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Saturday, January 27th, 2007, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:51] jmblack256: I also assumed (wrongly?) that If I didnt nfs mount the recordings directory to the frontend that it would 'stream' from the backend, hence the pathname in the error message
[00:01:16] jmblack256: do I need to enable streaming in the backend config somewhere?
[00:01:50] kormoc: jmblack256, nope, if it's not local, it will stream
[00:02:13] xris: SlicerDicer-: you up to date on the firewire stuff?
[00:02:23] SlicerDicer-: as in SVN?
[00:02:28] SlicerDicer-: no not at the moment xris
[00:02:29] SlicerDicer-: are you?
[00:05:35] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:25] fryfrog: xris: i've got svn latest from a day or 3 ago
[00:14:32] fryfrog: i uh, kind of wish i'd stayed where i was
[00:14:49] fryfrog: when mythweb loads new thumbs, it sends my load sky rocketing
[00:14:57] xris: weird
[00:15:04] fryfrog: i've not been able to watch *while* it happens, but i suspect it causes myth to try and build *all* thumbs at once
[00:15:10] xris: fryfrog: I upgraded last night. annoying that it blows away the firewire card settings
[00:15:11] fryfrog: instead of sequentially
[00:15:18] fryfrog: did it?
[00:15:18] xris: ick
[00:15:24] fryfrog: mine didn't as far as i know
[00:15:28] fryfrog: its still recording shows from it
[00:15:44] xris: you probably don't have the latest, then.. that tracks firewire boxes by their guid rather than node/port
[00:16:02] fryfrog: well, i heard *that* mentioned about 2 weeks ago
[00:16:08] fryfrog: and i've updated way after that
[00:16:18] fryfrog: unfortunatly, i don't think that'd help :(
[00:16:43] xris: ah. are you using the firewire branch, then?
[00:17:52] fryfrog: er
[00:18:00] fryfrog: is there a -firewire branch like there is -fixes?
[00:18:03] xris: yeah
[00:18:16] fryfrog: as far as i know, i'm just using svn head
[00:18:18] xris: daniel's changes for the GUID stuff only got merged back into trunk a day or two ago
[00:18:22] fryfrog: is -firewire the one with the changes?
[00:18:24] fryfrog: AHHHH
[00:18:29] fryfrog: that'd explain it :)
[00:18:32] xris: heh
[00:18:35] fryfrog: i spose i could try it
[00:18:51] fryfrog: maybe during saturday day, when nothing good is on :)
[00:19:04] briand: heh.
[00:19:10] xris: I'm just running the main trunk... but beware that it will blow away your tuner card setup and you'll have to recreate things.
[00:19:21] fryfrog: k
[00:20:44] fryfrog: ah
[00:20:56] fryfrog: hey, thats a good idea
[00:21:03] fryfrog: make the #2 tuner the one hooked to tv
[00:21:08] fryfrog: do you set the priority on that one lower too?
[00:21:16] xris: so I have them named as "Default", and "TV Tuner"
[00:21:22] fryfrog: I have my two HD pci cards at like +1 and both firewire at 0
[00:21:24] xris: I set the priority on Default higher, yes.
[00:21:26] fryfrog: ah
[00:21:32] fryfrog: I just call em Firewire-1 and Firewire-2
[00:22:12] xris: my wife just knows that anything she wants to watch live, she just sets for "TV Tuner"... then it's always on the channel she wants, and she won't mess up any recordings that might otherwise take over that tuner in the middle of her show
[00:22:44] xris: biggest problem I've had lately is that the firewire box goes unresponsive sometimes... really need to get the code from firewire_tester.c into the pre-recording checklist.
[00:23:10] fryfrog: that'd be nice
[00:23:19] fryfrog: i currently use firewire_tester as part of my channel change script
[00:23:36] fryfrog: which is why the node id detection wouldn't help, unless i can pass the detected node as a variable
[00:24:57] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[00:26:01] Discipulus (Discipulus!n=disc@unaffiliated/discipulus) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:26:04] jmblack256: doh, my problem was a clocksync issue. fixed now. Would some level of verbose logging have shown me that? I noticed by coincidence
[00:26:22] fryfrog: jmblack256: no, i had that once
[00:26:29] fryfrog: my slave be was set 1hr in front of master be
[00:26:40] fryfrog: a recording would (validly) start, then finish (validly) 5 min later :)
[00:26:55] fryfrog: i guess the master *initiates* the recording, but leaves it to the slave to stop it
[00:30:46] SlicerDicer-: hey fryfrog
[00:30:48] SlicerDicer-: question for ya
[00:30:54] SlicerDicer-: you wrote that firewire script I saw
[00:30:55] fryfrog: answer, right back atcha!
[00:31:00] fryfrog: the *long* ass one?
[00:31:00] SlicerDicer-: now I consider it to be a tad overkill :)
[00:31:05] SlicerDicer-: I got a small clean one hehe
[00:31:11] fryfrog: does it do the same thing?
[00:31:13] SlicerDicer-: never really released it though
[00:31:17] fryfrog: or is it less over kill cause you removed some stuff
[00:31:27] SlicerDicer-: no mine is totally done by me
[00:31:32] SlicerDicer-: well before those were posted :)
[00:31:34] SlicerDicer-: anyway
[00:31:41] SlicerDicer-: given the changes done to firewire stuff
[00:31:43] fryfrog: i'll admit, mine does *way* more crap than most people probably need
[00:31:47] fryfrog: ahhh, i see
[00:31:55] SlicerDicer-: when you use the script
[00:31:55] fryfrog: yeah, i think tomorow i'll try out my firewire w/o any external script
[00:32:13] SlicerDicer-: does firewire change from p2p 0 to p2p 1?
[00:32:18] SlicerDicer-: and randomly record?
[00:32:21] fryfrog: erm
[00:32:31] fryfrog: well, the script forces that to happen i think?
[00:32:40] SlicerDicer-: ok here is the deal
[00:32:42] fryfrog: i use firewire_tester and in broadcast *fix* mode, it'll switch p2p on and off
[00:32:46] fryfrog: and try and record some
[00:32:52] fryfrog: then, it switches to broadcast and tests
[00:32:53] SlicerDicer-: with my current setup
[00:33:02] SlicerDicer-: I have no TEST at all that can run
[00:33:23] SlicerDicer-: cause the damn code in mythtv .20 forces it to change from p2p 0 to p2p 1
[00:33:32] SlicerDicer-: so it totally screws my script to biblical porportions
[00:33:37] moto125 (moto125! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:33:42] SlicerDicer-: I have no way of verifiy if its going to record at all
[00:33:51] fryfrog: are you using broadcast or p2p?
[00:34:00] SlicerDicer-: no tester script or firewire_tester whatever... can run that I am aware of before recording
[00:34:03] SlicerDicer-: its a total pain in the ass
[00:34:04] fryfrog: why not force p2p into the state you want in an external script?
[00:34:18] fryfrog: or you mean, myth does it *after* the external script finishes?
[00:34:21] SlicerDicer-: cause mythtv forces it to change state and fuck over what my script did
[00:34:27] fryfrog: since really, its a channel change script not a firewire prep script
[00:34:29] fryfrog: ah
[00:34:43] TTT_Travis (TTT_Travis! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:34:57] moto125: Hey guys can anyone help me? when I try to burn a DVD using mytharchive it always fails saying "Error: Failed while running Mythreplex"
[00:35:01] TTT_Travis: not really mythtv related, but my mythtv box running on ubuntu is being weird
[00:35:01] TTT_Travis: Hi using Radeon 7500 connected with DVI to HDMI to a Sharp Aquous LCD TV, only resolutions that work are 640x480 and 1920x540, if I try anything larger then 640x480 it just sets to 1920x540
[00:35:53] fryfrog: TTT_Travis: try telling X to ignore the EDID info
[00:36:00] fryfrog: your HD tv is probably reporting *wrong* info
[00:37:12] TTT_Travis: like the v height and stuff like that
[00:37:23] TTT_Travis: how would I figure out what to set it too?
[00:37:30] fryfrog: search google
[00:37:36] fryfrog: for the native resolution
[00:37:44] fryfrog: you could also use one of those "standard" modelines
[00:37:54] fryfrog: for the native resolution, that is
[00:37:57] TTT_Travis: its the standard tv resolution
[00:38:02] fryfrog: i use ATSC-60p or something
[00:38:09] TTT_Travis: 1366 x 768
[00:38:14] fryfrog: is it 4:3, 16x9?
[00:38:22] TTT_Travis: 16x9 1366 x 768
[00:38:28] fryfrog: that'd be 720p I believe?
[00:38:36] TTT_Travis: yes
[00:39:15] TTT_Travis: I tried selecting higher stuff in Xconfig like 1024x768 and 1280x768 but if I select anything higer then 640x480 it sets to this really bad 1920x540
[00:39:49] fryfrog: right
[00:39:53] fryfrog: that is the ignore edid part
[00:40:01] fryfrog: check your Xorg's log file
[00:40:15] radi0head (radi0head! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:29] fryfrog: it'll prolly have some part about detecting supported monitor shit, then it'll go through all your monitor settings and discard the ones that "won't work" according to what the monitor told it
[00:42:08] TTT_Travis: or could it maybe be that I am using this radeon 7500 video card?
[00:42:48] moto125: have you tried installing the ATI drivers from the website?
[00:43:24] fryfrog: could be, but i doubt it
[00:43:29] fryfrog: you can easily veryfiy all this
[00:43:32] fryfrog: look at the xorg log file
[00:43:34] fryfrog: or use an edid reader
[00:44:14] TTT_Travis: paste
[00:44:15] TTT_Travis: (II) RADEON(0): Supported additional Video Mode:
[00:44:15] TTT_Travis: (II) RADEON(0): clock: 74.2 MHz Image Size: 820 x 461 mm
[00:44:25] TTT_Travis: from xorg log
[00:44:28] TTT_Travis: edid reader
[00:44:32] TTT_Travis: I'll try that
[00:44:40] Milosch: oy
[00:45:08] kormoc: TTT_Travis, in the future, please don't flood the channel. please use a pastebin
[00:45:13] TTT_Travis: k
[00:49:38] Milosch: kormoc: time continues to drift, btw
[00:49:52] moto125 (moto125! has quit ("(wIRC v4.5) download it @")
[00:50:41] TTT_Travis: get-edid isn't doing much
[00:50:44] TTT_Travis: stuck at Interrupt 0x10 ax=0x4f15 bx=0x0 cx=0x0
[00:50:52] kormoc: Milosch, yeah? is it talking correctly now?
[00:51:06] Milosch: stratum went to 14
[00:51:22] Milosch: disabled powernowd just now
[00:51:38] TTT_Travis: is there a better way to figure out this edid stuff?
[00:51:38] kormoc: hem
[00:52:13] fryfrog: TTT_Travis: that probably means the edid info is dead wrong from the montiro, that is what mine did
[00:52:19] TTT_Travis: ok
[00:52:19] fryfrog: now, i'm off to wash my smelly ass dog
[00:52:24] Milosch: what's weird is that with the clock behind 10 minutes, so is livetv from a remote frontend
[00:52:29] TTT_Travis: so what steps do I take to over ride
[00:52:37] TTT_Travis: to set to 1366 x 768
[00:54:10] radi0head (radi0head! has quit ("Restarting X brb.")
[00:55:36] SlicerDicer-: xris: this is very interesting
[00:55:38] SlicerDicer-: the SVN
[00:55:49] SlicerDicer-: it looks that it may address the problem I was having in firewire
[00:55:59] SlicerDicer-: I am looking at the new firewirerecorder.cpp
[00:56:27] xris: SlicerDicer-: which problem?
[00:56:38] xris: it *definitely* fixes the problem with boxes reordering themselves.
[00:56:59] SlicerDicer-: well I am talking about firewire recording nothing
[00:57:09] SlicerDicer-: it does not care about bcast or p2p it looks like?
[00:57:24] xris: it still asks for which
[00:57:25] SlicerDicer-: I dont see anything refrence to bcast or p2p in current version
[00:57:37] SlicerDicer-: . . . pp?rev=12618
[00:58:04] SlicerDicer-: no notation of p2p or bcast
[00:58:29] SlicerDicer-: if I am reading that right and I cant be sure
[00:58:33] SlicerDicer-: but line 57
[00:58:41] SlicerDicer-: its startrecording
[00:58:54] SlicerDicer-: looks to see if there is data being streamed before it opens?
[01:00:11] robthebob (robthebob! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:01:41] SlicerDicer-: xris: I will check it out
[01:01:47] SlicerDicer-: and really give it a run for its money :)
[01:01:59] SlicerDicer-: I just need to find a SVN ebuild hehe
[01:02:15] xris: SlicerDicer-: dunno. I compiled it last night, and mythtv-setup still asks what kind of connection to use.
[01:02:24] galorin (galorin!n=richard@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:40] xris: and as far as I can tell, it doesn't flush the buffer before recording, but I have only had one recording since then, so not very many to run into a failure.
[01:03:05] SlicerDicer-: hehe
[01:03:16] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: got any svn ebuilds handy
[01:04:26] rn114 (rn114! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:02] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:46] galorin: Don't suppose anyone can help out with a chroot problem? I'm trying to rescue my mythtv system, but can't get a chroot into it.
[01:11:36] SlicerDicer-: galorin: whats it doing?
[01:14:13] galorin: well, I booted up using a livecd (had to get my LVM on RAID working, that may be a problem) so I could chroot in and reinstall udev. It seems like I don't have permission to execute anything
[01:14:52] SlicerDicer-: galorin: what kind of livecd?
[01:14:52] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v jams
[01:14:58] SlicerDicer-: distro?
[01:15:20] galorin: Sabayon. It's a gentoo-based one.
[01:15:24] H00chster: Is it recommended heh, if what I am wanting is to convert recordings to xvid, to just do the commercial cuts and then use nuvexport, instead of messing with myths other transcoding stuff?
[01:15:40] galorin: it was the first livecd I had to hand
[01:15:46] SlicerDicer-: sure H00chsterthats what it was created for :)
[01:16:19] SlicerDicer-: galorin: hmm I dont know about sabayon but you could grab a gentoo minimal livecd and give that a whirl
[01:16:38] SlicerDicer-: that should chroot just fine
[01:16:59] SlicerDicer-: should be able to bring up the raid and lvm with it :)
[01:17:24] galorin: I've got a knoppix cd around here somewhere. You think it might be distro-specific as opposed to a problem in RAID itself?
[01:17:38] H00chster: SlicerDicer, thanks just getting into the transcoding and I know the built in stuff cuts it down and all but keeps it as a nuv file or whatnot, and I am after being able to play it on other stuff and myth as well so just saw it did the bitrate stuff etc so didn't wanna double up on things if I didn't have to heh
[01:17:43] radi0head (radi0head! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:17:44] H00chster: thanks for the reply
[01:18:06] SlicerDicer-: yep
[01:18:15] SlicerDicer-: xvid4 is nice :)
[01:18:34] H00chster: that's the goal, not that I know much about any of it heh
[01:18:42] SlicerDicer-: I dont use it for much these days as I like to keep the quality I am thinking of experimenting again though
[01:18:46] H00chster: got recommended bitrate settings and such or just one of those things I should play around with
[01:19:11] H00chster: I am just after storage space, I like keeping series recordings and such and some movies and don't want to leave them in the native size
[01:19:23] SlicerDicer-: yeah
[01:19:29] SlicerDicer-: I think I did 600 bitrate at one time
[01:19:30] SlicerDicer-: let me look
[01:19:40] H00chster: plus I record lots for the kids would be nice to auto rip them after recording heh
[01:20:10] isses (isses! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:20:38] isses (isses! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:20:43] SlicerDicer-: yeah I was using 700 bitrate audio bitrate 128 with 2pass
[01:20:50] SlicerDicer-: it can lead to tiling in the dark spots
[01:21:02] SlicerDicer-: but it does wonderful space savings :)
[01:21:40] galorin: bleh.. looks like I do have a RAID problem. One of my devices doesn't have a md superblock.
[01:22:13] SlicerDicer-: galorin: make sure you modprobe raid1/0/5
[01:22:16] SlicerDicer-: whatever raid it is
[01:22:58] H00chster: aight SlicerDicer, reading on the nuvexport, looks like it wants ffmpeg, will the default sources work for that, I know in the past it wasn't as stable for transcoding stuff
[01:23:18] SlicerDicer-: H00chster: from what I remember xris said it can use either ffmpeg or transcode
[01:23:23] SlicerDicer-: even mencoder
[01:23:28] SlicerDicer-: I prefer transcode myself
[01:23:36] SlicerDicer-: xris: is that right?
[01:23:40] H00chster: ya ffmpeg or mencoder heh, think transcode uses ffmpeg correct me if I am wrong
[01:23:51] SlicerDicer-: I dont know if transcode does use ffmpeg
[01:23:57] H00chster: hmm k
[01:23:59] SlicerDicer-: but transcode is easiest for me to use
[01:24:04] H00chster: maybe it was just the old stuff I was messing with
[01:24:16] SlicerDicer-: and transcode is pretty fast
[01:24:21] H00chster: so don't need to install ffmpeg then, just transcode and the xvid4 library stuff?
[01:24:36] SlicerDicer-: mythtv depends on ffmpeg IIRC so you should have it :)
[01:25:02] SlicerDicer-: H00chster: I install as many codecs as I can usually it does not matter as they dont take up huge amounts of space
[01:25:02] H00chster: ya it has it's own versions of it I believe
[01:25:17] SlicerDicer-: I mean hell my entire OS for mythtv with tons of crap installed is like 5gb
[01:25:20] SlicerDicer-: thats minimal :)
[01:25:27] H00chster: heh
[01:25:29] SlicerDicer-: I got a metric ton of codecs hehe
[01:26:08] SlicerDicer-: [ebuild R ] media-video/transcode-1.0.2-r3 USE="X a52 dv dvdread fame mp3 mpeg ogg quicktime sdl theora truetype v4l2 vorbis xvid
[01:26:16] SlicerDicer-: those are the useflags I have enabled on transcode
[01:26:30] H00chster: heh k thanks that helps
[01:27:44] H00chster: will see what I can find on usage of nuvexport being as the one on .org is pretty much using ffmpeg, I take that back it does cover some transcode stuff, just gotta thumb through it. Appreciate the tips might ask more later heh
[01:28:01] SlicerDicer-: no problem
[01:28:06] SlicerDicer-: just remember though
[01:28:24] SlicerDicer-: the bitrate can be brutal on some things if they have alot of dark scenes
[01:28:29] SlicerDicer-: and cause tiling
[01:28:44] SlicerDicer-: so experiment before just blindly using a bitrate :)
[01:28:59] SlicerDicer-: 700 is pretty low I think
[01:29:05] SlicerDicer-: I dont know honestly
[01:29:16] SlicerDicer-: I just pulled that number out of the air shoved it in and tested
[01:29:23] SlicerDicer-: however I will say that 500 looked terrible haha
[01:29:34] gammelmark (gammelmark! has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:30:56] galorin: let's see if that helps, adding a disk back into the array.... now I guess I need to figure out how to migrate my system to a monolithic drive and then make that redundant.
[01:32:11] H00chster: Slicerdicer I think lots of stuff uses 700–800 so it is about par, but of course higher quality will use more like 1500
[01:32:14] H00chster: I believe
[01:32:30] hads: Depends on the resolution
[01:32:36] H00chster: for kids tv shows I will prob use 700ish and for movies and stuff that I care about will prob use 1500
[01:32:48] H00chster: true hads
[01:33:03] H00chster: I might do some resizing as well which could open a whole nother world of it
[01:33:25] hads: The page at the mplayer site is a good read
[01:33:59] H00chster: k thanks
[01:34:19] H00chster: time for chow, bbl with reading heh thanks again both of u
[01:36:26] radi0head (radi0head! has quit ("Restarting X brb.")
[01:37:15] Sembiance: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
[01:37:15] Sembiance: /dev/md/0 1.6T 34M 1.6T 1% /mnt/deck
[01:37:17] Sembiance: WOOT! :)
[01:38:04] Sembiance: I just
[01:38:05] waldo (waldo! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:38:54] galorin: showoff
[01:39:05] waldo: dumb question, why is all the onscreen text in courier new? (ubuntu edgy, mythtv .20)
[01:39:40] galorin: waldo, appearance settings?
[01:41:04] psofa (psofa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:41:44] waldo: galorin: i didn't see anything about fonts. this is in mythtv-setup?
[01:42:53] galorin: no, in mythfrontend. I would tell you exactly how to et there but my myth PC is down right now
[01:44:02] waldo: and i'm in a coffee shop, so that's okay, i can't configure it from here anyway :]
[01:44:13] waldo: i should probably ask this while i'm ... actually around my frontend.
[01:44:17] ** waldo grins **
[01:44:35] galorin: that might be helpful..
[01:45:13] Sembiance: galorin: yes, I'm really happy I got it working!
[01:45:18] Sembiance: cost me a freaking fortune heh
[01:45:21] waldo: so i will be back later with the same question if i can't find it again.
[01:45:26] Sembiance: time to fill it up :)
[01:46:53] Blaksmith (Blaksmith! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:49:26] ShorTie: for the nexus-s remote you use the hauppauge_dvb for the LIRC_DEVICES?
[01:49:32] galorin: Sembiance, how about a few LVM or XFS snapshots of your working system.. just in case.
[01:50:14] Sembiance: galorin: heh
[01:50:28] Sembiance: It's a RAID5 array.
[01:51:48] galorin: Even so, I've got a pitiful 60GB raid array, and snapshots would have been really handy about 2 hours ago.
[01:52:46] galorin: preferrably from before upgrading udev
[01:53:06] galorin: &*^&ing PITA
[01:53:47] galorin: oh well, to bed, to bed.
[01:56:39] xris: SlicerDicer-: transcode's xvid export seems to look smoother/cleaner than ffmpeg.
[01:56:50] xris: I've been doing everything in h.264 with ffmpeg lately, though...
[01:56:58] xris: anyway, I'm signing off.. later.
[01:57:35] galorin: at least I backed up my database the day before it crashed.. and my videos and movies are on external drives. Going to need to recover my music and photos somehow.
[01:58:41] galorin (galorin!n=richard@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:09:29] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:11:54] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:38] H00chster: anyone know what deb package I might need to run it complains about Can'tlocate in @INC etc etc
[02:35:02] Paladine: I should change my mythfilldatabase to low priority
[02:35:10] Paladine: it chews up my cpu and spits it back at me
[02:35:46] Paladine: trying to game and run mfdb at thesame time is a big no no :)
[02:36:38] echosyp: ubuntu installed, now to boot into it and do a dist-upgrade
[02:36:47] echosyp: gotta love ease
[02:37:29] waldo: dist-upgrade? do you come to ubuntu from gentoo, echosyp?
