:: #mythtv-users

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Saturday, May 13th, 2006, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:02] johnp_ (johnp_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:01:09] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:02:47] a1fa: i am seeing stupid sip packets
[00:02:50] a1fa: but they dont do shit
[00:04:18] adante (adante! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:05:05] sphing: alfa: im pretty good at sip... whats going on?
[00:07:21] Kazan: wtf
[00:07:26] Kazan: is the documentation wrong on the buttons?
[00:09:36] Kazan: M is supposed to select the show you currently have selected in the EPG
[00:09:39] Kazan: but it's not
[00:10:00] sphing: it does for me
[00:10:45] Kazan: it's not for me
[00:10:55] Kazan: do you know what the name of that action is in the mythWEB keybinding editor
[00:11:06] Kazan: for me it brings up the submenu you get when you hit enter/space
[00:11:15] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[00:14:43] Esotericisms (Esotericisms! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:14:58] adante (adante! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:17:15] adante (adante! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:18:47] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit ("Now if you will excuse me, I have a giant ball of oil to throw out my window")
[00:20:31] Kazan: wtf
[00:20:37] Kazan: mythtv isn't trying to use my channel change script
[00:22:10] xris: Kazan: permissions? full pathname?
[00:22:29] Kazan: bah
[00:22:31] Kazan: permissions
[00:22:35] ** Kazan kicks ls --color **
[00:22:44] Kazan: it was coloring it green because the .sh not the +x permission
[00:25:13] ** Kazan sighs **
[00:25:40] robthebob (robthebob! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:25:47] Kazan: WTF
[00:26:24] robthebob (robthebob! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:28:51] adante (adante! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:29:03] Kazan: ok
[00:29:10] Kazan: chan+ and chan- are sorting by channel name
[00:29:13] Kazan: not number
[00:29:14] Kazan: wtf
[00:29:22] Kazan: i have it set to number in the goddamn setup program
[00:31:37] adante (adante! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:03] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:40:43] ** Kazan kicks his cablebox **
[00:42:00] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:19] Juski (Juski! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:02:01] Tobbe__ (Tobbe__! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:04:16] rothgar (rothgar! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:04:48] xris (xris! has quit ("")
[01:10:29] ** Kazan kicks his channel change script **
[01:14:20] ** sphing handcuffs (maybe footcuffs?) Kazan's feet to the chair **
[01:15:54] Omster (Omster!n=om@unaffiliated/om) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:15:57] Om (Om!n=om@unaffiliated/om) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:17:01] Sebulba02: All else fails, kick it.
[01:18:31] Tobbe (Tobbe! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[01:20:38] adante (adante! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:22:47] gerkin_pickler (gerkin_pickler! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:24:12] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:25:28] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:25:28] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[01:25:31] orbish (orbish! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:29:40] rothgar (rothgar! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:30:58] jehuty (jehuty! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:38:47] mirak (mirak! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:42:47] Tobbe__ is now known as Tobbe
[01:45:10] Disconnect_ (Disconnect_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:54:24] fiveiron: welp lets try this again.. /me tries to install mythtv on ubuntu
[01:58:00] Disconnect (Disconnect! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:00:10] eiggirC (eiggirC! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:01:35] Kazan: fiveiron: i tried, and prompty said fuck ubuntu
[02:02:54] Sebulba02: I installed it on debian, no sweat.
[02:04:57] Nem^ (Nem^! has quit ("Fur-lined")
[02:05:22] Kazan: ubuntu has pam older than .79 when current is .99
[02:05:40] Kazan: if you select "gcc" in adept it installs gcc4 in a state that cannot build modules
[02:05:41] a1fa: hello
[02:05:44] Kazan: hi a1fa
[02:05:49] a1fa: anybody using myhphone?
[02:06:08] Nem^ (Nem^!n=Nem@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:06:18] Kazan: nope
[02:07:11] fiveiron: ok dangit... is there a script to create all the databases I need for mythtv in mysql?
[02:07:24] k-man_ (k-man_!n=Jason@unaffiliated/k-man) has quit ("Leaving")
[02:08:01] a1fa: guys anybody
[02:08:03] a1fa: fuck
[02:08:07] Sebulba02: nope
[02:08:29] Sebulba02: fiveiron: There probably is in the source dir somewhere.
[02:09:22] eiggirC (eiggirC! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:10] ** Kazan kicks his irblaster **
[02:14:42] Netslayer (Netslayer!n=chris@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:17:50] fiveiron: "Table 'mythconverg.videosource' doesn't exist"
[02:18:12] fiveiron: i just did a plain old install of mythtv... mythconverg is there ... with a bunch of tables.. but not that one
[02:18:22] fiveiron: i get that error when trying to run /etc/cron.daily/mythtv-backen
[02:18:23] fiveiron: d
[02:23:00] Kazan: eww
[02:23:08] Kazan: now i know why i'm having so many problems with my cable b
[02:23:09] Kazan: box
[02:23:13] Kazan: i have a LOVELY DCT2000
[02:23:22] Kazan: very flakey IR reception
[02:23:49] a1fa: damn dude
[02:26:09] cesman: fiveiron: perhaps you db got jacked?
[02:26:13] cesman: have you tried to repair it?
[02:26:41] fiveiron: ?
[02:26:50] cesman: ??
[02:26:55] fiveiron: "repair"
[02:26:59] cesman: have you tried to repair the db?
[02:27:06] fiveiron: as in do what?
[02:27:33] cesman: check the db for and repair errors
[02:27:53] fiveiron: i just installed it
[02:27:58] fiveiron: but no i havent
[02:28:00] cesman: stop it, change to the location of the files and run myisamchk
[02:28:14] fiveiron: which files?
[02:28:19] fiveiron: /var/db/mysql?
[02:28:30] fiveiron: err /var/lib/mysql
[02:28:31] cesman: depends on your distro
[02:28:56] cesman: mythconverg in that dir
[02:29:04] cesman: myisamchk -f *.MYI
[02:29:07] fiveiron: oh so specifically that db
[02:30:54] fiveiron: so what am i looking for in this output?
[02:34:10] cesman: ensure all the tables are clean
[02:34:22] cesman: check for any errors
[02:34:24] fiveiron: looks like they are
[02:34:30] fiveiron: but i dont have all the tables i need
[02:34:39] fiveiron: like videosource, keybindings....
[02:34:45] fiveiron: i can't run mythfilldatabase
[02:34:47] cesman: then something got jacked during the install
[02:34:54] fiveiron: how would i fix that?
[02:35:02] cesman: which instruction are you following?
[02:35:17] fiveiron: uhh...i selected my packages and they installed
[02:35:18] cesman: you can dump the db, recreate it and run mythtv-setup
[02:35:32] cesman: it should repopulate the db with the tables
[02:35:36] fiveiron: will try
[02:35:51] fiveiron: and by "recreate it" , you mean....
[02:35:54] cesman: good luck
[02:36:05] cesman: gotta go get my pizza!
[02:40:01] Kazan: so
[02:40:24] Kazan: the officially recommended method of dealing with a flakey DCT2000 (on the Tivo Forum) is to give it a tinfoil hat :P
[02:42:02] K1LOS (K1LOS! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:42:11] K1LOS: hello all
[02:42:24] K1LOS: im looking into turning my comp into a mythtv box
[02:42:38] K1LOS: amd athlon xp 1400+ (i'm pretty sure...)
[02:42:45] K1LOS: 512 mb pc133 ram
[02:43:00] K1LOS: 200 gb 7200rpm ide hdd
[02:43:09] Sedorox: 0_o
[02:43:12] Sedorox: damn...
[02:43:17] a1fa: lol
[02:43:20] a1fa: its good enough
[02:43:21] topping (topping! has quit (Connection timed out)
[02:43:22] K1LOS: will this comp be able to handle it?
[02:43:25] Sedorox: sounds like a replica of my box.. besides a slightly faster proc and higher ram
[02:43:25] K1LOS: k good
[02:43:34] a1fa: yes
[02:43:36] Sedorox: my one box I should say...
[02:43:38] fiveiron: K1LOS: thats a great setup for a single vid card box
[02:43:38] a1fa: it is good enough
[02:43:44] a1fa: i have amd64 3200+
[02:43:47] K1LOS: i've gotta crappy onboard vid and sound card
[02:43:49] a1fa: a bit of an overkill
[02:43:55] a1fa: it wont matter
[02:43:57] K1LOS: so trying to keep performance up, and price down
[02:43:57] Sedorox: K1LOS: back or front end?
[02:43:59] fiveiron: K1LOS: i meant 1 video tuner card
[02:43:59] a1fa: as long as u got tv-out
[02:44:05] K1LOS: what should i upgrade with
[02:44:23] a1fa: Sedorox : AMD1400 can handle front+back end
[02:44:34] K1LOS: yeah i only want the one machine to do it all
[02:44:36] Sedorox: well yea.. was just curious what he was gonna use it for  :p
[02:44:41] fiveiron: K1LOS: with that kind of hardware I would go with a happauge pvr-300... decent price and it does the processing on the card which frees up the cpu to encode anything you're recording
[02:44:41] Sedorox: mine's gonna end up being my back end...
[02:45:00] a1fa: fiveiron : actually, PVR-500 is much better
[02:45:01] K1LOS: okay, about would a card like that cost?
[02:45:03] armand: take it up the backend
[02:45:09] K1LOS: and the happauge has the tv out on it too right?
[02:45:17] fiveiron: a1fa: i agree.... but its more expensive
[02:45:20] a1fa: K1LOS : you should get PVR-500
[02:45:28] a1fa: PVR-500 is $120 USD
[02:45:32] fiveiron: pvr-500 has dual tuners too... :-)
[02:45:39] armand: but no tvout
[02:45:44] K1LOS: what will dual tuners do for me?
[02:45:49] a1fa: i am about to buy me a 2nd PVR-500
[02:45:49] K1LOS: record and watch at same time?
[02:45:55] armand: k1los: you've researched this alot havent you
[02:45:57] a1fa: it will record two shows at once
[02:45:59] K1LOS: lol, nope
[02:46:03] fiveiron: K1LOS: 2 streams... record/watch watch/pip,e tc
[02:46:11] K1LOS: why would i research if i didn't know if my comp would ever be able to handle it?
[02:46:14] K1LOS: this is step 1
[02:46:15] a1fa: it will let you do PIP
[02:46:17] armand: k1los: i highly recommend starting with the docs
[02:46:37] armand: k1los: docs even has a blurb on recommended hardware...
[02:46:43] K1LOS: yeah i saw that
[02:46:45] K1LOS: it was vague
[02:46:53] armand: k1los: so actually kind of yeah, you could research it without even know if you comp could handle it, because its explained on there
[02:46:55] fiveiron: K1LOS: you want easy?
[02:47:01] fiveiron: K1LOS: try knoppmyth
[02:47:11] a1fa: lol
[02:47:12] a1fa: :)
[02:47:16] a1fa: my setup
[02:47:18] armand: try tivo
[02:47:20] armand: its easy
[02:47:23] a1fa: xbox+amd64 3200+
[02:47:33] a1fa: yes, TIVO
[02:47:34] armand: a1fa: why do you do this everytime i talk
[02:47:40] a1fa: :)
[02:47:44] armand: a1fa: is it just me, or do you really do thsi everytime you're on irc? the whole hardware spout off thing
[02:47:45] a1fa: armand : contradict you
[02:47:49] dscoular (dscoular! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:47:50] fiveiron: K1LOS: knoppmyth will install knoppix linux, and mythtv and set everything up for you
[02:48:09] K1LOS: thats a livecd version of mythtv im guessing?
[02:48:11] armand: a1fa: contradict me? what are you contradicting?
[02:48:12] K1LOS: based off knoppix?
[02:48:21] armand: a1fa: im talking about you self-masturbating about your hardware
[02:48:30] dscoular: Anyone tried 0.19-fixes-9926 ?
[02:48:37] a1fa: armand : hardware spout..:P
[02:48:48] K1LOS: armand you seem to be very irritable
[02:48:50] armand: dscoular: nope im running 9878 right now
[02:48:52] a1fa: dscoular : i am using it right now
[02:49:14] dscoular: The frontend is crashing when I hit the menu key on livetv.
[02:49:27] fiveiron: *sigh*
[02:49:29] armand: k1los: nope :) but mythtv is a little bit of work, if you want easy a tivo or mce is a better choice i think.
[02:49:44] armand: k1los: but knoppmyth is a bit easier, might want to try that out, as has been said
[02:49:44] fiveiron: now i'm back to my old problem of access denied for mythtv@localhost
[02:49:46] K1LOS: tivo costs $$$
[02:49:47] fiveiron: #@!%@!#^%!^#$
[02:49:58] K1LOS: the only reason im doing it is i think it is a good use for my extra computer
[02:50:01] dscoular: alfa: Am I right in thinking you are having no problems ?
[02:50:13] K1LOS: im not willing to pay monthly for it
[02:50:15] a1fa: svn-9926
[02:50:21] armand: k1los: then please dont be afraid to read the documentation, especially docs. they're very informative
[02:50:23] K1LOS: which leaves me with freevo or mythtv
[02:50:31] a1fa: lol
[02:50:34] a1fa: K1LOS : stfu
[02:50:36] a1fa: before i dick slap you
[02:50:43] a1fa: go read shit on
[02:50:49] a1fa: follow the fucking instruction
[02:50:51] a1fa: if shit breaks
[02:50:54] a1fa: or you get stuck
[02:51:01] a1fa: ask for help in here
[02:51:04] fiveiron: dude what the heck... calm down
[02:51:05] fiveiron: :P
[02:51:06] croppa (croppa! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:51:16] a1fa: fiveiron : like you dint want to say same thing
[02:51:22] fiveiron: actually no
[02:51:25] a1fa: yes
[02:51:32] K1LOS: lol
[02:51:38] K1LOS: you guys are getting all worked up
[02:51:41] dscoular: alfa: I'm wondering if it's my nvidia driver... are you using an nvidia card ?
[02:51:43] K1LOS: i came here to get recommendations
[02:51:46] a1fa: yes sir
[02:51:50] K1LOS: the site has lists, not recommendations
[02:51:53] a1fa: i didnt try the menu yet
[02:51:58] fiveiron: K1LOS: knoppmyth is not a live cd.. its a full blown knoppix distro but it goes ahead and sets the box up with mythtv
[02:52:04] K1LOS: the site also links to a list of hardware setups
[02:52:07] K1LOS: but none are similar to mine
[02:52:08] a1fa: dscoular :see if it crashes in playback
[02:52:18] a1fa: dscoular : video playback
[02:52:29] K1LOS: i came to get some hardware advice before i go buy
[02:52:34] a1fa: actually,menu is not working in the playback
[02:52:41] a1fa: K1LOS : its on the site
[02:52:46] dscoular: alfa: I will... but I can't right now as it's recording something (I reverted)
[02:52:52] K1LOS: fivieron, so what are the differences between knoppmyth and regular then?
[02:52:53] a1fa: np
[02:52:57] K1LOS: its just automatic?
[02:53:02] fiveiron: ok, does anyone have any idea why I would be getting access denied errors for mythtv@localhost, when I've got that user in my db with the password "mythtv" and that is how i have my pword in mythtv-setup
[02:53:05] dscoular: alfa: does it bring down your frontend or just not appar ?
[02:53:15] dscoular: alfa: s/appar/appear/
[02:53:29] armand: fiveiron: check ~/.mythtv/mysql.txt
[02:53:29] a1fa: it doesnt appear in playback
[02:53:40] fiveiron: K1LOS: yep... just goes ahead and sets up mythtv and starts you into it when its done installing... very easy
[02:53:46] a1fa: it should
[02:54:22] fiveiron: armand: DBUserName=mythtv, DBPassword=mythtv
[02:54:31] armand: and thats right?
[02:54:34] fiveiron: yep
[02:54:37] fiveiron: well wait
[02:54:45] dscoular: alfa: maybe I should pop across to #mythtv and see if these are known problems with 9926
[02:54:51] fiveiron: does it matter if the password is plaintext in the db or not?
[02:55:33] a1fa: it only crashes in livetv?
[02:55:39] fiveiron: bleh.. apparently not...
[02:55:51] a1fa: i wonder if there is a menu in the playback
[02:56:00] dscoular: a1fa: I can't check right now as I reverted.
[02:56:15] a1fa: k
[02:56:19] a1fa: i'll check it in aminute
[02:56:24] a1fa: my girl is watching las vegas
[02:56:30] a1fa: that previously recorded
[02:57:03] fiveiron: ok armand i've gotten back to my next problem
[02:57:12] Sedorox: lol
[02:57:17] Sedorox: watched that earier
[02:57:26] armand: fiveiron: then might want to make sure localhost has permission to connect? testing it with mysql cilent is a good way..
[02:57:41] fiveiron: armand: i fixed that... i can run mythfilldatabase now...
[02:57:42] fiveiron: BUT
[02:57:48] fiveiron: i get mysql syntax errors
[02:57:49] a1fa: Sedorox :dont tell me
[02:57:52] armand: oh, good
[02:57:59] a1fa: fiveiron : you got mysql4 or 3?
[02:58:01] armand: fiveiron: what version of mysql?
[02:58:14] a1fa: there is a known issue with mysql4
[02:58:19] a1fa: one of the field is reserved
[02:58:28] Sedorox: a1fa: it was at my old g/f's place... we got done watching xmen and her parents turned it up
[02:58:30] fiveiron: 5.0.21
[02:58:31] Sedorox: on*
[02:58:37] armand: mysql5 is not supported
[02:59:01] fiveiron: what version do i need?
[02:59:03] armand: dont believe 0.19 works on it
[02:59:07] a1fa: Sedorox : old girlfriend?
[02:59:16] fiveiron: that is really odd
[02:59:18] armand: 3 or 4
[02:59:28] dscoular (dscoular! has left #mythtv-users ("to ask #mythtv about 9926")
[02:59:31] armand: i use 4.0.x no problemo
[02:59:32] a1fa: armand : i am using mysql5
[02:59:33] Sedorox: yea.. we're still friends... she invited me and a few others other for pizza and movies..
[02:59:35] a1fa: and no problems
[02:59:38] fiveiron: because I did a default install of mythtv in ubuntu and it has mysql5 as a dependency
[02:59:42] a1fa: Sedorox : how old ru?
[02:59:49] K1LOS: what kind of television inputs can be used with mythtv? cable, digital cable, satellite? where does it get the guide information from?
[02:59:50] Sedorox: 20
[02:59:52] armand: i thought svn worked with 5 not .19
[02:59:52] a1fa: fiveiron : it works under 5
[03:00:02] a1fa: Sedorox : and you went to your ex gfs place?
[03:00:08] a1fa: lol
[03:00:09] Sedorox: umm.. yea..?
[03:00:10] armand: oh well, guess im wrong! :) it happens
[03:00:16] Sedorox: like I said.. we're still friends...
[03:00:18] a1fa: i stay away from them like away from plague
[03:00:22] Sedorox: lol
[03:00:32] a1fa: fiveiron : there is a document on how to fix mythtv for 5.x
[03:00:32] Sedorox: meh.. I haven't talked to her in a while.. but we're talking again
[03:00:42] a1fa: fiveiron : you need to use the source tho
[03:00:56] armand: ahh the good ole documentation
[03:00:58] a1fa: fiveiron : one of the fields has been reserved,... thats why it craps out
[03:00:58] armand: :D
[03:02:32] fiveiron: that causes all these syntax errors when it tries to insert stuff into (for example) dd_schedule?
[03:02:44] a1fa: :)
[03:02:46] a1fa: maybe
[03:03:07] a1fa: fiveiron : what version of mythtv?
[03:03:37] dscoular (dscoular! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:03:59] Kazan (Kazan! has quit ()
[03:04:10] fiveiron: .18.1.20050510–1
[03:04:13] a1fa: ok
[03:04:16] a1fa: there is the problem
[03:04:22] a1fa: use SVN version of mythtv
[03:04:27] fiveiron: will do
[03:05:00] fiveiron: should i just uninstall everything and start over?
[03:05:10] a1fa: fuck
[03:05:14] armand: yes!
[03:05:17] fiveiron: k
[03:05:25] armand: any chance i get to tell someone to start over
[03:05:27] armand: by god im taking it
[03:05:30] a1fa: las vegas is fucked up
[03:05:40] Sedorox: just wait...
[03:05:41] fiveiron: well its not like its hard..... ;-)
[03:05:41] a1fa: i cant believe it
[03:05:51] a1fa: Sedorox : what do you mean
[03:05:58] threat (threat! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:06:03] Sedorox: the ending..
[03:06:05] fiveiron: everything is friggin easy in ubuntu
[03:06:05] Sedorox: interesting...
[03:06:06] Sedorox: :p
[03:06:18] a1fa: it just ended
[03:06:22] Sedorox: ahh ok
[03:06:23] a1fa: i cant fucking believe it
[03:06:26] Sedorox: yea.. funky isn't it
[03:06:36] Sedorox: never seen the show before in my life
[03:06:39] Sedorox: and I watch that
[03:06:40] Sedorox: lol
[03:06:55] a1fa: the menu is working
[03:07:15] a1fa: the audio is delayed
[03:07:26] a1fa: very very delayed
[03:07:33] a1fa: in live tv
[03:09:00] dscoular: a1fa: maybe I'll stay reverted... sigh.
[03:09:15] fiveiron: i like the retro mythtv theme
[03:09:18] fiveiron: thats tight lookin
[03:09:25] a1fa: lol
[03:09:31] a1fa: the menu is working
[03:09:35] a1fa: but it appears/disappears
[03:09:52] a1fa: so you have to click menu again
[03:10:00] dscoular: a1fa: if you use nvidia what version driver are you using ?
[03:10:07] a1fa: let me verify
[03:10:56] a1fa: i am not sure
[03:11:12] dscoular: a1fa: thanks for the backup on #mythtv... I'm always scared to ask things there ;)
[03:11:20] a1fa: yeah
[03:11:25] a1fa: the gnomes are unfriendly there
[03:11:47] dscoular: a1fa: I can understand why ;)
[03:11:58] a1fa: 7309 mythtv 15 0 182m 68m 31m S 14.0 9.0 12:21.61 mythfrontend
[03:12:14] a1fa: i think there is a leak with mythfronted
[03:12:19] a1fa: 182 megs
[03:12:20] a1fa: no wayh
[03:12:29] dscoular: a1fa: eek!
[03:12:33] a1fa: 7139 mythtv 16 0 174m 15m 9848 S 1.3 2.0 1:20.91 mythbackend
[03:12:39] a1fa: 174mb for backend
[03:12:41] a1fa: wtf
[03:12:46] Phantom1000 (Phantom1000! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:13:21] dscoular: a1fa: what ps args are you using to get that ?
[03:13:29] a1fa: aux
[03:13:40] Sedorox: aux doesn't give human readable...
[03:13:53] a1fa: do
[03:13:53] a1fa: top
[03:14:00] armand: root 18929 0.0 6.9 141424 35588 tty1 S May08 0:00 mythfrontend
[03:14:03] armand: 4 day uptime ;/
[03:14:07] Sedorox: top does :p
[03:14:10] dscoular: a1fa: ah... top gotcha
[03:14:27] a1fa: 22:14:23 up 28 days, 10:08, 1 user, load average: 1.40, 0.98, 0.80
[03:14:39] armand: definitely a memory leak somewhere
[03:14:56] Sedorox: 23:14:49 up 292 days, 4:53, 2 users, load average: 0.11, 0.03, 0.01
[03:15:01] Sedorox: :p
[03:15:15] fiveiron: a1fa: uh.. i'm trying to configure the svn of mythtv and its telling me i need LAME... which i have....
[03:15:15] armand: whats its ip so i can root it
[03:15:21] armand: 292day uptime means no patches! :0
[03:15:29] a1fa: fiveiron : you need lame library
[03:15:36] Sedorox: only in kernel my friend.. only in kernel...
[03:15:37] Sedorox: :p
[03:15:52] fiveiron: i have that
[03:15:57] Sedorox: 2.6.11-cko5
[03:16:02] Sedorox: so its not that old
[03:16:04] a1fa: ok
[03:16:09] a1fa: this version sucks
[03:16:13] Sedorox: gentoo... updated.. usually nightly
[03:16:35] Sedorox: 'tho I've let that box go since I got a new one to replace it
[03:18:30] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:18:51] Cardoe: I really hate my PPC MythTV box.
[03:19:09] ** Sedorox grabs a dry-erase marker and writes on the board "0.19_p9163 doesn't like 2.6.16 headers" **
[03:19:35] Cardoe: Sedorox: Make my box work
[03:19:39] Cardoe: and I'll fix the ebuilds tonight
[03:19:42] Sedorox: 0_o
[03:19:45] Sedorox: lol
[03:20:12] Sedorox: ya know.. I didn't even know you were a gentoo dev untill I just say what you said and looked up :p
[03:20:25] fiveiron: *sigh*
[03:20:44] fiveiron: i DO have the LAME lib installed... frigging thing
[03:20:47] Sedorox: Cardoe: uhh.. since I don't have a ppc box with linux... whats wrong? :pl
[03:20:48] Sedorox: lol*
[03:22:28] Cardoe: NO CLUE
[03:22:32] Cardoe: it's in the living room
[03:22:34] a1fa: ok
[03:22:36] Cardoe: it stopped responding to pings
[03:22:37] a1fa: i need to go
[03:22:39] a1fa: help my girl
[03:22:45] a1fa: bleech her hair
[03:22:45] Cardoe: er it kept answering pings
[03:22:48] Cardoe: stopped answering SSH
[03:22:54] Sedorox: lol
[03:22:58] Sedorox: sounds like it locked up
[03:23:03] ** Sedorox goes and presses the reset button **
[03:23:06] a1fa: never boned a blonde before
[03:23:06] a1fa: :p
[03:23:08] a1fa: later
[03:23:09] Cardoe: however a power cycle did not fix it
[03:23:16] Sedorox: put a monitor on it
[03:23:16] Cardoe: a1fa: you're special
[03:23:20] Sedorox: a1fa: lol
[03:23:23] Cardoe: Sedorox: it's in the living room
[03:23:31] Sedorox: Cardoe: so? grab it and hook it up :p
[03:23:52] Cardoe: not so easy
[03:23:59] Cardoe: but it's a pain in the ass to constantly have to do this.
[03:24:06] Sedorox: you don't have console output on the tv?
[03:24:21] Cardoe: it's PPC
[03:24:29] Cardoe: there is no VGA/Vesa support
[03:24:32] Sedorox: ok...
[03:24:33] Sedorox: ah
[03:24:33] Cardoe: so you need frame buffer
[03:24:43] Cardoe: however frame buffer does not output to the TV out
[03:24:49] ** Sedorox hands you a lcd to carry out **
[03:25:04] Cardoe: I'm buying a LCD TV on Friday
[03:25:09] Cardoe: next friday that is
[03:25:10] Sedorox: lol
[03:25:15] Cardoe: 32" Samsung
[03:25:17] Cardoe: but expensive
[03:25:23] Cardoe: but quality quality quality
[03:25:27] Cardoe: I could get one for half the price
[03:25:35] Sedorox: so.... still doesn't help you with your box locked up.. and for some reason you can't grab it and fix it...
[03:26:00] Cardoe: Sedorox: by in the living room that means IN the living room
[03:26:02] Cardoe: like intergrated.
[03:26:03] lightx (lightx! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[03:26:21] Cardoe: I mounted the motherboard to the underside of the TV stand
[03:26:23] Cardoe: hidden away
[03:26:32] Sedorox: oh.. that kinda integrated..
