:: #mythtv-users

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Wednesday, May 9th, 2007, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:28] tzanger: is there a way to assign a remote button to a "fast forward 30 seconds" button?
[00:00:39] hads: Right?
[00:00:43] kormoc: tzanger, set the button to arrow right?
[00:01:01] tzanger: I know to do assign buttons in lircd.conf, but is there a key that will cause a frontend to jump ahead?
[00:01:11] aarcane_ (aarcane_!n=Christ@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:01:16] ** kormoc blinks at tzanger **
[00:01:22] hads: erm. right arrow?
[00:01:33] kormoc: the thing pointing that way -->
[00:01:39] tzanger: hads that's fast forward, not FF 30 seconds
[00:01:43] aarcane_ (aarcane_!n=Christ@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:01:49] kormoc: not on my box
[00:01:49] hads: Ah, sticky keys.
[00:02:08] overpointe: So far, my grocery list includes a possible StreamZap (or some inexpesive remote with a usb ir), RAM, and a better tuner card.
[00:02:15] tzanger: kormoc: hmm, okay I will have to tinker a little
[00:02:15] hads: Turn off sticky keys.
[00:02:53] kormoc: I have FF on my remote mapped to FF and with sticky keys disabled, right arrow is 30 sec jump forward
[00:03:11] hads: Yeah, ^^ what he said.
[00:04:02] overpointe: Has anyone heard of adding more hard drive space through USB or firewire and it worked?
[00:04:43] kormoc: overpointe, why wouldn't it?
[00:06:13] overpointe: I fear that I'll barely have enough space just to get mythdora set up.
[00:06:28] voltagex: janneg: this is what dvbsnoop gave
[00:06:30] overpointe: I only have a 10 gig hard drive at my disposal for now.
[00:07:15] kormoc: overpointe, and how will you merge the drives together?
[00:08:36] overpointe: I don't know. Maybe I can put my 2 gb flash drive to use, kormoc.
[00:09:34] kormoc: overpointe, you might have issues with drive speed, depening on how slow the drives are, and given typically it's 1.2 gigs per hour of tv, 2gb seems rather small
[00:11:11] overpointe: I
[00:11:39] overpointe: I'm just trying to get everything to work now. I'll end up having to sacrifice another drive, I'm sure.
[00:12:00] overpointe: Life can be hard sometimes.
[00:12:18] voltagex: kormoc: 1.5gb/hr here
[00:12:38] hads: That's what the typically specifier was for.
[00:12:51] tzanger: hmm, KEY_RIGHT maps to Right
[00:13:02] tzanger: but that maps to fwd 3x... fwd 5x.. etc
[00:13:15] hads: 10:02:15 < hads> Turn off sticky keys.
[00:13:33] overpointe (overpointe! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:14:12] tzanger: hads: okay... I need to play with this more
[00:15:16] mIRCat (mIRCat! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:19:42] aarcane_ (aarcane_!n=Christ@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:19:58] iamchrist (iamchrist!n=Christ@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:21:30] fer (fer! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:25:47] hadees: can anyone recommend a good camera to use with mythphone? I am looking for something that obviously works with linux but also won't look odd sitting around or on my HDTV
[00:32:25] MaverickTech: morning all
[00:38:13] Sid`: what sort of capture card?
[00:38:22] voltagex: I need help getting a GPIO IR/RF receiver (not sure what kind) working
[00:38:27] GreyFoxx: Well if you have an IVTV card you can just type "cat /dev/video0 > file.mpg" when you hit play
[00:38:32] GreyFoxx: then CTRL-C when the show ends
[00:41:14] voltagex: /j #linux
[00:41:16] voltagex: oops
[00:41:43] MaverickTech: voltagex: I have had no joy whatever trying to compile lirc_gpio
[00:41:53] voltagex: MaverickTech: :(
[00:41:58] MaverickTech: not found a package with it in either
[00:42:11] voltagex: :'(
[00:42:15] voltagex: bad!
[00:42:18] MaverickTech: my remote device works, not visible in lirc
[00:42:25] voltagex: I don't want another remote
[00:42:43] MaverickTech: voltagex: doesn't mean it can't be compiled, just I've not gopt it to work
[00:43:03] voltagex: MaverickTech: you have a gpio remote?
[00:43:40] MaverickTech: I have a remote on LeadTek card (DTV1000-T) my research indicates gpio module is the go
[00:43:47] MaverickTech: I am happy to hear otherwise
[00:43:49] voltagex: I have an AverTV card, I can't actually find its remote device
[00:44:04] voltagex: well if I could find a gpio scanner
[00:44:27] MaverickTech: I currently use a cheapo USB IR remote – but the key mapping is aweful, only about 1/2 the buttons are able to be mapped
[00:45:02] Sid`: MaverickTech: which remote is that? I've got the same problem with mine
[00:45:10] Sid`: which came with a Twinhan tuner
[00:45:42] voltagex: apparently SAA7133 cards all use the same kind of remote
[00:45:44] voltagex: any ideas?
[00:46:07] MaverickTech: Winfast Y04G0004
[00:46:20] MaverickTech: plugs into the back of the tuner card
[00:48:12] voltagex: mine plugs into an SVideo looking port, goes to a dongle, then the remote receiver plugs into a 3.5" jack
[00:48:20] voltagex: needs proprietry software in Windows :(
[00:50:14] voltagex: oh gawd – . . . O_remotes.29
[00:54:10] LennonNZ: Brian: vlc or dvbstream
[01:05:24] hound (hound!i=woof@pdpc/supporter/student/Hound) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:13:10] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:22:45] schultmc (schultmc! has quit ("Client exiting")
[01:26:24] hound (hound!i=woof@pdpc/supporter/student/Hound) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:27:48] squidly (squidly!n=craig@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit ("Lost terminal")
[01:31:37] tank-man: can ffmpeg read .nuv files?
[01:39:21] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o Beirdo
[01:40:23] squidly (squidly!n=craig@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:41:35] Beirdo: !notice
[01:41:35] MythLogBot: This channel (#mythtv-users) is logged —
[01:41:58] kash: fuck it, i'm not going there to find out who it is
[01:42:02] kash: just ban me
[01:43:45] kash: MaverickTech: Y04G0004 ?
[01:43:48] kash: i have that one
[01:44:03] kash: and it's screwing up with key codes. the channel up button sends the 'green' key code
[01:44:22] MaverickTech: I can't get it to work at all, you are doing better than me
[01:44:31] kash: use lirc_gpio
[01:47:00] MaverickTech: I can't get a version of lirc_gpio
[01:47:07] MaverickTech: what distro are you using ?
[01:47:17] kash: hmm
[01:47:19] kash: KnoppMyth
[01:47:31] kash: worked out of the box (kind-of, minus the keycode mess) :)
[01:48:01] kash: MaverickTech: download lirc and configure it with: ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-driver="leadtek_0010"
[01:49:12] kash: tank-man: no
[01:49:17] kash: not directly
[01:49:32] Mode for #mythtv-users by Beirdo!n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo : -o Beirdo
[01:53:06] ** MythLogBot slaps kash with a trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[01:53:07] ** HaSH strangles MythLogBot with an ethernet cable, takes the trout, and puts it back in the pond. Fishys Saved: 196 **
[01:53:21] Beirdo: heh
[01:53:26] Beirdo: nice one, HaSH
[01:53:33] Beirdo: you're gonna have a lot of trout
[01:53:37] kash: looks like a script to me..
[01:53:45] Beirdo: probably so
[01:53:52] Beirdo: !trout HaSH
[01:53:52] ** MythLogBot slaps HaSH with a trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[01:53:53] ** HaSH strangles MythLogBot with an ethernet cable, takes the trout, and puts it back in the pond. Fishys Saved: 197 **
[01:55:47] MaverickTech: kash: compile fails
[01:55:52] kash: MaverickTech: why
[02:00:33] MaverickTech:
[02:00:44] MaverickTech: autoconf.h is in place
[02:01:09] MaverickTech: I am working at the moment, will have to track it down after work
[02:01:51] cal (cal! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:06:19] nero (nero!n=_nero_@unaffiliated/nero) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:07:08] kash: hm
[02:08:15] kash: looks like a (fedora|debian|binary-distro) problem
[02:08:52] MaverickTech: this is feisty
[02:08:52] MaverickTech: had same/similar problem under edgy
[02:09:01] kash: it's an ubuntu thing then
[02:09:07] kash: has to do with the stupid binary kernel
[02:11:02] JoeyJoeJo: where can I find the latest romdb for mythgame? the latest I've found is from 3005
[02:11:05] JoeyJoeJo: 2005
[02:13:00] cal: any idea on this..i am getting ... PCI: BIOS Bug: MCPG area at ... is not E820 reserved .. PCI: not using MMCONFIG PCI: failed to allocate mem resource ... welcome to knoppmyth ... cannot find knoppmyth filesystem .. dropping you to very limited shell .. ..i am trying to install knoppmyth .
[02:17:31] nero (nero!n=_nero_@unaffiliated/nero) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:17:33] purserj (purserj! has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[02:22:29] d00gster (d00gster! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:24:16] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:24:32] purserj (purserj! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:08] Como (Como! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:58] hound (hound!i=woof@pdpc/supporter/student/Hound) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:37:55] a5benwillis: Doesnt "M" still bring up the menu in Myth to get to the guide?
[02:39:01] a5benwillis: nevermind, stupid keyboard
[02:39:32] a5benwillis: but I have wondered if there was a key that could bring the guide up automatically without going through the menu....
[02:44:08] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:44:15] eelriver (eelriver!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:47:54] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:48:40] JoeyJoeJo: I'm having a problem with mythgame. In mame I have mk3 and umk3. In mythgame I only see Ultamte Mortal kombat 3, and that actually takes me into MK3. Other games are like this too. Can Ifix it?
[02:49:47] hound (hound!i=woof@pdpc/supporter/student/Hound) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:00:59] a5benwillis (a5benwillis! has quit (Operation timed out)
[03:01:43] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:05:58] JoeyJoeJo: my frontend is giving me this error every few minutes: WriteAudio: buffer underrun
[03:06:12] JoeyJoeJo: what gives that error?
[03:06:33] kormoc: JoeyJoeJo, a buffer underrun on writing audio
[03:07:36] JoeyJoeJo: well yea
[03:08:09] JoeyJoeJo: but why does it happen?
[03:08:31] kormoc: JoeyJoeJo, cause the audio can't be written to the buffer fast enough?
[03:08:34] RasQulec: does the audio skip when it does that?
[03:08:54] JoeyJoeJo: rasqulec: yeah.. the whole video skips
[03:09:11] kormoc: JoeyJoeJo, have you tried enabling the extra audio buffers?
[03:09:17] RasQulec: your computer isnt fast enough to handle it right now
[03:09:28] RasQulec: are you using hardware decoding on your video?
[03:09:34] JoeyJoeJo: kormoc: I didn't know I could
[03:09:50] kormoc: JoeyJoeJo, it's in the frontend settings
[03:10:09] JoeyJoeJo: rasqulec: I don't think so
[03:10:26] RasQulec: it sounds like your computer cant keep up
[03:10:37] RasQulec: does it do it on all video types?
[03:11:21] JoeyJoeJo: rasqulec: so far I've only noticed it on the mpgs my tv card makes
[03:11:44] kormoc: try enabling the extra audio buffers
[03:11:46] minthome (minthome! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:12:01] JoeyJoeJo: I've enabled the extra audio buffers.. it's good so far
[03:12:09] Mixx (Mixx! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:12:10] minthome: commercials aren't, well, seeming to be flagged
[03:12:16] minthome: hi all btw
[03:13:23] minthome: i just recorded a live show, watched it afterwards and it still had the commercials. I have commercial flaggin on, is this what supposed to happen?
[03:13:40] tank-man: turn commercial skipping on
[03:13:42] hads: Yes
[03:14:03] hads: Or notificatioin
[03:14:30] minthome: tank-man, where is that? in the general setup?
[03:14:55] kormoc: minthome, . . . mercial_Skip
[03:20:17] lotia (lotia! has quit ()
[03:21:02] minthome: NICE working
[03:21:03] minthome: w00t
[03:21:05] minthome: peas
[03:21:07] minthome (minthome! has left #mythtv-users ("peas porridge")
[03:23:18] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:26:06] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:26:15] bobc (bobc! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:30:24] Beirdo (Beirdo!n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo) has quit ("leaving")
[03:30:31] Beirdo (Beirdo!n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:30:31] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Beirdo
[03:35:31] RasQulec: my friend is having trouble getting the database password to work [the mythbackend.log file complains about it] and the /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt file is correct and the database has the correct password set is there anything else that could be stopping it?
[03:36:41] Anduin: RasQulec: other mysql.txt files that could be found (and have conflicting information)
[03:37:03] JoeyJoeJo: RasQulec: try the mysql.txt in ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[03:37:37] RasQulec: it doesnt exist
[03:37:44] RasQulec: on his comp but it does on mine
[03:38:24] JoeyJoeJo: hmm.. then I'd try copying /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt to ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[03:38:28] RasQulec: okay
[03:39:46] RasQulec: when I restart the backend and check the log it still says access denied but I can do mysql -u mythtv -p and it logs in with the correct password
[03:39:51] RasQulec: the same one as in mysql.txt
[03:40:04] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has quit ("Oops. My brain just hit a bad sector")
[03:40:23] Anduin: RasQulec: What is the actual error message?
[03:40:48] RasQulec: its a bit long, is it okay to post multi lines here?
[03:40:56] JoeyJoeJo:
[03:42:09] RasQulec:
[03:43:24] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:43:43] RasQulec: I restarted mysql and it dropped all the WOL errors
[03:43:56] JoeyJoeJo: is localhost the name of your computer?
[03:44:01] RasQulec: no
[03:44:10] RasQulec: should it be changed to
[03:44:15] RasQulec: or whatever the real name is
[03:44:39] JoeyJoeJo: It should probably be changed to one of those. I'm not sure which will work. They both might work
[03:45:38] riddlebox: man mythtv takes forever to compile!
[03:45:40] Anduin: RasQulec: Your mysql.txt is using localhost?
[03:45:55] JoeyJoeJo: riddlebox: it takes me about 30 minutes
[03:46:05] JoeyJoeJo: how long for you?
[03:46:22] riddlebox: its been at least that, on a 2.8 ghz with 1gig of ram!
[03:46:23] Anduin: apparently with a much better computer compiling it is very reasonable
[03:46:31] RasQulec: it wsa but now its
[03:46:42] RasQulec: and it is having the original error again even after restarting mysql
[03:47:21] riddlebox: Anduin, I usually use the ubuntu packages, but I am using a 3 monitor setup and need to disable xrandr to get it to work
[03:47:24] JoeyJoeJo: riddlebox: I've got an sempron or opteron (can't remember which) 300+ and 1gig
[03:47:43] RasQulec: changed it to the actual name of the comp and it cant connect to the server at all aain
[03:47:57] RasQulec: my comp works with localhost
[03:48:08] RasQulec: and I think I did all the same things to his comp I must have just missed ONE step
[03:48:36] riddlebox: RasQulec, are you having problems getting a remote frontend to work?
[03:48:42] Anduin: RasQulec: actual name is going to depend on mysql binding on the external interface (which it may not do by default)
[03:48:45] RasQulec: it is supposed to be a local one
[03:49:11] RasQulec: how can I check what that is?
[03:49:57] Anduin: RasQulec: netstat, but really, localhost should work fine
[03:50:19] RasQulec: it should but I still am getting errors trying to star the backend, its the same one I posted to pastebin
[03:50:24] Anduin: RasQulec: (or looking at my.cnf or whatever config file mysql is using)
[03:50:36] riddlebox: Anduin, whats that pastebin?
[03:50:53] Anduin: riddlebox: huh?
[03:51:00] riddlebox: what is the url for the pastebin
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[03:51:08] Anduin: riddlebox:
[03:51:58] riddlebox: Anduin, what distro?
[03:52:46] Anduin: riddlebox: I'm helping, not asking
[03:52:47] RasQulec: ubuntu
[03:52:51] RasQulec: 7.04
[03:52:57] riddlebox: oohh sorry :)
[03:53:13] riddlebox: RasQulec, did you just apt-get install mythtv?
[03:53:20] RasQulec: hm okay I set bind-address back to what it was [he accedentaly changed it though he was supposed to skip that step before]
[03:53:24] RasQulec: that is how it was installed
[03:53:32] riddlebox: because you have to install mysql-server as well
[03:53:38] RasQulec: it is installed
[03:53:44] RasQulec: I can run mysql and login that way
[03:53:49] RasQulec: and mysql-administrator works too
[03:53:59] Anduin: RasQulec: mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg works right?
[03:54:10] riddlebox: yeah thats what I was going to ask
[03:54:56] Anduin: He said it worked, don't know if it was to the actual DB though
[03:55:02] RasQulec: yes
[03:55:20] riddlebox: so you are using the autogenerated password then?
[03:55:23] RasQulec: yes
[03:55:32] RasQulec: the one in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[03:56:40] riddlebox: try this
[03:56:48] riddlebox: $ mysql -u root -p mythconverg
[03:56:49] riddlebox: mysql> grant all on mythconverg.* to mythtv@"10.0.1.%" identified by "mythtv";
[03:56:49] riddlebox: mysql> flush privileges;
[03:56:49] riddlebox: mysql> quit
[03:57:00] riddlebox: ohh crap wrong one sorry dont do that
[03:57:20] RasQulec: :O
[03:57:30] riddlebox: try this, mysql -u root -p mythconverg
[03:57:48] kormoc: riddlebox, please use a pastebin rather then flooding the channel
[03:58:09] RasQulec: enter the pass I am assuming :P
[03:58:55] riddlebox: RasQulec,
[03:59:06] riddlebox:
[03:59:11] riddlebox: man I am not with it tonight
[04:00:30] RasQulec: okay
[04:00:35] RasQulec: it said no rows affected for both
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[04:01:00] zabin: _
[04:01:09] RasQulec: o.o
[04:01:20] riddlebox: RasQulec, try to run mythbackend now
[04:01:43] RasQulec: same error ):
[04:02:47] riddlebox: and you can connect to the mythconverg database?
[04:03:26] RasQulec: manualy yes
[04:05:55] riddlebox: RasQulec, connect to the mythconverg database and run select * from record; and tell me what you see
[04:06:52] RasQulec: table 'mythconverg.record' doesnt exist
[04:06:58] hound (hound!i=woof@pdpc/supporter/student/Hound) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:07:07] riddlebox: type show tables;
[04:07:08] schultmc (schultmc! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:07:21] JoeyJoeJo: sounds like you didn't set up the initial DB
[04:07:25] RasQulec: there are 12 tables
[04:07:46] riddlebox: there are way more than that
[04:07:50] RasQulec: okay
[04:07:56] RasQulec: he was having problems with that earlier
[04:08:06] RasQulec: but I thought we got them
[04:08:12] Beirdo (Beirdo!n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo) has quit ("Reconnecting")
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[04:08:44] JoeyJoeJo: if there's no data in those tables, I'd drop the mythconverg DB and set up the inital DB again
[04:08:47] hound (hound!i=woof@pdpc/supporter/student/Hound) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:09:06] riddlebox: RasQulec, can you try to do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-backend?
[04:09:58] RasQulec: the reconfigure didnt try to run through the databases again
[04:10:14] riddlebox: hold on let me see what you need
[04:10:51] riddlebox: RasQulec, try sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database
[04:10:55] RasQulec: there are no rows in ant of the tables in mythconverg
[04:10:57] RasQulec: okay
[04:11:34] RasQulec: after entering my password that just quit and I got no more messages
[04:11:40] RasQulec: for the database password I mean
[04:11:57] riddlebox: RasQulec, did you change the mysql password for root?
[04:12:01] RasQulec: yes
[04:12:20] RasQulec: but I can log in using it using mysql and mysql-admin
[04:12:56] riddlebox: now try mysql -umythtv -p mythconverg
[04:13:05] riddlebox: show tables;
[04:13:06] ds-work: Does anyone in here use an HD-5500 for NTSC?
[04:14:20] RasQulec: I cant access that anymore
[04:14:26] RasQulec: with the mythtv user
[04:14:42] riddlebox: ahh check to see it probably gave you a new password
[04:15:04] J-e-f-f-A: ds-work: I use one, but for ATSC (digital), not analog.
