:: #mythtv-users

Daily chat history

Current users (143):

adante, Agrajag-, Aid1, akaias, alsoconfused, Anduin, AndyCap, AngryElf, armand, b8zsNetra, bagpuss_thecat, Beirdo, benc-, bilbravo, BleedAway, butabi, Captain_Murdoch, catisonh, ChanServ, Cougar, crabstic, CyberKnet, Dagmar, daniel_bergamini, dasOp, daxxar, dev, Diabolic, Dibblah, dorel__, dougl, epoch, fish_, flatronf701B, flindet, Fnc-1, gardengnome, GeM, GiantPickle, gmoore, grantm, GreyFoxx, guru18, gzphreak, hads, haj, Hoxzer, j-rod, j2^, jammyd, jams, janneg, jasta, jchome, jk1joel, joffray, joshno, Juski, kayelem, KaZeR, kormoc, kothog, KraMer, kurre2_, Kyler, LabMonkey, ldam, lilo, lnx^, LoneShadow, lu, Madkiss, majesty, Merlin83b, mishehu, mk500, mocker, mooey, mshooshtari, mxktmdude, MythLogBot, neftune, Nem^, nero, nettwerk, neuro_, NHIwerx, Nichotin, Notorious, nulltank, null_, Octane, Om, opello, PaulWay, peep, phatmonkey, phenex, pigeon, podzap, prg3, Puh, qfx, qu0zl, radi0head, RandomDude15, remedy_, roger55, roofie, ross___, rtsai, russellb, s34n, sannes, sc00p_, schultmc, Scorpi3, Sedorox, shiznix, sigger_, sigger_2_, simcop2387, SlicerDicer-, somegeek, Speedy2, sphery, Spida, splat1, tank-man, test34, tfm, tjcarter, tkaine, tomimo, topping, tstm, Viking1, virsys, Wonker, xris, yz, Zide, [PUPPETS]Gonzo

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Wednesday, July 26th, 2006, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:50] doggkruse: oy I'm confuseded
[00:00:57] doggkruse: anyone want to help a poor sole
[00:01:11] doggkruse: my channels don't match any specific zap2it lineup
[00:01:35] doggkruse: in fact, they fall across 2 or 3 lineups my cable company has
[00:01:38] doggkruse: on zap2it
[00:01:50] doggkruse: how can I use all channels on each tuner?
[00:03:05] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has quit (Client Quit)
[00:05:20] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:30] dotted (dotted! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:07:56] mxktmdude (mxktmdude! has quit ("ciao guys")
[00:08:44] dotted (dotted! has quit (Client Quit)
[00:11:40] mikearthur (mikearthur! has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:22:21] ** tjcarter is pondering Myth's host OS on CF card **
[00:22:55] kormoc: jffs2 is the filesystem of choice for flash installs
[00:24:08] Hoxzer: >aha<
[00:24:35] Hoxzer: you know there is a laptop in korea that uses totally flash based HDD
[00:25:34] PaulWay[w] (PaulWay[w]! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:25:38] PaulWay[w]: Hi all!
[00:25:57] podzap (podzap! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:26:03] Hoxzer: hi dood
[00:26:03] podzap: hi
[00:26:10] podzap: anybody here running minimyth?
[00:26:22] PaulWay[w]: So what analogue TV tuners do people use?
[00:27:06] podzap: I just built a thin-client frontend box running minimyth
[00:27:09] kormoc: PaulWay, pvr 150/250/350/500
[00:27:09] podzap: just to try it out
[00:27:23] PaulWay[w]: podzap: URL?
[00:27:38] podzap: PaulWay[w]: URL for what?
[00:27:57] PaulWay[w]: Sorry; URL for minimyth.
[00:28:29] PaulWay[w]: I'm doing a talk at my LUG tomorrow on installing Myth and I want to know what tuners work and what install howtos people used.
[00:28:36] podzap: PaulWay[w]: check this out
[00:28:39] podzap: PaulWay[w]:
[00:29:03] podzap: that's what I built, a small box with an epia sp8000e and half a gig of ram
[00:29:06] PaulWay[w]: I'd recommend Fedora except Jarod's instructions rely on the abomination that is atrpms.
[00:29:06] podzap: no hard disk
[00:29:18] PaulWay[w]: podzap: Very cool!
[00:29:36] PaulWay[w]: I have a Epia M10000 but it just runs FC4 as my web server.
[00:29:47] podzap: PaulWay[w]: it boots the entire OS via PXE
[00:29:49] PaulWay[w]: Haven't got the correct video drivers installed yet.
[00:30:02] podzap: minimyth has all the epia stuff built-in
[00:30:04] podzap: it just works
[00:30:07] PaulWay[w]: Is this the next step of that LinPVR thing that died years ago?
[00:30:26] podzap: probably so
[00:31:25] podzap: it has room for improvement, but as i've played with it for a few hours now, it's pretty cool
[00:31:35] PaulWay[w]: The other problem I have in trying to install a PXE boot system is that the DHCP server I use is my Smoothwall machine.
[00:31:53] podzap: PaulWay[w]: doesn't matter
[00:32:09] podzap: your dhcp server doesn't have to be the machine that serves the tftp files
[00:32:25] PaulWay[w]: Your ideas intrigue me – go on...
[00:32:36] podzap: my dhcp server just points to another machine where the files are served via tftp
[00:33:13] PaulWay[w]: But I'd still have to play with Smoothwall's DHCP setup in order to get it to recognise the MAC address and boot it.
[00:33:29] PaulWay[w]: Its academic anyway, I don't need to boot it diskless.
[00:33:31] podzap: just use the line "next-server" to point to the machine where to fetch the file from.
[00:33:55] PaulWay[w]: But for my talk it's going to be a big selling point.
[00:35:11] podzap: what are you trying to sell?
[00:35:31] PaulWay[w]: If people already have a beige box server on their LAN, esp. if it's already doing DHCP, then adding a MythTV frontend that is quiet and small is also going to be relatively inexpensive.
[00:35:35] scottder (scottder! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:36:06] scottder: Ok I am usually good at figuring things out....looking at upcoming recordings in MythWeb....what does a T mean next to a recording.
[00:36:07] podzap: i paid 405 euros for my front-end today
[00:36:40] podzap: 350 for cubid case and epia sp8000e, and another 55 for a half-gig ram
[00:36:48] PaulWay[w]: Where's the minimyth distro?
[00:36:57] podzap: there on
[00:37:04] PaulWay[w]: Ah.
[00:37:11] PaulWay[w]: Isn't that now way out of date?
[00:38:01] podzap:
[00:38:11] podzap: it's pretty current, it seems
[00:38:28] PaulWay[w]: Weird, I can't find a link to that from the main page...
[00:38:37] PaulWay[w]: Maybe I'm just stupid. Don't worry. Thanks for the link/
[00:39:16] PaulWay[w]: And that contains all the Unichrome drivers to use the MPEG2 decoding onboard?
[00:39:19] akaias (akaias! has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[00:39:21] podzap: yep
[00:39:26] tjcarter: kormoc: isn't JFFS2 normally intended for MTDs that don't emulate hard drives?
[00:39:26] podzap: everything epia is built in
[00:39:36] PaulWay[w]: That is very cool.
[00:39:46] KranzFafka (KranzFafka! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:40:07] tjcarter: kormoc: my intention is to use a CF-IDE adapter for cheap adaptation of an existing system
[00:40:31] Hoxzer: Should I setup Mythweb :o
[00:41:03] rabbitear (rabbitear! has left #mythtv-users ("Smoking")
[00:41:06] akaias (akaias! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:41:52] scottder: Ahhh too many recorded and it wasn't expiring old shows I see now
[00:41:52] scottder: :)
[00:42:58] tjcarter: Hoxzer: MythWeb didn't seem too useful to me once I tried to use a form
[00:44:04] Beirdo: huh?
[00:44:16] Beirdo: you mean mythbrowser, tjcarter
[00:44:16] Hoxzer: tjcarter: yes, I have also used it and I found it as a good way to set records remotetly
[00:44:25] tjcarter: er, sorry, yes
[00:44:31] Hoxzer: anyway I can do that via vnc connection
[00:44:52] Beirdo: heh, too confusing sometimes ;)
[00:45:00] PaulWay[w]: Hoxzer: Mythweb is very handy.
[00:45:11] PaulWay[w]: And the new 0.19 interface is quite slick.
[00:45:13] qfx: Mythweb is awesome
[00:45:31] PaulWay[w]: It also gives you better information about conflicts and some other stuff.
[00:45:55] Hoxzer: PaulWay[w]: are you familiar with setting it up for phone?
[00:46:19] Hoxzer: I have heard there is somekind of wap interface for it
[00:46:20] PaulWay[w]: Phone – as in access via an internet-enabled phone?
[00:46:25] PaulWay[w]: I haven't heard of that, no.
[00:46:39] Hoxzer: or callled so ... not wap httpx it is actually
[00:46:43] doggkruse (doggkruse! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:47:39] doggkruse (doggkruse! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:47:41] Hoxzer: aargh
[00:47:53] PaulWay[w]: ?
[00:48:10] Hoxzer: xhtml lol
[00:48:14] Hoxzer: I'm tired
[00:48:32] PaulWay[w]: And rightly so, it's way past your bedtime :-)
[00:49:08] podzap: PaulWay[w]: cool thing about that epia box: it only takes 17 watts of power, even when playing a dvd.
[00:49:14] Hoxzer: :D ?
[00:51:53] podzap: i didn't get a remote control for my new myth frontend yet. what's a good remote control?
[00:52:21] podzap: mid-high priced is fine. just want to know what people like the best.
[00:54:36] Dagmar: Fun., I just noticed that the ivtv wiki has a wack md5sum for one of the firmwares
[00:54:52] darkfrog (darkfrog! has quit ()
[00:55:05] PaulWay[w]: podzap: That's another good point.
[00:55:24] PaulWay[w]: I got a wireless keyboard. That was a good investement.
[00:55:33] PaulWay[w]: Haven't got an IR remote working yet.
[00:56:29] podzap: do you really need a keyboard, or is a remote enough?
[00:56:46] podzap: i would like to just have a good remote...
[01:01:11] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[01:01:14] CyberKnet2 (CyberKnet2! has joined #MythTV-Users
[01:01:20] CyberKnet2 is now known as CyberKnet
[01:02:48] ** xris grumbles about horrid traffic **
[01:03:37] akaias (akaias! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:05:08] rabbitear (rabbitear! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:07:38] legtod2 (legtod2! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:09:42] legtod2: anyone home?
[01:09:58] doggkruse: I'm at home
[01:10:03] doggkruse: :D
[01:10:13] Hoxzer: ME too
[01:10:24] Hoxzer: But do you love me?
[01:11:02] doggkruse: um no
[01:11:33] pickler (pickler! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:11:42] legtod2: I just wanted to ask a couple of questions.
[01:11:56] doggkruse: :/
[01:12:00] doggkruse: thats not allowed here
[01:12:12] doggkruse: you just have to yell your problems and hope someone cares ;)
[01:12:17] Beirdo: heh
[01:12:28] Beirdo: you can ask as many questions as you want, of course...
[01:12:37] pickler (pickler! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:12:45] legtod2: Ok, here goes...
[01:13:51] legtod2: I am considering using HD with my mythtv. Presently using two pvr-250 cards.
[01:14:10] legtod2: Thinking of HD-3000 or HD-5500.
[01:14:45] doggkruse: :/
[01:14:49] doggkruse: I wish I could help
[01:14:53] legtod2: The HD-3000 is tried and true but hard to come by
[01:15:05] doggkruse: I've heard that the motorola cable box with firewire is the best option in the us
[01:15:13] doggkruse: if you have comcast digital of course
[01:15:18] legtod2: The HD-5500, is unproven.
[01:15:55] legtod2: And not spoken about much
[01:16:34] doggkruse: :/
[01:16:42] doggkruse: I have no experience with either
[01:16:45] doggkruse: I'm on a pvr 500
[01:16:52] doggkruse: in the same situation as you
[01:17:03] Beirdo: hmm, that's the newest version of what used to be the air2pc if I recall correctly
[01:17:14] Beirdo: and last I heard, they were supposed to be quite good
[01:19:15] legtod2: I would really love to just plug and play a card with out going through many hours of debug.
[01:19:33] GreyFoxx: Personally I wouldn;t mind some sort of audible noise when moving through menu options and such, and maybe a transistion icon when loading a plugin or other screen
[01:20:45] legtod2: Are many using HD with mythtv today ?
[01:22:47] legtod2: Would you recommend the hd-5500 ?
[01:25:17] Beirdo: not sure which to recommend
[01:25:40] Beirdo: I have an older air2pc, but my HD signals here suck mightily without much better antennas
[01:26:23] legtod2: I am using cable, and have HD from cable subscriber. But not yet have the right card to watch hd from mythtv.
[01:27:48] Beirdo: oh
[01:28:09] Beirdo: well, that's completely different, the HD3000 and HD5500 BOTH may not do it
[01:28:38] Beirdo: they are intended to be used for over-the-air HDTV, and may or may not be able to deal with whatever format your cable company uses
[01:29:14] Beirdo: the simplest would be to get a terminal from them with firewire connectivity and hope they don't encrypt the HD channels over firewire
[01:29:17] Beirdo: AFAIK
[01:29:36] legtod2: I am in Canada and have the cable subscriber called Rogers.
[01:29:45] Beirdo: you poor bastard
[01:29:45] Beirdo: ;)
[01:29:53] Beirdo: I just moved out of Toronto
[01:30:16] legtod2: I am in Fredericton New Brunswick.
[01:30:26] Beirdo: not sure if Rogers provides the firewire boxes or not
[01:32:01] Beirdo: you could call the incompetent fools and ask them if they have boxes with firewire or not
[01:32:04] tkaine: GreyFoxx: This is timing out for some reason, but if you can get it to come up, it is instructions on how to have button sounds in MYthTV's frontend:
[01:32:18] Beirdo: how's the east coast?
[01:32:33] DrMitch (DrMitch!n=me@ has quit ("Leaving")
[01:32:54] legtod2: Not too shabby, where are you ?
[01:33:41] legtod2: Other than toronto
[01:34:32] Juski (Juski! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:35:53] Beirdo: Puerto Rico
[01:36:02] Beirdo: with an even crappier cable company
[01:37:12] legtod2: With fire wire boxes what else do you need ?
[01:37:28] Beirdo: firewire on your backend machine
[01:37:59] Beirdo: not sure past that, I haven't tried that solution yet
[01:38:09] legtod2: My PVR is a frontend and backend machine.
[01:38:14] akaias (akaias! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:39:52] legtod2: Never seem to be done with PVR box. Always tring to make it better.
[01:40:30] legtod2: I also shrink my videos to dvix for play on my PDA
[01:46:52] rabbitear (rabbitear! has quit ("rebooting")
[01:48:08] legtod2 (legtod2! has quit ()
[01:55:51] rabbitear (rabbitear! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:56:47] b^j (b^j! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:57:49] bradley (bradley! has left #mythtv-users ()
[02:00:12] b^j: my myth system sometimes hardlocks, keeping the the last video frame and looping the last second or so of audio. i read that ivtv can have problems on a via chipset, though this isn't the specific problem i see people having. Is this most likely a known via issue or should I look for something else?
[02:00:27] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[02:00:31] CyberKnet2 (CyberKnet2! has joined #MythTV-Users
[02:00:37] CyberKnet2 is now known as CyberKnet
[02:01:09] Beirdo: CyberKnet, you silly aussie :)
[02:02:06] Beirdo: b^j, could well be a via issue. I avoid their chipsets like the plague
[02:02:12] Beirdo: which chipset do ya have?
[02:02:19] Beirdo: i.e. which via?
[02:02:55] b^j: Beirdo: i don't remember, its a third hand system i had laying around, give me a minute
[02:03:15] Beirdo: lspci -v should say
[02:03:29] b^j: need to boot it again
[02:03:33] Beirdo: heh
[02:03:35] Beirdo: fair enough
[02:07:42] b^j: Beirdo: looks like a VIA kt266
[02:12:32] Beirdo: Hmm, I think the KT133 and KT266 were the ones that got the bad rep
[02:12:54] Beirdo: but it's been a while since it last came up. It may just be a crappy chipset acting odd
[02:13:05] b^j: Beirdo: great, i can fix that easily enough
[02:13:37] b^j: been meaning to replace the hardware anyway
[02:13:43] Beirdo: heh
[02:20:28] nomin (nomin! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:21:00] nomin: I just installed mythtv for the first time :-D
[02:22:09] nomin: when I exit mythtv, I still hear the audio from the cable tv. How do I stop this from happening?
[02:22:56] LoneShadow (LoneShadow! has quit ()
[02:24:57] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:26:32] xris (xris! has quit ("")
[02:26:42] Nichotin (Nichotin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:26:45] Nichotin (Nichotin! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:34:38] virsys (virsys! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[02:42:00] Darthy (Darthy! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:43:20] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[02:44:33] nomin: getting mythtv up and running really wasn't so bad. The documentation on had everything I needed. Now all I have to do is configure everything just the way I want it to.
[02:44:55] nomin: :)
[02:44:58] sphery (sphery! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:46:04] rabbitear (rabbitear! has left #mythtv-users ("Smoking")
[02:48:30] tank-man (tank-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:48:40] b^j: i want to control the tuner of my myth box from another pc, ie i want to use this sweet little webpad i got at a ham radio swap meet to view the listings and change channels on the box with the tuner that is hooked up to the tv, is there anything for this?
[02:50:08] Fnc: if your tablet can run linux, install the myth frontend
[02:50:33] b^j: it does, but it is slow, i don't want tv on it and i want to use teh touch screen if possible
[02:50:36] Fnc: or you can use mythweb and surf to it
[02:50:47] Fnc: linux has touchscreen support
[02:50:52] b^j: yes
[02:50:53] b^j: i know
[02:51:07] b^j: i have linux and the touch screen working
[02:51:12] b^j: it was designed for linux
[02:51:27] b^j: never produced, its a prototype, stupid dot bomb
[02:51:34] Fnc: then just install the frontend
[02:52:10] b^j: does that give me a ui to change the channel but not display tv?
