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Thursday, March 1st, 2007, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:26] clever: i had a schedules item comeup once while in livecd
[00:01:33] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:01:39] clever: didnt read it fully but i think it had 3 options
[00:02:35] eulin (eulin!n=eulin@ has quit ("Leaving")
[00:02:38] clever: i dont use livetv much since my pc cant handle that much load
[00:02:41] GreyFoxx: Too bad you can't record the HD off it over firewire or something
[00:02:43] Smirnov (Smirnov! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:02:55] clever: but i sometimes set something to record then watch it while recording
[00:03:08] GreyFoxx: I use livetv for 5 minutes anytime there is major changes in the code to the livetv stuff, otherwise never
[00:03:15] r3m0t: rsdvd_: we used to have ntl, then as they were merging with telewest we moved to sky because my dad was impatient for HD content
[00:03:15] clever: and it will stop recording on its own when the show is over even though im watching it
[00:03:48] rsdvd_: r3m0t : just wondering if the midnight cullactually happened
[00:04:10] r3m0t: GreyFoxx: I haven't found anything about skyhd+firewire online, so I assume it isn't possible. I would love it though of course
[00:04:35] r3m0t: rsdvd_: midnight cull?
[00:05:00] r3m0t: the most frustrating part is that they put a 300GB drive in the box then reserve 140GB of it (and do nothing)
[00:05:34] r3m0t: GreyFoxx: there is a 6-pin firewire connector on the front of the box
[00:05:52] PSU (PSU!i=psu@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:54] r3m0t: PSU: does the sound work if you play it in mplayer outside of mythtv?
[00:07:00] r3m0t: PSU: I mean, mythfrontend
[00:07:26] PSU: r3m0t: thanks for your help! do you mean if i just play a recorded show?
[00:07:28] Bazil__ (Bazil__! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:07:33] PSU: through mythtv?
[00:08:11] PSU: excuse my ingnorance... but how can i try playing it in mythfrontend?
[00:08:48] r3m0t: PSU: err... whoops... just try playing the xvid file in mplayer or xine or similar and see what you get
[00:08:58] PSU: how do i go about doing that?
[00:09:07] PSU: sorry...just used to the mythtv menus...
[00:09:23] r3m0t: do you know where it is on your filesystem?
[00:09:26] PSU: yup
[00:09:45] PSU: ./myth/video
[00:10:10] PSU: how do i get to a # to play it?
[00:10:20] r3m0t: go there in konquerer or nautilus using KDE or gnome – do you have either of those installed?
[00:10:35] PSU: hrm, wish i knew believe i have gone :)
[00:10:38] PSU: gnome
[00:10:44] PSU: let me exit mythtv
[00:11:44] PSU: heh, i can't exit :/ won't scroll
[00:12:07] r3m0t: just press esc or alt-esc or whatever you've configured to "exit"
[00:12:33] PSU: yup, and for some reason now my "No" and "Yes, Exit Now" menus are both gray
[00:12:37] PSU: i can't scroll up or down
[00:12:39] rsdvd_: r3m0t : midnight cull = Sky cutting off Virgin Media (NTL)....they will nolonger supply any channels
[00:12:39] PSU: even with a keyboard
[00:12:47] PSU: i've never seen this happen before :/
[00:12:49] GreyFoxx: hrm, some of these wishlight items are already implemented. I wonder if I should clean them out of the lists
[00:13:05] r3m0t: GreyFoxx: only if the ideas themselves suck
[00:13:24] PSU: r3m0t: should i just reboot?
[00:13:27] GreyFoxx: I mean remove items freom the list that already exist or are already in svn :)
[00:13:36] GreyFoxx: a couple of the game ones I've already added to mythgame
[00:13:49] r3m0t: GreyFoxx: until they're released maybe you could just mark them as being in SVN?
[00:13:59] GreyFoxx: but I don't remember how long ago it was, so I don't remember if it's in svn only or in 0.20 :)
[00:14:05] r3m0t: PSU: yes, if that will get you out of mythtv (make sure you aren't recording anything ;))
[00:14:20] PSU: r3m0t: ok, thru knoppmyth i restarted
[00:14:35] r3m0t: rsdvd_: negotiations continue but it'll probably be a month or so before the current contract expires
[00:14:52] r3m0t: rsdvd_: and btw it isn't all channels – just the "non-premium" channels
[00:15:21] r3m0t: PSU: erm... I can't think of any – maybe shift about when X11 is starting
[00:15:27] PSU: k
[00:15:37] rsdvd_: yeah...but that is the only stuff woh having on sky...Sky one mainly
[00:16:00] PSU: r3m0t: ok, shift didn't work but i have a menu now :)
[00:16:05] PSU: i will exit mythtv
[00:16:06] r3m0t: rsdvd_: totally agree, and I side with sky – they can charge whatever they damn want
[00:16:29] rsdvd_: I don;t really care too much – I use satellite :-)
[00:16:45] r3m0t: rsdvd_: FTA or sky?
[00:16:51] rsdvd_: sky
[00:17:03] PSU: r3m0t: now i'm at the knoppmyth screen with the penquin no the couch :)
[00:17:25] PSU: heh, and no menu :/
[00:19:22] PSU: r3m0t: okay, restarting again. i don't know of an easy way to get to a command line with the distro (knoppmyth) that i am there any way that i can run mplayer or xine from this type of environment? as i mentioned earlier, everything works fine minus the sound for mythvideo
[00:19:52] r3m0t: oh – is it one xvid file, all xvid files, or all video files?
[00:20:21] PSU: right now i have one xvid file and the sound will not play
[00:20:28] PSU: i tried a different one a week or two ago
[00:20:31] PSU: with the same result
[00:20:38] PSU: so it appears that it is a mythvideo problem
[00:21:59] r3m0t: yes... perhaps
[00:22:05] r3m0t: but I don't know anything about it
[00:22:09] PSU: ok :)
[00:22:16] PSU: are there any mythvideo experts around?
[00:22:23] PSU: GreyFoxx: can you offer any advice ? :)
[00:42:32] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:42:52] juski: $ky One, $ky two, $ky News have gone :)
[00:43:59] juski: free from $ky at last :) And soon, Freeview will be too :D
[00:46:43] PSU: crap can't get audio
[00:51:56] juski: hahaha some bird on bbc news24 has said she doesn't care about losing the $ky channels – after all she can just download the shows with her broadband & bittorrent
[00:57:52] juski (juski! has quit ("QQQQ Mr. Murdoch :)")
[01:03:29] benc (benc! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:06:35] planktonboy: just ordered that Hacking Mythtv book
[01:07:22] benc_ (benc_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:07:40] planktonboy: hopefully will come in handy, and always good to have something interesting to read when away from my pc
[01:07:46] PSU: anyone w/ a pvr350 alive?
[01:07:52] neddy (neddy!n=js152033@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:54] onewheelskyward: Yo, 350 running here.
[01:13:24] onewheelskyward: planktonboy: If you're reading about your PC while you're away from your PC, I don't think you actually got away.  :)
[01:13:45] planktonboy: haha
[01:13:51] PSU: onewheelskyward: are you using mythvideo at all?
