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Wednesday, July 5th, 2006, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:00] PaulWay[w]: It's impossible to know until we work out what the problem is.
[00:01:31] PaulWay[w]: A PVR-250 will do all the encoding in hardware, so that'd take the load off the CPU. But if the problem was with your playback, it wouldn't matter.
[00:01:43] DrMitch: how much is a hardware encoding card that is easily supported by linux/mythtv ?
[00:01:51] darkdrgn2k (darkdrgn2k! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:02:05] darkdrgn2k: Any one here know anythign about cx88xx drivers?
[00:02:13] DrMitch: darkdrgn2k, i'm running it
[00:02:22] PaulWay[w]: Well, I use DVB cards, and they're around $100 AUD. I imagine they're around $50-$70 in US money.
[00:02:26] darkdrgn2k: DrMitch: did u have any problems compiling it?
[00:02:34] DrMitch: not from the kernel no
[00:02:40] darkdrgn2k: DrMitch: what kernel?
[00:02:43] PaulWay[w]: You're compiling the drivers? What distro are you using?
[00:02:50] darkdrgn2k: PaulWay[w]: mandriva
[00:02:56] DrMitch:
[00:02:56] stevenm: PaulWay[w], this is a recording problem it seems. The dropouts are always in the same place in the recordings I watch
[00:03:09] Juski (Juski! has quit (""See you at lugradiolive2006 on July 22nd & 23rd"")
[00:03:09] PaulWay[w]: stevenm: Hmmm.
[00:03:38] PaulWay[w]: stevenm: The best bet is to look through the backend and frontend logs to see what error messages might be popping up at that point.
[00:04:24] DrMitch: darkdrgn2k, what error are you getting in compiling?
[00:04:51] stevenm: PaulWay[w], where would i find these logs? myth special logs of some kind, orjust the syslog?
[00:05:46] jjazz (jjazz! has quit ("leaving")
[00:06:01] darkdrgn2k: DrMitch: pci_save_state having wrong arguments
[00:06:18] darkdrgn2k: DrMitch: i managed to sift through the code and correct the line (seems the prototype changed)
[00:06:39] darkdrgn2k: DrMitch: then i got another one about .id in some initalizer.. to try to fix it i commented and it seemed to compile.. but i dont think thast right :)
[00:06:40] DrMitch: try compiling from the default kernel
[00:06:58] darkdrgn2k: DrMitch: how :-S
[00:07:04] DrMitch:
[00:07:17] PaulWay[w]: stevenm: the backend log will be in /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log
[00:07:27] PaulWay[w]: The frontend log will appear when you run the frontend from the command line.
[00:08:40] PaulWay[w]: darkdrgn2k: doesn't mandriva come with cx88xx support built in? Fedora does and they use similar packaging methods (which I know doesn't say a lot).
[00:08:48] PaulWay[w]: Time for coffee, methinks.
[00:09:58] stevenm: PaulWay[w], seeing some occsaional VIDIOCSYNC: Input/output error
[00:10:31] DrMitch: yea darkdrgn2k, you should try modprobe cx8800
[00:10:34] dotted (dotted! has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.03 :: )")
[00:13:49] RandomDude15 (RandomDude15! has left #mythtv-users ()
[00:17:18] PaulWay[w]: stevenm: Hmmmm.
[00:18:06] darkdrgn2k: DrMitch: which card u gots
[00:18:38] PaulWay[w]: stevenm: Googling on 'mythtv VIDIOCSYNC' shows up a few reports.
[00:20:01] DrMitch: msi @nywhere
[00:20:38] PaulWay[w]: One report says that it was a faulty memory problem.
[00:21:07] PaulWay[w]: Have you tried pulling out the memory and reseating it? Maybe move it to a different slot?
[00:22:55] PaulWay[w]: Much as I hate hardware voodoo...
[00:24:10] stevenm: me?
[00:25:19] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit ("Client exiting")
[00:25:35] PaulWay[w]: Yes, stevenm :-)
[00:26:06] PaulWay[w]: Are you using a bt848 or bt878 card, stevenm ?
[00:26:12] stevenm: PaulWay[w], bt878 I think
[00:26:19] stevenm: PaulWay[w], I will try the memory thing
[00:26:34] PaulWay[w]: Playing with the memory is an outside shot.
[00:26:43] stevenm: for me memtest86 always freezes on one of the tests, right at the beginning
[00:26:57] stevenm: PaulWay[w], what else may it be? audio encoding too high rate?
[00:27:25] PaulWay[w]: I don't think so.
[00:27:40] PaulWay[w]: Have you any other RAM you can swap in from another machine?
[00:28:37] stevenm: PaulWay[w], nope
[00:28:47] PaulWay[w]: The original post for this idea was
[00:29:05] stevenm: PaulWay[w], I have two sticks, I can pull one and try with just it (each stick=512) then try just the other one?
[00:29:26] PaulWay[w]: Yeah, that's a good idea.
[00:29:55] PaulWay[w]: I'm running a backend/frontend on an Athlon 2400 with 512MB of memory with no problems whatsoever.
[00:30:42] stevenm: PaulWay[w], yea I have 2.8Ghz P4, 1Gb of memory and it does NO other tasks besides myth. Should not be anything related to SLOWNESS ?
[00:30:51] PaulWay[w]: There's also a thread on the NZLUG lists about this – I'm currently reading through it.
[00:31:17] PaulWay[w]: I wouldn't've thought so...
[00:31:26] PaulWay[w]: Are you recording direct to MPEG4 or are you transcoding?
[00:31:30] stevenm: I am so fed up with this, I'm about to go drop $100 on a PVR-250 if it makes it work
[00:31:46] PaulWay[w]: Well, having two tuners is always good... :-)
[00:31:56] PaulWay[w]: And there's nothing wrong with the PVR-250s.
[00:32:07] PaulWay[w]: I'd go DVB, myself, but YMMV.
[00:33:09] stevenm: PaulWay[w], how hard are the 250s to set up? How annoying is it? Are there many issues usually? How well does it work?
[00:33:12] D-side: i've got a pair of 250s that i currently love.
[00:33:24] Anduin: stevenm: 150
[00:33:26] D-side: i want to try the plextor things just to record direct to mpeg4
[00:33:33] PaulWay[w]: Plextor things?
[00:33:40] stevenm: Anduin, ?
[00:33:48] Anduin: stevenm: the PVR 150
[00:33:59] PaulWay[w]: Get digital, guys :-)
[00:34:00] stevenm: Anduin, what of it?
[00:34:03] D-side: PaulWay[w]: the convertx things. usb2, etc etc.
[00:34:22] Anduin: stevenm: Oh nothing.
[00:34:31] PaulWay[w]: D-side: Reading... ta.
[00:34:47] stevenm: Anduin, as far as I can tell, the 250 does MPEG in HW ?
[00:35:22] PaulWay[w]: Get a digital video broadcast (DVB) card if you can.
[00:35:31] Anduin: stevenm: It does, as does the 150 (which is generally 1) cheaper 2) considered by many to be better)
[00:36:04] PaulWay[w]: Record the MPEG2 transport stream straight onto the hard disk: ~1%CPU per channel when recording...
[00:36:15] PaulWay[w]: And then just transcode down later.
[00:36:22] D-side: if dvb were an option here, i'd try it.
[00:37:02] stevenm: Well what makes 150 better than 250? You'd think higher model number and almost 2x the price to be more features? What does the 250 have that the 150 does not?
[00:37:45] PaulWay[w]: I wonder if I could convince Elphel to take their Ogg Theora FPGA and make a USB or PCI device of it...
[00:38:07] D-side: stevenm: nothing. thats not how it works in this instance.
[00:38:13] D-side: the 250 came before the 150.
[00:38:39] darkdrgn2k (darkdrgn2k! has quit (No route to host)
[00:38:40] D-side: originally there was the 250 and the 350, and then came the 150. don't ask, i don't know why
[00:39:02] stevenm: D-side, so strange.. So the 150 will do both HW video and sound encoding, to MPEG2, and work real well with mythtv ?
[00:39:07] Anduin: Simple math will not save you.
[00:39:17] D-side: absolutely.
[00:39:35] D-side: i dont have a 150 myself (i bought my dual 250s before the 150 ivtv support was complete), but people love them.
[00:39:56] stevenm: D-side, so you think it would 100% be worth buying it?
[00:40:09] D-side: do you have a bttv card now?
[00:40:14] D-side: or do you not use mythtv yet
[00:40:14] stevenm: D-side, I do
[00:40:17] D-side: hah.
[00:40:22] D-side: stevenm let me explain something to you
[00:40:37] stevenm: D-side, I have bttv and having some audio issues, all with SW based moeg4/mp3
[00:40:38] D-side: i bought my first 250 grudgingly, thinking "pfeh my bttv card is fine"
[00:40:59] D-side: when i got it working and used it, i kicked myself for weeks for not doing it far earlier
[00:41:16] D-side: and then a couple weeks after that i bought another. :)
[00:41:33] D-side: stevenm: actually, if you're willing to spend on it, and you have a use... maybe consider a 500.
[00:41:37] Dagmar: varicella: We can't distribute that one without risking getting sued over it
[00:41:48] stevenm: D-side, ooh. And what is this ivtv? The module for it? Or userspace tools?
[00:41:54] Dagmar: @!#$!! lack of caffiene
[00:42:23] stevenm: D-side, and the 500, what is that? Same as 150 but dual tuner?
[00:42:30] PaulWay[w]: The solution is easy, Dagmar... get a coffee :-)
[00:42:43] PaulWay[w]: stevenm: The 500 is two 250s, you see... :-)
[00:42:50] qfx: two 150's
[00:42:52] D-side: actually
[00:42:54] stevenm: Aaaah for spillover
[00:42:55] D-side: yeah what qfx said.
[00:43:06] qfx: Wish I got the 500. I have 150
[00:43:21] stevenm: qfx, sell me the 150, buy 500 ?
[00:43:23] D-side: stevenm: spillover or timeshifting while recording.
[00:43:24] stevenm: :)
[00:43:27] Dagmar: To hell with coffee. It comes in too small of an amount. I've got a 2-liter of coca-cola
[00:43:36] D-side: stevenm: i couldn't live without dual tuners.
[00:43:51] stevenm: D-side, what do you mean... You need two cards for watching a recording in progress ?
[00:43:57] D-side: stevenm: no no.
[00:44:02] Dagmar: Yeah, I saw that train wreck coming and bought the 500 first off
[00:44:07] D-side: stevenm: recording on one channel, watching livetv on another.
[00:44:17] PaulWay[w]: You get to record two shows simultaneously.
[00:44:27] Dagmar: If you don't want to be stuck watching whatever is recording, you want the 500
[00:44:30] dtm: guys do you have any settings for ntsc xorg?
[00:44:33] PaulWay[w]: Dagmar: Get caffeinated peppermints.
[00:44:35] PaulWay[w]: :-)
[00:44:46] D-side: dtm: uh. what?
[00:44:53] Dagmar: PaulWay[w]: Yeah, those would work well with a stomach full of bubbly soda
[00:44:55] stevenm: D-side, aah very well. I dont think I need this capability.. I do not use this enough, very rarely I run into this issue. If anything, I can leave the BTTV card in for a rainy day
[00:45:07] Dagmar: PaulWay[w]: I'd belch to shatter the windows and crack building foundations
[00:45:14] dtm: D-side: for running xorg in ntsc mode.
[00:45:25] PaulWay[w]: Dagmar: Excellent, we haven't had a good earthquake in years!
[00:45:33] Dagmar: Now, if Myth could actually watch without recording, a BTTV card would actually be useful
[00:45:36] Dagmar: No lag for channel changes
[00:45:46] D-side: dtm: thats all dependant on the video driver specified in its config.
[00:45:56] D-side: stevenm: i didnt think i needed that ability either.
[00:46:07] dtm: D-side: no, i'm talking about just for the TV. i have the card worknig.
[00:46:14] Dagmar: ...but then you wouldn't be able to time-shift or 30s skip live TV
[00:46:23] dtm: D-side: literally just ntsc, not the display hardware
[00:46:24] D-side: dtm: yes, i understand that.
[00:46:38] D-side: one of us is missing something very basic.
[00:46:54] dtm: D-side: yes, i'm missing the mode declarations for ntsc.
[00:47:13] dtm: from the Monitor section
[00:47:44] D-side: I see.
[00:47:56] D-side: thats not how it works in my world.
[00:48:08] Dagmar: I have to remember that phrase
[00:48:18] D-side: i could be incorrect. I don't think so.
[00:49:07] D-side: Dagmar: thats my default answer to "i'm 90% sure you're entirely wrong, but i'm not taking the chance of looking like a total ass"
[00:50:22] dtm: D-side: what's not how what works? you haven't yet exhibited a shred of knowledge, sir :)
[00:50:49] DJGummikuh: ok
[00:50:56] DJGummikuh: I updated qt now and got rid of the first error
[00:50:59] DJGummikuh: now I have another one
[00:51:07] DJGummikuh: QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query
[00:51:07] DJGummikuh: Database error was:
[00:51:07] DJGummikuh: Table 'mythconverg.videosource' doesn't exist
[00:51:21] DJGummikuh: isn't it supposed to CREATE that table prior to complaining?
[00:52:00] PaulWay[w]: Does anything exist in mythconverg?
[00:52:14] D-side: dtm: sure I have. i told you thats dependant on the video card driver within xorg.
[00:52:21] Anduin: DJGummikuh: Only if everything worked right (tables in the DB and a funky state will prevent it)
[00:52:24] DJGummikuh: PaulWay[w]: yep quite a bunch of stuff
[00:53:00] DJGummikuh: however, no table named videosource
[00:53:30] Anduin: DJGummikuh: drop the database, do it again
[00:54:09] dtm: D-side: i believe that is incorrect sir, because the video device is separate from the monitor.
[00:54:30] dtm: D-side: i have video displaying on the tv, but it's apparently at an improper refresh rate etc
[00:54:32] DJGummikuh: did
[00:54:50] DJGummikuh: same error about the same tables missing (which miss)
[00:55:11] D-side: the video device controls the output of the tv encoding hardware.
[00:55:20] D-side: which doesnt need modelines or any of that.
[00:55:37] kayelem: dtm, how you specify the correct video timings for NTSC is dependant on 2 things; whether you're using TV-out on the card or the VGA out; *and* what card you're using.
[00:55:43] D-side: the refresh rates and such are clearly defined by the NTSC standard (someone correct me if thats not entirely true)
[00:55:48] Anduin: DJGummikuh: Then you should be getting errors in the console, put them on a paste site.
[00:55:52] D-side: i'm pretty damn sure i'm spot on on this
[00:56:10] dtm: kayelem: it's on the card, a mach64 on a powerbook
[00:56:12] kayelem: dtm, pray do tell; what's your card and are you using composite, s-video, or RGB..?
[00:56:16] dtm: s-video
[00:56:27] GreyFoxx: ]
[00:56:28] GreyFoxx: "google" is your friend
[00:56:29] DJGummikuh: Anduin: well I found something interesting..
[00:56:29] GreyFoxx: "google" is your friend
[00:56:30] DJGummikuh: Database error was:
[00:56:30] DJGummikuh: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes
[00:56:54] kayelem: dtm, in that case you need to find information specific to the xorg mach64 driver.
[00:57:29] kayelem: dtm, and i could help if you were using an nVidia AGP card in a PC...
[00:57:53] DJGummikuh:
[00:57:54] dtm: :-/
[00:57:55] DJGummikuh: Anduin:
[00:58:08] DJGummikuh: this is what I get with a blank mythconverg and when I run "mythfrontend"
[00:58:13] dtm: kayelem: i just can't find jack so far via google
[00:59:22] Anduin: DJGummikuh: You are using the mc.sql?
[00:59:31] DJGummikuh: Anduin: yes I did
[00:59:34] DJGummikuh: err no
[00:59:36] DJGummikuh: I didn't
[00:59:48] Anduin: DJGummikuh: Why not?
[00:59:49] DJGummikuh: I added the database by hand the last try
[01:00:16] Anduin: Try again, using mc.sql this time (this is .19-fixes?)
[01:00:24] kayelem: dtm, dunno if it's supported, I know very little apart from ATI graphics support's a little patchy on Linux.
[01:00:29] D-side:
[01:00:38] DJGummikuh: Anduin: I did, still the same error
[01:00:38] D-side: your google-fu is weak. :D
[01:00:50] D-side: that page raises a good point.
[01:00:52] DJGummikuh: I guess the problem is this max key length
[01:01:00] D-side: some laptops control tv out via bios options.
[01:01:09] DJGummikuh: of which I have no Idea how to set
[01:01:20] kayelem: dtm, fwiw, I have a mythtv frontend working fine on my powerbook; on s-video out or an external monitor (no LCD on it.) On OS X.
[01:01:21] D-side: fn key settings sometimes, though i dont know about macs.
[01:01:41] dtm: kayelem: not at all surprising ^_^
[01:01:43] Anduin: DJGummikuh: This is .19-fixes?
[01:01:50] DJGummikuh: Anduin: huh? what is that?
[01:01:55] dtm: kayelem: good job
[01:01:57] D-side: have you attempted Option "TVOut" on the Device section
[01:02:00] dtm: kayelem: i have it on an emac
[01:02:15] Anduin: DJGummikuh: The latest version of myth that people should be using.
[01:02:40] DJGummikuh: well I emerged stable version in gentoo
[01:02:52] DJGummikuh: 0.18.1-r1
[01:03:08] GreyFoxx: wow
[01:03:12] GreyFoxx: That's like a year old
[01:03:34] GreyFoxx: 0.19 was last Feb, 0.18.1 was like a year ago May or something
[01:03:56] stevenm: Hey guys, so as far as I get it, PVR-150 does hardware encoding of video and sound. Will it do DEcoding as well? Or is that up to the CPU?
[01:03:58] DJGummikuh: great . . .
[01:04:00] DJGummikuh: updating it
[01:04:10] dtm: stevenm: cpu
[01:04:11] GreyFoxx: stevenm: decoding is up to the cpu/other hardware
[01:05:03] stevenm: Ok.. Also I am looking on newegg for 150s.. They are differently priced ($54 – $84) and have different numbers associated with tehm (ie, 1062). What does this mean? Is this the region? Or something else?
[01:05:37] DJGummikuh: damn it :( I killed my portage.keywords
[01:05:48] D-side: stevenm: that i dont know. i think google's going to answer that one for you
[01:06:11] Anduin: stevenm: The MCE version lacks a remote (and FM tuner, not that anyone cares).
[01:06:12] kayelem: dtm, fwiw on an nvidia card I just stick 'Option "TVStandard" "Pal-I"' in the xorg conf file; this may not of course work with the ATI driver. If the driver docs don't mention setting tv standards then it's likely not supported.
[01:06:49] D-side: isnt there a simple way of showing all options available to xorg ddevs?
[01:07:28] kayelem: D-side, not that I've ever found. All I've found is "read the driver docs"...
[01:07:29] dtm: kayelem: ok. well. the s-video output is presently active; just with a suboptimal screen.
[01:07:31] GreyFoxx: hehe I usually just do strings drivername on the file
[01:07:59] kayelem: GreyFoxx, well, there's that... ;-)
[01:08:03] GreyFoxx: usually the config options are clustred together ni there :)
[01:08:37] kayelem: 'strings' can be very revealing on many things... drivers... BIOS files... ;-)
[01:08:46] dtm: kayelem: in 640x480, it shows the screen cut in half and the top half is mirrored on to the bottom half.
[01:08:54] dtm: kayelem: and every second or two, the whole thing twitches
[01:08:59] dtm: kayelem: otherwise it's fine
[01:09:03] dtm: it's not rolling etc
[01:09:10] kayelem: dtm, that's a sync polarity issue.
[01:09:15] dtm: kayelem: ok what's that mean
[01:09:18] kayelem: dtm, likely the timings are off as well.
[01:09:31] dtm: kayelem: ok i'm using the default 640x480 VGA settings of 60Hz
[01:09:53] dtm: HorizSync 31.5–57.0 and VertRefresh 55–65
[01:10:04] dtm: is that bad?
[01:10:09] GreyFoxx: dtm: Are you seenig that for everythnig shown on screen?> Or just video playback ?
[01:10:25] dtm: GreyFoxx: the only thing i've loaded is an X server with twm and xterm
[01:10:29] GreyFoxx: k
[01:10:53] dtm: GreyFoxx: i need a noncrap window manager.
[01:10:54] dtm: ehhee
[01:11:07] dtm: or to disable manual window placement somehow
[01:11:19] Anduin: twm
[01:11:57] dtm: i'll try fvwm2
[01:12:02] stevenm: Anduin, aah all right then. I don't care for the remote, I have LIRC already all nicely built into my drive bayt
[01:13:12] kayelem: dtm, well; it sounds like the TV encoder on there isn't being programmed correctly.
[01:13:39] dtm: kayelem: ok. and that's totally mach64-specific?
[01:14:18] kayelem: dtm, since it has an internal scaler, you just specify the TV standard, specify TV out, and specify composite or s-video and it scales 640x480, 800x600 or whatever to correct timings for the TV.
[01:14:32] kayelem: dtm, that's generically how the TV out on computers works.
