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Thursday, November 24th, 2005, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:00] NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:02:00] rsdvd ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:03:00] WAR_CH|LD: GreyFoxx for the ringbuff on the slave, doesn it matter where it's located? or does the location need to be readable by the master?
[00:04:00] Servo888 ( Quit (Client Quit)
[00:04:00] adante ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:04:00] shiznix ( Quit (Success)
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[00:04:00] SlicerDicer (n=Slicer@ Quit ("Leaving")
[00:04:00] shiznix ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:06:00] SlicerDicer (n=Slicer@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:00] hari_seldon99 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:08:00] burly ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[00:18:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) Quit (Success)
[00:18:00] Aneurysm9 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:19:00] burly ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:19:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has joined #mythtv-users
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[00:20:00] adante ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:22:00] WAR_CH|LD: GreyFoxx for the ringbuff on the slave, doesn it matter where it's located? or does the location need to be readable by the master?
[00:25:00] Spida ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:25:00] nullman ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:28:00] TeleF2k ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[00:31:00] TeleF2k ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:33:00] NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:36:00] mofu: WAR_CH|LD: it would be a bit more responsive if it was local, but as long as the slave has r/w it should be fine
[00:37:00] mofu: assume we're talking nfs over cat5?
[00:39:00] WAR_CH|LD: yeah
[00:39:00] WAR_CH|LD: awesome, i'll make it local then
[00:40:00] Kury: anyone know if this IR device will work w/ LIRC and a remote, or is this just for IR file transfers??
[00:40:00] WAR_CH|LD: I keep getting this ringbuf error
[00:40:00] Kury: here is a picture of the device:
[00:40:00] WAR_CH|LD: I had it before, but that was because i couldn't rw to the location for hte slave ring buf
[00:40:00] squeegy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:40:00] WAR_CH|LD: then I did something else and it's back, but it can r/w to it
[00:41:00] mofu: irda != lirc
[00:41:00] WAR_CH|LD: what's the comment in linux to give you the path of the current working directoy? (mental blank)
[00:41:00] mofu: pwd
[00:41:00] WAR_CH|LD: pwd
[00:41:00] WAR_CH|LD: brain kicked in
[00:41:00] WAR_CH|LD: :)
[00:43:00] WAR_CH|LD: a'Couldn't read file: rbuf://
[00:43:00] WAR_CH|LD: I am getting that.
[00:44:00] WAR_CH|LD: when i change to a tuner on my slave system.
[00:44:00] squeegy ( Quit (Client Quit)
[00:44:00] gnoob ( has left #mythtv-users
[00:47:00] Crunchy ( Quit ()
[00:48:00] WAR_CH|LD: RemoteFile::Read() failed in RingBuffer::safe_read().
[00:48:00] WAR_CH|LD: and that, just before the first.. on the frontend.
[00:49:00] WAR_CH|LD: the weird thing is, if I rung the frontend form the slave system.
[00:49:00] WAR_CH|LD: it works ok.
[00:49:00] WAR_CH|LD: this is just running the frontend from the masterbackend.
[00:56:00] Lancer_Koala ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:56:00] ldam ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:59:00] dopester ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:03:00] Kury: why does irrecord pickup the same signals for different buttons on my factory remote/receiver combo?
[01:04:00] Kury: after I save the config & restart the lircd daemon & irw... it says I have like 4 mute buttons.. 3 up buttons.. etc..
[01:06:00] Lancer_Koala: anyone know of a way to setup the composite/input from a pvr-x50 so it goes directly to video out with out being recorded to the hard drive? (kinda like dd if=/dev/video of=/dev/video16 bs=64k)
[01:07:00] Lancer_Koala: Kury: have you dug around in your lirc config files?
[01:07:00] Lancer_Koala: Kury: oh irrecord.. sorry, that shouldn't matter
[01:07:00] Kury: ya.. I had this problem before when I setup LIRC on this systemm... but I don't remember how I fixed it..
[01:08:00] Lancer_Koala: you might want to poke around in the file that gets generated.. there might be multiple entrries or something
[01:08:00] maniacxs (n=maniacxs@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:09:00] jd86 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:09:00] Kury: Lancer_Koala: ya.. there is.. thats the whole problem :(
[01:10:00] Lancer_Koala: Kury: so can you delete the extra entries and save the file?
[01:15:00] Kury: ya.. but that still doesn't give me values for the other keys..
[01:15:00] exstatica: anyone mix a pvr350 with a pvr150?
[01:15:00] Dagmar: exstatica: it should be doable
[01:16:00] Dagmar: It's the PVR cards and some of the BT8x8 cards that are problematic
[01:16:00] Dagmar: The tuner modules like to get into a snit about each other
[01:16:00] exstatica: cause i know the pvr-150 use the newer drivers
[01:17:00] Dagmar: Ooh
[01:18:00] Dagmar: ivtv 0.5.0 might fix that
[01:19:00] kormoc: the newer drivers work for the older cards as well
[01:19:00] Dagmar: "removed tveeprom, tuner, v4l1-compat, msp3400 and tda9887 in favor of the versions in v4l."
[01:19:00] Dagmar: Those last two were the modules I noticed would screw right up
[01:19:00] Lancer_Koala: Kury: oh, I see.. so irrecord is recording the wrong button press or something
[01:20:00] kormoc: 0.4.x should work fine with the 150 as well
[01:20:00] Dagmar: kormoc: I was looking that up because I can never remember about the 150
[01:21:00] Kury: Lancer_Koala: ya.. like 3+ times for several *different* buttons.. I think I just got it to work though..
[01:21:00] Lancer_Koala: yay!
[01:21:00] Kury: Lancer_Koala: not that I changed *anything* ... at all
[01:21:00] Dagmar: Kury: The same codes are being detected for multiple keys?
[01:21:00] Lancer_Koala: Kury: heh
[01:22:00] sdcorn ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:22:00] Lancer_Koala: Kury: if it makes you feel better, I had to use a digital capture scope and hand code my remote using raw codes
[01:23:00] Lancer_Koala: stupid RCA
[01:23:00] gr00ve ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:23:00] sdcorn: Hello
[01:23:00] sdcorn: Anyone here familiar with setting up XvMC?
[01:23:00] Lancer_Koala: so nobody with any experience trying to do passthrough on a pvr-350, eh?
[01:23:00] gr00ve: this might be a question for the dev list, but can anyone tell me how to shim in a function call so that it's triggered whenever there's an input event? (keyboard, joystick, lirc)
[01:23:00] sdcorn: Lancer: I just got on, what are you trying to do?
[01:24:00] gr00ve: i've set up XvMC and a pvr350 before, sure. what's troubling you with them?
[01:24:00] DeltaF: I'm getting no output from irw – if anyone has ideas, I'd appreciate it. :)
[01:25:00] sdcorn: When I turn on XvMC in the TV settings, I get "Unable to initialize video" whenever I try and watch a recording
[01:25:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – what's the hardware?
[01:25:00] sdcorn: I'm running the latest version of mythtv from atrpms and the latest Nvidia driver
[01:25:00] Lancer_Koala: sdcorn: I'd like to have my composite in passthrough to cideo out without recording to the hard drive
[01:25:00] sdcorn: Geforce FX 5200
[01:25:00] Lancer_Koala: *video
[01:26:00] DeltaF: I can't get past seg fault on the frontend.. :P
[01:26:00] gr00ve: if you ldd mythfrontend do you see the nvidiaxvmc lib?
[01:26:00] sdcorn: Lancer: sorry never tried that
[01:26:00] Lancer_Koala: DeltaF: usually if irw isn't showing anything, the config file isn't working (or the device or something else)
[01:26:00] Lancer_Koala: sdcorn: no prob.. thanks
[01:27:00] DeltaF: the lircrc or the other one?
[01:27:00] sdcorn: where do I need to run that command from?
[01:27:00] Kury: Lancer_Koala: yup.. sweet it worked..
[01:27:00] gr00ve: DeltaF – try irrecord – you can use that to verify /etc/lircd.conf to make sure the values look okay
[01:27:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – from a prompt. try: "ldd `which mythfrontend`"
[01:27:00] gr00ve: those are backticks, in case it's not clear – on the key with the tilde. apologies if you knew that already.
[01:28:00] Lancer_Koala: DeltaF: do you get *anything* by for example "cat /dev/whateverdevicethedetectorison" and then pushing buttons?
[01:28:00] gr00ve: DeltaF – it's the /etc/lircd.conf that irw interfaces with
[01:28:00] DeltaF: Nothing.
[01:28:00] exstatica: so is there a simple way to install it using fedora?
[01:28:00] DeltaF: I copied the *entire* file provided for my remote in the remote sample section.
[01:28:00] sdcorn: => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x056a9000)
[01:28:00] sdcorn: => /usr/X11R6/lib/ (0x056b0000)
[01:28:00] Kury: Lancer_Koala: I know passthrough on a PVR-350 is possible.. but I'm not sure where the info is.. I read an article about a year ago and I believe it was for a Fedora Core 2 system...
[01:28:00] sdcorn: I've got those two
[01:29:00] gr00ve: DeltaF – are you sure your modules are okay? lirc_dev and lirc_i2c should be loaded and present in lsmod output. you should see a /dev/lircd and /dev/lirc0. you should also have entries for lirc in your /etc/modules.conf
[01:29:00] TeleF2k ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:29:00] DeltaF: Yup. irrecord is working.
[01:29:00] Kury: Whats the LIRC program to turn the IR signals into keyboard and/or mouse input?? is it just the lircd or??
[01:29:00] Lancer_Koala: Kury: ya, the ivtv wiki mentions it, but no details
[01:29:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – okay, that's a start. might be something to do with your xconfig then.
[01:29:00] DeltaF: I see dots.
[01:29:00] sdcorn: which from what I've googled means its using the wrapper
[01:30:00] DeltaF: Dude. Its working now.
[01:30:00] DeltaF: wtf. Yesterday it didn't do anything
[01:30:00] Lancer_Koala: heh
[01:30:00] DeltaF: Sorry for wasting our time.
[01:30:00] Lancer_Koala: thats the story of the day
[01:30:00] gr00ve: the best problems are the ones that take care of themselves
[01:30:00] Lancer_Koala: indeed
[01:30:00] DeltaF: for sure. :)
[01:31:00] DeltaF: Last week the kmds for my kernel weren't ready yet.
[01:31:00] DeltaF: exstatica: There's a howto that supposedly is easy. :)
[01:31:00] DeltaF: I've had lots of little problems
[01:31:00] sdcorn: under /etc/X11/XvMCConfig is the line
[01:31:00] DeltaF: But I'm probably farther than if I had started from scratch
[01:32:00] DeltaF: So, google "fedora mythtv" and go from there. :)
[01:32:00] exstatica: well i have my pvr-350 working great with fedora, and it's all setup
[01:32:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – heh – i don't even have that file, and mine seems to work
[01:32:00] exstatica: i just want to get my 150 to work also
[01:32:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – if you use ffmpeg or whatever, is it fine? only problems when set to XvMC ?
[01:33:00] sdcorn: If I uncheck the box in the setup to use XvMC then yes everything's fine
[01:33:00] sdcorn: except for the fact that my machine's too dog slow to decode HDTV
[01:33:00] gr00ve: okay that's actually different from what i get, probably because i also have a pvr-350
[01:33:00] gr00ve: in that menu for me, it asks whether i want to use the pvr-350 tvout, and i say no.
[01:33:00] Kury: Whats the program to turn the IR signals into keyboard and/or mouse input??
[01:34:00] gr00ve: but in the first menu under playback settings, it asks for the mpeg2 codec, and there i can select xvmc
[01:34:00] gr00ve: that seems to work fine
[01:34:00] sdcorn: what version of myth are you running?
[01:34:00] sdcorn: on the same page it asks if I want to use the PVR-350 output it also has a check box to use XvMC
[01:35:00] sdcorn: I'm running 0.18.1 from atrpms
[01:35:00] Bombo_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:35:00] sdcorn: Kury: are you talking about lirc?
[01:36:00] Kury: does lirc itself do this conversion? if so.. where do I configure this?
[01:37:00] sdcorn:
[01:37:00] sdcorn: there's an excelent howto
[01:37:00] gr00ve: Kury irrecord will build a config file( /etc/lircd.conf ) and irxevent will grab the events for programs like myth
[01:37:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – svn 7738
[01:37:00] gr00ve: heh i don't even have that. strange. i actually thought there was something wrong with my config for that reason – i expected something else to be there
[01:37:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – so bizarre. i wonder if there's something wrong with my database or config, then... i only have one checkbox in a large window in that screen – "Use the PBR-460's TV/out MPEG decoder" and there's no other checkboxes, just back/next/cancel...
[01:38:00] DeltaF: When I strace mythfrontend, I get lots of Resource unavailable's.. Any ideas how I can troubleshoot/fix it?
[01:38:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – try unchecking the xvmc box, and instead selecting "Standard XvMC" in the "preferred mpeg2 decoder" option earlier in the playback settings
[01:39:00] gr00ve: DeltaF – what do they pertain to? they could even be caused by strace itself, as it will slow down a thread and potentially introduce abnormal latency
[01:39:00] gr00ve: DeltaF – try running the frontend with --verbose all
[01:39:00] gr00ve: DeltaF if anything's seriously wrong, you should see it in the output
[01:39:00] DeltaF: Ah. A variety of things. Mythfrontend seg faults, which is what I'm trying to fix. verbose sounds good
[01:40:00] sdcorn: um, I don't see that
[01:40:00] DeltaF: Seg fault after "Inserting MythDVD initial database information."
[01:40:00] gr00ve: under preferred mpeg2 decoder( first page in tv/playback settings ) what options do you have? should be standard, libmpeg2, and standard xvmc
[01:41:00] gr00ve: DeltaF – what revision are you on? is this on a very recent svn?
[01:41:00] DeltaF: The latest package available for fc4, pre built
[01:42:00] DeltaF: I can get it to work by removing ALL modules.
[01:42:00] DeltaF: But that includes video, tv, and all.
[01:42:00] DeltaF: If I put 1 back in, it faults all over again
[01:42:00] gr00ve: might be a problem with the build... are they separate packages( mythdvd and mythtv )
[01:42:00] sdcorn: on the first page, I have a checkbox that says "Use libmpeg2 for decoding"
[01:43:00] sdcorn: it's currently unchecked
[01:43:00] DeltaF: There was a meta package to install all of it for me.
[01:43:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – i guess the config's changed a bit...
[01:43:00] DeltaF: ala fedora myth howto
[01:43:00] sdcorn: yep
[01:43:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – can you test anything else that uses xvmc to rule out myth or the x11 driver?
[01:43:00] DeltaF: I'm up for a manual rebuild at this point, unless it's a known issue with x86_64.
[01:43:00] gr00ve: like mplayer or maybe xine?
[01:44:00] DeltaF: Could funky sound drivers cause it?
[01:44:00] gr00ve: oh you're on x86_64? could well be a known issue, there've been a few
[01:44:00] DeltaF: Darn. Any work arounds in svn?
[01:44:00] sdcorn: I tried mplayer and that didn't work either
[01:44:00] gr00ve: DeltaF i suppose that's possible, too, sure. svn's in constant flux – you'll get fixes for some things and new bugs to experience and enjoy.  ;)
[01:45:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – okay, so it's not your myth config most likely. again it seems more like an X problem. which x driver is it, exactly?
[01:45:00] DeltaF: Mythbackend works – I can record stuff scheduled through mythweb.
[01:45:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – oh and what X11 are you using? xorg?
[01:45:00] DeltaF: I'd just really like to start *watching* stuff. ;)
[01:45:00] sdcorn: xorg yes
[01:45:00] gr00ve: DeltaF – have you searched the list archives?
[01:45:00] gr00ve:
[01:45:00] Bombo ( Quit (Success)
[01:45:00] Bombo_ is now known as Bombo
[01:45:00] sdcorn: NVIDIA-Linux-x86–
[01:45:00] gr00ve:
[01:45:00] DeltaF: Through google. Most seem to crash while already in frontend
[01:45:00] gr00ve: it may well show up there
[01:46:00] sdcorn: that's the driver
[01:46:00] DeltaF: Others have the same question with no answer.
[01:46:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – okay, that's what i'm using too, i believe. i got it straight from i believe, but it's v7676
[01:46:00] sdcorn: same here
[01:46:00] gr00ve: i have a mx440 however. but the 5200 is said to work fine
[01:46:00] DeltaF: I'm running at 5200 with the 7676, I think
[01:46:00] sdcorn: are there any options or settings in xorg.conf?
[01:46:00] DeltaF: Worked better than the rpm.
[01:46:00] gr00ve: you're using driver "nvidia" in your x conf?