[04:15:05] RasQulec: its not in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[04:15:30] RasQulec: well its not different there
[04:15:46] riddlebox: ok do this, in a console updatedb
[04:15:49] ds-work: bummer, I'm trying to get it set up to do analog but mythtv has thus far refused to keep it in analog mode or whatnot and I get a screen full of modulation errors :P
[04:15:58] riddlebox: RasQulec, when it is finished let me know
[04:16:02] RasQulec: do I need to be root?
[04:16:08] riddlebox: RasQulec, yes
[04:16:12] RasQulec: k hold on
[04:17:06] RasQulec: done
[04:17:24] riddlebox: no type cd /, then type locate mysql.txt
[04:18:14] RasQulec: okay 5 came up, the ones that look like real ones are int /etc/mythtv /home/mythtv/,mythtv and /home/[theloggedinuser]/.mythtv/
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[04:18:26] RasQulec: the other two are in /usr/share/mythtv/
[04:18:40] riddlebox: RasQulec, look in the /home[theloggedinuser]
[04:19:07] RasQulec: it hasnt changed
[04:19:49] J-e-f-f-A: ds-work: I'd just pick up a PVR-150 for your analog recording. Use the HD-5500 for what it was designed for — digital reception...
[04:19:55] riddlebox: you can always change it with that pastbin I gave you to make sure it is the old one
[04:20:23] RasQulec: hm interesting the log seems to indicate its running since I changed THAT mysql.txt from 127.stuff to localhost
[04:20:43] RasQulec: not shure why stuff was supposed to be easier to type then 0.0.1
[04:21:18] riddlebox: RasQulec, can you log into mysql?
[04:21:46] RasQulec: with the mythtv user?
[04:21:51] riddlebox: wohoo almost done compiling
[04:21:57] ds-work: J-e-f-f-A, I am begining to come to that conclusion myself...but I just keep on getting the feeling that it's admiting defeat :P
[04:22:14] RasQulec: not as mythtv user
[04:22:16] riddlebox: RasQulec, try that first, if not, then log in as root
[04:22:23] ds-work: The incredibly frustrating part is I can pull analog just fine with xawtv
[04:22:26] RasQulec: I can as root
[04:22:37] riddlebox: you logged into mythconverg?
[04:22:49] RasQulec: yes
[04:22:56] riddlebox: type show tables;
[04:23:03] RasQulec: only 12
[04:24:06] squidly (squidly!n=craig@HoodLUG/member/squidly) has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:24:08] riddlebox: ok quit out of mysql then, and change the mythtv password to match the old one you had, and let me know when you are done
[04:24:24] voltagex: I know this isn't mythtv-related but I want to set up LIRC in Myth AND Gnome itself.
[04:24:36] voltagex: how can I have them not conflict?
[04:24:58] RasQulec: k
[04:25:23] RasQulec: done
[04:25:47] riddlebox: try to log in now
[04:26:09] RasQulec: logs in
[04:27:18] riddlebox: now type this, sudo mysqldump -u mythtv -p mythconverg -c > /usr/share/mythtv/sql/mc.sql
[04:27:58] RasQulec: ): permission denied
[04:28:01] RasQulec: I did suod
[04:28:02] RasQulec: sudo
[04:28:27] riddlebox: you quit out of mysql first right?
[04:28:32] RasQulec: yes
[04:28:52] riddlebox: leave out sudo then
[04:29:02] Anduin: riddlebox: Is that mc.sql unchanged from the one myth distributes?
[04:29:02] RasQulec: still denied
[04:29:36] riddlebox: Anduin, it is the one that the ubuntu package provides as far as I know
[04:29:45] z_: should i be concerned about upgrading my ubuntu mythtv backend to 7.04?
[04:30:01] riddlebox: z_, I did it and it works perfectly
[04:30:29] z_: riddlebox, then I guess I'll give it the old college try
[04:31:31] riddlebox: RasQulec, what did you type?
[04:32:09] zabin: sudo mysqldump -u mythtv -p mythconverg -c > /usr/share/mythtv/sql/mc.sql
[04:32:17] RasQulec: thats the comp I am working on talking there
[04:32:38] RasQulec: I just copied that from the terminal history
[04:33:30] riddlebox: RasQulec, do a locate mc.sql in a terminal
[04:34:00] zabin: /usr/share/mythtv/sql/mc.sql
[04:34:48] RasQulec: thats the result
[04:35:22] riddlebox: ok try sudo su, then run mysqldump
[04:35:42] RasQulec: it gave a usage screen
[04:36:18] riddlebox: I meant the mysqldump command that you pasted above, the whole one
[04:36:22] RasQulec: oh
[04:36:41] Anduin: why dump an empty DB?
[04:36:57] RasQulec: it gave the access denied for user mythtv line
[04:37:08] RasQulec: hm I know why hold on
[04:37:43] schultmc (schultmc! has quit ("Client exiting")
[04:37:51] riddlebox: Anduin, your right I am not sure why I was doing that,
[04:38:02] RasQulec: hehe
[04:38:09] riddlebox: RasQulec, it should be mysql < /usr/share/mythtv/sql/mc.sql
[04:38:20] RasQulec: I thought so
[04:38:24] riddlebox: I need coffee or something
[04:38:45] Anduin: I'd drop mythconverg first as well
[04:39:05] RasQulec: okay it had a good bit of output then that line I gave about not finding a file
[04:39:05] riddlebox: dont you need to have mythconverg first before you can do it?
[04:39:08] czthIII (czthIII! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[04:39:20] Anduin: riddlebox: It creates mythconverg
[04:39:22] kash: riddlebox: hey, thanks for defending my right to say 'jewed' yesterday
[04:39:23] kash: :p
[04:39:33] riddlebox: kash, :p
[04:39:33] kash: that guy must be sensitive
[04:39:38] Anduin: (at least the one in myth, un Ubuntued)
[04:40:15] riddlebox: Anduin, I thought for some reason you had to create mythconverg, then drop in the sql file
[04:40:23] Anduin: riddlebox: that is actually about all it does, all actual table creation has been in checkdb for a long time now.
[04:41:24] RasQulec: inuseprograms
[04:42:21] riddlebox: can you make a pastebin for it?
[04:43:15] zabin:
[04:43:17] RasQulec: there you go
[04:43:22] RasQulec: ): cant copy over vnc
[04:44:50] kash: duhhhh
[04:45:06] RasQulec: o.o
[04:45:09] voltagex: any GUI to create LIRC config for MythTV?
[04:46:06] riddlebox: RasQulec, can you log into mythconverg now with the user?
[04:46:36] Anduin: RasQulec: wrong command anyway
[04:46:51] RasQulec: yes I can and ? ):
[04:46:53] riddlebox: I was wondering about that, it was still mysqldump
[04:47:03] riddlebox: RasQulec, type show tables;
[04:47:11] RasQulec: 12
[04:47:47] riddlebox: RasQulec, quit mysql and type sudo mysql < /usr/share/mythtv/sql/mc.sql
[04:48:07] riddlebox: does that command work?
[04:48:45] inono (inono! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[04:48:54] riddlebox: Anduin, I compiled myth, then tried to run it and I was told I didnt run make distclean, now I am doing it again lol
[04:48:55] RasQulec: yea
[04:49:17] riddlebox: RasQulec, now log into mythconverg, and type show tables;
[04:49:52] RasQulec: 12
[04:49:55] RasQulec: >:
[04:50:09] Anduin: riddlebox: ccache
[04:50:33] Anduin: riddlebox: and if it was the first time, well distclean shouldn't have been needed
[04:51:12] Anduin: RasQulec: You may want to restore your mc.sql file as it has probably been overwritten
[04:51:17] RasQulec: >:
[04:51:23] RasQulec: how will I do that?
[04:51:23] riddlebox: Anduin, no, I compiled the stable version last night only to find out that my backend using ubuntu has the svn packages
[04:51:47] Anduin: riddlebox: ah, so an svn swtich, yeah
[04:51:59] riddlebox: RasQulec, sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database
[04:52:27] RasQulec: okay
[04:52:37] riddlebox: Anduin, think he might just have to drop mythconverg
[04:54:02] riddlebox: RasQulec, did you run that command?
[04:54:07] Anduin: riddlebox: unless Ubuntu does something weird, before you run mythtv-setup (or another mythblah) there should be no tables in there.
[04:54:07] RasQulec: yes
[04:54:20] RasQulec: I dont know what happened on his box all this has worked on mine
[04:54:31] RasQulec: not this that we did but I got it working
[04:55:35] riddlebox: Anduin, is mythtv-setup where it builds the database? I thought it was built before you ran mythtv-setup
[04:57:00] Anduin: riddlebox: It is done in dbcheck.cpp in libmythtv
[04:58:12] riddlebox: RasQulec, can you log into the mythconverg as mythtv?
[04:58:35] RasQulec: not anymore
[04:59:04] Anduin: RasQulec: Yes, because you've overwritten it with your musqldump
[04:59:29] Anduin: (and I'm not sure that is they way you package has it anyway)
[04:59:55] riddlebox: Anduin, he reinstalled the database package, it autogenerates a mythtv password for him
[05:00:03] Anduin: RasQulec: That could be used to create the db though, it is likely the most the Ubuntu package does is change the password.
[05:00:08] riddlebox: RasQulec, you have to redo the password again
[05:00:52] Anduin: I just thought we saw that not work
[05:01:17] RasQulec: I can log in now :/
[05:01:26] riddlebox: it was overwritten by the dump
[05:01:44] thufir007 (thufir007! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:01:57] riddlebox: RasQulec, type sudo mysql < /usr/share/mythtv/sql/mc.sql
[05:02:04] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:02:19] RasQulec: k
[05:04:50] RasQulec: yea its done
[05:05:01] voltagex: how can I get lirc to launch mythfrontend on a button press?
[05:05:10] voltagex: irexec doesn't seem to be starting the frontend
[05:05:26] riddlebox: RasQulec, ok now try mythbackend
[05:06:02] RasQulec: same error as beforwe
[05:06:10] RasQulec: in the log
[05:06:13] RasQulec: and it quites
[05:06:15] RasQulec: quits
[05:06:42] riddlebox: feel like compiling mythtv?
[05:06:53] RasQulec: no
[05:06:56] RasQulec: its not that
[05:06:58] riddlebox: haha
[05:07:09] RasQulec: I know it isnt because I have the same software setup and have gotten it to work
[05:07:34] riddlebox: RasQulec, I have the same software too, and mine works as well
[05:07:44] RasQulec: how about dropping the database like someone else said and forcing it to redo that
[05:08:02] riddlebox: you can drop the database
[05:09:56] RasQulec: reconfiguring mythtv common redoes the db stuff
[05:10:15] riddlebox: RasQulec, you can even apt-get remove mythtv the apt-get autoremove
[05:11:09] riddlebox: RasQulec, you can try sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common as well
[05:13:07] RasQulec: I am going to completly remove mythtv ):
[05:13:11] RasQulec: on his comp
[05:13:48] riddlebox: yeah, what I usually do is apt-get it then after I set it up then I change the mysql password, even though it shouldnt matter
[05:16:51] riddlebox: RasQulec, good luck
[05:17:00] RasQulec: thanks
[05:17:21] riddlebox: I will be around for awhile, if you need any help
[05:17:31] RasQulec: okay
[05:17:32] voltagex: aaaaaaaaah! lircd dies when irexec is run
[05:18:19] MavT: voltagex: permissions ?
[05:18:26] voltagex: no idea
[05:18:47] voltagex: this says it may be because of the device name ??!
[05:18:48] voltagex:
[05:22:40] clever_ is now known as clever
[05:25:17] voltagex: bah
[05:25:18] voltagex: voltagex@voltagex-desktop:~$ irexec
[05:25:18] voltagex: xprop: unable to open display ''
[05:26:03] voltagex: got it
[05:26:49] voltagex: I'd love to be able to open and close frontend with one button
[05:28:11] voltagex: o....k the mythtv example lirc config doesn't work within MythFrontend!
[05:28:12] voltagex: lol
[05:28:42] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[05:35:52] clever: have a look at mythwelcome
[05:36:03] clever: it will let you start the fe with 1 button
[05:36:20] clever: and hitting escape or similairly binded button will get out of the fe
[05:42:52] macala (macala! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:43:18] macala: hi all
[05:51:39] macala: i am getting connection error
[05:51:40] macala: svn co
[05:51:40] macala: svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/myth_dvb_ng
[05:52:05] macala: anyone know where can i get that?
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[07:47:09] juski: just FYI folks, anybody else asking about myth_dvb_ng will go unanswered too
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[07:54:44] doc__: hi there
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[08:04:09] jvs (jvs! has quit (No route to host)
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[08:14:08] Tanthrix: juski: What is myth_dvb_ng?
[08:22:48] juski: Tanthrix: illegal software is what it is
[08:23:09] gardengnome: morning
[08:23:16] juski: morning gardengnome
[08:23:53] slaine_: juski, what's your web site address again ?
[08:24:06] juski: slaine_: www.$
[08:24:12] juski: du!
[08:24:15] slaine_: cheers
[08:24:47] doc__ (doc__! has quit ("leaving")
[08:25:16] doc__ (doc__! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:25:22] doc__: hi there
[08:25:51] juski: 'sup, doc ?
[08:25:59] doc__: nah... at uds...
[08:26:22] doc__: and trying to finish mti (a kde applet to show when mythtv is recording)
[08:26:27] juski: er... that made sense to somebody here I'm sure..
[08:26:38] doc__: mm sorry, kde not... qt applet...
[08:26:51] doc__: juski: :P
[08:27:05] doc__: juski: that was the first i thought... O:)
[08:27:19] juski: wget |grep recording
[08:27:24] doc__: uh
[08:27:31] doc__: hehe ... works too...
[08:27:33] juski: ish
[08:27:49] doc__: one moment...
[08:27:49] Tanthrix: juski: Some kind of something for grabbing encrypted DVB stuff?
[08:28:16] juski: Tanthrix: potentially illegal uses of it, so you can't discuss it here
[08:29:22] hads: doc__: Use the new python binding :) MythTV.getFreeRecorderList()
[08:29:52] doc__: hads: python binding ? cool :D
[08:29:59] gardengnome: hads: ohy! what else can the python bindings do?
[08:30:02] juski: python bindings? ugh yuck!
[08:30:12] juski: what is this? freevo now?
[08:30:32] hads: It's in the mythvideo/scripts/ directory at the moment.
[08:30:59] hads: juski: quit your whining.
[08:31:13] juski: hads: just kidding. it'll have its uses
[08:31:17] hads: :)
[08:31:20] gardengnome: hads: nice
[08:31:28] juski: maybe even open the door to steal XBMC scripts :)
[08:31:28] gardengnome: that's a great incentive to learn python!
[08:31:55] hads: gardengnome: The perl stuff is more mature/complete, but I like python.
[08:32:15] gardengnome: i don't like perl..
[08:32:24] gardengnome: it feels write-only to me
[08:32:51] hads: Oh no! Perl and Python people in the same room! :)
[08:36:09] gardengnome: oh, those bindings are nifty
[08:36:27] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:36:40] gardengnome: didn't know the perl bindings were even better. last time i looked it was just a function that'd grab the DB authentification stuff from mysql.txt ;)
[08:37:47] hads: Yeah, there's a few things in there that I thought would be useful.
[08:38:06] gardengnome: did you write the python bindings?
[08:39:00] hads: I wrote some of it and merged some bits in from the script. It's early days though, it only went in there a day or two ago.
[08:39:26] hads: The MythVideo class is to support
[08:39:47] doc__ (doc__! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:39:55] hads: Which visit0r has done excellent work on.
[08:40:18] gardengnome: good job :)
[08:40:42] hads: Thanks :)
[08:40:54] gardengnome: the umlaut handling in . . . seems to be broken
[08:41:16] doc__ (doc__! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:41:48] ** juski is going to have to gen up on all the up-coming mythtv features in time for the show **
[08:42:25] hads: gardengnome: Yeah, something with trac
[08:42:54] hads: juski: 0.21 is shaping up to be groovy.
[08:43:03] hads: (IMHO)
[08:43:16] juski: it already IS IMHO
[08:43:17] gardengnome: true, but some branches need to be merged back into trunk. and a lot of testing needs to be done
[08:43:37] hads: juski: Of course, the new stuff in trunk is cool though.
[08:44:01] slaine_: sheesh, and I still haven't made the switch to 0.20 :(
[08:44:23] juski: I could live without the storage groups stuff, and the multiplex recording stuff, and .. er..
[08:44:26] hads: gardengnome: True. I don't really follow any of the branches.
[08:44:39] hads: Storage groups is excellent
[08:44:59] hads: multirec will be cool too
[08:45:03] gardengnome: storage groups and the mutlirec branch are killer features, IMHO
[08:45:15] gardengnome: i should upgrade to trunk while the box is still in testing mode
[08:45:27] juski: mythmusic's had a lot of improvements
[08:46:18] gardengnome: juski: anything UI related?
[08:46:28] juski: gardengnome: kind of
[08:46:42] gardengnome: nifty#
[08:47:21] gardengnome: i *still* need to fix the VGA->SCART cable. i can go without the fancy electronics, though, because the ATI card can output a composite sync signal o/
[08:47:40] gardengnome: there's also a patch available that'll make the framebuffer driver output PAL. o/o/
[08:52:09] juski: framebuffer? lol
[08:52:35] ** juski petitions his employer to ban smoking during working hours **
[08:53:13] juski: they fucking _stink_ !
[08:56:28] gardengnome: do they have to go out outside?
[08:56:48] juski: yeah
[08:56:54] juski: still unacceptable
[08:57:11] juski: they come back in, stinking the place out
[08:57:34] gardengnome: you'll get used to it
[08:57:50] juski: why should I?
[08:57:52] gardengnome: get some febreze :)
[08:57:58] Merlin83b: Or some mace.
[08:58:08] gardengnome: juski: because you have to accept that some people are stupid.
[08:58:32] juski: make em all sit together & stink their own little area out then :)
[08:59:27] gardengnome: juski:
[08:59:41] gardengnome: yay for youtube support
[09:00:12] juski: what are video's ?
[09:00:16] juski: video's what?
[09:00:17] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[09:01:05] juski: anyway – yay for 1 line patches :)
[09:01:19] juski: err 3 line even
[09:01:34] gardengnome: heh
[09:01:38] gardengnome: it was a simple fix :)
[09:01:49] hugolp: Hi
[09:02:12] gardengnome: hi hugolp
[09:02:19] ** gardengnome checks out trunk **
[09:02:58] hugolp: gardengnome how do I submit a bug to mythtv?
[09:03:19] gardengnome: hugolp: read the ticket howto there
[09:03:31] hugolp: ok, will do
[09:03:34] juski: I think we'll be running trunk at LRL
[09:03:43] gardengnome: juski: why?
[09:03:49] gardengnome: might be crashy
[09:03:55] gardengnome: although it's supposed to be very stable.
[09:04:22] gardengnome: *sigh* this box still needs a lot of work. it's still rather ugly :(
[09:05:43] hugolp: hey, I have to tell you that I am promoting mythtv through my catalans ubuntu users mainly at #ubuntu-cat and they are all very impressed
[09:05:55] hugolp: a couple of them switched from kaffeine
[09:06:30] gardengnome: nice
[09:07:26] thufir007 (thufir007! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:09:02] ** juski wonders if he saved a user from the abyss yesterday **
[09:11:44] ** Dibblah would bet on no. Users do what users want. **
[09:12:52] juski: I think it's funny when people come out with stuff like "this SUCKS cos I can't get it worky". sad, but funny
[09:30:44] otwin (otwin! has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:40:37] juski: so er.. stupid question time.. is there a list of upcoming featurs being maintained?
[09:40:55] gardengnome: juski: *cough*wiki*cough*
[09:40:59] juski: hah
[09:41:00] hads: heh
[09:41:10] juski: yeah but is it being maintained & kept up to date?
[09:41:16] hads: Linked off the main page I believe
[09:41:28] juski: coolies :)
[09:41:43] hads:
[09:41:58] juski: yeah I knew about that but didn't know how up to date it's kept
[09:42:09] hads: Storage groups doesn't appear to be there so maybe not entirely.
[09:42:09] gardengnome: just see its version history
[09:42:14] gardengnome: oh :(
[09:51:43] stuart_ is now known as croppa
[10:04:54] gardengnome: is it friday?
