:: #mythtv-users

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Sunday, January 7th, 2007, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:04] _bt: pasting dmesg
[00:00:35] S2: well, if the module creates the device then it should be ok for myth
[00:00:48] S2: dont know what else it could be
[00:00:57] Winkie: do you have the same card?
[00:01:30] S2: no. i just saw device or resource busy and tought i tell you it could be some other program using it :)
[00:01:39] _bt:
[00:01:41] Winkie: i couldn't see anything with it open
[00:02:18] _bt: not sure where to go from here
[00:02:24] _bt: must be module/kernel related
[00:02:26] S2: then i am out of ideas :)
[00:02:29] Winkie: i'll try and get it working in mplayer etc in a short while
[00:02:56] Winkie: it loads the firmware just fine it seems
[00:03:01] Winkie: S2: what card do you use?
[00:03:14] daviey: Did anybody watch this weeks BBC 'click'?
[00:03:35] _bt: tda9887 0–0043: i2c i/o error: rc == -121 (should be 4)
[00:03:35] S2: Winkie, i have a hauppauge hvr-3000
[00:03:36] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:03:48] Winkie: _bt: radio chipset that isn't it?
[00:04:02] Winkie: S2: ah, i need to find out how you'd normally set up s-video in on a 150
[00:05:00] Winkie: give me a sec
[00:05:05] Winkie: apparently ivtvctl might be able to sort this out
[00:05:48] Winkie: or not
[00:05:52] _bt: :(
[00:06:08] chrisblore (chrisblore! has quit ()
[00:07:19] Winkie: i think part of this uses cx88 and part uses cx23415
[00:07:50] _bt: wait, what device are we supposed to be grabbing input from?
[00:08:20] Winkie: i dunno either i guess
[00:09:02] daviey: can anybody advise me the easyiest way to add a recording schedule using an sql statement?
[00:09:52] caitlin: export CC=gcc-3.4 is not working... when i do gcc -v it's reporting v4
[00:09:56] caitlin: any thoughts?
[00:11:12] caitlin: do i need to bend my symlinks?
[00:14:57] briand: daviey: no offense intended, but... if you don't know SQL well enough to understand the relational database that MythTV uses, then you should probably stick to using the tools within the package (mythfrontend and mythweb) to insert recording schedules...
[00:16:12] daviey: well the thing is, i'm not sure where the schedule gets added into the database. I'm planning a dev project of adding an asterisk plugin to allow telephone scheduling
[00:16:27] S2: insert into recordings (<fieldlist>) values (<values>);
[00:16:47] laga: there's a nifty thing in mythfrontend that'll let you put together your own SQL query. i have no clue what it's called, though :)
[00:17:02] daviey: i mean, does it simply get added to 'record'
[00:17:10] laga: daviey: mythfrontend -v database could also provide some insight. along with a headache, i mean.
[00:17:44] Winkie: daviey: you don't need an asterisk plugin
[00:17:44] daviey: ?
[00:17:50] Winkie: daviey: just use System or AGI
[00:18:03] daviey: i understand mythphone includes basic support with festival, but i want a backend app
[00:18:16] Winkie: I can't imagine a plugin would provide any useful features? unless maybe if you want recordings read out to you
[00:18:21] daviey: Winkie, thats what i mean't tbh, an agi script
[00:18:31] Winkie: daviey: fair enough, check out 'System' too :)
[00:18:39] Winkie: with voice synth it could be quite a nice system
[00:19:25] daviey: Winkie, i want 'enter start time', 'enter channel'. "you have selected program 'some rubbish' is this the programme you wish to record"
[00:19:58] Winkie: daviey: that's easy enough
[00:20:14] Winkie: you'd just need a script to report program names and a script to set the recording
[00:20:15] briand: is that literal or figurative? "some rubbish" would probably be an accurate description for 99% of american television programming...
[00:20:25] Winkie: 99% of all television programming
[00:20:26] daviey: i know that, but i'm gonna have to bash my sql stuff
[00:20:48] Winkie: should be pretty simple
[00:20:54] briand: and you'll need more info than how to INSERT into the scheduled recordings table...
[00:20:55] daviey: briand, actually BBC stuff which recenlty has been 110% naff
[00:20:58] Winkie: schedule a recording and SELECT * FROM recordings
[00:21:09] Winkie: daviey: nothing wrong with the BBC :)
[00:21:29] daviey: laga, i'll use the database verbose bit, and see how the recordings get added.
[00:21:48] briand: you'll have to SELECT from the guide table to be able to tell them what they selected, as well (or you could just feed festival the "some rubbish" line)
[00:22:07] daviey: Somebody did write an scipt for asterisk, but he used mythweb php calls as he found it easyier. I think that is a horrid way!
[00:22:13] laga: daviey: peeking into the source might also help
[00:22:24] laga: oh, i was just gonna suggest to use those php calls;)
[00:22:47] daviey: thats nasty!
[00:22:49] Winkie: daviey is right, that is horrible
[00:22:57] briand: "You asked to record some crap on channel 9 from 8 pm until 9:30 pm. If this is correct, press 1.. otherwise, stay on the line and one of our operators will be by to assist you shortly.
[00:23:01] laga: i wouldn't know
[00:23:32] daviey: briand, i could hire an eastern european slave to sit at a terminal and manual add the recordings when i phone. ;)
[00:24:07] |Torg|: or you could use a web browser and do it yourself
[00:24:10] briand: daviey: then you don't need the SQL at all – you just need to teach them to answer the phone and work the remote.  :)
[00:24:51] briand: daviey: that would the "Analog Asterix Interface" or AAI module.  ;)
[00:25:50] daviey: ha
[00:27:04] briand: or, you could call it the "Systematic Myth Interface / Lithuanian Engine" (SMILE)
[00:44:45] Gumby (Gumby!n=terry@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:52:13] Beirdo: la la la... fixed some more stupid bugs, still more to go
[00:52:20] ShiftyPowers: guys, just compiled SVN myth for a frontend and I get this when I try to start mythfrontend
[00:52:21] ShiftyPowers:
[00:52:24] ShiftyPowers: any ideas?
[00:52:45] Beirdo: using fixed-point math in a GPU is way faster than floating point, but is tricky as hell, I'm finding out
[00:52:54] |Torg|: ShiftyPowers did you just compile it and had it compiled and working before?
[00:53:01] ShiftyPowers: nope
[00:53:08] ShiftyPowers: managed to compile before
[00:53:14] ShiftyPowers: but been getting that error ever since
[00:53:16] |Torg|: your missing a mysql lib
[00:53:29] ShiftyPowers: hmmm
[00:53:31] |Torg|: I have to look up wich one, but its one of the libs neede dto compile
[00:53:38] |Torg|: the error is in your compiler logs too
[00:53:41] ShiftyPowers: but it compiled find thoug?
[00:53:44] ShiftyPowers: is it?
[00:53:54] ShiftyPowers: how can i check if it's in the compiler log
[00:55:08] |Torg|: its in the output
[00:55:41] ShiftyPowers: there wasn't an error that i saw
[00:55:45] ShiftyPowers: but now the screen has cleared
[00:56:41] kazer__ (kazer__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:57:36] |Torg|: qt-mysql
[00:58:36] kazer__ (kazer__! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:58:42] ShiftyPowers: hmm, can't find that for ubuntu
[01:00:07] |Torg|: libqt3c102-mt-mysql in my debain
[01:00:25] |Torg|: i libqt3c102-mt-mysql 3.3.4–3 MySQL database driver for Qt3 (Threaded)
[01:01:04] ShiftyPowers: ok found it
[01:01:08] ShiftyPowers: and then recompile i guess?
[01:02:36] emja (emja! has quit ("Client exiting")
[01:02:45] ShiftyPowers: works now, no need to recompile
[01:03:14] ShiftyPowers: thanks man
[01:03:22] |Torg|: np
[01:03:33] |Torg|: I wasnt sure if you had to recompile or not
[01:03:53] |Torg|: btw whats it called in ubu?
[01:04:28] ShiftyPowers: it's call libqt-mt-mysql
[01:04:34] ShiftyPowers: something like that
[01:04:39] ShiftyPowers: libqt3-mt-mysql
[01:05:01] |Torg|: ahh ok, all I know is its a qt lib for mysql :)
[01:06:09] ShiftyPowers: :) thanks dude, now i finally got this working right
[01:06:10] ShiftyPowers: :)
[01:06:18] russK: how do i jump back to live tv after pausing?
[01:08:09] |Torg|: p
[01:08:36] |Torg|: well thts the bufferd tv, if you want you can skip forward
[01:09:48] russK: p just toggles pause, i want to get back skip all the way forward to live in one jump – is it possible?
[01:10:52] |Torg|: ctrl-B I belive
[01:11:13] |Torg|: no wait that jumps to eh beginning, just use mutiple right arrows
[01:11:50] russK: i paused a long time ... wish i could get there with one keystroke
[01:13:36] GreyFoxx: can';t think of a single jump to do it
[01:13:40] MindHack (MindHack!n=cosmo@unaffiliated/mindhack) has quit ("leaving")
[01:13:44] GreyFoxx: but there are many ways to get there quick
[01:13:55] GreyFoxx: up/down jump in 10 minute increments
[01:14:08] GreyFoxx: or type 200 rightarrow to jump 2 hours
[01:14:12] ShiftyPowers: guys, is there a way to resize the frontend dynamically if it's running in windowed mode?
[01:14:19] GreyFoxx: 5 left arrow goes back 5 minutes
[01:14:25] GreyFoxx: ShiftyPowers: No
[01:14:57] ShiftyPowers: ok, answered :)
[01:15:00] ShiftyPowers: thank
[01:15:02] russK: gee it seem i locked it up with several quick Page-Downs  :-(
[01:15:25] fysa (fysa! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:16:05] laga: isn't it possible to just enter the amount of time you wanna jump? or was that just one of my dreams?
[01:16:19] GreyFoxx: yes
[01:16:23] GreyFoxx: xxx right arrown
[01:16:28] GreyFoxx: or left to go back
[01:16:40] GreyFoxx: 55 right goes 55 minutes, 100 goes 1 hour
[01:16:44] Winkie: hey guys, i've got problems with s-video input appearing in black and white for some reason
[01:16:48] GreyFoxx: 200 goes 2 hours
[01:16:49] GreyFoxx: etc
[01:16:49] Winkie: any idea why/
[01:17:03] fysa (fysa! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:17:06] GreyFoxx: Winkie: last time I had that happen I had a bent/broken ping
[01:17:07] laga: GreyFoxx: and how much goes 63?
[01:17:09] GreyFoxx: pin
[01:17:20] GreyFoxx: laga: Never tried, but I would assume the same as 103
[01:17:35] laga: last time i had that happen i had a TV that didn't support s-video
[01:18:01] russK: i've got it ... just quit and start over ... ha ha ha ... silly but it works
[01:18:10] GreyFoxx: They do, 63 = 103 hehe
[01:18:13] GreyFoxx: I just tried it
[01:18:16] Winkie: from what i've heard it's when SCART supports RGB out
[01:18:24] |Torg|: chang channel up then down :)
[01:18:47] laga: GreyFoxx: that's weird, actually :)
[01:18:50] |Torg|: hmm 73=??
[01:18:58] GreyFoxx: 73 = 113
[01:19:09] GreyFoxx: every increment of 100 is considered and hour
[01:19:22] wireddd (wireddd! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:19:25] jams: interesting had no idea it did that
[01:19:27] GreyFoxx: so as a guess, 99 > 100
[01:19:28] GreyFoxx: hehe
[01:19:54] russK: my dish dvr has a "Live TV" button i'm wishing myth had similar
[01:19:55] |Torg|: 99=136 then
[01:19:57] GreyFoxx: I find it handy, I use it all the time
[01:19:58] janneg: it's a little bit strange 99 jumps 39 minutes further than 100
[01:20:17] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:20:18] |Torg|: err 139
[01:20:18] GreyFoxx: cept I always thing of it as 1:00 not "100"
[01:20:22] GreyFoxx: thing/think
[01:20:56] fysa: I just noticed that Myth's internal player has been skipping way more frames than mplayer or xine on DVDs.
[01:21:19] fysa: It's showing itself as jitter/judder.
[01:21:21] GreyFoxx: one wierd thing I noticed is that my box has started playing back just slightly faster than I'm recording
[01:21:59] GreyFoxx: I was 3 seconds behind in an ongoing recording the other day, and after ahalf hour I had actually caught up and it exited as I had gotten all the way to the end of the existing data
[01:22:09] jams: default playback speed changed?
[01:22:15] GreyFoxx: nope, haven't touched it
[01:22:36] fysa: skipping frames? ;)
[01:22:37] GreyFoxx: I did however update the kernel+ivtv+videodrivers last week
[01:22:41] jams: I can always tell when it caught up cause it starts to stutter a bid
[01:22:43] jams: bit
[01:23:27] GreyFoxx: I started another recording and watched my current possition start to go up slightly faster than realtime
[01:24:27] tafryn: Hey channel, I'm haveing a problem with lirc. I've got the right modules (pvr150) and when I cat the device (lirc0) I see binary gobeldygook when I press the remote buttons, but I can't control myth with it and irw doesn't show anything when I use the remote. Thoughts?
[01:24:29] ** GreyFoxx goes to dunk his kid in a soap filled tub **
[01:25:04] jams: make sure it's no tear soap
[01:25:57] laga: tafryn: looks like you're missing lircd.conf
[01:26:29] tafryn: no, it's there
[01:26:44] tafryn: could it be the wrong one? I've got the remote that came with the pvr150 mce
[01:26:50] media (media! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:27:01] laga: i don't think the MCE version comes with a remote
[01:27:26] tafryn: the remote on my desk begs to differ
[01:28:30] laga: you sure it's real?
[01:28:42] tafryn: quite.
[01:28:45] media: anyone know why when I insert a dvd it brings up the slideshow menu?
[01:28:58] Scopeuk: are there any photos on the root of the disc?
[01:29:00] fysa (fysa! has quit ("Leaving")
[01:29:07] Scopeuk: thats a stab in the dark btw
[01:29:09] media: no, video_ts and audio_ts
[01:29:16] media: directories..
[01:29:45] laga: media: check the tickets at
[01:29:49] laga: i seem to remember such an issue
[01:32:19] wireddd: is there a debian init.d script somewhere that starts up x and mythfrontend?
[01:32:33] |Torg|: gdm
[01:34:21] supertux: i am having some issue with getting my remote working in ubuntu i was following this guide and everything seems to go according to plan execept when it comes time for me to push buttons on the remote
[01:34:28] supertux:
[01:34:40] Dr_willis: hmm.. the pvr150mce i saw in the store – came with a MS remote
[01:34:54] Dr_willis: it wasent on sale.. so i got the other that came with a haupage remote.
[01:35:13] supertux: this is a hauppauge pvr150 remote
[01:35:29] Dr_willis: silver... red/green/yellow/blue buttons at the bottom?
[01:35:34] supertux: yup yup
[01:35:44] Dr_willis: Ive noticed that most of the buttons dont do diddle. :)
[01:35:56] supertux: well you have to map them to some action
[01:35:59] wireddd: you have to map them
[01:36:01] Dr_willis: on my to do list.
[01:36:05] Dr_willis: some day.. heh heh
[01:36:37] supertux: i was running that mode command suggested in the wiki and i get no output on the screen
[01:37:33] Dr_willis: id like to be able to change sound tracks when playing videos.. and perhaps skip forward/back 1,2,5 min when watching videos.
[01:37:33] Dr_willis: i watch more videos with MythTV then i do tv.
[01:37:33] supertux: i checked the batteries they are good
[01:37:36] supertux: the IR reciever is plugged in
[01:38:01] laga: supertux: the wiki also says that lirc as shipped with edgy won't work with that remote
[01:38:07] Dr_willis: you do have the right ir thing sticking out in the open.. the one that looks like a Microphpne..
[01:38:30] Dr_willis: not using edgy on my MythTV box. using KnoppMyth. so i cant confirm/deny that. sorry
[01:39:33] tafryn: ok so now I've got irw working. How do I get what it's doing to work with mythtv?
[01:40:31] supertux: laga: i followed those directions to the letter and downloaded the source package
[01:41:08] supertux: i noticed it asked me to install lirc from apt before installing it from source though
[01:41:18] supertux: that seemed odd
[01:42:30] allpurpose (allpurpose! has joined #Mythtv-users
[01:42:46] supertux: hmmm i guess it is working though
[01:42:54] allpurpose: ok, my birthday is in a week. I need a parts list for a MythTV box so I can strategically give it out to immediate members of my family.
[01:43:08] supertux: started mythtv and it works
[01:43:12] supertux: go figure
[01:43:13] jams: heh nice plan
[01:43:15] allpurpose: Anyone know a good link from for making a box? I couldn't find one with parts lists.
[01:43:23] allpurpose: ie, with links
[01:43:27] johaBBa (johaBBa!n=johaBBa@unaffiliated/johaBBa) has quit ("Leaving")
[01:43:31] |Torg|: what do you plan on doing with it?
[01:43:43] |Torg|: do you want one complet systm, or seperate FE/BE?
[01:43:56] |Torg|: what are you using for tuner cards? how many?
[01:43:57] allpurpose: everything I can, it's mythtv...I have the freedom to do whatever I want! no crapass tivo
[01:44:10] |Torg|: what video do you plan on wathing? what monito0r? what audio?
[01:44:17] allpurpose: I have one crappy 30 inch tv, with digital cable from my local monopoly
[01:44:28] |Torg|: the differnce is about $4000
[01:44:29] allpurpose: So it doesn't need to support hdtv or anything.
[01:44:39] fysa (fysa! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:44:44] allpurpose: I was hoping to make a box for under $500 USD
[01:45:02] allpurpose: and make the case myself out of plexyglass and wood.(I have some cathod tubes I would throw in there too)
[01:45:13] allpurpose: cathode*
[01:45:15] wireddd: do you have a hard drive for it already?
[01:45:22] allpurpose: yes
[01:45:27] |Torg|: do you have a vieo card?
[01:45:31] |Torg|: do you have tuner cards?
[01:45:32] laga: no-one ever has enough hard drives for mythtv.
[01:45:34] allpurpose: I just need board/cpu/ram/videocard/capture_card
[01:45:45] allpurpose: the rest I can figure out
[01:46:18] allpurpose: I've only built my own system a couple times, and it's been a few years since then. I don't know that much about parts, form factors, cpu sockets etc
[01:46:21] |Torg|: well given your $500 limit, good luch
[01:46:23] supertux: does anyone have a config for their hauppauge remote i can try out
[01:46:29] allpurpose: I figure I'll want a smaller form factor board? called "mini-itx" right?
[01:46:52] allpurpose: yea, I live near hauppauge, NY.. I'm told hauppauge cards work really good with GNU/Linux
[01:47:52] kb3ocf: I'm thinking about setting up MythTV with Comcast.. any warnings and/or suggestions? I want to use xmltv and such.
[01:48:06] juski: mini-itx isn't all it's cracked up to be. it can be tricky
[01:48:11] J-e-f-f-A: Anybody using MythTV with FiOS TV?
[01:48:27] allpurpose: juski: I just didn't want the box to take up too much space.
[01:48:37] kb3ocf: Anybody uding MythTV with Comcast?
[01:48:39] allpurpose: I was hoping for a settop box size. ie a tivo
[01:48:58] juski: don't set your expectations too high & you'll be fine with mini-itx I think
[01:49:29] juski: that said I'm only speaking from my own experience with Via EPIA, they're not the only mini-itx you can get anymore
[01:49:33] allpurpose: Is mini-itx the same as microitx juski?
[01:49:41] jams: you know I have seen mini-itx boards that take standard p4 + processors
[01:49:41] supertux: uggg this is going to be annoying
[01:49:46] juski: no, it's why they're called different things
[01:49:54] allpurpose: juski: Should I go with microitx?
[01:50:24] juski: I dunno. if you can find one which will take a CPU fast enough to do what you want to do & its chipset is well supported in linux, etc etc...
[01:50:46] allpurpose: Well basically any chipset you can buy on will have linux support
[01:51:08] allpurpose: You have to buy some weird specialized hardware not from to have it not be supported under linux.
[01:51:11] allpurpose: for cpu at least
[01:53:38] juski: getting rid of heat in small cases _quietly_ can be tricky, so bear that in mind
[01:53:42] daviey: haha, you say that but i have an AMD chip that doesn't seem to like linux
[01:53:43] daviey: ;)
[01:53:50] alsoconfused (alsoconfused! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:54:27] allpurpose: juski: Does a tivo use a small case?
[01:54:40] juski: yeah they do apparently
[01:55:01] juski: but they have dedicated hardware to decode mpeg2 at SDTV & HD resolutions don't they
[01:55:10] kb3ocf: Is there any network streaming with MythTV? LIke.. if its on the network, can I open the stream with VLC?
[01:55:23] juski: and they only use like a 300MHz PPC or something
[01:55:41] allpurpose: juski: If my video card is going to decode/encode video... as the hauppauges do..Do I really need that much power from my machine?
[01:55:42] juski: tivo != PC
[01:55:54] allpurpose: i only need to read/write to disk, and push stuff to/from the video cards right?
[01:56:11] daviey: it's the mpeg decoding and de-interlacing that cause the problems with low-spec
[01:56:14] juski: only the hauppauge pvr350 decodes video.. not that I'd buy one
[01:56:20] allpurpose: I mean more than 1.4 ghz should be ok right?
[01:56:30] juski: and if you want to do HDTV, forget all about the pvr350
[01:56:39] daviey: why the hell am i in irc at 2:00 am?!
[01:56:48] supertux: how can i change the fonts that are displayed during video playback?
[01:56:51] allpurpose: no, I don't want hdtv
[01:56:58] juski: I can't sleep, and there's not much else to do
[01:56:58] allpurpose: I can't afford hdtv for at least 15 years
[01:57:04] daviey: supertux, the theme?!
[01:57:13] allpurpose: newegg has way too many choices, I have no idea what board/cpu to buy.
[01:57:19] laga: daviey: it's almost 3am for me *shrug*
[01:57:24] J-e-f-f-A: Anybody have FiOS TV? Is it just 'regular' analog/digital cable into the house from the box outside?
[01:57:36] supertux: daviey: i have to edit the theme?
[01:57:55] allpurpose: So only the expensive high end hauppauge cards do encoding on the video cards themselves? not taking away as many resources from the cpu/ram of the main board
[01:57:58] juski: maybe this sleeplessness is why I'm so ****ing grumpy lately. I mean I'm not the most jovial fella in the world at the best of times but lately...
[01:57:59] daviey: nooooo, i mean... are you talking about the OSD?
[01:58:04] supertux: yeah
[01:58:12] supertux: it looks like its courier
[01:58:14] juski: tv playback settings in mythfrontend
[01:58:21] supertux: that annoys me
[01:58:33] juski: first thing I always do is change that font from the mono font
[01:58:35] daviey: supertux, do as juski says or he will kill you
[01:58:42] supertux: lol
[01:58:51] daviey: juski, what do you recommend for blootube?
[01:59:06] juski: oh did you not read the readme.txt ?
[01:59:41] jduggan: sdsfasdfkasdfkasdfkaskfkasdf
[01:59:41] jduggan: pos
[01:59:53] allpurpose: including buying ram/cards/ir/psu/card reader/some tiny lcd thing
[01:59:54] juski: allpurpose: lol. I have NO idea. I haven't bought a board for over 2 years & certainly not even looked for one for months
[01:59:56] daviey: juski, i guess not :(
[02:00:27] jduggan: gentoo can kiss my ass and die
[02:00:32] juski: can tarballs have some text auto-display like winzip files can, I wonder?
[02:00:44] daviey: jduggan, it could do, but it's still compiling
[02:00:57] juski: picturing a massive f.o. banner that yells "README.txt !!!"
[02:01:11] jduggan: daviey: compiling it just what its not doing
[02:01:13] supertux: where can i view some screenies of the osd themes?
[02:01:19] jduggan: s/it/is/
[02:01:36] juski: daviey: tbh I just copied another osd theme for blootube-osd, so it prolly uses whatever the other osd did. maybe
[02:01:50] daviey: juski, where is the readme? it aint in the tarball!
[02:01:59] juski: for the osd... oops
[02:02:01] juski: ah well
[02:02:08] juski: look in the xml file then
[02:02:11] daviey: but vera is bundled
[02:02:25] juski: so maybe it's vera already
[02:02:38] allpurpose: juski:
[02:02:41] juski: I must've done that but can't remember. jees that was only the other week
[02:02:45] allpurpose: WHich of those boards would you buy juski?
[02:02:55] juski: allpurpose: tbh I'm not even gonna look
[02:02:57] daviey: juski, quote from the xml, *cough* " <!--Mythtv OSD "isthmus" by gerhard aldorf -->"
[02:03:22] juski: not the first time that's ever been seen in a theme
[02:03:35] jduggan: dont suppose any brits use linux-atm in gentoo
[02:03:44] juski: imitation.. flatterry.. etc
[02:03:50] daviey: juski, it does say vera in the xml
[02:03:53] kb3ocf: Do you have to be connected to the network for MythTV?
[02:04:04] kb3ocf: connected to the internet, anyways
[02:04:09] daviey: kb3ocf, what network? internet or lan?
[02:04:14] juski: kb3ocf: depends how you get your EPG data
[02:04:19] daviey: kb3ocf, no you don't
[02:04:24] juski: and if the both is stand-alone or not
[02:04:32] juski: s/both/box
[02:04:56] ** juski googles OSS bipolar creative disorder **
[02:05:02] kb3ocf: EPG data? What exactly is that? (sorry, I'm rather new to MythTV, been reading through the FAQ and such)
[02:05:07] daviey: kb3ocf, tv guide
[02:05:08] Milosch: juski: heh
[02:05:33] kb3ocf: daviey, so I don't have to use the xmltv stuff? I can get it off, say, ?
[02:05:36] Milosch: i was thinking about your mention of someone saying mythtv devels were arseholes, or something to that effect
[02:05:37] daviey: kb3ocf, you can get it (basically) from the internet or over the air (where supported)
[02:06:00] Milosch: imho, whoever it was simply hasn't spent much time around ANY developers
[02:06:01] daviey: kb3ocf, nooo, internet will use xmltv
[02:06:09] juski: Milosch: well I'm kind of a dev (just 'themes') & I am definitely an asshole
[02:06:24] daviey: seconded
[02:06:24] Milosch: i think it goes with the territory
[02:06:26] kb3ocf: daviey, how can I check to make sure it will all work? I have Comcast...
[02:06:34] daviey: use it
[02:06:42] daviey: and see if it breaks?
[02:06:53] kb3ocf: Well, I don't want to output all this money, and then realize it doesn't work
[02:06:54] daviey: do you mean, just the tv guide?
[02:07:02] daviey: where do you live?
[02:07:08] ShiftyPowers: has anyone installed a usbuirt and used wiht LIRC yet?
[02:07:08] Milosch: i have been off and on a few projects over the years, and there is a lot of venom
[02:07:09] juski: the internet connection of any myth system certainly doesn't need to be active 24/7
[02:07:11] kb3ocf: Eastern PA
[02:07:32] daviey: in the US, it works fine
[02:07:45] daviey: (not that i live there, but there are plently of people to vouch
[02:08:17] kb3ocf: okay, and does it have wireless support (with WEP)? (let us assume the PCI card is supported and supports WEP)
[02:08:19] Milosch: daviey: everything works in the us, except democracy, heh heh
[02:08:33] kb3ocf: Rofl Milosch++;
[02:08:37] daviey: you mean the stream player? or government?
