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Saturday, April 22nd, 2006, 00:01 UTC
[00:01:04] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:04:33] Juski: LLyric: since when do PCs have 5.5 inch drive bays? ;-) damn extremetech
[00:05:03] LLyric: Heh
[00:10:22] stoffel (stoffel! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:14:16] robthebob (robthebob! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:15:34] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:56] dougiel (dougiel! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:30:23] riddlebox: I get this in dmesg, but I am not sure what it makes the fm tuner so I can access it?
[00:30:26] riddlebox: tuner: type set to 62 (Philips TEA5767HN FM Radio) by autodetect
[00:30:47] eskil (eskil! has quit ("Leaving")
[00:31:54] LLyric: Never used it myself :)
[00:32:03] LLyric: internet radio is often better :)
[00:33:07] riddlebox: well I have sirius in the house, and it would be cool to get rid of the big clunky old radio I use and just use one pc for everything
[00:37:17] scopeuk (scopeuk! has quit ("Few women admit their age. Few men act theirs.")
[00:38:34] shiznix__ (shiznix__! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:39:58] dougl (dougl! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:30] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch! has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:31] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v Captain_Murdoch
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[00:42:10] shiznix__ (shiznix__! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[00:45:02] JeffH: is there really much difference in performance between the various speeds of the athlon 64's?
[00:45:34] shiznix__ is now known as shiznix
[00:46:11] LLyric: JeffH: look on tom's hardware
[00:46:16] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch! has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:46:17] LLyric: They've got a good CPU chart
[00:46:45] LLyric: But for a mythfrontend, you probably want something that's just fast enough
[00:46:52] LLyric: faster = hotter = noisier
[00:47:22] JeffH: good.. just fast enough is cheapear too.. think I'll go with the 3000+
[00:47:52] JeffH: I can't imagine speed makes all that much difference in a myth box.
[00:48:06] LLyric: It does for HDTV
[00:48:18] JeffH: hm
[00:48:21] LLyric: HDTV playback that is
[00:48:28] LLyric: recording doesn't use much cpu
[00:48:36] JeffH: is that just cause you're pushing so many bits?
[00:48:49] kormoc: decoding so many bits, aye
[00:48:57] LLyric: Um, yeah, I guess so. And all the codecs and stuff operate on bigger datasets.
[00:49:00] kormoc: there's a lot of math involved
[00:49:04] xris: JeffH: takes a MINIMUM of 2Ghz to decode HD
[00:49:19] LLyric: You probably want a decent video card too
[00:49:25] JeffH: what speed is a 3000+?
[00:49:48] LLyric: Just Enough :)
[00:49:57] xris: JeffH: in amd-land, the numbers usually line up to the equivalent speed of a pentium
[00:50:28] LLyric: Jarod uses a 3200+ on his hdtv front+backend system
[00:50:53] xris: though I think they've changed in the amd64 set to actually correspond to mhz... someone will probably correct me, though, I don't know a great deal about that kind of hardware.
[00:51:03] kormoc: JeffH, 1.8 ghz is a 3000+
[00:51:08] kormoc: sempron that is
[00:51:12] JeffH: yeah, I see that.
[00:51:47] JeffH: looks like my cpu is gonna be the 3000+
[00:51:55] kormoc: xris, they didn't change that for the a64, that's why they have 4800+ and what not
[00:52:10] xris: ahh
[00:52:13] xris: good to know
[00:52:37] kormoc: the a a64 at 4.8 ghz would be a nice machine
[00:53:05] xris (xris! has quit ("")
[00:53:52] shiznix_ (shiznix_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:56:23] JeffH: wow.. memory is unbelievably cheap.
[00:56:36] JeffH: $30 for 512M stick of DDR 400
[00:56:43] dougl (dougl! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:57:27] dougl (dougl! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:00:33] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:01:46] JeffH: so what's a good video card for HD?
[01:05:07] LLyric: playback, or capture?
[01:08:29] kormoc (kormoc! has quit ("Done with work, yay! ( )")
[01:09:00] JeffH: playback.
[01:13:16] SarahEmm is now known as Sarah_Away
[01:20:02] dougl (dougl! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:20:46] dougl (dougl! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:14] Maov (Maov! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:20] LLyric: Um, any recentish nvidia. I'm going to get a 5200fx or similar (fanless)
[01:22:59] _nero_ (_nero_! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:23:27] _nero_: howdy..
[01:23:49] ** LLyric nods **
[01:24:19] Maov (Maov! has left #mythtv-users ()
[01:28:21] electrichamster (electrichamster!n=electric@adsl-83-100-231-125.karoo.KCOM.COM) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:28:39] opello is now known as opello__
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[01:30:51] xris (xris! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:30:52] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
[01:30:55] Captain_Murdoch (Captain_Murdoch! has joined #mythtv-users
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[01:39:07] electrichamster (electrichamster!n=electric@adsl-83-100-231-125.karoo.KCOM.COM) has quit (Client Quit)
[01:39:57] geoff__998e (geoff__998e! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:41:06] Sarah_Away is now known as SarahEmm
[01:50:56] Gumby (Gumby!n=Gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:50:57] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:51:53] BBlinkk: i just realized today, i only receive channels 2–60 on my tuner... anyone else heard of this problem?
[01:55:07] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has joined #mythtv-users
[01:56:13] SarahEmm: are you set to CATV or Antenna?
[01:56:20] SarahEmm: and what card is this?
[01:58:30] Bob_the_Dinosaur (Bob_the_Dinosaur! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:00:15] geoff__998e (geoff__998e! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:01:22] butabi (butabi!n=butabi@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:02:33] laga: humm, how would i see how long my pppoe connection has been established? </o>
[02:02:41] laga: </OT>*
[02:03:36] BBlinkk: its a pvr-150
[02:04:26] xris: BBlinkk: which frequency table are you using?
[02:04:35] BBlinkk: where should i check if its set for
[02:04:42] xris: BBlinkk: mythtv-setup
[02:04:46] BBlinkk: ok
[02:05:02] xris: make sure it's set to us-cable
[02:05:13] xris: assuming you're in the US
[02:06:12] BBlinkk: yes im in the us
[02:08:59] BBlinkk: ah it was on default
[02:09:17] BBlinkk: but still doesnt work
[02:10:11] butabi (butabi!n=butabi@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:12:23] BBlinkk: whats us-cable-hrc/irc?
[02:13:22] LLyric: That selection is what maps "channel numbers" to frequencies
[02:13:34] LLyric: It's different for each system/locale
[02:13:45] BBlinkk: hmm
[02:13:52] LLyric: "channel number" as in "tuner channel number", not station-id number
[02:14:01] BBlinkk: yeah cause i cant get 61–72 to come in
[02:14:16] BBlinkk: u think thats my problem?
[02:14:20] kaen (kaen! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:14:23] LLyric: Eg, here, SBS is on channel 24, which is 600,000ish hz-somethinks
[02:14:56] LLyric: Yeah, the table that you're using, that maps channel number to frequency, may not go up that far
[02:15:00] kaen: sigh... thought I was almost done, then saw I needed XMLTV... so emerge xmltv... only 52 dependancies =P
[02:15:04] riddlebox (riddlebox! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:15:06] jnunez (jnunez! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:15:31] Evo|Immortal: Okay I have a question, I have everything set up and ready to go but when I type /etc/init.d/mythtv-background start I get the error 'Session Management Error: Could not open network socket'
[02:15:35] BBlinkk: Zq151q/2U
[02:15:47] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:16:11] Evo|Immortal: Anyone know what my problem may be?
[02:16:58] kormoc: you are immortal and thus karma needs to take it's toll?
[02:17:05] kormoc: cosmic balance and all
[02:17:11] Evo|Immortal: Correct
[02:17:13] Evo|Immortal: lol
[02:17:55] Evo|Immortal: Anyone have any suggestions though i have no idea what to do
[02:18:24] kaen: permissions?
[02:18:35] Evo|Immortal: What do you mean?
[02:18:47] BBlinkk: yeah my frequency tables are right it seems
[02:18:53] kaen: non root can't listen on a low socket number in linux
[02:18:54] BBlinkk: but i still cant get higher than channel 60
[02:19:10] Evo|Immortal: im under root
[02:19:15] Evo|Immortal: when i type that
[02:19:30] kaen: almost every problem I've had in linux was from security
[02:19:46] kormoc: those are not problems, they're features!
[02:20:04] Evo|Immortal: well what should I do
[02:20:09] Evo|Immortal: Im on root right now
[02:20:35] kaen: chmod -R 777 *
[02:20:42] kormoc: don't do that...
[02:21:01] kaen: easy way to turn Linux into Windows
[02:21:05] Evo|Immortal: Why would I want to open full access to everyone
[02:21:10] Evo|Immortal: On eveyr file
[02:21:13] kormoc: you don't
[02:21:14] Evo|Immortal: I dont think that would help
[02:21:48] kaen: sorry, that wasn't a response to you, just what I feel like doing sometimes
[02:23:13] Evo|Immortal: Well how do I get it to open session socket?
[02:24:00] BBlinkk: is there something else i should check besides the frequency tables?
[02:24:55] Evo|Immortal: OMG
[02:24:57] Evo|Immortal: it works!
[02:25:02] Evo|Immortal: I figured out my problem guys
[02:25:14] Evo|Immortal: /usr/bin/mythbackend
[02:25:25] Evo|Immortal: thats what I should have been typing
[02:35:21] _nero_: is anyone here running a PVR-x50 with svideo capture??
[02:35:59] _nero_: do you have a light band that goes across your screen? (a vertical band that is just barely lighter than the picture, 1/4 of the screen width, that makes its way from left to right, then appears at the left, and goes to the right again, etc..)
[02:37:04] timmy334 (timmy334! has joined #mythtv-users
[02:38:18] Evo|Immortal: My sound is comming out of my tuner
[02:38:20] Evo|Immortal: Not my computer
[02:38:25] timmy334: I need some suggestions on a distro for running a MythTV backend and my web server. I need something lite since my hardware is aging
[02:38:28] Evo|Immortal: How do I make it come out of my speakers and not my tuner?
[02:39:09] _nero_: Evo|Immortal, what setup?? PVR card?
[02:40:11] Evo|Immortal: I have a old happuage card
[02:40:53] _nero_: What model?
[02:41:06] _nero_: PVR-250?? 350?
[02:41:15] Evo|Immortal: no
[02:41:17] Evo|Immortal: hold on
[02:41:23] Evo|Immortal: let me look at it again
[02:41:50] Evo|Immortal: Happauge 44801 Rev c310
[02:42:31] _nero_: humm.. I am guessing that isn't and mpeg2 encoder card?
[02:42:41] Evo|Immortal: um
[02:42:42] Evo|Immortal: no?
[02:42:48] Evo|Immortal: i dont know though
[02:42:50] eiggirC: whats best – two encoders in the same backend, or two backends with one encoder each?
[02:43:36] _nero_: I dont think I can help ya.. not familiar with that card.. are you going into the card with a coax cable? or rca/svideo??
[02:43:47] kormoc: eiggirC, likely two encoders in the same backend.
[02:44:00] eiggirC: kormoc: why? simplicity?
[02:44:12] kormoc: eiggirC, yeah, imho it's worth it
[02:44:33] eiggirC: fair enough
[02:44:34] kormoc: eiggirC, unless it's say, software encoders, and you want to do more then just record, like commflag/transcode, then it would be worth to spread the load
[02:44:52] Evo|Immortal: coax cable
[02:44:54] kormoc: eiggirC, also, lower power usage (always a good thing!), easier to maintain the distro, etc
[02:44:59] eiggirC: no mine's a P3 866 with a PVR150. I'm going to steal a second one from my wife's box
[02:45:09] _nero_: Evo- and where is the sound coming out??? I am a bit confused..
[02:45:15] kormoc: eiggirC, yeah, I'd just toss it into the same box if I was you
[02:45:23] Evo|Immortal: there are alot of diff inputs / outputs on my card
[02:45:26] eiggirC: kormoc: okay thanks :)
[02:45:29] Evo|Immortal: the sound only comes out of the card itself
[02:45:38] Evo|Immortal: an output sound
[02:45:43] _nero_: out of the card itself?? The card shouldnt have speakers??
[02:45:44] Evo|Immortal: instead of through the computers sound
[02:45:45] Evo|Immortal: yes
[02:45:48] _nero_: ahhhh..
[02:45:49] _nero_: ok..
[02:45:50] Evo|Immortal: as in
[02:45:54] Evo|Immortal: i would need 2 sets of speakers
[02:45:58] Evo|Immortal: one for my computer and one for tv
[02:45:59] Evo|Immortal: lol
[02:46:15] kormoc: Evo|Immortal, no, you'd put the tv cards output into the input of your sound card, and myth will record that
[02:46:15] _nero_: ok.. you are going to have to set it up so that you route the output of that card, to the mic input on your soundcard..
[02:46:24] kormoc: _nero_, line in!
[02:46:31] Evo|Immortal: umm how do i do that
[02:46:32] Evo|Immortal: lol
[02:46:37] _nero_: kormoc- mic input!
[02:46:38] _nero_: ;)
[02:46:42] kormoc: Evo|Immortal, a cable with a connector on both ends.
[02:46:54] Evo|Immortal: blah!
[02:46:58] Evo|Immortal: cuz i have just those laying around
[02:47:00] Evo|Immortal: :x
[02:47:00] _nero_: (I say mic, becuase that is what my sound card has it labeled as, in both software, and on the card)
[02:47:05] kormoc: _nero_, some tv cards output at high signals, the mic in expects low signals, and thus it can damnage the card
[02:47:20] _nero_: ahhh.. then you wouldn't want to use my soundcard.. ;)
[02:47:22] Evo|Immortal: there is no way i can do it in the software?