[02:52:14] PaulWay[w]: Anyone had any experience with the Hauppauge Nova-T ?
[02:52:38] Fnc: you could display tv.. if you wanted.. but dont need to... basically youd have the frontend just like you have it on your box now...
[02:53:01] kormoc (kormoc! has quit ("Done with work, yay! ( )")
[02:53:59] b^j: ok, i must not have run across a part of the front end that does that
[02:54:08] Fnc: or if its x windows.. just export an xwindows session that you have on the myth box, to your screen.. kinda like vnc or soemthing, then youd have control of the other computers
[02:54:16] tank-man: b^j, you can telnet to the pc and control mythtv
[02:54:27] PaulWay[w]: Google is saying positive things about it, anyway; that's good enough for me.
[02:55:46] Fnc: bj
[02:55:47] Fnc:
[02:56:07] b^j: i understand remote x and all that
[02:56:35] b^j: i just want a ui like the guide that i can display (or run) on a differnt host that changes channels when i click on a show
[02:56:43] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:56:54] b^j: if there is a part of the frontend that does that then i need to explore more
[02:57:12] b^j: and i want it to be mouse driven so i can use the touch screen
[02:57:23] Fnc: well.. you can record stuff.. and what not, but not change channels
[02:57:31] b^j: k
[02:57:36] b^j: that was what i was seeing
[02:57:49] b^j: was wondering if anyone came up with a clever way to do it
[02:57:56] b^j: or if i was missing something
[02:58:07] Fnc: why not xport xwindows to the device?
[02:58:55] b^j: i don't want to watch tv on it, i want to control the tv. am i missing something?
[02:59:13] pickler (pickler! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:59:19] pickler (pickler! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:59:43] Fnc: you wouldnt have too... just use it to control it, then export the tv to somewhere else
[03:01:02] Fnc: that make since
[03:01:05] tank-man: yea, so your device would just be the 'keyboard' to control it
[03:01:23] b^j: where in the frontend do i get a guide that i can click on with a mouse the change the channel that that would solve my problem. i haven't actually read the entire manual so rtfm is an acceptable answer
[03:02:08] tank-man: keyboard shortcuts are in the file keys.txt
[03:02:18] GreyFoxx: b^j: I con't believe there is a mouse option todo that
[03:02:21] b^j: ok
[03:02:32] aaranya (aaranya! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:03:07] b^j: writing a webpage that calls local system commands to change the channel it is then
[03:05:00] Fnc: bj you seen mythweb yet?
[03:05:02] GreyFoxx: That shouldn't be too tough. have the website use the frontend telnet interface
[03:05:14] nettwerk (nettwerk! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:05:31] Fnc: anyone know if there is anything like netremote for linux?
[03:05:32] b^j: Fnc: yes, how does that let me change channels? haven't found that
[03:06:03] nettwerk: hey. anyone seen a msg like this?
[03:06:04] nettwerk: 2006-07–25 20:09:59.148 NVP: Couldn't find a matching decoder for: myth://
[03:06:04] Fnc: it doesnt there... but i was gunna say if your going to write something.. you could use that and just edit stuff most likely
[03:06:25] b^j: GreyFoxx: yeah, or just use one of the command prompt tuner commands
[03:06:37] flatronf701B (flatronf701B!n=flatronf@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:06:42] b^j: Fnc: that was the plan, i'm way to lazy to do it from scratch
[03:06:43] GreyFoxx: You'd better to use the myth way to control it
[03:07:06] doggkruse (doggkruse! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[03:07:18] b^j: GreyFoxx: probably, haven't used the telnet interface yet, should work fine though
[03:11:49] Fnc:
[03:11:54] aaranya (aaranya! has quit ("Leaving")
[03:12:23] b^j: Fnc: slick, thanks
[03:12:45] Fnc: not sure what all it does.. but might be useful
[03:14:07] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
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[03:14:15] CyberKnet2 is now known as CyberKnet
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[03:21:58] Aid` (Aid`! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:25:58] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:25:59] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[03:26:49] RandomDude15 (RandomDude15! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:27:28] RandomDude15: how do I get myth to stop saving live tv feeds?
[03:27:39] RandomDude15: when I exit live tv
[03:27:45] RandomDude15: i dont want em to save
[03:27:59] Agrajag-: yes you do
[03:28:06] Agrajag-: you just don't know it
[03:28:21] RandomDude15: I want it disabled.
[03:28:38] Agrajag-: no you don't
[03:28:54] xris: RandomDude15: you can't
[03:28:57] xris: that's just how it works
[03:29:03] RandomDude15: stop telling me what I want and don't want.
[03:29:07] xris: you CAN prevent the recorded programs list from showing them, though
[03:29:08] RandomDude15: and xris thanks for clearing it up.
[03:29:08] mrgoby (mrgoby! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:29:13] Agrajag-: RandomDude15: you obviously don't understand what myth does
[03:29:20] RandomDude15 (RandomDude15! has left #mythtv-users ()
[03:30:02] mrgoby: hi all... does anyone have Closed Captioning working with ivtv ?
[03:30:14] somedude_ (somedude_! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:30:36] somedude_: Hi, any one know if there is a way to emerge mythtv w/o the whole backened (basically just the slave?) in gentoo.
[03:31:17] xris: somedude_: slave == backend.. so I assume you mean just the frontend?
[03:31:18] Nem^ (Nem^! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:31:31] mrgoby: somedude_: i believe there are USE flags for 'frontend-only' / 'backend-only' do an emerge -pv mythtv a and it will show you
[03:31:35] somedude_: xris: yes sory .. frontend
[03:31:51] somedude_: xris: wait no i guess i need a backend to run the tv card to :-S
[03:31:54] somedude_: nm
[03:32:16] xris: somedude_: then yes, you need a backend if you have a tv card in your second machine.
[03:32:24] xris: you can just set it up as a slave backend, then.
[03:32:29] xris: no special compile options, just config stuff
[03:33:21] mrgoby: if you dont set the use flag, it will build both, dont know if htat is what you want
[03:34:14] mrgoby: closed captioning anyone ? ... i need some help
[03:34:32] somedude_: i tried emerge mythtv
[03:34:39] somedude_: i get "MythTV requires Qt to be built with mysql and opengl use flags enabled."
[03:34:46] somedude_: but qt WAS compiled
[03:34:57] somedude_: and use is set to USE="-gtk -gnome qt3 kde dvd alsa cdr opengl mysql "
[03:35:19] xris: somedude_: compiled, yes.. but not with mysql and opengl, apparently
[03:35:35] mrgoby: somedude_ use equery to verify that is what it was built with
[03:35:35] somedude_: xris: what do i need to do to compile it with opengl and mysql?
[03:35:56] xris: no clue. I don't use gentoo
[03:36:04] somedude_: mrgoby: enquery?
[03:36:08] xris: hmm, our two main gentoo helpers are gone.
[03:36:11] xris: that's no good
[03:36:13] mrgoby: equery
[03:36:24] somedude_: mrgoby: how do i do that
[03:36:41] Nichotin (Nichotin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:36:52] mrgoby: man equery ... it has an option to tell you what USE flags where enabled when the package was emerged
[03:37:08] somedude_: no such thing
[03:37:09] somedude_: lol
[03:37:09] pab (pab! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:37:18] mrgoby: emerge gentoolkit
[03:37:19] somedude_: mythsettop etc # man enquery
[03:37:19] somedude_: No manual entry for enquery
[03:37:25] mrgoby: helpfull programs in there
[03:37:29] somedude_: kk thjanx
[03:37:46] mrgoby: and it is "equery" :-P
[03:37:54] somedude_: i like gentoo cuase i applied the gatos X11 patch and it didnt break anything like rpms do :)
[03:38:15] mrgoby: yeah, it is definitely easier to patch
[03:38:31] mrgoby: and keep in the package management paradigm
[03:38:51] somedude_: LOL QT has mysql AND opengl set
[03:38:58] somedude_: + + mysql  : Adds mySQL Database support
[03:38:58] mrgoby: a healthy compromise between debian and slackware :)
[03:39:03] somedude_: + + opengl  : Adds support for OpenGL (3D graphics)
[03:39:27] somedude_: for both qt 3 and qt 4
[03:39:55] mrgoby: hmm... and emerge mythtv fails ?
[03:40:03] somedude_: * MythTV requires Qt to be built with mysql and opengl use flags enabled.
[03:40:03] somedude_: * Please re-emerge =x11-libs/qt-3, after having the use flags set.
[03:40:15] somedude_: Call stack:
[03:40:15] somedude_:, line 1555: Called dyn_setup
[03:40:15] somedude_:, line 668: Called pkg_setup
[03:40:26] Nichotin (Nichotin! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:40:42] mrgoby: do an emerge -pv qt and see what it says
[03:40:45] mrgoby: ?
[03:41:08] somedude_: [ebuild R ] x11-libs/qt-4.1.2 USE="cups gif jpeg mysql opengl png zlib -acc essibility -debug -doc -examples -firebird -mng -nas -nis -odbc -postgres -sqlit e -xinerama" 0 kB
[03:41:28] somedude_: mysql seems to want 3.. i think
[03:41:44] mrgoby: and i assume mysql and opengl are green ?
[03:41:50] somedude_: red
[03:41:57] somedude_: just like the other flags
[03:42:08] tjcarter: somedude:... ubuntu being an ancient African word which means either "can't install Debian" or "sick of recompiling Gentoo", we're not sure which.
[03:42:09] mrgoby: oh
[03:42:16] ** tjcarter ducks =) **
[03:42:26] somedude_: tjcarter: yes but its DEBAIN based :-P
[03:42:35] somedude_: tjcarter: *shutters at the though of debs**
[03:42:48] tjcarter: You'd prefer rpms? =)
[03:42:58] somedude_: tjcarter: yes actually.. they ahve served me well
[03:43:08] tjcarter: deb is the worst packaging format I've ever seen, next to all of the others =)
[03:43:10] somedude_: tjcarter: until dependcies hit
[03:43:19] somedude_: tjcarter: id prefer tgz!
[03:43:49] tjcarter: well, you're running gentoo, you're supposed to prefer to slit your own wrists to installing a binary package. It's mandatory.
[03:44:03] somedude_: tjcarter: im bieset.. i never liekd bebian. i started with lack uh... slackware
[03:44:11] mrgoby: binaries are easy to install
[03:44:18] somedude_: tjcarter: actually i like gentoo.. gives you more power
[03:44:34] somedude_: but why doesnt emerge emerge mythtv!!!
[03:44:36] mrgoby: on gentoo... you can either throw the -k and install binaries if available, or you can roll your own with an overlay
[03:44:45] ** tjcarter chuckles **
[03:45:07] tjcarter: because power corrupts. Your filesystem, your configs, your binaries, and whatever else you've got.
[03:45:18] mrgoby: somedude_: are you using qt4 or 3 ?
[03:45:25] somedude_: mrgoby: both seem to be emerged
[03:45:36] mrgoby: isnt there a qt-select or something like for gcc ?
[03:45:57] ** tjcarter quits with the trolling now. **
[03:46:40] somedude_: mrgoby: i think.. how do i check
[03:47:25] somedude_: mrgoby: nop only qt4 is installd.. theres the prob
[03:47:30] somedude_: mrgoby: i cant install 3 i dont think
[03:48:00] ** tjcarter promised to stop trolling, really he did =) **
[03:48:16] tjcarter: somedude_: both should install if the ebuilds are set up right
[03:48:28] joffray (joffray! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:48:36] tjcarter: somedude_: if not, build it in /usr/local and forget about the ebuild
[03:48:37] mrgoby: i *think* you can have both installed ...
[03:48:59] somedude_: mrgoby: i dont ses a x11-lib/qt-3 folder
[03:49:08] somedude_: mrgoby: but i only see a /usr/lib/qt4 folder
[03:49:14] somedude_: mrgoby: so i assume only 4 is installed
[03:49:21] mrgoby: yeah... does myth require 3 ?
[03:49:50] somedude_: it does bitch about 3:
[03:49:50] somedude_: * MythTV requires Qt to be built with mysql and opengl use flags enabled.
[03:49:50] somedude_: * Please re-emerge =x11-libs/qt-3, after having the use flags set.
[03:49:59] somedude_: require.. i donno i assume
[03:50:05] somedude_: but there is no libs/qt-3
[03:50:11] somedude_: wait
[03:50:26] somedude_: the qt dir has "qt-3.3.4-r8.ebuild "
[03:50:39] mrgoby: maybe try just runing that emerge command ?
[03:50:47] somedude_: ???
[03:50:55] mrgoby: the ebuilds will be in your portage tree
[03:51:01] mrgoby: for all packages
[03:51:15] somedude_: mrgoby: yeh i found a qt-3
[03:52:16] somedude_: ok here goes nothign
[03:53:44] mrgoby: yeah... just do an emerge -av =x11-libs/qt-3
[03:53:56] mrgoby: clear
[03:54:39] mrgoby: closed captioning help anyone... ivtv ? i am getting data out of my /dev/vbi0 ... but i need to know how to decode it
[04:04:50] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[04:22:15] Darthy (Darthy! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:25:08] mrgoby: how do you configure the ivtv drivers of CC in myth ?
[04:25:17] mrgoby: for closed captioning i mean
[04:46:28] pab (pab! has quit ("Leaving")
[04:48:47] maquis (maquis!n=maquis@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:50:16] maquis: i apologize if this is the wrong channel for this question, but i'm trying to figure out my hauppauge wintv pvr-150, and since i don't currently have access to cable (but will very shortly), i decided to try using the fm tuner.
[04:50:58] maquis: i'm having some difficulties with it, though... if i'm in the wrong place, does anybody know if there's a right channel to ask for help on this?
[04:52:06] opello: probably a decent place, but i don't know anything about it :)
[04:52:40] PaulWay[w]: maquis: The FM tuners are often difficult to get working.
[04:52:52] PaulWay[w]: And I don't know of any linux apps to work with them.
[04:53:06] PaulWay[w]: By "cable", do you mean "Cable TV" or "Aerial cable"?
[04:53:09] maquis: PaulWay[w]: i found a tutorial online, but it assumes that you're showing some fm stations with fmscan
[04:53:14] maquis: PaulWay[w]: i mean cable tv
[04:54:20] PaulWay[w]: Hmmmm – does the PVR-150 do direct input?
[04:54:50] PaulWay[w]: Yes, apparently it does. There you go.
[04:54:52] opello: it has a 'coax' cable connector
[04:54:55] PaulWay[w]: Learnt another thing new.
[04:57:44] maquis: ??
[04:58:39] PaulWay[w]: So the MCE version has Coax aerial connectors and the straight 150 connects to cable. Hmmm.
[04:58:47] b^j (b^j! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:58:56] PaulWay[w]: I use DVB-T cards so it's plain coax aerial connectors here.
[04:59:13] Ediehow (Ediehow! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:59:19] Ediehow: hi friends
[04:59:23] PaulWay[w]: Hi!
[04:59:33] Ediehow: it seems when lirc is running it works with mythtv, but often turns on or off, and other funky things happen
[04:59:38] Ediehow: perhaps another remote in area is interfering?
[04:59:41] Ediehow: if so what to do?
[05:01:35] PaulWay[w]: Change the button presses to disable the conflicting buttons?
[05:01:40] maquis: PaulWay[w]: any chance you could explain the difference? i've got the MCE
[05:01:41] PaulWay[w]: Not use the other remote?
[05:02:23] maquis: PaulWay[w]: sorry for stupid questions...
[05:02:32] PaulWay[w]: maquis: Well, from the Hauppauge page, one version has a single coaxial screw connector that screws into a cable TV cable.
[05:02:55] maquis: and the other doesn't?
[05:03:30] PaulWay[w]: The other, marked MCE on their website, has two non-screw coax connectors that connect to a standard household aerial.
[05:03:41] PaulWay[w]: (One input, one passthru)
[05:03:57] PaulWay[w]: The Low Profile (l.p.) version also has the two non-screw coax connectors.
[05:04:12] maquis: mmk
[05:05:26] PaulWay[w]: mmk?
[05:05:36] PaulWay[w]: Ah, you mean 'mmm-kay'?
[05:05:46] PaulWay[w]: Haven't seen that abbreviation before.
[05:14:43] mrgoby (mrgoby! has quit ("Ninja IRC v1.5.9(#1) exiting after 1h46m54s of use")
[05:16:18] Ediehow: "conflicting buttons?"
[05:16:25] Ediehow: uh, what other remote?
[05:16:33] Ediehow: it's not a remote i have
[05:16:36] Ediehow: that's the point
[05:17:10] Ediehow: possibly someone that lives above me, i dunno
[05:25:36] PaulWay[w]: Is it a standard IR remote, or a wireless one?
[05:25:41] PaulWay[w]: (i.e. RF one)
[05:26:01] ** PaulWay[w] mutters "wireless remote" and slaps himself on the forehead. **
[05:26:11] Ediehow: pinnacle wireless
[05:28:02] doggkruse (doggkruse! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:40:23] PaulWay[w]: Ahhhh.
[05:40:37] KyleAnderson (KyleAnderson! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:40:43] PaulWay[w]: Any other RF devices? Does it happen when you use the microwave?
[05:42:11] Ediehow: no, my cell phone is near, but it's always been there
[05:42:14] Ediehow: hold on
[05:44:31] PaulWay[w]: Most newer RF devices operate in the 2.4GHz band; it may well be someone else's remote control or cordless phone.
[05:46:54] Ediehow:
[05:47:24] somedude_: configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs.
