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Tuesday, April 24th, 2007, 00:05 UTC
[00:05:24] Tanthrix: I'm seriously getting sick of all the ubuntuEdgy's that come in here. It's confusing!
[00:06:16] hads: I thought it was the same person
[00:07:00] Tanthrix: Really? Sure it's not just the default xchat name for everyone using ubuntu edgy?
[00:07:21] hads: No idea. I just assumed. You know what they say about assumptions.
[00:07:40] Tanthrix: hehe
[00:08:25] tanq_ (tanq_! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:09:00] k-man (k-man!n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit ("Leaving")
[00:19:14] hound: Is anybody aware of how mythtv parses the mysql data on atsc signals to determine which multimplexed signal?
[00:19:20] Vaelys (Vaelys!i=awong@slammer.cs.Dal.Ca) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:20:15] jonty (jonty! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:24:33] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:32:18] adultswim (adultswim! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:36:35] scant (scant! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[00:36:36] FuzzplugJones (FuzzplugJones! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:37:03] GhostFreeman|2 (GhostFreeman|2!n=GhostFre@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:53:30] GhostFreeman|2 is now known as GhostFreeman
[01:03:09] Zyxuz (Zyxuz! has quit ("WeeChat 0.2.4")
[01:09:56] fryfrog: Anyone know what episode of Heroes we are up to?
[01:10:02] fryfrog: is this season 1 or 2 still?
[01:10:08] fryfrog: er, the other way around
[01:10:15] fryfrog: season 2 or 1 still
[01:10:47] drfoz (drfoz! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:15:02] Zider: fryfrog: who are "we"?
[01:15:55] fryfrog: uh
[01:16:16] fryfrog: the collective group of individuals who are watching the television show "Heroes"?
[01:16:27] hads: The Internet is bigger than $YOUR_COUNTRY
[01:16:32] Zider: I mean, on any particular channel, or in general?
[01:16:49] hads: Besides,
[01:17:48] Zider: anyeay, there's only 18 episodes so far, so it's season 1 however you look at it ;)
[01:18:21] fryfrog: ah :)
[01:18:22] fryfrog: thanks :)
[01:18:42] fryfrog: hads: right, so the "latest" episode will be everywhere because *of* the internets
[01:18:53] fryfrog: unless you are some person who waits for it to air in your country
[01:19:07] fryfrog: which of course we all are, because otherwise we would go to the hell that christians believe in
[01:19:09] Zider: hm, ep 19 got aired yesterday it seems
[01:20:41] fryfrog: TODAY!?!?!
[01:21:12] fryfrog: don't tell me, now there is more than one time zone?/??
[01:21:14] Zider: 4/23/2007
[01:21:29] Zider: well, for me that would be yesterday ;)
[01:23:18] adultswim (adultswim! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:26:51] kali67 (kali67! has quit ()
[01:27:18] GreyFoxx: HEhe For me it aired a couple hours ago, when I watched it ;)
[01:27:26] Zider: ah :)
[01:29:10] Zider: since the channels around here are so sucky, I'm forced to aquire it thru other means.. you know, buying the DVD and such ;)
[01:29:22] fryfrog: ah, i see!
[01:29:32] fryfrog: one of my firewire tuners failed to tune the channel :/
[01:29:38] fryfrog: so i'm getting 24 fine, but not heroes
[01:29:45] fryfrog: gonna have to... rent the dvd!
[01:29:51] Zider: we only get gilmore girls, big brother and idol.. shit like that..
[01:30:15] Zider: why can't we get scifi channel or something?! :(
[01:30:30] Zider: I have 4–5 channels I would love to trade for scifi channel
[01:30:31] fryfrog: ahahha
[01:30:40] Zider: all 5, just for that one channel
[01:30:41] fryfrog: in teh US, heroes is on NBC
[01:30:59] Anduin: it reruns on SciFi
[01:31:00] fryfrog: shit, i would literally give a finger for scifi in HD (and the shows in HD too)
[01:31:11] fryfrog: yeah, i've seen that
[01:31:15] Zider: I don't have anything HD here
[01:31:15] fryfrog: but HD heroes, FTW!
[01:31:24] fryfrog: you should move to a civilized country :/
[01:31:29] Zider: SD is sufficient for me.. so far.. :)
[01:31:39] fryfrog: where are you, canada???
[01:31:41] Zider: fryfrog: I can GET HD, but I don't care for it
[01:31:54] fryfrog: oh, you are one of those people :/
[01:32:02] fryfrog: cRaZY :)
[01:32:29] Zider: I'd have to get a HDTV, a HDTV capable mediacenter, digital-TV... and I'm unemployed.. do the math..
[01:32:36] fryfrog: if only comcast hadn't fucked around with QAM :/
[01:32:48] fryfrog: oh, i see no HD by environmental factors :(
[01:32:57] Zider: yeah
[01:32:57] fryfrog: no shame there :)
[01:33:13] Zider: and, as I said, I'm satisfied with SD anyhow :)
[01:33:24] Zider: I've seen HDTV, not impressive
[01:33:50] Zider: if I had a giant TV screen I might have cared :)
[01:33:52] fryfrog: I dunno, it takes a good show to make HDTV realize
[01:34:12] fryfrog: Heroes, Lost, 24 and a couple others are very very pretty on widescreen in HD
[01:34:27] fryfrog: course, thats like 4 shows out of hundreds :(
[01:34:29] Zider: Heroes is the only one of them I watch :)
[01:34:45] fryfrog: no Lost?
[01:34:47] Zider: nope
[01:34:58] fryfrog: well, maybe first season lost
[01:35:02] Zider: I lost interest when I saw a bloody polarbear on the tropical island.. ;)
[01:35:02] fryfrog: i've still not even started this season :(
[01:35:07] fryfrog: ahahha
[01:35:20] Zider: seen bits of it later.. not interesting..
[01:35:27] fryfrog: thats just the kid who can make things appear from his imagination
[01:35:29] fryfrog: or something
[01:35:59] fryfrog: i just started losing interest when they wouldn't explain a god damn thing
[01:36:02] Zider: I follow BSG, stargate (now only atlantis :( ), heroes, 4400, naruto and bleach
[01:36:05] fryfrog: i mean, sure... i like it when there are mysteries...
[01:36:11] fryfrog: oh mmmm BSG in HD would rule
[01:36:26] fryfrog: and 4400 i <3 too, though HD of that wouldn't matter
[01:36:36] fryfrog: can't stand atlantis :/
[01:36:50] fryfrog: got way up there in bleach and naruto, just started to get boring :/
[01:37:05] Zider: I just watched thru Firefly, bloody morons that shut that series down :P
[01:38:06] Zider: there should be a law against cutting a series mid-season! :P
[01:38:42] fryfrog: yeah, i agree
[01:38:47] fryfrog: they almost did it to farscape too
[01:38:49] fryfrog: well, they did
[01:39:08] Zider: hm, I think I've missed that on
[01:39:10] Zider: one
[01:39:12] fryfrog: but then they finished it off with some lame 2 hour episode when the scifi fans of the world vowed to rape their wives and daughters
[01:39:22] fryfrog: krikey, you never watched Farscape?
[01:39:32] fryfrog: and 2 of the main stars are on your Stargate show!
[01:39:37] Zider: no I mean, I never started following it
[01:39:47] fryfrog: pj
[01:39:48] Zider: I've seen loose bits
[01:39:49] fryfrog: er, oh :)
[01:40:06] fryfrog: i liked the show, isn't as good as BSG
[01:40:06] Zider: I just never got around to ordering any DVDs :P
[01:40:12] fryfrog: but i think it paved the way for BSG
[01:40:22] fryfrog: it was also kind of a scifi ummm... not soap operah but?
[01:40:26] fryfrog: drama?
[01:40:32] Zider: did you know the ship Firefly was in the pilot to BSG?
[01:40:35] fryfrog: i mean, bsg is all about the characters and such
[01:40:40] fryfrog: really?
[01:40:42] fryfrog: neat :)
[01:40:43] Zider: yeah
[01:40:46] Zider: very briefly
[01:40:46] fryfrog: the pilot?
[01:40:51] fryfrog: or the mini-series?
[01:40:58] fryfrog: or is that the same thing?
[01:41:13] Zider: when that teacher woman gets informed she has (SPOILER) breast cancer
[01:41:19] Zider: the mini series is the pilot
[01:41:25] fryfrog: ah
[01:41:31] fryfrog: damn, that was that early?
[01:41:37] Zider: the firefly ship flies over the window
[01:41:41] fryfrog: ah
[01:41:46] Zider: one second or so :)
[01:41:57] fryfrog: i was just neutral on firefly
[01:42:07] Zider: I loved it
[01:42:08] fryfrog: i never really liked the whole "space western / civil war" thing
[01:42:15] Zider: and not only because of beautiful women :D
[01:42:19] fryfrog: but... i loved the movie and was happy to watch all the shows
[01:42:23] fryfrog: river's crazy :)
[01:42:28] fryfrog: she always plays crazy chicks too!
[01:42:31] fryfrog: she is the crazy in 440
[01:42:34] fryfrog: er, 4400
[01:42:37] Zider: river is cool, and cute.. but Kaylee, yum... :D
[01:42:46] fryfrog: and she is the kinda crazy wife of a dude in "The Unit"
[01:42:51] fryfrog: ah, yeah shiney :)
[01:43:03] Zider: :D
[01:43:16] Zider: Kaylee is my definition of a perfect firl
[01:43:20] Zider: girl
[01:43:32] fryfrog: i've always liked Asia Carrera ;)
[01:43:39] fryfrog: porn star / computer nerd :)
[01:43:49] Zider: :P
[01:43:55] Zider: I don't watch porn
[01:43:58] fryfrog: well, prolly not as big a computer nerd as most of us but... still far more than normal people!
[01:44:04] fryfrog: and i'm the pope :)
[01:44:09] Zider: hi, pope
[01:44:15] fryfrog: actually, i don't have any of her porn
[01:44:31] fryfrog: but still, porn star who builds her own computers and played UT!
[01:44:37] Zider: and from what I can see on google images, she's not my style
[01:44:40] fryfrog: now i think she just makes babies or something
[01:45:13] fryfrog: her website prolly has a better variety of pictures :)
[01:45:57] fryfrog: (and it isn't some pay site)
[01:45:57] Zider: more varied maybe, but definitely not my stylwe
[01:47:48] Zider: honestly, she looks ridiculous.. especially when posing like that..
[01:50:59] fryfrog: its crazy how different she looks with and w/o makup
[01:51:08] fryfrog: or with and w/o a perm :p
[01:51:31] fryfrog: ( i don't like the makup or perm which is probably why i don't have any of her pr0n)
[01:52:22] Zider: it's only in movies or series you can find really cute girls.. :/
[01:52:35] Zider: and that are nice and funny
[01:52:40] Zider: but that's just acting
[01:52:47] Zider: they don't exist in real life
[01:53:22] fryfrog: thats quite true :)
[01:53:32] clever[rev] is now known as clever
[01:54:33] fryfrog: guess thats why pr0n is for floggin the monkey, not finding a girlfriend or wife :)
[01:55:18] Zider: guess that's why I don't watch porn.. it's pointless and never has anything worth seeing..
[01:56:03] fryfrog: yeah, sheesh i hate seeing boobs :(
[01:56:44] Zider: fake ones, yeah
[01:56:49] Zider: on a flat screen, yes
[01:57:02] Zider: if I can't touch it's pointless
[01:57:11] fryfrog: ahha
[01:57:29] fryfrog: 3d pron, with usb boobies!
[01:57:50] Zider: pff
[02:03:53] Zider: *sigh* oh well.. it's the destiny of a geek to go solo thru life I guess ;P
[02:07:33] Zider: btw; watch Epic movie, it's hilarious :D
[02:07:55] maxm (maxm! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:20:13] kormoc: Mmm... Kaylee in HD...
[02:20:22] ** kormoc not creepy at all **
[02:21:14] Zider: tss :)
[02:24:12] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[02:30:27] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:53:50] sivel27: hello all
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[05:11:35] sdlnxgk: Night PeEps
[05:17:54] Tanthrix: Hrm, can you not compile mythvideo until you've installed myth itself?
[05:18:02] kormoc: that would be correct
[05:18:51] Tanthrix: Ok, good.
[05:20:32] Tanthrix: So, how do releases work? Does the SVN get frozen for a while or a release branch made, then no features are added just bug checking until done?
[05:20:44] kormoc: typically, aye
[05:20:58] Tanthrix: So how buggy is the SVN usually?
[05:21:06] kormoc: depends on the day
[05:21:11] kormoc: typically not too bad
[05:21:12] Tanthrix: How about today ;)
[05:21:26] ** kormoc shrugs **
[05:21:31] kormoc: I'm typically a day or two behind
[05:21:38] kormoc: or in this case, a tad over a week
[05:21:43] Tanthrix: At the suggestion of SlicerDicer I'm upgrading to the SVN to help sort out some firewire bugs
[05:24:19] Tanthrix: Hrm, my DB was 65 megs a few weeks ago, and only 45 now...
[05:29:52] MaverickTech: I stay with svn head
[05:30:07] MaverickTech: also usually a day ot 2 behind, though I rebuilt an hour ago
[05:30:46] MaverickTech: I tend to keep a close eye on the commits in the mailing list to work out if I will (not) attempt a build
[05:30:56] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-437eb740c79f8397) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:30:59] Tanthrix: Probably a wise precaution
[05:34:05] Tanthrix: Man myth takes a while to compile on my old P3 frontend
[05:34:18] MaverickTech: :p
[05:34:54] MaverickTech: do you always make clean before builds ?
[05:35:47] Tanthrix: No – should I?
[05:36:14] Tanthrix: I thought that just erases any previously compiled stuff, etc.., and only necessary if you're recompiling
[05:37:41] Sid`: not usually even then
[05:37:44] Sid`: makefiles take care of it
[05:38:00] kormoc: if things work as expected, you don't need to make clean, but at times it's required
[05:38:01] bronson (bronson! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:38:41] Tanthrix: kormoc: But not ever for a fresh SVN / source download, right? (Unless someone did something wrong)
[05:38:50] kormoc: in theory, aye
[05:38:50] MaverickTech: I generally make clean about once a week, but never been too sure that lib dependencies get picked up by make always
[05:39:15] kormoc: I just use ccache and then make clean doesn't really matter too much, so I do it every time
[05:39:28] MaverickTech: ccache ?
[05:40:43] kormoc:
[05:41:12] kormoc: and distcc to help offset the load as well
[05:41:49] MaverickTech: used distcc occasionally
[05:41:51] LoneShadow (LoneShadow! has quit ()
[05:42:27] Tanthrix: Does "make uninstall" basically undo everything that "make install" did?
[05:43:23] kormoc: in theory. it trys
[05:44:55] Tanthrix: The reason I ask is it has always urked me a bit that for most programs the standard upgrade policy is to just install right over the original app
[05:45:21] Tanthrix: At worst it seems like it could create trouble, and at best leave junk deprecated files around
[05:45:46] kormoc: tis why I like Gentoo's sandbox
[05:46:13] Tanthrix: Seems like we need some kind of uninstalling standard
[05:46:23] kormoc: g'luck
[05:46:28] Tanthrix: Something other than make uninstall, so you don't have to keep the original source around
[05:46:37] kormoc: you are one in a billion who say the same thing
[05:46:37] Tanthrix: (Which I always do anyway)
[05:46:45] hads: That's why most people use distros and packaging.
