:: #mythtv-users

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Sunday, April 3rd, 2005, 00:00 UTC
[00:00:00] rw ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:00:00] Dr_Barnowl ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.67 [Firefox 1.0.2/20050317]")
[00:06:00] Le_Mackeux ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:08:00] Le_Mackeux: Hi there
[00:08:00] Le_Mackeux: Anyone here?
[00:08:00] sarahemm{SA}: i am :)
[00:09:00] jdrogers: yep
[00:09:00] Le_Mackeux: cool maybe you could guide me
[00:09:00] Le_Mackeux: i'm having a Segmentation fault when starting the backend and i don't know where to start
[00:09:00] laga: *snicker*
[00:09:00] laga: Le_Mackeux: debian?
[00:09:00] Le_Mackeux: The verbose mode doesn't show information
[00:09:00] Le_Mackeux: no, i'm on gentoo
[00:10:00] laga: ok. sorry then.
[00:10:00] jdrogers: well, debian and gentoo are close enough
[00:10:00] Le_Mackeux: yes they are
[00:11:00] Le_Mackeux: if you have ideas i'll try it no problem
[00:11:00] LittleWashu is now known as JackBlanitor
[00:12:00] jdrogers: is the backend starting automagically during bootup?
[00:12:00] jdrogers: (or trying to)
[00:12:00] Le_Mackeux: yes
[00:12:00] Le_Mackeux: Segmentation fault all times, even when manually
[00:12:00] jdrogers: and you don't see any errors?
[00:12:00] Le_Mackeux: i mean manually start
[00:12:00] quink ( Quit ("leaving")
[00:12:00] Le_Mackeux: not at all just a Segmentation fault
[00:13:00] jdrogers: hrmm
[00:13:00] Le_Mackeux: yes, big hummmm
[00:14:00] jdrogers: nothing in /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log ?
[00:14:00] Le_Mackeux: yes but nothing new
[00:14:00] jdrogers: heh, right
[00:15:00] jdrogers: nothing like an error that says what wrong anyway, eh? :-)
[00:15:00] Le_Mackeux: the Segmentation fault isn't writing stuff in the log file,
[00:15:00] rpete ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:17:00] jdrogers: when starting it manually, are you using the init script, or just starting the backend itself?
[00:17:00] Le_Mackeux: tried both
[00:17:00] jdrogers: crappy
[00:18:00] Le_Mackeux: it's wierd, that does show your prompt when typing mythbackend --help ?
[00:18:00] jdrogers: I get a list of valid options
[00:19:00] Le_Mackeux: well i get Segmentation fault
[00:19:00] jdrogers: interesting
[00:19:00] Le_Mackeux: i'd say wierd
[00:19:00] jdrogers: :-)
[00:19:00] sarahemm{SA}: what version Le_Mackeux?
[00:20:00] Le_Mackeux: 0.17
[00:21:00] Ralph: anyone know how to adjust the guide. It's off by 3 hours
[00:21:00] sarahemm{SA}: Le_Mackeux: weird. i'm running .17 on gentoo here too and have had no problems with it.. built yourself i assume?
[00:21:00] Le_Mackeux: yes
[00:21:00] Le_Mackeux: i ran many times
[00:24:00] sarahemm{SA} ( Quit ("ostriches are fuzzy")
[00:26:00] Der_Ollie_ ( has left #mythtv-users
[00:27:00] Le_Mackeux: so wierd
[00:27:00] jdrogers: Ralph, is your system time correct?
[00:27:00] jdrogers: i.e. you get the right time with the date command
[00:27:00] Ralph: yes
[00:27:00] Ralph: yes with date command also
[00:29:00] Octane ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:34:00] rw (marcelo@rw.user) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:35:00] Kury: Hey JDRogers... I'm back...
[00:35:00] Kury: Did you have some info on this LIRC thing?
[00:37:00] Le_Mackeux: i'll give up, it's been months that i try tio have this mythtv working without a capture card, just to watch video on my tv and i can't
[00:38:00] Kury: ... what distro are you using?
[00:38:00] Le_Mackeux: gentoo
[00:38:00] Le_Mackeux: 2.6.10
[00:39:00] Le_Mackeux: stable (x86)
[00:39:00] Kury: humm.. that one I don't know..
[00:39:00] Le_Mackeux: u know debian? it's close
[00:39:00] Kury: whats your capture card?
[00:39:00] Kury: debian... (some what)
[00:39:00] Le_Mackeux: i don't have one
[00:40:00] Le_Mackeux: i have no capture card, i want to use mythtv only for mythvideo and mythdvd
[00:40:00] Kury: OOO.. never mind.. I miss read your statement above...
