:: #mythtv-users

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Wednesday, July 13th, 2005, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:00] mejo: unfortunately i cannot find the option in kernel menuconfig to enable the ir_kbd_i2c or ir_kbd_gpio modules.
[00:00:00] dh1: quick question. lircd always looks on /dev/lirc. i have /dev/lirc0. i make a symlink and that worked. What do i do to make it last after a reboot?
[00:00:00] dh1: i made*
[00:01:00] mejo: dh1: do you have static /dev, udev or devfs?
[00:01:00] mejo: with udev simply add a rule to /etc/udev/links.conf
[00:01:00] Drizzt321: mejo: need the ivtv lirc module I believe.
[00:01:00] dh1: um i dunno. how do i find out?
[00:02:00] dh1: looks like i have a udev config file
[00:02:00] mirak ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:02:00] dh1: what would be the line that i add to that?
[00:02:00] mejo: Drizzt321: talks about ir_kbd_i2c which comes in kernel mainline.
[00:02:00] dh1: mejo?
[00:03:00] jonK ( Quit ("BitchX-1.1-final -- just do it.")
[00:03:00] Drizzt321: mejo: did you build your own kernel or are using a pre-configured one?
[00:05:00] mejo: dh1: KERNEL=="lirc0", SYMLINK+="lirc" <- add this line to /etc/udev/udev.rules.
[00:05:00] mejo: afterwards restart udev, and see whether the link exists.
[00:06:00] mejo: Drizzt321: i built my own kernel.
[00:06:00] dh1: thanks
[00:06:00] dh1: gracias mejo
[00:06:00] Drizzt321: mejo: hrm...ok. good choice :)
[00:06:00] dh1: grr,my ssh session died
[00:06:00] mejo: Drizzt321: so do you have an idea about ir_kbd_i2c?
[00:07:00] dh1: mejo. that was suposed to be an ==, right?
[00:07:00] Drizzt321: mejo: not really....I hooked up my remote once too, and got it working, (I too have the 350), but didn't bother using it since I live in a single dorm room, so everything is pretty much in reach. so I got the ati remote wonder since I didn't want to have to ever worry about direction
[00:10:00] smoke_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:12:00] hadeees ( Quit (Client Quit)
[00:14:00] smoke_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:14:00] mirak ( Quit ("Leaving")
[00:17:00] Esotericisms: anything new in the MythTV world?
[00:18:00] tekkeh ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:24:00] hadees (~hadees@hadees.sustaining.supporter.pdpc) has joined #mythtv-users
[00:24:00] jonK ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:29:00] mejo (~jonas@mejo.developer.debian) has left #mythtv-users
[00:31:00] slide ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:31:00] slide: Is there anyway to stream my music using mythweb?
[00:31:00] slide: or video?
[00:31:00] slide: id like to not have to download it fully
[00:33:00] Drizzt321: slide: well, you could have it as a file share, smb or nfs
[00:34:00] slide: id to be able to access it from over the internet also
[00:34:00] Drizzt321: ahhh
[00:34:00] Drizzt321: erm...well, mythweb is a standard http server, and most players now(not sure about windows media player) let you stream directly from an http server
[00:35:00] Drizzt321: slide: providing that you have fast enough upstream connection on your system that mythweb is on
[00:35:00] slide: yea, i might need to talk to the firefox people to see how to do that on linux
[00:35:00] Drizzt321: ahh...
[00:35:00] Drizzt321: wha?
[00:35:00] Drizzt321: what does firefox have to do with it?
[00:35:00] slide: to get firefox to just send the link to the player instead of downloading the file
[00:35:00] Drizzt321: ohh
[00:36:00] Drizzt321: ah, you can do open with, which you can set to a executable script perhaps, or configure your fav player to enque files
[00:36:00] slide: yea, but open with saves it first, which is the prob =\
[00:36:00] Drizzt321: oh, I see
[00:37:00] Drizzt321: hrmmm
[00:37:00] Drizzt321: well, it would be annoying, but right click, and copy link
[00:37:00] slide: yea hehe
[00:37:00] Drizzt321: that'd be a good download extension ;)
[00:38:00] __Ace__ ( Quit ()
[00:46:00] agile ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:48:00] NightBird ( has joined #MythTV-Users
[00:58:00] schultmc ( Quit ("Client exiting")
[01:05:00] SarahEmm ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:05:00] SarahEmm: meowhi
[01:06:00] Drizzt321: mmmwrrr?
[01:06:00] kormoc: Mornin'
[01:07:00] Drizzt321: no, evening!
[01:08:00] SarahEmm: wheee. anyone else have issues with myth speeding up to like 8x normal speed randomly? it doesn't think it's doing it, but the A and V both speed up
[01:11:00] Drizzt321: odd. nope. but I have having issues trying to get my remote wonder working...
[01:11:00] Drizzt321: that and I somehow screwed up my current mouse settings so thats not working now under normal X
[01:11:00] Drizzt321: *sigh*
[01:12:00] ** xris wonder what's with women and cats. **
[01:12:00] Drizzt321: lol
[01:12:00] xris: my s-key is apparently also funky...
[01:12:00] ** xris pokes his s key **
[01:13:00] stoffel ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:13:00] rsdvd ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[01:13:00] SarahEmm: xris: mew? what about women and cats?
[01:14:00] kormoc: SarahEmm, anything in your dmesg or frontend output that looks flaky?
[01:14:00] xris: SarahEmm: exactly that...
[01:14:00] diamon: 8x normal speed in video playback I assume?
[01:14:00] SarahEmm: kormoc: nope
[01:14:00] SarahEmm: diamon: yeah.
[01:14:00] kormoc: SarahEmm, a large precent of women have some sorta bond with cats, and it's just odd at times how many do
[01:14:00] SarahEmm: audio sounds faster too, and the video/captions is faster
[01:14:00] SarahEmm: kormoc: *nodnods*
[01:14:00] SarahEmm: <-- is a kitrich
[01:14:00] SarahEmm: mew :)
[01:15:00] kormoc: kitrich?
[01:15:00] Urriellu (~Urriellu@urriellu.user) Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[01:15:00] SarahEmm:
[01:15:00] SarahEmm: ^-- explains SarahSpeak
[01:15:00] xris: lok
[01:15:00] gr8nash ( Quit ("Ta ta for now! =)")
[01:15:00] ** xris pokes the l key back into place. **
[01:15:00] NightBird ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[01:15:00] kormoc: Intresting Miss Kitrich.
[01:16:00] Drizzt321: lol SarahEmm
[01:16:00] diamon: I'm most amused by the "VAXen" one myself.
[01:16:00] SarahEmm: mewmew :)
[01:16:00] Drizzt321: hrm...if I'm getting "APIC error on CPU0: 02(02)" thats not good at all, huh?
[01:16:00] Urriellu (~Urriellu@urriellu.user) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:16:00] SarahEmm: diamon: that's a common one tho :) some ppl still aren't sure what it means tho :)
[01:17:00] SarahEmm: kitrich is the most common used on that list. mew :)
[01:17:00] Drizzt321: diamon: indeed. I used to work where we had vaxen :)
[01:17:00] ** SarahEmm lives where we have vaxen **
[01:17:00] diamon: Drizzit: I know, it's a 'real' term, but it still amuses me.  :P
[01:17:00] diamon: And yes, APIC errors are a Not Good Thing.
[01:18:00] Drizzt321: crap :(
[01:18:00] Drizzt321: a whaaa?!?
[01:18:00] Drizzt321: "Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason 3d on CPU 0. \n Dazed and confused, but trying to continue \n Do you have a strange power saving mode enabled?"
[01:18:00] mejo (~jonas@mejo.developer.debian) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:18:00] cortezdapimp ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:18:00] Drizzt321: I just got that
[01:18:00] mejo (~jonas@mejo.developer.debian) has left #mythtv-users
[01:19:00] mejo (~jonas@mejo.developer.debian) has joined #mythtv-users
[01:19:00] mejo: hi
[01:19:00] diamon: You might want to see if there's an updated BIOS you can get for that mobo, sounds like something's funky there.
[01:19:00] SarahEmm: Drizzt321: you didn't just push an NMI button, did you? ;)
[01:19:00] cortezdapimp: hey
[01:19:00] Drizzt321: never saw this before...
[01:19:00] mejo: i try to setup the remote for my pvr-350, and i built the lirc modules.
[01:19:00] Drizzt321: SarahEmm: NMI button?
[01:19:00] Drizzt321: not much info?
[01:20:00] mejo: now when i start 'lircd -n --device=/dev/lirc0' and then run 'irw', i get no output when testing the remote.
[01:20:00] SarahEmm: NMI is Non Maskable Interrupt.
[01:20:00] SarahEmm: it's a kind of interrupt that can't be masked.
[01:20:00] SarahEmm: ...
[01:20:00] SarahEmm: duh, sarah.
[01:21:00] diamon: mejo: You do have the module info entered into modprobe.conf anf have loaded the module, yes?
[01:21:00] Drizzt321: SarahEmm: really odd...
[01:22:00] SarahEmm: hrm
[01:22:00] SarahEmm: i wonder if lack of CPU is causing framedrops
[01:22:00] diamon: Drizzit321: SMile and not; it's what I'll do.  :)
[01:22:00] SarahEmm: that'd explain the speed thing, i think?
[01:22:00] SarahEmm: 0.0% idle
[01:22:00] Drizzt321: diamon: you mean nod?
[01:22:00] SarahEmm: 0.18.1 seems to use quite a bit more CPU than 0.16 did?
[01:22:00] diamon: You want to keep 10% idle if you can to prevent frame loss.
[01:22:00] SarahEmm: i'm running software encoding here heh
[01:22:00] SarahEmm: hrm.
[01:23:00] SarahEmm: it was okay before this version =-/
[01:23:00] SarahEmm: maybe i need to drop a faster CPU in..
[01:23:00] diamon: Drizzit321: Don't speak to me sensibly, man, I don't have any caffiene in me yet!  :P
[01:23:00] mejo: diamon: i have loaded lirc-dev and lirc-i2c. lirc-i2c automaticly loaded bttv and ivtv.
[01:23:00] SarahEmm: i'm tempted to build like a dual 3GHz box and put 2 or 3 TV cards in :)
[01:23:00] kormoc: SarahEmm, just buy a mpeg encoder, much nicer :P
[01:23:00] Drizzt321: diamon: haha
[01:23:00] SarahEmm: i can't
[01:23:00] SarahEmm: no closed captioning
[01:23:00] SarahEmm: i have one, but it's not useful for tv for me
[01:23:00] kormoc: ooh :/
[01:23:00] diamon: Wow, with dual 3Ghz you could do some nifty HDTV stuff...
[01:24:00] Drizzt321: SarahEmm: no, just make a single dual core 2.2 A64 :)
[01:24:00] SarahEmm: Drizzt321: that'd work
[01:24:00] SarahEmm: kormoc: yeah =-/ no good CC support other than on v4l cards
[01:24:00] SarahEmm: diamon: or multiple SDTV ones
[01:24:00] Drizzt321: SarahEmm: or...get a dual opteron board with a single dual core to start with. hehehe
[01:24:00] ** xris notes that SarahEmm helps pay his and kormoc's paychecks... **
[01:24:00] SarahEmm: how so xris?
[01:25:00] xris: you play secondlife.
[01:25:00] SarahEmm: you work at LL?
[01:25:00] xris: we build their servers
[01:25:00] SarahEmm: ahh
[01:25:00] SarahEmm: nice :)
[01:25:00] Drizzt321: cool
[01:25:00] xris: about 1 rack each month of dual opterons.
[01:25:00] kormoc: so use up more resources! Stat! :P
[01:25:00] Drizzt321: I've heard of second life
[01:25:00] SarahEmm: how did you know i play SL? heh
[01:25:00] SarahEmm: kormoc: resources cost money for players :P
[01:25:00] xris: SarahEmm: you have a screenshot on your website
[01:25:00] SarahEmm: oh.
[01:25:00] SarahEmm: yes, yes i do. old one ;)
[01:25:00] kormoc: aww :/
[01:26:00] mejo: diamon: any ideas?
[01:26:00] SarahEmm: Drizzt321: yeah... i'm thinking that might be the best option right now
[01:26:00] SarahEmm: anyone running multiple software encoders here?
[01:26:00] Drizzt321: nope, but I do have a single pvr-350 ;)
[01:26:00] xris: SarahEmm: never had the cpu for it.
[01:26:00] Drizzt321: get a couple of 150/250's
[01:26:00] kormoc: Drizzt321, we went over that already, she can't :P
[01:27:00] Drizzt321: hrm?
[01:27:00] diamon: mejo: Do the cards themselves work?
[01:27:00] kormoc: Drizzt321, she needs CC support, which mpeg cards odn't have.
[01:27:00] SarahEmm: Drizzt321: i can't :P
[01:27:00] mejo: diamon: yes, it's only one pvr-350, and it works well here.
[01:27:00] Drizzt321: kormoc: they don't?
[01:27:00] SarahEmm: i have a PVR-500
[01:27:00] kormoc: Drizzt321, evendently not :P
[01:27:00] SarahEmm: well, not 100% true
[01:27:00] Drizzt321: kormoc: I though the pvr cards had CC support
[01:28:00] SarahEmm: PVR-350 and 250 support CC support
[01:28:00] SarahEmm: but myth won't use it
[01:28:00] diamon: sarahemm: I tried multi-bt878 cards and learned my lesson. A sempron 3100+ isn't enough CPU for two software capture streams AFAICT.
[01:28:00] Drizzt321: oh, that part sucks
[01:28:00] SarahEmm: -150 and -500 support it in hardware, but ivtv doesn't yet
[01:28:00] KarlosII ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:28:00] Drizzt321: yea, guess that won't work than
[01:28:00] SarahEmm: so none work hardware-ivtv-myth
[01:28:00] kormoc: diamon, you sure? my 2.4 uses bout 30% for software mpeg4 encode, it should be able to handle 3 if that's true.
[01:28:00] SarahEmm: diamon: yikes! i'm running a 1.7 and it's borderline for livetv but does work
[01:28:00] SarahEmm: (celeron)
[01:29:00] SarahEmm: Drizzt321: no.. s'why i'm considering this option
[01:29:00] SarahEmm: i want to eventually write CC support for myth/ivtv
[01:29:00] SarahEmm: but that's a Big project, and i don't have time..
[01:29:00] diamon: kormoc: I wish there were a standard for this kinda stuff.  :) My ratios always include a decode stream also, as if I can't watch it whenever I feel like, why bother?
[01:29:00] xris: kormoc: but you encode TINY shows.
[01:29:00] Drizzt321: SarahEmm: umph. would some errors in my dmesg from the drm:radeon possible cause the APIC errors?
[01:29:00] kormoc: xris, same bandwidth off the bus no matter what.
[01:29:00] kormoc: xris, it's just low bitrate.
[01:29:00] SarahEmm: i dunno Drizzt321
[01:30:00] Drizzt321: uck
[01:30:00] Drizzt321: all these problems just when I tried to get my remote wonder working, things start blowing up all over the place
[01:30:00] Drizzt321: *sigh*
[01:31:00] diamon: Drizzit321: The remote wonder hooks to an ATI card, right?
[01:31:00] Drizzt321: diamon: no, usb rf receiver
[01:31:00] diamon: Hmm, odd.
[01:31:00] Drizzt321: diamon: kernel support...however for some reason the kernel I was using wouldn't detect it and use it even with the ati_remote module
[01:33:00] Discipulus ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:43:00] nitro44x ( has left #mythtv-users
[01:47:00] clintar ( Quit (Client Quit)
[01:47:00] clintar ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:47:00] Drizzt321: anyone else have an ati remote wonder and have it working?
[01:50:00] diamon: Anyone know how to set a PVR-*50 capture volume? I think I'm getting clipping artifacts with sharp noises.
[01:51:00] Drizzt321: diamon: ivtvctl -y volume=0–65535
[01:52:00] Drizzt321: diamon: check ivtvctl --help
[01:53:00] diamon: I saw that, I just can't see how to get what it's set to and was hoping someone had a suggestion for the number, really. I suppose 'what to set it to' would have been the right question.
[01:54:00] mejo (~jonas@mejo.developer.debian) has left #mythtv-users
[01:54:00] Drizzt321: -Y is get the value of all controls
[01:54:00] GeckoFiend_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:54:00] Geckofiend ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
[01:54:00] diamon: Wow, I really am not qualified to work on this right when I get up...
[01:54:00] Drizzt321: lmao
[01:54:00] ** diamon needs less blood in his caffiene stream. **
[01:55:00] Drizzt321: I understand
[01:55:00] SarahEmm: hrm... i guess i'll just live with it for now. it's usable, just goes a little fast sometimes.
[01:55:00] GeckoFiend_ is now known as Geckofiend
[01:55:00] SarahEmm: need to build a new box i think
[01:55:00] ChanServ sets mode +v Geckofiend
[01:55:00] diamon: And there it is, volume is set to 65535...
[01:56:00] diamon: If anyone has a PVR-*50 that likes their sound quality, could they do that ivtvctl -Y command and see what their volume is set to?
[01:56:00] Drizzt321: 58880
[01:56:00] xris ( Quit ("Download Gaim:")
[01:56:00] phi0x ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:56:00] phi0x: yo guys
[01:57:00] phi0x: back from earlier
[01:57:00] smoke_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:57:00] phi0x: i checked for dma and it is infact on yet mythtv video is extremely laggy
[01:57:00] phi0x: while in xawtv it runs flawless.
[01:58:00] Drizzt321: phi0x: what type of input card is it?
[01:58:00] diamon: phi0x: So live TV you mean?
[01:58:00] phi0x: yeah
[01:58:00] phi0x: its a leadtek winfast tv2000 pro or whatever
[01:58:00] Drizzt321: phi0x: hrm. ok.
[01:58:00] phi0x: works in xawtv for live fine and doesnt work fine in mythtv
[01:58:00] phi0x: laggs bad
[01:59:00] phi0x: i dunno if its my box can't support backend and frontend but in windows xp mce it worked fine with my ati hdtv wonder.
[01:59:00] phi0x: and when i used beyond tv with my leadtek in windows as well.
[01:59:00] phi0x: so i know it can handle it but i dont know why its bad in mythtv
[01:59:00] Drizzt321: I know it seems to me that myth adds some extra overhead. when I switched from display on my monitor to the mpeg2 output on my pvr350, things sped up considerably
[01:59:00] phi0x: xawtv seemed to work fine
[02:00:00] phi0x: my system has 1700+ XP athlon, ati 9600SE, 768mb ram pc2100 20gb hd
[02:00:00] phi0x: and i have a 200gb which it will record to once i set that drive up
[02:00:00] phi0x: but i just want the video feed working properly.
[02:00:00] phi0x: so i can later on hookup some frontends to it
[02:00:00] phi0x: is it a setting in mythtv that will make it smoother/fast
[02:00:00] phi0x: because i know now that my system/linux can handle it
[02:01:00] phi0x: its just can it handle mythtv ;/
[02:01:00] Drizzt321: phi0x: I know there are some settings in the setup for cpu friendly/unfriendly stuff, mostly dealing with overlays and such
[02:01:00] phi0x: ya
[02:01:00] Drizzt321: phi0x: can't remember them all, but you might want to check through the frontend setup again
[02:01:00] MajestiK ( Quit ("leaving")
[02:01:00] phi0x: oh and i cant change channels
[02:01:00] phi0x: i got it to change channels once but now it wont work
[02:02:00] MajestiK ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:02:00] Baylink ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:03:00] phi0x: what speed system and tv tuner do you guys have that makes it run smooth for you?
[02:03:00] phi0x: and what linux os
[02:03:00] Chutt: did you ever stop it from using pal?
[02:03:00] phi0x: no
[02:03:00] phi0x: not in xawtv
[02:03:00] Chutt: then what on earth are you asking about other stuff for?
[02:04:00] Chutt: fix that first.
[02:04:00] phi0x: but it is laggy in mythtv not gittery
[02:04:00] phi0x: but im not using xaw
[02:04:00] Chutt: how do you know it's not related?
[02:04:00] phi0x: thats a diff app
[02:04:00] phi0x: im pretty sure because mythtv works with pal/ntsc
[02:04:00] Chutt: so does xawtv
[02:04:00] dh1 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[02:04:00] phi0x: its a system lagg because when i hit anything it goes really laggy like if i hit 2 for channel 2
[02:05:00] phi0x: and when i hit esc it takes a few seconds to get back to main menu
[02:05:00] Chutt: get xawtv working right, first.
[02:05:00] phi0x: i dont know how to work xawtv
[02:05:00] Chutt: guess you get to figure it out, then
[02:05:00] phi0x: hmm
[02:05:00] diamon: Bah, setting the volume says it works, but it fails to. Arrgh.
[02:05:00] phi0x: well if that doesnt fix it ill be mad ;/
[02:06:00] Chutt: good
[02:06:00] phi0x: no:)
[02:08:00] R3DB0x (nobody@ has joined #mythtv-users
[02:09:00] vegbox ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:09:00] Beirdo: OK, that's it for me today... 8pm and I can finally go home
[02:09:00] vegbox: Can anyone help me isntall my PVR 150 on my gentoo box
[02:09:00] vegbox: i am getting snow when i cat /dev/video0
[02:09:00] Drizzt321: vegbox: you in the US?
[02:09:00] sphing: change your input
[02:09:00] vegbox: Yeah
[02:09:00] vegbox: I live in the us
[02:09:00] diamon: vegbox: Check dmesg, did it set your tuner option properly? Mine wasn't auto-detecting.
[02:10:00] Drizzt321: vegbox: oh yea, try changing your input to tuner with ivtvctl
[02:10:00] Drizzt321: vegbox: you might also need to change the freq its set to to get an actual channel
[02:10:00] vegbox: all this is jibberish to me
[02:10:00] vegbox: lol
[02:10:00] diamon: Should be input #6 for a PVR-150.
[02:10:00] vegbox: 6?
[02:10:00] vegbox: so i should use
[02:11:00] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[02:11:00] diamon: I think that sounds right.
