off the screen saver
[20:14:59] nuonguy: and from reading the logs, that seems to be what other people are doing
[20:15:00] xris: laga: sorry.
[20:15:14] xris: I can pretend to be disinterested, though.. but in reality, I'm just too busy.
[20:15:46] nuonguy: when I say 'xset -dpms' I get the error message that says 'erver does not have extension for -dpms option'
[20:15:52] laga: xris: that works for me. thanks
[20:15:57] mikeones__ (mikeones__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:16:10] rambo3:
[20:16:42] rambo3: only if you see energy star on boot
[20:16:48] noddan (noddan! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:17:04] rambo3: can it be some power saving thing in BIOS?
[20:17:20] xian__ (xian__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:17:58] nuonguy: rambo3: hopefully not, but I didn't think to check that
[20:18:12] Beirdo: sounds like people aren't reading the error message
[20:18:25] Beirdo: the X server doesn't have the extension enabled
[20:18:58] nuonguy: and xset -q says that server does not have dpms extension
[20:19:12] stuarta: mine does
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[20:19:43] Beirdo: nuonguy, you likely have it disabled in your X config... be the first thing to look for
[20:20:38] nuonguy: no mention of dpms in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf
[20:20:52] stuarta: grep -i dpms /var/log/Xorg.0.log
[20:21:30] Beirdo: heh, or alternatively, not enabled in xorg.conf
[20:21:58] stuarta: that too
[20:22:29] nuonguy: stuarta: no hits
[20:22:46] Beirdo: just as a guess, try adding Load "dpms" in the Section "Module" part
[20:23:01] Beirdo: see if it likes you after you restart X
[20:23:50] Beirdo: and if not, dunno, it might be under something else... time to read man pages and google :)
[20:24:35] stuarta: nuonguy: what you are looking for is Option "DPMS"
[20:24:36] binks (binks! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:24:51] Beirdo: ahhhh, sorry, that sounds familiar
[20:24:52] stuarta: under the monitor section
[20:25:09] stuarta: Beirdo: hehe, i just happened to have grepped for it ::)
[20:25:14] Beirdo: nothing a little google wouldn't have found :)
[20:25:19] binks: does mythtv work with softcam or sasc-ng
[20:25:34] stuarta: that is not discussed here under pain of death
[20:25:37] Beirdo: binks, if it does, we won't discuss it here anyways
[20:25:43] binks: ok nps
[20:26:06] Beirdo: sounds like a job for google, binks
[20:26:29] stuarta: that's more help than i'd give on the topic :)
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[20:26:37] Beirdo: heh, true nuff
[20:26:53] binks: cheers m8 btw is the version in ubuntu fiesty the latest
[20:27:05] Beirdo: of google?
[20:27:12] binks: lol mythtv
[20:27:13] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:27:22] Beirdo: ohhh
[20:27:39] binks: i like your humor
[20:27:41] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:27:52] Beirdo: it's an SVN snapshot?
[20:27:59] stuarta: we have to keep ourselves entertained around here.
[20:28:05] Beirdo: so not likely... SVN changes constantly
[20:28:09] stuarta: AFAIK it's 0.20-fixes
[20:28:21] Beirdo: 0.20-svn20070122–0.0ubuntu6 0
[20:28:21] Beirdo: 500 feisty/multiverse Packages
[20:28:28] laga: it's 0.2–0fixes
[20:28:34] laga: err
[20:28:38] laga: 0.20-fixes and stupid fingers
[20:28:39] Beirdo: K, they shoulda named it better then
[20:28:45] ** stuarta offers laga an extra 0 **
[20:28:59] laga: thx
[20:29:13] stuarta: i'm gunna rebuild my machine with ubuntu methinks
[20:29:54] binks: *binks love kubuntu just needs to learn to read
[20:30:15] Beirdo: reading is good :)
[20:30:39] stuarta: i've used debian for years, but i think the've finally lost it with renaming thunderbird and firefox
[20:30:44] stuarta: they've
[20:31:07] stuarta: iceweasel? wtf sort of name is that....
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[20:31:26] binks: never used debian pure was a redhat fan but lost it with fed an found ubuntu
[20:31:31] Beirdo: a stupid name
[20:31:44] mkrufky: iceweasel was not debian's choice of a name
[20:31:54] keith4_ (keith4_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[20:32:15] binks: ok so why a different name
[20:32:17] stuarta: i've not liked redhat since i couldn't even get the bastard to boot (that was one of their first version)
[20:32:24] janneg: trademarks
[20:32:42] mkrufky: i dont recall the details, but........ one may only name it firefox / thunderbird IFF it is the exact version released by mozilla
[20:32:47] stuarta: i thought it was cause they must be unmodified to carry the name
[20:32:55] Beirdo: Iceweasel is the GNU version of firefox?! Gahhh1
[20:32:58] mkrufky: if a distro applies any additional patches, they are not allowed to keep the firefox / thunderbird name
[20:32:59] binks: rh8 was my first nix then mandrake
[20:33:08] mkrufky: stuarta: exactly
[20:33:19] mkrufky: they must remain unmodified in order to retain the name
[20:33:30] laga: i think they have to get their patches reviewed by mozilla
[20:33:33] Beirdo: the license states that?