[02:37:48] Paladine: he said upgrade :p
[02:38:00] Paladine: oh from gentoo
[02:38:03] Paladine: hehe
[02:38:03] echosyp: heh
[02:38:04] echosyp: no
[02:38:13] echosyp: i was using an old cd
[02:38:24] Paladine: upgrading to edgy or feisty?
[02:38:30] echosyp: edgy
[02:38:36] echosyp: from dapper
[02:38:46] echosyp: if it works this time
[02:39:04] Paladine: yeah it is not recommend to upgrade to edgy
[02:39:09] Paladine: there have been some problems for people
[02:39:13] Paladine: most prefer to fresh install
[02:39:37] echosyp: i would, but i don't want to dl the iso
[02:39:48] echosyp: it upgraded successfully once
[02:39:54] Paladine: well edgy livecd doesn't support lvm anyway
[02:39:57] echosyp: but then i jacked it up with a windows install
[02:40:02] Paladine: I used edgy server
[02:40:07] Paladine: then installed ubuntu-desktop
[02:41:25] ** Paladine grabs a coffee waiting for mfdb to finishy **
[02:42:57] H00chster: anyone able to assist with an error running either nuvexport or error is: Can't locate in @INC (@INC contains: blahblah at /usr/local/bin/nuvexport line 36 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/nuvexport line 36??
[02:44:25] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:00:15] pat_ (pat_! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[03:00:34] pat_ (pat_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:01:16] ShiftyPowers: anyone not have sound playing in the latest SVN when watching LiveTV?
[03:02:35] TTT_Travis (TTT_Travis! has quit ("OUT")
[03:05:39] williammanda (williammanda! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:05:48] williammanda: hey
[03:06:03] williammanda: can someone help with a mythtv install?
[03:09:38] williammanda: is anyone home tonight
[03:09:42] williammanda: ?
[03:09:46] ShiftyPowers: how do I check a previous revision of SVN?
[03:09:54] ShiftyPowers: what's the command in "svn"
[03:10:27] GreyFoxx: -r revision #
[03:10:29] williammanda: hey shifty
[03:10:47] H00chster: using 12650 of svn trunk and sound works great Shifty
[03:11:07] williammanda: no love for me tonight?
[03:12:53] williammanda: wow
[03:12:59] williammanda: no love
[03:14:36] williammanda: so what is a microsoft hater suppose to do?
[03:15:28] williammanda: i wouldn't think all of the linux geeks would be out on friday night?
[03:16:36] ShiftyPowers: hmm, 12650 eh?
[03:16:42] ShiftyPowers: how can i check what version of SVN i gots?
[03:17:08] GreyFoxx: ShiftyPowers: "svn info" from the top of the source tree
[03:17:15] ShiftyPowers: cool
[03:17:17] williammanda: has anyone used the install from
[03:17:40] GreyFoxx: I'm not sure if that guide is still current, but it might be enough for someone to use
[03:17:43] ShiftyPowers: GreyFoxx, how can I change my svn source tree back to a certain revision?
[03:17:46] ShiftyPowers: is that possible?
[03:18:12] GreyFoxx: I've never attempted to go in reverse
[03:18:25] GreyFoxx: I think there is a "revert" svn command
[03:18:38] ShiftyPowers: yeah
[03:18:38] GreyFoxx: but you could just go .... lookup and read the svn docs :)
[03:18:40] ShiftyPowers: i see it
[03:18:49] ShiftyPowers: i'm going there, just wanted to see if anyone else had an idea :)
[03:18:57] ShiftyPowers: very weird
[03:19:06] ShiftyPowers: all my sounds work in mplayer, etc but not in myth LiveTV
[03:19:39] williammanda: i must be chopped liver
[03:20:04] GreyFoxx: williammanda: Ask a specific question, someone will answer if they can/want to
[03:20:15] williammanda: i did......
[03:20:25] williammanda: has anyone used the install from
[03:20:27] GreyFoxx: And I said the docs there might not still be current
[03:20:43] GreyFoxx: but if you would rather everyone in here said "no" , ok.... no I have no used it
[03:21:03] williammanda: i didn't know that response was for me...ty
[03:21:03] H00chster: I haven't used it either
[03:21:06] H00chster: LOL
[03:21:32] GreyFoxx: true enough, I didn't preface it with your nick
[03:21:41] ShiftyPowers: hmm, i'm going to try a recompile
[03:21:44] ShiftyPowers: see if something went amiss
[03:22:07] GreyFoxx: ShiftyPowers: did you also update your kernel?
[03:22:11] williammanda: sorry you preface me at all....
[03:22:14] ShiftyPowers: nope
[03:22:17] ShiftyPowers: kernel hasn't updated
[03:22:17] williammanda: this is post
[03:22:19] H00chster: ShiftyPowers make sure your configur has sound support in it
[03:22:21] williammanda: I'm not sure if that guide is still current, but it might be enough for someone to use
[03:22:33] adante: GreyFoxx: yes, failure to prefix in a 3 person conversation makes it that much more likely you were just mumbling to yourself in irc
[03:22:41] GreyFoxx: adante: heh
[03:22:48] H00chster: heh
[03:22:49] GreyFoxx: ShiftyPowers: Ok
[03:23:03] williammanda: well i very impessed by the support in the room
[03:23:05] ShiftyPowers: H00chster, I'll double check that, but I've been doing ./configure --previous all the time
[03:23:10] H00chster: so nuvexport doesn't actually connect to the database does it heh
[03:23:29] williammanda (williammanda! has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
[03:23:33] H00chster: qt3 is what myth likes I believe
[03:23:36] GreyFoxx: william: Just ask
[03:23:44] H00chster: qt4 I think has issues with myth if I recall reading
[03:23:46] GreyFoxx: or stomp out like a child
[03:23:48] GreyFoxx: whatever
[03:23:49] H00chster: not that I can read
[03:23:54] H00chster: lmao@greyfoxx
[03:24:06] GreyFoxx: myth cannot and will not work with qt4
[03:24:16] GreyFoxx: You cna certainly have both installed on your machine
[03:24:18] H00chster: there's confirmation
[03:24:20] adante: does anybody know of some osd themes other than the ones in the wiki (newgrey, simplegrey, mtvmc, blootube, retro)
[03:24:22] ShiftyPowers: k
[03:24:23] ShiftyPowers: good to know
[03:24:30] GreyFoxx: but myth will be com,piled against qt3
[03:24:37] GreyFoxx: newgrey?
[03:24:41] ** GreyFoxx goes to look **
[03:24:45] H00chster: heh
[03:24:52] H00chster: thought grey was grey
[03:25:01] adante: GreyFoxx: sorry, just grey, jpg is called newgrey
[03:25:02] ShiftyPowers: oh, also support doesn't get enabled for some reason on my configure any more
[03:25:05] ShiftyPowers: weird
[03:25:29] H00chster: why I asked! :)
[03:25:37] ShiftyPowers: :)
[03:25:43] ShiftyPowers: what the hell happened here
[03:25:44] ShiftyPowers: hmmmmmm
[03:25:49] GreyFoxx: adante: Ahhh ok. yeah I was jsut incrememting the number each time I took a screenshot
[03:25:55] H00chster: it should get enabled by default but maybe an old revision disabled it if all you do is previous
[03:25:55] ShiftyPowers: what does myth use to check for alsa?
[03:26:10] GreyFoxx: ShiftyPowers: Nothing, you specify the device in your config
[03:26:19] H00chster: if you have alsa installed I am sure, plus if you have the module loaded for your card
[03:26:23] ShiftyPowers: yeah but I have to compile it with support
[03:26:42] ShiftyPowers: and now the ./configure output says it will build without ALSA support
[03:26:46] ShiftyPowers: but I know it's installed and working
[03:27:11] GreyFoxx: ShiftyPowers: Oh, the configure script. I thought you meant mythfrontend itself
[03:27:23] ShiftyPowers: no no, the configure script yeah
[03:27:33] ShiftyPowers: it's missing something in my system now as it can't find ALSA
[03:28:19] adante: GreyFoxx: do you manage the simplegrey theme? if so where can i obtain a copy?
[03:28:29] GreyFoxx: ShiftyPowers: IT does a quick compile test looking for the alsa headers and libasound library
[03:28:58] GreyFoxx: adante: No, I made Gray-OSD, but simplegrey was another fella
[03:29:18] ShiftyPowers: GreyFoxx, maybe one of the libs got accidentally uninstalled
[03:29:24] ShiftyPowers: let me see if I can find those packages
[03:29:36] ShiftyPowers: there it is
[03:29:39] ShiftyPowers: libasound2-dev
[03:29:40] adante: bollocks
[03:29:44] ShiftyPowers: installed and now configure seems to find it
[03:30:08] ShiftyPowers: compiling
[03:30:10] ShiftyPowers: hopefully it works
[03:30:53] Eradan: Evening everyone. ...
[03:35:20] H00chster: so is there a way to run nuvexport on another system than the master backend, wanted to run on my slave backend but it is only seeing the recordings on that drive, I mounted the recordings from the other server and the frontends that Iam using as well, but not seeing them, but the recordings in general that I want to export are actually in another group than default that matter?
[03:39:44] Zider_ (Zider_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:41:32] kambei (kambei! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:42:11] kambei: I just connected a TV via HDMI, and the fonts are like, 1 pixel high.
[03:44:08] Zider (Zider! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:44:08] Zider_ is now known as Zider
[03:46:19] monkeyBox (monkeyBox! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:46:42] monkeyBox: holy cow. I have basic cable, and I hooked up a PCHDTV tuner, now I have digital cable w/ HD channels :)
[03:47:38] monkeyBox: unfotunately I discovered my HTPC is too slow to play the HD. BOO!
[03:48:32] monkeyBox: ok, well, it's not REAL digital cable, but I'm getting a ton of their digital streams, esp. a lot of NBA stuff
[03:49:35] Fooker: monkeyBox: Thats gotta be nice :P
[03:50:07] monkeyBox: yeah. I'm just sad my comp's too slow to play the HD.
[03:50:57] monkeyBox: unfortunately I can't find Discovery HD, which is what I'd probably watch most :(
[03:51:35] Fooker: Yeah, thats the one channel I'm thinking of getting digital for :)
[03:53:28] Milosch: monkeyBox: cool, i hope i am that lucky
[03:54:32] monkeyBox: Well, I'm not getting ALL digital channels, (only 58 or so, and some have no sound). But I am getting all the major networks in 1080i HD. (at least I think it's 1080i)
[03:55:38] Fooker: No kidding
[03:55:49] Milosch: monkeyBox: i hate you
[03:55:52] Milosch: ;)
[03:55:53] Fooker: But you realize that by telling us your getting these channels, you broke the law, yes?
[03:56:16] Fooker: Had you kept quiet, it would be perfectly legal. But by telling us.... technically you broke the law :P
[03:56:33] monkeyBox: I'm not breaking the law by getting free-and-clear HD channels
[03:56:45] Fooker: No, but by telling us your getting them you are.
[03:56:55] monkeyBox: not sure I follow
[03:57:36] Milosch: heh
[03:57:37] Fooker: Your not paying for them. They are coming down the line, but you did not pay for them. Ergo, you are not the intended recipient, and while you can view the content on them and even decrypt it, you cannot act on that information nor share it with anyone else
[03:58:01] Milosch: monkeyBox: he must be kidding
[03:58:04] Fooker: Thats basically the laws that regard wireless sniffing
[03:58:16] waldo: okay, i'm now sitting in front of my mythfrontend
[03:58:23] waldo: and all the onscreen text is courier new
[03:58:27] waldo: how do i change that?
[03:58:29] Fooker: Any signal that you receive, that is not intended for you and has any security measures in place, no matter how simple they are, follows that rule
[03:58:50] Fooker: You can view it, decrypt it and view it, and even store it. But you cannot act on it or share it with anyone else.
[03:58:51] Milosch: waldo: try sitting in back of the backend instead
[03:59:26] monkeyBox: It's not encrypted... and it doesn't have any security measures in place :-p It's being broadcasted in standard QAM
[03:59:28] Milosch: waldo: i'm kidding, maybe you're missing some fonts?
[03:59:32] waldo: uh huh. thanks, Milosch
[03:59:45] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:59:59] Milosch: waldo: must be a package or 3 you can install and make available to x
[04:00:01] Fooker: monkeyBox: Can you plug your TV into the cable and view the channels?
[04:01:23] waldo: Milosch: i think i've got most of the fonts i need. but i have no idea
[04:01:27] waldo: fucking linux, i miss netbsd
[04:01:47] monkeyBox: Fooker, that's basically what I'm doing, except the tuner is in my computer and not in my TV. If I had a TV w/ QAM built in, then I'd be able to view these channels.
[04:01:54] Milosch: waldo: i think the defaults should be some ttf fonts, and if they are available they should show in the appearance configuration
[04:02:18] waldo: in the appearance configuration, i've been unable to find the place to change anything but the font size.
[04:02:33] Milosch: waldo: ok, try tv playback, i get them confused
[04:03:11] Fooker: monkeyBox: Well, if a regular TV cannot view it, then it has some security features enabled (QAM in your case)
[04:03:46] Milosch: Fooker: oh please, you're beating on him for sport ;)
[04:03:46] waldo: aha, here it is
[04:04:36] waldo: though it doesn't seem to think i changed anything
[04:04:56] monkeyBox: Milosch, It's ok, I'm not buying it :)
[04:05:21] Milosch: monkeyBox: and you're not paying for it either. you're breaking... oh nm ;)
[04:05:23] waldo: and i just get freemono and freesans
[04:05:51] Milosch: waldo: check your dist for ttf fonts and the font server
[04:05:59] waldo: yeah. but this is good enough for now
[04:06:10] Milosch: waldo: iow, whatever you would do on a regular desktop to obtain fonts should work here, i would think
[04:06:16] waldo: yeah.
[04:06:21] waldo: thanks Milosch
[04:06:22] CanadianMan__: hola
[04:06:27] Milosch: np
[04:06:35] Milosch: oila
[04:06:49] CanadianMan__: whats the xml file called that holds the info about the tv guide
[04:07:09] Milosch: i would think that is in the db
[04:07:28] CanadianMan__: the xml that displays the tv guide?
[04:07:47] Milosch: not sure, why do you think it is xml?
[04:08:04] Milosch: it might have been so at the source
[04:08:19] Milosch: but afaik that is stored in the db ultimately
[04:08:34] CanadianMan__: i just figured it would be like the the positioning of everything, like the time/info about the selected show that stuff
[04:09:40] Milosch: there is probably an xml file to help the layout if that's what you mean
[04:09:55] Milosch: i don't know of any that aren't in /usr/share/mythtv somewhere
[04:10:03] CanadianMan__: gotcha
[04:10:09] Milosch: or /usr/local...
[04:10:17] CanadianMan__: does that tell what the layout of the tv guide is?
[04:10:34] CanadianMan__: your right it is in the /usr/share/mythtv
[04:10:38] Milosch: dunno, they use it for the menus, not sure about the guide
[04:12:09] waldo: i don't suppose anyone knows generally why my tv-out would be moved up and to the left such that the far edges aren't visible
[04:12:16] amrit|wrk is now known as amrit|bbl
[04:12:59] Milosch: waldo: there are tweaks for that in the same tv playback menu somewhere
[04:13:00] CanadianMan__: ah found it ui.xml
[04:13:18] Milosch: waldo: overscan percentage and x/y offsets
[04:13:33] waldo: Milosch: yeah, i looked at those, but i think it's an X config, if i change those numbers the size of the black bands at the left and bottom do not get any smaller...
[04:13:53] Milosch: ime, you have to have an overscan percentage for the offsets to work, but that might be just me
[04:14:10] tyrion: how does this look? -->
[04:14:15] Milosch: waldo: so, it's off only in live tv or also in the menus?
[04:14:50] Milosch: tyrion: looks like a network diagram
[04:15:02] Milosch: visio?
[04:15:18] Milosch: ;)
[04:15:19] tyrion: Milosch: gliffy, in Ubuntu at the moment
[04:15:25] Milosch: gliffy?
[04:16:22] Milosch: oh ok
[04:16:29] tyrion: Milosch: flash based, so cross platform, web based. like visio, obviouslly not as powerful, but imho the fact that you ca use it withough install on Linux Mac and Windows, and its free, make it much better
[04:16:41] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has quit (Client Quit)
[04:17:11] tyrion: Milosch: its how i plan to set the house up. how does it look?
[04:17:14] Milosch: tyrion: on the wireless, use WPA of course
[04:17:50] tyrion: Milosch: but of course. will there be an issue giving certain MACs on the wireless Samba access to one of the VMs?
[04:18:01] tyrion: and what is the TV Tuner support like under Xen?
[04:18:01] zablalbaz: hey all, can anyone tell me where in mythtv one sets up an external script to change channels on an external tuner box?
[04:18:07] Milosch: you running everything in vmware?
[04:18:19] waldo: hm. i'm not sure this is working.
[04:18:21] Milosch: sorry, wtf is Xen
[04:18:30] waldo: server virtualization, like vmware
[04:18:45] tyrion: less overhead, more powerful
[04:18:54] Milosch: ok, and vmware server is free, which is nice
[04:19:15] tyrion: xen is open source... game over
[04:19:37] waldo: tyrion: if your os supports forwarding PCI cards to your domu
[04:19:39] Milosch: different strokes
[04:19:45] waldo: netbsd's dom0 doesn't, for example
[04:20:24] tyrion: waldo: ah, is it kernal dependant, or OS dependant?
[04:21:07] tyrion: waldo: as in if it works in Ubuntu 32 should it work in Ubuntu 64?
[04:21:08] Milosch: will have to check this out
[04:21:15] waldo: OS.
[04:21:29] waldo: yeah, this overscan stuff is not what i want.
[04:21:38] tyrion: waldo: right, and can xen segregate CPU cores to certain VMs?
[04:21:41] waldo: since i have this offset in X as well
[04:22:14] waldo: tyrion: yes, i think so. netbsd's support is fairly limited, and netbsd is what i know, so i am sort of guessing
[04:22:57] tyrion: waldo: ah right. cool, on of my mates did a thesis (i think) on porting Minix to xen, iĺl give him a poke atsome reasonable hour
[04:23:26] waldo: i'm the wrong guy to ask about linux :]
[04:23:40] waldo: fucking linux.
[04:23:58] tyrion: waldo: :) no, no, minix
[04:24:12] waldo: no i know. but you were asking about a linux dom0
[04:24:23] tyrion: ah, yes :)
[04:25:16] waldo: and it's linux that's offsetting the picture on my tv.
[04:25:27] waldo: though really that's probably X fucking up. go figure.
[04:25:28] Milosch: technically, no
[04:25:31] Milosch: heh
[04:25:47] waldo: x gets that way, i have found.
[04:25:47] Milosch: waldo: so, it's off only in live tv or also in the menus?
[04:26:07] waldo: Milosch: everything. live tvs, menus, and gnome.
[04:26:08] Milosch: er, video playback only or everything?
[04:26:11] Milosch: ah
[04:26:16] waldo: or whatever ubuntu uses for a WM
[04:26:19] Milosch: modelines...
[04:26:29] Milosch: wm should not be an issue
[04:27:04] waldo: right, it just indicates that since all 3 of those things are offset that it is an X config and not a myth config.
[04:27:09] radi0head (radi0head! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:27:38] Milosch: waldo: are you specifying mode settings?
[04:27:46] waldo: yeah.
[04:27:47] Milosch: in xorg.conf i mean
[04:27:49] Milosch: k
[04:28:04] Milosch: pal or ntsc?
[04:28:16] waldo: ntsc
[04:28:28] waldo: HorizSync 30 – 50
[04:28:28] waldo: VertRefresh 60 – 60
[04:29:00] Milosch: try just 60 for vert if it matters
[04:29:20] Milosch: i can paste my modes in pm
[04:29:37] radi0head (radi0head! has quit (Client Quit)
[04:29:37] Milosch: not here, though
[04:30:05] waldo: it's not any better with seting VertRefresh to just 60
[04:30:38] Milosch: waldo: you're away or ignoring my dialog window, one
[04:30:49] Milosch: or both ;)
[04:30:51] waldo: i'm communicating
[04:30:59] waldo: 22:30 <Milosch> want them?
[04:31:00] waldo: 22:30 <waldo> sure
[04:31:11] Milosch: hmm, did not see that, weird
[04:31:27] waldo: though my nick's not registered at freenode
[04:31:35] waldo: which may cause trouble
[04:31:55] Fooker: If your trying PM, then yes, not being registered will prevent you from being sucessful
[04:32:15] Milosch: waldo: well, can you see those anyway?
[04:32:53] waldo: got it
[04:33:16] waldo: does this go in the Display subsection, or somewhere else?
[04:33:26] Milosch: monitor
[04:33:32] radi0head (radi0head! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:33:37] Milosch: same as the lines you pasted here
[04:35:13] Milosch: also, personally, i have xrandr disabled
[04:35:26] waldo: hrm, alright. i suppose i should take the "Modes "800x600"" line out of the Display SubSection
[04:35:27] Milosch: 640x480 is it
[04:35:32] waldo: or, change that to... yeah.
[04:35:35] Milosch: ;)
[04:36:02] Milosch: are you using actual X11 or Xorg?
[04:36:07] waldo: xorg
[04:36:11] Milosch: k
[04:36:29] waldo: i do not think the tv is happy with 640x480
[04:36:35] waldo: i'm using an older 7000-series radeon card
[04:36:36] Milosch: should be...
[04:36:41] Milosch: hrm
[04:36:45] waldo: which i think will only output 800x600
[04:37:06] Milosch: wow
[04:37:08] Milosch: ati sucks ;)
[04:37:10] ** Milosch ducks **
[04:37:13] waldo: yeah, change my mode back to 800x600 and all is well again
[04:37:17] waldo: i agree.
[04:37:25] waldo: it's just the card with tv-out i happened to have sitting around
[04:37:25] Milosch: ok, so those modes won't help much
[04:37:36] Milosch: tv out at 800x600, eh?
[04:37:53] Milosch: since ntsc is 525 lines max, that is just funky
[04:38:09] Milosch: more like projector out
[04:38:46] ** waldo shrugs **
[04:39:11] Milosch: well, mythtv likes 640x480 and moreso 720x480
[04:39:24] waldo: figures. stupid janky ati hardware
[04:39:44] Milosch: although the frontend can upscale to a normal modern flatscreen or hdtv...
[04:41:33] waldo: wonder if the manual will have the hsync and vsync info.....
