:: #mythtv-users

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Sunday, November 6th, 2005, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:00] GreyFoxx: bk2: But it will be by the end of the weekend I expect
[00:00:00] SGC|Home: GreyFoxx, logged in to mysql, ran the command and got "ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax."
[00:00:00] bk2: anyway to get the old version of mythgame in here to get this working
[00:00:00] SGC|Home: GreyFoxx, ran repair mythconverg.oldrecorded;
[00:01:00] GreyFoxx: SGC|Home: Sorry, try "repair table mythconverg.oldrecorded;"
[00:01:00] a1fa: GreyFoxx
[00:01:00] GreyFoxx: nny: Not specifically. I don;t have to make a "special" modeline for TV out on any of my boxes
[00:01:00] _GeekZoid: hey all
[00:02:00] GreyFoxx: bk2: unfortunately to use the old version you will have to reinstall myth entirely
[00:02:00] bk2: ok
[00:02:00] GreyFoxx: the people putting out knoppmyth should NOT be putting out an SVN version
[00:02:00] bk2: so, can you recomemend a command line to run xmame inside this version then :)
[00:02:00] a1fa: anyone running nvidia
[00:02:00] a1fa: i am so annoyed
[00:02:00] Raven_301 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:02:00] GreyFoxx: bk2: Not really sorry
[00:02:00] a1fa: i have kernel 2.6.8–2
[00:02:00] bk2: yeah, I'm sorta keen just to do a normal debian install
[00:03:00] a1fa: and the nvidia gay module is 2.6.8–1
[00:03:00] a1fa: that shouldnt make any difference
[00:03:00] a1fa: since they are both gcc3.3
[00:03:00] a1fa: compiled
[00:03:00] GreyFoxx: It's make a hell of a lot of different to the module itself
[00:03:00] SGC|Home: GreyFoxx, beautiful, thanks
[00:04:00] GreyFoxx: just reinstall the nvidia driver so that it's all consistant with your kernel
[00:04:00] mrec_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:04:00] a1fa: ah :P
[00:04:00] a1fa: that means i am going to have to do it from the source
[00:04:00] GreyFoxx: *shrug* I never do it any other way
[00:04:00] a1fa: ah.. i like it pre-built
[00:05:00] GreyFoxx: I dislike packages in general. But to each their own :)
[00:06:00] Raven_301 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:06:00] pookSter: GreyFoxx...SVN=subversion?
[00:06:00] GreyFoxx: pookSter: yes
[00:06:00] geoff: a1fa: if you reinstall the nvidia driver, it will compile the module from source for you
[00:07:00] geoff: try modprobe nvidia and see what the error is first though
[00:07:00] a1fa: kernel-headers-2.6.8–2
[00:08:00] a1fa: geoff: no error
[00:08:00] geoff: a1fa: and does lsmod show nvidia?
[00:08:00] a1fa: yup
[00:08:00] geoff: and when you try to startx , same error?
[00:08:00] a1fa: modinfo nvidia
[00:08:00] a1fa: filename: /lib/modules/2.6.8-2-k7/nvidia/nvidia.ko
[00:08:00] a1fa: license: NVIDIA
[00:08:00] a1fa: alias: char-major-195-*
[00:08:00] a1fa: vermagic: 2.6.8-1-k7 preempt K7 gcc-3.3
[00:08:00] a1fa: depends:
[00:08:00] a1fa: alias: pci:v000010DEd*sv*sd*bc03sc00i00*
[00:08:00] a1fa: yup
[00:09:00] geoff: that is strange that the module is loaded but x can't find it
[00:09:00] geoff: do you have a /dev/nvidia?
[00:09:00] a1fa: yes
[00:09:00] a1fa: mytivo:/usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel/nv# ls -al /dev/nvidi*
[00:09:00] a1fa: crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 0 2005-11–05 16:00 /dev/nvidia0
[00:09:00] a1fa: crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 1 2005-11–05 16:00 /dev/nvidia1
[00:09:00] a1fa: crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 2 2005-11–05 16:00 /dev/nvidia2
[00:09:00] a1fa: crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 3 2005-11–05 16:00 /dev/nvidia3
[00:09:00] a1fa: crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 255 2005-11–05 16:00 /dev/nvidiactl
[00:10:00] a1fa: maybe premissions
[00:10:00] a1fa: :P
[00:10:00] geoff: could be
[00:10:00] a1fa: but i doubt it.. i am running it as root
[00:10:00] geoff: try not as root? :P
[00:10:00] a1fa: Error: API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module is version 7.1.0, but
[00:10:00] a1fa: this X module is version 1.0.7174. Please be sure that your kernel
[00:10:00] a1fa: module and all NVIDIA driver files have the same driver version.
[00:10:00] geoff: hmm
[00:11:00] geoff: where did it get 7.1.0?
[00:11:00] geoff: did you install this via apt-get?
[00:12:00] geoff: or with the nvidia installer?
[00:12:00] edward ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:12:00] edward ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:13:00] a1fa: aot0get
[00:13:00] a1fa: mytivo:/usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel/nv# make SYSINCLUDE=/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.8–2/include/
[00:13:00] a1fa: mytivo:/usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel/nv#
[00:14:00] a1fa: and nothing happened
[00:14:00] a1fa: this is what pisses me off.. no error
[00:14:00] opello_ (n=opello@ has joined #mythtv-users
[00:14:00] geoff: I would remove whatever you installed with apt-get and use the nvidia installer, it is really strait forward
[00:15:00] geoff: . . .
[00:15:00] geoff: that will do everyting for you
[00:17:00] a1fa: i heard, xfree over-rides it
[00:18:00] geoff: no, you just have to set nvidia as the driver in xf86.conf
[00:18:00] a1fa: but i will give it a shot
[00:18:00] geoff: it still uses xfree
[00:18:00] geoff: just adds a new driver to it
[00:19:00] a1fa: so you just ./run this
[00:19:00] a1fa: aight
[00:19:00] a1fa: let me see
[00:19:00] geoff: yup
[00:19:00] a1fa: i am glad i got nvidia
[00:19:00] a1fa: thanks for the linux support nvidia
[00:19:00] a1fa: radeon sucks
[00:19:00] geoff: also, the nvidia readme on the same site has a lot of good troubleshooting info
[00:19:00] geoff: lol
[00:19:00] geoff: yeah, I like my nvidia
[00:19:00] cfreeze (i=zzwbxmop@ has left #mythtv-users
[00:20:00] _GeekZoid: hi does anyone have a PVR-150 model 1087
[00:20:00] geoff: _GeekZoid: not me
[00:20:00] a1fa: hahaha
[00:20:00] a1fa: it failed
[00:20:00] a1fa: :P
[00:20:00] mrec ( Quit (Success)
[00:20:00] geoff: alfa: what error?
[00:20:00] _GeekZoid: erk 1047 actually it means 1047
[00:20:00] _GeekZoid: i mean model 1047
[00:20:00] _GeekZoid: im tryign to configure it so it doesn tblur
[00:21:00] nny: ok who here knows how to get Xfree86 to work with a TV?
[00:21:00] GreyFoxx: "blur" ?
[00:21:00] nny: or a channel where someone might be able to help?
[00:21:00] geoff: nny: what card?
[00:21:00] nny: geoff, intel i810
[00:21:00] a1fa: i am doing --kernel-source-path
[00:21:00] geoff: and it has svideo out?
[00:21:00] _GeekZoid: Greyfox yes while its running sometimes it blurs
[00:22:00] nny: geoff, weird actually, it defaults to the composite out when you plug it in prior to boot
[00:22:00] GreyFoxx: _GeekZoid: During motion?
[00:22:00] _GeekZoid: for less then a second
[00:22:00] _GeekZoid: yes
[00:22:00] GreyFoxx: You are likely just seeingt interlacing effects
[00:22:00] _GeekZoid: i tried kernel interlacing
[00:22:00] _GeekZoid: and it still does it
[00:22:00] geoff: nny: probably auto detects whatever is plugged in
[00:22:00] nny: geoff, it works fine in console, but screen goes blank (tv only) when you start gdm
[00:22:00] GreyFoxx: try the various deinterlacers.
[00:22:00] nny: geoff, yeah seems as such
[00:22:00] geoff: for nvidia there is a TVout option
[00:22:00] GreyFoxx: nny: fireup google and look for soemone using your card with tvout :)
[00:22:00] geoff: hold on a sec
[00:23:00] a1fa: ERROR: Unable to load the kernel module 'nvidia.ko'. This is most likely because the kernel module was built using the
[00:23:00] a1fa: wrong kernel source files. Please make sure you have installed the kernel source files for your kernel; on Red Hat
[00:23:00] a1fa: Linux systems, for example, be sure you have the 'kernel-source' rpm installed. If you know the correct kernel
[00:23:00] a1fa: source files are installed, you may specify the kernel source path with the '--kernel-source-path' commandline
[00:23:00] a1fa: option.
[00:23:00] a1fa: :*
[00:23:00] nny: GreyFoxx, i'll try thanks!
[00:23:00] a1fa: yeeehaw...
[00:23:00] a1fa: thank you god for picking on me
[00:23:00] geoff: a1fa: uname -a ?
[00:23:00] _GeekZoid: quit gone
[00:23:00] _GeekZoid ( Quit ("BitchX Official Scripts Site --")
[00:23:00] a1fa: -> Kernel module load error: insmod: error inserting './usr/src/nv/nvidia.ko':
[00:23:00] a1fa: -1 Invalid module format
[00:23:00] a1fa: -> Kernel messages:
[00:23:00] a1fa: NVRM: aborting to avoid catastrophe!
[00:23:00] a1fa: NVRM: client does not support versioning!!
[00:23:00] a1fa: NVRM: aborting to avoid catastrophe!
[00:24:00] a1fa: Linux mytivo 2.6.8-2-k7 #1 Thu May 19 18:03:29 JST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
[00:24:00] nny: intel 810 doesn't appear to be supported with the "tv-out" function
[00:24:00] nny: but there must be a way to set the xfree86 server to use a mode that the tv can use
[00:24:00] dev-: mytivo, thats cute.
[00:24:00] a1fa: thanks
[00:25:00] a1fa: gotta make it girlfriend friendly
[00:25:00] GreyFoxx: nny: The drive is likely disabling something. You need to see if there is a drive option to either not turn it off or to specifically turn it on
[00:25:00] dev-: my bitch dont care what its nMED :)
[00:25:00] opello (n=opello@ Quit (Connection timed out)
[00:25:00] GeekZoid (n=dave@pdpc/supporter/student/GeekZoid) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:25:00] geoff: alfa: how afraid of building a kernel are you?
[00:26:00] a1fa: not afraid at all
[00:26:00] nny: GreyFoxx, can you elaborate? It appears right now that it is only the mode of Xfree86 that is not working, if I ctrl, alt F1 i can resort back to console, but anything involving X is blank...
[00:26:00] a1fa: but it is pointless atm
[00:26:00] geoff: alfa: pointless?
[00:26:00] dev-: drugs?
[00:27:00] nny: GreyFoxx, tried to edit XF86Config-4 to use a mode that was lower, but it says "PALi not used (reason unknown)
[00:27:00] a1fa: yeah
[00:27:00] a1fa: kernel tree is fine atm
[00:27:00] nny: GreyFoxx, i used this howto Modeline "Pal" 15.00 688 790 810 960 530 560 580 625 Interlace
[00:28:00] geoff: so is this a custom built kernel already?
[00:28:00] geoff: because I had problems using the debian kernel headers with their kernel
[00:28:00] geoff: they don't seem to match
[00:28:00] nny: er . . . tv.htmlintel i810 xfree86 PAL TV
[00:28:00] a1fa: i think its bcos of this gay k7 at the end
[00:28:00] a1fa: thats why its flaking
[00:28:00] geoff: or you could always try apt-geting a new kernel and matching headers
[00:28:00] geoff: sounds like it
[00:28:00] nny: gah
[00:30:00] geoff: alfa: apt-get install kernel-headers-2.6.8-2-k7  ?
[00:31:00] a1fa: yup
[00:31:00] geoff: I see separate versions for k7 and not
[00:31:00] geoff: you are using the right ones?
[00:31:00] a1fa: mytivo:/usr/src/modules# ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86– --kernel-source=/usr/src/kernel-headers-2.6.8–2
[00:31:00] a1fa: you may be right
[00:32:00] a1fa: fuck
[00:32:00] a1fa: you are right
[00:32:00] a1fa: lol
[00:32:00] a1fa: <-- dumb ass
[00:32:00] geoff: lol
[00:32:00] a1fa: i missed that k7
[00:32:00] geoff: that is important appartently
[00:32:00] geoff: after that, the nvidia installer should work great
[00:32:00] a1fa: interesting :P
[00:32:00] a1fa: wow
[00:32:00] a1fa: no error ;P
[00:32:00] geoff: lol
[00:33:00] geoff: pebkac
[00:33:00] a1fa: :P
[00:33:00] a1fa: hey.. what ref rate is for tv?
[00:33:00] geoff: 50 maybe?
[00:33:00] geoff: the nstc is 29.97
[00:33:00] a1fa: nah.. there is a specific one
[00:34:00] geoff: but I doubt you can set that as the refresh rate
[00:34:00] SGC|Home: ok, now that mythtv runs, all I have to do now is get it to schedule recordings....
[00:34:00] geoff: are you using the svideo out?
[00:34:00] SGC|Home: I can schedule a recording, but if I check it in upcoming, it says I have no recording scheduled
[00:34:00] SGC|Home: if I run mythfrontend from a terminal, I get no errors
[00:35:00] geoff: # Option "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"
[00:35:00] geoff: # Option "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO"
[00:35:00] geoff: # Option "TVOverScan" "0.8"
[00:35:00] GreyFoxx: SGC|Home: I assume the backend is running ?
[00:35:00] geoff: without the #
[00:35:00] geoff: and set ovverscan to what you want
[00:35:00] geoff: the ref rate is then automagic
[00:36:00] a1fa: i am using that composite out
[00:36:00] a1fa: rca out
[00:36:00] SGC|Home: GreyFoxx, yes
[00:36:00] SGC|Home: ps -ef|grep myth
[00:36:00] SGC|Home: scarter 16044 1 0 17:26 ? 00:00:01 mythbackend
[00:37:00] geoff: alfa: replace svideo with composite
[00:38:00] a1fa: i put that under video?
[00:39:00] nny: so am i to assume this 810 is not useable via the tv out
[00:39:00] geoff: mine is in the Monitor section
[00:39:00] a1fa: ok
[00:39:00] geoff: also disable dpms is good
[00:39:00] nny: well wait
[00:39:00] nny: this is sad
[00:39:00] haxwell (n=jeff@ Quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.11")
[00:39:00] geoff: its been know to fry tvs apparently
[00:39:00] nny: console works on this tv out but X does not
[00:40:00] a1fa: get a driver dude
[00:40:00] a1fa: nny: nvidia?
[00:40:00] nny: so I need to know what a good conifg file for this tv is
[00:40:00] nny: alfa no intel 8281
[00:40:00] nny: er 82810*
[00:40:00] a1fa: Identifier "Generic Monitor"
[00:40:00] a1fa: HorizSync 28–50
[00:40:00] a1fa: VertRefresh 43–75
[00:40:00] a1fa: # Option "DPMS"
[00:40:00] a1fa: Option "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"
[00:40:00] a1fa: Option "TVOutFormat" "COMPOSITE"
[00:40:00] a1fa: # Option "TVOverScan" "0.8"
[00:40:00] a1fa: this is what i got right now
[00:40:00] a1fa: x is fucking up tho
[00:41:00] geoff: fucking up?
[00:41:00] nny: alfa well i have the composite out working, but X doesn't like it
[00:41:00] a1fa: yeah
[00:41:00] geoff: Section "Monitor"
[00:41:00] geoff: Identifier "Generic Monitor"
[00:41:00] geoff: HorizSync 30–50.0
[00:41:00] geoff: VertRefresh 60
[00:41:00] geoff: Option "DPMS"
[00:41:00] geoff: # Option "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"
[00:42:00] geoff: # Option "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO"
[00:42:00] geoff: # Option "TVOverScan" "0.8"
[00:42:00] a1fa: your DPMS is enabled
[00:42:00] geoff: EndSection
[00:42:00] geoff: that is what I used to use
[00:42:00] geoff: now I have a crt
[00:42:00] geoff: no tv
[00:42:00] a1fa: ah
[00:42:00] a1fa: :P
[00:42:00] a1fa: ok
[00:42:00] a1fa: so COMPOSITE?
[00:42:00] geoff: yeah
[00:42:00] geoff: that is what I googled anyway
[00:42:00] beavis ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:43:00] a1fa: haha
[00:43:00] a1fa: omfg
[00:43:00] a1fa: :P
[00:43:00] a1fa: it crashed
[00:43:00] a1fa: Fatal server error:
[00:43:00] a1fa: Caught signal 11. Server aborting
[00:43:00] a1fa: no reason why?
[00:44:00] geoff: lol
[00:44:00] geoff: check the logs maybe
[00:44:00] geoff:
[00:44:00] geoff: there is an entire section on tv out
[00:45:00] a1fa: no reason
[00:45:00] geoff: weird
[00:46:00] geoff: startx — -logverbose 5
[00:48:00] a1fa: nope
[00:48:00] GeekZoid: renppt
[00:48:00] GeekZoid: reboot
[00:48:00] a1fa: i did
[00:48:00] ** GeekZoid ponders. Why isn't my computer rebooting :) **
[00:48:00] a1fa: it didnt help
[00:48:00] a1fa: omfg
[00:48:00] a1fa: it brings up nvidia logo
[00:48:00] a1fa: and then goes into black screen
[00:48:00] a1fa: and X crashed
[00:50:00] a1fa: 24 bit
[00:50:00] a1fa: maybe thats why?
[00:50:00] a1fa: i doubt it
[00:50:00] geoff: getting closer at least
[00:50:00] geoff: any dmesg output?
