:: #mythtv-users

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Tuesday, January 31st, 2006, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:00] Juski: the gui rewrite is hardly trivial too
[00:01:00] mchou ( Quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[00:02:00] laga: yep, unfortunately
[00:02:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: for one, turn off those notices.
[00:02:00] thaJeepJerk: so, what I meant to say was there isn't a free copy of 3.3.x for windows :)
[00:03:00] laga: thaJeepJerk: i think there is one (as in 'free beer') but only for non-commercial use
[00:04:00] thaJeepJerk: thats all I'm looking for
[00:06:00] laga: MythTV BurnDVD stopped due to error
[00:06:00] ** laga heads to bed **
[00:06:00] laga: night.
[00:06:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: are you using svn?
[00:06:00] thaJeepJerk: yes
[00:06:00] xris: then update
[00:06:00] xris: I just fixed something
[00:14:00] MythLogBot ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:00] ChanServ sets mode +v MythLogBot
[00:14:00] tetra: maybe i don't remember or can't find my info...
[00:14:00] xris: they're supposed to email you when your account it going to expire, but seems they've been having issues for awhile and many people don't get emailed
[00:14:00] tetra: ok
[00:15:00] thaJeepJerk: just start a new account like in the manual
[00:15:00] tetra: would this be the reason my program listing is blank now?
[00:15:00] thaJeepJerk: maybe
[00:15:00] xris: tetra: just log into and fill out the survey to renew your acct.
[00:15:00] xris: tetra: run mythfilldatabase on the cli and watch what it says.
[00:15:00] thaJeepJerk: I'd run mythfilldatabase and see the error it gives you
[00:15:00] thaJeepJerk: xris types fast
[00:15:00] tetra: thaJeepJerk: great idea, i think i'll try that first
[00:15:00] tetra: xris might type faster than i do
[00:16:00] xris: never considered myself a fast typer
[00:16:00] tetra: one moment
[00:16:00] xris: but I do type for a living... to some extent.
[00:16:00] thaJeepJerk: I made the mistake of getting this ergonomic shaped keyboard
[00:17:00] thaJeepJerk: kills me
[00:17:00] tetra: lots of 401 unauthorized, could not find any new program data
[00:17:00] tetra: ergonomic is great
[00:17:00] thaJeepJerk: here's a config switch thats always bothered me, what would you need "--enable-directx" for?
[00:17:00] tetra: lets me blast away without straining my wrists
[00:18:00] thaJeepJerk: tetra: sounds like you need to renew
[00:18:00] tetra: weren't they talking about making a version of mythtv for winbloze?
[00:18:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: I just got one a couple of weeks ago. took me about a week to get used to
[00:18:00] xris: tetra: sounds like you need to renew
[00:18:00] tetra: ok
[00:18:00] thaJeepJerk: this one is weird tho
[00:18:00] tetra: try dvorak on an ergonomic
[00:18:00] xris: run mythtv-setup and you can extract your username/password from there.
[00:19:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: which one?
[00:19:00] thaJeepJerk: tilde is in the bottom-left, equals in the upper right.. etc
[00:19:00] tetra: xris: really? i thought mythtv-setup hid that information with ***
[00:19:00] thaJeepJerk: xris: Essential Kinesis
[00:20:00] xris: tetra: would at least get you the login name
[00:20:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: hmm, that's definitely a funky one
[00:20:00] thaJeepJerk: came recommmended by a friend
[00:21:00] thaJeepJerk: we'll see how long they stay that way :P
[00:21:00] xris: I just grabbed the ms natural 4000.. it's quite nice.
[00:21:00] xris: now if only all of the buttons worked in linux
[00:22:00] kormoc: tetra, it's in the db as well
[00:22:00] tetra: i still don't have a f'in clue about mysql
[00:22:00] tetra: so hang on
[00:22:00] thaJeepJerk: tetra: you need the mysql query browser
[00:23:00] thaJeepJerk: you'll never have to learn a thing
[00:23:00] jshriver ( Quit ("Leaving")
[00:23:00] kormoc: sql is so easy
[00:24:00] thaJeepJerk: fair enough
[00:24:00] thaJeepJerk: but query browser is easier
[00:24:00] xris: tetra: echo "select * from videosource;" | mysql -h myth -u mythtv -pmythtv mythconverg
[00:24:00] xris: might want to remove that "-h myth" bit
[00:24:00] tetra: xris: like i'm supposed to be able to remember any of that crap :)
[00:24:00] tetra: i renewed
[00:24:00] xris: tetra: um, copy/paste?
[00:24:00] tetra: YAY, i have three months to completely forget how to renew again
[00:25:00] xris: tetra: that's what "save password" is for in your browser.
[00:25:00] kormoc: tetra, they email you near the end of the 3 months reminding you
[00:25:00] tetra: xris: well yeah, i could do that, of course I don't blindly do that, i'd sit and learn what every part of that does first
[00:25:00] tetra: xris: i *never* save password*
[00:25:00] tetra: "never for this site"
[00:25:00] ** kormoc shrugs **
[00:26:00] kormoc: it's safer saved in the browser then it is in my head
[00:26:00] tetra: kormoc: never got an email
[00:27:00] kormoc: tetra, you sure the email address they have is correct?
[00:27:00] tetra: kormoc: they said mine expired on the 13th, today is the 30th, and it only stopped working a few days ago, i guess that's because it had 14 days ahead of the 13th to begin with, so that's about right
[00:27:00] tetra: kormoc: maybe it's in my junk
[00:28:00] xris: kormoc: I don't get the emails, either.
[00:28:00] xris: bunch of people don't
[00:28:00] kormoc: ooh? oddness.
[00:28:00] xris: jon here doesn't for the work subscription, either.
[00:29:00] tetra: nope, no email from zap2it
[00:29:00] tetra: maybe this time i'll remember it only lasts 3 months
[00:30:00] thaJeepJerk: put it on the calendar
[00:31:00] thaJeepJerk: so did anyone know what you would need "--enable-directx" for?
[00:32:00] Beirdo (n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:33:00] ole_schoola: there wasn an effort to get a FE working in Windows
[00:33:00] ole_schoola: iirc
[00:34:00] thaJeepJerk: recall what happened?
[00:34:00] kormoc: they were stupid and stoped developing
[00:34:00] kormoc: you see, rather the reuse source code, they tried to reverse engeneer the myth protocol
[00:34:00] thaJeepJerk: well... thats doesn't mean I'd have any better luck
[00:34:00] thaJeepJerk: oh.. thats dumb
[00:35:00] ole_schoola: really, wtf? cygwin and all...
[00:36:00] thaJeepJerk: I don't think you'd want to do it in cygwin
[00:36:00] thaJeepJerk: but you'd need a copy of QT 3.3.x for windows
[00:36:00] thaJeepJerk: good luck there
[00:37:00] ole_schoola: isn't QT avail on Win?
[00:37:00] b_e_n_z ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:37:00] thaJeepJerk: I've seen in writing that it is, just haven't found the bits
[00:37:00] kormoc:
[00:38:00] kormoc: like those bits?
[00:38:00] thaJeepJerk: kormoc: you the man
[00:38:00] thaJeepJerk: if it works
[00:39:00] thaJeepJerk: wait, found this before, they were just still on phase 1
[00:40:00] kormoc: looks like they're done with stage 6
[00:43:00] scottder: Any FC4 users around who are using ndiswrapper/
[00:43:00] scottder: ?
[00:44:00] ole_schoola: how about feeding user definable triggers to mythosd?
[00:45:00] Goshen ( Quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[00:45:00] ole_schoola: or using a call to mythstream from mythweather to hear the local NWS as you view the mythweather pages?
[00:46:00] ole_schoola: not a lot of stream sources tho
[00:47:00] streamtrade (n=jsass@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:00] scottder: bleh this sucks....
[00:48:00] scottder: I can't get ndiswrapper to work with the kernel I have installed with FC4
[00:49:00] streamtrade (n=jsass@ has left #mythtv-users
[00:50:00] thaJeepJerk: ole_schoola: that list IS pretty weak
[00:50:00] scottder: and of ocurse...if I load the kernel with the bigger stack, it breaks all the other stuff I have loaded, like nvidia modules...grrr
[00:52:00] ole_schoola: i know, but there's one thar worksforme =)
[00:52:00] ole_schoola: you'd think there would be more but those guys run on seriously tight budgets, sadly
[00:53:00] thaJeepJerk: use the radio :)
[00:53:00] ole_schoola: now where's the fun in that?
[00:54:00] thaJeepJerk: at least I used to until I moved to the middle of the country where the weather doesn't matter anymore
[00:54:00] ole_schoola: define middle
[00:54:00] thaJeepJerk: Colorado
[00:54:00] ole_schoola: i just moved back from there
[00:54:00] ole_schoola: i miss the sun
[00:54:00] Beirdo (n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:54:00] ChanServ sets mode +v Beirdo
[00:55:00] thaJeepJerk: yeah, the weather here is pretty good
[00:55:00] thaJeepJerk: especially coming from new england
[00:58:00] ole_schoola: skiing in 50 degree weather, pulling trout out of the North Platte
[01:01:00] thaJeepJerk: sweet! mythweb from my phone!
[01:02:00] mchou ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:02:00] ole_schoola: Jeep: what phones work well for that? i don't know squat about phones
[01:03:00] thaJeepJerk: I only know my phone
[01:03:00] thaJeepJerk: and I haven't decided if it works well yet or not
[01:04:00] thaJeepJerk: sorry
[01:04:00] thaJeepJerk: plus I can't secure mythweb if I use my phone because it doesn't use digest
[01:05:00] thaJeepJerk: unless I can condition security on the browser?
[01:08:00] Juski: here we go... making my 1st ever 5.1 video
[01:10:00] thaJeepJerk: later
[01:10:00] thaJeepJerk ( has left #mythtv-users
[01:13:00] scottder: anyone using ndiswrapper with MythTV on FC4/
[01:13:00] scottder: ?
[01:13:00] carl_1 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:13:00] carl_1: Anyone here using a tv-wonder elite?
[01:14:00] Juski: framegrabber cards? not me
[01:14:00] Juski: sorry
[01:15:00] scottder: damn...this sucks
[01:15:00] Chutt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:15:00] ChanServ sets mode +v Chutt
[01:15:00] carl_1: tv-wonder elite is hardware mpeg 2;)
[01:16:00] t00m ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:17:00] Juski: carl_1: oh... in linux? no change
[01:18:00] carl_1: Juski: no chance?
[01:18:00] Juski: * no chance I mean – no linux driver for it
[01:18:00] carl_1: Juski: Are you sure? there is for tv-wonder and tv-wonder elite (bttv)
[01:18:00] ole_schoola: anyone know where to get an SPDIF backplate?
[01:18:00] Juski: yes, but not for their new 'theater' mpeg encoder
[01:18:00] ole_schoola: from mobo headers to optical or coaxial on the backplate?
[01:18:00] Juski: ole_schoola: lots of pc component places sell them
[01:19:00] ** carl_1 punches somone **
[01:19:00] ole_schoola: i been looking EVERYWHERE
[01:19:00] Juski: usually standard motherboard accessories ;-)
[01:19:00] ole_schoola: i know, but no can find, checked ASUS, ABIT, Gigabyte, online vendors, Jameco, younameit
[01:19:00] carl_1: last time I was here people told me it'd work fine
[01:19:00] ** carl_1 grumbles **
[01:19:00] Juski: carl_1: calm down.. it's not our fault ATI haven't got off their asses & made linux drivers
[01:20:00] scottder: darn darn darn
[01:20:00] carl_1: heh
[01:20:00] Juski: this one?
[01:20:00] carl_1: yes
[01:20:00] Juski: if it is, no linux driver available.. bug ATI about it
[01:21:00] carl_1: humm
[01:21:00] carl_1: need to find me some software for 'doze that is as good as MythTV then
[01:21:00] Juski: hardware mpeg-wise there are drivers for conexant chipsets and erm... that's about it PCI in cards
[01:21:00] ole_schoola: carl1: try BeyondTV
[01:21:00] Juski: carl_1: good luck
[01:22:00] ole_schoola: not as good, but it works for some ppl's taste
[01:22:00] Captain_Murdoch: but they can build a 11-tuner system for $4500....
[01:22:00] carl_1: I just need PVR functionality (rewind, record, etc.)
[01:22:00] ole_schoola: what about the mythuser in canada that did a whole complex?
[01:23:00] Juski: ?
[01:23:00] Juski: linky please :)
[01:23:00] ole_schoola: someone linked to a canadian that set up a BE farm to distribute to a min_MAN for a housing complex
[01:23:00] ole_schoola: i tossed the link, or it was in thearchives, backa bout a year
[01:24:00] Captain_Murdoch: back about 1 day, it was rementioned today
[01:24:00] ole_schoola: no sh*t, how bout that
[01:24:00] Captain_Murdoch: that's why I mentioned the beyond thing, it was in the same thread.
[01:25:00] ole_schoola: does anyone have a source for oddball backplates?
[01:25:00] ole_schoola: need to go spdif headers to optical and/or coaxial
[01:25:00] Captain_Murdoch:
[01:26:00] mchou: haha, featured project: "case modding"
[01:26:00] ole_schoola: wiseass, got one already, that's how the IR recevers got to the fron of my silverstone =)
[01:27:00] mchou: that must have been responsible for some significant sales for dremel :)
[01:27:00] ole_schoola: ricer-trikle-down effect
[01:27:00] mchou: I just bought a hole saw instead :)
[01:28:00] mchou: faster and cheaper :)
[01:28:00] Juski: prolly neater too
[01:28:00] mchou: and higher propensity for damage
[01:28:00] ole_schoola: shoot, I'll build one, any reference for a circuit? i want my DTS and AC-3 back!
[01:28:00] mchou: which is what power tools are really for
[01:30:00] Juski: ole_schoola: if you just want spdif, no circuitry required.. optical on the other hand is a teeny bit more complicated
[01:31:00] Juski: not worth the effort when you can just buy em on ebay & from computer shops
[01:31:00] mchou: heh, good luck getting some waveguides
[01:31:00] Juski: phone your local motherboard manufacturer distributor
[01:31:00] ole_schoola:
[01:31:00] Juski: optical is a piece of cake really.. it's just an LED
[01:31:00] ole_schoola: a cap and resistor tied to +5, but I only want coaxial anyways
[01:32:00] Juski: a visible light LED at that ;-)
[01:32:00] kslater ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:32:00] dakeyras ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:32:00] ole_schoola: agreed not worth time, but I can't find em online for the life of me
[01:32:00] ole_schoola: i'll try the gigabye importer
[01:32:00] Juski: ebay have got em I'm sure of it
[01:32:00] mchou: screw that.
[01:32:00] mchou: my surplus place has those in the millions by now
[01:32:00] ole_schoola: and your surplus place is?
[01:33:00] mchou: in CA
[01:33:00] ole_schoola: if they ship to US, i don't care
[01:33:00] mchou: any ole surplus place should have them
[01:34:00] mchou: lol, you ever deal with gigabyte?
[01:34:00] mchou: you must go back to Taiwan :)
[01:34:00] mchou: even for RMAs
[01:34:00] tetra: lol@gigabyte
[01:35:00] Juski: another intro video for mythburn, in 5.1 surround, 720x576 widescreen if anyone wants:
[01:35:00] Juski: ole_schoola: . . . cmdZViewItem
[01:36:00] mchou: haha, those are the ones my surplus place has
[01:36:00] Juski: . . . m=5838969963
[01:38:00] ole_schoola: Juski: PERFECT!, i seen the asus one from a CA place the other day and didn't order it. might as well go the Gigabyter route.
[01:38:00] ole_schoola: fwiw, i never use ebay
[01:39:00] Juski: it's great for randmon stuff like that though
[01:39:00] Juski: I offload all my old junk on there
[01:39:00] mchou: aint worth it for anything < $100
[01:39:00] tetra: mchou: don't get gigabyte, they all use the shittiest capacitors that swell and leak in under a year
[01:39:00] Juski: sold my 6 year old VHS machine for £60
[01:39:00] ole_schoola: mchou: didn't know about the GB hassles, looks like i'll stick to Abit and Asus boards froim now on
[01:39:00] tetra: mchou: same with jetway, the even cheaper offbrand of gigabyte
[01:39:00] Juski: tetra: a few manufacturers had issues with badcaps.. asus too
[01:39:00] mchou: tetra: I thought they use Rubycon caps??
[01:40:00] Juski: anyone who bought their caps black market had problems
[01:40:00] Juski: ;-)
[01:40:00] tetra: Juski: and when did asus have that problem? gigabyte "has had" that problem for the past ten years consistently
[01:40:00] mchou: tetra: I replaced all my electrolytic caps after my mobo warranty ran out
[01:40:00] Juski: tetra: I fixed a couple of asus boards we had at work... both bad caps
[01:41:00] Juski: a third was unrepairable... caps had gone & the CPU voltage reg had blown up too
[01:41:00] tetra: mchou: for my time, it'd be cheaper to buy another $50 mobo than to replace the caps
[01:41:00] mchou: 2 boards @ 40 caps each
[01:41:00] tetra: my time for replacing caps is worth at least two new motherboards
[01:42:00] mchou: tetra: hehe, assuming they were compatible and didnt have othe "issues"
[01:42:00] mchou: other*
[01:42:00] Juski: fyi – they were throwing the boards away so I fixed them with caps I ordered in... took half an hour
[01:42:00] tetra: uh, assuming i'm worth 10x more than minimum wage in u.s.a
[01:42:00] tetra: though, i couldn't solder a cap in less than 5 minutes..
[01:42:00] Juski: when you've got the right gear you can
[01:43:00] mchou: tetra: lol, you are a bona fide environmental mess
[01:43:00] tetra: someone ELSE's gear, yeah
[01:43:00] tetra: then it's someone ELSE's time
[01:43:00] tetra: not my time
[01:43:00] Juski: good Metcal soldering iron.. heats right to the groundplane ;-)
[01:43:00] tetra: mchou: how so? I take much heed in polution, if that's what you're talking about
[01:43:00] tetra: er, pollution
[01:43:00] Juski: repair & recycle
[01:44:00] mchou: tetra: Juski has the right idea
[01:44:00] tetra: gigabyte has major design flaws to begin with in their motherboards
[01:44:00] Juski: I know someone who picks up all sorts of kit from the tip, fixes it up & sells it
[01:44:00] mchou: so does everyone else
[01:44:00] tetra: it's not worth the time
[01:44:00] Juski: everyone rushes stuff out too fast
[01:44:00] bobc ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:45:00] Juski: got to get it to market quick!
[01:45:00] tetra: i don't rush, i test equipment (push a few buttons and wait hours or days for the test to complete)
[01:45:00] mchou: I desolder and solder caps in about 45secs now :)
[01:45:00] Juski: yeh well so do I.. but my boss is like "can you skip some?"
[01:45:00] tetra: i don't want to breathe the lead vapor
[01:45:00] mchou: haha
[01:46:00] Juski: lead will be illegal to use in solder & general electronics in June
[01:46:00] mchou: tetra: lol, it clears up the sinuses SO wonderfully :)
[01:46:00] tetra: Juski: WHERE?
[01:46:00] Juski: it's not the lead you wanna worry about anyway
[01:46:00] tetra: Juski: oh, what's worse than lead?
[01:46:00] Juski: it's the fumes from flux.. colophony & the like.. they're very nasty
[01:46:00] kormoc ( Quit ("Done with work, yay! ( )")
[01:46:00] mchou: mercury, for one
[01:47:00] tetra: there's no mercury in solder
[01:47:00] Juski: benzine in some fluxes
[01:47:00] Juski: very carcinogenic
[01:47:00] tetra: don't use flux, fools
[01:47:00] Juski: most solder comes with flux in it already
[01:47:00] tetra: none that i've seen
[01:47:00] mchou: I prefer my solder with flux
[01:48:00] tetra: mchou: where are you?
[01:48:00] mchou: less hassle
[01:48:00] mchou: CA
[01:48:00] Juski: the lead-free directive.. it's world-wide btw
[01:48:00] tetra: lead-free is ass
[01:48:00] tetra: useless crap
[01:48:00] tetra: unless you have an 8000w iron
[01:48:00] Juski: kinda useless for saving the environment too
[01:48:00] Juski: takes 25% more energy to melt it
[01:49:00] tetra: more like 400% more
[01:49:00] Juski: so take your pick.. die of lead poising or carbon emissions
[01:49:00] tetra: and benzine is in every food you put in the microwave with plastic, so...
[01:49:00] mchou: hmm, thems good eats :)
[01:49:00] Juski: fuck! you mean like... we're all gonna die someday? jesus
[01:49:00] tetra: meh
[01:49:00] tetra: we're all going to die some day because you all believe it
[01:50:00] Juski: yeah yeah
[01:50:00] tetra: you think we can't overcome these small feats
[01:50:00] Juski: hey I'd rather not go lead free
[01:50:00] Juski: won't be long before I don't have to hand-solder anything ... BGA is taking over at work now
[01:51:00] ph|ber (n=phiber@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:00] Juski: as for passives... yoiks
[01:51:00] mchou: yeah, but there is still solder on BGA
[01:51:00] ph|ber: whats wrong if lircd works in console, but doesnt in mythfrontend? and i have a ~/.lircrc
[01:51:00] tetra: i'm worth at least $30 per hour so soldering doesn't make sense to my at this scale
[01:51:00] Juski: ph|ber: it's called lircrc in ~/.mythtv/
[01:52:00] tetra: s/my/me/
[01:52:00] ph|ber: ya
[01:52:00] ph|ber: its there.
[01:52:00] ph|ber: my ~/.lircrc is sym link to it
[01:52:00] Juski: tetra: I'm on that, but I do what I gotta do
[01:52:00] xpis: Hm.. my mythtv box recorded 48 hours of Fox News instead of what I wanted it to record. It seems that mythfrontend died while watching livetv.
[01:52:00] Juski: I'm above testing hard drives & making cables, but it pays the bills ;-)
[01:52:00] mchou: xpis: haha!!
[01:53:00] mchou: fox news for 48 hrs??
[01:53:00] nasa ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:53:00] xpis: mchou: yep. Gigabytes and gigabytes.
[01:53:00] ph|ber: anyone?
[01:53:00] Juski: xpis: watch out for the black helicopters hoverring about
[01:53:00] mchou: xpis: you must have done something bad in a prior life to deserve that!
[01:53:00] Juski: they're onto you
[01:53:00] mchou: Juski: yeah, that too.
[01:54:00] mchou: where is Fox and Mulder when you need them?
[01:54:00] xpis: Oh, and prior to that, I have hours and hours of tv land.
[01:54:00] mchou: I prefer tvland over faux any day
[01:54:00] Juski: ph|ber: is the file in .mythtv definitely called lirc ? as in with no . (dot) in front of it?
[01:54:00] xpis: Shouldn't mythbackend stop livetv when there is a recording to do?
[01:55:00] mchou: xpis: only if you're there to catch it
[01:55:00] xpis: In this case, noone was there – there was no mythfrontend running.
[01:55:00] ph|ber: yes
[01:55:00] ph|ber: its lircrc
[01:55:00] Juski: after 48 hours you'd be lucky to have any disk space left to record anyway
[01:55:00] mchou: xpis: then why was livetv on then?
[01:56:00] Juski: ph|ber: lircd running as a daemon?
[01:56:00] xpis: Because mythfrontend was shut down ungracefully.
[01:56:00] Juski: naughty
[01:56:00] ph|ber: yes
[01:56:00] xpis: (while watching tv)
[01:56:00] ph|ber: and irw gets dump when i press buttons and stuff
[01:56:00] Juski: right... that answered my next question
[01:56:00] Juski: ph|ber: did you compile myth yourself?
