:: #mythtv-users

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Friday, March 2nd, 2007, 00:02 UTC
[00:02:21] Fooker: Hey all. Anyone know if theres a (relatively easy) way to have mythdvd play a file off the HD before playing the DVD?
[00:02:37] clever (clever! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:02:37] juski: Fooker: yeah, with a script
[00:02:51] Fooker: juski: And just replace the play command with the script?
[00:02:56] juski: aye
[00:03:17] Fooker: That should work – the commands sent to mythtv by lircd should be passed onto the program, right?
[00:03:28] juski: er.. nope
[00:03:33] juski: not AFAIK anyway
[00:03:54] Fooker: Wonderful.... guess I have to find a way to change that as well in the script....
[00:04:06] Anduin: Fooker: Which player?
[00:04:14] Fooker: Anduin: I was planning on using xine?
[00:04:24] Anduin: Fooker: it supports lirc
[00:05:00] Fooker: Anduin: So how would you get lirc to pass select commands to xine instead of mythtv?
[00:05:32] juski: Fooker: xine supports lirc natively
[00:05:40] Anduin: Fooker: You do nothing, myth won't listen to lirc when it spawns a player, configure xine to work with lirc and things will just work.
[00:05:44] juski: so you need a .lircrc file in the home dir
[00:07:26] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:08:05] Fooker: Anduin: But then will the myth specific buttons (ie, recorded tv) still work when the play is spawned?
[00:08:40] Anduin: Fooker: No, when an external player is launched the lirc communication layer is ignored
[00:08:56] Fooker: Hmmm....
[00:09:39] juski: there are a few ways to go about it
[00:10:13] Anduin: I don't understand the need.
[00:10:32] juski: you can make a .lircrc file with the remote buttons mapped to xine functions, taking care to emulate the same functions as the buttons for mythtv ;)
[00:10:54] Anduin: ah, of course
[00:11:06] tank-man: type xine --help, there is an option to make a skeleton lircrc file for xine
[00:11:13] tank-man: use it as a starting point
[00:11:46] juski: play whizz-bang intro video before all dvds.. I could see that getting as tiresome as er.. ploppy poo sounds for ui events ;)
[00:12:17] juski: reminds me that I never did finish that new 3d mythdvd into I started
[00:12:22] juski: *intro
[00:17:27] Fooker: Does anyone know the command line options for xine and mplayer to have them play fullscreen?
[00:17:39] Fooker: I can't find the mplayer option in the man page...
[00:17:50] Anduin: Fooker: -fs (with -zoom usually)
[00:18:27] juski: xine -pfhq --no-splash %s
[00:19:36] Fooker: Thanks :)
[00:20:16] Fooker: I ended up just using irexec to play the all the movies in my trailers folder when I hit the power button on my remote (as it isn't mapped to anything else), that way I can go straight to dvd when I want to or when I have guests play the trailers
[00:20:49] briand: juski — I take it you've played around with the burn dvd option of mytharchive in svn?
[00:21:01] juski: nope
[00:21:17] briand: trying it for the first time now...
[00:21:50] juski: I find mytharchive takes forever, then generally just fails :(
[00:21:56] briand: it's been sitting at this same spot for 25 minutes now, with no update on the screen, and I can't do anything on my ssh account into it either...
[00:21:59] Fooker: juski: You too?
[00:22:00] juski: stupid stream changes in my recordings
[00:22:33] juski: I need to run all my recordings thru ffmpeg first to make sure they have a set # of streams
[00:22:54] briand: ah.. hmm. well, then i guess i should just 'wait' ?? how long should it take, even for mytharchive, to create a 1:14 dvd from two 30-something minute shows?
[00:23:01] juski: I could just change the archive settings no doubt but I don't have time or the inclination to test it
[00:23:12] juski: I don't ever intend to archive much anyway
[00:23:58] Fooker: ffmpeg and dvdslideshow can take mythtv files as inputs and create a dvd compat iso images with nice looking menus, in about an hour per hour of recordings on the image. And my system is still very usable as a desktop and a mythfrontend. With mytharchive, it takes a little longer, and my entire system is useless. I can't even ssh into it
[00:24:34] Fooker: I don't understand what mytharchive does that takes so much longer.
[00:24:40] briand: Fooker: ah, so I'm not seeing anything different here than others are seeing... so I can expect something to happen by 8:30-ish?
[00:24:42] juski: all the processing
[00:24:48] briand: (it's currently 7:30-ish)
[00:25:33] Fooker: juski: ffmpeg produces the same results
[00:25:33] briand: my ssh connection to my myth box just closed: no route to host.  :/
[00:29:34] briand: the last entry in the log file onscreen (a little over a half hour ago) was "Destination file /video/tmp//work/2/chapter-%1.jpg"
[00:36:57] juski: oh dear. bittorrent is screwing my home network
[00:37:41] Beirdo: !trout juski DUH
[00:37:41] ** MythLogBot slaps juski with a DUH trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[00:38:21] juski: that isn't what's messing the etherboot up
[00:38:47] juski: but it's causing loads of transmission issues – seeing plenty in my logs
[00:38:47] Beirdo: likely not, but it's liable to mess with any network, I've found :)
[00:39:13] fryfrog (fryfrog!n=fryfrog@gallery/fryfrog) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:39:23] juski: it's a bugger that you can't just cat an etherboot floppy image onto a usb stick & have it work
[00:39:55] Beirdo: cat or dd?
[00:40:03] Beirdo: if you dd it, you might have better luck
[00:40:03] juski: cat
[00:40:25] juski: I should be going to bed soon. I've got all night to mess with it tomorrow
[00:40:30] Beirdo: hehe ;)
[00:41:19] mwolf (mwolf! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:43:38] opello_ is now known as opello
[00:43:41] fryfrog (fryfrog!n=fryfrog@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:46:21] xris: Beirdo: you see my new channel icon lookup stuff?
[00:53:13] juski: g'night all
[00:53:14] juski (juski! has quit ("QQQQ Mr Mudoch!")
[00:53:56] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:55:59] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:04:08] nero_ (nero_! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:09:17] psofa (psofa! has quit ("ubuntu is for turds")
[01:12:37] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has quit ("Leaving")
[01:13:42] Beirdo: xris: not yet.
[01:13:52] Beirdo: STILL don't have a way to use myth
[01:14:03] Beirdo: stupid f'ing cable provider from hell
[01:15:13] xris: ah, ick
[01:15:32] Beirdo: soon, I hope
[01:18:03] reldruh (reldruh! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:49] reldruh: I have a server and a laptop that I'm going to be using as a mythtv backend and frontend respectively. My server is running ubuntu dapper while my laptop has an up to date edgy install. My question is whether or not I should update my server to edgy before installing mythtv. The dapper repos have mythtv .18.x while the edgy ones have .20.0
[01:33:49] mattwj2005 (mattwj2005! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:34:03] mattwj2005: I just got a new HDHomeRun :)
[01:34:09] williammanda (williammanda! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:34:16] xris: reldruh: or you could just compile from scratch
[01:34:49] reldruh: xris: I could. Does it have a lot of dependencies? Is it difficult to do?
[01:35:02] reldruh: mattwj2005: is that a tv capture card?
[01:35:20] mattwj2005: yeah a dual HDTV tuner that hooks up to the network
[01:35:26] mattwj2005: $169
[01:35:27] mattwj2005: :)
[01:35:58] reldruh: mattwj2005: _wow_ that's a great price. I just ordered a dual sd tuner card for the same price. What does it mean that it's a network card?
[01:36:10] mattwj2005:
[01:36:26] mattwj2005: yeah exactly
[01:36:40] mattwj2005: it streams the HD signals over the home network
[01:36:41] mattwj2005: :)
[01:37:22] mattwj2005: right now I am streaming the video to vlc .... watching my local news
[01:38:02] reldruh: mattwj2005: what format does regular over the air TV come in?
[01:38:29] mattwj2005: the device can pick up qam and 8vsb
[01:38:33] reldruh: mattwj2005: "Watch over-the-air digital & unencrypted digital cable TV" Would that still work with an antenna and not much else or do you have to be getting a special signal?
[01:38:58] reldruh: I'm kind of new to mythtv, qam and 8vsb are what?
[01:39:03] ** reldruh heads over to wikipedia **
[01:39:03] mattwj2005: it'll work with a good antenna
[01:39:08] reldruh: and not a bad one?
[01:39:20] mattwj2005: qam is the signal form for cable tv
[01:39:22] opello: reldruh: modulation techniques
[01:39:33] mattwj2005: 8vsb is over the air....both of these are used in the us
[01:40:27] reldruh: i'm in the US but I don't know what kind of signal I have coming into my house... there's an antenna on the roof and a coaxial cable coming down from that into the house
[01:40:52] mattwj2005: how well do you tv stations come in?
[01:41:03] reldruh: mattwj2005: not very
[01:41:09] reldruh: I'm not sure why, though
[01:41:09] mattwj2005: hmmm
[01:41:27] mattwj2005: I am in a metro....
[01:41:41] mattwj2005: I get a ton of HDTV signals....I am not sure in the country
[01:42:20] reldruh: I live in Los Angeles. It definitely doesn't count as the country here :-)
[01:42:31] mattwj2005: off of rabbits ears in the city (I am close to some towers) I can get about 20 subchannels on high gain rabbit ears
[01:42:33] mattwj2005: :)
[01:42:37] mattwj2005: lol
[01:42:49] mattwj2005: I am a Minneapolis guy myself
[01:43:11] reldruh: earlier today I saw a little girl (_really_ little, about 10 years old, if that) with her mother, both talking on their cell phones and the mother had a dog in her purse
[01:43:26] mattwj2005: lol
[01:43:44] mattwj2005: crazy California people ;)
[01:43:56] mattwj2005: not you of course...just some people :)
[01:44:17] reldruh: hmmm. I'll have to look into that. This is turning into more of an ordeal than i thought it would be. I might have to reinstall the OS on my backend, maybe get a new antena... mythtv entails more than I though
[01:44:48] mattwj2005: right now I am watching the tv signal on Windows
[01:44:52] reldruh: mattwj2005: I run linux and am trying to build my own pvr. There are a lot of places where that makes me crazy :-)
[01:45:04] mattwj2005: I know it works with Mythtv
[01:45:12] mattwj2005: there is a how to on the wiki
[01:45:30] mattwj2005: I just got it tonight...I haven't tried it yet
[01:45:37] reldruh: good luck :-)
[01:45:44] mattwj2005: thank you
[01:45:56] mattwj2005: Windows likes it at least :)
[01:46:25] reldruh: I gave up windows just over 6 months ago and haven't looked back. It's been wonderful
[01:46:38] mattwj2005: awesome
[01:47:03] reldruh: yesterday I discovered a card reader on my laptop, plugged my camera sd card in and it worked perfectly. Autorecognized it and asked me if I wanted to import pics into digikam
[01:47:46] reldruh: anyway, does anybody know if it's hard to compile mythtv?
[01:48:11] mattwj2005:
[01:48:13] reldruh: I'd like to stick with dapper and not go through the hassle of upgrading my server to edgy (especially not when feisty is so close to coming out) but the dapper repos only have .18.x :-(
[01:49:52] reldruh: ack, I'm being pushed out the door. Time for dinner, but I'm sure I'll be back soon
[01:49:53] reldruh: bye
[01:50:01] mattwj2005: bye
[01:52:36] Zyxus (Zyxus! has quit ("WeeChat 0.2.1")
[01:55:18] xris: reldruh: in case it didn't get mentioned earlier: apt-get build-dep mythtv (or whatever the pkg name is)
[01:55:24] xris: needs the src repos enabled
[02:01:43] mattwj2005 (mattwj2005! has quit ("Leaving.")
[02:10:09] madd_matt (madd_matt! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:23:11] fysa (fysa! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:31:33] PointyPumper (PointyPumper! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:34:32] hatredx (hatredx! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:45:06] justdave: is there something I need to touch somewhere to get lirc to talk to myth?
[02:46:07] defaultro: just lircrc file in homedir
[02:46:11] defaultro: that's important
[02:46:19] justdave: ah, that's probably what I missed.
[02:46:20] defaultro: the dev too
[02:46:29] defaultro: ~/.lircrc
[02:46:47] justdave: I can run irw and get output from the remote but it doesn't do anything in myth :)
[02:46:56] defaultro: of course not
[02:47:06] defaultro: you have to map it
[02:47:10] defaultro: go google
[02:47:33] justdave: heh
[02:47:41] defaultro: i'm tired today :(
[02:47:51] defaultro: pieces are not falling into proper places
[02:48:02] justdave: ah, that tells me where I need to go to fix the key that myth can't see on my remote on the preconfigured box I got, too. :)
[02:48:16] defaultro: wiki it
[02:48:37] justdave: (got one already set up for myth when it shipped, trying to set up a second one from scratch to slave to it)
[02:50:56] defaultro: when it shipped?