[03:26:56] Sedorox: thats upto you then :p I would just carry a monitor out and plug it in
[03:26:59] Cardoe: the female doesn't allow my "crazy electronics" in the living room
[03:27:18] Cardoe: She's on the couch right now
[03:27:21] Cardoe: watching Mean Girls
[03:27:23] Sedorox: its only to fix it... I'm sure she uses it.. and she can't use it unless its fixed :p
[03:27:28] Sedorox: ahhh
[03:27:34] Cardoe: actually she doesn't
[03:27:40] Cardoe: since it hasn't worked properly for ages
[03:27:48] Sedorox: ahhh
[03:28:13] Cardoe: MythTV has never been reliable to me
[03:28:21] Sedorox: I'm just getting into it
[03:28:22] Cardoe: Cause of QT
[03:28:32] Cardoe: I've been using it since version 9
[03:28:33] Sedorox: it finally compiled on my laptop.. with backing down to 2.6.11 headers
[03:29:08] Cardoe: QT is such crap.
[03:29:11] Cardoe: We use it at work
[03:29:20] Cardoe: I have the whole 9 yards commerical version on my laptop
[03:29:31] Cardoe: the fact that we have to keep it in SVN
[03:29:44] Cardoe: and merge their sources with our fixes
[03:29:46] Cardoe: every release
[03:29:59] Sedorox: lol
[03:30:07] Cardoe: the fact that TrollTech gives us free licenses because of the amount of bugs that we fix.
[03:30:09] Sedorox: never had a problem with QT.. but I'm not a programmer either
[03:31:04] Nem^1 (Nem^1! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:35:53] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:38:41] choenig (choenig! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:38:52] thechris (thechris! has joined #mythtv-users
[03:39:02] thechris: i have a sound issue on channel 73
[03:39:25] K1LOS (K1LOS! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[03:39:48] thechris: the sound is modulated, and has some distortion. it undulates about 1–2 times per second making it hard to watch or record channel 73
[03:39:54] thechris: the picture is fine
[03:41:52] jams: Has mythplugins been ported to osx?
[03:46:40] Nem^ (Nem^!n=Nem@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:46:49] Nem^1 is now known as Nem^
[04:05:37] rothgar_ (rothgar_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:11:32] nickv111 (nickv111! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:12:03] nickv111: Hello. I (finally) got ivtv working, and now have /dev/v4l/video0 as an MPEG-2 stream (because my tv tuner card encodes directly to mpeg-2)
[04:12:26] cesman: hello
[04:12:31] nickv111: mplayer /dev/v4l/video0 works. I tried to configure mythtv using mythtv-setup, and I set up a tuner card
[04:12:44] nickv111: I also set up some video input, using DataDirect
[04:13:04] nickv111: Unfortunately, whenever I hit "Watch TV", it just gives me a black screen
[04:13:13] nickv111: It is very quick, and dumps be back to the main screen
[04:13:30] nickv111: I can't record TV either.
[04:13:33] ** cesman ponders how many releases of 2.6.16.z we'll see **
[04:14:04] nickv111: Can anyone give me any suggestions as to things I should try that would help me view TV on mythtv? Like I said, mplayer can play it
[04:14:08] cesman: have you checked the backend log?
[04:14:22] cesman: or run mythfrontend from an xterm
[04:14:30] nickv111: I checked the backend log
[04:14:38] nickv111: It says nothing of importance
[04:14:38] cesman: after it dumps back to the menu, exit and take a look at the output
[04:14:49] nickv111: Okay.
[04:15:46] nickv111:
[04:15:55] nickv111: That's the relevant output from mythfrontend
[04:16:43] Shdwdrgn (Shdwdrgn! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:16:49] Shdwdrgn (Shdwdrgn! has joined #MYTHTV-USERS
[04:20:04] cesman: delete the card and reconfig
[04:20:10] eiggirC: weird – my mythfrontend doesn't play sound anymore
[04:20:35] cesman: ensure you set it up correctly, type (hardware mpeg), input, etc...
[04:24:05] Anduin: nickv111: no schedule info for that channel at that time
[04:24:59] rothgar__ (rothgar__! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:27:37] nickv111: Anduin: What do you mean?
[04:28:56] eiggirC: god I hate live TV now
[04:28:57] eiggirC: SKIP THE ADS DOESN'T WORK!
[04:29:07] nickv111: Hey, guys
[04:29:12] nickv111: I just redid the setup
[04:29:14] Anduin: nickv111: I mean that output means it didn't find program info for whatever channel/time live TV was using. Do you have program information?
[04:29:15] nickv111: It works now :)
[04:29:33] nickv111: Yeah, I have channel data from DataDirect
[04:29:40] nickv111: Doing a simple reconfigure just made it work, which is a relief
[04:29:42] nickv111: Thanks, guys
[04:30:14] cesman: you're welcome
[04:37:53] defaultro (defaultro! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:40:33] Doctor (Doctor! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:41:18] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:41:49] Doctor: hey would mythtv be good for playing music? (mp3's and shoutcase) I'm poking around for something I can control with just a remote
[04:44:06] bomba (bomba! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:56:01] Venzon (Venzon! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:56:52] Venzon: so, i'd like to use the median deinterlacer (-vf pp=md) for TV playback. i tried putting in pp=md in the custom filters section of the setup->tv settings->playback screen but that didn't seem to work. any idea what's up?
[04:57:30] nickv111: Can I schedule a recording and quit mythfrontend and still have it record?
[04:57:39] nickv111: I'm pretty sure I could, because mythbackend does the recording
[04:57:55] GreyFoxx: nickv111: yes
[04:58:01] GreyFoxx: as long as the backendis running you are fine
[04:58:25] GreyFoxx: Venzon: pp=md is a mplayer switch isn't it ? :)
[04:58:40] Venzon: yep
[04:58:54] GreyFoxx: Then Why would you think that wouldhave any effect on TV playback in myth ?
[04:59:13] GreyFoxx: Myth doesn;t use mplayer for tv/recordings playback
[04:59:30] Venzon: ohhh
[05:00:00] Venzon: then what is the custom filters setting for? the format is [[<filter>=<options>,]...]
[05:00:14] Venzon: which is the same as the mplayer -vf switch
[05:00:45] GreyFoxx: There are some filters in myth which you can choose to put in there. Personally I've never used them
[05:01:02] GreyFoxx: adenoise filter, and others
[05:01:15] Venzon: ah
[05:01:45] Venzon: do you happen to know where it's documented?
[05:01:54] GreyFoxx: I doubt it is
[05:02:16] GreyFoxx: but I would guess under documentation, the wiki, and finally the code itself
[05:04:53] gutano (gutano! has quit ("zZz")
[05:07:06] dscoular: Venzon: search for filter
[05:08:19] shiznix__ is now known as shiznix
[05:09:58] Venzon: dscoular: thanks
[05:10:41] Venzon: looking through the mythtv source code, it seems like they have support for median deinterlacing through the postprocess filter, but i've yet to figure it out. the structure of the filters seems very similar to mplayer
[05:14:41] dscoular: Venzon: aren't they both just using the same lower level libraries like ffmpeg and friends ?
[05:14:59] dscoular: Venzon: hence the commonality of filters.
[05:16:09] Venzon: yeah, you're right
[05:16:13] Venzon: libpostprocess, apparently
[05:18:28] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:20:14] nickv111 (nickv111! has quit ("leaving")
[05:20:27] Cardoe: Sedorox: I dug out my old myth box
[05:20:31] Cardoe: stuck a video card in it
[05:20:31] Sedorox: hehe
[05:20:38] Sedorox: and?
[05:20:40] Cardoe: I hate that box so much
[05:20:46] Sedorox: lol
[05:21:05] Cardoe: it's got raw power
[05:21:05] majesty (majesty! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:21:06] Cardoe: not speed
[05:21:16] Sedorox: ahaha
[05:21:25] Cardoe: it's a 1ghz
[05:21:30] Sedorox: not bad...
[05:21:34] majesty (majesty! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:21:36] Cardoe: but it can do a lot at the sametime
[05:21:58] Sedorox: so whats wrong with it...
[05:21:58] Cardoe: i.e. it can transcode 2 videos at once
[05:22:05] Cardoe: it's loud as shit
[05:22:09] Cardoe: and hot as hell
[05:22:13] Sedorox: you said it wasn't booting..
[05:22:22] Cardoe: this is the old box
[05:22:27] Cardoe: the ppc isn't booting
[05:22:28] Sedorox: oooo
[05:22:46] Cardoe: I know why the PPC isn't booting
[05:22:53] Sedorox: ah
[05:22:55] Cardoe: it's the most annoying bug ever
[05:23:10] Cardoe: so the system "halts" itself when the processor temp gets to hot.
[05:23:17] Sedorox: interesting...
[05:23:20] Cardoe: which is what happens in that cabinet after a bunch of compiling
[05:23:31] Cardoe: it can only do a couple of limited things
[05:23:37] Cardoe: like process acpi commands
[05:23:43] Sedorox: sounds like my laptop...
[05:23:47] Cardoe: so you can hit the power button
[05:23:52] Cardoe: and it'll do a graceful shutdown
[05:24:07] Cardoe: except there's a kernel bug since like .12 that the kernel panics when I hit the button
[05:24:13] Sedorox: lol
[05:24:44] Cardoe: if I don't cleaning unmount the filesystem
[05:24:51] Cardoe: it insists on being checked
[05:25:06] Cardoe: and baselayout sometimes overrides my setting of automatically fsck the drive
[05:25:19] Sedorox: joy...
[05:28:58] Venzon: anyone know how to get any of the postprocess filters working?
[05:30:26] defaultro: hi Cardoe
[05:30:35] defaultro: man, I am so ecstatic
[05:30:42] Cardoe: hey defaultro
[05:30:44] Cardoe: defaultro: why?
[05:30:48] Cardoe: defaultro: oh I picked a new TV
[05:30:51] Cardoe: it's a bit more expensive
[05:31:21] thechris: i am having some issues with my PVR. channel 73's sound isn't working properly.the picture is fine though
[05:31:35] dscoular: Venzon: as the doco explains... "do not apply when using a capture card with hardware encoding"
[05:31:38] defaultro: i downloaded 1080p mp4 and mov and played it with mplayer pre 0.7 version. It was sluggish. So I thought that my 6600GT was underpowered. I upgraded my mplayer and WOW, it can play it like a piece of cake
[05:32:04] defaultro: the quality of 1080p is phenomenal
[05:32:08] dscoular: Venzon: sorry... didn't see you were referring to the postprocess filters
[05:32:29] Cardoe: defaultro: cool
[05:32:43] Cardoe: I'm gonna get one of those cards
[05:32:50] Cardoe: defaultro: I picked a Samsung now
[05:32:58] Cardoe: It's like $200 more
[05:33:06] Cardoe: but the picture is amazing amazing!
[05:33:10] Cardoe: and it's got a DVI port
[05:33:38] defaultro: cool
[05:33:43] defaultro: have fun
[05:34:00] defaultro: there is another higher card 7800 i guess
[05:34:03] Cardoe: yeah I picked the Sharp because of the Consumer Reports reviews
[05:34:07] defaultro: but i don't know how much it cost
[05:34:13] Cardoe: based on the previous models
[05:34:17] defaultro: ok
[05:34:20] Cardoe: since no one has reviewed the current stuff
[05:34:23] defaultro: samsung is good too
[05:34:29] Cardoe: wow... the Sharp looks like CRAP compared to the rest
[05:34:35] defaultro: oh ok :)
[05:35:00] defaultro: dude, i can't wait to move to the new house and start building my dedicated home theater
[05:35:20] defaultro: then prolly, i'll setup a 9ft wide screen
[05:35:30] Cardoe: yeah I need a home theather cabinet
[05:35:31] defaultro: :)
[05:35:33] Cardoe: that's cooled
[05:35:37] Cardoe: somehow
[05:35:47] defaultro: yep
[05:36:45] Venzon (Venzon! has left #mythtv-users ()
[05:37:22] defaultro: i'm downloading another 1080p show, . . . e_HD_ASP.mp4
[05:47:18] defaultro: hey guys, do you know how to pull the exact .mov link from
[05:53:39] kavorka^ (kavorka^! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:53:48] sport (sport! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:53:52] sport: i think i might just give up
[05:54:03] sport: i cannot seem to get the hometheater pc i want
[05:54:11] sport: i have tried so much countless shit
[05:54:27] sport: and mythtv never sets up properly or detects my card right
[05:54:34] sport: and i got a b878 wintv compatible
[05:54:49] kavorka^: i've installed mythgame and i can see my roms...however when i select a game to play nothing there something i else i need to configure?
[05:56:59] sport: no ideas here?
[06:02:00] specialsauce (specialsauce! has quit ("Leaving")
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[06:04:12] bagpuss_thecat (bagpuss_thecat! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:05:17] sport: ????????????
[06:05:46] mchou: defaultro: you bought a new tv?
[06:07:16] defaultro: nope
[06:07:44] defaultro: i was just saying earlier that with the latest version of mplayer, i am able to play 1080p programs without any issues
[06:07:52] mchou: oh, that must have been cardoe
[06:08:06] mchou: defaultro: what version is the latest?
[06:08:28] defaultro: MPlayer dev-CVS-060512–23:54–3.4.2 (
[06:08:49] defaultro: i was using 0.7pre and 1080p was so sluggish and tons of artifacts all over
[06:09:12] defaultro: so i was about to conclude that my 6600GT is not capable of playing 1080p
[06:09:18] mchou: hehe
[06:09:29] defaultro: i just tried upgrading and i wasn't really thinking that it will fix it
[06:09:30] defaultro: :D
[06:09:35] sport: i think i quit
[06:09:36] sport: :X
[06:09:42] defaultro: 1080p is phenomenal
[06:09:49] mchou: so you using xvmc with mplayer?
[06:09:58] defaultro: nope, just xv
[06:10:14] defaultro: i'm recompiling mplayer again with xvmc support
[06:10:21] defaultro: however, i'm having issues enable lirc :(
[06:10:23] mchou: defaultro: what proc is this again?
[06:10:26] defaultro: i still can't test it
[06:10:36] defaultro: amd athlon 64 3000
[06:10:46] mchou: defaultro: ok
[06:11:05] angler- (angler-!n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:11:23] mchou: wonder what exactly the mplayer guys improved
[06:11:45] defaultro: libadcodec I guess
[06:11:49] defaultro: ffmpeg
[06:11:53] defaultro: that's what i heard
[06:12:01] sport: hmm
[06:12:03] sport: ill brb
[06:12:05] sport: wish me luck
[06:12:07] sport: i might need help
[06:12:09] defaultro: so I guess, it would be nice to recompile mythtv again
[06:12:09] sport: later on
[06:12:17] mchou: defaultro: heh, then the mplayer guys didnt do much then :)
[06:12:19] defaultro: does mythtv uses ffmpeg?
[06:12:31] defaultro: yep, because it's a library
[06:12:42] defaultro:
[06:12:48] defaultro: i just followed that
[06:13:29] angler-: in ~/.mythtv/lircrc is it the "button" or "config" that corresponds to what is in /etc/lircd.conf?
[06:13:49] topping (topping! has quit ()
[06:15:04] defaultro: i couldn't remember how I enabled lirc in mplayer before. My lirc is custom install
[06:16:03] croppa (croppa! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[06:16:42] mchou: defaultro: if your 6600GT agp or pci-e?
[06:17:04] defaultro: agp
[06:17:37] mchou: defaultro: what mobo you using?
[06:17:54] defaultro: it's gigabyte 8kns
[06:18:04] mchou: ok
[06:19:41] dscoular: angler-: button is the name of the button in /etc/lircd.conf config is the command to send to the app.
[06:20:02] angler-: dscoular, thanks!
[06:20:34] mchou: defaultro: do you have the "ultra" with firewire or just the "plain" one?
[06:20:38] adante_ (adante_! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:21:18] defaultro: ultra?
[06:21:32] defaultro: how do i check it?
[06:21:49] mchou: if it has firewire it's an ultra.
[06:21:59] angler- (angler-!n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler) has quit ("Leaving")
[06:22:04] mchou: if it doent have firewire then it's not
[06:22:09] mchou: doesnt*
[06:22:30] mchou: you'd know if it had firewire :)
[06:22:32] defaultro: i still don't get your question
[06:22:47] defaultro: are you asking built in firewire on the mobo? If so, no, there is no
[06:22:51] defaultro: none
[06:23:12] mchou: yeah, built in
[06:23:32] mchou: 1394b, not 1394a, too
[06:23:35] adante (adante! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:23:36] adante_ is now known as adante
[06:23:52] defaultro: nope, i don't have. But i bought a separated card instead
[06:24:02] mchou: defaultro: yeah
[06:24:16] defaultro: how do i check if my firewire card is b?
[06:24:50] mchou: most firewire cards are a
[06:25:13] mchou: you'd know if it's a b cause it wont be pci
[06:25:13] defaultro: ok
[06:25:28] mchou: pci not fast enough for b
[06:26:29] defaultro: ah
[06:26:33] mchou: defaultro: so would you recommend your mobo?
[06:26:52] mchou: I mean has it worked out well for ya?
[06:26:55] defaultro: well, i've been using it for almost 1 yr and 5 months and am very happy
[06:27:00] defaultro: oh yeah
[06:27:03] mchou: defaultro: ok
[06:27:12] defaultro: it's beefed up
[06:27:28] defaultro: it's got air2pc, spdif, fusion, firewire, nvidia66
[06:27:45] mchou: defaultro: does it have capability to throttle down fan spped when idle?
[06:27:57] mchou: speed*
[06:28:01] defaultro: that i don't know
[06:28:23] defaultro: also, i didn't overclock
[06:28:23] mchou: and can it boot off usb drives? :)
[06:28:59] defaultro: i haven't check it though
[06:29:08] mchou: defaultro: with 939 it's CRIMINAL if you are not running Cool'nQuiet
[06:29:22] mchou: I'm serious about that
[06:29:37] defaultro: oh
[06:30:55] anxt (anxt! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:31:01] anxt: hey kids
[06:31:08] mchou: defaultro: i save you plenty just on the power bill, not to mention noise
[06:31:08] anxt: a non mythtv question?
[06:31:12] mchou: it*
[06:31:19] defaultro: :D
[06:31:29] anxt: i want to try and mux 32 channels audio into mpeg-2 aac for asi link to satelitte uplink, any comments? this is dvb.
[06:31:46] mchou: anxt: huh???
[06:32:11] mchou: anxt: what's asi?
[06:32:13] anxt: mchou, i want to take 16 stereo audio feeds, roll them into an aac and transport them over dvb
[06:32:23] anxt: mchou, asi is a dvb "connector?"
[06:32:37] mchou: anxt: ok
[06:32:49] anxt: maybe even an alsa question i will ask there too
[06:32:57] Doctor: heh 16 audio channels where 1 video channel should be? interesting
[06:33:20] mchou: Doctor: yeah, aka DAT :)
[06:33:25] anxt: Doctor, indeed. i am feeding 16 ogg stream from remote to a satelitte provider to be redistributed
[06:33:35] mchou: Doctor: old technology :)
[06:33:40] anxt: satelitte provders speak dvb, asi
[06:34:55] mchou: anxt: I dont get it. how to demux audio on the receving end?
[06:35:06] mchou: receiving*
[06:35:38] mchou: or that's a "dont care?"
[06:36:35] mchou: anxt: I mean I think you want to stuff 16 audio "channels," if I understood you correctly
[06:37:03] mchou: and have 16 separate channels coming out the other side, no?
[06:37:50] mchou: or 32, whatever number, you get the jist
[06:38:39] johnsu01 (johnsu01!n=user@fsf/staff/johnsu01) has joined #mythtv-users
[06:39:49] johnsu01: When importing a DVD, the transcode command is run with a -i option, to specify a path for tmp files. Anyone know where this path comes from? It's not in the import settings.
[06:40:41] johnsu01: It uses the mythdvd default tmp path, but I've changed this path, and it's still trying to use the default.
[06:40:56] johnsu01: the rip command itself is using the right one now.
[06:44:06] jaymz-duck (jaymz-duck! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:46:56] anxt: mchou, demux is their problem
[06:47:09] anxt: i need to play 16 streams into an aac and send through dvb card
[06:49:31] adante (adante! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:50:56] hashbang (hashbang! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:52:40] NightMonkey (NightMonkey!n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
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[06:56:09] achew22 (achew22! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:56:23] achew22: I just got my htdv tuner card in the mail eariler today!
[06:59:30] defaultro: hi achew
[06:59:35] defaultro: what card did you buy?
[06:59:42] achew22: air2pc
[06:59:46] defaultro: cool
[06:59:49] achew22: I have to recompile in dvb support dont i
[06:59:49] achew22: damnit
[06:59:50] defaultro: what version?
[06:59:53] achew22: 5
[06:59:57] defaultro: nice
[07:00:01] achew22: (I think) thats what the ebay page said
[07:00:13] defaultro: 5th generation i guess
[07:00:24] achew22: when you recompile its just --enable-dvb right?
[07:00:34] defaultro: also the firmware
[07:00:40] defaultro: you have to copy it
[07:00:41] achew22: ???
[07:00:50] defaultro: i dont have the doc with me right now
[07:01:01] defaultro: and am testing something too here
[07:01:02] achew22: its telling me I didn't compile support for DVB in so i gotta fix that first
[07:01:10] defaultro: i'm fixing mplayer lirc support
[07:01:14] achew22: okay — I got a question
[07:01:21] defaultro: ah
[07:01:26] defaultro: here is a good site that you can follow
[07:01:29] achew22: I have 2 mythboxes
[07:01:31] defaultro:
[07:01:38] defaultro: then look for air2pc
[07:01:40] achew22: do I need to recompile on each to include dvb or just the one tis going into
[07:01:53] defaultro: then somewhere below that page, there is a linux howto
[07:02:05] defaultro: ache, you have to compile your kernel first
[07:02:16] defaultro: go to that page
[07:02:41] defaultro: here is the doc i wrote too,
[07:02:56] defaultro: you're on your own for now, i'm fixing mplayer lirc support here
[07:03:02] defaultro: i'm also too sleepy
[07:03:31] achew22: I know how to recompile
[07:03:35] achew22: lets see if its enabled
[07:04:05] Varanger (Varanger!n=guest@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:04:49] achew22: defaultro its listed properly in lspci so I don't think I have to worry about it
[07:05:19] defaultro: it's up to you
[07:05:30] defaultro: it doesn't mean that if it's listed, it's in the kernel
[07:05:32] defaultro: it might
[07:05:49] defaultro: what about cat /proc/interrupts
[07:05:51] dscoular (dscoular! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:05:52] defaultro: can you see it there?
[07:05:56] dscoular (dscoular! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:06:48] jaymz-duck (jaymz-duck! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:08:10] thechris (thechris! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:09:20] achew22: defaultro that cable is that VGA to ypbpr?
[07:10:55] Varanger: xris
[07:10:58] SlicerDicer-: does that actually work?
[07:11:06] xris: ?
[07:11:26] SlicerDicer-: nvm
[07:11:28] defaultro: ache, nope
[07:11:35] defaultro: it's a vga to rgbh
[07:11:37] defaultro: rgbhv
[07:11:53] defaultro: if you want ypbpr, you need a transcoder
[07:12:04] defaultro: runs about $129
[07:12:07] defaultro: :(
[07:17:14] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:20:01] sphing (sphing! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:26:53] mchou: achew22: how much did the card cost incl. shipping?
[07:27:00] jaymz-duck (jaymz-duck! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:27:12] kavorka^ (kavorka^! has quit ("Client exiting")
[07:27:54] TakKovacs (TakKovacs! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:28:01] achew22: mchou it was cheep
[07:28:04] achew22: i think 40$
[07:28:12] mchou: achew22: not bad
[07:28:15] Varanger (Varanger!n=guest@ has quit ()
[07:28:37] mchou: achew22: private seller or bbti?
[07:28:53] mchou: achew22: I mean did it come from bbti
[07:29:13] achew22: private
[07:29:31] mchou: achew22: sound like you picked up a good deal
[07:29:42] achew22: thats what I thought
[07:29:54] achew22: now if only I could figure out what I'm doing wrong with my compile
[07:30:14] mchou: achew22: you know what generation this is?
[07:30:19] achew22: 5
[07:30:31] TakKovacs: anyone got a usb external card working well with myth ?
[07:30:37] mchou: achew22: really? I doubt that.....
[07:30:52] mchou: achew22: what's lspci say for the card?
[07:30:55] achew22: I don't really know — but I heard that number being thrown around so thats my best guess
[07:31:14] mchou: achew22: linky to ebay page? :)
[07:31:36] achew22: Network controller: Techsan Electronics Co Ltd B2C2 FlexCopII DVB chip / Technisat SkyStar2 DVB card (rev 02)
[07:31:55] achew22: so rev 2
[07:33:33] sphing (sphing! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:34:32] achew22: mchou what is proc-opt?
[07:34:58] mchou: beats me. processor option?
[07:35:24] achew22: it asks for it when you compile myth with DVB support
[07:36:13] mchou: lol
[07:36:24] mchou: that processor optimizations
[07:36:34] achew22: ahh
[07:36:42] mchou: trust me, you'd probably want it
[07:36:43] achew22: should it take FOREVER to do ./configure?
[07:36:50] mchou: nope
[07:36:59] mchou: configure is quick
[07:37:26] achew22: weird
[07:37:30] achew22: when I run configure as root it doesn't work
[07:37:34] achew22: but as a normal user it works
[07:37:44] mchou: anyways, you dont need to compile myth to get it working
[07:37:59] mchou: at least not yet
[07:38:13] achew22: why?
[07:38:23] achew22: its telling me my myth doesn't have DVB compiled in
[07:38:41] mchou: much more important to make sure the card works outside of myth first
[07:38:58] achew22: any sugestions?
[07:39:14] mchou: achew22: for what?
[07:39:29] achew22: to test teh card
[07:39:40] mchou: read the dvb docs
[07:40:12] mchou: they tell you how to make sure it works
[07:41:54] dscoular: achew22: DVB is tricky... it's best to determine your card works outside of myth first. The first step is to check the drivers are loading and your card is recognised.
[07:43:15] achew22: where is the scan util?
[07:43:39] dscoular: achew22: well depending on the distro I've seen it called scan, scandvb and dvbscan.
[07:43:49] dscoular: achew22: What distro are you using ?
[07:43:55] achew22: yeah — but is it in /usr/src
[07:43:56] achew22: ubuntu
[07:44:39] dscoular: achew22: okay in synaptic see what packages have dvb in their title.
[07:44:56] dscoular: achew22: on ubuntu I reckon it's called scan.
[07:44:58] achew22: screw that — apt-cache is way more kick ass
[07:45:17] dscoular: achew22: fine... synaptic caches anyway.
[07:45:21] achew22: meh
[07:45:31] dscoular: achew22: apt-cache search dvb
[07:45:35] achew22: i'm sshing in so i would rather do it this way
[07:45:39] achew22: i got them installed
[07:45:43] achew22: where are they put?
[07:45:45] dscoular: achew22: agreed
[07:45:51] dscoular: achew22: locate scan
[07:46:09] xris (xris! has quit ("l8r")
[07:46:20] dscoular: achew22: scan should be in the default path.
[07:46:26] achew22: okay
[07:46:48] achew22: so nhow do I know what params to give it — I don't think dvb-t/uk-CrystalPalace > channels.conf will do me much good in the us
[07:46:51] dscoular: achew22: do you know if the drivers loaded and recognised your DVB card ?
