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Saturday, January 20th, 2007, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:08] LNX3mpyr: mm... what difference does it make?
[00:00:10] Milosch: ye olde ntsc?
[00:00:18] PacketScan is now known as packetscan
[00:00:20] LNX3mpyr: doesn't Cable offer the three of those?
[00:00:22] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, quite a bit, different cards can only do different types
[00:00:26] Milosch: makes a difference in the tuner card you pick
[00:00:30] LNX3mpyr: some HD some digital
[00:00:41] stuarta (stuarta!n=Stuart@unaffiliated/stuarta) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:00:41] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v stuarta
[00:00:42] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, so you have a HD subscription?
[00:00:46] LNX3mpyr: I guess digital then
[00:00:57] LNX3mpyr: not yet, haven't subscribed yet
[00:01:10] crudpuppy: LNX3mpyr, analog is prolly 1–99 and everything above requires a digi box at least that the way it is for me on charter
[00:01:14] LNX3mpyr: is HD worth it ?
[00:01:37] Milosch: LNX3mpyr: if you have an hd television/monitor
[00:01:40] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, well, if you want the digital/hd channels, you need a tuner box for each feed
[00:01:43] LNX3mpyr: yeah I'll get the digital box
[00:01:53] LNX3mpyr: no Hd monitor
[00:02:00] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, so you'll need two tuners to handle two feeds
[00:02:03] Milosch: digital cable may not be HD, mine isn't
[00:02:22] LNX3mpyr: kormoc, meaning two Tuner Cards?
[00:02:23] Milosch: i don't have an hd set, though
[00:02:42] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, aye, as well as two cable boxes, one for each tuner, and two ir blasters, one to control each cable box
[00:02:46] LNX3mpyr: HD shouldn't be stratospherically more expensive, right?
[00:02:59] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, actually it shouldn't be too much more
[00:03:06] Milosch: you need a way to see it, otherwise it would be a waste, of course
[00:03:34] Milosch: personally i am waiting for the old tv to die
[00:03:35] LNX3mpyr: I can't use one single digital box for two feeds?
[00:03:39] Smirnov: i get the feeling like my entire screen is shifted to the bottom right corner a few pixels. my left side has about 10 black pixels and my top side too... not just during video playback but for the entire desktop
[00:03:42] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, with an active HD subscription, they are required to give you cable boxes with working firewire, which means you don't need the ir blasters or the tuner cards in the computer, you can capture directly from the box via firewire
[00:03:43] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, nope
[00:03:56] GreyFoxx: lnx^: Your digital box only outputs 1 channel at a time
[00:04:02] slowone: sd/hd signal looks better then analog on my crappy tv so i dunno about that statement Milosch ;p
[00:04:02] LNX3mpyr: wow awsome... so I'll get the HD then
[00:04:17] Milosch: if you want to watch basic cable on one set you can use only one box, i do
[00:04:24] LNX3mpyr: suggestions for a kewl card?
[00:04:26] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, search for firewire, it has the howto and the law if they get cranky
[00:04:41] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, with firewire, you just need firewire inputs, no tuner cards at all
[00:04:54] LNX3mpyr: kormoc, I'll go ahead with HD subscription
[00:04:56] ** Milosch needs to look into that.. **
[00:05:27] LNX3mpyr: kormoc, damn!
[00:05:37] LNX3mpyr: but just one box per channel?
[00:05:40] Smirnov: blah
[00:05:47] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, aye
[00:05:50] Smirnov: the nvidia tv overscan settings arent enough. i need x/y settings not a plain 'overscan' setting
[00:06:01] onewheelskyward (onewheelskyward! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:06:16] LNX3mpyr: can I get the boxes individually? Or is that an extra monthlyl fee?
[00:06:36] LNX3mpyr: that's what I wanted to use MythTV to arrange on two TVs
[00:06:51] Milosch: Smirnov: i have found that if you enable some percentage of overscan in tv playback, then the xy adj work too
[00:07:22] GreyFoxx: Smirnov: Why not just turn the nvidia overscan way up (I do it to 100%) and then just use the myth X/Y settings to center the menu
[00:07:25] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, monthly fee
[00:07:37] Milosch: Smirnov: i did that today, adjusted xy to no avail, then enabled overscan in the same page and it works
[00:07:38] GreyFoxx: Your video was intended to be overscanned passed the edge of the screen anyway
[00:08:07] Milosch: using svn
[00:08:25] LNX3mpyr: kormoc, that sucks... can' t I use a card
[00:08:34] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, if you only want channels 0–99, sure
[00:08:38] Milosch: LNX3mpyr: you could, but probably not for hd
[00:09:08] LNX3mpyr: oh that sucks
[00:09:13] Milosch: and yes, only for basic channels, so that could be your extra inputs for recording american idol, etc. ;)
[00:10:07] Milosch: i have two tuners and my cable box on svideo with an ir blaster to change channels for hbo, etc
[00:10:34] Milosch: then another tuner in the bedroom because i had a spare
[00:11:40] Milosch: anyway, whatever you do be careful buying pvr-150 cards these days
[00:11:53] LNX3mpyr: Milosch, why?
[00:12:08] Milosch: they recently started shipping a replacement in the box that won't work in linux
[00:12:13] Milosch: so it is hit or miss
[00:12:23] LNX3mpyr: yai
[00:12:27] Milosch: nice, eh
[00:12:43] Milosch: i don't think the pvr-500 has that problem yet, and that is 2 tuners on one card
[00:12:46] Smirnov: ok i have some slight black bars on the left and top.. if i use nvidia overscan it makes the whole thing bigger/smaller so that doesnt work
[00:13:06] RacerX2oo3: Theoretically...would it be possible to create a centralized cutlist database where you could download precomputed cutlist info for a show based on your MythTV setup information (ZipCode, Cablesystem, etc) and Show Information?
[00:13:10] LNX3mpyr: Milosch, ok lemme look at it
[00:13:11] GreyFoxx: Smirnov: Use nvidia overscan
[00:13:23] Smirnov: GreyFoxx: yea but its a linear bar. not vertical/horizontal
[00:13:25] GreyFoxx: THEN use mythfrontend setting to shrink/center the menu
[00:13:26] xris: Smirnov: generally, you use overscan to, well, push the scan over the edge.
[00:13:36] Smirnov: GreyFoxx: hmm that might work
[00:13:40] Milosch: Smirnov: did you read what I was saying? i wonder if you have tried setting that in the tv playback settings, adjust both overscan AND xy
[00:14:03] Milosch: for me, XY alone did not change anything
[00:14:52] GreyFoxx: x/y should always have an effect
[00:15:10] Milosch: i hoped so, but it didn't for me for some reason...
[00:15:34] Milosch: been fighting a glx problem too, so maybe i missed something
[00:15:55] Milosch: i have the glx buffer problem
[00:16:39] Smirnov: Milosch: i tried using only playback stuff, it would make the video bigger but the black bars no
[00:16:49] Smirnov: anyway using nvidia-settings seems to be good
[00:16:55] Smirnov: are these settings saved permanently?
[00:17:02] stuarta (stuarta!n=Stuart@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("windoze can bite my hairy arse for needing a reboot every 5 minutes")
[00:17:14] tez2 (tez2! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:17:18] LNX3mpyr: Milosch, what's the name for the HD box? I'd like to see a pic, I don't find in the Time Warner website
[00:17:30] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:17:38] LNX3mpyr: by the way they have this self-installation service, I'd prolly do that
[00:18:26] Milosch: i would
[00:18:56] Milosch: except that roadrunner and low cable signal could be a problem to fix yourself
[00:19:01] xris: Smirnov: nvidia's, no... but you can use the -l option and put it in your session to auto-load...
[00:19:04] LNX3mpyr: Milosch, where do you see that extra fee for extra room?
[00:19:31] Milosch: Smirnov: you can load nvidia-settings in X startup
[00:19:36] Smirnov: ah
[00:19:38] Smirnov: where would i add that
[00:19:40] Milosch: nvidia-settings -l -c 0:0
[00:19:49] Milosch: depends on your wm...
[00:19:55] Smirnov: gnome?
[00:20:21] xris: Smirnov: menu -> system -> preferences -> more -> session
[00:20:51] Milosch: sorry, i use windowmaker...
[00:20:55] Smirnov: ok
[00:20:57] Smirnov: good
[00:21:07] Smirnov: now how can i login as a different user on my lcd, and as mythtv on my tv?
[00:21:28] Milosch: startx as the diff user? not sure
[00:21:52] Milosch: sounds like fun
[00:21:59] LNX3mpyr: I am not going to try HD
[00:22:07] Milosch: why not?
[00:22:18] Smirnov: Milosch: i'd try that, except when I CTRL+ALT+F# my TV goes to a terminal
[00:22:47] Milosch: Smirnov: i guess the real trick is how to run two xorg.conf files...
[00:22:50] LNX3mpyr: Milosch, is not quite ready. Is it possible to have HD plus digital?
[00:23:09] nuongu1 (nuongu1! has quit ("Leaving.")
[00:23:36] Milosch: digital cable is bs, really, many channels are still analog
[00:24:05] Milosch: but, man, i don't have hd yet so i am not certain of what they offer
[00:24:34] Milosch: if you order more than basic cable you get 'digital cable'
[00:24:38] kormoc: Milosch, acutually, digital cable still looks better then analog does, between my analog and xris' digital, his was better
[00:24:55] LNX3mpyr: Milosch, will pvr500 work with anal and digi?
[00:25:04] slowone: analog only
[00:25:10] Milosch: but of course it's not ALL digital or none of these tuners would work...
[00:25:24] Milosch: LNX3mpyr: like slowone said
[00:25:28] Smirnov: didnt someone here have two X servers running
[00:25:36] LNX3mpyr: so... is there a card for digital and analog?
[00:26:09] Milosch: LNX3mpyr: the one they are sending as a replacement for the 150 does, but there is only windows support so far, maybe someone else knows of one
[00:26:23] LNX3mpyr: a yeah you told me
[00:26:50] slowone: kworld astc but it uses a bttv for analog so people here hate it.. and a few of the usb2 units do
[00:27:23] Milosch: if using firewire i guess you don't need the digital cards
[00:27:37] Milosch: and your good old pvr-500 will still work for your dvd player
[00:27:42] LNX3mpyr: Milosch, firewire from where? from the box?
[00:27:57] Milosch: from the cable box unless you're going to install an antenna
[00:28:28] xris: kormoc: depends on where you are, actually... seattle finally got their digital stuff all-digital. many places still just digitize the analog signal.
[00:28:40] Milosch: as for the antenna, size doesn't matter ;) but lack of obstruction does
[00:28:40] LNX3mpyr: Milosch, is that digital cable box that comes with Triple Play or the HD box?
[00:29:17] Milosch: i would assume they send whatever crap they can get their hands on cheap
[00:29:26] LNX3mpyr: rofl
[00:29:33] Milosch: ;)
[00:29:34] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:58] LNX3mpyr: so I gotta order first the tripple play in order to see what box I have?
[00:29:59] Milosch: but again, i don't have it and don't really know much more about hd from tw
[00:30:20] xris: LNX3mpyr: you have digital cable now?
[00:30:21] Milosch: you might have to {horror} call someone at time warner
[00:30:24] LNX3mpyr: ok, if I get the tripple play what do I need?
[00:31:08] Milosch: patience?
[00:31:10] Milosch: :)
[00:31:17] LNX3mpyr: sorry this is awfully confusing I don't wanna order the parts and then have it all wrong
[00:31:49] Milosch: it looks like they are different boxes from the website, but still no pics
[00:31:49] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, you have two sets of channels, analog (0–99) and digital (100+)
[00:31:51] xris: LNX3mpyr: what's your current tv setup?
[00:32:11] kormoc: LNX3mpyr, the digital channels are encrypted and thus you *need* a cable box to get them, no card can receive them
[00:32:14] LNX3mpyr: O, ZERO, zip nada
[00:32:37] xris: kormoc: except when they're not encrypted
[00:32:48] xris: LNX3mpyr: you have no tv?
[00:32:52] LNX3mpyr: so I do need analog cards
[00:32:57] LNX3mpyr: I've got a monitor
[00:33:04] kormoc: xris, ooh? so you can hook up any digital cable box to yours and get them?
[00:33:14] LNX3mpyr: I wanna get the parts ASAP so I can start doing this
[00:33:21] xris: kormoc: I don't know. not worth the $100 card to test.
[00:33:48] xris: LNX3mpyr: so you want to record HD and non-HD... correct?
[00:33:52] Milosch: LNX3mpyr: i guess you can't do the triple play, but you probably need to call to ask about hd
[00:34:01] xris: and you do not currently have any cable tv service?
[00:34:05] LNX3mpyr: not sure about HD
[00:34:17] Milosch: hd is SO much better, if you want to afford it
[00:34:52] Milosch: if you're old or can't see that well anyway, ntsc might be enough ;)
[00:35:06] LNX3mpyr: xris, I am about to order Tripple play from time warner
[00:35:51] xris: wtf is triple play?
[00:36:04] Milosch: phone internet and cable tv
[00:36:16] Milosch: they sell it as triple play
[00:36:30] Milosch: for 99/mo or something like that
[00:37:00] xris: ahh
[00:37:03] RacerX2oo3 (RacerX2oo3! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:37:34] xris: LNX3mpyr: if you want to try recording via firewire, you need an HD box (which they usually charge extra for), and you need to ASK for a firewire port.
[00:38:24] LNX3mpyr: xris, how much do they charge for extra TV? Let's say I've got two rooms
[00:38:33] Milosch: i bet they start pushing an HD triple play soon
[00:38:49] LNX3mpyr: eventually
[00:39:08] Milosch: 2 more years and no more ntsc, at least on broadcast
[00:40:13] xris: LNX3mpyr: their website can probably tell you better than I can
[00:40:41] xris: Milosch: comcast just charges you for the box upgrade. HD is part of standard digital cable, you just have to pay $5 more for the HD box.
[00:41:01] Milosch: ah
[00:41:11] Milosch: we're getting comcast here soon due to a market swap
[00:41:39] Milosch: xris: is it really as comcastic as they say?
[00:42:13] xris: Milosch: depends on where you are (it's a franchise). seattle area is pretty nice.
[00:42:23] LNX3mpyr: what about extra box?
[00:42:43] xris: LNX3mpyr: for comcast seattle, extra box is $5. HD upgrade is $5. so extra HD box is $10
[00:43:09] xris: you'll have to call TW for their prices, though
[00:43:10] Milosch: xris: you have their cable modem?
[00:43:31] xris: Milosch: business class one
[00:43:49] Milosch: just wondering if mine will magically jump in speed once they move in
[00:44:09] xris: Milosch: probably depends on whether they upgrade the hardware in your CO
[00:44:13] LNX3mpyr: ok... so basically I will get a digital box which I would need Analog Cards and digital cards? (let's leave HD for later)
[00:44:22] Milosch: xris: naturally
[00:44:38] xris: LNX3mpyr: if you get a firewire box, it may or may not let you capture the standard def channels.
[00:45:02] LNX3mpyr: xris, if not... what am I supposed to buy for the computer?
[00:45:05] xris: by law, they have to give you the broadcast channels, but some providers also open up all cable channels, too
[00:45:42] xris: if that doesn't work, then a pvr-150 or pvr-500 is going to be your best option to record the analog stations.
[00:46:30] LNX3mpyr: xris, so the broadcast channels are the ones that'll work throuhg firewire?
[00:47:24] nasa (nasa!n=smithna@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:36] xris: LNX3mpyr: by law they have to. most cable providers comply without you pestering them (though sometimes it's a hassle to get the fire box)
[00:51:00] The_Ball (The_Ball!n=alex@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:52:06] LNX3mpyr: aha
[00:53:29] ** nasa hopes some kind soul will help him with his audio problem.... **
[00:54:10] nasa: I am getting static from one speaker when I play any media out of the mythtv frontend. Using apps outside of mythtv work fine.
[00:55:27] xris: nasa: what kind of tuner?
[00:56:12] nasa: it's a pioneer
[00:56:31] xris: nasa: let me clarify.. which driver?
[00:56:35] [1]Jack3 ([1]Jack3! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:56:42] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:57:46] nasa: tuner is a vsx-816  :}
[00:58:12] xris: so.... v4l driver?
[00:58:16] xris: framegrabber card?
[00:58:20] xris: are you using btaudio?
[00:58:26] xris: or soundcard audio input?
[00:58:33] nasa: snd-hda-intel
[00:58:39] xris: are you recording channels that actually HAVE stereo??
[00:58:55] nasa: yes, I can play the files outside of mythtv just fine
[00:59:05] nasa: I am using ALSA
[00:59:23] nasa: and it's connected via S/PDIF
[01:00:38] ** nasa hopes he answered what xris was asking.... **
[01:00:48] Agrajag- (Agrajag-! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:00:54] xris: yes. but I'm out of answers.
[01:01:31] sycron: hi
[01:02:20] dr0bz (dr0bz! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:21] sycron: i have installed Mythtv BUT my subtitels are zo big that the almost take the whole screen , Where can i make them smaller ??
[01:02:28] dr0bz: hi there.
[01:03:48] Agrajag- (Agrajag-! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:03:48] sycron: hi dr0bz
[01:04:02] kothog: subtitles would be neat.
[01:04:10] dr0bz: i have a problem with automatic transcoding of a newly recorded recording. myth just don't transcode it. i have always to do it manually. i set the flag in the according profile and in the recording options. what is wrong.
[01:04:18] sycron: kothog: u dont have subs ?
[01:04:27] dr0bz: logs aren't saying anything
[01:04:32] dr0bz: hi sycron
[01:04:36] kothog: all I'm interested in is a generic tool capable of parsing the playable structure of dvds so, when ripping, we don't waste our time with bad/illegal sectors.
[01:04:59] sycron: ?
[01:05:08] kothog: sycron: no, but I'm pretty sure it's recording them: there are shows with the "CC" logo in them.. I just haven't configured the remote with a button to access them./
[01:05:26] sycron: to view the subs u mean
[01:05:34] kothog: sycron: yes.
[01:05:43] sycron: try m
[01:05:58] sycron: ow
[01:06:00] sycron: i see
[01:06:02] kothog: sycron: okay. I'll do that. We're talking about from-tv shows, right? I have mplayer working with subs no prob.
[01:06:12] sycron: ye
[01:06:14] ShiftyPowers: anyone seen the mediaportal default theme?
[01:06:16] kothog: thought so.
[01:06:17] ShiftyPowers: looks awesome
[01:06:23] ShiftyPowers: wish someone could port something like that
[01:06:41] kormoc: ShiftyPowers, you could
[01:06:45] ShiftyPowers: yeah i could
[01:06:51] sycron: kothog: u know how do i make my subtitels smaller ?
[01:06:53] ShiftyPowers: but I have the artistic talent of a rabbit
[01:06:54] kothog: ShiftyPowers: probably filled with lots of neat goodies that consume tonnes of spare cpu.. :) I'll leave my visor/default/no preview/no animation/etc Duron 1200 mythbox be for now.
[01:06:57] sycron: its like TOO big
[01:07:06] sycron: take 1/2 of my screen lol
[01:07:13] ShiftyPowers: yeah but visually appealing stuff improves the WAF
[01:07:17] ShiftyPowers: makes it easier to use
[01:07:22] CyberKnet2 (CyberKnet2! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:07:37] kormoc: ShiftyPowers, not a fan of blootube?
[01:07:45] kothog: sycron: probably a font rendering problem. Bet if you chose a font your fontserver offered in the size you want the problem would go away.
[01:07:56] ShiftyPowers: yeah i'm a fan of blootube
[01:08:00] kothog: now.. doing that isn't something I can help with.
[01:08:03] sycron: where i find that
[01:08:06] ShiftyPowers: just saying
[01:08:10] ShiftyPowers: just saw it today
[01:08:36] sycron: trying to set my font smaller
[01:11:25] Paladine: bwahahahahaha
[01:11:54] jmblack (jmblack!n=jmblack@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:11:56] dr0bz: does somebody knows a tipp for my problem above.
[01:13:27] [1]Jack3 is now known as Jack3
[01:13:30] jmblack: can someone give me a pointer to docs on setting up what detects as a msusb2 IR reciever and a remote bundled with a pvr150? lirc seems to be crashing on startup and I cant seem to chase down why
[01:13:53] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[01:13:57] CyberKnet2 is now known as CyberKnet
[01:14:01] kormoc: jmblack, just need to use the lirc_mceusb2 kernel driver
[01:14:13] Paladine: guys you have to check out this
[01:14:21] Paladine: it is the funniest thing I have ever seen come out of youtube
[01:14:28] sycron: Paladine: ive u wanne make friends the try a smaller group
[01:14:46] gardengnome: Paladine: since flash 9 is a unstable POS for me, i definitely don't have to check it out
[01:14:56] Paladine: sycron, can you say that again slowly and in english please?
[01:15:09] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v jams
[01:15:25] sycron: Paladine: ive u wanne make friends online , then try a smaller group/channel
[01:15:51] Paladine: sycron, I still didn't get it
[01:15:57] sycron: where u from
[01:16:04] Paladine: an english speaking country
[01:16:07] stuarta: sycron: stop being an idiot
[01:16:09] kormoc: sycron, ive isn't really a word
[01:16:16] gardengnome: "if you want to make friends online, then try a smaller group/channel"
[01:16:29] Paladine: I have thousands of friends online
[01:16:32] Paladine: and many in here
[01:16:38] Paladine: so why would I want to try another channel?
[01:16:43] sycron: Paladine: that happans when u never go outside
[01:16:44] ** stuarta waves the trout of power at sycron **
[01:16:59] Paladine: sycron, were you born retarded or did you have to sit an exam?
[01:17:17] jmblack: kormoc, ok – I mistakenly thought the driver was loading becuase I can see " kernel: lirc_mceusb2: Philips eHome USB IR *blah blah* in /var/log/messages
[01:17:28] sycron: i did an exam
[01:17:36] Paladine: I see you aced it?
[01:17:41] sycron: was sitting near the teacher of fags , it was u ?
[01:17:49] sycron: fagging pisser
[01:18:01] Paladine: who the fuck is this guy?
[01:18:02] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o stuarta
[01:18:12] sycron has been kicked from #mythtv-users by stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta (stuarta)
[01:18:25] sycron: so lame
[01:18:27] sycron: u fag
[01:18:32] sycron: i cant win i kick
[01:18:36] Paladine: maybe he is steve jobs in disguise and has to install myth cos appletv is so shit?
[01:18:38] jmblack: is their a way to verify I have the mceusb2 driver loaded?
[01:18:38] sycron: u think its cool ?
[01:18:46] gardengnome: jmblack: "lsmod"
[01:18:48] kormoc: jmblack, lsmod
[01:18:49] sycron: stuarta: try to find a live
[01:18:50] sycron: loser
[01:18:58] gardengnome: sycron: try to take an english class.
[01:18:58] kormoc: stuarta, kickban is quite a bit better
[01:19:12] stuarta: kormoc: benefit of the doubt
[01:19:13] sycron: gardengnome: u can suck your papa's dick
[01:19:19] stuarta: he's up to strike 2
[01:19:31] Paladine: this is almost as funny as that youtube video
[01:19:36] jmblack: usbcore 111364 5 usbhid,lirc_mceusb2,ehci_hcd,uhci_hc
[01:19:41] sycron: Paladine: fo loserboy
[01:19:44] gardengnome: Paladine: and it doesn't even require flash.
[01:19:51] Paladine: gardengnome, indeed :)
[01:20:07] gardengnome: sycron: thanks for entertaining me on an open platform.
[01:20:09] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +o GreyFoxx
[01:20:18] sycron: GreyFoxx: go on lose
[01:20:18] sycron: r
[01:20:22] sycron: go and kick me
[01:20:23] sycron: fag
[01:20:29] Mode for #mythtv-users by stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta : +b *!*n=sycron@*
[01:20:29] sycron has been kicked from #mythtv-users by stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta (stuarta)
[01:20:31] Mode for #mythtv-users by GreyFoxx!i=greg@ : +b *!*n=sycron@*
[01:20:34] ** kormoc laughs **
[01:20:51] stuarta: kickbanned :)
[01:20:59] Paladine: I am trying to figure what his beef was
[01:21:00] Mode for #mythtv-users by stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta : -o stuarta
[01:21:06] Paladine: did someone shit in his cereal or something?
[01:21:18] jmblack: ok, assuming the driver is loaded (seems so) isnt lirc fairly simple? just lircd.conf and the application specific stuff in .lircrc
[01:21:20] GreyFoxx: Just a child who got exactly what he was after
[01:21:33] GreyFoxx: he feels he "won" by getting kicked
[01:21:39] GreyFoxx: but that's ok
[01:21:39] stuarta: that was so theraputic
[01:21:42] GreyFoxx: let him feel it
[01:21:58] gardengnome: i would have kickbanned him immediately. but i'm a mean person. ;)
[01:22:19] stuarta: yeah, well i like to warn em first :)
[01:22:52] jmblack: I realize lirc issues arent myth issues and dont belong here but can you have pity on me :P
[01:23:10] stuarta: ENOJACKDANIELS
[01:23:23] kormoc: jmblack, aye, it should be rather simple, aye
[01:23:59] jmblack: k, the lircd.conf matches the remote control being used right?
[01:24:30] kormoc: jmblack, aye
[01:24:39] kormoc: jmblack, assuming you copied one in
[01:24:59] jmblack: I did, I choose the happauge (sp) one from the lirc dir
[01:25:17] jmblack: becuase I assumed this was a hauppauge remote (came with a pvr150)
[01:25:25] jmblack: silver
[01:25:29] kormoc: jmblack, well, does it have the microsoft logo on it?
[01:25:30] jmblack: probably 40ish buttons
[01:25:33] jmblack: yes
[01:25:39] kormoc: then it's not that remote :P
[01:25:42] jmblack: unfortunately ;)
[01:25:58] gardengnome: if there's a driver for your remote that'll make it act like a keboard, you could try using that with inputlirc. just a suggestion, though, i'm off to bed ;)
[01:26:06] kormoc: jmblack,
[01:26:07] javiolo (javiolo!n=javiolo@unaffiliated/javiolo) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:27:43] jmblack: k
[01:29:13] rosslin (rosslin! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:30:50] rosslin: hello all
[01:31:11] rosslin: i'm currently testing 'vdr' on a debian machine using dvb-s
[01:31:14] jmblack: ok, now Im getting somewhere ;) unrelated to the lircd.conf. if I run "lircd -n" I can watch it crash when I test it with irw
[01:31:23] rosslin: i was wondering what myth's dvb-c support is like
[01:31:29] jmblack: : could not get file information for /dev/lirc
[01:31:30] rosslin: anyone here use it for dvb-c?
[01:32:12] jmblack: lircd-0.8.1-CVS-pvr150[3296]: accepted new client on /dev/lircd
[01:32:12] jmblack: lircd-0.8.1-CVS-pvr150[3296]: could not get file information for /dev/lirc
[01:32:12] jmblack: lircd-0.8.1-CVS-pvr150[3296]: default_init(): No such file or directory
[01:32:25] jmblack: /dev/lirc does exist...
[01:32:50] jmblack: common issue or am I screwedola?
[01:33:21] rosslin: in your .conf
[01:33:35] rosslin: do you have it pointing to /dev/lirc or /dev/lircd ?
[01:34:40] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:35:51] Mode for #mythtv-users by GreyFoxx!i=greg@ : -o GreyFoxx
[01:36:47] jmblack: DEVICE="/dev/lirc0"
[01:38:51] jmblack (jmblack!n=jmblack@ has quit ("Leaving")
[01:44:01] rosslin: hrm
[01:44:09] rosslin: quite the support around here
[01:49:10] Smirnov: i edited my gdm.conf to have 2 X servers
[01:49:10] Smirnov: do i need to do anything to redirect my 2nd X server to a specific ServerLayout ?
[01:49:16] Toast: I've just finished a 2 hour DVB radio recording and it's come to 463MB. Is that normal?
[01:49:38] stuarta: sounds about right
[01:49:53] stuarta: 2hr mp3 + a bit of other junk
[01:51:04] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : -v jams
[01:51:52] Toast: Shows how much BBC over compress their shows on their web site. The same show is compressed to 30MB.
[01:53:35] Toast: 463MB still seems to high though. Raw CD audio would only be 1050MB.
[01:53:48] stuarta: you have ffmpeg installed?
[01:54:13] Toast: no idea, lets have a look...
[01:54:42] ** stuarta needs more fans in his machine **
[01:54:58] stuarta: todays new drive already at 47c
[01:55:02] stuarta: :(
[01:55:25] Milosch: 10MB/min for 16bit stereo at 44kHz uncompressed
[01:55:28] Toast: no, I don't have ffmpeg. Would I want it?
[01:55:32] eskil (eskil! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:55:33] ** stuarta looks for a maintainence window **
[01:56:00] stuarta: Toast: if you install it, you can convert the recording to a plain mp3 a strip the crap
[01:56:25] Toast: Milosch: I just estimated 700MB CD = 80 min of music and scaled that... I didn't account for the vast quantitys of error correction on your average cd :)
[01:57:05] rosslin: Is anyone here currently using mythtv for reception of DVB-C?
[01:57:07] Toast: stuarta: May well do that as a schedualled job at some time.
[01:57:35] stuarta: yeah, and i need to clean up and submit the user job that does just that....
[01:58:00] Toast: I still think there is more being captured than is being transmitted...
[01:58:29] stuarta: not possible
[01:58:41] stuarta: but there is more than just the mp3 stream being captured
[01:59:00] Toast: for example?
[01:59:13] rosslin: Toast> you using myth for dvb-s
[01:59:13] rosslin: ?
[01:59:33] stuarta: all the mheg streams which do the red button crap & the info screens for you STB
[02:00:35] Toast: rosslin: DVB-T at the moment, though I am considering getting a DVB-S or DVB-S2 card at some point
[02:01:02] rosslin: i'm using myth with a dvb-s, i'm wondering about its usability with dvb-c
[02:01:12] Toast: +stuarta: are they really part of the radio broadcast though, or are they sideband stuff that myth is pulling in when it shouldn't?
[02:01:46] stuarta: they are different beasts...
[02:02:04] Smirnov: hey can anyone help me configure my 2 monitors to run separate X servers.. i tweaked Xorg.conf and gdm.conf but now i'm getting a problem starting the X server on my TV
[02:02:12] Toast: rosslin: from what I hear in the mailing lists, it should work if you have a dvb-c card, but some cable companies put up non-standard data which can cause problems.
[02:02:23] stuarta: the dvb recordings are normally 1x mp3 stream at up to 192kbs
[02:02:43] stuarta: plus 1–9 data streams broadcast on that channel at the same time.
[02:03:14] stuarta: as opposed to a plain mp3 of the broadcast.
[02:03:17] Toast: I wonder if that extra data can be seperated and used for anything.
[02:03:28] stuarta: pretty screens
[02:03:41] kslater: xris I have a quick mythweb question
[02:03:59] stuarta: ffmpeg is good for stripping that out.
[02:04:09] xris: ?
[02:04:22] kslater: have a mythweb instance that's not on my master backend
[02:04:27] Toast: So, are those data streams unique per radio station, or shaired between many?
[02:04:35] kslater: but it can still get the images for the recordings
[02:04:40] kslater: how's it grabbing them?
[02:04:54] kormoc: kslater, it requests them from the backend
[02:04:58] stuarta: Toast: shared, generally makes up the components of BBCi
[02:05:11] kslater: ok. so there's support for that in the backend api
[02:05:40] Toast: ok. Sounds like they really shouldn;t be saved with the radio stream then! Is all that extra data saved with the video streames as well?
[02:05:50] kslater: thx kormoc
[02:05:52] kslater: and xris
[02:06:10] stuarta: depends on your settings.
[02:06:43] Toast: +stuarta: would you point me to something I can read up on those settings, or something I can Google please?
[02:07:40] skamithi: anyone on here live in ontario , canada ? i'm moving up there and wondering if the cable company encrypts all HDTV. i currently live in north carolina and get all the basic HDTV channels free and clear over the cable.