[04:42:21] waldo: that's a negative
[04:42:44] waldo: it's a philips 20pt6441, for those of you playing along at home
[04:43:54] Fooker: This is odd... mythtranscode doesn't report any errors, and appears to run just fine, yet the commercials are still there (running from within the removecommercials script)
[04:45:36] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Just try launching a browser to http://localhost/mythweb and see if it's running already... (it might be...)
[04:50:19] waldo: fuck, how do you put together a modeline?
[04:50:55] J-e-f-f-A: <oops... ignore that, pressed up and enter by mistake to clear screensaver... >
[04:54:43] Nem^1 is now known as Nem^
[04:55:19] Fooker: This is beyond stupid. mythcommflag --getcutlist reports 5 commercial breaks (as it should), mythtranscode runs with no errors, and yet the final file still has commercials in it
[04:57:16] [2]Jack3 is now known as Jack3
[05:00:17] GreyFoxx: Fooker: I'm 99% sure you have to actually edit the video, and load in the commercial breaks into order for them to be used as transcoding cutpoints
[05:00:41] Fooker: I've loaded them in; they appear in the cutlist.
[05:00:51] GreyFoxx: I'
[05:01:04] Fooker: mythtranscode --honor-cutlist just doesn't pay attention to them for some reason
[05:01:12] GreyFoxx: I'm not talking about mythcommflag output, do you see then when you actually edit the video in the frontend ?
[05:02:57] Fooker: Ive never used the edit function before, so I'm just assuming here, but on the blue line across the bottom, the red parts are to be cutout? If so, then yes
[05:03:40] Fooker: Its using default settings
[05:04:03] Fooker: But yes, they do appear in the edit mode
[05:05:14] GreyFoxx: odd
[05:07:34] radi0head (radi0head! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:09:33] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:11:36] Fooker: I've tried on several different files now, and mythtrasncode basically just copies the file over to the new location without removing anything – diff shows that theres a difference between the binary files, but what that difference is, I cannot tell. Everything video/audio wise appears to be the same
[05:14:39] Fooker: Is there any other ways to remove the frames? I assume the cutlist is a list of frames to be removed?
[05:16:08] monkeyBox: What kind of hardware is recommended to play 1080p video?
[05:25:14] eskil (eskil! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:26:50] Fooker: GreyFoxx: Can you confirm that the cutlist is in frames, and not something specific to mythtv?
[05:28:36] Dagmar: You have to tell it to use the cutlist.
[05:29:04] Dagmar: The cutlist is _not_ part of the video file.
[05:29:24] Dagmar: It's generated by the commercial flagger and/or the cutlist editor in MythTV's frontend.
[05:29:52] mythbox: I recently changed my router/modem setup and everything on my LAN now has new IP's. Because of that, I assume anyway, myth won't boot on this frontend machine. I also can't get mythtv-setup to run
[05:30:09] mythbox: is there a file somewhere I can edit manually to reflect my new LAN info?
[05:30:20] Dagmar: ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[05:30:24] mythbox: thanks
[05:30:49] Fooker: Dagmar: Yes, I know that – I'm just curious if the cutlist outputted by mythcommflag --get-cutlist -i... is in frames, or something different, as I want to use it as input to transcode -c XX-XX
[05:31:16] Dagmar: Fooker: Read it and find out. *Generally* you'll want to use nuvexport tho'
[05:31:20] mythbox: Dagmar: Alright, that's edited, so what services do i need to restart?
[05:31:27] Dagmar: mythbox: none of them
[05:31:32] mythbox: sweet
[05:31:39] Dagmar: That file is read by the frontend and the backend when they start
[05:31:55] Fooker: Dagmar: I would, but mythtranscode appears to be broken on my machine for no apparent reason
[05:31:56] Dagmar: All it tells them is how to get to the database, where they get the _rest_ of their configuration infop
[05:32:13] Dagmar: Foooker: nuvexport != mythtranscode
[05:32:35] Fooker: Dagmar: Sorry, skipped a step there. nuvexport is broken on my machine
[05:32:57] Fooker: You would then tell me to use mythtranscode, and I would have replied with mythtranscode is also broken for no apparent reason on my machine
[05:33:23] Dagmar: You can blame the backend utilities they use for that
[05:33:33] mythbox: dagmar: check this out...
[05:33:40] Dagmar: You have to use very particular versions of mencoder and ffmpeg... namely, their SVN releases
[05:33:49] Dagmar: They keep changing their APIs.
[05:33:59] Dagmar: ...and transcode
[05:34:15] Dagmar: At least mencoder has stopped changing so much
[05:34:17] mythbox: is there something i need to edit on my backend?
[05:34:28] Dagmar: Fooker: So then write a script
[05:34:38] Fooker: Dagmar: In progress. I just need some info
[05:34:55] Dagmar: mythbox: Yes. You need to learn about MySQL and set it up correctly.
[05:35:11] Dagmar: That's pretty darn clear.
[05:35:21] Dagmar: Fooker: Look at it and see.
[05:35:38] mythbox: i don't remember having to add specific IP's before
[05:35:44] Dagmar: I don't know what you could possibly expect it would be *but* what it is
[05:35:53] Fooker: Dagmar: It appears to be very close to frames, but you never know, so I was asking
[05:36:00] Dagmar: mythbox: You had it running on localhost then
[05:36:02] Scopeuk: mythbox you may have added the ip range
[05:36:19] mythbox: oh, that's right... i do remember doing that
[05:36:26] mythbox: what file do i need to edit in order to change that range?
[05:36:26] Scopeuk: now the range has changed
[05:36:52] Scopeuk: any my sql peps about can help this man specify a new valid client ip range?
[05:37:40] opello: update the mysql.user table?
[05:37:50] mythbox: damn, this is all coming back to me now
[05:37:55] mythbox: where is that stored?
[05:37:57] Dagmar: This is documented.  :/
[05:39:07] Scopeuk: any way having caused oo much truble forone day im off to bed
[05:39:12] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit ("Famous last words")
[05:39:38] mythbox: dagmar: mind pointing me in the direction of that document?
[05:46:40] mythbox: Anyone? I changed my router/modem config, and now need to change my IP range in mysql for this backend to work... anyone have hints?
[05:47:23] mythbox is now known as robbins87
[05:48:57] pat_: hmm, does anybody know what version of minimyth before the protocol changed from 30 to 31?
[05:50:46] pat_: or how to tell which ticket coincided with that change in the main myth source?
[05:50:49] Jack3: hey
[05:50:52] Jack3: anyone use an irblaster?
[05:55:09] mishehu: unfortunately I need to
[05:55:28] grantm (grantm! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:55:30] mishehu: what about it?
[05:56:59] mishehu: robbins87: that's probably a matter of a GRANT from the mysql CLI.
[05:57:59] robbins87 is now known as BillyBlanks
[05:58:39] Jack3: anyone know how to start myth config?
[05:59:09] Dagmar: Jack3: Did you read the installation HOWTO on the MythTV site yet>?
[05:59:47] Jack3: a while ago , i just forgot how it goes :X
[05:59:52] Jack3: i forgot the command
[06:02:08] Dagmar: hint: myth(tab)(tab)
[06:02:49] Jack3: ooo
[06:02:50] Jack3: thanks
[06:03:24] Dagmar: I much prefer to teach people to fish than to just hand out fish
[06:04:23] Jack3: hmm, you mind telling me how to find pids?
[06:04:33] Jack3: i thought it was lsmod | grep xxxx
[06:04:41] Jack3: like i want to killa process
[06:05:33] activelow: I've got a frontend question: I had mythfrontend installed on a FC5 machine with nfs mounts to where my movies are. I didnt really use it to connect to a backend, just for mythmovie. That worked fine. I needed to reinstall the box after a HD crash and used ubuntu which worked great, however mythfrontend wont start and crashes if it cannot connect to a backend. Any idea how to get around this?
[06:07:32] kambei: Jack3: ps aux | grep xxxx
[06:08:18] Jack3: yeh i just found that on google hehe
[06:18:42] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:18:42] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[06:20:27] Fooker: Dagmar: You referred to some backend programs used by mythtranscode, do you know which programs it uses specifically?
[06:21:16] xris: I don't think mythtranscode calls any other programs to do its work. usually the other way around.
[06:21:41] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:22:09] Fooker: So then theres no bloody reason mythtranscode shouldn't work....
[06:22:15] Fooker: This is completely stupid
[06:25:24] xris: Fooker: what are you trying to do?
[06:26:02] Fooker: mythcommflag --getcutlist shows the cuts properly; they can also be seen in the editing mode of mythfrontend. Mythtranscode --honorcutlist runs without any errors, but outputs the file without removing the commercials as they appear in the cutlist.
[06:27:00] Fooker: xris: I've got a cutlist, and I want to remove the frames in the cutlist from the actual file.
[06:28:08] xris: Fooker: first off, make sure that your transcode profile is set for "lossless" mode.. then, play the recording in the frontend.. hit E and make sure the cutlist is there. Once sure, press esc to go back to watching, and then press X while watching to initiate the transcode.
[06:28:45] Fooker: Will doing it through the frontend delete the original, or just create a second file?
[06:30:28] xris: it will always delete the original unless you enable the setting to leave the .old file
[06:32:42] Fooker: In combing through the logs of mythbackend, I've noticed that when it something, not exactly sure what, was trying to get the cutlist without using a password, it was unsucessful, so I tried removing the root password on the mysql database and I'm redoing the transcode from the command line, hopefully that will do it
[06:33:19] xris: odd. that shouldn't make a difference
[06:33:29] xris: mythtranscode will use the same access file as the frontend.
[06:33:38] xris: or the backend, depending on which machine it's on
[06:33:40] Fooker: Nope, mythtranscode still does not remove the commercials.
[06:34:09] xris: do you have a .old or .tmp file?
[06:34:23] xris: and just checking, you DO have a cutlist that shows up in the editor, correct?
[06:34:53] Fooker: No .old or .tmp files, and yes, the cutlist does show up in the editor
[06:36:00] xris: what do the backend logs say about the transcode?
[06:36:03] Fooker: Ok, attempting to do the transcode from within mythfrontend
[06:38:10] Jack3: anyone with an irblaster around?
[06:38:43] Fooker: Several, but never hooked it up to a mythbox...
[06:39:14] J-e-f-f-A: Jack3: Yep. I'm running one with three eyes to control three dish Network receivers...
[06:39:20] Jack3: ah well im trying to figure out where the remote config file goes?
[06:39:27] Jack3: like i havea DCT2000
[06:39:40] Jack3: and i put the remotename as that, but it sayhs when i run the commmand DCT2000 not found
[06:39:44] Jack3: but the led does flash fine
[06:41:39] Fooker: xris: Will the frontend let me know when the transcode is done?
[06:42:26] Jack3: actualy, i dont think it matters, it changes the channel fine anyways
[06:43:28] J-e-f-f-A: Jack3: Sounds like you've got a 'button' in you channel-change script that doesn't map to a button in lirc's config file for the DCT2000 remote.
[06:43:42] xris: Fooker: dunno, I just check the status in mythweb
[06:45:23] Fooker: xris: Ok, so doing it from within mythfrontend it works. Now I just have to go and do this for.... 71 recordings :P
[06:46:16] Jack3: oh
[06:46:28] Jack3: i added an OK command at the end after done
[06:53:58] xris: Fooker: yay. ouch.
[06:54:32] xris: Fooker: if you hit right-arrow from the browse-recordings list, it will pop up a menu that lets you pick transcode as an option.. then you don't have to "play" every recording before transcoding.
[06:57:02] Jack3: ok im confused
[06:57:14] Jack3: my cable used to be channel 3 for the correct chan to view in mythtv
[06:57:17] Jack3: but now its all blurry
[06:57:25] Jack3: and i checked and its allhooked up still
[06:58:08] Fooker: xris: Thats fine, I have to do some manual work on most of the recordings
[06:58:18] Fooker: xris: Speaking of that, how do you delete a cut point?
[06:58:31] xris: press space on it, menu pops up
[06:58:42] xris: and while editing, Z will import the flag list as a cutlist.
[06:59:46] Fooker: Heh, way to lazy to do that – I wrote a for loop that ran mythcommflag --gencutlist on all recordings :P
[06:59:54] Jack3: would it have to do with the channel frequnecy table?
[07:00:35] Fooker: God I love this hour has 22 minutes: Today.... and Bush learns how to read!
[07:00:38] xris: Fooker: well, you said that you had to hand-edit stuff, anyway.
[07:01:08] xris: just be careful if you're doing things automatically.. there are a lot of shows where the commercial flagging is 80% accurate or less
[07:04:32] purserj (purserj! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:06:00] russellb_ (russellb_! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:06:00] radi0head (radi0head! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:08:24] Jack3: should comcast cable be default, us-bcast, us-cable, us-cable-hrc, us-cable-irc?
[07:08:28] Fooker: xris: Yeah, thats why I'm going through and checking things. But I have to say, for the shows I've watched, the commercial flagging has been spot on for almost every single cut it flags
[07:09:12] Fooker: xris: I've only found three mistakes so far, and I can understand them – the network switched, had a few problems, and then went into commercials. I can see why the flagger would just skip over that
[07:10:11] purserj (purserj! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:12:47] xris: Fooker: cool. I've found that it really depends on the channel. discovery is pretty much 99.8%, foodtv is about 95%, scifi is around 90%, and travel channel is at about 0%
[07:12:55] xris: (something weird in the streams from travel channel, though)
[07:13:08] xris: it finds commercials correctly, but it "places" them in the wrong spot
[07:14:55] Jack3: if im using cable it should be Tuner 1 right?
[07:15:07] Jack3: not svid/composite?
[07:17:00] Fooker: xris: Food?
[07:17:10] Fooker: xris: Are you serious? You watch the food network?
[07:17:13] amrit|bbl is now known as amrit
[07:18:29] russellb_ (russellb_!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla) has quit ()
[07:21:12] Fooker: xris: I'm so releived. I thought I was the only one watching that :)
[07:21:21] Fooker: (forgot to hit enter there :P)
[07:26:58] hjohnson: iron chef forever!
[07:27:11] hjohnson: Fuku-san, the iron chef is sauteing his gummie bears!
[07:27:48] Fooker: lol
[07:28:24] hjohnson: i'd have loved to see them use some absolutely ludicrous ingredient.. like gummie bears
[07:28:37] hjohnson: foie gras... and gummie bears!
[07:28:43] Fooker: I'm probably a huge pest for all the questions I ask, but that doesn't bother me tonight so.... :P Is there a way to set what order the jobs will run in? ie, I want user job 1 to run before the recording is transcoded.
[07:35:12] pat_: does anybody have a copy of the minimyth binary distribution which works with a backend with protocol version 30?
[07:37:28] Jack3: somsone please help me  :(
[07:37:52] Fooker: Jack3: Whadda ya need?
[07:41:08] user01 (user01! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:41:11] user01: hello
[07:41:50] user01: anybody willing to lend a hand ?
[07:42:56] user01: guess not
[07:43:13] user01 (user01! has quit (Client Quit)
[07:43:13] Fooker: Ask a question, don't ask to ask a question
[07:43:22] Fooker: Idiot
[07:44:44] amrit is now known as amrit|zzz
[07:44:57] EnterUSerName (EnterUSerName! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:55:04] Jack3: nevermind i fixed it
[07:56:14] Jack3: is itnormal for if im watching the tv next to the computer wherethe cable is goin that there is a delaY?
[07:59:00] tafryn: Hey channel, has anyone setup a mythfrontend on a box with both a monitor and a TV hooked up to it?
[07:59:42] tafryn: I'm trying to get the frontend to display on the TV, which is Screen 2, but it keeps popping up on the monitor
[08:10:35] Fooker: Jack3: Yes, as your not viewing live tv
[08:10:44] xris: Fooker: many geeks go for alton brown and iron chef
[08:11:06] xris: Jack3: takes time to encode the video
[08:11:07] Fooker: Jack3: To be able to rewind/pause/etc the signal, your actually recording it off the card onto your hard drive, and then reading it from the hard drive, which takes some time (about 2 seconds I've noticed)
[08:11:18] Jack3: ah
[08:11:19] Jack3: alright
[08:11:40] Jack3: hmm how come when i go to schedulerecordings i see no programs on the channels?
[08:11:51] Jack3: doesnt that tv labs site have those?
[08:12:10] Fooker: Did you download the tv schedule in the mythtv-setup program?
[08:12:31] Fooker: And then when your were done, run mythfilldatabase?
[08:13:27] Fooker: xris: So while your here.... do you know if its possible to change the order things are done in after recording? ie, so user job 1 is done before the transcoding?
[08:13:56] xris: sorry, I haven't actually messed with user job stuff. I tend to just do everything by hand (commercial cutting, nuvexport, etc)
[08:14:30] Fooker: How much free time do you have?
[08:14:37] Fooker: Or, I should say, how few programs do you record?
[08:15:12] xris: I only record stuff I want to watch, or archive. couple hours/day max
[08:15:26] Fooker: Ah
[08:15:37] Fooker: See, I record like 4–10 hours a day :)
[08:15:46] xris: why bother if you're never going to watch it?
[08:15:54] Fooker: I plan on watching it
[08:16:20] Fooker: About half of it gets re-encoded to my ipod, and then at night transfered over to my ipod so I have something to do during classes.
[08:17:00] Fooker: The other half I'm saving for the summer – we go out to a cabin for the majority of the summer, and have no access to a TV signal out there, and I'm getting sick of buying DVDs all the time
[08:17:00] xris: just seems like way too much tv. heh.
[08:17:15] xris: I don't think I can think of that much stuff worth watching, let alone every day.
[08:17:26] Fooker: You'd be suprised.
[08:17:53] xris: doubtful
[08:17:58] Fooker: The original CSI (Las Vegas) itself is on at least twice a day here, up to 6 times a day sometimes
[08:18:08] xris: never got into any of those shows
[08:18:21] Fooker: The daily show, the colbert report, and this hour has 22 minutes are on every day
[08:18:33] xris: and I rarely watch reruns of stuff within about 10 years of seeing it.
[08:18:37] Jack3: i just dl the tv shows haha
[08:18:47] xris: Jack3: don't talk about that here, please
[08:18:54] Fooker: Between NCIS, Numbers, and Criminal Minds thats another show every day
[08:18:56] Jack3: alrite
[08:18:58] Fooker: Adds up quickly
[08:19:12] ** xris is still waiting to hear a show that he actually watches. **
[08:19:19] Jack3: stargate?
[08:19:26] Fooker: If I had a second TV tuner I'd order the star trek channel and then I'd be recording that almost 24/7 :)
[08:19:51] xris: Jack3: I watch it because my wife does. hasn't really interested me in the last couple of years since the writing started sucking.
[08:19:53] Jack3: prison break, family guy, lost, 24, futurama, scrubs, law and order?
[08:20:02] Jack3: its goin off air this season
[08:20:14] Fooker: xris: So what do you watch?
[08:20:49] Fooker: 13 shows to go
[08:20:53] xris: bsg, psych, boston legal, mythbusters, dirty jobs, no reservations, good eats.... then stuff like studio 60 and greys anatomy to hang out with my wife.
[08:21:05] xris: but that's about it.
[08:21:06] Fooker: Mythbusters!
[08:21:15] Jack3: yeh mythbusters
[08:21:19] xris: and only one new show of each of those per week, if that.
[08:21:22] Fooker: That I'm recording just for the bragging rights of having every episode :)
[08:21:31] xris: Fooker: I do that with good eats.  :)
[08:21:37] xris: oh, and iron chef america.
[08:21:38] Fooker: Your weird :P
[08:21:42] xris: my weird what?
[08:21:55] Jack3: he meant you're
[08:21:58] Fooker: I worked with a girl who's daughter was on Iron Chef...
[08:22:11] xris: Jack3: I know. it's a pet peeve that I like to point out to people.
[08:22:26] ** xris cringes at Fooker's use of apostrophes. **
[08:22:27] Fooker: I just ignore comments like that :)
[08:22:34] Jack3: i know, its a pet peeve that i like to point out to people who correct grammar
[08:22:36] Jack3: :)
[08:22:50] xris: Fooker: my wife used to be a chef. we like food stuff.
[08:22:52] Fooker: When did I correct someone's grammar?
[08:22:56] Jack3: not you fooker
[08:22:57] xris: Fooker: I did
[08:22:59] Jack3: i was talking to xris
[08:23:00] Jack3: lol
[08:23:07] xris: or rather, pointed out the mistake.
[08:23:10] Fooker: Oh, phleh. I read the name wrong :)
[08:23:25] PeregrineFalcon (PeregrineFalcon! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:23:26] Fooker: Yeah, thats right – phleh. Run that through your dictionary :P
[08:23:36] PeregrineFalcon: anyone around to give some assitance?
[08:23:46] xris: PeregrineFalcon: only if you ask a useful question
[08:23:49] Fooker: Theres be a much more better than good great chance you find that won't in dictionary.
[08:24:06] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:24:24] PeregrineFalcon: I cannot get my FC6 too boot now, running LVM and it reporting the /dev/video cannot be created during udev boot process
[08:24:34] ** MythLogBot slaps Fooker with a grammar trout on behalf of xris... **
[08:24:34] PeregrineFalcon: My question is how do I repair this?
[08:24:38] tafryn: to ride PeregrineFalcon's coat-tails, How do you set up mythfrontend to start on screen 2 of a two screen X-setup?
[08:25:08] xris: tafryn: you want the DISPLAY environment variable.
[08:25:18] Fooker: tafryn: You'll need a largish white cloth and a compass to find west with.
[08:25:22] xris: target value is probably 0:1
[08:25:41] Fooker: And a copy of the qur'an if you haven't memorized it
[08:25:49] xris: PeregrineFalcon: #fedora? can't tell you much without a specific error message.
[08:25:57] Fooker: And some kneepads if theres no carpet in your computer room
[08:25:58] PeregrineFalcon: sure let me grab it
[08:26:03] Jack3: xris, is this mythfilldatabase gonna take 4 years to finish
[08:26:11] Fooker: Jack3: 3
[08:26:12] Jack3: as in each time it says its downloading its grabbing shows?
[08:26:21] Jack3: for each channel
[08:26:21] xris: Jack3: just be glad you're in the US. it takes HOURS in some countries.
[08:26:23] Fooker: Jack3: And a few months.... something like 12
[08:27:06] tafryn: xris: thanks, that's exactly what I needed
[08:27:12] xris: Jack3: per channel, per day, for about 11–12 days into the future. once you run the initial import, it only needs to grab 2–3 days' worth, though (today, tomorrow, next unknown day)
[08:27:23] xris: tafryn: :)
[08:27:48] ** xris ponders if it's worth fixing some mythweb tickets tonight... or just cursing php for doing more stupid stuff. **
[08:27:50] Fooker: xris: It usually has for the next 13 days, and every day grabs the 14th day, no?