[10:05:01] doc__: uh
[10:05:03] doc__: wednesday
[10:05:38] gardengnome: ah
[10:05:57] gardengnome: was just wondering if it was cartoon character friday yet
[10:07:02] juski: I'm too much of a miserable old git for that now :0
[10:08:07] gardengnome: i can get a socket 939 board for 30€, a matching athlon 64 3200+ is like 40e. that's really cheap.
[10:08:20] gardengnome: especially because cpufreq_nforce2 is getting on my nerves
[10:12:16] juski: being a cable monkey is getting on my nerves
[10:13:06] juski: but at least I've heard from H.R. that smoking on the premises is gonna be banned from july 1st. They can't even do it in the carpark from then :D muhahahahahaha
[10:13:51] hads: Won't change anything.
[10:14:30] juski: makes it much more inconvenient for them though :)
[10:21:23] Dibblah: gardengnome: Can recommend going AM2. Power savings of ~20–40% depending...
[10:21:38] jduggan_ (jduggan_! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:21:45] jduggan_: morning all
[10:21:50] Dibblah: However, more outlay :(
[10:29:56] juski: speccylate too accumulaterify :)
[10:32:13] chuk (chuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:42:56] Honk (Honk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:43:14] ** juski laughs at yet another forum posting where "I have mythtv installed. everything is working apart from livetv & watching recordings". ROFL **
[10:47:19] gardengnome: Dibblah: yeah, i don't want to get new RAM :(
[11:01:37] juski: gardengnome: you seen this? bless him – he's all on his own
[11:02:16] gardengnome: poor guy
[11:02:52] gardengnome: livetv is broken anyways
[11:02:56] gardengnome: at least it was for me
[11:03:22] gardengnome: gah, dependency hell on my ubuntu box.
[11:03:53] gardengnome: hrm, PECKAC. as always .(
[11:05:45] janneg: gardengnome: I suppose you want a AGP mainboard? I'll have soon a spare PCIe and an athlon 64 3000+
[11:08:56] d00gster (d00gster! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:10:03] otwin (otwin! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:55:52] riddlebox: if I have compiled mythtv, is there a way to completely remove it?
[11:57:08] clever: make uninstall i think
[11:57:42] clever: that works for most programs installed thru 'make install'
[11:58:13] riddlebox: clever, hrmm I did that but there are still all of the myth* commands
[11:58:26] clever: that could be bash's fault
[11:58:35] clever: it caches the stuff for tab completion so it goes faster
[11:58:43] juski: aye. old cache or whatever :)
[11:58:46] clever: the commands may show up when you myth<TAB> but they wont run
[11:59:03] riddlebox: ok good
[11:59:12] clever: try running one to see if its realy there
[11:59:29] juski: or log out & back in.. or thre's another thing you can do that i can never remember
[11:59:42] clever: set -e i think but im not shure
[11:59:46] clever: dont realy have to log out
[11:59:51] clever: just open another term window
[11:59:57] juski: set -e sounds familiar
[12:00:39] clever: mythburn doesnt seem to like my dvd burner
[12:00:50] clever: would it be posible to make mythburn author and spit out a .iso
[12:00:52] juski: ah but does mytharchive like it?
[12:01:02] clever: none of the myth programs will use it
[12:01:12] clever: only linux prog that likes the drive so far is k3b
[12:01:18] juski: course you can write an iso
[12:01:26] juski: there's a tickbox for it
[12:01:28] clever: ahh nice
[12:01:40] clever: i'll prod that when i get 5gig free to put the iso somewhere
[12:02:38] clever: when i play music thru mythmusic or mplayer
[12:02:42] clever: the audio is real slow
[12:02:53] clever: but audio within videos on mythfrontend is fine
[12:03:36] clever: mplayer works fine on 1 audio card but the card going to my pc isnt right for mp3 based stuff
[12:09:18] Como (Como! has quit (No route to host)
[12:10:04] juski: anyway if you're talking about mythburn won't that mean you're on knoppmyth.. so that'd be a question for #knoppmyth ? ;)
[12:24:19] DaveMorris (DaveMorris! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:25:22] DaveMorris: Hey, I assume I can run a myth-backend under xen, although I will prob have trouble getting a connection to the tuner card. Reason is I wanna do some testing of front ends, so was just going to use mythtv-backend to server up some pre recorded videos
[12:36:02] iamchrist (iamchrist!n=Christ@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:39:42] gardengnome: DaveMorris: you can use the pciback.hide option to make pci devices accessible in a domu
[12:40:04] DaveMorris: cool
[12:40:10] schultmc (schultmc! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:47:03] goreguts (goreguts! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:48:23] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:50:28] gbee: knoppmyth has a script or something which keeps restarting gdm when it fails, does anyone know what/where that is and what I need to do to kill it?
[12:51:28] gbee: I'm trying to debug a problem with my parents myth box but gdm insists on starting (and then dying) which is preventing me from getting anything done
[12:52:15] gardengnome: try "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" ?
[12:52:52] gbee: stops gdm, but it restarts a minute later
[12:53:35] gbee: problem is, if I even let gdm start it changes the screen res to one my monitor can't support, so I'm effectively unable to read the screen and do anything further
[12:54:22] gbee: let me try stopping cron, seems the most obvious thing to try
[12:54:29] gbee: nope ... that didn't do it
[12:54:42] gardengnome: chmod -x `which gdm`?
[12:54:56] gardengnome: echo "die, stupid script scum"
[12:55:03] gbee: ;)
[12:55:26] gardengnome: i love how this main board tends to freeze during the initilisation of the raid controller.
[12:55:38] gardengnome: GAF is gonna skyrockt
[12:56:14] DaveMorris (DaveMorris! has left #mythtv-users ()
[12:56:23] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:56:50] gbee: finally had enough of knoppix, I've had no end of problems keeping this box running
[12:57:05] ** gbee downloads the 32bit version of Mandriva 2007 **
[12:57:26] gardengnome: heh
[12:57:40] gbee: just need to get this box running for a few minutes so I can backup the database
[12:58:54] gardengnome: just use ssh?
[13:01:17] gbee: can't networking isn't coming up, which as best I can tell is the reason that gdm is failing!?!
[13:01:33] gardengnome: awesome :(
[13:02:19] gardengnome: well, have you tried "chmod -x /usr/sbin/gdm"?
[13:11:37] j-rod: people still use mandriva?
[13:11:38] ** j-rod ducks **
[13:12:09] gardengnome: gbee: agreed.
[13:12:42] gardengnome: Dibblah: the typical power consumption of am2 and s939 cpus seems to be the same, though. 65W
[13:13:09] Dibblah: That's ratings.
[13:13:25] gardengnome: true.
[13:14:23] gbee: j-rod: yeah and I don't care who knows it ;) I really like it :D
[13:14:26] gardengnome: hum, and intel box would be too expensive
[13:15:21] juski: somebody has to stand up & fight against the 'linux of the month' rush :)
[13:15:28] j-rod: heh
[13:15:58] gardengnome: i've installed svn on my "linux of the month" and it's workign – except that the box is hanging at POST. i blame itt on the devs
[13:16:16] j-rod: gardengnome: the myth devs, of course, right?
[13:16:25] juski: you're wrong
[13:16:28] juski: it's MY fault
[13:16:32] gardengnome: j-rod: of course. who else could have caused that?
[13:16:48] j-rod: gardengnome: apparently, it was one of juski's themes that corrupted your boot sector
[13:16:54] juski: you installed one or more of my themes & it's fucked your bios
[13:17:12] j-rod: ah yes, my mistake, bios, not boot sector
[13:17:13] gbee: I'd give the latest ubuntu or Fedora a go, although in this case I want to put something I'm familiar with on this machine – as I'm going to be admining it remotely it's just easier that way
[13:17:57] j-rod: gbee: yeah, stick with whatcha know, esp. in that case
[13:18:34] gbee: this isn't my machine so it's not the one I want to start experimenting with
[13:19:49] j-rod: dear iwl3945: suck less
[13:20:15] gbee: right finally I've got access, prepare to meet they maker knoppmyth
[13:20:24] gbee: oh, err hi Cecil
[13:24:20] schultmc (schultmc! has quit ("Client exiting")
[13:25:41] irc (irc! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:26:11] irc: hello is anyone using a volume control knob like the griffin powermate?
[13:26:40] irc: i would like to use it with mythtv but don't know how to configure it
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[13:45:06] TSCHAKWerk (TSCHAKWerk! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:45:15] TSCHAKWerk: i wanna...get the fuck out of this country.
[13:45:35] TSCHAKWerk: realid countdown has started.
[13:45:38] TSCHAKWerk: :-(
[13:45:52] juski: just become a terrorist. they'll get you out super-fast-quick
[13:46:13] juski: er.. anyway wth is 'realid' ?
[13:46:18] TSCHAKWerk: UK is just as bad..... if not worse.
[13:46:39] TSCHAKWerk: juski: it's what the DHS is labeling a universal ID card, and its supporting infrastructure.
[13:47:00] juski: wouldn't worry too much about it. it'll never work
[13:47:12] TSCHAKWerk: with a whoel bunch of as of yet unspecified additions to be created over an unspecified # of years.
[13:47:16] TSCHAKWerk: *sigh*
[13:47:39] TSCHAKWerk: is it any wonder I am a misanthrope?
[13:47:41] juski: buy some shares in the company at the heart of it.. bingo :)
[13:47:55] TSCHAKWerk: thinking about it
[13:47:56] TSCHAKWerk: heh.
[13:48:42] TSCHAKWerk: but i know it wouldn't make a difference.
[13:48:50] juski: you know you shoulda taken the blue pill
[13:48:58] juski: you'd have been none the wise
[13:49:01] juski: *wiser
[13:49:12] TSCHAKWerk: heh.
[13:51:07] Honk (Honk! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:59:57] juski: could be
[14:00:14] juski: if it really is new
[14:02:10] gbee: even if it isn't, it's still a better price than most of the second hand ones which sell on ebay
[14:02:23] juski: yeah very true
[14:02:37] juski: and about 2/3 the price of the cheapest retail one
[14:03:06] juski: if they take paypal, go fer it :)
[14:03:08] gbee:
[14:03:41] juski: I snipe when I go on ebay
[14:04:10] juski: you snooze, you lose ;)
[14:04:13] gbee:
[14:04:34] doc__ (doc__! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[14:04:40] juski: oof
[14:04:50] eelriver (eelriver!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:04:53] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:04:59] juski: that sucks. I'd prolly have done the same tbh
[14:05:37] juski: having seen the prices folks pay for em already, that is...
[14:06:01] gbee: aye
[14:06:41] gbee: wasn't someone making an Ubuntu-myth distro?
[14:07:08] juski: be ready 'soon' allegedly
[14:07:11] juski: mythbuntu
[14:07:17] juski: sssssh!
[14:07:18] juski: ;)
[14:07:31] gbee: feck, since when do Ebay prices exlude VAT?
[14:07:33] Merlin83b: ubunteevee
[14:07:52] j-rod: knoppmythbuntu?
[14:08:12] Merlin83b: knoppmythbuntdora
[14:08:23] j-rod: that'd be interesting
[14:08:25] Merlin83b: miniknoppmythbuntdora
[14:08:26] juski: gbee: I can go to scan for a pvr150 for ya before LRL if you like
[14:08:52] j-rod: not sure what the bastard child of ubuntu and fedora would look like...
[14:08:55] gbee: nevermind, I'll stay with mandriva even if I will have to fiddle with creating startup scripts for mythfrontend
[14:09:38] gbee: juski: thanks for the offer, they have free postage though don't they? i.e. they would be no benefit to going in person?
[14:10:05] gbee: oh apparently not
[14:10:41] Zeroth|work: Is there some basic system hardware requirements for mythtv?
[14:10:45] gbee: hmm, even Scan is a few pounds more ignoring postage, I might as well just bite the bullet and get this one off ebay
[14:10:46] Zeroth|work: I couldn't locate any on the website
[14:11:52] gbee: Zeroth|work: the basic hardware requirements are pretty low, low enough that these days you can almost not worry about them unless you're planning on using an old Celly 500 you found down the back of a sofa
[14:12:17] Zeroth|work: well, how about a celeron 400mhz with 128mb ram? :-/
[14:12:32] Zider: ew :P
[14:12:35] Zeroth|work: heh
[14:13:00] Merlin83b: Depending on the graphics card, it should be fine :)
[14:13:07] Zeroth|work: also ... is it really possible to fast-forward shows on /cable/?
[14:13:12] Zeroth|work: interesting
[14:13:29] Merlin83b: Zeroth|work: Yes, but clearly not past the point that's currently being broadcast.
[14:13:36] Merlin83b: It's not a time travelling machine, after all.
[14:13:39] Zeroth|work: how much is broadcast, generally
[14:13:40] Zeroth|work: ?
[14:14:37] gbee:
[14:15:05] Merlin83b: Zeroth|work: Um, if you watch a show without a PVR, you're watching the broadcast point. YOu can't go ahead of that.
[14:15:40] Zeroth|work: and a PVR is ... ?
[14:16:09] Pryon: Zeroth|work: The way it works, whatever you're recording is written to disk. What you're watching (via mythtv) is being decoded from the disk and displayed. If it's not on the disk yet, it can't be manipulated.
[14:16:39] juski: so mythtv is a TIME MACHINE?! WOOOT!
[14:16:48] Merlin83b: Personaly Video Recorder – MythTV, Tivo etc.
[14:16:49] quicksilver: Merlin83b: how much does it cost to upgrade to the time travel machine version?
[14:17:01] Merlin83b: quicksilver: £100,000, bank transfer to me.
[14:17:30] gbee:
[14:18:14] Zeroth|work: Merlin83b, so with MythTV, I can fast forward my cable how far?
[14:18:57] gbee: Zeroth|work: not beyond 'Live' but if you pause or rewind then you can fast-forward again to that point
[14:19:00] Merlin83b: Zeroth|work: As far as is currently being broadcast. You can't travel into the future! (unless you pay me lots of money, then I'll promise whatever you like)
[14:19:25] Zeroth|work: well, Tivo can fast forward live cable, can't it?
[14:19:33] gbee: Zeroth|work: no
[14:19:35] Zeroth|work: heh
[14:19:40] Merlin83b: Up to the live broadcast point, same as mythtv
[14:19:49] Zeroth|work: so MythTV is just a Tivo for PC, eh?
[14:19:52] Merlin83b: But only if you're watching something that was broadcast before now.
[14:19:57] Merlin83b: Zeroth|work: That and a lot more.
[14:20:06] Merlin83b: But yes, if it helps, it's much the same as tivo.
[14:20:07] Zeroth|work: well, looks like I'll have to spend some time with it :-)
[14:20:09] Dibblah: Actually, about 1 second behind in most cases.
[14:20:19] Dibblah: For both.
[14:20:25] Merlin83b: Don't confuse matter, Dibblah :P
[14:20:35] Zeroth|work: uh, to get the cable into the PC, I suppose I need some sort of adapter
[14:20:46] Zeroth|work: IR Blaster is expensive
[14:20:49] Pryon: Speaking of features not found in tivo, is there a way to get mytharchive to not assume the DVD-R in the drive is 2X?
[14:20:54] Zeroth|work: expensive for my budget, anyway
[14:21:00] goreguts (goreguts! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:21:17] Pryon: Do I simply need to add a speed option to the growisofs command?
[14:22:50] Pryon: Zeroth|work: Save your tivo money for 3 months.
[14:23:31] Zeroth|work: my cousin had this ATI card which allowed you to plug the Cable directly into it and watch it on your PC...should that suffice?
[14:25:03] doc__ (doc__! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:25:26] Pryon: Some ATI cards work, others don't.
[14:26:01] Pryon: You can get a tuner card from hauppauge which comes with (what I assume is) an irblaster.
[14:26:53] Pryon: Yup. the wintv-pvr 150 comes with a blaster
[14:28:53] Zeroth|work: looks pricey
[14:29:23] Zeroth|work: supported by linux, as well?
[14:29:40] Merlin83b: Pricey? Hardly.
[14:29:54] ** TSCHAKWerk uses a combination of a Hauppauge PVR-USB2 and a Motorola DCT-6200 cable box hooked up via Firewire. **
[14:29:59] Merlin83b: Knowing the UK prices, I'm going to take a guess at $60 US.
[14:30:05] Pryon: Like I said. Save your tivo money for a few months
[14:30:25] Zeroth|work: I don't have tivo ;-)
[14:30:42] TSCHAKWerk: has a good price on a pvr-150 and a 500
[14:32:10] Zeroth|work: supported by linux, as well?
[14:32:23] Pryon: i'm using on linux right now
[14:32:28] Pryon: two of them, actually
[14:32:28] Zeroth|work: astroglide gets gooky. there's better lubes than that ;-)
[14:33:05] ** juski isn't seeing this **
[14:33:17] juski: you scary, scary fisters
[14:34:05] TSCHAKWerk: *snicker*
[14:34:20] Zeroth|work: so for 70 bucks and an old rig, I could have MythTV.
[14:34:21] Zeroth|work: kinky
[14:35:30] TSCHAKWerk: even new hardware is cheap these days
[14:35:39] gbee:
[14:36:09] Zeroth|work: I've got a spare radeon laying around
[14:36:11] Zeroth|work: wtf is it called
[14:36:20] Zeroth|work: the number
[14:36:28] Zeroth|work: sheesh, been too happy with nvidia I guess
[14:37:05] Merlin83b: gbee: Yeah, I was going for the fact that most things are cheaper than the straight £->$ conversion over there :)
[14:38:38] gbee: aye
[14:39:25] gbee: for a moment I thought you were in the US, and quoting the likely UK price :p
[14:40:50] Zeroth|work: how much space does the video consume? a lot?
[14:41:03] Zeroth|work: compressed in mpeg2, or whatever is preferred
[14:41:08] juski: not much space on a 750GB HDD
[14:41:11] rt (rt! has quit ("ircII EPIC5-0.2.0 -- Are we there yet?")
[14:41:12] Zeroth|work: haha
[14:41:23] Zeroth|work: I've gotu about 8 gigs free on a 12gb drive in my celeron server
[14:41:34] juski: minumum of 1.5GB/hour
[14:41:43] Zeroth|work: thats nice
[14:41:47] gbee: Zeroth|work: that might give you 5 hours of video
[14:41:50] TSCHAKWerk: Zeroth|work: it depends on the data rate, I record at 6Mbps typically, which gives me about 2.74GB an hour
[14:41:54] gbee: but probably not
[14:42:15] TSCHAKWerk: and when you can get 500 gigs of space for about $100
[14:42:26] TSCHAKWerk: there is no excuse for not having space
[14:42:39] Zeroth|work: except not having $100
[14:42:44] Zeroth|work: heh
[14:42:46] gbee: now I just need an IR blaster – any recommendations?
[14:43:05] Zeroth|work: oh man. it aint far off
[14:43:16] TSCHAKWerk: Zeroth|work: what are ya doin for a job?
[14:43:17] juski: when 1TB hits the market, my machine is gonna have 2 of them
[14:43:18] Zeroth|work: I just bought a 500gb external for about 160
[14:43:22] imk: i just use straight .ts at first :o a little under 4gb for 30 minutes
[14:43:28] Zeroth|work: TSCHAKWerk, sysadmin. a cheap one :-(
[14:43:35] Zeroth|work: but this is mostly what I do :-)(
[14:43:36] The_Ball_: i just expanded my software raid to 8x320gb
[14:43:36] TSCHAKWerk: hmmmm
[14:43:58] TSCHAKWerk: Zeroth|work: well, you could always turn tricks on the street as a supplemental income. :-D god knows I do from time to time.
[14:44:20] juski: blowjob for a pvr card anybody?
[14:44:23] Zeroth|work: you're either talking magic or drugs :-/
[14:44:30] Zeroth|work: or..prostitution
[14:44:37] Zeroth|work: that's not easy. I'm a male with standards :-)
[14:44:40] GreyFoxx:
[14:44:41] TSCHAKWerk: all three are easily substitutable
[14:44:42] GreyFoxx: oops
[14:44:55] TSCHAKWerk: apply as needed for the situation.
[14:44:58] ** juski is still trying to get on **
[14:45:15] GreyFoxx: juski: Is that a Forsale ora WTB ? :)
[14:45:16] Zeroth|work: I could just sell MythTV boxes :-p
[14:45:18] The_Ball_: hey GreyFoxx how are you?
