:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (561):

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Saturday, May 12th, 2007, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:17] jammyd (jammyd! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:01:18] juski: well at least you're up to the point of compiling it
[00:01:18] juski: ;)
[00:06:10] a5benwillis: already done that several times....
[00:06:10] janneg: juski: the gpl doesn't apply cleanly to anything else than source code
[00:07:01] janneg: maybe vector images/povray scenes and rendered versions
[00:07:13] juski: janneg: gah noes
[00:07:23] juski: so creative commons then?
[00:08:21] juski: licence proliferation is getting silly now. there are too many to choose from & the wording of most of them is beyond most likely users
[00:08:47] juski: sure spell it out in legaleese but also gimme it in English :0
[00:09:58] janneg: juski: no, I don't think the gpl requires anything additional from you
[00:11:22] janneg: claiming that a high resolution image is the source code of lower resolution image is imho nonsense
[00:11:26] juski: ah so what you're saying is, with my themes under the gpl I'm giving all I'm bound to give already
[00:11:37] juski: that's good to know ;)
[00:11:46] xris: juski: gnu free doc license might work, too... though if you want attribution, you may have to use cc
[00:12:31] juski: I'm not that fussed about attribution right now – I mean everybody who's anybody knows whose themes are whose ;0
[00:12:39] a5benwillis: YESSSSSSSSS
[00:12:47] Tanthrix: a5benwillis: How'd the 1080P clip play?
[00:12:55] juski: those lame grey ones are mine!
[00:13:03] a5benwillis: it played, but cpu was 60–70
[00:13:57] Tanthrix: a5benwillis: Did it play the whole thing ok without mplayer complaining about your system being too slow, any stuttering, or A/V sync issues?
[00:14:28] a5benwillis: no problems at all
[00:14:39] Tanthrix: Interesting
[00:15:14] a5benwillis: I still dont know what both cores were doing.
[00:16:07] Tanthrix: Yah, I looked but I haven't found any info yet on how to monitor each core separately. What distro are you using?
[00:16:20] a5benwillis: ubuntu edgy
[00:16:21] gordboy (gordboy! has quit ()
[00:16:33] janneg: which makes me think that you shouldn't use the gpl
[00:16:43] Tanthrix: See if you can get "mpstat" from the package manager
[00:16:53] Tanthrix: That apparently will tell you the CPU usage for each separate core
[00:17:08] Tanthrix: er, each CPU. ANd I'm hoping that it means it will work for each core
[00:19:23] kash: lol, playing PS2 on mythtv is fucking hard
[00:19:33] kash: cos of the lag
[00:19:33] kash: haha
[00:19:37] Tanthrix: a5benwillis: You can get the source here . . . .1.1.tar.bz2 if ubuntu doesn't have it
[00:19:41] gordboy (gordboy! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:20:14] juski: fucking stupid mobile phones
[00:20:43] juski: let you receive a call anywhere, no matter what the ambient SPL is :(
[00:21:30] Tanthrix: a5benwillis: Actually, it's probably under "sysstat" if you're going through ubuntu's packages
[00:21:33] juski (juski! has quit ("gorn")
[00:21:41] a5benwillis: yeah it wasnt in apt
[00:21:46] a5benwillis: let me try sysstat
[00:22:03] Tanthrix: Mandrake has it, so that means everything else should  ;)
[00:22:38] jonty_someonesto (jonty_someonesto! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:22:51] Tanthrix: a5benwillis: Then do "mpstat -P all
[00:25:32] a5benwillis: trying to run sysstat now
[00:25:55] Tanthrix: Run "mpstat -p all" – mpstat is the actual program, and sysstat is a bunch of separate tools I thnk
[00:26:07] a5benwillis: ahah
[00:27:05] a5benwillis: anyway to make it update. it just gets a snapshot
[00:27:06] Tanthrix: And actually, it's "mpstat -P ALL" or it won't work
[00:27:12] Tanthrix: Hrm.
[00:27:34] Tanthrix: Well, first off, do you see "all, 0, 1" under the CPU column?
[00:27:51] a5benwillis: yes
[00:28:58] Tanthrix: Nifty, at least it works.
[00:29:10] Tanthrix: And it looks like the most you can get is to update every second
[00:29:23] Tanthrix: "mpstat -P ALL 1 100" does one second updates 100 times
[00:29:26] jammyd (jammyd! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:30:10] a5benwillis: ok, gotta reboot in a min and I'll test again
[00:30:26] Tanthrix: Nifty, thanks. I'm very curious to see the results
[00:34:24] KuruOujou (KuruOujou! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:34:26] iamchrist is now known as aarcane
[00:35:21] KuruOujou: So, using Ubuntu Feisty, I am having trouble installing mythweather-revamp. Can anyone help?
[00:38:43] KuruOujou (KuruOujou! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:41:10] Milosch: guess not
[00:43:17] cal (cal! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:44:04] cal: anyone here use mythlcdserver?
[00:49:17] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:49:48] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:51:38] slaine_ (slaine_!n=glengray@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:58:22] Como|lappy (Como|lappy! has quit ()
[00:58:27] Como (Como! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:07] slaine_ (slaine_!n=glengray@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:00:41] cecil: the drinking has started in #knoppmyth
[01:02:32] kash: rofl
[01:06:24] jammyd (jammyd! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:07:37] kristok: anyone on here watch goltv?
[01:07:40] cecil: kash: don't laugh, join us if you are of drinking age
[01:07:52] kash: i'm 17. so apparently not :(
[01:12:46] J-e-f-f-A-2 (J-e-f-f-A-2! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:13:21] J-e-f-f-A-2 is now known as J-e-f-f-A
[01:15:34] rogue780|mythser is now known as rogue780|mythsvr
[01:16:03] aarcane (aarcane!n=Christ@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:16:36] aarcane (aarcane!n=Christ@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:20:19] t0ny-p40 (t0ny-p40!n=t0ny-p40@ has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[01:28:19] chickene1ter is now known as chickeneater
[01:35:41] a5benwillis_ (a5benwillis_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:38:31] a5benwillis_: hola
[01:38:48] cecil: konishiwa
[01:40:58] a5benwillis (a5benwillis! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:45:12] slaine_ (slaine_!n=glengray@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:53:09] a5benwillis_: is it possible to access the guide while watching live tv without going through the menu??
[01:53:40] chadmaynard (chadmaynard! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:55:43] chadmaynard: any ideas?
[01:55:52] Tanthrix: a5benwillis_: Yes, I have a button on my remote bound to it.
[01:55:55] a5benwillis_: any errors in the backend log or window?
[01:55:59] Tanthrix: a5benwillis_: One sec, I'll look it up.
[01:56:05] a5benwillis_: Tanthrix: is it "S"?
[01:56:41] hads: Yes
[01:57:34] Tanthrix: Beat me to it.
[01:57:52] a5benwillis_: founs a conf file for my remote but it has a few issues lol
[01:57:58] Tanthrix: hehe
[01:57:58] a5benwillis_: cant <esc>
[01:58:20] Tanthrix: Use irw to make sure all your buttons are working first, then go from there,
[01:59:54] Tanthrix: (IE, run irw then press the buttons on your remote and see if they get picked up correctly as whatever they're supposed to be as set in the conf)
[02:01:35] chadmaynard: I don't see any errors on my system.... just won't capture video
[02:02:02] Tanthrix: chadmaynard: Try "mplayer /dev/video" with myth closed
[02:03:38] chadmaynard: Tanthrix: i ran "mplayer /dev/video0" and it says "Playing /dev/video0." and sits there
[02:03:49] Tanthrix: Something is wrong with your card then, not myth.
[02:03:55] Tanthrix: (IE, the ivtv driver)
[02:04:54] chadmaynard: i see
[02:05:13] Tanthrix: Run dmesg and see if there is anything in there
[02:05:38] chadmaynard: dmesg | grep ivtv ?
[02:05:55] Tanthrix: That'll work I think
[02:06:32] a5benwillis_: Tanthrix: If I change my lirc files, do I restart frontend or backend?
[02:06:36] a5benwillis_: and lirc...
[02:06:55] TSCHAK2 is now known as TSCHAK
[02:06:58] chadmaynard: Tanthrix: ivtv0: i2c addr 0x44 not found for command <some hex here> <- 3 or 4 lines like this
[02:06:59] Tanthrix: a5benwillis_: Hrm.... I don't think you need to restart lircd unless you're changing your lircd.conf
[02:09:05] Tanthrix: chadmaynard: Google that line, looks like a lot of people have had to deal with that, so hopefully you can find an answer quick
[02:09:58] chadmaynard: Tanthrix: sounds like a plan. thanks for the guidance
[02:10:07] Tanthrix: a5benwillis_: Honestly, it's been so long, I'm not quite sure. Change something and give it a try
[02:10:12] Tanthrix: chadmaynard: No prob.
[02:10:42] cal: anyone here use mythlcdserver?
[02:11:28] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:18:02] aarcane (aarcane!n=Christ@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:19:18] Nem^1 is now known as Nem^
[02:27:09] cal: e187451
[02:30:46] a5benwillis_: Tanthrix: Any luck with your remote anf mplayer?
[02:30:48] a5benwillis_: and
[02:31:27] Tanthrix: Sure, I use it all the time. Are you having troubles?
[02:31:59] a5benwillis_: well, kind of. It doesnt work at all for mplayer lol
[02:32:10] a5benwillis_: even though its specified in the conf file
[02:32:33] a5benwillis_: example
[02:32:35] a5benwillis_: # Stop playback and exit
[02:32:35] a5benwillis_: begin
[02:32:35] a5benwillis_: prog = mplayer
[02:32:35] a5benwillis_: button = Stop
[02:32:35] a5benwillis_: repeat = 3
[02:32:36] a5benwillis_: config = quit
[02:32:38] a5benwillis_: end
[02:33:17] Tanthrix: Now, do you have that in ~/.mythtv/lircrc or just ~/.lircrc
[02:34:01] a5benwillis_: thats just in ~/.mythtv.....
[02:34:27] a5benwillis_: I dont actually have a ~/.lircrc
[02:34:36] a5benwillis_: that i configured anyways
[02:35:14] Tanthrix: If it's not in the latter or you're not telling mplayer to use the mythtv one, it won't work
[02:35:44] a5benwillis_: where does it go exactly?
[02:35:45] Tanthrix: Do this: ln -s ~/.mythtv/lircrc ~/.lircrc
[02:35:51] a5benwillis_: right under my home?
[02:35:59] Tanthrix: That makes a synlink called .lircrc in your home directory to the mythtv one
[02:36:10] Tanthrix: (Just make sure you're logged in under whatever user you run myth / mplayer as)
[02:36:11] a5benwillis_: k
[02:36:27] Tanthrix: Gotta run for now, I'll bbl in an hour or two
[02:36:46] a5benwillis_: perfect! thanks again
[02:41:14] gantrixx: Hi all, I just received my prebuilt mythv box
[02:41:20] gantrixx: I'm a little dissappointed
[02:41:31] gantrixx: why is it that I can only watch channels 03–10?
[02:42:56] idler_ is now known as idler
[02:43:01] gantrixx: of the 193 members in this channel is anyone listening?
[02:43:28] idler: ask its builder
[02:43:40] gantrixx: builder?
[02:43:52] gantrixx: I have digital cable
[02:43:59] gantrixx: is that going to be an issue?
[02:44:25] idler: honestly, I'm a myth noob
[02:44:43] idler: but I can watch channel 11, because I configured it so
[02:44:56] gantrixx: do you have digital cable?
[02:45:05] idler: you might want to have a look at your channel edito
[02:45:05] idler: r
[02:45:12] idler: i'm on dvb
[02:45:45] gantrixx: what is dvb?
[02:46:08] TSCHAK: digital video broadcast.. but you typically only see that term used in Europe.
[02:46:51] idler: or australia..
[02:47:49] a5benwillis_: idler: You dont have any handy init scripts that you use with dvb do you????
[02:48:12] idler: init for what?
[02:48:27] a5benwillis_: any extras that you may need when using dvb......
[02:48:46] idler: I'm not aware of using any extras
[02:48:53] a5benwillis_: k
[02:48:59] a5benwillis_: then thank you.. :D
[02:49:13] idler: but since I've never used myth with non dvb, I might be a bit biased :)
[02:49:29] a5benwillis_: which dvb?
[02:49:33] a5benwillis_: I use dvb-s
[02:49:42] idler: t
[02:49:46] a5benwillis_: ah
[02:54:35] a5benwillis_: anyone have a goos reccomendation for making a backup image of my working myhtbox (finally!!!)
[02:56:35] idler: dd if=/dev/hdx of=backup
[02:56:48] idler: you might want to pipe it through gzip
[02:57:02] a5benwillis_: where does the dump go?
[02:57:21] a5benwillis_: never used dd
[02:57:28] a5benwillis_: i better google :D
[02:58:17] Aquahallic: does mythweb require perl to be installed??
[02:58:47] a5benwillis_: no
[02:58:50] Aquahallic: k
[02:58:51] Aquahallic: ty
[02:58:54] a5benwillis_: apache and php
[02:59:02] Aquahallic: yeah.. got those
[02:59:08] Aquahallic: havin' some probs though...:/
[02:59:40] a5benwillis_: what distro
[02:59:46] Aquahallic: gentoo
[03:00:08] a5benwillis_: Ive only done it one ubuntu
[03:00:21] a5benwillis_: installing from svn?
[03:00:51] idler: don't do gentoo
[03:00:58] idler: it's a pain
[03:01:13] Aquahallic: already have mythtv running on it
[03:01:30] idler: I just got rid of my gentoo
[03:01:30] Aquahallic: just wanting to figure out this mythweb
[03:01:36] a5benwillis_: idler: question abt dd
[03:01:51] Aquahallic: did you have mythweb running on it?
[03:01:54] idler: yes
[03:01:57] a5benwillis_: idler: will hdx get the whole hard disk?
[03:02:12] idler: yes
[03:02:12] aarcane (aarcane!n=Christ@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:02:30] a5benwillis_: idler: is there a way to only specify certial partitions?
[03:02:35] Aquahallic: so going through the readme I'm getting the db_* error when I browse to mythweb.php
[03:02:47] idler: a5benwillis_: hda3
[03:02:49] aarcane (aarcane!n=Christ@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:03:04] Aquahallic: when I look in the .htaccess file I have mythtv as user and pass
[03:03:22] Aquahallic: and I can use that to log into mysql with command line
[03:03:26] a5benwillis_: idler: thanks, I suppose I would need to run this from another drive or something? Other than the drive I want to image.
[03:03:43] a5benwillis_: Aquahallic: which db error?
[03:04:18] Aquahallic: The database environment variables are not correctly set in the
[03:04:18] Aquahallic: included .htaccess file. Please read through the comments included
[03:04:18] Aquahallic: in the file and set up the db_* environment variables correctly.
[03:04:29] Aquahallic: also....
[03:04:44] Aquahallic: Some possible solutions are to make sure that mod_env is enabled
[03:04:45] Aquahallic: in httpd.conf, as well as having followed the instructions in the
[03:04:45] Aquahallic: README about the AllowOverride settings.
[03:04:53] Aquahallic: and I've checked them both...:|
[03:05:05] a5benwillis_: so you linked to mod_env?
[03:05:29] idler: Aquahallic: can you connect to mythconverg database using the user/pass provided in ~mythtv/.mythtv/somewhat
[03:05:29] idler: in that case, i don't know
[03:05:54] Aquahallic: if I do the php config page it shows mod_env as loaded
[03:06:12] a5benwillis_: ok
[03:06:18] idler: the joys of gentoo, I reckon
[03:06:27] Aquahallic: and yes... from command line I can login to mysql and do SHOW DATABASES and all
[03:06:40] Aquahallic: using the same user and pass I have in the .htaccess file
[03:07:23] a5benwillis_: are you using "localhost" in .htaccess?
[03:07:30] Aquahallic: yup
[03:07:42] a5benwillis_: does this match what you have in mythtv-setup?
[03:08:01] Aquahallic: the gui setup?
[03:08:04] a5benwillis_: yes
[03:08:07] Aquahallic: hmmm
[03:08:09] Aquahallic: not sure
[03:08:23] Aquahallic: is there a file I can browse to see that variable?
[03:08:49] a5benwillis_: also, I would check that you have all of this installed:
[03:08:50] a5benwillis_: apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 libapache2-mod-auth-mysql
[03:09:26] Aquahallic: I should be able to see that from that php config page... correct?
[03:09:26] a5benwillis_: Also, did you turn "AllowOveride" to All in Apache?
[03:09:42] Aquahallic: yup I did AllowOverride ALL
[03:09:46] a5benwillis_: dunno... In ubuntu I would just check with apt
[03:12:39] a5benwillis_: well, that all I have. If you have all of that installed it should be working for you.
[03:12:51] a5benwillis_: nearly time for bed here. g-luck
[03:17:11] Aquahallic: hmmm
[03:17:33] a5benwillis_: Tanthrix: You back? I have test results for you
[03:17:42] a5benwillis_: I'll leave you a msg :D
[03:18:51] a5benwillis_: Tanthrix: Using mpstat playing the 1080p file I never get over 60% on all. But I see individual core going to 90% so I assume the ALL number is you the total of 1 and 2 devided by two.....
[03:19:02] Aquahallic: doesn't look like I do have those modules
[03:19:40] a5benwillis_: Tanthrix: So I like the ALL number as a reference. I never get tearing of stuttering of the playback. Let me know what you think.
[03:19:51] a5benwillis_: Aquahallic: Any luck?
[03:20:23] Aquahallic: well I don't see those modules
[03:20:36] ** Aquahallic wonders how to get them in gentoo...:/ **
[03:21:04] a5benwillis_: cant help you there. I just install via aptitude in ubuntu
[03:21:54] Aquahallic: so they're needed for mythweb?
[03:22:06] Aquahallic: they part of the db authentication or something?
[03:22:52] a5benwillis_: yes, those are required deps
[03:37:14] Tanthrix: a5benwillis_: Hrm – that's not good.
[03:38:07] Tanthrix: a5benwillis_: How about the 720P clip?
[03:42:41] a5benwillis_: 35$
[03:42:44] a5benwillis_: 35%
[03:42:50] Tanthrix: Of one core?