[01:14:49] dtm: kayelem: all the first part has been specified. ntsc output is active.
[01:14:56] kayelem: dtm, *if* you directly use the RGB out you specify exact timings in a modeline.
[01:15:48] dtm: ok well i'm not.
[01:16:00] dtm: i'm using s-video
[01:17:41] kayelem: dtm, googling suggests you may be out of luck. Can't find anything much; suggestions there may be patches for tv-out for the gatos drivers. Hassle ATI to release hardware specs then Linux support might improve...
[01:18:20] dtm: ok. well. that'd be relevant if i had no ntsc output function. but i do.
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[01:18:53] kayelem: dtm, evidently you don't otherwise you'd get a locked colour picture...
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[01:19:21] dtm: kayelem: no, if i didn't, i'd get nothing at all
[01:19:33] dtm: kayelem: it'd be displaying on the LCD monitor
[01:20:06] kayelem: dtm – you have *something8 coming out the s-video connector. If it was NTSC you'd get a locked colour picture.
[01:21:25] D-side: i'm just glad to see i was correct. :)
[01:22:11] kayelem: dtm – NTSC = 15.734264kHz line rate, 60Hz field rate, 30Hz frame rate, interlaced, with a colour subcarrier on 3.579545MHz. If any of those are wrong, your TV won't lock properly.
[01:22:12] groogs_ (groogs_!n=groogs@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:22:47] dtm: kayelem: yeah. it's not totally ntsc, but the s-video port is functional.
[01:23:49] kayelem: dtm, NTSC is the standard above. If any of those settings differ, NTSC you have not got. You have *something* coming out your s-video connector. That's all.
[01:24:31] dtm: and that's exactly what i said.
[01:24:33] dtm: roger that.
[01:25:28] dtm: the port is active, so i dont absolutely need the likes of gatos
[01:25:45] kayelem: dtm, and for it to be correct, the X driver needs to program PLLs and stuff correctly in the TV encoder hooked to the graphics controller. Which it isn't doing, as either it's not supported at all in the driver, or that TV encoder device is not supported by the driver and has been incorrectly programmed.
[01:26:05] dtm: yeah.
[01:26:07] dtm: kayelem: roger that
[01:26:12] D-side: which is why you need gatos.
[01:26:23] dtm: yeah, or a different modeline
[01:26:32] D-side: circles.
[01:26:42] dtm: nonsentences.
[01:26:50] D-side: You're not going to like my sentence.
[01:26:55] kayelem: dtm, so. You need a driver which better supports Mach64. Supports TV out properly. And supports the connected TV encoder device. Then it will work.
[01:26:56] D-side: We're going around in circles.
[01:27:08] D-side: TV Out != modelines
[01:27:21] dtm: NTSC == modelines
[01:27:21] dtm: right?
[01:27:22] kayelem: dtm, feel free to try different modelines. No modeline will program a TV encoder.
[01:27:25] D-side: WRONG.
[01:27:29] dtm: ok.
[01:27:34] Dagmar: heh
[01:27:36] D-side: thats what was just explained so graciously by kayelem
[01:27:48] Dagmar: What you need is a lead pipe
[01:27:57] Dagmar: Then you can just whack the clue into place
[01:27:58] D-side: you need gatos. once you've got that working, you need 'Option "TVOutput" "NTSC"'
[01:28:05] D-side: that'll go in your Device section.
[01:28:14] dtm: i need someone to port gatos to mach64 then
[01:28:14] D-side: the, voila, the tv she is working
[01:28:21] D-side: wow.
[01:28:26] D-side: gatos = ati chipsets
[01:28:28] kayelem: dtm, *if* you connect the TV directly to the RGB output (the same as you connect a regular PC monitor) *then* modelines will help you, as you're not using the TV encoder; you're driving the TV directly from the graphics controller.
[01:28:33] dtm: gatos == radeno
[01:28:34] dtm: radeon
[01:28:44] Dagmar: In that case you need to buy a decent nVidia card
[01:28:47] DJGummikuh (DJGummikuh! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[01:28:50] D-side: dtm: entirely and unequivocably false
[01:29:08] dtm: D-side: ok then the docs need to be corrected!
[01:29:21] dtm: Dagmar: yeah i'll just glue one into my powerbook ;)
[01:29:44] D-side: dtm: show me these docs!
[01:29:52] kayelem: dtm, the solution is to run mythfrontend on OS X; and a backend on Linux elsewhere on the LAN.
[01:29:53] D-side: mythtv specific?
[01:29:57] Dagmar: Macuser
[01:30:13] dtm: kayelem: i missed the government handout of new macs, sorry
[01:30:14] kayelem: dtm, unsurprisingly, the graphics controller and TV encoder appear well-supported in OS X
[01:30:25] dtm: yes, totally unsurprising, like i said ^_^
[01:30:34] dtm: i did that long ago on my now broken pismo
[01:30:39] D-side: i wasnt kidding, i really want to see those docs where gatos == radeon
[01:30:46] D-side: i'll help get them changed if i can.
[01:31:08] kayelem: dtm, other suggestions generally revolve around not using that computer for TV out with Linux...
[01:31:14] dtm:
[01:31:24] dtm: D-side: i have Rage LT Pro, not radeon or Rage Theater
[01:31:42] D-side: so, a specifc module = radeon
[01:31:52] D-side: that doesnt say the gatos project only work on radeons.
[01:32:19] D-side: it also says you need 800x600 res apparently.
[01:32:41] dtm: 800x600 is ok with me if it works
[01:32:58] D-side: youre going to have to investigate whether or not gatos stuff is something your distro can provide.
[01:33:06] kayelem: dtm, I'd suggest playing around with the gatos drivers; if that then fails; give up.
[01:33:32] dtm: ok well my card is not on but i'll pretend it is and hope mine is some superset!
[01:33:49] kayelem: dtm, if it's not supported by any driver your next course of action is to reverse-engineer the hardware and write your own driver.
[01:34:02] dtm: mmhmm
[01:34:16] dtm: or get a scan convertor of SVGA to NTSC
[01:34:20] dtm: which are about $30 new
[01:34:28] kayelem: dtm, since neither you nor anybody else has managed to get hardware data out of ATI...
[01:34:49] dtm: :-[
[01:35:26] D-side:
[01:35:29] kayelem: dtm, that'd work – then you're bacically trying to get NTSC timings out the VGA connector and that *is* possible with a carefully-crafted modeline.
[01:35:34] D-side: that'll be the second time i've posted that URL i think
[01:35:54] D-side: $30 scan converters look like crap.
[01:36:17] kayelem: dtm, I should know as I've sucessfully got CCIR System-A timings out of a few graphics cards with a carefully-crafted modeline...
[01:36:36] kayelem: ...and you won't find system-A supported by any TV-out...
[01:37:23] dtm: kayelem: well alrighty then.
[01:38:05] kayelem: the VGA output is generally a whole lot more programmable than the TV out – as you're dealing with a seperate device – the TV encoder – attached to the graphics controller.
[01:38:39] dtm: D-side: thanks. that page says "(DRI and TV-out are not yet supported for mach64 in the standard GATOS driver).". still reading..
[01:39:01] kayelem: bypass the TV encoder and use the VGA out and you can get correct timings out of most hardware; then you "just" have to encode the RGB video into your preferred TV standard with an external box.
[01:39:21] groogs_: my mythbackend doesn't seem to be scheduling recordings properly. mythfilldatabase is running okay. when I first start backend, it schedules some stuff, and works fine for a day or so.. then I look in upcoming recordings, and there is nothing. if I restart mythtv-backend, it populates a bunch of upcoming recordings again.. any ideas what is wrong?
[01:39:48] dtm: ok i'll patch gatos
[01:40:02] dtm: kayelem: mmhmm
[01:40:27] dtm: oh. no i won't. it patches BIOS calls.
[01:40:28] kayelem: D-side, if it's a scan converter I'd expect it to look crap for $30 – but in this case it ought to be possible to get correct timings; so no scan converter needed. Just an NTSC encoder and do the rest with a modeline. maybe.
[01:40:28] D-side: dtm: that page doesnt list your specific instance, but should give you a clue
[01:41:14] dtm: kayelem: what do you mean exactly by "NTSC encoder"? you're talking about the s-video output port, right?
[01:41:20] kayelem: no
[01:41:22] dtm: D-side: yeah it says it wont work with gatos.
[01:41:29] dtm: kayelem: software?
[01:42:10] dtm: kayelem: or the hardware right before the s-video port, which attaches the graphics chipset to the s-video port?
[01:42:42] kayelem: dtm, an "NTSC Encoder" is a circuit which will take RGB video and horizontal and vertical sync signals from the VGA connector on the PC – at correct timings, as specified by a modeline in the xorg.conf file – and combine them into NTSC standard colour composite video, blanking and sync.
[01:43:20] dtm: kayelem: and you're saying that mine isn't active?
[01:43:39] D-side: he's saying its not correctly configured
[01:43:47] kayelem: dtm, there is a colour encoder in the Mac – it'll do PAL and NTSC; it'll scale 800x600 or whatever to the correct timings... but it needs programming by the driver; and that's not working.
[01:43:48] dtm: yeah. well then. you're saying waht i said all along.
[01:43:53] dtm: that i need a modeline.
[01:43:59] D-side: circles.
[01:44:00] kayelem: aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!
[01:44:09] D-side: wheres that lead pipe
[01:44:17] D-side: from the top
[01:44:17] dtm: i'm pretty sure it's up your ass
[01:44:32] D-side: that may well be. i'd offer to lend it to you, but your head is in the way
[01:44:33] dtm: according to your dense and self righteous attitude ^_^
[01:44:40] D-side: now that we've gotten the insults out of the way, maybe you'll listen now?
[01:44:51] dtm: i've listened the whole time. say something different!
[01:44:56] kayelem: dtm, there's a chip between the Mach64 and the s-video socket. It's a clever chip; it'll do most TV standards in the world. IF THE DRIVER PROGRAMS IT.
[01:45:07] dtm: kayelem: yeah. with a modeline, right?
[01:45:09] kayelem: dtm, and the driver isn't programming the chip.
[01:45:09] D-side: NO
[01:45:10] Dagmar: ...and if the user reads the documentation.
[01:45:10] D-side: GOD DMANIT
[01:45:18] Dagmar: That part is essential.
[01:45:30] Dagmar: The hardware KNOWS when the user doesn't read, and will refuse to function.
[01:45:43] kayelem: dtm, so, you can use a much less clever circuit, which is *just* an NTSC colour encoder. And connect it to the VGA socket and specify a modeline and it'll work.
[01:45:44] D-side: Dagmar: that part i'm willing to forgive; his hardware isnt well documented.
[01:45:47] D-side: its a mac.
[01:45:50] dtm: kayelem: ok then why did you say i need an NTSC encoder and a modeline, if i dont need a modeline? i didn't say i need only a modeline.
[01:45:56] Dagmar: D-side: So why do you let his laziness become your problem?
[01:46:07] kayelem: dtm, the modeline controlls the graphics controller *only*
[01:46:08] D-side: Dagmar: i dont know that its laziness either really.
[01:46:08] dtm: D-side: it's extremely well documented and entirely nonproprietary
[01:46:27] kayelem: dtm, a modeline does not do anything at all to the TV encoder chip inside your computer.
[01:46:31] D-side: dtm: it can't be THAT well documented, you still don't get it.
[01:46:42] Dagmar: All this stuff is documented on the web, but instead of sensibly referring him to it, you not only let him beg you through explaining it, you tolerate him not actually listening, and *arguing* with you about it.
[01:46:47] dtm: D-side: yeah it can, and it is. i just don't write drivers.
[01:47:05] Dagmar: Even if it's not laziness and instead genuine stupidity, don't let it get on your nerves. Write him off.
[01:47:13] dtm: i am listening just fine. these guys are unsuccessfully attempting to be rigidly pedantic and self righteous.
[01:47:15] Dagmar: Some people shouldn't use computers.
[01:47:19] D-side: i'm not actually all that angry.
[01:47:26] kayelem: dtm, I design the bloody hardware, so please listen to me. I really *do* know what I'm talking about.
[01:47:32] D-side: theres a simple fact here that has yet to be digested.
[01:47:35] dtm: you guys are acting as if i'm sayi9ng that all i need is a modeline and i didn't.
[01:47:39] D-side: tv out != modelines
[01:47:40] Dagmar: ...and some people should stick to buying software instead of using their heads to figure out how to get cutting edge stuff to work.
[01:47:43] ** kayelem doesn't generally like throwing her authority about... <sigh> **
[01:47:44] dtm: and just freaking out.
[01:47:54] dtm: kayelem: i have no doubt
[01:47:56] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:57] D-side: dtm: kayelem explained twice why you dont, and furthermore cannot.
[01:48:10] D-side: i don't understand why we keep bringing that back into the mix really.
[01:48:12] Dagmar: Look, I don't have a Mac, don't *want* a Mac, and by now *I* could set this crap up on a Mac.
[01:48:24] Dagmar: The explanations have made sense to me.
[01:48:34] D-side: Dagmar: deal. get a mac with rage lt pro chipset and make it go
[01:48:35] kayelem: dtm; here's a flow diagram for s-video – Graphics-controller->TV-encoder->S-Video socket.
[01:48:38] Dagmar: *Someone* here is being dim.
[01:48:53] kayelem: dtm, note the bit in the middle – modelines do not and can not control TV encoders.
[01:48:54] Dagmar: D-side: Note carefully, I said outright i don't want a mac
[01:49:02] D-side: Dagmar: oh i saw it
[01:49:02] dtm: kayelem: yeah i got that the first time.
[01:49:13] Dagmar: I have way too many years of experience with x86 hardware to switch without something really compelling.
[01:49:14] dtm: Dagmar: he's addressing your arrogance i believe
[01:49:20] D-side: but you're getting way too angry about a silly topic, so i figured i'd shift the anger towards a different silly topic
[01:49:24] dtm: Dagmar: not the product
[01:49:40] D-side: i'm not addressing anyone's anything.
[01:49:46] kayelem: dtm, so *why* do you keep insisting that all you need is a modeline and your s-video socket will magically produce NTSC-standard-compliant colour video at exactly the right timings..?
[01:49:56] Dagmar: dtm: So I guess that makes you just a bit inferior, since I can understand what you're supposed to to just fine.
[01:50:04] D-side: usually right about now i'd be all pissed off, but i ate so much bbq that theres not a thing in the world that could get me mad.
[01:50:06] dtm: kayelem: i have told you three times in the last 10 minutes that i didn't say that i only need a modeline and that you're freaking out over nothing.
[01:50:13] Dagmar: D-side: LOL
[01:50:42] D-side: you know
[01:50:47] D-side: not to stir this pot any further, but
[01:50:49] D-side: 21:43 < dtm> yeah. well then. you're saying waht i said all along.
[01:50:50] D-side: 21:43 < dtm> that i need a modeline.
[01:50:57] D-side: what was that about not saying you only need a modeline?
[01:51:00] D-side: :D
[01:51:03] dtm: D-side: it was that, right there
[01:51:04] Dagmar: heh
[01:51:08] D-side: yes! i knwo!
[01:51:08] dtm: read it.
[01:51:18] D-side: i did! it made me laugh twice now!
[01:51:19] kayelem: dtm, ok, so – you now understand that if the TV encoder is unsupported by the driver; you can still get NTSC video with a modeline, the VGA out and an external NTSC encoder, then..?
[01:51:24] Dagmar: A mind is a terrible thing.
[01:51:35] dtm: kayelem: yes as i said several times. it was my idea.  :)
[01:51:45] D-side: wow he's throwing out the hardware scan converter defense
[01:52:00] kayelem: <sigh>
[01:52:01] D-side: i know exactly what this means. :)
[01:52:05] D-side: kayelem: dont feel bad.
[01:52:13] dtm: D-side: you'er confabulating the word "only" in there sir :)
[01:52:25] kayelem: I'm glad someone's following me...
[01:52:26] dtm: coz i didn't say it.
[01:52:28] D-side: dtm: for my own sanity, please...
[01:52:39] kayelem: I may not write drivers but analogue video is my forte... :)
[01:52:45] D-side: dtm: at this moment in time, do you or do you not believe you need a modeline config to make this go
[01:52:51] D-side: without the purchase of further hardware
[01:52:55] D-side: i NEED to know.
[01:53:07] D-side: there is a void within my soul thta cannot be filled without this knowledge
[01:53:18] dtm: D-side: are you or are you not able to ACCEPT the idea that i can believe that? because that's all i've been saying for the last 15 minutes. yes.
[01:53:29] D-side: fantastic.
[01:53:35] D-side: nothing more can be said on the topic then.
[01:53:41] kayelem: excellent.
[01:53:51] dtm: you abandoned all ability to accept my belief, in favor of theatrical pedantry
[01:53:55] dtm: quite a while ago
[01:53:57] Dagmar: ...and yet the jibbering goes on.
[01:53:59] D-side: you either 1) buy a scan converter or 2) no tv out for you.
[01:54:15] D-side: dtm: that's an absolutely fascinating outlook that i thank you for sharing.
[01:54:22] D-side: Dagmar: it could be worse.
[01:54:25] kayelem: D-side, not strictly... just a mere NTSC encoder would suffice... ;-)
[01:54:36] D-side: Dagmar: no one's brought up the possible promiscuity of someone's mother yet.
[01:54:38] dtm: kayelem said that i need a modeline and the ntsc encoder for it to work OR a scan convertor.
[01:54:45] Dagmar: D-side: I'm familiar with this sort of situation. Ther'es someone on the LinuxQuestions forum who has the exact same problem
[01:55:00] D-side: actually no, he said you need the right modeline AND the converter, OR the ntsc encoder working.
[01:55:04] D-side: close though.
[01:55:04] Dagmar: He absolutely, positively can't admit when he's wrwong, and he MUST have the last word or he'll die.
[01:55:11] D-side: he won't die.
[01:55:14] Dagmar: He will.
[01:55:19] kayelem: dtm, tbh, a carefully-crafted modeline and an NTSC encoder would do a better job than feeding 800x600 into a scan converter.
[01:55:28] dtm: Dagmar: ok well then you dont understand the situation at all
[01:55:30] D-side: or, i'm wrong. hell.
[01:55:33] Dagmar: Otherwise why in God's name would he defend such a stupid assertion unto his last breath?
[01:55:35] dtm: kayelem: yeah.
[01:55:46] D-side: Dagmar: potatoes.
[01:55:56] D-side: i have no other answer.
[01:55:58] Dagmar: It could be that potatoes are telling him to do it.
[01:56:12] Dagmar: I don't know what makes nutcakes grow.
[01:56:26] D-side: this kind of thing is amusing when i deny myself a vested interest in the outcome.
[01:56:28] kayelem: dtm, better results from running the graphics controller at the native resolution and timings of the TV.
[01:56:52] D-side: kayelem: to be honest though, we don't know that the tv encoder on that card isn't utter crap.
[01:57:02] D-side: all this might be moot.
[01:57:11] D-side: s/might be/is/
[01:57:34] kayelem: D-side, it probably is pretty good; it'll do PAL, NTSC, scale and convert anything. But with no driver support it may as well be a potato for all the use it is.
[01:57:56] Brains: Hmm... Mashed potatoes.
[01:58:13] D-side: i've got a pundit with a sis video chipset thats got pretty good tvout. i'm amazed, personally.
[01:58:15] kayelem: D-side, TV out from my powerbook to a PAL TV seems pretty good.
[01:58:29] D-side: but i switched to an xbox w/ xbmc and xbmcmythtv
[01:58:30] kayelem: D-side, but then I stick with OS X on Macs...
[01:58:39] D-side: because damnit, the tv out on the xbox is fantastic
[01:58:47] kayelem: the hardware support is shyte for 'em with Linux...
[01:58:57] D-side: and, damn you GreyFoxx, i want an msntv2 box now.
[01:59:05] kayelem: besides i rather like OS X...
[01:59:14] D-side: kayelem: what, hardware support for macs in linux?
[01:59:19] dtm: kayelem: what i did years ago was I booted the right mode in macos 8 and warm-booted using BootX (a linux booting app) using openfirmware only. that's what i did here, but i'm wondering if my statically compiled atyfb is interfering with it. it worked fine, totally unaccelerated, years ago.
[01:59:23] D-side: PPC or the new stuff?
[01:59:27] D-side: i'm honestly surprised to hear that.
[01:59:52] dtm: D-side: no, kayelem's talking about advanced functionality of the video on powerbooks
[01:59:53] kayelem: D-side, well, evidently the ATI graphics controller and its TV encoder in certain powerbooks ain't all that well supported...
[02:00:14] kayelem: and if one bit of hardware don't work properly the rest is moot – I'd perfer it all to work, tbh.
[02:00:15] D-side: that scenario very well illustrates the concept of the tv encoder's role in this.
[02:00:31] dtm: you can make em work without any driver whatsoever because the hardware's 10x more open and standard than an intel clone
[02:00:45] dtm: they have drivers in firmware.
[02:00:50] kayelem: Also I know a few people who've found the airport card in some isn't supported either.
[02:00:51] D-side: hooboy.
[02:00:58] D-side: kayelem: yeah, i know.
[02:01:12] D-side: if i had a mac i wouldnt bother with !OSX.
[02:01:13] D-side: no reason to.