[07:47:23] achew22: 0000:00:0b.0 Network controller: Techsan Electronics Co Ltd B2C2 FlexCopII DVB chip / Technisat SkyStar2 DVB card (rev 02)
[07:47:23] dscoular: achew22: I didn't think the us had DVB-T
[07:47:54] dscoular: achew22: That's just the PCI listing... nothing to do with the driver methinks
[07:48:05] achew22: how do I detect if the driver finds it
[07:48:15] mchou: nope, nothing to do with driver at all
[07:48:33] achew22: how do I find out if "the drivers loaded and recognised your DVB card"
[07:48:37] dscoular: Usually /var/log/messages will have some indication or lsmod will show you
[07:48:38] mchou: lsmod should tell you if they are modules :)
[07:48:47] dscoular: which drivers are loaded but not what they detected
[07:48:57] dscoular: /var/log/messages is your best bet
[07:49:11] dscoular: Also if it created devices in /dev/dvb/adapt*
[07:49:42] achew22: hrm...
[07:49:51] achew22: its got 4 /dev/dvb/adapter*s
[07:50:05] achew22: doest that mean I have 4 cards... because that would be a cool trick
[07:50:12] mchou: achew22: well, that a good sign :)
[07:50:23] achew22: I have faith in ubuntu
[07:50:28] achew22: how do I get teh channels?
[07:50:32] achew22: the*
[07:50:35] dscoular: achew22: I have no faith in o/s
[07:50:39] mchou: achew22: what's the kernel version?
[07:50:44] achew22: 2.6.12
[07:50:53] achew22: dscoular I have faith in windows drivers
[07:50:54] dscoular: achew22: did you look in /var/log/messages
[07:51:07] achew22: no ... I know its 2.6.12 though
[07:51:12] achew22: 2.6.12–10
[07:51:19] mchou: achew22: time to upgrade :)
[07:51:23] achew22: screw that
[07:51:26] achew22: it works now as is
[07:51:32] dscoular: achew22: could you look at /var/log/messages ?
[07:51:35] achew22: i'm not going to fix it if it aint broke
[07:52:16] achew22: May 11 21:16:38 plantation kernel: [4294713.792000] DVB: registering new adapter (SkyStar2).
[07:52:19] mchou: achew22: it's broke unless that card is not from the last two generations
[07:52:26] achew22: its not
[07:52:43] dscoular: achew22: okay, lets assume its working then.
[07:52:49] achew22: thats what I normaly do
[07:53:00] achew22: its easier ;)
[07:53:01] dscoular: achew22: You need an initial tuning file.
[07:53:08] achew22: thats what scan is for right?
[07:53:25] mchou: achew22: dmesg should say something like DVB frontend or something to that effect.....
[07:53:30] dscoular: scan reads an initial tuning file and generates a channels.conf from your nearest transponder
[07:53:38] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini!n=daniel_b@ has quit (Client Quit)
[07:53:54] achew22: holy creap!
[07:54:10] dscoular: achew22: locate dvb-t
[07:54:10] achew22: dmesg yeilds this "[4397715.296000] APIC error on CPU0: 40(40)" a crap load of times
[07:54:27] mchou: that's not good
[07:54:37] achew22: "/lib/modules/2.6.12-10–386/kernel/drivers/media/dvb/ttpci/dvb-ttpci. ko"
[07:54:52] achew22: i'll look at that in a little bit
[07:54:58] dscoular: achew22: your in the US and you are trying to use DVB-T ?
[07:55:05] eiggirC: achew22: you probably have a slight faulty board
[07:55:10] achew22: no...
[07:55:13] eiggirC: achew22: I get it occasionally on my backend
[07:55:21] eiggirC: APIC error on CPU0: 40(40)
[07:55:21] achew22: I don't know anything about this
[07:55:24] mchou: achew22: . . . c-howto.html
[07:55:27] achew22: ohh
[07:55:41] eiggirC: achew22: remember you're thrashing the backend
[07:55:47] mchou: achew22: and I think your card is really old
[07:55:53] achew22: agreed
[07:56:15] achew22: do I need to install the firmware?
[07:56:19] adante (adante! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:57:03] mchou: that depends on the card.....
[07:57:03] dscoular: achew22: for all the cards I have had I've had to install the firmware from Some distros have them but I don't think ubuntu does.
[07:57:34] mchou: and since we dont know wat NIM it has......
[07:57:38] mchou: what*
[07:57:44] achew22: yeah — /usr/src/dvb-kernel/firmware/dvb-fe-nxt2002.fw" doesn't exist
[07:57:54] sixy (sixy! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:57:58] sixy: hi
[07:58:09] mchou: I doubt that's correct firmware for your card
[07:58:31] dscoular: achew22: what is your card again ?
[07:58:40] mchou: that one is for the nxt2002 nim, which I'm almost certain you dont have
[07:58:41] achew22: Network controller: Techsan Electronics Co Ltd B2C2 FlexCopII DVB chip / Technisat SkyStar2 DVB card (rev 02)
[07:58:48] sixy: on startup mythtv attempts to connect to the socket /dev/lircd – is there any way to change which socket it connects to?
[07:59:34] mchou: rev 02 much earlier than rev 195 :)
[07:59:53] achew22: mchou — my how profound ;)
[08:00:04] dscoular: :)
[08:00:14] mchou: achew22: no, just telling that firmware aint for you :)
[08:00:19] mchou: you*
[08:00:40] mchou: nxt2002 is definitely the wrong firmware for you
[08:01:09] achew22: how do I Get dvb-apps?
[08:01:21] achew22: i'll bet thats the same as the utils
[08:01:23] achew22: nvm
[08:01:24] mchou: you probably need the broadcom firmware
[08:01:35] achew22: where do I get this stuff?
[08:01:39] dscoular: You just need the firmware from that matches your card
[08:01:48] dscoular: You already have the utils installed
[08:02:01] dscoular: It's just the package name is different under other distros
[08:02:32] dscoular: Your driver is probably not loading since you don't get messages in /var/log/messages mentioning firmware methinks
[08:03:18] dscoular: I think this might be what you want but I'd grab em all: dvb-fe-bcm3510–01.fw
[08:03:40] achew22: agreed
[08:03:43] achew22: but where do I put it?
[08:03:46] dscoular: Then you throw them in /lib/firmware/`uname -r` (on ubuntu dapper)
[08:04:25] achew22: how bout /lib/hotplug?
[08:04:31] dscoular: hotplug is depricated
[08:04:40] adante (adante! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:04:40] achew22: there is a folder in there called firmware
[08:04:46] achew22: but none in the main /lib folder
[08:04:56] dscoular: It's /lib/firmware these days... hotplug is ancient history.
[08:05:03] dscoular: udev replaced it
[08:05:18] achew22: okay — hwere do I put it if I don't have a /lib/firmware
[08:05:23] achew22: ls
[08:05:26] achew22: oops worng window
[08:05:40] achew22: I guess I'll just make it
[08:05:42] dscoular: What ubuntu version are you running ?
[08:05:46] achew22: 5.10
[08:05:59] dscoular: I could google I guess ;)
[08:06:06] achew22: there is a file in /etc
[08:07:25] dscoular: achew22: I reckon 5.10 is still using the hotplug path but with udev
[08:07:38] dscoular: throw it in the hotplug path as you originally planned.
[08:07:45] achew22: okay... so where to?
[08:07:50] adante (adante! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:08:30] dscoular: my guess is /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware (I don't use ubuntu)
[08:08:39] achew22: sounds good
[08:08:44] dscoular: I know for sure about dapper
[08:08:47] jaymz-duck (jaymz-duck! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:09:00] achew22: so wget
[08:09:08] TakKovacs (TakKovacs! has left #mythtv-users ()
[08:09:09] dscoular: I'd get it all
[08:09:14] achew22: into /lib/hotplug/firmware
[08:09:33] achew22: so wget
[08:09:50] dscoular: achew22: no, I said /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware
[08:10:00] dscoular: achew22: maybe put it in both if they both exist
[08:10:47] achew22: ./usr/lib/hotplug/firmware is where my ivtv firmware is at
[08:11:15] dscoular: Well... if that's working successfully then I figure it's a good candidate
[08:11:54] achew22: yep that works well
[08:11:56] achew22: okay
[08:11:59] achew22: so now I have firmare
[08:12:00] achew22: dmesg?
[08:12:05] dscoular: You'll need to reboot
[08:12:14] achew22: i'm sshing in so no problem
[08:12:35] dscoular: So if your in the US you'll need to run
[08:12:54] achew22: I live in the US for now
[08:13:25] dscoular: I guess you can grab that out of's hg repository too
[08:14:24] dscoular: achew22: the perl script grabs your channels.conf from
[08:14:49] dscoular: Then you can use azap to try and see if you can tune to the stations in channels.conf for your zip code.
[08:15:50] achew22: okay
[08:15:54] achew22: one sec
[08:16:30] mchou: achew22: . . . photohosting
[08:16:34] achew22: I don't have that script
[08:16:47] dscoular: achew22: so it was good to start from first principals rather than trying to compile mythtv with dvb then go through all that pain just to find out you didn't have the firmware loaded.
[08:16:48] mchou: achew22: search for myth on that page
[08:17:10] achew22: mchou thats not the one I bought
[08:17:58] dscoular: achew22: I think mchou is just hinting that you should think about installing a newer kernel.
[08:18:04] achew22: yeah
[08:18:16] achew22: but I'm not going to unless i absolutly have to
[08:18:21] dscoular: Hows the reboot coming ?
[08:18:43] sixy: on startup mythtv attempts to connect to the socket /dev/lircd – is there any way to change which socket it connects to?
[08:19:40] achew22: sixy didn't you ask that a little while ago
[08:19:45] achew22: dscoular it finished
[08:19:56] achew22: sorry — not sitting at the computer so its hard to know when it is done with stuff
[08:20:04] sixy: it seemed to get missed in the flow of posts :)
[08:20:35] achew22: sixy i'm going to tell you something that I hate being told
[08:20:38] sixy: but i guess that means you dont know
[08:20:46] achew22: please read the manual — i would bet its in there
[08:20:51] sixy: its not
[08:20:57] achew22: then I don't know
[08:21:13] sixy: as far as i can tell – ive looked fairly hard
[08:21:23] achew22: dscoular you up still?
[08:23:12] achew22: sixy I haven't gotten lirc working yet — so good luck
[08:23:37] sixy: why cant you get it working?
[08:23:46] achew22: duno — its not detecting it
[08:23:51] achew22: i want hdtv more than I want a remote though
[08:24:43] dscoular: achew22: sorry... was trying the latest svn 0.19-fixes (crashes on livetv menu key)
[08:25:00] achew22: there is a new svn of .19 fixes?
[08:25:02] dscoular: achew22: What do you have in /var/log/messages
[08:25:30] dscoular: changeset 9926
[08:25:33] beavis (beavis! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:26:10] achew22: okay — I think its got it in there
[08:26:14] achew22: wait
[08:26:15] achew22: no
[08:26:18] achew22: no no — never mind
[08:26:28] achew22: I missed the "not"
[08:26:32] achew22: skystar2: A frontend driver was not found for device 13d0/2103 subsystem 13d0/2103
[08:26:57] dscoular: achew22: You'll be happier once you've upgraded your kernel ;)
[08:27:02] achew22: lol
[08:27:08] dscoular: achew22: why the reticence (sp?)
[08:27:09] achew22: okay — wanna point me to a site
[08:27:26] dscoular: I'm guessing but: apt-get update kernel
[08:27:53] achew22: 2.6.12 is all thats available for me
[08:28:04] mchou: lol
[08:28:34] mchou: achew22: compile one from if you have to
[08:28:48] achew22: alright
[08:29:10] achew22: i'm not spitting out info because I have been up for 18 hours now — pretty drowsy
[08:29:16] mchou: and considering ubuntu is debian, I highly doubt 2.6.12 is the latest available
[08:29:27] achew22: ubuntu has its own apt servesr
[08:29:30] achew22: servers*
[08:29:34] mchou: so?
[08:29:38] achew22: they are stupid
[08:29:42] mchou: my point stands.
[08:29:58] Gumby (Gumby! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:30:41] achew22:
[08:31:33] enyc: mchou: if you have a debian-sarge, you can get a 2.6.16 via repositories
[08:32:36] Nem^ (Nem^! has quit ("Fur-lined")
[08:32:38] enyc: mchou: if you have a ubuntu, wait (about 2.5 weeks) until dapper is released then upgrade to dapper release
[08:33:03] enyc: mchou: if you havo debian-testing-unstable, newer kernels should already be available
[08:33:06] enyc: ;-)
[08:33:12] achew22: enyc can I do that now?
[08:33:14] Nem^ (Nem^! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:34:05] dscoular: achew22: /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.d or somesuch lets you choose
[08:34:32] achew22 (achew22! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:34:47] dscoular: achew22: dapper is almost out though
[08:35:18] dscoular: If you've been up for 18 hours maybe it's time to think about sleep and dreams of dapper ;)
[08:35:34] enyc: achew22: you can but its up-to-you to decide te do se o before release... it is really quite stable now ...
[08:36:03] enyc: acheww22: there seem to be some persistent problems like smb backend for cupsys not working ;-)
[08:37:06] achew22 (achew22! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:37:28] enyc: achew22: hello again ;-)
[08:37:30] enyc: achew22: you can but its up-to-you to decide te do se o before release... it is really quite stable now ...
[08:37:33] enyc: achew22: there seem to be some persistent problems like smb backend for cupsys not working ;-)
[08:37:44] achew22: smb being samba?
[08:38:07] enyc: yes...
[08:38:12] achew22: if I do make oldconfig will it get the old config files from linux
[08:38:20] enyc: basically.. abilitfy te print to windoze printer shares ;-)
[08:38:44] dscoular: achew22: if you copy the config into .config in the sources directory
[08:38:59] dscoular: But I'd be more inclined to go with checking out /etc/apt/
[08:39:02] enyc: interestingly the KnoppMyth project has been in consideration about moving to ubuntu as the base-system
[08:39:10] achew22: really
[08:39:36] enyc: yes... like for next major R6 release etc.
[08:41:59] enyc: currently in R5B7 (R5C7 for testers)... uses debian-unstable/testing
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[08:46:49] gardengnome: bah. irc as root
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[09:16:54] dscoular: Sigh... recompiling 0.19-fixes 9266 with debug to try and see why mythfrontend crashes on menu key when in livetv
[09:23:59] Hoxzer: :E I'm having also problems with 0.19-fixes but it is with EIT
[09:24:12] ikonia (ikonia! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:25:06] ikonia: hello myth'ers
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[11:24:44] doc__ (doc__! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:24:47] doc__: hi there
[11:26:44] doc__: mmm is it possible to execute external process when a recording starts ?
[11:28:07] zwaaaaa (zwaaaaa! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:28:11] dscoular: doc__: I think that's what "User Jobs" are for.
[11:28:31] dscoular: See:
[11:28:34] doc__: dscoular: but... after recording :?
[11:28:46] doc__: uh... looking at
[11:29:11] dscoular: Maybe not quite what you want though
[11:29:39] achew22 (achew22! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:29:42] doc__: dscoular: nope :/ I'd like the same, but when recording starts :)
[11:30:02] zwaaaa (zwaaaa! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:30:04] achew22 (achew22! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:32:13] dscoular: doc__: you could use expect on the mythbackend log
[11:32:30] doc__: dscoular: yup :)
[11:32:56] dscoular: Maybe the 0.20 perl API will let you get events.
[11:33:00] adante: say there was something somewhere about realtime support myth.. whereabouts was this?
[11:33:17] doc__: mm perl API ? and other languages like python, ruby... ?
[11:33:23] doc__: plugins for mythtv... so cool
[11:34:06] dscoular: Or you could modify TVRec::StartRecording in tv_rec.cpp
[11:34:18] doc__: yup...
[11:34:28] doc__: a littel hack :)
[11:34:31] dscoular: Or put triggers on the db
[11:34:49] doc__: mmm can a trigger on the db launch external process ? :?
[11:36:23] dscoular: I dunno about mysql... ORACLE can.
[11:36:29] dscoular: Lemme google
[11:36:42] doc__: hehe...
[11:37:48] dscoular: hmm, it's a mysql 5.x feature.
[11:38:10] doc__: amazing...
[11:39:09] dscoular: I reckon expect is a very powerful weapon in your armoury
[11:41:10] scopeuk (scopeuk! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:41:37] doc__: expect... expect... I haven't used it :?
[11:42:27] dscoular:
[11:44:21] dscoular: So you would do something like my $obj = Expect::Simple->new({ cmd => 'cat /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log' });
[11:44:29] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[11:45:59] doc__: right...
[11:46:16] dscoular: Or for more power use
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[11:53:29] doc__: mwhahahhahahaa
[11:53:38] doc__: dscoular: there is expect module for python :)
[11:55:37] MORA (MORA! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[11:58:34] Omster is now known as Om
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[12:09:46] fiveiron: hey can one of you do me a favor and dump your db into an sql file that I can download?
[12:09:54] fiveiron: your mythconverg db
[12:11:26] lightx (lightx! has quit (Client Quit)
[12:14:28] doc__: uhm...
[12:14:37] doc__: fiveiron: a sec please :)
[12:14:52] fiveiron: heh
[12:14:57] croppa (croppa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:15:37] doc__: fiveiron:
[12:16:14] fiveiron: you rock man... thx
[12:16:24] doc__: :)
[12:18:47] adante (adante! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:23:17] fiveiron: what version of mythtv are you running doc__ ?
[12:26:25] speedsix (speedsix! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:26:36] speedsix: Hi all
[12:28:18] speedsix: Where can I download more visualizations for mythmusic?
[12:30:05] stuarta: i don't think you can, as they need to be integrated into myth
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[12:52:35] fiveiron: trying to build the latest subversion of myth I get this: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lqt-mt"
[12:53:35] stuarta: stupid question, have you got the qt-mt libs installed?
[12:53:38] fiveiron: i've got qt3-dev-tools installed
[12:53:52] fiveiron: aaaaand
[12:53:54] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:54:03] fiveiron: i've got libqt3-mt and libqt3-headers installed
[12:54:34] stuarta: okay, at what point does it stop. ie. what is it trying to compile?
[12:55:28] fiveiron: one sec... lemme open up xchat on my other box
[12:56:58] fiveiron_ (fiveiron_!n=fiveiron@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:57:12] fiveiron_: make[2]: *** [] Error 1
[12:57:28] stuarta: head or 0.19-fixes?
[12:57:35] fiveiron: eh?
[12:57:43] stuarta: which svn?
[12:57:49] fiveiron: o
[12:58:05] fiveiron: head i guess...
[12:58:29] stuarta: head... lemme svn up & compile...
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[13:17:23] speedsix: How do I change the visualization in Mythmusic, are there other built in apart from the 'StereoScope' one? I can only make it fullscreen
[13:17:39] gardengnome: hit '6'
[13:18:10] dscoular: speedsix: I use the goom visualisation and forget the rest
[13:18:28] speedsix: How do I go about that?
[13:19:06] speedsix: gardengnome, thanks!
[13:19:06] dscoular: In mythmusic setup there is a text field which lists the visualisation to cycle through.
[13:19:19] speedsix: is goom a built in one?
[13:19:23] dscoular: Yep
[13:19:50] dscoular: It's probably already set to the full set.
[13:19:58] dscoular: Just hit 4 to cycle throught them
[13:20:02] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:20:04] dscoular: There's also albumart
[13:20:20] dscoular: If you put a jpg in the music folder it will display the album cover
[13:20:34] speedsix: dscoular, iirc from the mythtv lists you were having problems with your dvb-t card tuning compared to tzap?
[13:20:40] dscoular: 5 blanks the screen too which can be good if visualisation are too distracting
[13:20:51] dscoular: speedsix, you got me
[13:21:21] speedsix: dscoular@cisco?
[13:21:34] stuarta: fiveiron: head compiles fine, so it's something in your setup.
[13:21:36] dscoular: Daniel K has implemented the usleeps necessary for more reliable DVB-T tuning in 0.19-fixes recent svns
[13:21:56] dscoular: speedsix, getting a bit personal ;)
[13:22:20] dscoular: speedsix, who wants to know ;?
[13:22:25] dscoular: speedsix, who wants to know ;/
[13:22:46] speedsix: Hmm I may have the wrong myth version then, I still need large timeout values
[13:23:08] dscoular: What version and what card ?
[13:23:57] speedsix: it's a hauppauge nova-t and I think I may try a later svn
[13:25:22] speedsix: good news that they've fixed it though, few friends were having similar problems
[13:26:53] dscoular: speedsix, yeah... I managed to help convince Daniel K to adopt the linuxtv guys advice and set the usleeps as per tzap. Hopefully this will go away as the linuxtv guys are building a userspace library for all DVB tuning.
[13:27:21] dscoular: You have to enable the delay in mythtv-setup
[13:28:13] speedsix: Do you mean if I'm not using a version with the usleeps in place?
[13:28:28] speedsix: I had to stick my timeouts values to 10000 ish to get reliable tuning
[13:31:01] pikhq (pikhq! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:31:19] ** pikhq is having difficulty getting mythfrontend to connect to the backend. . . **
[13:31:59] pikhq: I was watching a recording last night, and it spontaneously gave me a warning about not being able to connect to the backend.
[13:32:26] pikhq: Nmap, top, and /etc/init.d/mythbackend restart all confirm that the backend is running.
[13:34:10] dscoular: You have to be using a version of 0.19-fixes no more than about 6 weeks old methinks
[13:35:33] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[13:40:32] speedsix: dscoular, thanks, don't mean to freak you out btw ;)
[13:40:42] speedsix: just recognised the name
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[13:46:13] tstm: Hm. Does anyone here have GMA 900 graphics?
[13:46:33] tstm: I'd need to know if it is possible to get 720p resolution working with it?
[13:46:54] stuarta: hola Juski!
[13:47:01] Juski: hiya stuarta
[13:47:26] ** Juski tries to type without getting silicone sealant all over the keyboard :-P **
[13:47:51] stuarta: bathroom diy?
[13:47:58] Juski: yeh.. STILL
[13:48:00] liran_ (liran_! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:48:15] ** stuarta is still hungover... **
[13:48:48] jaymz-duck: tstm: most likely, but you'll need to use either 955resolution, or the cvs branch that has real mode switching
[13:49:30] speedsix: Juski, howdy
[13:49:31] haj: if i want to record all programs with 'rally' in the title.. how would i define my schedule? just typing 'rally' in titlesearch dosn't seem to work
[13:49:54] Juski: haj: that will only work for shows in the guide
[13:49:57] speedsix: haj, are you doing this via mythweb or the frontend?
[13:50:05] Juski: you'd need to make a custom recording rule
[13:50:06] haj: speedsix: via mythweb
[13:50:15] haj: Juski: thats what i'm trying to do :)
[13:50:48] stuarta: haj: you can't make custom rules from mythweb, only from the frontend
[13:50:59] Juski: stuarta: I thought you could now
[13:51:04] speedsix: I have one that has Futurama and this works, it can be done from mythweb
[13:51:04] Juski: got the screen up here
[13:51:20] haj: stuarta: uhm.. i can..
[13:51:29] speedsix: in fact I have custom schedules that only show up in mythweb afaik, only powersearches show via the frontend
[13:51:32] ** stuarta plays with mythweb a bit... **
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[13:51:59] Juski: anyway haj – you'd do well to see the user manual on the wikiwikiwah pages
[13:52:08] stuarta: shows how often I use that bit...
[13:52:15] haj: should i type %rally% in the searchfield?
[13:52:19] haj: Juski: okay.
[13:52:37] speedsix: type a title and then just type the word rally in the search phrase box
[13:53:17] speedsix: I have no idea what the 'Find Date & Time' options do, anyone?
[13:55:23] haj: hm ... still no luck
[13:55:38] speedsix: Also what's up with Radiotimes xmltv data having program with 10:00–10:35 (duration 45mins)??? Cuts the end off damnit :(
[13:55:57] Juski: speedsix: the monkeys don't always get it right
[13:56:23] speedsix: why doesn't myth work out the duration from the start-end time?
[13:56:30] stuarta: thou the RT monkeys are much better than the eit monkeys...
[13:56:47] stuarta: speedsix: it does...
[13:57:08] ** stuarta checks something **
[13:57:19] haj: wooph.. now it works.
[13:57:21] haj: weeh
[13:57:22] speedsix: I wanted to record two programs one after the other, it refused to record the second one because the xmltv data said the first prgram was 45mins long (10:00–10:35)
[13:57:52] speedsix: haj, what was the problem?
[13:58:17] haj: speedsix: properly that i didn't hit 'keyword search'
[13:59:20] dscoular: speedsix: maybe you have the 10min default postroll or whatever it's called... but I thought the scheduler should have the second recording take priority over postroll.
[13:59:46] speedsix: postroll?
[14:00:10] dscoular: You can set pre-roll and post-roll methinks... how much before the start time and after.
[14:00:26] dscoular: The default after is 10 mins
[14:00:30] Juski: get more tuners, and if in doubt, add 10 or 15 mins
[14:00:35] dscoular: maybe that's where the 45 mins is
[14:00:41] speedsix: Me thinks I'm about to slap my forehead..
[14:01:29] speedsix: Ok nothing to see here, move along <redfacedsmiley>
[14:02:04] dscoular: speedsix: but if I think back to when I had one tuner... I had a 20 min post roll and I don't remember it not letting me schedule consequtive programs.
[14:02:30] speedsix: I had 10mins at the end and it wouldn't record the following program
[14:02:45] ** speedsix needs to get another tuner **
[14:02:52] Sebulba02: I run into that too, though it's only 2 mins at the end
[14:03:06] JasonX: joystickmenurc allows joystick control of myth but what about when xine is launched, is there a way to control xine as well?
[14:03:10] dscoular: speedsix: I think it should have worked even with the post-roll
[14:03:37] speedsix: maybe they've changed it, it didn't stop recording until the full 45mins (35min program)
[14:04:01] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:04:12] speedsix: dscoular, what cards do you use?
[14:04:12] dscoular: speedsix: what version ?
[14:04:40] speedsix: Knoppmyth R5B7, some version of 0.19
[14:05:07] dscoular: speedsix: I have an ancient Hauppauge Nova-T with the tda1004x front-end plus a nifty little AverMedia DVB-T USB-2.0 device which is just so tiny and cute :)
[14:05:42] speedsix: And they work ok with the default timeout values in 0.19?
[14:06:58] dscoular: Well, actually I just tried the latest svn and tuning worked perfectly but the menu in livetv crashes the frontend.
[14:07:15] dscoular: I've been running my own version of the timeout code.
[14:07:33] JasonX: Anyone know how to control xine with joystick?
[14:07:44] dscoular: speedsix: I just filed
[14:08:28] speedsix: so your code bypasses the mythtv-setup timeout values?
[14:08:55] ** pikhq continues wondering why I can't connect to mythbackend. . . **
[14:08:59] dscoular: speedsix: I'd have to look at it again
[14:09:14] stuarta: pikhq: what does your frontend logfile say?
[14:09:46] speedsix: dscoular, a friend of mine has a Hauppauge Dec-2000T usb and that can't scan atall
[14:09:56] speedsix: yet scan/tzap work fine
[14:10:07] speedsix: this is also on Knoppmyth R5B7
[14:10:46] dscoular: speedsix, I'd need to check the code but I remember Dan trying to make the code only specific to the nova-t.
[14:11:00] speedsix: I see
[14:11:09] Juski: are those ickle USB DVB thingies any use then? they don't look it
[14:11:33] dscoular: speedsix, since I'm using my own code which mimics tzap for both my usb and pci devices I haven't had a problemo.
