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Tuesday, February 20th, 2007, 00:03 UTC
[00:03:20] hardnova: i changed theme and not only is it going 10 times faster now its looks great
[00:03:59] hardnova: still a bit of tweeking needed i think
[00:04:33] ReAspired: why do I get this error. cannot create a file /var/lib/mythtv//.test – directory is not writable.. do you want to fix this problem?
[00:05:36] tha_toadman (tha_toadman! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:08:28] hardnova: ReAspired sounds like something isnt setup , when and where do you get that error might help
[00:09:36] ReAspired: hardnova, I went thru general and just went default.. I've tried removing the packages, and reinstalling, might have not cleaned everything when I removed it
[00:10:28] hardnova: ReAspired removing and adding the packages does not clear the sql database
[00:10:49] hardnova: that config stuff will probabaly be in there
[00:12:06] hardnova: if you want to clear the data from the database you can start over by removing /var/lib/mysql/mythconverg/*
[00:12:45] hardnova: then restart the mysql server and run the setup again
[00:14:05] ReAspired: hardnova, so I do a drop database mythconverg;
[00:14:18] ReAspired: and rm that directory
[00:14:23] tha_toadman: is it possible to push video out (SD) to a tv without an accelerated video card...just an on-board chip instead?
[00:14:24] rsdvd (rsdvd! has quit ()
[00:15:57] hardnova: yes
[00:16:04] gardengnome: tha_toadman: on-board video cards can be (2d) accelerated as well.
[00:16:20] tha_toadman: i have a GMA 950 chip on-board
[00:24:22] tha_toadman: ...i'm in the US :-/
[00:25:01] tha_toadman: setting up my frontend tonight but i don't have a way right now to get the video out to the TV
[00:25:19] sphery: So, anyone using SVN trunk with digital TV?
[00:26:15] benlake: before I hack something together, is there a command to grab all the IMDB data for your entire video collection (the ones that are exact matches anyhow)?
[00:27:53] ** hjohnson ponders changing his network naming convention to great battles instead of "sailing vessels that explored the north pacific during the 17th and 18th centuries." **
[00:29:59] benlake: I'll take the lack of response as a negative
[00:31:46] tha_toadman (tha_toadman! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:39:52] williammanda (williammanda! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[00:42:39] williammanda (williammanda! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:46:32] sphery: benlake: have you looked at
[00:46:33] benlake: does mtd copy the DVD then transcode it?
[00:46:52] sphery: I think it reads from the DVD while transcoding.
[00:47:21] benlake: sphery: nope haven't looked, just know there was a PERL script that grabbed the data. was going to look at that more
[00:47:30] Shmattie (Shmattie! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:33] benlake: sphery: it's
[00:48:06] benlake: sphery: does that come with a normal install?
[00:48:15] sphery: It's contributed...
[00:48:56] sphery: See
[00:49:08] sphery: Not in, yet, but works with 0.20 and above
[00:49:46] Shmattie: Mythtv .20 started recording .nuv format instead of .mpg. I installed Myth Archive. Does that have anything to do with it?
[00:50:22] sphery: I mean not in 0.20 (but in SVN trunk) but works with 0.20...
[00:50:51] sphery: Shmattie: what does "file /path/to/filename.nuv" give?
[00:51:30] benlake: sphery: thanks, that's interesting
[00:51:42] benlake: sphery: hackify that to get the data in the DB I suppose
[00:51:44] sphery: enjoy and I hope it helps.
[00:52:07] Shmattie: sphery, data
[00:52:36] benlake: also, I accidentally rm'd my .mythtv directory.. how f'd am I? :P cya later lircd.conf
[00:52:40] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:53:00] sphery: benlake: "one can just execute -r [videoroot] and magically get meta data added to all video files which the script could find meta data for"
[00:53:20] sphery: It puts it in the DB, too.
[00:53:58] benlake: sphery: it says it drops it into .metadata files
[00:54:55] benlake: sphery: "It creates [filename].metadata for video files and video.metadata for video directories (DVD backups/rips) if meta data was found."
[00:55:23] sphery: Oh, I've never used it, but I thought it was already putting stuff in the DB. Guess that's still a TODO.
[00:55:34] greg12866 (greg12866! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:56:16] benlake: sphery: I wouldn't think it would not be that difficult to loop over the library and pull the info with the existing PERL script one by one and only grabbing exact matches or having an option to prompt
[00:56:43] benlake: just add a loop to the current process would make me 23.4% happier
[00:57:10] sphery: If you're looking to get it done once, that would work. If you're looking to improve how it's done in MythVideo, make sure you talk to Anduin because I know he's working a plan to change it.
[00:58:05] benlake: sphery: indeed, likely a local solution
[00:58:10] Shmattie: sphery, The output from a .mpg file is mpeg sequence, v2, program multiplex. However, the output from a .nuv file is just data.
[00:58:36] benlake: sphery: mtd is not sucking the CPU but it is moving data from the DVD, so I'd guessing it's not transcoding while ready...
[00:59:10] sphery: Shmattie: OK, so the file really does contain NuppelVideo (wanted to make sure it's not just the ".nuv" extension on an MPEG file).
[00:59:23] sphery: So, what capture card are you using?
[01:00:10] Shmattie: sphery, PVR 500
[01:00:14] Ryan__ (Ryan__! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:01:24] PointyPumper (PointyPumper! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:01:36] sphery: OK, so you'll only get NUV data by transcoding recordings. Have you recently set up auto-transcoding on your system?
[01:02:58] Shmattie: sphery, I recently installed Myth Archive and setup a job to try to generate cut lists.
[01:02:59] PointyPumper (PointyPumper! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:03:53] sphery: If you're using the job to transcode the recordings and remove commercials (with cut lists) that's what's causing it.
[01:04:16] sphery: Is this a user job that you've defined (i.e. based off some post that explained how to set up MythArchive or something)?
[01:04:48] Anduin: benlake: Yes, to a .vob, then transcode
[01:05:16] Shmattie: sphery, No user job but the checkbox to auto transcode is enabled.
[01:05:32] sphery: That's what's causing it.
[01:05:47] sphery: You can disable the auto-transcode
[01:05:54] benlake: Anduin: roger.
[01:06:33] Shmattie: sphery, For cut lists to work with Myth Archive, do I need to transcode?
[01:06:39] benlake: how exactly do you get mythtranscoding working?
[01:06:56] benlake: or I should say, how do I troubleshoot the fact that it doesn't work
[01:06:59] ackley (ackley! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:07:19] Ryan__: benlake, whats not working
[01:07:29] sphery: To cut commercials, you'll have to transcode, but you should probably do it with the MPEG-2 -> MPEG-2 ("lossless") transcode, instead.
[01:08:16] benlake: Ryan__: when I want to transcode a TV episode for example, I just get a log entry that says 'failed'
[01:08:26] sphery: benlake: You have to enable it on the host, the recording profile, and the recording rule, IIRC... (guessing you've missed one or the other)
[01:08:33] benlake: hmm and MTD keeps dying with "2007-02–19 19:00:48.693 Ripfile tried to write 325632 bytes, but only managed to write 227327"
[01:08:56] sphery: no space in your temp directory/partition
[01:08:59] sphery: ?
[01:09:08] Shmattie: sphery, Thanks. I will try to research how to do that.
[01:09:34] benlake: sphery: it was writing the data to my video directory
[01:09:46] benlake: which conveniently has 1.05TB available...
[01:09:57] sphery: Shmattie: I don't know if you have to do it before MythArchive or if MythArchive will do it for you (I haven't had the opportunity to use MythArchive since I don't have a combined frontend/backend).
[01:10:04] benlake: and tmp has 23GB, soo..
[01:10:52] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v jams
[01:10:58] benlake: sphery: you lost me with the 'recording profile'?
[01:11:20] sphery: that won't apply--you're doing a manual transcode rather than an automatic transcode
[01:11:37] benlake: only because auto doesn't work either :P
[01:11:39] Anduin: benlake: The Rip Settings temporary directory
[01:12:00] benlake: Anduin: can I see that from the setting menus?
[01:12:11] benlake: mtd isn't the most configurable thing
[01:12:44] Anduin: benlake: Yes, in the Settings -> Media Settings -> DVD blah -> Rip Settings
[01:13:22] benlake: Anduin: just found it...
[01:13:38] Anduin: ReAspired: Qt devel packages
[01:14:45] ReAspired: Anduin, I did qt3-dev-tools I guess that isnt it
[01:15:19] benlake: Anduin: well it's a goofy directory but it does have 23GB available
[01:15:37] benlake: guess I'll try again and monitor that filesystem
[01:15:46] kormoc: ReAspired, or just need the qt-threads package
[01:21:53] ReAspired: wow I can't seem to get the right package, man, this day just keeps on going, and getting no where.
[01:23:27] Smirnov (Smirnov! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:24:27] gardengnome: ReAspired: happens to the best of us, don't worry. :)
[01:25:02] ReAspired: gardengnome, I think its cuz my lack of linux skill..
[01:26:30] ReAspired: I'm using ubuntu, and well. I tried package manager, getting it to install. but it somehow gets my database stuff back. but I fully don't see how, cuz I drop those databases.
[01:26:52] gardengnome: ReAspired: i bet even linus torvalds himself doesn't figure out some things the first time. keep trying :)
[01:27:05] gardengnome: ReAspired: what database stuff exactly?
[01:27:33] Ryan__ (Ryan__! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:28:28] Ryushin (Ryushin!i=chris@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:29:02] ReAspired: gardengnome, like somehow it knows the mysql password I have set for it, and directorys, and then it gives me two errors. can't connect to backend, and some test directory error
[01:29:27] gardengnome: ReAspired: that's mythtv-setup i suppose.
[01:29:33] benlake: Anduin: nothing is happening the in temp location
[01:29:35] gardengnome: i'll give you two hints before i go to bed
[01:30:00] ReAspired: gardengnome, cannot create a file /var/lib/mythtv//.test – directory is not writable
[01:30:11] maxnix (maxnix! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:30:13] ReAspired: gardengnome, yes thats the setup program
[01:30:20] hardnova: whats the internal video player in myth ?
[01:30:39] gardengnome: ReAspired: well, just one hint actually ;)
[01:31:03] Anduin: benlake: You are doing a rip that will go through transcode?
[01:31:09] gardengnome: ReAspired: add your user to the group "mythtv", log out and log back in. then, delete ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt and re-start mythtv-setup.
[01:31:14] gardengnome: it should be working then
[01:32:05] hardnova: i tried the xine command as listed on
[01:32:24] hardnova: that says that MythVideo _> xine -pfhq --no-splash
[01:32:34] benlake: Anduin: I just got MTD running and went to Import DVD, I have no idea what it's supposed to do
[01:32:36] hardnova: that does not load the file at all
[01:32:47] benlake: Anduin: it's at 1.8GB ATM
[01:33:14] Anduin: benlake: Yeah, depending on what quality, perfect and ISO won't use the temp directory
[01:33:28] benlake: Anduin: Perfect
[01:33:58] benlake: Anduin: so it's making some file and then it just decides to stop making that file
[01:34:13] benlake: and there is 1.05TB free on the filesystem it's writing to
[01:37:23] ** benlake sighs **
[01:44:19] greg12866 (greg12866! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:49:28] jd86: Hmm.. this is odd. I just went to my mythweb and all of my shows are showing as "currently recording"
[01:49:29] jd86: hmm
[01:49:50] Scopeuk_ (Scopeuk_! has quit ("When the chips are down, well, the buffalo is empty")
[01:55:00] hardnova: ls
[01:55:05] hardnova: oops
[01:59:41] orrion (orrion! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:59:47] mwolf (mwolf! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:07:26] sphery: hardnova: The internal player is the MythTV code that plays the video--i.e. not MPlayer or xine.
[02:08:06] sphery: And, to use xine for MythVideo (you can't use it for TV), you probably want something like "xine --no-splash --auto-play=fhq %s"
[02:08:37] Zider: sphery: -pfhq does the same as --auto-play=fhq
[02:08:47] sphery: yeah, but put the %s on there...
[02:09:00] hardnova: hmm
[02:09:05] hardnova: thanks
[02:09:06] Zider: it's not needed
[02:09:13] Zider: or, shouldn't be
[02:09:18] sphery: It does it for you, but depending on what's in the text box, you can have problems.
[02:09:36] hardnova: i got it working i had a missing – in --no-splash
[02:10:26] Zider: you can turn off the splash in xine config too, so you don't need that
[02:12:44] hardnova: all i need to do is figure out how to get it running 150% faster
[02:13:10] Zider: faster?
[02:13:18] williammanda (williammanda! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:14:38] hardnova: Zider yea this fc6 x86_64 and it running like a bitch
[02:15:06] Zider: fc6.. fedora core?
[02:15:27] hardnova: its very slow i am really not sure whats causing it yet
[02:15:42] Zider: mkay
[02:16:01] hardnova: southpark fan ?
[02:16:08] Shmattie (Shmattie! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:16:23] Zider: :P
[02:16:24] Zider: no
[02:16:39] Zider: everyone thinks so
[02:19:23] williammanda (williammanda! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:21:00] livingtm (livingtm! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:21:45] livingtm: how do i repair a database table? there is a log entry in myhtbackend.log that reads "table './mythconverge/recorded is marked as crashed and should be repaired"
[02:23:22] Anduin: mysqlcheck
[02:24:32] williammanda: try this to fix it
[02:24:43] williammanda: i just did it today
[02:27:57] ** clever updates to svn and rebuilds:) **
[02:29:53] kormoc (kormoc! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:29:54] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[02:30:04] clever: wb kormoc
[02:30:09] sphery: livingtm: or, which you should probably run daily in a cron job (as mentioned in the comments at the top of the script)
[02:30:19] kormoc: thanks
[02:30:31] livingtm: sphery, thanks
[02:30:34] sphery: clever: you using digital capture cards?
[02:30:45] clever: frame grabber card
[02:31:20] sphery: Hmmm. I'm worried about upgrading because of #3031 (Recording will not commence until a PMT is set.)
[02:31:29] sphery: Only affects digital captures, though.
[02:31:34] ** clever looks for that **
[02:31:49] sphery: Won't affect you.
[02:32:04] clever: i update to svn roughtly every 2 days
[02:33:08] clever: you could copy your entire source dir
[02:33:13] clever: and update/install the copy
[02:33:22] r3z` (r3z`!n=r3z@unaffiliated/r3z) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:33:25] clever: then you have a choice to install the older version if it messes it up
[02:34:26] clever: ahhh
[02:34:29] sphery: I should probably just put together the dev box I've been meaning to put together.
[02:34:46] clever: my channel changer is still a bit hit/miss so i wont allways get the show i marked to record
[02:34:50] sphery: Then I can "stay current" while my production box stays stable.  :)
[02:35:27] psofa (psofa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:35:29] sphery: r3z`: Did you try using mythtv-setup to "Delete All" capture cards and then re-create the cards and input connections
[02:35:42] ** r3z` might need to do that. **
[02:35:46] sphery: Make sure you use Delete All (don't delete them one by one) or deleting is useless.
[02:35:59] jpoon: man, I need 5–6 hard drives to get a TB of space
[02:36:06] jpoon: not very friendly on the power bill
[02:36:11] ** r3z` uses MythDora actually and I upgraded to their new 3.2 version which has MythTV-0.20–148 and I am thinking I should just go back. **
[02:36:12] r3z`: :(
[02:36:12] ** sphery has 3TB **
[02:36:20] jpoon: sphery, you have a RAID5?
[02:36:24] r3z`: Might just do it the manual way.
[02:36:25] r3z`: bleh
[02:36:26] sphery: Nope
[02:36:44] sphery: 3TB spread across 5 disks and /not/ using LVM
[02:36:46] ** r3z` only has 750gb in his mythbox just using LVM to get it. **
[02:37:03] clever: my myth box has 50gig total
[02:37:09] sphery: Right now making judicious use of symlinks and the mv command
[02:37:11] clever: and currently just 7gig free
[02:37:15] r3z`: I record eveything in high quality.
[02:37:21] clever: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
[02:37:21] clever: 52G 42G 7.3G 86% /var/lib/mythtv
[02:37:24] sphery: Soon (once #3031 is fixed), using Storage Groups
[02:37:34] r3z`: What is a good recommended display size for my svid out?
[02:37:38] sphery: I record everything in HDTV
[02:37:46] clever: i dont have hdtv to record
[02:37:47] r3z`: err I only have 500gb I forgot I took out one disk.
[02:38:01] clever: lol
[02:38:07] clever: i only have 1 disk right now:P
[02:38:07] r3z`: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
[02:38:08] r3z`: /dev/mapper/VolGroup01-LogVol00
[02:38:08] r3z`: 445G 7.3G 414G 2% /video
[02:38:28] clever: i dont have any lvm system setup yet
[02:38:39] ** r3z` has 2 250gb disks and has them partitioned off with 6gb for system 256 for boot and 1024 for swap **
[02:38:42] r3z`: the rest for my /vid
[02:39:04] Ryan8107 (Ryan8107! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:39:08] Shmattie (Shmattie! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:39:15] sphery: From my MythWeb: 407 programs, using 1.1 TB (15 days 13 hrs 6 mins) out of 688 GB (146 GB free).
[02:39:24] r3z`: What is a good recommended resolution for my svid out?
[02:39:33] sphery: Bet you didn't know you could store 1.1TB of recordings in only 688GB of space...
[02:39:41] clever: lol
[02:39:43] r3z`: Ya that is interesting.
[02:39:44] r3z`: heh
[02:39:47] Shmattie: lol
[02:40:27] sphery: It's because I'm using a version before Storage Groups support, but not using multi-disk support (LVM/RAID) and am using symlinks that refer to other disks.
[02:40:38] r3z`: ahh
[02:40:58] clever: sphery: i would have tryed a unionfs setup
[02:41:13] sphery: r3z`: I think I used 800x600 when I was using S-Vid.
[02:41:33] sphery: If not, I used 1024x768 (to get a little more on-screen real estate).
[02:41:36] sphery: Quality seemed good.
[02:41:52] r3z`: Ya I am using 1024x768 but it gets some flaky lines in it occasionally.
[02:41:59] r3z`: kind blurred horizontal lines.
[02:42:11] sphery: IIRC, unionfs makes only the top fs writable, right?
[02:42:27] clever: sphery: not shure but i think i can have multiple rw layers
[02:42:27] sphery: jaggies?
[02:42:34] sphery: Like from interlaced video?
[02:42:40] sphery: Are you using deinterlacing?
[02:42:50] r3z`: Not that I know of.
[02:42:57] r3z`: I am using the default X config though.
[02:42:59] sphery: Haven't looked at unionfs in a long time, so it may do it now.
[02:43:18] clever: sphery: one of my livecd's using unionfs
[02:43:27] [R] ([R]!n=ron@gentoo/user/ginsu-squirrel) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:43:34] clever: in the default mode its the squashfs(cd) and a tmpfs
[02:43:41] clever: but if i enable a persistent mode at bootup
[02:43:47] sphery: I wanted the simplest setup possible--no one failure causes everything to fail, like with LVM--and without redundancy.
[02:43:50] Shmattie: I am having problems with overscan on my HDTV via DVI. I found the overscan settings in mythtv for video playback but how do I fix it for the myth menus as well?
[02:43:51] [R]: so myth was working perfectly yesterday... but now it segs when i try to run the frontend... it seems so random
[02:43:53] clever: its a squashfs underneath a fs found on the existing box
[02:44:02] clever: so all writes goto the existing partition
[02:46:22] sphery: r3z`: In mythfrontend settings, Playback Settings|General Playback, check the box for Deinterlace playback and set the Algorithm to Kernel.
[02:46:54] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:47:03] clever: where are the storage groups set in mythtv again?
[02:47:05] ** r3z` will have to try that. **
[02:47:13] sphery: Shmattie: If you want to fix overscan for video, you can do it in MythTV (as you've found). To fix overscan for X (which includes the MythTV GUI), you have to use the video drivers.
[02:47:34] clever: sphery: my tvout card seems to be underscaning
[02:47:43] sphery: Or, you can specify a window size for MythTV that's smaller than your screen's pixel dimensions and specify an appropriate offset.
[02:47:50] clever: with just the frontend up in a menu i can see a slight black border arround the entire screen
[02:48:04] clever: and my frontend is set for full screen
[02:48:39] sphery: clever: do you have a GUI width/height specified in frontend settings under Appearance?
[02:48:45] clever: nope
[02:48:49] clever: full screen
[02:49:00] clever: i even see that border in every other X program
[02:49:11] clever: its part of the card/driver i think
[02:49:16] sphery: Then it's probably video driver underscanning.
[02:49:34] clever: yeah but it was a default setting
[02:49:39] clever: nvidia board
[02:50:31] Shmattie: clever, What type of connection are you using?
[02:50:37] clever[rev]: composite cable
[02:50:43] clever[rev]: but the card also has svid out
[02:51:01] sphery: If it's an NVIDIA card, you can specify it with nvidia-settings or in xorg.conf/XF86Config with TVOverscan.
[02:51:05] clever[rev]: and plain svga but thats not tv related
[02:51:25] sphery: nvidia-settings is much easier from a UI perspective.
[02:51:33] Shmattie: sphery, I was under the impression that would not work with DVI
[02:51:41] sphery: True.
