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Sunday, April 29th, 2007, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:45] baxter_kylie: hugolp: My reception is impeccable. It's not that. It refuses to view any of my cable channels.
[00:01:43] hugolp: dont know then
[00:02:07] juski: baxter_kylie: to use analogue channels on a pchdtv card you need to set up the analogue side of the card as another tuner card in mythtv-setup.. a 'V4L analog tuner'
[00:02:36] baxter_kylie: juski: I was under the impression I was supposed to use the 'analog option' dialog of the DVB tuner?
[00:02:45] juski: oh yeah that
[00:02:57] baxter_kylie: juski: Then I have. And it doesn't work.
[00:03:04] juski: well til somebody documents how it's sposed to be done, you're screwed
[00:03:25] juski: if I were you I'd not cry about it though.. I mean.. software encoding SDTV.. BLECH!
[00:04:18] baxter_kylie: juski: Well let's see... I have 10 hdtv channels and 60 SDTV channels...
[00:04:32] baxter_kylie: juski: Uh. No. I think I'll take the SDTV
[00:04:59] juski: then if I were you I'd buy a proper sdtv tuner
[00:05:10] juski: a) software encoding sucks
[00:05:21] juski: b) it's gonna suck even more when you compare it to OTA HD
[00:05:54] baxter_kylie: juski: I don't have physical space in the system for two additional tuners.
[00:06:27] juski: ah well, good luck with that
[00:06:28] baxter_kylie: juski: Most mb's these days only have 2–3 pci slots.
[00:07:03] juski: pays to buy the right motherboard, as ever
[00:07:04] hugolp: what do you need pci slots for? fill them with turners
[00:07:46] juski: I mean for me, all that dual-link quad-turbo-pump SLI bullshit would just be a waste of slots anyway
[00:08:06] jasta (jasta! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:08:20] Tanthrix: But then you can't get 10,000 frames per second in Q3!
[00:08:22] baxter_kylie: juski: Well... when you find me an am2 board with 5 pci slots and dual gig-e
[00:08:44] juski: you don't need gig-e for mythtv, certainly not dual
[00:09:15] juski: and the great thing about mythtv is its ability to split the recording end from the playback end :)
[00:09:17] Gurft: Okay, who's the 'expect' master in here ;)
[00:09:58] juski: you can't fit many pci tuners in a mac mini but plenty peeps use them for mythtv :)
[00:10:16] baxter_kylie: juski: Who said the machine is /only/ a mythtv machine?
[00:10:34] juski: baxter_kylie: maybe time to rethink your priorities then
[00:11:12] juski: anyway.. instead of scanning for analogue channels shouldn't you be adding them via zap2it or something?
[00:11:43] juski: doesn't _that_ sort out all the frequency details for you?
[00:12:07] baxter_kylie: juski: Doesn't matter how I add them. The channels don't lock / tune. All i get is snow or occasionally it crashes myth and locks the card in a way that only a reboot can fix.
[00:12:31] baxter_kylie: (or a nasty rm-mod scheme that I'm too lazy to mess with)
[00:12:35] juski: baxter_kylie: well, did you test the analogue portion of the card outside myth to make sure it was working first?
[00:12:44] baxter_kylie: juski: Yes.
[00:12:47] juski: and?
[00:13:18] juski: oh and the frequency table you selected in mythtv-setup was right wasn't it?
[00:15:10] baxter_kylie: juski: I have /no idea/ what my frequency table is or how I'd find out.
[00:15:22] baxter_kylie: juski: but I tried them all to no luck.
[00:15:59] AlienX (AlienX!n=theanswr@unaffiliated/alienx) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:16:05] juski: baxter_kylie: well, for cable, you pick US-cable or something
[00:16:33] juski: if you're using an antenna, you pick US-bcast
[00:16:47] AlienX: is there a reason myth backend wouldn't be talking to mythfronted? I have my user setup in the database and my user account is in the same group as the mythtv user.
[00:17:02] juski: and if you want one table for the HD side of the card & another for the analogue side – I dunno if myth will let you do that
[00:17:25] AlienX: also, when i run mythtv-setup, at the end it tells me it can't write to /home/mythtv/.test
[00:17:36] juski: AlienX: any number of reasons. you've got some more info to dish out if you want help here
[00:17:40] jasta_ (jasta_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:17:51] purserj: AlienX: are you logged into the machine as mythtv?
[00:17:56] hugolp: AlienX: then probably mythbackend is not running
[00:18:04] hugolp: thats why your front end cant find it
[00:18:08] baxter_kylie: juski: I'm using one of the cable tables.
[00:18:17] hugolp: you shold clear all errors in mythbackend so it can run fine
[00:18:19] AlienX: purserj, yeah, i am
[00:18:26] AlienX: hugolp, no, it's running afaik
[00:18:36] juski: AlienX: you're on ubuntu aren't you?
[00:18:56] AlienX: juski, yeah, just upgraded to feisty today
[00:19:11] juski: I ask you.. how the HELL did I guess that so fast?!
[00:19:17] AlienX: lol
[00:19:17] hugolp: AlienX: try #ubuntu-mythtv
[00:19:32] AlienX: i guess that's a common issue? :)
[00:19:33] juski: AlienX: you know the little popup messages you saw when you installed mythtv?
[00:19:44] AlienX: juski, yup
[00:19:55] juski: did you actually _read_ any & make notes or did you just dismiss em?
[00:20:33] juski: AlienX: I'm gonna ask a bunch of quickfire questions,, k?
[00:20:41] AlienX: juski, yeah, i did read them...all of them
[00:20:43] juski: AlienX: have you run mythtv-setup yet?
[00:20:47] AlienX: juski, yes
[00:20:53] juski: no errors there?
[00:21:18] AlienX: juski, nope, at least not until I tried to exit and it told me that /home/mythtv/.test isn't writable
[00:21:41] juski: and you're running that as 'mythtv' yeah?
[00:21:54] juski: and the 'mythtv' user IS a member of the 'mythtv' group, correct?
[00:22:29] AlienX: juski, hmm, actually no. one sec
[00:22:51] juski: see that error you're getting.. it's gonna cause mythbackend problems. if it can't write to the dir where it's gonna store recordings, it's gonna barf
[00:23:58] juski: you know the question I asked about reading all the popups? see I installed myth on feisty today & I've seen a popup ask at least once if I wanted to add my user to the 'mythtv' group
[00:24:03] AlienX: juski, ok, now the user mythtv is a member of the group /home/mythtv/
[00:24:18] AlienX: juski, yeah, and i selected "yes" which had me log out of my account
[00:24:24] juski: user mythtv should be a member of mythtv
[00:24:27] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has quit ("restarting X")
[00:24:28] juski: not /home/mythtv
[00:24:58] AlienX: juski, yeah, that's what i meant...sorry
[00:25:08] juski: AlienX: ok, so now check ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt & compare it to /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[00:26:02] AlienX: juski, there is no mysql.txt in ~/.mythtv
[00:26:14] juski: humour me
[00:26:28] juski: copy /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt to ~/.mythtv/
[00:26:28] AlienX: steve@ganymede:~$ ls /home/steve/.mythtv/
[00:26:29] AlienX: channels MythPhone themecache
[00:26:53] AlienX: juski, ok done
[00:27:15] jasta__ (jasta__! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:27:38] juski: now try running mythbackend from a terminal.. it shouldn't report any errors & stop but if it does stop, pop all the text after you typing 'mythbackend' into a pastebin
[00:28:08] AlienX: juski, can i do that as a user or do i have to be root
[00:28:58] AlienX: juski,
[00:29:58] juski: oh gawd not that old chestnut
[00:30:09] juski: anyway
[00:30:14] juski: from a terminal try this:
[00:30:22] juski: mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg
[00:30:32] juski: enter the password you see in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[00:31:18] AlienX: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)
[00:31:36] juski: so you've not got mysql server installed then
[00:31:55] juski: what I recommend you do now is go & read the ubuntu community docs & start over
[00:31:57] AlienX: mysql-server 5.0.38–0ubuntu1 mysql database server (meta package dependin
[00:32:09] AlienX: juski, i did, which is why i'm asking in here
[00:32:09] juski: so mysql server isn't running
[00:32:21] juski: is mysql running?
[00:32:42] juski: I'd point you to #ubuntu-mythtv but that ain't the busiest channel on freenode
[00:33:05] AlienX: juski, i just restarted the server so lets see
[00:33:19] hugolp: juski majoridiot was there a while ago
[00:33:24] hugolp: he knows some tricks
[00:33:31] AlienX: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
[00:33:48] AlienX: after running mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg
[00:33:54] juski: AlienX: did you use the password you got from /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt ?
[00:33:59] AlienX: yes
[00:34:04] AlienX: juski, ^
[00:34:34] AlienX: ah ha!
[00:34:42] AlienX: ok, what commend do I run at the mysql prompt?
[00:34:50] juski: show tables;
[00:34:55] juski: with the semicolon
[00:35:12] AlienX: ok, you want me to put that in a pastebin?
[00:35:18] juski: nah it's ok
[00:35:26] AlienX: what am I looking for there?
[00:35:36] juski: so the database exists & you can access it.. that's what you've just established
[00:35:45] AlienX: ok
[00:35:48] AlienX: now what?
[00:35:55] juski: so now, run mythtv-setup
[00:36:03] juski: tell me the first screen you see
[00:36:32] AlienX: first thing prompts me to stop the backend
[00:37:04] neo_hd: hi all
[00:37:37] AlienX: juski, so i select yes, then it shows me the 5 options
[00:37:41] juski: AlienX: ok... say yes to that
[00:37:56] juski: great.. that means mythtv-setup can access the database.. all ok so far
[00:38:03] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:38:12] juski: now check the stuff you set up earlier is more or less all there
[00:38:22] neo_hd: how i can cancel automatic record program when i select a channel for watch??
[00:38:38] juski: neo_hd: you can't. mythtv is a pvr & it records everything
[00:39:11] neo_hd: in hdtv full hard drive lol
[00:39:22] juski: neo_hd: if the recording ends up less than 2 minutes long it gets deleted right away. if longer than that but you don't tell myth to keep it, it'll stay around for 24 hours
[00:39:53] juski: or it'll be expired when the hdd starts to reach a threshold you set – whichever happens first
[00:39:56] AlienX: juski, yeah, it looks like it. Still tells me that /home/mythtv/.test isn't writable though
[00:40:03] juski: the default free space myth will keep is 1GB
[00:40:17] juski: AlienX: but you're logged in as the mythtv user
[00:40:28] juski: AlienX: did you use sudo to create /home/mythtv ?
[00:41:13] AlienX: juski, i created /home/mythtv prior to the upgrade and my /home partition is separate from my OS partition
[00:41:28] juski: AlienX: is /home/mythtv owned by mythtv ?
[00:41:33] juski: if not, make it so!
[00:42:18] juski: sudo chown -R mythtv:mythtv /home/mythtv ought to do it
[00:42:34] AlienX: voila
[00:43:00] AlienX: drwxr-xr-x 6 mythtv mythtv 4096 2007-04–28 18:56 mythtv
[00:43:13] juski: the reason mythtv-setup was complaining when you tried to exit is that it's trying to write the mysql.txt file there
[00:44:47] AlienX: juski, it still is giving me that error....should I remove the /mythtv/.test directory?
[00:45:23] juski: hang on...
[00:45:33] juski: where have you told mythtv to store the recordings?
[00:45:50] AlienX:
[00:45:54] AlienX: /home/mythtv
[00:46:33] juski: you said you were logged in as 'mythtv' – that post says otherwise
[00:46:53] AlienX: no, i never said i was logged in as mythtv...i am logged in as my user
[00:47:03] AlienX: 'steve'
[00:47:04] juski: your user is in the mythtv group?
[00:47:08] AlienX: yes
[00:47:28] juski: try starting the backend init script
[00:47:36] juski: sudo /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend start
[00:47:38] AlienX: steve@ganymede:~$ grep mythtv: /etc/group
[00:47:38] AlienX: mythtv:x:121:steve,root,mythtv
[00:47:45] juski: then run mythfrontend
[00:47:47] juski: all as you
[00:48:38] AlienX: juski, seems to work. I was able to watch tv
[00:48:53] juski: mythtv-setup tests the recordings dir to make sure the user mythbackend will run as can write to it... and it assumes you're running mythtv-setup as that user -which is why it's failing the test – you're running mythtv-setup as you!
[00:48:58] juski: not mythtv!
[00:49:17] AlienX: juski...i ran mythfrontend
[00:49:26] AlienX: and then watched tv
[00:49:31] juski: so it works then
[00:49:42] AlienX: it does, and I appreciate it. Mythweb also seems to be working
[00:49:47] juski: problem solved, we've been all around the houses
[00:50:21] AlienX: juski, thank you
[00:50:25] juski: AlienX: if your box is facing the internet I strongly recommend you secure mythweb before google indexes it & you end up pwn3d
[00:50:46] juski: basic .htaccess is enough to keep most of the idiots out
[00:51:00] AlienX: juski, i'm behind a hardware firewall that's natted. I should be ok :)
[00:51:15] juski: as long as you don't open port 80 you'll be fine :)
[00:51:38] AlienX: juski, heh, don't worry. I don't.
[00:52:02] juski: you will eventually. being able to set up recordings away from home is ace :D
[00:52:35] AlienX: juski, is there any sort of way I could do that using ssh from my office?
[01:12:41] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:16:47] jasta (jasta! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:24:57] AlienX (AlienX!n=theanswr@unaffiliated/alienx) has quit ("Leaving")
[01:25:32] czth (czth! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:25:45] czth (czth! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:34:46] baxter_kylie: Le Sigh. I don't get it. I cant get SDTV to tune just fine in tvtime but it's just a black screen in myth.
[01:44:29] Jenetik: what does "no tables" mean when scanning a transponder?
[01:45:27] baxter_kylie: Can anyway tell me what their channel.chanid autonumber starts at?
[01:45:30] juski: means no information tables about channels can be found
[01:45:38] briand: effectively, it means "there is nothing here that I can tune"
[01:45:38] baxter_kylie: s/way/one/
[01:45:50] AlienX (AlienX!n=theanswr@unaffiliated/alienx) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:48:24] Jenetik: anyone using mythtv in north america?
[01:48:31] Jenetik: Mod=qpsk,
[01:48:39] Jenetik: I think that should be Mod=qam_256
[01:49:08] jasta (jasta! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:50:52] Jenetik: any way to change that?
[01:51:56] ** briand is in North America **
[01:56:39] jasta__ (jasta__! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:57:11] ** briand waits, perhaps in vain, for a question or problem description that may or may not be relevant to the continent on which he resides. **
[02:06:13] Jenetik: is there anything for north america dvb-s setups that need to be changed in order to get transponder tables properly?
[02:06:26] Jenetik: I get a lock, but it never finds tables
[02:06:33] Jenetik: for any transponder
[02:09:50] briand: what dvb-s card are you using?
[02:10:08] briand: and, second, which satellite(s) are you pointing at?
[02:10:11] Jenetik: nexus-s
[02:10:17] Jenetik: dish 119w
[02:10:37] Jenetik: can't pickup NASA or any channel
[02:11:04] Jenetik: should be able to, but it always says "no tables" for all of the multiplex/transponder scans
[02:11:08] briand: can your STB, pointed at the same satellite, receive any channels?
[02:11:13] Jenetik: STB?
[02:11:18] briand: set-top-box
[02:11:24] Jenetik: I dont have one, but used to and it did
[02:11:42] Jenetik: I'm getting like 80/80 for signal quality
[02:11:48] Jenetik: about the same as the box got
[02:12:08] briand: 80: signal strength and 80: signal quality, then?
[02:12:12] Jenetik: yeah
[02:12:26] Jenetik: it decodes DISH119W even when I put in the frequency
[02:12:43] Jenetik: Network Echostar 119 West Processing
[02:12:44] Jenetik: Timeout Scanning Transport ID 2 — no tables
[02:12:44] Jenetik: Updating Services
[02:12:57] briand: stand by
[02:12:57] chuk: did you compile it yourself?
[02:13:03] Jenetik: no
[02:13:06] Jenetik: it's ubuntu
[02:13:09] Jenetik: apt-get
[02:13:16] baxter_kylie: Can anyone explain how/where I might be going wrong? I can get SDTV channels to tune in tvtime using /dev/v4l/video0 and /dev/v4l/vbi0 ... but all I get is a black screen that doesn't lock in mythtv.
[02:13:17] chuk: I cant get that to work with dish
[02:13:21] chuk: I have to compile myself
[02:13:25] chuk: and apply these patches:
[02:13:25] Jenetik: why is that
[02:13:26] chuk:
[02:13:38] Jenetik: did you get a no tables error?
[02:13:43] juski: chuk: you're just asking to get kickbanned
[02:13:47] chuk: oh?
[02:13:51] chuk: is that bad
[02:13:56] chuk: Ididnt know
[02:14:06] juski: using software to decrypt pay tv is illegal
[02:14:17] chuk: that doesnt decrypt does it?
[02:14:24] chuk: I had to use that to be able to scan sats
[02:14:24] Jenetik: I'd paste the logs of the transponder scan, but it seems worthless
[02:14:25] chuk: at all
[02:14:30] Jenetik: it seems like the scan works fine
[02:14:30] juski: and talking about it in a logged channel which is indexed by google...
[02:14:32] chuk: even to get nasa
[02:14:43] briand: Jenetik: which transponder are you scanning?
[02:14:46] chuk: I thought it was just a patch to get it to scan
[02:14:51] Sedorox: juski: I don't see how he's saying he's decoding pay sat
[02:14:54] Jenetik: 12369800
[02:14:58] GreyFoxx: sasc is a softcam for decrypting the incoming signal and a non welcome subject in here
[02:15:07] Jenetik: I'm not using sasc
[02:15:14] Jenetik: I'm just trying to get radio or NASA
[02:15:15] Jenetik: anything
[02:15:15] chuk: I didnt think that was sasc?
[02:15:25] GreyFoxx: chuck: It's sascng
[02:15:26] Jenetik: FTA
[02:15:29] chuk: oh
[02:15:30] chuk: sorry
[02:15:37] briand: Jenetik: you're on the wrong transponder for NASA TV
[02:15:41] Jenetik: well
[02:15:49] jasta_ (jasta_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:51] Jenetik: I can do a full scan and it finds nothing
[02:15:52] briand: Jenetik: it's on 12370000
[02:15:57] Jenetik: I have used that
[02:16:01] Jenetik: same results
[02:16:06] juski: Jenetik: that's the point. you can't do a full scan with dvb-s
[02:16:19] Jenetik: I did a tuned scan on 1237000 and got "no tables"
[02:16:27] juski: it'd take forever for one thing
[02:16:30] Jenetik: with right circular set
[02:16:36] chuk: you use the right number of 0's?