[02:08:46] kb3ocf: government.
[02:08:50] |Torg|: thats becasue the US inst a democracy
[02:09:04] Milosch: yeah, we're kind of on hold on our freedoms and what not
[02:09:22] supertux: damn
[02:09:30] supertux: now my remote doesn't work at all
[02:09:30] daviey: why vote for such a numnut? Mind you – we can talk
[02:09:43] Milosch: that's what i'd like to know
[02:09:46] juski: anyway I thought screw it.. there are plenty of really great folks around here who've offerred me support and encouragement over the time I've been around and it's beyond childish to zap websites on a whim.. so it's back. I'll say it again though – I'm just not the right blimmin temperament to be a guy who unleashes stuff into the public domain
[02:10:12] kb3ocf: I'm really confused with MythTV right now >.>
[02:10:19] Milosch: "don't drive angry, Phil"
[02:10:27] kb3ocf: I have to go check how the setup works and everything
[02:10:34] ** Scopeuk hands juski a cookie **
[02:10:35] GreyFoxx: Milosch: I loved that movie :) One of my all time fav's
[02:10:36] allpurpose (allpurpose! has left #Mythtv-users ()
[02:10:38] |Torg|: ahhh there is the juski we all know and admire :)
[02:10:41] juski: I'm trying to grow & be a better person but it's not happening right now
[02:10:51] Scopeuk: igave upon that at 12
[02:10:58] Milosch: GreyFoxx: watched it again the other day, it felt like i had watched the same movie over, and over, and over
[02:10:59] daviey: juski, if your anything like me... i'm here to say away from the misses ;)
[02:11:08] Scopeuk: foundout being nice made youre life mreo dificult for no benifit
[02:11:29] juski: yeah well tonight I saved mrs juski from a night of 'most haunted' :)
[02:11:29] GreyFoxx: Milosch: I've seen it 10 times I'm sure
[02:11:56] kb3ocf: Can somebody pastebin or privmsg me a basic setup (with two tuners, perhaps?)
[02:12:20] juski: kb3ocf: a pc, with 2 tuner cards and a fairly capacious HDD or 2
[02:12:39] AndrewB (AndrewB!n=andy@pdpc/supporter/student/AndrewBarber) has left #mythtv-users ("#tuxhacker - An IRC Linux help Channel")
[02:12:41] |Torg|: 2 cards is the same as 1 card just define 2 of them
[02:12:43] juski: a remote control wouldn't go amiss, nor would a VGA card with TV out if your intentions are couch-bound
[02:12:48] supertux: when i use irw and put a few buttons on the remote there should be some output in the terminal right?
[02:12:56] supertux: i could really use some help here
[02:13:05] juski: supertux: yup
[02:13:10] kb3ocf: heh, okay juski – but doesn't it connect to the Comcast cable box at all?
[02:13:11] supertux: i get nothing
[02:13:20] Milosch: supertux: afaik, irw would rely mainly if not only on the lircd.conf
[02:13:32] kb3ocf: In other words, I'm using Digital cable
[02:13:34] supertux: Milosch: huh?
[02:13:53] Milosch: supertux: i mean not the lircrc, just the daemon config
[02:13:59] supertux: hmm
[02:14:00] juski: kb3ocf: no for that you need a comcast receiver box aswell, one per tuner input.. i.e. to record more than one show at the same time, you need as many cable tuner boxes. or not – if you're lucky enough to get some free QAM on your digital cable
[02:14:23] supertux: Milosch: well my remote was working 5 minutes ago and now i get nothing
[02:14:32] kb3ocf: juski, QAM?
[02:14:36] supertux: i am not sure where to start with trouble shooting this
[02:14:36] juski: supertux: if irw just sits there, chances are the lircd.conf might be useless for your remote. mode2 might be a better bet in that scenario just to confirm the receiver works
[02:14:40] daviey: supertux, restart lircd?
[02:14:42] sandeen: anybody have trouble with the frontend going down when exiting the on-screen program guide :(
[02:14:45] |Torg|: Quad Amplityure Modulation
[02:14:45] juski: kb3ocf: did you read the channel FAQ at all?
[02:14:51] |Torg|: its the protocal yur cable uses
[02:14:53] Milosch: supertux: like daviey said
[02:14:54] supertux: juski: mode2 says the device is busy
[02:15:07] juski: supertux: lircd is prolly stealing it
[02:15:21] daviey: ** THIEF! **
[02:15:23] |Torg|: i.e if your dignatal cable is NOT encrypted (good luck) then you can use a DVB-C card that does QAM
[02:15:30] supertux: error /dev/lirc/0
[02:15:31] kb3ocf: I'm tired, probably didn't see that or don't remember, I'll be right back :)
[02:15:39] juski: anyway like I said if irw just sits there, and the lirc daemon is still running (check for that) then the lircd.conf is bad for yer remote
[02:15:42] Milosch: GreyFoxx: i'm not going to play by their rules any more
[02:15:48] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:16:04] daviey: kb3ocf, does your cablebox have firewire
[02:16:05] daviey: ?
[02:16:08] supertux: juski: i get no output from mode2 either
[02:16:18] juski: supertux: hrm
[02:16:21] supertux: i stopped lirc
[02:16:27] supertux: d
[02:16:30] juski: supertux: what kind of lirc device?
[02:16:35] daviey: what about cat /dev/lirc.....
[02:16:39] kb3ocf: daviey, yes, it does
[02:16:45] juski: yeah thats a good un daviey :)
[02:16:45] Milosch: supertux: are you able to rmmod and modprobe the driver?
[02:16:56] daviey: kb3ocf, google for mythtv and firewire... that might be better
[02:17:15] daviey: juski, whats a goodun?
[02:17:28] Milosch: daviey: same as a goodern
[02:17:45] Milosch: good one
[02:17:48] ** sandeen guesses he'd better hook up a serial console & figure out what's killing the box **
[02:17:53] daviey: i mean what have i done to get a 'goodun'? do i get a prize?
[02:18:17] Milosch: you have gained the praise of your peers, that should be enough ;)
[02:18:52] ** daviey thought juski might be using his sarcasim **
[02:19:03] juski: I'm all out of sarcasm
[02:19:17] daviey: but from what i know of you, thats all you have!
[02:19:23] juski: lol
[02:19:48] Milosch: you can prop up a lot with just a roll of the brow
[02:20:37] supertux: juski: its a hauppauge pvr150
[02:20:41] supertux: grey remote
[02:20:46] juski: supertux: ok
[02:20:56] Milosch: ah, goodun
[02:20:59] juski: so that's something like lirc_i2c
[02:21:03] Milosch: yep
[02:21:13] supertux: exactly
[02:21:25] supertux: i rmmodded it and modprobed it back
[02:21:26] juski: check dmesg to make sure it loaded properly
[02:21:28] supertux: no change
[02:21:37] russK: I'm finally close to filling my store partition — will myth start automagically removing old recordings?
[02:21:41] frankrizzo (frankrizzo! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:21:46] juski: check the device node has been created too
[02:21:48] supertux: juski: it loads proper;y
[02:21:50] daviey: russK, yes
[02:22:19] daviey: russK, should do anyway. you can set prioritisation on age or importiance
[02:22:39] juski: I'm not sure it'll do that by default. check before you run out of room russK
[02:22:39] sandeen: can you run mysqld on some 3rd box? (not frontend, not backend)?
[02:22:41] Milosch: ls -l /dev/lirc* maybe
[02:22:45] ** sandeen throws out another random question ;-) **
[02:22:46] juski: sandeen: yeah
[02:22:52] sandeen: cool, I think I should do that
[02:22:52] kormoc: sandeen, why not?
[02:23:02] juski: specify its IP address in mythtv-setup. badabing
[02:23:03] sandeen: *shrug* figured you could, just checking
[02:23:06] daviey: supertux, you shouldn't have to – but what about a good old reboot? And you said you have two pci cards? try sticking it in the other. That caught me out.
[02:23:15] kb3ocf: So, if MythTV is just a "suite of programs" it will run on any distro.. like Gentoo?
[02:23:16] sandeen: cool... frontend crashes enough it keeps making the database slightly unhappy
[02:23:18] |Torg|: yes sandeen
[02:23:21] juski: so long as the mythconverg db exists on there (i.e. has been created already)
[02:23:21] sandeen: kb3ocf, yes
[02:23:25] kormoc: kb3ocf, emerge mythtv
[02:23:32] supertux: daviey: only one TV card
[02:23:41] supertux: i tried to reboot no workie
[02:24:02] juski: damn that was my next question.. "tried rebooting?" ;-P
[02:24:06] Milosch: kb3ocf: as long as you can compile (worst or best case) you can run it, i guess
[02:24:13] ** sandeen adds another task to the box's responsibilities **
[02:24:32] |Torg|: make myth talk to oracle :)
[02:24:33] Milosch: halt -p, unplug, wait 10 minutes, drink beer, forget, sleep, try again
[02:24:53] daviey: supertux, what distro are you using? did you isntall lirc from pacakges or source?
[02:25:47] sandeen: so nobody's had trouble with boxes crashing when exiting the on-screen guide?
[02:25:57] juski: sandeen: nope
[02:26:15] Milosch: sandeen: packages or source?
[02:26:16] juski: if it's that reproducable maybe it's time to get out the debuggerising kit
[02:26:19] sandeen: Milosch, packages
[02:26:39] Milosch: which ver of ivtv are you using, just for grins
[02:26:46] ** Scopeuk ponders doingsomethign stupidwith vlc **
[02:26:53] sandeen: yeah maybe I can make netdump work or something... takes the whole box down... so I'm guessing it's the vid driver in the kernel
[02:26:53] juski: sandeen: my slant is – find out what the problem is, then fix it rather than side-step it
[02:27:02] SeaWeed: is there a Way to clear All ( Guide ) data . so i can let it rebuild ?
[02:27:05] daviey: Mine freezes when watching live tv for over an hour., but records fine!
[02:27:16] sandeen: Milosch, ivtv-0.8.2–
[02:27:19] supertux: daviey: ubuntu edgy and yes i installed from source
[02:27:19] juski: Scopeuk: the world isn't ready to see streaming video of you dancing in your room
[02:27:23] sandeen: but ivtv shouldn't be in play at this point
[02:27:23] kormoc: SeaWeed, mythfilldatabase --refresh-all tends to work
[02:27:32] SeaWeed: ok thanks
[02:27:37] sandeen: juski, yes, understood – moving mysqld was just to keep the db safe while it's crashing :)
[02:27:57] _bt (_bt!i=sd@unaffiliated/bt/x-192343) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:27:57] daviey: supertux, did you follow this guide,
[02:28:20] juski: if it's more than mythfrontend crashy, then it's not mythtv's fault, so look at video drivers, memory... etc
[02:28:30] Milosch: sandeen: i hope not, i was thinking of my own setup with a pvr350 tv out for the display
[02:28:43] sandeen: juski, yeah, I know. myth shouldn't be able to crash the kernel; any oops is by definition a kernel bug
[02:28:49] supertux: daviey: i followed a different guide on the mythtv page specifically for edgy users
[02:29:08] sandeen: the whole box goes unresponsive so unlikely that it's just a myth problem
[02:29:17] daviey: supertux, i followed that guide i just posted and it worked a treat on edgy!
[02:29:21] sandeen: Milosch, nope this is nvidia w/ xvmc for display
[02:29:27] supertux: daviey: i guess i can do it this as well
[02:29:28] supertux: thanks
[02:29:42] Milosch: i have resisted using nvidia because i bought the 350 already
[02:29:42] supertux: let me do it and ill get right back with you
[02:29:50] jams: juski, for the readme file to be displayed. A self extracting archive would work well
[02:29:54] Milosch: mainly, i am watching live tv anyway
[02:30:36] daviey: supertux, mind you, i was using lirc_serial... but shouldn't make any difference. I did pull my hair out halfway through, thought the sensor wasn't working. checked all solder still didn't work, rebotted and worked fine!
[02:31:07] ** SeaWeed ( mythfilldatabase --refresh-all ) did clear episodes and stuff like that but Guide date still there **
[02:31:13] supertux: daviey: lol
[02:31:25] juski: jams: thanks. might consider that
[02:31:56] jams:
[02:32:23] daviey: juski, would you mind your themes being bundled in the mythtv-themes ubuntu package?
[02:32:50] daviey: thats great!!! don't complain
[02:32:50] supertux: daviey: i dont think this will work for my card
[02:32:56] SeaWeed: lol
[02:32:58] frankrizzo: is there anyway to make a dvd out of some recordings while also watching tv? I am in the log viewer screen, and I want to make sure that if I press exit that it wont kill the encoding / dvd burning
[02:33:08] SeaWeed: well i only have about 2 days
[02:33:17] supertux: i needed a different version of the lirc module because the one in apt would not work
[02:33:17] kormoc: Mr. juski, care to offer an opinion on a webdesign for me?
[02:33:21] juski: daviey: nope. they'll at least be safe from me ther
[02:33:34] daviey: haha
[02:33:38] kormoc: SeaWeed, you could find out which table it is in the database and delete it by hand
[02:33:39] juski: kormoc: yeah :)
[02:33:44] Milosch: ah, mr. juski, funny ;)
[02:33:50] SeaWeed: ok ill look
[02:33:51] ** Milosch ducks **
[02:34:05] kormoc: juski,
[02:34:05] jams: frankrizzo- yes you can leave the log viewer and the process will still run
[02:34:17] daviey: supertux, do you know why it wouldn't work? you still need to patch the kernel
[02:34:21] juski: I have to laugh about it. if I didn't I'd be ready to be committed. and not to any CVS
[02:34:32] ** sandeen sets up netdump **
[02:34:36] supertux: i guess i'll try it anyway
[02:34:50] kormoc: and anyone else that wants to look and tell me what they think :P
[02:35:22] juski: I like, though I thought the image was one of the Loch ness monster at first ;)
[02:35:54] kormoc: Hehe, it does sorta look that way a tad :P
[02:35:56] juski: I think the highlight graphics could do with being smoothed a tad but other than that ... :)
[02:36:04] Milosch: kormoc: the image could almost work with 3D glasses
[02:36:24] Milosch: actually, i think it would
[02:36:25] kormoc: juski, highlight graphic? you mean the mouse over with the tabs?
[02:36:32] juski: yeah
[02:36:36] schultmc_ (schultmc_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:36:36] juski: or are they pure css?
[02:36:39] kormoc: Milosch, ha, yeah... major zoom.
[02:36:47] kormoc: juski, they're actually browser rendered, aye.
[02:36:55] kormoc: -moz-border-radius
[02:37:02] juski: heh. so simple
[02:37:06] kormoc: in non mozilla based browsers, they're just squared
[02:37:44] kormoc: Milosch, so you think the image is distracting?
[02:37:45] juski: I was just thinking anyway, unless you were using the nasty javascript png hack (or so), they'd have to be gif & that doesn't allow for partial transparency anyway
[02:37:49] supertux: daviey: take a look at some of the notes on that link you gave me about the i2c driver
[02:37:53] GreyFoxx: Weird, ever since my kernel update last weekend all mp3's (in all apps) are playing just a bit fast as well
[02:38:16] sandeen: GreyFoxx, what kernel
[02:38:27] GreyFoxx: sandeen: went from to
[02:38:31] kormoc: juski, yeah, I'm thinking that it's gonna stick to that style. Too complicated and messy to go the other ways
[02:38:32] juski: GreyFoxx: you know that playback problem that stopped me using minimyth a while ago? I suspected the playback speed for a while
[02:38:43] GreyFoxx: hmmm
[02:38:50] daviey: supertux, sorry, i didn't notice that :(
[02:38:56] sandeen: hmm
[02:39:08] GreyFoxx: I noticed a increase in playback time for videos, but it's much more noticable with music
[02:39:12] Milosch: damned VPR mp3s ;)
[02:39:14] juski: but the ver. of minimyth then (0.20–20) is miles different to the one which works. newer kernel, newer drivers, newer X..
[02:39:44] supertux: apparently ubuntu is not the ideal distro for mythtv
[02:39:53] Milosch: try disabling turbo
[02:40:05] Milosch: supertux: i am using edgy and it's pretty much ok
[02:40:22] supertux: i guess knoppmyth would be the ideal choice
[02:40:33] Milosch: iow, i am very impressed with mythtv, mainly because i waited so long to start using it
[02:41:02] Milosch: but it seems to work great and with no more than the expected minor issues
[02:41:24] juski: supertux: I wouldn't recommend it for a frontend you only boot up to watch recorded shows
[02:41:41] juski: so long to boot
[02:41:55] supertux: juski: you can install from the CD right?
[02:42:08] juski: truth be told I could have just woke it up at 6pm every day from the BIOS clock
[02:42:15] juski: supertux: yeah of course
[02:42:31] supertux: juski: im sure the next release of ubuntu will fix these issues
[02:42:50] supertux: it seems to be will documented
[02:42:52] juski: well apparently 'upstart' makes some improvements to the boot time
[02:42:55] Milosch: always fun to use the newest release of anything, ime
[02:42:59] PointyPumper (PointyPumper! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:43:12] juski: but it was way too bloated for just a simple frontend anyway
[02:44:29] ** Milosch has a heart attack **
[02:44:31] GreyFoxx: Milosch: I very rarely do, I had waited almost 2 years before updating that machine
[02:44:46] GreyFoxx: only reason I did was my old one had crappy sata support and I got some sata drives for xmas
[02:44:47] Milosch: GreyFoxx: sorry, was a quote
[02:44:58] supertux: im watching some football on mythtv and the picture doesnt look quite as sharp as when i am just watching normal TV
[02:45:13] juski: supertux: deinterlace, deinterlace
[02:45:24] supertux: huh??
[02:45:31] jams: kb3ocf- pretty sure with the firewire out, your still limited to one station at a time
[02:45:44] supertux: where do i set that? is that a playback option?
[02:45:52] daviey: juski, could use the ubutu server edition and install a simple 'x' like ratpoison
[02:46:09] juski: daviey: it's still way too big IMHO
[02:46:23] juski: anyway this isn't #distro-wars
[02:46:36] kormoc: kb3ocf, no, just one channel
[02:46:51] Milosch: i run gdm and windowmaker on ubuntu edgy, not an issue
[02:46:52] jams: and if it was ubuntu would lose =)
[02:46:54] Milosch: fwiw
[02:47:18] daviey: okay lets joing distro-wars and slag it out
[02:47:19] Milosch: it's all linux, daymut
[02:47:22] kb3ocf: kormoc, jams is there ANY WAY to get two channels at once with one comcast cable box? (with all the HD channels available to me)
[02:47:39] kb3ocf: using two tv tuner cards in a MythTV box or something
[02:47:39] Milosch: rent two boxes?
[02:47:39] jams: kb3ocf- none that i know of
[02:47:52] kb3ocf: That would cost twice the cable bill, wouldn't it?
[02:47:52] SeaWeed: can any 1 tell me what file or dir that ( guide date ) is stored ?
[02:47:54] Milosch: two boxes if you want hbo, etc
[02:48:05] kormoc: kb3ocf, actually not
[02:48:06] juski: SeaWeed: in the database
[02:48:08] Milosch: probably another $8 us or something
[02:48:08] daviey: SeaWeed, the database!
[02:48:08] supertux: juski: what do you mean by deinterlace?
[02:48:29] kb3ocf: kormoc, it doesn't cost any more for another box?
[02:48:29] juski: supertux: I mean try enabling deinterlacing in the tv playback settings menu of mythfrontend
[02:48:32] kormoc: kb3ocf, comcast only charges around $5 a month extra for renting another cable box and another $5 a month to make it hd, so $10 a month for a second box
[02:48:35] daviey: supertux, #distro-wars
[02:48:40] SeaWeed: Well what dir should i look in im new to mysql stuff
[02:48:56] daviey: supertux, doh, wrong copy and paste b4
[02:49:16] GreyFoxx: SeaWeed: why would you want the raw file? You wont be able to do much with it
[02:49:20] daviey: SeaWeed, look into pypmyadmin. tread carful though and backup db first
[02:49:22] GreyFoxx: It's not a text file or anything :)
[02:49:22] juski: supertux: google will tell you what interlaced video is all about, and why you usually need to deinterlace on computer displays (that includes TV outputs of VGA cards FYI)
[02:49:41] supertux: im using the s-video out
[02:49:42] SeaWeed: I want to Remove all guide data (GreyFoxx) so it will rebuild fresh
[02:49:45] daviey: SeaWeed, thats phpmyadmin
[02:49:46] supertux: does that make a difference
[02:49:54] Milosch: supertux: nope
[02:50:05] GreyFoxx: SeaWeed: mythfilldatabase has a command option to force it to reload every days info
[02:50:14] supertux: linear blend?
[02:50:21] kb3ocf: kormoc, that defeats the purpose methinks... I didn't want it to pay the 13 bucks a month for the DVR, heh.
[02:50:29] supertux: kernel?
[02:50:36] supertux: bob
[02:50:38] juski: supertux: there are different methods for you to try. see which looks best for you
[02:50:43] supertux: lol
[02:50:47] juski: if you use xvmc, _always_ use bob
[02:50:57] supertux: xvmc?
[02:50:59] kb3ocf: Can you do one channel through firewire, and one channel through the standard output?
[02:51:13] GreyFoxx: k3: No, your cable box will not output 2 channels anyway
[02:51:21] juski: supertux: your nick is something of a misnomer, yes?
[02:51:29] daviey: SeaWeed, i had a similar problem and somebody gave my an sql call to fix it. can't remember it though. sorry :(
[02:51:30] supertux: yes
[02:51:41] Milosch: it might have another tuner inside, but i would guess that is only for recording if it is a dvr
[02:51:46] supertux: juski: video has never been a strong point of mine
[02:51:47] SeaWeed: lol np
[02:51:48] jams: kb3ocf- the best you can do is record one station from the cable box, and then user another tuner card to record the analog signal
[02:51:52] kormoc: kb3ocf, heh, well, you'r just out of luck then
[02:51:57] Milosch: juski: be good, now ;)
[02:51:59] kb3ocf: darn -_-
[02:52:01] SeaWeed: hard to beleave i have guide that is 37 yearsa
[02:52:08] kb3ocf is now known as kb3ocf|emo
[02:52:33] juski: supertux: xvmc is a way for mythtv & other linux apps to offload mpeg2 decoding (or some of it) to the graphics processor on a nvidia (and some other but not ATI) VGA card
[02:52:47] daviey: SeaWeed, i hope you don't get recording conflicts, everything will probably be re-ran in that time
[02:52:51] supertux: well i'm trying bob
[02:53:01] Milosch: lines are typically displayed as odd lines then even lines, your eye cannot tell, this is interlacing
[02:53:56] Milosch: now with all these fancy computers and the video processing it's a little greyer, but the concept persists
[02:53:57] ** daviey is going to bed **
[02:53:59] daviey: night all
[02:54:04] Milosch: later
[02:54:08] SeaWeed: nite
[02:54:08] kb3ocf|emo: goodnight, and thankyou
[02:54:14] daviey is now known as daviey|asleep
[02:57:05] jduggan: looks like im revertin back to debian
[02:57:28] Milosch: retreating to sanity, eh?
[02:57:59] jduggan: gentoo wont play my game
[02:58:24] ** sandeen wonders why fc6 ships netdump if it doesn't work :( **
[02:59:20] sigger_ (sigger_! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:59:31] Milosch: sandeen: be sure to flush after all that
[02:59:46] Gumby_ (Gumby_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:00:34] sigger_: I know this is off-topic, but anyone willing to PM to help me with problem with new subwoofer? Prolly ground-loop, but my first experience with such so I'm not sure.
[03:01:42] kormoc: Milosch, juski, I sharpened up the splash image, think it looks better? same? worse?
[03:02:20] Milosch: kinda same, but i can see the difference
[03:02:32] Milosch: i'll give it a thumbs up
[03:02:35] Milosch: couch time...
[03:02:43] kormoc: Milosch, thanks muchly :)
[03:03:26] defi__3x: Hi all
[03:04:03] juski: kormoc: might work better in mono, but colorised
[03:04:18] defi__3x: any obvious reason why the images menu pops up when I insert a dvd and not the dvd menu?
[03:05:08] kormoc: juski, so convert to b+w and then colorize it?
[03:06:50] DVBMark: When doing Edit's to a recording, I put in my cut marks at the beginning and the end, all looks fine, but when I go to play the recording back, it still has like a second of what it should have cut out still left in it, I am assuming part of the preview it made? Once I put in cut marks, is there a way to actually do the crop so that it replaces the original recording with the new cut one, to conserve space?
[03:08:13] juski: kormoc: yeah.. with the amount of zoom used it looks a tad noisy, converting to b/w then colorising can help that I find
[03:08:15] Beirdo: OK, that's enough messing with gputrans for one day
[03:08:38] kormoc: Mornin' Beirdo
[03:08:43] Beirdo: I think I need to reimplement the Cg code for the motion estimation, the results seem to be nonsensical
[03:08:43] Scopeuk: hows that commign Beirdo?
[03:09:01] Beirdo: the rest is seeming to be right, so far
[03:09:26] Beirdo: fixed point math is a royal PITA, but is so much faster than floating
[03:09:34] juski: mornin Beirdo. still pushing back the boundaries.. must be interesting work
[03:09:41] Beirdo: quite
[03:09:58] Beirdo: and quite a challenge to debug what's in the memory of a video card :)
[03:10:09] Winkie: man finding RGB > svideo is hard >:(
[03:10:21] Beirdo: keep having to pull frames back out into ppm files or huge text files
[03:10:46] juski: Winkie: there aren't that many boxes out there to do that and those that are out there tend to be pricy
[03:10:48] Beirdo: but I've had enough for now
[03:10:57] Beirdo: tomorrow afternoon, perhaps :)
[03:11:15] kormoc: Beirdo, if you have a moment and care to look at and let me know what you think, that'd be grand :P
[03:11:48] Winkie: juski: i think i'm going to build the one on nexus
[03:12:00] Winkie: we need 3 you see, and composite is just unacceptable for watching TV
[03:12:11] juski: heh
[03:12:34] juski: hang on... are you going _from_ RGB to svid?
[03:12:45] juski: just checking
[03:12:51] Winkie: yeah we have a sky box that only outputs RGB and composite
[03:12:55] juski: ah
[03:13:00] Winkie: so we'll have to get RGB to svideo to get any decent quality
[03:13:12] Winkie: looks promising
[03:13:18] D-side (D-side! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:13:19] juski: such a pity Hauppauge et al don't give you RGB input
[03:13:23] D-side: hello boys.
[03:13:23] juski: the chips can do it
[03:13:28] juski: and component be damned
[03:13:40] juski: just they never connect up all the pins
[03:13:50] juski: hello wonderbra
[03:14:03] D-side: i wish i were bulletproof.
[03:14:06] juski: whoah my mind wandered there for a sec
[03:14:08] Beirdo: kormoc, not much on there yet :)
[03:14:20] Gumby (Gumby!n=terry@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:14:25] ** juski curses 3DS for not letting him drop a bitmap onto a plane **
[03:14:25] kormoc: Beirdo, heh, aye. looking for feedback on the layout/looks :P
[03:14:31] Beirdo: ahh
[03:14:34] Beirdo: that looks nice
[03:15:56] mishehu: bah.