[14:45:26] Zeroth|work: thats not a bad idea
[14:45:27] TSCHAKWerk: juski: it will happen when you don't want it to happen, son.
[14:45:30] TSCHAKWerk: ;-)
[14:45:41] GreyFoxx: The_Ball_: busy as usual :)
[14:45:42] juski: son?
[14:45:46] Zeroth|work: daughter
[14:45:46] ** juski feels patronised **
[14:46:03] TSCHAKWerk: juski: god knows, you'll say something you didn't ever want to slip from your fingers, and it will be immortalised, forever.
[14:46:19] The_Ball_: GreyFoxx, but never to busy for irc, or maybe that's why you'r busy
[14:46:26] Zeroth|work: hmm
[14:46:31] ** Zeroth|work searches for his name **
[14:46:32] TSCHAKWerk: me? I have a bad case of tourettes, so, I'm fucked.
[14:46:33] juski: what.. like when I was interviewed at LRL & it got immortalised on audio & video?
[14:46:43] Zeroth|work: omg
[14:46:54] Zeroth|work: scarry. it came up with a lot, but nothing with my name
[14:47:16] TSCHAKWerk: one of my favourite bash quotes came from a long time friend of mine, Isky
[14:47:27] GreyFoxx: The_Ball_: IRC is my 2 minute brain break between real work :)
[14:47:31] TSCHAKWerk: "So you broke up with your boyfriend because he killed your uptime?"
[14:47:37] TSCHAKWerk: <Isky> basically, yeah.
[14:47:38] TSCHAKWerk: :-P
[14:47:55] Zeroth|work: hahaha
[14:47:58] GreyFoxx: Plus I have a huge number of xterms open all the time and IRC happens to be on the screen so I usually see what;s going on :)
[14:47:59] juski: I don't get it. does that mean I have a life? :)
[14:48:01] Zeroth|work: uptime is silly
[14:48:14] GreyFoxx: uptime is the pride of the young admin
[14:48:14] Zeroth|work: I leave my server on for months, reboot it, and don't even bother to check the uptime
[14:48:25] Zeroth|work: and young I am
[14:48:37] juski: I have enough mojo not to need uptime
[14:48:44] Zeroth|work: wtf is mojo anyway?
[14:48:53] Pryon: if you have to ask...
[14:48:57] gbee: aw, no-one has immortalized my IRC wit
[14:49:13] TSCHAKWerk: someone should make an ED medication for geeks called "Uptime"
[14:49:35] Zeroth|work: TSCHAKWerk, immortalize that!
[14:49:35] juski: gbee: mythlogbot loves ya :)
[14:49:56] gbee: my all-time favourite IRC comment dates back to around 2000, but I'd probably hash it up if I tried to repeat it
[14:50:37] Zeroth|work: hmm... MythTV on a Sharp Zaurus PDA ......
[14:50:58] TSCHAKWerk: hahaha
[14:51:13] TSCHAKWerk: MythTV and LinuxMCE living together in harmony
[14:51:41] ** juski runs away **
[14:51:57] juski: AFAIC, linuxmce doesn't exist
[14:52:31] The_Ball_: juski, i think i read something about a distro called that
[14:52:46] The_Ball_: i think it was a distro with myth on it
[14:52:48] TSCHAKWerk: it's another media center solution, it uses MythTV, but it controls a bit more.
[14:52:56] gbee: hmm, even my favourite one didn't get logged somewhere – which is a shame although unsuprising given that it was a small channel
[14:53:20] TSCHAKWerk: The_Ball_: not quire correct.
[14:53:53] TSCHAKWerk: The_Ball_: it's a comprehensive media center solution that includs mythtv yes, but it controls quite a bit more... its setup is _very_ involved.
[14:54:02] TSCHAKWerk: and that's putting it mildly
[14:54:19] TSCHAKWerk: the codebase is new enough to still be 50 miles over the edge.
[14:54:26] juski: the video's really good for insomniacs though
[14:54:41] gbee: LinuxMCE is a full home control package using bits of Pluto (X11) to turn on/off lights etc and yes, it use mythtv for the media part
[14:55:10] TSCHAKWerk: it has pretty much all of the Pluto stack, minus the DRM bits.
[14:55:19] TSCHAKWerk: at least from what i've seen between the two.
[14:55:21] The_Ball_: x10 is pretty cool, but lacks feedback for commands
[14:55:48] juski: The_Ball_: some X10 kit is bi-directional
[14:56:10] Zeroth|work: is there any real difference between the wintv-pvr 150 and 350?
[14:56:12] TSCHAKWerk: and yeah, that video, while it's pretty amazing, the guy doing the voiceover should never ever ever ever ever ever ever talk ever again
[14:56:20] TSCHAKWerk: Zeroth|work: don't bother with the 350
[14:56:22] juski: Zeroth|work: plenty
[14:56:25] The_Ball_: the problem is _some_.. if I turn a heater off I want to be sure my house won't burn down
[14:56:36] juski: the pvr350 has an obsoleted mpeg2 decoder onboard
[14:56:42] TSCHAKWerk: Zeroth|work: the 350 has an mpeg decoder on the card, which funnels to a TV out.. but trust me... you don't want it.
[14:56:57] gbee: Zeroth|work: yes but the major difference, a hardware mpeg2 decoder, doesn't work very well
[14:57:10] Zeroth|work: heh
[14:57:16] Zeroth|work: yay for cheaper stuff
[14:57:20] TSCHAKWerk: shoving the OSD onto the pvr-350 output is....painful
[14:57:36] ** juski slides in the mention that none of the mythtv devs use a pvr350 any longer, apparently, so when it gets broken in the code... **
[14:57:41] tzanger: I had a pvr350
[14:58:09] TSCHAKWerk: juski: oh trust me, some poor schmuck will complain.
[14:58:13] juski: can you spell deprecated?
[14:58:29] TSCHAKWerk: yah, I can sign it too :-P
[14:58:40] ** TSCHAKWerk waves a white flag **
[14:58:41] TSCHAKWerk: :-P
[14:58:43] GreyFoxx: TSCHAKWerk: They can complain, but unless that complaint is accompanied by code to fix it, it will likel remain broken
[14:59:21] juski: they can go use freevo instead :)
[14:59:25] TSCHAKWerk: yeaugh
[14:59:30] TSCHAKWerk: that thing still sucks
[14:59:42] gbee: nice surprise, the mythconverg dump is only 19Mb
[14:59:59] tzanger: how big were you expecting it to be??
[15:00:13] juski: heheh gbee you coul've typed it all in, in the time it's taken for that ;)
[15:00:54] gbee: juski: indeed
[15:03:00] cecil: hello gbee
[15:03:35] cecil: I don't believe in a biblical god....
[15:03:46] gbee: hi cecil, how's it going? ;)
[15:04:00] cecil: are you going to send me a plane ticket to go see my parents?
[15:04:09] cecil: ok and you?
[15:05:05] juski: oo cecil since you're here.. neon-wide got updated the other day
[15:05:12] gbee: I'm sorry Cecil – Knoppmyth is great, really it is ;)
[15:05:37] gbee: just that knoppix and I don't get along
[15:07:37] doc__ (doc__! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:07:50] cecil: Knoppix doesn't equal KnoppMyth
[15:09:11] TSCHAKWerk: man, I love having flash streaming in mythweb
[15:09:13] gbee: no, no that's true
[15:11:04] gbee: whatever the origin, it's the little things like differences in network configuration and annoying ssh bugs that in the end prooved too much :(
[15:12:19] ille (ille!n=ille@pdpc/supporter/student/ille) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:12:24] juski: that was how I fell out of love with gentoo. it just wasn't gentoo anymore after a while :)
[15:15:38] ectospazm (ectospazm! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:15:45] juski: anyway cecil – updated the recording group summary screen & changed mythmusic's buttons to nice shiny ones :)
[15:16:11] SpaceBass: hey folks
[15:16:20] SpaceBass: is there such thing as a cablecard HD capture device?
[15:16:31] SpaceBass: Ive been searching around but cannot find a clear solution
[15:16:33] juski: SpaceBass: not fer linux there aint
[15:16:51] GreyFoxx: Closest thing is a cablecard HD settop box with firewire output that you can record from
[15:16:57] SpaceBass: trying to determine if I can move to a provider that will allow me to legally capture HD
[15:17:22] SpaceBass: GreyFoxx, ahhh that sounds like a viable option too...just wondering if anyone around me supports that
[15:17:25] ** SpaceBass has directTV now **
[15:17:37] gbee: right, before I overwrite things, is there anything else I should remember to backup?
[15:19:15] Z_Morek: wasn't there some hd recording device on digg a couple weeks ago?
[15:19:25] Z_Morek: you can use it to stream over the network or something?
[15:19:56] SpaceBass: thats my hope
[15:20:18] Z_Morek: it was pretty inexpensive too... lets see if I can "dig" it up HAHHAHA
[15:20:20] Ruleke (Ruleke! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:20:23] ** Z_Morek is not funny **
[15:20:27] SpaceBass: I'd like to build a central myth server with an OTA tuner and some way to capture HD from a provider...then have clients on each TV
[15:20:46] janneg: GreyFoxx: I doubt that such a STB will give you access to the encrypted channels
[15:21:22] janneg: otherwise it's nothing else than the more than ten years old DVB CI/CAM model
[15:21:45] janneg: and the industry has changed a lot in the last years
[15:22:02] gbee: juski: come on! I'm relying on you to tell me what to do! :p
[15:22:19] Z_Morek: SpaceBass, . . . 7&tid=39
[15:22:30] SpaceBass: thanks!
[15:22:54] Z_Morek: on first glance I think it's a headless box
[15:22:57] ectospasm (ectospasm! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[15:22:57] GreyFoxx: janneg: Unfortunately it's totally ISP dependant.
[15:23:18] GreyFoxx: Locally you can record every single channel include the encrypted HD ones via the firewire out on the HDTV stb's
[15:23:21] SpaceBass: now clear how that captures HD though
[15:23:52] SpaceBass: I'm already doing something mac minis on each TV that use VLC to stream from a central file server
[15:29:20] a5benwillis: Hopefully someone can give me a simple answer to this. I just built a serial IR receiver per the plans on lirc website. I have lircinstalledon ubuntu. Is there anything else that I need to do or will it be detected automatically? I know that I still need to configure lirc for the remote etc...
[15:29:24] Z_Morek: SpaceBass, it apparently just works like any external tuner
[15:29:35] SpaceBass: so only OTA
[15:29:47] SpaceBass: or unencrypted
[15:30:16] Z_Morek: SpaceBass, my knowledge of HD is very limited...
[15:30:25] TSCHAKWerk: SpaceBass: basically, yes.
[15:30:56] TSCHAKWerk: SpaceBass: if your device isn't part of the CableCard or your TV provider cartel, you're most likely shit out of luck.
[15:31:21] Ruleke: a5benwillis: select the correct type for lirc
[15:31:22] SpaceBass: TSCHAKWerk, that was my original there a way to use a cablecard with myth for HD
[15:31:29] TSCHAKWerk: SpaceBass: no
[15:31:34] SpaceBass: bummer
[15:31:44] Ruleke: man am I glad I live here... dvb-C qam goodness
[15:31:47] SpaceBass: sounds like I'm sticking with DirectTV for a while
[15:32:02] TSCHAKWerk: SpaceBass: and there will never be, cablecard specs are very stringent on not providing an unencrypted digital copy of video.
[15:32:12] a5benwillis: Ruleke: So maybe I should install lirc from source as apposed to apt-get?
[15:32:16] Ruleke: with normal CAM
[15:32:24] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[15:32:29] Ruleke: a5benwillis: you can reconfigure it... maybe with dpkg-reconfigure
[15:32:40] Ruleke: not sure tbh
[15:32:46] a5benwillis: k, thanks
[15:32:46] Ruleke: or just load the correct module
[15:33:03] Ruleke: lirc_serial or so
[15:33:13] Ruleke: forgot, should be decently explained ont he page somwhere
[15:33:16] Ruleke: gtg
[15:33:32] Ryushin: Does directv make a box that will allow it to backfeed the rest of your house using QAM? I do not want to have 4 directv boxes for just my mythbox alone.
[15:33:39] monotonous: hi guys :)
[15:33:45] Ruleke (Ruleke! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:33:51] TSCHAKWerk: SpaceBass: and even decryption via satellite is not possible, because satellite recievers also honor the broadcast flag in the US.
[15:34:02] monotonous: my frontend is connecting really slow since my update to 0.20 – do you know sthg about that?
[15:34:49] TSCHAKWerk: SpaceBass: so the firewire port is dark most of the time, unless you are tuned to local channels (which are by law required to be available in unencrypted form and can never have the NO COPY flags set.)
[15:34:57] SpaceBass: TSCHAKWerk, yep... which means myth and HD are basically dead in the US
[15:35:25] juski: SpaceBass: MCE lover
[15:35:31] SpaceBass: not at all
[15:35:40] ** SpaceBass owns no MS boxen **
[15:35:41] TSCHAKWerk: SpaceBass: eh, I still use it, the OTA is good enough for now.. there is NOTHING preventing some clever guy from building a component video capture device.
[15:35:44] GreyFoxx: It really depends on your provider
[15:35:57] juski: if there's anybody to blame for the situation it's the consumer as much as anyone
[15:36:17] SpaceBass: dont get me wrong...this pains me... but without things like HBO, etc (which are of value to me) then I cannot justify moving away from the provided hardware
[15:36:23] SpaceBass: which makes me sad :(
[15:36:32] tha_toadman (tha_toadman! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:36:51] juski: yeah well isn't there something going on that might point towards 5C encripplement being removed.. or something?
[15:37:21] juski: btw gbee just unmount the recordings space, make sure the db backup is safe & you'll be reet :)
[15:37:22] TSCHAKWerk: juski: not in my area, the broadcast flags never change from NO COPY for me.
[15:38:44] gbee: juski: cheers, it doesn't hurt to double check – the number of times I've forgot to backup something when reformatting isn't funny
[15:38:45] juski: nah I thought I'd heard something about 5C going dodo-wise altogether
[15:38:56] kslater: would be nice
[15:39:10] kslater: the HD capture scene other than OTA is a sad tale in the States
[15:39:11] TSCHAKWerk: us geeks need a lobbying interest here in the US with money behind it :-P
[15:39:26] juski: yeah well stop sitting on your fat asses doing nothing :)
[15:40:11] TSCHAKWerk: and apparently, from what experiments i have been doing, if you don't provide so much as a DTCP handshake, nothing at all gets sent down the pipe when 5C is on.
[15:40:21] kslater: there's the whole I want it all for free mentality that's going on.
[15:40:42] TSCHAKWerk: kslater: honestly, if I could pay more for the privilege of using my own hardware, I would.
[15:41:02] TSCHAKWerk: I have NO problem with capitalism, I have a problem with monopolism.
[15:41:15] juski: if all it took for providers to sit up & take notice was to abstain, you still wouldn't do it
[15:42:03] TSCHAKWerk: i've written to my congressmen on various issues, and i've come to the conclusion that those letters never get past their assistants.
[15:42:05] juski: and you all knew the broadcast flag was only the thin end of the wedge.. yet...
[15:42:21] kslater: juski – true and true
[15:42:31] kslater: most folk are sheeple
[15:42:46] TSCHAKWerk: "Thank you for your letter, we will take your sentiment under advisement. We appreciate feedback from voters such as yourself..blahblahblahblahblahhhh"
[15:42:58] ectospazm is now known as ectospasm
[15:43:04] jams: TSCHAKWerk- i agree
[15:43:09] Z_Morek: well, you could just ddos the phone line :-P
[15:43:21] jams: often it reads like a cut and paste from several different letters
[15:43:32] TSCHAKWerk: juski: politicians here run on the golden rule.. he who has the gold makes the rules.
[15:43:33] juski: point is if enough people did something they would take notice
[15:43:38] Z_Morek: if it could be considered ddos to have people spam call the phone lines
[15:43:55] TSCHAKWerk: yeah, that's the irony, it would.
[15:43:57] jams: my favorite is when they send back document trying to educate me
[15:44:04] juski: you can't just sit back & assume someone else will look after it for you
[15:44:33] juski: or have y'all given up already? ;)
[15:44:41] TSCHAKWerk: juski: but the point being the very mechanisms that were put in place to allow citizens to interact with their government, are seriously broken.
[15:44:49] TSCHAKWerk: the only thing that's gonna fix this
[15:44:51] TSCHAKWerk: is revolt.
[15:44:56] juski: cos those people who buy congressmen's opinions.. who do you think gives them the money?
[15:45:07] juski: consumers!
[15:45:28] Z_Morek: shhhhh the epartmentday ofay ationalnay ecuritysay
[15:45:33] tzanger: I wonder how much mythweather's changed from the -0.20-fixes to whatever rev syncs up mythweather to the new web page it scapes
[15:45:48] TSCHAKWerk: tzanger: it's broken currently.
[15:45:53] tzanger: TSCHAKWerk: oh it still is, ok.  :-)
[15:46:02] tzanger: I thought I just saw someone saying the temp was off
[15:46:08] juski: mythweather-revamp needs YOU!
[15:46:32] TSCHAKWerk: Uncle Sam became Uncle Enron
[15:46:34] TSCHAKWerk: :-P
[15:46:47] Z_Morek: tzanger, the dev irc channel has been talkin about a fix for mythweather for a while now
[15:47:04] Z_Morek: TSCHAKWerk, notice how oil prices went up after we "brought democracy" to the middle east
[15:47:59] tzanger: heh
[15:48:05] ** Z_Morek watches for a black SUV to drive up with scary men inside **
[15:48:08] tzanger: you mean 'bought democracy'
[15:48:27] TSCHAKWerk: and since when do we live in a democracy, much less BRING democracy to other countries?
[15:48:48] TSCHAKWerk: say it with me now.. REPUBLIC... R E P U B .....
[15:48:49] TSCHAKWerk: :-P
[15:49:20] Z_Morek: funny how a discussion of broadcast flags brings forth all sorts of politics :-P
[15:49:32] Z_Morek: reminds me of the huge hd-dvd thing on digg recently
[15:49:48] juski: oh noes
[15:49:52] TSCHAKWerk: I....HAVE PATENTED...THE NUMBER 1234!
[15:50:00] juski: that kevin rose dude has used mythtv.. bad sign
[15:50:29] Z_Morek: didn't abercrombie and fitch try to copy-write a number?
[15:50:51] Z_Morek: *note to self, TSCHAKWerk's pin is 1234*
[15:51:07] Z_Morek: only an idiot would use that combination!
[15:51:14] TSCHAKWerk: Z_Morek: ;-)
[15:51:19] Z_Morek: that's the combination on my suitcase luggage!
[15:51:30] TSCHAKWerk: hehehee
[15:51:52] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:51:58] Z_Morek: anyways my only concern is democratization of the internet
[15:52:19] Z_Morek: currently it's controlled by corporations with fat fibre optic lines
[15:52:39] Merlin83b: And will continue to be so unless you can find a way of transferring data for free.
[15:52:52] Merlin83b: And if you can, I'd put money on you charging for it ;-)
[15:53:12] Z_Morek: well theoretically when wireless cards get massive range, you could set up a HUGE ad-hoc network
[15:53:28] Pryon: hivemind ho!
[15:53:32] Merlin83b: Transatlantic huge? Good luck :)
[15:53:39] TSCHAKWerk: well, if Van Jacobson's research becomes reality, detail of relying on transport will become completely agnostic.
[15:54:55] ** Merlin83b imagines lots of wifi hubs with BGP (or another routing protocol) in them. **
[15:55:03] Merlin83b: (well, it would have to be another)
[15:56:13] juski: hey isn't it just like printing presses & the serfs again? ;)
[15:58:58] Z_Morek: juski, pretty much
[15:59:37] Z_Morek: digg and all that social bookmarking web2.0, p2p, and streaming video have essentially brought mass media in the hands of the masses
[16:01:17] Z_Morek: you no longer need to get published in print to get read, just get enough "friends" to digg your story, put some pretty pictures in (it appeases the web trolling crowds)... bam your wordpress goes down faster than bush's approval rating
[16:01:46] Z_Morek: and your idea is out of the bag
[16:02:01] Merlin83b: But the bandwidth still has to be paid for.