[02:11:00] mchou: bah, I am sorely tempted by the 250GB drive for $50.......
[02:12:00] diamon: Not a bad price. What is it, a 2Mb cache 5400rpm drive?  :)
[02:12:00] vegbox: can anyone walk me through what i should do
[02:13:00] mchou: no, 7200 rpm 8mb
[02:13:00] diamon: Check this URL for help setting up a PVR-150. It's specific to Fedora Core 3, but it should help a bit at least.
[02:14:00] Drizzt321: mchou: what brand?
[02:14:00] mchou: Drizzt321: well, there's the rub.
[02:14:00] Drizzt321: mchou: maxtor or hitachi?
[02:14:00] vegbox: hmm
[02:14:00] vegbox: i get picture
[02:14:00] vegbox: but its not in color
[02:14:00] mchou: Hitachi. Used to be known as DeathStar.
[02:15:00] Drizzt321: mchou: yuck. I bot burnt by a few of those drives. 40gig's
[02:15:00] Drizzt321: mchou: now I stick to seagate or WD. though seagate does have that NICE 5 year :)
[02:15:00] mchou: Drizzt321: hitachi or IBM?
[02:15:00] diamon: LoL, the IBM Deathstar drive! I was just cursing one of those yesterday!
[02:15:00] Drizzt321: mchou: ibm version, a couple years before they sold to hitachi
[02:16:00] mchou: Drizzt321: yeah.....
[02:16:00] Drizzt321: mchou: I still won't trust hitachi, even though they now have had time to develop additional stuff
[02:16:00] mchou: 5 platters didnt work so well for ibm.
[02:16:00] Drizzt321: mchou: although they were still under warrenty so I got hitach deathstars
[02:16:00] Drizzt321: mchou: I still don't trust them, I have them as spare extra drives laying around, lol
[02:16:00] kormoc ( Quit ("Done with work, yay!")
[02:17:00] mchou: Drizzt321: what size are yours?
[02:17:00] mchou: Drizzt321: hitachis, that is.
[02:17:00] Drizzt321: mchou: 40's
[02:17:00] mchou: bah.
[02:18:00] diamon: Dammit, I've just confirmed some random (and somewhat small) section of PVR-150 owners don't have AVC working properly and get clipping with the audio, and the PVR-150's current driver capabilities haven't added volume control for some reason. Bah, I'll need to patch a kernel and rebuild everything to fix this.
[02:18:00] jonK ( Quit ("BitchX-1.1-final -- just do it.")
[02:18:00] mchou: AVC?
[02:18:00] diamon: The PVR-150 can do it, just the ioctl isn't working without a patch.
[02:18:00] mchou: what the heck is avc?
[02:18:00] Drizzt321: diamon: eek :(
[02:18:00] diamon: AVC, automatic volume control. Might be called AGC as well.
[02:18:00] mchou: lol.
[02:18:00] mchou: AGC
[02:19:00] tim__ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:19:00] mchou: AGC doesnt need ioctl.
[02:19:00] mchou: it's on all the time. Hence the name, Automatic.
[02:19:00] vegbox: man
[02:20:00] vegbox: i only get picture on one channel
[02:20:00] vegbox: what does that mean?
[02:20:00] diamon: I'm still low on caffiene this morning, so I'm not fussy about terms yet. Wnatever, AGC is failing and I need to adjust my volume, which the ivtv driver doesn't have done right yet, so I'll need to patch it.
[02:20:00] Chutt: why would you need to rebuild the kernel?
[02:20:00] diamon: Can I build ivtv separately?
[02:21:00] Chutt: err
[02:21:00] mchou: I dont see how agc can fail unless your HW is bad.
[02:21:00] Chutt: it _only_ builds separately
[02:21:00] diamon: mchou: Wish I knew.
[02:21:00] honey is now known as honeyzzz
[02:21:00] diamon: chutt: That'll save a helluva lot of time then. I used the RPM to begin with.
[02:22:00] mchou: diamon: that's not agc. That's volume control.
[02:22:00] vegbox: can anyone help me get my card going?
[02:22:00] mchou: you dont need volume control if you have AGC :)
[02:22:00] Drizzt321: diamon: yes, I compiled ivtv seperately
[02:22:00] dagar ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:23:00] dagar: does anyone here have mythweb running on a completely seperate machine from the backend?
[02:23:00] mchou: well, at least if AGC is working properly :)
[02:23:00] SarahEmm ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
[02:23:00] diamon: mchou: Hence the problem...
[02:24:00] SarahEmm ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:24:00] mchou: diamon: agc is always on in 150, iirc.
[02:24:00] SarahEmm: 802.11b-- :P
[02:24:00] mchou: so there should be no problem.
[02:24:00] diamon: mchou: And yet I get clear and obvious clipping and max-sound artifacts.
[02:25:00] vegbox: The only channel i seem to get is channel 5, and that is in black and white
[02:25:00] mchou: diamon: dunno what to tell ya.
[02:25:00] vegbox: and reason why?
[02:25:00] diamon: veg: Sounds like your tuner isn't set right, would be my guess. Or the NTSC/PAL standard is wrong maybe?
[02:26:00] vegbox: ihave it set to NTSC
[02:26:00] diamon: mchou: I'll try the patch once I raid the devel forum for more info.
[02:26:00] vegbox: and ntsc-cable
[02:26:00] vegbox: tuner 0
[02:26:00] mchou: diamon: thre is no need to try patch. revert to older version of ivtv
[02:27:00] mchou: it's clear that new ivtv versions agc is broken.
[02:27:00] diamon: veg: Tuner 0? That's not right.
[02:27:00] mchou: at least from those posts on the mailing list.
[02:27:00] diamon: mchou: Clear how?
[02:27:00] mchou: look at the last post.
[02:27:00] diamon: k, wondering if you knew something I didn't.  :)
[02:27:00] vegbox: yeah
[02:27:00] vegbox: well its option 6
[02:28:00] vegbox: which is tuner 0
[02:31:00] diamon: tuner #0 as option 6 is fine, I thought you meant it didn't see your tuner.
[02:31:00] phi0x ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:33:00] vegbox: i still get snow
[02:34:00] vegbox: i get
[02:34:00] vegbox: ivtv: i2c client id: 0x02 not found!
[02:34:00] vegbox: in dmesg after i cat
[02:35:00] dagar: anyone know why livetv might freeze with a pvr 150 that I know is working
[02:35:00] dagar: shows for about 2 seconds
[02:36:00] vegbox: dunno
[02:36:00] vegbox: i been having pvr150 problems
[02:36:00] vegbox: from the getgo
[02:36:00] dagar: what kind? I just got mine working in linux at all today
[02:36:00] dagar: I still can't get it going on its own
[02:37:00] Discipulus ( Quit ("Leaving")
[02:37:00] vegbox: i dunno
[02:37:00] vegbox: i only get one channel
[02:37:00] vegbox: thats channel 5
[02:37:00] vegbox: and even that is all snowy
[02:37:00] vegbox: and in black and white
[02:38:00] diamon: Make sure it's not sharing IRQ's if you can help it, or share only with a low-use device maybe.
[02:38:00] vegbox: hmmm
[02:38:00] vegbox: how do i check that
[02:38:00] vegbox: lsmod?
[02:38:00] vegbox: ivtv is being used by 2
[02:38:00] diamon: The IRQ's thing would be for dagar with the lockups.
[02:38:00] vegbox: along with nvidia, via_agp
[02:39:00] dagar: I don't think its an irq issue, I can record with it only on one channel
[02:39:00] dagar: I think livetv is trying to change channels but it can't so locks up
[02:39:00] vegbox: hmmm this is weird
[02:39:00] dagar: no matter what channel I select to record it goes to the last one I picked with ptune-ui
[02:40:00] dagar: I'm so close...
[02:40:00] diamon: Yep, that's odd...
[02:40:00] diamon: Rebooted recently? Maybe there's something odd going on.
[02:40:00] vegbox: do i have to tune the frequency?
[02:40:00] dagar: I still have to load the modules by hand
[02:41:00] xris ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:41:00] ChanServ sets mode +v xris
[02:42:00] rah ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[02:44:00] kormoc|afk is now known as kormoc
[02:47:00] Baylink ( Quit ("User disconnected")
[02:47:00] NightBird ( has joined #MythTV-Users
[02:48:00] vegbox: anyone here get a 150 pvr working?
[02:48:00] dagar: can you get it working at all with mplayer and cat /dev/video0?
[02:48:00] vegbox: only on one channel
[02:48:00] vegbox: and that channel is b/w
[02:48:00] vegbox: and static
[02:49:00] NightBird: that doesn't sound like working to me... :P
[02:49:00] vegbox: nope
[02:49:00] vegbox: thats why i came here for
[02:49:00] vegbox: help
[02:49:00] vegbox: hehe
[02:49:00] dagar: do you use ntsc?
[02:49:00] diamon: dagar: Mine works fine.
[02:49:00] vegbox: yes
[02:50:00] vegbox: ntsc-cable
[02:50:00] NightBird: I hopefully will get a 150 pvr working... once I order it.... in about a month or so >>
[02:50:00] SarahEmm: i have a 500 working video-wise
[02:50:00] SarahEmm: which is just two -150s
[02:50:00] dagar: mines so bloody close, I just wish it would change channels
[02:50:00] diamon: vegbox: do a 'dmesg | grep tuner' and see what tveeprom says.
[02:51:00] diamon: dagar: Heh, maybe you should do the same thing.
[02:51:00] diamon: Mine says tuner= <unknown>, I had to set it manually.
[02:51:00] vegbox: failed to load tuner module
[02:51:00] vegbox: :(
[02:51:00] vegbox: uh ohhh
[02:51:00] vegbox: thats not good
[02:51:00] vegbox: i know my tuner should be 50
[02:52:00] dagar: ah mines good, nothing about changing channel problems
[02:52:00] NightBird: vegbox, thats better then before... now you know what the problem is :P
[02:52:00] diamon: Did you do alias tuner tuner_ivtv and alias tveeprom tveeprom-ivtv and alias msp3400 msp3400-ivtv in /etc/modprobe.conf?
[02:52:00] dagar: 2005-07–12 19:47:50.472 ChannelBase: Could not find input: Television on card when setting channel 3
[02:52:00] dagar: ?
[02:53:00] diamon: dagar: Maybe yours is using the wrong input. I think it's input #6 as I recall.
[02:53:00] vegbox: do i add that manually
[02:53:00] slide ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:53:00] vegbox: or dont i put that in /etc/modules.d/ivtv?
[02:53:00] dagar: but for the 2 seconds video is displayed perfectly and I can record but only on 1 channel
[02:53:00] diamon: vegbox: Not sure, depends on your distro. I'm using FC3.
[02:54:00] diamon: dagar: No idea then. Try that dmesg I listed and see what it says.
[02:56:00] vegbox: okay
[02:56:00] vegbox: going to restart
[02:56:00] vegbox: and see what happens
[02:56:00] diamon: Good luck!
[02:56:00] vegbox: ohh
[02:56:00] vegbox: ill be here
[02:56:00] vegbox: lol
[02:59:00] vegbox: okay
[02:59:00] vegbox: its back
[02:59:00] vegbox: now the tuner is detected
[02:59:00] vegbox: but i still get snow
[03:00:00] diamon: Did it set the type correctly?
[03:01:00] vegbox: yeah
[03:01:00] vegbox: it set it to 50
[03:01:00] ** NightBird brings up knoppmyth under bochs to see how installation will act... **
[03:02:00] NightBird: hm....
[03:02:00] rjune ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:02:00] NightBird: "Pentium 3 5 .0MHz" huh? hm....
[03:02:00] jonK ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:02:00] diamon: Should be fine then. Try another TV viewing app and see how they do.
[03:03:00] vegbox: ohh
[03:03:00] vegbox: which tv tuning app is there?
[03:04:00] vegbox: man now
[03:04:00] vegbox: mythtv is complaining about mysql
[03:04:00] SarahEmm: oops. running recording + watching something else + commercial flagging of somethign else happening + a backup kicking in at 2100 of the box doesn't help things :)
[03:04:00] diamon: Does slow things down a bit...
[03:05:00] SarahEmm: i was at 0% idle before the backup kicked in heh
[03:05:00] SarahEmm: i need a new box.
[03:05:00] SarahEmm: two tuners, with enough spare CPU for other stuff
[03:05:00] NightBird: weee
[03:05:00] ** NightBird likes his modification he made to bochs... **
[03:05:00] jonK: what's the complaint
[03:05:00] SarahEmm: jonK: who?
[03:05:00] vegbox: for a 150 pvr
[03:06:00] vegbox: what settings do i use in mythsetup
[03:06:00] jonK: vegbox
[03:06:00] jonK: you use the pvr-xxx setting
[03:06:00] SarahEmm: ROFL
[03:06:00] SarahEmm: load average: 10.10,
[03:06:00] jonK: dont worry if it says 250/350
[03:08:00] vegbox: can anyone help me setup my sql?
[03:08:00] SarahEmm: what's wrong with your sql?
[03:09:00] vegbox: says it cant conenct
[03:09:00] vegbox: but i can connect to it in command line
[03:09:00] jonK: and it feels alone
[03:09:00] jonK: what line?
[03:09:00] vegbox: with mysql -u mythtv -p mythconverg
[03:09:00] SarahEmm: okay.... what happens when you start myth tho?
[03:09:00] jonK: check out /etc/mysql/my.cnf
[03:09:00] vegbox: mythfrontend?
[03:10:00] jonK: look for a line "skip networking"
[03:10:00] SarahEmm: vegbox: yeah.
[03:10:00] vegbox: says could not connect to master server
[03:10:00] jonK: or for a line "bind
[03:10:00] jonK: comment out this line
[03:10:00] SarahEmm: is the backend running, vegbox?
[03:10:00] jonK: my sql is angry
[03:10:00] Tommck ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:10:00] vegbox: how do i start the backend?
[03:11:00] jonK: wow
[03:11:00] vegbox: wait
[03:11:00] vegbox: nm
[03:12:00] SarahEmm: uhh....
[03:12:00] SarahEmm: RTFM
[03:12:00] vegbox: man
[03:12:00] vegbox: i only get one channel still
[03:14:00] vegbox: SarahEmm can you help me set up my pvr 150 on my gentoo box?
[03:15:00] SarahEmm: vegbox: uhh.. after you RTFM maybe ;)
[03:15:00] SarahEmm: what's the issue?
[03:16:00] jonK: and if you don't have the 150 working, why are you worried about sql connections? one thing at a time
[03:17:00] vegbox: ohh
[03:17:00] vegbox: i got sql to work now
[03:18:00] vegbox: i didnt know you have to run the backend firsts
[03:18:00] vegbox: but for the 150, i only get one channel
[03:18:00] vegbox: its b/w and static
[03:18:00] SarahEmm: err
[03:18:00] SarahEmm: sounds like your tuner is set wrong
[03:20:00] SarahEmm: aaahhhhh.
[03:20:00] SarahEmm: it's mythcommflag eating up all the CPU
[03:20:00] SarahEmm: it's flagging like 4 things at once
[03:20:00] D-side ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:20:00] ** NightBird closes bochs once he finds out that it is supposibly running at 49 mhz.... **
[03:20:00] vegbox: so how can i fix that
[03:20:00] abarbaccia ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:20:00] NightBird: knoppmyth wants something a bit faster then a pentium 3 underclocked at 49 mhz...
[03:20:00] vegbox: i have it set to 6
[03:20:00] vegbox: which is tuner 0
[03:21:00] djo_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:21:00] SarahEmm: vegbox: err... how did you get 6? it should autodetect if you don't force it
[03:21:00] SarahEmm: lol NightBird, yes it would.
[03:21:00] SarahEmm: bochs is sssslllllow.
[03:22:00] vegbox: how do i autodetect, i did ivtvctl -n to list
[03:22:00] vegbox: and it said that 6 was my tuner
[03:22:00] kormoc (~kormoc@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:22:00] SarahEmm: err...
[03:22:00] SarahEmm: *headdesk* umm... one sec.
[03:23:00] SarahEmm: what version of ivtv are you using?
[03:23:00] vegbox: 3.2r
[03:24:00] SarahEmm: ok.. dmesg | grep tuner
[03:24:00] SarahEmm: pastebin it
[03:24:00] SarahEmm: actually..
[03:24:00] NightBird: SarahEmm, yeah, but the reason why bochs is cool is since it is emulated, you can do crazy stuff like running a 64 bit os on a 32 bit cpu....not very well, but you can :P
[03:24:00] SarahEmm: pastebin your whole dmesg
[03:24:00] SarahEmm: yep NightBird
[03:24:00] SarahEmm: i know
[03:24:00] SarahEmm: valgrind is cool in the same way for other purposes :)
[03:25:00] ** NightBird made a 2 hz 4bit cpu in my circuits class this last semester **
[03:25:00] SarahEmm: :)
[03:26:00] SarahEmm: gaah okay this is annoying :P
[03:26:00] vegbox:
[03:26:00] SarahEmm: i had plenty of cpu before going to .18...
[03:26:00] dagar: has anyone ever seen the error WriteStringList: Bad Socket
[03:27:00] dagar: Remote encoder not repsonding
[03:27:00] dagar: this mythfrontend output while trying to watch livetv
[03:27:00] Chutt: sarahemm, remove the adjust filter from the installed filters dir
[03:27:00] Tommck: dagar – look at the backend's output
[03:27:00] SarahEmm: hrm.. vegbox, does it work with other apps?
[03:27:00] SarahEmm: Chutt: huh?
[03:27:00] dagar: 2005-07–12 21:24:54.353 Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
[03:27:00] dagar: 2005-07–12 21:24:57.062 joined null string in WriteStringList
[03:27:00] dagar: 2005-07–12 21:25:17.242 Changing from WatchingLiveTV to None
[03:27:00] SarahEmm: Chutt: what's the adjust filter?
[03:27:00] dagar: no errors
[03:27:00] Chutt: fixes the colors on bt8x8 cards
[03:28:00] SarahEmm: err
[03:28:00] SarahEmm: colors are fine
[03:28:00] SarahEmm: oh...
[03:28:00] vegbox: what are other apps
[03:28:00] vegbox: that use tv tuners?
[03:28:00] SarahEmm: Chutt: err.. is it not needed?
[03:28:00] SarahEmm: vegbox: tvtime, xawtv... RTFM.
[03:28:00] vegbox: like in mythtv, i just get one channel as well
[03:28:00] Chutt: if you're not picky, no
[03:28:00] SarahEmm: vegbox: right.. but what about other apps?
[03:29:00] vegbox: hmmm let me get tvtime
[03:29:00] SarahEmm: chutt: err.. you think that would be wasting CPU? how far off are colours going to be heh?
[03:29:00] Chutt: try it and see
[03:30:00] cortezdapimp ( Quit ()
[03:31:00] SarahEmm: i will once this recording is done..
[03:35:00] a09f90asf8 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:35:00] a09f90asf8: anyone successfully set up torrentocracy in myth?
[03:36:00] vegbox: hmm
[03:36:00] vegbox: it says it can not open /dev/video0
[03:37:00] kormoc (~kormoc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:37:00] SarahEmm: are you sure the driver for the card is actually loaded?
[03:37:00] vegbox: lsmod says it loaded
[03:38:00] GreyFoxx: can you access it from the commandline ? cat /dev/video0 > meep.mpg
[03:38:00] vegbox: yeah
[03:38:00] vegbox: i get a gray picture, static
[03:38:00] GreyFoxx: Check the permissions on the device then, does the user the mythbackend is running as have rights to access it ?
[03:39:00] vegbox: its set to 777
[03:40:00] GreyFoxx: sounds like it should be fine then
[03:45:00] xris ( Quit ("Download Gaim:")
[03:45:00] vegbox: man
[03:45:00] vegbox: i thought this would be semi difficult
[03:45:00] vegbox: turning out to be horrifically difficult
[03:46:00] SarahEmm: PVR-150 is still newish.
[03:46:00] Tommck: vegbox – we all go through it... it's a rite of passage :)
[03:46:00] SarahEmm: and.. i keep saying this, but have you read the docs?
[03:46:00] vegbox: yeah
[03:46:00] SarahEmm: not knowing to start the backend first seems to indicate not..
[03:46:00] vegbox: im reading wiki too
[03:47:00] vegbox: i mean i got the remote working
[03:47:00] vegbox: and myth working
[03:47:00] vegbox: just the tunning is not work now
[03:48:00] funkyelf ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:48:00] a09f90asf8 ( Quit ()
[03:48:00] djo_: Hi all, I've been tearing my hair out trying to get a Hauppauge WinTV PVR 150 to run. Am I right that this is what vegbox is trying to do too?
[03:49:00] abarbaccia: djo_, which distrobution of linux are u using?
[03:49:00] djo_: FC4
[03:49:00] SarahEmm: yeppers
[03:49:00] SarahEmm: djp
[03:49:00] SarahEmm: it should be doable.. i'm running a -500 on my devel box, and the video part works fine anyway
[03:49:00] xris ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:49:00] ChanServ sets mode +v xris
[03:50:00] djo_: I've naturally STFW, have tried several levels of drivers, and several levels of firmware for the PVR-150.
[03:50:00] abarbaccia: torrentocracy looks NUTS
[03:51:00] SarahEmm: what problem, djo?
[03:51:00] djo_: (Those seem to be the main variables people are tweaking, unless I'm missing something.)
[03:51:00] djo_: SaraEmm
[03:51:00] djo_: Black video output when using
[03:51:00] vegbox: djo_, i am trying to get it to work
[03:52:00] vegbox: but i only get one channel, its black and white and static all over
[03:52:00] vegbox: and i cant even change channels, if i do, i get nothing but static
[03:52:00] djo_: oh--what's the video program used by MythTV?
[03:52:00] GreyFoxx: djo_: Myth doesn't use an external app to access the device
[03:52:00] GreyFoxx: djo_: You are seeing nothing but "black" when you access /dev/video0 ?