[02:08:40] stuarta: Toast: nothing to read or google, just a setting that lets you record just tv only or everything
[02:08:52] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:10:04] stuarta: anyway, it's time for bed.
[02:10:07] stuarta: night all
[02:10:23] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("sleep....")
[02:10:56] bobby (bobby! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:11:16] xris: kslater: it transfers them from the backend
[02:11:39] ** xris feels like he's typing really slowly.  :) **
[02:12:29] tez1 (tez1! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:13:27] SlicerDicer-: xris: btw
[02:13:33] SlicerDicer-: I went driving to get some smokes today
[02:13:40] SlicerDicer-: I go through a small pocket where there is no 3G
[02:14:00] jk1joe1 (jk1joe1!n=jsmith@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:14:05] SlicerDicer-: just to let you know that if you drive outside a 3G area with it set to WCDMA only you will get _NO_ signal at all and will have to either go back to auto or gsm setting
[02:14:24] SlicerDicer-: but like I said before the 3G coverage in seattle is quite large so :)
[02:14:40] GeeVee (GeeVee! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:14:49] jk1joe1 (jk1joe1!n=jsmith@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:17:10] bobby: I was wondering if soeone would be able to help me setup myth for FTA? I don't know what options I should select. I'd be just as happy with a good how-to
[02:17:33] Smirnov: anyone here running with 2 X servers?
[02:22:32] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:32] Smirnov: anyone at all? :(
[02:24:58] bobby: seems pretty quiet in here tonight :)
[02:25:18] kormoc: Smirnov, on one card? no-one at all
[02:26:16] Smirnov: why not
[02:26:27] Smirnov: should it even matter?
[02:26:31] adante: hola
[02:26:49] kormoc: Smirnov, cause each output isn't a seperate card, and thus the second X server re-initilizes the card and you lose the first one
[02:26:57] kormoc: Smirnov, it's a hardware limitation
[02:27:20] Smirnov: huh
[02:27:23] Smirnov: but i can run 2 desktops just fine
[02:27:26] Smirnov: just not 2 x servers..?
[02:27:29] kormoc: Smirnov, correct
[02:27:58] Smirnov: are you serious.... but my video card has 2 DVI slots
[02:28:22] kormoc: Smirnov, yes, I'm serious, you can have two X displays on a single X server, or 1 unified display on one X server, but not two servers
[02:28:34] Smirnov: wtf...
[02:28:39] Smirnov: why didnt anyone say so before
[02:28:58] Smirnov: so i cant have 2 users logged in at the same time per 2 different monitors with 1 video card?
[02:29:16] kormoc: Smirnov, correct, if you want to do that, get a second card
[02:29:30] Smirnov: hm
[02:29:35] Smirnov: what if my motherboard has onboard vga
[02:29:44] fragged: Hey guys, in MythVideo, how do I update the file listing?
[02:30:09] kormoc: Smirnov, if your motherboard can use it while your agp/pci-e slot is enabled, then yes, that can count as a second card
[02:30:15] Smirnov: i think i have onboard vga on my motherboard, there's a slot that looks like one
[02:30:18] kormoc: fragged, mythfrontend->setup->videomanager
[02:30:52] Smirnov: ok heres the problem
[02:30:56] Smirnov: i want to run mythtv on my TV all the time
[02:31:03] Smirnov: but i dont want people to access my personal user account if im away
[02:31:11] Smirnov: maybe i can lock one monitor out or something?
[02:31:18] Smirnov: and also there is the focus issue
[02:31:47] kormoc: Smirnov, two cards, or I just made a standalone dedicated mythbox
[02:32:23] Smirnov: well, i have a dedicated computer but i want to be able to use this as a dedicated linux computer
[02:32:50] Smirnov: i need windows cause we use visual studio at works etc
[02:33:30] Smirnov: is there any way to lock only one screen when i go afk?
[02:34:05] Smirnov: this strikes me as absurd.. i dont really need 2 x servers, just run 2 desktops as different users
[02:35:26] Smirnov: hmm... how about xnest
[02:37:41] kormoc: Smirnov, if you wnat to mess with it, it could work
[02:37:56] Smirnov: heh... yeah ive messed aruond with mythtv since yesterday around the same time
[02:38:00] Smirnov: got it to work mostly
[02:38:09] Smirnov: aside from the remote control
[02:38:21] Smirnov: i need to configure it for everyday usage now. you know. turn on the computer and it starts automatically, etc
[02:38:24] kormoc: Smirnov, you would want the mythtv server the main one, and run the xnested server full screen in your main monitor
[02:38:39] Smirnov: does the server care about X at all? i wouldnt think so
[02:38:42] kormoc: Smirnov, xnest has some restrictions that you might want to read up on
[02:38:50] Smirnov: or do you mean run the frontend as the main one? hehe
[02:38:53] kormoc: Smirnov, erm, I ment frontend, aye
[02:38:56] Smirnov: yeah i figured as much
[02:39:05] Smirnov: that sounds reasonable
[02:39:06] The_Ball_ (The_Ball_!n=alex@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:39:22] Smirnov: people should be able to access my mythtv login , just not my personal login hehe
[02:39:39] Smirnov: oh yeah, im in a college dorm, see how that makes a diff? :)
[02:39:42] Honk: Smirnov: what's wrong with starting 2 x servers? :P
[02:39:51] rosslin: that loks like a subnet ip fridge
[02:39:53] kormoc: Smirnov, the main restriction your nested server will have is no hardware accelleration (no opengl, nor fancy effects), limited hardware support, etc
[02:39:53] Smirnov: Honk: late to the conversation? i only have 1 video card
[02:39:59] Smirnov: thats ok
[02:40:02] Honk: soooo?
[02:40:10] Smirnov: i only need to run basic GUI stuff
[02:40:12] GreyFoxx: fridge: Yes
[02:40:14] kormoc: Honk, you can't start 2 X servers on one video card
[02:40:18] GreyFoxx: The upnp media server stuff
[02:40:21] Honk: kormoc: you cant?
[02:40:22] fridge: OK
[02:40:29] Honk: are you sure about that? =)
[02:40:38] GreyFoxx: kormoc: DEpends on the card and the drivers. I use to run 2 X servers on one GF4 mx440
[02:40:38] kormoc: Honk, yes
[02:40:46] GreyFoxx: 1 xserver controlled VGA, the other was on the Tvout
[02:40:50] kormoc: GreyFoxx, ooh? both at the same time?
[02:40:52] GreyFoxx: yup
[02:40:58] kormoc: GreyFoxx, how'd you manage that?
[02:41:04] GreyFoxx: back when my master backend was my dektop machine + a frontend
[02:41:13] Smirnov: kormoc: but even though the video card is so l33t i dont need it to do anything except basic linux programming and display mythtv
[02:41:24] kormoc: GreyFoxx, Nvidia says you can't due to the fact that when their driver starts up on X server 2, it resets the card, which kills X server 1
[02:41:30] GreyFoxx: kormoc: Just X configs with diffferent layouts
[02:41:44] Smirnov: GreyFoxx: wait a sec... so you __can__ do it?
[02:41:54] GreyFoxx: kormoc: Last6 time I did it was about 2.5 years ago, so it's possible the drivers might not let you anymore, but then I use to
[02:41:58] Smirnov: i already have the xorg.conf halfway done, it was giving me an error about not finding Screen0
[02:42:09] kormoc: GreyFoxx, have it laying around?
[02:42:17] GreyFoxx: kormoc: No, but I'm sure I can dig it up
[02:42:29] kormoc: GreyFoxx, would love to see it if you can
[02:42:31] Honk: Smirnov: that's your config though :P
[02:42:44] GreyFoxx: if I find it I'll test it on my box, same video card but latest nvidia drivers
[02:42:48] ** kormoc nods **
[02:42:49] Smirnov: Honk: ok.. wanna help me fix it?
[02:42:55] Honk: i probably cant :P
[02:43:00] Honk: but you can post it anyway =)
[02:43:06] kormoc: GreyFoxx, it'd be much appreciated.
[02:44:17] Honk: Smirnov: try posting the exact errormessage (if it's a config error) or the logfile
[02:45:11] Honk: and remove that 0 in front of screen0, it's not necessary
[02:45:14] Mixx` (Mixx`! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:45:30] Mixx`: mythtv consistently stops recording before a show finishes. any suggestions?
[02:45:31] Smirnov: that was there before
[02:45:51] Honk: Mixx`: tell mythtv to record a few minute4s after the show :P
[02:45:53] Honk: Smirnov: great
[02:45:59] Honk: remove it anyway
[02:46:00] Mixx`: it's not a time thing
[02:46:03] Honk: and gimmeh the info i asked for :P
[02:46:03] Smirnov: which 0
[02:46:12] Mixx`: it should be recording from 9=10 but it stops at 9:39
[02:46:17] Mixx`: it does it on every show
[02:46:30] Honk: always 20 minutes? =)
[02:46:31] rosslin: mixx' maybe its going by PC time?
[02:46:34] Honk: Smirnov: i told ya
[02:46:35] Mixx`: it didn't used to
[02:46:42] Mixx`: yes it is going by pc time, which is correct
[02:46:49] Mixx`: but it stops before it should
[02:47:00] Smirnov: Honk: nope sorry.. do you mean the 0 to the left of "Screen0" in the ServerLayout section?
[02:47:09] Mixx`: i've been tinkering with it and I assume i've changed some setting, but I can't figure out what
[02:47:29] Honk: <Honk> and remove that 0 in front of screen0, it's not necessary <-- how manye zeroes do you have in front of screen0s? :P
[02:47:42] Honk: apart from that one of course
[02:47:52] Smirnov: ok.... so i removed it
[02:48:43] Smirnov: still getting an error
[02:49:05] Smirnov: (EE) Screen 0 deleted because of no matching config section.
[02:49:16] alsoconfused (alsoconfused! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:49:16] Smirnov: (EE): Device(s) detected, but none match those in the config file
[02:49:22] Smirnov: Fatal server error: no screens found
[02:49:24] Honk: <Honk> Smirnov: try posting the exact errormessage (if it's a config error) or the logfile
[02:49:28] Honk: listen
[02:49:30] Honk: please
[02:49:38] Honk: i dont want some randomly copied lines from you
[02:49:44] Honk: the entire logfile
[02:49:46] mirak (mirak! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:49:47] Smirnov: thats the only thing after the (==) dude...
[02:49:57] alsoconfused (alsoconfused! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:50:00] Honk: the file, not the output on your screen
[02:50:01] Smirnov: unless you want the detailed one?
[02:50:10] Honk: i want the only one
[02:50:39] Smirnov: and where do i find the log?
[02:50:48] Honk: where do you usually find logs? =)
[02:50:50] kormoc: brb
[02:50:56] Smirnov: its not in /var/log ..
[02:51:00] Honk: oh really
[02:51:04] kormoc (kormoc! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:51:08] Honk: try that Xorg.0.log in there
[02:51:44] Smirnov: oh.. must have been too many logs
[02:51:47] Smirnov: starting with a nX
[02:51:54] Honk: yeah. . about 2
[02:52:00] Honk: or exactly 2? heh
[02:52:24] Smirnov: 4
[02:52:37] Smirnov: look now, i did /var/log/X<TAB> and nothing appeared. *shrug*
[02:53:03] Honk: ..
[02:53:16] Honk: pretty old system you've got there
[02:53:33] Honk: i purged my logs waaay after i switched to xorg :P
[02:53:52] Smirnov: here
[02:55:11] Honk: sooo.. do you have an X-server running already?
[02:55:25] Smirnov: its running my :0 xserver
[02:55:29] Smirnov: not the :1 one
[02:55:44] Honk: so there's one running already? :P
[02:55:51] Smirnov: that one loaded after the :1 failed to load
[02:55:54] Smirnov: afaik
[02:56:04] Smirnov: since the login screen didnt show until i clicked through the error messages
[02:56:04] Honk: huh?
[02:56:14] Honk: just answer my question
[02:56:23] Honk: do you have an x-server running
[02:56:26] Smirnov: yes
[02:56:33] Honk: kill it, try starting again
[02:56:40] Smirnov: how am i supposed to kill it?
[02:56:41] Honk: the one that's failing right now :P
[02:56:57] Honk: how do you kill programs?
[02:56:59] Honk: man kill
[02:57:01] Honk: man ps
[02:57:05] Honk: man killall
[02:57:06] Smirnov: ...
[02:57:10] Honk: what?
[02:57:15] Honk: just shoot it down
[02:57:18] Honk: till it's dead
[02:57:18] Smirnov: no need to be so antagonistic
[02:57:20] Honk: and then some more
[02:57:42] Smirnov: eh it just went back to the login screen
[02:57:51] Honk: kill your displaymanager too
[02:57:55] Honk: [kgx]dm
[02:58:22] Smirnov: ok killed them all
[02:58:33] Honk: good :)
[02:58:40] Honk: now try starting that second x server again
[02:58:43] Honk: the tv-one
[02:58:48] sstormy (sstormy! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:59:13] Smirnov: same error as before
[02:59:18] Honk: great :)
[02:59:25] Honk: that means it's really your config :P
[02:59:28] Honk: (how do you start it?
[02:59:30] Honk: )
[02:59:38] Smirnov: /usr/bin/X :1 -layout 'TV Layout'
[03:00:03] Honk: looks fine
[03:00:17] Honk: did you remove the 1 like i told ya? :P
[03:00:20] Honk: from line 30? =)
[03:00:20] Smirnov: no manpage for X on my comp unfortunately
[03:00:40] Smirnov: yes i did
[03:00:43] Smirnov: that didnt change anything
[03:00:46] Honk: post the config again, please :)
[03:00:52] sstormy (sstormy! has quit (Client Quit)
[03:00:57] Honk: i didnt expect it to change anything, but it's not necessary there :]
[03:01:31] Smirnov: ok one sec..
[03:02:07] Smirnov: dude its the same thing with the 0 and the 1
[03:02:12] Smirnov: im gonna need to start gdm again to paste it
[03:02:22] Honk: use links and upload the file
[03:02:29] Smirnov: to what?
[03:02:29] Honk: or lynx ;)
[03:02:33] Honk: nopaste? :P
[03:03:01] Smirnov: where... that only has paste box
[03:03:45] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:04:24] Honk:
[03:04:25] Honk: e,g,
[03:04:48] Honk: oh btw.. use PCI:1:0:0 instead of 01:00
[03:05:38] Honk: though that doesnt matter either :)
[03:05:52] Smirnov:
[03:06:12] Honk: does it work if you use screen 0 instead of screen 1 in your device section?
[03:07:02] Smirnov: in what section
[03:07:13] ssstormy (ssstormy! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:07:15] Honk: you've only got one device section..
[03:07:27] Smirnov: i have 2
[03:07:28] Honk: well.. 2, but one of 'em doesnt contain the stuff i told ya about :P
[03:07:37] Smirnov: ..?
[03:07:57] Honk: <Honk> does it work if you use screen 0 instead of screen 1 in your device section?
[03:08:02] Honk: ..
[03:08:11] Smirnov: i dont understand your question
[03:08:16] Smirnov: i have two device sections
[03:08:29] Smirnov: are you referring to the first or second one?
[03:08:33] Honk: and in how many of those can you replace "screen 1" with "screen 0"?
[03:09:29] Smirnov: hmmm....yes
[03:09:49] Honk: "yes" it works? ;)
[03:09:51] Smirnov: yes
[03:09:58] Honk: okay, that's odd :P
[03:10:09] Honk: try using nv and vesa drivers
[03:10:14] Honk: maybe one of 'em will do the trick
[03:10:19] Honk: nvidia doesnt want to it seems =)
[03:10:21] Smirnov: wont those be a lot slower?
[03:10:28] stonith (stonith! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:28] Honk: sure
[03:10:33] Honk: but do you really care for tv-out?
[03:10:40] dr0bz (dr0bz! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:11:27] Smirnov: what does that do anyway? i'm not too clear from reading the xorg.conf man
[03:11:32] stonith: Any people using a motorola DCT-2224 STB box or similar using serial and lirc? Need some help please
[03:11:42] Smirnov: the screen thing under device
[03:11:42] Honk: mhh.. good point
[03:11:58] Honk: Smirnov: does it work if you start screen 0 on both sections?
[03:12:06] javiolo (javiolo!n=javiolo@unaffiliated/javiolo) has quit ()
[03:12:07] Honk: (starting the second x-server that is)
[03:12:16] Smirnov: let me try lol
[03:12:49] Honk: though i kinda doubt that =)
[03:12:52] Honk: would be too easy
[03:12:59] Smirnov: yes
[03:13:04] Smirnov: but now its only showing one X server at a time
[03:13:10] Smirnov: how do I show both X servers at the same time. lol
[03:13:12] Honk: yeah, thought so
[03:13:29] Honk: just like someone said earlier.. prolly doesnt work at all
[03:13:34] Honk: try with different drivers though
[03:13:42] Smirnov: maybe if i edit gdm...hehehe
[03:13:49] Honk: no way
[03:14:00] Honk: gdm doesnt even start if you start x with your cmdline ;)
[03:14:26] kormoc (kormoc! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:14:27] Smirnov: i killed those already
[03:14:49] Honk: why?
[03:14:50] Smirnov: lol
[03:14:53] Honk: you're just testing anyway
[03:14:56] Smirnov: Starting GNOME display manager: [fail]
[03:14:58] Honk: dont use gdm or startx or anything
[03:15:08] Honk: get X working first
[03:15:19] Smirnov: i configured GDM to run 2 x servers
[03:15:28] Smirnov: i thought maybe i could trick them both to be displayed at the same time
[03:15:37] Smirnov: otherwise its only showing one X server per monitor _at a time_
[03:15:43] Honk: i told ya
[03:15:48] Honk: get X running
[03:15:51] Smirnov: i did
[03:15:52] Honk: then worry about gdm
[03:15:55] Honk: i thought it didnt work
[03:15:59] Smirnov: err i mean
[03:16:01] Honk: only showing 1 at a time :P
[03:16:05] Smirnov: well yeah
[03:16:11] Smirnov: but thats better than before
[03:16:17] kormoc: Honk,
[03:16:21] kormoc: Honk, gives me this
[03:16:26] kormoc: Honk,
[03:16:28] kormoc: Honk,
[03:16:57] Smirnov: 6800GS?
[03:17:01] kormoc: Honk, notice at the bottom: (EE) NVIDIA(0): The requested configuration of display devices is not supported in the hardware.
[03:17:08] kormoc: Smirnov, Nvidia 6800 GS, aye
[03:17:11] Smirnov: GLXm, thats the proprietary one right
[03:17:15] Smirnov: GLX*
[03:17:21] Honk: kormoc: i believed ya when you said it ;)
[03:17:21] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:17:22] kormoc: yes, I'm running nvidia's driver
[03:17:28] Honk: GreyFoxx said it'd work :P
[03:17:33] Smirnov: dang
[03:17:37] Smirnov: so it doesnt work..?
[03:17:38] Honk: just try nv
[03:17:46] Honk: it may work
[03:17:48] kormoc: GreyFoxx, heh, feel free to look at that config and the logs, see if you notice anything strange?
[03:17:48] Smirnov: argh
[03:17:50] Smirnov: kormoc: dude
[03:17:55] Smirnov: kormoc: how come you got the error
[03:18:00] bobby: I was wondering if soeone would be able to help me setup myth for FTA? I don't know what options I should select. I'd be just as happy with a good how-to
[03:18:00] Smirnov: The requested configuration of display devices is not supported in the hardware.
[03:18:05] Smirnov: i got some other bullshit error?
[03:18:10] Honk: kormoc: how come you've got errors on both displays? :P
[03:18:16] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has quit (Client Quit)
[03:18:19] kormoc: Smirnov, depends on your config
[03:18:20] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:18:24] Smirnov: kormoc: can you tell me how i can get your error lol
[03:18:59] kormoc: Honk, they both started to come up, #1 started, then #2 started, #1 failed in a awesome way, and then #2 totally died and my gfx card was hardlocked
[03:19:06] kormoc: Smirnov,
[03:19:10] kormoc: Smirnov, that's the x config I used
[03:19:10] Honk: ah i see
[03:19:16] Smirnov: i saw it
[03:19:17] Honk: thought you'd start one after the other :P
[03:19:22] kormoc: Honk, I did
[03:19:26] Smirnov: kormoc: you dont have the Screen directive inside your Seciton Device ??
[03:19:32] Smirnov: kormoc: i thought that Screen was mandatory
[03:19:34] Honk: you started the second one before the first one was really up :P
[03:19:34] stonith (stonith! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:19:38] Honk: at least you just said so :)
[03:19:53] Honk: Smirnov: screen 0 is default though
[03:19:53] Smirnov: kormoc: how did you start yours up at the same time?
[03:19:55] kormoc: Honk, well, yeah, multiseat shouldn't require the one to be totally up, but I'll go try that
[03:20:04] kormoc: Smirnov, it is required, not inside the device section tho
[03:20:18] Smirnov: where else do you put it
[03:20:24] kormoc: Smirnov, under the device section
[03:20:30] kormoc: just like I have it
[03:20:31] kormoc: brb
[03:20:53] Honk: kormoc: you dont have it anywhere, do you?
[03:20:58] Honk: Smirnov: who cares? try nv already :P
[03:21:12] Smirnov: kormoc: i dont get it, i dont see screen under your device section...
[03:21:20] Smirnov: kormoc: anyway how did you start it to get the error message
[03:21:22] kormoc: Smirnov, ooh, that's only for multiple displays on one X server
[03:21:43] Smirnov: huh..
[03:21:45] kormoc: X -novtswitch -sharevts -layout first -logverbose 3 :0 &
[03:21:49] kormoc: X -novtswitch -sharevts -layout second -logverbose 3 :0 &
[03:21:52] kormoc: X -novtswitch -sharevts -layout second -logverbose 3 :1 &
[03:22:04] kormoc: anyway, brb
[03:22:05] Smirnov: yeah but that throws you into the X window doesnt it
[03:22:12] kormoc: yes, which is what I want
[03:22:19] Smirnov: i can run X windows separately
[03:22:20] kormoc: I'm starting 2 x servers
[03:22:26] Smirnov: ALT+F3... X :)
[03:22:32] Smirnov: ALT+F4 .... X :1
[03:22:42] ** kormoc shrugs **
[03:22:50] kormoc (kormoc! has quit ()
[03:22:52] Honk: Smirnov: who cares :]
[03:23:02] Honk: stop chatting, start fiddling :P
[03:23:59] bobby: I was wondering if soeone would be able to help me setup myth for FTA? I don't know what options I should select. I'd be just as happy with a good how-to
[03:25:16] Smirnov: kormoc : lol i can do X -layout first :0 && sleep 5 && X -layout second :1
[03:25:23] Smirnov: kormoc: but it doesnt show them both hahaha
[03:25:33] Smirnov: Honk: do you have any idea what the "Screen" under Device section does
[03:27:59] Honk: tells your graphics card which core to use :]
[03:28:20] Smirnov: core?
[03:31:23] jk1joel (jk1joel!i=jsmith@nat/novell/x-5148736abdd0b618) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:31:48] Smirnov: well... at least ill be a hell of a lot more comfortable editing xorg.conf by hand now
[03:32:17] Smirnov: which is to say ive completely stayed away from it before i tried to hook up a TV
[03:35:24] Smirnov: maybe if i can start them simultaneously from gdm with a delay..?
[03:35:46] Smirnov: btw, you suggested using nv.. what would that achieve since i can already start them both one-by-one and just i have no idea how to start them together?
[03:37:24] Smirnov: Honk: blah some ppl from #xorg said it doesnt work like kormoc has been saying
[03:39:35] The_Ball_ (The_Ball_!n=alex@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:39:42] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:40:47] mtnbkr (mtnbkr!i=mtnbkr@gateway/gpg-tor/key-0x63A94EDC) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:44:09] bobby: So does anyone think they can give me hand?
[03:44:50] ** CyberKnet claps with great enthusiasm **
[03:45:50] serer: fta?? using what card?
[03:46:13] serer: North America (US) FTA?? as in HD?
[03:46:37] bobby: serer: twinhan 102g, Yes North America
[03:46:59] serer: ohh, DVB-s crads.... hmmmmmmmmm
[03:47:17] serer: where do you have the dish pointed at?
[03:47:53] bobby: serer: The dish is pointed at Nimiq 1 right now.
[03:48:13] serer: ok
[03:48:30] serer: single LNB? or dual?
[03:48:44] kormoc (kormoc! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:48:51] serer: or better yet, have you tried dvbn?
[03:49:00] bobby: I have a dual lnb but only one is being used right now.
[03:49:00] serer: they have ALOT of good inof there
[03:49:04] bobby: dvbn?
[03:49:09] bobby: oh the site,
[03:49:13] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has quit (Client Quit)
[03:49:18] serer: dvbn DOT happysat DOT org
[03:49:30] bobby: yah I've been poking round there for the night
[03:49:44] serer: does the lnb have a internal diseqc?
[03:50:15] serer: because if it does, you need to have the settings correct when you config the card
[03:50:44] bobby: serer: Nope, hmmm I don't think it does. Is there a way to check?
[03:50:55] serer: is it a PRO model?
[03:51:09] Honk: Smirnov: just buy a 30$ pci card ;)
[03:51:23] bobby: serer: I don't think it's a pro model
[03:51:39] serer: I have rarely seen and LNB's that are "connected" together that weren't internally "switched"
[03:52:12] serer: have you setup the card via mythtv-setup?
[03:52:46] bobby: serer: Perhaps I am a little confused. I only have one LNB on the dish but it has two outputs on it.
[03:53:18] kormoc: serer, you can just do the normal link in here, no need to do the DOT thing
[03:53:26] serer: gotcha
[03:53:29] serer: wasn't too sure
[03:53:31] bobby: serer: The card seems to be setup just fine. It shows up in mythtv-setup but when I try to scan for channels a screen pops up for a second and then it goes to a black channel screen
[03:53:39] Smirnov: Honk: xnest seems to work
[03:53:46] Smirnov: how do i lock the screen
[03:53:46] serer: ok
[03:54:15] serer: one sec
[03:55:02] serer: go into the channel scanner
[03:55:18] bobby: sec let me fire up the machine :)
[03:55:33] serer: find a transponder that is global (one that anyone can get)
[03:55:59] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:56:52] serer: I'd say chose the PPV promo ones
[03:57:06] serer: they wouldn't want you to go without PPV promos  :)
[03:57:23] serer: you'll notice the Frequencies
[03:57:38] serer: #'s in the far left col.
[03:58:03] serer: for example, the one I'm looking at is 12239
[03:58:13] serer: add 3 zeros 12239000
[03:58:19] bobby: serer: right with a big L next to it
[03:58:31] serer: yulp
[03:58:42] serer: enter that into myth
[03:59:11] serer: opps, forgot to say you should eb using a circular LNB setup for the card
[03:59:14] serer: *be
[03:59:37] bobby: serer: right, I should doule check that
[03:59:42] serer: yulp
[03:59:43] bobby: double that is
[04:00:28] serer: if that does't work, you may have a pro setup, and in that case you may need to use a "bandstacked" LNB, and find the bandstacked freq's
[04:00:32] serer: *doesn't
[04:01:00] serer: the location of those, if you asked me 3 years ago, I could tell ya, but as of right now, I haven't a clue
[04:01:15] serer: you'll have to do some searching if ya need em
[04:02:15] serer: but here is what your's shoudl look like I believe 12239000, Right Circular, 20000000
[04:02:19] serer: *should
[04:02:26] serer: then try to do a scan
[04:02:51] serer: you should eb able to pick up something if your LNB is setup correctly
[04:03:07] serer: more than liekl;y the PPV preview
[04:03:12] serer: *likely
[04:03:22] bobby: serer: Well it's currently hooked up to my PVR and working fine so I know it's point at the right bird :)
[04:03:29] serer: if that doesn't work, do a search for DISHPRO LNB's
[04:04:03] serer: in dvbn someone has gone thorugh the process of calculating them already
[04:04:21] serer: and you'll need ot enetr the correct LOF's, and hi's and lows
[04:04:31] bobby: serer: Do you know what I should set the Channel frequency table to? us-bcast,us-cable?
[04:04:43] serer: hmm, good question.....
[04:04:55] serer: I have yet to set it up in Myth.. only VDR
[04:05:15] serer: but when you find your card under DVB, does it give the option?
[04:05:35] serer: you shouldn;t be using and V4L, etc for the DVB card
[04:05:38] Smirnov: awesome
[04:05:41] Smirnov: i got xnest to work nicely
[04:05:46] Smirnov: except firefox
[04:06:41] bobby: serer: There are a lot of of different options in the card setup
[04:06:45] serer: but try tyat, and if all else fails, read, read, read
[04:07:02] fridge: what's the optimal resolution for movie cover images?
[04:07:29] kormoc: Smirnov, you'll likely need to make sure firefox wasn't compiled with the pango rendering engine for it to work in a nested X
[04:07:32] serer: I know for my HDTV card that I have setup under DVB I didn;t really get many options when I was setting up the card... you sure you're not looking under channels ources heading?
[04:07:45] serer: *sources
[04:08:12] serer: you should be able to go right into the channel editor option and scan form there I believe
[04:08:17] bobby: serer: Crap thats were I was
[04:08:27] ** Smirnov wonders why im screwing around with xnest when i can just use freenx **
[04:08:59] Dr_willis: or vnc ?
[04:09:15] hatredx (hatredx! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:09:15] serer: how old is the WHOEL dish setup, and did it come from Bell eXpress VU?
[04:09:19] serer: *WHOLE
[04:09:43] bobby: serer: yah the dish is from Bell, it's few years old
[04:10:13] serer: back when they first launched the 91 bird
[04:10:48] bobby: serer: I know there was a dish logo on the lnb when I was up on the roof the other day
[04:11:00] serer: then yes, its a pro setup then
[04:11:11] serer: you may need to find the bandstacked freq's
[04:11:27] serer: unless they have a LNB setting for that already
[04:11:34] serer: in Myth itself
[04:11:38] serer: I think they might
[04:12:13] serer: if all else fails read-read-read
[04:12:22] serer: alot of good info out there
[04:12:29] bobby: let me check. I saw a lnb listed in diseq option
[04:12:39] serer: and alot of good how-tos to setup it up
[04:12:48] serer: I'll be back
[04:13:34] bobby: serer: DishPro Bandstacked option is there
[04:14:12] alsoconfused (alsoconfused! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:16:43] nasa: Back again, been trying to troubleshoot why one speaker sounds good while the other produces static. This only happens in mythtv, other apps play those same files fine.
[04:17:08] nasa: I have noted that only files encoded with "mpeg audio layer 2" seem to produce said static effect.
[04:18:28] Smirnov: i had freenx installed all this time, i think im just gonna go back to using that to connect to my mythbox lol
[04:20:46] kavorka^: does the mytharchive option of importing a dvd to iso work on all commercial dvds that are out there?
[04:21:07] kormoc: in theory
[04:21:56] kormoc: it can play iso's
[04:22:14] Smirnov: but isnt there copy protection
[04:22:27] Smirnov: although i do suppose playing ISOs wouldnt be an issue in linux :P
[04:22:49] kormoc: Smirnov, there's keys, aye, but it uses the same keys on a dvd as well as an iso
[04:23:00] kormoc: no
[04:23:06] Smirnov: im confused
[04:23:14] kavorka^: well i ripped 4 dvds to isos and all work perfectly except one...which causes the frontend to crash
[04:23:25] Smirnov: anyway, ISO or not it shouldnt matter
[04:23:29] Smirnov: you still mount it to a folder no?
[04:23:34] kavorka^: but when i ripped it to vob ie a perfect dvd it worked fine too
[04:23:35] kormoc: Smirnov, no, you don't
[04:23:44] Smirnov: why not, my dvd "folder" is /mnt/dvd
[04:24:01] Smirnov: kavorka^: yeah i have some DVD "VOB" rips
[04:24:06] kormoc: Smirnov, DVD's require a key to playback, myth plays the iso the same way it does a real dvd, and thus uses the same key, this isn't removing the copy protection, it's just playing it
[04:24:13] Smirnov: its got the main menu and everything all in tact, but not all video players know how to play the "folder"
[04:24:21] kormoc: Smirnov, you don't mount the iso, it can just play the iso as if it was a dvd
[04:24:32] Smirnov: oh
[04:24:40] Smirnov: color me clueless then
[04:24:48] Smirnov: because i thought the copy protection prevented a full image from being made?