[03:42:55] Tanthrix: And the other 0?
[03:42:55] a5benwillis_: total
[03:43:35] Tanthrix: So that means 70 percent of one core
[03:43:36] a5benwillis_: lol 10% watching SD tv fomr sat
[03:43:39] Tanthrix: Which is cutting it rather close
[03:43:40] a5benwillis_: no
[03:43:44] a5benwillis_: one core, sorry
[03:44:02] a5benwillis_: never needed the other
[03:44:22] Tanthrix: Well, since top just gives you the percentage out of the total added together, for any single threaded program, whatever top says you will be its use on one core
[03:44:23] a5benwillis_: let me verify real quick
[03:44:35] Tanthrix: Which means any single threaded app shouldn't be able to get much over 50
[03:44:38] Tanthrix: If at all
[03:44:53] a5benwillis_: LOVE having my remote working... lol
[03:44:59] Tanthrix: hehe, it's nice isn't it
[03:45:36] a5benwillis_: ok
[03:45:38] a5benwillis_: 720
[03:45:42] a5benwillis_: 45 core1
[03:45:44] a5benwillis_: 15 core2
[03:45:50] a5benwillis_: 30 all
[03:46:04] Tanthrix: Eep, that's cutting it real close.
[03:46:15] a5benwillis_: cutting what close exactly?
[03:46:30] Tanthrix: Well, when you're playing video both mplayer and X use CPU cycles
[03:46:35] Tanthrix: and each one can only use one core at a time
[03:46:58] Tanthrix: So if you're getting near 50 percent on one, you can't go any further
[03:47:10] a5benwillis_: ive seen one core go to 90
[03:47:26] Tanthrix: ohhh! 45 percent on one core
[03:47:27] a5benwillis_: with the other around 15–20
[03:47:38] a5benwillis_: yes
[03:47:48] Tanthrix: That's quite alright then
[03:48:05] a5benwillis_: now lets look at 1080p the same way
[03:48:17] aarcane (aarcane!n=Christ@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:48:34] a5benwillis_: 90 core1
[03:48:37] a5benwillis_: 20 core1
[03:48:39] a5benwillis_: 50 all
[03:48:53] aarcane (aarcane!n=Christ@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:48:53] Tanthrix: Ok, so that's cutting it close. But that's to be expected, since 1080P stuff is insane.
[03:49:05] a5benwillis_: looks great though lol
[03:49:09] Tanthrix: Indeed!
[03:49:12] a5benwillis_: but my tv only does 720p
[03:49:36] Tanthrix: And you have a E6300 at 1.8GHz right?
[03:49:37] a5benwillis_: samsung plasma... looks great though :P
[03:49:45] Tanthrix: Hehe, HD stuff is nice ain't it.
[03:49:45] a5benwillis_: yes
[03:50:03] Tanthrix: So, now I need to find someone who has a Pentium D at 3.2 GHz and have them run the same test
[03:50:35] a5benwillis_: would a faster Ghz in the same series be better?
[03:50:44] Tanthrix: (The D is $93, compared to $180 for the Core 2 Duo)
[03:50:52] Tanthrix: Yes, but only in the same series.
[03:51:07] a5benwillis_: yes, this was the best priced....
[03:51:14] a5benwillis_: of the core2
[03:52:09] a5benwillis_: working on finding a good way to make a backup of this system now that Im pretty happy with it
[03:52:25] Tanthrix: Norton Ghost will do it if you have a copy
[03:53:20] a5benwillis_: havent had good luck with it in the past
[03:53:21] cecil: dd works well ;)
[03:53:23] a5benwillis_: we use it at work
[03:53:24] MaverickTech: Tanthrix: I may have Pentiom D
[03:53:30] MaverickTech: *Pentium
[03:53:35] Tanthrix: MaverickTech: Really? What speed?
[03:53:41] MaverickTech: checking
[03:54:35] Tanthrix: Aye.
[03:54:44] MaverickTech: Pentium D 3.4
[03:55:11] Tanthrix: MaverickTech: Nearly perfect! Would you be willing run two test clips and tell me how they do?
[03:55:14] a5benwillis_: I left 50GB of unpartitioned space at the end of the disk. Hope I can format that and mount it.
[03:55:27] MaverickTech: Tanthrix: don't see why not
[03:55:32] a5benwillis_: Tanthrix: Make sure he uses the same program to get the numbers
[03:56:00] a5benwillis_: sysstatus
[03:56:39] Tanthrix: MaverickTech: Thanks, much appreciated. First things first, see if you have "mpstat" installed. If not, grab sysstat from your distro's package manager
[03:56:56] Tanthrix: MaverickTech: That lets you see the CPU usage for each of your cores separately.
[03:57:28] MaverickTech: mpstat is installed
[03:57:38] Tanthrix: Then run "mpstat -P ALL 1 100" which gives you 100, 1 second interval looks at each core
[03:57:51] Tanthrix: . . .
[03:57:58] Tanthrix: . . .
[03:58:27] Tanthrix: Those are the two clips. Just wget until you have enough for a reasonable test, then ctrl-c out.
[03:58:39] Tanthrix: (Or if you want, wait for them to download completely, but they're large-ish)
[03:59:23] Tanthrix: Then while playing them back, run mpstat in a terminal, and see what your cores are doing.
[03:59:52] Tanthrix: And I'm much appreciative for you doing this – trying to figure out what CPU will be best for my new mythbox with regards to HD decoding
[03:59:57] MaverickTech: play them with ?
[04:00:01] Tanthrix: mplayer
[04:00:57] a5benwillis_: want to see the results then I have to sleep :D
[04:01:07] Tanthrix: hehe
[04:02:45] a5benwillis_: any good usb hd ata receivers?
[04:03:46] Tanthrix: Like external enclosures you mean?
[04:04:02] a5benwillis_: yes
[04:04:11] a5benwillis_: no more pci slots here
[04:04:29] Tanthrix: Seems like it's sort of luck of the draw with them
[04:04:57] a5benwillis_: MaverickTech: any luck?
[04:05:31] Tanthrix: Patience a5benwillis_, patience...;)
[04:05:35] MaverickTech: patience young skywalker
[04:05:35] a5benwillis_: lol
[04:05:45] MaverickTech: *snap*
[04:05:59] a5benwillis_: k, i'll check the logs morrow :)
[04:06:15] Tanthrix: Night.
[04:06:16] a5benwillis_: nite!
[04:07:09] Tanthrix: MaverickTech: Seems like everyone around here mostly runs myth on POS old junk systems (including me!) so I'm happy to find someone with a new-ish system to have to test this
[04:07:32] MaverickTech: I decided to built this machine to purpose, and from scratch
[04:07:49] MaverickTech: it is an exercise in finding a proper media config
[04:08:03] MaverickTech: I am just waiting on a transcode to finish
[04:08:14] Tanthrix: No prob.
[04:08:22] Tanthrix: I got all night.
[04:08:45] third (third! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:08:47] Tanthrix: I'm really hoping I can use a Pentium D 3.2 GHz though, since it's $90 cheaper than the Core 2 Duo
[04:11:34] MaverickTech: how would you like mplayer run ?
[04:12:21] Tanthrix: Just plain ole' mplayer file.whatever
[04:13:03] MaverickTech: ok
[04:13:22] MaverickTech: 50 mb be enought of the 1080p ?
[04:13:24] ectospasm (ectospasm! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[04:13:34] Tanthrix: Let me see how big it is
[04:14:12] MaverickTech: that 20% so far...
[04:14:28] Tanthrix: It's 300 megs, so 50 should be enough
[04:15:03] MaverickTech: ok
[04:17:39] tank-man: how much is the pentium d 3.2 GHz ?
[04:17:45] Tanthrix: $93
[04:18:29] Tanthrix: (From – might be slightly cheaper at some mysterious unheard of net store)
[04:19:47] tank-man: so the duo core costs x2 as much :)
[04:20:45] Tanthrix: The E6300 does. The E4300 at the same clock speed is $114, but I don't know what that's about
[04:20:55] Tanthrix: Certainly not as good performance wise, though I don't know by how much
[04:28:33] MaverickTech: Tanthrix:
[04:28:37] MaverickTech: Tanthrix:
[04:29:02] MaverickTech: running on 1024x768 : mplayer -fs
[04:29:04] MaverickTech: no zooming etc
[04:30:04] Tanthrix: Interesting – looks like the E6300 actually is a bit better, though not by much
[04:30:21] Tanthrix: Did either stutter or cause mplayer to complain?
[04:33:03] third: Is anyone else experiencing the video lagging behind the audio?
[04:33:26] Tanthrix: And actually, I think I'll have to get a5benwillis_ to run it again except output to a nice file like you did so I can compare it more directly
[04:34:39] MaverickTech: no stuttering
[04:34:46] MaverickTech: sound was crisp all through
[04:34:57] MaverickTech: third: ?
[04:35:14] MaverickTech: I have/had various sync problems – can you be more specific ?
[04:35:20] Tanthrix: And mplayer didn't give you the "Your system may be too slow to play this" error?
[04:35:38] MaverickTech: I will check the console log
[04:35:41] MaverickTech: stand by...
[04:36:23] Tanthrix: There's no talking in that clip, so unfortunately you probably wouldn't have noticed with the A/V was going out of sync, as it sometimes does when the CPU spikes.
[04:36:41] third: Well MaverickTech, I haven't timed how far the video is behind the audio, but I know it's at least 20 seconds or more.
[04:37:08] third: It's like a kung-fu movie from hell. LOL!
[04:37:13] MaverickTech: Tanthrix: actually, it did on the 1080
[04:37:42] MaverickTech: got some jobs to so at the moment
[04:37:49] Tanthrix: MaverickTech: You were spiking one of your cores most likely, even though it only said 90 percent.
[04:37:53] MaverickTech: will have a look into the cause in a while, if you like
[04:38:13] MaverickTech: 20 secoinds !
[04:38:14] Tanthrix: I think the cause is just that 1080P x264 is terribly difficult to decode
[04:38:18] third: I do have the speakers plugged up to some external speakers directly from the capture card, though
[04:38:29] MaverickTech: third: my drift was in the order of 50–200ms
[04:38:44] Tanthrix: MaverickTech: In any case, you have been *very* helpful. Thanks again
[04:39:03] MaverickTech: np
[04:39:28] Tanthrix: From what I understand 1080P is nearly impossible to decode properly
[04:39:28] third: Is RAM or proccessor speed a factor in lag?
[04:39:45] Tanthrix: In linux right now, due to the fact none of the decoders are multi-threaded
[04:40:31] Tanthrix: I read one post to a question I asked a while back for a guy who couldn't do 1080P even with a E6600 and playing the file back from a ram disk, with no audio
[04:41:10] gordboy (gordboy! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:42:45] MaverickTech: third I believe my problems stemmed from the way DVB is recorded, and the sync error was introduced after transcoding
[04:43:00] MaverickTech: third: your problem appears to be different
[04:43:30] MaverickTech: what machine specs do you have
[04:43:38] MaverickTech: are you playing back your own recording ?
[04:53:24] tjcarter: cecil: the swap root partition thing, can we do that easily enough right now for R6 and me make changes to do it with R5 so that I can install R5 and be ready for R6 testing real quick?
[04:53:54] tjcarter: I can't work on it until next week, but I'd be willing to contribute to the development on that one.
[04:54:29] tjcarter: it shouldn't be too hard if I do it with whole partitions, but I think directories would be a good final target so you can implement it as you like
[04:54:57] tjcarter: er, oops =D
[05:06:44] MaverickTech: Tanthrix: good luck – let me know how you go
[05:06:47] MaverickTech: bbiab
[05:23:04] gpd (gpd! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:24:39] Tanthrix: MaverickTech: Will do.
[05:28:02] gpd: Do you think an Athlon 1700+ with 384M SDRAM and nvidia FX5200 AGP will be ok for non-HD TV?
[05:29:07] gpd: The mobo has slots for DDR – and supports up to 2600+ – so I am going to a computer fair today to check out upgrade for low price
[05:29:39] Tanthrix: I ran my main SD FE/BE machine on a 1.1GHZ athlon pretty damned reliably
[05:29:53] Tanthrix: (With a PVR-150, mind you, so no encoding)
[05:30:22] gpd: this will have a nova-t pci – or maybe two
[05:32:04] ldam (ldam! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:32:12] ** gpd browses user systems in wiki **
[05:33:15] Tanthrix: You don't need to encode for DVB, right? It's just a straight mpeg transport stream
[05:33:47] ** gpd is shamefully ignorant **
[05:34:05] Tanthrix:
[05:34:16] Tanthrix: Looks like that's correct, so I'm fairly sure you'll be fine.
[05:34:37] gpd: Now I am contemplating a PCI SATA controller rather than straight IDE
[05:34:47] Tanthrix: Why's that?
[05:34:52] gpd: but might be a waste of time
[05:38:37] theshadow: Ok, I'm dying here I can get the S-Video out to work on my nVidia card (at the login screen [while its counting down to log back in] I can move my mouse over to the tv and back. BUT I can't get mythtv to use that output... please... anyone... someone... help!
[05:39:17] OAM1 (OAM1! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:39:26] third: MaverickTech, I'm on an HP Pavillion. It has 128 MB of RAM, and 2.4 GB of processing power.
[05:39:31] OAM1: hi all
[05:39:48] OAM1: anyone able to answer some questions regarding Mini-Myth ??
[05:39:52] third: Yes, I'm playing back my own recording, MaverickTech.
[05:39:55] OAM1: i have half an install and have gotten stuck
[05:39:59] Tanthrix: theshadow: You can't just open a terminal window on your TV, type mythfrontend, and have it work?
[05:41:18] clever: QDate::fromString: Parameter out of range
[05:41:35] clever: im getting that spamed on my term window where i run mythtv alot
[05:42:21] czth__ (czth__!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-a4ec36c628cb8cda) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:45:59] clever: caught it happening 3 times with -v all
[05:46:24] clever: rest scrolled off the screen because of the massive spamage you will kill me if i pasted:P
[05:46:24] theshadow: Tanthrix: not really its set to auto login
[05:46:39] theshadow: sorry for some reason the audio died :S uggghhh
[05:48:19] clever:
[05:48:41] clever: that shows the error im getting 3 times and the area arround it from mythbackend -v all
[05:49:07] clever: not shure where each repeat starts/ends in there so i just put the entire chunk
[05:49:33] Anduin: clever: other than that what is the problem?
[05:49:41] clever: none that i can detect
[05:49:50] clever: its just spaming my term window with errors
[05:50:07] clever: happens when i load the recorded page in mythweb
[05:50:26] clever: im guessing its 1 'QDate::fromString: Parameter out of range' for each show i have saved
[05:50:38] clever: giving me half a screenfull of them at once
[05:52:38] OAM1 (OAM1! has left #mythtv-users ()
[05:52:44] clever: 4 now:S
[05:52:58] clever: maybe the updater is just busted and its slowly running out of guide data
[05:54:36] clever: DataDirect Status: Your subscription expires on 05/04/2007 07:29:41 AM
[05:54:38] clever: hmmmm:P
[05:54:40] ** clever looks **
[05:54:50] Anduin: clever: May want to check the mythfilldatabase setup (for a log if using the automatic in the frontend0
[05:55:03] Anduin: or that
[05:55:08] clever: Anduin: my guess is it expired
[05:55:12] clever: and i forgot the url to login to it:P
[05:55:22] clever: labs.zap2it?
[05:56:10] clever: extended:D
[05:56:14] clever: that was easy
[06:00:42] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:00:42] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[06:15:55] gpd: is there any reason to not buy the cheapest DVI->HDMI cable?
[06:16:17] gpd: I have seen them for crazy prices...
[06:17:51] jk1joel (jk1joel! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:18:05] Oewyn: be careful w/ dvi -> hdmi cables
[06:18:19] Oewyn: hdmi cables are very finicky and if they don't have just the perfect connection, the image is destroyed
[06:18:44] Oewyn: I've found that the shorter the converter, the more stable it is
[06:19:11] gpd: how about a teeny converter and a longer HDMI cable?
[06:19:19] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:19:25] gpd: i think i only need a couple of feet – should be fine
[06:19:40] Oewyn: probably okay, but you have to be careful about how much weight the huge DVI cable puts on the HDMI connector
[06:20:19] gpd: good point – i'll check the TV's connector too, thanks Oewyn
[06:21:18] Oewyn: np
[06:52:07] Tanthrix: gpd: I've got 15 feet of dvi, then a cheap 6 foot DVI to HDMI cable and it works just fine.
[06:52:18] Tanthrix: gpd: 6ft for 7.50 I think
[06:53:36] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:53:52] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:55:56] Tanthrix: Oewyn is right about making sure you don't put too much torque on a hdmi connector, but I think he must have a bad cable or hdmi port if he's having troubles like that.
[06:58:55] thufir007 (thufir007! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:01:31] HaSH (HaSH!i=hash@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:04:09] HaSH: hello all how i can get mythweather to work?. i was told the sites formate there any kinda work around
[07:04:28] Anduin (Anduin! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:06:54] Como (Como! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:07:00] gpd: Tanthrix: great, thanks again.  :D
[07:08:02] gpd: So is it true that the tivo voting / suggestions patent is the reason for this feature not being available in myth?
[07:14:02] tjcarter: gpd: we have grouplens as a prior art defense
[07:14:22] tjcarter: gpd: no, it has more to do with the fact that nobody's offered to host the server and pay for the bandwidth for free. =D
[07:15:10] Dagmar: Wait...
[07:15:44] Dagmar: There could be a formalized way for couch potatoes to submit senseless feature requests with little or no effort and an excuse to type in IM speak?
[07:16:01] Dagmar: God where's the downside?
[07:16:42] tjcarter: I'm talking about grouplens, not feedback
[07:18:02] tjcarter: in fact, I've been talking for the past couple of hours in #km about making KM more appliance-like for the user so that they never need to think about what it is (so they won't be inclined to track down developers and whin--er, provide feedback.)
[07:19:40] Dagmar: km?