[02:16:39] Jenetik: yes
[02:16:40] chuk: 12370000
[02:16:42] chuk: ok
[02:16:43] GreyFoxx: I use to do fullscans with my dvbs card, but my dish has been in my shed since I had my roof redone last summer
[02:16:48] Jenetik: 20,000,000 for SR
[02:16:50] GreyFoxx: It did take a long long time :)
[02:17:47] chuk: I'm confused, should I be able to scan and pick up nasa out of the box?
[02:18:05] briand: yes. NASA TV is FTA on that satellite
[02:18:06] GreyFoxx: I think NASA is one of the few FTA channels on the dishnet sats
[02:18:22] briand: there are also a handful of radio stations FTA as well
[02:18:25] chuk: yeah, I couldn't scan 119 without a patch, but maybe it wasuser error
[02:18:30] Jenetik: yes, you should be able to
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[02:19:35] chuk: does dish have a FTA hd test channel?
[02:20:18] Jenetik: fuck
[02:20:24] Jenetik: this shit never will work
[02:20:47] briand: chuk: not on that bird
[02:20:49] Jenetik: is standard LNB freq 1250MHz?
[02:21:13] Jenetik: 11250 I mean
[02:21:16] chuk: do they have a free one on any bird?
[02:21:18] briand: 11250, usually
[02:21:48] Jenetik: Transport # 9 TSID(0xf) original_network_id(0x1004) desc_len(69)
[02:21:48] Jenetik: Transport descriptors length: 69
[02:21:48] Jenetik: SatelliteDeliverySystemDescriptor: Frequency: 12428120
[02:21:48] Jenetik: Mod=qpsk, SymbR=20000000, FECInner=5/6, Orbit=119.0 West, Pol=r
[02:21:48] Jenetik: Service List Descriptor (0x41) length(54)
[02:22:05] Jenetik: see, thats what I don't get.. I am able to lock on and see all that and it doesn't ever show any channels
[02:22:23] briand: Jenetik: because, on that transponder, there aren't any that you can recieve.
[02:22:32] briand: s/recieve/receive/
[02:22:42] Jenetik: how do you tell?
[02:24:10] briand: because you're scanning transponder 9, which has a bunch of spot-beams for local channels in various parts of the country
[02:24:32] briand: ...quite possibly, none of which you're actually located in.  :)
[02:25:08] Jenetik: well
[02:25:19] Jenetik: Any reason I get "no tables"
[02:25:32] briand: unless, of course, you live in Hawaii, Alaska, or Utah
[02:26:57] briand: you should be trying transponder 11 (12370000), symbol rate = 20000000 and FEC = 7/8
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[02:28:18] briand: last time I checked, Florida wasn't located anywhere near Hawaii, Alaska, or Utah, though...
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[02:30:54] Jenetik: I get a lock by no tables
[02:30:59] Jenetik: just like the rest
[02:31:11] Jenetik: 81/87
[02:31:19] briand: ...I only mention that last because your Comcast IP is assigned to the Miami, FL area...
[02:33:38] briand: Jenetik: is there more than one LNB on your dish? Perhaps you're actually scanning 110W (where you won't find anything) on the second LNB
[02:33:54] Jenetik: no, single LNB
[02:34:04] Jenetik: no disqec
[02:34:19] Jenetik: setup for N America right circular
[02:34:25] Jenetik: 11250
[02:35:12] Jenetik: it's actually a directv dish
[02:35:21] Jenetik: I dont know what they sell
[02:35:27] Jenetik: I'm trying to get NASA and should be able to
[02:35:52] briand: I agree.
[02:36:40] briand: I'm only 450–500 miles from you, and I have a retired 18" RCA DirecTV dish pointed at 119W specifically for NASA TV
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[02:37:14] briand: ...but I don't have a Nexus-S card, so there may be something in the setup of that card that isn't clicking for you...
[02:37:27] Jenetik: at one point when I was fooling around with this weeks ago, it was finding BRAVO encrypted
[02:37:32] Jenetik: and I had the LNB setup wrong
[02:37:43] Jenetik: but I can't reproduce that now
[02:37:55] briand: by "setup wrong", what do you mean?
[02:37:59] Jenetik: MTV2 and a bunch of other channels
[02:38:29] Jenetik: I dont know what I had setup, something for the diseqc was wrong and I don't know
[02:38:45] Jenetik: I don't have any sort of diseqc to my knowledge
[02:38:56] Jenetik: I believe I have a splitter that makes the coax into two wires
[02:39:01] briand: ah..
[02:39:20] briand: i was just about to ask if there was a device that looked like a splitter between the LNB and your Nexus-S card
[02:39:28] Jenetik: there is
[02:39:31] briand: that is not a splitter... it's a DiSEqC switch.
[02:39:33] Jenetik: is that considered a 'switch'
[02:39:51] Jenetik: I thought that was two take two lnbs
[02:40:16] briand: (and, btw, to answer your earlier question, QPSK is correct for satellite. QAM is for digital tv on cable systems)
[02:40:18] Jenetik: so if I have a coax in the living room and here, I have a diseqc switch?
[02:40:30] Jenetik: because I used to have both working at one point
[02:40:41] Jenetik: in windows and with a pansat
[02:40:51] Jenetik: shit
[02:41:07] briand: i don't know for sure, but you can't use a standard splitter on satellite cable, so my guess would be "yes"
[02:44:16] Jenetik: well, I configured it as a diseqc with two LNBs connected
[02:44:36] Jenetik: says "scanning multiplex #11" and locked
[02:44:36] briand: satellite receivers (including your nexus-s card) send control voltages up the coax wire to the LNB (and any intervening diseqc switches), so you cannot use a 'splitter' to feed multiple receivers from a single coax
[02:45:33] briand: in fact, putting a splitter on it would risk ruining the LNB along with any diseqc switches.. and possibly both receivers
[02:45:41] chuk: you could have a diplexer
[02:45:51] chuk: if you had cable and sat to same room
[02:46:06] Jenetik: thats on two different coaxs
[02:46:17] Jenetik: for me at least
[02:46:45] Jenetik: What's a "tone" switch?
[02:46:56] Jenetik: 2007-04–28 22:46:27.991 DiSEqCDevTree, Warning: No device tree for cardid 0
[02:46:56] Jenetik: 2007-04–28 22:46:31.809 DiSEqCDevTree, Warning: No device tree for cardid 1
[02:47:10] briand: it's an old-style 2-way 'switch', using a 22kHz signal to activate
[02:47:20] chuk: can you hook right up to the LNB?
[02:47:24] chuk: bypass the switch
[02:47:38] briand: diseqc gives you 4 ports, the 'tone switch' gives you two
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[02:48:17] briand: you can feed the tone switch from the reciever, with outputs to two diseqc switches to connect/address up to 8 LNBs from one receiver
[02:48:45] briand: but, as you have only one dish and one LNB... that's a moot point.
[02:48:57] Jenetik: so I don't get how I configure the input
[02:49:22] briand: where is this "splitter looking device" located? can you get an eyeball on it?
[02:49:30] Jenetik: its up in the attic
[02:49:33] Jenetik: not really
[02:51:18] briand: my recommendation would be to bypass that switch, if you only have the one LNB, and run coax directly from the LNB to the nexus-s card, and re-try the scan of transponder 11 (12370000)
[02:51:33] Jenetik: it worked in windows though
[02:51:39] Jenetik: so I'm not going to
[02:52:25] tony_: can someone tell me why i'm getting "no error type from qsqlerror? Strange...." and "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 169
[02:52:25] tony_: "
[02:52:26] briand: well, then, you've configured something in windows differently than you've configured it in Linux for that nexus-s card.
[02:53:31] tony_: ...and is there a way to just watch live tv without it doing the background recording?
[02:53:42] briand: tony_: "no error type from ..." probably means you're not connected to the database ...and, in fact, is usually followed in the logs by a message asking if you've got a database running...
[02:54:23] briand: tony_: "X Error: ..." usually means something wrong with your xorg.conf file
[02:54:33] briand: tony_: and, to your last question, "no"
[02:55:18] tony_: briand, it would be lighter on resources if it didn't record or cache in the background. i just want it like dscaler in windows
[02:55:35] tony_: i had less errors when i installed it. maybe i should start over
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[02:57:38] LennonNZ_ (LennonNZ_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:57:43] LennonNZ_: any NZers here?
[02:59:11] Jenetik: whats the difference between diseqc and diseqc (Uncommitted)
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[02:59:50] briand: Jenetik: where are you seeing that?
[03:00:42] Jenetik: Capture Card Setup – DiSeqC – Switch
[03:00:49] briand: tony_: you can conserve those resources by powering down your mythtv box and watching the signal directly on your television. MythTV "records" in the background to allow pause/ffwd/rew, etc.
[03:01:31] briand: Jenetik: i dunno... try both, iteratively, maybe? [shrug]
[03:01:45] Jenetik: I did
[03:02:06] LennonNZ_: I'm looking at setting up mythTV.. is the HVR-3000 supported for DVB-S properly yet?
[03:02:39] LennonNZ_: or better to just buy a Nova-S Plus for DVB-S at the moment?
[03:03:16] tony_: i have no tv other than my pc. i don't usually watch much
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[03:14:47] chuk: do I need to restart the backend for it to see changes in settings table?
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[03:20:51] GreyFoxx: DEpends on the change
[03:21:01] GreyFoxx: and if you did them manually or through the frontend/mythtv-setup
[03:21:07] chuk: I did it manually
[03:21:13] GreyFoxx: then I would restart
[03:21:18] chuk: INSERT INTO settings (value,data,hostname) VALUES ('UseXvMCForHDOnly', '1', 'yourhost');
[03:21:22] chuk: that was the change
[03:21:24] GreyFoxx: oh
[03:21:29] GreyFoxx: that's a frontend setting
[03:21:37] GreyFoxx: nothing to do with the backend
[03:21:48] chuk: thats stored on backend database,no?
[03:21:54] chuk: oh wait
[03:21:55] chuk: yes
[03:21:57] chuk: sorry
[03:22:14] chuk: fe fetches directly
[03:22:25] chuk: I thought be fetched from db, and communicated to fe
[03:22:43] GreyFoxx: nope
[03:22:48] GreyFoxx: both talk to mysql
[03:22:55] GreyFoxx: though future versions will likely change that
[03:22:55] chuk: right
[03:23:39] chuk: actually that seems a strange way to do it
[03:23:46] chuk: was that due to legacy myth?
[03:23:59] GreyFoxx: What? Both accessing mysql?
[03:24:02] chuk: was it ever not a separate front and back end?
[03:24:03] chuk: yeah
[03:24:09] GreyFoxx: No, always seperated
[03:24:25] GreyFoxx: plus in theory some people use myth without any tuners/recording and no backend running at all
[03:24:26] chuk: strange, I would think it would be more n tiered
[03:24:34] chuk: ah
[03:24:42] chuk: abstract the data layer
[03:24:46] chuk: but I guess if it has other uses
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[03:46:05] LennonNZ_: whats the best card for mythtv with has HMDI output?
[03:46:12] LennonNZ_: for output
[03:46:27] chuk: you can also use DVI->HDMI cable
[03:46:29] chuk: with a DVI card
[03:46:45] chuk: but if you want straight HDMI, just pick one of the nvidia ones
[03:47:08] briand: and, if you go with DVI, also pick one of the nvidia ones.  :)
[03:47:25] radfojc: anyone use both svideo inputs on the pvr 500 ok with myth? I have 2 setup boxes I want to setup
[03:47:31] LennonNZ_: ok. and for DVB-S input?
[03:48:31] jasta__ (jasta__! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:48:35] radfojc: NTSC input from 2 motorola cable boxes
[03:49:06] briand: radfojc: why not just use firewire?
[03:49:23] briand: radfojc: that'll allow you to control the box -and- receive video
[03:49:59] radfojc: briand: I dont see firewire ports on the back of the boxes
[03:50:47] briand: radfojc: contact your cable provider, then. they should make them available to you upon request (via FCC mandate) if they don't supply such a box by default.
[03:51:24] radfojc: briand: and I'll get all the channels I pay for? HBO, Showtime, etc?
[03:52:09] a5benwillis: which rc#.d folder should I simlink to start a script at boot on Edgy??
[03:52:11] briand: radfojc: better directed to someone who actually has such a setup. I'm an analog cable subscriber, and have no set-top box
[03:52:40] baxter_kylie: a5benwillis:" I think it's local but I don't know for certain... I'm a gentooer
[03:53:55] a5benwillis: well, I alctually need to simlink so I cant do it in rc.local.
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[04:01:51] TSCHAK: arrggggg
[04:02:07] TSCHAK: I have deleted all the non-hd channels from my firewire
[04:02:13] TSCHAK: but yet when i press a non-HD channel
[04:02:51] TSCHAK: omfg
[04:03:04] TSCHAK: it added all of the channels back into my CableHD feed
[04:03:07] TSCHAK: $#($#@$(@#$#(@
[04:03:49] LennonNZ_ (LennonNZ_! has quit ()
[04:03:51] TSCHAK: does mythfilldatabase re-add channels?
[04:03:56] TSCHAK: please god tell me no
[04:04:23] fatmatt (fatmatt! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:11:49] a5benwillis: TSCHAK: No
[04:12:29] TSCHAK: a5benwillis, then how did my channels that I deleted magically re-appear?
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[04:17:58] a5benwillis: TSCHAK: Dunno, but, filldatabase just gets EIT data if you have DirectData setup. I doesnt do channel scanning.
[04:18:25] a5benwillis: check your channel table to see that its really empty.
[04:18:59] a5benwillis: CRAP
[04:19:10] a5benwillis: did DN keys change today?
[04:20:03] briand: a5benwillis: you are, most certainly, in the wrong channel.
[04:20:37] a5benwillis: oops
[04:20:42] a5benwillis: you are correct
[04:20:46] a5benwillis: :-)
[04:21:05] chuk: am I allowed to receive unencrypted cable channels with a Dvico fusion card?
[04:21:14] chuk: if I subscribe to cable
[04:21:35] chuk: cbs, nbc, etc
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[04:31:41] hound: chuk, yes you are allowed. afaik the FCC insists that local stations like the ones you listed stay unencrypted so you can receive them.
[04:32:07] chuk: even the HD ones>
[04:32:07] chuk: ?
[04:32:27] chuk: I'm trying to figure out what I actually have to subscribe to
[04:32:32] chuk: I only watch HD networks
[04:32:39] chuk: abc, nbc, etc
[04:32:59] chuk: right now, I have to pay cable company $69 a month for that, plus $20 for a dvr
[04:33:09] chuk: I want to use my myth with dvico fusion
[04:33:27] chuk: but I'm not sure what level of service that would actually fall under
[04:34:47] chuk: basically, I want to get away with "lifeline" service
[04:34:57] chuk: for $11 or so, but I cant get straight answer from cable co
[04:35:05] chuk: thought maybe someone here has done it before me
[04:35:44] mchou: there is no need for a dvr
[04:36:03] mchou: comcast charges $5 for a HDTV stb
[04:36:28] chuk: yeah, and just hook it up via firewire>
[04:36:29] chuk: ?
[04:36:59] mchou: beats buying a card thats going to be obsolete
[04:37:03] chuk: yeah
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[04:39:12] kslater: anyone using a mobo with an ATI x1250?
[04:41:06] mchou: damn, I just wasted 2 hrs of my life. What a horrid movie
[04:41:25] mchou: gotta be te worst video I ever rented
[04:41:39] TSCHAK: Which?
[04:41:49] mchou: Igby goes down
[04:42:03] TSCHAK: haven't seen
[04:42:11] mchou: TSCHAK: trust me, dont
[04:42:19] mchou: count yourself lucky
[04:42:24] TSCHAK: although I have seen plenty of movies I wish i could get my $10 back :-P
[04:42:42] mchou: at this point I'm way past $10
[04:43:28] mchou: they'd have to pay me $1000 to even begin making watching that movie berable
[04:43:34] mchou: bearable*
[04:44:31] mchou: I dont understand how it even got nominated for the golden globes
[05:13:56] afterwego: Having issues with video quality and stuttering video
[05:14:36] afterwego: I can see vertical lines
[05:16:06] afterwego: So I was wondering if anybody could give me a hand. I can provide more information as needed
[05:16:28] jasta (jasta! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:18:09] afterwego: I have checked around and was unable to find anything of use
[05:19:28] radfojc (radfojc! has quit ()
[05:22:33] afterwego: Anyone?
[05:25:16] Smirnov (Smirnov! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:45:36] baxter_kylie: afterwego: Have you checked cpu usage? Many times stutter can come from either weak signal or a cpu that can't keep up.
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[05:56:22] afterwego: I have not done that yet
[05:56:43] afterwego: I am using Ubuntu, so I am not sure how to do that
[05:56:56] fatmatt: afterwego, what cpu do you have? what sort of tuner?
[05:57:35] afterwego: Tuner is a PVR-150 and the CPU is an AMD 64 3000+
[05:57:48] fatmatt: is that an analog or digital tuner?
[05:58:01] fatmatt: that cpu should be fine
[05:58:35] afterwego: I believe it is digital, but im no 100% on that one
[05:59:05] Sedorox: PVR-150 is analog
[06:00:35] afterwego: Im almost wondering if what I am seeing isn't some sort of pixelation
[06:02:21] fatmatt: I don't know how the 150 handles a bad signal, but thats a possibility, maybe check the antenna is good. DO you get a good signal / picture on tv? Also, maybe google hdparm and check you have DMA enabled, it should be on by default these days but thats about all I can suggest
[06:03:20] afterwego: It is coming in from cable. DMA is enabled. I do get a pretty decent signal, but its jittery in spots and I get some pixelation
[06:03:42] afterwego: My load averages are a little high
[06:03:55] afterwego: right around 3.6
[06:04:06] afterwego: and dropping it would seem
[06:04:12] Sedorox: what else does the box do? thats really high
[06:05:02] afterwego: Its setup to do myth only
[06:05:12] afterwego: I do have the Gnome GUI up behind it
[06:06:03] afterwego: I do have an ATI Radeon 9600XT powering the video output and that is running using the fglrx driver
[06:06:13] Sedorox: I have a box doing asterisk, VMWare (running win2k3 server), Samba, dhcp server, and a few other things (AMD 64 3400+, 1gig ram) and I barely go above 0.5
[06:06:56] afterwego: Mine runs samba and a web server as well, but those should be pretty minimal
[06:07:04] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-f403b2570a1ab305) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:07:48] afterwego: I am using Ubuntu Feisty for it
[06:08:10] Sedorox: check ` ps -aux ` and on the third column, check to see what the highest number is (username first, PID second, cpu% third)
[06:09:03] afterwego: Those are the two highest
[06:09:46] Sedorox: so X is using 50%, and the mythfrontend if using 50%
[06:09:47] Sedorox: (about)
[06:09:59] afterwego: yep
[06:10:24] Sedorox: what do you have running on the frontend right now?