[03:52:00] djo_: mplayer -vo xv /dev/video0 -ao alsa
[03:53:00] vegbox: and tvtimer says it doesnt have access to /dev/video0
[03:53:00] djo_: shows a black window
[03:53:00] vegbox: i cant use xv on my video card
[03:53:00] GreyFoxx: sounds like you have the wrong input set
[03:53:00] GreyFoxx: It's trying to read from composite/svideo instea dof the tuner
[03:53:00] Chutt: a black window means wrong input, or an error that'd show up in the backend output
[03:53:00] vegbox: GreyFoxx, you talking to me
[03:53:00] GreyFoxx: vegbox: No
[03:54:00] GreyFoxx: vegbox: Your symptoms sound like wrong tunertype, his sound like wrong input set
[03:54:00] djo_: Chutt, Hmmmm... How would I change that? More info: tvtime prints an error about the backend drivers not being able to allocate buffers and the MythTV-frontend hangs.
[03:54:00] vegbox: how do i fix a wrong tunner type
[03:55:00] vegbox: there is only tunner 0 and 1
[03:55:00] vegbox: right?
[03:55:00] Chutt: uh, tvtime?
[03:55:00] djo_: tvtime is another v4l front-end program
[03:55:00] Chutt: which doesn't work for ivtv
[03:55:00] GreyFoxx: vegbox: No, when the tuner module is loaded it is either being told the wrong tuner type or is detecting the wrong one
[03:55:00] GreyFoxx: ivtv is not v4l compliant :)
[03:55:00] djo_: Okay.
[03:55:00] rjune ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:55:00] GreyFoxx: xawtv, tvtime etc wont work with it
[03:56:00] djo_: Okay.
[03:56:00] djo_: Thanks for that info! :)
[03:56:00] vegbox: damn
[03:56:00] vegbox: all i get it is one channel!!!
[03:57:00] GreyFoxx: then you need to find the right tunertype
[03:57:00] djo_: Okay, so how do I change the input? (URL's are okay; I'm not afraid of the web. ;-)
[03:57:00] Chutt: look at the output of the backend, first
[03:58:00] vegbox: okay
[03:58:00] vegbox: i tried all the other tuners
[03:58:00] vegbox: the rest give me black space
[03:58:00] GreyFoxx: I think I am not being clear
[03:58:00] drumkilla (~russell@drumkilla.developer.and.stable.maintainer.asterisk) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:58:00] GreyFoxx: I don't mean the tuner/input coming into your card
[03:58:00] vegbox: i dont think you are then lol
[03:59:00] djo_: Chutt, OK, looking...
[03:59:00] GreyFoxx: The physical tuner on your card which "tunes" the channels is configured incorrectly because the tuner.o module is not setting it correctly
[03:59:00] drumkilla (~russell@drumkilla.developer.and.stable.maintainer.asterisk) has joined #mythtv-users
[04:00:00] GreyFoxx: so you need to unload the module, and load it again wither with the right information or see if it autodetects it correctly
[04:00:00] vegbox: hmm
[04:01:00] diamon: Be sure it loads tuner_ivtv as well.
[04:01:00] vegbox: how do i unload modules?
[04:02:00] GreyFoxx: Can't say I've ever heard of a "tuner_ivtv" module. Is that something packages are renaming or is it present in the newer .3.x ivtv modules ?
[04:03:00] Chutt: packages
[04:03:00] GreyFoxx: vegbox: read up on modprobe, insmod, and rmmod
[04:03:00] GreyFoxx: ahh
[04:03:00] Gumby ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:03:00] GreyFoxx: no wonder I've never seen it then :)
[04:04:00] Urriellu (~Urriellu@urriellu.user) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:05:00] SarahEmm: nini all
[04:05:00] diamon: later!
[04:06:00] SarahEmm ( Quit ("ostriches are fuzzy!")
[04:06:00] diamon: Excellent, I think the newer driver has fixed my audio clipping problem.
[04:06:00] diamon: Now I just need to move my TV output up and right to get rid of that funny edge....
[04:15:00] vegeetz2 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:15:00] vegeetz2: It seems to me that installing mythtv is easier on fc
[04:17:00] GreyFoxx: might very well be :) there are many Fc users who would likely agree :)
[04:19:00] djo_: Chutt, I get a couple of errors then a bunch of informational messages:
[04:19:00] djo_: Here are the errors:
[04:19:00] twisted_one: I didnt really have any issues installing on gentoo... well nothing beyond user error whichw as my fault
[04:19:00] djo_: Changing from None to WatchingLiveTV
[04:19:00] djo_: NVR: Won't work with the streamin interface, falling back
[04:20:00] twisted_one: the big thing I had trouble with was the ivtv drivers
[04:20:00] djo_: VIDOCGMBUF:: Invalid argument
[04:20:00] djo_: TVRec: Recording Prematurely Stopped
[04:20:00] djo_: Then a bunch of informational messages
[04:20:00] Chutt: you've managed to tell myth that you have a bttv card, not a pvr card.
[04:21:00] djo_: How did I do that and how do I fix it? :-D
[04:21:00] djo_: In mythsetup?
[04:21:00] GreyFoxx: yes
[04:23:00] djo_: I don't see PVR-150 here; assume PVR-250 is good enough?
[04:23:00] GreyFoxx: yes
[04:23:00] Chutt: of course
[04:23:00] Chutt: you don't see every single bttv using card listed there either
[04:23:00] Chutt: it's assumed you know a _little_ about what kind of card you have
[04:23:00] D-side ( has left #mythtv-users
[04:23:00] djo_: yeah, standard Linux fare. :-)
[04:24:00] djo_: Funny, you'd think that for someone running Linux full-time since 98
[04:24:00] Chutt: make sure to restart the backend
[04:24:00] djo_: I'd have thought of that. :-)
[04:25:00] djo_: Thanks
[04:25:00] djo_: I'll do that.
[04:28:00] djo_: Chutt, Okay, I've re-run mythsetup; now mythbackend says:
[04:29:00] djo_: Channel (/dev/video0): CheckChannel failed. Please verify channel "3" in the "setup" Channel Editor.
[04:29:00] djo_: on startup
[04:29:00] djo_: Maybe I'm just being paranoid here...
[04:29:00] GreyFoxx: have you run mythfilldatabase ? To populate the channels and such ?
[04:30:00] djo_: Not since re-defining my card.
[04:30:00] GreyFoxx: The device is properly tied to a video source ?
[04:30:00] djo_: I did yesterday.
[04:30:00] djo_: This is one area I don't really understand, so please bear with me...
[04:31:00] GreyFoxx: go into myth setup, ensure that the card is configured for the right type, ensure that a video source is setup, then ensure the video source is tied to the proper input on the card
[04:31:00] GreyFoxx: then run mythfilldatabase
[04:32:00] djo_: ok
[04:32:00] NightBird ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:33:00] dagar: does anyone know why mythtv wouldn't change channels properly?
[04:33:00] dagar: I have a pvr 150 and ati tv wonder that both work fine except live tv cannot change the channels on them
[04:33:00] dagar: freaking weird
[04:34:00] GreyFoxx: man, I so need to add name hashing to the displayed tree in mythgame. This much scrolling is nuts
[04:34:00] defaultro ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:35:00] defaultro: good evening guys
[04:35:00] djo_: Okay, I set up a video source.
[04:35:00] defaultro: would like to know if anyone here uses vlc to play rtsp streams
[04:36:00] djo_: But I'm stuck wondering how to know what input on my card corresponds to the coaxial antena cable (from a VCR, for example)
[04:36:00] djo_: (sorry I'm such a newbie about this stuff)
[04:40:00] Chutt: 'tuner'?
[04:40:00] funkyelf ( Quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[04:40:00] djo_: Okay, I know I'm not using the s-video input and that I'm either watching a VHS cassette or using the tuner.
[04:40:00] therealgalen (~galen@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:40:00] djo_: So I set everything to point to zap2it except for the s-video inputs.
[04:41:00] djo_: That seems as reasonable as it gets.
[04:41:00] Chutt: uh, no
[04:41:00] djo_: Okay?
[04:41:00] Chutt: that'll break things, and is rather dumb.
[04:41:00] Chutt: Chutt 'tuner'?
[04:41:00] djo_: tuner0 and tuner1 are both set to my zap2it video source.
[04:41:00] Chutt: use the first one
[04:42:00] Chutt: though, what docs are you using that you aren't getting your tuner card working outside of myth, first?
[04:42:00] defaultro: anyone knows where I can download libraries?
[04:42:00] therealgalen: hey, i've got a weird question: anybody know about xvmc on non-nvidia cards? does such a think even exist?
[04:42:00] therealgalen: :P
[04:42:00] therealgalen: trying to recall, i downloaded them a while back
[04:42:00] defaultro: ok
[04:42:00] defaultro: i'm compiling vlc
[04:43:00] defaultro: so it can have rtsp support
[04:43:00] djo_: . . . ut=closed#sw
[04:43:00] Chutt: why do you have the ivtv instructions closed?
[04:43:00] defaultro: found it,
[04:43:00] vegbox ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:43:00] therealgalen: So was I. I'm pretty sure I got them from, well, or googled. I may still have them on the server where I downloaded them.
[04:44:00] djo_: I've used those at times too.
[04:44:00] therealgalen: Any response on the graphics card? Anybody even use nonATI/Nvidia GPUs?
[04:44:00] djo_: (and a whole bunch of other random stuff I found using Google)
[04:44:00] Chutt: you didn't follow them, though
[04:44:00] cortezdapimp ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:44:00] djo_: Okay, please kindly let me know what step I need to go back to and I'll do it. :-)
[04:45:00] Chutt: the 'Get and install capture card drivers'
[04:45:00] Chutt: you didn't do all that
[04:45:00] Chutt: since if you did, you would know what input you'd be using
[04:45:00] defaultro: hey Chutt, any clues when we will have dvb subtitles in u.s.?
[04:45:00] Chutt: it does crazy things like test your card first, before trying to get it working in myth
[04:46:00] Chutt: defaultro, never?
[04:46:00] defaultro: ouch :( any ideas why?
[04:46:00] Chutt: because we don't use dvb here?
[04:46:00] defaultro: ah
[04:46:00] Chutt: i seem to remember telling you this before
[04:46:00] defaultro: so what's a solution for me to see close caption?
[04:46:00] defaultro: i'm using air2pc
[04:46:00] Chutt: add support for atsc subtitles
[04:46:00] defaultro: has someone already did it?
[04:47:00] Chutt: no
[04:47:00] defaultro: oh ok :)
[04:47:00] Chutt: that's why i said 'add'
[04:47:00] defaultro: :)
[04:47:00] defaultro: but is there subtitles being broadcasted too?
[04:47:00] abarbaccia: hey guys – can someone explain why a shell script will run on one computer, but not on another? it gives me a syntax error...
[04:47:00] defaultro: chmod +x buddy
[04:47:00] abarbaccia: the scripts are identical (for starting lirc
[04:47:00] abarbaccia: )
[04:47:00] Chutt: yes, and they probably have much better grammar than you do, so i can see why you need them
[04:47:00] abarbaccia: already done
[04:48:00] djo_: Chutt, I'm confused; I don't see anywhere in the "Hauppauge PVR150..." section that helps you pick an input...
[04:48:00] defaultro: abar, sh -x yourscript
[04:48:00] Chutt: <shrug>
[04:48:00] Chutt: the first ivtv section
[04:48:00] defaultro: chutt, was your answer for me?
[04:48:00] Chutt: near the end has a section where it has you select the tuner input
[04:48:00] abarbaccia: : command not found
[04:48:00] abarbaccia: 'irc: line 5: syntax error near unexpected token `
[04:48:00] abarbaccia: 'irc: line 5: `load_modules ()
[04:49:00] defaultro: there you go abar ;)
[04:49:00] defaultro: check your shell
[04:49:00] abarbaccia: what do you mean my shell?
[04:49:00] defaultro: echo $$
[04:49:00] abarbaccia: what does that do
[04:49:00] abarbaccia: it just gave me a nubmer (pid ?)
[04:49:00] defaultro: set |grep SHELL
[04:50:00] defaultro: that should be better
[04:50:00] defaultro: first is the pid of your current shell
[04:50:00] abarbaccia: shell is /bin/sh
[04:50:00] defaultro: assuming it gave you 24999, you can do, ps ax|grep 24999
[04:51:00] Tommck ( has left #mythtv-users
[04:51:00] abarbaccia: still don't know where you're going with this...
[04:51:00] defaultro: it might have incompatible commands
[04:51:00] abarbaccia: i dont get it tho
[04:51:00] defaultro: how did you copy the script
[04:52:00] abarbaccia: wget
[04:52:00] abarbaccia: off the web
[04:52:00] defaultro: ok
[04:52:00] defaultro: give me the link
[04:52:00] defaultro: i'll check it
[04:52:00] abarbaccia:
[04:52:00] defaultro: ok
[04:53:00] defaultro: can you do this
[04:53:00] defaultro: col -b < lirc > newlirc
[04:53:00] defaultro: then chmod +x newlirc
[04:53:00] defaultro: ./newlirc
[04:55:00] defaultro: I'm confused about line 64
[04:56:00] djo_: Chutt, I assume, you're talking about the ivtvctl -p # part, right?
[04:56:00] djo_: Actually, I did go throught that (and just did again to be sure)
[04:56:00] djo_: I get black for -p 0 through 7.
[04:57:00] abarbaccia: defaultro, verynice – its running the script now
[04:57:00] djo_: It then talks about using
[04:57:00] abarbaccia: but how do i get it so that we don't have to run that col command on the script?
[04:57:00] defaultro: bam ;)
[04:57:00] djo_: which I also tried, but refused to run on my machine.
[04:58:00] defaultro: don't do copy + paste in windows :)
[04:58:00] defaultro: just use scp or ftp
[04:58:00] defaultro: ftp that new one
[04:58:00] abarbaccia: hahha – it wasnt in windows tho
[04:58:00] defaultro: :D
[04:58:00] abarbaccia: okay – do you know the command to just upload a file via a shell to an ftp server
[04:58:00] abarbaccia: ?
[04:58:00] defaultro: copying from webpage ruins it
[04:58:00] defaultro: ftp
[04:58:00] defaultro: ftp -s batchfile
[04:58:00] defaultro: bam
[04:58:00] defaultro: depends on the ftp client though
[04:59:00] defaultro: or you can using scp
[04:59:00] defaultro: passwordless entry
[04:59:00] defaultro: using keys
[04:59:00] abarbaccia: is there one line i can just execute to upload it and get out?
[04:59:00] defaultro: yeah, create a batch file
[04:59:00] defaultro: an input file i mean
[04:59:00] abarbaccia: confused...
[05:00:00] abarbaccia: i'll just startup gftp
[05:00:00] defaultro: all you'll have to do is specify it in ftp command line
[05:00:00] hadees: has anyone been able to get a pvr-500 to work with both tuners
[05:00:00] defaultro: hi hadees, what's up?
[05:00:00] Nem^1 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:00:00] hadees: nothing, just building my backend
[05:01:00] hadees: i went for the two setup
[05:01:00] diamon: hadees: I think 500's are just a pair of 150's, so it should be pretty much the same.
[05:01:00] defaultro: cool
[05:01:00] hadees: diamon, they are but only 1 tuner was working currently
[05:01:00] hadees: i tihnk
[05:01:00] defaultro: have you seen nuvola theme? it's cool to the eyes
[05:01:00] hadees: no
[05:01:00] hadees: where is it
[05:01:00] defaultro: find dhofstra's post
[05:01:00] defaultro: it's along with myxer
[05:02:00] defaultro: it's very soothing to the eyes
[05:02:00] defaultro: healthy green field
[05:02:00] hadees: oh i think i saw that
[05:02:00] defaultro: ;)
[05:02:00] hadees: its okay
[05:02:00] Spida_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:02:00] defaultro: i'm currently working on vlc with support
[05:03:00] hadees: vlc?
[05:03:00] hadees: vlc for mythtv?
[05:04:00] defaultro: vlc stand along
[05:04:00] defaultro: alone
[05:04:00] defaultro: i will just call it in myth
[05:04:00] defaultro: i was hoping that xine can play rtsp streams but not
[05:04:00] defaultro: i'm very happy with xine though in mythvideo
[05:05:00] defaultro: i created iso images of my dvd and xine is able to play it
[05:09:00] djo_: Any suggestions for what I should try next?
[05:14:00] Spida ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[05:15:00] defaultro: hey guys, I'm planning to install, will it ruin my mythtv?
[05:18:00] Nem^ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:22:00] djo_ ( has left #mythtv-users
[05:23:00] JeepJerk ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:23:00] JeepJerk: hey all
[05:24:00] JeepJerk: built a FC4 box with ivtv and lirc for the PVR-350 but lirc doesn't seem to be starting at boot
[05:24:00] JeepJerk: any ideas?
[05:27:00] JeepJerk: nothing in the message logs
[05:27:00] dagar: is the lirc_i2c module loaded?
[05:28:00] JeepJerk: nothing lirc is
[05:28:00] dagar: modprobe lirc_i2c then start lircd
[05:30:00] Esotericisms is now known as Esoteric|zZzZ
[05:30:00] JeepJerk: does FC4 ignore modules.conf?
[05:40:00] KeithNJPride ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:40:00] KeithNJPride: hey guys
[05:41:00] JeepJerk: howdy
[05:44:00] JeepJerk: anyone here use dishnetwork?
[05:45:00] KeithNJPride: nope
[05:46:00] JeepJerk: btw dagar thanks, that got lirc going
[05:51:00] xris: JeepJerk: I do
[05:59:00] MonMotha: JeepJerk: on many distributions, that file is automatically generated from other files
[06:02:00] virsys ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[06:03:00] cortezdapimp ( Quit ()
[06:04:00] JeepJerk: xris: do you use irblaster?
[06:05:00] xris: JeepJerk: homemade, yes
[06:05:00] xris: only way that I know of to do it, legally.
[06:06:00] JeepJerk: do you have a channel changing script written then?
[06:06:00] virsys ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:06:00] NightBird ( has joined #MythTV-Users
[06:06:00] dcfogg ( has joined #MythTV-Users
[06:07:00] JeepJerk: :)
[06:07:00] dcfogg: Hello everyone :-)
[06:08:00] xris: JeepJerk: google for "lirc losdos"
[06:08:00] JeepJerk: excellent
[06:09:00] dcfogg: emerging mythtv on a athlon-mp has been failing :-(
[06:09:00] dcfogg: dcfogg /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-linux-gnu/3.3.5–20050130/../../../../i686-pc-linu x-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL
[06:09:00] dcfogg: dcfogg collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
[06:09:00] dcfogg: dcfogg make[2]: *** [] Error 1
[06:09:00] defaultro: any ideas why my recorded programs are not being listed now though they're still in the table?
[06:09:00] therealgalen (~galen@ Quit ()
[06:11:00] dcfogg: same error with r2
[06:11:00] dcfogg: /../i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL
[06:14:00] NightBird: hm...
[06:15:00] NightBird: so late..
[06:16:00] Chacabaou ( Quit (Client Quit)
[06:17:00] dcfogg ( Quit ("Leaving")
[06:22:00] Chutt ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:25:00] chuggs ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:28:00] KeithNJPride ( Quit ()
[06:41:00] NightBird: <Novacat> Tanning is safest when done in short spurts; disrobe for just a couple of seconds every few blocks while walking through town.
[06:41:00] NightBird: good night
[06:41:00] NightBird ( Quit (""Do you get along with them?" "do I get along with them? of course I do! They're my best friends! Thats why I married you, so)
[06:49:00] xris: yay for those who use mythweb, I'm actually committing patches. heh.
[06:54:00] laga: nice ;)
[06:55:00] chickeneater (~lastlee@chickeneater.user) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:57:00] chickeneater (~lastlee@chickeneater.user) has joined #mythtv-users
[07:06:00] rjune ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[07:11:00] xris: nice for Finnish users. heh.
[07:13:00] xris: man, nice tracking patches via trac...
[07:18:00] cortezdapimp ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:19:00] mchou ( Quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.11")
[07:24:00] tim ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:26:00] giloth ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:29:00] giloth: i have a few different problems with mythtv right now (a few are interconnected i believe)... my main problem right now is with audio. when i start mythtv'd 'Watch TV' the audio plays but it's out of sync. i believe it's trying to use live audio rather than recorded audio (timeshifting) because the audio keeps playing when i rewind (live audio) and keeps playing when i exit the frontend
[07:30:00] giloth: the backend log says that its missing the assigned codec for audio and video, but i don't know where to get either of them
[07:37:00] giloth: hello?
[07:38:00] bananabob ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:38:00] giloth: hi bananabob
[07:38:00] bananabob: hey
[07:38:00] giloth: nobody is here, heh
[07:38:00] bananabob: bugger
[07:38:00] giloth: can i ask you a question?
[07:38:00] bananabob: you any good with ivtv and nz?
[07:38:00] bananabob: lol you can try :D
[07:38:00] giloth: pretty simple (i think)
[07:39:00] kormoc (~kormoc@ Quit ("brb")
[07:39:00] giloth: i have a few different problems with mythtv right now (a few are interconnected i believe)... my main problem right now is with audio. when i start mythtv'd 'Watch TV' the audio plays but it's out of sync. i believe it's trying to use live audio rather than recorded audio (timeshifting) because the audio keeps playing when i rewind (live audio) and keeps playing when i exit the frontend
[07:39:00] giloth: the backend log says that its missing the assigned codec for audio and video, but i don't know where to get either of them
[07:39:00] giloth: i don't think i use ivtv
[07:39:00] bananabob: what happens when you play a recorded video?
[07:40:00] bananabob: ivtv is for hauppage...
[07:40:00] giloth: the mpeg2 based ones right?
[07:40:00] xris: heh. just got a call from my parents in sweden... anyone want to rescue my dad? he can't get his laptop to connect to the net.  ;)
[07:40:00] giloth: thought i read that somewhere actually
[07:40:00] wswanson ( has joined #mythtv-users
[07:40:00] giloth: xris, oh how lovely :)
[07:40:00] bananabob: giloth: indeed
[07:40:00] xris: man, technology is so cool.