[02:51:48] clever[rev]:
[02:51:53] clever[rev]: running gnome-terminal on the tv
[02:51:54] sphery: But it does for the S-Video/Composite
[02:52:06] clever[rev]: you can clearly see a black border arround the entire screen
[02:52:37] sphery: For DVI, you have to specify a modeline that "works for you"
[02:53:21] sphery: Remember that with a fixed-pixel TV, you can have /only/ 2 of full-screen, full-resolution, or 1:1 pixel mapping
[02:53:59] clever[rev]: analog tv
[02:54:17] clever[rev]: static number of rows
[02:54:23] clever[rev]: but not shure about columns
[02:55:10] sphery: So, you can create a modeline that puts the 1920x1080 (or whatever) pixels into a 1860x1030 (or whatever) rectangle within the 1920x1080 signal and get full-screen with 1:1 pixel mapping (of output signal to TV display)
[02:55:35] sphery: or you can use a 1920x1080 output signal with 1:1 mapping and let your TV overscan it
[02:56:34] clever[rev]: whoa crap
[02:56:39] clever[rev]: 95% swap usage
[02:57:10] sphery: or you can use a 1920x1080 output in a 1920x1080 modeline and let the video drivers/TV scale it to fit on the visible pixels on your TV (losing 1:1 mapping)
[02:57:11] clever[rev]: total used free shared buffers cached
[02:57:12] clever[rev]: Swap: 1052216 718380 333836
[02:57:44] sphery: my main backend: Swap: 2000084 176096 1823988
[02:57:57] clever[rev]: i was rebuilding with -j 3
[02:58:12] clever[rev]: i think distcc's kept timing out but starting
[02:58:16] sphery: Granted, I did a couple of really mean queries to try to find an efficient approach for a change I'm making.
[02:58:55] sphery: heh
[02:59:03] sphery: I'm not the only one who was mean to my Myth box today.
[02:59:09] clever[rev]: lol
[02:59:26] clever[rev]: 20:59:43 up 1 day, 2:55, 6 users, load average: 5.73, 12.05, 13.25
[03:00:25] clever[rev]: . . . l_graph_id=1
[03:00:34] clever[rev]: see how the orange droped like a rock?
[03:00:43] clever[rev]: right arround 20:00
[03:03:10] clever[rev]: that was the free swap space droping like a rock
[03:03:35] clever[rev]: ahhh crud:(
[03:03:38] clever[rev]: recording messed up
[03:03:52] clever[rev]: 2007-02–19 21:04:11.872 NVP::AddAudioData():p3: Audio buffer overflow, audio data lost!
[03:03:55] clever[rev]: x1000
[03:06:05] r3z (r3z!n=r3z@unaffiliated/r3z) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:08:16] Shmattie (Shmattie! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:09:31] t0ny-p40 (t0ny-p40!n=t0ny-p40@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:09:41] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:09:45] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[03:10:12] Ryan8107 (Ryan8107! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:11:21] clever[rev]: wb xris
[03:12:01] xris: :)
[03:12:09] clever[rev]: 2007-02–19 21:04:11.872 NVP::AddAudioData():p3: Audio buffer overflow, audio data lost!
[03:12:17] clever[rev]: getting tons of those from mythfrontend
[03:12:28] clever[rev]: and the audio is scrambled and video playing at the wrong speed
[03:19:21] ReAspired: well I'm back at trying to run mythtv again, this time I tried making new user. now I only have 2 problems to solve. input can't have permission to open some device and getting backend server to work.
[03:21:32] ReAspired: root
[03:21:36] clever[rev]: ahh
[03:21:53] ReAspired: Access: (0660/crw-rw----) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 44/ video)
[03:22:04] clever[rev]: video owns it also:P
[03:22:11] clever[rev]: you can add mythtv to the video group
[03:22:22] ReAspired: how
[03:22:27] clever[rev]: which distro?
[03:22:31] LoneShadow (LoneShadow! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:22:31] ReAspired: ubuntu
[03:22:40] clever[rev]: sudo users-admin
[03:22:44] clever[rev]: goto the groups tab
[03:22:50] clever[rev]: select video and hit properties
[03:22:53] clever[rev]: then add mythtv to it
[03:23:06] LoneShadow: anyone using fx5200 card ?
[03:23:19] clever[rev]: then log out of the mythtv user and back in
[03:23:20] r3z: Crap
[03:23:26] [R]: LoneShadow: i have a 5500
[03:23:51] LoneShadow: [R]: whats a good nvidia driver for the card ?
[03:24:01] ReAspired: clever[rev], some reason I dont see a groups tab, I only see manage groups
[03:24:01] LoneShadow: latest from thier website ?
[03:24:10] [R]: um... yeah...
[03:24:13] clever[rev]: ahh thats it:)
[03:24:22] r3z` (r3z`!n=r3z@unaffiliated/r3z) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:25:03] r3z: Default input only shows tuner1.
[03:28:20] ReAspired: don't see a group named video
[03:28:45] clever: you may have to check a box saying show all users and groups
[03:31:35] ReAspired: I know I should of went fedora.. :D
[03:31:54] clever: lol
[03:31:59] clever: i got it working fine on ubuntu
[03:36:33] ReAspired: I kinda went screwing when installing it, some reason mysql-server wasn't installed and now its being stupid to my admin account, but made new account no problems but that video0
[03:39:15] sandeen (sandeen! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:39:18] sandeen: hrmph...
[03:39:19] sandeen: 2007-02–19 20:59:51.811 Program #4 not found in PAT!
[03:39:22] sandeen: and my show's not recorded
[03:42:35] sandeen: oh hmm looks like my channel lineup changed :/
[03:42:36] sandeen: grr.
[03:47:52] sphery: sandeen: does it also say, "Recording will not commence until a PMT is set."
[03:48:44] sandeen: sphery, I don't see it
[03:48:49] sphery: OK, nvm.
[03:49:11] sphery: Weezey: did you configure storage groups?
[03:49:20] sandeen: i'm also getting a ton of ERROR when trying to autoexpire file: /video/1528_20070111174912.mpg. File doesn't exist. type messages...
[03:49:48] Weezey: sphery: I just removed the yum rpms and installed my built
[03:49:51] Weezey: copy
[03:49:57] Weezey: what do I need to do?
[03:50:55] Weezey: no, just this one backend
[03:51:05] sphery: All have to be upgraded
[03:51:10] sphery: can't mix versions
[03:51:20] Weezey: shite.
[03:51:31] sphery: Oh, and no going back--unless you restore the backup you made before you upgraded
[03:51:47] Weezey: yeah, I gathered from the "upgrading.... "
[03:51:59] Weezey: looks like I'm pulling an all nighter.
[03:52:09] sphery: (So, without a backup, you need to upgrade all your frontends/backends.)
[03:53:03] Weezey: okay.
[03:53:10] Weezey: wish I didn't do that now.
[03:53:24] Weezey: all because I wanted the 1660 patch.
[03:55:23] sphery: Just remember, never upgrade without first backing up your database.  :)
[03:55:47] Weezey: yeah, I didn't think there was a db change
[03:56:03] Weezey: I thought packages were runnin pretty close to svn
[03:56:07] Weezey: apparently, nowhere near
[03:56:21] sphery: Remember there's SVN 0.20-fixes branch and SVN trunk
[03:56:26] sphery: SVN trunk changes a lot.
[03:56:33] Weezey: apparently
[03:56:59] sphery: SVN 0.20-fixes changes DB/protocol only when absolutely necessary to fix bugs.
[03:57:03] Weezey: so once I get them all compiled, how do I configure these "storage groups" you speak so highly of?
[03:57:15] sphery: They should auto-configure
[03:57:19] Weezey: k
[03:57:30] sphery: Once all your frontends/backends know about them it should just work.
[03:58:05] sphery: However, with them, you'll be able to have multiple recording directories (on multiple hard drives and/or multiple hosts if using NFS/CIFS)
[03:58:18] Weezey: sexy
[03:58:48] sphery: So, since you have to go through the pain of figuring out all the changes without the benefit of release notes, upgrading HOWTO's, wiki tips, etc., you might as well take advantage of the benefits.
[03:58:50] Weezey: I've arranged things now so that it doesn't matter, but that would have been nice before.
[03:58:57] sphery: Yep.
[03:59:08] sphery: No longer a need for MD (LVM or RAID).
[03:59:21] sphery: If you lose a disk, you can lose only those recordings on that disk.
[03:59:27] sphery: Makes me very happy.
[03:59:31] Weezey: me too
[03:59:36] Weezey: gotta rebuild now.
[03:59:37] Weezey: :)
[03:59:39] sphery: gl
[04:00:44] Weezey: does it factor in the capacity of disks and record on the next available drive?
[04:00:52] sphery: Yeah. My recordings are done. I can test my patch, now.
[04:01:27] ** sphery hasn't upgraded to a version with Storage Groups because of an unrelated bug that affects DVB users... **
[04:01:44] sphery: AIUI, it will choose the "best" location for a recording
[04:01:50] Weezey: *phew* no dvb here
[04:02:20] sphery: taking into account local versus network drives, whether or not a drive is in use for another recording, and possibly more stuff...
[04:02:34] Weezey: nice
[04:02:58] Captain_Murdoch: sphery: I can see optimize being a daily task if we check to make sure there are no pending recordings. what do you think about only running repair on master backend startup?
[04:03:05] williammanda (williammanda! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[04:03:18] sphery: Should be a nice upgrade even if you only use the default Storage Group.
[04:03:26] sphery: and there's the man who wrote Storage Groups...
[04:03:36] ** Captain_Murdoch looks around **
[04:03:37] kormoc: Captain_Murdoch, wouldn't the insert just block for the few seconds it's getting hit on anyway?
[04:04:09] sphery: In theory that would be fine for the REPAIRs
[04:04:33] sphery: We could start there and, if users still have to do mysqlchecks to repair, think about changing it later.
[04:04:37] sphery: I'll do up a patch.
[04:04:46] Captain_Murdoch: kormoc: depends on how long it blocks, some things we don't want to block and the disk I/O could cause problems on a low-end system.
[04:05:25] sphery: As far as the OPTIMIZE goes, are you planning on putting in the infrastructure to decide whether to run tasks based on current recording load?
[04:05:30] r3z: sphery, I noticed
[04:05:35] kormoc: Captain_Murdoch, fair nuff.
[04:05:38] r3z: As far as the PVR-500 goes.
[04:05:46] r3z: It just was acting strange I got it ironed out though ;)
[04:05:47] r3z: Thanks
[04:05:50] sphery: If so, I suppose you're saying you want me to wait until you've done that?
[04:05:57] Captain_Murdoch: sphery: haven't thought about it much lately, too much stuff on my plate.
[04:06:13] sphery: Yeah. You (and all the devs) have been pretty busy lately.
[04:06:56] sphery: If you have a design for the load-based jobs, I might be able to work on it for you.
[04:07:08] williammanda (williammanda! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:07:26] r3z: Alright off to bed.
[04:07:27] r3z: Latz
[04:07:46] williammanda (williammanda! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:10:51] williammanda (williammanda! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:12:17] Captain_Murdoch: as far as pending recordings go, the HouseKeeper could have a pointer to the Scheduler and call getAllPending() to get the list to see when the next recording is. even better to add a new method to the scheduler to just get the time of the next recording and just call that.
[04:13:03] sphery: Then each job can decide for itself how much "lead time" is required?
[04:13:10] Captain_Murdoch: yeah.
[04:13:38] sphery: I.e. 10 minutes or so for the DailyCleanup stuff?
[04:14:00] Captain_Murdoch: well, the place where we call each job. if (sched->timeTillNextRecording() > 300 && blah) then run the job.
[04:14:12] Captain_Murdoch: wouldn't put it in the job's function.
[04:14:59] Captain_Murdoch: the probably should be QDateTime Scheduler::NextRecordingStartTime() or something like that.
[04:15:34] sphery: So, are you saying to call it in wantToRun() or RunHouseKeeping() main loop
[04:15:37] Captain_Murdoch: could have a wrapper int Scheduler::SecsTillNextRecording() to make it eaiser
[04:16:38] Captain_Murdoch: sorry, couldn't remember the function name. :) if (sched->SecsTillNextRecording() > 300 && wantToRun("DailyCleanup", 1, 0, 24)))
[04:16:54] sphery: OK.
[04:17:00] Captain_Murdoch: actually, reverse that.
[04:17:08] Captain_Murdoch: wantToRun should be checked first.
[04:17:09] sphery: Yeah.
[04:17:27] sphery: So, that would apply to the whole of DailyCleanup, which makes sense
[04:18:12] sphery: I wasn't sure if you wanted it added to wantToRun() as an optional argument
[04:18:35] Captain_Murdoch: could do that also.
[04:19:01] Captain_Murdoch: haven't given it much though obviously. :) just opened the source up to look at it now.
[04:21:21] sphery: Any ideas on how to prevent a "missed" day--i.e. recording occuring throughout the entire period? Not too important for DailyCleanup, but if mfdb were changed to use sched->SecsTillNextRecording(), missing a day would be bad.
[04:22:12] Captain_Murdoch: if the smarts are in wantToRun(), then it could check to see if it was near the end of the time window and allow running anyway even if there was a pending recording.
[04:22:20] sphery: If that's a possibility, I'd rather modify wantToRun() so we can have a "fall-back" last-chance-so-we-better-run-it-even-though-there-are-recordings
[04:22:33] sphery: You type way faster than me
[04:22:46] sphery: OK.
[04:23:02] Captain_Murdoch: and that's via a vnc session
[04:23:03] sphery: I'm doing a patch to CleanupRecordedTables() right now (testing)
[04:23:12] sphery: Then I'll do the REPAIR patch
[04:23:33] e7c|home (e7c|home! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:23:44] sphery: Then I'll work on the if no recordings/OPTIMIZE patch
[04:23:47] e7c|home: hi I'm having a dull moment, can anyone tell me how to get into myth-setup after initial install?
[04:24:06] sphery: mythtv-setup
[04:24:11] sphery: name changed a while ago
[04:24:12] e7c|home: dur
[04:24:15] Captain_Murdoch: from the command-line, type "mythytv-setup" :)
[04:24:17] e7c|home: did it used to be myth-setup?
[04:24:35] sphery: It used to be "setup", but most distros changed the name and many used "myth-setup"
[04:24:46] e7c|home: k then I don't feel entirely bad
[04:24:59] sphery: Then it was changed to "mythtv-setup" so distros didn't have to worry about changing it and so it would be the same everywhere.
[04:25:39] sphery: Yeah. Blame your packagers' crystal ball for not giving them the right future name.
[04:25:58] e7c|home: that sounds feasible
[04:26:16] e7c|home: hey, something I've been meaning to look up...
[04:26:24] e7c|home: how does the commercial cutter know when a commercial starts?
[04:26:27] kormoc: answer: 42
[04:26:29] e7c|home: is there some invisible flag?
[04:26:38] kormoc: nah, it attempts to guess
[04:26:42] kormoc: it doesn't actually know
[04:27:04] kormoc: there's a few different methods it uses, and they all have their pluses and minuses
[04:28:03] e7c|home: is there any graceful way to kill the backend to make changes in mythsetup or should I just kill the pid
[04:28:16] ** Captain_Murdoch thinks that new Mac commercial is hillarious... "cancel or allow?" **
[04:28:28] ** Captain_Murdoch is also not watching TV via Myth or he never would have seen it. **
[04:28:42] Weezey: if you've installed from packages: service mythbackend restart
[04:28:46] clever: lol
[04:28:50] sphery: uses various methods--blank-frame, logo, scene-change, blank-frame and scene-change, or all (which is blank-frame, scene-change, and logo)
[04:28:56] clever: i sometimes forget to commskip even when in myth
[04:28:57] sphery: for comm flagging
[04:29:13] Weezey: clever; live tv lets me get ads once in a while
[04:29:44] sphery: I agree Captain_Murdoch--I also like the Vista upgrade one (just saw it today) where Windows is in a hospital gown because they're messing with his internals (video card, RAM, CPU, etc.) to support the new version.
[04:29:53] e7c|home: hah yeah that's a good one
[04:30:04] e7c|home: they're all quite amusing
[04:30:07] clever: havent see the cancle/allow one
[04:30:09] sphery: I actually watch the Mac commercials if their at the beginning or end of the break.
[04:31:14] sphery: , perhaps
[04:31:20] ** sphery doesn't enable Flash **
[04:31:50] Weezey: This one's great;
[04:32:54] e7c|home: if I set up a user job (ie: an encode to xvid and cut commercial script), that job runs by default on all recordings, with the option to not run it in "post recording processing" is that correct/
[04:33:25] sphery: is the upgrade one
[04:34:59] ryushin1 (ryushin1! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:37:01] ryushin1 (ryushin1! has quit (Client Quit)
[04:37:47] ** sphery just realized he forgot to thank Captain_Murdoch for his help with the Myth housekeeping stuff **
[04:37:53] sphery: thanks, Cap'n
[04:38:51] Captain_Murdoch: sphery: no problem.  :) was in th middle of replying to your post on the mailing list and saw you on here.
[04:40:20] Pryon (Pryon! has quit ("Leaving")
[04:40:50] Ryushin (Ryushin!i=chris@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:41:20] sphery: Glad you found me here. Was much easier with a short response time...  :)
[04:41:41] Captain_Murdoch: yeah.
[04:43:43] GrimSleeper: Im new here and was trying to install mythtv and found it a very complicated task. Now I feel really stupid.
[04:44:36] sphery: GrimSleeper: I've heard that it's complicated even for smart people (no personal experience, myself, though as I'm not in that boat)
[04:45:35] ackley (ackley! has quit ()
[04:52:01] GrimSleeper: I suppose there arent any automatic installion out there, I tried to install pre-compiled MythTV packages and the lack of documention, got me nowwhere.
[04:54:52] jetsaredim (jetsaredim! has left #mythtv-users ()
[04:55:57] Nem^1 is now known as Nem^
[04:58:01] kormoc: GiantPickle, there's knoppmyth and mythdora
[04:58:05] sphery: GrimSleeper: there's KnoppMyth and MythDora
[04:58:05] kormoc: GrimSleeper, that was to you, sorry
[04:58:10] clever: LOL
[04:58:11] kormoc: heh
[04:58:15] sphery: nice timing, kormoc
[04:58:26] kormoc: Indeed, you couldn't have picked better yourself :)
[04:58:53] ** sphery can't believe kormoc hit enter 4 seconds before him **
[04:59:16] kormoc: I didn't use capital letters, shaved off some time
[05:00:48] xris: but got the wrong person in tab-complete. heh
[05:01:13] kormoc: heh, yeah... oops
[05:02:09] computron (computron! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:02:18] computron: Hey all
[05:03:13] computron: What Distro of nix does everyone recomend for mythtv??
[05:03:36] kormoc: whatever one you know best is the typical answer
[05:03:37] xris: computron: the one you're most comfortable with
[05:03:49] kormoc: Personally, I like Gentoo
[05:04:02] sphery: Yeah! kormoc is committing his changes.  :)
[05:04:10] kormoc: heh, aye :)
[05:04:12] GrimSleeper: I just installed ubuntu today and then jumped into trying to install myth, so perhaps am trying to bite a bigger piece of the apple then I should, since I know next to nothing about linux.
[05:04:18] sphery: Now I can finally see all these things xris has been saying you've already done.
[05:04:27] ** kormoc laughs **
[05:04:37] ** xris checks the commit logs **
[05:04:40] kormoc: hopefully it'll live up to expectations
[05:05:19] computron: Well i am most famillar with gentoo
[05:05:25] computron: (thanks kormoc)
[05:05:54] kormoc: computron, I have svn ebuilds for trunk if you're really feeling like going bleeding edge
[05:06:09] computron: no need for bleeding on this one
[05:06:11] computron: but thnx
[05:06:26] computron: my 1.7 ghz machine is so far from bleeding edge
[05:06:38] kormoc: heh, fair nuff
[05:06:46] computron: although 1.5gb of ram makes up for a lot
[05:06:52] sphery: GrimSleeper: You might want to try KnoppMyth or MythDora as a first venture into Myth, or if you really want to install yourself, using Fedora Core and might be a nice walk through (depending on how up-to-date j-rod keeps it)
[05:07:27] sphery: Although I have heard some good things about the Ubuntu Forums HOWTO on installing MythTV...
[05:07:39] computron: lol
[05:07:42] xris: kormoc: you did that checkin wrong
[05:07:48] kormoc: xris, ooh?
[05:07:58] xris: translation string should be "$1 requests pending"
[05:08:07] sphery: oops
[05:08:08] kormoc: xris, needs to have the span tho
[05:08:11] ** sphery got kormoc in trouble **
[05:08:16] xris: and you pass that in.
[05:08:20] benlake: Gentoo's ebuilds are pretty good
[05:08:21] kormoc: ooh, hrm
[05:08:22] xris: oh, I remember now... htmlentities
[05:08:25] kormoc: yeah
[05:08:25] xris: maybe.
[05:08:35] kormoc: I think you had me try that and it borked
[05:08:39] xris: actually, no.. it assumes entities already
[05:08:43] kormoc: hrm
[05:08:47] xris: look at the other strings.. ° etc
[05:09:01] kormoc: hrm
[05:09:23] kormoc: kk, I'll poke at it
[05:10:43] computron: anywho i have 140 gb of HD space total
[05:10:55] computron: for this thing to run on
[05:11:40] kormoc: can get a good bit of tv on that
[05:11:41] Anduin (Anduin! has quit ("Leaving.")
[05:12:01] kormoc: xris, nah, it removed the span out
[05:12:29] xris: that's weird.
[05:13:52] computron: so long as it can hold my mythbusters ill be happy
[05:14:11] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:14:30] xris: heh
[05:14:46] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:16:25] computron: hey guys does the ebuild for mythtv do all the dependencys?
[05:16:59] kormoc: computron, aye, there's a few key ones to hit before you get to myth's ebuild
[05:21:22] kormoc: computron, for a 1.7? a good while. 3 hours perhaps?
[05:21:38] computron: wow thats not bad
[05:21:51] xris: computron: you have ccache installed?
[05:21:58] Led-Hed: Where would I go in KnoppMyth to change the default dpms settings?
[05:22:04] computron: xris new system i have nothing installed yet
[05:25:20] xris: computron: I'd recommend installing ccache before compiling things you might have to compile more than once.
[05:27:28] mtnbkr (mtnbkr!i=mtnbkr@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x63A94EDC) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[05:28:47] computron: xris does it work well? im reading up on it now
[05:28:58] xris: yeah
[05:29:12] xris: eats up disk space, but it's a lifesaver if you have to recompile something big like mythtv
[05:29:33] computron: does it only help on Recompileing?