[16:02:22] Z_Morek: until someone sets up some huge ad-hoc
[16:02:55] Z_Morek: with some method of bandwidth sharing so it doesn't turn into communist breadlines
[16:03:35] Z_Morek: well... actually it probably would turn into communist breadlines... everyone's waiting in line to download some new thing
[16:03:35] Merlin83b: There are still some ridiculous distances to cover before that'll really work, though.
[16:03:42] Z_Morek: yeah
[16:03:48] Merlin83b: It could work where people are in wifi or wimax or whatever range.
[16:04:01] Merlin83b: But an ad hoc mesh is a nice dream :)
[16:04:04] Z_Morek: especially the deadzones of the midwest and every ocean
[16:04:18] Merlin83b: I was thinking more of oceans, but yeah there are plenty of examples.
[16:04:33] Z_Morek: ever look at cell phone coverage charts of the midwest
[16:04:43] Merlin83b: No, since I'm in the UK.
[16:04:49] Z_Morek: :-P
[16:05:34] Z_Morek: well, iirc there's some huge areas of nothingness and some sort of ad-hoc mesh would definitely have issues of bottlenecking
[16:05:46] Merlin83b: That would depend on the routing protocol.
[16:06:14] Z_Morek: if people are trying to get info from say.... london to LA... I'm sure there'd be some bottle necks along the way
[16:06:20] Z_Morek: a scarcity of nodes
[16:07:13] Z_Morek: whether it's over "the pond" or the midwest
[16:08:09] Z_Morek: in any case
[16:08:11] Z_Morek: it's a nice dream
[16:08:28] Merlin83b: Yep – meshes work in smaller areas, but to get data elsewhere, transit is needed and companies have had to pay to build that transit.
[16:08:51] Z_Morek: yup
[16:09:09] juski: this is where the trucks come in handy
[16:09:12] cal (cal! has quit ("BitchX: the Cadillac of all clients")
[16:09:32] Z_Morek: trucks?
[16:10:00] Z_Morek: dump trucks to carry our data?
[16:10:04] Z_Morek: or a series of tubes?
[16:10:15] juski: yeah I thought you split the data up, put each part into packets & put the packets into trucks.. or something
[16:10:32] TSCHAKWerk: as funny as that sounds
[16:10:35] TSCHAKWerk: it may very well come to that
[16:10:43] TSCHAKWerk: remember, we do have avian-carrier over IP
[16:10:50] Z_Morek: in all honesty it IS like that in rural places of India
[16:11:09] juski: sneakerweb2.0 :)
[16:11:26] Z_Morek: the wifi-equipped truck picks up all email traffic etc and does drive by interwebs
[16:11:35] TSCHAKWerk: and when it all turns Road Warrior and Thunderdome on us
[16:11:38] Z_Morek: and goes through later
[16:11:42] TSCHAKWerk: it'll be like that for most of us :-P
[16:11:45] Z_Morek: and repeats the process daily
[16:11:53] Merlin83b: That's pretty cool.
[16:12:15] Merlin83b: Mad latency though. No Everquest LoLz!
[16:12:27] Z_Morek: yeah it also caches the most popular content... bollywood info, football (soccer) scores
[16:12:31] TSCHAKWerk: RouterDome...two packets enter, one packet leaves
[16:12:56] Z_Morek: imagine playing CS over trucknet
[16:13:18] Z_Morek: HACKKKKKERZ!
[16:13:27] TSCHAKWerk: "Dude, you died like...last week."
[16:14:13] Packetscan (Packetscan! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:14:17] Z_Morek: well I guess that leaves old fashioned turn based stuff
[16:14:34] grantm (grantm! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:14:37] Packetscan (Packetscan! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:14:38] Z_Morek: but in any case the extreme digress is pretty ridiculous
[16:14:52] juski: unreal chess tournament? ;)
[16:14:55] Merlin83b: Heh
[16:15:20] Z_Morek: my current project: configure my backend to work with an xbox frontend
[16:15:32] Z_Morek: but the weather's too nice to worry about that
[16:15:38] Z_Morek: adieu
[16:15:39] Merlin83b: Allow MySQL remote connections, job done.
[16:15:42] juski: how can you tell?
[16:15:54] Z_Morek: I looked out the window :-P
[16:16:26] Z_Morek is now known as Z_Morek-afk
[16:16:37] juski: you still use windows? :-P
[16:17:50] Z_Morek-afk: i'm really just an irc nub... I'm usin xchat in ubuntu feisty on my laptop
[16:18:32] Z_Morek-afk: okay now I'm really going outside
[16:22:44] Dagmar: I have an applet for that sort of thign
[16:22:53] Dagmar: Windows leak chilled air.
[16:35:11] TSCHAKWerk: mmm, fried chicken fried in _LARD_
[16:35:25] TSCHAKWerk: i don't care if I only live to 30 :-P
[16:36:34] juski: that's what I said
[16:36:40] juski: 5 years later, still here
[16:38:25] Pryon: frying in lard isn't nearly as bad as you think, if done at the proper temperature. Also, no nasty trans fats to worry about.
[16:41:34] pat_ (pat_! has quit (
[16:41:37] TSCHAKWerk: it TASTES better
[16:42:01] TSCHAKWerk: of course, the MSG helps too
[16:42:06] ** TSCHAKWerk cackles maniacally **
[16:42:34] TSCHAKWerk: MSG... Crack from Japan. :-P
[16:46:34] pat_ (pat_! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:47:02] a5benwillis: Does anyone know if lirc has to be installed from source on Ubuntu for it to work with a serial ir- home brew?
[16:47:10] a5benwillis: I bet Juski knows..
[16:47:29] juski: check yesterday's log & what transpired with ward_
[16:47:43] juski: cos that's what you need to do
[16:47:47] a5benwillis: k
[16:47:54] a5benwillis: now I need to link to the logs
[16:47:57] Anduin: Only the last bit of the log
[16:48:04] juski: storming off in a huff afterwards is up to you :)
[16:48:56] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:48:58] Merlin83b: Heh
[16:49:01] a5benwillis: canyou just answer yes or no so I know what to search for on google
[16:50:32] ** TSCHAKWerk fast forwards past commercials.... **
[16:50:44] Pryon: ...and into the future!
[16:50:54] robthebob (robthebob! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:51:03] TSCHAKWerk: can we cure the common cold? nah... but we can give you a pill to make you harder than differential calculus!
[16:51:06] TSCHAKWerk: :-P
[16:51:32] tzanger: hahahahahaha
[16:51:49] TSCHAKWerk: and apparently, there's a cockney cunt of a gecko who knows a way to save 15% or more on car insurance!
[16:52:36] a5benwillis: oh well
[16:52:48] pat_ (pat_! has quit (
[16:53:09] TSCHAKWerk: "Are you broke ass broke? we can give you a loan even if you're broke ass broke, and push you even further, IN DEBT!"
[16:53:11] iamchrist (iamchrist!n=Christ@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:53:12] TSCHAKWerk: :-P
[16:53:35] TSCHAKWerk: "and now... back to High Hitler...on the History Channel."
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[16:54:44] Anduin: a5benwillis: The info is in the topic
[16:55:37] pat_ (pat_! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:57:35] Anduin: a5benwillis: if you cannot find it
[16:58:04] grantm (grantm! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:58:10] a5benwillis: Juski, did you actually help anyone yesterday? Still looking through that log and all I see is you giving him a hard time because he doesnt know how to do something.
[16:58:43] Dagmar: Some peopel can't be helped
[16:58:44] Anduin: a5benwillis: look at the context
[16:59:25] a5benwillis: Anduin: Im reading through yesterdays log now.
[16:59:47] Dagmar: a5benwillis: we had genuine trolls in here yesterday
[17:00:22] a5benwillis: I understand.
[17:00:35] Dagmar: a5benwillis: Track back to when those two guys were first talking and it'll stand out
[17:00:48] a5benwillis: I'll keep searching.
[17:01:06] a5benwillis: I do see a tutorial link that I havent read. So I guess I havent tried everything
[17:05:54] juski: a5benwillis: more able folks than me helped him
[17:06:00] juski: er.. wasted their time on him, I mean
[17:07:34] a5benwillis: well, Im here every day so Im obviously not a troll. Just trying to learn and make this stuff work.
[17:07:53] MGisbers (MGisbers! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:08:00] j-rod: trolls are tasty. yum.
[17:08:21] ** j-rod is always here, but usually not paying any attention to anyone **
[17:08:58] j-rod: stupid mythweather
[17:09:25] juski: anyway I saved that particular conversation for later recall.
[17:09:45] a5benwillis: k, thanks./
[17:09:52] j-rod: hahahaha, nashua calls itself a cutting-edge city...
[17:10:03] juski: I especially like his "what did you search for" and my "well, you want to know about mplayer & lirc, so I said "mplayer & lirc" " reply :)
[17:10:50] a5benwillis: If he was indeed a troll I understand. But, ifhe was someone just needing to be pointed in the right direction why not try to help?
[17:11:09] a5benwillis: Isnt that one of the purposes of having this chan?
[17:11:29] juski: a5benwillis: the very fact that something so obvious escaped his attention – I just found it incredible
[17:11:36] pat_ (pat_! has quit (
[17:11:36] a5benwillis: I'm sure Im expludind myself from any future help here but I see this every day here.
[17:11:45] juski: anyway – reckon our DHCP server is broken?
[17:12:17] a5benwillis: Well, I foloowing the guide that he tried. Lets see if I have better luck.
[17:12:52] juski: a5benwillis: he got all the help he needed with setting up lirc. then he just got silly ;) folks really don't enjoy being made to look stupid no matter how little help they needed ;)
[17:12:56] a5benwillis: I sit here all day at work dealing with dumb people supporting 6500 workstations and 15000 users. This couldnt be that much worse.
[17:13:41] a5benwillis: Of course these are teachers and student, very hard to get much worse. ;)
[17:14:17] a5benwillis: juski: He did get silly, I agree
[17:15:16] juski: I know I'm not a model teacher but I'm only human :)
[17:17:17] a5benwillis: juski: You're not human
[17:17:24] juski: email sent to our network guys. stupid MS DHCP server giving out addresses more than once
[17:17:44] a5benwillis: juski: You're some angry bot sitting at a computer somewherein the world.
[17:17:53] juski: lol
[17:18:00] juski: I'll take that as a compliment
[17:18:10] a5benwillis: it was.
[17:18:28] a5benwillis: kind of... "P
[17:18:39] juski: so er.. yeah stupidity makes me angry.. so angry infact it's er.. stupid
[17:18:43] a5benwillis: takes forever to download a new kernel... argh
[17:19:22] a5benwillis: um yeah, I would think so
[17:19:45] a5benwillis: how does the dhcp server give out two addresses? Maybe they set a second one up by mistake lol
[17:19:48] TSCHAKWerk: "Hey, who keeps taking my packets?!"
[17:19:55] juski: last time i told the IT guys about the same problem they just said "that shouldn't happen"
[17:19:56] a5benwillis: Of they cleared the ip database
[17:20:01] TSCHAKWerk: "Gee there are a lot of arp collisions."
[17:20:03] juski: like DUH!
[17:20:53] a5benwillis: well no wonder its slow... Were using 19mb of our 20mb connection LOL
[17:21:02] TSCHAKWerk: M$ software is notorious for missing the little details in the RFC's.
[17:21:31] TSCHAKWerk: "You mean our proxy server is supposed to ALLOW addresses that have a dot on the end of them?!"
[17:24:19] juski: I'd honestly have thought that giving an IP address out over DHCP twice was as big a nono as it gets
[17:24:49] juski: pretty much a 'networking 101' error IMHO
[17:24:51] a5benwillis: juski: Yeah, it is
[17:24:59] juski: not what I'd expect from ANY DHCP server
[17:25:04] a5benwillis: shit happens though, but twice?
[17:25:08] TSCHAKWerk: juski: well the irony is... Microsoft DESIGNED DHCP.
[17:25:17] juski: oh this has happened plenty times
[17:25:39] juski: only this time I bothered to get evidence with ethereal :)
[17:25:50] TSCHAKWerk: (it was proposed as an extension to BOOTP by microsoft in 1993.)
[17:25:53] a5benwillis: I doubt that its happening for no reason. I've never seen MS dhcp do that unless someone didnt know what they were doing.
[17:26:34] juski: ah so it might be a problem with the requests from certain machines, you mean?
[17:26:40] a5benwillis: Ah much better, added this test machine to the packet filter to get more bandwidth.... and done!
[17:27:06] pat_ (pat_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:27:10] a5benwillis: juski: No, someone mucking with the dhcp server, OR, its database is being corrupter.
[17:27:37] juski: lol
[17:27:45] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:27:47] juski: either way it's just not very well at all :D
[17:27:56] TSCHAKWerk: what does Anaphylactic Directory tell you?
[17:28:20] juski: the eh?
[17:28:44] TSCHAKWerk: Active Directory
[17:28:59] juski: not privvy to all that schidt
[17:28:59] a5benwillis: TSCHAKWerk: You dont sound like a M$ fan at all lol
[17:29:30] TSCHAKWerk: ;-)
[17:30:19] a5benwillis: well crap
[17:30:38] a5benwillis: I cant even complie freakin kern source
[17:30:54] directhex (directhex! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:30:55] juski: sudo apt-get build-essential
[17:31:00] cout (cout! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:31:25] a5benwillis: yeah, it complains when 'sudo make menuconfig'
[17:31:45] juski: needing ncurses ?
[17:32:02] juski: or is it dialog?
[17:32:13] Dibblah: n+1 curses, probably.
[17:32:48] GhostFreeman: juski, directhex, xris, how close to done is the site design project coming along
[17:33:20] xris: GhostFreeman: so far just you and a one other person submitting ideas.
[17:33:36] xris: I'm not in love with any of them, but really haven't had much time to think about it in the last 2–3 weeks because of work, trade shows, etc.
[17:33:41] a5benwillis: ncurses-base and ncurses-bin areinstalled
[17:33:50] GhostFreeman: well i'm getting pooled out of ideas
[17:34:35] GhostFreeman: I can try one more mockup, maybe have it done by the end of the week (I'm in the process of transferring to another college)
[17:35:46] directhex: any wild guesses why since moving to SVN, mythvideo shows a full folder path in gallery view rather than just the bits that matter (i.e. i've told it that /data/Media/Video/ is my video root, but when entering mythvideo it shows "data" instead of the contents of /data/Media/Video/)
[17:35:54] xris: GhostFreeman: I have a bunch of emails to respond to from people wanting to help, too.
[17:36:17] GhostFreeman: how many of them do you think have actual talent (be honest now)
[17:36:20] xris: haven't even gotten a chance to tell them to join the mailing list.
[17:36:23] xris: no clue.
[17:36:33] GhostFreeman: maybe you should do it through a front page post
[17:36:39] xris: directhex: if I recall, there's an issue if you don't/have a trailing / on the path
[17:36:50] xris: GhostFreeman: yeah, isaac's been hard to reach.
[17:37:08] directhex: xris, odd. i'll check that
[17:37:09] hugolp: hey, did you know about this?
[17:37:19] hugolp: its Ubuntu Media Center project
[17:37:40] juski: hugolp: did you know about mythbuntu ?
[17:38:08] a5benwillis: juski: Ah there we go, was missing libncurses
[17:38:25] juski: woo I helped somebody today :)
[17:38:29] tha_toadman: quick question for you all
[17:38:34] juski: that's MY quota reached :)
[17:38:35] directhex: hugolp, if they manage in their effort to make LIRC unshit, then they deserve cake. otherwise, yawn
[17:38:43] tha_toadman: I've already removed mythweather from my machine (via apt-get) but it still exists in the mythweb interface
[17:38:43] hugolp: juski: so are they going to use mythtv as a base or are they going to do something diferent?
[17:38:55] juski: hugolp: why else would they call it mythbuntu
[17:38:57] juski: ???
[17:39:06] tha_toadman: can i just go into that directory and rm -rf the 'weather' folder
[17:39:17] hugolp: ok jusky thanks for the answer and your usual british sarcasm
[17:40:32] TSCHAKWerk: that was sarcasm?
[17:40:57] a5benwillis: tha_toadman: I think that mythweb looks at the database to see if mythweb is configured to decide wheter to display the weather icon.
[17:41:33] tha_toadman: a5benwillis: so removing it is NOT a good idea i take it
[17:41:53] a5benwillis: you just have some more cleanup to do since you just deleted the files
[17:42:07] a5benwillis: but, Im no expert
[17:42:23] tha_toadman: what cleanup would that be? i haven't removed that directory yet
[17:43:20] a5benwillis: ' I've already removed mythweather from my machine'
[17:43:29] a5benwillis: that confused me a bit.
[17:43:43] tha_toadman: apt-get remove mythweather ;-)
[17:44:06] a5benwillis: try looking in the datbase for mythweather configuration data
[17:44:59] tha_toadman: will do
[17:45:13] juski: select value, data, hostname from settings where value like "%weather%";
[17:45:23] a5benwillis: tha_toadman: manually delete /usr/local/share/mythtv/mythweather
[17:46:11] a5benwillis: aswell
[17:47:24] Anduin: tha_toadman: Looks like it looks in the settings table for something with a 'value' == "locale"
[17:47:46] juski: locale & units actually
[17:47:52] a5benwillis: Anduin: Thats what I wouldve thought but couldnt confirm it
[17:47:53] Anduin: (uninstalling a plugin doesn't touch the DB)
[17:48:17] juski: SIunits maybe.. 1 or 0
[17:48:55] tha_toadman: a5benwillis: i don't have that directory
[17:49:09] Anduin: I don't see it depending on units, but this is the first time I've looked.
[17:49:35] juski: oh _depending_ on units.. I was just pointing out there's a units setting ;)
[17:49:42] ** juski apologises **
[17:50:04] tha_toadman: i have a folder under /var/www/mythweb/ that says 'weather' but i don't have anything under /usr/local/share for myth
[17:50:19] a5benwillis: I think it looks for the locale to be set.. clear that and it should dissapear
[17:50:34] tha_toadman: and sadly enough my 'phpmyadmin' isn't working now either – lol
[17:50:51] Anduin: luckily you probably have fingers
[17:51:09] tha_toadman: luckily i do
[17:51:16] schultmc (schultmc! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:51:31] juski: right
[17:51:40] juski: I think 12 hours at work in one day is enough
[17:54:15] MGisbers (MGisbers! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:55:26] gejr (gejr! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:57:09] a5benwillis: tha_toadman: sudo locate mythweather
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[18:14:38] directhex: xris, you had the problem in reverse – removing the trailing slash fixed it
[18:14:46] directhex: xris, but that was close enough. cheers
[18:14:48] slaine_ (slaine_!n=glengray@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:15:42] goreguts: i got my firewire capture working, from the motorola 6200 box, except the sound is all messed up
[18:15:54] Anduin: directhex: You should create a ticket
[18:16:08] goreguts: its just some buzzing/beeping sound, doesnt matter whats on tv
[18:18:04] directhex: Anduin, if xris knew the problem the moment i mentioned it, it suggests there's already a ticket
[18:18:23] schultmc (schultmc! has quit ("Client exiting")
[18:18:26] Anduin: directhex: There isn't, I'd know.
[18:20:02] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:20:16] xris: directhex: unlikely
[18:20:22] xris: I ran into it in my own setup.
[18:20:28] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:20:33] directhex: xris, and you didn't file a ticket? tut tut!
[18:20:46] dolphin (dolphin! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:20:56] Anduin: exactly, if I don't know about it, the chances of it getting fixed are lessened
[18:20:59] xris: directhex: (and I didn't intend to say which way created the behavior, I just knew that it was one or the other)
[18:21:10] xris: I actually thought it was a feature, so didn't submit a bug report.
[18:21:13] xris: I don't use mythvideo much
[18:21:26] Anduin: It is just bad prefix matching
[18:22:17] directhex: i'll just test it with a trailing slash again, just to be sure
[18:25:24] directhex: confirmed
[18:27:46] directhex: pretty sure it's a regression from 0.20-fixes
[18:28:23] Anduin: I'm less sure
[18:28:55] tha_toadman: a5benwillis: sudo locate mythweather ... didn't find anything
[18:29:09] Dagmar: You don't need sudo to run locate.
[18:29:14] Dagmar: Sudo is not all-spice.
[18:29:26] Dagmar: Don't use it unless you need root access for the command you're running.