[04:24:56] Smirnov: dont they use tricks like weakly-written sectors?
[04:25:01] kormoc: Smirnov, I'd recommend you use the Internal video player, it supports menus
[04:25:13] kormoc: Smirnov, nope, it just prevents viewing without the keys, tis all
[04:25:22] Smirnov: i dont get it
[04:25:23] kavorka^: thats the thing with this particular dvd it plays back garbled like its encrypted
[04:25:31] Smirnov: then how is it preventing copying ???
[04:25:33] kavorka^: and i couldnt burn it via k3b either
[04:25:34] kormoc: Smirnov, you can't burn it to a real DVD disk and have it work in a drive
[04:25:42] Smirnov: why not??
[04:25:56] kormoc: Smirnov, the place where Key's are stored are not there on blank disks
[04:26:02] Smirnov: OH!
[04:26:06] Smirnov: thats it?
[04:26:07] Smirnov: are you serious?
[04:26:10] kormoc: Smirnov, aye
[04:26:13] Smirnov: wow ok
[04:26:20] Smirnov: so all i have to do is make an iso of the dvd?
[04:26:24] ** kormoc nods **
[04:26:28] Smirnov: ok
[04:26:31] Smirnov: what if i want to rip it to MPEG4 now
[04:26:32] kormoc: dd if=/dev/dvddrive of=movie.iso
[04:26:48] Smirnov: or i guess that woud be like any other situation
[04:26:51] kormoc: aye
[04:26:53] Smirnov: ok hers a question
[04:27:00] Smirnov: mythtv MPEG2 takes about 2 GB/hr right?
[04:27:07] kormoc: can, yes
[04:27:09] Dr_willis: Hmm.. would that apply to unencrypted dvd's as well?
[04:27:13] Smirnov: any way to make it retroactively compress to MPEG4 or something?
[04:27:24] kormoc: Dr_willis, no, uncopy protected disks can be copied fine
[04:27:33] Smirnov: i have a PVR150 but if my computer is idling, i would love it if my recorded shows got compressed better
[04:27:37] kormoc: Dr_willis, it only needs the keys if they are encrypted :P
[04:27:46] Smirnov: or maybe i can tweak up the compression to be higher without losing quality?
[04:27:50] kormoc: Smirnov, yes, have it transcode the recordings to mpeg4
[04:27:55] Smirnov: my computer should be able to handle better compression on the fly
[04:28:02] Dr_willis: kormoc, yea – i was thinkind id copied some dvd's but they were ones i made with my PVR. of shows i recorded.
[04:28:28] Dr_willis: Smirnov, you can set up user scripts to convert them to other things/recompress.. but not tried it myself.
[04:28:42] Smirnov: kormoc: transcode ?
[04:28:49] Smirnov: i got a PVR-150 so i think thats supposed to do MPEG2 in hardware
[04:28:57] kormoc: Smirnov, aye it does
[04:29:06] Dr_willis: Got a PVR-150 also. :)
[04:29:19] Smirnov: what should i do to make it compress so it takes less space but still looks as good as regular SD?
[04:29:27] Smirnov: kormoc: oh all right, should i search for 'transcode' ?
[04:29:32] kormoc: Smirnov, aye
[04:29:35] Smirnov: kormoc: i can do that with low priority right?
[04:29:36] bobby (bobby! has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox 1.0.6/20051106]")
[04:29:40] kormoc: Smirnov, aye you can
[04:29:42] Smirnov: sweet
[04:29:57] Dr_willis: J-e-f-f-A, i was mainly ripping/converting to psp :) but that got to be a drag.
[04:30:07] kavorka^: its a shame that the dvds you import cant be seen with my aim was to convert the vob files to divx and save i have any options apart from having to do it via avidemux?
[04:30:33] kormoc: kavorka^, mencoder, ffmpeg are choices too
[04:31:43] ** Likwuid_Ice just had his mysql database go kaput. Can anyone help me restore the default mythtv user and database? **
[04:32:08] kormoc: Likwuid_Ice, just read the mythtv docs on setting up the database, it's all covered there
[04:32:14] _Sam--: kormoc: i just plugged my mythbox into a CRT TV for the first time. when i play videos (avi) in full screen mode on the tv, there is a blue box surrounding the playback, and the playback isnt quite full screen on screen on my TV...what should i look at?
[04:32:17] Likwuid_Ice: thanks
[04:33:01] kormoc: _Sam--, you can play with overscan options if your video driver supports them, worse case, you can set the blue box to black with xvattrb or similar
[04:33:21] Dr_willis: J-e-f-f-A, theres getting to be better handleld 'media players' out :)
[04:33:33] _Sam--: thanks for your expertise. its appreciated.
[04:33:45] Smirnov: how do i open something in my TV monitor? im afraid if i put mythfront into a startup script it will end up in the first monitor (LCD)
[04:34:06] kormoc: Smirnov, one X server with two displays?
[04:34:22] Smirnov: kormoc: yep
[04:34:24] J-e-f-f-A: Dr_willis: Which ones? the M$ one, or others?
[04:34:28] Dr_willis: Smirnov, if you would want mythtv to only be on the other monitor – using 2 X servers (one for each display) may be best.
[04:34:32] kormoc: Smirnov, DISPLAY=:0.1 mythfrontend
[04:34:33] Smirnov: i gave up, i can use freenx to login as a separate user :)
[04:34:49] kormoc: Smirnov, that will force it to the second display, :0.0 is first display
[04:35:03] kormoc: Dr_willis, if you know a way to do 2 x servers on one videocard, that'd be great :P
[04:35:03] Smirnov: kormoc: excellent
[04:35:07] Smirnov: kormoc: i will add that to my startup script now
[04:35:11] Dr_willis: J-e-f-f-A, the MS ones are trash. – i wouldent even look at them. Ive been watching the creative ones.. and some of the other 3rd party ones comming out. Then thers that new Nokia Thing (the 880?)
[04:35:21] Smirnov: kormoc: like you said, its a hardware limitation...hehee
[04:35:26] kormoc: :)
[04:35:35] Dr_willis: J-e-f-f-A, the PSP does have a nice video screen.. but the other limations on it – are the killer.
[04:35:45] J-e-f-f-A: Dr_willis: How about the video ipods — any experience w/them?
[04:35:57] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, xris uses one of them, he likes it
[04:35:58] Dr_willis: J-e-f-f-A, i woudlent touch an ipod either. :)
[04:36:15] ** Dr_willis runs away from apple. **
[04:36:41] Dr_willis: i want somthing i dont have to reconvert every video i got to some special format for the handheld to play.
[04:37:16] Dr_willis: of course at work right now.. they are cracking down on watching videos at work. :) so i can wait.
[04:37:31] J-e-f-f-A: Well, H.264 is just MPEG4 with a different name, right?
[04:37:34] _Sam--: kormoc: an option like this, what is the unit of measurement for the overscan setting? Section "Device"
[04:37:34] _Sam--: Identifier "Videocard0"
[04:37:34] _Sam--: Driver "nvidia"
[04:37:34] _Sam--: VendorName "Chaintech"
[04:37:34] _Sam--: BoardName "nVidia GeForce 4 MX 440"
[04:37:35] _Sam--: # TV Out Setup
[04:37:38] _Sam--: Option "TVStandard" "NTSC-M"
[04:37:40] _Sam--: Option "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO"
[04:37:42] _Sam--: Option "TVOverScan" "0.6"
[04:37:44] _Sam--: EndSection
[04:37:48] _Sam--: f*ck sorry
[04:37:49] _Sam--: i meant to paste one line, bad copy
[04:38:12] kormoc: _Sam--, it's between 0 and 1, and it's just that, you just need to play with it to see what works
[04:38:31] Smirnov: kormoc: does that grab the DISPLAY=0.1 from the xorg.conf ?
[04:39:00] kormoc: Smirnov, well, as long as you have 2 displays still, aye
[04:39:29] kormoc: Smirnov, basically it just says to go to the second display, I /believe/ that it will eather error out or just map to display 0 if there is only one
[04:39:32] Dr_willis: Smirnov, with my Nvidia card.. i have it set to for a single 'monitor' and if i power up with just the tv hooked up.. it defaults to the tv.
[04:39:32] JPAULEY: I am getting a loud background noise when I play back only SOME recordings but others are fine — I have a pvr-150.
[04:39:52] kormoc: JPAULEY, could be a card in the computer is too close
[04:40:16] JPAULEY: kormoc: close to what? It would only effect some recordings?
[04:40:20] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Are the loud recordings from the same channel?
[04:40:20] kormoc: JPAULEY, you see, all electornics create noise that would affect the recording, but only on certain frequencies
[04:40:34] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: no — all different chanells
[04:40:36] JPAULEY: channels
[04:40:37] kormoc: JPAULEY, well, in the next pci slot to the card
[04:41:00] Smirnov: kormoc: argh. sometimes when i go to "watch tv" the screen is black. sometimes not. wtf
[04:41:13] kormoc: Smirnov, gotta look at the log files to see why
[04:41:18] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Consistently on the same channels, or does it 'move' from channel to channel?
[04:41:47] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: never consistently — I recorded two shows back to back on one channel one was fine the other was not
[04:41:58] Smirnov: kormoc: some kinda RingBuf error
[04:42:40] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: But is the recording on channel '6' (for example) always loud, but channel '23' is 'normal'?
[04:43:15] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: no that isn't the case
[04:43:55] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: I never know when it will be bad
[04:43:59] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Oh, you said 'background noise'... What type of background noise?
[04:44:13] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: a loud hum
[04:44:18] JPAULEY: piercing
[04:44:53] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Ok, 60hz hum? like AC power frequency?
[04:45:32] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: it is loud enough to drown out the tv's audio such that you can barely hear it
[04:45:48] JPAULEY: only on some recordings — can't make sense of it
[04:46:31] _Sam--: kormoc: after i change my tvoverscan setting in xorg.conf, what is the easiest way to see make those changes take effect within myth?
[04:46:39] _Sam--: just exit out of myth and restart myth?
[04:46:48] kormoc: _Sam--, you'd need to restart X
[04:46:49] _Sam--: or you have to exit all the way out of X?
[04:46:56] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Well, is your cable run next to an AC power cable, or a fan or some other device that has an AC fan that turns on & off periodically..
[04:47:04] kormoc: _Sam--, or you can use the nvidia-settings to play with them in realtime
[04:47:05] _Sam--: i dont even know the command line running to start my x :) knoppmyth
[04:47:25] _Sam--: .6 got rid of the blue bar at the top
[04:47:30] _Sam--: i think i need .7-.8
[04:47:33] Smirnov: whats the glx module used for?
[04:47:49] kormoc: Smirnov, opengl
[04:48:07] _Sam--: kormoc, if i look at my xinitrc, that is what is starting my X at boot?
[04:48:26] Smirnov: argh
[04:48:26] Dr_willis: _Sam--, either use '/etc/init.d/gdm restart' or perhaps just hit alt-ctrl-backspace then 'startx'
[04:48:31] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: There is some power cables near it — but I am watching a recording that was ont he same channel from 9–10 and another from 10–11. the first one was fine the second was messed up... it is hard to beleive that it would instantly turn on like that
[04:48:32] kormoc: _Sam--, more like xdm or gdm
[04:48:34] Smirnov: any idea where to look for the nvidia .so files?
[04:48:46] _Sam--: if i just do startx, i get a pretty fluxbox X with no myth :)
[04:48:48] _Sam--: and no apps
[04:49:01] kormoc: _Sam--, restarting the box might be the best then :P
[04:49:29] _Sam--: thanks for your help.
[04:49:29] Dr_willis: _Sam--, you loggedin as root and running startx? try logging in as mythtv and startx
[04:49:38] _Sam--: ah...yes, im definitely root
[04:49:46] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Ok, so it doesn't cut in & out within the same recording, but is basically 'random' and happens for the whole recording... Right?
[04:49:49] _Sam--: thanks.
[04:50:12] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: correct
[04:52:42] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Humm... Seems like it's something either with the PVR-150 itself, or with how myth is tuning it. Have you tried just watching tv with an 'x' tv program, or even mplayer and the perl channel change utility?
[04:52:52] Nem^1 is now known as Nem^
[04:53:06] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: just now I started mplayer and that same hum is there....
[04:53:41] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Ok, so it's not myth's fault.. something screwey with the pvr-150, or perhaps the driver, or just the config...
[04:54:03] _Sam--: kormoc: does an overscan setting that is a lower numerical value make the size of the playback bigger, or smaller?
[04:54:10] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: I've googled all day — I am not sure where to go from here
[04:54:14] _Sam--: im having a hard time determining
[04:54:15] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Try changing channels to see if it goes away/comes back, etc...
[04:54:27] JPAULEY: stand by...
[04:54:45] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Start another shell and use the perl util... let me know if you need the command, I'll search for it...
[04:54:58] _Sam--: nevermind!
[04:55:07] _Sam--: Valid values range from 0.0 (no overscan) to 1.0 (overscan as much as possible)
[04:55:15] Smirnov: kormoc: i really cant put my head around. it was working just fine recently and sometimes it doesnt work at all
[04:58:11] Smirnov: wtf
[04:58:16] Smirnov: how do i get rid of a <defunct> mythbackend
[04:58:21] Smirnov: kill -9 as root aint cutting it
[04:59:15] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: I chhanged the channel and it worked...
[04:59:23] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:59:31] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: what perl util?
[04:59:58] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: of course now I cannot reproduce it...
[05:00:03] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: There's a perl script that lets you change channels by clicking on buttons, basically just gives a 'gui' to the scripts...
[05:00:21] Smirnov: can you write ruby/python scripts for mythtv or only perl?
[05:01:21] JPAULEY: Sorry
[05:01:23] JPAULEY: disconnected
[05:01:38] _Sam--: kormoc: (sorry to be your biggest pain) you have any example of how to set the blue box to black using xvattr?
[05:01:44] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: changing the channel worked but now I cannot reproduce the error... any ideas?
[05:01:58] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: That's ok... I'm looking for that perl script – don't remember if you have to d/l it, or if it comes w/myth... one sec..
[05:01:58] _Sam--: even at max overscan, i cant get it to fill the screen
[05:02:08] kormoc: _Sam--, sadly I do not
[05:02:30] _Sam--: is this a common thing, or its related to my TV?
[05:02:36] _Sam--: or related more to the video card?
[05:02:47] Smirnov: kormoc: heh my tuner is working agin. anyways 5 mins ago it was because my mythbackend died
[05:02:50] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Do you have your frequency table set right — probably has to be "US Cable"...
[05:02:54] kormoc: Smirnov, icky, you might want to try more verbose logging (-v all), and only perl right now. if someone writes any bindings, it would work fine
[05:02:55] Smirnov: kormoc: but earlier this morning it was mysteriously showing me a black screen all the time
[05:03:03] kormoc: _Sam--, it's actually quite common for tv's, aye
[05:03:06] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: but we've shown that changing the channels worked — what will the perl script do?
[05:03:22] Smirnov: i see.. i'll have to play with that one day.. unfortunately i only know ruby/python and i guess its time to learn perl so i can tell everyone how awesome i am
[05:03:44] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has quit (Client Quit)
[05:03:53] kormoc: Smirnov, I had that issue with 0.20-fixes, it mythbackend was using 100% cpu and it just would not record at times, I upgraded to trunk and that went away
[05:03:58] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: If it's a 'random' issue with the PVR-150 itself, then changing the channels 'manually' should make it happen eventually.
[05:04:07] Smirnov: kormoc: oh no, it was <defunct> when i put in ps
[05:04:08] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: I will go look, but I am pretty sure that it is US Cable
[05:04:14] kormoc: Smirnov, ahh
[05:04:16] Smirnov: kormoc: probably happened one of the many times i restarted gdm lol
[05:04:26] Smirnov: when i was screwing around with my xorg.conf earlier
[05:04:26] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: If it doesn't happen outside of Myth, then it's probably the frequency table that Myth is using to do the tuning...
[05:04:36] Smirnov: kormoc: btw any idea if i can restrict an InputDevice in xorg.conf to only one screen?
[05:04:39] _Sam--: xvattr -a XV_COLORKEY -v 66048
[05:04:39] _Sam--: # xvattr -a XV_COLORKEY -v 0
[05:04:52] _Sam--: "The xvattr line is to stop the blue lines around the picture that you get with nVidia graphics cards and TV-out."
[05:04:56] kormoc: Smirnov, currently, nope
[05:04:56] Smirnov: kormoc: my mythfrontend keeps losing *focus*...grrr
[05:05:03] Smirnov: kormoc: any tips for that?
[05:05:19] Smirnov: who else has a PVR150 here
[05:05:21] kormoc: Smirnov, sadly not really. You using a remote?
[05:05:24] J-e-f-f-A: Smimov: Retlyn?
[05:05:36] ** J-e-f-f-A ;-) **
[05:05:47] Smirnov: kormoc: havent gotten to that part yet
[05:05:59] Smirnov: kormoc: i assume that will go away after i unhook the LCD monitor
[05:06:05] kormoc: Smirnov, should, aye
[05:06:09] Smirnov: kormoc: but i still would like to have a VGA connection to the LCD
[05:06:17] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has quit (Client Quit)
[05:06:17] Smirnov: just in case i need a raw connection to the box
[05:06:25] kormoc: Smirnov, well, with the remote as the interface to myth, it should work fine
[05:06:35] Smirnov: oh really, the remote doesnt care then?
[05:06:42] Smirnov: cause then im set once i configure it..
[05:06:43] kormoc: Smirnov, if setup right, nope
[05:06:45] Smirnov: good
[05:07:09] kormoc: well, I'll rephrase that, shouldn't :P
[05:07:12] _Sam--: kormoc: in order to set that xvattr command everytime x loads, where would i do that?
[05:07:14] kormoc: but ya never know
[05:07:23] Smirnov: does lirc work with a USB thingy remote
[05:07:43] kormoc: _Sam--, ~/.xinitrc is common, or where ever your distro sets that stuff up
[05:08:15] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Works great with MCE USB2... ;-)
[05:08:21] Smirnov: whats a USB IrDA dongle
[05:08:22] Smirnov: im so confused
[05:08:32] Smirnov: my remote has an MCE logo on it and it works in MCE (Windows)
[05:08:41] Smirnov: i had to hook up a USB receiver to my card for it to work
[05:08:55] kormoc: to your card or to a usb port?
[05:09:09] Smirnov: to my usb port
[05:09:35] Smirnov: it uses a mini usb cable
[05:09:48] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: it was set to us-bcast not usa-cable, could that be it?
[05:10:13] Smirnov: is that an "IR receiver" ?
[05:10:29] _Sam--: kormoc would it be acceptable to set that xvattr command globally in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc  ?
[05:10:34] J-e-f-f-A: Definitely, especially for channels > 13... different frequencies for Cable. I dont know if you have to re-scan now, or if it will just work... give it a shot with "live tv" to see...
[05:10:36] kormoc: Smirnov, ?
[05:10:45] kormoc: _Sam--, worth a try
[05:10:55] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: thanks — how do I rescan if necessary?
[05:10:57] Smirnov: kormoc: yes that looks almost like that
[05:11:07] Smirnov: kormoc: except its a slightly different shape and doesnt say microsoft
[05:11:12] Smirnov: is that one will work with lirc ??
[05:11:18] kormoc: donno then
[05:11:20] hatredx (hatredx! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:11:26] kormoc: I only know about the microsoft branded version
[05:11:29] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Did you 'scan' your channels, or did you just download them from zap2it?
[05:11:29] Smirnov: what is that called though
[05:11:36] Smirnov: and it should be the same shouldnt it
[05:11:41] kormoc: Smirnov, lirc_mceusb2 is the driver for it
[05:11:45] kormoc: Smirnov, might be, might not
[05:11:52] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: I believe it was zap2it
[05:12:01] Smirnov: kormoc: ok ill try
[05:13:54] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: Then you might be ok... Give "livetv' a shot, and jump around to different channels. If they don't work right, then the easiest thing to do would be to delete the capture card, then add it back in, and setup the channels again, this time with 'us cable'... But try 'livetv' first, maybe even each channel for a few secs...
[05:14:31] JPAULEY: J-e-f-f-A: thank you!
[05:14:48] ** JPAULEY is away playing with Mythtv **
[05:14:49] _Sam--: kormoc: thanks again for your help. your knowledge is certainly impressive. im going to go enjoy my non-blue framed video for a while. thanks again and have a great night.
[05:14:59] J-e-f-f-A: JPAULEY: NP. I hope that takes care of your humm issue!  ;-)
[05:15:03] kormoc: you're quite welcome, enjoy!
[05:17:02] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: Would you happen to know how the channel frequencies are stored — are they in the DB by 'exception' only, or are they 'loaded' in at the time of the channel's 'creation'?
[05:17:02] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:17:32] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, I don't know, sorry
[05:17:40] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: thx... ;-)
[05:21:43] Mothrog (Mothrog! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:22:37] Mothrog: This is a stupid question, but how the heck do you connect a digital optical cable to the square block boxes with holes in them that appear on sound cards?
[05:22:56] Mothrog: For optical out
[05:24:26] at0m|c: Mothrog: that's how optical cables are.. like almost square
[05:24:51] Smirnov: ugh... if this works i dont think ill be updating my linux stuff for a LONG time
[05:25:01] Smirnov: why so many things need to be compiled? *sigh*
[05:25:39] at0m|c: Mothrog: . . . MVC-002S.jpg
[05:25:44] kormoc: Mothrog, the square plug pulls out of the socket
[05:25:58] at0m|c: kormoc: ah he ment the dustcap :>
[05:26:01] Mothrog: Oh
[05:26:06] Mothrog: Ok
[05:26:07] at0m|c: pull it out ye :)
[05:26:31] Mothrog: Yeah, somehow, I knew there was something extraordinarly stupid I was missing
[05:26:32] kormoc: took me a minute my first time too :P
[05:26:45] Mothrog: lol
[05:27:14] at0m|c: optical wires are most sensitive to their smooth edge and dirt
[05:27:17] J-e-f-f-A: + it may take some force to get it to 'snap' into place... At least it did on my sat tuner...
[05:27:49] J-e-f-f-A: (ie – pushing into the socket – don't bend the fibre itself!)
[05:28:24] Mothrog: Aye
[05:28:48] Mothrog: Does anyone know how you switch between analog and SPDIF output in alsa?
[05:28:49] x86:
[05:28:51] x86: omg rofl
[05:29:03] Mothrog: I can't quite seem to get sound to work
[05:29:23] Smirnov: wooohooo
[05:29:26] Smirnov: irw is seeing my remote
[05:30:27] at0m|c: Mothrog: checked ?
[05:30:46] x86: Smirnov: irw?
[05:30:55] Mothrog: at0m|c: Yeah
[05:31:20] J-e-f-f-A: x86: That's great! ;-) (telemarketer)
[05:31:27] Mothrog: at0m|c: I get up to the point in their troubleshooting information where it tells you to run aplay to try the various hardware outputs, but then aplay throws me an error
[05:32:33] Smirnov: x86: yeah its to test the ir stuff
[05:32:36] Smirnov: lirc seems to work
[05:32:43] at0m|c: Mothrog: hm... if your soundcard is in the matrix, , there's usually a how-to for it..
[05:32:44] Smirnov: now to get it to work with mythtv ? :O
[05:33:59] x86: Smirnov: in syslog i see irw connect to the lircd socket though
[05:34:12] x86: Smirnov: so lircd must not like my hauppauge ir reciever
[05:34:45] Mothrog: at0m|c: Unfortunately, they don't seem to even have chaintech listed as a manufacturer
[05:36:05] Smirnov: x86: *shrug*
[05:36:20] Smirnov: my usb remote works with mplayer after editing the .lircrc file... why doesnt mythtv do anything with the remote?
[05:37:21] _Sam--: kormoc: why cant mythv background the process of "updating music database"....i dont understand why it (your mythtv system) doesnt let you do anything else while it performs this task. it seems like it should be able to background that, and give you your main menu back
[05:37:39] _Sam--: like i have 20,000 songs, it might take it a while to update the database...i should be able to do other stuff
[05:37:51] Smirnov: _Sam--: ah the typical problem of lazy programmers
[05:38:03] J-e-f-f-A: x86: (re: telemarketer thing) I've played it 3x already, and I'm laughing harder each time!  ;-)
[05:38:04] Smirnov: although in this case its free
[05:38:13] Smirnov: and also i imagine thers a way to run a command manually to update it
[05:38:15] _Sam--: at least i can ssh to my other boxes from the couch and irc :)
[05:38:18] at0m|c: Mothrog: chaintech probably doesnt make the audio chip. lsmod | grep snd
[05:38:53] at0m|c: Mothrog: or cat /proc/asound/cards
[05:39:50] Mothrog: at0m|c: I get ICE1724 – Chaintech AV-710 from /proc/asound/cards
[05:40:16] Smirnov: how do you get the damn remote to work
[05:40:43] at0m|c: Mothrog: . . . dule=ice1724
[05:41:51] Mothrog: at0m|c: Looks like that module's loaded
[05:42:56] Mothrog: at0m|c: Any idea why the module would be loaded, and for all purposes the card seems to be function, but I don't get any sound?
[05:43:45] x86: J-e-f-f-A: hehe
[05:43:54] x86: Smirnov: you got a PVR-500 MCE bundle?
[05:44:35] Smirnov: PVR-150 MCE bundle
[05:44:52] Smirnov: i found the lircrc in contrib/configfiles/ anyways
[05:44:55] Smirnov: im gonna go test it now
[05:45:13] x86: hmm
[05:45:18] x86: you're not using a lircd.conf?
[05:45:45] Smirnov: damn
[05:45:46] J-e-f-f-A: x86: do a 'view source' on the page, and you can download the .mp3 file itself... ;-) It's going on my ipod!
[05:45:49] Smirnov: the one i found is seriously screwed
[05:45:57] Smirnov: x86: sorry all i know about lircd is what i read on the wiki
[05:47:35] scopeuk:
[05:47:48] x86: Smirnov: which wiki is that?
[05:48:04] at0m|c: Mothrog: not sure, if that alsa link for your module doesnt enlighten you, maybe try #alsa..
[05:48:09] x86: Smirnov: i'm using
[05:48:19] Mothrog: at0m|c: OK, thanks
[05:48:24] x86: J-e-f-f-A: hehe
[05:48:48] kormoc: _Sam--, aye, it's mainly cause myth wasn't written with that in mind. Feel free to submit patches to fix it :)
[05:48:56] Mothrog: One more optical audio cable question: Is that big plastic bulb on the end supposed to stay in place?
[05:49:12] Mothrog: The bulb's almost as wide as the black plug part
[05:49:18] kormoc: Mothrog, likely not...
[05:49:23] Smirnov: RAWR
[05:49:28] Mothrog: Arg
[05:49:31] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:49:34] kormoc: Mothrog, look back at that picture you were linked to
[05:49:42] kormoc: Mothrog, the clean/white thing should come off
[05:49:55] kormoc: Smirnov, lircd.conf or for myth?
[05:50:05] Mothrog: Ok, yeah
[05:50:11] Mothrog: I got it
[05:50:27] Smirnov: kormoc: lircrc
[05:50:42] kormoc: Smirnov, there is one with myth, let me get the url
[05:50:46] Mothrog: Thanks again
[05:51:19] kormoc: Smirnov, . . . mple.mceusb2
[05:51:26] kormoc: Mothrog, you're quite welcome
[05:52:33] Smirnov: kormoc: thats the one im using
[05:52:37] Smirnov: kormoc: it seems to be slightly off
[05:52:49] kormoc: Smirnov, well, it was made for a slightly different remote layout then
[05:52:54] Smirnov: i suppose i can tweak it
[05:53:00] kormoc: it's easy enough
[05:53:01] Smirnov: where would i find a list of the values i write into 'config'
[05:53:11] Smirnov: i can get the button values from irw but im not sure about the config = part
[05:53:15] kormoc: would have it somewhere
[05:53:38] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: I've got mine up on my server — might be closer to what you want...
[05:53:51] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: do you have a PVR-150 MCE?
[05:54:17] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: PVR-500 MCE — with the M$ USB remote
[05:54:22] Smirnov: hm
[05:54:27] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: i wonder if you got the same one
[05:54:41] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: wait are you using an MS remote or the one you got with the PVR-500
[05:55:01] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: The M$ usb remote.
[05:55:07] Zyxus (Zyxus! has quit ("WeeChat 0.2.1")
[05:57:20] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: This one, but without the color buttons and the bottom-right grey button:
[05:57:49] Smirnov: you mean this one  ;?
[05:58:11] Smirnov: does the back of yours say RC6 US patent 5,877,702
[05:58:26] Smirnov: does it say "Microsoft" on it? mine doesnt
[05:58:44] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: No, looks exactly like the one I linked to, but without the 4 color buttons .. red green yellow blue...
[05:58:54] kormoc: Smirnov, mine says the same RC6 + patent number but looks different
[05:59:09] Smirnov: mine looks exactly like the first one you linked to except without the 4 color buttons as welll
[05:59:26] Smirnov: and without the MS name on it
[05:59:35] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Yes, mine has the microsoft brand name on it, RC6 ir patent 5,877,702
[05:59:51] Smirnov: hm
[05:59:53] Smirnov: must be the same thing
[06:00:24] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Do you have a USB receiver, or an IR 'eye' that plugs into your PVR-150?
[06:01:03] Smirnov: via a usb cable
[06:01:05] Smirnov: ?
[06:01:45] J-e-f-f-A: Ok, it's the same thing then. My lircd.conf is also on my page, at
[06:03:42] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: One thing to note is that the 'Start' button is listed as 'Home' in the lirc files — perhaps it was 'home' until m$ re-named it to 'start', and nobody changed the name in the lirc files... I dunno, I left it alone.
[06:10:36] Smirnov: ok all my button = ... is ok
[06:10:43] Smirnov: im confused as to what PgUp PgDown does
[06:10:47] Smirnov: I get the Skip Ahead, Skip Back thing?
[06:10:55] Smirnov: is your config more sensible J-e-f-f-A?
[06:11:53] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: I dunno... download them and have a look to see if you like the layout...
[06:12:37] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: I like it better, but some folks may not like it... It's a matter of personal taste I think...
[06:15:18] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: i think ill give it a whirl
[06:16:20] rosslin: J-e-f-f-A> ever done dvb-c with myth?
[06:16:37] J-e-f-f-A: I just cracked open my 2nd MCE USB remote... and wadda ya know.. it's got 'buttons' there for the bottom 5 keys that aren't present on the 'face' of my remote... ;-) Looks like I'll be drilling 5 holes and creating 5 new buttons! ;-)
[06:17:10] J-e-f-f-A: rosslin: Nope... I'm in the US, so I probably won't either – can't get much 'free' sattelite here with a PC card.
[06:17:55] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... Now that I've got this apart, I've got to print a tiny Myth logo to replace that dumb windows logo!  ;-)
[06:18:50] Smirnov: blah
[06:18:59] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: wtf.. i dont get your ChanUp/ChanDown bindings
[06:19:07] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: do they do the "Skip Ahead/Skip Back" thing for you?
[06:19:20] pete: . . . 330078166808
[06:19:38] pete: nutty
[06:19:45] J-e-f-f-A: I have the left 'arrow' set to 'skip back' (the 10 secs, or whatever configured in myth), and the right arrow configured for skip ahead (30 secs for me)
[06:20:30] J-e-f-f-A: pgup / pgdn are mapped to the 'real' keyboard pgup and pgdn for easy scrolling in the myth listings and recorded programs....
[06:20:56] J-e-f-f-A: So that means the up and down arrows do channel up and down...