[05:29:38] Led-Hed: xris, how might I change the default DPMS settings in knoppmyth?
[05:29:49] xris: Led-Hed: no clue. xorg.conf?
[05:30:07] Led-Hed: xris, tried that no luck.
[05:30:56] _nero_ (_nero_!n=nero@unaffiliated/nero) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:32:53] Led-Hed: this really sucks
[05:34:33] xris: :(
[05:34:38] sandeen: grr. my cableco swizzled my channels
[05:34:41] _nero_ (_nero_!n=nero@unaffiliated/nero) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:34:47] xris: ?
[05:35:00] sandeen: ? at me? :)
[05:35:04] xris: yeah.
[05:35:09] sandeen: hdtv stuff stopped recording...
[05:35:11] xris: just hadn't heard that verb used in that context before
[05:35:12] computron: xris Does ccache help with first time compiling? or just recomipiling?
[05:35:19] xris: computron: just recompile
[05:35:23] ** Led-Hed looks up swizzled @ **
[05:35:28] sandeen: computron, slows down first compile just a little
[05:35:36] computron: oh??
[05:35:39] sandeen: tiny bit
[05:35:44] kormoc: computron, if you have a few computers, distcc can help quite a bit
[05:35:48] sandeen: it has to write those files to teh cache & compute checksums etc
[05:35:54] sandeen: ccache+distcc.... mmm....
[05:36:14] [R] ([R]!n=ron@gentoo/user/ginsu-squirrel) has quit ("Leaving")
[05:36:17] sandeen: swizzled == rearranged
[05:36:22] xris: kormoc: only if they're all the same. heh
[05:36:29] Led-Hed: kormoc, any ideas on how to call 'xset dpms 60' for fluxbox?
[05:36:42] kormoc: xris, heh, can if they're different... just a ungodly huge pain :P
[05:36:48] ** xris ponders setting up a xen instance for distcc **
[05:37:09] sandeen: could just make a chroot behind some ssh on a unique port or something too I suppose
[05:37:17] ** sandeen thinks he's making hdtv channel setup harder than it should be **
[05:37:47] Led-Hed: kormoc, when ever I create ~/.xsession and then reboot X fails to load
[05:39:02] Led-Hed: kormoc, my .xsession file only has 1 line, xset dpms 60. can it be that minimal or is that whats causing X to fail?
[05:39:39] kormoc: Led-Hed, I *believe* that the .xsession overrides the 'default' one to load, so you'd need to load the window manager by hand at the end of it
[05:40:10] Led-Hed: kormoc, ok, I'll try that. thanks
[05:40:32] computron: kormoc did you help with the Programming?
[05:41:02] kormoc: computron, Heh, I've helped with mythweb a bit, and just received commit privs today :)
[05:41:25] kormoc: computron, xris, he's the guy who wrote mythweb to start with, and offered me my job out here
[05:41:46] computron: ahh
[05:41:56] computron: xris you got your self one smart guy there
[05:42:52] xris: computron: too bad he doesn't work for me anymore.  ;) just nearby (we promoted him out of my dept)
[05:42:57] sandeen: honestly, guys, should getting HDTV channels all in place properly be this difficult? am I doing something stupid? is there a way to do this without a fair amount of hand-editing & manual steps...?
[05:43:18] xris: sandeen: tuner type?
[05:43:26] computron: xris is there a module i can build in to get my Digital cable to comethrough??
[05:43:31] sandeen: xris, brand, or...?
[05:43:39] xris: sandeen: fw, atsc, qam, dvb?
[05:43:43] sandeen: ah qam
[05:43:46] sandeen: sorry
[05:43:55] xris: computron: depends on your card/connection type.. and your cable company
[05:43:56] sandeen: us digital cable, qam-256
[05:44:03] kormoc: computron, if you have HD, you can capture via firewire, else you'd use a ir blaster setup
[05:44:29] kormoc: computron, ir blaster means lirc
[05:44:30] xris: sandeen: I've only ever messed with atsc and firewire, sorry... should work similar to atsc, though.. channel scan, and things should work.
[05:45:01] sandeen: xris, so I have a listing of the base frequencies / transports that must be scanned... either scandvb or myth seems to be able to find several interesting things in there
[05:45:11] computron: kormoc, Ok thats what i was thinking i did not know if there was a way to decode it with my capture card or if myth had a way of doing it
[05:45:14] sandeen: but how that ever gets associated w/ callsigns & xmltv ids I have no idea...
[05:46:15] sandeen: xris, I find lots of stuff in the wiki about "hand edit the channel & add the xmltv ID" :(
[05:48:11] xris: sandeen: no need to worry about that yet.
[05:48:26] xris: just get QAM working, then worry about zap2it integration (which should be a lot easier than that these days)
[05:48:40] sandeen: xris, FWIW I had this all working 'til they changed transports on me :)
[05:48:42] xris: when I was messing with atsc, it just sort of linked up without an issue, and that was back in .19 days
[05:49:28] sandeen: does zap2it data have anything other than callsigns & xmltv ids? i.e. what ever maps that to an HDTV transport?
[05:50:18] xris: callsigns should all line up
[05:50:36] sandeen: ok but my scanning doesn't give me callsigns on everyhthing....
[05:50:42] sandeen: not so helpful
[05:51:04] xris: zap2it doesn't actually have xmltvid fields, either.. just some numeric id that mythtv puts in that field in the db.
[05:51:09] xris: not sure what to do about the weird stuff.
[05:51:19] sandeen: *sob* :)
[05:51:41] sandeen: I have just a few channels with helpful stuff that the scanner found
[05:52:09] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("Leaving.")
[05:52:58] sandeen: oh well, more fun tomorrow :)
[05:53:23] LoneShadow (LoneShadow! has quit (No route to host)
[05:53:33] sandeen: last time I wrote some hackety script to tune in each channel & try to capture a frame
[05:53:39] sandeen: then figure out what it was
[05:53:56] Smirnov (Smirnov! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:55:22] hjohnson: hmm..
[05:55:47] ** hjohnson still can't figure out why mythtv-setup won't work under xvnc4 **
[05:57:29] NSLU2-IRC is now known as |Atum|
[05:57:36] |Atum|: evening folks
[05:58:11] computron: xris the emulator that is on it are there any others then whats listed
[05:59:27] xris: emulator?
[05:59:49] computron: An emulator frontend. (MAME, NES, SNES, generic PC games)
[06:00:36] xris: oh, for mythgame. no clue, I don't use that.
[06:00:56] computron: ok
[06:00:59] |Atum|: I've got a question re: Zap2it for grabbing tv listings – my mythfilldatabase says that my subscritpion expires 03/05/2007 — that date is fast approaching. How can I 'update' this? On their site, I see no mention of "renewing" a subscription or account
[06:01:31] opello: |Atum|: you'll get an email, or when you have <=7 days you can log in and fill out the survey to get another 3 months
[06:01:35] xris: |Atum|: give it another week or two, you'll get an email
[06:01:47] |Atum|: great :-) thanks
[06:01:51] xris: and the survey will likely be "Just click Submit"
[06:01:55] |Atum|: just checking, hehe.
[06:02:11] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[06:02:43] |Atum|: I finally got another dedicated system to do myth from my brother...too bad it doesn't have TV out. I'll have to use another computer to out to the tv :-)
[06:03:17] clever: i was going to turn an old laptop with tvout into a thin frontend
[06:03:23] clever: but its only 333mhz with 92mb ram
[06:03:35] clever: too underpowered
[06:03:37] |Atum|: make it an extremely thin frontend :-)
[06:03:56] clever: physicaly its smaller then a desktop
[06:04:07] clever: but its also short on cpu power
[06:04:14] |Atum|: I was thinking of making a sort of "mythdora" liveCD for only the frontend, trying to trim it to ultra thin
[06:04:20] |Atum|: Mythdora seemed hefty to me ;)
[06:04:35] clever: lol
[06:04:36] clever: knoppmyth is about 600mb
[06:04:47] |Atum|: 600 seems large, still.
[06:05:00] clever: yeah its large but its only 1 cd
[06:05:03] ** xris can't wait for .21 with upnp autodetect :) **
[06:05:08] |Atum|: Of course, I'm a big fan of the floppy age distros ;)
[06:05:18] clever: LOL
[06:05:29] |Atum|: xris, why the need for upnp?
[06:05:29] clever: with a single floppy
[06:05:35] clever: you can start a network boot
[06:05:40] clever: then load the 3gig install over the network
[06:05:49] |Atum|: Hehe
[06:05:49] clever: with no use for the local drive or cd once its booted
[06:06:02] xris: |Atum|: as opposed to what?
[06:06:05] |Atum|: The machine I am setting up for myth now didnt have a dvd drive for my SLED 10 i wanted to load
[06:06:16] clever: lol
[06:06:23] |Atum|: so I used a mini booter
[06:06:29] |Atum|: and used SMB to run the installer :p
[06:06:33] |Atum|: from my windows machine
[06:06:46] |Atum|: Xris: I guess I don't see what the purpose of the uPnP would be?
[06:07:03] xris: |Atum|: upnp allows things like xbmc and hardware video players to detect mythtv. they just rolled autodetect into the frontend to make it useful for mythtv backend detection, too.
[06:07:16] xris: |Atum|: otherwise, you'd have to hardcode the backend IP into your livecd
[06:07:35] clever: or feed it the backend ip every time you boot
[06:07:52] clever: i also heard somewhere something about feeding it thru the dhcp server
[06:08:01] clever: when it asks for an ip it might also be given the backend ip
[06:08:17] clever: but i might be confusing that with something else
[06:08:18] |Atum|: dhcp options are fun :p
[06:08:35] clever: my dhcp server crashed without warning
[06:08:48] clever: and then the XP boxes slowly started to expire and drop there ip
[06:09:00] clever: causing the networking to die one box at a time
[06:10:05] |Atum|: Interseting
[06:10:11] |Atum|: looks like I have some work to do with myth
[06:10:16] clever: dhcp leases can expire
[06:10:17] |Atum|: TV frequencies must be off a bit
[06:10:29] |Atum|: channels are showing up but are fuzzy :-)
[06:10:36] clever: and when they are nearing expiry they contact the dhcp server to extend the lease
[06:10:45] KaZeR (KaZeR! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:12:36] hjohnson: ok.. hmm.. all I can figure as to why it's busted
[06:12:49] |Atum|: whats that heanol
[06:12:50] |Atum|: err
[06:12:51] |Atum|: hjohnson
[06:13:36] hjohnson: |Atum|: mythtv-setup
[06:13:42] hjohnson: it's not displaying any buttons or anything
[06:14:01] |Atum|: do you have qt3 installed?
[06:14:18] hjohnson: all I can see is "Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display 1:0"
[06:15:16] hjohnson: yeah libqt3-mt is installed
[06:16:15] |Atum|: hmm – I don't know abot libqt3-mt ...I use SuSE, I just went into Yast and made sure "qt3" was selected.
[06:16:49] t0ny2 (t0ny2!n=t0ny-p40@ has joined #mythtv-users
[06:17:06] |Atum|: what dist?
[06:18:16] hjohnson: debian
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[06:18:38] hjohnson: it's not complaining about not having qt3 or something, I would assume that if qt3 wasn't installed at all it wouldn't even launch
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[06:18:42] hjohnson: it's just drawing wierd.
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[06:19:19] Mode for #mythtv-users by : +vvv xris o_cee Captain_Murdoch
[06:19:20] clever: wb every1
[06:19:20] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : -v jams
[06:19:24] |Atum|: oh
[06:19:27] |Atum|: :( Sorry, beyond me then
[06:20:26] hjohnson: *sigh* trying to figure out how to install mythtv
[06:21:23] |Atum|: maybe the video driver?
[06:23:23] hjohnson: there is no video driver since the machine running the systemd oesn't have a video card.
[06:23:43] hjohnson: it's a truely headless machine, I pulled the video card for another experiment but it still runs without it.
[06:23:49] hjohnson: (I do export console via rs232)
[06:24:41] hjohnson: this is why I wish that mythtv just used text config files like every other unix program on the face of the planet.
[06:24:53] |Atum|: Yeah, way beyond me then, hehe.
[06:25:03] clever: mythtv stores all config in mysql
[06:25:11] |Atum|: fwiw the gui configs are great :p
[06:25:16] clever: which can be edited thru a command line program
[06:25:35] clever: but i was able to slowly run mythtv-setup thru x11 forwarding once
[06:25:40] hjohnson: |Atum|: when they work.
[06:25:49] hjohnson: clever: doesn't work well here at all.
[06:25:58] hjohnson: trying to run it through vnc, none of th eicons show up.
[06:26:11] clever: i havent tryed thru vnc
[06:26:20] clever: cant get vnc server to run on ubuntu
[06:26:25] clever: ssh -X hostname
[06:26:28] clever: mythtv-setup
[06:26:35] clever: that would be thru X11 forwarding
[06:26:51] kormoc: (depending on the version of ssh/x, might need to do ssh -Y host)
[06:26:52] clever: may also need a username@ in the ssh cmd or a su to mythtv
[06:26:56] hjohnson: clever: yeah, tried that from my mac running Xfree86, didn't work there either.
[06:27:11] hjohnson: I just forwarded it raw over my network.
[06:27:16] clever: ive never gotten ssh -X to work on a mac
[06:27:23] hjohnson: clever: works all the time for me.
[06:27:35] |Atum|: Strange... kdetv works just fine but my mth channels are showing up gray and fuzzy. Interesting
[06:28:00] clever: lol
[06:28:07] clever: my x server has tcp listen disabled
[06:28:10] clever: by default
[06:28:25] hjohnson: clever: so does mine, but you can change that by going xhost+
[06:28:26] clever: hjohnson: mythtv-setup on a remote pc can edit some of the backend settings
[06:28:39] hjohnson: clever: it's not working here.
[06:28:41] kormoc: hjohnson, actually not
[06:28:58] kormoc: hjohnson, if you actually disable tcp listen, you need to restart the server to get it to listen to it again
[06:29:01] hjohnson: kormoc: you're right.
[06:29:14] hjohnson: anyhow, I know the X11 works because it displays partially.
[06:29:25] clever: root 7843 9.3 27.6 140724 70944 tty7 Ss+ Feb17 298:17 /usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 100 -nolisten tcp
[06:29:47] clever: tcp is disabled on the command line as a default from my xinit script
[06:30:05] hjohnson: anyhow, mythtv-setup does come up, and gives me the grave wavey screen with the canopener, but I don't get any of the icons on what all to setup.
[06:30:18] kormoc: hjohnson, how long do you wait?
[06:30:30] kormoc: hjohnson, it can take upto a minute to show up on mine at times
[06:30:41] ** dev__ is away, idle 666 minutes [lp] **
[06:30:42] hjohnson: kormoc: I left it for a couple of hours over dinner.
[06:31:20] clever: i can hear network activity on my laptop and can tell when its doing something or just idle
[06:32:36] hjohnson: there's no traffic going back and forth. :) this I know.
[06:32:39] Dagmar: He has the psychics!
[06:32:41] Dagmar: Run away!
[06:32:45] clever: lol
[06:32:48] hjohnson: I know my X11 setup is good, i do software development and hardware dev over it all the time.
[06:32:56] clever: theres alot of noise comming off my cpu/motherboard
[06:33:19] clever: i can also hear the hi freq from tv's and sometimes moniters
[06:33:26] t0ny-p40 (t0ny-p40!n=t0ny-p40@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:33:50] Dagmar: clever: You're mistaken. That's the sound of your sperm screaming as they die from all the radiation coming from your poorly shielded PC
[06:34:01] clever: lol
[06:34:11] clever: the sound is comming from the corner of the pc with the cpu
[06:34:14] Dagmar: It's very high pitched.
[06:34:16] clever: and its nowhere near my sperm
[06:34:21] Dagmar: I can see how it could be mistaken for machine noise.
[06:34:40] Dagmar: Windowed PCs are bad
[06:34:43] clever: the laptop isnt on my lap:p
[06:37:43] hjohnson: you know, I think its fonts
[06:37:50] kormoc: Dagmar, actually, at his age, sperm dieing is a good thing
[06:37:58] clever: lol
[06:38:06] clever[rev]: I am 19.917932 years old. (I'll be 20 in 4wks 1day 23hrs 21mins 27secs.)
[06:39:07] Dagmar: kormoc: Him and me both
[06:39:13] hjohnson: nope
[06:39:17] Dagmar: The last thing i want right now is kids
[06:39:28] ** clever sends Dagmar off to the condom shop **
[06:39:48] Dagmar: I still got 8 from the otehr night
[06:40:02] clever: acting extra geeky may also help to keep the avg girl off you:P
[06:40:22] Dagmar: But in the interests of remaining family-oriented (in the classic sense) we're not going to discuss what happened to the other two
[06:40:24] clever: but it may atract some others
[06:41:03] Dagmar: Some girl tried to put the make on me yesterday when I got off work
[06:41:11] Dagmar: Sometimes having a girlfriend is a real bother
[06:41:12] clever: lol
[06:41:19] ** clever doesnt have one **
[06:41:33] hjohnson: ok.. I'm getting really huge lettering..
[06:41:38] kormoc: be glad. Women are insane...
[06:41:39] ** clever wonders why she was after you?:P **
[06:41:40] hjohnson: so it looks like a fonts issue, but I don't know why it's a fonts issue.
[06:41:56] Dagmar: hjohnson; Becuase foolishly you have a completely _correctly_ configured X
[06:42:09] Dagmar: xdpyinfo | grep inch
[06:42:13] Dagmar: Bet it doesn't say 100x100
[06:42:15] mau: hey condom kids...
[06:42:31] mau: anybody have any luck with ati video cards?
[06:42:41] mau: specifically X800XL
[06:42:47] Dagmar: I don't play russian roulette much either
[06:42:48] hjohnson: yep it says 100x100
[06:43:02] hjohnson: resolution: 100x100 dots per inch
[06:43:14] clever: exact same thing on my normaly working box
[06:43:22] Dagmar: hjohnosn: Okay, that's a new thing then. Are these like monstrously-large fonts, or just "probably as big as they should be for a TV" larg
[06:43:31] hjohnson: mosterously large.
[06:43:40] hjohnson: say 24 point
[06:43:47] kormoc: the M in Myth can eat his kids
[06:43:57] Dagmar: That would actually be a reasonably large font size
[06:44:08] hjohnson: Dagmar: do you have a screencap of what it should look like?
[06:44:16] Dagmar: Which theme?
[06:45:05] Dagmar: Oh my there's not even a screeshot of G.A.N.T. on the wiki
[06:45:20] Dagmar: Take a look at
[06:45:36] clever: lol
[06:45:39] hjohnson: oh, just the basic thing
[06:45:40] Dagmar: A lot of the themes use fonts that are pretty sizeable. Like, they'll be 1/12 of the screen height or more
[06:46:36] clever: meant to be read from 5 feet away on a fuzzy tvout
[06:46:38] Dagmar: Like, the fonts on are pretty large
[06:46:46] hjohnson: G.A.N.T.?
[06:47:04] Dagmar: ...and that's kinda par for the course, for the reason clever just said
[06:47:18] Dagmar: G.A.N.T. is one of the themes from the mythtv-themes package
[06:47:22] hjohnson: ahh
[06:47:39] hjohnson: anyhow, it does look like what happens when mozilla fires up and doesn't find the fonts it wants
[06:48:01] hjohnson: (I have a long history of running x terminals and the like, so I used to be familiar with what happened when fonts weren't there)
[06:48:06] clever: mythtv-setup is a gui so you can do the setup on your tv using just a few arrow keys and the enter key
[06:48:09] hjohnson: though the startup isn't complaining about fonts not being htere.
[06:48:31] hjohnson: clever: it would be nice if the gui just front-ended onto a text file though, so I could also go edit the text file with my editor of choice.
[06:48:32] Dagmar: Well, most of the themes use Trebuchet MS or Arial. Those you probably have, right?
[06:48:51] clever: the gui is more of a frontend for the mysql database
[06:48:58] Dagmar: pretty much
[06:48:58] ** kormoc blinks **
[06:49:00] clever: which isnt commented like most config files
[06:49:17] hjohnson: clever: I know.. this is my big complaint. :)
[06:49:21] hjohnson: i'd rather just use vi to set things up.
[06:49:27] hjohnson: but I'm an oldschool unix hacker.
[06:49:38] clever: the only thing you can edit with vi is mysql.txt
[06:49:42] Dagmar: You might change your mind on that if you saw what all gets stuck in the database
[06:49:44] hjohnson: clever: which is useless.
[06:49:44] clever: which explains how to contact the mysql server
[06:50:04] kormoc: hjohnson, vi /var/log/mysql/mythconverg/settings.MYD and be very very careful
[06:50:09] hjohnson: Dagmar: i have no problem with the *data* being stored in the database.. that's what databases are for.
[06:50:21] Dagmar: hjohnson: Gentoo users are bad enough as it is
[06:50:40] Dagmar: It would be really _bad_ if the thing let n00bs just n00b everything up and then wail for help
[06:50:56] hjohnson: Dagmar: well, that's why you provide a good gui front-end for those that need it.
[06:51:05] Dagmar: Having the frontend and mythtv-setup mainly push things into the database keeps them from filling a config file with stupidity and filing bug reports on it
[06:51:07] Dagmar: Seriously.
[06:51:16] kormoc: hjohnson, you can just set it up via DB querys if you'd perfer
[06:51:29] hjohnson: kormoc: yes but those aren't documented, that I've seen.
[06:51:35] clever: mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg
[06:51:36] hjohnson: i'd not be complaining if the setup program actually worked. :)
[06:51:42] clever: and learn mysql and the tables to store the settings in
[06:52:09] j-rod (j-rod!i=ijarod@nat/redhat/x-fabc6b498fcf25c0) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:52:11] hjohnson: Dagmar: mythtv-setup.. it gives me a blank screen, only displays half the options, and so forth.
[06:52:15] clever: by storing ALL settings in the database
[06:52:18] Dagmar: When you run mythtv-setup?