[18:29:42] stuarta: see this is what comes from forcing people to use sudo when they don't understand it
[18:29:53] tha_toadman: i fully understand sudo
[18:29:55] Dagmar: Yep
[18:30:08] tha_toadman: i didn't realize that he thought i was on the machine as a regular user
[18:30:12] Dagmar: tha_toadman: Okay then... If so, then why did you use it to invoke locate
[18:30:22] mtron_x86 (mtron_x86! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:30:38] tha_toadman: yes yes dagmar — 'locate mythweather' i got it
[18:30:44] Dagmar: Yeah whatever
[18:30:53] tha_toadman: i didn't find anything
[18:32:00] Anduin: tha_toadman: work on changing the DB
[18:32:04] directhex: Anduin, i didn't change that setting though, and it used to work with 0.20-fixes
[18:32:45] Anduin: directhex: Oh, it is possible, submit a ticket, I'll try to look at it this weekend.
[18:32:47] tha_toadman: anduin: will do
[18:33:02] Como (Como! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:33:38] ldam (ldam! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:34:58] directhex: submitted.
[18:35:37] Anduin: bah, anonymous
[18:35:47] slaine_ (slaine_!n=glengray@ has quit ()
[18:36:30] directhex: i fed it an email address
[18:36:33] directhex: trac just hates me
[18:37:24] mtron_x86: sorry if this has been asked before, but is there a fix for mythweather around yet?
[18:38:20] NobleCommerce: hey, is there an alarmclock module for mythtv?
[18:40:57] stuarta: mtron_x86: no
[18:41:03] stuarta: NobleCommerce: no
[18:41:22] stuarta: !trout everyone no
[18:41:22] ** MythLogBot slaps everyone with a no trout on behalf of stuarta... **
[18:41:24] ** HaSH strangles MythLogBot with an ethernet cable, takes the trout, and puts it back in the pond. Fishys Saved: 198 **
[18:43:04] janneg: !trout HaSH
[18:43:04] ** MythLogBot slaps HaSH with a trout on behalf of janneg... **
[18:43:05] ** HaSH strangles MythLogBot with an ethernet cable, takes the trout, and puts it back in the pond. Fishys Saved: 199 **
[18:43:22] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o stuarta
[18:43:31] janneg: lol
[18:43:48] HaSH has been kicked from #mythtv-users by stuarta!n=stuart@unaffiliated/stuarta (come back when you've removed the autoresponder)
[18:43:49] HaSH (HaSH!i=hash@unaffiliated/blazed) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:43:57] janneg: !trout HaSH
[18:43:57] ** MythLogBot slaps HaSH with a trout on behalf of janneg... **
[18:43:57] stuarta: hmmm
[18:43:58] ** HaSH strangles MythLogBot with an ethernet cable, takes the trout, and puts it back in the pond. Fishys Saved: 200 **
[18:45:00] gardengnome: !list
[18:45:07] ** janneg slaps HaSH with a trout on behalf of MythLogBot **
[18:45:08] ** HaSH strangles janneg with an ethernet cable, takes the trout, and puts it back in the pond. Fishys Saved: 201 **
[18:46:10] jduggan_ (jduggan_! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[18:46:31] HaSH (HaSH!i=hash@unaffiliated/blazed) has left #mythtv-users ("Smell Ya Later")
[18:47:10] Janneman_ (Janneman_!n=janoonk@ has joined #mythtv-users
[18:47:18] noddan (noddan! has quit ()
[18:47:23] Mode for #mythtv-users by stuarta!n=stuart@unaffiliated/stuarta : -o stuarta
[18:47:45] noddan (noddan! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:49:23] ldam (ldam! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:49:51] stuarta: anyone know a good upnp client for winblows
[18:51:35] directhex: not off the top of my head, never got anything working. and isn't myth meant to act as a upnp server to the xbox 360?
[18:51:38] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has quit ("LFS on trip monitors")
[18:51:52] stuarta: yeah, but flatmate just has a PC
[18:52:03] directhex: i never got it working, that's all
[18:52:10] jams: don't know how good it is, but nero is mentioned once in a while
[18:55:09] mtron_x86: what about the mythweather patch posted at Tickeet#3327 . . . ather2.patch
[18:55:29] mtron_x86: did sb test it already?
[18:56:26] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:56:39] mtron_x86: it grabs the data from,
[18:57:13] stuarta: mtron_x86: it should work, but the legality is currently being discussed
[18:57:54] mtron_x86: did you only apply the mythweather2 patch?
[18:58:16] stuarta: i don't use mythweather
[18:58:31] mtron_x86: ah,ok. i will see if it works for 0.20-fixes....
[19:00:40] ldam (ldam! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:07:28] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:07:59] fryfrog: what does that patch add/do differently?
[19:10:16] a5benwillis: I HATE lirc
[19:10:29] a5benwillis: cant believe this is wasting a whoile day
[19:10:40] ** stuarta suggests irssi **
[19:10:49] mkrufky: get a wireless keyboard — thats easier and more flexible
[19:11:25] Dagmar: a5benwillis: wot's wrong?
[19:11:34] a5benwillis: I have lircinstalled
[19:11:45] a5benwillis: I have the serial adapter pluggedin
[19:12:10] a5benwillis: when I test using mode2 itcouldnt find /dev/lirc but I had /dev/lirc0
[19:12:26] a5benwillis: so I simlinked to it... dnno if thats bad or not but it loaded mode2
[19:12:35] a5benwillis: I get nothing from testing the buttons
[19:13:17] fryfrog: doesn't sound like the lirc modules are loaded up
[19:13:35] a5benwillis: I loaded them, in fact I can rmmod them because they are in use
[19:13:41] stuarta: why did i think lirc was an irc client...
[19:13:43] fryfrog: oh, nm you are right
[19:13:47] a5benwillis: lirc_serial and lirc_dev
[19:13:48] Dagmar: The /dev/lirc0 can be considerd to be an enumerated (numbered) version of /dev/lirc, so that was fine
[19:13:57] fryfrog: so point mode2 at /dev/lirc0?
[19:14:11] goreguts (goreguts! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:14:20] fryfrog: what about irw?
[19:14:22] Dagmar: a5benwillis: You're sure the dongle works?
[19:14:26] fryfrog: i thought mode2 was for something else
[19:14:30] a5benwillis: no way to test it other than this...
[19:14:40] a5benwillis: I just built it earlier from the plan on lirg site
[19:14:44] a5benwillis: lirc
[19:14:53] a5benwillis: couldnt be much simpler lol
[19:15:02] ldam (ldam! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:15:24] Anduin: so that's a "yes it could be broken"
[19:15:26] Dagmar: a5benwillis: Okay, well, assuming for the moment that you assembled it correctly, here's the "shortlist"
[19:15:40] directhex: i helped with lirc yesterday. today i'm sleepy
[19:16:10] Dagmar: 1. The serial driver module can/will f**k you up. Just in case it's done this, run `setserial /dev/ttyS? uart none` where /dev/ttyS? is yer serial port to make the serial driver "let go" of the thing
[19:16:16] a5benwillis: mode to -d lirc0 says resource busy. Let me restart
[19:16:29] Dagmar: 2. Add softcarrier=1 as a module option for lirc_serial
[19:16:46] directhex: looks sorta cool
[19:17:10] Dagmar: 3. Go get serialwatch or anything that will show you the status of the serial port lines in realtime and watch it when you plug it in as well as when you're pointing your remote at it
[19:17:38] a5benwillis: ok, I like#3
[19:17:52] Dagmar: ...and add debug=1 to both modules options in /etc/modules.conf
[19:18:01] Dagmar: That helped me quite a bit when I started
[19:18:22] a5benwillis: Dagmar: Thaks, I'll work through that listright now.
[19:18:50] Dagmar: Imma go shoppin' for some stuff. Good luck
[19:20:27] a5benwillis:
[19:21:50] directhex: hm. what exactly is the mythtv upnp server meant to be serving? djmount isn't showing me, well, anything
[19:25:55] iamchrist is now known as aarcane
[19:26:29] PhilK (PhilK! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:28:18] zabin: Hey i am having a problem when i got to watch tv. I am getting the following message
[19:28:40] jvs (jvs! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:28:44] zabin: "Coulnt not connnect to the master backend server — is it running? is the ip address for it in the setup program correct?
[19:29:01] zabin: i have restarted the backend i think so that should be running
[19:29:15] Anduin: zabin: combined fe/be?
[19:29:24] zabin: What is that?
[19:29:32] zabin: yea
[19:29:38] zabin: sorry it is
[19:31:22] stuarta: did you specify the backend by ip or name
[19:31:23] ldam (ldam! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:31:40] zabin: im not sure where would i have done that/
[19:31:50] Anduin: zabin: mythtv-setup
[19:32:19] stuarta: well the first thing to check is if the backend is running
[19:32:21] zabin: let me check
[19:32:29] zabin: the name is local host
[19:32:55] stuarta: thats wrong.
[19:33:00] zabin: how do i check to see if it is running? /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart?
[19:33:01] stuarta: make it
[19:33:04] zabin: ok
[19:34:24] zabin: it was 127.0,0,1 already when i ran myth-setup
[19:34:43] stuarta: /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend status
[19:35:07] zabin: Usage: /etc/init.d/mythbackend {start|stop|restart|force-reload}
[19:35:19] stuarta: ps -ef | grep mythbackend
[19:35:36] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:35:40] zabin: root 7086 6882 0 15:35 pts/0 00:00:00 grep mythbackend
[19:36:08] stuarta: its not running
[19:36:19] zabin: how do I get it to run?
[19:36:23] stuarta: have a guess how to start it up
[19:36:44] stuarta: you've already pasted the info you need
[19:36:47] zabin: /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start
[19:36:53] stuarta: w00t
[19:36:55] _ecto_ (_ecto_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:37:09] directhex: well that's a first for IRC
[19:37:19] zabin: mythbackend already running, use restart instead.
[19:37:32] zabin: should i restart it and try?
[19:37:54] stuarta: use restart then, there's and old pidfile lying around i'd guess
[19:38:08] stuarta: cause the backend certainly aint running
[19:38:26] zabin: how do i test if it is running now?
[19:38:31] stuarta: repeat ps command
[19:38:45] zabin: root 7178 6882 0 15:38 pts/0 00:00:00 grep mythbackend
[19:38:52] zabin: does that mean its started
[19:38:56] stuarta: no
[19:39:05] RasQulec: it means your ps command is running ):
[19:39:07] zabin: so i guess the restart didnt work.
[19:39:29] directhex: check /var/log/mythwhateveritscalledusetabcomplete
[19:39:40] stuarta: have you gone through *all* the setup in mythtv-setup?
[19:39:58] zabin: i believe so, yes
[19:40:18] stuarta: logfile time
[19:40:33] zabin: should i post it on pastebin?
[19:41:28] zabin:
[19:42:09] directhex: Db problem
[19:42:21] zabin: What does that mean?
[19:42:34] directhex: it means the backend is trying to taslk to the mysql database, but it can't
[19:42:50] directhex: because the password is wrong by the look if it
[19:43:32] slaine_ (slaine_!n=glengray@ has quit ()
[19:45:08] ldam (ldam! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:45:25] zabin: i can use the password in ~/.mythtb/mysql to log into the mysql server manually.
[19:45:58] directhex: then make sure that password is the one being used in mythtv-setup
[19:46:16] directhex: which probably uses the password from /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[19:47:15] zabin: they are the same
[19:48:37] directhex: and the hostname?
[19:51:11] TSCHAKWerk (TSCHAKWerk! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[19:52:48] zabin: the mysql.txt has localhost but the mythtv-set has
[19:53:02] directhex: then fix mysql.txt
[19:53:19] zabin: to
[19:53:22] directhex: yes
[19:53:44] zabin: ok
[19:53:52] stuarta: that shouldn't matter. I have localhost in mine.
[19:54:19] zabin: should i try to run myth-front end now?
[19:54:35] stuarta: you've verified you can connect to mysql with the username and password in mysql.txt?
[19:55:09] zabin: do i verify with ps -ef | grep mythbackend?
[19:55:18] directhex: make sure you type "mysql -umythtv -pPasswordFromMysqlTxt -hlocalhost"
[19:55:37] mtron_x86: just wanted to tell you that mythweather2.patch . . . ather2.patch applies to current 0.20-fixes svn ;) mythweather works now again
[19:55:56] stuarta: mtron_x86: tnx
[19:56:01] zabin: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
[19:56:09] stuarta: password is wrong
[19:56:28] directhex: so when you said "<zabin> i can use the password in ~/.mythtb/mysql to log into the mysql server manually." how exactly were you doing so?
[19:56:36] directhex: stuarta, or there's some host-based auth issue
[19:57:04] stuarta: directhex: yeah, but i doubt we are talking much of a complicated setup..
[19:57:08] directhex: stuarta, debian used to only allow connections to a permitted IP, for example
[19:57:13] zabin: cat /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[19:57:28] zabin: then mysql -u mythtv -p
[19:57:37] stuarta: they used to only allow local sockets, not even listen on localhost
[19:57:39] zabin: and type in the password displayed in that file
[19:57:55] stuarta: zabin: locate mysql.txt
[19:58:00] zabin: im running ubuntu 7.04 idk if it matters
[19:58:06] zabin: located
[19:58:12] stuarta: more than 1
[19:58:14] stuarta: ?
[19:58:17] directhex: how on earth does one break mythtv on ubuntu 7.04? O_o
[19:58:28] zabin: lol idk
[19:58:54] stuarta: the old "umbongo installer changes the mythtv user DB passwd regardless" problem
[19:59:16] directhex: stuarta, during install it writes it on the screen and tells you twice where it's stored
[19:59:17] stuarta: !trout umbongo_maintainer cluebat
[19:59:17] ** MythLogBot slaps umbongo_maintainer with a cluebat trout on behalf of stuarta... **
[19:59:34] stuarta: directhex: yeah, but if it's set, it should not go and change it.
[20:00:10] aarcane (aarcane!n=Christ@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:00:18] zabin: do one of you want to vnc perhaps?
[20:00:36] directhex: zabin, the DBPassword= line in mysql.txt – does it have a space after the = ?
[20:00:40] aarcane (aarcane!n=Christ@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:00:52] zabin: no it doesnt
[20:01:04] zabin: DBHostName=
[20:01:04] zabin: DBUserName=mythtv
[20:01:04] zabin: DBName=mythconverg
[20:01:04] zabin: DBPassword=niapsspy
[20:02:49] directhex: and typing "mysql -umythtv -h127.0.0.1 -pniapsspy" doesn't work?
[20:03:28] Dagmar: It shouldn't need a space
[20:03:41] zabin: that logs me in to mysql
[20:03:56] Dagmar: Umm... has networking been turned on?
[20:04:20] directhex: right. so buggered if i know what was causing the problem, but "/etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart" ought to work now
[20:04:36] zabin: ive done that
[20:04:37] directhex: i can think of one possibility
[20:04:53] directhex: zabin, "pgrep mythbackend"
[20:05:15] zabin: okay
[20:05:27] directhex: anything?
[20:05:31] zabin: nope
[20:05:40] Dagmar: directhex: Where it should store the damn thing is in ~/.my.cnf
[20:06:02] Dagmar: Not that I
[20:06:02] mtron_x86 (mtron_x86! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:06:16] Dagmar: Not that I'm trying to say that the way I do things is the most correct way, but in this case it is
[20:06:57] stuarta: check /etc/mysql/my.cnf for something like skip-networking
[20:07:13] zabin: open that file with like nano?
[20:07:26] Dagmar: stuarta: They gave the one file it's own directory?
[20:07:56] stuarta: they stick a few other things in there.
[20:08:07] Dagmar: Good enough then
[20:08:22] Dagmar: My build only has the one file so I just have /etc/my.cnf
[20:08:22] zabin: should i comment bind-address =
[20:08:27] Dagmar: Nope
[20:08:31] stuarta: that's good.
[20:08:34] zabin: k
[20:08:44] ** stuarta wonders if mysql is running? **
[20:08:49] stuarta: ps -ef | grep mysql
[20:08:50] Dagmar: Well, it's a waste of time, but there's likely to be something else weird depending on it
[20:09:11] zabin: root 5850 1 0 15:19 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe
[20:09:11] zabin: mysql 5930 5850 0 15:19 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --user=mysql --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --skip-external-locking --port=3306 --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
[20:09:11] zabin: root 5932 5850 0 15:19 ? 00:00:00 logger -p daemon.err -t mysqld_safe -i -t mysqld
[20:09:11] zabin: root 7987 6882 0 16:08 pts/0 00:00:00 grep mysql
[20:09:27] zabin: i dont know what that stuff means
[20:09:34] stuarta: thats good too.
[20:09:38] Dagmar: It means you need to learn to use pastebin tho
[20:09:59] stuarta: netstat -tan | grep 3306
[20:10:03] Dagmar: ...and that the person who made that mysql package has control issues.
[20:10:03] Dagmar: Heh
[20:10:08] zabin: sorry
[20:10:29] zabin: tcp 0 0* LISTEN
[20:10:41] stuarta: this is good
[20:10:48] Dagmar: stuarta: WHere did you find this guy who is capable of cutting and pasting without screwing it up?
[20:10:54] stuarta: pastebin the output of iptables -L
[20:11:03] stuarta: Dagmar: dunno, but it's a nice change :)
[20:11:10] Dagmar: Yep, definitely
[20:11:33] zabin: stuarta, did you want me to pastebin that still?
[20:11:36] stuarta: zabin: you are doing well adhering to IRC netiquette :)
[20:11:40] stuarta: zabin: yes
[20:11:45] Dagmar: Fast learner. This is good.
[20:11:53] zabin: im sorry it was just one line
[20:12:09] stuarta: zabin: you don't need to be sorry at the moment. doing well :)
[20:12:10] Dagmar: OKay, so then basically no iptables rules are in play
[20:12:20] zabin: lol
[20:12:31] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:12:36] stuarta: so mysql's running, it can be talked to....
[20:12:52] directhex: and it seemed to allow logging in, via "mysql -umythtv -h127.0.0.1 -pniapsspy"
[20:13:03] directhex: so it's all a bit odd, really
[20:13:06] zabin: sturarta, i have vnc running so ill let you in if you want
[20:13:14] stuarta: dpkg -l libqt3-mt-mysql
[20:13:21] Dagmar: For future reference, it's bad form to ever specify a password on the command lie
[20:13:25] Dagmar: s/lie/line/;
[20:13:31] stuarta: should have a line with ii at the start
[20:13:45] RasQulec: X.x stop talking so he can copy that line!
[20:14:02] ** RasQulec is watching through vnc **
[20:14:28] zabin:
[20:15:06] stuarta: well that's installed.
[20:16:47] directhex: zabin, can you pastebin a fresh copy of your backend log file for me?
[20:20:02] zabin: yea
[20:20:39] zabin:
[20:20:50] juski: stuarta: I find Nero ShowTime works er.. so-so ;)
[20:21:14] stuarta: juski: dunno if he has that. maybe an evaluation version exists...
[20:21:20] Dagmar: The word I'd use for it start with an 's' but it isn't "so-so"
[20:21:49] Dagmar: THere's thta "No error type from" message again
[20:21:52] juski: Dagmar: as windows meeja players go it's not that bad
[20:22:09] Dagmar: That almost always means that the qtssqlmysql driver isn't there
[20:22:48] Dagmar: Like, I've yet to see a case where that was not the reason for that message
[20:23:14] Dagmar: It might be time to go actually look and see if it's there without asking the package manager
[20:24:34] juski: stuarta: got mine free with a dvd burner :)
[20:24:40] zabin: Do you guys think i should wipe my computer and then tyry to install mythtv again?
[20:24:52] Dagmar: zabin: Not really.
[20:24:59] juski: zabin: and fall into the same trap as you have now? heh
[20:25:18] zabin: lol perhaps
[20:25:26] juski: install the qt mysql client libraries.. qt3-mysql waffle thingy
[20:25:36] Dagmar: Do um, a `find /usr -name` and see if it finds something
[20:25:46] zabin: me?
[20:25:51] Dagmar: If it doesn't, then we just re-kick the thing that installs that so
[20:25:54] Dagmar: zabin: Yes
[20:26:06] tha_toadman (tha_toadman! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:26:15] juski: it's definitely missing the qt mysql client libs
[20:26:24] Dagmar: That sql plugin for Qt going missing is almost always the reason for "No error type from QSqlError? Strange..."