[06:21:38] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: ok... when im in the guide what button do I press to go to the damn channel
[06:22:12] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: If you've got myth configured to tune it when you press 'select', then press the 'go' button.
[06:22:30] J-e-f-f-A: -er... make that "OK"
[06:23:04] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: If you don't have it configured to tune the channel, it will bring up the options menu.
[06:24:25] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: it brings up the recording times... but when I press the windows button that works?
[06:25:14] Smirnov: not bad i suppose
[06:25:16] J-e-f-f-A: Ok, well the windows 'start' button is mapped to "M" in my config — so I guess 'M' tunes the channel in your myth config.
[06:25:30] Smirnov: why doesnt pressing recorded tv, guide, live tv, dvd menu do anything
[06:25:49] Smirnov: and neither do my tv, my music, my pics, my vids
[06:26:22] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: You have to map them in Myth — Check what keyboard character I've got them mapped to in the /etc/lircd.conf file, then set the "jump point" appropriately using the mythweb key bindings editor.
[06:26:33] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: all right ill look at that
[06:26:37] Smirnov: once i figure out where mythweb is lol
[06:27:10] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Just try launching a browser to http://localhost/mythweb and see if it's running already... (it might be...)
[06:27:45] Smirnov: hm
[06:27:50] Smirnov: why is it asking me to install php-mysql packages
[06:28:20] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Because Mythweb is PHP... And the myth database is MySQL...
[06:28:35] Smirnov: i already have all that installed
[06:29:42] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Humm... probably need to configure a .conf file for mythweb... If xris is around, he can probably help you in 2 seconds... He's the mythweb guy... ;-)
[06:30:01] Smirnov: really
[06:30:09] Smirnov: such courage to write it in php.. i applaud him :)
[06:30:18] Smirnov: as for me, i cant even find the damn php-mysql string
[06:31:35] J-e-f-f-A: I've 'customized' a few of my mythweb pages (on .19), but basically 'hacked' my way through the .php code — I bought a book on PHP but haven't had much time to really read it yet...
[06:31:46] Smirnov: well i know php well, i just dont like it
[06:31:54] Smirnov: is mythbackend supposed to be using up 90% of my cpu ???
[06:32:18] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Probably not, but what is your CPU?
[06:32:21] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit ("IceChat - Chillin with the Best of em")
[06:32:24] Mothrog (Mothrog! has quit ()
[06:32:26] Smirnov: amd 64 3500+
[06:32:46] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Umm... Yeah, I think 9% would be more appropriate!!!!
[06:32:56] Smirnov: what the heck..
[06:34:29] J-e-f-f-A: mythbackend is using 1.0% of my cpu atm... and that's a dual-PIII 866 ... But then again, it's not recording anything atm...
[06:34:44] Smirnov: im playing a live tv
[06:34:45] Smirnov: thats all
[06:34:47] Smirnov: SD
[06:35:27] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: You're using a PVR-150, right? Are you using /dev/video0 ?
[06:35:31] Smirnov: yes
[06:35:57] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Then I see no reason for it to use 90%... You do have
[06:36:04] J-e-f-f-A: ... DMA on, right?
[06:36:13] Smirnov: i think so
[06:36:21] Smirnov: i certainly never turned it off
[06:37:13] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: check with /sbin/hdparm /dev/hda (or whatever your video drive device is)
[06:37:19] Smirnov: blah.. i checked my php4 php.ini file
[06:37:26] Smirnov: and mysql was off.. i turned it on and im still getting the error
[06:38:30] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: perhaps it's using php5? You did say you had both installed, no?
[06:40:35] J-e-f-f-A: Humm... it's been about a year since I setup mythweb — I don't remember doing anything special. Your best bet is probably to search the threads on gossamer...
[06:44:51] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Hey, I've gotta get to bed — I hope you get it sorted out... ttyl.
[06:45:00] Smirnov: thanks good night
[06:45:54] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:48:33] juski: so, mythtv's OSD code supports now/next does it? heheh. you have any idea how many users bemoan the lack of that on the OSD? Now/Next is de-rigeur on UK set top boxes
[06:52:51] Smirnov: WTF!!!!!
[06:52:56] Smirnov: why is mythweb bitching about mysql
[06:52:59] Smirnov: my phpmyadmin works just fine
[06:56:03] kormoc: Smirnov, which version of mythweb?
[06:56:32] Smirnov: not sure
[06:56:34] Smirnov: how woud i check
[06:56:41] kormoc: where'd you get it?
[06:56:53] Smirnov: Date: 2006-03–23 02:08:29 -0500 (Thu, 23 Mar 2006) $
[06:56:57] Smirnov: Revision: 9473 $
[06:57:06] kormoc: you've edited the .htaccess file?
[06:57:08] Smirnov: from the ubuntu multiverse repository
[06:57:15] Smirnov: no
[06:57:18] kormoc: you need to
[06:57:27] kormoc: that's where you set the mysql settings and similar
[06:57:58] Smirnov: like what? it already setup db_server, db_name, db_login, db_password
[06:58:08] kormoc: what's the error?
[06:58:21] Smirnov: Error Please install the MySQL libraries for PHP.
[06:58:21] Smirnov: The package is usually called something like php-mysql.
[06:58:39] kormoc: hrm
[06:59:06] ** kormoc ponders **
[06:59:14] Smirnov: now i dont know what kind of bullshit error that is because back in the days when i worked with mysql we got the line # and function where the error happened
[06:59:19] Smirnov: s/mysql/php
[06:59:28] kormoc: that's due to the error handler
[06:59:43] kormoc: honestly, it's ment to be user friendly, and it's better for most people
[06:59:43] Smirnov: thats a bloody useless error handler
[06:59:52] Smirnov: wtf? user friendly?
[06:59:52] kormoc: most non-programmers perfer it to be honest
[06:59:55] Smirnov: this is linux we're talking about
[06:59:58] ** kormoc shrugs **
[07:00:03] Smirnov: i had to go through HOURS of compilation jsut to get anything to work
[07:00:05] kormoc: feel free to remove it if you'd like
[07:00:13] kormoc: heh, not everyone does :P
[07:00:18] Smirnov: if you can compile kernel modules you can live with a small php error
[07:00:31] kormoc: not everyone compiles anything :P
[07:00:56] Smirnov: yeah well for those people using mythdora or whatever, they can get the version wiith the baby errors
[07:01:04] Smirnov: but people who have to compile from source should get manly errors
[07:01:11] ** juski laughs **
[07:01:36] juski: most people who come in here have trouble understanding the plain english error messages
[07:01:38] kormoc: Smirnov, but in anycase, all it's checking for is if the function mysql_query exists or not, and if not, says that
[07:01:47] kormoc: Smirnov, so something is wonky with your php setup
[07:02:00] juski: "what does "you have set mythtv to start on channel 3, which does not exist" mean?!"
[07:02:03] Smirnov: kormoc: why...? my phpmyadmin WORKS
[07:02:18] Smirnov: juski: that error is stupid
[07:02:21] kormoc: Smirnov, donno, maybe phpmyadmin uses mysqli_query, and not mysql_query
[07:02:32] Smirnov: i got that error after going from .18 to .20 , i had to delete everything in my mythtv-setup and do it again
[07:02:56] Smirnov: kormoc: irrelevant.i have both php5-mysql and php5-mysqli installed
[07:03:10] Smirnov: and no, phpmyadmin doesnt use mysqli last time i checked
[07:03:14] juski: Smirnov: I think it's not a stupid error at all. It spells out what's wrong pretty clearly
[07:03:28] Smirnov: juski: oh really? I have that php-mysql package and phpmyadmin works. its a stupid error
[07:03:36] kormoc: Smirnov, meh, it actually does if it's installed, but hey, feel free to figure it out on your own
[07:03:55] juski: of course it's never the user being stupid....
[07:04:08] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:05:29] Smirnov: ok whats the big deal, i dont get mysql at all when im in phpinfo()
[07:05:58] kormoc: likely something is foobared in your php.ini
[07:06:07] Smirnov: how in the hell is phpmyadmin working then
[07:06:24] kormoc: using custom php settings?
[07:07:30] kormoc: Smirnov, make sure somewhere in your php.ini you have a line akin to
[07:09:20] Smirnov: aha'
[07:09:23] Smirnov: ok
[07:09:26] Smirnov: got it
[07:09:41] juski: damned if I can find anything in the source to give me hints about what gbee said... "e.g. the OSD can display the presence of programmes before and after the current programme in the liveTV chain"
[07:09:42] Smirnov: it loaded now... but i dont get why phpmyadmin was working before
[07:10:15] kormoc: Smirnov, I just found out php can attempt to autoload a extension at runtime, phpmyadmin likely did that.
[07:10:24] ** kormoc patches mythweb to attempt to do that as well **
[07:11:29] Smirnov: ok good
[07:11:33] Smirnov: great idea
[07:12:11] juski: oo I wonder if I change the channel name display to a 'scroller' it'll solve the issue of channel names not fitting under the channel icon
[07:12:32] Smirnov: how do i delete multiple items in mythweb
[07:12:40] kormoc: Smirnov, one at a time
[07:12:48] Smirnov: why...:(
[07:12:51] kormoc: juski, hrm, that could work well
[07:13:12] kormoc: Smirnov, in newer versions of mythweb, it's ajaxed, so you can just bounce a bunch of them and it will delete them
[07:13:26] Smirnov: is that compatible with mythweb .20
[07:13:33] kormoc: Smirnov, /should/ be
[07:13:45] kormoc: speaking of which, I need to get those bindings done
[07:13:50] ** kormoc grumbles about never enough free time **
[07:14:34] Smirnov: ok great
[07:14:45] Smirnov: llooks like mythtv should work
[07:14:49] Smirnov: now tomorrow i can tweak the configs...wooh
[07:15:08] kormoc: if you set the admin email correctly and have a working sendmail on your mythbox, mythweb will email you backtraces too
[07:15:19] Smirnov: backtraces of what
[07:15:24] kormoc: so you get a userfriendly error message on the screen, but a very detailed one in your email
[07:15:27] kormoc: of any errors
[07:15:36] kormoc: way more info then just line#
[07:16:08] Smirnov: ah
[07:16:11] Smirnov: my school blocks sendmail
[07:16:12] Smirnov: notgonna fly
[07:17:13] Smirnov: oh well i need to go sleep, thanks for the help :)
[07:19:26] adante: hi guys, does someone have a definitive list of things related to autoexpire options
[07:20:10] adante: the setting in mysql is | AutoExpireDefault | 1 | NULL | — i'm trying to figure out why my recordings always default to autoexpire OFF
[07:21:28] juski: adante: easy
[07:21:46] juski: 'always expire new recordings by default' or some such
[07:23:00] adante: juski: hrm.. whereabouts is that option?
[07:23:26] adante: i thought enabling it basically set ^^^ the above to 1 in mythconverg.settings..
[07:33:57] juski: utils/setup > setup > tv settings > general
[07:34:03] juski: autoexpire options are in there
[07:35:21] Smirnov (Smirnov! has quit (Connection timed out)
[07:39:46] kyler (kyler! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:40:32] juski: wow. I'd forgotten how much livetv sucks
[07:40:45] juski: my poor athlon 2000xp can't keep up with it
[07:41:11] juski: just aswell I don't have an illogical dependency on it
[07:42:17] juski: anyway the scroller idea didn't work. I mean it *did* work, just didn't restrict the scrolly area so the channel callsign scrolled from right to left over the whole of the OSD area
[08:00:06] SeaWeed: hello all
[08:04:19] SeaWeed: i have a lirc question i have installed lirc couple times now for a hauppauge remote and for a ati remote wonder and lirc install fine no errors . lirc starts fine but soon as some thing trys to use it lirc dies any 1 have any idea
[08:04:45] SeaWeed: i have read serval how-to's looks like each person has there own way of doing lirc install
[08:19:30] eternalswd (eternalswd! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:23:52] eternalswd: is it possible to overlay an image over the video?
[08:23:59] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has joined #mythtv-users
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[08:25:09] juski: morning stuarta
[08:25:17] juski: you're up early
[08:25:28] stuarta: morning. no idea why i'm awake. only had 4hrs sleep
[08:25:28] juski: eternalswd: funny, but that's what mythtv's OSD is for
[08:27:09] juski: 4 hours? heh that's normally me after a night out. shred my head, go to bed, wake up still drunk 4–5 hours later. feel like crap all day – job done
[08:28:02] eternalswd: thanks juski
[08:28:04] stuarta: wasn't tired last night
[08:28:04] juski: been playing with my osd stuff, saw gbee basically saying the osd code can do now/next info but no themes use it. can't find out how. the source isn't yielding clues for me
[08:28:36] stuarta: was in here till about 2am
[08:28:44] juski: ow
[08:29:01] juski: I had a night off. been having a few of them. feel much better for it too :)
[08:29:20] stuarta: did that all last weekend
[08:29:33] stuarta: did exactly *nothing*
[08:29:51] stuarta: first time in about 9 months
[08:30:07] juski: going to a countryfied hotel later. partly to attend a wedding & partly enjoy the quality time
[08:30:28] stuarta: i'm off to Borough markets, then to my friends for dinner
[08:31:33] eternalswd (eternalswd! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[08:31:37] juski: what sort of stuff do they sell at those markets?
[08:31:45] juski: crafty things?
[08:31:50] stuarta: produce normally
[08:32:34] stuarta: breads, cheeses, ingredients (like herbs & stuff) meat etc.
[08:33:02] juski: ah a market market. I keep meaning to go to our local farmers' market to check out the produce
[08:33:33] juski: we eat too much supermarket shite
[08:33:34] stuarta: my local one's pretty good. all the veges you need for a week for less than a fiver
[08:33:52] juski: and I bet it doesn't turn brown the minute you get it home
[08:34:31] stuarta: no, but things are more ripe, like tomatoes you don't need to leave for 2 weeks till they are ready
[08:35:40] stuarta: wonder why the freenode director sent me originally to milan?
[08:35:40] defaultro: hey guys, maybe you can help me
[08:35:42] defaultro: :)
[08:35:51] stuarta: when there is a server in london
[08:36:07] defaultro: in mythtv, we can display info or osd and they are on top of the movie we are watcing
[08:36:11] defaultro: watching
[08:37:01] defaultro: i need that kind of functionality too. I need to display a blend mask in the middle of the video
[08:37:34] juski: defaultro: what for?
[08:37:36] defaultro: the blend mask is like 400px to 500x by 1080
[08:37:56] defaultro: for putting it to 2 projectors
[08:37:58] juski: and wth is with all these folks wanting to use mythtv for specialist apps?
[08:38:01] juski: ah
[08:38:10] defaultro: so that i can seam it perfectly
[08:38:13] rosslin: juski, i think i read one of your posts
[08:38:18] juski: defaultro: can't be done
[08:38:20] rosslin: about qam256
[08:38:20] defaultro: and it should not go away
[08:38:29] defaultro: why juski? :(
[08:38:40] juski: defaultro: not without modifying the source
[08:39:06] defaultro: can you tell me which code is read when we hit I
[08:39:08] juski: anyway you'd have trouble displaying an overlay mask on top of the OSD
[08:39:17] juski: osd.cpp maybe
[08:39:24] defaultro: why would I have trouble?
[08:39:39] defaultro: i will not overlay on top of OSD
[08:39:44] juski: defaultro: sorting out the draw order
[08:39:44] stuarta: rosslin: ?
[08:39:45] defaultro: i will only overlay on the video
[08:40:05] stuarta: hah! germany is closer than london network wise. typical
[08:40:56] defaultro: someone gave me a tool called telak but it doesn't go above mythtv
[08:41:11] juski: defaultro: it could end up being complicated
[08:41:21] defaultro: ok
[08:42:00] juski (juski! has quit ("Lost terminal")
[08:42:23] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:42:23] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v juski
[08:42:34] stuarta: doh!
[08:42:40] juski: just changed my subnet mask... have to use a nifty network flashy util
[08:43:46] juski (juski! has quit (Client Quit)
[08:45:35] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:45:35] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v juski
[08:45:40] juski: bah!
[08:45:54] topping (topping! has quit ()
[09:07:46] x86 (x86!n=x86@p3m/member/x86) has quit ("leaving")
[09:23:08] topping (topping! has quit ()
[09:59:16] juski: oh man. my themes will be broken with svn mythmusic
[09:59:40] juski: and I don't think I can make a revised theme backwards compatible. nice one
[10:00:05] x86 (x86!n=x86@p3m/member/x86) has joined #mythtv-users
[10:00:17] x86: Dagmar: hey man, i got ivtv to work finally
[10:00:22] juski: pushbutton / checkbox.. not interchangable :(
[10:00:55] x86: Dagmar: upgraded my kernel to 2.6.19, used ivtv version 0.9.1
[10:02:19] sphery (sphery! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:15:22] Dagmar: x86: _Excellent_
[10:15:40] Dagmar: Nine times out of ten the more bizarre problems just go away once someone's using 0.7.x or higher
[10:16:05] x86: so now i've got another issue
[10:16:20] juski: oh FFS this image .. they've changed the webpages to frames! fucking idiots. now my page scraper won't work
[10:16:31] x86: ivtv-radio can scan (properly) for FM stations, but i can't hear them when I go to play them
[10:16:52] x86: i already checked the mixer, of course :)
[10:17:44] Dagmar: Hmm...
[10:17:51] Dagmar: I have zero experience there
[10:18:33] Dagmar: I'm basically waiting for a clear concept to develop in Myth that allows it to manage the use of an FM tuner as if it were a TV channel (so it doesn't screw up the scheduler) before I even touch the radio features again
[10:19:51] Dagmar: Wow
[10:20:06] Dagmar: I'm seeing on the news now what that windstorm is doing in Germany. Crazy
[10:21:05] x86: Dagmar: can you share your lircd.conf and lircmd.conf?
[10:22:13] Dagmar: Yeah, but they're not really going to do you any good
[10:24:00] x86: heh
[10:24:02] Dagmar: If you *do* understand how it works--and it's not really all that complex--then everything simply becomes easy.
[10:24:35] Dagmar: It's not a complex tool, there's just a lot of steps involved in translating you machine buttons on a remote into instructions meant for a program.
[10:24:38] x86: i got my lircd.conf from
[10:24:44] x86: but it's got a date of 2002 on it
[10:25:01] x86: and i think my remote is newer than that heh
[10:25:15] juski: oh fuck. now the webpage channel zapper is based on javascript. thanks a bunch!
[10:25:35] juski: guess I'm going back to the old image
[10:26:32] kambei (kambei! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:28:08] x86: Dagmar: how do i tell the model of my remote
[10:28:17] kyler (kyler! has quit ("Leaving")
[10:28:19] x86: Dagmar: on the back it says "RC6 ir"
[10:28:55] x86: Dagmar: when i run irw i dont see anything at all
[10:30:40] Dagmar: That's not good
[10:30:50] Dagmar: What kinda reciever do you have?
[10:31:14] Dagmar: OOO new lirc
[10:31:19] x86: whatever comes with the PVR-500 MCE
[10:31:38] x86: it says "SMK" on the bottom
[10:31:40] Dagmar: Infra-red reciever
[10:31:42] x86: if that means anything
[10:31:52] Dagmar: Does it plug into the card?
[10:31:57] x86: nope
[10:31:59] x86: it's USB
[10:32:08] Dagmar: One didn't come with mine
[10:32:15] x86: and i have the lirc_mceusb2 kernel module loaded
[10:32:19] Dagmar: Did you follow the instructions when buildling lirc, to the letter?
[10:32:31] x86: i followed gentoo's instructions, yes
[10:32:40] Dagmar: Did you follow *lirc's* instructions
[10:32:53] stuarta (stuarta!n=stuarta@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("i'm off to explode")
[10:33:12] x86: Dagmar: i figured gentoo's specific instructions would be better suited for my system
[10:33:21] Dagmar: ...and did you modprobe the module, or did udev do it for you?
[10:33:28] Dagmar: x86: Generally, that's a recipe for failure
[10:33:32] x86: i modprobed it
[10:33:41] Dagmar: Okay, that's a problem all by itself
[10:33:43] x86: and in dmesg i see it register to the usb subsystem
[10:33:49] Dagmar: Doesn't mean a damn thing
[10:33:58] x86: not really a problem, because lirc wasnt installed when i booted up ;)
[10:34:07] x86: so udev wouldnt be able to help much hehe
[10:34:27] Dagmar: udev handles all the driver stuff with busses that have explicitly identifiable devices like USB and PCI
[10:34:42] x86: usb: Matched Device 3–2:1.0 with Driver lirc_mceusb2
[10:34:43] Dagmar: ...including hot-plugged devices like USB devices, dude.
[10:34:55] Dagmar: OKay, that is a much better sign I suppose
[10:35:22] x86: lirc_mceusb2[3]: SMK eHome Infrared Transceiver on usb3:3
[10:35:42] x86: these are the dmesg messages you were telling me that didnt mean a damn thing ;)
[10:35:52] Dagmar: Okay. Magic trick. Take "SMK eHome Infrared Transceiver" and google it along with "lirc"
[10:35:57] Blaksmith (Blaksmith! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:36:06] x86: usbcore: registered new interface driver lirc_mceusb2
[10:36:38] x86: CLASS: registering class device: ID = 'lirc1'
[10:36:41] x86: ooo
[10:36:51] x86: irw is trying to read from lirc0, i think
[10:36:57] Dagmar: What, you were running irw against the wrong device name? Heh
[10:37:28] x86: no, irw is reading from /dev/lircd, not /dev/lirc/0 or /dev/lirc/1
[10:37:39] x86: and it wont connect directly to either of those
[10:37:46] x86: irw will only connect to lircd
[10:38:01] Dibblah: x86: Can you do a diagnostic? cat /dev/lirc/0
[10:38:11] Dagmar: irw: It will connect to whatever you tell it to
[10:38:19] Blaksmith (Blaksmith! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:38:22] Dibblah: Dagmar: No, it will not.
[10:38:37] Dagmar: Dibblah: According to the man page it accepts one argument and that is the name of the socket
[10:38:39] Dibblah: irw is a lirc client. It only talks to the named pipe.
[10:38:52] x86: Dibblah: lircd is using /dev/lirc/0, but i think it needs to be using /dev/lirc/1
[10:38:57] Dibblah: Not to the physical device.
[10:39:11] Dibblah: x86: Why?
[10:39:27] x86: ok, i was wrong :)
[10:39:36] Dibblah: lirc populates the devices in detection order, starting with 0.
[10:39:37] x86: when i cat /dev/lirc/0 and hit buttons, i see crazy stuff :)
[10:39:48] Dagmar: x86: So run `irc /dev/lirc0`
[10:39:51] Dibblah: That's good – Means the driver is working :)
[10:40:05] Dibblah: x86: Gentoo?
[10:40:18] x86: yessir
[10:40:21] Dagmar: er or perhaps `irw /dev/lirc/0`
[10:40:28] Dibblah: Dagmar: No.
[10:40:39] Dagmar: Why not? *It works here*
[10:40:39] Dibblah: lircd -d /dev/lirc/0
[10:40:55] x86: Dagmar: not supposed to ;)
[10:44:30] x86: ah ok
[10:44:34] Dibblah: Especially if it changes when you press remote buttons.
[10:44:39] x86: yeah it does
[10:44:48] Dibblah: Are you using the MS remote?
[10:44:53] x86: and only when i hit buttons too, so i suppose it would be beyond coincidence :)
[10:45:03] x86: using the PVR-500 MCE remote
[10:45:04] rsdvd (rsdvd! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:45:12] x86: all it says on the back is "RC6"
[10:45:40] x86: "RC6 ir" rather
[10:45:45] Dibblah: Do you have the conf file for it?
[10:46:02] x86: i have like 5 config files and all of them yield the same results
[10:46:05] Dibblah: Probably the same as the MS remote.
[10:46:32] x86: it's got a big windows button right in the middle
[10:46:34] Dibblah: Try making a conf file with irrecord, then.
[10:47:23] Dibblah: (You'll need to stop lircd first)
[10:48:28] Dagmar: I'd look high and low with Google for someone else's
[10:48:28] x86: irrecord is telling me "something went wrong" when asking me to hold the button down
[10:48:33] Dagmar: irrecord == pain
[10:48:37] Dibblah: However, I'm not sure if irrecord actually works with the MS reciever.
[10:48:45] x86: although if i do nothing, it exits saying timeout, so i know it's reading something
[10:48:55] x86: Dibblah: it's an SMK reciever
[10:49:00] Dibblah: Yeah, I don't think it does RC6 right.
[10:49:08] Dibblah: x86: It's the same hardware.
[10:49:12] Dibblah: mceusb2
[10:49:22] x86: ah
[10:49:34] x86: so perhaps lircd doesnt support RC6 yet?
[10:49:50] Dibblah: lircd does.
[10:50:40] Zider (Zider! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:51:01] x86: ah, i had an old lircd.conf that i think irrecord was reading from
[10:51:04] Dibblah:
[10:51:09] x86: nuked it and it gave me some new steps ;)
[10:51:22] x86: now it's working
[10:51:26] Dibblah: Just use that – I believe it should work.
[10:51:29] x86: cool
[10:52:08] x86: yep, it does!~
[10:52:10] x86: thanks :)
[10:52:58] x86: very cool
[10:53:09] x86: i googled forever gathering people's configs
[10:53:13] x86: lol
[10:53:29] x86: of course i didnt know what i was looking for, so i was searching for hauppauge remotes
[10:53:50] x86: i think all the configs i got were for first-generation PVR-350 MCE's or something heh
[10:54:19] x86: cool deal, now for the video card
[10:54:20] x86: bbl
[10:54:22] x86 (x86!n=x86@p3m/member/x86) has quit ("leaving")
[10:55:30] Dagmar: I haven't found one for his remote yet either. *sigh*
[10:56:26] Dagmar: Oh ho
[10:56:28] Dagmar:
[10:57:41] gardengnome: who let him back in?
[10:57:56] Dagmar: let who back in?
[10:58:06] gardengnome: x86
[10:58:22] Dagmar: Was he molesting housepets or something?
[10:58:36] kormoc: gardengnome, I did
[10:58:41] gardengnome: no, just being an idiot the last time he was here
[10:58:51] Dagmar: Well, he seemed like he was being quite reasonable just then
[10:58:56] gardengnome: kormoc: ah, good. i was wondering if he evaded the ban
[10:59:37] kormoc: Dagmar, highlights were things like: <x86> kormoc: fuck your mom violently in the rectum
[10:59:42] Dagmar: OKay, wow
[10:59:43] Dagmar: heh
[10:59:52] seppl (seppl! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:00:18] kormoc: gardengnome, heh, as long as he stays civil, I have no issues with him being here
[11:00:19] seppl: Does mythfrontend provide a nametag?
[11:01:31] kormoc: nametag?
[11:07:56] Dagmar: This is a new one on me
[11:08:12] Lorian (Lorian! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:09:33] Lorian (Lorian! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:09:35] seppl: kormoc: the answer is yes. when you call "mythfrontend -name front01 -geometry 800x600" and then a type " xprop WM_CLASS|cut -d \" -f 2|xmessage -file -" and click on the window it tells you that the windows name is front01 and not mythfrontend
[11:09:48] seppl: kormoc: the answer is yes. when you call "mythfrontend -name front01 -geometry 800x600" and then a type " xprop WM_CLASS|cut -d \" -f 2|xmessage -file -" and click on the window it tells you that the windows name is front01 and not mythfrontend
[11:10:01] Dagmar: That's not a "nametag"
[11:11:35] seppl: Dagmar: how do you call that?
[11:11:47] ectospasm (ectospasm! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:12:04] Dagmar: It's a window name, dude.
[11:12:13] kormoc: seppl, personally, I call it a window title or window name
[11:12:21] ** kormoc shrugs **
[11:12:36] seppl: OK I was told in #fluxbox that it's called a nametag
[11:12:51] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-d38848837c9b56a6) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:12:58] kormoc: different WM's likely call it different things
[11:13:12] kormoc: Window title or Window name might be more commonly understood tho
[11:13:14] ** kormoc shrugs **
[11:13:15] Dagmar: seppl: X considers it a window title or window name like kormoc says
[11:14:35] seppl: Dagmar: OK OK I will
[11:14:41] Dagmar: ?
[11:21:59] x86 (x86!n=x86@p3m/member/x86) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:22:13] x86: heh, put in the new video card and got a kernel panic :p
[11:22:25] x86: had to boot a really old kernel
[11:24:07] seppl (seppl! has quit ("Verlassend")
[11:27:39] juski: delete * from channel where vidsrc=2;
[11:27:49] juski: oops
[11:28:02] rsdvd: LOL – good morning Juski!
[11:28:17] rsdvd: how is the dirty weekend going?
[11:28:35] czth__ (czth__!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-2345deca133380dc) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:28:54] juski: starts in a few hours
[11:29:09] Syphn (Syphn! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:29:11] juski: and it's not vidsrc.. it's sourceid
[11:29:23] rsdvd: :-) where are you going?
[11:29:58] juski: country hotel :)
[11:30:19] rsdvd: nice – enjoy !
[11:30:28] Syphn (Syphn! has quit (Client Quit)
[11:32:48] juski: shit. I need some mysql-fu to remove recording schedules where channels are not from sourceid 0
[11:32:52] juski: or 1 even
[11:38:46] x86: can i do crazy resolutions with framebuffer, like, say, 1440x900 or other widescreen resolutions?
[11:39:06] x86: i'm wanting to go DVI out from my video card to my 53" widescreen TV
[11:40:13] juski: x86: why in a framebuffer? because your video card sucks?
[11:41:13] Dagmar: I don't think you can do anything all that special with framebuffer, but then I'm only ever using the VESA fb driver
[11:41:30] Dagmar: You are definitely stuck with only VESA modes if you use vesafb
[11:42:06] x86: juski: GeForce 6200 256MB... doesnt suck that bad ;)
[11:42:27] x86: juski: but no need for X if I can run myth right on the framebuffer
[11:42:49] Dagmar: Good luck using XvMC
[11:42:49] x86: juski: lots of overhead saved that way
[11:42:56] x86: ah, right
[11:42:58] x86: crap ;)
[11:43:40] juski: good luck getting myth to work in a framebuffer too
[11:44:03] x86: there's a howto for it
[11:44:14] x86: all you need special is qt-embedded, apparantly
[11:44:26] gardengnome: juski: heya. i've been tinkering with gar-minimyth :)
[11:44:35] juski: gardengnome: yeah?
[11:44:36] rsdvd: I have just deleted a load of crap from the 'recorded programmes' in mythweb, but it has not removed the actual file from the drive. is there any scripts out there to clean up unwanted recordings?
[11:44:44] juski: maybe you can make it work then gardengnome :)
[11:44:56] gardengnome: juski: yep. build failed at rxvt, but i should be able to fix it.
[11:45:08] juski: right now I'm trying to sort out my monged up channel list
[11:45:14] gardengnome: juski: are you still interested in minimyth for the s100?
[11:45:17] rosslin: anybody have a personal recommendation as to what dvb-c card to use with qam 256?
[11:45:23] juski: gardengnome: yeah of course
[11:45:33] juski: my brain is just too feeble to do it myself
[11:45:46] juski: that and I have too many other things on the go
[11:45:47] rosslin: heh
[11:45:58] rosslin: you guys ever tried out vdr?
[11:45:59] gardengnome: you'll also need directfb in order to get video playback on your framebuffer. but i doubt that driver works well. anyways, is the place to ask about hardware support
[11:46:04] rosslin: thats what i use with my dvb-s card
[11:46:17] juski: rosslin: tried. for about 5 minutes. chucked it away when I realised I'd have to have it all in one box
[11:46:28] gardengnome: juski: ;) i just needed a distraction from fiddling with ubuntu ;)
[11:46:30] rosslin: allinone?