[20:33:42] binks: so ubuntu dont mod it ffs i thought they modded everthing to THE WAY
[20:33:44] mkrufky: i dont recall the exact specifics
[20:33:53] stuarta: debian isn't known for keeping things exactly as per upstream unless it meets their rules
[20:34:12] mkrufky: ubuntu probably gets their changesets approved by mozilla and upstream merges them
[20:34:28] stuarta: binks: i think you'll find the iceweasel in ubuntu, the just also ship the proper version
[20:34:47] binks: arr so which is better
[20:34:51] ** stuarta mounts the ubuntu iso and has a look around **
[20:35:05] Beirdo: firefox is better unless you are a GNU-wonk, I bet
[20:35:06] mkrufky: binks: neither..... you should use whatever your distro gives you by default
[20:35:17] laga: you should use whatever works for you
[20:35:22] Beirdo: sounds more like GNU ... activism to me
[20:35:28] binks: mkrufky: but why i have my own choices too
[20:35:31] mkrufky: its branding
[20:35:51] Beirdo: Gnuzilla is the GNU version of the Mozilla suite, and IceWeasel is the GNU version of the Firefox browser. Its main advantage is an ethical one: it is entirely free software. While the source code from the Mozilla project is free software, the binaries that they release include additional non-free software. Also, they distribute non-free software as plug-ins. (IceWeasel does keep the triple licensing used by Firefox to facilitate the reuse of
[20:35:52] mkrufky: binks: to the average user, thereis no difference
[20:35:57] Beirdo: code.)
[20:35:59] Beirdo: oy, that was larger than I thought
[20:36:12] Beirdo: direct quote from....
[20:36:21] binks: mkrufky: apart from feel to the indervidual
[20:36:39] binks: wow thats bad english *binks slaps himself
[20:36:40] Beirdo: it's more "must do all things the GNU way" rhetoric, it seems :) But then again, I'm cranky
[20:37:38] stuarta: yeah, that's why i'm beginning to like ubuntu, take debian, and add the bits people actually need
[20:37:52] Beirdo: stuarta, and update it far more often :)
[20:37:56] janneg: gnuzilla's and debian's iceweasel are different
[20:38:12] mkrufky: there was a time when people were re-building firefox under windows to be more efficient on AMD processors, and i think mozilla didnt like that so much
[20:38:19] Beirdo: OMG. So debian's using an offshoot of an offshoot of firefox?!
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[20:38:22] binks: iceweasel isnt in repos for ubuntu fiesty
[20:38:31] mkrufky: again, i dont recall all the details, but i was runnng the AMD-specific firefox here for a while
[20:38:31] noddan (noddan! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:38:35] stuarta: Beirdo: yeah, that's a good point. saw the release schedule for lenny the other day, they are aiming for Sep 2008
[20:38:41] Beirdo: my brain's exploding
[20:38:41] mkrufky: but that was all way before this naming schema came out
[20:39:04] Beirdo: hehe. I do like my ubuntu, gotta admit
[20:39:10] janneg: iirc iceweasel is alternative name example in some mozilla docs
[20:39:19] jduggan: stuarta: totally different philosophy to ubuntu
[20:39:39] jduggan: u cant whip a load of packages together in 6months and call it tested :O
[20:39:52] jduggan: IMO, anyway
[20:40:03] stuarta: or you can coax for 18mths and not get far :)
[20:40:08] Beirdo: yeah, but you can in 2 years, meanwhile you stop supporting woody when you know people are using it in production? ;)
[20:40:34] Beirdo: definitely a different philosophy. ubuntu may not be updating warty anymore, but it's still in the repos
[20:41:15] binks: i think ubuntu is more for the newer market where people want change and fast
[20:41:24] ** stuarta trouts his frontend **
[20:41:37] ** Beirdo has a half-woody/half-sarge box for testing the bot against sql3.23 **
[20:41:44] Beirdo: mysql 3.23 rather
[20:41:49] jduggan: sure, if u wanted cutting edge stable workstation, no questioning using ubuntu
[20:41:56] mkrufky: they call that a semi, Beirdo
[20:42:02] mkrufky: :-P
[20:42:06] jduggan: lol
[20:42:10] Beirdo: it WAS woody until they dropped woody from the repos.
[20:42:12] stuarta: i'm still keeping my server on debian :)
[20:42:43] kurre2_ (kurre2_! has quit ("leaving")
[20:42:45] Beirdo: all my other xen domUs are ubuntu :)
[20:42:57] Beirdo: whether breezy, dapper or feisty :)
[20:43:28] tomimo (tomimo! has quit ("Gotta get going ...")