[00:50:00] a1fa: agpgart: Putting AGP V2 device at 0000:01:00.0 into 2x mode
[00:50:00] a1fa: :P
[00:51:00] hari_seldon99 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:51:00] a1fa: i will go to bios and force it to 2x
[00:51:00] a1fa: and force 64mb
[00:51:00] a1fa: and such
[00:51:00] a1fa: brb
[00:52:00] hari_seldon99 ( has left #mythtv-users
[00:52:00] a1fa: back
[00:52:00] a1fa: see what happens now
[00:52:00] a1fa: i dont know why is it crashing
[00:52:00] a1fa: oh i know why
[00:52:00] a1fa: :)
[00:52:00] a1fa: grr
[00:53:00] a1fa: it doesnt want nvidia to be loaded up ons tartup
[00:53:00] a1fa: /etc/modules
[00:54:00] geoff: working yet?
[00:55:00] geoff: startx should load the module for you
[00:55:00] a1fa: yeah
[00:55:00] a1fa: not
[00:55:00] a1fa: not working yet
[00:55:00] a1fa: dunno why
[00:55:00] a1fa: it crashes
[00:55:00] a1fa: after it initializes the screen
[00:56:00] geoff: what is in your xinit?
[00:56:00] a1fa: NVRM: loading NVIDIA Linux x86 NVIDIA Kernel Module 1.0–7676 Fri Jul 29 12:58:54 PDT 2005
[00:56:00] geoff: or are you running kdm or something?
[00:56:00] Cardoe (n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) Quit (No route to host)
[00:57:00] a1fa: nothing yet
[00:57:00] a1fa: i wanted to run icewm
[00:57:00] a1fa: so startx
[00:57:00] a1fa: was supposed to launch
[00:57:00] a1fa: icewm
[00:58:00] geoff: if you use the vesa driver instead of nvidia will x launch?
[00:58:00] geoff: (just to test)
[00:58:00] a1fa: i am running play X
[00:58:00] geoff: play x?
[00:58:00] a1fa: yeag
[00:58:00] a1fa: hehe
[00:59:00] a1fa: its working under vesa
[00:59:00] geoff: wtf
[00:59:00] a1fa: yeah
[00:59:00] a1fa: i see it on the screen
[00:59:00] a1fa: :P
[00:59:00] a1fa: it is outputing onto tv
[00:59:00] a1fa: in vesa
[00:59:00] GreyFoxx: surely there is an error message when it fails
[00:59:00] a1fa: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (NVIDIA X driver not found)
[00:59:00] a1fa: nah
[00:59:00] a1fa: no error
[00:59:00] a1fa: this is with running on vesa
[01:00:00] geoff: there are some options you are not allowed to use with the nvidia
[01:00:00] a1fa: GLCore
[01:00:00] a1fa: and DRI are off
[01:00:00] GreyFoxx: look in /var/log/ for you X log. If is is shutting down there will be alog message there
[01:01:00] a1fa: yeha i did
[01:01:00] a1fa: same erro
[01:01:00] Cardoe (n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:01:00] a1fa: (II) Initializing extension GLX
[01:01:00] a1fa: *** If unresolved symbols were reported above, they might not
[01:01:00] a1fa: *** be the reason for the server aborting.
[01:01:00] a1fa: Fatal server error:
[01:01:00] a1fa: Caught signal 11. Server aborting
[01:02:00] GreyFoxx: Very weird.
[01:02:00] a1fa: it was working
[01:02:00] a1fa: when i frist installed it
[01:02:00] a1fa: but then i rebooted
[01:02:00] a1fa: and bam
[01:03:00] a1fa: (**) NVIDIA(0): Validated modes for display device TV-0:
[01:03:00] a1fa: hmm
[01:03:00] a1fa: what resolution can you output?
[01:04:00] geoff: 640x480 is guaranteed on all nvidia tv-out
[01:04:00] GreyFoxx: 640x , 720x(custom modeline), 800x and 1024x
[01:04:00] a1fa: i tried 640x
[01:04:00] a1fa: it didnt work
[01:04:00] a1fa: cat /var/log/XFree86.0.log | grep EE
[01:04:00] a1fa: no errors
[01:04:00] GreyFoxx: I use 800x600 on my machines
[01:05:00] a1fa: (WW) NVIDIA(0): Not using mode "512x384" (not a valid TV mode)
[01:05:00] a1fa: 1 warning
[01:05:00] a1fa: i never said to use 512x384
[01:05:00] a1fa: (II) NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "800x600"
[01:06:00] a1fa: (II) NVIDIA(0): Generic Monitor: Using hsync range of 30.00–50.00 kHz
[01:06:00] a1fa: (II) NVIDIA(0): Generic Monitor: Using vrefresh value of 60.00 Hz
[01:06:00] a1fa: everything looks ok
[01:06:00] a1fa: i wonder wtf
[01:06:00] a1fa: and why it doesnt crash on vesa
[01:06:00] a1fa: and how the fuck do i get composite out
[01:06:00] a1fa: on vesa
[01:06:00] GreyFoxx: You wont
[01:07:00] geoff: alfa:
[01:07:00] geoff: try not composite out with nvidia
[01:07:00] a1fa: sup
[01:07:00] geoff: does nvidia load on a crt?
[01:07:00] a1fa: same thing
[01:07:00] a1fa: i dont have CRT
[01:07:00] geoff: oh
[01:07:00] geoff: then how do you know vesa worked?
[01:09:00] a1fa: it was on the TV
[01:09:00] a1fa: it outputed to tv
[01:10:00] geoff: hmmm
[01:10:00] a1fa: no error
[01:10:00] a1fa: what-so-ever
[01:11:00] geoff: and you removed all the nvidia stuff you installed with apt-get right?
[01:11:00] geoff: because a few things on google mention this problem with incomplete installs
[01:11:00] a1fa: want me to paste-bin
[01:11:00] geoff: sure
[01:11:00] xaid ( has left #mythtv-users
[01:12:00] a1fa:
[01:13:00] jemarcks__: I just made changes to /etc/exports. how do i make the change take effect?
[01:14:00] geoff: hold on, TOASTER FIRE!!!!!
[01:15:00] jemarcks__: lol
[01:15:00] Nothingman ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:15:00] Nothingman: hi, all
[01:16:00] Nothingman: I was in here last night asking if anyone had ideas why myth wasn't changing the channel to record a show
[01:16:00] geoff: whew
[01:16:00] geoff: we actually had flames there
[01:16:00] geoff: serves me right for reading X11 logs while making toast
[01:17:00] Nothingman: does anyone here know if there's a problem with myth changing channels to record if another program is used to watch tv (only one tuner card in the machine)?
[01:17:00] a1fa: i dont see anything :*(
[01:18:00] nny ( Quit (Success)
[01:19:00] geoff: alfa: looks like it is trying to load glx more than once?
[01:19:00] a1fa: (EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load GLX
[01:19:00] a1fa: nope
[01:20:00] geoff: is that with commenting out glx?
[01:20:00] a1fa: it is working w/o glx driver
[01:20:00] jnunez ( Quit ()
[01:20:00] a1fa: yeah
[01:20:00] a1fa: so its the glx driver
[01:20:00] a1fa: what is it used for?
[01:20:00] geoff: so it works without glx?
[01:20:00] a1fa: yeah
[01:20:00] geoff: open gl
[01:20:00] a1fa: fcuk :P
[01:20:00] geoff: but
[01:20:00] geoff: try glxgears
[01:20:00] a1fa: 0000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000 AGP 8x] (rev c1)
[01:20:00] geoff: I think it is using nvidia glx anyway
[01:20:00] geoff: you shouldn't need open gl for mythreally
[01:21:00] geoff: cna you run glxgears?
[01:21:00] a1fa: nope
[01:22:00] geoff: ok, so it loads without glx.... that points to something broken with the glx stuff...
[01:22:00] geoff: obviously
[01:22:00] a1fa: so that is fine i gues
[01:23:00] a1fa: yeah its ok.. i dont need glx atm
[01:23:00] geoff: ok
[01:23:00] a1fa: i am about to fetch mythv
[01:23:00] geoff: you still can use xvmc
[01:23:00] geoff: just no opengl
[01:23:00] geoff: you might have to apt-get remove mesa stuff
[01:23:00] geoff: it is software glx
[01:23:00] geoff: and now you have hardware glx
[01:24:00] a1fa: what stuff is that?
[01:24:00] geoff: ummm
[01:24:00] geoff: i forget
[01:24:00] geoff: just do apt-get remove mesa*
[01:25:00] geoff: hmm maybe not
[01:25:00] geoff: I seem to have it installed still
[01:25:00] Nothingman: does anyone here know how to get just myth-frontend installed on a separate machine?
[01:25:00] Nothingman: I'm using Ubuntu breezy, btw
[01:26:00] a1fa: ah fuck
[01:26:00] a1fa: i need to go to unstable distribution
[01:26:00] a1fa: now this sucks
[01:26:00] a1fa: asshole
[01:26:00] a1fa: ;(
[01:26:00] geoff: alfa: ?
[01:26:00] a1fa: they dont make mythtv for stable
[01:26:00] Nothingman ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:26:00] a1fa:
[01:27:00] geoff: ah, I install from source
[01:27:00] geoff: i got sick of buggy debs
[01:28:00] a1fa: E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/dijkstra.csh.rit.edu_%7emdz_debian_dists_unstable_mythtv_sour ce_Sources – open (2 No such file or directory)
[01:28:00] a1fa: deb is gone wild
[01:28:00] a1fa: i need to update
[01:28:00] geoff: all pastebin my sources list if you want
[01:28:00] a1fa: there we go
[01:28:00] geoff: I'll
[01:28:00] a1fa: i wonder if it is going to run on stable
[01:28:00] a1fa: what do you think?
[01:28:00] geoff: it might
[01:30:00] a1fa: ya know.. i am just gonna bump it up a noch :P
[01:30:00] a1fa: i hate chasing dependencies
[01:30:00] eiggirC ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:30:00] geoff: I use unstable
[01:30:00] geoff: its just an un
[01:31:00] a1fa: yeah.. and they release packages every dya
[01:31:00] a1fa: how often do you update?
[01:31:00] geoff: not too often
[01:31:00] geoff: when I get bored
[01:32:00] geoff: I usually have to reinstall the nvidia driver after each update
[01:32:00] geoff: seems to break it
[01:32:00] a1fa: kewl.. well here it goes..
[01:32:00] a1fa: yeah.. thats what i am expecting as well
[01:32:00] geoff: I guess once you get it working, there is no real reason to update again until they add a new feature to myth
[01:33:00] TaD ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:33:00] a1fa: are you running bootsplash
[01:34:00] geoff: no, what is it?
[01:35:00] a1fa: bootsplash
[01:35:00] a1fa: literally.. it hides kernel verbose diag
[01:35:00] a1fa: with an image
[01:35:00] geoff: gotcha... is there a way to disable it when I break something?
[01:35:00] geoff: so I can see the messages?
[01:35:00] a1fa: F2
[01:35:00] a1fa: shows the msgs
[01:35:00] a1fa: it is nice
[01:35:00] a1fa: i am going to put it on
[01:35:00] a1fa: and make my own custom png
[01:36:00] a1fa: 77% [171 libxv1 341/189kB 0%] 355kB/s 1m13s
[01:36:00] geoff: is it a deb package?
[01:36:00] a1fa: :P
[01:36:00] a1fa: yup
[01:36:00] a1fa: i got a tree
[01:36:00] geoff: hmmm
[01:36:00] a1fa: hold on
[01:36:00] a1fa: i'll get it for you in a min
[01:36:00] a1fa: waiting for this update to finish
[01:36:00] IMTheNachoMan (n=asdfasdf@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:36:00] IMTheNachoMan: well im trying mythtv now
[01:36:00] ** IMTheNachoMan prays **
[01:36:00] a1fa: good luck
[01:37:00] a1fa: i just got my box running
[01:37:00] IMTheNachoMan: im trying with knoppix first
[01:37:00] a1fa: and now i will have to re-do it
[01:37:00] IMTheNachoMan: im not gonna spend 2 hours getting gentoo up
[01:37:00] IMTheNachoMan: correction, 2 days
[01:37:00] IMTheNachoMan: if idont like mythtv
[01:37:00] IMTheNachoMan: anyone have mytv up with flash and wht not installed?
[01:37:00] a1fa: KnoppMyth
[01:38:00] a1fa: is good way to try it
[01:38:00] IMTheNachoMan: yeha thats what im trying
[01:38:00] a1fa: i tried it at work
[01:38:00] a1fa: it is nice
[01:38:00] a1fa: i loved it
[01:38:00] a1fa: i still dont have a tuner
[01:38:00] a1fa: i am waiting for all this crap to finish, so its all and ready
[01:38:00] IMTheNachoMan: ah
[01:39:00] Raven_301 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:42:00] Raven_301 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:42:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:45:00] IMTheNachoMan: shoot didnt work
[01:46:00] a1fa: haha
[01:46:00] a1fa: /etc/init.d/mysql start
[01:46:00] roger55 (n=jbourne@gentoo/developer/roger55) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:00] IMTheNachoMan: no it didnt install
[01:47:00] IMTheNachoMan: gota try again i suppose
[01:47:00] a1fa: lol
[01:47:00] a1fa: no
[01:47:00] a1fa: you were supposed to run
[01:47:00] a1fa: frontend only
[01:47:00] a1fa: not install
[01:47:00] a1fa: its gonan install on your HD
[01:48:00] a1fa: geoff: . . . ;btnG=Search
[01:48:00] a1fa: xfree86 or xorg
[01:48:00] a1fa: xfree86 :P
[01:48:00] geoff: very nice
[01:48:00] geoff: I wish it didn't require a recompile though
[01:48:00] geoff: I don't feel like doing that now
[01:49:00] geoff: I'm on a celeron 450
[01:49:00] geoff: :(
[01:49:00] a1fa: sucks
[01:49:00] a1fa: i will run distcc for you
[01:49:00] a1fa: on my Athlon 64
[01:49:00] a1fa: do you want me to compile it
[01:49:00] geoff: sure
[01:49:00] geoff: :)
[01:49:00] geoff: using the debian kernel tools?
[01:50:00] a1fa: i gues
[01:50:00] a1fa: i would have to run knoppix to do it
[01:50:00] a1fa: let me compile it on my 1.8ghz
[01:50:00] geoff: make-kpkg?
[01:50:00] a1fa: 1.4ghz
[01:51:00] a1fa: here comes the cat
[01:51:00] a1fa: ;P
[01:51:00] a1fa: he is ready to fuck up something
[01:51:00] geoff: lol
[01:51:00] a1fa: he was looking for his litter box.. i moved it
[01:52:00] a1fa: and he gets pissed off when you move shit w/o his approval
[01:52:00] geoff: yeah, my dog loves me unconditionally
[01:53:00] geoff: I can move her bed and she will lie on the tile floor instead
[01:53:00] a1fa: /etc/X11/X is not executable
[01:53:00] a1fa: oh wow
[01:53:00] a1fa: major fuckup
[01:53:00] a1fa: hehehe
[01:53:00] geoff: ouch
[01:53:00] a1fa: i love dogs
[01:53:00] a1fa: i hate cats.. but this cat acts like a dog
[01:53:00] geoff: if you moved to unstable, you might as well switch to xorg from xfree86
[01:54:00] a1fa: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!
[01:54:00] a1fa: xserver-xorg xserver-xfree86
[01:54:00] a1fa: scarry
[01:54:00] geoff: lol
[01:54:00] geoff: just the new apt
[01:54:00] GeekZoid: hi
[01:54:00] GeekZoid: i screwed up the colors for mythtv
[01:54:00] geoff: they use md5s for everythinh
[01:54:00] jnunez ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:54:00] GeekZoid: its blue now how do i fix it?
[01:54:00] GeekZoid: when im watchign on tv
[01:54:00] geoff: some sources don't have it yet
[01:55:00] geoff: GeekZoid: check use xv picture controls in the settings
[01:56:00] geoff: then if it is still off, you can adjust the hue in the menu while playing tv
[01:56:00] a1fa: major fuck-up
[01:57:00] GeekZoid: geoff: do i disable xv picture controls?
[01:57:00] geoff: no, enable
[01:57:00] GeekZoid: oh it is enabled
[01:57:00] geoff: ik, then you can adjust the hue in the osd
[01:57:00] geoff: (press m while video is playing
[01:57:00] geoff: )
[01:57:00] GeekZoid: oh im watching tv
[01:57:00] a1fa: ok
[01:58:00] a1fa: now i get incompatibility issue with gcc4.0 and 3.3
[01:58:00] a1fa: hehe
[01:58:00] a1fa: suckah
[01:58:00] geoff: Geek: thats fine
[01:58:00] geoff: just press m
[01:58:00] geoff: and find adjust picture
[01:58:00] geoff: alfa: on the nvidia mod?
[01:58:00] GeekZoid: does the pVR-150 have the 350 buffer optrion/
[01:59:00] geoff: not that I know of
[01:59:00] a1fa: yup
[01:59:00] geoff: rm -rf /usr/bin/gcc .... ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-3.3 gcc
[02:00:00] geoff: gcc is just a symlink
[02:00:00] a1fa: ok.. its building now
[02:00:00] a1fa: ERROR: Unable to build the NVIDIA kernel module.
[02:00:00] a1fa: ;(
[02:00:00] a1fa: why me?
[02:00:00] geoff: oops
[02:00:00] a1fa: xinit: Server error.
[02:01:00] a1fa: that too
[02:01:00] geoff: that should be ln -s /usr/bin/gcc-3.3 /usr/bin/gcc
[02:01:00] geoff: so you built with 3.3 and yo uget server error?
[02:01:00] a1fa: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2005-11–05 18:49 /usr/bin/gcc -> gcc-4.0
[02:01:00] geoff: yeah
[02:01:00] geoff: change that
[02:01:00] geoff: and build
[02:01:00] a1fa: want me to compile it with 3.3
[02:02:00] geoff: kmods have to use the same gcc version as the kernel was built with
[02:02:00] geoff: yes
[02:02:00] a1fa: you know what sucks tho
[02:02:00] geoff: ?
[02:03:00] Nothingman ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:03:00] Nothingman: can anyone here tell me why Myth recorded a show and now that recording takes up about 45gigs of my HD?
[02:03:00] a1fa: i need to remember
[02:03:00] a1fa: to change it back to 4.0
[02:03:00] geoff: lol
[02:03:00] geoff: or build the kernel with 4.0
[02:03:00] geoff: and call it a day
[02:04:00] geoff: Nothingman: What card?