[06:10:26] afterwego: not exactly sure why X would be using that much
[06:10:35] afterwego: LiveTV
[06:11:05] Sedorox: are you 100% sure the fglrx drivers are working correctly? otherwise it might be doing software rendering.. which might cause that
[06:11:54] afterwego: Should be but I am going to switch it back to the default driver it was using and give it a shot. I have noticed fglrx is pretty flakey
[06:12:45] Sedorox: well I had issues before with my one system (wasn't running myth) but the fglrx drivers weren't doing the proper glx crap.. and nothing was running well
[06:13:41] afterwego: Now that I have switched it back I get no video
[06:14:42] Sedorox: well load up the fglrx drivers.. but check /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see if you have fglrx errors/warning (after loading X)
[06:17:46] jasta (jasta! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:18:16] afterwego: (WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found
[06:18:48] Sedorox: hm
[06:19:03] Sedorox: that might be your second video out if your card has more then one
[06:19:19] afterwego: I have an onboard and then the additional card
[06:19:43] afterwego: But beyond a font warning everything else is clean
[06:19:45] Sedorox: both ati?
[06:19:57] afterwego: No one is just part of the VIA chipset
[06:20:40] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:20:43] Sedorox: then thats not it..
[06:20:49] Sedorox: no other EE or WW's?
[06:21:59] afterwego: Not any beyond it not being able to find a wacom device and some font warnings
[06:22:27] afterwego: I am running only 512 RAM
[06:22:36] Sedorox: should be enough...
[06:22:41] afterwego: Thats kind of what I figured
[06:22:45] Sedorox: open up a terminal... in X.. and type
[06:22:59] Sedorox: fglrcinfo
[06:23:00] Sedorox: er
[06:23:02] Sedorox: fglrxinfo
[06:23:47] Sedorox: say ATI or something else?
[06:23:50] afterwego: Yeah
[06:23:56] czth__ (czth__!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-295df57ea5b30d30) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:24:04] Sedorox: which?
[06:24:37] afterwego: ATI
[06:24:58] Sedorox: k
[06:25:27] afterwego: I have read some things with Feisty have issues with LIRC and decoding, but I didn't read much into it
[06:26:31] afterwego: Ah LIRC is the remote
[06:26:52] afterwego: Also the frontend and backend are running on the same machine
[06:26:53] Sedorox: yes
[06:27:14] ** baxter_kylie doesn't really think Fiesty has issues with anything... it's just the version of the support modules and the software they ship that might not play nicely. **
[06:27:21] Sedorox: I'm not sure what it is
[06:29:59] afterwego: Could it be something in the recording profiles
[06:31:37] Sedorox: dunno
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[06:51:43] thufir007 (thufir007! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:58:43] fatmatt: anyone ever made a bootable cd/cvd for a frontend. Missus usually uses winxp on her laptop, want to boot to dvd/cd or even usb flash. Dual boot is undesirable
[06:59:05] Dagmar: fatmatt: Google KnoppMyth
[06:59:10] jasta_ (jasta_! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:59:51] fatmatt: I tried knoppmyth, but the versions I could find were way out of date.
[07:00:15] czthIII (czthIII! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:00:24] Dagmar: That's a shame. Work on your Google skills
[07:00:33] cecil: out of date?
[07:00:50] cecil: youo must not have looked very hard...
[07:01:11] cecil: KnoppMyth R5E50 is the latest and it is very much up to date
[07:01:34] cecil: that is until the next release which will bne out shortly...
[07:03:16] fatmatt: I'll give it a shot, thanks
[07:03:23] hari_seldon91: Hey
[07:03:29] fatmatt: thought I'd tried that release..
[07:04:01] hari_seldon91: Just reformatted/reinstalled my PVR box and am having a wierd scheduling/commercial cutlist problem accessing mythbackend with remote frontend
[07:11:02] hari_seldon91: The timings of the EPG and the recordings in my remote frontend are 6 hours ahead of the real time. The same problem does not exist in the local frontend or the system time in the backend
[07:13:28] Dagmar: Set your /etc/localtime and TZ correctly
[07:13:53] hari_seldon91: uh okay
[07:14:21] hari_seldon91: I think they are set correctly
[07:14:35] hari_seldon91: because the times are reading correctly locally in the frontend
[07:15:09] hari_seldon91: the remote access is where the problem is, but the time reads correct in the remote machine too
[07:17:29] czth (czth! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[07:17:59] hari_seldon91: oh wait...
[07:18:13] hari_seldon91: Right, there is a problem with the local time in the remote machine
[07:18:21] hari_seldon91: I'll fix it, thanks for your attention
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[07:26:38] baxter_kylie is now known as baxter_kylie|awa
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[07:27:04] EnderTheThird (EnderTheThird! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:27:39] EnderTheThird: Stupid question: When I start a mythtranscode job through the FE, where does it save the file?
[07:28:33] EnderTheThird: Everything I see when I Google about transcoding it specifies recordings via specific times and channel IDs
[07:29:28] EnderTheThird: Anyone....?
[08:05:09] MrGeoff (MrGeoff! has joined #mythtv-users
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[08:53:36] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:53:41] juski: morning
[08:53:53] juski: anybody happen to know what <skipin> in base.xml of theme files does?
[08:56:10] pat_: does anybody know why when I upgraded minimyth the remote key functions changed?
[08:56:29] pat_: have the default keys changed recently in 0.20-fixes?
[08:56:43] juski: pat_: did you have custom keybindings before?
[08:56:51] pat_: I didn't think so
[08:56:57] juski: if the hostname of the frontend has changed you'd lose em
[08:57:15] pat_: no, I upgraded in place and kept the hostname
[08:57:26] pat_: changing back to the old version reverted them to the original
[08:58:07] juski: AFAIK no key layouts have changed
[08:58:14] ** pat_ digs deeper **
[08:59:02] pat_: # MM_LIRC_FETCH_LIRCRC
[08:59:12] pat_: that's newer than the old config file
[09:00:11] juski: oh yeah the default for that is 'no'
[09:02:18] bennyw: Hi; has anyone ever had the problem where scheduled recordings are being made, but then they don't show up in the "Watch Recordings" area. More oddly; they do show up in mythweb – it's just mythfrontend that is having issues; I imagine there's some magic sql I can run to fix it all
[09:02:50] juski: . . . ecordings.3F
[09:04:04] bennyw: juski: well now I feel retarded
[09:04:49] juski: it's not called a FAQ for nothing
[09:06:13] bennyw: thanks
[09:10:00] Dagmar: Give it time
[09:10:08] Dagmar: You'll eventually resort to a FUQ like I did
[09:13:17] bennyw: I don't even remember setting the filter; but my wife isn't trusting it yet (mainly because all our programs were disappearing). So I'm probably to blame... as always.
[09:16:19] juski: well, if the default filter is left as it is, we'll have people asking where their recordings are
[09:16:37] juski: if it's changed, we'll get people asking wtf has happened to their livetv recordings
[09:17:20] juski: there's no real solution other than users reading the docs!
[09:17:23] juski: muhahahahahaha
[09:17:39] opello: "rtfm" always comes back :)
[09:19:07] Dagmar: RTFM MEIN FRIE
[09:23:01] gpd: does anyone use *long* DVI cables to connect a myth box to a TV?
[09:23:08] Tanthrix: Define long.
[09:23:14] gpd: ie. over 50 feet
[09:23:27] ** Tanthrix folds **
[09:23:36] gpd: too long for you?
[09:23:41] Tanthrix: hehe
[09:23:44] Tanthrix: Mine is about 20 feet.
[09:23:49] gpd: hmm.
[09:23:55] Tanthrix: Having problems?
[09:23:56] juski: anything over a certain distance will need a repeater
[09:24:05] gpd: not yet – still considering options
[09:24:25] juski: up to 15 metres should be fine.. after that they recommend you use a repeater amplifier
[09:24:34] gpd: i have this fancy networked flat that I am contemplating using the ethernet to carry video signals somehow
[09:24:38] Dagmar: Enough to offend people
[09:24:41] Dagmar: wrong channel
[09:24:56] pat_: juski, ta for the heads up
[09:24:59] pat_: juski: working now
[09:25:07] gpd: it would mean not having to have a frontend in the room with the TV
[09:25:09] pat_: now all I need to get working is themecache
[09:25:11] juski: at least the cabling is cheap :-P
[09:25:51] gpd: juski: this dvi over cat5 – is that a fancy box – or a fancy wiring job?
[09:25:54] AndyCap: you could get dvi fibercables.
[09:26:17] Tanthrix: You'll need a damned good cable to get over 12 meters
[09:26:38] juski: gpd: a fancy, and very expensive box at each end
[09:26:48] Tanthrix: The max spec is 5, but most people can get around 10 without too many problems, but after that it's black magic
[09:26:53] gpd: hmm. sounds like back to the silent front end option – which is also not too cheap
[09:27:18] juski: gpd: put it this way – it's cheaper than DVI over cat5 transcievers believe me!
[09:27:32] juski: when each end is well over $400
[09:27:41] gpd: another plan is to use an old laptop for the frontend
[09:28:06] gpd: 1G 512M 20G disk toshiba 3000 – should do the job
[09:28:14] juski: not for HDTV it won't
[09:28:35] gpd: not worried about HD yet
[09:28:46] gpd: in UK for a start – so not much about
[09:29:00] juski: ahh yes I know where you're coming from now ;)
[09:29:43] ** juski uses an epia m10000 motherboard with a silent HSF for his frontend.. diskless, low power consumption... **
[09:30:04] juski: you could make a silent frontend for SDTV for less than £200
[09:30:29] juski: and small ;)
[09:30:33] gpd: who do you use to supply the silent components?
[09:30:44] Tanthrix: I've never quite understood the whole quiet frontend obcession – I've got a generic PIII box for the front end in the living room with a generic power supply, and I only notice it if the TV is off
[09:30:51] pat_: gpd: I use a dell sff gx260 with no drives as my frontend
[09:31:02] pat_: it's quiet enough that we have it in the bedroom
[09:31:04] AndyCap: while fibre dvi costs $750 for 40 mtrs. :-P
[09:31:14] juski: Tanthrix: the noise floor in my livingroom is 25dBA
[09:31:40] Tanthrix: You can get a dvi repeater for $50–150, so I think fiber would be out
[09:31:46] juski: oh and then there's my t-online S100 box.. totally fanless. no optical drive though
[09:32:15] juski: less than £50 on ebay
[09:32:31] AndyCap: btw: anyone here run gmyth on a maemo?
[09:32:33] juski: looks nice too
[09:33:24] gpd: juski: uk too :)
[09:33:27] Tanthrix: Even newer systems are not loud enough to be heard over a TV noticably – is it when the TV is turned off that people get annoyed?
[09:33:43] Tanthrix: I have pretty sensitive hearing, but fan whirling has never urked me that much
[09:33:47] gpd: Tanthrix: your TV must be *quite* loud!
[09:34:15] juski: Tanthrix: the loudest thing in my livingroom at idle is the clock
[09:34:19] anykey_: Tanthrix: when the movies have quiet scenes, you probably notice the fans, *that* is annoying
[09:34:32] gpd: juski: not wishing to be heretical – but are there any contenders for TV recorders 'off the shelf' in the UK?
[09:34:40] juski: the epia fan wasn't that objectionable, but I saw the opportunity to make it completely silent I took it
[09:35:06] juski: gpd: just freeview PVRs? loads of em. none can do even half of what mythtv is capable of
[09:35:18] gpd: we've just moved from california where my wife had a motorola moxi dvr that was super simple
[09:35:22] Tanthrix: anykey_: I suppose, but it still doesn't bother me. Maybe my system is just quiet though.
[09:35:40] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:35:42] Tanthrix: I really would like to buy a decibel meter.
[09:35:58] anykey_: Tanthrix: well, I don't know exactly how loud the system is, but as juski said, the clock is louder ;)
[09:36:23] juski: gpd: analogue tv is gonna be switched off 'soon' in phases, so don't buy anything analogue
[09:36:34] gpd: juski: i've seen a couple of freeview boxes 'down tesco' – but they are almost 200 quid...
[09:36:53] AndyCap: juski: does the S100 do pxe booting?
[09:40:40] ** pat_ gives up on the minimyth themecache for the time being **
[09:40:43] juski: AndyCap: I already have TWO of the things
[09:41:39] ** AndyCap is still overjoyed at the fact that he found a dab pci card for £18.00 **
[09:42:08] juski: AndyCap: just get a freeview card & use mythtv's dvb radio recording :)
[09:42:19] juski: cheaper, better sound quality by _miles_
[09:42:21] hugolp: juski: so you are telling you can run mythtv from that s100 thing?
[09:42:22] juski: DAB is SHITE
[09:42:32] juski: hugolp: mythfrontend, no problem
[09:42:46] hugolp: what so do you use in it?
[09:42:59] hugolp: minimyth or what?
[09:42:59] juski: what SO? Linux!
[09:43:06] hugolp: I mean distribution
[09:43:07] AndyCap: juski: not an option. I'm not in the UK
[09:43:16] juski: AndyCap: ah ;)
[09:43:21] juski: hugolp: doesn't matter
[09:43:29] juski: slack is nice for it though
[09:43:42] AndyCap: juski: and the quality depends on the bitrate, same as for DVB. :)
[09:43:53] juski: but a few of us, mostly gardengnome – we're close to getting minimyth fully worky on it
[09:43:58] Zyxus (Zyxus! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:44:08] juski: AndyCap: okay – UK bitrates of DAB are shite :)
[09:44:23] AndyCap: did find some specs on the chipset, so I'll have to see if I can't get it running in linux
[09:44:52] hugolp: juski how noisy it is?
[09:45:07] juski: AndyCap: you could ressurect MythFM while you're on – and fix everything that was wrong with it – the stuff which caused it to remain an unofficial plugin ;)
[09:45:10] juski: hugolp: it's NOT
[09:45:25] juski: look at the photos.. there's no fan!
[09:46:24] AndyCap: juski: hehe, I guess I have an fm radio sitting on the saa7134 card here.
[09:46:42] juski: hugolp: there's an alternative if you're not in europe – the MSNTV2
[09:46:51] juski: nice little hacking project
[09:46:52] hugolp: I am from Barcelona
[09:47:21] hugolp: oh but it doesnt have digital output. Only SCART isnt it?
[09:47:29] juski: at some point I'm planning to make a new front panel for my s100 so it can have a slimline DVD drive in there
[09:47:47] juski: hugolp: no DVI output, but there's a header for VGA
[09:48:02] juski: you need to use the VGA header to hack it anyway
[09:48:04] hugolp: that will do
[09:48:12] hugolp: I am going to get one
[09:48:25] juski: I'm not gonna be your tech support
[09:48:37] hugolp: juski is there any page with a guide?
[09:48:53] juski: zenega-user forums. google for them. mostly german
[09:49:01] pat_: shrug, personally if you aren't into a science project, I'd get a small generic computer and run minimyth on it
[09:49:18] hugolp: juski :(
[09:49:22] juski: I don't mind helping a little bit with the hacking part but not with installing linux on there
[09:49:26] hugolp: dont speak no german at all
[09:49:36] juski: hugolp: some is in English
[09:49:42] hugolp: ok
[09:49:51] juski: I can help but don't expect 24/7 support
[09:50:26] AndyCap: Hmm, is the Bose zenega about the same hardware?
[09:50:31] juski: anyway very soon minimyth could be 100% working on it, which'll make life 100% easier for everybody
[09:50:44] juski: AndyCap: yeah but less RAM AFAIK
[09:50:49] Tanthrix: That's a 200 percent improvement!
[09:50:55] Nik_Doof: any recommendations on where to get one?
[09:51:02] juski: Nik_Doof: ebay
[09:51:11] Nik_Doof: yah was just looking, quite a few
[09:51:24] juski: or if you're in germany T-Online were giving em away for free with triple-play deals
[09:51:44] juski: they come with WinCE on them & some useless online apps & games
[09:51:51] Darthy (Darthy! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:51:58] juski: which is why the hacking came about. windowsCE sucks
[09:52:59] Nik_Doof: time to brush up on my german again hehe
[09:53:15] AndyCap: I see a rush on coming.
[09:53:21] juski: I tried the box before I hacked it.. the app looks nice but it was slow as hell!
[09:53:54] AndyCap: judging from digital boxes customers should be used to slow, slow UI's
[09:54:35] juski: as the box comes shipped, it's slower than any digital box I've ever seen
[09:54:43] juski: even slower than my VirginMedia cable box!
[09:54:48] Nik_Doof: ...
[09:54:51] Nik_Doof: thats slow
[09:55:42] Dagmar: Slower than Bush
[09:55:54] Tanthrix: Impossible.
[09:56:03] juski: does anybody know of a csv list of all Sky's channels anywhere? I really don't wanna have to make a screen scraper if I can help it
[09:56:29] Nik_Doof: juski: have you checked Astra's website?
[09:56:45] Darthy (Darthy! has quit ()
[09:57:05] hugolp: The first two google pages of t-online s100 linux are in german and then its just crap :(
[09:57:26] Nik_Doof: hugolp:
[09:58:03] AndyCap: juski: list of what exactly?
[09:58:37] juski: AndyCap: a list of channels & their numbers, possibly with details of the package they're in
[09:58:53] AndyCap: ah. ok.
[09:59:01] hugolp: Nik_Doof: thats more german
[09:59:06] hugolp: dont speak german at all
[10:00:07] juski: hugolp: I have a bit of an english guide – probably enough to get you going, on my website
[10:03:45] AndyCap: haha, wildsat has the list as a word document of all things
[10:05:51] juski: nifty! cheers
[10:07:01] juski: gonna need some perl-fu to turn that into something useful though
[10:10:37] hugolp: juski: your guide looks ok
[10:10:57] hugolp: I have found you as well in the minimyth forum
[10:11:10] hugolp: did you finally got minimyth installed on the s100?
[10:15:09] juski: no not yet. busy with other projects like themes & a channel config wizard
[10:16:43] hugolp: actually, if the s100 has a working mythtv front end why you want to install the minimyth?
[10:17:59] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:18:09] juski: it doesn't, until you put linux on the box somehow
[10:18:13] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has quit ("Leaving")
[10:20:48] juski: jees my perl is rusty
[10:22:39] hugolp: juski nevermind
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[10:33:30] jono (jono!n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has joined #mythtv-users
[10:33:31] jono: hi all
[10:33:47] jono: does anyone have a link to a guide for setting up the uk radio times xmltv grabber?