[01:47:00] sdcorn: yep
[01:47:00] gr00ve: what other options do you have for the nvidia driver?
[01:47:00] gr00ve: i have these in there:
[01:47:00] gr00ve: #Option "RenderAccel" "1"
[01:47:00] gr00ve: Option "TVStandard" "NTSC-M"
[01:47:00] gr00ve: Option "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO"
[01:47:00] gr00ve: Option "NvAGP" "3"
[01:47:00] gr00ve: Option "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"
[01:48:00] dhofstra: that 7676 has some problems.. .what is his issue? sorry too lazy to read all the way up
[01:48:00] gr00ve: not sure if that will make any difference to you or not.
[01:48:00] gr00ve: xvmc's not working in mplayer or mythtv
[01:48:00] sdcorn: Section "Module"
[01:48:00] sdcorn: Load "dbe"
[01:48:00] sdcorn: Load "extmod"
[01:48:00] sdcorn: Load "fbdevhw"
[01:48:00] sdcorn: Load "glx"
[01:48:00] sdcorn: Load "record"
[01:48:00] sdcorn: Load "freetype"
[01:48:00] sdcorn: Load "type1"
[01:48:00] gr00ve: he's getting "unable to initialize resource"
[01:48:00] sdcorn: Load "v4l"
[01:48:00] sdcorn: Load "vnc"
[01:48:00] sdcorn: EndSection
[01:48:00] dhofstra: you compiled with xvmc enabled right?
[01:48:00] gr00ve: i meant just the options in the "Device" section
[01:48:00] DeltaF: Whats nvagp?
[01:48:00] gr00ve: yeah he checked with ldd and it's linked in there
[01:49:00] gr00ve: DeltaF – no clue, i googled someone else's xorg.conf and used it, and it works fine so i left it alone
[01:49:00] sdcorn: I'm running the latest rpm from atrpms
[01:49:00] sdcorn: Section "Device"
[01:49:00] sdcorn: Identifier "Videocard0"
[01:49:00] sdcorn: Driver "nvidia"
[01:49:00] sdcorn: # Driver "nv"
[01:49:00] sdcorn: VendorName "Videocard vendor"
[01:49:00] sdcorn: BoardName "NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)"
[01:49:00] sdcorn: Option "RenderAccel" "1"
[01:49:00] sdcorn: # TV Out Setup
[01:49:00] sdcorn: # Option "TVStandard" "NTSC-M"
[01:49:00] sdcorn: # Option "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO"
[01:49:00] GreyFoxx: Ok stop flooding the channel
[01:49:00] sdcorn: Option "ConnectedMonitor" "dfp"
[01:49:00] sdcorn: # Option "TVOverScan" "0.6"
[01:49:00] sdcorn: EndSection
[01:49:00] GreyFoxx: use or com if you have more than 3 or 4 lines of stuff please
[01:50:00] DeltaF: My FX 5200 works without it. :)
[01:50:00] DeltaF: Perhaps a suggestion.
[01:50:00] DeltaF: I'm very clueless with X11 in general, though.
[01:50:00] sphing ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:50:00] Dagmar: nvagp controls explicitly whether or not nvidia's driver will attempt to use it's own AGP driver
[01:50:00] Dagmar: You don't need to set it usually
[01:50:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – i don't load the "vnc" module – i guess it's possible there's a conflict, but i doubt that.
[01:50:00] Dagmar: Either the kernel's agpgart module will load, or nVidia will try to use it's own
[01:50:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – you _are_ displaying out the svideo output, right?
[01:50:00] gr00ve: DeltaF – well, it's working with it in there. i'm actually having no problems with it, but sdcorn's not getting xvmc playback
[01:50:00] sdcorn: nope, dvi to hdmi
[01:50:00] gr00ve: oh.
[01:50:00] t00m ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:00] DeltaF: ah.
[01:51:00] dhofstra: why are we trying to use xvmc? high def?
[01:51:00] sdcorn: yes
[01:51:00] gr00ve: well – that could be a little bit different. not sure if there's any gotchas with xvmc over the dvi – i'm using the tvout, so there could be a difference
[01:51:00] dhofstra: what cpu is it that cant handle it just ordinary without xvmc?
[01:52:00] sdcorn: AMD 1GHz
[01:52:00] dhofstra: ewww
[01:52:00] sdcorn: yeah
[01:52:00] sdcorn: this box started out life as just a SDTV
[01:52:00] dhofstra: does xvmc still have the grey menus/constant crashes it used to have?
[01:52:00] sdcorn: I just recently got the HD3000 card
[01:52:00] sphing: dhofstra: not on my box
[01:52:00] dhofstra: 1ghz would make a great high def BACKEND .. heh
[01:53:00] sdcorn: yeah, I recorded a file and played it on my main pc just fine
[01:53:00] dhofstra: sphing: cool maybe I'll have to look into xvmc sometime again then
[01:53:00] sdcorn: and from what I've read, once I get hardware decoding with XvMC I should be alright
[01:53:00] NightBird ( has joined #MythTV-Users
[01:54:00] sphing: sdcorn: what mobo... i joined late
[01:54:00] sdcorn: but I have yet to find a good how-to for setting up XvMC
[01:54:00] dhofstra: sounds reasonable then... keep at it.. I just dont know much about xvmc..
[01:54:00] sdcorn: um... I'm not sure, would the mobo make a difference?
[01:54:00] sphing: ah.. sorry i meant vidcard
[01:55:00] sdcorn: Chaintech FX 5200
[01:57:00] xris ( Quit ("")
[01:58:00] sdcorn: Is anyone here using the wrapper version of XvMC?
[01:58:00] DeltaF: Should I enable OpenGL for the plugins ./configure?
[01:59:00] Kury: would someone be so kind as to post up there irxevent config file.. I can't seem to get a simple one working..
[02:01:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – what do you mean by the wrapper version? i'm guessing i'm not using that
[02:01:00] gr00ve: DeltaF that setting shouldn't be the cure for segfaults, but it may cause some... heh
[02:02:00] DeltaF: I'm rebuilding from source..
[02:02:00] DeltaF: Meanwhile, I can't install qmake
[02:02:00] sdcorn: from what I've read, instead of compiling in a specific driver, you can compile in the driver
[02:02:00] gr00ve: dependency hell, eh
[02:02:00] Kury: Does anyone here use irxevent?
[02:02:00] DeltaF: yes..
[02:02:00] DeltaF: I thought I'd avoid it with Fedora.
[02:02:00] sdcorn: this points to a config file, which then points to the actual driver
[02:03:00] sdcorn: this evidently is how Myth is set up in the version I'm using
[02:03:00] gr00ve: oh i see
[02:03:00] sdcorn: it points to /etc/X11/XvMCConfig
[02:04:00] sdcorn: which points to
[02:04:00] DeltaF: What the hey.. lets just install qt.
[02:05:00] gr00ve: qt's a dependency for mythtv, anyway.
[02:05:00] DeltaF: Makes it interesting that it's not already installed, eh?
[02:05:00] gr00ve: not sure how you're running it without qt
[02:05:00] DeltaF: Perhaps the cause of the seg fault
[02:05:00] gr00ve: that could _very_ well be why it's segfaulting
[02:05:00] gr00ve: heh. try installing qt v3 and see how that does
[02:05:00] DeltaF: Somebody messed up the meta package..
[02:05:00] gr00ve: sounds like it.
[02:05:00] sdcorn: which is a link to
[02:06:00] DeltaF: "yum install qt" should do it right?
[02:07:00] gr00ve: i don't use fedora, but that sounds about right
[02:07:00] DeltaF: Bah. Still seg fault, no qmake
[02:07:00] sdcorn: so it looks like I've got the driver where it's supposed to be, but I have no idea how to check to debug what's going on
[02:08:00] gr00ve: well – if you rename the library and then rerun ldconfig, and then relaunch the frontend that links to it, it should refuse to start
[02:09:00] gr00ve: that might indicate for you whether or not it's loading the lib in the first place.
[02:09:00] gr00ve: you could also launch mythfrontend via strace and then grep the output to see if it's loading libXvMCNVIDIA
[02:10:00] Octane ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:10:00] sdcorn: I've never used strace
[02:10:00] DeltaF: Oh its fun. ;)
[02:10:00] gr00ve: just run "strace <programname>"
[02:10:00] sdcorn: does it output to a specific file?
[02:10:00] Dagmar: You have led a life of blessed innocence.
[02:10:00] gr00ve: but be prepared it sends a lot of output
[02:10:00] Octane ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:10:00] Dagmar: "lot of output" == "floods your console"
[02:10:00] gr00ve: i think you can also do a strace -o logfile <prog>
[02:11:00] sdcorn: does it out put to console or a file?
[02:11:00] sdcorn: ah
[02:11:00] sdcorn: ok
[02:11:00] gr00ve: it writes to stderr, so you can redirect as well
[02:12:00] gr00ve: grep the output for "open("
[02:12:00] sdcorn: ok, let me give this a shot
[02:15:00] gr00ve: it's normal to see a few failures – it tries across your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH until it finds a match, so you usually have a few errors trying to open it in the wrong directory, followed by a success wherever the lib's really located( so long as it's in your $LD path )
[02:16:00] sdcorn:
[02:16:00] sdcorn: whoops
[02:16:00] sdcorn: ignore that
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[02:17:00] ChanServ sets mode +v xris
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[02:18:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – have you grep'd for warnings or errors in the x11 startup logs? maybe the driver's having an issue... really not sure what else to offer you, sorry.
[02:18:00] sdcorn: I found the issue
[02:18:00] sdcorn: it says the file doesn't exist
[02:18:00] sdcorn: but it does
[02:18:00] sdcorn: and the permissions look fine too
[02:18:00] gr00ve: heh
[02:19:00] eskil_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:19:00] sdcorn: aw crap
[02:19:00] sdcorn: bad path
[02:20:00] gr00ve: if that's it, it's an easy fix, so that's great
[02:20:00] DeltaF: OK. I got qmake, I run stuff, hit make and get main.cpp errors saying that "the CPU you selected doesn't support x86–64 instruction set" which is what I have...
[02:20:00] gr00ve: hmm
[02:20:00] gr00ve: what's the cpu?
[02:20:00] DeltaF: AMD 64
[02:20:00] gr00ve: that's a family of chips
[02:20:00] DeltaF: Athlon 2800+
[02:21:00] DeltaF: A64, sorry
[02:21:00] gr00ve: okay. does your whole distribution support 64bit?
[02:21:00] chkno ( has left #mythtv-users
[02:21:00] kormoc ( Quit ("Done with work, yay! ( )")
[02:21:00] gr00ve: you can't run 64 bit code on top of a 32 bit distribution
[02:21:00] DeltaF: Yes. I did notice that qt.i386 and qt.i86_64 are both installed.
[02:21:00] Kury: would someone be so kind and tell me how in the @#$(_ you setup irxevent? it keeps telling me /etc/lircrc:1 ignoredesign\nirxevent: bad file format, /etc/lircrc:2
[02:21:00] gr00ve: well that's really odd
[02:21:00] eskil_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:21:00] gr00ve: oh wait a sec
[02:21:00] DeltaF: Perhaps *thats* what's causing the seg fault
[02:22:00] gr00ve: x86_64 i think might be intel's 64 bit extensions, i'm not sure of that though
[02:22:00] gr00ve: what was your configure line?
[02:22:00] DeltaF: There's a separate nick for itanium..
[02:22:00] DeltaF: ./configure --enable-all (asking for trouble)
[02:22:00] dhofstra: Kury, why would lircrc be in /etc?
[02:23:00] Kury: .. because it can be in /etc/ or ~/
[02:23:00] gr00ve: i didn't mean itanium. i mean newer pentium 4 / xeons with x86_64 extensions. not sure if they're the same instruction set as athlon64's
[02:23:00] Octane ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:23:00] DeltaF: It's worked so far.
[02:23:00] gr00ve: what's worked? you said it's segfaulting?
[02:23:00] DeltaF: x86_64 packages of everything else.
[02:23:00] dhofstra: Kury, and the lircrc you put there has the proper format/permissions i would assume
[02:24:00] gr00ve: right. well, when ./configure spits out the diagnostic info, what does it say for your architecture type?
[02:24:00] dhofstra: (meaning you've looked at it and it looks like a proper lircrc
[02:24:00] DeltaF: Ah. Let me re-run.
[02:25:00] DeltaF: I'm still worried about having qt.i386 installed as well..
[02:25:00] gr00ve: should say "Cpu type" or something
[02:25:00] DeltaF: I'm only building plugins
[02:25:00] gr00ve: DeltaF – well, i think you need to point to one or the other
[02:25:00] DeltaF: Do I need to build the main first?
[02:25:00] Kury: DeltaF: maybe permissions are wrong.. just a sec..
[02:25:00] gr00ve: ah. well, i'm not sure, in that case...
[02:26:00] gr00ve: i wouldn't think so, but you may need/want to set the env variable QTDIR to point to the x86_64 version of qt3 if it's in a different place than the 32 bit ones
[02:26:00] DeltaF: I'm going to try and remove the i386 through synaptic.
[02:27:00] gr00ve: nod
[02:27:00] Kury: DeltaF: still nothing..
[02:27:00] SqWaw ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:00] SqWaw: Hola, anyone around?
[02:27:00] mofu: no
[02:28:00] gr00ve: Kury – what's troubling you? i missed where you're at
[02:28:00] mofu: freakin' 148 in the room, he's asking if anyone is around . . . . .
[02:28:00] gr00ve: irxevent when you get things working okay, will just run without any output
[02:29:00] gr00ve: you still may have a problem with lircd.conf in /etc or lircrc in your homedir
[02:29:00] mofu: Kury: have you tried irw?
[02:29:00] Raven_301 ( Quit ()
[02:29:00] mofu: or mode2 ?
[02:30:00] Kury: irw works great now.. but I'm trying convert all these signals I've mapped to keyboard input now.. using irxevent
[02:30:00] mofu: ok
[02:30:00] Kury: I can't use mode2 for my receiver.. something about the way it does pulse width spacing or something..
[02:30:00] gr00ve: ah okay
[02:30:00] gr00ve: that relies on your .lircrc file in your homedir
[02:30:00] Kury: I'v been trying to setup a config file.. but I keep getting this error:
[02:31:00] Weezey (i=Weezey@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:31:00] Kury: . /etc/lircrc:1 ignoredesign\nirxevent: bad file format, /etc/lircrc:2
[02:31:00] gr00ve: uh
[02:31:00] gr00ve: that looks like something's corrupted
[02:31:00] gr00ve: ls -l /etc/lircrc*
[02:31:00] DeltaF: Bah. I got major broken packages.. Off to fix them first.
[02:31:00] gr00ve: normally, lircrc is in your homedir, me thinks
[02:32:00] gr00ve: you should not need an /etc/lircrc* – just /etc/lircd.conf and ~/.lircrc
[02:32:00] sdcorn: well it's working
[02:32:00] gr00ve: awesome
[02:32:00] Kury: lol.. I got it..
[02:32:00] gr00ve: congrats
[02:32:00] Kury: that whole corrupted.. thing got me thinking..
[02:32:00] sdcorn: now I just have to find out why the audio isn't working =)
[02:32:00] Kury: I made the file in windows..
[02:32:00] ** mofu prefers his IR keyboard w/ JP1 remote **
[02:32:00] gr00ve: ah. that's why you're seeing \n.
[02:32:00] sdcorn: but the video is SWEET
[02:33:00] gr00ve: you can get rid of the ^M's and you'll be set
[02:33:00] mofu: Kury: use nano text editor, easy to use
[02:33:00] Kury: well. .. I just typed \n.. because on the screen it starts a new line.. but.. ya..
[02:33:00] gr00ve: sdcorn i'm jealous. i'd sdtv still
[02:33:00] eskil_ ( Quit ("Leaving")
[02:33:00] gr00ve: hd's pretty kickin'
[02:33:00] Kury: mofu I took the config off the net from my windows machine.. because this other machine is slow as hell...
[02:34:00] mofu: your mythbox is slow as hell??
[02:35:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – what kind of cpu load does playback cause on your frontend? is it a shared frontend/backend?
[02:35:00] gr00ve: (i mean for HDTV)
[02:36:00] sdcorn: yes it is
[02:36:00] Kury: heh (busted).. its not a mythbox (don't excamunicate me)
[02:36:00] mofu: Kury is done . . . . .
[02:36:00] sdcorn: I'm not sure what kind of load it's using, but it plays smoothly
[02:36:00] gr00ve: hehe
[02:36:00] sdcorn: and that's on a 1Ghz
[02:36:00] Kury: lol
[02:36:00] mofu: sdcorn: xvmc??