[02:51:06] defaultro: what got shipped?
[02:52:42] justdave: an HTPC with Ubuntu and MythTV preloaded with dual tuner and remote
[02:52:55] defaultro: you bought it? How much?
[02:53:02] defaultro: what are the capture cards included?
[02:53:05] justdave:
[02:53:21] justdave: Hauppage something 500
[02:53:34] justdave: Hannibal Duece+ is the one I got
[02:53:44] jams: justdave- how is it?
[02:54:09] kormoc: how do they handle the zap2it setup?
[02:54:26] justdave: couple loose edges because the guys doing it are still getting their feet wet, but it beats the pants off configuring the whole thing from scratch :)
[02:54:30] jams: pretty sure they make you do it
[02:54:42] justdave: they did it for me
[02:54:51] justdave: and guessed my cable company wrong, so I had to change it :)
[02:54:59] kormoc: too bad that's a breach of the license
[02:55:09] jams: justdave- hows the theme? the screenshosts they posted some screenshots left me with mixed feelings
[02:55:55] justdave: it ships with ProjectGrayhem as the default theme.
[02:56:08] justdave: I changed it to MythCenter not long after I got it.
[02:56:32] jams: heh guess they gave up on the "hannibal" theme
[02:56:38] jams: or at least didn't finish it yet
[02:58:42] defaultro: what's the breach of license? selling mythtv?
[02:59:19] kormoc: defaultro, zap2it only offers free listings to the end user
[02:59:25] jams: it's using zap2it for commerical uses
[02:59:26] defaultro: ok
[02:59:30] defaultro: ah
[02:59:44] kormoc: defaultro, by setting it up for justdave, they are violating the licence and zap2it has said before that if too many people do that, they might be forced to pull the free feed
[02:59:44] defaultro: what about mythtv being sold by those folks?
[03:00:00] defaultro: got it
[03:00:17] GreyFoxx: noone cares about that, jsut don't preinstall/setup zap2it for people
[03:00:28] GreyFoxx: give precise instructions, but don't doit for them
[03:00:34] defaultro: so what account do they include though?
[03:01:00] defaultro: do they use their account for it? or they created zap2it account for justdave?
[03:01:07] GreyFoxx: they created one for him
[03:01:18] defaultro: gotcha
[03:01:34] defaultro: run for your lives LOL
[03:02:04] justdave: heh.
[03:02:15] defaultro: honestly, this irc is logged
[03:02:16] jams: hey GreyFoxx
[03:02:28] kormoc: defaultro, sure it
[03:02:29] defaultro: justdave and zap2it is doing a grep right now
[03:02:30] kormoc: *is
[03:02:43] defaultro: beirdo logs this
[03:02:54] defaultro: we are serious justdave
[03:03:05] kormoc: defaultro, I doubt he doesn't believe you
[03:03:06] jams: any progress on adding the signals?
[03:03:19] defaultro: exactly, because of how I uttered earlier
[03:03:21] defaultro: :)
[03:03:26] kormoc: justdave, if you could email them and let them know bout zap2it's license, that would be great
[03:03:29] defaultro: but honestly justdave, it is logged
[03:03:42] GreyFoxx: jams no, I've been working on a [project for work
[03:03:49] defaultro: justdave, I can shut their website down from my end
[03:03:53] GreyFoxx: a firefox extension to be used with our VOIP service
[03:04:00] kormoc: defaultro, dude... don't be stupid
[03:04:13] defaultro: justdave, i will add their domain in my hosts file, LOL
[03:04:19] defaultro: kormoc, I was kidding jsutdave
[03:04:33] defaultro: :)
[03:04:55] justdave: kormoc: funny you should ask, that's why I've been silent for the last few minutes because I just did that :)
[03:05:04] defaultro: bam
[03:05:07] defaultro: you are the man
[03:05:10] kormoc: justdave, heh, nifty
[03:05:11] defaultro: i hope they will listen
[03:05:23] jams: ok
[03:05:26] GreyFoxx: jams: I gotta say, it's much easier to write firefox+thunderbird extensions than I had imagined
[03:05:38] justdave: they probably will, they're new at it and just trying to make it easy for the customer
[03:05:49] GreyFoxx: Lots of reading to get started, but man they make it very useful
[03:06:16] jams: i have some friends who did some text-to-speech stuf that say the same thing
[03:06:37] williammanda (williammanda! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:06:43] defaultro: or maybe you own the site justdave :P
[03:07:21] sunbug: Anyone got a idea for a hardware card that gives me componet video input that works with myth and lunux?
[03:07:22] justdave: ok, so now I got the lircrc file in place (snagged the one off the working myth box now that I knew what I was looking for)
[03:07:31] jams: speaking of which, he said he was going to write some code so that you could call you myth box and have it read some stats to you
[03:07:35] defaultro: so folks, what are our answer to cable cards in macos and vista?
[03:07:37] justdave: do I have to run something as the user that's logged into X to make it work?
[03:07:40] jams: forgot to follow up with him on that
[03:07:52] justdave: (maybe if I keep reading this thing to the end...)
[03:08:19] justdave: yep, it did. :)
[03:08:26] GreyFoxx: defaultro: No answer
[03:08:32] defaultro: ouch :(
[03:08:43] justdave: right at the bottom "put irexec in your xinitrc"
[03:08:54] defaultro: those close source vendors are killing us
[03:09:43] justdave: I read somewhere that the cable companies were requiring CableCARD-capable PCI cards to be locked to the machine's BIOS or something
[03:09:53] defaultro: that's what I was talking about
[03:10:11] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:11:06] dberry (dberry!n=dberry@unaffiliated/dberry) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:11:07] ** sandeen_ wonders how the cable guys apparently came up with such a better crypto scheme than the dvd guys :) **
[03:11:34] defaultro: yep
[03:11:53] defaultro: hddvd are capable of being ripped
[03:12:00] defaultro: also bds
[03:12:07] defaultro: i mean, br
[03:12:51] sandeen_: not that anyone here would do anything like that
[03:13:00] defaultro: yes
[03:13:36] defaultro: i'll buy those equipments when my theater is finish
[03:14:27] defaultro: by that time, maybe the player would have gone down to 150–200
[03:34:13] Smirnov (Smirnov! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:37:08] blackes1 (blackes1! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:37:30] blackes1: morning all
[03:49:25] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:31:23] rage- (rage-! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:41:13] mishehu: might be a few other environment variables that it is checking
[04:41:16] mishehu: I'm not sure.
[04:43:41] dberry (dberry!n=dberry@unaffiliated/dberry) has quit ("Leaving")
[04:44:13] rage-: I figured it out before...
[04:44:16] rage-: can't remember what I did..
[04:47:02] pab: Hello, is there a way to use nuvexport on shows moved out of the database?
[04:59:16] justdave: is there a way to make the OSD come up immediately (showing what channel you're currently on) when entering Watch TV??
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[07:22:44] t0ny-p40: any one around?
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[10:35:37] juski: happy Friday!
[10:35:53] Milosch: joy
[10:43:41] rsdvd: juski : happy Friday to you to
[10:44:06] juski: rsdvd: heheh. that tarball was corrupt :(
[10:44:25] rsdvd: ? are you sure?
[10:44:28] juski: aye
[10:45:00] rsdvd: sorry – I will check
[10:50:23] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:50:51] juski: tvf?
[10:51:12] rsdvd: table of contents....chekcing it is not currupt
[10:51:23] rsdvd: I have also just expanded it and it works fine here
[10:51:41] rsdvd: maybe it gor corrupted when you downloaded it
[10:57:59] juski: aye
[10:58:05] juski: got the linky again?
[10:58:25] rsdvd: sent it in pvt
[11:02:52] daviey: nice -> #define USE_HACK_FOR_BROKEN_I420_SUPPORT_IN_DRIVER
[11:03:22] MonkeyINAbaG is now known as aliasd23
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[11:17:03] juski: that's better
[11:17:05] juski: :)
[11:17:30] rsdvd: :-) must have been your download – cause i did nto touch the file
[11:17:33] Dagmar: Almost as good as "# It fixes my f*cking Quake or IT GETS THE HOSE AGAIN!"
[11:41:14] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:47:31] terry: Hello. I'm having difficulty interpreting the precise relationship between MythTV recording profiles and transcoders. Can someone point me to a reference please?
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[11:56:46] juski: rsdvd: tried making a booty USB stick last night – easy to do, but not with etherboot I'm finding
[11:57:15] juski: tried the most obvious thing of catting an etherboot floppy image to the usb stick – no dice
[11:57:38] rsdvd: the S100 will only boot from a HDD etherboot image.....that was the problem I had for ages – spoke to a guy on the pxe lsit to work it out
[11:58:12] rsdvd: I will but the image on that site – and you can just dd it to the usb
[11:58:22] gardengnome: rsdvd: i might have some spare time this weekend. i wanna test :))
[11:58:43] juski: rsdvd: ahh Beirdo said last night that dd would prolly work better than cat
[12:00:00] juski: like DUH! Most obvious solution, doesn't involve arsing around with knoppix CDs
[12:00:23] juski: or FAT filesystems
[12:00:25] gardengnome: or grub, in my case
[12:00:54] gardengnome: i always have trouble when /boot/ is on its own partition.. *ponder*
[12:01:12] rsdvd: I have just uploaded the image to the server.....just dd if=eb-5.4.2-rt18139.zhd of=/dev/sdX
[12:01:15] Zider: isn't cat mostly for text files, and not binary?
[12:01:41] rsdvd: it is possible to cat the floppy image – but not he others
[12:01:46] Zaw (Zaw!i=zaw@unaffiliated/zaw) has quit ("Leaving")
[12:02:10] gardengnome: rsdvd: i want teh url
[12:02:21] juski: rsdvd: 404 :(
[12:02:22] gardengnome: ;)
[12:02:43] rsdvd: oops!
[12:02:53] rsdvd: gardengnome : hang on I will send you the urls
[12:04:34] juski: hmmm I can't wait to see the monstrous plugin this guy is gonna make
[12:04:44] juski: </handbag>
[12:05:27] rsdvd: :-) there are many plug-ins I woudl liekt o make – but I think it is beyond me :-)
[12:06:00] ** juski wonders what the max size of config file irssi can work with is **
[12:06:26] Zider: juski: is there a limit?
[12:06:32] juski: there might be
[12:08:07] rsdvd: juski / gardengnome : if either of you can get the xorg working for this – I woudl really appreciate ti
[12:08:29] gardengnome: rsdvd: what's wrong with it?
[12:08:36] Zyxus (Zyxus! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:08:58] juski: gardengnome: no scart out :)
[12:09:01] rsdvd: I cannot get the scart to work
[12:09:21] gardengnome: alright
[12:09:48] gardengnome: i'll take a look later. my dad is gonna come home for the weekend from hospital o/
[12:09:55] rsdvd: also the acceleration( which I guess is the same chip)
[12:10:15] juski: rsdvd: I can't see fs454.$foobar in your tarball
[12:10:21] gardengnome: tv-out is done by the fs454
[12:10:45] gardengnome: xv acceleration is done by the i830m
[12:11:39] rsdvd: ok.....well then I don't think it is using the i830 properly
[12:12:12] rsdvd: juski : possibly not – that is what minimyth created – I am not suer if I added it
[12:12:18] gardengnome: hrm. actually, i don't really need IEGD anymore. i could just make another VGA->SCART cable. but what fun would that be
[12:12:30] rsdvd: :-)
[12:13:39] gardengnome: afk, cake time
[12:14:01] rsdvd: gardengnome : pass me one
[12:14:08] juski: rsdvd: there's no file
[12:14:23] juski: I'll try & fix it up tonight
[12:14:32] rsdvd: ok – that needs adding – explains why I could not get the scart to work :-)
[12:14:51] juski: that and the lack of stuff in xorg.conf ;)
[12:15:09] rsdvd: the stuff in xorg.conf came from your site :-)
[12:15:23] rsdvd: plus stuff from the german forum
[12:15:39] juski: xbox360 has been cracked.. expect whiners begging for mythtv to work on it now :)
[12:15:57] rsdvd: lol......"get myth working on my wristwatch"
[12:16:15] quicksilver: juski: I just bought a Venti Latte from Starbucks. Will MythTV run on that?
[12:16:29] rsdvd: rflmao
[12:16:57] juski: quicksilver: if you put a 2GB stick of 800Mhz RAM in it, yes!
[12:17:06] quicksilver: awesome!
[12:17:18] ** quicksilver heads off to dixons to buy some ram for his new myth cup **
[12:19:00] rsdvd: juski ; where woudld I find will add it to that tarball
[12:21:12] juski: rsdvd: it's part of the IEGD stuff
[12:22:13] rsdvd: pablo supposedly added the IEGD stuff
[12:23:23] juski: maybe he un-added it ;)
[12:23:32] juski: it's no big shakes to sort it out
[12:24:05] rsdvd: :-) I need it added to gar though – or it will disappear evertime I rebuild
[12:24:15] juski: :-O wtf is this article on about?! should I be more afraid of becoming a daddy?