[02:01:22] D-side: or at least a reason that makes sense to me.
[02:01:31] kayelem: dtm, you can get *plenty* of unsupported hardware for x86 boxes...
[02:01:40] dtm: kayelem: that's waht i said.
[02:02:49] kayelem: every day we get someone in here with a TV card that has no driver support in Linux as there's no such thing as "standard" PC hardware and plenty of manufacturers refuse to release specs to developers...
[02:03:03] dtm: mmhmm
[02:03:59] kayelem: and that's just TV cards.
[02:04:07] kayelem: I won't get started on audio stuff...
[02:04:13] dtm: yeah.
[02:04:48] dtm: assuming the bios can even arrange for there to be any hardware resources (whether they're available or not) etc, while my 1998 powerbook has over 90 irqs
[02:05:01] dtm: the list is endless
[02:05:08] kayelem: If you're building a PC and you're gonna shove Linux on it; you check first that everything's supported as a lot isn't.
[02:05:57] dtm: yeah that was my criteria for buying this powerbook originally, and everything worked to varying degrees of acceleration thanks to openfirmware and thanks to the fact that it's got the same controllers as all desktops and powerbooks of its era
[02:06:03] D-side: hear hear
[02:06:17] kayelem: Apple have an advantage in that they make the machines; so they know *exactly* what hardware they need to support.
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[02:06:31] dtm: well, and it's not crap.
[02:07:01] dtm: but the PCs could have a $2 ethernet controller as long as they were uniform and that'd be fine ^_^
[02:07:39] D-side: well, sometimes its crap.
[02:07:48] D-side: but its at least supremely supported by their software.
[02:08:19] D-side: look at the new macbooks. they're made my Asus.
[02:08:32] D-side: s/my/by/
[02:09:09] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[02:11:01] dtm: i got xorg on fbdev to work, but i don't know what's changing the video settings between the time i'm in macos and when i'm warm booting linux.
[02:11:12] somegeek (somegeek!i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek) has quit (Client Quit)
[02:11:16] dtm: i could try recompiling the kernel without atyfb
[02:13:02] stevenm (stevenm! has quit ("Connection reset by beer")
[02:15:06] kayelem: I'd still suggest giving the gatos driver a try.
[02:15:22] kayelem: all that can happen is a) it works or b) it doesn't.
[02:16:42] dtm: kayelem: it wont. the docs don't include my model, and the special page where the guy ported it to my chipset is for PC BIOS only.
[02:16:49] dtm: kayelem: hardcoded to ia32 BIOS
[02:16:58] kayelem: ah, ok.
[02:17:26] lilo (lilo!i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has quit ("brb")
[02:17:34] dtm: kayelem: i'm recompiling my kernel to try to recreate what i had working, unaccelerated, on a different tv, years ago
[02:18:45] Aid` (Aid`!n=Aid@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:19:01] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[02:19:49] kayelem: dtm, the fun part is the graphics controller needs a few registers setting to get it to accept expernal clock from the TV encoder chip; and those settings are likely to get trampled on by the xorg driver setting clock to internal...
[02:21:16] DrMitch (DrMitch!n=me@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:21:51] kayelem: dtm, as in "TV-out mode" the graphics controller is driven by the PLL clock generator in the TV encoder chip; rather than the graphics controller's own PLL clock generator. iyswim.
[02:22:45] dtm: kayelem: noted.
[02:22:47] dtm: yjsy
[02:22:49] dtm: er
[02:22:56] dtm: that sounds like lots of fun, as you say
[02:23:01] dtm: almost too much fun!
[02:23:25] kayelem: it's fine when you have manufacturer's data for the graphics controller and the TV encoder chip...
[02:23:57] kayelem: can get 'em to do all sorts of daft things... :)
[02:24:48] kayelem: (like somewhat obsolete TV standards last used decades ago...)
[02:28:24] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:29:01] PaulWay[w]: Have you seen the guy who can write a signal out to the video card that, when you connect the red and ground leads, acts as a DVB source?
[02:29:18] kayelem: PaulWay[w], yup, encountered that :)
[02:29:49] kayelem: Basically using the DAC in the graphics card as... well.. a DAC, and synthesising a modulated RF signal.
[02:30:18] kayelem: I don't think it does more than stills atm, though.
[02:30:51] PaulWay[w]: No, AFAICS it does PAL and SECAM.
[02:31:09] PaulWay[w]: Oh, sorry, that's not the input.
[02:31:12] kayelem: PAL & SECAM != DVB
[02:32:23] kayelem: It'd take a lot of processor power to synthesise a COFDM-modulated RF signal with real-time images on...
[02:32:58] kayelem: still, processors get more powerful...
[02:33:05] PaulWay[w]: It uses ffmpeg to create the MPEG2 transport stream, so theoretically if you could get ffmpeg to do realtime MPEG2 encoding it'd be possible.
[02:33:16] PaulWay[w]: And it'd work with something like a PVR-250...
[02:33:21] ** kayelem nods **
[02:34:10] kayelem: you've still to take the MPEG stream, and modulate a synthesised RF carrier with it, then shove the results out the DAC.
[02:34:16] kayelem: it's all feasable.
[02:34:18] Alien|Freak (Alien|Freak! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:34:21] Alien|Freak: hi all
[02:34:29] PaulWay[w]: Hi
[02:34:39] PaulWay[w]: So you're an alien freak, are you?
[02:35:26] Alien|Freak: i think i have my mythtv setup mostly done.. but when I create the lineup.. i'm having problems.. I have an account with zap2it .. is that the same as DataDirect in the video source setup?
[02:35:32] Alien|Freak: something like that Paul
[02:35:42] Alien|Freak: if nothing else.. it's just a nick that stuck with me
[02:35:53] PaulWay[w]: Yes, I think it is.
[02:36:10] PaulWay[w]: Hopefully a real USAdian will turn up and confirm or deny.
[02:37:02] Alien|Freak: lol...
[02:37:59] Alien|Freak: well.. i can login to the zap2it website just fine.. but using the same username/pass i get a 401 error unauthorized....
[02:38:17] lilo (lilo!i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:41:12] electrichamster (electrichamster!n=electric@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:41:29] Anduin: Alien|Freak: it is
[02:42:21] Alien|Freak: hmmm.. any ideas what would be giving me a problem then...
[02:42:29] Anduin: Alien|Freak: The 401 is normal, you should still get data
[02:42:47] Alien|Freak: hmm..
[02:43:11] Alien|Freak: my datadirect lineup drop down doesn't give me anything
[02:43:35] Alien|Freak: should my username be user@ anything in particular? i just have the user name
[02:43:59] Anduin: Alien|Freak: unadorned
[02:44:56] Alien|Freak: hmm?
[02:45:05] Alien|Freak: user@unadorned ?
[02:45:25] Anduin: Alien|Freak: Just your user id (same as when you login to their form)
[02:45:41] Alien|Freak: okay...
[02:45:58] Alien|Freak: then I don't know..
[02:46:15] Alien|Freak: video source name shouldn't matter.. i should be able to call it anything.. if i'm not mistaken
[02:46:28] Anduin: That is correct.
[02:47:16] Alien|Freak: the DataDirect lineup doesn't give me anything after I do a retrieve... I can ignore that... but it seems like it's not working..
[02:48:14] Anduin: Yeah, if you aren't seeing any lineups it sounds broken (though I've never actually used that part of mythtv-setup).
[02:49:34] Alien|Freak: can I ignore that and still use it? I just need it to record one thing tomorrow
[02:50:56] Anduin: Alien|Freak: Um, no lineup means no channels, means no program info, with varying amounts of work you can make it past all of those.
[02:52:02] WyKiD (WyKiD! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:52:45] WyKiD: hey guys im buying parts and using old parts for a myth tv box im setting up (first time) ... could you see if the specs will be okay
[02:53:10] nasa (nasa! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:53:23] WyKiD: p4 2ghz 512mb ddrram, geforce2 graph card, wintv-pvr-150, ide hdd
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[02:55:13] LoneShadow: WyKiD: I have a p4 2ghz, 512mb ram, pvr150, 120gb hdd for backend
[02:55:14] nasa: Ok, off the wall type question. An ir receiver is just a 'generic' device. In other words, any ir remote will work with it — correct?
[02:56:14] LoneShadow: nasa: any IR remote which can be programmed
[02:57:39] nasa: hmmm.... Let me ask the question slightly different. Can I take an old usb mce ir receiver and have a programable remote act as something other than the old mce remote?
[02:58:26] opello: hm, why would the remote need to be programmable, couldn't you do it on the pc side?
[02:58:27] Alien|Freak: urgh.. so i'm dead in the water 'till i get channel listing...
[02:58:28] LoneShadow: I have not used an IR rx, but I guess it can be done, dont see why not
[02:58:38] Alien|Freak: i did a scan.. so I got a channel listing...
[02:58:48] LoneShadow: opello: yes and no ?
[02:59:20] LoneShadow: you need to config the remote to send signals to a device which dosnt conflict with another player
[03:00:03] opello: oh, of course
[03:06:05] nasa: So as far as the receiver is concerned, it shouldn't care. It just signals being passed through...
[03:13:50] Alien|Freak: remote... i should look into that at some point...
[03:14:31] nasa: ok, nvm. It looks like a remote is matched to a receiver (a programmable remote, just makes it self look like the matched remote)
[03:17:22] LoneShadow: you should be able to use any remote, and make your ir rx to understand it, but having a programmable remote, makes a lil more sense :)
[03:22:49] akaias (akaias! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:27:14] nasa: (look at discussion on *keys*)
[03:27:29] GreyFoxx: Well, without a lot more detail than that I have no idea :)
[03:27:30] GreyFoxx: oops
[03:31:34] Nem^1 (Nem^1! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:36:57] PaulWay[w] (PaulWay[w]! has left #mythtv-users ("I told you I was ill... :-)")
[03:40:07] gdoubleu: where can I find the script? every link i have found is 404
[03:40:45] Dagmar: Google.
[03:41:31] gdoubleu: that's what i'm using
[03:41:36] Dagmar: No, you're not.
[03:41:41] Dagmar: Otherwise you'd have it.
[03:41:57] Dagmar: I just punched it in myself to see, which is why I said, "Google".
[03:42:44] radi0head (radi0head! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:49:18] Nem^ (Nem^! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:49:30] Nem^1 is now known as Nem^
[03:53:39] gdoubleu: guessed i missed that link on the bottom of the "A modified" post, that's what i get for skimming
[03:55:05] majesty (majesty! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:55:52] Dagmar: *chuckle*
[03:56:14] Aid` (Aid`!n=Aid@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:56:16] gdoubleu: no other result on the first two google results pages has a working link to the file
[04:03:59] tank-man: what is script for?
[04:05:57] guru18 (guru18! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:06:28] guru18: hi, has anyone used mythtv with qt-4* ?
[04:16:06] darkdrgn2k (darkdrgn2k! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:16:11] darkdrgn2k: any one here using DVB PCI?
[04:20:42] guru18: trying to yes lol
[04:22:52] darkdrgn2k: me to:-S any idea to see if dvb support was compiled into the kernel?
[04:23:54] guru18: compile it yourself? sorry I don't know another way
[04:24:23] guru18: i use gentoo and manually configure the kernel
[04:25:38] darkdrgn2k: i got v4l-dvb installed but i cant find the /dev/dvb stuff
[04:28:42] Aid` (Aid`!n=Aid@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:31:28] darkdrgn2k: guru18: where did u get your cx88 drivrs from
[04:32:17] guru18: they are in the gentoo package database
[04:32:56] darkdrgn2k: cause i think im using an old version
[04:33:04] darkdrgn2k: i only ahave 26 cardtypes
[04:34:14] guru18: it has been a really long time since I set it up, hard to remember what I did
[04:34:51] darkdrgn2k: guru18: what card u got
[04:35:51] guru18: darkdrgn2k:
[04:41:37] guru18: ok I gave in and used a qt-3* package, now it's compiling
[04:44:41] D-side_ (D-side_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:56:42] RandomDude15 (RandomDude15! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:56:55] RandomDude15: hey
[04:56:57] RandomDude15: I get an error
[04:57:00] RandomDude15: when I run mythfilldatabse
[04:57:08] RandomDude15: and im running kubuntu 6.06
[04:58:19] D-side (D-side!n=brian@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:58:41] majesty (majesty! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:02:02] RandomDude15: yt?
[05:02:05] RandomDude15: help
[05:02:06] RandomDude15: someone
[05:10:22] der___oschni (der___oschni! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:24:17] DrMitch: RandomDude15, what's the error?
[05:29:24] majesty (majesty! has quit ()
[05:33:27] PaulWay[w] (PaulWay[w]! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:33:53] RandomDude15: hang on ill pastebin it
[05:34:05] PaulWay[w]: One guy I know suggested an idea that's practical here in Australia where TV channels are scarce:
[05:34:53] PaulWay[w]: Have five DVB cards recording constantly, one per channel, breaking the stream up into programme segments.
[05:35:33] PaulWay[w]: You can manually flag programs to be recorded, but in case you missed one from last night you can go back and just save it.
[05:36:08] PaulWay[w]: All the other shows get thrown out, either after a fixed (short) period of time (like Live TV now) or at the usual "I'm full, make room!" point in Myth.
[05:36:12] PaulWay[w]: Thoughts?
[05:37:35] DrMitch: you only have 5 channels in aussie?
[05:37:44] PaulWay[w]: About that, pretty much.
[05:37:58] DrMitch: crazy
[05:38:08] PaulWay[w]: Some would say that it's better than "57 channels and nothing on"...
[05:38:24] DrMitch: true, i only watch 4 chans
[05:38:25] PaulWay[w]: There is cable TV, but that's not very widespread.
[05:38:28] gdoubleu (gdoubleu! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
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[05:40:59] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:41:32] neuro_ (neuro_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[05:42:08] RandomDude15: you have 5 channels? whoa
[05:42:12] RandomDude15: I have over 500 channels
[05:42:36] DrMitch: ha, we get 110 channels and don't pay a damn dime
[05:42:47] Dagmar: Communist
[05:43:04] DrMitch: no, the cable guy made a booboo and never charged us
[05:43:16] Dagmar: Ah, well, they'll fix that eventually...
[05:43:23] Dagmar: ...and probably kill your cablemodem in the process like they did me.
[05:43:38] DrMitch: no, cause we're with a different company now
[05:43:44] Dagmar: Excepting that I actually did order cable. They screwed up completely.
[05:43:47] DrMitch: for cable modem
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[05:46:41] Dagmar: I don't think they liked the letter I sent them congratulating them on hiring the mentally challenged and merely requesting that they train them more carefully on how to operate a coax crimper
[05:46:45] DrMitch (DrMitch!n=me@ has quit ("Leaving")
[05:47:12] Dagmar: They had to make a nine inch patch cable, and managed to ground the damn thing at both ends.
[05:47:19] RandomDude15: Dagmar can you help me with something?
[05:47:25] Dagmar: Maybe
[05:47:37] RandomDude15: mythfilldatabase isnt working.
[05:47:42] RandomDude15: i get some mysql error.......
[05:47:46] RandomDude15: when running it
[05:47:58] RandomDude15: and I only hear sound out of the left speaker/headphone
[05:47:58] Dagmar: What would that error be?
[05:48:05] neuro_ (neuro_! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:48:06] RandomDude15: ill pm it to you on here
[05:48:06] Dagmar: I can't really do anything about sound
[05:48:09] Dagmar: No.
[05:48:13] RandomDude15: pastebin
[05:48:14] Dagmar: If you flood my client, it will auto-ignore you
[05:48:14] RandomDude15: isnt working
[05:48:19] Dagmar: Use
[05:48:26] Dagmar: There's like nine different pastebins around
[05:49:04] RandomDude15:
[05:50:30] Dagmar: What version of mysql do you have installed and did this *ever* work correctly?
[05:50:58] Dagmar: It's saying that SQL command is flawed, and I can't see *anything* wrong with it.
[05:51:21] RandomDude15: not on this install it didnt
[05:51:31] RandomDude15: im running kubuntu 6.06
[05:51:42] RandomDude15: mysql 5.x
[05:51:53] Dagmar: OKay. That's one problem right there.
[05:52:01] RandomDude15: what problem?
[05:52:13] Dagmar: I'm not sure if it says anything specific about it in the docs, but 5.x isn't usable with 0.19 yet
[05:52:33] Dagmar: Its "supposed to be" useable with 0.19-fixes but it's something I wouldn't entirely trust
[05:52:56] Dagmar: If you're using 0.19 you will definitely want to drop back and punt to MySQL 4.1.19, and hopefully you won't have to rebuild Qt as well
[05:53:29] Dagmar: I wouldn't really consider 4.1.19 to be "inferior". If anything it's definitely been tested to hell and back by now.
[05:53:46] RandomDude15: when I select that.
[05:53:48] RandomDude15: in synaptic
[05:54:02] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:54:09] RandomDude15: to remove mysql-server 5.x
[05:54:13] RandomDude15: it wants to remove mythtv
[05:54:17] RandomDude15: and mythtvfilldatabase
[05:54:35] Dagmar: That's *because* of mythfilldatabase, but that's just a lame dep
[05:54:44] Dagmar: It's a perl script
[05:54:44] j2^: Hm, where can i set how many days of data MythTV grabs when updating program info?
[05:54:52] Dagmar: It's not actually going to be affected by changes like that
[05:54:57] RandomDude15: Ok, 4.1 is isntalling now
[05:55:42] Dagmar: j2^: The default is 14. You probably shouldn't bother messing with it unless you have really good reason. Schedule changes happen outside of that window of time fairly frequently
[05:55:50] RandomDude15: E: /var/cache/apt/archives/mysql-server-4.1_4.1.15–1ubuntu5_i386.deb: subprocess pre-installation script returned error exit status 1
[05:56:35] Dagmar: RandomDude15: Unless that's been seriously incrementally patched, there's bound to be a newer build available
[05:56:36] j2^: Dagmar: I thought it was 14.. but my .19 box only grabs 7 it seem?
[05:56:53] Dagmar: j2^: Might be that for your region only 7 days is available.
[05:57:00] Dagmar: Lemme check somethin'
[05:57:10] j2^: Dagmar: No, because my old .17 box grabs 14 without any hassle.
[05:57:51] Dagmar: Mythfilldatabase has a --max-days argument
[05:57:57] Dagmar: Run it with --help and you'll see
[05:58:17] j2^: Dagmar: Ah, but... can i pass such args to mythfylldatabase when its running automatically?
[05:58:26] Dagmar: Dunno. Very possibly.
[05:58:40] Dagmar: I try not to think about those setup menus much. They make me want to pull my hair.
[05:58:47] j2^: *lol
[05:59:41] lilo (lilo!i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has quit ("bbiab")
[06:00:16] RandomDude15: ugh now mysql isnt working at all now
[06:00:36] Dagmar: I begin to think that quite possibly they need to take that code for all those menu items, and just engineer a system where you can specify them simply as XML files.
[06:00:46] Dagmar: RandomDude15: you'll have to redo the db
[06:01:09] Dagmar: THe file formats aren't quite compatible, but it's dead easy to do
[06:01:20] GiantPickle (GiantPickle! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:01:28] Dagmar: This might be a little late to mention it, but you could also cheat a bit
[06:01:47] Dagmar: mysqldump lets you dump a database into a file as a series of mysql comamnds...
[06:02:11] Dagmar: which you can then restore with like `mysql < databasedump.sql`
[06:02:28] Dagmar: Handy to know about if you're dorking around with things and figure you might accidentally break the db
[06:04:11] [R] ([R]!n=ron@gentoo/user/ginsu-squirrel) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:04:55] [R]: i can use mythtv on an old crappy pci video card no problems right?
[06:05:17] RandomDude15: should be able to
[06:05:23] [R]: should?
[06:05:24] RandomDude15: with basic cable
[06:05:37] RandomDude15: my old crappy card worked on myth
[06:06:38] [R]: does anyone know of a website that lists the max resolution a given size of memory on a video card can do?
[06:07:49] Alien|Freak (Alien|Freak! has quit ("Leaving")
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[06:16:35] Dagmar: There's no website for that, but it's easy enough information to find out
[06:17:19] Dagmar: If your card even has so much as 2M of video on it, it can do any resolution you'd care to watch TV at.
[06:17:26] Dagmar: er s/video/RAM/;
[06:18:36] Dagmar: Assuming 24bpp, 1024 x 768 x 3 = 2,359,296
[06:21:11] Dagmar: Look for a utility called ddcinfo or ddcxinfo-kanotix if you want to pester the video card directly about it's capacity.
[06:21:42] [R]: i actually found one
[06:21:45] Dagmar: Those tools can even query the *monitor* about it's capabilities if EDID is available (which is going to be the case on practically every display made after 1998)
[06:21:47] [R]: sys i need only 6mb for 1600x1200
[06:21:55] [R]: says*
[06:22:07] Dagmar: You only need 1280x1024 for 1080 HD
[06:22:21] Dagmar: Minus a few scan lines here and there, of course
[06:22:47] [R]: ATI Rage with 8mb... xv would work on that right?
[06:22:59] Dagmar: Of course.