[07:19:49] Dagmar: oh, knoppmyth, nevermind
[07:21:21] ** tjcarter needs idiots guide for Scientific Atlanta digital boxes with Myth **
[07:21:46] tjcarter: <-- idiot with no experience with FW-connected things
[07:21:57] tjcarter: well, other than hard drives on my Mac  ;)
[07:25:29] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:25:37] Dagmar: Yeah I'm kinda coming to the same point here
[07:25:45] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:25:57] Dagmar: I need to ask my guy at Comcast which things are 5c and which aren't now that digital cable is just $5/month more
[07:26:03] tjcarter: I can get my hands on one risk- (and fee-)free to plug it in an try it with Myth, but if I have to sit down and fiddle to get it working, I'll have to pay to keep the box to do it.
[07:26:32] tjcarter: but if I can confirm that it works or doesn't ...
[07:26:50] tjcarter: my local provider is willing to help me set it up with Myth if they can.
[07:37:17] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:46:21] gbee: umm, what's the best way to tell which version of ivtv I have?
[07:46:59] gbee: nevermind, found it buried in /var/log/messages
[07:49:04] croppa: I am running ubuntu edgy and have 2 dvico hdtv cards....Ihave installed mythtv and cant setup cards
[07:49:27] croppa: Do i need to install v4l-dvb?
[07:49:55] Tanthrix: Dagmar: With the help of MaverickTech and a5benwillis_, we've established that a Core 2 Duo E6300 1.8GHz is either equal or better performing than a Pentium D 3.4 GHz
[07:50:14] Sid`: heh
[07:50:16] Sid`: surprise much?
[07:50:20] croppa: There is no /etc/dvb or /etc/v4l directorys
[07:50:47] Tanthrix: Dagmar: Had them both playback two h264 clips, one 720P, and one 1080P, and compared the CPU usage via mpstat (to see both cores)
[07:51:32] croppa: I have had both cards working in a previous install of edgy
[07:51:35] Tanthrix: Sid`: Yes and no. I realize that the Core 2 Duo's pretty much own anything, and that clock speed isn't everything, but 3.4 is quite a bit above 1.8
[07:52:32] Sid`: Tanthrix: spose.... the p4 was an awful turkey though
[07:54:07] Tanthrix: Sid`: True enough. By any chance do you know much about the new E4XX models?
[07:55:15] Sid`: they've a 2MB cache (as opposed to 2M usable of 4M), and run a slower bus/higher multiplier
[07:55:43] Sid`: so compared to a 6300, a 4300 is quite hindered cos that arch is very bandwidth hungry and it's a shitty bus
[07:55:52] Sid`: same basic bus they've used since the pentium pro
[07:56:19] Tanthrix: Could you elaborate on the difference between the caches?
[07:56:56] Sid`: the 6300/6400 have 2MB of cache, but its a standard conroe die with half the cache disabled (to increase yield)
[07:57:06] Sid`: the 4x00s are a different die that actually lacks half the cache
[07:57:14] Sid`: doesnt make any real world difference
[07:57:26] Sid`: the bus speed, however, does.
[07:57:36] Tanthrix: Interesting
[07:58:28] Tanthrix: How is it any faster though if at the end of the day, only 2MB are available?
[08:00:32] Sid`: it's not. the cache is irrelevant, it's just a process difference
[08:00:49] Tanthrix: Ahh, I see.
[08:00:57] Sid`: cos the yield went up on 4MB parts and there were fuck all with half a bad cache
[08:01:06] Sid`: and that happened to correspond with a massive increase in demand
[08:01:13] Sid`: they built a die that was an ACTUAL 2MB part
[08:01:16] Sid`: just like the 486SX
[08:01:40] Tanthrix: I see newegg has the 6x20s for about a dollar more than the 6x00s (4mb vs. 2mb cache) – that's crazy.
[08:04:25] Tanthrix: Sid`: <-- That makes it seem like the difference is not that great..
[08:04:45] Tanthrix: (Comparing the 4300 at its default clock speed to the 6300)
[08:07:10] Tanthrix: Makes me wonder if I'd be better of going with a 4400 over a 6300 (for video decoding) – any thoughts?
[08:17:06] lt2k1 (lt2k1! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:17:20] lt2k1: hi. Where can I find some documentation on how to shrink and archive shows I like?
[08:17:46] lt2k1: or is there a good way to move them somewhere else for later burning?
[08:18:06] MaverickTech: MythArchive
[08:21:50] lt2k1: will it move them and name them something I can understand?
[08:22:58] MaverickTech: I suggest you have a play with it, and see if one of it's archive method fits your needs
[08:23:06] MaverickTech: there are a few different ways to archive
[08:23:22] MaverickTech: I found trial and error worked best for me with MythArchive
[08:23:56] lt2k1: will do. It's compiling and installing now. (Running Gentoo.. takes awhile sometimes :))
[08:26:01] xzcvczx: do higher or lower frequencys go better over long distance?
[08:26:25] Dagmar: doesn't much matter as far as I know
[08:26:32] lt2k1: I should really know that
[08:26:36] Dagmar: Line of sight is line of sight.
[08:26:51] Dagmar: Without line of sight, i.e., blasting *though* things, then higher is better afaik
[08:27:04] lt2k1: I think it's the other way around..
[08:28:01] xzcvczx: well weird thing is i have line of sight to the skytower in auckland city i get channel 4 reception off it which is low frequency and total crap channel 3 reception off it which is the higher frequency (am about 1km from skytower in straight line)(or less)
[08:28:52] Dagmar: Your problem is more likely *interference*
[08:29:12] Dagmar: Use a directional antenna
[08:29:41] xzcvczx: wouldnt it be logical to think that you would get the same interferance on both channels though?
[08:29:52] Dagmar: No
[08:30:06] Dagmar: Not unless they're on the same frequency, and good luck with that
[08:30:45] Dagmar: Goddamnit
[08:30:59] Dagmar: This is why I hate it when abstracts get indexed in Google . . . oh_r_abs.pdf
[08:31:25] Dagmar: Worse than teaser porn sites by a factor of ten I swear
[08:31:55] xzcvczx: well if thats the case why would i get the same thing happening with 1and 2 same tower quite a distance away and probably not LOS and i get good reception from one and crap from the other (completely different freq from 3)
[08:32:37] Dagmar: Try rephrasing the question
[08:32:52] Dagmar: No wait, I think I've sorted it out
[08:33:14] Dagmar: They're different broadcasters. What makes you think their signals are going to be of identical quality and strength?
[08:33:50] idler (idler! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[08:33:53] Dagmar: It's not _all_ about the size of the aerial you know
[08:34:06] xzcvczx: different broadcasters?
[08:34:08] idler (idler! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:34:34] Dagmar: Yes, as in different signal sources.
[08:34:43] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:35:03] xzcvczx: 3 & 4 are same company using the same tower for both so would assume same sources and same with 1&2
[08:35:24] Dagmar: No, that's not how analog transmitters work at that size, man.
[08:35:38] idler (idler! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[08:35:58] xzcvczx: oh ok
[08:36:01] xzcvczx: POS's
[08:36:22] Dagmar: For rinky-dink signals you can probably get away with feeding two separate signals into one some-what wideband amp, but when you're talking about going into the 10kwatt and higher range? Hell no
[08:36:41] Dagmar: Stuff will catch fire on ya
[08:37:08] xzcvczx: yeah i realise they wont be using the same piece of equip for both but i figured they would be using 2 of the same
[08:37:11] Dagmar: ...not to mention it would be energy wasteful.  :/
[08:37:15] xzcvczx: s/figured/figure
[08:38:00] Dagmar: Only if the channels were founded at the same time and their transmission stations built at the same time.
[08:38:10] xzcvczx: the skytower ones would be
[08:38:20] Dagmar: Places that put up big aerials tend to have them in service for a long, long time.
[08:38:20] xzcvczx: those channels been round much longer than the skytower
[08:38:44] Dagmar: ...cuz the equipment ain't cheap
[08:39:05] Dagmar: 91.1 WRVU FM's transmitting equipment is like, 25+ years old at least
[08:39:15] idler (idler! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:39:32] xzcvczx: :o
[08:40:04] xzcvczx: oh well all hail digital even though i cant get it even though its available here finally
[08:41:52] Dagmar: Radio transmission technology doesn't change much
[08:42:04] xzcvczx: thats true
[08:42:32] Dagmar: The type of signals and the freq changes, but mainly for just booming out a loud signal not much has changed
[08:42:46] gbee: making all the newbie mistakes this morning trying to install my new PVR-150 :)
[08:43:04] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[08:43:07] Dagmar: gbee: So you've already built the wrong kernel and forgotten to install the firmware?
[08:43:19] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:43:26] Dagmar: ...or did you use dd to circumcise the firmware so the file size would be correct and lopped the tip off the wrong one?
[08:43:38] xzcvczx: gbee: done the good old (DO NOT DO THIS)rm -rf /(DO NOT DO THIS) as root yet?
[08:44:06] gbee: right kernel, but forgot the firmware, initially set it as a framegrabber instead of a hardware encoder etc
[08:54:10] Killerkiwi: is it possible to run a bash command before recording?
[08:54:27] gbee: just need to go out and buy a scart->Composite/S-Video cable
[08:55:05] gbee: any recommendations S-Video vs Composite?
[08:55:15] Dagmar: You want s-video
[08:57:20] Killerkiwi: is it possible to run a bash command before recording? the linux driver for my card is a bit buggy but I have a command to reset the tuner which then works fine
[08:58:17] Tanthrix: Killerkiwi: You can set a command for channel changing in mythtv-setup, that might do it
[08:58:31] Killerkiwi: sweet.... that would
[08:58:43] Tanthrix: Not quite sure though, so don't quote me on it
[08:58:48] Killerkiwi: Tanthrix, thanks ill try it :)
[08:59:16] Killerkiwi: Tanthrix, well it would have to set the channel before recording yes....
[09:01:21] Killerkiwi: Tanthrix, I spose it might not change channels at all though...
[09:01:36] Tanthrix: Yah, I know that aspect will work – what I don't know is if enabling that feature will stop the default channel changing
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[09:14:17] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[09:14:39] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has quit ()
[09:16:51] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:16:53] voltagex: When mythweb says a program type is 96319155 (Unknown) what does that mean? Is there a list somewhere?
[09:17:09] juski: sounds like borked data to me
[09:17:28] voltagex: that's where the genre would normally be
[09:18:59] voltagex: sub genre?
[09:19:08] tanthrix: Fux0red?
[09:19:22] voltagex: Category: Crime Drama, Type: Unknown (96319155)
[09:19:40] juski: so what's the problem?
[09:19:51] juski: a little bit of metadata is screwed up
[09:20:10] voltagex: I'm just interested to know what it is/is meant to be
[09:21:59] juski: ask whoever makes your grabber
[09:22:06] juski: or run mysqlcheck :-P
[09:22:19] voltagex: lol
[09:23:06] voltagex: aha
[09:23:09] voltagex: might me
[09:23:14] voltagex: might be* <rating><value>G</value></rating>
[09:24:02] voltagex: or <star-rating><value>0/10</value></star-rating>
[09:24:10] voltagex: lol, that program got 0/10
[09:24:21] voltagex: think MythTV is trying to divide by 0?
[09:25:44] juski: I think you have no fscking taste, recording 0/10 rated shows, Mr Kitsch
[09:27:01] voltagex: err, New Tricks
[09:27:09] juski: exactly
[09:27:36] juski is now known as juski_work
[09:27:38] tanthrix: Hrm. Playing back a 720P x264 file on my E6400 machine (Via an ubuntu livecd) is maxing out one of my cores
[09:27:47] tanthrix: That should not be.
[09:27:55] juski_work: tanthrix: no real video drivers on live cds
[09:28:52] juski_work: considering you need to install proper drivers when you've installed onto the HDD, I very much doubt you get good performing video drivers on a livecd
[09:29:03] tanthrix: Hrm, for some reason I though ubuntu included the proprietary driver by default
[09:29:34] tanthrix: Ahh, it's using nv.
[09:30:38] tanthrix: I don't suppose there is a way to get into the console via ubuntu without installing
[09:31:29] robthebob (robthebob! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:32:39] tanthrix: That was easy. Just had to go into "Restricted Drivers" – press enable, then restart X.
[09:33:30] frode_: Any one up for the task of helping me with a Haupauge wintv-hvr 1100?
[09:34:17] juski_work: frode_: dvb/hdtv & mpeg2 encoder onboard? mpeg2 encoding isn't gonna work for months in V4L kernel modules
[09:34:36] tanthrix: Now it's using 50 percent of one core – much better.
[09:34:52] frode_: juski_work: ?
[09:35:28] frode_: I'm happy just getting it to work with analog tuner settings
[09:35:38] juski_work: frode_: dont think that's gonna happen fella
[09:35:57] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[09:36:03] tanthrix: Nifty – my 1080P WMV-HD clip is running smoothly with no complaints from mplayer, despite being about 90 percent on on core
[09:36:05] frode_: really?
[09:36:18] frode_: Some other guy said it would work fine
[09:36:32] juski_work: frode_: it's a framegrabber
[09:37:26] frode_: well I just need helt getting it up and runing with the riight module
[09:37:44] juski_work: frode_: so ask in #linuxtv not here
[09:37:50] frode_: You think your able to help me with that?
[09:38:35] frode_: great thanx :)
[09:38:39] frode_ (frode_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[09:40:01] juski_work: janneg: I might just leave it as is. it's too damn confusing, all the license choices
[09:42:49] kemik: anyone here seen this msg: "X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. X connection to localhost:10.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)." ?
[09:43:29] Dagmar: Sure.
[09:43:46] Dagmar: Only the user that started the X session is allowed to attach to that X display
[09:45:08] Dagmar: frode: The thing he's not mentioning is that as far as we know, that card isn't supported by any kernel drivers at the moment
[09:45:48] juski_work: Dagmar: too late. let users find out themselves if they're gonna come a cropper for not researching before buying
[09:45:51] Dagmar: ...but we've been hearing reports that if people who ordered a PVR-150 and got shipped one of those calls Hauppauge about it, they'll actually swap it for an actual PVR-150
[09:47:32] kemik: Dagmar: not sure that's the reason :X
[09:48:04] Dagmar: kemik: So why don't you try mentioning some details... like what you were doing when you got the error
[09:48:19] tanthrix: Heh, playing back SD xvid registers at about 1 percent of one core
[09:49:21] jarle: kemik: just delete /home/kemik/.Xauthority
[09:49:53] kemik: done.. then trying to run "xclock" and now i get the msg mentioned above (connection rejected....)
[09:49:53] jarle: kemik: it is a problem with the X-server...
[09:50:05] Dagmar: kemik: So there's something in the remote ~/.bash_login, ~/.bash_profile, or ~/.profile that's doing something it probably shouldn't then
[09:50:13] ** juski_work wonders who recommended somebody buy a hybrid dvb-t/lamegrabber card in here anyway **
[09:50:17] Dagmar: COuld even be /etc/profile on the remote end
[09:50:30] Dagmar: In any case, it's kinda dumb for something there to be trying to attach to an X server
[09:50:54] tanthrix: Damn, as I expected, 1080P x264 makes mplayer complain about a too slow CPU
[09:51:02] kemik: i've just freshly installed the x-server ... and the bash files are more or less pretty much standard install :X
[09:51:02] voltagex: arghh, MythArchive crashes out if no disc is inserted when it tries to burn
[09:51:49] janneg: tanthrix: which cpu do you have?
[09:52:00] kemik: well, thx for the help.. :)
[09:52:00] tanthrix: E6400
[09:52:15] tanthrix: I'm running off an xbunutu livecd right now just to see what kind of performance I can get with it
[09:52:23] tanthrix: Since I'm going to be building myself a new box soon
[09:52:30] kemik: btw, does the remote x-server need a monitor attached?!
[09:52:32] tanthrix: Probably with a E4400
[09:52:49] janneg: tanthrix: it should be ok with a little bit of tweaking
[09:53:40] thufir007 (thufir007! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:53:49] tanthrix: Damn, it's complaining about this 720P x264 now
[09:54:01] tanthrix: I seriously hope we get some multithreaded decoders soon
[09:54:15] tanthrix: Anyone know if that's likely to happen in the not too distant future?
[09:54:22] janneg: tanthrix: try "-lavdopts fast:skiploopfilter=all"
[09:55:27] janneg: tanthrix: someone has to do it. and it's not nice, the h.264 decoder is very complex
[09:55:52] tanthrix: janneg: Thanks, I was trying to remember that what argument was. Seems to do the trick, though mplayer still complains
[09:55:57] janneg: I looked at it and decided then to buy a faster CPU
[09:56:11] tanthrix: What'd you go with?
[09:56:19] voltagex: janneg: the decoders are using only a single processor?!
[09:56:29] Dagmar: voltagex: Yes, that's the usual
[09:57:06] janneg: Athlon64 X2 2.5ghz
[09:57:17] tanthrix: Is that the X2 5000?
[09:57:31] voltagex: Dagmar: :'( about to buy a dual core machine
[09:57:46] janneg: no, I think 4800+
[09:57:59] Dagmar: voltagex: It's still useful to have multiple cores. It'll make the system more able to deal with peak use times when more than one thing is happening at once
[09:58:17] Dagmar: ...and let's face it. We're not running Windows so there's almost never a time when only *one* thing is happening at a time
[09:58:32] tanthrix: janneg: What kind of individual core load do you see when doing 720P x264?
[09:59:29] janneg: voltagex: X and the graphic card's driver need also some cpu approx. 10%, with a dual core cpu the decoder can use one core alone
[09:59:32] voltagex: Dagmar: but I can tell the decoder to stick to one core, and say... a DVD burn on the other
[09:59:48] Dagmar: Why would you bother telling the decoder anything
[10:00:02] tanthrix: voltagex: Linux automatically load balances
[10:00:02] janneg: tanthrix: I have no 720p samples, only 1080p
[10:00:19] Dagmar: Playback is single-threaded, even on Windows afaik
[10:00:32] tanthrix: janneg: How about those then? (and they're x264 right?)
[10:00:34] voltagex: tanthrix: whoa, that's why it's been so good even on a single core?