[20:26:47] zabin: this is all that came up
[20:26:48] zabin: /usr/lib/qt3/plugins/sqldrivers/
[20:27:04] juski: this isn't ubunut again is it?
[20:27:15] zabin: its ubuntu 7.04
[20:27:24] Dagmar: zabin: Damn. ...and you have qt3 installed?
[20:27:29] Dagmar: in not qt4?
[20:27:49] zabin: apt-get install qt4 ?
[20:27:58] Dagmar: No definitely do not install qt4
[20:28:31] Dagmar: This is all qt3 stuff
[20:28:41] baffle (baffle! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:29:21] zabin: what does this mean?
[20:31:10] Dagmar: ?
[20:31:12] RasQulec: I had the same problem as him but I fixed it... dont remember how though
[20:31:17] RasQulec: it had nothing to do with qt though
[20:33:16] Janneman_ (Janneman_!n=janoonk@ has quit ()
[20:33:47] Dagmar: Well, failing everything else, a reinstall probably won't _hurt_, but neither will it help avoiding making the same mistake this time since we don't know what went wrong
[20:33:59] RasQulec: we tried that twice :P
[20:34:17] RasQulec: I had problems when I followed the ubuntu wiki's instructions also on the same software
[20:35:00] Dagmar: Juski did an install pretty much ignoring the wiki, and just blindly following what it was saying as he installed I think
[20:35:03] juski: I had no problems when I didn't follow any docs whatsoever with the feisty packages
[20:35:18] Dagmar: COuld be the wiki is steering you in the wrong direction somehow
[20:35:22] juski: I did however pay attention to the helpful popup messages
[20:35:57] directhex: the advice on the ubuntu wiki and forums is generally poor, full of "compile this with --prefix=/usr" rubbish
[20:36:47] zabin: `what document did you guys use to sey mythtv up for your self?
[20:36:56] juski: I didn't
[20:37:18] Dagmar: I actually used the original install docs, but I also drew on a rather comprehensive knowledge of just "how s**t works" at the same time
[20:37:52] zabin: lol
[20:38:11] stuarta: juski: wonder if jono's going to hit us up again at LRL to see if we want to become ubuntu's mythtv packaging gods? :)
[20:38:21] RasQulec: I deviated from the isntructions a bit as well when I got to the gui stuff
[20:38:46] juski: oh wait yes I _did_ use docs – I think I did a job of reading between the lines of both the official docs & the gentoo wiki (I was using gentoo bck then)
[20:38:57] juski: stuarta: lol. out of the question
[20:39:14] stuarta: i'm just interested to see if he tries
[20:39:21] juski: unless we're gonna claim we oversaw it all from afar which is how it's so much better now;-P
[20:39:45] juski: I'm expecting more of a 3rd degree ear burning about why i quit the team
[20:40:08] stuarta: you were on the team?
[20:40:12] juski: and why I stopped calling myself a blogging advocate
[20:41:37] juski: stuarta: in so much as I stepped in & gave my honest opinions of areas I thought needed improvement & how to improve them.. I'm not gonna take any credit for the end results though
[20:41:50] stuarta: fairy snuff
[20:42:24] RasQulec: which team?
[20:42:38] juski: that was around the time when I was feeling like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders anyway.. and the post-expo blues :-P
[20:46:50] ldam (ldam! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:49:14] juski: anyway stuarta keep me away from any interviews as promised :)
[20:50:19] juski: though I'm sure this year they'll have somebody lined up, not just aiming to fill in a blank bit of the schedule
[21:00:01] ille (ille!n=ille@pdpc/supporter/student/ille) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:00:01] RasQulec: I have a wintv pvr 350 and I have mythtv setup and working and such but in feisty I cant get the remote to work... isnt there some new ir_common thing to help with i2c remotes now?
[21:00:03] MGisbers (MGisbers! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:00:28] directhex: still lots of LIRC-related joy
[21:01:00] Anduin: Don't they have their own underused channel?
[21:01:06] RasQulec: yea but its underused
[21:01:08] RasQulec: :P
[21:01:53] RasQulec: do I need to just compile my own lirc or can I use the lirc-modules-source package to add the hauppogue support
[21:01:54] PhilK (PhilK! has quit ()
[21:02:07] directhex: and full of grumpy gits who pine for the 2.2 kernel, judging by lirc's design
[21:02:47] Dagmar: Yeah what we need is for everyone to migrate over to using bluetooth remotes and have that route throught dbus
[21:02:55] RasQulec: lirc is so annoying surly there is a better way to do remotes ):
[21:02:55] Dagmar: It would be slightly less complex.
[21:03:05] Dagmar: _Slightly_
[21:03:11] RasQulec: I saw something about xorg handling some remotes
[21:03:28] directhex: if only Dagmar were kidding
[21:03:40] Dagmar: RasQulec: Yes, it's called "links to various ecommerce sites showing people a small subset of supported hardware"
[21:03:51] RasQulec: hm
[21:03:52] Dagmar: Directhex is right. I'm not joking.
[21:04:00] directhex: i know you're not
[21:04:07] Dagmar: The problem is mainly the wide assortment of crazy-ass hardware
[21:04:10] ** directhex waves his as-yet not working bluetooth remote at Dagmar **
[21:05:10] Dagmar: But most of you would (rightly) run screaming from dbus
[21:05:14] directhex: uinput is the key to something nice, IMHO. move as much as possible into userland, and rely on nice agnostic evdev signals for button presses
[21:05:21] tzanger: I kind of like dbus
[21:05:32] directhex: tzanger, feel like writing a driver for my remote? :p
[21:05:38] Dagmar: ...and then change the interface without warning between major kernel revisions so everything shatters violently.
[21:05:41] tzanger: heh, I didn't say I was any good at it
[21:05:52] directhex: Dagmar, the way it doesn't when lirc doesn't build on $currentkernel ?
[21:06:03] Dagmar: directhex: It's more sinister than that
[21:06:04] RasQulec: I have used uinput on my g15 keyboard, it does seem nice
[21:06:20] Dagmar: uinput doesn't say *jack* to you about it when you send it a structure that doesn't match what it expects.
[21:06:49] directhex: i still want a driver. how many thousands of man-hours have been spent with the bloody nintendo wii wand?
[21:07:05] Dagmar: Not enough yet
[21:07:17] Dagmar: ...although it would be kinda cool to flick between channels
[21:07:24] juski: directhex: yeh but.. how many of those man-hours have been spent waving it, not coding fer it? :-P
[21:07:44] directhex: juski, i don't care! i want a ps3 remote driver, that the wii remote lot could have done in their lunch hour!
[21:08:01] RasQulec: wiiimote
[21:08:58] directhex: the wiimote is a pointing device. wake me when myth has a point-based ui instead of button-based
[21:09:41] juski: directhex: oh wait 10 mins let me just convert all the code..
[21:10:02] juski: there! done it
[21:10:11] juski: damn. doesn't work. ach well...
[21:10:25] directhex: juski, i'm happy with button-based, but need support for my remote. i took a look at some of the wiimote drivers, and drowned in complex 3d positioning code
[21:10:27] juski: that reminds me. I've totally broken mythmusic's buttons
[21:10:47] Dagmar: Well, with a little glue you can make a nice mosaic now
[21:11:06] juski: directhex: just make more of mythtv's UI mouse friendly, then er.. job done?
[21:11:35] juski: I really like the look of the wii point & select UI
[21:11:46] juski: myth could adapt to that rather well IMHO
[21:12:03] directhex: juski, other than the wii, how many "consumer" devices use a pointer-based ui?
[21:12:14] opello: nintendo DS?
[21:12:15] juski: directhex: who cares?
[21:12:24] opello: the light gun from the nes?
[21:12:41] RasQulec: 99.9% of consumer pc's?
[21:12:45] opello: eh
[21:12:46] opello: heh*
[21:12:51] mkrufky (mkrufky!n=mk@unaffiliated/mkrufky) has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:12:55] directhex: none of this is getting my remote working. i'm gonna have to get off my arse & sort it myself at some point
[21:13:01] juski: directhex: the BBC's Click show featured a TV remote very much like the Wiimote before the Wii had even been unveiled
[21:13:08] directhex: RasQulec, in the living room? can you imagine using a VCR using a mouse?
[21:13:08] RasQulec: lirc seems to be crashing ):
[21:13:12] RasQulec: haha
[21:13:20] RasQulec: most people cant handle a vcr as it is ):
[21:13:31] juski: think about it
[21:13:49] mIRCat: point and click is over rated
[21:14:02] mIRCat: I'm waiting for a break through in blink and click technology
[21:14:02] juski: the way things are at the moment you have to move the cursor yourself which can take ages
[21:14:21] juski: down down down down down down down select.. bah
[21:14:30] RasQulec: the mythtv interface is just poo then, it doesnt have to be like that in a nonpointer ui
[21:15:00] juski: ok so how else could it be?
[21:15:11] RasQulec: a lot more user friendly ):
[21:15:19] opello: number shortcuts based on menu position, like my cell phone?
[21:15:24] fryfrog: looking forward to patch!
[21:15:25] RasQulec: haha
[21:15:42] juski: anyway.. enough of the armchair dev's channel...
[21:15:51] opello: mythtv-svn-make-more-user-friendly-menusystem.patch
[21:16:09] ** opello goes back to work :) **
[21:16:12] juski: oh wait wasn't that one of the ill-fated SoC projects?!
[21:16:14] juski: heh
[21:16:47] mIRCat: There should be #mythtv-iwantnewfeatures ?
[21:16:57] juski: there is
[21:17:10] mIRCat: Is it linked to here :(
[21:17:12] juski: like there's wiki page for it
[21:17:36] _ecto_ (_ecto_! has quit ("We can't stop here... this is bat country!")
[21:20:00] juski: mIRCat: it's funny but the majority of lines about how mythtv should be (not could be) improved tend to start with "I can't code but"... which is a fuck load of no use whatsoever
[21:20:02] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:20:34] juski: I can't code but I'm gonna try learning & not quit until all my patches are committed!
[21:20:39] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:20:55] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[21:21:21] gardengnome: dude
[21:21:25] gardengnome: you sound like uwe
[21:21:46] juski: uwe ?
[21:22:53] Dagmar: Uwe Boll?
[21:22:57] Dagmar: Oh
[21:24:52] juski: I don't get it
[21:25:34] mtnbkr-laptop (mtnbkr-laptop! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:25:58] gardengnome: juski: "not quit until all my patches are committed". uwe bugla is constantly bitching on the linuxtv ML (and probably on lkml) that his patches don't get accepted
[21:26:04] gardengnome: i find him funny
[21:26:50] juski: well, there should be more people who try – and as many more people who can criticise constructively
[21:27:03] juski: help work with those who lack social skills too :)
[21:27:13] mtnbkr-laptop: hello everyone... I have a rather complex (or home anyway) myth setup (2 backends, 4 tuners and multiple front ends) The server however is a bit underpowered to be streaming to frontends and commflagging. Is it possible to schedule commflagging on the backends between the hours of 2am and 8am or something like that?
[21:27:56] stuarta: i'm sure that's in the documentation somewhere...
[21:28:01] juski: mtnbkr-laptop: yeah. in mythtv-setup you can limit the times jobs run between
[21:29:12] mtnbkr-laptop: oh ok... So on each back end I should do that then or does the master backend control that schedule for all (I am guessing #2) :)
[21:31:10] mtnbkr-laptop: hmmm dagnabbit... mythtv-setup is segfaulting. Now I have a project on my hands. lol Thanks juski for the reply. I;ll get mythtv-setup working and look for that option.
[21:36:09] KaZeR (KaZeR! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:39:25] directhex: what's the exact fraction that leads to 23.976 fps?
[21:53:27] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:55:19] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuart@unaffiliated/stuarta) has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:03:05] Nik_Doof: whats a good graphics card to use with myth bar a fx5200?
[22:03:12] xris: directhex:
[22:03:21] xris: Nik_Doof: 6200?
[22:03:23] xris: 6600?
[22:03:30] directhex: 24000/1001
[22:03:36] Ryushin: Go for the 8500.  :)
[22:03:41] directhex: 8800gtx
[22:03:43] Nik_Doof: haha
[22:03:47] ** Nik_Doof sells his house **
[22:03:49] directhex: maybe a pair if you plan on using the opengl painter
[22:03:57] xris: Nik_Doof: anything nvidia should be fine
[22:04:13] Ryushin: nik_doof: don't forget to go sli as well. Oh, you'll need a 220 volt circuit for that.
[22:04:21] xris: 5200 or greater if you want the nice tv-out deinterlace stuff. 5200 specifically if you do tv-out and want color overlay with xvmc
[22:05:05] Nik_Doof: just checking, as 5200s a tad pricier than the newer low end cards :)
[22:05:17] Ryushin: Oh, just as an fyi, sometime in the last couple of months HD playback was fixed for amd procs. I'm back to running about 55% cpu on one core for a 2.2 ghz dual core.
[22:05:36] Ryushin: nik_doof: Do you need pcix or agp?
[22:05:47] Nik_Doof: agp, its quite a old mobo
[22:06:05] Nik_Doof: well, just before pcix became mainstream
[22:06:06] Ryushin: What kind of TV are you hooking it up to?
[22:06:13] Ryushin: DVI?
[22:06:19] Nik_Doof: crappy 4:3 crt at the moment
[22:06:45] Ryushin: Then the 5200 is you friend. About $32 US on newegg.
[22:07:09] Ryushin: The 5200 can do 720p fine in DVI, just not 1080i/p.
[22:15:18] juski: Ryushin: why not 1080?
[22:15:51] clever_ (clever_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:18:25] vol (vol! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:19:35] vol: hi, when using mythvideo plugin it takes about 10+ minutes from when i click watch videos to when i can actually browse through them.
[22:20:00] vol: is there any feature i can disable to make this load faster?
[22:20:51] Ryushin: The 5200 can't do anything higher than 1450x1050 using the dvi.
[22:20:52] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit ("IceChat - Keeping PC's cool since 2000")
[22:21:29] Ryushin: Any nvidia 6200 or higher will be able to do 1080i/p.
[22:21:29] vol: i have close to 1tb of video, so i dont want it to try to load any metadata or anything, just browse
[22:21:37] juski: vol: and er, how many millions of videos do you have?
[22:21:46] hound: lol
[22:21:56] vol: i have 1 500gb drives that are filling up
[22:22:04] juski: vol: so disable the metadata viewing preference
[22:22:04] vol: er 2 500gb drives
[22:22:32] vol: i think ive done that already, it had no effect
[22:22:37] Ryushin: So I should talk about my 2 TB of space and I should be close to 6 TB by the end of August.
[22:22:38] juski: Ryushin: ahh I see :) not that 6200 cards are prohibitively expensice anyway
[22:22:55] vol: Ryushin: do you run into the same problem?
[22:23:11] Ryushin: juski: True, it's just one of those gotchas you could spend hours on and waste money.
[22:23:29] rokstar: is there a channel for specifically for mytharchive?
[22:23:43] hound: 1TB doesn't seem like it should take 10 minutes to load. thats at most maybe 1000 movies? I'd expect mysql to handle that nice and snappy
[22:23:46] Ryushin: vol: I only have about 200 GB of videos. I have about 1.4 TB of shows right now.
[22:24:13] juski: rokstar: lol no
[22:24:23] Ryushin: Vol. I would sort you videos into folders, A, B, C, etc.
[22:24:49] rokstar: any common answers to no audio on a dvd i burned
[22:24:57] hound: maybe you don't have enough system memory and it's over using your swap partition.
[22:25:11] vol: the videos are sorted, i keep having to change the base folder it looks for to one with a smaller number of vidoes, but this is annoying to change every time
[22:25:41] Ryushin: rokstar: Using mytharchive, has a lot of dependencies. I would go through those list of dependencies to make sure you have everything.
[22:26:09] Ryushin: vol: Are you on SVN or stable?
[22:26:12] rokstar: Ryushin: i'm fairly certain thats not it because the intro movie has audio
[22:26:28] rokstar: Ryushin: the AUDIO_TS directory seems to be empy
[22:27:11] Ryushin: rokstar: Well, it still can bit. The intro movie was already encoded correctly. You material has to be converted. A missing library could change all that.
[22:27:27] juski: rokstar: audio_ts isn't for video dvds
[22:28:10] juski: rokstar: audio gets encoded into the final mpeg video in video_ts
[22:28:12] rokstar: okay i'll double check on the dependancies, I didn't realize that audio_ts isn't for videos as well
[22:28:26] juski: audio_ts is just for dvd-a discs
[22:30:14] clever (clever! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:31:16] vol: Ryushin: version: 0.20-svn20070223
[22:31:32] vol: i have the metadata unchecked
[22:32:07] vol: its scanning for new files every time i click on watch videos, is there a way to get it to just browse?
[22:32:33] directhex: yes. in the settings
[22:33:58] juski: whoo svn mythvideo auto-scans?
[22:34:04] juski: nifty
[22:34:20] vol: heh not so nifty to me
[22:34:36] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:34:47] vol: i dont see anywhere in the settings to disable it
[22:34:52] GreyFoxx: vol: Turn off List browses file system
[22:35:03] juski: well serves ya right for being a habitual downloader :-P
[22:35:17] vol: GreyFoxx: ok ill give that a shot
[22:35:28] hugolp: juski: whats wrong with downloading?
[22:35:40] juski: hugolp: nothing as long as it's not copyrighted stuff
[22:35:43] GreyFoxx: I DO browse the file system, including samba and nfs mounts including 1500 videos in a hundred or so directories and it takes MAYBE 2 seconds to scan them all when I enter video list
[22:35:53] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:36:12] hugolp: juski: in Spain downloading copyright stuff is legal as long as you dont get economic benefit out of it
[22:36:23] juski: hugolp: yeah yeah yeah. yada yada etc
[22:36:29] hugolp: So nothing wrong with copyright downloading etiher
[22:36:44] juski: not the case for the majority of people here though :0
[22:37:02] hugolp: I feel sorry for ya
[22:37:06] hugolp: :-P
[22:37:17] juski: yeah well i feel sorry for you living in a developing country but hey
[22:37:33] hugolp: at least we get to see the sun sometimes
[22:37:35] hugolp: XD
[22:37:50] juski: I must find out how to filter that in irssi
[22:38:03] directhex: juski, spaniards?
[22:38:28] juski: the X and the D in close proximity
[22:38:42] clever_ (clever_! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:38:56] juski: dunno why but it annoys me as much as rogue apostrophe's (sic)
[22:39:18] hugolp: oh, and by the way, we get more beautiful women as well
[22:39:22] hugolp: XDD
[22:39:29] directhex: there's a shop down my road called "ray davis car's"
[22:39:45] hugolp: (yours have bigger tits though)
[22:39:50] juski: hugolp: certainly true in Barcelona
[22:40:05] vol: GreyFoxx: any idea what could be making it take so long for me? cause i did what you said and it loaded in about 30sec
[22:40:12] vol: instead of 10+min
[22:40:14] juski: but I'd put money on our women being easier work :)
[22:40:38] hugolp: juski that seems true, but you just have to know how to handle the spanish women
[22:40:46] hugolp: they just require more work
[22:40:47] juski: hugolp: with chloroform?
[22:41:00] Zeroth404 (Zeroth404! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:41:05] hugolp: you could try and then tell me if it works
[22:41:07] hugolp: XD
[22:41:15] juski: you can't beat European arrogance. gotta love it
[22:42:00] directhex: could be worse
[22:42:01] hugolp: oh, I though England was Europe as well
[22:42:13] directhex: there are times i'd like to shoot my italian co-worker
[22:42:14] juski: that's what I mean
[22:42:24] juski: we all think we're better than everybody else
[22:42:24] directhex: like weekdays
[22:42:27] directhex: or weekends
[22:42:38] GreyFoxx: vol: How many videos are there under your mythvideo directory? Are they local or network shares?
[22:42:45] juski: directhex: we sometimes have colleagues from malta over.. jesus they're bad
[22:42:51] hugolp: anyway I read today that the European Union has allowed Great Britain to keep your weird way of measuring things
[22:43:02] GreyFoxx: one odd thing is that if you are not browsing the FS it should be almost instant
[22:43:05] hugolp: why dont you jusk go with rest of the world for one time?