[05:47:07] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:47:11] Tanthrix: True enough
[05:47:34] Tanthrix: So, do developers just do their best to make sure subsequent programs update cleanly?
[05:47:45] kormoc: some do, some don't care
[05:47:56] czth__ (czth__!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-c04c04e4506d100a) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:48:00] Tanthrix: Myth seems to be pretty good about it
[05:48:39] MaverickTech: ccache is interesting, thanks
[05:48:55] juski: I don't think a new build of mythtv would leave much, if any cruft lying around
[05:49:01] MaverickTech: have grabbed for use on a few projects of my own :)
[05:49:21] juski: ccache is the best thing since er... sliced bread :)
[05:49:52] ** MaverickTech checks on source forge for updates to sliced bread **
[05:49:55] juski: distcc comes close if you can get it to work
[05:50:18] MaverickTech: I used distcc for from mac cross compiling a while back
[05:50:23] Dagmar: ...and both are great for finding out whose Makefiles are broken and whose aren't
[05:51:04] hads: Yeah
[05:52:51] Tanthrix (Tanthrix! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[05:53:35] Tanthrix: It might all be in my head, but SVN seems faster to respond all around
[05:54:16] MaverickTech: faster than ?
[05:54:46] Tanthrix: ..the latest release.
[05:55:06] juski: it's possible ;)
[05:55:43] juski: if mytharchive loading has been sped up I'd really like to see that
[05:57:58] PaulWay[w]: Yeah – batch-mode selecting all the files on the disk would be teh good.
[05:58:35] MaverickTech: I am playing with some SQL to show disk usage by program
[05:58:50] MaverickTech: find out which programs are hogging space
[05:58:53] PaulWay[w]: Mwuh?
[05:59:00] PaulWay[w]: In the database?
[05:59:06] PaulWay[w]: Or on the filesystem.
[05:59:11] MaverickTech: from the db
[05:59:55] Tanthrix: So, are we all screwed if zap2it ever cuts off the free TV listings?
[06:00:16] MaverickTech: not here in Australia :p
[06:00:22] juski: not here in the UK :-P
[06:00:43] Tanthrix: Well fine then ;)
[06:00:58] juski: Tanthrix: anyway, no – you can go back to horrible old screen scraping
[06:01:08] Tanthrix: That sounds....horrible
[06:01:18] Tanthrix: And about as reliable as mythweather
[06:01:32] ** Tanthrix sends a fruit basket to zap2it labs **
[06:01:40] MaverickTech: mythweather is no use to me, because where I live is not covered
[06:01:46] juski: but why would zap2it ever cut off the free TV listings? other than commercial enterprises selling preconfigured myth boxes & contravening their T&Cs...
[06:02:06] Dagmar: What kinda needs to happen is MythWeather should take an argument of an external, user-written script
[06:02:17] MaverickTech: I have toyed with the idea of making a mythweather version from australian weather source
[06:02:23] Tanthrix: Which, I'd be willing to pay I guess, to a point
[06:02:45] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("Leaving.")
[06:02:51] Dagmar: You shoudln't need to
[06:03:31] Dagmar: The amount of bandwidth one person uses over the course of a month getting their listings is pretty minimal
[06:03:44] Dagmar: Pretty much _a_ Google banner ad could pay for it
[06:06:23] Tanthrix: Well, there's no such thing as a free lunch most of the time. I'd say it's rather kind of them to do what they do, and surprising a bit for a business.
[06:06:45] Dagmar: They make more in "goodwill" revenue
[06:06:52] Dagmar: ...which can actually figure into stock evaluations.
[06:09:33] czthIII: speaking of mythweather, mine isn't working of late, is that because the sites it goes to hate us?
[06:09:49] hads: It's a known bug. The site changed
[06:10:11] czthIII: hm. so grab a new version and all's well?
[06:10:20] czthIII: bastids changing their sites!
[06:10:22] Tanthrix: I thought NOAA put out XML weather info, I wonder if people in the US could use that
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[06:12:46] hads: czthIII: I believe it's broken until further notice at the moment
[06:13:09] czthIII: :( now i'll have to go outside to see what the weather is!
[06:13:55] Dagmar: Tanthrix: They put out METAR info
[06:14:14] Dagmar: Every time they try to go forward with the XML data, the asshats over at and interfere
[06:14:32] Tanthrix: Interfere? How?
[06:15:10] czthIII: lobbying?
[06:15:17] czthIII: DOSing?
[06:15:45] Dagmar: Lobbying
[06:15:48] Dagmar: It's insane
[06:15:54] Zambezi (Zambezi! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:16:17] Dagmar: They lobby to protect their interests in the matter, by claiming that for NOAA to give the information away for free, it harms their business model.
[06:16:28] rbellamy (rbellamy!n=rbellamy@pdpc/supporter/silver/rbellamy) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:16:29] Dagmar: Nevermind that the data NOAA collects is normally supposed to be free
[06:16:32] hads: Get a new business model? :)
[06:16:35] Dagmar: They just don't want any competition
[06:16:35] rbellamy (rbellamy!n=rbellamy@pdpc/supporter/silver/rbellamy) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:21:56] juski: what they _might_ be able to do is give the data away as xml feeds, but restrict it to 'personal use only', so other sites wouldn't be able to reproduce the data for free, legally
[06:22:40] Sid`: they can't, that's the whole point.
[06:22:49] Sid`: anything non-classified produced by the US federal govt is public domain by definition
[06:23:35] juski: heh
[06:24:02] juski: well then we definitely need a script-based weather grabber
[06:24:36] juski: it'll be heaps easier editing a text file when a screenscraper needs to be updated ;)
[06:24:45] pat_ (pat_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:28:10] rbellamy (rbellamy!n=rbellamy@pdpc/supporter/silver/rbellamy) has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:28:49] Tanthrix: I seem to be pretty lucky – I can get ABC, DHD, FOX, GOLF, ESPNHD, ESPNHD2, TNTHD, UHD, MTVHD, NGCHD, and INHD via firewire
[06:29:09] Tanthrix: Still mad about not being able to get NBC HD or PBS HD though.
[06:29:33] Tanthrix: And I've yet to find a basic digital channel that doesn't work yet, so that's good.
[06:31:46] eelriver (eelriver!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:34:27] Tanthrix: Myth seems to not be able to properly detect the stream as interlaced though, which is a bit odd.
[06:34:47] Tanthrix: Probably comcast's fault in some way
[06:36:08] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@unaffiliated/kormoc) has quit ()
[06:36:14] juski (juski! has quit ("To Alton Towers we go!")
[06:56:00] xris: Tanthrix: that's messed up. those are the channels that you *should* get.
[07:00:41] Tanthrix: Yah, tell me about it.
[07:01:14] Tanthrix: By any chance do you know what bill / law / regulation states that cable operators must provide unencrypted OTA channels?
[07:01:48] Tanthrix: The firewire one doesn't mention any specifics either than "provide a functional 1394 interface" or something
[07:02:52] Tanthrix: (Which it seems me it could be argued that "functional" means it has to output all paid for channels in an unencrypted form, but I suspect there is another regulation elsewhere that covers this)
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[07:16:41] xris: Tanthrix: it's linked from the firewire page in the mythtv wiki
[07:17:43] xris: since the hardware to downsample and reencode is more work than it's worth, you just get the full HD signal.
[07:20:32] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[07:21:34] Dagmar: In other words, they're legally allowed to be petty little bitches and degrade any signal that might compete with DVR rental service models.
[07:25:04] Tanthrix: How annoying.
[07:25:26] Sid`: it's not worth it to them
[07:25:49] Sid`: if it adds even $5–10 to the cost of a tuner to downsample, then they wouldn't do it
[07:26:11] Sid`: we're not talking about premium 'exclusive' content, we're talking about channels that a lot of people can get via an ATSC signal
[07:30:19] Tanthrix: xris: Happen to remember where in the doc it says the bit about providing down sampled 480P versions? I'm looking over it but not finding it, and I'd prefer not to have to read the whole 86 pages, considering how exciting of a read it is ;)
[07:31:43] robthebob (robthebob! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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[07:34:04] Tanthrix: xris: Happen to remember where in the doc it says the bit about providing down sampled 480P versions? I'm looking over it but not finding it, and I'd prefer not to have to read the whole 86 pages, considering how exciting of a read it is ;)
[07:34:09] Tanthrix: Er, I'm stupid.
[08:01:18] czthIII (czthIII! has quit ("Leaving")
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[08:39:57] tld: Anyone know how I set the resolution on a WinTV PVR-350?
[08:42:16] Tanthrix: ivtvctl sets a whole ton of stuff, so probably that
[08:42:30] tld: thanks. :)
[08:42:43] Tanthrix: (Besides of course setting it in myth itself)
[08:43:14] tld: Didn't know I could do that?
[08:43:33] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has quit ("Leaving")
[08:44:41] hads: You mean capture resolution?
[08:44:43] Tanthrix: It's in the recording profiles
[08:45:08] hads: If so then yeah, what ^^ he said.
[08:45:26] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:45:28] tld: hads, yeah
[08:45:36] tld: thanks guys. :)
[08:45:39] Tanthrix: Setup>TV Settings>Recording Profiles>MPEG2 Encoders> Then "default" or whatever one you want to change
[08:45:42] Tanthrix: NP.
[08:46:14] tld: Ubuntu + MythTV is a pretty neat combination.
[08:46:37] Tanthrix: Off to bed with me, later all.
[08:46:41] tld: Interface for MythTV is a lot slower than it was on FreeBSD though. Could that be related to GL drivers? (I used nvidias stuff on FreeBSD)
[08:46:49] kambei (kambei! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:46:49] tld: Tanthrix, 'night, and thanks
[08:47:08] directhex|work: tld, are you using the opengl or qt painter? and do you have 3d drivers set up?
[08:47:32] tld: directhex|work, using whatever ubuntu/mythtv defaults to, no 3rd party drivers
[08:47:53] directhex|work: tld, i suspect that's opengl and the unaccelerated nv driver, then
[08:47:54] tld: I guess I should install nvidias own stuff? (they come with gl drivers)
[08:48:01] tld: thanks. :)
[08:48:03] directhex|work: tld, what version of ubuntu?
[08:48:07] tld: lates
[08:48:08] tld: t
[08:48:19] directhex|work: tld, system/administration/restricted drivers manager
[08:48:24] directhex|work: tick the box and reboot
[08:48:31] tld: nice!
[08:48:35] tld: bunches of thanks. :)
[08:48:58] tld: Oh, and one last thing. Is there a RightWay (tm) or a good page describing how to set up a web-frontend for setting up recording on MythTV?
[08:50:37] directhex|work: aptitude install mythweb
[08:50:53] tld: thanks. :)
[08:50:53] directhex|work: and possibly php5-mysql and libapache2-mod-php5 while you're at it
[08:51:03] tld: bunches of thanks
[08:54:55] tcpsyn (tcpsyn! has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:08:58] tcpsyn: I think I'm gonna get a couple xboxes for frontends.
[09:10:29] directhex|work: tcpsyn, the xbox is quite big and noisy, and not suitable for HD. does that matter to you?
[09:11:03] tcpsyn: the noise might suck, but I don't have any hdtvs anyway
[09:11:18] tld: Any recommendation for a DVB-C card to use with Linux and MythTV?
[09:11:31] thufir007 (thufir007! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:11:47] tcpsyn: I use my own gentoo box as a frontend, but I'm paying for two comcast pvr's for my mom and grandparents... it's silly, I should just get a few more tuner cards and front ends for them.
[09:12:05] tcpsyn: it'd save me $50 a month.
[09:14:58] Dagmar: Wow
[09:15:06] Dagmar: $600M of coke
[09:19:42] adante: hum
[09:19:52] directhex|work: adante, Dagmar's breakfast
[09:20:03] adante: so when i try to compile mythvideo now i get main.cpp:364: error: B_MEDIA' undeclared
[09:20:17] adante: i ain't no mans breakfast!
[09:20:34] Dagmar: Well, $600M of coke is _craptons_
[09:20:34] directhex|work: adante, nah, the $600M of coke
[09:20:34] kbidd (kbidd! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:20:38] adante: er, that should be main.cpp:364: error: B_MEDIA' undeclared
[09:20:53] adante: wow thats really wierd
[09:21:00] Dagmar: That's likely at least half of some bolivian drug lord's entire season
[09:21:01] adante: that should be VB_MEDIA
[09:21:09] kbidd: can anyone tell me why sound wouldnt work in mythtv (no, its not muted) until I change the channel off of the one htat the application starts in? (As soon as I change channels once, sound works until I restart mythtv)
[09:21:43] directhex|work: kbidd, analog tuner?
[09:22:04] directhex|work: kbidd, even better, bt8*8 with that lovely sound card audio passthrough cable?
[09:22:51] kbidd: directhex|work, yep "P
[09:22:54] kbidd: :P
[09:23:21] kbidd: (the cheap 878 with the passthrough cable)
[09:23:41] adante: that's an expensive breakfast
[09:23:41] directhex|work: there's a blast from the past
[09:23:45] Dagmar: Your volume on the input *is* muted when you're starting
[09:24:07] adante: could get a lot of bacon & egg mcmuffins for that
[09:24:49] Dagmar: $600M will buy you a serious interest in McDonalds
[09:25:12] Dagmar: Definitely enough to get free breakfast muffins out of 'em
[09:26:39] adante: i like their quarter pounders too
[09:30:43] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:35:44] Merlin83b: Serious interest? Unlikely. Current market cap is nigh on $60bn.
[09:35:50] Merlin83b: So about 1% or so.
[09:36:33] directhex|work: is mcdonalds a sensible investment these days? i'd assumed high-fat fast food was pretty flat
[09:36:40] Merlin83b: Still rising.
[09:36:43] Merlin83b: . . . p;q=l&c=
[09:36:45] knowledgejunkie (knowledgejunkie!n=knowledg@unaffiliated/knowledgejunkie) has left #mythtv-users ("I want my, I want my, I want my MythTV")
[09:37:13] directhex|work: what caused the dip in 2003?
[09:38:00] Merlin83b: Supersize me, at a guess.
[09:39:01] directhex|work:
[09:43:41] Merlin83b: Hehe
[09:43:43] Merlin83b: Hooray Boris!
[09:43:49] Merlin83b: He does talk sense, sometimes :)
[09:45:25] directhex|work: and he has the best hair in politics
[09:46:12] Dagmar: If you buy six hundred million dollars in something, they kiss your ass for it.
[09:46:16] Dagmar: Of this I am certain.
[09:47:21] Merlin83b: I'm sure they'd listen, but a 1% stake isn't what I'd call a serious interest.
[09:48:41] directhex|work: you could buy most of SGI for that, i expect. ever wanted your own supercomputer company?
[09:49:43] Dagmar: I think you're expecting everything to be "controlling" interest.
[09:49:54] Dagmar: Why buy most of SGI?
[09:50:13] directhex|work: market cap 325.63M
[09:50:15] Dagmar: If you want to throw your money away, you can probably buy SCO for that and get a rider saying Daryl McBride has to blow you
[09:51:08] directhex|work: scox has a market cap of 20M
[09:51:20] Merlin83b: No Dagmar, I know what a controlling interest is. 1% isn't really significant though. I guess since significant doesn't have a proper definition it's a matter of what you consider significant.
[09:51:41] directhex|work: you could buy them, their employees, their employees' famies and pets, and all their homes, and still have most of your cash left over
[09:51:45] directhex|work: then sell the lot into slavery
[09:52:10] Merlin83b: $20m? Why the hell didn't someone just buy them when all the linux kernel crap was going on?