[01:14:15] onewheelskyward: PSU: Nope, I'm strictly a TV/recordings viewer.
[01:14:35] PSU: ok..rats :)
[01:14:51] onewheelskyward: Oh I just saw your problem...Are you normally using the audio from the PVR to play recordings?
[01:14:56] planktonboy: yeah..I never seem to escape from it...but then again what else is there to do...only time I don't have any pc related stuff around is at the local pub
[01:15:31] sandeen_ (sandeen_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:15:32] PSU: onewheelskyward: yes, i do not use my sound card
[01:16:49] onewheelskyward: Currently I run my frontend on my desktop, so I don't have a TV in the mix anymore.
[01:16:49] PSU: without the sound card
[01:16:54] PSU: i c
[01:17:45] PSU: is there anyone that knows mythvideo pretty well? or another irc-channel, etc?
[01:17:54] onewheelskyward: Can you plug the sound card into the TV? If so, couldn't you run all of myth's audio output through it?
[01:18:17] PSU: let me see
[01:18:38] PSU: i would probably need to buy a patch cord (audio cable)
[01:18:51] onewheelskyward: Oh most likely. But they're like $5.
[01:19:49] PSU: yeah i'd have to figure that out
[01:19:52] PSU: but a good test
[01:19:59] PSU: but my theory is that i have it working now
[01:20:00] PSU: for tv
[01:20:11] PSU: just not the mythvideo part, so theoretically it should work
[01:20:21] PSU: if i can get it configured to work the other way :P
[01:20:50] onewheelskyward: Exactly.
[01:21:09] onewheelskyward: In lieu of an audio cable, you can test using headphones.
[01:22:32] PSU: yup, trying that now
[01:22:44] PSU: can i use this output to my mic jack on my laptop?
[01:25:21] onewheelskyward: Yep. Just make double sure that your laptop's mic boost is _not_ on.
[01:26:32] PSU: yeah that worked
[01:26:36] PSU: i just used headphones
[01:26:37] PSU: but i have sound
[01:26:46] onewheelskyward: Sweet! In both video and TV?
[01:26:50] PSU: well
[01:26:55] PSU: now i will try TV
[01:27:01] PSU: but i will likely have to disable the passthrough option
[01:27:03] PSU: that is in mythtv
[01:27:50] neddy (neddy!n=js152033@ has quit ("Leaving.")
[01:40:37] Hoxzer_ (Hoxzer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:44:32] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Connection timed out)
[01:44:36] visit0r (visit0r! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:48:50] onixian (onixian! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:48:58] visit0r (visit0r! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:50:07] PeregrineFalcon (PeregrineFalcon! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:50:26] PeregrineFalcon: Anyone available to assist with a TV Out setup?
[01:50:59] Smirnov: i have s-video out if that helps you any
[01:51:47] PeregrineFalcon: I'm using svideo, and i looked at the Xorg.0.log file
[01:51:54] PeregrineFalcon: and it is telling me there is no TV connected
[01:52:29] PeregrineFalcon: I am using the Option "UseDisplayDevice" "TV" as described in the nvidia Readme
[01:53:19] Smirnov: do you have a separate device and screen as needed?
[01:53:34] PeregrineFalcon: yes
[01:53:46] PeregrineFalcon: I have 2 device, monitor, and screen sections
[01:53:54] Smirnov: hm
[01:53:58] PeregrineFalcon: and in my server layout call out Screen 0 "Screen1" 00
[01:54:00] Smirnov: i dont have OPtion "UseDisplayDevice" "TV" anywhere
[01:54:13] Smirnov: i have Option "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO"
[01:54:22] Smirnov: and Option "TVStandard" "NTSC-M"
[01:54:27] Smirnov: and Option "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"
[01:54:32] Smirnov: but nothing of what you said
[01:54:38] Smirnov: (under screen section)
[01:55:30] PeregrineFalcon: well I also have "TVStandard" "NTSC-M"
[01:55:40] PeregrineFalcon: and "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO" in my Screen1 section
[01:56:51] Smirnov: ok try swapping the UseDisplayDevice for ConnectedMonitor
[01:57:03] Smirnov: i also have an nvidia card btw and im using nvidia drivers
[01:57:45] PeregrineFalcon: as am I
[01:58:09] PeregrineFalcon: I'm using 9746, and I have also tried, "ConnectedMonitor" "TV", but then I get no display at all
[01:58:25] onixian (onixian! has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[01:58:56] PSU (PSU!i=psu@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:59:15] topping (topping! has quit ()
[01:59:16] onixian (onixian! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:59:17] PeregrineFalcon: mind if I post a few lines from my log?
[01:59:33] PeregrineFalcon: (--) NVIDIA(0): Connected display device(s) on GeForce FX 5200 at PCI:1:0:0:
[01:59:33] PeregrineFalcon: (--) NVIDIA(0): Samsung SyncMaster (CRT-0)
[01:59:33] PeregrineFalcon: (--) NVIDIA(0): Samsung SyncMaster (CRT-0): 350.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
[01:59:33] PeregrineFalcon: (WW) NVIDIA(0): Option "UseDisplayDevice" requested "TV", but no unused TVs
[01:59:33] PeregrineFalcon: (WW) NVIDIA(0): are available.
[01:59:34] PeregrineFalcon: (II) NVIDIA(0): Option "UseDisplayDevice" "TV" converted to "".
[01:59:36] PeregrineFalcon: (WW) NVIDIA(0): Unable to find any of the requested display device "" in the
[01:59:38] PeregrineFalcon: (WW) NVIDIA(0): list of available display devices "CRT-0".
[01:59:40] PeregrineFalcon: (II) NVIDIA(0): Assigned Display Device: CRT-0
[01:59:54] Smirnov: 9746 ?
[02:00:07] PeregrineFalcon: thats the nvidia driver im using
[02:02:20] fryfrog: PeregrineFalcon: next time, use and paste *one* line (the url)
[02:02:35] PeregrineFalcon: sure thing
[02:03:01] PeregrineFalcon: I'm just at a complete loss as to what this problem is
[02:03:07] PeregrineFalcon: spent way too long trying to get it to work
[02:03:24] PeregrineFalcon: Followed all the documentations instructions
[02:03:35] Smirnov: weird, it doesnt see your display device at all?
[02:03:41] Smirnov: did you configure the device section correctly
[02:08:11] turbo (turbo! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:08:19] PeregrineFalcon: this is just very annoying
[02:08:35] PeregrineFalcon: not even sure where else to look for a resolution
[02:24:10] fysa (fysa! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:26:52] clever (clever! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:27:03] planktonboy: oh well time for some zz's, and day of searching for this simpsons playback problem I have....night all :))
[02:27:43] koffein (koffein! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:30:51] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:31:50] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:36:12] dj_segfaul2 (dj_segfaul2! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:39:02] dj_segfaul2: Hey. New to MythTV I'm having a problem where I tried to burn some recordings to DVD, but it locked up my server cold in the ffmpeg phase, after running for about two hours.