[20:44:20] Beirdo: anyways... back to figuring out how to interface the bot to the SVN repo for changeset details and to trac's db for ticket details
[20:44:38] Beirdo: I may have to write a trac plugin for the latter. blech
[20:45:01] laga: Beirdo: i wonder if there's an RSS feed
[20:45:11] Beirdo: there is, but that doesn't do what I want
[20:45:30] Beirdo: I want users to be able to say "give the details for ticket #1234"
[20:45:41] Beirdo: rather than just the last ticket as they flow by
[20:45:43] stuarta: Beirdo: email -> bot gateway?
[20:46:01] Beirdo: kinda already have that :)
[20:46:09] Beirdo: but rather to be able to say here
[20:46:22] Beirdo: !trac details #1234
[20:46:40] Beirdo: and have it give some details for that particular ticket (if configured for the channel)
[20:46:56] Beirdo: I already have it doing regexp on #1234 and [2345]
[20:47:07] Beirdo: (not yet turned on in this bot)
[20:47:26] Beirdo: which would return the URL to the trac page for said ticket and changeset (respectively)
[20:47:46] RyeBrye: cool
[20:47:49] Beirdo: but if we want it to tell actual details, I need to get the details, and I don't REALLY wanna screen-scrape the trac pages
[20:47:53] Beirdo: that's lame
[20:48:29] Beirdo: for the changeset, I think I'll need to talk to the svn server (likely over WebDAV)
[20:49:02] Beirdo: for the tickets, well, kinda need trac to tell me, even if I need to make a plugin to give me plain details in whatever format
[20:49:13] Beirdo: there's no listed rssfeed on the ticket page itself :(
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[20:49:35] binks (binks! has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[20:49:47] RyeBrye: ?
[20:49:49] stuarta: that's why i was thinking you parse the emails into a DB
[20:50:01] RyeBrye: nm
[20:50:09] Beirdo: well, I guess I could, but what about the WAY older tickets/changesets?
[20:50:42] stuarta: poke xris, see if you can get a copy of the DB or suchlike
[20:51:04] Beirdo: hmmm, I could, I guess
[20:51:10] stuarta: actually i probably have 99.9% of the commit messages
[20:51:16] stuarta: lemme check
[20:51:20] Beirdo: I wanna see if I can do it query-based first (as a general solution)
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[20:51:55] Beirdo: I don't mind if I have to write a trac plugin to get XML of the ticket if it's simple to do
[20:51:58] Beirdo: heh
[20:52:16] Beirdo: there is an XML-RPC plugin that MIGHT do it
[20:52:36] Beirdo: but would require trac 0.10, I think. I'm on 0.9.4 (I think it is)
[20:53:04] Beirdo: oh wait
[20:53:20] Beirdo: my trac domU's only dapper... I guess I could make it feisty :)
[20:53:29] Nem^ (Nem^! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:54:22] Beirdo: but I'll continue looking for the "general" solution before doing anything rash
[20:54:35] stuarta: well i've commit messages going back to Apr 2005
[20:54:41] Beirdo: cool :)
[20:54:45] Anduin: Beirdo: ?format=rss works for tickets (I don't know when it started)
[20:54:55] Beirdo: Niiice
[20:55:05] Beirdo: OK, that works on the one for mythtv?
[20:55:16] Beirdo: it doesn't for mine, so I may just upgrade it
[20:55:20] Anduin: Yes (there is a like at the bottom of a ticket page)
[20:55:25] Beirdo: yay
[20:55:28] Anduin: er link
[20:55:49] Anduin: Not a lot of details though
[20:56:04] Beirdo: let me take a look. That might just be enough
[20:56:15] Anduin: I still think the MythLogBot killer feature is being able to make it never speak to me :)
[20:56:36] Beirdo: hehe, what you mean opt out of notices?
[20:56:51] Beirdo: you won't be able to stop it from talking to the channel itself
[20:57:03] eelriver (eelriver!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:57:38] Beirdo: hmm, it could be implemented I guess, but I'm not sure how to do it easily at this point
[20:57:47] |SlicerDicer| (|SlicerDicer|! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:58:05] Anduin: Yes, opt out would be nice, or just smarter, after telling me 1000 times about channel logging, assume I know :)
[20:58:06] stuarta: i can never remember where the channel logs are, so it helps me...
[20:58:18] Beirdo: Trac detected an internal error:
[20:58:18] Beirdo: NameError: Variable "comment" is not defined
[20:58:29] Beirdo: seems that the rss feed of tickets is borked
[20:58:41] Beirdo: or at least for #12 :)
[20:58:52] stuarta: i'm not particularly surprised...
[20:59:13] Beirdo: let me try something more... recent
[20:59:14] Zambezi (Zambezi! has quit ("changing servers")
[21:00:31] Anduin: We can fix the rss template so it does whatever the ticket template is doing right.
[21:01:11] Beirdo: stupid laptop just froze, had to restart X... sigh
[21:01:13] Beirdo: let's try again
[21:02:22] GUARDiAN|nb (GUARDiAN|nb! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:02:43] Zambezi (Zambezi! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:08] Beirdo: K. it seems to work with recent tickets
[21:03:59] Grecko: You think anyone would pay for a home theater in a box, furniture/decor wise? I've got a crapload of extra stuff from various theater ideas I had, love to find a way to get rid of it...