[10:00:36] janneg: Dagmar: no, CoreAVC is multithreaded
[10:01:10] tanthrix: Dagmar: PowerDVD appears to be as well, since I've seen it go up to 70–80 percent usage when playing back 1080P x264 from a HD-DVD (uber high bitrate)
[10:01:23] Dagmar: janneg: THat's third-party software not available for Linux
[10:01:30] janneg: tanthrix: 60–100, depending on scene and bitrate
[10:01:43] Dagmar: tanthrix: PowerDVD has yet to exhibit multi-core stuff here
[10:01:56] janneg: Dagmar: you spoke of windows
[10:02:04] tanthrix: Hrm, weird.
[10:02:12] tanthrix: Maybe it was some nvidia purevideo thing or something.
[10:02:20] Dagmar: Yes, and I don't credit to Windows things that are done by third-party companies
[10:02:58] tanthrix: janneg: Yah, that's about what I'm seeing as well.
[10:03:10] tanthrix: I wish top would report both CPUs
[10:03:15] janneg: Dagmar: I doubt MS has a H.264 decoder
[10:03:17] tanthrix: I'm using mpstat, but it's slow to update
[10:03:31] janneg: so you have to use 3rd party software
[10:03:46] tanthrix: Er, both cores.
[10:04:02] tanthrix: janneg: Have you played around with hacking mplayer to work with CoreAVC?
[10:04:56] janneg: no, I don't want to use it and I can't used since my system is pure 64bit
[10:05:05] tanthrix: Ahh, I see.
[10:05:11] MaverickTech: tanthrix: press '1' in top to have the cpu'd split
[10:05:29] tanthrix: MaverickTech: You're my hero!
[10:05:35] tanthrix: (For the second time today, to boot)
[10:06:41] voltagex: I really wish there was purevideo for linux
[10:06:57] tanthrix: Well, I figure if I get an E4400 I'll be good to go, since at some point some awesome person will make a multithreaded video decoder
[10:07:31] voltagex: xD I'm getting a 6600 soon
[10:07:46] tank-man: are intel that much better than amd?
[10:08:33] tanthrix: That's not a very good question – the better one is whether the best intel chips are currently better than the best amd chips
[10:08:50] tanthrix: Which seems to be a yes, but these things tend to go back and fourth.
[10:09:04] RaYmAn-Bx: it sort of requires a common definition of better as well
[10:09:12] RaYmAn-Bx: which certainly isn't clear in this area
[10:09:18] tanthrix: Also true.
[10:09:20] gardengnome: tanthrix: huh? that question is bad because those cpus are hardly affordable
[10:10:23] Dagmar: They're faster because they are disproportionately more expensive
[10:10:25] tanthrix: gardengnome: He didn't ask which were more affordable, he asked about which were better. Opportunity cost is a different matter entirely.
[10:10:36] Dagmar: ...which means they are not "best" unless money has no value for you.
[10:11:25] MaverickTech: I have always used intel, I have not found a compelling reason yet to make the switch
[10:11:39] Dagmar: Basically, at any moment either company can go and crank out a newer/faster CPU by sacrificing price efficiency
[10:11:41] MaverickTech: ...that is not to say they are better – just not felt the need to switch
[10:12:02] tanthrix: As I said last night, I used to strictly use AMD, but nowadays I'm thinking I'd rather go with intel since they make their own mobos, with nice 2 year warranties to boot
[10:12:07] MaverickTech: I have found Intel peripherals, by and large, to be trouble :|
[10:12:20] MaverickTech: Mb's, Gfx cards, and nic's
[10:12:28] Dagmar: When I have a motherboard blow in the first two years, then maybe I'll worry about it.
[10:12:38] Dagmar: ...or if I have to pay more than $75 for a decent motherboard...
[10:13:33] tanthrix: Well, it's more (possibly entirely false) idea that they will be slightly more stable than some offbrand board, as intel is the one making the chips.
[10:13:53] tanthrix: But, as I've said, getting a decent mobo is like divining for water.
[10:14:21] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:14:26] tanthrix: Complete black magic, luck of the draw for the most point. (With the obvious bits about not buying $30 boards from "PC Chips" and other mysterious companies
[10:14:39] juski: exit
[10:14:42] juski (juski! has quit (Client Quit)
[10:14:53] MaverickTech: the mb in the computer I am typing on is Intel brand – it's been trouble from the get go
[10:15:41] tanthrix: Right now I'm trying not to freak out about which mobo to get for my new myth system
[10:15:47] Dagmar: It's only luck of the draw if you make your purchasing decisions by throwing darts at your monitor.
[10:16:11] juski_work (juski_work! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[10:16:31] tanthrix: Dagmar: Hardly. Name brand doesn't mean anything these days.
[10:16:40] voltagex: Dagmar: what about reviews, recommendations from friends
[10:16:40] Dagmar: Spend a reasonable amount of time looking up reviews and technical assessments of chipsets and board designs, and it actually gets a lot easier
[10:16:41] Freman (Freman! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:16:46] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:16:50] Dagmar: voltagex: Why are you telling me this?
[10:16:50] voltagex: tanthrix: I disagree
[10:16:51] juski: fs
[10:16:58] MaverickTech: tanthrix: choose carefully – buying a very recent mb for running linux is a tough thing – driver support can be a headache
[10:17:11] tanthrix: Hence my concern.
[10:17:13] Dagmar: tanthrix: Yet you're talking about going with Intel because of their brand name.
[10:17:16] Freman: Can anyone help with this? – I'm trying to load my usb drivers for the tuner
[10:17:23] voltagex: Dagmar: a dart board isn't the only way to choose your motherboard!
[10:17:36] directhex: most big-name motherboard manufacturers make junk
[10:17:46] tanthrix: Dagmar: As I said, it's possibly entirely false. But it's better off than some of the alternatives
[10:17:48] Dagmar: voltagex: I suppose one could use a psychic chicken as well
[10:18:19] tanthrix: In the past I've went with top of the line Asus boards and such that got great reviews and the like, only to have them go out within 3 years due to bad caps
[10:18:22] Dagmar: Freman: "bulk message failed" generally means you have a USB 2.0 device stuck in a USB 1.0 or 1.1 port
[10:18:45] juski: tanthrix: but bad caps are dead easy to fix if nothing catastrophic happens
[10:18:52] Freman: except the whole board is USB2
[10:18:57] directhex: i've had more success with small-name boards than big-name
[10:18:57] voltagex: Dagmar: making sacrifices to the motherboard gods can help
[10:18:59] tanthrix: There are no review sites that do long term stability studies – I don't care about performance, I just want something that is going to be rock solid
[10:19:00] juski: like say, a Vcore regulator going boom :)
[10:19:00] MaverickTech: the pc (running windows) has the intel mb – I could not get linux to run on it – the SATA, onboard sound and nic all failed to come up under 2 linux distros
[10:19:12] jammyd (jammyd! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:19:20] Dagmar: voltagex: Dude. Just stop already. I've been buying my own hardware for over a decade now
[10:19:26] tanthrix: juski: Aye. I replaced all the 1000 and 1500 uF caps on two separate boards last year. Worked great afterwards.
[10:19:30] Freman: perhaps I don't have the correct drivers loaded to make it understand that the ports are all usb2?
[10:19:40] Dagmar: Hell, I've got nine freaking machines in my house
[10:19:55] voltagex: Dagmar: err, I wasn't having a go at you, if anything I was agreeing with you
[10:19:57] Dagmar: Freman: Quite likely
[10:20:03] Freman: 7 here
[10:20:13] Dagmar: voltagex: Ya don't need to "preach to the choir"
[10:20:23] voltagex: 5, about to become 7
[10:20:35] tanthrix: juski: Some of them were off by about 500–800 uF. FIxed the mysterious instability problems real quick! heh
[10:21:07] juski: tanthrix: BS. electrolytic caps have tolerances of like +10 -50 % anyway
[10:21:30] voltagex: Dagmar: I like preaching to the damn choir!
[10:21:31] Dagmar: Freman: I think some Googling wouold have been useful
[10:21:49] tanthrix: tanthrix: Uh, the tolerances on those were about 15 percent. And I still have the oozing caps if you'd like me to mail you one to measure...
[10:22:14] Freman: No power switching (usb 1.0)
[10:22:15] Freman: No power switching (usb 1.0)
[10:22:29] Freman: Dagmar: I've been working on it for 4 hours – including googling
[10:22:30] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:22:32] tanthrix: er, that was to you juski
[10:22:44] MaverickTech: I want out of the choir, these hymn books are crap
[10:22:50] Dagmar: Freman: Doesn't mean a damn thing if you weren't searching for the proper terms
[10:22:59] ** MaverickTech gets out his iPod and dials up some Exit Tahiti **
[10:23:03] Freman: I was searching for the error
[10:23:04] Dagmar: . . . nt=firefox-a
[10:23:10] Freman: which usually gets me where I want to be
[10:23:31] Dagmar: The error message is too generic to be useful
[10:23:32] juski: tanthrix: no, caps have specs that quote tolerances for rated values of daft ranges like +10 / -50% sometimes
[10:23:54] Dagmar: However, where the thing up and announces to you that it has seen hardware you probably don't have... THAT should have been a tip-off
[10:24:09] juski: so a 1000uF cap could well be 800uF even brand new
[10:24:19] Dagmar: If you buy shit components
[10:24:20] Freman: now I go to find out why this board shows up as all usb 1's
[10:24:33] tanthrix: Yah, seriously. I don't know where you get your stuff from juski...
[10:24:39] Dagmar: Freman: "usb 1–2" is normal
[10:25:15] juski: tanthrix: er.. working in the electronics industry for over 15 years
[10:25:24] Dagmar: "recv bulk message failed" is *usually* a USB 1.x problem, but since you can plainly see "ehci_hcd" there, which means definitely USB 2.0...
[10:25:33] Dagmar: means you can rule it out
[10:25:40] tanthrix: juski: I measured every single replacement cap I salvaged, and each and everyone was off by 50–100 at best. I even got a few that were dead on. Compare that to my oozing 1500 uF caps measuring as 650 uF
[10:25:49] juski: silly tolerances beyond plus/minus 20% are not unusual for electrolytic caps!
[10:25:51] Freman: then... that's not helping is it...
[10:26:07] Dagmar: You have to Google for the pieces until you know what they all are... not just hope you find the answer in one whole piece because someone else already fixed your exact problem
[10:26:38] tanthrix: juski: I am aware of this. Seriously, why are you trying to convince me that the caps I replaced had a different tolerance than what was printed on the side?
[10:26:50] Freman: When it was working (on the old hardware, and old install) Zarlink MT352 DVB-T is what it registered as the frontend
[10:27:12] juski: tanthrix: no I'm just saying it's not unreasonable to expect cap values to be out by that much
[10:27:20] juski: FFS
[10:27:21] Dagmar: Freman: So reduce the number of variables and try to reproduce your old software configuration
[10:27:33] Dagmar: Freman: Or if you have that thing plugged into an unpowered hub, throw it away
[10:27:57] Dagmar: Unpowered USB hubs are really only good for running USB flashlights and other toys
[10:27:59] Freman: it plugs directly into the pin header on the mobo, and I've gone from 32bit install to a 64 bit one
[10:28:12] juski: why are weekends the most unclued?
[10:28:20] voltagex: juski: alcohol?
[10:28:23] gardengnome: juski: last night was the worst
[10:28:30] tanthrix: juski: It's unreasonable if that's not what the tolerance printed on the side allows for. Which is what my instance was. Was a fun repair job though.
[10:28:41] juski: gardengnome: glad I was out having a good time then :)
[10:28:54] juski: well, till my wife decided she wanted to stay out til 3am
[10:29:03] tanthrix: Went from rebooting every 5–60 minutes to rock solid, and all it took was an hour of nerve wrecking soldering.
[10:29:22] tanthrix: (As it was my main system at the time, running an epox board that got great reviews in the past..)
[10:29:24] voltagex: bah, 3am is early!
[10:29:37] juski: oh yeh I'll be taxi.. like fsck off
[10:30:06] juski: voltagex: when you've been up since 6am & after working a 12 hour working day..
[10:30:21] voltagex: juski: then, not so much
[10:31:08] juski: well, she's all the more hot when drunk, so it wasn't much to complain about my the end :)
[10:31:16] voltagex: haha
[10:31:20] MaverickTech: :o
[10:32:07] tanthrix (tanthrix! has quit ("Leaving")
[10:32:20] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:33:23] gardengnome: o_O
[10:33:39] juski: I said when _she's_ drunk, not when I'm drunk :)
[10:33:54] voltagex: oh
[10:33:59] Dagmar: s/hot/easy/;
[10:34:02] voltagex: reverse beer goggles?
[10:34:13] Tanthrix: Are there any sites that actively do motherboard reviews with regards to linux compatability / performance?
[10:34:40] Dagmar: Anandtech, TomsHardware are two good ones, but they seldom specifically address Linux
[10:34:41] voltagex: tanthrix: well there's always Hardware Compatibility lists
[10:35:23] Tanthrix: I take it the best method is googling the individual components then
[10:35:27] juski: Dagmar: I'd never use the word easy in the same sentence as 'my wife'. I value my bits thanks
[10:35:34] Dagmar: heh
[10:36:30] Dagmar: seems like the argument I had in another channel from earlier this week is turning in my favor
[10:36:58] Dagmar: ...after apparently about a half dozen people have commented to the moron "Wait... *Dagmar* said you were being paranoid?!?"
[10:37:48] Dagmar: If someone seems paranoid to _me_ then it's a damn safe bet, they're ready for the "paranoid delusional" tag
[10:40:47] juski: anyway. I took a look at neon-wide last night & became aware I don't like it any more
[10:41:23] Dagmar: It needs more bling.
[10:42:14] Dagmar: Perhaps if you put some 27" rims on it
[10:42:19] directhex: and some spinners
[10:42:27] Dagmar: yeah... spinners
[10:42:32] directhex: myth themes support animation, so spinners are key
[10:42:44] juski: myth themes do not support animation
[10:43:02] voltagex: chromies at least
[10:43:15] voltagex: and a ridiculously oversized spoiler
[10:43:24] juski: they support flipbook slideshows :) I'm working on it. expect something around 2025
[10:44:12] Dagmar: Make everything day-glo and call it Neon-Wide X-treme!
[10:44:18] voltagex: e gads juski, I'll be 36
[10:44:22] gardengnome: neon-wide R type
[10:44:26] Dagmar: Oh yeah
[10:44:30] juski: then what Dagmar .. retire in shame?
[10:44:33] Dagmar: voltagex: We can fix that
[10:44:41] ** voltagex hides **
[10:45:14] Dagmar: Hehe. A quick learner.
[10:45:28] voltagex: actually I think that might look quite cool if I can find a photo that works
[10:45:40] voltagex: you know those car trunks they do on Pimp My Ride?
[10:45:48] voltagex: just make a mythTV theme that looks like that
[10:45:59] voltagex: with the monitors displaying LiveTV/recordings
[10:46:22] voltagex: if you can point me to a theme making tutorial I'll have a crack at it
[10:46:42] Dagmar: muahahaha
[10:46:49] directhex: juski, i have a little animated mepo who disagrees in a cute way
[10:46:55] Dagmar:
[10:47:18] Dagmar: Whatcha need is a rearview shot of Mepo
[10:47:29] juski: directhex: you have a little animated character ripped from a windows based PVR app
[10:47:44] directhex: juski, yes. yes i do.
[10:47:46] Dagmar: One where you can see the back of a barcolounger silhouetted in front of a screen, with his head just poking over the top.
[10:48:06] Dagmar: On his left, a silhouette of a bottle of lotion, and on his right a silhouette of a box of tissues
[10:48:16] ** voltagex throws into too hard basket **
[10:48:37] juski: roflmao
[10:50:02] MaverickTech: quick question : any way to delete all episodes of a show in 1 action, instead of episode by episode ?
[10:50:15] juski: add a recording group to a playlist
[10:50:27] juski: then select playlist options & select delete
[10:50:35] juski: not quite one action
[10:50:51] juski: enough to stop retards doing it by mistake regularly :)
[10:50:58] MaverickTech: close enough
[10:51:03] MaverickTech: oh bugger
[10:51:04] Dagmar: Somewhat easier to flush recordins using MythWEb
[10:51:17] MaverickTech: is it ok for us retards too ;) ?
[10:51:54] juski: actually come to think of it, retards delete recordings from the filesystem then wonder why myth can't delete em
[10:52:09] Dagmar: yep
[10:55:23] gbee: yeah, it's fixed in svn
[10:55:59] Tanthrix: Good feature I'd say.
[10:56:02] MaverickTech: juski: o...k... I made a playlist, where are the playlist options ?
[10:56:56] directhex: argh, i really need to move my networking off my onboard marvell controller. but i'm kinda out of other slots
[10:57:19] tank-man (tank-man! has quit ("Leaving")
[10:58:05] Tanthrix: You know you've gone off the deep end when you set McHale's Navy to record, just because it's in HD..
[10:59:22] Tanthrix: (I'm still not over the "OooooooAhhhhh high definition...." phase of getting my new TV)
[10:59:44] Dagmar: oneforall: It does have help for those
[11:00:16] directhex: HD isn't sufficiently better to warrant the costs associated with it
[11:00:49] Tanthrix: Man I love irc. Full of contrary assholes, ever last one of us.
[11:00:55] Tanthrix: every, that is
[11:01:59] juski: MaverickTech: press M with the playlist selected
[11:02:00] directhex: the father-in-law-ish-almost has a 60" HD plasma and sky hd. and blu-ray and hd-dvd. it's nice, sure, but in an incremental kind of way
[11:02:22] juski: directhex: that's cos $ly HD is crap compared to _real_ HD
[11:02:44] Tanthrix: Being plasma, it's probably 1366x768, despite being so freaking huge which makes quite the difference with such large ets
[11:02:46] MaverickTech: I must be dim tonight – where do I select the playlist, after adding programs to it ?
[11:03:21] directhex: it's a 1080 screen
[11:03:39] Tanthrix: Ahh, that's good.
[11:04:06] Dagmar: One more back from there is Block layer
[11:04:30] directhex: cost a bloody fortune, of course
[11:04:34] Tanthrix: directhex: You sure he doesn't have it hooked up via composite or something? ;)
[11:04:51] directhex: Tanthrix, the overpriced hdmi switch suggests not
[11:05:07] Tanthrix: That probably set him back a lot.