[12:24:58] Zider: juski: yes
[12:25:07] ** juski goes for the snip **
[12:25:35] ** Zider would if he had the money **
[12:25:42] rsdvd: so glad I will never have kids :-)
[12:25:53] Zider: I already have one..
[12:26:36] Zider: so a bit late for the snipping..
[12:26:44] qu0zl: depends on what you snip
[12:26:46] juski: they can't seriously be suggesting that it costs so much to bring kids up
[12:26:59] Zider: qu0zl: the vital parts for making babies
[12:27:23] qu0zl: i know Zider ;)
[12:27:31] juski: I'll just assume they're on about idiots buying everything at Daisy & Tom for little Heathen-Tarquin
[12:27:35] rsdvd: juski : it does nto have to cost that – it is just the average poeple spend
[12:27:58] rsdvd:
[12:28:10] juski: I remember us spending about 1/20 of what the 'average' wedding costs :)
[12:28:13] qu0zl: "a gold-plated pram sells for £2,000", god what kind of fuckwit would want a gold-plated pram?
[12:28:23] quicksilver: a gold-plated fuckwit, perhaps?
[12:28:26] qu0zl: :)
[12:28:31] rsdvd: lol
[12:28:32] juski: a chav!
[12:28:38] Zider: bloody $110 for a simple little snip.. :P
[12:28:40] qu0zl: nah that's the argos fake gold plated pram
[12:28:57] Zider: $1100 even
[12:29:01] qu0zl: lol i'll do it for 20e and a packet of cheese and onion crisps Zider
[12:29:03] juski: qu0zl: the real thing is no less chavvy
[12:29:09] qu0zl: true :)
[12:29:11] Zider: qu0zl: bah
[12:29:26] ** juski hands Zider's life partner a couple of bricks **
[12:29:37] Zider: what life partner?
[12:29:44] qu0zl: you killed her?
[12:30:06] Zider: oh, you mean my ex
[12:30:25] rsdvd: ouch – even more expensive
[12:30:38] juski: oops.. sorry Zider
[12:31:30] Zider: 'tis okay
[12:37:20] rsdvd: juski : I have posted a question to Pablo about getting IEGD installed in gar-minimyth
[12:49:14] gardengnome: rsdvd: there's probably just some lib missing. i'll try to find something in my (broken) gar-minimyth
[12:49:59] rsdvd: I have a full working gar-minimyth and I cannot fin in it
[12:50:16] gardengnome: that's weird.
[12:50:21] gardengnome: i'll see what i can do
[12:50:30] rsdvd: I will have another look
[12:50:38] gardengnome: need to take a break from budget-av.c anyways.. f'in "good bargain" on ebay.
[12:51:36] rsdvd: what "good bargain"
[12:52:21] gardengnome: some dvb card with a CI. the CI works differently than that on normal, not-OEM cards
[13:05:19] rsdvd: gardengnome : there is definatly no inthe gar build anywhere :-(
[13:07:34] gardengnome: humm
[13:07:51] rsdvd: gardengnome : there is a makefile in X11/IEGD though – so maybe it has just not built for some reason
[13:08:13] gardengnome: rsdvd: could you give me the md5sum of your rootfs.tar.bz2? mine won't untar successfully.
[13:08:21] gardengnome: rsdvd: that's possible.
[13:08:34] gardengnome: rsdvd: cd X11/IEGD/ && make build
[13:09:46] rsdvd: 12fb7d95aef905b779332ba85a0e5211 rootfs.tar.bz2
[13:10:01] gardengnome: rsdvd: i'm still running svn up on my gar-minimyth...
[13:10:17] rsdvd: the svn checkouts takes ages
[13:10:52] gardengnome: especially because mien will abort all the time.
[13:11:09] rsdvd: why does it abort?
[13:12:08] gardengnome: because some "objects already exist" or something. weird stuff. nothing rm -rf can't solve, thoguh ;)
[13:12:14] gardengnome: gah, poor spelling.
[13:12:24] rsdvd: :-)
[13:12:36] rsdvd: the svn up should do all that itself
[13:12:41] gardengnome: pablo is really busy with minimyth it seems. lots of changes.
[13:12:54] gardengnome: rsdvd: right.
[13:13:07] gardengnome: rsdvd: did you try "make build" in X11/IEGD?
[13:13:10] rsdvd: the make build it tryingto pull the IEGD from a URL – but it is just sitting there
[13:13:25] rsdvd: looks like the URL might be wrong
[13:13:31] gardengnome: i'll give it to you.
[13:13:46] rsdvd: I have it – but the makefile need changing
[13:15:08] rsdvd: it finally got the file – but he build failed
[13:15:46] gardengnome: it shouldn't be building anything. except for some kernel module probably
[13:17:04] gardengnome: heh
[13:17:27] rsdvd: I think it is the environment....I need to set the mm_HOME.... et
[13:18:51] rsdvd: thats better
[13:19:00] sndguru: any brains here that can help with a question?
[13:19:10] sndguru: having problem with overtime recording
[13:19:33] gardengnome: sndguru: we've got a rich choice of annoying insults and witty remarks. choose yours!
[13:20:01] sndguru: having problems with it choosing the wrong tuners
[13:20:11] sndguru: sorry
[13:20:27] rsdvd: gardengnome : now this has build – where do I need to stick these *.so
[13:20:41] sndguru: it got a reply :P was quite mean't to come out like that
[13:20:52] gardengnome: rsdvd: those .so should be stuck into the right place by "make install"
[13:20:54] sndguru: wasn't quite
[13:21:42] rsdvd: gardengnome : that would mean rebuilding everything again – and I don;t use make install cause that just shifts the completed filesystems to the tftpboot
[13:22:05] gardengnome: rsdvd: no, i meant in X11/IEGD
[13:22:23] Dagmar: Okay, so go to your fuse box and toggle the master breaker four or five times real fast.
[13:22:27] gardengnome: rsdvd: err, those kernel modules, didn't they fail building for you?
[13:22:28] Dagmar: That should sort out the problem once and for all.
[13:22:38] gardengnome: Dagmar: no more BOFH for you
[13:22:58] gardengnome: sndguru: so, overtime recording. what exactly is your issue?
[13:23:06] sndguru: hello
[13:23:22] Dagmar: His issue is that this is a video problem, and he's only a gugu at sound.
[13:23:34] sndguru: the "Biggest loser" misses the end
[13:23:38] sndguru: every time
[13:23:49] rsdvd: gardengnome ; the make isntall installs them into the gar-miniyth build area......but not into the completed nfs-minimth we are using......without re-building everything
[13:24:01] Dagmar: Complain to channel 10 that their clocks are wrong, or adjest your recording schedule for that program.
[13:24:11] sndguru: :P I wish
[13:24:13] Dagmar: Thats why it's got a million bloody options available when you're scheduling a recording.
[13:24:18] sndguru: I'm a Western Australia user
[13:24:30] Dagmar: Okay, so I'll try to use smaller words.
[13:24:30] gardengnome: aye, individual pre/postroll could help
[13:24:58] sndguru: another words ALL PRIME TIME shows run AT LEAST 15 mins late
[13:24:59] Dagmar: One of the scheduling options is to adjust the padding time on either side of the recording
[13:25:09] Dagmar: Make use of it
[13:25:20] gardengnome: rsdvd: um, can't you just issue "make build" in script/meta/minimyth/ to create a new nfs-minimyth tarball?
[13:25:53] sndguru: the problem with that it then stuffs switchs shows up OR missing a show completely
[13:26:03] Dagmar: Oh well
[13:26:06] Dagmar: Buy more tuners.
[13:26:12] sndguru: as I have twin tuners it this machine it should be prosible
[13:26:20] Dagmar: Then it won't actually stuff anything up.
[13:26:25] rsdvd: gardengnome : that says everything is complete -so I will have to do a make clean && make build...but that will take about 4 hours
[13:26:46] sndguru: Dagmar, I love you, full of good ideas, I'm even wondering if 3 tuners would help me out
[13:27:01] Dagmar: sndguru: Nothing will help as long as you keep making up problems.
[13:27:10] Dagmar: SRSLY.
[13:27:26] gardengnome: then something is f'ed up. it should probably realize that some files got changed
[13:27:35] sndguru: this is true, hay I even told myu wife to record less but that doesn't work either :P
[13:27:40] Dagmar: When you set up a recording, in the options are a set of things to allow you to control whether or not hte recording should start early or end late
[13:27:50] Dagmar: It doesn't use an extra tuner to record that extra time or something.
[13:28:19] rsdvd: gardengnome : :-(
[13:29:17] gardengnome: rsdvd: wait a second.
[13:29:19] sndguru: that the werid thing it doesn't, "today tonight" and "the biggest loser" recorded for the exact time
[13:29:28] sndguru: those it confirms dual tuners
[13:29:36] Dagmar: Confirms what?
[13:29:41] sndguru: and does record two shows together all the time
[13:30:30] sndguru: sorry, tv>system status>tuners
[13:30:37] gardengnome: rsdvd: umm, it might help if you added X11/IEGD to the depends in script/meta/minimyth/Makefile
[13:31:11] Dagmar: s#??#?#;
[13:31:49] gardengnome: Dagmar: bless ya
[13:32:20] sndguru: Dagmar, I've used the globel record over by XX in hope to keep the switching it times of need of multiple recording where it runs out of sync "sort of thing"
[13:32:49] Dagmar: OKay, maybe I'm not drunk enough
[13:32:58] sndguru: I'm just wondering in this suitation shown what may have stopped it from doing it
[13:33:01] Dagmar: ...but I don't recall us saying anything about using a global setting.
[13:33:04] gardengnome: rsdvd: another thing you could try: check script/meta/minimyth/cookies/ maybe you can delete something there to make it rebuild the tarballs. it shouldn't rebuild any packages.
[13:33:09] Dagmar: ...nor do I remember there being a complaint about sync.
[13:33:43] sndguru: nope your drunk enough :P you havn't said anything about globel settings
[13:33:44] rsdvd: gardengnome : I added IEGD to the depends – no difference
[13:33:47] gardengnome: sync? sort of thing? it times of need? wtf
[13:33:52] Dagmar: Sounds like you've prevented it using one of the tuners
[13:33:59] gardengnome: rsdvd: play with the cookies then ;)
[13:34:19] sndguru: Dagmar, Man I wish that was true, cos that's an easy fix
[13:34:20] Dagmar: It will cut short the pre-roll/post-roll times if it can't find a free tuner
[13:34:57] Dagmar: The schedule you posted *should* have used both tuners
[13:35:00] sndguru: prefect, that what I'm after but my system doesn't seem to do it
[13:35:08] Dagmar: If you were watching TV at the time, it can't do so.
[13:35:33] sndguru: nope not home secondly we hate ad's and never watch live tv
[13:35:46] Dagmar: Then I suggest you double-check everything.
[13:36:06] gardengnome: is your second tuner connected to a/the same video source?
[13:36:27] sndguru: yep "antenna" video source
[13:36:47] sndguru: like I said I can record two shows at the same time
[13:36:53] sndguru: so I know that's correct
[13:38:51] ** gardengnome bribes rsdvd with some cookies with macadamia nuts **
[13:39:18] sndguru: Setup > TV Settings > General > 4th page "Time to record before show starts – 300 seconds
[13:39:21] rsdvd: I have removed all the cookies and might take a while – but at least it will work
[13:39:34] sndguru: and Time to record after 1500 seconds
[13:39:43] sndguru: that's the right stop ain't it
[13:39:53] sndguru: stop = spot
[13:40:07] Dagmar: That's not where we were talking about
[13:40:08] gardengnome: sndguru: ok, let's re-iterate: you've got two tuners. you're using global post-/pre roll. it won't honor the postroll but will start recording on a different channel, right?
[13:40:29] sndguru: twin tuners yes
[13:40:41] sndguru: global record over times yes
[13:40:57] sndguru: and it does when it feels like it
[13:41:20] sndguru: but never in the above suitation
[13:41:36] gardengnome: AFAIK the global settings will not be honored for consecutive recordings. the same tuner will be used. however, if you set the padding *per ercording*, not only globally, it'll work.
[13:41:48] sndguru: ok
[13:41:50] gardengnome: i've got that problem with the simpsons.
[13:41:51] gardengnome: :)
[13:42:03] fryfrog: yeah, i think it presumes that you would rather miss a few minutes of a show than miss the show entirely
[13:42:18] fryfrog: could it be that it doesn't see a *rerun* of that show in the next 2 weeks?
[13:42:21] sndguru: :P I just figured that two tuners should be able to get around it
[13:42:30] gardengnome: fryfrog: *shiver*
[13:42:31] fryfrog: ah, wait so it is leaving one tuner idle?
[13:42:37] gardengnome: fryfrog: yes.