[10:34:35] juski: jono: in the mythtv wiki :)
[10:34:41] jono: cool
[10:35:05] juski: how's the runup to LRL going?
[10:40:10] juski: FYI Jono I've started working on a channel config wizard thing for us UK folks again. on with some perl to parse the $ky channel lineup. messy
[10:40:39] jono: cool :)
[10:40:46] jono: LRL going well :)
[10:40:48] juski: when it's done, no more messing about with configuring xmltv
[10:40:49] jono: you coming juski?
[10:41:44] juski: yeah been thinking about it, if only as an attendee
[10:42:27] jono: cool
[10:43:14] juski: the bit about having to tear down the stand for the sat evening put me off about showing mythtv there this year. no easy way to show off myth without a laptop
[10:44:05] juski: otherwise should be a big improvement on last year's venue though :)
[10:44:33] jono: yeah, you can tear down and store the gear in a locked room there though
[10:48:16] juski: well, we'll see then. if I can get any helpers again... been on/off about exhibiting but it keeps pulling me back
[10:48:53] juski: it's down to the old 'if I don't, who will' scenario again
[10:49:34] jono: juski: thats the nature of open source :)
[10:49:40] jono: would be great to have you there :)
[10:52:10] juski: be great to be there again, which is why I'm still tempted. if I can rattle a posse together in time it'll be on
[10:52:48] jono: cool
[10:53:09] jono: want to be in the hour of power again?
[10:53:54] _next_ (_next_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:54:12] juski: aye go on. I can't do any worse than last time
[10:54:42] _next_ (_next_! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:54:52] jono: cool :)
[10:55:49] juski: nothing set in stone yet.. but I'll see if I can get a body together fer it
[10:57:32] jono: cool
[11:00:50] thufir007 (thufir007! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:06:55] murray: trying to figure out how to let a apple remote access more than 6 operations, and a popup menu seems ideal
[11:07:22] murray: only the options that are there by default (epg, prev chan, select audio track...) aren't ideal (for me at least)
[11:09:33] AndyCap: Ah, the bose zenega has a little VxWorks dvb-s receiver stuck in it as well
[11:09:39] Om (Om!n=om@unaffiliated/om) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:09:55] Nik_Doof: oooo
[11:12:52] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:16:23] juski: oh yeh. that's what I like. now parsing a txt file with the $ly channels & writing an xml file as output
[11:17:04] juski: I should try & remember how to commit this to my svn server before I lose it again & have to reinvent the wheel
[11:19:45] Om: Is anyone using or involved with the multichannel audio output patch?
[11:19:57] Om: Or just happens to know what version it's meant to be applied to..
[11:20:11] Om: (or if it's gone into the main tree yet.. ;)
[11:21:33] juski: it'd be meant to be applied to the latest svn at the time the patch was submitted
[11:21:54] juski: to find out if it's in the main tree, check the -commit archive
[11:27:42] Anduin: If it was committed there should be a comment on the ticket
[11:28:14] Sid` (Sid`! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:30:35] Om: Bleh.
[11:32:59] juski: just buy a digital amp – less hassle :)
[11:37:18] juski: btw jono I gave the feisty mythtv packages an 'idiot' test yesterday – you can't go far wrong if you follow the popup instructions, even without the docs – ace!
[11:37:37] jono: indeed, its pretty awesome :)
[11:39:35] juski: _big_ improvement all round. we shouldn't get so many folks with db access problems from ubuntu anymore :)
[11:39:58] Om: I have a digital amp ;<
[11:40:17] juski: Om: so what's the fuss about the multichannel audio patch? timestretch/compression ?
[11:40:24] Om: But the motherboard's onboard soundcard doesn't have an S/PDIF connector. ;<
[11:40:37] juski: $5 on ebay should fix that
[11:40:57] Om: Not to mention that, as I understand it, using a digital amp requires you to use the amp for volume control
[11:41:23] Om: And it restricts you to whatever surround formats the amp can cope with :(
[11:41:26] juski: true. but with the right remote you can get around that
[11:41:40] juski: it sounds so much better though :)
[11:42:04] Om: It is tempting. But your $5 figure is, last time I checked, rather optimistic
[11:43:04] juski: contrary to popular belief, if you're only going to use digital outputs, just about any old cheap as dirt soundcard will do
[11:43:29] Om: And I have some rather sexy multichannel not-AC3/DTS stuff I'd like to be able to play, which S/PDIF canne cope with
[11:43:59] Om: Oh, I was thinking of getting the bracket which brings the S/PDIF connector off the motherboard header
[11:44:43] juski: whatever gave you the impression spdif can't cope with DTS?
[11:45:15] juski: it can be tricky to get myth to pass thru, but that's just a matter of wiggling the correct port
[11:45:57] juski: if you don't use the right port, loud & weird noises come out of the spdif socket
[11:45:58] Om: Oh, I meant I have some surround stuff which is neither AC3 or DTS. FLAC. And I think I'm right in thinking that S/PDIF can't cope with >2 uncompressed channels
[11:46:11] juski: ah now I getcha
[11:48:40] Dagmar: Sometimes pretty flashes of light and strange smells
[11:50:04] jono: juski: it it normal for mythfilldatabase to take so long?
[11:50:13] pat_: mine takes a while
[11:50:18] purserj: mine takes a bit
[11:50:18] jono: its finding conflicts right now
[11:50:21] pat_: it has to download the guide data from the net
[11:50:23] jono: and removing them
[11:50:36] jono: right
[11:50:42] jono: ok I am gonna run and leave it then :)
[11:50:43] jono: later! :)
[11:50:45] jono (jono!n=jono@ubuntu/member/jono) has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[11:50:45] pat_: hey purserj, how are you tonight?
[11:50:58] purserj: good, would be better if my youngest would go to sleep
[11:51:10] _sh3 (_sh3!i=_sh3@gateway/tor/x-77e666078acb52fd) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:51:13] purserj: Got the fimbles running off the myth to try and put her out
[11:51:27] _sh3 (_sh3!i=_sh3@gateway/tor/x-8f75473e52857fcf) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:51:44] pat_: I got my boat license today, and there was a young guy there who was complaining about being up so early on a sunday. I said he obviously didn't have kids.
[11:51:52] purserj: heh
[11:52:02] pat_: everyone else knew what I meant
[11:52:27] purserj: You can usually tell the non-parents. They're the ones who complain about having to wake up at 10 on a sunday
[11:52:48] pat_: I'm just an uncle
[11:52:49] juski: 10? 9am is a lie in for me on a weekend
[11:53:03] pat_: and I'm used the the 7am wakeup calls from the littlies
[11:53:09] juski: if I have a hangover, usually up & about long before that
[11:53:28] purserj: bleh, our middle child has decided that 5 is a good time to get up
[11:53:52] pat_: oh, my sister has put a limit on it. (at my request)
[11:54:05] pat_: when they stay over they come and jump on us at 5
[11:54:42] ** purserj looks at youngest, hmm long blinks happening **
[11:55:23] ** juski smacks a forum thread bumper **
[11:55:46] hugolp: I get the program guide from the DVB-T signal (EIT I think is the name). Is it posible that if the guide changed in the middle of a recording this recording would stop and then just wont start again?
[11:56:01] purserj: I wouldn't think so
[11:56:13] purserj: Depends on how often the EIT is updated
[11:56:15] juski: no, eit data grabbing is done constantly in the background
[11:56:55] juski: so it IS possible that if the show no longer was in the guide, recording would stop
[11:56:59] ** purserj needs to have a look at that EPG script for WIN again **
[11:57:59] juski: BUT – I've no idea how myth is coded to handle such events.. it might even be that the time slot is already scheduled to happen & carries on regardless
[11:58:38] hugolp: juski I was watching a recorded program while it was being recorded. I was watching it through the recorded programs menu. Suddenly it just stop recording and I went to the program guide and the one that I was watching and one that had to be recorded in a while had disapear. And then they refused to be recorded again
[11:58:52] hugolp: I ordered them to be recorded again but they failed
[11:58:56] hugolp: I dont understand
[11:59:00] hugolp: I am wathcing it live now
[11:59:03] hugolp: no problem
[11:59:17] purserj: hitting r doesn't help?
[11:59:26] hugolp: hahaha very funny
[12:00:25] purserj: not trying to be. Little information about your setup I took a stab at how you're controlling your myth instance
[12:01:27] hugolp: purserj: yes, it work
[12:01:36] hugolp: I went live tv and press r on one channel
[12:01:47] hugolp: its suposed to be recording that channel
[12:01:48] hugolp: now
[12:01:59] purserj: right
[12:02:01] hugolp: but then it just wouldnt let me change channel
[12:02:08] purserj: how many tuners do you have?
[12:02:12] hugolp: I had to leave live tv
[12:02:20] Dagmar: To change channels would require _ending the recording_ if you only had one tuner
[12:02:21] hugolp: and go back to live tv again to see other channel
[12:02:25] hugolp: I have two turners
[12:02:31] purserj: right
[12:02:45] Dagmar: It will not automatically jump to the other tuner
[12:03:34] hugolp: I still dont get why it just stoped everything before, and also, it hang the server, I went and tryed to close it and it just wouldnt
[12:03:43] hugolp: I had to hardware reset it
[12:03:50] Dagmar: That's called a crash
[12:04:08] hugolp: no
[12:04:17] hugolp: The system was responding
[12:04:29] Dagmar: Yes.
[12:04:40] hugolp: but mythtv had a turner recording, although nothing was being recorded
[12:04:45] hugolp: and it just wouldnt quit
[12:04:57] hugolp: I was presing the quit but it just wouldnt
[12:05:11] Dagmar: Because it was crashed
[12:05:23] hugolp: well, whatever it is, is this usual or known?
[12:06:04] purserj: Crashes have been known to happen
[12:06:33] hugolp: ok cool
[12:06:36] hugolp: that made it clear
[12:06:47] hugolp: :P
[12:07:19] purserj: Mine is pretty stable except when my external hdd decides to stop responding
[12:07:34] purserj: Then its just a case of unplugging the thing and re-plugging it in
[12:07:58] Om: Bleh
[12:08:28] Om: Someone name a program that can do a half-decent job of resampling a 6 channel wav
[12:09:45] Om: audacity won't output a multichannel wav and won't resample properly anyway. sox does a crap job of it, ffmpeg won't..
[12:12:58] fatmatt (fatmatt! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[12:26:26] hugolp: If I am watching a recording and want to watch it later, is there a way to leave a mark or something so it will start playing from there next time I watch it?
[12:26:45] gbee: bookmark, can be done automatically or by pressing space
[12:27:15] gbee: at least it's space with my bindings, might be enter or some other key by default
[12:27:52] gbee: under settings, you can tell it to set a bookmark when you leave a recording
[12:28:03] hugolp: gbee thanks
[12:28:06] hugolp: I will check now
[12:28:43] gbee: playback settings, second page 'Action on playback exit'
[12:29:11] juski: gbee: fancy a trip to wolverhampton in july?
[12:29:37] gbee: sure, what's happening there in July?
[12:29:50] ** juski eats the words 'never' and 'again' **
[12:30:08] juski: lugradiolive & mythtv demos, maybe
[12:30:45] juski: the rationale being that if somebody doesn't do it, nobody else will
[12:31:12] ** pat_ would love a trip to wolverhampton in july, except summer in england is probably colder than winter in brisbane **
[12:31:16] juski: and it's good fun
[12:31:21] juski: pat_: lol
[12:31:31] purserj: pat_: they think 30 is a heat wave
[12:31:59] juski: nah we think 20 is a heatwave
[12:32:06] pat_: I'm starting to get cold tonight, and it is 21 in this room
[12:32:08] hugolp: you have to see the british down here in spain in summer
[12:32:13] hugolp: they go red the second day
[12:32:17] hugolp: XD
[12:32:23] purserj: hugolp: same around here
[12:32:33] gbee: pat_: well when I was out in Melbourne in Winter, it was definately colder than the weather I left behind but that probably isn't typical
[12:32:40] pat_: no, they go red the first day here
[12:32:44] juski: the English on holiday are the same everywhere. that's why I try not to go where the typical English go ;)
[12:32:51] purserj: gbee: melbourne is a lot closer to english weather
[12:32:57] purserj: at least it used to be
[12:33:19] pat_: really ought to buy myself a hot glue gun
[12:34:19] pat_: (just broke my thermometer)
[12:34:30] purserj: ooh mercury fumes
[12:34:30] gbee: purserj: melbourne is a lot closer to being on the same latitude as England, although southern New Zealand comes closest
[12:34:36] purserj: yup
[12:34:55] purserj: southern new zealand is also a lot closer to the great southern ocean
[12:35:43] ** pat_ boggles as he comes across timo salmi's name **
[12:35:55] pat_: haven't heard that name in 10 years or so
[12:36:58] gbee: juski: I'm not doing anything in July (yet) so I've made a note
[12:37:25] hugolp: juski: nothing wrong with coming to spain in summer. I would do it myself if I was english
[12:37:29] gbee: I have the feeling that I'm meant to be doing something right now, but I've no idea what it is
[12:37:37] juski: anyway gbee about LRL.. if I can get one or 2 more people interested in showing it'll prolly be a done deal, pending arranging gear for it
[12:37:57] juski: I think this time, a much more minimal setup is called for
[12:38:07] hugolp: you get sun, cheaper than england relaxed laws, and drunken english girls looking for they holiday cock
[12:38:13] hugolp: what else could you desire?
[12:38:17] hugolp: XD
[12:38:31] juski: hugolp: lol
[12:39:18] juski: don't feel the need to sugar-coat it now will you?
[12:39:55] hugolp: whats sugar-coat?
[12:40:17] juski: I meant don't have to put it so nicely ;)
[12:40:24] gbee: they sugar-coat pills to make them sweater and easier to swallow
[12:40:28] pat_: gawd, garbo repository still lives
[12:40:38] gbee: literally, cover them in a sugar coating
[12:40:50] hugolp: I get it
[12:41:11] gbee: it's an expression – to sugar coat something, to make it sound nicer/better than it is
[12:41:15] hugolp: well, it is actually that way
[12:41:58] juski: if only it worked both ways, but it doesn't
[12:42:06] gbee: sweeter!, sweater wouldn't taste nicer at all
[12:43:31] hugolp: gbee the bookmarking thing I just did for recordings does it aply for mythvideo as well?
[12:44:02] gbee: hugolp: yes it should, although I'm not sure how well it works as I don't use mythvideo
[12:45:59] gbee: only works if you use the internal player though
[12:46:21] hugolp: gbee I just discover that
[12:46:24] hugolp: XD
[12:46:26] GreyFoxx: it works fine for mythvideo, but as you said, only with internal player
[12:46:41] hugolp: but can you use the internal player for mythvideo? whats the command line?
[12:46:48] gbee: 'internal'
[12:47:13] gbee: without the quotes
[12:48:20] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:48:52] GreyFoxx: And a capital I .... though that might not be required any more
[12:50:09] gbee: GreyFoxx: if a capital I is required, then I'll fix that. It's silly little things like that which can make setup a pain
[12:50:14] juski: note – not to be confused with the 'infernal' player
[12:52:25] Dagmar: Yep. Definitely no realplayer support
[12:52:28] gbee: juski: looking at the website for LRL, understand what you said about the minimal setup
[12:52:56] juski: couple of laptops & an lcd would be ideal, but I have none of the above
[12:53:22] gbee: I can probably supply my laptop
[12:53:34] juski: forget about tuners since there'll be no signal inside, so a backend lappy would be just the ticket
[12:55:02] hugolp: no realplayer suport is not such a big deal, at least for me
[12:55:12] hugolp: and the ability to bookmark is great
[12:55:29] gbee: a nice 17–19" widescreen LCD would be good, but not too bulky to carry away
[12:55:56] juski: gbee: apparently there'll be a secure room for storage
[12:56:56] hugolp: This might be asking for too much, but is it posible to set a expiring date for the movie bookmarks?
[12:57:09] juski: how much are they these days anyway? nice 19" lcds?
[12:57:27] gbee: hugolp: only for DVDs at the moment
[12:57:28] Dagmar: $400~
[12:57:34] hugolp: juski: I got mine 22" widescreen screen for 230 euros
[12:57:45] hugolp: 1680x1050 8ms
[12:57:48] juski: 230 Euro? ooo
[12:57:57] hugolp: looks great
[12:58:01] hugolp: Benq
[12:58:02] juski: do they ship to the UK?
[12:58:23] Dagmar: /whois hugolp
[12:58:42] hugolp: juski: when I was in the Uk I boutht a couple of things from that internet shop that had very good prices
[12:58:46] hugolp: what was the naem
[12:58:50] hugolp: ?
[12:58:51] juski: dabs?
[12:58:54] juski: ebuyer?
[12:58:56] hugolp: cant remember
[12:59:02] hugolp: they still send me an email
[12:59:06] Dagmar: Well, shoot. I wanted to say something snarky about quality relative to Amsterdam standards but I'm coming up emtpy
[12:59:11] hugolp: ebuyer yeah
[12:59:22] juski: my local place has a bunch of wide monitors for under 200GBP
[12:59:26] hugolp: I though I saw in the las email an 19 widescreen for 170 pounds
[12:59:30] juski: I could do with a 2nd monitor anyway
[12:59:46] juski: and it's my birthday in July :)
[13:00:05] pat_: just get a single 24" widescreen
[13:00:11] pat_: 1920x1200
[13:00:37] pat_: (it's what I'm running, and since I changed from dual 17" I wouldn't go back)
[13:00:39] Dagmar: I use a pair of CRTs because I want a desktop that can kill the downstairs neighbors in the event of an earthquake
[13:01:01] juski: Dagmar: you're so nice, always thinking about other people ;)
[13:01:05] Dagmar: They also ensure no one is going to steal the damn things
[13:01:12] pat_: Dagmar: it *is* a crt! :)
[13:01:14] hugolp: pat_: but thats double the price of my 22" inches 1680x1050 widescreen
[13:01:16] gbee: might pick up an external HDD, if I use this laptop for exhibition purposes I don't want to be f'ing around with clearing space on the drive for recordings, then swapping everything back afterwards
[13:01:19] hugolp: at list in spain
[13:01:34] juski: gbee: I've got a USB2 160GB HDD
[13:02:00] juski: and a bunch of recordings I've been keeping for expo purposes
[13:02:12] gbee: juski: that ought to do it, if you can spare it ;)
[13:02:24] juski: yeah sure no probs
[13:02:32] juski: hmmm what's belinea gear like?