[11:05:57] Tanthrix: Anyway, there is part of me that does agree. The difference between a good dvd and 720P/1080P is not staggering. Compared to broadcast cable though it's amazing
[11:06:09] Tanthrix: But even then, the more HD stuff I watch the more dvds look VHS-esque to me
[11:06:49] Tanthrix: Though, you should see about watching Planet Earth in HD – that was incredible.
[11:07:07] directhex: DVB-T is pretty good, on the whole.
[11:07:29] directhex: let me put it this way – i'd buy new movies in HD (once there's a disc format that justworks(tm) in linux), but not re-buy anything
[11:07:43] Dagmar: OHNOES
[11:07:50] Dagmar: You'll destroy their business model!
[11:07:59] directhex: audio tape to cd, or vhs to dvd, that was worth a re-buy
[11:08:20] Tanthrix: Off to bed we go, later folks.
[11:08:54] Dagmar: See, this stuff demands a rebuy because they can't force you to buy it all again in 5 years without coming out with whole new hardware unless they can remotely disable the decryption key your current unit is using
[11:08:59] Freman: ok, now I'm stuffed – I simply dropped the old HDD with the original install into the new hardware (99% compatible, it didn't have the sata drivers so couldn't load the raid) and I'm getting the same issue – so that makes one think it's a mobo problem yes?
[11:09:21] Dagmar: Probably
[11:09:44] Freman: stupid nforce boards
[11:09:54] GlemSom: I'm messing a bit around using differente grabbers, and I've seen some of my channels are showing twice in mythtv-setup. So I was wondering what is the correct way to clean up the database without loosing my other settings?
[11:10:20] directhex: nforce covers a lot of different chipsets
[11:10:31] directhex: Freman, what's the issue?
[11:10:47] Freman:
[11:11:28] Freman: I've now ruled out kernel (my fault or someone elses), 64bitness (well, the OS isn't 64 bit any more the cpu is still a 64bit semperon (originally worked on a 1600xp)
[11:11:56] Freman: as soon as it compiles the network driver I'll log back into it and get the actuall chipset off it
[11:12:24] Freman: googling for 'abit kn8 "bulk message failed"' wasn't effective, so I'll use the chipset
[11:12:45] directhex: nforce4
[11:12:55] Freman: yep
[11:13:41] Freman: it's a ck08 or something
[11:14:22] directhex: 804
[11:14:41] directhex: y'know, this might be a kn8
[11:15:34] directhex: i don't remember. it's definitely an abit nforce4 board. it was the only thing i could get at short notice after my last board blew up
[11:18:26] Freman: heh.... I just noticed something
[11:18:35] Freman: I've got 5 things sharing IRQ 5
[11:19:14] directhex: that shouldn't matter these days
[11:19:23] Freman: including EHCI
[11:19:30] Freman: I know it shouldn't...
[11:20:09] Freman: but... The display adapter, ehci (which is going to be carrying mpeg2 from the dvb), and the pci dvb card (can't remmember what else there was) all on the same irq?
[11:20:10] jammyd (jammyd! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:20:18] Freman: how good is bus mastering?
[11:20:43] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:21:33] directhex: ought to be fine
[11:21:43] Freman: nVidia Corporation CK804
[11:21:50] directhex: <directhex> 804
[11:22:20] Freman: tah (c:
[11:22:32] directhex: i officially rule, i think :p
[11:22:43] jeffery (jeffery! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:22:49] Freman: not really a lot of help overall tho – I just realized that my desktop is an nf4 and it doesn't have this issue
[11:24:42] Dagmar: USB and video cards should not be sharing IRQs
[11:25:01] Freman: usb(1) isn't, but ehci is
[11:26:25] Freman: haha, every time I search for "devpath 2 ep1out 3strikes" IE crashes
[11:27:43] Dagmar: HAHA you use IE
[11:29:36] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:30:39] Freman: I use vista...
[11:30:43] ** Freman shudders **
[11:31:35] Freman: hey
[11:31:37] Freman: whoot
[11:31:40] Freman: I think I fixored it
[11:31:43] Freman: doh
[11:32:02] Freman: wait... only one error in a minute, much improved from 3/sec
[11:32:37] Freman: hehe, I fiddled in the bios, disabled the serial and parallel ports (who uses those anyway)
[11:32:53] Freman: it moved the irq for EHCI to 10 (tis the only thing on that IRQ)
[11:35:20] jvs (jvs! has quit ("Leaving")
[11:37:50] directhex: gah
[11:37:58] directhex: gah gah gah gah gah stupid sky2.ko
[11:42:28] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:44:45] ** directhex tries installing the module from **
[11:47:04] Freman: so... now I ask my self – do I try and recover the partially installed OS (64bit) that I thought was retarded and abused... or do I just stick with the working one (32bit) and save the whole exercise for next time – one means I can drink whiskey sooner...
[11:48:02] directhex: whisky is horrible. go with the 64-bit one!
[11:48:32] Freman: nah... for now it can stay as is – I only have to make sound work
[11:48:37] Freman: maybe next weekend or the weekend after
[11:56:27] kemik: omg! it works :) X is runningggggggg :D
[11:56:36] kemik: *spontaneous joyburst*
[11:59:44] woland_ (woland_!n=woland@unaffiliated/woland/x-00001) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:59:53] woland_: hi
[12:02:05] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:07:48] jeffery (jeffery! has quit ("Leaving")
[12:08:33] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:12:25] Freman: bugger
[12:12:27] Freman: it's back
[12:12:57] ** Freman is prepared to accept it's a chipset/module compatibility issue **
[12:14:24] woland_: are there any gotchas to getting tv guide info in the uk from the channelrather than uk_rt?
[12:14:43] directhex: 1 week of data instead of 2 weeks
[12:15:07] woland_: thats fine, i just dont seem to receive any data
[12:16:52] directhex: you're using DVB-T?
[12:17:00] woland_: yup
[12:17:57] gbee: woland_: it has to be enabled globally on the video source page and per channel
[12:18:27] woland_: is there a way to automate it, or should i start tweaking each channel now?
[12:19:37] gbee: UPDATE channel SET useonairguide='1';
[12:19:46] woland_: cool thanks
[12:23:44] woland_: that was painless enough, thanks again
[12:25:39] woland_: strange, still no listings
[12:28:21] directhex: takes a few minutes for EIT data to start arriving
[12:28:58] woland_: do i need cross source EIT?
[12:29:26] directhex: if you have multiple tuners, it can be useful
[12:30:43] woland_: cool thanks, just going through the setup again looking for any EIT stuff i may have missed
[12:36:17] Ribs: whoa
[12:36:23] Ribs: you don't have to set it up *per channel*
[12:36:45] Ribs: you just need to create a video source of the type EIT and link it with the Tuner
[12:38:45] woland_: i've linked both tuners with an EIT video source but still waiting on channel info
[12:39:14] Ribs: have you watched any livetv for any length of time?
[12:39:35] Aquahallic: can themes be set on mythweb?
[12:40:05] woland_: Ribs about 2 mins
[12:40:38] Freman: Ribs not really – I've been known to walk away and leave it running
[12:41:00] Ribs: woland_: watch about 20 minutes
[12:41:13] Ribs: I didn't have to do it per channel, I'm certain of that
[12:41:48] woland_: okidoke, thanks – hopefully watching shipwrecked will be the hardest part of getting this sorted :)
[12:42:01] gbee: ok, so I've got the PVR 150 using svideo – must be missing something because I'm getting a b/w picture and shitty sound?
[12:42:40] jammyd (jammyd! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:43:01] Dagmar: Could be
[12:43:18] Dagmar: You're talking about the svideo input, right/
[12:43:56] gardengnome: maybe you should try another input using ivtvctl (is it still called that these days?)
[12:44:03] gardengnome: i had a similar issue afaik
[12:44:15] gbee: yep
[12:44:42] gbee: got a sick sinking feeling that I should have got a RGB to Svideo convertor
[12:44:52] Dagmar: What did you convert from?
[12:45:07] gbee: output from the Sky box is RGB scart
[12:45:35] gbee: gardengnome: worth a try, there are two svideo inputs which I didn't understand as there is physically only one on the card
[12:45:38] Freman: i'm about ready to see how far motherboards go when used like frisbies
[12:46:34] gardengnome: gbee: you should be able to change the sky box to s-video.
[12:46:54] gardengnome: Freman: i've got an nforce2 board i could dedicate to that purpose
[12:47:35] Freman: I've got one of those also – but it actually works... tis the nforce4 that's driven me to alcohol
[12:47:44] gardengnome: gbee: AFAIK, some of the s-video wires are used for RGB mode. s-video probably doesn't work then. i've heard that some boxes transfer composite video too when they are in RGB mode
[12:47:47] gbee: gardengnome: not from the customer menus, maybe from an engineer menu but the only options currently available are 'RGB' and 'PAL'
[12:50:30] Aquahallic: Anyone know if you can use different themes in mythweb??
[12:51:59] gardengnome: gbee: what does PAL do?
[12:52:11] gbee: nothing different
[12:53:14] gardengnome: gbee: try the composite input then
[12:53:49] gbee: well I've bought the wrong cable for that :(
[12:54:21] gbee:
[12:54:47] gardengnome: that's expensive :(
[12:55:18] gbee: aye, they are very expensive – couldn't find it any cheaper so I'm going to be a little annoyed if I bought the wrong cable
[12:55:26] jammyd (jammyd! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[12:55:36] gbee: but I'll blame dagmar ;)
[12:56:11] Dagmar: <-- # of all evil
[12:56:35] purserj: hash of all evil?
[12:56:47] Dagmar: Whoops. Over-tired
[12:56:50] Dagmar: <-- / of all evil
[12:56:53] onixian (onixian! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:09:02] gbee: feck
[13:09:24] Gobfrey (Gobfrey! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:14:17] cal: where do i change the theme of the ui for current channel, channel guide, etc.. i can only find the theme for the menu's
[13:16:59] directhex: tv playback
[13:17:02] kemik: Dagmar: well # is the rootsign when logged on as root in bash :D
[13:20:12] kemik: "prompt" even
[13:21:45] Freman: whoot... got it "working" – it's you know.. actually displaying picture and not filling up my logs... but it must have serious bandwidth issues cos it's glitching the video bad
[13:21:55] cal: playing a dvd seems kind of kludgy... it lauches a black window that you see flash for a second... but then my dvd doesnt play. any ideas?
[13:22:09] directhex: cal, do you have libdvdcss2?
[13:22:23] cal: dire: dunno. its a default install of knoppmyth.
[13:23:28] cal: how do i check what it's using?
[13:23:50] cal: ps ax | grep livdvd doesnt show anything
[13:24:17] directhex: it's largely illegal, so probably isn't included
[13:24:35] directhex: try running /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/ as root
[13:24:42] ** Freman bashes head on desk **
[13:24:52] Freman: bugger it, going back to the 1800xp
[13:25:01] cal: direct: i wonder what its using now?
[13:25:18] gbee: before I waste more money – this should be the cable I need?
[13:26:20] directhex: cal, dvd playback goes from the dvd player app through libdvdread3. libdvdread3 tries to get to the dvd data. if it's a copy-protected disc, it fails. unless you have libdvdcss2, which will decode data on request
[13:26:22] cal: direct: only files in that directery are README.Debian, TODO, changelog.Debian.gz, changelog.gz and copyright.
[13:27:06] directhex: you need libdvdcss2 to play copy-protected dvds. you could check with "dpkg -l libdvdcss2 | grep ^ii"
[13:27:17] gbee: any ideas for the audio problem? juski, your using a PVR-150 right?
[13:28:13] cal: direct: could i just have the 'Play dvd' menu option read from an external dvd player?
[13:28:44] directhex: cal, no, you couldn't
[13:28:53] gbee: cal: yes but it's not going to work any better without libdvdcss2 installed
[13:28:57] cal: it sounded simple =)
[13:29:17] gbee: oh, by external dvd player you mean a hardware player? no
[13:29:27] cal: i am talking about running my dvd player into the composite in of my video card
[13:29:55] cal: because it *is* allowed to play commercial dvd's
[13:30:16] voltagex: change internal player to vlc
[13:30:33] directhex: which will still use an external libdvdcss2
[13:30:54] voltagex: hmm, I mustve installed it ages ago then
[13:32:04] cal: ||/ Name Version Description
[13:32:04] cal: +++-==============-==============-============================================
[13:32:04] cal: un libdvdcss2 <none> (no description available)
[13:32:19] directhex: you could try grabbing something from . . . d/libdvdcss/
[13:32:35] cal: thats from dpkg.. whats that mean
[13:32:56] directhex: u means not installed. n means not configured
[13:33:01] cal: k
[13:33:51] directhex: . . . ch1_i386.deb or . . . h1_amd64.deb will probably work. no promises
[13:34:16] cal: dont suppose anyone uses a hd44780 for a front panel lcd.. having a heck of a time getting lcdproc to work.
[13:34:30] gbee: cal: yeah I do
[13:34:45] cal: directhex: sweeet. i wil download that thanks
[13:36:20] cal: gbee: on mine, as soon as i turn on the case, the whole first row is on (every pixel), but the whole second row isnt. is that right?
[13:37:00] gbee: I've a four row one, but yeah that sounds right – on mine it's the first and third row
[13:37:11] cal: okay
[13:37:22] cal: well thats the way mine stays the whole time :(
[13:37:32] gbee: it's just the device showing that it's working
[13:37:35] cal: do you write to /dev/ttyS0?
[13:37:40] gbee: LPT
[13:37:46] cal: oh.. doh.
[13:38:05] cal: its parallel. i am dunce lol.
[13:38:38] cal: the LCDd.conf defaults the HD44780 to /dev/ttyS0!!!
[13:38:48] ** Freman is going to swap this motherboard back **
[13:39:39] gbee: agghh, the PVR-150 is interferring with the DVB cards
[13:40:06] cal: gbee: all my settings are for a serial HD44780 where can i get a parallel setup for config
[13:42:10] voltagex: that reminds me. I'd like to buy a pre-built small display like those HD44780 but I don't have LPT ports spare – possible to get a USB or serial one for <=$75USD?
[13:42:28] Dagmar: You can buy a PCI LPT card for WAY less
[13:42:33] Dagmar: I'm talk $12-$15
[13:42:46] voltagex: bah nty
[13:42:55] Dagmar: What you're not going to find is an LCD display like that for cheapo
[13:43:13] Dagmar: My suggestion, buy a PSOne LCD display
[13:43:17] voltagex: Dagmar: hang on, I'm talking about 2 line LCDs
[13:43:23] voltagex: 2 line monochrome LCDs
[13:43:31] directhex: they're expensive
[13:43:46] Dagmar: yes, and I think 2-line LCD is bullshit when for about the same price and a little scrap hardware you can have a 5" color display that will do NTSC
[13:44:05] voltagex: Dagmar: I can't solder for shit!
[13:44:12] directhex: a 2-line MO display is ~£50
[13:44:13] gbee: Caliban:
[13:44:37] voltagex: hmm yeah, a psone display would be nice
[13:44:44] voltagex: but hard to mod I'm thinking
[13:44:47] Dagmar: voltagex: It doesn't actually take much in the way of soldering. Mainly it's soldering a few wires together
[13:44:56] Dagmar: Yeah it's not exactly easy
[13:45:09] voltagex: Dagmar: yeah, I failed to make one of those 2 line lcds
[13:45:12] cal: gbee: sweet, thanks
[13:45:21] Dagmar: Oh dear
[13:45:27] voltagex: connect to a parallel, I mixed up the wiring
[13:45:32] Dagmar: eep
[13:45:48] voltagex: I suck at electronics
[13:45:59] cal: gbee: why do you have it set to winamp??
[13:46:27] gbee: because mine uses the winamp variant wiring
[13:46:56] cal: hmm no idea what mine uses
[13:47:21] cal: if i pick the wrong connection type should i still see at least something happen?
[13:47:23] gbee: just try each of them in turn, there is a list on the LCDproc website
[13:47:39] gbee: cal you'll probably see something
[13:48:00] cal: so just to test... run LCDd .. then echo "blah" > /dev/LPT ?
[13:48:05] gbee: the default is "4bit", then "8bit" then winamp then a few more
[13:48:54] gbee: cal if LCDd is running with the right config, you should see it say something like "Welcome to LCDproc"
[13:49:03] cal: nope
[13:49:03] gbee: along with a heartbeat
[13:49:22] cal: i still see the first bar all lit up and the 2nd one not
[13:49:25] Aquahallic: Mornin'
[13:49:37] Aquahallic: anyone installed mythmusic with gentoo?
[13:50:04] a5benwillis_: Aquahallic: Get mythweb working last night?
[13:50:10] Aquahallic: yup yup
[13:50:11] Aquahallic: ;)
[13:50:15] Aquahallic: this morning actually
[13:50:16] Aquahallic: LOL
[13:50:29] a5benwillis_: what was the problem?
[13:50:32] Aquahallic: heh
[13:51:02] gbee: Caliban: have you got the driver set to hd44780 under the [server] section?
[13:51:18] gbee: meh, stupid autocomplete
[13:51:22] cal: gbee: yup
[13:51:48] gpd: don't suppose anyone knows about nvidia quadra4 xgl? I just got one for $5
[13:51:52] ** Freman laughs **
[13:51:55] gbee: starting LCDd manually, do you get any errors?
[13:51:57] Freman: usb is annoying me
[13:52:11] gbee: actually, better idea, pastebin your config
[13:52:20] gbee: juski: ping
[13:52:20] Freman: all I did was remove the internal header connection, plug an external header on it, then run the cable from the back of the tuner to the external usb... and it's fine now
[13:52:24] cal: gbee: but i dont see hd44780 running under 'lsmod' :(
[13:52:25] Freman: for the moment
[13:52:46] Freman: now I just need to get myself a really really short usb cable
[13:52:48] cal: okay i will
[13:52:54] Freman: 10 cm should do
[13:52:55] Aquahallic: I forget what the actual file was.. but there's a "version" or something in a php file that mythweb had a 30 and it wanted 31
[13:53:11] gbee: Caliban: you won't, it's not a kernel module
[13:55:10] Aquahallic: had to do with the versions of php apache I'm using didn't play nice with the .php file that's in the mythweb
[13:55:55] Aquahallic: I screwed with it lastnight until about 1 am
[13:55:58] cal: gbee:
[13:56:20] Aquahallic: then finally went to bed.... when I woke up this morning I vowed I'd not budge until I figured it out...:P
[13:56:38] directhex: mythtv protocol version
[13:56:49] Aquahallic: yeah I think that's it
[13:57:06] Aquahallic: the php file way saying 30 and it wanted 31
[13:57:19] Aquahallic: so I went and changed it manually and it runs great...;)
[13:57:41] Aquahallic: 2 DAYS I been screwin' with that @#$% thing
[13:57:42] Aquahallic: lol
[13:58:02] Aquahallic: directhex you running gentoo?