[02:47:34] Evo|Immortal: and
[02:47:35] _nero_: Evo|Immortal, nope
[02:47:36] kormoc: _nero_, my pixelview pro tvtuner killed a cmedia card that way.
[02:47:42] Evo|Immortal: is there a way to get better quality
[02:47:49] Evo|Immortal: Or am i stuck with this due to the card
[02:47:53] _nero_: Evo|Immortal, buy a better capture card?? ;)
[02:47:54] kormoc: Evo|Immortal, you should just buy a pvr150, and you'd get everything.
[02:48:03] Evo|Immortal: with all that money i have
[02:48:11] kormoc: Evo|Immortal, they run around $60 or so
[02:48:19] Evo|Immortal: with all that money i have
[02:48:34] kormoc: Get a job you lazy oss hippy! :P
[02:48:37] _nero_: I need to finish up this Ken Burns effect for mythgallery..
[02:48:40] Evo|Immortal: I have a job
[02:48:41] Evo|Immortal: :x
[02:48:58] kormoc: Evo|Immortal, and given your immortal, wouldn't you just put a lot of money in investments and be set in a few hundred years? :P
[02:49:28] _nero_: dig through your laundry/sofa.. I could find at LEAST $47.23 between pant pockets and sofa change.. ;)
[02:50:29] _nero_: damn.. my card DOES have a line in..
[02:50:37] _nero_: good thing to know if I ever get one of those old cards..
[02:51:25] _nero_: thats funny.. on the edge of the card, it is labeled "mic", then in software it lists a "mic" and a "line in".. but there is no line-in on the card..
[02:51:36] kormoc: _nero_, usually a card has both
[02:51:51] kormoc: Green is lineout, blue is line in, red is mic in, if your card is color coded
[02:51:59] kormoc: usually
[02:52:17] _nero_: this is an old card.. only has a blue and a green..
[02:52:36] _nero_: then a bunch of pinouts on the card itself.. it must have had one of those external dealies at one point..
[02:52:46] kormoc: Well, you can plug a mic into a line-in without a problem
[02:53:08] kormoc: given the line-in expects a powered signal, and you can boost it via software
[02:53:26] _nero_: yeah.. just confusing having "mic" and "line in" in software, but only one port..
[02:53:40] _nero_: what do I know?? only OpenGL.. not all this AV stuff.. ;)
[02:53:51] jnunez (jnunez! has quit ()
[02:53:51] kormoc: Ooh, opengl guy! :)
[02:54:02] kormoc: know shaders well? :P
[02:54:17] _nero_: well.. I know OpenGL.. never said I knew it well.. ;)
[02:54:21] kormoc: hehe
[02:54:26] _nero_: I am one of those "self taught hacks"
[02:54:36] timmy334 (timmy334! has quit ("Leaving")
[02:54:49] _nero_: but I did do the "zoomblend" transition for MythGallery, and am almost finished with a ken burns effect for slideshows..
[02:55:09] kormoc: nice :)
[02:55:24] _nero_: (actually, what I really know is php/mysql/getting to know ajax related stuff)
[02:55:38] kormoc: Ahh, so you can help out in mythweb! :)
[02:55:47] _nero_: yup..
[02:56:13] _nero_: I was thinking of "ajaxing" the roll over popup info in the TV listings.. would greatly help load times..
[02:56:19] SarahEmm is now known as Sarah_Away
[02:56:27] kormoc: Yeah, I've been sorta working on that before my mythbox died
[02:56:44] kormoc: it's actually a small bit of a pain, because it's used more then just the listings page
[02:57:02] _nero_: yeah.. thats what I was noticing when I started "thinking" about it.. ;)
[02:57:11] kormoc: hehe
[02:57:22] _nero_: there doesnt seem to be an easy object to tap into to grab listing info..
[02:57:30] kormoc: there's not currently
[02:58:03] kormoc: I still need to figure out how to populate the info
[02:58:09] kormoc: one div would make the most 'sense
[02:58:10] kormoc: '
[02:58:15] kormoc: but it's harder to code
[02:58:51] kormoc: much easier to just have a pile of blank divs that get filled if they're empty on mouse over
[02:59:07] _nero_: nah.. thats why you ajax it.. ;)
[02:59:23] kormoc: both ways are ajax :P
[02:59:23] _nero_: there must be a header that can load a blank div..
[02:59:32] _nero_: sort of..
[02:59:33] kormoc: ajax just refers to the getting the data
[02:59:47] kormoc: the problem with using a single div is placement on the page
[02:59:50] _nero_: but the second method is totally uncessary, and defeats the purpose.. puts lots more code in there.. ;)
[02:59:52] _nero_: why?
[02:59:55] _nero_: have it float over..
[02:59:59] _nero_: z-index it.
[03:00:03] kormoc: different browsers do different ways of calculating offsets
[03:00:14] kormoc: and different versions do different things as well
[03:00:16] _nero_: yeah, and there are ways around that as well.. ;)
[03:00:24] kormoc: yeah, but it's a pain, like I said :)
[03:00:41] _nero_: haha.. not as much a pain as trying to label and reference 500 some div tags..
[03:00:56] kormoc: not at all
[03:01:05] kormoc: that's why php exists! :)
[03:01:16] kormoc: anyway, afk for a few
[03:01:20] _nero_: heck.. find an opensource rollover div class that has all the work done for you (in terms of placement of the div)
[03:02:27] kormoc: Well, I want to intigrate in ajax changing of the times
[03:02:46] kormoc: which will make a generic solution not as clean as I would hope (least the ones I've seen)
[03:03:43] _nero_: are you doing a lot of the work on mythweb??
[03:04:05] _nero_: let me look into my list of javascript, and refrence a good rollover popup js for ya..
[03:04:10] _nero_: I'll look at the office tomorrow.
[03:12:18] _STemplar_ (_STemplar_! has quit ("( :: NoNameScript 4.01 :: )")
[03:16:03] KraMer (KraMer! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:17:09] kormoc: _nero_, I don't do a lot, xris does a lot, but he added the ajax lib I heavely modified for our work site, so I've been working on it a bit more now
[03:26:53] sandos_ (sandos_! has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:30:35] mrgoby: anyone ever run into shadowlib problems with ivtv-xdriver ?
[03:30:44] mrgoby: getting errors from xorg
[03:31:22] mrgoby: trying to decide if i want to rebuild all of xorg 6.8 or just up to 7
[03:31:34] mrgoby: or if that is the problem
[03:43:25] sandos (sandos! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[04:10:28] banyan (banyan! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:11:28] banyan: Did I hear somebody make a comment about how the mceusb2 Microsoft Media centre receiver with two IR transmitters doesn't work as a transmitter with lirc?
[04:17:49] banyan: works just fine as a receiver but irsend says the hardware does not support sending (and yes, I compiled --with-transmitter.
[04:31:12] geoff__998e (geoff__998e! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:41:57] kormoc: banyan, yeah, afaik, it's receive only
[04:42:15] kormoc: banyan, so you never told me what you did to get it to work without the duplicate press issue
[04:47:51] Nem^1 (Nem^1! has joined #mythtv-users
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[04:50:19] banyan: Duplicate press issue?
[04:50:32] banyan: hmm, you know, all I did was tthrow the old hauppauge lircd.conf back after I installed the mceusb2 driver.
[04:50:41] banyan: heh, I like that pepsi ad with, what's his name, Chris Kattan, geeking out with that girl on top of the taxi...
[04:51:35] kormoc: mind emailing me your conf?
[04:51:36] Netslayer (Netslayer! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:51:42] Netslayer: is ivtv 4.2 supported these days?
[04:51:54] kormoc: supported?
[04:52:10] Netslayer: what's the current one to use, 2x, 3x, 4x?
[04:52:27] kormoc: any one you want
[04:52:39] kormoc: I use 4.0 others use 2 and others 4.2+
[04:53:18] LLyric: "supported"? It's OSS :)
[04:53:34] Netslayer: heh
[04:54:05] banyan: You know, I get that "deprecated OSS" message from the frontend.
[04:54:06] Netslayer: i'm on gentoo, 2.6.15 gentoo sources, ivtv 4.2 emerged and cat /dev/v4l/video...'s wont produce any output
[04:54:28] Netslayer: dmesg shows nice errors: ivtv0 warning: i2c client addr: 0x21 not found for command 0x40045613!
[04:54:42] LLyric: how about /dev/video0?
[04:54:49] banyan: Yeah, that one takes the shiznik.
[04:55:07] Netslayer: LLyric, nope, nothing
[04:57:11] kormoc: Netslayer, so downgrade
[04:57:22] Netslayer: 4.0 dies during emerge
[04:57:36] skow (skow! has joined #mythtv-users
[04:58:25] Netslayer: it looks incompatible with 2.6.15
[04:59:08] skow: Does anyone happen to be using a Silverstone 20M case and have the remote working?
[04:59:20] kormoc: Netslayer, cause it is
[05:05:12] critch (critch! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:09:29] Netslayer: any ideas what would cause this? ivtv0 warning: i2c client addr: 0x21 not found for command
[05:09:40] Netslayer: i have the device nodes created but nothing works
[05:09:57] linagee (linagee! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:10:09] linagee: where can i get a mythtv livecd? i just want it for browsing videos
[05:10:33] linagee: (not even mythtv videos. just normal .avi. so if mplayer can play it...?)
[05:10:58] banyan: look for knoppmyth.
[05:11:00] linagee: aha
[05:11:16] banyan: — have I got that right?
[05:11:26] linagee: what does it use to play .avis?
[05:12:15] banyan: oh, avis... well, you can play avi files with mplayer.
[05:12:33] linagee: "So what else is included?
[05:12:33] linagee: * MPlayer, NFS"
[05:12:41] linagee: hmm... music to my ears. :)
[05:16:59] SlicerDicer-: question for ya guys
[05:17:16] SlicerDicer-: ever seen a mythtv frontend that had grey readouts that displayed the fastforward and what not?
[05:17:31] SlicerDicer-: its like the blue went from that to black and white with extreme grain
[05:17:39] SlicerDicer-: I am not sure if its using nvidia stuff or what
[05:17:42] SlicerDicer-: but anyway just wondering
[05:17:48] SlicerDicer-: I am removing nvidia support to see what happens
[05:18:12] kormoc: SlicerDicer-, you mean the OSD?
[05:18:22] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: osd?
[05:18:30] kormoc: on screen display
[05:18:37] SlicerDicer-: yeah that thing!
[05:18:57] kormoc: turn off XvMC
[05:23:42] croppa (croppa! has quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[05:24:51] rOOfus (rOOfus! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:25:15] rOOfus: hi all
[05:25:25] rOOfus: i got firewire input into my myth box
[05:25:31] rOOfus: and i want to see what channels all work
[05:25:46] rOOfus: is there a way to dump the firewire into mplayer so i get a live read of what is going on
[05:26:00] rOOfus: so i can just test each channel all at once insted of one at a time?
[05:27:03] skow (skow! has left #mythtv-users ()
[05:29:45] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: if I turn of XvMC it cant handle HD :/
[05:29:53] SlicerDicer-: I will try though
[05:30:00] kormoc: Then you'll have to deal with greyscale OSD
[05:30:04] kormoc: it's a know issue
[05:30:27] byco (byco! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:30:29] rOOfus: wierd, now i cant capture the digital channels
[05:30:40] SlicerDicer-:
[05:30:41] SlicerDicer-: haha awesome
[05:30:45] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: I just found that
[05:30:56] SlicerDicer-: alright kormoc will shut it off and try again
[05:30:58] Anduin: There is a the chroma key stuff as well (but applies to very few cases)
[05:31:02] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: its a 1.4ghz hehe
[05:31:20] rOOfus: you are running HD on 1.4?
[05:32:14] SlicerDicer-: yeah sure why not?
[05:32:27] rOOfus: just suprised, i thought it took more power
[05:32:30] SlicerDicer-: hehe
[05:32:35] SlicerDicer-: mx440 too
[05:32:40] SlicerDicer-: that is analog out not dvi
[05:33:01] rOOfus: and it looks good?
[05:33:02] SlicerDicer-: 768 ram in it that may be helping
[05:33:04] kormoc: rOOfus, it does without XvMC
[05:33:54] SlicerDicer-: rOOfus: I am running the HD across a 1280x1024 display
[05:33:56] SlicerDicer-: it looks fine
[05:34:19] byco: anyone have any ideas what might cause myth's menus to not update (unless i switch out and back into myth.) (installed on intel osx macbook pro)  ?
[05:38:05] Netslayer: figured my ivtv issue out
[05:38:10] Netslayer: missing kernel module
[05:38:28] Netslayer: is it possible to change the volume on the ivtv input?
[05:39:07] cva_ (cva_! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:39:07] rOOfus: hrm, now when i do a test capture
[05:39:10] rOOfus: i get this error
[05:39:11] rOOfus: Win32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll, /usr/lib/win32/avisynth.dll, /usr/local/lib/win32/avisynth.dll
[05:39:15] rOOfus: from mplayer
[05:39:24] rOOfus: but before it played fine
[05:43:52] benc- (benc-! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:45:06] Anduin: Netslayer: In the codec settings
[05:45:36] Netslayer: ya i saw it
[05:47:45] kormoc: Woo, mythbox hardware is setup, time to power it on and see how bad the drive is
[05:48:23] benc (benc! has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:50:29] rOOfus: any idea on that error mplayer is giving me and how to fix it?