[05:55:28] mchou (mchou! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:58:09] rikstah (rikstah! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:58:30] rikstah is now known as riksta
[05:58:42] riksta: Beirdo, yo
[06:00:20] dhr (dhr!n=hugh@ has quit ("Leaving")
[06:09:18] Dagmar: I'm having some decent luck tonight. The myth box is still spontaneously rebooting, but not once did it do it while Myth was recording apparently.
[06:11:07] PaulWay[w]: Rebooting, eh?
[06:11:14] PaulWay[w]: Any ideas why?
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[06:48:30] Dagmar: PaulWay: I'm pretty sure it's the 5V rails on the power supply which are acting remarkably like random number generators right now.
[06:49:00] Dagmar: I've already got another PSU winging it's way to me via FedEx.
[06:50:19] Dagmar: I'm about to power the thing down once I've copied tonights recordings out of it, before I gain first hand knowlegde of what happens when the 5V rails make it beyond 4V
[06:51:05] Dagmar: Just to be a smartass, I balanced the + and – ones and fed the difference through a speaker.
[06:51:18] Dagmar: It sounds like a freaking geiger counter WAY too close to Chernobyl.
[06:53:06] wckdkl0wn (wckdkl0wn! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:54:46] wckdkl0wn: anyone ever set this up on kubuntu before?
[06:55:10] Agrajag-: yep
[06:55:53] wckdkl0wn: care to walk me through the setup? lol i am kinda new to linux
[06:56:25] PaulWay[w] (PaulWay[w]! has left #mythtv-users ("I told you I was ill... :-)")
[06:56:43] appis (appis! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:57:29] wckdkl0wn: or is there a how-to for kubuntu
[06:57:36] wckdkl0wn: that i can follow
[06:58:03] wckdkl0wn: on the wiki it has ubuntu dapper only
[07:02:49] wckdkl0wn (wckdkl0wn! has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
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[07:34:54] wckdkl0wn: anyone tell me why i am getting errors when trying to make the file?
[07:34:55] wckdkl0wn:
[07:53:46] Sakunix: hi
[07:54:00] Sakunix: any idea where I can get just a front end for 0.19 from
[07:54:10] Sakunix: without having to dl all the stuff for the backend
[07:54:31] mog_home (mog_home!n=mogorman@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:54:35] mog_home: hi
[07:54:35] wckdkl0wn (wckdkl0wn! has left #mythtv-users ("Konversation terminated!")
[07:54:44] Sakunix: hi mog_home
[07:54:51] mog_home: im having issues with tv402u on a fresh ubuntu box
[07:54:58] mog_home: it worked on my other one just fine
[07:55:07] mog_home: but now im getting firmware failed to load errors
[07:55:23] mog_home: and an issue with an ioctol bug when changing channels in mythtv
[07:55:42] mog_home: but thats not to important as card is dead in water without firmware
[07:57:23] mog_home: anybody else seen that or have similar issue
[07:59:43] Sakunix: no idea only used mythtv for a week now
[07:59:48] Sakunix: so I am not the person to talk to
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[08:16:53] Merlin83b (Merlin83b! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:19:03] Speedy2: Merlin83b!
[08:19:11] Merlin83b: Speedy2!
[08:19:47] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:20:11] Speedy2: Merlin83b: Back from the trip?
[08:20:53] Merlin83b: Yep :-)
[08:21:15] riksta (riksta! has quit ("Leaving")
[08:22:29] Speedy2: Merlin83b: How much do I owe you for shipping?
[08:23:19] Merlin83b: I'll let you know when it's shipped :-)
[08:23:22] Merlin83b: DId you get the PM?
[08:23:27] Speedy2: No
[08:23:36] ** Merlin83b identifies. **
[08:23:48] Merlin83b: Yep, left the control with the guy I stayed in in the US, he'll forward it on in the next day or two – didn't realise quite how busy I'd be while there!
[08:23:56] Speedy2: Ok, 10–4
[08:24:09] Speedy2: Just let me know the amount and who I should send it to
[08:24:34] Merlin83b: Will do :-)
[08:25:08] maquis (maquis!n=maquis@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[08:25:55] Speedy2: How was the trip otherwise?
[08:30:15] Merlin83b: Awesome :-)
[08:30:22] Merlin83b: Went to a conference.
[08:30:27] Merlin83b: Conference was really good.
[08:30:40] Merlin83b: Then gambled in Vegas and hung out with friends in Salt Lake City.
[08:32:53] Speedy2: Make any $$$?
[08:33:18] Merlin83b: Came out about even after 5 days of gambling and many many free drinks.
[08:33:24] Merlin83b: Possibly a few bucks down.
[08:33:26] Speedy2: heh
[08:33:37] Speedy2: I think the odds are best at blackjack
[08:33:47] Speedy2: For whatever that's worth
[08:33:52] Merlin83b: Yeah, that and poker are my games :-)
[08:35:12] mog_home: anybody?
[08:35:29] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:45:05] Speedy2: Merlin83b: Listen, thanks again for sending it. Let me know if I can help you out in anyway
[08:45:10] Darthy (Darthy! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:45:54] Merlin83b: np
[08:46:02] Merlin83b: At least it's in the right continent now!
[08:47:18] Speedy2: ;)
[08:53:17] LLyric (LLyric! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:03:58] Juski (Juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:09:26] rambo3 (rambo3! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:10:05] rambo3: you should consider maling wrapers for external apps you are using
[09:16:43] Juski: who should?
[09:17:32] sphenxes (sphenxes! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:18:35] rambo3: jesus
[09:19:00] rambo3: mailing = making
[09:26:41] rambo3 (rambo3! has quit ("Lämnar")
[09:31:49] Merlin83b: Morning Juski.
[09:35:52] Sakunix (Sakunix! has quit ("Leaving")
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[09:53:38] Juski: morning Merlin83b. you missed a blinder at the weekend!
[09:54:15] Merlin83b: What happened?
[09:54:16] Juski: why would myth need wrappers for external apps? silly idea. xine/mplayer etc don't need wrappers.. you just call em up
[09:54:23] hads|home (hads|home! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:54:28] Juski: Merlin83b: went down a storm at the show :-)
[09:55:09] KyleAnderson (KyleAnderson! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:55:26] Juski: post-mortem here:
[09:55:29] Merlin83b: Ah, cool. I was in Las Vegas :-)
[09:55:32] Merlin83b: Will go have a read in a bit.
[09:55:47] Juski: Vegas eh? niiiiice :-)
[09:56:09] Merlin83b: All on work (well, hotel and travel anyway)
[09:56:28] Juski: better still!
[09:56:44] sphenxes (sphenxes! has quit ("Leaving")
[09:57:04] Juski: hope nobody you know lost shirts off their backs ;-)
[09:57:09] mog_home (mog_home!n=mogorman@ has quit (Connection timed out)
[09:57:49] Merlin83b: Nope, all did okay – I think I came out $100 down. Not bad considering all the free drinks :-)
[09:59:15] Juski: mmmm free drinks
[10:00:00] Merlin83b: Had two parties with open bars (dangerous) and obviously all the free drinks while gambling were good :-)
[10:00:17] croppa (croppa! has quit (No route to host)
[10:01:02] Juski: I drank a bit much on saturday night & wiped my grand plan for the demo on the main stage on sunday. got good reports though, despite the waffle
[10:01:35] stuart is now known as croppa
[10:01:44] Juski: need more practice at that stuff
[10:02:21] Juski: you ever heard of 'lowfat'? makes xgl look like a toy IMHO
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[10:06:26] pickler (pickler! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[10:07:09] hads|home: Hi all, if I am comfortable with Debian but new to Myth is there any compelling reasons for me to use KnoppMyth over straight Debian?
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[10:13:47] Merlin83b: I don't even know what xgl is :-)
[10:14:03] Merlin83b: hads|home: Ease of setup (ime)
[10:14:20] Merlin83b: Depends if you want to use the box for anything else – KnoppMyth will see you with a dedicated myth box, basically.
[10:14:37] ** Juski agrees with Merlin83b **
[10:16:02] hads|home: Merlin83b: It will be a dedicated box. I'm happy hand configuring things. I'm guessing that KnoppMyth just comes with handy scripts etc to help you out?
[10:16:37] Juski: knoppmyth has a very wizard-based install process
[10:16:50] Merlin83b: It had me set up with a box in under half an hour.
[10:16:59] Juski: you don't have much to lose by at least trying it
[10:17:02] Merlin83b: Lots of tweaking afterwards, but saved on the setup time.
[10:17:59] Juski: that said, it's not for everybody. as I told people at the linux show I was at last weekend, it certainly shouldn't be regarded as a 'magic bullet' ;-)
[10:19:25] Juski: I think that's where some people fall down.. they think it's gonna be 'insert CD, boot & select a couple of options' it ain;t
[10:19:53] otwin (otwin! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:20:07] hads|home: I'm fine with that. I'm usually a little wary of single purpose distros.
[10:21:07] hads|home: Sometimes if you are used to doing things 'the old fasioned way' you can get into trouble for not using the built in configuration utilites/scripts.
[10:21:46] hads|home: But you are right, there is no harm in trying it out.
[10:23:31] Juski: I have about 30 knoppmyth cds left that I dunno what to do with
[10:26:17] Merlin83b: 30?!
[10:26:22] Merlin83b: Oh, did you burn them to give out at the show?
[10:26:27] Juski: started out with 100
[10:26:55] Juski: gave more cds away than debian sold t-shirts I think :-P
[10:27:30] Merlin83b: lol
[10:32:00] Juski: btw xgl is a new desktop thingy.. 3d & blingy stuff. multiple desktops on the surface of a cube :-/
[10:32:35] Juski: opengl/vector based though, so some good will come of it I expect
[10:32:58] hads|home: Well thanks for the opinions you two. Time for bed.
[10:33:51] Juski: I feel the same, and it's only just past 11.30 am
[10:34:44] hads|home: heh. Later.
[10:34:49] hads|home (hads|home! has left #mythtv-users ()
[10:37:24] Anduin (Anduin! has quit ("Leaving.")
[10:46:24] laga: re
[10:46:38] phenex (phenex! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:46:54] Juski: wb laga
[10:47:47] phenex (phenex! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:53:24] georget (georget! has joined #mythtv-users
[10:55:34] Merlin83b: So what's lowfat, Juski?
[10:56:32] Juski: lowfat is a very spiffy document viewer. very alpha, but seriously nice
[10:56:48] laga: document viewer? what formats are support?
[10:58:11] Juski:
[10:58:12] georget: Hi all, is there a way for two mythtv clients to watch the same tv channel at the same time (using the tuner ofcourse)?
[10:58:30] Juski: I can't look at that page @ work anymore cos it has 'pimp' in its title :-/
[10:58:31] georget: using the same tuner of course
[10:58:40] Juski: stupid surfpatrol
[10:58:54] Juski: georget: not yet
[10:59:02] georget: so there are plans?
[10:59:13] laga: oooh, juski has got netnanny ;)
[10:59:31] Juski: all I know is that I've seen a column in the tuner table for 'shareable'.. draw your own conclusions from that
[10:59:43] georget: aha
[10:59:48] georget: ok , thanks!
[11:00:11] Juski: the hard bit, I imagine will be working out contention
[11:00:32] Juski: e.g. someone changes the channel you're watching on another frontend :-(
[11:00:33] georget: i.e. when reading from disk?
[11:00:36] laga: the scheduler i think it was, at least for DVB
[11:00:38] georget: ah sorry
[11:00:39] georget: ok
[11:01:14] laga: georget: when someone is watching livetv on one frontend, there'll automagically be a recording in your "watch recordings" menu, maybe that'llhelp
[11:01:27] georget: well the idea is to have tv distribution in a home on a pool of tuners
[11:01:36] Juski: (if you have the livetv recording group view enabled)
[11:01:36] georget: laga: yes I know
[11:01:53] Juski: livetv is _so_ 1950's guys
[11:02:39] georget: well, a lot of people are living in the 50's :)
[11:03:34] Juski: just stuff a machine full of tuner cards.. never need to worry about sharing then
[11:03:55] georget: then you kill disk ...
[11:03:58] Juski: i.e. don't use software encoders & don't buy lame motherboards that only have 2 pci slots ;-)
[11:04:25] Juski: kill the disk? nah. hdd space has never been cheaper
[11:04:25] rambo3 (rambo3! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:05:12] georget: e.g. 5–6 video streams being written and read from disk
[11:05:39] georget: I use pvr150's planning to go to 500's
[11:05:39] Juski: what makes you think it would be too much?
[11:06:43] georget: A large house with 4–5 TV's say
[11:07:10] georget: Or in a small hotel
[11:07:12] Juski: I think you might be expecting a little too much
[11:07:20] georget: ok :)
[11:07:47] georget: why is that?
[11:08:29] georget: where I live we get 5–6 decent aerial channels
[11:08:37] Juski: mostly because of the way myth is designed to work right now.. i.e. one frontend watching one tuner at a time
[11:08:57] georget: yeah, that is what triggered my question
[11:09:13] georget: how about streaming?
[11:09:31] phenex (phenex! has quit ("Leaving")
[11:09:40] georget: has anyone seen a Videolan-mythtv integration yet?
[11:12:50] Juski: you might be able to adapt myth's code to allow more than one frontend to tap into livetv, but you'd still have the problem of what to do if someone changes channel – and even if you work that out, if every frontend was watching something different you'd still have a large amount of network/disk traffic
[11:14:11] Juski: I spoke to a guy last weekend who was interested in selling an 'adult' content system based on mythtv to one of his clients
[11:14:41] laga: Juski: you could come up with a new theme. ProjectBoobies
[11:15:08] prologic (prologic! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:15:12] Juski: projectbukkake?
[11:15:20] prologic: Q: Is there a LiveCD that just has the frotnend ?
[11:15:28] Juski: knoppmyth
[11:15:44] prologic: where do I download it from ?
[11:15:47] prologic: I can't seem to find a link
[11:15:49] Juski: ymmv. it doesn't (and can't possibly) work with all hardware
[11:16:00] Juski:
[11:16:06] Juski:
[11:16:15] prologic: ta
[11:16:39] rambo3: xmame is not reading /home/user/.lircrc help .
[11:16:51] Juski: don't worry. it's only like the _first_ google hit
[11:17:28] prologic: I was looking for the wrong thing :)
[11:17:30] prologic: all good thanks
[11:17:47] Juski: rambo3: tried #xmame ?
[11:18:16] laga: Juski: you'd need a splashscreen for projectbukakke.
[11:18:35] Juski: laga: obviously :-P
[11:18:36] rambo3: Juski, yeah it to full in there to ask
[11:19:16] Juski: rambo3: too full in there to ask, so you ask in a channel that has bugger all to do with xmame? hmmm
[11:21:10] Juski: my begonias are wilting in the heat. what can I do about that
[11:22:01] ** Juski goes out for a bit. pub! **
[11:33:34] DGnome: uhm, does a standalone mythfrontend use local diskspace for livetv?
[11:34:38] pickler (pickler! has quit ("-)->")
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[11:41:21] rambo3: aha ,The xmame project have supported lirc since 0.90 . and i have .80
[11:44:01] GreyFoxx: DGnome: no
[11:44:17] GreyFoxx: All recording occurs on the backend and streamed over the network to the frontend
[11:44:31] qu0zl (qu0zl!n=greg@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:56:24] Dibblah (Dibblah! has joined #mythtv-users
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[12:09:05] Ramunas (Ramunas!n=Ramunas@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:09:07] Ramunas: hello
[12:16:54] Ramunas: hrrr. I'm getting strange errors when launching mythtv
[12:17:16] bjohnson (bjohnson! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:17:28] rambo3: strange_error at line 3 : ?
[12:17:35] Ramunas: almost :D
[12:17:38] Ramunas: just a sec
[12:17:50] Ramunas:
[12:19:08] LLyric: Did you start mythbackend? DId you start the DB? Did you set a password for the DB?
[12:19:09] rambo3: did you run mythbackend first
[12:19:54] rambo3: or did you run myth-setup at all
[12:20:21] Ramunas: i just installed it and typed mythtv in the terminal
[12:20:46] rambo3: that will work
[12:21:06] rambo3: Ramunas, go google mythtv wiki
[12:21:25] Ramunas: well i know I'm dumb, but man this requires too much hassle to set it up
[12:22:10] rambo3: well i call it bad programing .
[12:22:21] ** LLyric lafs **
[12:22:32] Beirdo: bah
[12:22:40] Ramunas: for e.x tvtime, i only apt-get'ed it and it works
[12:22:53] Beirdo: so use tvtime
[12:22:59] LLyric: Mythtv is much more complete than a program to just watch tv
[12:23:00] croppa (croppa! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:23:05] LLyric: If that's all you want, use tvtime
[12:23:06] Beirdo: oh wait, it has no features
[12:23:18] Ramunas: well i know, i have tvtime, but i wan't to record stuff
[12:23:37] LLyric: So follow the instructions properly. It's not *too* hard.
[12:24:17] Ramunas: well instructions here: suck
[12:24:39] Juski: why all the trolling lately? it's as if some people don't want helping because they don't deserve it
[12:24:46] Ramunas: they say: For compiling ivtv drivers 0.4.6... what the hell is that? do i need it?
[12:25:26] rambo3: and myth uses QT from the people that brought you "we will sell QT for 3 billion dollar, wait no one is buying it , ok we surender lets make it open source for linux"
[12:26:08] Juski: rambo3: you sound like someone I talked to at the weekend, making unfounded criticism for no good reason other than blatant posturing
[12:26:20] Beirdo: Ramunas, that's not the manual for mythtv, that's a FAQ for this channel. And if people don't update it, it won't be up-to-date
[12:27:09] Beirdo: anyways, I gotta go to breakfast. I'll leave the trolls for Juski :)
[12:31:56] Juski: I'm well aware that mythtv has issues with documentation, but it's up to the _community_ to help instead of just _leech_ ;-)
[12:33:03] Ramunas: well thanks for your time guys, I guess I'll have to try later, today I'm frustrated today
[12:33:49] Ramunas: remove that last today :D
[12:33:55] Ramunas: thanks and bye
[12:34:02] Ramunas (Ramunas!n=Ramunas@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[12:35:33] Juski: so it's not 'you' and 'us'.. it's everybody. I thought that's what open source is supposed to be all about. I guess some people have a different impression
[12:37:51] prologic (prologic! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[12:45:42] Juski: so are we done whining now? good!