[13:02:55] juski: 2" Belinea 11 22 02 widescreen TFT monitor 5ms with speakers 1000:1 (3yrs Manufacturer's Warranty)
[13:03:03] juski: under £200, by nnot much
[13:03:13] juski: cut a 2 off.. it's 22"
[13:03:30] pat_: oh, I was just going to say I've got a bigger than 2" screen on my camera
[13:03:43] Dagmar: I was thinking that perhaps "widescreen" was a bit of a misnomer with a 2" display
[13:03:45] juski: blech! no DVI input :(
[13:03:48] hugolp: and probably on your phone too
[13:03:52] hugolp: XD
[13:03:56] hugolp: Dagmar: XD
[13:04:20] juski: you really need DVI on a flat panel monitor
[13:04:25] hugolp: juski: if you want DVI you have to go for the full HD and then it goes up to 400 euros
[13:04:39] hugolp: juski: vga is good for me
[13:04:59] juski: 20" samsung for a touch over 200 GBP.. interesting
[13:05:57] juski: right I got me a goal. have to give up cigs in time for July 1st anyway, so screw it
[13:06:46] hugolp: Just to confirm there is no way to make bookmarks on video expire is it?
[13:07:00] GreyFoxx: correct
[13:07:01] juski: hugolp: nope
[13:07:26] Dagmar: Bookmarks are forever.
[13:07:33] hugolp: might be a nice and easy to implement future feature
[13:07:36] Dagmar: Just like real bookmarks
[13:07:38] juski: you could prolly make a cron job to do it if the database has a 'created' date on the bookmark column
[13:07:40] gbee: hugolp: It's already done for DVDs so would be hard to extend that to other bookmarks
[13:07:47] hugolp: Dagmar: just like marriage I got it
[13:08:11] Dagmar: No, because you can have a lot more than one bookmark in a book.
[13:08:22] gbee: of course DVD bookmarks are only supported in trunk
[13:08:26] ** juski has lost all hope **
[13:08:48] juski: I thought I might get off early for good behaviour
[13:08:54] hugolp: well, thats how marriage use to be anyway. No anymore
[13:09:01] gbee: heh
[13:09:14] hugolp: A 20 year marriage contract would be a lot better
[13:09:24] Dagmar: It hasn't been that way since a particular king of Britain
[13:09:40] hugolp: I think the clasical marriage contract is old fashion
[13:09:44] hugolp: XD
[13:10:59] gbee: people didn't live as long the in the past, 20 years was a long marriage ;)
[13:11:16] Dagmar: Especially if the guy was married
[13:12:03] gbee: :)
[13:13:59] ** juski wants to be sick. The Times' rich list is out **
[13:14:02] briand: good morning (or appropriate time-of-day in your milieu), all
[13:14:10] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:14:16] juski: CEO of the company I work for is worth over £500m
[13:16:28] pat_: I'm out of the loop, what does "XD" mean?
[13:17:00] juski: it means 'hello, I'm Emo'
[13:17:16] Nik_Doof: lol
[13:17:25] hugolp: XD
[13:17:29] hugolp: oh wait!
[13:26:16] pat_: oh, some sort of lame arsed smiley for people who think :) is too old school
[13:26:29] pat_: and with that I give up and go to bed
[13:27:39] juski: looks more like an anime grin to me
[13:28:04] pat_: I prefer the term "lame arsed smiley"
[13:29:04] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:29:05] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stuarta
[13:29:26] stuarta: afternoon all
[13:30:04] juski: afternoon stuarta
[13:30:19] stuarta: how's things this fine afternoon?
[13:30:35] juski: goodo. made good progress on my wizardy stuff
[13:30:50] juski: how was t'cricket?
[13:31:08] stuarta: good, then a farce...
[13:31:42] stuarta: umpires offered bad light, which sri lanka took, then we thought we'd won
[13:32:09] stuarta: then the umpires pointed out we hadn't won, and would everyone please come back and play the last 3 overs by moonlight
[13:32:22] juski: fancy a trip to wolverhampton in july? I know I said never again but hey it's fun
[13:32:38] juski: damn pesky vampires
[13:32:54] stuarta: hehe, what dates? i'll consult the diary
[13:33:11] stuarta: btw. did you get a chance to retest the export script?
[13:33:30] juski: july 6th & 7th IIRC
[13:33:40] juski: I'll take the exporty script for a spin now
[13:36:13] hound (hound!i=woof@pdpc/supporter/student/Hound) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:36:33] stuarta: juski: have you installed the perl bindings?
[13:36:48] stuarta: it's not installed by default IIRC
[13:37:54] juski: ahh.. it's in the bindings dir of my -fixes checkout
[13:38:53] stuarta: yeah, figured there was no point reinventing the wheel, especially when there are functions in there to support the storage groups.
[13:39:52] juski: ah damnit I didn't build with perl bindings enabled
[13:40:31] juski: wait a sec.. there's not a configure option for that
[13:40:49] stuarta: no, just go into the dir and make install
[13:41:24] juski: in the bindings dir?
[13:41:32] stuarta: yeah.
[13:41:36] juski: no rule to make target
[13:41:48] stuarta: hmpf...
[13:41:55] ** stuarta goes digging **
[13:41:56] juski: got a file & a perl dir
[13:42:16] juski: ah
[13:42:24] juski: in the perl dir there's a Makefile.PL
[13:43:34] juski: woo Quality Hotel wolverhampton has single rooms for £33 per night
[13:43:46] juski: inc. breakfast
[13:43:58] Dagmar: Who cares if the hooker gets breakfast
[13:44:02] stuarta: nice. what they do doubles for?
[13:44:14] juski: £67 per night
[13:44:15] Dagmar: stuarta is a bit greedy
[13:44:22] stuarta: :-P
[13:44:42] juski: novotel has doubles for £47.50
[13:45:37] juski: I think both of those prices are cheaper than the lugradio discount offer
[13:46:02] stuarta: i normally book these things through expedia.
[13:46:20] juski: I was looking on
[13:46:41] stuarta: when we go out with everyone for work we get the local hilton for < 40 quid
[13:46:43] Nik_Doof: 67 for doubles? cool looks like i can afford to go :)
[13:46:43] juski: lugradio has better prices this time
[13:47:24] juski: maybe I should suggest a 'mythtv widows' BOF
[13:48:21] juski: they can compare notes & talk about uptimes.. or something
[13:49:07] juski: right let's see what google says about this perl makefile
[13:49:27] juski: ahhh!
[13:49:38] stuarta: just run it
[13:50:51] juski: done
[13:53:15] juski: seems to be worky :)
[13:53:50] stuarta: cool. my main concern was it didn't bitch about MythTV::StorageGroup which won't exist on 0.20
[13:54:47] juski: yeah it ran ffmpeg, named & tagged the file correctly
[13:55:23] stuarta: excellent. i'll go submit that then :)
[13:55:42] juski: gonna have to start writing a script to parse these xml files to populate xmltvids & cack
[13:57:06] juski: hopefully this year the expo fun won't stall progress of the wizard
[13:57:29] briand: I *think* I've got all the edits done for the remake of the 3104 patches. let's see if it compiles (and works!), then we can pass this back off to gbee ;)
[13:58:26] juski: time for an xbox break
[13:59:06] juski: and later, will give my svn dustbin a spin with xbmc.. see how the upnp has come along :)
[14:00:40] hugolp: juski: if I want to colaborate tranlating myth to catalan (also could do spanish) who do I have to talk to?
[14:00:47] hugolp: There are some parts missing
[14:02:52] gbee: hugolp: just go ahead and do the missing bits (Q Linguist) and submit a patch
[14:03:04] gbee: but check trunk first to make sure it hasn't already been done
[14:03:16] stuarta: hugolp: just download svn head, edit away, and submit tickets to oscar
[14:03:38] hugolp: and where's the svn?
[14:03:40] gbee: Oscar handles committing translations, but there really isn't any coordinating to do
[14:03:44] gbee:
[14:04:01] hugolp: thanks
[14:06:33] briand: this would go a lot quicker without the typos...
[14:07:00] stuarta: you don't have to make things hard for yourself :)
[14:07:26] briand: it seems that I already have done so... late, late last night....
[14:08:32] briand: not a real problem, tho... `make` has a way of rooting those typos out, post haste
[14:11:07] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:12:56] quicksilver: The Wiki talks about 'Edit Keys' under utilities/setup, to create jump point keys
[14:13:02] quicksilver: I don't seem to have Edit Keys?
[14:14:10] juski: you need mythcontrols installed
[14:14:20] quicksilver: Aha! Thanks.
[14:16:41] chuk: if you do an svn update
[14:16:45] chuk: can you just do a make
[14:16:49] chuk: or do you have to make clean first
[14:16:58] Dagmar: `make naughty`
[14:19:01] stuarta: chuk: you can just do make, but if the changes are big, out configure is touched, or you are getting weird errors, then a make distclean, configure & make is required
[14:19:11] stuarta: s/out/or
[14:19:49] chuk: yeah, I guess I never could figure out if changes were "big" enough or not
[14:19:56] chuk: full compile takes forever on this box
[14:19:59] chuk: looking to cut corners
[14:20:20] stuarta: ccache
[14:20:57] Dagmar: The naughty target throws out stale files and then gratuitously touches all the source files.
[14:21:02] Dagmar: ;)
[14:21:45] stuarta: !trout Dagmar silly
[14:21:45] ** MythLogBot slaps Dagmar with a silly trout on behalf of stuarta... **
[14:23:38] sebrock_ (sebrock_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:24:16] gbee: 317 tickets – seems, like for every ticket we close, 3 more spring up in it's place
[14:24:20] a5benwillis: Anybody seen lircd.conf files for other remotes besides the Hogpog and twinhan??
[14:24:23] chuk: I'm a little confused on how mythvideo works with dvd's
[14:24:25] Dagmar: Hey I had a thing in the dbs to do that but I had to rename it because I figured people would complain
[14:24:37] chuk: lets say I rip one of my dvd's to an NFS share
[14:24:42] a5benwillis: I hate this twinhan
[14:24:48] chuk: I have 1 be and 3 fe's
[14:24:57] chuk: I use one of the fe's to get IMBD data, etc
[14:25:01] chuk: will the other 2 see that?
[14:25:07] chuk: or do I have to repeat it on each one
[14:25:33] stuarta: gbee: trying to decide if i should just submit 3374
[14:26:13] stuarta: just started up a backend with it.
[14:27:03] Le0ric (Le0ric! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:27:11] Le0ric: hi
[14:27:59] Le0ric: i have a question is there a plugin for mythtv that creats a webinterface so i can programm my records over internet?
[14:28:16] Dagmar: I dunno
[14:28:18] Dagmar: THat sounds pretty arcane
[14:28:26] Dagmar: Have you looked at the wiki?
[14:28:46] stuarta: that sounds like mythweb to me
[14:29:07] Le0ric: mythweb a plugin or allready in mythtv?
[14:29:47] maek: should I set the resolution in my xorg.conf to what I think the res of my tv is?
[14:29:50] stuarta: it lives with the plugins, but must be install under apache
[14:30:04] Dagmar: maek: That depends.
[14:30:27] maek: Dagmar: on? im a bit losted on setting up the picture and I have a massive amount of underscan.
[14:30:33] Dagmar: maek: You'll get a sharper picture on most nVidia cards if you overshoot to 1024x768
[14:30:50] Le0ric: stuarta thx =)
[14:31:06] maek: Dagmar: ok, Thats what I have done. I have nVidia.
[14:31:16] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit ("Client exiting")
[14:31:18] Dagmar: I'm *sure* I will get angry emails from people about the LCARS theme now, btw
[14:31:28] Dagmar: Those people running in 640x480 will be *pissed*
[14:32:18] Dagmar: The font sizes I'm using are _utterly_ unreadable at 640x480
[14:32:28] maek: Dagmar: but then when trying to fix my underscan, I am changing the gui size and the x-y axis its letting me set the res to 1024x768. I thought my screen was only able to to 720x480 – SDTV crt
[14:32:42] sebrock_: hey guys, I got LCDproc running now but I need to start it at boot?
[14:32:59] Dagmar: maek: For one thing, horizontal res doesn't really matter since it's a continuous scan line, not pixels
[14:33:20] briand: sebrock_: there should be example init scripts included with LCDproc
[14:33:40] Dagmar: maek: For the other thing, if you set the nVidia card to use a higher resolution than the TV will display (but that it will still support as TV out) the nVidia card's hardware will rescale the images for you.
[14:34:24] Dagmar: As to the overscan/underscan issue, you use nvidia-settings to adjust that
[14:34:27] maek: Dagmar: ok, so that must be whats happening. so I should just set horizontal pixel size to what ever fits my tv to solve the underscan.
[14:34:42] maek: Dagmar: oh, I should not be using the settings in myth?
[14:34:49] Dagmar: Not really, no.
[14:35:09] maek: Dagmar: ok thank you.
[14:35:13] Dagmar: You *can* but it's not necessary since nVidia has a control for how much overscan/underscan to cause to happen
[14:35:30] maek: ok, ill use that tool instead.
[14:36:16] maek: one more question. I have under "manage recordings" the 6 "test" shows I recorded last night. but only 1 is showing up under "watch recorded tv" but they are all in the /var/lib/mythtv/recordings dir.
[14:38:19] juski: jees how many times has that question come up this weekend?
[14:38:30] Dagmar: juski: About once or so an hour
[14:38:40] maek: sorry :(
[14:38:52] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:38:59] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:39:02] Dagmar: maek: That's likely the card, and no we don't have those
[14:39:08] Dagmar: Dig around and you can find reference videos onlin
[14:39:21] maek: thanks.
[14:39:27] Dagmar: The main issue is probably just that the nVidia card is sending out a signal that's slightly too "hot" for broadcast
[14:39:34] sebrock_: briand, sure but which script should I use, there are plenty
[14:40:01] Dagmar: You may note that on the black is not (0,0,0) and the white is not (255,255,255) for this very reason
[14:40:24] Dagmar: I sent an email to nVidia asking if they'd looked at what their NTSC setting is really doing, but no response yet
[14:40:54] briand: sebrock_: you use the one appropriate for your OS.  :)
[14:40:58] Dagmar: If I'd been setting the output to NTSC-J I could see it mucking with my TV, but I'm not
[14:41:18] sebrock_: briand, ubuntu thats debian I guess, but still under debian there are a lot of scripts
[14:41:41] Dagmar: Well, time to go back to pruning the cables in the racks
[14:41:54] Dagmar: I've another 20 or so to just plain _cut_ today
[14:42:32] Dagmar: I'm going to take the remainder and make a cat5-o-nine tails to beat the crap out of the next engineer I catch running cables without markers on each end
[14:47:18] stuarta: it will however be quite entertaining :)
[14:49:58] juski: ugh! nero showtime can't deinterlace for toffee!
[14:50:56] maek: Dagmar: thats always a good way to test and see if the service/application is really as important as they think. I had to justify turning off these 2 servers and the customer says "no no no" so i pulled the ethernet cable, and 4 days later they said something. I won. Good luck.
[14:54:26] sebrock_ (sebrock_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:02:50] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:03:41] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:06:05] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:07:27] Le0ric: a nother question mythtv without plugins is just able to recorde and schedule tv programs? or am i wrong?
[15:07:35] gbee: juski: just remembered I've got family coming over from Oz in July, I'll have to check the dates though to see if it clashes with LRL
[15:08:16] gbee: Le0ric: record, schedule, watch, transcode, commflag
[15:09:02] Le0ric: what does transcode and commflag mean? :x
[15:11:45] Le0ric: big thx=)
[15:12:12] sebrock_ (sebrock_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:12:27] sebrock_: anybody using Hauppauge HVR-1300 with mythtv?
[15:18:58] maek: any one know why the left side of my picture is "wavy" and the right side is perfectly straight?
[15:19:22] juski: maek: the left few pixels?
[15:19:56] maek: juski: no the whole left side, its wavy like the traditional siloute of a curvy women or something.
[15:19:56] juski: sebrock_: the digital part should work without any problems. the analogue side on the other hand... hope you're good with compiling
[15:20:10] maek: the border of the picture/image is wavy
[15:20:19] juski: maek: what tuner card?
[15:20:28] maek: pvr500
[15:20:32] sebrock_: juski, its the analog part I have to get going right now :D
[15:20:50] maek: juski: but this is in the mythtv gui as well. not just on playback.
[15:20:54] juski: sebrock_: #v4l or #linuxtv
[15:21:03] juski: maek: so your tv out is poo
[15:21:05] sebrock_: am there
[15:21:22] juski: sebrock_: so be patient
[15:21:43] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has quit ("bleh")
[15:22:26] juski: those guys are the life blood of video devices in linux & are always busy
[15:22:43] maek: juski: ok. seem strange that 1 side is perfect and the other isnt. maybe the TV is poop
[15:23:32] juski: maek: try a different cable from the tvout to the tv
[15:23:39] juski: or a different tv
[15:24:02] maek: I only have the one cable, and one tv. im going to hook the dvd player up to the tv and see what happens. thanks.
[15:25:01] juski: maek: it could be that you have the tvout of the VGA card set to the wrong video standard & your tv is struggling
[15:25:21] maek: ntsc is all can imagine it would be.
[15:25:51] maek: juski: but I will try and figure out how to look at that. thank you.
[15:26:54] TSCHAK: my god, I had forgotten how badly Airplane II sucked.
[15:27:37] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:28:18] juski: shirley you can't be serious
[15:28:45] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:28:50] GreyFoxx: don't call me shirley
[15:29:19] juski: the old ones are still the best :)
[15:29:27] GreyFoxx: hehe
[15:30:15] juski: I'm still waiting for a line that has me rolling around on the floor like "nice beaver you've got there" the first time I ever watched 'the naked gun'
[15:30:16] TSCHAK: that's the first one
[15:30:17] TSCHAK: hehehe
[15:30:23] TSCHAK: the first one was great
[15:30:30] TSCHAK: but man... the second one was so recycled :-P
[15:30:45] juski: was 2 the one with the space shuttle?
[15:30:50] TSCHAK: yes.
[15:31:09] juski: I always think that one's airplane 3
[15:31:11] TSCHAK: "We have to blow the computer." "Blow Rok?" "*ping!*"
[15:32:33] juski: yeh well when it comes to Zucker & whatsisname, you always know what you're gonna get. some laughs & a lot of lame puns
[15:32:46] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has quit ("dpi")
[15:32:50] TSCHAK: yeah, the irony is, they didn't write the second one :-P
[15:33:00] TSCHAK: now, Hot Shots........
[15:33:04] TSCHAK: :-P
[15:33:04] pat_ (pat_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:33:29] TSCHAK: "Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffin glue!"
[15:34:03] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:39:16] juski: time to exercise my perl-fu again
[15:41:32] modorf (modorf! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[15:47:59] Smirnov (Smirnov! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:48:22] sebrock_ (sebrock_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:50:04] maek: can someone point me somewhere that shows how and what I need to use the MS media center remote?