[21:05:35] Beirdo: crud, the rssfeed only shows the comments.
[21:08:23] Beirdo: but the CSV/TSV has the ticket status
[21:10:02] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:11:35] rambo3 (rambo3! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:12:53] gpd: any thoughts on where to look for why my nokia N800 can't find any music from my MythTV upnp server? MythWeb has no problems
[21:14:37] wastrel (wastrel!n=wastrel@ has quit ("bye now")
[21:15:06] psofa (psofa!n=psofa@ has quit ()
[21:15:50] xris: gpd: try #gmyth, they do a lot of stuff with the n800.
[21:16:51] gpd: ok will do: thanks
[21:17:06] immolo: xris- Can you help me with a nuvexport problem please?
[21:17:15] xris: immolo: possibly
[21:17:50] immolo: the lastest mplayer has dropped -vop command
[21:18:25] immolo: and I can't install anything earlier as it has a security issue
[21:18:36] Grecko: xris: You do some work with mythweb, right?
[21:18:54] immolo: and when I tried to fix it myself I cause more mess :P
[21:19:25] Grecko: immolo: Question completely out of curiosity. What security risk could an old version of mplayer pose on a mythtv box?
[21:19:35] GUARDiAN|nb: hi, does anyone have an idea why my tv display has the colors wrong? everything is very blue
[21:20:01] GUARDiAN|nb: (pvrusb2, fglrx, ubuntu 7.04)
[21:20:01] immolo: Grecko- its also a file server and router
[21:20:10] xris: Grecko: most of it, yes.
[21:20:30] Grecko: immolo: I just shed a tear for that box.
[21:20:40] immolo: Grecko- so do I
[21:20:42] xris: immolo: could use --ffmpeg?
[21:21:03] Grecko: xris: Did you know it defaults to german if the client doesn't request a specific language, regardless of the languages setup for mythtv?
[21:21:05] immolo: xris- ffmpeg looks crap is the best way to put it
[21:21:27] immolo: and transcode looks the same as mencoder but takes 3 hours longer
[21:21:40] laga: xris, Grecko: it defaults to spanish for me if i wget the index page
[21:21:45] Grecko: immolo: Seriously. Pickup a WRT54G or similar for like $100 bucks, throw your machine behind it, and use an older mplayer.
[21:22:11] Grecko: laga: Ok. I may not have the absolute latest version.
[21:22:23] immolo: Grecko- I used to but I just prefer the setup like this
[21:22:27] xris: immolo: mencoder and ffmpeg use the same library to encode, though... could just be a matter of finding the right properties.
[21:22:44] Grecko: laga: But do you have mythtv or your system set to spanish?
[21:22:46] xris: immolo: what version of nuvexport?
[21:22:53] immolo: lastest
[21:23:04] laga: Grecko: no, it's seto to german
[21:23:19] Grecko: Odd that.
[21:23:20] xris: immolo: because I don't see anything about -vop in .5
[21:23:30] xris: or in .4, for that matter
[21:23:45] immolo: two secs I'll run a debug for the ouput again
[21:24:03] xris: immolo: what version, specifically?
[21:25:22] Grecko: xris: How hard would it be to link say vlc in to mythweb so when you click on the recording it starts streaming it?
[21:25:46] immolo: xris- mplayer-1.0.20070321
[21:25:49] xris: Grecko: upgrade to svn and use flash player
[21:25:58] xris: immolo: of nuvexport
[21:25:59] Beirdo: so if I want the ticket follow-up comments, I need to use the rss, if I want the current status. the csv or tsv
[21:26:25] xris: Grecko: I won't be integrating vlc, though. the backend can do all of that kind of transcoding, and will be doing stuff like that in the future.
[21:26:25] Beirdo: and for either, I need trac 0.10.x or greater
[21:26:47] adante__: 1080p beauty
[21:26:48] immolo: xris- 0.4 0.20070402.svn
[21:27:12] Grecko: xris: But isn't it kinda nice that VLC can transcode on the fly and you don't have to waste HD space with multiple copies of the same recording?
[21:27:54] xris: Grecko: it also requires installing/configuring/running vlc
[21:28:31] xris: immolo: ok, that's weird. there's no -vop option anywhere in that version of nuvexport. it's -vf
[21:28:47] xris: Grecko: besides, caching to the drive is a good thing, imho
[21:29:02] xris: means fewer resources used when you want to rewatch something.
[21:29:10] immolo: the whole config is filled with -vop
[21:29:12] xris: anyone know anything about optical audio cables?
[21:29:22] xris: immolo: what config?
[21:29:33] immolo: the
[21:29:41] Grecko: xris: I know a bit about optical audio cables, why?
[21:29:46] xris: immolo: then you're using an old version.