[02:39:31] dj_segfaul2: After rebooting, now I want to burn something else, but it keeps going back to that session on the "Log" screen.
[02:44:58] toad0225 (toad0225!n=nunya@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:45:26] toad0225: anyone know if I can use more than one dvb-s card with mythtv?
[02:46:16] GreyFoxx: You certainly can
[02:47:01] toad0225: do you know if softcam is supported at all?
[02:47:22] GreyFoxx: no it's not supported by the myth developers nor by this channel :)
[02:47:58] toad0225: ugghh
[02:48:18] LLyric (LLyric! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:50:33] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:52:02] dj_segfaul2: Is there a way to record FM output from my PVR-350 using MythTV?
[02:54:35] toad2000 (toad2000! has joined #mythtv-users
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[02:55:41] PeregrineFalcon (PeregrineFalcon! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[02:55:49] PeregrineFalcon (PeregrineFalcon! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:08:28] gleesond: do you need to have a special capture card for comcast digital cable? I have it set to us-cable frequency but most of the channels are scrambled
[03:09:41] dj_segfaul2: gleesond: I have comcast digital cable. You have to go through the cable box. You can't get it directly.
[03:10:17] hatredx (hatredx! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:10:34] dj_segfaul2: And you have to use an IR blaster to change channels on the cable box.
[03:10:54] ** gleesond googles IR blaster **
[03:11:20] dj_segfaul2: A device that sends consumer IR controls from your computer, like an automated remote.
[03:11:29] dj_segfaul2: Google lirc
[03:11:50] gleesond: oh ok so was it hard to configure??
[03:12:21] gleesond: yeah I saw lirc but I thought that was to control my hauppauge remote
[03:12:39] toad0225 (toad0225!n=nunya@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:12:54] dj_segfaul2: I already had a special IR blaster device, so I didn't use lirc. I used my own program.
[03:13:03] dj_segfaul2: lirc does both directions.
[03:13:25] gleesond: oh ok
[03:13:48] dj_segfaul2: I just got my box working a week or two ago.
[03:13:50] ** gleesond is sooo close now heh **
[03:14:11] gleesond: dj_segfaul2: are you stoked on how hackable myth is?
[03:15:06] dj_segfaul2: Before I got my MythTV set up, I used my own automation program with my IR device to control my cable box and two VCRs to record stuff on the VCRs. I had all my TV watching in my crontab file ;)
[03:15:54] dj_segfaul2: I don't know the innards of MythTV yet to know how to hack it, but I'm very impressed with what it can do out of the box.
[03:16:27] dj_segfaul2: I've had some problems along the way, but there's so many users, I generally find the answer online.
[03:16:41] dj_segfaul2: (except my current problem) hehe
[03:17:27] dj_segfaul2: So how is yours coming along?
[03:18:57] gleesond: I have myth up and running with open box I have s-video to my TV working the remote is working now I just need to get the IR blaster... heh so my cable doesn;t look scrambled
[03:22:08] gleesond: oh looks like the IR blaster is included with my capture card heh
[03:22:19] dj_segfaul2: Which capture card?
[03:23:10] gleesond: hauppage winTV-PVR 150
[03:23:32] dj_segfaul2: It probably comes with an ir *receiver* not a transmitter
[03:24:42] gleesond: no it comes with both
[03:24:54] dj_segfaul2: Cool!
[03:25:14] gleesond: yeah
[03:25:23] gleesond: thats why I was shocked
[03:30:32] gleesond: does tinfoil act as good sheilding? the cable has been interfering with my sound system because the cable guy did a crapy install
[03:30:34] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("Leaving.")
[03:32:36] gleesond: nevermind I giggled the cable and the interference stoped
[03:32:37] gleesond: DOH
[03:33:59] kormoc (kormoc! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:34:00] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[03:35:21] clever (clever! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:05:32] gleesond: yeah I am
[04:09:57] fysa (fysa! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:10:29] onixian (onixian! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:13:47] reldruh: are there any drawbacks to using an external hard drive with a mythtv system?
[04:15:15] reldruh: are there any drawbacks to using an external hard drive with a mythtv system?
[04:20:27] xris: reldruh: testing the echo?
[04:20:40] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:20:49] reldruh: somebody new joined the channel. i repeated my question :-)
[04:20:52] xris: only issue with external drives is that depending on your udev/whatever setup it may change mount locations.
[04:21:16] reldruh: hmmm
[04:21:37] xris: reldruh: fyi, someone new joining a channel with 180+ people isn't an uncommon thing, and repeating a question within a couple of minutes of asking is considered rude, anyway.
[04:22:04] reldruh: is it common for there to be 180 people in a channel with nobody saying anything?
[04:22:34] reldruh: it sounds like an internal drive is the way to go; I'm somewhat loath to open up my computer and put it in, though. Hardware is not my specialty and it's an old computer anyway...
[04:24:21] kormoc: reldruh, yes, it's common
[04:24:32] kormoc: reldruh, and people drop back in randomly and will see it
[04:25:31] reldruh: all right, that's fair. It's just frustrating sometimes to see so many people. It gets my hopes up :-)
[04:26:36] Captain_Murdoch: most are lurkers
[04:27:25] reldruh: is the mythtv site down?
[04:27:35] reldruh: I can't seem to get any pages to display
[04:28:43] kormoc: it's having some small issues, but the people who need to know are (attempted to at last) being contacted bout it
[04:29:00] reldruh: ah, I see
[04:29:39] reldruh: then, do you know how much space an hour of standard (not HD) tv would take up? I'm trying to decide what size hard drive to get
[04:30:02] kormoc: depends on the bitrate, but tend to be around 1.4 gigs a hour
[04:30:15] ctjctj: reldruh, my pvrusb2 takes around 2.8gb per hour for SD.
[04:30:25] reldruh: _wow_
[04:30:50] reldruh: so I could hold about 4 or 5 hours right now :-)
[04:32:29] turbo is now known as briand
[04:32:32] ctjctj: You can also automatically transcode what you have recorded to a lower bitrate.
[04:34:39] reldruh: that's probably what I'll end up doing. I have a decent backend computer that I'm putting almost no strain on
[04:34:56] reldruh: and the card I got has a hardware mpeg-2 encoder which should help with the process, right?
[04:42:25] dj_segfaul2 (dj_segfaul2! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:45:40] LLyric: for transcoding? nah, won't help.
[04:46:38] ** LLyric kicks his mythtv box in the nads some more **
[04:47:01] russellb (russellb! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:50:41] kormoc: reldruh, the hardware mpeg-2 helps with recording quite a lot, but not anything beyond that
[04:51:16] reldruh: kormoc: none of the transcoding is done on the card?
[04:51:37] kormoc: reldruh, nah, the transcoding he's refering to is done after it's recorded. it's a second compression pass on the file
[04:52:09] reldruh: kormoc: mmm... I see. Well, I've got a P4 2.4GHz with 384 megs of ram. It shouldn't be a problem, should it?