[02:04:00] Nothingman: I/OMagic PC-PVR from 2001ish
[02:04:00] a1fa: mytivo:/usr/src/modules# startx
[02:04:00] a1fa: xinit: Server error.
[02:04:00] geoff: without an mpeg encoder?
[02:04:00] a1fa: ;P
[02:04:00] a1fa: now the trick is to get this bitch working
[02:05:00] geoff: no kidding
[02:05:00] Nothingman: not one of the newer ones; I'm guessing they're different since mine was $40 then and they're $130 now
[02:05:00] geoff: does the module load?
[02:05:00] Nothingman: geoff: yes
[02:05:00] geoff: got me
[02:05:00] GeekZoid: geoff: im having distortion in th tv now
[02:05:00] GeekZoid: any ideas hwo tof ix it?
[02:05:00] GeekZoid: i tried using mpeg.. and standard
[02:05:00] a1fa: mytivo:/usr/src/modules# startx
[02:05:00] a1fa: xinit: Server error.
[02:05:00] a1fa: i dont get it
[02:05:00] Nothingman ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:06:00] geoff: you have xfree86 installed?
[02:06:00] GeekZoid: im getting ac-tex damage
[02:06:00] GeekZoid: in my screen
[02:06:00] a1fa: yup
[02:06:00] ** GeekZoid is gettign ac tex damage from mpeg2video. **
[02:06:00] geoff: I would try xorg, it uninstalles x86
[02:06:00] geoff: then if that doesn't work, try going back to x86
[02:06:00] geoff: should clean up the mess either way
[02:07:00] Nothingman ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:07:00] geoff: GeekZoid: did you have the distortion before adjusting the hue?>
[02:07:00] Nothingman: sorry
[02:07:00] GeekZoid: no
[02:07:00] Nothingman: I hate myspace
[02:07:00] geoff: strange
[02:07:00] GeekZoid: how do i fix it?
[02:07:00] GeekZoid: with this mpeg2video damage/
[02:07:00] GeekZoid: reboot?
[02:07:00] geoff: Nothingman... sounds like you need to set up a recording profile
[02:07:00] geoff: I get that too
[02:07:00] geoff: not sure why
[02:08:00] a1fa: ok
[02:08:00] a1fa: i am using xorg now
[02:08:00] geoff: Geek: are you using a pvr x50?
[02:08:00] GeekZoid: yes
[02:08:00] Nothingman: is that in mythtv-setup?
[02:08:00] GeekZoid: 150 to be exact
[02:08:00] geoff: alfa: succesfuilly?
[02:08:00] a1fa: yup
[02:08:00] a1fa: glx is working too
[02:08:00] geoff: I have the same prob, but it is related to firmware or something
[02:08:00] geoff: alfa: excellent
[02:08:00] GeekZoid: geoff: you have the same problem as me?
[02:09:00] geoff: glxgears should give you ~2000 fps
[02:09:00] geoff: GeekZoid: yes, green blocks and other corruption in the video
[02:09:00] geoff: can't get rid of it
[02:09:00] GeekZoid: I had it fixed before.
[02:09:00] geoff: it is related to the ivtv stuff, not the video out
[02:09:00] GeekZoid: really
[02:09:00] GeekZoid: maybe i should get a new version of ivtv
[02:10:00] geoff: I read on the ivtv list this morning that downgrading the firmware version helps
[02:10:00] geoff: seems its a prob on the 150 and 500
[02:10:00] GeekZoid: hmm
[02:10:00] GeekZoid: where do i get downgrade firmwre?
[02:10:00] a1fa: woot
[02:10:00] geoff: there is a list of firmware on the ivtv wiki
[02:10:00] a1fa: everything is preconfigured and ready
[02:10:00] a1fa: :P
[02:10:00] Nothingman: geoff: the module did load, the card also doesn't change channel in Myth (though it does in TVtime and xawtv), so it records only one station
[02:10:00] geoff: sweet!
[02:10:00] GeekZoid: ok
[02:11:00] ** GeekZoid sighs **
[02:11:00] geoff: : permissions
[02:11:00] geoff: Nothingman: permissions
[02:11:00] a1fa: oh wow
[02:11:00] a1fa: glx gears are working
[02:11:00] a1fa: :p
[02:11:00] geoff: :P
[02:11:00] Nothingman: geoff: meaning...?
[02:11:00] geoff: xorg seems less bug prone
[02:11:00] geoff: Nothingman: the permissions on /dev/video* are not right
[02:12:00] geoff: or you need to add yourself to the video group
[02:12:00] geoff: or something along those lines
[02:12:00] Nothingman: ohhh...
[02:12:00] geoff: thats my guess anyway
[02:12:00] Nothingman: nope
[02:12:00] geoff: hmmm
[02:12:00] a1fa: woot
[02:12:00] Nothingman: nothingman and mythtv are both users in the video group
[02:13:00] a1fa: install mythtv :p
[02:13:00] a1fa: all i need to do now is get me a PVR-500
[02:13:00] geoff: I don't know, I've only ever used a pvr 500
[02:13:00] geoff: :D
[02:13:00] geoff: you will like it a lot
[02:13:00] geoff: go with the ivtv source rather than a deb though
[02:13:00] a1fa: i might have to run 2 pvr 500
[02:13:00] geoff: if your disks are fast enough
[02:13:00] a1fa: i got a 7200rpm 80gb
[02:13:00] a1fa: i am about to run ntfs :P
[02:14:00] geoff: my celeron 450 can't get the video to disk fast enough sometimes and I get all sorts of buffer overflows
[02:14:00] a1fa: ouch
[02:14:00] a1fa: :*
[02:14:00] a1fa: Get:24 unstable/mythtv mythtv 0.18.1–5 [17.3kB]
[02:14:00] a1fa: hehehe
[02:14:00] a1fa: pretty
[02:14:00] geoff: lol
[02:15:00] a1fa: my g/f will want to record 10 shows at once
[02:15:00] a1fa: and watch one
[02:15:00] geoff: lol
[02:15:00] a1fa: she is tv addict
[02:15:00] geoff: No kidding
[02:15:00] a1fa: me, not :P
[02:15:00] geoff: I have 660 gigs
[02:15:00] geoff: full
[02:15:00] geoff: of crap
[02:15:00] Raven_301 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:15:00] geoff: she records way more than me
[02:15:00] geoff: and I get in trouble if I break things
[02:15:00] a1fa: hahha :)
[02:15:00] geoff: make sure you set up mythweb, its awesome
[02:15:00] a1fa: yeah
[02:16:00] a1fa: i was telling her about it
[02:16:00] a1fa: you can schedule recording from class :P
[02:16:00] jonK ( Quit ("BitchX-1.1-final -- just do it.")
[02:16:00] a1fa: she liked it
[02:16:00] geoff: yup
[02:16:00] Cardoe (n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) Quit (Connection timed out)
[02:16:00] geoff: I like it better than the built in in the frontend
[02:17:00] a1fa: i need to run mythtv-setup
[02:17:00] a1fa: will it run X on init?
[02:17:00] geoff: ?
[02:17:00] geoff: no start x
[02:17:00] geoff: then mythtv setup
[02:17:00] IMTheNachoMan: is there a channel for KnoppMyth
[02:17:00] a1fa: okl
[02:17:00] a1fa: i nee dot make a user
[02:17:00] geoff: you can
[02:17:00] a1fa: i need to make a non-root user for mythtv
[02:17:00] geoff: I just use my normal account
[02:17:00] geoff: too easy to break things as roto
[02:18:00] geoff: toot
[02:18:00] geoff: root**
[02:18:00] geoff: <--- loser
[02:18:00] Raven_301 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:19:00] a1fa: X not working again after reboot
[02:19:00] a1fa: :P
[02:20:00] a1fa: same shit with glx
[02:20:00] a1fa: i wonder why it only works once
[02:20:00] geoff: very strang
[02:20:00] geoff: e
[02:21:00] geoff: reboot shouldn't change any of that
[02:21:00] geoff: maybe there is a fb in the way?
[02:21:00] geoff: nah, that shouldn't make a diff
[02:22:00] a1fa: i dont know
[02:22:00] a1fa: ;(
[02:22:00] a1fa: but fuck it
[02:22:00] a1fa: hey
[02:22:00] a1fa: the tv is kind of offseted
[02:22:00] a1fa: why
[02:22:00] a1fa: i cant see the edges
[02:22:00] geoff: overscan
[02:23:00] geoff: google says that glx is borked because the /dev/nvidia device is not created right
[02:23:00] geoff: apt-get install udev
[02:23:00] a1fa: :(
[02:23:00] a1fa: shit man.. thanks
[02:24:00] a1fa: udev requires a kernel >= 2.6.12, not started.
[02:24:00] jemarcks__: I just made changes to /etc/exports. how do i make the change take effect?
[02:24:00] a1fa: reboot
[02:24:00] jemarcks__: Noooooo.... never reboot
[02:24:00] a1fa: lol
[02:24:00] geoff: alfa: is nvidai mod loaded
[02:24:00] geoff: ?
[02:24:00] a1fa: geoff: how do i make it login and startx autumatically
[02:24:00] geoff: kdm
[02:25:00] a1fa: yup
[02:25:00] a1fa: ah kdm uses too much power
[02:25:00] geoff: there is an auto login feature for kdm
[02:25:00] jemarcks__: gdmsetup
[02:25:00] a1fa: gdm will do it?
[02:25:00] geoff: kdm is pretty light weight
[02:25:00] GreyFoxx: You could just add a startx/su line to an init script as the last thing that happens during bootup
[02:25:00] GreyFoxx: there is no reason to "login" or run a login manager
[02:25:00] jemarcks__: yeah.. do it in xinitrc i think
[02:26:00] a1fa: GreyFoxx: what is your setup?
[02:26:00] a1fa: running icewm
[02:26:00] a1fa: thereis annoying bar on the bottom
[02:27:00] GreyFoxx: That is configurable in the icewm config, plus I believe myth will display over that anyway
[02:27:00] GreyFoxx: But eitherway it is configurable
[02:27:00] geoff: if you set myth to use the internal video player, there is no need for a wm at all
[02:28:00] geoff: the wm just makes focus work when myth calls mplayer or whatever
[02:28:00] GreyFoxx: But if you plan to use anything that is external (mythgame launched emulators, mythdvd with an external player etc etc) then a wm is a good thing
[02:28:00] a1fa: it didnt
[02:28:00] geoff: true
[02:28:00] GreyFoxx: and if it's a minimal WM then it doesn't really matter as it wont use a lot of resources
[02:28:00] geoff: anyway, its been good, but I'm off
[02:28:00] a1fa: geoff: night man
[02:28:00] geoff: good luck alfa
[02:28:00] a1fa: thanks
[02:28:00] a1fa: its all set
[02:29:00] a1fa: now.. the tweeks
[02:29:00] geoff: lol
[02:29:00] geoff: s/tweaks/breaks/
[02:30:00] geoff ( Quit ("Leaving")
[02:30:00] a1fa: GreyFoxx
[02:30:00] a1fa: how did you handle this auto start?
[02:31:00] roger55 (n=jbourne@gentoo/developer/roger55) has left #mythtv-users
[02:31:00] a1fa: i guess, the user must not have a password
[02:31:00] a1fa: is that what the case is
[02:31:00] GreyFoxx: No
[02:32:00] a1fa: what is the case
[02:32:00] GreyFoxx: I have a su – mythtv -c "bash -l startx — -dpi 100" & as the last thing in my init scripts
[02:32:00] GreyFoxx: so startx is run as the "mythtv" user . whcih launches icewm which is configured to launch mythfrontend
[02:32:00] b-_-d ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:34:00] GreyFoxx: I have a set of init scripts that do everything from load the ivtv drivers, launch mythbackend and start x, all with flags that I can use to disable them at the lilo bootprompt if I don't want something to load
[02:35:00] a1fa: cool
[02:35:00] a1fa: what if i have a password o
[02:35:00] a1fa: on mythtv user
[02:35:00] a1fa: :P
[02:35:00] GreyFoxx: doesn't matter
[02:35:00] GreyFoxx: root can su to any user without entering a password
[02:35:00] GreyFoxx: and your init scripts are running as root when the su command is called
[02:36:00] a1fa: good point :P
[02:36:00] a1fa: lol
[02:38:00] a1fa: time to install samba
[02:38:00] a1fa: ;P
[02:38:00] a1fa: evil samba
[02:39:00] GreyFoxx: nothing wrong with it. Unless hyou are integrating it with a windows domain controller or something like that. :)
[02:39:00] a1fa: nope
[02:40:00] a1fa: user not authorized to run X server
[02:40:00] a1fa: lol
[02:40:00] pixelpixi ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:41:00] pixelpixi: hi
[02:41:00] fatmatt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:42:00] a1fa: lol
[02:42:00] a1fa: the user is not authorized to use the mouse now
[02:42:00] a1fa: bastard
[02:44:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) Quit ("bbiab")
[02:44:00] pookSter ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[02:46:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:48:00] harryman100 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:50:00] IMTheNachoMan: i wish i knew what settings to use for my 150 card with comcast cable in the east coast
[02:51:00] djperegrine: ?
[02:51:00] djperegrine: its not that hard
[02:52:00] IMTheNachoMan: i think it found my card but i guess it tkaes a long time to confugre so il hae to do it later
[02:52:00] IMTheNachoMan: djperegrine how? i cant figure it out
[02:52:00] djperegrine: mythtv-setup
[02:52:00] IMTheNachoMan: no im doing that
[02:52:00] djperegrine: ok
[02:52:00] IMTheNachoMan: but like for cable, i mean is it cable or cable-hrc or what
[02:52:00] a1fa: omfg
[02:52:00] a1fa: what is wrong with this mouse
[02:52:00] djperegrine: :>
[02:53:00] a1fa: how do i find out
[02:53:00] IMTheNachoMan: a1fa it needs more cheese
[02:53:00] a1fa: what mouse am i working under
[02:53:00] IMTheNachoMan: a1fa the correct one i hope
[02:53:00] pookSter ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:54:00] NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[02:54:00] a1fa: no
[02:55:00] dgrant ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:58:00] djperegrine ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:00:00] pixelpixi: xris, are you around?
[03:03:00] rpete ( Quit ("Leaving")
[03:03:00] a1fa: GreyFoxx: would you mind sharing your icewm config with me?
[03:05:00] GreyFoxx:
[03:08:00] a1fa: how did you make it start mythtvfrontend
[03:09:00] GreyFoxx: icewm has a "startup" file that it launches when icewm starts
[03:09:00] GreyFoxx: mythtv@woop:~/.icewm$ cat startup
[03:09:00] GreyFoxx: /usr/bin/nvidia-settings -a TVOverScan=16 &
[03:09:00] GreyFoxx: /usr/local/bin/mythfrontend&
[03:10:00] GreyFoxx: I have the file set to executable though I'm not 100% sure it needs to be
[03:12:00] cosmo__ (n=cosmo@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:14:00] b-_-d: mysql killing me
[03:14:00] b-_-d: more howto URL
[03:15:00] b-_-d: i can nonnect on mommany line
[03:15:00] b-_-d: command
[03:15:00] b-_-d: *
[03:16:00] cosmo__ (n=cosmo@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:18:00] b-_-d: nevermind
[03:18:00] b-_-d: -p was needed
[03:18:00] b-_-d: not in howto
[03:19:00] a1fa: what does toverscan=16 do?
[03:19:00] GreyFoxx: guess
[03:20:00] ** GeekZoid sighs **
[03:21:00] Nothingman ( Quit ("Chatzilla [Firefox 1.0.7/20051010]")
[03:21:00] a1fa: i am not using icewm
[03:21:00] a1fa: waste of cpu 0.04% cpu tine
[03:21:00] GreyFoxx: huh?
[03:23:00] a1fa: anywya
[03:23:00] a1fa: the plugis are broken
[03:23:00] NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:24:00] a1fa: mythbrowser: Depends: kdelibs4 (>= 4:3.3.2–6.1) but it is not installable
[03:24:00] IMTheNachoMan: well i got myth up, il have to configure it when i have some time
[03:24:00] IMTheNachoMan: or figure out how to use it
[03:25:00] a1fa: it took me 5 h
[03:25:00] a1fa: to get it all setup
[03:25:00] b-_-d: can i run myth xinit /usr/bin/mythtv ? or no windowmanager
[03:26:00] a1fa: yes
[03:26:00] a1fa: thats how i run it
[03:26:00] a1fa: mythfrontend
[03:26:00] GreyFoxx: b-_-d: You can run myth with no window manager, but It's begging for focus issues if you launch any external apps
[03:26:00] GreyFoxx: I don't see the real benefit
[03:27:00] b-_-d: i have not got it to run yet
[03:27:00] b-_-d: i run games that way to make them faster
[03:28:00] GreyFoxx: if you are getting a speed improvement then you just aren't running the right window manager :)
[03:28:00] GreyFoxx: Stuff like KDE /GNOME and the like are resources pigs
[03:29:00] b-_-d: i know
[03:29:00] GreyFoxx: kde and the like are "desktop" managers with lots of other crap going on. A window manager mainly handles focus and the initial window openning and not much more
[03:29:00] b-_-d: i do killall kdm
[03:29:00] b-_-d: then xinit /gamepath
[03:32:00] a1fa: woot
[03:32:00] a1fa: ;P
[03:32:00] a1fa: i got all TEH plugins installed
[03:32:00] a1fa: its time to fuck with setup
[03:44:00] GeekZoid (n=dave@pdpc/supporter/student/GeekZoid) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:47:00] GeekZoid ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:48:00] a1fa: GreyFoxx: one q
[03:48:00] a1fa: GreyFoxx: music player is not working
[03:49:00] a1fa: you click on it
[03:49:00] a1fa: and it doesnt go in it
[03:49:00] GreyFoxx: those look like statements, not questions :)
[03:52:00] a1fa: sorry
[03:52:00] a1fa: do you know what could be wrong
[03:52:00] a1fa: i dont get any errors
[03:54:00] TaD_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:54:00] nny ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:55:00] NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:00:00] nny ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:00:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) Quit ("brb")
[04:01:00] b-_-d: never mind myth will not play nice on my system
[04:01:00] b-_-d ( has left #mythtv-users
[04:03:00] GeekZoid: hi i compiled my program with lirc
[04:03:00] GeekZoid: but it doesnt appear to be working
[04:04:00] GeekZoid: unless i use irxevent
[04:04:00] TaD ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:04:00] GeekZoid: any ideas why it wouldnt' work/
[04:06:00] GeekZoid: hello?