[02:36:00] gr00ve: if you run top in a shell it'll show you the cpu % for mythfrontend processes
[02:36:00] sdcorn: yep
[02:36:00] sdcorn: just got it running
[02:37:00] sdcorn: and I had a SDTV recording (on PVR-350) going on in the background
[02:37:00] gr00ve: that rocks
[02:37:00] gr00ve: sdtv recordig via the pvr's takes almost nothing so far as cpu is concerned
[02:37:00] sdcorn: you know what the difference between /dev/dsp and /dev/adsp is?
[02:37:00] gr00ve: it's pretty efficient – i'm very impressed with it
[02:37:00] Weezey: where can I get an ir transmitter?
[02:38:00] gr00ve: not sure what adsp is
[02:38:00] Weezey: (in Canada?)
[02:38:00] gr00ve: radio shack.
[02:38:00] sphing: sdcorn: they're the same thing... i think they're just symlink
[02:38:00] sphing: s
[02:38:00] mofu: adsp is alsa specific device i think
[02:38:00] sdcorn: I'm trying to figure out why I don't have sound on HDTV playback
[02:38:00] sdcorn: when I play the file on my main PC sound is fine
[02:38:00] mofu: not a symlink on my box
[02:39:00] gr00ve: depending on what you need to control, you can build one for very cheap. go to and there are directions there
[02:39:00] Weezey: gr00ve: they sell them in the US Radio Shacks? or the parts to build one?
[02:39:00] sdcorn: I get sound including 5.1 on DVDs and everything else
[02:39:00] gr00ve: sdcorn – have you run alsamixer?
[02:39:00] sdcorn: yes
[02:39:00] Kury: gr00ve: how do I make the up/down buttons on my remote map to the up down keys in xmms?
[02:39:00] gr00ve: the outputs mute by default on some cards i think, and you may have to turn up main and pcm to get output
[02:39:00] sdcorn: I'm getting sound with everything else.
[02:39:00] gr00ve: Weezey – parts to build one, but it's only about 4 parts. a db-9 connector, a diode, a resistor, and an infrared led
[02:40:00] gr00ve: oh. what are you using to playback?
[02:40:00] gr00ve: mplayer or myth?
[02:40:00] mofu: sdcorn: did you unmute IEC958 ??
[02:40:00] sdcorn: myth
[02:40:00] gr00ve: may have to enable some audio option in tv/playback for hd audio streams, i'm not sure about that one, sorry.
[02:41:00] Weezey: gr00ve: I read that those weren't healthy for the serial port, do they work?
[02:41:00] mofu: AC pass through is in General Setup
[02:41:00] gr00ve: Kury – you do that via your ~/.lircrc
[02:41:00] sdcorn: that's turned on
[02:41:00] sdcorn: and I get AC pass through playing DVDs
[02:41:00] sdcorn: although that uses Xine
[02:42:00] gr00ve: Weezey – they're perfectly fine for a serial port... the diode makes sure there's no problem with polarity, and the resistor keeps the led from burning out. the serial port can drive an led with no trouble...
[02:42:00] mofu: I don't have mine working right either . . .
[02:42:00] gr00ve: hmmm... not too sure
[02:42:00] Weezey: gr00ve: sweet, I'll hit up the shadio rack tomorrow then.
[02:42:00] gr00ve: you didn't select the pvr-350 tvout with the option to route sound through the pvr350 only did you?
[02:42:00] sdcorn: nope
[02:42:00] gr00ve: Weezey – it's really easy to build one, just have a look at the diagram on
[02:42:00] sdcorn: would the mixer control matter?
[02:43:00] sdcorn: it's got a choice of PCM or Master
[02:43:00] mofu: no
[02:43:00] Weezey: gr00ve: Does it matter how long the wire between the db9 and the ir is?
[02:43:00] gr00ve: well, you've probably ruled that out because sounds working through other programs, but like i say it can be muted
[02:43:00] mofu: no level control from AC
[02:43:00] gr00ve: Weezey – well, shy of 20 feet, no it shouldn't.
[02:43:00] gr00ve: i'm using about a 9 foot wire, no problems here.
[02:44:00] gr00ve: Kury – an entry in your .lircrc something like this:
[02:44:00] gr00ve: begin
[02:44:00] Kury: gr00ve:
[02:44:00] Weezey: nice, I would want about that long too.
[02:44:00] mofu: sdcorn: you have Digital Sound working for everything else??
[02:44:00] gr00ve: prog = xmms
[02:44:00] gr00ve: config = E
[02:44:00] gr00ve: button = Back
[02:44:00] gr00ve: end
[02:44:00] gr00ve: config is the button to send to the program, button is what irw reports when you hit the button you want to bind on your remote
[02:45:00] gr00ve: so in that example, hitting the "Back" button on the remote would send an "E" keypress event to xmms
[02:46:00] gr00ve: Kury – oh – well, that might work. i'm not sure about the config line – that'd be something you might need to google about some more, but the rest looks okay.
[02:46:00] Kury: ... thats what I have.. maybe I'm not envoking irxevent right?
[02:46:00] gr00ve: try googling for a xmms lircrc file
[02:46:00] gr00ve: nah as long as it's running and you've forked it, it should be fine
[02:46:00] gr00ve: when you run irw, does it say "up" and "down"
[02:46:00] Kury: forked it?... what the fork for? I just have xmms open in X... and irxeven running in a console..
[02:47:00] Kury: yup letter for letter "up" "down"
[02:47:00] gr00ve: or "Up" or "UP" for example. it may well be case sensitive, so i'd match it exactly with what's in the /etc/lircd.conf
[02:47:00] Kury: lower case..
[02:47:00] gr00ve: okay. the other part is the config = line. that's different syntax – usually i've seen one word after the = but that may well be correct for xmms...
[02:48:00] Kury: .. I'v tried both..
[02:48:00] gr00ve: don't worry about forking it if that's how you're running. are you restarting xmms after making changes to lircrc? i think it's only read once at startup
[02:48:00] Kury: restarting xmms or irxevent?
[02:48:00] kormoc (n=kormoc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:49:00] gr00ve: xmms
[02:49:00] Kury: I'v been restarting irxevent.. let me try restarting xmms
[02:49:00] gr00ve: where'd you get that "key down currentwindow" from?
[02:49:00] gr00ve: irxevent's okay... it's the client/app that reads the lircrc file and i think myth and mplayer and xine and so forth only read it when launched
[02:50:00] gr00ve: ie they won't see changes until you restart. that's been the case with myth and mplayer in my experience.
[02:50:00] Kury: nothing..
[02:50:00] gr00ve: k
[02:50:00] gr00ve: i'm suspecting the config= is the problem.
[02:50:00] gr00ve: i'd try binding to some other command that's simpler
[02:50:00] Kury: any suggestions?
[02:50:00] Kury: nano?
[02:51:00] gr00ve: that shouldn't matter
[02:51:00] gr00ve: do you see ^M's in there or anything?
[02:51:00] Kury: ^M's in where?
[02:51:00] t00m: :)
[02:51:00] gr00ve: in the .lircrc
[02:51:00] t00m: stupid Ms :)
[02:51:00] gr00ve: tell you what, try this
[02:51:00] Discipulus (n=disc@unaffiliated/discipulus) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:51:00] gr00ve: comment out one of your config= lines
[02:52:00] gr00ve: and make a new one
[02:52:00] gr00ve: instead use (without the quotes): "config = play"
[02:52:00] gr00ve: and see if it starts playback when you hit the remote button associated
[02:52:00] gr00ve: or config = pause if you prefer
[02:53:00] Kury: gr00ve: still nothing
[02:54:00] Kury: I tried both.. I restart irxevent & xmms every time I change the config file..
[02:54:00] gr00ve: you sure xmms is configured to have lirc support?
[02:54:00] Kury: ha.. no
[02:54:00] gr00ve: it's usually pretty straightforward
[02:54:00] gr00ve: oh. well -
[02:54:00] gr00ve: ldd `which xmms`
[02:55:00] t00m: does it need lirc support if he uses irxevent?
[02:55:00] Kury: I don't actualy need it to control xmms.. I'm just testing.. can I set it up to make key presses to whatever program has focus?
[02:55:00] gr00ve: look for liblirc_client
[02:55:00] gr00ve: provided that program has lirc support
[02:55:00] Kury: ya I was under the impression irxevent basicly just turned the ir signals into keyboard/mouse inputs..
[02:55:00] t00m: i thought that's just if you put prog = xmms in the config
[02:56:00] gr00ve: eh – i thought they had to have support built in but maybe not
[02:56:00] Kury: .. I'll be right back guys..
[02:56:00] gr00ve: my bad according to the manpage any x app that uses keyboard or mouse input
[02:57:00] gr00ve: so nevermind about lirc support being compiled in.
[02:57:00] dhofstra: irxevent will simulate a keystroke .. you can make it to currentwindow or to a lirc-enabled app
[02:57:00] gr00ve: Kury – sorry – i think for pause it should be config = c actually
[02:57:00] gr00ve: man xmms and search for "Global keybindings"
[02:58:00] gr00ve: you'll see a list of key bindings, these are what go in config= lines
[02:59:00] sphing: is anybody a mac useR?
[02:59:00] sphing: i remember os x having multiple desktops and you could pull out and see all of them... whats the shortcut key
[03:00:00] SqWaw: my mtyth is borked
[03:02:00] Kury: gr00ve: K.. I'm back, ya I'v tried config=c for pause.. and variouse others.. but I haven't gotten anything to respond
[03:02:00] SqWaw: When I run mythfilldatabase it can't input anything to the tables...
[03:03:00] gr00ve: error message?
[03:03:00] gr00ve: Kury – hmmm... i'm not sure, then.
[03:03:00] gr00ve: maybe try a different app, like mplayer.
[03:04:00] gr00ve: the manpage also has keybinding info for the config= part, just change prog= to mplayer
[03:04:00] NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[03:04:00] Kury: no error messages.. I'v tried kate.. gedit..I'v tried it w/ no app name..
[03:04:00] gr00ve: sorry i was asking SqWaw if he's getting an error
[03:04:00] SqWaw: Yes h/o
[03:04:00] Kury: ah..
[03:04:00] SqWaw: im going into putty so i can retrieve them...
[03:04:00] gr00ve: you won't get anything if irxevent's not working
[03:05:00] Kury: any idea's how to tell how irxevent is doing??
[03:05:00] SqWaw: eh? I've seen the errors before
[03:05:00] SqWaw: oh not me...
[03:05:00] gr00ve: Kury can you paste your .lircrc as it stands now?
[03:05:00] gr00ve: btw – you're running irxevent and xmms as the same user right?
[03:06:00] gr00ve: i'm not sure this makes a difference, but i usually run it from within my X session, as well.
[03:06:00] gr00ve: anyway, paste your ~/.lircrc and let's have a look
[03:07:00] gr00ve: Kury – in theory you could strace irxevent, and watch for a flurry of activity when you hit buttons
[03:07:00] gr00ve: but i'm not sure that'd matter. irxevent will either bind to /dev/lircd or not, and if it can't it will bomb out, so if it's running, you're probably most of the way there
[03:07:00] Kury:
[03:08:00] gr00ve: haha my fault sorry
[03:08:00] gr00ve: i think i probably confused you somewhere along the lines
[03:08:00] gr00ve: you have the prog= line commented out
[03:08:00] gr00ve: it needs to be uncommented or irxevent doesn't know who to dispatch the commands to
[03:08:00] Kury: there running as the same user(root)
[03:09:00] gr00ve: good... so uncomment the prog= lines and see what that does
[03:09:00] Kury: I've tried it w/ and w/ out the prog= lines..
[03:09:00] Kury: doesn't matter..
[03:09:00] gr00ve: it won't work without them, that much i can say
[03:09:00] Kury: should we keep testing w/ xmms?
[03:10:00] Kury: or a different program?
[03:10:00] gr00ve: sure for now
[03:10:00] gr00ve: i'd try uncommenting, restart irxevent and xmms to be safe and try one more time
[03:10:00] SqWaw: How do you load the tables into mysql for the first time?
[03:10:00] SqWaw: I completely dropped the old database.
[03:11:00] gr00ve: if that doesn't work, you can relaunch irxevent with the command "strace irxevent"
[03:11:00] gr00ve: and watch for activity when you hit remote buttons
[03:11:00] gr00ve: that should at least tell you if irxevent's getting them
[03:11:00] gr00ve: i think the database will be created for you when you run mythtv-setup
[03:11:00] SqWaw: Negative :(
[03:12:00] SqWaw: tables are made...
[03:12:00] gr00ve: ?
[03:12:00] gr00ve: okay. what's failing?
[03:12:00] SqWaw: or something
[03:12:00] Kury: nothing .. trying strace
[03:12:00] SqWaw: isnt there something like.... mc.sql?
[03:12:00] Kury: should lircd be running when I run irxevent?
[03:13:00] gr00ve: uh i think that's taken care of either during make install or during mythtv-setup exit or during mythbackend startup for the first time
[03:13:00] gr00ve: sorry – one of them does it
[03:13:00] gr00ve: Kury – yes, it needs to be running beforehand
[03:13:00] Kury: strace shows that irxevent is indeed getting the events.. its just not passing them off..
[03:13:00] gr00ve: Kury – okay. try trussing xmms now and see if that shows any activity when you're hitting remote buttons
[03:13:00] Kury: I've been restarting lircd irxevent & xmms every time I change the file..
[03:14:00] Kury: trussing xmms?
[03:14:00] gr00ve: yeah that's drastic. i'm positive you don't need to restart lircd, as it reads only the /etc/lircd.conf
[03:14:00] gr00ve: irxevent may need to get restarted, but i think it picks up changes. restart it anyway to be safe, but lircd's fine as is
[03:14:00] gr00ve: strace xmms
[03:15:00] gr00ve: see if it does anything when you hit buttons
[03:15:00] Kury: k
[03:15:00] gr00ve: it may be much harder to see because it may be doing things all the time...
[03:15:00] gr00ve: also – hit "c" yourself in the xmms window via the keyboard and make sure it pauses! that'd sure be funny if it didn't
[03:17:00] SqWaw: QMYSQL3: Unable to connect
[03:17:00] SqWaw: Database error was:
[03:17:00] SqWaw: Unknown database 'mythconverg'
[03:17:00] gr00ve: there you go.
[03:17:00] gr00ve: that's because you dropped the database, i'm sure
[03:17:00] SqWaw: yes'm.
[03:18:00] gr00ve: well – dropping the database was probably unnecessary
[03:18:00] gr00ve: let's see how it gets created. you should be able to get it reinstalled
[03:18:00] gr00ve: right
[03:18:00] gr00ve: you have the source code?
[03:19:00] gr00ve: cd into the mythtv source, then into the database subdir
[03:19:00] SqWaw: its gentoo...
[03:19:00] SqWaw: and im fairly certain i rm'ed the src files
[03:19:00] gr00ve: whatever that means... ?
[03:19:00] gr00ve: okay, well, you need to get the source files back
[03:19:00] SqWaw: okay..
[03:19:00] gr00ve: cd into the database subdir
[03:19:00] gr00ve: then you can issue the command:
[03:20:00] SqWaw: got it...
[03:20:00] SqWaw: /usr/portage/distfiles/mythtv-0.18.1.tar.bz2
[03:20:00] gr00ve: cat mc.sql | mysql -uroot -p
[03:20:00] gr00ve: then type in your mysql root passwd and it will recreate the databse and allocate the mythtv user permissions to it
[03:20:00] gr00ve: then i think mythtv-setup will do the rest
[03:20:00] gr00ve: sure so just untar that into /tmp or somewhere and grab it from there
[03:21:00] Kury: gr00ve: no luck.. I can't see anything when I strace xmms.. there's too much.. even looking through it after I kill it off.. (time to switch to a simpiler program?)
[03:21:00] SqWaw: okay
[03:22:00] gr00ve: Kury – did you verify the X and the c keys do what you expect?
[03:22:00] LoppEar ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:22:00] Kury: ya.. I use them all the time..
[03:22:00] Kury: how about xcalc?
[03:23:00] gr00ve: uh never used that
[03:23:00] gr00ve: but i guess it'd be exactly the same
[03:23:00] gr00ve: just switch prog = xcalc
[03:23:00] gr00ve: and put a key or two in tere
[03:23:00] gr00ve: if you 'grep down /etc/lircd.conf' you get a match, right?
[03:23:00] dhofstra: begin
[03:23:00] dhofstra: prog = irxevent
[03:23:00] dhofstra: button = ChannelDown
[03:23:00] dhofstra: config = Key Down CurrentWindow
[03:23:00] dhofstra: end
[03:24:00] LoppEar: anyone using a pvr-150 remote? i've tried with lirc_i2c, and now am trying with the ir-kbd-i2c stuff.