[09:52:20] directhex|work: Merlin83b, as a lesson
[09:52:33] directhex|work: Merlin83b, ibm could buy them out of the petty cash jar, but it's much more fun to mess with them
[09:52:40] Merlin83b: Heh
[09:52:48] Merlin83b: ...until the lawyers bills roll in.
[09:53:03] Merlin83b: Of course, it could be said it was all a ploy to raise the share price anyway.
[09:53:05] directhex|work: sco are liable for the bills!
[09:53:14] Merlin83b: It worked, they got up to something like 20 times the current value.
[09:53:22] directhex|work: and sco have a capped bill of ~12m, which is already deposited in escrow
[09:56:15] Dagmar: Personally, I think the federales should step in and just freeze the rest of their assets
[09:56:17] Zyxus (Zyxus! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:57:25] Merlin83b: Market cap of 20m, 12m in escrow... So that's 8m of stuff. Not a lot, really.
[09:57:40] Dagmar: But it's enough to stop Daryl McBride's paychecks.
[09:58:00] Dagmar: Him and all the other shills making these ludicrous claims and wasting far more than $8M in everyone else's time.
[09:58:39] Merlin83b: Only if you pay attention :)
[10:02:56] Dagmar: Spoken like someone who's never had to contend with onerous MS sales reps
[10:20:54] directhex|work: darl's not allowed to make claims anymore. one of the terms of the arrangement with their lawyers
[10:21:26] directhex|work: microsoft are kinda funny in some sectors. i've tried and failed to make them try the hard sell on me
[10:23:06] Merlin83b: They get their Dell lackeys to seel to us for them.
[10:23:29] Merlin83b: We spend lots of money with Dell, but almost all of it on hardware and services. Very little on MS.
[10:24:16] directhex|work: dell have more sense than to sell us windows kit
[10:33:11] Dagmar: They don't have to really worry about it.
[10:33:21] Dagmar: It's not like they're going to sell you a machine without an operating system licence.
[10:34:03] directhex|work: why not? we get dells without an OS if we want
[10:35:04] Dagmar: I used to work in their business sales dept.
[10:36:04] Dagmar: I'm quite sure they stick Windows in the order unless you say otherwise
[10:37:16] directhex|work: probably, but we say otherwise
[10:39:05] ivor_ (ivor_!n=ivor@kde/developer/ivor) has joined #mythtv-users
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[10:40:23] Merlin83b: We get just about all our Dells with no OS.
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[10:59:10] Chai_Sangeen: anyone has luck connecting remotely to mythbackend via vpn?
[10:59:33] Dagmar: Why would this be hard?
[10:59:47] Dagmar: The presence or lack of a VPN will not impact Mythbackend
[11:02:55] tld: just make sure VPN and network is fast enough
[11:02:55] tld: and everything is done correctly. ;)
[11:04:22] Chai_Sangeen: Dagmar, tld thanx guys yeah tried it it works but video is cutting of i guess bad connection.. is there a way to change the quality of the straming vid?
[11:04:30] Dagmar: Nope.
[11:04:45] Chai_Sangeen: i guess im stuck then :p
[11:06:00] tld: Chai_Sangeen, you should be able to re-encode the files and view them with another program though
[11:06:08] tld: Chai_Sangeen, not as sexy, but still
[11:06:20] tld: Chai_Sangeen, OR, for future recordings, you could see if you can store using a lower quality
[11:06:35] tld: Chai_Sangeen, Seems like I can do that with my PVR-350
[11:06:53] Chai_Sangeen: tld, okay thats also a good idea... ill try that many thnaks :)
[11:07:06] tld: np
[11:07:22] tld: (don't take advice from me btw, I'm still working on getting my frist mythtv installation up and running. ;) )
[11:07:47] Chai_Sangeen: tld, no prob good luck....
[11:07:57] tld: thanks
[11:08:03] tld: I think it might be working. ;)
[11:08:21] tld: (if junor only new know much trouble I'm going through to make sure she doesn't miss her shows... ;) )
[11:29:47] madfactor: mythtv rocks the house.  :)
[11:36:26] gbee (gbee! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:39:22] tzanger: madfactor: it does
[11:40:04] madfactor: Hmmmm... all of a sudden on my new box, my capture is flickering and fluttering...
[11:40:08] madfactor: anyone have any ideas?
[11:40:32] Dagmar: Misconfiguration
[11:40:40] madfactor: OH K.
[11:40:44] madfactor: It was working last night.
[11:40:54] Dagmar: Well, go back to last night then.
[11:41:50] madfactor: Nevermind, sorry I asked.
[11:43:06] Ruleke (Ruleke! has joined #mythtv-users
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[11:46:05] madfactor: ivtv0: All encoder VBI stream buffers are full. Dropping data.
[11:46:05] madfactor: ivtv0: Cause: the application is not reading fast enough.
[11:46:08] madfactor: weird
[11:46:37] kambei (kambei! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:51:07] Ruleke: madfactor: I thought that was fixed in myth
[12:03:33] Ruleke: interesting... nvidia is claiming " first video processors to offload from the CPU 100% of Blu-ray and HD DVD video decoding" with its 8500 or 8600 gpu chips
[12:08:58] directhex|work: hardware-accelerated VC-1 decoding?
[12:09:03] gbee: any ideas on how I might make the following query faster?
[12:09:04] gbee: SELECT a.album_id FROM music_albums a LEFT JOIN music_songs s ON a.album_id=s.album_id WHERE s.album_id IS NULL;
[12:12:02] madfactor: ruleke: guess not
[12:14:08] madfactor: there should be some way to fix it
[12:15:33] Ruleke: directhex|work: yes
[12:15:51] Ruleke: madfactor: versions ?
[12:16:10] Ruleke: directhex|work: and h264 and mpeg2
[12:16:46] Ruleke: Vista only of course ... sigh
[12:16:58] directhex|work: Ruleke, was about to say, not happening in the linux drivers any time soon
[12:19:45] Ruleke: just interesting...
[12:19:58] Ruleke: I suppose they just wrote some of that shader code stuff
[12:20:47] |newbie| (|newbie|! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:21:04] Ruleke: with the unified shaders you can do lots of interesting stuff, support for this is in directx10, hence vista
[12:21:13] PhilK (PhilK! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:24:19] Dagmar: Hmm...
[12:24:29] Dagmar: 3M's marketing people are cowards
[12:24:46] Dagmar: You don't need to install some plastic filter on the screen to stop people snooping your screen.
[12:24:59] Dagmar: You just have to pull up goatse _once_ and they'll stop.
[12:25:13] Ruleke: plastic filter ? hah
[12:25:40] Ruleke: anti-tempest plastic :)
[12:25:53] Dagmar: That's a bit much to install on a laptop
[12:26:25] Ruleke: not sure how plastic helps tbh
[12:26:37] Dagmar: It's a fresnel
[12:27:07] Ruleke: huh ?
[12:27:18] gbee: a lens for those of you scrambling to lookup fresnel on google
[12:27:22] Dagmar: Basically, we went to all this trouble to develop TFT screens with nearly 180 degrees of viewing angle, just to turn around and spend $20 on a piece of plastic to bring it back to a 20 degree viewing angle
[12:27:37] Ruleke: I know it's a lense
[12:27:48] Ruleke: but how would lesing an image obscure it
[12:28:02] Dagmar: Becuase the light doesn't go out all over
[12:29:13] Ruleke: I'm pretty sure tempest tries to prevent reading the EM emissions not the light
[12:29:36] Ruleke: though I suppose the initial premise for you was to stop shouldersurfing :)
[12:29:41] Dagmar: Yes, we're not trying to stop "corporate counter intelligence"
[12:29:41] xzcvczx (xzcvczx!n=nosdr4g@gentoo/user/xzcvczx) has joined #mythtv-users
[12:29:53] Ruleke: okido
[12:30:03] Dagmar: I still think goatse-stuff works better
[12:30:07] Ruleke: hehe
[12:30:10] Dagmar: I've used it a few times
[12:30:23] Ruleke: just open a text editor, set to 35 font and type "go away"
[12:30:36] Ruleke: works too
[12:30:51] Dagmar: ...although frankly, I close *my* eyes and hit the function key to kill the browser after the initial shriek
[12:30:55] goreguts (goreguts! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:30:59] Ruleke: hehe
[12:42:17] goreguts: i just found out that gaim is being renamed to pidgin
[12:42:20] goreguts: how gay is that
[12:44:11] jduggan_: wtf
[12:44:14] jduggan_: for what reason
[12:44:21] goreguts: because of AOL
[12:44:23] Ruleke: aim lawyer threats
[12:44:26] goreguts: yea
[12:44:38] Ruleke: I don't care what it's called
[12:44:42] directhex|work: legal reasons? and i don't think a name change means the aplication has sex with other applications of the same endianness
[12:44:48] Ruleke: I'm using icedove and iweweasel quite happily ;)
[12:44:55] jduggan_: ima make an app called gay oh hell
[12:45:51] directhex|work: i use wodim rather than cdrecord
[12:49:39] Dagmar: directhex|work: It's not a reflection on the app, it's just his way of letting people know he's 12 and in the closet.
[12:49:53] goreguts: exactly
[12:50:01] Dagmar: See?
[12:50:52] goreguts: but....maybe it does have sex with other applications of the same endianness
[12:51:25] gbee: the thing that puzzles me most about the Gaim/Pidgin issue, is why they change libgaim to libpurple(!!), why not libpidgin?
[12:52:09] directhex|work: gbee, you don't like purple? it's a very... festive... colour.
[12:52:15] gbee: I mean how many people are going to now be completely confused by a library name which bares no relationship in nomenclature to the application it supports?
[12:52:31] directhex|work: gbee, like evince and libpopler?
[12:52:46] gbee: :)
[12:57:57] eelriver (eelriver!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[13:01:36] Neeesat25 (Neeesat25! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:01:59] Neeesat25: Hello
[13:03:33] Neeesat25: Is it possible to change the resolution of MYTHTV frontend only and not X?
[13:04:03] directhex|work: during playback, or generally?
[13:04:28] Neeesat25: no the graphical part
[13:04:42] Neeesat25: generally
[13:05:25] directhex|work: not AFAIK. you could run it in a window, or run plyback in a different resolution to the gui
[13:05:56] Neeesat25: I am using Juski skin and Play Games menu does not fit in the screen correctly
[13:06:12] Neeesat25: all the others are ok
[13:07:06] DD (DD! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[13:13:48] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit ("Leaving")
[13:22:21] GreyFoxx: nees: You can change the size of the menus under the frontends appearrance settings
[13:37:17] Neeesat25: Grey thanks, lets see
[13:44:40] Chai_Sangeen (Chai_Sangeen!n=Chai_San@ has quit ("Leaving")
[13:46:48] Neeesat25: Nope didn't fix it
[13:48:03] madfactor: they GF.
[13:48:33] madfactor: GF: you good with ivtv?
[13:50:12] directhex|work: if you actually say "GreyFoxx" instead of "GF", he gets a highlight to show someone's talking to him. this could be considered a good thing
[13:50:35] madfactor: GreyFoxx: You good with ivtv?
[13:51:04] kslater: directhex|work: lol
[13:51:12] madfactor: GreyFoxx: I thought I was done with my new box, now I have flicker in my capture.
[13:51:27] Dagmar: Are you sure the flicker is in the stream?
[13:51:29] directhex|work: of course, it's no guarantee, and it might make him want to beat you with a wooden spatula
[13:51:42] madfactor: dagmar: how can I tell?
[13:52:06] Dagmar: madfactor: Hit 'e' during playback, then down-arrow until you're at "1 frame" and step through a whole buncha frames one at a time
[13:52:58] eelriver (eelriver!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:54:52] madfactor: dagmar: trying now... if it is in the stream, then the flicker will be on a frame.
[13:55:11] Dagmar: Yep
[13:55:28] Dagmar: It'll be pretty obvious that there's something wrong with the stream when you're flipping through it one frame at a time
[13:55:36] madfactor: Yeah... I have one.
[13:55:45] Dagmar: You're using a framegrabber card, aren't you
[13:55:54] madfactor: ivtv PVR-150
[13:56:17] Dagmar: Which kernel?
[13:56:22] madfactor: 2.6.18
[13:56:30] Dagmar: Okay, and which version of ivtv?
[13:56:41] madfactor: I was using 0.10.1... it was working until this morning.
[13:56:54] madfactor: So I downgraded to 0.8.0
[13:57:03] madfactor: got the same problem.
[13:57:06] Dagmar: No, you don't want to downgrade
[13:57:12] Dagmar: Did you try _rebooting_?
[13:57:16] madfactor: Yeah...
[13:57:21] madfactor: three or four times.
[13:57:53] Dagmar: I got nothin then, other than a suggestion to check the syslog and see if the driver is saying anything weird, either when it inits the card, or while the card is in use
[13:58:01] DarthDam (DarthDam! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:58:14] madfactor: 0.10.1 wouldn't take the mpg_buffers parameter for some reason.
[13:58:39] madfactor: OH K... I'll recompile with 0.10.1 again.
[13:59:52] DD (DD! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:02:42] madfactor: nothing in syslog and nothing in mythbackend.log
[14:04:13] Dagmar: Maybe check that your cable company isn't screwing you
[14:04:18] Dagmar: Plug the coax directly into the TV
[14:04:54] madfactor: got a tv on the same run, feed is fine.
[14:05:07] madfactor: sucks it happened all of a sudden.
[14:07:25] madfactor: I'll play around wit my bios.
[14:07:57] Dagmar: BIOS won't affect it
[14:08:00] Dagmar: Power supply *might*
[14:08:11] Dagmar: The tuner card is just sending the PC a stream of mpeg data.
[14:08:29] Dagmar: Nothing going on inside your PC can affect that, unless non-sane settings are being applied to it
[14:08:56] Ruleke: flicker or snow ?
[14:09:11] madfactor: Not snow...
[14:09:48] Ruleke: k
[14:09:54] madfactor: It is kinda hard to explain... it looks kinda like vsync is off... there is horizontal banding; it is intermittent.
[14:11:02] Ruleke: check cabling anyway, stay with the version that worked, try powering down the machine or reloading the fw
[14:12:06] xzcvczx: yay south africa just beat pradaa
[14:13:40] Neeesat25: What key does Fastforward on keyboard?
[14:16:53] fryfrog: ff, not "skip"?
[14:17:02] fryfrog: humm, good question!
[14:17:07] Neeesat25: yes ff
[14:17:29] fryfrog: oops, my frontend with a remote is off :(
[14:17:43] fryfrog: you should be able to look at an lircrc file maybe?
[14:17:50] fryfrog: or use the mythweb key changer thing to figure out
[14:17:52] Neeesat25: I didn't see any FF button in manual
[14:18:21] Neeesat25: and I am making my own .lircd and dont know what to use
[14:18:29] Dagmar: So look in the keybindings
[14:19:25] directhex|work: i still need to do some work on the whole "remote" question
[14:19:25] Neeesat25: keybindings?
[14:20:25] PhilK (PhilK! has quit ()
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[14:22:52] Neeesat25: Dagmar:you mean Mythcontrol plugin?
[14:22:58] Dagmar: yes
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[14:23:03] cesman (cesman!n=cecil@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cesman) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:23:05] Neeesat25: didn't build it
[14:23:11] Neeesat25: I will though and see
[14:25:04] Dagmar: It's very handy, if for no other reason than that
[14:26:02] Neeesat25: building
[14:28:32] directhex|work: mythweb lets you see keybindings
[14:34:28] madfactor: Nothing has worked.