[13:42:40] sndguru: yep SPOT ON
[13:42:42] fryfrog: oh, thats lame :/
[13:42:51] fryfrog: i *think* in later svn versions of myth, it will do this
[13:42:53] sndguru: oh that so true
[13:42:56] Dagmar: sndguru: I would have thought you'd have just _listened_ when we told you where to set the padding value.
[13:42:58] Dagmar: Hint hint
[13:43:04] fryfrog: wait, same channel?
[13:43:09] fryfrog: or diff channel?
[13:43:42] fryfrog: and if you have a global 5 min and a per-recording 5 min... is that 10 min?
[13:43:50] Dagmar: fryfrog: No, and no.
[13:44:17] sndguru: and it the suitation I want it to cut the end of my show to record two channel it wouldn't do it because of the overrun
[13:44:57] sndguru: that's why the globel setting is there
[13:45:01] fryfrog: oh, i see you have 3 shows, all in a row, 2 tuners
[13:45:06] sndguru: yep
[13:45:07] fryfrog: yeah, i agree
[13:45:16] fryfrog: you should try what he said and see if it fixes it :/
[13:45:26] sndguru: I've figure the pic was the best way to expalin :P
[13:45:59] gardengnome: wasn't there a special softpadding branch for the australian users?
[13:46:00] fryfrog: i didn't realize the "global" setting was a "best effort" and that the per-recording one was forced
[13:46:24] fryfrog: what is special about australia and requires softpadding?
[13:46:27] sndguru: I'm pritty sure I used the a year ago to get it to do it but made things worst to missing show all together
[13:46:33] gardengnome: fryfrog: i have no clue.
[13:46:46] gardengnome: rsdvd: btw, is your time set correctly?
[13:47:18] sndguru: Australia tv programs in prime time ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS run between 5 and 15 mins over
[13:47:27] sndguru: have done for years
[13:47:47] fryfrog: wtf?
[13:47:50] fryfrog: why?
[13:47:50] sndguru: think it's an "stop people rocording stuff thing"
[13:48:00] fryfrog: do they start 5–15min late?
[13:48:09] fryfrog: or throw in an extra 5–15min of commercials?
[13:48:11] rsdvd: gardengnome : my time ? yes – I think so
[13:48:23] sndguru: or I've heard "increase rating because watch two time slots instead of one"
[13:48:40] gardengnome: rsdvd: ok. it shouldn't be rebuilding everything. that's just silly.
[13:48:46] fryfrog: ah, someone figures "well, its 9:15 i may as well watch until 10?
[13:48:50] sndguru: All I know is it's REALLY REALLY annoying for DVR users
[13:49:00] Dagmar: So where I have trouble swallowing that is what happens with the start time of the next prime-time program after that?
[13:49:08] fryfrog: ahahah
[13:49:08] rsdvd: it has finshed rebuilding....but there is no in the new rootfs.tar.bz2
[13:49:16] fryfrog: i just realized one of your shows is called "Today Tonight"
[13:49:32] Dagmar: fryfrog: Yes, western AU and my "I'll use smaller words" comment
[13:49:35] sndguru: :P its starts that many late = and later finish for every other show
[13:49:58] fryfrog: lame
[13:50:03] sndguru: then get back right for about 11pm
[13:50:06] fryfrog: remind me to avoid living in australia then :/
[13:50:09] sndguru: it's so stuipid
[13:50:27] cliche (cliche! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[13:50:39] sndguru: fryfrog, why do you think we download all our tv shows
[13:51:00] sndguru: let alone wait a year to watch something you guys get
[13:51:46] rsdvd: gardengnome : any idea why it would not put the fs454 in rootfs if it has build ok?
[13:51:53] sndguru: someone mentioned a glitch in an old SVN on recording times
[13:52:06] sndguru: wonder it I'm running that
[13:52:12] sndguru: what the lastest
[13:52:20] sndguru: and how do I check
[13:52:30] sndguru: I got mine from atrpms
[13:53:02] ctjctj: Hello. I installed a pcHDTV-5000. I'm have a few problems with it. 1) Only one of the hdtv channels plays well. The others all are very very blocky with sound that stops starts clicks. 2) there is a channel that was NOT detected in the scan. 3) I can't watch any HD channel remotely. It goes black, won't respond to "e" or other inputs. Pausing does not fix these problems.
[13:53:38] sndguru: fryfrog, what wrong with "Today tonight"
[13:54:24] sndguru: ctjctj, what country are you
[13:54:34] ctjctj: sndguru, sorry, USA. MD.
[13:54:51] gardengnome: rsdvd: yep. give me a second.
[13:55:10] sndguru: doesn't know about you guys but some of our HD channels run different codecs
[13:55:16] sndguru: not something like that
[13:55:22] sndguru: australia
[13:55:32] rsdvd: gardengnome : I am trying another build – this time keeping theoutput to see if there is an error I missed
[13:55:55] Dagmar: sndguru: There's about four years of English grammar training needed to see it, but it's a problem.
[13:56:42] Dagmar: The show might as well be called "Tuesday Wednesday"
[13:56:58] gardengnome: rsdvd: you can get the correct locations from X11/IEGD/Makefile
[13:57:06] gardengnome: rsdvd: you're getting closer :)
[13:57:27] rsdvd: gardengnome : shouldn't the make build in IEGD do that?
[14:00:51] gardengnome: rsdvd: i believe minimyth doesn't include everything into its rootfs that is installed by make install. however, the might also serve the purpose of restricting file inclusion based on the vga driver setting in your
[14:00:56] gardengnome: rsdvd: it's worth a try, though.
[14:01:34] rsdvd: ok – it has just finsihed rebuilding
[14:02:13] sndguru: Dagmar, grammar on me, this is true, on chat I'm in a hurry to get it done on keyboard it stuff my english up a bit, Thankz For Noticing
[14:02:50] rsdvd: gardengnome : what do I need to put in ?
[14:02:56] Dagmar: Actually I was talking about the name of the show when I referred to grammar.
[14:03:31] sndguru: :P I really slowly notice that after I entered my staement :P LOL
[14:03:41] sndguru: that was really funny
[14:03:42] sndguru: :P
[14:04:02] sndguru: once i saw Tuesday wednesday
[14:04:44] sndguru: the shows been around for like 10 years, but I remeber thing that when it was new
[14:04:56] sndguru: thing = thinking
[14:05:49] sndguru: so the answer to my question is start a pertition to the tv networks to start and finish their shows on time
[14:05:56] sndguru: I'll work on that next :P
[14:07:04] sndguru: Dagmar, gardengnome – Thankz for your help
[14:08:07] rsdvd: gardengnome : :-(
[14:19:22] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:21:32] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:25:10] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuart@unaffiliated/stuarta) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:25:10] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stuarta
[14:25:20] stuarta: afternoon ppl....
[14:29:31] livingtm (livingtm! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:42:12] gardengnome: rsdvd: you there? got it going? i had to sit down with the family
[14:42:51] rsdvd: no – I could not make head nor tail of ""
[14:43:09] gardengnome: rsdvd: i'll try to work it out
[14:43:25] rsdvd: :-)
[14:43:41] rsdvd: I feel we are soooo close – but just not there :-(
[14:43:48] blackes1: can mythtv record two channels at the same time on a freeview multiplex?
[14:43:53] gardengnome: blackes1: no
[14:44:12] ** stuarta sighs **
[14:44:25] rsdvd: blackes1 : but if you want to pay for it to be done – feel free :-)
[14:44:47] stuarta: rsdvd: that doesn't mean any of us are going to sit down and write it...
[14:45:01] livingtm (livingtm! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:45:06] blackes1: kaffeine can can't it
[14:45:16] janneg (janneg! has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:45:25] stuarta: i think it's only vdr that can
[14:45:32] rsdvd: stuarta : I am sure one of the devs woudl write it if offered enough money
[14:45:41] rsdvd: wouldn;t they?
[14:46:01] stuarta: there's a bounty open at the moment and none of us devs have taken it
[14:46:20] rsdvd: do the devs not want it?
[14:46:33] stuarta: if it was easy it would have been done already
[14:46:39] rsdvd: :-)
[14:46:55] stuarta: it's non trivial, and may get done eventually
[14:47:16] stuarta: but for now a 2nd card costs 30–40 quid which is much less than our time is worth
[14:47:21] rsdvd: I have to admit – I am not a C programmer – so unles it is done in perl I would have no idea :-)
[14:47:48] rsdvd: stuarta : true!
[14:48:11] blackes1: I guess it could be done as a fake stream copy the mpegts to hd and present it as a mux
[14:48:23] rsdvd: but it would be nice to have 3 nova-500 and be able to record anythign without haveing to re-tune the mux
[14:48:42] stuarta: there are changes going in slowly to make it more feasable to be implemented, but it'll take a while
[14:48:45] janneg (janneg! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:48:48] rsdvd: but as you say – a low priority
[14:49:11] stuarta: quite. bug fixes and stabilization take priority
[14:49:29] rsdvd: :-)
[14:49:54] gardengnome: rsdvd: almost done
[14:49:59] blackes1: I did wonder about the quality of the recordings I was getting but i think it was purely down to the fact some mux's are very low power near me, the higher power mux's record perfectly
[14:50:15] rsdvd: gardengnome : don;t get my hopes up like that
[14:51:07] livingtm (livingtm! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:53:15] rsdvd: gardengnome : are you building in gar ?
[14:53:17] blackes1: anyone used an xbox as a front end ?
[14:53:50] akubra (akubra! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:54:02] Dagmar: blackes1: #XBMC maybe
[14:54:25] blackes1: I have a mvpmc as a front end but it doesn't support live tv at the moment since mythtv 0.19
[14:54:40] blackes1: recordings it is fine with
[14:55:26] akubra: /joing #windsurfing
[14:55:45] escher9694 (escher9694! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:55:47] gardengnome: rsdvd:
[14:56:56] gardengnome: rsdvd: i hope it works. not sure about that kernel stuff. afk
[14:57:36] rsdvd: how do I apply a diff.....nevre done it before?
[14:58:41] escher9694: I'm having trouble setting up the frontend on a 2nd box (1st box is all-in-one). Can't seem to connect to mysql.
[14:59:01] rsdvd: escher9694 : check you have network accessin mysql
[14:59:23] escher9694: did that – works from mysql command-line
[14:59:38] escher9694: also works in squirrel
[15:00:50] escher9694: rsdvd: btw, look at the man page for patch to apply a diff
[15:01:18] rsdvd: got it now :-)
[15:01:52] rsdvd: gardengnome : now I have patched that file – how much needs re-building?
[15:02:24] gardengnome: rsdvd: right. if you mean "feeding some source code to gcc": none.
[15:02:43] rsdvd: ok – what do I need to type :-)
[15:03:57] rsdvd: ok – it is going again!
[15:04:36] gardengnome: if you're unsure about using make clean, you could rm -rf script/meta/minimyth/cookies and script/meta/minimyth/build/. but don't blame it on be if that f's $stuff up
[15:08:14] rsdvd: I have done make clean && make build.....and it is nearly done
[15:10:40] r3zurector_ (r3zurector_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:10:48] rsdvd: yay – there is now a in the rootfs :-)
[15:15:41] gardengnome: rsdvd: w00t.
[15:16:53] rsdvd: :-) just moving it to my pxe server
[15:17:54] gardengnome: remember to close before you waste anyone's time
[15:18:23] blackes1 (blackes1! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:18:35] rsdvd: gardengnome : gone!
[15:20:13] fryfrog: what is the name of the distro that is the red hat enterprise linux clone?
[15:20:46] GreyFoxx: centos or some such ? I don't follow redhat much though so IU could be wrong
[15:20:51] fryfrog: ah, thats it
[15:21:09] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[15:23:58] rsdvd: gardengnome : it kernel panics :-(
[15:25:17] gardengnome: rsdvd: what error message?
[15:25:28] splAt1 is now known as splat1
[15:25:29] rsdvd: no init found
[15:25:41] stuarta: bad specification of root disk
[15:25:42] gardengnome: there's got to be more
[15:25:47] gardengnome: stuarta: it's NFS.
[15:25:52] akubra (akubra! has left #mythtv-users ()
[15:25:55] stuarta: still needs to find it's root
[15:26:01] gardengnome: i had that when 2.6.19 gave me squashfs trouble
[15:26:03] rsdvd: I think it is just my nfs mount....I think I know what I have done wrong
[15:26:15] gardengnome: rsdvd: good. because it shouldn't have done that :)
[15:26:31] fryfrog: i'm thinking that using a 1–4G flash drive would be easier than NFS root :/
[15:26:40] fryfrog: and i'm sure you have "enable nfs root" set in the kernel, right?
[15:29:07] gardengnome: the kernel should be OK. it's minimyth stuff and used to work for him
[15:29:41] gardengnome: booting from a local hard disk will be the next thing *i*'ll try to do to minimyth. unless rsdvd beats me to it :)
[15:29:42] rsdvd: it was my nfs share – it is booting now......hold one (cross your fingers)
[15:29:44] gardengnome: it wont be hard, though.