[03:16:00] kormoc: Beirdo, nifty. I decided to start from scratch on the site, make it actually look good now :P
[03:16:13] juski: and now 3DS has hung. and they'd want me to BUY this?
[03:16:43] mishehu: I can't design websites for shit
[03:16:44] D-side: heh
[03:16:50] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:16:55] D-side: mishehu: man i wish more people would come to that realization. :)
[03:17:04] Beirdo: hehe
[03:17:10] juski: nor can I, but I manage to make something fairly passable IMHO
[03:17:10] mishehu: D-side: hahahaha
[03:17:18] ShiftyPowers: anyone have experience installing LIRC?
[03:17:22] ShiftyPowers: i'm stuck at the irw part
[03:17:24] ** juski hides **
[03:17:27] ShiftyPowers: to test if my config works
[03:17:29] ShiftyPowers: :)
[03:17:32] mishehu: I can make decent forms and db interfaces, but I can't make it look good if my life were to count on it
[03:17:36] kormoc: I tend to like to think I can do some design work okay :P
[03:18:01] mishehu: what I do want to learn sometime is qt 4.x
[03:18:05] empty: ShiftyPowers: what's going on
[03:18:12] mishehu: but time is the problem :-/
[03:18:20] ShiftyPowers: well i installed my USBUIRT with the latest version of LIRC
[03:18:30] ShiftyPowers: i managed to get it to run irrecord and record all my buttons
[03:18:35] ShiftyPowers: into an lircd.conf
[03:18:56] ShiftyPowers: but then I get to a part where I'd like to see if it recognizes the buttons using "irw" but no buttons show up
[03:18:58] empty: yeah
[03:19:09] ShiftyPowers:
[03:19:14] ShiftyPowers: sort of using that guide
[03:19:27] mishehu: lirc is a bitch no matter how you cut it
[03:19:31] empty: ShiftyPowers: I assume /etc/init.d/lircd is running
[03:19:40] mishehu: I can't tell you the amount of time I've spent trying to get it to work in teh past
[03:19:45] ShiftyPowers: yep
[03:19:47] ShiftyPowers: it is running
[03:19:55] ShiftyPowers: now irw won't even start anymore
[03:20:01] ShiftyPowers: comes right back to command prompt
[03:20:07] juski: lirc, like so many other mythtv related things, is a bitch. you have to make it _your_ bitch ;)
[03:20:08] mishehu: and it still doesn't work perfectly – my motorola 1700 box never picks up 0
[03:20:11] juski: </broken record>
[03:20:51] sigger_: ShiftyPowers: once in a blue moon ##lirc can be helpful
[03:21:05] empty: yeah i have no idea where to tell you to start
[03:21:08] mishehu: juski: donno, there are only two things I'd consider "a bitch" these days... 1) lirc, 2) getting firewire recording working in the easies possible manner (haven't yet succeeded)
[03:21:34] ShiftyPowers: aight thanks guys, i'll try there
[03:22:01] mishehu: lirc pisses me off becuase you can only run it for one device... instead of many. so it's a pain if you have both a transmitter and a receiver.
[03:22:42] Beirdo: anyways, bedtime, I think
[03:22:49] D-side: wuss.
[03:22:52] Beirdo: I've had enough brain work today
[03:22:58] D-side: its only 10:20!
[03:22:58] ** Beirdo slaps D-side with a GPU **
[03:23:01] D-side: (i think)
[03:23:08] Beirdo: it's almost 11:30 :)
[03:23:13] Scopeuk: its 3:30
[03:23:15] Scopeuk: am
[03:23:17] D-side: Beirdo: your timezone sucks. :)
[03:23:19] Beirdo: at least here where it's warm
[03:23:22] ShiftyPowers (ShiftyPowers! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:23:34] D-side: man
[03:23:47] mishehu: Beirdo: drink some whiskey... who needs brain anyway?
[03:23:50] D-side: it was 70F here today. don't talk to me about warm. 70F in god damn january. :/
[03:23:53] Beirdo: it's a cold day if it gets down to 80F :)
[03:24:15] Beirdo: gotta say, I like the weather here :)
[03:24:24] mishehu: Beirdo: where are you?
[03:24:27] D-side: like i said.
[03:24:27] sigger_: D-side: you must be near me. Insane 70 today
[03:24:29] Scopeuk: atm its unseasonally warm
[03:24:31] mishehu: I thought you were a canadian
[03:24:32] Beirdo: Puerto Rico :)
[03:24:32] D-side: Beirdo: your timezone sucks.
[03:24:33] Scopeuk: highs of 6c lows of 3c
[03:24:38] mishehu: Beirdo: bitch
[03:24:45] Beirdo: I am, but I've moved :)
[03:24:46] mishehu: gimme some of that nice warm weather
[03:25:00] Beirdo: you're a yank, just move down here :)
[03:25:14] mishehu: Beirdo: probably put your cost of living a bit higher too
[03:25:25] mishehu: I hear peurto rico is expensive.
[03:25:34] Beirdo: depends where you are, I think
[03:25:35] mishehu: unless you prefer living in the projects
[03:25:40] Beirdo: the house was $225k
[03:25:41] mishehu: or the jungle
[03:25:47] Beirdo: for a 4 bedroom, 2 bath
[03:26:13] mishehu: Beirdo: if only I could find something that size in a good part of the chicago area
[03:26:21] Beirdo: heh
[03:26:22] Beirdo: yeah
[03:26:36] Beirdo: Wheaton has some, I bet
[03:26:42] Beirdo: but I bet not this cheap
[03:26:44] mishehu: any big insurance companies have any offices down there? maybe I could convince my wife to move there
[03:26:45] |Torg|: come to Dallas, that same house is about $160K here
[03:26:54] mishehu: wheaton il? wheaton il is pretty damn expensive.
[03:27:12] mishehu: and plus you have to put up with the ray graham center and wheaton college if you live there ;-)
[03:27:13] Beirdo: I'll pass on Dallas :)
[03:27:18] Beirdo: I like it here
[03:27:22] mishehu: |Torg|: there's a reason for that ;-)
[03:27:32] mishehu: dull-ass is what friends of mine have called it
[03:27:41] Beirdo: I had friends who lived in Wheaton, and in Elmhurst too
[03:27:47] mishehu: if I *was* to go to texas, I'd probably go to san antonio or austin
[03:27:48] Beirdo: neither family was poor :)
[03:27:58] ** seth|home would move to dallas **
[03:27:59] mishehu: Beirdo: both are very expensive towns.
[03:28:05] |Torg|: in austin the same house would cost you 500K
[03:28:12] seth|home: I was there for a week once, It was OK
[03:28:19] ** Scopeuk qutie likes his little english backwarter **
[03:28:23] Scopeuk: water*
[03:28:24] mishehu: Beirdo: I was lookking in la grange, which is also expensive. 4 bedroom 1 1/2 bath is $300k and up.
[03:28:29] mishehu: for old house too.
[03:28:31] Beirdo: mishehu, yup. I can believe it.
[03:28:32] Beirdo: heh
[03:28:35] Beirdo: ah well
[03:28:35] ** seth|home would definitely move to england or scotland **
[03:28:44] |Torg|: la grange is expensive?
[03:28:47] Beirdo: the weather's nicer here than anywhere in Chicago though
[03:28:49] |Torg|: its out in teh middle of nowhere
[03:28:54] mishehu: |Torg|: la grange il
[03:28:58] mishehu: not tx
[03:28:59] |Torg|: oh :)
[03:29:09] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit ("Now if you will excuse me, I have a giant ball of oil to throw out my window")
[03:29:21] mishehu: la grange il is not very far from elmhurst il, which is where beirdo's friends are/were
[03:29:39] mishehu: I kinda doubt that houses are THAT expensive in austin tx.
[03:29:50] mishehu: texas has a much higher property tax rate than il does
[03:29:52] mishehu: in general
[03:29:54] Beirdo: anyways, I hate to do so, but I gotta hit the sack ;)
[03:29:55] |Torg|: unfortunatly chicago has this white stuff that falls fromt eh sky
[03:30:03] Beirdo: cocaine?
[03:30:04] D-side: Beirdo: i second that motion. later.
[03:30:06] D-side (D-side! has left #mythtv-users ("laters.")
[03:30:11] Beirdo: seeya guys
[03:30:18] mishehu: |Torg|: yeah, g0d's dandruff. I keep telling him to try a different shampoo, becuase I REALLY hate snow.
[03:30:23] mishehu: I prefer tel aviv actually
[03:30:23] |Torg|: yes mishehu our land tazes are higher, but I guarntee our state income tax is lower
[03:30:47] mishehu: |Torg|: IL has 3% state income tax.
[03:30:57] |Torg|: texas is 0%
[03:31:06] mishehu: property taxes in chicago area are generally around 2% of the value.
[03:31:25] mishehu: the house would be worth more than I make in a year...
[03:31:41] |Torg|: our are 3%
[03:31:42] mishehu: so 3% income tax or 4% property tax? pick your poison.
[03:31:49] seth|home: anyone here install mythtv ala gentoo?
[03:31:52] mishehu: oh, must be the houston area that's 4%
[03:31:54] kormoc: I do
[03:31:59] |Torg|: 3% property tax, wew have no income tax
[03:32:12] seth|home: kormoc, when you emerge mythtv, does this automatically create a user mythtv?
[03:32:13] kormoc: mishehu, I rent and live in a place with no income tax! :P
[03:32:18] kormoc: seth|home, aye
[03:32:22] seth|home: cool
[03:32:25] seth|home: one less step
[03:32:27] seth|home: :-)
[03:32:44] mishehu: |Torg|: if you're not making more than $160k for that house we speak of, it's still better for the income tax unless you can twist the property tax as a write off
[03:32:55] mishehu: kormoc: you indirectly pay for property tax
[03:33:25] |Torg|: but its time for me to g, so have fun guys :)
[03:33:29] seth|home: taxes here in PA sux
[03:33:49] kormoc: seth|home, meh, it's not /that/ bad overall
[03:33:57] kormoc: mishehu, yeah, I do, and it is sucky at times
[03:33:58] mishehu: seth|home: so does the speed limit in PA
[03:34:10] mishehu: I mean really, what's with that 50mph bullcrap?
[03:34:13] seth|home: well its mostly 65mph heh
[03:34:27] kormoc: mishehu, 50 mph isn't the state limit in pa
[03:34:32] seth|home: but I very seldom do less than 70
[03:34:52] mishehu: kormoc: why did I get stuck with the highway with 50mph on it?
[03:35:23] mishehu: I mean, so it's the appalachians, big deal.
[03:35:23] kormoc: mishehu, cause you're an out of stater who doesn't know better? :P
[03:35:23] mishehu: kormoc: it was an interstate...
[03:35:29] mishehu: not like I was taking the backroads or anything
[03:35:32] seth|home: anything more than 70 and my explorers need lots of gas
[03:35:38] kormoc: mishehu, which one?
[03:35:48] ** seth|home looks forward to getting his new PT cruiser at the end of the month **
[03:36:03] mishehu: kormoc: I don't remember if we were on i-80 at that point yet or not. we were going from boston to chicago
[03:36:27] kormoc: i-80 is 65 the entire way, due to them tunneling though the mountains rather then going over top of them
[03:36:35] ** seth|home drove through chicago on his way to Montana, and still isn't right ;-) **
[03:36:41] seth|home: too many lanes there
[03:36:46] ** kormoc laughs **
[03:36:56] kormoc: I got lost in chicago when I drove though it
[03:37:17] kormoc: I swear I never made a turn, but ended up on a road going south rather then west
[03:37:34] mishehu: kormoc: this was a few years ago too
[03:37:48] mishehu: so maybe they didn't complete that work yet at that time.
[03:37:50] seth|home: McLean Virginia is the worst I was ever in, fortunately I made it "all the way to the right" and escaped DC trsaffic
[03:38:04] mishehu: ironically I just got back from vacation in puerto rico
[03:38:15] kormoc: mishehu, if it's been less then 15, it was done, unless it was a weather warning speed?
[03:38:35] mishehu: seth|home: I donno man, I am stuck with a pt cruiser until my car is repaired. can't stand it.
[03:38:48] ** seth|home wants to go on vacation in puerto rico, I'll just go to Lebanon, or York **
[03:39:01] mishehu: kormoc: standard road signs, nothing out of the ordinary.
[03:39:06] ** seth|home liked the one he test drove **
[03:39:15] kormoc: seth|home, you're one of the lancaster folks?
[03:39:15] mishehu: seth|home: Lebanon the country?
[03:39:19] kormoc: mishehu, fair nuff
[03:39:24] seth|home: lebanon, PA
[03:39:24] kormoc: Milosch, lebanon city :P
[03:39:33] kormoc: Milosch, makers of a wonderful bologna!
[03:39:36] mishehu: kormoc: like I said, might have been changed since we were there
[03:39:45] seth|home: well I live in E-Town, half way between lancaster and middletown
[03:39:54] mishehu: seth|home: ah, well, good, I've been to lebanon the country. it's not a great tourist spot.
[03:40:03] seth|home: grew up in middletown, and no, I don't glow (at least not much)
[03:40:11] ** kormoc laughs **
[03:41:05] seth|home: my house was right across the river from TMI
[03:41:29] mishehu: what's TMI?
[03:41:31] seth|home: but I was pretty young yet
[03:41:37] seth|home: Thre Mile Island
[03:41:42] seth|home: nuclear plant
[03:41:42] kormoc: you know, I really wish I was in Mt. Joy, I could go for some wings
[03:41:49] seth|home: mmmm wings
[03:41:59] kormoc: seth|home, been to Beanies?
[03:42:04] mishehu: ah
[03:42:14] seth|home: no, keep waiting for the lanc-lug to invite me :P
[03:42:22] ** kormoc laughs **
[03:42:36] kormoc: seth|home, you need to stick around in the #lanc-lug channel :P
[03:42:54] mishehu: speaking of lugs, I would show off my mythtv box at one of the local lugs, but it's a pain in the ass to move.
[03:42:56] seth|home: but then malaclypse can find me
[03:42:58] seth|home: hehe
[03:43:02] ** kormoc laugh **
[03:43:03] kormoc: s
[03:43:03] mishehu: and kinda useless without the database...
[03:43:11] media (media! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:43:20] mishehu: seth|home: making friends and influencing others eh?
[03:43:27] seth|home: yeah
[03:43:44] kormoc: lanc-lug isn't really a lug anymore... more just an excuse to go eat wings once a week
[03:44:18] mishehu: kormoc: I think the majority of lugs have relegated themselves to this status
[03:44:23] seth|home: well my lug only neets once a month, and we just get pizza, not so much a wing crowd I guess
[03:44:30] mishehu: more of a social group than anything else
[03:44:45] seth|home: actually I have a talk to prepare for for the feb. meeting
[03:44:59] seth|home: and there is rumor of a lan party coming up soon
[03:45:00] kormoc: seth|home, you should stop by in the channel during normal working hours sometime, tomkmu is ungodly funny at times
[03:45:02] kormoc: ooh, nice
[03:45:29] mishehu: I used to be the head of CODLug (COD was the college I went to), and we'd always do Portillo's (a chicago area high quality fast food chain), fuddruckers, etc.
[03:45:42] seth|home: mmm Fudruckers
[03:45:50] ** seth|home getting hungry **
[03:45:55] mishehu: but we don't end up with many new people showing up to install new systems or actually get help.
[03:46:12] kormoc: seth|home, have you been to the bar with the ungodly large burger?
[03:46:21] seth|home: my lug is about due for a nice install fest, and open source beer tasting
[03:46:36] kormoc: seth|home,
[03:46:45] mishehu: I'm still running hte mailing list for CODLug, and nobody's yet set up this month's meeting.
[03:46:57] kormoc: seth|home, "Introducing the 50LBS. plus BEER BARREL BELLY BRUISER!"
[03:47:13] seth|home: whoolly crap, that thing is huge
[03:47:22] mishehu: 50 lbs? is that a round of burger for the whole establishment?
[03:47:33] mishehu: "Here's your side of cow, sir."
[03:47:38] kormoc: mishehu, they say it feeds 30 people :P
[03:48:09] kormoc: $180 for a 50 lb, $50 for 15 lb, $36 for a 6 lb
[03:49:17] kormoc:
[03:49:31] mishehu: I think I'll stick with a 1/3lb.
[03:49:34] kormoc: Mmm... Gluttony extreme...
[03:49:53] mishehu: and I thought it was bad that Portillo's has a Chocolate Cake Shake
[03:50:18] mishehu: (a chocolate shake that they mash up and mix in a whole slice of chocolate cake with the frosting and all)
[03:50:28] kormoc: mishehu, about a dozen of us did the 6 lb one before I moved out west, it was hilarious fun
[03:50:33] kormoc: ooh, nice
[03:50:39] okily (okily! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:51:05] mishehu: I don't know why they don't sell it with a side of insulin
[03:51:33] kormoc: they have a deal with the hospital to get a kickback on ever ambulance ride.
[03:51:40] mishehu: and maybe referrals to doctors. hell they could make a killing with that.
[03:51:42] frankrizzo: how do I see what processes are running in fedora?
[03:51:50] mishehu: frankrizzo: ps ax ?
[03:51:51] frankrizzo: i think mtd is not running correctly
[03:51:51] kormoc: frankrizzo, ps ax
[03:51:56] mishehu: man ps
[03:52:10] frankrizzo: thanks
[03:52:22] kormoc: okily, it could just be too new of a kernel for the driver
[03:52:22] mishehu: okily: I *never* had luck with gatos.
[03:52:25] kep (kep! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:52:32] mishehu: okily: are you looking to have it just do tv out?
[03:54:23] okily: I only would like to do video capture. I play output through a projector, but would like to be able to watch satellite, hence my second video capture card, which is an AIW unfortunately. But it used to work, but not now with fc6 for some reason. I've noticed this udev thing, which *maybe* has something to do with it, but then there are also some i2c errors. I think I have the kernel correctly compiled, with
[03:54:23] okily: just about everything as a module.
[03:55:01] mishehu: udev shouldn't really have any issues with it
[03:55:13] mishehu: udev is just a dynamic dev node daemon
[03:55:17] okily: the gatos/v4l modules compiles (genericv4l.ko). I can insmod it. I put it under /lib/modules/... and did depmod -a, so I can modprobe it.
[03:55:30] kormoc: dmesg says?
[03:55:41] okily: lemme check.
[03:55:43] mishehu: it's possible the device it is allocated is not what you are expecting it to be
[03:56:20] okily: Dec 31 17:26:08 pebbles kernel: genericv4l: driver version 0.0.1 loaded
[03:56:20] okily: Dec 31 17:26:08 pebbles udevd-event[6326]: udev_rules_get_run: rule applied, 'genericv4l' is ignored
[03:56:36] mishehu: you might have to do a little udev rules magic
[03:56:40] mishehu: I'd google for it
[03:57:27] okily: I googled and peeked and poked all over the net, I couldn't find a solution, or any conversation in any forum that's talking about the problems similar to what I'm having.
[03:57:49] okily: I tried to manually mknod /dev/video0 (81/0)
[03:58:36] okily: then once this device 'd work, I could go to step to and convince udev to recognize genericv4l or something.
[03:59:05] ** seth|home forgot how long compiles take in gentoo **
[04:00:24] mishehu: it's possibly lacking a device alias and/or udev rules.
[04:00:54] mishehu: did you look in the udev configuration to see if genericv4l is set to be ignored?
[04:01:18] okily: if udev for the time being doesn't know about v4l or genericv4l, and I just manually create the dev, then udev would have nothing to do with the actual driver not working, right?
[04:02:04] mishehu: it might be something explicitly set in the default udev rules file
[04:02:08] mishehu: to ignore that
[04:02:35] okily: /etc/makedev.d/01v4l looks like is meant for video4linux. no mention of genericv4l. Not sure if an actual 'genericv4l' entry should go in there though.
[04:02:44] darkdrgn2k: Question: How do you configure directories on a slave/master setup. DO you nmeed to share the recording directory on BOTH
[04:02:54] darkdrgn2k: seth|home: AIW are framgrabbers and many of them are not suppored in nix
[04:03:01] darkdrgn2k: seth|home: not enough to use with myth anyway
[04:03:07] okily: I think they're just framegrabbers, not mpeg anyway, but I could be wrong.
[04:03:08] mishehu: okily: do you have an /etc/udev dir?
[04:03:14] seth|home: ok
[04:03:15] mishehu: it's probably under that for the rules
[04:03:28] okily: I used to be able to use tvtime and mplayer to watch tv.
[04:03:34] okily: /etc/udev, yes
[04:03:39] seth|home: they have one at the local computer shop for $20, was wondering how it would fare on one of my slave boxes
[04:03:52] mishehu: or search the contents
[04:04:07] seth|home: its used, and the guy says it works in winders
[04:04:34] sid (sid!n=unstable@tor/regular/sid) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:04:50] okily: /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev.rules – # 183 = /dev/hwrng Generic random number generator
[04:04:56] okily: an unrelated entry looks like
[04:04:56] sid: Is there a guide on building a mythtv whitebox from I can't seem to find one.
[04:05:00] MaaxNixx (MaaxNixx! has quit ("WeeChat 0.2.1")
[04:05:08] sid: like going with micro-itx or mini-itx
[04:05:21] kormoc: sid, what is there to say?
[04:05:37] Dr_willis: the forums on knoppmyth site – had some info on that topic. I think
[04:05:49] okily: so this udev daemon picks up events of sorts and according to its rules it creates/removes /dev/ entries, right?
[04:06:08] sid: kormoc: hardware that works well? recommendations?
[04:06:43] Dr_willis: not checked out the MythTV forums.. but i know the KnoppMyth forums have a lot of discussion in that area
[04:06:47] darkdrgn2k: Question: How do you configure directories on a slave/master setup. DO you nmeed to share the recording directory on BOTH
[04:06:48] okily: ps. I tried mythtv once, but didn't quite go all the way. Once my /dev/video0 is working, I'll definitely have to try it again.
[04:08:01] mishehu: okily: was that the only instance of "generic" ?
[04:09:00] sid: kormoc: There are thousands of different motherboards to buy, there are no recommendations or anything on the site?
[04:10:51] kormoc: sid, sure, cause really, it's all personal preference
[04:13:42] juski: my via is nice when it works right :) get 15% or so CPU usage on a 1ghz machine playing 720x576 mpeg2. on a good day with the wind behind it
[04:15:11] sid: intel doesn't give documentation linuxbios needs, so I don't like them. but for graphics.. intel is good with drivers(not great since they don't document registers), but free/libre drivers so the best for graphics.
[04:15:14] juski: wheee we almost have another mytharchive into video :)
[04:15:45] juski: just have to do this animation again with the logo IN the title safe area & do a 5.1 surround audio track
[04:17:41] okily: mishehu: this one mention of 'generic' is not genericv4l, but just 'generic', it's also commented out, and looks like it has something to with some sort of random thing.
[04:20:39] mishehu: okily: hmmm
[04:21:03] ** mishehu shrugs **
[04:22:19] mishehu: I'm a little out of my league on this one
[04:22:23] mishehu: as I don't use gatos.
[04:22:27] mishehu: or fedora
[04:25:40] sid: Is there any difference between micro-atx and mini-itx?
[04:25:54] sid: besides the size of the board
[04:26:06] mishehu: yes
[04:26:19] mishehu: mini-itx is low powered and usually a via cpu
[04:26:39] sid: mishehu: What would you get for a MythTV box?
[04:27:00] mishehu: sid: for a front-end, could be either. for a backend box, neither.
[04:27:20] koffein (koffein! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[04:27:34] mishehu: both micro-atx and mini-itx don't have the expandibility as far as pci devices
[04:27:41] mishehu: and mini itx doesn't have the balls for a backend.
[04:28:05] mishehu: but mini itx can be passively cooled.. I have a c7-esther core one here. completely passively cooled.
[04:28:16] kormoc: depends on what you want to do
[04:28:20] mishehu: uses less than 120 watts overall.
[04:28:26] kormoc: if your backend uses an ivtv card or firewire and you're not commflagging
[04:28:33] kormoc: a low powered cpu can work well
[04:28:40] mishehu: why wouldn't you want to commflag though? *grin*
[04:29:45] SeaWeed: ok i have searched every where i cant seem to find a command to clear all ( guide ) data does any 1 Have any suggetions here im realy lost and my guide is Screwed it tell me i have info uptill year ( 2037 )
[04:31:04] sid: Or would the encoding happen on the capture card? or on the mi*-?tx system?
[04:31:13] mishehu: as it would store the files and do the heavier computations.
[04:32:05] mishehu: sid: here's how *I* would do it personally – capture card goes in the desktop, and run the desktop as the backend. use the mini itx as the front end, since it needs to do less.
[04:32:21] mishehu: rememebr though, this is jsut an opinion and a possibility of how to do it.
[04:32:31] mishehu: it's not the only way.
[04:32:31] sid: mishehu: But my desktop is in a separate room than the tv.
[04:32:52] mishehu: sid: are you recording off of cable?
[04:33:05] sid: mishehu: digital cable(I only have one box)
[04:33:52] mishehu: sid: well, you *could* put the cable box in the same room as the desktop, and hook it up to the capture card in the desktop.
[04:34:07] mishehu: then you'd watch regular tv in the other room using the mini itx frontend.
[04:34:17] toad_ (toad_!n=toad@pdpc/supporter/student/toad-with-underline) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:34:31] mishehu: this of course assumes the desktop is always on and you don't mind it running as the backend too.
[04:34:33] sid: mishehu: Would my desktop be doing encoding and be slow all the time?
[04:34:41] sid: mishehu: Or does the encoding happen on the capture card?
[04:34:49] sid: yea, the desktop is always on.
[04:34:50] mishehu: sid: if you get a card with a hardware encoder it won't be slow.
[04:35:01] sid: k
[04:35:14] mishehu: such as a hauppage pvr card does mpeg2.
[04:35:25] sid: yea, I live near Hauppauge, NY
[04:35:41] ** kormoc blinks **
[04:36:28] kazer__ (kazer__! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:36:43] sid: hmm, so the front end mi*-?tx would have ir on it, and when you change the channel it would tell the backend the change the channel and the backend would change the channel on the cablebox?
[04:36:45] okily: Could anyone recommend me a good video capture card for Linux? I'm using Fedora Core 6, and I'm fed up with all the ATI related baloney.
[04:36:45] mishehu: kormoc: he's going ot get one hot off the assembly line! oooh wait, they're made in china or something aren't they!
[04:36:54] kormoc: heh, yeah
[04:37:05] kormoc: okily, I'd recommend a pvr 150 or pvr 500
[04:37:20] mishehu: sid: are you in the usa?
[04:37:21] okily: pvr? what brand is that?
[04:37:25] sid: mishehu: yes
[04:37:28] sid: sadly
[04:37:29] kormoc: okily, hauppauge
[04:37:37] mishehu: okily: hauppage pvr is a line of hauppage branded cards
[04:37:42] sid: at least when it comes to electronics/computers
[04:37:58] okily: Does that card have *good* Linux support. I mean with recent kernel changes, all kinds of drivers need to be refactored.