[14:34:42] madfactor: I am getting frustrated. (hehe)
[14:38:05] planktonboy: hi all
[14:38:46] Neeesat25: found it, it's <> keys
[14:38:57] gbee: Neeesat25: maybe it's just my key bindings, but I've got d doing rewind and f doing fastforward
[14:40:29] Neeesat25: nope nothing on me for f and d. Especialy if you press d it asks f you want to delete the recording
[14:40:49] Ruleke: :)
[14:41:14] gbee: guess I rebound them :)
[14:42:09] Neeesat25: :)
[14:56:50] Como: If anyone here is paying attention and knows what package qmake comes in, i'd love to know
[14:57:26] Smirnov (Smirnov! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:57:34] Dagmar: It comes with Qt
[14:57:34] directhex|work: qt3-dev-tools: usr/share/qt3/bin/qmake
[14:57:45] directhex|work: qt3-dev-tools: usr/bin/qmake-qt3
[14:58:17] Como|Lappy (Como|Lappy! has quit (No route to host)
[14:58:22] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:58:42] Como: so i need to locate and install Qt
[14:59:21] moh: Como: every modern distro should have these packages
[14:59:51] moh: directhex|work showed you the debian/ubuntu package names
[14:59:52] Como: im fairly ceartain that box is a slack 11 box
[15:00:09] Dagmar: Then you have qmake
[15:00:22] directhex|work: slackware is weird
[15:00:26] Dagmar: You just managed to do something dumb to break the PATH variable
[15:00:28] GreyFoxx: Slackware comes with QT3 and the qtmysql stuff
[15:00:38] Como: well i ran 'locate qmake' and it diddnt find it
[15:00:42] Dagmar: directhex|work: In this case, Slackware is very *vanilla*
[15:00:46] Dagmar: So what
[15:01:19] GreyFoxx: find /usr -name qmake
[15:01:22] Como: its probably not installed
[15:01:25] directhex|work: Dagmar, i mean generally weird. i had to mess with it during a test in a job interview. it was weird
[15:01:26] GreyFoxx: do a real search
[15:01:29] moh: como, you probably need a -dev package or something
[15:01:33] Como: GreyFoxx- still nothing
[15:01:40] GreyFoxx: Como: then you must have not installed it
[15:01:43] Dagmar: directhex|work: Trust me, it's _vanilla_
[15:01:58] Dagmar: directhex|work: You're just apparently used to using distros that dork around with everything before they install
[15:01:58] moh: what is slack's package manager? Still .tar.gz?
[15:02:06] Dagmar: .tar.gz is not a package manager
[15:02:21] GreyFoxx: moh: Slackare packages are tgz files, but there are several package managers
[15:02:26] directhex|work: .tar.gz is a way of life!
[15:02:27] Dagmar: Anyone not currently using Slackware should keep their mouths shut before I have to make you cry.
[15:02:46] ** Como strokes his slackware **
[15:02:49] GreyFoxx: heh
[15:02:53] Dagmar: Como: You only need the qt package installed.
[15:02:58] moh: wow, we found a few slack users. Blast from the past.
[15:03:16] directhex|work: anyway, i still think /etc/rc.d is an odd place for config files
[15:03:20] directhex|work: so sue me
[15:03:32] Como: Dagmar- what section in the slack install disk would that be in?
[15:03:38] GreyFoxx: init scripts do there, not config files
[15:03:45] Como: i assumed d/
[15:03:52] Como: but i guess i assumed wrong
[15:03:55] Dagmar: Como: Specifically, it's under patches/packages/ now since it's been updated to 3.3.8
[15:04:04] directhex|work: GreyFoxx, and network configuration
[15:04:19] Dagmar: directhex|work: That's leftover BSD-isms, which he's slowly moving away from
[15:04:23] GreyFoxx: directhex|work: True enough, the one config file since the init scripts are in there
[15:04:30] ** GreyFoxx LIKES the BSD like feel of it **
[15:04:36] Dagmar: directhex|work: I've carped on him a few times myself about mixing init scripts and configuration data in the same files
[15:04:53] Neeesat25: is Mythweb working ok with php5?
[15:05:01] GreyFoxx: though I personally just scrap the config and edit rc.inet1directly
[15:05:06] Neeesat25: or it needs php4?
[15:05:11] directhex|work: Dagmar, that and the one time i tried installing slackware, it decided i didn't need my keyboard anymore halfway through install
[15:05:15] directhex|work: Neeesat25, i use php5
[15:05:20] Neeesat25: ok thanks
[15:06:03] Dagmar: directhex|work: You and your USB keyboard should ahve known better
[15:07:52] directhex|work: Dagmar, why should we have needed to know better, though?
[15:08:18] directhex|work: Dagmar, anyway, there are far worse distributions out there than slackware. at least it has a sensible enough user base with a minimum of morons
[15:08:42] Dagmar: directhex|work: because it was a kernel problem, not a Slackware-specific problem.
[15:09:02] Dagmar: ...and as to the minimum of morons, that depends on how you're doing the measuring.
[15:09:15] Dagmar: Seems like a lot of them are just a different type of ricer from Gentoo, lately
[15:09:16] directhex|work: Dagmar, /j #debian
[15:09:52] directhex|work: Dagmar, worse than moron users are moron developers. i've had some heated "discussions" with the brain behind the 'kanotix' debian-based livecd
[15:12:19] Ruleke (Ruleke! has quit ("Leaving.")
[15:14:06] Dagmar: My favorite are the people who say they use Slackware for it's stability, and then the use swaret to upgrade to -current constantly.
[15:14:50] Como: i use it because its the first distro i accomplished anything in
[15:14:51] GreyFoxx: hehehe
[15:15:03] GreyFoxx: Dagmar: There are a few of those on the local LUG group
[15:15:09] Como: and now i know where all the basics are in it
[15:16:14] Como: too bad i cant remember the name of the package manager for a tgz right now
[15:16:53] Dagmar: dur installpkg
[15:17:49] Como: yeah, that one
[15:17:54] Como: i wish all installers were that easy
[15:18:05] Como: normally i get the tar.gz ones and configure and compile them
[15:18:12] Dagmar: Do not forget you will need to logout and log back in because he's still sticking this stuff in weird directoryes, so the profile script will need to massage $PATH a bit
[15:18:44] Como: im connected via ssh- opening a new session should do that, right?
[15:20:00] Como: doesnt appear to be complinging, woot
[15:20:06] Como: complaining, even
[15:21:53] Dagmar: This is fun
[15:21:57] Dagmar: A LTO salesman is here
[15:22:06] Pryon: LTO?
[15:22:15] Dagmar: Very cunningly explaining how they have a tape buyback program, and that they sell recertified media
[15:22:31] Dagmar: Those very expensive tape cartridges wot only hold about 400Gb
[15:22:37] Pryon: ah
[15:22:39] Como: yeah, used ltos! woo!
[15:22:55] Dagmar: *snicker*
[15:23:09] Como: crap, i forgot to order that lto-1 cleaner
[15:23:13] Beirdo: should buy a couple, see what data didn't get erased
[15:23:28] Dagmar: Ther'es also the matter of their 10-year warranty
[15:23:34] Como: distcc[18573] (dcc_get_hostlist) Warning: no hostlist is set; can't distribute work
[15:23:34] Como: distcc[18573] (dcc_build_somewhere) Warning: failed to distribute, running locally instead
[15:23:37] Como: is that really bad?
[15:23:41] Como: because i'm seeing alot of it
[15:23:42] Dagmar: I'm waiting for my guy to ask "So, why would we still be using these tapes even five years from now?"
[15:23:54] directhex|work: there's nothing wrong with tapes. there's a tape machine downstairs with a genuine dec-branded vt220 plugged into it!
[15:24:00] Dagmar: Como: Only if you expected distcc to do something
[15:24:20] Como: not sure what im expecting, i'm following this verly thinly filled out howto
[15:24:54] Como: i need to be able to record channel 6 or 13 in 2 weeks >_<
[15:26:16] Dagmar: Not really a problem
[15:26:48] Como: so basically i can ignore those?
[15:26:50] Como: :p
[15:27:27] Dagmar: Yeah, you can ignore the distcc thing, but basically, I'd just uninstall the distcc package if you don't need it. That should shut it up
[15:27:37] Como: heh
[15:27:41] Como: i like your solutions
[15:27:54] Dagmar: I've been using Slackware since just before 3.0 came out.
[15:28:27] Como: you would be my hero, then
[15:28:44] Como: 9.2 i think was the one ive used for basically my entire linux experiance
[15:29:39] Dagmar: I'm usually around relatively hideous hours
[15:30:00] Dagmar: LIke, midnight to noonish
[15:30:27] Dagmar: Before the weekend is up, if push comes to shove I can just make you 11.0 packages of this stuff
[15:30:32] Como: what time zone?
[15:30:41] Dagmar: My box is still running on 10.2, but it's not like I don't have other machines
[15:30:42] Dagmar: CST
[15:32:04] Como: so not far from here
[15:32:31] Como: well if this thin toturial pans out this box should be functional by tonight
[15:32:39] Como: but i think i still have to get the remote working
[15:33:50] Dagmar: You DID install the kernel-headers-2.6.x package, right??
[15:34:28] Dagmar: If you've still got the kernel-headers-–1.tgz one installed, certain things will not build correctly, if at all.
[15:35:03] Dagmar: You want kernel-headers-–1.tgz or kernel-headers-2.6.18-i386–1.tgz from extra/ or testing/ respectively
[15:35:13] Dagmar: It's a package.
[15:35:27] Dagmar: Just `ls /var/log/packages/kernel-headers*`
[15:35:50] Como: not there
[15:35:55] Dagmar: Note: This is not a package you normally upgrade... it has almost nothing to do with your acutal kernel
[15:36:17] Como: root@Mythbox:~# ls /var/log/packages/
[15:36:17] Como: qt-3.3.8-i486–1_slack11.0
[15:36:38] Dagmar: Okay, then you had better install kernel-headers-2.6.18-i386–1.tgz from testing/ on the CD, or kernel-headers-smp-–3.tgz from extra/ if you're running this on an SMP box
[15:36:53] Dagmar: You won't need to ever upgrade them, but you DO need one installed.
[15:37:12] Como: well then
[15:37:31] ** Como jumps on the slack ftp **
[15:37:43] Dagmar: ivtv and various parts of lirc will be dependent on that
[15:38:14] Como: crap
[15:38:20] Como: ive built both of those
[15:40:33] Dagmar: Do you have a USB ir reciever or a serial one?
[15:40:42] Dagmar: If it's a serial one, you don't need to worry about rebuilding lirc
[15:40:58] Como: the reciever plugs into the PVR-350
[15:41:05] Como: i assume its serial
[15:41:08] Dagmar: Okay, you don't need to rebuild it then
[15:41:18] Dagmar: It's acutally i2c or something equally esoteric IIRC
[15:41:26] Como: i2c, thats the one
[15:44:01] Como: mmmkay, i think i installed the package headers
[15:44:21] Como: ./var/log/packages/kernel-headers-2.6.18-i386–1
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[15:47:20] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
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[15:49:08] Neeesat25: I cant make mythweb connect
[15:49:21] Neeesat25: I get internal Server error
[15:49:32] directhex|work: what kind of internal server error?
[15:49:39] directhex|work: anything useful in your apache log, for example?
[15:49:53] Neeesat25: misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request
[15:50:40] Neeesat25: configuration error: co
[15:50:40] Neeesat25: uldn't check user. No user file?: /mythweb
[15:51:19] maxm: Neeesat25: the mod_auth_digest is not loaded
[15:52:20] Neeesat25: hmm
[15:52:28] maxm: Neeesat25: on my system it was: (either vi or use System sysconfig editor) edit the /etc/sysconfig/apache2 file, and add "auth_digest" to the APACHE_MODULES variable
[15:52:51] Como: build, thingy!
[15:53:16] maxm: Neeesat25: I think this new way of specifying modules via sysconfig is apache2 thing, and not suse specific, so see if that file (/etc/sysconfig/apache2) exists on your distribution
[15:53:47] Neeesat25: I use debian
[15:53:58] Neeesat25: I do not have such directory
[15:54:06] maxm: does it use apache 1.x or apache 2.x?
[15:54:22] Neeesat25: I use 2
[15:55:04] fryfrog: in ubuntu, it is /etc/apache2/
[15:55:05] directhex|work: you must've done something pretty weird when installing mythweb, since it configured itself for me
[15:55:15] fryfrog: and there is a "mods-available" and you symlink em to "mods-enabled"
[15:55:23] maxm: Neeesat25: searching google for "debian apache2 adding modules to load" finds tons of links like "managing apache2 modules the debian way"
[15:55:56] Neeesat25: I do not have this module
[15:56:08] Neeesat25: I use a2enmod
[15:56:13] Neeesat25: to load modules
[15:57:05] Neeesat25: wait just install it
[15:57:32] Neeesat25: What is the initial Username and Password of Mythweb?
[15:57:41] Dagmar: Como: Okay, that package will do. Remember you do NOT need to upgrade that again, ever. Normally if you were using a 2.4.x kernel you'd be using the kernel-headers- package, but since you're using a 2.6.x kernel you needed one of the two 2.6.x headers pakcages
[15:57:41] directhex|work: it doesn't have any
[15:57:48] directhex|work: unless you did weird things during installation
[15:59:03] Neeesat25: well it's asking me for username and password
[15:59:24] directhex|work: then you did weird things during installation
[15:59:43] directhex|work: as already evidenced by the fact that it wasn't working out of the box
[15:59:51] maxm: Neeesat25: you have to add one to the AuthUserFile you specified with whatever command for the auth method that you are using. If AuthType=Digest, then htdigest, if AuthType=Simple then htpasswd. Command syntax is something like "htdigest /path/to/passwd_file user realm" or such, do "man htdigest"
[16:00:16] Smirnov (Smirnov! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[16:00:52] maxm: Neeesat25: if you don't have your HTTP site open from the outside, just comment out the all the lines starting with Auth in the mythweb/.htaccess and it won't ask for username/password
[16:01:04] ** directhex|work wonders why/how people manage to overcomplicate simple things like installing 3 packages **
[16:02:53] Neeesat25: If I remove that line I get error again
[16:03:43] hound (hound!i=woof@pdpc/supporter/student/Hound) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:03:46] madfactor: crap
[16:04:11] Neeesat25: No such file or directory: could not open password file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd-passwords
[16:04:39] Neeesat25: thats what I get in error logs
[16:04:40] Como: Dagmar- you still around?
[16:05:03] hound (hound!i=woof@pdpc/supporter/student/Hound) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:05:51] Como: following along this little how-to ive done well so far- ./configure, qmake, make, make install, cd database, mysql -u root < mc.sql
[16:06:14] Neeesat25: If I remove all Auth lines then I get: configuration error: couldn't perform authentication. AuthType not set!: /mythweb
[16:06:18] Como: but the next step wants me to cd ../setup (the mythtv installing folder/setup)
[16:06:21] Como: and its not there
[16:06:41] kambei (kambei! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:07:12] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:07:12] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[16:08:57] GreyFoxx: ledd: voicemail.conf
[16:10:24] Dagmar: Como: Yep
[16:10:53] GreyFoxx: ledd: Sorry, I should read the whole message next time. Asterisk doesn't email you, whatever you installed is doing it. Using some prebuilt script or distro ?
[16:10:56] GreyFoxx: damn, again
[16:10:59] Dagmar: Como: Which guide?