[01:57:00] ph|ber: no
[01:57:00] xpis: Is there any way to mass-expire all these recordings, rather than wait for them to time out?
[01:57:00] Juski: hmmm...
[01:57:00] Juski: ph|ber: post your lircd.conf and lircrc file in pastebins & I'll take a look
[01:57:00] xpis: Unless anyone wants "Cashin' In", "The Lineup", or "Fox and Friends weekend"
[01:57:00] ph|ber: k hold
[01:58:00] ph|ber:
[01:58:00] kavorka ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:59:00] Juski: that looks ok
[01:59:00] bobc: for some reason I don't have the people.myi table used by svn mythweb. can anyone tell me how I can create it and what is in it?
[01:59:00] xpis: Hm.. actually, mythfrontend was shut down correctly... but livetv was never stopped.
[01:59:00] ph|ber:
[02:00:00] xris ( Quit ("")
[02:01:00] kavorka ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:01:00] Juski: ph|ber: when you run irw, what remote does it report you using?
[02:01:00] ph|ber: the right one.
[02:01:00] ph|ber: im using the hau. grey
[02:01:00] ph|ber: the one that comes with a pvr150
[02:02:00] tetra: wtf is it with remotes
[02:02:00] tetra: i still don't see any need for a remote
[02:02:00] xpis: An option should really be added to put scheduled recordings above livetv.
[02:02:00] tetra: otherwise your computer is too far away :)
[02:02:00] tetra: move it closer
[02:02:00] Juski: ph|ber: I got it
[02:03:00] tetra: xpis: already is default
[02:03:00] ph|ber:
[02:03:00] ph|ber: ??
[02:03:00] itsonlyme ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:03:00] Juski: the buttons are the wrong names in the lircrc file
[02:03:00] Juski: some are the wrong case
[02:03:00] ph|ber: ku
[02:03:00] ph|ber: anyone to correct easily?
[02:04:00] xpis: tetra: then how did I get hours and hours of Fox News?
[02:04:00] xpis: tetra: including overnight reruns
[02:04:00] Juski: ph|ber: just use irw to see which button is which, then edit the lircrc file
[02:04:00] Juski: ph|ber: seems like a PITA to do, but you'll only need do it once ;-)
[02:05:00] ph|ber: surely someone on the internet has it?
[02:05:00] tetra: xpis: i don't know, whenever i'm watching livetv and something is about to record, it lets me know two minutes ahead of time with a popup window saying it's about to stop letting me view livetv and go to recording the other channel
[02:05:00] Juski: ph|ber: just get editing
[02:06:00] tetra: xpis: so i don't know how you disabled that default
[02:06:00] Juski: time for bed. night
[02:08:00] okare ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:08:00] SqWaw ( Quit (SendQ exceeded)
[02:09:00] Juski ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:09:00] Beirdo: MythLogBot, help
[02:09:00] Beirdo: OK, it survived :)
[02:10:00] ph|ber: damn.
[02:11:00] Beirdo: my DSL was being a PITA
[02:12:00] ph|ber (n=phiber@ Quit ("leaving")
[02:12:00] tetra: DSL sucks, cable is better
[02:12:00] tetra: with rare exceptions
[02:13:00] Beirdo: bah
[02:15:00] ole_schoola: Juski: had to go with an Asus module, Gigabyte was UK only, found it at ExCaliberPC
[02:15:00] itsonlyme: I have a haupage TV card, which seems to work perfectly with TVTime, but in Myth the sound is about a second ahead, and doesn't record. If I time shift the sound keeps playing from live TV, not the recorded video. I think it has to do with the way the card handles audio. It has a jumper cable to hook it to the sound cards audio in. How do I fix that?
[02:15:00] jarango ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:16:00] jarango: I am new to mythtv. What is the best-supported capture card ?
[02:16:00] tetra: gigabyte is 100% garbage no matter what the product type
[02:16:00] ole_schoola: what type of capture? where do you live?
[02:16:00] jarango: jarango: in other words, which one has the best support
[02:17:00] ole_schoola: NTSC?, ATSC? DVB-T/S/C?
[02:17:00] b_e_n_z ( has left #mythtv-users
[02:17:00] jarango: ole_schoola: I probably want both NTSC and PAL. I heard the pvr-120 suports both but I am not sure if its a good choice
[02:17:00] jarango: pvr-150
[02:17:00] jarango: is what I meant
[02:17:00] Discipulus (n=disc@unaffiliated/discipulus) Quit ("Leaving")
[02:17:00] tetra: hauppauge is ok, i hate the wintv-go
[02:17:00] ole_schoola: so, US NTSC, cable and/or OTA analog?
[02:18:00] jarango: ole_schoola: cable
[02:18:00] itsonlyme: I have WinTV-go, thats the one thats causeing me problems.
[02:18:00] tetra: i use cable analog
[02:18:00] ole_schoola: hauppauge has great support under IVTV
[02:18:00] tetra: itsonlyme: my wintv-go experiences have been fuzzy white screens with no sound
[02:18:00] jarango: Does having HW encoder allow you to watch and record simultaneously ?
[02:18:00] ole_schoola: pvr-250 / 350 are rock solid
[02:18:00] jarango: or do you need two cards ?
[02:19:00] tetra: ole_schoola: my pvr150mce is awesome
[02:19:00] ole_schoola: always need to have n+1 tuners for watching and recording
[02:19:00] tetra: ole_schoola: couch potato
[02:19:00] Discipulus ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:19:00] ole_schoola: where n is the number of currently recording tuners
[02:19:00] nasa: Hi guys, when I start xine (kde as wm) it starts up behind mythfrontend... How do I stop this?
[02:20:00] itsonlyme: I get good picture, and sound. Only the sound it routed around mythtv somehow. Some how the tv card plays the sounds live while the computer replays the time shifted video
[02:20:00] xris ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:20:00] ChanServ sets mode +v xris
[02:20:00] tetra: ole_schoola: you need to download more from p2p networks instead...
[02:20:00] ole_schoola: 150 and 500 reportedly work great but i have no exp with them, yet
[02:21:00] tetra: yeah don't forget about downloading an episode and watching it before it even airs in your time zone :) :)
[02:21:00] jarango: nasa: change the focus to "click to focus"
[02:21:00] jarango: nasa: you will get this if you have "focus follows mouse"
[02:21:00] tetra: or stop using KDE
[02:21:00] ole_schoola: i've had to pull the last three eps of Lost, my old air2pc crapped out and haven't gotten the hd5000's running yet
[02:22:00] nasa: jarango: will I still have the problem of not getting focus back once xine is done?
[02:22:00] jarango: ole_schoola: Will I need two cards to rewind and fast-forward a "live" program that I am watching ?
[02:23:00] itsonlyme: ANyone have any ideas?
[02:23:00] tetra: holding in the left shift key and pressing the keys K D rapidly usually drops
[02:23:00] bobc: can anyone tell me about the people.myi table? mythweb svn is giving me an error about not having it.
[02:23:00] tetra: the D, so if I press K D E rapidly i get KE
[02:23:00] jarango: nasa: The only way to fix that is to compile your own xine instead of using the package
[02:23:00] jarango: nasa: I did that and it fixed it
[02:24:00] nasa: hmm...
[02:24:00] Ryushin ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:24:00] jarango: nasa: Its the only way
[02:24:00] Nem^1 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:00] ole_schoola: jarango: shouldn't, ffw and rew are all handled by myth, once it's captured, it's captured
[02:25:00] jarango: ole_schoola: so its only when you are watching a different channel than the one you are recording, right ?
[02:26:00] jarango: nasa: are you using debian ?
[02:26:00] tetra: heh
[02:26:00] nasa: jarango: no, mandriva
[02:27:00] tetra: what a disgrace to the name
[02:27:00] tetra: to the acronym
[02:27:00] jarango: tetra: So you would recommend the PVR-150 ? Had a nice experience with it under mythtv ?
[02:28:00] kormoc (n=kormoc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:28:00] jarango: tetra: Does the mce suffix mean anything important ?
[02:29:00] Manolis (n=pkirchne@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:29:00] nasa: jarango: do you need to pass any special compiler options to xine when compiling it?
[02:29:00] xpis: When transcoding, how does mythtranscode distinguish commercials from programming?
[02:29:00] tetra: jarango: it's cheaper, usually.
[02:30:00] tetra: jarango: my pvr150mce was a piece of cake to set up
[02:30:00] tetra: jarango: i use gentoo...
[02:30:00] xpis: (it's set up to just detect blank frames)
[02:30:00] jnunez ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:31:00] SqWaw ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:31:00] Captain_Murdoch: xpis, transcoding knows nothing about commercials, it can only cut whatever you put in the cutlist via the manual editor or running "mythcommflag --gencutlist" to copy the commecial skip list to the cutlist.
[02:31:00] jarango: nasa: The most important thing is to have all the librearies it requires. It will tell you if it cannot find the basic ones. Others (like lirc dev library) will not reported but the functionallity will be disabled
[02:31:00] jnunez: Manual Editor?
[02:31:00] tetra: doesn't cutlist exist naturally?
[02:32:00] tetra: i mean, i press Z key to skip commercials, doesn't that use the automagically generated cutlist?  :) :)
[02:32:00] nasa: jarango: ok
[02:32:00] Captain_Murdoch: tetra, no, that's the commercial skip list
[02:32:00] tetra: (i know it's a postprocess job)
[02:33:00] tetra: Captain_Murdoch: uhhh, but isn't that a cutlist too?
[02:33:00] Captain_Murdoch: jnunez: the editor you can get to by pressing MENU while watching a recording
[02:33:00] Captain_Murdoch: tetra: no, 'N' 'O'. they are separate things. the commercial skip list is optionally skipped. the cutlist is always skipped.
[02:33:00] jnunez: Thanks Captain. I just started using the TV Tuner with Myth
[02:34:00] Captain_Murdoch: you can copy the commercial skip list to the cutlist in the editor or in SVN via the command line using mythcommflag
[02:34:00] jnunez: I got a PVR 150 instead of my old BT848
[02:35:00] tetra: Captain_Murdoch: ok i get it
[02:35:00] tetra: damn
[02:36:00] jarango: nasa: make sure you install lirc-dev, xlib-dev, and libdts-dev packages
[02:36:00] nasa: Will do
[02:37:00] jarango: nasa: you wont regret it. Works like a charm for DVDs
[02:37:00] nasa: I just do get what compiling is going to accomplish that isn't in the binaries...
[02:38:00] ole_schoola: any using and hd5000 with kernel 2.6.14?
[02:39:00] ole_schoola: i'm stuck at "b2c2-flexcop: no frontend driver found for this B2C2/FlexCop adapter" in dmesg
[02:39:00] Raven301 ( Quit ()
[02:40:00] ole_schoola: haven't applied Taylors patches per the last entry at hd5000 fora so i guess i'll need to rebuild kernel
[02:40:00] Nem^2 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:41:00] SlicerDicer- ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:41:00] itsonlyme: OK, now I can bearly hear the sound, volume is way to low. How do I fix that?
[02:42:00] SlicerDicer- (n=Slicer@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:42:00] ole_schoola: alsamixer or kmix
[02:44:00] itsonlyme: ole_schoola Everything was turned up, still no sound.
[02:47:00] ole_schoola: it's over two years since i tried to rig it up a pvr-350 that way
[02:48:00] itsonlyme: I'm so close its killing me. Tvtime has sound and picture, Myth has picture, but no sound. err...!!!
[02:48:00] ole_schoola: check the alsamixer/kmix settings for the line in you are using, click on buttons until sound jumps to life
[02:49:00] ole_schoola: otherwise, i'm stumped
[02:50:00] itsonlyme: Tvtime seems to only need the device path of the video card (/dev/video0) what would hppen if I put /dev/video0 in audio line? It can
[02:50:00] itsonlyme: t be that smart can it?
[02:50:00] itsonlyme: the /dev/video0 in audio line of mythtv-setup that is
[02:51:00] simcop2387 (n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:51:00] bobc: Captain_Murdoch: can you tell me what the people.MYI table is for? I'm getting an error with current svn about it being missing in mythweb
[02:52:00] nasa: jarango: are you getting the source straight from the xine website or can I use .src.rpms?
[02:52:00] Captain_Murdoch: has actors, actresses, I think
[02:53:00] bobc: Captain_Murdoch: any idea how it is created?
[02:53:00] Captain_Murdoch: libs/libmythtv/dbcheck.cpp that's a pretty old table, should be there unless you're running really old source and trying newer MythWeb SVN.
[02:54:00] bobc: I've been running svn for quite a while, but never heard of people.myi
[02:54:00] bobc: thanks
[02:54:00] ole_schoola: sounds like version mismatch
[02:54:00] simcop2387 (n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:54:00] ole_schoola: just pulled svn all around yesterday and all works as expected
[02:55:00] itsonlyme: what is keyboard keys for volume up? Err?
[02:55:00] ** nasa must have pissed off jarango **
[02:58:00] simcop2387 (n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:59:00] jnunez ( Quit ()
[03:00:00] itsonlyme: does anyone else have to run their audio out from the tuner to their sound card?
[03:01:00] simcop2387 (n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:01:00] bobc: I found that I actually have the people.MYI table, but people.MYD is misspelled as people.TMD. I have no idea how it could have been renamed.
[03:01:00] itsonlyme ( Quit ("Leaving")
[03:02:00] bobc: actually is spelled people.TMD is that actually something else or people.MYD is an incorrect extension? however it is 0 bytes
[03:03:00] __Ace__ (n=love@ Quit ()
[03:03:00] __Ace__ (n=love@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:05:00] Captain_Murdoch: google for "mysql tmd" and you'll get lots of hits that might explain it.
[03:06:00] shizl ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:07:00] simcop2387 (n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) Quit ("Client exiting")
[03:07:00] simcop2387 (n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
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[03:07:00] simcop2387-vnc (n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:20:00] tetra: simcop2387-vnc: are you still in AK?
[03:22:00] bobc: Captain_Murdoch: thanks, I got it all sorted out. myisamchk took care of it. I appreciate the help.
[03:22:00] Captain_Murdoch: yw
[03:24:00] carl_1 ( has left #mythtv-users
[03:28:00] spiderworm (n=spiderwo@blender/support/spiderworm) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:28:00] nasa: anyone have an example ratpoison .xinitrc file?
[03:28:00] spiderworm: anyone have a suse 10 source for mythtv ?
[03:29:00] sean33: i changed over to xine but now i see a xine box in X for a few seconds before the video starts anyway of geting rid of that ?
[03:33:00] thaJeepJerk ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:35:00] spiderworm: nobody here on suse ?
[03:35:00] thaJeepJerk: I have a suse box
[03:35:00] tetra: GENTOO++
[03:35:00] thaJeepJerk: 9.2
[03:36:00] rjune: gentoo is for ricers
[03:36:00] tetra: not exactly
[03:36:00] tetra: i hate ricers
[03:36:00] tetra: especially those fin tails
[03:36:00] dakeyras ( Quit ("Leaving.")
[03:36:00] tetra: whatever-you-call-ems
[03:36:00] rjune: LOL
[03:37:00] tetra: 4' fins
[03:37:00] thaJeepJerk: xris: you there?
[03:37:00] rjune: angry bumblebees with big fins
[03:37:00] tetra: gentoo is the best for mythtv
[03:37:00] tetra: knoppix is crapass
[03:37:00] rjune: knoppix is a cd distro
[03:37:00] tetra: knoppmyth needs installation
[03:38:00] ** rjune is perfectly happy with fedora **
[03:38:00] dakeyras ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:38:00] tetra: please excuse me.. ciao, later, bye bye
[03:38:00] thaJeepJerk: spiderworm: did you have a suse question?
[03:38:00] spiderworm: i was looking for a yast source
[03:38:00] rjune: heh
[03:38:00] spiderworm: but i think i have one now
[03:38:00] thaJeepJerk: no problem
[03:39:00] kslater ( Quit ("Leaving")
[03:39:00] rjune: packman?
[03:39:00] spiderworm: no,
[03:39:00] thaJeepJerk: thats where I go
[03:39:00] spiderworm: packman didnt have myth packages....
[03:40:00] thaJeepJerk: never had use for myth packages
[03:40:00] thaJeepJerk: I don't have the patience to wait for features
[03:40:00] dakeyras ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:41:00] spiderworm: heh, you build from source?
[03:41:00] spiderworm: yeah, if all else failed, there was always that....
[03:41:00] thaJeepJerk: always
[03:42:00] dakeyras ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:45:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: what's up?
[03:45:00] thaJeepJerk: thinking about mythmusic
[03:46:00] jarango ( Quit ("Leaving")
[03:47:00] thaJeepJerk: So there's a lot of people that want to put someone else's streamer in it, I'm not one of them
[03:47:00] thaJeepJerk: But I think a rewrite might be good
[03:48:00] xris: I *know* a rewrite of the mythweb music code would be good.
[03:48:00] xris: I want to get rid of that code, it's crap.
[03:48:00] thaJeepJerk: so I figured maybe I should find out what you hate so much before I do it again
[03:50:00] xris: mainly, it just doesn't follow the look/feel of my code, which is the bulk of mythweb. and it is/was full of minor security issues, etc.
[03:50:00] ClubFed11 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:50:00] ClubFed11: hey
[03:51:00] dakeyras ( Quit ("Leaving.")
[03:51:00] ClubFed11: 1 quick n00b question, can you run mythtv on windows xp?
[03:51:00] ClubFed11: just heard bout this program today
[03:51:00] thaJeepJerk: no
[03:51:00] ClubFed11: yeah, didn't think so
[03:51:00] dakeyras ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:51:00] ClubFed11: whats the best one to run on xp?
[03:52:00] xris: ClubFed11: gbpvr
[03:52:00] xris: or windows mce
[03:52:00] ClubFed11: thx
[03:52:00] Chacabaou ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:53:00] thaJeepJerk: xris: so make it look a little more like the recorded programs view?
[03:53:00] ClubFed11 ( Quit (Client Quit)
[03:53:00] xris: well, I'm more concerned about code layout
[03:53:00] thaJeepJerk: hmm, that could take longer to follow
[03:54:00] xris: basically, it needs a complete from-scratch rewrite
[03:54:00] daniel_bergamini ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:54:00] kormoc: hey guys, quick question. Any idea how to figure out which LVM a perticular disk is attached to?
[03:54:00] daniel_bergamini ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:54:00] thaJeepJerk: kormoc: physical disk?
[03:54:00] kormoc: thaJeepJerk, yes
[03:54:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: basically, the music stuff is now stored in a weird object-based format... that needs to go.
[03:55:00] xris: db calls need to be migrated to the $db object (like much of the rest of mythweb still needs)
[03:55:00] thaJeepJerk: kormoc: "pvdisplay"
[03:55:00] kormoc: thaJeepJerk, booya! thanks :)
[03:56:00] thaJeepJerk: ok, I think I know about the db object
[03:57:00] thaJeepJerk: uses the Database class right?
[03:58:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: includes/db.php
[03:58:00] spiderworm: odd, i just tried to setup myth on this machine, its giving the following: Unable to connect to the database ... No error type from QSqlError? Strange... ....
[03:58:00] spiderworm: i can connect just fine at the command line, mysql -h -u mythtv -p
[03:58:00] xris: something I wrote for another project, then brought to work and kormoc has enhanced since.
[03:58:00] spiderworm: but the same settings in myth-setup dont seem to work....
[03:58:00] spiderworm: any ideas please?
[03:59:00] xris: spiderworm: what do the db logs say?
[03:59:00] spiderworm: mmm let me check
[03:59:00] thaJeepJerk: xris: yeah, the db stuff is pretty slick
[04:00:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: anyway, I'm more concerned about just getting the code into a structure that follows more with how the rest of mythweb is.
[04:01:00] thaJeepJerk: alright, I'll start checking it out
[04:01:00] EnterServerName: hey xris
[04:01:00] xris: ?
[04:01:00] EnterServerName: i finally GOT nuvexport workign with suse
[04:01:00] EnterServerName: ;)
[04:01:00] ** xris slowly gulps his beer. **
[04:01:00] xris: EnterServerName: cool
[04:01:00] ** EnterServerName gulps his coke **
[04:01:00] EnterServerName: :)
[04:01:00] kormoc: xris, slow gulping is quite the talent
[04:02:00] xris: kormoc: must savor large mouthful.  :)
[04:02:00] kormoc: hehe
[04:02:00] xris: Dick's Lava Rock Porter.
[04:02:00] xris: it's pretty good
[04:02:00] spiderworm: xris: the mysql error log is empty, actually
[04:02:00] xris: spiderworm: run mythfrontend with "-v all"
[04:02:00] xris: see if that returns anything more verbose
[04:02:00] thaJeepJerk: spiderworm: make sure QT is built against the same mysql you have installed
[04:03:00] Chutt ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:03:00] ** xris ponders doing his taxes **
[04:03:00] spiderworm: hmm maybe this: QSqlDatabase: QMYSQL3 driver not loaded
[04:03:00] ** kormoc ponders shutting down **
[04:04:00] nasa: what command do you need to send to xine to have it quit?
[04:04:00] spiderworm: so i need the qt plugin for mysql/
[04:04:00] spiderworm: ?
[04:04:00] xris: spiderworm: mysql libraries for qt
[04:04:00] spiderworm: ok, let me look for them...
[04:04:00] spiderworm: thanks xris
[04:04:00] spiderworm: i would have never figured that out on my own :)
[04:04:00] kormoc: spiderworm, what distro?
[04:05:00] spiderworm: kormoc: suse 10
[04:05:00] kormoc: sorry, donno what the package is for that one
[04:05:00] spiderworm: np, i'll find it :)
[04:06:00] dakeyras ( Quit ("Leaving.")
[04:06:00] thaJeepJerk: xris: whats the best page to start on in getting a feel for mythweb?
[04:06:00] dakeyras ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:06:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: the tv section is the most consistent.
[04:07:00] xris: if you want something simple, take a look at the settings stuff
[04:07:00] xris: crap, looks like weather needs to be de-objected, too
[04:08:00] thaJeepJerk: I'll start with music
[04:08:00] spiderworm: ok, well that fixed it! thanks guys
[04:08:00] thaJeepJerk: people need their playlists
[04:08:00] EnterServerName: hey xris
[04:08:00] EnterServerName: whats the best compression rate with nuvexport
[04:08:00] EnterServerName: with quality?
[04:08:00] jnunez: de-objected? Why?
[04:08:00] xris: EnterServerName: depends on what you want to do with the output
[04:08:00] ** kormoc hopes that he didn't just fdisk the wrong partition **
[04:08:00] EnterServerName: play on computer
[04:08:00] EnterServerName: play it on video
[04:08:00] xris: I tried to pick the defaults as best I could.
[04:09:00] xris: EnterServerName: what export format?
[04:09:00] spiderworm: there seems to be another problem tho.... just tried watching tv and it goes like this... one second smooth, pause for a second, one second smooth, pause for a second,... etc
[04:09:00] spiderworm: it's very regular
[04:09:00] EnterServerName: not sure
[04:09:00] EnterServerName: which is the best :)
[04:09:00] EnterServerName: divx or xvid?
[04:09:00] spiderworm: im connecting to a network mythbackend, is there some way for me to figure out what's causing it to pause?
[04:09:00] daniel_bergamini ( Quit (Client Quit)
[04:10:00] tetra: spiderworm: i solved that problem the hard way
[04:10:00] thaJeepJerk: spiderworm: try using verbose on the mythfrontend
[04:11:00] ** xris doesn't understand companies that won't let him use !@^&)( type characters in passwords **
[04:12:00] xris: EnterServerName: I personally use --transcode --mode xvid, with multipass turned on.