[05:50:35] rOOfus: wierd thing is that was working a sec ago
[05:50:40] rOOfus: and now i get that error
[05:50:49] ** kormoc hope is back up **
[05:51:37] SlicerDicer-: ohh kormoc
[05:51:41] SlicerDicer-: guess what I found today
[05:51:43] LLyric: kormoc: works fine for me
[05:52:06] SlicerDicer-: can you guess kormoc? its very random random so think of something very odd and rare that is not normal to find
[05:52:09] doggkruse (doggkruse! has joined #mythtv-users
[05:52:29] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: your like ohh geez that helps :)
[05:53:41] Netslayer (Netslayer! has quit ("Leaving")
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[05:56:15] cva (cva! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:58:04] rOOfus: damn, why am in dll hell?
[05:58:13] doggkruse (doggkruse! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[06:01:31] kormoc: SlicerDicer, you found a black and blue cockatiel flying upside down holding a pengiun in it's right leg
[06:01:42] kormoc: LLyric, yay, was down for the past few days
[06:13:22] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: close
[06:13:27] SlicerDicer-: I found snow cap lard!!!
[06:13:30] _Ace_ (_Ace_! has quit ()
[06:13:37] ** kormoc raises an eyebrow **
[06:13:42] SlicerDicer-: I havent seen it in 11 years... I saw it setting on the shelf at QFC and about died
[06:13:54] SlicerDicer-: I cleared the shelf of all 5 1lbs packages
[06:13:55] SlicerDicer-: hehe
[06:14:05] SlicerDicer-: lard makes the best pies
[06:14:14] kormoc: you do know that lard doesn't keep very long out in the open
[06:14:21] JeffH (JeffH! has left #mythtv-users ()
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[06:14:30] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: yeah I know its frozen :)
[06:14:35] kormoc: kk :)
[06:14:40] SlicerDicer-: ohh thats right
[06:14:46] ** kormoc remembers his friend who didn't know that and the smell... **
[06:14:48] SlicerDicer-: I did not tell you I got a 28 cubic foot chest freezer
[06:15:01] SlicerDicer-: 160$ delivered on craigslist
[06:15:11] SlicerDicer-: the guy was up in snohomish
[06:15:15] SlicerDicer-: 40$ for delivery
[06:15:18] SlicerDicer-: was a smokin deal
[06:15:30] SlicerDicer-: montgomery wards freezer
[06:15:43] SlicerDicer-: 5 months of replying to ads asking if they could deliver haha
[06:20:19] kormoc: nice
[06:32:12] banyan (banyan! has quit ("I was here but now I'm gone. I left my name to turn you on!")
[06:38:51] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: how would you advise running HD on the 1.4ghz without XvMC?
[06:39:01] SlicerDicer-: its super super jerky video
[06:39:05] kormoc: you don't
[06:39:06] SlicerDicer-: if you have any ideas anyway
[06:39:09] SlicerDicer-: :;
[06:39:10] SlicerDicer-: :/
[06:39:18] SlicerDicer-: would a better gfx card help?
[06:39:23] kormoc: nope
[06:39:24] k-man (k-man! has joined #mythtv-users
[06:39:25] SlicerDicer-: I got a 5900XT setting upstairs heh
[06:39:38] kormoc: ATI's wont hardware decode any video
[06:39:39] k-man: mythgame seems to crash for me since upgrading to 0.19
[06:39:40] SlicerDicer-: no I mean would that allow XvMC to work right without the screwup?
[06:39:43] k-man: it segfaults
[06:39:46] k-man: any idea why?
[06:39:49] kormoc: ATI doesn't support XvMC at all
[06:39:58] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: 5900XT nvidia :)
[06:40:03] kormoc: Ooh
[06:40:04] SlicerDicer-: haha
[06:40:16] SlicerDicer-: my old card that got replaced by the 6800GS :)
[06:40:33] kormoc: Yeah, with a 5xxx card, you can use the unichrome fix to get a color OSD
[06:40:37] SlicerDicer-: ahh cool
[06:40:40] SlicerDicer-: alright I will do that
[06:40:44] SlicerDicer-: brb
[06:42:36] SlicerDicer-: yehaw kormoc 5900XT inside my kitchen mythbox
[06:42:36] SlicerDicer-: lol
[06:42:40] SlicerDicer-: will let you know how it works
[06:50:04] doggkruse (doggkruse! has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:01:49] simon_c_home (simon_c_home! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:02:49] Netslayer (Netslayer!n=chris@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:03:40] Netslayer: stupid HDCP, I just plugged in my new projector with HDMI to DVI to my hd cable box and a HDCP authentication failed message popped up.. now no video!
[07:03:41] Netslayer: any ideas? I can't even watch tv :-/ stupid
[07:04:25] LLyric: DRM fuckers
[07:04:28] nick125: yeah
[07:04:35] kormoc: Netslayer, try power cycling?
[07:04:35] nick125: good luck with that
[07:04:39] nick125: :/
[07:04:41] nick125: DRM crap :/
[07:04:47] Netslayer: i've tried.. nothing helps, the video comes on for 5 seconds than black
[07:04:52] Netslayer: no more messages...i'm so confused
[07:05:02] LLyric: Put something analog in the middle, I guess
[07:05:09] LLyric: Use the VGA cable
[07:05:10] Netslayer: seriously i have it plugged into a cable box built for this...
[07:05:21] kormoc: Netslayer, I think at this point you'll need to call the cable company to unlock the box
[07:05:22] Netslayer: heh i want digital
[07:05:35] Netslayer: kormoc, ya, wonder if they're open ... i bet they are
[07:05:40] LLyric: RIAA and friends are out to fuck everything
[07:05:45] ** Netslayer trys to guess the country that will get his call **
[07:05:55] kormoc: $20 on india!
[07:06:00] nick125: lol
[07:06:29] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:07:01] Netslayer: nice 24/7
[07:07:17] nick125: what company?
[07:07:21] Netslayer: adelphia
[07:08:46] Netslayer: "that dvi is not enabled"
[07:08:54] Netslayer: can you fix that? "one momment"
[07:09:14] ** kormoc laughs **
[07:09:18] nick125: "can I put you on hold while I contact the head engineer of the entire company?"
[07:09:20] kormoc: as if you didn't notice it wasn't enabled
[07:10:39] Netslayer: this first level call center lady sounds like she knows what she is doing
[07:10:47] kormoc: nifty
[07:11:13] Netslayer: gosh..half this conversation is verifying who i am
[07:11:28] Netslayer: it's like theyre recording me.. are you trying to watch tv in pure digital!
[07:11:28] nick125: haha
[07:11:42] nick125: OMG YOU PIRATE!
[07:12:03] Hoxzer: 2006-04–20 21:18:53.477 AutoExpire: ERROR when trying to autoexpire file: /myth/tv/1033_20060319093134.mpg. File doesn't exi$ <- is there any way to fix this?
[07:12:06] k-man: where do i put channel icons so they show up in mythfrontend?
[07:12:42] Netslayer: this lady is a retard
[07:12:47] Netslayer: she is reading off her screen
[07:12:53] Netslayer: "let us send a technician out"
[07:12:55] Anduin: Hoxzer: Why doesn't the file exist?
[07:12:57] nick125: step 6) act smart
[07:13:17] nick125: I think thats their flow charts
[07:13:18] nick125: Netslayer: haha
[07:14:41] Netslayer: great now i'm pissed.. "let me try to find you a supervisor"
[07:14:45] Hoxzer: Anduin: dunno
[07:15:01] nick125: Netslayer: having fun, eh?
[07:15:42] Anduin: Hoxzer: You should find out why, you could also track it back to the actual recording and remove it from the frontend (or create a dummy file).
[07:15:57] Calroth: hoxzer: "touch /myth/tv/1033_20060319093134.mpg" to give it an empty file to delete?
[07:16:14] Hoxzer: I may try that
[07:18:51] SlicerDicer-: hdmi to dvi?
[07:20:59] hashbang: Calroth: ISTR I've done that before now.
[07:22:19] hashbang: k-man: anywhere you like, as long as the filenames are inserted into
[07:22:36] ShockValue (ShockValue! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:23:41] k-man: oh
[07:23:43] k-man: ok
[07:23:43] k-man: thanks
[07:23:47] k-man: hmmm
[07:24:06] k-man: the icons i found appear rather small in schedule recordings
[07:24:14] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: you can do dvi to hdmi?
[07:24:33] hashbang: k-man: yeah, they get scaled by the scheduler
[07:24:43] k-man: oh
[07:24:44] hashbang: k-man: (and by livetv, to a lesser extent)
[07:24:49] k-man: its a feature
[07:24:54] k-man: ok
[07:24:56] k-man: thanks
[07:25:07] hashbang: k-man: you could try reducing the number of channels onscreen in the programme guide, but that may not make any difference.
[07:25:38] kormoc: SlicerDicer-, yeah, if it's allowed
[07:25:38] k-man: no, its ok
[07:25:41] k-man: ill just live with it
[07:25:53] hashbang: k-man: or submit a patch. :-)
[07:26:08] hashbang: k-man: it'd be quite nice to do something like MacOS X's taskbar...
[07:26:10] kormoc: Netslayer, how's it going?
[07:26:47] k-man: hashbang, yeah, im not quite ready to start hacking mythtv
[07:26:57] Netslayer: kormoc, bad heh
[07:27:10] Netslayer: they tell me it's working and that they only support a "Coaxial connection"
[07:27:29] kormoc: if they only support a coaxial connection, it's hardly working
[07:27:30] Netslayer: if I want to connect anything else than that's up to me.. and they will charge me if they think it's working
[07:27:37] eiggirC: sounds like RCA composite video :-)
[07:27:37] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: what do you mean if its allowed?
[07:27:41] SlicerDicer-: the tv might not allow it?
[07:27:44] Netslayer: I'm getting a feeling it's a bad cable I have here
[07:27:53] Netslayer: SlicerDicer, new optoma hd72 projector with hdcp i know it works
[07:28:11] kormoc: SlicerDicer-, they have to allow the connection to be nondrmed
[07:28:18] Netslayer: connected my computer to it through the same DVI -> HDMI cable and it's screwed up
[07:28:30] kormoc: Netslayer, ahh, sucky
[07:28:42] Netslayer: i ebay'd this cable
[07:28:45] ** kormoc smacks grub **
[07:29:00] ** kormoc ponders if he has a floppy **
[07:29:03] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: hmm interesting
[07:29:10] SlicerDicer-: I wonder if the samsung I want will allow it
[07:29:34] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: thats what I was hoping to get by the end of the year maybe
[07:31:09] Netslayer: uses VGA so it doesn't require hdcp
[07:31:13] Netslayer: should be fine
[07:31:39] ShockValue: anyone want to trade some IDE drives for SCSI drives? :)
[07:33:03] SlicerDicer-: Netslayer: would the dvi to hdmi look better?
[07:33:18] kormoc: ShockValue, sure! I have a few 1.2 gb ide drives laying around...
[07:33:44] ShockValue: awesome.. just throw in 50$ and i'll shoot you a 10k rpm 37 gigger for it
[07:33:50] kormoc: hehe
[07:34:00] kormoc: SlicerDicer-, just get a tv that takes dvi directly...
[07:34:17] ** SlicerDicer- crys **
[07:35:25] SlicerDicer-: kormoc: that kind of bites that some require DRM
[07:36:10] Netslayer: SlicerDicer, a little bit yes
[07:36:50] ** SlicerDicer- wonders about taking a dremel to the little DRM chip then quickly thinks that would break it all together **
[07:36:51] SlicerDicer-: drat
[07:37:39] Sarah_Away is now known as SarahEmm
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[07:48:46] Netslayer (Netslayer!n=chris@ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:50:32] Netslayer (Netslayer!n=chris@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:50:46] Netslayer: my hdmi cable is fine, hooked up my PC to it and it works
[07:51:04] Netslayer: it's this fricking cable box.. and i bet they're charge me to come and tell me it's not
[07:52:26] eiggirC: Netslayer: test it with a regular TV if you can
[07:53:03] Netslayer: "Motorola 6200 DVI output and a lot of them have ended with "got a new box and everything works now." "
[07:53:12] Netslayer: i don't have access to anything else
[07:53:21] eiggirC: can you borrow something from someone?
[07:53:40] kormoc: eiggirC, I'd bet he can borrow a cup of sugar if he really tried
[07:54:12] eiggirC: kormoc: is that some discrete way of saying.... something?
[07:54:24] Netslayer: hrm, well the only thing left to try is another DVI out from a cable box. since i verified it works via a computer already
[07:54:32] kormoc: eiggirC, you didn't say what he should try to borrow
[07:54:53] eiggirC: kormoc: cable here is crap – I've not used it personally.
[07:55:18] Netslayer: I mean ic the picture for about 2 seconds before it goes blank
[07:55:22] eiggirC: kormoc: I get four channels of FTA stuff, and its enough to keep my mythbox busy most hours in the week :)
[07:55:38] eiggirC: kormoc: I don't know what he should try to test it with
[07:55:44] eiggirC: just trying to help
[07:55:48] kormoc: heh, fair nuff
[07:56:44] beavis (beavis! has joined #mythtv-users
[07:57:29] Netslayer: should i just give up on using the dvi out from my 6200 heh, i'm planning on leaving it component and using the dvi from my mythtv box :-P
[07:59:07] Netslayer: how bad is it that I have to call a person at a call center and argue that what i'm doing is incorrect. they've probably got a high school education, paid 10 bucks an hour and read off screens chewing bubble gum
[07:59:33] SarahEmm: hey, education isn't everything :P
[07:59:36] SarahEmm: <-- highschool dropout
[07:59:39] Netslayer: i simply asked if they have a note system that they can look through for known issues, and that pushed them off the edge
[08:00:10] Netslayer: i'm not saying that it is, i work with lots of people that are very brilliant with no school, and likewise morons in school heh
[08:01:00] dtm: SarahEmm: G.E.D. in da hizzy
[08:01:08] Netslayer: i give up on this ... time to connect to myth :-P
[08:01:11] SarahEmm: :)
[08:01:16] ** SarahEmm never really saw the need to bother **
[08:01:35] Netslayer: my myth box is running so hot right now my apartment was 80F when i got in here just now
[08:02:10] dtm: SarahEmm: sure! if you possess the literary powers needed for a commanding irc presence, and the abstraction needed to narrate yourself with /me, then who needs it?!