[03:24:00] dhofstra: if you do the above, substituting key c currentwindow... you should be able to open a terminal or text editor and see the letter c
[03:24:00] dhofstra: also, dunno if you need to restart lircd after messing with the .lircrc file
[03:25:00] dhofstra: might try lircd --nodaemon in terminal so you can see output messages to terminal
[03:25:00] gr00ve: he's past that
[03:25:00] gr00ve: lircd's okay
[03:25:00] gr00ve: irxevent's getting input, just not sure if it's sending to xmms and whether or not xmms's receiving it
[03:25:00] LoppEar: with lirc(hauppauge), dmesg shows that it found the card, but irw shows nothing (tried many many lircd.conf's). with the ir-kbd/evdev route, the card is not showing up under /dev/input/event*
[03:25:00] gr00ve: but he was using prog = xmms directly( that was my instruction )
[03:25:00] dhofstra: but use the currentwindow tag to see if the letter comes across to a terminal ... that way he eliminates the xmms error
[03:26:00] gr00ve: uhhuh that's smart
[03:26:00] dhofstra: but maybe his xmms is not compiled with lirc support..
[03:26:00] gr00ve: well – apparently irxevent bypasses that requirement
[03:26:00] dhofstra: I'm just thinking key c currentwindow would be the lowest common denominator in this problem. I'll leave it at that
[03:26:00] gr00ve: i'd wondered about that too, but irxevent's manpage claims it sends keypress events to any x11 app that reads keyboard/mouse input
[03:26:00] gr00ve: yeah good call
[03:27:00] gr00ve: fwiw i've really not had to hassle with anything so much before, it's always just worked right off the bat. not sure what's happening with his
[03:27:00] dhofstra: i dont like that his lircrc is in /etc are we sure lircd is looking there?
[03:28:00] Kury: gr00ve: ..ok.. doing an strace on both irxevent & xcalc at the same time w/ the new config file.. irxevent is getting the IR signals.. but its not sending anything to the program..
[03:29:00] dhofstra: or at least make a symlink to /etc/lircrc in ~/.lircrc and ~/.mythtv/lircrc just to be absolutely sure
[03:29:00] Kury: look at this.. I don't know if this matters..
[03:29:00] Kury:
[03:29:00] Kury: dhofstra: its in my ~/ dir..
[03:29:00] dhofstra: ok, that must've been someone else then.. sorry
[03:30:00] gr00ve: Kury – try dhofstra's config (scroll up a little)
[03:30:00] Kury: it was probably me.. but I'v tried both.. currently I have it *only* in my home dir as .lircrc
[03:30:00] Kury: w/ the currentwindow?
[03:30:00] dhofstra: doesnt hurt to make a symlink to all the places you think it might be useful in for testing purposes
[03:30:00] gr00ve: Kury – yes
[03:31:00] gr00ve: and then he advised to focus on a terminal window in X and see if it receives the "c" keypress
[03:31:00] Kury: do I take out the prog = then?
[03:31:00] gr00ve: no replace it
[03:31:00] gr00ve: prog = irxevent
[03:31:00] gr00ve: just replace xmms with irxevent
[03:31:00] Kury: right back where I started :)
[03:32:00] gr00ve: yep you can try it with a terminal and see if it arrives
[03:32:00] dhofstra: and only change the config= part to list c rather than key up.. well I wonder if it has to say key c CurrentWindow
[03:32:00] dhofstra: think it needs key c
[03:32:00] gr00ve: that i couldn't tell ya. it probably does – i think irxevent's syntax is special
[03:33:00] Kury:
[03:33:00] LoppEar: various pages describe using ir_kbd_i2c instead of lirc_i2c (such as, however my PVR-150 is not showing up in /dev/input/event*. Any ideas?
[03:33:00] dhofstra: ok config = Key C CurrentWindow
[03:34:00] gr00ve: Kury – you verified the lircd.conf matches via "grep down /etc/lircd.conf" – it should spit out one line
[03:35:00] Kury: ya.. there all lower case (I made the file earlier today/night)
[03:35:00] Kury: now its outputting to the terminal again..
[03:35:00] Kury: c's..
[03:35:00] SqWaw: gr00ve, where can i paste?
[03:35:00] Kury: how do I send this off to another program
[03:35:00] Kury:
[03:35:00] gr00ve: okay cool
[03:36:00] gr00ve: so maybe there's some issue with xmms, i dunno
[03:36:00] dhofstra: sweet
[03:36:00] dhofstra: now open xmms and make sure it is in front
[03:36:00] dhofstra: should pause it
[03:36:00] dhofstra: err *should*
[03:37:00] Lancer_Koala ( has left #mythtv-users
[03:38:00] Kury: ya.. it does.. now.. what the.. this is exactly what I had before..
[03:38:00] Kury: and it didn't work :(
[03:38:00] dhofstra: heh
[03:38:00] gr00ve: normally, you'd just change prog= to whatever program name you want to control, and change the config= to just the keyname that you want it to send
[03:38:00] dhofstra: I think the program has to have been compiled with lirc support
[03:38:00] dhofstra: (as does mythtv by the way)
[03:38:00] gr00ve: so i'd copy this lircrc first, then edit it again and see what happens
[03:39:00] dhofstra: myth's default config is not to use native lirc support
[03:39:00] gr00ve: oh yeah? well, that could well be. i'd suggested that a while back, but the irxevent manpage seems to indicate it should work with anything
[03:39:00] gr00ve: i bet to get direct ( prog = xmms ) key events, it needs lirc client support
[03:40:00] gr00ve: and to receive indirectly ( prog = irxevent ) it doesn't.
[03:40:00] dhofstra: irxevent will work with anything
[03:40:00] Kury: ... so can I make the up on the remote map to the Key "C" and have it past to a specific program?
[03:40:00] Kury: when I change the prog=xmms it stops working
[03:40:00] dhofstra: but prog=xmms needs xmms to be compiled with native lirc I believe
[03:40:00] Kury: ok..
[03:40:00] gr00ve: right that's what we're arriving at Kury. looks like you'll need xmms recompiled with lirc enabled
[03:40:00] gr00ve: you can always tell by:
[03:40:00] dhofstra: *I think*
[03:41:00] gr00ve: ldd `which <programname>` | grep lirc
[03:41:00] gr00ve: so:
[03:41:00] gr00ve: ldd `which mplayer` |grep lirc
[03:41:00] Kury: well I'm not actualy looking to control xmms soo...
[03:41:00] dhofstra: IANAE I am not an expert.. heh
[03:41:00] gr00ve: you should see a lirc library there
[03:41:00] Kury: man O man.. Thanks alot..
[03:41:00] Kury: again...
[03:42:00] gr00ve: sorry for the runaround – if i'd understood better from the beginning i could've saved you a load of time and bad suggestions
[03:43:00] Kury: its cool.. I had already done all the same stuff.. and came to a halt before I asked so.. whatever works...
[03:43:00] dhofstra: a sig I saw on slashdot today went something like this: 'act as if everything you read on the internet has 'and I may be speaking out of my ass' appended to it
[03:43:00] dhofstra: Lol
[03:43:00] gr00ve: awesome
[03:43:00] gr00ve: and true
[03:43:00] SqWaw: gr00ve,
[03:44:00] gr00ve: SqWaw – are you running mythfilldatabase?
[03:44:00] gr00ve: looks like your schema's not been created yet
[03:44:00] SqWaw: Yep
[03:44:00] Kury:
[03:45:00] gr00ve: i think you need to run mythtv-setup first, and start mythbackend after that
[03:45:00] SqWaw: This was after i ran vat mc.sql | mysql...
[03:45:00] SqWaw: i already did
[03:45:00] gr00ve: right – that creates the database, but with no tables
[03:45:00] SqWaw: i started the backedend, then did mythtv-setup
[03:45:00] SqWaw: and exited.
[03:45:00] gr00ve: oh – well
[03:45:00] SqWaw: and it said to now run mythfilldb....
[03:45:00] gr00ve: i think you run mythtv-setup with the backend down
[03:45:00] gr00ve: and _then_ start the backend
[03:46:00] SqWaw: eitherway...
[03:46:00] SqWaw: why would that matter
[03:46:00] gr00ve: the backend won't see most changes that happen after it's been started
[03:46:00] SqWaw: so what if i restart the backend now
[03:46:00] SqWaw: instead
[03:46:00] gr00ve: well – if you'd not configured the backend and you just started it – it doesn't know anything
[03:46:00] gr00ve: yes try that
[03:46:00] gr00ve: and after you restart the backend
[03:46:00] gr00ve: run
[03:46:00] gr00ve: echo "show tables" | mysql -umythtv -pmythtv mythconverg
[03:46:00] gr00ve: it should dump out a list of tables if you're in good shape
[03:47:00] SqWaw: the list is there...
[03:47:00] SqWaw: but mythfilldb stills spits me the same error
[03:47:00] gr00ve: okay
[03:47:00] gr00ve: how strange one sec
[03:47:00] dhofstra: sometimes I have had problems with sql not having user/password somehow.. I've had to manually make mythtv/mythtv in webmin several times...
[03:47:00] gr00ve: err – wtf's the dd_schedule table?
[03:47:00] gr00ve: i don't have that in my schema...
[03:48:00] gr00ve: datadirect... maybe?
[03:48:00] gr00ve: which version of myth is this?
[03:48:00] SqWaw: it exists...
[03:48:00] SqWaw: considering that echo cmd just worked
[03:48:00] gr00ve: okay, so try mythfilldb – it's still saying the dd_schedule table doesn't exist?
[03:48:00] gr00ve: well – did the output include dd_schedule?
[03:48:00] gr00ve: i have loads of tables, but none by that name
[03:50:00] SqWaw: right
[03:50:00] gr00ve: did you configure your source when you ran mythtv-setup ?
[03:50:00] SqWaw: a whole bunch of tables....
[03:50:00] SqWaw: eh?
[03:50:00] gr00ve: it almost seems like mythfilldb is a different version than the myth install, or else maybe the source isn't configured yet
[03:50:00] gr00ve: well – mythfilldb needs to know where to download the channels and program info for your local area
[03:50:00] SqWaw: no b/c emerge updates and installs everything at once...
[03:51:00] gr00ve: so in the mythtv-setup menu, there's a config option to setup a video source
[03:51:00] gr00ve: for example, i have to create a source called timewarner, and then give it my info from so that it can get the programs and channels. without that mythfilldb doesn't really have anything to do, anyway.
[03:52:00] gr00ve: check this if you haven't read it already:
[03:52:00] gr00ve:
[03:52:00] gr00ve: the video sources portion is probably what you need if you didn't do that
[03:53:00] Servo888 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:53:00] NoUse ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:53:00] gr00ve: also – you'll need to go into input connections menu in mythtv-setup and make sure you bind the tuner on your capture card to the video source you've specified
[03:53:00] Servo888: Does mythtv handle xset dpms modes? Say if I have it set to turn off the monitor after 15 minutes, will it do that while mythtv is playing back something?
[03:54:00] Kury: gr00ve: damn.. now I'm back to the crapy Pinnacle remote.. my universal aparently has a limited learning ability..
[03:55:00] gr00ve: doh.
[03:55:00] gr00ve: irrecord again i guess. that bites.
[03:55:00] gr00ve: you'll have to make a new /etc/lircd.conf and then restart lircd.
[03:55:00] Kury: .. I don't think I can w/ this receiver..
[03:55:00] gr00ve: and your "button=" lines might change
[03:55:00] Kury: that was my problem to begin w/ :(
[03:55:00] dhofstra: Kury, my learning remote had limited learning buttons, but I learned about JP1 for one for all remotes and it allows sooo much more. but that is another whole world of learning
[03:55:00] gr00ve: oh – that's a bigger problem.  :(
[03:56:00] dhofstra: jarrod also recommends JP1
[03:57:00] dhofstra: you should be able to find a code that simulates the pinnacle by searching the codes on the remote.. I'd suspect they arent using anything all that unusual
[03:59:00] Kury: .. I have an all for one remote.. but it only let me program over about 15 buttons and then it barfs.. a "mem full" error
[03:59:00] GiantPickle ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:01:00] dhofstra: yeah, jp1 is a way to hook it up to your parallel port of the computer and program it with many many more keys
[04:02:00] dhofstra: but it is a whole lot of learning/messing around
[04:02:00] Kury: sweet.. I just made a new config.. and it told me all the signal codes are 0x00000000000000000000000000000
[04:02:00] dhofstra: I would find a code that most of the IR signals are similar to the pinnacle one, and just learn the extra 15 buttons that dont work with the generic code
[04:02:00] Kury: hummm... my remote can do that.. then hence why this plug on the back says jp1 then hu?
[04:03:00] dhofstra: if there are like 6 prongs then yes, it can
[04:03:00] Kury: ya.. it says jp1
[04:03:00] Kury: any info on that?
[04:03:00] Kury: or suggestions as to which brand of remote is going to be most like the pinnacle?
[04:04:00] dhofstra: I have my all for one set that when I press the tv button it turns the tv on, reciever on , amp on, reciever to tv input, tv to sat input, and when I press power, it turns every component off.. pretty cool
[04:05:00] dhofstra: I'll see if I can find a generic pinnacle remote code... what pinnacle card is it?
[04:06:00] Kury: I'm not sure.. I bought it off the net as just the remote and IR sensor.. its a serial port IR receiver..
[04:07:00] smoke__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:07:00] dhofstra: Kury try code 1268
[04:08:00] smoke__ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:08:00] Kury: not found..
[04:08:00] smoke__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:08:00] dhofstra: another guy phoned One for all and they upgraded it to pinnacle code over the phone
[04:09:00] Kury: :(
[04:09:00] Kury: poor me..
[04:10:00] Kury: I wrote them an email today about not being able to over right the power button w/ a new learned code..
[04:13:00] Kury: humm the manual says though.. if you can't get it to work w/ a device to please contact there customer support department to upgrade the remote..balh blah.. if the coede for your home entertainment or home automation device is not in our database, we will need to "capture" the code for that device... blah blah blha.. sounds like I'm taken care of..
[04:14:00] dhofstra: some remotes they can upgrade with a jp1 code over the telephone by holding the remote to the telephone reciever.. yes they can... I am not talking out of my ass.. heh
[04:15:00] Kury: no s@#$ .. thats cool
[04:15:00] Kury: supose they have anyone manning the phones on Turkey day?
[04:18:00] dhofstra: Kury try these for the hell of it..
[04:18:00] dhofstra: 0176
[04:18:00] dhofstra: 1447
[04:19:00] Kury: damn... it must not likeyou.. non of those are found..
[04:20:00] dhofstra: heh.. let me look one more place
[04:20:00] Kury: I have the 8910 model...
[04:21:00] dhofstra: same as me..
[04:21:00] dhofstra: well, I dont see anything, but you could try
[04:21:00] dhofstra: loading someone
[04:22:00] Kury: someone?
[04:22:00] dhofstra: loading someone's pinnacle lircd.conf file.. then using the code search function of your remote, but instead of using the power button in alternations, use a key you know should be working.. like 1
[04:22:00] dhofstra: and watch in irw until you see a recieved code as you pressed the number 1 on the remote
[04:23:00] dhofstra: did that make any sense?
[04:23:00] Kury: .. O soo many codes..
[04:23:00] Kury: ya..
[04:23:00] EvilBob ( Quit ("Leaving")
[04:24:00] dhofstra: or learn jp1 ... or call for phone upgrade .. heh .. well goodnight
[04:24:00] Kury: I'll probably call them in a few days..
[04:24:00] Kury: Thanks for the help.. G~Night
[04:31:00] Giuly ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:37:00] Giuly: hi, what kind of filters do you recommand for PAL DVB-S? kernel and linear blend don't do anything, bob works but the picture is flickering
[04:38:00] clintar ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:40:00] Kury: in irxevent how do I specify a [ & ] key??
[04:41:00] Captain_Murdoch: bracketleft and bracketright
[04:42:00] Captain_Murdoch: Shift-bar for mute if you want to map that
[04:45:00] NightBird ( Quit (""Do you get along with them?" "do I get along with them? of course I do! They're my best friends! Thats why I married you, so)
[04:50:00] GreyFoxx: For those that are interested I've got a couple new screenshots of the OSD theme I'm messing around with. Images 10,11 and 12 are the latest
[04:50:00] GreyFoxx: I'll tar it up tomorrow for people that wanna start playing with it
[04:50:00] mchou: anyone get a xbox360 here?
[04:51:00] Captain_Murdoch: GreyFoxx: is the frontend playable under vmware or are you just dev-ing and taking screnshots?