[04:12:00] spiderworm: im getting a lot of this: 2006-01–30 21:11:33.995 prebuffering pause
[04:12:00] xris: the rest are the defaults
[04:12:00] spiderworm: lots of prebuffering pauses....
[04:12:00] EnterServerName: xris
[04:12:00] EnterServerName: how much logner does it take with transcode
[04:12:00] tetra: prebuffering pauses suck
[04:12:00] spiderworm: im assuming i need to figure out how to get rid of those....
[04:12:00] tetra: you know what i had to do to fix prebuffering pauses?
[04:13:00] tetra: my kernel on that problem issue used to be i586
[04:13:00] EnterServerName: xris how do you set multipass on?
[04:13:00] nasa ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[04:13:00] xris: EnterServerName: nuvexportrc
[04:13:00] tetra: i586, COME ON... i586, geez
[04:13:00] EnterServerName: xris: where do i put it?
[04:13:00] xris: it takes about 4 hours to do a two-pass denoised half-hour show
[04:13:00] xris: EnterServerName: it's installed...
[04:13:00] xris: either in /etc, or in ~/.nuvexportrc
[04:13:00] spiderworm: ah... mythcommflag is topping out my server again
[04:13:00] tetra: i changed my kernel from i586 to P4
[04:13:00] EnterServerName: xris bah.. 8 hours :)
[04:14:00] tetra: recompiled my kernel, reinstalled my kernel, rebooted
[04:14:00] spiderworm: is there some way to configure f***ing mythcommflag so that it only uses a certain amount of resources or only runs while i sleep???
[04:14:00] tetra: P4, viola
[04:14:00] tetra: no more prebuffering pauses
[04:14:00] thaJeepJerk: xris: so you want it all into a hash?
[04:14:00] spiderworm: tetra: wow
[04:15:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: huh?
[04:15:00] spiderworm: tetra: thats crazy... why would that have helped?
[04:15:00] xris: spiderworm: it runs at like nice 19
[04:15:00] tetra: spiderworm: because this
[04:15:00] thaJeepJerk: looking at the way you load recorded programs from the backend
[04:15:00] tetra: spiderworm: i originally started having the problems of prebuffering pauses running on a p3–1000 MHz
[04:16:00] tetra: spiderworm: BUT, my kernel was compiled as i586 for some reason, i neglected to see the importance
[04:16:00] spiderworm: hmmm.... interesting.
[04:16:00] tetra: spiderworm: but then i moved it from the p3 system to a p4 system and STILL had the same prebuffering pause problem
[04:16:00] thaJeepJerk: xris: looks like you take an array then break it up into respective hash arrays
[04:16:00] spiderworm: im on a athon xp 2800+ or somethign like that... should mine be compiled for i586 ?
[04:16:00] tetra: spiderworm: recompiled kernel for P4/etc CPUs and that was that, works fine now
[04:17:00] thaJeepJerk: xris: wait, maybe I should finish reading
[04:17:00] EnterServerName: hey xris
[04:17:00] spiderworm: wow
[04:17:00] EnterServerName: how do you makeit skip commercials
[04:17:00] tetra: spiderworm: moral of the story is... if you use linux, know how to compile and install a linux kernel
[04:17:00] spiderworm: so you needed a new kernel to match your hardware upgrade
[04:17:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: what are you trying to do?
[04:17:00] xris: EnterServerName: set up a cutlist in mythtv
[04:17:00] tetra: spiderworm: no, i just needed to compile the kernel correctly
[04:18:00] tetra: spiderworm: i might have done well enough with the P3–1000 if I just compiled the kernel for a P3 instead of only i586
[04:18:00] tetra: spiderworm: since P3 is at least three steps above i586
[04:18:00] spiderworm: soooo what should i compile my kernel for?
[04:18:00] thaJeepJerk: xris: figure out what you expect to be done with the data between the query and feeding it to the theme
[04:18:00] EnterServerName: xris: mythtv-setup?
[04:19:00] tetra: spiderworm: uhhh, do you mean in regards to your CPU?
[04:19:00] spiderworm: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+ <-- my cpu.... yeah, should i compile a kernel for it?
[04:19:00] tetra: at _least_ P3
[04:20:00] xris: EnterServerName: no, in the frontend
[04:20:00] tetra: athlon_xp should be an option in the kernel
[04:20:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: there is no more theme
[04:20:00] tetra: spiderworm: like, make menuconfig...
[04:20:00] spiderworm: well, i'll be....
[04:20:00] xris: are you still looking at .18?
[04:20:00] thaJeepJerk: svn
[04:20:00] thaJeepJerk: from today
[04:21:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: there are no more theme objects
[04:21:00] tetra: mind if i take a small poll on a P4 system i got at an auction for $100?
[04:21:00] spiderworm: tetra: if i compile my own kernel, wont i have to reinstall all my drivers as well, for instance, my nvidia and ivtv drivers?
[04:21:00] tetra: spiderworm: sounds like you don't run gentoo
[04:21:00] spiderworm: damn, i knew i was doing SOMETHING wrong ;)
[04:22:00] tetra: heh :/
[04:22:00] thaJeepJerk: xris: I guess this was throwing me off: "require_once theme_dir.'tv/recorded.php';"
[04:22:00] EnterServerName: xris:
[04:22:00] thaJeepJerk: I'll keep reading
[04:22:00] EnterServerName: hrm how do i know how many minutes is the commercials
[04:22:00] EnterServerName: lol
[04:23:00] spiderworm: tetra: is there no way to control when mythcommflag runs or how much resources it can take up???
[04:23:00] tetra: spiderworm: i'd say, if you were running gentoo, just recompile/install kernel, then emerge nvidia-kernel mythtv
[04:23:00] tetra: spiderworm: yeah, there should be somewhere to set the NICE level, like 19
[04:23:00] spiderworm: and i can use cool flags like --fast-math!
[04:23:00] tetra: spiderworm: i wouldn't recommend it
[04:23:00] spiderworm: i want my math done FAST ... not correct, just FAST!
[04:23:00] ** spiderworm could become a ricer :D **
[04:24:00] tetra: spiderworm: gentoo used to be known for super 0wt control on gcc flags but ever more recently filters out the obvious crap flags that almost always cause crashes
[04:24:00] dasOp: the gentoo ricer myth could be removed just by removing all abilities to set compiler flags other than arch
[04:24:00] spiderworm: i could have a cron job renice mythcommflag every ... minute or so....
[04:24:00] dasOp: and you'd get rid of the actual ones too, what a bonus!
[04:25:00] spiderworm: dasOp: im sure it's greatly exaggerated but i loved that ricer website.... :)
[04:25:00] dasOp: does one *need* to do much else other than set arch?
[04:25:00] tetra: dasOp: yeah that's what most devs of 'other' programs would want.. :(
[04:25:00] Captain_Murdoch: spiderworm: you can control how much cpu it uses in the jobqueue settings page in mythtv-setup.
[04:25:00] dasOp: funroll-loops?
[04:25:00] crazdmnd ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:25:00] kormoc: dasOp, you souldn't speak about things you don't know. Gentoo only filters the CFLAGS, not the ones the packages set themselves.
[04:25:00] tetra: dasOp: funroll-loops is the safest
[04:25:00] spiderworm: Captain_Murdoch: are you serious??? /me looks
[04:25:00] dasOp: tetra: no, thats the page :P
[04:26:00] kormoc: funroll-loops doesn't cause crashes at all, it's just a tad slower usually
[04:26:00] tetra: dasOp: funroll-loops is for large L2 cache
[04:26:00] tetra: kormoc: slower for small cache like 128K
[04:26:00] dasOp: I know what it does
[04:26:00] Captain_Murdoch: spiderworm: set it to High. when it's on the medium setting, it runs niced, when it's on low it runs niced and sleeps a little every frame.
[04:26:00] dasOp: but the gentoo ricer page was called funroll-loops
[04:26:00] dasOp: which is what my comment was about
[04:26:00] kormoc: tetra, it actually helps with smaller cache at times, due to not needing to keep a large chunk of cache used up for the loop
[04:27:00] tetra: dasOp: uncalled-for
[04:27:00] dasOp: kormoc: I wasnt talking about any filtering, just that the ricer myth cant be helping a good solid distro
[04:27:00] tetra: kormoc: unroll loops uses a larger cache
[04:27:00] kormoc: dasOp, ooh? why's that? because people don't know how to set it up?
[04:27:00] tetra: kormoc: not good for celerons
[04:27:00] spiderworm: Captain_Murdoch: actually i want it to use less resources.... so dont i want it set to low?
[04:27:00] kormoc: tetra, not so, it was used very heavely on the motorola 68000 series processor, which has much smaller cache then any desktop one does
[04:28:00] tetra: fah motorola garbage
[04:28:00] tetra: mac crap
[04:28:00] tetra: ibm trash
[04:28:00] kormoc: no
[04:28:00] Captain_Murdoch: spiderworm: yes, it will run at nice level 17 I think and will sleep a little every frame.
[04:28:00] dasOp: kormoc: what got you so riled up?
[04:28:00] tetra: amiga
[04:28:00] dasOp: did I misunderstand something?
[04:28:00] kormoc: dasOp, I use gentoo, and find it's quite stable, and nice
[04:28:00] Manolis (n=pkirchne@ Quit ("[BX] Homer Simpson uses BitchX. D'OH! D'OH! D'OH!")
[04:29:00] kormoc: tetra, it's a awesome processor for it's time, and is still used a lot today
[04:29:00] tetra: kormoc: unfortunately, 68k was and always will be garbage
[04:29:00] dasOp: kormoc: I'm sure it is. friends whose ability I respect use it and that says it for me.
[04:29:00] xris: EnterServerName: you guess (sorry, best answer)... generally, it's about 7 minutes per half-hour
[04:29:00] kormoc: tetra, why's that?
[04:29:00] dasOp: kormoc: I was commenting on the ricer "myth", not that gentoo users are ricers
[04:29:00] kormoc: ahh
[04:29:00] xris: thaJeepJerk: yeah, it just runs the theme file.. which is hopefully entirely limited to display code (no control code)
[04:29:00] tetra: sick of seeing "gentoo" on macs
[04:30:00] tetra: always hated amiga all the way up to 4000 and toasters
[04:30:00] dasOp: kormoc: and I'm sure that most gentoo users are about as fed up about the -fomg-optimized people as the rest of us :P
[04:30:00] dasOp: not that they're as lively as when gentoo started out
[04:31:00] tetra: no
[04:31:00] ** Captain_Murdoch put a couple P4 stickers on his 386sx and now he can play HDTV without even using XvMC **
[04:31:00] tetra: most gentoo devs are happy enough with -O2 now than -O3
[04:31:00] tetra: Captain_Murdoch: wow, your oldschoolness should make your systems run faster
[04:32:00] tetra: good luck
[04:32:00] tetra: kidding
[04:32:00] tetra: or if you use it as a door stop
[04:33:00] tetra: every time the door hits it, it will give an extra boost of speed
[04:33:00] tetra: <_<
[04:33:00] Captain_Murdoch: stickers make everything faster. they help decrease the wind resistance since most are glossy.
[04:33:00] __Ace__ (n=love@ Quit ()
[04:33:00] tetra: Captain_Murdoch: you know what makes those stickers even more glossy?
[04:34:00] dasOp: IC's thrive on wind resistance, helps cooling :P
[04:34:00] Captain_Murdoch: it makes the fans more efficient, less drag
[04:34:00] tetra: Captain_Murdoch: denatured alcohol makes those nasty stickers look like they've almost disappeared ;)
[04:35:00] tetra: case ...
[04:35:00] tetra: tags.. no
[04:35:00] tetra: wtf are those really called
[04:35:00] tetra: ah
[04:36:00] tetra: wouldn't it be nice to have some mythtv badges to stick on computers?
[04:36:00] tetra: though, i'm sure the devs would just love that
[04:36:00] tetra: being right next the the tux penguin badges
[04:37:00] tetra: "mythtv inside"
[04:38:00] mchou: we dont need no stinkin' badges
[04:39:00] tetra: why not
[04:39:00] tetra: blame it on... who/what
[04:39:00] mchou: cause ppl know it's myth
[04:39:00] tetra: no they don't
[04:39:00] mchou: it's not MCE, as an example
[04:39:00] tetra: what about linux
[04:40:00] tetra: mce? w h a t?
[04:40:00] mchou: Tux is one ugly mofo.
[04:40:00] tetra: nobody knows what mce is
[04:40:00] mchou: that's what homer simpson would look like if he went penguin
[04:40:00] tetra: believe me, i've been out there every weekend since long before christmas
[04:40:00] mchou: BSD devil is much better looking
[04:41:00] tetra: homer simpson is microsoft penguin?
[04:41:00] tetra: bsd sucks ass compared to linux
[04:41:00] tetra: linux is way better than *bsd
[04:41:00] mchou: that's beside the point
[04:41:00] tetra: yeah
[04:41:00] tetra: obviously
[04:41:00] mchou: we are talking artistic values here
[04:41:00] tetra: since there are all kinds of bsd, and all of them put together is still less than linux
[04:41:00] tetra: artistic? no
[04:42:00] tetra: not at all
[04:42:00] tetra: there is not much value to art
[04:42:00] mchou: for mascot renderings, yes
[04:42:00] tetra: hardware
[04:42:00] tetra: statistics
[04:42:00] tetra: math
[04:42:00] tetra: art can't be calculated that way, (which makes it worth more in SOME ways)
[04:43:00] tetra: art is variable
[04:43:00] tetra: makes it worth LESS in some ways too..
[04:43:00] tetra: so
[04:43:00] tetra: no, we are not talking artistic values here
[04:44:00] tetra: something more like mythtv vs. ...
[04:44:00] tetra: that other crap
[04:44:00] tetra: those other crapola
[04:44:00] mchou: if you want a mascot make sure you talk to apple artistes :)
[04:44:00] tetra: fuck mascots
[04:44:00] tetra: sorry, if you think i'm using the f word too liberally
[04:44:00] mchou: cause at least they have some taste
[04:44:00] tetra: i am liberal sometimes
[04:45:00] tetra: apple sucks in software and hardware
[04:45:00] tetra: mostly software
[04:45:00] tetra: besides the point
[04:45:00] mchou: lol. not according to ppl who make movies :)
[04:45:00] tetra: what were we talking about
[04:45:00] tetra: hardware?
[04:45:00] tetra: motorola/ibm sucking?
[04:46:00] tetra: oh, mascot renderings
[04:46:00] tetra: that's a joke
[04:46:00] tetra: since every linux variable has its own penguin
[04:46:00] tetra: not just the basic linux "Tux"
[04:46:00] tetra: even though any penguin should suffice
[04:47:00] mchou: all Tux derivatives are fugly
[04:47:00] tetra: the Gentoo is a small and fast penguin
[04:47:00] tetra: yeah, the Gentoo tux looks fat and stupid
[04:47:00] tetra: but
[04:48:00] tetra: those mac people care too much about images
[04:48:00] tetra: and that might be why more people use linux as a desktop than macOS
[04:49:00] thaJeepJerk: xris: you write a LOT of JS huh?
[04:49:00] ** kormoc shakes his head sadly **
[04:50:00] kormoc: tetra, you know very well that osx has a larger market share then linux does on the desktop. Stop spreading FUD.
[04:50:00] tetra: bullshit
[04:50:00] tetra: kormoc:
[04:51:00] kormoc: tetra,
[04:51:00] tetra: kormoc: linux passed OSX in the desktop market almost a year ago and continues to gain market share
[04:51:00] thaJeepJerk: dude, not many ppl at all use linux as a DESKTOP
[04:51:00] tetra: more than 25% of desktops are linux
[04:51:00] mchou: maybe they use them as laptops? :)
[04:51:00] kormoc: tetra, in 2005, osx had a 3.41%, other, which includes linux and bsds are 2%
[04:51:00] kormoc: almost all linux use is server based
[04:52:00] tetra: kormoc: HAH, that's nothing compared to 25%
[04:52:00] kormoc: where is your link that backs up your wild claims?
[04:52:00] thaJeepJerk: yeah, I'm with kormoc on this one
[04:52:00] tetra: ok
[04:52:00] tetra: gimme a few seconds :) linux pwnz
[04:52:00] tetra: macos blows
[04:53:00] thaJeepJerk: did you just say pwnz?
[04:53:00] thaJeepJerk: :P
[04:53:00] kormoc:
[04:53:00] kormoc: Linux *SERVERS* are 28.3% of the market share
[04:53:00] sean33 ( Quit ()
[04:54:00] tetra: interesting, all of the web sites i can "google" for show up as windowsitpro.* and zdnet
[04:54:00] tetra: heh
[04:54:00] mchou: kormoc: haha, "Linux user group of Iraq"
[04:55:00] tetra: let me hit past the first page
[04:55:00] mchou: kormoc: that link just lost all credibility
[04:55:00] thaJeepJerk: try
[04:55:00] tetra: as i just saw in another of my channels, "my dime has run out"
[04:55:00] mchou: kormoc: sounds more like a Bush mouthpiece
[04:57:00] jnunez ( Quit ()
[04:57:00] mchou: kormoc: where the the LUG Iraq get their electricity?
[04:57:00] mchou: does*
[04:57:00] tetra: i just wish someday more people would use linux than m$ windoze
[04:58:00] tetra: that would matter more than people using linux more than macOS
[04:58:00] tetra: i mean, if i was stuck with inferior mac hardware, i'd much rather use linux than macOS
[04:59:00] tetra: like the gibberish mac/intel commercials
[04:59:00] tetra: as of late
[04:59:00] squeegy: dull little tasks
[04:59:00] tetra: set my mac hardware free to run non-crap tasks
[05:00:00] tetra: the mac was the dull little tasks, like toasting bread
[05:00:00] tetra: and a crappy job of toasting bread it did, little household appliances macs are
[05:00:00] thaJeepJerk: tetra: do you smoke pot?
[05:00:00] squeegy: you scared the mac is coming to get you or something?
[05:01:00] tetra: heh
[05:01:00] thaJeepJerk: because you should
[05:01:00] tetra: i just want to smush the 10% of the mac market into oblivion that it is
[05:01:00] kormoc (n=kormoc@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:01:00] squeegy: tetra: good luck, you'll have to pry my powerbook from my dead hands
[05:01:00] tetra: the G5 sucks
[05:02:00] tetra: squeegy: more like pry the dead powerbook from your hands
[05:02:00] thaJeepJerk: wish I had a powerbook
[05:02:00] tetra: paperweight
[05:03:00] tetra: why make crappy hardware worse with macOS
[05:03:00] thaJeepJerk: kormoc: you follow the JS in mythweb?
[05:03:00] tetra: at least run linux
[05:03:00] tetra: make the best of a loss
[05:04:00] simcop2387-vnc is now known as simcop2387
[05:04:00] dasOp: one size fits all eh?
[05:06:00] tetra: x86 > 68k
[05:07:00] dasOp: dunno the arch itself, but the 68k cpu is ancient
[05:07:00] tetra: yeah
[05:07:00] dasOp: why are you comparing a stone axe to a chain saw?
[05:07:00] tetra: so is x86
[05:07:00] dasOp: no, the last development of the 68k
[05:08:00] tetra: is like
[05:08:00] tetra: ... a 486
[05:08:00] tetra: i know
[05:08:00] tetra: and it relied on external independent hardware
[05:08:00] tetra: its glory
[05:08:00] tetra: so what
[05:08:00] dasOp: is your point?
[05:08:00] thaJeepJerk: you know the two are totally different architectures, right?
[05:08:00] thaJeepJerk: not really meant to be compared
[05:08:00] tetra: i know
[05:08:00] dasOp: an x86 isnt an x86 nowadays anyways
[05:08:00] dasOp: whats in a name?
[05:09:00] thaJeepJerk: And RISC and outpace CISC
[05:09:00] tetra: cisc was better
[05:09:00] tetra: was
[05:09:00] tetra: for a LONG time
[05:09:00] thaJeepJerk: so you're saying its not anymore?
[05:09:00] tetra: until i686
[05:09:00] tetra: well, since i686 it's all been risc anyway
[05:10:00] thaJeepJerk: you know that i686 is CISC, right?
[05:10:00] tetra: P3/athlon has all been risc
[05:10:00] tetra: yeah
[05:10:00] tetra: i686 is P2
[05:10:00] dasOp: its more riscalike internally but the instruction set we use is still cisc
[05:10:00] tetra: P2-
[05:10:00] riddlebox ( Quit ("Leaving")
[05:10:00] thaJeepJerk: actually the whole x86 set (including P3 and athalon) are CISC
[05:11:00] dasOp: exactly
[05:11:00] tetra: dasOp: no, only because it's backwards compatible with cisc, which makes it better than 68k
[05:11:00] tetra: thaJeepJerk: ATHLON, six letters not seven.
[05:11:00] dasOp: that ole stone wall comes to mind
[05:11:00] thaJeepJerk: tetra: shit, you burned me
[05:12:00] tetra: damn, athlon has been around for how many, EIGHT years or more, and you still can't spell it correctly
[05:12:00] thaJeepJerk: I'm over it
[05:12:00] tetra: well
[05:12:00] tetra: hearing problem?
[05:12:00] Spida_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:12:00] thaJeepJerk: but at least I know its instruction set
[05:13:00] ** dasOp doesnt find much thats risc in the p4's instruction set either **
[05:13:00] tetra: thaJeepJerk: if you think it's "ath a lon" get your hearing checked, maybe you can pull from the ADA
[05:14:00] thaJeepJerk: ouch
[05:14:00] dasOp: but then I've only used x86 and ppc asm so what basis do I have for comparison? no 68k there
[05:14:00] tetra: dasOp: it's RISC with backwards compatibility with CISC
[05:14:00] dasOp: oh, right
[05:14:00] dasOp: so please elaborate on what that means
[05:14:00] tetra: dasOp: what? PPC is 68k based. :)
[05:14:00] dasOp: no
[05:14:00] thaJeepJerk: tetra: where are you coming from here?
[05:14:00] dasOp: its not
[05:14:00] tetra: heh
[05:15:00] dasOp: deep in ganja land
[05:15:00] thaJeepJerk: maybe some facts here
[05:15:00] thaJeepJerk: ?
[05:15:00] thaJeepJerk: some background links?
[05:15:00] dasOp: I remember very well when macs switched to ppc
[05:15:00] tetra: i'm coming from x86 is better than apple/motorola/ibm
[05:15:00] dasOp: and there wasnt any compatability there at all
[05:15:00] thaJeepJerk: dasOp: I remember that, it sucked for me
[05:16:00] dasOp: no, you're coming from "I think x86 is better than apple/motorola/ibm", which may be the truth, or not
[05:16:00] thaJeepJerk: dasOp: made me switch to x86, that and Apple almost going under
[05:16:00] tetra: all you need to know is apple will be proprietary
[05:16:00] dasOp: sure it will
[05:16:00] tetra: PROPRIETARY
[05:16:00] dasOp: I dont really care
[05:16:00] tetra: sucks
[05:16:00] thaJeepJerk: tetra: will be? it always HAS BEEN
[05:16:00] thaJeepJerk: that doesn't make it suck
[05:16:00] dasOp: I'm equally at home on windows, osx, linux and solaris
[05:16:00] tetra: thaJeepJerk: yes it does
[05:16:00] dasOp: I've never ever felt one size fits all
[05:16:00] simcop2387: tetra: AK?
[05:17:00] tetra: solaris sucks too
[05:17:00] thaJeepJerk: do you have a video game console?