[04:38:17] kormoc: okily, aye, ivtv, great support, most common tv capture card out there right now
[04:38:22] mishehu: okily: I'm using a pvr-250 on 2.6.16.x
[04:38:22] okily: Apparently, the changes are a bit much for Gatos. Which is ATI is no longer an option, I guess.
[04:38:39] sid: mishehu: Scientific Atlantic Explorer 4200
[04:38:55] mishehu: sid: does it have firewire on it?
[04:39:02] sid: mishehu: no, only usb
[04:39:16] kormoc: he doesn't have a hd tv subscription
[04:39:25] okily: I think there were some video hardware changes after 2.6.17 kernel. By looking at the gatos source...
[04:39:54] okily: hauppage – I'll be looking around in the local stores... I'm in Canada btw.
[04:40:12] mishehu: I don't know if any stb's are changeable via a direct usb connection, though that would be pretty nice.
[04:40:26] kormoc: okily, still rather common up there, I'd avoid the pvr 250 and pvr 350's
[04:40:46] kormoc: mishehu, as far as I know, no-one has ever done it
[04:40:53] mishehu: okily: . . . auge+pvr+250
[04:41:08] mishehu: kormoc: probably because the assholes won't release specs on it.
[04:41:20] mishehu: and anyway, not all of them support it.
[04:41:30] mishehu: I don't think my motorola 1700 has it.
[04:41:54] mishehu: though my 6200 does... but it also has ethernet and firewire... one which is completely crippled and one which is only mostly crippled.
[04:42:04] sid: mishehu: You don't think it's a good idea to have the mi*-?tx box do front/back at the same time?
[04:42:21] okily: Ok, how about this hauppauge card: . . . ;catid=20397
[04:42:29] kormoc: sid, I have a mini-atx as my backend/frontend just fine
[04:42:33] mishehu: sid: possibly with a micro atx. not with a mini itx.
[04:42:40] okily: nice and cheap
[04:42:46] mishehu: I do a lot of transcoding though
[04:42:54] okily: I'll I really need is composite video capture.
[04:43:07] kormoc: okily, I'd skip that, it's not a hardware encoding card, so it uses the bttv driver
[04:43:08] mishehu: like I said, mine is only a viewpoint. kormoc disagrees with me ;-)
[04:43:23] sid: kormoc: You mean mini itx?
[04:43:29] mishehu: oh he said mini-atx
[04:43:35] mishehu: not mini-itx
[04:43:39] kormoc: sid, this is exactly why there is no hardware recommendations
[04:43:54] kormoc: hrm, let me peer
[04:44:10] okily: What's this "Works with any PCI or AGP VGA graphics adapter which supports Windows Direct Draw.". Does this mean my other video card needs to support something special?
[04:44:14] mishehu: my hardware recommendations... "make sure it's powerful enough to do what you want it to do how you want it to do it"
[04:44:29] kormoc: okily, it's a software card, it's not that good at all
[04:44:44] sid: microATX (also known as µATX) is a small PC motherboard standard, with a maximum size of 9.6×9.6" (244×244 mm)
[04:44:51] sid: Mini-ITX is a motherboard form factor developed by VIA Technologies. Mini-ITX has similarities to ATX, microATX, FlexATX and BTX form factors, but is significantly smaller – the motherboard dimensions are only 170 mm by 170 mm (6.7 in by 6.7 in).
[04:45:08] mishehu: I'd like to install a mini itx in my car
[04:45:11] degreseven: I am getting random commercial flags where there should be none on some channels. (other channels seem to work fine). I have tried both blank frame detection & logo detection, using strict commerical detection setting. any idea how I can help this?
[04:45:11] sid: So mini-itx is 6.7 x 6.7; and microatx is 9.6x9.6
[04:45:12] mishehu: and put mythtv on it.
[04:45:17] kormoc: sid, whatever this is:
[04:45:31] mishehu: 17cm by 17cm. I don't believe in inches ;-)
[04:45:41] kormoc: degreseven, sure, update the commflag code. it's not perfect yet
[04:45:43] mishehu: if it's from newegg it's micro-atx
[04:45:49] mishehu: newegg doesn't sell mini itx
[04:46:08] mishehu: has some mini itxs.
[04:46:40] sid: kormoc: That looks like a great deal.
[04:46:58] mishehu: bbiab
[04:47:06] okily: but I *can* watch tv on it, using tvtime, or mplayer, right? I'm guess that the mythtv buffs have some experience dealing with software vs hardware video compressors...
[04:47:11] kormoc: sid, the first one they sent me had a bum power supply, died a month later, RMAed it, and the new one works fine. Has worked for over a year now
[04:47:25] sid: kormoc: That is a case/remote and board all in one?
[04:47:37] kormoc: sid, the front planel sorta works. the volumn slider doesn't work, but the display itself does.
[04:47:39] kormoc: sid, aye
[04:47:40] sid: and psu, and ir
[04:48:02] kormoc: sid, I don't use the ir it has, I use a microsoft MCE remote/blaster/keyboard combo, so I don't know if the onboard works or not
[04:48:19] sid: kormoc: How much RAM?
[04:48:21] sid: do you use
[04:48:22] kormoc: sid, onboard audio, lan both work great
[04:48:28] kormoc: sid, 768 megs
[04:48:39] kormoc: ran for awhile with 256, but upgraded it just the other day
[04:48:41] okily: ps. that eagletek box looks sexy.
[04:48:49] sid: kormoc: What cpu did you get?
[04:48:54] sid: yea, this box looks real nice
[04:49:06] kormoc: sid, 2.13 ghz celeron d, cheapest I could get :P
[04:49:43] sid: I wish they had a box like that with amd board, so I might be able to run linuxbios
[04:50:08] kormoc: I have a msi 6200 video card in it, fanless
[04:50:19] okily: check out this mini box: . . . Sku=ULT33117
[04:50:41] sid: kormoc: You using the stock fans/psu? are they loud?
[04:50:59] kormoc: sid, stock, aye. They're a tad louder then I like, but not all that bad.
[04:51:10] kormoc: sid, I don't notice them over the tv at all
[04:52:03] okily: I was actually more opting for this: . . . p;CatId=1508
[04:52:12] okily: it's been around for a while, tested and true.
[04:52:35] Nem^1 is now known as Nem^
[04:55:17] kazer__ (kazer__! has quit (Connection timed out)
[04:55:53] kazer__ (kazer__! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:56:22] sid: kormoc: The volume dial doesn't work?
[04:56:46] kormoc: aye
[04:56:49] kormoc: least, I can't get it to
[05:00:00] sid: If a case has firewire, does the motherboard need to support firewire also? or how does that work?
[05:00:55] kormoc: yeah, the motherboard needs to support firewire as well
[05:01:07] kormoc: the case firewire tends to plug into a firewire header on the mobo
[05:03:12] Dr_willis: or ya can get a soundcard that has firewire. :)
[05:03:33] okily: Is the PVR150 a lot better than the WinTV-Go Plus (both Hauppauge). I'm seeing the PVR150 for $90 CDN.
[05:03:54] juski: yeah... a LOT better
[05:04:38] Dr_willis: I found the PVR150 on sale for $50 after rebates last month.
[05:04:44] Dr_willis: with remote
[05:04:47] kormoc: $50 USD
[05:05:07] Dr_willis: yea usa
[05:05:19] juski (juski! has quit (""time for bed"")
[05:05:41] okily: I refuse to do the rebate thing
[05:05:50] Dr_willis: well aint you special..
[05:05:51] Dr_willis: :)
[05:06:01] Dr_willis: it was $30 instant rebate, $20 mail in.
[05:06:13] sid: kormoc: What is the ir/remote/keyboard combo you got?
[05:06:14] kormoc: I've done rebates before, never received the actual money
[05:06:20] Dr_willis: so $70
[05:06:20] kormoc: sid, Microsoft MCE
[05:06:24] okily: with the exchange rate, $50US is about $60 CDN I guess
[05:06:33] Dr_willis: the MCE version of the card was $100 no rebated
[05:06:49] kormoc:
[05:06:56] okily: I desperate to totally smash this ati all-in-wonderless card to 1,000,000 bits
[05:07:13] okily: ati can go to hell.
[05:07:41] kormoc: sid, . . . aspx?pid=065
[05:07:48] sid: kormoc: Where did you buy it from?
[05:07:56] okily: Canada is always an afterthought.
[05:08:09] sid: as much as I hate Microsoft, that looks like a sweet keyboard/mouse setup
[05:08:42] kormoc: sid, got it part of a package deal from intel, but I'd check newegg and/or
[05:08:43] kormoc: sid,
[05:08:56] darkdrgn2k (darkdrgn2k! has quit ()
[05:09:10] kormoc: it's great hardware, it all works (keyboard, mouse, remote, blaster)
[05:09:12] okily: Is that M$ keyboard not more like a laptop keyboard? It looks cool and all, but can you really type all that well on it?
[05:09:28] kormoc: okily, yeah, took a little to get used to it, but it's not bad on the lap
[05:10:14] okily: no numeric pad, also the pgup pgdown keys are weird. small esc key (vim).
[05:10:20] kormoc: the mouse is the hardest part if you're not used to the style, but it works well enough
[05:10:33] okily: give me my old ibm clicker keyboard any day ;-)
[05:11:03] kormoc: okily, you have two different page up/down keys, one on the left and one on the right
[05:11:06] ** kormoc shrugs **
[05:11:08] okily: I still find the logitech mice the best feel
[05:11:08] SeaWeed: can some 1 Tell me if there is a Way to Just Remove database and build a new 1 Cuase this guide is killing me
[05:11:35] kormoc: okily, if they were wireless, I'd use a normal keyboard, this one is just sweet for a media center :P
[05:11:48] kormoc: SeaWeed, in mysql, DROP DATABASE mythconverg; and then start with the mc.sql import
[05:12:16] okily: I'm *very* picky for keyboard. I can't stand it for instance, when they lay out the keys between the main keyboard area and the keypad differently. It needs to be 3 keys wide, and 2 keys high, below which are the cursor keys.
[05:12:36] okily: *not* 2 keys wide, and 3 keys high, with one of the keys being double height.
[05:12:51] okily: woof what *are* they thinking...
[05:12:58] kormoc: heh, for a desktop, I agree, but for a media center keyboard? I never really use it for anything that uses those keys
[05:13:15] kormoc: just mythbrowser and typing some meta data in now and then
[05:13:42] okily: for a media computer used to capture dv's play tv, record tv, I guess... but wouldn't you want to control everything using a nice snazzy small remote control though?
[05:14:03] kormoc: okily, sure, I have the remote control, but for mythbrowser, a keyboard/mouse is sorta required
[05:14:17] kormoc: okily, and the mce keyboard has the remote keys on the keyboard as well, so it can work as the remote too
[05:15:33] kormoc: keyboard can also control tv power and tv volume too, which is nice
[05:16:14] okily: I guess.
[05:16:34] okily: just wanted to talk you out of buying an M$ product ;-)
[05:16:38] kormoc: hehe
[05:16:52] kormoc: mine came free in a package deal with intel, so I didn't actually buy it :P
[05:17:09] kormoc: but I like it well enough to recommend it to others. The best tool for the job and all
[05:17:34] okily: how about this one, a little more conventional, but still cool:
[05:18:02] kormoc: heh, I like it
[05:18:13] kormoc: I want to get it for my desktop
[05:19:26] okily: the ultimate M$ keyboard:
[05:21:01] okily: The Logitech dinovo is cool: . . . ard_ever/C49
[05:21:23] kazer__ (kazer__! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:22:19] kormoc: okily, aye, that's a nice one, just a tad pricy
[05:22:39] ahhdem (ahhdem! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:23:54] lwizardl (lwizardl!n=1@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:24:10] lwizardl: Hi
[05:24:52] lwizardl: I remember someone was trying to get mythtv to be reconized by a xbox360. Did they make any progress ?
[05:26:11] okily: How about the WinTV-HVR-950, usb solution
[05:26:32] kormoc: you'd need to google to see if it's supported or not
[05:26:36] ahhdem:
[05:26:37] okily: does that work well with Linux? I'd be able to take that one with me and connect it to my Inspiron 9400
[05:27:37] kormoc: you'd need to google to see
[05:27:49] koffein__ (koffein__! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:30:33] okily: boy would all this hardware stuff be so much simpler if all devices talk through something like an ethernet protocol.
[05:30:53] okily: A video capture card (or box) that you just connect a network cable into.
[05:30:55] sid: kormoc: . . . 2Ejpg&Cu
[05:30:58] sid: Is that your keyboard kormoc?
[05:31:13] okily: and a sound device with a network interface.
[05:31:33] kormoc: sid, aye
[05:31:34] okily: one could troubleshoot using ethereal/wireshark
[05:32:26] okily: You'd have to scratch off the M$ logo ofcourse
[05:32:52] sid: kormoc: And the mouse is the nub on the top right?
[05:32:58] sid: like a thinkpad laptop nub?
[05:33:01] kormoc: aye
[05:33:58] sid: deciding on the board/cpu is so hard. heh
[05:34:09] sid: the newegg reviews are throwing me off too
[05:36:22] okily: anyway, I'm off. Thanks for the tip on the hauppauge (mishehu). Sorry for the ranting. I'll be back when I get to the mythtv thing.
[05:37:28] okily: and good luck to the alsa thing.
[05:37:34] okily (okily! has quit ("Leaving")
[05:41:13] koffein_ (koffein_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:51:53] sid:
[05:52:24] sid: Is that a decent micro atx psu? Will 200 watts be enough to power the capture card/video card/two hdds/dvdrw drive?
[05:55:57] sid: kormoc: So your system runs good and isn't very sluggish?
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[06:01:22] sid:
[06:01:27] sid: damn, that is expensive, heh.
[06:03:05] sid: kormoc: Do the volume buttons worK?
[06:03:13] kormoc: nope
[06:05:16] sid: kormoc: What about the other buttons on the left?
[06:05:25] kormoc: they control the displays
[06:05:37] kormoc: set the time, show fan speeds, show case temps
[06:05:51] sid: kormoc: What cpu did you put in it?
[06:06:02] kormoc: 2.13 ghz celeron d
[06:09:22] defaultro: evening folks
[06:13:55] russK (russK! has quit ("See ya!")
[06:16:54] czth (czth!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-3aca0ef1d5559d52) has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:28:25] ahhdem (ahhdem! has quit ("leaving")
[06:30:27] Bogus8: If I watch tv and then back out... it records and keeps recording even after I exit out... filled up my 40gig half way before giving an error
[06:31:57] czth_ (czth_!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-02298b1341787691) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:43:22] sid: kormoc: But the stock remote that came with the case works right?(and the stock case comes with board + PSU? )
[06:43:42] kormoc: sid, donno, never used the stock remote, and yes, it comes with a board + psu
[06:43:49] czth (czth!i=dbrobins@nat/microsoft/x-3aca0ef1d5559d52) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:47:43] sid: kormoc: It only has one PCI slot?
[06:47:50] kormoc: aye
[06:47:53] sid: What did you do for capture/video out card?
[06:48:06] kormoc: it has an agp slot too
[06:50:37] lowone: x axis, over scan adjustment.. is it normal i can see the extra info on screen and past (left and right sides) what my tv cuts off from normal stream is darker.. but there is content.. so it looks kinda funny 2 darker bars of video content not normaly seen.. :/ playing with the gui adjustments but it does seem to be affecting anything
[06:50:44] sid: kormoc: Are you using s-video out on the 6200?
[06:50:55] kormoc: aye
[06:51:31] sid: kormoc: My tv doesn't have s-video in, you think a s-video to composite cable convertor would work?
[06:52:17] kormoc: my 6200 also has composite out
[06:53:49] sid: that one?
[06:54:26] sid: kormoc: You know the model # for your video card?
[06:55:21] kormoc: they don't have it on there anymore, but it was a msi 6200 agp fanless
[06:56:30] sid: I'm on the last thing to buy, the video card, and my tv out have coaxial input and composite input
[06:56:46] sid: kormoc: If you were making another system, and you wanted a decent cheap video card..which would you buy from
[06:57:37] kormoc: that asus looks good
[07:03:52] kormoc: sid, looks good to me over a quick glance
[07:04:30] ** mishehu bahs. **
[07:05:04] sid: mishehu: no good?
[07:05:55] mishehu: sid: I just bah randomly. it's my trademark
[07:06:05] kormoc: he's part sheep you see
[07:06:07] mishehu: I have no comment on the card as I didn't look at it even.
[07:06:11] mishehu: kormoc: not sheep.
[07:06:18] mishehu: you need to /whois me.
[07:06:21] kormoc: goat?
[07:06:29] kormoc: heh
[07:06:33] mishehu: heh yep
[07:06:35] mishehu: baaaaah
[07:13:43] fysa (fysa! has quit ("Leaving")
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[07:16:46] mishehu: I wish I wasn't so particular about my transcoding... it'd be done a lot faster without such high quality settings!
[07:18:09] sid: kormoc: That 250 watt PSU can power a dvdrw drive, and the two cards, the mobo/cpu and the hard disk with no problems?
[07:18:21] kormoc: is for me so far, aye
[07:19:30] mishehu: most likely with an irblaster
[07:21:30] kormoc: sid, the mce remote package also is a ir blaster, I use that to control my dish setup
[07:26:31] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("Leaving.")
[07:31:21] Paladine: naaah forget IR, get USB>RF it rocks :)
[07:31:35] kormoc: Paladine, to control a set top box?
[07:31:47] Paladine: yeah I got one and it rocks
[07:31:51] kormoc: but how?
[07:31:57] kormoc: my set top box only takes ir
[07:31:58] Paladine: depends on your set top box
[07:32:02] Paladine: here in the UK we use sky
[07:32:16] Paladine: and the rf2 port can be used for control codes
[07:32:18] kormoc: but he's in the us as well and doesn't have a box that accepts rf :P
[07:32:35] Paladine: oh well I never realised that, I just got here ;)
[07:33:07] Paladine: I was just taking the opportunity to show off my shiney black usb>rf controller box :)
[07:33:17] Paladine: cos it is pretty damn sweet :)
[07:33:23] kormoc: ooh, it's shiny? I didn't notice...
[07:33:32] ** kormoc peers at the (shiny) thing-a-ma-jig **
[07:33:33] Paladine: yeah shiney with a red LED :)
[07:33:45] Paladine: and the LED blinks when you send a command :)
[07:33:59] kormoc: Aye, mine does as well, to show that it's working properly
[07:34:18] Paladine: so glad I bought it
[07:34:22] Paladine: cost me like 65 bucks
[07:34:26] Paladine: but saved me a lot of lirc hassles
[07:36:03] kormoc: heh, my lirc receiver is the same device as the blaster, so it was dirt simple
[07:36:27] Paladine: I have an MCE receiver/blaster, but I couldn't get it to work with lirc
[07:36:41] Paladine: then I made my own blaster but it was ghetto and I wanted something prettier
[07:36:49] kormoc: you just need lirc 0.8.1 for the blaster to work
[07:42:17] lowone: anyone know what its called/docs/where to look for the following problem: some channels = perfect, other channels are choppy/bad (video, sound is perfect on all channels)
[07:42:56] Paladine: sounds like you need to fine tune some of the channels
[07:43:24] Paladine: I think you can only do that in mythtv-setup
[07:43:46] kormoc: uhh
[07:43:57] lowone: how does one 'fine tune' them? or what do i search for in the docs?
[07:44:03] kormoc: if the video and sound are fine, but the stream is choppy, it's not a tuning issue
[07:44:17] kormoc: lowone, does dmesg have any output related to the card?
[07:44:53] lowone: nothing new in dmesg since last boot
[07:45:08] lowone: hmm well
[07:45:22] lowone: i get this message.. at boot time so maybe its to blame?
[07:45:54] lowone: ivtv1: Autodetected WinTV PVR 500 (unit #2)
[07:45:55] lowone: ivtv1: Encoder revision: 0x02060039
[07:45:55] lowone: ivtv1 warning: Encoder Firmware can be buggy, use version 0x02040011, 0x02040024 or 0x02050032.
[07:46:03] lowone: (same for unit #1)
[07:46:17] kormoc: well, you could try using the version of the firmware they recommend
[07:46:24] Paladine: hehe
[07:46:48] lowone: where do i find those versions?
[07:46:56] Paladine: ivtv website
[07:46:58] kormoc: ivtv's website?
[07:47:24] lowone: when i set it up i just grabbed the newest ones on haupage's site.. ivtv's docs pointed to them..
[07:47:43] lowone: must poke around haupage for older drivers hmm
[07:48:25] Paladine: go straight to the source as in ivtv's website
[07:51:31] Paladine:
[07:51:38] lowone: meh nvm i am retarded ;)
[07:51:43] lowone: ya i just saw that
[07:52:00] lowone: i for w/e reason kept following the lines below for manualy getting the firmware
[07:53:05] supertux: how come the volume has to be turned way up when im in mythtv
[07:53:39] supertux: i have to almost max out the volume on the TV to have a decent volume
[07:54:18] supertux: of course when i switch to a different input i have to turn everything way down
[07:57:05] tafryn: where can one find the lirc_pvr150 module sources?
[07:57:23] kormoc: lirc's website?
[07:57:45] tafryn: I'm looking in the source now and the stock 0.8.0 doesn't appear to have it
[07:57:54] tafryn: any other ideas?
[07:58:58] cesman: tafryn: if I remember correctly
[07:59:34] cesman:
[08:06:07] tafryn: cesman: Thanks I found it, but ./configure is giving me 'dialog not found!'
[08:06:23] tafryn: any idea what I need to do to fix that?
[08:06:32] cesman: install dialog
[08:06:40] tafryn: ah
[08:06:45] cesman: which disto are you using?
[08:06:48] tafryn: ubuntu
[08:07:00] tafryn: indeed
[08:07:21] tafryn: feel free to flame me into oblivian on that one. I deserve it. :-(
[08:07:33] Paladine: nothing wrong with ubuntu
[08:07:36] cesman: no flame needed
[08:07:38] cesman: :)
[08:08:20] tafryn: oh, not for using Ubuntu, Ubuntu rocks, for not realizing that 'dialog not found' means I need to install dialog
[08:08:36] Paladine: oh hehehe
[08:09:31] scott_: can anyone think of why when I start mythfrontend for the first time on ubuntu from compiling from source it doesn't start, just gives me database errors and never brings up the "select location of database setup screen"
[08:10:21] Paladine: did you do mythtv-setup and check all the settings?
[08:10:32] cesman: ubuntu may rock for many things, but the comments/request for help i've seen over the past week in here would lead me to believe it doesn't rock for mythtv
[08:11:23] Paladine: cesman, I will agree there, the package for ubu has its problems, but I always check out from svn and have never had problems
[08:11:27] scott_: Paladine: same thing, I did an strace and got some interesting errors, no clue.. compiles without error but it's not happy about something
[08:11:48] Paladine: scott, you have setup the mysql database for it right?
[08:12:15] scott_: yeah, let me get the strace error messages posted on pastebin
[08:13:13] Paladine: cesman, and the new ivtv package for ubu rocks, makes setup very simple now
[08:13:33] Paladine: no arsing around recompiling ivtv everytime you upgrade your kernel anymore
[08:13:37] scott_: those are the errors i'm getting whenever I try to start mythtv-setup or mythfrontend
[08:13:41] cesman: perhaps one day it will be as simple as KnoppMyth ;)
[08:13:57] Paladine: knoppmyth is not perfect ;)
[08:14:14] cesman: no, not saying it is
[08:14:20] Paladine: I was trying the channel script from the knoppmyth wiki site the other day and it errored
[08:14:38] Paladine: although I was able to use it to write my own, so it was helpful :)
[08:14:48] cesman: a script from the wiki isn't knoppmyth
[08:15:15] cesman: that would be like me saying something from the mythtv wiki is wrong so it must be a mythtv problem
[08:15:32] Paladine: hey now no need to get defensive :) just having a bit of friendly banter :)
[08:16:15] Paladine: :p
[08:16:15] cesman: not getting defensive, you example is just flawed
[08:16:16] cesman: now, the question is did you update the wiki?
[08:17:04] Paladine: no, I don't use knoppmyth and my script was pretty unique for my own purpose by time I finished it
[08:17:17] Paladine: plus it was written in tcl
[08:17:17] cesman: ahhh
[08:17:47] cesman: goes to prove my point further that your example is flawed ;)
[08:17:48] cesman: lol
[08:19:00] Paladine: I find tcl easier to manipulate strings than bash scripting :p
[08:19:34] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A! has left #mythtv-users ()
[08:20:36] Paladine: but like I said, I did find your script a useful tool, I grabbed the mysql insert commandfrom it, savedme having to describe the table :)
[08:21:00] tafryn: it works when I tell knoppmyth to do it
[08:21:00] tafryn: what am I doing wrong
[08:21:30] tafryn: in knoppmyth there is a /dev/lirc0 but not in Ubuntu
[08:24:43] cesman: use KnoppMyth ;)
[08:25:05] cesman: Paladine: I wrote none of the scripts on the wiki
[08:25:05] Paladine: cesman, thats the script if you are interested. It populates the channels table in mythconverg from a file and writes the xmltv config file at the same time. Nothing special but saved me a helluva lot of work :)
[08:25:06] tafryn: Sorry, but that doesn't cut it, I need the Ubuntu
[08:25:26] Paladine: cesman, I meant you as in knoppmyth people, not you personally
[08:25:50] lowone: well switching firmwares significantly improved the problem, but didnt entierly fix it
[08:25:56] cesman: tafryn: I'm always intested in improving KnoppMyth
[08:26:10] cesman: mind telling me why "it doesn't cut it"?
[08:26:53] tafryn: It isn't my box, I'm just adding mythtv to it.
[08:27:42] cesman: so, the person whats a "desktop" as well as MythTV?
[08:27:49] tafryn: yeah
[08:28:53] tafryn: if knoppmyth can do it, I should be able to do it as well
[08:29:00] tafryn: I just don't know what it's doing to make it work
[08:29:07] cesman: so, since KnoppMyth is meant to be a PVR and a PVR only, it wouldn't cut for that task, not that doesn't cut it
[08:29:26] tafryn: oh, yeah, KnoppMyth itself is great
[08:29:52] cesman: BTW: w/ R5E50, so should be able to install anything that one would install w/ Debian Sid
[08:31:36] cesman: so tafryn where are you at w/ LIRC?
[08:32:04] cesman: I don't use the 150's remote but I may be able to help...
[08:33:23] tafryn: I picked up a pvr150 mce,
[08:33:28] tafryn: it came with a remote
[08:33:38] tafryn: I'm setting up mythtv and I want the remote to work
[08:34:04] tafryn: I've gotten it to work using KnoppMyth, but the box needs to have Ubuntu on it
[08:34:34] tafryn: I went and picked up the patched lirc sources from blushingpenguin and have compiled and installed them
[08:35:00] cesman: right, I got ya...
[08:35:03] tafryn: the usb ir-receiver that came with the pvr150 is plugged in and the lirc_pvr150, lirc_dev modules load correctly
[08:35:18] tafryn: but they don't seem to find the device, or set up /dev/lirc0
[08:35:20] cesman: process should be very similar on both
[08:35:37] cesman: ahh, so this is the usb module
[08:35:52] cesman: I've not worked w/ that...
[08:36:04] cesman: did you have lirc installed via debs?