[12:46:16] LLyric (LLyric! has quit ("Leaving")
[12:46:51] Zide: I wanna whine some too! *waa waa waa*
[12:50:40] melunko: Hi, anyone with time to help? I would like to know if it is possible to store the recordings in a format different from .nuv
[12:52:03] Zide: melunko: I believe that's what the transcoding does
[12:52:27] GreyFoxx: melunko: Myth wont do it for you. It will transcode but they7 all end up ion .nuv containers
[12:52:42] bluey- (bluey-! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:52:45] GreyFoxx: If you want something else you will need to use something like nuvexport to export the recording to a nother format/container
[12:53:06] melunko: Zide: I used transcoding here, it encodes the video in mpeg4 properly, but still stores the mpeg4 data inside a .nuv container
[12:54:05] melunko: GreyFoxx: How difficult is to implement another container, such as 3gp?
[12:54:07] Zide: oh, I thought nuv was the format, not the container..
[12:54:31] Zide: isn't 3gp commercial?
[12:54:56] melunko: Zide: thanks for helping
[12:55:18] Zide: well, I try :)
[12:56:03] melunko: GreyFoxx: What lib could I use to extract .nuv at runtime?
[12:56:21] melunko: Zide: I don't know about 3gp licenses
[12:56:26] Zide: what's wrong with nuv then?
[12:56:49] Dagmar: it's "it's own" thing, and not something everything can read
[12:57:15] Dagmar: Mpg you can just copy to other machines and play it, without having to transcode it
[12:57:50] Zide: "3GP is a multimedia container format defined by 3GPP for use on 3G mobile phones." why on earth would that be suitable for mythtv? ;)
[12:57:58] melunko: Zide: Not all systems understand nuv. Playing the recording without nuvexport is difficult
[12:58:03] GreyFoxx: melunko: libmythtv contains the stuff that reads it, no idea how easy that would be to link to an external app :)
[12:58:03] Dagmar: ...and what does it have to do with Myth?
[12:58:33] melunko: GreyFoxx: just an example, could others...
[12:58:44] GreyFoxx: could others what ?
[12:58:56] bluey- (bluey-! has quit ("Leaving")
[12:59:11] melunko: GreyFoxx: other container format, avi, ...
[12:59:16] Zide: ogm
[12:59:17] Zide: :)
[13:00:10] melunko: GreyFoxx: Do you know the historic reason for .nuv?
[13:00:25] GreyFoxx: melunko: think mainly because avi's suck when it comes to a/v sync
[13:00:29] Fnc (Fnc!n=tivo1@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:00:46] GreyFoxx: Myth can easily play an avi
[13:01:06] GreyFoxx: if you transcoded a .nuv, put it in place of the recording and updated the filename in the database it would play it
[13:01:09] Dagmar: Well, the ones that use non-retarded codecs
[13:01:17] GreyFoxx: but as it is myth will not natively write them for you
[13:04:11] melunko: GreyFoxx: I see. I touch the libmythtv code to isolate the nuv player, but it seems very connected to the whole code. Do you know what lib mythtv was bases to get nuppelvideo support?
[13:04:38] Dagmar: It's not a standalone shared lib.
[13:05:32] Dagmar: It's just the format myth uses if you're so cheap you have to use framegrabbing to record
[13:06:09] GreyFoxx: melunko: It uses the ffmpeg libraries for the underlying encoding/decoding (libavcodec/libavformat etc)
[13:07:08] melunko: GreyFoxx: This is for MPEG4, but I guess libavformat doesn't understand .nuv, isn't it?
[13:07:53] melunko: Dagmar: This is the point :). I'm looking for a standalone shared lib to play the .nuv
[13:08:10] stuarta (stuarta!i=foobar@unaffiliated/stuarta) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:09:03] GreyFoxx: melunko: honestly I've never looked to see if avformat is used for reading the containter or not
[13:09:37] Beirdo: melunko, good luck finding it
[13:09:37] GreyFoxx: I believe myth's .nuvs are not "Standard" in some way and it use to be that you had to patch apps like mplayer to play them
[13:10:38] melunko: GreyFoxx: actually I can play myth's .nuv with mplayer, i'm using mplayer dev-CVS--4.0.2
[13:10:59] GreyFoxx: "it use to be that you had to patch"
[13:11:03] GreyFoxx: Past tense :)
[13:11:18] melunko: Beirdo: thanks :). I will try to find out or develope such lib
[13:11:19] GreyFoxx: they have since included the patch in the regular code :)
[13:11:22] rambo3 (rambo3! has quit ("Lämnar")
[13:11:51] melunko: GreyFoxx: sorry for my bad english understanding :(
[13:12:08] GreyFoxx: melunko: I'd be suprised if libmythavformat doesn't understand the myth .nuv container
[13:12:24] GreyFoxx: myth has it's own versions of the libav libraries
[13:12:38] melunko: GreyFoxx: hummmm
[13:13:29] melunko: this is a good start for me :)
[13:17:36] somedude_ (somedude_! has quit ()
[13:20:15] Juski_lab (Juski_lab! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:27:38] GreyFoxx: Juski: You running SVN on your backend? I know you had some serrious cpu issues when it came to EIT gathering and some commits stuart/janneg did might make that problem go away for you
[13:29:20] Juski_lab: GreyFoxx: I was running svn on a spare box to test it a while back
[13:29:49] Juski_lab: I normally just use xmltv, but I like the idea of using eit & xmltv together for updating start times etc ;-)
[13:30:44] Juski_lab: when I get the computer room back in order at the weekend I might just take it for another spin – since I don't need to keep that box in working order now
[13:30:52] stuarta: which is something we have to finish off :-/
[13:31:12] Juski_lab: I've still not unpacked the flightcase full of junk I took to the show yet
[13:35:58] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@216-107-194-166.static.gdt.cust.seg.NET) has joined #mythtv-users
[13:40:19] deego (deego!n=user@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:43:55] Juski_lab: but yes I'll resume testing again soon as I get round to it :-)
[13:46:56] rambo3 (rambo3! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:46:57] DGnome: GreyFoxx: okay, thanks for the info :)
[13:50:41] otwin (otwin! has left #mythtv-users ()
[13:53:30] rambo3: is there any chess game that could work with mythgame and remote
[13:53:53] tkaine: GreyFoxx: Did you get the mythtv button sound page to come up?
[13:54:55] tkaine: GreyFoxx: I still cant get it to come up. It came up a couple days ago and the other posts work, so Im requesting a repost. Ill link you to the new one when its posted.
[13:57:54] Zide: I have a problem getting it up too, don't worry. It'll come up eventually.
[13:58:04] Zide: ;)
[13:58:22] tkaine: I dunno why its timing out. Its just that one page. :-( Its been doing it for two days.
[13:58:26] tkaine: I wanna set that up.
[13:58:26] Zide: oh, the page
[13:58:33] tkaine: hah
[13:58:36] Zide: never mind then
[13:58:37] Zide: ;)
[13:58:46] ** tkaine hands Zide something small and blue **
[13:59:02] Zide: a palm pilot?
[13:59:05] tkaine: hah
[13:59:14] tkaine: Is that what you kids are calling it these days?
[13:59:17] tkaine: ;-)
[13:59:19] Zide: ;D
[13:59:27] Zide: "kids".. hrrm, riight..
[13:59:44] stuarta: palm pilots are a little large for a suppository....
[13:59:54] tkaine: Oy
[14:00:00] Zide: suppowhat?
[14:00:22] tkaine: The kind of pill you swallow from the other end, Zide ;-)
[14:00:31] Zide: tkaine: oooh, a pill
[14:00:40] Zide: I wanna stay in wonderland
[14:00:43] tkaine: lol
[14:01:00] Zide: screw you, Borpheus
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[14:12:27] tkaine: Hmm.. Is there a way to get the music player to show your music as a directory tree? It just shows the music in one long list and its impossible to navigate distances in.
[14:13:40] Zide: yes, set "directory" in the settings
[14:14:45] tkaine: Where is that setting? I havent seen it.
[14:15:19] Zide: setup -> media -> music player something
[14:15:31] Zide: it's in the onscreen mini-doc-text
[14:15:41] Zide: the tree sorting setting I think
[14:16:50] tkaine: Its not in there
[14:16:58] tkaine: I set it up to show file tree and it does not
[14:17:14] tkaine: Its just a checkbox for "show file tree" but it does not do that
[14:17:17] rambo3: its setting /setting /media / music or something , just go 2 times to the bottom of the menu
[14:18:11] gnychis: I have two shows recorded back to back on the same channel, the first show goes 5:30–6:00, if i set it to end "2 minutes late", will the second show still start recording at 6:00?
[14:18:25] tkaine: Do I have to edit a file somewhere? Because none of the OSD settings make it happen
[14:18:59] rambo3: welll my best bet is that you didnt even configure music media path
[14:19:43] Zide: tkaine: no, it's where you enter TITLE ALBUM TRACK and stuff for the tree sorting
[14:20:08] Zide: tkaine: and "directory" is for, well, tree sorting :P
[14:20:13] qu0zl: gnychis, if it's the global add x minutes to the end of recordings setitng then if there'd be a conflict it drops the extra minutes to avoid the conflict. Obviously if you've two tuners you'd get the extra 2 minutes on the first program and the first 2 minutes of the 2nd
[14:20:14] tkaine: Zide: And replace that with "Directory"?
[14:20:15] Zide: dir sorting
[14:20:18] Zide: tkaine: yes
[14:20:27] tkaine: Zide: Thanks. Thats the answer I was looking for. :-)
[14:20:35] qu0zl: so it's safe to use. you just end up taking up slightly more diskspace
[14:20:49] Zide: tkaine: read the text in there, it tells you all about it :D
[14:21:55] tkaine: Zide: Durr. I kept looking at the osd text for "file tree view". lol thanks
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[14:23:13] Juski_lab: bleh. don't plug both ends of a network cable into the same switch ;-)
[14:23:22] Zide: Juski: why not? :/
[14:23:24] Zide: I wanna
[14:23:40] Juski_lab: you can, but you won't be able to do much with anything connected to it
[14:24:04] Zide: ;)
[14:24:55] Hoxzer: she fills my beed gasolineeeee
[14:25:16] tkaine: Zide: Okay, that worked. Now I just have to get the visualization to delay turning on for longer after last keypress. Back to reading. :-)
[14:25:50] gnychis: qu0zl: is it a conflict since both are recorded on the same channel, and it can add seconds to both recordings at the same time?
[14:26:00] Juski_lab: so erm.. what was that I caught earlier about sounds in mythtv menus? please say it ain't so.. or at least they can be turned off...
[14:26:02] qu0zl: i dont think it's quite that smart gnychis
[14:26:19] qu0zl: so it think you'll lose the extra 2 minutes from the first program. i'm not sure though
[14:26:49] tkaine: Done. Now Im in business.
[14:26:50] tkaine: :-)
[14:26:54] tkaine: thanks Zide
[14:27:09] Zide: np :)
[14:28:58] tkaine: Now I just wish my gamepad had more keys. heh
[14:29:04] tkaine: Next stop, buy a remote :-)
[14:31:04] Juski_lab (Juski_lab! has quit (""back to desk duty"")
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[14:33:05] laga: XY
[14:33:13] phenex (phenex! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:33:20] laga: sorry keyboard cleaning
[14:33:33] GZPhreak (GZPhreak! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:33:39] phenex: guys? can you help me out with installing LIRC support for my pvr-150 remote?
[14:33:56] Juski: nope
[14:34:14] phenex: well thank you :P
[14:34:56] Juski: both #lirc & #ivtv exist afaik
[14:34:58] phenex: well, #lirc obviously wouldn't help a lot... any idea where can i get the help?
[14:35:16] Juski: if #lirc won't help, why do they bother having a channel?
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[14:36:12] Zide: for fun and profit
[14:36:24] GZPhreak: Hello all! I just changed cable providers. I updated the channel db with mythfilldatabase and it appeared to have worked (The program guide and channel info is all working). However the browse mode osd just shows a blank pane with the time and date, any ideas?
[14:37:21] laga: GZPhreak: hmm. is your video source still connected to the input of your tv card? look in "input connections" in mythtv-setup
[14:38:35] GZPhreak: I ran mythtv-setup and redid the zap2it accounts for the new provider.
[14:39:55] phenex: well, anyway... i installed the remote by the mythTV wiki, and at the point where i should run ircd then irw, and see a blank line that changes when i press a button, i just get nothing, like this : berezovsky@myth:/usr/src/lirc-0.8.0$ irw
[14:39:56] phenex: berezovsky@myth:/usr/src/lirc-0.8.0$
[14:39:56] phenex: then the next time i try irx i get connection refused... any idea what can cause this?
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[14:46:04] joffray: the process is still running
[14:46:09] joffray: probably
[14:48:29] Juski: here's a development question... is there any progress regarding the gui animation yet? I know it's not been talked about on the users lists much.. just wondering if anyone knows anything ;-)
[14:51:21] stuarta: it's a work in progress. there's a configuration item to turn it on/off
[14:51:53] qu0zl: phenex, i had something similar, running irw would cause lircd to crash
[14:52:04] qu0zl: check if lircd is running before and after you run irw
[14:52:34] qu0zl: if it's not running after try and figure out why. I had it pointing to /dev/lirc0 instead of /dev/udev/lirc0 (or whatever the real udev device is called)
[14:56:16] Juski: stuarta: I've seen the menu fades.. just wondering if there'd been more progress behind the scenes
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[14:56:48] stuarta: there's some, but the rest has been put back to 0.21
[14:56:53] phenex: where can i see if ircd is running?
[14:57:01] gerkin_pickler (gerkin_pickler! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:57:03] Juski: ircd prolly isn't running
[14:57:04] qu0zl: ps -ef | grep lircd
[14:57:10] Juski: lircd might be though
[14:57:19] GZPhreak: laga: thanks for now... I'll be back after work :/
[14:57:23] GZPhreak (GZPhreak! has quit ("Download Gaim:")
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[14:58:28] haj: can i disable the preview in 'watch recordings' ?
[14:58:56] joffray: yes
[14:58:57] phenex: before running irw i had lircd and grep lircd, after running it i only have grep lircd...
[14:59:04] phenex: is that what you ment?
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[15:06:17] phenex: qu0zl?
[15:06:59] qu0zl: yep phenex your lircd crashed
[15:07:15] qu0zl: when a client connects to it it tries to access the lirc devices, thats what was crashing it for me
[15:07:30] haj: joffray: do you remember where i do that?
[15:07:32] qu0zl: find your lirc device, mine is at /dev/lirc/0 by default lircd assumes it's /dev/lirc i think
[15:07:40] phenex: so where can i find/change what it's pointing to?
[15:07:48] joffray: mmmm
[15:08:08] joffray: I wanna say it's in the playback settings
[15:08:26] haj: i'll check
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[15:08:52] phenex: hmm... wait... i do have a /dev/lird...
[15:09:07] phenex: *lirc
[15:09:16] haj: ah.. it is..
[15:09:19] haj: joffray: thanks :)
[15:09:34] joffray: :)
[15:09:38] qu0zl: phenex do you have a /dev/lirc/0 as well?
[15:10:40] phenex: nope... the only ones related to lirc are /dev/lirc /dev/lircd and /dev/lircm
[15:10:58] qu0zl: try running lircd manually by '/usr/sbin/lircd --device=/dev/lirc' and then run irw. see if it puts out any error messages
[15:11:32] qu0zl: if not google for how to turn on verbose logging out edit /etc/init.d/lirc and see if it helps. after that i'm out of ideas and you'll have to google and fiddle with it :)
[15:12:22] qu0zl: oh and check for a lirc mailing list. but get as much information as you can before you post or you won't get much help
[15:12:27] pickler (pickler! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:12:27] phenex: same thing happens...
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[15:12:33] Juski: that's better
[15:12:52] qu0zl: you need to find out why it's exiting phenex. there's probably a way to turn on verbose logging.
[15:13:16] phenex: and /etc/init.d/lirc doesn't even exist
[15:14:39] phenex: Jul 26 18:12:08 myth lircd: could not open /dev/lirc
[15:14:40] phenex: Jul 26 18:12:08 myth lircd: default_init(): No such device
[15:14:51] phenex: i see the device in /dev...
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[15:16:52] qu0zl: hmm, it may not be attached to a driver though. Check the correct driver is loaded for your remotes receiver
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[15:20:30] LoneShadow_ (LoneShadow_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:20:35] LoneShadow_: Hi
[15:21:14] LoneShadow_: I was messing around with the backend ip address, now the mythfrontend or mythtv-setup dont load up
[15:21:24] LoneShadow_: where is the ip address stored ?
[15:23:11] Juski: you'll not be messing with that again eh
[15:23:18] LoneShadow_: heh
[15:23:31] LoneShadow_: I needed to find out if I can have mythtvfrontend working with a fake ip :P
[15:23:37] Juski: it's stored in the db
[15:23:44] LoneShadow_: local database ?
[15:24:10] LoneShadow_: never mind, silly question :p
[15:25:20] LoneShadow_: hmm, mysql isnt even running on my frontend
[15:25:28] der_oschni (der_oschni! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:25:57] Juski: mysql doesn't need to run on your frontend
[15:26:07] LoneShadow_: so where does it store the ip address ?
[15:26:49] Juski: the ip address of the backend is stored in the db
[15:27:04] LoneShadow_: what db ?
[15:27:30] Dagmar: what db??