[15:30:12] gardengnome: rsdvd: it's boring if it works.
[15:30:42] rsdvd: it has booted – but no scart :-(
[15:31:22] gardengnome: rsdvd: local hdd can also mean usb flash disk
[15:31:30] gardengnome: rsdvd: check the xorg.log
[15:34:29] rsdvd: there is no reference to fs454 in the Xorg.0.log
[15:36:08] gardengnome: can you show me your xorg.conf file?
[15:36:08] Dagmar: probably because nothing references it in the xorg.conf
[15:36:18] gardengnome: Dagmar: yep! :)
[15:36:19] rsdvd:
[15:36:36] rsdvd: there is a Option "PortDrivers" "fs454" line
[15:37:01] rsdvd: juski : are you still around?
[15:37:19] gardengnome: you're using the wrong driver it seems.
[15:37:27] xian__ (xian__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:37:39] rsdvd: gardengnome ?
[15:37:58] gardengnome: rsdvd: can i see your xorg.conf?
[15:38:21] rsdvd: http://phil-home/S100/xorg.conf
[15:39:12] gardengnome: that's interesting. i'll see what i can do
[15:39:35] rsdvd: :-)
[15:40:11] gardengnome: rsdvd: actually, no. look at "Section "Screen""
[15:40:44] rsdvd: yes...what is wrong with it
[15:40:46] gardengnome: the device entry is wrong, it points to the section without the fs454
[15:41:22] gardengnome: try to put Device ""Intel_IEGD-0"" instead of Device "Device_intel_i830" there
[15:41:35] gardengnome: never mind the double quote, make that
[15:41:39] rsdvd: fs454 is defined in both of them
[15:41:40] gardengnome: Device "Intel_IEGD-0"
[15:41:58] gardengnome: rsdvd: oh, right. sorry. i must be blind
[15:42:09] rsdvd: the Device_intel_i830 is Juski's and the Intel_IEGD-0 was taken from the German forum
[15:42:20] gardengnome: ok
[15:42:43] gardengnome: it's possible the config was generated for an older IEGD
[15:42:47] gardengnome: hold on
[15:42:49] rsdvd: I think there should be more stuff in Juski'd one – but I don;t know
[15:45:09] gardengnome: alright, the first thing that's wrong:
[15:45:23] gardengnome: change Driver "i810" to Driver "intel"
[15:45:25] gardengnome: try again
[15:45:56] rsdvd: the driver builf by minimyth is called intel not i810....if you cahnge it it borks
[15:47:38] gardengnome: huh? that's why i told you to change it
[15:48:33] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:48:46] rsdvd: it it set to i810 which is what the driver is called
[15:49:10] gardengnome: no, the driver is called "intel".
[15:50:06] rsdvd: (EE) module ABI major version (0) doesn't match the server's version (1)
[15:50:06] rsdvd: (EE) Failed to load module "intel" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
[15:50:06] rsdvd: (EE) No drivers available.
[15:50:25] gardengnome: yeah
[15:50:47] gardengnome: that's because you're using xorg 7.2. IEGD only has for xorg 7.0 and older.
[15:50:56] rsdvd: Arse!
[15:50:59] gardengnome: though it should be fixable.
[15:51:06] gardengnome: don't worry i knew it was gonna happen ;)
[15:51:14] rsdvd: glad you did
[15:51:18] gardengnome: rsdvd: how is X started?
[15:51:39] gardengnome: eg do you know where its sartup options might be changed?
[15:51:47] rsdvd: not sure – from one of the scrips in minimyth
[15:52:08] rsdvd: I have been doing 'X :1 -probeonly' to test the changes
[15:52:33] gardengnome: ok.
[15:52:35] gardengnome: hold on
[15:54:52] Finswimmer (Finswimmer! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:55:32] Finswimmer: hey, i have bttv based card. but when starting mythbackend i get: no valid capture cards are defined in the database
[15:55:48] Finswimmer: with tvtime the card is working fine
[15:55:49] gardengnome: rsdvd: it's etc/rc.d/init.d/x
[15:56:02] gardengnome: Finswimmer: did you run mythtv-setup?
[15:56:46] Finswimmer: hehe. of course. there it is correctly recognized. i even can make a channel scan with good results (30 channels)
[15:57:17] rsdvd: gardengnome : yes – that is the script
[15:57:37] Finswimmer: but is i start mythfrontend it also says, that all available inputs are full and i should stop a recording
[15:57:52] Finswimmer: but i dont record anything
[15:57:57] gardengnome: rsdvd: you can just run /etc/rc.d/init.d/x stop or start. but that's not what i wanted, hold on ;)
[15:58:12] gardengnome: Finswimmer: did you connect your video source to your tv card's input?
[15:58:20] Finswimmer: jepp.
[15:58:28] Finswimmer: i have.
[15:59:05] gardengnome: can you double-check for us? ;) that error message seems like you didn't.
[15:59:40] Finswimmer: hehe ok. the third time.
[16:00:08] Finswimmer: btw: is it important as which user i am starting mythtv-setup and mythfrontend?
[16:00:25] Finswimmer: i start mythbackend as root with an init script
[16:00:29] harzi: Finswimmer: the same
[16:00:39] harzi: MBE as root
[16:01:13] harzi: setup with the same user as you would like to rund the frontend
[16:01:49] Finswimmer: ok. both now as mythtv  :)
[16:02:48] onixian (onixian! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:03:10] Finswimmer: input connections: i have 4 one: v4l television, composite1, svideo, composite3
[16:03:35] harzi: Finswimmer: televison is your tuner
[16:03:40] janneg (janneg! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:03:41] Finswimmer: v4l television is pointing to "analog" (my video source
[16:03:43] janneg (janneg! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:04:36] harzi: Finswimmer: maybe there are no channels defined in "analog"
[16:05:01] Finswimmer: hmm. now i wanted to quit. there is a warning: card0 (type) is set to start on channel 1, which doesnt exist.
[16:05:24] harzi: Finswimmer: that sounds like you don't have defined channels
[16:05:55] Finswimmer: but in input connections -> v4l television, i have said that the starting channel is E2.
[16:06:47] Finswimmer: the channel scanner returned 30 channels
[16:07:00] gardengnome: rsdvd: here's a patch that should work:
[16:07:04] Finswimmer: everyone assigned to "analog"
[16:07:13] gardengnome: rsdvd: you'll have to cd to etc/rc.d/init.d for that one.
[16:08:20] Dagmar: omg not a unified diff?
[16:08:24] harzi: Finswimmer: when running mythtv-setup, you stopped the backend, right?
[16:08:39] elements (elements! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:08:52] gardengnome: Dagmar: i did use diff -u
[16:08:55] gardengnome: ;)
[16:08:56] elements: Which PCI Express card should I get if I want decent performance, but most important, to use open source drivers? Im a complete newbie on "new" hardware.
[16:09:13] Finswimmer: harzi: yes
[16:09:18] Dagmar: Actually, mythtv-setup ALWAYS kvetches about card0 startng on a channel that doesn't exist
[16:09:23] Dagmar: That particular bit appears to just be broken
[16:09:33] juski: no it doesn't
[16:09:48] Dagmar: Was it very recently fixed, then?
[16:09:51] gardengnome: no.
[16:09:54] gardengnome: it just works
[16:10:01] Dagmar: I've gotten used to it carping at me and it works just the same
[16:10:02] gardengnome: and your setup is fuxx0red. newbie mistake.
[16:10:03] ** gardengnome runs **
[16:10:13] ** juski agrees with gardengnome **
[16:10:23] Dagmar: It might be something that's not migrated properly between upgrades then
[16:10:32] gardengnome: heh
[16:10:34] gardengnome: excuses.
[16:11:23] clever (clever! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:11:52] Dagmar: Man my setup is as vanilla as can be
[16:11:59] Dagmar: There really wasn't something I could screw up there
[16:12:14] Finswimmer: so. what else can i do?
[16:12:20] gardengnome: well, you probably neglected to set it to a working starting channel in the video source setup screen.
[16:12:25] Dagmar: Ah but I did
[16:12:39] harzi: Finswimmer: what often helps is delete all cards and resetup
[16:12:39] Dagmar: I know my watching habits, so everything revolves around channel 57, i.e., Sci-Fi.
[16:12:43] rsdvd: gardengnome : with the driver set to "intel" it still dies
[16:12:48] gardengnome: rsdvd: log?
[16:13:22] Dagmar: B'lieve it or not, but I did actually go back to check that I'd set it to start on 57 the first five or six times it carped at me, and then I quit caring.
[16:13:23] Finswimmer: hmm. i installed mythtv today completely new. there were no configs befor.
[16:13:29] Finswimmer: but ill try
[16:13:48] harzi: Finswimmer: then you don't loose a lot ;)
[16:14:10] Finswimmer: btw: which version are you using?
[16:14:19] harzi: 0.20
[16:14:38] Finswimmer: i am using gentoo: 0.20_p12172
[16:14:50] ** juski chuckles **
[16:14:59] rsdvd: gardengnome :
[16:15:03] juski: this is becoming like my own little world now :)
[16:15:16] gardengnome: juski: #mythtv-users?
[16:15:56] Finswimmer: btw: is it normal that there is (none) in audio device for a bt878 video card?
[16:15:59] gardengnome: rsdvd: ugh. that sucks.
[16:16:18] rsdvd: what ?
[16:16:26] gardengnome: rsdvd: that error looks ugly.
[16:17:11] gardengnome: rsdvd: please set Option "Accel" "Yes" to Option "Accel" "No" and # Option "DRI" "Yes" to Option "DRI" "No"
[16:17:24] gardengnome: note i removed the #
[16:18:20] rsdvd: yes
[16:18:47] rsdvd: with a X :1 -probeonly I get :
[16:18:53] rsdvd: (EE) module ABI major version (0) doesn't match the server's version (1)
[16:18:53] rsdvd: (EE) Failed to load module "intel" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
[16:18:53] rsdvd: (EE) No drivers available.
[16:18:55] Finswimmer: does the xmltv search affect my problem? cause i have said no to all for now
[16:19:14] harzi: Finswimmer: there exist a sound-module for the bt878, and that points normaly to /dev/dsp2
[16:19:21] Dagmar: rsdvd: did you apply that patch?
[16:19:31] gardengnome: Dagmar: he's starting X manually.
[16:19:36] Dagmar: Ahhh...
[16:19:54] harzi: Finswimmer: then (i think) no channels are imported
[16:20:12] gardengnome: rsdvd: please restart the box completely after making that change. and please don't start a second X server. it might confuse the IEGD
[16:20:29] Finswimmer: but i scan for them?
[16:21:07] rsdvd: gardengnome : I will make the xorg changes.....but how do I change that patch......the contents of the box will be gone when I reboot
[16:21:52] gardengnome: rsdvd: it's on NFS, isn't it?
[16:22:45] gardengnome: rsdvd: that second X log you gave to me still shows i830 ;)
[16:23:00] gardengnome: rsdvd: which is a bit weird. anyways.
[16:23:06] rsdvd: arhhh.....I am getting confused
[16:23:37] gardengnome: rsdvd: the changes should persist if they actually got written to your nfs share. nothing prevents you from changing the files locally on your NFS server and rebooting the s100.
[16:23:44] rsdvd: if pulls a rootfs from nfs ...... but it does not run from nfs (as far as I know)
[16:24:13] gardengnome: rsdvd: please pastebin the output of "mount"
[16:25:57] Finswimmer: still the same: there are no free inputs
[16:26:29] gardengnome: rsdvd: is that from the s100?
[16:26:34] rsdvd: yes
[16:26:43] juski: pulls a rootfs over nfs but doesn't run it from nfs?
[16:26:53] rsdvd: looks like it
[16:26:56] Smirnov (Smirnov! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:27:02] gardengnome: gah.
[16:27:04] juski: that'd be the ram-minimyth then
[16:27:07] gardengnome: yes
[16:27:14] gardengnome: which is *not* what you want on the s100
[16:27:17] juski: not what you want to be using
[16:27:25] gardengnome: rsdvd: what does "free -m" look like?
[16:27:43] Finswimmer: now the backend killed itself
[16:27:49] rsdvd: no – this is nfs-minimyth.........ram-minimyth fulls the rootfs over pxe/tftp
[16:28:08] Smirnov: /joiN ##csharp
[16:28:13] Smirnov: ooops lol
[16:28:31] rsdvd: free -m does not exist
[16:28:33] Smirnov: anyone here using firewire+comcast?
[16:28:37] rsdvd: root@S100:~ $ free
[16:28:37] rsdvd: total used free shared buffers
[16:28:37] rsdvd: Mem: 126368 80072 46296 0 424
[16:28:37] rsdvd: Swap: 0 0 0
[16:28:37] rsdvd: Total: 126368 80072 46296
[16:28:38] rsdvd: root@S100:~ $
[16:28:42] gardengnome: rsdvd: there are two kinds of nfs-minimyth. one pulls a compressed rootfs file and one mounts an nfs share as its root file system.