[08:27:53] Jack3: so i need to run mythfilldatabase manually?
[08:28:39] xris: Fooker: I honestly don't remember. they might have changed things. I thought it used to be 11 days, and you could pay extra to to get 14 or 15.. but lxm is gone now and maybe zap2it upped the range
[08:28:57] Fooker: Not entirely sure either to be honest
[08:29:04] PeregrineFalcon: My error is.. "Settings up Logical Volume Mangement: /dev/video: mkdir failed: File exists, Checking filesystems fsck.ext3: Not a directory, while trying to open /dev/video/Video
[08:29:22] xris: Jack3: there's a setting in the frontend that lets you choose the backend to run it automatically (which is recommended, since zap2it would like to be able to tell users the best time to download new data so it doesn't overload their servers)
[08:30:15] xris: PeregrineFalcon: sounds like something got messed up with your lvm config. most likely, your lvm name of "video" is conflicting with the device node created for your video card.
[08:30:36] PeregrineFalcon: right, but I am unsure how to fix that
[08:30:38] ** xris smacks himself with the bad-sentence-structure trout **
[08:30:42] PeregrineFalcon: since the filesystem is readonly
[08:30:55] xris: PeregrineFalcon: #fedora (or #fedora-users, I forget how they set up their channel layouts)
[08:30:59] Fooker: But its 2:00 here... I gotta get some sleep. Have fun all
[08:31:49] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:32:28] xris: PeregrineFalcon: I say that only because it seems like the lvm-knowledgeable people here seem to be asleep/gone.
[08:33:15] juski: arghh not lvm again. is there no escape? ;)
[08:33:23] xris: juski: apparently not
[08:33:35] EnterUSerName (EnterUSerName! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[08:33:53] PeregrineFalcon is now known as PFalcon
[08:35:11] juski: hmmm our forum spam control is banning people who haven't read the stand-out announcement that was made
[08:35:28] pat_: juski: do you have any old copies of minimyth 0.20 lying around, specifically one with protocol version 30 (about 11170 or earlier)
[08:35:28] xris: heh
[08:35:55] juski: pat_: nope
[08:36:20] xris: anyone here running mysql 3.x?
[08:36:21] topping (topping!n=topping@ has quit ()
[08:37:27] pat_: hmm, who do I need to convince to get softpad ( resynced with head?
[08:37:42] pat_: or at least protocol 31
[08:37:45] xris: pat_: probably whoever is maintaining it
[08:38:09] pat_: gigem by the look of it
[08:39:46] xris: I'd recommend sending a note to the -dev mailing list
[08:39:51] xris: (asking very nicely)
[08:40:36] juski: "thanks for all your hard work, but can you do some more work please?" ;)
[08:40:50] pat_: basically
[08:41:05] pat_: it works great, however I need a version of minimyth that talks to it
[08:41:32] pat_: (oh, by the way minimyth works fine on my dell gx260)
[08:41:39] juski: pat_: if all else fails you could try building minimyth yourself
[08:49:12] daviey (daviey! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:49:38] Jack3: hmm
[08:50:17] daviey: It's bloody huge!!! It aint a laptop it's a bloody tabletop
[08:50:21] Mixx` (Mixx`! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:50:36] ** daviey has just taken delievery of a new 17" laptop. it's too bloody big! **
[08:50:55] Jack3: what juski?
[08:51:05] juski: record at any time on any channel
[08:51:08] daviey: juski, thinking of returning it as it really is big!
[08:51:09] juski: record at any time on this channel
[08:51:30] juski: Jack3: look at the recording options man
[08:51:34] daviey: Jack3, also – mythtv will do it's best not to record duplicates!
[08:52:29] Jack3: ah
[08:52:37] Jack3: what about recording once per week same time/chan
[08:52:47] daviey: Jack3, yes
[08:53:00] juski: Jack3: just look at the recording options
[08:53:45] Jack3: ok heh
[08:54:50] laltu (laltu!n=laltu@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:55:51] juski:
[08:56:48] juski: hmmm where's 'record at any time on any channel' ?
[08:57:22] juski: ahhh scroll down. damn I need to make a couple of changes to that theme to show more text onscreen
[09:01:01] juski: that's better
[09:05:25] ** xris creates more indexes for the mythtv database **
[09:06:21] xris: not that they'll help a GREAT deal, but they might.
[09:07:57] juski: 8 minutes to upload a 20MB file :(
[09:09:33] Skiingsean_out is now known as Skiingsean_sleep
[09:18:54] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
[09:19:33] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:21:08] neilo (neilo!n=neil@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[09:32:07] sebrock|a (sebrock|a! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:32:49] sebrock|a: anyone running MythtTV on FC6? I just loaded it and it's packed with buggs
[09:32:51] juski: thar we go. webshite all updated with new tarballs
[09:33:28] sebrock|a: whaHaving problems even getting the damn mouse to show..., and cant run init 3... even as root
[09:33:37] sebrock|a: what distro should I be looking at?
[09:34:06] juski: whichever distro works for you
[09:34:42] sebrock|a: ok, what are you / the lot running?
[09:34:53] juski: I used to use gentoo, now I use ubuntu but I wouldn't recommend either to anybody
[09:34:57] sebrock|a: got the nvidia 6150 which seemes to make trouble with FC6
[09:35:12] sebrock|a: hm... I was looking at ubuntu, why?
[09:36:31] juski: no particular reason. I've found that getting mythtv working on it can be a pain. nothing insurmountable though
[09:37:47] sebrock|a: ok, well maybe I should try it
[09:37:56] juski: the big one is the mythtv-database installer randomising the mythtv mysql user's password
[09:38:02] sebrock|a: Im giving FC6 up, thats for sure
[09:38:14] sebrock|a: ?
[09:38:41] juski: the mythtv-database package creates the database, sets up a mysql user called mythtv & gives it a random password
[09:38:41] sebrock|a: what do you mean by that?
[09:38:59] sebrock|a: well, you can set the pw yourself?
[09:39:07] juski: took me a while to find that it saves the password in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[09:39:20] sebrock|a: oh
[09:39:29] juski: yes you can, but if you don't know what's wrong it can take a bit of figuring out ;)
[09:39:55] gardengnome: heya juski
[09:39:58] juski: I don't use ubuntu packages for mythtv anyway – I just build it from source
[09:40:00] sebrock|a: ok, what gfx and sound are u running?
[09:40:02] juski: hey gardengnome
[09:40:11] juski: sebrock|a: I don't use ubuntu for my frontend
[09:40:40] juski: sebrock|a: with any distro you'll have to install nvidia binary drivers to get the best out of your VGA card
[09:41:07] sebrock|a: sure, try that with the crappy FC6, cant even close X right
[09:41:08] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[09:41:16] gardengnome: juski: haven't had much time for minimyth :/ but it looks like pablo already had everything in place for s100 support. his IEGD install script seems to work fine
[09:41:28] juski: gardengnome: nice!
[09:41:51] juski: so it's not far from 'just working (tm)' ?
[09:41:59] gardengnome: juski: i'll get my VGA cable back later so i should be able to try it this weekend.
[09:42:17] juski: I've hit a major block on that website re-jig I was on with
[09:42:21] gardengnome: juski: i don't think so. i still need to completely understand the build system, though ;)
[09:42:32] gardengnome: juski: IE compliance? :)
[09:42:48] juski: gardengnome: nah, just making it look non-sucky
[09:42:49] kormoc (kormoc! has quit ()
[09:43:06] gardengnome: juski: that's always been a major problem for me.
[09:43:10] juski: I don't know exactly where it's got to go in terms of a direction for the overall look
[09:43:46] gardengnome: make it look all pretty like itv pleeeese!!!1
[09:43:54] ** gardengnome shoots himself **
[09:43:59] juski: heheheh. I really like that site
[09:44:24] juski: my next theme will be called neon-wide and will borrow a couple of ideas from iTV ;)
[09:44:39] juski: won't borrow any icons to be on the safe side
[09:44:53] juski: it might even have some animation
[09:45:26] gardengnome: sweet :)
[09:45:32] juski: I'm also considering looking at the UI code to make the select bars move smoothly
[09:46:02] juski: should be simple enough in theory
[09:46:31] juski: apparently mythtv isn't using qt's mysql libs
[09:46:37] gardengnome: everything is simple once you know what to do
[09:46:52] gardengnome: i've actually started using my mythtv box again. star trek FTW.
[09:47:09] juski: the grounding is there. you know where the graphic is now, and you know where you want it to end up....
[09:47:21] gardengnome: too bad the picture quality is really craptacular. i need to get someone to build me a VGA->RGB cable ;)
[09:47:42] juski: damn GF2 tv out eh?
[09:47:49] sebrock|a: juski whats your frontend?
[09:48:02] juski: sebrock|a: minimyth running on my epia m10000
[09:48:16] juski: umbongo is way too slow at booting
[09:48:30] Mixx` (Mixx`! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:48:44] juski: and its bootsplash doesn't work on the TV out without a VGA monitor connected (lame)
[09:48:50] sebrock|a: oh ok... well Im going to have all in the box, think ubuntu is good?
[09:48:58] juski: I wouldn't go *that* far
[09:49:01] juski: it's ok
[09:49:05] gardengnome: juski: geforce 2? no, asus pundit using composite on an old TV.
[09:49:09] juski: ah
[09:49:26] gardengnome: my ubuntu boots quite fast, but i'm using a server install which doesn't have any bloat.
[09:49:28] sebrock|a: somewhat perplexed here...
[09:49:51] juski: sebrock|a: what's stopping you from using knoppmyth then?
[09:50:03] sebrock|a: nah, wanna do it from scratch
[09:50:06] gardengnome: and i'd be willing to substitute upstart for initng if it'd help ;)
[09:50:21] sebrock|a: gonna try ubuntu
[09:50:41] gardengnome: have fun. make sure to read superm1's guide at
[09:51:21] juski: gardengnome: had another couple of theme requests end up in my spam filter :)
[09:51:44] sebrock|a: yeah
[09:51:44] juski: the colors (sic) are not for changing.. ggrr
[09:52:20] sebrock|a: wow pretty well documented stuff :D
[09:53:05] gardengnome: sebrock|a: yep.
[09:54:55] juski: suddenly I remember I once said I was gonna help out there. oops. ach well
[09:55:26] juski: NLI ;)
[09:55:37] gardengnome: juski: they miss you :)
[09:59:27] juski: but I didn't do anything
[10:00:10] juski: I've got enough to keep me busy these days, plus I'm not the fan of ubuntu I once was
[10:01:03] Agrajag- (Agrajag-! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[10:02:46] juski: what I keep wondering is, who's gonna exhibit mythtv in the UK now?
[10:05:17] gardengnome: ask kayelem
[10:05:29] gardengnome: i wonder if the linuxtag gang is going to get back together this year.
[10:09:36] juski: !seen kelerion
[10:09:36] MythLogBot: kelerion was last seen 30 days 17 hours 57 minutes 9 seconds ago
[10:11:45] sebrock|a: juski, Im new to this language... which setup should I choose?
[10:12:33] juski: sebrock|a: you're on your own there. if you can't figure out which installation option to go for at this stage you're screwed
[10:12:42] sebrock|a:
[10:12:53] sebrock|a: no, I mean there is at least 2 setups that will work
[10:13:01] juski: Combined Backend Frontend
[10:13:12] juski: or Combined Backend, Frontend, & Regular Desktop
[10:13:14] sebrock|a: yes, but it says "It will be on all the time"
[10:13:20] juski: so?
[10:13:27] sebrock|a: I wont have it on all the time
[10:13:29] juski: do you want mythtv to miss recording your shows?
[10:13:59] sebrock|a: I hardly watch TV, and when I do its between 16–23
[10:14:02] juski: setting nvram wakeup options isn't something I know anything about
[10:14:14] juski: if all you want to do is watch tv, then forget mythtv
[10:14:18] sebrock|a: or that will be an option aswell
[10:14:30] daviey (daviey! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[10:14:42] juski: before you go any further I think you should read all the documentation you can
[10:14:46] sebrock|a: no, look, Ive been using mediaportal before on my HTPC, so I know the kind of things we talk about here
[10:14:56] juski: then at least you'll know what to expect from mythtv
[10:15:11] sebrock|a: Im just asking, what does it mean "it will be on all the time"?
[10:15:27] juski: it means exactly that
[10:15:33] sebrock|a: I do not need a desktop, but I would like the option to shut the HTPC down
[10:15:34] isses: mysql and mythbackend
[10:16:03] juski: if you would like the option to shut the machine down but not miss any scheduled recordings you will have to use nvram wakeup
[10:16:30] juski: I'd use that myself if I didn't need the backend to be up all the time
[10:17:05] sebrock|a: so the only difference between these two options is that there is a desktop loaded in the background?
[10:17:16] sebrock|a: I can go with only console
[10:17:25] juski: you need X to set up mythtv
[10:17:52] isses (isses! has quit ("KVIrc 3.2.5 Anomalies")
[10:17:57] juski: . . . tend_Desktop
[10:17:59] sebrock|a: sure, I mean the "combined backend frontend" is everything you need except KDE/Gnome
[10:18:11] sebrock|a: because that I dont need
[10:18:14] juski: you don't *need* KDE or gnome
[10:18:23] sebrock|a: right
[10:18:26] juski: but you DO need X
[10:18:30] sebrock|a: yes
[10:19:19] juski: my advice would be to follow . . . tend_Desktop
[10:19:26] sebrock|a: so the first option would be perfect, as a dedicated HTPC
[10:19:31] juski: then read the mythtv docs about using nvram wakeup
[10:19:35] sebrock|a: dont want a desktop
[10:19:47] juski: it makes very little difference
[10:19:55] sebrock|a: slick is the key here
[10:20:04] juski: you can easily stop it using kde or gnome & just use a minimal window manager instead
[10:20:15] juski: slick?
[10:20:18] sebrock|a: yes
[10:20:26] sebrock|a: where u from?
[10:20:29] juski: ubuntu isn't exactly quick (or slick) to boot up
[10:20:49] sebrock|a: thats not what I'm saying
[10:22:05] juski: if you don't install KDE or Gnome, you won't save very much HDD space anyway
[10:22:21] juski: not in the big scheme of things
[10:22:36] juski: when you consider that tv recordings will be an average of 1–2GB per hour
[10:22:59] juski: and all TV, even live tv is recorded
[10:23:21] sebrock|a: ok
[10:23:27] sebrock|a: for timeshifting?
[10:23:37] juski: everything is recorded, always
[10:23:51] sebrock|a: mediaportal had an option there
[10:24:08] juski: live tv recordings are expired within 24 hours if you don't want to keep them
[10:24:10] sebrock|a: but thats cool, always used it anyway
[10:24:24] sebrock|a: sounds like a smart function
[10:24:36] juski: just read the documentation a couple of times before you start
[10:24:41] sebrock|a: I will
[10:24:50] juski: if you have questions about what the docs say ask here
[10:24:56] juski: it'll save you hassle later
[10:25:02] juski: believe me, it will
[10:25:06] sebrock|a: dont think the initial setup will be that hard, just thinking about the tv card :D
[10:25:10] sebrock|a: I know hehe
[10:25:23] sebrock|a: and sound, thats what will start bugging me
[10:25:29] juski: well, you'll save yourself hours of trouble if you make sure the tuner card works outside of mythtv first
[10:25:47] sebrock|a: yes, well I found some documentation on setting it up
[10:26:01] juski: I tried mediaportal a few months ago & couldn't get it to do *anything*
[10:26:05] sebrock|a: but it will not use the H/W part, as it is not currently supported
[10:26:10] juski: I think mythtv is much easier
[10:26:45] juski: what confuses most people is that they just rush in & mess with stuff and expect it to work
[10:26:47] sebrock|a: what made me do the switch is simply the resource demand on WIN, and it is made i .NET so everything is slow
[10:27:06] juski: yeah I noticed that even the GUI was slow on my athlon 2800
[10:27:15] juski: and some people call mythtv clunky!
[10:27:38] sebrock|a: sure, well I dont expect it at all to work right away, but FC6 really was buggy
[10:27:41] juski: and now mediaportal is using microsoft SQL
[10:27:48] sebrock|a: yeah it is
[10:28:06] juski: they took the easy way out like mythtv did, to provide client/server stuff :)
[10:28:22] sebrock|a: Well, I started to customize the shell to make it look "non-win"
[10:29:00] sebrock|a: at first it worked great and I was pleased, but then strange stuff stared to happen, and that was it for me... too much hassle and too slow
[10:29:46] sebrock|a: well db is a good and easy solution
[10:30:10] sebrock|a: only tried MP and MCE (dont even get me started on that last one)
[10:30:17] juski: you'd have to be a hard-core windows fan to put up with any of them
[10:30:27] juski: me, I just want a PVR that works and keeps on working
[10:30:29] sebrock|a: exactly
[10:30:34] sebrock|a: same here
[10:31:35] juski: ubuntu has a nice community (mostly), but they all use the word 'awesome' way too much
[10:32:03] sebrock|a: haha
[10:32:22] juski: with that word being so over-used it makes me wonder what word they'd use if peace broke out all over the world
[10:32:22] sebrock|a: well you dont seeme to be too happy about ubuntu
[10:32:41] sebrock|a: ;)
[10:33:24] sebrock|a: have u had any eperience with the Realtek HD Audio?
[10:33:34] sebrock|a: thats gonna be a bummer for sure
[10:33:43] juski: nope. I think stuff like that is pure hokum
[10:33:53] sebrock|a: what the chip?
[10:34:00] juski: the whole concept
[10:34:15] Bernardo: good morning
[10:34:18] sebrock|a: sorry not following now
[10:34:26] sebrock|a: moin'
[10:34:32] juski: just use a cheap soundcard that has digital output ;)
[10:35:05] sebrock|a: hehe, it is cheap, it's an onboard card of the MSI K9NGM2-FID... dont get fooled by the name :D
[10:35:22] juski: ;)
[10:35:41] sebrock|a: well, FC6 did recognize it, but thats it
[10:35:42] juski: if the distro doesn't support it out of the box (unlikely in ubuntu really) you should look there
[10:35:57] Bernardo: I'm having a strange error building svn 12652
[10:36:03] sebrock|a: was installed with ALSA in FC6
[10:36:05] sebrock|a: but no sound
[10:36:43] Bernardo: I've built 12640 without problems, but 12652 fails in h264.c, with a error in cabac.h
[10:36:59] juski: well, all I can suggest is to *try* ubuntu edgy, make sure all your hardware is worky, THEN and only then set about installing mythtv
[10:37:12] Bernardo: line 522, "can't find a register in class 'GENERAL_REGS' while reloading 'asm'"
[10:37:37] Bernardo: sebrock|a: I have edgy working, and juski's advice is solid
[10:37:41] Agrajag- (Agrajag-! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:37:47] Bernardo: first get the hw working, then mythtv
[10:37:58] sebrock|a: obviously, no point in installing myth with no working HW
[10:37:59] gardengnome: Bernardo: there was a ffmpeg resync, don't you read -commits?
[10:38:09] Bernardo: mythtv has mostly worked for me, except when I managed to ruin the db
[10:38:18] Bernardo: gardengnome: I have email blocked at work
[10:38:29] Bernardo: just started to read my emails now
[10:38:30] sebrock|a: I'm just ssaying, I know there is going to be hassle with sound
[10:39:23] sebrock|a: how is mythtv and h.264 anyway?
[10:39:35] gardengnome: juski: my mythtv doesn't work. every time i'm close to finishg one box, i'll start working on another one :)
[10:39:41] tyrion (tyrion! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:40:00] gardengnome: sebrock|a: mostly good. it's supposed to be much faster after janneg's ffmpeg resync, though
[10:40:12] Bernardo: gardengnome: I should have checked the commits first, anyway. thanks
[10:40:14] Bernardo: brb
[10:40:20] sebrock|a: what is the specs for running a 1080p h.264?
[10:40:37] juski: Bernardo: you should *always* check the commits & -dev mailing list if you use SVN
[10:40:41] juski: *always*
[10:40:42] juski: *always*
[10:40:55] sebrock|a: like Apples HD Trailers?
[10:41:12] Neeesat25: Hello
[10:41:12] juski: sebrock|a: scary!
[10:41:22] sebrock|a: juski is that so? why?
[10:41:28] juski: sebrock|a: like 4GHz dual CPU...
[10:41:45] Neeesat25: Is there a chance to have MythVideo play file.vdr format?
[10:41:48] juski: why? because ffmpeg isn't optimised enough yet
[10:41:50] sebrock|a: well I got them running on my htpc using CoreAVC codec
[10:41:59] sebrock|a: and I just got a AMD64 3500+
[10:42:13] juski: sebrock|a: CoreAVC codec isn't open source, or free
[10:42:24] sebrock|a: sure, but that doesnt mean anything
[10:42:33] gardengnome: i've been able to play a h264 hdtv test file on my core 2 duo once i overclocked it to > 2GHz. using latest mplayer from svn. so it IS scary. :)
[10:42:34] sebrock|a: open source usually is better
[10:42:38] juski: sebrock|a: it does, ffmpeg _works_ but isn't optimised
[10:42:42] gardengnome: i don't know if it's 1080p or not, though
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[10:43:02] gardengnome: juski: fear not, it's being worked on :)
[10:43:07] juski: it's improving all the time though :)
[10:43:19] juski: I'll need it when the UK gets HDTV
[10:43:22] sebrock|a: how about 720p ?
[10:43:35] juski: 720p will be much easier
[10:44:07] sebrock|a: so I have to say goodbye to all my nice little h.264 1080p trailers buuhuuuuuu
[10:44:08] juski: when the UK gets hDTV, if mythtv will play 1080i h.264 I'll buy a mac mini
[10:44:30] juski: (cpu allowing)
[10:44:37] sebrock|a: 1080i and 720p isnt that far...
[10:46:34] gardengnome: VDec: vo config request – 1920 x 1088 (preferred colorspace: Planar YV12) – this looks like 1080p, doesn't it? i don't need to deinterlace at least
[10:47:15] sebrock|a: all depends on the compression
[10:47:27] gardengnome: yep.