[14:11:42] speedsix: My box is working fine with the high timeout values, not sure if upgrading the myth version in Knopmyth is a great idea
[14:12:20] speedsix: dscoular, did they just up the default timeout values in this fix then?
[14:12:33] dscoular: Juski, I'm pretty happy with the avermedia tiny usb-2.0 box thingy... I love the blue led (I'm a sucker for blue leds).
[14:12:38] speedsix: or was it a case of putting usleeps elsewhere?
[14:12:54] pikhq:
[14:12:57] dscoular: speedsix, no
[14:13:43] dscoular: speedsix, the location of the timeouts was different in Daniel's code when compared to tzap. I think I explained it in ticket 1502
[14:13:49] speedsix: I'll try my mates Dec-2000 tuner with the latest 0.19 fixes see if it works
[14:14:19] pikhq: stuarta: ^
[14:14:29] dscoular: speedsix, I'll try and have a quick check of Daniel's latest code and see if it's still nova-t specific
[14:15:11] speedsix: Thanks, so basically they mimic the way scan/tzap tune now?
[14:16:44] dscoular: pikhq, your frontend is connecting to your backend ok... it's just mysql doesn't appear to like the query.
[14:17:02] pikhq: Ick.
[14:17:17] speedsix: "DiBcom 3000P/M-C DVB-T" my nova-t doesn't mention this anywhere? I think it should be across all vb cards (assuming it doesn't cause problems) Both the dvb cards I have tried had problems with 0.19 but not scan/tzap
[14:17:18] dscoular: pikhq, can you connect via mysql by hand ?
[14:17:54] dscoular: speedsix, I'll check in a tick
[14:18:19] speedsix: np thanks alot
[14:18:56] pikhq: dscoular: Connected.
[14:19:00] stuarta: dscoular: it's not connecting to the backend okay "Unexpected response to MYTH_PROTO_VERSION"
[14:19:18] Gumby (Gumby! has quit (Connection timed out)
[14:19:26] dscoular: pikhq, aha... do your backend and frontend versions match ?
[14:19:30] stuarta: pikhq: you haven't upgraded the backend and not the frontend...
[14:19:52] dscoular: pikhq, stuarta is on the money!
[14:19:59] pikhq: stuarta: In Gentoo, they are built from the same package. . . And I haven't exactly upgraded in the past month. . .
[14:20:17] NHIwerx (NHIwerx!n=frank@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:20:24] stuarta: well it seems to think you have differing versions....
[14:20:32] pikhq: It started doing this spontaneously last night when I was watching a recording of Mythbusters.
[14:20:55] stuarta: okay. have you run mysqlcheck?
[14:21:18] speedsix: Anyone know how to force mythmusic to use the same visualization all the time? Keeps changing everytime I exit?
[14:21:37] dscoular: this looks weird too:
[14:21:37] dscoular: DELETE FROM settings WHERE value = 'Language' AND hostname = 'frodo' ;
[14:21:37] dscoular: #
[14:21:37] dscoular: Driver error was [2/1030]:
[14:21:56] Gumby (Gumby! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:22:06] stuarta: that looks like an attempt to upgrade the db to the frontend version....
[14:22:56] stuarta: you haven't run out of disk space where the DB resides have you?
[14:23:29] imac1701 (imac1701! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:23:42] pikhq: I shouldn't have; it's been failing that query for the past couple of months.
[14:23:50] ** pikhq ran mysqlcheck. . . **
[14:24:09] imac1701: Hello. I just found out about MythTV and I need some help.. what EXACTLY would I need to put into a computer box to make this work..
[14:24:36] sphing: imac1701: read the wiki... theres a good breakdown
[14:24:39] imac1701: by that, I mean, are there certain cards that won't work with the hardware?
[14:24:40] imac1701: okay
[14:24:50] imac1701: heh (sorry for the noobish intrusion there)
[14:25:00] pikhq: And I get error 124 even when manually running the query. :/
[14:25:12] imac1701 (imac1701! has quit (Client Quit)
[14:25:12] achew22 (achew22! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:25:38] pikhq: Where my DB resides has 15GiB free.
[14:25:46] fiveiron_ (fiveiron_!n=fiveiron@ has quit (Client Quit)
[14:26:44] speedsix: imac1701, tv tuner card(s), big hard drive
[14:26:55] dscoular: pikhq:
[14:27:10] stuarta: just reading that bug report :)
[14:29:19] pikhq: Looks like all I need to do to fix that is update to the latest mysql.
[14:29:42] ** pikhq runs emerge sync&&emerge -avuDN world **
[14:30:29] JasonX: xine control by joystick? ne1?
[14:30:38] fiveiron: ahh
[14:30:41] fiveiron: stuarta: figured it out
[14:30:56] stuarta: what was missing?
[14:31:03] ** pikhq listens to some Five Iron Frenzy in the meantime. . . **
[14:31:07] fiveiron: needed a symlink to /usr/lib/ named ""
[14:31:12] fiveiron: pikhq: w00t
[14:31:39] fiveiron: i'm actually not really into them much anymore, but when i was a teenager they were my favorite band
[14:31:39] pikhq: Fellow FIF fan? w00t.
[14:31:48] ** pikhq still /is/ a teenager ;) **
[14:31:52] fiveiron: heh
[14:31:57] dscoular: speedsix, the new svn code is hard to follow... still looking
[14:32:00] fiveiron: i saw them in concert in Lafayette, IN
[14:32:11] fiveiron: at a little church... paid 10 bucks... stood 10 ft from them
[14:32:17] pikhq: Sadly, I only heard about them after their final concert.
[14:32:22] fiveiron: ah
[14:32:43] pikhq: Which is /really/ annoying, since their final concert was about half an hour's drive from here.
[14:33:24] fiveiron: lol
[14:34:07] fiveiron: #$^@#... bleh... shouldn't "make >> blah.txt" send all the output from the make command to that txt file? it seems like i'm only getting STDOUT, and not anything from STDERR
[14:34:34] stuarta: you only asked for stdout
[14:34:44] dscoular: fiveiron, You'd make >> blah.txt 2>&1
[14:34:48] stuarta: need to add 2>&1 before >> blah
[14:34:56] fiveiron: gah... i've been using windows for too long
[14:35:09] fiveiron: thx
[14:35:11] [3]lucas ([3]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:36:15] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:37:00] ** pikhq welcomes fiveiron to the world of UNIX **
[14:39:57] ** stuarta swears at the eit data! **
[14:41:06] ** speedsix has'nt been using linux for very long **
[14:41:11] speedsix: *hasn't
[14:42:05] ikonia: hello mythers
[14:42:12] speedsix: ikonia, howdy
[14:42:37] dscoular: speedsix, looks like DanielK has completely new code to handle tuning.
[14:42:40] speedsix: Are there any windows equivalents to myth?
[14:42:41] ** pikhq has 3 years of *NIX; 2 and 11 months of which were spent coding ;) **
[14:42:48] dscoular: speedsix, I don't begin to follow it.
[14:42:51] speedsix: dscoular, yikes
[14:43:09] psofa: anyone here with a dvb-s card?
[14:43:22] dscoular: speedsix, he had implemented dvb_tuning_delay as the settable variable but ath appears to be long gone.
[14:43:33] psofa: i get many messages in the kernel log :cx88[0]/2: setting the interrupt mask
[14:43:34] psofa: cx88[0]/2: [d9925e40/0] cx8802_buf_queue – first active
[14:43:34] psofa: cx88[0]/2: cx8802_restart_queue
[14:44:04] psofa: erm its a nova-t dvb-t cars
[14:44:08] psofa: *card
[14:44:09] dscoular: speedsix, I think you should find he has improved tuning a fair bit. I think he was aware that it had to be improved as 0.18.1 was far superior to the initial 0.19 release.
[14:44:23] stuarta: dscoular, there's been a lot of work going on in that area
[14:44:34] speedsix: dscoular, are you looking at the latest release-0-19-fixes?
[14:44:38] dscoular: Yeah... I'm astounded at how much
[14:44:50] dscoular: speedsix, yes 9926
[14:44:56] stuarta: psofa: it's a driver issue, I get the same but it still seems to work...
[14:45:00] speedsix: ok thanks mate, will give it a bash
[14:45:13] psofa: stuarta, yes but its unstable
[14:45:24] psofa: as opposed to my other dvb-s card
[14:45:31] Kobboi (Kobboi! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:45:34] speedsix: What's wrong with just using the scan/tzap code, it's open source isn't it?
[14:45:38] stuarta: then try upgrading to the latest linuxdvb hg
[14:45:44] speedsix: seems failry robust to me
[14:47:29] stuarta: the kernel drivers are improving all the time...
[14:47:58] Juski: really? I remember 2.6.6 working better with my card than the current one
[14:48:18] Juski: damn 'improvements'... but then you have to break a few eggs to make an ommelette
[14:48:42] stuarta: well that driver specifically had some changes in the area generating that message
[14:49:05] ** dscoular contemplates departing for the land of nod **
[14:49:09] stuarta: I stopped upgrading my kernel when I had drivers that work.
[14:49:30] psofa: stuarta, what kernel version?
[14:49:36] Juski: yeh but what do you do for fresh installs on other boxen?
[14:49:42] stuarta: still tempted to upgrade again, but that would ruin my uptime...
[14:49:49] speedsix: what's xvmc?
[14:50:00] stuarta: psofa:
[14:50:05] ** dscoular realises I have to downgrade from mythtv svn 9926 before hitting land of nod **
[14:50:23] Kobboi (Kobboi! has left #mythtv-users ()
[14:50:32] dscoular: speedsix, xvmc lets your video card do all the mpeg2 decoding work
[14:50:34] stuarta: what's up with 9926?
[14:50:40] psofa: stuarta, does it have any improvments over 2.6.14 for dvb?
[14:50:42] stuarta: just the OSD thing?
[14:50:46] speedsix: I see
[14:51:02] speedsix: I would I tell mythtv to use xmvc?
[14:51:04] dscoular: stuarta, yes... OSD crashes frontend when I hit "menu" on live tv
[14:51:25] stuarta: well it'll still record, and you can't watch anything when asleep :)
[14:51:32] dscoular: speedsix, recompile with --enable-xmvc (if your video card supports it – nvidea does)
[14:51:42] speedsix: k thanks
[14:51:50] dscoular: stuarta, but then my db will not match my backed up one.
[14:51:52] stuarta: psofa: they are putting in changes all the time, check the changelogs for specifics
[14:51:58] speedsix: can I compile install just a frontend?
[14:52:00] Juski: nvidia, via & I thin Intel support xvmc
[14:52:11] ikonia: Juski intel does
[14:52:16] psofa: stuarta, you men the changelogs at
[14:52:23] stuarta: psofa: yes
[14:52:35] Juski: speedsix: yeh you can compile with --frontendonly , but that's just for erm frontends
[14:52:50] speedsix: cheers Juski
[14:53:30] stuarta: although that is there mainly for porting....
[14:53:45] Juski: is it?
[14:54:05] stuarta: that was the intention, mainly for the mac ppl
[14:54:19] stuarta: since a frontend is useless without a backend
[14:54:19] speedsix: so avoid using it on a frontend only machine?
[14:54:22] dscoular: speedsix: xvmc lets you get enough grunt for HD
[14:54:41] psofa: im using it on a frontend only machine
[14:54:45] psofa: and its fine
[14:54:47] stuarta: speedsix: no reason not too.
[14:54:49] Juski: I'd have thought it'd be good for peeps who don't want a backend installation
[14:54:52] speedsix: ok thanks
[14:55:01] Juski: I mean – so long as you _have_ a backend ;-)
[14:55:12] stuarta: spose it also makes sense for those compiling an epia frontend...
[14:56:23] speedsix: dscoular, do I have to specifically tell myth to use xvmc?
[14:56:55] speedsix: I notice some software in linux gives me tearing although I expect this is watching pal video on a 60Hz display
[14:57:20] dscoular: speedsix, yes... you have to compile it in and I think there is a setup option (but I could be wrong).
[14:57:33] pikhq: speedsix: It's probably that, along with a lack of deinterlacing.
[14:57:44] ** dscoular has reverted and is off to bed. **
[14:57:56] speedsix: dscoular, see ya
[14:58:03] dscoular: night night all
[14:58:21] speedsix: thanks chaps
[14:58:44] ** stuarta ponder how he managed to have 17 recordings scheduled for tommorrow **
[14:58:58] dscoular (dscoular! has left #mythtv-users ("nighty night time")
[14:59:04] speedsix: I can't watch my recordings quick enough and I only have a single tuner
[14:59:20] stuarta: timestretch is my friend....
[14:59:49] stuarta: i use a minimum of 1.15x
[14:59:55] speedsix: Is there anything on windows that compares to myth?
[15:00:17] stuarta: nothing compares to myth :)
[15:00:21] ikonia: windows media eddition
[15:00:30] ikonia: but its an OS rather than an application
[15:01:23] speedsix: Never used windows media edition but I can imagine it's not half as powerful?
[15:01:28] ikonia: its not
[15:01:34] ikonia: I've only seen it
[15:01:35] ikonia: never used it
[15:01:38] ikonia: but never wanted to
[15:01:42] ikonia: after seeing it
[15:01:44] speedsix: lol no
[15:02:14] speedsix: can you have a client/server setup like with myth
[15:02:38] ikonia: yes the 1 backend multiple front ends is stunning
[15:03:06] speedsix: you can do this with Windows media?
[15:03:18] ikonia: not from what Ive seen
[15:03:20] ikonia: myth only
[15:03:36] speedsix: I see
[15:03:39] ikonia: myth only that I know of
[15:03:42] ikonia: I should say
[15:03:46] ikonia: I'm certainly no authority
[15:04:05] speedsix: I expect you're tied into MS media formats aswell
[15:04:15] ikonia: I don't think you are actually
[15:04:20] ikonia: I think MS learnt that lesson
[15:04:24] ** speedsix is shocked **
[15:04:24] pikhq: With WMCE, one can have multiple (light) front ends. However, you cannot have more than one backend, and you can only use two tuners at a time on the backend that you /do/ have.
[15:04:41] ikonia: there you go , thats a more factual list
[15:04:57] speedsix: I know the X360 is locked into ms formats
[15:06:11] pikhq: In addition, those frontends are very, very useless.
[15:06:21] ikonia: x360 = gay
[15:06:27] ikonia: as a media machine
[15:07:14] speedsix: correct
[15:07:57] speedsix: if I hit escape while the frontend is ripping a cd will it carry on ripping?
[15:08:07] ikonia: god knows
[15:08:24] speedsix: only one way to find out..
[15:08:26] ikonia: depends if you've set up escape as an escap char
[15:09:08] speedsix: frontend hangs, bugger
[15:14:40] Discipulus (Discipulus!n=disc@unaffiliated/discipulus) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:15:51] toi (toi! has joined #mythtv-users
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[15:17:03] Juski: ripping a CD? dunno, but it's illegal :-/
[15:17:25] pikhq: No, it's not. Perfectly legal under fair use.
[15:17:35] Juski: no it isn't. not in the UK
[15:17:35] psofa: when tuning to a specific channel i cant get audio.i get only video(+timing problems cause of the audio absence).On my normal reception box everything is ok.Using 0.19.Is it possible that it has been fixed in fixes branch?
[15:18:11] stuarta: unlikely
[15:18:26] psofa: stuarta, was that an answer to me?
[15:18:27] pikhq: Fine. Modern copyright law sucks.
[15:18:38] stuarta: psofa: yes
[15:18:38] Juski: more likely that myth has selected the wrong audio stream
[15:18:53] psofa: stuarta, could it be a kernel problem?
[15:19:10] psofa: Juski, cant i force the right one?
[15:19:11] speedsix: It's illegal to rip a cd now??
[15:19:27] ikonia: yes
[15:19:28] Juski: speedsix: it's always been illegal to make unauthorised copies in the UK
[15:19:39] ikonia: in the UK
[15:19:46] daurnimator: and always in AUS
[15:19:47] Juski: the govt are currently thinking about changing the law
[15:19:53] speedsix: I take it libdvdcss is also illegal?
[15:19:57] Juski: yep
[15:20:01] daurnimator: not in aus
[15:20:01] daurnimator: :P
[15:20:03] speedsix: even in the uk?
[15:20:06] Juski: yep
[15:20:08] ikonia: yes
[15:20:11] speedsix: how lame
[15:20:11] Juski: DMCA
[15:20:12] daurnimator: anything that allows you to bypass regioning is legal
[15:20:17] daurnimator: including modchips
[15:20:18] daurnimator: :D
[15:20:25] ikonia: hence why its not shipped with distros
[15:20:34] speedsix: I thought it was just in the us
[15:20:35] Juski: yeh but anything that bypasses copy protection is illegal
[15:20:46] psofa: Juski, that would be a good feature regardless of my problem.For example a channel may have two audio streams and it would be nice having the nondefault preselected
[15:20:50] daurnimator: Juski: not in aus
[15:21:02] speedsix: So I'm not allowed to make a copy to play in the car and keep the original scratch free?
[15:21:10] ikonia: no
[15:21:13] Juski: psofa: it's up to the broadcasters. if they can't get their streams labelled right...
[15:21:14] daurnimator: speedsix: correct
[15:21:20] stuarta: psofa: try changing to the other audio channel.
[15:22:01] psofa: stuarta, how?
[15:22:04] Juski: what's happening, psofa is that some shows have 'audio description' – only problem is that the stream still gets broadcast after the show ends – so you can get blank audio
[15:22:09] speedsix: What about the future of myth then seeing as it's all based around copying/recording media to disk?
[15:22:14] stuarta: +/- on number pas
[15:22:18] stuarta: pad even
[15:22:24] Juski: speedsix: no it isn;t
[15:22:38] speedsix: ok apart from livetv
[15:22:57] Juski: recording to disk/tape has been legit since the famous sony vs TV companies legal case
[15:23:08] Juski: until now – now they're trying to undo that
[15:23:25] speedsix: So we will be able to record HD 'freeview' to disk freely?
[15:23:35] Juski: speedsix: unknown
[15:23:49] psofa: stuarta, +/- wont do anything
[15:24:00] speedsix: How could they prohibit this in myth?
[15:24:01] stuarta: nobody has written support for HD yet *cough*
[15:24:22] stuarta: well the UK HD...
[15:24:37] Juski: speedsix: by using the new DVB copy protection stuff... though it's likely myth would just ignore it
[15:25:27] ikonia: whats your thoughts on rms' approach to incorperting locking out drm in glp3 ?
[15:25:43] stuarta: psofa: must only be one audio track then...
[15:25:44] Juski: depends -if they roll out something that involves buying new hardware... the way things stand now it looks as though those of us with DVB-T tuners will be okay for the most part
[15:26:18] Juski: but that could change by the time the HD trials end & they decide on a transmission method
[15:26:26] ikonia: Juski labour will see to that, new hardware will be needed ;o)
[15:26:29] ikonia: digital gonvernment
[15:26:52] Juski: I'll show them my digit -no problem
[15:26:52] speedsix: What about HD-DVD being restricted to HDMI connections, what are the chances of linux software ignoring this and outputting to regular connections or will we all have to run out and buy HDMI graphics cards?
[15:27:00] bjohnson_ (bjohnson_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:27:08] psofa: speedsix, i dont think you can just ignore it
[15:27:17] Juski: speedsix: if it's that bad I just won't buy into it
[15:27:17] ikonia: is this "the" borris johnson ;)
[15:27:51] Juski: your HDCP enabled (disabled) TV will go "uh-oh.. no HDCP keys.. sorry!"
[15:28:02] speedsix: or will it just be a case of run this srcipt to download restricted libs at the users discretion ala libdvdcss?
[15:28:35] speedsix: I have a HDMI equipped set but I'd rather stick with the vga connection thanks
[15:28:45] Juski: even at my least pessimistic I don't see a bright future for linux media solution
[15:28:51] Juski: *s
[15:29:41] bjohnson_ (bjohnson_! has quit (Client Quit)
[15:29:50] Juski: if you're looking for someone to blame, look no further than P2P, greedy folks and pirates. even without those though I think we'd still have the problem of DRM
[15:30:08] speedsix: but how can you enforce users not using certain code, I still see libdvdcss available everywhere
[15:30:25] Juski: in a couple of years it'll be redundant anyway
[15:30:34] speedsix: ?
[15:30:41] Juski: HD-DVD etc
[15:31:07] speedsix: yeah, but what's to stop the equivalent libs being released to bypass the restrictions?
[15:31:10] Juski: it's not even as if it looks like we can have a _paid for_ linux solution
[15:31:17] Juski: speedsix: the DMCA
[15:31:26] psofa: whats the chance of hdcp being cracked?
[15:31:31] Juski: threats of expensive legal action, imprisonment...
[15:31:47] psofa: :/
[15:31:50] Juski: cracking DRM == terrorism
[15:32:16] psofa: wtf is happening in the world
[15:32:21] five_laptop (five_laptop!n=fiveiron@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:32:23] Juski: lol
[15:32:31] Juski: should be saying wtf _has_ happenned
[15:33:01] psofa: no im serious.Software piracy beeing treated like that while the real criminals roam freely
[15:33:05] five_laptop: hey... i'm trying to compile the latest mythtv source... and i'm getting errors like "qtlayout.h: no such file or directory"... but /usr/include/qt3 has all the .h's that i need
[15:33:10] speedsix: Juski are you saying it's unlikey HD-DVD will be playable in linux all above board?
[15:33:39] pikhq: HDCP is a weak encryption method.
[15:33:56] stuarta: psofa: could you record a sample of the offending channel, and then run 'ffmpeg -i' on it
[15:34:03] pikhq: It should take about a year to be able to /generate/ working keys.
[15:34:06] psofa: stuarta, ok
[15:34:14] stuarta: s/on it/ on the resulting recording
[15:34:22] Juski: but hey if we all decide not to buy their stuff, they'll lose like 0.2% possible revenue, so they _might_ care
[15:34:50] Juski: pikhq: yeh – about a year _per_ key.. and they change the key every time
[15:35:04] hashbang: Juski: but they'll blame that 0.2% loss on us pirating their stuff instead! :-/
[15:35:12] psofa: Juski, im quite sure that most will just buy their stuff
[15:35:20] pikhq: Juski: No, a year to know enough about the system to generate /any/ key.
[15:35:21] psofa: because then nonaware users are way more
[15:35:22] Juski: hashbang: yup. and they'll go to further lengths
[15:36:23] speedsix: Linux should be able to play HD-DVD with the correct hardware though or will it be like libdvdcss, i.e completely illegal on Linux full stop?
[15:36:41] Juski: a big concern for the media companies right now is that less & less people are watching adverts, so they're terrified of losing revenue
[15:36:45] pikhq: Given knowledge of 40 public and private keys for it (the private keys can be obtained from watching the stream for a few minutes, and a little bit of computation), one can generate all possible keys for it.
[15:37:28] Juski: speedsix: remember what happenned to DVD Jon? that was before the DMCA came into effect
[15:37:47] speedsix: DVD Jon?
[15:37:56] Juski: the guy who wrote libdvdcss
[15:38:03] pikhq: Still cracking DRM.
[15:38:09] Juski: he got off by the skin of his teeth
[15:38:27] five_laptop: anyone have any clue what is wrong?
[15:38:35] five_laptop: ii'm trying to compile the latest mythtv source... and i'm getting errors like "qtlayout.h: no such file or directory"... but /usr/include/qt3 has all the .h's that i need
[15:38:39] Juski: and apple didn't complain about him much because he was doing them a favour
[15:38:39] pikhq: IIRC, he's currently trying to work on Apple's DRM.
[15:39:07] Juski: IIRC, he said he's seen the error of his ways
[15:39:20] speedsix: If we can't record HD tv then surely myth is stuffed for want of a better expression?
[15:39:40] Juski: five_laptop: did you set the $QTDIR correctly?
[15:39:50] Juski: speedsix: we just don't know yet
[15:40:01] five_laptop: it is set to /usr/include/qt3 that is where qlayout.h and all the other .h's are
[15:40:07] Juski: cross your fingers, lobby your local waste of space MP...
[15:40:19] Juski: five_laptop: then I dunno :-/
[15:41:41] gardengnome: i'm currently finishing my vga2rgb converter. and soldering sucks.
[15:42:02] Juski: gardengnome: heh.. watch your fingers ;-)
[15:42:09] five_laptop: bleh
[15:42:12] psofa: stuarta, i did it
[15:42:15] psofa: and it works fine
[15:42:19] five_laptop: there is like one thing returned when i google that error too... :(
[15:42:21] psofa: i can even play it on mplayer
[15:42:30] Juski: five_laptop: what's the response to which qmake ?
[15:42:40] stuarta: psofa: and myth will play it now too?
[15:42:49] speedsix: sure looks shitty for us paying customers. Could be worse, could be a windows user ;)
[15:42:54] five_laptop: Juski, /usr/bin/qmake
[15:43:05] psofa: stuarta, lemme check
[15:43:17] Juski: five_laptop: looks fine to me... maybe someone else will know if you post the error output to a pastebin
[15:43:44] speedsix: if I compile a newer version of mythfrontend do I need to compile newer plugins?
[15:43:50] Juski: speedsix: you mean us _non_ paying customers... and paying customers.. (who will be locked in & have to pay whatever the hell the companies like)
[15:43:52] Juski: speedsix: yes
[15:43:56] psofa: stuarta, no
[15:44:07] psofa: stuarta, myth doesnt play it from the watch recordings either
[15:44:24] psofa: maybe a codec problem?
[15:44:26] Juski: speedsix: people see the $ky TV model as the most successful, and will try to emulate it
[15:44:30] stuarta: right, ffmpeg -i on the file, and post the output to a postbin...
[15:44:35] psofa: k
[15:44:45] stuarta: s/postbin/pastebin
[15:44:46] speedsix: Ugh, sky sucks
[15:45:05] speedsix: Their new HD service costs a fortune
[15:45:56] psofa: stuarta,
[15:45:59] hashbang: murdoch--
[15:46:10] Juski: speedsix: yep.. and it'll cost more & more and more and more and more...
[15:46:11] psofa: an ac3 tack and an mp2 one
[15:46:20] Juski: psofa: ac3?
[15:46:33] Juski: you're not in the UK, I hope...
[15:47:00] five_laptop:
[15:47:09] speedsix: Me? Yeah
[15:47:18] Juski: psofa, I meant
[15:47:23] five_laptop: oh wait a minute
[15:47:25] stuarta: the ac3 track is the problem,
[15:47:28] five_laptop: i see exactly what it is
[15:47:30] five_laptop: *sigh*
[15:48:14] psofa: Juski, im not in the uk
[15:48:16] Juski: five_laptop: what? you forgot to do qmake
[15:48:34] five_laptop: no... its trying to find the .h's in /usr/share/qt3/include....
[15:48:37] pikhq (pikhq! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:48:40] Juski: ahhh
[15:48:43] psofa: stuarta, is it damaged? or myth cant play ac3?
[15:49:02] stuarta: myth can, ac3 is used in various places
[15:49:12] Juski: finland & other european places have ac3 audio whereas in the UK it's all mpeg1 layer2
[15:49:19] psofa: so mplayer plays the mp2 track?
[15:49:20] stuarta: but ffmpeg can't decipher the stream
[15:49:46] ** sport|sleep wants to break something **
[15:49:58] Cyberai (Cyberai!n=Cyb@ has joined #mythtv-users
[15:49:59] stuarta: psofa: that the most likely explanation.
[15:50:20] psofa: Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer
[15:50:26] psofa: hmm yes
[15:50:34] Juski: psofa: try an alternative decoder method in mythtv?