[04:52:23] ** adante winces at the ramspec **
[04:52:24] kormoc: nah, you can transcode in the background and what not
[04:52:34] kormoc: the ram is a tad light, but not too bad
[04:52:48] kormoc: my mythbox was a 2.13 ghz celeron-d with 256 megs of ram
[04:52:58] adante: jeesh
[04:53:17] reldruh: adante: ?
[04:53:26] adante: my system still occasionally goes cactus with 1 gig
[04:53:58] adante: admittedly it also runs azureus and vnc on it..
[04:56:59] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[04:57:47] adante: they can be, although in my experience having a beefy system gives a nice margin for unexpected issues (sound jitter, transcoding etc)
[05:00:28] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:02:35] purserj (purserj! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:06:23] purserj (purserj! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:11:10] reldruh: the mythtv site is back up!
[05:55:42] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:25:26] sinthetek (sinthetek! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:25:59] sinthetek: i accidentally messed up the wrong settings with my new install and i'm trying to find where i can modify the settings from the prompt or something
[06:26:35] sinthetek: i was trying to make it go into full screen when viewing a channel or movie but have a window for configuration dialogues and such
[06:27:01] sinthetek: hrm... actually, i forgot about ctrl+alt++/-... that might work i guess
[06:29:08] sinthetek: ...or not
[06:29:23] sinthetek: i've tried -w and -geometry but neither seem to be working
[06:30:58] sinthetek: i'm not seeing anything that appears relevant in my ~/.mythtv or in /home/mythtv/
[06:33:32] sinthetek: i guess they are stored in the mysql db, huh?
[06:39:05] high-rez (high-rez! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:39:48] high-rez: Hi, when I try to watch live tv i just get a blakn screen and then it goes back to the main menu. I'm seeing this from mythbackend: VIDIOCGMBUF:: Invalid argument --- any ideas?
[06:41:37] sinthetek: dunno what i was thinking. i meant to set the window size, not the desktop resolution
[06:42:35] adante: sinthetek: not exactly sure what your problem is, but if you need some `defaults' from the mysql db i would be happy to help
[06:45:17] sinthetek: there we go
[06:45:26] sinthetek: nah, i fixed it now i think
[06:46:13] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:46:26] sinthetek: i checked 'separate video modes for gui and playback' and then didn't bother touching the settings it unlocked, hehe
[06:47:05] sinthetek: i ended up with a 320x210 desktop on my 1280x1024 screen and couldn't reach the settings, hehe
[06:47:42] sinthetek: (or see the -r option to reset the display settings at first when i tried to use -h :P)
[06:53:30] GreyFoxx (GreyFoxx!i=greg@ has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[06:54:24] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:02:51] russellb (russellb!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla) has quit ()
[07:03:46] high-rez: Every time i try to start mythtv my machine freezes :(
[07:03:59] high-rez: rather as soon as i say watch live tv
[07:04:21] kyler (kyler! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:05:27] GreyFoxx (GreyFoxx! has joined #Mythtv-users
[07:05:40] high-rez: Any words of wisdom? :)
[07:13:42] adante: does tv work outside of myth?
[07:23:29] clever (clever! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:38:05] t0ny-p40: wtf... I got another host called master...
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[09:33:19] dave__5555 is now known as daviey
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[09:39:24] rsdvd (rsdvd! has joined #mythtv-users
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[10:04:28] orko_ (orko_! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:05:10] orko_: is it possible to cut a recording in pieces?
[10:05:40] daviey (daviey! has quit ("Leaving")
[10:05:46] rsdvd: you need a good pair of scissors!
[10:06:47] orko_: doesn't mythtv have one?
[10:15:26] orko_: rsdvd: what a bummer,-(
[10:15:30] orko_ (orko_! has quit ()
[10:16:03] rsdvd: you can do it in external scripts and then just add a link to the menus. What are you trying to do?
[10:16:09] gardengnome: he's gone.
[10:16:23] rsdvd: nice – goodbye to you to!
[10:16:32] gardengnome: heh
[10:16:38] rsdvd: I wonder why we bother sometimes
[10:16:48] rsdvd: anyway – hello gardengnome!
[10:17:00] gardengnome: hi rsdvd :)
[10:17:45] rsdvd: gardengnome : how is life with you?
[10:18:52] kat_ is now known as kayelem
[10:24:51] jvs (jvs! has joined #mythtv-users
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[11:00:47] cliche (cliche! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[11:31:31] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:37:31] juski: hmmm
[11:38:28] rsdvd: why?
[11:38:46] juski: 3 letters
[11:38:48] juski: C
[11:38:49] juski: E
[11:38:49] juski: O
[11:39:01] rsdvd: lol.....what has he got you building now
[11:39:05] ** daviey dives for cover **
[11:40:26] juski: we need a bunch of stuff to make sata hdd caddies in production within 2 weeks
[11:41:22] rsdvd: you seem to have been at these sata caddies for ages
[11:41:48] juski: no they were pata ones
[11:41:54] rsdvd: :-)
[11:42:05] juski: and these are ones we're to do ourselves, not bought in
[11:42:37] rsdvd: for a CCTV compnay you spend more time on drives than cameras
[11:44:56] juski: we make dvrs not cameras
[11:45:13] rsdvd: ok....that explains it :-)
[11:45:21] ** juski wonders when ectospasm is gonna stop spasming **
[11:46:26] rsdvd: lol
[11:47:40] orko_ (orko_! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:48:03] orko_: hi. is the internal player self developed or something like a mplayer fork?
[11:48:22] juski: self-developed
[11:49:50] orko_: is it as good as mplayer/xine?
[11:50:03] orko_: can y use mplayer for replaying recorded tv shows?
[11:50:21] GreyFoxx: No
[11:50:29] GreyFoxx: At leat not vi the watch recordings menu
[11:50:47] daviey (daviey!i=dave1111@gateway/tor/x-c1d14a6a41cb09e5) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:50:53] GreyFoxx: you can certainly point mythvideo at the recordings directory and configure it to use mplayer
[11:51:31] GreyFoxx: though if you use myth's internal transcoding, or Are recording from a bttv card I don't know if mplayer will play the myth .nuv recordings
[11:52:32] orko_: whats the reason mthtv uses its own file format?
[11:53:01] juski: ignore orko
[11:53:04] rsdvd: it isn't it's own fomat – it is nupplevideo
[11:53:26] GreyFoxx: a slightly customized nupplevideo container instead of the crappy avi container
[11:53:44] GreyFoxx: and it's only used by people transcoding or using the bttv framegrabbers
[11:54:03] GreyFoxx: anyone using a HDTV, dvb, pvr cards etc are all mpg unless transcoded
[11:54:18] orko_: juski: ???
[11:55:01] orko_: GreyFoxx: I am using a pvr350. So my files are stored in mpeg2 directly not using NUV ?
[11:55:23] GreyFoxx: corrent, unless you have them set to autotranscode
[11:55:42] GreyFoxx: if you are not transcoding, then they will just be the mpeg2 that came off the card
[12:00:06] orko_: Another question: all my record profiles have a default rsolution of 400x400. IMHO a PAL/NTSC resolution should be better to record livettv. isn't it?