[10:47:35] sebrock|a: a mpeg2 1080p should be no problemas
[10:47:36] Bernardo: juski: I know... It's just been a crazy week, and the first since those ***holes at work blocked efectively all webmail
[10:47:57] sebrock|a: but then again, a movie will be 25gb :D
[10:47:58] gardengnome: i'm having A/V sync issues on my 1.83GHz core 2 duo. some overclocking fixes it ;)
[10:48:02] Mixx` (Mixx`! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:48:28] sebrock|a: Just read that its possible to set MythTV up on a PS3
[10:48:44] sebrock|a: h.264 = no match
[10:49:00] juski: not possible to get sound or hardware accelerated video yet though is it? :-P
[10:49:04] gardengnome: heh
[10:49:29] gardengnome: yay, svn up tells me that libavcodec/h264.c got updated in mplayer. *builds*
[10:50:16] sebrock|a: no one using coreavc in linux then?
[10:50:30] juski: no way
[10:50:47] juski: besides coreavc costs money
[10:50:52] sebrock|a: harcore open source fanboy?
[10:51:07] sebrock|a: yes, but almost nothing... and it will get 1080p running :d
[10:51:23] juski: whatever
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[10:52:00] sebrock|a: haha
[10:52:10] sebrock|a: easy does it
[10:52:36] Bernardo: gardengnome: I did do a "make distclean" before building
[10:53:12] Bernardo: anyway, starting again after a "make distclean; svn revert -R .; svn up;"
[10:54:58] juski: I'm not a fscking open source fanboy
[10:55:30] Bernardo: still dies... :( Time to check if passing other parameters to configure will help.
[10:55:37] juski: getting ffmpeg to where coreavc is now will be a big bonus for everybody, and it's likely ffmpeg may even surpass coreavc
[10:56:46] sebrock|a: juski all righ calm down
[10:57:08] juski: don't fucking tell me to calm down
[10:57:21] juski: go away & read the docs :)
[10:57:43] Bernardo: :)
[10:58:01] sebrock|a: gah whatever
[10:58:16] Tatster_ (Tatster_! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:07:26] Bernardo: still no luck, even after changing mtune=i486 to mtune=pentium4...
[11:11:18] Bernardo: googling for it, it seems it needs "-O3"
[11:15:48] Bernardo: adding "CFLAGS+=-fomit-frame-pointer" to libs/libavcodec/Makefile fixes h264.c build
[11:16:04] Bernardo: can anyone else check if this works for them too?
[11:37:48] sebrock|a: what filesystem is the best to use? XFS?
[11:46:30] juski: sebrock|a: I use ext3 but xfs is fine for a lot of people
[11:47:37] juski: if I were you I'd not use xfs for the root partition though – seen some reports of folks doing unclean shutdowns when their disks are nearly full & ending up with unfixable corruption
[11:47:48] juski: YMMV
[11:50:00] juski: on the other hand I've been bitten using ext3 – deleted over 300GB in one go & my system got badly iobound. messed up the mythtv database & all sorts. took a bit of work to fix
[11:50:03] iresprite (iresprite! has quit ()
[11:50:29] juski: not a problem now that mythtv does gradual file deletes :)
[11:55:23] ShorTie: whats a good remote?
[11:55:44] ShorTie: harmony or the nexus?
[11:55:48] juski: what's a lame question? it's a matter of taste & necessity
[11:56:08] juski: some folks swear by harmony remotes but I can't stand em
[11:56:54] jduggan: some men like other men
[11:57:35] ShorTie: can't seem to get lirc to to work with the nexus
[11:59:45] ShorTie: or i guess it's more like using the nexus eye
[12:01:50] juski: you can have all the right gear & still not be able to get lirc worky if you don't know what you're doing
[12:03:00] ShorTie: i can get it with a serial eye
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[12:09:24] juski: if you can't get the receiver to work, there's little point going for a harmony remote
[12:11:43] juski: and, if you tell people what you've tried to get lirc working maybe somebody could help. "can't seem to get it to work" isn't anything to work from
[12:16:27] ShorTie: i've emerged lirc with LIRC_DEVICES="hauppauge_dvb"
[12:17:45] juski: even on gentoo I ended up ignoring ebuilds of lirc
[12:17:55] ShorTie: but i can't seem to get modprobe lirc_hauppauge_dvb, i get FATAL: Module lirc_hauppauge_dvb not found.
[12:18:22] juski: FWIW, just build it yourself. it's not rocket science
[12:18:36] ShorTie: so your saying to go with the cvs, i can do that
[12:18:44] juski: you probably compiled your own kernel anyway, lirc is no great shakes
[12:19:12] juski: download the source, unpack it, configure & compile
[12:19:25] juski: so long as you have the kernel sources/headers you'll be okay
[12:19:53] juski: but – I'd recommend you umerge lirc first – that'd be best IIRC
[12:20:03] ShorTie: ya, just did that
[12:21:52] sebrock|a: guh, Hauppauge 1300...
[12:22:20] juski: heh. not fully supported in linux yet.
[12:22:36] juski: guess you'll be going back to mediaportal then
[12:22:59] sebrock|a: well there are reports of getting it to work
[12:23:16] sebrock|a: it's just the HW part thats not supported I guess
[12:23:32] sebrock|a:
[12:23:54] juski: support for hardware encoders which aren't ivtv-based is improving all the time
[12:24:06] sebrock|a: I guess...
[12:24:24] sebrock|a: Just hope I can get it to work until then
[12:24:33] sebrock|a: with just software that is
[12:24:37] ShorTie: whats this 'You should add the contents of `/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4' to `aclocal.m4'.' i don't remember seeing that before?
[12:30:27] ShorTie: You will have to use the lirc_i2c kernel module. maybe i was just trying the wrong module thats why it couldn't find it
[12:48:02] ShorTie: mode2: error opening /dev/lirc
[12:48:02] ShorTie: mode2: No such device
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[12:50:16] ShorTie: do i need a option in conf.modules for the IR receiver to look @ /class/input/input2 somehow?
[12:53:40] ShorTie: guess thats more like /dev/input/input2 maybe?
[12:55:15] ShorTie: still no /dev/lirc, blaaa...
[12:55:45] sebrock|a: juski could you help me with this...
[12:56:51] sebrock|a: reading this makes me happy: . . . 1300;#239540
[12:57:01] sebrock|a: but there is no good guide...
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[13:25:10] gardengnome: ShorTie: i'm using inputlirc for that job.
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[13:49:11] stork: can mythtv mount network drives using smbfs ?
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[13:52:56] gardengnome: no. but linux can.
[13:54:35] stork: okay then
[13:55:30] stork: what kind of cpu would an average media server box need? like for recording + encoding, playing dvds, playing divx
[13:56:46] Dagmar: stork: That sort of thing is explained in the documentation on the website
[13:57:10] stork: thanks
[13:58:44] mtnbkr (mtnbkr!i=mtnbkr@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x63A94EDC) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:00:38] mtnbkr: hello everyone... Can someone help me get rid of the flickering white line at the bottom of the screen that appears on many of my channels? I vaguely remember reading something about it a while back but cannot seem to find a URL.
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[14:51:42] Honk: try overscanning :P
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[15:01:18] mtnbkr: Honk... Thanks... I had just found it and was about to post a "nevermind, I found it" message here. :)
[15:02:02] Honk: =)
[15:06:14] sebrock|a: hmm... ubuntu installer is stalling...
[15:06:28] sebrock|a: gah
[15:13:08] sebrock|a: stalls after kernel load
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[15:29:54] Ryushin: Has anyone gotten the new asx streaming to work out of mythweb?
[15:39:25] calvarez: the MCE one has FM and the other ones come with a Hauppauge IR remote and blaster, right?
[15:39:56] calvarez: I just wanna know if I should prefer one over the other, or if they're exactly the same thing (for MythTV purposes)
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[15:52:15] stork: how much would it cost to build a media centre pc from scratch and install mythtv on it?
[15:53:06] stork: do i get a 'PVR' card?
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[15:56:04] juski: if you don't want HDTV or digital TV I recommend you buy a pvr card
[15:56:14] juski: software encoders (framegrabbers) suck
[15:58:58] stork: ok
[15:59:23] stork: i don't suppose you can recommend one to me out of these
[16:00:13] juski: . . . uctID=150990
[16:00:32] juski: the one I use ^^
[16:00:59] stork: sp if i get two of those i can record while watching tv? does mythtv support that?
[16:01:46] Milosch: yes
[16:01:51] stork: awesome.
[16:01:58] Milosch: or get a pvr-500 and do it on one card
[16:02:35] stork: does it also recieve digital tv?
[16:02:37] stork: in the uk
[16:03:06] juski: no
[16:03:07] stork: or would i only get the standard 4 channels
[16:03:44] stork: what is one of those
[16:03:57] juski: receives freeview
[16:04:01] stork: ah i see
[16:04:26] juski: . . . umbnails=yes
[16:04:40] stork: which one of those is good?
[16:04:42] juski: also wouldn't recommend you buy mail order from scam
[16:04:55] stork: why? i use the online buying
[16:05:26] juski:
[16:05:52] juski: they're a bit dodgy going in person even, speaking from experience
[16:06:14] juski: bought a 128MB CF card ages ago that turned out to be faulty. they argued the toss over it for 2 hours
[16:07:00] stork: i've bought from there 4–5 times
[16:07:16] stork: i've RMA'd once and it went well
[16:07:17] juski: well I'll not be bothering them again
[16:07:28] stork: :(
[16:07:41] juski: they're the cheapest supplier of pvr150 cards in the UK though
[16:07:45] stork: . . . uctID=378685 <-- this seems cheap, would this work/
[16:07:54] juski: but like I said you'd be better off with dvb-t these days
[16:08:08] juski: yeah that should be fine
[16:08:27] juski: same as the tuners I use, more or less
[16:08:42] juski: mine are OEM versions without the video inputs
[16:09:02] Mixx` (Mixx`! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:09:05] stork: without video inputs? what?
[16:09:13] juski: fyi the analogue side of that is only for composite / svideo & it has no analogue tuner or hardware encoding
[16:09:38] stork: hmm.
[16:09:45] juski: but, I have 2 dvb-t tuners (leadtek lr6650) & can record 2 shows at the same time at under 10% CPU used ;)
[16:10:39] juski: bear in mind that dual or hybrid dvb-t / analogue tuner cards aren't well supported in linux yet, nor are they supported properly in mythtv yet (the hybrid cards)
[16:11:25] stork: somewhat confused :(
[16:11:41] stork: what do you mean it's for composite/svideo
[16:12:02] juski: the dtv1000 card has analogue video inputs as well as doing freeview reception
[16:12:16] juski: but the analogue part of the card doesn't do hardware encoding
[16:12:33] stork: surely i don't need the analogue part if i have freeview :p ?
[16:12:52] juski: no but some people like to have analogue so they can do lame stuff like xfer vhs
[16:13:29] stork: ah i see
[16:13:36] stork: what connector does freeview use?
[16:13:38] juski: ah shit some guy just had his car window smashed on our street
[16:13:42] stork: :o
[16:13:50] juski: it's still facking daylight
[16:13:56] defaultro: lol :)
[16:14:00] defaultro: hey juski, what's up
[16:14:03] juski: stork: normal aerial connector
[16:14:10] ** juski checks his cctv **
[16:14:13] defaultro: i used your blootube last night
[16:14:19] defaultro: it's cool
[16:14:24] juski: no shit! ;)
[16:14:32] stork: what is that? is that a normal coax input that connects to my tvs atm?
[16:14:49] juski: stork: yeah
[16:15:03] stork: ah okay then
[16:15:05] juski: freeview works off a normal aerial
[16:15:06] stork: that's amazingly cool
[16:15:22] juski: but make sure you can receive freeview where you live before you buy the card(s)
[16:15:25] stork: that thing would work fine with linux and a 2.6 kernel?
[16:15:30] juski: yup
[16:16:20] stork: wonderful
[16:16:30] stork: and what kind of graphics card do i need to output to the tv?
[16:16:35] stork: (tv is a large CRT)
[16:17:15] juski: nvidia fx5200 for example
[16:17:23] juski: connects to the tv via svideo
[16:17:37] juski: or VGA if your TV has it
[16:21:12] juski: btw defaultro I updated blootube-wide & blootubelite-wide this morning
[16:21:29] juski: stork: you can use composite. you usually get an adapter to go from svideo to composite in the box
[16:21:43] stork: ah
[16:21:49] stork: composite is that yellow cable right?
[16:21:54] juski: stork: you might need a composite/svideo (& audio) to scart cable
[16:21:56] juski: yeah
[16:23:35] stork: . . . uctID=158948 <-- so something like that for video?
[16:24:38] williammanda (williammanda! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:25:55] williammanda: could I get someone to help me over the phone?
[16:26:14] stork: what's wrong with irc?
[16:26:18] juski: stork: exactly
[16:26:24] stork: cool.
[16:26:28] stork: this box will be cheap.
[16:26:32] ** juski costs 200 GBP an hour for telephone support **
[16:27:13] williammanda: i believe my problem would be best be addressed over the phone
[16:27:24] LLyric: You know this isn't our JOB, right?
[16:27:41] williammanda: i having several problem installing fedora and mythtv
[16:27:56] juski: how will doing this over the phone help?
[16:28:17] williammanda: i can give erro messages quicker
[16:28:25] juski: anyway nobody here will do that for you, so you'd better stick around
[16:28:46] juski: was invented for pasting error messages into
[16:29:13] williammanda: ok
[16:29:25] williammanda: so someone can help me here?
[16:29:30] juski: if you have severe problems even getting a distro installed I strongly suggest you avoid it
[16:29:40] LLyric: If you ask your specific question, you might get an answer
[16:29:55] LLyric: Did you get fedora installed, first?
[16:30:01] juski: nobody here ever helps, we just sit here & yell abuse until folks go away with their tail between their legs :-P
[16:30:25] williammanda: yes fedora is installed now....kept installing i586
[16:30:27] Milosch: pretty much
[16:30:30] juski: of COURSE folks will try to help. jees. given enough information they will anyway
[16:30:35] LLyric: williammanda: that's a known bug
[16:30:43] LLyric: williammanda: install a 686 kernel afterwards
[16:31:06] williammanda: fedora's website fix wasn't the cure
[16:31:06] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:31:29] LLyric: just download and install the i686 kernel, boot into it, then remove the i586 one.
[16:31:33] williammanda: the steps they gave wouldn't upgrade
[16:31:42] williammanda: i kept getting errors
[16:32:03] williammanda: i found the fix on a post else where...
[16:32:03] ** LLyric rolls his eyes **
[16:32:10] LLyric: Just do what I told you
[16:33:03] stork: probly should be in #fedora or whathaveyou
[16:33:40] williammanda: fedora said ....type linux I686 at during the install....and that didn't work.....i found that i needed to type linux kernel=i686
[16:34:03] williammanda: the updates on the site would give me errors
[16:34:04] LLyric: Doesn't matter. Install the i686 one afterwards. No big deal.
[16:34:12] LLyric: Stop talking, start listening.
[16:34:12] stork: is it worth getting dual core for a simple media centre pc?
[16:34:27] Milosch: williammanda: i think you need to find fedora help in a fedora channel, then come back when you have a working system to install mythtv
[16:34:38] williammanda: well like i said earlier....i have fedora installed now
[16:34:44] LLyric: stork: I found it was a nice extra – can transcode while watching HD, or record lots of programs, etc.
[16:34:51] LLyric: Just spare CPU cycles, all good
[16:34:55] stork: sounds good.
[16:34:56] LLyric: stork: I have an X2
[16:34:58] williammanda: i was just giving some background
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[16:35:05] stork: yeah i was thinking of a 3800+ socket 939
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[16:35:24] LLyric: I bought mine before all this coreduo or whatever really came along.
[16:35:26] stork: i have a s939 4200+ i bought last year in my current pc, it's nice
[16:35:27] stork: yeah same
[16:35:42] williammanda: i have been following the ....fedora & mythtv install
[16:35:52] LLyric: The intel is faster and less power/noise, from what I hear.
[16:36:19] williammanda: i have a 6400 machine that I trying to install mythtv on
[16:36:26] Milosch: williammanda: is that a binary or source install of mythtv
[16:36:42] LLyric: atrpms is evil
[16:36:57] williammanda: milo....i'm not compling it....if that is what you are asking
[16:37:28] Milosch: ok, where are the rpms coming from then?
[16:37:42] LLyric: atrpms presumably, if he's following Jared's guide
[16:37:48] williammanda: from
[16:37:54] williammanda: for mythtv
[16:38:04] williammanda: other places for fedora
[16:38:11] Milosch: and did they install?
[16:38:11] ** LLyric rolls his eyes **
[16:38:25] juski: athlon 3800+ just for standard def. TV? woof!
[16:38:47] williammanda: this is what i remember..
[16:38:55] LLyric: juski: I haven't been able to get HD out of my system yet :(
[16:39:23] williammanda: it seems like it downloads then it that correct?
[16:39:27] Milosch: 3200+ here...
[16:39:44] LLyric: Although it comes with a component breakout, when I connect to TV, the picture is... offset. Every second line or so is offset from the other.
[16:39:50] Milosch: williammanda: probably, they say 115 different packages or whatever
[16:39:59] ** LLyric has 3800+ X2 running SD here :) **
[16:40:03] williammanda: during the second couldn't find it stopped
[16:40:18] williammanda: yes there were around 115 files
[16:41:24] ** LLyric has 2GB in his front/backend. Using, oh, about 400MB of it :) **
[16:43:01] Milosch: i wonder what that something was?
[16:43:28] williammanda: i tried using the add/remove software install mythtv...but I got the same problem
[16:44:03] williammanda: i'm working on turning on the linux unit now
[16:45:11] Defend is now known as defend
[16:45:18] juski: oh for fuck's sakes. not this lvm crap again
[16:45:23] Milosch: ;)
[16:46:00] juski: so Sembiance you want to effectively *double* the chances of a single disk failure wiping out your whole system? go for it
[16:46:05] williammanda: brb
[16:46:10] Sembiance: Well I don't want to have to use LVM or EVMS if I don't need them.
[16:46:26] juski: this was done to death yesterday IIRC
[16:46:35] Sembiance: juski: wow, you just totally spoke without having any idea about what I'm actually going to be using them for. How wise of you :)
[16:46:37] LLyric: Sembiance: I just put "videos" on one partition, and recordings on the other. Much simpler :)
[16:47:24] LLyric: Sembiance: but sounds like you want LVM
[16:47:28] Sembiance: LLyric: yes, hehe. I do that already. All my 'videos' are on my RAID5 array. I have another drive that I want my recordings to go on
[16:47:41] Sembiance: LLyric: Problem is I also have about 400GB of un-used space on another drive that I'd also like to use.
[16:47:51] juski: Sembiance: well, grouping more than one drive together without any kind of raid increases the chances of a disk failure wiping the whole lot out
[16:48:12] Sembiance: LLyric: I thought there would be a way to do without LVM. For example with my RAID5 array I didn't use LVM nor EVMS. Instead just used mdadm
[16:48:27] juski: so use mdadm again
[16:48:36] Sembiance: juski: Does MythTV support multiple mount points for recordings?
[16:48:46] juski: not in a stable released version
[16:49:18] juski: even recording groups, which can put recordings in their own group directories has limitations
[16:50:13] juski: to see a discussion of lvm vs raid vs madm (ad infinitum) see
[16:51:05] Sembiance: thanks
[16:51:37] ** LLyric has about 2TB in LVM on his myth box **
[16:51:42] stork: . . . uctID=212408 <-- how does that look for a media centre case?
[16:52:43] juski: Sembiance: see & scroll down to 'storage groups'
[16:52:54] lcase (lcase! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:53:00] inono (inono! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:53:04] juski: stork: ooo fugleeeeeeeeeee ;)
[16:53:13] stork: aw :(
[16:53:25] juski: front audio sockets too. wtf were they thinking?
[16:53:29] stork: not really bothered, it will be out of sight anyway
[16:53:37] inono: anyone got mupen64 working here
[16:53:58] juski: if it's out of sight anyway, choose a bigger case
[16:54:04] monkeyBox (monkeyBox! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:54:41] juski: bigger case == better PSU, more efficient cooling (less noise), more HDD space...
[16:55:14] Milosch: plus, you can use it as an ottoman
[16:56:28] Milosch: just add leather and batting
[16:56:59] stork: juski, storage will be NAS anyway :)
[16:57:20] stork: i think maybe a full size desktop case?
[16:57:26] Sembiance: juski: thanks. I think I'm going to just use my once 500GB drive for now, and if I need space in the future, if storage groups are available by that point I'll use those. Otherwise I'll examine my LVM/etc options then
[16:57:53] LLyric: Sembiance: be careful, converting a non-lvm volume to lvm is a pain
[16:57:58] stork: . . . uctID=465752
[16:59:18] ethernalq (ethernalq! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:59:41] juski: if you plan to keep a lot of TV recordings you will *never* have enough storage
[17:00:04] juski: I try to watch everything I record but it's pretty much impossible. I delete a hell of a lot
[17:00:28] inono: 2TB RAID5 time juski
[17:00:39] monkeyBox (monkeyBox! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:00:40] juski: what for?
[17:00:40] stork: juski, we will have something like 600gb of NAS by then
[17:00:47] Sembiance: So it looks like from what I read, XFS or JFS are the file systems of choice for very large files, such as a MythTV recordings partition? :)
[17:00:49] inono: why for space
[17:00:51] inono: lots and lots of space.
[17:00:58] juski: I have enough already
[17:01:05] williammanda_ (williammanda_! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:01:15] juski: what'd be the frickin point of recording even more stuff I don't have time to watch?
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[17:01:18] williammanda_ is now known as williammanda
[17:01:25] inono: Sembiance, they handle disk fragmention better is all :)
[17:01:37] inono: juski, hoard it like a dragon :P
[17:01:44] juski: sod that
[17:01:59] Sembiance: inono: What did you choose to store your videos on?
[17:02:02] Sembiance: err recordings
[17:02:02] inono: and then cast 50d5 damage to everyone who tries to get it
[17:02:29] inono: Sembiance, im a poor college student, i use my spare 250+200gb sata harddrives on ext3 ubuntu
[17:02:35] williammanda: back
[17:02:45] juski: nothing wrong with ext3
[17:02:57] williammanda: i guess i'm going to need to give you the error.....
[17:03:07] juski: apart from how long it takes to delete huge files but managed properly it's ok
[17:03:08] inono: ext3 is journaled as well *shrug*
[17:03:33] williammanda: the best way i know how to do that is to reload the yum install for mythtv
[17:03:41] juski: I've seen plenty folks come in here with corrupted xfs partitions
[17:04:02] juski: they never got their precious back
[17:04:13] inono: once your xfs data is gone...itts gone
[17:04:24] inono: a friend of mine learned the hard way after rm -rfing a few files
[17:04:35] williammanda: milo...still there
[17:04:39] juski: inono: that's typically the way with any linux fs
[17:04:49] inono: juski, with ext3 you get plenty of time to recover :)
[17:05:02] inono: well compared with xfs anyways
[17:05:14] Milosch: williammanda: yes, but don't paste errors here unles you can keep it small and one line
[17:05:45] inono: Sembiance, are there some benchmarks you are worried about?