[05:17:00] dasOp: I'm kinda with you there
[05:17:00] thaJeepJerk: solaris does suck
[05:17:00] dasOp: but I doubt you know enough to care, you're just repeating what others have told you
[05:17:00] tetra: i've used enough to know
[05:17:00] tetra: simcop2387: ALASKA
[05:18:00] simcop2387: i've never been to alaska in my life
[05:18:00] dasOp: its mostly minor lil things about older sunos versions that do irritate the crap out of me
[05:18:00] Servo888 ( Quit ("Leaving")
[05:19:00] dasOp: new solaris I have no problem with
[05:19:00] dasOp: other than when it runs on sparcs :P
[05:19:00] tetra: solaris is best on sparcs
[05:19:00] tetra: wtf
[05:19:00] thaJeepJerk: for me its the multipath IO support and async handling
[05:19:00] thaJeepJerk: or lack there of
[05:20:00] dasOp: have you run solaris on opterons?
[05:20:00] dasOp: multipath usually requires vendor support in its entirety
[05:20:00] dasOp: no help from sun there
[05:21:00] thaJeepJerk: thats what I'm saying
[05:21:00] dasOp: doesnt mean its impossible to get
[05:21:00] tetra: solaris would run better on sparcs
[05:22:00] thaJeepJerk: I help provide it :)
[05:22:00] tetra: one reason solaris isn't as good as linux
[05:22:00] dasOp: tetra: isnt there some other chan you can troll in?
[05:22:00] tetra: dasOp: eat my troll
[05:22:00] tetra: dasOp: go troll in #solaris or something
[05:23:00] thaJeepJerk: ok then, this channel is dead for the night
[05:23:00] thaJeepJerk: later
[05:23:00] Spida ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:23:00] tetra: "resubscribing" or whatever it was called worked for me on that site that provides program guides for mythtv
[05:23:00] tetra: in case anyone cares about mythtv
[05:23:00] thaJeepJerk: tetra: you were the guy earlier?
[05:23:00] tetra: thaJeepJerk: since you think it's dead for the night
[05:24:00] tetra: what guy earlier?
[05:24:00] tetra: the person with the once in three months problem with zap2it failing?
[05:24:00] tetra: because they only have a three-month subscription?
[05:24:00] thaJeepJerk: tetra: the one about 5 hours ago asking about zap2it?
[05:24:00] tetra: i didn't even know until xris mentioned zap2it
[05:24:00] tetra: i forgot completely
[05:25:00] thaJeepJerk: right
[05:25:00] tetra: had no time to memorize the entire howto
[05:25:00] tetra: mythtv howto is how many pages too long??
[05:25:00] thaJeepJerk: good to hear you got fixed at least
[05:25:00] tetra: i think i did
[05:25:00] dasOp: ugh that'd be a feat, memorizing it
[05:25:00] dasOp: tetra: apologies about the troll thing, lets just agree to disagree ok?
[05:25:00] thaJeepJerk: you wouldn't believe how many times I've been in there
[05:25:00] tetra: went to the backend server and looked at it after running mythfilldatabase after reissuing subscription
[05:25:00] tetra: looks normal instead of blank :) :)
[05:26:00] tetra: dasOp: yeah, for this channel, it's so off-topic, who cares about those little details
[05:26:00] tetra: dasOp: as long as we can get mythtv running
[05:26:00] tetra: dasOp: it's all good
[05:26:00] dasOp: yeah
[05:26:00] dasOp: that took long enough (for me)
[05:27:00] tetra: dasOp: i mean, i don't care if you're running an ATARI
[05:27:00] tetra: dasOp: if it runs mythtv and you record and watch and do all the normal stuff we do, that's just fantastic
[05:28:00] thaJeepJerk: that would be one SLOOOW commflag
[05:29:00] tetra: considering some bandwidth
[05:29:00] dasOp: haha yup
[05:29:00] dasOp: I have run an atari, it almost didnt handle the midi data (and midi is around 26kbit/s)
[05:30:00] dasOp: my mythbox is rather limited at the moment, its just an athlon850 with a grabber card
[05:30:00] tetra: always preferred pcm or other streams over midi
[05:30:00] thaJeepJerk: hardware encoder?
[05:30:00] dasOp: nope, grabber means no hw help
[05:30:00] thaJeepJerk: not too much pcm in the Atari 800
[05:30:00] dasOp: but it does rtjpeg just fine
[05:31:00] thaJeepJerk: nice
[05:31:00] dasOp: I dont have a frontend from it
[05:31:00] thaJeepJerk: ?
[05:31:00] dasOp: watching is via mythweb/dsmyth on win, or the frontend on my powerbook
[05:31:00] tetra: thaJeepJerk: that's really speaking from the boneyard though
[05:32:00] dasOp: if you wanted good sound, youi got an amiga. if midi/cubase was your thing (and it was mine), you used an atari
[05:32:00] UBL ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:32:00] thaJeepJerk: dasOp: hows getting the frontend going on OSX?
[05:32:00] dasOp: works just fine
[05:32:00] dasOp: eats alot of cpu, not exactly optimized
[05:32:00] tetra: dasOp: nah, around that time period, use a PC with either soundblaster pro or gs
[05:32:00] dasOp: but I've no issues with it
[05:33:00] thaJeepJerk: Compiles easy?
[05:33:00] dasOp: I had a pc with a pro in it
[05:33:00] dasOp: but it wasnt for the same thing
[05:33:00] dasOp: the atari drove my synths nicely
[05:33:00] dasOp: I didnt use it for anything else
[05:33:00] tetra: dasOp: i remember a friend of mine always gloating about the amiga for the same things people gloat about macs nowadays, sound/video/graphics
[05:34:00] dasOp: it was good at it for a time
[05:34:00] dasOp: atleast when the 500 was new, it was the best. but time sure caught up with it :P
[05:34:00] thaJeepJerk: I had a mac plus for my Midi :)
[05:34:00] tetra: dasOp: at the same time PC was better..
[05:34:00] tetra: dasOp: dollar for dollar
[05:34:00] tetra: midi was never as good as pcm
[05:35:00] tetra: er, aiff *cough*
[05:35:00] thaJeepJerk: alright, on that note, I'm outta here
[05:35:00] tetra: same thing
[05:35:00] thaJeepJerk ( has left #mythtv-users
[05:35:00] dasOp: are you comparing midi and aiff/pcm?
[05:35:00] tetra: aiff in amigaland was 8-bit when pcm was 16-bit or better in PC land
[05:36:00] tetra: dasOp: yes, actually, I am, midi was crap compared to real sound samples
[05:36:00] tetra: midi was synthesized
[05:36:00] dasOp: yeah
[05:36:00] dasOp: but midi is just the controlling part
[05:36:00] dasOp: not the actual samples or whatnot
[05:36:00] tetra: there weren't "samples"
[05:37:00] dasOp: that depends on what the midi was controlling, right?
[05:37:00] dasOp: are you referring to the midi sound banks found on early sound cards?
[05:37:00] dasOp: cause those sure were crap
[05:38:00] tetra: a bad idea
[05:38:00] dasOp: yup
[05:38:00] tetra: samples are better
[05:38:00] tetra: they're real
[05:38:00] dasOp: in my studio, I had external synthesizers, samplers and other stuff
[05:38:00] dasOp: thats what the atari controlled
[05:38:00] dasOp: not some silly lil sound bank in a crap sound card
[05:38:00] tetra: real sound samples are quantifiable and qualitative
[05:38:00] tetra: midi isn't
[05:39:00] dasOp: do you know what midi is?
[05:39:00] tetra: some hardware isn't going to make samples any better
[05:39:00] tetra: music something something interface
[05:39:00] dasOp: well a sampler does what a pc does
[05:39:00] tetra: i don't care
[05:40:00] dasOp: then why are we having this discussion? you're arguing against something you dont know much about
[05:40:00] tetra: as long as the samples are 44.1KHz 16-bit stereo, that's all that matters, can't do better.
[05:40:00] dasOp: except you can only really capture about half that frequency
[05:40:00] dasOp: but thats getting sound nerdy
[05:40:00] tetra: the sound is the sample
[05:40:00] tetra: midi isn't
[05:40:00] tetra: midi is artificially generated
[05:41:00] tetra: although, samples can be too
[05:41:00] dasOp: midi isnt sound at all
[05:41:00] dasOp: its telling something "hey you, play it"
[05:41:00] tetra: i know, that's the problem with midi
[05:41:00] tetra: it sounds different on every piece of hardware
[05:41:00] dasOp: heh
[05:41:00] tetra: everywhere you go it's different
[05:41:00] dasOp: I'm providing you with way too much entertainment :P
[05:41:00] tetra: samples are the same no matter what
[05:41:00] dasOp: gotta finish up my shift
[05:42:00] dasOp: have a good night
[05:42:00] tetra: yeah
[05:42:00] tetra: entertainment is being right?
[05:42:00] tetra: :\
[05:43:00] dasOp: by repeatedly arguing against things you dont know much about, I'll have to amuse you're having fun at my expense
[05:43:00] tetra: i know midi isn't real
[05:43:00] tetra: and you say I don't know much about it because I say midi isn't real
[05:44:00] dasOp: I've used midi for 20 years
[05:44:00] tetra: i haven't said anything wrong about midi
[05:44:00] dasOp: midi isnt a sound at all
[05:44:00] tetra: it's a digital interface
[05:44:00] tetra: that's the problem
[05:44:00] dasOp: you might call it that
[05:44:00] tetra: it's not s3m
[05:44:00] tetra: it's not mod
[05:45:00] tetra: it's not sampled
[05:45:00] tetra: it's not 669
[05:45:00] tetra: those were all much better interfaces
[05:45:00] tetra: .xm
[05:45:00] dasOp: .xm
[05:45:00] dasOp: I've done a shitload of ft2
[05:45:00] dasOp: and a mod is a bunch of samples arranged to play in a certain way
[05:46:00] dasOp: no what specifies how those samples play?
[05:46:00] dasOp: s/no/now
[05:46:00] tetra: the code
[05:46:00] dasOp: and the code, is directly comparable to midi
[05:46:00] tetra: even .mod had some code
[05:46:00] tetra: incomparable to midi
[05:46:00] tetra: COMPLETELY different
[05:46:00] dasOp: midi isnt sound, it tells stuff to play
[05:46:00] tetra: two worlds apart
[05:47:00] dasOp: the tracker scene was apart
[05:47:00] tetra: midi was always more like tone generation
[05:47:00] dasOp: bah stop it
[05:47:00] dasOp: I'm giving up
[05:47:00] dasOp: night
[05:47:00] tetra: midi never used samples
[05:48:00] tetra: it was like "this set of code instructions makes this little bit of sample that loops"
[05:48:00] tetra: at best comparabile to chip-tune samples in mods
[05:48:00] tetra: and even chips were better than midi because it was standard
[05:49:00] tetra: play a MIDI tune on 100 different cards and it sounded 100 different ways
[05:50:00] tetra: while samples varied slightly on different cards (like GUS/SB) they mostly sounded the same on different SB-compatible cards
[05:51:00] tetra: creative labs sound blaster was standard
[05:52:00] tetra: gravis ultrasound was not.. (european, etc.)
[05:52:00] dasOp: now I see what you're getting at. we didnt use midi to redistribute
[05:52:00] tetra: oh
[05:52:00] dasOp: we used it to create music we could record and send for mastering
[05:52:00] DGnome ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:52:00] tetra: like sheet music
[05:52:00] dasOp: and hopefully get on vinyl and cd
[05:53:00] tetra: no, vinyl and cd would be more like sampling
[05:53:00] dasOp: nah, not produce notation
[05:53:00] tetra: midi would be more like sheet music for a composer
[05:53:00] dasOp: why are you telling me what midi is?
[05:53:00] drumkilla: lol, you guys are out of hand
[05:53:00] dasOp: yup
[05:54:00] dasOp: its late, we both seem to like a good argument :P
[05:54:00] tetra: dasOp: i don't know, it's kind of like people who use a PC for one year and try to tell me what it is.. i guess
[05:54:00] tetra: drumkilla: sorry if it's off topic
[05:54:00] drumkilla: heh, I don't care
[05:54:00] tetra: dasOp: well, it seems like there is plenty of room
[05:54:00] drumkilla: it's just funny, because you're both trying to tell each other how much you know about midi ... you're not arguing at all
[05:55:00] drumkilla: you've been agreeing the whole time :)
[05:55:00] tetra: maybe?  :)
[05:55:00] drumkilla: but anyone, continue if you wish :)
[05:55:00] drumkilla: anyway*
[05:56:00] dasOp: I'm trying to get through that midi is the controller and not the sound producing thingy
[05:56:00] dasOp: it just wont take :P
[05:56:00] tetra: i just loved how 256 channels of s3m sounded the same no matter which computer I played it on
[05:56:00] tetra: unless it was a GUS in an amiga :)
[05:56:00] dasOp: um, s3m never had that many channels, did it? :P
[05:57:00] tetra: just checking
[05:57:00] Notorious ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:57:00] dasOp: impulse tracker did
[05:57:00] dasOp: ft2 stayed with 32 (or was it 64) and stuff sounded great in it
[05:57:00] tetra: screamtracker only had 32 i think
[05:57:00] tetra: i never made much with those, except from sheet music :)
[05:58:00] tetra: my sound cards always supported 256 voices
[05:59:00] dasOp: dont think it really care, all tracker players after the original mod player downmixed to stereo
[05:59:00] tetra: hmm
[05:59:00] tetra: not screamtracker, i think, that's one example
[06:00:00] tetra: i ran multiple copies of that and it complained if one exceeded the voices
[06:00:00] dasOp: nope
[06:00:00] dasOp: yeah, in those days, the sound card wasnt exactly sharable :P
[06:00:00] tetra: i listened to many tracked songs at the same time
[06:02:00] ole_schoola ( Quit ()
[06:03:00] tetra: what was that one multitasking dosish OS before i caught linux..
[06:03:00] drumkilla (n=russell@asterisk/developer-and-stable-maintainer/drumkilla) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:03:00] tetra: not OS/2
[06:05:00] ** cesman misses his Amiga **
[06:05:00] tetra: i could play so many s3ms that either my sound card would run out of voices or
[06:05:00] tetra: my computer would slow down
[06:05:00] cesman: not to mention Denise, Paula and Fat Agnus
[06:06:00] tetra: computer names or computer owners?
[06:07:00] ** a1fa mises his Amiga500 **
[06:08:00] tetra: what was the last one? Amiga 4000? maybe 5000?
[06:08:00] crazdmnd ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:08:00] a1fa: 4k
[06:08:00] tetra: heh
[06:08:00] tetra: 4000 was ass, little more than a SVHS frontend
[06:09:00] a1fa: i liked A1200
[06:09:00] a1fa: 8 years ago
[06:09:00] a1fa: :P
[06:09:00] a1fa: they are useless now
[06:09:00] tetra: 4000 was 12 years ago.
[06:09:00] tetra: come on.
[06:09:00] a1fa: i used to surf internet with my A500
[06:10:00] tetra: probably mostly bbs
[06:10:00] a1fa: 19000bps serial modem
[06:10:00] a1fa: yup
[06:10:00] tetra: 19200
[06:10:00] a1fa: bbs
[06:10:00] tetra: probably some crap hayes modem
[06:10:00] a1fa: no
[06:10:00] DemonicMember ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:10:00] DemonicMember: hello
[06:10:00] tetra: hsf..
[06:10:00] a1fa: it was a a damn good modem
[06:10:00] tetra: mhm, i remember those 19200...
[06:10:00] DemonicMember: How the hell do i install Mythtv...i cant find an exe
[06:10:00] a1fa: tetra : it was a PC modem
[06:11:00] tetra: a1fa: us robotics?
[06:11:00] a1fa: "PC"
[06:11:00] a1fa: nope
[06:11:00] a1fa: it started with W
[06:11:00] tetra: wyse?
[06:11:00] a1fa: longer name :P
[06:11:00] DemonicMember: hello?
[06:11:00] a1fa: i had a blast
[06:12:00] tetra: DemonicMember: in gentoo i used "emerge mythtv"
[06:12:00] a1fa: i used a terminal program made in Basic
[06:12:00] a1fa: i use svn
[06:12:00] tetra: a1fa: sure
[06:12:00] tetra: a1fa: like somethingbox
[06:12:00] a1fa: yeah
[06:12:00] a1fa: something like that
[06:12:00] a1fa: white oval box with bunch of redlights
[06:12:00] tetra: a1fa: or workbench
[06:13:00] a1fa: well i used the dialup made in basic in workbench
[06:13:00] a1fa: some sort tty emulation
[06:13:00] a1fa: i could telnet and stuff
[06:13:00] a1fa: no ppp
[06:13:00] tetra: ppp wasn't the times
[06:13:00] tetra: dial-up shell and telnet were it
[06:14:00] a1fa: yeah
[06:14:00] a1fa: i loved the bbs games
[06:14:00] a1fa: :P
[06:14:00] tetra: heh
[06:14:00] a1fa: LOTRD
[06:14:00] tetra: how about tradewars 2002
[06:14:00] a1fa: tetra :
[06:14:00] tetra: yeah, you know it
[06:14:00] tetra: second time i've heard it, is it that good?
[06:15:00] a1fa: travian is ok
[06:15:00] DemonicMember ( has left #mythtv-users
[06:15:00] a1fa: i am on server 1
[06:15:00] a1fa: 20k people
[06:15:00] tetra: damn
[06:15:00] a1fa: i get attacked once a while
[06:15:00] tetra: how many old bbs games can you name?
[06:15:00] a1fa: oh shit
[06:15:00] a1fa: i need to get drunk first
[06:15:00] tetra: i remember legend of the red dragon
[06:15:00] Guest57832 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:15:00] tetra: didn't play it much though
[06:16:00] tetra: too busy with tw2002 and such
[06:16:00] a1fa: well LORTD came standard with Maximus BBS
[06:16:00] tetra: i wrote scripts in my dial-up program to play the games for me :)
[06:16:00] a1fa: hAXER LO
[06:16:00] a1fa: i was good in LORTD
[06:17:00] a1fa: top10 on a local BBS
[06:17:00] winga ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:17:00] a1fa: almost got my asskicked bcos of the game
[06:17:00] majesty ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:17:00] a1fa: i attacked some guy and trash talked
[06:17:00] a1fa: the guy figured out who I was and came up to me while I was walking downtown
[06:17:00] a1fa: lol
[06:17:00] a1fa: only a game
[06:17:00] winga: when i try to go to my mythweb page i get nothing, looking at the apache logs it says that /var/www/favicon.ico isn't found
[06:18:00] winga: it was working earlier
[06:18:00] a1fa: winga : lol
[06:18:00] PT12 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:18:00] a1fa: favicon.ico
[06:18:00] a1fa: is the browser trying to get the icon for your site
[06:18:00] winga: oh ok
[06:18:00] tetra: at one point i connected to more than 70 BBSes per day
[06:18:00] Guest57832 is now known as majesty
[06:18:00] a1fa: tail -f /var/log/error.log
[06:19:00] tetra: winga: favicon.ico is a browser thing, not a server thing
[06:19:00] winga: that was the only error in it
[06:19:00] a1fa: winga : you need to wait a few seconds
[06:19:00] winga: ok
[06:19:00] a1fa: it will redirect you
[06:19:00] a1fa: check access.log
[06:19:00] a1fa: as well
[06:19:00] a1fa: var/log/apache/access.log
[06:19:00] a1fa: aight
[06:19:00] a1fa: i need to go to sleep
[06:19:00] a1fa: work in 6h
[06:19:00] a1fa: ;* it sucks to work.. i whish my daddy was a billionare
[06:20:00] tetra: favicon.ico is the icon for the web page, like i.e. shows the funky e character as a default background if it doesn't get favicon.ico from the server, etc etc
[06:20:00] tetra: a1fa: fuck that, work for yourself
[06:20:00] a1fa: tetra : i cant.. i am not a us citizen yet
[06:20:00] tetra: a1fa: damn, i worked for someone making $100 per hour off of me and paid me $10 per hour, it doesn't take much to do that math
[06:20:00] a1fa: few more years
[06:20:00] tetra: a1fa: that doesn't matter really
[06:21:00] a1fa: u get caught and you get deported ;P
[06:21:00] a1fa: i need my job.. too many loans
[06:21:00] a1fa: school, car, bike
[06:21:00] winga ( has left #mythtv-users
[06:21:00] a1fa: about to buy me a seadoo
[06:22:00] a1fa: and 52" plazma :P
[06:22:00] a1fa: night
[06:23:00] tetra: i make twice as much as i did at my 'previous' job
[06:23:00] tetra: and i barely know how to spell entrepreneur
[06:24:00] tetra: probably some french word
[06:24:00] tetra: so be it
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[06:48:00] sc004 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:48:00] sc004: heloooooooooo
[06:51:00] dasOp ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[06:57:00] tetra: heeeeeeeeeeey
[07:07:00] fatmatt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:14:00] sc004: sup tetra :>
[07:14:00] sc004: you a mythtv lover like I am?
[07:19:00] shizl ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[07:22:00] ChanServ sets mode +v Chutt
[07:22:00] garage ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:23:00] garage: My knoppix install of mythtv doesn't play oggs ?! what pre-req do I need?
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[07:45:00] Faithful ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:03:00] nanoITXbbiaw is now known as nanoITX
[08:03:00] nanoITX: well, that was a long while
[08:04:00] sc004: welcome back nano!
[08:06:00] nanoITX: had a bad KVM switch
[08:06:00] sc004: where do you live?
[08:06:00] nanoITX: I got xine working fine, with xxmc on the nano/CN400: 30% idle rendering 1080i
[08:06:00] nanoITX: WA
[08:06:00] nanoITX: WA, USA
[08:06:00] sc004: lots of computer users in WA
[08:07:00] sc004: wait, what is this CN400 you speak of?
[08:07:00] nanoITX: 'course pushing 1920x1440x60Hzx16bpp on a PF790 was, er, interesting
[08:07:00] nanoITX: CN400 is the graphics chip on the nanoITX board
[08:07:00] sc004: ah
[08:07:00] nanoITX: openchrome drivers have it do H/W MPEG2 decoding to HD resolutions.
[08:07:00] sc004: so you're a HD MythTV user?
[08:07:00] nanoITX: In this codner: a 400W P4 3.0 GHz barely managing to render 1080i...
[08:07:00] sc004: it is very tempting... but that's expensive!
[08:08:00] nanoITX: and in this codner, a 60W nanoITX barely puffing along.
[08:08:00] nanoITX: expensive, yes, but silence is golden
[08:08:00] nanoITX: got it in an LC08 case.
[08:08:00] nanoITX: trying to get myth up, but it's balking compile mythdvd on the qt libs I have
[08:09:00] sc004: sucks
[08:09:00] nanoITX: So I just recompiled qt from scratch
[08:09:00] xris ( Quit ("l8r")
[08:09:00] nanoITX: the nano sure is sweet, if expensive at $400
[08:09:00] sc004: what's your favorite tv show? if you don't mind me asking... I know it's sort of personal
[08:09:00] nanoITX: that's tough.
[08:09:00] Faithful ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:10:00] nanoITX: I rather liked Lexx when it ran
[08:10:00] nanoITX: King of the Hill ranks up there for animated
[08:11:00] nanoITX: also, WhatAMess and Rocco's Modern Life for animated
[08:11:00] nanoITX: BTW, I'm chatting on the nano now.
[08:11:00] sc004: do you record your animated shows in high-def if available?
[08:11:00] nanoITX: not yet.
[08:11:00] a1fa (n=a1fa@ Quit ("My damn controlling terminal disappeared!")
[08:11:00] nanoITX: Want to tho.
[08:11:00] nanoITX: I gotta get a new HD set ... my Sony is starting to die.