[12:00:46] qu0zl: orko_, it is, so change you're resolutions to the native resolution for your tv standard
[12:00:51] qu0zl: i use 720x576 for pal
[12:00:57] qu0zl: your even, not you're :(
[12:02:02] orko_: and what is better rtjpef,mpeg-ts or mpeg-ps
[12:02:43] qu0zl: you've a pvr right? It'll output the recordings in its native format, which i guess is mpeg-ps, i've never checked
[12:03:41] orko_: i use a pvr350 if you mean this.
[12:04:29] qu0zl: yep
[12:04:31] orko_: So i i change settings there than the stream from the card is converted before saved on disk, which means more cpu, right?
[12:04:56] qu0zl: i don't think it'll be changed before saving to disk. You can set it to be transcoded automatically after being saved to disk
[12:05:08] qu0zl: the whole point of the pvrxxx is that it dumps it to disk without using your cpu
[12:05:30] qu0zl: just leave it in its native format, if you transcode it you'll lose quality and it's only 2.2gigs or so an hour anyway
[12:05:31] orko_: thats because i bought it,-)
[12:06:10] juski: and if you need to transcode purely to save space consider buying a bigger disk, you skinflint :)
[12:06:20] orko_: i wanted to transcode it to mpeg4 after recording to save space.
[12:07:05] orko_: juski: most stuff i will not watch often, so deleting, archiving or compressing is my choice.
[12:08:04] orko_: to make it clear to me: The livetv recording profile is only used if i switch on automatic transcoding ?
[12:08:10] qu0zl: i bought 4x400 gig harddrives. I'll be making a 1.2TB raid5 array this weekend :) No transcoding for me
[12:08:21] qu0zl: livetv profile is used when you watch live tv
[12:08:30] qu0zl: you assosiate a profile with a recording rule when you schedule a recording
[12:09:44] Faithful1 (Faithful1! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:09:56] orko_: ok. i understand. is it possible to have some defautl settings for recodings, like record 5minutes earlier?
[12:10:10] qu0zl: yes, as described in the excellant documentation :)
[12:10:22] orko_: ok. i will pass throught it again.
[12:10:42] qu0zl: worth reading a few times or you'll miss some nifty feature you didn't know about ;)
[12:10:59] orko_: it weired sometimes for people like me that don't know much about codec and transcoing etcetc.
[12:11:01] qu0zl: that and the little how-tos on the wiki
[12:11:42] orko_: ok, thanks for help everyone.
[12:11:44] orko_: cu
[12:11:48] orko_ (orko_! has quit ()
[12:12:00] juski: OMG! you mean there's information in the documentation?!?!?!?!?!
[12:12:05] juski: ;)
[12:13:46] qu0zl: well, it's mostly lies i put in to mislead noobies :)
[12:13:54] juski: anyone see the childish stuff Virgin Media did when the $ky channels went off air last night?
[12:14:01] qu0zl: nope?
[12:14:41] juski: re-named $ky New$ to Sky Snooze
[12:15:00] juski: also renamed other channels on the EPG but I can't remember how it went. seemed peurile to me
[12:15:53] qu0zl: lol, nobs
[12:16:23] juski: so far I think $ky have been the bad guy acting unprofessinally but the latest thing has changed my opinion
[12:16:31] juski: they're both as bad as each other
[12:17:24] quicksilver: heh
[12:17:31] quicksilver: that's quite funny though?
[12:17:39] quicksilver: childish and peurile, certainly
[12:17:41] quicksilver: but funny :)
[12:18:11] rsdvd: juski – it is all a childish spat between Branson and Murdoch over the failed ITV buyout
[12:18:26] juski: who'd want to buy the prole channel anyway? ;)
[12:19:33] rsdvd: lol......ITV = prole channel ?
[12:19:53] juski: I don't see any other channel being eligible :)
[12:20:43] rsdvd: I was unaware we had proletariat in the UK ? is that not the teretory of socialist states
[12:21:05] juski: this is the kind of spat that makes me wary of new tehcs like iptv
[12:21:44] rsdvd: true – but IPTV is likely to be availabe from more places than the monopoly that VM and Sky have
[12:22:08] rsdvd: it will be much cheaper to set up a new IPTV offering than a complete satellite or cable network
[12:22:14] Zyxus (Zyxus! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:22:32] juski: ok maybe not proleteriat but definitely phillistines ;)
[12:22:51] rsdvd: LOL – ok ! I will give you that
[12:25:33] juski: wondering what to do at the mo – we're in agreement at home about axing our cable, but not sure what to do. none of the options involve mythtv btw – it just can't do livetv well enough IMHO
[12:26:02] juski: maybe get a freeview box & just keep cable for broadband & phone
[12:26:46] gardengnome: cable for phone? isn't that VOIP?
[12:26:57] juski: nah
[12:29:14] juski: sad innit? I'm such an advocate of mythtv yet I still can't bear livetv. personally I don't care about it being lame cos I never use it but my wife would
[12:31:31] GreyFoxx: we really next use it here. Only time we watch anything live is when a big "livetv sucks" thread is going on and I test it on mine
[12:31:47] GreyFoxx: I don't know what magic combo of hardware/setup I have but it's fast and stable when I do try it
[12:32:49] juski: AFAIK the reason it's so crap on my system is the tuners I use
[12:33:26] GreyFoxx: ahhhh
[12:33:32] juski: the age-old cyclic argument that tzap/xine/kaffeine manage to get a lock in 1/5 of the time though
[12:34:06] juski: but the drivers /API has a limitation, or something like that
[12:34:07] ** gardengnome buffers some mpeg streams **
[12:34:52] GreyFoxx: juski: Still, if those apps can lock using the same drivers/hardware in that much shorter a time, we should be able to get much closer
[12:35:34] GreyFoxx: I saw several changes, albeit to TRUNK a whle back that sped it up for dvb usersa while back
[12:35:40] juski: we might give it a dry run at home & see how it goes
[12:36:25] GreyFoxx: If I realign my dish then I can test the dvb stuff again
[12:36:40] GreyFoxx: mine has been pointing at the ground since I had my roof redone :)
[12:38:39] juski: heheh
[12:39:43] juski: I'd always have expected mythtv to take the time it takes to get a lock, plus a little for the bufferring, but before 0.20 it was ridiculous
[12:41:40] juski: whoops – that'd be a tad impractical for satellite users, I grant you :)
[12:43:01] GreyFoxx: heh
[12:44:29] pat_ (pat_! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:49:16] ** quicksilver nods **
[12:49:25] quicksilver: or it could somehow notice or guess your favourite muxes
[12:49:36] quicksilver: and keep two of your tuners tuned in to those muxes if they don't have anything better to do
[12:50:47] MonkeyINAbaG: my isp has goatse as its logo
[12:51:05] MonkeyINAbaG:
[12:51:34] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:01:47] jvs (jvs! has quit ("Leaving")
[13:02:00] juski: goatse – the sign of emotional maturity
[13:07:09] LLyric (LLyric! has quit ("Leaving")
[13:14:27] juski: hrm. not had any hits from the wiki for ages. I guess nobody is using it to find themes anymore
[13:21:19] rsdvd: everyone knows you directly now – they just go to your website
[13:27:43] antiPosix: this is being output on a TV
[13:28:05] antiPosix: I have another frontend that has the same display issue, so I think it has to do with the IVTV driver
[13:28:11] juski: always have to deinterlace
[13:28:13] antiPosix: and perhaps my SiS chipset
[13:28:21] antiPosix: deinterlace on TV too?