[04:07:00] GeekZoid: aka_007 u there?
[04:09:00] jemarcks__: last thing i have to get working on my rebuilt myth box is the IR remote. irw didnt work when i tried it
[04:10:00] GeekZoid: my irw works
[04:10:00] jemarcks__: goodie
[04:10:00] GeekZoid: and even if i use irxevent it works
[04:10:00] GeekZoid: but it su ppose to work without it
[04:10:00] GeekZoid: and sometimes it crashes
[04:10:00] GeekZoid: my remote control
[04:10:00] jemarcks__: mine used to work before my system crashed
[04:10:00] jemarcks__: then i did a fresh rebuild
[04:10:00] GeekZoid: well my remote crashes ocassionally and doesnt work at all
[04:11:00] GeekZoid: so i thougth maybe it is the irxevent crashing it
[04:11:00] GeekZoid: but i can't get it to work without it..
[04:12:00] GeekZoid: hmm
[04:12:00] GeekZoid: any ideas/
[04:12:00] GeekZoid: ?
[04:12:00] GeekZoid: why mythtv doesnt with with out lirxevent
[04:15:00] GeekZoid: ok
[04:15:00] GeekZoid: i got it working
[04:18:00] GeekZoid: mytv is pretty kewl program
[04:18:00] GeekZoid: i found the hauppage.lircrcnative
[04:18:00] GeekZoid: and it works now
[04:18:00] ** GeekZoid smiles **
[04:19:00] cerberos1986 ( Quit ()
[04:19:00] a1fa: anybody know why isnt the audio player working
[04:19:00] a1fa: no error.. you click on it, and nada
[04:20:00] dev-: you sure ask alot of questions hehe
[04:21:00] GeekZoid: lol
[04:21:00] GeekZoid: im sorry for all the questions i ask ;)
[04:21:00] ** GeekZoid thinks mythv is pretty kewl though **
[04:21:00] dev-: not you ;p
[04:21:00] GeekZoid: oh ok ")_
[04:21:00] phoner ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:21:00] GeekZoid: :)
[04:21:00] a1fa: hehee
[04:21:00] Raven_301 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:21:00] a1fa: i forced the install
[04:21:00] a1fa: thats why
[04:21:00] GeekZoid: YAY my remoet control is no longer crashing
[04:22:00] GeekZoid: irxevent crashed it .. the native works perfectly
[04:23:00] a1fa: i still cant listen to music
[04:24:00] a1fa: dev-: where does mythtv store all the path information
[04:24:00] dev-: in mysql
[04:24:00] a1fa: ok
[04:24:00] a1fa: gotta check into that
[04:26:00] a1fa: i sitll cant listen to music
[04:27:00] a1fa: it wont even load mythmusic
[04:27:00] a1fa: wtf
[04:28:00] Spida_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:35:00] a1fa:
[04:35:00] a1fa: hm
[04:35:00] a1fa: gay
[04:36:00] a1fa: 2005-11–05 21:36:57.657 Registering MythMusic Media Handler as a media handler
[04:36:00] a1fa: good
[04:37:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:37:00] GeekZoid: theres definetly somethign wrong with lirc drivers
[04:38:00] a1fa: ok
[04:38:00] a1fa: i got an .avi in my video/ dir
[04:39:00] a1fa: but mythtv doenst get it
[04:39:00] eiggirC ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:39:00] eiggirC: *dance* my second pvr-150 should be coming this week
[04:40:00] Spida ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[04:40:00] a1fa: lol
[04:40:00] a1fa: how do i tell mythtv to refesh the videos/ folder
[04:40:00] a1fa: it doesnt see anything
[04:45:00] a1fa: gat
[04:45:00] a1fa: gay
[04:45:00] a1fa: i dont get it
[04:46:00] Agrajag-: 'scan for new videos'
[04:46:00] GreyFoxx: alfa: You have 1 of 2 options. run "video Manager" Which reads the contents of the configured directory, or configure mythvideo to browse the filesystem so that yo udon't need to scan them in
[04:47:00] a1fa: i went to general settings
[04:47:00] a1fa: video settings
[04:47:00] a1fa: and told it to display w/o scanning
[04:47:00] a1fa: where is scan for new videos option?
[04:48:00] GreyFoxx: "Video Manager"
[04:48:00] GreyFoxx: But if you properly configured it to browse the file system you wont need to do that
[04:50:00] a1fa: ok
[04:50:00] nny ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:50:00] nny: rar
[04:51:00] nny: so whats the general feeling towards knoppmyth in this room/community?
[04:51:00] GeekZoid: hello/
[04:51:00] GeekZoid: where cani get another copy of lirc
[04:51:00] GreyFoxx: usually indifference. but with the recent 22 release debacle it/'s more annoyance :)
[04:52:00] GeekZoid: GreyFoxx: do you know whrfe i can get anotherc of lirc it crashes with suse 10
[04:52:00] GeekZoid: and i cant compile it myself becuase suse uses version 4.0.2 gc
[04:52:00] GreyFoxx: GeekZoid: I don't use lirc, Suse, packages or gcc 4.0x :)
[04:52:00] GeekZoid: umm
[04:53:00] GeekZoid: Suse LIRC package crashes
[04:53:00] nny: GreyFoxx, hola again... so.. installed a geforce mx440 in place of the intel 810 i had earlier... tv-out works fine, but X is hard locking randomly
[04:53:00] GreyFoxx: I can only point you to the source :)
[04:53:00] GeekZoid: and i cant compile the enw one
[04:53:00] GeekZoid: erk ya i cant compile the new one
[04:53:00] GeekZoid: because i have 4.0.2 compiler
[04:53:00] GeekZoid: and it doesnt like some of the coding
[04:53:00] GreyFoxx: nny: Run X org ? What nvidia driver version ?
[04:54:00] nny: hmm I need to check... i will peep dmesg
[04:54:00] nny: 1.0–7174
[04:54:00] a1fa: uh.. sound output is so quiet
[04:54:00] djperegrine ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:55:00] jemarcks__: what does transcode do when you select it with a recording? does it convert it to mpeg4 to get a smaller file size?
[04:55:00] GreyFoxx: nny: Out of curiousity try adding these to your x config in the section where you define the driver options:
[04:55:00] GreyFoxx: Option "RenderAccel" "Off"
[04:55:00] GreyFoxx: Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "Off"
[04:55:00] djperegrine: /join #knoppmyth
[04:55:00] djperegrine: garg
[04:55:00] nny: GreyFoxx, i admit, this is a knoppmyth install.. no network access for the box yet and building a slackware install specifically for myth
[04:55:00] nny: GreyFoxx, will do
[04:58:00] a1fa: i need to join two avi files ;P
[04:58:00] a1fa: this sucks
[04:59:00] GreyFoxx: "transcode" comes with an avimerge app I think that will do that
[04:59:00] GreyFoxx: I've used it on a couple files in the past
[05:00:00] a1fa: GreyFoxx: how do you control mplayer..once the file starts playing.. it doesnt stop
[05:00:00] GreyFoxx: And what exactly have to done to try and stop it ?
[05:00:00] Nem^1 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:00:00] nny: GreyFoxx, no bueno, hmm i noticed in the log file that X is still loading the module for 810 (onboard) as well
[05:00:00] _Giggel ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:01:00] nny: GreyFoxx, any thoughts?
[05:01:00] GreyFoxx: nny: remove the 810 info from your X config ?
[05:01:00] GreyFoxx: *shrug*
[05:01:00] a1fa: i mean like pause
[05:01:00] a1fa: or go back to
[05:01:00] a1fa: the menu for another file
[05:01:00] nny: GreyFoxx, should i run glxinfo from a term in the window manager?
[05:02:00] GreyFoxx: and what exactly isn't working ?
[05:02:00] nny: GreyFoxx, hmm i didn't see it in the device section
[05:02:00] a1fa: GreyFoxx: hehe.. i cant control mplayer
[05:02:00] nny: GreyFoxx, X locks up... i am trying tux racer as a test
[05:02:00] GreyFoxx: a1fa: Working with you is like pulling teeth
[05:02:00] a1fa: the only way to get out of it is to kill it
[05:02:00] GreyFoxx: You need to start volunteering more info
[05:02:00] GreyFoxx: and be specific
[05:02:00] GreyFoxx: "Button X doesn't do Y"
[05:03:00] nny: once again, this, sadly is a knoppmyth install..
[05:03:00] GreyFoxx: What is not working ?
[05:03:00] a1fa: ok.. i sart video player
[05:03:00] a1fa: a movie starts playing
[05:03:00] nny: so i understand any resentment
[05:03:00] a1fa: i am sick and tired of the movie
[05:03:00] dev-: heh
[05:03:00] a1fa: or i need to take a piss, so i need to pause the movie or go back to the main menu
[05:03:00] a1fa: nothing pauses the movie
[05:03:00] GreyFoxx: nny: I can only suggest looking at the X log to see if it logs and error. Maybe ssh in after alockup and see if it's jhust X or the whole box
[05:03:00] ** GeekZoid sighs **
[05:03:00] GeekZoid: stupid remote
[05:04:00] nny: GreyFoxx, hmm i noticed caps lock no longer works at lockup, so i assumed it was a hard lock of the box itself
[05:04:00] GreyFoxx: nny: Ok, that's a likely sign of a total lockup, but try to ssh in anyway
[05:04:00] nny: GreyFoxx, I am gonna check the options in x server for that 810 and any nvidia options that look silly
[05:04:00] GeekZoid: hmm
[05:04:00] nny: GreyFoxx, heh, need to find a network card
[05:04:00] GreyFoxx: a1fa: you still haven't told me what you were DOING TO CONTROL IT. Fuck
[05:05:00] GreyFoxx: Are you using a REMOTE
[05:05:00] GreyFoxx: are you pressing a KEYBOARD
[05:05:00] GreyFoxx: are you waving a magic wand?
[05:05:00] GeekZoid: lol
[05:05:00] GreyFoxx: WHAT ISN:T WORKKING
[05:05:00] a1fa: i am using the keyboard to control it
[05:05:00] GreyFoxx: ok
[05:05:00] a1fa: sorry man
[05:05:00] dev-: a1fa: sounds like you're hitting the wrong key on the keyboard?
[05:05:00] GreyFoxx: mplayer has completely different buttons used to control it's playback
[05:05:00] _Nero_ (n=Nero__@mdobossy.student.Princeton.EDU) Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[05:06:00] dev-: a1fa: do you know how to control mplayer from the keyboard?
[05:06:00] GreyFoxx: so if you are using a keyboard the controls are different than when playing with myth's player
[05:06:00] dev-: oh god that cant be the problem
[05:06:00] dev-: if thats the problem
[05:06:00] GreyFoxx: you have acouple choices. Learn mplayers controls, reconfigure nmplayer to use the same controls as myth (which I can give you an example config for) or use lirc
[05:06:00] dev-: cough, bite tounge, fucking mor.. stop bite toungue dev
[05:07:00] GreyFoxx: a1fa: You can also check into using the internal myth player with mythvideo. That way the controls and onscreen display will be consistant
[05:07:00] a1fa: that is a better idea
[05:07:00] dev-: oh neat, you can do that?
[05:07:00] GreyFoxx: I stopped using mplayer for mythvideo quite a while back. This way my controls, OSD and everything else is consistant
[05:07:00] a1fa: i have mythtv installed
[05:08:00] dev-: (i dont use mythvideo, just a few times to test/try it out.)
[05:08:00] a1fa: in default player i need to put mythvideo %f
[05:08:00] a1fa: right
[05:08:00] dev-: a1fa: thats.. great..
[05:08:00] GreyFoxx: nope: Just "Internal" I think
[05:08:00] GeekZoid: hrm
[05:08:00] dev-: hrmph.. cool
[05:08:00] ** GeekZoid is so frustrated **
[05:08:00] GreyFoxx: if the player in mythdvd or mythvideo is "Internal" It will use the same player as it uses for playing tv
[05:09:00] GeekZoid: stupid remote control :( Works for 20 mins then dies..
[05:09:00] dev-: nice.
[05:09:00] GreyFoxx: dev-: It's nice to keep the whole interface consistant
[05:10:00] a1fa: GeekZoid: get new batteries
[05:10:00] a1fa: yup.. working like a champ
[05:10:00] a1fa: i need to learn how to skip by minutes
[05:10:00] Dagmar: You can set that, or so I thought
[05:11:00] Dagmar: It's default for right-arrow skipping is 30s
[05:11:00] GreyFoxx: a1fa: UP/DOWN is a 10 moinute dump
[05:11:00] dev-: GreyFoxx: yeah. real cool. i didnt know that about specifiying internal. will keep that in mind thanks for the tip
[05:11:00] GreyFoxx: jump
[05:11:00] dev-: love those little caveates
[05:11:00] GreyFoxx: Or press a number and then left/right
[05:11:00] GreyFoxx: and it will jump that number of minutes
[05:11:00] GreyFoxx: 3 RIGHT jumps forward 3 minutes
[05:13:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) Quit ("brb")
[05:14:00] Dagmar: That's handy
[05:14:00] GreyFoxx: Yeah, I use that one alot
[05:15:00] dev-: oh wow
[05:16:00] dev-: thats another one i didnt know about
[05:16:00] dev-: heh
[05:16:00] nny: GreyFoxx, hmmph.. the only "option" for the nvidia in the config file for X is the two you asked me to put in... the only mention of 810 in the log file for X is (--) Intel 810 etc.. etc..., like it's just listing when X is probing the PCI bus
[05:16:00] Nem^ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:16:00] Nem^1 is now known as Nem^
[05:16:00] dev-: GreyFoxx: spit it out, got anymore? ;)
[05:16:00] dev-: 2 great tips so far heh
[05:16:00] GreyFoxx: dev-: Heh I'm sure I do. buried in there :) they bubble to the surface every once in a while :)
[05:16:00] nny: i must note this didn't happen till i put the new card in, (which was working fine in my old nix box)
[05:17:00] nny: so the vid card seems suspect, at least somehow
[05:17:00] VolVE ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:17:00] GreyFoxx: heh
[05:17:00] dev-: GreyFoxx: nice nice hehe
[05:17:00] dev-: the keyfriend will like that one too
[05:18:00] VolVE: hi all, so what's the current status of MythTV? The website ( seems to have not been updated in almost 6 months... :-/
[05:18:00] dev-: commercial skipping isnt 100%. pretty darn close though.
[05:18:00] dev-: but thats much quicker than ffwd'n
[05:18:00] dev-: voi: because it works very well
[05:18:00] GreyFoxx: VolVE: There has been no official release in that long, though I expect on relatively "soon"
[05:18:00] dev-: VolVE: sorry
[05:19:00] VolVE: GreyFoxx: hmm, ok... is there a CVS repository to browse or anything so I can get a sense of what's going to be included in that "soon" release? :)
[05:19:00] dev-: svn, its on the website
[05:19:00] GreyFoxx: VolVE: Myth was switched to svn a while back.
[05:19:00] VolVE: ah, thanks
[05:19:00] dev-: (though honestly i dont use it, just the release 0.18.1 one)
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[05:19:00] VolVE: Essentially I was looking for the latest capabilities of the DVD jukebox features
[05:19:00] GreyFoxx: I don';t know of any specific "changes" list. But then I've never looked for one
[05:20:00] simon_c ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[05:20:00] nny: GreyFoxx, you know.. i may just re-compile this kernel sans knoppmyth BS
[05:20:00] nny: i dunno, whats the gerneral attituude towards knoppmyth here?
[05:20:00] GreyFoxx: nny: Honestly I can't speak to knoppmyth as I don't and have never used it
[05:20:00] GreyFoxx: nny: It was indifference until the latest knoppmyth release includes a random SVN copy of mythtv and users think they are getting 0.18 release
[05:21:00] jemarcks__: hmm... on mythweb, backendlogs is empty...
[05:21:00] GreyFoxx: but I still don''t care since I don't use it
[05:21:00] nny: GreyFoxx, heh thats the funny part myth seems to work great, it's the underlying system that seems shaky
[05:21:00] GreyFoxx: jemark: Unless you configure myth to log messages to the database that will be empty
[05:21:00] GreyFoxx: nny: heh
[05:21:00] jemarcks__: ah... where do you configure it to log stuff?
[05:21:00] jemarcks__: in the setup?
[05:21:00] ** nny prays knoppix puts the kernel source in their installs **
[05:22:00] dev-: i want to try out knoppmyth
[05:22:00] GreyFoxx: jerma: in the frontend settings where I think. But it might be mythtv-setup
[05:22:00] jemarcks__: ill look
[05:22:00] nny: dev.. i imagine if you have a pretty standard or current system it works swell
[05:22:00] dev-: but thinking i'll just build a minibackend isntead of just a frontend
[05:22:00] nny: i am using a de 100c
[05:22:00] nny: HP's bastard child
[05:22:00] dev-: yeah id think so. anything that doesnt require 3rd party drivers or something should work fine
[05:22:00] nny: dev, very easy to do
[05:22:00] GreyFoxx: jerm: Frontend, Settings->General like the 5th page
[05:23:00] jemarcks__: ok.. thx
[05:23:00] nny: dev-, it's an install option in knoppmyth "INstall MythFront End" or some BS
[05:23:00] jemarcks__: logs are good!
[05:23:00] nny: ok compiling a kernel, may be back later
[05:23:00] GreyFoxx: I agree
[05:23:00] dev-: nny: i have a spare pvr250 sitting around, was thinking of tossing it in and making this new box another backened. would use a hd for that, might as well use a reguylar install instead of knopp
[05:24:00] dev-: sides, can just take my current backend and tar, untar hehe
[05:24:00] dev-: or dd it
[05:24:00] dev-: its same hardware pretty much heh
[05:26:00] dev-: though i think i should get an epia board because i want to do it fanless
[05:26:00] nny: dev-, just as an fyi it uses 2.6.13
[05:26:00] a1fa: is it normal that it goes into screen saver mode?
[05:26:00] nny: dev-, they put the sources in on install, so I am gonna 86 the whole "module EVRYTHING" kernel knoppix uses
[05:27:00] dev-: nice, yeah im not down with a billion modules either
[05:27:00] dev-: i either need it or i dont. with a few 'would be nice's
[05:27:00] dev-: usb crap etc
[05:28:00] Dagmar: Well, they *are* trying to make sure it'll work with just about anyone's random motherboard and cards.