[11:46:44] rosslin: i know a lot of people who use vdr on their reg computer
[11:47:09] rosslin: wait a tick
[11:47:18] rosslin: i don't think i understood you correctly
[11:47:39] rosslin: you can use vdr to stream to other pc's
[11:47:44] rosslin: xbox, etc
[11:47:47] juski: rosslin: don't think so
[11:47:52] rosslin: sure you can
[11:47:59] rosslin: streamdev plugin
[11:48:07] juski: anyway I don't care about vdr
[11:48:12] rosslin: okies
[11:48:15] juski: it's prolly a PoS compared to mythtv anyway
[11:48:21] rosslin: i use both
[11:48:24] rosslin: prefer vdr
[11:48:26] juski: good for you
[11:48:28] rosslin: but to each his own
[11:48:36] rosslin: you have much experience with dvb-c?
[11:48:42] juski: nope
[11:48:45] gardengnome: rosslin: don't mess with the mythtv zealots ;)
[11:48:53] juski: do you have much experience using google?
[11:49:00] rosslin: note taken gardengnome :)
[11:49:07] rosslin: juski i do
[11:49:19] rosslin: but not much on the forums to do with qam 256 in my application
[11:49:27] juski: ah well that sucks for you then
[11:49:35] rosslin: which is why i'm asking here to see if i can chat with someone who has used it
[11:49:38] rosslin: heh
[11:49:41] rosslin: typical geek
[11:49:49] juski: you're lucky to even see a user who uses dvb-c in here
[11:49:49] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:50:09] rosslin: mostly dvb-t i take it
[11:50:31] ** gardengnome uses DVB-C sometimes **
[11:50:33] gardengnome: ;)
[11:50:36] rosslin: heh
[11:50:38] gardengnome: just installed my card again yesterday
[11:50:40] rosslin: what card do you have?
[11:50:41] juski: the folks who use dvb tend to be only dvb-t
[11:50:45] gardengnome: but i don't think i'm using any qam256 channels
[11:50:49] juski: in here at least
[11:51:01] rosslin: does your card support qam256 gg?
[11:51:10] gardengnome: 5Croi have no lcue.
[11:51:14] gardengnome: errm.
[11:51:18] gardengnome: rosslin: i have no clue.
[11:51:22] rosslin: heh
[11:51:25] ** juski curses tv_grab_uk_rt for not having up to date channel names **
[11:51:33] juski: burn in hell you guys!!!
[11:51:35] rosslin: hehe
[11:51:50] rosslin: i'm thinking i might invest in the fusionhdtv lite
[11:51:56] juski: doesn't exist anymore. nor had it for about 2 years
[11:51:57] rosslin: it seems like a good budget option
[11:52:20] juski: hrm maybe I should try finding a new channel_ids file
[11:52:40] juski: arghh its on sourceforge
[11:52:54] rosslin: you guys don't scan for your own chans?
[11:53:20] rosslin: eee.. i'm one to talk.. don't know much about dvb-t, i use -s
[11:53:21] juski: what good is that when you can't use dvb-c from your cable provider?
[11:53:25] rsdvd: juski l : someone posted a decent list of sky channels a few days ago with all their XMLTVIDs
[11:53:41] juski: rsdvd: it's still not on having fucking out of date lists
[11:53:58] juski: maybe they're looking forward to my patch
[11:54:00] rosslin: juski: no one said i can't use it
[11:54:05] rosslin: there's always a way :)
[11:54:14] juski: rosslin: check your provider's T&Cs
[11:54:18] juski: in the UK you're not allowed
[11:54:25] rsdvd: true – The radio times stuff stinks – but it is the best we can get
[11:54:28] rosslin: ahh... i'm not in UK
[11:55:28] juski: rsdvd: it's not that. it's the fact that the bloody channel_ids file is 2 or 3 years out of date
[11:56:23] juski: maybe this will be made easier with some script-fu
[11:56:48] rosslin: well i'm out
[11:56:50] rosslin: going to work
[11:56:54] rosslin: i'll be back online when i get there
[11:57:10] rsdvd: juski : where does the channel_ids fiel come from?
[11:57:20] juski: from xmltv themselves
[11:57:26] rsdvd: arh
[11:59:03] juski: another example
[11:59:06] juski:
[11:59:15] juski: for bbc three
[11:59:28] ** juski zaps xmltv with his cattleprod **
[11:59:32] rsdvd: lol
[11:59:34] juski: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzttttttttt!
[11:59:50] rsdvd: I think bbc3 still uses that as it's xmltvid ?
[12:02:22] juski: no, xmltv still uses that for bbc3's xmltvid
[12:02:32] juski: nothing to do with bbc3 as such
[12:03:09] rsdvd: thats what I meant – as long as it is unique – the value of the xmltvid don;t matter
[12:03:53] juski: true
[12:04:50] juski: I need to run mythfilldatabase
[12:05:09] rsdvd: does this work mean you are lookng at your infamous web page? the one to build linups based on yuor area? or are you just fixing your channels?
[12:05:28] juski: just fixing my channels for now
[12:05:43] juski: all the work I did on my magical script-o-magic thing is on an old hdd
[12:06:39] rsdvd: you should dig it out – I think that would be a wonderful project for the UK users
[12:07:00] juski: yeah but why should I give a fuck about users again? remind me....
[12:07:41] rsdvd: LOL – not sure! but why do you moderate this list and offer help to people – all in an effort to further the mythtv project
[12:07:50] x86: why should anyone give a fuck about the 51st state, err, the UK? remind me...
[12:07:54] ** x86 runs **
[12:07:59] juski: I've never had to raise my hand in this channel yet
[12:08:19] rsdvd: with comments like x86's you might have to
[12:08:32] x86: :p
[12:08:42] juski: plus as I'm sure I keep reminding folks, maintaining I dunno how many themes, moderating a forum, having a life...
[12:09:31] rsdvd: If you were to do the 'pretty' part of that site – I could probably do the backend and find most of the data – I am just crap at making things look nice
[12:09:43] juski: one thing though when I went to a while ago to quickly find something I knew used to be there.. didn't half piss me off when it wasn't – so I know how it feels
[12:10:03] juski: the big issue with my script is all the initial data entry
[12:10:17] juski: shedloads of it
[12:10:39] rsdvd: In return for all the help I have had in here – I am happy to spend serval hours cutting-and pasting data
[12:10:51] juski: might hold you to that
[12:10:58] gardengnome: juski: rxvt is fixed now. it's building again ;)
[12:11:11] juski: plus I have another side project... redesigning or so
[12:11:16] rsdvd: you can! that will leave you to get a working OS for the S100 :-)
[12:11:43] rsdvd: anyway – I have to run! have a good weekend in you hotel!
[12:11:48] juski: rsdvd: getting it working is piss easy
[12:11:57] juski: the hard bit is making it small
[12:12:17] rsdvd: I tried to install Slack 10.2 yetsterday – but it was too big for my key
[12:13:34] juski: easy for you to say
[12:14:10] rsdvd: anyway – catch you all later
[12:14:10] x86: and my mobo has an AGP chipset
[12:14:15] x86: but the card itself is PCI
[12:17:47] gardengnome: it can't hurt to have it, but i doubt it'll be needed
[12:18:04] gardengnome: i think my mythtv box doesn't have any agp support at all in the OS at the moment
[12:18:17] gardengnome: and i'm actually using my agp bus ;)
[12:19:33] gardengnome: juski: if you boot minimyth over nfs, will it download the cramfs to RAM or does it just nfsroot a normal filesystem over nfs?
[12:22:25] Dagmar: You have an nVidia card tho
[12:22:37] Dagmar: nVidia's drivers have included AGPGART support for ages now
[12:23:03] Dagmar: LOTS of people wouldn't have been able to use their video cards with 2.4.x kernels if it weren't for that
[12:23:09] x86: ok, so dont enable agpgart nor drm support, correct?
[12:23:13] Dagmar: Well, wouldn't have been able to use them for anything special
[12:23:22] Dagmar: x86: Why are you wanting to enable things you don't think you need?
[12:23:43] gardengnome: Dagmar: true, there is their NvAGP stuff which is actually the reason why my kernel doesn't include agpgart support. but i doubt i'm using it right now. i still need to enable it in my xorg.conf
[12:23:45] Dagmar: If you're not using the AGP slot, then you don't need AGP support in the kernel.
[12:23:47] x86: Dagmar: i was asking if i needed it... not specifically knowing i didnt need it
[12:23:58] x86: Dagmar: cool
[12:24:09] Dagmar: gardengnome: No, you don't. It's on by default if agpgart support from the kernel isn't found.
[12:24:48] gardengnome: Dagmar: that's good to know then.
[12:25:06] x86: indeed
[12:25:33] Dagmar: nVidia knows how to avoid emails from people too dim to read the README notes that come with the driver.
[12:25:37] Dagmar: ;)
[12:25:48] x86: hehe
[12:26:28] juski: gardengnome: it should netroot if you use the nfs build option
[12:26:53] gardengnome: juski: that's cool. because i really don't need to fill the s100's RAM with the root fs :)
[12:27:28] gardengnome: juski: gar-minimyth seems to be a nifty toy. you can trim it down easily. i wonder how big it'll be with all the unnecessary stuff
[12:28:39] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:29:11] juski: I just looked at the build script & ran away. I have too much going on
[12:30:45] gardengnome: heh
[12:31:21] juski:
[12:31:22] juski: arse
[12:32:55] gardengnome: juski: IEGD 6.1 officially supports damn small linux :)
[12:41:06] juski: wooo
[12:41:21] juski: actually I think I knew that. what I didn't know was if it supports the s100
[12:42:43] gardengnome: well, i'll find out
[12:42:59] juski: oh shite. my cable channels are broked
[12:43:18] Dagmar: Time to break out the signal tape
[12:43:32] juski: no, the epg stuff is broked
[12:43:59] Dagmar: Ah, so felt-tipped pens then
[12:44:57] juski: I think maybe some mysql-fu will fixor
[12:46:47] juski: hrm. I've got all these newly inserted channels which have no channel numbers
[12:50:24] blackhole (blackhole!n=Preetees@unaffiliated/blackhole) has joined #mythtv-users
[12:51:07] juski: aha!
[12:56:20] blackhole (blackhole!n=Preetees@unaffiliated/blackhole) has quit ("Leaving")
[12:56:34] Paladine:
[12:57:15] juski: will it run mythfrontend already?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
[12:57:24] juski: it runs linux.. ergo... :-P
[12:57:43] Paladine: dunno, you could always try and build a lite mfr
[13:09:32] GlemSom (GlemSom! has joined #Mythtv-users
[13:10:57] Dagmar: I like the idea of the OpenMoko... should be interesting to see the units in production.
[13:11:42] GlemSom: Can anyone point me in the right direction for shlieding a TV tunercard from eletrical noise? I think my PVR-350 card is picking up a lot of eletrical noise (or what ever it's called in english)...Most of my channels are fine – but a few channels look like a week signal, or some noise... (I've had my cablecompany check the signal strength – and it's fine)
[13:12:06] Dagmar: GlemSome: Plug it into a TV and see if the channels show the same interference.
[13:12:15] Dagmar: Most of the time, noise comes from the cable line, not the PC.
[13:13:25] Paladine: dagmar, yeah I plan on being an early adopter
[13:13:42] GlemSom: Dagmar, I've checked that... All the channels are looking great on my TV
[13:13:43] Paladine: it will be a collectors item sometime in the future
[13:14:07] bio____ (bio____! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:14:12] GlemSom: Dagmar, I've also checked with my canblecompany to make sure I have the correct signalstrenght – and I have...
[13:14:37] GlemSom: Gee... I hate spelling when having hangovers... :P
[13:15:40] Dagmar: You could try wrapping the thing in tinfoil and grounding the foil, but well, that's kinda just asking for a little structural failure to short out your whole machins
[13:16:41] Dagmar: There's a few driver options you can pass to help the tuner card eliminate or lessen the ghosting.
[13:17:07] GlemSom: Well, I DO have another PSU laying aroung... I should probably try that instad then!
[13:18:14] bio___ (bio___! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:18:15] GlemSom: Dagmar, Well – I've messed around with temporal filter – and managed to get a little better picturequality,,,
[13:19:41] Dagmar: I've done zero looking into this, but there may also be tuner fine-tuning you can do.
[13:21:26] Dagmar: Some of the channels might we be getting broadcast a few Mhz off the exact place they're supposed to be. A TV is more likely to do automatic fine-tuning that your tuner card isn't going to do.
[13:22:27] Dagmar: I usually have the spread spectrum modulation off in my BIOS because I do not use windowed cases, since computers can screw up TV reception nearby...
[13:22:32] GlemSom: yeah – I've tried that aswell... I found that lowering it by around 0.25Mhz producec a better picture
[13:22:46] Dagmar: ...which means it's probably pretty important to have it *on* if you have a tuner right inside the case.
[13:23:03] GlemSom: What exactly is that spread spectrum? I think I have such an option in the BIOS
[13:23:51] Dagmar: It makes the signals going down the PCI bus (IIRC) slightly less accurate so any noise they emit will be lessened by virtue of being spread out rather than stomping one particular frequency to death.
[13:26:22] juski (juski! has quit ("I have to go. My home channel is missing its troll")
[13:26:23] GlemSom: I see I have FSB and AGP spread spectrum... And then some CPU thermal throttling
[13:29:18] Zider (Zider! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:29:39] GlemSom: hmm, I cannot really see any difference... What about foil inside a plasticbag?
[13:29:53] Hoxzer: Does somebody know how long it will take untill we get to play with "record multiple channels from one multiplex" feature?
[13:30:09] Dagmar: GlemSom: Heat
[13:30:15] Dagmar: Airtight == bad
[13:31:03] GlemSom: ohh yeah... :/
[13:32:20] x86: unless you have a liquid nitrogen cooling block inside the airtight space ;)
[13:38:35] nasa: Back again, been trying to troubleshoot why one speaker sounds good while the other produces static. This only happens in mythtv, other apps play those same files fine.
[13:38:51] nasa: I have noted that only files encoded with "mpeg audio layer 2" seem to produce said static effect.
[13:39:20] x86: people still use mp2 for audio?
[13:39:23] x86: lol
[13:39:58] gardengnome: x86: ivtv cards do.
[13:40:30] x86: for audio??
[13:40:34] nasa: what format does mythtv use? As the same static problems exist with them...
[13:40:41] x86: i know they do layer 2 video
[13:40:59] gardengnome: x86: do you think they're gonna embeded mp3 audio streams? ;)
[13:41:44] x86: why not?
[13:41:49] x86: or aac :)
[13:44:59] x86: ah
[13:45:17] x86: i dunno what my pvr 500 does yet, just got it yesterday and still setting everything up
[13:49:07] x86 (x86!n=x86@p3m/member/x86) has quit ("leaving")
[13:58:53] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:58:53] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v juski
[13:59:05] juski: Hoxzer: when users stop whining that it's not done yet :-P
[14:05:20] Zider: oh wait..
[14:05:25] ** juski laughs **
[14:05:40] Zider: one less WHINING customer ;)
[14:05:44] juski: it's not that the developers don't care about users
[14:05:53] Lorian (Lorian! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:06:00] juski: well it kind of is... but there are priorities
[14:07:01] juski: vdr was designed from the ground up to be able to record whole transports. dvb came to mythtv pretty late on
[14:07:26] Hoxzer: Did I whine about mythtv not having this feature: no Did I ask will it have this feature: yes. Am I getting blamed at because of whining: yes
[14:07:27] Zider: I don't even know what vdr is
[14:07:53] juski: Hoxzer: any user who comes in asking when such & such a feature will be ready is a whiner, by definition
[14:08:00] Zider: have I blamed anyone? no. was I ironic? yes.
[14:08:12] juski: take the crumbs given to you by the Gods & be grateful
[14:08:23] Zider: being pleased with mythtv? priceless.
[14:09:08] juski: somebody is (was?) looking at it, but it's no minor thing. so vdr does it in its sleep. go use that & stop asking
[14:09:21] Hoxzer: Zider: 16:05 < Zider> one less WHINING customer ;) <- lol I'm sry I thought "one" was pointing at me nvm then
[14:09:33] Zider: Hoxzer: it was :)
[14:09:44] Hoxzer: Well, that sound kinda like Blaming
[14:09:53] juski: how's the mythtv dish washer plugin coming along?
[14:10:25] Zider: Hoxzer: "was I ironic? yes."
[14:10:26] Zider: :)
[14:11:29] juski: I'd benefit from whole transport recording too, make no mistake
[14:11:52] juski: but do I care if it ever happens or not? Not really. tuners are cheap
[14:12:46] Hoxzer: Yeah, the problem with me is the slots for placing them
[14:13:07] juski: that's not the mythtv developers problem. people shouldn't buy such lame motherboards
[14:13:24] quicksilver: Woo, all three capture works working in analogue mode
[14:13:34] quicksilver: what's the easiest tool to test DVB reception on each card in turn?
[14:13:41] juski: *zap
[14:13:56] juski: for dvb-t, tzap
[14:13:59] ** quicksilver nods **
[14:14:00] quicksilver: thanks
[14:14:03] juski: for dvb-s, szap, etc...
[14:16:55] quicksilver: tzap -a 2 -c channels.conf BBC ONE <--- and then look for FE_HAS_LOCK, right?
[14:17:03] juski: gardengnome: what are you trying to build minimyth on? I had no luck making it work on ubuntu & the errors were really weird
[14:17:13] juski: quicksilver: yup
[14:17:17] adante_ is now known as adante
[14:17:27] quicksilver: Well both my old adapters work. The new one needs firmware, but I knew it would.
[14:17:37] ** quicksilver goes to find firmware **
[14:18:02] gardengnome: juski: ubuntu edgy. pablo said in your thread that there had some work wrt making it work on other distros.
[14:18:15] juski: gardengnome: heh
[14:18:29] gardengnome: juski: it's going well, though. it's assembling the final rootfs now, it should be just a minor quirk
[14:18:34] juski: apparently he builds it on FC & it 'just works (tm)'
[14:18:47] juski: how fast is your machine?
[14:19:22] rsdvd: gardengnome : how hard is it to rebuild minimyth?
[14:20:06] gardengnome: juski: my machine is quite fast. 1,83Ghz core 2 duo with 1GB RAM.
[14:20:21] gardengnome: rsdvd: it doesn't seem to be hard. the build environment is rather clean.
[14:21:07] rsdvd: I have never done anythign like that before – but I might give it a try – seems like it might still be the best distro for the S100
[14:22:15] gardengnome: rsdvd: i'll let you know how it goes. i'll need to make it use xorg 7.0 or older, i think.
[14:23:00] rsdvd: the IEGD needs Xorg 6.7 or CFree86 4.3
[14:23:41] gardengnome: rsdvd: are you talking about IEGD 6.1? it says it'll work with xorg 7.0 as well, but the bill of materials ony lists driver for xorg up to 6.8. i haven't looked at the archive itself yet.
[14:24:02] juski: anyway.. time to goooooooo
[14:24:07] juski (juski! has quit ("I have to go. My home channel is missing its troll")
[14:24:08] GreyFoxx: 6.1 contains drivers for XFree86–4.2 XFree86–4.3 Xorg-X11R6.7 Xorg-X11R6.8 Xorg-X11R7.0
[14:24:16] gardengnome: i hope pablo is interested in s100 support. that might make things a little bit easier.
[14:24:21] gardengnome: GreyFoxx: thanks.
[14:24:25] rsdvd: no IEGD 5.0 – 6.1 does nto list the Intel i830 as a suported chip
[14:24:32] gardengnome: GreyFoxx: they won't work in 7.2, won't they? ;)
[14:24:41] GreyFoxx: wouldn't know :)
[14:24:43] akaias (akaias! has quit (Success)
[14:24:44] gardengnome: rsdvd: no kidding? that sucks.
[14:24:59] rsdvd: it might still work – but it is not listed in the FAQ
[14:24:59] GreyFoxx: Yeah, they've never listed it, but 5.0 and 5.1 worked fine
[14:25:05] GreyFoxx: so I'm hoping 6.1 does too
[14:25:16] rsdvd: ok – I will wait till one of you gets it working :-)
[14:25:57] gardengnome: gah.
[14:26:25] gardengnome: i really don't want to fiddle with gar-minimyth and a possibly broken IEGD at the same time. maybe i'll need to reactivate that old gentoo install.
[14:26:37] rsdvd: if 6.1 works with X11R7.0 it should work with most current distros
[14:26:44] gardengnome: intel should burn in hell for not releasing the IEGD as OSS. f'ing hypocrites.
[14:26:51] rsdvd: lol
[14:27:15] akaias (akaias! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:27:22] rsdvd: I am trying to get Slackware 10.2 working – so I can try IEGD 5.0
[14:27:41] GreyFoxx: That's what I'm running on my msntv2s. Slackware 10.2 and IEGD 5.0
[14:27:45] Dagmar: That should take all of 10 minues
[14:27:52] GreyFoxx: I can clone that and test 6.1
[14:28:03] GreyFoxx: just gotta compile the kernel with the 6.1 kernel patch
[14:28:24] gardengnome: GreyFoxx: is the kernel patch needed at all?
[14:28:29] rsdvd: I am trying to build it onto a USB Key – but I cannot get the S100 to recognise a 2Gb key :-(
[14:28:43] GreyFoxx: gardengnome: I believe it is, but then I've not tried it withouth it
[14:28:58] gardengnome: rsdvd: mine boots from a 512MB stick.
[14:29:20] gardengnome: GreyFoxx: i think i had it working on gentoo without the kernel patch. IIRC it's just needed for DRTI.
[14:29:25] gardengnome: do you have 3d accel working?
[14:29:26] rsdvd: gardengnome : so does mine – but just bought a 2Gb and slack can;t find it (although the BIOS sees it)
[14:29:39] quicksilver: firmwire uploaded, third tuner working now
[14:29:47] quicksilver: time to teach myth about the new one
[14:29:48] gardengnome: rsdvd: then slack might be broken.. ;)
[14:30:21] rsdvd: gardengnome : I hope not
[14:31:02] GreyFoxx: gardengnome: I've never tried without the patch. My main interest in updating is to try the openGL support
[14:31:25] gardengnome: GreyFoxx: go for it and tell me how works ;))
[14:33:33] rsdvd: what is the smallest distro you have amanged to get working on a S100?
[14:33:35] quicksilver: how do you delete a capture card from the mythtv-setup interface?
[14:34:24] quicksilver: ah, select it and press 'D'
[14:34:34] quicksilver: I tried <backspace> and <delete> :)
[14:34:45] gardengnome: rsdvd: i just used gentoo and zenslack.
[14:35:35] rsdvd: gardengnome : how small did you manage to get it? I am trying to get it to run from usb
[14:35:49] GreyFoxx: kernel is compiling, and the nfs mounted install is cloning to test this
[14:36:46] gardengnome: rsdvd: i usually don't aim for low size. zenslack.. well, it fit on a 512MB stick with mythtv ;)
[14:37:52] rsdvd: sounds good..........don't suppose you want to upload it somewhere :-) save me lots of effort
[14:38:19] gardengnome: rsdvd: it's gone, sorry. it had to re-use that stick for something else.
[14:38:31] rsdvd: pitty :-)
[14:38:47] gardengnome: rsdvd: installing zenslack with the mythtv plugin only took me thirty minutes or so. it can be a PITA to make it boot, though ;)
[14:39:44] rsdvd: installing the pre-built zenslack is fine – but it is rebuilding with IEGD etc that worries me
[14:40:49] gardengnome: what would you need to rebuild?
[14:41:54] rsdvd: does IEGD not need building against the kernel headers? or are the *.so just need copying in?
[14:42:49] gardengnome: rsdvd: zenslack already ships with IEGD
[14:43:28] rsdvd: does it? cool! so it have everything we need – why am I fighting with other distros then :-)
[14:45:47] rsdvd: the zenslack download page needs authentication – how do I get a username?
[14:46:07] gardengnome: rsdvd: you'll need to sign up at in their forum and request an username
[14:46:21] gardengnome: rsdvd: zenslack is discontinued, i think
[14:46:27] gardengnome: and i just don't like it very much. dunno why.
[14:46:59] rsdvd: the forum is all in German – and that is nto a language I speak
[14:48:21] minra: anybody here have a hauppauge pvr 500 analog tuner and got the tuner portion to work?
[14:50:02] Dagmar: Lots of people
[14:50:02] briand: minra: sure. what's the problem?
[14:50:18] ** briand waves to Dagmar: g'mornin' **
[14:50:22] minra: do you have a newer pvr500 with the samsung tuner?
[14:50:36] Dagmar: You need to use a non-ancient version of ivtv
[14:50:47] briand: minra: nope. I was lucky enough to invest in a 500 when they were still manufactured with Phillips tuners
[14:51:01] briand: but, as Dagmar said, using a recent version of ivtv will help your situation
[14:51:05] minra: ok that is probably my problem i had a 0.6 ivtv and just upgraded to 2.6.18 kernel to get the 0.8 ivtv
[14:51:24] briand: 2.6.18 and 0.8.2 should work just fine for you
[14:51:45] Lorian (Lorian! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:52:03] briand: note, however, that the Samsung tuners are a bit more finicky about signal quality — you may need to invest in a small signal amp...
[14:52:09] minra: is anybody using multiple pvrs to cache a few days of multiple channels, for later random access tuners?
[14:52:18] minra: later random access viewing
[14:52:57] minra: ok thx briand/dagmar
[14:59:23] gardengnome: rsdvd: umm
[15:00:27] Freman (Freman! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:00:30] Freman: you know
[15:00:33] GreyFoxx: gardengnome: I don't remember, does the S100 have an IDE header on board or just the spot to solder one on if someone wanted to add one ?
[15:00:37] Freman: one day I'll sort this out properly
[15:00:43] Freman: once and for all
[15:00:48] Freman: (by buying another mobo)
[15:00:49] gardengnome: rsdvd: well, it looks like giga_san plans on continuing zenslack development which is good.
[15:00:51] Freman: my sound is broken
[15:00:58] Freman: channel 7 works, channel 10 doesn't
[15:01:04] gardengnome: GreyFoxx: mine has one on-board, juski's didn't AFAIK.
[15:01:08] GreyFoxx: ahhh
[15:01:10] Freman: however if I disable ac3/dts bypass it works, just only on the center chan
[15:01:25] gardengnome: GreyFoxx: well, it has to have one on-board because the DoM is an IDE thing.
[15:02:27] quicksilver: hmmm have just upgraded my system in various ways and now my analogue tuner is behaving very oddly
[15:02:30] rsdvd: GreyFoxx : there are 2 IDE headers – 1 has the actuall socket atached (for the DoM) the other is just a set of solder pads to solder yourself
[15:02:42] gardengnome: rsdvd: you'll need to PM/email "giga_san", "helau" or "ronja.schmid" if you want the password. i'm afraid i can't give it to you because i lost the email
[15:02:42] quicksilver: it works fine on its default channel but whenever I try to change channel it crashes livetv
[15:03:28] rsdvd: gardengnome : i have found a downlaod of zenslack-1.0-rc1-p11.tar.gz – is this recent?
[15:04:05] gardengnome: rsdvd: the latest version should be lsited on its website. i don't knopw much about zenslack
[15:05:13] gardengnome: i don't know much about spelling either..
[15:09:07] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:09:14] gardengnome: looks like the minimyth guys are using some bashisms in their makefile that won't work with sh. weird.
[15:09:27] russellb (russellb!i=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:09:36] Dagmar: Well, at least you know they're building on something other than busybox/ash
[15:09:47] Dagmar: They should be aware they need to head that file with #!/bin/bash tho
[15:10:08] ShiftyPowers: guys is JFS or XFS still the best filesystem for myth?
[15:10:19] Dagmar: Yes
[15:10:20] ShiftyPowers: i continue to have the gripe that it can't be resized
[15:10:22] ShiftyPowers: dang
[15:10:24] minra: jfs has best deletion speed for large files iirc
[15:10:29] Dagmar: No, wait. FAT12.
[15:12:14] gardengnome: Dagmar: well, it's not make executing an external bash script, the shell code is embedded in the makefile using @<command> to execute programs. do you know how i can tell it to use bash instead?
[15:12:18] ShiftyPowers: where can i get juski's latest blootube?
[15:12:24] gardengnome: ShiftyPowers:
[15:12:29] ShiftyPowers: gracias
[15:12:30] ShiftyPowers: !
[15:12:43] Dagmar: gardengnome: The shell should be spawning *itself* as a subshell
[15:12:45] gardengnome: de nada
[15:12:56] Dagmar: Oh wait I see
[15:13:00] Dagmar: No they're just fucked there
[15:13:25] Dagmar: It'll have to be built on something with bash or the code will need to be corrected for hosts that don't have it
[15:13:39] Dagmar: Normally this is the sort of thing you'd check for in a configure script *before* you build the Makefile
[15:14:23] gardengnome: Dagmar: well, i do have bash. but i think it's now in the second stage of the build process where it's using its own bootstrapped toolkit to build the final image. i'll just have to modify these two lines.
[15:15:30] x86 (x86!n=x86@p3m/member/x86) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:15:42] x86: ok guys
[15:15:49] Dagmar: No.
[15:15:56] x86: mythtv-setup crashes after asking about the database stuff
[15:16:18] x86: using the defaults from the included sql schema, and with the default username and password
[15:16:32] x86: this is what i get:
[15:17:00] Dagmar: You really, really need to stop compiling things yourself until you actually learn how.
[15:17:18] x86: i didnt compile it mysql, gentoo did it for me
[15:17:18] gardengnome: Dagmar: well, how is he supposed to learn it? ;
[15:17:24] x86: what did it miss?
[15:17:29] x86: i have mysql in my use flags
[15:17:46] Dagmar: gardengnome: I don't care if he learns it from strangers in back alleys. Building something as complex as Myth isn't the time to be trying to learn it.
[15:17:51] Freman: 2007-01–21 11:17:06.118 AFD: Opened codec 0x90c49f0, id(MPEG2VIDEO) type(Video)
[15:17:51] Freman: 2007-01–21 11:17:06.144 AFD: Opened codec 0x90c4d30, id(MP3) type(Audio)
[15:17:51] Freman: Sound works fine if it loads those two codecs... but if it also loads the ac3 codec my sound only comes out center speaker
[15:17:53] gardengnome: was qt compiled with USE="mysql"?
[15:18:00] Dagmar: x86: What you missed is that you built your Qt without MySQL support.
[15:18:09] x86: ah
[15:18:18] x86: makes sense :)
[15:18:24] x86: simple enough to fix
[15:18:56] Milosch: x86: silly rabbit
[15:18:56] x86: no
[15:19:07] x86: it's qt-4 and it has mysql support
[15:19:16] x86: 4.1.4-r2
[15:19:19] GreyFoxx: myth doesn't work with qt 4
[15:19:26] x86: ah!
[15:19:27] GreyFoxx: you have to have qt3 with mysql support
[15:19:32] x86: ok, cool
[15:19:54] x86: 3.3.6 is good?
[15:20:01] Milosch: x86: sorry, that was yet another OLD reference re: rabbit
[15:20:16] x86: actually 3.3.6 is also installed, and also with mysql support
[15:20:18] GreyFoxx: x86 thats fine
[15:20:20] Dagmar: Yet another reason why you shouldn't be building these things yourself
[15:20:30] x86: perhaps i need to switch to default to qt-3 instead of qt-4
[15:20:36] Dagmar: It's _very_ documented that Qt4 doesn't work
[15:20:40] x86: Dagmar: yet another reason why i'm not kthx
[15:20:59] x86: Dagmar: not on the gentoo wiki that i was going off of
[15:21:23] Dagmar: You need to take these problems up with the person or people who maintain that wiki
[15:21:30] x86: indeed
[15:21:32] Dagmar: ...and quit mentioning it to ME.
[15:21:41] x86: you can ignore me easy enough
[15:21:58] Dagmar: You picking instructions that came off the back of a cereal box doesn't mean you're automatically absolved of making mistakes that would not be happening if you were reading the official documentation.
[15:22:02] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:22:10] Dagmar: 4 RLY RL
[15:22:32] Dagmar: Actually I think I will put you on ignore
[15:23:06] Milosch: gee, fellas, can't we all just get along?