[13:58:24] directhex: good god no
[13:58:28] Aquahallic: lol
[13:58:53] cal: gbree: i switched to winamp and reran LCDd .. and my first line turned off! so thats something. but still no welcome text.
[13:58:54] Aquahallic: heh... I like it... it's tough though
[13:59:20] gbee: Caliban: change the device line to /dev/lcd
[14:00:38] cal: gbee: i ran mythtv and i got garbage characters on it
[14:01:16] cal: i have no /dev/lcd
[14:01:26] gbee: Caliban: that's good, LCDproc is working – you just need to figure out the correct 'ConnectionType'
[14:01:29] cal: why would i do that if /dev/LPT is getting to it?
[14:01:29] gbee: try 8bit
[14:01:38] cal: okay
[14:01:44] gbee: cal: in which case, don't change it :)
[14:01:48] cal: haha
[14:02:18] gbee: I didn't read what you said about it working before I replied (missed it)
[14:02:34] cal: gbee: i went through heck just to find out this was an no specs for this box
[14:03:11] cal: found out on some russian site that google translated for me when i search for the model number
[14:03:25] gbee: Caliban: just try each connectionType in turn – list is buried on the lcdproc website somewhere, but I really can't help any further just now as I need to go out again
[14:03:43] cal: kk thanks you got me a crap load further
[14:06:06] gpd: ok – so I got my DVI->HDMI cable – but I get a black screen – should I experiement with resolution / refresh until it works? Or google until I find the answer?
[14:06:51] directhex: gpd, depends who you believe
[14:07:25] gpd: the tv says it supports 1366x768 – presumably that is the starting point...
[14:07:34] directhex: gpd, depends who you believe
[14:08:06] gpd: directhex: what do you think – I'll see if I believe you ;)
[14:08:20] directhex: if you believe me, then use 1280x720 as the starting point. and if it's a samsung tv, give up now
[14:08:34] gpd: no, panasonic
[14:08:41] voltagex: shit, what's wrong with Samsung's?
[14:09:19] ** gpd wanders off to experiment **
[14:20:32] Fnc: anyone know alot about dvi connectors?
[14:21:40] Fnc:
[14:22:06] Fnc: can i rip out the 4 pins from the dvi-i and make it like the dvi-d and it still work?
[14:27:38] Tommck (Tommck! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:28:02] Tommck: I have started using mythmusic a lot more lately... all I have to say is: holy crap, Goom takes a lot of CPU :)
[14:29:26] briand: Tommck: which goom? there's one included with libvisual and one 'built-in' to MythTV
[14:29:48] Tommck: hell if I know... I just typed "Goom" into the music visualizations
[14:30:10] Tommck: how would I know which one that is?
[14:30:12] briand: which version of MythTV are you running, and do you have the libvisual libs loaded?
[14:30:30] Tommck: oh.. packaged ubuntu dapper 0.20-fixes release
[14:30:44] Tommck: getting lazy lately... not building it myself
[14:31:07] briand: ah.. dunno if libvisual support is in -fixes or not... it's in SVN
[14:31:23] Tommck: where's libvisual come from? non-myth source?
[14:31:26] briand: adds a few new visualizations, etc..
[14:31:42] briand: yes, it's an external lib for visualization support
[14:31:46] Tommck: ok
[14:32:13] briand: anyway, there's a 'goom' visualization in there, too... and it takes more CPU than the 'built-in' goom does...
[14:32:29] Tommck: between the mythtfronend and X, it's pegging my CPU at 100% (P4 3.2GHZ )
[14:33:04] briand: here, the 'built-in' goom takes ~ 20% CPU ... the libvisual stuff (all of 'em) seem to be no less than ~35% CPU (and up to 75%, in some cases)
[14:33:35] Tommck: right now, mythfrontend is taking ~75% and Xorg is talking the other 25%
[14:33:55] briand: hmm. do you have an accelerated video card installed?
[14:34:04] Tommck: when I play back 1080i HD, it only takes < 30%
[14:34:07] Tommck: yeah... FX5200
[14:34:12] directhex: Fnc, the plus-shaped bit is still used for GND on dvi-d
[14:34:46] briand: hmm. something's amiss, then... I also have an FX5200, and my CPU doesn't get near 100% unless I'm comm-flagging or transcoding
[14:35:01] Tommck: hmm.. a setting to tell it to use the video card?
[14:35:41] briand: I've run 2 HD streams with three analog tuners all streaming to disk while simultaneously watching a recording... and the CPU was at about 40%
[14:36:02] Tommck: this is a dedicated front-end too
[14:36:10] briand: hmm.
[14:36:34] briand: mine's a combined fe/be. 3.2GHz w/1.0G ram
[14:37:46] Tommck: hmm... is there a "use OpenGL for visualization" setting somewhere that I'm missing?
[14:38:09] briand: i don't think so.. at least, not that I've ever noticed...
[14:38:34] briand: are you sure you're using the binary nvidia drivers (not the one in the kernel) ?
[14:38:47] Tommck: meaning "nvidia" and not "nv" ?
[14:38:55] kali67 (kali67! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:38:56] briand: ie: xorg.conf indicates 'nvidia' not 'nv'
[14:38:59] briand: yes, exactly
[14:39:12] Tommck: says "nvidia"
[14:39:19] Freman: well...
[14:39:23] briand: which version of the driver?
[14:39:28] Freman: Don't have to worry about dodgy usb any more
[14:39:32] Freman: just killed the tuner
[14:39:33] Tommck: briand – how do I tell?
[14:41:48] briand: it may indicate which you're loading in /etc/modprobe.conf (or whatever it's called on your OS)
[14:42:10] briand: mine has: alias nvidia nvidia-1_0–8776
[14:42:28] briand: so, I'm running the 1.0.8776 version of the nvidia driver
[14:42:59] gantrixx (gantrixx! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[14:43:33] Tommck: briand – I have a /etc/modprobe.d/ directory... nothing in there has a version on nvidia
[14:44:04] Tommck: oh... checked dmesg... same version as you
[14:44:27] briand: what kind of CPU are you running?
[14:44:32] Tommck: is there something in xorg.conf that's supposed to tell it that it can use OpenGL?
[14:44:42] Tommck: briand – P4 3.2GHz (single core)
[14:44:49] briand: I shouldn't think there'd be that much difference between the two...
[14:45:08] briand: heck, if anything, my CPU usage should be higher... I'm running a Celeron chip, not a P4
[14:45:10] kali67 (kali67! has quit ()
[14:46:23] Tommck: briand – can you pastebin or email your xorg.conf easily?
[14:46:31] briand: sure, just a sec
[14:48:11] Tommck: briand – what resolution is your TV running at?
[14:48:59] Tommck: I'm running at 1920x1080i
[14:49:21] briand: 800x600
[14:49:28] Tommck: ahhh... that's quite a diff :)
[14:49:40] briand: keeps giving me an Internal Server Error
[14:49:47] briand: can't load the page
[14:49:48] Tommck: nice
[14:49:59] Tommck: email it to my nick
[14:51:40] briand: sent
[14:51:44] Tommck: thanks
[14:51:59] Tommck: I'm thinking it might just be the res I'm running
[14:52:38] gpd: directhex: TV works well at 720x480 but messed up at 1280x720 :( – split into 4 panes and flickering
[14:53:25] Tommck: briand – is your TV 800x600 or is this a monitor?
[14:53:51] briand: it's a 35" flat CRT television
[14:54:10] Tommck: that's an odd resolution to me.
[14:54:12] briand: (currently) feeding it via composite
[14:54:35] Tommck: oh wait..
[14:54:51] Tommck: 800x600 through composite? I thought that could only do 480i
[14:55:32] ** briand shrugs **
[14:56:07] Tommck: interesting
[14:56:14] briand: my old myth box used the pvr-350's tv-out @ 720x480 ... i've been running at 800x600 since building this box with the nvidia card
[14:56:37] Tommck: cool.
[14:58:25] Tommck: hmm... I'm wondering if anyone else runs goom at 1080i..
[14:58:48] gpd: sumab
[14:58:57] Tommck: uhh.. what?
[15:00:15] gpd: er – my screen session seems to be having issues: sorry
[15:00:22] Tommck: hehe.. no problem
[15:00:22] gpd: . . . o-your-hdtv/ <- this is informative
[15:02:06] briand: Tommck: good luck experimenting.. i've gotta run.. buddy just called, and we're going to go put some holes in paper silhouettes... ttyl
[15:02:31] Tommck: thanks brian :)
[15:02:34] Tommck: happy shooting
[15:04:18] ** Tommck thinks that goom is just an amazing user of CPU :) **
[15:08:56] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:17:07] gpd: ok – found the frequencies for my TV – just need to find how to setup xorg.conf I guess
[15:18:00] KraMer__ (KraMer__! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:18:55] gpd: or am I wasting my time and should just stick with 720x480 for UK DVB?
[15:19:23] Tommck: gpd – what were you thinking of doing?
[15:19:43] gpd: trying to get it to do 1280x720
[15:19:50] Tommck: that's your TV's native?
[15:19:59] Fnc: someone wanna help me figure out why my recordings are failing when they try to transcode?
[15:20:10] gpd: not sure – says number of pixels 1366x768
[15:20:24] Tommck: then you sthould try to do that exact resolution
[15:20:43] Tommck: otherwise, your TV is upscaling anyway..
[15:21:04] gpd: I have no clue about those numbers...
[15:21:36] Tommck: I'm a little shaky on it myself
[15:21:51] gpd: <- pretty
[15:22:06] gpd: but no mention of 1366x768
[15:22:38] Tommck: right... I'm definitely not an expert
[15:22:54] Tommck: I run my TV at 1920x1080i
[15:24:30] Tommck: that just means it will downscale that resolution
[15:29:22] gbee: for anyone that cares, switching to using the composite input with a Scart->Composite cable worked fine
[15:31:21] gbee: cal: did you get it working?
[15:36:21] gardengnome: gbee: yay
[15:36:58] Dagmar: After some trimming, the programguide starts to come together . . . rvw-test.png
[15:37:15] gbee: still not pleased that I wasted money before checking that the Sky/Ntl boxes support S-Video
[15:37:21] Dagmar: Note--the theme actually respects overscan
[15:37:49] Dagmar: If things get crampy I will definitely have to reclaim that last 10% and spread out into the safe action area
[15:37:59] gbee: Dagmar: very impressed
[15:38:31] Tommck (Tommck! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:38:39] Dagmar: I got the themalyzer mostly working, so getting the co-ords out of the Inkscape file shouldn't be such a massive pain
[15:39:48] Dagmar: I'm going to *try* being able to remove the "LIVE TRANSMISSION" text and see if I can't do something about embedding that string into the time area
[15:40:08] Dagmar: ...cuz I have *no* faith the text will get rendered/kerned by Myth/X the same way Inkscape does
[15:45:06] Zider: Dagmar: looks trekkie.. :)
[16:00:15] ** gpd succeeds in getting 1280x720 using a different video card **
[16:01:41] gpd: now i am curious why a 6800 can output fine -but the quadro4 doesn't...
[16:13:28] jammyd (jammyd! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:21:00] Dave123: so is there any way to batch-delete channels?
[16:23:54] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:24:37] sebrock (sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:25:55] sebrock (sebrock! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:26:36] ballentine (ballentine! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:26:38] a5benwillis_: Aquahallic: Here noe
[16:26:43] a5benwillis_: now
[16:27:18] ballentine: hi everyone, is there an easy way to know that your aeriel is aligned correctly?
[16:29:03] WattoDaToydarian (WattoDaToydarian! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:29:27] sebrock (sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:29:29] WattoDaToydarian: Hey everyone, I got a mythconverge question
[16:29:32] a5benwillis_ (a5benwillis_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:30:04] Gomez (Gomez! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:30:10] sebrock: anyone knows why I just get a black picture in tvmode with mythtv?
[16:30:12] WattoDaToydarian: What mythconverge files would one need to copy to only save the recordings?
[16:30:16] sebrock: cat /dev/video1 works
[16:31:25] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:32:41] a5benwillis (a5benwillis! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:35:08] ballentine (ballentine! has left #mythtv-users ("Kopete 0.12.4 :")
[16:37:41] gbee: sebrock: what card?
[16:37:55] sebrock: gbee, its hvr-1300
[16:38:58] gbee: check that you've set the default input correctly, that the starting channel is correct etc
[16:40:22] sebrock: well Myth just hangs
[16:40:37] kali67 (kali67! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:41:04] kali67 (kali67! has quit (Client Quit)
[16:41:25] WattoDaToydarian: I am setting up a new backend server and I was wondering what mythconverg files are needed to only transfer the recordings from the old backend to the new.
[16:43:39] Dagmar: WattoDaToydarian: . . . nt=firefox-a
[16:43:54] eelriver (eelriver!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:43:56] Dagmar: Google is your friend
[16:45:57] WattoDaToydarian: Dagmar, who woulda thought... ;)
[16:46:01] WattoDaToydarian: thanks
[16:46:38] sebrock: frontend stops responding....
[16:47:22] WattoDaToydarian (WattoDaToydarian! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[16:47:56] gbee: sebrock: that wasn't an answer to the question I asked :)
[16:48:13] sebrock: sorry missed it...
[16:48:22] sebrock: whats the question
[16:48:27] sebrock: HVR-1300
[16:48:38] sebrock: setup as a MPEG-2 card
[16:48:51] onixian (onixian! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:49:40] sebrock: funny thing is that it works to scan for channels in backend
[16:49:58] sebrock: just viewing kills the frontend
[16:49:59] sebrock: hm
[16:51:06] gbee: sebrock: it's probably attempting to use th wrong input of the card, or the starting channel doesn't exist etc
[16:51:19] sebrock: starting channel exists
[16:51:39] sebrock: it's set to /dev/viideo1
[16:51:51] sebrock: using mpeg-2 card
[16:52:47] gbee: the channel – meaning the channel number e.g. 13 which belongs to a corresponding channel in the channel list set for that video source
[16:53:02] sebrock: yes
[16:53:10] sebrock: where are the logs located?
[16:53:23] gbee: depends on the distro
[16:53:29] sebrock: ubuntu
[16:53:43] hugolp: I cant find the option to make the screensaver not apear when I am watching a movie. Can someone remind me where it is?
[16:53:47] sebrock: found it
[16:53:52] hugolp: sebrock: in ubuntu /var/log
[16:58:47] sebrock: please have a look at the log,
[16:59:08] sebrock: something wrong, says it cant open video device?
[16:59:21] sebrock: Device or rescource busy?
[17:00:06] gbee: hads: found an old post where you were having audio problems with a PVR-150 and ivtv 0.7.0?
[17:02:18] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:02:28] sebrock: is there any software like anyDVD for windows to make all region dvds work?
[17:04:51] hugolp: allregions dvd dont work?
[17:05:02] hugolp: I though you didnt need a program
[17:05:04] juski: re
[17:05:18] hugolp: I cant find the option to make the screensaver not apear when I am watching a movie. Can someone remind me where it is?
[17:07:16] sebrock: well when I put a DVD in my drive it will not start
[17:08:05] sebrock: "Eject media" does not work either :/
[17:09:16] tzanger: eject media is awesome on my system
[17:09:36] tzanger: the DVD sits behind an aluminum door
[17:09:37] sebrock: haha
[17:09:56] tzanger: when I eject media with the aluminum door closed, it smacks theback of it with an amusing noise
[17:09:59] sebrock: nothing happens when I choose that option is what I meant
[17:10:00] tzanger: I do it just for that
[17:10:01] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:10:06] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[17:10:19] tzanger: there's no real driving force, just a spring release
[17:10:30] fer_ (fer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:10:30] sebrock: hey xris
[17:11:29] xris: :)
[17:16:23] sebrock: would you mind looking at this:, I cant figure out why it cant play. Frontend just stops responding
[17:18:56] sebrock: does the frontend create logs?
[17:19:04] sebrock: My dvds dont start
[17:20:30] a5benwillis: Anyone have a nice setup of their remote that theyde like to share?
[17:20:42] sebrock (sebrock! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:20:44] Dagmar: No it's MINE!
[17:20:50] a5benwillis: I have my harmony working but a few buttons dont work exactly how I think they should.
[17:27:26] ille (ille!n=ille@pdpc/supporter/student/ille) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:37:43] a5benwillis: dead here today
[17:42:15] gardengnome: yup
[17:43:05] mIRCat (mIRCat! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:43:09] onixian (onixian! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:44:18] Aquahallic (Aquahallic! has quit ()
[18:01:31] Gobfrey (Gobfrey! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:02:28] juski: a5benwillis: you mean the channel is relatively free of noobtards? ;)
[18:03:29] ** Gobfrey is having a strange chown problem, and wonders if anyone could help a noobie who has already justf***inggoogledit **
[18:03:48] juski: Gobfrey: try #linux-101
[18:04:09] juski (juski! has quit ("I got a clue, can you?")
[18:04:54] Gobfrey: juski: I'm not a newbie to linux. Don't make too many assumptions
[18:05:15] ** Gobfrey said "strange chown problem" **
[18:05:28] ** Gobfrey didn't say "tell me how to use and understand the chown command" **
[18:06:26] Gobfrey: the issue is with mythTV, not linux AFAICT
[18:08:49] GreyFoxx: *sigh*
[18:08:51] jon454: hi everyone. i just rebuilt my mythtvbox to the fixes version. im using a pvr350 for tvout (installed ivtv_xdriver and video4linux). unfortunately when i hit watch tv i get "unable to initialize video". outside of mythtv my card works fine with cat video0>video16. it seems to be a permissions issue. any ideas?