[08:12:00] nanoITX: it appears that one gun is shot (CRT)
[08:12:00] nanoITX: Saw a nice 37" LCD recently... I figured that AND eventually a projector
[08:12:00] nanoITX: BTW, I dunno of any animated stuff that's actually rendered in HD
[08:13:00] sc004: hey you know the digital cable boxes with the rj-45 connectors and infrared.. are those strictly for controlling it remotely? or can you actually grab data from it too?
[08:14:00] nanoITX: some cable boxes let you grab video over firewire, but only open stuff
[08:14:00] nanoITX: however, there are h/w hacks for satellite boxes that'll give you anything the box decrypts
[08:14:00] nanoITX: 169time is one supplier
[08:15:00] sc004: I see
[08:16:00] nanoITX: damn this KVM switch is acting up again
[08:16:00] sc004: I only watch 4 TV shows per week
[08:16:00] sc004: the KVM switch switches between your nano and your mythbackend?
[08:16:00] nanoITX: yup
[08:16:00] sc004: do you run CVS of myth?
[08:17:00] nanoITX: no
[08:17:00] nanoITX: not yet
[08:17:00] sc004: I'm getting excited to upgrade
[08:17:00] sc004: been running .18 since it was released
[08:18:00] fatmatt ( Quit ("fatmatt goes to ride the magic bus")
[08:18:00] nanoITX: mee too... or at leat trying to... got myth built, but am having trouble compiling mythdvd... doesn't like the stock FC3 qt includes
[08:19:00] nanoITX: Oh, the main purpose of my myth box isn't so much as a PVR frontend, but rather to cache my CDs and DVDs, so HD is just an extra
[08:19:00] nanoITX: I plan to stick a 500 GB drive in it.
[08:19:00] sc004: nice
[08:19:00] stamppot ( has left #mythtv-users
[08:19:00] nanoITX: but, as you say, expensive: with the drive and DVD/RW, it'll be around $1000
[08:20:00] nanoITX: Still, I took it to work and played back a few HD trailers on a monitor at the office, and people freaked
[08:20:00] sc004: yeah, it's very cool, but I just don't need it
[08:20:00] nanoITX: to each his own.
[08:20:00] nanoITX: To rip my CDs and DVDs to one box is priceless to me
[08:20:00] sc004: plus my mythfrontend is in my bedroom and only has an 11Mb connection... so no chance of streaming anything HD
[08:21:00] nanoITX: be a man: pull cable
[08:21:00] sc004: i'm scared to go into the attic
[08:21:00] sc004: rats up there
[08:22:00] nanoITX: You haven't LIVED until you spanned two ceiling joists in an attic holding a drill, drilling through a top plate, realilizing it's a 12 foot drop through the ceiling dfrywall to the carpet over slab below.
[08:22:00] sc004: haha
[08:22:00] nanoITX: been there, done that.
[08:22:00] sc004: yeah maybe I should lay some cable
[08:22:00] nanoITX: This will be the third house I wire.
[08:23:00] nanoITX: had 4000 feet of coax and cat5e in the last one
[08:23:00] sc004: all your homes?
[08:23:00] nanoITX: er, 4000 feet each of Cat5e and COAX in the last house alone.
[08:24:00] nanoITX: had an installer help me pull cable, though.
[08:25:00] nanoITX: He did most of the attic crawling... I just did some, and terminated all the drops.
[08:25:00] sc004: favorite DVD?
[08:25:00] nanoITX: LOTR:ROTK
[08:25:00] nanoITX: Actually, the whole trilogy.
[08:25:00] sc004: I still haven't seen that one, seen the first two though
[08:26:00] nanoITX: I have the regular editions, want to get the extended versions of all three.
[08:26:00] nanoITX: read the books as a kid so....
[08:26:00] sc004: how many computers do you have?
[08:26:00] sc004: mythbackend & frontend (2)
[08:26:00] sc004: any others?
[08:26:00] sc004: and do you name them anything cool?
[08:27:00] nanoITX: Lesse: desktop, nano, firewall (iptables on Linix) and mail server, 1 TB fileserver.
[08:27:00] sc004: 1 TB fileserver!!! and you need 500 more gigs?
[08:28:00] nanoITX: nah: office, mythtv, server, and mother (mother is the big file server, short for m........ker.
[08:28:00] nanoITX: yeah, well.
[08:28:00] sc004: sup tumnao
[08:28:00] nanoITX: It's only $290 to put a big disk in the nano
[08:29:00] Netslayer ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:29:00] Netslayer: in regards to ATSC.. when the stations freq is 31 and channel is 5.1 ... what is their real OTA channel?
[08:29:00] sc004: I named my three computers; melee(mythbackend/mail/www/allthatcrap), donnybrook(winXP desktop), and free-for-all(bedroom mythfrontend)
[08:30:00] garage ( Quit ("Leaving")
[08:30:00] sc004: they are fighting terms... that's the theme I went for
[08:30:00] Netslayer: ie since UHF is 14–69 isn't that the freq?
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[08:30:00] sc004: netslayer, I'm unsure, sorry :(
[08:31:00] nanoITX: 5 is probably the legacy station channel, and .1 is the particular feed.
[08:31:00] Netslayer: in LA here we have KTLA 5.1 (31), KTTV 11.1 (65), KNBC 4.1 (36) ..
[08:31:00] Netslayer: so i'm looking for a UHF antenna for channels 31, 65, 36 correct?
[08:31:00] nanoITX: .1 is usually a mirror of the NTSC feed
[08:32:00] nanoITX: generally, but you should get a DTV antenna
[08:32:00] Netslayer: i'm buying a Winegard SS-2000
[08:32:00] nanoITX: a UHF one should suffice if you have a strong signal
[08:32:00] Netslayer: i'm 36 miles exactly away. almost line of site with a mini mountain just touching it
[08:33:00] Netslayer: that amplified directional should be perfect, it's rated at 50–60 miles
[08:33:00] sc004: north or south of LA?
[08:33:00] Netslayer: simi valley
[08:33:00] Netslayer: north
[08:33:00] Netslayer: i get my pchdtv 3000 card in the mail tomorrow
[08:34:00] sc004: oh man ;)
[08:35:00] sc004: I'll do high def once it is required by law and they stop broadcasting analog
[08:35:00] sc004: until then it's
[08:42:00] sc004: is down for anyone else?
[08:42:00] sc004: maybe they banned me ;<
[08:43:00] beavis ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:46:00] nanoITX: I can't reach their site either
[08:47:00] nanoITX: MPAA crackdown?
[08:47:00] sc004: I HOPE NOT
[08:47:00] nanoITX: heh heh
[08:47:00] sc004: government is so stupid
[08:47:00] nanoITX: Oh, it just came up.
[08:47:00] sc004: they can't control something so automatically it is illegal
[08:47:00] nanoITX: Took a while.
[08:47:00] sc004: can't control marijuana so that's illegal
[08:48:00] tweak_st: people are stupid
[08:48:00] tweak_st: government gets blamed
[08:48:00] sc004: people run the government
[08:48:00] tweak_st: same statement :D
[08:48:00] nanoITX: if you're of average intelligence (ignoring the difference between mean, mode, and median (which are the same in a normal distribution)), half the people you meet are dumber than you.... they vote.
[08:51:00] tweak_st: fine example in bush you have there
[08:55:00] nanoITX: politics is chosing between the disasterous and the unpalitable
[08:55:00] nanoITX: bush too, will pass
[08:59:00] PT12 ( Quit ("Leaving")
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[09:22:00] t00m ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:25:00] Caveman ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:34:00] BobJensen: has anyone seen PVR-150s being AutoDetected as PVR-250s? I am running Fedora Core 4 using the 0.4.2–101 ivtv drivers from atRPMs
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[09:41:00] adante ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[09:42:00] neuro|laptop ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:45:00] Merlin83b2: The 150 is just the new 250, BobJensen.
[09:47:00] BobJensen: Yeah ha ha
[09:48:00] nanoITX: anyone here have trouble compileing mythdvd with the version of qt headers and libs that come with FC3?
[09:48:00] REyM ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:48:00] BobJensen: I think it might be a problem in the 0.4.2 driver, I have a couple hardware issues to rule out first
[09:48:00] nanoITX: I'm building Qt from scratch in desperation.
[09:48:00] REyM: mythtv-setup has automatic channel scan for dvb cards, but what about a firewire dvb card?
[09:54:00] Hurtz ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:55:00] stuarta: does it just look like a normal card
[09:55:00] REyM: well, you have to select what kind of card it is
[09:55:00] stuarta: or is it like the us style boxes with a firewire out.
[09:55:00] REyM: and you can choose between a dvb card and a firewire device
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[09:56:00] REyM: stuarta, what do you mean?
[09:56:00] neuro|laptop ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:56:00] REyM: I don't know any us style boxes
[09:56:00] REyM: but I've got a dvb unit wich I attach trough firewire
[09:56:00] stuarta: by us style I mean set top box with fw output
[09:57:00] REyM: well, I think it works the same
[09:58:00] nuonguy ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[10:11:00] mchou ( Quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
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[10:35:00] stuarta: beavis: do you put your mpegs through something before dvdauthor?
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[10:46:00] Hoxzer ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:04:00] Caveman ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[11:55:00] juski ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:55:00] juski: morning
[11:56:00] stuarta: morning
[11:57:00] laga: morning
[11:57:00] laga: mythburn is all working for me now
[11:57:00] stuarta: cool, might have to try it out again.
[11:57:00] juski: hiya laga
[11:58:00] _BleedAway ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:58:00] laga: stuarta:  – my notes are here. i still have to add some stuff, i guess
[11:59:00] laga: these notes only apply for mythtv from SVN head and mythburn from CVS head respectively, of course
[11:59:00] stuarta: that stuff under bugs I remember having to do before.
[12:00:00] laga: ok, lunch :)
[12:00:00] BleedAway ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:00:00] _BleedAway is now known as BleedAway
[12:00:00] stuarta: that was quick... mmm... peckish...
[12:00:00] juski: laga: got a new video for yer:
[12:01:00] adante ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[12:33:00] juski: ? there are firewire dvb cards now? nice idea
[12:39:00] sc004 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:39:00] ivor ( has joined #mythtv-users
[12:40:00] Hoxzer: Geez I'm losing my mind building this IR-receiver
[12:40:00] directhex|work: that's why i just bought one, for a few quid
[12:41:00] Hoxzer: yeah
[12:41:00] Hoxzer: I don't understand everything should be in place
[12:42:00] juski: yaay.. BBC & others are lobbying the government to make bandspace available for terrestrial FTA HDTV when analogue gets switched off
[12:42:00] juski: Hoxzer: 'sup?
[12:42:00] Hoxzer: what does sup mean? :D
[12:42:00] ivor: he can't solder. :)
[12:42:00] juski: whats up?
[12:42:00] directhex|work: juski, my understanding was they're already doing some testing
[12:42:00] Hoxzer: juski: having problems building ir-receiver
[12:43:00] juski: yeh they're testing/trialling.. but that's all about feasibility studies etc.. not actually anything else
[12:43:00] Hoxzer: directhex|work: you bought ir-receiver?
[12:43:00] juski: Hoxzer: are you working to a schematic? do you have a volt meter?
[12:44:00] Hoxzer: no I don't
[12:44:00] juski: easiest mistake to make when working from diagrams is failing to recognise which side a component is viewed from when looking att the pinout
[12:44:00] juski: sometimes they give pinouts looking from the bottom, sometimes from the top
[12:44:00] Hoxzer: juski: well I used this guide
[12:45:00] ivor: it's four components a sensor and a wire.... what's to get wrong? :P
[12:45:00] Hoxzer: . . . ireCapacitor
[12:45:00] Hoxzer: But I didn't use exact same regulator as it said
[12:45:00] juski: which reg did you use?
[12:45:00] Hoxzer: somebody said that 5v300mA would do just fine as 5v100mA
[12:45:00] juski: yeh that'd be ok
[12:45:00] ivor: hmmm easier building it on a veroboard I'd suggest.
[12:45:00] Hoxzer: ok
[12:46:00] directhex|work:
[12:46:00] juski: so long as it was still 5v
[12:46:00] juski: one thing to go wrong with serial port powered things is your serial port RTS line doesn't have enough drive, so the voltage never gets high enough to power the item
[12:47:00] Hurtz ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:47:00] Hoxzer: 78L05 – 5V300mA I used this one
[12:47:00] Hoxzer: I think the pins are in the same places as in the howto?
[12:47:00] ivor: yeah that'll be fine.
[12:47:00] juski: 78l05 is great
[12:47:00] Hoxzer: is it true?
[12:47:00] juski: Hoxzer: without seeing a photo ;-)
[12:48:00] Hoxzer: eh,
[12:49:00] Hoxzer: at least that says so
[12:49:00] t00m: my frontend says: can't connect to socket
[12:49:00] t00m: but the backend is running
[12:49:00] juski: t00m: lircd isn't running
[12:49:00] t00m: aha
[12:49:00] juski: it'll say "can't connect to socket.. blah blah... see above error".. and above that it'll say "lirc not running"
[12:50:00] laga: juski: i'm gonna master a DVD with your intro now :)
[12:50:00] juski: heheh
[12:50:00] juski: the LFE channel is quite lively ;-)
[12:51:00] bjohnson ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:51:00] directhex|work: of course, now you need to make an animated mythtv skin which looks like the intro
[12:51:00] juski: it's real 5.1 sound too
[12:51:00] juski: of course, mythtv needs its ui rewritten to allow such a thing
[12:51:00] ivor: Hoxzer: theres a simple schematic on you can use to check you've connected the right legs togehter.
[12:51:00] juski: don't call them skins anyway.. it's such a Windows term ;-)
[12:52:00] directhex|work: juski, theme then. whatever. either way, get to work
[12:52:00] juski: you do it...
[12:52:00] Hoxzer: ivor: does it matter how do I place the diode?
[12:52:00] juski: Hoxzer – oh yeah
[12:52:00] ivor: you mean which way around? um yeah.
[12:53:00] juski: if the diode is the wrong way round it'll matter
[12:53:00] Hoxzer: juski: I mean if it has like + and – sides
[12:53:00] directhex|work: juski, i'm too lazy. YOU do it!
[12:53:00] juski: it's polarised alright
[12:53:00] Hoxzer: I can't just turn it around?
[12:53:00] Hoxzer: juski: :D lol
[12:53:00] ivor: that's the whole point of a diode. :)
[12:53:00] Hoxzer: GOD DAMN
[12:53:00] juski: *-)
[12:53:00] Hoxzer: and ofcourse I place it wrong way
[12:54:00] juski: you should just be able to swap it over without any harm done
[12:54:00] Hoxzer: there is like 50% 50% chance
[12:54:00] juski: if that doesn't work – you did get more than one diode, right? ;-)
[12:54:00] ivor: Hoxzer: nah it's more 80:20 that you'd get it wrong. :)
[12:54:00] Hoxzer: juski: no...
[12:54:00] Hoxzer: :D and it takes like 1 hour to walk to the shop and back
[12:55:00] juski: 1n4141.. reverse voltage > 5V, so you should be okay
[12:55:00] juski: even 1n4001 should stand being the wrong way round for a bit
[12:55:00] Hoxzer: juski: how do I identify witch side is witch?
[12:55:00] juski: the siide with the line mark is the negative end
[12:56:00] juski: iirc
[12:56:00] ivor: juski: correct.
[12:56:00] Hoxzer: juski: and it should go to the regulator?
[12:56:00] juski: erm...
[12:56:00] ivor: Hoxzer: just follow the schematic.
[12:57:00] juski: yes
[12:57:00] Hoxzer: ivor: I'm not that good reading it
[12:57:00] Hoxzer: lol
[12:58:00] Hoxzer: it is placed wrong way
[12:58:00] juski: swap it over & all should be well
[12:58:00] juski: my serial port can't power that, so I take 5V from a USB socket
[12:59:00] ivor: juski: really? what sort of lame serial port have you got?
[12:59:00] juski: EPIA
[12:59:00] ivor: um. works fine on my epia.
[12:59:00] juski: oh wait no... I first built it for a gigabyte motherboard
[12:59:00] ivor: lol.
[13:00:00] ivor: works beautifully in mine. plugged into the internal serial socket.
[13:00:00] juski: yeh mine's gonna be too.. when I make a window in my LC02 case
[13:00:00] t00m: great.. load average: 8.15
[13:00:00] ivor: very funky
[13:00:00] juski: or change the case to a nice looking one
[13:01:00] juski: t00m: using DVB & SVN?
[13:01:00] t00m: no..
[13:01:00] ivor: juski: I've got a cubid 2699 for mine.
[13:01:00] t00m: i was trying not to touch the running things
[13:02:00] ** juski likes the look of cubes, but they're too high for his TV stand **
[13:02:00] ivor: the cubid isn't a cube.
[13:02:00] ** ivor slaps juski **
[13:02:00] ivor:
[13:02:00] ** juski stabs ivor **
[13:02:00] ** juski doesn't like being slapped **
[13:02:00] juski: ;-)
[13:02:00] ** ivor doesn't care. **
[13:02:00] juski: lol
[13:03:00] juski: reckon M$ will ever learn the proper spelling of 'centre' ?
[13:03:00] ivor: nice small but still cheap case. looks very nice ans discrete.
[13:03:00] ivor: juski: hmm. or the meaning of quality software?
[13:04:00] juski: heheh
[13:04:00] juski: be interesting to see if I could mod an old dvd player to fit an EPIA board
[13:04:00] ivor: bah s/discrete/discreet/ too much component talk!
[13:05:00] ivor: juski: hmm my old DVD player is a huge VCR sized box. the cubid is the same footprint as the ps2.
[13:05:00] juski: heh
[13:05:00] juski: do they do the 2699 case in silver?
[13:06:00] ivor: not sure. don't think so.
[13:06:00] juski: I like the Travla C137 case but _how much_ ??
[13:06:00] ivor: indeed.
[13:06:00] juski: you could get a one-off made for less than that
[13:07:00] ivor: juski: working hard today as usual? :P
[13:07:00] juski: lunchytime
[13:08:00] laga: looks like it
[13:08:00] juski: been looking to see if you can buy proper HDTV sets in the UK yet.. and it seems.. apparently not
[13:08:00] ivor: hmmmm sandwich, burger or greasy spoon......
[13:08:00] juski: proper as in more than 'HD ready'
[13:09:00] ivor: juski: yeah, I'll stick with my 852x480 for a few yeasrs until there's enough content to justify a new toy.
[13:09:00] juski: saw a 'hd ready' plasma yesterday.. 852x480... oh
[13:10:00] ivor: shocking.
[13:10:00] ivor: did it actually use the hd ready logo
[13:10:00] juski: yup
[13:10:00] juski: I find it shocking and hilarious at the same time (haha, suckers!)
[13:12:00] ivor: mines a jvc plasma I got about five years ago at auction. still gives a better image than most of the consumer screens I've looked at...
[13:12:00] directhex|work: juski, 852x480 cannot legally call iotself hd ready
[13:13:00] directhex|work: i'm not saying it's not common, but 852x480 is not considered hd by anyone but manufacturers/retailers looking for a fast buck by screwing idiots
[13:13:00] juski: well legal or not I saw it on a website yesterday
[13:13:00] ivor: it's all just marketing. there's no law that says what the term "hd ready" means... it's up to the brand consortium to enforce the logo usage
[13:14:00] juski: hd ready.. oo it looks like a nice picture so it must be hd
[13:14:00] directhex|work: ivor, but they're in breach of copyright law by using the logo without following the licensing requirements
[13:14:00] directhex|work: ivor, though you're right, EICTA should be much more badass at enforcing the logo.
[13:15:00] juski: eh what about that female courier & the road rage guy eh
[13:15:00] ivor: ?
[13:15:00] ** Hoxzer got angry **
[13:16:00] Hoxzer: guess what?
[13:16:00] ivor: you've burnt a finger?
[13:16:00] juski: Hoxzer: what? ;-)
[13:16:00] ivor: juski: link?
[13:16:00] Hoxzer: ofcourse I fucking brake my fucking regulator
[13:16:00] juski: ivor: see last night's archive man
[13:16:00] Hoxzer: gets annoying
[13:17:00] juski: how do you know you broke it if you don't have a volt meter?
[13:17:00] ivor: juski: archive of what exactly? irc?
[13:17:00] directhex|work: Hoxzer, i think €15 on just buying a receiver might've been worth it
[13:17:00] ivor: perhaps he sat on it?
[13:17:00] juski: ivor: yeah – the chat log
[13:18:00] ivor: juski: sigh, meh, too much noise to hunt.
[13:19:00] juski:
[13:19:00] juski: there was a bit of a discussion about it last night
[13:20:00] stuarta: bit of a discussion!!!!
[13:20:00] juski: yeh.. only slight
[13:20:00] stuarta: Beirdo was ranting for about an hour...
[13:20:00] juski: lunchy over
[13:21:00] Hoxzer: Directhex: would be one if there were a shop witch would sell them
[13:21:00] Hoxzer: already tried a cuple of shops
[13:22:00] directhex|work: Hoxzer, i gave you a URL for someone who makes them and mails them, quickly & easily
[13:23:00] Hoxzer: could you paste it again?
[13:23:00] ivor: scroll.
[13:24:00] Hoxzer: Geez 14 euros
[13:25:00] ivor: juski: haha. ok finished reading the courier rant.
[13:28:00] NHIwerx: hmm since svn when clicking on a screenshot in mythweb it doesnt dl the movie it presents me the program listing, is that setting ?
[13:28:00] NHIwerx: id like to dl the recorded show when clicking the screenshot
[13:30:00] Cleena ( has joined #mythtv-users
[13:30:00] Hoxzer: Directhex|work: have you tried that?
[13:31:00] directhex|work: hm?
[13:31:00] Hoxzer: have you bought that IR receiver?
[13:31:00] directhex|work: yes
[13:31:00] Hoxzer: ok, so it works
[13:32:00] Hoxzer: do I get my bill via email?
[13:32:00] Cleena: Hi
[13:35:00] directhex|work: i just paid by paypal.
[13:36:00] juski: there's somewhere that sells serial LIRC receivers cheaper than 10 Euro
[13:36:00] directhex|work: probably. but zapway was linked on
[13:37:00] Hoxzer: But You didn't get any bill?
[13:37:00] Hoxzer: ;/
[13:39:00] Hoxzer: juski: I'm not sure do I trust them :E
[13:39:00] Hoxzer: but I don't understand how do I pay this if I don't get any bill
[13:40:00] directhex|work: Hoxzer, erm... i clicked the button marked "order", filled out some info, filled out the paypal details on the next page.....
[13:40:00] directhex|work: generally the same way ordering from the web has worked since the mid 1990s
[13:42:00] Hoxzer: oh
[13:44:00] NHIwerx: what happens if you click on a screenshot in mythweb, does it send you to the programguid too ?
[13:44:00] NHIwerx: it used to let me dl the .nuv file
[13:46:00] directhex|work: NHIwerx, depends on your version of mythweb, and whether you've made any changes to its configuration
[13:48:00] Hoxzer: ok,
[13:50:00] GreyFoxx: NHI: It's a matter of configuring mythweb, specifically the video_url define in config/conf.php
[13:52:00] NHIwerx: GreyFoxx: I did set it to define('video_url', 'data/recordings');
[13:52:00] GreyFoxx: unfortunately that wont work
[13:52:00] GreyFoxx: cause mythweb will prepend http://HOST/tv/ to it causing the behaviouryou are seeing
[13:53:00] GreyFoxx: change it to http://HOSTORIP/data/recordings
[13:53:00] GreyFoxx: and make sure that recordings is symlinked to the proper location
[13:53:00] directhex|work: i rather like the myth://ip:port stuff
[13:53:00] directhex|work: though for some reason dsmyth doesn't work on my fiancee's pc
[13:54:00] NHIwerx: GreyFoxx: sweet! works, thx alot!