[15:50:43] psofa: Juski, ?
[15:50:49] stuarta: myth prefers ac3 tracks since they are normally 5.1 streams
[15:51:00] stuarta: but this looks like a broken stream.
[15:51:02] Cyberai: ok, this is a stupid question, but can anyone recommend how to adjust my sound curve (the way you would with an equalizer on a stereo) for myth?
[15:51:07] pickler (pickler! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:51:12] Juski: Cyberai: you can't
[15:51:23] psofa: Juski, where are these options?
[15:51:24] Juski: maybe using JACK...
[15:51:43] Juski: psofa: I dunno if it'd make any difference though – utils/setup > settings > TV
[15:52:06] Cyberai: Juski, were you referring to me with JACK?
[15:52:53] psofa: Juski, you mean the preffered mpeg2 decoder?
[15:53:04] Cyberai: it seems to me that if I could fine a utility that would allow me to adjust the curve for sound output overall, that it would get myth by default.
[15:54:01] speedsix: I thought myth had native alsa support, I only have /dev/dsp in the setup?
[15:54:24] psofa: speedsix, it does
[15:54:30] stuarta: speedsix: type in ALSA:
[15:54:37] psofa: speedsix, it says how to change it in the docs
[15:54:47] speedsix: oh ok thanks
[15:56:33] psofa: Juski, if you meant to change from ffmpeg to libmpeg2 it made no change
[15:57:17] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:57:19] psofa: stuarta, is there anyway to tell it to play the mp2 stream?
[15:59:04] speedsix: Will I have problems running a different minor revision of frontend to the backend? Both are 0.19
[16:00:06] Juski: come on guys – how many times.. use the _same_ versions throughout :-)
[16:00:32] Cyberai: yeah, keep it the same speedsix
[16:00:50] Cyberai: speedsix, best route is to install from the repository of your distro
[16:00:54] Juski: it might well work, but don;t come crying when it doesnt
[16:01:05] speedsix: Ok, guess I need to attempt to install the latest svn on my knoppmythbox.
[16:01:10] speedsix: Cyberai, different distros
[16:01:48] Juski: I _ think_ 0.19-fixes is okay with 0.19
[16:02:15] Juski: but as far as SVN working with 0.19 – no way
[16:02:36] Juski: I use minimyth for my frontend, and the version I have comes from 0.19-fixes I think
[16:02:36] Zider: hm.. I just got dumped.. over sms.. :P
[16:02:43] Juski: Zider: classy
[16:02:52] Zider: I wouldn't know
[16:02:59] Zider: never really been dumped
[16:03:11] Zider: or been the dumper for that matter..
[16:03:22] Juski: "it's not you... it's your preoccupation with mythtv"
[16:03:42] Zider: more like my disgust with kids.. which she wants..
[16:04:07] speedsix: Hard luck dude, I know all too well how you feel
[16:04:14] Juski: I think more peeps should live together a while before starting that lark
[16:04:26] Juski: by 'a while' I mean a few years
[16:04:28] speedsix: Just finished a 6yr relationship
[16:05:25] Juski: if I could offer any advice, it'd be to try to stay apart – last time I had a relationship end we ended up doing so many 'just one more for old time's sake' I got screwed up
[16:05:41] Juski: breakups always suck, so you have my sympathy anyway fella
[16:06:41] Zider: :/
[16:07:16] rtsai: any non-US users in here?
[16:07:22] Juski: but hey – if you got finished by text message, I'd say you were way better off ;-)
[16:07:32] ** speedsix is from the uk **
[16:07:42] gardengnome: well, better than getting dumped over IRC
[16:07:46] Juski: does the UK count as non-US ?
[16:07:53] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:08:06] Juski: gardengnome: you never did!
[16:08:09] stuarta: mainly the uk in here at the moment.
[16:08:14] Juski: did you? that'd be sucky
[16:08:22] stuarta: gardengnome: you're dumped!!!!
[16:08:28] rtsai: does the commflag work OK or not so well?
[16:08:37] speedsix: Not so well lol
[16:08:39] Juski: /divorce #mythtv-users
[16:08:48] gardengnome: Juski: of course not
[16:08:52] rtsai: where do logos usually sit?
[16:09:01] Juski: rtsai: on channels with logos I find it works pretty well most of the time
[16:09:03] UBL: commflag works good for me (in canada)
[16:09:03] speedsix: Be thankful she didn't move away taking your daughter
[16:09:09] stuarta: rtsai: varys between okay and hopeless
[16:09:10] rtsai: I'm working on a new commflagger that happens to work better for me (in USA)
[16:09:23] Zider: Juski: I'm better off without a kid at least, and she's obviously better off with it..
[16:09:23] Juski: join #bitter_&_twisted_males
[16:09:36] speedsix: LOL :)
[16:09:38] rtsai: ah, so there are many channels w/o logos
[16:09:52] stuarta: doesn't work at all on crossfaded at intros...
[16:10:13] Juski: rtsai: from my perspective here in the UK, commflagging only works on channels with logos – and then only when they take the logo off for ad breaks
[16:10:19] rtsai: and of the logo channels, are the opaque, translucent, animated or all of the above?
[16:10:19] Zider: I'm not really bitter and twisted, just disappointed..
[16:10:21] psofa: stuarta, even if the ac3 stream is damaged myth should switch to the next available audio stream just like mplayer does, correct?
[16:10:25] rtsai: Juski: so logos also appear durin gads?
[16:10:31] ** gardengnome actally has been arguing with the GF over SMS all day long **
[16:10:32] Juski: rtsai: they have to be static
[16:10:38] gardengnome: should dump her
[16:10:41] ** gardengnome is pissed off **
[16:10:42] Juski: rtsai: on some channels they do
[16:11:01] rtsai: i'm not asking when current commflagging works, i'm asking what logos are like over there (in non-US TV land)
[16:11:10] rtsai: (well i guess I did ask when it works)
[16:11:16] speedsix: I hate talking over im/sms
[16:11:18] rtsai: always lower-right corner?
[16:11:35] Juski: rtsai: logos here are always top left or right
[16:11:49] rtsai: argh. More stuff to parametrize. Not hard, but a pita.
[16:11:50] gardengnome: rtsai: well, if you'd like, i could point you to a collection of logos used in germany – they're not grabbed from TV, though, so i dunno if that'd be useful for you
[16:11:52] Juski: rtsai: logos are usually pretty much translucent
[16:12:02] rtsai: translucent isn't a problem (edge detection takes care of that)
[16:12:22] rtsai: what about translation (do they move around)?
[16:12:25] stuarta: psofa: that's what +/- should do.
[16:12:44] Juski: $ky One currently have a static translucent logo, but with (annoying) animated bits underneath
[16:13:09] Juski: we get a hell of a lot of upper & lower animated 3rds popping up telling us what's next too
[16:13:13] speedsix: If I updated a myth version and there has been database changes will myth update the database?
[16:13:44] Juski: speedsix: yeh – it'll upgrade the DB schema if needed
[16:14:12] fiveiron: #$@!%^$%
[16:14:20] speedsix: right ok
[16:15:05] Juski: rtsai: generally though, logos tend to stay put
[16:15:11] speedsix: Can't seem to get LIRC to work with Xine :/
[16:15:13] rtsai: Maybe it will help if I describe what mine works for. All my broadcast logos are static and translucent and sit in the lower right corner. So required changes will be position (upper corners), with some noise (some animation)?
[16:15:20] ** speedsix uses Xine in myth for videos/dvds **
[16:15:22] Juski: (except for when they fade out)
[16:15:28] rtsai: fade is fine
[16:15:34] psofa: stuarta, well it obviously doesnt
[16:15:41] [2]lucas: rtsai: over here, they can be animating & transparent.. and the areas which are transparent can change during the animation.
[16:15:43] Juski: speedsix: you need a .lircrc file in ~/
[16:15:47] psofa: i tried both + – on the numpad
[16:15:58] psofa: and +- with shift+=
[16:16:06] [2]lucas: rtsai: I've seen them in all four corners, alltough usually topleft or topright.
[16:16:19] speedsix: Yeah I've got a symlink in ~/.xine to ~/.lircrc
[16:16:44] Juski: speedsix: does your .lircrc file have program = xine in it though?
[16:16:47] speedsix: Myth works fine with LIRC, maybe my xine config is duff
[16:16:53] speedsix: yeah
[16:17:12] fiveiron: anyone know what package qconfig.h is in?
[16:17:14] Juski: speedsix: maybe you got a build with lirc disaboobooed
[16:17:16] rtsai: [2]lucas: yeah positioning should be easy to deal with. I'm more worried about logos sliding or moving around. If the logo stays put and I know where it is, then I don't have to add any fuzz/jitter to looking for it
[16:17:18] fiveiron: cause its not in libqt3-mt
[16:17:36] speedsix: Juski, maybe I id build it myself ;)
[16:17:42] rtsai: work in progress: please be gentle (though hopefully the pond should take care of that :D)
[16:18:18] gardengnome: rtsai: from what i can tell for german TV, logos here don't move at all – though sometimes, they appear a few seconds after the commercial break has ended or they slide in from the left or the right
[16:18:40] Juski: rtsai: you clever dude, you
[16:19:08] [3]lucas ([3]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:19:16] [3]lucas: craop, keep getting disconnected.
[16:19:19] stuarta: i've noticed some streams have a nice morse code stream on the first line at ad breaks...
[16:19:24] Juski: rtsai: some aspect ratio change detection would be good
[16:19:39] Juski: actual changes in the stream, not just letterboxing
[16:20:26] ** Juski wonders if the bitrate of DVB adverts increases... **
[16:20:29] psofa: stuarta, i tried it with another channel and +- works fine.It seems though that myth on the broken channel cant find any audio tracks
[16:20:52] [4]lucas ([4]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:20:57] rtsai: Juski: aspect ratio isn't that relevant to me (but is easy enough to implement). My current working set is broadcast HDTV, so it's mostly just logo detection. Aspect changes for ads are accompanied by a lack of a logo
[16:21:10] psofa: for example theres no line like 2006-05–13 19:18:23.593 AFD: Opened codec 0x18243c0, id(MP3) type(Audio)
[16:21:27] psofa: so myth doesnt even see the mp2 track
[16:21:30] speedsix: Is there something that can normalize volume, fecking uk ads @ 900dB!
[16:21:33] Juski: rtsai: but as I hinted earlier – the majority of channels worth watching here have no logos
[16:21:51] Juski: speedsix: they're not _that_ much louder – just have their dynamic range compressed
[16:22:12] Juski: though I've measured 9dB increase on Paramount Comedy ads
[16:22:27] speedsix: Going from a film to the ad break is sometimes deaffening
[16:22:48] Juski: audio detection is being mooted right now... see the ML
[16:22:48] psofa: it happens on normal tv here too.The ads are definately loude
[16:22:49] psofa: r
[16:23:05] Juski: generally folks, ads are _not_ louder. they _sound_ louder
[16:23:18] speedsix: whys that?
[16:23:23] [5]lucas ([5]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:23:25] Juski: dynamic range compression
[16:23:39] rtsai: Juski: ah, so that is useful information. I guess Brits are out of luck. But you pay more for your TV, so you deserve logo-free viewing :)
[16:23:56] achew22 (achew22! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:23:59] speedsix: what on ads? Wouldn't that make the loud bits quieter?
[16:24:17] Juski: speedsix: no
[16:24:20] Juski:
[16:24:26] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has quit (Connection timed out)
[16:24:41] Juski: it squishes the audio so that the difference between loud & quiet is effectively less
[16:25:04] Juski: so overall, more of the signal is at or near the peak level
[16:25:11] Juski: more often
[16:25:32] speedsix: I would expect most of the audio to remain the same with the loud bits toned down
[16:25:35] Juski: "Most television commercials are compressed heavily in order to achieve near-maximum perceived loudness while staying within permissible limits."
[16:26:00] Juski: gimme 5 mins & I can prepare some clips to demonstrate ;-)
[16:26:01] psofa: thats gay
[16:26:16] sphing (sphing! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:26:18] speedsix: Sounds like they're compressing the range and then boosting the whole lot to me then
[16:26:33] Juski: yeh they compress it, then use gain 'make up'
[16:26:39] speedsix: Dynamic compression, well the type used on my amp doesn't increase the majority of the audio
[16:26:50] speedsix: just tones down the loud bits
[16:27:04] speedsix: Something to bring the gain down on comercials would be nice then ;)
[16:27:08] Cyberai (Cyberai!n=Cyb@ has quit ("Leaving")
[16:27:10] Juski: speedsix: depends – whether or not it's **max**volume**for*adverts*parameters or not
[16:29:48] speedsix: oh bugger, I take it running an older won't downgrade db schema
[16:30:57] Juski: nope
[16:31:02] Juski: hope you backed up the database
[16:32:00] liran (liran! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:32:07] speedsix: yeah
[16:32:29] mythabuser (mythabuser! has joined #mythtv-users
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[16:34:26] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:34:27] mythabuser: i need to transcode all my recordings to make them smaller, i just have 3.5 gig of space left on my 200 gig drive, do i need to go to each recording and it job options -> begin transcoding ? or is there a better way?
[16:35:09] stuarta: watch & delete?
[16:36:09] mythabuser: hehe
[16:36:46] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:36:48] UBL: put in a 500 gig drive
[16:37:10] mythabuser: so, theres no way to batch all the recordings and re-transcode?
[16:37:22] UBL: never tried
[16:37:42] UBL: i know you can "tag" multiple recordings, but i dont know what you can do after that
[16:38:02] [3]lucas ([3]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:39:45] [4]lucas ([4]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:40:47] mythabuser: hmm
[16:40:48] Juski: tag them, then press M
[16:41:03] mythabuser: how do you tag them?
[16:41:06] Juski: then you'll know ;-)
[16:41:29] psofa: stuarta, i suppose im fooked
[16:42:16] Juski: mythabuser: /
[16:42:25] Disconnect_ (Disconnect_! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:42:42] Juski: or you can select them one by one & press the right arrow (add to playlist)
[16:42:49] Juski: or you can select the whole group
[16:42:50] Shdwdrgn (Shdwdrgn! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:42:55] Shdwdrgn (Shdwdrgn! has joined #MYTHTV-USERS
[16:43:15] Juski: I didn't know that til last week!
[16:43:42] ** stuarta just learnt that you can tag things **
[16:44:37] Juski: I used to spend so much time just watching stuff I'd recorded I never had time to _play_
[16:45:17] Juski: there's so much you can experiment with without breaking stuff ;-)
[16:45:39] Juski: I'd guess that a lot of peeps are too scared incase they break things
[16:45:43] Juski: pussies!
[16:46:01] stuarta: I'm having trouble finding time for fixing....
[16:46:07] mythabuser: from the watch recordings menu, i added 'all programs' to the play list, then do start watching and it X? what transcoding profile does it use?
[16:46:37] Juski: by default, myth will use the (guess what) transcoding profile
[16:47:06] stuarta: and svn will ask which profile to use...
[16:47:22] mythabuser: but there are a few listed under transcoding, and i saw no way to make one the default
[16:47:45] Juski: one is called 'default' – I thought that was a bit of a dead giveaway :-/
[16:47:56] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:48:11] psofa: Juski, does myth use an external ffmpeg library?
[16:48:16] psofa: or it has its own?
[16:48:27] kahuna_ (kahuna_! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:48:44] speedsix: if I ./configure some code can I copy it to a faster machine to compile?
[16:48:44] Juski: psofa: dunno
[16:48:49] kahuna_: Hi. I'm making a new kernel and was wondering what scheduler works best w/ myth
[16:49:05] psofa: Juski, im asking because maybe its ffmpegs problem not reading ac3
[16:49:28] Juski: realtime kernel stuff is deprecated, that's what the docs say
[16:49:34] Juski: I fink....
[16:49:49] mythabuser: under recording profiles -> transcoders -> i have 2 autodetects, high, medium and low, nothing say's 'default'
[16:50:22] kahuna_: Hmm... I have anticipatory, deadline, and CFQ
[16:50:26] stuarta: kahuna_: i find the server schedulers the best.
[16:51:15] stuarta: i have deadline as the default.
[16:52:08] five_laptop (five_laptop!n=fiveiron@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:52:11] kahuna_: I'll check that one out. I don't think it'll create a uge difference.
[16:52:18] Juski: mythabuser: in that case I was wrong – sorry, but I don't use transcoding. don't often have to with over 750GB space
[16:53:21] [5]lucas ([5]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:53:28] mchou (mchou! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:53:49] Juski: speaking of which.. didn't take long for word to get around about those new Seagate disks at work.. "ooo can I have one of them 750GB disks?!"
[16:53:58] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:54:07] Juski: "no, you can't. they're MINE, AAAALL MINE!!"
[16:54:15] stuarta: no chance of testing them then....
[16:54:17] sc00p (sc00p! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:54:24] [3]lucas ([3]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:54:35] Juski: stuarta: we only just got SATA working, so that's not up to me yet
[16:55:15] Juski: just have to find out why they get a CRC error every few hundred MB of operations now
[16:55:37] gardengnome: cos' it's SOHO, baby!
[16:56:04] Juski: more like cos it's a Silicon Image controller :-/
[16:56:15] Juski: not that we have any choice now
[16:56:24] Juski: oh how I laughed
[16:56:50] NHIwerx (NHIwerx!n=frank@ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[16:56:54] Juski: buy into a new controller chip without checking it out properly first... oh yeah that's the way
[16:59:36] fiveiron: this is ridiculous
[17:00:00] fiveiron: anyone else install the latest svn of mythtv on ubuntu dapper?
[17:02:32] Juski: fiveiron: tried this?
[17:02:53] psofa: Juski, are you sure ac3 works in myth? because i dont have any other channel that uses it
[17:03:07] Juski: psofa: it's supposed to
[17:03:21] psofa: Juski, so you have no channel to test yourself?
[17:03:29] Juski: ATSC users in the US get 5.1 audio for their HDTV
[17:03:42] Juski: psofa: there's no ac3 on DVB-T here
[17:04:15] Juski: though in London there's a HDTV test transmission going out on a short-range transmitter
[17:04:15] Tobbe: psofa: I use ac3 with some of my movies
[17:04:44] Juski: and mythtv's internal player can cope with DVDs that use AC3 audio
[17:04:47] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:04:53] Servo888: I have 3 shows that I recorded this morning and last night – but they're not showing up in the media library...
[17:05:12] Juski: psofa: do you have mythtv compiled with ac3 support?
[17:05:21] Dibblah: Juski: Seagate disks?
[17:05:31] Juski: Servo888: try changing the recording group view
[17:05:59] psofa: Juski, theres not such flag in the ebuild
[17:06:01] Juski: Dibblah: the CRC errors are coming from the controller... we know this because we have a sata analyser
[17:06:09] psofa: ill check the ebuild and see what it does
[17:06:09] phpsmallbiz (phpsmallbiz!n=ya@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:06:11] Dibblah: If so, try adding them to the blacklist in the kernel.
[17:06:26] Juski: Dibblah: we're not using a linux kernel :-P
[17:06:30] Tobbe: psofa: have you tried playing ac3 recordings in mplayer?
[17:06:41] phpsmallbiz: I'm running .19 and /etc/init.d/mythbackend doesn't run it shows no errors and makes no log entries
[17:06:46] Dibblah: There's a bad interaction between the SIL3114 (not A) and some Seagate firmware.
[17:06:50] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:06:51] Juski: Tobbe: mplayer works fine, but ffmpeg doesn't
[17:07:05] Tobbe: ok
[17:07:12] Juski: Dibblah: the disks we're testing with are WD, maxtor & seagate
[17:07:30] Juski: the 2002 manufactured disks were all shite
[17:07:30] Dibblah: Ah. Okay. It's just SIL sucking again, then :)
[17:07:36] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:07:46] psofa: Juski, but im not sure if it plays the ac3 stream or the mp2 stream
[17:07:52] psofa: (mplayer)
[17:08:09] Juski: psofa: is there no --verbose option with mplayer though?
[17:08:23] Juski: I thought it spat debug messages out as a matter of course ;-)
[17:08:24] Servo888: Juski, where would I change the 'recording group view"
[17:08:40] Juski: Servo888: press M in the 'watch recordings' menu
[17:08:59] phpsmallbiz: I'm running .19 and /etc/init.d/mythbackend doesn't run it shows no errors and makes no log entries can someone help me with this prob?
[17:09:37] stealth (stealth! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:09:50] Juski: phpsmallbiz: what happens when you just try to run mythbackend in a terminal session?
[17:10:04] phpsmallbiz: it works
[17:10:15] Servo888: Juski, ah ok – got it thanks.
[17:10:21] Juski: maybe try a different init script then phpsmallbiz
[17:10:36] Juski: there are a bunch of them in the contrib directory
[17:10:44] phpsmallbiz: ok thanks
[17:10:49] psofa: Juski, is a52 ac3?
[17:11:29] Juski: psofa: I think so
[17:12:11] psofa: Juski, A52_CHECK(139 input bytes), found 0 frame syncwords of 0 bytes length
[17:12:19] psofa: so what it seems to do is:
[17:12:29] psofa: see that theres no valid ac3
[17:12:34] psofa: and chose the next track
[17:13:03] Juski: psofa: like stuarta said then... ac3 is a junk stream
[17:13:21] Juski: maybe it's a test...
[17:13:42] Juski: even so though, the primary audio PID should _always_ be right, or set top boxes would be screwd
[17:14:07] psofa: i have a settop box
[17:14:15] psofa: and it plays the channel alright
[17:14:24] psofa: however i think it cant to ac3
[17:14:26] Juski: we're still doing stuff that's fundamentally different from STBs
[17:14:42] toi (toi! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:14:47] psofa: well it shouldnt be hard to check if the stream is valid
[17:14:54] psofa: as mplayer does
[17:15:03] Juski: the huge snag is that not all countries adhere to the DVB standard as hard & fast as others
[17:17:18] psofa: another thing is that although theres an mp2 stream myth cant switch to that
[17:17:56] psofa: and myth doesnt list it like it does with other channels
[17:19:00] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:19:30] Juski: maybe it's another 'catch' that myth needs to have added
[17:20:03] achew22 (achew22! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:20:09] Juski: this might've come out of HDTV folks complaining that myth wasn't selecting ac3 streams by default
[17:20:23] achew22 (achew22! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:20:24] psofa: damn bastards!
[17:20:34] psofa: they have hdtv they dont need to be so greedy
[17:20:37] psofa: :)
[17:21:25] Juski: americans, not greedy? oxymoron ;-)
[17:21:30] ** Juski hides **
[17:21:56] [4]lucas ([4]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:22:08] Juski: psofa: check the -commits list to see if there's a fix
[17:22:34] Phantom1000 (Phantom1000! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:22:44] stuarta: psofa: have you got a sample I can download?
[17:22:47] Juski: and .. yet again, search the mailing lists. now you know what's up you've got summat to go on
[17:22:47] nickv111 (nickv111! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:23:02] nickv111: Hello. How do I go about configuring transcoding?
[17:23:43] psofa: stuarta, if you told me how to cut a little piece of this 600mb file
[17:23:50] psofa: id happily dcc it
[17:24:38] stuarta: dd would do the trick...
[17:24:39] [3]lucas ([3]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:25:33] psofa: stuarta, it would be easier to tell me the exact slow at reading manpages
[17:25:35] psofa: :)
[17:25:52] stuarta: dd if=bigfile of=sample bs=512 count=10000000 (that should be a 5mb file)
[17:26:00] psofa: nice
[17:29:15] psofa: hmm
[17:29:22] psofa: why is it taking so much time?
[17:30:14] Zider_ (Zider_!i=zider@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:30:20] ikonia: do any of your have solid experience using the haupage TV cards along side myth
[17:30:44] ikonia: I'm strugglging to work out the /dev device relationship to myths expectation within the config
[17:32:13] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:32:16] specialsauce (specialsauce! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:32:38] Juski: ikonia: which hauppauge card?
[17:34:12] nickv111: Is there any good documentation on converting MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 with mythtv?
[17:34:13] specialsauce: hello, anyone have the error when building ivtv that says linux/videodev2.h: no such file or directory
[17:34:29] nickv111: specialsauce: What kernel version?
[17:34:35] ikonia: Juski chipset Conexant CX23880
[17:34:40] specialsauce:
[17:34:43] Juski: ikonia: which model
[17:34:49] nickv111: specialsauce: What version of ivtv?
[17:34:54] Juski: specialsauce: you should be using ivtv 0.6.x
[17:34:58] ikonia: wintv
[17:34:59] specialsauce: 0.6.2
[17:35:06] Juski: ikonia: which model?!
[17:35:13] nickv111: specialsauce: That's interesting. I just built 0.6.2 and I was using 2.6.16...
[17:35:22] Juski: pvr150 / pvr350 / pvr250/ pvr500 ? what?
[17:35:23] psofa: stuarta, it didnt cut it
[17:35:28] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:35:31] specialsauce: pvr250
[17:35:31] psofa: stuarta, it just duplicated it
[17:35:41] ikonia: ahhh 1 moment I can't remember exact model
[17:35:44] nickv111: specialsauce: Perhaps it can't find your kernel? Make sure you have /usr/src/linux as a symbolic link to your kernel source
[17:36:15] specialsauce: nickv111, that was the first thing I did before I built my kernel was create that symbolic link to my new kernel
[17:36:16] Juski: specialsauce: in mythtv-setup, just select 'mpeg2 encoder' as the card type, then whatever device it is... /dev/video0 would be your 1st card...
[17:36:29] Juski: oops ^^ that was meant for ikonia
[17:36:37] specialsauce: 15 2006-05–12 15:27 linux -> linux-
[17:36:51] psofa: stuarta, nm
[17:36:56] ikonia: Juski got that part – however I'm not %100 how the /dev devices match up
[17:37:04] Juski: ikonia: what do you mean?
[17:37:07] ikonia: eg I see that /dev/vide0 is the card
[17:37:15] ikonia: but these these cards create multiple device entries
[17:37:18] specialsauce: Juski, /dev/video0 = no such device
[17:37:23] ikonia: for the mpeg encoder
[17:37:27] specialsauce: I tried to cat /dev/video0 > test.mpg
[17:37:34] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:37:39] Juski: ikonia: you don't generally need to worry about that
[17:37:46] specialsauce: said /dev/video0 no such device
[17:37:53] ikonia: Juski understood
[17:37:56] ikonia: thank you
[17:38:00] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:38:18] Juski: specialsauce: see the ivtv docs... but if your ivtv driver isn't compiling properly of course you'll get that
[17:38:26] ikonia: Juski I assume that mpeg2 encoder" will allow it to use the hardware encoding on the card
[17:38:38] Juski: ikonia: the ivtv docs will explain the device tree
[17:38:46] ikonia: understood
[17:38:55] Juski: ikonia: so long as you tell mythtv it's a hardware mpeg2 encoder it'll know what to do
[17:38:56] Juski: ;-)
[17:39:01] ikonia: excellent
[17:39:03] ikonia: thanks for the tip
[17:39:07] mythabuser (mythabuser! has quit ()
[17:39:08] specialsauce: nickv111, within your kernel config, for ivtv, you had i2c, and video4linux and thats it right?
[17:39:16] ikonia: looking at the mythtc docs and the fedora howto I wasn't %100 clear on that
[17:39:30] Juski: ikonia: put it this way  – try to use mythtv with that set as anything else & you're in for some fun :-P
[17:39:41] ikonia: ha ha
[17:39:42] ikonia: ok
[17:40:35] splAt1 is now known as splat1
[17:41:31] specialsauce: nickv111, do you remember if you compiled anything else then that with your kernel?