[22:43:12] vol: GreyFoxx: theyre all local, theirs about 800gb of video mostly movies and shows
[22:43:13] juski: hugolp: that's just the kind of jingoist comment that can start a war
[22:43:17] directhex: hugolp, i've never used imperial measurements in my life. except for miles
[22:43:25] juski: hugolp: like the americans, you mean?
[22:43:42] juski: why don't yous all speak fucking english goddammit? ;)
[22:43:52] hugolp: I do
[22:43:56] hugolp: I try to at least
[22:43:56] juski: save us having to _shout_ _louder_ all the time
[22:43:58] hugolp: :-P
[22:44:37] directhex: juski, slowly AND loudly
[22:44:59] hugolp: juski my first week in england I got a woman like that she would refuse to repeat to me what she just said
[22:45:16] juski: hugolp: WOH?!
[22:45:18] juski: ;0
[22:45:31] hugolp: the weird thing is that she was selling food so I just didnt buy her and bought next dor
[22:45:48] juski: damn foreigners. coming over here, taking our jobs, making us look lazy. taking our women, making us look bad..
[22:46:13] juski: oh wait that's us too
[22:46:45] directhex: i am not racist. i hate everybody equally
[22:47:12] juski: fave south park quote ever.. "tk r jerbs!" ;)
[22:47:18] directhex: especially juski
[22:47:39] juski: directhex: I feel better that you hate me than I would if you said you loved me :0
[22:47:49] juski: group hugz (barf!)
[22:48:06] Zeroth404: for those of you that route MythTV to your TV, what do you use for a remote? wirelss mouse? heh
[22:48:09] hugolp: I actually had a good time in England
[22:48:21] juski: Zeroth404: an actual remote control!
[22:48:24] Zeroth404: hmm
[22:48:30] Zeroth404: juski: hows that work?
[22:48:35] hugolp: England could be a great country if it wasnt full of English XDD
[22:48:40] directhex: Zeroth404, magic and licorice
[22:48:45] Zeroth404: mmm licorice
[22:48:49] juski: sends little invisible men around the room, or some such voodoo
[22:48:50] purserj: hugolp: don't take it personally, they treat people from the next town exactly the same way in England
[22:49:17] clever_ (clever_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:49:20] hugolp: purserj: I am just joking, once you get used to the way they do things its a great place
[22:49:21] directhex: purserj, shut your pie hole!
[22:49:54] juski: hugolp: yeah. no speaking your mind now!
[22:50:04] juski: repress those feelings!
[22:50:15] Zeroth404: uhm
[22:50:20] Zeroth404: so uh, about this remote dealy
[22:50:35] hugolp: Zeroth404: are you trying to speak about mythtv?
[22:50:37] directhex: Zeroth404, you use some kind of IR sensor
[22:50:37] juski: Zeroth404: for any remote control you need a receiver of some kind.
[22:50:41] Zeroth404: clicker, remote, changer, whatever you folk call it
[22:51:02] juski: Zeroth404: I use a home made IR receiver that plugs into a serial port
[22:51:08] Zeroth404: I'm speaking of a remote control for MythTV
[22:51:17] juski: others use USB ones, others use remotes that come with their tuner cards
[22:51:21] Zeroth404: juski: hmm...expensive to make?
[22:51:32] juski: Zeroth404: not at all
[22:51:36] hugolp: Zeroth404: its actually cheap
[22:51:44] Zeroth404: I've got this freebie ATI TV card thing (I hope it'll work)
[22:51:49] juski: takes a modicum of soldering ability & skill with electronics
[22:52:04] Zeroth404: I suck with tech solder iron
[22:52:08] Zeroth404: teh*
[22:52:12] juski: Zeroth404: you better buy one then
[22:52:13] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:52:21] Zeroth404: juski: suggestions?
[22:52:42] juski: best ones to go with would prolly be a USB MCE remotes IMHO
[22:52:50] directhex: whatever's replaced as the homebrew serial manufacturer of choice, i suppose
[22:52:51] juski: least hassle. good number of buttons...
[22:52:59] directhex: oh, could do.
[22:53:13] Zeroth404: programmable by MythTV, or what? I'll be using Linux.
[22:53:52] juski: Zeroth404: with mythtv, you're using linux by association :)
[22:54:02] Zeroth404: well, it does run on Mac
[22:54:06] juski: searchay the mythtv wiki :)
[22:54:54] Zeroth404: interesting...these MCE remotes.
[22:55:02] juski: anyway I'm off to bedski. early morning visit to the path lab to drop off a biohazard
[22:55:11] Zider: juski: good nightski
[22:55:14] Zeroth404: eh
[22:55:15] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:55:38] Zeroth404: I sometimes mark my UPS packages biohazard, so they get handled with care :-)
[22:55:44] Zeroth404: hazmat, rather
[22:55:48] Zider: :D
[22:55:54] hugolp: Im going to sleep
[22:55:56] hugolp: bye
[22:55:58] hugolp (hugolp!n=jo@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:56:09] Zider: Zeroth404: is that really legal?
[22:56:34] Zeroth404: I was kidding, and no I don't think it's legal.
[22:56:53] directhex: i've had packages mailed to me under the titles "reverend" and "lord" before
[22:57:03] directhex: which is always kinda fun when they reject the credit card, or ask for ID
[22:57:30] Zider: heh
[22:57:50] Zeroth404: then you take it from them and tell them to get off your property
[22:57:53] Zeroth404: hehe
[22:57:57] Zeroth404: no harm done
[22:58:01] Zeroth404: you're the rightful reciever
[22:58:40] Zider: dammit, another week to next Heroes :(
[22:58:47] Zeroth404: ugh
[22:58:51] Zeroth404: what a crappy show
[22:59:07] clever_ is now known as clever
[22:59:08] mIRCat: Yes it's horrible
[22:59:09] schultmc (schultmc! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:59:11] Zeroth404: there hasn't been any decent shows sicne The X Files
[22:59:25] Zider: I like heroes
[22:59:28] directhex: the powerpuff girls is neat!
[22:59:34] mIRCat: The only explaination is that someone actually has super powers and is using them to make people watch it
[22:59:35] Zider: and the x files got sucky after a while
[22:59:36] Zeroth404: aside from comedy, of course
[22:59:40] Zeroth404: we all love ATHF
[22:59:47] Zider: ATHF?
[22:59:47] Zeroth404: teh x files has 7 great seasons
[22:59:51] Zeroth404: 2 iffy oens
[22:59:53] Zeroth404: and 1 really bad one
[23:00:08] Zider: x-files had 3 good seasons.. and a so-so movie..
[23:00:10] Zeroth404: aquateen, n00b
[23:00:16] Zider: never seen aquateen
[23:00:25] Zeroth404: there was nothign wrong with the movie, it was a grea precursor to season 6
[23:02:51] Zeroth404: uhm. I really hate to ask this here, but my woman has a Windows Media Center Edition Laptop...does that have any Tivo-like functionality? I really haven't got a clue what 'Media Center Edition' does...
[23:03:21] Zider: your "woman"? :P
[23:03:28] Zeroth404: yes, my woman
[23:03:33] Zeroth404: :-)
[23:03:46] directhex: no, there are no guarantees as to what having windows MCE means
[23:03:54] Zider: not girlfriend, fiance, wife or lover.. but "woman".. :P
[23:04:03] Zeroth404: a woman is a woman
[23:04:05] Zeroth404: this one is mine
[23:04:29] Zider: :P
[23:04:32] directhex: this is my woman. there are many like it, but this one is mine
[23:05:14] Zider: sounds like you own her or something, like a chair or jacket.. :P
[23:05:30] eelriver (eelriver!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[23:05:30] directhex: my woman is my best friend. she is my life. i must master her as i must master my life
[23:05:38] directhex: enough bastardizing the marine corps mantra, i think
[23:05:47] Zider: directhex: the what?
[23:06:15] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:06:18] directhex:
[23:06:55] Zider: bah, army crap.. :P
[23:06:59] mIRCat: I sleep with my woman... I don't want to know what you do with yours
[23:07:05] mIRCat: marines are not the ary
[23:07:07] mIRCat: army*
[23:07:17] Zider: well, military then
[23:07:21] Zider: same shit
[23:07:23] mIRCat: Thank you
[23:07:46] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:07:57] directhex: same difference
[23:07:58] radi0head (radi0head! has quit ("Restarting X brb.")
[23:08:06] directhex: it's still their job to make things not be alive anymore
[23:08:35] Zider: in the name of some other guy hiding far far away behind a desk
[23:08:46] Zeroth404: why is it that when a man says "my woman" it sounds posessive, but when a woman says "my man" it sounds as if she is posessed by him? its all in your head man. your interpretation may be sexist, but that doesn't mean it is. :-p
[23:08:50] Como (Como! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:08:51] radi0head (radi0head! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:08:58] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:09:05] Zider: Zeroth404: I think both sounds wrong.
[23:09:47] Zeroth404: sorry to hear that :-)
[23:10:04] Zeroth404: take a little more responsibility for your interpretations ;-p
[23:10:20] Zider: what's that supposed to mean?
[23:10:20] Zeroth404: or at least a lil more consideration
[23:10:33] Zeroth404: your feeling are your own, I can't be blamed for them.
[23:10:49] gbee: finally got mandriva installed on this backend after having to replace a broken DVD-Rom drive – glad I did it, the wireless connection that took me two days to get working under debian (and still wasn't working properly even then) only took ten seconds under mandriva
[23:10:50] Zider: my feeling that "my man" or "my woman" sounds wrong?
[23:10:56] Zeroth404: yes
[23:11:14] Zider: I never blamed you for it
[23:11:28] Zeroth404: thats the impression I got :-)
[23:11:41] directhex: gbee, debian's never been about a seamless desktop experience
[23:11:42] Zider: I'm just stating my opinion
[23:11:48] Zider: or clarifying, rather
[23:11:53] Zeroth404: as am I
[23:12:50] Zeroth404: what brand of MCE controller (version 2) would any of you recommend?
[23:13:21] gbee: directhex: heh, so what would it be about? :p
[23:13:35] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:13:41] Ediehow: why is it so difficult to cut the last split second of a recording?
[23:14:21] phil___ (phil___! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:14:22] directhex: gbee, absolute administrator control
[23:14:33] kash: anyone know trigonometry?
[23:14:43] phil___: kash: I do
[23:14:57] kash: phil___: how do i calculate tan<-1> without a graphing calculator
[23:15:03] Zeroth404: Zider: did you know that if you do a google search for "she invented" or "she discovered", google will prompt with "did you mean "HE invented/discovered", but if you type "he discovered" or the like, it accepts it?
[23:15:31] spit: yes
[23:15:33] Zider: Zeroth404: never googled for that, so nope, never noticed. ;)
[23:16:10] Zeroth404: I just showed that to my woman
[23:16:12] Zeroth404: hehe
[23:16:15] Zeroth404: her jaw dropped
[23:16:15] Zider: :P
[23:16:20] phil___: kash: u use trigonametry identity tan()=sin()/cos()
[23:16:40] kash: :/
[23:16:45] kash: i need to get the angle from a tangent
[23:17:04] gbee: directhex: bah, I'd argue you get both & more with other distros – I'm not going to say Mandriva is the best distro around but I'm using it for my laptop, my desktop, my development server, my firewall and now on two myth backends – it scales well to each task from having the required security to the ease of use – debian, in my experience just failed miserably
[23:17:21] spit: spreadsheet funtion???
[23:17:43] mtnbkr-laptop (mtnbkr-laptop! has quit (Dead socket)
[23:17:53] Zeroth404: I'm failing to find any MCE remotes at sites like
[23:18:15] zabin: hey eveyone i got my mythtv worked except for some reason my remote isnt working in mythtv
[23:18:45] stonith: zabin: remote works with lirc... and its probably the hardest thing to get working IMHO.
[23:18:45] zabin: it works when i run this though irw
[23:18:47] phil___: zabin: did you follow instructoins on myth wiki
[23:18:58] Zeroth404: zabin: what remote you got?
[23:19:02] zabin: yes when i run this irw
[23:19:02] gbee: it's probably the case that ubuntu or even the newest Fedora releases equal or even better Mandriva, but I'm never trying debian again after the pain it's caused me (not just in setup, but in several other areas too)
[23:19:14] zabin: it gets the buttons i press from the remote and they show up on the screen
[23:19:18] stonith: zabin: if thats the case, then you need to configure mythtv to use a script to control that irw
[23:19:19] zabin: mceusb2
[23:19:25] zabin: how do i do that?
[23:20:26] stonith: zabin: i haven't set up the remote portion myself, i'm just using an RF keyboard with a USB stick... i would figure you have to go to the SETUP portion of mythtv
[23:20:58] Zeroth404: anyone, MCE remote suggestions?
[23:20:59] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:21:33] zabin: i have my button working when i run irw
[23:21:44] zabin: but it doesnt apply in mythtv idk why
[23:22:19] directhex: gbee, i've administered a lot of different *nix systems. there's a reason debian is still an enduring choice for systems managers. it might not be the prettiest, or the easiest, but when you're in charge of a number of systems, the ease with which you can get wireless going isn't a priority deciding factor
[23:23:10] stonith: directheex: wireless on enterprise systems? I could probably care less, i rather trunk two gig ports 802.3ad link aggregation then run on wireless.
[23:23:43] schultmc (schultmc! has quit ("Client exiting")
[23:23:46] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has quit ("Sho Ryu Ken")
[23:23:48] zabin: directhex, i got my mythtv working
[23:24:04] Zeroth404: what's it take to get a remote suggestion around here??
[23:24:05] directhex: zabin, good. what was it?
[23:24:15] zabin: but i cant get the remote to work with it do you know how to do that? I grabs the signals that i push when i run irw
[23:24:19] directhex: Zeroth404, there's only like 2 MCE remotes
[23:24:22] zabin: im not sure i just reinstalled lol
[23:24:29] schultmc (schultmc! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:24:31] Zeroth404: directhex, well I can't find anything at major retailers
[23:24:35] zabin: i think it was a password bug with Mysql
[23:25:25] gbee: directhex: it wasn't just getting it working, it was keeping it working as well – ran into a bunch of irritating bugs along the way, such as ssh connections that wouldn't disconnect – stuff I've never experienced with any other distro
[23:27:28] gbee: debian (knoppmyth) just wouldn't stay working – every reboot it seemed to find some way to screw up
[23:27:40] stonith: gbee: i personally don't like debian myself, but it isn't a redhat-flavored distro... you are probably find a RH based distro easier to use
[23:28:10] directhex: knoppmyth isn't debian
[23:28:20] directhex: any more than mandriva is red hat
[23:28:32] gbee: anyway, I didn't mean for this to become a debian bashing discussion – just mentioning the 10 second versus 2 day config time for the wireless
[23:28:33] zabin: does anyone know how to get the remote to work in mythtv?
[23:28:47] gbee: directhex: the parts that matter are debian
[23:29:01] gbee: stonith: not a RH fan either tbh
[23:29:13] directhex: gbee, the parts of mandriva that matter are red hat. does that mean any issues with it are red hat problems?
[23:29:20] gbee: but in fairness it's been some time since I did anything much with RH
[23:29:39] zabin: If you wanted to put some movies on mythtv where on the computer would you put them to show up under media library?
[23:30:12] gbee: directhex: sorry I disagree, RH and Mandriva diverged long enough ago that there really isn't much comparison (I've run both side by side)
[23:31:15] gbee: and I'm not talking about the surface stuff
[23:31:29] directhex: gbee, the differences between debian and the thousands of distributions based on it are in the small details. the majority of debian-based distributions are junk – because it's easy (and encouraged) to make derivatives. i've spoken with distribution maintainers who really don;t understand things as fundemental as package management
[23:31:32] gbee: like I say, didn't mean to get into this debate so I'm leaving it there
[23:32:20] Tanthrix: So we're all agreed that mandriva sucks then?
[23:32:20] directhex: when you've administered multi-hundred-thousand pound systems that demand you use "yast" for the simplest of things, you learn to appreciate a distribution that doesn't treat you like an idiot
[23:32:34] zabin: owned
[23:33:37] directhex: anyway, it's past my bedtime
[23:35:29] zabin: where do youi live?
[23:35:35] zabin: its 730 here?
[23:35:38] phil____ (phil____! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:35:50] Zider: 1:43 here
[23:36:02] zabin: am or pm?
[23:36:24] gbee: directhex: (really should know better than respond but ..) no distro I've tried treats you like an idiot, unless you want or need it to, but even when you get beneath the skin of a distro (beneath the "yast") there are two different types – those that make life hard and those that make life easy
[23:36:28] Zider: 01:43
[23:36:30] Zider: night
[23:36:45] Zider: I refuse to learn am/pm.. ;)
[23:37:38] directhex: gbee, IME, any file yast thinks it should be in charge of will be overwritten with a fresh, yasty version at every opportunity. i've given up editing config files manually on suseish systems
[23:38:34] kash: subtract 12.
[23:38:37] kash: then that's PM
[23:38:51] gbee: fwiw, knoppmyth whatever it's based off (debian afaik) made life very hard if you didn't use "yast" – the configs were all over the place for a start
[23:40:05] gbee: directhex: never found that to be the case with mandriva, of course if you use the provided setup tool it will update (occassionlly overwrite) the file but if you never touched that tool it would never touch the config files
[23:40:51] gbee: hmm, should get some sleep
[23:42:00] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:42:37] riddlebox: hello, I installed mythtv through apt-get, then removed it, I tried to install it from source, but I get this error:
[23:42:48] czth__ (czth__!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-9afa9b66cb00eff2) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:42:54] riddlebox: mythfrontend: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[23:44:02] phil___ (phil___! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:44:07] Agrajag-: riddlebox: is /usr/local/lib (or wherever you installed it to) in your /etc/ ?
[23:44:10] phil____ (phil____! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:44:33] Aquahallic (Aquahallic! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:44:48] riddlebox: Agrajag-, include /etc/*.conf
[23:45:20] Agrajag-: ok, is /usr/local/lib in any of those files?
[23:45:58] Agrajag-: if not, add it (unless you did a different --prefix), and run ldconfig
[23:46:02] riddlebox: Agrajag-, not sure what you mean
[23:46:26] Agrajag-: you have to add the line /usr/local/lib to your /etc/, then run ldconfig
[23:46:28] LennonNZ (LennonNZ!n=lennon@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:47:08] LennonNZ: can can I tell mythtv to set a tone on the LNB (I have a dual LNB which changes depending if there is a tone or not)
[23:47:36] LennonNZ: so channel 1 for example is freq X with tone.. and channel 2 is freq Y with no tone
[23:50:04] zabin: does anyone know where the dir is for Watch Videos in mythtv?
[23:50:20] LennonNZ: go into the settings/video and you can change it
[23:51:11] majesty (majesty! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:51:52] riddlebox: Agrajag-, that didnt work
[23:52:01] Agrajag-: what didn't?
[23:52:19] riddlebox: adding /usr/local/lib to /etc/
[23:52:31] Agrajag-: did you run ldconfig (as root) ?
[23:52:35] riddlebox: yes
[23:53:28] Agrajag-: riddlebox: does /usr/local/lib/ exist?
[23:54:14] Agrajag-: riddlebox: ldd /usr/local/bin/mythfrontend | grep libmyth – what do you get from that?
[23:55:01] riddlebox: not found, but there is a bunch of libmyth stuff in that dir
[23:55:27] Zider (Zider! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:55:28] Agrajag-: sounds like you didn't install properly
[23:55:51] riddlebox: Agrajag-, can I just delete that whole directory?
[23:55:54] Zider (Zider! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:56:54] Agrajag-: /usr/local/lib ? you can if there's only mythtv related stuff in there. otherwise do a make uninstall
[23:57:19] riddlebox: Agrajag-, I tried a make uninstall and it still has that error
[23:57:23] mcquaid: I have something scheduled tonight that scheduled to record in this timeslot weekly
[23:57:52] mcquaid: the guide has found it repeats on saturday and it's flagged tonights as 'record later'
[23:58:00] mcquaid: why would it give the later showing preference?
[23:58:05] mcquaid: and how do I change that?
[23:58:21] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:58:32] Agrajag-: riddlebox: what error? how do you expect it to work if you did make uninstall?
[23:58:53] riddlebox: Agrajag-, that same error that I pasted earlier
[23:59:37] Agrajag-: riddlebox: sounds like you've still got stuff left over from your apt-get install

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