[21:30:00] xris: immolo: remove all traces of nuvexport and reinstall
[21:30:07] immolo: xris- ok
[21:30:09] xris: Grecko: trying to figure out which cable to get
[21:30:31] xris: I have one of these: . . . ass=Receiver
[21:30:42] xris: and would like to know if this is the correct cable: . . . 2&style=
[21:32:03] Grecko: xris: Yeah, that'll work
[21:32:26] xris: ok, cool
[21:32:34] xris: figured I should actually use some of the features on this new receiver.
[21:32:49] Grecko: xris: I think myth should seriously consider encoding on the fly as an option. Most machines people are building for myth boxes are fast enough to handle it – why waste more money on storage to have your CPU sit idle more often?
[21:32:49] immolo: Thanks xris that did the job
[21:32:57] xris: immolo: :)
[21:33:05] xris: I vaguely remember having fixed that a month or two back.
[21:33:14] xris: sounds like you just got a corrupt install with some old files laying around.
[21:33:31] xris: Grecko: how is it wasting money on storage?
[21:33:35] immolo: yeah looking at it now I can see how it happened
[21:33:38] xris: backend cleans up after itself as it needs to.
[21:33:56] immolo: thanks again I;ve missed my xvids :P
[21:34:17] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:36:15] RyeBrye: xris – you running F7 now?
[21:36:27] xris: y
[21:36:33] Grecko: xris: Yeah, but say you want to be able to stream all of your programs whenever you want. You either have to encode them all to every format (Ie, one for watching locally, one for streaing to LAN, one for streaming across the internet)
[21:36:42] Grecko: Or you have to encode on the fly.
[21:36:46] RyeBrye: I just installed it this weekend. Works fine – are you able to get everything working without atrpms?
[21:36:58] RyeBrye: I have got most of it up, but am wondering if I will need atrpms for lirc
[21:37:01] Grecko: If you encode before hand, you cut your effective storage space to like 1/3
[21:37:04] hads: It will encode on the fly won't it? I thought that was the plan.
[21:37:07] RyeBrye: (I built the ivtv myself)
[21:38:41] Beirdo: OK, here goes fun
[21:38:49] Beirdo: upgrading my track domU to edgy
[21:38:58] Beirdo: then I'll do feisty
[21:39:14] Beirdo: so if anyone's trying to use, expect failures for a bit
[21:39:24] RyeBrye: Of course, I also built mplayer myself so I could get a gui for it... so i guess I can probably just build lirc myself too
[21:39:51] Grecko: Brain fart. Whats the variable for an end of line in grep?
[21:39:56] RyeBrye: $
[21:39:59] xris: Grecko: well, no reason the backend can't encode on the fly
[21:40:07] xris: I just don't want users to have to install vlc.
[21:40:30] Grecko: xris: If the features includd, sure. But why not just use vlc? Its already developed, works great, and has lots of clients for different operating systems.
[21:40:44] RyeBrye: It's not flash though :)
[21:40:49] ** RyeBrye wants flash video, not vlc **
[21:41:00] ** RyeBrye has an opinion that don't matter **
[21:41:07] xris: because it's a pain to get it installed in some distros, and the backend can already encode into as many formats as ffmpeg supports.
[21:41:22] xris: and the backend can do on-the-fly *with* hard drive caching.
[21:41:36] xris: and it means nuvexport can go away and integrate directly with the backend
[21:41:42] hads: And it's already written too :)
[21:42:00] hads: Just needs a few modifications.
[21:42:03] Beirdo: heh
[21:42:08] Beirdo: that would be good AND bad
[21:42:11] xris: hads: which Captain_Murdoch apparently has almost working
[21:42:24] hads: Yeah I saw that. Good news
[21:42:31] RyeBrye: the on-the-fly encoding
[21:42:33] RyeBrye: ?
[21:42:44] Beirdo: xris, I for one wouldn't want to run a backend on one of my fast machines just to re-encode stuff
[21:42:52] Grecko: xris: And whats the chances of getting clients for different operating systems then?
[21:43:00] Beirdo: having a standalone app that doesn't require all that stuff has its advantages
[21:43:19] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:43:39] Grecko: Why is this not working.... grep "A.*$.*B" ?
[21:43:53] xris: Beirdo: I'd like to see mythtranscode be able to compile/install separately
[21:43:55] Beirdo: why would it?
[21:43:56] Grecko: Why can't i think today...
[21:44:09] xris: Beirdo: you already have to have mythtranscode for nuvexport.
[21:44:16] Beirdo: there's nothing after $ (that's end of line, and grep works per line)
[21:44:29] Beirdo: true, but that's not the whole backend now is it?
[21:44:36] ubuntuEdgy (ubuntuEdgy!n=thami@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:44:41] Grecko: Beirdo: Is there a way to have grep consider multiple lines?
[21:44:42] xris: Beirdo: but that's the part that does the encoding.
[21:44:44] RyeBrye: you need sed or awk or something probably
[21:44:50] hads: Grecko: I'd say the chances for people porting/making a frontend for other OSs are pretty good after the QT4 move.
[21:45:03] RyeBrye: QT4 move?
[21:45:06] RyeBrye: QT4!