[17:05:54] juski: for anything longer than a couple of lines use
[17:06:09] inono: i dont imagine you'll be bound by your harddrive speed too much, mpeg4 encoding is a long process
[17:06:21] Sembiance: inono: No, I just know that I'll be dealing with very large files (HDTV recordings) and want to choose the filesystem that will give me the best performance
[17:06:42] inono: Sembiance, then buy a MPEG4 hw encoder.
[17:06:52] inono: Sembiance, and while you're at it buy 15000 RPM SCSI drives
[17:07:02] inono: theres your good performance, ;)
[17:07:10] Sembiance: inono: I have two PVR250 cards, I wonder if it's possibly to use them to encode HDTV signals from other cards ;)
[17:07:25] inono: i thought PVR250 was 2xSD tuners?
[17:07:26] juski: Sembiance: there are no HDTV encoder cards
[17:07:54] inono: what you need is to compress the HDTV signal after you get it
[17:07:57] juski: and no you can't use SDTV tuners to encoder HDTV
[17:08:05] Sembiance: inono: So your suggestion to buy an MPEG4 hw encoder.. do you actually know of one that can encode HDTV data and work under linux with myth? rofl
[17:08:06] inono: and MPEG4 is the best, so you will need to either transcode in s/w or buy an mpeg 4 hw card
[17:08:22] juski: no no no
[17:08:25] inono: Sembiance, "encode hdtv data" there is nothing special about hdtv data once you get the unencrypted stream
[17:08:39] juski: there are no mpeg4 hardware cards mythtv can use to help with transcoding
[17:08:55] inono: oh really, thats weird, i thought i saw mpeg4 in the setup options?
[17:09:01] Sembiance: Milosch: but to use the computer you lose your seat!
[17:09:08] GreyFoxx: inono: Software compression
[17:09:13] inono: wow.. thats messed up
[17:09:15] GreyFoxx: only for bttv cards
[17:09:17] Milosch: Sembiance: yeah, didn't go very far
[17:09:27] GreyFoxx: the PLextor does mpeg4 in hardware, but no idea if myth will use it
[17:10:19] juski: not supported in linux
[17:10:19] inono: well if mythtv doesnt support mpeg4hw then youre kind of screwed, you will need a very fast computer
[17:10:52] inono: juski, i thought WinTV made a mpeg4 encoder
[17:10:56] juski: no
[17:11:23] inono: how about ?
[17:11:37] Sembiance: inono: Well I have a AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+ I hope that's good enough to transcode the HDTV recordings
[17:11:38] juski: NO
[17:11:47] GreyFoxx: Sembiance: That's fine
[17:12:01] inono: Sembiance, yeah maybe one and watch one, or transcode two and watch nothing
[17:12:08] williammanda: can i post two lines?
[17:12:15] Sembiance: inono: Well I won't be watching on the same box either. This is a backend only
[17:12:18] juski: 2 lines is fine
[17:12:24] inono: oh all right
[17:12:27] williammanda: warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 66534c2b
[17:12:35] inono: should be passable then
[17:12:37] williammanda: GPG key parsing failed: can't set attribute
[17:12:39] Sembiance: GreyFoxx, juski, inono: thanks for all the help :)
[17:12:54] williammanda: this is what I get after the yum install of mythtv
[17:13:22] briand: williammanda: sounds like you forgot to download the GPG key for the repository you're accessing.
[17:13:36] inono: I was gonna setup a mythtv box in the summer at my parents house for HDTV... im kinda upset its going to have to be a very very fast computer now
[17:13:44] Faithful (Faithful! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:14:03] williammanda: i wasn't told to do is the site I'm step 9
[17:14:17] GreyFoxx: inono: reecording doesn;t have to be fast
[17:14:17] williammanda:
[17:14:26] GreyFoxx: but if you want to transcode you will want something snappy
[17:14:36] Milosch: williammanda: try . . . _Fedora_Core maybe
[17:15:16] inono: GreyFoxx, well of course, the mpeg2 stream im getting on my pvr-150 sucks
[17:15:36] inono: i dont imagine liking 4–5gb for 30 minutes on a HDTV signal
[17:15:53] juski: blimmin skinflint
[17:16:03] GreyFoxx: HArddrives are bloody cheap
[17:16:08] juski: hdtv isn't cheap on any account
[17:16:19] juski: displays, hardware, disk space... ;)
[17:16:28] Milosch: free disk space is a sin ;)
[17:16:46] inono: lol already got hdtvs
[17:16:53] inono: well, 1 anyway :P
[17:17:04] williammanda: ty i'll try that site
[17:17:35] briand: williammanda: I think you might have breezed over step 6.  :)
[17:17:44] briand: anyways, i gotsta run.  :waves:
[17:18:13] GreyFoxx: inono: You hardly need a super powerful machine to watch HDTV
[17:18:22] inono: transcode. not watch :)
[17:18:28] GreyFoxx: it's only if you are wanting to transcode it that you really need cpu
[17:18:46] GreyFoxx: I can't think of a good reason to waste the cpu transcoding when drives are so cheap
[17:19:09] inono: why waste? cpu isnt gonna be at 99% usage otherwise :P
[17:19:50] GreyFoxx: I mean waste of money to buy the more expensive cpu to accomplish the fast transcoding just to save diskspace which could be gotten cheaply
[17:20:08] inono: why
[17:20:16] inono: core 2 duo = $300
[17:20:18] inono: big harddrive = $300
[17:20:48] Faithful (Faithful! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:21:38] sinisterguy (sinisterguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:22:05] sinisterguy: can the internal mythtv video player play ogg theora files?
[17:22:14] GreyFoxx: ugh.... Maybe if you are looking for a 750G drive
[17:22:19] Tatster (Tatster! has quit ()
[17:22:32] GreyFoxx: but I can get 300G sata drives for under $100 CDN, so I could have 900G for that $300
[17:22:35] inono: froogle says i can buy 400GB for $300 lol
[17:23:20] inono: ok so how many hours of MPEG2 high quality would that store
[17:23:30] inono: please tell me because i dont have the slightest clue myself (really)
[17:23:52] GreyFoxx: inono: My PVR250's get on average just over 2G per hour, picture looks perfect
[17:24:02] inono: HD quality, lets say 720p
[17:24:11] GreyFoxx: You are looking at about 9G per hour
[17:24:16] GreyFoxx: so do the match
[17:24:36] inono: 100 hours eh?
[17:24:47] GreyFoxx: yeah. Assuming the show goes up to 9G
[17:24:49] inono: that doesnt count all of the DVDs, rips, etc, that i would put on there?
[17:24:51] GreyFoxx: most report closer to 6
[17:25:13] GreyFoxx: inono: We were talking about recording space, not general use space
[17:25:16] inono: hm
[17:25:28] inono: probably there woud be a separate frontend computer anyways
[17:25:35] GreyFoxx: how the fsck should we know how big your pr0n collection is  :)
[17:25:43] inono: hmm no
[17:26:10] inono: im assuming for a frontend you just need something capable of decoding mpeg4 in real time and thats it?
[17:26:40] GreyFoxx: That depends on what precisely you are playing back
[17:26:50] inono: well, whats the worst case scenario for a frontend
[17:27:01] GreyFoxx: Any 700mhz to 1Gz machine will playback SDTV content inclkuding xvid and such
[17:27:13] inono: HD of course
[17:27:17] GreyFoxx: but you will want a xp2500 and up for HDTV playback
[17:27:31] inono: hm
[17:27:39] inono: wonder if i can put a core2duo into a small form factor computer?
[17:27:51] GreyFoxx: I imagine you could
[17:28:06] inono: can you split the transcoding up to different computers?
[17:28:15] inono: i have a lot at my parents home
[17:28:24] GreyFoxx: yes and no
[17:28:40] GreyFoxx: you can make other machines transcode shows, but each machine will only do 1 show a t a time
[17:28:52] GreyFoxx: so 3 machines transcoding 3 shows, not 3 machines transcoding 1 show
[17:28:52] inono: so 5 machines = 5 shows at once right
[17:29:08] inono: yeah thats ok, it adds up quick when you have many shows
[17:29:35] inono: im guessing the backend box needs to be the one which is connected to the cable box?
[17:29:56] GreyFoxx: I can probably count on 2 hands the number of shows I've transcoded in the last 4 years with myth :)
[17:30:08] GreyFoxx: inono: Yeah
[17:30:37] inono: hm, wonder how i'd do that, i want a small form box next to my receiver/cable box , but i would want a more powerful box (i assume?) to be the backend
[17:30:39] GreyFoxx: If you are using a cable box, I assume you are gonna try and record over firewire ?
[17:30:46] inono: yep comcast
[17:36:30] williammanda: would someone give me command for editing a text file please ty
[17:36:37] juski: vi
[17:36:39] juski: nano
[17:36:41] juski: vim
[17:36:49] williammanda: ty
[17:37:07] juski: you're a newbie eh
[17:37:24] williammanda: yes....very tired of microsoft
[17:37:38] williammanda: i have to start somewhere :)
[17:38:44] juski: nano is prolly better for you since vi has cryptic black magic commands
[17:39:26] juski: lots of people swear by vi, newbies swear AT vi ;)
[17:40:23] sinisterguy (sinisterguy! has quit ("I'm an IRC virus, blah blah, whatever.")
[17:40:37] rwscott (rwscott! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:40:51] williammanda: what is the diffenence between atrpms.repo and atrpms.repo.1?
[17:41:18] williammanda: the text is the same in both files
[17:42:47] rwscott (rwscott! has quit (Client Quit)
[17:50:39] Milosch: my guess, .1 is the second download of the same file
[17:58:27] williammanda: ok i getting the same pasring error when I rey to install sound driver
[17:58:41] williammanda: warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 66534c2b
[17:58:52] williammanda: GPG key parsing failed: can't set attribute
[17:59:03] williammanda: I lost at this point
[17:59:36] williammanda: I went through setting up the atirpm & freshrpm last night....
[17:59:39] russellb_ (russellb_!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla) has quit ()
[17:59:47] williammanda: I just verified it
[18:00:04] williammanda: so I don't know how to resolve this error
[18:00:05] devnore (devnore! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:00:13] devnore: hello
[18:00:53] williammanda: this was the command i just used...yum install alsa-kmdl-$KVER
[18:01:25] juski: williammanda: a quick google has shown me that what's happening to you is that the packages have been signed with the wrong GPG keys
[18:01:46] juski: hi devnore
[18:02:00] williammanda: the gpg keys are used for?
[18:02:36] juski: williammanda: source authentication, so you can be sure you're getting what you think you are
[18:03:10] juski: FC seems like an awful lot of messing about
[18:03:22] Milosch: or he may have said N instead of y at some point
[18:03:30] Milosch: /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora.repo might have some info
[18:03:38] Milosch:
[18:03:45] williammanda: i answer yes
[18:03:51] williammanda: ty milo
[18:04:21] gardengnome: juski: wasn't FC just a public beta for RHEL? ;)
[18:04:22] Milosch: first time connect to each repository it asks about installing the key, afaik
[18:05:10] lcase (lcase! has quit ()
[18:05:13] Milosch: dunno, when my RH9 system failed to upgrade to FC1, I dumped all of it ;)
[18:05:23] Milosch: went debian then ubuntu
[18:05:41] gardengnome: sheesh. i'm doing a server install of ubuntu dapper on a box with 64M of RAM and it says "entering low memory mode".
[18:06:34] devnore: i just updated to mythtv 0.20 and now i cant watch Tv any more...
[18:06:38] TTT_Travis (TTT_Travis! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:06:41] Milosch: gardengnome: 64M ?
[18:06:54] devnore: says invalid file in the RingBuf
[18:07:04] gardengnome: Milosch: 64MB ;)
[18:07:20] Milosch: oy
[18:07:49] gardengnome: Milosch: it's just a virtual machine that'll act as a tftp and dhcp server
[18:07:59] gardengnome: virtualbox is a nice piece of software o/
[18:09:24] juski: forums seem to be down again :(
[18:10:33] gardengnome: juski: :( hope it gets fixed. coume is away for the weekend i think
[18:10:43] gardengnome: juski: no, works here
[18:11:40] TTT_Travis: ok so X can't detect my modeline for my Sharp 37" AQUOS LC-37D5U LCD TV
[18:11:45] TTT_Travis: how can I figure it out?
[18:15:16] juski: oh wow I made a breakthrough with this site redesign!
[18:16:23] Smirnov (Smirnov! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:16:45] kormoc (kormoc! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:16:45] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v kormoc
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[18:32:37] SlicerDicer-: hey kormoc do you know of any svn ebuilds?
[18:34:54] kormoc: just the ones that I maintain
[18:35:23] TTT_Travis: ok I found a modeline for my monitor, added it to the config and when I startx I still get this
[18:35:23] TTT_Travis:
[18:35:35] TTT_Travis: where is it finding that modeline from?
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[18:58:33] devnore: i'v got a problem with my pvr-500 (ubuntu drapper)
[18:59:04] devnore: got something to do with Ringbuf and not being able to watch LiveTV
[19:01:26] devnore: when i try cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg it shows up nice in mplayer
[19:01:46] Smirnov: i had that before
[19:01:51] Smirnov: are you getting fd -1
[19:01:57] devnore: yepp
[19:02:00] Smirnov: ok
[19:02:03] Smirnov: i think it goes away after a while
[19:02:11] devnore: cold reboot maybe?
[19:02:23] Smirnov: try watching it until you get booted back to the main menu, then watch it again several times
[19:02:33] Smirnov: at least i did something like that and after a while i dont get the error anymore
[19:02:49] devnore: i'v tried that like 10 times... not in a row though
[19:02:56] Smirnov: so i dont know, its prtty messed up.. also if it helps i am running my backend and frontend as the same user mythtv
[19:03:09] devnore: me 2
[19:03:23] Smirnov: all i know is that it goes away after a while :-|
[19:03:28] Smirnov: its a messed up error like that.
[19:03:44] devnore: well fd -1 seams like it's a unhandled error
[19:03:47] Smirnov: yeah sad right? i spent 2 days on the newsgroup trying to figure out what happened
[19:04:25] devnore: what ver of the ivtv-driver where u using?
[19:04:34] gardengnome: maybe you need to run mythtv-setup and delete your card and add it again
[19:04:51] gardengnome: not sure if that's going to help, though
[19:04:56] Smirnov: oh yeah
[19:05:03] Smirnov: that could help
[19:05:10] devnore: i'll try that
[19:05:19] Smirnov: my problem *might* have been caused cause i ran the setup in .18 then upgraded to .20 without rerunning the setup
[19:05:26] Smirnov: im in .20 now and i cleaned out my setup and saved it again, works ok
[19:05:32] Smirnov: so make sure ur using .20
[19:05:45] devnore: well i cleared it when i upgraded
[19:05:46] Mixx (Mixx! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:05:57] Smirnov: it never hurts to do it again
[19:06:19] Smirnov: sounds like voodoo right? if only there was a tried-and-true solution to the error
[19:06:22] devnore: even droped the db and did a dpkg-reconfigure --force myth-database
[19:06:49] devnore: shall i delete the video-sources ?
[19:06:55] Smirnov: yes
[19:06:56] Smirnov: delete alllll
[19:07:19] devnore: restart myth-setup before i add again?
[19:07:48] gardengnome: i don't see why you would have to remove the video sources
[19:08:03] devnore: already done so.. :S
[19:08:03] plb_ (plb_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:08:21] devnore: next question V4l or Mpeg-2 encoder card
[19:08:22] plb_: where do I put fonts for OSD?
[19:08:32] gardengnome: devnore: mpeg-2 encoder card.
[19:10:18] Milosch: bbiaf, doing a dist upgrade
[19:10:42] plb_: er nm found it
[19:11:16] Milosch: oh well, guess i'll stick around until it kicks me
[19:14:12] Fooker: transcode failed with status 0. Any ideas what this would mean? mythbackend.log provides no more info
[19:14:17] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: kinda went away you still here?
[19:14:23] SlicerDicer-: what ebuilds do you maintain?
[19:14:28] SlicerDicer-: link?
[19:14:31] SlicerDicer-: or is it at your site?
[19:14:33] devnore: well if this doesn't work i'll try unplugging the TV, Computer and unplugg the antenna
[19:14:39] kormoc: SlicerDicer-, sitw
[19:14:42] kormoc: *site
[19:14:51] SlicerDicer-: ok
[19:16:15] _mike3: how many more days!
[19:16:26] _mike3: I want my damn hauppauge card. :p
[19:16:55] _mike3: What a boring Saturday... :s
[19:17:00] _mike3: I should sleep..
[19:18:18] Sembiance: transcoding is so freaking confusing
[19:18:31] Fooker: This is weird. No error messages in mythbackend's log, yet the transcode fails and mythfrontend reports it failing
[19:18:35] cesman (cesman!n=cecil@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cesman) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:18:45] cesman: howdy
[19:18:59] gardengnome: heya cesman
[19:19:04] Sembiance: I mean you have these 'Recording Profiles' lots of them it seems... two belong to tuner groups but one is transcoding? ugh so confusing
[19:19:16] cesman: hello gardengnome
[19:19:23] Sembiance: autodetect, etc. ugh
[19:20:05] williammanda: sorry to ask this here but i can't a reply from the fedora room .Error: Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: atrpms
[19:20:20] ** juski senses a couple of forum users are about to be banned for discussing naughty things **
[19:20:25] williammanda: i can't find a good fix on google either
[19:21:10] Fooker: Is there a way to clear the cutlist?
[19:21:38] juski: Fooker: of course there is
[19:21:44] Mixx` (Mixx`! has quit (Connection timed out)
[19:22:05] devnore: hmm... i cant get the tuner to be displayed on xawtv neither
[19:22:16] devnore: can it be a Xorg issue?
[19:22:51] Fooker: juski: Nevermind, found it.
[19:25:17] devnore: hmm... Library API version 0.20.20060828–3
[19:33:23] Jack3: hey guys, any of you use an xbox with mythtgv?
[19:33:25] Jack3: mythtv*
[19:35:29] sebrock|a (sebrock|a! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:37:03] Aurelius: devnore: i missed it, what tuner?
[19:39:06] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:39:47] Ediehow: hi friends
[19:40:08] Ediehow: quick question, if i am watching somethign that goes from 1–3, and a recording is at 3, if i am on a delay and it wants to start recording at 3, it still makes me stop watching
[19:40:38] Ediehow: like, if it is 2:59 and i am still at 2:30 on watching delay, it will turn it for me
[19:40:43] Ediehow: it won't let me watch till 2:59
[19:44:39] TTT_Travis (TTT_Travis! has quit ("OUT")
[19:47:13] Hobbiticus (Hobbiticus! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:48:15] spacecoaster (spacecoaster! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:48:39] Hobbiticus: ok, so i've got a problem with my channel listings...
[19:48:58] Hobbiticus: i've got 2 tuners – an HD tuner card and a firewire connection to my cable box
[19:49:20] Hobbiticus: when I populate the channel listings AFTER I add the HD tuner, all of the listings for my cable box go away
[19:49:36] Hobbiticus: except for the channels that both can receive
[19:50:09] amrit|zzz is now known as amrit|bbl
[19:50:43] a1fa (a1fa!n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:50:44] Hobbiticus: i'm using the same channel lineup for both tuners, but on seperate video sources
[19:53:22] psyco-obiwan (psyco-obiwan!n=cschnee@2001:4060:4419:b1:0:0:0:2) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:53:39] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:53:39] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[19:53:39] williammanda: i need some advice for mythtv install....
[19:54:23] williammanda: fedora is telling me not to atrpms.....they are not sure whether mythtv will work without it...
[19:54:51] williammanda: the websites I'm using to install mythtv with fedora tell me to do it...
[19:55:20] williammanda: but I can't get around this error....Error: Cannot open/read repomd.xml file for repository: atrpms
[19:55:38] williammanda: so do I need to use an linux pkg?
[19:55:57] williammanda: what has everyone else used here with success?
[19:56:47] russellb_ (russellb_!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla) has quit ()
[19:57:30] zigovr3: hi all, how could I write a rule that says "record a program with this title every week on that day (friday)" ?
[19:57:44] zigovr3: without specifying the time, or with a fuzzy time
[19:57:55] kormoc: you can't
[19:58:01] Jack3: can someone tell me if I run my myth frontend on my xbox, can i watch live tv on it to?
[19:58:04] zigovr3: that's annoying
[19:58:13] kormoc: feel free to submit patches
[19:58:28] Jack3: as in pause/rewind etc?
[19:58:33] zigovr3: in fact what's missing, it the possibility to have a fuzzy time
[19:58:50] zigovr3: instead of exact time, typically, from one week to the other, programs won't start on the exact same time
[19:59:48] zigovr3: sure I could provide a patch, but am I the only person who asked for that, or is that a popular request ?
[20:00:22] kormoc: check the wiki's feature request page, that's likely where it'd be if it's popular
[20:01:23] zigovr3: ok
[20:01:36] Sembiance: thank god for mythweb. If I had to do everything through the mythfrontend I'd go crazy
[20:01:59] Ediehow: me too
[20:02:30] xris: Sembiance: you're welcome. :)
[20:02:38] zigovr3: also, a nice feature would be an advanced setting where you write yourself the SQL rule to select programs to record
[20:02:53] gardengnome: that's already possible
[20:02:57] zigovr3: is it ?
[20:03:08] H00chster: so xris, how far out are ya at getting streaming built into mythweb?
[20:03:27] xris: williammanda: sounds like axel is having trouble with one of the servers at the moment. You could just wait for things to resolve themselves (which they will), or install by hand.
[20:03:37] zigovr3: gardengnome: can you tell me where I can access to this feature ?
[20:03:46] xris: H00chster: haven't put much effort into it other than the asx stuff that's already in svn.
[20:03:58] xris: still waiting for some code to go into the backend before I do too much more.
[20:04:00] H00chster: ahh thought u were working on other things
[20:04:06] H00chster: ahh understand
[20:04:49] williammanda: long should I wait?
[20:06:01] xris: williammanda: well, you could always file a bug report at (or make sure one isn't there already).
[20:06:07] gardengnome: zigovr3: not off-hand, no.
[20:11:59] Jack3: hm how do i find where my videos are stored on mythtv/knoppmyth?