[18:08:59] hugolp: Gobfrey: I see you met juski
[18:09:01] hugolp: XD
[18:09:01] GreyFoxx: how about rather than coming in with atude you just as/describe your priblem ?
[18:09:10] GreyFoxx: and how about I learn to spellllll
[18:09:12] hugolp: juski usually knows how to solve the problems
[18:09:53] Gobfrey: adam@WhizBang:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend startchown: `mythtv': invalid user
[18:10:08] GreyFoxx: uyhhhhh that is not a myth problem
[18:10:10] Gobfrey: whoops, the line break didn't get pasted
[18:10:25] GreyFoxx: that is your package/init script problem
[18:10:42] Gobfrey: I don't have a user named mythtv, but my user (adam) is in the mythtv group
[18:10:43] GreyFoxx: It's trying to run the bacend as the user mythtv which doesn't exist on your system
[18:10:58] Gobfrey: how do I tell it to run as the user 'adam'?
[18:11:01] Gobfrey: or can't I
[18:11:07] GreyFoxx: edit the init script
[18:11:14] GreyFoxx: change the sudo line
[18:11:16] Gobfrey: do you have a path?
[18:11:30] GreyFoxx: a path for what ?
[18:11:56] Gobfrey: ah, wait, I'll get back to you.
[18:13:07] Gobfrey: wonderful, it looks like it may be past that point.
[18:13:14] Gobfrey: thanks GreyFoxx
[18:13:27] jammyd (jammyd! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[18:13:28] GreyFoxx: np
[18:14:32] Dave123 (Dave123! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:14:41] Dave123 (Dave123! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:18:39] fer_: GreyFoxx, hello
[18:20:18] fer_: GreyFoxx, it's been a really long time since we've spoken about the msntv2... :)
[18:22:14] fer_: GreyFoxx, have you managed to get X to output simultaneously to vga out and composite out at different refresh rates? (for example, vga=75hz, composite=60hz)
[18:22:32] jammyd (jammyd! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:26:51] fer_: GreyFoxx, still there?
[18:28:32] The_Tick (The_Tick!i=headline@growl/the-tick) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:31:39] GreyFoxx: fer_: I've never attempted that
[18:32:25] fer_: GreyFoxx, hi
[18:32:44] fer_: GreyFoxx, do you have any Idea on how to do it?
[18:33:30] GreyFoxx: Nope
[18:33:49] GreyFoxx: But I an tell you that without some coding you wont be abnle to do it
[18:33:51] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:34:02] jon454: hi everyone. i just rebuilt my mythtvbox to the fixes version. im using a pvr350 for tvout (installed ivtv_xdriver and video4linux). unfortunately when i hit watch tv i get "unable to initialize video". outside of mythtv my card works fine with cat video0>video16. it seems to be a permissions issue. any ideas?
[18:34:03] fer_: ok
[18:34:16] fer_: does it involve unsing IEGD?
[18:34:22] GreyFoxx: fer_: Just to get TV outworking I had to manipulate the VGA registers directly
[18:34:35] GreyFoxx: so to try and get 2 refresh rates you will have to talk directly to the hardware
[18:34:54] GreyFoxx: fer_: Now if IEGD came with drivers for the TVout on the msntv2 it would be possible
[18:34:57] GreyFoxx: but it doesn't
[18:35:00] fer_: I'm using Xorg and IEGD.. it was quite simple...
[18:35:01] Led-Hed: what is the channel name for Mythtv-Dev
[18:35:15] GreyFoxx: Led-Hed: #mythtv
[18:35:20] GreyFoxx: Where you were
[18:38:54] fer_: GreyFoxx, ah... I forgot to tell you... I changed the bios on my msntv2.. :)
[18:39:08] fer_: it now has a regular PC bios..
[18:39:19] GreyFoxx: Cool
[18:39:24] fer_: so, all llimitations were removed
[18:39:25] directhex: :o you killed it!
[18:39:31] GreyFoxx: using the s100 bios ?
[18:39:50] GreyFoxx: TVout still working
[18:39:51] GreyFoxx: ?
[18:39:55] fer_: no.. I used a variation for a european box
[18:40:14] fer_: with it I can enter the bios with F1 and change settings..
[18:40:32] fer_: CF limit is removed of course. It even boots from usb
[18:40:59] GreyFoxx: That's only useful to me if A: I had a VGA port or TVout still works with the new bios
[18:40:59] fer_: to get tv out, I startX with IEGD modules. (and a IEGD patched kernel)
[18:41:07] GreyFoxx: Cool
[18:41:12] fer_: both work.
[18:41:15] GreyFoxx: Nice
[18:41:28] GreyFoxx: Got a link to the bios/instructions anywhere?
[18:41:31] fer_: that's why I want them to work at different refresh rates..
[18:41:41] GreyFoxx: If TVout still works out of the box I'll check it out
[18:41:44] Gobfrey: GreyFoxx: It's all working now. Thanks.
[18:41:45] fer_: go to the german zenega forum
[18:42:04] fer_: now tv out ONLY works after I start X (with iegd)
[18:42:14] GreyFoxx: That works for me
[18:42:26] GreyFoxx: and I'll hack the kernel FB driver to make sure TVout works at kernel boot
[18:43:22] fer_: GreyFoxx, please send me a private chat
[18:43:28] Gobfrey (Gobfrey! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[18:44:02] GreyFoxx: Just did
[18:44:25] Aquahallic (Aquahallic! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:44:45] RaYmAn-Bx: fer_: you have to be registered/logged in with nickserv to receive/send messages on freenode
[18:49:28] jon454: hi everyone. i just rebuilt my mythtvbox to the fixes version. im using a pvr350 for tvout (installed ivtv_xdriver and video4linux). unfortunately when i hit watch tv i get "unable to initialize video". outside of mythtv my card works fine with cat video0>video16. it seems to be a permissions issue. any ideas?
[18:54:04] jammyd (jammyd! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:55:16] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[18:58:15] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:59:11] fer_ (fer_! has quit ("What's this red button for? ... <click>... oops... :)")
[19:05:40] GreyFoxx: XLV: None I've ever heard of for sale, I imagine items like that are custom builds
[19:07:43] Dibblah: XLV: I'd suggest the Plextor ConvertX,...
[19:07:54] Dibblah: Or anything based on the GO7007, really.
[19:08:12] Dibblah: But no, it doesn't do exactly what you're asking.
[19:08:37] jammyd (jammyd! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:12:26] XLV: i am thinking of using on tv analog pci card i have, and buying one hybrid tv+dvb-t and skystar 2.. are the issues of skystar2+ nforce4 sli resolved?
[19:22:07] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:22:18] ** juski notches up another failed recording **
[19:23:16] juski: log says it recorded ok. preview generation failed, though. artse
[19:24:25] GhostFreeman|2 is now known as GhostFreeman
[19:25:05] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has quit ("lfs")
[19:26:48] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:29:09] Dagmar: darn you british people and your insistance in sticking extra letters into words
[19:29:16] Dagmar: s/in/on/;
[19:30:05] juski: oh you mean like spelling words correctly?
[19:30:29] Dagmar: "arse" has no t
[19:30:33] juski: yeah I agree that's pesky. makes words like 'color' look blatently wrong
[19:30:50] Dagmar: I read too much weird stuff as a kid. I spell it colour anyway
[19:31:06] directhex: i spell it color. Thanks, Microsoft QBASIC!
[19:31:15] juski: Dagmar: I can't be bothered to correct the typos I have only my new keyboard & half a bottle of wine to thank for
[19:31:15] Dagmar: heh
[19:31:20] gardengnome: i do both
[19:31:59] juski: I can't help this feeling right now that I'm really gonna regret agreeing to something that in hindsight I should have just let pass over
[19:32:03] Dagmar: They added a whole bunch of new syllables to al-u-mi-ni-um
[19:32:18] Dagmar: It used to be just wol-fram-ite
[19:32:19] juski: Dagmar: again, it helps with correctness :)
[19:32:22] Dagmar: ;)
[19:34:17] linuxbomb (linuxbomb! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:36:01] gbee: got problems with my pvr-150, one seems to be a driver issue which should be easily resolved, the other I'm not sure about but it's destroying the signal for the DVB cards
[19:36:16] jon454: hi everyone. i just rebuilt my mythtvbox to the fixes version. im using a pvr350 for tvout (installed ivtv_xdriver and video4linux). unfortunately when i hit watch tv i get "unable to initialize video". outside of mythtv my card works fine with cat video0>video16. it seems to be a permissions issue. any ideas?
[19:37:29] juski: jon454: make sure the user you run mythfrontend & mythbackend as has permission to use the devices
[19:38:07] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:38:08] juski: gbee: I think my recent recording problems are pvr150 related
[19:38:50] a5benwillis: Is it normal to have a little bit of what I would describe as lag or a studder when first starting to watch live tv. If now what settings can be tweaked to help with it?
[19:39:02] juski: wth is a studder?
[19:39:21] a5benwillis: a little jumpy for a second
[19:39:23] hugolp: a5benwillis: I get that as well
[19:39:23] juski: a5benwillis: maybe a more oomphy CPU would help
[19:39:26] hugolp: even more
[19:39:34] a5benwillis: I have a core2 duo
[19:39:36] juski: you know what I get?
[19:40:00] juski: I get increasingly pissed off by seeing more & more people complain about mythtv day after day after day after day
[19:40:10] juski: I mean.. what the hell is the point of all this?
[19:40:16] a5benwillis: whos complaining?
[19:40:26] woland_: my EIT channel guide is still blank after two hours ;/
[19:40:32] juski: ^^^
[19:40:37] jon454: thx juski. is it just a matter of doinga ps -e |grep mythbackend to see what user is running it?
[19:40:48] gbee: I am. It's not good enough! I mean what are we paying for here?!
[19:40:53] juski: jon454: usually yes
[19:41:03] a5benwillis: no me, Im just trying to get things tweaked. Cant expect a piece of software like this to work in every configuration...
[19:41:12] juski: gbee: tv tuners suck. rapidly coming to that conclusion myself
[19:41:58] juski: maybe I'm more pissed off by the fact I have to go into work again tomorrow
[19:42:03] a5benwillis: hugolp: Thanks for the answer
[19:42:13] juski: a5benwillis: I get it
[19:42:20] woland_: is there anything additional i need to do to access EIT in the uk?
[19:42:29] juski: also when I go to play a recording it takes like 10 seconds to start playing!
[19:42:45] juski: woland_: you mean, apart from configure mythtv properly?
[19:43:07] woland_: juski, i thought i had
[19:43:18] juski: woland_: first you need to configure the video source to use EIT data
[19:43:26] woland_: check
[19:43:39] juski: woland_: then you need to set all the channels attached to the video source to 'useonairguide' =1
[19:43:54] juski: then restart the backend to make sure the new settings take hold – (for the video source mostly I think)
[19:45:06] juski: woland_: oh and if you didn't get the channels into mythtv by scanning in mythtv-setup – i.e. you imported a channels.conf file – EIT will NEVER work unless you're using the very latest -fixes branch or dev version out of SVN
[19:45:47] woland_: juski, there lies the problem. i'll build the most recent version. thanks :)
[19:46:06] juski: woland_: you will scan properly using mythtv-setup
[19:46:12] woland_: scanning never works where I am, i'm having to use a channels.conf
[19:46:22] juski: if scanning problems don't get reported, they CAN'T GET FIXED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[19:47:09] woland_: i'm not sure how i would get valuable information – it just shows no channels, no errors
[19:47:17] juski: if your signal is that crappy you're gonna have more problems down the line.. like keeping mythbackend running for one
[19:47:32] directhex: that's fixed in head, IME
[19:47:32] EnterUserName (EnterUserName!n=dave@pdpc/supporter/student/GeekZoid) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:48:05] woland_: the signal seems pretty good, only get interference when there's traffic outside
[19:48:06] a5benwillis: juski: Whats this mean?
[19:48:08] a5benwillis: "sleep 10 && mythfrontend > /tmp/mythfrontend.log 2>&1 &"
[19:48:10] a5benwillis: oops
[19:48:18] a5benwillis: this: " RingBuf(/store/mythtv/recordings/1122_20070512154706.mpg): Taking too long to be allowed to read.."
[19:48:31] juski: a5benwillis: means stuff is broken
[19:48:34] juski: I dunno
[19:48:49] woland_: juski, is there a way to increas scanning verbosity?
[19:48:49] juski: maybe it means it's taking too long to be allowed to read
[19:48:51] a5benwillis: just tailing the frontend log and saw that
[19:48:59] HaSH (HaSH!i=hash@unaffiliated/blazed) has left #mythtv-users ("Smell Ya Later")
[19:49:02] woland_: i'd like to create bug report
[19:49:14] ** juski gets squished under the weight on his shoulders **
[19:49:23] directhex: juski, something amiss?
[19:50:08] juski: directhex: back to living in disillusion land
[19:50:39] directhex: must be because of the rain
[19:50:40] gordboy (gordboy! has quit ()
[19:50:52] juski: or is this just some stage of quitting nicotine nobody's told me about?
[19:51:30] directhex: depression? i don't think it's heavily documented, but not completely unexpected
[19:51:56] juski: I'm gonna hold off calling off the lugradio mythtv booth thing just yet. but by god it's what I feel like doing right now. I suck
[19:52:38] Tanthrix:
[19:52:56] Tanthrix: My life will never been the same again!
[19:53:57] Dagmar: Nor will your fingers
[19:54:01] Dagmar: Be careful with those
[19:54:28] Tanthrix: Seems like everytime I peel a potato I lose at least one or two fingers, so this will be great!
[19:54:40] juski: how much is my ignore list cutting out here?
[19:56:38] woland_: you should get smash
[19:56:42] Dagmar: OMG that is just *wrong*
[19:56:44] juski: blech
[19:56:55] juski: smash is nothing like potatoes
[19:56:57] Dagmar: You could literally skin someone alive with those
[19:57:06] gbee: woland_: hang your head in shame
[19:57:36] juski: get mashed, get smashed – maybe
[19:57:36] woland_: lol it's the one thing i've had to pick the wife up about – when she fed me on smash
[19:57:48] juski: wife? fed? hahaha
[19:57:54] woland_: i can usually grin and bear it
[19:57:56] Tanthrix: I support mashing
[19:58:00] juski: me man. you WO man. you cook, I eat
[19:58:16] Dagmar: Obviously Juski likes being slapped
[19:58:17] woland_: lol
[19:58:59] ** juski has always been the better cook in the house and wishes that was untrue **
[19:59:29] juski: christ
[19:59:33] juski: I must like being slapped
[19:59:44] juski: if she ever finds the logs I mean.. oof!
[20:00:08] juski: oh now I realise why I'm in this pissy mood
[20:00:34] juski: "we're flying the flag, cos we're on our way.. "... GRRRRRRRRR
[20:03:41] juski: oh NICE
[20:03:53] juski: somebody has blown up the woofer on my right channel speaker
[20:03:58] juski: THANKS!
[20:05:28] juski: never rains. always pisses down, absolutely
[20:06:39] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:08:52] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:09:09] gbee:
[20:10:28] gardengnome: i was gonna finish the ubuntu package for mythweb from svn trunk but i got distracted by real life :(
[20:11:14] juski: gbee: is it just blatting out the signal when you use it?
[20:11:32] juski: gbee: or is it just taking the signal down to zero if you plug the aerial in?
[20:12:31] hugolp: gardengnome what improvements are you getting ready for the ubuntu package?
[20:12:41] juski: could just be you've split your feed too many times, gbee
[20:12:48] gardengnome: hugolp: nothing really, i just want to package svn trunk
[20:12:54] gbee: dvb signal is fine on both DVB cards until I use the PVR for the first time (only composite connected) – after I've used it the signal on the DVB cards produces a picture but it's practically unwatchable
[20:12:56] hugolp: ok
[20:13:04] juski: gbee: eew
[20:13:23] juski: gbee: pci latency foobar etc :(
[20:13:35] gardengnome: tin foil hats?
[20:14:53] juski: oo hang on.. the tape output from my amp was on a flying lead I'd taken to my mixing desk when I did the v/o for the video. and it was touching something groundy. in summary, the woofer ain't broked
[20:14:56] gbee: juski: doesn't seem to be the case, at least not obviously – looks more like the PVR is emitting a lot of noise when powered up
[20:15:32] juski: gbee: you got it all screwed down properly, not just a temp lashup I'm always tempted to leave ? ;)
[20:15:49] gbee: yeah, screwed down tight
[20:16:10] juski: and another thing.. this wine I used to like when I smoked absolutely STINKS
[20:16:19] juski: pleh!
[20:16:35] gardengnome: get better wine.
[20:16:38] ** juski goes in search of other distractions more fitting for a saturday night **
[20:18:46] gardengnome: jd?
[20:20:07] KraMer_ (KraMer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:28:04] tzanger: what does the "skip" key normally map to in the frontend?
[20:28:11] tzanger: I'm trying to assign it to a button in lircrc
[20:28:40] gardengnome: see keys.txt
[20:28:48] tzanger: keys.txt? danke
[20:35:04] KraMer__ (KraMer__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:39:38] Not_Public (Not_Public! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:40:16] Dibblah: juski: Chilean wine. Highly recommended ;)
[20:41:51] tzanger: ahh okay so skip is just forward/back
[20:45:39] Not_Public: am I correct in understanding that the MythTV video player plugin is on the frontend client only, that the backend server can't host and serve those files?
[20:46:27] Not_Public: is there away to stream remote videos that's more efficient than setting up a NFS share that's mounted as a local video directory on the front end?
[20:46:31] Anduin: Not_Public: correct (though something like NFS can be used)
[20:47:36] Bazil_ (Bazil_!i=user@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:48:19] Not_Public: am I correct in assuming that NFS is not the best means of streaming media? does it add much overhead to it? how's the caching compared to other streaming options?
[20:50:46] Led-Hed (Led-Hed! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:51:20] Bazil_ (Bazil_!i=user@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:51:57] Led-Hed: anyone know if you can use Ubuntu Edgy Repos for Breezy? Breezy Repos install MythTV 0.18.3
[20:52:11] Anduin: Not_Public: It may not be the best for some situations, on a local network it shouldn't make a difference
[20:54:10] Not_Public: Gracias Anduin
[20:54:37] hatredx (hatredx! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:55:13] juski: Dibblah: funny but the wine I've just chucked out was a chilean shiraz
[20:56:45] Dibblah: Spooky.