[05:28:00] dev-: yeah
[05:28:00] jnunez ( Quit ()
[05:28:00] dev-: no fault to there own, its just a personal preference thing :)))
[05:28:00] Dagmar: Y9u pretty much have to use a lot of modules and count on hotplugd to do it's job for that to work
[05:28:00] dev-: yup yup
[05:28:00] dev-: its neat it can do it
[05:28:00] dev-: only experience people should go in and much with kernel config in that way
[05:28:00] dev-: next thing they know they're booting rescue cd :)
[05:28:00] Dagmar: I just wish I could coerce hotplug into reassociating that information into a "must-have" list of kernel options so that it could automatically turn around and build a monolithic kernel like you're talking about
[05:29:00] a1fa: i cant wait to get a remote
[05:29:00] dev-: that would be nice
[05:29:00] Cardoe (n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:29:00] dev-: its nice to have a lightweight kernel
[05:29:00] Dagmar: Yeah, the data isn't in there, and I don't have the patience to hunt it all down.  ;)
[05:29:00] Dagmar: Hey with modules the kernel is still lightweight
[05:29:00] Dagmar: There's just a lot of files on the disk it'll never use.
[05:29:00] dev-: plus compileing modules when there are just those few you need
[05:30:00] dev-: gotta compile *all* of them heh
[05:30:00] dev-: or can you pick out just one or 2 to compile?
[05:30:00] dev-: i dont remember
[05:30:00] a1fa: thanks for your help guys
[05:30:00] a1fa: i am out.. its about to storm
[05:30:00] dev-: pretty sure you cant. whatever. doesnt matter heh
[05:30:00] a1fa: hopefully it doenst hale
[05:31:00] dev-: have fun
[05:31:00] dev-: while you're on your laptop or something
[05:31:00] dev-: you should read the docs
[05:31:00] dev-: all of them
[05:31:00] dev-: its alot i know, but its definitely worth it
[05:31:00] Dagmar: You can tell it to only compile the modules you need.
[05:31:00] dev-: (i know because i did it too)
[05:31:00] Dagmar: HOWEVER, if you do that, and you then change your motherboard out, you'll probably be looking at some pain as you won't have the modules you _now_ need.
[05:32:00] a1fa (n=a1fa@ Quit ()
[05:32:00] The_Ball: has anyone made a gentoo ebuild for svn?
[05:32:00] dev-: not that ive seen
[05:32:00] Dagmar: I skip over the crazy modules like MCA support and plug-and-play USB knob-polishers, but I include any module I might concievably use just so that I don't have to revisit the issue
[05:35:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has joined #mythtv-users
[05:41:00] nny: Just out of curiosity, any othe reasons anyone can think as to why X hard locks after a minute or two?
[05:41:00] nny: any way to disable GLX and still use TV-OUT with nvidia geforc 440..?
[05:41:00] dev-: hrm, any errors in X log?
[05:42:00] dev-: yeah, comment out glx module line in xorg.conf
[05:42:00] dev-: though glx might get loaded anyway from the nvidia driver.. not sure
[05:42:00] dev-: havent done that.
[05:42:00] nny: Dagmar, I am building a new kernel on the knoppmyth disk right now
[05:42:00] nny: er install
[05:42:00] nny: dev-, no errors
[05:43:00] nny: grep EE /var/log/XFree86.log shows nada
[05:43:00] dev-: xfree86? didnt go with xorg?
[05:43:00] Dagmar: Good for you. Just do *not* run dpkg upgrade unless you're prepared to watch the thing go up in smoke.
[05:43:00] nny: dev-, nah, this thing is designed to use XFree86
[05:43:00] nny: i wish it had xorg
[05:44:00] nny: thats what i am used to
[05:44:00] Dagmar: It looked like it basically UN-knopped my install
[05:44:00] nny: Dagmar, roger that
[05:44:00] nny: Dagmar, which vid card you use?
[05:44:00] Dagmar: Gigabyte 6600TF/256Mb
[05:44:00] dev-: nny: memtest probably wouldnt hurt either
[05:45:00] nny: Dagmar, hmm yeah thats much nicer
[05:45:00] nny: dev-, memetes? does that test the RAM?
[05:45:00] Dagmar: nny: Yeah, I basically had to upgrade the rest of my machine because of it tho.
[05:45:00] dev-: ram, yeah, but i dunno that might be straws
[05:45:00] Dagmar: I was pretty severely cpu-bound on the Athlon 1800+
[05:45:00] nny: Dagmar, this is a de100c, it deserves myth tv
[05:46:00] Dagmar: HL2 was MUCH improved with the amd64 3200+
[05:46:00] nny: Dagmar, my soyo setup is for gaming, this box is strictly a living room box
[05:47:00] Dagmar: I'm farming the 1800 out as a dedicated backend
[05:47:00] Dagmar: Man getting the 939dual-sata2 board running was fun.
[05:47:00] Dagmar: I had to get a BIOS update so that it would properly use the CPU.
[05:48:00] Dagmar: For the first hour or so I was on the edge of being very upset. All brand new hardware and the thing would run for anywhere from 2 minutes to 10 minutes and then abruptly power off
[05:48:00] nny: dev-, memtest.. check.. any other thoughts? I noticed thit didn't happen until I used the mx440 card
[05:48:00] Dagmar: nny: I strongly recommend you just run memtest86 before you go to bed for the night.
[05:48:00] nny: I am...
[05:48:00] Dagmar: It is very, very thorough, but it takes a nice long while to complete all it's tests as a result
[05:48:00] nny: most def
[05:49:00] nny: Dagmar, does it test anything to do with the video card?
[05:49:00] nny: i am compiling on this box right now, and it works flawlessly, it only happens when X is running
[05:49:00] Dagmar: I had to make a house-call last week for a guy who thought his RAM was acting up, and he jsut couldn't deal with the fact that I was telling him to just take the CD and boot it before he goes to bed. He wanted to know how long it would take to run. Heh
[05:49:00] Dagmar: Nope. Memtest86 *just* tests the RAM and cache
[05:50:00] Dagmar: ...but it tests the holy hell out of it. I've never had it fail to see bad cells.
[05:50:00] Dagmar: I have one old machine with some bad ram in it that's working fine with the *ahem* badram patch for the kernel
[05:51:00] nny: Dagmar, sounds like a good tool.. i'll keep that in mind.. i think this is X and this kernel's beef though
[05:51:00] nny: along with this nvidia driver
[05:52:00] nny: i'll try some stuff tonight, later
[05:52:00] nny ( Quit ("Leaving")
[05:52:00] xris: Dagmar: awesome tool. it's even smart enough to move itself around in memory to test ALL of the memory, in case it was booted into a bad sector.
[05:53:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:06:00] Dagmar: The dude who coded memtest86 deserves some sort of grant money or cash award
[06:07:00] Dagmar: I jsut don't see anyone talking about using any other proprietary memory testing package anymore.
[06:07:00] Dagmar: Every single website on the planet uses memtest86 for their testing/benchmarking
[06:11:00] dev-: hrhr
[06:11:00] dev-: er
[06:11:00] dev-: hehehe
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[07:28:00] djperegrine: ok I am trying to get streaming to work
[07:28:00] MarineTim ( Quit ("Download Gaim:")
[07:28:00] djperegrine: streaming .mpg files work great
[07:29:00] djperegrine: but I can't stream .nuv files
[07:29:00] djperegrine: I'm not sure if its the server or the client
[07:29:00] djperegrine: mplayer plays the .nuv files fine
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[07:42:00] dgrant: Can I get dolby digital surround to come out of a sound card and plug in into my LG DVD receiver
[07:49:00] The_Ball: is a old 1.4ghz with 1gb ram ok as a backend when it has to use a crapy capture card?
[07:50:00] aegray: The_Ball: yes – at lower resolutions – i had a 990mhz with 520megs ram and it was ok
[07:51:00] The_Ball: how low would you call lower res?
[07:51:00] aegray: 320x320–400x400
[07:51:00] Cardoe (n=Cardoe@gentoo/developer/Cardoe) Quit ("Leaving")
[07:53:00] The_Ball: and if i get a mpeg2 card i could use full resolution?
[07:53:00] aegray: not sure
[07:58:00] eiggirC: heh I can't use 180x120 with my bollocks saa7134 card in a P3 866 with a Gb of ram
[07:58:00] eiggirC: with a mpeg2 card I can do 720xwhateveritis
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[07:59:00] The_Ball: eiggirC, really, that awsome
[07:59:00] The_Ball: must get one of thouse dual cards then
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[07:59:00] eiggirC: the PVR-500 is dual tuner
[08:00:00] difeta: when a show plays back parts of a frame from a couple seconds ago will overlay over the currently playing video. How can I stop this?
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[09:07:00] aegray_: i'm trying to build mythmusic and i get "cannot find mp4ff.h" – where do i get the mp4ff package?
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[09:17:00] SlicerDicer-: hey mchou you around?
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[09:37:00] quink: hey, anyone awake?
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[12:30:00] Svaini: mythtv, multicast video streams, can it be done?
[12:31:00] Hoxzer: "No pids set" when trying to watch live tv can it be fixed?
[12:31:00] Svaini: my provider sends TV in multicast streams and I would love to use MythTV as a replacement for the slooow decoder they provided me
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[13:06:00] Hoxzer: can somebody give me a little example how the xmltv file should look like with pids?
[13:06:00] laga: i doubt that you can put dvb-related stuff in xmltv files
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[13:21:00] DutchFish: Anyone can help me with win TV PVR 150 get working in SUSE 10.0?
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[13:55:00] Hoxzer: laga: but how should I do that
[13:55:00] Hoxzer: I know the pids I just dunno how to add them to mythtv database
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[14:27:00] jnunez: Do I need to have 2 different process of lirc running to have a ir receiver and transmitter
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[15:13:00] jnunez: Do I need to have 2 different process of lirc running to have a ir receiver and transmitter
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[16:03:00] pyrodex ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:05:00] pyrodex: Is there a way set a specific schedule to use a specific input everytime?
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[16:06:00] _Nero_ (n=Nero__@mdobossy.student.Princeton.EDU) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[16:26:00] MrSpiffy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:26:00] MrSpiffy: hello all
[16:26:00] MrSpiffy: I just finished uninstalling mythtv rpm's from "the repo that shalt not be mentioned"
[16:26:00] MrSpiffy: and building from source
[16:27:00] MrSpiffy: the good news is it uses viaXvMC VLD now
[16:27:00] MrSpiffy: playpack is less that 20% cpu on a epia M10k
[16:27:00] MrSpiffy: very nice
[16:27:00] MrSpiffy: bad news is the MythCenter Theme is buh-bye
[16:28:00] MrSpiffy: building the plugins is another set of issues too
[16:28:00] harryman100: hi y'all, does anyone know if it's possible to have a frontend, which can cache entire programs so they can be watched even when the backend is in-accesible?
[16:29:00] pyrodex: harryman100, you could copy the files to the frontend... only way I know
[16:30:00] aegray__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:30:00] GreyFoxx: You'd have to make sure that the SQL data is available as well
[16:30:00] MrSpiffy: run a "slave" backend on the frontend but don't start it on boot – and start copying
[16:31:00] aegray__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:31:00] MrSpiffy: at least in thoery
[16:31:00] pyrodex: Is there a way set a specific scheduled recording to use a specific input everytime?
[16:33:00] harryman100: MrSpiffy: hmm, thats an interesting idea, unfortunately the frontend is on a Powerbook, so I can't have a backend running on it
[16:33:00] MrSpiffy: oh
[16:33:00] harryman100: I might investigate writing a few scripts to do it
[16:33:00] MrSpiffy: er
[16:33:00] harryman100: so that I can at least select programs by name
[16:34:00] MrSpiffy: if your goal is to watch the stuff on your powerbook you could just copy the recodring to it...
[16:34:00] MrSpiffy: are the recording from a pvr-150/20/350 (mpg format) ?
[16:34:00] harryman100: yeah, the scripts would just copy the videos and give them sane names, so that I don't need access to the MySQL DB as well
[16:34:00] harryman100: no, they're software encoded
[16:35:00] MrSpiffy: harryman100, yep – ick. I had that ossue before I removed my brooktree card
[16:35:00] MrSpiffy: the good news is avidemux will open the nuv and copy (without re-encode) to an avi
[16:36:00] MrSpiffy: just puts an avi aontainer on it
[16:36:00] abarbaccia_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:36:00] MrSpiffy: so that you can watch it in another player
[16:36:00] MrSpiffy: I wrote a script to get the nuv file names in perl for that sort of thing
[16:36:00] harryman100: it shouldn't be too hard because all that needs to be done is a lookup for the filename, and re-name the file. Most media players I've found can handle the nuv format
[16:37:00] MrSpiffy: harryman100, it's not hard. howver I found that for me a player barfs on the nuv file without replacing the header/container
[16:37:00] MrSpiffy: even mplayer crashed on it
[16:37:00] MrSpiffy: fyi
[16:37:00] harryman100: ok, I'll have a go and see what happens
[16:37:00] MrSpiffy: but you'll find that out
[16:38:00] MrSpiffy: harryman100, here's the query statement in my script
[16:38:00] MrSpiffy: my $sql_statement = "select * from $table order by $sortkey,$sortkey2";
[16:39:00] MrSpiffy: where
[16:39:00] MrSpiffy: my $table = 'recorded';
[16:39:00] MrSpiffy: my $sortkey = 'title';
[16:39:00] MrSpiffy: my $sortkey2 = 'originalairdate';
[16:39:00] MrSpiffy: but then you have to put the other fields together in the right way to get the file name
[16:40:00] harryman100: MrSpiffy: cheers, I feel an evening of scripting coming on!
[16:40:00] MrSpiffy: heh
[16:40:00] MrSpiffy: yep
[16:42:00] MrSpiffy: here's the tricky part
[16:42:00] MrSpiffy: my $filename = "$ary[0]_$ary[1]_$ary[2].nuv";
[16:42:00] MrSpiffy: $filename =~ s/\s+//g;
[16:42:00] MrSpiffy: $filename =~ s/://g;
[16:42:00] MrSpiffy: $filename =~ s/-//g;
[16:42:00] splat1725 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:42:00] MrSpiffy: the replacements are important to get rid of the spaces, colons, etc
[16:43:00] harryman100: yeah, I guessed that, cheers
[16:43:00] MrSpiffy: cheers
[16:43:00] GreyFoxx: and if running svn you can pull the filename from the recordedtable (mpg's have .mpg extension now as well)
[16:45:00] MrSpiffy: ok
[16:46:00] MrSpiffy: sine compiling from source – the Enter key does nothing in setup screens
[16:46:00] MrSpiffy: it depresses the buttons but no action
[16:46:00] MrSpiffy: esc, arrows are fine
[16:46:00] MrSpiffy: qt bug?
[16:46:00] splAt1 ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[16:46:00] splat1725 is now known as splat1
[16:47:00] GreyFoxx: running fedora ?
[16:48:00] MrSpiffy: yes
[16:48:00] MrSpiffy: 3
[16:48:00] GreyFoxx: sounds like a QT bug from a while back
[16:48:00] GreyFoxx: try SHIFT-ENTER
[16:48:00] MrSpiffy: ok
[16:48:00] GreyFoxx: I'm 99% sure updating QT for fedora would clear it up
[16:48:00] MrSpiffy: SHIFT-ENTER works
[16:48:00] MrSpiffy: this is good
[16:49:00] MrSpiffy: running qt-3.3.4–0.fc3.0
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[16:51:00] pyrodex: Man I wish they would fix nuvexport to work with SVN, I have a bunch of good eats I need to get off onto DVD
[16:51:00] KraMer ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:52:00] PatrickDK ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:53:00] Kabutor ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:56:00] abarbaccia__ ( Quit (Success)
[16:57:00] GreyFoxx: pyrodex: It worked last time I used it
[16:57:00] GreyFoxx: it was broken for acouple weeks, but was fixed a month+ ago
[16:57:00] GreyFoxx: unless something else is broken now
[17:02:00] Kabutor: can I have installed in the same machine mythtv and VLS?
[17:03:00] Kabutor: I suppose i cant use the tuner card at the same time, but I want sometimes to record, some other to watch streams
[17:04:00] maniacxs: GreyFoxx: we had discussion about nuvexport a few weeks ago, do not know, if you remember, but files recorded with svn are *.mpg and are only shown in nuvexport for me with
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[17:08:00] pyrodex: I can see the files fine, I had to make a few changes to show the mpg files and remove a _ but the issue I have is they come out to like 380~ meg files when trying to export to DVD for a 1.5gig show, even with comerical cuts I should be getting 900–1100megs per show
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[17:08:00] maniacxs: pyrodex: tried mpeg2 -> mpeg2 ?
[17:08:00] pyrodex: No I can
[17:08:00] pyrodex: i used nuv to dvd
[17:09:00] pyrodex: let me give that a shot
[17:09:00] maniacxs: pyrodex: i think you are trying export to dvd
[17:09:00] pyrodex: Yea.
[17:09:00] maniacxs: pyrodex: there you have to put in the bitrate and so on... 1. it does take long time 2. files are transcodes
[17:10:00] pyrodex: hmmm
[17:10:00] pyrodex: Does mpeg2 -> mpeg2 use cutlists?
[17:10:00] pyrodex: yea looks like it does
[17:10:00] maniacxs: with mpeg2 -> mpeg2 you have to check if you have AC3 audio or not as i remember it does only use MP2
[17:11:00] maniacxs: yes it cuts
[17:11:00] pyrodex: I don't have AC3 audio I know of, these are just straight files from a haup card
[17:11:00] pyrodex: I guess mpeg2-> mpeg2 is the best idea since I will be authoring them in windows.
[17:12:00] pyrodex: hmmm ok error here
[17:13:00] maniacxs: you have a error?
[17:13:00] pyrodex:
[17:14:00] maniacxs: would you please edit the file /usr/bin/mpeg2cut
[17:14:00] rjune ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:14:00] pyrodex: ok
[17:14:00] maniacxs: could you remove the > /dev/null in the lines with avidemux
[17:14:00] maniacxs: there should be two of this
[17:15:00] maniacxs: and then please repaste ist
[17:15:00] pyrodex: Ok weird, I did 3 to test batching and the 2nd one just finished fine so far.