[07:40:00] wunderkin ( Quit ()
[07:40:00] giloth: doin it remotely? oh guess you can't – not connected and all :)
[07:41:00] bananabob: i just can't get mine to tune to anything.. all i get is static except on the composite... latest ivtv. new zealand... the microtune 4049 fm5
[07:41:00] xris: giloth: yeah. I think he's just stuck unless poking at it enough gets it to work (it's a mac, so it should be fairly automatic)
[07:41:00] smoke_ ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[07:41:00] giloth: bananabob, i have a hauppauge, but its an older one that doesn't have mpeg2 built in
[07:41:00] bananabob: ahh
[07:42:00] giloth: i think i kinda figured it out, but not sure
[07:42:00] giloth: i don't have RTjpeg or the default audio codec which i think is just mp3, but not sure
[07:43:00] giloth: and after googling i think libbgrab has them
[07:43:00] bananabob: sound being out is lost on me.. mines always been insync (lol)
[07:43:00] bananabob: i've been googling for hours
[07:43:00] giloth: well like i said, its trying to play live tv sound rather than timeshifted sound
[07:44:00] giloth: that is why it's out of sync
[07:44:00] giloth: video is being timeshifted
[07:44:00] bananabob: probably the way its cabled?
[07:45:00] giloth: nah – cabling is fine – i ended up having to do a reinstallation of linux a few days ago and it worked fine before that
[07:45:00] bananabob: ahh
[07:45:00] bananabob: weird
[07:45:00] giloth: only difference is that i'm using gnome now and not kde, like i was
[07:45:00] kormoc (~kormoc@ has joined #mythtv-users
[07:45:00] giloth: however, i did use it a couple times on gnome back then too
[07:45:00] giloth: it's strange
[07:46:00] giloth: yum update v4l << maybe that'll do the trick :-D
[07:47:00] ** xris curses patch .rej files **
[07:50:00] bananabob: debian here, but yeah... perhaps i will
[07:50:00] xris: yay trac is so cool
[07:52:00] giloth: where can i find RTJpeg? i can't seem to locate it by googling
[07:53:00] cortezdapimp ( Quit ()
[07:55:00] xris: giloth: what about it?
[07:55:00] giloth: i don't have it according to myth
[07:57:00] xris: to compile it in?
[08:01:00] bananabob: guess i'll move to 2.6 kernel.. see how that goes
[08:01:00] giloth ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:01:00] bananabob ( Quit ("Client exiting")
[08:02:00] xris: patch, patch, patch, patch.....
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[08:07:00] Agrajag-: hey xris can you modify the emailing script for svn so that it links to tickets and checkins?
[08:07:00] xris: Agrajag-: didn't isaac do that already?
[08:08:00] xris: oh, you mean to pull out the ### stuff and create a list of links?
[08:08:00] xris: hmm, that's cool...
[08:08:00] Agrajag-: yeah
[08:08:00] xris: yeah, I bet I can.
[08:08:00] Agrajag-: so #95 would have a link (perhaps at the bottom of the email as you dont want html emails)
[08:08:00] xris: yeah. really cool idea.
[08:08:00] xris: I want to rewrite that damn script anyway.. it's shitty code.
[08:08:00] Agrajag-: yeah, i use cvstrac here at work and we do that, very useful
[08:08:00] Agrajag-: heh
[08:09:00] chuggs ( Quit ()
[08:10:00] xris: yeah, I bet.
[08:12:00] xris: heh. I can technically even do that on work time. though I'm short on that lately.
[08:16:00] kormoc is now known as kormoc|afk
[08:16:00] ** xris is a commit-demon tonight. heh. **
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[08:24:00] cortezdapimp ( Quit ()
[08:27:00] SlicerDicer-: hi xris
[08:27:00] SlicerDicer-: question for ya if you have a moment
[08:27:00] rjune ( has left #mythtv-users
[08:29:00] xris: sure
[08:29:00] xris: just know that you're distracting me from one of the few moments I'm paying attention to mythweb.  ;)
[08:29:00] SlicerDicer (~Slicer@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:32:00] SlicerDicer-: hehe
[08:32:00] SlicerDicer-: I will leave you alone
[08:34:00] rjune ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:34:00] xris: SlicerDicer-: notice the ;)
[08:35:00] SlicerDicer-: yep :)
[08:35:00] SlicerDicer-: nah I was just going to ask you a question about mythweb
[08:35:00] SlicerDicer-: if I did something wrong or is the recorded programs preview thingo not working properly
[08:42:00] poonj ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:42:00] poonj: hey guys...I was wondering what program I could use to make DVDs out of the video I record through mythtv..
[08:42:00] xris: SlicerDicer-: preview pixmap is slightly broken in the released version
[08:42:00] xris: or can be
[08:43:00] xris: poonj: nuvexport
[08:43:00] poonj: xris, after I export there a program I could use to burn dvds that can be played on regular dvd players?
[08:44:00] xris: k3b
[08:44:00] xris: wait, no, that doesn't work.
[08:45:00] xris: I forget the name of the program that'll turn mpg into vob.
[08:45:00] xris: though there's also nuv2disk that'll even make dvd menus for you.
[08:46:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:46:00] poonj: I'm new to the whole making DVD arena..
[08:46:00] twisted_one ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:46:00] poonj: so I have a tv file from myth that is .nuv format
[08:46:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:46:00] poonj: so then I have to convert that file to another format..
[08:47:00] poonj: and there is a program to create menus?
[08:47:00] poonj: as in the menus that typically show up in the beginning of a dvd disc?
[08:48:00] twisted_one ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:49:00] twisted_one ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:51:00] giloth ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:51:00] giloth: yay – a/v are in sync now and working correctly :)
[08:53:00] giloth: another problem has risen however, muhaha.. anyway overlays are preventing me from watching myth on my actual tv using tv-out... i went to the xorg.conf and disabled overlays, but the video lags like you wouldn't believe... any possible workarounds on this?
[08:53:00] virsys ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[08:56:00] giloth: hello?
[09:01:00] mchou ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:02:00] giloth: hi mchou
[09:02:00] giloth: you have any experience with tvout with mythtv? :)
[09:02:00] SlicerDicer-: thanks xris sorry had to run
[09:02:00] mchou: woohoo!
[09:02:00] SlicerDicer-: hi mchou
[09:02:00] mchou: it looks avermedia a180 might be supported in linux.
[09:02:00] mchou: hi SlicerDicer-
[09:03:00] mchou: man, that would be so cool.
[09:03:00] poonj: mchou, do you know where I can find information on DVD authoring?
[09:03:00] twisted_one ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:03:00] mchou: poonj: no idea
[09:03:00] poonj: mchou, like a howto or something...umm okay
[09:03:00] giloth: overlays are preventing me from watching myth on my actual tv using tv-out... i went to the xorg.conf and disabled overlays, but the video lags like you wouldn't believe... any possible workarounds on this?
[09:04:00] SlicerDicer-: poonj, did you try google for 'dvd authoring howto"?
[09:05:00] mchou: No need for expensive HDTV cards....:)
[09:05:00] poonj: yeah..I found one....but I wanted as many resources as possible
[09:05:00] poonj: SlicerDicer, thanks
[09:05:00] SlicerDicer-: well I am sure there is a ton of them
[09:06:00] xris: man, no one told me the nuvexport page was down
[09:07:00] mchou: looks the Fusion will make it to linux too.....
[09:07:00] mchou: that'd be sweet.
[09:07:00] SlicerDicer-: hey mchou I am getting a new cellphone I am hoping to eventually get it to work with mythtv or at least thats the goal
[09:08:00] mchou: there is no way BBTI can continue charging >$159 for the HDTV card.
[09:08:00] mchou: SlicerDicer-: what the hell for?
[09:08:00] SlicerDicer-: haha
[09:08:00] SlicerDicer-: I love it
[09:08:00] mchou: you wanna get phonecalls while watching TV? :)
[09:08:00] SlicerDicer-: well I am getting the phone for other purposes
[09:09:00] SlicerDicer-: but why not try to make it interface with mythtv and play movies
[09:09:00] SlicerDicer-: I think it would be funny as hell
[09:09:00] mchou: sigh. kids.
[09:09:00] SlicerDicer-: be walking around my house watching movies
[09:09:00] SlicerDicer-: 520mhz cpu should be plenty eh?
[09:09:00] mchou: who wants to watch a postage stamp movie?
[09:09:00] SlicerDicer-: postage stamp my ass
[09:10:00] SlicerDicer-: . . . ;code=121444
[09:10:00] mchou: uh, that's not a phone.
[09:10:00] SlicerDicer-: bullshit
[09:10:00] SlicerDicer-: gprs triband
[09:11:00] SlicerDicer-: The unit is a fully integrated voice enabled GSM/GPRS portable personal computing device that runs the phone edition of Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition and features a built-in XVGA-resolution (1.3 megapixel) digital camera. Also features an SDIO slot, so you can use memory cards as well as other devices like GPS cards.
[09:11:00] mchou: SlicerDicer-: I think it's a complete waste
[09:11:00] mchou: as far as mythtv is concerned.
[09:11:00] SlicerDicer-: well I am getting the phone for other uses than that but it would be fun to experiment with
[09:12:00] SlicerDicer-: consider that the phones that I typically get are that costly if not more and dont do everything that one does so its full worth it to me
[09:12:00] mchou: you better make sure you can rotate the display. :)
[09:12:00] SlicerDicer-: yep you can
[09:12:00] mchou: what proc is in it?
[09:12:00] SlicerDicer-:
[09:12:00] SlicerDicer-: that will give you specs
[09:13:00] mchou: That link tells me everything except what I want to know.
[09:14:00] SlicerDicer-: eh?
[09:14:00] SlicerDicer-: scroll way down
[09:14:00] SlicerDicer-: below the accessory
[09:14:00] shiznix ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:14:00] SlicerDicer-: expansys does not know how to list things I tell ya
[09:14:00] mchou: lol, that's not enough cpu for mpeg2
[09:14:00] SlicerDicer-: 520?
[09:14:00] mchou: nope.
[09:14:00] SlicerDicer-: I run it on my 400mhz mac....
[09:15:00] mchou: a mac is powerPC
[09:15:00] SlicerDicer-: lol
[09:15:00] ** SlicerDicer- smokes more **
[09:15:00] mchou: that's like 800mhz intel
[09:16:00] SlicerDicer-: well hey it cant hurt to try man
[09:16:00] mchou: well, you know my sentiments on it.
[09:16:00] mchou: a complete waste :)
[09:16:00] SlicerDicer-: I mean what do I really do thats not a waste of time
[09:16:00] SlicerDicer-: I run gentoo for christs sake
[09:17:00] mchou: well, there ya go :)
[09:18:00] mchou: the good news is PXA includes MMX :)
[09:18:00] SlicerDicer-: hehe
[09:19:00] mchou: but I doubt it will be enough juice to decode video from myth unless it's really low res.
[09:20:00] SlicerDicer-: well I think the res on that is really low
[09:20:00] SlicerDicer-: let me check
[09:21:00] SlicerDicer-: 240x320 resolution
[09:21:00] SlicerDicer-: thats pretty small
[09:21:00] mchou: lol, you capture in myth at that res?
[09:21:00] SlicerDicer-: no....
[09:21:00] SlicerDicer-: but I could!
[09:22:00] SlicerDicer-: ffs man... wont it scale?
[09:22:00] SlicerDicer-: lol
[09:23:00] SlicerDicer-: I mean the image scales up and down for my tv
[09:23:00] SlicerDicer-: i capture at a larger resolution than 800x600 and my tv scales it down
[09:23:00] mchou: scaling takes even more CPU.
[09:23:00] Gumby (~gumby@gumby.user) Quit ("Leaving")
[09:23:00] poonj: mchou, is the audio in an HD feed 5.1?
[09:23:00] poonj: or is it just stereo?
[09:23:00] SlicerDicer-: well damn mchou
[09:23:00] SlicerDicer-: it was a fun idea
[09:24:00] mchou: depends on programming, but generally yes.
[09:24:00] SlicerDicer-: maybe I should wait for the 3G version with the 625mhz processor
[09:24:00] mchou: 5.1
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[09:24:00] mchou: I doubt even that would be enough.
[09:25:00] mchou: the PXA does not have a FULL MMX instruction set, afaik.
[09:25:00] poonj: ij
[09:25:00] poonj: ok
[09:26:00] virsys ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:28:00] SlicerDicer-: wonder if defaultro is around
[09:28:00] mchou: and the PXA is a network processor.
[09:28:00] mchou: not a general purpose processor.
[09:28:00] giloth ( Quit ("Leaving")
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[09:29:00] SlicerDicer-: too bad all the madness I just spoke of is recorded mchou  :P
[09:31:00] mchou: SlicerDicer-: well, actually it seems it does have a full MMX instruction set.
[09:31:00] SlicerDicer-: really?
[09:32:00] mchou: but only integer SSE
[09:32:00] mchou: anyway, I still think it's likely to be underpowered.
[09:33:00] SlicerDicer-: I was more concerend about streaming the video over 802.11b than the cpu
[09:33:00] nawab ( Quit ("reboot")
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[09:48:00] Tomicles ( Quit ()
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[10:06:00] Atamido ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[10:07:00] jogibear9988: is it possible to configure lirc, so that if i hold a button it goes fastforward until i stop holding??
[10:10:00] mchou ( Quit ("using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.11")
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[10:31:00] Chutt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[10:34:00] mr|venom ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:38:00] EL_Whistey: I don't mean to be rude, but the mythtv UI, though beautiful, is a real bitch to try to use.
[10:39:00] EL_Whistey: I understand that it has to be usable with a remote control, but it's painful via a keyboard.
[10:40:00] EL_Whistey: I'm continually tempted to mysql in and hack stuff in the directly.
[10:40:00] EL_Whistey: in there directly
[10:42:00] Chutt: so, help fix it.
[10:52:00] twisted_one ( Quit (
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[11:06:00] poonj ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:15:00] EL_Whistey: Chutt, I'm thinking the way to fix it would be to split it up into little libraries of unique functionality and recode the glue in a scripting language.
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[11:17:00] jogibear9988 ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:17:00] Chutt: how's that have anything at _all_ to do with the ui?
[11:17:00] EL_Whistey: Sorry, the UI's just part of it.
[11:18:00] EL_Whistey: there's a level of functionality below the UI which is problematic. For example, why the distinction between dvd tracks and stuff recorded from tv?
[11:18:00] EL_Whistey: What's the real difference?
[11:19:00] Chutt: besides, everything's already split into as small of libraries as it usefully can be
[11:19:00] Chutt: but i guess i can't expect any better suggestions
[11:19:00] chickeneater (~lastlee@chickeneater.user) Quit (
[11:19:00] fawzy ( Quit (
[11:19:00] twisted_one ( Quit (
[11:19:00] Esoteric|zZzZ ( Quit (
[11:19:00] Chutt: different plugins
[11:19:00] Chutt: different way of accessing the data
[11:20:00] Nem^1 ( Quit (
[11:20:00] didj ( Quit (
[11:20:00] vagwin ( Quit (
[11:20:00] eco ( Quit (
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[11:20:00] Chutt: dvd really has to have a navigator, which is an entire little virtual machine
[11:20:00] Nem^1 ( has joined #MythTV-Users
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[11:20:00] EL_Whistey: I may be missing something significant but aren't they all just files containing streams associated with metadata?
[11:20:00] Chutt: no, they're not
[11:21:00] EL_Whistey: what am I missing?
[11:21:00] Chutt: what i just said
[11:21:00] EL_Whistey: If I rip a dvd I get some files.
[11:21:00] EL_Whistey: If I record a tv program I get some files.
[11:21:00] Chutt: ripping a cd's stupid.
[11:21:00] Chutt: dvd, rather
[11:21:00] EL_Whistey: is it?
[11:21:00] Chutt: you lose everything that makes it worth having the dvd in the first place
[11:22:00] EL_Whistey: err.
[11:22:00] Chutt: besides
[11:22:00] Chutt: this has absolutely nothing to do with the ui
[11:22:00] Chutt: which is what you were originally bitching about
[11:22:00] EL_Whistey: That's what I started bitching about :)
[11:23:00] Chutt: and as usual, the people that bitch about stuff have absolutely no useful ideas on how to fix things
[11:24:00] EL_Whistey: Sometimes it's necessary to take a step back, Chutt, to see the picture.
[11:24:00] Chutt: yeah, that makes the ui easier to use!
[11:24:00] Chutt: i'll just take a step back
[11:24:00] Chutt: and wait for all the useful suggestions to roll right on in
[11:25:00] EL_Whistey: Heh.
[11:25:00] EL_Whistey: Ok ... here's one.
[11:26:00] EL_Whistey: The idea of a client server architecture for mythtv is a very good one, an excellent one.
[11:26:00] EL_Whistey: However: you implemented your own streaming protocol, I think/surmise.
[11:26:00] EL_Whistey: So: good idea, not so good implementation.
[11:26:00] Chutt: because nothing else existed at the time that would work
[11:26:00] EL_Whistey: So your value add in that case is the streaming protocol?
[11:27:00] Chutt: value add?
[11:27:00] EL_Whistey: mythtv's enduring contribution to the world.
[11:27:00] EL_Whistey: perhaps the implementation's great, actually. I don't know.
[11:27:00] Chutt: what the hell do i care about contributing to the world?
[11:27:00] Chutt: i wanted something that worked
[11:29:00] EL_Whistey: I guess I came from a C++ big monolithic system background and have discovered the wonders of the old unix way.
[11:29:00] Chutt: i wrote my own protocols because nothing else existed 3 years ago that would possibly work for what i needed it to
[11:29:00] EL_Whistey: and the problems.
[11:29:00] EL_Whistey: why not publish the protocols then?
[11:30:00] Chutt: because they're likely not useful for other people
[11:30:00] Chutt: and it's damn easy to figure out if anyone was interested
[11:30:00] KarlosII ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[11:30:00] Chutt: same reasoning behind the custom file format – mpeg2 would have worked, but there weren't any OSS real-time mpeg2 software encoders 3 years ago
[11:31:00] KarlosII ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:31:00] EL_Whistey: well, this is kinda why it might be worth refactoring into library + glue.
[11:31:00] Chutt: it _is_ a library and glue
[11:31:00] EL_Whistey: So when stuff works it continues to work.
[11:31:00] Chutt: it's a whole bunch of libraries
[11:31:00] EL_Whistey: the glue is C++.
[11:31:00] Chutt: so?
[11:31:00] EL_Whistey: I was thinking of scripting language glue.
[11:31:00] Chutt: scripting languages suck for ui work
[11:32:00] EL_Whistey: tcl's got some new stuff coming down the pipe.
[11:32:00] Chutt: sorry, but i get to choose what language i write my code in
[11:32:00] EL_Whistey: Hey, I quite like C++.
[11:32:00] EL_Whistey: I wrote a thing called coldstore. It's on sourceforge. I really like C++.
[11:33:00] Chutt: "This Project Has Not Released Any Files"
[11:33:00] EL_Whistey: Ah, yes, release.
[11:33:00] Chutt: how typical :p
[11:34:00] EL_Whistey: LOL.
[11:34:00] dagar ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:34:00] EL_Whistey: Dude, I was coding in C++ when cfront1.2 was the only available implementation.
[11:34:00] EL_Whistey: If you want to see files, use CVS.
[11:34:00] Chutt: right, so you're a c++ god
[11:34:00] Chutt: gotcha
[11:35:00] ** EL_Whistey shrugs, I know how to make C++ running apps persist on disk. **
[11:35:00] EL_Whistey: you know, snapshots.
[11:35:00] Chutt: <shrug>
[11:36:00] EL_Whistey: it's not an easy thing to do.
[11:36:00] EL_Whistey: anyway, this is by the by. It's not like I haven't got something to say which may be of benefit. It's like you're sure you've heard it before.
[11:36:00] EL_Whistey: Maybe you have. I dunno.
[11:37:00] Chutt: probably not the specifics
[11:37:00] Chutt: but in general, almost certainly
[11:37:00] EL_Whistey: Perhaps I should demonstrate what I mean, and we can then compare notes.
[11:37:00] EL_Whistey: Ah, well you have been at this much longer than I have.
[11:38:00] EL_Whistey: I think I will get together a bunch of low level tools, and wrap some tcl glue around 'em to do what I want.
[11:38:00] EL_Whistey: Some of it might be ripped from mythtv, if that's ok with you.
[11:38:00] Chutt: why would it?
[11:38:00] EL_Whistey: mined/ripped/sampled.
[11:38:00] Chutt: err, wouldn't it, too =)
[11:38:00] Chutt: the thing's gpl'd
[11:38:00] EL_Whistey: Yeah.
[11:39:00] EL_Whistey: I think there are some excellent concepts in mythtv.
[11:39:00] EL_Whistey: And I think the look of it is just wonderful.
[11:39:00] Chutt: only time i got annoyed when someone reused stuff of mine was when the freevo guys started grabbing my graphics
[11:39:00] EL_Whistey: yeah, well, there's a good reason for that.
[11:40:00] EL_Whistey: They look sumptuous.
[11:40:00] Chutt: theoretically, there's nothing stopping a UI wrapper for any randomass scripting language, in myth
[11:40:00] EL_Whistey: there's a really good visual aesthetic running through mythtv.
[11:40:00] Chutt: especially with the new ui code
[11:41:00] Chutt: you really think that?
[11:41:00] Chutt: the current ui's horribly disjointed
[11:41:00] EL_Whistey: I think the graphics are great.
[11:41:00] Chutt: it's been done by too many different people
[11:41:00] EL_Whistey: I think the visual look of the thing is great.
[11:41:00] EL_Whistey: yeah, ok, it doesn't hang together as a whole, but there are high spots.
[11:41:00] Chutt: uses too many different ways to do the same action in different parts of the program
[11:41:00] EL_Whistey: And anyway, the fact you chose Qt means you were after lovely eyecandy.