[08:36:25] tafryn: no
[08:36:28] cesman: is do, /etc/lirc/hardware.conf may need tweaking
[08:36:33] cesman: s/do/so
[08:36:38] cesman: ok
[08:36:45] tafryn: I'm working from
[08:37:06] Anduin: I thought the USB one was MCE
[08:38:36] tafryn: is it?
[08:40:46] tafryn: ok... I rebooted and now the modules aren't loading
[08:40:57] tafryn: it's giving me 'Invalid module format'
[08:43:02] Anduin: tafryn: Does your remote have a green button in the middle?
[08:43:35] cesman: tafryn: dmesg for greater details (hopfully)
[08:44:00] tafryn: Anduin: it does
[08:44:24] tafryn: picture
[08:44:40] Anduin: tafryn: Yeah that is the MCE kit version
[08:44:40] tafryn: yup, that's the one
[08:46:53] tafryn: so which driver does it use?
[08:47:49] Anduin: tafryn: what is the device id (lsusb)
[08:48:09] tafryn: 1784:0001
[08:48:42] Anduin: tafryn: lirc_mceusb2
[08:48:49] tafryn: I'll give that a shot
[08:49:11] tafryn: on another note, after I rebooted all of the modules I previously had working (ivtv, lirc_dev, etc) now don't load
[08:50:16] Anduin: tafryn: any chance you booted with a different kernel?
[08:50:21] tafryn: ah, it appears there was... exactly
[08:56:25] tafryn: Anduin: how did you turn the id into a driver designation?
[08:56:54] Anduin: tafryn: with grep
[08:57:18] tafryn: and what, pray tell, were the arguments you passed to grep
[08:57:33] Anduin: tafryn: grep 1784 *.c
[08:57:47] tafryn: in what directory?
[08:58:11] Anduin: tafryn: the lirc_mceusb2 directory in the lirc/drivers directory
[08:58:36] Anduin: (it was more to confirm, the base lirc_mceusb module only supports one device)
[09:01:10] tafryn: which is not the device I have?
[09:01:49] Anduin: you have an lirc_mceusb2 (most of the MCE USB devices use this driver)
[09:05:57] tafryn: Tafryn Wins!
[09:06:51] tafryn: Anduin: do you happen to know which lircd.conf goes with that remote as well?
[09:09:45] Anduin: tafryn: I don't know for certain, I know lirc has one in remotes/mceusb
[09:10:49] at0m|c (at0m|c! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:16:44] kormoc: tafryn,
[09:16:48] kormoc: tafryn, that's the one I use
[09:17:33] kormoc: tafryn, . . . mple.mceusb2
[09:17:48] kormoc: tafryn, and that's the example lircrc for myth for that remote
[09:21:24] ldam (ldam! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:21:41] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:23:17] tafryn: kormoc: where does that lircrc go?
[09:23:29] kormoc: tafryn, ~/.mythtv/lircrc
[09:23:59] tafryn: is there a system wide location?
[09:24:19] kormoc: sadly, not
[09:25:27] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:37:19] tafryn: so now that I've got lirc installed and working how do I get it to run when a normal user logs in?
[09:40:42] ldam (ldam! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:45:22] Hoxzer: almost all irc guides explain you that
[09:45:28] Hoxzer: check knoppmythwiki
[09:46:10] noddan_ (noddan_! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:46:15] tafryn: got it
[09:46:54] tafryn: ok, next question: The guide button isn't working while I'm watching livetv, does anyone know why?
[09:49:19] xris (xris! has quit ("Leaving.")
[09:53:31] tafryn: it says that I need to change some of the MythTv key bindings, where do I do that?
[09:55:15] RockClimber: when building a myth box would you go for low rpm hdd (say 5400) to cut heat or 10k rpm to speed up access times?
[09:57:53] RockClimber: and secondly – what's the nicest analogue output scart on the vga output or something else?
[09:57:56] LLyric: don't worry about the access time. buy the quietest you can.
[09:58:05] RockClimber: LLyric, thanks
[09:58:18] LLyric: any disk is heaps fast enough for mythtv
[09:58:43] tafryn: are all the mythTV keybindings in a file somewhere?
[09:58:50] LLyric: for analogue out, I use the s-video port on my nvidia card, seems to work fine.
[09:59:09] LLyric: tafryn: configurable in mythfrontend itself
[09:59:16] noddan (noddan! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:59:23] tafryn: LLyric: through what menu sequence?
[09:59:35] RockClimber: LLyric, does that give you as good an image as say a DVD to TV using scart?
[10:00:18] RockClimber: because I was thinking of hooking up a TV to the scart using custom xorg settings to give the right output – saw a web page about it once
[10:00:21] LLyric: tafryn: it depends how your frontend is configured, there are several menu schemes. Look for something like: utils->setup->appearance??->key bindings
[10:00:48] LLyric: RockClimber: if it's analogue, just use PAL/NTSC resolution. most video drivers you can just say that's what you need.
[10:01:35] RockClimber: wasn't really asking that – s-video compresses info by putting rgb into two channels, wondered how it compared about sending component RGB over scart from a vga out?
[10:01:50] LLyric: RockClimber: scart is just a bunch of composite connections in a convenient plug
[10:02:03] LLyric: depends on your scart config
[10:02:09] LLyric: RGB is better than s-video, yes
[10:02:31] tafryn: LLyric: I'm not seeing it in anywhere in appearance. Am I doing something wrong?
[10:02:45] LLyric: tafryn: I have no idea, just keep looking around there.
[10:02:56] LLyric: My video card has a component video (RGB) breakout, but I never got it working all that well with my stinky tv.
[10:03:48] RockClimber: it's tricky I think some proprietry drivers don't support interlaced output on VGA / RGB
[10:07:07] tafryn: I'm just not seeing anywhere to change the keybindings in mythfrontend. Is there some other place it can be done?
[10:07:40] LLyric: in the database I suppose
[10:08:32] LLyric: or recent mythweb
[10:14:31] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : -v jams
[10:30:36] tafryn: Is there a way to go from viewing the guide to watching the channel currently selected in the guide
[10:59:25] The_Ball: is there a "sound theme" form myth tv, so that actions/commands can give feedback via sounds?
[10:59:57] null: Is there any setting that controls the behaviour of fast forward? I'd like to make the frontend _not_ decode the whole video, because that eats so much cpu and generates high network traffic, that my frontend cannot handle.
[11:00:20] kormoc: null, you can edit the code
[11:00:32] kormoc: The_Ball, nope, but it'd be great if you could do one
[11:00:45] null: kormoc: I think there is a setting for this, but I don't know the name (it's in the mysql db somewhere)
[11:01:17] [1]Jack3 ([1]Jack3! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:02:04] kormoc: null, I don't see it, I would imagine it'd be in the mythconverg.settings table
[11:02:08] The_Ball: kormoc, that is a project i might be able to do
[11:02:39] kormoc: null, ooh! try SmartForward?
[11:02:55] kormoc: null, UPDATE settings SET data = 1 WHERE value = 'SmartForward'; perhaps?
[11:03:14] null: hm i'll to some research :)
[11:03:47] kormoc: null, if you figure it out, might want to toss it on the wiki :P
[11:03:52] null: jip
[11:07:58] Jack3 (Jack3! has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[11:07:58] [1]Jack3 is now known as Jack3
[11:22:02] juski (juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:22:13] x86 (x86!n=x86@p3m/member/x86) has joined #mythtv-users
[11:22:24] x86: is knoppmyth easy to install?
[11:22:35] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v juski
[11:22:42] x86: i tried installing mythtv stand-alone on my gentoo box, but it's a total PITA
[11:23:07] juski: morning
[11:23:10] x86: morn
[11:23:13] juski: gentoo isn't for complete noobs
[11:23:26] juski: neither is ubuntu when it comes to installing mythtv
[11:23:33] x86: yeah, i know... i'm one of the original 5 guys that started the gentoo project ;)
[11:23:55] juski: what? you know gentoo that well & had trouble?
[11:24:05] ** kormoc blinks **
[11:24:19] x86: yeah, mainly with mythtv and mysql integration
[11:24:24] ** kormoc double blinks **
[11:24:29] x86: could never get it to connect and what not
[11:24:43] juski: did you ever read the gentoo mythtv wiki pages?
[11:24:43] x86: i'm more of a server guy :)
[11:24:46] ** kormoc triple blinks. **
[11:27:39] x86: juski: no heh
[11:27:40] kormoc: x86, and mysql isn't server stuff?
[11:27:40] x86: kormoc: mysql wasnt the problem ;)
[11:27:43] juski: you're either not who you say you are or else you really must have skipped reading the docs IMHO
[11:27:44] ** kormoc quad blinks **
[11:27:45] lowone: record question: how do i setup a custom record to grab all episodes of a show that havent been recorded already?
[11:27:48] x86: juski: i just admitted to skipping over the docs ;)
[11:27:49] juski: x86: then you'll have trouble with any mythtv installation then
[11:27:49] x86: juski: hehe
[11:27:49] kormoc: x86, there's only one place to type the mysql info and it ASKS you for it
[11:27:49] ** kormoc blinks **
[11:27:49] x86: kormoc: right, then it segfaults ;)
[11:27:49] x86: lol
[11:27:49] kormoc: that's not really a mysql + myth intigration issue...
[11:27:50] ** x86 thinks kormoc must have an eyelash in his eye **
[11:27:50] x86: probably not entirely, no
[11:27:50] ollekalle (ollekalle! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:27:51] x86: i'm having problems with X and all kinds of stuff too, i'm not passing the blame on mythtv by any means
[11:27:52] x86: i'm just not a desktop linux kind of guy hehe
[11:27:52] kormoc: given your background as a kernel developer, you should be able to debug via gdb
[11:27:53] x86: who said anything about kernel developing?
[11:27:57] kormoc: you said you were one of the first 5 gentoo guys, right?
[11:28:02] x86: right
[11:28:20] kormoc: According to Mr. DR, they were all kernel devs
[11:28:20] ** x86 blinks **
[11:28:29] x86: no, we werent ;)
[11:28:29] kormoc: hence the dev style build system
[11:28:37] juski: I was a complete linux noob. over the course of a couple of weeks' worth of late nights I 1. installed gentoo 2. patched the 2.6.9 kernel to get modules for my dvb-t tuner card 3. stopped using mixed versions of mythtv ebuilds (0.14 & 0.15) & succeeded in installing mythtv 0.16
[11:29:06] juski: anyway. it's not that hard for a moderately clever person to do
[11:29:16] x86: kormoc: daniel, bm, ninja, me, and another guy....
[11:29:19] kormoc: x86, Well, Mr. DR disagrees with you when he gives talks on the history of Gentoo...
[11:29:34] x86: kormoc: i was more involved with the package management system at that time
[11:29:49] juski: and unless you were the bloke whose contribution to a linux distro has only been a bootsplash graphic....
[11:29:53] x86: kormoc: bm and I pretty much engineered it
[11:29:59] juski: should be a walk in the park :)
[11:30:18] kormoc: and yet, you have issues with the distro...
[11:30:26] x86: kormoc: that was back in the Enoch GNU/Linux days, before we all left, and daniel ressurected it as Gentoo ;)
[11:30:54] x86: kormoc: i have problems with X and desktop linux in general, sure
[11:30:55] juski: anyway x86 knoppmyth is easy but it's still not a mind-reader. you still need to make informed choices when the installer asks you questions
[11:31:19] x86: juski: well sure, but i'm mainly just looking to see if it's a stable solution that will work
[11:31:30] juski: YMMV with any distro
[11:31:45] x86: true
[11:32:33] x86: kormoc: if you ever get a chance to talk to daniel in person, ask him about Bryce Porter
[11:32:39] x86: kormoc: he'll tell you about me :)
[11:33:24] kormoc: x86, we talk every few months. We travel a lot of the same tradeshow circles, I will be certain to ask
[11:33:51] x86: kormoc: just because you know how to tweak an engine and perhaps change out a transmission does NOT mean you'll win a nascar race ;)
[11:34:22] x86: kormoc: tell him i said hi too... been a while since we've talked
[11:34:33] x86: i should snail mail him a letter heh
[11:34:55] kormoc: it's more just people who never used linux before pick up gentoo and get myth working on it within a week or so, given most of the crap is automated
[11:35:13] x86: kormoc: sure, it all emerged perfectly fine...
[11:35:35] x86: kormoc: but i just had issues with it heh
[11:35:40] x86: could be my hardware, i dunno
[11:35:48] ** kormoc shrugs **
[11:37:16] juski: rips in time, bringing dinosoars into the modern day world. oh gawd
[11:37:28] x86: lol
[11:37:42] x86: bbl, gonna install knoppmyth :)
[11:37:47] x86: wish me luck lol
[11:37:54] x86 (x86!n=x86@p3m/member/x86) has quit ("bbl")
[11:38:13] juski: didn't even get the chance to shout "read the docs"
[11:38:23] kormoc: I donno what I'll do if he actually did design portage
[11:38:39] kormoc: I might be forced to switch distros... :P
[11:38:57] juski: haha I was thinking that
[11:39:23] juski: oh wait I already switched from gentoo didn't I.. ah well
[11:39:51] juski: notched up another day's uptime on my backend. this is a record now.. 8 days
[11:39:59] kormoc: heh, nice
[11:40:00] juski: a record for this install anyway
[11:40:30] wireddd (wireddd! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:40:44] juski: I can see me switching to jams' distro when it's all cut & dried
[11:41:23] nuonguy (nuonguy! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:41:31] juski: I liked what I saw of the test iso I tried.. no infact I loved it
[11:41:38] kormoc: nifty :)
[11:43:14] juski: you can reconfigure the backend with the UI
[11:44:29] juski: enable mythweb with a checkbox.. that's my kind of configuration
[11:45:03] juski: not that I don't know how to do that kind of thing all by myself, just very handy not to have to
[11:45:53] wireddd: the backend + frontend bearly fit into 256mb of ram
[11:47:17] juski: boo hoo?
[11:47:52] juski: if you're using 'free' to determine that, everything you run will 'bearly fit' (sic)
[11:48:40] wireddd: no it swaps, but just slightly
[11:48:51] juski: slight swapping is ok
[11:49:06] juski: maybe use a more memory efficient theme
[11:49:15] wireddd: I had to get rid of the window manager
[11:49:25] juski: some of the (shall we say...) prettier ones use a lot more ram than others
[11:49:49] wireddd: if it works ok, I am not going to complain
[11:49:59] juski: so why did you complain?
[11:50:10] wireddd: I didn't
[11:51:44] juski: anyway you can get mythfrontend to use less memory by trying different themes
[11:52:26] juski: Ilius is one of the better looking low ram usage ones
[11:52:28] juski: IMHO
[11:53:53] wireddd: it seems to be doing ok, if I could just get xorg to not use so much I would be all set :)
[11:54:43] juski: are you using _no_ window manager now? just if you are & you ever launch external apps like mplayer, xine or ogle you'll be in for some lost-focus fun
[11:55:36] wireddd: xinit /bin/su wired -c "export DISPLAY=:0 && /usr/bin/mythfrontend"
[11:55:39] wireddd: :P
[11:56:58] wireddd: I won't, I only use myth for tv, I use xbmc for watching videos
[12:00:36] juski: noisy :)
[12:01:05] wireddd: what is?
[12:01:20] wireddd: an xbox?
[12:02:25] kormoc: Aye, they are noisy
[12:03:00] wireddd: I replaced all of the fans
[12:03:08] juski: I've heard quieter hair dryers than my xbox
[12:03:21] juski: all the fans? there's only one :)
[12:03:32] wireddd: there are two in mine
[12:03:51] juski: never heard of an xbox having 2
[12:04:53] wireddd: I have a v1.0 it has a fan on the gpu
[12:05:11] juski: oof.
[12:12:46] kormoc: Christ, I should go to bed
[12:14:11] wireddd: you'll have to msg him, he isn't in any channels
[12:14:44] kormoc (kormoc! has quit ()
[12:31:42] Notorious- (Notorious-! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:34:35] LLyric (LLyric! has quit ("Leaving")
[12:35:06] lucas123 (lucas123! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:35:41] lucas123: hey. I'm hoping someone can give me a pointer on where to start investigating why my mythbox locks up frequently...
[12:36:05] lucas123: temperatures look very okay, and it seems to always happen when a ivtv card is recording.
[12:36:21] jduggan: any errors in syslog?
[12:36:31] juski: could be your kernel having pre-emptive wossnames... been reports of that lately IIRC
[12:37:00] jduggan: spinlocks?
[12:37:41] lucas123: jduggan, by syslog you mean /var/log/messages right? I see no indication of a problem.. everything looks nice, and the next thing is the output of the booting kernel
[12:37:57] jduggan: lucas123: would depend on how your syslog is setup
[12:38:12] jduggan: /var/log/messages may not get any kernel related errors
[12:38:28] jduggan: also check /var/log/kern(el).log and /var/log/syslog
[12:39:31] lucas123: hmm, I have neither of those. (running gentoo btw).. /etc/init.d/syslog-ng status shows that syslog-ng is running thouhg
[12:40:57] lucas123: are there often kernel messages that can indicate the source of the problem right before a lockup? I guess the thing to do is find out how to configure my system so that I get all kernel messages, not only those in /var/log/messages
[12:42:16] Notorious (Notorious! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:56:29] daviey|asleep: Do any of you guys use a separate wireless keyboard, if so; what one do you recommend?
[12:56:33] daviey|asleep is now known as daviey
[12:57:31] ollekalle (ollekalle! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:03:47] daviey: jams, are you here?
[13:06:33] juski: this logo animation is coming along nicely
[13:07:43] bmsleight (bmsleight! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:09:11] daviey: what logo animation?
[13:09:53] juski: what might become a new dvd intro
[13:10:31] daviey: oh nice.... will it advetise mythtv or be generic?
[13:11:23] juski: using the text from the mythtv logo...
[13:11:37] MaaxNixx (MaaxNixx! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:12:55] ldam (ldam! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:13:11] ldam (ldam! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:33:44] cornell: Looking for a recommendation... I seek a PC case, looks like a stereo component, for use in the living room, preferably either with an LCD display, or the option to add one. Any ideas?
[13:37:21] FrOsTiEsZeR (FrOsTiEsZeR!i=neotrix@ has quit ("- seul le pape taidera a te faire du bien : KingOFdebiliTY -orecherchez " le pape " dans gogole")
[13:37:50] kazer__ (kazer__! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:42:45] S2- (S2-!n=s2@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[13:47:24] S2 (S2!n=s2@ has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[13:47:44] S2- is now known as S2
[13:53:25] S2: cornell, look at the silverstone cases
[13:53:33] S2: they are expensive but look cool
[13:54:39] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:55:21] cornell: I was hoping for "cheap but look cool" :-)
[13:55:33] cornell: But Silverstone cases are good?
[13:57:26] juski: you don't get cheap & good
[13:57:28] S2: yes
[13:57:33] juski: plastic won't cut it
[13:57:54] cornell: No, plastic, but I was hoping to stay under $200, with power supply
[13:58:10] juski: on the cheap side of things there's the hipermedia case, but good luck populating that with useful innards
[13:58:31] juski: silverstone cases aren't that expensive for what you get
[13:58:33] S2: cornell, cheap but cool...uhm... where do you live? if in eu then you could have a look at they have some nice cases.
[13:58:57] juski: lol
[13:59:05] cornell: US
[13:59:11] kazer__ (kazer__! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:59:16] juski: you could always do what I did
[13:59:17] S2: cornell, oh, atx. ok. i was more on the mini-itx side
[13:59:33] cornell: What'd you do, juski?
[13:59:35] juski: then have a nice silent diskless frontend
[14:01:04] cornell: I'd originally planned on a frontend, like a converted xbox, but now I'm thinking that my second machine should be a slave. And hence, I'm thinking of an "attractive" slave box.
[14:01:35] kazer__ (kazer__! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:02:51] juski: xbox might be way too noisy & ugly
[14:02:59] daviey: juski, what case do you have as a frontend?
[14:03:01] juski: and slow
[14:03:05] juski: silverstone lc02
[14:03:08] cornell: A bit noisy yes.
[14:03:24] juski: or summink
[14:03:32] S2: cornell, go look at the silversone cases. mine was at about 180 euros
[14:03:48] daviey: juski, do you netboot?
[14:05:21] juski: daviey: yup
[14:05:34] cornell: Thanks, S2, I'll check them out, thanks.
[14:05:59] daviey: for over a year now i have had a beige tower as a frontend. Thought about doing it 'properly' but i'm a skinflint
[14:07:04] S2: i would like to do that as wenn, but i have no place where to put the backend... i live in a small aparment :(
[14:07:12] juski: I wouldn't let a beige tower anywhere near my livingroom let alone my wife
[14:07:34] S2: juski, sounds cool. do you have pictures of your liing room?
[14:07:43] juski: I do have some somewhere
[14:08:13] daviey: i have it in a closed tv cabinet, and i disabled the power button so she can't switch it off, unless she uses the remote ;)
[14:09:38] S2: did you disable the poweplug too? :)
[14:10:13] daviey: no, she found that once
[14:10:30] daviey: so i locked her in the cellar for a week
[14:10:42] juski:
[14:10:49] juski: awful pic but you get the idea
[14:10:59] daviey: i quite like the LC18 with built in, touchscreen lcd, put not sure how useful it would be
[14:11:36] juski: daviey: prolly not useful at all
[14:12:05] cornell: Thanks guys, catch y'all later
[14:12:08] cornell (cornell! has left #mythtv-users ()
[14:12:24] juski: elonex have been making some nice htpc cases.. or one
[14:13:23] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:13:24] Gumby_ (Gumby_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:13:51] daviey: juski, i assumed it would have some built in graphics card for it. I guess not. i was hoping for a separate display
[14:14:30] daviey: juski, can i ask what you use your T-Online S100 box for?
[14:16:19] Gumby_ (Gumby_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:16:59] juski: nothing right now
[14:17:16] juski: and though is back, the s100 hacking pages are gone for the time being
[14:17:43] daviey: i noticed that
[14:18:01] daviey: :(
[14:20:49] juski: no great loss
[14:21:07] juski: the info is out there in other places anyway
[14:21:19] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:21:34] juski: plus I plan to try & roll my own s100 OS at some point
[14:21:57] laga_: something minimyth-y.
[14:26:09] S2- (S2-! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:27:03] S2- is now known as S2
[14:27:40] laga_: – nifty.
[14:28:01] laga_: i've always dreamt of something like that, i just didn't know it could be done with google
[14:30:50] toad_ (toad_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:31:03] toad_: how do i get mythtv to transcode existing recordings?
[14:31:15] kothog (kothog!n=kothog@unaffiliated/kothog) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:31:36] kazer_ (kazer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:31:41] juski: you mean you've never selected 'job options' on a recording?
[14:32:02] toad_: how do i get to that?
[14:32:21] juski: uhhhh select a recording and press menu
[14:32:28] toad_: menu = M?
[14:32:39] toad_: ok...
[14:32:42] laga is now known as gardengnome
[14:32:45] juski: no it's alt-shift-f12
[14:33:21] juski: is it just me or do I live in the wrong universe?
[14:33:48] Zider: juski: yes
[14:35:59] toad_: press M from where? Previously Recorded I press M it just gives me a sort order menu
[14:36:12] toad_: in other places it gives me the usual menu with schedule options, post processing etc
[14:36:36] toad_: which generally refer to new recordings only
[14:36:48] S2: toad_, see here
[14:36:52] juski: hmmm I wonder where the current recordings live
[14:37:02] Gumby_ (Gumby_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:37:04] S2: 5.9 Transcoding Recordings
[14:37:09] toad_: S2: yay
[14:37:10] toad_: thanks
[14:37:16] juski: there's always the RTFM option of course
[14:37:17] S2: toad_, np.
[14:37:32] juski: S2: you soon get tired of that
[14:37:55] juski: #mythtv-users, the search engine for lazy users
[14:37:57] S2: juski, i do it when i want to do it. when i get tired i stop and do something else :)
[14:38:26] S2: i had problems too finding that info when i started
[14:38:26] ** juski recharges his cattle-prod **
[14:39:06] juski: I must be some kind of freak then for reading all the docs I could find before I even started
[14:39:11] toad_: *while watching a recording* ahhh...
[14:39:22] juski: toad_: or not
[14:39:25] S2: juski, yeah you are :)
[14:39:56] Gumby_ (Gumby_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:39:56] juski: toad_: you can also select a job to run on a recording from the 'watch recordings' menu funnily enough
[14:40:01] toad_: juski: which menu is it then? not the one with scheduling options etc in
[14:40:10] toad_: okay so go to watch recordings and menu
[14:40:15] toad_: ok will try that
[14:40:47] juski: if you've not already set up a transcoding profile I suggest you do before you have to come back & ask why mythtranscode said 'unknown video codec' ;)
[14:40:49] briand: "I just installed mythtv on my old PC-AT with a WonderNetNTSC card and everything is working fantastic!! This program is great!! Only thing is, I can't record or watch tv. Also, the guide is all messed up. What's wrong?"
[14:41:04] ** briand winks at juski. **
[14:41:08] ** juski laughs **
[14:41:15] toad_: juski: :)
[14:41:19] toad_: juski: already done that
[14:42:35] jduggan: lmfao
[14:43:42] juski: wheee bsp;– rough draft without audio
[14:45:03] toad_: it should start encoding immediately, or it will wait until it is idle now?
[14:46:08] juski: depends when you set jobs to run between, or if you allowed them or not
[14:46:50] toad_: i allowed transcoding jobs, and set cpu usage to medium..
[14:47:30] Igg-man (Igg-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:48:35] toad_: hmmm actually there is cpu usage, it's just not showing up on top ... some broken shell script or something, /me fixes..
[14:53:11] briand: juski: and where are you planning on using that? DVD intro/menu creation?
[14:54:38] toad_: mythcommflag will hardly ever produce false positives, correct? that which is identified as an advert is removing prior to transcoding, that's why i'm asking..
[14:55:43] darkdrgn2k (darkdrgn2k! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:55:58] darkdrgn2k: Hi everyone, What does Transcode do?
[14:56:37] S2: darkdrgn2k, . . . g_Recordings
[14:56:42] sandeen (sandeen! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:57:42] darkdrgn2k: S2: DVB does not get "transcoded" on the fly but what about analog tv tuners. i mean like the format they save in
[14:58:25] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:59:15] GreyFoxx: darkdrgn2k: framegrabbers are "encoding" in realtime from the raw yuv frames to mpeg4 or rtjpeg
[14:59:27] GreyFoxx: analog pvr cards and such are not
[14:59:32] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: what about mpeg cards like the pvr
[14:59:40] GreyFoxx: Only framegrabbers
[14:59:41] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: so pvrs record in mpeg
[14:59:50] GreyFoxx: yes, mpeg2 right off the card
[15:00:15] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: is that a standard stream or can it be modified (i know dvb streams cannot be modified)
[15:00:30] GreyFoxx: Define modified
[15:00:37] GreyFoxx: just pulled into avideo editor ?