[17:15:00] pyrodex: Maybe its a bad file?
[17:16:00] maniacxs: i know there are some problems with some files, but it is possible it's the same error i had, so i could tell you a workaround
[17:17:00] pyrodex: Hmmm whats the work around?
[17:17:00] maniacxs: if it's the same error i had, you have to replex the file -t DVD and retry it with this file
[17:18:00] pyrodex: Yea 2nd one finished fine, its doing the 3rd and final one.
[17:18:00] maniacxs: are the files recorded with the same card?
[17:19:00] pyrodex: Those were yes, I used to have a single PVR350, then I added a PVR-500 to this system. So I have 3 tuners now but those 3 are older records
[17:20:00] pyrodex: Yea the 3rd is fine too ,its redoing GOP now
[17:20:00] pyrodex: Must be a bad episode, I guess I can delete + rerecord it.
[17:20:00] maniacxs: pyrodex: the PVR creates correct mpeg as i remember, so it sould not be the problem i had
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[17:25:00] MrSpiffy: GreyFoxx, it's a bugger allright
[17:25:00] MrSpiffy: GreyFoxx, looking for a work sround for it
[17:25:00] pyrodex: maniacxs: trying the failed one again with the nulls removed to see what is really wrong
[17:26:00] maniacxs: pyrodex: ok
[17:26:00] GreyFoxx: MrSpiffy: Work around for what ?
[17:26:00] MrSpiffy: that qt bug
[17:27:00] GreyFoxx: like I said, you need a different version of QT than what you have installed
[17:27:00] MrSpiffy: I ran into super dep hell
[17:27:00] GreyFoxx: yet another reason I don't use packages :)
[17:27:00] MrSpiffy: sigh
[17:28:00] GreyFoxx: I believe the bug is specific to the version of QT that fedora was putting out. Had something to do with some custom patches they put in or something like that
[17:28:00] pyrodex: maniacxs:
[17:28:00] GreyFoxx: eventually someone who suffered from the same problem will be here to say how they fixed it
[17:28:00] MrSpiffy: that would be nice
[17:29:00] GreyFoxx: You could try searching the mailing list. it affected a lot of people so I'm sure it would have been mentioned
[17:30:00] pyrodex: I'm leaning towards a bad file or something.
[17:30:00] pyrodex: Doesn't make sense
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[17:31:00] maniacxs: pyrodex: yes lokks like bad file.
[17:33:00] MrSpiffy: GreyFoxx, google tells me that jarod may know something about it
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[17:34:00] GreyFoxx: MrSpiffy: I would imagine his guide would mention it.
[17:34:00] Jelte: hiya, simple question: does the mythtvweb interface also allow you to browse any photo's? Like Mythtv itself does?
[17:34:00] GreyFoxx: Jelte: I don't think so
[17:35:00] Kabutor ( Quit ("Leaving")
[17:35:00] Jelte: GreyFoxx: damn thats a shame... gonna have to find some other solution then :-) (or hack it myself)
[17:36:00] jnunez: is there a mythtv script for irblaster or do I need to write one?
[17:37:00] GreyFoxx: There are tons of premade web photo gallery scripts out there
[17:37:00] GreyFoxx: I made my own years ago and just keep updating it
[17:37:00] GreyFoxx: jnunez: Gotta make your own
[17:37:00] GreyFoxx: though there might be an example in the mythtv source contrib directory
[17:37:00] jnunez: GreyFoxx: Thanks
[17:38:00] Jelte: yeah i know, would have been nice if it just came with the myth thingy ;-)
[17:38:00] ** Jelte is lazy ;-) **
[17:42:00] MrSpiffy: hm
[17:42:00] MrSpiffy: axel fixed the bug in his repo
[17:42:00] MrSpiffy: wonder how
[17:43:00] robin_ is now known as robin_brb
[17:50:00] GreyFoxx: I can only imagine he just made his own package that wasn't buggy :)
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[17:54:00] FrankTM ( Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
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[18:11:00] MrSpiffy: igh
[18:11:00] MrSpiffy: sigh
[18:14:00] MrSpiffy: trying to downgrade qt-* to 3.3.3–8 from 3.3.4
[18:22:00] Juski ( Quit ("The icecaps are not melting. The water is being liberated")
[18:24:00] MrSpiffy: ok – recompiling mythtv against it
[18:24:00] MrSpiffy: *sigh*
[18:25:00] jvs|shower ( Quit ("If it lives, compile it! :)")
[18:27:00] MrSpiffy: nix that
[18:27:00] MrSpiffy: no need to recompile – had to run ldconfig
[18:27:00] MrSpiffy: and now.......
[18:27:00] MrSpiffy: the enter key works again
[18:27:00] MrSpiffy: !
[18:27:00] MrSpiffy: yay
[18:31:00] KraMer ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
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[18:35:00] MrSpiffy: hmm
[18:36:00] MrSpiffy: no osd
[18:36:00] MrSpiffy: can't get at xv pic controls
[18:36:00] MrSpiffy: is OSD part of the plugins?
[18:39:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:39:00] laga: no
[18:40:00] MrSpiffy: recompiling
[18:40:00] MrSpiffy: bbih
[18:41:00] EvilBob ( Quit ("Leaving")
[18:43:00] robin_brb is now known as robin_
[18:49:00] toggles ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:50:00] ** edward has setup mythtv, but when i select 'Watch TV' it does nothing. have i done something stupid? **
[18:50:00] edward: this is using DVB-T in the UK
[18:50:00] edward: it has channel data in the mysql db, and the EPG is showing programme data it has downloaded from the radio times
[18:50:00] toggles: anyone else having trouble with svn and lirc? i have lirc installed but ./configure --enable-lirc leaves it disabled...
[18:52:00] abarbaccia: hey can someone help me out here? i need the ivtv firmware but the tikiwiki site is down and won't let me download it – connection is timing out on the download
[18:53:00] abarbaccia: i need this one:
[18:56:00] abarbaccia: ?? anybody have a copy who would want to help me out?
[18:57:00] opello: i used the cd
[18:58:00] opello: i can give you the HcwMakoA.ROM, ivtv-fw-dec.bin, and ivtv-fw-enc.bin though – from my system
[18:58:00] jnunez ( Quit ()
[18:58:00] abarbaccia: well, i have it on a loop right now to keep trying the ftp – im gonna go shower – if its not downloaded by the time i get back – i'm gonna get out my cd
[18:58:00] abarbaccia: thanks opello – might take you up on the offer if i can't find this CD
[18:58:00] opello: alright
[19:02:00] Raven_301 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[19:03:00] rsdvd ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:04:00] cantoo: hi
[19:05:00] Raven_301 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:05:00] cantoo: i've some questions
[19:06:00] dev-: ut oh!
[19:06:00] dev-: ;)
[19:07:00] cantoo: i want to install mythtv to stream music and vids over wifi, with a p3 500mhz, is this possible?
[19:07:00] dev-: a/g?
[19:08:00] dev-: ive had problems streaming over b
[19:08:00] dev-: you're going to be viewing these streams with mythfrontends? you might get more flexibility/useability for what you want, but useing vlc and/or icecast
[19:08:00] dev-: myth's best forte is really tv
[19:09:00] cantoo: i tried vlc but i want a nice frontend :)
[19:09:00] dev-: myth has a nice frontend =]
[19:10:00] cantoo: can i install mythtv without a tv card?
[19:10:00] sean ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:11:00] abarbaccia: cantoo,
[19:11:00] abarbaccia: yes
[19:11:00] dev-: box would be fast enough. question would be your wireless. i tried streaming things over b and was no good. but these were mpeg2 tv at 6500bit
[19:11:00] cantoo: k
[19:11:00] dev-: yeah it will
[19:11:00] sean: is there a free guide for mythtv in the US?
[19:11:00] dev-: sean: what kind of guide? setup guide? or program guide data?
[19:12:00] cantoo: its 54mbit so it should work
[19:12:00] cantoo: but i want to use it for music mainly
[19:12:00] dev-: cantoo: yeah thats why i asked if you were useing a or g — good thing you're useing g :)
[19:12:00] sean: XMLTV
[19:12:00] dev-: should be plenty fast :)
[19:12:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has joined #mythtv-users
[19:12:00] dev-: sean: the mythtv docs clearly state to use
[19:12:00] dev-: zap2it i mean
[19:13:00] dev-: you need to sign up for an account
[19:13:00] dev-: then enter that crap into mythtv setup as datadirect
[19:13:00] dev-: sean:
[19:14:00] cantoo: dev-: will mythtv find all my shared folders?
[19:14:00] sean ( Quit (Client Quit)
[19:14:00] dev-: you'll need to configure them
[19:14:00] cantoo: ok, i'll try out knoppmyth
[19:14:00] dev-: i havent used mythvideo too much, just enough to try it out. it wanted a specific directory for where all the videos were stored, thats it
[19:15:00] dev-: mythmusic i never played with at all. do music on xbox useing xbmc because i have the dolby 5.1 kit on it to my reciever
[19:15:00] dev-: havent setup optical yet with mythfrontend
[19:15:00] dev-: need a connector i dont have ;/
[19:20:00] Raven_301 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:21:00] toggles ( Quit (Success)
[19:21:00] cantoo ( Quit ("( :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: )")
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[19:36:00] jemarcks__: I just made changes to /etc/exports. how do i make the change take effect?
[19:36:00] laga: exportfs -ra IIRC
[19:37:00] SickPuppy: are there any other companies like Zap2It ? i kinda need the program data of various European and American channels. Both cable and satellite channels.
[19:38:00] SickPuppy: or is there a way to subtract this data from the videosignal ? :)
[19:38:00] laga: you could get the american channels from zap2it and the european ones from xmltv
[19:38:00] laga: well, do you get your european channels via satellite?
[19:40:00] SickPuppy: yes and cable
[19:40:00] jemarcks__: laga, exportfs -a :D
[19:40:00] laga: jemarcks__: :)
[19:40:00] laga: SickPuppy: well, if it's DVB, you could use the dvb-eit stuff to get EPG
[19:41:00] SickPuppy: i need the information, i'm willing to pay for it. i cannot have a day when the schedule is not avaible.
[19:41:00] SickPuppy: db-eit, sounds good, what's that ? :)
[19:41:00] SickPuppy: is there an overview of what all the dbv-s, dvb-eit, dvb-etcetera standards are ?
[19:42:00] SlicerDicer- (n=Slicer@ Quit (SendQ exceeded)
[19:43:00] laga: SickPuppy: <- might be a good start
[19:43:00] laga: SickPuppy: EIT is a facility to transfer data over DVB, i believe.
[19:43:00] SickPuppy: i'm starting to work in broadcast, and want to develop some stuff, maybe even based on mythtv :)
[19:43:00] laga: "i cannot have a day..." sounds like you want to pay for it ;)
[19:44:00] SickPuppy: yep :)
[19:45:00] Lightning ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:45:00] SickPuppy: aha, OPEN standards. that's goooood :)
[19:45:00] Lightning: afternoon
[19:45:00] SickPuppy: ello
[19:45:00] robin_ ( has left #mythtv-users
[19:46:00] jemarcks__: laga, i updated my fstab on my frontend. what do i use to make the changes take effect? service nfs restart?
[19:46:00] laga: jemarcks__: umount -a && mount -a
[19:47:00] ** MrSpiffy still recompiles **
[19:47:00] jemarcks__: works! :D
[19:49:00] laga: MrSpiffy: takes bloody ages ;)
[19:51:00] FrozenThr ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:51:00] FrozenThr: good afternoon
[19:51:00] twisted_one ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:51:00] Lightning: FrozenThr: afternoon
[19:52:00] Shdwdrgn ( has joined #MythTV-Users
[19:54:00] Svaini (n=Svaini@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[19:55:00] MrSpiffy: laga, yep.
[19:55:00] ** MrSpiffy curses atrpms and fedora qt bug **
[19:56:00] MrSpiffy: *pain*
[19:56:00] FrozenThr: anyone use sasc?
[19:57:00] laga: what was that again?
[19:59:00] t0t3r ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:00:00] MrSpiffy: *pain* ?
[20:00:00] GeekZoid: Should i enable DMA
[20:00:00] GeekZoid: with mythv or no
[20:01:00] laga: GeekZoid: yes.
[20:01:00] t0t3r ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:01:00] MrSpiffy: GeekZoid, yes – especially if you have a dvd drive :)
[20:01:00] GeekZoid: MrSpiffy: should i enable DGA as well?
[20:01:00] GeekZoid: graphically wise
[20:01:00] GeekZoid: Should DGA be enabled on the x server
[20:02:00] FrozenThr: anyother way to get myth easy without yum. yum comes back nonthing to do
[20:02:00] GeekZoid: will rbr
[20:02:00] FrozenThr: just worked yesterday before format
[20:02:00] MrSpiffy: GeekZoid, dunno about that
[20:03:00] laga: FrozenThr: you probably need to add an repository in yum
[20:04:00] ** MrSpiffy installs every *-devel known to man to compile plugins **
[20:04:00] FrozenThr: as in a site link?
[20:04:00] FrozenThr: i remember doing that before i think
[20:04:00] FrozenThr: Thank You
[20:04:00] MrSpiffy: FrozenThr, did you install myth from atrpms?
[20:04:00] ** MrSpiffy curses under his breath **
[20:04:00] esoteric|laptop ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:04:00] FrozenThr: firsttime used yum
[20:04:00] FrozenThr: had everything working perfect
[20:05:00] FrozenThr: but ran out of room on hd so swapped hd's
[20:05:00] MrSpiffy: FrozenThr, you probably had the atrpms repo configured to install mythtv with yum. it is not added as part of a new install
[20:05:00] MrSpiffy: running fedora?
[20:05:00] FrozenThr: Yup
[20:05:00] MrSpiffy: ok
[20:05:00] MrSpiffy: check /etc/yum.repos.d
[20:05:00] MrSpiffy: dir
[20:05:00] MrSpiffy: you need a file for atrpms there
[20:06:00] MrSpiffy: you probably do not have one
[20:06:00] FrozenThr: [root@localhost yum.repos.d]# ls
[20:06:00] FrozenThr: fedora-devel.repo fedora-extras.repo fedora-updates.repo
[20:06:00] FrozenThr: fedora-extras-devel.repo fedora.repo fedora-updates-testing.repo
[20:07:00] FrozenThr: nothing about atrms
[20:07:00] FrozenThr: atrpms
[20:07:00] MrSpiffy: that's why
[20:07:00] MrSpiffy: create a file /etc/yum.repos.d/atrpms
[20:07:00] MrSpiffy: stick this in it
[20:08:00] MrSpiffy: [atrpms]
[20:08:00] MrSpiffy: name=Fedora Core $releasever – $basearch – ATrpms
[20:08:00] MrSpiffy: baseurl=$releasever-$basearch/atrpms/stable
[20:08:00] MrSpiffy: enabled=1
[20:08:00] KaZeR ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:08:00] FrozenThr: duhh now i remember thanks ;)
[20:09:00] MrSpiffy: FrozenThr, don't forget to install the gpg key – get it from the atrpms site
[20:09:00] MrSpiffy: or else install will fail
[20:09:00] djperegrine: I am trying to get mythstreamtv to work
[20:09:00] MrSpiffy: sounds spiffy
[20:09:00] djperegrine: but I starting streaming, and I see clients connect
[20:09:00] KaZeR ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:10:00] MrSpiffy: damnit
[20:10:00] djperegrine: ( my VLC on my laptop) but the video won't start
[20:10:00] MrSpiffy: livna is still down
[20:10:00] GeekZoid (n=dave@pdpc/supporter/student/GeekZoid) has left #mythtv-users
[20:10:00] djperegrine: I can stream .mpg files fine
[20:11:00] djperegrine: its just .nuv files ( that I transcode to MPEG4) don't work
[20:11:00] VolVE ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
[20:12:00] djperegrine: so it has to do with the myth file format
[20:13:00] MrSpiffy: djperegrine, I haven't tried this yet – what does it use to do the sreaming?
[20:14:00] djperegrine: vlc
[20:15:00] djperegrine: I am like 90% sure that its not working because I transcoded the files to mpeg4
[20:15:00] djperegrine: gtg
[20:16:00] MrSpiffy: djperegrine, hmm.
[20:16:00] MrSpiffy: vlc may have a problem with the file format
[20:16:00] FrozenThr: anyone use any softcam stuff with myth?
[20:17:00] Beirdo: no, and that's off-limits to discuss here
[20:18:00] laga: FrozenThr: we dont want to discuss this here because it's illegal ;)
[20:18:00] MrSpiffy: I do wish transcode just left it as an mpg and cut the commercials
[20:18:00] laga: MrSpiffy: if the source video is mpeg2: this is in SVN
[20:18:00] ivor ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:19:00] FrozenThr: oh i know it is lol
[20:19:00] stoffel ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:19:00] ChanServ sets mode +v stoffel
[20:19:00] FrozenThr: just wondering if its hard to setup without seting up vdr first. vdr was impossible to install for me
[20:19:00] MrSpiffy: laga, so cool
[20:19:00] MrSpiffy: laga so very very cool
[20:20:00] ** MrSpiffy still compiles **
[20:20:00] stoffel: re
[20:20:00] MrSpiffy: laga, spiffy even – when is the release coming out?
[20:20:00] ** Beirdo slaps MrSpiffy with the channel FAQ **
[20:21:00] FrozenThr: anyone know of a good vdr channel to checkout?
[20:21:00] Beirdo: FrozenThr: nope.
[20:21:00] Beirdo: we don't do vdr
[20:21:00] FrozenThr: yeah i hated it and dont whant it
[20:21:00] FrozenThr: just whanted to know why they made it so damn hard to use
[20:21:00] Beirdo: that's like going to a Linux channel and asking if they know of a FreeBSD channel for you to go to
[20:23:00] Lightning: MrSpiffy, the next version is coming out sometime in the next century
[20:23:00] djperegrine: back
[20:25:00] MrSpiffy: is that in the FAQ beirdo? next century?
[20:25:00] ** MrSpiffy can't wait to re-compile again **
[20:25:00] djperegrine: whats in the new svn?