[16:28:45] stuarta: ahem...
[16:29:00] Dagmar: Smirnov: Some people are. What you can get through it is going to very by market
[16:29:04] Dagmar: s/very/vary/;
[16:29:08] fysa: Does anyone here know about the protocol/specifics of the HDHomeRun?
[16:29:17] fysa: I know it uses UDP, but that's about it.. :P
[16:29:32] rsdvd: gardengnome : they both pull a rootfs.....ram-minimyth pulls it by tftp.....and nfs-minimyth pulls by nfs
[16:29:34] stuarta: use the source luke
[16:29:43] Smirnov: Dagmar: what do you mean
[16:29:55] Dagmar: Smirnov: About as much as your quesion
[16:30:03] gardengnome: rsdvd: did you follow that guide:
[16:30:15] Smirnov: Dagmar: huh??
[16:30:22] rsdvd: gardengnome : yes
[16:30:27] Dagmar: Smirnov: You should be able to change channels using the firewire interface. Everything else is a complete crapshoot.
[16:30:29] fysa: I don't think it would be too difficult to through together an HDHomeRun server 'emulator.'
[16:30:33] fysa: throw.
[16:30:41] gardengnome: rsdvd: then you should be fine.
[16:30:45] rsdvd: :-)
[16:30:49] gardengnome: fysa: why would you want to do that?
[16:30:58] Smirnov: Dagmar: which part is the crapshoot
[16:31:02] Dagmar: I figured I'd skip ahead by a question or two and skip the whole "teeth-pulling" stage
[16:31:06] gardengnome: rsdvd: show me ls -al of your nfs server directory for minimyth
[16:31:10] Dagmar: Smirnov: "everything else"
[16:31:34] rsdvd: gardengnome : I have rebooted, with the changes to init.d/x and xorg.conf
[16:31:49] Smirnov: Dagmar: oy...:(
[16:32:28] Dagmar: Smirnov: Since what goes across there is controlled by the local francise, there's not much point in asking people what *you* should be able to get because they won't know unless they live next door to you or something.
[16:32:34] fysa: gardengnome, it would allow you to use a non-HDHomeRun card in a Linux box, and serve its stream independently to an HDHomeRun-aware client elsewhere.
[16:32:52] Smirnov: Dagmar: oh i see.. ill try it out for myself then :-)
[16:33:01] Smirnov: Dagmar: good thing all it takes is a firewire cable
[16:33:30] Dagmar: Yep
[16:35:01] gardengnome: fysa: sorry, i did not know it was a whole standard for a/v device communication. there's a hdhomerun library available somewhere, but i don't know if it can be used for a server
[16:35:15] gardengnome: rsdvd: has it killed you? :)
[16:35:26] fysa: well. it's not really a standard, but HDHomeRun clients are becoming prolific.
[16:35:36] fysa: I found some nice source — right within myth.
[16:35:37] rsdvd: with the driver set to intel it dies with (EE) No drivers available.
[16:36:02] gardengnome: rsdvd: xorg.log please. that's not the whole error messagre
[16:36:03] stuarta: gardengnome & fysa, you can now get the hdhomerun device which allows you to talk to it over ethernet
[16:36:04] rsdvd: if I run with driver set to i810 it works onthe VGA just not on scart
[16:36:14] gardengnome: stuarta: i don't want it ;)
[16:36:15] stuarta: support has already been integrated into svn
[16:36:27] Finswimmer: i started mythbackend by my hand: QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query ;Unknown column 'firewire_port' in 'field list'
[16:36:32] stuarta: gardengnome: mayb fysa does :)
[16:36:37] gardengnome: rsdvd: yeah, that's because the i830 is not part of the IEGD ;)
[16:36:42] rsdvd: (EE) Failed to load module "intel" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
[16:36:48] fysa: stuarta, yeah, I'm looking at the source now — I'm actually interested in making a server app that pretends to be a HDHomeRun server, but pipes a /dev/video* device.
[16:36:51] gardengnome: rsdvd: please upload all of xorg.log
[16:37:14] rsdvd: I will – I wish minimyth had ftp – I have to samba it off then ftp up – hang on
[16:37:25] gardengnome: rsdvd: sftp might work
[16:37:45] rsdvd: not found
[16:38:06] rsdvd: gardengnome : uploaded
[16:38:55] Finswimmer: how can i delete firewire_port from DB
[16:39:10] Finswimmer: or solve this error
[16:39:33] gardengnome: rsdvd: please verify that the patch to rc.d/init.d/x was applied properly
[16:39:48] rsdvd: it was only 1 line ?
[16:40:05] rsdvd: # Start X.
[16:40:06] rsdvd: if /usr/bin/test "${MM_X_ENABLED}" = "yes" ; then
[16:40:06] rsdvd: /bin/su -c "/usr/bin/xinit — -ignoreABI" – minimyth &
[16:40:06] rsdvd: #/usr/bin/xinit &
[16:40:06] rsdvd: fi
[16:40:12] gardengnome: rsdvd: yep, but something is not working was intended
[16:40:14] jvs (jvs! has quit ("Leaving")
[16:40:34] rsdvd: from /etc/rc.d/init.d/x....lines 180(ish)
[16:40:59] gardengnome: rsdvd: see, we try to tell X to ignore the ABI (application binary interface) version of its modules. but it doesn't want to do that.
[16:41:21] rsdvd: :-) naughty X
[16:41:42] Smirnov (Smirnov! has quit ("Leaving.")
[16:41:54] gardengnome: rsdvd: ok, feel free to do your X :1 trick again. but please append -ignoreABI
[16:42:37] rsdvd: (WW) module ABI major version (0) doesn't match the server's version (1)
[16:42:37] rsdvd: (WW) INTEL: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:0:2:1) found
[16:42:37] rsdvd: (EE) INTEL(0): i2c_alm.c: Cannot recover I2C error.
[16:42:37] rsdvd: (EE) INTEL(0): i2c_alm.c: Cannot recover I2C error.
[16:43:17] gardengnome: interesting
[16:43:26] rsdvd: a differnt error!
[16:43:42] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[16:45:20] rsdvd: :-) good old Pablo
[16:45:24] gardengnome: rsdvd: most of this stuff is in the german forum as well, but it probably doesn't make much sense to you.
[16:45:29] gardengnome: rsdvd: can you modprobe intel.ko?
[16:45:56] rsdvd: FATAL: Module intel.ko not found.
[16:46:23] gardengnome: heh. thought as much
[16:46:24] Pete__ (Pete__! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:46:30] gardengnome: i'll do some more reading
[16:46:35] Dagmar: d3wm!
[16:46:49] Pete__: any hints on what I should do if mythbackend gives "*** glibc detected *** mythbackend: malloc(): memory corruption (fast):.."
[16:47:02] Pete__: I hope its not dead ram :)
[16:47:07] rsdvd: gardengnome : <crying> I thought we were there </crying>
[16:47:17] juski: hummm velly intellesting
[16:47:22] gardengnome: rsdvd: there there..
[16:47:29] Dagmar: Pete__: Boot up memtest86 and find out
[16:47:31] rsdvd: gardengnome : thanks!
[16:47:54] Pete__: ugh, I will do, this is a server stuck away, something I gotta do I guess
[16:47:57] juski (juski! has quit ("Beware, drivers on the M60")
[16:48:11] rsdvd: bfn juski
[16:48:18] gardengnome: rsdvd: uh, modprobe intel-agp
[16:48:25] gardengnome: rsdvd: uh, modprobe intel as well ;)
[16:48:47] rsdvd: modprobe intel-agp....fine!
[16:48:57] rsdvd: modprobe intel....seg fault
[16:49:00] gardengnome: hrm
[16:49:09] gardengnome: try your X trick again ;)
[16:49:33] rsdvd: same error – (EE) INTEL(0): i2c_alm.c: Cannot recover I2C error.
[16:49:34] fysa: Has anyone here successfully converted an existing Linux installation to netboot?
[16:49:48] Pete__: this is odd, this server had ~40 days up, then it just stopped responding, rebooted it yesterday, now this, looks like it could be something hardware wise
[16:49:55] rsdvd: fysa : don;t do it :-) LOL......
[16:51:03] gardengnome: rsdvd: might be time for a reboot, it's possible that modprobe intel messed something up. can you take a look at dmesg if there are any interesting messages involving anything intel?
[16:51:35] fysa: it's not as simple as using dd to image the drives?
[16:51:58] rsdvd: gardengnome : <1>BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address 00000001
[16:52:02] rsdvd: from dmesg
[16:52:10] gardengnome: fysa: err, and what would you do with those images? cast some magic netboot spell on them?
[16:52:29] gardengnome: rsdvd: ok. time for a reboot ;)
[16:52:37] rsdvd: :-) hang on
[16:53:17] opello_ is now known as opello
[16:55:29] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:55:57] rsdvd: gardengnome : (EE) Failed to load module "intel" (module requirement mismatch, 0)
[16:56:55] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuart@unaffiliated/stuarta) has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:01:24] rsdvd: gardengnome : have you any more ideas?
[17:02:29] gardengnome: rsdvd: i just wanted to get the s100 into a clean state.
[17:02:43] rsdvd: ok
[17:03:10] gardengnome: rsdvd: it'll work eventually.
[17:03:20] fysa:
[17:03:34] rsdvd: I will belive you but right now it look doubtful
[17:03:41] fysa: that's pretty close, gardengnome :)
[17:04:29] gardengnome: rsdvd: heh
[17:04:39] gardengnome: rsdvd: don't worry.
[17:04:46] rsdvd: lol
[17:05:11] rsdvd: there is a lot riding on getting this box working........:-)
[17:05:22] gardengnome: rsdvd: someone in the zenega-user forum used to have the same error message. he managed to make it work eventually
[17:05:40] gardengnome: rsdvd: minimyth on this thing is gonna kick ass. i've got other people who'd like to have that, too
[17:05:41] rsdvd: have you found out how?
[17:05:53] gardengnome: rsdvd: it seems to be related to some of the kernel patches.
[17:06:08] kayelem (kayelem! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[17:06:20] rsdvd: at least you can read the forum......I have to use a translator and it makes no sense
[17:06:25] gardengnome: rsdvd: does your xorg.log show the i2c error as well? i dont see it.
[17:06:30] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:06:52] rsdvd: no
[17:07:17] gardengnome: rsdvd: that's weird.
[17:07:55] rsdvd: all of this is weird to me
[17:08:09] gardengnome: heh
[17:08:31] gardengnome: i hate this binary garbage. the normal drivers are better maintained imho
[17:08:51] rsdvd: :-)
[17:09:12] gardengnome: rsdvd: some guy installed a patched kernel which caused it to start working for him. i'
[17:09:21] gardengnome: ll try to find out what patches he uses
[17:10:01] PointyPumper (PointyPumper! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:10:05] rsdvd: ok – but I was hoping to use minimyth as closly as possible – so I can upgrade with them......but if we can get it working I willspeak to Pablo about that
[17:10:55] gardengnome: we're using out-of-kernel modules anyways ;)
[17:11:13] rsdvd: :-)
[17:13:34] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:22:50] gardengnome: sad that minimyth doesn't come with xosd. i'd like to write obscene stuff on rsdvd's TV
[17:23:07] rsdvd: lol
[17:25:48] Dagmar: Well, xosd is kinda tiny
[17:25:52] Dagmar: You could scp in a copy
[17:25:56] gardengnome: Dagmar: so is minimyth
[17:26:04] Zyxus (Zyxus! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:26:11] Dagmar: ...or just open the access control to let you run xosd against it remotely
[17:26:11] gardengnome: Dagmar: i'll get Xvideo working first and then i'll just upload some porn
[17:27:43] cliche (cliche! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:30:15] gardengnome: heh, poor s100
[17:30:16] gardengnome: Mem: 126368 123772 2596 0 260
[17:32:28] kslater: all this S100 stuff has me scratching my head. Seems I remember S100 boxen from the very early days of personal computing
[17:32:37] kslater: like the late 70's early 80's era
[17:33:05] rsdvd: kslater : not the S100 bus from the 80s....these are set-top boxes from German
[17:33:19] kslater: aha!
[17:34:39] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:34:39] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[17:35:04] kslater: showing my age I suppose
[17:38:11] Finswimmer (Finswimmer! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[17:38:18] cliche (cliche! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[17:43:01] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:43:41] justdave: are there any quick-n-dirty scripting language or configuration type ways to add things to the menus in mythfrontend or does it have to be a compiled plugin to do that?