[06:23:07] [R]: thought so
[06:23:10] Dagmar: 1600 x 1200 x 3
[06:23:13] Discipulus (Discipulus!n=disc@unaffiliated/discipulus) has quit ("Leaving")
[06:23:20] Dagmar: ...or x 4 if you want to go 32bpp
[06:25:12] [R] ([R]!n=ron@gentoo/user/ginsu-squirrel) has quit ("Leaving")
[06:25:53] lilo (lilo!i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:28:18] guru18: is anyone using a hd-3000 with a 2.6.17 kernel?
[06:30:10] somegeek (somegeek!i=levin@tor/regular/somegeek) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:30:57] guru18: or a fairly recent kernel?
[06:37:18] guru18: lol maybe I should try when people might actually be awake
[06:41:00] Dagmar: Probably a good ideqa.
[06:43:17] LabMonkey: ok
[06:43:23] LabMonkey: time fore more stupid questions
[06:43:34] LabMonkey: I have a hardware encoder (hauppage 500)
[06:43:43] LabMonkey: my recordings are all .mpeg
[06:44:00] LabMonkey: is there any reason why I should convert them to .nuv?
[06:48:01] gardengnome: space savings
[06:48:03] gardengnome: ?
[06:48:40] LabMonkey: well
[06:48:49] LabMonkey: I'm planning to do it like this...
[06:48:58] ** gardengnome has gotta run, sorry. laters!+ **
[06:50:40] LabMonkey: 1. show gets recorded to .mpeg by hardware; 2. translates the name to a human-readable form; 3. transcodes it to a pre-determined size; 4. the smaller file is copied to another machine so the bigger file can expire
[06:50:56] RandomDude15 (RandomDude15! has left #mythtv-users ()
[06:50:59] LabMonkey: problem is, 2 and 3 want .nuv files
[06:52:05] nasa (nasa! has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:55:00] bobby: how does one enable mythtv to be displayed through comp-out on a 350 card? there used to be an option in settings though I can't find it now
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[08:00:04] bobby: found it
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[08:13:32] prologic (prologic! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:13:40] prologic: How does one configure a front-end only mythtv ?
[08:15:35] PaulWay[w]: prologic: Just start the front end and it'll ask you for the parameters to connect to the back end.
[08:15:58] Juski (Juski! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:16:03] prologic: by that you mean the database questions it asks ?
[08:16:24] PaulWay[w]: Note that you'll have to make sure that the backend allows connections on 5432 (mythtv) and 3306 (mysql) and the backend knows that the database is on an actual IP rather than
[08:16:29] PaulWay[w]: Yes.
[08:17:03] bryan (bryan! has quit ("Leaving")
[08:17:09] prologic: oh wait
[08:17:13] PaulWay[w]: Making sense?
[08:17:17] prologic: qt3 isn't compiled with mysql support by deafult here
[08:17:24] Dibblah (Dibblah! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:17:34] PaulWay[w]: Yeah, that'll affect things...
[08:17:38] prologic: :)
[08:17:49] prologic: wondering why I was getting "No error from ... Strange..."
[08:18:19] PaulWay[w]: Anyway, gotta go...
[08:18:24] PaulWay[w] (PaulWay[w]! has left #mythtv-users ("I told you I was ill... :-)")
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[08:30:14] prologic: I've successfully installed a front-end on another machine, it conencts to the database okay, but claims the backend isn't running or it can't connect to it.
[08:30:41] prologic: doing an nmap of the backend shows that ports 6543 and 6544 are open for mythtv
[08:31:03] Juski: what ip address is mythbackend set to run on? ?
[08:31:21] prologic: not sure
[08:31:23] prologic: how do I check that ?
[08:31:31] prologic: I can connect to those ports from any machine on the network
[08:31:35] prologic: so I assume it's listening on *
[08:31:56] prologic: neways, bbs going shopping
[08:32:00] Juski: run mythtv-setup
[08:32:12] Juski: (on the backend)
[08:32:52] Juski: you'll need to stop mythbackend & restart it after changing the ip address. if you've not changed it yet it'll still be on which won't let other frontends connect
[08:39:00] DJGummikuh (DJGummikuh! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:39:04] DJGummikuh: hey
[08:39:12] DJGummikuh: is xmltv *required* for mythtv to run?
[08:39:52] Juski: not really, but it's required for most TV guide data sources
[08:40:28] DJGummikuh: Juski: hm ok
[08:40:36] DJGummikuh: Juski: why is mythtv not working then? :(
[08:40:55] DJGummikuh: I have a bttv card and didnt find any usefull howto or checklist with which I could proceed
[08:42:01] Juski: really
[08:42:27] Juski: didn't find any useful how-to guide. hmmmm. I'm not buying that
[08:42:35] DJGummikuh: well in Tv Cards I set card type to analog v4l tv-card
[08:42:46] DJGummikuh: Juski: all the howtos I found for bttv is how to load the module
[08:42:51] Juski: anyway... describe the problem you're having and tell me whether or not the card works in tvtime
[08:43:05] DJGummikuh: Juski: it works in tvtime I use it all the time to watch tv...
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[08:43:27] Juski: right... so you're good as far as the drivers are concerned
[08:43:37] Juski: so what makes you say mythtv doesn't work?
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[08:47:49] joey_ is now known as DJGummikuh
[08:47:59] DJGummikuh: dumb system crashed
[08:48:05] DJGummikuh: ok
[08:48:27] DJGummikuh: Juski: I am using tvtime all the time and it works so the card is running appearantly
[08:48:39] Juski: right, so what's the problem with mythtv?
[08:48:52] DJGummikuh: it doesnt want to cooperate with my tv card
[08:48:59] Juski: be specific
[08:49:23] DJGummikuh: hold a sec, gotta start everything up again after the crash ^^
[08:49:46] DJGummikuh: ok when I run mythtv-setup and want to scan for channels
[08:50:33] DJGummikuh: do I have to set a videosource first? I set the tvcard but don't exactly know what the videosource could possibly be
[08:51:06] Juski: ah
[08:51:32] Juski: the video source in mythtv is all about where you get programme guide data from
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[08:51:51] DJGummikuh: Juski: do I need it for channel scanning?
[08:51:57] shiznix (shiznix! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:52:00] Juski: so if you have xmltv installed and want to use tv guide data... you set one up in there
[08:52:09] Juski: no you don't need it for channel scanning
[08:52:15] DJGummikuh: I don't have xmltv installed yet, I'm still installing
[08:52:22] DJGummikuh: ok I just ran mythfilldatabase --manual
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[08:52:23] Juski: but.. analogue channel scanning doesn't really work in mythtv
[08:53:04] Juski: what you need to do is set up the channels manually – enter the frequencies for them yourself. you can find out what the freqs should be with tvtime
[08:53:35] DJGummikuh:
[08:53:52] DJGummikuh: Juski: that's my mythfilldatabase --manual output – if you're interested :))
[08:53:58] DJGummikuh: how do I set up the channels manually?
[08:54:35] Juski: set them up one at a time. you enter their name, frequency etc in the fields provided in the channel editor
[08:54:53] Juski: before you go any further though, install xmltv
[08:55:14] DJGummikuh: err... ok so what do I have to do now... start mythbackend and then mythfrontend or do I still have to setup something?
[08:55:27] DJGummikuh: sorry that I am so confused :|
[08:56:02] Juski: install xmltv
[08:56:07] DJGummikuh: doing so..
[08:56:21] DJGummikuh: I'm running on gentoo and building it right now
[08:56:22] Juski: right. when that's done, THEN you can start playing with mythtv
[08:56:30] DJGummikuh: Juski: ok :)
[08:57:25] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:57:52] DJGummikuh: how would you describe mythtv anyways? if I understood right its a platform for video capturing and playing similar to ms media center or something like that?
[08:58:07] DJGummikuh: (sorry for the ms compare ;) )
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[09:00:38] qu0zl: it's a personal video recorder, for recording and watching tv programs.
[09:00:59] DJGummikuh: qu0zl: you can watch the recorded stuff direclty in mythtv as well, right?
[09:01:05] qu0zl: live tv is a subset of that, and the other media stuff music/dvd isn't as polished
[09:01:37] qu0zl: yep DJGummikuh, but live tv is really watching a recording. that's how you can pause/rewind etc it. you're just watching the recording almost concurrent to recording it
[09:02:11] DJGummikuh: lol cool you can rewind a tv stream ? :))
[09:02:23] DJGummikuh: I start liking this program even before I got it to run :)
[09:03:02] qu0zl: i love it for watching live tv. i can pause it to make a cup of tea or whatever then skip the adds to catch back up
[09:03:25] qu0zl: a lot of ppl don't seem to use it for live tv at all though
[09:04:40] qu0zl: good for replays of goals as well in matches or deciding if something was a foul :) i'm enjoying it for the world cup
[09:07:45] Juski: btw DJGummikuh what cpu do you use?
[09:07:49] DJGummikuh (DJGummikuh! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[09:39:22] dorel__: i'm running "mythtvosd --template=cid.xml --caller_name="test" --caller_number="1234567" and im getting a reply that the packet was sent to port 6948 but i have nothing listening on this port and im seeing nothing on mythtv as well.
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[10:07:21] alsoconfused: dorel__: lsof -i udp:6948
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[10:37:30] prologic: thanks guys
[10:37:38] prologic: I have multiple frontends working through the network now
[10:37:39] prologic: ta :)
[10:37:41] prologic (prologic! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[10:37:56] dorel__: alsoconfused: nothing.
[10:38:14] dorel__: alsoconfused: maybe im suppose to be running some daemon which i'm not?
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[10:44:29] [Outcast] ([Outcast]! has joined #mythtv-users
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[10:47:14] darthy: hi
[10:47:38] [Outcast]: greetings
[10:48:20] darthy: does anyone use a vga-to-rgb-scart adapter on their his epia m10000 ? im unsure if the graphiccard supports the needed frequencies.
[10:50:42] [Outcast]: don't know all I have is a m8000
[10:54:27] darthy: do you have a vga-to-scart adapter working?
[10:56:27] [Outcast]: sorry kind of new. this what i have done so far. I have set the bios for the tv out to be pal since I am here in New Zealand
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[10:57:53] [Outcast]: then I have set the jumper on the mainboard so the rca jack on the back does compsite. all the text comes up on the screen fine. but when X11 load I get a grey screen. I think that is trying to use a higher resolution that what can be handled by the tv out adapter.
[11:00:17] kavorka (kavorka! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:01:23] qu0zl: [Outcast], that's a reasonably obscure problem so you're probably best emailing the list. better chance of a reply
[11:02:14] qu0zl: or if you're using the openchrome or unichrome drivers then their lists. it's a driver question not really a mythtv one. People here may be able to help but if not you should have better luck with the drivers support
[11:02:50] gardengnome: it's probably just a badly configured X. see your xorg.conf
[11:03:30] [Outcast]: I agree, just want to see if anyone in here might be using the same hardware
[11:04:21] Merlin83b: [Outcast]: You need to tell X to use PAL too, as gardengnome kind of said :-)
[11:06:43] dorel__: i need some help with getting the irblaster that comes with the win pvr 150 to work
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[11:17:04] [Outcast]: Merlin83b, you know how do that?
[11:17:33] Merlin83b: [Outcast]: It's an Option in your X config file. Google will be able to tell you more.
[11:17:44] qu0zl: Option "TVType" "PAL"
[11:17:57] qu0zl: if you're using the openchrome/unichrome drivers. which you probably are
[11:19:16] [Outcast]: qu0zl, no early model of the board, got stuck with trident cyberblade
[11:19:41] qu0zl: the drivers independant (sort of) of the board
[11:20:10] splat1 (splat1! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:20:11] qu0zl: if you have a cle266 chip (which you should) then you should be using the xorg via driver, or if you've xfree you should get the openchrome driver
[11:20:27] dorel__: irsend: command failed: SEND_ONCE 3100 1
[11:20:28] dorel__: irsend: hardware does not support sending
[11:20:29] qu0zl: look at your xorg log and see what driver you're using
[11:20:44] [Outcast]: via driver fails to load
[11:20:44] qu0zl: and add that PAL line to your video device section and see if it helps
[11:20:57] dorel__: thats the error im getting with irsend, if anyone has any idea whats wrong... i got the pvr 150 with the combo ir blaster
[11:21:05] croppa (croppa! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:21:20] qu0zl: that's what you should fix first [Outcast]. get a recent version of the openchrome driver installed and it should help
[11:21:26] [Outcast]: cool
[11:21:29] [Outcast]: thanks
[11:21:45] ** [Outcast] bows **
[11:21:51] qu0zl: you using Xorg or XFree? What error does the via driver give?
[11:22:15] [Outcast]: i am using knoppmyth
[11:22:37] Dagmar: They have their own X server now... impressive.
[11:22:56] [Outcast]: the driver says it is not compatable with my chip set
[11:23:57] qu0zl: it may be too old or you may have a weird pcid as it's an ununusal board
[11:24:10] qu0zl: if that's all it is it's an easy fix to add the pcid to the id list in the openchrome driver
[11:24:19] qu0zl: but i cant remember the details. Ask the openchrome list, they're helpful guys
[11:24:33] qu0zl: lunch time, my co-worker is about to revolt. good luck with it [Outcast]
[11:24:35] Dagmar: Then you get a damp sponge and be ready to wipe all the bits off your desk if it goes blooey
[11:27:20] [Outcast]: hehe
[11:30:48] Dagmar: You know, what we need is a new anthropomorphic "Mac vs PC" commercial
[11:31:15] Dagmar: One where the two introduce each other and then Lance Armstrong comes up and says "I'm Linux, but I've got work to do. Seeya later."
[11:35:15] pickler (pickler! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:36:35] [Outcast]: qu0zl, you still here?
[11:39:40] Zider_ (Zider_!n=zider@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[11:56:53] qu0zl: what's up [Outcast]?
[11:58:48] [Outcast]: the video card comes with id 1023:8500
[11:59:21] [Outcast]: which is a Trident CyberBlade i1 which from what is it looks like is not compatable with openchrome
[12:00:04] [Outcast]: is there any way to lookup what option are valid for a X11 video driver?
[12:00:11] qu0zl: do a lspci and put the results in pastebin
[12:00:18] qu0zl: btw
[12:01:26] [Outcast]:
[12:01:33] qu0zl: if that isn't a unichrome chipset then that really isn't close to a m10000 and you'll have to google for the correct driver and it's options
[12:01:59] [Outcast]: k
[12:02:10] [Outcast]: soory, i am noobie
[12:02:22] qu0zl: no worries, that doesn't jump out as a unichrome family chip to me
[12:02:57] Om (Om!n=om@unaffiliated/om) has quit ("Xchat 2.6.4 worse than 2.6.2 =\")
[12:03:06] [Outcast]: it use the the trident driver, but i need to how to set the option correctly for it. it is a real pain
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[12:03:19] [Outcast]: i am not sure if the chip is support anymore
[12:03:32] [Outcast]: *supported
[12:03:41] qu0zl: i don't know the trident driver, google may help, sorry. good luck with it [Outcast]
[12:04:45] qu0zl: maybe the xorg channel can help btw
[12:04:45] [Outcast]:
[12:04:54] qu0zl: they have a good few graphic driver developers in there
[12:04:57] [Outcast]: stuff that in the wiki some where
[12:05:18] qu0zl: Option "TVSignal" "integer"
[12:05:18] qu0zl: This sets the TV signalling. Options are 0 for NTSC or 1 for PAL. Default: undefined.
[12:05:24] qu0zl: that looks promising :)
[12:05:29] [Outcast]: yea
[12:05:32] [Outcast]: testing now
[12:05:43] Dagmar: undefined == "a format televisions on Mars use"
[12:06:12] qu0zl: :)
[12:07:22] Dagmar: Whoa. I kinda wish I was in the market for a TV right about now
[12:07:36] ** [Outcast] reboots and crosses fingers **
[12:07:49] Dagmar: CompUSA has a reasonable deal going on for a 29" widescreen TFT
[12:07:58] [Outcast]: link?
[12:08:50] Dagmar: . . . _code=337041
[12:08:58] Dagmar: er 26"
[12:09:10] Dagmar: I like the 1366x768
[12:09:24] Dagmar: It would simplify everything except maybe my xorg.conf
[12:09:37] D-side_: at that price it simply MUST be a pile of shit.
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[12:10:52] D-side_ is now known as D-side
[12:10:53] Dagmar: Not really judging by the specs
[12:11:10] Dagmar: It *is* about time they stopped costing a bloody fortune
[12:11:40] D-side: call my cynical, but i just dont trust it. if i had any compusa's nearby i'd go look for myself.
[12:11:50] D-side: maybe this weekend.
[12:11:52] [Outcast]: that is a good deal
[12:11:56] D-side: s/my/me/
[12:12:05] Dagmar: Well, I gotta buy more blank DVDs for backing stuff up so I'm going there anyway today
[12:12:11] Dagmar: It's a one-day sale
[12:12:24] D-side: i wasn't going to buy it, i just want to see it.
[12:12:27] Dagmar: I finally used up my last spindle of 50, so it's time to get another one
[12:12:44] D-side: i've got more blank media than sense dictates.
[12:12:55] D-side: i dont understand why i do it.
[12:12:55] qu0zl: anyone able to recommend a decent vga-scart convertor? a colleague here is trying to find one
[12:12:58] Dagmar: I usually wind up buying some about once or twice a year
[12:13:11] Dagmar: This 50 will probably last me until spring
[12:13:39] Dagmar: I could probably use fewer if I'd start using DVD-RW's for some of the stuff I do
[12:14:21] Juski: qu0zl: It's mostly DIY when it comes to VGA-SCART cabling. There are scan converters, but I think you might mean direct VGA-SCART leads which need a custom modeline to work
[12:14:23] D-side: i don't use them either.
[12:14:53] Juski: heh. the only blank discs I've used up in the last 18 months were to burn linux onto
[12:15:20] D-side: just got my parents a dvd player that'll do avis.
[12:15:25] qu0zl: Thanks Juski. The scan convertors are the 200$ ones you see? They lose much quality in the process?
[12:15:27] D-side: i've been burning more than usual.
[12:15:54] Juski: qu0zl: you lose resolution, for one thing
[12:16:14] Juski: good line doubling doesn't come cheap either
[12:16:35] Juski: far less hassle to use svideo from a tv-out
[12:16:37] qu0zl: heh, i'm hoping my colleague buys/makes one so i can test it
[12:16:42] Brains (Brains! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[12:16:49] qu0zl: my svideo connector tends to lead to reds bleeding a bit on screen
[12:17:02] Juski: sounds like your tv is shite then
[12:17:09] qu0zl: yep i'd say it is
[12:17:15] [Outcast]: PAL run at 50hhz don't they
[12:17:17] qu0zl: jvc 28"
[12:17:24] Juski: rgb won;t improve it much I suspect
[12:17:36] Juski: PAL is 50hz yes
[12:17:45] qu0zl: it's weird, the reds don't bleed noticably without the pvr in the system
[12:17:58] qu0zl: straight cable feed is much better
[12:18:12] [Outcast]: that mean i need to change my config to run at 50hz to work with my tv
[12:18:58] Juski: [Outcast]: if you're using TV out, the tv encoder on the vga card does that if you specify the right video standard
[12:19:42] [Outcast]: i am still getting a grey screen
[12:19:58] [Outcast]: when x starts
[12:21:09] Juski: [Outcast]:Option "TVOutputFormat" "Composite" for composite tv out.. or "S-video" for svid output
[12:22:52] [Outcast]: k
[12:22:56] [Outcast]: trying
[12:23:31] Juski: I'm assuming you're using nvidia...
[12:24:41] bjohnson (bjohnson! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:25:30] GreyFoxx: grill33cheese
[12:25:41] GreyFoxx: grar, stupid cut n paste
[12:27:02] geemark (geemark! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:30:04] D-side: heh
[12:30:05] [Outcast]: Juski, nah trident cyberblade i1
[12:30:13] D-side: GreyFoxx: boy does that smell like a password
[12:30:26] GreyFoxx: It is
[12:30:37] D-side: or rather "it was" :)
[12:30:39] GreyFoxx: Good luck finding the machine it's set on :)
[12:30:42] [Outcast]: hehe
[12:30:53] D-side: i love a challenge. :)
[12:31:01] [Outcast]: GreyFoxx, your mythbox?
[12:31:09] GreyFoxx: [Outcast]: Heh, no
[12:31:24] [Outcast]: had to try :)
[12:31:36] GreyFoxx: It's a dev windows vmware session I'm setting up for some guys here to develope something for a customer :)
[12:31:49] [Outcast]: nice
[12:32:28] GreyFoxx: vmware is sweet
[12:33:30] Zider: qemu too
[12:33:58] D-side: i'm enjoying the server beta very much.
[12:34:48] [Outcast]: still a grey screen
[12:34:52] [Outcast]: hhmmm
[12:35:05] [Outcast]: i need to talk to trident me thinks
[12:35:37] Juski: [Outcast]: are you trying to use svideo or composite?
[12:36:21] [Outcast]: composite
[12:36:29] [Outcast]: with pal
[12:36:48] Juski: chances are it's mono because it's not set to PAL
[12:38:28] Zider: what does audio has to do with pal?
[12:38:46] Juski: monochrome...
[12:38:48] Juski: greyscale...