[16:11:00] fryfrog: do you still need to do qmake
[16:11:04] fryfrog: i've never done that :/
[16:11:05] GreyFoxx: no
[16:11:13] GreyFoxx: haven't had to for a long time
[16:11:14] fryfrog: oic
[16:11:24] Dagmar: You don't anymore unless you've changed significantly
[16:11:38] Como: my how-to isnt working anymore :(
[16:11:40] fryfrog: whew :0
[16:11:54] Dagmar: Well, that's probably for the best
[16:12:35] Como: it means i dont know what im doing anymore
[16:12:37] Dagmar: You've created the initial database, you've installed lirc and ivtv, the next bits to do is basically run mythtv-setup
[16:13:08] Dagmar: So like, as root, startx and run mythtv-setup in an xterm
[16:13:21] Como: ...crap, that might be a hard start
[16:13:33] Dagmar: How so?
[16:13:58] Como: i dont have an easy way of viewing x right now
[16:14:13] Dagmar: You're stuck at a text console??
[16:14:24] Como: yes, i'm SSHd to the machine
[16:14:28] Dagmar: Ahh...
[16:14:38] Dagmar: Do you have Cygwin/X installed on that machine you're using?
[16:14:40] Como: i was using the TV as the console monitor, but my woman is currently watching a tv show
[16:15:03] Dagmar: Actually, I was assuming you're on a windows box
[16:15:06] Dagmar: This is easier if you're not
[16:15:17] Como: well, this laptop is a windows box :(
[16:15:17] Dagmar: But what are you sshing from?
[16:15:24] Dagmar: Okay, that's acutally fine.
[16:15:48] Dagmar: Go and download the installer on the right.
[16:16:01] Dagmar: that will actually get you an X server (as well as OpenSSH and bash) on Windows.
[16:16:22] Dagmar: You can then start the X server (the only thing you'll initially notice will be an "X" in the system tray)
[16:16:44] Dagmar: ...and use ssh tunneling to make the gui for mythtv-setup go from the myth box and appear on your Windows desktop
[16:18:00] ubuntuEdgy: dose mythv have issues with fglrx ati driver ?
[16:18:01] Smirnov (Smirnov! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:18:37] Dagmar: It makes Windows liveable, IMHO
[16:18:54] Dagmar: The thing's installer has a bit of dselect-madness (from Debian) going on, but it gets the job done
[16:19:01] Como: yeah, ive tried using slack on this thing like 18 times
[16:19:09] Como: i always wind up back in windows for this or that
[16:19:43] planktonboy: hi guys
[16:19:54] planktonboy: fryfrog, Dagmar :))
[16:19:57] Dagmar: heya
[16:20:30] fryfrog: planktonboy!
[16:21:21] planktonboy: my proayers have been answered by the way, just looking at trac and noticed that that libvisualllll extension to mythmusic has now been added to svn trunk
[16:21:31] planktonboy: prayers even :)
[16:21:36] Dagmar: Why so many l's?
[16:21:43] planktonboy: oops
[16:21:45] planktonboy: haha
[16:21:49] Dagmar: Okay.
[16:21:52] Como: ok, cgywin installed
[16:21:54] GreyFoxx: plant: IT was commited?
[16:21:58] planktonboy: bloody stubby fingers me :)
[16:22:16] Dagmar: Como: Okay, so now we get to bang on ssh a bit so that it will do the tunneling it's supposed to do
[16:22:24] Como: alright
[16:22:40] Dagmar: Como: you can do it with PuTTy, but we're gonna try using openssh for the sake of "maybe it'll just work"
[16:22:56] Como: i live by that sake
[16:23:12] Dagmar: Como: I assume you found the shortcut it made that calls c:cygwincygwin.bat, right?
[16:23:29] Como: yeah
[16:23:34] planktonboy: GreyFoxx I guess so,
[16:23:37] Como: its a nifty little terminal doodad
[16:23:49] Dagmar: That nifty terminal doodad is bash, yes?
[16:23:56] Como: looks fairly bash-like
[16:23:57] Dagmar: Dollar-sign prompt and all that
[16:24:00] Dagmar: Yep. That's bash
[16:24:06] Dagmar: complete with tab-completion
[16:24:10] Como: sexy.
[16:24:13] planktonboy: anyways...once I have time to update my ubuntu mythtv pc to svn we'll see :)
[16:24:45] planktonboy: still have to figure that out without messing up the existing setup
[16:24:49] Dagmar: Como: Okay, slap it with `startx` in that window. You *should* get a new shiny-white xterm in a moment
[16:25:13] Como: command not found
[16:25:18] planktonboy: will have to do some more reading up first though
[16:25:21] Como: its not connected to the mythbox
[16:25:34] Dagmar: It doesn't need to be yet
[16:25:41] Dagmar: I think maybe you left out actually installing the X server
[16:25:48] Como: hrmph
[16:26:24] Como: i just did defaults
[16:27:12] Como: running thru setup again if i look at X11 i can uninstall it
[16:27:13] Como: so its in
[16:28:25] Dagmar: So you should be able to type `startx` (without the backticks) in that bash shell and have it start the X server
[16:28:41] Dagmar: Lemme look at what's installed on mine
[16:28:59] Como: bash: startx: command not found
[16:29:03] Dagmar: Did you install X-startup-scripts?
[16:29:08] Neeesat25: how you set the AuthType for mythweb?
[16:29:11] Dagmar: It's the third thing in the X11 section
[16:29:43] Como: hard to tell
[16:29:58] planktonboy: anyways...gotta go clean up before the gf gets home
[16:30:08] planktonboy: cya later chaps :)
[16:30:08] Dagmar: Neeesat25: Look at the default .htaccess it ships with
[16:30:28] Dagmar: Como: The "Current" column will have a number in it if you installed it
[16:31:10] Como: err, hang on, i touched something
[16:33:47] Como: all of the current sections are blank
[16:33:59] Dagmar: Okay, so somehow you managed to have it not acutally install anything.
[16:34:11] Dagmar: When you click Next-> from there, it SHOULD spend some time downloading stuff
[16:34:11] Como: sure did alot of work for doing nothing, heh
[16:34:23] Dagmar: Maybe highlight more mirrors in the previous section
[16:35:55] Dagmar: I'm watching mine spend an age upgrading right now
[16:36:56] ubuntuEdgy: hi , i have installed fglrx drivers now i cant watch tv, it logs me out. i have tryd loading it with LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/fglrx/ mythfrontend
[16:36:59] Como: alright, its.... doing stuff
[16:37:14] Como: might just be a while
[16:39:11] Dagmar: Even if I have to disappear there's usually other people here familiar with what little it takes to do X tunneling with OpenSSH and Cygwin/X
[16:42:26] maxm: hmm I got a question here, is it possible to get mythtv Linux frontend to show TV in a resizable window, ie like xine or kaffeine does? Ie sometimes I want to watch full-screen from afar, but sometimes I want to read a web-site and watch TV on low volume in a smaller window alongside
[16:43:06] Dagmar: Yes, you'll note there's a checkbox for windowed mode in the setup menus
[16:43:10] maxm: I can get teh effect needed by editing the screen size in settings, but that is cybersome comparing to just resizing a window. Plus it takes long time to do "rescaling images"
[16:43:43] Dagmar: You're not likely to be able to resize the thing on the fly
[16:43:47] maxm: Dagmar: yes I already got that. But window is non-resizable, ie whatever size you specified in settings it stays.
[16:44:53] maxm: Is it possible for the front-end to launch xine/kaffeine for watching of recorder programs? I've searched gooogle and it mentions "mplayer" being the default player, but when I want tv with mythtv there is no mplayer process in "ps -eafl"?
[16:45:41] maxm: I know I can probably go and browse the recordings/ directory and find the video I want, but it would be nice if I can launch xine/kaffeine/whatever-player from "Recorded programs".
[16:45:44] Dagmar: You read old docs
[16:45:48] maxm: ahh
[16:45:50] Dagmar: Dig around in the setup menus
[16:46:03] gbee: maxm: no, it's not possible
[16:46:11] maxm: doh
[16:46:21] fryfrog: maxm: it depends on what you mean. you can't watch myth's recorded shows iwth myplayer/xine
[16:46:23] gbee: maxm: you can export the recordings to mythvideo and use that instead
[16:46:33] fryfrog: but you can watch stuff with *mythvideo* using xine/mpalyer
[16:46:48] fryfrog: why wouldn't you want to use myth's built in player, out of curiosity?
[16:47:03] Dagmar: He wants to be able to resize the player at will
[16:47:15] fryfrog: ah
[16:47:19] fryfrog: oh, duh i should read :p
[16:47:37] maxm: aha thanks for the info. So you saying the internally named ?????.mpg files in recording/ are not normal mpg's? I'm thinking of coming up with a script that creates a bunch of symbolic links named for the shows to these files, and then just using kaffeine to watch them
[16:47:50] fryfrog: maxm: they are normal
[16:47:59] Dagmar: If you have a PVR-xx0 card, they are normal mpg files and you can play them with whatever you want
[16:48:03] Como: heres a question, once i get X running in cygwin, what am i doing?
[16:48:08] fryfrog: you could just do a... mount -o bind /path/to/recordings /path/where/mythvideo/points
[16:48:10] maxm: ahh cool, and it should be possible to come up with an SQL query to get the file names right?
[16:48:19] Dagmar: Como: Then you're going to use that xterm and type `ssh -x mythboxname`
[16:48:24] gbee: maxm: they are normal mpegs, but you can't watch them in mythtv using xine/kaffeine unless you use mythvideo instead
[16:48:25] fryfrog: will already build symlinks for you
[16:48:29] fryfrog: no need to re-write it
[16:48:31] Dagmar: er... username@mythboxname that is
[16:48:44] kali67 (kali67! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:48:52] gbee: without the internal player you don't get the OSD, bookmarking, editing, watchlist etc i.e. all the integrated goodies
[16:48:53] fryfrog: bue sure you feed it --help, don't just run it
[16:49:00] ** maxm not yet investigated mythvideo, I don't quite get the concept. Why do you need mythvideo if recordings are already normal .mpg's? **
[16:49:20] maxm: fryfrog: aha thanks, that would save some time
[16:49:52] gbee: mythvideo is a plugin that was originally designed for watching ripped dvds and videos downloaded from the internet
[16:49:52] fryfrog: maxm: mythvideo is meant for people who watch say, .iso or .mpeg or .avi or something else they download
[16:50:02] Dagmar: Como: Once you've done that, and are ssh'd into the myth box, run `xterm` on the prompt you have from the mythbox and we'll see if you have to change anything else
[16:50:05] gbee: i.e. anything not recorded using mythtv
[16:50:08] fryfrog: maxm: and the recordings are not *always* .mpg
[16:50:22] Dagmar: Since when
[16:50:24] fryfrog: if you have a bitbanger card, they could be nuppel
[16:50:29] fryfrog: right?
[16:50:32] Dagmar: Oh yeah
[16:50:51] Dagmar: framegrabber cards mean you wind up with horrible old nipplevideo files
[16:51:55] maxm: thanks for the info guys. I little question tho, in case there is some kind of wishlist/etc, would be great if one can resize the player window on the fly, kind of like all the other players
[16:52:21] gbee: if all you want to do is resize the player, e.g. watching videos on a desktop whilst you work then that's what kaffeine et al are for
[16:52:24] kali67 (kali67! has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[16:52:25] kali67_ (kali67_! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:52:44] Dagmar: You really don't need the frontend at all for what you're doing
[16:52:46] maxm: for ppl like me who have 2 modes of wathich, like the tv (from the couch) and "watching videos from the computer" mode, ie from the same distance as you work on a computer
[16:53:03] Dagmar: Heck you could do a little jiggery pokery with samba and just watch the videos in your browser
[16:53:24] fryfrog: maxm: why botgher using the frontend if you are at the computer with it in a window?
[16:53:36] fryfrog: just use mplayer, xine or what ever and load up the program you want
[16:53:50] fryfrog: you can use --link to create a dir full of links that are named nicely
[16:53:51] maxm: Dagmar: well I kind of like the interface, plus I can't for the life of me get Kaffeine dvb support t scan any channels. mythtv the only thing that found the card and all the channels right away without hackery
[16:53:58] ubuntuEdgy: but how will xine connect to the backend ?
[16:54:04] Dagmar: It won't need to
[16:54:09] fryfrog: maxm: OHHH you want to watch livetv?
[16:54:11] ubuntuEdgy: how you mean
[16:54:16] fryfrog: not just recorded shows?
[16:54:26] fryfrog: ubuntuEdgy: it literally doesn't *need* anything from the be
[16:54:29] fryfrog: just the files
[16:54:36] Dagmar: For watching recording files, you can have the thing just read an nfs or samba mounted fileshare just fine
[16:54:36] maxm: fryfrog: well I only have mythtv installed for 2 days, so I guess I had not developed "dvr owner" mind yet
[16:54:38] fryfrog: so... nfs, smb, etc
[16:54:45] maxm: where you watch everything recorded
[16:54:49] Dagmar: ...and use mythweb
[16:54:54] fryfrog: maxm: ah, gotcha
[16:55:00] tzanger: I gotta get mythweb working
[16:55:03] fryfrog: maxm: well, the method we have been talkinga bout won't get you live tv
[16:55:07] tzanger: be a lot easier than fucking around with the remote
[16:55:09] fryfrog: but after a week or two, that'll be okay
[16:55:39] maxm: fryfrog: yes I understand.
[16:56:39] ubuntuEdgy: Dagmar: when you say "use mythweb2 what do you mean. download them from that ?
[16:57:16] Dagmar: No, I mean totem and xine can handle http:// urls that point to movie files fine
[16:57:19] maxm: found it seems to do exactly what I needed (with regards to recorded videos)
[16:57:25] maxm: thanks guys
[16:58:00] ubuntuEdgy: Dagmar: i would like to see that i have tryed it with no luck
[16:58:29] tzanger: speaking of which, I gotta figure out why ssh -CX mythbackendbox on a 384kbps link is so fucking slow
[16:58:32] Dagmar: Give it a few more years and it'll seem obvious
[16:58:35] ubuntuEdgy: but your right i can use mythweb to download the shows and watch them.
[16:58:35] tzanger: there isn't that much data going back and forth at 640x480
[16:58:50] Dagmar: tzanger: I'm suprised it works at all
[16:58:56] tzanger: Dagmar: why?
[16:59:20] Dagmar: Ack nevermind. I got -X and -x backwards again
[16:59:25] tzanger: heh
[16:59:27] Dagmar: But it IS quite a bit of data
[16:59:38] Dagmar: ...and it's being encrypted and decrypted
[16:59:41] tzanger: shouldn't be... at least not once it's loaded
[16:59:49] Dagmar: Whatever you sa
[16:59:50] tzanger: Dagmar: yeah that is true, I should try turning off encryption
[17:00:12] Dagmar: Don't think that's actually an option anymore but you can try
[17:00:57] Neeesat25: This thing is killing me. Now I have set the authorization but I get "The database environment variables are not correctly set in the webserver conf or .htaccess file"
[17:01:00] Dagmar: They don't list 'null' in the manpage anyumore
[17:01:29] robthebob (robthebob! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:01:34] tzanger: hahahha
[17:01:38] tzanger:
[17:01:44] Dagmar: Neesat: Those wouldl be the things like "setenv db_server "localhost"", again, in the .htaccess file
[17:02:58] ubuntuEdgy: Dagmar: is the backend able to stream the recoded shows, using mythweb to xine and other players.