[17:43:40] fiveiron: ok
[17:43:46] fiveiron: i've got the latest mythtv installed
[17:44:06] fiveiron: and it can't seem to find the that is located in /usr/local/lib
[17:44:13] fiveiron: do i need to put a symlink somewhere?
[17:44:52] stuarta: fiveiron: /etc/
[17:44:57] psofa: stuarta, im trying to dcc it to you
[17:45:42] fiveiron: stuarta: create that file and add a line in it to /usr/local/lib ??
[17:46:06] Juski: create the file? it's not there already?
[17:46:10] fiveiron: no
[17:46:11] stuarta: fiveiron: add /usr/local/lib and run ldconfig
[17:46:14] fiveiron: i have
[17:46:30] stuarta: huh? you should have an
[17:46:35] fiveiron: nope
[17:46:53] psofa: lol stuarta why is the transfer so damn slow?
[17:47:00] fiveiron: whats in yours? could you paste it?
[17:47:16] stuarta: no idea. maybe the irc server is limiting it?
[17:48:18] stuarta: fiveiron: just a list of all the lib directories...
[17:48:33] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:48:41] fiveiron: got it
[17:48:55] fiveiron: thx so much for everyone's help...
[17:49:00] hpAuto (hpAuto! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:49:09] fiveiron: wow... this latest version has a ton more features
[17:49:28] Coume (Coume! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:49:50] hpAuto: anyone here have a working pvr-150?
[17:50:00] Coume: hi all
[17:50:16] Juski: anyone here know how not to ask a metaquestion? :-P
[17:50:18] hpAuto: I want to know what I need in my modprobe.conf to get the pvr-150 to work
[17:50:23] Juski: hi Coume
[17:50:35] Coume: how are you Juski ?
[17:50:45] Juski: am good.. having another break ;-)
[17:51:37] defaultro (defaultro! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:51:52] kahuna_ (kahuna_! has quit ("leaving")
[17:51:54] psofa: stuarta, i think its me
[17:52:01] psofa: ill send it in one second again
[17:52:06] psofa: gnome has crapped out
[17:52:39] [3]lucas ([3]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:52:50] psofa (psofa! has quit ("Leaving")
[17:53:21] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:53:48] psofa: stuarta, sending it
[17:54:10] Shdwdrgn (Shdwdrgn! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:54:17] Shdwdrgn (Shdwdrgn! has joined #MYTHTV-USERS
[17:54:28] psofa: it was me :)
[17:54:32] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:54:38] stuarta: what were you doing?
[17:54:39] [4]lucas ([4]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:55:41] specialsauce: wouldn't the feature videodev2.h be within the video4linux option in the kernel, ie, if i compiled the video4linux feature as a module, videodev2.h should exist?
[17:56:53] psofa: stuarta, damn gnome-vfs-daemon was crapped out
[17:57:06] psofa: and was using 100%cpu
[17:59:34] doc__: re
[18:00:54] doc__: re
[18:00:56] doc__: ups :)
[18:01:04] psofa: stuarta, sent
[18:01:32] fiveiron: BOO-FRIGGING-YA
[18:01:37] fiveiron: its all working perfectly now
[18:01:53] stuarta: got it. ffmpeg doesn't like it at all...
[18:02:17] psofa: but mplayer plays it
[18:02:59] stuarta: yeah, i'll have a careful look at it...
[18:03:55] psofa: stuarta, ty
[18:04:23] sphenxes (sphenxes! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:04:50] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[18:07:42] psofa: btw what do i have to do to get eit guide for dvb-s? just check the option in mythtv-setup?
[18:08:54] topping (topping! has quit ()
[18:09:00] Juski: psofa: make sure mythtv is built with EIT enabled
[18:09:05] Juski: YMMV
[18:09:15] stuarta: what satellite are you on?
[18:09:21] psofa: hotbird
[18:09:27] Coume (Coume! has quit (Connection reset by peer)
[18:09:57] psofa: it just says once in a while: looking for eit guide at channel blabla and nothing else
[18:10:15] Juski: so that confirms it's got support built in anyway
[18:10:24] stuarta: don't know if there is guide data on the hotbirds
[18:10:27] Coume (Coume! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:10:32] Juski: wb Coume
[18:10:35] psofa: stuarta, i dont know either :)
[18:10:55] stuarta: can find out with dvbsnoop
[18:11:03] specialsauce: It seems that my videodev2.h is located within /usr/src/linux-, but the ivtv make file looks for it just under linux/videodev2.h, do I need to move the ivtv installer to /usr/src/linux- ?
[18:11:12] Coume: NTL rules!
[18:11:14] Coume: yeah
[18:11:29] Coume (Coume! has quit (Success)
[18:11:43] Juski: stuarta: I think EIT is pretty new on hotbird
[18:13:10] Juski: googled & found something about DVBViewer working with some hotbird channels
[18:14:05] stuarta: it might be something we have to work on...
[18:14:06] psofa: and i think back with vdr i had some crappy eit on some channels
[18:14:09] enyc: ??hotbird??
[18:14:23] psofa: its a porn satellite :P
[18:14:24] Juski: psofa: check this page:
[18:14:42] Juski: hotbird? I thought the porn one was 'fitbird'
[18:14:51] stuarta: lol
[18:15:06] Juski: the hardcore ones are all on 'dirtybird'
[18:15:26] stuarta: roflmao
[18:15:42] psofa: :D
[18:15:44] Juski: and for the real nasty stuff, you need the backdoor CAM
[18:16:18] ** Juski reminisces an old Lenny Henry show that featured 'KYTV'.. oh the connotations **
[18:16:18] ** stuarta cries with laughter... **
[18:16:55] psofa: Juski, the page has a patch for astra eit. and has some tv_grab scripts which would be messy
[18:17:25] stuarta: you can try tv_grab_dvb, that'll tell you if there is eit data...
[18:17:35] Juski: psofa: in the olden days.. 0.17 or so (or was it 0.16), I used to use tv_grab_dvb to get the radio listings
[18:17:59] Juski: that was back when we had to manually enter all the PIDs
[18:18:07] enyc: rrm I understand mythtv 0.20 is needed to to DVB radio !!
[18:18:10] Juski: and you could fool mythtv into mixing audio & video streams
[18:18:19] Juski: those were the days
[18:18:20] psofa: Juski, that would be cool
[18:18:34] stuarta: handy for certain channels on freeview...
[18:18:37] psofa: just go to flysat see pids etc and all set
[18:18:40] Juski: it's fine, when the PIDs don't change on the fucking fly though
[18:18:52] enyc: ?vhy change on fly?
[18:19:00] Juski: because they can, I guess
[18:19:07] enyc: 'PID == 'vritual channel number' user sees?? or is that again different ?
[18:19:29] enyc: "I know there... are MUX identifiers of some form... and each mex has subchannels (PIDs???) --
[18:19:41] enyc: 'Im not sure how much abstraction there is ;-)
[18:19:48] stuarta: no it's a way of referencing elementary streams
[18:19:49] Juski: enyc: PID is 'program identifier descriptor' or something like that – basically so the decoder knows which stream goes with which channel
[18:20:19] stuarta: Juski: that the PMT, the PIDS identify the stream
[18:20:25] Juski: ah
[18:20:27] soundman (soundman! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:20:52] soundman: How does one force mythfrontend to use alsa rather than defaulting to oss without recompiling?
[18:20:55] stuarta: the PMT says these PIDs make up this channel
[18:21:07] Juski: so I was kinda right ;-)
[18:21:21] stuarta: on the right track :)
[18:22:05] stuarta: it's easy to confuse the tables, with PATs NITs SDTs PMTs PIDs.....
[18:22:27] Juski: anyway – they change on the fly.. and I guess one of the reasons is all the shared channels we have.. like BBC3, CBBC etc
[18:22:43] Juski: but why the hell they can't just leave em alone I dunno
[18:22:58] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:23:16] gardengnome: does the pvr 150 support ivtv under linux?
[18:23:21] Juski: IIRC, it's all ITV's fault
[18:23:52] stuarta: everything's ITVs fault.
[18:23:56] Juski: gardengnome: no, but if the floor supports your PC, maybe you can woggle the thingy bit
[18:24:23] gardengnome: Juski: might have to upgrade to sledgehammer 2.1 before that, though
[18:25:00] Juski: IIRC, ivtv7.0 conflicts with wife1.0
[18:25:30] gardengnome: captain chauvinism to the rescue!
[18:25:39] stuarta: gf5.0 conflicts with coding2.1 & viewing3.0
[18:25:58] gardengnome: gf 3.0 conflicts with good mood here
[18:26:01] adante (adante! has quit (Connection timed out)
[18:26:21] gardengnome: should downgrade to one night stand 25.3
[18:26:33] stuarta: however gf5.0 is out of town for the weekend, so I'm catching up.
[18:26:38] gardengnome: that's good
[18:26:53] kusznir (kusznir! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:26:58] gardengnome: would be cool if GF would become OSS. i hate that shareware crap
[18:27:50] kusznir: Hi: I'm having the "ENC IRQ OVERFLOW:" problem (very, very badly recordings are usable anymore), and was wondering on some pointers for correcting it (remotely — I currently only have ssh connectivity to the box; its located 1,200 mi away)
[18:28:04] Juski: pity that when you upgrade to a new version of GFx.x, all your preferences are lost
[18:29:05] kusznir: There's a #<number> after the message, they're going up incrementally.
[18:29:06] gardengnome: Juski: yep. the better companies ship them with a learning mode. "devotion RC2" worked best for me so far
[18:32:40] Juski: kusznir: that's baaad. PC chips motherboard?
[18:33:13] kusznir: Nope. Intel (old — Compaq DeskPro EN)
[18:33:40] kusznir: Just found a problem with one of the MySQL tables, repair in progress.
[18:33:47] kusznir: What is the cause/meaning of the error?
[18:33:58] Juski: no idea
[18:34:24] [3]lucas ([3]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:34:30] stuarta: kusznir: time to do some googling
[18:34:40] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:34:41] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[18:35:16] kusznir: I did, all I found was people asking wht the problem is, then taking wild stabs at it like replacing hard drives and stuff.
[18:35:34] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:35:47] kusznir: Some attributed it to "WD hard drives cause this"; others had no clue, other than it coorlated with glitches in the video.
[18:36:54] LLyric (LLyric! has quit ("Leaving")
[18:38:10] Juski: kusznir: you done a smart test recently?
[18:38:44] speedsix: Hmm, upgraded my frontend, then the backend and now the frontend claims the backend is using protocol 26 vs 29 on the frontend :/
[18:38:46] kusznir: Is there a way to do one outside of the bios? (I don't see the results on reboot, as I'm not there)
[18:38:56] Juski: kusznir: smartmontools
[18:39:34] kusznir: I think I heard complaints about smart errors on boot, though. I've ordered a new drive in any case.
[18:39:49] kusznir: I'm not seeing any syslog drive-related errors, though.
[18:40:09] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:41:45] psofa (psofa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:46:31] Juski: I once built my kernel but forgot to put UDMA in – oh boy the amount of IRQ messages while I ran mythbackend... !
[18:48:17] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:48:51] nickv111: How do I go about transcoding a video using mythfrontend?
[18:49:18] Juski: nickv111: read the user manual
[18:49:27] nickv111: Juski: Okay. Where is that located?
[18:49:31] Juski: the one in the wiki is very good
[18:49:35] nickv111: Juski: Okay.
[18:49:37] Juski:
[18:49:43] Juski: the 'day to day use' section
[18:50:29] nickv111: Juski: Yeah, I've been looking on the wiki
[18:50:38] Juski: don't forget to set up your transcoding profile first in utils > settings > tv > recording
[18:51:33] speedsix: Juski, I'm attempting to update the Knoppmyth backend version of myth from source i.e ./configure make make install etc. but it still seems to be running the old version, any ideas?
[18:52:09] speedsix: would it be wise to uninstall the packaged version first i.e apt get remove mythtv?
[18:53:47] Juski: speedsix: I'd imagine so
[18:54:02] Juski: and make sure your install prefix is right when you build it
[18:54:57] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:56:24] psofa: stuarta, sorry to bug you but have you made any progress with the file i sent?
[18:57:34] stuarta: not yet
[18:59:09] speedsix: I'm totally confused, wiped every trace of myth off the backend and did a clean install, frontend says it understand v29 while backend is ver26!??
[18:59:26] speedsix: both svn'd from the same place??
[18:59:50] topping (topping! has quit ()
[19:01:54] speedsix: How can I tell what version the svn code I have is?
[19:02:37] gardengnome: mythfrontend --version prolly
[19:02:43] nickv111: Following . . . _Recordings, I go to mythfrontend->setup->TV Settings->Recording Profiles->Transcoders. Which one of these transcoders is used when I hit "x" during a recording?
[19:03:10] nickv111: I have "Autodetect from RTjpeg/MPEG4", "Autodetect from MPEG2", "High Quality", "Medium Quality", and "Low Quality"
[19:03:52] stuarta: are you on dvb?
[19:04:01] nickv111: stuarta: Me?
[19:04:05] stuarta: yes
[19:04:08] nickv111: stuarta: No
[19:04:17] stuarta: mpeg encoder?
[19:04:21] nickv111: stuarta: Yes.
[19:04:37] nickv111: stuarta: My tuner card codes directly to mpeg-2, but I want to transcode it to mpeg-4
[19:04:41] stuarta: then your recordings should be .mpg's
[19:04:46] nickv111: They are.
[19:04:55] stuarta: the it uses auto from mpeg2
[19:05:17] nickv111: Oh, okay. Thanks
[19:05:25] doc__ (doc__! has quit ("leaving")
[19:05:34] stuarta: unless you specify a different trancoder in you recording rules....
[19:05:49] nickv111: I don't think I did
[19:06:32] stuarta: unlikely
[19:06:47] speedsix: Is there any way to retrieve an svn version number from the files? Somehow I've managed to end up with different versions on my frontend & backend?
[19:07:21] nickv111: When I watch a recording and hit "x", hoiw do I know if it's transcoding
[19:07:22] nickv111: ?
[19:07:47] stuarta: speedsix: only the --version for the frontend & backend
[19:08:09] stuarta: speedsix: also svn info in the directory where you built it...
[19:08:34] Sebulba02 (Sebulba02!n=Sebulba0@pdpc/supporter/active/Darth-Sebulba04) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:08:53] stuarta: nickv111: ps
[19:09:40] xris: speedsix: it's encoded into mythweb's files.. dunno if the other files are tagged or not
[19:09:45] xris: (would be nice if they were)
[19:10:03] nickv111: stuarta: So, I suppose it's not doing it, then. ps uax | grep "mythtranscode" returns nothing
[19:10:09] xris: nickv111: it flashes "transcoding" on the screen... then kicks in a few minutes later.
[19:10:17] xris: check the backend status page for info about what it's doing.
[19:10:22] UBL: nickv111, look at info->sys status
[19:10:37] UBL: job queue or log entries
[19:10:55] nickv111: Ah, it just started working
[19:10:58] speedsix: devs must have commited changes between the time it took me to svn my frontend and then the backend!!
[19:11:29] Juski: speedsix: so do the c.o. right away, then compile at your leisure ;-)
[19:11:43] speedsix: 9928 on the backend and 9926 on the frontend!
[19:12:26] Juski: lol – no offence
[19:12:47] speedsix: still doesn't explain why the _older_ frontend complains the backend is using protocol 26 when it's using 29??
[19:13:07] Juski: all it needs to be is _different_ for it to complain
[19:13:18] speedsix: I see
[19:13:26] nickv111: So, setting the "Live TV" profile to encode automatically after it records will make it add it to the queue?
[19:13:35] nickv111: The "Job Queue"
[19:13:39] Juski: if it weren't for that, we'd have people using all kinds of borked revisions
[19:13:46] speedsix: osdtypes.cpp had changed ;)
[19:14:29] speedsix: Good job I don't have to recompile it on my 1Ghz backend :/
[19:14:44] stuarta: damn the bbc! dr who keeps running overtime!
[19:15:20] Juski: stuarta: ta for the headsup
[19:15:44] ikonia: stuarta what have the done to the cyberman !!!! thats total gay
[19:15:51] Juski: how much was missed off?
[19:15:53] caitlin (caitlin! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:16:08] stuarta: I keep missing the last minute or two, even with 2min overrecord
[19:16:37] Juski: mine is 1hr 2 mins
[19:16:41] psofa (psofa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:16:48] caitlin: anyone feeling guru'ey on skippy tv?
[19:16:50] Juski: a good buffer both sides ;)
[19:16:53] speedsix: There's nothing in the stream to say when program ends is there?
[19:17:12] stuarta: now I have a 5min overrecord!
[19:17:15] Juski: speedsix: EIT now/next changeth
[19:17:30] Juski: if they update it
[19:17:49] speedsix: Could they not implement a dont stop recording until thischanges ;)
[19:17:52] Juski: caitlin: tuner card / system info / debug messages might help ;-)
[19:18:06] stuarta: mine's only 49mins
[19:18:14] Juski: speedsix: I'm sure the guys could do that when scanning & EIT data stuff is fixx0red
[19:18:29] stuarta: :)
[19:18:45] caitlin: i was wondering if anyone would be gracious enough to have a priv chat with me, so i dont get things lost in the channel noise
[19:18:46] Juski: there has been much discussion on this – we'd never miss a BBC show again (virtually)
[19:19:09] Juski: caitlin: problem I'd have with that is that nobody searching the logs gets the benefit
[19:19:23] caitlin: ok's bear with me one tic
[19:19:40] stuarta: it's only doctor who that it happens on...
[19:20:05] Juski: stuarta: you using EIT or RT ?
[19:20:17] speedsix: I lost the end of My Name is Earl because Radio Times thought this one particular epsiode was 10mins less than it usually is :(
[19:20:34] caitlin: skippy playback – ubuntu Conexant Winfast TV2000 XP (rev 05) ac-tex damaged at [#'s] invalid mb type in B frame
[19:20:37] caitlin: that sort of fluff
[19:20:57] stuarta: EIT, i'm determined to make it work properly. good progress is being made...
[19:21:02] caitlin: google shows a bunch of people with issues and no fixes as far as i could see, so i have come to the foak
[19:21:04] Juski: ac-tex? you using DVB caitlin?
[19:21:15] caitlin: yup
[19:21:19] caitlin: bbc1 is clean, no errors
[19:21:25] caitlin: channel 3 is up the wall
[19:21:33] Juski: caitlin: sounds like bad signal to me
[19:21:35] caitlin: sometimes all channels are perfect
[19:21:40] caitlin: that simple? i had wondered
[19:21:47] caitlin: that would explain randomness
[19:21:52] Juski: either that or the EIT data grabbing in 0.19 is nicking all your CPU
[19:21:58] caitlin: do you need any special type of booster for this stuff?
[19:22:06] Juski: caitlin: a booster can make it worse
[19:22:10] caitlin: would top show that? or does it spike too fast?
[19:22:26] Juski: caitlin: top would show mythbackend using like > 40% CPU
[19:22:36] Juski: periodically
[19:22:41] caitlin: it's around 30 atm
[19:22:47] ** caitlin sticks it on ch3 **
[19:22:48] Juski: that's a bit much
[19:23:02] Juski: should be more < 10% with DVB recording
[19:23:05] caitlin: i lie, that was the frontend
[19:23:10] Juski: heh
[19:23:11] caitlin: the back was at 2%
[19:23:28] Juski: okees – might just be the signal quality
[19:23:39] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:23:56] Juski: if you have a while, stop mythbackend & try tzap – you might've used that to test your DVB tuner card already
[19:23:58] caitlin: yeh, it's skipping now at 2 – 3%
[19:24:12] caitlin: what would i be looking for with tzap?
[19:24:23] Juski: BER, UNC
[19:24:27] caitlin: i did do that initially, i used the parker1 guide to setup
[19:24:42] Juski: if you get ANY UNCs – that's baaad
[19:24:48] Juski: BER should be as low as poss.
[19:26:09] caitlin: eep, now i'm losing audio
[19:26:10] topping (topping! has quit (Client Quit)
[19:26:12] Juski: right – now to the possible causes of the glitches... interference from all kinds of things... taxi radios, scooters, cars, mobile phones, microwave ovens, flourescent lights, hair driers, vacuum cleaners
[19:26:26] Juski: the list is almost endless :-/
[19:26:33] ** caitlin looks at the dyson... you're not even bloody on! **
[19:26:52] soundman: How does one force mythfrontend to use alsa rather than defaulting to oss. I compiled and disabled oss support but myth segfaults and says not to disable oss unless you're not on linux
[19:26:53] Juski: caitlin: the old type of TV coax cable traditionally used isn't really up to the job for digital telly
[19:27:08] caitlin: hmm, my flylead is about 40 ft long
[19:27:09] Juski: soundman: look in der wiki
[19:27:15] caitlin: that would be baaad :/
[19:28:34] Juski: caitlin: the newer cable (called CT100 / CT150) has more screening – like this one has an overall outer foil whereas the older one has just a puny copper braiding providing about 75% coverage of the inner core – it's the gaps which let interference in
[19:29:12] Juski: pulse-type interference would look like a short 'blip' or line on analogue telly, but with digital it causes relatively big gaps in the stream
[19:29:28] J-e-f-f-A: Juski: In the US, that's called RG6-QS (Quad Shield)
[19:30:12] Juski: CT100 is the kind of cable traditionally used for cable & satellite TV installs – but now very recommended by aerial installers for all digital TV
[19:30:14] caitlin: i have bers which are counting in hex :$ but no unc
[19:30:21] Juski: no UNC is good :-)
[19:30:36] Juski: BER == bit error rate
[19:30:51] caitlin: nothing really over 32
[19:30:57] Juski: what kind of signal strength do you have?
[19:31:02] caitlin: shit, how do you count in base 16?
[19:31:02] Juski: and how's the SNR looking?
[19:31:09] caitlin: 36/37
[19:31:15] caitlin: snr ffff
[19:31:29] caitlin: this is on ITV1
[19:31:42] Juski: signal could be stronger, but SNR is low (driver reports it wrongly) by the looks
[19:32:01] caitlin: what's average for signal?#
[19:32:12] kayelem (kayelem! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:32:22] Juski: signal level should be as high as possible. again some drivers report it wrongly
[19:32:33] Juski: looks like you'll be using the same driver as me – it's back to front
[19:32:47] Juski: strongest is 00, weakest is ff
[19:32:49] Juski: :-/
[19:32:58] caitlin: heh
[19:33:11] Juski: you can test that by pulling the aerial cable out
[19:33:22] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:33:26] Juski: it'd go to ff on mine ;-)
[19:33:45] caitlin: and now it's skip free
[19:34:02] Juski: is it windy? aerial bobbing in the breeze?
[19:34:02] caitlin: maybe it's the cable i have to glare at then
[19:34:13] caitlin: it's a shared building... block of flats
[19:34:18] caitlin: i just get a socket :/
[19:34:21] Juski: oh heck
[19:34:27] caitlin: could it be other shite plugged into that system them
[19:34:33] ** caitlin bangs her face on the wall **
[19:34:41] caitlin: 's ok, i'm moving soon :P
[19:34:42] topping (topping! has quit (Client Quit)
[19:34:44] stuarta: could well be
[19:34:46] Juski: you could try an adjustable booster from Argos
[19:35:01] Juski: _might_ help
[19:35:14] caitlin: just try and ram some more signal in and hope the hardware can scrape out the errors?
[19:35:16] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:35:21] Juski: but the problem with boosters is that the'll also amplify the interference
[19:35:33] stuarta: but not worth it if you are moving soon
[19:35:46] Juski: if you can move the computer try a shorter cable
[19:35:59] caitlin: heh, mostly my girlfriend wants to tape shipwrecked tomorrow and i'm dead if i fail :P
[19:36:02] Juski: those leads you can buy in general shops are shite
[19:36:07] caitlin: i dont even watch tv, i just like projects
[19:36:13] caitlin: i got this one from maplins
[19:36:17] caitlin: it's black
[19:36:18] Juski: like I said, shite
[19:36:20] caitlin: but it is long
[19:36:55] Juski: the outer covering is keeping the water inside to maintain the string's wetness
[19:36:59] Juski: ;-)
[19:37:12] caitlin: ok, well that looks like the place i need to be looking. thanks so much for giving me the pointers
[19:37:31] Juski: if you have a DECT phone, try turning it off for a bit
[19:37:42] caitlin: heh, thats unfunny if you've had a leak and the water runs down the inside of the coax from the ariel and frys your tv!
[19:38:03] caitlin: i only have a phone*line* to get the net....
[19:38:07] Juski: caitlin: nah I was trying to make a joke about Maplin's cables being as good as damp strings
[19:38:10] caitlin: i could turn my mobile off i suppose
[19:38:35] Juski: you could be gettng the problems when your mobile is phoning home to talk to the network
[19:38:36] caitlin: damp string's gotta be better though, for the conductivity :P
[19:38:39] kayelem: sheilding on the cheap stuff is rubbish, and it's a bit thin, hence lossy
[19:38:56] caitlin: it'd be bad when making calls then...
[19:39:02] Juski: yup
[19:39:19] kayelem: Sattelite TV downlead's better, rather lower loss and better shielding; fit decent pllugs as well
[19:39:36] Juski: kayelem: we don't have decent plugs for domestic TV in the UK
[19:39:47] Juski: Belling-Lee coaxial thingies.. rubbish!
[19:39:54] Juski: not like yer F connectors
[19:40:18] stuarta: save that for the sat tv
[19:40:22] kayelem: Good old Belling Lee ones aren't that bad *if* you get the good ones (getting harder)
[19:40:26] Juski: caitlin: like I said before – try moving the PC & using a shorter lead if you have one
[19:40:34] caitlin: kewl
[19:40:55] ** Juski only uses the solder-type of Belling-Lee plugs **
[19:41:06] kayelem: And the number of times I've been out to a customer and found the aerial installer hasn't soldered the inner of the Belling Lee...
[19:41:12] Juski: 20 pence each from the shop down the road ;-)
[19:41:30] Juski: better than the screw terminal shite maplins sell
[19:41:42] kayelem: Juski, now *those* are shite
[19:41:49] Juski: anyhow – it's about time I got that crispy duck on the go :-P
[19:41:57] Juski: yum
[19:42:06] speedsix: </homer droool>
[19:42:09] ** stuarta starts dreaming of crispy duck... **
[19:44:09] beavis_lap (beavis_lap! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:45:42] kusznir (kusznir! has quit ("Leaving")
[19:55:10] hpAuto: trying to get this pvr-150 working made my system unbootable now :(
[19:55:16] megaman123 (megaman123!n=aajaj@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:56:03] megaman123: hi to linux..trying to get my nexus-s 2.3 run on ubuntu ...anyone can help out here ?? :)
[19:59:10] akaias (akaias! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:59:20] megaman123: hellllloooo :)
[19:59:24] enyc: meeeep ;-)
[19:59:43] megaman123: hi there :)
[20:01:33] Esotericisms (Esotericisms! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:01:47] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:03:17] J-e-f-f-A (J-e-f-f-A! has quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[20:07:44] tom7e (tom7e! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:07:53] caitlin: hmm. several channels are tunable, show up in the mythweb guide crap but have no actual program data
[20:08:02] caitlin: the channels seem to be missing from the channel_ids file
[20:08:08] megaman123: is there anyone here ????