[15:27:37] Dagmar: The mysql database, man
[15:28:06] LoneShadow_: but if my mysql is not running on my frontend, where does it store the ip address ?
[15:29:13] ** Juski bangs his head on the desk til it's covered in blood **
[15:29:14] Dagmar: In mysql.txt
[15:29:19] qu0zl: in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
[15:29:27] Dagmar: This is one of the things mythtv-setup does
[15:29:34] LoneShadow_: qu0zl: dont have that
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[15:29:46] Dagmar: You have it in the home directory of the user you ran mythtv-setup as
[15:29:52] Dagmar: ...under .mythtv or something
[15:29:59] Juski: you usually have mysql running on the backend, yes?
[15:30:16] LoneShadow_: Dagmar: thanks, thats what I was looking for
[15:31:15] LoneShadow_: you guys got me confused when you said its stored in mysql db, that would be a chicken and egg problem
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[15:31:59] Juski: /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt points to the mysql server – and the server holds the ip address of the backend
[15:32:07] Juski: no chicken & egg problem at all
[15:32:21] LoneShadow_: [08:23] <Juski> it's stored in the db
[15:32:25] Juski: it's just that 99% of the time people have the mysql server on the same machine as the backend
[15:32:29] LoneShadow_: [08:27] <Dagmar> what db??
[15:32:30] LoneShadow_: [08:27] <Dagmar> The mysql database, man
[15:32:40] LoneShadow_: now thats the chicken and egg problem I mentioned :P
[15:32:44] Juski: no
[15:32:55] laga is now known as gardengnome
[15:33:00] Juski: you asked where the mythtv backend's IP address is stores & I told you
[15:33:14] Dagmar: If you'd _mentioned_ you thought you were seeing a chicken & egg problem, the file would have been mentioned.
[15:33:24] Dagmar: You also didn't ask the right question.
[15:33:26] qu0zl: the mysql server doesn;t have to be on the same machine as the backend LoneShadow_
[15:33:37] Zide: "what is the matrix?"
[15:33:45] Dagmar: If you'd asked how the frontend knows where the database is, that would have been it
[15:33:55] LoneShadow_: thats pretty much what I asked
[15:34:00] Dagmar: No, it's nowhere close
[15:34:08] Dagmar: You kept asking about the backend.
[15:34:15] bjohnson (bjohnson! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:34:17] Dagmar: The backend, and the database, are separate parts.
[15:34:25] LoneShadow_: I know
[15:34:46] LoneShadow_: I meant messing up with my "backend ip" address on my frontend
[15:34:52] Dagmar: The whole thing comes in three parts, basically. The frontend, where the user is, the backend, where the tuners and recordings are, and the database, where all the configuration, schedules, and etc data is kept
[15:35:02] LoneShadow_: never mind, I wasnt clear as well :)
[15:35:29] Dagmar: I do believe I'm gonna find a nice place to slap in an "Executive Summary Of Operation" into the wiki tonight
[15:35:58] Juski: this is why we're always nagging at people to _be__as_ _specific__as_possible_
[15:36:03] Dagmar: Yep
[15:36:11] grantm (grantm! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:36:24] Dagmar: Q: "My thingie doesn't work!"
[15:36:35] Dagmar: A: "Those email spams have lots of pills that claim to help with that."
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[15:46:34] ** Juski nominates gardengnome to keep the trolls under control... **
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[16:16:17] phenex (phenex! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:18:03] phenex: guys, i have some truble after installing mythtv 0.19 on my ubuntu dapper... when i try to use the mythtv user, it ends up with a blank screen with the ubuntu background image... when i try to run mythtv from my user, it can't connect to the database... what can cause this?
[16:18:36] lane: phenex: is mythbackend running?
[16:18:52] gardengnome: " when i try to use the mythtv user" – could you explain?
[16:19:17] phenex: gardengnome, mythtv created a new user in ubuntu, called mythtv...
[16:19:30] lane: Hi all. Does anyone know if current svn of MythArchive has any known killer problems? I just installed Myth fresh from svn yesterday. When I go to Optical Disks -> Archive Files
[16:19:40] phenex: lane, i don't even know what that means :| the installation guide only spesified frontend...
[16:19:43] lane: oops
[16:20:13] lane: phenex: MythTV has 2 big parts
[16:20:26] stuarta (stuarta!i=foobar@unaffiliated/stuarta) has quit ("switzerland here I come.....")
[16:20:30] lane: phenex: the backend records stuff, the frontend plays stuff
[16:20:39] lane: what install guide are you following?
[16:20:57] phenex: ubuntu dapper installation guide, on the mythtv wiki
[16:22:50] Dagmar: No, it has three pieces.
[16:22:58] PeterC: When changing from ivtv v0.4 to v0.6 I had to change 'Tuner' to 'Tuner 1'. It seems that previously scheduled recordings still have a reference somewhere to 'Tuner'. Do someone here know about that? The problem is that these recording fail.
[16:23:02] Dagmar: The frontend, the backend, and the database
[16:23:15] lane: Dagmar: right :)
[16:23:21] Dagmar: I'm serious.
[16:23:32] phenex: so... what do i do to fix this thing? :P
[16:23:41] Dagmar: Someone else in here not two hours ago was all kinds of confused because he thought the backend and the database were joined at the hip or something
[16:23:43] lane: phenex: where are you in the install guide?
[16:23:59] phenex: finnished, actually...
[16:24:12] phenex: it's a rather short guide...
[16:24:32] lane: Did you follow the link in the last section to
[16:25:11] ghostdog (ghostdog! has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:25:27] phenex: don't see any link like that there...
[16:26:08] ghostdog: I have mythtv 0.18, I want to know if there is a way to use xrandr to rezise the screen since the max resolution for my card (pvr-150) is usuarlly vcd res
[16:26:34] prg3 (prg3! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:26:36] lane: paste the page you're looking at
[16:26:42] GreyFoxx: ghostdog: a 150 should be able to record up to 720x480 (ntsc)
[16:27:00] ghostdog: If I use full screen mode (my lcd res 1280x1024) and the channels look bad
[16:27:04] GreyFoxx: And your video card should be able to scale it up more if needed, BUT yes you can use randr support
[16:27:26] GreyFoxx: Assuming it was compiled into myth then you should see the menus
[16:27:31] phenex: lane,
[16:27:39] ghostdog: mythtv-setup?
[16:27:50] GreyFoxx: Pretty sure they were under the frontend
[16:28:00] KranzFafka (KranzFafka! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:28:00] lane: phenex: that's all you followed?
[16:28:04] kormoc (kormoc! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:28:17] phenex: yup...
[16:28:37] Dagmar: I just set the frontend to 640x480 regardless unless I'm planning on putting a DVD player in the machine
[16:28:52] lane: phenex: let's just say that the big "This Howto is currently incomplete and a work in progress. Please help to fill in the gaps." at the top of the page is a ridiculously huge understatement
[16:29:11] GreyFoxx: pretty sure I use 640x480 on most if not all of my frontends as well
[16:29:11] phenex: uh... got the point...
[16:29:34] phenex: so if i follow it should work?
[16:29:38] lane: phenex: look at this for starters:
[16:29:57] lane: also maybe this:
[16:30:13] lane: and then the first link I pasted
[16:30:23] Juski (Juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:30:35] Juski: re. dunno why, but I did...
[16:31:05] gardengnome: such a brave soul.
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[16:31:29] lane: phenex: also, the single best guide that I know of is It's a Fedora guide, but a lot of it should still be relevant
[16:31:45] phenex: thanks lane :)
[16:31:56] lane: phenex: np. good luck with the setup.
[16:32:06] Juski: I found the guide for ubuntu very useful. it's for 0.18 but a lot of it still applies
[16:33:53] akaias (akaias! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:35:08] Juski: gardengnome: did I tell you I've decided to go ahead & start selling case badges?
[16:35:58] Juski: proceeds go into the forum fund.. it's not like that much of a money making opportunity ;-)
[16:36:06] sigger_: phenex: you get your lirc working?
[16:36:38] ghostdog: yup gonna have to compile with randr support, it just resizes the window
[16:36:42] phenex: sigger_, nope... i decided to finish up the mythtv installation first...
[16:36:58] ghostdog: also, the "snowy" edge, how do you get rid of it?
[16:37:10] Juski: use overscan on your tv output
[16:37:22] Juski: this stuff should be in a faq
[16:38:25] sigger_: phenex: k, well to solve a similar issue I (1) had to modprobe an additional module (lirc_serial for me; different for your PVR-150) and (2) ultimately recompile lirc to support my IR receiver (a Packard Bell)
[16:39:19] phenex: thanks... i guess i'll be looking up some specefic info about pvr-150 when i get to this...
[16:40:35] ghostdog: thanks
[16:40:38] ghostdog (ghostdog! has quit ("mac daddy out!")
[16:42:44] doggkruse (doggkruse! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:43:21] sigger_: phenex: based on you want to modprobe lirc_i2c if you haven't already
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[16:46:06] phenex: i did install it...
[16:46:47] phenex: though, if i remember correctly, making the modules from the kernel sources didn't go all the way through, and failed on some FS modules...
[16:47:00] phenex: so maybe that's where the problem was
[16:47:21] rambo3: so configure didnt report anything was missing
[16:48:12] rambo3: and if you are using apt . use apt-build mythtv for deps
[16:48:42] lane: OK... lets' try this again
[16:48:50] lane: Does anyone know if current svn of MythArchive has any known killer problems? I just installed Myth fresh from svn yesterday. When I go to Optical Disks -> Archive Files -> Find Files To Archive, the frontend sits there for a couple minutes thinking really hard, then the frontend crashes. I looked at the logs for mythfrontend and mythbackend, and they don't show anything relevant to MythArchive or the frontend crashing.
[16:49:44] Juski: lane: what else do you expect from svn? ;-)
[16:50:03] lane: Juski: yeah, yeah I know
[16:50:20] lane: Juski: I just wanted to try out the new MythArchive module
[16:52:28] lane: Does anyone know whether the MythArchive dev(s) are around today?
[16:53:17] Juski: lane: they'll tell you to compile mythfrontend with debugging enabled, and run it under gdb
[16:53:33] Juski: then get a backtrace & provide all the juicy details to them
[16:53:42] Juski: 'it crashes' is not enough to go on ;-)
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[16:55:10] lane: Juski: good call. I'll give that a try
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[16:57:16] Juski: lane: see the 'troubleshooting' section of the docs for more info on debugging
[16:58:51] lane: Juski: aha. that's it
[16:58:54] gardengnome: and read the ticket howto :)
[16:59:06] gardengnome: you can find that one at svn.mythtv.og
[16:59:11] gardengnome: dammit
[17:00:44] lane: gardengnome: thanks
[17:00:59] lane: I suppose I ought to update to the latest svn, too
[17:03:04] phenex (phenex! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:07:01] Juski: yep.. or you'll get yellled at ;-)
[17:08:14] Juski: time to go have my birthday treats ( a day late) .. ta-ta
[17:08:36] Zide: congrats Juski
[17:09:02] phenex (phenex! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:13:15] GreyFoxx: Happy BDay!
[17:16:43] sphery: Anyone know if there's a way in Trac to mark applied/obsoleted patches as such (i.e. line-through or delete or something)?
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[17:34:23] phenex: once again, ivtv problems... now i can't even compile it...
[17:34:29] phenex: help :(
[17:35:12] sc00p (sc00p! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:35:42] gardengnome: OT: can rpm (or related tools) something like apt-get build-dep <package>, e.g. getting all the build dependencies for a given package?
[17:47:57] xri1: apt can
[17:48:00] xri1: I don't know about yum
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[18:09:10] xri1 is now known as xris
[18:10:50] phenex: umm... guys? help?
[18:10:52] phenex: once again, ivtv problems... now i can't even compile it...
[18:14:25] xris: gardengnome: in the yum-utils package, there is a program called repoquery that will list the build requirements for a package. you could pass the output of that to yum to install them
[18:14:49] kormoc: phenex, well, you could do what it says, given the log says the c compiler barfed, and thus gcc would like a bug report
[18:15:45] phenex: i very much doubt it's a bug, since all the packages that have anything to do with this aren't exactly experimental...
[18:16:01] mxktmdude (mxktmdude! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:16:02] phenex: i think other people would have stumbled into this one...
[18:16:15] kormoc: phenex, lines 38 and 39
[18:16:20] kormoc: phenex, /usr/src/ivtv-0.4.4/driver/v4l1-compat.c:1024: internal compiler error: in insn_default_length, at insn-attrtab.c:520
[18:16:21] kormoc: Please submit a full bug report,
[18:16:36] kormoc: notice the internal compiler error, and the please submit a full bug report
[18:17:30] phenex: submit to who? ivtv?
[18:17:37] kormoc: no
[18:17:46] kormoc: see like 41
[18:17:53] kormoc: where it says, see url for instructions
[18:19:58] sphery: phenex: You may also want to try #ivtv or #ivtv-dev
[18:20:48] phenex: #ivtv apears to be empty
[18:22:43] der_oschni: look at #linuxtv
[18:24:27] phenex: umm... isn't it an other project?
[18:25:38] lane: just out of curiousity, do any of you guys have mytharchive working?
[18:26:21] sannes: most internal compiler errors on well tested gcc versions are usually memory problems or overheated cpus ..
[18:27:03] GreyFoxx: phenex: #ivtv-dev is the ivtv dev channel
[18:27:29] phenex: yeah... i kind of got that :P
[18:32:12] phenex (phenex! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[18:41:52] liran_: any ideas how to stream from the sound input /dev/sound or something straight to the net?
[18:45:01] gardengnome: xris: thanks
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[18:54:32] guru18: hi, I'm using gentoo; when I try to modprobe ivtv I get "ivtv: Unknown symbol release_firmware ivtv: Unknown symbol request_firmware" in my dmesg with media-tv/ivtv-0.6.3 and gentoo-sources-2.6.16-r7, any ideas?
[18:54:59] guru18: did I forget something in my kernel configs?
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[19:24:19] gardengnome: GreyFoxx: you working again on dxr3 support? :)
[19:24:55] GreyFoxx: just had a few minutes to play around and was looking at it again. I hate seeing hardware lay around doing nothing :)
[19:25:33] GreyFoxx: Not likely I would spend the effort I did before to get it running
[19:25:47] GreyFoxx: but it's worth messing around with
[19:26:10] gardengnome: sad. i suppose it's kinda boring now that you know how to do it. just annoying that you lost all of your work :/
[19:26:21] GreyFoxx: I was quite upset :)
[19:26:26] Beirdo: lost it?
[19:26:36] Beirdo: oh no, dead hard drive?
[19:26:55] GreyFoxx: yeah, that crash I had from way back that lost the DXR3 x11 stuff I had written
[19:27:14] Beirdo: aww
[19:27:14] GreyFoxx: my own fault for not backing up that particular partition like I did everything else
[19:27:20] Beirdo: I hate it when that happens
[19:27:33] Beirdo: note to self... check backups
[19:27:37] GreyFoxx: heh
[19:27:51] der_oschni (der_oschni! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[19:29:12] gardengnome: heh. i got a nice backup framework in place a few days ago on my dedicated server. it divides the backup in small pieces and encryptes them using gnupgp. it can also do incremental backups. everything is then transferred to some ftp server of my hosting company :)
[19:29:18] Fnc-1: GreyFoxx on your msn box, when you got it to put up does it recognize anything optical out / digital out?
[19:29:21] der_oschni (der_oschni! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:29:48] gardengnome: it's a pre-made script called ftplicity which is based on duplicity, if anyone is interested
[19:30:10] Beirdo: gardengnome, be sure to test restoring before it's "OH SHIT!" time
[19:30:38] GreyFoxx: Fnc-1: I believe it does as the onboard chip supports it. There just isnt a connector
[19:30:45] Fnc-1: cool
[19:31:18] Fnc-1: on the mb pics ive seen looks like there is a spot for one, the developer pdf had them there, was thinking about trying to solder one on, when mine shows up
[19:32:00] gardengnome: Beirdo: i still need to backup my gpg key.
[19:32:10] Beirdo: heh...
[19:32:11] gardengnome: it would suck if i lost that one :)
[19:32:16] ** Beirdo nods **
[19:32:20] Beirdo: sure would
[19:32:57] gardengnome: after more than one year, i'm also getting backups of the database for :)
[19:33:05] ** gardengnome is a sh***y admin **
[19:33:30] Beirdo: be sure to wipe
[19:33:41] gardengnome: hehe
[19:35:44] Dokujya-X (Dokujya-X!n=niwong@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:37:30] Dokujya-X: I'm having the Gentoo undefined reference to `vbi_bit_reverse', 'subtitles', etc. problem mentioned before on the log of the chan
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[19:39:18] Beirdo: Hmm
[19:40:05] Dokujya-X: It's gentoo 2006.0 ppc
[19:40:46] Beirdo: dunno
[19:41:27] Dokujya-X: :(
[19:41:30] Beirdo: might need to ask someone who uses PPC, that stuff may not even compile on non-Intel-based stuff
[19:42:02] Dokujya-X: Well, I know 0.18 works fine on PPC
[19:42:03] Beirdo: I know the frontend will compile for OSX, but I don't know about the backend, and I've never really looked into that
[19:42:23] Dokujya-X: Bah, I'll just put that on there for now
[19:42:40] Beirdo: I'm sure someone around might be able to help
[19:42:48] Beirdo: but sorry, it won't be me this time :)
[19:44:17] Dokujya-X: Maybe I should just download it and compile from source
[19:44:30] Dokujya-X: I've never had a mythtv ebuild work right
[19:44:39] Dokujya-X: wait, 0.15 worked
[19:44:42] Dokujya-X: that was it
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[19:48:54] speedsix: howdy all
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[19:50:15] mocker: Dokujya-X: Weird, my ebuild went off w/o a hitch.
[19:50:29] mocker: Oh, totally didn't see *ppc* in there. :)
[19:50:31] speedsix: Anybody help with a problem I have with my frontend stuttering?