[17:03:10] Dagmar: No and it doesn't need to.
[17:03:44] ubuntuEdgy: Dagmar: ok can we try it
[17:03:54] ubuntuEdgy: i will get a stre url from mythweb
[17:04:00] ubuntuEdgy: stream*
[17:04:01] Neeesat25: Dagmar: I have set .htaccess as said in the howto now I get access correctly but I have this error window
[17:04:59] xris: tzanger: pretty sure that site was there LONG before there was a mythweb.
[17:05:06] xris: well, a mythtv mythweb.
[17:05:07] tzanger: probably
[17:05:20] Dagmar: ubuntuEdgy: There's no "we" in this.
[17:05:23] Rico (Rico! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:05:40] maxm: isn't mythweb showing the URL's like so: myth://localhost:1234/whatever.mpg? I initially thought "cool I can watch from the browser" but then clicked on it and I have no "myth://" protocol in konqueror. Or is myth:// changable to http:// somehow?
[17:05:46] Dagmar: Neeesat25: Well, look at those four variables it mentions. Make sure they are set correctly.
[17:06:05] Dagmar: xris: Good morning and enjoy your day I'm fleeing now. heh
[17:06:10] xris: :)
[17:06:32] Dagmar: You can.
[17:06:36] Dagmar: It won't *do* anything, but you can.
[17:06:58] ubuntuEdgy: ok i need it "too"
[17:07:11] ubuntuEdgy: what do i place for it "too"
[17:07:36] Dagmar: Use a flange filter and an echo box and call it "EX-TREEEME"
[17:08:10] ubuntuEdgy: ok can you break that down
[17:08:28] ubuntuEdgy: i didnt understand a word you wrote.
[17:08:34] Dagmar: I feel the same way.
[17:10:19] tzanger: ahhh mythweb so much nicer
[17:10:32] ubuntuEdgy: ohh i see you having one of you're "those days again"
[17:11:01] Dagmar: No, I'm having a "I don't do hand-holding and I never said I would tell you how to modify mythweb to make this happen" day.
[17:11:14] Dagmar: ...and you still screw up basic English.
[17:11:18] goreguts: but isnt that just every day
[17:11:20] ubuntuEdgy: tzanger: in-int just
[17:11:24] Dagmar: It just leaves me too much room to play.
[17:11:30] `rib: Can myth capture directly from mini-dv camcorders? Is there a special module that I need to load. I've installed and setup the latest version of KnoppMyth and it works great.
[17:12:01] `rib: I've tried googling and going through the docs; I find lot's of inference, but no details.
[17:12:05] Dagmar: `rib: It should be able to deal with firewire input without any major hassle, but I've zero idea about the specifics because I'm not currently using firewire for anything
[17:12:10] ubuntuEdgy: Dagmar: i have better thing to do ;)
[17:12:18] goreguts: what kind of output does the camcorder have?
[17:12:30] goreguts: is it composite out?
[17:12:31] `rib: firewire
[17:12:36] Dagmar: `rib: You will have to basically make up a channel for it, I suspect
[17:13:06] goreguts: cant you tell the firewire "tuner" to just record whatever it is taking in?
[17:13:20] Dagmar: He should be able to
[17:13:38] xris: goreguts: camcorder firewire signal is not the same as cablebox firewire signal
[17:13:39] Dagmar: ...but it'll be hard to tell it what to look at without there being a phony channel to point it at.
[17:13:46] `rib: by tuner you mean...  ?
[17:13:49] Dagmar: xris: Oh it can't be done like that?
[17:13:50] `rib: xris: yeah, I figured that
[17:13:51] xris: camcorder is rawdv, and presumably a completely different protocol
[17:13:58] Dagmar: Ohhhhh
[17:14:11] `rib: yeah, XP and OSX have built in "record from" functionallity
[17:14:12] goreguts: oh, i figured it was the same
[17:14:24] maxm: answering my own question, the way mythweb displays URL's is configurable vie mythweb->settings. It tries to automatically determine if to display a file:// link or myth:// link, for some reason it displays myth:// link for me, but you can specify any prefix there. So I just did file://my-recordings/dir
[17:14:40] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:15:23] goreguts: there has got to be a linux program that can capture from a camcorder over firewire, do you NEED mythtv to do it?
[17:16:22] `rib: well, it looks like "dvgrap" / "kino" will record from mini-dv
[17:16:45] `rib: I was hoping that someone had cobbled togethor a module to do that though..
[17:16:47] Dagmar: maxm: Good show... you figured it out.  :)
[17:17:08] Dagmar: maxm: Other people can't even find the docs. Heh
[17:17:17] xris: goreguts: plenty of camcorder programs
[17:17:56] jvs (jvs! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:18:02] xris: tzanger: commfree is for marking channels like hbo that don't have commercials, so commflag just doesn't run (saves cpu)
[17:18:24] tzanger: xris: ahh... okay. (wasn't sure if this was a user or dev question)
[17:19:59] xris: tzanger: if it's not about the code, it's here.  :)
[17:21:35] madfactor: does anyone know in ivtv .10.1 why the mpg_buffers and vbi_buffers parameters would be unavailable during default compile? They are listed in modules.txt
[17:22:08] Dagmar: They were probably deprecated
[17:22:34] `rib: well, looks like Kino has an irc channel over at; I'll poke around and shout back
[17:22:51] Dagmar: ...or more likely, *renamed*
[17:23:18] madfactor: dagnar: maybe, but the doc file in the tarball still shows em.
[17:23:20] madfactor: weird
[17:24:06] Dagmar: madfactor: `modinfo ivtv`
[17:24:14] Dagmar: *that* is what you want to trust
[17:24:45] Dagmar: Basically, those options were deprecated and two new ones took each of their polaces
[17:24:53] madfactor: yeah...
[17:25:09] Dagmar: s/polaces/places/;
[17:25:38] madfactor: yeah... mpg_buffers is now enc_mpg_buffers
[17:25:41] madfactor: thanks man!
[17:25:42] madfactor: :)
[17:26:56] madfactor: now I'm not getting any sound.
[17:27:15] madfactor: I am thinking about putting the old box back online!
[17:28:40] Dagmar: wheee time to flee the office
[17:29:19] `rib: goreguts- yeah there are a couple of capture programs, but one of my pseudo-technical buddies wants this functionallity
[17:29:38] Dagmar: Well...
[17:30:04] Dagmar: Build a second box and use it to convert the DV output to S-video, and then feed that s-video output into the input of your encopder card
[17:30:36] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[17:32:03] `rib: I know there's also a Linux video editing live cd-
[17:33:15] `rib: thanks for all of the information
[17:33:29] `rib: I'll pass him a copy of the LiveCD and see if that works for him
[17:48:01] Neeesat25 (Neeesat25! has quit ()
[17:48:08] madfactor: what would cause no sound?
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[17:55:04] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has quit ("Remember, you're unique, like everyone else")
[17:55:14] juski: all back from Alton Towers alive & in one piece :)
[17:57:24] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:58:16] madfactor: what would cause no sound in the ivtv encode?
[17:59:14] juski: if you're using an external video input, not plugging the audio cable in
[17:59:41] juski: otherwise, wrong video standard, wrong tuner type, firmware not loaded..
[18:00:43] ubuntuEdgy: juski can you give me a hand
[18:00:59] ubuntuEdgy: when itry to watch live tv i get logged out.
[18:01:11] juski: ubuntuEdgy: using compiz eh? stop using compiz
[18:01:15] ubuntuEdgy: is there any log i can view to see why
[18:01:32] ubuntuEdgy: juski: using bery, i have tryed stoping it
[18:01:34] juski: mythtv is making X crash, cos of silly 3d desktop rubbish
[18:01:56] juski: disable the 3d desktop rubbish & it should be fine again
[18:01:56] ubuntuEdgy: beryl*
[18:01:59] juski: seen it myself
[18:02:19] ubuntuEdgy: ok so its not the fglrx driver ?
[18:02:36] juski: haha could be that too
[18:02:57] juski: no point asking me, I'm ATI-ophobic
[18:03:12] ubuntuEdgy: ahhhh it plays on the gnome session but the live tv slows very slow
[18:03:32] juski: best thing to do would be to get a nvidia card
[18:03:32] ubuntuEdgy: cheers now i know why it dose this
[18:03:57] ubuntuEdgy: yeh i plan on upgrading soon
[18:04:15] madfactor: It is analog cable, us-cable tunings.
[18:06:10] ubuntuEdgy: radeon 9550 just don't cut it these days.
[18:06:59] ubuntuEdgy: 100% agree
[18:07:47] juski: since then I've been a vehement opposer of everything ATI
[18:08:57] juski: madfactor: well, if you cat /dev/video0 to a file & play the file, does it have audio as well as a picture?
[18:09:13] ubuntuEdgy: you knwo i can play games very good on windows with just a 9550 , i was very impressed with that. it only cost me £30
[18:09:27] juski: I just learned that my promo video had typos :(
[18:09:37] juski: got to re-render & re-upload it
[18:10:16] sebrock (sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:10:36] ubuntuEdgy: im off to play some games, then go out :)
[18:11:00] juski: alton towers was effing ace today
[18:11:20] juski: all the signs said waiting times were 0 minutes. they weren't lying
[18:12:24] ubuntuEdgy: lol cool
[18:13:03] ubuntuEdgy: what rides you went on
[18:13:16] juski: all the big-uns – twice each
[18:13:36] juski: Oblivion, Nemesis, Rita, Air
[18:13:50] juski: original Corkscrew, Spinball Whizzer
[18:13:59] juski: good value for money today :D
[18:14:18] ** sandeen googles to find out if this is some online game or meatspace... decides on meatspace **
[18:14:23] fryfrog: anyone know of a good place to find replacement bulbs for projectors and rear projection tvs?
[18:14:59] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit ("Client exiting")
[18:15:14] ubuntuEdgy: Nemesis is good.
[18:15:28] juski: doesn't scare me the same way Oblivion does.
[18:15:58] juski: oh btw we got at the front of Ob & nemesis both times. You think it won't make that much diff at first but god we were wrong about that!
[18:17:21] ubuntuEdgy: lol its very scary at the front, the back is good me
[18:17:40] juski: apparently they're doing a new service thing where you can wear an RFID wriststrap & they cut your ride footage into a DVD
[18:20:17] juski: you seen Rita yet? the look on peeps faces as it pulls away..
[18:20:17] juski: :D
[18:20:34] juski: talking turns to screams in < 0.5 sec
[18:20:41] hound: Has anybody seen problems where non-encrypted HD streams come up with the "error playing video" and then it backs out of livetv. All I'm seeing for an error is:Ringbuf ... Invalid file (fd -1) when opening ...
[18:20:56] juski: hound: bad signal?
[18:21:49] hound: juski, nope, it's a good signal from cabletv line. I can play OTA broadcasts fine actually
[18:21:51] thufir007 (thufir007! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:22:31] juski: ok then maybe it's intermittently bad ...
[18:22:52] juski: or maybe the card just hasn't got a lock on it fast enough
[18:23:02] ubuntuEdgy: cya later
[18:23:34] juski: have fun ubuntuEdgy :)
[18:23:55] ** juski makes yet more music for the promo video **
[18:24:02] hound: My impression is it's luck of the draw if the program table is setup in way things just happen to work. I can consistently get certain channels, wihle others I can test and see they work with VLC
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[18:28:22] DarthDam (DarthDam! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[18:30:52] juski: evening xris. got yer email. working on it now :)
[18:33:01] Smirnov (Smirnov! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:33:52] S2: hi juski
[18:34:06] S2: do you remember my problem with the image wrapping around the screen?
[18:34:10] juski: yup
[18:34:14] juski: fix it?
[18:34:34] S2:
[18:34:37] S2: yes
[18:34:49] S2: i don't know if you care, but it was a driver problem
[18:34:51] a5benwillis: Hello, I'm having problems getting my twinhan 1020a to scan through a diseqc switch. It seemed to work once, right after being off ffor a while.
[18:34:59] juski: thought it might be a drivery issue
[18:35:17] S2: here is the fix
[18:35:38] S2: the openchrome people where very quick to fix it
[18:36:01] juski: they're really nice like that :)
[18:36:07] S2: yes :)
[18:36:43] S2: a5benwillis, you should ask in #linuxtv or #v4l
[18:37:00] a5benwillis: But my problem is with Mythtv and my Twinhan card.
[18:37:02] S2: a5benwillis, or does it happen only in myth?
[18:37:08] Smirnov (Smirnov! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:37:21] S2: did you try to scan with the dvb scan utility?
[18:37:49] a5benwillis: yes, before rebuilding the box.
[18:37:51] a5benwillis: same results
[18:38:10] juski: well, if it won't work with the dvb scan util it certainly ain't gonna in mythtv
[18:39:16] a5benwillis: well, I have a different card coming because I think that this model must be junk.
[18:39:38] a5benwillis: SkyStar2 card is supposed to be better.
[18:44:43] fysa: you try using an amp?
[18:44:51] fysa: maybe there's too much of a drop in that switch.
[18:46:11] tzanger: hmm, mythtranscode likes to segfault
[18:47:27] tzanger: is the tempdir it wants automatically created somewhere?
[18:48:34] xris: tzanger: it usually just uses the same dir as the recording
[18:48:43] tzanger: this is through nuvexport
[18:48:49] tzanger: I'm looking at the code atm
[18:48:52] xris: tzanger: that's not mythtranscode, then
[18:48:52] tzanger: I can see it checking the dir
[18:48:54] tzanger: not creating it yet
[18:48:56] xris: nuvexport uses the current directory
[18:48:56] tzanger: xris: yes it is
[18:49:00] tzanger: it runs mythtranscode
[18:49:04] xris: or the output directory
[18:49:12] xris: tzanger: (I know how nuvexport works, I wrote it)
[18:49:19] tzanger: ooh
[18:49:22] tzanger: awesome
[18:49:31] tzanger: what creates the fifodir_[pid] ?
[18:49:34] xris: tzanger: but nuvexport and mythtranscode use different thingss for tmp stuff
[18:49:40] xris: tzanger: that's nuvexport. and it just uses /tmp
[18:49:52] tzanger: well, nuvexport executes the command /usr/bin/nice -n19 /usr/local/bin/mythtranscode --showprogress -p autodetect -c 1265 -s 2007-04-22-13-45–00 -f "/tmp/fifodir_8938/" --honorcutlist --fifosync 2>&1
[18:50:22] xris: tzanger: yes. that's special. and not tmp files..
[18:50:27] xris: well, sort of
[18:50:28] tzanger: ?
[18:50:33] xris: anyway, it goes to /tmp
[18:50:37] tzanger: trying to encode to xvid... it seems to do pass 1
[18:50:38] xris: and nuvexport creates the fifidor
[18:50:43] tzanger: but then segfaults
[18:51:00] tzanger: xris: ok, I need to see why mythtranscode is barfing then, it seems to be because the fifodir isn't there
[18:51:00] xris: read the "debug" section of the nuvexport page on the mythtv wiki
[18:51:03] tzanger: but I have to check agian
[18:51:16] xris: tzanger: nuvexport cleans up after itself.. removes directories, etc.
[18:51:22] xris: fifodir will only exist while things are running
[18:51:29] tzanger: right I understand that :-)
[18:51:33] tzanger: it's actually very nice that way
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[18:53:16] tzanger: ok yes the first thing it does is mkdir the fifodir
[18:54:22] tzanger: hmm
[18:54:24] tzanger: cat /tmp/fifodir_9118/audout > /dev/null
[18:54:31] tzanger: why does it show that in the debug output?