[06:52:24] kormoc: hjohnson, yeah, but it's not really all that cryptic, a bit of thought and you can figure out most of them
[06:52:29] clever: a single pc can use just the ip/name/pw to fetch all settings remotely
[06:52:38] hjohnson: kormoc: if i can find them, but I can't see what I'm selecting.
[06:52:38] Dagmar: hjohnson: What X server are you using?
[06:52:40] clever: without having to manage the config files between all frontends
[06:52:51] computron (computron! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:52:58] hjohnson: Dagmar: i've tried with both xfree86 via remote to my mac, which I know works with every other x11 app I've tried,
[06:53:01] hjohnson: and xvnc4
[06:53:09] kormoc: hjohnson, SELECT settings.value, FROM settings WHERE = 'frontend host name here';
[06:53:23] kormoc: hjohnson, value is the name of the setting, data is what it's set to
[06:53:27] Dagmar: hjohnson: So you're spawning mythtv-setup to a remote display?
[06:53:33] hjohnson: Dagmar: yes.
[06:53:41] clever: select value,data from settings where host='frontend hostname here';
[06:53:43] hjohnson: Dagmar: the machine running mythtv doesn't even have a video card.
[06:53:45] clever: identical result
[06:53:45] Dagmar: hjohnson: Well, I'd say there's something wrong with your remote display then
[06:53:47] clever: less typing:P
[06:53:53] Dagmar: mythtv-setup is basically just a boring Qt app
[06:54:05] Dagmar: Either your Qt is broken horribly, or your remote X server is broken
[06:54:33] Dagmar: It's not doing anything that could be considered "fancy" or failure-prone. Truly.
[06:54:46] kormoc: clever, it's better to get into the habit of specifying the table, as when you get into joins, table aliases, and sub queries, it saves a world of pain.
[06:54:48] clever: also kormoc its hostname not host
[06:55:07] hjohnson: Dagmar: it works with everything else on the planet.. mozilla, firefox, even the gimp
[06:55:07] clever: kormoc: when i do use multitable querys i put the table names in
[06:55:13] kormoc: meh, close enough, been awhile sense I've looked at the table
[06:55:18] clever: and i dont use them much
[06:55:22] Dagmar: Meh I just use a GUI query browser because I'm too lazy to type out SQl statements
[06:55:34] kormoc: phpmyadmin for the lazy win!
[06:55:43] Dagmar: hjohnson: Burn your Qt package and build a new one then
[06:55:47] clever: i have 396 settings just under theP4's hostname
[06:55:51] hjohnson: Dagmar: it's the default debian install
[06:55:54] clever: and 112 under NULL's hostname
[06:56:03] Dagmar: hjohnson: doesnt' really matter much to me
[06:56:17] Dagmar: You're telling me these things, and they all point to Qt being broken, or your remote X server beign broken
[06:56:26] Dagmar: Or your build of MythTV was just really screwed up
[06:57:02] Dagmar: *I* wind up spawning mythtv-setup over to my desktop most of the time, so I know it works like that
[06:57:04] clever: kormoc: would it be safe to run a query like this to clean out unused frontends? "delete from settings where hostname='mythfe1';"
[06:57:17] Dagmar: It's the newer GL stuff that won't work on a remote display
[06:57:18] kormoc: clever, sure
[06:57:49] clever: 305 and 305 rows gone:)
[06:58:11] ** clever wonders how many other tables the livecd poluted:P **
[06:58:20] Dagmar: ...although, it does seem the setup program might well be doing some GL stuff now
[06:58:35] Dagmar: joy of joys I just got a segfault trying to spawn the display remotely with 0.20-fixes from three days ago
[06:58:55] clever: i cant get mythvideo to work
[06:58:58] hjohnson: Dagmar: i'm just frustrated. don't mind me. :)
[06:58:59] clever: it core dumps
[06:59:15] Dagmar: hjohnson: Oh I can believe it
[06:59:15] hjohnson: i'm getting it going partially by just blindly whacking at keys like a monkey
[06:59:25] Dagmar: Hmm...
[06:59:37] ** clever makes it dump again to paste its error **
[06:59:41] Dagmar: I begin to think possibly mythtv-setup might not be able to be exported anymore
[06:59:50] clever: Illegal instruction (core dumped)
[07:00:17] kormoc: Dagmar, works fine here with -Y, not -X tho
[07:00:44] hjohnson: Dagmar: that's a serious design flaw
[07:00:45] kormoc: ooh, works with -X too, just takes awhile
[07:00:46] clever: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
[07:00:48] clever: o crap
[07:00:56] Dagmar: kormoc: I'm getting a black screen
[07:00:59] Dagmar: No text.
[07:01:09] kormoc: Dagmar, huh, what revision?
[07:01:15] Dagmar: I also see the xterm showing stuff mentioning GL...which I'm pretty sure won't work exported
[07:01:29] kormoc: Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display "localhost:10.0".
[07:01:29] kormoc: 2007-02–19 23:00:36.914 Using the Qt painter
[07:01:43] kormoc: which is fine behaviour in my mind
[07:01:50] Dagmar: I'm using r12793
[07:02:05] kormoc: you're a bit newer then mine, I'll upgrade here in a few days and see
[07:02:33] kormoc: Dagmar, can you try -Y (trusted forwarding?)
[07:02:43] Dagmar: Yeah, just a sec
[07:03:24] Dagmar: Pfft. Just a plain segfault again
[07:03:28] Dagmar: Lemme su to root
[07:03:49] hjohnson: my goal until I get a frontend built is to run with mythweb
[07:03:57] Dagmar: Okay it works once I su to root
[07:03:59] Dagmar: exit
[07:04:04] kormoc: strange
[07:04:04] Dagmar: pfft wrong window
[07:04:35] kormoc: Dagmar, amusingly enough, opengl will export over a trusted X forward, just a bit slower
[07:04:40] Dagmar: I'm kinda hatin those numbers on the menu items in mythtv-setup now, too. They look a little silly in the LCARS theme
[07:04:50] Dagmar: 2007-02–20 01:03:08.053 Using the OpenGL painter
[07:04:57] Dagmar: Yep that sounds like it. Heh
[07:05:36] kormoc: I've played doom3 over ssh once for like 2 minutes. cause it took 15 seconds to realize this was a bad idea, and 1m 45 to get back to the main menu :P
[07:05:48] clever: LOL
[07:05:52] Dagmar: hehe
[07:06:05] clever: i should try wine thru ssh -X sometime
[07:06:10] Dagmar: Loverly encrypted polygon action
[07:06:11] clever: slow the slowed down emulated dll's:P
[07:06:26] kormoc: most wine drawing requires trusted (-Y) and they're not emulated :P
[07:06:47] clever: its not emulating the cpu
[07:06:52] clever: but the dll interfaces are fake
[07:07:08] kormoc: that doesn't make them emulated
[07:07:09] clever: its not a real user32.dll that its talking to
[07:07:33] kormoc: WINE even stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator
[07:07:34] ** clever points at oss emulation which is just a fake oss interface:P **
[07:07:38] Dagmar: It's talking to imaginary libraries?
[07:07:56] clever: the 'fake' libraries talk to the X server
[07:08:06] kormoc: clever,
[07:08:07] clever: but on the win32 side appear to be plain windows libraries
[07:08:08] Dagmar: They're not "fake" libraries.
[07:09:15] clever: read that page before:P
[07:09:29] kormoc: it's a interface, not an emulator, else all backwards compatibility would be emulation, which is not the case
[07:09:41] Dagmar: Because if it were emulation, they'd get sued
[07:09:46] Dagmar: ;)
[07:09:49] clever: wine bearly works for most programs
[07:10:00] clever: mirc 'works' but crashes at the slightest stab
[07:10:04] kormoc: meh
[07:10:09] kormoc: it works for what I want
[07:10:10] clever: and the script editor is full of bugs making it imposible to use
[07:10:19] kormoc: Half life 2, WOW, things like that
[07:10:32] Dagmar: I prefer that other project
[07:10:34] clever: a simple vb program that used to work now crashes when i hit a button
[07:10:37] clever: and it cant even run astonia(game)
[07:10:39] kormoc: Dagmar, cedega? :P
[07:10:46] Dagmar: The one that (*gasp*) costs a few bucks
[07:10:51] Dagmar: kormoc: That would be the one
[07:10:55] clever: cedega runs the game(astonia) but the riped copy i got stoped working
[07:11:02] batdog|gone (batdog|gone! has quit (Connection timed out)
[07:11:14] clever: i have a tar which i was able to extract into / on my redhat and it worked without expiring
[07:11:23] clever: but now im on ubuntu and it doesnt work
[07:11:27] kormoc: Dagmar, hehe, I'm on their official beta team, been so for a few years. they have some nice stuff coming out :)
[07:11:34] kormoc: clever, don't pirate
[07:11:34] Dagmar: I'm a little unhappy with all that stuff tonight because I just spent the last two hours trying to debug WTF is going on with the Second Life binaries I built, just to finally get one of their damn admins to admit they're having massive server problems
[07:12:04] Dagmar: Especialyl don't pirate when they'll let you have it FREE if you're man enough to compile it yourself
[07:12:16] clever: lol
[07:12:29] Dagmar: Personally, I am entirely down with that service model.
[07:12:34] clever: the half that is opensource lacks the binarys for bypassing copy protection
[07:12:39] clever: which is the part they are selling
[07:12:59] Dagmar: My last few builds of it worked fine
[07:13:00] clever: also wine alone took i think a gig of space to build
[07:13:02] clever: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
[07:13:05] Dagmar: I don't need to bypass anything
[07:13:10] clever: does it look like i have a gig free?:P
[07:13:20] Dagmar: Maybe they screwed up and I was able to download more than I was supposed to
[07:13:27] clever: lol
[07:13:34] kormoc: Dagmar, secure-rom and safe-disk and a handful of others are binary globs only sadly
[07:13:36] Dagmar: It looks to me like you can't do math
[07:13:44] Dagmar: kormoc: Oh, those I don't care about at all.
[07:13:50] Dagmar: If I needed them, I would use Daemon Tools.
[07:13:59] ** clever goes to find a win98 cd and trys to play the game under qemu:P **
[07:14:00] adante: hey guys how much memory should mythtranscode use
[07:14:05] adante: say in terms of ballpark maximum
[07:14:06] Dagmar: ...because well, FUCK people deciding to use my hardware for their own twisted little agendas
[07:14:17] Dagmar: adante: probably 256Mb per stream
[07:14:29] kormoc: adante, depends on the video and the sizes you are dealing with. HD will use more then SD for example
[07:14:36] Dagmar: I have had secureom and safedisc keep me from playing things I bought more times than I care to count
[07:14:43] Dagmar: So now I just crack the things I buy
[07:14:49] Dagmar: ...out of *spite*
[07:14:50] kormoc: yeah, it's a constant headache with the devs too
[07:15:08] Dagmar: I had Heavy Metal FAKK2 for six freaking months before I could actually play it
[07:15:19] adante: topt is currently reporting it as using 800 megs ov virtual (700 res).. this is abnormal then?
[07:15:37] kormoc: adante, you should use a tool like pmap to get the real memory usage
[07:16:00] clever: W: Unable to locate package pmap
[07:16:18] adante: ironically i don't currently have the memory to be able to install
[07:16:32] Dagmar: If you were to add up all the numbers you see top show you, it would probably total close to a terabyte of RAM you definitely don't have
[07:16:34] kormoc: adante, pmap -d pid
[07:16:45] Dagmar: It reports space used by shared libraries, which is not useful in your case
[07:16:49] adante: oh heh
[07:16:51] kormoc: adante, the writable/private is the real used memory
[07:16:53] clever: lol pmap allready installed
[07:17:25] Dagmar: adante: LOTS of people get thrown by that
[07:17:27] clever: i read the /proc/pid/maps file every now and then directly
[07:17:51] adante: ok
[07:18:01] adante: when i try pmap -d pid, it tells me '-x show details'
[07:18:09] adante: when i try pmap pid, it says
[07:18:19] kormoc: adante, did you replace pid with the process id of the transcode process?
[07:18:20] adante: lots of stuff, but also total 827788K
[07:18:53] ** kormoc blinks **
[07:19:03] ** kormoc weeps for humanity **
[07:19:15] clever: my firefox is using a huge chunk of ram after a while
[07:19:21] adante: so 820meg is a lot right, i should kill that proc?
[07:19:29] Dagmar: Maybe INternet2 will add user permits
[07:19:34] clever: i can see how much by closing it and watching the ram usage graphs drop like rocks
[07:19:44] kormoc: adante, that value without the -d is the same as the top value I believe
[07:20:39] Dagmar: It *may* be too old to be useful then
[07:20:43] kormoc: yeah
[07:20:43] adante: is that normal?
[07:20:54] kormoc: debian stable or something?
[07:21:02] Dagmar: The way this stuff is reported to apps changed between 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernels.
[07:21:05] adante: nah gentoo-mess :]
[07:21:11] ** kormoc blinks **
[07:21:14] kormoc: what version of pmap?
[07:21:17] adante: hrm ok i'll go hunting for something else to kill
[07:21:17] Dagmar: If you're using an app that hasn't been updated since then, it will report absolutely insane numbers
[07:21:31] kormoc: yeah... that's uhhh.... strange...
[07:21:43] ** kormoc peers at his pmap which has supported -d for years **
[07:21:53] Dagmar: Like, if you don't have 800Mb of RAM and you're not hellishly in swap, I'd say that version of pmap is borked
[07:21:57] adante: hmm doesn't seem to say
[07:22:03] kormoc: emerge -pv pmap
[07:22:13] adante: is there a way i can tell, strings doesn't seem to
[07:22:21] adante: umm yeah.. i need to free up some memory before i can use emerge :]
[07:22:27] kormoc: heh... fair nuff
[07:22:57] kormoc: sorry, sys-process/procps is the package
[07:23:06] adante: ahh blessed java.. taking up 500meg
[07:23:08] Dagmar: your package manager has *got* to be able to tell you
[07:23:34] kormoc: adante, ls /var/db/pkg/sys-process/procps*
[07:23:50] kormoc: not the best way but tends to work
[07:24:31] hjohnson: ok, mythweb seems to be working..
[07:25:11] adante: procops 3.1.15
[07:25:12] adante: d
[07:25:28] kormoc: huh, it really should have it
[07:25:33] kormoc: I'm on 3.2.6 tho
[07:25:57] adante: ddddddddddddddd
[07:26:22] adante: my gentoo is a little cactus heh
[07:26:30] adante: updating now anyway
[07:26:36] Dagmar: You gotta get better at working the package manager
[07:27:12] adante: yeah well.. at the time my terminal was accepting input at about 1 character per 5 secs, so i was happy to just be able to kill myth
[07:27:40] adante: is there some sort of indicator or something i can use to show me my system is thrashing heavily
[07:27:54] onewheelskyward: adante: gkrellm is nice.
[07:28:05] onewheelskyward: top or uptime if you're in console mode.
[07:28:28] Dagmar: adante: Put a bigger drive activity LED on the front of the box
[07:28:30] adante: onewheelskyward: hm, what should i be looking for in uptime?
[07:28:40] Dagmar: When you can read by it, the machine is grinding
[07:28:45] kormoc: swap usage
[07:28:54] adante: Dagmar: hmm, box is on other side on the house, so i'd need a bigass strobe :]
[07:29:05] clever: Dagmar: LOL
[07:29:19] Dagmar: adante: Well, you could always try installing UCSD SNMP tools and MRTG
[07:29:20] onewheelskyward: adante: the first number. When it goes above 2, your system has a lot of $#!^ going on. It's not necessarily an indication of an unusable system, though.
[07:29:25] clever: watch -d cat /proc/interrupts
[07:29:26] Dagmar: *omnious thunderclap*
[07:29:34] clever: that will shwo how much activity going to each device
[07:29:40] clever: some of which are the harddrives
[07:29:43] adante: Dagmar: what's 'swap usage' (i mean, program or something?)
[07:29:44] kormoc: onewheelskyward, the load avg? that's not really an indication of much at all
[07:30:04] adante: onewheelskyward: oh look, it's on 2.45 :]
[07:30:04] Dagmar: adante: It's when the kernel decides some stuff needs to be moved out of live RAM and into the much slower swap partition
[07:30:06] czth__ (czth__!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-ab180da65d2fe884) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:30:12] clever: 03:30:39 up 3 days, 5:34, 12 users, load average: 0.64, 0.67, 0.72
[07:30:16] clever: idle system
[07:30:17] Dagmar: adante: Generally a sign you need to spend some money
[07:30:25] adante: bah
[07:30:32] adante: i just put another 512 into this machine
[07:30:40] adante: well.. just as in 6 months ago
[07:30:46] clever: 01:31:02 up 1 day, 7:26, 7 users, load average: 3.93, 5.02, 4.68
[07:30:48] clever: non idle system
[07:30:59] adante: i've sunk so much dang money into this box
[07:31:36] kormoc: onewheelskyward, the load avg is the number of processes running at the same time, so like, if you have 4 processes running for 30 sec using 15% cpu, you get a load avg of 2 for the past minute even tho 90%(guestimate) of the cpu is unused
[07:31:42] clever: Dagmar: my system has 37% swap usage and is perfectly stable
[07:31:47] clever: and now slow at all right now
[07:31:50] clever: not*
[07:32:02] Dagmar: clever: There are times swap is used that *aren't* low-memory conditions, and this is good
[07:32:07] adante: Dagmar: it's got 1gig now
[07:32:12] Dagmar: It frees up more RAM for filesystem caching
[07:32:17] clever: Dagmar: yeah:)
[07:32:24] Dagmar: adante: What the F**K are you running on that?
[07:32:24] adante: it was fine for like 6 months doing all sorts of nutty things
[07:32:26] clever: idle programs are swapped out and making room for other stuff
[07:32:29] onewheelskyward: kormoc: I understand the the concept of a load average. It's still a good indicator of overall system status. Much like your heart rate.
[07:32:42] Dagmar: Seriously
[07:32:46] clever: ive had a loadavg over 100 before
[07:32:48] Dagmar: What all stuff have you got on that box other than mythtv?
[07:32:48] adante: just suddenly went cactus few minutes ago
[07:32:52] clever: when my system was in meltdown
[07:33:09] Dagmar: 1Gb is an enormous amount of memory for a linux machine most of the time
[07:33:16] adante: Dagmar: umm.. azureus (hello java bloat), fileserver, irssi (~40 channels)
[07:33:23] kormoc: onewheelskyward, meh, it's not that good an indicator. I have boxes that nail 20+ load at times perfectly fine when there's just a number of low cpu time consuming processes going on at the same time.
[07:33:24] clever: Dagmar: my dad works on pc's with 2–4gig of ram
[07:33:29] Dagmar: Okay well then don't be surpised you're running out of RAM
[07:33:37] clever: and there often setup with 4 of those boxes in 1 room
[07:33:39] kormoc: azureus is a hog
[07:33:47] Dagmar: clever: I put a Gb in this just to make damn sure I could always compile things 50% or better from filesystem cache
[07:33:48] kormoc: makes my 2 gb desktop swap
[07:33:53] adante: Dagmar: but yeah as i was saying it used to work fine until like 10m ago :]
[07:34:05] clever: azureus eats up 90% of my swap
[07:34:06] adante: yeah azureus is a bit of a bitch.. but i wuv it
[07:34:10] clever: and is swaping constantly
[07:34:11] onewheelskyward: kormoc: In my analogy, that machine is an olympic athlete.  :)
[07:34:14] Dagmar: adante: Personally, I'd be looking at *what* is using a bunch of resources, not just RAM
[07:34:15] clever: making every other program slow
[07:34:27] kormoc: adante, could just be a runaway then, might want restart myth and see if it's normalish?
[07:34:29] adante: Dagmar: well it was mythtranscode and azureus in that order :]
[07:34:51] Dagmar: This might be time to think about coming back over to the light side of the force and installing Bram's BT client
[07:34:56] adante: kormoc: yep it appears it was.. killed mythtranscode and everything went back to normal (load avg now dropped to 1.08)
[07:35:04] Dagmar: Most of the time I actually use the ncurses interface on it
[07:35:18] kormoc: I'm a fan of torrentflux, a web based bt client
[07:35:23] adante: yeah no thanks.. i like azureus functionality (plugins, web-based, move/select etc etc)
[07:35:31] kormoc: it sits on my server and I can start/stop from anywhere in the world
[07:35:34] Dagmar: I like my RAM
[07:35:34] clever: Dagmar: i use btdownloadcurses or btlaunchmany
[07:35:38] adante: i'd switch to utorrent if i had the time
[07:35:44] clever: kormoc: that sounds nice /me looks
[07:35:47] Dagmar: ...and I run BT under screen.  ;)
[07:36:03] clever: the btdownloadcurses that i run are allways under screen
[07:36:15] clever: about the only thing i run outside of screen now is startx
[07:36:34] ** Dagmar looks aside awkwardly **
[07:36:41] clever: ?