[20:12:06] Jack3: i thought it was /mnt but theres nothing there
[20:14:52] Jack3: ah its in /myth
[20:20:11] squish102: any1 seen this error. i am trying to create a dvd and this is in the log
[20:20:12] squish102: ERR: Cannot jump to chapter 3 of title 1, only 2 exist
[20:20:12] squish102: ERR: in VTSM pgc 0, button 3
[20:20:12] squish102: ************************************************************
[20:20:12] squish102: ERROR: Failed while running dvdauthor. Result: 1
[20:21:14] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:21:15] Jack3: can anyone help me with this myswl
[20:21:18] Jack3: mysql
[20:21:29] Jack3: it says i need to:You'll also need to check that the "networking" feature of MySQL is turned on. Check that /etc/mysql/my.cnf does not contain skip-networking. If it does, remove it. Also verify that bind-address is set to your IP address instead of If you change either of these items, restart MySQL.
[20:21:47] Jack3: i see the bind-address=
[20:21:55] Jack3: so i need to change ,but to what?
[20:22:03] Jack3: the ip of where the front end will be (xbox)?
[20:22:10] juski: Jack3: change it to the ip address of the backend
[20:22:35] Jack3: the backend is isnt it ?
[20:22:41] Jack3: its gonna be on the computer?
[20:22:47] juski: no the *real* IP address
[20:23:11] juski: :)
[20:24:03] juski: if you use xbmcmythtv you'll also need to make sure the recordings dir is shared over samba
[20:24:46] juski: and restart mythbackend of course
[20:25:31] juski: you might have to change the database privileges as well
[20:25:32] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:25:59] juski: xris: what do you reckon to ?
[20:26:43] xris: it's ok. I still prefer one of the more flowy ones from before
[20:27:11] juski: I can't remember how I got to that mockup11.png
[20:28:15] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:28:28] juski: I'm saving this lot with every single change I make this time
[20:29:59] Sembiance: Woot! I got transcoding working on my HDTV streams.
[20:30:15] Sembiance: Sadly however it adds a 10 pixel opaque bar at the bottom
[20:30:37] Sembiance: It's not in the original... only the transcoded version
[20:31:54] Sembiance: hrm....
[20:32:16] asheron (asheron! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:32:53] [2]Jack3: juski
[20:33:03] [2]Jack3: i was gonna install xebian on my xbox and put mythfrontend on that
[20:33:15] [2]Jack3: or is xbmcmyth better?
[20:33:23] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:33:34] Ediehow: is it me or does mythtvarchive usage REALLY slow the system down?
[20:33:42] Ediehow: it's locked up my computer 2–3 times just by clicking on it in mythfrontend
[20:33:51] Ediehow: and when i do get it running, it slows things down tremendously
[20:34:49] Smirnov: Anyone elese here have a PVR-150 MCE edition with a "MCE"-like remote?I can't figure out how to program the volume and power buttons
[20:35:15] juski: Jack3: xbmcmythtv boots up in about 10 seconds
[20:35:21] juski: no contest :)
[20:35:40] xris: Sembiance: 1080i?
[20:35:43] juski: also, xbmcmythtv isn't sucky slow on the xbox whereas linux in 32MB ram definitely *is*
[20:36:16] xris: juski: you need a subversion server
[20:36:24] Sembiance: xris: The source content is 1080p. I watch it with mplayer and it's perfect. My transcode is set up to resize it to 1280x720 MPEG4. The resulting transcoded file has about 10 pixels of opqaue color matched blur at the bottom
[20:36:45] Sembiance: xris: A solid bar going across, the pixels being all blurred and matching the colors of the video
[20:37:01] Sembiance: xris: ahh....
[20:37:43] williammanda: can anyone suggest a linux pkg to use with mythtv that wouldn't be hard for new linux user
[20:37:43] xris: I had issues like that with nuvexport... are you using mythtranscode?
[20:37:59] xris: or is this something else? (where do you get 1080p content?)
[20:38:03] Sembiance: xris: It's recording from my HDHomeRun box... mplayer on the original recording myth makes says VIDEO: MPEG2 1920x1080 (aspect 3) 29.970 fps 65000.0 kbps (8125.0 kbyte/s)
[20:38:16] xris: williammanda: knopmyth
[20:38:44] xris: Sembiance: try forcing 1088 as the input height
[20:38:45] Sembiance: xris: Myth records it. Then myth uses transcode (mythtranscode) configured to resize to 1280x720 with MPEG4
[20:39:02] Sembiance: xris: Is that an option I pass to mythtranscode?
[20:39:12] Sembiance: xris: or a record option
[20:39:19] [2]Jack3: juski, can i watch live tv with the xbmc script?
[20:39:34] juski: Jack3: I think you can. not tried it for a long time
[20:39:45] [2]Jack3: hmm ill have to try setting that up
[20:40:38] Sembiance: xris: I'm running MythTV 0.20_p12376 according to 0.21 release notes "When resizing video in the lossy side of mythtranscode, trim off the bottom 8 pixels when we encounter a video file that is 1088 pixels high"
[20:40:45] Sembiance: xris: maybe upgrading myth will be enough...
[20:41:01] xris: Sembiance: could be.
[20:41:04] Loto: [2]Jack3 : you should be able to
[20:41:35] sinisterguy (sinisterguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:42:21] ** Sembiance hunts for a higher version Gentoo ebuild :) **
[20:42:26] Sembiance: xris: thanks sooo much for your help
[20:42:37] Sembiance: xris: You've got me set down the right path that might have taken me a long time to figure out myself
[20:42:44] [2]Jack3: cool
[20:42:50] [2]Jack3: Loto, your from the xbmc arent you?
[20:42:54] [2]Jack3: xbmc cahnnel*
[20:42:55] [2]Jack3: on efnet
[20:43:09] Loto: yeah
[20:43:14] Loto: it on freenode now
[20:43:18] Loto: /j #xbmc
[20:43:19] [2]Jack3: oh yeh..
[20:43:34] xris: Sembiance: higher version won't help unless you're pulling from trunk instead of fixes.
[20:43:44] xris: talk to kormoc if you want an ebuild for svn.
[20:44:23] [2]Jack3 is now known as Jack3
[20:44:35] Sembiance: xris: according to the changelogs, the fix is in mythtranscode... I wonder if it would be possible to SVN checkout and just build mythttranscode
[20:44:41] Sembiance: I wonder how self contained it is
[20:46:53] sinisterguy: i'm having a problem with myth playing ogg theora files in ubuntu edgy. What happens is the screen goes black and I get this output:
[20:47:08] juski: xris: try mythsite2.png
[20:48:21] juski: there's a teeny glitch in one corner but I can work that out.. this is just a test ;)
[20:48:26] xris: juski: you'll need to kill the rounded bit in the top/bottom left
[20:48:52] juski: righto
[20:49:04] juski: but I'm getting back to the one you really liked, yes?
[20:49:26] Jack3: whats the mythprotocolversion?
[20:49:30] xris: closer.
[20:49:35] Jack3: im guessing 28/29?
[20:49:44] xris: Jack3: if you're talking about an error, it means your frontend/backend are not the same version
[20:50:10] Jack3: no, on the xbmc script it says i need to enter the mythprotocol version, and it only shows up to what .19 was, which was 27
[20:50:21] Jack3: so is .20 28?
[20:50:30] juski: might be 30 or 31
[20:50:40] devnore: mine .20 is 31
[20:50:48] xris: juski: I still remember the buttons on the left being nicer.. though I really like the new menu2 button
[20:51:22] xris: Jack3: do you have mythweb installed? it's right at the top of includes/mythbackend.php
[20:51:26] juski: I should have called menu2 mouseover
[20:51:32] bjohnson (bjohnson! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:51:43] juski: unless you want only the text to have rollovers of course
[20:51:59] juski: it's all still very vague in my mind how it's gonna pan out
[20:54:31] xris: juski: ahh I'd leave the trough for both mousever/not.. but for mouseover, shift things down/right one pixel and darken/less-contrast the colors.
[20:55:21] juski: ah k
[20:55:33] devnore: hmm...
[20:55:55] dffdfsdfsd (dffdfsdfsd! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:56:51] devnore:
[20:57:01] juski: xris: mythsite3.png is uploaded
[20:57:23] visit0r: kormoc: here's the patch that implements the features to we discussed, if you remember?
[20:57:24] timo (timo! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:57:31] xris: juski: I'd also still probably go for having the dark blue from the top menu go all the way down the left column, like 15 pixels wide
[20:57:31] asheron (asheron! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:57:54] xris: visit0r: he may not be around. he's apparently quite hung over
[20:58:08] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has quit ("Sho Ryu Ken")
[20:58:34] xris: visit0r: farewell party for a coworker (who lives across the street from him).
[20:58:47] visit0r: xris: I see. he's a friend of yours?
[20:58:55] timo (timo! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:59:00] xris: visit0r: met here, but I hired him a couple of years ago
[20:59:11] visit0r: xris: alright..
[20:59:24] xris: then my boss stole him from me.
[20:59:33] visit0r: anyways, others also in this channel might want test the script, it works now for 0.20 also as it can insert the metadata to Myth DB directly..
[20:59:40] visit0r: xris: so he's now your boss, right? :)
[21:00:01] xris: nah. he's just a sysadmin instead of a developer
[21:00:05] sinisterguy (sinisterguy! has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:02:57] juski: xris: mythwebsite5.png
[21:03:01] juski: oops
[21:03:14] juski: mythsite5.png
[21:03:20] devnore: anybody know why LiveTV is lagging like a mofo with my PVR-500 and myth 0.20 ?
[21:03:44] Aurelius: lagging?
[21:03:50] juski: devnore: if you have a cpu which is < 1Ghz maybe
[21:03:57] xris: juski: sweet. could be a little thinner on the left if you want (purely opinion now), and make that transition a rounded bit (on the dark blue "armpit" area)
[21:04:02] juski: or if you've not installed proper video drivers for your vga card
[21:04:07] devnore: cpu is 1.4ghz with 256mb ram
[21:04:13] xris: devnore: define lagging
[21:04:16] Aurelius: devnore: explain lagging
[21:04:17] Aurelius: heh
[21:04:22] juski: xris: I was thinking of making that 'armpit' rounded
[21:04:24] devnore: video and sound is sluggish
[21:04:49] xris: juski: good. we're in agreement, then.  :)
[21:04:50] Aurelius: is it not going 30fps?
[21:04:55] Aurelius: err
[21:04:57] Aurelius: 24
[21:04:58] Aurelius: heh
[21:05:06] ** Aurelius just noticed you were in .se **
[21:05:14] devnore: :)
[21:05:23] devnore: i'll boot it up again
[21:05:27] devnore: 1 sec
[21:05:29] Aurelius: is it going less than 24fps?
[21:05:32] devnore: yes
[21:05:35] Aurelius: oh
[21:05:41] Aurelius: what does top show you when you run it?
[21:06:01] devnore: ahh... now i got that fd -1 thing again
[21:06:04] Aurelius: vmstat, iostat, la la la
[21:06:10] Aurelius: find the bottleneck.
[21:06:13] devnore: RingBuf is fucking with me.
[21:06:35] Aurelius: oh
[21:06:45] ** xris didn't think that .20 still had a ringbuffer **
[21:07:07] Aurelius: does on mine
[21:07:40] Aurelius: i think
[21:07:44] Anduin: It doesn't
[21:07:59] Aurelius: hrm, well, they didn't remove the UI fields then
[21:08:19] gardengnome: are you talking about the ringbuffer for certain HDTV cards?
[21:08:46] Aurelius: i don't remember
[21:08:55] Aurelius: i just remember seeing something in the UI about a ringbuffer
[21:09:02] devnore: Mine pvr-500 with phillips tuner
[21:09:06] devnore: :S
[21:09:07] ** gardengnome nods and wanders off **
[21:09:40] williammanda (williammanda! has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
[21:09:58] devnore: maybe install ratpoison and try running it though there..
[21:10:02] xris: devnore: define "lag"
[21:10:23] xris: slow/jumpy playback, or just lagging behind "real" live tv?
[21:10:30] devnore: video and sound freezes
[21:11:14] xris: ick
[21:11:45] ** xris thinks it looks like a good day to play with a chainsaw and clear out the fallen tree **
[21:12:04] gardengnome: it's always a good day to play with a chainsaw.
[21:12:17] juski: ssshhh my wife wants a chainsaw
[21:12:41] devnore: i whant a working HTPC setup.-.. :S
[21:12:42] juski: I daren't get her one cos last time she was at home alone with garden tools we ended up with no trees in the garden almost
[21:12:53] Sembiance: I just finished building my new MythTV box. However my old MythTV box has years of programs that I've already watched. Is there a safe way to inform the new MythTV box of shows that I've already seen so it doesn't record them again?
[21:13:05] Mixx` (Mixx`! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:13:06] Sembiance: is it the 'oldrecorded' table?
[21:13:38] xris: Sembiance: that's part of it, yes.
[21:13:51] xris: Sembiance: you could just copy the whole db over from the old box
[21:14:19] Sembiance: well.. the old box isn't running the same version
[21:14:31] xris: it should upgrade the db just fine.
[21:14:38] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:14:48] SnoopyTwo (SnoopyTwo! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:14:50] xris: safer to do the whole thing than just a few tables
[21:15:03] xris: esp. if you want to bring existing recordings over, too
[21:15:10] devnore: xris: it freezes about every 0.5 sec for 0.5 sec
[21:15:22] Sembiance: nah I had watched all the shows on the old box in prep of turning it off
[21:15:29] juski: xris: mythsite6.png ... with a little shadow under the surfaces I think it's gonna be nice
[21:15:54] juski: shit where did that text come from? thought I'd unselected it
[21:15:56] Sembiance: Problem is, I've already configured my new machine. It has different tuners, different settings, etc. So a straight database copy from old to new would over-write all that :)
[21:16:15] juski: gone :)
[21:17:02] devnore: ivtv-enc-vbi is at about 76%
[21:17:35] juski: Sembiance: do just grab the oldrecorded, recorded, record, recordedmarkup, channel from the old db
[21:17:44] juski: s/do/so
[21:18:22] xris: Sembiance: just a matter of what you think is more work.
[21:19:02] Sembiance: My new box is working so well... I'm hesitant to try any database fancy-shmancy ;)
[21:19:03] xris: juski: still need to fix the top left corner (round will look weird in a browser window).
[21:19:17] xris: and it looks like the white reflection on the left-menu buttons is a little too bright for the text.
[21:19:20] Sembiance: juski: thanks for the list. I've copied it down, and will think about it some more before acting :)
[21:21:08] juski: xris: mythsite8.png
[21:21:29] devnore: should ivtv-enc-vbi be at 76% CPU usage?
[21:21:57] juski: that's just about it now. took some getting back to where I was before the disaster
[21:22:27] xris: juski: nice. I think maybe a little wider with the dark blue on the left.. and then figure out some way to add shadows between both the dark and light blue areas and the white page.
[21:22:40] juski: xris: as good as done :)
[21:22:48] Skiingsean_sleep is now known as Skiingsean
[21:23:04] juski: the blue on the left is currently 6px wide
[21:23:28] xris: go for 10 or 12?
[21:23:34] xris: what was it at first?
[21:23:49] juski: was 15
[21:24:10] xris: 10, then
[21:24:37] devnore: this just looks like alot of still images :(
[21:26:27] xris: devnore: cpu usage? what happens when you play back the files with something like mplayer?
[21:27:14] ethernalq (ethernalq! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:27:38] devnore: xris: playback by mplayer is good
[21:27:50] devnore: cpu-usage about 90%
[21:28:33] xris: devnore: that doesn't sound right... but I remember hearing something about buggy stuff with vbi.
[21:29:14] devnore: maybe some conf with ivtvctl could work :S
[21:30:11] devnore: is is possible that the hw-enc/dec is bypassed or something and all enc/dec is done in software?
[21:30:13] EnterUserName (EnterUserName!n=dave@pdpc/supporter/student/GeekZoid) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:30:15] xris: might want to search through the ivtv mailing list archives
[21:30:28] xris: no decoding with your card
[21:30:48] devnore: ahh... damn
[21:30:55] xris: but I don't know. I just remember someone in here a week or two ago with a similar issue with high cpu usage
[21:32:12] xris: juski: I'm headed out for a bit. feel free to pm me new links as you come up with them. I think we're really close, though.
[21:33:04] gardengnome: take care with that chainsaw
[21:33:13] xris: gardengnome: thx.
[21:34:21] devnore: hmm... turn off vbi :S
[21:34:41] devnore: where is that done? in mythtv-setup or in frontend?
[21:38:38] juski: aye xris watch those limbs & pinkies ;)
[21:43:46] cesman (cesman!n=cecil@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/cesman) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:44:25] devnore: hm... i set vbi format to none but it's still laggin quite a bit
[21:45:24] [1]Jack3 is now known as Jack3
[21:48:13] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:48:14] Ediehow: help friends
[21:48:18] Ediehow: when trying to use mytharchive
[21:48:23] Ediehow: 2007-01–27 14:52:22 ERROR: Failed while running ffmpeg to re-encode the audio to ac3
[21:48:24] Ediehow: Command was ffmpeg -v 0 -y -threads 2 -i '/myth/tmp//work/1/stream0.mp2' -f ac3 -ab 192 -ar 48000 '/myth/tmp//work/1/stream0.ac3'
[21:48:25] Ediehow: 2007-01–27 14:52:22 ************************************************************
[21:48:27] Ediehow: 2007-01–27 14:52:22
[21:48:30] Ediehow: 2007-01–27 14:52:22 Terminated
[21:48:49] Ediehow: i let it do the default "do not reencode" option?
[21:51:01] waldo: i'm using mythcontrols to reconfigure some of the buttons on my pvr-150 remote
[21:51:09] waldo: and i want the "menu" button to *gasp* go to the main menu
[21:51:16] waldo: but it won't register that button as a keypress
[21:54:29] devnore: [17183468.196000] ivtv0 warning: No memory on buffer alloc!
[21:54:32] devnore: [17183468.196000] ivtv0 warning: Needed 20480 bufs for encoder MPEG stream, received 0 (buffers free 0, dma 0, full 142)
[21:54:50] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:54:51] devnore: does this mean i have to change the malloc ?
[21:56:19] devnore: or can i down-sample in some way?
[21:56:52] SnoopyTwo: Hi all....
[21:57:44] SnoopyTwo: I'm unable to record anything but static using the PVR-500 /dev/video0 device.....
[21:57:53] SnoopyTwo: everything looks good otherwise...
[21:57:56] SnoopyTwo: Any ideas?
[21:57:59] waldo: SnoopyTwo: it's an ivtv problem, then.
[21:58:18] SnoopyTwo: yeah.... I'm using the ivtv driver.....
[21:58:35] SnoopyTwo: Anyone know how to debug such a problem further?
[21:58:57] cesman (cesman! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:00:37] devnore: SnoopyTwo: not me... i'm stuck @ having choppy video & sound and 90% cpu usage on mine
[22:05:21] gberardi: People keep talking about MythTV staying up for months on end, but it seems that no matter what I do, I keep having to reboot my machine due to my card dying.
[22:05:38] gberardi: Is it possible that my nforce 410-based motherboard is the culprit?
[22:07:15] juski: gberardi: pre-emptive kernel might be the cause of that
[22:07:43] gberardi: juski: Oh?
[22:07:45] juski: xris: mythsite8a.png
[22:07:48] juski: gberardi: yeah
[22:07:49] ** gberardi starts googling it **
[22:10:42] gberardi: I had found this page that claims it might be a problem with MythTV not working with ivtv correctly:
[22:12:05] waldo: gberardi: the ivtv-users mailing list is probably the right group to talk to
[22:12:08] CCFL_Man (CCFL_Man! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:12:11] CCFL_Man (CCFL_Man! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:14:12] gberardi: waldo: Assuming it is a problem with ivtv. I was wondering if it might be a problem with my motherboard. I haven't found too much information, but what I did fine points to either a problem with my hardware or a problem with MythTV. I have tried multiple versions of ivtv and have the same problems, and the PVR-150 is supposed to be well-supported (with lots of other people enjoying it), so the most likely
[22:15:23] gberardi: When I run lspci, I get a lot of unknown devices listed made by Nvidia, which makes me think that the nForce 410 chipset-based motherboard is just not being driven correctly by the kernel.
[22:15:31] Milosch: woof
[22:15:35] Milosch: that was nice and painful
[22:17:23] waldo: gberardi: that's possible. the nvidia chipsets are always a little shaky
[22:17:47] Honk: or maybe your lspci database is outdated
[22:17:48] gberardi: The only other thing I had read was that the fact I was using an AMD64 X2 (dual core) might be a problem, but someone else suggested the problem may just be with the fact that it is 64-bit.
[22:17:48] Honk: :]
[22:18:06] waldo: crap. channel-up isn't working. or volume. stupid lirc.
[22:18:11] Zider: yes, amd is a problem, use intel ;)
[22:18:11] Honk: (lspci shows all pci devices, no matter if the kernel knows them or not)
[22:18:15] Zider: *ducks*
[22:18:19] Honk: (that's the reason why it's useful in the first place)
[22:18:43] gberardi: Honk: But if the kernel does know it, then it wouldn't be listed as an unknown device, right? Or did I misunderstand what lspci can do?
[22:19:03] Honk: lspci maps that
[22:19:05] Honk: not the kernel
[22:19:11] echosyp: where is the mysql conf file
[22:19:15] Honk: that's what i just said
[22:20:33] echosyp: ?
[22:20:33] echosyp: where is the mysql conf file
[22:20:33] echosyp: to change the password
[22:21:19] Honk: just start mythfrontend, it'll pop up a dialog, if the pw is incorrect :P
[22:21:23] Honk: (or check .mythtv)
[22:22:04] echosyp: well i started mythtv-setu
[22:22:11] echosyp: and got errors
[22:23:29] echosyp: thats my error ^
[22:24:15] echosyp: know how to fix that?
[22:24:35] Honk: well.. did you tell mysql that the user has access? :P
[22:24:43] juski: here's something folks might have a hope of using in mythtv one day:
[22:25:23] canadianman: i have a slight problem with my video, i have onboard dvi and a cable from dvi to component to my tv and i have 2 screens split down the middle
[22:25:28] echosyp: no
[22:25:35] echosyp: how do i do that
[22:25:40] canadianman: the color is off too
[22:25:42] Zider: juski: nice
[22:25:51] Honk: check the installation instructions :P
[22:27:06] canadianman: has anyone run into this problem b4?
[22:27:35] PFalcon: anyone recommend the best way to get the mysql to recognize that I am connecting from localhost without it resticting me into the database?
[22:28:23] echosyp: instructions
[22:28:28] echosyp: that would be nice
[22:29:10] juski: Zider: looks like they're using it as a framegrabber & turning it into HD MJPEG...!