[15:23:11] gardengnome: Dagmar: thanks for your input. it's working now ;)
[15:23:18] Dagmar: Not when it involves revisiting old problems ten times a day
[15:23:26] Dagmar: That's just lame
[15:23:46] Dagmar: The answer is always "but the Gentoo docs say x" when the Gentoo docs are clearly broken/outdated
[15:23:51] Milosch: that's life ;)
[15:24:08] Dagmar: No, that's very likely a developmental deficiency.
[15:24:39] Milosch: it actually is pretty normal not to read docs, it isn't right but it is reality
[15:25:04] Dagmar: If it's "normal" not to read docs, then it's "normal" to verbally abuse the people who continue to not read them.
[15:25:05] gardengnome: maybe there should be a guide to reading the docs.
[15:25:12] Dagmar: gardengnome: no one would read it
[15:25:36] Milosch: i don't think verbal abuse helps anyone, except maybe the abuser and only in the short term
[15:25:42] gardengnome: you have to give them the benefit of the doubt
[15:25:52] Dagmar: How about stabbings?
[15:26:02] Kyler (Kyler! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:26:09] Dagmar: Stabbings eliminate the unfavorable elements and raise the average intelligence quotient.
[15:26:15] Dagmar: It's win-win.
[15:26:16] gardengnome: "[build] complete for minimyth." YAY!
[15:26:21] Dagmar: gardgnome: w00t
[15:26:26] ** gardengnome does the minimyth dance **
[15:26:35] Milosch: and a LOT of people who don't get it at all
[15:26:53] Dagmar: Milosch: I don't see you jumping in on these rehashed-to-death problems
[15:27:14] Milosch: hehe, i definitely do, but like you this is not my life just a hobby
[15:27:30] Dagmar: Okay. You can be carrot and I'll be stick, then.
[15:27:45] Dagmar: :)_
[15:27:49] Milosch: i can be afk without announcing it, and i was
[15:27:51] Milosch: :P
[15:28:02] Balachmar (Balachmar! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:29:08] gardengnome: oh my god. the rootfs is only 47M. without themes.
[15:29:39] Milosch: gardengnome: put it on a flash drive ;)
[15:29:40] gardengnome: Balachmar: you should hop over to and read a lot there.
[15:30:00] gardengnome: Milosch: well, that's the goal. i'll need to include some drivers before.
[15:30:01] Dagmar: Wow something tells me you maybe need to look into busybox after all
[15:30:09] Milosch: er, i guess you could boot all of it into mem
[15:30:14] Dagmar: ...although I think you're doin' better than Juski was
[15:30:38] gardengnome: Dagmar: this is just minimyth from i'm not going to take any credit for anything.
[15:30:44] gardengnome: Dagmar: i think they're already using busyboy.
[15:30:50] gardengnome: busybox. oop.s freudian one.
[15:30:51] Milosch: hehe
[15:30:56] Dagmar: Ah
[15:31:11] Dagmar: *That's* a Freudian slip?
[15:32:00] quicksilver: anyone know if stock kernels support root=LABEL=BLAH?
[15:32:00] gardengnome: Dagmar: i don't know how f'ed up my subconscious is *shrug*
[15:32:00] ** Milosch looks the other way **
[15:32:14] quicksilver: I can't find documentation in the kernel tree about it, oddly
[15:33:11] Dagmar: I'm not really sure
[15:33:32] Dagmar: If you can't Google it you can grab a RedHat kernel srpm and see if any of their patches implement it
[15:33:38] Dagmar: Or just try it blind
[15:33:45] Dagmar: it'll either work or it won't
[15:33:52] Milosch: searching for grub LABEL= found some info
[15:33:59] ** quicksilver nods **
[15:34:06] quicksilver: redhat certainly used to patch their kernel to make it work
[15:34:10] quicksilver: (google told me that much)
[15:34:18] Milosch: ah
[15:34:24] Dagmar: Well, if nothing else then you can snatch their patch from the srpm
[15:34:31] ** quicksilver nods at dagmar **
[15:34:35] gardengnome: it works on ubuntu as well with their kernels. on a vanilla 2.6.19 however, it didn't work but i might as well have f'ed up the kernel config.
[15:34:37] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:34:38] Cyberai: can anyone help? my xorg.conf is posted at
[15:34:40] Dagmar: Cyberai: Are you using the nVidia binary driver?
[15:34:57] Milosch: Cyberai: seems like x is actually working then?
[15:35:03] Cyberai: I'm not sure Dagmar, I used MythDora to install
[15:35:04] Milosch: but mythfrontend is crashing?
[15:35:15] Dagmar: Pfft. "VertRefresh 60.0 – 60.0" <-- stupid
[15:35:30] Dagmar: Okay. Looks like you *are* supposed to be using the nVidia binary driver.
[15:35:33] Cyberai: Milosch, yes, but if I switch to a different xorg.conf, I can see mythfrontend on my pc monitor
[15:35:35] Dagmar: Did you *install* the nVidia binary driver?
[15:36:00] Cyberai: Dagmar, I didn't install anything. I let MythDora do all the installing
[15:36:06] Milosch: dmesg | grep NVRM
[15:36:13] Cyberai: Dagmar, how would I check which one it installed?
[15:36:16] Dagmar: Cyberai: ls -al /usr/lib/libGL*
[15:36:19] Cyberai: ok, hold on
[15:36:49] Dagmar: Do you have *just* a TV connected to this thing?
[15:37:13] Cyberai: Dagmar, is it ok to past the results here? (about 5 lines)
[15:37:28] Dagmar: Cyberai: Just tell me the one with the numbers at the end of it
[15:37:35] Dagmar: That's all we really need to knowo
[15:37:35] Cyberai: no, I have a DVI monitor and a TV, the TV is hooked up by the S-Video out on the 6200
[15:37:40] Dagmar: Okay
[15:37:42] Cyberai: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 Jan 20 04:02 /usr/lib/ ->
[15:37:42] Cyberai: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 12 Jan 20 03:57 /usr/lib/ ->
[15:37:42] Cyberai: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 362544 Jun 26 2006 /usr/lib/
[15:37:42] Cyberai: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Jan 20 03:57 /usr/lib/ ->
[15:37:42] Cyberai: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 495752 Mar 1 2006 /usr/lib/
[15:38:03] Dagmar: Okay. You don't have the nVidia binary driver in there and that's why things are failing.
[15:38:05] Cyberai: oops, only menat to paste that last line
[15:38:08] Cyberai: ah
[15:38:16] quicksilver: root=LABEL=/ doesn't seem to work on stock debian kernel. Silly Linus.
[15:38:29] Cyberai: is the binary one the rpm based one or the one I need to go get the installer from nvidia's website?
[15:38:38] Dagmar: They're probably both the same thing
[15:38:46] Cyberai: ok
[15:38:48] Milosch: website is best, imo
[15:39:08] Milosch: on ubuntu it looks like you can apt-get the nv driver and the nvidia driver
[15:39:18] Dagmar: GRab it, sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86– as root, and answer it's very few questions
[15:39:20] Milosch: either, i mean
[15:39:43] Dagmar: The only thing you really need to worry about is at the end if it asks if you want it to change your x configuration file, you tell it *no* because it doens't need to
[15:39:50] gardengnome: you might have to install the kernel headers
[15:39:53] Cyberai: I've done the nvidia install before, it is pretty simple, thanks
[15:39:57] Dagmar: OKay, cool.
[15:40:13] Dagmar: gardengnome: Actually I was pretty much expecting it would acutally be able to download the right binary so it woudlnt' need to compile at all
[15:40:16] Cyberai: sweet, let me try that and I'll be back
[15:40:24] Dagmar: Sometimes that bit of the installer acutally works, you know.  ;)
[15:40:42] Dagmar: I know you're probably like me and would have a heart attack if it suddenly downloaded something, but it does happen
[15:40:46] gardengnome: Dagmar: never did for me ;)
[15:40:51] gardengnome: heh
[15:40:54] Milosch: me either
[15:41:10] Milosch: probably because i use amd
[15:41:17] Dagmar: You pretty much have to be using someone's stock kernel, which um, is about as common as pink ostritches huffing head cleaner around here
[15:41:58] Freman: hmmm so any tips to having mythfrontend (user) log in on boot, and start mythfrontend? (c:
[15:42:04] ** quicksilver uses a stock kernel too :P **
[15:42:04] x86: works fine on gentoo ;)
[15:42:13] x86: (custom kernel, naturally)
[15:42:15] Dagmar: Freman: You don't need to login the user.
[15:42:59] Milosch: Dagmar: ?
[15:43:22] Freman: x86: hehe, what in gentoo isn't custom?
[15:43:32] Freman: Dagmar?
[15:43:44] Balachmar: @gardengnome can't you help me on my way to the xmltv file?
[15:44:02] GreyFoxx: You don't need to log the user in or run any login manager
[15:44:02] gardengnome: Balachmar: what exactly do you need?
[15:44:13] Dagmar: Honeestly you guys
[15:44:16] Milosch: Freman: personally, i edited gdm.conf to autologin the mythtv user
[15:44:16] GreyFoxx: just start x at the end of your init scripts
[15:44:34] Dagmar: Issue #1: Login sessions are overrated, particularly when they don't actually involve a user.
[15:44:42] Balachmar: @gardengnome well, I want to run the grabber on another machine, and the write another grabber that just wgets the file from my webspace
[15:44:52] Dagmar: Technically it's not correct to instantate a session when there's not an actual user tied to the process.
[15:45:13] Balachmar: but then I need to know where to put the file so that mythfilldatabase uses it
[15:45:20] Dagmar: Basically, the simplest thing to do is set up a user account with an ~/.xinitrc that will start the frontend when you run startx logged in as that person
[15:45:39] gardengnome: Balachmar: are you looking for mythfilldatabase --file?
[15:45:47] Dagmar: ...and then set up a new init script that will be the *last one to be run* which does `su – $mythusername startx`
[15:46:15] Dagmar: Substitute $mythusername for whatever userid you picked, and you might want to put a path on the startx invocation
[15:46:27] gardengnome: Dagmar: the last one to run? why? i used to start it rather early in the boot process. i don't need to have my nfs shares for mythfrontend ;)
[15:46:46] Milosch: for me, the ability to restart gdm has been very useful
[15:46:47] Dagmar: gardengnome: Well, you definitely want it starting *after* things like, oh, the backend and the MySQL server.
[15:46:53] gardengnome: Dagmar: that's true.
[15:47:03] Balachmar: gardengnome: Well normally I just use mythfilldatabase. And then it will use a default file I guess, so my question is then what is the default file location?
[15:47:13] Dagmar: If you don't have any NFS shares that part of init should take all of 0.0002 seconds anyway
[15:47:26] gardengnome: Dagmar: that was on a dedicated frontend box using initng, so it was not necessarily a default setup
[15:47:34] Dagmar: Balachmar: Normally there's no default so much as it just feeds the data to mysql
[15:47:40] gardengnome: Balachmar: red mythfilldatabase --help.
[15:47:47] gardengnome: s/red/read/
[15:48:02] Dagmar: gardengnome: I'd almost use initng but it's website is full of bullshit
[15:48:30] gardengnome: Dagmar: :)
[15:48:40] gardengnome: Dagmar: the guy who sells icecream?
[15:49:04] Dagmar: "Look how much faster our init sequence is!" "But, you've just *skipped* the things that I might actually be using... I actually have NFS shares." "Nevermind that! Our init system is OMGOPTIMIZED!"
[15:49:18] gardengnome: heh
[15:49:23] Milosch: ng == not good ?
[15:49:32] gardengnome: it gave me some trouble, indeed. but it was FAST!!11
[15:49:35] Dagmar: If you cut the things out of anyone's init that initng conveniently "doesn't support yet" then you are left with maybe a 2–5s difference in boot times
[15:50:04] gardengnome: well, 5 seconds!
[15:50:24] Dagmar: They're going to find themselves in a world of awkwardness as Project Utopia inspired code slowly swallows up everything that happens after the network stack is started
[15:51:04] Dagmar: I mean, since udev now handles all the basic hardware, the only thing left is to turn everything after that over to something that's actually aware of whether or not interfaces are up or down
[15:51:33] Dagmar: gardengnome: In Slackware, those 5s are due to Patrick being paranoid and sticking a sleep 5 in there
[15:52:05] Dagmar: ....and technically I think the reasons for having that there are long gone, but what the hell do I care.. I only reboot like once every two months at most
[15:53:19] Dagmar: I kinda want to burn printouts of Slackware's networking scripts and videotape them and send them to Patrick tho
[15:53:36] Dagmar: That stuff has *got* to be totally reworked, and soon.
[15:53:39] quicksilver: I used to use OSS-style sound on my card but seems the new v4l dropped support
[15:54:11] quicksilver: I can modprobe saa7134-alsa but it doesn't make any dsp devvices...
[15:54:32] gardengnome: what about the oss emulation of alsa?
[15:54:40] GreyFoxx: quicksilver: You could just configure myth to use alsa
[15:54:40] Milosch: snd-pcm-oss, et al
[15:55:06] gardengnome: *record* from ALSA devices yet.
[15:55:16] GreyFoxx: nope, only from oss
[15:55:17] Dagmar: You have a framegrabber card?
[15:55:32] GreyFoxx: quicksilver: Manually type in "ALSA:default" and "default" for the mixer
[15:56:13] quicksilver: GreyFoxx: How will it know which alsa to read from?
[15:56:21] quicksilver: GreyFoxx: 3 tunes here, each with their own alsas...
[15:56:25] quicksilver: tuners
[15:56:45] Dagmar: Are you using framegrabbing?
[15:56:46] Milosch: quicksilver: pretty sure you'll want the sound card mixer, etc not the tuner card mixers
[15:56:50] GreyFoxx: quicksilver: I'm referring to audio output, sorry I didn't realize you meant receording
[15:57:01] GreyFoxx: quicksilver: Myth wont record from an ALSA device
[15:57:05] Dagmar: Unless you're using framegrabbing I don't think you have to care
[15:57:18] quicksilver: This is an analogue tuner
[15:57:20] GreyFoxx: quicksilver: What kind of capture card ?
[15:57:30] quicksilver: it's a DVB-T3000 (hybrid)
[15:57:38] quicksilver: obviously the digital part works fine
[15:57:51] quicksilver: but the analogue part used to use OSS to route sound to myth
[15:59:01] GreyFoxx: you might be sol unless you can get kernel options that alloow it to still be recorded via oss
[15:59:32] quicksilver: hmph
[16:00:14] Cyberai: ok, how would I check the modules to see if my nvidia driver is loading?
[16:00:24] Cyberai: is it modprobe?
[16:01:48] Cyberai: ?
[16:01:56] quicksilver: lsmod | less
[16:01:59] quicksilver: if it's a module
[16:02:10] quicksilver: but maybe you're talking about an X11 driver?
[16:02:37] Milosch: nvidia should be the kernel module
[16:02:52] Cyberai: well, I see nvidia in the lsmod, but if I specify "nvidia" in my xorg.conf my X won't load
[16:03:00] Dagmar: Cyberai: It's *going* to load when X starts. This is not something you have to worry about.
[16:03:30] quicksilver: oh
[16:03:35] Dagmar: If it's *not* loading, then you need to pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.log.0 (or whatever the heck your distro has it being created as)
[16:03:35] Cyberai: Dagmar, i installed like you said, but if I try to use the nvidia specific sorg.conf, it now fails completely.
[16:03:38] quicksilver: saa7134-oss is still in the source tree
[16:03:43] quicksilver: maybe it's just not being built by default
[16:03:45] KraMer_ (KraMer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:03:45] Freman: that's not to bad
[16:03:47] Milosch: is the xorg driver, look in /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers perhaps
[16:03:59] Freman: in less then 18 hours I've rebuilt my gentoo-mythtv from the ground up
[16:04:23] Milosch: Freman: time to scrap it and see how quickly you can do it now ;)
[16:04:39] Cyberai: my xorg.conf is posted at
[16:04:52] KraMer_ is now known as KraMer
[16:05:14] Freman: I admit to cheating
[16:05:35] Freman: I had a stage 4 that I built last weekend... it had X and 3/4's of everything prebuilt (c:
[16:05:37] Milosch: it looks like you are trying to connect two monitors
[16:05:46] Cyberai: ok, hold on
[16:05:48] Dagmar: Milosch: his config is kinda stupid, but it would work
[16:06:01] Dagmar: They go the hard-headed way about defining two monitors for twinview
[16:06:06] Milosch: i thought ConnectedMonitor was deprecated
[16:06:17] Dagmar: It'll still work
[16:06:28] Milosch: Option "UseDisplayDevice" "TV"
[16:06:48] Milosch: also has twinview in there...
[16:07:28] Dagmar: Yeah, which is Afaik the default behaviour anyway
[16:07:37] Milosch: hrm, ok
[16:07:49] Dagmar: I want the xorg/xfree86.log file
[16:08:06] Dagmar: Something relatively obvious is broken, but we aren't going to know without seeing the log
[16:08:55] Cyberai: Dagmar,
[16:08:57] Dagmar: Milosch: I think my favorite bit in there is line 104
[16:09:16] Dagmar: Completely superfluous, afaict
[16:09:20] Dagmar: Cyberai: Looking now
[16:09:22] Milosch: no idea what that is for...
[16:09:41] Cyberai: yeah, looks like the kernel module isn't loading
[16:09:45] Cyberai: hmmm
[16:09:56] Cyberai: the installer said it loaded, and it shows up in lsmod
[16:09:58] Cyberai: weird
[16:10:22] Milosch: Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
[16:10:22] Dagmar: OKay. That's effed up
[16:10:37] Dagmar: WTF
[16:10:43] Cyberai: yeah, weird
[16:10:46] Milosch: try Screen "Screen0" 0 0
[16:10:48] Dagmar: What do you see when you do ls -al /dev/nvidia*?
[16:11:02] Dagmar: Milosch: That would do the same thing
[16:11:33] Dagmar: Milosch: Line 367 of his x log is "(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module! Please ensure"
[16:12:00] Milosch: maybe trying to load it twice ;)
[16:12:27] Cyberai: Dagmar, I dont have a /dev/nvidia, I have /dev/nvidia0, /dev nvidia1 through 3
[16:12:41] Dagmar: Cyberai: That's fine, actually
[16:12:45] Milosch: anyway, there's just too much extra crap in that file
[16:12:52] Dagmar: So long as you see something _relatively_ similar to
[16:13:00] Dagmar: Milosch: Oh definitely
[16:13:21] Cyberai: Milosch, when this is over I am more than open to a better xorg.conf
[16:13:29] Cyberai: if you have one
[16:13:30] Dagmar: How about
[16:13:32] Dagmar: heh
[16:13:41] Milosch: i was going to do that ;)
[16:13:49] Dagmar: Okay, I wouldn't use that one unmodified tho since I do not have a monitor attached, but it would probably work just the same
[16:14:39] Cyberai: well, once I have this working the monitor goes bye-bye
[16:14:45] Dagmar: Oh
[16:15:07] Dagmar: Well, in that case just move your xorg.conf out of the way (xorg.conf.backup or something) and try the URL I posted
[16:15:10] Cyberai: I'm not really concerned about using twinview, just getting the darn video onto the tv
[16:15:17] Cyberai: okies, hold on
[16:15:28] Dagmar: Well, provided you have a USB mouse
[16:15:33] Dagmar: ...although I don't think that's going to matter much
[16:15:53] Milosch:
[16:16:43] Milosch: note that i have glx commented out because when i start the guide mythfrontend hangs with that on
[16:16:55] Milosch: just lucky, i guess
[16:17:17] Dagmar: Milosch: It does that for me too. I just don't go into the guide from LiveTV
[16:17:28] Cyberai: Dagmar, I get three blinks and then it gives me the "Failed to start X server, blah blah blah"
[16:17:29] Dagmar: You're the first other person I've heard of it happening to
[16:17:44] Dagmar: Cyberai: Okay, this is pretty effed up
[16:17:49] Milosch: Dagmar: i was hoping that a better card would fix that, i am using the builtin 6150
[16:17:54] Dagmar: Cyberai: You did a `depmod -a` right?
[16:18:02] Balachmar (Balachmar! has quit ("Leaving")
[16:18:11] fysa: What's the best shrinkable filesystem?
[16:18:13] Dagmar: Milosch: it's got something to do with opengl support differencese. It did not do this with 0.19
[16:18:24] Cyberai: I rebooted
[16:18:33] Dagmar: Cyberai: That should have accomplished the same thing
[16:18:33] Milosch: Dagmar: right, that's what i saw in a wiki somewhere, maybe
[16:18:34] Dagmar: I don't get it
[16:18:48] Cyberai: yep
[16:18:54] Dagmar: Milosch: If you find that mentioned in the wiki again please tell me where so I can bookmark it
[16:19:05] Cyberai: well, something is definitely wrong with the kernel module
[16:19:13] Dagmar: I've postponed really digging into the problme until I can upgrade my box to Slack 11 but I'm going to have to fix it at some point
[16:19:31] Dagmar: Cyberai: The only thing I can figure is that something might have gone wrong when you built the kernel module
[16:19:42] Dagmar: Cyberai: Is your install built for 64-bit CPUs perhaps?
[16:19:44] Cyberai: I agree, I am going to go snooping around
[16:20:02] Cyberai: no, standard 32bit pentium 4 2.4 GHz
[16:20:04] Dagmar: Up until that line in the xorg.log, _everything_ is happening according to plan
[16:20:10] Dagmar: It *should* "just work"
[16:20:15] Dagmar: Is there anything maybe showing up in syslog?
[16:20:22] quicksilver: Found some help in #linuxtv: turns out you have to choose to 'make config' for v4l if you want OSS instead of ALSA
[16:20:31] Dagmar: I'm hoping the kernel module is finding a good reason to blow X off there
[16:20:37] Cyberai: /var/log/messages?
[16:20:57] Dagmar: Cyberai: Or /var/log/syslog. For me it's /var/log/kitchensink
[16:21:06] Dagmar: quicksilver: make config to what?
[16:21:35] Cyberai: AHA!
[16:21:37] Cyberai: Jan 20 11:13:55 localhost kernel: NVRM: API mismatch: the client has the version 1.0–9746, but
[16:21:38] Cyberai: Jan 20 11:13:55 localhost kernel: NVRM: this kernel module has the version 1.0–9631.
[16:21:47] Dagmar: I don't get this.. It loads, the glx module, everything...
[16:21:48] Dagmar: OOOO
[16:21:56] Milosch: Dagmar: . . . ideo_buffers
[16:22:04] Dagmar: You have somehow got more than one copy of the nvidia driver module in there
[16:22:06] quicksilver: Dagmar: v4l-dvb snapshot has it's own make config
[16:22:14] Cyberai: yep
[16:22:18] Dagmar: quicksilver: AH. That's something I am definitely not using
[16:22:20] quicksilver: Dagmar: distinct from the main kernel one, where you can choose certain options
[16:22:28] quicksilver: I didn't know until just now :)
[16:22:33] Cyberai: hmmm, how do I go about removing a kernel module? never had to do that before?
[16:22:35] Dagmar: I just slap OSS compatibility on for ALSA and it's been working a treat
[16:22:47] quicksilver: I have OSS compat for alsa too
[16:22:48] Dagmar: Cyberai: An icepick works pretty well. Just a sec...
[16:22:57] quicksilver: but that doesn't help for recording sounds I dont' think
[16:23:20] Dagmar: Cyberai: I'd say do `find /lib/modules/ -name nvidia.ko` and then remove both of them just to be sure, and then re-run the shell installer
[16:23:33] Dagmar: I had to be sure the filename was right
[16:23:50] Milosch: probably have the distribution's version of nvidia driver installed as well, i have had that problem
[16:23:54] Milosch: two nvidia.ko
[16:24:12] Dagmar: quicksilver: That's the thing that baffles me. I thought you'd be pulling in MPG streams with the audio already in them so you don't have to dork with actually recording audio as an explicit atomic operation
[16:24:19] Dagmar: Milosch: Yep. It's loading the wrong one then
[16:24:27] Dagmar: MURDAH it
[16:24:31] quicksilver: Dagmar: not for analogue
[16:24:46] Milosch: Dagmar: you catch that link?
[16:24:46] quicksilver: Dagmar: digital works like that, and it works fine
[16:24:49] Dagmar: quicksilver: See, that's where having a PVR-500 is handy.  :)
[16:24:51] quicksilver: :)
[16:25:01] Dagmar: Milosch: Yes. Looking at it now
[16:25:05] quicksilver: well hopefully I won't have to use analogue much longer
[16:25:10] Dagmar: God I hope it sorts my problem. I'm tired of the crashing
[16:25:12] quicksilver: once I get a new antenna and sort out my signal
[16:25:36] Milosch: it's sadly not a fix, just a workaround
[16:25:50] Dagmar: Hey a workaround is fine
[16:26:04] Dagmar: I don't care if it's broken or not really, so long as it doesn't crash my whole machine anymore
[16:26:11] Dagmar: I hate having to reboot
[16:26:17] Milosch: or you could use nv.ko ?
[16:26:34] Dagmar: Yuck no
[16:26:44] Dagmar: Wait, where the hell is an nv.ko?
[16:26:55] Milosch: i think that is the open source version
[16:26:55] Dagmar: There's no kernel module named that that I'm aware of
[16:27:02] Milosch: maybe not..
[16:27:11] Dagmar: Huh? No, the opensource nv driver xorg ships with doesn't involve any kernel drivers
[16:27:27] Dagmar: I see nothing in this URL about the program guide crashing stuff
[16:27:31] Milosch: ah yes, the driver is nv instead of nvidia
[16:27:58] Milosch: Dagmar: it has to do with opengl vs. glx
[16:28:07] Milosch: and maybe a conflict with ivtv?
[16:28:10] Dagmar: But, but, I like my fading menu items
[16:28:22] Dagmar: I mean, I am pretty sure it's a GL painter problem acutally
[16:28:22] Milosch: i posted that to the ivtv-dev list to no fanfare
[16:28:35] Dagmar: I don't think its' an ivtv conflict. If it was it would be really weird
[16:29:06] Dagmar: I think there's something naughty being done when the thumbnail window of live TV is being created for the card to show
[16:29:11] Milosch: ok, so blame mythtv ;)
[16:29:45] Dagmar: I think perhaps maybe that particular bit of code is possibly invoking ivtv in a manner that is *inhospitable* to the GL widget it's being pointed at tho
[16:30:14] Milosch: there are patches for mythtv to work better with ivtv, but i have not tried them
[16:30:21] Dagmar: Really?
[16:30:27] ** Dagmar looks interested **
[16:31:14] Dagmar: I probably should consider just dropping back and punting with the nv driver but man I keep hoping the xvmc osd stuff will get straightened out soon
[16:31:34] Dagmar: It's not like I'm hurting for clock cycles for playing Sd content full screen on an 8X AGP card with a 3200+ CPU
[16:33:38] Milosch: hrm, i haven't even tried the nv driver
[16:34:00] Dagmar: Yeah, you'd be more or less *not* accellerated all that much anymore, but it might be less likely to go insane
[16:34:11] quicksilver: Well, I finally have 3 cards working, all with working sound
[16:34:15] quicksilver: that only took half a day :P
[16:34:19] quicksilver: such is hardware
[16:34:57] Dagmar: quicksilver: Hey don't feel too bad. I'm just now realizing that I've been stupidly thick about which video driver to use since I upgraded the mainboard
[16:35:44] Milosch: ack, looks bad
[16:35:59] Dagmar: Holy crap this document is terrible
[16:36:44] quicksilver: and crossing fingers :)
[16:37:06] Dagmar: You're not going to be happy to hear this but I don't think you're going to be able to do that without buying a fourth 250G drive
[16:37:19] fysa: well.
[16:37:34] Dagmar: Unless lvm will let you actually set up a two-drive raid5 array
[16:37:42] Dagmar: ...which would be weird
[16:37:43] fysa: you can do RAID-5 with 3 disks, but you'll only have 500GB of space ;)
[16:38:00] fysa: you _can_ use mdadm to create an array with a non-existent disk
[16:38:11] Dagmar: Yeah but can you write to the incomplete array?
[16:38:14] fysa: yep
[16:38:22] fysa: it just won't be terribly fast..
[16:38:22] Dagmar: Ah then he might be able to do it after all
[16:38:32] fysa: then when you add the next disk, it will sync
[16:38:48] ** quicksilver nods **
[16:38:49] fysa: just won't be very safe until then
[16:38:52] quicksilver: that's what I was planning
[16:39:02] Dagmar: I have two 250G drives that I got at different times, and I was going to stripe them but then decided I'd rather wait until I can get my hands on some other way to back up the current 250Gb
[16:39:05] quicksilver: create a degraded raid5
[16:39:15] quicksilver: copy stuff over
[16:39:24] quicksilver: and then add the old disk as the spare, to 'upgrade' to real raid5
[16:39:37] fysa: right
[16:39:43] fysa: mdadm is very very good now.
[16:39:52] fysa: I've used it to grow and resize RAID5 from 4 to 7 disks.
[16:39:53] Dagmar: I've got a 160Gb drive as the boot drive, an optical drive, and two 250Gb drives, and this is not leaving me much wiggle room
[16:40:18] fysa: well.
[16:40:26] Dagmar: I'm tempted to get a sata drive to stick in there, but I have misgivings about striping/spanning from PATA to SATA
[16:40:31] fysa: you could make a 3x 160GB array
[16:40:37] fysa: then partition the extra space off the 250GB drives
[16:40:44] fysa: ;)
[16:40:46] Dagmar: fysa: I'm kind of out of controller spots on the PATA bus
[16:40:51] Dagmar: Four devices.
[16:40:54] fysa: ah
[16:40:58] Dagmar: The board has SATA ports I'm not using tho
[16:41:06] fysa: That's the ticket.
[16:41:18] ** quicksilver nods **
[16:41:19] fysa: I'm going to be selling 7 320GB drives soon if anyone's interested. ;)
[16:41:24] Dagmar: I like things to be ultra-simple, so I'm somewhat theologically against booting from a SATA disk and using PATA for bulk storage
[16:41:30] quicksilver: I have 250G, 400G, 400G
[16:41:32] quicksilver: all sata
[16:41:39] quicksilver: have been running until now on just the 250
[16:41:45] quicksilver: the two 400s become part of that RAID5
[16:42:03] quicksilver: and the remaining 150G ish becomes a RAID1 junk parition to back up the rest of my network onto
[16:42:33] Dagmar: Someone REALLY needs to come up with a bulk storage solution for backups damnit
[16:42:57] quicksilver: fortunately my big stuff doesn't need backing up
[16:43:07] quicksilver: if I lose recordings of the simpsons I'm not going to cry myself to sleep
[16:43:19] Dagmar: Well, I'm looking at backing up all my audio CDs
[16:43:24] quicksilver: and my audio files exist on my laptop, the myth box, and two iPods
[16:43:35] quicksilver: that's close enough to backed up for my needs :)
[16:44:01] quicksilver: it's mainly programming junk and letters and emails I want to back up, and they don't really add up to many G
[16:44:10] fysa: I just ran into a situation where jfs fragmented itself to hell and now needs to be completely rebuilt.. meaning I delete enough data that I can move everything off and onto one spare disk/over the rest of the machines here.. :/
[16:44:27] fysa: suffice to say, I'm going back to xfs. :P
[16:44:42] Dagmar: Considering i'm fond of 192kbps for the "casual" stuff, I'm looking at like nine DVDs minimum to store it all as a backup
[16:44:56] Dagmar: Wow how did you manage that?
[16:45:28] fysa: There were a few files with over 100,000 fragments.
[16:45:40] fysa: It completely killed write speed.
[16:45:40] Dagmar: All my obsessively collected email grandfathers weekly onto two DVD-RWs so I don't have to even mess with that except switching disks on sundays
[16:45:53] quicksilver: AutoExpire: ERROR when trying to autoexpire file: /var/video/1040_20061115210135.mpg. File doesn't exist. Database metadata will not be removed.
[16:46:00] Dagmar: Freaky.. That sounds more like somethign that would plague XFS than JPS
[16:46:02] quicksilver: I have quite a few of those, wonder how it happened
[16:46:20] Como[]Lappy: amgry beavers
[16:46:56] fysa: I don't think JFS managed unused blocks very well, and the filesystem reached 100% a few times — causing the only available space to be completely spread out.