[08:02:18] dtm: done deal
[08:02:24] SarahEmm: err... what?
[08:02:28] dtm: SarahEmm: ;)
[08:02:44] SarahEmm: *confused kitrich hoot*
[08:02:54] dtm: :-o
[08:03:04] dtm: well alrighty, then. that'll do!
[08:03:36] dtm: i dropped out long enuf to get an equivalency degree
[08:03:37] ** kormoc blinks **
[08:03:49] ** dtm passes out.. zzZzzz <3 **
[08:03:49] SarahEmm: what do you mean by 'dropped out long enough'?
[08:04:07] kormoc: he droped out, got a GED, and went back to school
[08:04:11] dtm: SarahEmm: oh in the US, you have to drop out of compulsory enrollment in order to apply for equivalency
[08:04:12] SarahEmm: alright...
[08:04:15] SarahEmm: ahhh okay.
[08:04:25] dtm: and then i went immediately to college
[08:04:26] ** SarahEmm dunno how it works here **
[08:04:38] kormoc: SarahEmm, it's similar, 6 months iirc
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[08:05:06] dtm: where i dropped out most impressively in favor of what i would unwittingly come to know as the linux industry
[08:05:33] dtm: SarahEmm: when #linpeople was on dalnet ;)
[08:05:33] SarahEmm: ahh kk
[08:05:44] SarahEmm: heh :)
[08:05:46] dtm: and linux was *not* "cool"
[08:05:49] kormoc: Ahh, I love MXC
[08:05:54] ** SarahEmm is at 9 years now so i think i'd qualify ;) **
[08:05:59] dtm: zzZzz <3
[08:06:13] kormoc: "Is not the letters, numbers, and literacy subverting our morals?!?!"
[08:11:12] kaen (kaen! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:14:09] Netslayer: what's that command used to create modelines?
[08:17:41] ** kormoc heads to bed **
[08:19:01] rOOfus: are people here running 16:9 sets?
[08:19:09] Netslayer: 16:10
[08:19:18] rOOfus: oh euro?
[08:19:26] Netslayer: nope, just another size
[08:19:30] kormoc: sure, there's people here who use hdtvs, aye
[08:19:37] rOOfus: i have a 16:9 set
[08:19:47] rOOfus: at one point, myth would just pillarbox the SD content
[08:19:51] rOOfus: which was all of it
[08:19:58] rOOfus: now it is streching it to fit on the screen
[08:20:06] rOOfus: any idea how to fix this?
[08:20:08] kormoc: change the aspect ratio
[08:20:09] Longkong (Longkong! has joined #mythtv-users
[08:20:14] rOOfus: i changed a setting in settings->appearance
[08:20:15] Longkong: hi
[08:20:20] rOOfus: to use different resolutions
[08:20:30] rOOfus: but that screws up my HD channels
[08:20:30] kormoc: don't bother doing that
[08:20:36] kormoc: just change the aspect ratio
[08:20:46] rOOfus: well i think the aspect ratio was set as 4:3
[08:20:55] rOOfus: at least setting it to that does nothing for me
[08:21:01] kormoc: you should play with it and pick the one that works best
[08:21:02] Longkong: I have a Problem: I have no sound with mythtv, but I adjusted the volume settings correctly according to the manual... :/
[08:21:19] rOOfus: kormox: none of them work right
[08:21:24] rOOfus: none give me pillarboxes
[08:21:36] kormoc: rOOfus, 16:9 doesn't?
[08:21:46] kormoc: Longkong, what tvcard?
[08:21:55] Longkong: kormoc: Hauppauge BT878
[08:22:12] kormoc: Longkong, do you have the cable plugged in from the tv card to the sound card?
[08:23:20] rOOfus: kormoc: no, that just puts bars on top and bottom
[08:23:23] rOOfus: and makes it more distorted
[08:23:45] ** kormoc shrugs **
[08:23:57] kormoc: we use 16:9 on our plasma at work just fine
[08:24:20] rOOfus: it did work before
[08:24:24] rOOfus: but upgrade fubared it
[08:27:12] adante (adante! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:28:00] kormoc: welp, off I go, nigh
[08:28:02] kormoc: t
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[08:38:45] Netslayer: so i'm connected with a DVI out 1280x768 and I'm seeing interlacing lines?! I still need to use a de-interlacing filter?
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[08:40:38] Longkongq: re, sorry the i-net connection broke down ;)
[08:41:51] Longkongq: Any ideas for my sound-Problem=
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[08:57:54] Longkongq: hmm :/
[08:58:06] Longkongq: Now I have sound, but only mono on the left
[09:02:08] Calroth: Longkongq: using alsa?
[09:02:08] Longkongq: malex: there is just one audio-cable ;)
[09:02:12] Longkongq: Calroth: yes
[09:02:34] Calroth: there's a known bug with one of the versions that cuts out a channel
[09:02:37] Calroth: i'll see if i can find a link
[09:06:06] Netslayer: anyone use the AC3 pass through function (checkmark in the settings)?
[09:06:16] ** SarahEmm does not. **
[09:06:21] Netslayer: when I have it on my receiver just makes a high pitch noise
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[09:06:23] Calroth: longkongq: try reading
[09:06:28] chinamill: Hello
[09:06:39] sandos_ is now known as sandos
[09:07:02] Calroth: and then . . . %3Fid%3D1658
[09:07:38] ** SarahEmm has a plain analog connection to her receiver and uses 2.0 sound heh **
[09:07:54] chinamill: Have anyone of you set up a dvb system with CI and CAM? I want to know, if it is alot of work.
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[09:12:46] SlicerDicer-: ugg thats fricken horrible... should watch it on PBS on the 29th of april when it airs again..
[09:14:09] SlicerDicer-: I mean its not horrible as in it should not be watched its horrible whats being done
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[09:15:12] SlicerDicer-: sorry the 26th its on
[09:17:19] Longkongq: Calroth: thanks, but this does not seem to be my Problem :)
[09:18:52] Calroth: no?
[09:19:15] sphenxes (sphenxes! has joined #mythtv-users
[09:19:24] Calroth: there was some weird alsa command that restored it for me, apparently the standard alsa app is buggy but if you go straight to the library, it works
[09:19:26] somegeek (somegeek!i=levin@unaffiliated/somegeek) has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:19:29] Calroth: can't remember where i found that though
[09:19:42] Longkongq: amixer cset iface=MIXER,name='Capture Source' 4,4 ?
[09:20:01] somegeek (somegeek!i=levin@unaffiliated/somegeek) has joined #mythtv-users
[09:20:05] Calroth: sounds vaguely familiar
[09:20:14] Calroth: so you're still getting 1 channel only?
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[09:20:23] Longkongq: Theoretically it already caputres from 2 channels, but still only one
[09:20:26] Longkongq: I could try OSS
[09:20:36] Calroth: might be worth it
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[09:20:47] Calroth: or upgrading alsa if there's an update available
[09:20:54] Dibblah (Dibblah! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:21:02] Longkongq: I use the Debian sarge version...
[09:21:25] Calroth: dunno much about debian :-)
[09:22:40] chinamill: no one with CI and CAM experience around?
[09:22:58] Calroth: not me sorry
[09:24:02] Longkongq: Calroth: how can I unload all alsa modules? ;)
[09:24:07] Juski: chinamill: people often ask in here – and always get no answer. should be straight forward in theory, but it all depends on the state of the drivers. try asking in #linuxtv
[09:24:22] Calroth: you can use rmmod, but probably easier to reboot
[09:24:40] Longkongq: Calroth: I use hotplug :/
[09:25:04] chinamill: Juski: thanks for the tip!
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[09:26:14] Longkongq: Well, I dont think it is a problem if OSS and ALSA is running, I just unload the OSS-Compatibilty modules for alsa
[09:26:43] chinamill (chinamill! has left #mythtv-users ("Leaving")
[09:27:17] Longkongq: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device, nice :)
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[09:31:53] kameron: installing mythtv on a kubuntu (release-dapper) box, when entering the command "mythfilldatabase", i get this error repeated many times over again:
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[09:44:13] Longkong: Now I can't hear anything :S
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[11:52:46] JustinS: hi all .. I found a site that has the tv listings for my area (military over seas Japan) .. is there a way to import their xml file to mythtv? I've had NO results for watching tv via mythtv since I installed it last week ..
[11:56:23] laga: humm. got an URL to the xml file?
[11:58:19] JustinS: I'm sorry I just looked and it says . xls . it opens up in OpenOffice .. here is the link .. . . . 0&doit=1
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[11:59:07] JustinS: On the page before this one you select your time (it's world wide) .. here ..
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[12:00:12] laga: well, i don't think it's compatible to xmltv format
[12:01:15] RaYmAn-Bx: xls is Microsoft really do need to convert it to xmltv to use it
[12:01:25] JustinS: Me neither .. I'm still looking around .. Watching tv via mythtv is about all I've got left before I stick the box in the entertanment center .. (lirc isn't working at all either) ..
[12:01:54] JustinS: RaYmAn-Bx: Can I do that in OpenOffice? Then have mythtv populate mysql some how? (Is that the correct way of looking at it?) ..
[12:02:24] RaYmAn-Bx: if you get an xmltv compatible xml file mythfilldatabase can import it directly
[12:03:09] RaYmAn-Bx: you might be able to use openoffice to convert it to a more easily readable format, but you probably still need to write some scripts or similar to get it into the right format
[12:03:28] havoc: like perl
[12:03:45] havoc: assuming the data itself is compatible, then you just need to convert the format
[12:04:09] JustinS: RaYmAn-Bx: aha .. no biggie then .. Think I'll stick with finding a way to manually fire up mythtv watch tv .. I don't need all the program info and via mplayer I've been watching tv . changing channels with ..
[12:05:20] RaYmAn-Bx: you can easily use mythtv without programme data
[12:06:13] RaYmAn-Bx: getting it to record stuff is slightly harder (if you need to manually schedule everything), but still possible
[12:06:36] JustinS: naw .. no need to record anything .
[12:07:23] RaYmAn-Bx: if you use analog, just get mythtv-setup to scan for channels and then assign channel numbers to the channels and you're set
[12:07:27] JustinS: I'm still waiting on some help in the forums for gentoo .. MythTV hasn't got any errors when I look at the mythbackend.log file . I'm stumped as to why it doesn't try to start something for tv at all ..
[12:08:13] JustinS: RaYmAn-Bx: Think I did that already once .. it just had numbers(numbers) .. then I tried to just give it anything, and now it's got program names, icons and such ..
[12:13:06] RaYmAn-Bx: don't you have a mythfrontend.log as well?
[12:13:22] JustinS: Lemme check ..
[12:13:54] JustinS: Nope .. just backend ..
[12:14:34] JustinS: unless front end isn't kept in the same spot as mythbackend.log ..
[12:14:55] rawdlite: just cant get ivtv 0.4.2 to load, it refuses to load the firmware file
[12:15:25] rawdlite: i checked the md5sum and everythin seemed to be okay
[12:16:00] rawdlite: i also passed the firmware path to insmod
[12:16:19] rawdlite: i am running out of options
[12:19:28] RaYmAn-Bx: JustinS: you have to run mythfrontend with -l /path/to/logfile to get one
[12:19:43] JustinS: lemme try that real quick ..
[12:20:33] JustinS: so the cli in my case would be .. mythfrondent -l /var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log .. or can I leave off the log file ?
[12:21:12] RaYmAn-Bx: you need a path afaik
[12:21:36] RaYmAn-Bx: you can play around with options to the -v argument to get more or less verbose output
[12:21:52] JustinS: n'kay .. it's fired up now .. I'll check N see what it's writing .
[12:22:35] Coume (Coume! has quit ("MythTV @ LinuxTAG 2006 :")
[12:22:48] JustinS: Just says the same thing that the cli was saying .. might be too long for here .. lemmy pastebin it ..
[12:25:12] JustinS: RaYmAn-Bx: I don't get much out of it 'sept .. "tv doesn't work" .. lol
[12:25:41] JustinS: Well, line 19 looks odd .. 1970? The year after I was born?
[12:28:39] Coume (Coume! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:28:43] hashbang: JustinS: that's the epoch – when UNIX time started
[12:28:48] hashbang: JustinS: is your clock right?
[12:29:37] JustinS: Just checked and the server, and myth box are correct .. just did ntp-client restart on them to make sure .. and still myth things it's 1970 .. not a bad year, just not this one ..
[12:29:52] mirak (mirak! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:30:28] hashbang: JustinS: using 'date' ?
[12:31:16] Advanced: Other that has experienced that mythweather "lags" when it shows the sattelitepicture?...
[12:31:30] robthebob (robthebob! has joined #mythtv-users
[12:31:34] JustinS: hashbang: yes .. date ..
[12:44:42] JustinS: any ideas on where it's getting that date? Could it be from the tvxml file mythfilldatabase snagged?
[12:49:33] pookSter_ (pookSter_! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:49:43] JustinS (JustinS! has left #mythtv-users ()
[12:53:49] RaYmAn-Bx: Does mythtv/mythgallery support card readers? (in particular the one in an Antec Aria case)
[13:02:40] defi_ (defi_!n=dave@ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:03:18] defi_: ok I've followed all the guides for the ivtv drivers and i still get firmware errors when I modprobe it any suggestions?
[13:05:54] zwaaaaa (zwaaaaa! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:06:09] zwaaaa (zwaaaa! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:06:17] RaYmAn-Bx: defi_: "firmware errors"? It can't find it?