[12:38:55] Zider: oh.. *not awake yet*
[12:38:58] [Outcast]: when i say grey screen. I mean the whole screen is grey i can't see anything
[12:39:07] Juski: ah!
[12:39:16] Juski: different kettle of ferrets, that
[12:39:24] [Outcast]: yes
[12:39:26] [Outcast]: it is
[12:39:37] [Outcast]: i have it set to pal...I think
[12:40:03] [Outcast]: i can see the boot up text, but when x starts nothing
[12:40:20] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:40:48] [Outcast]: it is drving me crazy
[12:41:39] Zider: I get a grey (or white) screen when I set the resolution too high
[12:42:15] darkdrgn2k (darkdrgn2k! has quit ()
[12:43:39] [Outcast]: part of my XF86Config-4:
[12:44:39] Zider: why so many bit depth resolutions?
[12:46:10] [Outcast]: default config
[12:46:27] [Outcast]: i am working on taking them out, what should i go with
[12:47:10] Zider: 16 and/or 24
[12:47:33] hpAuto (hpAuto! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[12:52:33] chris3_: hi, anyone there who can help me out how to test mythtv-eit branch?
[12:52:34] chris3_: do i have to merge mythtv-eit into trunk?
[12:54:28] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit ("Leaving")
[12:55:19] croppa (croppa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:55:57] [Outcast]: i just found something in the messages log : Jul 6 00:53:04 mythtv pci.rc[3278]: ignoring pci display device on 01:00.0
[12:55:58] GreyFoxx: Juski: You around ?
[12:55:59] Merlin83b: chris3_: No, you just check out that branch. It may help you to go and read up on SVN :-)
[12:56:31] electrichamster (electrichamster!n=electric@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:59:29] pickler (pickler! has quit ("-)->")
[12:59:42] [Outcast]: anyone know what that means
[13:00:05] Juski: GreyFoxx: yup
[13:01:11] GreyFoxx: Juski: Do you colo a box right now? Or just host a website ?
[13:01:34] GreyFoxx: I've just been asked to seek out recommendations for either coloing a box (or a virtual linux machine) in Europe
[13:01:44] Juski: neither. I use my ISP's webspace & a crappy redirect
[13:01:48] GreyFoxx: ahhh ok
[13:02:04] [Outcast]: GreyFoxx, i am using a VPS with
[13:02:19] [Outcast]: it run asterisk pretty good
[13:02:25] Juski: next time I buy a redirect I'll get one that doesn't cheat by putting stuff into frames
[13:03:04] Juski: or just use a host that lets me use a proper domain...
[13:03:05] GreyFoxx: [Outcast]: How are they for pricing? good connection and support ?
[13:03:19] GreyFoxx: We'll be using it primarily for a remote DNS server
[13:03:27] GreyFoxx: Juski: How much BW do you use currently ?
[13:03:30] Merlin83b: GreyFoxx: I might know someone that does colo ;-)
[13:03:50] Juski: GreyFoxx: not much
[13:04:35] Juski: Merlin83b: got some bad news. I think I broke the s100's disk-on-module thingy. I can't write to it anymore :-/
[13:04:37] GreyFoxx: Juski: I can give you free space/dns
[13:04:50] Merlin83b: Juski: Oops :-(
[13:04:56] Merlin83b: If only you had a spare box...
[13:05:00] GreyFoxx: OR a simple redirect
[13:05:18] [1][Outcast] ([1][Outcast]! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:05:26] GreyFoxx: Merlin83b: Cool
[13:05:35] [1][Outcast]:
[13:05:36] Juski: GreyFoxx: cool, but my domain name will be a hassle (and expense) to transfer from the current provider before it expires :-(
[13:06:06] Merlin83b: GreyFoxx: I work at and we do colo :-)
[13:06:09] [Outcast] ([Outcast]! has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[13:06:10] GreyFoxx: What's the name ?
[13:06:13] Juski: Merlin83b: I've got it booting from a USB stick now.. trying to get minimyth to work with nfsroot
[13:06:15] [1][Outcast] is now known as [Outcast]
[13:06:29] Merlin83b: Good Juski, that's what I wanted to do anyway :-)
[13:06:39] Merlin83b: (If it won't do pxe)
[13:06:42] GreyFoxx: Merlin83b: Cool. We do it here as well, but we preferr geographically diverse DNS servers. We have one here (Nova Scotia), one on the other aside of the country and want one in Europe
[13:06:53] Merlin83b: GreyFoxx: Makes sense, we do the same :-)
[13:07:08] gardengnome: re
[13:07:21] Juski: gardengnome: scroll up a bit.. :-(
[13:07:31] GreyFoxx: Merlin83b: we have a third dns server now, but we want it to be "far" away
[13:07:43] Merlin83b: Our stuff's in London
[13:08:16] gardengnome: Juski: i saw it :/
[13:08:17] GreyFoxx: Juski: If you want a simple redirect you can just edit DNS and point the host at me and I can redirect it without any frames foolishness
[13:08:19] gardengnome: Juski: how's the cold?
[13:08:30] Juski: gardengnome: the DoM just gets hot now.. :-/
[13:08:40] Juski: cold is good enough to go back to work tomorrow
[13:08:43] gardengnome: Juski: open it up to see if anything is wrong
[13:08:47] GreyFoxx: Merlin83b: Any idea what a colo box would cost? Do you guys do hosting of virtual (vmware) servers ?
[13:08:52] Juski: gardengnome: nothing obvious
[13:09:10] gardengnome: Juski: complain to the ebay seller ;)
[13:09:20] Merlin83b:
[13:09:34] Juski: I think I broke it when I mis-plugged it. damn keyboard header gets in the way
[13:09:38] GreyFoxx: Merlin83b: Of course
[13:09:57] Juski: that _shouldn't_ have broken it.. but with these things you never know
[13:10:47] GreyFoxx: Just curious as this will be doing nothing but slave DNS and not really "worthy" of a full box to itself, so I was considering some of the places that do Virtual hosting as well. Still investigating
[13:11:03] Juski: ah.. vcc is on pin 20.. off by one & it could've put vcc on GND.. and if a signal line went too low.. kapow
[13:11:11] Merlin83b: Fair enough. Keep us in mind if you do go for real colo/ded service :-)
[13:11:19] gardengnome: Juski: *shrug* i once literally let the smoke out of a floppy drive when i plugged it into the IDE connector
[13:11:34] GreyFoxx: Merlin83b: What sort of BW restrictions ?
[13:11:38] Juski: everything has smoke in it just waiting to be released :-D
[13:11:56] Merlin83b: GreyFoxx: 50GB per month as standard, 100Mbps connection and fine to burst up to that.
[13:14:00] GreyFoxx: cool
[13:14:14] GreyFoxx: We shouldn't need anywhere close to that heh
[13:14:25] Merlin83b: It'd be a lot of DNS if you did :-)
[13:14:32] GreyFoxx: yeah
[13:14:59] gardengnome: hrm. dmesg says: "mythbackend: page allocation failure", and i get lots of traces in dmesg. :/ it's possibly related to the fact that i was just recording for like 1hour from the svideo input of my pvr 250 while the receiver was only outputting a black picture.
[13:15:00] GreyFoxx: My coworker just joked "We should host a DNS server with them, and they can host one with us"
[13:15:04] bitlogic (bitlogic!n=bitlogic@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:15:05] Juski: £17.99 a year is 'budget' ? I hope the tech support is second to none
[13:15:27] GreyFoxx: Where are you seeing that ?
[13:15:39] Merlin83b:
[13:15:46] Merlin83b: And the tech support is good.
[13:15:57] Merlin83b: For the features, it's budget.
[13:16:08] Merlin83b: GreyFoxx: That a serious joke or a jokey joke?
[13:16:47] GreyFoxx: Actually I think he was pretty serious
[13:17:17] Merlin83b: GreyFoxx: You or he or whoever's responsible drop a mail to me about it – daniel at 34sp dot com. We may well be able to work something out :-)
[13:17:18] GreyFoxx: but using a joke
[13:17:23] GreyFoxx: cool :)
[13:18:34] bitlogic (bitlogic!n=bitlogic@ has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[13:19:50] [Outcast]: now i am getting some where
[13:20:20] [Outcast]: i replaced the drivers that via provided with this one
[13:20:22] [Outcast]:
[13:20:39] Dibblah_ (Dibblah_! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:20:40] [Outcast]: now it look like a resolution issue now
[13:20:55] gardengnome: [Outcast]: "Version 0.1 released 20/12/2002"
[13:21:01] gardengnome: get a recent one :)
[13:21:29] [Outcast]: that is a the most recent alt drive i could find
[13:21:48] gardengnome: [Outcast]: what about
[13:22:18] [Outcast]: not compatable with my board
[13:22:45] gardengnome: oh, i'm sorry, then.
[13:23:41] Juski: kernel panic – not syncing: No init found. ouchio
[13:23:42] [Outcast]: no problem already covered that earlier
[13:28:27] Neeesat25: Juski?
[13:29:48] prologic (prologic! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:29:49] Juski: eh?
[13:29:51] Disputin (Disputin! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:30:13] Juski: hmm looks like I need to point the kernel to init
[13:30:14] Neeesat25: Juski I have fix channels
[13:30:16] prologic: Q: how much bandwidth is required to streams eomthing out form the backend ? (say using a PVR-150 with mpeg2 encoder)
[13:30:33] Neeesat25: The problem I had with crash was with encrypted channels
[13:30:38] Juski: prologic: depends on the content
[13:30:47] prologic: mpeg2 content afaik
[13:30:55] gardengnome: Juski: init = / – but your problem is probably that your kernel can't mount /
[13:30:56] prologic: not sure what it's being captured at though
[13:31:16] prologic: from looking at my network graphs, my backend is sending out about 770Kb/s over my lan (wired)
[13:31:34] Neeesat25: Juski: Is there a fix for that?
[13:31:35] prologic: roughly 6Mbps as far as I can tell
[13:32:05] D-side: prologic: that'll depend entirely on the bitrate of the stream.
[13:32:14] prologic: of course
[13:32:34] Juski: gardengnome: it does mount it okay.. it's just that it can't find init. gonna have to modify some shit
[13:32:35] prologic: I'm just testing to see if a laptop can view stuff from the backend over a wireless
[13:32:38] D-side: so...
[13:32:42] Neeesat25: also I do not hear sound out of LiveTV
[13:32:48] prologic: so far it doesn't work very well on my old Minitar (802.11b)
[13:32:55] D-side: with b, i'd think not.
[13:32:59] prologic: yeah
[13:33:00] D-side: 11mbit my ass.
[13:33:05] prologic: yeah
[13:33:06] prologic: :)
[13:33:24] Juski: 1mbit? with a prevailing wind?
[13:33:29] D-side: i stream 6mbit'ish over G with no problems.
[13:33:30] prologic: haha
[13:33:37] prologic: ahh good
[13:33:42] prologic: because that's what seems to be streamed out
[13:33:58] prologic: anyways, I'll try again with a 802.11g ap later tomorrow
[13:34:02] D-side: good luck.
[13:34:17] Neeesat25: Error opening Audio Device (dev/dsp), the error was: no such file or directory
[13:34:55] gardengnome: Juski: that's weird.
[13:35:05] prologic: heh thanks
[13:35:11] prologic (prologic! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[13:35:36] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:35:54] Juski: gardengnome: not really. minimyth comes in a cramfs, which I've uncrammed. there's a sbin/init which does stuff, but the kernel's not looking for _that_
[13:36:32] akaias (akaias! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:36:42] gardengnome: Juski: you messing with minimyth for the s100?
[13:36:50] Juski: gardengnome: yup
[13:37:01] Juski: it's doing stuff now
[13:37:16] gardengnome: nice
[13:37:32] Juski: not great stuff, but stuff all the same
[13:38:32] akaias (akaias! has joined #mythtv-users
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[13:40:36] [Outcast]: it look like my sync is all screwed up now
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[14:02:39] power1 (power1! has joined #mythtv-users
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[14:04:04] power1: Hey all, I finally manged to import my providers xml file into my with mythfilldatabase --file command.....all is in order except the myth program guide shows programs currently running that are actually 2 hours in the future.....any ideas...?? My system time is correct its the first thing i checked.
[14:04:59] gardengnome: make sure your timezone is also correct. you may adjust a time offset for xmltv data in mythtv-setup
[14:06:18] geemark: is a Segmentaion fault,when trying to start mythbackend, a known error? I cna't seem to find any info on it
[14:07:39] power1: gardengnome, thanks, I have tried adjusting the time offset in mythtv-setup but it seems to make no difference... I run mythimportdatabase again after each time I change the time offset but makes no difference to the program guide...
[14:08:13] power1: gardengnome, do i perhaps have to stop the mybackend to do this and then restart it after the change is made...?? u think that could be the problem?
[14:08:54] Daedalus_: geemark: A Seg fault is typically a coding problem of a rather large sort. Did you compile myth yourself, or did you download binaries?
[14:09:13] geemark: Daedalus_: compiled myself
[14:09:17] otwin (otwin! has left #mythtv-users ()
[14:09:43] Daedalus_: geemark: Hrmm... from a release version, or from the repository snapshot?
[14:10:22] geemark: Daedalus_: I used the primary download .tar.bz2 from
[14:10:27] gardengnome: power1: you might have to reimport your data. emptying the program table might help, too
[14:10:40] chris3_ (chris3_! has quit ("Trillian (")
[14:10:47] Daedalus_: geemark: Ok. What architecture are you using? x86?
[14:11:00] geemark: yep
[14:11:16] power1: gardengnome, I do re-import the data, every time I make a change but it makes no difference...
[14:11:16] Daedalus_: geemark: 32-bit or 64-bit?
[14:11:19] geemark: 32
[14:11:32] power1: gardengnome, how do I empty the program table?
[14:12:36] geemark: power1: I think you can use the sql "delete from mythconverg.program;", but I'm not sure that's what he means
[14:12:39] power1: gardengnome, do I need to stop the backend when I use "mythtv-setup" to change the time offset?
[14:13:02] power1: geemark, thanks
[14:13:07] Daedalus_: geemark: Well... the only thing I can think of is that you have the wrong libraries.
[14:14:07] geemark: Daedalus_: if i use the "-v all" flag, the last thing before the segfault is "TVRec(2): ClearFlags(ExitPlayer,FinishRecording,) -> RunMainLoop,"
[14:14:08] Daedalus_: geemark: try an ldd on the mythbackend binary. See if it's finding all the libraries
[14:15:02] geemark: Daedalus_: it lists 56 libraries, and reports no errors
[14:15:16] Daedalus_ (Daedalus_! has quit ("User disconnected")
[14:15:28] geemark: bah
[14:16:07] Daedalus_ (Daedalus_! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:16:26] geemark: Daedalus_: it lists 56 libraries, and reports no errors
[14:17:02] Juski: well I've kinda got minimyth booting on the s100 now. I can telnet into it
[14:17:09] Merlin83b: Yay
[14:17:10] Daedalus_: geemark: Hrmm... and all the lines have 2 parts (eg: all the arrows have something on the right side?)
[14:17:20] Daedalus_: err i.e.
[14:17:38] Juski: Merlin83b: problem is, the splashscreen doo-dah thingy isn't worky
[14:17:56] Merlin83b: Oh :-(
[14:17:57] Juski: taken a piccy of it and I'll post it on the linpvr forum
[14:18:02] geemark: Daedalus_: "/lib/ (0xb7f1a000)" has no arrow, and " => (0xffffe000)" , but I guess that means native kernel?
[14:20:09] power1: gardengnome, ??? help please
[14:21:00] gardengnome: power1: with mysql.
[14:21:38] power1: gardengnome, do I need to stop the backend when I use "mythtv-setup" to change the time offset?
[14:22:17] gardengnome: power1: if you don't really know what you're doing, it is advisable that you turn the backend off while using mythtv-setup
[14:23:10] power1: gardengnome, whats the correct way of turning off backend /etc/init.d/mythbackend stop ?
[14:23:59] Juski: depends on your distro
[14:24:55] power1: Juski, i am using knoppmyth
[14:25:39] geemark: Daedalus_: any clues?
[14:26:39] geemark: wait, I just got an periodic other error: "*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (out): 0x08133008 ***" "Aborted"
[14:26:58] geemark: meaning?
[14:28:04] KaZeR (KaZeR! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:29:54] Cyberai (Cyberai! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:31:21] Cyberai: I am having a sound problem on my Ubuntu Dapper MythTV box. The TV part has sound, but not DVD (which uses Xine) I checked how Myth is set up to use sound and changed Xine to match, but no luck. Can anyone help?
[14:32:52] Cyberai: I got a suggestion in the ubuntu channel to change System->Preferences->Multimedia Selector to Alsa, but the Multimedia Selector isn't there on any ubuntu dapper box I check.
[14:35:18] geemark: I reinstalled glibc, and now mythbackend reports this: "*** glibc detected *** corrupted double-linked list: 0x081420d0 ***" – what can I do?
[14:37:57] tattrdkat (tattrdkat! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:41:21] Cyberai: geemark, I would suggest you de-install glibc completely using the package manager of your distro, then re-install using the package manager and let it clean up dependancies etc.
[14:41:30] Cyberai: geemark, what distro are you using
[14:42:01] Cyberai: to answer my own question from earlier, in the terminal type "gstreamer-properties" and set the output to ALSA.
[14:42:06] geemark: Cyberai: tried that :(
[14:42:17] Cyberai: geemark, what distro are you using?
[14:42:20] geemark: Cyberai: Debian
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[14:43:11] gardengnome: those glibc errors have showed up in the past. search the mailing lists
[14:43:11] geemark: i'm recompiling myth just to rule that out as an error source
[14:43:37] geemark: gardengnome: the mail-lists show lots of problems, but no clear solutions :/
[14:43:48] gardengnome: :/
[14:44:32] Cyberai: geemark, I suggest you downgrade your glibc to the latest stable
[14:44:47] Cyberai: if your on an advanced one
[14:45:04] pp is now known as primeministerp
[14:45:24] Cyberai: also, look closely at the versions of everything you are running, make absolutely certain they are all identical down to the last decimal of version.
[14:45:54] Cyberai: I run Myth on Ubuntu (might as well be Debian) and I have found it's very particular about that stuff
[14:46:21] Cyberai: and also, under no circumstances whatsoever install mysql 5 (at least on ubuntu)
[14:46:22] Dibblah_: Just run Gentoo. Then you'll have an entirely different set of problems :)
[14:46:36] geemark: hehe
[14:46:41] Cyberai: LOLZ
[14:46:49] geemark: Cyberai: I use mysql 5 already
[14:46:53] D-side: Dibblah_: Bah!
[14:47:16] Dibblah_ is now known as Dibblah
[14:47:19] Cyberai: ack
[14:47:36] Cyberai: and you had it working geemark ?
[14:48:00] geemark: Cyberai: never had mythtv working – installing for the first time
[14:48:14] geemark: I triede some debian binaries though, where I didn't have this problem
[14:48:30] geemark: (had a bunch others instead ;))
[14:49:08] geemark: Cyberai: also, I see with the "-v all" flag, that it successfully performs many mysql queries before crashing
[14:49:22] Cyberai: geemark, I heavily advise against using mysql5, the mythfilldatabase command uses commands that 5 doesn't like and mythtv won't run
[14:49:55] geemark: Cyberai: i have other applications depending on mysql5 – can I install multiple versions? :S
[14:50:19] Cyberai: ouch, I don't know
[14:50:24] Cyberai: not my area of expertise
[14:50:44] geemark: if not i'm screwed
[14:50:47] Cyberai: I have heard of people making mysql5 work, but how they did it is unknown to me
[14:50:55] geemark: ok
[14:51:02] jams: they are using svn or the fixes branch
[14:51:04] gardengnome: running 0.19-fixes might help
[14:51:24] jams: hi gardengnome
[14:52:00] gardengnome: heya jams!
[14:52:14] MatsK (MatsK! has joined #MythTV-Users
[14:52:26] Cyberai: I tried 0.19 with 5, no luck for me, but didn't go to fixes
[14:52:29] virsys (virsys! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:52:58] geemark: Cyberai: what kind of errors did you run into, and at what stage?
[14:52:59] Cyberai: I am trying to stay with stable versions designed for my distro and available in repositories
[14:53:36] Cyberai: geemark, I got everything installed, but could not get my tv settings from ZAP2IT to load. SO I could not tune channels, see tv listings etc.
[14:53:39] geemark: Cyberai: mysql5 is in debians apt reps also – under "testing" at least – the "stable" packages are like from the previous century
[14:53:40] Aid` (Aid`!n=Aid@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:53:46] jams: .19 does not work with mysql5 -fixes does
[14:54:01] Cyberai: geemark, yes, Debian is archaic in that respect, Ubuntu is not.
[14:54:36] Cyberai: geemark, I know of no one who actually runs the DEbian stable. Pretty much everyone runs testing or even newer
[14:55:06] ** gardengnome runs stable on his mythtv boxen. **
[14:55:08] geemark: you could install debian stable on a NASA space shuttle and look the other way while you launch it :P but what good is that if the software is 100 years old?