[04:52:00] GreyFoxx: Captain_Murdoch: It's playable
[04:52:00] GreyFoxx: I use VMWare for most of my dev work, plus the player does perform well enough to actually watch something :)
[04:53:00] Captain_Murdoch: didn't know if the vmware X driver suppoered Xv or not.
[04:53:00] GreyFoxx: only if you install the vmtools package for their accelerated X driver
[04:53:00] GreyFoxx: not perfect, but a major improvement in speed
[04:54:00] Captain_Murdoch: cool. could be an answer for those who want mythfrontend on Windows. Run vmplayer with a pre-built VM w/ mythfrontend inside.
[04:54:00] GreyFoxx: when I'm at the office I point to the local sql database and play the local file I copied over, when at home Ipoint to my regular sql server and play off my regular backend
[04:54:00] GreyFoxx: add in a portforwarder so that I can sssh into the vmware session from other boxes and it makes a great "safe" dev platform
[04:55:00] Captain_Murdoch: yeah. we use it at work quite a bit. have about 16 boxes running ESX also.
[04:56:00] GreyFoxx: I use it constantly, a local web host friend of mine who has to run windows boxes for some of his customers runs them as vm images on his linux boxes. He loves it
[04:58:00] GreyFoxx: It's funny. I based my OSD on Bryans mockup, so I started mine, the n he did one as well so they will look very similar :)
[04:59:00] Captain_Murdoch: looks pretty good, I still use an old copy of CornersOSD, not sure if the guy who did that is still around or not.
[04:59:00] GreyFoxx: I've been a huge fan of isthmus, but I wanted achange. I really like the look of this one...but then I would since I'm the one making it heh
[05:01:00] mishehu: bah.
[05:01:00] mishehu: transcode on x86_64 is annoying me.
[05:01:00] mishehu: (cuz it keeps trying to link against the non-existing gcc_s_32 library)
[05:01:00] GreyFoxx: I am seriously considering going through and clearly documenting all of the different elements and tags in the osd themes. most of what I used I found by looking at osd.cpp
[05:02:00] DeltaF: Why does hardcoded -march=pentiumpro  ?
[05:03:00] mishehu: change it to match what you need
[05:04:00] GreyFoxx: DeltaF: In SVN ?
[05:04:00] DeltaF: Whats proper for AMD 64?
[05:04:00] DeltaF: Yes
[05:04:00] Giuly: k8
[05:04:00] DeltaF: I checked it out earlier tonight
[05:04:00] DeltaF: er. wait
[05:04:00] DeltaF: That was something else.. Not svn
[05:04:00] GreyFoxx: heh
[05:04:00] Giuly: and disable mmx
[05:04:00] DeltaF: mythplugins link on the download page.
[05:04:00] |rt| ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[05:05:00] DeltaF: I commented out that line in the file.
[05:05:00] DeltaF: (where it says to remove)
[05:08:00] EvilBob ( has joined #MythTV-Users
[05:08:00] DeltaF: Hmm.. which is proper for Athlon 64?
[05:08:00] EvilBob ( has left #MythTV-Users
[05:09:00] DeltaF: nm...
[05:10:00] Giuly: -march=k8
[05:11:00] DeltaF: Oh good. crazy set of new errors.
[05:12:00] cosmo_ (n=cosmo@ Quit ("Leaving")
[05:13:00] smoke__: DeltaF u need a patch for the plugins in amd64
[05:13:00] DeltaF: Is it in svn?
[05:13:00] smoke__: oh i dont know ..
[05:13:00] squeegy ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[05:13:00] DeltaF: cause I'll just jump into that now if so..
[05:14:00] smoke__: is this even possible
[05:14:00] Giuly: 0.18.1 seems to be patched already
[05:14:00] Giuly: (from svn)
[05:15:00] DeltaF: Hmm. That had the arch hardcoded badly..
[05:15:00] squeegy ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[05:16:00] Chacabaou ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:17:00] smoke__: to transfer the raw data from the cable coax thru IP and decode it on a client side?
[05:17:00] cythraul: hi, I have a question concerning mythweb and links... I've setup my conf.php to point to the right symlink but for some reasons the files containing spaces will only display a blank page. any idea?
[05:19:00] cythraul: i think it's related to fs_encoding but it's just a hunch... i've kept the default there and tried utf8 also with the same results.
[05:19:00] Atamido ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[05:20:00] Atamido ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:20:00] cythraul: i've browsed the mailing list on this but I can't seem to find the right keywords...
[05:21:00] Giuly: does mythtv provide a greedy-filter or similar?
[05:22:00] clintar ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:22:00] cythraul: what's a greedy-filter?
[05:23:00] WAR_CH|LD: thanks for your help guys
[05:23:00] WAR_CH|LD ( Quit ()
[05:26:00] Giuly: cythraul: a videofilter
[05:27:00] cythraul: oh, in that case i'm not quite certain.
[05:29:00] GiantPickle ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:35:00] simcop2387 (n=simcop23@p3m/member/simcop2387) Quit ("Client exiting")
[05:40:00] squeegy ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[05:53:00] __Ace__ ( Quit ()
[06:01:00] mofu ( Quit ("Friends don't let friends use Windows")
[06:03:00] garf ( has joined #MythTV-users
[06:03:00] garf is now known as SqWaw`
[06:04:00] SqWaw`: When I'm in mythtv-setup, and I do retrieve lineups, it displays the status bar like it connected and got lineups, but when I try to choose one, none are listed.
[06:05:00] SqWaw`: If i look at the tty screen, it shows an "Internal Server Error"
[06:06:00] SqWaw`: (when connecting to
[06:14:00] smoke__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:15:00] smoke__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:19:00] SqWaw` ( Quit ("BitchX: need we say more?")
[06:40:00] Shdwdrgn ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[06:40:00] Shdwdrgn ( has joined #MYTHTV-USERS
[06:46:00] gr00ve: SqWaw – did you register for an account at as per the installation docs at ?
[06:47:00] gr00ve: there's a promo code in the docs(the installation docs) that will allow you to register for free. you have to do that and then pick a lineup on the website before mythfilldb will work properly.
[06:47:00] gr00ve: hope that helps...
[06:47:00] gr00ve ( Quit ("Killed (KrON (Requested by panasync))")
[06:50:00] SqWaw: gr00: yea, i did
[06:50:00] SqWaw: I've already had mythtv running
[06:50:00] SqWaw: its been fine for quite a few months
[06:51:00] SqWaw: then it crapped out
[07:16:00] Skaface: got a question
[07:17:00] Skaface: on pda – time consuming to type
[07:17:00] Skaface: 2 backends, both seperate masters
[07:17:00] Skaface: with frontends on each
[07:18:00] Giuly ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:19:00] Skaface: sorry im back
[07:20:00] Skaface: they both have videos stored on them, not recorded with myth, just a collection of avi's
[07:20:00] robin_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:20:00] Skaface: now, say i make one of those backends a non master backend
[07:21:00] Skaface: will my video collection be merged?
[07:21:00] Skaface: ie.. will My porn show up on the parents tv?
[07:21:00] Skaface: hehe
[07:21:00] Cougar ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:27:00] smoke__ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:32:00] otwin (n=na@ has joined #mythtv-users
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[07:36:00] smoke___ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[07:38:00] otwin (n=na@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:41:00] NoUse ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[07:46:00] otwin (n=na@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[07:50:00] Gumby (n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) Quit ("Leaving")
[08:10:00] sbryant ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:10:00] sbryant is now known as Ellegon
[08:10:00] Ellegon: anyone else running in to this...
[08:11:00] Ellegon: 2005-11–23 23:55:11.768 MainServer::HandleVersion – Client speaks protocol version 15 but we speak 22!
[08:11:00] Ellegon: QSocketNotifier: Multiple socket notifiers for same socket 17 and type read
[08:11:00] Ellegon: yes I know ... not all of my frontends are upgraded yet... but I have not seen this crash the backend before
[08:12:00] Ellegon: this is with the yesterdays cvs/svn release
[08:31:00] morfic: where do i reset the resolution chosen when it is too small to uncheck windowed or choose a higher resolution in the mythfrontend window now?
[08:38:00] xris: Ellegon: upgrade all of your frontends and come back if you still have the error
[08:39:00] Xenna: morfic: I have the opposite problem. My setup fonts are so larrge I can't see the lower half ;)
[08:39:00] ivor ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:40:00] morfic: Xenna: i could say my fonts are too big to see the lower half too ;)
[08:40:00] bigslam: hmm how does myth flag for tv ads?
[08:40:00] Xenna: Oh, I got there trying to make the 'Watch recordings screen' big enough to read
[08:41:00] Xenna: that's stilll to small, but now the setup screens are too big to controll
[08:41:00] Xenna: bigslam: I heard it's looking for black frames between sections
[08:41:00] xris: bigslam: multiple options for that.
[08:45:00] morfic: actually it is much worse that since trying xv controls i have false colors and they are not going back to normal when turning that off
[08:46:00] Gumby (n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) has joined #mythtv-users
[08:51:00] hari_seldon99 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[09:28:00] xris ( Quit ("l8r")
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[10:02:00] dopester ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:03:00] Spida ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:22:00] ExitMenu: hello, can anyone tell me why the auto detect channle option is greyed out in myth
[10:23:00] StillBob ( has joined #MythTV-Users
[10:24:00] _johnp: ExitMenu, are you running DVB ?
[10:26:00] StillBob ( Quit (Client Quit)
[10:30:00] NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) Quit (Client Quit)
[10:33:00] ivor ( Quit ("back to work.")
[10:34:00] ExitMenu: no
[10:35:00] ExitMenu: I have setup and arial connection comming from tuner0 on my pvr-350
[10:41:00] otwin: ExitMenu: iirc, channel scanning only works on DVB or at least: it does not work on a pvr-x50
[10:48:00] ExitMenu: oh never mind its perl script time
[10:50:00] Ellegon: 10 hours and counting compiling SNV to updated 3 of my Xboxes weee
[10:52:00] juski ( has joined #mythtv-users
[10:52:00] juski: mornin'
[10:52:00] Ellegon: morning
[10:53:00] otwin: hi
[10:53:00] otwin: got a screenshot for you, juski
[10:53:00] juski: of what?
[10:53:00] otwin: of your theme
[10:53:00] juski: I suspect it's something to do with a certain theme...
[10:53:00] juski: post away
[10:53:00] otwin:
[10:53:00] juski: 'sup?
[10:54:00] otwin: under schedule and upcoming there is sth not perfect – but it is only on my minimyth frontend – same on yours?
[10:55:00] otwin: got a slow uplink...
[10:55:00] juski: otwin: which version are you using? it's up to 1.4 now
[10:55:00] otwin: yes – if everything went ok with mkcramfs...
[10:56:00] juski: what speed is this slow uplink?
[10:56:00] otwin: 64k
[10:56:00] otwin: and if anybody else here is looking at it...
[10:56:00] juski: it's not even started to load yet
[10:57:00] otwin: lol
[10:57:00] Ellegon: timed out
[10:57:00] otwin: i'll put it on a server here at work, wait
[10:57:00] juski: can everyone please hold off til I have a look?
[10:57:00] Ellegon: already have
[10:57:00] juski: :)
[10:58:00] juski: so it took me like 20 hours to make the bones of the theme.. and about another 20 to tweak it so far
[10:58:00] juski: :/
[11:01:00] juski: otwin: can you describe the problem in more detail?
[11:02:00] juski: is it an alignment problem?
[11:02:00] otwin: it is no big deal – just look at the snapshot
[11:03:00] juski: I can see now
[11:03:00] juski: where's 'previously recorded' gone?
[11:03:00] juski: :-O
[11:03:00] juski: oops my bad
[11:03:00] juski: I think that might be a font size issue
[11:04:00] t00m ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:04:00] juski: ahhhh... the button titles are multiline... that's what it is
[11:04:00] _BleedAway ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:05:00] juski: otwin: what was the last version you tried?
[11:05:00] otwin: this is 1.4 and it was the same in every version i tried
[11:05:00] juski: because I've not changed anything in theme.xml
[11:05:00] juski: ah
[11:05:00] juski: it's fine on mine
[11:05:00] otwin: :-)
[11:06:00] juski: might be your DPI
[11:06:00] otwin: i will play around with the settings
[11:06:00] fatmatt ( Quit ("fatmatt goes to ride the magic bus")
[11:06:00] juski: and nobody else has reported it
[11:06:00] otwin: as i said, on my backend it is fine
[11:06:00] juski: funny how no two people have seen the same problems
[11:07:00] otwin: i thought it may had to do with minimyth
[11:07:00] robin_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:08:00] Ellegon: I am starting to think mixing 4 250s and 2 500s in one box was a bad idea
[11:08:00] juski: Ellegon.. PCI issues?
[11:08:00] Ellegon: one of the 500 feeds keeps dieing...
[11:09:00] Ellegon: restarting ivtv fixes it
[11:09:00] Ellegon: but everything was happy at 4 250s
[11:09:00] Ellegon: is lowering the WAF it keeps doing it on her shows :)
[11:10:00] juski: so otwin – apart from the button text issue how do you like the new version?
[11:10:00] Ellegon: 6 feeds all recording durring but of prime time + 4 frontends all running at the same time seems to make things unhappy
[11:10:00] juski: Ellegon: it might be that 8 tuners is a little too much for your motherboard
[11:10:00] Ellegon: most of prime time even
[11:11:00] otwin: to be honest, i just installed it yesterday night and did not have a deep look at it – what has changed?
[11:11:00] sandos: wow. What kind of cpu/mobo do you run that on?
[11:11:00] Ellegon: intel 3.2 and a intel server board
[11:11:00] Scuzzle (n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[11:11:00] sandos: ah o
[11:11:00] juski: otwin: lined areas in menus are now rounded rectangles, as are selection bars
[11:11:00] Ellegon: I am going to pull one of the 500s and see if it helps
[11:12:00] juski: see the new website at and take a look @ 'the screenshots
[11:12:00] otwin: aah ok – did you manage to fix the problem in mythmusic?
[11:12:00] Ellegon: funny thing is I do not think it is load on the proc or the board ... I think it is heat
[11:13:00] juski: otwin: been too busy fixing other things, but I think I know what'll do it ;)
[11:13:00] otwin: that was a minimyth thing, wasn't it?
[11:13:00] Ellegon: the load avg (if there is not comflag or trans) is under 0.5
[11:13:00] otwin: :-)
[11:13:00] juski: Ellegon: at around 5W per tuner card, you might have to improve case cooling
[11:13:00] t00m ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:13:00] juski: right I'm gonna do some work (work)
[11:14:00] Ellegon: yea... big case lots of fans but no good way to cool the cards because all of the slots are full and the PVR's run very hot
[11:15:00] juski: Ellegon: cut a hole in the side of the case & mount a 120mm fan on the side
[11:15:00] Ellegon: not a bad idea...
[11:15:00] Ellegon: may give it a shot
[11:15:00] juski: if it works without the side on, that's undoubtedly the cause
[11:15:00] juski: anyhoos.. work :)
[11:15:00] BleedAway ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:15:00] _BleedAway is now known as BleedAway
[11:16:00] Ellegon: lots of stuff on the rack ... but it is in the middle with space over it so I could just try pulling the side and blowing a fan on it for a bit
[11:21:00] Ellegon: my backend is the second black server from the bottom
[11:21:00] Ellegon:
[11:23:00] MarineTim: elle: holy crap, thats in your *house*?!?
[11:24:00] Ellegon: yea.. basement
[11:24:00] MarineTim: o_O
[11:24:00] Ellegon: I do web and exchange hosting on the side ...
[11:25:00] MarineTim: so you lease a T1 or something?
[11:25:00] Ellegon: plus myth is now a 5ish hour a week admin job... after running it since .12
[11:25:00] Ellegon: yep... I pulled a t1 in last year... before that I was on a DSL
[11:26:00] Ellegon: going to start moving away from xbox frontends... to somthing else ... going to try a mac mini
[11:26:00] Ellegon: next week
[11:27:00] MarineTim: I've been using the avel linkplayer LPs – works well, and cheap (key for me)  ;)
[11:28:00] Ellegon: yea.. I need to find somthing... that the kids can use which the xboxes work well for if they would stop dieing ...
[11:28:00] Scuzzle: Ellegon, do you get a lot of trouble from the XBox frontends?
[11:29:00] Ellegon: they work till the hardware starts having problems
[11:29:00] MarineTim: yeah, i've learned: diskless frontends GOOD.
[11:29:00] Scuzzle: I'm having software problems with them at the moment. :(
[11:29:00] Ellegon: plus I find I need to reinstall linux on them every few months
[11:29:00] Ellegon: whats the issue
[11:30:00] Ellegon: with 4 of them running now, and having rebuilt all of them more then once I may have seen it
[11:30:00] Scuzzle: Recordings that don't play with a 'bad_alloc' message and a front end crash. And recording that stop after a few seconds with 'player timeout'.