[13:28:27] juski: more than likely your crappy SiS chipset
[13:28:38] juski: yes you need to deinterlace, even when outputting to TV
[13:28:39] fryfrog: unless you have your video mode set to an interlaced one?
[13:28:45] fryfrog: which you probably don't
[13:28:56] antiPosix: video mode in X or Mythtv?
[13:29:01] fryfrog: X
[13:29:03] antiPosix: its NTSC if that makes a difference
[13:29:08] fryfrog: at least, i think
[13:29:33] fryfrog: and also i think most video cards use a seperate chip for their tv out, if its via svideo / rca
[13:29:42] fryfrog: so you probably can't really run an interlaced mode?
[13:29:52] juski: unless the T Vencoder on the VGA card has a clever flicker filter, or you use a proper interlaced modeline... you will need to deinterlace
[13:29:55] fryfrog: unless you are sending to the tv via vga or dvi?
[13:30:13] antiPosix: to the TV via SVideo?
[13:30:18] juski: YES
[13:30:25] antiPosix: I appologize for not knowing much
[13:30:56] antiPosix: both NVidia graphics cards are cheepo GeForce MX 4000
[13:31:02] juski: VGA cards primarily deal in progressive display modes for progressive displays
[13:31:12] antiPosix: one is Chaintech and the other MSI(I like to save $$$) ;)
[13:31:25] juski: even on TV outputs – although the actual TV output will be interlaced, what it's being fed with is NOT
[13:31:58] antiPosix: I'll turn on deinterlace in MythTV when I get home, thanks for that tidbit, I'll see if it helps
[13:32:20] antiPosix: the Video is still completely noticable, my wife doesnt seem to have noticed, or be bothered by it, but I'm a perfectionist
[13:32:38] antiPosix: the Video is still completely *watchable*, my wife doesnt seem to have noticed, or be bothered by it, but I'm a perfectionist
[13:34:37] juski: the flicker filter on some nvidia cards is very good – I was shocked once to find I didn't need to deinterlace using the TV output
[13:34:48] Xteven: hi, does anyone use DVB-s with mythtv ? and if so, with what card ? CI ? dual tuner ?
[13:34:48] moh_ is now known as moh
[13:34:53] juski: use nvidia-settings to play with the flicker filter
[13:35:08] psyco-obiwan: has anybody an idea on how about best implementing fm-radio listening on myth-frontends ? I know its not a current feature, but I can imagine setting up a shoutcast server streaming from an FM-card and the client listening my media/music to the stream
[13:35:48] juski: ignore psyco-obiwan
[13:35:56] juski: arghh! damn lazy slash key
[13:38:09] psyco-obiwan: what is so ignorable about this question ?
[13:38:51] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit ("Leaving")
[13:39:03] rsdvd: he just is not interested in it – so instructed his client to ignore the conversation......jsut missed the / key
[13:39:42] psyco-obiwan: oh..ok, misunderstood ;-)
[13:41:02] GreyFoxx: Nothing in there to do that at the moment
[13:41:14] defaultro: ok, are there other solutions?
[13:41:17] psyco-obiwan: defaultro: there are numerous plugins that stream, for vlc and flash IIRC
[13:41:24] GreyFoxx: There is mythstreamtv, but I don't know if it will apply to mythweb these days or not
[13:41:30] defaultro: k
[13:41:44] defaultro: i mean, even not via mythweb, as long as I will be able to watch
[13:41:49] GreyFoxx: defaultro: I personally just use vlc to start a stream and vlc to watch on the other end
[13:41:51] psyco-obiwan: my backend is a tuned knoppmyth, and while i didn't bother to check it out, other say it works...
[13:42:20] defaultro: GreyFox, it won't work for me since in the office, we are behind a webbased proxy server
[13:42:40] psyco-obiwan: tunnel it ;-)
[13:42:44] defaultro: nope
[13:42:48] GreyFoxx: well, vlc itself has a webcontrol interface which also allows you to add videos via the web interface
[13:42:50] defaultro: i didn't work for me too
[13:43:01] psyco-obiwan: and duck if the security officer comes to see you ;-)
[13:43:01] defaultro: oh
[13:43:11] GreyFoxx: I don't use the web interface, but it is there
[13:43:11] defaultro: no one did
[13:43:21] defaultro: i tried it 3 times only but i stopped
[13:43:30] defaultro: :P
[13:43:35] juski: rsdvd: my new policy
[13:43:36] defaultro: i know what will happen
[13:43:39] fryfrog: humm, suddenly my zap2it isn't giving me hardly any listings
[13:43:44] juski: keeping the blood pressure down :)
[13:44:09] fryfrog: wtf, it seems to have deleted one of my listings???
[13:44:55] Xteven: noone using dvb-s ?
[13:45:31] rsdvd: juski : good idea :-)
[13:45:53] rsdvd: speaking of good ideas : did you look at that scart problem ;-)
[13:46:16] juski: no I didnt get a chance
[13:46:21] juski: went to the flicks last night
[13:46:30] rsdvd: anythign interesting?
[13:46:42] juski: Hot Fuzz
[13:46:53] rsdvd: any good?
[13:47:00] antiPosix: an attractive female police officer? nice!
[13:47:21] juski: from the makers of Shaun Of The Dead – was v. good
[13:47:23] rsdvd: antiPosix : hardly
[13:47:45] richard (richard! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:53:48] juski: s/whould/should
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[14:04:54] kazer_ is now known as KaZeR
[14:07:32] fryfrog: weird, zap2it just removed one of my line ups :/
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[15:39:41] fryfrog: 1.5TB ftw :)
[15:39:55] quicksilver: woot
[15:42:31] Xteven: anyone in here using dvb-s yet ? :)
[15:42:55] antiPosix: juski you present?
[15:43:09] NHIwerx: Xteven: is that somthing new ?
[15:45:54] antiPosix: I always got protocol version errors 30 to 31
[15:46:35] harzi: antiPosix: if you want to use coresystem, you may try with debootstrap and chroot
[15:46:41] fryfrog: sounds like you are using a newer client with an older be or visa versa
[15:47:28] harzi: i had this probelm with backend on etch and frontend sarge
[15:47:42] Xteven: NHIwerx : dvb using satellite dish
[15:48:13] quicksilver: Argh! I clicked on my mythtv-users mailing list. What a mistake :( 4500 messages to download
[15:48:39] baxter_kylie: fryfrog: Hmm. Thanks. I'll think about it. MBE and MythWeb are Debian Etch boxes and I was planning on my SBE/FE to be gentoo. I might just mask the other version of myth in portage to keep in sync with debian.