[14:55:12] Cyberai: someone needs to get the greybeards controlling Debian to take some viagra and date younger women
[14:55:28] geemark: hehe
[14:55:57] Cyberai: at the very least, just to get hardware support up to date
[14:58:19] geemark: anyone up for a new olympic discipline?
[14:58:35] Cyberai: myth install and config?
[14:58:40] gardengnome: debian bashing?
[14:58:42] geemark: the championships of timed MythTV compilation
[14:58:58] geemark: takes forever on my old piece of junk
[14:59:32] gardengnome: used to take 90 minutes on my athlon 700 with 384mb ram
[15:00:02] geemark: mine is a 950 Mhz athlon ;)
[15:00:05] Aid`: wow i really fucked up my big satellite last night
[15:00:11] Aid`: i mean messed, sorry for lang
[15:02:23] Aid`: some how my motor made it turn a full 90 degrees it like skipped over on the screw itself
[15:04:08] MatsK (MatsK! has quit ()
[15:08:34] dorel__: where is mythtv's log file aside from it's logging to stdout?
[15:08:47] dorel__: i have only /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log which is basically useless :P
[15:09:24] gardengnome: that's about it. you may increase the verbosity level, though. myth[back|front]end --verbose help
[15:10:00] Cyberai: dorel__, I did what gardengnome is suggesting with great success to find my installation problems
[15:10:45] dorel__: ahh ok
[15:10:59] dorel__: ill search that
[15:11:47] puthre (puthre!n=puthre@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:12:30] geemark: is it possible to configure the backend without using the graphical mythtv-setup? it would be nice to have some configfiles – also for backup purposes
[15:13:22] dorel__: geemark: i suppose you could just write to the mysql db
[15:14:33] dorel__: gardengnome: these are just types of verbosity level but im talking about actually maintaining a dump of it all on a flat file
[15:14:50] dorel__: gardengnome: ahh nm, i see the -l option for log file
[15:15:10] geemark: dopez: so the actual configuration is in the db? i see, thanks
[15:15:18] geemark: dorel__ even, sorry
[15:16:47] Cyberai: dorel__, I always run mythfrontend with the -v and -l options to a predetermined log file. That way if anything goes wrong I can do an autopsy.
[15:17:35] geemark: mmm, autopsies *rrrrr* </homer>
[15:20:35] geemark: is it normal for mythfilldatabase to take forever to complete?
[15:20:42] geemark: (using xmltv)
[15:21:47] dorel__: can i have 2 config directives in .lircrc?
[15:22:27] dorel__: button = Ch+
[15:22:27] dorel__: repeat = 3
[15:22:27] dorel__: config = Up
[15:22:27] dorel__: config = /bin/chup
[15:22:32] dorel__: something like this
[15:22:39] Cyberai: dorel__, only if they apply to two different applications (mythtv and xine for example)
[15:22:40] dorel__: arr, sorry for the multiline paste
[15:22:58] dorel__: uhmm, no, it's for the same app
[15:23:03] Cyberai: geemark, sometimes, yeah
[15:23:05] dorel__: for mythtv
[15:23:18] dorel__: i'd like to to run a script as well as change the channel
[15:23:33] Cyberai: dorel__, if I may ask, what does the script do?
[15:23:58] dorel__: well currently it writes to a text file something just so i know it works
[15:24:07] dorel__: they main goal is to keep a log of the channels the user switches to
[15:24:18] dorel__: i'd love to know if there's some other way like mythtv is logging it or something
[15:24:45] Cyberai: dorel__, trying to monitor the viewing habits of a minor?
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[15:52:58] dorel__: lol yeah Cyberai
[15:54:55] geemark: when using lirc – why does myth ignore my mappings? even if it states that it fails to connect to the lird deamon, it still works, with some strange keys
[15:55:20] geemark: should I conpile myth without lirc to make it stop interfering with the lird deamon?
[15:55:27] Dagmar: No.
[15:58:32] geemark: how does it work? I should install and use both?
[15:58:41] vud1 (vud1!n=vud1@unaffilitated/vud1) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:58:53] vud1: hi
[15:59:00] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:59:09] vud1: there are any way to control mythtv from web browser
[15:59:19] vud1: the module mythweb is too... "limited"
[15:59:25] pickler (pickler! has quit ("-)->")
[15:59:26] Dagmar: That's as good as it gets
[15:59:33] vud1: and i would like to stop, change song, etc from web
[15:59:52] kormoc: there's the new 'telnet' interface
[16:00:01] kormoc: and there's modules for mythweb in development
[16:00:15] vud1: mm
[16:00:30] vud1: there are any mythweb list web?
[16:00:38] vud1: sorry
[16:00:44] vud1: there are any modules mythweb list web?
[16:00:52] vud1: perhaps there are any module useful for me
[16:01:03] kormoc: not really, but you can check the -dev and the -users mailing lists
[16:03:48] pickler (pickler! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:09:12] geemark: ok, so updated libc6 scripts, a recompile and a reboot caused the libc errors to disappear – however, mythbackend still segfaults right after "TVRec(1): ClearFlags(ExitPlayer,FinishRecording,) -> RunMainLoop," !!!
[16:11:59] geemark: any help or useful google links are much appreciated :)
[16:13:29] Delemas (Delemas! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:13:50] Dagmar: If you upgraded glibc, you're screwed
[16:14:06] geemark: Dagmar: well, i reinstalled it
[16:14:26] geemark: same version
[16:14:32] hhhjr (hhhjr! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:15:03] d3ity (d3ity!n=d3ity@unaffiliated/d3ity) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:15:06] d3ity: hey all
[16:15:10] hhhjr: can any1 help a nubie to linux and mythtv, please
[16:15:43] Anduin: hhhjr: One if you type out one.
[16:16:02] gardengnome: hhhjr: read the manual, the wiki and the faq in the topic first :)
[16:16:39] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit ("Leaving")
[16:16:46] hhhjr: i have been reading for like 3 months and have exhausted all hope
[16:17:31] gardengnome: reading was a little bit tough at first, but after elementary school i started to enjoy it.
[16:17:46] lcase (lcase! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:17:47] Anduin: hhhjr: So ask real questions.
[16:18:27] Juski: oh hell. I just got 99 takedowns in burnout3
[16:18:30] hhhjr: i have at least gotten closer but i cant get through compiling xmltv
[16:18:45] gardengnome: Juski: poor seat. :/
[16:18:51] hhhjr: Can't locate Term/ in @INC
[16:18:53] gardengnome: hhhjr: what distro?
[16:19:01] hhhjr: debian etch
[16:19:08] Juski: hhhjr: tell you what that is.. missing PERL library or ten
[16:19:13] gardengnome: hhhjr: install the missing stuff via your distro's package management tool or CPAN
[16:19:22] gardengnome: hhhjr: umm, debian etch comes with xmltv.
[16:19:34] hhhjr: ok thanks
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[16:19:57] gardengnome: apt-get install xmltv – just hope that it's not an old release where your grabber is broken
[16:22:07] Delemas: Has anyone else in here seen lockup problems when the ivtv driver try to load it's 2nd firmware file and/or it reporting a missing firmware (which is really there) as per ?
[16:22:30] hhhjr: thanks sometimes it pays to ask. thanks again
[16:23:01] gardengnome: hhhjr: if you ask good questions, it's likely you'll get help in here :)
[16:23:05] DGnome:
[16:23:26] geemark: ./configure says "DTS passthrough no" – how do I enable that? --help doesn't help me
[16:24:15] Delemas: I already have a solution, I'm having a discussion on the ivtv-dev mailing re: how wide spread the failure mode is...
[16:25:33] vud1 (vud1!n=vud1@unaffilitated/vud1) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:26:39] gardengnome: DGnome: dugg.
[16:27:31] DGnome: yay! :)
[16:27:40] gardengnome: :)
[16:28:26] DGnome: hoping for a bit of a slashdotting, hope that poor server can stand the possible load
[16:29:35] DGnome: 107 complete downloads of the report, ~350 partial
[16:30:14] gardengnome: heh, nice
[16:31:39] lcase (lcase! has quit ()
[16:33:27] gardengnome:
[16:33:29] gardengnome: oops.
[16:35:35] DGnome: :o
[16:44:32] d3ity: hey guys
[16:44:44] d3ity: my guide doesn't show any info no matter how many times i run mythfilldatabase
[16:44:47] d3ity: what could be wrong?
[16:45:06] gardengnome: maybe you need to connect your video source to the input of your capture card in mythtv-setup
[16:45:36] d3ity: I think that's already done
[16:45:56] d3ity: yeah, thats already done
[16:46:11] Anduin: d3ity: does mythfilldatabase say it has actually done anything?
[16:46:23] hhhjr: hey ppl thanks i have finally begun to compile mythtv
[16:46:38] d3ity: Anduin, it appears to work normally
[16:48:02] Anduin: d3ity: I'd look at the program table (or at least make sure there are entries there 'select count(*) from program;')
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[16:50:38] NHIwerx (NHIwerx!n=frank@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[16:50:46] d3ity: Anduin, i hate sql syntax, could you provide the command for me?
[16:51:04] Anduin: d3ity: I did (other than connecting).
[16:51:30] d3ity: ah, didn't see that
[16:51:33] d3ity: it shows 0
[16:51:43] Anduin: d3ity: 0 is bad
[16:51:51] d3ity: Anduin, how do we fix 0
[16:52:17] Anduin: d3ity: run mythfilldatabase, put the output on a fancy paste site
[16:52:31] d3ity: kk
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[16:56:58] d3ity: waiting for pastebin now
[16:57:45] liran_: whats the purpose of mythfilldatabase?
[16:57:52] liran_: if we're already at it.
[16:58:18] gardengnome: liran_: puts EPG data into the database.
[17:02:03] Delemas (Delemas! has quit ("Client exiting")
[17:04:58] d3ity: god this one is slow
[17:05:11] d3ity: i hate
[17:05:26] Anduin:
[17:05:34] d3ity: word
[17:05:44] gardengnome:
[17:06:10] d3ity: now its a race
[17:06:15] zwaaaaa (zwaaaaa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:06:28] d3ity:
[17:06:41] d3ity: and the winner, after a 5 min head start for is...rafb!
[17:08:02] Anduin: d3ity: and when you log in to zap2it your lineups are right (and have actual channels selected)?
[17:08:13] d3ity: yes
[17:12:35] primeministerp (primeministerp!n=ppouliot@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[17:17:55] d3ity: any ideas?
[17:18:18] Anduin: d3ity: You'll need to wait until after the blocked time.
[17:18:35] d3ity: blocked time?
[17:19:49] Anduin: d3ity: At the end of the output, I thought it failed better, but apparently not
[17:20:30] d3ity: so...what do I do, when does this blocked time end and if it's more than the next 15 mins, how do I clear that blocked time out so that it may be reblocked
[17:21:07] kormoc: 2006-07–05 13:21:34.098 DataDirect: BlockedTime is: 2006-07–05T13:02:15
[17:21:18] Anduin: d3ity: You clear a blocked time by waiting, I believe times are CST so, yeah, more than 15 minutes.
[17:21:45] d3ity: so... is there any way to dodge this blocked time?
[17:21:57] kormoc: no, it's server side on zap2it's site
[17:21:59] d3ity: i've been without listings for the past week
[17:22:38] Anduin: d3ity: I'd probably use my next timeslot to download the raw data, that way you could play with it and mythfilldatabase.
[17:23:10] d3ity: meh
[17:23:14] d3ity: i suppose i'll survive
[17:23:28] d3ity: so does that mean I have to wait till 1 PM on the 7th?
[17:23:48] Anduin: d3ity: You are reading the wrong number.
[17:24:17] trentster (trentster! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:24:29] d3ity: BlockedTime is: 2006-07–05T13:02:15 -> 2006, july, 5th, 1:02
[17:24:47] Anduin: Correct.
[17:24:56] d3ity: but if its CST, then, i suppose that would be about 3/4 PM here
[17:25:26] Anduin: Should be in ~37 minutes.
[17:25:35] trentster: Silly question, I went to the minimilist theme in mythtv, and now there is no setings menu to go back in and change the theme....any ideas how to get back into that menu.
[17:26:03] d3ity: alright, that sounds better
[17:26:08] Anduin: trentster: You need to do the special step which enables the setup menu.
[17:26:23] trentster: Anduin, yes share..
[17:26:42] Anduin: trentster: I just know it exists, I don't actually remember it specifically.
[17:27:45] Anduin (Anduin! has left #mythtv-users ()
[17:27:52] trentster: Anduin, thanks anyway man...
[17:31:05] ** d3ity yawns **
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[17:34:27] trentster: please if any1 can remember this please let me know.
[17:35:06] Dagmar: I get the feeling I should just write a perl script with some snippets of SQL in it for people to use to reset their stuff back to sane defaults.
[17:35:37] d3ity: would be nice
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[17:38:07] Dagmar: No, it wouldn't.
[17:38:18] Dagmar: It would almost certainly have at least one nasty easter egg in it
[17:38:52] Dagmar: Something that might ask you what your favorite colour is, and if you don't say "blue" or something it picks at random it prints all the images in your browser cache.
[17:39:17] Dagmar: ..because right now, that's what the little genie in my sake bottle is telling me would be cool.
[17:40:01] Dagmar: Later when I'm sober, maybe.
[17:44:13] scales (scales! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:46:57] scales: anyone in?
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[17:47:31] scales: i was curious where i would get drivers for a gamepad. i think something called jtest, or joypad....
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[17:58:49] gardengnome: scales: that's not a driver :) google a little bit. the kernel module for my gamepad is 'analog.ko' iirc
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[18:32:12] Juski: is this channel like a search engine? :-P
[18:32:35] Juski: or like a "can't be bothered to search" engine? ;-)
[18:34:37] Dagmar: The latter, obviously.
[18:35:21] Dagmar: I've gone back to my "one idiot question per querent" policy
[18:35:39] Juski: heh
[18:35:49] Dagmar: If I can paste the question into Google and see the answer, I tell them that answer and then let them dangle from it
[18:36:24] Juski: I sometimes paste a link to the results of a google search to give them a hint
[18:37:01] gardengnome: ;)
[18:43:01] Aid`: =o
[18:43:22] Aid`: did i use my "one idiot question per querent"?
[18:43:30] Dagmar: Days ago
[18:43:53] Dagmar: The search engine is THE most powerful tool you can possibly have when dealing with computers man.
[18:44:02] Dagmar: You should *really* try to cultivate a skill using it.
[18:44:21] Dagmar: Knowing everything is not *nearly* as important as being able to *find out* the things you don't know by searching.
[18:44:59] xris: Dagmar: dunno.. I think knowing everything is far better than not-knowing stuff and having to find out what it is.
[18:45:14] Dagmar: Not with technology.
[18:45:19] xris: impossible, but better.
[18:45:20] Dagmar: The stuff one knows becomes obsolete too quickly.
[18:45:30] Juski: that's why I've always thought learning stuff by rote like on the 1st year of a degree course I once did, is wrong
[18:45:36] xris: Dagmar: your definition of "everything" and mine differ...
[18:45:41] gardengnome: there are some eternal truths, too.
[18:45:47] Dagmar: Hell, with computer security if you blink twice in a row you could become outdated.
[18:46:00] Juski: not even wikipedia gets the eternal truths right though ;-)
[18:46:20] gardengnome: wikipedia? don't talk to me about wikipedia...
[18:46:34] Dagmar: I gotta spend a half hour reading mailing list traffic every day minimum just to stay reasonably current
[18:46:38] Juski: the worst kind of noob is the one who can't even spell it :-P
[18:53:55] Juski: bah cramfsutils doesn't seem to have uncramfs :-/
[18:55:25] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:55:39] Dagmar: That's called /bin/cp
[18:58:15] Juski: cp to uncram a crammed fs?
[19:00:59] dev: i'll show you where to cram an fs!
[19:02:49] Juski: yeah yeah
[19:17:40] topping (topping! has quit ()
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[19:26:26] kormoc: Juski, aye, copy from the mounted cramfs to a normal fs, and it's uncrammed!
[19:26:53] Juski: ah yeah but ...
[19:27:14] Juski: I'll get my coat
[19:27:39] kormoc: Juski, tho, google seems to think that uncramfs exists,
[19:30:05] Juski: yep
[19:30:20] Juski: was looking for a package for umbongo is all
[19:32:01] kormoc: ahh, fair nuff
[19:33:05] Juski: anyone ever seen a problem like this? . . . ytherror.png
[19:34:37] Dagmar: Looks like the kernel is missing framebuffer support to me
[19:35:22] Dagmar: ...or _the root filesystem_ support
[19:35:22] Juski: I think so too
[19:35:34] Juski: rootfs is ok
[19:35:37] Dagmar: Unless that cfg file is expected to not be there
[19:35:44] Juski: nope
[19:35:52] Juski: supposed to find 800x600
[19:36:00] Juski: oh wait a sec... bing!
[19:36:02] Juski: penny drops
[19:36:08] Dagmar: Then framebuffer support was left out, or whatever it is that makes udev auto-populate
[19:36:16] Dagmar: Can't remember at the moment
[19:42:34] Juski: no rule for fb devices in the udev rules.d file...
[19:44:49] gardengnome: compile it statically?
[19:45:07] Disputin (Disputin! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:45:09] speedsix (speedsix! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:46:21] Juski: gardengnome: not an option since I can't build any minimyth stuff here
[19:46:48] speedsix: howdy all
[19:47:18] speedsix (speedsix! has quit (Client Quit)
[19:47:52] gardengnome: nice phone, BTW.
[19:47:56] Juski: heh
[19:48:17] Juski: think I'm missing a vga line in the kernel options.. only one way to find out fer sure
[19:48:20] gardengnome: have init modprobe the module. before fbset happens.
[19:48:36] stevenh (stevenh!n=lews@ has quit ("Leaving")
[19:48:45] liran_: i've heard that the cable company put a password on the rs232 input of their box...
[19:48:56] liran_: is there any other way to get the current channel i'm on?
[19:49:13] Juski: liran_: have you tried ESP ?
[19:49:45] liran_: whats ESP?
[19:49:56] Juski: extra sensory perception
[19:50:00] Juski: like mind-reading
[19:50:07] liran_: lol
[19:50:17] liran_: good one juski :P
[19:50:27] Juski: if you can't interrogate the cable box erm... you're stuck
[19:50:33] liran_: yeah
[19:50:45] liran_: no chance to do it with the ir blaster eh?
[19:51:52] Juski: not unless the cable STB outputs its channel number with its own IR blaster
[19:52:06] Juski: that'd be a new 'un
[19:52:36] Juski: gardengnome: I dunno if fb is a module.. think it'd be built-in
[19:52:48] gardengnome: Juski: that'd make sense.
[19:52:53] liran_: right, ok ill find a way to do this
[19:55:47] Juski: funny, but I'd read up about minimyth not needing fb support in the kernel cos it uses some other method of doing bootsplash
[19:56:27] gardengnome: i don't think you can do bootsplash without having framebuffer support.
[19:58:18] Juski: you can.. think it's called gensplash
[19:58:34] gardengnome: that'll still need a framebuffer :)
[19:59:11] Juski: seeing if I can take the bootsplash crap out anyway
[19:59:15] DrMitch (DrMitch!n=me@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:59:20] Juski: it's not like you'd be able to see it on the TV anyway
[19:59:39] DrMitch: is there a way to record tv as mpg or avi instead of .nuv files?
[19:59:52] kslater: gensplash without a background image doesn't require a framebuffer
[19:59:54] Aid` (Aid`!n=Aid@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:00:11] Anduin: DrMitch: One of the hardware encoding cards.
[20:00:17] kormoc: DrMitch, get a pvr 150/250/350/500 or similar and run myth 0.19 or higher
[20:00:20] gardengnome: kslater: oh, nice.
[20:00:50] Juski: and there's no way to tell if fb support is in the kernel for this hardware without seeing the config file...
[20:01:27] Juski: I might crack on with zenslack instead
[20:01:47] jams: Juski- the config file might be in /proc
[20:01:54] DrMitch: 80 – 100 dollars ... esh
[20:02:16] jams: depends on the initial config if it's there or not
[20:02:43] kormoc: DrMitch, The hardware encoding cards have the benifit that they don't eat up cpu while recording, so it lessens the load on the backend by a ton
[20:02:53] kormoc: they also tend to look a bit better
[20:02:58] Juski: cat /proc/devices shows me fb is there
[20:03:16] jams: do you cat a /proc/config.gz ?
[20:03:23] Juski: might just be that udev isn't making the node
[20:03:28] Anduin: DrMitch: in other words, they are worth it (and can be found cheaper if you don't need a remote/look harder)
[20:03:54] xris: DrMitch: or pay for HD cable (if you live in the US) and use firewire
[20:04:10] Juski: jams: no such file
[20:04:58] kormoc: Juski, it might just be /proc/config
[20:05:07] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:05:19] Juski: kormoc: nothing called config in /proc
[20:05:24] kormoc: fair nuff
[20:06:20] kslater: gardengnome: it appears gensplash does require fb support in the kernel, but splashutils, part of gensplash can be used without fb to display a boot progress bar. sort of confusing
[20:06:58] Juski: ah
[20:07:08] Juski: I was confuzzled then
[20:07:16] Anduin (Anduin! has left #mythtv-users ()
[20:08:37] Juski: thing is – when I boot up I get a prompt saying the video mode isn't supported.. it gives me a list but there's only text modes listed. from that I think I can gather that there's no fb support in the kernel for this chipset
[20:09:48] geemark: when mythfrontend complaints about this-and-that .xml file when I change menus, what does that mean?