[11:30:00] Ellegon: what are you using .18.1 or SVN
[11:30:00] Scuzzle: 18.1
[11:31:00] Scuzzle: These are UK DVB-T transmissions, btw.
[11:31:00] Ellegon: xdebian?
[11:32:00] MarineTim ( Quit ("leaving")
[11:32:00] Scuzzle: Yes.
[11:32:00] Ellegon: hmm pal problem ... although i would not think so since it is just video once it is on the backend
[11:34:00] Ellegon: could be a bandwith problem ... are you on wireless
[11:34:00] Scuzzle: I'm not seeing any backend problems at all. Had been having lots of corrupt streams, but finally analysed the problem more sensibly, and the addition of a powered distribution amplifer fixed that.
[11:35:00] Scuzzle: No, running on wired ethernet.
[11:35:00] Ellegon: hmm interesting...
[11:35:00] Ellegon: I have seen player timouts when the network could not keep up ...
[11:35:00] ExitMenu ( Quit ()
[11:36:00] Ellegon: try lowering the recording to say 1000 and see if it helps.. the xbox does not seems to like much more then 1800
[11:36:00] Ellegon: the bit rate that is
[11:39:00] t00m: status 1f | signal 93af | snr b7b7 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK
[11:39:00] Scuzzle: I'm not reencoding the video at all just storing the transmitted MPEG stream.
[11:40:00] t00m: does that mean, that it's receiving something useful?
[11:40:00] t00m: that's tzap
[11:40:00] Ellegon: in the recording profiles..
[11:40:00] Scuzzle: If the XBox can't cope, I'm going to have to build a faster frontend. :/
[11:41:00] Scuzzle: Umm, I thought recording profiles only the encoding/compression of analogue streams? Digitals being stored exactly as they're captured off the air...
[11:41:00] Ellegon: 80% of the 1TB of space I have has slowly become kids shows
[11:41:00] Ellegon: so I don't care that much anymore
[11:42:00] Ellegon: have not worked with DVB ... so you are more then likly right
[11:43:00] t00m: recording digital streams doesn't use cpu, so it can't do important things to it
[11:43:00] Scuzzle: Have you any idea about this 'bad_alloc' message when you start to play a stream? The mailing lists mention it in various places but nothing helpful.
[11:45:00] Ellegon: the only time I have seen it ... and not on one of my xbox frontends... was when the mpeg was unreadable
[11:45:00] Ellegon: try playing it in mplayer directly and see if it opens
[11:46:00] Scuzzle: I've pulled the stream onto a PC, and it plays in a number of players with no problem. It's really causing me to scratch my head a bit. :o
[11:47:00] Nanook_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:48:00] Ellegon: googling came up with a some bug reports with DVB
[11:48:00] Ellegon: if you transcode it can you play it?
[11:49:00] Scuzzle: How did you install Xebian on the XBox, mine is installed in the gamesave partition, I'm wondering if it's causing a slowdown and some of these strange problems...
[11:49:00] Ellegon: same way
[11:49:00] Hoxzer ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:49:00] Ellegon: that way I could rebuild them in just a few hours..
[11:49:00] Ellegon: which I have taken to doing every 3 months or so
[11:50:00] Scuzzle: I'll give transcode then play a go. No tried that yet. I'll have to go read about transcoding in Myth, not played with that yet.
[11:51:00] Nanook_: Hi, I need some help if possible. I installed Ubuntu 5.10 last night, and I have downloaded MythTV, excuse my n00bishness now, but I am so stuck. I have read the readme, and tried to install XMLTV and have become confused with the perl commands, which don't seem to work. Can anyone help?
[11:59:00] Kury: what perl commands?
[12:00:00] Nanook_: Taken from the readme file >> * Installation
[12:00:00] Nanook_:
[12:00:00] Nanook_: % perl Makefile.PL
[12:10:00] Xenna ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:15:00] Nanook_: ok thanks
[12:15:00] Nanook_ ( Quit ("Ahh, they found me again")
[12:18:00] t00m: ok, try it again
[12:19:00] t00m: status 1f | signal 93af | snr b7b7 | ber 00000000 | unc 00000000 | FE_HAS_LOCK <- does that mean that tzap is zapping something useful ?
[12:23:00] h3x (n=h3xor@ has joined #mythtv-users
[12:31:00] crash-x: h3x: are you famale?
[12:32:00] t00m: it's h3xor not h3xoress :)
[12:33:00] crash-x: read "stealing the netowrk – how to own a box" then you'll know why i ask ;)
[12:37:00] t00m: a book
[12:38:00] crash-x: yes a book!!
[12:38:00] crash-x: :)
[12:38:00] juski: toom: that looks like tzap has successfully tuned to a multiplex
[12:38:00] t00m: see if i can find an ebook
[12:38:00] juski: strong signal, 0 error rate, high signal to noise ratio (snr)
[12:38:00] t00m: juski: excellent, that's what I thought, too. until i noticed that the recorded file is 0 bytes
[12:39:00] juski: toom: which dvb card is it?
[12:39:00] t00m: and that (again) the device doesn't say anything
[12:39:00] t00m: still the dvico dvb-t
[12:41:00] bjohnson ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:43:00] t0t3r ( has joined #mythtv-users
[12:44:00] Scuzzle: t00m, although the message indicates you're getting the multiplex live and clear, as it were, it doesn't prove you're recording on the correct PIDs.
[12:44:00] t00m: well
[12:45:00] t00m: tzap -r 'this channel'
[12:45:00] t00m: cat /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr0 |mplayer -
[12:45:00] t00m: this should show something
[12:45:00] t00m: also mplayer dvb://'this channel' should show something
[12:45:00] t00m: because it did 3 days ago
[12:46:00] Scuzzle: Do you have a copy of 'dvbsnoop'?
[12:47:00] h3x (n=h3xor@ Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:47:00] t00m: don't think so, what can it do?
[12:47:00] Scuzzle: It can dump all the information from the currently tuned multiplex and analyse what it says on the console.
[12:48:00] t00m: aha
[12:48:00] t00m: sounds smart
[12:48:00] t00m: i'll google
[12:48:00] t00m: it's compiling
[12:49:00] Nem^2 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[12:51:00] t00m: ok, where do i get the pids from?
[12:51:00] Scuzzle: Ok... We can do this the easy or the hard way...
[12:52:00] Scuzzle: Let's try easy first, where are you?
[12:52:00] t00m: i'm reading the man page in parallel :)
[12:52:00] t00m: australia, perth
[12:52:00] Scuzzle: Blast, don't know any of the info for those... so we'll do it the hard way.
[12:52:00] Scuzzle: Open one window and start a tzap in it.
[12:52:00] juski: you get PIDs from the output of the scan utility
[12:52:00] t00m: can i select them from the myth database?
[12:53:00] juski: toom: no you can't
[12:53:00] juski: not since 0.16
[12:53:00] Scuzzle: Ok, that's the medium method. :) Was going to talk you through reading them of manually. ;)
[12:53:00] t00m: aha, that's why i couldn't find them :)
[12:53:00] Scuzzle: Yup, use the scan utility.
[12:53:00] t00m: right, i'm scanning
[12:54:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:54:00] t00m: hmh.. there might..
[12:54:00] t00m: does the tzap LOCK if the reception is really crappy?
[12:54:00] Scuzzle: When you've finished. Run tzap to a channel in one window, and then dvbsnoop with the bandwidth command line switch and the video pid.
[12:54:00] twisted_one ( has joined #mythtv-users
[12:54:00] t00m: cause scan can't lock a single program
[12:55:00] Scuzzle: You need it to LOCK, or you're not going to get anywhere.
[12:55:00] t00m: 0 services
[12:55:00] Scuzzle: Bad antenna?
[12:55:00] juski: if tzap can lock, scan should be able to
[12:55:00] t00m: i'll check the connection
[12:55:00] t00m: it is bad, but not that bad
[12:55:00] Scuzzle: Have you got the correct seed file for scan setup?
[12:56:00] t00m: the same as last time when it worked
[12:56:00] Scuzzle: the initial tuning values.
[12:56:00] juski: you can tell scan to use the whole band, but I can't remember which option that is
[12:56:00] Scuzzle: Doesn't that take till the eond of time, Juski? ;)
[12:56:00] juski: yep
[12:57:00] juski: not quite _that_ long, but mouch longer than with a seed file
[13:00:00] Scuzzle: If you get just one tuning frequency, scan *should* be able to find all the rest very quickly for you. As it picks in up from the NIT.
[13:01:00] t00m: -n evaluate NIT-other for full network scan (slow!)
[13:01:00] Scuzzle: It's scan for same netowork NIT without that option, that one does NIT-other.
[13:02:00] Scuzzle: Have to head off for a bit, will check back later and hope you've got it going t00m.
[13:02:00] Orfeous ( has joined #mythtv-users
[13:02:00] t00m: na, i guess it's the antenna
[13:02:00] t00m: i'll get another one tomorrow
[13:03:00] Scuzzle (n=chatzill@ has left #mythtv-users
[13:03:00] t00m: with a builtin amplifier
[13:03:00] Xenna ( has joined #mythtv-users
[13:04:00] juski: toom: the signal strength looked ok to me before
[13:04:00] t00m: well
[13:04:00] t00m: what else would you try?
[13:04:00] Orfeous: hello everyone
[13:05:00] Hoxzer ( has joined #mythtv-users
[13:05:00] Orfeous: i just cant get why there are people that install dvb-kernel from CVS when the modules are allready included in the 2.6-kernel??
[13:05:00] sphing_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[13:05:00] Orfeous: it says in the readme of the dvb-kernel that this drivers arent needed because they allready exists in the kernel
[13:06:00] juski: Orfeous: maybe the cvs drivers are newer
[13:06:00] Orfeous: maybe..
[13:06:00] Orfeous: but i dont think that latest are older than the CVS dvb-kernel drivers..
[13:07:00] otwin (n=na@ has left #mythtv-users
[13:07:00] Orfeous: if you llok at the cvs web view you can see that they are little bit old.
[13:08:00] juski: Orfeous: I bet you still haven't tried breezy yet
[13:09:00] Orfeous: breezy?
[13:09:00] univac ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:10:00] juski: ubuntu breezy. if your card works with recent-ish kernels at all it should work in that
[13:10:00] Orfeous: maybe there are a ubuntu livecd that i can try.
[13:11:00] Orfeous: . . . 5.8537444623
[13:11:00] juski: yeh well give it a go
[13:12:00] Nem^1 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:13:00] Orfeous: in downloding ubuntu live-dvd now.. locally ;) because the Sweden mirror are located at our network :D so i have 100mbit download to that server :D
[13:14:00] juski: this graphics tablet I've just bought is nice :)
[13:14:00] Ellegon: wow 12 hours and counting compiling SVN on a xbox ... maybe not the best idea :)
[13:14:00] juski: Ellegon: lol
[13:14:00] Ellegon: hmmm maybe I will just move the bins from my backend
[13:15:00] Ellegon: will just need to install the ilic libs, the backend does not even have X setup
[13:17:00] sandos: ehe, compiling stuff on the xbox.. well :)
[13:17:00] Ellegon: yea... problem moving from apt to building
[13:18:00] Ellegon: but apt has gotten kinda behind and the backend is MUCH more stable when compiling it myself
[13:18:00] Ellegon: so I have to move the frontends
[13:19:00] Ellegon: at least I do not have to compile it on all 4 of them :)
[13:19:00] Orfeous: juski: DL-ing at 7MB/s ;)
[13:19:00] GreyFoxx: juski: The face tags you have in your <font> elements. Is that how you are telling it what font to use for that font definition? At this point I've been using <filename> to specify the ttf file to use. But face looks cleaner if that's what it does
[13:19:00] Ellegon: do it once and move the bin's and libs
[13:19:00] juski: GreyFoxx: I just stole what someone else was using, so I guess 'face' is the one
[13:19:00] GreyFoxx: hrm
[13:19:00] Hoxzer ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[13:20:00] juski: did I just say 'stole'? I mean 'used' lol
[13:20:00] GreyFoxx: hey, nothing wrong with using what's out there. no reason to reinvent the wheel :)
[13:21:00] GreyFoxx: I wanna package up a first beta of the OSD I have now right after I test the face flag. I don't wanna use the filename tag if face does the job "cleaner"
[13:22:00] k-man_ (n=Jason@unaffiliated/k-man) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:22:00] juski: good plan
[13:22:00] juski: I'm gonna grab SVN tonight for my test system
[13:23:00] GreyFoxx: My theme is gonna look very similar to Bryans I imagine since it was his mockup that got me started
[13:23:00] juski: so I can play with the new ui page, something to do with schedule changes
[13:23:00] GreyFoxx: but so far I still like mine better heh
[13:23:00] GreyFoxx: 12
[13:23:00] GreyFoxx: oops
[13:23:00] GreyFoxx:
[13:23:00] GreyFoxx: Nice n simple
[13:24:00] juski: nice
[13:24:00] juski: I might experiment with rounded boxes
[13:24:00] GreyFoxx: I've pretty much settled on this look for the programinfo:
[13:24:00] juski: I like rounded boxes ;)
[13:24:00] GreyFoxx: though I might add tag or something for browsemode so they are similar but not exactly identical
[13:25:00] sphing ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:26:00] juski: still looks very nice, GreyFoxx
[13:28:00] juski: problem for me is when I look at the program info I get text like this:
[13:29:00] juski: frickin essays!
[13:29:00] Xenna: nice greyfoxx
[13:29:00] GreyFoxx: heh
[13:29:00] GreyFoxx: juski: Yeah
[13:29:00] juski: I don't want a wordy critique.. just tell me what it's about already
[13:30:00] GreyFoxx: I'm thinking of maybe looking to add a "detailed programinfo" And you can either hit I again to get at the detailed one, OR configure mythfrontend to use the detailed one by default
[13:30:00] soulblade (n=butabi@ Quit (SendQ exceeded)
[13:30:00] sphing_ ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:30:00] Xenna: yeah i've seen the same thing in those caese I'd like to be able to scroll
[13:30:00] juski: I really wouldn't mind the programinfo screen taking up 50% or more of the screen
[13:31:00] juski: my cable box has a huuuuuge programme info screen
[13:31:00] GreyFoxx: juski: I think most would object to that, but that's why I like the idea of an optionally larger one
[13:32:00] juski: most would object? I know what my stance would be ;)
[13:32:00] GreyFoxx: I would object :)
[13:32:00] staalej (i=[ has joined #mythtv-users
[13:32:00] GreyFoxx: But having it as a configurable default, or just as a third info screen for the rare time I want to get at the more detailed/larger info is perfect
[13:32:00] juski: I like the idea of it being optional though... not that I ever use livetv
[13:33:00] GreyFoxx: Me either, but I look at the info screens a fair bit
[13:33:00] Orfeous: hmm
[13:33:00] GreyFoxx: I hate popping back out to the Watch Recordings screen for anything mid play if I can avoid it
[13:33:00] Orfeous: juski: i dont know why ubuntu should work with my tv-card?
[13:34:00] juski: Orfeous: does it work though?
[13:34:00] Weezey (i=Weezey@ Quit (Success)
[13:34:00] Orfeous: juski: burning the DVD now
[13:35:00] juski: Orfeous: this is to eliminate config issues & things like that
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[13:36:00] Orfeous: ok..
[13:36:00] juski: for the amount of time it will take to do it, I think it'll be worth it
[13:37:00] staalej: any experiences with ubuntu as a backend?
[13:37:00] juski: because at the moment you're in a kind of no-man's land where you do not know if the kernel modules are okay or not, and you don't know if the card is supported or not
[13:37:00] juski: staalej: yes, and it works great
[13:37:00] staalej: :-)
[13:38:00] juski: right time to go back to w***
[13:38:00] staalej: any HOWTOs on that? I'm thinking of using knoppmyth as a frontend, perhaps with 11g wifi between them.
[13:39:00] Orfeous: juski: ok, i will be back with more information when tried ubuntu livedvd
[13:39:00] staalej: on a PIII 800 MHz with Hauppage 500 and RAID5
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[13:46:00] Orfeous ( Quit ("leaving")
[13:49:00] staalej: what protocol is used for LiveTV between the back- and frontend? how does it work?
[13:50:00] GreyFoxx: staalej: Myth has it's own protocol, passed to the backend over default port 6543
[13:51:00] staalej: So that LiveTV as well as pause/resume works with no particular HW in the frontend?
[13:52:00] GreyFoxx: correct
[13:53:00] GreyFoxx: the frontend requests data as needed from thge backend
[13:54:00] staalej: thanks. how Neat (TM).