[07:36:47] kormoc: anyway
[07:36:49] ** kormoc coughs **
[07:36:50] Dagmar: I startx under screen all the time
[07:36:53] adante: ahh mythtranscode now using a sedate 20meg :]
[07:36:53] kormoc: enough about the torrents :P
[07:37:03] clever: Dagmar: startx crashes on me when ran outside of a tty
[07:37:13] Dagmar: clever: There Are Ways
[07:37:18] clever: :P
[07:37:30] Dagmar: it makes it very easy to read what's going to stfout
[07:37:33] Dagmar: er stdout
[07:37:34] clever: starting gdm is easyer
[07:37:34] clever: but now that loads a pair of X's
[07:37:46] kormoc: adante, there's apps to monitor for runaways like that (net-snmp can do it, as can others), so if it keeps going on, might want to look into something like that
[07:37:55] Dagmar: *ominous thunderclap*
[07:38:10] adante: kormoc: hmm ok.. can't say i'm a fan of snmp
[07:38:10] kormoc: XX is no good, gotta go for the third X
[07:38:21] clever: LOL
[07:38:33] Dagmar: Chanserv should trigger on phrases like that
[07:38:34] clever: 1 X server is enough to eat alot of ram
[07:38:37] kormoc: adante, heh, I don't think anyone is, I think it's more of a necessarily evil
[07:38:38] clever: XXX would eat all my ram and cash up:P
[07:38:59] Dagmar: Maybe if an entire IRC network mocked what a bitch net-snmp is, they would clean it up some
[07:39:11] clever: lol
[07:39:15] clever: i just installed net-snmp:P
[07:39:18] adante: kormoc: well i'd heard about how it was great for using this & that for ages.. went an enabled on my router expecting to see something like ntop.. instead i was like.. this is !@#$
[07:39:22] clever: took an hour just to ./configure
[07:39:36] adante: so i tried to update the resolution time to update 1/sec, router crashed
[07:39:37] Dagmar: clever: Wait until you try and use it. The fun is only just beginning
[07:39:47] Dagmar: bwahah
[07:39:49] clever: i have it working with cacti now
[07:39:58] ** kormoc shudders at writing extra interfaces to it **
[07:40:03] clever: its graphing a few things
[07:40:24] clever: i asked #cacti which snmp package to use and net-snmp was the only sudjestion:P
[07:40:32] Dagmar: I'm thinking about doing something warped at work with that
[07:40:49] Dagmar: We're using Nagios (which I hate) and we've got this one display left over that we run dog & pony stuff on in the noc
[07:40:58] Dagmar: I think we should have 3d representaiton of every host on the network.
[07:41:04] clever: lol
[07:41:08] kormoc: snmp v3 is the only thing keeping me sane with snmp
[07:41:19] clever: a few years ago
[07:41:24] clever: i made a 3d rendering program
[07:41:31] hjohnson: yeay! my first recording is going.
[07:41:36] hjohnson: of course, it's only scrubs
[07:41:38] clever: it took x,y,z rcords
[07:41:39] Dagmar: I can fire stuff out through POVRay without much trouble
[07:41:41] clever: cords*
[07:41:49] Dagmar: I'd rather have a VRML client that didn't suck
[07:41:50] clever: and converted them to draw in a 2d lcd panel
[07:41:58] kormoc: hjohnson, only scrubs? scrubs is ungodly grand! :P
[07:42:08] hjohnson: kormoc: that it is.
[07:43:13] Dagmar: I had grand hopes for opencroquet
[07:43:25] hjohnson: hmm.. is there any way to make mythweb stream video?
[07:43:39] kormoc: hjohnson, mythweb trunk?
[07:43:41] Dagmar: hjohnson: Actually there is. VLC.
[07:43:47] Dagmar: Using trunk yes
[07:44:02] kormoc: trunk has some flash video playing support in it finally
[07:44:12] clever: with the mythweb i have i can dl the nuv files
[07:44:16] hjohnson: ahh, I'd be fine to stream to vlc
[07:44:23] clever: and its posible to have some players treat a http download as a stream
[07:44:25] Dagmar: Otherwise you can just export your recordings directory and you can make the older mythweb reference smb: or http: fileshares
[07:44:26] kormoc: also trunk has ASX 'streaming'
[07:44:42] Dagmar: I do that because it was too damn easy
[07:45:16] hjohnson: i'm just running .20 right now
[07:45:29] Dagmar: Generally 0.20-fixes from SVN is quite safe
[07:45:51] Dagmar: ...but you need mythweb from trunk to get the VLC streaming without having to do a lot of dorking around
[07:46:01] hjohnson: hehe "240MB (20 mins) out of 780 GB
[07:46:10] hjohnson: ahh
[07:46:36] Dagmar: I have a half terabyte here and I'm finally about to try the transcoding stuff again
[07:46:46] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-6af3a92cb8ca124a) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:46:52] Dagmar: autoexpire is my friend
[07:46:56] hjohnson: heh
[07:47:14] hjohnson: i'm back-ending onto a 1.2TB array that's separated into two LVMs
[07:47:41] clever: im transcoding my multigig rtjpeg so i can stream is over wifi B to watch
[07:47:44] Dagmar: I gotta get cinelerra working on my desktop again so I can start sampling from CNN more often
[07:47:48] clever: 21%
[07:47:51] ** clever taps his foot **
[07:48:01] hjohnson: ahh, I'm running a WinTV PVR-500
[07:48:12] Dagmar: WinTV?
[07:48:26] Dagmar: Is that something different than the Hauppauge PVR-500?
[07:48:57] t0ny2: clever, you should try mpeg4
[07:49:08] clever: in transcoding it to mpeg4 right now
[07:49:14] Dagmar: he should try replacing that framegrabber card
[07:49:22] kormoc: t0ny2, myth stores mpeg4 in a nuv container
[07:49:25] clever: and if i record in mpeg4 and its a tad short on cpu power it damages the file
[07:49:37] hjohnson: Dagmar: it's the second half of the name for the Hauppauge
[07:49:41] t0ny2: No I mean from the start
[07:49:45] hjohnson: official name is Hauppauge WinTV PVR-500
[07:49:46] Dagmar: I keep telling you life will become much easier if you just spend the $50 and get a PVR-150
[07:49:51] t0ny2: I dont have to transcode anymore :)
[07:50:02] clever: t0ny2: if i record directly to mpeg4 and i dont have the cpu power free when recording it gets damaged
[07:50:04] Dagmar: hjohnson: Ah okay, I have that one as well. It's a very nice card.
[07:50:13] clever: and the show is only airing 2 more times in the next 13 days:P
[07:50:18] t0ny2: I think mpeg4 is better then rtjpeg on cpu power too
[07:50:31] Dagmar: Probably the most fun card I've ever goten for $125
[07:50:34] clever: i have a frame grabber card:P
[07:50:35] kormoc: t0ny2, nah, rtjpeg is super fast, just super large
[07:50:39] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:50:44] ** clever agrees with kormoc **
[07:51:02] t0ny2: kormoc, when I switched to mpeg it seems to use less cpu
[07:51:13] Dagmar: Hardware accellerated mpeg encoding kicks complete ass
[07:51:22] t0ny2: I need a new card
[07:51:25] t0ny2: and money :/
[07:51:26] t0ny2: lol
[07:51:29] kormoc: fair 'nuff
[07:51:32] kormoc: as always, ymmv
[07:51:53] Dagmar: Random people around the globe are looking behind them and saying "what the heck was that" every time someone replaces a framegrabber card with a hardware accellerated capture card
[07:52:12] t0ny2: lol
[07:52:15] clever: lol
[07:52:37] clever: yay
[07:52:38] t0ny2: any one here use the ati all in wonder ve edition?
[07:52:43] clever: mplayer cant handle the rtjpeg file
[07:52:49] Dagmar: Speaking as someone who has used brooktree cards for about a decade now, it is OBSOLETE
[07:52:51] clever: but it can handle the half transcoded .tmp file
[07:53:30] t0ny2: clever, you can watch it with mplayer as long as your transcoding faster then you are playing :)
[07:53:32] hjohnson: Dagmar: though the overlay cards were pretty good when you were just doing live tv
[07:53:34] clever: i can also resize it better then a staticaly sized mythfrontend window
[07:53:52] clever: t0ny2: yeah i know ive done it with mencoder+mplayer before
[07:54:00] Dagmar: hjohnson: If you were recording tho, they were crap
[07:54:07] clever: also mplayer lets me set a 500mb cache if i want
[07:54:14] clever: which makes up for the slow network
[07:54:23] clever: i cant even tune the frontend's cache if i wanted to
[07:54:45] t0ny2 is now known as t0ny-p40
[07:54:50] Dagmar: I watched Dresden Files on my 650Mhz notebook earlier
[07:54:53] Dagmar: Over 802.11g
[07:55:00] Dagmar: So pbbbt
[07:55:06] clever: the laptop is 700mhz right now
[07:55:15] clever: underclocked
[07:55:23] Dagmar: Punt your access point over to a different channel
[07:55:39] clever: my card is B
[07:55:42] clever: and the ap is g
[07:55:49] Dagmar: If it's still on 6, everything under the sun (both literally and figuratively) will screw with it
[07:55:54] clever: took me a week just to get the ap into b/g mode
[07:55:59] clever: then another week to fix the wep keys
[07:56:06] Dagmar: You should be able to do *one* SD stream over b
[07:56:15] clever: rtjpeg or mpeg4?
[07:56:33] Dagmar: Heck, I was thinking mpeg like what comes out of the hauppage cards actually
[07:56:44] Dagmar: Whatever makes about 2.2gb per hour
[07:56:44] hjohnson: I can watch pretty much anything on my G4/400 mac
[07:56:47] clever: mpeg4 from transcode works fine over my wifi
[07:56:57] t0ny-p40: mpeg4 I can stand in the middle of my street and watch tv but rtjpg I can only go about 10 feet from my ap
[07:57:01] clever: Mode:Managed Frequency:2.417 GHz Access Point: 00:13:46:1E:E2:84
[07:57:15] ** clever looks up the channel thru the ap setup page **
[07:57:39] clever: uhhh whats my ap routers ip...
[07:57:42] Dagmar: Try channel 11 then
[07:59:06] ** clever rips out nmap to find the router **
[07:59:28] Dagmar: clever: It isn't the default gateway?
[07:59:42] clever: the port forwarding in it sucks
[07:59:48] clever: so its just an ap
[07:59:56] Dagmar: So get a used WRT54G or GL
[07:59:56] clever: the wired router is my gateway
[08:00:05] Dagmar: They're fun
[08:00:15] Dagmar: It's a teensy weensy linux server
[08:00:27] clever: once i find it i'll tell you what i have:P
[08:00:38] Dagmar: I've just about got mine doing transparent ARP properly and some other stuff so it'll behave like a media bridge
[08:00:48] clever: ahh .4
[08:01:04] Dagmar: You have the one you can't flash?
[08:01:06] clever: di-524
[08:01:09] kormoc: and that is why proper dns rocks
[08:01:11] Dagmar: Oh
[08:01:24] clever: i have an option to upgrade the firmware
[08:01:38] clever: which will probly have it flash itself
[08:01:45] Dagmar: I like the wrt because *I* can build the firmware from scratch
[08:01:58] clever: its on channel 2 right now
[08:02:11] Dagmar: clever: Yes. I could tell from looking at teh URL I pasted
[08:02:12] t0ny-p40: Bah, I need new fans for my mythbox
[08:02:19] t0ny-p40: two of them are rattling.
[08:02:20] clever: and simply changing the channel causes it to reboot
[08:02:27] t0ny-p40: Makes me want to kill!
[08:02:28] Dagmar: Here's something else you need
[08:02:33] clever: then it takes 2mins for my laptop to notice and reconnect
[08:02:42] clever: and by then the tcp connections have timed out and droped like flys
[08:02:44] Dagmar: oh god no
[08:02:52] Dagmar: They discontinued it??
[08:03:34] clever: lol
[08:03:45] clever: brb changing the wifi channel
[08:03:52] clever: may loose half my tcp connections:P
[08:03:53] onewheelskyward: I second Vantec's stealth line. Had a few for years now.
[08:03:57] t0ny-p40: I'm too poor at the moment to even buy fans :/
[08:03:58] hjohnson: ok, forgot to schedule something for commercial tagging...
[08:04:07] hjohnson: is there anyway to set it to do that form mythweb?
[08:04:19] eskil (eskil! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:04:34] Dagmar: t0ny-p40: You're not still buying from places like CompUSA are you?
[08:04:37] clever: nope but you can do it thru ssh
[08:04:42] clever: just run mythcommflag
[08:04:43] t0ny-p40: 1 maybe 2 weeks till I'm done with nightschool! :)
[08:04:48] clever: it will flag all unflagged files at once
[08:04:50] t0ny-p40: Dagmar, no
[08:04:58] Dagmar: Okay
[08:05:04] t0ny-p40: why?
[08:05:22] t0ny-p40: never bought anything from compusa
[08:05:33] Dagmar: I still wanna smack a long-time friend of mine who I went to highschool with because he finally built a myth box and then complained it cost so much
[08:05:34] t0ny-p40: I normaly order stuff from places like newegg
[08:05:34] r3z` (r3z`!n=r3z@unaffiliated/r3z) has joined #mythtv-users
[08:05:47] Dagmar: ...because he bought all the parts at CompUSA
[08:05:57] Dagmar: I could have built two of his machine ordering online
[08:06:27] t0ny-p40: haha
[08:06:37] hjohnson: 00:10:23 up 66 days, 7:19, 6 users, load average: 0.84, 0.37, 0.18
[08:06:40] Dagmar: The rubber grommet kits, *if* you can find them, are generally worth the money for silencing
[08:06:42] eskil (eskil! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:06:45] t0ny-p40: The box I'm using I built 3 or 4 years ago for $500
[08:06:59] clever: Dagmar: back from a router reboot
[08:07:08] clever: thats another reason its not the main
[08:07:11] Dagmar: I read on one of the oc'er sites about most of the noise you hear comes from the vibration being communicated through to the case panels, and it's no joke
[08:07:16] Dagmar: They resonate like drum heads
[08:07:20] clever: i dont want to reset my dyn ip just to change the wifi channel
[08:07:45] clever: Dagmar: on one of my cases
[08:07:50] clever: the side panels are plastic
[08:07:54] t0ny-p40: Dagmar, the fans are going bad thats why they are doing it.
[08:07:57] clever: and it has alot of structure to it
[08:08:04] clever: so it wont flex and vibrate much
[08:08:12] t0ny-p40: I hit it and they stop for a bit :)
[08:08:35] clever: t0ny-p40: the cpu fan on my 133mhz server is vibrating like nuts
[08:08:43] clever: the screws on the fan/heatsink are loose
[08:08:44] Dagmar: If you stop the physical vibrations from being communicated from the fans and the hard drive from making it to the chassis you generally start to hear things like, dogs barking far away outside
[08:08:45] t0ny-p40: the loadest part of the hole box is the hdd
[08:08:58] clever: and if i wedge it solid then the fan doesnt get knocked into balance
[08:09:07] clever: and the entire pc will vibrate
[08:09:19] Dagmar: jalopy
[08:09:38] clever: t0ny-p40: my 60gig drive which i think is failing
[08:09:46] clever: gives off a loud whirling sound
[08:09:49] hjohnson: i'm looking to just a mac mini
[08:09:57] clever: and it was getting pretty hot when i shut that pc off
[08:10:02] Dagmar: t0ny-p40: Yeah, provided you dont' touch anything
[08:10:10] Dagmar: Esecially not the cpas
[08:10:16] t0ny-p40: lol
[08:10:18] Dagmar: It'll let the magic smoke out
[08:10:27] Dagmar: ...and possibly some out of you as well
[08:10:28] onewheelskyward: clever: I have a 100 gig with the same problem. It hasn't failed...yet.
[08:10:52] clever: onewheelskyward: i added ram to that pc
[08:10:55] clever: and it ran slowly
[08:10:59] clever: then refused to boot since
[08:11:10] Dagmar: I have since begun adding air filters to my cases
[08:11:12] t0ny-p40: clever, is the ram the wrong speed
[08:11:14] onewheelskyward: clever: Even if you remove the new RAM?
[08:11:21] Dagmar: It definitely puts an end to "fan cruft"
[08:11:25] clever: it refused to start at all with the ram
[08:11:33] clever: so i took it out right away
[08:11:37] clever: and yet something was still damaged
[08:11:53] onewheelskyward: Dagmar: I recently put a fanless cooler on my CPU. It's very nice.
[08:12:14] Dagmar: I like 80mm fans for my CPU
[08:12:15] t0ny-p40: I just remebered I have a magick usb cable
[08:12:29] t0ny-p40: it will shut off or reboot any computer you plug it into
[08:12:30] t0ny-p40: lo
[08:12:31] t0ny-p40: l
[08:12:34] Dagmar: It's a shame so many cases don't like 80mm fans for my CPU
[08:12:42] Dagmar: dear god
[08:12:44] t0ny-p40: I got it with a cheap hub from ebay
[08:12:45] t0ny-p40: lol
[08:12:47] Dagmar: Don't plug that into things
[08:12:53] t0ny-p40: those asian people.
[08:12:59] t0ny-p40: I dont anymore
[08:13:00] Dagmar: Just shove a fork in there or sometihng
[08:13:01] t0ny-p40: lol
[08:13:07] onewheelskyward: t0ny-p40: It must have some crossed wires that freak out the power supply.
[08:13:17] clever: i booted with the new ram
[08:13:24] clever: pc yelled at me thru the onboard sound card
[08:13:33] Dagmar: At least if you're shoving a fork into the USB port, you're not kidding yourself about what's going to happen
[08:13:34] clever: i took it out and added 15mhz to the cpu clock thru the bois
[08:13:37] clever: it ran slowly
[08:13:41] hardnova: someone call ?
[08:13:43] clever: i rebooted and fixed the cpu speed
[08:13:46] clever: it never booted since
[08:13:53] clever: and the harddrive was extremely hot
[08:15:08] t0ny-p40: Dagmar, +5v to the case will reboot a system too :)
[08:15:17] clever: lol
[08:16:51] clever: lol
[08:17:05] clever: i pulled the bt848 card half out of its slow by mistake when testing it
[08:17:16] t0ny-p40: it was a new $3k system for the video editing class
[08:17:19] clever: was trying to push the composite cable in without a screw to hold it in place
[08:17:25] clever: linux locked up instantly
[08:17:37] t0ny-p40: I've done that before
[08:17:44] clever: poweroff+reseat+poweon fixed it
[08:17:49] clever: card still works
[08:18:01] clever: also i had fun with an old laptop a few days ago
[08:18:06] clever: i removed a 64mb ram chip
[08:18:11] clever: with it RUNNING
[08:18:24] clever: and it didnt lockup
[08:18:29] t0ny-p40: The one thing I have yet to see is static kill a computer or a part
[08:18:33] clever: but memtest began spiting out TONS of ram errors:P
[08:18:39] t0ny-p40: lol
[08:18:45] t0ny-p40: why did you do that?
[08:18:51] clever: to see if it would crash
[08:19:08] clever: ive fed static shocks into my laptop frame with it on and it has yet to fail
[08:19:36] t0ny-p40: I've shocked my laptops screen a few times and once the keybord
[08:19:54] clever: it happens mostly when holding the laptop while getting in/out of the van
[08:22:32] r3z (r3z!n=r3z@unaffiliated/r3z) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:24:14] clever: oops
[08:24:22] clever: mplayers insanely large cache ran out:P
[08:24:38] clever: but unlike mythfrontend
[08:24:42] clever: leaving it paused for 5mins helps
[08:24:44] t0ny-p40: wtf, one of my recording is messed up
[08:24:51] t0ny-p40: the sound sounds really fast
[08:25:06] clever: i get that when mpeg4 encoding crashes
[08:25:17] clever: which is why i encode to rtjpeg then transcode over
[08:25:49] t0ny-p40: well out of about 50 sounds this is the first
[08:26:22] clever: it only happens if the cpu is short on power when encoding
[08:26:38] clever: if the backend is the only thing running i get proper files right away
[08:26:42] t0ny-p40: oh I was using myth music
[08:26:47] clever: if im using it for anything else they get scrambled
[08:26:57] clever: mythmusic shouldnt eat that much cpu power:S
[08:31:29] hjohnson: the commercial flagging is pretty fast...
[08:31:32] hjohnson: 380fps
[08:31:43] clever: i get 100fps sometimes
[08:33:27] hjohnson: clever: i'm running it a massively overkill machine. :P
[08:33:44] clever: cpu freq?
[08:36:10] hjohnson: athlon 64 X2 3800+
[08:36:13] hjohnson: with 2GB ram
[08:36:18] clever: lol
[08:36:24] clever: my best cpu is 2.9ghz
[08:36:33] clever: and best ram is 256*3
[08:36:34] clever: 700 area
[08:36:36] hjohnson: yeah, this is a dual core athlon 64
[08:36:39] hjohnson: 784
[08:36:54] clever: my dad fixes machines at the hostital
[08:36:54] hjohnson: er not
[08:36:56] clever: multi core
[08:36:59] clever: multi gig ram
[08:37:04] clever: sometimes 4gig in 1 box
[08:37:17] hjohnson: friend of mine has 8GB of ram in amachine
[08:37:23] clever: LOL
[08:37:33] clever: did he recompile the kernel to handle that first?:P
[08:37:46] hjohnson: it's on an amd_64 machine
[08:38:09] clever: ahh all mine are 32bit
[08:38:24] clever: ARG
[08:38:33] clever: now that my transcoding is done
[08:38:33] clever: frontend refuses to play it
[08:38:42] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:39:53] kormoc (kormoc! has quit ()
[08:40:55] hjohnson: ouch
[08:40:59] hjohnson: anyhow, bedtime for me
[08:41:08] clever: its refusing to play ANY file
[08:43:20] clever: wait
[08:43:26] clever: i think i forgot to set TZ
[08:44:40] clever: now it works perfectly fine:P
[08:50:22] j-rod (j-rod!i=iijarod@nat/redhat/x-790e432602ec3ceb) has joined #mythtv-users
[08:54:18] hardnova: i got kernel-devel installed for my kernel but missing linux/config.h ??
[08:55:12] hardnova: do i need to get the kernel source ?
[08:55:35] xris: hardnova: what are you trying to do?
[08:56:26] hardnova: xris compile a patched version of lircd
[08:57:08] hardnova: one that works rather than the rpm that only partialy works
[08:57:16] xris: rpm from where?
[08:57:45] hardnova: im not compiling an rpm
[08:57:53] xris: that's not what I asked
[08:57:59] xris: I want to know which rpm you're comparing to
[08:58:42] hardnova: lirc-0.8.1–
[08:59:20] xris: and did you also install the accompanying kernel module(s)?