[15:51:46] Exstatica (Exstatica! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:52:04] juski: :)
[15:52:24] juski: why don't you lot search the wiki more often? it's there for you
[15:54:05] maek: juski: I search but cant find it. is lirc what drives the remote?
[15:54:56] juski:
[15:55:56] maek: thanks. what did you search for to find that?
[15:56:40] juski: mce remote
[15:57:24] stuarta: later all, see you tomorrow....
[15:57:30] maek: bah, sorry. I was up way to late working on this, and it called to me again at 6am "get me working" it said. thank you.
[15:57:34] maek: bye
[15:57:37] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("i'm a pumpkin")
[15:58:35] ** TSCHAK wants to use a tablet as a remote :-D **
[15:58:36] TSCHAK: hehe
[16:20:36] ** juski suggests some people might like to try a remote as a suppository **
[16:22:26] hugolp: juski: sounds fun, give me a how to and I ll tell you how it went. Ill give you pictures
[16:22:56] gardengnome: i bet that stuff is in the wiki already
[16:23:09] gardengnome: next to the linuxmce howto
[16:23:59] hugolp: gardengnome: you dont like linuxmce?
[16:24:24] hugolp: by the way, theres something going on in my ubuntu feisty mythtv back end
[16:24:35] gardengnome: hugolp: never tried it actually. it sounds to good to be working on my hardware
[16:24:41] hugolp: it just keeps on wanting more and more memory until it crashes
[16:24:56] hugolp: gardengnome: still has some issues but they are working on it
[16:25:03] TSCHAK: gardengnome, the only intensive part is the UI2, which is medium to heavy on the opengl
[16:25:25] TSCHAK: gardengnome, but you can use UI1 instead, which is nowhere near as intensive.
[16:25:36] sebrock (sebrock! has quit ("Leaving")
[16:26:20] juski: I don't like the look of that cube stuff. seems to slow things down & it's really not all that pretty
[16:26:27] gardengnome: hugolp, TSCHAK: i will not be relying on someone else's "hacks" for critial stuff like my VCR, PBX or something else.
[16:26:45] TSCHAK: okay, your call.
[16:29:25] hugolp: gardengnome: thats fine with me too
[16:29:43] hugolp: by the way I am having trouble with my ubuntu feisty back end
[16:29:53] Zider_ (Zider_! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:29:58] hugolp: When I do something and then stop, the RAM wont get free
[16:30:16] tank-man: free? how do you know it if not free?
[16:30:17] hugolp: and it just goes on using more and more RAM until it crashes
[16:30:22] S2: hugolp, that's normal. it's how it works on linux.
[16:30:49] S2: hugolp, that's not normal. but the crash may not be related to your ram.
[16:31:02] tank-man: bad ram?
[16:31:03] Zider (Zider! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:31:03] Zider_ is now known as Zider
[16:31:10] hugolp: tank-man: I go and start clean. I start the front end on another computer and chec information. The server uses 300 Mbytes
[16:31:12] hugolp: RAM
[16:31:23] hugolp: then I wathc live tv and go back to the menu
[16:31:28] hugolp: it uses 800MB
[16:31:30] S2: hugolp, how do you check that? with free?
[16:31:41] hugolp: then I go and watch a movie and it uses 1.3 gigs
[16:31:52] tank-man: used as in cached?
[16:31:53] hugolp: and then it may crash or it may let me do something else
[16:32:08] hugolp: tank-man: I am just talking about the information it gives in mythtv
[16:32:15] tank-man: oh
[16:32:42] hugolp: what? thtats not acurate or representative?
[16:33:07] hugolp: the point is that theres something going on because after some use the back end just crashes
[16:33:48] tank-man: something out of the ordinary in the backend logs?
[16:33:57] kambei (kambei! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:34:49] EnderTheThird (EnderTheThird! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:35:56] hugolp: tank-man: there are a lot of errors saying Error trying to auto expire. File doesnt exist. The metada wont be removed from database
[16:36:03] hugolp: I havent touch the recordings folder
[16:36:16] EnderTheThird: How do I enter the 2nd Tuner into MythTV for the PVR 500?
[16:38:07] RaYmAn-Bx: same way you entered the first
[16:38:09] tank-man: hugolp, do those files actually exist that it is trying to delete?
[16:38:48] Dagmar: yaaay me
[16:39:06] Dagmar: I just managed to disrupt personal fileshares for about 7,000 people
[16:39:11] Dagmar: @#$@$!
[16:39:32] Dagmar: I am going to beat the living crap out of the next engineer I catch threading any more cables through these racks.
[16:40:47] hugolp: tank-man: no, it doesnt
[16:41:49] tank-man: i'm not familiar with mysql, but you should probably fix it
[16:42:56] hugolp: tank-man: there are 67 categories in mythconverg
[16:43:08] hugolp: you know where do I have to start looking?
[16:43:17] tank-man: no
[16:43:51] tank-man: i would suggest learning mysql or just make a dummy file with those filenames and let them auto-expire/delette
[16:44:26] Dagmar: dummy files ftw
[16:44:40] Dagmar: `touch missingfilename.mpg`
[16:45:01] hugolp: Dagmar: whats ftw?
[16:45:19] Dagmar: Are you *that* new to IRC?
[16:45:30] hugolp: I am inside mysql but just cant find where that information is stored
[16:45:42] Dagmar:
[16:45:49] hugolp: dagmar I am spanish. I am not used to english in chats
[16:46:00] Dagmar: Yes, well, diddling the mysql tables is the stupid/thick-skulled way to go about it
[16:46:18] Dagmar: hugolp: That's fine because FTW is in Engrish, not English.
[16:46:19] hugolp: I like to do stupid things I guess
[16:46:45] Dagmar: Copy the filename it complains about. Cd to the recordings directory. Type "touch " and then paste the filename. Hit enter.
[16:46:46] scant: is there a way to setup my mythtv game players through a text file rather than through the mythtv frontend?
[16:47:12] hugolp: what does touch do?
[16:47:17] GreyFoxx: scant: no
[16:47:23] Dagmar: `man touch`. You really need to read that one.
[16:47:39] Dagmar: touch is one of those "you must know how to use this ludicrously simple tool" things
[16:47:42] scant: GreyFoxx: are there any alternatives to setting up mythtv game players?
[16:47:47] Dagmar: The man page is _very_ short
[16:48:05] GreyFoxx: scant: other than directly in mysql, no
[16:48:17] GreyFoxx: It's mysql or the frontend interface
[16:48:17] hugolp: dagmar why do I need to change the date of the file?
[16:48:27] Dagmar: You don't.
[16:48:29] GreyFoxx: hugolp: If the file doesn't exist it will create it
[16:48:30] Dagmar: Touch CREATES files
[16:48:33] hugolp: then why touch?
[16:48:33] scant: GreyFoxx: is it difficult to do it in mysql?
[16:48:48] Dagmar: Becuase if it FINDS a file there it will DELETE it and then STOP FUSSING
[16:48:49] GreyFoxx: scant: Why not use the frontend ?
[16:48:58] hugolp: ok
[16:49:01] hugolp: touch creates files
[16:49:05] a5benwillis: WOOHOO, finally got multiple tuners working.
[16:49:09] Dagmar: You see how this is the ultra-simple solutiong to the issue now?
[16:49:19] hugolp: yes
[16:49:31] scant: GreyFoxx: i have installation scripts, i would like my game players to be restored easily, i haven't learned how mythbackup works yet
[16:49:45] hugolp: but my catalan help didnt say touch would create a file
[16:49:58] hugolp: it said that it would actualize the date of a file
[16:50:05] GreyFoxx: scant: Just learn how to do a mysql dump and dump the gameplayers table
[16:50:07] tank-man: does both
[16:50:07] hugolp: thats why I ask you what I ask you
[16:50:23] GreyFoxx: mysqldump -umythtv -pmythtv mythconverg gameplayers > gameplayers.sql
[16:50:26] GreyFoxx: then later
[16:50:43] GreyFoxx: mysql -umythtv -pmythtv mythconverg < gameplayers.sql
[16:50:43] a5benwillis: Question: Can I put a password on certian channels in myth or am I limited to ratings?
[16:50:56] scant: GreyFoxx: thanks very much
[16:51:29] GreyFoxx: though depending on the version of mysql dump you might need to add a drop table line in there, but if it's recent the dump should already include it
[16:51:30] hugolp: the catalan translator of ubuntu or linux needs some new english lessons
[16:52:28] scant: GreyFoxx: drop table line? I'm using .20-fixes svn branch
[16:52:39] scant: GreyFoxx: opps, just .20-fixes branch
[16:52:50] GreyFoxx: I'm talking ab out the version of mysql, not myth
[16:53:20] GreyFoxx: some versions of mysqldump include a line to make sure that if the table that you are importing exists then it will remove it and then do the import/create
[16:53:36] GreyFoxx: Older versions required you to do that manually
[16:53:40] Neeesat25 (Neeesat25! has quit ()
[16:54:37] scant: GreyFoxx: around what version did it change?
[16:54:51] GreyFoxx: 4.1 and up I think
[17:00:20] gbee: hugolp: actually the main purpose of touch _is_ to update the access or modification times of a file
[17:00:45] gbee: hugolp: as a side effect, if you give it the name of a file that doesn't exist it will create that file
[17:01:16] EnderTheThird (EnderTheThird! has quit (Connection timed out)
[17:01:23] hugolp: ok gbee now it makes sense
[17:01:25] gbee: most people use it as a quick way to create an empty file
[17:01:45] gbee: but that wasn't what it was meant to be used for
[17:04:41] tatters (tatters! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:06:57] juski: hmm something very wrong with this xml file
[17:08:56] juski: tatters: I'm sure you've asked about this before
[17:09:07] tatters: Nope not I
[17:09:26] juski: read the 'troubleshooting audio' section of the docs
[17:10:14] juski: mythtv is recording all the audio & video from your tv card. so if the line input on your soundcard isn't muted, you'll see the picture is behind the sound
[17:10:41] juski: and if you get no sound when you mute the line input, make sure it's selected to be recorded in the linux mixer
[17:11:39] tatters: k, thnx
[17:11:43] juski: as for the 'slow' picture quality.. your machine isn't fast enough to keep up with encoding TV in software. should've bought a proper tuner card
[17:12:18] tatters: Well it runs fine in tvtime and aver application
[17:12:28] juski: and before you mention again that tvtime looks great – tvtime isn't recording anything to your HDD. mythtv is and you can't stop it doing that – because mythtv is a PVR
[17:13:31] juski: I tried using a framegrabber on my athlon 800 once. oh boy. never again
[17:14:10] tatters: I treid a few PVR software in window and linux and can pause rewind live TV no problem
[17:14:46] juski: so you should try adjusting some settings like tank-man says
[17:15:16] juski: change the recording profile for livetv & 'default' to mjpeg from mpeg4 (which is the default on all recording profiles)
[17:15:38] juski: it'll eat up loads more diskspace but it'll be less heavy on the CPU
[17:16:24] Hugol1: what does "MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor" means in the back end log?
[17:16:24] juski: and now you've learned a valuable lesson – you should have bought a hauppauge pvr card to record analogue tv :)
[17:16:46] tatters: I got a hauppage wintv usb :)
[17:16:52] tatters: its rubbish lol
[17:17:12] tank-man: geemark, are you using alsa?
[17:17:15] tatters: And a terratec tv card
[17:17:31] tatters: I wanna trade em all in for a decent digital card
[17:17:31] geemark: tank-man, yes
[17:17:39] Hugol1: my wintv -nova-t-500 is allright
[17:17:50] tank-man: geemark, do you have mythtv setup to use alsa?
[17:17:53] tatters: yah I think prob is its usb 1
[17:19:15] Hugol1: please, what does "MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor" means in the back end log?
[17:20:15] geemark: ok, will do, thanks
[17:20:38] murray: heys .
[17:20:46] murray: says I can edit /usr/share/mythtv/dvdmenu.xml
[17:20:56] murray: but having done so, the changes don't appear to take
[17:20:59] Hugol1: Now my mythtv would do everything except of watching live tv, though it sais the turners are free
[17:21:01] murray: I've restarted mythfrontend
[17:21:20] murray: ideas?
[17:21:28] Hugol1: I am checking the back end front end and sais "MainServer::HandleAnnounce Monitor"
[17:21:35] Hugol1: what does that mean?
[17:25:59] tatters: If I got an option to enable PVR -350 mpeg Decoder does that mean my card has hardware decoding?
[17:27:21] gardengnome: tatters: is your card a PVR 350?
[17:27:45] tank-man: lol
[17:27:49] quicksilver: NICE. I think this jumppoints stuff (and a decent remote control config) is going to improve the WAF no end
[17:27:53] tatters: Dunno, its a avermedia tv studio card
[17:28:09] quicksilver: Funny that I've spent months using myth without ever really learning how to configure it
[17:28:12] Dagmar: Then it's _not_ a PVR-350
[17:30:00] gbee: quicksilver: I've got home, music, video, tv buttons on my remote bound to relevant jumppoints – it's much nicer than navigating around
[17:30:07] gardengnome: questions like that make me wanna drink
[17:30:17] quicksilver: gbee: that's just what i have done :)
[17:30:24] quicksilver: gbee: and it is indeed nicer...
[17:30:49] quicksilver: Hmm. I don't really have a good button to bind to 'O' (OSD) in livetv
[17:31:23] quicksilver: I'd have a lot more buttons if I could make the analog joypad work....
[17:32:09] gardengnome: analog joypad? on your remote?
[17:32:12] gardengnome: is it an ATI remote?
[17:32:22] gbee: gardengnome: I've already started
[17:32:23] quicksilver: No, it's a iMON
[17:32:48] gardengnome: gbee: good idea. i've got some nice beer, but i'd better wait for dinner to settle down
[17:32:51] quicksilver: gardengnome:
[17:33:17] gardengnome: quicksilver: nifty. does it usually act like a mouse?
[17:33:24] EnderTheThird (EnderTheThird! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:33:25] quicksilver: gardengnome: it would do under windows, I imagine
[17:33:38] quicksilver: gardengnome: the default lirc drivers don't have mouse support for it, though
[17:33:42] EnderTheThird: Can anyone tell me where the files are saved if I use MythTranscode from within the FE?
[17:33:45] murray: is there something I need to do to make edits to /usr/share/mythtv/dvdmenu.xml appear in the front end?
[17:33:47] quicksilver: gardengnome: there are patches floating around
[17:34:14] murray: EnderTheThird : have to looked in /var/lib/mythtv/*
[17:34:23] Super_Cat_FRog: hi – can anybody recommend a good mpeg2 encoding analog pci-express tv card that will work with mythtv and tvtime on a dual core box?
[17:34:24] murray: ^ have you looked ...
[17:35:08] EnderTheThird: murray: no dice. I checked the folder that I have set for Videos too (I don't use /var/lib/mythtv/videos)
[17:35:38] murray: sorry ... bit newbie here .. still learning the ropes
[17:36:13] murray: EnderTheThird : which folder are you using for recordings?
[17:36:24] murray: anything in there?
[17:37:01] EnderTheThird: same thing, no transcoded files for the show
[17:37:11] EnderTheThird: just the original .mpeg which is 5+ GB
[17:37:51] murray: EnderTheThird : sorry, can't help then :(
[17:38:01] a5benwillis (a5benwillis! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:38:34] EnderTheThird: I should just set up a transcoding for job #1 or something
[17:38:48] a5benwillis (a5benwillis! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:40:43] EnderTheThird: Wow, I forgot how terrible SDTV looks
[17:42:03] EnderTheThird: Would most of you recommend the HDHomeRun for a dual HD tuner setup? I have 2 HD-5500's but they're expensive (250 vs 170 for HDHR) and they keep competing as primary sound device in Ubuntu and I only get corect sound 25% of the time when i restart
[17:42:49] gardengnome: you could solve that problem ;)
[17:43:16] Hugolp: gardengnome: but buying new stuff its a lot more fun
[17:43:17] Hugolp: XD
[17:44:02] EnderTheThird: Saving $80 is a lot more fun
[17:48:23] Hugolp: what's these? Message from syslogd@server at Sun Apr 29 19:47:06 2007 ...
[17:48:23] Hugolp: server kernel: [ 1363.280000] Oops: 0002 [#3]
[17:48:33] Hugolp: I get that when trying to watch tv
[17:52:43] quicksilver: is there a list of mythfrontend -v 'foo' flags?
[17:55:33] murray: mythfrontend -v help
[17:55:34] murray: ?
[17:55:36] ** quicksilver nods :) **
[17:55:41] quicksilver: I was just about to say that :)
[17:55:46] quicksilver: mythfrontend -v blkjhljkh
[17:55:50] quicksilver: in fact did the trick :)
[17:55:52] thufir007 (thufir007! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:59:39] tatters (tatters! has left #mythtv-users ("Kopete 0.12.4 :")
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[18:21:03] kambei (kambei! has quit (".")
[18:22:41] hexxington (hexxington! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:23:10] hexxington: seems the backend crashes during periods of low reception when recording from my top-up card (regardless of whether the CAM is actually in use or not)
[18:23:18] hexxington is now known as directhex
[18:23:19] gbee: backtrace
[18:26:10] directhex: need to rebuild with debug enabled. hang on
[18:28:21] directhex: any other debug symbols of value, e.g. qt?
[18:37:04] AlienX (AlienX!n=theanswr@unaffiliated/alienx) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:39:26] vegeats (vegeats! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:39:41] vegeats: Does anyone have a working firewire hd set up?
[18:40:10] maek: is it possible to edit the channels with out having to run mythbackend setup?
[18:42:14] AlienX (AlienX!n=theanswr@unaffiliated/alienx) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:42:48] Hugol1: maek dont think so
[18:43:17] goreguts: so i almost have everything set up, but i don't have sound when watching my recordings
[18:43:38] maek: Hugol1: just found out you can do it with mythweb thats a sweet plugin
[18:43:53] goreguts: is there somewhere where i have to set up the sound? it works in mplayer
[18:45:35] Jenetik (Jenetik! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:45:54] juski: wow. since I got an option in mythtv-setup for all these different kinds of tuners, does that mean my shitty ati card can be all those things in one?
[18:48:53] tank-man: i would guess it means that mythtv/linux has support for all those different kinds of tuners
[18:49:16] tank-man: goreguts, yes there is somewhere you hyave to setup the sound
[18:49:45] gardengnome: MythLogBot: info
[18:54:22] Hugol1: maek I dont have it
[18:54:27] Hugol1: but good for you
[18:57:52] russellb: can you escape the &?
[18:58:48] juski: probably, but that's a pain
[18:58:57] russellb: heh
[18:59:06] achew22: has there been any progress on MythNetTV as of late??