[15:00:38] juski: briand: yup, and maybe for my own videos
[15:00:51] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: i mean like resolution
[15:01:12] briand: juski: cool. now you need a nice "whoosh" SFX to go with it...  :)
[15:01:21] juski: in 5.1 surround.. I know :)
[15:01:40] GreyFoxx: darkdrgn2k: any video frame can be altered with a program that understands the codec/container
[15:01:40] kazer_ (kazer_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:01:41] juski: been ages since I did a dvd intro
[15:01:55] juski: 2 or 3 of mine made it into mytharchive
[15:02:03] kazer_ (kazer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:02:29] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: but as far as mythtv, is there anythign i need to configure for a PVR
[15:02:46] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: or just pick a nice transcode to do after-the-fact
[15:03:26] toad_ (toad_! has quit ("BitchX: not from concentrate")
[15:03:33] briand: yeah! ...and, then, near the end, if you were to add a rear-channel only sample of a logo that size crashing into the kitchen utensil rack, that'd be bitchin'.  :)
[15:04:13] briand: "Joe? What's wrong with your neck?" "Oh, we were watching movies over at Brian's house again."
[15:04:33] Mattwj2005 (Mattwj2005! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:06:18] Mattwj2005: hey guys
[15:06:34] Igg-man: Hello
[15:06:46] juski: briand: maybe some brown note in the LFE channel too ;)
[15:06:50] Mattwj2005: how is it going lgg-man?
[15:06:58] bmsleight (bmsleight! has left #mythtv-users ("Ex-Chat")
[15:06:58] Igg-man: Okay, I'm board
[15:07:14] jduggan: as in, ironing?
[15:07:19] briand: juski: well... it's *your* sofa... treat it as you like.  :)
[15:07:41] Igg-man: nope, board as in nobody else is up, and there is not much to do
[15:07:42] Mattwj2005: i see
[15:07:42] Mattwj2005: it feels good to relax :)
[15:07:52] jduggan: Igg-man: oh you mean bored
[15:07:55] jduggan: :o
[15:08:03] Igg-man: ... I'm trying to get mythweb working on my brothers mythtv box. Something's wrong with his php
[15:08:12] Igg-man: jduggan: Yah, I can't spell
[15:08:22] Mattwj2005: got you
[15:08:30] briand: when it gets really quiet around here, that's always a good time to haul out the homonym book and do some reading...
[15:08:53] GreyFoxx: darkdrgn2k: doesn't matter if it's a dvb recording or a mpeg from apvr card, you tell the transcode profile what output resolution you want , bitrate etc
[15:08:58] Igg-man: Naw, mythtv would be more fun
[15:09:13] Mattwj2005: you can study for an take one of my CCNP test if your too bored ;)
[15:09:17] juski: putting your hand in a blender would be _more_ fun
[15:09:23] juski: for us I mean
[15:09:30] Igg-man: nice
[15:09:39] kep_ (kep_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:09:41] Igg-man: I'll just stick to php for now
[15:10:23] Mattwj2005: sounds good :)
[15:11:16] Mattwj2005: are you using some sort of lamp setup?
[15:11:39] Igg-man: warning label: "Note: Do not place hearing instruments in microwave." (from a hearing aid container)
[15:11:45] juski: if you're that bored, why not watch this show? was interesting
[15:12:01] ** Scopeuk reads yet another bitchy article on the bbc news site about "geek speak" **
[15:12:02] Igg-man: Mattwj2005: Nope, just trying to get mythweb working on a mythtv box
[15:12:20] Mattwj2005: oh okay
[15:12:25] juski: Scopeuk: l1nky ?
[15:12:30] Igg-man: Mattwj2005: It seems apache doesn't know what php is
[15:12:44] Mattwj2005: mythweb uses lamp :)
[15:13:34] Mattwj2005: lamp = linux + apache + mysql + php (and/or perl)
[15:13:50] Igg-man: jduggan: according to emerge it's installed
[15:14:03] juski: emerging it ain't enough
[15:14:09] jduggan: Igg-man: but according to httpd.conf, is it
[15:14:10] jduggan: :o
[15:14:17] Igg-man: My brother did a funny thing, he did something like chmod a+rw -R /
[15:14:22] juski: you need to have enable-ified in httpd.conf
[15:14:22] orinoco (orinoco! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:14:24] orinoco: hi
[15:14:27] kep (kep! has quit (Read error: 111 (Connection refused))
[15:14:29] Igg-man: I tried to rebuild everything as best I could
[15:14:36] Zider: Igg-man: ouch
[15:14:43] Igg-man: juski: That's probably what the problem is
[15:14:48] juski: brothers eh. glad I don't have any of them
[15:14:49] Zider: Igg-man: wtf did he do that for?
[15:15:25] juski: slightly less destructive than rm -rf /
[15:15:33] Zider: true
[15:15:43] juski: oo my other render has finished
[15:16:55] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: is there any way to convert it all to a divx or xvid instead?
[15:17:13] orinoco: I have a little problem configuring mythtv in ubuntu, when I execute /etc/cron.daily/mythtv-backend I get this error Session management error: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed
[15:17:44] juski: orinoco: funnily enough I get that but no bad ever came of it
[15:18:01] juski: orinoco: anyway that cron job is actually to run mythfilldatabase
[15:18:03] Igg-man: zider: I'm not sure, he didn't say
[15:18:17] orinoco: juski, it is ok for it to display?
[15:18:23] juski: it'd have been nicer if they'd actually called it mythfilldatabase or something er.. _logical_
[15:19:08] orinoco: juski, but, because of this error, the backend cannot be executed
[15:19:22] Igg-man: Zider: Naw, he juts went without mythtv for a while. Isn't that painful enough?
[15:19:23] juski: orinoco: that script has f.a. to do with the backend
[15:19:26] GreyFoxx: darkdrgn2k: Not built into myth, you can use nuvexport for that though
[15:19:26] orinoco: ps returns no backend
[15:19:46] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: any way to automate the process.. any howtos or docs out there?
[15:19:51] orinoco: juski, this error also displays when /etc/init.d/mythtv-backend restart is executed
[15:19:53] juski: try running mythbackend from a terminal, orinoco
[15:20:10] GreyFoxx: darkdrgn2k: IT's not really something I do with myth recordings, no idea what docs are out there
[15:20:16] juski: I see that "session management error" thing too but my backend is worky juuust fine
[15:20:27] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: so you leav them in nuvwhatever?
[15:20:45] GreyFoxx: I leave them as the original recording (.mpg files)
[15:20:57] darkdrgn2k: so you dont transcode
[15:20:57] Igg-man: Zider: It was his own box. Mine was safe at my house
[15:21:02] GreyFoxx: no, I don't
[15:21:05] orinoco: juski, thanks for all
[15:21:07] Zider: Igg-man: ah :D
[15:21:14] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: is there anyway to move the files..
[15:21:17] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: hers is my problem
[15:21:26] GreyFoxx: darkdrgn2k: Or at least, extremely rarely do I transcode a myth recording
[15:21:57] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: my TUNER box has only a 20 gig hd in it. the Master Master has a sata 400, but i dont wanan record directly on to the 400 cuase it causes problems.
[15:22:11] GreyFoxx: ummm "problems" ?
[15:22:13] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: so i made it record into a local folder on tyhe 20 gig. any way to MOVE the recording over to the master after?
[15:22:28] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: LiveTV playback is not as smooth if recording to an nfs drive
[15:23:12] GreyFoxx: darkdrgn2k: so... why not put the tuner in the machine with the 400 ?
[15:23:29] Igg-man: cool, it works. It wasn't in the config file correctly
[15:24:03] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: id put the 400 in the slave but no sata on the board, and there is no free coax cabling near the machine with the 400
[15:24:12] GreyFoxx: ahhh
[15:24:38] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: the slave is next to where all the cabling enters the house...
[15:24:57] GreyFoxx: The only way you are gonna move the recordings is to do it manually/write a script
[15:25:11] Igg-man: 627 programs, using 751 GB (19 days 21 hrs 12 mins) out of 1.2 TB (312 GB free).
[15:25:19] darkdrgn2k: but then it breaks the database if i just simply move it
[15:25:40] GreyFoxx: Well, the script would also have to update the host info in the database
[15:26:08] gardengnome: GreyFoxx: he could write a user job. i think there's a script in contrib/
[15:26:17] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: ok sounds i got a blit of programming to do :)
[15:26:42] GreyFoxx: gardengnome: That's about what I figured, a script called as a userjob that moves the file+updates the database
[15:26:52] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: so then 2 qs abou the db, 1) what is the recording table and 2) where does the channel stuff get stored in teh database
[15:27:00] GreyFoxx: Maybe that would do most of the work
[15:27:17] GreyFoxx: darkdrgn2k: You don't need to touch the channel table
[15:27:27] GreyFoxx: just the recorded table
[15:27:46] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: yes but i wanna get rid of channels less then "200" LOL
[15:28:13] GreyFoxx: It's time for you to do some personal research :)
[15:28:21] GreyFoxx: IE, dig into the database
[15:28:28] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: actualy i have been,
[15:28:29] GreyFoxx: cause the table for that is quite obvious :)
[15:28:58] darkdrgn2k: im gussing recorded is for recorded
[15:29:01] darkdrgn2k: but i cant seem to find the channels
[15:29:06] GreyFoxx: "channel"
[15:29:13] darkdrgn2k: never mind
[15:29:19] ** darkdrgn2k feels REAAALY stupid now **
[15:29:25] gardengnome: 3~
[15:30:03] darkdrgn2k: so if i delete enteis in chennl,it will not break anythign righ
[15:30:13] GreyFoxx: make a backup first :)
[15:30:22] darkdrgn2k: always
[15:30:26] darkdrgn2k: butr it SHOULDNT
[15:30:45] GreyFoxx: but if you are gonna do it, you will need to restart the backend to update the schedule list
[15:31:28] kazer_ (kazer_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:31:35] darkdrgn2k: finalyl does flagging commerials break on a channel that has no commercials?
[15:32:03] kazer_ (kazer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:32:47] GreyFoxx: I don't commflag either :)
[15:32:59] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: not worth it?
[15:33:13] GreyFoxx: but you can tell myth that a specific channel doesn't have commercials so it wont bother trying
[15:33:28] GreyFoxx: darkdrgn2k: I have no use for it, that's all
[15:33:36] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: i been playing with myth for over a year. i FIANLYL got it working well!
[15:33:50] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: probably caus ei get better hardware :)
[15:34:21] GreyFoxx: That can help :)
[15:35:22] GreyFoxx: My first myth box was made with spare parts and an old framegrabber I had around the house. But I spent a month reading and watching in here before I ordered the permanent hardware to avoid issues :)
[15:35:55] GreyFoxx: darkdrgn2k: I'm sure there is some udev or other way to lock them to a specific one, but I don't know it offhand
[15:35:56] darkdrgn2k: GreyFoxx: my first one was an old TV Wonder from ati :) great card but the pvr is supirior
[15:36:13] GreyFoxx: I'd be supried if you couldn't find that on the wiki or mailing lists
[15:36:20] darkdrgn2k: wierd.... mythweb says "WARNING: is mythfilldatabase running?"
[15:36:25] Milosch: darkdrgn2k: i used to have two network cards that would do that to me...
[15:37:06] darkdrgn2k: Milosch: howd u solve it
[15:37:32] Milosch: not sure i ever did...
[15:38:28] ** darkdrgn2k sighs **
[15:38:49] GreyFoxx: oh
[15:38:55] darkdrgn2k: dam composite in :-P
[15:39:05] GreyFoxx: well, I'm sure people have run into it, I've seen talk about that kind of problem
[15:39:12] darkdrgn2k: acutally it willb e usefull :)
[15:39:12] GreyFoxx: check the wiki and mailling list
[15:39:29] darkdrgn2k: wlel the cheap way is to write a script to remove the modules and add them in the right order lOl
[15:39:56] GreyFoxx: I always load mine manually so I never encounter that sort of thign :)
[15:40:14] darkdrgn2k: ok heres one for ytou trying to compile mythplugins
[15:40:14] darkdrgn2k:
[15:40:14] darkdrgn2k:
[15:40:30] GreyFoxx: Nope, you'd had your quota for the day
[15:40:42] GreyFoxx: I'm going to do something constructive today :)
[15:41:04] darkdrgn2k: hahaha
[15:41:07] JloR (JloR!n=dark@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:41:08] darkdrgn2k: fair enough
[15:41:13] darkdrgn2k: thank you once AGAIN grey fox!
[15:48:39] orinoco (orinoco! has quit ("Leaving")
[15:56:31] jams: daviey- here for a bit
[16:12:44] wega__: so is there any benefit to using 64-bit os with mythtv
[16:13:35] jams: wega__- none that i know of
[16:14:32] wega__: jams, well i have upgraded my equipment and could switch but if there is no use, i would rather not lose everything and start over
[16:15:36] jams: if what you have works well I cant see a reason to switch
[16:16:03] wega__: i am planning on using the mythbox as a server for gaming too
[16:16:07] Qwell (Qwell!n=north@unaffiliated/qwell) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:16:19] wega__: so i am upgrading memory and processor
[16:16:28] wega__: and mobo
[16:16:52] Qwell: I keep upgrading, hoping this'll fix itself, but it hasn't.. The only time shows get recorded, is when I'm already watching TV.
[16:18:31] jams: wega__- seems like all you need is another harddrive and you can have two machines
[16:18:51] wega__: no i dont want two machines up all the time
[16:19:20] wega__: i wont have to do anything other than transplant the hds if i want to keep things the same
[16:23:34] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:39:09] GreyFoxx: Qwell: ummmm
[16:39:25] GreyFoxx: "when I'm already watching tv" ?
[16:39:36] Qwell: ie; when frontend is open
[16:39:47] Qwell: it comes up and says "hey, wanna record this?"
[16:39:54] GreyFoxx: having mythfrontend running and watching TV are very different items
[16:40:10] GreyFoxx: watching tv locks up arecordder, running the app doesn't
[16:40:53] Qwell: perhaps it's as simple as frontend isn't fully unlocking a recorder when it exits? who knows
[16:41:41] GreyFoxx: how are you exiting the program? killing it or exiting via the menus/
[16:41:43] GreyFoxx: ?
[16:41:52] Qwell: exiting via menu
[16:41:57] Qwell: esc, esc, down, enter
[16:42:38] GreyFoxx: That log is really just mythfilldatabae and not much about any attempted recording :)
[16:42:50] Qwell: exactly :)
[16:43:16] Qwell: but there was something that should've been recorded at that time, and it failed
[16:43:41] GreyFoxx: ummmm did you or did you not say it was for 2am ?
[16:44:03] Qwell: heh, umm, yeah, sec :P
[16:44:16] Qwell: I saw 14, and say "oh, yeah, that's 2"
[16:44:51] Qwell: there were no logs between 2007-01–04 00:19:34.275 and 2007-01–04 14:00:49.931
[16:45:04] GreyFoxx: your box going to sleep or something ?
[16:45:18] Qwell: the only thing was [mpeg @ 0x2ae17b986400]Parser not found for Codec Id: 94210 !
[16:45:20] Qwell: nope
[16:45:39] GreyFoxx: ummmmm
[16:45:46] GreyFoxx: Just for Shits n giggles
[16:45:50] GreyFoxx: go to Watch Recordings
[16:46:25] Qwell: nothing there for the failed recordings, but I'm sure that it used to create an entry
[16:46:38] GreyFoxx: Are you on the Watch Recordings screen ?
[16:46:41] Qwell: yeah
[16:46:42] GreyFoxx: hit M
[16:46:55] GreyFoxx: pick the first option , change the filter
[16:47:05] GreyFoxx: when the list comes up pick "All Programs"
[16:47:13] Qwell: already was
[16:47:28] GreyFoxx: how many does did it say were in all programs ?
[16:47:34] Qwell: 99
[16:47:47] GreyFoxx: and non of them were scheduled recordings ?
[16:48:10] Qwell: they all were, but only if I had frontend running
[16:48:40] GreyFoxx: and be+fe are the same machine ?
[16:48:44] Qwell: yes
[16:48:56] Qwell: I've not tried with fe running on another machine
[16:49:08] GreyFoxx: don't bother, I just wanted to confirm it
[16:49:10] Qwell: and by "running", I mean watching tv, and clicking "okay, record"
[16:49:21] Qwell: well, "clicking", as it were
[16:51:25] GreyFoxx: lets redefine some terms here to be consistant
[16:51:41] GreyFoxx: when I say running I mean the application running, LiveTV is "Watching TV"
[16:51:47] Qwell: ok
[16:51:56] wega__ (wega__! has left #mythtv-users ()
[16:52:37] GreyFoxx: go into your program guide, schedule a recording to start in a few minutes
[16:52:48] Scopeuk (Scopeuk! has quit ("REALITY.SYS Corrupted: Re-boot universe? (Y/N/Q)")
[16:52:58] GreyFoxx: Exit LiveTV, leave the frontend at the menus
[16:54:08] GreyFoxx: the backend log should say something about "Schedule xxx items in xxx"
[16:54:25] Qwell: now, or at the start time?
[16:54:25] GreyFoxx: which is it having been asked to update the recording schedule
[16:54:37] GreyFoxx: it should appear right after you set the show to record
[16:54:41] Qwell: didn't
[16:54:54] Qwell: maybe I need to turn up verbosity
[16:55:10] GreyFoxx: I've never seen it not show in the logs at the base level
[16:55:35] Qwell: what's a good level?
[16:55:44] Qwell: all?
[16:55:44] GreyFoxx: what parameters are you passing to mythbackend when you start it ?
[16:56:03] GreyFoxx: qwell, I don't pass any, the default is more than fine for general info like this
[16:56:20] Qwell: --verbose none --logfile /path/to/log
[16:56:37] GreyFoxx: welll verbose none explains it
[16:56:41] Qwell: and possibly --background, but that might be part of the gentoo start-stop-daemon script
[16:56:43] GreyFoxx: you told mythbackend NOT to log anything
[16:57:00] Qwell: gentoo did :P but I digress, that's been fixed
[16:57:23] GreyFoxx: and the backend restarted ?
[16:57:28] Qwell: just now, yeah
[16:57:34] GreyFoxx: you should see some logs showup from the restart
[16:57:41] Qwell: yeah, a bunch
[16:57:52] GreyFoxx: and in aminute a log entry about the next recording as it tries to start
[16:59:16] Qwell: okay, there
[16:59:24] Qwell: failed
[16:59:35] gardengnome (gardengnome! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:59:40] GreyFoxx: put the error on pastebin
[17:00:06] jams: hehe GreyFoxx what happened to "doing something constructive"
[17:00:31] GreyFoxx: Waiting for the wife to get ready :)
[17:00:44] Qwell: ahh, so you have hours and hours ;)
[17:00:49] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:01:01] Qwell: hopefully nothing too revealing in there
[17:01:19] ** jams adds buy cdrs to the constuctive list **
[17:01:21] darkdrgn2k: Linux video capture interface: v2.00
[17:01:21] darkdrgn2k: ivtv: disagrees about version of symbol video_unregister_device
[17:01:25] darkdrgn2k: any ideas?
[17:02:57] jams: darkdrgn2k- might be the wront ivtv for your kernel version
[17:03:22] darkdrgn2k: jams: naa if just happend after installing linuxtv!
[17:04:38] jams: darkdrgn2k- you mean the dvb drivers?
[17:05:25] GreyFoxx: 2007-01–07 11:00:02.828 Global TVFormat Setting 'NTSC'
[17:05:25] GreyFoxx: 2007-01–07 11:00:02.829 Channel(/dev/v4l/video0): Input #1: 'Tuner' schan(38) tun() v4l1(PAL) v4l2(Unknown)
[17:05:25] GreyFoxx: 2007-01–07 11:00:02.830 Channel(/dev/v4l/video0): Input #2: 'Tuner 1' schan(32) tun() v4l1(NTSC) v4l2(Unknown)
[17:05:37] GreyFoxx: Why do you have 2 "Tuner" inputs defined for a single card ?
[17:06:00] Qwell: let's find out
[17:06:31] GreyFoxx: qwell I'd consider removing the card from mtyhtv-setup, readd it and reattach the videosource to the tuner input
[17:06:57] Qwell: only tuner 1 shows up under mythtv-setup anywhere
[17:07:15] darkdrgn2k: jams: yes after i installed the drivers i get those errors
[17:07:34] Qwell: but, I can do that
[17:07:35] mythabuser: i always forget, how do know if i need i386 or x84_64?
[17:07:54] jams: darkdrgn2k- just a guess but try recompiling ivtv
[17:08:22] darkdrgn2k: jams: no dont work
[17:09:33] Qwell: okay, done, and new show set to record in 5 minutes
[17:09:42] GreyFoxx: cool
[17:09:50] allpaintedcold (allpaintedcold! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[17:10:43] jams: darkdrgn2k- what kernel version?
[17:12:16] Qwell: GreyFoxx: I always wondered why shows sometimes start at xx:05, or xx:15, and now I know why
[17:12:26] Qwell: it's so that I can test myth without having to wait 20 minutes ;)
[17:13:10] GreyFoxx: heh
[17:13:36] GreyFoxx: well, you can also do amanual schedule too where you define the start time :)
[17:13:48] Qwell: true, this is easier though
[17:15:34] Qwell: should I assume that a bunch of "INSERT INTO recordedseek [...]" is a good thing?
[17:15:50] GreyFoxx: yes
[17:15:56] GreyFoxx: that's it writing out the seektable
[17:15:59] GreyFoxx: so it must be recording
[17:16:15] GreyFoxx: it writes those on the fly during recording
[17:16:20] Qwell:
[17:16:47] Qwell: oh, yeah, stupid guide changes
[17:17:34] Qwell: so, yeah, it's not so bizarre that it only worked when it was in livetv now...
[17:17:49] GreyFoxx: heh
[17:17:56] Qwell: I'm not crazy :P
[17:17:57] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:18:14] GreyFoxx: well blame the lack of logs as a big part of why you couldn't find the problem sooner
[17:18:27] Qwell: any idea why it was trying to use a tuner that wasn't showing up in mythtv-setup?
[17:18:35] GreyFoxx: really can't say
[17:18:38] Qwell: or, an input, rather?
[17:19:14] GreyFoxx: I'd change your backend script and remove the verbose bit altogether, let it just log the normal stuff until you are are in need fo trouble shooting
[17:19:24] GreyFoxx: otherwise you will flood your logs with useless crap :)
[17:20:48] Qwell: well, know what this means now, don't you?
[17:20:52] Qwell: means I have to buy another HD :D
[17:21:15] GreyFoxx: heh
[17:21:32] Qwell: anyhow, thanks for the help – I'm sure you did think I was nuts for a bit there
[17:21:39] GreyFoxx: I did :)
[17:21:45] GreyFoxx: and you're welcome :)
[17:21:45] Qwell: but that's okay – maybe I still am
[17:22:00] Mattwj2005 (Mattwj2005! has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:22:12] Qwell (Qwell!n=north@unaffiliated/qwell) has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[17:22:32] GreyFoxx: Cool, looks like it's time to rebuild my msntv installs... new drivers are out
[17:22:50] jams: how many of those things do you have?
[17:24:21] GreyFoxx: 4
[17:24:37] GreyFoxx: with abroken 5th on my workbench :)
[17:24:49] GreyFoxx: I messed up abios flash
[17:24:56] GreyFoxx: so I need to pop the chip and get another
[17:25:17] GreyFoxx: but I'm sure I'll destroy it in the process as my soldering skills are not exactly surgical :)
[17:25:35] jams: understand that
[17:25:55] GreyFoxx: I've got afriend who I'll get do it, He was born doing that stuff :)
[17:27:33] juski: heh. the easiest way to get 3DS to output in a wide format is to render it HDTV style
[17:28:15] juski: 10 minutes to render 50 frames. ouch
[17:28:33] jams: sounds like your using the via for rendering
[17:30:09] juski: nope
[17:30:20] sandeen (sandeen! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[17:31:21] null: juski: I think it was you who pointed me to a setting that makes mythtv not decode the whole video but only the I-frames (I think) when fastforwarding. which one was that?
[17:33:01] S2: has someone of you experience with heatipies?
[17:33:21] S2: i have a 3cm fan that is a bit noisy, and i'd like to take it out
[17:33:37] S2: or maybe a silent 3cm fan?
[17:34:30] juski: null not me, but it was probably something like 'precise seeking' or some such
[17:34:40] null: ok
[17:38:22] GreyFoxx: noone has that much music
[17:39:19] Milosch: or the time to hear it ;)
[17:45:58] jams: juski- you there?
[17:49:05] S2: RockClimber, with a component cable
[17:49:27] darkdrgn2k (darkdrgn2k! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:49:39] RockClimber: S2, digital component?
[17:50:47] S2: no. component is analog i think
[17:51:16] RockClimber: exactly what I thought
[17:51:16] S2:
[17:51:32] RockClimber: that's the image I meant
[17:51:51] RockClimber: I don't see how that is an HDTV out module if all it does is give you analogue
[17:51:55] S2: but it supports 1080i no problem. the problem could be your tv non supporting 1080i con component in
[17:52:25] S2: why? it is hd.
[17:52:42] S2: just analog. you can use dvi if you want digital out.
[17:52:43] RockClimber: ah, I think I'm confusing hdtv and digital. I though hdtv meant digital
[17:53:00] S2: no. hd means high definition
[17:53:07] RockClimber: not literally
[17:53:15] S2: ?
[17:53:32] RockClimber: as in I wasn't litterally confused over the words the letters stood for
[17:53:37] S2: well, you can get hd over vga as well if you want
[17:53:49] S2: oh ok.
[17:54:36] RockClimber: I imaged for a true hdtv signal it needed to go to the TV as digital in HD size
[17:54:54] RockClimber: but I suppose it can go as analogue – is there no extra quality loss?
[17:56:24] RockClimber: so that module does YPbPr and I'd just need a cable with some kind of digital input suitable for the TV.
[17:57:35] S2: uh, no. you connect it to your tv on the component in
[17:57:40] RockClimber: i'm quite confused as I'm trying to piece together a box that will do well with my analogue widescreen TV but also have all the bits for when I swap it for an HDTV. I don't quite understand how to send widescreen over s-video although I seem to be managing it at the moment
[17:58:15] S2: widescreen is just a resolution thing. no problem over s-video or vga
[17:58:26] juski: jams: maybe that'd be a good plan
[17:58:32] RockClimber: but s-video out normally is 4:3 ratio
[17:58:41] juski: widescreen PAL is still 720x576 or 768x576
[17:58:52] juski: svideo can be wide or 4:3
[17:58:58] juski: as can composite or RGB
[17:59:21] RockClimber: currently I play back widescreen divxs in totem/gstreamer at some distorted screen size so that when my tv displays the 800x600 s-video out in widescreen it comes back to normal
[17:59:55] juski: gstreamer. ugh
[18:00:52] S2: RockClimber, yeah. that's the way to go.
[18:01:25] S2: bit gstreamer suks :)
[18:01:28] RockClimber: S2, was that meant to be sarcastic?
[18:01:39] S2: or at least it did when i tryed it
[18:02:40] S2: RockClimber, i do that as well. my tv has a vga in, and supports only 1024x768. but the real resolution of my tv is 1280x720. so i have to do the same thing you do to feed my tv over vga.