[15:49:27] fryfrog: baxter_kylie: the problem is, gentoo tends to apply small patches and fixes to stuff
[15:49:37] fryfrog: baxter_kylie: so while you *might* end up using the same protocol, you may not
[15:49:55] fryfrog: and when gentoo marks the next version stable, debian will probably be months behind :/
[15:50:14] fryfrog: you'd probably be much happier using one distro *or* compiling yourself from one common set of source
[15:51:12] psyco-obiwan: I am playing audio streams from internet with mplayer -playlist in mythvideo which works perfect, however i can't control that mplayer in any way it seems it loses focus or whatever and i can't get it to take it back from mythtv since i use no window manager...anybody an idea ? TIA!
[15:52:07] baxter_kylie: fryfrog: True but like I said, I could mask >= versions and I use the various distros based on need and ability to administrate. They'll all be gentoo if gentoo had a security model not centered around version upgrades where I could set it and forget it. I'm just not a particularly huge fan of breaking software management schemes (especially portage).
[15:55:47] baxter_kylie: fryfrog: still thanks for the ideas. I'll need to ruminate on this more.... might go digging through the gentoo patches this weekend and see what they're doing exactly.
[15:56:53] fryfrog: baxter_kylie: what about glsa updates on gentoo?
[15:56:59] fryfrog: it only catches security related stuff
[15:57:29] fryfrog: and i agree with ya, i got tired of all the upgrades that created small jobs to fix :/
[15:58:55] psofa: baxter_kylie, portage lately has been doing better
[15:59:17] fryfrog: i'm ready to go back to gentoo :)
[15:59:24] psofa: but generaly the rule is to emerge -avuD world every week
[15:59:41] fryfrog: i've just had to do a few things on ubuntu that either would have been dead simple on gentoo or i wouldn't have even needed to do :(
[15:59:46] psofa: if you leave the system for like 6 months and then try to upgrade you will certainly face breakage
[16:00:15] baxter_kylie: fryfrog: *nods* Well one way or another I've learned more about 'nix after building a major mediacentre and a newish laptop on it than I learned in the last 6 years of debian and red hat. I actually sorta love gentoo but it's impossible to manage on more than two machines and still have a life.
[16:00:32] baxter_kylie: psofa: Utterly. Yes.
[16:00:51] fryfrog: gentoo is one of those love/hate distros :)
[16:01:05] antiPosix: you mean those ricer bastards
[16:01:07] fryfrog: i love it, but damn sometimes i'm like "DAMN YOU GENTOO, YOU FINALLY DID IT YOU BLEW UP THE WORLD!!!"
[16:01:22] psofa: though its almost impossible to break it without return
[16:01:31] baxter_kylie: fryfrog: Haha. Yes.
[16:02:02] psofa: most times its X and friends that fuck up
[16:03:30] baxter_kylie: psofa: Lately it's been dbus / udev / hotplug — udev just dropped hotplug dependency altogether and the rules aren't resolving well.
[16:04:10] baxter_kylie: psofa: The x86 emulation libs also did some funny business a couple months back but they seem to be okay now.
[16:04:52] cliche (cliche! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:04:58] psofa: havent run on this as ive almost zero modules, everything is built in kernel :)
[16:06:16] fryfrog: yuck, why would you build everything into the kernel!
[16:06:25] psofa: its l33t :P
[16:06:43] fryfrog: it must be leet to have to reboot for every little thing you add/remove from the kernel :p
[16:06:52] fryfrog: oops, i need support for this new tv card... REBOOT! :p
[16:07:12] psofa: fryfrog, thats why i built modules only when adding new hardware
[16:07:36] psofa: and at the next kernel rebuild i add them to kernel :)
[16:07:48] fryfrog: sneaky bastard you are!
[16:07:57] psofa: :P
[16:08:01] fryfrog: well, i have to say that is weird :)
[16:08:10] antiPosix: creepy too
[16:08:21] fryfrog: with kernel module auto-loading, there isn't really any reason *not* to make them modules
[16:08:40] fryfrog: it is nice to be able to reset a device by removing and re-inserting its module
[16:09:20] psofa: fryfrog, i have a big child trauma with kernel module autoloading
[16:09:36] psofa: back in redhat days
[16:09:42] psofa: i had a bad module
[16:09:57] psofa: and i was fucking trying to find wtf loads it :P
[16:10:11] antiPosix: dude, relax on the language
[16:10:17] antiPosix: my 3 year old is reading this as well
[16:10:21] fryfrog: ahahahahhaha
[16:10:22] juski: antiPosix: yes I'm present. but wtf are you asking me for? not as if I'm the only one here
[16:10:24] psofa: i remember searching through the messy redhat init scripts
[16:10:40] psofa: lol
[16:10:48] antiPosix: juski: just wanted to say I went home and changed it to deinterlace and that was exactly what it needed
[16:12:10] antiPosix: kernel modules in rehat are usually in initrd, especially if they have to do with drivers to access the hard disks
[16:12:36] antiPosix: I think lvm2 is in the initial ramdisk as well
[16:15:49] baxter_kylie: I tend to put almost everything in kernel as well but that's because I often times keep several versions of the same kernel built for testing purposes and it can get confused at times.
[16:16:20] quicksilver: I believe that debian puts *all* the modules in the initrd
[16:16:39] quicksilver: certainly in the past I've confused it by not realising this, and failing to rebuild the initrd after compiling new modules
[16:18:36] juski: antiPosix: heheh okay :)
[16:28:39] fryfrog: score :)
[16:32:46] quicksilver: those numbers don't appear to add up?
[16:34:35] Smirnov (Smirnov! has quit ("Leaving.")
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[16:36:57] antiPosix: somethings not right
[16:47:22] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:47:54] fryfrog: quicksilver: well, the array isn't just for myth
[16:48:00] quicksilver: ah
[16:48:01] quicksilver: gotcha
[16:48:26] fryfrog: i think that the web interface used to actually just show the "used" space and "free"
[16:48:31] fryfrog: now, i think it shows "used by myth" and "free" (and total duh)
[16:48:45] fryfrog: or maybe i'm wrong? wouldn't be the first time
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[17:50:29] kslater: the 'using' number includes everything in the directory, whether or not it's a recorded show
[17:56:48] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[17:57:50] kslater: does anyone have a link to someplace that shows the query the scheduler uses to compute the shows to be recorded?
[17:58:20] kslater: I'm showing 3 tapings of the same show in the same timeslot on my 2 tuner system – obviously not possible.
[17:58:28] kslater: seeing this in mythweb
[17:58:32] SkyCon (SkyCon! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:58:47] juski: the query is pretty long
[17:59:10] kslater: it's on the wiki? or only in the source?
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[17:59:43] fryfrog: kslater: you mean everything in the ./recordings/ dir?
[18:00:11] kslater: fryfrog : and directories below I think
[18:00:17] fryfrog: ah
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[20:24:09] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:24:12] Ediehow: hi friends
[20:24:28] Ediehow: i must have the raw info for one of my remote's buttons wrong
[20:24:43] Ediehow: name Fullscreen
[20:24:52] Ediehow: in lircd.conf
[20:24:58] Ediehow: how do i get the raw codes for it?