[19:52:33] rogier (rogier! has quit ("Toedeledoki")
[19:52:39] speedsix: anyone?
[19:53:11] Dokujya-X: mocker > I don't think it should matter. This is missing a real file in there.
[19:53:17] Dokujya-X: like a c file
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[19:57:03] gardengnome: speedsix: please elaborate
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[19:58:08] speedsix: gardengnome, every 2secs or so it pauses, if I check the output it's shows a prebuffer message, I'm waiting for pastebin to respond so I can show the exact error
[19:58:28] speedsix: 2006-07–26 20:50:36.807 NVP: prebuffering pause
[19:58:36] speedsix: 2006-07–26 20:50:37.259 RingBuf(/mnt/myth/tv/1014_20060726204739.mpg): Waited 1.0 seconds for data to become available...
[19:58:37] gardengnome: hehe. more information about your setup might be useful, too
[19:58:41] xris: Beirdo: does the rss feed in the bot support htauth?
[19:58:46] speedsix: 2006-07–26 20:50:37.259 Checking to see if there's a new livetv program to switch to..
[19:59:04] j2^: Uhm... is the SVN branches "trunk" and "0.19-fixes" the same or different? I just checked out trunk, and that is also rev 10652?
[19:59:08] gardengnome: speedsix: don't flood, please
[19:59:18] xris: j2^: svn revision number is global
[19:59:23] Beirdo: xris, not at this time, no.
[19:59:27] xris: it's tied to the specific commit, not the branch
[19:59:39] xris: Beirdo: ok. another thing on my wish list, I guess.
[19:59:46] Beirdo: If ya want it, you can put in a ticket :) I think the underlying libs will do it
[19:59:51] j2^: xris: Aaah.. So it is infact different versions? (I just cant make my PVR-350 problem go away in 0.19, so i thought "lets try trunk" :)
[20:00:04] speedsix: gardengnome, sorry pastebin not responding, just those 3 lines repeated every few seconds
[20:00:39] xris: j2^: what problem?
[20:00:51] xris: and yes, they're completely different code trees
[20:00:56] j2^: xris: My perpetual playback problem (in trac as bug 2089)
[20:01:18] speedsix: gardengnome, I thought it was a signal problem but the same aerial lead works fine in the tv
[20:01:42] ** j2^ is on the verge of offering money to have it fixed *lol* **
[20:02:06] xris: j2^: are you using a framebuffer?
[20:02:31] j2^: xris: Uhm.... i'm using "enablePVR350output". And i am using ivtv-fb
[20:03:36] xris: j2^: support for that is going away completely in the near future. switch to the X driver for the 350
[20:04:10] j2^: xris: Oh, wait... that is what i am using. i thought that _Was_ a fb-driver?
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[20:04:31] j2^: xris: But i have not built it myself, because i cannot get it to build, so i grabbed it from
[20:05:07] xris: there is now a normal non-framebuffer driver for the pvr-350 in xorg
[20:05:25] j2^: xris: there is? where/what/how? :)
[20:05:54] kormoc:
[20:05:59] xris: not sure. just know that there is, since the other devs have been using it as an excuse to drop support for the special pvr-350 output
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[20:07:04] j2^: kormoc: I've seen that page. But i cant build the driver on my system (posted a Q on the IVTV list a few days back, an no response so far). (its missing an Imake.tmpl file)
[20:07:12] speedsix: Anyone any ideas?
[20:07:59] PeterC (PeterC! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:08:52] Dokujya-X: ivtv0: loaded v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw firmware cannot load firmware < anyone know what that is?
[20:12:32] Dokujya-X:
[20:13:49] hadees: Dokujya-X, um... why are you posting a story about lance bass being gay?
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[20:14:43] simcop2387: has anyone else experienced this problem/bug, i've got my directv reciever (not relavent) plugged in to the svideo on my pvr-250, and since i don't have a way to control the dish reciever at all yet i don't have it grabbing the guide data, and i've got it mapped to a channel (1) manually with the channel editor, i can watch livetv on it fine, but if i manually schedule a recording no matter what i do it doesn't record it, and i end up
[20:14:44] simcop2387: with a recording that goes from say 4:00PM-4:00PM according to the watch recordings menu
[20:15:24] simcop2387: from browsing the tracker it appears that a similar issue happened with the record button, and no guide data, just htought i'd ask before i file a tracker bug
[20:15:30] j2^: simcop2387: Sounds like you should have some output in mythbackendlog, messages, syslog or kernlog
[20:15:53] simcop2387: j2^: yea i'm loooking through them now
[20:16:05] [Elvis] ([Elvis]! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:16:06] [Elvis]: ellowwwww
[20:16:07] Diabolic_ is now known as Diabolic
[20:16:10] [Elvis] is now known as Jasper2
[20:16:20] Jasper2: I bought the 3,4 ghz now :P
[20:18:17] Jasper2: time to format it soon
[20:18:21] Jasper2: and get rid of winblows
[20:18:56] Aid` (Aid`! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:21:01] Zide: 3,4GHz what?
[20:21:03] Dokujya-X: Oh sorry, I'm using GAIM and I thought I was sending it to an AIM rather than a chan
[20:21:43] Dokujya-X: Besides, MythTV users need to know that Lance Bass is gay. It's vital to the .. uhh.. whole process
[20:21:49] Dokujya-X: the synergy if you will
[20:22:01] Zide: who's that?
[20:23:50] Beirdo: who cares?
[20:23:56] Zide: dunno
[20:24:25] Dokujya-X: He's an nSync singer
[20:24:37] Beirdo: heh
[20:24:39] Zide: hm, dunno if I've heard them
[20:24:45] Beirdo: and you suspected he was straight?
[20:25:05] ** gardengnome snickers **
[20:25:14] Dokujya-X: I suspected he was overpaid and not much else
[20:25:27] Beirdo: hmmm. "boy band"... "gay"... dying of not surprise
[20:25:43] Dokujya-X: Well, at least one of them owned up
[20:26:31] Aid1 (Aid1! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[20:29:09] jerkface: it's just a publicity stunt. his bf has a book comming out and bass is trying to get a tv show...
[20:29:27] Dokujya-X: Ahh, see and we may have recorded that TV show
[20:29:28] Beirdo: as I said before... who cares?
[20:29:35] jerkface: he's just another shameless homo :D
[20:29:41] Beirdo: bah
[20:29:42] Dokujya-X: but now that I know that it's a publicity stunt, I'll like totally not record it on my myth box!
[20:29:47] Dokujya-X: See, that's why I pasted the link
[20:29:56] Dokujya-X: synergy
[20:30:26] Beirdo: yeah well, Justin Timberlake knows he's a frigging dork, so all is well
[20:30:54] MORA (MORA!i=MORA@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:35:54] s34n (s34n! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:36:30] Dokujya-X: Beirdo > What classifies a dork?
[20:36:50] s34n: what is the best way to transport signal from the A/V closet to the projector in the next room?
[20:36:53] Beirdo: just look at him!
[20:36:57] hashbang (hashbang! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[20:37:46] s34n: ~10 meters
[20:38:38] xris: s34n: ethernet
[20:38:59] xris: or the video connector of your choice and an amplifier.
[20:39:15] s34n: what's the range of DVI?
[20:39:17] Jasper2 (Jasper2! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:39:18] Jasper2: hej guys
[20:39:20] xris: *might* work without an amp
[20:39:29] s34n: 1 meter?
[20:39:33] Jasper2: I was wondering, do you guys know any program to test my pvr500 under windows
[20:39:39] Jasper2: 8)
[20:39:42] xris: s34n: at least 3, since you can get 15 ft dvi cables
[20:39:52] Jasper2: I wanna tune some channels before formatting it to linux
[20:39:56] xris: Jasper2: how about the one it came with?
[20:40:05] Jasper2: didn't came with one
[20:40:19] xris: odd. my 150 mce did
[20:40:19] Jasper2: I bought the version with only the device
[20:40:23] Jasper2: no software and shit
[20:40:32] xris: gbpvr
[20:40:36] Jasper2: it's cheaper :P
[20:40:40] Jasper2: and since I use it only with linux
[20:40:44] Jasper2: I figured...why pay more
[20:40:51] Jasper2: but now with this new pc I wanna test it in windows
[20:40:53] xris: cheaper? shouldn't be. it's all OEM software
[20:41:13] Jasper2: but what software did you get with it?
[20:41:17] kormoc: Jasper2, well, given you say you only use it with linux, why does testing it in windows matter at all?
[20:41:29] kormoc: Jasper2, working in windows != working in linux, and vice versa
[20:41:40] kormoc: Jasper2, esp if you got a 500 with the new samsung tuners on it
[20:41:50] Jasper2: I know
[20:41:56] Jasper2: I had it working in linux before
[20:42:00] Jasper2: but I just wanna see it work in windows for once
[20:42:05] Jasper2: before I format it
[20:42:24] Jasper2: xris you happen to remember the software name?
[20:42:49] xris: Jasper2: I don't know. there was a cd with my 150. I know it comes with some kind of software. I never actually installed it
[20:43:00] xris: but if you want to test in windows.. gbpvr, sagetv, etc...
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[20:43:41] Jasper2: installing gb-pvr now
[20:43:59] Jasper2: so I bought this new 3,4 ghz pentium 4 650 purely for mythtv
[20:44:05] Jasper2: hope it's gonna cope :P
[20:44:12] kormoc: xris, according ot happauge, no pvr 500 comes with software, they all require mce or a third party one
[20:44:16] s34n: Jasper2: vmware?
[20:44:28] xris: kormoc: ah, interesting
[20:44:28] Jasper2: what do you mean vmware?
[20:44:41] kormoc: s34n, no, he's not using vmware
[20:45:06] Jasper2: I run windows now, gonna format it to linux...I just got it like 1 hour ago
[20:45:09] rambo3 (rambo3! has quit ("Lämnar")
[20:45:11] Jasper2: windows came installed with it :P
[20:45:17] Jasper2: but no I will not use vmware
[20:45:17] xris: Jasper2: why'd you pay for windows?
[20:45:22] Jasper2: didn't
[20:45:24] Jasper2: it's 2nd hand pc
[20:45:27] xris: ahh
[20:45:29] Jasper2: the guy put it on
[20:45:38] gardengnome: so, no licence? :)
[20:45:39] Jasper2: so I was could have saved yourself the trouble installing it
[20:45:44] Jasper2: since I am gonna delete it
[20:45:56] Jasper2: but, not my problem I guess
[20:46:02] Jasper2: license? what's that :P
[20:46:09] gardengnome: heh
[20:46:27] Beirdo: heh
[20:46:41] Beirdo: I have several Linux boxes with valid Windows licenses still
[20:46:57] Beirdo: not my fault that the people who sold them left the license key stickers on them
[20:47:23] russellb (russellb!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:47:28] Jasper2: at my work I have around 50 computers laying in the archive
[20:47:34] Jasper2: with 2000 professional stickers..
[20:47:35] Beirdo: heh
[20:47:40] Beirdo: yoink
[20:47:48] Jasper2: so I think I'll manage :P
[20:47:52] russellb_ (russellb_!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla) has quit (Read error: 148 (No route to host))
[20:47:55] Beirdo: I could use a couple more licenses some day...
[20:48:00] Jasper2: but what are we talking about here
[20:48:03] Jasper2: I don't want windows
[20:48:03] Jasper2: :P
[20:48:11] Jasper2: lol
[20:48:14] Jasper2: you have to pay for sagetv
[20:48:18] Beirdo: I think I'll just go buy *ick* another XP Pro license sometime for another gaming machine
[20:48:26] Beirdo: for my beautiful wife
[20:48:27] Beirdo: heh
[20:48:50] Jasper2: this new computer
[20:48:56] Jasper2: has 2 gigabit nic's in it
[20:49:04] Jasper2: onboard...I've never seen that before
[20:49:12] Beirdo: nice
[20:49:18] Jasper2: yeah
[20:49:23] Jasper2: and it has wireless onboard
[20:49:30] Beirdo: make a bitchin firewall, but that's a waste of a P4
[20:49:36] Jasper2: and firewire 400 and 800
[20:49:45] Beirdo: that could be useful for myth
[20:49:48] Jasper2: and even space for 14 harddisks :P
[20:49:52] Beirdo: damn
[20:49:55] Jasper2: it goes to raid5
[20:49:55] Beirdo: full-tower?
[20:49:56] Jasper2: :P
[20:50:05] Jasper2: no, it has the s-ata connections for it
[20:50:08] Jasper2: not the box :P
[20:50:12] Beirdo: I hope you didn't pay shipping on that hosebeast
[20:50:22] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@216-107-194-166.static.gdt.cust.seg.NET) has quit (Client Quit)
[20:50:22] Beirdo: ah
[20:50:29] Jasper2: it has room for 8 s-ata's
[20:50:31] Jasper2: a few p-ata's
[20:50:34] Jasper2: and some old ide's
[20:50:37] Beirdo: that should do for a while
[20:50:47] Jasper2: i hope so
[20:50:53] Jasper2: was planning to only use it for mythtv
[20:50:58] Zide: Jasper: pentium 4? why not a pentium d?
[20:50:58] Jasper2: and as a router
[20:51:09] Jasper2: why pentium d..
[20:51:16] kormoc: dual core...
[20:51:20] Beirdo: use a 4-port SATA RAID card, and build a 4-drive RAID5... then another... easy to upgrade each later :)
[20:51:23] Beirdo: hehe
[20:51:26] kormoc: Zide, but he didn't want to spend the money on a pentium d
[20:51:36] Beirdo: I like AMD, personally
[20:51:37] der_oschni (der_oschni! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[20:51:40] Jasper2: kormoc
[20:51:41] Jasper2: actually
[20:51:47] Jasper2: pentium d is cheaper then this cpu
[20:52:08] kormoc: Jasper2, yes, but you said yesterday that with the mobo + ram + drives, it would have cost you more
[20:52:09] Zide: cheaper, faster and, I believe, cooler.
[20:52:11] tjcarter: Okay, dumb question about PVR-500.. Has two white headers on the board and one breakout bracket. Which header gets the panel? The white box doesn't exactly come with a full manual  ;)
[20:52:32] kormoc: tjcarter, check the website?
[20:52:35] Jasper2: yes kormoc, but still
[20:52:43] Jasper2: the pentium d's are around 80 euros cheaper
[20:52:45] Jasper2: then this cpu
[20:52:51] Jasper2: I really wonder why that is..
[20:52:59] kormoc: Jasper2, so why did you buy that box again?
[20:53:08] tjcarter: kormoc: I don't exactly have lots of faith in that, but I will do so
[20:53:09] Jasper2: this box?
[20:53:13] kormoc: Jasper2, I kept telling you yesterday that you'd do better with a pentium-d
[20:53:29] opello: tjcarter: the one closest to the back of the card is for the second tuner iirc
[20:54:37] tjcarter: opello: but ... um, the first tuner has inputs on the back of the card. So you get two inputs for one tuner and one for the other?
[20:54:51] opello: i guess, i never knew why there were 2 headers
[20:55:06] Jasper2: so kormoc what advantage does it have?
[20:55:11] opello: but the graphic i saw showed plugging the second thing into the farthest away one
[20:55:15] tjcarter: so, plug this one in closest to the bracket if I'm gonna use it.
[20:55:27] tjcarter: kormoc: as expected, no manual for 500.
[20:55:35] opello: well, why would you plug it into that one? those are on the back ...
[20:55:39] kormoc: Jasper2, the pentium d? you get two full real processors rather then one real and one fake?
[20:56:08] Zide: kormoc: not quite one real and one fake, more like one real pretending to be two
[20:56:12] opello: 2 cores glued together that can't really work at the same time because of a broken cache sharing system, you say?
[20:56:36] Zide: opello: are you talking about HT now?
[20:56:42] opello: no, D
[20:56:52] opello: ht is only 1 core, double branching iirc
[20:56:54] Zide: well, it has separate cache afaik
[20:57:06] Zide: 1MB per core or whatever it was
[20:57:16] Jasper2: well
[20:57:18] kormoc: opello, the shared cache isn't as bad as a lot of people seem to think...
[20:57:18] opello: but both cores use the same cache access system, so they have to use it 1 at a time
[20:57:20] Jasper2: I'm happy with what I bought
[20:57:25] Jasper2: it's faster then my 800 mhz
[20:57:28] Jasper2: that's all that matters
[20:57:29] Jasper2: :P
[20:57:29] kormoc: opello, that's only partly true
[20:57:35] kormoc: they have seperate l2 and shared l3 cache
[20:57:53] Aid` (Aid`! has quit (Connection timed out)
[20:57:56] opello: right, amd's doesn't have the 'instruction cache sharing' crap, and is obviously better in that regard
[20:58:08] Jasper2: and the motherboard in this box is one of the best available kormoc
[20:58:11] Jasper2: so that's good :P
[20:58:21] Zide: who claims it's "crap"?
[20:58:23] opello: kormoc: so until the new whizzbang intel proc comes down that 'beats' amd in the benchmarks, i'll keep recommending opterons :)
[20:58:50] opello: or a 4400 x2 if you want :)
[20:59:05] Beirdo: heh
[20:59:06] Zide: I've never trusted AMD's and I never will
[20:59:10] Beirdo: processor wars?
[20:59:11] Beirdo: heh
[20:59:30] Beirdo: AMD64 are much cooler and use less power than P4 of "similar" processing power
[20:59:32] kormoc: opello, I think you have that backwards
[20:59:37] opello: Beirdo: say it like the red dwarf guy and start a show
[20:59:37] Beirdo: that is enough to make me use em
[20:59:46] guru18: hi, when I try to modprobe ivtv I get "ivtv: Unknown symbol release_firmware ivtv: Unknown symbol request_firmware" in my dmesg with media-tv/ivtv-0.6.3 and gentoo-sources-2.6.16-r7, any ideas?