[18:03:10] juski: what I do is output 720x576 over svideo but mangle DISPLAYSIZE to be 400 225
[18:03:38] S2: it's not optimal, but it works. when the openchrome guys will support my dvi chipset i can feed my tv its native resolution with a dvi-hdmi cable
[18:03:41] juski: '4:3' aspect in myth is actually 16:9 amorphic :)
[18:03:42] RockClimber: what I was planning to do was use s-video to start with, then try and get the scart on the TV hooked up to the VGA, and then switch to HDTV using either the DVI out or the HDTV module
[18:03:58] juski: (on my box it is ^^^^)
[18:05:09] S2: RockClimber, go ahead :)
[18:05:10] RockClimber: I think my biggest problem is going to be persuading my girlfriend that this is worth building
[18:07:09] S2: why? is it her money? :)
[18:07:33] RockClimber: yes
[18:07:45] S2: good luck then
[18:07:46] RockClimber: well, joint account
[18:08:35] S2: then i think she may like shoes more :)
[18:08:38] RockClimber: do you know if the Nova-S is supported?
[18:08:57] RockClimber: she has too many shoes but they come from her money not mine
[18:09:11] S2: have a look on and see
[18:09:58] S2: there are different versions of the nova
[18:11:43] RockClimber: Probably put a dual dvb-t in and a dvb-s for backup when the weather is crap.
[18:14:18] juski: dvb-t, affected by weather?!
[18:14:22] juski: huh?!
[18:15:14] echosyp: someone tell me what a good linux compatable pcmcia/usb/network attached tv tuner
[18:15:35] Dr_willis: network attatched?
[18:15:50] juski: please?
[18:15:50] echosyp: yeah
[18:16:04] Dr_willis: are you asking for one that does all 3 ?
[18:16:08] echosyp: no
[18:16:11] echosyp: just one of three
[18:16:19] echosyp: cause im using a laptop
[18:16:25] echosyp: i don't have pci option
[18:16:31] juski: see the wiki at for usb tuners compatible with linux
[18:16:32] kazer_ (kazer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:16:37] echosyp: k
[18:17:00] juski: the majority of pcmcia cards will most likely not be supported
[18:17:10] ** Dr_willis still wonders how one attaches one to the network. **
[18:17:39] juski: with magic string, of course
[18:17:42] echosyp: i saw one someone here reccommended once, that was network attached
[18:17:51] juski: hdhomerun
[18:19:33] echosyp: yeah
[18:19:34] echosyp: that thing
[18:19:36] echosyp: i want it
[18:19:39] echosyp: woo
[18:20:03] echosyp: then, i could have the actual mythbox in another room
[18:22:45] Inssomniak: in the transport editor is there a way to delete ALL transports?
[18:24:05] tcpsyn (tcpsyn! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:24:06] echosyp: can you setup paypal with just a checking account?
[18:24:13] echosyp: i guess i could look
[18:24:14] tcpsyn: echosyp, yea
[18:24:18] echosyp: sweet
[18:24:35] tcpsyn: Has anyone noticed that some recordings are black and white with no sound?
[18:25:09] fysa (fysa! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:28:35] psofa: Inssomniak, you could use a mysql query
[18:29:37] psofa: tcpsyn, ivtv?
[18:29:44] tcpsyn: yeah.
[18:29:48] tcpsyn: it seems random
[18:29:53] psofa: i get some black and white
[18:30:00] tcpsyn: no sound?
[18:30:06] psofa: but i havent noticed sound absence iirc
[18:30:23] psofa: it seems to be random
[18:30:29] tcpsyn: damn.
[18:30:55] psofa: and ive been having it from the first drivers i tried
[18:30:59] tcpsyn: what the hell could it be. I thought it was if it tried to record two things at the same time..
[18:31:08] tcpsyn: but then I installed another card.
[18:31:23] tcpsyn: still, every once in a while a recording will be B/W with no sound.
[18:31:43] GreyFoxx: Strange
[18:31:44] psofa: no its definitely not that
[18:31:54] GreyFoxx: In 3.5 years I've not had that happen once
[18:32:06] psofa: i think its an unsupported tuner in ivtv drivers or something
[18:32:25] tcpsyn: greyfoxx you use ivtv?
[18:32:31] GreyFoxx: yes
[18:32:48] GreyFoxx: since the first release of the drivers right up to 0.9x svn from last week
[18:33:02] tcpsyn: what the hells different here.
[18:33:03] GreyFoxx: but I am using 250's
[18:33:12] tcpsyn: It's happened every week recording grey's anatomy
[18:33:30] tcpsyn: and I noticed yesterday, it happened on just a random rerun of 24.
[18:34:16] GreyFoxx: Only time I've ever had a blackand white screen was when my output cable had abroken pin
[18:34:21] GreyFoxx: but the recordings were find
[18:34:31] GreyFoxx: You might try the #ivtv-dev channel or their mailing list
[18:35:06] tcpsyn: thats not a bad Idea.
[18:35:09] tcpsyn: I'll check that out
[18:37:36] Xanium4332 (Xanium4332! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:39:33] Xanium4332: anyone here know anything about the current status of IPTV in myth
[18:39:59] Xanium4332: is it included in the current svn (trunk), or do I need to use the mythtv-iptv branch?
[18:40:28] tcpsyn: I dont know
[18:40:33] Xanium4332: lool
[18:40:35] Xanium4332: ok
[18:41:05] GreyFoxx: I'm fairly sure that was merged in to trunk
[18:41:16] Xanium4332: nice...
[18:41:47] Xanium4332: and am I right in thinking there are (legal) free iptv channels, which I should be able to pick up...
[18:43:18] GreyFoxx: no idea
[18:43:24] Xanium4332: ok
[18:43:27] Xanium4332: thanks
[18:43:32] GreyFoxx: I've heard people mention some sites you can stream from
[18:43:37] GreyFoxx: but I've never tried those
[18:43:42] GreyFoxx: just my own streams for testing
[18:43:46] cesman: is one
[18:43:48] Xanium4332: I wonder if there's any good content
[18:45:01] vandebo (vandebo! has joined #mythtv-users
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[18:48:33] Xanium4332 (Xanium4332! has quit ("Bersirc 2.2: Looks, feels and sounds (?!) different! [ - Open Source IRC ]")
[18:50:09] juski: render render render :)
[18:52:24] bolty (bolty! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:53:42] cesman: :)
[18:54:25] juski: wow. google still works.. "As of June 2006, there are over 1300 free IPTV channels available"
[18:54:49] S2: hey cool
[18:54:57] S2: i've never heard of that
[18:55:05] S2: does myth have a fe for that?
[18:55:12] S2: can i bookmark iptv sites?
[18:55:19] S2: docs? url?
[18:55:26] juski: maybe yootube has started a revolution in folks wanting shite quality tv feeds
[18:55:45] S2: oh is iptv content that crap usually?
[18:56:10] GreyFoxx: Well, IPTV from your video provider is normally very good dependingon the provider
[18:56:30] juski: yeah that will be but I doubt any 'free' content will be up to much
[18:56:36] GreyFoxx: but streamed voer the net it's normally a little crappy since they have to have alow bitrate cause most peoples can't pull it in fast enough
[18:57:20] alsoconfused: vandebo: netstat -p only shows established connections. try netstat -an|grep <portnum>
[18:57:23] juski: another thing is that folks are calling any old internet tv stream 'ip tv'
[18:57:36] GreyFoxx: yeah
[18:57:45] vandebo: alsoconfused: I actually used -apn
[18:58:49] vandebo: I also tried to start the server under strace and didn't see any calls to bind()...
[18:59:37] alsoconfused: vandebo: lsof the running backend?
[19:03:22] kormoc (kormoc! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:03:53] vandebo: kormoc: mmmm fios.... wish I could get that
[19:03:57] alsoconfused: vandebo: you used -i, right? lsof -i -p <backend_pid> | grep 6543
[19:04:13] kormoc: Aye, it is quite nice
[19:05:32] bolty: hi... looking for help starting up myth on osx. It cant find themes when trying to start the frontend.
[19:05:46] vandebo: alsoconfused: -i just also prints the open tcp/ip sockets.... sshd, portmap, hpiod, python, mysqld, rpc.mountd, rpc.statd, apache2, cupsd have tcp/ip sockets, but that's all
[19:06:14] alsoconfused: vandebo: is the backend making its mysql connection?
[19:06:55] vandebo: alsoconfused: the backend log says "Connected to database", so it seems so
[19:07:01] alsoconfused: the port numbers are stored in the db. echo 'select * from settings'| mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg | grep BackendServerPort
[19:08:56] vandebo: | BackendServerPort | 6543 | backup |
[19:09:40] alsoconfused: is that the correct hostname?
[19:09:45] vandebo: yup
[19:10:48] alsoconfused: vandebo: you could turn on sql logging, but the problem is probably elsewhere :(
[19:11:13] vandebo: yea... in the strace output I saw queries to the database that looked to work...
[19:11:35] kormoc: alsoconfused, a better way would be mysql -u mythtv -pmythtv -e "SELECT * FROM settings WHERE value = 'BackendServerPort'" mythconverg
[19:11:39] vandebo: strange thing is that it was working.... I changed video cards and it stopped. I know that shouldn't affect it.....
[19:11:44] kormoc: alsoconfused, only selects one row and less pipes :P
[19:11:57] GreyFoxx: kormoc: Or mythfrontend -G BackendServerPort on that box
[19:12:09] alsoconfused: kormoc: harder to manipulate. the quick and dirty one was in my bash history :)
[19:12:27] kormoc: vandebo, have you tried increasing the frontend's verbosity ?
[19:12:34] kormoc: GreyFoxx, ooh! that's nifty :)
[19:12:37] GreyFoxx: yeah
[19:12:40] vandebo: kormoc: no, what's the flag to do that/
[19:12:47] GreyFoxx: vandebo: Got X running on that machine ?
[19:12:52] vandebo: yea
[19:12:58] GreyFoxx: from a comandline/xterm
[19:12:58] GreyFoxx: mythfrontend -G BackendServerPort,BackendServerIP
[19:13:07] GreyFoxx: What is the Backend IP value ?
[19:13:29] kormoc: vandebo, mythfrontend -v all should give you way more then you want
[19:13:43] GreyFoxx: kormoc: I added it so that users wont have to go to the mysql db directly
[19:13:51] ** kormoc nods **
[19:13:51] GreyFoxx: to go along with -O
[19:13:51] Martini (Martini! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:14:07] alsoconfused: GreyFoxx: that's a great tip!
[19:14:11] kormoc: GreyFoxx, Aye, it would be quite helpful :)
[19:14:16] GreyFoxx: I should put it into mythbackend as well
[19:14:25] vandebo: -G gives the correct values
[19:14:59] Martini: I have a question about video quality using myth TV
[19:14:59] GreyFoxx: vandebo: check the interfaces to be 100% sure that the IP matches the actual oIP on the box
[19:15:43] Martini: I was wondering if it was soley dependent on the hard ware or does the software have it's limitations
[19:15:55] GreyFoxx: Martini: It's both
[19:16:11] GreyFoxx: The hardware/input quality, the software settings, and the video output hardware
[19:16:35] kormoc: in terms of limitations, it's not software limited
[19:16:48] kormoc: you can set the software to handle major high quality stuff if your hardware supports it
[19:17:13] echosyp: does the hdhomerun have hardware encoder?
[19:17:28] GreyFoxx: echosyp: It doesn't need one, the HDTV stream is already encoded
[19:17:41] vandebo: GreyFoxx: I'll look through the verbose frontend output, but I doubt it's going to help... As I was saying earlier, netstat -apn doesn't show the backend listening on any ports
[19:17:45] GreyFoxx: all hdtv/digital broadcastas already are
[19:17:47] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:18:03] kormoc: vandebo, perhaps your backend crashed?
[19:18:12] echosyp: in what?
[19:18:13] bolty: hi... looking for help starting up myth on osx. It cant find themes when trying to start the frontend. Anyone know where its looking for them??
[19:18:16] Martini: So I can get some decent quaility Video then. From my DVD's
[19:18:20] kazer_ (kazer_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:18:28] GreyFoxx: Martini: Mine look perfect
[19:18:36] vandebo: kormoc: I've restarted it several times and ps still shows it running: mythtv 2366 0.0 1.3 68176 21312 ? Ssl 10:50 0:00 /usr/bin/mythbackend --daemon --logfile /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log --pidfile /var/run/mythtv/
[19:18:38] GreyFoxx: as long as you have a good enough card for tv out
[19:18:40] Martini: How about regular TV
[19:18:46] echosyp: not all channels are HD though
[19:19:02] kazer_ (kazer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:19:17] kormoc: vandebo, netstat -l doesn't show anything on port 6543 ?
[19:19:20] GreyFoxx: echosyp: any digital channels are encoded. Does thge hdhomerun do standard basic cable as well ?
[19:19:22] Martini: how does the front end look like on a TV I've seen people hook the PC's up to a TV and it looked like poo
[19:19:24] alsoconfused: vandebo: try running the backend in the forground
[19:19:30] vandebo: kormoc: nope
[19:19:52] GreyFoxx: especially the fonts
[19:19:55] kormoc: vandebo, yeah, I'd run the backend in a terminal (perhaps with -v all or similar) and see what it says, cause something is wonky
[19:20:45] echosyp: # 8-VSB (ATSC over-the-air digital TV)
[19:20:46] echosyp: # QAM64/256 (unencrypted digital cable TV)
[19:21:07] alsoconfused: vandebo: not sure how you infoked strace. FYI, this shows socket and bind calls: strace -f -o /tmp/trace mythbackend
[19:21:39] vandebo: kormoc: The last line I get before output stops is "SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'JobQueueRecover-backup' ;"
[19:21:54] echosyp: GreyFoxx, i was thinking of getting digital cable from cox, or getting satellite
[19:21:56] vandebo: alsoconfused: I did strace -o foo -ff, so I should have seen it
[19:22:19] kormoc: vandebo, is your backend on a different box?
[19:22:25] vandebo: no
[19:22:26] GreyFoxx: echo : that unencrypted DIGITAL cable is alreasdy encoded :)
[19:22:27] echosyp: would this tuner do that for me
[19:22:38] kormoc: vandebo, so you're attempting to run the backend on OSX?
[19:22:44] GreyFoxx: echosyp: that would depend on what if anything they send in the clean really
[19:23:00] vandebo: kormoc: no, that was someone else.... this is all x86 linux
[19:23:07] kormoc: ooh, okay
[19:23:12] ** kormoc ponders **
[19:23:13] alsoconfused: vandebo: what does the end of the strace look like. is it playing with files or anything?
[19:23:33] kormoc: vandebo, care to put up the output of your backend startup and/or the strace?
[19:23:34] echosyp: so i should find out what kind of signal they are sending?
[19:24:33] echosyp: digital cable and HD are going to already be encoded in what? mpeg2?
[19:24:44] GreyFoxx: echosyp: yes
[19:24:48] tafryn: Is there some way to select the currently selected channel in the guide for viewing?
[19:25:05] GreyFoxx: some places are experimenting with H264, but that's very rare and mostly Satellite
[19:25:10] echosyp: oh, so the only need for a hardware/software encoder is for analog tv
[19:25:15] GreyFoxx: yes
[19:25:27] echosyp: oh ok
[19:25:30] echosyp: thanks
[19:25:30] vandebo: strace output and -v all output from the backend are at
[19:26:24] vandebo: alsoconfused: in the steady state strace output it's getting a futex, calling gettimofday clock_gettime and then waiting on the futex
[19:26:47] kormoc: that's ungodly strange
[19:28:05] echosyp: so, with the network attached hdhomerun, watching analog cable, the designated computer will run a software encoder then,
[19:28:10] alsoconfused: vandebo: mine loops gettimeofday(), select(13, [3 4 9 12]
[19:28:35] vandebo: alsoconfused: what kernel are you running: you may not have futex's...
[19:29:14] alsoconfused: vandebo: 2.6.11
[19:29:36] vandebo: hmmm, dunno when they got turned on by default.... I'm at 2.6.17
[19:29:47] alsoconfused: manpage says sometime in 2.5
[19:29:48] kormoc: vandebo, that's unlikely, they were in 2.5.6ish, stablized in 2.5.40ish, and on by default for the entire 2.6.x series
[19:30:44] Blaksmith: anyone know if the url that uses is updated? I haven't gotten any ppv entries in my guide lately
[19:31:31] vandebo: regardless... my backend isn't doing a bind... at what point (line in strace output?) is your server doing a bind?
[19:31:50] tafryn: Is it even possible to select the currently selected channel in the guide for viewing?
[19:32:08] tafryn: without having to go back to liveTV and manually change the channel?
[19:32:38] hatredx (hatredx! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:33:12] Paladine: yes press m
[19:33:29] bolty: Blaksmith, last update date on the site is dec 28th
[19:33:52] Blaksmith: bummer :( ok
[19:33:54] vandebo: alsoconfused/kormoc it sounds like you're stumped.... any suggestions on where to go next?
[19:34:15] bolty: Blaksmith, i gave up on the site and went with eit. Its pretty usable now.
[19:34:21] kormoc: did you compile it yourself? 0.20-fixes? trunk?
[19:34:26] sid (sid!n=unstable@tor/regular/sid) has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:34:32] vandebo: ubuntu package
[19:34:40] kormoc: ahh
[19:34:45] hatredx: current development tree sane?
[19:34:47] hatredx: =p
[19:34:47] kormoc: if I was you, I'd try compiling it myself
[19:35:01] Blaksmith: I can't use the eit.. i'm using an IR Blaster to control my sat dish box
[19:35:01] kormoc: hatredx, nah, it's full of this useless crap called code
[19:35:08] tafryn: Paladine: m doesn't appear to do it. 'm' just puts me back at the main menu
[19:35:19] bolty: Blaksmith, ok gotcha ;)
[19:35:26] Paladine: oh you in the guide from the schedule recordings menu?
[19:35:29] vandebo: kormoc: any particular reason?
[19:35:31] Paladine: go into the guide from livetv
[19:35:48] kormoc: vandebo, ubuntu has always had strange issues from time to time
[19:36:05] Blaksmith: I can use my stb to look at what is on when, and do a "manual" schedule, but that's a pain :(
[19:36:07] kormoc: vandebo, going from a 'clean' codebase should confirm if it's a ubuntu thing or not
[19:36:24] Paladine: blaksmith you got sky?
[19:36:36] Blaksmith: pansat
[19:36:38] vandebo: sure.... strange thing is that I had it working for a while.... I just changed video cards, x drivers, etc and it stopped...
[19:36:43] kormoc: vandebo, going from ubuntu to a 'clean' codebase...
[19:36:54] vandebo: I guess I'll have to build it...
[19:36:58] kormoc: vandebo, which again, is ungodly strange...
[19:37:11] vandebo: you're telling me
[19:39:12] hatredx: anyone got a samsung hls5687 modeline for dvi-hdmi?
[19:40:05] Blaksmith: you would think that zap2it would carry the ppv chans too... seeing as they feed them into the db when it runs
[19:40:23] bolty: Blaksmith, legal/licensing issues
[19:40:34] Blaksmith: oh
[19:40:37] Blaksmith: that I didn't knwo
[19:41:27] Dr_willis: they cant legally even say whats on?
[19:42:05] vandebo: I can see that for VOD, but PPV?
[19:42:05] bolty: i dont know the details
[19:42:07] alsoconfused: vandebo: i think i found something
[19:42:10] bolty: its alwasy been that way
[19:42:16] vandebo: alsoconfused ?
[19:42:17] Dr_willis: ive noticed the local cable company here is pushing the 'on demand' stuff again. they even have some free on demand channels now.
[19:43:23] alsoconfused: vandebo: still looking, but maybe it's having problem opening a capture card
[19:44:19] alsoconfused: the last thing it does before it starts with the futex calls is mess with /dev/video0 and close it (fd4)
[19:45:16] alsoconfused: vandebo: im talking about pid 2544 only
[19:47:20] Dr_willis: :) the joys of udev?
[19:47:50] vandebo: woo! that was it
[19:47:57] vandebo: thanks alsoconfused!
[19:48:05] vandebo: (and kormoc)
[19:48:16] alsoconfused: glad to help
[19:48:17] kormoc: ha! nice
[19:48:26] vandebo: it actually makes a little bit of sense — changing video cards could change the pci initialization order...
[19:48:30] Blaksmith: how well would Myth work with a DVB-s card (with possible pre-processing before it hits myth)?
[19:49:36] GreyFoxx: myth works fine with dvb-s cards, no idea about that preproccessing
[19:49:51] GreyFoxx: myth reads directly from the device
[19:50:32] kazer_ (kazer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:50:34] bolty: There is a dvdbloopback device now that does some magic
[19:50:50] GreyFoxx: oh, we don't support it, nor will we help/discuss it in here
[19:51:02] bolty: yes... thats as much as ill say
[19:51:17] ** Blaksmith didn't want to get into details due to that reason hehe **
[19:51:17] GreyFoxx: I assumed that's what he was referring to
[19:51:18] juski: hatredx: the mythtv wiki has modelines and so does google
[19:51:27] hatredx: not for that model
[19:51:55] juski: I'd expect other modelines to work. what are you scared of?
[19:52:15] Blaksmith: bolty, mind if I pm ya?
[19:53:45] hatredx: nothing seems to be working well
[19:54:12] juski: sp;– another possible dvd intro file
[19:54:36] juski: what's the problem hatredx ? overscan? cos you know even HDTVs overscan
[19:54:45] cesman: Juski: 404
[19:54:56] juski: ewrong slash
[19:55:01] juski: sp;– another possible dvd intro file
[19:55:32] GreyFoxx: Nice, got up to 700K downloading that one
[19:55:34] GreyFoxx: heh
[19:55:39] cesman: yeah
[19:55:50] GreyFoxx: fastest I've gotten from that site so far
[19:56:13] GreyFoxx: mode #dvdauthor
[19:56:16] GreyFoxx: oops
[19:56:24] cesman: Juski: nice!
[19:56:44] GreyFoxx: Nice
[19:56:46] juski: wanna get some more out before the trial period runs out ;)
[19:56:48] GreyFoxx: I like that one
[19:57:20] juski: cheers :)
[19:57:45] sandeen (sandeen! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:58:15] juski: how anyone ever manages to make stunning cgi with 3ds is beyond me
[19:59:20] juski: btw if you wanna use that for mytharchive, turn the audio into ac3 :)
[20:02:36] hatredx: juski, thats what is pissing me off btw. I got enough crap to remember and understand and hdtv and signal proccessing is not one I care to dive in to deep.
[20:02:47] hatredx: Front porch, back, over, under, etc etc
[20:03:07] hatredx: bah; I wish some orginized research group put out a clean and tested list.
[20:03:25] hatredx: though the myth database is great; hdtv and the input is up in the air a bit
[20:03:39] juski: hatredx: apparently some HD is supposed to be displayed with overscan
[20:03:55] juski: all broadcasters & content producers take it into accoung still
[20:04:04] hatredx: just happy that 1080p is around this generation of products now
[20:04:30] hatredx: juski, I looked into a video processing unit that would take all inputs and scrub it for clean display.
[20:04:38] hatredx: only prob they are like 2g's
[20:06:04] kazer_ (kazer_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:06:25] juski: snake oil, no doubt
[20:09:37] hatredx: no, they are for industrial usage in production
[20:09:47] hatredx: top end systems
[20:10:12] hatredx: I dont have the money to spend, but it would make perfect sence as I have other inputs that would be awsome to consolidate to a central sane point
[20:10:41] hatredx: make things much easier across the board, not to mention it would be nice to see some processing to cpu outputed video.
[20:10:48] hatredx: pc that is.
[20:11:47] bolty: any care to enternain some OSX questions??
[20:14:19] Blaksmith: Anyone know if they have updated Winmyth to work with 2.0 yet?
[20:14:28] juski: 2.0?
[20:14:52] cesman: bolty: perhaps #osx?
[20:14:55] Blaksmith: MythTV is at 2.x right?
[20:14:58] juski: winmyth is dead
[20:15:01] juski: Blaksmith: no
[20:15:05] juski: look at the channel topic
[20:15:51] Blaksmith: hmm ok
[20:15:51] cesman: 0.20
[20:15:51] Blaksmith: oh ok.. .20
[20:15:51] bolty: cesman, yeah its more myth related :)
[20:15:51] cesman: if ti is myth related then ask
[20:15:56] cesman: I'm sure if someone can answer, they'll answer
[20:16:28] kylev: rules of IRC support
[20:16:30] Blaksmith: I did get MythTVPlayer to work on my win boxes though :) (but I think my laptop needs to be re-done... it has been locking up and rebooting for no reason lately)
[20:16:42] kylev: 1) don't ask if you can ask a question. just ask the question.
[20:16:46] bolty: cesman, thanks i tried . I guess no one knows.
[20:17:03] kylev: 2) don't ask if you can ask something off-topic. you can't. not without getting flamed.
[20:17:10] juski: Blaksmith: for playback of recordings there's the guiltware program they call 'tapeworm'
[20:17:15] bolty: kylev, gotcha!
[20:17:33] Blaksmith: tapeworm won't work correctly for some reason. I havn't dug into why yet
[20:17:53] juski: Blaksmith: or if you get hold of Nero Showtime (or whatever), that works with myth's upnp
[20:17:57] juski: but if you want live tv, better get linux
[20:17:59] Blaksmith: I'll have to remember that juski :D
[20:18:15] Blaksmith: live tv? what's that (since I got Myth) hahahahaha
[20:18:46] Bodnabucci: Is Chris P on?
[20:21:32] kylev: does anyone else have problems with menus in dvds made with mytharchive?
[20:21:48] kylev: I can't navigate until the damn song has played through once
[20:22:21] Dr_willis: kylev, ive heard of others with that issue
[20:22:31] kazer_ (kazer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:22:37] kylev: good to know I'm not insane
[20:22:45] kylev: dvdauthor is horribly documented
[20:22:48] Dr_willis: i never use music
[20:23:07] kylev: the one grey theme has it
[20:23:21] Dr_willis: Right now .. i got a .mkv i am playing — its defaulting to the wrong audio track.. (using mplayer) trying to figure out what keycombo can change the audio track.
[20:23:31] kylev: there has to be some invocatoin you can make in the <pre> section to turn on buttons
[20:23:45] Dr_willis: cant even seem find docs on that at the mplayer home/docs
[20:27:58] echosyp: will the wintv-pvr usb2 work with linux?
[20:28:05] Bodnabucci: yes
[20:28:14] Bodnabucci: at least gentto
[20:28:16] Bodnabucci: err
[20:28:16] echosyp: cool
[20:28:18] Bodnabucci: gentoo
[20:28:30] echosyp: then it should work with everything else
[20:28:37] echosyp: i bet its just a single tuner though
[20:28:38] Bodnabucci: or you wanna go easy then go with Fedora Core
[20:28:45] Bodnabucci: I would think Suse too
[20:28:49] echosyp: ubuntu
[20:29:06] Bodnabucci: I'd say ubuntu more than suse
[20:29:15] Bodnabucci: suse and fedora are very similar
[20:29:17] cesman: echosyp: yes, it works
[20:29:30] echosyp: thats awesome
[20:29:36] cesman: it was included in kernel 2.6.18
[20:29:44] Bodnabucci: flippin' sweet
[20:30:06] Bodnabucci: glad you guys are having fun with this project don't forget to contribute back
[20:30:09] cesman: however you'll want to get .2 as there is a bug w/ earlier versions
[20:30:43] cesman: echosyp: is you are looking to build a standalone system for MythTV, may I suggest Knopp
[20:30:48] cesman: Myth
[20:30:59] echosyp: well, im going to be using a laptop
[20:31:11] echosyp: but its going to have other services running as well
[20:31:18] Bodnabucci: Knopp would be awesome if you could do it all in a live environment running user defined modules
[20:31:27] Bodnabucci: how about FreeBsd?