[09:00:01] hardnova: these -> lirc-kmdl-2.6.19–1.2911.fc6–0.8.1– -> lirc-lib-0.8.1– -> lirc-devices-0.8–
[09:00:25] xris: ok. just making sure that you had everything installed properly before figuring that it was completely broken
[09:00:31] hardnova: it works but not properly
[09:02:08] hardnova: anyways I have compiled this before under fc4 and it worked great
[09:02:31] hardnova: so question was will i need the kernel source
[09:02:50] eskil (eskil! has quit ("Leaving")
[09:03:02] xris: you shouldn't
[09:03:07] xris: I never had any trouble with it under fc5
[09:03:25] xris: might have to link /usr/src/linux/ to the proper /usr/src/kernels/* directory
[09:03:29] hardnova: what package has linux/config.h in it then ?
[09:04:28] clever: i think config.h is made when configuring the source properly
[09:04:41] clever: wont even be in the source till you config it to prepare for making a kernel
[09:05:18] hardnova: yes but this is just to get a package to compile
[09:05:46] hardnova: that is bombing out on the missing linux/config.h
[09:07:25] xris: hardnova: read what I last said
[09:07:37] hardnova: yes i did read it
[09:08:31] xris: ah, not in mine, either.
[09:08:41] xris: anyway, you may just have to get the source for your kernel, though that seems odd.
[09:09:18] rsdvd (rsdvd! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:09:31] hardnova: make oldconfig maybe ?
[09:10:29] clever: may need to copy the .config from the system in first
[09:10:52] clever: i can see the config files under /boot on my ubuntu system
[09:10:57] hardnova: see what happens now
[09:10:59] clever: named after the kernels they go with
[09:11:38] hardnova: nope
[09:12:00] xris: kernel headers != kernel source
[09:12:28] xris: you shouldn't need the full source and config.h stuff, though
[09:14:46] hardnova: whats the kernel source package called ?
[09:21:34] hardnova: fc6 does not have a kernel-source package ?
[09:21:47] hardnova: thats crazy
[09:22:12] clever: with debian based distros you get the source using apt-get source packagename
[09:22:22] clever: so you dont need a speperate package name just for the source
[09:22:36] clever: apt-get install mplayer would be binarys
[09:22:43] clever: and apt-get source mplayer would be its source
[09:22:48] xris: hardnova: hasn't had one since fc3
[09:23:03] xris: you shouldn't need one
[09:23:31] xris: google "fedora kernel sourcecode" or something like that will give you info on how to build one, though
[09:23:31] hardnova: xris think your must be wrong there because i have a kernal source in several fc4 machines
[09:24:12] hardnova: xris yes im hunting for one atm
[09:29:30] xris: hardnova: yes.. that's a src rpm, *not* a sourcecode package
[09:29:50] xris: it contains the sourcecode to build the package, but it not a package containing sourcecode files to install
[09:29:57] xris: (which is what you're trying to get)
[09:30:25] clever: my only box with rpm is redhat9
[09:30:49] t0ny-p40: With cpus is ht the bus speed?
[09:31:06] clever: in english?
[09:31:38] t0ny-p40: Is ht the bus speed?
[09:31:51] t0ny-p40: <-- like with this
[09:33:21] xris: t0ny-p40: what are you talking about?
[09:33:25] hardnova: xris sorry I dont think you know what your talking about
[09:33:44] t0ny-p40: Never mind
[09:33:47] xris: hardnova: sourcecode rpm == package containing /usr/src/linux
[09:34:27] xris: src.rpm == package containing linux kernel tarball, which gets expanded to /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/linux, along with a specfile, etc. build it and you get the kernel rpm
[09:35:48] xris: anyway, I'm hours past my bedtime. need sleep.
[09:35:49] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[09:39:01] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:46:31] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:46:32] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:52:07] mtnbkr (mtnbkr!i=mtnbkr@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x63A94EDC) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:22:28] juski: exit
[10:22:31] juski (juski! has quit ("Whining is not a contribution")
[10:45:27] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:47:36] juski: morny
[10:47:55] gardengnome: morning juski
[10:49:15] juski: you tried that neon thing gardengnome ? ;)
[10:52:11] juski: think I might just unleash the beta anyway, see how it gets on in the wild
[10:52:33] rsdvd: Good morning juski
[10:53:30] juski: <- grab the neon-wide BETA from there. no whining about colours etc & send fault reports to the email address in README.txt
[10:54:16] juski: morning rsdvd
[10:54:28] juski: god did I actually just say 'no whining' in here? oops
[10:54:59] rsdvd: I thought you were stopping your myth work?
[10:55:24] qu0zl: cheers Juski, I'll give that a try as well, i liked blootube
[10:55:30] juski: I was wondering what the point of it all is
[10:55:51] qu0zl: it's for the chicks Juski
[10:55:58] qu0zl: i've always found opensource is the way to get the ladies myself
[10:56:16] rsdvd: qu0zl : :-)
[10:56:17] ** qu0zl is happy with his delusions **
[10:57:12] gardengnome: juski: nope, not yet. my DVB card is still giving me grief, so no mythtv time for me :/
[10:57:31] juski: no comments about it rocking or not – I'm only interested in if stuff works etc
[10:58:48] rsdvd: juski : did you list the S100s ?
[10:59:17] juski: not yet. not had time to do the other vga cable yet
[10:59:42] juski: looking for £30 each plus p&p
[10:59:42] rsdvd: ok.......have you added the second IDE to them?
[10:59:54] juski: I dunno but I could do
[11:00:17] rsdvd: I would be very interested if you did
[11:00:32] juski: could add a hdd power cable to the other one too
[11:00:33] rsdvd: I would eb more interested if you got a working install on them :-) LOL
[11:00:42] juski: piece of cake
[11:00:56] juski: I'll ship a slack cd
[11:01:04] rsdvd: 'piece of cake' to a electronic engineer with the right tools :-)
[11:01:10] juski: getting the damn things worky is easy
[11:01:19] juski: making a small footprint is the fscking hard bit
[11:01:50] rsdvd: I can get a dristro on them – using a big IDE drive – but as you said it is getting something 'silent' that is the hard part
[11:02:47] rsdvd: I have yet to see Myth actually running on one yet – I only hope I am not disappointed with the resonse/speed
[11:03:00] juski: it's about 500% faster than myth on the xbox
[11:03:14] juski: def. no slower than my epia in use
[11:03:27] rsdvd: lol – that does not much the xbox is crap (IMHO)
[11:03:41] gardengnome: heh
[11:03:46] gardengnome: just don't use any RAM hungry themes
[11:03:55] rsdvd: :-)
[11:03:58] juski: fan on an epia?
[11:04:01] juski: get shot!
[11:04:04] juski: I did :)
[11:04:18] juski: zalman northbridge heatsink ftw!
[11:04:28] quicksilver: super flower ftw!
[11:04:42] rsdvd: I would – but the case I got also has a it woudl be expensive – if i can get the S100 in the 'quiet' rooms then I will promote the epia to my office
[11:04:44] quicksilver: I turned off most of my noisy case fans because the superflower can cool everything
[11:05:06] quicksilver: but my new barracuda disks are noisier than the fan :(
[11:05:13] quicksilver: (access noise, not spin noise)
[11:05:47] rsdvd: thats another thing – I ended up with a HDD inthe EPIA so it is hotter and louder
[11:06:24] juski: you really need to crack netbooting man
[11:07:06] rsdvd: I know :-) It used to be netbooted – but I prefered mythdora to minimyth (can't remember why)
[11:07:26] rsdvd: standard PXE is not problem – it is the silly S100 that causes the problems
[11:07:35] juski: netbooting is easy – mythdora could be converted to nfsroot no bother
[11:07:55] rsdvd: I have now worked out that a standard syslinux/grub install don;t work on the S100
[11:08:01] juski: how fast does mythdora boot up then?
[11:08:13] rsdvd: 'netbooting is easy' – if you know what you are doing
[11:08:39] juski: I still dunno what I'm doing ;)
[11:08:43] rsdvd: juski : not suer – the frontend is on 24/7 ...... but about 1–2 mins last time I rebooted
[11:08:52] juski: 2 mins?! ouch
[11:08:53] rsdvd: juski : you know more than me
[11:09:06] juski: anyway.. got some boards to make.. afk
[11:09:16] rsdvd: I am sure it is how I have it set up – it was never intended to boot oftern
[11:15:05] gardengnome: you leave your frontend running 24/7?
[11:16:12] rsdvd: gardengnome : it is on my list to change! I want to work out how to 'suspend' the epia from the remote – and bring it back........but I don;t know how
[11:16:20] rsdvd: then I got distracted by the S100s
[11:16:56] KaZeR (KaZeR! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:17:00] gardengnome: suspending over the remote? use irexec. waking up using the remote? you'll have to come up with a smart circuit to do that. the VDR guys have lots of these nifty things.
[11:21:17] gardengnome: heh
[11:23:01] rsdvd: my German is not good enough :-)
[11:24:11] gardengnome: i'm not gonna translate for you ;)
[11:25:51] rsdvd: wow – even with a translation – that is too complicated for me
[11:26:53] gardengnome: you can order a ready-made PCB with everything soldered on there i think
[11:27:39] rsdvd: I think I will persevere with the silent S100 – then it can just stay on :-)
[11:28:06] gardengnome: i was morw orried about power consumption, though
[11:28:18] gardengnome: maybe you can get the s100 to boot really qucik
[11:28:51] rsdvd: the amount of servers we have here on 24/7 it won;t make that much difference
[11:38:33] juski: I've seen zenslack boot to mythtv in less than 30s
[11:39:24] rsdvd: did you get zenslack working on the S100?
[11:39:37] juski: loading all the modules manually or building em into the kernel speeds stuff up a fair bit IME
[11:39:43] juski: yeah
[11:39:46] juski: doddle
[11:39:55] rsdvd: why did you give up on that then?
[11:40:03] juski: wrong mythtv version
[11:40:11] rsdvd: arh
[11:40:26] rsdvd: so it will not work against a backend running 0.20
[11:40:37] juski: wasn't gonna chance it
[11:40:45] rsdvd: :-(
[11:40:58] Zyxus (Zyxus! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:41:46] juski: wonder how much it'd cost to send these things anyway
[11:42:03] juski: need to weigh one packed
[11:42:16] rsdvd: not much – have you all the original packaging?
[11:43:29] gardengnome: rsdvd: AFAIR there's a mythtv plugin for zenslack that'll work with 0-20-fixes backends
[11:46:10] rsdvd: I actually never got round to registering with them so I could download it.......thought I had enough distros with the other 5 I was trying
[11:48:52] gardengnome: heh
[11:49:30] rsdvd: I just wish I knew whay a standard syslinux won't boot the S100 – then I would be fine :-)
[11:54:11] Capkirk (Capkirk! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:57:43] juski: I can still remember the password for zenslack :)
[11:58:28] rsdvd: :-) //msg me and I might give it a go when I give up on minimyth
[12:01:50] juski: it's in my email somewheres
[12:03:06] rsdvd: I found a lovely new case the other day – I wish I had just gone with that – and never started with the S100 – would have made a much better frontend
[12:03:43] juski: not the hipermedia thing I hope
[12:03:47] juski: that thing looks noisy
[12:03:55] GreyFoxx: rsdvd: send the s100 to me, I'll make it a frontend here ;)
[12:04:14] juski: GreyFoxx: I'm selling 2 of mine
[12:04:15] rsdvd:
[12:04:29] rsdvd: juski : shhhh.....I don;t wnat anyone else to know – I want them
[12:04:41] juski: blech!
[12:04:54] rsdvd: donit you like it?
[12:05:03] juski: it's farking horrible
[12:05:20] GreyFoxx: juski: Assuming I can afford the shipping I wouldn't mind playing with one. They are not easy to get over here :)
[12:05:49] juski: I looked at how much the shipping would cost & unless you're gonna visit the UK sometime soon it's out of the question IIRC
[12:06:22] juski: rsdvd: might make a passable in-car pc thouh
[12:06:48] GreyFoxx: hehe ok
[12:09:00] rsdvd: each to their own – I liked the LCD and the small form factor
[12:09:16] rsdvd: it uses the picoPSU so it it silent and low power
[12:09:18] juski: I've never seen the point in LCDs on HTPCs
[12:09:39] rsdvd: when they are being used for MP3 etc – they can be useful
[12:13:19] rsdvd: juski : the other good thing with that box (why I found it in the first place) is it has an embedded bootable CF you can isntall everything to CF
[12:13:21] juski: I'm thinking more along the lines of a squeezebox for music playback at home but they're damn expensive
[12:14:35] juski: CF =/= USB stick =/= nfsroot ;)
[12:15:16] juski: CF is actually slower than HDD isn't it? on the forums I used to see a lot of noob questions about speeding up booting by using CF.. bullshite
[12:15:23] rsdvd: ;-) I will learn how to do it eventually
[12:15:53] rsdvd: cf is esintially IDE in solid state – so it shoudl be the same if not faster
[12:15:57] Dibblah: Perfectly possible to speed up boots using CF.
[12:16:22] Dibblah: ... RAID, 10 CFs and you _might_ get HD comparible speeds.
[12:16:43] Dibblah: (Most top out at 5MBytes / sec)
[12:16:54] juski: it's slower than HDD :)
[12:16:56] juski: way slower
[12:17:04] Dibblah: Esp. for writes.
[12:17:08] juski: I dunno where the hell the myth came from
[12:17:24] Dibblah: Reads are better because of minute seek times.
[12:17:26] juski: maybe from OMGoptomogized boot scripts
[12:17:26] quicksilver: is 5M/sec a limitation of the interface, or the flash chips themselves?
[12:17:33] Dibblah: Flash.
[12:17:42] quicksilver: interesting
[12:17:50] quicksilver: was there a point in history when flash was faster than HDs?
[12:17:54] quicksilver: or has it always been slower?
[12:17:57] qu0zl: there's a reason they're adding large flash caches to HDs now to speed them up
[12:18:00] Dibblah: The only way to speed it up is to parallel it.
[12:18:11] ** quicksilver nods **
[12:18:17] Dibblah: qu0zl: Yes. Those are massively parallel flash chips.
[12:18:26] quicksilver: 1024/2048 bit interfaces
[12:18:30] qu0zl: interesting
[12:18:31] quicksilver: I guess that makes sense
[12:18:41] juski: it's the only way you could make it make sense
[12:19:04] stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:19:29] juski: fucking dodgy evil-arse government! "The National Identity Register will allow police to add the entire adult population of the UK to their suspect list, giving them the opportunity to check fingerprints left at scenes of crime against those collected from ID card and passport applicants, says Tony Blair"
[12:20:00] rsdvd: big Brother is watching you
[12:20:19] purserj: So Judge Dredd is a historical document then?
[12:21:10] juski: lol
[12:21:12] juski: yes!
[12:21:59] juski: 1984 is too, albeit a little early – bear with us though – we're working on getting those big flatscreen TVs on every wall in every house ;)
[12:23:34] purserj: Wonderful, Sylvester Stalones chin rules the streets
[12:24:04] juski: he prolly has a higher IQ than british police already
[12:25:19] Dibblah: Nah. The camera's in the Digibox.
[12:26:15] juski: glad I ain't got $ky then :)
[12:29:14] juski: oo apparently we get an 'exciting new tv service' today from Virgin. everything on demand. wonder if that means new STB software too
[12:29:51] rsdvd: if it does – you will probably crash the STB :-)
[12:44:33] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[12:45:22] juski: I hate NTSC
[12:45:41] splAt1 is now known as splat1
[12:49:51] juski: naff telly cooks socks
[12:50:21] rsdvd: :-)
[13:09:32] Dibblah: Yeah, cos Big Brother etc is SOOO much better in PAL ;)
[13:21:51] mpathy (mpathy! has joined #mythtv-users
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[13:33:07] clever: WHOA
[13:33:09] clever: 10:21:26 up 5 days, 21:46, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
[13:33:23] clever: never seen a loadavg of 0.00 before:P
[13:34:21] Zider: really?
[13:34:33] clever: that box is realy idle though
[13:34:35] clever: not even X installed
[13:34:38] Zider: hehe
[13:34:45] Zider: hm, 0.32 here
[13:34:49] Zider: close ;)
[13:34:53] clever: 09:34:33 up 3 days, 11:38, 12 users, load average: 0.94, 1.16, 1.23
[13:35:01] clever: mplayer and X and an irc client
[13:35:08] clever: and many other things in a mostly idle state
[13:35:23] clever: and multiple xterms:P
[13:35:43] Zider: I'm running a bunch of servers, torrents, firefox and listening to shoutcast
[13:35:50] clever: lol
[13:36:22] gardengnome: 15:35:56 up 3:55, 1 user, load average: 1.31, 1.22, 1.19
[13:36:23] clever: mplayer here is just running a few mp3's over nfs
[13:36:32] Zider: "a few"?
[13:36:49] gardengnome: X, firefox, amarok, kopete, and a few other small apps.
[13:36:55] clever: 15 mp3 files
[13:37:08] clever: firefox is open but idle
[13:37:26] Zider: the most I've had is somewhere around 5000
[13:37:31] Zider: not on this box tho
[13:37:45] gardengnome: heh, i've got 128 tabs open in firefox
[13:37:47] ** clever goes to count the master mp3 list **
[13:37:47] gardengnome: need to clean up ;)
[13:37:52] juski: up for 5 days? sounds like a record for ubunut
[13:37:59] Zider: (in load that is)
[13:38:07] clever: wc -l allmusic
[13:38:07] clever: 1862 allmusic
[13:38:08] gardengnome: Zider: nice, heh
[13:38:23] Zider: the mp3 list is at 11000
[13:38:28] clever: lol
[13:38:41] clever: i have i think 8gig of music files
[13:38:44] Zider: well, mp3/ogg/flac really
[13:39:29] masonsjax (masonsjax!n=m450n@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:39:56] clever: 09:39:36 up 3 days, 11:43, 8 users, load average: 1.26, 1.63, 1.43
[13:40:07] clever: loged in user count down
[13:40:09] Zider: hm, du is still working :P
[13:40:14] clever: lol
[13:40:24] Zider: 63G /share/music/
[13:40:41] clever: hold on while i boot my other data server
[13:41:23] ** clever checks on the other mounts while it boots **
[13:42:02] juski: wow. my e-penis is much smaller
[13:42:06] clever: lol
[13:42:07] juski: :(
[13:42:23] ** clever gives juski some viagra **
[13:42:43] Dagmar: A small epenis is good when the RIAA's lawyers come for their handout
[13:42:49] juski: thanks but I don't like Britney
[13:42:54] ** clever does updatedb;fixplaylists;fixlinks to map out the video files everywhere **
[13:43:59] Zider: most of my music is my own cds in flac anyway.. ;)
[13:44:16] clever: a small chunk of mine is from cd's we own
[13:44:36] clever: about 4gig though i know came from a 'empty' drive we paid for and found filled with date
[13:44:36] Zider: and a whole bunch of free music :)
[13:45:23] ** juski takes the moral high ground, as usual **
[13:45:24] clever: updatedb still going...
[13:45:30] clever: /bin/sh: update: command not found
[13:45:32] clever: oops
[13:45:36] clever: 09:45:16 up 3 days, 11:48, 9 users, load average: 1.67, 1.32, 1.30
[13:45:41] Zider: juski: which means..?
[13:45:48] Dagmar: We don't need to know your uptime
[13:45:59] clever: was going for load avg:P
[13:45:59] Zider: uptime is important! ;)
[13:46:03] gardengnome: yeah
[13:46:10] clever: 1.24 1.27 1.28 1/171 14035
[13:46:11] gardengnome: uptime is like a warm shot
[13:46:20] Zider: that's why I use hibernate on my mythbox ;)
[13:46:21] Dagmar: uptime is for people who need to overcompensate
[13:46:30] clever: lol
[13:46:37] Zider: hehe
[13:47:32] juski (juski! has quit ("Getting an epenis extension")
[13:47:35] Zider: a high uptime is pretty pointless if it shows to be from the kernel 2.2 era ;)
[13:47:46] clever: LOL
[13:48:01] clever: i was looking at getting my dvdburner going on my 2.6 kernel
[13:48:09] clever: the docs claim i need scsi emulation
[13:48:20] Zider: I don't
[13:48:21] quicksilver: that's almost certainly true, yes
[13:48:24] clever: and explain how to get it on 2.2 and 2.4 kernels
[13:48:31] clever: they seem to have forgoten 2.6
[13:48:41] quicksilver: most 'clever' IDE devices use the scsi subsystem
[13:48:42] Zider: 2.2 and 2.4 needs scsi emulation yes
[13:49:05] quicksilver: but you don't need the ide_scsi module any more
[13:49:09] clever: i dont see the drive when i cdrecord --scanbus
[13:49:21] Zider: clever: dev=ATAPI: --scanbus
[13:50:09] clever: Warning: Using ATA Packet interface.
[13:50:09] clever: Warning: The related Linux kernel interface code seems to be unmaintained.
[13:50:10] clever: Warning: There is absolutely NO DMA, operations thus are slow.
[13:50:22] Zider: I get the same bull ;)
[13:50:24] clever: and i dont see any device list
[13:50:48] Zider: does the device work normally?
[13:50:56] clever: it worked for reading
[13:50:59] clever: as /dev/hdc
[13:51:09] Zider: oki
[13:51:17] quicksilver: hmm I think you want to come up as /dev/sga
[13:51:18] Zider: strange then
[13:51:20] quicksilver: or something
[13:51:28] clever: sda is my usb drive
[13:51:29] quicksilver: I'm sure that's what it did last time I tried
[13:51:32] quicksilver: sg, not sd
[13:51:36] clever: yeah
[13:51:41] Zider: quicksilver: mine doesn't
[13:51:44] clever: i think i also had a sg file
[13:51:50] quicksilver: Zider: no, but I think that's what you *want*
[13:51:53] clever: with the cd drive
[13:51:55] quicksilver: Zider: if you want DMA access to it
[13:51:56] Zider: well, it does now, but it didn't use to, and I used ATAPI:
[13:52:00] clever: but now that its a dvd burner i dont see it
[13:52:24] clever: but that may have been the usb drive
[13:52:37] clever: crw-rw---- 1 root root 21, 0 2007-02–18 18:05 /dev/sg0
[13:52:41] clever: 0,0,0 0) 'USB 2.0 ' 'Storage Device ' '0100' Disk
[13:52:59] quicksilver: Zider: that's what you'd think, yes
[13:53:59] clever: cdrecord also spams away with warnings like these
[13:54:00] clever: cdrecord: Warning: Running on Linux-2.6.15-27–386
[13:54:01] clever: cdrecord: There are unsettled issues with Linux-2.5 and newer.