[22:29:26] Zider: juski: cool :)
[22:29:46] juski: does colourspace conversion on the card which would save a lot of CPU time
[22:30:20] juski: absolutely no use for HDCP crippled devices though
[22:31:24] juski: like with firewire, those nasty men at the labs were sneaky & put the protection in the transceiver chips
[22:31:58] echosyp: how do i fix this mysql passwd issue
[22:32:55] juski: echosyp: you using ubuntu by any chance?
[22:34:00] echosyp: yes
[22:35:51] echosyp: yeah, assholes
[22:36:06] echosyp: well
[22:36:15] echosyp: i set it to Yes
[22:36:21] echosyp: like it was trying in the error
[22:36:28] echosyp: and still the samething
[22:36:44] juski: no no no
[22:37:10] juski: the mysql.txt file in /etc/mythtv contains the _actual_ password for the mythtv mysql user (note: not the 'mythtv' linux user)
[22:37:48] juski: if you know the mysql root password or if there's not one set you can very easily change the mythtv mysql user's password to something more memorable
[22:38:16] echosyp: ok
[22:38:49] echosyp: how do i fix this
[22:38:50] echosyp: Access denied for user 'mythtv'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
[22:39:22] juski: echosyp: do you want to set the password to 'mythtv' ?
[22:39:40] juski: first log in to mysql using mysql -u root
[22:39:56] juski: then type this: UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('mythtv') WHERE User='mythtv';
[22:40:07] juski: then type FLUSH PRIVILEGES;
[22:40:12] juski: then type exit
[22:40:27] juski: after that the mythtv mysql user's password will be mythtv
[22:41:01] juski: then edit /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt to reflect the new password
[22:41:04] _PacketScan (_PacketScan! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:41:08] juski: then try mythtv-setup
[22:41:44] juski: if I had $1 for every time someone had db access issues in Ubuntu with the mythtv packages I'd be as rich as Shuttleworth
[22:42:21] mishehu: and of course you'd give $0.50 for every time to your good ol' pal mishehu right?
[22:42:28] [1]Jack3: if i had $1 for ever piece of info i knew about shuttleworth i wouldhave 0 dolllars
[22:43:06] juski: the cynical part of me is very suspicious of that guy
[22:43:11] mishehu: I have no idea who shuttleworth is.
[22:43:17] juski: he's mister Ubuntu
[22:43:25] mishehu: ah
[22:43:39] pat_:
[22:43:48] echosyp: that didit
[22:43:50] echosyp: thanks
[22:43:52] mishehu: I only know one of the ubuntu guys... I don't think he's really up high in the food chain.
[22:43:58] echosyp: now its a whole new issue
[22:44:14] Ediehow: 2007-01–27 16:29:14 ERROR: Failed while running ffmpeg to re-encode the audio to ac3
[22:44:19] Ediehow: Command was ffmpeg -v 0 -y -threads 2 -i '/myth/tmp//work/1/stream0.mp2' -f ac3 -ab 192 -ar 48000 '/myth/tmp//work/1/stream0.ac3'
[22:44:28] juski: wow there's an echo in here again
[22:44:28] Ediehow: ohhh
[22:44:34] Ediehow: ffmpeg: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/ undefined symbol: dlclose
[22:44:55] mishehu: heh, you got dl?
[22:45:05] PacketScan (PacketScan! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:45:07] Ediehow: i'm confused
[22:45:16] mishehu: as in libdl
[22:45:24] Ediehow: how do i determine?
[22:45:34] mishehu: slocate*
[22:45:41] mishehu: that might work.
[22:45:47] Ediehow: newp
[22:46:08] [1]Jack3 is now known as Jack3
[22:46:17] echosyp: i have no mouse
[22:47:35] mishehu: see if you're missing any libs that libavcodec wants to look for.
[22:47:45] Ediehow: i don't see "missing"
[22:48:07] mishehu: Ediehow: pastebin what it returns.
[22:48:08] Ediehow:
[22:48:28] mishehu: good, criminal minds think alike
[22:48:29] mishehu: heh
[22:48:54] ** juski is off to watch some mythtv :-P **
[22:49:16] mishehu: Ediehow: yeah, it seems to have found all libs. what distro do you run?
[22:49:19] Ediehow: fc6
[22:49:23] Ediehow: but it has some at.rpms
[22:49:23] psm321: Ediehow: someone else had that problem a few days ago, something with pakcages overwriting libraries
[22:49:24] Ediehow: and
[22:49:33] Ediehow: psm321: remember the solution?:)
[22:49:47] Ediehow: both ffmpeg and libav are from atrpms
[22:50:02] mishehu: I use slackware and normally build these things form source...
[22:50:08] mishehu: slackware and slamd64
[22:50:17] psm321:
[22:50:23] folkart: evening guys
[22:50:27] Ediehow: mishehu: i think there's probably a more simple solution for me than a new distro and recompiling;)
[22:50:53] psm321: summary: "Solution was to uninstall the x264 related packages from dries' repo and
[22:50:53] psm321: install the atrpms versions. It worked for me on fc5.
[22:51:03] Ediehow: rpmq 264
[22:51:12] Ediehow: thx psm
[22:51:13] Ediehow: is that personal service manager?;)
[22:51:21] psm321: no its my initials
[22:51:25] Ediehow: err wait
[22:51:30] Ediehow: libx264_50-svn20060912_2245–
[22:51:30] Ediehow: x264–0.0.0–0.3.20061214.fc6
[22:51:41] Ediehow: oh wait
[22:51:43] Ediehow: maybe the x264 is bad
[22:51:59] psm321: i dont use an rpm distro so i cant really comment further :-/
[22:52:12] Ediehow: oh
[22:52:16] Ediehow: both packages had the same deps
[22:53:05] folkart: i need to change color settings and such on myth....i can hit the "g" key on keyboard and see the settings but can't adjust do i adjust the settings?
[22:54:07] folkart: any help would be appreciated
[22:54:56] Ediehow: my cell phone company did something weird and ended up giving me $460 credit after I bought a $330 phone
[22:54:56] Ediehow: bizarre
[22:57:45] jakllsch (jakllsch! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:58:40] jakllsch: so, is there a gentoo ebuild that doesn't break protocol compatibility?
[22:58:52] mishehu: Ediehow: I wasn't suggesting a switch, I was just saying what my background is. I don't know fc very well.
[23:00:27] jakllsch: or, any other suggestions on getting a protocol 30 frontend talking to a 31 backend?
[23:00:32] BleedAway (BleedAway! has quit (Connection timed out)
[23:01:08] folkart: anyone here ever used the "g" key to adjust the settings?
[23:01:45] folkart: brightness, color, etc...?
[23:02:17] Ediehow: yay
[23:02:19] Ediehow: ffmpeg works now
[23:02:27] Ediehow: thanks everyone
[23:03:03] gberardi: folkart: I haven't, but I am reading that you just hit left and right to adjust it.
[23:03:17] folkart: hmmm
[23:03:21] SnoopyTwo (SnoopyTwo! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:03:25] folkart: ok...will try
[23:04:19] dffdfsdfsd (dffdfsdfsd! has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[23:04:21] mishehu: Ediehow: what did you have to do to get it to work?
[23:04:34] dffdfsdfsd (dffdfsdfsd! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:06:33] Ediehow: uninstalled all that x264 junk
[23:06:40] Ediehow: i really don't get why myth archive is so resource hungry now
[23:06:46] Ediehow: it wasn't like this a while ago
[23:07:30] folkart: gberardi....doesn't seem to work here
[23:07:53] mishehu: x264 is a rather lightweight lib. *shrug*
[23:07:54] folkart: seems like it would though
[23:08:02] gberardi: folkart: What happens?
[23:08:12] folkart: nothing
[23:08:29] folkart: like keys aren't working
[23:08:34] jakllsch: so, does anyone build unpatched releases at all?
[23:08:35] Ediehow: maybe it's just mythfrontend while using mytharchive
[23:08:39] folkart: right and left that is
[23:08:45] Ediehow: ust slows down EVERYTHING
[23:09:41] PFalcon: Nothing worked, my database still is unaccessible
[23:09:47] folkart: gberardi....tried about every key on keyboard
[23:10:15] gberardi: folkart: Well, as I said, I haven't used the feature myself. I just googled it and found that those keys were supposed to let it work.
[23:10:16] jakllsch: helpful bunch today, aren't you. :/
[23:10:26] gberardi: folkart: I also found that F does the same thing, but with video playback
[23:10:29] mishehu: Ediehow: ust?
[23:10:44] Ediehow: just
[23:10:55] Ediehow: oh
[23:10:58] Ediehow: it's mythcommflag
[23:11:01] Ediehow: 83% cpu!
[23:11:04] Ediehow: what is the deal?
[23:11:15] Ediehow: 94%
[23:11:24] jakllsch: 101%!
[23:11:28] mishehu: Ediehow: mythcommflag has to scan the whole file.
[23:11:42] mishehu: jakllsch: now if only YOU would give 101% ! heh
[23:11:55] Ediehow: it slows everything else down
[23:12:00] Ediehow: can't i restrain how much cpu it uses?
[23:12:13] Ediehow: it didn't used to do this, maybe on an earlier myth i had
[23:12:20] Ediehow: it's hovering around %90 now
[23:12:22] Ediehow: that can't be correct
[23:12:41] Ediehow: ;mn nnot even doing anything
[23:13:02] jakllsch: so, should I go grip at the Portage people instead?
[23:13:12] mishehu: Ediehow: you can control WHEN it runs mythcomflag I think.
[23:13:24] mishehu: Ediehow: what's "ust" btw?
[23:13:34] Ediehow: just, my computer was going so slow it didn't catch that key
[23:13:48] Ediehow: i'm just sitting with mytharchive open right now adn mythcommflag is using around %90
[23:13:55] Honk: so what?
[23:14:04] Honk: that just means that nothing else needs more than 10% cpu
[23:14:12] Ediehow: Honk: so the system is pretty much unusuable?
[23:14:17] folkart: gberardi....yea..well going to fux with it alittle more
[23:14:19] Honk: if you experience any slowdowns, your system is configured like a piece of shit
[23:14:19] Ediehow: everything is going ridiculously slow
[23:14:21] Honk: enable dma
[23:14:31] Ediehow: Honk: dma is enabled, this only happens with mytharchive
[23:14:37] Honk: yah right
[23:14:45] Ediehow: Honk: sorry, i already went through jr high
[23:14:53] Ediehow: mishehu: you have any ideas?
[23:14:54] Honk: post top and hdparm -d /dev/[sh]d[a-z] on nopaste
[23:15:31] Ediehow: Honk: it's a what's it called drive
[23:15:32] Honk: commflag usually runs at about 99.5% on my system and it's not even noticable
[23:15:42] Ediehow: shoot i forgot the word
[23:15:52] Honk: ?=)
[23:15:53] Ediehow: the newer standard
[23:16:10] Ediehow: serial something
[23:16:15] Honk: sata
[23:16:17] Honk: post it anyway
[23:16:21] Honk: it doesnt matter :P
[23:16:23] mishehu: Ediehow: I'd go into the setup/configuration menus. you can make it run mythcommflag at specific times I think.
[23:16:33] Honk: well.. of course it does, but post the other thing i asked for
[23:16:43] mishehu: on my machines, mythcommflag is pretty quick (it's an athlon64 3500+)
[23:16:44] Honk: .. just post everything
[23:17:02] Honk: mishehu: his system is bugged, if he's experiencing _any_ slowdown at all
[23:17:29] mishehu: I've used a pIII-800 with a pvr-250 card for a mythtv backend before. it did commflagging without a problem.
[23:17:50] Honk: of course it does
[23:17:55] Honk: that's why i'm asking for the information..
[23:19:12] psofa (psofa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:19:49] Ediehow2 (Ediehow2!n=GooGiri@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:19:57] Ediehow2: i am pretty confident the latest myth rpms are screwed
[23:20:16] Ediehow2: ever since upgrading to them mytharchive has brought my system down 3 times(forcing me to power off) and volume control in myth does not work
[23:20:22] Ediehow2: both things worked for months beforehand
[23:20:40] jakllsch: Ediehow2: I wouldn't be surprised.
[23:20:56] Ediehow2: i was just sitting there with mytharchive open just now and my system was unusuable
[23:21:03] Ediehow2: i was forced to power off, yet again
[23:21:09] Honk: if your system is configured even remotely properly, mythtv cannot lag your system
[23:21:22] Honk: so what's the point in trying to blame mythcommflag?
[23:21:37] Ediehow2: Honk: who's trying to blame mythcommflag? i was pointing out that it was using a lot of cpu
[23:21:51] Ediehow2: Honk: since the upgrade of mythtv, mytharchive completely slows my system
[23:21:51] Honk: it's always done that
[23:21:54] Honk: and will always do that
[23:22:03] Ediehow2: there's no point in being juvenile and saying, "well, it must be something else!"
[23:22:30] threedaymonk: How can I transcode some MythTV mpg files (from DVB-T) to something smaller and keep the subtitles (separately or burned-in is OK)?
[23:22:49] threedaymonk: I've tried mplayer, ffmpeg, VLC, ... no luck so far
[23:23:06] Ediehow2: as soon as i go into "archive files" things start slowing down
[23:23:34] Ediehow2: i just clicked "Export video filsE" and now i'm getting lags in performance
[23:23:42] Ediehow2: and i couldn't even type while it was going to the next menu
[23:23:52] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[23:25:07] Honk: gah :P
[23:25:13] Honk: just downgrade mythtv and be happy :]
[23:25:36] echosyp: suppose i get digital cable, its only digital coming to the cable box right, and then its analog from the box to the tv
[23:26:30] jakllsch (jakllsch! has left #mythtv-users ("whatever")
[23:27:39] alsoconfused: echosyp: generally yes, but i've heard that some cable boxes will output the digital stream over firewire.
[23:31:05] echosyp: my mythbox doesn't have firewire
[23:31:13] echosyp: so i haveto use coax
[23:31:32] echosyp: which brings up the problem of changing channels
[23:33:35] echosyp: when running mythtv-setup i don't have a mouse
[23:33:57] echosyp: is there a way to fix that
[23:34:17] Ediehow (Ediehow!n=GooGiri@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:34:17] mishehu: some companies will only let you get OTA channels via firewire
[23:34:27] mishehu: like my jerk-off franchise of comcast.
[23:34:33] waldo: echosyp: generally speaking mythtv does not respond to mouse inputs
[23:34:39] echosyp: k
[23:34:41] echosyp: coo
[23:34:52] echosyp: i wasn't sure, but i can deal with that
[23:35:14] Ediehow2: i wonder if i can ever upgrade my moto Q to a linux OS
[23:35:29] Ediehow2: does anyone use slingblade with myth?
[23:38:57] mishehu: what's slingblade?
[23:39:10] Ediehow2: this thing to do media on mobile phones or something, it can interact with dvrs
[23:39:17] xris: juski: swap the shadow of the light blue area so that IT has the shadow instead of the white. (just curious how it looks
[23:39:37] dffdfsdfsd (dffdfsdfsd! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:42:29] Roey (Roey! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:42:32] Roey: hi!
[23:42:35] xris: Roey: you in the US?
[23:42:42] Roey: xris: heh, *yes*.
[23:42:50] Roey: xris: where the legality of this is murky.
[23:42:52] xris: then you can record digital cable over firewire
[23:43:00] Roey: xris: oh? how so??
[23:43:08] Roey: but it downscales it right?
[23:43:19] Roey: if it is HD content
[23:43:34] xris: they're only required to provide 480p, but the amount of processor required to downsize things is WAY more than those boxes can handle.
[23:43:44] xris: so you just get the raw stream.
[23:43:56] Roey: interesting.
[23:44:07] xris: if you're lucky, you get all cable channels you pay for. if the cable co only wants to comply with the law itself, you just get the broadcast channels.
[23:44:18] Roey: is this something that legislators/*aa groups are looking to close?
[23:44:27] xris: not that I've heard of.
[23:44:28] Roey: RCN here.
[23:44:36] Hobbiticus: i had a question on that actually, more of a problem really
[23:44:39] xris: check the back of your HD cable box for a firewire port.
[23:44:41] Roey: Hmm.. What's the downside, xris?
[23:44:51] xris: if you don't have them, call your cableco and ask that they swap you for one that does.
[23:44:55] Roey: xris: I am just researching at this point before I get this
[23:44:55] Hobbiticus: i got my mythtv hooked up to the firewire, and i can record just fine
[23:44:59] xris: downside? you have to pay for a cable box.
[23:45:09] Roey: to buy it or to rent it?
[23:45:13] Hobbiticus: but if i'm watching live through it, after a while, the sound will turn to a high pitched screech
[23:45:17] xris: Roey: rent
[23:45:20] Roey: Hobbiticus: oh
[23:45:21] xris: Hobbiticus: ouch.
[23:45:30] Hobbiticus: then when I shut it off, my computer HARD locks
[23:45:56] Hobbiticus: mouse doesn't move, keyboard doesn't respond, numlock doesn't go on/off
[23:45:59] Hobbiticus: have to reboot
[23:46:21] xris: Hobbiticus: you MIGHT want to upgrade to svn trunk... there've been some major firewire improvements recently. of course, you'd then be running svn.
[23:46:43] Hobbiticus: but i can schedule recordings and stuff just fine, and if i go back and watch the recording it made while watching live tv, the sound is perfect
[23:46:57] Hobbiticus: ah
[23:47:06] Hobbiticus: don't really want to go with svn =/
[23:47:18] Hobbiticus: i'm using the debian/testing package right now
[23:47:21] Roey: xris: why would the Powers That Be ignore the firewire loophole?
[23:47:33] Hobbiticus: i think it was built from an svn checkout from the middle of december
[23:47:37] Roey: xris: is firewire fast enough to transmit and receive hd content, anyway?
[23:47:45] Hobbiticus: yes it is
[23:47:48] xris: Roey: what loophole? it's no different than if you bought an atsc card and set up an antenna.
[23:47:53] Roey: hmm.
[23:47:55] xris: the law only requires that they provide broadcast channels.
[23:47:57] Hobbiticus: i can get full 1080i with no problem
[23:48:00] Roey: xris: *oh*
[23:48:10] Roey: xris: now I understand what you mean...
[23:48:13] xris: it just happens that in many areas, you get your full subscription (SD and all)
[23:48:19] Roey: xris: so this does not guarantee that you'll get a full feed, ok.
[23:48:20] Hobbiticus: i think you can actually do multiple streams at the same time if you have multiple cable boxes
[23:48:24] xris: I even get HD HBO (which I pay for)
[23:48:35] Roey: I hope that someday there will be a way to 100% bypass this stupid garbage.
[23:48:35] xris: Hobbiticus: yeah, I have 2 boxes set up.
[23:49:06] xris: Roey: some ATSC cards will plug straight into the cable line and grab stuff via the QAM protocol, but it only works if your cableco doesn't encrypt things.
[23:49:16] Roey: ok
[23:49:18] Roey: (rcn here)
[23:49:24] xris: no clue about rcn.
[23:49:24] Roey: rcn and comcast is what I have in my area.
[23:49:27] Roey: comcast.
[23:49:33] Roey: *comcast, then.
[23:49:37] xris: comcast is a franchise, too... so it's different depending on where you live.
[23:49:43] Roey: ah, ok
[23:50:09] xris: but if you have digital cable, it's worth the $5/month or so upgrade to an HD box to test firewire for a month.
[23:50:20] xris: Hobbiticus: you may just have to wait for .21, then
[23:50:34] Hobbiticus: any eta on that?
[23:51:08] xris: nope
[23:51:18] xris: svn is generally pretty stable, though.
[23:51:26] xris: most of the devs run it as our primary system
[23:51:43] Hobbiticus: ah
[23:51:54] Hobbiticus: is it fairly easy to configure/compile?
[23:51:56] xris: worst breakage I know of right now is mythweb's lite/compact template, since I'm in the middle of redesigning things.
[23:52:00] mishehu: I like svn, though it can be complex at times.
[23:52:03] xris: I think so.
[23:52:25] xris: Hobbiticus: you should have an apt-get build-dep for mythtv.. beyond that, most stuff is documented in ./configure
[23:52:34] Honk: what's new in .21 anyway? :P
[23:53:18] Hobbiticus: maybe i'll have to try that
[23:53:56] xris: Honk: lots of firewire changes. new look for most of mythweb.
[23:53:59] xris: storage groups
[23:54:02] xris: upnp
[23:54:13] Honk: yeh, i read about storage groups already, sounds nice :P
[23:54:47] Hobbiticus: while i've got your attention, i also had 1 other problem having to do with my channel listings
[23:55:06] Hobbiticus: so i've got a pchdtv 5500 card that gets SD channels and the 4 major networks
[23:55:17] Hobbiticus: and then i've got my cable box that gets all SD/HD channels
[23:55:36] mishehu: xris: what kinds of firewire changes? it didn't seem like there was much to change there...
[23:55:49] Hobbiticus: i figured that I could just use the same xmltv lineup for each, but using 2 different "video sources"
[23:56:05] Hobbiticus: then i could just delete all of the channels i can't get from my tuner card's channel list
[23:56:06] xris: mishehu: well, the biggest change is that it now detects them by GUID instead of node/port, so that when they randomly change address, your recordings still work.
[23:56:25] mishehu: xris: that's definitely nice.
[23:56:46] Hobbiticus: however, when i go to run mythfilldatabase, it doesn't get the listings for the non-network HD channels (all of the channels i can get with my cable box but NOT with my HD tuner)
[23:57:27] Hobbiticus: and it actually goes and unchecks the those channels if I go to log into my datadirect account
[23:57:32] xris: Hobbiticus: myth groups channels by callsign. it might be confused.
[23:58:00] Roey: Man. I'm reading a few articles on this whole DRM mess; in particular.
[23:58:04] Hobbiticus: aren't their callsigns the same?
[23:58:13] Roey: it sounds like such a potential NIGHTMARE.
[23:58:15] Roey: this whole thing.
[23:58:24] Roey: TVs that can be disabled remotely?
[23:58:25] Roey: chirst.
[23:58:27] Roey: *christ.
[23:58:34] Hobbiticus: actually, come to think of it, this was "Working" partially before
[23:59:00] Hobbiticus: i had all of my channel listings, but since the HD channels from the tuner are things like "10.1" or "11.4", they didn't ahve an xmltv ID on them
[23:59:22] Hobbiticus: so i just copied the ones off of the tuner box linup and pasted the correct IDs into the correct channels
[23:59:41] mishehu: xris: you have a list of upcoming feature changes/additions for the next release handy? I am not seeing it in the wiki.

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