[17:44:18] robthebob (robthebob! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:44:53] Zyxus (Zyxus! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:45:21] juski: justdave: RTFW ;)
[17:45:49] kslater: justdave the menus are just xml
[17:46:12] juski: . . . Helpful_Tips
[17:46:19] juski: TFW ^^^^
[17:47:36] juski: I like how you say 'just xml' kslater .. very funny :)
[17:47:44] justdave: ah, thanks, I was just going to ask if you had a page on the wiki in mind, because I wasn't sure what to look for :)
[17:48:24] justdave: yeah, this'll work.
[17:48:31] xris: juski: whats the W stand for in that?
[17:48:37] justdave: wiki
[17:48:53] kslater: I take my clues from Dagmar
[17:48:53] justdave: or website maybe, but it happens to be a wiki :)
[17:49:05] juski: xris: wiki :)
[17:49:12] xris: heh, ok.
[17:49:23] kazer_ (kazer_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:49:27] xris: didn't line up with any known acronyms, but I had a good idea what the first two were for. :)
[17:49:29] juski: the 'f' can stand for anything you like
[17:49:58] justdave: I have a VCR hooked up to the composite inputs on the capture card. Normally you get to it by going into Watch TV and hitting the C key to switch inputs. But the remote I have dosn't have an input button on it, and nothing else convenient to assign to it.
[17:50:09] juski: the way things are at work right now, we're all using expletives like people use natural pauses in speech
[17:50:21] justdave: so I was hoping to just add a menu item for it that would go directly to that (Watch TV with the composite input selected already)
[17:51:07] juski: justdave: you could make a script to run ivtvctl (or v4l2ctl) & bind it to a menu item. hackish but it'd prolly work
[17:51:49] rsdvd: juski : we have the S100 playing mythtv throught the scart and proper speed :-)
[17:51:50] juski: ah.. wait a sec. it won't work since myth will reset the input when you start live tv
[17:52:00] juski: rsdvd: yeah?! wooo!
[17:52:23] rsdvd: :-) there are some problems still......especially everyone is blue liek smurfs :-)
[17:52:37] juski: you need that line daviey posted earlier today
[17:52:44] rsdvd: gardengnome has gone for dinner but hopfully will be bhelping me agian later
[17:53:06] juski: #define USE_HACK_FOR_BROKEN_I420_SUPPORT_IN_DRIVER
[17:53:23] rsdvd: where does that go?
[17:53:36] esandeen: what kicks off mytcommflag?
[17:53:37] juski: it's in videooutput.cpp in the myth lib source
[17:53:42] justdave: unrelated, I was also trying to turn an old, currently-unused Powerbook G4 into a Myth frontend box for an extra TV.
[17:53:56] justdave: And ran into a bit of a quandry.
[17:53:58] rsdvd: ok! I will mention that to gardengnome when he comes back
[17:54:06] juski: rsdvd: he already knows ;)
[17:54:23] LabMonkey (LabMonkey!i=bogart@gentoo/developer/labmonkey) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:54:27] juski: well, pretty sure he already knows anyway
[17:54:31] justdave: Myth works great on OS X, uses the S-Video out to the TV and everything, but I can't find any drivers to let any remotes other than that little 6-button one Apple ships work
[17:54:45] rsdvd: :-) I dont't want to recompile anythign untill I know where he was up to
[17:54:48] fysa: you get SPDIF working, justdave?
[17:54:59] justdave: So I'm thinking "I know LIRC has drivers for tons of remotes on Linux, I'll try that"
[17:55:06] justdave: so I reloaded the think with Ubuntu PPC
[17:55:09] juski: 6 buttons? eeew. there are toys with more buttons than that
[17:55:16] justdave: LIRC works great, I can use the fancy remote with it
[17:55:28] justdave: no PPC drivers for the video card that know how to use the S-Video out
[17:55:43] justdave: so I can either have a nice remote, or hook it to the TV, but not both. :)
[17:55:51] fysa: what you probably want to do, justdave, is run lircd on both OS X and the backend.
[17:56:03] fysa: have the backend receive the IR commands and pass them via network
[17:56:13] juski: messy
[17:56:19] fysa:
[17:56:31] justdave: that'd be tricky, with them being on opposite ends of the house
[17:56:38] justdave: several walls in between
[17:56:44] juski: or do you mean the receiver is still on the mac ?
[17:56:49] fysa: you'd need an RF/IR adapter — like the $20 LeapFrog.
[17:56:57] juski: blech
[17:57:17] justdave: I have a USB IR receiver plugged into the Powerbook
[17:57:37] juski: there must be lirc modules for it
[17:58:11] justdave: I was thinking of trying that... going back to OS X and seeing if I could build LIRC and get it to talk to the IR receiver
[17:58:30] justdave: there's modules for it on linux, but they require kernel modules
[17:58:47] justdave: which means there's probably some completely different mechanism for getting to it on OS X
[17:58:48] fysa: From what I can tell, lircd is slave-mode only in OS X at the moment.
[17:59:06] juski: oh jesus. loads of virgin media customers are squirming out of their contracts – and all because they've lost a few shitty shows
[17:59:27] Dagmar: Man that's just terrible
[17:59:35] fysa:
[17:59:38] juski: justdave: can't you just compile them yerself?
[17:59:44] Dagmar: How dare they hold service providers to their contracted agreements
[18:00:54] justdave: juski: compile what?
[18:01:57] juski: compile the modules for the kernel you're using
[18:02:04] justdave: on linux, sure (and I did)
[18:02:10] justdave: on OS X we don't know if they exist :)
[18:02:27] fysa: The "ATI Remote Wonder" works with OS X.
[18:02:37] fysa: It's an RF remote, however.
[18:02:52] justdave: although there must be something because I found two different programs that'll talk to the Apple Remote using that IR receiver
[18:03:09] justdave: so it's probably automatically there and just using some obscure device name
[18:03:25] justdave: hah yeah, that's a neat hack
[18:03:30] justdave: read that last night :)
[18:03:46] justdave: IR diode across the audio input :)
[18:04:13] Dagmar: I like the fact that it eliminates the possibiliity that the person could use a framegrabber card
[18:04:20] fysa:
[18:06:06] justdave: ooh, fysa, hadn't found that one yet. I found two other similar programs, but both of them could only deal with the Apple Remote
[18:06:20] fysa:
[18:06:24] fysa: It looks like it uses thsi one.
[18:06:58] juski: yay, got etherboot worky, finally
[18:06:58] fysa: a little pricey.
[18:08:02] sjerome (sjerome! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:08:22] justdave: hmm, yeah, maybe that's why I didn't find it, I was looking for stuff that worked with the IR Receiver I already had
[18:08:47] rsdvd: juski : etherboot should have been easy with the image I put up
[18:08:59] juski: heh yes it was :)
[18:09:03] rsdvd: :-)
[18:09:04] justdave: the one I have is an eHome something or other
[18:09:06] fysa: I don't think the lirc modules are ported yet..
[18:09:12] fysa: have you checked CVS/SVN?
[18:09:34] justdave: it's the same one Microsoft ships with their Media Center kits
[18:09:45] justdave: uses the mceusb2 driver on Linux
[18:09:55] juski: rsdvd – the hard bit is gonna be to make this happily coexist with my other minimyth setup
[18:10:34] rsdvd: shouldn;t be a probelm – the configs are all based on teh MAC address
[18:11:11] juski: I can't remember how 'file PXEClient/$foo' relates to where the tftp stuff is located
[18:11:31] lcase (lcase! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:11:38] fysa: . . . sourceid=298
[18:12:21] rsdvd: juski ..... you have a pxelinux conf file named the same as the mac adress in pxelinux.cfg
[18:13:14] rsdvd: that gives you the kernel etc......then you have a file in conf/hostname that gives you the minimyth stuff
[18:13:16] juski: rsdvd: yeah I know you *can* have, but I don't
[18:13:40] juski: I just can't remember htf the tftp server is configured
[18:13:41] rsdvd: do you just have default?
[18:13:50] fysa:
[18:14:01] fysa: there's a tftpd config there
[18:14:09] rsdvd: I am suer you will work it out – if not I have got quite good with that now ;-)
[18:14:10] juski: I don't want no shitty bungoo configs :)
[18:14:29] justdave: hmm, so I would put one of those upstairs on the extra TV, then put the other in the basement and plug it into the server, then do the LIRC relay thing?
[18:14:32] juski: but thanks!
[18:14:49] rsdvd: :-)
[18:14:50] fysa: right. you'd run lircd on OS X in slave mode..
[18:15:00] fysa: so the lirc commands would just go via network back to the frontend.
[18:15:11] juski: my tftpboot dir is /tftpboot but can't remember how I set that in the 1st place
[18:15:43] juski: used to be in.tftpd
[18:15:45] rsdvd: that will be fine – they will both use the saem is just the fiels in there that need to be seperate....
[18:15:59] fysa: > /xinetd.d/tftp
[18:16:06] fysa: server_args = -s /tftpboot
[18:16:09] rsdvd: in the tftpboot will be a directory called pxelinux.cfg
[18:16:56] juski: ah it's in inetd.conf
[18:17:48] juski: I'd prefer to keep them totally separate, but hey wth
[18:18:41] rsdvd: you could always use seperate servers...then they will be totally seperate
[18:19:14] fysa: You can set MAC/IP in the pxelinux.cfg/default
[18:19:27] fysa: for managing multiple unique clients..
[18:19:38] juski: I'll stick with naming the config dirs by mac id
[18:19:44] rsdvd: :-)
[18:19:44] juski: less chance of me fucking it up
[18:20:14] juski: my linux powers have weakened since changing to the bumgoo
[18:20:45] rsdvd: :-)
[18:20:52] justdave: looking at that iRed software, the wording of the system requirements page leads me to believe that it may work with other IR receivers other than the iTrans
[18:21:10] juski: I'm not sure if that's a good thing (i.e. having to know less to use it day to day) or a bad thing (being stuck when I really need to be in control)
[18:21:10] fysa: worth a shot :)
[18:21:14] justdave: but that they're probably affiliated with the iTrans and conveniently forgetting to tell you about others because they want to sell iTrans. :)
[18:21:34] justdave: because they mention that older Mac models have irda ports that don't do full IR
[18:21:52] justdave: and mention that iRed works with the built-in IR on the newer macs
[18:22:30] justdave: I should freaking dual boot this machine so I can stop reloading it :)
[18:22:49] juski: if someone was to fuddle a driver for the built-in IR receiver.. ;)
[18:23:33] juski: the one thing that'd put me off buying a mac mini is the teeny remote you get – I mean sure you could use an external receiver but those things are like half the size of the mini!
[18:24:32] fysa: maybe we can have a bluetooth+ir remote some day.
[18:25:03] juski: I'd be dubious about battery life with a bluetooth remote tbh
[18:25:20] juski: I love not having to charge my remote :)
[18:25:24] fysa: .. with a wireless microwave-powered dock .. :P
[18:25:56] juski: you could build a transformer into your coffee table
[18:26:01] fysa: haha
[18:26:16] juski: do contactless charging like some electric toothbrushes use ;)
[18:26:20] fysa: that would keep people's feet off of it.
[18:27:04] fysa: actually. I still think the wii remote would make a great media center remote.
[18:27:24] juski: if you could keep current consumption down a lot you'd no doubt be able to use a 'kinetic' charger like those fancy watches!
[18:27:31] fysa: but not without a new OSD interface.
[18:27:35] ** juski runs to the patent office **
[18:27:51] gardengnome: re
[18:27:52] fysa: so now smacking your remote would actually be worth something?
[18:27:58] juski: fysa: :)
[18:28:12] fysa: not a bad idea.
[18:28:14] juski: the GUI needs rejigged anyway, we're all aware of that
[18:28:24] juski: wb gardengnome
[18:38:31] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[18:38:37] gardengnome: does anyone see what be wrong with this command: >>su -c "/usr/bin/xinit — -ignoreABI" – minimyth<<? it looks like -ignoreABI isn't passed to X.
[18:41:41] juski: no idea there. I'm just a 'startx' kinda guy
[18:42:01] gardengnome: i'll have to experiment
[18:44:31] rsdvd: juski  – what?
[18:44:42] juski: she works for a *major* financial institution & the FSA are allegedly trying to close them down
[18:44:52] rsdvd: ouch
[18:46:26] juski: they're having a big meeting about it right now
[18:47:46] rsdvd: not good.....although my redundency was the best thing that has ever happend to me
[18:48:00] lcase (lcase! has quit ()
[18:48:03] juski: I've had 3 of them now
[18:48:36] rsdvd: :-)
[18:48:44] juski: I'm seriously considering trying to change careers before too long
[18:48:50] rsdvd: you are jinxed
[18:48:55] juski: lol
[18:49:02] juski: that's electronics for you
[18:49:36] rsdvd: take up it customer service – we know how much you love it :-)
[18:50:06] juski: yeah – I'll be fine after having a total labotomy
[18:50:11] rsdvd: lol
[18:52:32] juski: just thinking about something – isn't it a great shame you can't easily do a binary patch to cure the blue man video issue?