[13:54:00] GreyFoxx: I don't use dsmyth, so I haven't run into any of it's issues
[13:54:00] directhex|work: well it works on my laptop, which is the confusing bit
[13:55:00] directhex|work: winmyth is beyond useless, but dsmyth seems to work
[13:55:00] GreyFoxx: if I want to watch myth stuff on a windows machine I just use vmware and run the real thing heh
[13:56:00] NHIwerx: does dsmyth allow watching live tv ?
[13:56:00] laga: GreyFoxx: do you know of any mythtv images for vmplayer?
[13:56:00] NHIwerx: forget it
[13:57:00] Beirdo: jeez, Survivor is becoming more and more lame
[13:57:00] GreyFoxx: laga: no, just what I've done myself
[13:57:00] GreyFoxx: but It's not something I've gone looking for
[13:57:00] laga: GreyFoxx: hehe, k
[13:58:00] ** laga masters yet another DVD with mythburn **
[13:58:00] laga: i think i'm happy with it so far
[13:58:00] laga: gotta love ugly hacks :)
[13:59:00] stuarta: mythburn definitely qualifies as that...
[13:59:00] directhex|work: NHIwerx, if it feels like working for you, yes
[14:00:00] laga: stuarta: yep. i hope i can give work some of the flaws out, but even my bash is pretty limited :)
[14:01:00] stuarta: makes it more challenging ;-)
[14:01:00] laga: hehe, yep
[14:01:00] laga: and most of the stuff i have in mind is pretty basic
[14:02:00] stuarta: you transferring dvb-t captures?
[14:02:00] laga: would be nice if it actually *cough* worked out of the box. and to have more options for customization
[14:02:00] laga: stuarta: nope, ivtv
[14:02:00] stuarta: ahh. mythburn works well for that.
[14:02:00] laga: stuarta: well, dvb-t should work as well since they're using project-x. i hear that's good stuff.
[14:03:00] stuarta: well now geoff's mpeg->mpeg transcoder works I shouldn't need project x
[14:04:00] stuarta: should be: rec -> edit -> transcode -> something -> dvdauthor
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[14:04:00] stuarta: the tools for something weren't playing the game last night
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[14:04:00] laga: stuarta: right. i was going to change that as well in mythburn. however, i heard reports where the output of mythtranscode --mpeg2 does not work too well. simple copying of audio and video streams in mencoder fixes it most of the time, though
[14:04:00] Merlin83b2 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:05:00] stuarta: works on most things.
[14:05:00] laga: stuarta: tried the mythtranscode --dvd patch yet?
[14:05:00] stuarta: nope. maybe I should
[14:06:00] stuarta: where does it live?
[14:07:00] laga: stuarta: somewhere in trac, it's a ticket there. dvdauthor (i think, i don't know my scripts too well) complained that audio was off-sync or something. maybe you get better results :)
[14:08:00] stuarta: i'll have a look tonight...
[14:08:00] laga: keep me posted :)
[14:08:00] laga: i actually should let the author know about my problems. but other things first :)
[14:09:00] stuarta: wish you luck, suspect the author is hibernating.
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[14:11:00] laga: stuarta: *shrug* i can live without it for now, it just would be nice to have. i'm more worried about the mythburn author. he hasn't worked on it in a long time, it looks
[14:11:00] stuarta: It might be time for enthusiastic people to start mythburn2
[14:12:00] laga: it might be time to get some real plugin for that job.
[14:12:00] ivor: I thought mythburn dev had restarted... or has it petered out again.
[14:12:00] stuarta: there's a mythburn-ui somewhere.
[14:12:00] Nem^1 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[14:12:00] laga: i hear that mfd/mfe are supposed to do this job, but i'm not sure
[14:12:00] laga: stuarta: yes.
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[14:21:00] juski: laga: looking at some of the code duplication – cleaning it up would make it easier to work on
[14:21:00] juski: get some includes in there
[14:22:00] laga: juski: yeppers!!
[14:22:00] juski: if I wasn't going away this weekend...
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[14:23:00] laga: and i'd like to find out why it ships with two replex-* directories..
[14:23:00] laga: juski: if i can still take pain after i've done my homework, i'm probably going to give it a try
[14:24:00] juski: laga: one for pvr recordings & one for DVB ?
[14:24:00] juski: actually I imported some TS recordings stright into vegas the other night.. no replexing necessary
[14:24:00] laga: hehe
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[14:41:00] GreyFoxx: Hrm, anyone here ever been to Dubai?
[14:41:00] laga: my parents are going to go there for a vacation soon, but other than that, nope ;)
[14:41:00] ivor: GreyFoxx: yeah a few times
[14:42:00] ivor: Saudi too.
[14:42:00] GreyFoxx: My office is asking for a volunteer from my dept to go over for a few days in a week or so to setup some sort of demo (our App/solaris/Oracle) and I don't know anyone who has been there
[14:42:00] ivor: oooh nice. take it.
[14:43:00] ivor: Dubai's nice.
[14:43:00] ivor: Saudi isn't.
[14:43:00] GreyFoxx: of course it means me flying from Halifax -> Montreal -> Frankfurt -> Dubai
[14:43:00] ivor: quite a hike for "a few days"
[14:44:00] GreyFoxx: yeah my thoughts exactly
[14:44:00] ivor: not as bad from the UK
[14:44:00] ivor: I'll go. :)
[14:44:00] GreyFoxx: specially since I will be working most of th etime
[14:44:00] GreyFoxx: and wont get to enjoy much of the outdoors or city life
[14:44:00] juski: what's to enjoy? you can't drink there afaik
[14:45:00] GreyFoxx: I don't drink anyway ;)
[14:45:00] ** ivor slaps juski again. **
[14:45:00] ivor: Dubai is UAE, it's not dry.
[14:45:00] GreyFoxx: food, people, music, entertainment :)
[14:45:00] laga: nice women *cough*
[14:46:00] juski: shuttup ivor
[14:46:00] GreyFoxx: though there are certain members of my family who suffer from too much US based news and assume everyone in the middle east is a terrorist who would want to blow up the visiting white boy
[14:46:00] GreyFoxx: laga: that's a plus :)
[14:47:00] ivor: laga: nah there's some nice bodies about too.
[14:47:00] ivor: and some serious money
[14:47:00] juski: you can take the money bit for granted I think
[14:48:00] Kelerion: OT: anyone looking for a pdf printer server? just downloaded this: and am pretty impressed!
[14:48:00] ivor: GreyFoxx: had a gun pointed in my face in Riyahd though.
[14:48:00] GreyFoxx: ivor: doh
[14:49:00] electrichamster (n=jonty@adsl-83-100-231-125.karoo.KCOM.COM) has joined #mythtv-users
[14:49:00] ivor: perhaps strolling about with my panama hat and white linens wasn't the best way to blend in with the towelheads.
[14:50:00] stuarta: that's like wandering around Europe with a camera in your hand
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[14:51:00] GreyFoxx: So it was a mugger ?
[14:52:00] nuonguy_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[14:55:00] defaultro ( has joined #mythtv-users
[14:55:00] defaultro: morning guys
[14:55:00] laga: good afternoon defaultro :)
[14:56:00] ivor: GreyFoxx: no a "soldier"
[14:56:00] defaultro: any ideas about this issue in capturing analog. Frames just keep on swapping back and forth
[14:56:00] defaultro: that happens both in LiveTV and recording
[14:56:00] ivor: that was his way of communicating with me since he didn't speak queens english.
[14:56:00] defaultro: but once i change channel, it becomes fine
[14:56:00] adante ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:56:00] laga: defaultro: you sure it's the capture and not a problem with interlacing?
[14:56:00] defaultro: yep
[14:57:00] defaultro: imagine frame1 and frame 10 keeps swapping
[14:57:00] defaultro: and it doesn't continue
[14:57:00] ivor: GreyFoxx: as I said.... I wouldn't recommend Saudi... I didn't find it that "friendly". :)
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[14:57:00] laga: defaultro: you running svn?
[14:57:00] defaultro: i think it's a driver issue because i saw it too in Tvtime
[14:58:00] laga: oh, ok. never mind then
[14:58:00] defaultro: i was hoping that you saw it before
[14:58:00] defaultro: but its ok
[14:59:00] GreyFoxx: ivor: cool. Not sure what's gonna happen with the Dubai trip. It sounds interesting but honestly I don't wanna spend more time in the air than I will on the ground. Especially if I will be working the entire time I'm on the ground
[15:04:00] splAt1 is now known as splat1
[15:04:00] ivor: GreyFoxx: perhaps. I think it's worth seizing the opportunity to go places like that that you wouldn't normally go to..... if you're lucky and you are working with nice people, you'll learn a lot more about the culture/people than you would on any holiday.
[15:04:00] ** ivor goes misty eyed thinking about the banquet he had in Korea. **
[15:04:00] spiderworm (n=spiderwo@blender/support/spiderworm) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:05:00] ** ivor thinks next time he'll probably ask what the meat is first. **
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[15:08:00] stuarta: ivor's dreams remind stuarta of time spent in Hong Kong
[15:08:00] ivor: ooh yeah... got a nice suit in hong kong.
[15:08:00] ivor: (too fat to fit into it any more though. :( )
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[15:09:00] stuarta: hong kong is a place to just eat without asking what it is.
[15:09:00] stuarta: tastes good. don't want to know what it is...
[15:10:00] stuarta: weirdest thing I had was 'snake & shrimp balls'
[15:10:00] ivor: I think I just lived off dim sum for every meal. :)
[15:10:00] ivor: snakes have balls?
[15:10:00] stuarta: balls made from ...
[15:10:00] stuarta: like meatballs.
[15:10:00] ivor: :)
[15:10:00] stuarta: we had great fun,
[15:11:00] stuarta: went to restaurants where the entire menu was in chinese without pictures
[15:11:00] stuarta: and picked random stuff. Tasty...
[15:11:00] ivor: pointing gets you a long way.
[15:11:00] stuarta: we were brave. pointed at the menu
[15:11:00] defaultro: later ugys
[15:11:00] defaultro: later guys
[15:11:00] stuarta: and drew pictures of sweat peas.
[15:12:00] defaultro ( has left #mythtv-users
[15:12:00] stuarta: sweet peas even...
[15:13:00] laga: sweat peas? ugh :)
[15:13:00] ivor: havent had any work travel for a long time....
[15:14:00] stuarta: it was all we could draw...
[15:14:00] ivor: should find another job where I can again.
[15:14:00] daniel_bergamini (n=daniel_b@216-107-194-166.gdt.cust.seg.NET) Quit (Connection timed out)
[15:16:00] juski: omfg.. so writing to this ide flash disk was taking too long... we were forgetting to send a tick to the watchdog. watchdog went without a tick for 30ms and kicked the reset signal :-/
[15:16:00] ivor: whoa
[15:16:00] juski: stupid hardware
[15:16:00] ivor: device reset every 30ms.... hmmmm bit of a performance dent.
[15:17:00] stuarta: I've got a hammer handy if you want it...
[15:17:00] juski: no just when the flash writing code suspended all the background processes
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[15:39:00] t00m ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:40:00] juski: ah well. I sort of know our IDE driver code inside out now
[15:41:00] Hoxzer ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[16:25:00] kgbudz: anyone know whats the deal is with lvemux (required for nuvexport)
[16:25:00] kgbudz: i spent like 2–3 hours last nite
[16:25:00] kgbudz: trying to compile it, standalone and plain lve
[16:25:00] kgbudz: and like i couldnt do it
[16:25:00] kgbudz: <- fedora 4
[16:26:00] kgbudz: was getting compile errors which are unworkable
[16:32:00] kgbudz: o werd, i got it
[16:32:00] kgbudz: need to use -lm
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[16:56:00] qfour20: I have a question about my tv tuner. It's a PVR250, and I have it connected to the coax output of my directv box. I can do a cat /dev/video0 to a file, and view the image just fine
[16:57:00] qfour20: but when i try to watch live tv in myth, it fails
[16:57:00] stuarta: define "fails"
[16:57:00] qfour20: i get a black screen for about a minute and a half, then it gives up and goes back to the menu screen
[16:58:00] qfour20: nothing of note written to the terminal that launched mythtv
[16:58:00] qfour20: wait a minute... looking through mythbackend.log
[16:58:00] stuarta: do you get 'unable to display video' in the frontend
[16:58:00] qfour20: /media/livetv//ringbuf1.nuv: No such file or directory
[16:59:00] qfour20: i think i screwed up the name for the dir to hold the buffer
[16:59:00] xpis: My mythtv box is only seeing one recording.. is there any way I can remake the recorded shows' database entries?
[17:00:00] flynch: xpis: try from the contrib directory
[17:01:00] xpis: Would you have any idea why it would do this?
[17:02:00] flynch: i dunno... were you messing about with the DB?
[17:02:00] Led-Hed ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:02:00] flynch: is there anything in the backend log file?
[17:02:00] Merlin83b: juski: Still around?
[17:02:00] mythusr ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:03:00] phatmonkey ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:08:00] flynch (n=flynch@ has left #mythtv-users
[17:08:00] juski: ish
[17:09:00] juski: Merlin83b: what's up?
[17:09:00] Merlin83b: Couldn't find that mpeg2 – mpeg2 transcoder thingy. I only get to choose between rtjpeg and mpeg4.
[17:09:00] juski: hmmm
[17:10:00] juski: it's in svn somewhere.. or maybe it only has something to do with nuvexport
[17:10:00] stuarta: merlin83b: there's now a checkbox for lossless transcoding
[17:10:00] Merlin83b: Oh, joys of another build.
[17:10:00] Merlin83b: Something for overnight or tomorrow I suppose :-)
[17:10:00] stuarta: it's been there for a few weeks at least...
[17:11:00] m1k3: what is lossless transcoding? sounds like an oxymoron to me... anyone have a link for more info?
[17:12:00] xpis: flynch: nope, I wasn't doing anything with the database. And there is nothing usual in the mythbackend log file.
[17:12:00] stuarta: lossless in the quality sense.
[17:12:00] juski: isn't it for turning an mpeg2 recording into an mpeg2 recording with cuts in it?
[17:12:00] xpis: flynch: It's just that when I go to "watch recordings", I only have one show.
[17:12:00] stuarta: basically
[17:13:00] m1k3: ok so it's not transcoding in the sense that the video format is the same before and after
[17:13:00] stuarta: add cut points to your recording (mpeg based)
[17:13:00] juski: looking fwd to seeing how well commercial cutting works
[17:13:00] stuarta: transcode to a new mpeg without commercial
[17:13:00] stuarta: juski: works well, just put the cutpoints in yourself
[17:14:00] Merlin83b: juski: The editing or the auto detect stuff?
[17:14:00] juski: yeh? I'll have to rtfm for the editing but
[17:14:00] Merlin83b: It's unbelievable easy.
[17:14:00] Merlin83b: Just have a play – you need left, right, up, down, enter.
[17:14:00] stuarta: e space return
[17:14:00] juski: last time I tried it in 0.18 it segfaulted
[17:14:00] Merlin83b: SVN 86xx something and it works fine.
[17:15:00] stuarta: juski: used to segfault on an aspect ratio change while the osd was up
[17:15:00] juski: I'm waiting til 0.19.. no messing with minimyth for me
[17:15:00] Merlin83b: And thanks stuarta – I'll take a look for it tonight. If it's a few weeks then I should have it in there.
[17:15:00] juski: stuarta: that'd be it
[17:15:00] mace_ is now known as mace
[17:15:00] stuarta: one of the first bugs I fixed :)
[17:16:00] juski: the waf is low enough as it is.. too many buttons to just watch recordings.. switch tv onto av2(svid), turn the amp on, go into menus... "why can't I just press play?"
[17:17:00] juski: she has no complaints about mythtv as such.. so now thinking of getting a harmony or a pronto remote
[17:17:00] xris ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:17:00] ChanServ sets mode +v xris
[17:17:00] Merlin83b: My mythbox is, for the time being, on the same input as my DVD player. Switching between the two involves unplugging mythbox, changing tv input from S-video to component.
[17:18:00] Merlin83b: I'm amazed my gf manages, bless her!
[17:18:00] laga: juski: you could use keybindings or so
[17:18:00] stuarta: juski: does that mean you can program the entire "on" sequence?
[17:18:00] juski: stuarta: yup
[17:18:00] juski: laga: it's not mythtv's fault.. it's the input paths on my system
[17:18:00] stuarta: handy. One day I might actually get a separate frontend.
[17:19:00] juski: think I might see what I can do to use a spare IO port to control the scart switching
[17:19:00] m1k3: i have one of my windows machines pulling in a video stream and making it available to the local network. I can play it on my mythbox via mplayer... what would be the best way to tie that into myth?
[17:20:00] stuarta (n=stuarta@ Quit ("train time....")
[17:20:00] m1k3: i guess all i want is for it to run my shell script from the menu somewhere, does that make sense?
[17:21:00] ** juski wonders if his receiver has an rs232 port.. can't remember ;-) **
[17:22:00] ivor: juski: I never really liked the pronto.
[17:22:00] ivor: lack of tactile feedback from the touch screen.
[17:22:00] juski: actually.. there's more than one use for IR blasters in mythtv.... maybe it's time to do something about that
[17:23:00] ivor: much prefer the sky+ keyboard remote I use now.... although that's going to be replaced with the B&O remote soon.
[17:23:00] ivor: then there'll be a single simple remote for everything.
[17:23:00] juski: B&O?! jees how much will that cost?
[17:23:00] juski: they're bi-directional aren't they?
[17:23:00] Arkkis: that's what I heard
[17:24:00] ivor: no all the current ones are unidirectional. but the devices themselves have bidirectional comms to synchronise.
[17:24:00] ivor: the old ones used to be bi-directional... and were fiercely complicated.
[17:25:00] juski: must be nice to be able to afford B&O stuff
[17:25:00] ** ivor whips out the tiniest violin in the world and plays juski a sad tune. **
[17:25:00] laga: hehe
[17:26:00] juski: it's not just expensive, it's ostentateously expensive
[17:26:00] ivor: come on, how much do people here spend on they myth systems and pc's?
[17:26:00] ivor: "offensively expensive" :D
[17:26:00] ole_schoola ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:26:00] juski: yeh.. you are considerably richer than me (sic)
[17:27:00] juski: that remote prolly cost more than my mythfrontend
[17:27:00] ivor: hehe.
[17:27:00] ole_schoola: which remote, just jumped in
[17:28:00] juski: I don't like the idea of needing to have a recharging station for a pronto btw.. and harmony remotes look ghastly
[17:28:00] ivor: juski: shuderWhat's the point of posting links to other ZDnet articles in such a short summary... if you're going to delete those older articles.
[17:28:00] ivor: ?
[17:28:00] ivor: ah I see.
[17:28:00] ivor: stupid clippy widget.
[17:28:00] ivor: :)
[17:29:00] juski: might be best just to learn to program a PIC & get that to do all the macros
[17:29:00] ivor: juski: to be honest using normal batteries in the pronto the lifespan was not a problem.
[17:29:00] juski: could use that to power the frontend on & off too
[17:29:00] ivor: I just didn't like it to use.
[17:29:00] ole_schoola: i'll take my RTI T3 touchpanel over a PIC anyday
[17:29:00] juski: at least they're too big to loose ;-)
[17:29:00] ivor: yup, get PIC chip programming. it's fun.
[17:30:00] dakeyra1 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:30:00] juski: actually.. could do some spiffy programming for mythvideo to select custom sound field setups for each vid...
[17:30:00] ole_schoola: ivor: going the pronto route?
[17:30:00] Kelerion (n=Kelerion@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:30:00] juski: ole_schoola: I need a 'one on button'
[17:31:00] juski: my OFA6 remote is too fiddly for Mrs Juski
[17:31:00] juski: press TV press AV2 twice.. pres Audio, press power, press VCR
[17:31:00] ole_schoola: juski: look at JP-1 remotes, URC (HTM), RTI, Pronto, Nevo
[17:31:00] juski: I got a jp1 remote
[17:32:00] juski: macro programming is still a bitch
[17:32:00] ole_schoola: URC is whored out over net and is the easiest, quickest way
[17:32:00] juski: especially when your TV doesn't use absolute codes
[17:32:00] ole_schoola: RTI is the most AMX/Crestron like
[17:32:00] ole_schoola: Pronto will absolutely take you to school on programming / bitmapping
[17:32:00] juski: my OneForAll6 is a URC remote
[17:33:00] ole_schoola: juski: tricks around that
[17:33:00] juski: such as...?
[17:33:00] ole_schoola: URC manufactures OEM remotes for many, many other companies
[17:34:00] ole_schoola: juski: RTI RP-6 processor with powerline sense modules
[17:34:00] juski: ugh
[17:34:00] ole_schoola: juski: Xantech makes a similar module if you go the hardwired route
[17:34:00] ole_schoola: why ugh?
[17:34:00] juski: no good for detecting which video input it currently selected though
[17:34:00] ole_schoola: tricks around that
[17:34:00] ole_schoola: chanel up, input, input
[17:34:00] Led-Hed ( has left #mythtv-users
[17:35:00] juski: hmmm maybe
[17:35:00] ole_schoola: open up the URC mx-editor SW on windows and look through the database, your TV prolly has discretes you don't know about
[17:36:00] ole_schoola: hunt them down at Remote central in the Prontto files section, then convert to any other editor
[17:36:00] juski: just thinking that, myself
[17:36:00] juski: I've got a spreadsheet to convert RC5 to hex
[17:36:00] ole_schoola: macro programming on advanced control systems is far more interesting than PIC
[17:36:00] juski: made up my own codes for my mythtv remote
[17:36:00] ole_schoola: don't bother with the spreadsheet, RTI editor takes all hex, RTI has convertor
[17:36:00] juski: zapped them into the OFA with that java based thingy
[17:37:00] ole_schoola: RTI has the world's finest IR capture. dedicated usb box, SW is killer, waveform montors, you name it
[17:37:00] laga: linux support?
[17:38:00] juski: no point capturing the remote if I'm trying to find a hidden discrete code
[17:38:00] ole_schoola: hell no, it's a very niche tool for a niche market that's inundated with proprietary windows tools
[17:38:00] kormoc ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:38:00] juski: the free tools for JP1 remotes are pretty damn spiffy
[17:39:00] ivor: bah, just PIC it. :)
[17:39:00] juski: just that the macro programming bit is tricky – using all the buttons as it is
[17:39:00] ole_schoola: juski: go DL the URC editor software and open up the database. if you see your TV with discretes, you are golden
[17:39:00] ole_schoola: hasn't cost you a dime
[17:39:00] ole_schoola: the pronto files section search is even easier
[17:39:00] juski: true
[17:40:00] ole_schoola: again, free knowledge =)
[17:40:00] jvs ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:40:00] juski: now to remember my TV's model number
[17:40:00] ole_schoola: helps tremendously =)
[17:40:00] juski: it'll wait til I get home
[17:40:00] squeegy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:41:00] ole_schoola: the Nevo uses WiFi to talk bi-directional (cover art anyone?)
[17:41:00] ole_schoola: the base station is wired to network and soes all the IR blasting
[17:41:00] ole_schoola: the RTI processor, on the other hand, has serial ports and can talk a much higher level protool to A/V gear
[17:42:00] ole_schoola: now, my RTI setup can tell a matrix switcher to do X,Y, then Z
[17:42:00] juski: matrix switcher? jees.