[13:07:43] beavis (beavis! has joined #mythtv-users
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[13:16:19] defi_: RaYmAn-Bx what cant you find?
[13:16:50] RaYmAn-Bx: defi_: I was asking you. :)
[13:17:01] RaYmAn-Bx: "firmware errors" isn't very descriptive
[13:17:04] defi_: ohh
[13:17:07] defi_: lol
[13:17:32] defi_: yes it cant find the firmware, ive checked firmware.agent and everything is where it should be
[13:17:56] defi_: but when i modprobe it, it cant be found
[13:18:09] RaYmAn-Bx: check the name against the name the log says it's looking for
[13:18:42] defi_: identical
[13:20:47] RaYmAn-Bx: what version of ivtv and of the kernel? (and what distribution)
[13:21:08] defi_: gentoo, 0.4.2, 2.6.15
[13:21:17] rawdlite: i have the same problem ;-(
[13:21:25] Spida_ (Spida_! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:21:33] rawdlite: gentoo, 0.4.2, 2.6.15 also
[13:21:35] RaYmAn-Bx: defi_: so /lib/firmware?
[13:21:51] beavis (beavis! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:22:04] rawdlite: i passed the path to the firmware via insmod
[13:22:15] RaYmAn-Bx: can do that?
[13:22:33] defi_: yes
[13:22:42] defi_: how did you specify path?
[13:22:43] rawdlite: ivtvt_efw
[13:22:50] beavis (beavis! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:23:05] RaYmAn-Bx: rawdlite: does that work then?
[13:23:15] rawdlite: dmesg than showed the path then
[13:23:28] rawdlite: firmware was not loaded though
[13:23:49] rawdlite: s/than//
[13:23:56] RaYmAn-Bx: it probably prepended it with /lib/firmware..
[13:24:05] rawdlite: yes
[13:24:37] rawdlite: i tried to copy firmware to /lib/modules also
[13:25:51] defi_: try this: . . . irmware.html
[13:26:03] defi_: it didnt work for me but it might hewlp you
[13:26:05] RaYmAn-Bx: try doing ls -la /firmware/dir/firmware_name where /firmware/dir is the contents of the $FIRMWARE_DIR from /etc/hotplug/firmware.agent and firmware_name is the name from the log
[13:26:34] Juski: afternoon :) (shit! it's afternoon already)
[13:26:54] RaYmAn-Bx: heh. just got up or something?
[13:27:11] Juski: nah just taking a break from building a cupboard
[13:27:41] defi_: RaYmAn-Bx the correct firmware is there it just wont load
[13:27:59] Juski: eh? I've never heard of that. it must still be in the wrong place
[13:28:19] defi_: Its where firmware.agent said it should be
[13:28:19] Juski: that's the one thing I had problems with & I never quite managed to work out which location worked
[13:28:34] defi_: Where did you put it?
[13:28:47] RaYmAn-Bx: defi_: did you try doing exactly what I said?
[13:28:52] Juski: a few places. dunno which one finally clinched it though
[13:28:55] defi_: yes
[13:29:06] defi_: Juski could you list those places?
[13:29:18] Juski: I could, if I could remember what the firmware is called
[13:29:34] defi_: v4l-cx2341x-enc.fw
[13:29:41] defi_: is one of them
[13:29:57] rawdlite: same here
[13:30:15] Juski: /lib/modules
[13:30:29] Juski: /lib/firmware
[13:30:47] Juski: expect it's /lib/firmware
[13:30:48] RaYmAn-Bx: you could always try adding echo "$FIRMWARE_DIR/$FIRMWARE" >> /var/log/fwload.log in /etc/hotplug/firmware.agent just before the -f check for the same
[13:31:08] Juski: anyway – time to get back to work
[13:31:37] RaYmAn-Bx: that should give you the exact place it looks for the file, assuming it actually uses the hotplug stuff to do it (if not, then that explains why it can't find it
[13:32:14] rawdlite: ok i try that, brb
[13:32:26] RaYmAn-Bx: or actually
[13:32:34] RaYmAn-Bx: it might be easier to simply uncomment the DEBUG line
[13:33:10] Spida (Spida! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:33:41] defi_: and then modprobe ivtv?
[13:33:48] RaYmAn-Bx: yes
[13:33:57] RaYmAn-Bx: I'm not sure how much output it gives though
[13:34:08] RaYmAn-Bx: but alternatively you could try adding what I said
[13:34:49] defi_: where is the debug output, dmesg?
[13:35:08] RaYmAn-Bx: no idea, never used it
[13:35:18] RaYmAn-Bx: just noticed it when looking at the script
[13:35:21] losgann (losgann! has quit ("Leaving")
[13:35:59] rawdlite: dmeag has no additional output
[13:36:06] rawdlite: dmesg*
[13:36:29] RaYmAn-Bx: I guess you could try the other one then
[13:37:08] defi_: trying it now
[13:38:16] RaYmAn-Bx: you might want to manually do "touch /var/log/fwload.log" before modprobing
[13:38:21] defi_: hmm no log created?
[13:38:27] defi_: lol
[13:38:40] rawdlite: hm DEVPATH is not set
[13:39:53] beavis (beavis! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:40:34] defi_: I get zero uotput
[13:40:37] defi_: output
[13:42:02] rawdlite: defi_: feels good not to be alone :-)
[13:42:07] defi_: lol
[13:43:03] rawdlite: defi_: do you other cards in your system also ?
[13:43:34] defi_: I have 2 150'
[13:44:18] rawdlite: just asking becaus i have a saa7134 and want to make sure that is not the problem
[13:44:27] RaYmAn-Bx: try grep FW_LOADER /your/kernel/.config ...I think this kernel option might need to be set for it to work
[13:44:43] RaYmAn-Bx: (or at least be compiled as a module)
[13:45:07] rawdlite: CONFIG_FW_LOADER=m
[13:45:23] defi_: same
[13:45:26] RaYmAn-Bx: that looks fine then
[13:46:26] rawdlite: RaYmAn-Bx: since you also join ivtv-dev, should we move over ?
[13:47:00] RaYmAn-Bx: sure, but I'm all out of are both running udev right?
[13:47:11] defi_: yes
[13:47:21] rawdlite: how would icheck that
[13:47:29] liran_ (liran_! has quit ("Leaving")
[13:48:14] RaYmAn-Bx: I guess ps aux|grep udev should do it
[13:49:01] RaYmAn-Bx: it's pretty much gentoo default to run udev now unless you installed a fairly old version then you are running udev
[13:57:55] Coume (Coume! has quit ("MythTV @ LinuxTAG 2006 :")
[13:59:18] Traxtopel (Traxtopel! has joined #mythtv-users
[13:59:38] Traxtopel: hi all, anyone here have a hoojum cubit 3 cae
[13:59:45] Traxtopel: ehhh case
[14:00:12] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:00:56] RaYmAn-Bx: wow, that's pretty tiny
[14:03:59] wtfhappened (wtfhappened! has joined #mythtv-users
[14:10:46] Juski: tiny enough to only just fit a low profile PCI card? or not even that big?
[14:14:03] RaYmAn-Bx: I just googled and found this:
[14:14:12] RaYmAn-Bx: I doubt it can fit any kind of extension cards
[14:16:58] RaYmAn-Bx: I'm pretty happy with my new Antec's more than small enough and it fits 4 fullsize cards, one 5.25" cddrive and three 3.5" harddrives
[14:18:48] RaYmAn-Bx: the hoojum one seems to only take mini-itx motherboards (and smaller presumably)
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[14:38:11] mchou: anyone happen to know what the maximum volume size windows/samba is capable of mounting?
[14:39:23] havoc: it shouldn't matter
[14:41:01] Traxtopel: RaYmAn-Bx I have the cubit 3
[14:42:54] electrichamster (electrichamster!n=electric@adsl-83-100-231-125.karoo.KCOM.COM) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:42:56] Traxtopel: Antec Aria is a nice case, however still too pc'ish for me
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[14:52:05] mechcow (mechcow!n=joel@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:52:54] mechcow: Hi, I'm having some serious trouble getting my remote to work with 0.19 (it worked with 0.18)
[14:53:24] mechcow: I have checked that LIRC support is compiled, I'm using my lircrc file from before and the permissions look ok and I'm able to use irw
[14:53:46] mechcow: I've used strace -f -F and I wasn't able to even see mythfrontend attempt to open the lircrc file... that has perplexed me
[14:54:12] laga: mechcow: is mythtv compiled with lirc support? run mythfrontend --version
[14:54:50] mechcow: yes it is I can see using_lirc in there
[14:58:35] RaYmAn-Bx: Traxtopel: yeah, it is a bit..but it's hard to run a silent combined FE/BE in anything smaller and still have enough power (I did try with a via epia first)
[15:00:46] scamp: Hi. Could any kind soul help me with getting a Nova-T-USB2 to work? The driver and firmware loads, but no frontend gets attached.
[15:05:25] electrichamster_ (electrichamster_!n=electric@adsl-83-100-231-125.karoo.KCOM.COM) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:07:24] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:07:35] Traxtopel: I am still waiting for the rest of my parts for this box to come in the post
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[15:08:23] gurft (gurft! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:08:31] gurft: goood morning
[15:08:56] scamp: Morning gurft!
[15:09:34] gurft: I picked up a DVD writer earlier this morning, was wondering what is the recommended way for creating DVDs from recorded shows. I see mythburn is out there, but was curious if there were other options.
[15:10:04] vallor: okay, I'm able to record off my motorola dct-6208 and using my wintv (hooked via composite to the same cable box) — however, I don't seem to have the option to scan channels on the dct-6208 — when I select "scan channels", it shows the other capture card (v4l analog) ...
[15:10:39] vallor: is there docs for this, and can someone point me to the docs if they exist?
[15:12:58] electrichamster (electrichamster!n=electric@adsl-83-100-231-125.karoo.KCOM.COM) has quit (Nick collision from services.)
[15:13:19] _nero_: vallor- you cant scan channels on a cablebox..
[15:13:33] _nero_: the scan channels is only if you are doing analog cable or signal into the tuner on the card..
[15:13:37] electrichamster_ (electrichamster_!n=electric@adsl-83-100-231-125.karoo.KCOM.COM) has left #mythtv-users ("Defenestrated")
[15:14:10] _nero_: (you are not using your capture card as a tuner.. just as an input.. your cable box is the tuner)
[15:14:23] electrichamster (electrichamster!n=electric@adsl-83-100-231-125.karoo.KCOM.COM) has joined #mythtv-users
[15:15:48] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:16:45] vallor: ah, okay — thank you
[15:17:09] _nero_: no problem.. are you in the US?
[15:17:21] vallor: will an EIT scan work with the cable box?
[15:17:25] vallor: yes, in California
[15:17:33] _nero_: ok, and it is cable service..
[15:17:45] _nero_: so when you set up zap2it, they will tell you what channels you have..
[15:17:46] vallor: yes, Comcast here in the Bay Area
[15:17:59] vallor: indeed, I have that part working
[15:18:09] _nero_: oh.. then there is no need for you to do a channel scan..
[15:18:12] vallor: I would just like to determine which channels don't have 5C issues
[15:18:19] _nero_: 5C?
[15:18:25] vallor: 5C encryption
[15:18:38] mchou: vallor: you can't really scan channels on a stb.....
[15:18:40] _nero_: oh.. you mean premium channels that you dont subscribe to?
[15:18:42] vallor: some channels in the lineup won't display over the firewire
[15:18:53] mchou: vallor: at least not how you have it attached
[15:18:56] _nero_: ahh.. well, you might need to do that manually..
[15:19:09] vallor: _nero_: yes, I'd like to remove them from the lineup for the cable box, those channels that I can't receive on it...
[15:19:26] vallor: I have a firewire connection and the composite connection
[15:19:30] mchou: vallor: you do that thru your zap2it lineup :)
[15:19:34] _nero_: then, manually go through your channels (yes, I know that is a pain) then go back to your zap2it listings, and uncheck them..
[15:20:19] vallor: hmm — it's a serious pain, because when I get to a channel that doesn't "play" over the firewire, I'm unable to change channels further
[15:20:24] mchou: vallor: I dont think v4l knows whether a signal is valid or not over composite
[15:20:56] _nero_: it might be fixed in the 0.19, but when I unchecked a bunch of channels for my DTV lineup, I had to re-run mythtv-setup..
[15:21:07] _nero_: vallor- try changing them on the set top box rather than through mythtv?
[15:21:09] mchou: vallor: really?? that used to happen to me expt I rest the STB :)
[15:21:27] mchou: except*
[15:21:28] _nero_: (sorry- I dont know much about FW input/channel changing.
[15:21:29] _nero_: )
[15:21:34] vallor: _nero_: you know, that would probably work, hehe
[15:22:06] mchou: vallor: all channels should come thru on composite w/o 5c :)
[15:22:22] mchou: 5C only applies in the digital domain
[15:22:27] vallor: I have 6200ch running, from the contrib/channel_changers directory, so I can probably use that too...
[15:22:49] mchou: vallor: you say you have 6208?
[15:22:58] Advanced (Advanced! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:23:03] _nero_: now to trouble shoot why I have a light vertical band running across my svideo captures..
[15:23:09] mchou: vallor: is that only HDTV receiver or is it also a pvr?
[15:23:11] gurft (gurft! has quit ()
[15:23:18] vallor: mchou: indeed — what I'm trying to do is getting mythtv to select the "best" input for channels — I'd like firewire-capable channels to be recorded via firewire, and everything else via composite :)
[15:23:34] vallor: mchou: it's an hdtv receiver
[15:23:45] vallor: mchou: my "pvr" is myth! :)
[15:23:59] mchou: vallor: my cable co gave me 6200 :)
[15:24:16] ** _nero_ declares- he must convice his wife we NEED a nice HDTV.. **
[15:24:23] vallor: yes indeed, I have a 6208 to be exact :)
[15:24:31] mchou: vallor: you happen to know what the diff is betw. 6200 and 6208?