[20:09:54] Anduin (Anduin! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:10:01] geemark: aren't the menu item xml's installed when I do "make install"?
[20:10:06] gardengnome: Juski: isn't that normal? try vga=791 for 1024x768.
[20:10:25] Juski: gardengnome: vga=788 doesn't work, and it does on other boxen
[20:10:53] gardengnome: damn.
[20:12:37] chaskins (chaskins! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:13:47] chaskins: Hi
[20:14:30] chaskins: When I start mythtvbackend I'm getting the following message;
[20:14:31] chaskins: DVB#0 WARNING – Your frequency setting (0) is out of range. (min/max:44250000/867250000)
[20:15:10] chaskins: How do I set this ?
[20:15:54] xris: chaskins: sounds like you didn't set things up properly in mythtv-setup
[20:16:07] chaskins: I have added the correct freq in the transport editor but there are loads at 0Hz, can't delete them
[20:16:28] Juski: there's a bug I think... Hz get confused with kHz... either that or ....
[20:17:48] geemark: am I meant to have BOTH /usr/local/share/mythtv and /usr/share/mythtv? with a "themes" folder in each
[20:18:36] nosatalian (nosatalian! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:20:12] Anduin: geemark: No, that would mean you didn't use a consistent prefix (at some point)
[20:20:35] geemark: Anduin: I was afraid you might say that hehe
[20:20:44] geemark: at least I have something to work with now
[20:21:06] liran_: i've made some progress on my email plugin
[20:21:11] liran_: but i think i need more help with it :P
[20:21:25] geemark: Anduin: 2006-07–05 22:20:50.970 Using runtime prefix = /usr  — how may I change that?
[20:21:36] geemark: don't tell me I have to recompile again eheh
[20:22:19] Anduin: geemark: It is a confiure option (that you need to be consistent about)
[20:22:50] chaskins (chaskins! has quit ()
[20:23:03] geemark: Anduin: i know, but since I only compiled one thing (mythtv), it seems strange that "make install" installs it one place, and "mythbackend" expects it the other place
[20:23:41] chaskins (chaskins! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:23:47] Anduin: geemark: /usr/local is the default, so at some point you changed it
[20:23:51] xris: geemark: did you ever install from packages?
[20:24:04] geemark: xris: yes, but I removed them again
[20:24:19] xris: geemark: the /usr prefix is used by packages... maybe the removal failed at some point
[20:24:52] chaskins: Where do I set the frequency for the DVB card in mythtv-setup?
[20:25:34] geemark: xris: "which mythbackend" refers to the one in usr/local/bin – after the package removal, there was no longer any myth* in PATH
[20:27:21] chaskins: also how di I delete transports in the transport editor? You can add but do not seem to be able to remove.
[20:27:21] Speedy2 (Speedy2! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:27:39] Juski: hmm I bet vesafb isn't compiled in
[20:27:40] xris: chaskins: delete button
[20:27:51] chaskins: tries that and it has no effect
[20:27:59] xris: backspace?
[20:28:07] chaskins: hang on will try
[20:28:33] chaskins: Nope that didn't work, even tries 'd'
[20:35:23] xris: dunno. file a bug?
[20:36:17] chaskins: k will do
[20:37:35] Juski: wow. Pablo has made a new build for me already. star!
[20:38:20] shiznix_ (shiznix_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[20:39:03] makomk_ (makomk_!n=aidan@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:39:13] hhhjr: ok I hate to ask for more help but this is what I am getting trying to make myth
[20:39:17] chicken|work (chicken|work!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:39:44] beavis (beavis! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:39:47] hhhjr: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lXv
[20:39:49] hhhjr: collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
[20:39:49] lcase (lcase! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:39:50] hhhjr: make[2]: *** [] Error 1
[20:39:52] hhhjr: make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/hhhjr/Desktop/mythtv-0.19/libs/libmyth'
[20:39:53] hhhjr: make[1]: *** [sub-libmyth] Error 2
[20:39:55] hhhjr: make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/hhhjr/Desktop/mythtv-0.19/libs'
[20:39:57] hhhjr: make: *** [sub-libs] Error 2
[20:40:07] kormoc: you need libxv
[20:40:07] hhhjr: can some1 please help me with this
[20:40:16] kormoc: and you should use in the future rathern then spamming the channel
[20:40:40] hhhjr: paste bin sorry total nubie
[20:41:15] gardengnome: it is spelled "anyone" and "newbie" (or "newcomer"), for god's sake.
[20:41:28] gardengnome: we're not retarded, so you may speak english to us.
[20:41:46] hhhjr: sorry I type with 1 finger
[20:41:48] Juski: I miss seeing people get called 'fucktard'
[20:42:12] Beirdo: yeah, fucktard
[20:42:14] Beirdo: hehe
[20:42:23] kormoc: well, you might want to try using both hands and all 10 fingers. You can type faster that way, and in a way that will allow us to understand you.
[20:42:29] gardengnome: i wonder if beirdo has a highlight on "fucktard" :)
[20:42:39] Beirdo: heh, no, just happened to notice it
[20:42:41] ** gardengnome has to admit that he types with 2 fingers. **
[20:42:47] gardengnome: Beirdo: lame excuse.
[20:43:00] hhhjr: hey some ppl have disabilitys
[20:43:05] ** Juski excuses gardengnome cos he proll uses an AZWERTYRYTUEYWTR keyboard **
[20:43:19] Beirdo: hehe, german keyboard--
[20:43:35] gardengnome: Beirdo: right. shift + 7 for / just sucks.
[20:43:55] Juski: I more or less touch type, so imagine visiting France, borrowing a PC to send an email & reading it back.. :-P
[20:43:58] opello: i only ever use 1 or 2 fingers, but i alternate between all 10 ... silly capital letters making me use 2 fingers :p
[20:44:20] Beirdo: I use 3 sometimes
[20:44:24] Beirdo: usually to reboot
[20:44:27] kormoc: hhhjr, sure, but disabled people still can type correct. If it's not worth taking the time to do properly, it's likely not worth the time to do at all.
[20:44:31] gardengnome: three finger salute. heh.
[20:44:35] opello: heh
[20:44:55] kormoc: I tend to use 9 most of the time. My left pinky almost never gets used.
[20:44:57] Juski: anyway... looked like a missing library to me
[20:45:11] kormoc: Juski, aye, libxv infact :P
[20:45:14] Beirdo: kormoc, don't use the A key often?
[20:45:32] kormoc: Beirdo, I tend to use the finger next to the pinky for a
[20:45:32] jams (jams! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:45:41] Beirdo: heh
[20:45:42] Juski: libxv-dev if your're on debian, or umbongo-ish
[20:45:51] Beirdo: your typing teacher would be un-proud
[20:45:51] kormoc: my pinky tends to hover over the tab, caps lock, left shift, and ctrl
[20:45:56] hhhjr: ok thank you
[20:45:57] kormoc: ooh, very much so
[20:46:14] kormoc: but she gave up when I could type faster then anyone else in the class, including her
[20:46:20] Beirdo: hehe
[20:46:38] Beirdo: I could type 30+ WPM hunt & peck before I learned to touch-type
[20:46:42] makomk_ (makomk_!n=aidan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:46:57] Beirdo: my typing teacher didn't like that too much
[20:47:11] opello: heh
[20:47:29] Beirdo: that and "you use backspace too much!"
[20:47:44] Beirdo: bite me, I'll be typing mostly on a computer, not a typewriter!
[20:47:52] opello: i always answered that, "it wouldn't be there if i wasn't meant to use it"
[20:48:10] dev: i always got suspended in keyboarding/computer applications
[20:48:26] dev: hacking novell server and deleting partitions, showing people how to run control panel out of office, etc
[20:48:27] dev: heh
[20:48:35] Beirdo: heh
[20:48:40] opello: nice
[20:48:56] Beirdo: I put a machine language program on the Commodore PET computers in the lab once
[20:49:02] dev: never got suspended for fighting, or smoking, or anything like that.. nope.. i got suspended because of computer class heh
[20:49:16] Beirdo: it constantly scrolled all 256 ascii characters, no way to stope it
[20:49:23] Beirdo: the teacher freaked
[20:49:28] opello: lol
[20:49:30] Beirdo: "you broke the computer!"
[20:49:32] Beirdo: heh
[20:49:43] Beirdo: Oh, you know SOOOO much about programming :)
[20:49:51] dev: hehe nice i did something similar in basic, blew away the printer spool and printed out pages and pages of "this teacher is stupid" before she realised she had to just shut it off heh
[20:50:03] opello: haha
[20:50:14] Beirdo: this fool was pounding on the run/stop key over and over
[20:50:25] opello: run/stop restore!
[20:50:27] Beirdo: eventually, I put him out of his misery and shut the POS off
[20:50:40] Beirdo: 6502 assembly is so easy
[20:51:24] shiznix (shiznix! has quit (Connection timed out)
[20:52:58] bjohnson: Beirdo: what distro do you use for you mythtv box?
[20:53:08] Beirdo: ubuntu now
[20:53:19] Beirdo: but it's been off since May 1 as I have yet to hook it up
[20:53:19] bjohnson: yeah .. I'm thinking of trying that one too
[20:53:40] bjohnson: do you have a dvb card or just a cable input?
[20:53:48] lcase (lcase! has quit ()
[20:54:05] Beirdo: BTW, I have a heat index of 103F today :)
[20:54:17] Beirdo: I have 3 PVR-250s in there
[20:54:25] Beirdo: but we have digital cable now
[20:54:46] Beirdo: I have an air2pc card too, but haven't spent much time yet fiddling with antennas to receive crap
[20:55:12] Beirdo: 98F, 37%
[20:55:21] Beirdo: I love the tropics :)
[20:55:45] xris: heh
[20:56:00] xris: any luck with HD receiver and firewire?
[20:56:03] Beirdo: it's actually strangely dry today
[20:56:05] Beirdo: HAH
[20:56:07] Beirdo: yeah right
[20:56:22] scales: anyone use eyetv with myth?
[20:56:22] xris: not governed by the fcc?
[20:56:25] Beirdo: the idiots can't even keep our cable modem internet running in a thunderstorm
[20:56:28] Beirdo: they are
[20:56:39] xris: heh
[20:56:44] Beirdo: but upgrading costs money (like $30/month more or some shit)
[20:56:46] chaskins (chaskins! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:57:11] Beirdo: I think we'll be putting a dish on the roof before doing that :(
[20:57:16] xris: ouch
[20:57:29] Beirdo: we'll see though
[20:57:42] xris: here it's only a $5 box upgrade for HD
[20:57:46] xris: $5/month that is
[20:57:51] Beirdo: of course, their website is shite, and all en espanol, so I get lost easily
[20:58:03] kormoc: xris, but how much is it to go from analog to digital?
[20:58:10] PeterC: Is it normal for MythTV with mplayer when inserting a DVD it says "Reading disc structure, please wait..." and has done that for almost 12 minutes now.
[20:58:14] xris: kormoc: he already has digital, though
[20:58:21] kormoc: ooh, I see
[20:58:22] xris: and for me, it was less. since I went from dish.
[20:58:24] Beirdo: we only can get digital
[20:58:28] Beirdo: I wanted analog!
[20:58:30] Beirdo: heh
[20:58:33] xris: ok, meeting time. later.
[20:58:42] Zider: I'm trying out the svn version now.. exciting.. :P
[20:59:05] gardengnome: Zider: get a DB backup.
[20:59:21] xris: or not
[20:59:37] der___oschni (der___oschni! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[20:59:39] Zider: gardengnome: I don't have anything important in there..
[20:59:46] Beirdo: gotta love those 10s meetings
[21:00:07] Zider: gardengnome: it recently vanished anyway, so not even settings are left to keep ;)
[21:00:16] gardengnome: Zider: ah, well ;)
[21:00:30] bjohnson: I've got a twinhan 1020A dvbs card but for some reason fedora loves to hate it
[21:00:47] bjohnson: so I'm installing ubuntu on a partition to check it out
[21:00:49] jams (jams! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:01:03] Beirdo: cool. I like it, personally
[21:01:29] Zider: fedora hatred core
[21:01:33] xris: I forget what kind of dvb card I have... doesn't really matter since I don't have a dish to plug it into
[21:01:41] mchou: Beirdo: so the cable co web site is only in spanish?
[21:01:53] Beirdo: so far as I can see, yes
[21:02:01] xris: mchou: why would it be otherwise?
[21:02:07] bjohnson: tried to install from the desktop CD but it didn't like my vast array of disks and paritions .. took forever to run the partition editor and finaly crashed out .. I've burned the alternate cd now to try to install via curses
[21:02:11] Beirdo: most sites here are in both languages
[21:02:15] mchou: xris: why not?
[21:02:16] Beirdo: but Liberty? Nah
[21:02:16] xris: ah
[21:02:22] deego` (deego`!n=user@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:02:25] xris: mchou: spanish speaking pseudo-country?
[21:02:30] mchou: xris: lol
[21:02:37] Beirdo: hehe
[21:02:53] Beirdo: you'd get beat raw for saying that some places here
[21:02:54] mchou: xris: you forget GWB's proclamation: "English Only"
[21:03:02] Zider: which reminds me.. I need to get a new tuner card soon, but I don't know if I'm gonna go digital or analog.. seems like they block digital signals centrally in the building, and I dunno how I could test it without actually buying a digibox and stuff.. :P
[21:03:16] Beirdo: nobody here voted for that ass, they don't get to vote for president
[21:03:27] mchou: Beirdo: touche
[21:03:28] bjohnson: how about when you keep asking people if they know Ricki Martin?
[21:03:37] Beirdo: hahah
[21:03:39] xris: mchou: only affects states, not territories
[21:03:45] mchou: Beirdo: but they didnt exactly vote for independece either :)
[21:03:47] xris: territories are semi-self-governing
[21:03:47] Beirdo: my wife DETESTS Ricky Martin
[21:04:06] Beirdo: only semi
[21:04:10] bjohnson: does she blame him for the band's break up?
[21:04:13] Beirdo: and I prefer to use the word "colony"
[21:04:23] xris: Zider: cable? have them come out and hook up the box.. can't charge you if it doesn't work
[21:04:24] Beirdo: nah, she just doesn't like him
[21:04:43] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@216-107-194-166.static.gdt.cust.seg.NET) has quit (Client Quit)
[21:04:45] mchou: Beirdo: lol. That's like saying Canada is part of the British "Commonwealth"
[21:04:52] Beirdo: no it isn't
[21:04:56] Zider: xris: sure they can.. they're assholes.. :P
[21:05:10] Beirdo: Canada isn't even close to being directly controlled by the UK
[21:05:11] xris: Zider: can't legally charge without rendering services...
[21:05:22] Zider: xris: true..
[21:05:38] Zider: xris: what if it works and I don't want the box anymore? ;)
[21:05:51] xris: Zider: then you only get analog
[21:05:52] mchou: Zider: then return the box
[21:06:03] mchou: Zider: wtf isthe big deal?
[21:06:10] Zider: mchou: binding times?
[21:06:14] Beirdo: anyways... :) I like it here, and I'm slowly starting to absorb Spanish
[21:06:26] xris: Beirdo: I still want to come visit
[21:06:26] bjohnson: Beirdo: sounds great
[21:06:34] mchou: you dont want install charges or binding times then pick and install the box yourself
[21:06:35] Beirdo: if you don't like it hot and humd, for GOD'S SAKES, don't move to Puerto Rico
[21:06:49] Beirdo: xris: let us know when :)
[21:06:50] mchou: Zider: ^^
[21:07:07] bjohnson: Beirdo: better also get a commitment for "how long"
[21:07:08] mchou: Zider: I dont understand what the big deal is
[21:07:20] Beirdo: still gotta get the guest bedroom into a "not junk pile" room
[21:07:38] bjohnson: Beirdo: still working on that at my house
[21:07:39] Zider: mchou: the "big deal" is that I might get stuck for 12 months with a box I might not get a refund for
[21:07:40] kormoc: hehe, yeah, that's a common issue
[21:07:44] bjohnson: been there for 8 years now
[21:07:47] xris: Beirdo: it all depends on whether or not jessica is pregnant by then.. or on a book tour. heh
[21:07:47] mchou: Zider: what??
[21:07:48] Beirdo: heh, yeah, it takes time
[21:07:54] Beirdo: xris, soooo true
[21:07:55] mchou: Zider: that's bullshit
[21:07:57] Zider: mchou: the cable company here are fucking idiots, so I wouldn't be surprised
[21:08:11] xris: Zider: that'd be messed up
[21:08:16] Beirdo: and whether my wife is pregnant by then too, although we'd still welcome visitors, etc
[21:08:21] mchou: Zider: there is no "contract" for cable. it's all month to month
[21:08:29] Zider: mchou: not here
[21:08:31] mchou: Zider: then report them to FCC
[21:08:34] xris: yes. living there is one thing. traveling while pregnant is another.
[21:08:34] Beirdo: mchou, depends on the company and where
[21:08:36] Zider: FCwhat?
[21:08:39] kormoc: but the food might be lacking, with a fridge full of pickles and ice cream
[21:08:50] mchou: Zider: where is "here"?
[21:08:54] Beirdo: aye, travelling while pregnant wouldn't be high on the list
[21:09:00] Zider: mchou: Sweden..
[21:09:08] mchou: Zider: too bad
[21:09:15] bjohnson: Zider: FCC is a US thing
[21:09:17] xris: Zider: so that'd be dvb-c, then?
[21:09:26] Zider: xris: I guess so yes
[21:09:43] xris: ask o_cee if he ever comes back.. but maybe he's analog, too.
[21:09:50] Beirdo: heh
[21:09:53] Zider: xris: he's a swede?
[21:09:57] Beirdo: aye
[21:09:58] xris: yeah
[21:10:07] Zider: bet he doesn't have this piss company tho
[21:10:19] Zider: or rather, doesn't live in this building :P
[21:10:24] Beirdo: Cable companies are universally sucky
[21:10:31] Beirdo: as are phone companies
[21:10:53] Zider: they have a central digital decoder that is blocking the digital signal to reach the outlets, only sends the analog from the decoder..
[21:11:00] Beirdo: which reminds me, should see if we can get DSL yet
[21:11:01] Zider: (or so it's told)
[21:11:08] Beirdo: PRTC at least is bilingual
[21:11:18] mchou: I think ppl undervalue their cablecos cause the ppl themselves are stupid
[21:11:36] Beirdo: yeah well, the one here is RETARDED
[21:11:40] mchou: the cable cos are dumb, but the ppl more so
[21:12:13] mchou: they go to the cableco in a combative mood
[21:12:27] mchou: of course they wont get the best reception :)
[21:12:29] Beirdo: Thank you for your interest in DMAX! We're sorry. DMAX is not available for the telephone you provided. Please fill out the following form so that PRT can bring DMAX to your area.
[21:12:33] Beirdo: BAH!
[21:12:57] Beirdo: I'll DMAX you upside the head, put DSL in our neighborhood already!
[21:13:03] mchou: lol
[21:13:13] mchou: PR phone company
[21:13:28] Beirdo: PRTC, yes
[21:13:29] mchou: can you say PHreaks?
[21:13:48] Beirdo: they are part of/partially owned/whatever Verizon
[21:13:52] mchou: lol
[21:14:04] mchou: things cant possible get any worse
[21:14:20] Beirdo: yes they could
[21:14:20] Juski (Juski! has quit (""See you at lugradiolive2006 on July 22nd & 23rd"")
[21:14:28] mchou: aside from being owned by Qwest, maybe
[21:14:39] Beirdo: if they were independant, they wouldn't have the money to provide solid service
[21:14:56] bluey- (bluey-! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:14:57] Beirdo: I really hope one of the big evil cable cos in the US buys Liberty
[21:17:00] mchou: So who else thinks Ken Lay commited suicide via Pottassium injection?
[21:17:34] mchou: timing of the coronary was rather convienent
[21:17:46] Beirdo: meh
[21:17:53] Beirdo: that would require me following the news
[21:18:08] Anduin: That is what myth is for.
[21:18:33] Beirdo: that reminds me AGAIN... should get a cable box for the office sometime
[21:19:07] mchou: Guess Ken Lay couldnt face te music
[21:19:16] Beirdo:
[21:19:21] Beirdo: oops
[21:19:27] scales: so what is the best(as far as easiest to install/support) 5.1 internal sound card
[21:19:27] Beirdo: anyways, that's the tards
[21:19:36] scales: for myth i guess
[21:20:00] mchou: Beirdo: are movies in spanish there?
[21:20:11] Beirdo: most of the channels are from the US
[21:20:17] Beirdo: in the theaters?
[21:20:18] mchou: Beirdo: I mean you gotta read English subtitles?
[21:20:26] Beirdo: it's all Spanish subtitles
[21:20:31] Beirdo: a few are translated
[21:20:53] mchou: that's weird
[21:21:05] Beirdo: why?