[19:00:50] DD (DD! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:02:15] Nostra is now known as Leoric
[19:02:15] juski: well, seen as I've got this video to re-render, might aswell be voiceover man
[19:02:28] Leoric is now known as Nostra
[19:02:55] Nostra is now known as Leoric
[19:03:39] Leoric is now known as Le0ric
[19:04:38] d0lph1nK1ng (d0lph1nK1ng! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:04:59] d0lph1nK1ng: anyone know what driver to install for an ATI TV Wonder Elite tv tuner card?
[19:05:05] Le0ric (Le0ric! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[19:07:00] hound (hound!i=woof@pdpc/supporter/student/Hound) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:07:00] juski: don't do it Ethel!
[19:08:36] Le0ric: hi
[19:14:55] fysa: ask google about KnoppMyth, Le0ric.
[19:16:11] juski: ask google about IRC ettiquette too
[19:16:46] jduggan_: juski: liking the new VM osd?
[19:16:48] jduggan_: =]
[19:17:50] gr33npho4nix (gr33npho4nix! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:18:55] juski: VM osd?
[19:19:12] juski: virgin media? don't think we've got it yet
[19:19:24] juski: it's no doubt poo-tastic
[19:20:10] juski: ah fuck. my mic channel was clipped
[19:20:23] kbidd (kbidd! has quit ("Leaving")
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[19:24:29] lapland is now known as lapland|AWAY
[19:30:21] tld2: What am I *actually* supposed to answer to the mythfilldatabase --manual questions?
[19:30:36] tld2: callsign?
[19:31:09] a5benwillis: Can someone tell me where apache's conf.d folder exists in Ubuntu?
[19:33:10] tzanger: a5benwillis: find / -name conf.d -type d ?
[19:33:24] tld2: Hmm. Noone actually knows? *smiles*
[19:34:27] a5benwillis: tzanger: worked great thanks!
[19:35:07] goreguts: . /etc/apache2/conf.d ??
[19:35:42] TheOuch (TheOuch!i=dfrascon@nat/cisco/x-5da7d990914bf046) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:35:54] RaYmAn-Bx: that's certainly where it is on my ubuntu-server install
[19:36:35] TheOuch: Got my remote working yesterday . . . sweet . . . BUT — for some reason, every now and then it stops working for a minute or so . . . then starts again
[19:36:58] TheOuch: while it's dead, irw shows no output, so it's probably lircd that's getting blocked — any ideas?
[19:38:36] juski: xris: I've only gone & done a bloody voiceover
[19:39:41] tzanger: hahaha I'm an idiot
[19:39:48] tzanger: I sat here for over an hour waitin gfor mythtranscode to finish
[19:40:00] tzanger: not realizing what nuvexport was actually doing (forking to three processes)
[19:43:17] juski: okeeeeees. I'd call that a cut
[19:44:53] juski: I could hardly even say 'check weather forecasts' & keep a straight face
[19:45:25] Zider (Zider! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[19:50:59] tzanger: xris: ok it seems that mythtranscode segfaults after the video fifo is closed on the receiving (ffmpeg's) end
[19:52:16] [F4U|Leoric] ([F4U|Leoric]! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:53:47] Como: Dagmar- heres a long shot- you still here?
[19:54:32] fysafysa (fysafysa! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:55:09] xris: tzanger: odd
[19:55:18] tzanger: now it's not latest svn
[19:55:19] xris: juski: voiceover?
[19:55:44] fysafysa (fysafysa! has quit (Client Quit)
[19:56:00] tzanger: xris: it's r12963 which is what minimyth works with (past that 20-fixes did a protocol change)
[19:56:03] Como: looks like hes gone to work
[19:57:26] juski: xris: yeah I had a go. first time in ages in front of a mic but I think it's come out ok
[19:57:39] juski: I can upload a sample if you wanna laugh
[19:59:37] juski:
[20:06:11] tzanger: i.e. using nuvexport in user job 1
[20:06:38] xris: tzanger: auto transcode is for myth's internal transcode stuff
[20:06:55] a5benwillis: Can I install Mythweb under Ubuntu WITHOUT installing all of the deps?
[20:07:06] a5benwillis: using apt-get
[20:07:07] tzanger: xris: ahh okay so if I'm using user jobs to transcode I should uncheck that
[20:07:18] juski: a5benwillis: nope. that's why they're dependencies
[20:07:23] tzanger: (I never did see it auto transcode with its internal stuff... all my nuvs are huge)
[20:07:43] a5benwillis: arg, ok, thanks!
[20:08:27] tanq (tanq! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:08:32] juski: optional dependencies.. that'd be a new one
[20:08:48] xris: tzanger: probably a good idea.
[20:09:11] xris: tzanger: if you don't configure the transcode profile, or are recording nuv files by default, you get lossless transcode...
[20:09:20] xris: it's only for removing commercials
[20:09:29] Le0ric (Le0ric! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:09:34] tzanger: hmm
[20:10:48] tzanger: ok, so just so I'm clear... if I want to record, zap commercials and convert to xvid with nuvexport, I would auto-flag commercials, NOT auto-transocde, and then select user job 1 (which is nuvexport-xvid
[20:11:00] juski: xris: so anyway I gather that rar (ugly as hell I know) unpacked ok. I'll have to do the same again cos the server resets on me otherwise
[20:11:16] xris: juski: yeah, it went fine
[20:11:19] xris: but that's REALLY weird
[20:11:32] Como: does anyone know the hotkey to initiate an xterm inside fluxbox?
[20:12:05] juski: xris: I think it's more a kind of limit the server has. I should have words with the admin about it
[20:12:30] xris: juski: it's weird. shouldn't have limits like that
[20:14:45] gardengnome (gardengnome! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:14:46] gardengnome: re
[20:14:47] juski: well, it's a freebie so I can't complain too much
[20:14:57] gardengnome: hey juski
[20:15:07] juski: hey gardengnome. how's things?
[20:15:26] gardengnome: juski: finals are over and i have beer. life is good. :)
[20:15:32] juski: wooo
[20:15:48] juski: we treated ourselves to a theme park visit today. white knuckles all round :)
[20:16:08] mtnbkr (mtnbkr!i=mtnbkr@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x63A94EDC) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:16:18] gardengnome: heh, i had some of those too this morning. ;)
[20:16:27] Como: bah, they're not working
[20:17:14] Como: Okay, the other option Dagmar was trying to walk me thru before i dissappeared is apparently i can ssh to the box with cygwin and open the X session locally- anyone know how?
[20:17:36] feopathy: Hey, I've just installed MythTV, and it seems to be working great, but I can't get my head around one bit. My scheduled recordings do not show up in "watch recordings"
[20:17:39] feopathy: any ideas anyone?
[20:17:57] gardengnome: feopathy: have they been recorded?
[20:18:17] feopathy: gardengnome: yes, i can even delete them from the status page and the advert detection job shows up
[20:18:34] juski: . . . ecordings.3F
[20:18:43] gardengnome: feopathy: hit "m" and choose a different recordings group
[20:19:28] feopathy: cheers guys, legends
[20:19:40] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has quit ("Leaving")
[20:21:13] juski: legend in my own lunchbreak, me
[20:21:14] juski: :)
[20:21:56] mtnbkr: anyone using mythtv on gentoo? Is there a command line option or USE variable to be able to build something in the contrib dir (like mythnotify) during the emerge process?
[20:22:15] d0lph1nK1ng: anyone know what driver to install for an ATI TV Wonder Elite tv tuner card?
[20:22:37] Como: sounds like a framegrabber
[20:22:52] opello: mtnbkr: /usr/share/mythtv/contrib should have the stuff you want
[20:22:53] sdlnxgk (sdlnxgk! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:24:14] mtnbkr: opello: funnything... the mythnotify dir is not there. but it IS in the ebuild's .gz file in /usr/portage/distfiles dir
[20:24:33] ** mtnbkr triple checks /usr/share/mythtv/contrib **
[20:24:52] opello: mtnbkr: odd :/
[20:25:22] mtnbkr: opello: yeah. That's what I thought. :)
[20:25:47] TheOuch (TheOuch!i=dfrascon@nat/cisco/x-5da7d990914bf046) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:26:26] Ribs (Ribs!n=ribs@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:27:17] feopathy (feopathy! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[20:27:25] mtnbkr: so I have to manually uncompress the saved ebuild, then cd to the contrib/mythnotify dir and make ... even if it were in the /usr/share/mythtv/contrib dir, I guess there is no "buildcontribs" USE flag or somesuch, huh? I looked through the ebuild file and saw nothing along those lines. :)
[20:28:25] opello: "doins contrib/*" (at least in the version i used) must have only got the first dir too
[20:28:54] opello: i don't know the behavior well enough to suggest a fix though
[20:29:44] opello: i guess i wouldn't expect it to automatically build them, but at least get them all copie dover
[20:29:50] opello: copied over*
[20:29:56] mtnbkr: opello: the reason I ask is that the README in the contryibe/mythnotify dir mentions that he had to patch mythbackend to listen on a UDP port to hear the notifications from the callerid program
[20:30:43] mtnbkr: wow my typing is bad today... contryibe???? sheesh... heh
[20:30:46] opello: sounds like you'll have to recompile myth with that patch then
[20:31:25] Daviey (Daviey!n=Daviey@unaffiliated/daviey) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:32:08] mtnbkr: opello: right... which means I will need to be careful on future emerge -uDva worlds Was hoping for the easy way out.. heh
[20:32:30] opello: yeah :) or you could just package.mask all future versions
[20:33:03] opello: leaving yourself a comment as to why of course
[20:33:07] mtnbkr: lol
[20:33:14] mtnbkr: now THAT is easy
[20:33:51] opello: at least you wouldn't haphazardly clobber it :)
[20:34:41] mtnbkr: I just re-read the readme... he mentions the patch is for the "mythtv task" which, since it is for an OSD I'd guess he means the patch is for the mythfrontend and not the backend
[20:34:42] mtnbkr: opello: yeah, I hear ya.
[20:35:11] opello: yeah i was just looking too, and he doesn't seem to include a .patch though
[20:35:53] tzanger: hmm
[20:37:43] tzanger: the transcodes would put the .avi elsewhere in the system... does nuvexport update the "recorded programs" table hten so I don't lose it?
[20:38:01] mtnbkr: opello: yeh, and I just realized that a broadcast on the network from my machine that has the modem attached will never reach the other vlan(s) where wirless FE's live
[20:38:44] mtnbkr: maybe I will email him. :)
[20:40:30] Como: ctrl alt backspace will kill X locally- how can i kill it remotely?
[20:40:59] mtnbkr: Como: are root do kill X
[20:41:22] mtnbkr: s/are/as/g
[20:41:35] opello: mtnbkr: looks like the 'port 6948' stuff is built in already (grep the source)
[20:41:38] Como: oh hey, it worked
[20:41:50] Como: right, the case-sensitiveness
[20:41:55] Como: i always fail at that
[20:42:40] mtnbkr: opello: heh... in a rush earlier, I ran a netstat -ulpn on the master backend and didn't see anything listening on that port. Never thought (until just now) to check a machine running the FE.
[20:43:15] opello: yeah i checked my combined frontend/backend and it wasn't there, but it looks like there should be something to configure in the settings pages
[20:43:52] opello: programs/mythfrontend/globalsettings.cpp
[20:44:46] mtnbkr: well... Looks like this is going to be tonight's project... Was hoping for a quick "make install" Now my client's network re-design will have to wait... heh
[20:45:11] mtnbkr: ...and I am supposed to start on it tomorrow morning... sigh...
[20:48:53] lapland|AWAY is now known as lapland
[20:52:18] madfactor: I need some major help.  :)
[20:54:13] sebrock (sebrock! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:54:52] goreguts (goreguts! has quit ()
[20:57:13] janneg (janneg! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:57:16] Como: dont we all
[20:57:44] madfactor: laugh
[21:00:47] kunwon1 (kunwon1!n=kunwon1@unaffiliated/kunwon1) has quit ()
[21:01:25] madfactor: I think I am having trouble ivtv-mythtv where mythtv is setting the freq table incorrectly.
[21:02:16] Como: well i cant finish configuring mythtv because i cant load X on my remote system, and i dont have a keyboard/mouse on the local one
[21:02:32] madfactor: Ohhh!
[21:03:07] Como: which means im nowheres near as far along as you, and am therefore clueless
[21:04:45] gardengnome: madfactor: so, how does that problem manifest itself?
[21:06:15] PhilK (PhilK! has quit ()
[21:08:26] d0lph1nK1ng: anyone know what driver to install for an ATI TV Wonder Elite tv tuner card?
[21:09:16] Como: d0lph1nK1ng – follow the generic howto in documentation for a framegrabber
[21:10:18] zdzisekg (zdzisekg! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:12:52] runingman84 (runingman84! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:13:15] runingman84: hello
[21:13:29] runingman84: since my last sys update I am unable to record anything
[21:13:35] runingman84: 2007-04–24 23:03:32.871 TVRec(1): Changing from None to RecordingOnly
[21:13:35] runingman84: 2007-04–24 23:03:32.880 TVRec(1): HW Tuner: 1->1
[21:13:35] runingman84: 2007-04–24 23:03:32.907 Channel(/dev/video): SetInputAndFormat() failed
[21:13:46] runingman84: do you have any ideas?
[21:15:35] janneg (janneg! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:17:50] ** juski renders again **
[21:24:12] d0lph1nK1ng: Como, what's a frame grabber?
[21:24:21] madfactor: gardengnome: the picture flicker
[21:24:25] madfactor: gardengnome: the picture flickers
[21:24:39] madfactor: gardengnome: the higher the channel, the worse it is...
[21:24:45] Como: d0lph1nK1ng- any tv capture device thats not a hardware encoder, from what i gather
[21:25:06] madfactor: gardengnome: but only through mythtv; just a straight cat capture from the device works good.
[21:25:20] d0lph1nK1ng: Como, my tv tuner is hardware encoder tho
[21:25:33] Como: hardware encoder on an ati card? somehow i dont believe that
[21:26:40] d0lph1nK1ng: Como, ...ATI’s superior all-hardware MPEG encoding enables more video content to be recorded to a...
[21:28:23] tuxinator_linux is now known as tuxd00d
[21:28:29] Como: doesnt look like a hardware card
[21:28:34] Como: theres very little hardware on it
[21:28:47] Como: and no heatsink, which makes one wonder how much work it does
[21:29:48] lapland (lapland! has quit (Connection timed out)
[21:30:13] d0lph1nK1ng: damnit, i knew i shoulda bought the Hauppage 150
[21:30:22] d0lph1nK1ng: thats a hardware card, right?
[21:30:35] _sh3 (_sh3!i=_sh3@gateway/tor/x-3402ee08e13610e8) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:31:09] Como: yes
[21:31:30] Como:
[21:31:33] Como: thats your card?
[21:32:08] Como: . . . auppauge.jpg
[21:32:15] Como: thats a typical hardware card
[21:32:24] Como: note all the hardware on there
[21:34:10] d0lph1nK1ng: looks like i got duped
[21:34:48] Como: its entirely possible you're correct
[21:35:03] Como: but im gonna vote no
[21:35:20] Como: i lack the effort to fully research the situation
[21:35:35] d0lph1nK1ng: thats the official site
[21:36:29] Como:
[21:36:36] Como: well, its claiming to be a hardware encoder
[21:37:43] Como: it really doesnt look like one to me
[21:37:47] _sh3 (_sh3!i=_sh3@gateway/tor/x-4af2c7b260212970) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:38:59] Jinx (Jinx! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:39:07] Como: Advanced personal video recording capabilities and superior lower-bitrate MPEG-2 encoding enables more video content to be recorded to a single DVD-R/DVD-RW disk.