[15:25:07] vallor: _nero_: both of my hdtv sets are panasonic rear-projection LCD — only issue is the bulb life
[15:25:12] Spida_ is now known as Spida
[15:25:18] riddlebox (riddlebox! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:25:45] mchou: 6208 looks like 6200... hmmm
[15:25:52] vallor: mchou: not much :) I have the 6200 working fine, but I don't want myth to try to record non-firewire-capable channels via firewire — hence, I need a separate lineup for that
[15:26:13] vallor: 6208 acts just like a 6200, seems to be working okay in that respect
[15:26:23] mchou: vallor: 6208 IS a PVR according to motorola
[15:26:30] _nero_: vallor- I am a newlywed with no money.. everything goes into savings.. thus no hdtv.. (I know it is the smart thing to do.. but man...)
[15:26:38] _nero_: lol
[15:27:01] vallor: mchou: huh, I've never seen any pvr functions on this
[15:27:13] mchou:
[15:27:14] vallor: I have a pic, one second
[15:27:47] vallor: I'll be damned
[15:27:53] mchou: vallor: you take it apart, it should have a hard disk inside
[15:28:12] mchou: not bad for $5 :)
[15:28:32] vallor: hehe
[15:28:56] vallor: that explains the extra node on the firewire buss when using gscanbus
[15:29:02] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:29:34] mchou: vallor: where in CA are you?
[15:29:51] vallor: I was just happy to get the cable box, the folks at the cable office didn't know anything about them, just that they had a cabinet full of "special HD boxes", or something like that
[15:29:56] vallor: Santa Rosa, CA
[15:30:10] rawdlite (rawdlite!n=rawdlite@ has quit ()
[15:30:18] mchou: what we all need is this:
[15:30:29] mchou: vallor: heh, I used to live there
[15:30:36] vallor: snazzy :)
[15:31:09] vallor: wow, two tuners
[15:31:49] mchou: I need to see if that's avail from the cableco
[15:32:09] mchou: that would make myth just that much better
[15:32:28] mchou: beats daisychainging 2 STBs
[15:32:33] vallor: I have another 6208 in the other room, and there are docs in the wiki on how to daisy-chain them on the firewire buss
[15:32:40] vallor: hehe, read my mind ;)
[15:32:48] vallor: brb
[15:32:50] mchou: bah, screw daisychain
[15:34:40] mchou: SlicerDicer: check this out dude:
[15:36:21] _nero_: humm.. ken burns effect for mythgallery.. better to do it with random start/stop points? Or require the user to go through and set the start/stop points.. or both???
[15:37:47] gurft (gurft! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:38:24] gurft: hrm, whenever I try to play DVDs, I get a black screen and lots of "Error cracking CSS key"
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[15:38:28] gurft: on my new DVD ROM
[15:41:59] gnome42 (gnome42! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:42:22] vallor: ah, I just thought about how I can automate most of the channel detection w/a perl script :)
[15:42:49] gurft: doh! new drive, had to set the DVD region code
[15:42:51] gurft: works now
[15:43:57] vallor: I've managed to avoid setting region codes on both of my DVD drives ;)
[15:44:25] vallor: I don't use Myth to play dvds, though, I use mplayer
[15:45:34] laga: region codes suck. i've got some DVDs with a different region code (DVDs form the US, drive from germany). i can play some of the content of those DVDs, but not everything :/
[15:45:52] KraMer (KraMer! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:45:55] laga: e.g., on 'billy madison', the first chapter doesn't work. this region code bsuiness sucks :/
[15:47:19] Baylink_ (Baylink_! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:47:41] ShockValue: meh.. no one wants to buy my scsi hardware so I can upgrade my HTPC :)
[15:47:44] ** ShockValue whines **
[15:49:42] mchou: haha!!scsi
[15:50:02] mchou: you probably wont even be able to give it away now :)
[15:50:16] ShockValue: ehh.. the real world still runs on scsi
[15:50:32] mchou: real world != HTPC
[15:51:25] ShockValue: so, whats your angle?
[15:51:48] mchou: I go to the surplus places and they have scsi like there is no tomorrow
[15:52:38] mchou: even the surplus places dont buy scsi any more
[15:52:53] ShockValue: yeah but this is modern stuff, not some old 9gb wide crap
[15:53:53] mchou: lol, the surplus places I go to long stopped selling 9 Gb scsi like about 3 yrs ago
[15:55:24] ShockValue: whatever man.. companys still pay top dollar for scsi.. i just built 20k$ worth of servers full of it. If you don't want it, you can just keep your "im too cool for SCSI" comments to yourself
[15:55:37] gurft (gurft! has quit ()
[15:55:39] Ryushin (Ryushin! has joined #mythtv-users
[15:56:00] defi_:
[15:56:41] mchou: ShockValue: you're the one that's whining nobody is buying your scsi
[15:57:22] scamp: Does anyone know if I can use Marilliat's unstable distribution for Debian if I'm generally running Testing (Etch)?
[15:57:41] scamp: Marrillat's testing distribution doesn't seem to contain the plugins.
[15:57:47] ShockValue: i was just just trying to start a casual conversation, not get a brow beating.
[15:58:16] dtm: ShockValue: i have a linux software raid5 with 18GB SCA ;)
[15:58:53] ShockValue: need a hardware raid controller or a few 37 10krmp drives? :D
[15:59:35] ShockValue: anyway.. thanks for the stimulating conversation.. Gotta head to work.
[15:59:49] ShockValue is now known as ShockV|afk
[16:00:28] defi_ (defi_!n=dave@ has quit ("BitchX-1.1-final -- just do it.")
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[16:04:23] gurft (gurft! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:04:28] Juski: just FYI I sold a scsi CDROM & wide scsi2 card for about £1.50 a few months ago on Ebay
[16:04:35] Juski: afternoon, Coume
[16:04:59] threat (threat! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:05:00] laga: hi Juski
[16:05:03] laga: & coume :)
[16:05:35] Juski: hi laga
[16:06:25] Juski: having a good weekend? I'm being Bob the Builder again :-P
[16:08:03] laga: :P
[16:08:31] laga: yeah, weekend's been fine so far. i was lazy :)
[16:09:42] Juski: alright for some!
[16:10:48] laga: heh
[16:11:01] laga: gonna go look after the car soon, though
[16:13:04] electrichamster (electrichamster!n=electric@adsl-83-100-231-125.karoo.KCOM.COM) has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:13:56] vallor: hmm, atrpms seems to be having issues, dangit — that's where I get my mythtv from
[16:14:46] furfurfur (furfurfur! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:16:55] Coume: afternoon Juski :) and re laga
[16:18:38] Baylink_ (Baylink_! has quit (Client Quit)
[16:22:30] ShockV|afk (ShockV|afk! has quit ()
[16:23:39] Jambi (Jambi!n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has quit ("LFS")
[16:24:00] Juski: how's it going, coume? I should really send you the PSD of the logo later today
[16:27:21] Sebulba02 (Sebulba02!n=Sebulba0@pdpc/supporter/active/Darth-Sebulba04) has joined #mythtv-users
[16:28:47] gurft (gurft! has quit ()
[16:30:01] Coume: Juski, not too bad :) eheh. What are you building this time? Cool for the logo, I really have to sort this damn shop ASAP!
[16:30:48] Evo|Immortal (Evo|Immortal! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:31:32] laga: Coume: how much will shipping to europe cost?
[16:33:05] Coume: laga, I have been trying to open the shop with as it is the cheaper for Europe... but for whatever reason I can't manage to open an account :( I have to try phoning them... It would be much cheaper than with cafeexpress...
[16:33:33] Cardoe (Cardoe!n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has quit ("Leaving")
[16:33:44] laga: Coume: yeah, try spreadshirt. we don't have many users from the US, i suppose, so an european shop just might be smarter :)
[16:36:07] Coume: laga, yep it is ;)
[16:37:44] Juski: what am I building? oh, just a cupboard
[16:39:17] Juski: once this is done I can mount the side of the bath & pull the cable for the other touch dimmer
[16:40:02] Juski: oh yeh – and make the holes for the ceiling speakers :-P
[16:40:30] Coume: eheh :)
[16:40:52] Sebulba02: hey, does anyone by any chance know what file format mythtv makes for a plextor PX-402U? I can't seem to find anything that plays them (outside of mythfrontend), which makes me think they aren't true .nuv files.
[16:41:11] Juski: have you even tried vlc media player?
[16:41:19] Sebulba02: yeah
[16:41:36] Sebulba02: it just complains about a bunch of garbage
[16:41:48] Sebulba02: and mplayer thinks it's a tivo file
[16:42:13] Sebulba02: and converting it destroys it
[16:42:16] Juski: should be divx shouldn't it?
[16:42:23] Sebulba02: should be
[16:43:04] Sebulba02: if that was the case, I should be able to open them on a windows machine that has divx installed, but I can't.
[16:46:10] dooder (dooder! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:46:10] gnome42 (gnome42! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:46:54] dooder: anybody running myth .19 on debian. I'm getting alot of forked processes when mythfrontend starts up. some as the user that i'm starting mythfrontend as and some as root
[16:47:18] Sebulba02: I am
[16:47:52] Sebulba02: I only see one process.
[16:48:09] threat (threat! has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[16:48:21] dooder: I'm trying to play a video and I see 2 or 3 running concurrent
[16:49:25] dooder: killed one of the concurrent ones and everything is back to normal
[16:49:42] dooder: I just don't get why i'm getting that extra process to begin with
[16:49:46] Sebulba02: only one process here
[16:50:10] dooder: what wm do you use and how do you invoke mythfrontend ?
[16:50:17] Sebulba02: twm
[16:51:03] scamp: I'm in the process of setting up 0.19 on Debian. I don't have the same problem, but then I run mythfrontend from init rather than getting a window manager to invoke it.
[16:51:43] Sebulba02: I'd ideally do neither if I could find something to play the files..
[16:54:18] kormoc (kormoc!n=kormoc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[16:55:04] Evo|Immortal (Evo|Immortal! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:56:41] ncoredump (ncoredump! has joined #mythtv-users
[16:57:15] ncoredump: You can spell
[16:57:25] ncoredump: cant*8
[16:57:27] ncoredump: lol
[16:57:50] Sebulba02: Who can't?
[16:58:05] ncoredump: whats wrong with
[16:59:15] ncoredump: Man
[16:59:23] ncoredump: KnoppMyth is battered
[17:00:11] ncoredump: hmm
[17:00:30] ncoredump: ./tv_grab_uk_rt
[17:00:43] ncoredump: Undefined argument in option spec
[17:00:44] ncoredump: Undefined argument in option spec
[17:00:50] ncoredump: hmmm
[17:05:00] Merlin83b (Merlin83b!n=Dan@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:08:10] ncoredump: is there debian packages for myth?
[17:08:18] kormoc: yes
[17:08:26] ncoredump: hit me with the url please
[17:08:33] kormoc:
[17:08:37] laga: marillat's repo.
[17:09:01] ncoredump: give me direct url please u lazy bastards :D
[17:09:14] kormoc: ncoredump, why should I google it for you?
[17:09:27] laga: ncoredump: shut the fuck up you mental midget
[17:09:32] ** laga grins **
[17:09:39] ncoredump: :D
[17:10:04] exstatica (exstatica! has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:10:30] ncoredump: hehehe
[17:10:35] ncoredump: yo mammas a midget :D
[17:10:42] ncoredump: oh well do it from src then
[17:11:28] kormoc: that's what yo mamma said
[17:11:37] ** laga bangs his head repeatedly against the keyboard **
[17:12:01] ncoredump: yo mamma was gagged ~.O
[17:12:29] ** scopeuk bandages lagashead **
[17:12:38] ** scopeuk draws the stupid bat and hands it to laga **
[17:12:53] ** laga slaps ncoredump with the stupid bat **
[17:13:05] ** Coume hands a beer to laga so he forgets his headache **
[17:13:06] laga: gotta love ACMC hardware
[17:13:08] ncoredump: trying to stupidify me to your level?
[17:13:16] laga: what headache? *chuggs the beer*
[17:13:22] kormoc: ncoredump, actually in your case, it's to smarten you up a bit
[17:13:25] scopeuk: no wodnerign why you asked fora repo if your confident enoug ht obuidl from source
[17:13:31] laga: ncoredump: well, obviously i can enter "marillat debian repository" into google..
[17:13:36] ncoredump: because im totaly lazy
[17:13:40] ncoredump: ffs
[17:13:46] laga: gah
[17:13:47] kormoc: ncoredump, you shouldn't use linux.
[17:13:49] scopeuk: your not helping yourself here
[17:13:52] ncoredump: lol
[17:13:53] laga: go and buy windows MCE then
[17:14:02] ncoredump: whats the point of having a managed package system
[17:14:06] ncoredump: then totaly ignoring use of it
[17:14:15] kormoc: ncoredump, you're the one ignoring the use of it
[17:14:15] scamp (scamp! has quit ()
[17:14:17] kormoc: so tell us
[17:14:19] laga: ncoredump: you can build packages from source.
[17:14:22] ncoredump: i aint
[17:14:27] kormoc: sure you are
[17:14:29] ncoredump: i came and asked ...
[17:14:33] ncoredump: man
[17:14:35] kormoc: you're not getting the debs and using them
[17:14:35] laga: kormoc: actually, he's beign ignorant in general
[17:14:40] ncoredump: u guys sure know how to drive in circles :D
[17:14:42] kormoc: hence you're ignoring the package management system
[17:14:52] dougl (dougl! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:15:06] kormoc: laga, yeah, I know, this isn't the first time ncoredump and I have tangled in the epic battle of nimwits!