[21:21:22] mchou: cableco web site is spanish, yet they play movies in english
[21:21:35] Beirdo: the channels are English
[21:22:52] Beirdo: but yeah :)
[21:24:50] Dibblah (Dibblah! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:27:08] Beirdo: argh, where did I see the cost of HDTV and/or separate boxes again?
[21:27:14] Beirdo: craptacular website
[21:30:19] Beirdo: $4.78/month per box, it seems
[21:30:24] Beirdo: non-HD
[21:31:06] Beirdo: I should get the wifey to take me to Vega Baja so we can go to a storefront
[21:37:34] bjohnson (bjohnson! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[21:45:32] xris: Beirdo: that's like for me. $5 for the box and $5/box HD upgrade.
[21:45:56] Beirdo: the only HD thing I see is with their DVR offering
[21:46:00] Beirdo: which is $15/month
[21:46:04] xris: ahh
[21:46:04] Beirdo: I thought it was more
[21:46:16] Beirdo: OH, and you have to sign a 12mo contract
[21:46:22] xris: is that $5/box, $5/hd, $5/dvr?
[21:46:30] Beirdo: with big nasty penalties if you cancel
[21:46:35] xris: ouch
[21:46:47] Beirdo: not quite sure how it breaks down
[21:47:02] kormoc: I need to ponder if I want to go with firewire for $10 a month or not
[21:47:02] Beirdo: if I could just get a Motorola 6200 or whatever...
[21:47:12] kormoc: cause in 6 months, I'll be back to analog
[21:47:34] Beirdo: yay :)
[21:47:37] Beirdo: lucky kormoc
[21:47:44] Beirdo: I'd love to have analog back
[21:48:22] Beirdo: firewire would be sweet given the chance though
[21:48:33] xris: kormoc: could sign up for a month of dishnetwork and do a competitive switch to comcast. heh
[21:48:51] kormoc: heh, how much of a discount do they give?
[21:49:09] Beirdo: I hope cumcast buys these jokers
[21:49:59] Beirdo: argh
[21:50:08] Beirdo: they have a regional office in the next town over
[21:50:16] Beirdo: hours: 8am – 6pm
[21:50:17] makomk_ (makomk_!n=aidan@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:50:18] Beirdo: BITE ME!
[22:06:51] mchou: what's wrong w/ 8am-6pm?
[22:07:20] mchou: that's longer office hrs. than comcast here
[22:08:15] Nem^ (Nem^! has quit ("Fur-lined")
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[22:09:04] Speedy2 (Speedy2! has quit ()
[22:11:39] Beirdo: we have one car...
[22:12:04] mchou: Beirdo: beg borrow or steal car/bike
[22:12:17] Beirdo: nah, it can wait
[22:12:29] kormoc: bus/bike/walk/run/swim/jog/hop/skip/jump/fly/float/flee?
[22:12:46] Beirdo: heh, nah
[22:12:59] Beirdo: and she has to tell me how the hell to get there too
[22:13:13] kormoc: important step
[22:15:05] mchou: Beirdo:
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[22:26:49] liran_: should i be running some sort of daemon for mythtvosd to work?
[22:30:14] AngryElf (AngryElf! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:30:57] AngryElf: hello
[22:31:26] mishehu: liran_: I thought the osd was just what appears when you skip ahead or pause or change channels, etc.
[22:31:39] mishehu: if that's the case, all I have running is mythbackend and mythfrontend
[22:32:06] AngryElf: i usually check "record new and expire old" and then set "no of recordings to keep" to some value > seems to not be working though, my only guess is that since I have plenty of available disk space that it doesn't kick in till i'm down to that the case?
[22:32:20] xris: AngryElf: yes
[22:32:47] AngryElf: xris, is there any way to make it stick to start deleting when the episode count is greater than X?
[22:32:53] AngryElf: i'd rather myth not eat up all my disk space
[22:32:55] xris: not that I know if
[22:32:58] xris: of
[22:33:19] xris: myth is designed to be standalone.. it's designed to use up all of your disk space.
[22:33:23] liran_: im talking about sending messages like with using the --template --value=name and all tha
[22:33:25] liran_: *that
[22:33:49] AngryElf: i think that'd be a nice option to have
[22:33:58] GreyFoxx: AngryElf: You can tell myth to leave X amount of space on the drive
[22:34:01] liran_: oh wait, is it working all that time or just when watching tv?
[22:34:05] GreyFoxx: and it will expire as needed to keep in that limit
[22:34:25] xris: liran_: I think the OSD is tv-only
[22:34:27] AngryElf: GreyFoxx, is that in mfe, setup?
[22:34:30] GreyFoxx: BUT beware that if you suddenly fill up the drive with crap it will do exactly as you asked and start expiring shows
[22:34:41] liran_: oh i see
[22:34:45] liran_: thats kind of bad
[22:34:48] AngryElf: just curious, does it expire lower priority shows first?
[22:34:48] GreyFoxx: AngryElf: I think it's in the mfe setuo menus
[22:34:57] AngryElf: or oldest first
[22:34:58] xris: AngryElf: it should, yeah
[22:35:06] xris: oh, hmm...
[22:35:14] xris: probably priority
[22:36:02] liran_: ok guys
[22:36:07] liran_: im out to sleep
[22:36:08] liran_: later
[22:36:10] liran_ (liran_! has left #mythtv-users ()
[22:36:22] sapbeast: yay finally, i got user jobs working the way i want
[22:36:32] sapbeast: only took me 2 months :(
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[22:36:39] Anduin: The episode limit should delete even with disk space remaining, when the limit is hit
[22:37:04] GreyFoxx: Anduin: Yeah, it will If you configure it that way.
[22:37:29] GreyFoxx: You can have a episode limit + no more record, or episode limit +record n and expire oldest ep
[22:37:59] AngryElf: GreyFoxx, how do i configure it that way
[22:38:01] AngryElf: ?
[22:38:05] Anduin: Yeah, that was what I thought he was asking about in the original question.
[22:38:59] AngryElf: there's really no reason to have 30 episodes of modern marvels :(
[22:38:59] GreyFoxx: AngryElf: I pull up the recording schedule in the frontend, and I think it's under storage options
[22:41:07] AngryElf: GreyFoxx, it's currently set to "delete oldest if this would exceed the max episodes"
[22:41:17] AngryElf: i have it set to 15, and currently there are 23 recorded
[22:42:35] AngryElf: also, according to mythweb, every one of them has the auto-expire flag enabled
[22:43:43] kormoc: is auto-expireing enabled?
[22:43:44] xris: stupid backend crashed again. lovely
[22:44:37] AngryElf: kormoc, it is in setup>tv settings>general
[22:46:03] Zider: is anyone here using mythtv with alsa using anything but the "default" pcm?
[22:46:04] xris: AngryElf: is that expire option missing from mythweb?
[22:46:28] xris: the "exceed max episodes" one?
[22:46:28] AngryElf: i'm not sure what you mean
[22:46:55] AngryElf: i've checked auto-expire recordings if that's it
[22:47:02] xris: no..
[22:47:12] xris: nevermind. I'll look as soon as my mythbox reboots
[22:47:18] AngryElf: k
[22:47:29] kormoc: xris, yeah, it is
[22:48:11] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:50:09] AngryElf: what version of mysql is recommended?
[22:50:16] bilbravo (bilbravo! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:50:43] xris: AngryElf: 4.x is generally better for non-svn
[22:51:24] geemark: huh? How come I get an "world health house" as backdrop with the svn-version of mythtv?
[22:51:26] ben (ben! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:53:05] xris: kormoc: I don't see that option.. only "record new/expire old" and "autoexpire"
[22:53:12] xris: no "delete oldest if this would exceed the max episodes"
[22:53:29] kormoc: xris, ooh, I ment yes, it is missing, not yeah, it is there, sorry
[22:53:55] xris: I'll have to poke around and see how to add the option
[22:54:24] ben: hi you two.
[22:54:57] ben: everyone loves Qt.
[22:56:55] dougl (dougl! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:57:16] ben: does anyone have a particular recommendation for a non-gentoo distro on which to run a mythbackend and network-booting mythfrontend, apache and subversion?
[22:57:34] kormoc: whichever one you know the best
[22:58:20] dougl (dougl! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:00:31] ben: I don't know any at all except ubuntu, which doesn't have svn-server.
[23:00:47] ben: I was thinking maybe fedora..
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[23:01:33] xris: ben: huh?
[23:01:38] kormoc: ben, that's funny, the package subversion includes the server
[23:01:45] ben: oh.
[23:01:47] ben: ok.
[23:01:48] sphenxes (sphenxes! has quit (Client Quit)
[23:01:58] ben: I'll use ubuntu then.
[23:05:15] jieryn: hi, i'm a total n00b and am having some difficulty with mythtv ..
[23:05:49] jieryn: i installed 0.19.20060121–2, started mythbackend, ran mythtv-setup, started mysql, restarted mythbackend...
[23:06:07] jieryn: now i'm inside mythfrontend and i can't watch tv live, nor can i schedule recordings
[23:06:16] MORA (MORA! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:06:23] jieryn: ivtv works fine when i cat /dev/video0 | mplayer -
[23:06:39] xris: jieryn: did you set up your tuner card in mythtv-setup?
[23:06:52] jieryn: i believe so, let me verify
[23:07:57] jieryn: under Capture Cards i have configured my PVR-150
[23:08:10] kormoc: jieryn, might want to restrat the backend after changing things around in mythtv-setup, ot make sure the changes take
[23:08:26] jieryn: kormoc: yep, i did that.. actually, i made sure mythbackend was down this time
[23:08:41] jieryn: video device is: /dev/v4l/video0 and default input is Tuner 1
[23:08:58] kormoc: welp, might want to start gathering logs
[23:09:00] jieryn: Card Type is MPEG-2 encoder card (PVR-x50
[23:10:28] xris: jieryn: did you configure an input source and attach it to the card? (xmltv / datadirect)
[23:10:33] jieryn: kormoc: that shows mythtv segfaulting
[23:10:57] jieryn: xris: i'm using zap2it, verifying i attached it to the card
[23:11:02] kormoc: jieryn, did you run mythfilldatabase?
[23:11:09] jieryn: yes, i ran mythfilldatabase
[23:11:21] jieryn: oddly enough, i can seek out programs to schedule.. it is taunting me :)
[23:11:23] xris: jieryn: and it ran.. took 5–10 minutes or so?
[23:11:27] xris: ah, ok
[23:11:34] jieryn: yah, i actually showered in between invocation and completion
[23:11:55] jieryn: must i give a channel change command?
[23:12:07] jieryn: i see that my video source is connected to niput
[23:12:30] kormoc: it should likely be connected to cable0 or similar
[23:12:35] kormoc: tuner0 perhaps
[23:12:52] jieryn: i don't have either of those options.. ick
[23:12:59] kormoc: hrm
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[23:13:28] xris: jieryn: channel change command is only for something like controlling a cable box
[23:14:32] jieryn: ah.. ok, i just have a plain jane cable connection coming in from the wall into my machine
[23:14:51] linux4 (linux4! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:15:06] jieryn: i'm watching live tv
[23:15:09] jieryn: ! ! !!!
[23:15:14] xris: what was wrong?
[23:15:14] jieryn: but.. no sound, hahaha :)
[23:15:41] xris: pvr-150 integrates sound.. you probably just need to fix your computer volume
[23:15:46] jieryn: i think i had it connected to the wrong zap2it.. i noticed that i had made a user error when configuring the service
[23:15:50] jieryn: and id idn't delete the old one
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[23:17:42] xris: cool
[23:18:39] jieryn: ok, i verify with alsamixer that all configurable items are at 100% and unmuted
[23:18:41] Gumby (Gumby!n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:18:43] jieryn: still no sound
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[23:20:28] xris: is the sound turned on?
[23:21:03] jieryn: i don't know, how can i verify?
[23:21:35] Speedy2: jieryn: Play a sound file from another program
[23:21:50] jieryn: oh, i have mpd running no problem :)
[23:22:09] jieryn: cat /dev/video0 | mplayer – <-- has sound
[23:22:16] GreyFoxx: What window manager are you using ?
[23:22:20] jieryn: fvwm
[23:22:36] GreyFoxx: ok, so it's not the kde/gnome sound daemons getting in the way then
[23:22:57] jieryn: perhaps it is something back in mythtv-setup
[23:23:09] jieryn: clearly, i can't set up myth correctly :)
[23:23:37] GreyFoxx: You can change the output from OSS (which is default I think) to ALSA
[23:23:42] GreyFoxx: see if that makes a diff
[23:24:10] jieryn: i'm sorry, where should i try that.. mythfrontend support it?
[23:24:38] GreyFoxx: Yeah, it's configurable under the frontend
[23:24:46] jieryn: k.. checking
[23:24:57] GreyFoxx: Settings, General, page 2 or 3
[23:25:35] GreyFoxx: I assume you don't see any console output from the frontend when you start playback with regards to audio ?
[23:26:06] jieryn: i was just watching live tv
[23:26:21] jieryn: this is actually my first time using myth, and was unsure if it started muted for some reason.. (??)
[23:26:40] GreyFoxx: did you start mythfrontend from a terminal? If so you can see debug output by default
[23:27:31] Aid` (Aid`!n=Aid@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:27:43] jieryn: must i specify an audio output device?
[23:27:49] jieryn: i am not seeing anything pertaining to alsa or oss
[23:28:00] GreyFoxx: What does it say for Audio Output Device ?
[23:28:07] GreyFoxx: and MixerDevice
[23:28:18] jieryn: audio output device is blank
[23:28:41] jieryn: i have a cheapo sound blaster live!
[23:28:55] GreyFoxx: Try ALSA:default
[23:29:07] GreyFoxx: or, jsut look at what mplayer is using
[23:29:10] GreyFoxx: and put the same in
[23:29:20] jieryn: i'm not sure what mplayer is using
[23:29:23] jieryn: /dev/snd/ contains controlC0 hwC0D0 hwC0D2 midiC0D0 midiC0D1 midiC0D2 pcmC0D0c pcmC0D0p pcmC0D1c pcmC0D2c pcmC0D2p pcmC0D3p seq timer
[23:29:50] GreyFoxx: when you run mplayer from a commandline there is some referrence to the audio output there
[23:30:02] GreyFoxx: But, you can just try the ALSA:default
[23:30:07] d3ity (d3ity!n=d3ity@unaffiliated/d3ity) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[23:31:11] ben: I probably should go to bed now
[23:31:13] tattrdkat is now known as virsys
[23:31:14] jieryn: yah, i just tried the mplayer technique but see that it is just using ALSA for the -ao .. it doesn't tell me which device
[23:31:14] ben: night
[23:31:28] GreyFoxx: jieryn: "Default" is a safe bet
[23:31:34] ben (ben! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:31:47] GreyFoxx: so ALSA:default for the audio output device and "default" or "ALSA:default" for the mixer
[23:31:48] jieryn: ALSA:default or Default  ??
[23:31:54] GreyFoxx: ALSA:default
[23:32:31] jieryn: ok, trying
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[23:35:14] jieryn: now, i can not even get a picture
[23:35:15] jieryn: 2006-07–05 23:34:58.465 Unexpected response to MYTH_PROTO_VERSION:
[23:35:28] jieryn: i try to Watch TV and it comes right back to the menu after going black for about 30 secs
[23:35:42] GreyFoxx: is the backend still running ?
[23:36:26] jieryn: yes, it is
[23:36:39] GreyFoxx: try restarting it,
[23:36:42] jieryn: and for some reason i see with `lsof | grep video0` that it is holding open that device.. odd
[23:36:50] GreyFoxx: only time I ever see thatmessage is if mythbackend has gotten hung up
[23:37:06] jieryn: let me restart it
[23:37:23] [Outcast] ([Outcast]! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:37:23] [1][Outcast] is now known as [Outcast]
[23:37:38] radi0head (radi0head! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:38:45] jieryn: okay, restarted it and am now seeing tons of invalid files in the /home/mythtv directory, where i opted to store recordings
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[23:39:30] jieryn: i try to play the files from mplayer, and they have sound
[23:39:30] GreyFoxx: But the backend is running now? And lsof doesn't show itholding open the video0 device ?
[23:39:38] GreyFoxx: try typing
[23:39:38] jieryn: GreyFoxx: it didn't, i verified it
[23:39:44] GreyFoxx: mythtv filename.mpg
[23:40:06] GreyFoxx: that will make mythplay the file without having to use the backend/access any devices other than audio
[23:40:28] jieryn: 2006-07–05 23:40:13.703 Fatal Error: Audio not configured, you need to run 'mythfrontend', not 'mythtv'.
[23:40:40] GreyFoxx: bah
[23:40:46] GreyFoxx: that's bogus
[23:40:55] GreyFoxx: You sure you saved the audio settings ?
[23:41:08] jieryn: well, after i didn't get picture i turned the settings back
[23:41:11] GreyFoxx: you didn't"escape"out of the menu ?:)
[23:41:12] jieryn: :) let me do as you suggested earlier
[23:41:17] GreyFoxx: ok
[23:41:25] jieryn: i thought the ALSA:default thing hosed myth, let me reset to yours
[23:42:08] Mattwj2005 (Mattwj2005! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:42:20] jieryn: Audio output device: ALSA:default Mixer Device: default Mixer Controls: PCM
[23:42:25] jieryn: looks good?
[23:42:49] jieryn: [x] Use internal volume controls
[23:42:58] GreyFoxx: Should be ok
[23:43:34] jieryn: chaos
[23:43:57] GreyFoxx: errr ?
[23:43:59] jieryn:
[23:44:29] GreyFoxx: does that file exist and greater than 0 bytes ?
[23:44:39] GreyFoxx: ls -la
[23:44:41] GreyFoxx: err
[23:44:43] jieryn: hehehe
[23:44:48] GreyFoxx: ls -la home/mythtv/1028_20060705234322.mpg
[23:45:02] GreyFoxx: I hate using windows, I prefer the X controls for cut n paste
[23:45:03] jieryn: 0 bytes
[23:45:08] GreyFoxx: that would be aproblem :)
[23:45:16] jieryn: i didn't realize it was recording
[23:45:24] GreyFoxx: any > 0 ?
[23:45:28] jieryn: a couple
[23:45:35] jieryn: i verify they play OK with mplayer
[23:45:58] jieryn: safe to rm them and try again?
[23:46:18] GreyFoxx: well
[23:46:21] GreyFoxx: I would try
[23:46:32] GreyFoxx: "mythtv filegreaterthan0bytesfirst.mpg"
[23:46:48] GreyFoxx: verify it's properly playing your audio :)
[23:47:02] geemark (geemark! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:47:03] jieryn: that worked
[23:47:04] jieryn: with sound
[23:47:10] GreyFoxx: yay
[23:47:47] jieryn: will try to rm them?
[23:47:55] GreyFoxx: leave them'
[23:48:01] jieryn: 0byte guy is killing me
[23:48:03] GreyFoxx: myth will auto clear them later
[23:48:16] GreyFoxx: you can use the menu to delete them
[23:48:31] GreyFoxx: or just cat filewithdata.mpg > blankfile.mpg
[23:48:41] GreyFoxx: do that for 0byte files and it will play nicer
[23:49:19] jieryn: mythbackend dies pretty easily :-(
[23:49:44] GreyFoxx: mine is solid. never dies really, except when I do something :)
[23:51:45] jieryn: it is a royal pita to delete these 0byte files
[23:51:56] jieryn: wish i could do a clean slate
[23:52:19] GreyFoxx: Why is it a pain ?
[23:52:31] GreyFoxx: Cause cause myth is timing out openning them ?
[23:52:53] jieryn: ahh, probably
[23:52:58] jieryn: good call foxx
[23:52:58] GreyFoxx: hence why I said
[23:53:06] GreyFoxx: cat filewithdata.mpg > blankfile.mpg
[23:53:14] jieryn: any way i can get it to not actually record live tv?
[23:53:15] GreyFoxx: will make it so myth can read data and not timeout :)
[23:53:19] GreyFoxx: nope
[23:53:30] jieryn: if i'm surfing, i don't want to have all these things lingering around
[23:53:39] GreyFoxx: and recording less than 2 minutes will auto expire right away
[23:53:45] GreyFoxx: and any recording over 1 day old auto exzpiures
[23:54:03] GreyFoxx: And you can tell the frontend to not show the livetv stuff in the list
[23:54:08] GreyFoxx: but you can't "turn it off"
[23:54:15] GreyFoxx: they will be removed automatically
[23:54:40] jieryn: okie, np then
[23:55:14] jieryn: okay, i'm inside the program guide
[23:55:16] jieryn: i see a program i want to watch, how do i "go to that channel"?
[23:55:50] kormoc:
[23:56:09] jieryn: thank you
[23:56:28] kormoc: you're welcome
[23:56:30] hunterotd (hunterotd! has quit ("Changing server")
[23:56:53] jieryn: GreyFoxx++
[23:56:59] jieryn: thank you kindly sir
[23:57:40] randy_ (randy_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:58:40] hunterotd (hunterotd! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:59:32] WyKiD: hey guys im buying parts and using old parts for a myth tv box im setting up (first time) ... could you see if the specs will be okay
[23:59:38] WyKiD: p4 2ghz 512mb ddrram, geforce2 graph card, wintv-pvr-150, ide hdd
[23:59:55] jieryn: altho, i'm getting more of those 0 byte files :-(

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