[18:59:27] murray: juski try x26
[18:59:39] murray: ( x 26 minus the spaces )
[19:00:22] juski: murray: also a pain
[19:00:30] russellb: xml is silly
[19:00:33] juski: I need to keep the ascii text as plain ascii
[19:02:54] murray: is there (where is) a setting to control the amount "skip back", aka < jumps back when watching a recorded video?
[19:03:09] juski: yup
[19:03:18] juski: playback groups in mythfrontend
[19:03:46] murray: ahh .. ta ... the various setting options are not (to me) very intuative
[19:03:47] murray: :(
[19:04:11] chuk: I have a weird problem playing back recorded shows
[19:04:15] chuk: if I am watching the show live
[19:04:17] chuk: its a HD show
[19:04:20] chuk: and I press record
[19:04:27] chuk: it will record fine, and I can watch it finfd
[19:04:29] chuk: fine
[19:04:45] chuk: if I try to watch it from the "watch recordings" its horrible choppy with tons of prebuffer errors
[19:05:00] juski: achew22: haven't seen anything posted about it on the mailing list lately
[19:09:19] juski: for fuck's sake! even if I change the tags to <channel name="foobar & boofar"> it's still puking
[19:09:32] murray: & is a reserved char in xml
[19:09:43] juski: lame
[19:09:47] juski: LAME
[19:09:57] gardengnome: suppose you can escape it
[19:10:11] juski: ok so I'll just parse the files & not use xml::simple
[19:10:12] juski: easy
[19:10:14] gbee: do html entities extend to xml? e.g &amp;
[19:10:15] juski: screw it
[19:10:45] murray: I believe not, but I could be wrong gbee
[19:10:53] okolsi (okolsi!n=Otto@unaffiliated/okolsi) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:11:00] murray: x26 works tho, albeit a litlte unreadable
[19:11:17] gbee: . . . ities_in_XML
[19:11:19] AndyCap: &amp; should work
[19:11:27] juski: I'll try &amp
[19:11:46] juski: I don't want to reinvent the wheel since xml::simple makes life so much easier
[19:11:58] gbee: juski, when you've done compiling the xml, do a search/replace to switch & for &amp;
[19:12:55] AndyCap: If I publish any copyrighted material I'll name it
[19:13:11] juski: I've got the structure just about ready. I need to make a script to insert all the xmltvids & stuff automagically
[19:13:32] juski: that'll help me get the ball rolling on the rest of the wizard
[19:13:48] juski: and just fyi, xml::simple didn't like &amp either
[19:14:07] AndyCap: you did do &amp; not &amp right?
[19:14:40] juski: ah no
[19:15:09] juski: heheh thanks! fixed it
[19:15:44] juski: still human readable.. just ;)
[19:16:11] juski: thank $deity there are only 5 reserved chars in xml
[19:16:40] quicksilver: You can do something like <!#CDATA> too
[19:16:45] quicksilver: but I'm no XML expert
[19:17:46] AndyCap: I bet there's something on cpan for it. :P
[19:18:11] murray: key binds: Context/Actions : What does binding Global->DOWN to 'Down' achieve exactly?
[19:20:42] gardengnome: murray: i suppose it's related to how you navigate through the menus. like, moving down.
[19:20:53] gbee: murray: menu nav
[19:21:25] gardengnome: gbee: i've finally given in
[19:21:45] vegeats (vegeats! has quit ()
[19:22:01] murray: hmm ... so I want to override Down in TV Playback to control the volume, and it says this may conflict with the global bindings ... but I don't see how it can hurt, and it seems to work, so ....
[19:22:22] gbee: it's just a warning
[19:22:52] gbee: using down prevents you using down for browse mode and in the osd menu, but if you don't mind that then ...
[19:23:58] Hugol1: gbee if I have a dvb-t card it doesnt have decoding because the signal it gets its allredy mpeg-2 right?
[19:24:03] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:24:17] gbee: hugol1: correct
[19:24:33] Hugol1: so then, does it have a maximum resolution?
[19:24:40] Hugol1: that it can handle I mean
[19:24:53] murray: me no understand, but it seems to work ...
[19:24:57] Hugol1: or it will just server what it gets, whatever the resolution
[19:25:33] Hugol1: murray: what you loose is that hiting down when you are watching a video it will go 10 minutes back
[19:25:38] Hugol1: you wont be able to do taht
[19:25:41] Hugol1: thats it
[19:25:51] gbee: hugol1: in theory there is no maximum resultion, although it can be limited by the size of the stream you're unlikely to hit that limit with any broadcast I can imagine
[19:25:52] nulltank` (nulltank`! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:26:14] gbee: resolution
[19:26:18] murray: Hugol1 : ta :) I can live with that – I'm experimenting with the apple remote, so I only have 6 buttons
[19:26:39] Hugol1: gbee thanks, thats what I though. then whats all this fuzz about HD cards?
[19:26:46] Hugol1: what do people want them for?
[19:26:47] juski: AndyCap: can you have a quick look at & tell me if that looks like valid xml to you... my idea is to have loads of <channel>fdshfgdshfgjhfghdj</channel> entries
[19:27:01] murray: and until I figure out if/how I can use that to swtich "modes", to issues different commands (not somethign I think I can do inside Myth), I'm just going to be stuck with very limited controls :)
[19:27:25] nulltank` (nulltank`! has quit (Client Quit)
[19:27:37] gbee: hugol1: I assume analogue HDTV
[19:27:45] vegeats (vegeats! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:28:12] Hugol1: gbee analog will close in a couple of years whats the point on putting your money in there? I just dont get it
[19:28:17] Tanthrix: Analog HDTV? Does that exist?
[19:28:41] nullman` (nullman`! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:28:46] gbee: hugol1, Tanthrix: *shrug*
[19:28:47] Hugol1: analog tv is in reality mixed analog and digital technology
[19:28:51] Hugol1: analog has lines
[19:28:58] Hugol1: so its in part digital
[19:29:02] juski: there are no consumer level analogue HD tuners
[19:29:16] Hugol1: and has frames as well
[19:29:20] ** gbee goes back to his beer and TV **
[19:30:51] Hugol1: gbee theres never nothing interesting in TV
[19:31:40] juski: arghhh! the 5k1nz for mythtv have arrived! :(
[19:32:32] juski: and
[19:33:03] Hugol1: whats that about?
[19:33:11] gardengnome: it's the chosen skin
[19:33:21] juski:
[19:33:40] juski: like I said, teh 5k1nz have arriv3d
[19:33:44] onixian (onixian! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:34:04] juski: time to hard-code all the themes
[19:34:09] juski: muhahahaha
[19:34:24] Hugol1: juski: he just did a not so beautiful theme
[19:34:29] Hugol1: whats wrong?
[19:34:39] AndyCap: juski: in theroy, yes.
[19:34:44] gardengnome: Hugol1: juski enjoys being a bitter bastard for our entertainment. ;)
[19:34:50] Hugol1: oh yes
[19:34:52] gardengnome: AndyCap: who is theroy?
[19:35:00] Hugol1: I allways forget his sarcasm
[19:35:08] juski: well, I'll give the lad this though.. it didn't make me want to blow chunks ;)
[19:35:10] AndyCap: juski: I guess you'd want an xml declaration etc.
[19:35:26] juski: AndyCap: if that's all it's missing, that's fine by me :)
[19:35:52] AndyCap: juski: how's the packages tag going to work?
[19:35:59] juski: Hugol1: how could anybody possibly forget my sarcasm ?
[19:36:04] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has quit ("X is taking up too much memory running three screens simultaneously")
[19:36:19] AndyCap: juski: have <package>blah</package> tags in it?
[19:36:24] Hugol1: because I am not english and half the time you say something you thing is very very clever I just dont get it
[19:36:26] juski: AndyCap: it'll be a field containing stuff like X, M, XL – or M, XL ...
[19:36:45] juski: commas are allowed AFAIK
[19:36:48] Hugol1: and, also, not being able to see your face or hear your tone has something to do as well ;)
[19:37:20] juski: be glad you can't see my face
[19:37:22] juski: ;)
[19:37:31] Hugol1: hehe
[19:37:45] gardengnome: we all are.
[19:37:53] Hugol1: well have some pro evolution soccer to do with some friends
[19:37:55] Hugol1: cu
[19:37:59] AndyCap: juski: I'd probably tag it, but it does get very verbose then
[19:38:01] juski: oh! those ladies at the top of the screen aren't part of the theme screenshot :-P
[19:38:11] gardengnome: Hugol1: i'm not english either, but that didn't prevent this channel from turning me into a bitter bastard as well ;)
[19:38:14] Hugol1: juski I know they were the only good part
[19:38:37] Hugol1: juski and you know what the links after the girls wasnt even porn
[19:38:54] juski: gardengnome: I can't be all that bitter. I mean I might be taking mythtv on the road again
[19:38:58] Hugol1: it was some cool cool youth stupidity and bikini about page
[19:39:18] Hugol1: gardengnome: Ill take that as an advice
[19:39:20] Hugol1: XD
[19:39:30] Hugol1: ok now I have to go
[19:39:31] Hugol1: bye
[19:40:43] goreguts: you guys know how i can find where my sound is in /dev
[19:41:06] goreguts: i tried the 3 different things that were in /dev/snd
[19:41:20] goreguts: sound works in mplayer, but not in the mythtv player
[19:41:24] gardengnome: what did you do to them?
[19:41:49] goreguts: i put them in the mythtv sound setup thing
[19:42:13] gardengnome: just put "ALSA:default" in there, and "default" for the mixer
[19:42:34] goreguts: ohh, ok let me try that
[19:43:33] ** gardengnome goes back to beating the **** out of his nforce2 main board **
[19:43:44] goreguts: hmm thats not working either
[19:50:02] maek: is there a way to launch the mythbackend-config from inside the mythtv frontend gui?
[19:51:05] juski: nope
[19:53:22] maek: juski: thanks
[19:56:31] achew22: does the wiki have anything about getting alsa sound working in myth?
[19:56:58] goreguts: these are the errors i get when i use ALSA:default in the sound setup:
[19:56:59] juski: myth uses alsa by default IIRC
[19:57:36] achew22: hrm... then I have a problem with ALSA
[19:57:50] achew22: whatever — I'm going to go play with that bye all — as always it was fun!
[19:57:56] goreguts: how does mplayer know where the sound card is? because it works in that, but not the mythtv player
[19:58:52] GreyFoxx: juski: Since when? Last I tlooked it defaulted to oss
[20:00:08] juski: GreyFoxx: heh. I thought it always used alsa. always just worked for me (tm) anyway, so I've never had to bother messing with it
[20:01:41] [F4U|Leoric] ([F4U|Leoric]! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:07:00] directhex: how handy, it's already built with --compile-type=debug
[20:08:24] gardengnome: how ironic. i've ordered a vga card for my new mythtv box tonight. one hour later, the onboard NIC decides to stop working. awesome.
[20:08:58] GreyFoxx: HAzza! looks like some of the QAM channels I found are the interactive ondemand channels....they only have content when someone in my area is watching one and they can be rewround since I just saw them rewind/fastforward it hehe
[20:09:27] gardengnome: GreyFoxx: that's sick. :)
[20:10:19] Le0ric (Le0ric! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:10:25] GreyFoxx: hehe
[20:10:41] juski: gardengnome: do you wear a lot of nylon clothing or something? how much stuff have you killed?
[20:10:55] GreyFoxx: I wondered why off and on I would find movies on them, but quite often just black video
[20:11:09] GreyFoxx: and now I can see someone skipping around in this one and hopping from show to show
[20:11:12] gardengnome: juski: <3 cotton. it's just the NIC that doesn't show up in lspci anymore. i probably killed it when i installed a new hard drive. it'
[20:11:19] gardengnome: s even enabled in the BIOS :(
[20:11:24] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:11:46] juski: ok so I fixed the sky.xml file.. now my virgin_ntl.xml is borked somehow
[20:12:01] juski: maybe I'll take the comments out for now
[20:12:35] GreyFoxx: hahahah cool. Too bad it's unpredictable. I wouldn't mind recording some of these :)
[20:13:27] juski: nope. still broken. it's the 'kids' category giving me grief
[20:14:21] juski: aha! <category>Kids</name>
[20:16:22] ** directhex waits for mythbackend to fall over **
[20:16:35] juski: jees. is there no editor that shows broken tags properly?
[20:21:59] [F4U|Leoric] ([F4U|Leoric]! has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: )")
[20:30:56] okolsi (okolsi!n=Otto@unaffiliated/okolsi) has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:33:08] a5benwillis (a5benwillis! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:33:33] scopeuk: juski can problably configure vim/emacs/nano to highlight it
[20:35:53] a5benwillis (a5benwillis! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:40:14] juski: sure, but if you have <name>foobar</narme> it doesn't show you it's fecked
[20:40:42] WhoKnow2: hey
[20:41:20] WhoKnow2: for the most part I got mythtv to work
[20:41:47] WhoKnow2: it's just, it seems like Totem can play recordings much quicker than mythtv can
[20:41:58] juski: so use totem then :)
[20:42:09] gardengnome: just fast forward through them
[20:42:20] WhoKnow2: i would use MythPlugins/MythVideo
[20:42:28] WhoKnow2: but it can't find any of my movies
[20:47:35] WhoKnow2: what does mythtv use to play recordings? is it mplayer?
[20:47:58] WhoKnow2: I'm just wondering how I can get the same quality from mythtvfrontend as Totem has
[20:48:18] gbee: it can use mplayer, xine or any other player – but it has a built in player which handles just about all formats
[20:48:35] WhoKnow2: oh ok
[20:48:49] Super_Cat_FRog: can anybody recommend a good mpeg2 encoding analog pci-express tv card that will work with mythtv and tvtime on a dual core box?
[20:48:53] WhoKnow2: how do you make it use mplayer then
[20:49:21] juski: Super_Cat_FRog: no such thing
[20:49:27] Super_Cat_FRog: juski: bugger
[20:49:45] juski: damn this stupid fucking xml bullshit!
[20:50:04] Super_Cat_FRog: juski: would the hauppage 350 work in xine or mplayer in realtime?
[20:50:24] GreyFoxx: WhoKnow2: What do you mean by quality? A visual difference between the two players?
[20:50:28] Super_Cat_FRog: i need something for my wii, but apparently the ivtv driver and the bttv try to beat each other up
[20:50:31] juski: avoid the pvr350.. its disadvantages outweigh its few advantages
[20:51:00] Super_Cat_FRog: juski: from the wiki on the 350 seemed to be the best card – which would you recommend?
[20:51:02] GreyFoxx: WhoKnow2: AS for what is used for recording playback, myth has it's own internal player
[20:51:31] juski: Super_Cat_FRog: you want a non-hardware encoding card for use with a games console. and don't set it up in mythtv
[20:51:40] GreyFoxx: Super_Cat_FRog: Where are you seeing that? Cause if it's there I'll go remove that
[20:52:00] Super_Cat_FRog: GreyFoxx: there's nothing specific, it just seemed that way to the uneducated reader (me)
[20:52:01] WhoKnow2: not necessarily a visual difference, it's just that mythtvfrontend seems to stutter a lot and Totem/mplayer both play recordings fine
[20:52:32] juski: WhoKnow2: you might just need to install proper drivers for your VGA card
[20:52:32] WhoKnow2: and I'm getting lots of errors as well
[20:52:44] GreyFoxx: WhoKnow2: What sort of errors ?
[20:52:50] GreyFoxx: Just frontend output ?
[20:52:58] GreyFoxx: out something visual on the video playback screen ?
[20:53:03] GreyFoxx: s/out/our
[20:53:10] WhoKnow2: is there a site where I can paste it
[20:53:13] WhoKnow2: frontend output
[20:53:18] Super_Cat_FRog:
[20:53:42] GreyFoxx: WhoKnow2: That stuff is just libavcodec debug messages that the other players are hiding from you
[20:53:55] GreyFoxx: very common when recording from an ivtv based card
[20:54:11] WhoKnow2: also it appears that I'm logged in under two names in irc... I wonder if I have two people logged in or something
[20:55:35] Super_Cat_FRog: GreyFoxx: i think i partly got that impression by the way the 350 has lots written about it, the others dont
[20:57:10] Super_Cat_FRog: juski: regarding what you said about getting two cards, and only setting up one for myth, the other from tvtime – are there any chipsets that play nicely with ivtv?
[20:57:55] GreyFoxx: Ok, those arenb't libavcodec messages
[20:58:08] GreyFoxx: I've never seen those before
[20:58:12] juski: Super_Cat_FRog: you shouldn't have a problem
[20:58:17] GreyFoxx: I'm curious...what kind of video card ?
[20:58:36] WhoKnow2: Geforce 6800
[20:58:49] GreyFoxx: You don't have multiple apps playing video at the same time do you ?
[20:59:12] WhoKnow2: I don't think I do, but something fishy is going on because I have WhoKnow1 logged in and I have no idea who that is
[20:59:34] GreyFoxx: hehe you might want to find out :)
[21:00:53] Super_Cat_FRog: WhoKnow2: are you running irssi in a screen, ive opened two like that before now
[21:01:03] Super_Cat_FRog: forgetting about the other
[21:01:12] WhoKnow2: no I don't know what that is
[21:01:18] gardengnome: heh
[21:01:23] gardengnome: he's using gaim
[21:01:50] Super_Cat_FRog: WhoKnow2: irssi is a console irc client, screen is an application you can use to run console applications in the background, disconnect from them and reconect to them later
[21:01:58] Super_Cat_FRog: good for if you are at work and the boss comes past
[21:02:15] Super_Cat_FRog: or if you like to accidentily press the close button accidentily
[21:03:03] ** Super_Cat_FRog demonstrates by detatching and reattaching **
[21:03:13] WhoKnow2: well I don't understand why I have a WhoKnow1 still on irc
[21:03:42] murray: is it possible to customize the menu that appears when you hit M[enu] when watching LiveTV ?
[21:03:45] WhoKnow2: also, I have to mention that I directly linked mythfrontend to
[21:03:55] GreyFoxx: murray: Not without editing code
[21:03:59] WhoKnow2: I don't even know how I did that
[21:04:04] murray: ta GreyFoxx
[21:04:13] WhoKnow2: for the longest time it was always and
[21:04:43] murray: I guess there aren't any other user define-able popups to hide common commands in?
[21:05:07] WhoKnow2: oh yeah, I did it by doing ./configure --enable-xvmc --enable-xvmc-opengl --disable-xvmcw
[21:05:15] WhoKnow2: do you need xvmcw?
[21:05:43] GreyFoxx: murray: Nope, none . You can add custom menu commands to the regular menus, but no popups or anything during playback
[21:06:07] murray: bah. thanks tho GreyFoxx
[21:07:59] grndslm_: in recording do i know which aspect ratio to use? would it be beneficial to set pvr150/500 to 16:9 with sdtv?