[20:25:00] FrozenThr: true dat better analogy would be as/400
[20:25:00] MrSpiffy: anybody know what happened to the abstractoid osd theme?
[20:26:00] Lightning: djperegrine: svn shows version 7770
[20:27:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:28:00] twisted_one ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:28:00] djperegrine: whatever
[20:28:00] djperegrine: I still need to figure out how to stream .nuv mpeg4 files
[20:29:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) Quit ("brb")
[20:31:00] djperegrine: oh
[20:31:00] djperegrine: I guess you can't
[20:32:00] laga: google mythstreamtv
[20:32:00] djperegrine: I have been
[20:32:00] laga: ok
[20:32:00] kahuna_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:32:00] djperegrine: on the source forge page it says
[20:32:00] djperegrine: MythTV addon that allows live transcoding and streaming of mpeg 1/2
[20:33:00] laga: oh, ok
[20:33:00] djperegrine: so I guess you can't use mpeg 4 ?
[20:33:00] Raven_301 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:33:00] FrozenThr: so could u stream over 802.11?
[20:33:00] FrozenThr: with decent quality?
[20:33:00] djperegrine: b
[20:33:00] djperegrine: 802.11b
[20:34:00] djperegrine: well my files are mpeg4
[20:34:00] FrozenThr: so smaller
[20:34:00] Octane ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:34:00] djperegrine: um, I transcode the files to mpeg4 for size yes
[20:34:00] FrozenThr: more work on the other end though
[20:34:00] Raven_301 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:34:00] djperegrine: I just got mythstreamtv
[20:34:00] djperegrine: I haven't adjusted anything for it
[20:34:00] kahuna_: Anyone using fceu with mythgame?
[20:35:00] FrozenThr: im about to get mythtv to run once again lol
[20:36:00] Lightning ( Quit ()
[20:36:00] xris ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:36:00] ChanServ sets mode +v xris
[20:36:00] kahuna_: fceu is going way too fast, like the cpu throttling is not working.
[20:37:00] SickPuppy ( Quit ()
[20:38:00] Lightning ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:38:00] kahuna_ ( Quit ("leaving")
[20:40:00] MrSpiffy: guys this is cool
[20:40:00] MrSpiffy: my via epia M10 is playing back at 12% cpu
[20:40:00] MrSpiffy: down form 45–65
[20:41:00] MrSpiffy: now that's what I'm talkin bout
[20:41:00] MrSpiffy: heh – peaked at 13%
[20:43:00] stoffel ( Quit ("leaving")
[20:43:00] stoffel ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:43:00] ChanServ sets mode +v stoffel
[20:44:00] clintar_ (n=clintar@tor/session/x-12fc1b0e53bfdfb8) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:44:00] Octane ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:45:00] MrSpiffy: now when mythtransocde leaves the files in mpeg2 I can play those back without a spike to 65%
[20:45:00] MrSpiffy: or unichrome can get mpeg4 working ....
[20:50:00] SickPuppy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:51:00] GeekZoid (n=dave@pdpc/supporter/student/GeekZoid) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:51:00] GeekZoid: hi
[20:51:00] GeekZoid: anyone runnign suse 10 here with a remote control
[20:51:00] SickPuppy: is there something like Programme Delivery Control in MythTV ?
[20:52:00] SickPuppy: or in satellite feeds in general ?
[20:53:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:54:00] twisted_one ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:54:00] rsdvd ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:55:00] simon_c: GeekZoid: I got remote contorl working on suse9.3, and mythtv on suse10, but I've not tried to get a remot working on 10.0
[20:55:00] GeekZoid: simon_c: I'm using the remote control on suse 10 with pvr-150
[20:55:00] GeekZoid: and it crashes
[20:55:00] GeekZoid: and i wanna fix it
[20:56:00] GeekZoid: it works for about 20 mins and then stops
[20:56:00] simon_c: What crashes ?
[20:56:00] GeekZoid: the controller stops working
[20:56:00] simon_c: Once it's stopped, does anything like ircat work at all ?
[20:57:00] GeekZoid: well i tried irw
[20:57:00] GeekZoid: and that doesnt work
[20:57:00] simon_c: and does reloading the module make it work again ?
[20:57:00] GeekZoid: nope
[20:57:00] GeekZoid: i tried that when i unload the driver
[20:57:00] GeekZoid: and relaod it again
[20:57:00] simon_c: blahhh
[20:57:00] GeekZoid: it cant find the remote and keeps using ....
[20:57:00] GeekZoid: tryign to search it
[20:57:00] simon_c: Tried disabling powersave at all ?
[20:57:00] simon_c: And I take it there's nothing unusual in /var/log/messages ?
[20:58:00] ** GeekZoid hasn't tried disablnig powersave **
[20:58:00] GeekZoid: good thing mayeb i'll look into the /var/log/emssages
[20:58:00] simon_c: it's the 20 mins thing. Sounds like something doing something with powersave.
[20:58:00] Dagmar: Is anyone using ivtv on an Athlon 64?
[20:59:00] GeekZoid: Dagmar: i am
[20:59:00] Dagmar: GeekZoid: Did you do anything special to it or are you running a pure 64-bit version of Linux?
[20:59:00] GeekZoid: running pure 64 bti i think
[20:59:00] GeekZoid: im using suse
[20:59:00] SickPuppy ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:59:00] Dagmar: Mine seems to have shattered horribly with the motherboard/CPU upgrade (even though I definitely rebuilt everything)
[21:01:00] Dagmar: I suppose it won't be too bad if I have to go ahead and take the PVR card out of this and fix the k7 box back up
[21:01:00] Dagmar: I bought the athlon64 to make the k7 a dedicated backend anyway
[21:01:00] SickPuppy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:01:00] Dagmar: I know I can't go and rebuild everything for 64 bit without risking issuing seriously questionable binaries
[21:03:00] Esc ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:05:00] SickPuppy: is there something like Programme Delivery Control in mythtv ?
[21:05:00] seanw ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:07:00] rsdvd ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:07:00] Esc ( Quit (Client Quit)
[21:08:00] seanw: hi im almust finished but when i run /etc/cron.daily/mythtv-backend
[21:08:00] seanw: after a while i get "Connection timed out.
[21:08:00] seanw: You probably should modify the Master Server settings
[21:08:00] seanw: in the setup program and set the proper IP address.
[21:08:00] seanw: error resceduling id -1 in ScheduledRecording::signalChange
[21:08:00] seanw: "
[21:09:00] Esotericisms ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:10:00] Esc ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:12:00] seanw: Resolving
[21:12:00] seanw: Connecting to||:80... connected.
[21:12:00] seanw: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 401 Unauthorized
[21:12:00] seanw: Connecting to||:80... connected.
[21:12:00] seanw: HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
[21:12:00] seanw: Length: unspecified [text/xml]
[21:12:00] seanw: [ <=> ] 198,092 75.53K/s
[21:12:00] seanw: 15:11:11 (75.47 KB/s) – `-' saved [198092]
[21:12:00] seanw: Your subscription expires on 02/06/2006 06:22:42 PM
[21:12:00] seanw: 2005-11–06 15:11:37.840 New DB connection, total: 3
[21:12:00] seanw: 2005-11–06 15:11:37.843 New DB connection, total: 4
[21:12:00] seanw: 2005-11–06 15:11:42.126 Connecting to backend server: (try 1 of 5)
[21:12:00] seanw: Connection timed out.
[21:12:00] seanw: You probably should modify the Master Server settings
[21:12:00] clintar_: anyone here have firewire working in recent cvs before the whole livetv disabling
[21:12:00] seanw: in the setup program and set the proper IP address.
[21:12:00] seanw: error resceduling id -1 in ScheduledRecording::signalChange
[21:12:00] clintar_: oh god, there's a flood..
[21:13:00] clintar_: is the backend server running on that box?
[21:13:00] Lightning: seanw: that is what is for
[21:13:00] seanw ( Quit ("Leaving")
[21:13:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:13:00] clintar_: my mythbackend goes zombie
[21:14:00] Lightning: clintar_: i do not know about your firewire question
[21:15:00] simon_c: Is it normal for files, once they have been transcoded to be very dificult to move forward/back through ?
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[21:16:00] twisted_one ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:17:00] esoteric|laptop ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:17:00] simon_c: back in 2
[21:22:00] simon_c_home ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:22:00] simon_c_home: back. sorry. I'll ask the question again.
[21:22:00] simon_c_home: On my setup, I find it dificult to move forward/backwards through a program once it's been transcoded. It seems to take a few secconds to move forward by 10 mins, or even 10 secs.
[21:23:00] simon_c_home: Before it's been transcoded, it's instant. Is this normal ?
[21:23:00] Dagmar: Yep, and it's also entirely dependent on which codecs you're using.
[21:23:00] mirak ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:24:00] Lightning: certain codecs have more data to sift thru to get to a postion, while others use key frames to allow quicker moving thru the file
[21:24:00] t0t3r ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:25:00] simon_c_home: Lightning: Humm. The only difference between the encoder settings for by default, and trasnscoded settings is the two tick boxes for the two "higer compression, but takes more time" settiings.
[21:26:00] Lightning: simon_c_home: i am not sure. I just know from other codecs I have dealt with. I do not know what exact codecs myth uses
[21:26:00] esoteric|laptop ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:27:00] simon_c_home: :-)
[21:27:00] simon_c_home: Thanks anyway. I'll ask again when there's more people about
[21:29:00] aegray__ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:29:00] Esc ( Quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.61 [Mozilla rv:1.7.3/20040910]")
[21:31:00] aegray__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:31:00] esoteric|laptop is now known as esoteric[work]
[21:33:00] SickPuppy: is there something like Programme Delivery Control in mythtv ?
[21:33:00] SlicerDicer- ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:33:00] ivor: anyone seen geckofiend around recently?
[21:33:00] SickPuppy: not me
[21:34:00] ivor: is there a useful channel bot that be asked?
[21:34:00] SickPuppy: euhm
[21:35:00] simon_c ( Quit (Success)
[21:35:00] laga: MythLogBot: !help
[21:38:00] ivor: hmm not a very helpful bot then.
[21:39:00] Lightning: ivor, sure it is
[21:39:00] Lightning: MythLogBot: where is the channel logged?
[21:39:00] Lightning: nope, guess not :P
[21:40:00] laga:
[21:40:00] Lightning: laga, i see that. was having fun :)
[21:43:00] clintar_: is the seeking taking a long time cause mythtv doesn't do a good job of jumping to the seek point?
[21:44:00] __Ace__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:50:00] NightBird: so I restarted, and now mythbackend won't run
[21:51:00] NightBird: "Told to create a NEW database schema, but the database already has 61 tables.
[21:51:00] NightBird: "If you are sure this is a good mythtv database, verify that the settings table has the DBSchemaVar variable."
[21:52:00] NightBird: "Couldn't upgrade database to new schema
[21:55:00] Lightning: NightBird: what were you doing before the restart?
[21:55:00] NightBird: for some reason, the network system broke
[21:56:00] NightBird: I could do things to the computer, but I couldn't have it do anything to the network
[21:56:00] NightBird: so I could ping it, but it couldn't ping anyone else
[22:00:00] NightBird: I tried several things, but I ended up restarting the system
[22:01:00] Lightning: strange
[22:01:00] NightBird: so any ideas?
[22:01:00] Lightning: i do not know the myth database setup to be able to troubleshoot it's current error
[22:02:00] Lightning: it not pinging out first sounds like some network firewall was enabled but if it is working now then it could have been some other failure
[22:05:00] GreyFoxx: NightBird: Did you have to rebuild your SQL tables or something?
[22:06:00] NightBird: GreyFoxx, not that I know of
[22:06:00] NightBird: Lightning, when I restarted, the network works fine now
[22:06:00] GreyFoxx: cause it sounds like myth is either unable to (or it's not there) read the DBSchemaVar from your existing mythconverg database.
[22:06:00] NightBird: yeah
[22:06:00] GreyFoxx: Try running a repair on tnhe settings table
[22:06:00] GreyFoxx: If you are lucky that will fix it
[22:07:00] NightBird: how would I do that?
[22:07:00] GreyFoxx: If not, then I hope you have a backup
[22:07:00] NightBird: GreyFoxx, I don't have a backup
[22:07:00] GreyFoxx: login to mysql
[22:07:00] GreyFoxx: and do a "repair table settings;
[22:07:00] GreyFoxx: minus the quote
[22:09:00] NightBird: it's complaining about no database selected...
[22:10:00] MrSpiffy: use mythconverg
[22:10:00] MrSpiffy: then do the repair
[22:11:00] NightBird: hm... didn't find any fields in table 'settings'
[22:11:00] MrSpiffy: hm..
[22:11:00] MrSpiffy: that's a pisser
[22:12:00] rjune ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:12:00] MrSpiffy: there should be 3
[22:12:00] NightBird: well, it didn't find any fields in table 'housekeeping' 'recordmatch' and 'settings'
[22:13:00] MrSpiffy: doesn't sound good NightBird
[22:13:00] NightBird: hm...
[22:15:00] NightBird: yeah, so.... what should I do? recreate the database?
[22:16:00] NightBird: what will that affect?
[22:16:00] MrSpiffy: heh
[22:16:00] MrSpiffy: wipe out what you put in it so far
[22:16:00] NightBird: MrSpiffy, how?
[22:16:00] MrSpiffy: I'd back it up first
[22:17:00] MrSpiffy: if you re-create the db then you get the tables but the settings you put in it.....
[22:17:00] MrSpiffy: ah
[22:17:00] aegray__: 02:08.1 Multimedia controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture (rev 11) but modprobe btaudio doesn't connect any new dsp devices – any ideas?
[22:17:00] MrSpiffy: NightBird, you could a) use the mysql backup or b) stop mysql and tar it someplace
[22:18:00] NightBird: MrSpiffy, mysql backup?
[22:18:00] MrSpiffy:
[22:18:00] MrSpiffy: mysqldump
[22:19:00] NightBird: if I can't use the current tables, why back them up?
[22:19:00] MrSpiffy: keep in mind that manual is for 5.0 should be ok though
[22:19:00] MrSpiffy: there are a crapperload of tables in the db
[22:19:00] GreyFoxx: NightBird: Got any recordings sitting there unwatched ?
[22:20:00] MrSpiffy: are you sure none of the settings for any recordings or anything is useful ?
[22:20:00] MrSpiffy: your call man
[22:20:00] MrSpiffy: should take about 20 seconds to dump it
[22:21:00] NightBird: ok, where do I dump them to? to just a text file? how do I tell it to export it to the file?
[22:21:00] ldam ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:21:00] GreyFoxx: just redirect to a file
[22:21:00] NightBird: I'm guessing it's something to do with pipeing it, but I don't know how to do that
[22:21:00] Filip^ ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:22:00] GreyFoxx: mysqldump -umythtv -pmythtv mythconverg > filename.sql
[22:22:00] GreyFoxx: or /path/to/file.sql
[22:22:00] MrSpiffy: at least you have it – just in case
[22:23:00] MrSpiffy: just like GreyFoxx typed it
[22:23:00] NightBird: "Can't get CREATE TABLE for table 'housekeeping'"
[22:24:00] MrSpiffy: damn dude
[22:24:00] NightBird: yeah
[22:25:00] aegray__ ( has left #mythtv-users
[22:25:00] Beirdo: ivor, the bot is useful, but uni-purpose
[22:26:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:26:00] ivor: Beirdo: :) guess the clue is in the name.
[22:26:00] ivor: I thought there used to be a daybot in here
[22:27:00] NightBird: MrSpiffy, so failing that... now what?
[22:28:00] Beirdo: don't remember there ever being any other bot
[22:28:00] Beirdo: but my memory sucks
[22:28:00] Beirdo: :)
[22:28:00] MrSpiffy: NightBird, stop mysqld and tar it someplace
[22:29:00] NightBird: how?
[22:29:00] stoffel: xris: hi, fyi that should allow nuvexport (svn) to see the new .mpg recordings
[22:29:00] NightBird: how do I stop it, and what do I tar?
[22:30:00] MrSpiffy: oh boy
[22:31:00] MrSpiffy: /etc/init.d/mysqld stop
[22:31:00] MrSpiffy: -assuming you are running fedora/redhat
[22:31:00] NightBird: ubuntu
[22:31:00] NightBird: mysql is under there
[22:31:00] MrSpiffy: ok
[22:32:00] js2638 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:32:00] NightBird: ok, it's stoped
[22:33:00] MrSpiffy: the default location for the mysql databses is /var/lib/mysql
[22:33:00] MrSpiffy: on yours?
[22:33:00] NightBird: yeah
[22:33:00] NightBird: I see a mythconverg in there
[22:34:00] okare ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:35:00] MrSpiffy: tar -cpvf filename.tar /var/lib/mysql
[22:36:00] NightBird: "Wrote only 6144 of 10240 bytes. Error is not recoverable...
[22:37:00] MrSpiffy: wtf
[22:37:00] MrSpiffy: dude is you filesystem hosed too ?
[22:37:00] NightBird: I would hope not :-\
[22:37:00] NightBird: if anything there isn't enough space I'm guessing..
[22:37:00] MrSpiffy: um
[22:37:00] MrSpiffy: do a df -h
[22:37:00] MrSpiffy: anything at or above 100% ?
[22:38:00] NightBird: yeap
[22:38:00] MrSpiffy: um
[22:38:00] MrSpiffy: which one/s
[22:38:00] NightBird: /dev/hda1
[22:38:00] MrSpiffy: and that's / right ?
[22:38:00] NightBird: yeap
[22:38:00] MrSpiffy: and /var is on /
[22:38:00] _Nero_ (n=Nero__@mdobossy.student.Princeton.EDU) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:38:00] NightBird: well, I only have one partition
[22:39:00] NightBird: so yes
[22:39:00] MrSpiffy: ok then
[22:39:00] NightBird: /var is on /
[22:39:00] NightBird: find something to delete, eh?
[22:39:00] MrSpiffy: time to clean some things up – this will absolutely cause problems
[22:39:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:39:00] MrSpiffy: NightBird, if you use YUM then there's a great place to start
[22:39:00] MrSpiffy: do a yum clean all
[22:39:00] MrSpiffy: that will delete the packages and headers you downloaded
[22:40:00] MrSpiffy: without deleting anything installed
[22:40:00] Octane_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:40:00] NightBird: yum clean all?