[13:54:00] staalej: I got knoppmyth working yesterday, and quickly realized I have-to-have a server :-)
[13:55:00] GreyFoxx: Well, for myth you must run the mythbackend "Server software". does have to be on a seperate box, unless you are setting up remote frontends :)
[13:56:00] GreyFoxx: err "doesn't have to be" I mean
[13:57:00] staalej: ok. I think it has to be "encoding in the other room"
[13:59:00] GreyFoxx: In your particular setup you mean? most people do it all on a single box, but some do seperate servers. All depends on your needs and wants
[14:01:00] staalej: my own setup, yes. and I'm afraid it is more "wants" than "needs" ;-)
[14:01:00] GreyFoxx: heh
[14:01:00] GreyFoxx: I have mine spread all over my house. But of course it's a wants thing here as well :)
[14:01:00] staalej: the last few days have been "happy hacking"
[14:02:00] squeegy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[14:02:00] staalej: started with geexbox, but Wanted More (TM).
[14:02:00] Xenna: dangerous
[14:02:00] Xenna: I had a perfectly good PVR350 myth setup until I wanted more... :(
[14:02:00] staalej: and trying to work at the same time. oh well.
[14:03:00] staalej: Xenna: ah
[14:03:00] Xenna: Added a PVR500 and then the troubles began...
[14:03:00] Xenna: Both cards wouldn't work together
[14:03:00] staalej: "first syringe for free", as some people say
[14:03:00] Xenna: They woul dwork fine on their own
[14:03:00] Xenna: ;)
[14:04:00] GreyFoxx: Well, for anyone that wants to try out the OSD I've been messing with :
[14:04:00] Xenna: But in trying to get them both to work something went wrong with the PVR500
[14:04:00] GreyFoxx: Note I'
[14:04:00] Xenna: So now I only have 1 channel on the PVR500 :( :(
[14:04:00] GreyFoxx: ve only used it on SVN but I imagine it would be fine with 0.18
[14:04:00] GreyFoxx: and I still need to add the editmode stuff
[14:04:00] Xenna: No more PIP, no more dual recordings
[14:04:00] staalej: well, I'm moving from a sh***y old pinnacle to the 500. hope it works.
[14:04:00] Scuzzle (n=chatzill@ has joined #mythtv-users
[14:05:00] Xenna: Too much time invested already
[14:05:00] staalej: good luck on the dual setup
[14:05:00] Xenna: It seems the PVR cards hold their config
[14:05:00] Xenna: and mine is in an unstable state on tuner 0
[14:05:00] staalej: jumpers? :-)
[14:06:00] Xenna: I hope, either that or it's completely broken
[14:06:00] Xenna: I don't think there are any
[14:06:00] Xenna: I'll try with the Hauppauge windows software next
[14:06:00] staalej: i remember old macs, and "zapping the PRAM"
[14:06:00] staalej: used to to wonders.
[14:07:00] Xenna: sounds dangerous
[14:07:00] Xenna: well, if it's really broken, I'll claim it on the warrantee
[14:07:00] staalej: yes, try.
[14:08:00] Xenna: anyway, my advice, if it works, just enjoy it ;)
[14:08:00] Xenna: It's not all that stable yet
[14:09:00] staalej: not even the 500 by itself? or mythtv in general?
[14:09:00] Xenna: the whole ensemble
[14:09:00] Xenna: mythtv has it's own problems
[14:10:00] Xenna: but ivtv is my main problem now
[14:10:00] staalej: ah.
[14:12:00] Ellegon ( Quit ("My damn controlling terminal disappeared!")
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[14:47:00] Orfeous ( has joined #mythtv-users
[14:48:00] Orfeous: just tried ubunti with my tv-card and it didnt work.
[14:49:00] cythraul: hi, I have a question concerning mythweb and links... I've setup my conf.php to point to the right symlink but for some reasons the files containing spaces will only display a blank page. any idea?
[14:49:00] cythraul: i think it's related to fs_encoding but it's just a hunch... i've kept the default there and tried utf8 also with the same results.
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[15:00:00] cythraul: oh well, thanks anyway
[15:00:00] Scuzzle: Sorry, was a little busy, could you explain that again?
[15:01:00] cythraul: oh hi
[15:01:00] cythraul: well
[15:01:00] Scuzzle: What are you trying to do?
[15:01:00] cythraul: i'm setting up mythweb to be able to link mythvideo, music and recordings.
[15:01:00] cythraul: all is well, except when i try to follow a link to a file containing spaces in the file name
[15:02:00] Scuzzle: If you're using Apache and SymLinks remeber to set it to allow SymLink in the Apache options for that directory.
[15:02:00] Scuzzle: So, only the ones with spaces fail?
[15:02:00] cythraul: indeed
[15:02:00] cythraul: it will display a blank page
[15:03:00] cythraul: and in the url box of the browser, there will be the full path of the file with %20 replacing the spaces.
[15:03:00] cythraul: could this be related to the fs_encoding setting?
[15:03:00] Scuzzle: Let me give it a quck try, none of my normnal files have spaces...
[15:03:00] cythraul: well, all my mp3 have spaces. :)
[15:04:00] arnducky: Dagmar, you around somewhere?
[15:05:00] Chacabaou ( has joined #mythtv-users
[15:07:00] juski: don't spaces usually have to be sent/received as %20 in URLs?
[15:07:00] mirak ( has joined #mythtv-users
[15:07:00] cythraul: yes, i think so
[15:07:00] cythraul: but, it does not explain the blank page...
[15:08:00] cythraul: http://teevee/mythweb/music/_new/80%27s%20Mus . . . 0%281%29.mp3
[15:08:00] cythraul: here's an example
[15:08:00] cythraul: indeed, i think the url is ok.
[15:09:00] Scuzzle: Do any of you files work?
[15:09:00] cythraul: yes, does without spaces. :)
[15:09:00] cythraul: does=thoses
[15:09:00] cythraul: sorry, i'm still pre-coffee here
[15:10:00] cythraul: for example, i have these clips i take with my camera that i put in mythvideo
[15:10:00] cythraul: http://teevee/mythweb/mythvideo/cam/familles/20041224-195801.MOV
[15:10:00] cythraul: this one work fine.
[15:11:00] Scuzzle: Do any actual .mp3 files work? The example you gave was a different extension.
[15:11:00] Scuzzle: Sorry, running a little behind, doing real work at the same time. :o
[15:11:00] cythraul: haha, i get you, no problem.
[15:12:00] cythraul: well, yes i have tested an .mp3 without spaces in the file name. it works.
[15:13:00] cythraul: just in case that this was browser related, i tried both firefox and iexplore on my laptop and firefox only on my home pc... same results.
[15:13:00] juski: Orfeous: looks like you'll have to rely on advice from the v4l mailing list etc.
[15:15:00] cythraul: scuzzle; i have to leave but if you have an idea, i'll leave this channel open... thanks for your help man!
[15:15:00] Xoritor ( has joined #mythtv-users
[15:15:00] Scuzzle: Ok, will let you know if I come up with something.
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[15:18:00] arnducky: W: Couldn't stat source package list breezy/multiverse Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ca.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_multiverse_binary- i386_Packages) – stat (2 No such file or directory)
[15:18:00] squeegy ( Quit ("This computer has gone to sleep")
[15:18:00] fryfrog (n=fryfrog@gallery/fryfrog) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:18:00] arnducky: I'm geting apt errors even though it's configed by the Ubuntu script (I haven't edited /etc/apt/sources.list at all), so what gives?
[15:19:00] arnducky: oops sorry
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[16:03:00] r10 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:03:00] r10: hi
[16:03:00] bretzel: Hello :-) I have problems with sound synchro ....
[16:04:00] bretzel: My setup: Wonder TV pro; wire from out to line-in SbLive! NVIDIA NG 6200 graphcard
[16:05:00] r10: how do I change the main menu of mythtv (and I have tryed theme.xml, but there I only changes the image on the buttons, not the buttons them selv ) (I want to add a button, and remove another on)
[16:05:00] r10: ?
[16:05:00] lotia ( Quit ()
[16:15:00] Kury: how do I startx w/ kde?
[16:17:00] beavis: Captain_Murdoch: something's still completely broken with AutoExpire for me, all LiveTV recordings appear twice in the recording list again and nothing gets autoexpired. Could you please tell me how to debug it?
[16:21:00] bretzel: Hello :-) I have problems with sound synchro .... My setup: Wonder TV pro; wire from out to line-in SbLive! NVIDIA NG 6200 graphcard
[16:27:00] sphing_: bretzel: yea we saw the first time
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[16:29:00] Piet ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:30:00] juski: r10: the button names in theme.xml are pretty self explanatory
[16:30:00] r10: juski: when i remove a "button" I only remove the image, the round button with text remains
[16:32:00] juski: so you comment out the lines <buttondef name=" down to </buttondef> line?
[16:32:00] juski: like you'd edit the buttondef line to say <!--<buttondef>
[16:33:00] juski: then where the </buttondef> is, you'd make it
[16:33:00] juski: </buttondef> -->
[16:33:00] juski: it should then not appear
[16:33:00] IA-Outdoors ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:33:00] IA-Outdoors: anybody here got DVD importing working in myth
[16:34:00] laga: IA-Outdoors: do you want each user to answer? ;)
[16:34:00] laga: s/each/every/
[16:34:00] Orfeous: juski: yes, but i have not recieved any more answers yet :(
[16:34:00] juski: r10: you effectively just comment out the button definition...
[16:34:00] IA-Outdoors: laga: lol, no, sorry
[16:34:00] juski: in xml you use <!-- comment -->
[16:34:00] IA-Outdoors: you have it figured out?
[16:35:00] IA-Outdoors: it's one of the few things I'd like to get working
[16:35:00] Captain_Murdoch: beavis, run the backend with "-v important,general,file" and email the logs around where it runs the expire stuff.
[16:35:00] laga: IA-Outdoors: no, sorry, i don't use it at all. just try and follow the docs, and if it doesn't work, ask a good question :)
[16:35:00] Captain_Murdoch: bbl, going to eat. :)
[16:35:00] juski: first of all have you checked the howto on the mythtv website, IA-Outdoors ?
[16:36:00] juski: you need mtd installed & running IIRC
[16:36:00] r10: juski: I have: <!--<buttondef name="TV">
[16:36:00] r10: <image>watch_tv.png</image>
[16:36:00] r10: <offset>20,10</offset>
[16:36:00] r10: </buttondef>-->
[16:37:00] r10: juski: nut I still get the tv button, but with no png on it...
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[16:37:00] beavis: Captain_Murdoch: it shows Expiring for only one file and it removes only ONE entry for this recording, the second one is still there. The other hundereds of small LiveTV files are still there
[16:37:00] juski: r10: you'll need to change the offsets of the other buttons I think – i.e. move one to where the TV button was
[16:38:00] Crunchy3 ( Quit ()
[16:38:00] r10: juski: I have the same offset on another button
[16:38:00] juski: ah
[16:38:00] juski: hang on...
[16:38:00] juski: which theme is this in?
[16:40:00] r10: blue
[16:41:00] Kury ( Quit ()
[16:42:00] juski: hmm maybe it's hard coded
[16:42:00] rsdvd ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:43:00] IA-Outdoors: juski: hrm it is running...I think maybe I just don't understand the "import dvd" interface
[16:43:00] rsdvd: Is there anyone around who could help sort out my Sky TV -> Myth setup – please :-)
[16:44:00] IA-Outdoors: when I select that option, you can then pick and choose your titles and then at the bottom of the screen it says something like hit 0 to process selected titles
[16:44:00] juski: rsdvd: that's not exactly describing the problem ;)
[16:45:00] shiznix_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:45:00] rsdvd: LOL! I knew you would be the kind soul to answer! I need either a RTFM or some help understanding how to sort out the link......I have Freeview working fine....but how do I set up the channels and the blaster to cope with the 1 channel
[16:46:00] rsdvd: (please excuse me if I make no sense.....I am nto all there today)
[16:46:00] juski: oo I've never done IR blasting
[16:47:00] rsdvd: actually the gizmo i have is a RF2 thing – not a blaster....but do you know how the channel part gets setup?
[16:47:00] juski: r10: it seems the <buttondef> stuff has no bearing on if the buttons is shown or not
[16:48:00] juski: rsdvd: does the RF2 thing work?
[16:49:00] juski: I mean have you managed to get it to change channels on the box without mythtv?
[16:49:00] rsdvd: yes.....I have played with it fromt he command line.....and it insert the characters correctly
[16:49:00] juski: there's a good howto guide somewhere
[16:49:00] adante ( Quit (Success)
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[16:49:00] r10: juski: then what do I need to do ?
[16:50:00] t00m ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[16:51:00] juski: r10: go into the sourcecode & take the buttons you no longer want, out
[16:51:00] adante_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:51:00] r10: juski: ok
[16:51:00] juski: rsdvd: looks like a good bet
[16:52:00] gakalkag ( Quit ("Forlater kanalen")
[16:52:00] juski: looks like the theme files just tell mythtv where to put the pretty pictures & text, which is fair enough
[16:53:00] juski: r10: which features do you want to disable?
[16:54:00] r10: juski: the TV, since I do not have eny TV-tuner card in my media box
[16:54:00] r10: juski: can u telle me how to add a ned button (I have installed a plugin, but the button do not appere)
[16:55:00] adante__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:55:00] juski: a ned button?
[16:55:00] juski: new button?
[16:55:00] r10: juski: yes :)
[16:56:00] juski: r10: the plugin is probably an unofficial one, and it might be a super pain to get it working. which one is it?
[16:56:00] r10: juski: the STREAM pluging (to enable my mythtv to playe streames)
[16:56:00] juski: r10: download minimyth.. the theme files in there have all the buttons for that
[16:58:00] juski:
[16:58:00] juski: ahh shoot
[16:58:00] juski: r10: I'll put the lines you need in a pastebin
[16:58:00] juski: brb
[16:59:00] juski: r10:
[17:00:00] IA-Outdoors ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:00:00] r10: juski: just use this insted of my own theme.xml ?
[17:01:00] Scuzzle: Anyone here using DVB in the UK? Using an XBox frontend as well would be especially good. :)
[17:02:00] rsdvd: Scuzzle : I have DVB but no Xbox
[17:02:00] r10: juski: still no STREAM button :(
[17:02:00] shiznix ( Quit (Success)
[17:03:00] juski: Scuzzle: I can do it with XBMC
[17:03:00] juski: r10: try it again now
[17:04:00] Scuzzle: Sorry, to rsdvd and juski, I can't reply in private because my user is unregister, give me a second and I'll come back registered.
[17:05:00] Orfeous: juski: talking with #dvb friends now.. it says that it seems that it is a problem with the frontend
[17:05:00] arnducky is now known as wtf-did-u-ban4
[17:05:00] r10: juski: no STREAM button
[17:05:00] juski: never mind PMing me, if it's worth saying it's worth saying in public ;)
[17:06:00] juski: r10: it still appears in the menu though, right
[17:06:00] r10: juski: yes, no STREAM button in the main menu
[17:06:00] juski: it's not in the main menu
[17:07:00] juski: it's in the media library
[17:07:00] juski: you can't move functions like that either
[17:07:00] juski: for that you'd need to define a keyjump
[17:07:00] juski: but you'd still not get a menu item for it on the front page
[17:08:00] r10: juski: media library? (movis or the TV button ?)
[17:08:00] juski: MEDIA LIBRARY is where mythstream thingy lives
[17:08:00] juski: at least on my box
[17:08:00] wtf-did-u-ban4 is now known as arnducky
[17:09:00] r10: juski: I do not have eny button named MEDIA LIBRARY on my main menu...
[17:12:00] adante ( Quit (No route to host)
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[17:16:00] adante_ ( Quit (No route to host)
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[17:24:00] juski: r10: try switching the theme out of classic menu mode
[17:28:00] walto ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:30:00] walto: does anyone have experience with sattelite in the Netherlands (of course in combination with mythtv)
[17:31:00] walto: I'm using mythtv for cable television right now, but we want to switch to (digital) sattelite when we move to our new home
[17:31:00] walto: two possibilities: buy a set top box
[17:31:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[17:32:00] walto: or put a sattelite reciever card in my mythtv box
[17:32:00] walto: the only problem is, the signal is encrypted and you need a smart card to decode. Can linux/mythtv do this?
[17:33:00] juski: you can use a sat card with a CAM interface & viewing card
[17:33:00] walto: and what drivers do I use?
[17:33:00] juski: dvb drivers of course (DVB-S)
[17:33:00] walto: or is the CAM interface connected to the viewing card and does the card do all the work?