[18:53:03] gardengnome: i could do a binary patch, it's just gonna be useless for anyone else ;)
[18:53:43] juski: so er.. the IEGD 6.1 works with xorg 7.2 then?
[18:54:02] gardengnome: yeah.
[18:54:16] gardengnome: there's some trouble with the kernel modules for DRM but that was to be expected.
[18:54:23] gardengnome: i'll hopefully be able to nsort it out
[18:56:57] jams: oh good to know
[18:58:34] gardengnome: -ignoreABI ftw :)
[19:00:35] PointyPumper (PointyPumper! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:02:15] gardengnome: i wish xinit would stop being a bitch.
[19:05:54] gardengnome: yay. stupid .xserver.
[19:06:07] fryfrog: xinit?
[19:06:09] fryfrog: you mean xinet?
[19:06:16] gardengnome: no, xinit
[19:06:18] fryfrog: ah
[19:06:20] gardengnome: ;)
[19:06:25] benc_ (benc_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:06:34] fryfrog: all those things with similar names :p
[19:06:45] gardengnome: just use inetd ;)
[19:13:41] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[19:21:00] kslater: I have a schedule question that I could use some help with. I have a power search recording coming up that is causing 3 recordings to be schedule in a single timeslot
[19:21:05] kslater: and I only have 2 tuners
[19:21:28] fryfrog: wow
[19:21:33] fryfrog: silly myth ://
[19:21:47] fryfrog: are you using the -fixes branch, latest svn or a distro's packages?
[19:21:48] kslater: I'm pretty sure it's my fault somehow
[19:21:58] kslater: .20–147 from at rpms
[19:22:01] fryfrog: bah, blame canada!
[19:22:21] fryfrog: what is the power search recording btw, i've only ever setup series/show recordings?
[19:22:43] kslater: power search allows you to match with a query you build up in parts
[19:23:22] kslater: so you can do things like, only new episodes on a specific channel, etc.
[19:23:24] fryfrog: ah
[19:23:31] kslater: just gives you more power to control things
[19:23:37] fryfrog: neat
[19:23:50] fryfrog: do you do all your recordings as "power searches"?
[19:23:52] fryfrog: or just some?
[19:24:10] rsdvd: juski : are you there?
[19:24:19] kslater: I do most of my network shows that way as it keeps the clutter down in the upcoming schedule
[19:25:09] fryfrog: i usually just go and mark any i've already seen, or just delete it when it records it so it won't record it again
[19:25:15] fryfrog: i guess your way would make things easier :)
[19:26:27] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:26:47] kslater: for shows that are on currently and also in syndicated reruns it makes it nice
[19:27:26] kslater: but I'm puzzled by this 3 shows on 2 tuners issue
[19:27:58] juski: rsdvd: yup
[19:35:32] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[19:36:43] rsdvd: juski : do you still haev the script to stop the leds flashing – it is not on your site anymore
[19:38:32] stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:39:36] juski: got it somewheres
[19:40:28] rsdvd: it was on your site untill your 'crash'
[19:45:00] juski: what was it called?
[19:45:19] rsdvd: I don't know you pasted the contents to your linux page
[19:45:37] gardengnome: i think it involved setserial
[19:48:01] Cyberai: I'm thinking about going HD. Do I have to install a particular version of mythtv for a 64bit dual core processor?
[19:49:24] juski: searching ....
[19:49:49] gardengnome: juski: are you gonna keep your s100 now?
[19:50:02] juski: might keep one
[19:50:20] rsdvd: :-( I thought you were selling them both
[19:50:29] rsdvd: lol
[19:50:57] rsdvd: we need to get a job let from Germany.....
[19:51:17] gardengnome: i'm gonna sell my dbox. once i actually get a DVB card with a working CI.
[19:51:34] gardengnome: i've given up with my current one for now. *sigh*
[19:51:48] gardengnome: two DVB cards. both with a broken CI :/
[19:53:07] fysa: which modules are required in initrd for netboot/nfsroot?
[19:53:19] fysa: just nfs and networking related?
[19:53:25] gardengnome: sounds sensible
[19:53:45] gardengnome: you'll also need a script that'll set up networking for you and mount the root fs
[19:53:53] fysa: actually. that doesn't seem like the problem.
[19:54:14] fysa: I have the initrd/kernel loading properly — it just dies at mounting nfsroot.
[19:54:32] fysa: it says 'network unreachable' after complaining that the server has tcp disabled.
[19:54:55] fysa: wait. so maybe I do need to add network stuff to my mkinitrd.
[19:55:11] fysa: because they're probably modules .. on /. :P
[19:55:21] fysa: brb
[19:55:25] gardengnome: i just compile $stuff statically into the kernel, it's much easier than messing with an initrd
[19:55:59] Anduin: and sometimes you only have things like nash there
[19:56:23] gardengnome: rsdvd: that's odd. i must have misunderstood something
[19:56:28] fysa: opensuse has /etc/sysconfig/kernel with an INITRD_MODULES variable that makes things a bit easier.
[19:56:56] rsdvd: gardengnome : have you made the same change you yours?
[19:57:17] rsdvd: would I be better doing another make build ?
[19:58:24] gardengnome: rsdvd: err, did you run make clean after making that change?
[19:58:40] gardengnome: rsdvd: it's busy building gcc at the moment :)
[19:59:41] rsdvd: gardengnome : yes – make clean && make makepatch
[19:59:56] rsdvd: should I try make clean && make build ?
[20:00:12] escher9694 (escher9694! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:00:12] gardengnome: rsdvd: make clean will delete work/ :// sorry. you'll have to abort the build, make that change again and run make build
[20:00:25] rsdvd: ko
[20:00:27] rsdvd: ok
[20:00:27] gardengnome: <- sill< gnome
[20:04:19] kayelem (kayelem! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:06:17] juski: damn I can't find that script
[20:06:30] juski: it'll be on the zenega forums still though
[20:06:44] rsdvd: juski : I will have a look later
[20:07:30] gardengnome: rsdvd, juski: so. remote support. does minimyth use normal LIRC?
[20:08:37] juski: yeah
[20:08:46] gardengnome: *shiver*
[20:08:47] rsdvd: gardengnome : yes – minimyth uses lirc....but these boxes have keybaord driver for the inbuilt ir
[20:08:58] juski: just use the xmodmap
[20:09:04] juski: if minimyth has it
[20:09:15] juski: hrm I don't think it does actually
[20:09:23] gardengnome: true, but i was aiming for maximum compatibility.
[20:09:34] gardengnome: personally, i'd just use inputlircd.
[20:09:42] juski: you can't have it with that chroma hack
[20:09:48] juski: bbl – eats
[20:09:58] gardengnome: chroma hack? huh?
[20:10:24] r3zurector (r3zurector! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:11:15] rsdvd: I have been watching friends on the S100 (in smurf mode) and the box suddenly locked hard....had to power down
[20:11:39] gardengnome: rsdvd: oh :/
[20:11:48] gardengnome: rsdvd: do you have anything non-standard in there?
[20:11:56] gardengnome: beer time o/
[20:12:17] rsdvd: gardengnome : no! only what we have just done
[20:12:48] gardengnome: rsdvd: ok. i was just wondering if there was a RAID 5 array taxing the psu ;)
[20:12:59] rsdvd: lol.....hardly
[20:13:31] gardengnome: rsdvd: can you access the syslog?
[20:13:57] rsdvd: no – telnet stopped – now it has been rebooted so they are lost
[20:14:49] robthebob (robthebob! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
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[20:15:18] gardengnome: rsdvd: please mount a writeable nfs share somewhere on the box and run a background process that'll copy /var/log/messages to that share. maybe like dd if=/var/log/messages of=/mnt/nfsshare/messages bs=1
[20:15:38] gardengnome: stole that trick from ubuntu: 4367 ? Ss 0:00 /bin/dd bs 1 if /proc/kmsg of /var/run/klogd/kmsg
[20:15:41] gardengnome: ;)
[20:15:55] gardengnome: rsdvd: and try to make it crash again ;)
[20:16:41] rsdvd: I will in a bit – I have just finished the make build so I am trying it
[20:17:21] gardengnome: great!
[20:26:09] rn114 (rn114! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:26:12] rsdvd: bollox......I over wrote the nfs share....I forgot to make the changes :-(
[20:26:40] gardengnome: what changes?
[20:27:01] rsdvd: the things like --ignoreABI etc
[20:28:26] rsdvd: other than xorg stuff – what else did we change?
[20:28:33] gardengnome: nothing AFAIK
[20:28:42] rsdvd: :-) good
[20:28:56] gardengnome: add -ignoreABI in /home/minimyth/.xserver
[20:29:38] rsdvd: .xserverrc
[20:29:46] rsdvd: :-) done it – and rebooting
[20:29:53] gardengnome: heh
[20:31:07] rsdvd: :-( they still look liek smurfs
[20:31:29] madd_matt (madd_matt! has quit (SendQ exceeded)
[20:32:54] gardengnome: did you redo that change in videoout_xv.cpp
[20:33:08] robthebob (robthebob! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:33:16] rsdvd: yes
[20:33:40] gardengnome: but you didn't run make clean afterwards, right?
[20:34:36] gardengnome: and after that, what did you do?
[20:35:10] rsdvd: coppied the created nfs-minimyth to the nfs share and rebooted
[20:37:05] gardengnome: running make build in script/myth/mythtv-0.20stable didn't create a new minimyth distro
[20:37:33] rsdvd: I build it all again from /script/meta
[20:38:01] gardengnome: humm
[20:38:03] erazor: does mythtv search your harddrives for video files?
[20:38:20] gardengnome: erazor: you'll have to tell mythvideo to do so.
[20:38:46] erazor: alright, and.. how does it display them.. by file name or some sort of tag?
[20:38:50] gardengnome: rsdvd: i dunno off-hand. i need to fix my minimyth right now. i accidentally typed rm -rf script/ ;)
[20:39:02] rsdvd: anyway – I have to give up for tonight – I am being told I have spent long enough tonight
[20:39:34] rsdvd: oops :-) when you get it built drop me an email telling me what needs to be done...I will send you my email by pvt
[20:40:28] gardengnome: heh
[20:40:32] gardengnome: thanks
[20:41:03] rsdvd: gardengnome : thank you very much for all your help this evening! it is greatly appreciated
[20:41:29] gardengnome: rsdvd: np. it's not entirely altruism ya know ;)
[20:45:08] robthebob (robthebob! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:51:45] juski: when vigilante missions in GTA Vice City just don't dumb the rage... what next?
[20:51:57] sjerome is now known as seth|afk
[20:52:36] gardengnome: juski: quake 4-
[20:56:31] juski: didnt even know there was a quake 4
[20:56:54] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[20:57:01] gardengnome: i'm gonna play some later tonight
[20:57:22] gardengnome: i bought it 4 months ago and still haven't finished it. it's just a glorified tech demo ;)
[20:57:51] splAt1 is now known as splat1
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[21:27:25] clever (clever! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:27:45] esandeen: is there any setting in myth to either... exit the recorded shows screen after a period of time, and/or limit the amount of the show that gets played for the preview?
[21:28:18] esandeen: I'm trying to get control of the power my mythbox is sucking down, and decoding the entire show in the preview window over & over when the tv is off is not helping :)
[21:28:40] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[21:28:48] esandeen: limiting the amount of the show played would allow it to cache, and maybe the drive could spin down...
[21:29:01] esandeen: and exiting after inactivity would drop the cpu load
[21:29:43] onixian (onixian! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[21:35:38] Wibble-: howdy :) My mythfrontend and mythtv-setup both die when trying to talk to X (and they completely kill X in the process!) mythfrontend says "mythfrontend: Fatal IO error: client killed" and they both just die. Any clues?
[21:41:36] esandeen: x11 logs maybe?
[21:42:14] fysa: do we have a way of playing HD-DVDs in Linux yet?
[21:42:48] Wibble-: sorry esandeen – pastebin is taking ages (I've been trying since the first message! is the mythfrontend log)
[21:43:42] juski: == always faster than the .com :)
[21:43:49] esandeen: i was wondering if the x11 logs said anything...
[21:43:55] Wibble-: okies :)
[21:44:09] juski: fysa: not legally & AFAIK not illegally either
[21:44:11] Wibble-: <-- X11 output
[21:44:13] esandeen: just OOC...
[21:44:45] ** esandeen shrugs **
[21:44:49] esandeen: yeah, said something
[21:44:56] esandeen: not that I know what you should do as a result :)
[21:45:03] Wibble-: <-- Xorg.0.log
[22:08:37] briand (briand! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:09:16] Zider: wtf is a wacom?
[22:10:10] harzi: manufacturer of nice input-tablets
[22:10:25] Zider: mkay
[22:11:36] Wibble-: *shrug* it was in my setup. I've removed it now since I don't have it – dunno why it is in there by default.
[23:14:56] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:52:33] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users

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