[21:45:10] Beirdo: true, if it just needs a better mythtranscode with no actual backend, I'd be happy
[21:45:13] stuarta: s/move/rewrite
[21:45:26] ** RyeBrye seconds the notion of a better mythtranscode **
[21:45:31] hads: stuarta: :)
[21:45:40] ubuntuEdgy (ubuntuEdgy!n=thami@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[21:45:41] ** RyeBrye ain't good 'nuf codor to do it tho **
[21:45:53] Beirdo: if I have to run an actual mythbackend just to transcode, I'd be rather annoyed :)
[21:46:19] Beirdo: of course, I need to get my mythbox up again. We should hurry the heck up and get Dish
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[21:52:28] ** RyeBrye is proud to be running a 100% ATRPMs free MythTV setup on Fedora 7 :) **
[21:53:05] Zider: ATRPM?
[21:54:17] RyeBrye: it's a repository that provides myth packages
[21:54:40] RyeBrye: It makes it easy to install myth, but because the repository conflicts with the core distro repositories, it can make upgrading a nightmare
[21:56:13] adante__ is now known as adante
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[22:01:27] AndyCap: RyeBrye: so did you build myth yourself then?
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[22:02:13] xanium4332 (xanium4332! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:02:17] xanium4332: hi all
[22:02:38] xanium4332: I wudnt normally be so rude to just join + ask, but I have a question
[22:03:05] Beirdo: heh
[22:03:21] Beirdo: go for it, we're pretty idle anyways :)
[22:03:52] xanium4332: anyone know how to setup a DVB-S tuner to pick up the FTA channels on SKY in the UK. I know the satellite's aligned (been watching sky for ages), and I've done a channel scan and picked up everything, but when I try and watch I onyl get a partial lock
[22:04:18] xanium4332: The thing is, I've only ever dealt with DVB-T before, and I don't know what to do with the LNB/Diseqc settings
[22:04:40] xanium4332: It's using a standard sky minidish, and we get perfect reception normally
[22:05:02] Beirdo: well, that's outta my range of experience :) Not a DVB user, not even in the UK :)
[22:05:06] juski: grrr. now renaming blootube-osd to blootube-OSD? jesus how petty?!
[22:05:09] drewzhrodague (drewzhrodague! has joined #mythtv-users
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[22:05:29] drewzhrodague (drewzhrodague! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:05:35] drewzhrodague: Hi, all!
[22:05:36] xris: RyeBrye: same here.. of course, I was with fc6, too
[22:05:48] drewzhrodague: Anyone have experience with satellite DVB tuning?
[22:05:56] xanium4332: LOL
[22:06:05] juski: I can see changes to my own work being committed next. should've seen it coming
[22:06:09] xris: would really like to get things working in centos, but not enough repos out there for it yet.
[22:06:13] xanium4332: drewhrodague: log from about 30secs ago:
[22:06:25] xanium4332: <xanium4332> anyone know how to setup a DVB-S tuner to pick up the FTA channels on SKY in the UK. I know the satellite's aligned (been watching sky for ages), and I've done a channel scan and picked up everything, but when I try and watch I onyl get a partial lock
[22:06:25] xanium4332: <xanium4332> The thing is, I've only ever dealt with DVB-T before, and I don't know what to do with the LNB/Diseqc settings
[22:06:25] xanium4332: <xanium4332> It's using a standard sky minidish, and we get perfect reception normally
[22:06:29] Beirdo: juski, isn't open source great?
[22:06:36] juski: xanium4332: not many *true* FTA channels on $ly sadly
[22:06:44] xanium4332: still
[22:06:51] juski: xanium4332: free to VIEW yes but not free to air
[22:06:51] xanium4332: I just want the BBC channels and whatnot
[22:06:56] juski: ah right
[22:07:00] xanium4332: there are 8SOME* FTA channels tho
[22:07:07] xanium4332: sry
[22:07:13] xanium4332: *SOME*
[22:07:29] drewzhrodague: I'm in the US, and my dish seems to be aligned properly. Thanks for the buffer-paste, xanium!
[22:08:19] drewzhrodague: I can't get any of them with dvbscan, though. I am sure my Hauppauge Nexus-S is setup properly, as I'm using MythDora.
[22:08:44] drewzhrodague: Also looking for a channels.conf from someone in the US doing a similar thing.
[22:08:54] juski: drewzhrodague: if dvbscan doesn't get em mythtv won't
[22:09:05] jimbalaya (jimbalaya! has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
[22:09:12] sphery: juski: Been using neon-wide. I love it. Well worth the effort to go into setup and change my theme.  :)
[22:09:21] juski: :-\
[22:09:22] drewzhrodague: Having trouble aligning my linear LNB, as I don't have a channel list to tune!
[22:09:35] RyeBrye: AndyCap – yeah, I have been building myth myself for a long time now
[22:09:37] juski: well worth the effort to go into setup & change the theme. I'm truly flatterred :-Z
[22:09:49] sphery: Definitely an understatement.  :)
[22:09:51] juski: now I'm officially pissed
[22:09:55] juski (juski! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:10:05] drewzhrodague: MythTV rocks, got two analog tuners on cable here. Friggin' fab.