[16:46:59] Dagmar: quicksilver: I suspect maybe that when something is able to be autoexpired because say, you'r elooking to record the 9th show of something with a limit of 8 that it doesn't properly take it off the autoexpire queue
[16:47:15] Dagmar: We're not really making a very efficient use of mysql in that respect
[16:47:19] quicksilver: hmm
[16:47:35] Dagmar: I get those same messages and I damn well know I'm not deleting anything outside the interface anymore
[16:47:39] quicksilver: :)
[16:47:39] Dagmar: Not after the first mess I made
[16:47:55] quicksilver: Como[]Lappy: damn those beavers
[16:48:13] Como[]Lappy: damn them.
[16:48:19] Como[]Lappy: they're trying to get into my server
[16:48:40] Como[]Lappy: but i purposly used cat5 instead of cat5e so that they couldnt fit
[16:50:06] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has quit ("Leaving")
[16:50:08] Dagmar: Er... *looks alarmed* that's not getting you interference?
[16:50:16] Dagmar: That's not really kosher for cat6 afaik
[16:50:17] quicksilver: if I dd an ext3fs onto a partition which is slightly larger than the source partition, I can then grow the fs into the gap, can't I?
[16:50:21] Como[]Lappy: sure it is
[16:50:46] Como[]Lappy: only difference between 5e and 6 is tighter twists, and in my cable a plastic seperator between the pairs
[16:50:48] Dagmar: quicksilver: why would you use dd for that?
[16:51:08] Como[]Lappy: which may or may not be part of the standard
[16:51:15] Como[]Lappy: but it makes the cable way easyer to run
[16:51:18] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:51:20] Dagmar: Como[]Lappy: Okay, I'll buy that., All the cat6 cables we have here have metal cuffs on the end and I assumed it was required
[16:51:22] Como[]Lappy: and hard to kink
[16:52:03] Dagmar: Well, I like it because it makes them easy to tell apart from the cat5 cables we have
[16:52:07] Como[]Lappy: that way people think they need them
[16:52:28] Dagmar: We have easily 300+ machines here and some asshat decided it would be a good idea to standardize on *yellow* cables
[16:52:35] Como[]Lappy: when in reality.... only good cat6 does for now is when you've got to run longer than.... what was it, 200m?
[16:52:44] Como[]Lappy: ew, what an asshat
[16:52:44] Dagmar: Holy mother of fsck that is a biter to trace cables under the floor as a result
[16:53:02] Como[]Lappy: i standardise on blue/gray
[16:53:08] Como[]Lappy: yellows for uplinks
[16:53:12] quicksilver: Dagmar: how would you copy partitions?
[16:53:24] Como[]Lappy: red/black for patches
[16:53:24] quicksilver: Dagmar: just cpio/tar/cp -a?
[16:53:26] Dagmar: The new noc manager is at least getting red and green cables for specific purposes but still I would have been happier with a wide selection of colors to pick from
[16:53:40] Como[]Lappy: well, patches on racks
[16:53:43] Dagmar: quicksilver: I'd make a new partition and use cp -R. Seriously.
[16:53:55] Como[]Lappy: all bets are off between machines and drops
[16:54:01] quicksilver: Dagmar: I assumed dd was faster for mostly-full large partitions
[16:54:02] Dagmar: Then you don't need to screw around with resizing and your new partition is automagically defragmented as a side-effect
[16:54:03] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:54:10] quicksilver: but those are good points
[16:54:18] Dagmar: quicksilver: Nope. That would be asusming cp or your filesystem layer were excessively slow
[16:55:43] Bazil_ (Bazil_!i=user@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:55:53] Dagmar: Have you ever used a resizing tool like parted to resize a large partition?
[16:56:10] Dagmar: It's *terrifying* enough to make sure you think twice before you do anything that would require you ever touch it again.
[16:56:26] Dagmar: Your disk activity light will go solid, the disk will grind like mad, and CPU load goes to 100%.
[16:56:36] Dagmar: ...for the next "however long it takes".
[16:56:37] Como[]Lappy: i love when that happens
[16:56:54] Como[]Lappy: last time i did it i couldnt get dma to turn on, and it was a 250gb drive
[16:56:58] Como[]Lappy: took almost a week
[16:57:23] Dagmar: ...and all you'll be able to think about is just how completely f**ked that filesystem will be if now, during this heavy system load period, becomes the time when some obscure system crashing problem decides to rear it's head.
[16:57:36] Como[]Lappy: or the power goes out
[16:57:39] Como[]Lappy: happens alot up here
[16:57:54] Dagmar: Yeah, I have UPSes practically coming out of my ears because I live in Tennessee
[16:57:59] Como[]Lappy: heh
[16:58:07] Dagmar: I got panickey and went and grabbed two more to chain onto the one I was using just to be safe
[16:58:09] Como[]Lappy: i plan on making/getting alot when i move out
[16:58:27] Dagmar: Yo it was funny when I moved to SF just as they started their rolling blackouts
[16:58:32] Como[]Lappy: if i ever get my own house, hello house-wide battery system
[16:58:51] Dagmar: My friends were all waily-waily because they were about to lose power to their apartments, and my entire room never skipped a beat
[16:59:15] Como[]Lappy: hot
[16:59:17] Dagmar: Floor lamps included, everything I have is UPSed because lightning respects no boundaries
[16:59:31] Dagmar: ...although I didn't go out of my way to UPS the floor lamps, mind you.
[16:59:35] ** Como[]Lappy hides his 500w worklamps **
[16:59:39] Dagmar: hehe
[16:59:46] Dagmar: I use fluourescents
[16:59:57] Como[]Lappy: i needed something portable and powerful
[17:00:07] Como[]Lappy: photography/fixing my damn car
[17:00:15] Dagmar: No joke I had lightning strike a half block from my place in Nashville once and it fried the wiring in the wall going to the UPS that powered my main firewall
[17:00:26] Como[]Lappy: nice
[17:00:28] quicksilver: Dagmar: yeah, ok, I'm convinced
[17:00:30] Dagmar: The first I knew there was a problem was 45 minutes later when the UPS was complaining because it was about out of backup juice
[17:00:37] Como[]Lappy: heh
[17:00:41] quicksilver: Dagmar: although *growing* a partition is not particularly scary with something like LVM
[17:00:41] Dagmar: I was like, what the hell happened there
[17:00:52] Como[]Lappy: my main firewall is on my biggest ups, but i cant see it running 10 mins off it
[17:00:54] Dagmar: My next door neighbor lost his entire DIrectTV setup, TV included
[17:00:54] Como[]Lappy: god damn intel
[17:00:55] quicksilver: Dagmar: you just add another chunk on the end and e2resize it
[17:01:18] yak^lappy (yak^lappy! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:01:24] Dagmar: Yeah, growing a jfs partition is childishly simple
[17:01:28] Dagmar: You don't actually do anything.  :)
[17:01:56] Como[]Lappy: wow, almost broke my laptop screen there
[17:02:01] Como[]Lappy: that would have ended poorly
[17:03:50] yak^lappy: can any one help with this error pls?
[17:03:51] yak^lappy:
[17:04:12] yak^lappy: trying to build svn with xvmc enabled
[17:05:10] Milosch: you have xvmc and dev installed?
[17:05:37] Smirnov (Smirnov! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:06:16] yak^lappy: x11 and dev installed – no packages for suse in my list for xvmc
[17:06:32] yak^lappy: i'll take a looksee now on google for them
[17:08:04] yak^lappy: libxine1-xvmc for suse which i have – but no dev package
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[17:23:58] Smirno1: I added myth-frontend to my startup settings but its not starting when I login
[17:24:29] Smirnov (Smirnov! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:25:04] Milosch: take out the hyphen?
[17:25:15] Smirno1: what hyphen
[17:25:25] Dagmar: *snicker*
[17:25:49] Smirno1: oh yeah i dont have that
[17:25:58] Smirno1: i have DISPLAY=:0.1 mythfrontend
[17:29:14] Smirno1: ok i put it into a separate script and added a sleep 20 &&
[17:29:18] Smirno1: and now it works
[17:29:57] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:31:54] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:36:57] SeaWeed: hello all i finaly have lirc install but cant get myth to see remote i hvae config ~/.mythtv/lircrc
[17:37:07] SeaWeed: any can shed some lite on it
[17:37:23] SeaWeed: i compiled mythtv with lirc support
[17:38:44] rosslin: SeaWeed
[17:38:49] SeaWeed: yes
[17:38:57] rosslin: pm
[17:39:02] SeaWeed: ok
[17:39:34] rosslin: woops
[17:39:40] SeaWeed: ?
[17:39:43] rosslin: can't pm without regging nick
[17:39:58] SeaWeed: i just did
[17:40:05] rosslin: i'm not regged
[17:40:06] rosslin: check pm on uicn
[17:40:06] SeaWeed: i had to ident
[17:40:09] SeaWeed: ok
[17:43:25] Smirno1: SeaWeed: does it work when u do irw
[17:43:55] SeaWeed: irw starts
[17:44:07] SeaWeed: but it dont show nothing when i hit a key
[17:44:59] SeaWeed: i ran irrecord
[17:45:01] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:45:12] SeaWeed: it see remote but not shure where it send command to
[17:45:23] SeaWeed: when it makes 1
[17:46:44] SeaWeed: oops typo
[17:47:02] SeaWeed: Not shure where the ( conf ) outputs to when it makes a fresh conf
[17:47:10] Smirno1: wtf? battlestar galactica now airs on a sunday?!
[17:49:06] Milosch: yes, new episode tomorrow i think
[17:49:42] Smirno1: that sucks
[17:49:49] quicksilver: does linux md support RAID 1 on three (instead of two) copies?
[17:49:51] Smirno1: i dont get scifi here so i have to think of otherwise to get the episodes
[17:49:52] Milosch: it does?
[17:49:55] Milosch: ah
[17:50:06] Smirno1: or i can wait until i go to my parents house 2 weeks from now..blah
[17:50:20] Smirno1: what i dont get is why there isnt scifi in hd
[17:50:25] Smirno1: thats the stupidest shit i've ever heard of
[17:50:28] Milosch: hehe
[17:50:38] Smirno1: its a channel for GEEKS, we all have HDTVs unless we're poor already
[17:50:56] ** gardengnome is poor **
[17:51:00] Milosch: i don't know if Jake 2.0 would have much to offer for hd
[17:51:34] Smirno1: dont watch that, whats that all about
[17:51:42] Milosch: no idea, looks bad
[17:51:57] Smirno1: i only watch bsg and sg* from scifi
[17:52:07] Smirno1: i would probably watch more but like i said, i dont get scifi at college
[17:54:58] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:56:51] quicksilver: bah
[17:56:59] quicksilver: forgot to recompile lirc modules for new kernel
[17:57:04] quicksilver: :(
[17:57:59] quicksilver: this is why I don't like compiling kernels
[17:58:42] russellb (russellb!i=russellb@nat/digium/x-ce87ffe1fcaebaca) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:01:04] mtnbkr: quicksilver: copy .config from old kernel dir to new kernel dir, then in new kernel dir type make oldconfig and answer simple questions for new features etc but ALL of your old settings will be in new kernel :)
[18:01:06] mtnbkr: then you can't forget :)
[18:02:57] Milosch: bbiaf
[18:09:39] Bernardo (Bernardo!n=Bernardo@sourcemage/Bernardo) has joined #mythtv-users
[18:11:38] james__ (james__! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:12:39] james__: hi there – i'm having trouble getting my Compro Videomate DVB-T200 card working on Ubuntu Edgy with Mythtv – the chipset is saa7130
[18:14:09] james__: i've pasted my dmesg output at
[18:16:19] james__: trying to follow the guide at, i get the following errors:
[18:16:26] stonith (stonith! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:18:09] GreyFoxx: Anyone here got a really good tool for merging two avi's that doesn't cause avi sync problems?
[18:19:04] Beirdo: GreyFoxx, if you mean that doesn't go through raw frames and recompress? No
[18:19:09] GreyFoxx: yeah
[18:19:13] stonith: Need someone's expertise on LIRC. Trying to use the rs-232 port on my motorola dct2224 with my serial port of my server.
[18:19:13] GreyFoxx: I'ved used a few that did it
[18:19:51] GreyFoxx: Beirdo: transcode comes with an "Avimerge" that does ok, I was more looking for something better :)
[18:20:03] Beirdo: I usually use that windows tool that avidemux tried to copy, but forget the name of
[18:20:28] Beirdo: heck, even avidemux might do it, but I wouldn't guarantee anything with that POS
[18:21:17] GreyFoxx: heh
[18:21:30] GreyFoxx: I might just stick to avimerge for now
[18:21:58] Beirdo: any ideas off hand what tool to use for capturing from a firewire from my camcorder without using 'blows?
[18:22:10] rwscott (rwscott! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:22:10] GreyFoxx: yup, gimme a sec
[18:22:51] GreyFoxx: I use dvgrab
[18:23:06] Beirdo: ah cool, thanks
[18:23:15] Beirdo: OK, back to cleaning the house for visitors.
[18:23:16] GreyFoxx: I think there is a gui frontend too, I just call it from the commandline
[18:24:16] james__: my cards seem to have registered as vbi0 and vbi1 – what's the best way to check whether they're actually working or not?
[18:24:28] Beirdo: cool. I figured by now there'd be a way
[18:24:42] Smirno1: james__: run mplayer /dev/vbi0 ?
[18:24:47] Beirdo: ummm
[18:24:49] james__: thanks
[18:25:02] Beirdo: try /dev/video0
[18:25:07] Smirno1: james__: assuming your devices are called /dev/vbi0
[18:25:12] Smirno1: for me its also /dev/video0
[18:26:39] james__: VLC doesn't seem to output anything when i select those
[18:26:48] james__: though I haven't tuned to them in any way
[18:26:49] langotech (langotech! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:27:27] Smirno1: run mplayer /dev/video0 then
[18:27:31] Smirno1: and mplayer /dev/video1
[18:27:34] Smirno1: if you see stuff, it works
[18:27:38] Smirno1: if you dont, your ivtv is borked
[18:27:57] james__: k – i'll install mplayer, one sec
[18:28:23] langotech: is there any good place to find out what qam 256 channels are available in your area
[18:29:28] Beirdo: ivtv? he has a DVB card with a v4l2 interface
[18:29:51] Beirdo: or two of them, it seems
[18:30:31] Beirdo: however, I can't be of much use past that as I don't have any experience at all with DVB cards :) I'm sure someone can help though.
[18:31:08] stonith: can someone help me with LIRC through rs-232 to Motorola DCT2224 STB. There is only 1 other person in ##lirc :(
[18:32:50] Smirno1: i dont even mind doing the regexes myself
[18:33:00] Milosch: hrm
[18:33:10] Beirdo: ummm, we don't really approve of illegal downloading in this channel
[18:33:10] kormoc: Smirno1, no, and we don't talk about torrents in here
[18:33:17] Beirdo: sorry
[18:33:26] kormoc: Mornin' Beirdo
[18:33:28] Smirno1: what? i subscribe to the channel lol
[18:33:45] Smirno1 is now known as Smirnov
[18:33:56] bio___ (bio___! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:33:57] kormoc: Smirno1, doesn't matter, Recording from your tv is very different then downloading
[18:33:59] bio___ (bio___! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:34:00] Smirnov: ok
[18:34:04] Beirdo: anyways, I gotta get back to cleaning. Howdy, kormoc  :)
[18:34:17] Smirnov: so lets say i record on my tv and i name the filename like Battlestar.Galactica.S03E04.#)*$#.avi ?
[18:34:23] Dr_willis: heh heh. :)
[18:34:25] ** kormoc tips his hat to Beirdo **
[18:34:37] kormoc: Smirnov, there is no way, no
[18:34:43] james__: Bierdo: yes, i have two identical DVB cards using v4l2
[18:34:58] Smirnov: are there some scripting interfaces ?
[18:35:04] kormoc: Smirnov, no
[18:35:07] Smirnov: i can probably write one myself if its not too hard
[18:35:18] Smirnov: hm
[18:35:31] Smirnov: i take it you have to edit the DB?
[18:35:35] kormoc: yes
[18:35:36] Dr_willis: I imagine scripting and setting the data in the mysql databases and looking up the data.. will be a bit of a task.
[18:35:45] Smirnov: ah
[18:35:49] Smirnov: trivial with ruby
[18:36:06] Dr_willis: assuming you even know where to begin. :)
[18:36:07] Milosch: why not just read it from the videos folder?
[18:36:09] james__: i get the following errors when running "mplayer /dev/video0":
[18:36:10] Smirnov: any idea how i can scrape the episode information?
[18:36:11] james__: Playing /dev/video0.
[18:36:12] james__: Cannot seek backward in linear streams!
[18:36:13] james__: Seek failed
[18:37:02] james__: i'm on a 2.6.17 kernel by the way
[18:37:05] kormoc: Smirnov, sure, write a neural network on a few dozen clay's and have it scan the airwaves
[18:37:07] russellb: james__: yeah, you can't go backward on a live stream ...
[18:37:13] russellb: james__: that is expected.
[18:37:13] Smirnov: kormoc: heh no
[18:38:46] james__: ok, wouldn't i expect to see any video from mplayer though? isn't that how i'm supposed to tell whether my card is detected correctly?
[18:39:05] james__: i don't get any video shown – just errors at the command prompt
[18:39:27] kormoc: james__, I didn't think DVB cards worked like that
[18:39:45] james__: ok
[18:39:57] james__: so how can i check whether it's working?
[18:40:35] Milosch: i think your command is trying to play the device itself?
[18:41:33] Milosch: instead of through it
[18:41:57] nasa (nasa!n=smithna@ has quit ("Leaving")
[18:44:52] minra: lackra kernel: tuner 1–0061: chip found @ 0xc2 (ivtv i2c driver #1)  ! /me frolics
[18:45:43] Milosch: nm, it actually works here
[18:48:00] stonith (stonith! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:51:02] SeaWeed: ok this is error im getting every time i start lirc it fires up fine but soon as i start mythtv it or irw they kill the service here is error i see
[18:51:04] SeaWeed:
[18:51:16] _Sam--: hey kormoc: instead of using samba to access my videos (avi, etc) that reside on a windows box, is there any other way to do it, like upnp ?
[18:51:50] kormoc: _Sam--, don't think so... GreyFoxx is the upnp coder, so perhaps he'd know better
[18:52:46] Milosch: i tried upnp from vista the other day, but only the device itself was detected
[18:53:03] Milosch: and so far have not had luck accessing it from windows 2000
[18:53:21] _Sam--: thanks. using a keyboard within myth for input — is there any keystroke that i can press that would tell me ALL the available keystrokes for the screen im on?
[18:53:34] _Sam--: alot of times i just end up pressing every key on the keyboard to find out what does what
[18:53:45] gardengnome: _Sam--: i don't think so. but you can still rpint keys.txt :)
[18:53:51] gardengnome: print*
[18:55:09] _Sam--: thanks, just found that file.
[18:55:25] rsdvd (rsdvd! has quit ()
[19:10:36] Smirnov: if i mount an SMB folder from another computer to the mythtv videos folder
[19:10:43] Smirnov: will it try to download the whole thing before playing ?
[19:13:29] _Sam--: no
[19:15:49] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has quit ("Leaving")
[19:22:23] Dr_willis: Hmm... if im watching a video, and ssh into the mythtv box i 'should' be able to adjust the volume remotely with alsamixer shouldent i?
[19:22:31] zablalbaz: anyone use mytharchive much?
[19:23:22] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:23:37] jasta (jasta! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:23:38] Dr_willis: zablalbaz, just used it to make a few dvd disks. not much however.
[19:23:59] Dr_willis: i think thats what it was. :) all the names get confusing after a while
[19:24:30] zablalbaz: yeah...that's what it is
[19:25:01] zablalbaz: I'm just trying to find out if there are more themes out there or if there's any way to customize it
[19:25:15] zablalbaz: 8 chapters for a burned movie is way too few
[19:25:44] ** zablalbaz needs to figure out how to get more chapters and maybe customize the menus a little **
[19:27:03] Cyberai: hey, i was here a while ago. I had the problem with my nvidia card and the kernel module. I have the straight now.
[19:27:35] Dr_willis: A+ :)
[19:27:40] Cyberai: I have a new, weird problem. If I try to launch MythTV I get kicked out of my X session and have to log back in?
[19:35:43] zablalbaz: hmmm
[19:35:54] quicksilver: run DISPLAY=:0 mythfrontend from a different place
[19:36:03] quicksilver: e.g. a console or a ssh terminal
[19:36:09] quicksilver: then you can see the messages and see why it dies
[19:36:13] quicksilver: (maybe)
[19:36:41] ** zablalbaz wonders if the Xorg logs would have any info? **
[19:39:44] minra: aha they moved the control functions from ivtvctl to v4lctl between ivtv 0.6 and 0.8
[19:40:01] minra: getting terrible noise and vertical bars with my hauppauge pvr 500 (samsung) tuner
[19:40:06] zablalbaz: minra: yea...I got a little confused there too
[19:40:26] minra: did you get a good signal once you got things working?
[19:41:03] zablalbaz: minra: never had a problem with my pvr150, but I think I read something on newegg about the samsung cards
[19:41:23] minra: yes i see many complaints ... the composite-in looks fine, so it must be a tuner issue
[19:41:43] zablalbaz: lots of people were gtting horrible pictures and it seemed like it was just on the 500's
[19:41:54] zablalbaz: with samsung
[19:42:00] kormoc: it's the samsung tuners, ivtv guys have been fighting it for awhile
[19:42:15] kormoc: the recommendation is to update to the newest version and/or check the ivtv mailing list
[19:42:21] minra: ok ty
[19:42:27] Cyberai: 2007-01–20 14:41:59.707 Using screen 0, 1024x768 at 0,0
[19:42:27] Cyberai: 2007-01–20 14:41:59.708 Switching to square mode (gant)
[19:42:27] Cyberai: mythfrontend: Fatal IO error: client killed
[19:42:49] kormoc: last I knew tho, ivtv had support for all the new tuners, but perhaps there's yet another version
[19:48:16] Smirnov: how do you get overscan when playing videos
[19:49:48] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:49:52] monteslu: anyone using an xbox for a front end? I've two modded xboxes, but I'm not sure what the current method is
[19:50:11] monteslu: have a mythserver with 2 pvr 150s, BTW
[19:50:13] Milosch: using latest driver on 2.6.19 the samsung tuners are acceptable
[19:51:30] Smirnov: can anyone help with my mplayer overscan problem
[20:03:09] kormoc: ahh, nifty
[20:03:29] minra: gonna see if there's a relevant place to comment that on the wiki – it took a while to find
[20:03:38] Cyberai: ok, got that fixed, I had to put the modules path into my xorg.,conf
[20:04:06] Cyberai: does anyone know what the trick is to getting a happauge 150 and a 250 to both work in the same box?
[20:10:30] langotech: I'm trying to setup an ati hdtv wonder and I was wondering if anybody knows the suggested way to set the card up in mythtv
[20:10:41] Milosch: Cyberai: shouldn't be a trick, what's up?
[20:13:04] Milosch: bbiaf
[20:13:23] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:13:23] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[20:15:29] quicksilver: bah stupid lirc forcing me to do a complete kernel recompile
[20:15:47] yak^lappy (yak^lappy! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:18:07] Cyberai: Milosch, I have a 150 and a 250, but only the 250 sees anything
[20:18:15] Cyberai: both are detacted and set up
[20:20:50] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:21:03] Milosch: so when you load ivtv you see all the init crap and both cards
[20:23:55] Milosch: ?
[20:24:11] Milosch: check dmesg
[20:28:48] Cyberai: oops, nevermind, I had a bum cable, thanks Milosch
[20:29:04] Milosch: heh
[20:33:04] zablalbaz: does anyone know how to keep monitors from going into "sleep" states in kde?
[20:33:52] ** zablalbaz has disabled the kde screensaver, but every 5 minutes of inactivity the blasted monitor makes this "pop" sound and goes black **
[20:34:35] zablalbaz: If I hit a key, everything comes back up...but it is doing this while I am watching tv
[20:34:40] zablalbaz: annoying
[20:35:09] _Sam--: unsolicited, but excited...vlc from pocket pc to myth = nice
[20:43:30] _Sam--: kormoc you around?
[20:45:00] kormoc: mornin
[20:45:27] _Sam--: same....i was wonderif you're familiar with vlc command line stuff?
[20:45:52] Bazil_ (Bazil_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:45:53] _Sam--: im trying to figure out how to determine how much bandwidth particular transcodings would need in order to be viewed remoted
[20:45:58] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:46:02] Bazil_ (Bazil_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:46:03] _Sam--: er viewed remotely
[20:46:10] kormoc: the bitrate is bascially that number
[20:46:45] _Sam--: which part of that is the bitrate, vb=64?
[20:47:29] _Sam--: command line documention on that vlc is sketchy at best
[20:49:21] GreyFoxx: vb is video bitrate,m ab is audio bitrate
[20:49:41] _Sam--: it works actually amazingly — im streaming a dvd over EVDO to my pocket pc fine
[20:49:50] kormoc: Aye, I'm assuming in kilobits per second?
[20:49:52] _Sam--: (amazingly well was what i meant to say)
[20:49:58] GreyFoxx: kormoc: Yup
[20:50:22] kormoc: _Sam--, so there's your answer, vb + ab = stream size in kilobits per second
[20:50:22] _Sam--: GreyFoxx : Thanks.
[20:50:42] GreyFoxx: plus a little overheard for ack's and such
[20:50:51] _Sam--: GreyFoxx : kormoc says you're the man with the UPNP plan?
[20:51:00] _Sam--: is that something in the horizon for myth, or?
[20:51:02] GreyFoxx: One of them
[20:51:21] GreyFoxx: You need to be more specific in what you are asking :)
[20:51:30] GreyFoxx: Myth already has a basic upnp media server built in :)
[20:51:40] _Sam--: i was specifically asking about not having to access videos (avi's etc) that are stored on my windows box via Samba
[20:52:10] _Sam--: i cant be that difficult to interact with the built in server in wmp11
[20:52:16] GreyFoxx: If you have a upnp client, and are running SVN you should be able to playback anything you have imported into mythvideo
[20:52:37] Dr_willis: i got geexbox working with unpnp – i had to set the ip address correctly on that first screen of the mythtv setup program.
[20:52:40] Hamsta (Hamsta! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:53:10] Dr_willis: but i dont recall seeing the various video files there. just my recordings.
[20:53:24] koffein (koffein! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:53:47] Smirnov: can i play RealPlayer files in amd64?
[20:53:58] GreyFoxx: Dr_willis: Only visible in SVN, and only if you have them imported into mythvideo's database
[20:54:09] GreyFoxx: Eventually I'll rewrite it to browse the filesystem
[20:54:29] Dr_willis: heh  – not even sure how to 'import' them :)
[20:54:43] GreyFoxx: Video MAnager
[20:55:02] GreyFoxx: stores the filenames and such in the database
[20:55:21] _Sam--: GreyFoxx : sorry for being an ass...but can you point me to a upnp client for linux?
[20:55:47] _Sam--: apt-cache search upnp (maybe case sensitive) wasnt very fruitful
[20:55:53] GreyFoxx: _Sam--: I'm told newversion of vlc can do it
[20:56:01] GreyFoxx: I use djmount myself
[20:56:34] _Sam--: that looks pretty cool
[20:56:47] _Sam--: is there any advantage to use djmount, over samba, though?
[20:57:16] GreyFoxx: Other than samba is not upnp, no
[20:57:38] GreyFoxx: upnp offers other stuff like filtered access to teh data, searches and other stuff
[20:57:49] GreyFoxx: but if all you want is access to the files then samba or nfs are more than fine
[20:58:05] _Sam--: thanks for the insight.
[20:58:28] james__: has anyone got this card working? is this the right place to ask (is there an IRC channel for the drivers that i should be asking in)?
[20:59:25] GreyFoxx: #dvb might be helpful
[20:59:28] _Sam--: GreyFoxx : in reality, if you use djmount to connect to a upnp server on the other side...the upnp server serving the files, dont you think uses something very much similar to samba to access the files on the windows machine?
[20:59:56] GreyFoxx: _Sam...... what?
[21:00:28] _Sam--: when the upnp server gets a request for a file...the parts that happen after that, to serve file...cant be much different than what happens if i try to play it over samba
[21:01:17] weasie (weasie! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:01:26] GreyFoxx: well the communication between the client and server is quite different, at least in the wrapping
[21:01:46] GreyFoxx: but otherwise 1 end opens and reads a file, and sends it tot he other end
[21:01:48] GlemSom (GlemSom! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:01:57] GreyFoxx: so on that basic way they are similar
[21:02:34] weasie: hey, I have configured mythfrontend to run mythfilldatabase, but it does not seem to be running it ever. I can't see anything in the mythfrontend.log either. Anyone seen this or have any ideas?
[21:02:46] _Sam--: so in that regard...if they both access the same file, and the file containts all the same data, how is upnp able to search the data better, etc, as you mentioned previously?
[21:02:51] GreyFoxx: weasie: mythbackend runs it, not mythfrontend
[21:02:54] _Sam--: (not doubting, just trying to comprehend)
[21:03:30] weasie: greyfoxx: ok, so I will check out that log to see if there are errors, but I thought that it was configured for a frontend to run
[21:03:53] xris: _Sam--: samba is a network file system. upnp is a client-server protocol with built-in search functionality, etc.
[21:04:03] GreyFoxx: _Sam--: Samba is for accessing the filesystem, upnp also returns meta data, provides search abilities to the client, and can precan searches
[21:04:10] xris: it's sort of like comparing ext3 and google video
[21:04:13] GreyFoxx: So you can precan "group by genre" etc
[21:05:07] _Sam--: doesnt all the crap get imported into mysql when your update your libary?
[21:05:10] _Sam--: libary
[21:05:16] ** xris shuts up before his bad analogies get in the way of actual learning **
[21:05:25] xris: _Sam--: samba doesn't touch mysql
[21:05:30] _Sam--: i understand that...
[21:05:38] _Sam--: but if you have your media shared on samba...
[21:05:44] _Sam--: and you import it into your libary
[21:05:48] _Sam--: all the meta data is local anyway
[21:05:55] _Sam--: so how would upnp give you more
[21:06:00] GreyFoxx: jesus
[21:06:03] xris: upnp isn't for local access
[21:06:08] mchou: lol
[21:06:16] mchou: who's on first?
[21:06:30] GreyFoxx: Forget it, I don't have the patience to educate today
[21:06:40] xris: upnp is for sharing with systems that don't speak samba or mythtv protocols... it includes things like auto-discovery of servers, etc.
[21:06:41] GreyFoxx: google and wikipedia are your friend
[21:07:12] _Sam--: im only discussing the point raised about upnp access giving you more searchable features, etc
[21:07:15] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:07:20] _Sam--: i understand filesystems and how to access them
[21:07:38] _Sam--: but i understand your frustration in my lack of knowledge, too
[21:07:41] xris: _Sam--: yes. but it has little to do with mythtv as the client.
[21:07:55] weasie: greyFoxx: I can't see any referencce in my backend log to mythfilldb trying to run at all. any ideas?
[21:08:22] _Sam--: if my mythtv box has imported the music from my samba share into its mysql tables — and the files are still on the samba shares....the data in the mysql tables is queriable for the meta data, if the meta data is there.
[21:08:41] xris: _Sam--: yes. but how would itunes know how to connect to mysql?
[21:09:00] xris: or the random media player device plugged into your tv?
[21:09:02] _Sam--: itunes doesnt hhave anything to do with the price of oil in catmandu
[21:09:02] GreyFoxx: or the upnp media player you buy
[21:09:10] _Sam--: im only talking about the mythbox
[21:09:18] _Sam--: and the windows box
[21:09:26] _Sam--: the mythbox knows the smb address of the files
[21:09:33] _Sam--: //192...whatver
[21:09:39] _Sam--: and it knows the meta data of those files
[21:09:43] xris: _Sam--: upnp isn't about the OS, it's bout the player.