[17:34:00] walto: ohwke, sounds promising
[17:34:00] juski: the CAM is on the sat tuner
[17:34:00] juski: you plug the viewing card into the sat tuner
[17:34:00] walto: cool
[17:34:00] walto: any card you recommend for all this?
[17:35:00] juski: nope
[17:35:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:35:00] walto: ok. Then I'll look around
[17:36:00] walto: thanx for the info. I'm gladd I'll still be able to use mythtv with sattelite :)
[17:36:00] ldam ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:39:00] juski: walto: nothing is guaranteed though – it depends on the encryption scheme
[17:39:00] juski: though if it's the kind of deal where you can buy just about any old set top box receiver you should be ok
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[17:42:00] juski: FFS r10: did you not even read the INSTALL file from the mythstream archive?
[17:42:00] juski: it's all there!!!!
[17:43:00] r10: juski: yes, and I also have it now, but I can't find it if I uses classic
[17:43:00] juski: so don't use classic ;)
[17:43:00] BlandesT: I keep getting the following error: Unable to connect to mythbackend, is it running?
[17:44:00] chickeneater_ (n=lastlee@unaffiliated/chickeneater) has joined #mythtv-users
[17:44:00] BlandesT: Does anyone know how I can start the backend?
[17:44:00] juski: I'm outta here.. ta-ta for now
[17:44:00] juski ( Quit ("Download Gaim:")
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[17:55:00] Gumby (n=gumby@unaffiliated/gumby) Quit (No route to host)
[17:56:00] walto: starting the backend should be just as simple as giving the mythbackend command
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[17:58:00] katom: lo
[17:59:00] Xoritor ( Quit ("Leaving")
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[18:26:00] rsdvd: Hi is there anyone here with a working Sky TV -> mythTv setup? I need some pointers on setting it up?
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[19:19:00] Weezey: I'm getting while [ 1 ]
[19:19:00] Weezey: do
[19:19:00] Weezey: /usr/local/lirc-ledxmit/bin/ledxmit-irsend SEND_ONCE JVC_RAW 2
[19:19:00] Weezey: sleep 1
[19:19:00] Weezey: done
[19:19:00] Weezey: eep, sorry
[19:20:00] Weezey: I'm doing irsend --device=/dev/lircd1 SEND_ONCE JVC_RAW 2 and I'm getting transmission failed
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[19:56:00] Juski ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:00:00] jd86 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:01:00] jd86: This is probably a stuped question... but can you use the tuner and like svideo in at the same time on a tv card?
[20:01:00] laga: no. probably on a pvr 500.
[20:01:00] Juski: jd86: you can't
[20:01:00] jd86: i didn't think so ;-)
[20:02:00] jd86: and heres another question.. i have some videos that are only 140MB but look very very good quality and are a hour long, where i can have a 400–500mb file for a hour and the quality is horrible, where can i get some guidance on configuring my transcoder so it doesn't... suck (i cant come up with a better word ;-))
[20:03:00] adante ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[20:04:00] Juski: jd86: multipass encoding is always a good option
[20:05:00] jd86: i think i enabled it
[20:05:00] jd86: what bitrate would you suggest? and mpeg4 or the rtjpeg
[20:05:00] Juski: depends on the content
[20:05:00] jd86: is there a way of usingother formats?
[20:05:00] jd86: 'content"/
[20:06:00] Juski: make the bitrate as high as maybe 4mbits/sec
[20:06:00] laga: jd86: it's possible that some of your channels have bad reception. that will cause bigger recordings
[20:06:00] jd86: well.. one "encoder" setup thing is svideo in, from a digital cable box
[20:06:00] Juski: or even 2Mbits/sec
[20:06:00] Juski: recompressed mpeg tends to look shitty
[20:07:00] jd86: heh and in well these videos do look shitty
[20:07:00] jd86: and how come.... (so many questions sorry) nuvexport only sees 2 shows when it used to see all of my wonderous shows ( i didnt play with it much but i was going to)
[20:07:00] Juski: what bitrate are you recording at? and in what format?
[20:08:00] jd86: h/o
[20:08:00] jd86: i need to figure this out..
[20:08:00] jd86: i'll check brb
[20:08:00] Juski: damn my vnc server X session is too small
[20:10:00] jd86: ok.. now i didn't know i could change the stuff so it would just record at a different rate instead of record and then get transcoded
[20:10:00] jd86: can you?
[20:10:00] jd86: its at like 4700
[20:10:00] jd86: and max is 6000
[20:10:00] jd86: for mpeg2 (from pvr 250) for default
[20:10:00] Juski: right
[20:10:00] harryman100 ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[20:10:00] Juski: you'll get pretty acceptable results @ 2mbits with mpeg4
[20:11:00] Juski: the files will be half the size of the original recording
[20:11:00] Juski: you could try going down on the bitrate a bit though – 1mbit can be quite good if there's not much fast moving content
[20:12:00] jd86: so i'll turn off all of this auto transcode junk
[20:12:00] jd86: and
[20:12:00] jd86: just ahve it record with a lower bitrate.
[20:12:00] Juski: no I said pretty good results with 2mbit mpeg *4*
[20:14:00] Juski: 2mbit mpeg2 is like the quality you get with UK digital TV
[20:14:00] jd86: heh well i dont know anything about uk digital tv
[20:15:00] jd86: so i need to transcode the crap?
[20:15:00] Juski: hence my sig that says "the words digital and quality are not synonymous"
[20:15:00] Juski: or get a bigger hard disk
[20:15:00] jd86: ugh i am just getting sick of crappy quality
[20:15:00] Juski: or keep less ;)
[20:16:00] Juski: UK DVB-T.. aka Lego-vision (r)
[20:17:00] Juski: jd86: did you fiddle with any of the settings the helpbar says not to if you can help it?
[20:17:00] jd86: i fiddled with too much
[20:17:00] jd86: and i wish i could find the defaults for things
[20:17:00] Juski: probably a case of having to put them back in the database yourself
[20:18:00] jd86: yea... but i can't find them heh
[20:18:00] Juski: btw.. hi laga: how's life on the open road?
[20:18:00] Juski: ;)
[20:21:00] jd86: ugh... where would the origional settings be? like are they listed somewhere online?
[20:21:00] Juski: I could have a look
[20:22:00] Juski: yay! I made my vnc server 1280x1024
[20:23:00] jd86: :)
[20:23:00] jd86: i feel like crap
[20:24:00] Juski: jd86: 2200
[20:24:00] Juski: 2
[20:24:00] jd86: 2200 for what
[20:24:00] Juski: 15
[20:24:00] Juski: 3
[20:24:00] Juski: bitrate
[20:24:00] einooB (n=boonie@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:24:00] jd86: which catagory
[20:25:00] Juski: mpeg4
[20:25:00] jd86: under transcoder?
[20:25:00] Juski: yep
[20:25:00] jgrreex ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:25:00] Juski: max quality = 2
[20:25:00] Juski: min quality = 15
[20:25:00] squeegy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:25:00] Juski: max quality difference between frames = 3
[20:26:00] Juski: jd86: you can also get away with downing the resolution
[20:26:00] Juski: half the vertical rez & you'll hardly know the difference
[20:26:00] jd86: hrm
[20:26:00] Juski: makes a huge difference to quality at a given bitrate (if it's not high enough)
[20:26:00] jd86: and what are thed efaults for mpeg2
[20:26:00] jd86: oh and which options below that doyou suggest?
[20:27:00] Juski: there's no mpeg2 transcoding option
[20:27:00] jd86: oh hehh i meant autodetect from mpeg2 and those should be the same
[20:27:00] Juski: all tickboxes checked
[20:28:00] jd86: all of em?
[20:28:00] jd86: i didn't know what the bottom is
[20:28:00] Orfeous: Juski: i have good news!
[20:28:00] jd86: i'll be back thanks for your help
[20:29:00] Juski: Orfeous: yay?
[20:29:00] Orfeous: it seems to be a i2c problem..
[20:29:00] jd86: back
[20:30:00] einooB (n=boonie@ has left #mythtv-users
[20:30:00] Orfeous: Juski: Your card has tuning problems due to i2c communication problems. This
[20:30:00] Orfeous: has bee fixed with the bttv patch i posted a while back.. Please do test
[20:30:00] Orfeous: oops :)
[20:30:00] Orfeous: . . . &start=0
[20:30:00] Juski: cool
[20:30:00] Orfeous: check that
[20:31:00] Juski: looks like you might make some progress now :)
[20:31:00] Orfeous: yep
[20:34:00] jd86: Juski: can you do me one more favor?
[20:34:00] jd86: can you tell me settings for the software encoders settings and then for the mpeg2?
[20:35:00] BleedAway ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:35:00] Juski: jd86: not really.. the menu for the other things isn't working properly for some reason
[20:36:00] jd86: oooh
[20:36:00] jd86: alrighty then
[20:36:00] jd86: thanks anyway
[20:38:00] jgrreex ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[21:18:00] timte: Can mythtv show two movies to two separate screens?
[21:19:00] KillerBunny: You mean 1 frontend showing 2 movies?
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[21:20:00] timte: No, one movie shown on my tv in the livingroom and another movie shown on my tv in the sleeping room.
[21:21:00] GiantPickle ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:21:00] KillerBunny: I dont know if you know how mythtv works.
[21:21:00] KillerBunny: You have backends and frontends.
[21:21:00] timte: not really
[21:22:00] KillerBunny: You can connect as many frontends to one backend.
[21:22:00] timte: a backend is a video/sound stream?
[21:22:00] KillerBunny: etc a xbox can act as a frontend, and connect to a pc with the shows/movies on it.
[21:22:00] xri1: timte: for tv, not for video
[21:22:00] xri1: backend is a server for the stream, that is...
[21:23:00] KillerBunny: but you can still connect more frontends to the same backend and show more movies.
[21:23:00] timte: same backend can show two movies?
[21:24:00] KillerBunny: The backend doesnt show the movies, it just hosts them.
[21:24:00] xri1: timte: if by movie you mean "tv program" then yes.
[21:24:00] timte: xri1: what about mpeg files?
[21:24:00] xri1: the backend just manages the frontends.. streams video to them if necessary, though it's more efficient to mount the video partition over the network so the frontend can access the files directly.
[21:25:00] xri1: timte: mythvideo is a frontend-only application. you pass it the location of your movies, and it plays them
[21:27:00] timte: The mythtv computer needs one graphics card (with tv-out) per movie you want to see at the same time?
[21:27:00] KillerBunny: So if you have 2 frontends (on 2 computers) it easy.
[21:28:00] KillerBunny: If you have 1 computer you need to make xwindow display it on 2 tvs first.
[21:28:00] timte: KillerBunny: I'm thinking more like one mythtv server and then only dumb tv:s and videos
[21:29:00] ** timte is confused **
[21:29:00] laga: for some setups, the hauppauge mediamvp makes a nice, cheap frontend.
[21:30:00] Raven_301 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:30:00] timte: I think I need to read up on frontend and backend before I continue this discussion  :)
[21:30:00] FrankTM ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:31:00] timte: You know a url explaining this?
[21:31:00] Juski: backend = what does all the recording, recording management & keeping track of everything in a database. It also streams recorded shows to frontends
[21:31:00] Juski: frontend = user interface for mythtv, capable of playing back recordings from the backend, videos, music, photos & games
[21:31:00] timte: Can a tv be a frontend?
[21:32:00] Juski: no
[21:32:00] Juski: unless the tv has a built-in linux pc
[21:32:00] timte: I have no such tv  :/
[21:32:00] Juski: does anybody?
[21:32:00] KillerBunny: timte, the short anwser is no.
[21:32:00] Juski: time to quit. before I explode
[21:32:00] Juski ( Quit ("The icecaps are not melting. The water is being liberated")
[21:32:00] timte: KillerBunny: you mean it's not possible two watch two separate movies?
[21:33:00] KillerBunny: The long anwser is yes, but is very technically demanding.
[21:33:00] laga: all user support and no play make juski a dull boy. ;)
[21:33:00] KillerBunny: If i where you i would get a very scraped computer with tvout and put it under the second tv.
[21:34:00] timte: yeah, that's a solution, but I hoped there would be some other way
[21:34:00] laga: timte: hauppauge mediamvp. only supports mpeg1/2, though.
[21:35:00] KillerBunny: timte just put a computer up which can manage playback + getting stuff realtime.
[21:35:00] KillerBunny: a 600 mhz or something like that.
[21:35:00] KillerBunny: And put in a small hdd 1 gb is enough.
[21:36:00] laga: you could net-boot it via nfsroot
[21:36:00] timte: I hate choosing hardware, never know what to get.
[21:36:00] KillerBunny: if its for a frontend only, just get gather some old junk from friends.
[21:37:00] KillerBunny: Thats what i do =)
[21:37:00] laga: 6ßßmhz is not enough, imho (at least not with a slot 1 pentium 3)
[21:37:00] timte: what they make noice
[21:37:00] laga: 600*
[21:37:00] laga: well, good night.
[21:37:00] timte: s/what/but
[21:37:00] KillerBunny: Hehe.. old computers arnt noisy.
[21:37:00] KillerBunny: =)
[21:38:00] KillerBunny:
[21:38:00] timte: I also have an idea about being able to play different songs in different speakers (rooms).
[21:39:00] KillerBunny: Thats frontend again.
[21:39:00] KillerBunny: Acually you can do some nifty shit with frontends and backends.
[21:39:00] timte: I want all media input go to one central location, from that they should be playable in any speaker and any monitor or tv
[21:39:00] timte: that's my goal  :)
[21:39:00] harryman100 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:39:00] KillerBunny: Thats what mythtv is about.
[21:39:00] KillerBunny: The central is the backend.
[21:39:00] timte: glad to hear that
[21:40:00] KillerBunny: And you just put up frontends where you want playback.
[21:40:00] Krazylegz ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[21:40:00] timte: it's just a pity that a frontend needs a computer
[21:40:00] KillerBunny: Or a xbox.
[21:40:00] KillerBunny: Or a mvp
[21:40:00] KillerBunny: =)
[21:43:00] timte: Would be cool to send different movies on different frequencies in a tv cable.
[21:43:00] timte: don't know the word for it, antenna cable, tv cable, you know what I mean  :)
[21:45:00] Filip^ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:45:00] FrankTM: coax
[21:45:00] timte: right
[21:46:00] FrankTM: :)
[21:46:00] FrankTM: had to think hard for that :p
[21:47:00] timte: So, sending two streams on different frequencies through a coax cable. Then I could use a splitter and choose movie be choosing channel on the tv.
[21:48:00] bjohnson ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:49:00] ** timte fantasizes **
[21:50:00] FrankTM: lol
[21:50:00] timte: Shouldn't it be doable?
[21:50:00] FrankTM: porlly
[21:51:00] timte: you pessimist  :)
[21:53:00] FrankTM: prolly*
[21:53:00] timte: ah  :)
[21:54:00] FrankTM: not poorly ;)
[21:56:00] r10 ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
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[22:48:00] Chacabaou ( Quit ()
[22:50:00] theneil: what's the status of the new openGL ui? (libmythui?)
[22:50:00] GreyFoxx: little has changed in months
[22:51:00] GreyFoxx: Likely going to happen after 0.19
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[22:53:00] sskk ( Quit ()
[22:53:00] beavis: is scheduled for 0.20
[22:53:00] theneil: sorry to be so lacking in clue... but whats the current rough eta for 0.19?
[22:53:00] beavis: ~weeks
[22:53:00] theneil: is there an expected timeline anywhere or should I keep my eye closer on the mailing lists?
[22:54:00] GreyFoxx: theneil: nothing specific, just "Relatively soon"
[22:54:00] GreyFoxx: so I would expect couple weeks to a month or so, but that's really just a guess
[22:57:00] theneil: ok, that's great! I last played back with 0.16 so I'm looking forward to trying things again soon.
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[23:43:00] Servo888: It looks like my pvr-150 lp is playing at 25fps... It's not really 'smooth' during large amounts of motions (similiar to dvd's).
[23:44:00] rsdvd ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[23:50:00] Juski: Servo888: sounds like you need to turn de-interlacing on
[23:51:00] Servo888: Ok will do
[23:52:00] Servo888: Which algorithm do you recommend?
[23:52:00] Juski: bob
[23:53:00] Servo888: That's better
[23:53:00] Servo888: Therei s still some 'lag' but it's smoother
[23:53:00] ole_schoo ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:00] Servo888: Also how do I know if mythtv is using my mpeg2 decoder on my nvidia card? My cpu is only at 20–24% during playback (at 800mhz), so it seems like it's working...
[23:55:00] squeegy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:58:00] Juski: it probably is using it then
[23:58:00] hadees (n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:58:00] Juski: and it's not an actual mpeg decoder.. just assistance in motion compensation ;)

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