[20:32:00] echosyp: im gonna have apache,vsftpd,asterisk running on this box too
[20:32:10] Bodnabucci: slax?
[20:32:16] echosyp: nay
[20:32:24] alsoconfused: Dr_willis: i think you need a key binding for mplayer's switch_audio command
[20:32:26] echosyp: im not gonna use a live c
[20:32:27] echosyp: d
[20:32:34] Bodnabucci: awe
[20:32:43] Bodnabucci: what then
[20:32:46] Dr_willis: alsoconfused, yea – i RTFM's and the man page.. and discovered the # key is supposed to...
[20:32:47] echosyp: i have a pos 2.8Ghz laptop to dedicate
[20:33:01] Dr_willis: but now its updating my video database... heh . at 3%
[20:33:02] Bodnabucci: for real
[20:33:18] echosyp: yeah
[20:33:35] echosyp: i might not get this wintv usb
[20:33:40] Dr_willis: not sure what its updating.. my videos are all just avi's ive collected
[20:33:51] Bodnabucci: avi's yuck
[20:33:57] Bodnabucci: flv that's more like it
[20:34:11] ** kormoc blinks **
[20:34:30] juski: how far can you throw a usb video device anyway? that's about as far as I could trust one ;)
[20:34:45] Bodnabucci: true
[20:34:47] echosyp: iv never had a problem with usb in linux
[20:34:48] kormoc: good thing they don't move on their own then :P
[20:34:49] Bodnabucci: usb sucks more of the time
[20:34:55] Bodnabucci: go cat 5
[20:34:57] juski: ffs how much is 3DS Max supposed to cost? It's a PoS
[20:37:29] juski: lol @ the forum user who just advised somebody buy two pvr350 cards. where do we find em?
[20:37:35] echosyp: does the wintv usb2 have hardware encoder?
[20:38:06] juski: echosyp: jup
[20:38:46] echosyp: im googling,but if you can answer, can it do mpeg4?
[20:39:03] juski: nup
[20:39:16] echosyp: just 1 and 2
[20:39:19] echosyp: damn
[20:39:26] juski: the only device which does hardware mpeg4 supported by mythtv is the plextor convertx
[20:39:29] Bodnabucci: ok well I need to get an account on here
[20:39:41] echosyp: oh
[20:40:01] juski: why the fuss about mpeg4? just buy a more capacious HDD you skinflint ;)
[20:41:02] juski: hitachi launch a 1TB model soon
[20:42:01] echosyp: i thought about that, but i feel i could fill up a TB hd rather fast
[20:42:18] echosyp: i filled up a 250Gb in about a month
[20:42:32] juski: ah you collect TV
[20:42:34] echosyp: dl movies,music,etc
[20:42:40] echosyp: yeah
[20:42:56] juski: so much for everything being inherently disposable
[20:43:00] Dr_willis: what exactly does 'updating video database' is trying to update?
[20:43:13] juski: in that case you will NEVER have enough storage – not nearly enough. EVER
[20:43:16] Dr_willis: ive never noticed it actually doing anything. :)
[20:43:20] kormoc: Dr_willis, it's updating the video database
[20:43:30] echosyp: heh
[20:43:52] kormoc: Dr_willis, mythvideo's database to be more specific
[20:44:04] echosyp: this is true, but i can prolong habitual buying for awhile if i get a TB hd and use mpeg4
[20:44:08] Dr_willis: and updating it with what?
[20:44:22] kormoc: Dr_willis, and videos in your video directory
[20:44:29] kormoc: *any
[20:44:32] Dr_willis: it getting movie names/data from the net or somthing? its taking a very very very long time....
[20:44:50] alsoconfused: Dr_willis: it's probly recursing on / :)
[20:44:51] Dr_willis: and yes i do have a lot of videos... but i tend to just browse them by filename/dir
[20:45:05] kormoc: Dr_willis, no, it just scan the directorys and puts in entrys into the database, so you can go into the manager and grab the data from imdb or similar
[20:45:11] kormoc: Dr_willis, it's required for gallery mode
[20:45:41] alsoconfused: Dr_willis: is the base directory set to something sane?
[20:45:50] Dr_willis: just my 2nd hd.
[20:46:01] echosyp: so, if im tu use hardware mpeg4, i'll have to use convertX, which is only one tuner,
[20:46:13] Dr_willis: 65gb of videos. :)
[20:46:23] echosyp: i won't be able record one thing and watch another
[20:46:29] alsoconfused: Dr_willis: how many files?
[20:46:36] Dr_willis: lets see....
[20:46:41] kormoc: echosyp, you can watch what's previously recorded while it's recording
[20:46:55] kormoc: echosyp, or just buy more then one
[20:46:55] echosyp: i c
[20:47:19] Dr_willis: several hundred woudl be my guess... i forget the command to count them all. :)
[20:47:26] echosyp: what would one need with an HD tuner?
[20:47:34] echosyp: if hd is already mpeg2 encoded
[20:47:40] kormoc: echosyp, depends on your setup and feed
[20:47:59] kormoc: sandeen, for badly encoded feeds, aye
[20:48:02] alsoconfused: Dr_willis: are you asking about this because it takes a long time?
[20:48:06] Dr_willis: ls -R | wc -l shows 405 files
[20:48:09] Dr_willis: yea.. its at 16% now
[20:48:11] sandeen: kormoc, maybe that's my deal
[20:48:17] juski: hrm.. Pablo, the guy who makes minimyth seems to think that the reason my playback problem is fixed, is that it now runs as an unprivileged user. what the hell would that have to do with anything anyway? just glad it's worky again :)
[20:48:24] Dr_willis: and mysql seems to be taking up 95% CPU in top
[20:48:32] alsoconfused: Dr_willis: it should handle thousands of files in less than a minute
[20:48:46] alsoconfused: Dr_willis: maybe you're missing a database index?
[20:48:46] kormoc: well, in a decent amount of time
[20:49:00] kormoc: takes around a minute to scan my few hundred over NFS
[20:49:01] echosyp: kormoc, idealy, im going go have a 42" widescreen LCD tv, and digital cable/satellite
[20:49:09] Dr_willis: its slowly progressing... but seems darn slow.
[20:49:17] Dr_willis: i mean at this rate it will be an hr or more.
[20:49:33] kormoc: echosyp, satellite you can't capture HD from. No way to get it in HD format
[20:49:54] kormoc: echosyp, digital cable, you can just capture over firewire if things go well, and you don't even need a capture card
[20:49:55] Dr_willis: my10633 mysql 4 -5 69252 49m 3044 S 97.1 4.9 266:58.25 mysqld
[20:49:56] echosyp: in either case though, id have to have two boxes
[20:50:07] Dr_willis: 97% cpu for a long time heh
[20:50:18] kormoc: echosyp, yes
[20:50:37] Dr_willis: tempted to restart the server... but wanting to be 'safe' about it
[20:50:44] echosyp: im not sure cox cable has the firewire enabled on the cable box
[20:50:48] kormoc: echosyp, due to the content being encrypted and there is no legal way to decrypt it outside of the boxes
[20:50:57] kormoc: echosyp, are you in the us?
[20:50:59] echosyp: yes
[20:51:02] echosyp: Texas
[20:51:09] Martini: Video Card Question: Will I see a big difference if I go AGP or PCI Express when it comes to display on my TV?
[20:51:16] Dr_willis: uptiime of 11 days. heh  :)
[20:51:19] kormoc: by law, if you have a HD subscription, they have to give you a firewire capable box on request
[20:51:21] alsoconfused: Dr_willis: which server? mysql?
[20:51:30] Dr_willis: mysqld yea – taking forever...
[20:51:42] Bodnabucci: What about blu laser
[20:51:48] Dr_willis: &#&@ wiuth it... lets kick it in the head and reboot the MythTV box.
[20:51:50] Dr_willis: :)
[20:51:54] kormoc: Bodnabucci, code some drivers
[20:52:08] ** juski laughs **
[20:52:11] ** sandeen wonders what drovc ethat law **
[20:52:15] sandeen: drove
[20:52:40] sandeen: Martini, i doubt it
[20:52:53] Bodnabucci: I have to agree with Stallman about Blu Laser
[20:52:58] kormoc: sandeen, the FCC did for some reason :P
[20:53:03] juski: place your bets.. how long will it take for the first person to write blu-ray or hd-dvd player code for linux to get his ass hauled to prison?
[20:53:13] sandeen: kormoc, maybe thanks to the EFF :)
[20:53:14] kormoc: 2.5 months
[20:53:19] Bodnabucci: that's my concern
[20:53:21] Martini: Thanks I was just wondering Try to keep the price down but have good quality video
[20:53:27] GreyFoxx: juski: DEpends on if he in anyway attaches his name or wants credit
[20:53:27] juski: Bodnabucci: too late
[20:53:31] lucas123 (lucas123! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:53:38] Bodnabucci: I'd rather see the format die and then come in and take it over
[20:53:42] Bodnabucci: DCMA
[20:53:44] GreyFoxx: there is a million ways to anonymously jump code onto the net and pass on aURL publically
[20:53:50] sandeen: Martini, i don't think there's a bit price difference actually
[20:53:59] GreyFoxx: fools just put it on their own site, or upload directly from their own IP etc :)
[20:54:06] lucas123 (lucas123! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:54:52] juski: maybe it'll go on the USB stick 'undernet'
[20:55:02] kazer_ (kazer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:55:03] juski: like the old days, but with USB sticks :)
[20:55:08] sandeen: :)
[20:55:15] GreyFoxx: sneakernet :)
[20:55:18] sandeen: psssst got a decryptor buddy?
[20:55:45] juski: or download it from
[20:56:17] GreyFoxx: Hell if I wanted to upload something anonymously I'd drive outside someones open wireless AP, connect to anetwork of anonymous squid caches, and upload
[20:56:22] GreyFoxx: good luck tracking me down :)
[20:56:23] ** sandeen tries to figure out why the program guide is bringing down his box quickly before family time starts again **
[20:56:40] sandeen: why bother w/ the caches?
[20:56:48] sandeen: maybe change your macid first ... :)
[20:56:54] GreyFoxx: sandeen: To avoid causing the open AP user getting in troubnle
[20:56:58] sandeen: ah
[20:57:05] sandeen: just find some old-folks home w/ wirelesss :)
[20:57:18] ** sandeen wonders if those exist **
[20:57:18] juski: dont want no innocent folks going to Guantanamo
[20:57:26] juski: oops. too late
[20:57:29] GreyFoxx: heh
[20:57:32] sandeen: be sure to upload it in .doc format so it puts your name in there somewhere :)
[20:58:07] GreyFoxx: vi file.c
[20:58:08] GreyFoxx: :)
[20:58:18] sandeen: Signed-off-by: Greyfoxx
[20:58:36] ** sandeen wishes netdump/netconsole worked on fc6 **
[20:58:49] daviey: or call yourself "Mohammed xxxx" from Afric, they won't touch you
[20:58:57] sandeen: heh
[20:59:13] daviey: unless you have a propersition to make lots of money
[20:59:39] GreyFoxx: juskiL hehe Zero Cool ;)
[20:59:47] sandeen: genius! hide it in spam
[21:00:10] sandeen: "dear sirs, I hope I find you in good spirits. My name is abajo mutumbi, son of the late dictator mufasa mutumbi"
[21:00:21] daviey: or "Iwisha Ihadalife"
[21:00:25] sandeen: "I am in possession of a blu-ray decoder which I hope to bring to the USA"
[21:00:33] sandeen: "If you are able to help me...."
[21:01:19] S2 (S2! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:01:33] sandeen: send it around the world with a alittle steganography in otherwise spammy messages
[21:01:40] sandeen: embed it in the cialis gifs
[21:02:57] echosyp: if digital cable and HD are already encoded in mpeg2, what exactly does an HD tuner do that a regular one wont
[21:03:13] sandeen: echosyp, tune them in
[21:04:09] echosyp: so a regular tv tuner won't tune to an HD station
[21:04:15] echosyp: i don't believe that
[21:04:29] GreyFoxx: no, not unless it has a ATSC/Clearn QAM tuner
[21:04:35] GreyFoxx: think of it this way
[21:04:48] GreyFoxx: basic cable is AM
[21:04:53] GreyFoxx: digital/HD is FM
[21:05:09] GreyFoxx: unless you have a radio capable of both, you can only tune one
[21:05:17] GreyFoxx: Your TV's analog tuner is AM
[21:06:31] juski: why the heck is nvu screwing up the html source so badly? every time I open & save a page it's putting loads of blank lines in
[21:06:53] daviey: isn't nvu still alpha?
[21:08:07] juski: dunno
[21:08:09] juski: maybe
[21:08:10] daviey: development has been so SLOW on it
[21:08:38] juski: I'd like its css integration to be a lot better – that'd be nice
[21:09:01] at0m (at0m! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:09:07] at0m is now known as at0m|c
[21:09:13] Dr_willis: time to plug in a monitor i guess..
[21:09:36] juski: I might have to dig thru this html & nicen it up with some perl-fu
[21:10:30] bolty (bolty! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:10:48] daviey: juski, might be worth looking at KompoZer it seems to be a fork of NVU with better CSS integration
[21:10:55] sandeen (sandeen! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[21:12:02] juski: I'm finding it much easier to do it all in a text editor tbh
[21:12:42] daviey: k
[21:16:23] juski: omg pvr350 guy is using plutohome. well, somebody has to
[21:17:24] Xanium4332 (Xanium4332! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:19:34] sandeen (sandeen! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:20:21] Gumby_: lo all, I'm running into problems with having no data in my EPG. Ive tried running mythfilldatabase but it doesnt seem to be changing anything yet is also not giving any errors. Can anyone suggest where I might look?
[21:23:11] ** sandeen ponders what a good list of readahead files would be for mythfrontend **
[21:25:06] rogue780: is there a way to boost audio output?
[21:25:15] Xanium4332: u mean audio levels?
[21:25:29] Xanium4332: erm
[21:25:42] rogue780: Xanium4332, sort of...alsamixer is at 100% across the board
[21:25:42] juski: tvs have had volume controls since the very beginning have they not?
[21:25:49] Xanium4332: you might be able to do it with a custom .asoundrc
[21:25:58] juski: check your recording profiles
[21:25:59] alsoconfused: Gumby_: try mythfilldatabase -v
[21:26:02] rogue780: but I have to turn the TV up so high it makes the tv buzz
[21:26:11] Xanium4332: yeh I know what you mean
[21:26:12] juski: audio recording volume is set to a conservative level
[21:26:32] Xanium4332: well me digital audio also's a bit quiet
[21:27:28] juski: I might experiment with JACK at some point to see if I can put some auto-level plugin in the chain
[21:28:00] Gumby_: alsoconfused: will give it a shot, thanks
[21:28:23] echosyp: so, if a tv tuner is atsc/clear qam tuner, its an HD tuner
[21:28:28] juski: if your livetv (ugh!) and recorded shows volume is too low adjust the recording profiles' audio recording volume.
[21:28:43] juski: turn it up too high though, and it'll distort
[21:28:43] Xanium4332: yeh but this is digital
[21:28:59] Xanium4332: or does it not matter
[21:29:06] juski: Xanium4332: so's mine. I can live with it
[21:29:14] Xanium4332: ok
[21:29:15] juski: you get the level it's broadcast at
[21:29:19] Xanium4332: i know
[21:29:34] Xanium4332: just I've got everything in alsamixer on maximum
[21:29:37] juski: maybe get a better soundcard
[21:29:42] Xanium4332: and to get a decent volume
[21:29:46] juski: with a 'hotter' output
[21:29:48] Xanium4332: I turn my tv up
[21:30:00] juski: or do what I do.. use a digital amp :)
[21:30:09] Xanium4332: yeh
[21:30:13] Xanium4332: but there expensive
[21:30:14] echosyp: and if i want to watch regular cable
[21:30:34] echosyp: it has to have NTSC capture too?
[21:30:38] juski: I got my yamaha rx-v457 for like 150GBP or so
[21:30:56] Xanium4332: anybody know of a cheap digital amp (which can take SPDIF w/ 5.1)
[21:31:05] juski: anyway....
[21:31:15] juski (juski! has quit (""weekend shift is over"")
[21:31:58] rogue780: hmm...ivtvctl says max value for volume is 65535, but I jus set it to 69632...does anyone foresee a problem with this?
[21:33:40] echosyp: my connection suck
[21:33:41] echosyp: s
[21:33:55] echosyp: someone help me figure out what is best for me
[21:34:46] echosyp: im gonna get digital cable, id like to watch and record, so i'll need two tuners
[21:41:53] cesman: echosyp: figure out what?
[21:42:23] Xanium4332: i think me means what type of tuner he shud get (DVB-C)
[21:44:42] cesman: A PVR 500
[21:44:46] cesman: two tuners, one card
[21:44:50] kormoc: not for HD
[21:48:18] echosyp: yeah, i'll have digital cable
[21:48:43] kormoc: so get two cable boxes with firewire out
[21:48:58] echosyp: i called and asked about that
[21:49:02] echosyp: they don't have firewire
[21:49:08] kormoc: they legally have to
[21:49:44] sandeen: my tv says it can do auto aspect ratio / picture size IF the "ID-1" or "HDMI aspect ratio data" is present... anyone know if X (or myth, if it has any control over that) sends this information over dvi->hdmi?
[21:49:51] xris: echosyp: if you're in the US, and you get an HD box, they have to provide firewire if you ask for it.
[21:49:52] echosyp: she said they don't
[21:50:10] kormoc: echosyp, she doesn't know better, let me find the fcc law
[21:50:13] xris: echosyp: ask to talk to a supervisor, and mention that the FCC requires them to provide it.
[21:50:27] echosyp: for just digital cable?
[21:50:36] xris: echosyp: digital *HD* cable
[21:51:53] kormoc: echosyp, (i) Effective April 1, 2004, upon re-
[21:51:53] kormoc: quest of a customer, replace any leased
[21:51:53] kormoc: high definition set-top box, which does
[21:51:54] kormoc: not include a functional IEEE 1394
[21:51:54] kormoc: interface, with one that includes a
[21:51:54] kormoc: functional IEEE 1394 interface or up-
[21:51:56] kormoc: grade the customer?s set-top box by
[21:51:58] kormoc: download or other means to ensure
[21:52:00] kormoc: that the IEEE 1394 interface is func-
[21:52:02] kormoc: tional.
[21:52:18] echosyp: thats fucking sweet
[21:52:25] echosyp: finally the fcc does something right
[21:53:03] sandeen: yeah that's kind of amazing
[21:53:18] xris: kormoc: we should add that to the mythtv wiki if it's not there already
[21:53:22] sandeen: interesting that they specified iee1394.... apple must have some lobbyists :)
[21:53:42] xris: sandeen: it *is* the industry standard for digital video interface
[21:53:46] kormoc: sandeen, that's the offical name from the ieee body.
[21:54:02] kormoc: sandeen, apple's term is firewire
[21:54:07] sandeen: kormoc, yes, I know, but apple is a big proponent of firewire in the fw/usb2 wars
[21:54:14] kormoc: ahh
[21:54:19] sandeen: ok of "that interconnect" whatever you want to call it
[21:54:21] kormoc: well, they're not the only ones :P
[21:54:27] sandeen: true
[21:54:42] sandeen: xris, well if written today it might say hdmi instead
[21:54:49] sandeen: though then I guess they could put HDCP on it or something
[21:55:46] xris: sandeen: hdmi can only send uncompressed data
[21:55:59] sandeen: oh, odd
[21:56:04] sandeen: seems like a strange restriction
[21:56:14] echosyp: so i have to have HD digital cable
[21:56:22] sandeen: not sure what that gains you
[21:56:29] xris: echosyp: in most markets, it's just a box upgrade.. $5/month extra for me.
[21:56:38] cesman: digital cable doesn't not automatically mean HD digital cable
[21:57:20] echosyp: i see
[21:58:08] xris: sandeen: different format. firewire was designed for streaming data (which usb2 wasn't, and is why firewire is used more for streaming stuff), hdmi is for a digital video signal
[22:02:19] ** sandeen wishes he had more non-hd digital channels free on his basic cable :) **
[22:04:00] echosyp: so, will the wintv-pvr usb2 be ok for Digital HD Cable
[22:05:08] cesman: if you want to record HD, you need an HD capble tuner or via firewire
[22:05:19] cesman: the pvrusb2 isn't hd capable
[22:06:33] echosyp: but it would be ok for regular/digital cable
[22:06:50] echosyp: so long as the digital cable wasn't hd
[22:10:30] cesman: yes
[22:15:55] Dr_willis: heh – i some how broke my mythtv box..
[22:16:17] Dr_willis: took this oppurtunity to replace its ati card with an nvidia card.  :) now lets kick it in the head a few more times.
[22:18:55] kep_ (kep_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:23:05] kep (kep! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:24:38] orrion: does anybody know anything about being able to turn off an internal amp for pvr500 card?
[22:36:00] nuonguy (nuonguy! has quit ("Leaving.")
[22:39:54] kormoc: google might
[22:42:00] DVBMark: Anyone by chance use the MediaMVP frontend for Myth? I don't even think it is related to that, but having a problem where it is complaining about connecting to my database. As far as I know I ran the query on sql to allow anything on my network access and flushed privileges. Any tips?
[22:46:35] defend is now known as Defend
[22:54:30] kazer_ (kazer_! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:58:12] YippMn (YippMn! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:58:34] YippMn: xris, ok this is better forgot
[22:58:46] xris: anyway, all stuff runnign on th same machine?
[22:59:08] YippMn: ywell i'm not sure if the backend is running , and the ip it shows in setup is and it says thats ok
[22:59:26] YippMn: yes just on this machine
[22:59:34] Xanium4332 (Xanium4332! has quit ("Bersirc 2.2, for external use only. [ - Open Source IRC ]")
[23:00:28] xris: YippMn: did you start the backend?
[23:00:39] xris: ps axf | grep myth
[23:01:29] seth|zaurus (seth|zaurus!n=seth| has joined #mythtv-users
[23:01:38] YippMn: well not sure how to start the backend
[23:02:01] xris: YippMn: how'd you install mythtv?
[23:02:12] YippMn: ok this is the output 1185 pts/1 S+ 0:00 | \_ grep --colour=auto myth
[23:02:44] xris: ok, backend definitely isn't running
[23:03:00] YippMn: well i'm running gentoo and just did emerge
[23:03:15] xris: then you probably have a sysV init script for starting the backend
[23:03:21] YippMn: ok its not running hmm
[23:04:27] YippMn: is there a wya to just start it from commandline/
[23:05:21] YippMn: just typed mythbackend and it seems it says it can't conect to database
[23:06:22] xris: is mysql running?
[23:07:03] YippMn: it should be it shows it starting during bootup
[23:07:14] The_Ball: YippMn, it will also state why it can't connect
[23:09:06] YippMn: The_Ball, ok gonna paste the output it get when doing mythbackend
[23:09:35] The_Ball: use a pastebin, not in this channel
[23:12:00] YippMn: The_Ball, ok heres the output:
[23:13:13] YippMn: The_Ball, seems its not seeing the capture card hmm
[23:13:19] echosyp: what about the rest of the channels
[23:13:56] The_Ball: YippMn, have you run mythtv-setup?
[23:15:21] YippMn: The_Ball, yes i have
[23:15:48] YippMn: prety much followed the instructions as best i could
[23:16:08] YippMn: i can run mythtv-setup again tho
[23:18:20] YippMn: The_Ball, ok in setup right now anything that the output told you i mite have to look at?
[23:18:34] The_Ball: the definition of the capture card
[23:20:34] YippMn: The_Ball, ok , and what about that, it says it can't find the capture card
[23:21:15] The_Ball: so check that you have selected the right type and the card's module is loaded
[23:22:26] YippMn: well in setup it shows , analog vl4 capture card
[23:22:52] YippMn: now i have to remember how to check if the module is loadeed hmm
[23:23:06] echosyp: lsmod
[23:23:31] Gumby_ (Gumby_! has quit ("Why do we always come here? I guess we'll never know. Its like some kind of torture to have to watch this show.")
[23:23:50] echosyp: but seriously now, im gonna have like 500 channels,
[23:24:02] echosyp: what about the ones above 124
[23:24:04] echosyp: 125*
[23:25:23] kormoc: you need a ir blaster and use the composite in on the tv card
[23:25:48] YippMn: hmm lsmod shows mostly all snd modules , hmm don't see but one that has bt87x
[23:27:13] kazer__ (kazer__! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:27:43] The_Ball: echosyp, you can probably do an sql query to delete them
[23:28:55] kazer_ (kazer_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:29:06] kormoc: The_Ball, how does that help? he wants to record from them...
[23:29:34] The_Ball: oh, there was another guy wanting to delete heeps of channels
[23:29:40] jams: yeah the popup list of backends to restart is working
[23:31:45] lowone: is there an obvous spot in the sql db? (slowly working thru channels and changing all bad ones to the callsign 'delete')
[23:32:24] kormoc: lowone, depending on why you want to delete them
[23:32:50] lowone: cause the are blank channels that qam256 picked up... nothing on them
[23:33:05] lowone: scan of qam256
[23:33:18] kormoc: lowone, well, that's a hard one to write a query to delete
[23:33:57] lowone: is there an easer way?/channel editor? my google skills of searching the wiki fail me
[23:34:08] kormoc: there is a channel editor in mythtv-setup
[23:39:04] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:44:33] FRiZzLe (FRiZzLe! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:44:48] FRiZzLe: evenin folks
[23:44:57] echosyp: how do you tell where linux has put some usb device
[23:45:13] echosyp: pda
[23:45:14] kormoc: echosyp, dmesg? /sys?
[23:46:25] FRiZzLe: I going by a tutorial and yum -y install ivtv-firmware comes up with do nothing. Is there something im missing?
[23:46:52] kormoc: FRiZzLe, sounds like you're missing the firmware
[23:47:13] FRiZzLe: yeah shouldn't it pull it?
[23:47:30] kormoc: if it's in your repos, sure
[23:48:16] FRiZzLe: hmm. yum -y install ivtv-kmdl-$KVER installed fine
[23:51:36] kormoc: you could search for ivtv in yum and see if it's just named differently
[23:52:09] FRiZzLe: ah yeah, thanks im tired :)
[23:52:40] FRiZzLe: I've had this pvr 350 for 2 years now and haven't used it until now ahah
[23:52:55] FRiZzLe: what do you use?'
[23:55:17] kormoc: I have a m179 (pvr 250 rebranded)
[23:55:35] FRiZzLe: ah.
[23:55:53] FRiZzLe: Do you know of a repo with the firmware?
[23:56:05] kormoc: nope
[23:56:14] FRiZzLe: damn tutorials haha ;)
[23:56:35] FRiZzLe: following this one
[23:56:57] cesman: ivtv firmware can be found on the ivtv website
[23:57:03] kormoc: he wants a package
[23:57:20] cesman: when all else fails...
[23:57:45] FRiZzLe: ah yeah, I think thats a recipe for disaster for me :)
[23:57:57] cesman: how is it?
[23:58:06] cesman: the firmware is simple a tarball
[23:58:22] FRiZzLe: ah k, Ill follow ivtv org info
[23:58:23] cesman: download and extract in appropriate location

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