[20:58:16] bieb (bieb! has quit (Connection timed out)
[20:59:36] gardengnome: Led-Hed: probably. you could just rebuild those debs or use a real breezy repository
[21:00:51] Led-Hed: gardengnome, I cant find a MythTV 0.20 backport for Breezy
[21:01:23] Led-Hed: and I cant use Edgy because Xorg has a DPMS bug that will burn my Plasma
[21:02:27] juski: you mean you'd have to er.. switch your plasma off manually?
[21:02:41] juski: shudder!
[21:03:07] Anduin: Led-Hed: Where are the bug details?
[21:13:41] Led-Hed: Anduin, Couldn't tell you. But the bug does exist. Basically: xset +dpms doesn't re-enable DPMS support in Xorg
[21:14:10] Led-Hed: though xset q does report that it is enabled
[21:15:12] Led-Hed: juski, I dont have a problem shutting it off, but I cant trust the kids to remember
[21:15:22] juski: Led-Hed: ah fair 'nuff
[21:15:46] Led-Hed: cant blame them either as DPMS worked great in FC4
[21:16:03] Led-Hed: or Xorg 6.8.2
[21:19:15] juski: hmm Kylie Minogue to appear in Dr Who ...
[21:21:23] hugolp: shes too old for that
[21:21:51] hugolp: juski: is it normal that everytime I change channel I get an image of the first program I watched?
[21:25:20] KraMer_ (KraMer_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:38:53] [R] ([R]!n=ron@unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:50:57] woland_: should i really apt-get remove mythtv from ubuntu before installing the svn version?
[21:51:18] cyrexion (cyrexion! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:51:35] [R]: its a bad idea to have 2 cvopies installed
[21:51:45] cyrexion: hey guys, does anyone know how to get mythTV working using Dish Network's VIP 211 box ?
[21:52:47] cyrexion: I have a pcHDTV-5500 card connected to the tv-out of the vip211 and don't know what settings allow me to successfully scan the channels available
[21:54:12] [R]: you can't hook it up like that
[21:54:40] [R]: you cant scan the channels
[21:54:54] cyrexion: right... so I need not worry about that step?
[21:55:17] [R]: sure
[21:56:52] gardengnome: woland_: yes.
[22:00:23] woland_: ta
[22:01:07] ille (ille!n=ille@pdpc/supporter/student/ille) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:02:39] HeMan (HeMan! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:04:58] HeMan: Hi! I've just lanched, a Swedish mythtv-site. Should I announce this on the maillist as well?
[22:05:20] woland_: can anyone recommend a cheap well supported remote I can get before the nova-t 500 one is supported?
[22:07:43] [R]: i found building my own serial receiver was the best thing
[22:07:43] Anduin: woland_: cheapest would probably be a serial receiver and any remote you have sitting around, the MCE remotes are liked by many (but more expensive)
[22:08:35] woland_: so i could get a serial reciever and use the nova-t remote with it?
[22:10:42] juski: yes
[22:11:14] woland_: cool thanks, i'll check ebay
[22:16:47] WattoDaToydarian (WattoDaToydarian! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:17:04] juski: jees. eurovision song contest.. 3 hours 15 mins == 8.3GB !
[22:18:04] voltagex: juski: SD?
[22:18:14] voltagex: good morning by the way.
[22:18:15] WattoDaToydarian: I have a sql question, I just setup a new backend and am getting an sql access error. It is "Host 'my hostname' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server". How can I allow everyone access to sql?
[22:18:56] juski: voltagex: yes SD
[22:19:17] voltagex: juski: whoa, that's a little high isn't it?
[22:19:26] juski: 15mbits/sec
[22:19:37] voltagex: :( better than Aussie DVB
[22:19:49] juski: highest I've ever known BBC1 to be broadcast at
[22:20:17] Anduin: WattoDaToydarian: There is something in the howtows, yes, you need to configure mysql to allow the mythtv user from that host (or all hosts)
[22:20:32] juski: the bitrate of a whole DVB-T multiplex is about 36Mbits, so $deity knows how bad the other channels looked :)
[22:21:15] Anduin: juski: You could save the space by just deleting it
[22:21:23] WattoDaToydarian: Anduin, which how-tos are you talking about?
[22:22:13] Anduin: WattoDaToydarian: I think the main myth docs have it, Jarod's guide probably, or the wiki, or just look for mysql info on managing users
[22:22:45] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[22:22:48] Led-Hed: I just compiled mythtv-0.20 (D/L from and it wont connect to the backend. Error: Server uses Protocol 31, Client understands Protocol 30. What version of mythtv runs Protocol 31?
[22:22:53] juski: Anduin: I was recording it for somebody to watch later.. i can delete it when it's been watched
[22:23:01] directhex: 0.20-ixes i think
[22:23:04] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:23:23] Anduin: WattoDaToydarian: You want the one with mythtv@"%"
[22:23:48] juski: well, 15mbits/sec or not, it still looks like Lego
[22:24:29] WattoDaToydarian: Anduin, Alright! that did it! Thanks a lot!
[22:24:32] directhex: juski, the recording, or the performers?
[22:24:35] Anduin: Led-Hed: you should usually grab from 20-fixes
[22:24:45] juski: directhex: hahaha
[22:24:50] directhex: Led-Hed, pretty sure 0.20-fixes is 31
[22:24:59] Led-Hed: Anduin, where do I find 20-Fixes?
[22:25:09] Anduin: Led-Hed: svn branch
[22:25:33] ** directhex suspects Led-Hed's backend runs ubuntu feisty or dapper **
[22:25:54] ** Led-Hed backend runs FC4 **
[22:26:11] juski: wget . . . test.tar.bz2
[22:26:14] juski: bum
[22:26:53] directhex: then the FC4 packager is using 0.20-fixes. which is correct, but potentially troublesome for interop
[22:26:55] HeMan (HeMan! has quit ("leaving")
[22:27:29] juski: better to run mythtv at exactly the same version # throughout
[22:27:45] directhex: well, yes
[22:27:49] Led-Hed:
[22:28:16] XLV (XLV! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:28:47] Led-Hed: ok, where can I find the 0.20-fixes source? Or do I have to check it out from SVN
[22:29:15] Anduin: Led-Hed: check it out
[22:29:22] Led-Hed: ugh
[22:29:37] directhex: t'would be easier to use packages
[22:29:47] Led-Hed: directhex, not in my case
[22:30:02] ** juski starts nuvexport. **
[22:30:30] Led-Hed: I have to use Xorg 6.8.2 so I choose Ubuntu Breezy (5.10). Only there are not MythTV 0.20 BackPorts
[22:30:55] WattoDaToydarian (WattoDaToydarian! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[22:31:08] directhex: you *have* to use an obsolete version of xorg?
[22:31:33] Led-Hed: directhex, yes because Xorg 7.X has a DPMS bug
[22:31:53] directhex: what kind of DPMS bug?
[22:32:19] Led-Hed: directhex, DPMS wont re-activate after a xset -dpms
[22:32:40] directhex: is DPMS even a good thing on a mythtv machine?
[22:33:00] Led-Hed: Requirement if you have a Plasma TV and dont want butnin
[22:33:28] Led-Hed: MythTV supports DPMS, but since Xorg 7.X its been borked
[22:34:18] Led-Hed: I guess DPMS isnt popular among MythTV users
[22:36:31] juski: I use it
[22:36:45] juski: my wife's always leaving mythtv on
[22:36:55] Led-Hed: how do you uninstall mythtv when built from source? I tried make uninstall but it didnt work
[22:37:18] juski: actually been thinking about having a 'watch recordings' timeout to save CPU usage.. or I might just disable the previews
[22:37:22] Led-Hed: juski, what Distro do you use?
[22:38:11] Led-Hed: juski, I ususally just set it ot take snapshots of the programs. Saves CPU
[22:39:44] juski: Led-Hed: minimyth
[22:39:50] echosyp: when im watching "live tv" its always recording so that i can rewind i guess... once im done, how can i get rid of those recordings, cause my hd is full
[22:40:00] Led-Hed: juski, is that EPIA based?
[22:40:37] Anduin: echosyp: They should be removed automatically, or you can go delete them
[22:40:41] Led-Hed: echosyp, Autoexpire
[22:42:11] Led-Hed: echosyp, time toget a larger drive
[22:42:16] echosyp: i have one
[22:42:22] Led-Hed: so pop it in
[22:42:29] echosyp: but i dont want to use it for watching live tv
[22:42:38] echosyp: if i record a show it'll save to that drive
[22:42:39] Led-Hed: mount it to the old Video Directory
[22:43:03] Led-Hed: echosyp, so dont record a show for a few minutes
[22:43:23] echosyp: i haven't recorded anything
[22:43:49] Led-Hed: then install the trive and mount it to the old dir
[22:43:53] Led-Hed: drive
[22:44:09] woland_ (woland_!n=woland@unaffiliated/woland/x-00001) has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:44:09] woland_ (woland_!n=woland@unaffiliated/woland/x-00001) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:44:22] Andyman53 (Andyman53! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:44:29] Andyman53: Hey all
[22:44:44] Andyman53: i've got the http interface for vlc up and running and it starts the stream, but i can't access it from my computer
[22:44:50] echosyp: ok, you are missing the point, that drive is not for live tv... when i want to record something i'll use that drive, it only has a couple hundred gigs on it, i want to use the laptops hd for just watching tv
[22:45:14] echosyp: since it only has about 30 gigs
[22:45:26] Andyman53: and i can #sout:display, but that just displays the video on the server
[22:45:53] Andyman53: i'm reading pretty vividly, but i don't see the answer to this problem
[22:45:54] Anduin: echosyp: use auto expiring, set the threshold higher
[22:46:07] Led-Hed: echosyp, You cant point Live TV to one Location and Regular Recordings to another
[22:46:16] echosyp: yes i can
[22:46:36] Led-Hed: how is that?
[22:47:08] echosyp: when i schedule a recording it will save to the external
[22:47:29] Led-Hed: where do you specify the destination?
[22:47:50] echosyp: idk hold on
[22:50:40] Andyman53: vlc anyone?
[22:50:56] ectospasm_ (ectospasm_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:52:01] Anduin: Andyman53: Not used very much, if it is just a vlc problem I think they have their own channel.
[22:52:08] Andyman53: i see
[22:52:14] Andyman53: know it? i tried #vlc and #vlc-help
[22:52:55] Andyman53: actually nvm
[22:52:57] Andyman53: got the answer
[22:52:58] Andyman53: :) thanks
[22:53:00] Andyman53 (Andyman53! has quit ("Leaving")
[22:53:32] Anduin: and right when I scrolled down to #VideoLAN...
[22:53:41] Led-Hed: Anyone willing to test DPMS for me on a computer running Xorg 7.x
[22:54:21] Led-Hed: want to make sure its not just my own stupidity (which is usually the case)
[22:55:27] [R]: Led-Hed: it works fine here
[22:56:12] Led-Hed: [R], do: xset dpms 10 0 0, then do: xset +dpms
[22:56:27] Led-Hed: [R], then do: xset -dpms
[22:56:42] Led-Hed: and finally do: xset +dpms
[22:56:44] [R]: ok
[22:56:52] [R]: ok
[22:57:07] Led-Hed: xset q will report that dpms is ON
[22:57:13] Led-Hed: but the screen never blanks
[22:57:33] Led-Hed: or suspends etc...
[22:57:33] [R]: well i just set it to 1
[22:57:38] [R]: and it blanked right aweay
[22:57:50] [R]: is that seconds?
[22:57:56] Anduin: it is
[22:57:59] Led-Hed: ya
[22:58:11] [R]: ypu
[22:58:13] [R]: its working fine here
[22:58:24] Led-Hed: what ver of Xorg?
[22:58:34] [R]: the server? 1.3
[22:58:47] Led-Hed: no do: Xorg -version
[22:58:55] [R]: says 1.3
[22:59:30] Led-Hed: that cant be right
[22:59:37] Led-Hed: what distro?
[22:59:49] [R]: gentoo
[22:59:51] [R]: why can't it be right
[22:59:54] [R]: the xorg server 1.3 was released
[23:00:07] ectospasm (ectospasm! has quit (No route to host)
[23:00:18] Led-Hed: Current version is 7.2
[23:00:37] [R]: they changed the numbering
[23:00:42] Led-Hed: oh
[23:00:52] [R]: its the server that xorg 7.3 is gonna use
[23:01:06] Led-Hed: humm
[23:01:15] Led-Hed: maybe it was fixed in that release
[23:01:25] [R]: this is the confusion that switching to a modular system leads to
[23:02:29] Led-Hed: it'll get real confusing when the new versioning reaches 6.x.x
[23:03:03] woland_: if mythtv svn off head takes 45 mins to compile, should i probably get a new box?
[23:03:18] Anduin: Led-Hed: Luckily none of us will see that day
[23:08:40] woland_: are there any remotes that "just work"?
[23:08:50] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-92abb97e21711200) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:08:56] juski: woland_: no
[23:09:13] [R]: my mce one mostly "just worked"
[23:09:22] woland_: sorry, just work with lirvc
[23:09:27] juski: no
[23:09:36] woland_: s/vc$/c/
[23:09:58] woland_: which remote do you use juski?
[23:09:59] juski: so you have to RTFM on lirc & dabble a bit. that really so much of a hardship?
[23:10:12] juski: which remote I use is immaterial
[23:10:36] woland_: not at all, i just hate buying the wrong hardware.. i bought a laserjet for the amount of manuals i read almost daily
[23:10:37] juski: with a serial port receiver you can 'learn' just about any remote & use that
[23:11:10] juski: I use a OFA-6 remote with codes I programmed into it myself using JP1 software
[23:11:17] juski: now you regret asking :0
[23:11:22] woland_: ;)
[23:11:59] woland_: i'm just struggling to find a serial port reciever
[23:12:03] juski: oneforall remotes are nice IMHO. better than the awful menu-driven efforts from logitech
[23:12:58] juski: . . . cmdZViewItem
[23:14:16] woland_: thanks, i'll buy that imediately. thanks a lot!
[23:14:38] juski: time for bed. work in the morning :(
[23:14:45] juski: I hate IFSEC
[23:15:21] woland_: ipsec?
[23:16:03] woland_: sorry nm
[23:17:04] czth__ (czth__!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-a4ec36c628cb8cda) has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:18:12] maniacxs_ (maniacxs_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:18:16] maniacxs_: Hi there,
[23:18:55] maniacxs_: does someone know how mythtv gets the list that is choosable in sound config (Master, PCM) ?
[23:19:23] [R]: its a static list thats hardcoded
[23:19:58] maniacxs_: my soundcard does not have a "Master", so i created one and i really have no idea how to get mythtv using this Master control with the name "Master"
[23:20:36] maniacxs_ is now known as maniacxs
[23:23:16] maniacxs: the new master control works with soundtest and alsamixer
[23:24:15] Led-Hed: juski, what version of minimyth are you running? Or more specifically what version of Xorg?
[23:27:02] Fnc: how do i set things to use mpeg-4 video codec for transcoding?
[23:30:06] xris: Fnc: transcoding from what to what?
[23:32:33] Fnc: well basically i want to cut out commercials...
[23:32:37] harzi: Fnc: nuvexport?
[23:32:40] Fnc: not really change anything...
[23:33:07] Fnc: and i dont care about size, i want things looking good...
[23:33:20] Anduin: Fnc: Look at the transcode profiles
[23:33:22] Fnc: so i figured mpeg-4 was what i should do...
[23:33:39] Fnc: thats the thingg... in there i only have one codec?
[23:34:03] Anduin: Fnc: MPEG-4?
[23:34:09] GreyFoxx: If you don't care abouty size, and your source is mpeg2
[23:34:28] Anduin: The best if mpeg2 will be lossless mpeg2 remuxing
[23:34:29] GreyFoxx: you can do lossless mpeg2 transcoding which will cut out your cutlist and be MUCH faster than transcoding to another codec
[23:34:40] lapland_ is now known as lapland
[23:34:54] Not_Public (Not_Public! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:40:57] Batty: Hey everyone.
[23:42:26] thufir007 (thufir007! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:42:27] [R] ([R]!n=ron@unaffiliated/rbox) has quit ("Leaving")
[23:42:48] Fnc: no ideas on how to change that?
[23:43:06] Batty: I'm not exactly sure how to begin an idea. I was wondering if I could get some assistance. I have previously installed KnoppMyth about a year ago and haven't really used much since. I was wondering if there was any methods of recording pay-per-view shows, or any channels like 300+?
[23:43:49] Anduin: Batty: channel change script + external cable box
[23:44:01] Anduin: + ir blaster or serial cable (as appropriate)
[23:47:10] Anduin: Fnc: Use a paste site, and no those are only the profiles
[23:48:21] Fnc: huh? only the profiles?
[23:48:38] Batty: Thanks Anduin. One more question please. Have you noticed any limitations of the recording of programs with mythtv that you can do with comcast box or something. Basically I'd like to be able to make a DVD with what I download.
[23:51:40] a5benwillis: Who's up for helping me diagnose a stange issue with Myth? I've pasted some infor from my frontend log here"
[23:51:45] a5benwillis: .
[23:51:58] Anduin: Fnc: Those are just the transcode profiles, you are really saying that when you go to the profile editor you only ever have RTjpeg?
[23:52:15] Fnc: yes
[23:52:20] a5benwillis: When this error occurs my frontend throws an error "An error has occured" and I have to exit to the menu and start live tv again.
[23:52:33] Anduin: Batty: once it is recorded you could do something like that
[23:53:31] Batty: Anduin, that wasn't really the question, that was just the reason for using Mythtv. I see where I went wrong with my previous setup.
[23:53:40] Batty: I didn't have the cable box...  :)
[23:54:53] Fnc: exactly, whould like to be able to change that
[23:58:10] Batty: I'm going to try Mythtv on Gentoo tonight. Well, if I get around to it. I'm at work till 11. :(
[23:58:34] Batty: That's assuming I get around to installing Gentoo. :(
[23:59:32] KiSak (KiSak! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:59:56] KiSak: hi folks

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