[21:00:01] kormoc: opello, see
[21:00:26] nettwerk: zide: you're funny
[21:00:57] Jasper2: zide we share the same opinion about amd
[21:01:20] Zide: nettwerk: ok
[21:01:20] kormoc: opello, and amd is moving over to the same shared cache system intel is using right now, see
[21:01:30] opello: kormoc: distinct caches works best when applications aren't doing 'much' work on both, but a lot on one or the other
[21:01:35] opello: which is your average desktop app
[21:01:43] Jasper2: ffs
[21:01:45] kormoc: opello, "Moore revealed that K8L will be the first AMD processor to have L3 cache since the K6 CPU. Each core has an independent L2 cache, but the entire processor shares an L3 cache pool."
[21:01:46] Jasper2: I hate windows
[21:01:53] Jasper2: you always need something to play dvd's and stuff
[21:02:08] stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has quit ("Leaving")
[21:02:16] opello: shared wins for threaded anything done right, but a desktop application isn't generally heavily threaded, and only really has affinity to 1 core
[21:02:24] kormoc: opello, so I'm confused as to why, if the shared l3 cache is such a problem, why is AMD moving over to that design?
[21:02:25] guru18: Jasper2: the thing is, I've run into a few dvds that linux can't play
[21:03:04] opello: kormoc: 'such a problem', no, it was that the cache was never accessed simultaneously by both cores, iirc
[21:03:05] kormoc: opello, or in other words, are you gonna bash AMD for the same 'broken shared cache' design as you do with Intel?
[21:03:14] Jasper2: hmm, what you mean, linux can't play?
[21:03:16] kormoc: opello, that's not true, they can be :)
[21:03:24] opello: microcode update required?
[21:03:50] kormoc: the issue with that was due to testing on the pre-release chips, aye
[21:03:54] ** Beirdo makes some popcorn on his Sempron 2800 and watches the processor war continue **
[21:03:59] opello: kormoc: aha
[21:04:03] kormoc: all shiped chips have newer code that fixed that issue
[21:04:18] guru18: Jasper2: as in libdvdcss couldn't decode it, while other dvd would play fine
[21:04:36] Beirdo: funny, never had a problem with any DVD
[21:04:42] Beirdo: oh wait... I use a DVD player :)
[21:04:50] Jasper2: is the internal player allready fixed in mythtv?
[21:04:58] Jasper2: last time I tried it (8 months ago)
[21:05:03] Jasper2: it didn't work very smoothly
[21:05:43] s34n: kormoc: do your Intel chips come in under $100?
[21:06:12] kormoc: s34n, yes
[21:06:43] opello: kormoc: btw, thanks for filling me in, i never knew it was just in testing :)
[21:06:49] s34n: kormoc: newegg link?
[21:07:41] kormoc: s34n, newegg isn't always the cheapest, the pentium d 805 is $101 on newegg
[21:07:45] kormoc:
[21:08:07] kormoc: I've seen as low as $94 before
[21:08:14] s34n: kormoc: where?
[21:08:15] kormoc: . . . 4f7931bd79f2
[21:09:06] Jasper2: 48 degrees the cpu
[21:09:08] Jasper2: ..
[21:09:31] kormoc: Jasper2, you did buy one of the hottest processors on the planet :P
[21:09:45] Jasper2: I almost have the same cpu in the box belo
[21:09:48] Jasper2: it's a 3 ghz
[21:09:48] Beirdo: kormoc, hotter than a Sempron 2800 (XP core?)
[21:09:53] Jasper2: it reaches up to 60 degrees
[21:10:03] Beirdo: my Sempron idles at just under 60C
[21:10:10] opello: yikes
[21:10:14] Beirdo: well, right now, it's off
[21:10:15] Beirdo: heh
[21:10:18] Beirdo: it's in my PVR
[21:10:29] Beirdo: and I still haven't hooked it up since moving
[21:10:31] Jasper2: outside air temperature at the moment = 36 degrees
[21:10:34] Beirdo: need a second cable box...
[21:10:36] Jasper2: so 45 aint that bad
[21:10:37] Jasper2: :P
[21:10:44] s34n: kormoc: what are the advantages over  ?
[21:10:52] Beirdo: 36C? Not bad
[21:10:58] Jasper2: it is bad
[21:11:07] Jasper2: people dieing becuase it's too hot :P
[21:11:14] Jasper2: we're not used to those temperatures..
[21:11:23] Beirdo: 32.5C + 61% humidity here... => feels like 39C
[21:11:38] opello: 29.4 C here, heh
[21:11:39] Beirdo: hint... drink water, then more water, then more water
[21:11:42] kormoc: s34n, the 805 is dual core, but you get better memory speeds from the 300+
[21:11:56] s34n: kormoc: for 33% higher price, the intel needs a big advantage
[21:12:00] Jasper2: at least my new motherboard has high definition audio
[21:12:07] Jasper2: whatever that may mean :P
[21:12:08] Beirdo: and given the choice, stay in AC comfort
[21:12:10] Beirdo: heh
[21:12:14] kormoc: s34n, a second processor isn't a big advantage over a 2% better memory speed?
[21:12:38] Jasper2: beirdo..we have good ac at work
[21:12:45] Jasper2: but then I cycle home for 15 km
[21:12:52] Jasper2: with average 34 degrees
[21:13:02] kormoc: s34n, yet alone, you can over clock that 805 ungodly high, 4.1 ghz is rather common, which would make the memory speeds much faster then that 3000+
[21:13:03] Beirdo: crazy
[21:13:07] Jasper2: so kinda sweaty when I get back
[21:13:07] Jasper2: :P
[21:13:08] kormoc: s34n, see
[21:13:14] Beirdo: then you drink 4L of water and take a cold shower...
[21:14:04] Jasper2: :p
[21:14:06] guru18: my laptop's cpu gets up to 72 under load, which is actually well within spec
[21:14:18] Jasper2: I need to find spdif boxes
[21:14:22] Jasper2: for this audio card
[21:14:33] Jasper2: where the hell am I gonna get those ..
[21:14:46] Fnc-1: what kind of box?
[21:14:47] Beirdo: a spliff box?
[21:14:54] Jasper2: you know
[21:14:59] Jasper2: optical out audio
[21:15:05] Beirdo: guru18, that's not a laptop. ain't going on my lap
[21:15:05] Fnc-1: what you need it to do?
[21:15:30] s34n: kormoc: my bad, I saw the Orleans AM2 and thought dual-core
[21:16:02] Aid` (Aid`!n=Aid@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:16:12] bjohnson_ (bjohnson_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:16:13] guru18: Beirdo: haha, actually it doesn't get that hot on the bottom
[21:16:33] Jasper2: I wonder, can you see a lot of quality difference in dvd players?
[21:16:34] kormoc: s34n, yeah, the cheapest dual core amd is the A64 X2 3800+ at $170 or so
[21:17:09] Beirdo: that's termed a "nadcooker"
[21:17:29] Jasper2: kormoc is that any good?
[21:17:31] Beirdo: my nads deserve better
[21:17:34] Jasper2: that 3800+
[21:18:09] kormoc: Jasper2, sure, it's a good proc, but just not worth the price cost imho
[21:18:20] Jasper2: only 170 dollar?
[21:18:21] Jasper2: not much?
[21:18:32] guru18: Beirdo: it seriously only gets luke warm on the bottom, no cooking of nads here
[21:18:38] kormoc: compaired to the $100 for a intel dual core proc, it's a extra 70%
[21:18:45] Jasper2: erm
[21:18:47] lotia (lotia! has quit ()
[21:18:51] Jasper2: I cant'find any procs for 100 dollar
[21:18:52] Jasper2: of intel
[21:18:59] Jasper2: you live in a cheap country I guess :P
[21:19:07] guru18: Jasper2: try
[21:19:09] kormoc: Jasper, the intel pentium-d 805
[21:19:24] xris: Jasper2: no celeron procs for that cheap?
[21:19:25] Jasper2: but I heard the 8xx series are shitty
[21:19:32] Jasper2: celeron aint a processor
[21:19:42] kormoc: Jasper2, look up the cost of the a64 x2 3800+ and compaire to the intel peintium-d 805, there's a large price difference
[21:19:52] Jasper2: celerons are only good enough for toastmachines and stuf
[21:20:03] kormoc: Jasper2, well, my 8xx serise proc is quite nice, and my mythbox runs a celeron-d quite well
[21:20:05] Beirdo: hah
[21:20:20] Beirdo: celery processors are good for a lot of random tasks.
[21:20:28] Jasper2: :P
[21:20:30] Beirdo: I ran my firewall on one for a long time
[21:20:43] Jasper2: I have a natural dislike of celeron and amd
[21:20:44] Beirdo: until Canada Post so graciously smashed it to shit
[21:20:47] Jasper2: don't know why
[21:20:55] Beirdo: all my stuff is AMD now
[21:21:05] Beirdo: except one Sun Ultra 5 that's the new firewall
[21:21:17] s34n: kormoc: did Intel work out the RAID conflicts with the dual core?
[21:21:18] Jasper2: the 805 is the cheapest dual
[21:21:20] Jasper2: 130 euro
[21:21:34] guru18: i have 3 athlon64s, they work well
[21:21:44] Jasper2: the 3200+ = 50 euro more
[21:21:55] Jasper2: the one I have now is 320 eurp
[21:22:03] kormoc: s34n, you mean with the new conroe procs and software raid 5?
[21:22:06] Jasper2: kormoc why is this cpu so much more expensive
[21:22:08] Jasper2: then the dual one?
[21:22:24] s34n: kormoc: sounds right
[21:22:30] guru18: price war?
[21:22:47] kormoc: Jasper2, it's top of the end of the last gen, you're compairing to the bottom of the end of the next gen, it's how it works
[21:23:20] Jasper2: INTEL PD 940 3.2
[21:23:22] s34n: kormoc: As I understand it, intel can't touch the AM2 performance except for Conroe
[21:23:23] kormoc: s34n, not yet, given it's processor design rather then an actual flaw
[21:23:28] Jasper2: is that around the top of new gen?
[21:23:28] Jasper2: or?
[21:23:44] kormoc: Jasper, yes, that's the top of the new gen
[21:23:51] Jasper2: that's also cheaper kormoc
[21:24:10] kormoc: Jasper2, erm, look up the EE edition
[21:24:12] Jasper2: only the d830 and 840 are more expensive
[21:24:27] Jasper2:
[21:24:43] s34n: I think it looks like Intel has either made a nice break through, or they are bleeding money
[21:24:48] s34n: I hope it is the former
[21:24:52] kormoc: Jasper2, Intel Pentium Extreme Edition 965 Presler 1066MHz FSB 2 x 2MB L2 Cache LGA 775 Processor
[21:24:54] Jasper2: the ee yes..
[21:25:04] Jasper2: 1100 euro
[21:25:11] s34n: It will be nice to see if AMD can answer with something more than price cuts
[21:25:29] kormoc: Jasper2, yes, that's akin to yours, a bit more
[21:25:29] Jasper2: the next step is that intel buys nvidia
[21:25:39] ** kormoc laughs **
[21:25:47] kormoc: I doubt that'd happen, but it'd be interesting if it did
[21:26:01] s34n: Intel doesn't need nVidia
[21:26:16] lane (lane! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:26:23] squeegy (squeegy! has quit ("Leaving")
[21:26:42] Jasper2: well
[21:26:44] Jasper2: amd bought ati
[21:26:48] Jasper2: so intel buys nvidia :P
[21:26:50] LabMonkey (LabMonkey!i=bogart@gentoo/developer/labmonkey) has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:27:03] Beirdo: no
[21:27:17] Beirdo: AMD and ATI are attempting a merger situation
[21:27:23] s34n: amd didn't overlap with ATI
[21:27:28] Beirdo: it requires shareholder approval
[21:27:31] Beirdo: then regulatory
[21:27:37] Beirdo: it ain't over yet :)
[21:27:46] Jasper2: offcourse it is :P
[21:27:48] s34n: intel would overlap a great deal with nvidia
[21:28:10] Beirdo: the shareholders of ATI may tell them to shove it
[21:28:13] Beirdo: you never know
[21:28:37] Beirdo: and the US gov't or Canadian gov't may nix it too
[21:29:07] Beirdo: especially as the new HQ won't be in Canada any more
[21:29:22] Beirdo: but I doubt it will fail :)
[21:29:23] s34n: or... amd may be negotiating behind the scenes with nvidia, and made an announcement just for leverage
[21:29:49] Beirdo: we'll see once it's final, I guess
[21:30:17] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:30:18] Jasper2: bah
[21:30:27] Jasper2: I can try to install linux now
[21:30:34] Jasper2: but I allready know it's gonna shove my wireless
[21:30:42] Jasper2: so I need to lay this 40 meter cable..gah
[21:30:47] Beirdo: not necessarily
[21:30:52] makomk (makomk!n=aidan@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:30:53] Juski: yeh well that's what should happen to wireless imho
[21:30:58] Beirdo: what chipset is the wireless?
[21:31:00] Jasper2: hej juski :P
[21:31:07] Jasper2: good question beirdo
[21:31:27] s34n: a Sempron 64 2800+ should be plenty adequate to run mythtv, true?
[21:31:27] Jasper2: I think marvell
[21:31:29] ** Beirdo has NFS mounted his MP3 collection over wireless and is currently listening to music outside **
[21:31:42] Jasper2: it's onboard shit
[21:31:53] Jasper2: asus wireless card
[21:32:01] Beirdo: good chance it will work
[21:32:15] Jasper2: with the livecd?
[21:32:22] Beirdo: which distro?
[21:32:26] Jasper2: gentoo
[21:32:27] Jasper2: :P
[21:32:31] Beirdo: hah
[21:32:32] prg3 (prg3! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:32:34] Beirdo: have fun :)
[21:32:37] Jasper2: :p
[21:32:41] Beirdo: I make no guarantees for gentoo
[21:32:42] Jasper2: gentoo is for men!
[21:32:43] Jasper2: :P
[21:32:52] Beirdo: use ubuntu, and I'd bet it will work
[21:33:04] Beirdo: not sure what gentoo puts on the livecd anymore
[21:33:12] Jasper2: not much..
[21:33:14] Jasper2: :P
[21:33:19] Beirdo: but try booting it and see, you can always reboot back to 'doze
[21:33:28] Jasper2: not if I format it :P
[21:33:55] Jasper2: hmm
[21:33:59] Beirdo: so see if the wireless works first :)
[21:34:00] Beirdo: heh
[21:34:00] Jasper2: how can I find the chipset in windows..
[21:34:01] Jasper2: :P
[21:34:06] Jasper2: let's find that out first
[21:34:23] s34n: if a $50 Sempron will run myth, why pay for dual-core on a dedicated myth box?
[21:34:31] Beirdo: ummm, my computer->properties, then hardware or something like that
[21:34:32] Beirdo: in XP
[21:34:41] lane (lane! has quit ()
[21:34:42] Beirdo: you want the driver tree
[21:34:49] Jasper2: oh yeah
[21:34:55] Jasper2: but that only says manufacturer
[21:34:56] Jasper2: marvell
[21:34:59] Beirdo: I don't have a 'blows machine with me right now
[21:35:07] Beirdo: what's the driver file called?
[21:35:33] Jasper2: mrv8k51.sys
[21:35:38] Beirdo: I hate windows
[21:35:44] Beirdo: OK, let's see
[21:35:50] Jasper2: who doesnt
[21:35:57] Dokujya-X (Dokujya-X!n=niwong@ has left #mythtv-users ()
[21:37:01] Beirdo: hmmm
[21:37:29] Beirdo: that may be an ndiswrapper one
[21:38:02] Jasper2: prolly is
[21:38:15] Beirdo: too bad it ain't atheron
[21:38:16] Jasper2: I used that for my linksys too
[21:38:36] Jasper2: atheron = ?
[21:39:05] Beirdo: sorry, atheros
[21:39:09] Beirdo: stupid brain
[21:39:17] Beirdo: one of the drivers that actually works well
[21:39:31] Beirdo: the cheeep d-link AirPlus in this laptop uses that driver :)
[21:39:41] Jasper2: ah k
[21:40:30] Beirdo: I think is the driver I have
[21:40:41] Jasper2: hmm
[21:40:50] Jasper2: that's not very positve
[21:40:59] Jasper2: I did a ctrl-find on the ndiswrapper database of devices
[21:41:02] Jasper2: it can't even find marvell
[21:41:15] Beirdo: search on the driver name maybe
[21:41:25] Beirdo: mrv8k51 might show something
[21:41:55] mshooshtari (mshooshtari!n=mshoosht@ has joined #Mythtv-users
[21:42:04] mshooshtari: hello
[21:42:54] Jasper2: I actually have a job now
[21:43:02] mshooshtari: I've looked at the documentation today and last night, and think that my problem may be the mysql port, or the hostname and possibly a firewall problem
[21:43:03] Beirdo: that helps :)
[21:43:10] Jasper2: employed as a helpdesk person for people with computer problems
[21:43:17] Jasper2: I should know how it works..
[21:43:21] Jasper2: but argh..
[21:43:32] Beirdo: eek
[21:43:34] mshooshtari: I was following the instructions on hyrams website with the extra bit for dapper
[21:44:20] Jasper2: beirdo: but luckily the questions don't get more exciting then: I lost my password
[21:44:24] mshooshtari: After installing the mythtv packages and configuring mythtv as the mythtv user I was unable to connect to mysql through phpadmin, and it appears that the backend isn't starting.
[21:44:31] gzphreak (gzphreak! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:45:28] gzphreak: Hola, I was on earlier this morning asking about changing cable providers.
[21:45:43] gzphreak: I ran mythtv-setup and mythfilldatabase.
[21:46:03] mshooshtari: did you go onto the website that gives you your XML and tell them you had a different cable provider?
[21:46:32] gzphreak: The program guide and channels got updated, however I can no longer change the channel in browse mode and nothing appears on the browse osd windows besides the time.