[20:25:39] Ediehow: or maybe just the config is wrong? i dunno
[20:25:45] Ediehow: button = Fullscreen
[20:25:46] Ediehow: that'
[20:25:51] Ediehow: is what i have in .lircrc
[20:26:41] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:27:41] cliche (cliche! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[20:32:33] juski: sudo fdisk /dev/sda
[20:32:37] juski: arse!
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[20:53:25] juski: rsdvd: that tarball I downloaded from you is corrupt :(
[20:57:33] Ediehow: juski: do you know how to determine raw code for a button through lirc?
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[21:17:56] Ediehow: ok, why doesn't button = Space do anything in .lircrc for mythtv?
[21:18:00] Ediehow: is it Spacebar?
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[21:31:39] fryfrog: man, my server is really loving its new dual xeons!
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[21:33:50] kormoc: fryfrog, no it's not... but mine would ;)
[21:34:10] fryfrog: ahaha
[21:34:19] fryfrog: i have a pair of spare cpus, but no extra mb :)
[21:34:30] fryfrog: they are just old 2.4ghz 400mhz bus ones
[21:34:46] fryfrog: but 2 is better than a single 3000+ (at least, as long as i don't want to do hd playback)
[21:35:30] Widget: 'lo
[21:54:55] doc|home (doc|home!n=doc@gentoo/contributor/doc-007) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:55:51] fryfrog: what is unneccessary?
[21:56:12] doc|home: I have no idea, old programme information?
[21:56:20] fryfrog: it does purge that crap
[21:56:31] fryfrog: it keeps details of what it has *recorded* in the past though
[21:56:34] doc|home: I haven't looked closely at it but it filled up my datadir disk yesterday
[21:56:40] doc|home: yeah, I deleted that
[21:56:41] fryfrog: it has to, otherwise how would it know to not record it again?
[21:56:45] kormoc: doc|home, sure you don't have bin logging enabled?
[21:56:54] doc|home: kormoc: how do I check?
[21:57:01] fryfrog: doc|home: edit your my.cnf and look for "bin"
[21:57:12] fryfrog: doc|home: your mythdb should be 100–200mb prolly
[21:57:18] fryfrog: if its *GIGS* you have bin logging on
[21:57:32] fryfrog: and it would be mildly retarded to *delete* the tables of information on previously recorded shows
[21:57:40] fryfrog: cause then it'll just record them again
[21:59:04] fryfrog: yeah
[21:59:05] doc|home: excellent, it has been very slow
[21:59:09] kormoc: doc|home, yes, if it's there and uncommended it's on
[21:59:10] doc|home: fryfrog: thans
[22:01:50] at0m|c (at0m|c! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:09:20] doc|home: hmmm, that's not it. That's on a different disk. Will run the optimise script and see if that helps
[22:09:57] fryfrog: doc|home: how big is your myth db?
[22:10:10] doc|home: one sec
[22:10:43] fryfrog: mine is only 75mb right now
[22:10:52] fryfrog: though i just ran optimize, dunno what it was before
[22:13:10] doc|home: hmmm, only about 30m
[22:13:56] doc|home: although I did delete a lot from it yesterday
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[22:41:26] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:43:08] juski: hrm these 'gradual file deletes' are sure slow
[22:43:36] Beirdo: gah, I think I hurt my brain
[22:43:52] Beirdo: this MUD's old file-based storage for player files is painful as fcuk
[22:44:17] Beirdo: just converted the players' objects to use the SQL... that took most of the day
[22:44:26] juski: but.. but.. someone here once whined that databases suck compared to flat files ;)
[22:44:33] Beirdo: hahah
[22:44:46] Beirdo: you haven't seen the shittiness that is parsing flat files
[22:45:02] kslater: Beirdo – do you manage the channel bot? I'd sure like to have a copy of the fish slapping command for our bot at work..
[22:45:02] juski: I've seen the perl scripts I've written
[22:45:10] Beirdo: databases are designed to store data that's easily accessible :)
[22:45:14] Beirdo: hehe
[22:45:19] Beirdo: yes, I wrote it :)
[22:45:57] Beirdo:
[22:46:08] juski: bah I don't have an initrd for this kernel handy
[22:46:41] kslater: coolness – thanks.
[22:46:48] Beirdo: not a problem
[22:47:07] Beirdo: it might be a bit tricky to navigate the code. the trouting is in a plugin
[22:52:18] topping (topping! has quit ()
[22:55:09] juski: rsdvd: you around?
[22:56:32] kslater: help trout
[23:00:17] Beirdo: !help trout
[23:12:04] juski: oh bollocks. trying to etherboot & I dunno the MAC ID of the controller :(
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[23:22:38] Anduin: juski: Should be in the log (isc dhcp)
[23:25:47] juski: that's what I thought but it'd not
[23:26:24] Beirdo: nothing a tcpdump couldn't fix
[23:26:31] Beirdo: (on the host machine)
[23:27:51] juski: starting to think the etherboot image I catted to a usb stick was bad
[23:31:21] juski: I'll get the box's mac id using a livecd in the meantime
[23:36:28] Beirdo: oh goodie... I have an interview tomorrow
[23:36:45] Beirdo: my workless streak may come to a crashing halt (and about time)
[23:36:55] kormoc: sweet :)
[23:37:01] Beirdo: 10 months unemployed is sucky after a while ;)
[23:37:21] Beirdo: had permanent residence for all of a week :)
[23:37:34] juski: I went a bit mad after 6 months being unemployed
[23:37:39] juski: was almost unemployable
[23:38:02] Beirdo: well, I started going back to my many coding projects whenever I could find time
[23:38:13] Beirdo: and a puppy keeps ya kinda busy too
[23:38:19] juski: I just fscked about with my atari ST
[23:38:32] robthebob (robthebob! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:38:33] juski: good luck tomorrow :)
[23:38:34] Beirdo: she's graduated to the "sleep beside daddy on the couch" mode these days
[23:38:43] Beirdo: thanks :) it should go well, I think
[23:39:03] Beirdo: unix admin stuff
[23:41:06] juski: this mac looks made up: 00:02:ff:00:aa:ba
[23:41:23] Beirdo: heheh
[23:41:54] Beirdo: change it to 00:02:DE:AD:BE:EF
[23:41:56] psofa (psofa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[23:42:37] juski: oh ffs I already have it in my dhcp server
[23:42:43] Beirdo: oops
[23:43:16] juski: :)
[23:43:18] juski: ach well
[23:43:24] juski: so the etherboot image was bad
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[23:48:16] Beirdo: OK, called the guy to get him my cellphone number. heh
[23:48:36] Beirdo: tonight will be "use Word on the wife's computer to update the resume" night
[23:48:40] Beirdo: blech
[23:49:12] juski: hrm this etherboot thingy is doing nought but print a bunch of lines of text repeatedly
[23:53:05] Beirdo: that don't sound too good
[23:55:01] juski: quite
[23:55:42] Beirdo: keep->parentObj[keep->i]->index->number--;
[23:55:44] Beirdo: OY
[23:55:52] Beirdo: enough levels of redirection for ya?
[23:56:12] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users

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