[20:08:36] stuarta: i'm not
[20:08:47] caitlin: i'm not here either
[20:09:03] megaman123: :))) i see lots of names but nothing is written here :)
[20:09:09] Zider_: I'm over there *points*
[20:09:18] megaman123: i had a question regarding nexus-s setup
[20:09:25] tom7e (tom7e! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:09:44] stuarta: we all got distracted by Juski's crispy duck...
[20:09:54] megaman123: can anyone help out with that :)
[20:10:14] stuarta: the duck or the problem?
[20:10:15] megaman123: well :) i don't know anything about the duck :))
[20:10:18] johnsu01 (johnsu01!n=user@fsf/staff/johnsu01) has left #mythtv-users ("No reason")
[20:10:27] megaman123: no the problem
[20:10:37] Zider_: you should know about the duck
[20:10:46] Zider_: in case someone throws things at your head
[20:10:58] psofa (psofa! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:11:10] megaman123: :)) well ... i think im safe here
[20:11:18] scopeuk: youed be suprised
[20:11:19] stuarta: I've got a recipe for duck
[20:11:21] Zider_: *throws a nickel at megaman123s head*
[20:11:25] megaman123: but im very close to throwing my pc :)
[20:11:33] ** scopeuk preps the cd launcher **
[20:11:37] caitlin: grrr. how the feck do you get listings for sky3?
[20:11:45] stuarta: !trout everybody
[20:11:45] ** MythLogBot slaps everybody with a trout on behalf of stuarta... **
[20:12:15] megaman123: well can anyone help me out getting my nexus-s 2.3 to run :) ??
[20:12:19] stuarta: anyway, megaman123 what is actually your problem. you didn't say
[20:12:43] megaman123: i cant get anything out of it :9 no scan no nothing
[20:13:07] megaman123: when i the "greb DVB" it doesn't give me anything
[20:13:19] megaman123: and when i try to scan it gives me and error sayong
[20:13:28] stuarta: does the kernel find it okay?
[20:13:42] megaman123: no
[20:13:50] stuarta: well that's your problem.
[20:13:57] megaman123: or better to say ... how do i know that
[20:14:04] megaman123: this is my second day on linux :(
[20:14:07] stuarta: read dmesg
[20:14:36] megaman123: i tried this greb DVB /var/log/dmesg
[20:14:39] megaman123: and i get nothing
[20:15:15] stuarta: try grep dvb /var/log/dmesg
[20:16:20] megaman123: then i found this it says the following:
[20:16:44] megaman123: saa7146: registerextension 'dvb'
[20:17:14] megaman123: dvb-ttpci: could not load firmware, file not found: dvb-ttpic-0
[20:17:50] megaman123: dvb-ttpci: usually this should be in /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware
[20:18:00] stuarta: ahh, no firmware, card no work..
[20:18:11] megaman123: ok let me see
[20:18:18] sphenxes (sphenxes! has quit ("Leaving")
[20:18:24] speedsix: Friend recently had the same problem, where it said to put the firmware was actually the wrong place
[20:18:42] speedsix: cannot remember where he put it in the end sorry :(
[20:19:11] speedsix: Trying to compile latest 0.19 fixes and it's coming up with "undefined reference to `chanlists'"
[20:19:18] megaman123: the thing is i found this dvb-driver.tar.bz2 in the /usr/src folder
[20:19:53] megaman123: i extracted it and it gave me 3 folders and a Makefile file
[20:19:59] megaman123: but this is as far as i got :((
[20:20:10] megaman123: dont know what to do after ??!!!
[20:23:52] beavis_lap: how can i leave MythWelcome?
[20:24:06] Spida: megaman123: what distro?
[20:24:12] megaman123: ubuntu
[20:24:18] beavis_lap: it's completely impossible to exit in mythwelcome
[20:24:20] specialsauce: anyone have the hauppauge pvr250 controller working in linux? (the one with the receiver that plugs directly into the pvr card)
[20:24:38] stuarta: beavis_lap: I think that's the whole point of it.
[20:24:40] liran_: specialsauce: i got the pvr150 but it also plugs in directly
[20:24:42] speedsix: megaman123, do the drivers built into the kernel not work?
[20:24:43] Spida: megaman123: I had a firmware problem with ivtv on gentoo. turned out that hotplug was broken
[20:24:54] gardengnome: beavis_lap: you sure you're trying hard enough?
[20:25:11] stuarta: kill -9 should do the trick....
[20:25:24] beavis_lap: stuarta: without any console? ;)
[20:25:49] stuarta: challenging...
[20:25:50] megaman123: well i got the firmware and copied to the location it should i restart?? right
[20:25:58] beavis_lap: gardengnome: I started it on my xbox, now I have to ssh to the machine to close mythwelcome :/
[20:26:00] specialsauce: liran, was it difficult to get working
[20:26:44] ** Juski is back **
[20:26:50] liran_: specialsauce: nop. its not a big learning curve but you have to follow some tutorial or something
[20:27:00] ** stuarta demands a full report on the duck **
[20:27:11] Juski: it was niiiiice :-P
[20:27:16] specialsauce: liran, did you use lirc to get it working?
[20:27:30] liran_: specialsauce: yeah lirc is working too.
[20:27:34] speedsix: restaurants never give you enough hoisin sauce :(
[20:27:54] Juski: caitlin: if you're still here you wanna make sure your channels have xmltv ids
[20:28:10] specialsauce: liran_, so you got it working through lirc, am I right?
[20:28:28] Juski: and sky3 is something like
[20:28:35] ** speedsix really loves going through my channel table adding in xmltvids **
[20:28:48] speedsix: sorry *sarcasm*
[20:29:05] Juski: caitlin: but that depends on what version of xmltv you're using. there's a newer version of channel_ids in their cvs
[20:29:17] caitlin: i've added the stuff to channel_ids
[20:29:35] ** Juski points out that you only need configure the xmltv ids once :-P **
[20:29:51] Juski: caitlin: you'll also need this:
[20:29:56] gardengnome: Juski: i've found that the channel_ids file doesn't reflect the xmltv file, at least not for tv_grab_de_tvtoday – quite misleading, huh?
[20:30:01] ** speedsix points out that once is enough :0) **
[20:30:13] Juski: channel (or whatever the xmltv id is)
[20:30:30] Juski: put that into your ~/.mythtv/videosourcename.xmltv file
[20:30:42] caitlin: that's in there already
[20:31:15] Juski: if sky3 has its xmltvid in the channel table you should be good to go
[20:31:56] Juski: of course you need to make sure you're running mythfilldatabase as the right user
[20:32:08] Juski: gardengnome: that's very suckish
[20:32:16] gardengnome: Juski: yep
[20:33:12] ** Juski has just watched the South Park episode where mr Garrison invents a new mode of transport.. one which has an anal protrusion... killer line for me was "well, it's better than what the airlines put you through" **
[20:33:36] ** speedsix wonders why he had to go fiddling with a working myth setup :/ **
[20:33:41] ** caitlin is watching fred dibnah since there's fuck all else on **
[20:33:49] caitlin: 30 channels and its all bollocks
[20:34:02] Juski: get freesat – more than 100 channels of it
[20:34:02] ** stuarta has 7 days worth of recordings to keep him busy **
[20:34:03] scopeuk: speedsix by my reaconing that is the definition of geek
[20:34:07] scopeuk: i fall into that catagory
[20:34:13] speedsix: Could get sky? 600 channels of bollocks then ;)
[20:34:15] scopeuk: my box worked so i started adding stuff
[20:34:37] Juski: the true definition of a geek is someone who messes with stuff without breaking it, IMHO
[20:34:44] ** speedsix bangs head on desk **
[20:34:44] Juski: ;-)
[20:34:53] scopeuk: that whould be a good geek Juski
[20:34:54] stuarta: or breaks it, then makes it better :)
[20:34:58] scopeuk: we all have to learn some time
[20:35:05] megaman123: hey i get this when i grep dvb: dvb-ttpci: root file has strange size (239648). aborting. ???
[20:35:08] ** speedsix gives juski hand signal **
[20:35:09] scopeuk: most of use do it the hard way
[20:35:24] scopeuk: ..|..
[20:35:38] Juski: heh. hey I learned not to slash in the wrong (rm -rf *) place
[20:35:52] scopeuk: i learnt that one
[20:36:19] speedsix: Trying to build latest svn 0.19 fixes and its erroring with "undefined reference to `chanlists'"
[20:36:30] Juski: ROFL.. the description for Dr Who is taking up 2/3 of my screen in mythweb
[20:36:42] speedsix: any ideas?
[20:36:50] Juski: Alison wordy-person Graham
[20:36:55] stuarta: my recording schedule for tommorrow takes up the entire screen in mythweb
[20:37:24] ** Juski wonders when the EIT data will be like TXT SPK so they can fit more in **
[20:37:34] lkj1 (lkj1! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:37:41] lkj1: Is there a way to use a Pyro AV/Link with Linux?
[20:38:06] Juski: lkj1: I dunno. I bet there's not many people tried it
[20:38:25] Juski: fyi folks PyroAV/Link is a video to firewire converter
[20:38:54] lkj1: What is the name of that site with linux hardware? I tried but that wasn't it..
[20:39:10] Juski: lkj1: it might work, but myth might have to be patched to not use channel change commands over firewire
[20:39:41] lkj1: Uh-oh, I don't know how to do that..
[20:39:43] speedsix: Trying to build latest svn 0.19 fixes and its erroring with "undefined reference to `chanlists'" anyone?
[20:39:52] megaman123: :))))) got it work with patched firmware .... step 1 out 100 done :)))))
[20:40:01] Juski: lkj1: this time it's more a question of how myth will work with it – it'll work just like a camcorder – but who knows how myth will treat it
[20:40:17] megaman123: im scanning my first scan on linux after 10 year with windows :)))))
[20:40:31] lkj1: Ok, I'll look around.
[20:40:38] Juski: ahh.. just thought of something lkj1: mythtv will be expecting mpeg2 – and DV over firewire is not that
[20:40:49] lkj1: Hmm
[20:41:19] Juski: if you can make it act like a v4l device it _might_ work...
[20:41:34] lkj1: Where is that v4l page?
[20:41:40] Juski: a big problem will be the DV size files it makes
[20:41:49] Juski:
[20:41:58] Juski: (I think)
[20:42:26] Juski: no – this one:
[20:43:39] Juski: lkj1: how would you feel about using 1GB/minute for captures? ;-)
[20:44:08] lkj1: Not too great.. There is no software compression that I could add?
[20:44:13] Juski: or whatever DV gives you – it's a hell of a lot anyway
[20:44:29] Juski: DV is like MJPEG with some trimmings
[20:44:47] lkj1: oh well. Thanks for the info..
[20:44:51] lkj1: :)
[20:44:55] Juski: interesting idea though
[20:45:24] Juski: I know what you're thinking – it might give you a way to capture HD with the right adapters
[20:45:30] Juski: HDMI > SDI > firewire
[20:45:40] Juski: bloody expensive though
[20:46:09] lkj1: Is there a sub $100 laptop/linux compatible tuner? Maybe even a PCMCIA tv tuner?
[20:46:27] Juski: plenty.. see the linux.bytsex site
[20:46:45] Juski: speedsix: no idea man. try searching the maily listy
[20:48:05] caitlin: woo, it worked
[20:49:46] lkj1 (lkj1! has quit ("Chatzilla [Firefox]")
[20:51:41] ** Juski wonders if the makers of HDTV output boards for broadcast PCs have realised they have an un-tapped market yet **
[20:54:41] Om: Sorry if this is asked a lot, but are there any dual-tuner DVB cards (UK) which work with linux/mythtv? I've only seen one, a DViCO FusionHDTV, but that's HD. Which I can't afford or use
[20:55:00] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:55:17] speedsix (speedsix! has quit (Connection timed out)
[20:55:31] stuarta: Om: just buy two cards. it's cheaper.
[20:56:01] speedsix (speedsix! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:56:33] Om: It was the size I was after, toying with the idea of a mini-ITX board rather than microATX, which would mean a single PCI slot
[20:56:44] Om: But is that a 'no, there aren't any' ?
[20:57:29] stuarta: there are some cards, but the support is 'variable'
[20:57:53] Juski: Om: the Dvico thing isn't HD – just capable of HD
[20:58:04] Juski: my leadtek cards are 'hd' capable too
[20:58:27] Juski: and Om: you can buy a PCI riser card with 2 slots for mini-Itx
[20:59:00] achew22 (achew22! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:59:05] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:59:13] Om: Capable meaning what? That they can recieve HD but are backwards compatiable with current DVB?
[20:59:19] achew22 (achew22! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:59:23] Juski: as far as I know yes
[20:59:28] Juski: read their blurb
[20:59:53] Juski: a friend of mine uses a twinhan card which also says it's 'HD'
[21:00:38] Juski: but IMHO you'd be best staying away from Dvico cards – see the pages and the linuxdvb mailing list to see what I mean
[21:01:08] Juski: that is – if you want it to work first time without having to hassle the kernel folks
[21:03:08] Om: Okay, and just to confirm. The Happauge WinTV-Nova-T works well?
[21:03:21] Juski: yep
[21:03:28] Juski: so does leadtek dtv1000
[21:03:33] Om: Great, thanks :)
[21:03:53] Juski: and many, many more :-P
[21:04:43] caitlin: the nova-t does hd?
[21:04:56] Juski:
[21:05:04] Juski: nothing in the UK does HD yet
[21:05:24] Juski: but there's every chance that when HD over the air is launched in the UK we'll be able to use existing cards
[21:05:34] simcop2387-zauru (simcop2387-zauru!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:05:38] simcop2387-zauru (simcop2387-zauru!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:06:00] Juski: I tell a lie – some lucky peeps in London have a test mux to play with
[21:07:21] simcop2387-zauru (simcop2387-zauru!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:07:27] simcop2387-zauru (simcop2387-zauru!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:10:26] Om: Hm, you said you can have a riser card to have two PCI cards on a Mini-ITX motherboard. Is 2 the limit?
[21:13:29] sphing (sphing! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:20:34] caitlin: hmm, now i have no sound on 301
[21:20:43] caitlin: which is a bummer, it's radio one's one big weekend
[21:22:46] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:24:53] soundman: How does one force mythfrontend to use alsa rather than defaulting to oss. I compiled and disabled oss support but myth segfaults and says not to disable oss unless you're not on linux. I've followed the wiki and tried using ALSA:digital and so on but haven't had any luck
[21:25:31] soundman: .. when I try doing ALSA:digital mythmusic tells me, "ALSA lib pcm.c:2090:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM digital
[21:25:32] soundman: " "2006-05–13 15:25:01.047 snd_pcm_open(digital): No such file or directory
[21:25:32] soundman: "
[21:27:05] gardengnome: well.
[21:27:10] gardengnome: just enter ALSA:Default?
[21:27:16] gardengnome: and 'default' as the mixer device
[21:28:45] soundman: Doesn't help, when I go to play music it brings up mythmusic but songs won't play
[21:28:58] soundman: 2006-05–13 15:29:14.783 snd_pcm_open(Default): No such file or directory
[21:29:10] gardengnome: what about mythtv itself?
[21:31:00] soundman: no sound
[21:31:03] Zider_: ALSA:default works fine here.. looks like alsa simply isn't set up properly..
[21:31:22] gardengnome: Zider_: ALSA:default or ALSA:Default?
[21:31:32] Zider_: default
[21:31:38] Zider_: dunno if it matters tho
[21:31:39] gardengnome: oh.
[21:31:58] soundman: .. had to use default and then enable the ac3 output
[21:31:58] Zider_: but in .asoundrc it's named with small letters
[21:32:20] caitlin: can you get listings for the bbc interactive content?
[21:32:21] soundman: alsa:default AND enable ac3 output.
[21:33:28] Zider_: soundman: so it works now?
[21:35:35] vaneck (vaneck! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:36:02] stuarta: caitlin: no.
[21:36:13] caitlin: dull
[21:36:39] stuarta: they expect you to watch the main channel & press the red button....
[21:37:08] Wonko (Wonko! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:38:08] Niklas_E (Niklas_E!n=ask@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:38:24] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:38:33] Niklas_E: is there any startupscript for mythbackend for debian (sysv)?
[21:38:54] vaneck: should i select cable, hrc, or irc for charter cable. i scanned for channels manually and it found all of them, so i guess the freqs are correct. also, what is the tolerance (+/-) for fine tuning.
[21:45:08] beavis_lap: Niklas_E: sure, when you use the package debian-multimedia
[21:45:19] beavis_lap: Niklas_E: sure, when you use the package from debian-multimedia
[21:46:05] Niklas_E: ok, thanks
[21:46:13] Niklas_E (Niklas_E!n=ask@ has quit ("I am going away")
[21:49:08] specialsauce (specialsauce! has quit ()
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[21:56:33] dopester (dopester! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
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[22:01:14] soundman (soundman! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:03:12] gardengnome: hashbang: you there? i've got a question related to the vga2scart thingie. you're using a female scart connector, right? did you connect CS to pin 19 or pin 20?
[22:04:58] ** dscoular is stunned by danielk's speedy response to ticket 1807. Will test in an hour or two. **
[22:07:32] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:09:07] Discipulus (Discipulus!n=disc@unaffiliated/discipulus) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[22:10:05] znoG (znoG! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:10:07] znoG: howdy
[22:10:30] znoG: i find that my recordings look pretty bad, specially when there is movement in the video stream
[22:10:32] Discipulus (Discipulus!n=disc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:10:36] znoG: it looks interlaced, overall ugly
[22:10:41] znoG: is it just a matter of cranking up the quality?
[22:11:11] mchou (mchou! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:11:12] BULLE: znoG: well, first of all, the reason it looks interlaced is most likely because its interlaced
[22:11:24] pikhq: znoG: Enable deinterlacing.
[22:11:45] BULLE: how can i enable some sort of debug output from the backend ?
[22:11:47] znoG: yep, i'm sure its enabled.
[22:12:05] pikhq: (TV is, in fact, interlaced, which makes it look not so good on a progressive display, like a computer monitor)
[22:12:15] pikhq: Then it shouldn't /be/ interlaced.
[22:12:17] BULLE: i my backend seems incapable of recording, and i dont have anything to go on, where to start search for the problem
[22:12:20] pikhq: Check again.
[22:12:37] pikhq: BULLE: Mythbackend should write a logfile.
[22:12:52] topping (topping! has quit ()
[22:13:00] pikhq: Or, you could just run it manually, giving you output on the console.
[22:13:19] BULLE: pikhq: i think i need to increse loglevel , i will try that i think
[22:14:13] BULLE: select timeout – ivtv driver has stopped responding
[22:14:25] topping (topping! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:15:00] BULLE: that error doesnt realy tell me that much
[22:15:34] ender224455 (ender224455! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:15:53] ender224455: hello, anyone here?
[22:15:56] achew22: yep
[22:15:57] gardengnome: no
[22:15:59] BULLE: no
[22:16:01] achew22: there are always people here
[22:16:06] ** stuarta runs n hides **
[22:16:11] ender224455: haha, sorry
[22:16:33] achew22: its okay that stuarta is hiding... there are others
[22:16:48] stuarta: !trout achew22
[22:16:48] ** MythLogBot slaps achew22 with a trout on behalf of stuarta... **
[22:16:55] achew22: lol
[22:16:56] ender224455: my parents have been using a series2 Tivo for about a year now and love it, but they just got a HDTV and I am looking to build them a mythTV box
[22:17:06] achew22: okay
[22:17:10] ender224455: do you think they would be comfortable with the UI once I get it all configured?
[22:17:18] ender224455: they aren't very good with tech stuff, but can handle the Tivo fine
[22:17:29] BULLE: ender224455: depends on your parents, i think they will be ok after a while
[22:17:30] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:17:33] achew22: I beleive they can — if you really wanted to get tricky, you could write your own ui.xml file
[22:17:36] DrNickRiviera (DrNickRiviera! has quit ("Download Gaim:")
[22:17:36] pikhq: Once it's set up correctly, they'll be able to use it quite well.
[22:17:57] ** Juski was never here **
[22:17:59] achew22: only problem with the new ui.xml file is that you would have to wait for .20 i beleive
[22:18:03] croppa (croppa! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:18:04] caitlin: mine was a bitch till i sorted the remote
[22:18:07] ender224455: does mythTV have problems with having the last minute or so get cut off?
[22:18:08] caitlin: now it's just ace
[22:18:18] Juski: mine was MY bitch, then it worked
[22:18:20] ender224455: the Tivo sometimes cuts things off because of the networks being assholes
[22:18:27] achew22: ender224455 you can tell the programs to end 1 min late
[22:18:34] achew22: ender224455 its extrememly configurable
[22:18:38] pikhq: And you can have it do that by default.
[22:18:44] Juski: ender224455: it's always good to add some bufferring either side
[22:18:46] ender224455: awesome
[22:19:03] ** BULLE tends to use +-3 minutes normaly **
[22:19:07] achew22: ender224455 you can have as many tuners as you like (I have 4) so you can watch tv and record 3 programs at the same time
[22:19:42] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:19:44] pikhq: I recommend enabling commercial flagging for them, so they have no need to watch commercials. . .
[22:19:45] ender224455: *gets terribly excited*
[22:19:55] Juski: or record 4 things at the same time & watch one on one frontend & watch the other 3 on other frontends
[22:20:19] pikhq: Getting it all set up initially can be a bit of a PITA, though. . .
[22:20:43] ender224455: pikhq: yeah, I was planning on using on the the distros made for it and going step by step
[22:20:53] ender224455: honestly, I've never really touched linux
[22:20:57] Juski: can be a PITA yeah – depends on your luck and how good you are at understanding documentation
[22:21:00] ender224455: I know ls... cd...
[22:21:05] pikhq: ender224455: Ah. Going the smart (lazy) route, eh? Good man.
[22:21:32] Juski: before you start, RTFM, then RTFM again. Then again for luck
[22:21:40] ender224455: haha
[22:21:45] Juski: seriously
[22:21:45] pikhq: If you have any trouble, just come in here and ask for help. We won't bite (hard). ;)
[22:21:55] ender224455: once its all set up, do mythtv boxes tend to be really stable
[22:22:04] ender224455: or are my parents going to have to reboot every couple nights?
[22:22:10] Juski: my last uptime was in excess of 6 months
[22:22:13] znoG: they'll have to reboot daily
[22:22:39] Gumby` (Gumby`! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:22:52] caitlin: 3hrs 16 mins! ftw
[22:22:53] pikhq: I'm not sure about the stability of the frontend (I use MythTV on my desktop system, so mythfrontend only comes on when I want to watch TV), but the backend is quite stable.
[22:23:01] Juski: znoG: if ender224455 makes a hash of the install, yeah they'll have to reboot daily
[22:23:30] Juski: I wouldn't say 'quite' at all. it's _very_ stable for me
[22:23:30] BULLE: ender224455: the frontend and backend regulary runs until i reboot my machine, and that is say 30days or a bit more, normaly
[22:23:41] pikhq: And I believe there's a script which will restart the frontend when it crashes (hopefully you won't need it).
[22:23:47] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:23:48] BULLE: ender224455: i cant remember having any obvious crash with the frontend or backend
[22:23:50] ender224455: alright, thats great
[22:24:04] ender224455: wait, I don't need two seperate boxes (front/backend), right?
[22:24:12] pikhq: Since he's going to use one of the premade distros, like Knoppmyth, it's doubtful that he'll screw up the installation.
[22:24:13] Juski: only downtime I've ever had in more than 18 months is to do maintenance (swap fans for quieter ones, upgrade a HDD) and electrical work in my house
[22:24:21] beavis_lap (beavis_lap! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[22:24:21] ender224455: I was just going to throw a computer under the cabinet
[22:24:22] pikhq: ender224455: You can have both front and backend run on the same box.
[22:24:26] caitlin: back and front can run on the same machine
[22:24:33] Juski: pikhq: it's too easy to mess up a knoppmyth install
[22:24:49] ender224455: Juski: what's the easiest route then?
[22:24:49] pikhq: Juski: I wouldn't think it would be. . .
[22:25:03] caitlin: easiest i've done is the ubuntu version
[22:25:09] Juski: I'll finish that statement....
[22:25:20] Juski: it's easy to mess up, but you can start over very easily too
[22:25:37] achew22: you'll figure out how to not break it as you go
[22:25:48] Juski: choose the wrong things when you're in the config phase of the install – that's how it's easy to mess up
[22:25:58] Juski: you don't just press Enter & away it goes ;-)
[22:26:07] ender224455: haha
[22:26:12] ender224455: well I'm hoping to learn a few things
[22:26:20] achew22: ender224455 a few is an under statement
[22:26:24] ender224455: so I won't mind a few false starts
[22:26:31] Juski: but hey at least you don't have to scour the net for a licence key...
[22:26:42] ** Juski hides **
[22:26:52] achew22: Juski: what about the data direct key?
[22:27:06] Juski: depends where you live
[22:27:19] Gumby (Gumby! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:27:20] Juski: and I'd not call going to scouring the net ;-)
[22:28:55] ender224455: how do you think I'd do with a config with: -Radeon 8500 video card, AMD Athlon 2000+ CPU, 512 RAM, Hauppauge WINTV-PVR-150
[22:29:45] BULLE: ender224455: the hardware will be more then capable of running mythtv
[22:29:54] beavis (beavis! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:29:56] pikhq: It'd be overkill.
[22:30:08] pikhq: Not that that's a /bad/ thing. . . ;)
[22:30:17] ender224455: I've got that sitting in my garage, so it's probably what I'll use
[22:30:28] ender224455: well, minus the tuner card
[22:30:42] BULLE: ender224455: mind, that wintv-pvr doesnt do hdtv
[22:30:54] Juski: ender224455: personally I'd skip the ATI card & go for nvidia instead
[22:31:09] ender224455: Juski: I already have the ATI, is it going to be hard to set up?
[22:31:15] pikhq: Depends upon the card; some of the ATI cards have excellent Free drivers.
[22:31:44] pikhq: Not sure about the 8500, though.
[22:31:52] Juski: no, but their drivers are a little bad in places compared to nvidia (not that nvidia are perfect though)
[22:31:52] topping (topping! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:32:09] drdaz_: none of them support xvmc tho do they?
[22:32:17] ** pikhq only uses the free drivers for cards, anyways. . . **
[22:32:25] Juski: ATI doesn't support XvMC, no
[22:32:54] BULLE: not yet atleast
[22:32:56] Juski: pikhq: I use the nvidia driver – it's free too. what you mean is open source
[22:33:04] ender224455: Juski: Is that a big deal?
[22:33:12] BULLE: ender224455: if you intend to play hdtv it is
[22:33:15] megaman123 (megaman123!n=aajaj@ has quit (No route to host)
[22:33:22] BULLE: ender224455: i got the impression you wanted to record hdtv, right ?
[22:33:24] BULLE: or am i mixing things up
[22:33:27] Juski: ender224455: not necessarily, but as BULLE says...
[22:33:27] gardengnome: Juski: i've just hooked up my vga2scart circuit to my TV. looks like the TV won't sync properly :/
[22:33:28] pikhq: No, I mean /free software/.
[22:33:30] drdaz_: BULLE, they have no intention of doing so do they?
[22:33:36] ender224455: BULLE: No, you are quite right, but I'm thinking I might just make a box for myself to test out
[22:33:49] Juski: gardengnome: your modeline might need some tweaking
[22:33:57] BULLE: 00:16 < ender224455> my parents have been using a series2 Tivo for about a year now and love it, but they just got a HDTV and I am
[22:34:00] BULLE: looking to build them a mythTV box
[22:34:10] gardengnome: Juski: i don't think so, i've tried a few. looks like i messed up ;)
[22:34:26] ender224455: BULLE: yeah, you're right, ultimately that is what I'd like to do but first I'm going to test it out for myself
[22:34:32] pikhq: All you need in addition to that is an HDTV tuner card.