[11:42:00] Chutt: but i haven't used any qt ui for ages
[11:42:00] EL_Whistey: Yeah, I can see that, but the highspots are very high.
[11:42:00] Chutt: and that was the first thing to go :p
[11:42:00] Chutt: i chose qt because i hadn't used it before, and i was curious
[11:42:00] EL_Whistey: it has a consumer/industrial feel to it, the whole thing.
[11:42:00] EL_Whistey: My missus and kids relate to it as an appliance.
[11:43:00] Chutt: right, that's why the ui's all custom code
[11:43:00] Chutt: and why the current stuff sucks, too =)
[11:43:00] EL_Whistey: well, hmmm.
[11:43:00] EL_Whistey: Perhaps the GUI could be completely split off from the rest.
[11:43:00] Chutt: that's what i'm doing with the mythui library
[11:44:00] Chutt: and mostly what thor's been working towards with mfd
[11:44:00] EL_Whistey: ok. You could find others want to use that in other apps. Not tv related.
[11:44:00] Chutt: all the lower level code's in mfd, and the ui's really just a separate client app
[11:44:00] EL_Whistey: I guess it's like a kiosk UI framework.
[11:45:00] Chutt: naw, i wouldn't bother releasing it separately
[11:45:00] EL_Whistey: What's mfd? I'm a mythn00b, I don't grok the TLAs
[11:45:00] Chutt: 'myth frontend daemon'
[11:45:00] Chutt: right now it acts as a music database, playback engine, and cd ripping/encoding bits
[11:45:00] fatmatt: Chutt: are there plans to replace the whole frontend?
[11:45:00] Chutt: pretty much, yeah
[11:46:00] Chutt: the dvd ripping stuff will go into mfd, and hopefully someone will start on burning stuff
[11:46:00] Chutt: not _exactly_ sure about video playback itself, but..
[11:47:00] Chutt: uses rendevous/bonjour/whatnot to autodiscover other mfd instances on the same network
[11:47:00] Chutt: basically, mfd's a simple server that can run random other plugins that can advertise themselves as different services on the network
[11:47:00] EL_Whistey: It's not nothing to have a pretty themeable gui which interacts well with lircd and interacts with a processing backend.
[11:48:00] Chutt: well, then when that's complete, the frontend talks to mfd for most everything
[11:48:00] EL_Whistey: although the architectural relationship between the front end and lots of like parallel workflows is not beautiful.
[11:48:00] Chutt: and the frontend just becomes an even simpler client than it is now
[11:49:00] EL_Whistey: so what's mfd do? What's its purpose in life?
[11:49:00] Chutt: i just said what it does
[11:49:00] EL_Whistey: it kicks off processes and supervises them and lets the front end get status, and start and stop them and pause schedule etc?
[11:49:00] EL_Whistey: Yeah, but that's kinda mythtv specific.
[11:49:00] Chutt: so?
[11:50:00] EL_Whistey: So sometimes it's helpful to know what you're actually doing.
[11:50:00] Fat_Matt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:50:00] Chutt: err, i know what i'm doing
[11:50:00] Fat_Matt: Chutt: mfd at the moment though doesn't do the tv/video stuff?
[11:50:00] Fat_Matt: and... when you say it acts as a music database, does it not use the backend database?
[11:50:00] Chutt: right, no tv/video yet
[11:51:00] EL_Whistey: heh, not suggesting you don't know what you're doing, but is what you're doing perhaps not a specific example of something much more general and widely useful/known.
[11:51:00] Chutt: right, i didn't mean the sql db stuff
[11:51:00] Chutt: not really. not much stuff uses rendesvous :p
[11:52:00] Chutt: most of it's moving stuff out of the frontend into a separate process, really
[11:52:00] EL_Whistey: I'm familiar with the term rendezvous as an interprocess synchronisation style.
[11:52:00] Chutt: apple's stuff.
[11:52:00] EL_Whistey: Is that what you're meaning by the term, or is it a specific ... oh, ok. A specific system.
[11:52:00] Fat_Matt: is the idea that frontends would either have their own music collection or nfs access to a central collection?
[11:53:00] Chutt: fat_matt, the mfd would, and would be able to stream on demand
[11:53:00] Chutt: same with video files
[11:53:00] eco ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:54:00] ** EL_Whistey afk to pick up the spouse. **
[11:54:00] Fat_Matt: so there's no central database as such for anything apart from the tv recordings?
[11:54:00] Chutt: there's still probably be one sql server
[11:54:00] Chutt: it just won't matter at all where media is
[11:54:00] Chutt: well, s'long as it's local
[11:55:00] Chutt: multicast stuff doesn't go over the internet too well =)
[11:55:00] splAt1 is now known as splat1
[11:55:00] Fat_Matt: so I could still keep everything on a central server and use samba or something to mount it locally?
[11:56:00] Chutt: sure
[11:56:00] Fat_Matt: or I could split everythign up, distribute it
[11:56:00] Chutt: right
[11:56:00] Chutt: it really shouldn't matter
[11:56:00] Fat_Matt: my heads spinning, sounds nifty
[11:56:00] Chutt: it is =)
[11:56:00] Chutt: thor's been working on it for quite awhile
[11:58:00] Fat_Matt: where does mfe come in? is there a client app?
[11:58:00] Chutt: it's a test app for mfd
[12:00:00] Fat_Matt: if I installed mfd on a client, is there a chance it would screw up the current myth install,
[12:00:00] Chutt: sure
[12:00:00] Chutt: it shouldn't, though
[12:01:00] Fat_Matt: it doesn't connect to the current backend and make database changes? I might give it a shot when I get some time
[12:01:00] Chutt: it did at one point make database changes
[12:01:00] Chutt: if you've got a current myth install, though, it shouldn't be
[12:01:00] Chutt: but it may again in the future :p
[12:02:00] Fat_Matt: it's difficult getting access to the box I run myth on, it's in use a lot. Scheduled maintenance involves me waking up early or staying up late
[12:03:00] Fat_Matt: weird thing is, I watch less tv, but a whole lot less crap
[12:05:00] Chutt: heh
[12:05:00] Chutt: time to sleep
[12:06:00] fatmatt ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[13:19:00] steven_h: Ok, this is a very stupid question, but I've been searching google for hours... How do I get mythmusic to give me an interface like this ??
[13:19:00] steven_h: Or any sort of hierarchical/tree -based thing?
[13:20:00] Fat_Matt: I think its under music tools, create playlist
[13:21:00] Fat_Matt: ahh, the rest of that pic arrives, thats in the play window
[13:21:00] Fat_Matt: that looks cool
[13:21:00] Fat_Matt: in that case, yah, me too
[13:22:00] steven_h: yep, looks very cool. But how do I get to it... ? Tried every key on the keyboard...
[13:24:00] GreyFoxx: mine always looks like that
[13:25:00] GreyFoxx: I go to select music . pick what I want in the play list. then go out and pick "Play Music"
[13:26:00] steven_h: Hmm.. I usually go to select music, tick "all music", go back to the normal view, and see all my tracks as one hughe long list...
[13:30:00] GreyFoxx: in the music setup menu under player settings, click show entire music tree
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[14:39:00] sphing: are there any docs on the myth protocol besides the source?
[14:41:00] Geckofiend: nope
[14:41:00] sphing: lovely
[14:42:00] Geckofiend: only people who need a doc like that aren't writing code for myth itself so it's not been a priority
[14:43:00] sphing: well i'm not really happy with the myth for xbox media center... so i'm thinking about having a look for it
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[14:50:00] adante: can somebody give me some pointers as to how to the auto-transcode system works?
[14:50:00] adante: as in how do i enable it, and which profiles do i edit to configure it
[14:51:00] adante: and then after something is transcoded, how do i transcode it again to cutout the edit list
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[15:08:00] Chacabaou ( Quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))
[15:16:00] adante: well if someone can let me know how to enable this elusive option that'd be great – the only thing i can find is mythtv-setup -> 1. general -> page 7, which refers to auto-transcode and auto-commflag options, but i can't for the life of me figure out where said options are..
[15:16:00] didj: adante: in mythfrontend, tv settings->recording profiles, or something
[15:17:00] didj: then in each encoder profile, you set if you want it to auto transcode
[15:17:00] Geckofiend: of course it's silly to auto transcode, cut commercials then treansode again
[15:17:00] didj: if you capture straight to mpeg2 (some tuners + DVB), it doesnt encode, but afaik it still follows the auto transcode rules
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[15:23:00] adante: Geckofiend: unfortunately i do not have the time to go through all my shows and manually cut commercials, and my hard drive is also regrettably bounded by finite capacity
[15:24:00] diamon: So is there then a way to merely auto-cut out commercials so the recordings take up less space?
[15:24:00] adante: didj: yeah i'm running dvb.. i still can't find this auto-transcode option however
[15:25:00] adante: didj: i'm looking in mythfrontend -> setup -> recording profiles -> select transcoders
[15:25:00] didj: adante: i personally just rip to disk, edit out commercials, then transcode
[15:25:00] didj: but yea, you should have 'DVB Encoders' and 'Transcoders'
[15:25:00] adante: didj: i have 'hardware dvb encoders' and 'transcoders'
[15:25:00] didj: yee
[15:25:00] didj: thats it
[15:25:00] didj: ;P
[15:25:00] adante: which one? :]
[15:26:00] didj: if its dvb, it records the stream to disk anyway
[15:26:00] didj: w/o really "encoding"
[15:26:00] adante: when i goto hardware dvb encoders it gets me to select default, live tv, low quality and high quality  — i have no idea what this refers to?
[15:26:00] didj: but i guess, if you go into DVB encode, default profile, and check the 'Auto transcode' option
[15:26:00] didj: it should transcode after
[15:26:00] Hondo ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.67 [Fedora 1.0.4-1.3.1/20050513]")
[15:26:00] didj: umm, Default == default ;P, "live TV" == when you watch live tv ;)
[15:26:00] adante: didj: ahhh gotcha, thanks
[15:26:00] didj: low/high quality == custom options
[15:26:00] didj: when you goto record a show you can select the profile
[15:26:00] didj: which defaults to default
[15:27:00] didj: ;P
[15:27:00] adante: i'm blind hey
[15:27:00] adante: that 'auto transcode' option is in the same place as resize video for the transcode profile, so my eye just glosses over it, heh
[15:27:00] didj: so with DVB, the encoder options dont mean jack
[15:27:00] didj: caus it dumps the mpeg2 stream anyway
[15:27:00] didj: yeee
[15:27:00] didj: thats the one
[15:27:00] didj: ;P
[15:28:00] Chacabaou ( has joined #mythtv-users
[15:28:00] adante: didj: you mean i should just enable the 'auto transcode' option, ignore the rest of the settings, and edit the Transocders profile?
[15:28:00] didj: yeee
[15:29:00] didj: afaik at least
[15:29:00] adante: ok thank you :]
[15:29:00] didj: enjoy ;P
[15:30:00] adante: one more thing – any opinions on rtjpeg vs mpeg4? :]
[15:30:00] jonK: good morning
[15:30:00] diamon: That reminds me, I meant to research if it was reasonably possible to add more encoders to that...
[15:31:00] didj: adante: no idea, i just went HQ mpeg4, default bitrate, makes it about 1/4 the size
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[15:47:00] adante: thanks didj, all seems to be working good
[15:47:00] didj: cool
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[16:33:00] Beirdo: heheh
[16:33:00] Beirdo: just got a question about vservers on ubuntu... in French
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[16:46:00] D-side: morning boys.
[16:46:00] CyberKnet: morning.
[16:48:00] D-side: CyberKnet: whats shakin
[16:49:00] CyberKnet: Oh so many answers, none of them appropriate.
[16:49:00] CyberKnet: Nada. sup?
[16:50:00] D-side: not a hell of a lot. decided this morning i'm not happy with my bitrate settings, so now i'm f'ing around with them to find something better, without eating ALL of my hd space.
[16:50:00] Beirdo: D-side: where were you for the Jersey-bashing the other day? :)
[16:50:00] D-side: this is the first time i've made a change to the box in i dont know how many months.
[16:50:00] D-side: Beirdo: pfeh!
[16:50:00] Beirdo: you coulda had some fun, dude
[16:50:00] D-side: heh, how so?
[16:51:00] D-side: by "taking it", as it were?
[16:51:00] Beirdo: by antagonizing silly people who were saying BS :)
[16:51:00] D-side: oh. well then yes, yes I have to agree. heh
[16:51:00] Beirdo: I still say Newark sucks, though
[16:51:00] Beirdo: :)
[16:51:00] D-side: well it does
[16:51:00] D-side: thats the whole problem
[16:51:00] Beirdo: but I won't judge the state on one city
[16:52:00] D-side: the parts of jersey people from out-of-state see are in fact holes.
[16:52:00] Beirdo: well, two...
[16:52:00] Beirdo: Elizabeth also sucks
[16:52:00] Beirdo: heh
[16:52:00] honey (~user@2001:5c0:8fff:fffe:0:0:0:189) has left #mythtv-users
[16:52:00] D-side: newark, elizabeth, orange... same place really.
[16:52:00] Beirdo: sure looks it on the map :)
[16:52:00] D-side: verizon describes these places as "two man areas"
[16:52:00] Beirdo: heh
[16:53:00] Beirdo: one of whom is carrying an AK-47
[16:53:00] D-side: were they wont go and fix customer problems unless theres at least two trucks rolling to the same spot
[16:53:00] D-side: just about.
[16:53:00] D-side: they've had police escorts before.
[16:54:00] Beirdo: but it's no wonder that NYC residents diss Jersey.. look what they see.
[16:54:00] D-side: no, thtas just NYCer arrogance really. :)
[16:54:00] Beirdo: le hell-hole
[16:54:00] Beirdo: well, as their main experience with NJ will be Newark, you can't blame them too much
[16:55:00] D-side: pfeh. wish avidemux2 would output helpful error messages.
[16:55:00] Beirdo: yeah, that would be nice
[16:55:00] Beirdo: good luck with that
[16:55:00] D-side: all i get is "ERROR: opening A/V streams (0/0)"
[16:55:00] Beirdo: heh
[16:55:00] D-side: i'm sure you've been in the same spot. :)
[16:55:00] Beirdo: check that the index file exists
[16:55:00] D-side: what generates the index file?
[16:55:00] Beirdo: if you are using mpeg2cut, you need write access to the dir with the .nuv file in it
[16:56:00] Beirdo: if you aren't, then I dunno.. there's gotta be other messages somewhere?
[16:57:00] D-side: yeah, write access is just fine. i'm looking for ways to generate more error messages with this, like a debug flag somewhere.
[16:57:00] Beirdo: ah
[16:57:00] D-side: this worked one day, and stopped the next. i cant for the life of me figure out what i broke (or when and how)
[16:57:00] Beirdo: in desparation, you could use strace, but it will surely be a mess
[16:57:00] D-side: thats true enough.
[16:58:00] Beirdo: it may not show the issue either, but it's something to try if all else fails
[16:59:00] D-side: let me ask you a dumb question and then i'll leave you alone.
[17:00:00] Beirdo: heh
[17:00:00] D-side: when in nuvexport (if you know) did the ability to rename output files go away?
[17:00:00] Beirdo: they are autogenerated now to my knowledge
[17:00:00] Beirdo: but shouldn't overwrite current files or each other
[17:01:00] D-side: i'm wondering if its not liking the original filenames for some reason.
[17:01:00] Beirdo: it's possible
[17:01:00] Beirdo: I don't recall seeing that problem, but it's certainly a possibility
[17:02:00] Beirdo: some retard brought in an empty jewel case.. well THAT CD will be tough to rip today
[17:02:00] Beirdo: the CD's in the laptop at home still
[17:03:00] D-side: haha
[17:04:00] Beirdo: must remember to look IN the jewel cases.
[17:05:00] Beirdo: wow, audioscrobbler's having some nice scaling issues
[17:05:00] Beirdo:
[17:06:00] jonK ( Quit ("My damn controlling terminal disappeared!")
[17:06:00] Beirdo: heh, you can see what I was listening to a lot last week :)
[17:07:00] rsdvd: there anyone here who could help me with a problem with DVB?
[17:07:00] laga: is here anyone who could help me with meta questions? ;)
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[17:15:00] D-side: hrm. wonder if this would tank like this if xvfb wasnt working
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[17:16:00] Beirdo: try without it
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[17:26:00] D-side: Beirdo: first trying to figure out if i have working xvfb support to begin with. :)
[17:26:00] Beirdo: heh
[17:29:00] D-side: any tips? :)
[17:29:00] Mrgoose (~none@ has joined #mythtv-users
[17:29:00] Mrgoose: hello
[17:29:00] Mrgoose: does the pvr500MCE work well with mythtv yet?
[17:30:00] Beirdo: D-side: not particularly...
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[17:30:00] D-side: Beirdo: s'okay. i *did* just update xorg, that could be it.
[17:30:00] D-side: Mrgoose: some people have had success.
[17:31:00] Beirdo: it could be that
[17:31:00] Mrgoose: D-side: so whats the difference between the 150 and 250
[17:32:00] ** Beirdo slaps Mrgoose **
[17:32:00] Beirdo: there's a channel FAQ you know
[17:32:00] Mrgoose: ha
[17:32:00] Mrgoose: sup Beirdo
[17:32:00] Beirdo: and Hauppauge's site does cover that nicely
[17:33:00] Mrgoose: well
[17:33:00] Mrgoose: looking at the hauppage comparison chart
[17:33:00] Mrgoose: the 150 and 250 are the same
[17:33:00] Beirdo: they aren't
[17:33:00] Mrgoose:
[17:33:00] Beirdo: the chipset is different
[17:34:00] Mrgoose: oh
[17:35:00] Mrgoose: i guess i'lil jst get a pvr350 and a pvr250
[17:35:00] Beirdo: in particular, the one that connects to the PCI bus
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[17:36:00] Mrgoose: Beirdo
[17:37:00] Mrgoose: can a machine that is a frontend/backend also be connected to another backend/frontend
[17:37:00] Beirdo: of course
[17:37:00] Mrgoose: so say i have a pvr350 in one frontend machine and a 250 in another
[17:38:00] mongob0ffel ( Quit ("I R QUIT")
[17:53:00] jonK ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:56:00] jonK: anyone around for a question?
[17:56:00] diamon: Considering the CPU usage that PVR-*50 cards need you might be as well off putting both in one combined system.
[17:57:00] hadeees ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:59:00] KaZeR: thanks all, bye!
[17:59:00] KaZeR (~kazer@ Quit (""Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC"")
[18:02:00] Discipulus ( Quit (Connection timed out)
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[18:11:00] kormoc ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[18:13:00] CyberKnet: hey kormoc
[18:13:00] CyberKnet: How'd things go last night?
[18:13:00] kormoc: Mornin CyberKnet
[18:13:00] kormoc: I got a image out of it, but I can't seem to get the tuner working at all.
[18:13:00] kormoc: it's stuck on PAX :/
[18:13:00] CyberKnet: Hmmm...
[18:14:00] CyberKnet: TV sucks when it is stuck on pax
[18:14:00] CyberKnet: is your start channel valid?
[18:14:00] ** kormoc nods **
[18:14:00] CyberKnet: *raises eyebrow*
[18:14:00] kormoc: yeah, tis odd
[18:14:00] kormoc: I also get a tveeprom error
[18:14:00] CyberKnet: Hmmmm.
[18:15:00] CyberKnet: what version of ivtv are you using?
[18:15:00] ** kormoc checks **
[18:16:00] kormoc: 0.2.0 rc-3
[18:16:00] kormoc: newest stable
[18:16:00] CyberKnet: did you see this: //" rel="nofollow"> . . . sg31321.html
[18:16:00] CyberKnet: ?
[18:17:00] ** kormoc peers **
[18:18:00] __Ace__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:18:00] ** Atamido only has luck with the latest 0.3.x line. **
[18:18:00] xris ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:18:00] ChanServ sets mode +v xris
[18:19:00] Atamido: o_O
[18:20:00] kormoc: Atamido, ooh? with a m179?
[18:20:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: what firmware are you using?
[18:20:00] Tommck ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:20:00] jonK: anyone able to help me with a mythfilldatabase zap2it problem: I'm getting a 500 internal server error response
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[18:21:00] kormoc: CyberKnet, latest from hauppauge, people have told me that any happauge will work with it.
[18:21:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: suggestions on the ivtv list are running to "try tuner.ko that comes with the kernel instead of tuner.ko that comes with ivtv
[18:21:00] LedHed ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:21:00] CyberKnet: and are suggesting 0.3.5r
[18:22:00] LedHed: morning folks
[18:22:00] CyberKnet: fwiw, I found installation of 0.3 no more difficult than 0.1/0.2
[18:22:00] CyberKnet: morning LH
[18:23:00] kormoc: CyberKnet, intresting, I'll give that a shot then, it's more 0.2.0 is in portage and I'm lazy :)
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[18:23:00] Tommck_ is now known as Tommck__
[18:23:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: aah =)
[18:23:00] Tommck__ ( has left #mythtv-users
[18:23:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: compiling ivtv is very easy, you know =) As long as you have your kernel sources configured the same as your running kernel.
[18:23:00] kormoc: of course. :)
[18:24:00] CyberKnet: I also wanted to use the atrpms compiled ivtv on my FC box. but alas, it would not work.
[18:24:00] CyberKnet: so I understand the draw.
[18:24:00] kormoc: I'll just write a ebuild for the newer version, tis not that hard
[18:24:00] CyberKnet: heh
[18:24:00] kormoc: tho, ivtvcrl is reporting VIDEO_STATUS = bad
[18:24:00] CyberKnet: yep, that's what the posts to the mailing lists were saying.
[18:25:00] LedHed: I'm looking at installing 0.18.1 on FC4, but I'm having trouble compiling. I get an error with common.h. which seems to have something to do with MMX. (I hate compiling)
[18:25:00] CyberKnet: LedHed: dunno. I still use FC2.