[22:10:19] drewzhrodague: Trying to add two DVB cards.
[22:11:33] drewzhrodague: Searching Google, there are almost *no* people in the US trying FTA with MythTV — so I'm at a loss.
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[22:12:44] RyeBrye: What kind of dish do you need for DVB?
[22:13:37] mikeones_ (mikeones_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:13:53] mikeones_: hello
[22:14:15] RyeBrye: hi
[22:15:10] gpd: RyeBrye: DVB is broadcast and requires a normal TV ariel (at least here in the UK)
[22:15:29] RyeBrye: Oh
[22:15:31] RyeBrye: Gotcha
[22:16:10] mikeones_: can HDTV be picked up with a DVB card and a basic cable package in the us?
[22:16:37] mikeones_: or is a set top box and digital cable required?
[22:17:13] RyeBrye: I think you can get ATSC HD OTA in the US
[22:17:14] AndyCap: DVB comes in both S(atellite) T(errestrial) and C(able) flabours
[22:17:15] adante: (i don't believe dvb is used in the us – see atsc)
[22:17:33] mikeones_: ok
[22:17:36] bjohnson (bjohnson! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:18:01] RyeBrye: you need an ATSC card and an antenna, or you can get a digital cable box and play the "is the firewire encrypted" crapshoot
[22:18:55] Beirdo: OK, my trac domU now running edgy ;)
[22:18:59] AndyCap: Or hope for OpenCable CableCard. (and I have a bridge to sell on the moon)
[22:19:03] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:19:06] Beirdo: time to apt-get clean and upgrade it to feisty
[22:19:07] mikeones_: so I need a stb for non broadcast stations with cable?
[22:19:22] RyeBrye: if you want HD
[22:20:04] RyeBrye: Other than firewire out of a digital cable box, I'm not aware of any way to get ESPN-HD into MythTV, but I'm not well versed on HD issues
[22:22:54] mikeones_: so if I just want HD from discovery channle like the show plant earth then I do not need QAM?
[22:23:26] adante: say
[22:23:50] adante: anybody know which script you can use is used to to trim the database of recordings which don't have a matching file?
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[22:33:33] ubuntuEdgy (ubuntuEdgy!n=thami@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:33:58] ubuntuEdgy: guys im trying to burn a dvd and i keep getting this AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'endswith'
[22:34:16] ubuntuEdgy: i have try running mythfrontend with root
[22:34:39] ubuntuEdgy: "sudo mythfronted"
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[22:36:33] monkeyBox: Hi all. I'm having a huge problem with my mythtv box: It hard-crashes from time to time. It seems to happen at least once a day. some of my recorded programs show up as "aborted". I really have no idea how to troubleshoot this, as there is no information about the crash in any of my logs.
[22:36:47] stuarta: sounds like an overheating system
[22:37:01] monkeyBox: hmm
[22:37:07] xris: heh
[22:37:21] stuarta: i do like history :)
[22:38:05] monkeyBox: stuarta, what tool(s) can I use to monitor that? I have a core2 duo M chip
[22:40:40] ubuntuEdgy: you you burn dvds from frontend ?
[22:40:40] stuarta: check things like your fans are running and not clogged up with dust.
[22:41:04] stuarta: otherwise use lmsensors
[22:41:36] RyeBrye: crontab -e and look for a job called "random_shutdown" ;)
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[22:54:31] Mr_Grieves (Mr_Grieves! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:56:46] Mr_Grieves: is there a way to automatically fill in the channel names from a zap2it source?
[22:57:31] RyeBrye: it should already do that
[22:57:35] RyeBrye: mythfilldatabase?
[22:57:44] gabkdlly (gabkdlly! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[22:57:50] RyeBrye: Mine are already filled in
[22:58:05] Mr_Grieves: All my channels are named "Adding Channel" and then the channel number
[22:58:25] RyeBrye: I think in mythtv-setup you have to map your zap2it channels to your capture card
[22:58:33] RyeBrye: if you tell it to auto-scan, it will override them iirc
[22:58:41] RyeBrye: I'm out though. Someone else probably knows better
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[22:59:24] rsdvd (rsdvd! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:59:45] Mr_Grieves: 'k. I'll go play around with that
[22:59:48] Mr_Grieves: thanks
[23:00:17] drewzhrodague: <--- sign up with an account there.
[23:00:31] monkeyBox: Is there a database somewhere where I can see what the "safe" temperature is for my CPU?
[23:00:32] drewzhrodague: There's a code you'll have to find, but I don't have it handy.
[23:00:37] drewzhrodague: Which CPU?
[23:01:14] drewzhrodague: I use AMD Durons, which have a 90^o c max temp.
[23:01:18] fxfitz (fxfitz! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:01:36] fxfitz: Is anyone familiar with securely setting up MythWeb using the apache method??
[23:01:41] drewzhrodague: I rarely see above 50^o, I think.
[23:01:58] stuarta: anything above 60 you need to look at your cooling
[23:02:09] Mr_Grieves: drewzhrodague: Done that. I get the program listings ok, just the names are crap.