[22:40:00] MrSpiffy: yep
[22:41:00] Octane ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:41:00] batdog is now known as batdog|gone
[22:41:00] NightBird: it says command not found
[22:41:00] MrSpiffy: yum ?
[22:41:00] MrSpiffy: not found >
[22:41:00] MrSpiffy: ok
[22:41:00] NightBird: yeah..
[22:41:00] MrSpiffy: somebody chime in who knows about ubuntu package management
[22:42:00] MrSpiffy: guess it aint yum
[22:42:00] NightBird: Synaptic Package Manager
[22:42:00] MrSpiffy: not my thing man
[22:43:00] NightBird: how do I display all of the file sizes when doing a ls?
[22:44:00] MrSpiffy: ls -lh
[22:44:00] laga: ls -al
[22:44:00] MrSpiffy: h is for human readable
[22:47:00] MrSpiffy: NightBird, synaptic uses apt
[22:47:00] MrSpiffy: the corresponding apt command is
[22:47:00] MrSpiffy: apt-get clean
[22:47:00] NightBird: ok
[22:47:00] MrSpiffy: pt-get clean removes everything except lock files from /var/cache/apt/archives/ and /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/. Thus, if you need to reinstall a package APT should retrieve it again.
[22:48:00] NightBird: hm...
[22:48:00] ** NightBird freed a gig by deleteing an episode... **
[22:49:00] ** NightBird offloads some files to this computer.. **
[22:49:00] MrSpiffy: sigh
[22:49:00] NightBird: :-\
[22:50:00] MrSpiffy: need a bigger hd than the one you just put in man
[22:50:00] NightBird: 110 gigs?
[22:50:00] SickPuppy: 2,3 TB
[22:50:00] MrSpiffy: well ovet 100% then yes
[22:50:00] ** MrSpiffy runs 365G raid 5 on his backend **
[22:50:00] MrSpiffy: and I'll need to upgrade it next year I bet
[22:51:00] MrSpiffy: forunately I bit the bullet and got a 4 channel card
[22:51:00] MrSpiffy: NightBird, now that you have disk space try and repair the db again
[22:51:00] MrSpiffy: after starting mysqld of course
[22:53:00] ** Lightning shakes his head **
[22:54:00] SickPuppy ( has left #mythtv-users
[22:54:00] Lightning: caught my girlfriend playing an adult rpg without me
[22:54:00] MrSpiffy: hahaha
[22:55:00] MrSpiffy: rember that when you have the "you watch too much porn" discussion
[22:55:00] Lightning: she didnt want to answer on the phone what rpg she'd been playing. so i listed off what i thought it was... nothing but dead air on the other end
[22:55:00] MrSpiffy: killing me
[22:55:00] Lightning: advantage of knowing more about the computer and encrypted virtual hd's :P
[22:55:00] MrSpiffy: too funny
[22:55:00] MrSpiffy: so which one?
[22:55:00] Lightning: sociolotron
[22:56:00] MrSpiffy: never heard of it
[22:56:00] Lightning: where sex is the main part of the game
[22:56:00] MrSpiffy: hope she scored well
[22:56:00] Lightning: adult only games tend to not advertise much
[22:56:00] Lightning: if she did, she wont be scoring any more here...
[22:57:00] _Nero_ (n=Nero__@mdobossy.student.Princeton.EDU) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:57:00] MrSpiffy: ah – it's online multiplayer
[22:57:00] MrSpiffy: just looked i tup
[22:57:00] MrSpiffy: *click*
[22:57:00] paulproteus ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:57:00] Lightning: MrSpiffy, yep
[22:57:00] NightBird: yeay....
[22:58:00] NightBird: it appears to be working
[22:58:00] Lightning: i pointed out it was an adult rpg, and probably the only adult rpg... she neglected to read a few of the pages before downloading
[22:58:00] Lightning: of course i told her this as she walked into her church. i think her face was beet red but i wasnt there to see
[22:58:00] ussjoin ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:59:00] MrSpiffy: hahaha
[22:59:00] MrSpiffy: an exe
[22:59:00] MrSpiffy: does it run on linux?
[22:59:00] ussjoin: OK. May I ask a question? I promise I will try not to be a dumbass.
[22:59:00] foobum ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:59:00] Lightning: MrSpiffy: not that i'm aware of unless it runs under wine. not sure if it does
[22:59:00] MrSpiffy: doubt it
[22:59:00] Lightning: ussjoin: only one way to find out
[22:59:00] MrSpiffy: not much does
[22:59:00] zuralin ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[22:59:00] NightBird: shoot... now I can't change the channel...
[23:00:00] ussjoin: OK. MythTV Box, Bt878 sound, Nforce2 for video.
[23:00:00] NightBird: at least it's a step in the right direction though
[23:00:00] ussjoin: I can get sound when watching videos or listening to mP3...
[23:00:00] Lightning: wish i was there to see her face though. i did warn her about cheating on me (both in game, and not telling me of the game)
[23:00:00] ussjoin: But not on either live or recorded TV.
[23:00:00] ussjoin: Trying XawTV, I can't get it to change channels.
[23:00:00] ussjoin: But scanTV, while it scans, I hear sound from each channel in turn.
[23:01:00] MrSpiffy: ussjoin, that bt card requires a lead from line out to sound card line in
[23:01:00] MrSpiffy: set mixer for line in record
[23:01:00] MrSpiffy: and unmute line in
[23:01:00] ussjoin: It has one; connected into the CD input.
[23:01:00] ussjoin: I unmuted everything.
[23:01:00] ussjoin: Line in record.. how do I set that?
[23:01:00] MrSpiffy: cd input?
[23:02:00] ussjoin: Yeah. How do I set where I record from?
[23:02:00] Dagmar ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:02:00] Dagmar ( has joined #Mythtv-Users
[23:02:00] foobum: does anyone else have several tuners with some (or more) overlap of channels?
[23:02:00] MrSpiffy: open your favorite mixer and set it
[23:02:00] twisted_one ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:02:00] MrSpiffy: in gnome it's a select box
[23:02:00] MrSpiffy: in alsamixer I think it's the R key
[23:02:00] MrSpiffy: (frget)
[23:03:00] _bobbyz ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:03:00] ussjoin: OK, I'll try that. Lemme see.
[23:03:00] Lightning: i think i had my fun for the day. not sure if it cost me my girlfriend yet or not (depending on what she has been up to)
[23:03:00] _bobbyz: are there any modestly-priced gfx cards that have both video capture and tv-out support and work well with directfb?
[23:03:00] Dagmar: Nope.
[23:04:00] bri: argh isn t avaible
[23:04:00] hadees (n=hadees@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/hadees) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:04:00] Dagmar: ...but you can always buy a Hauppage PVR-150 and like an nVidia GeForce MX 4 or something
[23:05:00] _bobbyz: hmmm...might end up needing to do that
[23:06:00] otwin (n=Use@ has left #mythtv-users
[23:07:00] ussjoin: MrSpiffy: It's spacebar. And It was already set to CD; setting it to LineIn also didn't help.
[23:07:00] _bobbyz: how cheap do you think I could get an Hauppage PVR-150 for?
[23:07:00] NightBird: yeay
[23:07:00] NightBird: it's working
[23:07:00] ** NightBird got his for... 80 maybe? **
[23:07:00] _bobbyz: ok, not too bad
[23:07:00] NightBird: it's an mce
[23:08:00] NightBird: so it doesn't have the remote
[23:08:00] NightBird: but it works fine otherwise
[23:08:00] ussjoin: MrSpiffy: Any other suggestions?
[23:08:00] ussjoin: Or anyone in the group: anyone have any idea?
[23:09:00] _bobbyz: yeah, the remote wouldn't be a problem. I have a niveus I can use for that
[23:10:00] hadees ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:10:00] dgrant ( has left #mythtv-users
[23:11:00] MrSpiffy: ussjoin, use line in instead of cd
[23:11:00] MrSpiffy: check vol levels
[23:11:00] ussjoin: Like, open it back up and rerun the cable?
[23:11:00] MrSpiffy: um
[23:12:00] MrSpiffy: what kind of bt card? the wintv ones have an external line out
[23:12:00] ussjoin: This one has an external out.
[23:12:00] MrSpiffy: I used that one
[23:12:00] MrSpiffy: bt->line out to ->sound line in
[23:12:00] ussjoin: But I don't get sound when plugged into that, either.
[23:13:00] MrSpiffy: you should if line in on the sound card is unmuted, vol level is up and set to record
[23:13:00] ussjoin: So-- I need to plug in a physical external loop cable?
[23:13:00] MrSpiffy: yes
[23:13:00] MrSpiffy: exactly
[23:13:00] ussjoin: OK. Lemme try that.
[23:13:00] MrSpiffy: a physical loop cble
[23:13:00] MrSpiffy: it came with the card
[23:13:00] MrSpiffy: ;)
[23:14:00] ussjoin: Like, 3.5mm to 3.5 mm though.
[23:14:00] ussjoin: Or do you mean the internal one?
[23:14:00] amazingbill ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:14:00] Dagmar: Also known as a 1/8" stereo cable
[23:14:00] Dagmar: It's gawt a headphones plug on each end
[23:14:00] ussjoin: right.
[23:15:00] immolo ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:15:00] MrSpiffy: that's the magic cable alright
[23:15:00] ** MrSpiffy twirls his now unused loop cable **
[23:16:00] ussjoin: OK, did that.
[23:16:00] ussjoin: No sound.
[23:16:00] paulproteus: ussjoin: You plugged what into what, exactly?
[23:16:00] paulproteus: Be more specific.
[23:16:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) Quit (Killed by tomsawyer ())
[23:16:00] ** MrSpiffy lets paul tackle this for a bit **
[23:16:00] lilo (i=levin@freenode/staff/pdpc.levin) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:16:00] paulproteus: MrSpiffy: No, I don't even use mythtv, I'm just trying to help a friend....
[23:17:00] MrSpiffy: oh – uss
[23:17:00] MrSpiffy: mute line in also
[23:17:00] MrSpiffy: (forgot)
[23:17:00] ussjoin: *nods* I know that, but I don't have any sound at *all* at the moment...
[23:17:00] MrSpiffy: oh
[23:17:00] ussjoin: Yeah. Still no sound.
[23:19:00] MrSpiffy: first thinkgs first
[23:19:00] MrSpiffy: get sound working for anything
[23:19:00] ussjoin: Right.
[23:19:00] MrSpiffy: like xmms
[23:19:00] ussjoin: I have sound working if I play something like a video or MP3.
[23:19:00] MrSpiffy: ok then sound works
[23:19:00] KaZeR ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:19:00] ussjoin: But nothing related to TV-- live or recorded.
[23:20:00] Dagmar: The TV tuner card also has it's own mixer device
[23:20:00] Dagmar: That could well be muted
[23:20:00] KaZeR ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:20:00] _tester_ ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[23:20:00] _tester_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:20:00] ** MrSpiffy wonders if btaudio is loaded **
[23:21:00] paulproteus: Dagmar: Something you have to operate separately by specifying a separate sound card to alsamixer, you mean?
[23:23:00] MrSpiffy: ussjoin, question
[23:23:00] MrSpiffy: ussjoin, with the volume cranked you should hear terrible noise when yo plug that cable into the soundcard
[23:23:00] MrSpiffy: there's a test for you :)
[23:25:00] ussjoin: I don't.
[23:25:00] burly ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:26:00] MrSpiffy: aha
[23:26:00] MrSpiffy: taking the tv car dout of the equation – anything plugeed into the line in has to work
[23:26:00] MrSpiffy: like a cheap cd player or something
[23:27:00] MrSpiffy: ussjoin, what linux distrib are you running and what hardware
[23:27:00] MrSpiffy: brand for the sound chip/mb specificly
[23:28:00] ** MrSpiffy prays it's not intel like his **
[23:28:00] ussjoin: FC4. Nforce2 board.
[23:28:00] ussjoin: That's sound and video.
[23:28:00] MrSpiffy: ok not intel
[23:28:00] MrSpiffy: intel is borked in fc – channels are messed up – my intel is controled with the headphone slider
[23:28:00] MrSpiffy: took me a week to find it
[23:29:00] MrSpiffy: ok then – the thing to troubleshoot is the line in jack on the sound card
[23:29:00] MrSpiffy: that will have to work before you will get sound out of the bt tv card
[23:31:00] ussjoin: MrSpiffy: Umm.. lsmod says snd_intel8x0 is my sound.
[23:31:00] ussjoin: Or at least, one ofthem.
[23:31:00] FrozenThr ( has left #mythtv-users
[23:31:00] ussjoin: proc/asound/cards says:
[23:31:00] ussjoin: 0 [nForce2 ]: NFORCE – NVidia nForce2
[23:31:00] ussjoin: NVidia nForce2 with ALC650F at 0xd9080000, irq 11
[23:32:00] clintar_: stupid onboard sound
[23:32:00] MrSpiffy: aha
[23:32:00] ussjoin: Yes, well, it's a Shuttle computer. So onboard means small.
[23:33:00] MrSpiffy: ussjoin, you could shut off the intel onboard sound if yo uare using the nforce sound
[23:33:00] ussjoin: How would I do that?
[23:33:00] MrSpiffy: in bios
[23:33:00] ussjoin: Ah....
[23:33:00] MrSpiffy: ah
[23:33:00] ussjoin: But nforce *is* onboard.
[23:33:00] clintar_: yeah, it uses that intel8x0 driver
[23:34:00] MrSpiffy: the nforce uses an intel chip?
[23:34:00] MrSpiffy: sheesh
[23:34:00] MrSpiffy: what a gip
[23:34:00] clintar_: it's just the ac97 driver
[23:34:00] paulproteus: "Inflammable means flammable!? What a country!"
[23:34:00] foobum: its an alcatel chip
[23:34:00] foobum: guh.. i mean realtek
[23:34:00] clintar_: they just reused it to support a lot of onboard crap
[23:34:00] ussjoin: Ooh! Fixed the linein.
[23:34:00] MrSpiffy: ussjoin, since it is using the 8x0 kernel module unmute and crank the headphone jack controls
[23:35:00] MrSpiffy: ussjoin, great – what did it
[23:36:00] foobum: does anyone else have multiple sources with some (or more) channel overlap?
[23:36:00] ussjoin: paulprot told me to open kmix, and see if the litle red light above linein was on, even though the recording was supposed to be set elsewhere.
[23:36:00] MrSpiffy: cool
[23:36:00] ussjoin: OK: we got a horrible noise.
[23:37:00] paulproteus: Excellent (?).
[23:37:00] MrSpiffy: hehehe
[23:37:00] MrSpiffy: that's great – horrible noise is good
[23:37:00] ussjoin: When I opened MythTV, it went "bp. ssh. Beep. Sssh. BEEP! SSSH! BEEP !! SSSH!!!"" cycling.
[23:37:00] MrSpiffy: hmm
[23:37:00] MrSpiffy: that's an improvement
[23:38:00] MrSpiffy: does myth tune in channels yet?
[23:38:00] paulproteus: Are you on a channel where they're broadcasting that?
[23:39:00] NightMonkey (n=NightMon@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/NightMonkey) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:40:00] xris: stoffel: what are you talking about? it sees them just fine
[23:40:00] ussjoin: Myth can tune chanels fine. No sound though.
[23:40:00] laga: xris: not to me.
[23:41:00] xris: update
[23:41:00] ussjoin: No, I was on Comedy Central.
[23:41:00] ussjoin: The little beep was, I think, the sound it played as it tuned into CCentral.
[23:41:00] xris: I fixed that a month or more ago
[23:41:00] laga: xris: with a fresh checkout from your svn server, i couldn't see my new *.mpg recordings. works fine with stoffel's patch.
[23:42:00] xris: with svn, you shouldn't even hit the point that stoffel's patch changes.
[23:42:00] xris: that's in the "older mythrv; scan for files" section.
[23:42:00] xris: svn myth is all handled via the db. no scanning.
[23:42:00] laga: xris: i don't know.
[23:42:00] laga: xris: i'll delete my nuvexport and re-install.
[23:42:00] xris: ok, something's definitely not right.
[23:42:00] xris: it used to work. broken now.
[23:43:00] xris: the first query isn't happening for some reason
[23:43:00] xris: haha.. ok, it's a perl scoping issue.
[23:44:00] laga: ummk? ;)
[23:44:00] xris: it's fixed now.
[23:44:00] xris: stoffel's patch wouldn't have worked properly.
[23:44:00] laga: *svn up*
[23:44:00] laga: well, i had some issues with mythtranscode complaining...
[23:45:00] xris: yeah, there are apparently some other issues with nuvexport and parameters and other stuff, too.
[23:45:00] laga: hehe. marillat's ffmpeg for debian sarge won't work with nuvexport, as it seems. but that could be some oddity in the package.
[23:46:00] ezerhoden ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:46:00] ussjoin: MrSpiffy: I can't find headphone jack controls.
[23:46:00] ezerhoden ( has left #mythtv-users
[23:46:00] paulproteus: laga: marillat's got a lot of packaging oddities. :)
[23:46:00] ussjoin: Also: did someone mention something about btaudio?
[23:46:00] laga: paulproteus: hehe
[23:48:00] ezerhoden ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:48:00] MrSpiffy: no
[23:48:00] fatmatt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:48:00] MrSpiffy: I never mentioned btaudio that does nothing
[23:48:00] MrSpiffy: :)
[23:50:00] xris: laga: I know that some of the programs changed their CLI options. really annoying, actually.
[23:50:00] xris: anyway, off to bake a pie or two...
[23:51:00] laga: xris: looks like it finds all my recorded shows, but some don't exist anymore on the filesystem. either we should check if they're present or i should clean up my recordings ;)
[23:51:00] ussjoin: OK. So-- what now?
[23:52:00] _bobbyz ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[23:52:00] foobum: xris: hi.. is there a good solution to having different sources with channel overlap (so i have the same channel with two different frequencies)?
[23:52:00] foobum: xris, at the moment im guessing i have to have duplicate channels in the program guide..?
[23:53:00] ussjoin: MrSpiffy: Any other suggestions?
[23:53:00] foobum: xris, btw i submitted the fix for the samplerate conversion on x86_64..
[23:54:00] ussjoin: My loopback is in, my mixers apparently set...
[23:56:00] clintar_: there's probably some cryptic module option for your particular card

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