[18:25:00] LedHed: Ya I wich I was still on FC1.  :)
[18:25:00] LedHed: wish
[18:26:00] kormoc: CyberKnet, I also had to manually load tuner and saa7115, which was oddish
[18:26:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: that seems very odd. I never had to do that.
[18:26:00] xris: so mythweb svn fans should update.
[18:26:00] LedHed: Is it normal for the swap to be almost full on a frontend with 256mb ram?
[18:26:00] CyberKnet: everything loaded up just fine on its own.
[18:27:00] CyberKnet: xris: what did you add to svn that we would like?
[18:27:00] rezn ( Quit ("leaving")
[18:27:00] xris: just committed a bunch of pending patches.
[18:28:00] stoffel ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:28:00] ChanServ sets mode +v stoffel
[18:28:00] diamon: LedHead: Nearly full doesn't sound right. How much swap space is that?
[18:29:00] kormoc: CyberKnet,
[18:29:00] kormoc: CyberKnet, there's my dmesg stuff
[18:29:00] LedHed: diamon, 512mb
[18:30:00] CyberKnet: the i2c errors are okay.
[18:30:00] diamon: The 'failed to load tuner' and 'failed to load saa7115' errors aren't good though.
[18:30:00] CyberKnet: what input are you capturing from?
[18:30:00] diamon: LedHed: That's not very good. How full does the swap get?
[18:31:00] LedHed: 90–95%
[18:31:00] kormoc: CyberKnet, tuner-0
[18:31:00] kormoc: diamon, yeah, I manually loaded them for this one, else they just don't get loaded.
[18:32:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: Hmmm. I would definitely try 0.3 instead.
[18:33:00] ** kormoc nods **
[18:35:00] diamon: Odd that the later load doesn't show though, you sure they're loading?
[18:35:00] kormoc: yeah
[18:35:00] kormoc: they load before ivtv
[18:38:00] diamon: LedHed: Ok, I'm thinking 90% usage on 256Mb ram is a bit on the 'way too darn high' side in my book.
[18:39:00] aent (~skobel@ Quit ("Leaving")
[18:39:00] diamon: LedHed: Most of my systems have 512 or 1Gb ram, so I may be a bit spoiled, but you may be well served adding another 256–512Mb RAM in that system, or cutting down the amount of unneeded services running, like print queues, etc.
[18:39:00] kormoc: CyberKnet, .3.6z is installing
[18:41:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: if that doesn't work, I saw a post that said r worked for the m179
[18:41:00] diamon: I'm currently using about 3Mb of swap on a system with 1Gb ram and a pretty badass (if I say so myself) MythTV setup.
[18:41:00] LedHed: that was my thought also. I rebooted it and now after 24hrs its at 66mb of 512mb. I'll keep an eye on it. I don't think a frontend needs 512mb. But I'm not a linux expert.
[18:41:00] diamon: Frankly, I'm not used to much memory usage really, so my perception may be a bit off, but if you're more heavily into swap than main memory, I usually suggest an upgrade.
[18:41:00] CyberKnet: diamon: Yeah. I have 768mb ram, 768mb swap, 0 swap used.
[18:42:00] kormoc: CyberKnet,
[18:42:00] kormoc: CyberKnet, that look better?
[18:42:00] diamon: If nothing else, HDD's are on the order of 100 to 1000 times slower than RAM, so RAM is far preferrable to swap.
[18:42:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: Yes, much.
[18:43:00] ** kormoc nods **
[18:43:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: try and change channel, and do a test capture.
[18:43:00] CyberKnet: I have a script for my 500 that sets all the appropros if you like
[18:43:00] LedHed: I agree that ram is better than swap. But I dont see why it would need more than 256mb. Unless 2.6/FC3 needs more ram than the 2.4 kernel.
[18:43:00] LedHed: When I was on FC1 and Myth 0.16 I never had a swap issue.
[18:44:00] diamon: The 2.6 kernel does need more, it uses the first 4Mb of RAM (or was it 16?) instead of the first 1Mb, so there are some size differences, but it shouldn't be huge. I'd bet it's other programs and services that are running up the memory usage.
[18:45:00] agile ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:46:00] LedHed: Strange. Its not running much other than X11/Gnome, MythFrontend, Xine... Most of the other services are off.
[18:46:00] diamon: kormoc: I note your encoder and decoder firmwares vary from each other. FYI, I had hell with my audio on a PVR-150 (not the same, but what the hell) until I got my firmware and roms all from the same source. YMMV and all.
[18:46:00] kormoc: diamon, yeah, hrm. any ideas on how to fix that?
[18:47:00] diamon: kormoc: I used the script and my CD that came with my card to get everything from one source.
[18:47:00] CyberKnet: diamon: he didn't get a cd.
[18:47:00] kormoc: ahh, I don't have a cd :)
[18:48:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: also, there isn't a firmware in a usable format on that cd that I know if.
[18:48:00] kormoc: any idea what firmware you used?
[18:48:00] diamon: It would work from the downloaded drivers, there's just more manual finessing. Assuming the M179 does things the same way anyway.
[18:48:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: you might find this useful:
[18:48:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: I wouldn't worry about it too much until you know for certain that the current build doesn't work.
[18:49:00] Atamido: kormoc: No, with a 500mcd
[18:49:00] Atamido: *mce
[18:49:00] EL_Whistey ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[18:50:00] kormoc: CyberKnet, you gave me a link to my own pastebin post?
[18:50:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: with a bash script at the top
[18:50:00] diamon: Encoder revision 0x02050032, MD5 of mwmakoa.rom was 3a4803384f749d644ee1f1ca9dcb12fa. And Cyber's right, I wouldn't bugger with it unless it doesn't work, I was just mentioning. My AGC wouldn't work until I got all my roms together and upgraded to the latest 2.x release.
[18:51:00] diamon: Err, mwmakoa==HcwMakoA.ROM.
[18:51:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: usage: <filename> <device> so I named the shell script capture, and then I can just execute "capture 0" or "capture 1"
[18:51:00] kormoc: CyberKnet, I don't see it
[18:51:00] CyberKnet: gah
[18:51:00] CyberKnet: 17636
[18:51:00] diamon: Cyber: You mean 'capture /tmp/crudcapture.tmp 0'?
[18:51:00] kormoc: ahh, there we go :)
[18:52:00] CyberKnet: diamon: no, I saved the shell script as "capture" in my user bin directory, then I execute "capture 0"
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[18:52:00] kormoc: diamon, it auto records to videoX.mpg
[18:52:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: hit ctrl-c to stop it capturing.
[18:53:00] diamon: Oh, nifty.
[18:53:00] CyberKnet: it's just a very short script. very basic. but I got tired of setting the input, setting the width/height, setting ntsc, changing channel then starting a capture.
[18:53:00] CyberKnet: so I scripted it.
[18:53:00] CyberKnet: I'm sure everyone does that sooner or later.
[18:53:00] ** kormoc nods **
[18:53:00] kormoc: what channel does it get set to?
[18:53:00] CyberKnet: just figured you could do without having to script it yourself.
[18:54:00] CyberKnet: five
[18:54:00] CyberKnet: you can change that on the line
[18:54:00] CyberKnet: you may need to tweak that PATH
[18:54:00] ** kormoc nods **
[18:54:00] kormoc: I need to install ptune :P
[18:54:00] CyberKnet: and you will definitely need to tweak the INPUT
[18:54:00] CyberKnet: probably to 4
[18:54:00] kormoc: 4?
[18:55:00] kormoc: 4 seems composite no?
[18:55:00] CyberKnet: not sure.
[18:56:00] diamon: LedHed: I'm showing my FC3 system to have extras running like CUps and pcmcia services, not sure if those might save you some memory to do without. And maybe trim down the AGP memory buffer, to 32 or 64Mb, I think the kernel tries harder for 2.6 to actually reserve the AGP aperature size in memory, which might be a good chunk of your problem.
[18:57:00] diamon: Many motherboards try to save 256 or 128Mb, so maybe try scooting that down a notch or two. I doubt I'd go below 32Mb, just to be safe.
[18:58:00] LedHed: my AGP buffer is at 4mb. PCMCIA, Cups, Sendmail, IPTables, Bluetooth, ISND, IRDA, all off.
[18:59:00] KillerBunny ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:59:00] LedHed: what is mingetty? I've got 6 of the running?
[18:59:00] Fat_Matt: how do youscale down the AGP buffer?
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[18:59:00] diamon: Wow, 4Mb? I wouldn't have trimmed it that much.
[18:59:00] LedHed: Fat_Matt, it in the Bios
[18:59:00] diamon: Fat_Matt: THat's a BIOS option.
[18:59:00] Fat_Matt: oohh, okay, reboot time
[18:59:00] diamon: 16Mb is about as low as I go.
[18:59:00] Fat_Matt: righto
[19:00:00] Fat_Matt ( Quit ("fatmatt goes to ride the magic bus")
[19:00:00] LedHed: Its using a PCI video card. 4mb was the minimum....  ;)
[19:00:00] diamon: Always glad when I do collateral help instead of collateral damage.  :)
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[19:02:00] LedHed: When playing a movie through MythDVD/Xine. Top shows that X is using 25% CPU and Xine is only using 15%. That seems strange. Why would X be using that much CPU?
[19:03:00] Chutt: pci video card
[19:03:00] LedHed: yup
[19:03:00] diamon: Led: PCI requires more handholding than AGP, would be my bet.
[19:03:00] Chutt: slooow
[19:03:00] LedHed: I blew out my AGP slot.  ;)
[19:03:00] diamon: LedHed: How so?
[19:04:00] LedHed: put a older card in the AGP slot that was not designed for that voltage....
[19:04:00] CyberKnet: that's talent for you =P"
[19:04:00] diamon: Oh, ow ow owwww. They're serious about that sticker, the one that says USE AGP 2.0 OR HIGHER ONLY!
[19:04:00] LedHed: yup. It didn't occure to me that there were different voltages on AGP cards...
[19:04:00] mirak__ ( Quit (Client Quit)
[19:04:00] mirak_ ( Quit (Client Quit)
[19:05:00] diamon: Arrgh. So, how many caps did you blow?
[19:05:00] kormoc: if it helps, I found that a pci nvidia card is about 1/3 the speed of the same card agp style
[19:05:00] LedHed: none. Just the Video card and the AGP slot. I can actually use the AGP slot but as soon as I try to load the GART it craps out....
[19:06:00] fatmatt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:06:00] diamon: LedHed: Yeah, sounds like a physical slot burnout. Bleh. Well, if you're VERY bored one day and handy with a soldering iron....
[19:06:00] diamon: fatmatt: Find it?
[19:06:00] fatmatt: I don't have any agp/video options in the bios
[19:06:00] fatmatt: prettybasic
[19:07:00] LedHed: I would just replace the MoBo but I have a LCD Soldered to the LPT port and Lirc Reciever soldered to the Serial....
[19:07:00] tim: kormoc, what about pci express?
[19:07:00] kormoc: tim, that should be == or faster then agp, but I donno, never worked with it.
[19:07:00] tim: cool thx
[19:07:00] diamon: Checked under Chipset options? It should be called AGP Texture memory or something like that, or AGP Aperature Size.
[19:07:00] LedHed: its a faster bus, but cards arent really taking advantage of it yet...
[19:08:00] diamon: LedHed: That's why I always spring a buck-fifty to get the serial port connectors from radio shack...
[19:08:00] LedHed: kinda like agp 1.0 was to PCI.
[19:09:00] LedHed: diamon, I soldered them to keep the Case clean. I dont want wires running all over the outside of the case... So I ran them inside...
[19:09:00] fatmatt: I don't think there was even a chipset options, laptop, award bios, weird
[19:09:00] diamon: fatmatt: Oh, laptops always have far more limited BIOS than desktops.
[19:09:00] fatmatt: had advanced options to get at irqs for serial/parallel ports, but nothing really useful
[19:10:00] LedHed: fatmatt, with a laptop the Bios is usually very customixed to the specific hardware and doesnt give you to many options.
[19:10:00] kormoc: CyberKnet, back to just a black screen.
[19:10:00] Roots^ ( Quit ("(+AcEmAsTr`) he's guilty if you ask me, but he's a smoooooooth criminal")
[19:10:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: change the input
[19:10:00] diamon: You'd probably have to buy a Mr. BIOS for the laptop for access to the fancy options, if they have one.
[19:11:00] kormoc: CyberKnet, duh... :P
[19:11:00] LedHed: anyone had luck installing 0.18.1 on FC4 yet?
[19:11:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: heh =) So just try all the inputs and see which one works =)
[19:12:00] diamon: And now I run off for a bit...
[19:12:00] LedHed: c-ya
[19:13:00] LedHed: anyone here use MythLCD?
[19:13:00] GrantM (~NNSCRIPT@ Quit ("( :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: )")
[19:14:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: Try input 3, I think that will work
[19:14:00] CyberKnet: (3 is the 4th input)
[19:14:00] kormoc: input 4 does get myself a image, not sure what it is yet...
[19:14:00] kormoc: hrm, odd
[19:15:00] fatmatt: whats mythLCD do?
[19:15:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: you're not sure what it is?
[19:16:00] CyberKnet: are you capturing from RF, or composite?
[19:16:00] kormoc: it's not what I'm tuning to
[19:16:00] kormoc: RF
[19:17:00] kormoc: still only tuning in PAX, channel isn't changing
[19:17:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: what tuner type did you tell it?
[19:17:00] CyberKnet: tuner=
[19:17:00] kormoc: 2
[19:17:00] CyberKnet: oh yeah, I see that now in dmesg sorry
[19:18:00] kormoc: tis okay
[19:18:00] CyberKnet: what happens when you type ptune -d 0 10
[19:18:00] CyberKnet: er
[19:18:00] CyberKnet:
[19:18:00] kormoc: Error: Video Dev = '0' is invalid! No such file or directory
[19:19:00] CyberKnet: oops
[19:19:00] kormoc: if I do -d /dev/video0
[19:19:00] CyberKnet: yeah
[19:19:00] kormoc: Ch.10: 193250 3092
[19:19:00] CyberKnet: my bad sorry
[19:19:00] CyberKnet: and a quick capture still reveals PAX?
[19:20:00] CyberKnet: hard to tell that it's not the right channel, I guess.
[19:20:00] kormoc: it's just a black screen now...
[19:20:00] CyberKnet: what happens if you do a ivtvctl -d /dev/video0 -p 3
[19:21:00] CyberKnet: and then -d /dev/video0 10
[19:21:00] kormoc: ioctl VIDIOC_S_INPUT ok
[19:21:00] kormoc: Video input set to 3
[19:21:00] CyberKnet: and then try a capture
[19:21:00] Drizzt321|ssh ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:21:00] CyberKnet: without using the capture script
[19:21:00] CyberKnet: cat /dev/video0 >file.mpg
[19:21:00] ** kormoc nods **
[19:21:00] CyberKnet: black/pax/10?
[19:22:00] kormoc: black
[19:22:00] CyberKnet: at which input number did you have the tuner?
[19:23:00] CyberKnet: 4, 2, 1 or 0?
[19:23:00] kormoc: 4 iirc
[19:23:00] CyberKnet: try 0
[19:23:00] kormoc: -p 0?
[19:23:00] CyberKnet: yep
[19:23:00] CyberKnet: this is why I set up that script. so I could get those commands to execute quickly. edit, run, ctrl-c
[19:23:00] CyberKnet: =P"
[19:24:00] CyberKnet: while I was looking for the tuner on the 500
[19:24:00] ** kormoc likes dd for this one **
[19:25:00] CyberKnet: you prefer dd than cat with a redirect?
[19:25:00] kormoc: yeah, cause I can say, only get 128k and stop :)
[19:26:00] kormoc: black screen with 0
[19:26:00] CyberKnet: aha
[19:26:00] CyberKnet: I think I would like dd for it too then
[19:26:00] CyberKnet: I guess 4 must be it then.
[19:26:00] LedHed: fatmatt, MythLCD displays mythtv information such as Menu Title, Track title, Movie title, Movie time, Etc.... on a VFD/LCD Display....
[19:27:00] CyberKnet: but as to why it wont change channel ... I don't know.
[19:27:00] CyberKnet: Maybe someone else with more ivtv knowledge than myself might know
[19:27:00] CyberKnet: such as our own never ending found of knowledge, Chutt.
[19:27:00] LedHed: kormoc, is IVTV loading before or after MythBackend?
[19:28:00] kormoc: LedHed, myth isn't loading at all at this point
[19:28:00] kormoc:
[19:28:00] kormoc: dmesg output of changing all the tuner types
[19:29:00] LedHed: what distro?
[19:29:00] kormoc: gentoo
[19:30:00] LedHed: on FC3 I had to force MythBackend to load after IVTV otherwise I got Black/Blank video.
[19:30:00] kormoc: I get a picture on input 4, but I can't change the channel, it just silently fails
[19:31:00] LedHed: dump your tunner configs
[19:31:00] kormoc: hrm?
[19:31:00] CyberKnet: LedHed: he's only getting black video because we were testing the other inputs
[19:31:00] LedHed: mythtv-setup will ask you if you want to dump your tunner configs when you run it...
[19:31:00] CyberKnet: LedHed: There's a tuner input on 4, we were just looking for another one
[19:33:00] LedHed: In the past when I have had trouble changing channels it was related to the tunner config in mythtv-setup
[19:33:00] CyberKnet: LedHed: This isn't trying to change channels in mythtv yet though
[19:33:00] CyberKnet: LedHed: this is just from the command line.
[19:33:00] kormoc: LedHed, yeah, myth isn't involved at this point in the game :)
[19:34:00] LedHed: oh, he cant even change the channel from the command line?
[19:34:00] CyberKnet: LedHed: Nope.
[19:34:00] kormoc: that's right
[19:34:00] LedHed: oh, ok, makes more sense now...
[19:34:00] LedHed: what kind of card? pvr-250?
[19:34:00] kormoc: m179
[19:35:00] LedHed: humm.
[19:38:00] LedHed: Jarods howto says to use the to change channels. Is that how you are doing it?
[19:39:00] fatmatt: hmm, is there an option in myth to burn stuff to dvd?
[19:39:00] CyberKnet: LedHed: we're using because we are not at the box in question
[19:39:00] CyberKnet: fatmatt: I honestly don't know, I've never looked for it.
[19:39:00] D-side: pfeh. what did i break deamnit
[19:39:00] D-side: damnit even
[19:40:00] LedHed: fatmatt, I'm sure you can setup the job queue to do it
[19:40:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: unload ivtv, and add a debug option to ivtv debug-254
[19:40:00] CyberKnet: erm
[19:40:00] CyberKnet: 255
[19:41:00] kormoc: ivtv: Unknown parameter `debug'
[19:41:00] CyberKnet: hmmm
[19:41:00] CyberKnet: I wonder what the debug option name is
[19:41:00] CyberKnet: googling now
[19:41:00] CyberKnet: ivtv-debug=255
[19:41:00] CyberKnet: perhaps?
[19:42:00] kormoc: yeah
[19:42:00] kormoc: but it's with a _
[19:42:00] CyberKnet: then watch dmesg when a) you try to change channel and b) when you try to capture.
[19:43:00] CyberKnet: courtesy of kvandido in #ivtv-dev
[19:43:00] kormoc: useless really...
[19:43:00] kormoc: everything scrolls off with
[19:43:00] kormoc: ivtv: ======= valid IRQ bits: 0x00000400 ======
[19:43:00] kormoc: ivtv: IRQ Decoder Vsync
[19:44:00] CyberKnet: can't do something like dmesg -c >/dev/null && modprobe ivtv && dd .... && dmesg >file.txt
[19:44:00] CyberKnet: ?
[19:44:00] kormoc: could...
[19:44:00] CyberKnet: to make the file.txt you have to search through smaller
[19:45:00] CyberKnet: there's likely an error happening at either channel change time, or capture time
[19:45:00] kormoc:
[19:45:00] kormoc: channel change time
[19:46:00] agile ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:46:00] CyberKnet: what in that are you thinking the problem is?
[19:47:00] CyberKnet: the i2c client id 0.02 not found, or the result not ready, or ...
[19:47:00] CyberKnet: ?
[19:47:00] LedHed ( Quit ("Leaving")
[19:47:00] kormoc: capture dmesg
[19:47:00] kormoc: donno
[19:49:00] CyberKnet: what kernel?
[19:50:00] Mrgoose (~none@ Quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:53:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: could you get the same thing but also with the ivtv init in it as well?
[19:53:00] CyberKnet: kormoc: btw, #ivtv-dev is helping us out.
[19:53:00] kormoc: ivtv init?
[19:53:00] CyberKnet: the info ivtv prints to dmesg when it loads
[19:54:00] CyberKnet: the log in pastebin starts at "Gather 1:"
[19:54:00] CyberKnet: Hoping to get the start at "START INIT IVTV"
[20:05:00] Beirdo:
[20:05:00] Beirdo: woohoo
[20:09:00] GotD0t (~joshua@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:15:00] Discipulus ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:20:00] Exstatica (exstatica@ has joined #mythtv-users
[20:21:00] Disc ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:23:00] rtsai_: a "charitable man", ha
[20:23:00] Discipulus ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
[20:24:00] Disc is now known as Discipulus
[20:26:00] Beirdo: he charitably ripped off the world..
[20:26:00] Beirdo: have fun with Bubba, Bernie
[20:27:00] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[20:27:00] splAt1 is now known as splat1
[20:33:00] Beirdo: splat splat splat
[20:33:00] ** splat1 looks at Beirdo **
[20:33:00] Beirdo: hehe
[20:33:00] Beirdo: whoah.. he's alive?!
[20:34:00] markit ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:34:00] markit: hi :) OT, but... does anyone know how to copy a corrupted file from a DVD? my children damaged one dvd, I would like to produce a copy of it since is almost ok, but a copy of a video file stops with crc error
[20:35:00] D-side: markit: you're very likely screwed.