[13:54:01] clever: cdrecord: If you have unexpected problems, please try Linux-2.4 or Solaris.
[13:54:29] Zider: why are you running 2.6.15? :P
[13:54:36] roiman (roiman!n=roiman@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:54:48] roiman: hi all :)
[13:54:54] clever: 2.6.15–28 is the latest kernel for my distro
[13:54:58] quicksilver: clever: I'm not sure you want to be using cdrecord
[13:55:12] clever: i rebooted to -27 to get lirc working
[13:55:12] Zider: clever: damn, what the heck kind of distro is that? :P
[13:55:18] quicksilver: clever: or, I think you might have a very old version of cdrecord
[13:55:19] clever: ubuntu 6.06
[13:55:29] Zider: ewww-buntu :P
[13:55:30] clever: NOTE: this version of cdrecord is an inofficial (modified) release of cdrecord and thus may have bugs that are not present in the original version. Please send bug reports and support requests to < >. The original author should not be bothered with problems of this version.
[13:55:53] clever: that explain my cdrecord problems?:P
[13:56:35] clever: brb
[13:57:41] clever: back
[13:57:53] quicksilver: this tutorial looks quite good, to me
[13:58:07] gardengnome: clever: no, that's because of jörg schilling being a solaris zealot.
[13:58:08] roiman: when I watch TV only, mythtv record programm on hard drive. Is it wrong?
[13:58:18] gardengnome: he doesn't work together well with the debian zealots
[13:58:24] clever: ive used yolinux before for iptables stuff
[13:58:55] quicksilver: roiman: no, that's what it does
[13:59:06] quicksilver: roiman: that's how you can rewind live tv
[14:00:11] roiman: OK ;)
[14:01:17] Dagmar: quicksilver: I don't look at it as being a zealot so much as being "techno-chronologically-challenged"
[14:01:32] Dagmar: The poor man is stuck in 1993.
[14:01:41] quicksilver: Dagmar: hey, I didn't say it :)
[14:01:44] roiman: It is once more problem with sound – it is very softly :(
[14:01:54] quicksilver: roiman: turn up the volume then!
[14:02:08] Dagmar: dance, dance.
[14:02:12] quicksilver: my mythbox is way quieter than (for example) using the TV in ordinary TV mode
[14:02:14] roiman: volume up to 100 %
[14:02:20] quicksilver: the TV volume
[14:02:24] quicksilver: or your amplifier volume
[14:02:36] clever: or one of the mixer controls in alsamixer
[14:02:38] roiman: how do it?
[14:02:47] quicksilver: I have my TV volume at around 20 if I was watching TV on it directly and about 40 or 50 when using myth
[14:02:53] quicksilver: roiman: most TVs have a button on the front :P
[14:02:58] Dagmar: You run `alsamixer`
[14:03:10] clever: quicksilver: i use my tv with it at 10
[14:03:24] clever: and i can hear a good deal of hising/humming near 18/20
[14:03:29] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit ("Leaving")
[14:03:30] Dagmar: quicksilver: My TV gets obnoxiously loud at about 15, and the scale appears to go up to at least 50.
[14:03:38] ** quicksilver nods **
[14:03:44] quicksilver: well it obviously depends on your TV :)
[14:03:46] Dagmar: I'm not sure 100% would be a good setting on all TVs
[14:03:47] seth|laptop (seth|laptop!n=sjerome@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:03:55] quicksilver: and your audio cards
[14:03:57] roiman: no, problem only with myth, on other programs it is OK
[14:04:05] clever: Dagmar: once i fixed the volume in the mythtv side 18 was blaring loud on the tv side
[14:04:09] quicksilver: ah, well that sounds like a mixer problem
[14:04:26] quicksilver: my TV is funny about its SCART input anyway: playingn DVDs on the PS2 is similar
[14:04:33] quicksilver: (i.e. TV volume has to be very high)
[14:04:41] quicksilver: it's just an old and not brilliant TV
[14:04:43] quicksilver: works, though
[14:05:27] Dagmar: People around here are trying to kill my bank account now
[14:05:38] Dagmar: Just found a 42" display for $500
[14:05:43] Dagmar: Not a plasma either
[14:06:50] Pryon (Pryon! has joined #mythtv-users
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[14:19:57] Capkirk: when i start mythtv up in X running 800x600 the images in the menus etc is to big? but 640x480 is to small? i have a normal crt 21" television
[14:22:40] kslater: has anyone ever tried to playback an MPEG2 recording from Myth on a Media Center PC? <ducking>
[14:32:12] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:34:47] hardnova: man compile of lirc is a bitch !
[14:38:42] qu0zl: that it is hardnova. If it's barfing on a driver for a remote you don't have then tell it to just compile the driver you need
[14:39:03] qu0zl: i can;t remember how, i think there's a DRIVERS="" in the makefile or configure
[14:39:22] hardnova: yea i am doing that
[14:39:33] hardnova: but im still getting the barf :)
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[15:08:05] hardnova: anyone know how i can clear the program guide data its like 12hrs out
[15:08:46] Dr_willis: rerun mythfilldatabase ?
[15:09:56] hardnova: gees in mythweb i get ->
[15:09:57] hardnova: Error at /var/www/html/mythweb/modules/stats/tmpl/default/stats.php, line 86:
[15:09:57] hardnova: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
[15:10:12] hardnova: on the stats page
[15:13:02] justdave: ok, so I'm talking to a remote mythtv-backend...
[15:13:08] justdave: my mythfrontend on the local machine crashed
[15:13:27] justdave: when I restarted it, I can no longer connect to watch live TV because it complains the tuner is already in use
[15:13:42] justdave: and it advises me to delete the in progress recording if it's recording something
[15:13:53] justdave: so I look at the recording jobs, and it's recording what I was just watching
[15:14:04] justdave: but it won't let me delete it, claiming it's in use by the backend machine
[15:14:21] justdave: so how do I get my tuner back so I can continue watching TV?
[15:14:51] justdave: the bad part is I was channel surfing when it crashed, and the channel it's recording now isn't something I want to watch, so watching the in-progress recording isn't going to help me. :)
[15:20:32] qu0zl: justdave, why not just bounce the backend, unless it's currently recording something else important
[15:20:54] qu0zl: i've had the same thing happen and couldn't delete it without a bounce of the backend process unfortunately
[15:20:58] justdave: yeah, there's someone watching it on the TV it's actually connected to, too.
[15:21:12] qu0zl: d'oh
[15:21:31] justdave: two tuners, so they were using one and I was using the other
[15:32:54] Smirnov (Smirnov! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:38:48] hardnova: isnt there an offset somewhere for the guide data ?
[15:43:51] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:49:27] hardnova: hello ?
[15:50:13] Hoxzer: hello
[15:53:53] deego (deego!n=user@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:54:36] hardnova: how are u
[16:05:23] sloncho (sloncho!n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:06:29] sloncho: hi. does someone use ATI remote wonder? I experince very bad reception (very short range) with that remote. Its less than 2 meters. If using the same device on winxp machine, the range is more than 7 meters. any ideas/fixes?
[16:08:19] hardnova: new batteries
[16:08:48] sloncho: hardnova: with the same bateries it worsk much better under windows, so I do not think its the baterries
[16:09:21] hardnova: try seeing what irw gives you
[16:09:24] sphery: sloncho: get a 2m USB extension, get the receiver as far away from the computer, TV, cables, walls, etc as possible (I get excellent range with it on a wooden table), and perhaps enable single-channel usage
[16:09:41] hardnova: maybe its not reacting to every keypress
[16:10:05] sloncho: sphery: how to enable single channel?
[16:10:12] sphery: the Linux drivers aren't as good at discriminating signals as the Windows drivers (ATI has some hacks in their drivers that haven't been figured out for Linux)
[16:10:49] sphery: /sbin/modinfo lirc_atiusb
[16:10:55] sphery: parm: unique:Enable channel-specific codes (default: 0) (bool)
[16:11:58] sphery: so, in modprobe.conf, put "options lirc_atiusb unique=1"
[16:13:03] sphery: I needed it with old LIRC drivers (0.7.0pre drivers), but don't with new ones (I'm using CVS from Sat Feb 10 22:17:05 EST 2007)
[16:13:19] sphery: So, first get the USB extension cable and find a good place to put it
[16:15:57] sphery: Oh, BTW, you'll also have to provide a mask in the options if you're using unique=1
[16:16:00] hardnova: how do i get foxtel channels and select the composite input on one of my pvr-150 cards ?
[16:16:45] sphery: hardnova: you're using Myth or is this a test before Myth?
[16:17:32] sphery: I recommend going straight to Myth. Figuring out how to use the card from the command-line can take a while and is zero help once Myth is configured.
[16:18:04] hardnova: i have a cable foxtel box i can get the guide data not a problem , i am going to use a command line to change channels just need to select composite
[16:18:27] sloncho: sphery: I'm using 0.8 stock with SuSE 10.2. where I can read about the input mask?
[16:21:39] sphery: I never found any docs for it.
[16:21:56] sphery: I think I got a working value from a conversation on the #mythtv-users list.
[16:24:50] sloncho: sphery, would you share what is your setting, and for which channel, so I can try to figure it out for myself?
[16:25:08] sphery:
[16:25:14] sphery: I don't currently use the channel mask.
[16:25:22] sphery: I'm accepting codes from any channel.
[16:25:54] sphery: I haven't needed it since 0.7--I still get great range (actually better) with 0.8 whether I enable it or not.
[16:26:03] sphery: So, I haven't enabled it in a /long/ time.
[16:26:22] sphery: And I don't remember the settings I used. Otherwise, I'd be happy to share.
[16:29:17] markk (markk! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:33:57] hardnova: do i add another capture card to get the composite connection ?
[16:38:47] Capkirk: i have a list of extende scancodes for my "mediacenter" my remotes basically functions as a normal keyboard execpt that they send these extended scancodes where to put these to use my remotes to control mythtv interface
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[16:50:51] primeministerp (primeministerp!i=ppouliot@nat/novell/x-7c8d1a528be94a12) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:52:34] hardnova: any channel changing scripts that send serial commands ?
[16:54:40] prg3 (prg3! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:56:10] Mersault (Mersault!n=Mersault@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:59:28] sphery: Capkirk: Are you subscribed to the -dev list? If so, I sent a message to it that answers your question 3 minutes before you asked.
[16:59:28] richard_ (richard_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:00:22] sphery: hardnova: you should be able to just assign a new video source to the composite connection of your existing card
[17:00:24] Capkirk: sphery: im no not
[17:00:55] sphery: Capkirk: In short, you probably can't get QT3 to recognize the extended keycodes.
[17:01:22] sphery: Just thought it was funny that you asked right after I sent a message answering someone else's complaint about that.
[17:01:34] Capkirk: sphery: hmm some of them works
[17:01:45] sphery: Instead, you'll have to use xmodmap to map those special keys to keys that QT recognizes.
[17:02:30] sphery: Cool. So, you're part way there. xmodmap will get you the rest of the way.
[17:02:35] Capkirk: fx i can get my arrowkeys on the remotes to work by executing a command like this -> setkeycodes e013 75;# Left
[17:02:51] Capkirk: sorry for my bad english :)
[17:03:32] Capkirk: yeah xmodmap is what i need
[17:03:37] sphery: Yeah. The setkeycodes works at the kernel level, xmodmap works at the X level.
[17:03:38] mocker: Anyone know if there is a way to configure how long mythtvosd notifications stay on the screen?
[17:03:59] Capkirk: sphery: dosnt xmodmap have a file it reads the default settings from?
[17:04:08] hardnova: in the "connect source to input" where it has external command what is the var ? ie %s eg /bin/echo %s > /tmp/channel  ??
[17:04:15] sphery: mocker: UDP Notify OSD time-out
[17:04:18] hardnova: the wild card
[17:05:13] sphery: mocker: frontend settings in Playback Settings|On-screen Display on like page 10 or so
[17:05:30] hardnova: is it like the frequency $1 or %f where do i find the wild cards ?
[17:06:18] mocker: sphery: Awesome, thanks.
[17:06:36] mocker: Getting asterisk to display CID info, but it was going by to quickly.
[17:06:37] mocker: :)
[17:07:16] sphery: hardnova: I don't think there is one. The freqid is sent immediately after whatever command you give
[17:07:49] sphery: So, with the command you gave it would execute "/bin/echo %s > /tmp/channel <freqid is here>"
[17:07:58] GreyFoxx: mocker: I think I have mine set to like 5 seconds for that same reason
[17:08:18] hardnova: sphery so i need to run a script and capture command line arguments
[17:08:34] sphery: Yeah. The 1-second default timeout is pretty quick.
[17:08:39] hardnova: ya i get ya
[17:08:43] sphery: yeah
[17:09:07] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit ("Why do we always come here? I guess we'll never know. Its like some kind of torture to have to watch this show.")
[17:09:11] Led-Hed: anyone here know where to change DPMS settings in knoppmyth?
[17:09:11] hardnova: thanks any scripts about for sending serial channel changes ?
[17:09:23] GreyFoxx: What's funny is when the asterisk/mythtvosd window appears about a call before the phone rings heh
[17:10:22] mocker: :)
[17:11:12] mocker: I just switched to completely VoIP, so it's nice to be able to integrate things like this.
[17:11:32] mocker: I also wrote a quick script that lets me call in and get a list of upcoming recordings for the day.
[17:11:40] mocker: text to speech!
[17:11:42] mocker: ;)
[17:12:25] mocker: Hearing Reno911 as Reno Nine Hundred and Eleven was pretty funny too.
[17:12:47] sphery: hardnova: sorry. I just switched to OTA HDTV (from DISH) and it seems I didn't keep my channel change script)
[17:13:15] Mersault (Mersault!n=Mersault@ has quit ()
[17:13:29] sphery: Shame, too. It was a pretty nice one (with device locking, optional debug logging, and ability to control multiple units (i.e. multiple remote codes)).
[17:14:25] sphery: Still have a change_channel.log, though.  :)
[17:14:46] opello (opello!n=opello@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:16:39] sloncho: sphery: I was AFK, but now I read your response. Thanks for the info, I'll try this.
[17:17:59] mocker: I wonder how much code it would take to display pictures of known people when they call.
[17:19:58] GreyFoxx: probably not an insane amount
[17:20:03] GreyFoxx: that could be interesting
[17:20:42] Milosch: just be sure not to put a picture of your mistress in there
[17:21:03] hjohnson: just store 'em in an LDAP directory and pull out their user information... er wait, that's calling in an infantry division to deal with a house fly.
[17:22:22] mocker: If my mythfrontend was on OS X I'd use something like growl probably.
[17:23:10] GreyFoxx: well, I envision and extra field passed to mythtvosd with a "imageid" . and mythfrontend would look in a known location for imageid.jpg|png
[17:23:26] hjohnson: heh
[17:23:29] GreyFoxx: and you could just name the image as the phone number and pass the callerid info as the imageid
[17:23:38] GreyFoxx: That woudl be fairly easy to do
[17:23:38] hjohnson: now I just have to raise the money to build a front end, given that I have a semi-working back-end.
[17:24:30] mocker: GreyFoxx: Heh, I'm thinking of doing it outside of MythFrontend entirely.
[17:24:36] Capkirk: how or where can i assign a key to the mainmenu "Home" in mythtv?
[17:25:14] GreyFoxx: mocker: It would be "easy" to mod myth to do it, and the infrastructure is already there, why not use it ?
[17:25:47] mocker: GreyFoxx: Not a programmer.. ;)
[17:25:55] mocker: I just take other programs and smash them together.
[17:26:04] GreyFoxx: I might look at doing it
[17:26:12] jpe-nyc (jpe-nyc! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:26:49] mocker: Well, that would make it easier. :)
[17:27:27] jpe-nyc: hello all... i have a question with issues installing torrentocracy
[17:27:44] jpe-nyc: refering to this page
[17:28:22] jpe-nyc: i get stuck with the part on step 7 – i get – No rule to make target `/usr/share/qt3.3', needed by `Makefile'
[17:28:54] GreyFoxx: jpe-nyc: Sorry, we do deal with bittorrent, torrentocracy and all that here, sorry
[17:29:01] GreyFoxx: err I meant don't deal with it
[17:29:17] GreyFoxx: We want to avoid any association with that sort of thing
[17:29:27] jpe-nyc: ok... thanks...
[17:29:34] qu0zl: maybe the knopmyth channel will seeing as that's on
[17:29:44] GreyFoxx: good suggestion
[17:29:51] mocker: GreyFoxx: Here's what I was thinking of doing instead of mythfrontend: . . . PerlDisplays
[17:30:30] jpe-nyc: thanks qu0zi
[17:32:18] hjohnson: hmm.. can I schedule recordings for transcoding from mythweb?
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[17:34:19] sphery: hardnova: by "serial channel changes" are you talking about serial-port control of a STB, rather than LIRC?
[17:35:11] sphery: hjohnson: TTBOMK, no, but xris (MythWeb guy) seemed to be thinking about adding the ability to kick of jobs, like transcodes, the other day.
[17:35:26] hjohnson: cool
[17:35:33] sphery: (repeating the question so xris knows what you were talking about)
[17:36:10] hjohnson: heh, i ought to dig into the code.. it would be fun if it could also do real-time h.264 streaming.. (for those of us with the CPU go-juice to do a realtime transcode)
[17:37:26] sphery: transcode to or from h.264?
[17:37:33] hjohnson: to h.264
[17:37:38] sphery: very low res?
[17:37:50] sphery: encoding to h.264 takes some serious CPU juice
[17:37:59] hjohnson: sphery: relatively, just for streaming stuff over the 'net.
[17:38:19] sphery: Even playing it back takes nearly all the juice you can buy, today.
[17:38:26] sphery: (when you get to HDTV res)
[17:38:33] sphery: Cool.
[17:38:34] hjohnson: I was doing successful transcodes to 512kbps 1/4 screen H.264 from MPEG2 and it was only sucking down 25% of my available CPU power.
[17:38:50] sphery: Yeah. I guess it has some really nice features for low-bitrate encoding for devices.
[17:39:09] hjohnson: but I am throwing an Athlon64 X2 at it.
[17:39:15] sphery: So as long as you're not thinking HDTV-size, it's not as much of a challenge.
[17:39:23] sphery: Which one? I have the 4800+
[17:39:26] hjohnson: 3800+
[17:39:37] hjohnson: that's what my back-end is running on..
[17:39:41] sphery: (for my frontend--my backends are XP2400+ and XP2000+)
[17:39:56] hjohnson: most of the CPu power at times, it seems, to goes to the RAID
[17:40:24] sphery: Yeah. I'm not using MD because of that, reliability, and (not wanting) redundancy.
[17:40:52] hjohnson: ahh, I have other more mission-critical data on my array as well, so RAID-5 is nice.
[17:41:06] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:41:08] hjohnson: but it's on a separate partition, to keep it from colliding with the media
[17:41:53] juski: how are my beta testers getting on?
[17:43:14] ** sphery thinks mocker should talk to the guy who re-wrote MythTV in 42 lines of perl code if he's thinking of doing a frontend replacement in perl **
[17:43:38] hardnova: lol
[17:43:44] Milosch: 42 really LONG lines
[17:44:06] hjohnson: heh
[17:44:18] sphery: Capkirk: Add a JumpPoint to the Main Menu
[17:44:25] sphery: Use mythcontrols to set it.
[17:45:08] sphery: xris: not trying to push you--just remembered your mentioning it recently--so I thought I'd add some hope after saying it's not possible  :)
[17:46:28] xris: sphery: it'll happen. I just want to get the channel icon lookup stuff done
[17:49:34] primeministerp (primeministerp!i=ppouliot@nat/novell/x-5acf4eed657f6b26) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:53:01] mocker: sphery: Hah, not trying to rewrite it. Just overlay on top of it.
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[19:01:14] qfour20: anybody here seen issues with firewire capture where standard def. shows play at about 1.5x speed?
[19:03:05] sphery: qfour20: Any chance you're playing back 32kHz audio at 48kHz (i.e. because of a sound card that only accepts 48kHz audio)?
[19:08:11] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[19:08:21] grizzL: << h4x0r
[19:08:29] grizzL: got myth working!! (2 week later.. :P)
[19:08:40] grizzL: working on my xbox frontend.. ac3's a pain!
[19:09:38] juski: pfft
[19:10:22] dev__: heh
[19:11:31] grizzL: once again.. I love prebuilt packages and all.. but myth is just better from source..
[19:11:40] dev__: better?
[19:11:47] grizzL: to setup
[19:11:54] grizzL: you actually get to understand how it works
[19:11:59] grizzL: prebuilts hide tooo much stuff
[19:12:05] grizzL: makes understanding whats going on, difficult
[19:12:08] dev__: do you actually read the scroll after you type make?