[17:15:27] scopeuk: look hat is more effort (im a lazy man myself) googling marrilat repo as laga said or downlaoding and compilign the source
[17:15:31] ncoredump (ncoredump! has left #mythtv-users ("u all plebs")
[17:15:52] laga: kormoc: oh. and you haven't given up?
[17:16:00] laga: plebs? like, in ancient rome?
[17:16:02] ** scopeuk /msg ncoredumb come back here were not done with you ;-) **
[17:16:05] kormoc: laga, nah, cause he always leaves after a little while :P
[17:16:12] laga: kormoc: oh. what a wuss.
[17:16:20] laga: maybe he's run to mommy to complain
[17:16:25] kormoc: likely
[17:17:09] scopeuk: shame i couldent physicaly hit hit with the url maby a 40' concreat version whould dothe trick
[17:17:23] kormoc: hehe, yeah
[17:19:36] scopeuk: shame hes in london or i cold have tried it
[17:19:42] scopeuk: he did concent to it afterall
[17:19:58] opello_ (opello_!n=opello@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:20:26] kormoc: hehe
[17:23:03] scampgb (scampgb! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:23:40] AngryElf: hey all, what device does myth use to get at the hd3k?...the only options coming up are /dev/video*s, but i thought it was /dev/dvb...
[17:24:32] jnunez (jnunez! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:27:02] opello (opello!n=opello@ has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:30:24] Juski: the smart money is on some missing kernel modules – either not made yet or just not loaded
[17:30:45] Juski: test the card outside of mythtv first, as _always_
[17:31:54] dougl (dougl! has joined #mythtv-users
[17:32:16] laga: i'd bet you're using the DVB drivers, so you'll have to set it up as a DVB card (probably, dunno for sure)
[17:35:19] Coume: juski, laga: the SPAM issue about the ticketing system is solved :)
[17:35:37] Traxtopel: hi all, anyone here have a hoojum cubit 3 case
[17:36:05] laga: Coume: nice
[17:36:20] laga: Coume: i'll try it,.
[17:36:23] ** laga forwards some spam **
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[17:37:30] Mode for #mythtv-users by ChanServ!ChanServ@services. : +v xris
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[18:10:19] framp (framp! has quit ("<Leaving>tiuq</Leaving>")
[18:10:19] jono (jono! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:10:21] jono: hi all
[18:10:37] jono: for some reason my trancoding has stopped, how do I transcode existing shows?
[18:10:57] render1 (render1! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:12:08] ivor: hi jono
[18:12:16] render1: hi, does anyone know if the current mythtv svn is able to run better on Xgl? i have to disable xv with 0.19.20060121–2
[18:12:39] jono: hi ivor
[18:12:45] ivor: haven't doing it myself but.... "mythtranscode --help" is probably a start
[18:12:53] kormoc: xgl doesn't support vx afaik
[18:12:56] ivor: I guess you just need to work out the various values.
[18:13:14] render1: mplayer works fine using xv drivers...
[18:13:22] kormoc: ooh?
[18:13:26] render1: yep
[18:13:34] dougl (dougl! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:13:48] kormoc: hrm, I'll have to play with it
[18:14:14] render1: right now i have to pass NO_XV=1 at command line to get playback, and it's a bit choppy/slow
[18:14:42] jono: any ideas about this transcoding thang?
[18:16:11] byco: anyone have experience with mythtv running on an intel mac?
[18:20:17] Jambischool is now known as Jambi
[18:21:03] Coume (Coume! has quit ("MythTV @ LinuxTAG 2006 :")
[18:21:40] mrgoby (mrgoby! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:22:03] mrgoby: has anyone had success with getting serial control of a comcast digital cable box ?
[18:22:38] mrgoby: is there a configuration file or some scripts somewhere that i can use ?
[18:23:22] mchou: mrgoby: which model box is this?
[18:23:52] mchou: mrgoby: better off using firewire if it's DCT-62xx
[18:25:12] jono: how do I kill a mythtv job?
[18:27:47] rOOfus: mrgoby, that is what i do
[18:27:54] mrgoby: it is a 2224
[18:27:58] rOOfus: i use a serial cable
[18:28:00] mrgoby: motorola
[18:28:11] rOOfus: is there a serial port on the back of the box?
[18:28:15] mrgoby: cool, that's my idea... do you use irsend for that ?
[18:28:17] mrgoby: yeap
[18:29:04] rOOfus: do you have a serial cable to plug in there?
[18:29:32] mrgoby: i need to know how to test it is functional and then how to bridge my (working) hauppauge 350 remote ir events (detected by irw) to it
[18:29:36] mrgoby: yep
[18:29:51] rOOfus: well test it out
[18:29:55] rOOfus: you should have a script
[18:30:04] mrgoby: in myth source ?
[18:30:23] rOOfus: yeah
[18:30:31] rOOfus: my script is in /usr/bin
[18:30:35] rOOfus: but i think i copied it there
[18:30:40] rOOfus: it is not in source
[18:30:58] mrgoby: called channel_change or or something ? i've found a few around on the net
[18:31:28] mrgoby: but when i go to test it complains about the ir not being able to send events on the device or something.... it's trying to use irsend
[18:31:31] flindet: does it change the channel through the serial port?
[18:31:50] mrgoby: no... my impression is it is trying to send ir signals
[18:32:03] flindet: bummer. can the firewire ones change the channel via firewire?
[18:32:19] mrgoby: i dont think my cablebox has firewire
[18:32:22] kamal102 (kamal102! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:32:30] flindet: I'm just curious how digital works
[18:32:31] flindet: sorry
[18:32:55] flindet: I'd like to go digital myself, but I have three tuner cards, so I assume I'd need three boxes. And IR would likely change all the boxes, right?
[18:33:07] mrgoby: so, r00fus... you say the scripts i need are NOT in mythtv source ?
[18:33:18] mrgoby: tarball release that is
[18:33:25] mchou: mrgoby: look for . . . erial.tar.gz
[18:33:42] mrgoby: ok, sweet, thanks mchou
[18:34:20] kamal102: Hello, im invesgating in mythtv software...and i'm asking why it uses a video capture card to record video ? I think it is easier to use software code to save the stream video and save it to disk ?
[18:34:27] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:34:56] mchou: kamal102: hmm, myth doesnt require capture card at all
[18:35:09] kamal102: okok, it is optionnal?
[18:35:27] mchou: it's optional if you have firewire
[18:35:35] kamal102: mchou : it requires only a video card with tv out ?
[18:36:02] mchou: kamal102: I dunno what you're talking about
[18:36:29] mchou: kamal102: you have to have a video source somewhere
[18:36:42] kamal102: okok
[18:36:42] hashbang: kamal102: or you could just download AVIs and what have you from the net and play those.
[18:37:07] mchou: hashbang: are you daft?
[18:37:12] Evo|Immortal (Evo|Immortal! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:37:26] hashbang: but TBH, the whole point of Myth is recording from live TV and storing it for later viewing.
[18:37:30] kamal102: mchou : fro viewing video stream on tv, it requires a video card with tv output
[18:37:35] hashbang: mchou: no, but I wonder about you sometimes. :-P
[18:37:49] kamal102: ok thanks for guiding me...
[18:37:50] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:38:02] hashbang: kamal102: or a TV with VGA in, or a VGA->$TV_STANDARD cable.
[18:38:03] kamal102: i gonna start installing gentoo and xfce light
[18:38:04] rOOfus: can someone help with xorg?
[18:38:06] mchou: hashbang: you're daft, cause there are better tools than myth for that purpose
[18:38:16] rOOfus: i used to have my SD recordings pillarbox
[18:38:25] rOOfus: and now they strech to fit my 16:9 screen
[18:38:32] hashbang: mchou: well, myth provides a nice HTPC GUI to mplayer.
[18:38:35] rOOfus: unless i change a setting in settings->appearance
[18:38:38] hashbang: mchou: if you want that sort of thing.
[18:38:51] rOOfus: and then everything is shrunk to that resolution, even HD
[18:38:53] mchou: hashbang: you're just being an idiot
[18:39:13] hashbang: mchou: and you're just being antagonistic.
[18:39:31] mchou: hashbang: if you think mythtv condones d/l files off the net then you need to go elsewhere
[18:39:41] hashbang: mchou: did I say that?
[18:40:06] mchou: [11:36:42] <hashbang> kamal102: or you could just download AVIs and what have you from the net and play those.
[18:40:23] hashbang: that's not the same thing at all.
[18:40:27] mchou: lol
[18:40:34] mchou: right
[18:40:59] hashbang: there's plenty of Free video to download.
[18:41:07] hashbang: for instance.
[18:41:12] kamal102: mchou  : if i want to record video, how do i do that without video capture card ?
[18:41:30] hashbang: kamal102: you can't.
[18:41:35] mchou: kamal102: one way is via firewire
[18:41:56] mchou: hashbang: you're a dork
[18:42:09] kamal102: firewire == wireless?
[18:42:23] mchou: kamal102: no
[18:42:29] hashbang: kamal102: no, firewire is a way of getting an MPEG stream out of a HDTV set top box.
[18:42:37] kamal102: okok
[18:43:03] hashbang: mchou: either you need to get more, or less, caffeine, and lighten up. :-P
[18:43:30] kamal102: mchou : but firewire is hardware ?
[18:43:50] mchou: hashbang: I get plenty, thx. You need to buzz of with that p2p crap on this channel
[18:43:54] mchou: off*
[18:44:10] hashbang: mchou: did I mention P2P?
[18:44:24] rOOfus: so .... can anyone help with my xorg issue?
[18:44:27] daniel_bergamini (daniel_bergamini! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:44:41] mchou: hashbang: you mentioned d/l AVIs off the net.
[18:44:53] mchou: hashbang: to an newbie, no less
[18:44:53] ** hashbang shakes his head. **
[18:45:19] laga: kids, play nice!
[18:45:23] jono (jono! has quit ("Ex-Chat")
[18:46:10] scampgb: Has anyone encountered a problem with a libmp4ff dependancy using the Debian mythmusic packages?
[18:47:41] mchou: hashbang: not to mention myth is a COMPLETE overkill even if you meant playing "public domain" AVIs and whatnot
[18:48:00] mchou: hashbang: aside from the legal issues
[18:48:13] laga: what legal issues?
[18:48:26] mchou: hashbang: if you dont grok that pls get off this channel
[18:49:08] mchou: laga: legal issues re: [11:36:42] <hashbang> kamal102: or you could just download AVIs and what have you from the net and play those.
[18:49:51] mchou: laga: in conjunction with myth
[18:49:53] laga: mchou: why would you assume that those AVI files would cause legal trouble?
[18:50:12] kamal102: mchou : answer = yes
[18:50:54] mchou: laga: oh, you know beforhand whether an avi clip is in the public domain or not?
[18:51:18] mchou: laga: you've cleared those rights?
[18:52:02] laga: mchou: why would i have to? it's kamal102's responsibility to get himself some public domain AVI files.
[18:52:05] mchou: laga: if so, tell me how you determine that, cause I sure dont
[18:52:16] laga: mchou: well, for example, get 'em at
[18:52:22] laga: mchou: or, buy them from some porn site.
[18:52:48] jono (jono! has joined #mythtv-users
[18:52:59] mchou: laga: heh, and how do you know those sites clear the rights?
[18:53:04] jono: hi, am I right in thinking there is a module to burn shows to a DVD and automatically create the DVD menus?
[18:53:05] mchou: cleared*
[18:53:24] mchou: laga: take for example the porn sites
[18:53:37] laga: jono: mythburn probably
[18:53:53] laga: mchou: they either bought the movie or made it themselves.
[18:53:59] laga: s/movie/the rights/
[18:54:12] mchou: laga: heh, but how do YOU know that?
[18:54:41] laga: mchou: well, i assume that my porn business partners are truastworthy. :)
[18:54:46] laga: trustworthy*
[18:54:51] jono: anyone use mythburn?
[18:55:11] mchou: laga: "assume" my ass
[18:55:43] mchou: laga: fact is you cant assume anything at all.
[18:55:49] laga: mchou: what the hell is your problem? let the poor guy get himself some .avi files of the net and play them through mythtvb, why does that have to be a copyright infringement? that's ridiculous!
[18:56:03] laga: i can't follow your argumentation
[18:56:18] laga (laga! has left #mythtv-users ("fuck this bullshit crap.")
[19:02:28] RuisHome (RuisHome! has quit ("Leaving")
[19:05:47] mythabuser (mythabuser! has joined #mythtv-users
[19:06:12] mythabuser: i have a vcr connected to the rca inputs to my pvr-150, how do i see this is myth?
[19:06:35] Juski (Juski! has quit ("get a fucking clue!")
[19:10:24] sphery: mythabuser: create a video source and a channel for it
[19:12:08] sphery:
[19:15:12] mythabuser: that's where i'm stuck, i didn't know what to do for the grabber dropdown
[19:15:24] mythabuser: thanks for the link, i'm checking it
[19:16:27] wtfhappened (wtfhappened! has left #mythtv-users ()
[19:16:31] mythabuser: those instructions say to choose "tv_grab_na" but all i have are countrys, am i in the wrong place?
[19:16:58] kamal102 (kamal102! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:21:09] mythabuser: i'm tired, i'll try again later. thanks again
[19:21:17] mythabuser (mythabuser! has quit ()
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[20:09:29] cplusplus (cplusplus!n=Geraldir@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:09:31] cplusplus: hi
[20:09:41] cplusplus: does someone receive ard from germany?
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[20:13:39] fozi: cplusplus: yes
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[20:44:32] opello_ is now known as opello
[20:54:33] Gogga (Gogga! has joined #mythtv-users
[20:55:23] Gogga: i have compiled mythtv with firewire support, is there a graphical application to see all firewire connections? (if any)?