[21:39:08] Perdignus (Perdignus! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:39:31] Perdignus: What am I missing in apache2 if I just get a directory listing for mythweb?
[21:40:40] Como: i'd say its a hardware enchanced software encoder
[21:42:15] juski: .
[21:42:22] hound: Perdignus, probably PHP
[21:43:38] juski: xris: I'll drop you a mail when the vid's uploaded again
[21:45:43] Perdignus (Perdignus! has quit ("BX")
[21:47:16] xris: juski: sounds good, thx
[21:48:23] juski: if you have any objections to the v/o I can do a new soundtrack that should be simple to remux into it – no worries ;)
[21:48:58] xris: heh, ok
[21:49:06] xris: do you have a sexy female voice?
[21:49:11] juski: hahaha
[21:49:55] juski: casting for that is next week, but that's beyond the imaginary deadline we set
[21:50:34] madfactor: My capture card is capturing fine until I run mythbackend.
[21:50:37] madfactor: IS that weird?
[21:51:01] juski: madfactor: mythbackend will want your capture card all the time it's running, won't it?
[21:51:16] madfactor: juski: listen to this...
[21:51:57] madfactor: juski: I cat a video stream to file, and the stream is perfect.
[21:52:24] madfactor: juski: I run backend, and the higher the channel, the more the problem.
[21:52:46] juski: sounds weird
[21:52:52] madfactor: juski: I cat a video stream after exiting, flicker.
[21:53:15] juski: no idea what might be causing that
[21:53:17] madfactor: juski: then I rmmod & modprobe ivtv, and cat a stream, perfect.
[21:53:27] juski: unless you're using too new a version of ivtv of course...
[21:53:43] madfactor: I have tried it with 0.8.0 and 0.10.1
[21:54:09] juski: 0.10.x? isn't that just for 2.6.20+ kernels?
[21:54:24] madfactor: 0.10.1 is for 2.6.18
[21:54:35] madfactor: according to
[21:54:39] juski: I'm not in sync with where ivtv is right now
[21:54:53] juski: so – no idea what's up with that
[21:55:04] juski: I'm off to bed. blimmin shatterred!
[21:55:06] juski: g'night all
[21:55:09] juski (juski! has quit ("WARNING: Juski has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor")
[21:55:14] hatredx (hatredx! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:56:25] hatredx (hatredx! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:57:32] [F4U|Leoric] ([F4U|Leoric]! has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: )")
[21:58:13] JoeyJoeJo: is .20.1 going to be out soon?
[21:58:24] JoeyJoeJo: or are they skipping that?
[22:05:08] czth__ (czth__!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-d9f7f6d57c06b270) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:09:45] lotia (lotia! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:10:37] gbee: JoeyJoeJo: it's already been released
[22:11:01] gbee: but Isaac is away at the moment, so there is no news item and no download links
[22:11:24] Tanthrix: So 0.21 is the latest stable release?
[22:11:27] jimbalaya (jimbalaya! has quit ("Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier.")
[22:11:32] JoeyJoeJo: ok.. I read in here the other day that it was getting close
[22:11:39] gbee: Tanthrix: no, 0.20.1
[22:11:56] gbee: it's been tagged in svn, though if you're using SVN you'd be better off using -fixes
[22:12:13] Tanthrix: I just upgraded to SVN as of last night
[22:13:56] gbee: let me correct that, -fixes is the latest stable version of SVN, but head of SVN is generally stable enough that just about everyone could use it and not see any issues
[22:14:50] gbee: 0.20.1 is the latest stable version of the zipped/packaged download, only you can't actually download it right now
[22:15:23] gbee: what's in head will become 0.21
[22:19:25] recurs|ve (recurs|ve! has quit ()
[22:21:02] LUDMIL: When I open my MythTV – Information Center – Weather, I get "?" and "Unknown", instead of proper weather forecast. Any ideas?
[22:21:30] Tanthrix: LUDMIL: Mythweather is broken until further notice.
[22:21:48] Tanthrix: The site they used to get the info from changed, so it no longer works.
[22:21:59] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-437eb740c79f8397) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:22:29] Tanthrix: gbee: So if I wanted the more stable version of the svn, what would I do instead of /svn/trunk ?
[22:22:53] runingman84 (runingman84! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:23:12] LUDMIL: Is there any "official" information about this issue on the MythTV web site? I found some "info" about "patches" but I don't think I can fix it myself.
[22:23:33] Tanthrix: Check the mailing list.
[22:23:55] LUDMIL: Thanks, Tanthrix.
[22:24:09] Tanthrix:
[22:24:11] Tanthrix: NP.
[22:26:00] hlau: is there a known issue with nvidia xvmc and mythtv crashing/hanging?
[22:26:13] hlau: this is happening when i'm in program guide and trying to exit (esc or changing channels)
[22:27:51] madfactor: why is lcddevice.cpp required for mythtv?
[22:32:47] eelriver (eelriver!n=eelriver@pdpc/supporter/active/eelriver) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[22:36:25] Tanthrix: Anyone know the difference between the 71xx NVIDIA legacy drivers and the 96xx ?
[22:38:06] Tanthrix: Er, nm.
[22:41:51] gbee: they removed support for a bunch of cards after 71xx
[22:42:58] gbee: madfactor: allows communcation with a 2 or 4 line LCD display, so recording status etc can be shown on the front of your mythtv box
[22:43:48] gbee: hlau: I'm not aware of an issue, my suggestion would be to get a backtrace and submit it to trac
[22:44:35] hlau: unfortunately can't get any kind of debug info since the whole system hangs
[22:44:47] hlau: requires a power down and restart
[22:44:49] gbee: hlau: :(
[22:44:51] Nippa (Nippa! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:45:07] gbee: does it work without xvmc ?
[22:45:39] hlau: it seems to be better but i don't run extended periods of time without xvmc
[22:46:23] gbee: it probably is an nvidia/X11 bug then
[22:47:21] gbee: generally a whole system hang is caused by drivers, or something else operating at a lower level than mythtv does
[22:48:32] lotia (lotia! has quit ()
[22:48:47] hlau: yeah i was just wondering if anyone else has complained about issues with nvidia xvmc
[22:49:08] hlau: because it seems to be do it pretty regularly, but not predictably
[22:49:11] hlau: which sucks
[22:49:51] gbee: my laptop used to regularly hard lockup
[22:50:26] gbee: never did work out what caused it, but eventually after a couple of OS/kernel upgrades it stopped happening
[22:50:27] hlau: is there a way to turn off the PIP display in the program guide?
[22:50:31] hlau: i think it might be related to that
[22:50:36] gbee: hlau: no
[22:50:58] gbee: at least I don't think so
[22:51:19] hlau: damn
[22:52:35] gbee: I don't use livetv much, so I could just have overlooked the option
[22:52:47] jasmarc (jasmarc! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:02:16] Tanthrix: I just can't seem to get mplayer to compile with XvMC support
[23:03:42] Tanthrix: I've got the 3 nvidia xvmc files in /usr/X11R6/lib, but it just won't detect it, even when specifying the nvidia libs
[23:03:52] Tanthrix: Is there anything else that is needed for compilation?
[23:04:10] Solv: Tanthrix, does it actually compile okay or does it fail?
[23:04:14] Nippa: When I try and switch to LiveTV I get "Invalid file (fd -1) when opening filenamewithlotsofnumbers.mpg" does anyone know why this might be happening?
[23:04:49] Tanthrix: Solv: Haven't gotten that far – I'm specifically doing this to get XvMC working, but each time it says "Checking for"
[23:05:22] Solv: Tanthrix, have you made the file /etc/X11/XvmCConfig
[23:05:29] Tanthrix: Aye
[23:05:37] Solv: and included the name of the library in that
[23:05:51] Tanthrix: And put "" in it
[23:05:57] Solv: hmmm
[23:05:59] Tanthrix: Wait, I don't need a path in there do I?
[23:06:11] Solv: you shouldn't
[23:06:14] gbee: Nippa: what does the backend log say?
[23:06:19] Solv: but it might be worth a try
[23:06:22] Tanthrix: I have a hunch this is mandrake's fault in some way
[23:06:28] Nippa: gbee: how do I check that?
[23:06:39] Tanthrix: Probably missing some dependancy that everyone else has, so no one else has this problem
[23:06:51] Solv: Tanthrix, yeah wouldn't surprise me
[23:07:27] Solv: Tanthrix, did you actually check to make sure that library exists?
[23:08:29] Tanthrix: Solv: Yes, it's in there.
[23:09:17] Solv: Tanthrix, well i only just found out about it a couple of weeks ago....and that's all i did to get it to work, so I don't really know anymore thatn that..sorry
[23:10:19] Tanthrix: Any chance you could pastebin/PM me the output of "locate XvMC" on your system?
[23:11:44] Tanthrix: <-- Or compare it to mine to see if I'm missing anything
[23:13:04] Solv: okay hold on
[23:13:11] Tanthrix: Thanks, much obliged
[23:13:57] Nippa: gbee: ok... so I found my backend log... it says "TVRec(1) HW Tuner: 1->1" "MPEGRec(/dev/video0) Error: could not set MPEG controls eno: Invalid argument (22)"
[23:14:49] Solv: Tanthrix, you have much more than I do...doing an updatedb, it has been a long time
[23:14:54] Solv: theni will post mine
[23:15:36] gbee: Nippa: what version of ivtv?
[23:17:23] ** Solv still waits for updatedb..... **
[23:17:33] gbee: oh and what version of mythtv?
[23:18:44] Nippa: gbee: I'm using mythtv 0.20, and I'm not sure what version of ivtv.
[23:18:59] madfactor: ne1 good at compiling myth?
[23:19:29] gbee: I'd suggest upgrading to -fixes and if there is a more recent version of ivtv you can get, try that too
[23:19:41] gbee: madfactor: depends
[23:20:24] gbee: I compile it daily, but I'm generally always using the same options and installed all the deps long ago
[23:20:43] madfactor: I am trying to install from tarball.
[23:21:16] gbee: madfactor: well, after extracting it you want to run configure
[23:21:23] madfactor: I did that...
[23:21:24] gbee: ./configure --help for the available options
[23:21:34] gbee: then make
[23:21:36] Tanthrix: Solv: Thanks – I think the "" and etc.. is something from X that I am mising
[23:21:38] madfactor: but it is bombing on lcddevice.cpp
[23:21:46] gbee: madfactor what's the error?
[23:21:57] gbee: it
[23:22:02] Nippa: hound: nope, I only have one tuner
[23:22:09] madfactor: I am recompiling right now... it will be a few secs.  :)
[23:22:28] gbee: Nippa: have you got the cardtype set correctly in mythtv-setup?
[23:23:48] Nippa: gbee: I think so, I'll go check though
[23:24:13] Tanthrix: Solv: Looks like I am missing that stuff too... Hrm. Thanks
[23:24:21] Solv: np
[23:24:30] Solv: got go
[23:24:33] Solv: gotta go even
[23:24:38] Solv (Solv! has quit ()
[23:25:20] Como: dear god!
[23:25:28] Como: im actually at the legendary mythtv-setup stage
[23:29:21] Como: too bad its not detecting the card
[23:29:32] n33o (n33o! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:33:11] hound: n33o, you said that happens when your scanning? it sounds like it's just scanning and decoding at the same time so you see the channels come and go
[23:35:00] n33o: no
[23:35:04] n33o: when i start it up
[23:35:10] n33o: the screen is all screwed
[23:35:17] n33o: xaw screen
[23:35:22] n33o: i can see there is snow..
[23:35:36] n33o: but it shows 3 or four "ghosts" of the xaw screen
[23:35:42] n33o: on my monitor
[23:36:11] n33o: then i start scanning for input... but when i got to around 32 or 33 mhz it just went black
[23:37:03] mtnbkr (mtnbkr!i=mtnbkr@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x63A94EDC) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:37:56] n33o: cheerz
[23:38:02] n33o (n33o! has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
[23:46:38] madfactor: There must be more dependencies for mythtv than they outline in the documentation.,
[23:47:56] gbee: madfactor: don't keep us all in suspense
[23:48:03] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:48:14] madfactor: There is no specific eorr.
[23:48:18] madfactor: there are many.
[23:48:34] gbee: the first is usually a good place to start
[23:48:37] madfactor: gbee: a little background...
[23:48:48] jonty (jonty! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:48:56] madfactor: gbee: I tried to use packmans packages for suse 10.2
[23:49:35] madfactor: gbee: and now, I am finding that I prolly needed to conpile from the beginning.
[23:51:07] madfactor: ARe they really only two dependencies for mythtv, lame and XMLTV?
[23:51:32] xris: madfactor: well, each of those programs depends on several other things.
[23:52:21] madfactor: I have compiled it before with no trouble.
[23:52:29] madfactor: This is crazy.
[23:52:29] xris: it? you listed 3 programs
[23:52:40] madfactor: mythtv, proper.
[23:52:53] ** xris waits for madfactor to realize that xris is arguing about grammar, not dependencies. **
[23:53:06] xris: anyway, mythtv has about a dozen deps, depending on your compile options.
[23:53:13] xris: lame and xmltv each also have other dependencies.
[23:53:14] gbee: QT, X11
[23:53:15] kormoc: madfactor, uhh, you haven't looked at the offical docs have you?
[23:53:17] madfactor: I am beginning to think that installing a package shortcut was a bad idea.
[23:53:25] madfactor: Yes.
[23:53:28] gbee: but without the damn error I can't tell you which ones you are missing
[23:53:34] kormoc: "In order to compile MythTV, we need to make sure that the software it needs is installed. This list includes mysql, gcc, freetype2-devel, xorg-xserver-devel, qt-devel and lame."
[23:54:03] kormoc: and by "this list includes" it means that's not all the required deps
[23:54:10] kormoc: just some of the main ones
[23:55:05] xris: madfactor: rpm dependencies for fedora are listed here:
[23:55:10] xris: should be similar for suse
[23:55:52] madfactor: qt3-devel is avail in suse 10.2, but not qt-devel
[23:56:11] xris: madfactor: I'll let you figure that one out for yourself
[23:56:13] gbee: madfactor: same thing
[23:57:06] madfactor: I have them all installed.
[23:57:23] Tanthrix: xris: I looked over the firewire FCC ruling link, and I couldn't find where it says that OTA stuff must be provided down sampled
[23:57:38] xris: Tanthrix: it says SD
[23:57:39] Tanthrix: xris: If you look on page 54, it defines "unencrypted broadcast television" as basically anything that is provided OTA, free.
[23:57:47] Tanthrix: xris: Then on the top of page 55 it says "Content delivered as unencrypted broadcast television" shall not be encoded as to . . . constain the resolution of the image.
[23:58:04] xris: Tanthrix: maybe I read an early interpretation of the law, then
[23:58:19] Tanthrix: Or I'm missing something
[23:58:27] gbee: madfactor: the error
[23:58:30] xris: search the doc for 480p
[23:58:38] xris: Tanthrix: if it's not there, I'm mistaken
[23:58:45] gbee: oh what do I care
[23:59:00] madfactor: The error is 4000 lines long.
[23:59:15] Tanthrix: xris: I tried that and didn't find anything.
[23:59:39] xris: Tanthrix: there's your answer, then. I'm wrong.  :)
[23:59:53] xris: madfactor: the error, or the compile log?

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