[23:02:20] stuarta: most MB's will shutdown at 70/75/80 depending on how the bios is setup
[23:02:31] drewzhrodague: Delete your cards in mythtv-setup, and re-add them — that's what I did.
[23:02:55] drewzhrodague: Delete the channel sources, too!
[23:03:03] Mr_Grieves: 'k. I'll try that.
[23:03:27] monkeyBox: Here's a line from lm_sensors: CPU Temp: +38.0 C (high = +80.0 C, hyst = +75.0 C)
[23:03:36] drewzhrodague: Mine got frelled-up once, and that is the easiest fix. I don't thinkn it will delete your show selections, which is GREAT.
[23:03:43] monkeyBox: doesn't look like it's running all that hot to me
[23:03:54] Mr_Grieves: cool.
[23:05:06] stuarta: yeah that's fine. next time you get a chance, open the case up and check the video card fan...
[23:05:07] drewzhrodague: I need help with DVB Satellite tuning in the US!
[23:05:52] stuarta: my machine used to hang cause the video card fan had seized up
[23:07:21] Scopeuk: starta ive had that one before
[23:07:27] Scopeuk: wasent pretty had jsut landed at a lan when it gave up
[23:08:35] Mr_Grieves: That did it :)
[23:08:41] Mr_Grieves: drewzhrodague: thanks
[23:10:58] drewzhrodague: NP, man — trying to help!
[23:11:20] drewzhrodague: Now if I could only get some help with dvb tuning! =_)
[23:13:43] kruuli (kruuli! has quit ()
[23:16:00] stuarta: drewzhrodague: love to help, but sleep is required
[23:16:30] Mr_Grieves: and I have no clue ;)
[23:18:20] fxfitz: Can anyone help me set up this stupid authentication with MythWeb??
[23:18:40] stuarta: fxfitz: it's all in the README / sample config files
[23:19:08] fxfitz: stuarta, I'm following the one on the wiki and I'm getting different errors all over the place
[23:19:29] stuarta: try the one that's in the mythweb directory
[23:19:45] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("zzzz")
[23:21:34] kash (kash!n=kash@2002:18ee:eb4a:0:0:0:0:beef) has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:40:17] mikeones_: I was jacking around with my mythbox by adding another capture card today and now I cannot get any schedualed recordings to start no matter which card I slect.
[23:41:02] mikeones_: :~(
[23:42:07] hatredx (hatredx! has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:45:39] Brian2 (Brian2! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:46:08] Brian2: Hey. Got back from work this afternoon to find the backend had rebooted and I can't get to the database – even from the backend computer :(
[23:46:30] Brian2: What happened?
[23:46:58] sphery: Brian2: have you run
[23:47:03] sphery: Sounds like a crashed DB.
[23:47:07] simcop2387-tv (simcop2387-tv!n=myth@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:47:12] Beirdo: OK, my trac is back up.
[23:47:23] Brian2: Sphery. No, I have not, sadly.
[23:47:26] Brian2: How do I do that?
[23:47:40] Beirdo: to anyone using ubuntu amd64 and trac... don't do edgy->feisty and expect it to work without reading
[23:47:55] sphery: If it's corrupted too badly, though, you'll need lower-level MySQL tools to fix it.
[23:48:10] sphery: is distributed in mythtv's contrib directory.
[23:48:15] sphery: It's probably installed on your system
[23:48:28] sphery: If so, just run it (i.e. "")
[23:51:09] Brian2: which directory?
[23:51:49] Zambezi (Zambezi! has quit ("changing servers")
[23:51:50] sphery: You'll have to find it.
[23:51:59] sphery: Different distros put it in different places.
[23:52:08] sphery: Try using "locate"
[23:53:52] XLV (XLV!n=XLV@ has quit ("Leaving")
[23:54:58] Brian2: I see it in the directory but it won't execute.
[23:55:06] xanium4332 (xanium4332! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[23:55:12] Brian2: Do I need to type something like "perl"
[23:56:14] sphery: No. It should work by just using the filename
[23:56:36] Beirdo: unless they installed it without +x perms for some reason
[23:56:47] sphery: You may need to use ./ (depending on its location, as the current directory should never be in the PATH)
[23:56:54] Beirdo: ah, and that ;)
[23:57:10] sphery: Or your suggestion, too.
[23:57:32] Zambezi (Zambezi! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:57:36] Brian2: It can't find the database. I'm going to try one other thing, then – as much as I like MythTV, I may have to go with Windows Media Center Edition. :( I'd rather not, Myth has more features, but I gotta go with what works.
[23:58:20] GUARDiAN|nb (GUARDiAN|nb! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:58:28] Beirdo: uhh?
[23:58:35] Beirdo: MythTV works
[23:58:53] Beirdo: but it's your machine, do what ya want :)
[23:59:05] sphery: If it can't find the DB, it's using the wrong mysql.txt. If you execute as the user that runs mythfrontend and/or mythbackend, it should work.

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