[20:57:32] Gogga: when i run mythfrontend, and try to watch tv, the cable box (hooked up via firewire), changes to channel 49. , but my cablebox picks up its digitral tier at channe 120. i try running test-mpeg2 but i get nothing
[20:57:52] Gogga: anybody got firewire working? if so, any hurdles that you had?
[20:58:04] liran is now known as liran_
[21:01:47] amccarthy (amccarthy! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:02:52] shiznix_ (shiznix_! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:03:17] bipolar (bipolar! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:04:07] bipolar: ok. I just installed mythtv, and uploaded a movie to the machine running it. I started playing it, and now I don't know how to stop it. :P
[21:04:34] Gogga: spce bar
[21:04:43] Gogga: spacebar should stop the movie
[21:06:08] bipolar: hmmm....
[21:07:44] bipolar: it doesn't... I wonder why.
[21:08:04] bipolar: the only control I seem to have is the scroll wheel goes back and forward in the movie.
[21:08:08] Gogga: u have remote ?
[21:08:15] bipolar: keyboard.
[21:08:37] RaYmAn-Bx: how are you playing it?
[21:09:09] Gogga: thats a good question i was gonna ask the same
[21:09:29] bipolar: the default mplayer command. at least I think it's default.
[21:09:32] shiznix_ (shiznix_! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:09:34] Gogga: also anybody know the name of the application so its like a "graphical" plugreport?
[21:09:35] bipolar: ubuntu packages.
[21:09:54] RaYmAn-Bx: bipolar: are you using a window manager?
[21:09:56] shiznix_ (shiznix_! has joined #mythtv-users
[21:10:01] Gogga: i have mplayer and ubutnu installed, i use spacebar to stop
[21:10:26] bipolar: RaYmAn-Bx: hmmm... good question. I don't think so. let me double check.
[21:10:29] RaYmAn-Bx: If you aren't running a window manager mplayer might not get focus and hence won't get keyboard input
[21:10:37] bipolar: RaYmAn-Bx: ahhh....
[21:11:15] bipolar: What WM should I be useing?
[21:11:59] GreyFoxx: Whatever you prefer
[21:12:10] RaYmAn-Bx: KDE or Gnome might be bad choices though ;)
[21:12:19] GreyFoxx: If it's a dedicate myth box generally it's good to go with a small/lightweight one. NOT KDE or Gnome
[21:12:33] GreyFoxx: they tend to be bulky both from a CPU perspective and memory
[21:13:31] Netslayer (Netslayer!n=chris@ has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:13:41] bipolar: This is just a mythbox.
[21:14:08] GreyFoxx: Something small is good then. IceWM, fluxbox etc etc
[21:14:24] GeM: xfce4 runs ok on my 450MHz mythbox
[21:16:14] bipolar: xfce4 seems to want to have a whole desktop enviroment. I gotta find something that is *just* a window manager.
[21:16:50] bipolar: wm2 perhaps?
[21:17:00] GeM: you can disable panels, taskbar and so on.. but maybe fluxbox is better
[21:17:05] Gogga: anybody know how to reset the firewire port?
[21:17:40] Gogga: there was an application i remember ihnstalling a long time ago and it had command from the menu to reseet it, but i can't rembmer, i'm blanking out.
[21:17:48] RaYmAn-Bx: bipolar: you can use whatever you want..the important thing is that it can handle window focus right
[21:17:59] shiznix (shiznix! has quit (Connection timed out)
[21:21:07] Gogga: how can i check cpu usage in the shell window
[21:21:14] render1: top
[21:21:22] GeM: ps faux
[21:21:43] Gogga: ah ok
[21:21:57] Gogga: top is better
[21:23:25] scampgb (scampgb! has quit ()
[21:23:26] GeM: yes
[21:25:17] Hoxzer (Hoxzer! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:39:13] bipolar: gah... fluxbox is blocking... how can I get this to work. I'm starting from naked X with an xterm open. I'm running "fluxbox & mythfrontend"
[21:39:48] bipolar: fluxbox starts, and mythfrontend never starts, unless I 'killall fluxbox'
[21:43:31] Gogga: i cna't figure out why mythtv sets my cable box channel to 49 when i start and try to watch tv. its configured for firewire only
[21:43:47] Gogga: so iknow that its obviosly communcating some how
[21:44:07] Gogga: i can aslo caputre video doing a ./test-mpeg2 -r 0 teest.ts
[21:44:30] Gogga: now itws a matter getting it to work with mythtv
[21:53:16] bipolar: can someone please show me how they start fluxbox w/ mythfrontend?
[21:58:38] mchou (mchou! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:01:44] bipolar: yay! ratpoison works :P
[22:11:48] electrichamster (electrichamster!n=electric@adsl-83-100-231-125.karoo.KCOM.COM) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:21:49] Gogga: anybody got channel changing working from a Scientific Atlanta box? (firewire)?
[22:29:37] mrgoby (mrgoby! has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:29:52] Niklas_E (Niklas_E! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:30:09] Niklas_E: do you need qmake to compile mythtv?
[22:32:49] strainseara (strainseara! has joined #mythtv-users
[22:33:23] beavis (beavis! has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:37:26] dtm: Niklas_E: yes
[22:38:59] jnunez: Where does OSD look for the fonts? My program guide is perfect but OSD is courier
[22:39:58] hashbang: jnunez: /usr/share/mythtv, I think
[22:40:41] jnunez: hmm, I have freemono.ttf in that dir but still
[22:40:55] hashbang: jnunez: I think freemono == courier
[22:41:10] hashbang: freesans ~= arial
[22:41:24] jnunez: really! Thanks hashbang, I'll switch to freesans
[22:41:52] jnunez: My brother and I are having a MCE war and I forgot about the OSD
[22:41:58] hashbang: heh
[22:42:27] hashbang: jnunez: the OSD themes are fairly easy to edit, BTW
[22:42:49] jnunez: But the money he dropped in MCE and hardware required to purchase has me ahead
[22:43:04] hashbang: jnunez: I took the visorosd theme, increased the area available for the programme description, moved the clock down and right a bit, and switched to an outlined font.
[22:43:13] jnunez: Plus to add Mame with cost a couple more dollars
[22:43:36] hashbang: mame++
[22:44:14] jnunez: I'll have to look at it cause I prefer a different look to the OSD. Something like Growl on my MacOS X.
[22:45:17] jnunez: Mame Q: does the new version of MythGame use the history file anymore? Cause I used to have the stuff broken down by Genre and then full game name
[22:59:45] cplusplus (cplusplus!n=Geraldir@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:59:46] cplusplus: hi
[23:00:15] cplusplus: who was from germany?
[23:00:16] hashbang: jnunez: I think it only uses the catver.ini now
[23:00:38] jnunez: thanks hashbang
[23:00:55] sphery (sphery! has quit ()
[23:01:29] hashbang: jnunez: you'll need to make sure inipath is set in xmamerc, catver.ini is there, then delete the games in gamemetadata and rescan.
[23:01:34] hashbang: IIRC.
[23:02:26] cplusplus (cplusplus!n=Geraldir@ has quit (Client Quit)
[23:03:32] jnunez: Thanks!
[23:04:53] jnunez: Do you know of a Linux based MAME that will conform everything to specified coords? The reason I ask it that my HDTV has Severe Overscan and I am too chicken shit to make changes in the service menu
[23:06:02] hashbang: jnunez: I just use X11 xmame, which just runs full screen in the current X mode
[23:07:55] jnunez: I am but the problem is that I am able to set MythTV's coords but not any other apps that it runs. On fullscreen with xmame I usually lose the top (scores) and the bottom
[23:08:04] sandos_ (sandos_! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:08:39] jnunez: What I have to find is a 540p or 720p Modeline for my Sony.
[23:08:45] sandos (sandos! has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:08:55] jnunez: hashbang: Thanks for all you help
[23:09:48] hashbang: jnunez: no worries
[23:17:19] Niklas_E (Niklas_E! has quit ("I am going away")
[23:17:26] cliffd (cliffd! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:17:50] cliffd: Component is the progressive scan inputs right?
[23:18:45] jnunez: cliffd: YEs
[23:18:58] jnunez: if your TV supports it
[23:19:13] cliffd: jnunez: If my tv has the component in, which it does do you go from dvi to component ?
[23:19:33] cliffd: if it has component in that means it supports progressive scan right?
[23:20:24] jnunez: Yes I haven't seen a TV yet that doesn't do PS
[23:20:30] jnunez: that has comp in
[23:20:34] cliffd: ok cool
[23:20:42] cliffd: and DVI to comp is the best way of doing it?
[23:20:49] cliffd: im not seeing any pci video cards with comp out.
[23:21:09] jnunez: Well you need to set the correct modeline for your tv
[23:21:21] cliffd: whats that mean?
[23:21:30] jnunez: NVidia 5200 and ATI has comp out
[23:22:28] jnunez: modeline is the correct freq for your TV. check out
[23:22:45] cliffd: ok thanks.
[23:22:51] cliffd: yeah I was looking at the fx5200
[23:23:16] cliffd: they have composite out, not component
[23:23:18] scopeuk: 5200 isent a bad card
[23:24:07] cliffd: ive been reading that its the easiest one to get working with myth tv and using the mpeg decoder featuers.
[23:24:13] cliffd: do you have other suggestions?
[23:24:19] jnunez: cliffd: So 5200 cards have a NVidia connecter that looks like SVideo but has 10 pins. They sell a cable for the component
[23:24:26] scopeuk: avoid anthign with ati on the box
[23:24:34] jnunez: Run Away from ATI
[23:24:37] cliffd: yeah
[23:24:40] jnunez: Embrace NVidia
[23:24:43] cliffd: I know nVidia one
[23:24:47] cliffd: nVidia only
[23:25:20] cliffd: so jnunez so thats better to do then dvi to component?
[23:25:40] cliffd: scopeuk: do you have an graphics cards suggestions I was thinking 5200 because its fan less.
[23:25:58] Gogga: anybody get myth working with a SA3250HD ?
[23:26:02] jnunez: the 5200 is great for my HDTV. I have 520p rendered on my HDTV. I am haven't tons of problems with my DVI to HDMI and many have suggested buying the COMP adapter
[23:26:20] jnunez: Gogga: Firewire?
[23:26:23] Gogga: ya
[23:26:43] cliffd: I only have SD tv
[23:27:17] jnunez: SD TV with Proggressive is 480P
[23:27:20] Gogga: i can record using ./test-mpeg2 , but can't get livetv to work or anything to work when inside mythtv
[23:28:39] Gogga: when i go to "live tv", it switches to channel "49", goes black for 10 seconds and then goes back to the menu.
[23:29:05] Gogga: the analog tier ends for me at 100,
[23:31:06] jnunez: Gogga: check the logs. I had this same issue with IVTV for my PVR-150 tuner but the latest drivers for IVTV (4.4) fixed this
[23:32:21] Gogga: why would ivtv be needed if i'm not using a pvr-xxx ?
[23:32:37] Gogga: i only have the cablebox hooked up via firewire
[23:32:57] jnunez: I know I was just describing my past problems
[23:33:12] Gogga: ah ok
[23:33:45] sphery (sphery! has joined #mythtv-users
[23:34:50] scopeuk: cliffed the only gfx's i have used with myth are a 3dfx banshee and a s3 verge niether of whihc i whould recomend
[23:34:51] cliffd: jnunez: so these 5200 cards have something that looks like svideo out but its actually an nvidia thing that needs a special cable for component ?
[23:34:56] jnunez: what I did was quit out of the frontend started a shell and then ran the frontend. Go through the Watch TV process and go back to the sheel to view the output
[23:35:12] cliffd: scopeuk: thanks. good to know what not to get.
[23:35:12] scopeuk: cliffd its both standard svid with extra pins for extra features
[23:35:23] scopeuk: cliffd good look finding either of them to buy
[23:35:25] jnunez: cliffd: Yes. Not all cards have it. Try the Chaintech NVidia 5200
[23:35:31] cliffd: scopeuk: oh so I just get a 5200 with svideo out and get the calbe.
[23:35:34] scopeuk: afaik they btoh went out of preduction over 5 years ago
[23:35:58] jnunez: scopeuk: Really? I didn't know
[23:36:01] cliffd: jnunez: you know that one has it, because I see it right here for order :)
[23:36:31] Gogga: the hard part is trying to figure out why it goes to chanel 49 when i try to view live tv, it is obvious it can communicate to the cableboxx
[23:36:40] Gogga: so i know something is working
[23:37:08] Gogga: and i know it can record. where can i check log files?
[23:39:41] cliffd: jnunez: can you look at this, does that look like the special svideo out for component ?
[23:39:49] jnunez: cliffd: looking at ChainTech's site. They don't list the 5200 card that has this feature. Only some of the 6600
[23:39:55] jnunez: They call it HDTV
[23:39:56] cliffd: ah
[23:40:02] cliffd: thanks.
[23:40:12] jnunez: (optional 10 pin adapter)
[23:40:16] jnunez: no prob
[23:40:17] cliffd: ok thanks.
[23:40:29] cliffd: do you know anything about DVI to component ?
[23:40:38] cliffd: ive seen some special adapters for that.
[23:45:35] defi_ (defi_!n=dave@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:48:18] defi_: Finally got my ivtv driver to load and now I get "select timeout" errors after a few minutes of live-tv, any suggestions?
[23:51:09] jnunez: defi_: What version IVTV? and What tuner?
[23:51:37] jnunez: cliffd: I have heard of them but no exprience with it
[23:56:06] cliffd: so i need to be dense here. If I use this special 10 pin svideo out to comp, im not really using svideo at all right?
[23:59:48] defi_: jnunez sry was away for a minute, its 0.4.2 pvr-150

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