[20:35:00] D-side: markit: make the copy of the dvd when you buy it, and give that one to the kids. :)
[20:35:00] markit: D-side: hehehe, too late for wise suggestions
[20:35:00] Beirdo: there is a DVD/CD polishing kit you might wanna try
[20:36:00] markit: but the dvd palyer plays it, just can't produce a copy
[20:36:00] Beirdo: if it's a scratch, you can often polish/buff it out
[20:36:00] markit: Beirdo: also for scratches?
[20:36:00] Beirdo: yes
[20:36:00] Beirdo: I did that with a few of my CDs
[20:36:00] markit: I've none here, in my small town
[20:36:00] Beirdo: better than just tossing it
[20:36:00] D-side: well thats a different story.
[20:36:00] Beirdo: you can get it at Radio Shack in Canada/US, I think
[20:36:00] markit: I've seen some commercial dvd software duplicators that promise to be able to copy damaged tracks
[20:36:00] Beirdo: in Italy, no clue
[20:37:00] D-side: i've heard people have had a lot of luck with the "disc dr" thing
[20:37:00] markit: D-side: disk dr? what is it? what do you mean?
[20:37:00] Beirdo: this is a polishing compound (much like you'd use on your car to buff out small scratches in the finish)
[20:38:00] markit: ah... it fills holes in the scratched surface, to make it uniform?
[20:38:00] Beirdo: yeah, and the buffing melts the surface slightly to reflow the plastic a bit
[20:39:00] Beirdo: same basic concept
[20:39:00] markit: ok, but any software solution?
[20:39:00] Beirdo: not that I know of
[20:39:00] markit: sigh :(
[20:39:00] Beirdo: if the drive won't read it right, it won't read it
[20:39:00] D-side: it'd be nice to have something like dvdparanoia. :)
[20:39:00] Beirdo: heh
[20:39:00] markit: I would need to setup a mythtv with huge hdu, and copy dvd there
[20:40:00] markit: Beirdo: afaiu, of the 800MB od the file, not all is damaged
[20:40:00] D-side: Beirdo: my mpeg2cut problem is all f'ed up. i can get it to mostly go as a particular user, but another user with correct group settings cant. root cant.
[20:40:00] Beirdo: how odd
[20:40:00] D-side: as the user that can make it go, it fails because no mp2 file is generated
[20:40:00] markit: so having something that "fills with blanks" the damaged part and keep copying what it reads, would be great
[20:40:00] Beirdo: is Xvfb closing down after?
[20:40:00] D-side: i really dont get it, so i stopped caring for now. i'll set fresh eyes on it later.
[20:41:00] Beirdo: good plan, take a break, come back to it later
[20:41:00] D-side: i think Xvfb is working fine. the index file is generated along with the mpv, just now mp2
[20:41:00] D-side: s/now/not
[20:41:00] Beirdo: hmm, getting there
[20:42:00] Beirdo: avidemux is such a bitchy program
[20:42:00] Beirdo: wish I had more time to finish gutting it
[20:42:00] rtsai_ (~rtsai@ Quit ("leaving")
[20:42:00] D-side: at least everything else works. i havent had to mess with the box in ages.
[20:42:00] KraMer ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[20:42:00] D-side: i just jinxed myself horrible.
[20:42:00] Beirdo: always a good thing
[20:43:00] D-side: Beirdo: just for my own knowledge, an mp2 file should be generated alongside the mpv, right?
[20:43:00] Beirdo: yes, right after the video part
[20:44:00] rtsai ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:44:00] Beirdo: .m2v, then .mp2
[20:44:00] Chutt ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:44:00] Beirdo: then they get muxed back to a .mpg
[20:46:00] Discipulus ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[20:48:00] GotD0t ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:48:00] Geckofiend ( Quit (Nick collision from services.)
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[20:49:00] ChanServ sets mode +v GeckoFiend
[20:52:00] jonK: can anyone help me diagnose a mythfilldatabase problem?
[20:55:00] jonK: i get a 401 error — unautorized and then 500 internal server error over and over again
[20:55:00] hadeees: jonK, for your mysql database?
[20:55:00] hadeees: anyone here going to Defcon?
[20:55:00] Tommck ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:55:00] D-side: wonder if this is a streamtype problem.
[20:55:00] Tommck ( has left #mythtv-users
[20:55:00] jonK: hadess when i run mythfilldatabase i just get the same error over and over
[20:56:00] hadeees: put the output in a pastebin
[20:56:00] FatDarrel: anyone here have a tivo ?
[20:56:00] hadeees: FatDarrel, uh no
[20:56:00] hadeees: not likely
[20:56:00] hadeees: FatDarrel, why?
[20:56:00] FatDarrel: i gave up on mythtv gonna buy a old tivo2
[20:56:00] rtsai: I always get an initial 401 Unauthorized, followed by a 200 OK. I think it's doing some lxmsuite thing first, then falling back to zap2it
[20:56:00] FatDarrel: and use that instead
[20:56:00] rtsai: I used to have a TiVo2
[20:57:00] rtsai: gave it to my brother once I got MythTV working
[20:57:00] jonK: but it's not grabbing any data
[20:57:00] rtsai: jonK: right; you have a 500 instead of my 200
[20:57:00] hadeees: FatDarrel, um so why are you asking about Tivos in the mythtv-users channel if you gave up on mythtv
[20:57:00] rtsai: likely problem is on their end (temporary, hopefully)
[20:57:00] rtsai: FatDarrel wants us to convince him to come back to us.
[20:57:00] jonK: from th 500 error code
[20:57:00] hadeees: FatDarrel, try #tivohelp
[20:57:00] jonK: i thought the same
[20:58:00] jonK: but would have thought others would have reported the issue
[20:58:00] hadeees: jonK, wait so is it working though?
[20:58:00] rtsai: jonK: most people probably have it run at night
[20:58:00] hadeees: jonK, if so who cares
[20:59:00] jonK: I've ran it at night, in the morning, now in the middle of the day
[20:59:00] defaultro ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:59:00] FatDarrel: yeah mythtv was great but i think my pvr 250 card is messing up my mobo and my machine would crash it was a great setup but ....
[20:59:00] FatDarrel: and I need a desktop machine and I don't want o spend more than 150$ on a tv recorder but need to figure out how to extract files out of a tivo
[20:59:00] jonK: rtsai I have a tvio1 and still quite like it
[21:00:00] FatDarrel: the tivo1 was a diamond in the rough
[21:00:00] jonK: fat, look up tystudio
[21:00:00] FatDarrel: saw it at a store adn I was impressed by it
[21:00:00] rtsai: you're going to spend $400–600 on a Tivo2 ($300 subscription + box)
[21:00:00] jonK: I added a second drive and network card to my series 1 tivo
[21:01:00] rtsai: jonK: maybe your zap2it account is expired or something
[21:01:00] defaultro: anyone got any ideas on why I can't see in frontend the schedules I've set? It's still in the record table though.
[21:01:00] FatDarrel: rtsai: no buy it second hand on ebay
[21:01:00] jonK: the inital 401 i think it's trying to get an anonymous connnection
[21:01:00] jonK: and then connects using credentials
[21:01:00] jonK: masssive storm about do drivt over me
[21:01:00] Discipulus ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:02:00] FatDarrel: will there ever be hdtv based PVR's
[21:02:00] FatDarrel: there are so many standards on hdtv it is a headach
[21:02:00] jonK: rtsai:isnt the zap2it a yearlong account?
[21:02:00] defaultro: can myth be considered as hdtv based pvr FatDarrel?
[21:03:00] rtsai: jonK: zap2it is 3 months. You should get e-mail every 3 months telling you to fill out a survey
[21:03:00] rtsai: FatDarrel: my MythTV is HD
[21:04:00] FatDarrel: myth has hd support right i guess so but not with cable the qband or something ?
[21:04:00] defaultro: coz I'm using Air2pc to receive HD broacast in mythtv
[21:04:00] defaultro: they call that QAM
[21:04:00] defaultro: It is supported too
[21:04:00] defaultro: rtsai, did you see my earlier question?
[21:04:00] jonK: quam is quadrature amplitude modulation, means for sending symbols
[21:05:00] jonK: each symbol carries a number of bits
[21:05:00] jonK: qam16/qam256
[21:05:00] rtsai: defaultro: no
[21:05:00] FatDarrel: air2pc is a hdtv card right ?
[21:05:00] rtsai: FatDarrel: . . . amp;n=507846
[21:05:00] D-side: no mp2 file. i dont get it.
[21:05:00] jonK: storm almsot here... just watching ligtning
[21:06:00] Beirdo: have a good storm
[21:06:00] rtsai: "have fun storming the castle!"
[21:06:00] defaultro: rtsai, got any ideas on why I can't see in frontend the schedules I've set before? It's still in the record table though. The issue just started yesterday.
[21:06:00] FatDarrel: what is the easiest mythttv distro no hacking waht so ever
[21:06:00] fatmatt ( Quit ("fatmatt goes to ride the magic bus")
[21:06:00] rtsai: defaultro: your question is too vague. Are you wearing a blindfold?
[21:07:00] D-side: now i'm getting angry. why isnt this grabbing the audio track damnit
[21:07:00] defaultro: oh, let me rephrase it
[21:07:00] defaultro: in mythfrontend, we can look at the programs we have scheduled for recordings
[21:07:00] Beirdo: D-side: have you tried with a different recording in case that one recording's borked?
[21:07:00] defaultro: it's currently, empty now. I look at mythconverg.record table, it's still there
[21:08:00] defaultro: I've also captured the query, SELECT *, IF(type=4,-1,chanid) as chanid, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(startdate)+TIME_TO_SEC(starttime) AS starttime, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(enddate)+TIME_TO_SEC(endtime) AS endtime FROM record
[21:08:00] defaultro: it does give result
[21:08:00] rtsai: defaultro: I dunno. I rarely use mythfrontend to look at my schedules; I use mythweb.
[21:08:00] rtsai: I use mythfront to adjust recording schedule priorities every now and then.
[21:08:00] defaultro: mythweb shows it as empty too
[21:08:00] defaultro: :)
[21:08:00] D-side: Beirdo: yeah thats what i'm doing now. still no mp2 file being yanked out
[21:09:00] D-side: or. not.
[21:09:00] D-side: i'm. going. to. snap.
[21:09:00] Beirdo: have a beer or two and relax
[21:09:00] D-side: Beirdo: how sensitive you think avidemux is to mpeg2 streamtype?
[21:09:00] Beirdo: it will still be borked later
[21:09:00] rtsai: defaultro: then something is probably b0rked, and there is probably more information stored elsewhere besides just the "record" table. Sorry, can't help you.
[21:09:00] Beirdo: it works fine for MPEG2-PS for me
[21:09:00] Beirdo: past that, not sure
[21:10:00] defaultro: k
[21:10:00] D-side: yep. its working on an older recording. the user1 = good, root,user2 = bad thing bugs the crap out of me though.
[21:10:00] defaultro: i'm troubleshooting now
[21:10:00] Beirdo: it may also be a bug in your version of avidemux
[21:11:00] Beirdo: I've tested 2.0.28 and 2.0.32 more than anything else, and those are old now
[21:11:00] D-side: its working with an old recording, so i'm going to go see what changes i made to the mpeg2 streamtype and bitrate settings between then and now. i cant imagine its bitrate related, but wtf. i'll run the gamut of dumb tests.
[21:12:00] Beirdo: good :) Let me know if you find something in the end
[21:12:00] Beirdo: debugging crap like this is next to impossible, as I'm sure you've noticed
[21:12:00] D-side: yeah, absolutely.
[21:13:00] D-side: if i come up with anything i'll definately let you know.
[21:13:00] Beirdo: thanks, dude
[21:13:00] D-side: no no. thank you.
[21:13:00] Beirdo: it works fine for me, but my settings haven't changed in ages
[21:13:00] D-side: mpeg2cut is my most-used nuvexport target
[21:14:00] Beirdo: so if avidemux is gacking under certain circumstances, it'd be good to know
[21:14:00] Beirdo: heh, mine is mpeg2cut and DVCD
[21:14:00] D-side: thats why i was messing with the streamtype to begin with
[21:14:00] Beirdo: which reminds me, I should get the stack of Monster Garage off the disk and onto DVD soon
[21:14:00] D-side: i think its mpeg2-TS that you can burn directly to a dvd?
[21:14:00] D-side: without transcoding or anything.
[21:15:00] Beirdo: PS
[21:15:00] Beirdo: but you need to remux it
[21:15:00] D-side: ah thats it.
[21:15:00] D-side: oh you do?
[21:15:00] Beirdo: I think there's a MPEG2-PS-DVD or something that you can try
[21:16:00] Beirdo: but I never tried it, so I dunno how well it will work
[21:16:00] D-side: now that you mention it, i remember burning it to dvd but having audio sync issues about 10–15min into each.
[21:16:00] D-side: i think i'm going to stop caring about archiving to dvd.
[21:17:00] Beirdo: heh
[21:17:00] Beirdo: well, see what you can find, dude :)
[21:17:00] rtsai: defaultro: did you use mysqlcheck to make sure your DB isn't corrupted or anything?
[21:18:00] defaultro: ok, i'll do that
[21:18:00] defaultro: i just created a new schedule and myth is not taking the input
[21:18:00] defaultro: nothing happens
[21:18:00] jonK: it's so dark right now, i can't even tell it's daytime
[21:19:00] defaultro: i tried smallville but it still shows as not recording
[21:19:00] D-side: i'm looking at this tomshardware "DIY lcd projector" and damnit do i want to do it
[21:19:00] defaultro: rtsai, prolly my db got corrupted when I ran out of space in /
[21:19:00] defaultro: yesterday
[21:19:00] rtsai: did you run mysqlcheck? It will tell you for sure if it thinks your DB is corrupted.
[21:20:00] rtsai: (And btw, this is why linux people recommend you have separate partitions for /var, /usr, /home, etc.)
[21:20:00] defaultro: yep, it found one
[21:20:00] defaultro: that's a cool tool ;)
[21:20:00] rtsai: you can use -r to repair it
[21:21:00] defaultro: warning  : Table is marked as crashed
[21:21:00] defaultro: ah
[21:21:00] defaultro: error  : Size of indexfile is: 61440 Should be: 62464
[21:21:00] Beirdo: there's yer problem :)
[21:21:00] defaultro: then lastly, error  : Corrupt
[21:21:00] defaultro: thanks rtsai
[21:21:00] defaultro: i didn't know that tool ;)
[21:22:00] defaultro: badabing!
[21:22:00] defaultro: no more errors
[21:22:00] defaultro: how did it get corrupted?
[21:22:00] rtsai: 15:19 <defaultro> rtsai, prolly my db got corrupted when I ran out of space in /
[21:22:00] defaultro: :)
[21:22:00] defaultro: poor checking on mysql
[21:23:00] rtsai: and your indexfile is 1024 bytes shy of being complete
[21:23:00] rtsai: makes sense to me
[21:23:00] defaultro: ah
[21:23:00] rtsai: without an index file, table queries get screwed up because it can't find all the rows
[21:23:00] defaultro: bam, i can see them now
[21:23:00] defaultro: you're the man
[21:24:00] rtsai: why did you / get filled up?
[21:24:00] defaultro: it could be that i'm using /usr/local/src for all downloaded programs
[21:24:00] defaultro: i need to buy a bigger harddisk for my movies
[21:25:00] defaultro: am only at 175g :(
[21:25:00] rtsai: You can use "du -sh *" to see what's eating all your space. 175GB is plenty
[21:25:00] defaultro: i actually uploaded .iso files of movies
[21:25:00] defaultro: i only have 60g left for myth recording :)
[21:25:00] kormoc: defaultro, tis why I bought much harddrives :)
[21:25:00] defaultro: i love the integration of xine and myth
[21:25:00] diamon: Perfect DVD copies or something?
[21:25:00] defaultro: oh hell yah
[21:26:00] diamon: Ow, that'll tear up spare space.
[21:26:00] defaultro: am using xine to play it
[21:26:00] rtsai: I have 2 drives (284GB usable) and thought I'd use it all for TV, but my DVDs are actually using most of it.
[21:26:00] defaultro: didn't have luck using mplayer. Had issue with alsa:digital setting, not able to hear it
[21:26:00] defaultro: :)
[21:27:00] diamon: So you just use xine in place of mplayer for DVD's?
[21:27:00] defaultro: one thing i don't like is that i wait for 40 minutes to make an iso
[21:27:00] defaultro: yep diamon
[21:27:00] defaultro: iso imaged of dvds
[21:27:00] defaultro: then i used mythvideo
[21:27:00] rtsai: get a faster DVD drive
[21:27:00] defaultro: i think i should rip it on the myth box itself
[21:28:00] defaultro: am using dvdshrink in my xp :)
[21:28:00] diamon: Ah, heh, rip-and-transcode then?
[21:28:00] defaultro: then ftping of iso to myth is another 30
[21:28:00] rtsai: lol me too. And I have to copy over an 802.11b network. Takes *hours*.
[21:28:00] diamon: Ow, 11b?
[21:28:00] rtsai: dvdshrink lets you make a good non-lossy copy, but lets you take out stuff like menus, extra audio tracks, etc.
[21:28:00] defaultro: i use non compression
[21:28:00] defaultro: :)
[21:28:00] defaultro: i take out non english
[21:29:00] defaultro: it's pretty cool
[21:29:00] rtsai: download it while you still can. Dvddecrypter is offline now.
[21:29:00] defaultro: i select the top most tree, then select no compression
[21:29:00] defaultro: i have dvd decrypter :)
[21:29:00] defaultro: i have it for 3 years now
[21:29:00] diamon: Where at? Is it in stores too?
[21:29:00] defaultro: still upgrading
[21:29:00] defaultro: downloadable buddy
[21:29:00] defaultro: dvddecrypter is slower than dvdshrink
[21:30:00] rtsai: they do different things
[21:30:00] defaultro: yep
[21:30:00] defaultro: well, this triggers me something that you might have done before
[21:30:00] defaultro: i have .nuv high def files :) how are we to back it up while maintaining quality
[21:31:00] rtsai: another vague question. What's wrong with "cp"?
[21:31:00] defaultro: why?
[21:31:00] defaultro: ah
[21:31:00] defaultro: gotcha
[21:31:00] diamon: It's 1Mb?!
[21:31:00] defaultro: i really haven't tried playing nuv with xine, is it supported
[21:32:00] rtsai: I dunno. I always use Myth
[21:32:00] rtsai: I don't save my recordings.
[21:32:00] rtsai: mplayer can play nuv files, i've done that once
[21:32:00] defaultro: when I upgardded to latest svn, the auto expire worked :( i lost my favorite HD programs
[21:32:00] Discipulus: rtsai, why don't you save recordings?
[21:33:00] rtsai: I don't know. I don't read books twice, don't see movies twice, why should I archive TV recordings that I won't watch again?
[21:33:00] defaultro: so i had to disablle it :)
[21:33:00] defaultro: i do that too rtsai
[21:33:00] Beirdo: defaultro: if it's .nuv you may be stuck. if it's actually MPEG2 with an .nuv extension, xine should play it, I'm sure
[21:33:00] Discipulus: rtsai, oh, I do
[21:33:00] defaultro: ok Beirdo
[21:33:00] defaultro: some are just hard to delete most especially smart gardening :)
[21:34:00] defaultro: I want to keep them, a lot of knowledge about gardening
[21:34:00] Beirdo: if it's real .nuv (i.e. MPEG4 or RT-JPEG).. I doubt it supports it
[21:34:00] defaultro: oh ok
[21:34:00] defaultro: :(
[21:34:00] defaultro: so real nuv can't be played by mplayer?
[21:34:00] rtsai: nuv containing MPEG2 can be played by mplayer (and by xine, according to bierdo)
[21:34:00] rtsai: I don't know about MP4, etc.
[21:35:00] defaultro: so prolly, the one i;m getting via air2pc is mp4
[21:35:00] defaultro: res is at 1920x1080
[21:35:00] rtsai: are you trancoding?
[21:35:00] rtsai: it should be raw mpeg2
[21:35:00] defaultro: nope
[21:35:00] defaultro: i will try that, i havent tried it yet
[21:35:00] rtsai: worst case use nuvexport
[21:35:00] defaultro: k
[21:36:00] Beirdo: ummm, HDTV is MPEG2-TS (last I heard)
[21:36:00] defaultro: ok
[21:36:00] Beirdo: whether xine plays that, I dunno
[21:36:00] Beirdo: it should play -PS
[21:36:00] defaultro: I will try it now
[21:37:00] jonK: it's lightened up a bit, but visibility is less than a quarter mile
[21:37:00] Beirdo: heh
[21:37:00] Beirdo: you should see the fog some mornings.. visibility is less than 100ft
[21:39:00] jonK: let me rephrase, visibility < 100 ft now
[21:40:00] Beirdo: nice
[21:40:00] diamon: Anyone know the difference between PS ant TS offhand?
[21:41:00] jonK: and the hail has begun
[21:41:00] diamon: MPEG-PS/TS I mean.
[21:41:00] Beirdo: hell, visibility gets to "can't see adjacent building" some mornings :)
[21:41:00] patch (~whocares@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:42:00] patch: tuner 0–0060: tuner type not set anyone know why I get this in dmesg when I load the bttv module?
[21:43:00] patch: I load my modules using modprobe bttv tuner=2
[21:43:00] defaultro: Beirdo, one of the HD nuvs got played by xine :) All i need to do now is remove the commercials manually
[21:43:00] diamon: Some BTTV cards don't auto-identify the tuner right. You'll probably have to specify it manually.
[21:43:00] Beirdo: cool
[21:43:00] Beirdo: try mpeg2cut with it, let me know if it behaves
[21:43:00] patch: diamon: How do I go about doing that?
[21:43:00] Beirdo: having no HDTV to test with
[21:43:00] defaultro: do i have to prepare the cutlist?
[21:43:00] Beirdo: yes
[21:44:00] diamon: There's no transcode that reworks a stream by cutting out the commercials already marked?
[21:44:00] defaultro: cool
[21:44:00] defaultro: is mpeg2cut for unices?
[21:44:00] Beirdo: it's part of nuvexport
[21:45:00] diamon: patch: Guess a lot (boring but works eventually), ask the manufacturer (painful and time-wasting, but sometimes doable), or open the covered tuner section of the card and look at the device, then run through the small set of possibilities based on the manufacturer.