[21:46:45] gzphreak: Yes, I updated my zap2it account
[21:46:58] Jasper2: Beirdo: MARVELL 88W8000G
[21:47:01] Jasper2: that's the chip I think
[21:47:04] radi0head (radi0head! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:47:13] Beirdo: did you update the "starting channel" for the card in the setup, gzphreak?
[21:47:20] mshooshtari: any errors when you ran mythfilldatabase?
[21:47:31] gzphreak: no errors with myth fill database.
[21:47:52] gzphreak: Beirdo, Yes I htink I changed it to start a a diff chan than what it was before, why?
[21:47:54] mshooshtari: lol, that's beyond my knowledge then already
[21:48:09] Jasper2: libertas beirdo
[21:48:12] mshooshtari: Only thing is mythtv-setup
[21:48:23] mshooshtari: but you said you did that part over right?
[21:48:25] Beirdo: make sure it's on a channel that exists, then restart the backend
[21:48:41] mshooshtari: where you do MPG-PVR-1
[21:48:45] gzphreak: mshooshtari, Yes.
[21:48:49] mshooshtari: and then you set the tuner and put int he password..
[21:49:01] mshooshtari: That's pretty much the process then
[21:49:05] gzphreak: Beirdo, it is.
[21:49:17] gzphreak: Ok, Ill check all that again and brb.
[21:49:23] Beirdo: and you did restart the backend though? :)
[21:49:42] gzphreak: Beirdo, Yes, it has been.
[21:49:49] Beirdo: OK
[21:50:04] mshooshtari: Do you guys know anybody that has done a succesfull ubuntu 6.06 install?
[21:50:05] Beirdo: running outta ideas then, that's usually what causes the issues
[21:50:17] Beirdo: I upgraded to dapper from breezy
[21:50:43] Beirdo: actually the machine I'm typing on right now is using dapper
[21:51:46] mshooshtari: I don't know what I did to the sql connection. One of my coworkers says that dapper uses a different version of mysql and that could be it, or it's the firewall
[21:51:46] roofie (roofie!n=r@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:52:11] roofie (roofie! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:52:26] mshooshtari:
[21:52:39] mshooshtari:
[21:52:46] mshooshtari: I have been using those two sites
[21:53:50] mshooshtari: I was able to change the mysql password with phpadmin when I was at that step, then I lost that ability somewhere between there and mythconfigdatabase
[21:53:52] beavis (beavis! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:54:06] beavis (beavis! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:54:12] mshooshtari: it seems to be where my problems started
[21:54:12] Beirdo: hmm
[21:54:13] LabMonkey (LabMonkey! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:55:05] Beirdo: dunno, maybe look into a mysql password recovery (it's on in the documentation if you can't find it elsewhere), then log into mysql using the new recovered password and fix your users.
[21:55:57] mshooshtari: That's the wierd part. I was able to log into mysql with the password stored in mythtv-setup
[21:56:03] mshooshtari: but only from the command line
[21:56:20] Beirdo: did you turn on networking in my.cnf?
[21:56:26] Jasper2: I'm off
[21:56:27] mshooshtari: mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg
[21:56:30] pm (pm! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:56:31] Jasper2: tomorrow is a good day to start installing linux
[21:56:35] Jasper2: cya people later
[21:56:39] Beirdo: i.e. remove skip-networking lines, or bind
[21:56:45] Beirdo: seeya, Jasper2
[21:56:51] Jasper2 (Jasper2! has quit ()
[21:56:51] Beirdo: and then restart mysqld
[21:56:52] Fnc-1: yeah ound out that skip networking line
[21:57:01] Fnc-1: took me 4 hours to figure that one out
[21:57:13] mshooshtari: I havent't done that.
[21:58:21] mshooshtari: I thought it could be networking because it uses `mythserver` instead of `localhost` when connecting
[21:58:21] ** Juski experienced the joy of sitting in front of Andy Crane at the cinema tonight. didn't ask for an autograph though. and no, he didn't have Edd The Duck with him ;-) **
[21:58:25] mshooshtari: the mythbackend that is
[21:58:36] pm: anyone experience with mytharchive?
[21:58:57] pm: I cannot get it to run...
[22:00:24] mshooshtari: I wonder if the sqladmin php utility is having the same problem
[22:00:29] CyberKnet (CyberKnet! has joined #MythTV-Users
[22:01:41] Juski: pm: that's the joy of svn
[22:01:55] pm: yeah...
[22:02:30] Beirdo: svn code... bork bork bork
[22:02:31] Beirdo: heh
[22:03:18] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[22:03:26] pm: it installs, but I always get this eroor message: "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'endswith'"
[22:04:13] Juski: are you running svn mythtv.. the same version as mytharchive?
[22:04:22] pm: yep
[22:04:31] Beirdo: kormoc, compiling libsh :)
[22:04:38] Beirdo: maybe give it a shot
[22:04:44] russellb (russellb!n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:04:52] pm: I tried a few versions, always the same error
[22:05:06] Beirdo: as much as I detest the thought of using C++. I may just wrap the C++ in C entry points :)
[22:05:09] Juski: pm: might just be broken in that snapshot. give it another go soonish, or check the -dev list, -commits list & tickets
[22:05:52] kormoc: Beirdo, heh, that's what I did on my playing
[22:05:53] pm: I am trying a month or two...:)
[22:06:15] Beirdo: I detest using C++ as a generality... but we shall see
[22:06:42] Beirdo: the first thing I wanna see is to be able to identify all the cards in the system, which isn't really a libsh thing anyways
[22:07:45] Beirdo: and of course... no .deb for libsh
[22:08:12] Juski: pm: strange. if you had missing libs or somefink it shouldn't compile.. maybe it's config'd wrong. Either way I think it could be a good chance to experience posting on the mailing lists
[22:08:48] Fnc-1: anyone seen how you can use XBMC, to download and watch movie trailiers... while your coding Beirdo add that into myth.. its kinda cool
[22:09:05] Beirdo: heh, I'll pass
[22:09:05] pm: I ll try that... Just checking if it wasn't my stupidity  ;)
[22:09:07] ** kormoc laughs **
[22:09:18] Beirdo: you're welcome to do it though
[22:09:38] Beirdo: I'm looking at maybe working on gputrans a bit
[22:10:07] Fnc-1: yeah... my codein aint that good... i can muddle through a fix other ppls stuff.. but alas i am no programmer
[22:10:59] Fnc-1: grr.. somones bidding on an item i want on ebay.. good thing i got some sniping software
[22:11:19] mshooshtari: Here's that error I was getting phpMyAdmin – Error. Cannot load mysql extension. Please check your PHP configuration
[22:11:30] Beirdo: !trout Fnc-1 ebay-luser
[22:11:30] ** MythLogBot slaps Fnc-1 with a ebay-luser trout on behalf of Beirdo... **
[22:11:44] hadees (hadees!n=hadees@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:11:54] Beirdo: mshooshtari, sounds like you don't have mysql support in your PHP
[22:12:43] Beirdo: apt-get install php4-mysql
[22:12:49] Beirdo: that would be my first guess
[22:13:03] Beirdo: or php5-mysql (whichever you are using)
[22:13:03] Juski: bleh. manual sniping is where it's all at. don't need some dumb bit of software to do it for you
[22:13:22] mshooshtari: I'll try putting that back in. I had it at one point but don't know if mythtv setup changed something
[22:13:26] Beirdo: ebay snipers deserve continuous trouting
[22:13:30] Fnc-1: yeah.. but it works well.. when your out drinkin
[22:13:39] mshooshtari: on the support forums that seems to go along with these errors
[22:13:47] mshooshtari: DB Error (Inserting into dd_schedule):
[22:13:47] mshooshtari: Query was:
[22:13:47] mshooshtari: INSERT INTO dd_schedule (programid,stationid,scheduletime,duration,repeat,stereo,subtitled,hdtv,closecap tioned,tvrating,partnumber,parttotal,endtime) VALUES('SH6878270000','19283','2006-06–14T23:30:00','00:30:00',0,0,0,0,0,N ULL,0,0,'2006-06–15T00:00:00');
[22:13:48] mshooshtari: Driver error was [2/1064]:
[22:13:48] mshooshtari: QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
[22:13:49] mshooshtari: Database error was:
[22:13:51] mshooshtari: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'repeat,stereo,subtitled,hdtv,closecaptioned,tvrating,partnumber,parttotal,endti m' at line 1
[22:13:54] Beirdo: GHA
[22:14:07] Beirdo: that next time, eh?
[22:14:40] Juski: snipers are like people who jump the queue.. annoying but we didn't evolve by waiting & saying "no, after you..." ;-). though a line has to be drawn somewhere
[22:15:13] Beirdo: I think ebay needs to add a 5 minute re-bid period if anyone bids
[22:15:22] Fnc-1: i still loose plenty of auctions.. but why drive things up to far ahed of time
[22:15:25] Beirdo: so you can actually BID rather than getting sniped
[22:15:41] Fnc-1: Beirdo, loose a few auctions lately
[22:16:03] Beirdo: nah, just an ongoing annoyance of their shitty system
[22:16:19] Juski: ebay is rapidly losing its magic for me anyway. too many eejuts driving prices up
[22:16:24] Ryushin (Ryushin! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:16:41] Fnc-1: true... some people pay nearly retail for stuff...
[22:16:57] Fnc-1: then you add in shipping ripoff charges... and sometimes they pay over...
[22:16:59] Fnc-1: rediculous
[22:17:22] Beirdo: basically, if it has no "buy-it-now", I usually don't bother bidding anymore
[22:17:25] Beirdo: it's a waste of time
[22:17:41] ** Fnc-1 buy it nows, are my favorite **
[22:17:57] Fnc-1: got 500 ft of rg6 quad shield comeing
[22:17:59] Beirdo: just gimme my crap, none of this fake bidding crap, thanks
[22:18:05] liran_ (liran_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:18:06] mshooshtari: Beirdo, I think I've figured it out, but I need to make mythtv rebuild the datbase
[22:18:26] mirak (mirak! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:18:39] mshooshtari: mythtv 1.18 uses a reserved word in mysql 4
[22:18:44] Beirdo: likely easiest to blow the db away and recreate it then (unless you have lots of recordings you'll lose)
[22:19:21] mshooshtari: Do you think it's safe to keep on with the instructions till I get past upgrading mytv to the latest?
[22:19:31] Hoxzer: what could be the cause of "*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer:"
[22:19:39] Aid1 (Aid1!n=Aid@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:19:40] Beirdo: probably. Never used those sites, mshooshtari
[22:19:51] Hoxzer: could it be depency problem or something ?
[22:19:52] Beirdo: Hoxzer, undoubtedly bad code
[22:20:00] Hoxzer: oh damn :/
[22:20:14] Beirdo: something's trying to free a pointer that was never malloc'd I think that means
[22:20:26] Jasper (Jasper! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:20:42] Beirdo: it COULD be in a dependancy lib, or the actual code, no idea
[22:20:46] mshooshtari: You don't happen to have your own instructions LOL
[22:20:50] opello: mshooshtari: `repeat`, iirc
[22:21:17] mshooshtari: I'm making some up, but I've got to change it up once I figure this problem out.
[22:21:21] Beirdo: umm, I just apt-get build-dep mythtv, then use svn
[22:21:24] scottder (scottder! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:21:27] Beirdo: but I'm like that
[22:23:13] pm (pm! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:24:53] mshooshtari: it works though
[22:25:16] sphery (sphery! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:25:24] mshooshtari: I wanted to install the source after I installed the source for ivtv
[22:25:34] mshooshtari: that didn't go as well either though
[22:25:51] mshooshtari: instead of puting .18 just go to .19 right away
[22:27:00] lane (lane! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:27:35] gardengnome: ubuntu dapper?
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[22:31:59] Aid` (Aid`!n=Aid@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:33:54] melunko (melunko!n=hmelo@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:34:35] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:36:53] Hoxzer: :D lol I dont understand finnish people
[22:42:54] Beirdo: what's wrong with saunas?
[22:45:17] beavis (beavis! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:45:33] beavis (beavis! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:46:55] Hoxzer: Beirdo: nope, that video
[22:47:16] Hoxzer: Finns just drink and then they fall a sleep
[22:47:25] Hoxzer: and swedes come and rape them into asses
[22:52:23] ** Juski finally figures out why Hoxzer never has any luck with girls.. not that theres anything wrong with that... **
[22:52:56] gardengnome: no, we're a pretty tolerant bunch, aren't we?
[22:53:08] Juski: I have to be, living where I do ;-)
[22:53:13] Hoxzer: Juski: :D I'm not like that
[22:53:32] Hoxzer: I'm shy nerd who never talks to anybody
[22:53:33] gardengnome: Hoxzer: hush now, we're ok with it. :)
[22:53:55] Hoxzer: and then I have this wierd habit to throw something random
[22:53:58] Led-Hed (Led-Hed!n=Led-Hed@ has quit ("Leaving")
[22:55:16] Juski: Hoxzer: remember.. these 'random' somethings are all logged for like _eternity_
[22:55:25] Hoxzer: :D
[22:55:34] Hoxzer: that sounds scary
[22:56:25] Juski: it is, when you think that prospective employers now google for your name, do a bit of data mining & put 2 & 2 together
[22:57:15] Hoxzer: :D
[22:57:41] gardengnome: uh-oh.
[23:00:24] beavis (beavis! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:07:02] Juski: heh I'll be a whole lot more careful from now on, after Coume reminded me
[23:07:34] Juski: though I doubt the kind of jobs I'd be going for would ever do that kind of investigation (you never know though)
[23:08:02] sigger_2_ (sigger_2_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:12:38] mace (mace!n=mace@debian/developer/mace) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:13:31] sigger_2_: xine is accessing via samba some .iso's of dvd's stored on backend machine. Frontend can't seem to play some of the iso' though. however, just noticed that running xine on backend can play the iso's.
[23:13:58] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:14:36] sigger_2_: Maybe has something to do with protection/encryption scheme borking samba? Anyone ever deal with this? any ideas?
[23:15:17] Juski: < wireless G ?
[23:15:50] sigger_2_: nope all hardwired
[23:16:02] jerkface (jerkface! has quit (Client Quit)
[23:16:09] Juski: nfs is prolly gonna be less sucky
[23:16:29] sigger_2_: nfs is my project for tonight I guess
[23:16:37] Juski: way easier to config IME, and very efficient
[23:17:19] sigger_2_: oddly, I'm experienced with samba. no exp with nfs, but I hear its not bad.
[23:17:22] Speedy2: What kinda of throughput do you see with NFS? I get about 50–60% raw performance with SMB (i.e. 4–6 MB/sec on a 100 Mbit link)
[23:17:52] Juski: Speedy2: like 8–9MB/sec on 100Mbit
[23:17:56] Speedy2: Wow
[23:18:04] Speedy2: I should dump SMB asap...
[23:18:04] Juski: according to cp -g anyway
[23:18:04] janneg: disk speed with gigabit
[23:19:23] ** Juski wipes his perspiration off with a free t-shirt **
[23:19:41] sigger_2_: no reason I can't give linux machines access via nfs and also give win machines access via samba, right?
[23:20:12] sigger_2_: (win xp doesn't easily do nfs if I recall)
[23:20:32] Juski: sigger_2_: yup. no reason
[23:20:39] sigger_2_: cool
[23:22:57] Speedy2: I think you can install the Sevices for UNIX and get NFS but I don't know how well that works
[23:23:26] sigger_2_: coincidentally, they were ust discussing that in ##linux moments ago. its not well regarded by them
[23:23:36] sigger_2_: s/ust/just
[23:25:34] Speedy2: Ah, OK I was wondering how well it worked/didn't
[23:27:36] sigger_2_: well honestly I didn't read the whole discussion, but one guy was describing how debugging Svcs for Unix ultimately led to him attempting to resolder things on mobo. not positive
[23:28:29] Speedy2: uhhh, OK
[23:28:59] sigger_2_: odd leap to make, I know. but like I said I didn't read the whole thing
[23:29:05] Beirdo: temper tantrums aside, wonder what's really wrong with it
[23:29:34] Beirdo: I would use samba for the windoze client support though personally
[23:32:34] gardengnome: is down for anyone else?
[23:33:19] cout (cout! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:34:12] Juski: sourceforgey stuff is often unreliable/slow, I find
[23:34:21] gardengnome: yep, quite annoying
[23:35:14] Juski: prolly waiting for the ad servers to respond
[23:35:18] Juski: ;-)
[23:35:29] gardengnome: hehe
[23:37:09] janneg: gardengnome: use
[23:37:54] guru18 (guru18! has quit ("Leaving.")
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[23:47:32] CyberKnet: xris: what method do you use to force carbonate?
[23:50:18] gardengnome: janneg: thanks
[23:51:18] guru18 (guru18! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:51:53] xris: CyberKnet: corny keg
[23:52:16] xris: though lately I just use this thing called a Carbonator(tm) that's basically a corny adapter for a 2 litre bottle
[23:52:32] guru18: wow I just spent a day trying to figure out why I couldn't modprobe ivtv, only to find that i'd forgotten to mount /boot before copying my re-compiled kernel
[23:53:43] guru18: media-tv/ivtv-0.7.0 and sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.6.17-r4 work perfectly with a pvr-150 btw
[23:53:48] Juski: now this just isn't funny .. my thermometer is now saying 38'C. ffs!
[23:55:42] Zide: indoors? :P
[23:56:11] Juski: yes indoors. don't buy athlon xp CPUs. don't recycle old systems.. give em away!
[23:56:30] Zide: ;D
[23:56:39] sphery (sphery! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:56:45] Zide: I used to heat my apartment with a Prescott
[23:58:04] CyberKnet: xris: you like the carbonator?
[23:59:22] Juski: asti la visita, baybeee :-O
[23:59:22] RandomDude15 (RandomDude15! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:59:53] KranzFafka (KranzFafka! has quit (Remote closed the connection)

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