[19:12:21] grizzL: dont be a smartass
[19:12:25] grizzL: but you have to know that like
[19:12:27] dev__: ;/
[19:12:30] grizzL: you need mysql
[19:12:35] grizzL: and it relies on this account, these perms
[19:12:40] grizzL: you need, this and that lib
[19:12:50] grizzL: etc.. like.. I got stuck on the fact I needed ivtv
[19:12:52] grizzL: for like 2 weeks
[19:12:57] grizzL: myth'd "run".. but I'd see no video
[19:13:05] dev__: yeah having ivtv is helpful ;)
[19:13:05] grizzL: and it never complained SPECIFICALLY about ivtv not being there
[19:13:14] grizzL: nothing told me I needed it either
[19:13:19] grizzL: specially the pre-builts
[19:13:36] grizzL: so its only from patching and reading and building via steps, I could figure out what was wrong/missing
[19:13:52] juski: you could just have read a howto guide
[19:14:00] grizzL: I read about 50 of them
[19:14:02] dev__: or docs
[19:14:03] dangral (dangral! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:14:15] grizzL: understanding helped more
[19:14:31] dev__: at least you got it working, thats all that matters :)
[19:14:44] grizzL: so I got my budget card + sasc-ng + mythtv0.20 and my xbox frontend worked (just no audio yet)
[19:14:51] grizzL: ac3 on the fe is my last hurdle
[19:15:22] dev__: my myth setup has been working flawlessly for nearly 6 months
[19:15:26] dev__: its like, i need to break something
[19:15:28] dev__: or something
[19:15:33] grizzL: after this, I wanna pile on the backend cards
[19:15:59] grizzL: couple of fe's.. myth out the scene :P
[19:18:30] dangral (dangral! has quit (Client Quit)
[19:18:56] grizzL: maybe a nice 1080i capable fe would be a good investment too
[19:19:30] Hoxzer: DOes somebody here know how does lirc work with dual ir-receivers?
[19:20:56] Honk: what do you need dual receivers for? :)
[19:21:42] Capkirk: sphery: hmm i guess you where right mythtv cant recongnize the keycode fx if i set the extende scancodes that my remote send like this -> setkeycodes e005 180 and try to add it "edit keys" menu in myth i get "not recongnized" key? :(
[19:35:40] Hoxzer: Honk: dual headed machine
[19:35:56] Hoxzer: one head for my room and one for living room
[19:36:40] sphery: Capkirk: have you tried xmodmap?
[19:36:56] Capkirk: sphery: nope im still reading and learning :)
[19:37:32] sphery: cool. gl.
[19:41:18] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:41:46] markk (markk! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:43:58] Honk: Hoxzer: ah i see :)
[19:44:20] Chadarius: Hey all! I have this nagging problem with Myth. I've got my ivtv recording profiles set to capture 720x480, however it is not actually doing that. It actually sets it to 480x480 no matter what. Any ideas?
[19:45:07] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:52:57] gardengnome: Chadarius: what profiles did you modify? default, livetv?
[19:53:10] dev__: and/or are you transcoding after recording?
[19:53:14] Chadarius: gardengnome: livetv
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[19:54:08] gardengnome: Chadarius: for recordings, you'll have to modify "default".
[19:54:35] Chadarius: gardengnome: I have all of them modified, but I'm most concerned about livetv at this point
[19:55:17] Chadarius: gardengnome: it switches the resolution no matter what I set it back to 480x480. I checked it after LiveTV started with ivtvctl -F
[19:55:25] gardengnome: that's weird
[19:56:51] Chadarius: gardengnome: yeah tell me about it... Picture is so much better with 720x480. Of course I've got some strange problems with deinterlacing too
[19:57:27] Chadarius: gardengnome: If I set resolution manually and playback with mplayer /dev/video0 it looks much better
[19:57:35] daviey (daviey! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:59:06] rsdvd: can someone please help me get my head around lircrc....I have a working lircrc with *basic* would I set up a button to do different things when in LiveTV instead of MythGallery for instance
[19:59:43] kormoc: change the key shortcuts in myth
[20:00:19] rsdvd: kormoc : can you explain a little more?
[20:00:39] Chadarius: rsdvd: I think your best bet would be to leave the buttons the same in LIRC and change them in the MythTV config
[20:01:38] rsdvd: but my remote has dozens of buttons I am not using, so I wanted to set them up to do appropriate things in differnent parts of Myth
[20:01:38] Chadarius: rsdvd: Go to Utilities/Setup > Edit Keys and change things around in there
[20:02:54] Chadarius: rsdvd: use iwevent? I think and record those keys from your remote
[20:03:33] Chadarius: rsdvd: add them to your current config for mythtv and what you want them to do
[20:03:46] rsdvd: Arhh...I think I get it now.......thanks! next question – so I haev to restart the frontend every time I change lircrc?
[20:04:48] Chadarius: rsdvd: I couldn't tell you about that one... I don't use a remote, I use the Logitech mx5000 bluetooth keyboard and laser mouse :)
[20:04:57] kormoc: yes, you do
[20:05:19] rsdvd: thanks! I can see this being along night of trial and error!
[20:05:40] rsdvd: does anyone here have a MCE usb remote and a lircrc they are happy with?
[20:07:08] jduggan (jduggan! has quit ("!OMFG!")
[20:07:25] Chadarius: rsdvd: Did you look at the lircrc that comes with Myth?
[20:07:54] Chadarius: rsdvd: there is an example file for the mceusb2
[20:08:37] rsdvd: Chadarius : yes – there is a basic lircrc but it only assigns about half the keys
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[20:35:55] stuarta: evening all
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[21:10:10] sigger: has it been silent in here for like 18 minutes or is my IRC client not working
[21:10:24] gardengnome: righ
[21:10:25] gardengnome: t
[21:10:31] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:11:10] sigger: ok, I saw gardengnome speak, so client not broke. Sorry, just never seen it silent in here for that long. :)
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[21:28:08] ** stuarta observes the tumbleweed roll by... **
[21:28:28] gardengnome: ;)
[21:29:42] stuarta: it's a quiet night & i'm not in fron of my dev box :(
[21:29:55] stuarta: front
[21:30:57] stuarta: plus it's lagged to shit, so even remote dev is hard :(
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[21:53:32] eskil (eskil! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:56:35] Centinul (Centinul! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:56:53] Centinul: just out of curiousity would MythWeb work if I wanted to stream TV and such through my Wii?
[21:57:53] stuarta: you may well be the firwt person to try it...
[21:58:00] stuarta: first
[21:58:22] Centinul: too bad I don't have a capture card yet............... :-(
[21:58:48] stuarta: kinda a pre-requisite for myth :(
[21:59:09] Centinul: ya I know.. I was just wondering that's all, because that would be a sweet setup, just so I don't have to have a computer in the living room
[21:59:28] juski: evening :)
[21:59:34] markk (markk! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[21:59:46] juski: Centinul: be sure to announce it works on slashdot now won't ya? :-P
[21:59:59] Centinul: haha whenever I get a capture card
[22:00:25] Centinul: with MythWeb nothing has to be installed on the front end correct?
[22:00:36] stuarta: eveing juski
[22:00:38] gardengnome: Centinul: what video formats does the wii support?
[22:00:48] Centinul: that's a good question
[22:01:05] gardengnome: i think xris wants to add support for it but needs a flash developer...
[22:01:07] stuarta: Centinul: mythweb is mainly used to configure what you want recorded
[22:01:28] Centinul: oh really? I thought it could stream video / audio
[22:01:33] stuarta: but as gardengnome just mentioned, the streaming support is looking up :)
[22:01:38] kormoc: gardengnome, there's support for it now, it just uses a 3ed party flash player that can't be bundled
[22:01:48] kormoc: gardengnome, for it to be bundled, someone needs to know flash :P
[22:02:08] ** stuarta rants flash is evil. flash must die **
[22:02:16] hjohnson: i'd rather it skip flash and just stream out an RTSP or similar stream and make a funky javascript widget that you can use like a remote app.
[22:02:23] gardengnome: flash 9 makes my firefox crash :(
[22:02:27] gardengnome: well, it seems to be better now
[22:02:27] kormoc: Centinul, it can 'stream' via a .asx file, which is more of a controlled http download
[22:02:39] kormoc: hjohnson, new arch that will go in will allow that sort of thing
[22:02:41] Centinul: ahh interesting... looks like what I want to do is getting worse by the minute
[22:02:48] stuarta: Centinul: there is a bit of basic streaming support but nothing huge
[22:03:01] stuarta: worse??? nah, just more interesting...
[22:03:06] hjohnson: can RTSP allow the VOD type stuff?
[22:03:17] kormoc: hjohnson, nope
[22:03:26] kormoc: at least, afaik
[22:04:00] Centinul: oh well maybe someday it will happen
[22:04:07] juski: evening stuarta. just a bit engrossed in halo atm :)
[22:04:37] stuarta: hey, i'm not near my dev box, it's lagged to shit, so i'm reviewing open tickets :(
[22:05:15] Centinul: ok thanks for the information everyone... have a good night... and good luck with the streaming via the web :)
[22:05:57] stuarta: hey we're in need of testers...
[22:06:15] Centinul (Centinul! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[22:11:52] hjohnson: ahh, RTSP can pause and play
[22:11:57] hjohnson: it can't fastforward or rewind
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[22:14:28] Doodluv is now known as Jeff_Lebowski
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[22:20:34] hjohnson: hmm.. just got my tax form
[22:24:08] daMaestro (daMaestro!n=jon@fedora/damaestro) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:24:44] daMaestro: any recommendations for hardware?
[22:25:02] daMaestro: i need to build a server to be the backend.. and then will do a thin client for the frontend
[22:25:15] daMaestro: for now, single tuner is fine.. i just want to make sure what i buy works.
[22:25:26] daMaestro: is there a recommended hardware list?
[22:26:04] jduggan: check the wiki
[22:26:06] jduggan:
[22:26:24] ackley: hd, dvb, or sd?
[22:26:31] williammanda (williammanda! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:26:57] ackley: daMaestro
[22:27:24] daMaestro: ackley, i have basica cable (analog)
[22:28:08] ackley: pvr150 is the best, but they've been putting other cards in the pvr150 box
[22:28:39] ackley: the hauppage (sp) cards have always worked for me
[22:31:53] ** hjohnson is liking his PVR-500 **
[22:32:10] daMaestro: ackley, . . . tPage=search so.. this?
[22:32:17] daMaestro: that is in my price range
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[22:35:09] daMaestro: i wonder if i should get a dual tuner card..
[22:35:21] daMaestro: you can add as many cards as you want, correct?
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[22:35:32] ackley:
[22:35:59] ackley: the pvr500 is dual for 139
[22:36:51] daMaestro: ackley, hmm.. well it seems i should buy one with a remote
[22:37:13] daMaestro: a full wireless keyboard and mouse will run the difference.. easily
[22:37:15] ackley: what kind of case are you putting it in?
[22:37:38] daMaestro: not sure yet.. most likely just some machine i have laying around
[22:38:00] ** hjohnson installs http authenticaiton in front of mythweb **
[22:38:13] sebrock (sebrock! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:38:33] daMaestro: ackley, most likely atx
[22:38:50] daMaestro: p3, 512M of ram
[22:39:22] daMaestro: if it works damn well... it will go in a micro/mini-atx with an amd64 2G with a Gig of RAM
[22:40:10] daMaestro: that machine has just been my build server.. so i can repurpose it if need me
[22:40:12] daMaestro: be*
[22:40:27] Capkirk: he im running mythtv on a celeron 800mhz socket 370 from 2000 :)
[22:40:57] Capkirk: no transcoding on that box though :)
[22:40:58] ackley:
[22:41:56] ackley: you'd better check lirc
[22:42:06] ackley: for compatibility
[22:42:09] LLyric_ is now known as LLyric
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[22:49:07] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit ("Say What?")
[22:49:20] daMaestro: ackley, i went with the bundled remote
[22:49:32] daMaestro: thanks so much
[22:49:35] daMaestro: AndyCap, ping
[22:50:43] Capkirk (Capkirk! has quit ("leaving")
[22:51:49] daMaestro: ackley, so.. a frontend would just need a) network connection to the myth server and b) a card that can render and output to composite, svideo, etc
[22:52:18] daMaestro: c) 1/8th inch stereo -> rca converter
[22:52:23] ackley: yes
[22:52:42] ackley: i've never used a bundled remote
[22:52:55] daMaestro: cool.. i might just buy a simple shuttle for that and then stick the card in my build server
[22:53:10] daMaestro: ackley, i really hope it works
[22:53:22] daMaestro: ackley, i've had good luck with lirc so far
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[23:08:04] r3z (r3z!n=r3z@unaffiliated/r3z) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:08:14] mau: hola
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[23:17:38] monkeyBox: I just moved my mythtv installation to a new system, and I want to retain my recorded programs, but nothing else. Would I be ok if I just dumped data from the recorded* tables into the fresh db?
[23:18:06] daviey: be careful
[23:18:16] daviey: it's relational isn't it
[23:18:26] monkeyBox: yeah, I imagine it's relational
[23:18:44] daviey: so, use nuvexport to export the info about the recorded programs
[23:19:05] daviey: (as SQL stuff), thats what i would recommend
[23:19:13] monkeyBox: well the old database is gone. all I have is the sql file of the dumped database.
[23:19:31] daviey: why don't you want the whole db back?
[23:19:52] daviey: it's good to retain to stop duplicate recordings of series and such
[23:20:14] monkeyBox: hmm
[23:20:23] monkeyBox: well, I might just decide to start fresh.
[23:20:32] monkeyBox: It's not super important that I keep the recordings :)
[23:21:17] jams: monkeyBox- I suggest importing the old database and then if you want to "start fresh" delete from settings
[23:21:45] jams: all the settings will revert back to their default values and you will still have the program info.
[23:22:03] jams: any cards or data sources can be removed wit mythtv-setup
[23:23:21] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:25:31] psofa (psofa! has quit ("ubuntu is for turds")
[23:31:07] Agrajag-: Toast: try #linuxtv ?
[23:31:18] Toast: Thanks.
[23:34:42] ackley: monkeyBox I have a divco which works ok if a little choppy(The processor is too slow)
[23:34:56] jpe-nyc: I cant figure out how to get the guide time and real time in sync. The guide is 3 hours behind. Any pointers or places to look for info appreciated. I dont know the proper query terms.
[23:35:51] resol (resol!n=resol@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:37:29] resol: hi
[23:37:36] Beirdo: yay yay yay!
[23:37:55] ** Beirdo is now a permanent resident of the USA **
[23:37:55] resol: is there please someone who can help me
[23:38:00] Beirdo: :)
[23:38:29] word: o.O
[23:38:29] mishehu: Beirdo: ah damn, we can't kick you out now?
[23:38:37] Beirdo: be harder :)
[23:38:44] CyberKnet: Beirdo!
[23:39:02] GreyFoxx: Beirdo: you poor poor soul ;)
[23:39:05] GreyFoxx: hehe jk
[23:39:05] mishehu: Beirdo: well, puerto rico is a small island... heh.
[23:39:09] Beirdo: green card++
[23:39:14] resol: I have a really old Thinkpad 600x with P3 500 Mhz and 256 mb ram and a neomagic graphic. I would like to use it for frontend
[23:39:18] Beirdo: got the passport stamp today :)
[23:39:25] word: Beirdo: you're a minority then, you're here legally ;p
[23:39:27] mishehu: Beirdo: so who'd you marry to get it? *grin*
[23:39:36] Beirdo: hehe
[23:39:39] mishehu: some real fat hairy old woman?
[23:39:40] Beirdo: my wife
[23:39:48] Beirdo: no, not quite
[23:39:50] Beirdo: :)
[23:39:55] mishehu: Beirdo: your wife is puerto rican?
[23:39:59] Beirdo: yep
[23:40:02] resol: the problem is that playback with ubuntu is not really smooth
[23:40:29] mishehu: Beirdo: when did you get married?
[23:40:31] Beirdo: resol, a P3 500MHz won't likely play smoothly with any distro on it
[23:40:32] CyberKnet: Beirdo: that's pretty quick. Are you getting the auth to work with that stamp?
[23:40:35] Beirdo: May 20, 2006
[23:40:40] Beirdo: yup
[23:40:43] resol: if i take caffeine it works well
[23:40:45] Beirdo: I got the work permit last week
[23:40:49] resol: even with divx
[23:40:56] mishehu: Beirdo: no wonder you've not been around much here for the past 9 months or so heh.
[23:40:58] Beirdo: then the perm. res. today
[23:41:03] Beirdo: yeah :)
[23:41:12] mishehu: naked woman > mythtv
[23:41:16] mishehu: it's always the case.
[23:41:23] Beirdo: heh, precisely
[23:41:42] Beirdo: still don't have the mythtv box running as our cable provider blows dead bear...
[23:41:47] mishehu: Beirdo: so when's the baby due? *grin*
[23:41:48] resol: I read some a post: OK. Need to make a big thanks to the devs. I'm now running mythfronted on a PIII 650Mgz ThinkPad 600X, with a (barely) accelerated NeoMagic video chipset. And, after some adjustments to the TV->Playback setup setings, it's smooth playback.
[23:41:53] Beirdo: still don't have more cable boxes for us
[23:41:55] CyberKnet: Beirdo: It'll not be long between passport stamp and greencard issue.
[23:42:03] rwscott (rwscott! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:42:12] Beirdo: CyberKnet, I expect 1–2 weeks to have the card
[23:42:12] ** mishehu figures he'd do what his mother-in-law did to him... **
[23:42:25] resol: so what could that have been, what he did?
[23:42:30] Beirdo: mishehu, not for over a year, we hope
[23:42:50] Beirdo: resol, some tweaking in bitrates, resolutions, likely
[23:42:56] Beirdo: but it's gonna be tight
[23:43:19] Beirdo: mishehu, we did get a dog already
[23:43:20] mishehu: Beirdo: my mother in-law was trying to nag for a grandkid already a week after we had gotten married... and now 2 1/2 years later it's happened...
[23:43:20] CyberKnet: Beirdo: cool.
[23:43:34] mishehu: I don't expect to be around much in about 4–5 months from now...
[23:43:38] Beirdo: one little black lab mutt puppy who likes to bite me a BIT too much
[23:43:46] daviey: mishehu, how did it happen?
[23:43:46] Beirdo: mishehu, congrats, man...
[23:43:50] mishehu: dog schmog, I've got a parrot, at least they don't pee all over your floor.
[23:43:59] Beirdo: this puppy doesn't either
[23:44:06] Beirdo: she likes peeing and pooping OUTSIDE
[23:44:12] Beirdo: she holds it all day when we are out
[23:44:21] mishehu: daviey: the doctor said it was an STD, and that we'll be suffering its symptoms for at least the next 19 years...
[23:44:26] Beirdo: about 6–7 months old
[23:44:45] daviey: oww, oww; tell your wife that whilst in labout she had an 'accident', they LOVE that.
[23:44:48] mishehu: Beirdo: I'm still afraid to see little images of myself running around. I don't know if the world can handle another me...
[23:44:59] Beirdo: heheh, more shaved goats?
[23:45:00] ** daviey thinks maybe he should tell the misses she didn't really, one of these days. **
[23:45:09] CyberKnet: shaved goats?? gack
[23:45:13] CyberKnet: poor goats.
[23:45:16] resol: Beirdo, where can I try different resolutions?
[23:45:26] resol: or bitrates
[23:45:40] Beirdo: resol, in the recordings profile setup
[23:45:48] mishehu: Beirdo: no no, little mishehus and mishehis...
[23:45:56] Beirdo: and for playback resolution, also the X config
[23:45:58] mishehu: CyberKnet: shaved goats with coats
[23:46:17] mishehu: bah bah black goats... have you got shiny coats? do your castles have moats? do you like rootbeer floats?
[23:46:18] resol: does it also work with live tv? I use dvb
[23:46:31] Beirdo: well, congrats are in order anyways. Should change your life significantly, like it or not
[23:46:44] mishehu: Beirdo: I don't think I have a choice...
[23:46:49] Beirdo: resol, dunno, DVB is another beast completely
[23:47:08] ** mishehu gets the paddle ready for when he gets tossed into the creek. **
[23:47:13] Beirdo: it will record at DVB native resolution, and that might be too much to handle on playback
[23:47:17] Beirdo: dunno
[23:47:22] Beirdo: I don't do DVB
[23:47:51] mishehu: Beirdo: know of a good mpeg2-ts editor for linux? avidemux can open and save them, but it can't handle the audio, no matter what you do it's out of sync somewhere in the file.
[23:47:59] CyberKnet: Also, Jagermeister and Redbull. Another thing one shouldn't do.
[23:48:05] hjohnson: heh, the only time I do DVB is in satcoms.
[23:48:10] juski: mishehu: mythtv!
[23:48:27] resol: ahh ok, that might explain why some channels work and some do not. I think they are broadcasted with different resolution.
[23:48:30] Beirdo: mishehu, dunno
[23:48:34] mishehu: juski: while possible, it's a little problematic at the moment thanks to fscking ATI
[23:49:09] mishehu: it'll lock this machine up, unless I can somehow set mythtv to only use opengl instead of xv
[23:49:20] juski: mishehu: to make the file dvd compliant mpeg2, ffmpeg -i $filename -acodec copy -vcodec copy $outfilename.mpg :)
[23:49:40] juski: then avidemux might work on the files ;)
[23:49:51] william_ (william_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:49:59] resol: Beirdo, isnt there a faster mpeg2 decoder which I could try?
[23:50:15] hjohnson: it's amazing how fast the commflag is.
[23:50:29] juski: daviey: big mythtv logo? I gave you one already
[23:51:04] juski: the original logo is sadly only available in the size you've seen it. I've asked for a huge version before
[23:51:08] daviey: juski, i know; i lost it ;(
[23:51:37] daviey: well, when i say 'lost' it's on a hard-drive that is disconnect & i cba to reconnect it
[23:51:45] juski:
[23:51:51] resol: Beirdo, I always thought 500Mhz should be fast enough to just handle mpeg2!
[23:51:56] juski: huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge!
[23:52:09] daviey: juski, i could kiss you
[23:52:28] juski: well, I'd rather you didn't :-P
[23:52:31] hjohnson: heh, I like my G4.. it handles xvids and such with aplomb.
[23:52:36] hjohnson: even though it's an ancient machine.
[23:52:41] william_ (william_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:54:45] rsdvd (rsdvd! has quit ()
[23:55:11] juski: well, I've played way too much Halo tonight. I'm offski. g'night
[23:55:20] juski (juski! has quit ("Is it Friday yet?")
[23:59:59] Beirdo: resol, can you play back with mplayer without glitches?

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