[21:45:00] Beirdo: uses avidemux and lvemux to do the dirty work
[21:45:00] defaultro: ok
[21:45:00] patch: diamon : I dont undertsand it was working for me before just using modprobe bttv tuner=2
[21:46:00] diamon: It should have kept on then. Did you upgrade your kernel or OS or something? Or add new hardware or anything?
[21:46:00] diamon: If it used to work before, and doesn't now, then something changed.
[21:46:00] diamon: Question is, what.
[21:46:00] patch: diamon: Yes upgraded my kernel.
[21:46:00] diamon: From what to what?
[21:47:00] patch: diamon: from mm-sources 2.6.12. To 2.6.13-rc2-mm2.
[21:49:00] mchou ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:50:00] diamon: Hmm, that's not a huge change, but I don't know the patch subtype. I'd bet the tuner definitions changed. If you have the source for both, try comparing the tuner definitions in tuner.h (I think it is) and see where your old setting went.
[21:50:00] diamon: Or if you made the kernel yourself, it might be mis-built or something.
[21:52:00] hadeees ( Quit ("Leaving")
[21:52:00] hadees ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:52:00] defaultro: Beirdo, I played it in mpeg2cut for Windows, mpeg2cut went down :)
[21:52:00] defaultro: I'll work on it tonight for some experiments
[21:52:00] defaultro: thanks guys ;)
[21:52:00] sdog ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:53:00] Beirdo: mpeg2cut in Windows ain't the same thing
[21:53:00] Beirdo: totally different, shame we chose the same frigging name
[21:54:00] Beirdo: at about the same tiem
[21:54:00] Beirdo: time rather
[21:57:00] mchou: well well, looks like there is linux-dvb support for AverHDTV and Fusion 3 gold
[21:57:00] patch: diamon: I dont see a tuner.h in drivers/media.
[21:58:00] patch: diamon: nor dirvers/media/video/
[21:58:00] diamon: I think there's a /bttv dir down there as I recall.
[21:58:00] patch: s dirvers drivers
[21:59:00] patch: diamon: I think the files are in video there is no bttv dir here.
[21:59:00] patch: but bttv.ko is there
[21:59:00] patch: tuner-core.c ect ect
[22:00:00] diamon: Oh, that's the modules folder. I don't know how you'd read the tuner texts out of a module.
[22:00:00] KillerBunny ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:00:00] diamon: You're in /lib/modules/*, right? I meant in the source if you had it.
[22:01:00] jonK: and yet with the air conditioning in my office it's still freezing
[22:01:00] patch: diamon: Nope. Im in the linux-tree
[22:01:00] Beirdo: turn it off, that will rapidly change
[22:02:00] Drizzt321|ssh ( Quit ("BitchX: nine out of ten doctors recommend it")
[22:03:00] diamon: Hmmm. There should be a tuner.c or tuner.h somewhere near the BTTV driver I thought...
[22:03:00] diamon: In it, there should be a big list of what it supports.
[22:03:00] patch: diamon: tuner-core.c ?
[22:04:00] diamon: Worth a look, but I don't recall what's in that file I'm afraid.
[22:04:00] defaultro: Glad I went back here Beirdo, I saw your message
[22:04:00] defaultro: do you have any mpeg2cut parameters that I can use?
[22:04:00] Beirdo: heh
[22:04:00] defaultro: :)
[22:04:00] Beirdo: I have never used mpeg2cut for windows
[22:04:00] defaultro: I saw the tool in nuvexport-0.2
[22:04:00] Beirdo: I use mpeg2cut in nuvexport...
[22:04:00] defaultro: it's a script
[22:04:00] Beirdo: which I wrote
[22:04:00] defaultro: yep
[22:05:00] defaultro: so should I run mpeg2cut separately or within nuvexport?
[22:05:00] Beirdo: use nuvexport, it's easiest
[22:06:00] defaultro: is Xvfb required?
[22:06:00] patch: diamon: K thanks. Im going to go build a vanilla-kernel and see if the problem is still there.
[22:07:00] Beirdo: not required, but makes it easier to deal with
[22:07:00] Beirdo: without that you need the gtk-cursed, or have to run from an xterminal and it will pop up the avidemux window
[22:07:00] defaultro: ah, gotcha
[22:09:00] diamon: patch: Ok, good luck. I'm afraid I'm off, overdue for sleep.
[22:10:00] defaultro: Beirdo, what about lve?
[22:10:00] diamon: Mmmm, I love to lurk...
[22:10:00] Beirdo: lve is required for the final remux
[22:10:00] Beirdo: the other muxers don't do it quite right...
[22:10:00] Beirdo: they all have their little foibles
[22:12:00] patch: diamon : ok see ya buddy.
[22:12:00] Discipulus ( Quit ("Leaving")
[22:13:00] defaultro: ok, i read the readme and it's telling me to use the ffmpeg on the same site. Will it affect my other installed ffmpeg?
[22:14:00] Beirdo: I don't think so, I think it just uses that for the libraries, which it builds in, and you only really need lvemux
[22:15:00] Beirdo: be sure to have large file support, it may not support it directly out of the box in the makefile
[22:15:00] Beirdo: there are a couple -D entries you will need (google for Linux large file support, there's a SuSE page that covers it well)
[22:16:00] KillerBunny ( Quit ("Leaving")
[22:16:00] Beirdo: my intention is to absorb the lvemux and avidemux code into a program called mpeg2cut (eventually)
[22:17:00] defaultro: oh ok
[22:18:00] Beirdo: but that takes spare time, etc
[22:18:00] Beirdo: eventually, I hope to make this a lot simpler
[22:18:00] Beirdo: the joy of GPL :)
[22:20:00] defaultro: :)
[22:21:00] Beirdo: and the resulting program will not be gtk.
[22:22:00] markit: any suggestion about cpu and MB? better a client/server solution or a powerful pc in the livingroom?
[22:22:00] defaultro: i'm trying it now, i've installed lvemux. I've executed nuvexport. Should I choose 9 MPEG2 -> MPEG2 cut only
[22:23:00] Beirdo: that's the one, defaultro
[22:23:00] defaultro: bam
[22:23:00] defaultro: trying now
[22:24:00] Exstatica: anyone order anything from manoweb?
[22:24:00] Exstatica: i ordered two lirc recievers and havnt' heard back. i bought them at the first of the month
[22:27:00] Exstatica: i'm feeling a little ripped off
[22:32:00] jonK ( Quit ("My damn controlling terminal disappeared!")
[22:32:00] defaultro: Beirdo, is this line ok? Finding the AV Offset to use with lvemux: 0 (not detected)
[22:32:00] defaultro: Indexing the file with avidemux2
[22:33:00] Beirdo: yeah, your A/V may be out of sync in the end, by a fixed delay
[22:33:00] defaultro: is it a crisis?
[22:33:00] Beirdo: it uses tcprobe to find the delay, and tcprobe doesn't work with MPEG2-TS
[22:33:00] Beirdo: you may not even notice
[22:33:00] defaultro: ok
[22:33:00] Beirdo: or you might
[22:34:00] Beirdo: you can always remux the output to mess with the delay
[22:34:00] defaultro: i remember when i was nuvexporting america's worst auditions, at the half of the show, video was about 2 secs delayed. Then at the end, it's almost 5 secs delay
[22:34:00] Beirdo: weird
[22:34:00] defaultro: it's doing this now, Cutting out commercials with avidemux2
[22:35:00] Beirdo: goood
[22:35:00] defaultro: is it touching the nuv i supplied?
[22:35:00] Beirdo: no
[22:35:00] Beirdo: it reads from it
[22:35:00] defaultro: ah gotcha
[22:35:00] Beirdo: and writes to files in the output dir
[22:35:00] defaultro: i remember, it asked for a target dir
[22:35:00] Beirdo: an .m2v and a .mp2
[22:35:00] defaultro: i forgot that :)
[22:35:00] Beirdo: then it muxes them together to make a .mpg
[22:35:00] defaultro: oh ok, then what tool should I use to combine both
[22:35:00] Beirdo: which will be MPEG2-PS with DVD indexing...
[22:36:00] Beirdo: it uses lvemux for that
[22:36:00] patch (~whocares@ Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:36:00] defaultro: ah, so everything just nuvexport
[22:36:00] FITH: I've had some minor audio sync issues with avidemux (< 0.5 secs?) I've used projectX to cut the same .nuv (generated on a PVR250) and that seemed to fix it
[22:36:00] ** Beirdo nods **
[22:36:00] Beirdo: avidemux can be a supremely bitchy program
[22:37:00] defaultro: in what way?
[22:37:00] FITH: Heh, yeah, I'm getting the impression no-one goes for stability when they make video editing software
[22:37:00] defaultro: projectx?
[22:37:00] defaultro: so you're saying that once my mpg is done, and if there are audio issues, use projectx?
[22:38:00] Beirdo: ummm, no
[22:38:00] Beirdo: when it's done, play it with mplayer
[22:38:00] defaultro: it failed :(
[22:38:00] defaultro: Remultiplexing video
[22:38:00] defaultro: GOP timestamps will be rebuild
[22:38:00] defaultro: ERROR: opening A/V streams (0/0)
[22:38:00] Beirdo: damn
[22:38:00] defaultro: don't know why
[22:38:00] FITH:
[22:38:00] Beirdo: avidemux sucks sometimes
[22:39:00] defaultro: so i just have to try again then
[22:39:00] FITH: No, I edit the raw .nuv with ProjectX and get non out of sync .mpg streams.
[22:39:00] Beirdo: well, it's likely throwing an error which is being redirected to /dev/null
[22:40:00] defaultro: ok
[22:40:00] Beirdo: so look at the mpeg2cut script, find the lines where I call avidemux, and remove the 2> /dev/null > /dev/null
[22:40:00] Beirdo: or whatever
[22:40:00] patch (~whocares@ has joined #mythtv-users
[22:40:00] Beirdo: it might be trying to tell you something
[22:40:00] defaultro: ok
[22:40:00] patch: anybody here use bttv and mm-sources?
[22:40:00] Beirdo: it will spew a LOT though
[22:40:00] defaultro: i'll redirect it to a file
[22:40:00] Beirdo: good plan
[22:42:00] defaultro: about projectx, you're saying FITH that I should load the raw nuv from Projectx?
[22:44:00] FITH: Yeah, that's what I've done in the past... It isn't as nice for finding "edges" of commercials, but the output has been better for me. I think ProjectX only lets you move to the next keyframe, which may be related to why the audio is more in sync too...
[22:45:00] Beirdo: blech
[22:45:00] Beirdo: another useless program for cutting then
[22:46:00] defaultro: :)
[22:46:00] Beirdo: when I setup a cutlist, I want it cut where I said.
[22:46:00] defaultro: I'm trying nuvexport again
[22:47:00] jonK ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:48:00] sdog: my ivtv module isn't used by anything .. and i don't get to see
[22:48:00] sdog: anything
[22:51:00] FITH: Beirdo: Yeah, at the moemnt I have my choice of de-sync'ed audio or being a few tenths of a second off, so I've chosen the least evil. Haven't tried nuvexport yet tho
[22:52:00] Beirdo: avidemux can work with proper care and feeding
[22:52:00] Beirdo: but it is a finicky program
[22:52:00] defaultro: Beirdo, error again. Is it because it's a TS stream?
[22:52:00] Beirdo: it could be
[22:52:00] defaultro: ok
[22:52:00] Beirdo: what does the avidemux output say
[22:53:00] defaultro: TS: could not read!
[22:53:00] Beirdo: heh
[22:53:00] Beirdo: OK
[22:53:00] defaultro: I remember changing my setting from PS to TS
[22:53:00] Beirdo: does replex from the DVB tools give MPEG2-PS?
[22:53:00] FITH: I haven't figured out what in avidemux triggers the offset yet. It's been consistant over the last few releases. Ah well, stuff to look at on the weekend :)
[22:53:00] defaultro: i've never tried replex
[22:53:00] defaultro: I don't know if I should revert back to PS
[22:53:00] Beirdo: you may be able to replex the file, then run it through
[22:53:00] defaultro: ok
[22:54:00] Beirdo: -PS is better handled by many tools
[22:54:00] defaultro: i changed to TS because there was a myth version where audio was crackling/echoing
[22:54:00] defaultro: the solution was to changed to TS
[22:54:00] Beirdo: heh
[22:54:00] Beirdo: fair enough
[22:55:00] defaultro: I don't know if it's been fix
[22:55:00] defaultro: i think, i should try it to make my life easier :)
[22:55:00] Beirdo: if replex will convert it, I can look at maybe integrating that into mpeg2cut
[22:55:00] Beirdo: yet another lousy dependancy though
[22:56:00] defaultro: i executed replex and it requires an input and output file
[22:56:00] Chutt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:56:00] Beirdo: I have no HDTV gear or DVB gear to generate the files, so I can't easily test stuff
[22:56:00] defaultro: ok
[22:56:00] defaultro: 10 to 20 sec hd is 35meg
[22:56:00] Beirdo: the input file would be the .nuv, the output file, something else
[22:56:00] Beirdo: then try tcprobe -i newfile.mpg
[22:56:00] Beirdo: see if it's TS or PS
[22:56:00] Beirdo: :)
[22:56:00] defaultro: ok
[22:57:00] defaultro: can we tcprobe an nuv file?
[22:57:00] Beirdo: yes, if it's actually MPEG2
[22:57:00] defaultro: ok
[22:57:00] Beirdo: not a real nuv file
[22:57:00] Beirdo: :)
[22:57:00] Tommck ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:58:00] Tommck ( has left #mythtv-users
[22:59:00] defaultro: here
[22:59:00] defaultro: import frame size: -g 1920x1088 [720x576] (*)
[22:59:00] defaultro: aspect ratio: 16:9 (*)
[22:59:00] defaultro: frame rate: -f 29.970 [25.000] frc=4 (*)
[22:59:00] defaultro: PTS=0.2467, frame_time=33 ms, bitrate=15000 kbps
[22:59:00] defaultro: audio track: -a 0 [0] -e 48000,16,2 [48000,16,2] -n 0x2000 [0x2000]
[22:59:00] defaultro: PTS=0.2440, bitrate=384 kbps
[22:59:00] defaultro: -D 0 --av_fine_ms 2 (frames & ms) [0] [0]
[22:59:00] defaultro: looks like it took it
[22:59:00] defaultro: playing now with xine
[23:00:00] Beirdo: cool
[23:00:00] Beirdo: I guess you can try (for now) renaming the nuv file to .nuv.old, rename the remuxed file to the .nuv filename
[23:00:00] defaultro: BAM, quality is still awesome
[23:01:00] patch (~whocares@ Quit ("Leaving")
[23:01:00] Beirdo: it should be, it just pulled the streams out and put em back in
[23:01:00] Beirdo: after shuffling the names, try the nuvexport again :)
[23:01:00] defaultro: cool
[23:01:00] defaultro: ;)
[23:01:00] Beirdo: if that works, I'll have to look at replexing stuff
[23:01:00] defaultro: do i have to run cutlist again
[23:01:00] defaultro: i'll just check :)
[23:02:00] defaultro: let me just drop by USPS
[23:02:00] defaultro: it's 4pm
[23:02:00] defaultro: i'll be back
[23:02:00] Beirdo: your cutlist should be fine
[23:02:00] defaultro: let's do some testing later
[23:02:00] defaultro: :)
[23:02:00] Beirdo: OK, have fun, don't go postal
[23:05:00] stevenh (~xev@ Quit ("Cheers")
[23:07:00] xris: Beirdo:
[23:08:00] Beirdo: cool :)
[23:08:00] Beirdo: did you rewrite it cleaner?
[23:10:00] xris: yes
[23:11:00] xris: and that's most likely going to be what goes in as the official one
[23:11:00] xris: tackling the email one soon.
[23:11:00] Beirdo: cool
[23:11:00] xris: Agrajag- had the good idea of adding a list of related trac wiki links to the commit email... so when you reference #23 or whatever it puts in a link
[23:12:00] Beirdo: yeah, neat
[23:12:00] chickenBSD (~lastlee@chickeneater.user) has joined #mythtv-users
[23:15:00] bjohnson ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:16:00] hadees: you know i was thinking, if the file format, nuv is a custom (modified) file wrapper why doesn't nuv also just contain the show information like mp3 with their ID tags
[23:16:00] hadees: then if say you lost your database
[23:16:00] hadees: the nuv file would still be usable
[23:16:00] ** Beirdo shudders **
[23:17:00] Beirdo: wouldn't work for MPEG2 sources
[23:17:00] Beirdo: for obvious reasons
[23:17:00] hadees: Beirdo, you can't add onto the file?
[23:17:00] Beirdo: no
[23:17:00] Beirdo: MPEG2 sources record a MPEG2 file
[23:17:00] Beirdo: they aren't NUV other than an arbitrary extension on the end of the filename
[23:18:00] Beirdo: you could name them .doc, but that don't make them Word Docs either
[23:18:00] Beirdo: now, for the software encoding stuff, yeah, that might be a cool addition
[23:19:00] hadees: Beirdo, couldn't you do it for mpeg just so long as your mpeg player knows about it
[23:19:00] hadees: mpeg2
[23:19:00] Beirdo: huh?
[23:20:00] Beirdo: no, you can't and still have an MPEG2 stream file. unless MPEG2 has a method of doing it... and then ivtv, etc would need to write it into the stream from the card
[23:20:00] Beirdo: not likely
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[23:21:00] hadees: eh, oh well, i think there has to be a way but you know more then me
[23:21:00] Beirdo: MPEG2 may have provisions to do that though
[23:21:00] Beirdo: but something would need to write that to the stream in a "correct" way
[23:21:00] hadees: well i mean if you change it like xine might not be able to play the nuv but mythtv is the only one playing those files anyway
[23:22:00] hadees: hehe hell i bet you could turn the data into mpeg2, it would look like garbage but you could convert it back
[23:22:00] Beirdo: heh
[23:22:00] Beirdo: why break perfectly standard files?
[23:23:00] Beirdo: and mythtv is far from the only thing playing the files
[23:23:00] hadees: Beirdo, because no one uses ABG*#%R*^#$%(817153.nuv even if it is an mpeg once the database is gone
[23:23:00] Beirdo: many people use other players, video editors, etc
[23:23:00] Beirdo: and you know this how?
[23:23:00] Beirdo: :)
[23:24:00] Beirdo: if there's a standard way to do it that won't bugger the files, I think it's a great idea
[23:24:00] hadees: Beirdo, what about some of those other file formats, i think some of them do it and can contain mpeg2
[23:24:00] hadees: then just rename them as nuv
[23:25:00] hadees: since nuv is really nothing anyway
[23:25:00] hadees: well sort of nothing
[23:25:00] Beirdo: I'm not sure what you're talking about
[23:26:00] Beirdo: MPEG2-PS is a specified standard format, and all myth does is writes that stream into a file
[23:26:00] Beirdo: there may be a way to put this information into a MPEG2-PS packet that would be within the standard though
[23:26:00] Beirdo: as a separate stream of some sorts...
[23:27:00] Beirdo: I haven't looked for that before
[23:27:00] Beirdo: it would have to be written to the file before the stream is dumped to the file
[23:27:00] Beirdo: and same goes for MPEG2-TS which is used for HDTV and DVB (last I heard)
[23:27:00] FooBar ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:27:00] Beirdo: an intriguing idea if it will work out
[23:28:00] Beirdo: but many people do depend on those streams being valid :)
[23:28:00] FooBar: So I am using a 6200 box via firewire and all my tv seems to be blue.... all of the brightness/contrast/etc are 0% but don't seem to be changable... anyone have ideas?
[23:30:00] sdog: foobar: cool you have color.. my stuff is all in grey :(
[23:30:00] FooBar: hmmm... mine doesn't do grey... only blue :-(
[23:31:00] FooBar: as a side note I also have a static bar on the top of the display....
[23:32:00] GeckoFiend: FooBar turn of the Xv picture controls.
[23:32:00] Beirdo: was that off or on, GeckoFiend? :)
[23:32:00] FooBar: i assume off...
[23:32:00] FooBar: i tried that but it didn't seem to reset to normal colors
[23:37:00] FooBar: also if i try to change the hue it only seems to do 0?... ideas?
[23:37:00] KraMer ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:39:00] GeckoFiend: yeah I meant off
[23:39:00] chickenBSD (~lastlee@chickeneater.user) Quit (Client Quit)
[23:39:00] FooBar: there we go... it required an Xwindows reload
[23:39:00] GeckoFiend: heh are you sure you're recordings aren't blue?
[23:40:00] Beirdo: stop watching the Smurfs, dude
[23:41:00] FooBar: how about the static bar problem? There is about a 4 to 6 pixel bar of static on the top of the image.... how can I remove it?
[23:42:00] Beirdo: well, I'm outta here for a while
[23:46:00] defaultro: I'm back Beirdo
[23:46:00] defaultro: I'm going to rename the original nuv now
[23:47:00] hadees (~hadees@hadees.sustaining.supporter.pdpc) Quit (Success)
[23:48:00] temmihoo ( Quit ("jea")
[23:48:00] riddlebox ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:48:00] sdog ( Quit ("Download Gaim:")
[23:50:00] GeckoFiend: FooBar that's probably the vbi data. tell myth to overscan in the playback settings
[23:50:00] FooBar: awsome.... thanks
[23:51:00] beavis ( Quit ("Verlassend")
[23:51:00] riddlebox ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:52:00] FooBar ( Quit ()
[23:54:00] Spida ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:00] SkaMike (~SkaMike@ Quit (Connection timed out)
[23:54:00] riddlebox ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:54:00] SkaMike ( has joined #mythtv-users
[23:56:00] abarbaccia ( Quit ("Leaving")
[23:59:00] Esoteric|zZzZ is now known as Esotericisms
[23:59:00] D-side ( has left #mythtv-users
[23:59:00] Spida_ ( Quit (Connection timed out)

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