[17:42:00] ole_schoola: or tell, the receiver to ramp down to -40dB at a certain rate
[17:42:00] juski: mythtv.. amplifier.. TV.. tada!
[17:42:00] pld: does anyone have any advice on elminating/reducing overscan on my box? dvi->hdmi input 1280x720@72...
[17:43:00] juski: pld: you can compensate for it in the appearance menu of mythtv
[17:43:00] ole_schoola: service menus of your display, beware, thar be dragons, google away
[17:43:00] pld: i tried running a lower res inside the 720p timings, but i think the nvidia drivers are re-scaling the smaller res...
[17:43:00] juski: but it's set hard in the service mode menus of your TV
[17:43:00] ole_schoola: try the myth settings first
[17:43:00] pld: yeah, i can get myth to scale very nicely, but mplayer does not, neither does the media browser :(
[17:43:00] ole_schoola: yes it's hard to do service modes, hence my warning of dragons
[17:44:00] juski: I'd always advise against doing away with overscan on the tv
[17:44:00] juski: normal telly will never be the same again – you'll have borders!
[17:44:00] pld: well, i was hoping that running the lower res would help
[17:44:00] ole_schoola: depends on your knowledge/comfort level
[17:44:00] juski: run @ 'the native res.. always
[17:44:00] pld: without entering any service menus
[17:44:00] pld: well, lower res in different timings
[17:45:00] juski: broadcasters kinda rely on TVs having 5% or more overscan
[17:45:00] pld: mine is around 10% per side! eep!
[17:45:00] juski: maybe one day they won't.. be they do for now
[17:45:00] juski: 10% is normal-ish
[17:45:00] juski: mine is 5%
[17:45:00] ole_schoola: juski: i have an LG/Zenith plasma i'm building a series of macros for right now
[17:46:00] ivor: pld: what res is the screen? 1280x720?
[17:46:00] pld: well, jarod at myth(tv)ology suggests he is running a lower res inside of larger timings, and it fits his display perfectly
[17:46:00] pld: 1280x720
[17:46:00] pld: but changing just the screen size without changing timings
[17:46:00] ole_schoola: one button to enter channum from ATSC tuner, display goto 4:3, display go to stretch, recever force Dolby D
[17:46:00] juski: yeh but... the TV will scale it internally won't it?
[17:47:00] pld: has i *think* the nvidia driver re-scaling the image
[17:47:00] ivor: and the dvi input overscans? bah.
[17:47:00] pld: 30" sony crt HD
[17:47:00] ivor: doesn't the screen have any position/scale adjustments?
[17:47:00] pld: not that i can find
[17:47:00] dakeyras ( Quit (Success)
[17:47:00] ivor: sucks.
[17:47:00] juski: service mode, service mode...
[17:47:00] pld: and, it _might_ be the tv doing the rescaling, not X
[17:47:00] pld: let me xplain
[17:48:00] juski: might be able to turn off dvi rescaling in service mode though ;-)
[17:48:00] pld: if i use a smaller resolution inside the 1280x720 timings
[17:48:00] pld: then it will get smaller, no problem
[17:48:00] ivor: service mode.
[17:48:00] ivor: :)
[17:48:00] pld: but then it shows on the screen when
[17:48:00] pld: X starts, and NVIDIA gives me a: NVIDIA(0) (WAIT, ........)
[17:48:00] pld: then the image re-centers and scales
[17:48:00] ivor: also.... why are you running 72Hz?
[17:49:00] pld: because I can?
[17:49:00] pld: I have it running at 60hz also
[17:49:00] ivor: what refresh rate is your video source?
[17:49:00] juski: pld: my bet is.. if the GUI fits the screen perfectly, video will likely have borders because broadcasters/content producers don't fill the whole frame
[17:50:00] pld: right, i understand the overscan issue...
[17:50:00] pld: its just that movies I own on another network drive, when played, will be cropped from overscan on the outer edges aggresively
[17:50:00] pld: really aggresively
[17:50:00] juski: when BBC news goes to local feeds there's like a 7% black bar down the right hand side of the screen.. I see a very narrow line cos my TV overscans by 5%
[17:51:00] alpha_geek: Hi all!
[17:51:00] pld: just didnt know if maybe the nvidia driver was the culprit for the rescaling and resizing
[17:51:00] alpha_geek: is anyone having problems with xmltv listings for channel4 and 5?
[17:51:00] ** ivor goes to look. **
[17:51:00] juski: erm... whose channel 4 & 5?
[17:52:00] kormoc: pld, if it was, it would be saying so in the log file
[17:52:00] alpha_geek: uk
[17:52:00] juski: UK?
[17:52:00] ** juski looks **
[17:52:00] Filip^ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:52:00] alpha_geek: and right?
[17:52:00] ivor: looks fine.
[17:52:00] juski: yep
[17:53:00] pld: yeah, it does say something in the log
[17:53:00] pld: one sec.
[17:53:00] alpha_geek: okay thanks, will have to look in to it further then, my setting look fine, but I am not getting listings
[17:54:00] Merlin83a ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:54:00] Ryushin: What is needed for firewire support in myth svn? I don't know what library it needs for it to pick it up.
[17:55:00] juski: alpha_geek: have a look in your <vid_source>.xmltv file in the .mythtv directory – see if the channels are in there
[17:55:00] Merlin83a: Got the lossless thing, thanks stuarta (even though he's not here)
[17:55:00] Merlin83a: How do you choose between various transcoders?
[17:55:00] juski: I recently noticed itv4 wasn't getting listings.. dunno how the hell that happened
[17:56:00] Merlin83a: There's only the "begin transcoding" option and then it starts.
[17:56:00] juski: but it was missing from the xmltv file
[17:56:00] pld: cant find the log entry now
[17:57:00] pld: but it shows up in the X log as:
[17:57:00] pld: (WW) NVIDIA: (WAIT, ..., ..., ....)
[17:57:00] alpha_geek: Juski: okay thanks, I must admit before my last format, I had it all working, but I did it with a script from the knoppmyth wiki. With the new version of Knoppmyth most of it automaticly worked, so I have not realy looked yet
[17:57:00] pld: where ... are usually hex digits..
[17:57:00] pld: then the screen resizes and centers
[17:57:00] pld: odd
[17:58:00] juski: pld: I expect that the TV decides how to drive the screen, even from a DVI input
[17:58:00] pld: yeah, so do i
[17:58:00] juski: it'll be doing some DSP magic on the signal anyway, so why not rescaling aswell?
[17:58:00] pld: it is dvi out to HDMI in on my tv
[17:58:00] Ryushin: Sorry, dummy me. Just looked at the configure script and found the missing library.
[18:00:00] juski: pld: a lot of plasma/lcd displays do stuff to the dynamic range/colours ('enrichment' etc.. marketing balls).. so it's fair to assume they're doing more
[18:00:00] juski: and 'HD ready' sets are likely scaling 1080p anyway ;-)
[18:01:00] alpha_geek: doh! knoppmythwiki down?
[18:01:00] MatsK ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:01:00] juski: it was sluggish last night too.. oh lame-o
[18:02:00] alpha_geek: says the bandwidth limit exceeded
[18:02:00] alpha_geek: probly be back soon
[18:02:00] laga: bandwidth limits? how lame
[18:02:00] alpha_geek: thats what I was thinking
[18:02:00] alpha_geek: supose we can't all have good services
[18:03:00] juski: watch out for M$ taking all the mythtv sites down
[18:03:00] laga: they could host it on sourceforge or somewhere else
[18:03:00] alpha_geek: ?? why?
[18:03:00] juski: DDOS by IE7.0
[18:03:00] juski: laga: mythburn is there, or rather it's not
[18:03:00] alpha_geek: how do you mean? an exploit in IE7?
[18:03:00] laga: juski: hehe. :)
[18:04:00] juski: just kidding folks
[18:04:00] juski: wouldn't surprise me though
[18:04:00] alpha_geek: ok, had me confused for a mo
[18:05:00] alpha_geek: though it wouldnt suprize me if MS do have something against myth, with dvd and digital rights etc
[18:05:00] Spida_ is now known as Spida
[18:05:00] laga: juski: dvdauthor now crashes in mythburn. i made too many changes, though, and now i have to find out why it doesn't work. it's possibly related to your intro video, i'll keep you posted :)
[18:06:00] metalac: i think juski is a secret M$ agent
[18:06:00] alpha_geek: i for one don't trust "trustworthy computing"
[18:06:00] alpha_geek: lol
[18:06:00] MatsK ( Quit (Client Quit)
[18:07:00] ole_schoola: 4177 root 25 0 243m 69m 12m R 99.2 7.4 42:06.69 smart
[18:08:00] ole_schoola: enabled fc5 and pulled in fedora-release-4.9.1
[18:08:00] ole_schoola: smart update && smart upgrade smart
[18:08:00] ole_schoola: it's been almost 45 minutes
[18:11:00] alpha_geek: with mythdvd and the dvd ripping, do you need to do it to an nsf mount if you put the dvd in the frontend, and rip to the backend. Same as you would have the same directory for music or video at bothends?
[18:12:00] aMMgYrP ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:13:00] lars-ut-away is now known as lars-ut
[18:21:00] juski: laga: is it because it doesn't like ac3 audio by any chance?
[18:22:00] laga: juski: i don't know. i haven't figured out if your intro is causing this, actually.
[18:23:00] devel ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:23:00] juski: ah well.. time for going home
[18:23:00] laga: have fun :)
[18:25:00] robin_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:30:00] _willcooke_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:32:00] alpha_geek: can any one remind me where the .xmltv file is in knoppmyth?
[18:32:00] alpha_geek: it is under a /.mythtv folder or something and i am not sure how to veiw them, so i am not sure where it it
[18:32:00] alpha_geek: it is*
[18:33:00] Coume ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:33:00] alpha_geek: and the knoppmyth wiki is down
[18:34:00] Coume: hi all
[18:34:00] alpha_geek: hi Coume
[18:35:00] ** Coume wish to everyone to have a better day than his :) **
[18:35:00] laga: can't be worse than mythburn
[18:35:00] Muse16 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:36:00] alpha_geek: laga: was it you that was having mythburn problems yesterday
[18:36:00] Coume: laga, I bet it can :)
[18:37:00] laga: alpha_geek: yep. i think i've got it working now. just new to strangle it more
[18:37:00] laga: Coume: what's up? :)
[18:37:00] alpha_geek: i hade quite a good day, managed to prove the IT manager of a company we have bought completly wrong
[18:37:00] alpha_geek: which felt good
[18:38:00] laga: hehe
[18:38:00] ** laga is currently re-arranging his room **
[18:38:00] laga: more or less
[18:38:00] nuonguy_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:38:00] alpha_geek: laga: are you doing it all on one box, or is it across a frontend backend setup
[18:40:00] Coume: I had a bad one, dealing with Press (National Magzines)cases and Pre-legal ones, lots of fun... I enjoyed it very much :)
[18:40:00] Coume: alpha_geek, I understand your feeling :)
[18:41:00] laga: alpha_geek: frontend/backend setup, but i still have to come to that part
[18:41:00] alpha_geek: yeah that sounds like fun
[18:42:00] Coume: none with a dead pundit lying around ready to sell me the black plastis mechanism which locks the door closed???
[18:42:00] alpha_geek: laga: I only ask because I plan on doing the same ting, are you going to post what you have done?
[18:43:00] laga: alpha_geek: of course. i already have some things in mind :)
[18:43:00] Muse16: hi all
[18:43:00] laga: alpha_geek: i'd suggest that you watch
[18:43:00] Muse16: is there a way to use gstreamer libraries with mythtv?
[18:43:00] alpha_geek: laga: ;) thanks
[18:44:00] alpha_geek: hi Muse16
[18:44:00] Muse16: hi
[18:46:00] Muse16: no one an idea?
[18:47:00] laga: Muse16: i don't think so, no. why would you want to do that?
[18:47:00] alpha_geek: I have lots of ideas but none that will help you
[18:47:00] alpha_geek: sorry
[18:47:00] Muse16: i want use gstreamer libraries cause it has more codecs
[18:47:00] laga: Muse16: what's wrong with the stuff that's shipped with mythtv?
[18:48:00] Muse16: and i want use mythtv as central media center on a small linux for my living room
[18:48:00] laga: so?
[18:50:00] Muse16: it is perfectly for all a small linux and all what i need in 1 software
[18:51:00] alpha_geek: I thiink laga ment if it is perfect, why do you want gstreamer libraries
[18:52:00] Muse16: it is perfect with the libraries cause i have many other codecs on music
[18:52:00] Muse16: musepack wma mp4
[18:52:00] Muse16: ...
[18:52:00] alpha_geek: okay,. so you have had problems with the existing codecs?
[18:53:00] Muse16: yes
[18:53:00] alpha_geek: my install plays mp4 fine, admitedly as a video
[18:53:00] alpha_geek: and as for *coughs* wma
[18:54:00] m1k3: musepack would be nice though...
[18:55:00] laga: Muse16: well, mythtv actually is only PVR software. for the mythvideo plugin, you can define your own player – mplayer, for example.
[18:55:00] Muse16: but is not supported on standart installation of mythtv so I must tune and the easiest way is gstreamer :)
[18:55:00] stuarta ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:56:00] alpha_geek: can you not cefine you player on a per file basis too?
[18:56:00] alpha_geek: define*
[18:56:00] alpha_geek: sorry my spelling is crap, i am sorry
[18:56:00] laga: yep
[18:56:00] qfour20 ( Quit ("Leaving")
[18:57:00] laga: Muse16: for videos, you may define any player.
[18:57:00] alpha_geek: how do you mean standard install of mythtv, do you mean your version of linux?
[18:57:00] Muse16: yes
[18:58:00] alpha_geek: i take it you are using knoppmyth then?
[18:58:00] laga: Muse16: there's also a german channel – #mythtv-de
[19:01:00] alpha_geek: damn it, how long is knoppmyth going to be down! I only want to check where one file lives
[19:02:00] alpha_geek: I ment, not my server
[19:03:00] dasOp ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:04:00] Muse16: Rip, categorize, play, and visualize MP3/Ogg/FLAC/CD Audio files. (FLAC, Vorbis, and MP3 encoding). Create complex playlists (and playlists containing playlists) through a simple UI.
[19:05:00] ivor ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[19:05:00] Muse16: only this codecs are working by myself
[19:06:00] Muse16: and i have install it from sources of the officicial website
[19:13:00] laga: juski: looks like your dvd intro was to blame. i'll put it through mencoder and see what happens :)
[19:15:00] Coume: laga, still not able to pm?
[19:16:00] |Pir8| ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:18:00] laga: Coume: nope, havent fixed that yet
[19:19:00] |Pir8|: does someone know..whats wrong with xebian.. tring to run the OS install... xebian:/tmp# ./ -b is just dont do a thing
[19:19:00] Coume: if u got 2sec ;) #mythtvtalk
[19:19:00] Coume: laga, if u got 2sec ;) #mythtvtalk
[19:19:00] kormoc: |Pir8|, not really, as this is a myth channel, not really a xebian channel
[19:19:00] laga: Coume: i'm quite busy at the moment. you're welcome to send me an email or PM me at mythtvtalk
[19:19:00] laga: Coume: ok ;)
[19:25:00] juski: laga: oopsy :)
[19:26:00] juski: laga: I'll do a straight stereo version tonight.. see how that goes
[19:26:00] Coume: hiya justin, how is it going :)
[19:26:00] laga: juski: thanks for your time :)
[19:26:00] juski: or I might have accidentally enabled encryption... who knows ;-)
[19:26:00] laga: juski: remind me to help you with mythburn if you're ever gonna do it :)
[19:26:00] juski: Coume: not bad.. just about to make a meal of something (food)
[19:27:00] Coume: juski, bon appetit
[19:27:00] juski: cheers laga.. prolly need help judging by the hoops you jumped thru for mythburn :)
[19:27:00] juski: fajitas here I come :-P
[19:27:00] Coume: eheh :)
[19:31:00] SqWaw` ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:32:00] SqWaw`: When compiling from the svn... should I be doing make clean before compiling after an svn update ?
[19:34:00] pld ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:35:00] SqWaw`: Hmm.... no one knows :(
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[19:38:00] ivor ( Quit ("commute....")
[19:51:00] pld ( Quit (Success)
[19:53:00] Coume ( Quit ("The MythTV users community forum:")
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[19:59:00] ole_schoola: if you've already compiled against that tree, yes
[20:06:00] itsonlyme ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:06:00] itsonlyme: hi
[20:07:00] aMMgYrP ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[20:11:00] __Ace__ (n=love@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:13:00] haj (n=haj@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:14:00] haj: hello.. i'm an upcoming mythtv user.. i'm hoping to be ready to set it up in like a month :) i have a few questions.
[20:14:00] haj: anyone know how good the xbmc mythtv-frontend works? (Xbox Media Center)
[20:15:00] haj: and, is it possible to do automatic reencoding of mpeg2-files to xvid (or another more compressed format) ?
[20:16:00] laga: you can do automatic transcoding, yes. it can give you either rtjpeg or mpeg4 in a nuppelvideo container.
[20:17:00] haj: nice.. oh, is it realistic to use a 1.2GHz VIA C3 and with a PVR-500 card?
[20:18:00] haj: i'm going to grab in mpeg2, which is hardware encoded, so i guess it sould run without much cpu load.
[20:18:00] itsonlyme: Maybe to watch one show and record the other. I don't know if you can expect any Via chip set to record two shows at once. Of cource, I can't even get my MythTV setup working yet...
[20:19:00] itsonlyme: the PVR-500 is the dual tuner version right?
[20:19:00] Beirdo: umm, the CPU does almost nothing when using a PVR-500
[20:19:00] Beirdo: just sets up DMA transfers
[20:19:00] haj: itsonlyme: yeb, 2x PVR-150 on one card.
[20:19:00] aMMgYr1: My backend keeps crashing while watching live TV. like within 10 second. it studders then falls to a black screen and locks up the system; any ideas?
[20:20:00] haj: Beirdo: uhm, should'nt that be done automatically ?
[20:20:00] Beirdo: playback will be the fun
[20:20:00] Beirdo: by what?
[20:20:00] haj: Beirdo: i'm only going to run the VIA C3 as a backend
[20:20:00] Beirdo: the drivers... which run on the CPU
[20:20:00] itsonlyme: Like I said I'm a new user my self.
[20:21:00] haj: Beirdo: DMA transfers to the disc? or to the PCI-card?
[20:21:00] juski: laga: rendering the 4:3 stereo & 16:9 stereo versions now
[20:21:00] Beirdo: from the tuner card to memory, then from memory to disk
[20:21:00] haj: Beirdo: hm.. how do i setup DMA-transfers on a PCI-card?
[20:21:00] itsonlyme: Anyone know why sound using tvtime is perfect, but in myth it is almost too quiet to hear?
[20:22:00] Beirdo: haj: the drivers do it for you
[20:22:00] Beirdo: but that still occurs in the CPU, but is very minimal load
[20:22:00] haj: Beirdo: ah.. ok
[20:22:00] Beirdo: as long as the motherboard can do the DMA, of course :)
[20:23:00] haj: Beirdo: i think it can :) it's not one of those MiniITX-boards.. it's a Abit Socket370-board, and it's pretty nice.
[20:23:00] aMMgYr1: OH! and it records shows just fine! Only live TV crashes the BE
[20:23:00] Beirdo: aMMgYr1: you running as root?
[20:23:00] aMMgYr1: its an all in one box with the backend and front end running on the same system
[20:24:00] juski: laga: – will be ready in about 15 minutes
[20:24:00] haj: Nobody knows about the XBMC MythTV-frontend?
[20:24:00] Beirdo: nope, sorry, haj
[20:24:00] juski: haj: yep
[20:24:00] aMMgYr1: hmmm I think so. but I'm not exactly sure how knoppmyth logs me in but I need the root account to log in and make changes
[20:24:00] juski: but can't remember how I got it working, sorry
[20:25:00] haj: juski: i don't care about that, i just want to know if it works okay, and what features it's missing?
[20:25:00] haj: juski: can it do live tv?
[20:25:00] Beirdo: well, the only way that the frontend can lock the system: either your X video driver is crashing it, or the real-time scheduling is crashing it
[20:25:00] itsonlyme: haj, I looked into it once. I don't remember much, except people seemed to like it. Its pretty much the sames as running remote mythfront end once its running.
[20:25:00] itsonlyme: You have to have a mod chip for your xbox though...
[20:26:00] haj: itsonlyme: I'm running XBMC already.. so it would be nice getting MythTV in there as well.. :)
[20:26:00] aMMgYr1: Beirdo, no its the backend thats locking the system
[20:26:00] itsonlyme: cool.
[20:27:00] haj: itsonlyme: also it would save me the hassel of getting the xbox-remote working correctly in Linux :)
[20:27:00] Beirdo: aMMgYr1: if it's locking the system, that would be hard to determine
[20:27:00] itsonlyme: Theh
[20:27:00] itsonlyme: heh
[20:27:00] Beirdo: anyways, I'll be back in a bit
[20:27:00] itsonlyme: bye
[20:29:00] itsonlyme: I wonder if I can run mythtvfrontend in a xnest session...
[20:30:00] haj: i really love the backend/frontend concept.. it pretty cool that i could be able to boot a television on every pc in the house ;)
[20:30:00] itsonlyme: yeah, if only I could hear it...
[20:33:00] beavis: stuarta: I just burn the transcoded files
[20:34:00] itsonlyme: I think if I get this thing working right, I'm going to use my mac mini as the frontend and let my big ugly compaq sit in the corn of a closet runing the myth backend and print server.
[20:38:00] stuarta: hmmm. any trick to it. Doesn't like mine
[20:39:00] haj: uhm.. just playing a bit.. would the channel listings work without a tvcard in the box? :)
[20:39:00] __Ace__ (n=love@ Quit ()
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[20:40:00] haj: i just apt-get install'ed, but nothing shows up in the channel listings even though it's configured and tv_grab has downloaded stuff and put it in the db
[20:42:00] itsonlyme: haj yes they will work...
[20:43:00] itsonlyme: haj did you do the mythfilldatabase?
[20:43:00] haj: yeb
[20:43:00] haj: hum, i better doublecheck and run setup again ;)
[20:49:00] metalac: did you guys read this:
[20:49:00] metalac:,1697,1916994,00.asp
[20:49:00] Mobleman^laptop (i=Mobleman@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:49:00] metalac: seems like ATI is a better choise for HTPC
[20:49:00] metalac: but it sux under linux
[20:50:00] Chutt: naw
[20:50:00] Chutt: the hqv test is pretty crappy
[20:50:00] Chutt: which that article is basing everything off of
[20:50:00] metalac: look at cpu util. though
[20:51:00] Chutt: they don't make any mention of what driver versions they're using
[20:52:00] metalac: yes they do
[20:52:00] metalac: We're going to examine video playback using a pair of video cards, representing some of the best ATI and Nvidia have to offer. To represent ATI, we'll use a Radeon X1800 XT with the latest official Catalyst drivers, 6.1. Nvidia will be represented by the GeForce 7800 GTX, with Forceware 81.89 drivers. Here's a list of components in our test machine
[20:52:00] Chutt: ah, i missed that
[20:52:00] Chutt: ok, so where's the decoder version? :p
[20:53:00] metalac: all the software is right under that
[20:54:00] metalac: WMP 10
[20:54:00] metalac: Divx 6.1
[20:54:00] metalac: nvidia's PureVideo encoder
[20:54:00] metalac: and PowerDVD
[20:54:00] Chutt: which version of the purevideo decoder?