[21:09:20] Venzon: hello, can anyone help me with setting up QAM-256 channels from a PCHDTV-5500 DVB card? everything is working great, i'm just having trouble figuring out how mythtv associates all of the channels it found during the QAM scan with my listings
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[21:09:58] wasabi (wasabi!n=wasabi@ubuntu/member/wasabi) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:10:52] Zider_ is now known as Zider
[21:10:53] gardengnome: this is f'ed up. the PXE stackin the BIOS still talks to the NIC, it acquires an IP over DHCP. however, the NIC doesn't show up in lspci.
[21:11:05] gardengnome: anyone ever seen this on an nforce 2 box? :)
[21:11:45] WhoKnow2: how do you reset the database for mythbackend
[21:12:11] gardengnome: WhoKnow2: what are you trying to do?
[21:12:28] WhoKnow2: I'm just frustrated with these errors and want to restart all over again
[21:13:36] Anduin: WhoKnow2: You can drop the database, mc.sql again, and rerun mythtv-setup.
[21:14:53] grndslm_: in recording do i know which aspect ratio to use? would it be beneficial to set pvr150/500 to 16:9 with sdtv?
[21:15:21] grndslm_: i'm using 4:3 now, but wondering if 16:9 would work at all with standard def tv
[21:15:57] grndslm_: i do have a "widescreen" lcd....
[21:16:10] grndslm_: just wondering if anybody has tweaked this card before
[21:17:36] grndslm_: guess not
[21:25:58] WhoKnow2: hey it says
[21:26:19] WhoKnow2: Analog child card settings. WARNING Do not press button if you are using an Avermedia A180 card. These cards do not support analog tuning, but the
[21:26:29] WhoKnow2: screen's too small I guess
[21:27:05] Jenetik (Jenetik! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[21:27:11] directhex: yay, my backend crashed
[21:27:19] gardengnome: directhex: congrats!
[21:27:30] WhoKnow2: so ok, how do I drop the database for mythtv
[21:27:49] directhex: while it was running in gdb!
[21:28:24] directhex: let's see if i can get a repeat performance
[21:31:29] gardengnome: WhoKnow2: use mysql and run "drop database mythconverg;", that should take care of it. phpmyadmin is a nice tool for such jobs, too
[21:32:22] WhoKnow2: hey gardengnome, is xvmcw more important than xvmc-opengl?
[21:33:06] gardengnome: hey WhoKnow2, what kind of question is that?
[21:33:12] WhoKnow2: i dont know
[21:33:21] WhoKnow2: I'm doing the configure for
[21:33:24] WhoKnow2: mythtv
[21:33:26] gardengnome: why do you ask it then?
[21:33:31] gardengnome: ignore xvmc-opengl, it won't work.
[21:33:35] WhoKnow2: oh ok
[21:33:39] WhoKnow2: what is it?
[21:34:03] gardengnome: it's a video output method
[21:34:14] WhoKnow2: all right i'm gonna recompile see if that works better
[21:35:15] gardengnome: are you recompiling with xvmc-opengl now?
[21:43:47] WhoKnow2: no i'm recompiling with xvmc only
[21:44:35] gardengnome: good :)
[21:45:40] WhoKnow2: I didn't know that xvmc was the fastest way of doing it
[21:46:33] gardengnome: of doing what?
[21:46:48] gardengnome: you're talking about it like it was premarital sex
[21:47:06] jvs (jvs! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:47:24] WhoKnow2: fastest hardware rendering or something
[21:47:39] WhoKnow2: gardengnome... what's the difference between LNB linear and LNB circular
[21:47:55] gardengnome: i dunno
[21:48:06] WhoKnow2: which do you use?
[21:48:10] WhoKnow2: well if you were to use it
[21:48:51] GreyFoxx: WhoKnow2: IT's not really "Fastest". It's just hardware assistance so less work for the CPU to do
[21:49:03] juski (juski! has quit ("XML.. bah!")
[21:49:06] gardengnome: i don't do DVB-S.
[21:52:35] WhoKnow2: so I guess in other words, if it takes more CPU resources than expected, don't use it?
[21:53:10] WhoKnow2: i mean, why would xvmc-opengl be worse than xvmc
[21:53:14] vegeats (vegeats! has quit ()
[21:53:16] WhoKnow2: is it just less maintained?
[21:59:01] gardengnome: WhoKnow2: it's experimental and doesn't work. you've got a lot of questions. you really should search the mailing lists before asking. like . . . able;#203431
[22:01:23] gardengnome: . . . able;#203431
[22:01:26] WhoKnow2: ok
[22:01:42] gardengnome: oops, sorry for pasting that again. stupid fingers
[22:05:55] The_Belgain (The_Belgain! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:06:59] The_Belgain: hi there – i'm having problems with the channel scanning in the mythtv backend setup. mythtv isn't finding any channels in the actual scan (it just displays a bunch of timeout messages)
[22:07:46] The_Belgain: any ideas why the full scan might not work as expected?
[22:09:37] Zider (Zider! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:11:39] trigger_ (trigger_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:13:30] Le0ric (Le0ric! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:13:43] Le0ric: good evening
[22:14:38] Le0ric: i have one question are all tv karts that are running under mythtv also running under knopmyth?
[22:15:51] clintar (clintar! has quit (Excess Flood)
[22:17:12] S2 (S2! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:17:54] gardengnome: um
[22:18:22] gardengnome: never mind
[22:18:24] clintar (clintar! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:19:20] Le0ric: ?
[22:19:28] Jenetik (Jenetik! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:20:04] WhoKnow2: Ok I have one more question
[22:20:34] WhoKnow2: how do you force every show to be detected as interlaced
[22:20:38] Jenetik: I'm trying to compile mythtv on feisty and am getting the following error saying I don't have lame libraries installed, but I do
[22:20:40] Jenetik: cat: /etc/*.conf: No such file or directory
[22:20:40] Jenetik: You must have the Lame MP3 encoding library installed to compile Myth.
[22:20:57] Jenetik: I did an apt-get install lame and liblame0
[22:22:21] directhex: Jenetik, apt-get build-dep mythtv
[22:22:47] Jenetik: I am trying to compile mythtv from source
[22:23:07] Jenetik: E: Build-dependencies for mythtv could not be satisfied.
[22:24:17] Le0ric: are all tv karts that are running under mythtv also running under knopmyth?
[22:25:01] Le0ric: a nother question
[22:25:31] Le0ric: in your opinion is it easier for a nub to istall fendora and then mythtv or just install knoppmyth?
[22:25:32] jams: anybody have a script handy to unload all alsa modules?
[22:26:50] gardengnome: jams: modprobe -r?
[22:27:05] WhoKnow2: I keep getting channels detected as interlaced, but when I force progressive it is much better
[22:27:17] jams: gardengnome- that does one, i'm looking to unload all of them
[22:27:20] gardengnome: Jenetik: did your ISP actually contact you after ir reported you to their abuse department?
[22:27:32] Jenetik: ?
[22:27:39] Jenetik: abuse for what
[22:28:05] gardengnome: Jenetik: IIRC you were being an ass in here or something ;)
[22:28:11] directhex: Jenetik, do you have both multiverse and universe repositories enabled?
[22:28:18] Jenetik: hell are you talking about
[22:28:26] Jenetik: ummm
[22:28:27] Jenetik: let me see
[22:28:31] Le0ric: wy does noone has advice for me ;(
[22:29:07] Jenetik: yeah I do
[22:29:27] directhex: Le0ric, tv card support is a function of the kernel, not the application
[22:29:40] Le0ric: THX
[22:29:58] Le0ric: and is knoppmyth able to work on a raid 5?
[22:30:01] directhex: Le0ric, and one-click systems like knoppmyth or mythdora are easy for most people, but restrictive
[22:30:09] directhex: Le0ric, hardware or software raid?
[22:30:39] The_Belgain: sorry, just another quick ping on my question from further up... i'm using a DVB-T tuner card (in the UK, just plain Freeview), and the channel scan isn't picking up channels even though tzap finds them fine
[22:30:56] The_Belgain: where can i look to try and figure out what's going wrong here?
[22:31:07] directhex: The_Belgain, which version of myth?
[22:31:11] Le0ric: i think hardware raid but i am not sure on that one
[22:31:26] The_Belgain: 0.20 (the version in the ubuntu feisty repos)
[22:31:51] directhex: Le0ric, fakeraid. you'd know about it if it were hardware raid (due to the £200+ cost of hardware) or software raid (due to installation issues)
[22:32:18] directhex: Le0ric, i'm afraid i don't know how well knoppmyth deals with fakeraid systems
[22:32:38] Le0ric: well i am just planing to plug in 3 sata hdds on my asus p5b and make a raid
[22:32:48] Le0ric: so it would be hardware or software directhex?
[22:33:34] The_Belgain: directhex: to be more precise, it looks like the ubuntu package is from the 0.20-fixes branch as of 01/22
[22:34:13] directhex: Le0ric, fake. hardware raid has a hardware raid chip; software raid has a generic flexible layer; fakeraid is motherboard-dependent software raid which uses a (usually windows-only) driver to emulate hardware raid using your main cpu
[22:34:36] directhex: Le0ric, support for the latter category is fairly recent. managed by a kernel module called "dmraid" i think
[22:35:51] Le0ric: so would a raid 5 be easier to solve under fendora core 6 and then later on install mythtv?
[22:36:47] directhex: Le0ric, i believe fedora core has reasonable integration of dmraid, so i think it would be simple enough to do. however, i don't know whether knoppmyth also supports it (if so, then knoppmyth would be easier. if not, you'll probably accidentally delete all your windows partitions)
[22:38:13] maek: Le0ric: if knoppmyth supports the dmraid option at boot.
[22:38:22] pat_ (pat_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:38:55] maek: broken sentence, if it takes dmraid then you will be able to see your md (linux raid) device
[22:39:14] Le0ric: directhex i cant deleat windows coz i will install linux before windows
[22:39:26] Le0ric: i am now writing my documentation
[22:39:37] Le0ric: and have to do all the stuff in last 2 weeks of juli
[22:40:03] Le0ric: but i have to hand in my documentation tomorrow xD
[22:40:20] Le0ric: maek what do you mean?
[22:40:20] baxter_kylie: Can anyone shed any light into my tuner troubles? I can't tune sdtv in mythtv but it works in other applications (like tvtime).
[22:43:20] Le0ric: directhex and maek big thx
[22:43:37] Le0ric: but i still dont know what to do -.- should i take fendora or knoppmyth
[22:44:41] directhex: you've been given fairly detailed answers. sometimes, much as it might hurt, you have to apply some learning process yourself
[22:46:54] maek: Le0ric: I just installed it on ubuntu 7.04 with 2 documents found on the myth wiki in about 1 hour it was up and running
[22:47:05] maek: now im just trying to "tune" it
[22:47:15] maek: which brings up this question, is there a trick to get mythdvd working?
[22:47:22] Le0ric: ^^
[22:47:45] Le0ric is now known as Lee0Ric
[22:47:55] maek: I guess I should RTFW
[22:48:17] The_Belgain: baxter_kylie: hmm... looks like i'm not the only person here with tuning troubles :)
[22:48:37] Lee0Ric: directhex i know and apurciate this
[22:49:05] directhex: maek, working how?
[22:49:27] Jenetik (Jenetik! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[22:50:50] baxter_kylie: The_Belgain: Mine has to be something awry with myth.
[22:50:53] directhex: dvd playback under linux is illegal, because it promotes teh pitarezzz. so it's not enabled by default
[22:51:07] LennonNZ (LennonNZ!n=lennon@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:51:10] grndslm_: in recording do i know which aspect ratio to use? would it be beneficial to set pvr150/500 to 16:9 with standard def feed when i'm using a "widescreen" lcd??
[22:51:28] grndslm_: or should i just keep it 4:3?
[22:51:40] maek: directhex: thanks. hooray to the pitarezzz
[22:51:47] LennonNZ: hi there. does the HVR-3000 for DVB-S work under linux yet?
[22:52:10] The_Belgain: have you solved your issue or not?
[22:53:49] directhex: LennonNZ, proof of concept code available but not considered remotely stable
[22:54:01] directhex: LennonNZ, and that's a question for #linuxtv
[22:54:18] LennonNZ: directhex: so better to get a NOVA-S for mythtv at the moment?
[22:54:34] directhex:
[22:54:34] LennonNZ: for DVB-S
[22:55:56] directhex: anything from the budget section which doesn't have a note warning of issues
[22:57:45] Lee0Ric: directhex is it possible to have a linux fakeraid 5 and a windows fakeraid 5 on the same hdds?
[22:57:56] Lee0Ric: or will it create problems?
[22:58:37] directhex: Lee0Ric, yes. that's the idea. otherwise, it's MUCH more advisable to use software raid instead
[22:58:48] directhex: but that only works with one OS
[22:58:58] directhex: and in the case of windows, requires a server version
[23:00:52] baxter_kylie: The_Begain: Not at all.
[23:01:55] nero_: has anyone here calibrated the output from your Linux HTPC to your display?
[23:02:20] directhex: most people. but most people have different display setups, and some are easier than others to get going
[23:03:36] Lee0Ric: directhex i didnt geht the point
[23:04:06] directhex: i'll start from scratch. because, y'know, research is too much effort
[23:04:15] directhex: RAID can be provided at three levels
[23:04:43] ubuntuEdgy: hi
[23:04:52] directhex: hardware raid (e.g. lsi megaraid) has a dedicated processor to do calculations. it presents disks as a combined SCSI volume, as configured in the card;s bios
[23:05:51] directhex: software raid (e.g. md on linux, windows has an equivalent i forgot the name of) allows the os to see multiple hard disks, and combine them as it sees fit. this is os dependent, but fast (as a high-end athlon64 is a bit faster than a 300mhz arm processor as found on dedicated cards)
[23:06:18] ubuntuEdgy: dose any one at all know why my back end dose nothing all the jobs are "queued"
[23:06:49] ubuntuEdgy: nothing seems to expire too
[23:06:56] directhex: "fake" raid is software raid, but instead of allowing the os to be aware of all disks, tries to mimic a hardware raid setup by using a dedicated driver. this is how onboard "raid" on motherboards words – the "raid bios" might claim to have made a raid volume, but it hasn't really – it's just made some markers that the driver can deal with once the os loads
[23:07:28] directhex: hardware raid is a sure-fire multi-os system. software raid is a sure-fire 1-os-only system
[23:07:42] directhex: fake raid is windows-centric, but MIGHT work with recent linuxes okay
[23:07:45] pat_: fake raid works for windows
[23:08:37] Lee0Ric: so it would be easier to take 3 hdds for the windows raid and 3hdds for the linux raid? to get no problems with them
[23:11:19] isidoro: hi
[23:11:20] ubuntuEdgy: ??
[23:11:35] Lee0Ric: directhex thx 4 the explanationn
[23:12:08] isidoro: i am getting crazy to setup mytv for my TX Hollywood dualTV capture PCI card
[23:12:54] isidoro: I installed mytv as feisty procedures but I am not been able to set up correct card
[23:13:30] directhex: sleep time.
[23:14:35] ubuntuEdgy: i will shh and try to fix this for you.
[23:15:00] isidoro: 1. when I run backend set up mouse works bad I do not see the pointer... I see it only when the pointer is on writeable area
[23:15:27] isidoro: 2. when I have set up my card what kind of card I have to set?
[23:15:32] ubuntuEdgy: yess thats how it works, u must use a remote or keyboard
[23:15:47] ubuntuEdgy: do you have sh installed
[23:15:53] ubuntuEdgy: ssh*
[23:16:54] ubuntuEdgy: yes or no
[23:18:28] ubuntuEdgy: guys can you help me with my backend issue , its not doing the jobs any more
[23:19:55] ubuntuEdgy: its stuck on queued
[23:26:11] maek: how does one enable DMA?
[23:26:36] JoeyJoeJo: I'm using xvmc and an nvidia 6200 card and I get a grayscale osd. Is there a way to fix it?
[23:26:42] JoeyJoeJo: maek: using hdparm
[23:26:46] maek: JoeyJoeJo: thanks.
[23:27:00] JoeyJoeJo: np
[23:28:41] pat_: JoeyJoeJo: stop using xvmc?
[23:28:53] EnderTheThird (EnderTheThird! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:29:36] JoeyJoeJo: pat: well yeah, but then I don't get the cool cpu savings
[23:31:20] clintar (clintar! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:32:07] GreyFoxx: SAving for arainy day ?
[23:32:25] JoeyJoeJo: for the day I get HD
[23:32:47] GreyFoxx: If your having low CPU issues then you use XvMC, otherwise it's not worth it
[23:32:57] GreyFoxx: and if you use recent CPU you don't need it for HD
[23:33:21] JoeyJoeJo: ok, cool
[23:33:22] JoeyJoeJo: thanks
[23:33:25] GreyFoxx: My XP2500+ can play 1080i and 720p mpeg2 content without XvMC
[23:40:03] Tanthrix: GreyFoxx: In myth? Or just mplayer?
[23:40:40] GreyFoxx: myth
[23:40:42] recurs|ve (recurs|ve! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:40:53] Tanthrix: And I've tried messing with every setting known to man
[23:41:13] GreyFoxx: I use myth's internal player for pretty much everytyhing
[23:41:22] Tanthrix: Weird. I wonder what my problem is then
[23:41:27] Tanthrix: Damned annoying, that's for sure
[23:42:31] Tanthrix: Approximately what is your CPU usage when doing 1080i?
[23:43:31] GreyFoxx: I'll check as soon as my daughters show is over :)
[23:43:38] Tanthrix: Hehe, no worries.
[23:43:41] GreyFoxx: my other frontends don't have a hope of playing it
[23:43:48] GreyFoxx: but my main frontend is the one thaft can
[23:44:03] XGizzmo (XGizzmo!n=gizzmo@ampache/staff/XGizzmo) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:44:21] Tanthrix: I hang out around 70–90 percent, with spikes of course.
[23:46:58] vegeats (vegeats! has joined #mythtv-users
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[23:47:56] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:48:57] degreseven: i just had to change the ip on my combination backend/frontend, now i cant start the frontend, or get into mythtv-setup to change IP settings because it can't connect to mysql db. how do i fix this?
[23:52:41] JoeyJoeJo: look in ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[23:52:59] JoeyJoeJo: change it there then you shold be able to start the frontend/setup
[23:53:23] degreseven: thanks a lot =)
[23:53:26] JoeyJoeJo: np
[23:56:56] EnderTheThird: What are your thoughts on the best dual HD tuner out there? You think it's the HDHR?
[23:57:05] EnderTheThird: I have 2 HD-5500's, but they aren't worth $250
[23:57:09] EnderTheThird: I'm sending them back tomorrow

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