[21:09:45] kormoc: _Sam--, but it does, as itunes leads to ipod sales and ipods are made from plastic, which is made from oil, so oil demand goes up and thus the price of oil in catmandu goes up with the market!
[21:09:47] _Sam--: so why couldnt that data be searcble
[21:10:01] xris: _Sam--: because windows doesn't know how to talk to mysql.
[21:10:17] mchou: xris: hmm???
[21:10:21] _Sam--: it doesnt need to. the mythbox talks to the windows box
[21:10:41] _Sam--: i understand your frustration with me
[21:10:47] _Sam--: im just not grasphing a simple concept im sure
[21:10:54] _Sam--: im gonna go eat a sammich and forget it
[21:10:55] xris: _Sam--: you seem to be missing something fundamental about the difference between a media-sharing protocol and a filesystem.
[21:11:53] xris: upnp (in this case) is for sharing media data between a server and a client. In this case, windows is *not* the client, but it's windows media player, or itunes, or whatever.
[21:11:57] mchou: _Sam--: why dont you start from the beginning and explain what you are trying to achieve :)
[21:12:22] xris: in the case of samba, your client is reading the files from the filesystem, and playing them back. the player doesn't know anything about your mythbox, since the OS handles that interaction.
[21:12:52] xris: with upnp, the client DOES know about the other box, and it knows specifically how to query certain information about the data offered by that other box.
[21:13:22] xris: oh well. guess he took off.
[21:15:12] mchou: damn.
[21:16:02] mchou: wonder what wireless chip hp laptops use. Would hate to have to use ndiswrapper
[21:20:01] weasie: anyone seeing issues with running mythfilldatabase when it was setup via mythfrontend setup? My system says it is ready, but I don't see it ever run
[21:21:49] Dr_willis: hmm. it only runs like once every 3 days dont it?
[21:21:58] kormoc: once a day usually
[21:22:49] weasie: yeah, I expect it to run daily based on what 0.19 did
[21:22:55] Dr_willis: Hmm.. noticing a blue bar at the top ald left side of my recordings now.
[21:23:07] weasie: also, I usually see it grab ~7 days
[21:24:35] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has quit ("smash")
[21:25:09] Failed: When displaying the guide with LiveTV the channel preview shows in the far upper left corner instead of the upper right nested area – it also doesn't show the picture correctly with half of it scrambled. Anyone seen this before and perhaps know of a fix?
[21:25:17] weasie: maybe I need to put the full path to mythfilldatabase in whenI run the frontend setup, could be a path issue
[21:25:37] xris: Dr_willis: very thin line?
[21:26:35] Dr_willis: yea – about 3 pixles or so.
[21:26:39] Dr_willis: never noticed it befor.
[21:26:48] xris: Dr_willis: it's probably the xv overlay.
[21:26:49] Dr_willis: only really noticeabl when theres black at the edges
[21:28:00] xris: you can change the color with xvattr
[21:28:16] xris: I use: xvattr -a XV_COLORKEY -v 0
[21:28:20] xris: sets the color to black.
[21:28:29] xris: but you really only want to do that if your mythbox is JUST a mythbox
[21:32:13] Dr_willis: it is.
[21:32:22] Dr_willis: wonder why i never noticed it befor.
[21:32:33] Dr_willis: i was thinking it was an overlay/offset thang.
[21:33:20] xris: I only see it in xine or mplayer when I go fullscreen.
[21:33:30] xris: did that fix the blue?
[21:35:12] Dr_willis: not sure.. its back to the menu now.. so the screen is all blue. :) heh
[21:35:14] Dr_willis: lets try now.
[21:35:23] Dr_willis: yep seems fixed
[21:36:19] Dr_willis: been exploring today.. found the setting to enable comercial skipping on by default.
[21:36:27] Dr_willis: Finially heh . been looking for that for a few days
[21:37:02] xris: Dr_willis: you'll need to put that into your X session, since it resets
[21:37:39] Dr_willis: yea. i just tossed it in the .bashrc and .bash_profile :)
[21:37:42] Dr_willis: wonder if tha will do it.
[21:38:00] xris: dunno. xinitrc or your WM session handler might be better
[21:38:08] weasie (weasie! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:39:00] Dr_willis: yea. fluxbox is being used by thisn knoppmyth session.
[21:40:33] Dr_willis: Watching 'Fosters home for Imaginary Friends"
[21:40:44] Dr_willis: theres one called "Euro-Trish" :)
[21:42:20] Dr_willis: Its a catch 22 – tweak the mythtv box... or use the mythtv box...
[21:42:37] normal1 (normal1! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[21:42:58] james__ (james__! has quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.77 [Firefox]")
[21:45:21] xris: heh
[21:46:01] Failed: Is there any way to disable the preview video entirely in the live tv guide?
[21:49:22] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: (X-box frontend) – Yes, I have one. My son's been using it for the last week or two...
[21:53:29] Smirnov: can you make the mce remote turn off the TV power to the TV without using an ir blaster
[21:53:58] Notorious (Notorious! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:54:12] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Yes – I found the instructions on how to do that a few days ago... let me find my email... one sec...
[21:55:02] J-e-f-f-A: Smir
[21:55:53] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: (sorry) ... To program the TV Power, Volume + and Volume – buttons on the MCE 2, Hold the "DVD Menu" and OK buttons for 2 seconds until the backlight turns off.
[21:56:28] Smirnov: what backlight, my remote doesnt have any backlighjts except the light thing at the top
[21:56:56] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Then press the button you want to program, the backlight will blink to confirm. Then face your TV remote to the MCE remote and press the button you want to teach. The backlight will blink twice to confirm. If it fails it will blink 4x...
[21:57:28] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Only those 3 buttons can be 'learned' on the MCE remote.
[21:58:38] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: The keys have a green backlight (can't see it in bright light)
[21:58:43] randall (randall! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:59:08] randall: hello can a mythbackend stream livetv to a slave box ?
[21:59:55] Dr_willis: what kind of slave?
[22:00:30] randall: its just a box with mythtv installed
[22:01:01] Dr_willis: the slave box can work as a mythtv front end. but ive not tried that way yet. :)
[22:01:12] Dr_willis: or ya could get to the recordings in other ways
[22:01:20] J-e-f-f-A: randall: So do you have a 'master' backend and a 'slave' backend?
[22:01:29] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: i have this kind of remote, any ideas ?
[22:01:33] randall: I can access the recoreded sruff
[22:02:00] randall: J-e-f-f-A: yes
[22:02:37] J-e-f-f-A: randall: Humm, don't know of any restrictions on live tv... Your frontend on the 'slave' box connects to the 'master' backend, right?
[22:02:47] randall: yeah
[22:02:50] randall: it works
[22:03:06] randall: gets the tv guide info and even can play the recorded stuff via nfs
[22:03:25] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Humm... That's not the M$ one – Probably a Hauppauge one — you'd have to search around if nobody else has the answer here, or just check the happauge site.
[22:04:01] J-e-f-f-A: randall: Why would it have to play the recorded stuff via NFS? the Mythfrontend will stream it from the backend...
[22:04:24] randall: J-e-f-f-A: maybe I am doing something wrong
[22:04:55] J-e-f-f-A: randall: Sounds like you've got your 'slave' system's mythfrontend pointing to your slave systems' backend.
[22:05:16] randall: I have it pointing to the masterbackend
[22:05:40] J-e-f-f-A: randall: So you have a master backend, that has the drives, and the sql database.
[22:05:47] randall: yea
[22:05:51] J-e-f-f-A: randall: And a slave backend — for more tuners?
[22:06:01] randall: no the master has all the tuners
[22:06:32] randall: and everything
[22:06:54] J-e-f-f-A: randall: Ok, then your 'slave' is not a backend — it's just a remote frontend.
[22:06:59] randall: yes
[22:07:02] randall: sorry
[22:07:07] randall: not good on the terms yet
[22:08:08] J-e-f-f-A: randall: OK, NP. What you've probably got setup wrong is the IP address on the backend within 'mythtvsetup'. If you've got remote frontends (which you do), it must be set to the 'real' IP of your network card, not
[22:08:25] randall: yeah its setup to the real ip
[22:08:40] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: may not be so, but its using the same exact button names as the MS one
[22:09:17] J-e-f-f-A: randall: Ok – so what are the symptoms – you can watch recorded programs, but not live tv?
[22:09:30] randall: well only on nfs
[22:09:52] randall: well only on a nfs mount
[22:09:56] J-e-f-f-A: randall: I'm a little confused – you keep saying
[22:10:11] randall: J-e-f-f-A: yeah you say that it should stream everything?
[22:10:15] J-e-f-f-A: ...nfs, are you playing them outside of the myth frontend then?
[22:10:45] J-e-f-f-A: randall: Yes, except for the 'videos', myth recordings and livetv are streamed over the network. Videos are shared via nfs.
[22:10:57] randall: then no its not working
[22:11:19] J-e-f-f-A: randall: If you run the frontend on your backend machine, does everything work ok?
[22:11:26] randall: yes
[22:11:27] randall: great
[22:11:33] randall: thats the one in the living room
[22:12:19] J-e-f-f-A: randall: Humm... When you installed, did you disable the firewall and selinux stuff?
[22:12:29] randall: oh yeah
[22:14:34] J-e-f-f-A: randall: Then what I'd do is start mythfrontend (on your remote frontend) from a shell, with "mythfrontend -v all" and see what it complains about.
[22:15:39] randall:
[22:15:56] randall: J-e-f-f-A: thats what I got when tring to load a live tv session
[22:16:36] J-e-f-f-A: Umm... did you paste the link right — it just reads "afsdas" and nothing more...
[22:17:00] J-e-f-f-A: randall: ^^^^
[22:17:17] randall:
[22:17:18] randall: sorry
[22:19:37] wylie (wylie! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:20:47] J-e-f-f-A: randall: NP.  — Humm... Not sure – let me ask a few more questions — do your recordings show on the 'Media Library -> Watch Recordings" screen?
[22:20:58] randall: yes
[22:21:08] J-e-f-f-A: randall: Does the preview work?
[22:21:14] randall: no
[22:21:47] J-e-f-f-A: randall: Ok, mysql access should be fine then, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the recordings listed...
[22:22:07] ** J-e-f-f-A scratches head... **
[22:22:20] randall: yea seems mysql is working fine over the network
[22:22:28] kormoc: what is the master backend ip set to in mythtv-setup?
[22:23:22] chickeneater (chickeneater!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:23:53] randall: the ip of the box
[22:24:05] randall: and its static
[22:24:38] defaultro: hi folks, is there a way to center mythfrontend screen to the center of our desktop?
[22:24:54] defaultro: without modify the X and Y offsets
[22:24:56] randall: kormoc: I will try now
[22:25:01] J-e-f-f-A: defaultro: You mean when run as a window?
[22:25:14] defaultro: i haven't tried it but maybe
[22:25:21] Smirnov (Smirnov! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:25:26] defaultro: i'm talking about the interface
[22:25:35] defaultro: the video gets displayed in the center
[22:25:51] defaultro: i just want the interface also to be displayed in the center of 2 monitors
[22:26:19] defaultro: like my mplayer,
[22:27:11] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-d38848837c9b56a6) has quit ("Leaving")
[22:27:50] defaultro: also when I play recordings in myth, it goes to the center which is what I really needed
[22:27:52] kormoc: randall, with telnet, it's a space, not a :
[22:27:54] randall: oh shot
[22:27:57] randall: yeah sorry
[22:28:01] kormoc: no problems
[22:28:06] defaultro: but what about the interface?
[22:28:21] randall: kormoc: its connects
[22:28:32] kormoc: randall, hrm...
[22:28:46] kormoc: randall, might want to run the remote frontend with -v all and see what it's saying
[22:30:26] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: He did – but I coudn't make heads or tails of it: <randall>
[22:31:02] kormoc: that's not -v all :P
[22:31:27] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: Well, that's what I told him to use!  ;-)
[22:31:44] bobby (bobby! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:31:46] kormoc: but in anycase, it seems like it's confused
[22:31:54] kormoc: like perhaps there is a setting that's wonky
[22:32:43] randall:
[22:32:57] bobby: Hey all, I was wondering if there would be a problem with a myth frontend if I used a different password for the myth user on the backend?
[22:33:01] kormoc: randall, you missed the all part in -v all
[22:33:15] randall: ok
[22:33:17] randall: will fix
[22:33:36] kormoc: randall, you should get a ungodly ton of lines,
[22:33:38] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: Yeah... mysql is talking fine, so it's not a routing issue — could still be a network issue – but all that is stored in sql, right? So if it can read the sql database, it theoretically should be fine, right?
[22:34:01] J-e-f-f-A: I mean, the port numbers and such...
[22:34:10] kormoc: J-e-f-f-A, yeah, only thing I can think of is it thinks to remote frontend is local and is doing something wonly
[22:34:13] kormoc: *wonky
[22:35:40] randall:
[22:37:04] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc, randall: Yeah- this is the problem... attempting connect() to (
[22:37:35] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc: So, where's it getting from?!?
[22:37:36] randall: I made sure in the mythtvsetup that it was the server
[22:39:27] J-e-f-f-A: randall: Did you change it at some point, with the backend running?
[22:39:47] randall: I made sure that all changes were with the backend off
[22:40:12] randall: then started it back up
[22:41:10] Smirnov (Smirnov! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:41:48] kormoc: randall, rerun mythtv-setup on the remote frontend and check the settings
[22:42:02] randall: will do
[22:42:21] Smirnov: how do you bind CTRL+P in the lircrc ?
[22:43:20] randall: yup
[22:43:36] randall: thats was the first step for me
[22:43:41] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: According to what I read on the mythtv wiki, you should be able to specify the key as "Ctrl+P" within the lirc config...
[22:44:25] randall: all setting are correct
[22:44:47] randall: on the remote box the first ip is set to the remote box and the second is set to the server
[22:44:50] J-e-f-f-A: randall: And on your remote frontend, the first IP should be your frontend's IP, the 2nd the master backend (1.111) [although I'm not sure if you need to run mythtvsetup on a remote frontend or not...)
[22:45:13] randall: yeah made sure of that too
[22:45:23] randall: all firewalls and se linuxes are off
[22:45:24] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: config = Ctrl+P ?
[22:46:00] kormoc: randall, can you run this sql query
[22:46:06] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: According to the docs, yes. I think I tried that at one point and couldn't get it to work, but I think I had something screwedup in my config at the time.
[22:46:11] kormoc: randall, SELECT * FROM settings WHERE data = '';
[22:46:30] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: i cant tell.. what is the star button in your .lircrc supposed to do
[22:46:43] randall: ok
[22:47:05] bobby: Anyone here have any experience with Myth and FTA?
[22:47:37] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: I think I had set it to either "." or "_" so I could use it to tune my HD channels. I don't watch LiveTV much at all, but it made more sense to use it for that in my application.
[22:48:04] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: not following you, what is _ supposed to do
[22:48:31] randall: kormoc: mysql> SELECT * FROM settings WHERE data = '';
[22:48:31] randall: ERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected
[22:48:46] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: HD channels from zap-2-it have an underline in them, so channel 24, sub-channel 1 is 24_1 — so that's what I have to 'type' to tune 24.1 in Myth.
[22:48:46] kormoc: randall, USE mythconverg; SELECT * FROM settings WHERE data = '';
[22:49:25] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: ah
[22:49:46] Smirnov: J-e-f-f-A: can I use the function keys for bindings? would i just put F3 into my .lircrc and mythtv bindings?
[22:49:51] J-e-f-f-A: bobby: Pardon my ignorance atm, but what's FTA?
[22:50:03] randall: kormoc:
[22:50:24] kormoc: randall, uhh, press enter
[22:50:27] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Umm... I dunno – I haven't done that – you'll probably have to check the lirc documentation unless somebody else chimes in...
[22:50:41] kormoc: randall, or just run the SELECT * query again
[22:51:00] bobby: J-e-f-f-A: it's free to air satalite tv. The free channels that Bell and Dish amongst others broadcast like NASA TV
[22:51:17] randall: -> '';
[22:51:25] kormoc: randall, that's good... hrm
[22:51:43] randall: kormoc: they are both the 0.20
[22:51:51] randall: kormoc: what about the hosts file?
[22:52:21] kormoc: randall, well, it needs to be right
[22:53:04] minra: heh trying to setup a mythtv backend on 2GB of CF
[22:53:12] minra: kinda tight :()
[22:53:12] J-e-f-f-A: kormoc, randall: yeah, a hosts entry of " backend_name" would do it... ;-)
[22:53:14] bobby: J-e-f-f-A: It's not very well documented, well atleast I haven't found any good docs yet
[22:54:10] J-e-f-f-A: bobby: There was a discussion about it last-night here just before or around midnight — check the logs to see if it helps you any...
[22:54:31] J-e-f-f-A: bobby: (Midnight for me — Eastern US – GMT -5)
[22:55:34] bobby: J-e-f-f-A: Actually that was me and serer (I think).
[22:55:38] GreyFoxx: No
[22:55:42] GreyFoxx: minra: Only the frontends do
[22:55:47] minra: great!
[22:55:48] GreyFoxx: Unless you are referring to transcoding
[22:55:51] J-e-f-f-A: bobby: Oops... ;-)
[22:56:06] randall: kormoc: they are all correct for the hosts files
[22:56:08] GreyFoxx: the frontend edits it, mythtranscode transcodes/.cuts it
[22:56:11] bobby: J-e-f-f-A: No worries :)
[22:56:11] minra: nope – i'll just dump the mpeg2 stream to the fileserver and do the editing/transcoding on that if needed
[22:56:14] minra: thx
[22:56:26] GreyFoxx: If you edit it manually then rebuild the seektable after
[22:56:31] J-e-f-f-A: GreyFoxx: Well, the backend does the commercial flagging, right?
[22:56:46] GreyFoxx: jeff: That' not even close to editing :)
[22:56:52] GreyFoxx: thats jusst reading :)
[22:56:55] kormoc: randall, I donno man, something is pulling up wonky
[22:57:22] randall: kormoc: I know I looked and googled and googled and nothing I didn't want to bug you guys if it was somthing stupid
[22:57:29] J-e-f-f-A: GreyFoxx: Yeah, but it's still reading the recording, decoding it, and detecting the commercials, right? That's got to be at least a little bit 'labor intensive'... ;-)
[22:57:50] GreyFoxx: Noone asked about cpu usage unless I missed it
[22:57:59] Smirnov: anyone know how to setup the F2-F6 buttons to work in .lircrc?
[22:58:10] J-e-f-f-A: GreyFoxx: Yeah, you've got a point there...  ;-)
[22:58:19] GreyFoxx: but if he's actually transcoding that is the most cpu intensive
[22:59:42] minra: the hauppauge streams look to be 5–9mbit/s so even going both ways (duplex) it wont saturate the ethernet
[23:00:25] randall: is there a file I can manualy edit this ?
[23:00:35] Smirnov: anyone know?
[23:00:43] J-e-f-f-A: randall: Yeah, it's something over my head... I would expect if the database can be read, and the ips are setup right in mythtv-setup, that it would all work... But your frontend is getting "" from somewhere...
[23:01:29] J-e-f-f-A: randall: File to edit? Sorry, I don't understand...
[23:01:52] _Sam--: is there a currently supported app. like torrentocracy?
[23:02:00] randall: J-e-f-f-A: nm
[23:02:14] _Sam--: "Hasn't been updated since 0.18. Relies on inetcomms.h, which has been decipracted since 0.19 "  — cant compile it on my myth box
[23:02:24] randall: J-e-f-f-A: I mean what files does mythtvsetup save its info too
[23:02:42] J-e-f-f-A: randall: The MySQL database on the backend.
[23:02:49] tez1 (tez1! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:02:53] Smirnov: is it possible to set up icons in video folders when browsing videos
[23:03:08] randall:
[23:03:16] randall: thats the whole thing
[23:03:25] randall: from mythtvfrontend -v all
[23:03:34] randall: just in case i missed somthing
[23:04:07] briand (briand! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:04:15] kormoc: _Sam--, torrentocracy is a forbidden topic in here, same with bittorrent in general
[23:04:36] kormoc: Smirnov, hrm? icons in video folders?
[23:04:39] _Sam--: sorry, i know we had some talk about that before, but there are some legitimate uses — i have friends that i would like to share some video with over RSS / torrents.
[23:04:46] _Sam--: but i understand.
[23:05:02] lmnk_: I'm getting my computer ready to install mythtv, I suck at googling and I was wondering where I sould be mounting my drive for storing the video is it configurable where they are stored, /home/mythtv or something I'm missing?
[23:05:26] kormoc: lmnk_, it's configurable, set in mythtv-setup
[23:05:32] Smirnov: kormoc: yeah isntead of the yellow folder icons?
[23:05:36] lmnk_: thank you
[23:05:43] quicksilver: I like /var/video myself
[23:05:50] kormoc: Smirnov, you can patch your myth, but that's the only way as far as I know
[23:05:54] quicksilver: but you my mount it on /clifford/the/big/red/dog if you like
[23:06:10] kormoc: /mnt/tv myself
[23:06:16] doc_ (doc_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:06:22] doc_: hi there
[23:07:01] Smirnov: kormoc: hm
[23:07:20] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Looks like you can just use "key = F2" "modifier = none" ....
[23:07:21] _Sam--: kormoc: do you know where i may be able to get inetcomms.h?
[23:07:45] kormoc: _Sam--, if it was in myth, you can search the repo ( or google for it
[23:08:17] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: Oh, wait a sec... that might not be an lirc config file I found...
[23:08:27] Smirnov: yeah, key=...modifier..? lol
[23:08:29] _Sam--: THANKS. got it.
[23:08:41] Smirnov: I bound some buttons to use F2, F3, F4, F5, nothing happens when i press them
[23:08:45] J-e-f-f-A: Smirnov: sorry, it's a Xine config file I found googling...
[23:11:35] _Sam--: sweet. kormoc, thanks.
[23:11:42] monteslu: J-e-f-f-A, what do you use for the xbox front end? upnp doesn't seem to find anything
[23:11:46] Smirnov: whats the point of sleep mode?
[23:14:18] Smirnov: Is there a detailed guide about how commercial marking works
[23:14:56] monteslu: J-e-f-f-A, I tried the latest xebian but it didnt want to launch from a dvd or from avalaunch or xmbc
[23:15:24] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: And it can still play x-box games, just not 'xbox live'... The 'software' linux hack I used replaces the 'live' functionality, and if you try to use it in a game, it apparently fries your linux install...
[23:15:56] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: The xbox drive is very picky about what it will read. I had to burn xebian on a CD-RW at 4x for it to read it.
[23:16:08] monteslu: both of by xboxes are hardware modded
[23:16:10] monteslu: smartxx chips
[23:17:00] monteslu: I should be able to run the xebian .xbe file from the hard drive though, right?
[23:17:14] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: Yeah, but the drive is probably the limiting factor — it may not be physically able to read the disc – depending on how it's designed. Just like an older car cd player may not be able to read a CD burned at anything higher than 4x speed.
[23:17:44] monteslu: I could always ftp xebian folder I guess
[23:18:12] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: I don't know — I used the software hack of a game save. Worked great once I got a disc written that the xbox drive would actually read.
[23:18:29] randall: kormoc: just a quick question I don't add any capture cards or anything right just point the ips and thats it?
[23:19:13] monteslu: J-e-f-f-A, was it a pain to set up the myth front end once the xbox was running xebian ?
[23:19:29] kormoc: randall, on the remote frontend, correct
[23:20:04] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: Nope! Just entered the IP address of the backend and hit 'done'... ;-)
[23:20:39] monteslu: your xebian disc already had everything installed ?
[23:21:12] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: Humm... Well, it was about 14 months ago, let's see if I can set the 'way back' machine to remember...
[23:21:25] Smirnov: you can have video icons.. but can you have video folder icons?
[23:22:16] Smirnov: btw, any ideas why my myth-backend is using up all my cpu???
[23:22:51] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: Actually, I think you're right... I followed the "MythTV on Xebian HOWTO" on ... But everything went as documented...
[23:24:05] monteslu: ok, cool. I'll try that out once I get the thing booting linux
[23:24:39] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: Hopefully the packages are still available...
[23:28:05] monteslu: After that I need to make a good vmware small appllicane image so that my wife and kid can use mythfrontend on their xp boxes
[23:28:36] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: Yeah, it's slow since it only has 64MB ram, but once it's booted up to the myth menu, it's pretty responsive. It does take a few seconds to start playing a recording (roughly 5 seconds), but it plays flawlessly. It takes approx 2 mins to boot on my software-modded xbox.
[23:29:20] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: Oh yeah, and it won't play HD — it just doesn't have the horsepower. (Unless you have one of those modded 1.4Ghz x-boxes!)
[23:31:28] bobby (bobby! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[23:31:56] bobby_ (bobby_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:32:53] monteslu: J-e-f-f-A, that's ok with me, my two tuners aren't HD anyway
[23:32:57] J-e-f-f-A: Is anybody here using the Hauppauge USB HD stick? (HVR-950)
[23:32:59] tez1 (tez1! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:33:51] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: Should work fine for you then! My son loves using the X-Box – he was previously using a "Pinnacle Showcenter" media player that I setup – it would play most of the videos, but sure wasn't a 'real' frontend...
[23:34:36] J-e-f-f-A: monteslu: The X-box plays everything i've recorded except HD. And the picture quality is great using S-Video IMHO.
[23:39:11] bobby_ (bobby_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:42:21] monteslu: J-e-f-f-A, cool. Thanks for all the info
[23:44:22] _Sam--: kormoc: i know you said im not supposed to mention "it" so i wont. but "it" does have a lot of legimate uses. for example, i trade a lot of live recordings (legal)...using they have having it on my myth box is pretty neat.
[23:44:44] _Sam--: i can download legal live recordings of some my favorite hippie / jam bands — dead, phish, etc
[23:45:05] _Sam--: i just got it going for the first via rss.
[23:46:13] randall: kormoc: what distro do you use?
[23:46:29] kormoc: heh, actually a lot of those band recordings are not quite legit... the band might not care, but they'd need to get permission from the venue who hired the band to play there.
[23:46:32] kormoc: randall, gentoo
[23:46:40] _Sam--: thats not true, they ALLOW Live taping
[23:46:49] _Sam--: its not like ive been to hundreds of the shows or anything :)
[23:47:15] _Sam--: most hippie / jam bands encourage live taping
[23:47:39] kormoc: _Sam--, most of them do not actually, that's part of the issue, the band does, security doesn't care, but the venue actually owns the showing and while they might not care, without written permission, it still can be considered a violation
[23:48:02] _Sam--: you are really wrong on this one. the bands i mentioned expressly encourage live taping of the shows
[23:48:06] _Sam--: you dont need any written anything.
[23:48:09] _Sam--: do a google
[23:48:11] Dr_willis: Ive always wanted to hear lackluster recordings of a live preformance.....
[23:48:14] _Sam--: phish grateful dead moe
[23:48:22] ** kormoc sighs **
[23:48:24] _Sam--: yeah, soundboard recordings are real lame
[23:48:34] kormoc: _Sam--, that's the issue, the band *can't* give that permission...
[23:48:36] Dr_willis: heh.. ill pass on all of them.
[23:48:49] _Sam--: actually, kormoc, they can
[23:48:50] _Sam--: and do
[23:48:59] kormoc: _Sam--, you see, when the venue pays the band to play at their site, it's the venue's show, not the band's.
[23:49:03] _Sam--: ive been involved in recording live music since the mid 80s
[23:49:10] _Sam--: its the bands
[23:49:21] kormoc: _Sam--, just cause it's commonly done does not mean it's legal.
[23:49:23] randall: kormoc: and J-e-f-f-A and everyone else thank you for your help and I will let you know what it is if I find out what the issue is, but that you for all your help
[23:49:45] J-e-f-f-A: randall: NP... ;-)
[23:49:56] _Sam--: im not going to get in a debate on this one. but the bands i mention are definitely legally recorded live. that is as far as will take this argument. if you dont believe, me then google it.
[23:50:05] randall (randall! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:50:30] kormoc: _Sam--,
[23:50:39] _Sam--: "t is difficult to estimate the number of articles and blog posts that have used as an example,the way the Grateful Dead allowed its fans to record concerts and share those recordings."
[23:50:39] kormoc: _Sam--, "Led Zeppelin, The Doors and The Grateful Dead are among the rock stars suing a website that specializes in streaming rare concert recordings collected over 30 years by a famous concert promoter"
[23:51:15] Smirnov: i created my htdigest file... but now i'm getting an error in my apache log when i try to go to mythweb
[23:51:22] Smirnov: [Sat Jan 20 17:49:39 2007] [crit] [client] configuration error: couldn't check user. No user file?: /mythweb/
[23:51:36] _Sam--: "e_"
[23:51:41] _Sam--: "band spokesman, Dennis McNally, told the Times that Internet music-trading is radically different from the previous kind of sharing because the former does not build community: .One-to-one community building, tape trading, is something always been about. The idea of a massive one-stop Web site that does not build community is not what we had in mind. Our conclusion has been that it doesn.t represent Grateful Dead values.."
[23:52:06] kormoc: _Sam--, "that Internet music-trading is radically different from the previous kind of sharing"
[23:52:16] kormoc: _Sam--, Bittorrent is a form of internet music trading
[23:52:23] Dr_willis: 'grateful dead values' – anyone else find that term... scary.
[23:52:46] xris: Smirnov: sounds like you got the path mixed up in your config
[23:52:48] _Sam--: the recordings are legally available. that is why left them up.
[23:52:50] kormoc: _Sam--, the reason they can sue this is because while they haven't cared in the past, it's still not legal and now they are choosing to use their right to sue
[23:52:52] _Sam--: many of them had to removed.
[23:53:44] _Sam--: "
[23:53:44] _Sam--: Originally published in Relix Magazine
[23:53:45] _Sam--: Next Comic
[23:53:45] _Sam-- (_Sam--! has quit (Excess Flood)
[23:53:49] _Sam-- (_Sam--! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:53:50] _Sam-- (_Sam--! has quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:53:56] Smirnov: xris: dont think so
[23:54:00] Smirnov: its in /var/www/htdigest
[23:54:03] xris: Smirnov: pastebin your config
[23:54:28] kormoc: _Sam--, if their previous statements of 'feel free to record away' was legally binding, they couldn't sue now. Thus the fact that they can sue now means it's not legal, and thus not something we allow in here
[23:54:51] xris: _Sam--: bootlegs are not illegal. can't be, because you can only copyright your own sound. bootlegs contain sounds intrinsic to the person's recording device, etc. they can make it illegal to RECORD a show, but once it's been recorded legally, the recording isn't illegal
[23:55:41] kormoc: xris, but sharing that bootleg *is* illegal, which is the topic at hand
[23:55:52] kormoc: xris, same as sharing any other music file without permission
[23:55:53] xris: kormoc: actually, as I understand it, it's not.
[23:56:02] xris: bootlegs have a special place in copyright law.
[23:56:12] kormoc: xris, well, people get sued about it often enough :P
[23:56:15] xris: the recording belongs to the person who made it. just like photos.
[23:56:55] xris: kormoc: dunno. I just know that radio stations are allowed to play concert bootlegs without paying royalties, unless that concert was also recorded and distributed by the band.
[23:57:10] xris: Smirnov: and what version of apache are you running?
[23:57:36] Smirnov: xris: 2.0.55
[23:57:43] kormoc: xris, in any case, the legality or lack there of still doesn't mean we can allow torrencity in here
[23:57:53] xris: Smirnov: and did you read the disclaimer there that starts "if using apache less than 2.2...." ?
[23:58:18] Smirnov: xris: i tried that too and im still getting a 500 error
[23:58:18] xris: kormoc: true. I wasn't arguing that. just the general legal status of bootlegs in general.
[23:58:38] xris: Smirnov: and what error is that? (the details will be in apache's error log)
[23:58:44] Smirnov: xris: Invalid command 'AuthDigestFile', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

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