[20:56:00] metalac: doesn't say
[20:56:00] metalac: but they give a link
[20:56:00] metalac: so i assume the one from the link
[20:56:00] MatsK ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:57:00] metalac: the thing is that in DVD playback difference is big enough for that not to matte
[20:57:00] metalac: r
[20:57:00] MatsK ( Quit (Client Quit)
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[20:58:00] ole_schoola: it would be utterly ridiculous to waste either of those cards' potential in an HTPC
[20:58:00] metalac: i myself use nvidia almost exclusevly, use one or 2 matrox cards,
[20:58:00] metalac: yeah but if you have a nice TV it would be a waste of the TV to attach it to a crapy card
[20:59:00] metalac: i'd rather waste a $300 card than a $2000 TV :)
[21:00:00] metalac: then again you can always game on your HTPC
[21:00:00] juski: haj: XBMC & livetv... not good I'm afraid.. and _no_ chance now 0.19 is on the way
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[21:01:00] juski: well, I've been flagging commercials left, right & centre, using the 'all' detection method. I've tried auto-skip on, notify & I still get ads and no OSD message telling me. Some of the flagged recordings have blatant aspect ratio changes, so er... what could be up?
[21:02:00] stuarta: you are in the uk
[21:02:00] stuarta: comm flagging just doesn't work here very well at all.
[21:02:00] juski: yes... but (ahem) aspect ratio changes? they're easy to spot
[21:03:00] stuarta: feel free to code it :)
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[21:03:00] haj: juski: sad.. but then i could always boot mythtv in xebian or something from the menu in xbmc.. i guess.
[21:03:00] juski: I think I know why the other methods don't work: 1. channel bumpers are hard cut to adverts 2. channels with logos never lose them
[21:04:00] stuarta: channel logos are right in the corner.
[21:04:00] stuarta: are, aren't
[21:04:00] laga: right in the corner? ever watched a stream without overscan? :)
[21:04:00] juski: haj: it's probably possible – just that there've been a lot of changes to the way livetv works, and the python scripts never really worked well with livetv anyway
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[21:05:00] stuarta: itv4??? its 1/3 the way into the screen
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[21:05:00] juski: so I need to sort my remote out with some more skip buttons then
[21:05:00] bronco2 ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[21:05:00] haj: juski: at least the project dosn't look all dead :) so perhaps someone will make a update :)
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[21:05:00] juski: I would've thought at least aspect changes & blank frame detection would work...
[21:06:00] Beirdo: moving to north america would likely work too
[21:06:00] juski: off-hand, anyone know the markup code for commercials?
[21:06:00] stuarta: aspect ratio changes have been talked about but not implemented.
[21:06:00] juski: I could've sworn I saw the option for aspect changes
[21:06:00] laga: or to germany ;)
[21:07:00] Beirdo: heh
[21:07:00] Beirdo: Germany's overrated.
[21:07:00] jazzplyer ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:07:00] Beirdo: too many Germans, and all
[21:07:00] ** Beirdo ducks **
[21:08:00] juski: my bad.. no aspect change detection
[21:08:00] juski: so er... every time a US show fades or cuts to black.. that's usually an ad break is it?
[21:09:00] phatmonkey ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:09:00] ** laga occupies beirdo's condo **
[21:09:00] Beirdo: not if it's Law & Order or CSI
[21:09:00] stuarta: or scifi
[21:09:00] juski: like you get a bit of show show before the titles, fade, ads, titles, fade, ads, program
[21:09:00] juski: bet 24 fuddles it too
[21:10:00] juski: it's not really that big a deal right now, but I reckon it might be in future
[21:10:00] juski: time to open the pandoras box that is recordedmarkup
[21:15:00] itsonlyme: I think i may have a differnt card then I tought I did, dmesg shows a /dev/radio0 being created. How can I tell if my WinTV card is actually a WinTV-radio?
[21:15:00] juski: hmmm... nothing in there for 'type' other than 9.. so I'm guessing that '9' is a GOP or whatever
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[21:16:00] ivor ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
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[21:17:00] juski: itsonlyme: my dvb-t cards don't have radio tuners, and I've got a whole _raft_ of radio devices in /dev
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[21:18:00] itsonlyme: dang. I was hoping that was the mistake I was making... Errr!
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[21:19:00] itsonlyme: I have btt878 card, Any way to test if I can get audio directly off it without going through the sound card?
[21:19:00] juski: itsonlyme: yep.. if you have amplified speakers
[21:20:00] juski: headphones sometimes work too
[21:20:00] cyanid3: I need to mount a directory to multiple hard drives. Is this possible?
[21:20:00] juski: oh... wait a sec.. you mean _record_ audio from it without a soundcard... probably not
[21:20:00] itsonlyme: I know audio comes out the line out, I wanted to see if I can ..... yes
[21:20:00] itsonlyme: nuts.
[21:21:00] juski: itsonlyme: bt878 only does mono audio anyway
[21:21:00] SlicerDicer- (n=Slicer@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:21:00] itsonlyme: what is the vbi0 device?
[21:21:00] juski: it's for decoded vbi data
[21:21:00] juski: teletext for subtitles (not actual teletext)
[21:22:00] juski: & CC subtitles
[21:22:00] itsonlyme: oj
[21:22:00] itsonlyme: oh
[21:22:00] ** juski goes to turn off commflagging **
[21:23:00] stuarta: juski: useless datapoint. shows transcoded to mpeg4 seem to detect better...
[21:23:00] juski: stuarta: I noticed that... as well as recordings from my PVR150 card
[21:24:00] haj: ah.. nice, i have the backend up'n'running without a tvcard... for some reason it can't figure out if the programs are movies or what they are
[21:24:00] juski: could also look at the audio peaks... my cable channel adverts are like 6dB hotter than programmes
[21:24:00] haj: oh.. btw.
[21:24:00] juski: haj: some xmltv guides don't have show type data
[21:24:00] juski: (maybe)
[21:25:00] haj: anyone know if i can schedule FM-recordings if i install the MythFM-plugin ?
[21:25:00] squeegy ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[21:25:00] juski: haj: if you can get the bugger to compile
[21:25:00] haj: juski: that could be it. i think i'll read the danish mythtv-maillist a bit
[21:27:00] kristok ( Quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12")
[21:28:00] SqWaw` ( Quit ("[BX] Showering in your clothes shows you're crazy. Showering nude shows your nuts.")
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[21:34:00] itsonlyme: OK, mythtv and sox are both getting audio from /dev/dsp which is the corect audio stream. Both of these programs record very quiet audio, even at full volume. I would have thought that it was a hardware problem, but tvtime plays the audio very load, but i don't know what device it is using. Its like myth can't amplify the volume, and tvtime can. Anyone have any ideas? Please!  :)
[21:35:00] juski: itsonlyme: recording volume is set in the recording profiles setup pages
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[21:36:00] juski: and probably also by the record channel of your linux mixer
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[21:37:00] itsonlyme: I set the recording volume of pcm and master to 100
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[21:37:00] itsonlyme: %
[21:37:00] juski: but what's it set to in your recording profiles eh?
[21:37:00] juski: btw you really don't wanna use 100%.. it can be prone to distortion
[21:38:00] juski: as mentioned in the mythtv FM
[21:38:00] itsonlyme: Well... when you can barly hear it that was the first thing to try...
[21:38:00] itsonlyme: I'll check the recording levels again, but I think I left it at 80%
[21:38:00] juski: it's possible the bttv card has a volume control too
[21:39:00] ** ole_schoola successfully compiles kernel to see hd5000's for first time **
[21:39:00] ole_schoola: whooo hooo
[21:39:00] ole_schoola: finally
[21:42:00] ole_schoola: i'm ready for gentoo, this dancing around FC4's package stuff is getting old
[21:43:00] juski: gentoo.. less dancing, more sleeping during the first compile
[21:43:00] itsonlyme: recording profiles are all set to 90%
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[21:43:00] ole_schoola: juski: i tried it last month, that emerge command packs a whallop
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[21:44:00] juski: yeh... a whole wad of compiling.. but it's quite easy
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[21:44:00] ole_schoola: i was really diggin it til i got back on track with this setup
[21:44:00] juski: I'm still running 2005.1 on my backend
[21:44:00] ole_schoola: it would be a total no-brainer under FC4 if the 2.6.15 kernel was released
[21:45:00] ole_schoola: but it's not, and i conquered
[21:45:00] ole_schoola: atscscan get locks, looking good
[21:46:00] ole_schoola: i guess i ought to go write up a howto on the wiki for any poor souls on fc4...
[21:46:00] ole_schoola: ...with an hd5000 collecting dust
[21:47:00] laga: ever tried debian?
[21:47:00] ole_schoola: once, vaguely
[21:47:00] juski: laga: new versions of the vids up now... some low-frequency oompf for you...
[21:47:00] itsonlyme: should my input and output devices both be /dev/dsp  ?
[21:48:00] laga: juski: :)
[21:48:00] laga: juski: which one?
[21:48:00] ole_schoola: holy crap, lirc even survived ... i totally got this by pure, dumb luck
[21:49:00] ** stuarta likes the dvd patch for mythtranscode **
[21:49:00] laga: stuarta: does it work?
[21:49:00] haj: juski: nice, i just found a xmldk grabber that is written for my cabletv-provider :)
[21:49:00] ole_schoola: stuarta: rip to .iso i presume?
[21:49:00] stuarta: currently applying dvdauthor to the resulting mpg
[21:49:00] stuarta: few complaints about discontinuity in audo
[21:50:00] ** ole_schoola runs off to read commits **
[21:50:00] juski: laga: all but the 5.1 ones are new
[21:50:00] laga: stuarta: i had these complaints as well. lots of them..did you actually play the file in xine?
[21:50:00] laga: juski: thanks, i'll look into it later or tomorrow – it's already late here :)
[21:50:00] stuarta: ole_schoola: it adds support for the required packets in the mpeg file.
[21:51:00] stuarta: laga: will tell you once dvdauthor is finished...
[21:51:00] stuarta: old_schoola: ticket 1093
[21:51:00] Filip^ ( Quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[21:53:00] daniel_bergamini (n=daniel_b@216-107-194-166.gdt.cust.seg.NET) Quit (Client Quit)
[21:53:00] juski: laga: seen the new ticket? looks promising
[21:54:00] laga: what new ticket? dvd support for mythtranscode?
[21:55:00] electrichamster (n=jonty@adsl-83-100-231-125.karoo.KCOM.COM) has joined #mythtv-users
[21:56:00] juski: laga: forum support ticket
[21:57:00] itsonlyme: bbs
[21:57:00] itsonlyme ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:58:00] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[21:58:00] GreyFoxx: w
[21:58:00] GreyFoxx: 6:12pm up 1797 day(s), 1:07, 1 user, load average: 0.05, 0.14, 0.22
[21:58:00] GreyFoxx: Damn
[21:58:00] bjohnson ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:58:00] adante ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[21:59:00] haj: GreyFoxx: thats what happens :)
[21:59:00] chickeneater (n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:59:00] GreyFoxx: Obviously these people don't do much in the way of maintainance or patches :)
[21:59:00] GreyFoxx: Looks like it hasn't been rebooted once since our software was installed on it
[21:59:00] stuarta: good vote for stability though....
[22:00:00] haj: stability isn't much good on a 0wned system ;)
[22:00:00] adante ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:00:00] snookmz: heh, fark
[22:00:00] snookmz: how many years is that?
[22:00:00] ** snookmz calculates **
[22:00:00] GreyFoxx: snookmz: 4.92
[22:00:00] snookmz: heh, class
[22:00:00] GreyFoxx: Hopefully they are updating all of the network facing daemons which i tlooks like they are
[22:00:00] snookmz: uname -a ?
[22:01:00] GreyFoxx: It's Solaris 7
[22:01:00] snookmz: ahh, nod
[22:01:00] GreyFoxx: They've been updating ssh, and apache (the only network facing apps)
[22:01:00] ** stuarta swears at xine for disliking his command line **
[22:02:00] GreyFoxx: got up to 3 years before I had to take it down to move it when the colo location moved offices
[22:02:00] flynch (n=flynch@ has left #mythtv-users
[22:02:00] GreyFoxx: It's just rare I see more than 2 years on a machine :)
[22:03:00] Merlin83a: 1979 days up == old ass OS with lots of vulnerabilities!
[22:03:00] laga: Merlin83a: ever heard of openbsd? :)
[22:03:00] GreyFoxx: Merlin83b: As long as there isn't a remote hole, and you aren't handing out shell accounts , that's not really a problem :)
[22:04:00] Merlin83a: Yes, laga. It has bugs too!
[22:04:00] Merlin83a: Playing devils advocate a bit – there are plenty of situations where that sort of uptime is fine. Generally, you'll be running an old insecure OS though :-)
[22:04:00] ZeroDiv ( Quit ("Leaving")
[22:04:00] Merlin83a: "Only one remote hole in the default install, in more than 8 years!"
[22:04:00] GreyFoxx: In this case the box has 2 network facing ports, both with software that I can see has been maintained, it's on a packet filtered network where joe blow can't reach it
[22:05:00] Merlin83a: Not so long ago that was no remote holes :-)
[22:05:00] haj: GreyFoxx: it could be okay.. if it's running a system that hasn't had a new patch in 5 years :)
[22:05:00] Merlin83a: The you're okay, GreyFoxx :-)
[22:06:00] laga: juski: you complained about the lame music in mythburn – it actually works better with some drum & bass :)
[22:06:00] laga: juski: – using 'the small cyan room'
[22:07:00] laga: juski: btw, i still can't do PMs. and yes, i'm gonna fix that some day
[22:08:00] juski: heh
[22:08:00] juski: laga: I'll go on a loop finding mission & do a good selection of loopable backing musak too
[22:08:00] kormoc ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:08:00] stuarta: why does xine insist on playing the 3rd part of the dvd dvdauthor creates???
[22:08:00] ** juski loves DVD authoring **
[22:08:00] clintar ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:08:00] laga: juski: hehe :)
[22:09:00] juski: work almost got me to do their corporate vid on the strength of seeing a rough edit I did
[22:09:00] juski: the directors nixed the idea in favour of paying someone ££££££
[22:09:00] laga: well, you get to play with the right tools, don't you? :)
[22:10:00] juski: would've been the ideal excuse to buy a 3CCD HD camcorder
[22:10:00] laga: hehe
[22:11:00] juski: took them _weeks_ to make a half hour promo
[22:11:00] juski: and it turned out cheesy as hell ;-)
[22:12:00] kormoc ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:12:00] juski: laga: that music guy uses Reason presets a lot
[22:13:00] juski: wooo loving 'velvet green spikes'
[22:15:00] SlicerDicer- ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:18:00] laga: juski: hehe :) snoozw, who made this music, is quite a nice guy – you can find him in the ircnet
[22:20:00] laga: juski: err, his name is 'snooze'
[22:20:00] laga: awesome. mythburn gave me a DVD without audio
[22:21:00] laga: funnily enough, it works at the beginning of the stream (didn't cut it properly so i still have some commercials)
[22:22:00] juski: hmmm
[22:23:00] laga: i like the new audio effects. but i loved the walking robot. :)
[22:23:00] laga: is that ac3 audio?
[22:24:00] chickeneater (n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:25:00] juski: laga: no that one's not
[22:25:00] juski: erm... myth5_1.mpg is ac3
[22:25:00] laga: ok
[22:25:00] laga: i should download that one as well
[22:26:00] SlicerDicer- ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:26:00] juski: want a 4:3 version?
[22:27:00] itsonlyme ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:27:00] itsonlyme: hi again
[22:27:00] snookmz ( has left #mythtv-users
[22:27:00] SlicerDicer- ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:28:00] |Pir8| ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:29:00] jvs ( Quit ("Leaving")
[22:34:00] dberry ( Quit ("Leaving")
[22:34:00] laga: juski: not necessarily, i don't care much about AC3
[22:35:00] Arkkis: any of you happen to do web-pages on linux? What's your tool of choise? (Yes, I'm perverted in a way that I'd prefer an graphical tool, not something like vi)
[22:36:00] deego (n=user@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:36:00] electrichamster: nvu
[22:36:00] CanadaBoy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:36:00] juski: laga: sounds nice with a sub though ;-)
[22:37:00] laga: juski: parents won't allow a sub *grin*
[22:37:00] abarbaccia ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:37:00] batdog|gone is now known as batdog
[22:38:00] juski: laga: hehehh
[22:41:00] abarbaccia: hello all – i've been doing some reading about pvr150s and IRBlasters working – any success in here?
[22:41:00] flindet ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:43:00] itsonlyme: I'm still getting the same audio problem as before, I'm starting to sound repetitive, but I don't know whats going on and I don't know what else to share/ Anyone have any help? I do now know that if I mute the line in even tvtime stops playing audio. aplay doesn't play anything either.
[22:47:00] SlicerDicer- ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:50:00] pp (n=ppouliot@ Quit (Client Quit)
[22:50:00] pp (n=ppouliot@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:54:00] Mobleman^laptop (i=Mobleman@ Quit ()
[22:55:00] itsonlyme: OK, I read that changeing the sound type from tv-stero to tv-mono might solve the problem, but I cant find the setting to mono anywhere. Does anyone know where the setting is?
[22:55:00] Chutt ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:57:00] _rjune: odd question, I want to rip my DVDs to the hard drive, but my wife is hard of hearing so I would like to get the ISO images. is there a way to play the ISO image rather then burn igt do disk?
[22:58:00] laga: _rjune: you can point xine to iso images and dvd filesystem structures
[22:58:00] _rjune: laga: cool
[22:59:00] laga: bed time :) bye!
[22:59:00] _rjune: bye
[22:59:00] SlicerDicer- (n=Slicer@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:59:00] hunterotd ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:01:00] juski: night laga
[23:02:00] ole_schoola: i beleive dvd rip to iso is coming in .19, see the (soon to be) release notes
[23:02:00] ole_schoola:
[23:03:00] _rjune: ole_schoola: that's happy and all, I know how to do it, I was curious how to play it
[23:03:00] ole_schoola: remember, .19 isn't released yet so those notes aren't either =)
[23:04:00] ole_schoola: oh, xine worked fine for me in the past
[23:04:00] beavis ( Quit ("Konversation terminated!")
[23:05:00] itsonlyme: arg! I'm losing my hair over this!
[23:05:00] itsonlyme: :)
[23:07:00] itsonlyme: My opinion of my own intelligence is signifanctly lower then when I started...
[23:09:00] iggy_ is now known as iggy
[23:09:00] abarbaccia: anybody use a pvr-150 here nd have the irblaster working?
[23:09:00] itsonlyme: if I mute the line in I get ultra low (unusable) audio that does record, and if I un mute line in I get loud clear audio that can't be recorded. All my volume settings are turned up, and the record profiles are all turned up... I don't know what else to do...
[23:09:00] SlicerDicer- (n=Slicer@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:11:00] __Ace__ (n=love@ Quit ()
[23:13:00] stuarta ( Quit ("Leaving")
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[23:17:00] metalac: hey do you guys notice any loss of quality when you split cables
[23:18:00] GreyFoxx: certainly
[23:18:00] GreyFoxx: you always incur signal loss when you split a cable
[23:18:00] flindet ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:18:00] GreyFoxx: depending on how strong the signal is you might not notice, if it's not strong to start it could be noticable
[23:18:00] khanman ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:21:00] jazzplyer ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:21:00] Layer01_ZZZZ is now known as Layer01
[23:23:00] itsonlyme: OK for some reason aplay /dev/dsp plays audio perfectly, but mythtv still won't play. Why is that?
[23:25:00] b_e_n_z ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:26:00] klys (n=JEFFERY@ has joined #mythtv-users
[23:27:00] klys: this just in: looking for the pinout for a matrox 400 tv cable
[23:27:00] kormoc: klys, this just in, there is no mythtv-users new agency :P
[23:28:00] kormoc: *news
[23:28:00] klys: ~seen alhaz
[23:29:00] klys: s/400/g400/
[23:31:00] metalac: GreyFoxx: well what I'm wondering is, I see people that have 4, 5 or more tunners in their boxes and I'm wondering how they deal with this
[23:32:00] metalac: spliting the cable in 2 is easy and not that degrading, but once you start doing it multiple times like that it gets a bit harder
[23:32:00] GreyFoxx: metalac: It completely depends on the signal strength coming in from the pole
[23:32:00] GreyFoxx: and if they have added an amp
[23:33:00] metalac: so you think adding an amp before the cable is split could take care of the problem?
[23:33:00] GreyFoxx: for regular analog TV you could split MOST installs twice (giving you 4 outputs) withouth noticing
[23:33:00] juski: klys: use google ;-)
[23:33:00] ole_schoola: there is no right answer, cable modems and hd cable boxes throw all the rules of thumb out
[23:33:00] juski:
[23:33:00] scottder: hey I am looking at recorded programs with MythWeb what does it mean when it says "is Editing: yes"
[23:34:00] itsonlyme: metalac, there are powered spliters that enhance the signal before splitting.
[23:34:00] juski: not enhance.. _amplify_
[23:34:00] ole_schoola: metalac: start at the beginning, how many devices need to acces the cable, total
[23:34:00] itsonlyme: true
[23:35:00] ole_schoola: metalac: tv's, vcr's, myth tuners, cable boxen, cable modem, etc...
[23:35:00] GreyFoxx: And depending on signal strength, try to keep item like a cable modem on their own chain so that your further splitting wont affect the signal to it
[23:36:00] dakeyra1 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:36:00] itsonlyme: greedy folks with there multi tuner setups... I bet they even have sound for each one... not me... no sir. Its perfectly peacefull in my home. Not even the volume on my TV bothers me...
[23:36:00] ivor ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:37:00] juski: like whining ever got results :-/
[23:37:00] ole_schoola: metalac, can you make a count of each type? can't proceed without knowing that
[23:37:00] itsonlyme: :)
[23:39:00] itsonlyme: heh, I just got my usb tuner running on ubuntu in a x86 qemu session on my power book. I can see the lines scanning...
[23:40:00] scottder: hey I am looking at recorded programs with MythWeb what does it mean when it says "is Editing: yes"
[23:40:00] scottder: Opps
[23:41:00] squish102 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:45:00] klys: juski: I've seen that, built a cable for it, but I don't know how I did and it doesn't work since those obviously aren't the correct pin numbers for a standard 4-pin s-video cable.
[23:46:00] ricochet ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:46:00] juski: klys: should be easy to work out
[23:46:00] juski: lemme look
[23:46:00] klys: juski: it's a pain finding proper pin numbers for a mini-din7. searching google returns one ultra-confusing non-standard diagram.
[23:47:00] juski: ahhh 7 pin DIN... eew
[23:47:00] juski: what model's the card again?
[23:47:00] klys: millenium g400
[23:47:00] klys: the cable would cost $10 + shipping
[23:48:00] Nem^ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:49:00] lars-ut is now known as lars-ut-away
[23:50:00] juski: klys: I'd pay the $10
[23:52:00] klys: just came back online
[23:52:00] bjohnson ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:53:00] metalac (n=dejan@ Quit ("Leaving")
[23:53:00] klys: is the same convoluted diagram I saw beforew
[23:54:00] juski: klys: looks like you only get RGB out of the 7 pin socket
[23:55:00] klys: well, looks like that might actually work
[23:56:00] klys: I was just confused because pin 1 was grounded.
[23:57:00] juski: do you want RGB output?
[23:57:00] juski: doesn't look like it does svideo, that's all
[23:58:00] klys: well, I think they double as chrom/lum for 4-pin s-video
[23:59:00] juski: right... assuming you don't tie rgb_enable to anything ;-)
[23:59:00] juski: my guess would be that chroma comes out of the red terminal
[23:59:00] juski: you know which lines are ground now, so that takes most of the guesswork away

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