[22:34:37] Juski: pikhq: the nvidia drivers come for no charge, but I think you mean that they're closed source
[22:34:49] pikhq: Juski: They're not free software.
[22:35:00] pikhq: And I want my freedom, damn it.
[22:35:01] Juski: gardengnome: you coulda got the hsync & vsync mixed up
[22:35:18] gardengnome: Juski: quite possible, i'll check again
[22:35:30] Juski: pikhq: wth are you on about? what's 'free' – something you don't have to pay for, in my book
[22:35:49] drdaz_: Juski,
[22:36:03] Juski: open source
[22:36:07] Juski: ??
[22:36:10] drdaz_: yeh
[22:36:12] [3]lucas ([3]lucas! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:36:17] Juski: thought as much
[22:36:32] Juski: so nvidia don't make their source available. I couldnt care less if it works
[22:36:38] achew22: does anyone know if tvwish works with .19?
[22:36:52] Juski: achew22: check the tvwish webpage
[22:37:01] Juski: email the author
[22:37:10] achew22: it doesn't state it specificly but mythburn didn't and I got it working with .19
[22:37:26] pikhq: Open source != Free software.
[22:37:35] drdaz_: oO
[22:37:44] Juski: pikhq: explain it or point me at an explanation
[22:37:47] ** drdaz_ farts vigorously **
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[22:38:08] pikhq:
[22:38:20] ender224455: are the drivers provided by ATI on their website the ones you were talking about earlier, or is there a different site
[22:38:42] ender224455: The one on ATI's site says the linux drivers are for 8500 and up (which I have)
[22:38:44] Juski: pikhq: anyway the nv driver is a PoS
[22:38:51] Juski: no XvMC
[22:39:04] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:39:31] pikhq: Juski: Sadly, yes. However, the Nvidia driver doesn't give me the right to change it. I prefer having that right, thank you very much.
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[22:40:40] Juski: and folks wonder why Linux hasn't exploded into Microsoft's face yet – it's bogged down in fucking semantics
[22:41:10] dscoular: Juski: the devil is in the detail – and the lawyers
[22:42:24] Juski: so, if a 'free' program is developed using say, register snooping from a 'closed' driver, is it still 'free' ?
[22:43:01] ender224455: alright, I'm off, thanks for all of your help
[22:43:04] drdaz_: ... if the source is open for the new program then probably. But it's likely also illegal..
[22:43:17] Juski: heh
[22:43:31] Juski: that's a lot of linux drivers then
[22:43:31] drdaz_: reverse engineering --> evil
[22:43:32] psofa (psofa! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:43:36] drdaz_: well yeah
[22:43:50] pikhq: Depends upon how the reverse engineering is done. . .
[22:44:05] drdaz_: well there's also the matter of proving it
[22:44:15] Juski: trial & error? that'd keep em clear of any legal action ...
[22:44:26] pikhq: If one just watches how the unfree driver talks to the hardware, I wouldn't /think/ that that would be illegal. . .
[22:44:41] Juski: grey area I think..
[22:44:50] drdaz_: totally
[22:45:00] pikhq: Of course, an easier way to do it legally is to just do the reverse engineering in a country without such laws. ;)
[22:45:01] stuarta: in some places reverse engineering is outlawed...
[22:45:01] drdaz_: just depends how cheesed off nvidia get really
[22:45:24] drdaz_: anywhere outside the US?
[22:45:37] pikhq: Publish the legally produced documentation, and have a lot of coders work on it.
[22:45:42] pikhq: Just about, yeah.
[22:45:53] pikhq: Head off to Canada for a bit or something.
[22:46:05] drdaz_: heh I mean.. is there anywhere outside the US where it's outlawed?
[22:46:07] Juski: catch22 situation here... if there were more, better stuff for linux, more people would use it... but without more people using it, developers are less inclined to code for it..
[22:46:42] Juski: look at the games market
[22:47:35] speedsix (speedsix! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:48:05] drdaz_: I just thought about something... isnt it illegal to sell prebuilt PCs without an OS?
[22:48:09] gardengnome: i don't think reverse engineering is completely illegal in the US
[22:48:46] drdaz_:
[22:48:56] pikhq: Looks like having someone document the behavior of the driver, and having someone else write the code is legal. . .
[22:49:02] achew22: gardengnome: its not as long as your doing it for compatibility
[22:49:06] pikhq: drdaz_: No, that's just MS FUD. . .
[22:49:43] drdaz_: pikhq, u sure that's the case everywhere? I seem to remember law being passed to support that here in Denmark
[22:50:03] pikhq: drdaz_: Why /would/ it be illegal to ship without an OS?!?'
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[22:50:22] drdaz_: cos MS whined until the law got passed?
[22:50:37] pikhq: A way around that is quite simple, even if it were true. . .
[22:50:52] pikhq: Just ship with a copy of FreeDOS (with source). Voila.
[22:51:05] achew22: is mythnotify built into mythfrontend automaticly?
[22:51:13] croppa (croppa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:51:17] pikhq: Or argue that the BIOS is an OS. ;)
[22:51:32] dscoular: achew22: pretty sure it is
[22:51:38] MooingLemur: put basic back into the bios rom ;)
[22:51:53] drdaz_: heh... I had this idea that MS crapped on suppliers who didnt preload machines with wind0z
[22:51:53] achew22: its weird — its listed as a mythplugin but it doesn't have install instructions
[22:52:13] pikhq: drdaz_: They do that, but they have no legal basis for it.
[22:52:34] drdaz_: anti-competitive, yes... but sorta explains the penetration they have achieved
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[22:52:47] drdaz_: along with the mass piracy of their shez
[22:53:25] simcop2387 (simcop2387!n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:53:30] dscoular: achew22: it's installed you just need to talk to it with mythtvosd
[22:53:36] achew22: hrm
[22:53:38] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[22:53:43] drdaz_: personally I think its a real shame Apple don't release their OS for sale :(
[22:53:46] achew22: does it take input over a tcp/ip connectoin?
[22:53:58] drdaz_: I'd actually be happy to pay for that
[22:54:08] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:54:09] dscoular: achew22: mythtvosd talks over udp
[22:54:14] achew22: cool
[22:54:42] psofa (psofa! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:54:43] dscoular: achew22: but you only see it when you are watching something with the internal player.
[22:54:55] achew22: so like recordings?
[22:55:00] achew22: I use the internal dvd player
[22:55:14] dscoular: achew22: yes... but if you are in the menus you won't see any notification
[22:55:19] achew22: ooh
[22:55:22] dscoular: achew22: kinda understandable.
[22:55:31] achew22: dscoular that sucks!
[22:55:55] dscoular: achew22: well you could make a script and use something like xmessage
[22:56:04] achew22: yeah...
[22:56:29] achew22: where is the proper place to submit a suggestion for mythtv?
[22:56:31] [3]lucas ([3]lucas! has quit (Connection timed out)
[22:56:32] dscoular: achew22, or use xosd
[22:56:43] gardengnome: Juski: i've had CS hooked up to the wrong pin. i've fixed that now. wish me luck :P
[22:56:51] dscoular: achew22: discuss it in the mailing list
[22:57:00] dscoular: achew22: or here
[22:57:28] achew22: okay — would there be a way in the themes files to describe a section of the screen that would be alocateable to osd when outside of a player
[22:58:39] dscoular: achew22: I think all the osd code is specifically for overlaying video. I also think that Isaac and friends are completely rewriting the ui code.
[22:58:53] achew22: i'm aware of the ui rewrite
[22:59:26] achew22: that would be a good time to do that
[22:59:35] achew22: the ui rewrite is going to add in the ability to have a clock right?
[23:00:16] dscoular: achew22, I'm sure + netcat would give you what you want.
[23:00:34] achew22: I don't have any serious applications yet
[23:00:58] achew22: one i might like would be notifications of when a task is done (transcode/flag comercials)
[23:02:22] dscoular: achew22: I wish you could tell when you've already transcoded a recording
[23:03:05] dscoular: achew22: you could maybe do that with a user task methinks.
[23:03:20] achew22: how so?
[23:03:28] johnsu01 (johnsu01!n=user@fsf/staff/johnsu01) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:04:24] achew22: isn't flag comercials a unchangeable user task?
[23:04:29] dscoular: achew22, you could disable automatic transcoding and setup a user task to call mythtranscode or mythcommflag and then notify you via xosd
[23:04:41] achew22: ahh
[23:04:53] dscoular: achew22: you can disable commercial flagging per channel
[23:04:57] achew22: i knwo
[23:05:11] achew22: i have the pbs ...s (whats the plural of pbs) setup that way
[23:05:32] dscoular: achew22: if only I knew what a pb was
[23:05:39] achew22: you don't know what pbs
[23:05:45] achew22: public broadcasting system
[23:05:55] ** dscoular thinks achew22 repeats the obvious **
[23:06:19] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:06:39] johnsu01: hm. mythdvd keeps crapping out 20 minutes into the importing process.
[23:06:45] dscoular: achew22: it's called FTA (free to air) here.
[23:07:12] Tobbe: The text "Tjernobyl" just scrolled across the screen, blue text on white background. It looked really bad! It's hard to describe, but it looked like the letters had been sliced in thin lines, and half the lines scrolled over the screen a bit after the rest. The "T" looked like it had two "leggs".
[23:07:24] dscoular: johnsu01: have you looked at the mtd.log
[23:07:38] BULLE: anyone using mythtv and running gentoo here ?
[23:07:41] Juski: gardengnome: good luck!
[23:07:44] Juski: BULLE: yo
[23:07:54] dscoular: BULLE: yes
[23:07:55] BULLE: Juski: can you please just paste the mythtv entry in your passwd file ?
[23:07:56] gardengnome: Juski: heh. i've fixed it, but it still won't work :P
[23:08:08] Juski: BULLE: huh?
[23:08:10] BULLE: im trying to figure out why i cant get mythtv to record anything
[23:08:25] Juski: gardengnome: do you get _any_ picture?
[23:08:28] BULLE: Juski: i have been fiddling with it, and dont know how it is supposed to be set
[23:08:28] johnsu01: dscoular: Yeah, it gives the error "Couldn't write blocks during a rip. Filesystem size exceeded? Disc full?"
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[23:08:41] johnsu01: dscoular: Neither of those things are conceivably true. There's about 100GB free.
[23:08:48] [4]lucas ([4]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:08:50] dscoular: johnsu01, is your filesystem fat32 ?
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[23:08:56] johnsu01: dscoular: No, ext3.
[23:09:10] Juski: BULLE: I'll have a look...
[23:09:15] dscoular: johnsu01: eek
[23:09:29] Tobbe: I see my problem on all channels, some time more clearly than other times, but it's always there.
[23:09:34] johnsu01: dscoular: I rip dvds to the same drive all the time with vobcopy.
[23:09:47] Juski: BULLE: mythtv:x:1000:100::/home/mythtv:/bin/bash
[23:09:54] dscoular: johnsu01: can you try the mtd steps manually ?
[23:10:17] BULLE: Juski: darn, that is not how it was in the beginning for me :/
[23:10:24] johnsu01: dscoular: That sounds like a good idea. Instructions in the main docs?
[23:10:29] BULLE: Juski: home is supposedly in /etc/mythtv i think, and so on
[23:10:35] Juski: BULLE: most common error for not being able to record is wrong permissions on the recording directory
[23:10:48] BULLE: Juski: yes, but im pretty darn sure im fine there
[23:10:56] Juski: does livetv work?
[23:10:57] BULLE: Juski: dir is owned by mythtv
[23:10:58] BULLE: Juski: yes
[23:11:09] Juski: so it's nothing to do with permissions then
[23:11:19] BULLE: livetv works, but recordings just end up as 0 size
[23:11:26] dscoular: johnsu01, I just look at the source... I don't think it'll be documented.
[23:11:48] Juski: BULLE: hmmm.. livetv is recorded, just the same as everything else
[23:12:03] BULLE: Juski: very wierd
[23:12:03] dscoular: BULLE: the log should give you an idea as to the problem
[23:12:20] dscoular: BULLE: what sort of card ?
[23:12:22] Juski: BULLE: check your recording profiles... the 'default' one is the one used by erm.. default.
[23:12:22] BULLE: dscoular: select timeout – ivtv driver has stopped responding
[23:12:32] Juski: ahhh
[23:12:33] BULLE: dscoular: but watching live tv i can do for ages
[23:12:42] BULLE: dscoular: changing channels etc
[23:12:45] Juski: you need 0.19-fixes
[23:13:01] Juski: there's an ebuild for that I think
[23:13:08] dscoular: BULLE: see
[23:13:39] johnsu01: dscoular: Is there a way to increase mtd's log level?
[23:13:57] Juski: I'll tell you for sure in 2 days' time when I've synced portage :-/
[23:14:03] dscoular: johnsu01: mythtranscode --help perhaps ?
[23:14:12] dscoular: johnsu01: I'll have a look
[23:14:37] johnsu01: dscoular: nope, not that. and only a couple options shown in mtd --help
[23:15:11] dscoular: johnsu01 --verbose level or -v help for level info
[23:15:40] dscoular: johnsu01: there should *lots* of options, what version ?
[23:15:44] j00 (j00! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:16:03] j00: hey is it possible to use mythtv in conjunction with a FTA receiver ?
[23:16:32] Juski: BULLE: if rev 9163 is 0.19-fixes it's in portage
[23:16:32] dscoular: j00: I think you can via firewire
[23:16:41] Juski: j00: course you can
[23:17:01] Juski: composite/svideo & audio with IR blaster to change channels
[23:17:01] johnsu01: dscoular: mythdvd version is 0.17
[23:17:12] Juski: .. or firewire if your FTA box has it
[23:17:12] dscoular: johnsu01: oh dear
[23:17:25] dscoular: johnsu01: we're at version 0.19 these days
[23:17:43] j00: juski ... so in effect the linux box ith myth is controlling the fta receiver eh ?
[23:17:51] Juski: j00: yup
[23:17:54] j00: hmmm
[23:18:01] j00: i guess thats not so bad
[23:18:03] johnsu01: dscoular: Ah, well. This is installed from debian sarge packages..
[23:18:09] j00: any recommendations on a good IR blaster ?
[23:18:17] Juski: j00: in some cases you can bypass the box altogether
[23:18:28] j00: juski : explain ?
[23:18:35] johnsu01: dscoular: I suppose I should get with the program, but given that most things work I'm nervous.
[23:18:38] dscoular: johnsu01: why not use vobcopy or dvdrip or drip or...
[23:18:51] Juski: j00: well – if it's analogue cable, you can use a tuner card
[23:19:08] dscoular: johnsu01: I agree... upgrading is stressful
[23:19:15] Juski: j00: if it's digital cable you _might_ be able to use a HD tuner card
[23:19:28] dscoular: johnsu01: 0.18.1 was great with dvb while 0.19 was a real pain.
[23:19:36] j00: well i have a pansat FTA receiver ... and also have an ATI all in wonder
[23:19:41] j00: so whats that gunna do for me ? :)
[23:19:53] Juski: you need to ditch the AIW card for a start
[23:19:58] j00: shitty
[23:20:00] j00: lol
[23:20:06] Juski: yes they really are shitty
[23:20:12] j00: well i believe it
[23:20:14] georgek: j00, that's a dvb fta receiver? Mythtv has v4l-dvb support for dvb-S cards
[23:20:21] j00: the drivers seem to work only part of th time
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[23:20:35] Juski: j00: in linux they work even less
[23:20:39] j00: gay
[23:20:46] j00: but *can* they b used ?
[23:20:55] Juski: that's ATI all-in-wonder-why-they-never-work
[23:20:56] georgek: j00 sure
[23:20:59] j00: georgek .. dvb fta ?
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[23:21:19] johnsu01: dscoular: ok. I'll give it some thought.
[23:21:35] Juski: j00: is your box cable or satellite?
[23:21:45] j00: oh
[23:21:47] j00: satellite
[23:22:01] Juski: I didn't even know there was FTA satellite in the US
[23:22:14] j00: lots of them
[23:22:18] dscoular: johnsu01: you can just rip using another program for this one DVD then go to manage recordings and it'll scan your newly ripped file into the database.
[23:23:07] johnsu01: dscoular: Yeah, that's what I've done previously.
[23:23:21] Tobbe: It must be really bad tearing I'm experiencing here :( I get nVidiaVideoSync: VBlank ioctl did not work, unimplemented in this driver?
[23:23:21] johnsu01: dscoular: Only I was being a hog and not transcoding. That's why I decided to try it the mythtv way.
[23:23:55] j00 (j00! has left #mythtv-users ()
[23:24:18] dscoular: Tobbe: what version of NVidia's driver ?
[23:24:40] Tobbe: 8756
[23:24:58] gardengnome: Tobbe: that's normal, it used to be in a very old version of that driver and has been superseeded by opengl sync. --enable-opengl-vsync when building mythtv... anyways, try to enable deinterlacing
[23:25:23] [5]lucas ([5]lucas! has quit (Success)
[23:25:36] Tobbe: gardengnome: I did enable opengl vsync
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[23:25:41] Juski: dscoular: no he'd need to go into the video manager to scan for new videos ;-)
[23:25:46] vaneck: well...hooked up the motoroal dct2224 to the myth box using composite input and all of my troubles disappeared
[23:26:14] Tobbe: A few lines down it says: Using OpenGLVideoSync
[23:26:34] Tobbe: Video timing method: SGI OpenGL
[23:26:42] gardengnome: Tobbe: should be fine then. for your tearing, try a deinterlacer
[23:27:14] Tobbe: gardengnome: ok, thanks :)
[23:27:27] dscoular: Check you have h/w opengl enabled in xorg.conf or via glxinfo
[23:27:56] Tobbe: what I'm a little bit worried about though is this line: Refresh rate: 13328, fram interval: 40000
[23:28:27] gardengnome: Tobbe: why?
[23:28:38] Tobbe: on the page about tearing in the wiki they have 40000 as the refreshrate as well
[23:28:53] Tobbe: thought maybe mine was a little to low?
[23:29:34] gardengnome: dunno. if you don't get a headache, you should be ok :P
[23:29:48] Tobbe: hehe, ok :)
[23:30:14] dopester (dopester! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:30:52] Tobbe: dscoular: what should I look for in the output of glxinfo?
[23:31:16] dscoular: Tobbe: direct rendering: Yes and server glx vendor string: NVIDIA Corporation
[23:31:27] Tobbe: yeah, I have that
[23:32:02] dscoular: Tobbe: what capture card ?
[23:32:12] Tobbe: pvr-150
[23:32:24] Gumby` (Gumby`! has quit (Connection timed out)
[23:32:48] gardengnome: how'd you define "tearing"?
[23:32:56] dscoular: PAL or NTSC ?
[23:33:25] Tobbe: PAL
[23:33:41] dscoular: Tobbe: and in the mythtvsetup you set it to PAL ?
[23:33:55] Tobbe: gardengnome: " <Tobbe> The text "Tjernobyl" just scrolled across the screen, blue text on white background. It looked really bad! It's hard to describe, but it looked like the letters had been sliced in thin lines, and half the lines scrolled over the screen a bit after the rest. The "T" looked like it had two "leggs"."
[23:34:14] Tobbe: dscoular: I think so, let me double check
[23:34:15] Juski: that's interlacing for ya
[23:34:16] gardengnome: yeah, i've just read the log :)
[23:34:18] gardengnome: yep
[23:34:19] Juski: deinterlace
[23:34:22] gardengnome: enable deinterlacing
[23:34:35] dscoular: Tobbe: are you watching via a ordinary TV or lcd ?
[23:34:50] gardengnome: dscoular: that usually doesn't matter, unfortunately
[23:35:01] Tobbe: lcd, but I'm just about to switch over to TV
[23:35:03] dopester (dopester! has quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[23:35:07] Gumby` (Gumby`! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:35:08] gardengnome: because Xv/tv encoders/whatchamacallit messes with the frame order
[23:35:10] Juski: with lcd you definitely need to deinterlace
[23:35:10] Vallerius (Vallerius! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:35:12] gardengnome: err, field order
[23:35:22] dscoular: Tobbe: TVs are interlaced LCDs are progressive
[23:35:31] Juski: and with a real TV you sometimes need to deinterlace anyway
[23:35:42] dscoular: Tobbe: LCDs need interlaced content deinterlaced.
[23:35:55] ** gardengnome wonders why dscoular is ignoring the rest of the channel. **
[23:36:18] ** dscoular is still learning irc etiquette and blushes **
[23:36:19] Tobbe: so, you think I should try with the TV first, and if it doesn't go away, enable deinterlacing?
[23:36:36] dscoular: I reckon so
[23:36:55] gardengnome: what are you using for tv-out?
[23:37:00] stuarta: enabling deinterlacing is easier...
[23:37:09] gardengnome: dscoular: ;)
[23:37:20] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:37:22] Juski: best way to get proper interlaced TV out is to use a video mode which is 1:1 with the recorded content
[23:37:43] gardengnome: Juski: and make sure the bloody tv encoder doesn't mess with it
[23:37:44] Tobbe: I'm going to use svideo
[23:37:52] Juski: gardengnome: yup
[23:37:53] gardengnome: Tobbe: and what vga card?
[23:38:09] Tobbe: gfFX 5500
[23:38:14] gardengnome: Juski: i'm gonna debug my converter thingie tomorrow, can't be bothered to do that right now
[23:38:18] ** Juski has ivor on his side **
[23:38:53] Tobbe: dscoular: I just checked, I do have it set to PAL in mythtv-setup
[23:39:14] dscoular: Tobbe, it's the interlace thing methinks
[23:39:17] gardengnome: Tobbe: i doubt the problem will go away entirely, at least not without some serious fiddling. or enable deinterlacing
[23:39:44] [1]lucas ([1]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:39:47] Tobbe: deinterlacing can't make the quality worse in any way, can it?
[23:39:47] Juski: viva Openchrome!!
[23:39:54] gardengnome: dscoular: so do we, and we've been telling him to enable a deinterlacing filter for like 15 fscking minutes.
[23:40:02] Juski: it's better n tearing & shit :-)
[23:40:07] gardengnome: right
[23:40:16] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:40:59] dscoular: gardengnome, ah sorry... didn't see that
[23:41:48] gardengnome: dscoular: heh :) if you're participating in a discussion, you should try to hear other people as well – but i appreciate it how much you concentraced on helping tobbe :)
[23:42:12] Tobbe: me too :D
[23:42:25] dscoular: gardengnome, how do I do that if I missed the beginning of the discussion ?
[23:42:55] stuarta: pgup?
[23:43:08] Tobbe: I tried using XvMC yesterday, but as soon as I started watching TV I got thrown out to the login screen. What's up with that?
[23:43:22] dopester (dopester! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:43:29] Juski: Tobbe: using the nv driver?
[23:43:34] Tobbe: nvidia
[23:43:35] gardengnome: dscoular: well. for example, you were talking to tobbe, and so was i – you should look for messages prefixed with the nick of someone. for example: "tobbe:" or so
[23:43:36] ** dscoular decides to button it **
[23:43:58] johnsu01 (johnsu01!n=user@fsf/staff/johnsu01) has left #mythtv-users ("No reason")
[23:43:59] Juski: /ignore everyone_but_juski
[23:44:00] gardengnome: dscoular: and you can usually scroll up in your clients history
[23:46:31] achew22: my air2pc card doesn't have firmware (so says /var/log/messages) where do I find the firmware for it?
[23:46:39] hashbang (hashbang! has quit ("Client exiting")
[23:46:55] dscoular: achew22,
[23:47:34] Tobbe: in about two minutes I'll see the "Tjernobyl" text again, and we'll see how good the deinterlacing is :)
[23:47:57] gardengnome: ;)
[23:49:12] [2]lucas ([2]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:49:24] Juski: dunno if deinterlacing cures radioactive text though...
[23:49:30] achew22: according to . . . c-howto.html it says I need dvb-fe-nxt2002.fw but that doesn't seem to be on the dvb linux site
[23:49:36] Tobbe: Awesome!
[23:49:48] gardengnome: Tobbe: hehehe
[23:49:51] Tobbe: it was perfect :)
[23:50:07] vaneck: does mythtv come with a script to change the channel on a dct2224 through serial or do i need to find one
[23:50:24] Tobbe: the OSD doesn't like it though...
[23:50:52] gardengnome: Tobbe: using bob?
[23:51:01] Juski: try kernel deint
[23:51:12] Juski: why's it called that, btw?
[23:51:20] gardengnome: Juski: uh, ask the mplayer guys ;)
[23:51:29] Tobbe: yes, bob 2x
[23:52:23] dscoular: Tobbe: see
[23:52:34] Tobbe: kernel worked good :)
[23:52:36] Juski: ahhhh
[23:53:04] gardengnome: is also a nice ressource
[23:53:04] achew22: where can I find dvb-fe-nxt2002.fw ?
[23:53:17] dscoular: achew22: google ?
[23:53:34] achew22: yeah — it brings up 200+ pages of install tutorials that say copy it from a folder that doesn't exist
[23:54:04] dscoular: Actually, I have a copy
[23:54:17] achew22: could I get it from you?
[23:54:23] Tobbe: any ideas on how to get XvMC working?
[23:54:25] dscoular: But I'm sure you can find it at I'll have a look
[23:54:34] Tobbe: I did enable it when I compiled...
[23:54:36] achew22: its not on there as far as i can tell
[23:55:07] gardengnome: Tobbe: in the same screen where you can change the deinterlacing stuff. you can change the mpeg2 decoder there
[23:55:19] Juski: ffs... the things people say.. "Note: when using the WinTV-PVR-500MCE with WindowsXP, you need a third party TV application such as MythTV"
[23:55:30] achew22: wha?!?!
[23:55:31] Juski: they've been talking to a german TV channel
[23:55:50] [3]lucas ([3]lucas! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:56:01] gardengnome: huh?
[23:56:05] gardengnome: who said that?
[23:56:14] Tobbe: gardengnome: I know, but if I choose XvMC I get thrown out to the login screen when I try to watch TV
[23:56:17] gardengnome: [3]lucas: would you please fix your irc connection?!
[23:56:18] achew22: [1]lucas, [2]lucas [3]lucas [4]lucas can we hold the clones to a minimum?
[23:56:28] [4]lucas ([4]lucas! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:56:33] achew22: for gods sake
[23:56:37] Juski: gardengnome: some classified ad
[23:56:50] gardengnome: Tobbe: you'd better have mythfrontend log to file and examine it later...
[23:56:54] gardengnome: Juski: ah, ok
[23:57:04] gardengnome: ok, night guys. falling asleep here :)
[23:57:12] Tobbe: gardengnome: how do I enable logging?
[23:57:20] Juski: night gardengnome
[23:57:21] dscoular: achew22: I've copied mine to
[23:57:35] dscoular: gardengnome: farewell
[23:57:39] Tobbe: gardengnome: alright, good night, thanks for your help
[23:57:59] Juski_ (Juski_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:58:04] Juski (Juski! has quit (""It's not just the music it's the BEAT"")
[23:58:13] Juski_ is now known as Juski
[23:58:15] gardengnome: Tobbe: mythfrontend --logfile filename.txt --verbose yourverbosityoptions. see mythfrontend --help verbose (oder --verbose help?)
[23:58:28] gardengnome: anyways, cya tomorrow
[23:58:32] Tobbe: cya
[23:58:33] Juski: back into irssi now :-)
[23:58:40] psofa (psofa! has quit ("Leaving")
[23:58:42] Juski: night la.. gardengnome ;-)

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