[00:40:00] Le_Mackeux: np
[00:40:00] Kury: ya I don't know..I don't use myth..
[00:40:00] Le_Mackeux: oh
[00:40:00] Le_Mackeux: what do you use to watch divx on your tv? do you?
[00:42:00] JackBlanitor: anyone know how to enable loop?
[00:42:00] Kury: mplayer...
[00:42:00] Kury: or gmplayer...
[00:42:00] Kury: I just do it the old fashion way..
[00:43:00] Le_Mackeux: well, the computer in close to the tv and i'd like noobs to be able to watch tv thrue a menu lyke mythtv have
[00:43:00] Le_Mackeux: has
[00:44:00] Kury: ya..
[00:44:00] rw ( has joined #mythtv-users
[00:45:00] Le_Mackeux: mmm
[00:48:00] Octane ( Quit ("")
[00:56:00] Le_Mackeux: allright, any more idea on where 2 look?
[01:00:00] JackBlanitor: o\
[01:00:00] Le_Mackeux: mmm i realised that i had nvidia in my use flag and i have an ati, i'll try recompiling it
[01:02:00] jdrogers: Le_Mackeux, yeah, that might help, and also perhaps try running the backend setup program before running mythbackend
[01:02:00] jdrogers: Kury, I'm back now too :-)
[01:02:00] Le_Mackeux: it's mythsetup right?
[01:02:00] Kury: K
[01:02:00] Kury: did you have some lirc knowlage?
[01:02:00] jdrogers: or.. I think its the setup program.. hangon
[01:03:00] jdrogers: ummm
[01:03:00] jdrogers: oh
[01:04:00] jdrogers: '/path/to/mythtv/setup/setup'
[01:04:00] Kury: I'm not running myth..
[01:04:00] jdrogers: I was typing that and xchat wasn't sending it :-)
[01:04:00] Kury: just lirc
[01:04:00] jdrogers: Kury, yeah, I was still trying to answer Le_Mackeux
[01:05:00] jdrogers: ok so with the lirc thing.. remind me what your problem is?
[01:06:00] jdrogers: I had lots of lirc issues, but finally got things working last week
[01:06:00] Kury: I have a Pinnacle Reciever & remote... and I made a config using irrecord and it works fine..
[01:06:00] jdrogers: oh yeah
[01:06:00] Kury: but.. I want to use my universal (non learning remote insted)
[01:07:00] Kury: because the pinnacle remote design is horrible..
[01:07:00] jdrogers: I remember now
[01:07:00] Kury: question is... do we have a solution..
[01:08:00] jdrogers: so the thing with lirc is there are 2 config files.. /etc/lircd.conf which interprets the hardware signals and sends keys, and /home/username/.lircrc which tells what things shoudl be sent to what programs
[01:08:00] sarahemm{SA} ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:08:00] sarahemm{SA}: hihi
[01:09:00] jdrogers: so if you look in /etc/lircd.conf you will see what button presses are registered to what 'signals'
[01:09:00] jdrogers: if you change remotes, this is what you need to change
[01:10:00] jdrogers: the .lircrc file is just a mapping between lirc and mythtv or whatever other program
[01:10:00] Kury: ya.. and thats why I have been trying to do..
[01:10:00] Kury: I'v only been dealing w/ the /etc/lircd.conf and the irw,lircd, and irrecord programs
[01:11:00] Malebolge ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:11:00] jdrogers: ok
[01:11:00] jdrogers: I just remember someone saying something about .lircrc
[01:12:00] Kury: ya.. I'v never even touched that file though (if it exists on my system)
[01:12:00] zuralin: its only used if you want/need each user there own individual settings
[01:13:00] Kury: K
[01:13:00] zuralin: each user to have there*
[01:13:00] jdrogers: Kury, so you have choosen a remote for the universal to emulate..
[01:13:00] jdrogers: and then irw is reporting the incorrect keys, or what?
[01:13:00] Kury: ya.. I just picked some randome remote.. for a brand I don't have..
[01:14:00] jdrogers: and is irw working?
[01:14:00] Kury: when I do the irrecord.. it makes me a config file.. but when I put it in place and restart lircd & run irw...
[01:14:00] Kury: it reports several keys as all the same..
[01:14:00] jdrogers: oh
[01:15:00] jdrogers: maybe the particular remote you choose to emulate is a bad choice or something
[01:15:00] Kury: my understandings were that the Pinnacles Serial receiver will work w/ any remote..
[01:16:00] jdrogers: yeah, it should
[01:16:00] Kury: I don't think so.. I have tried about 30 different ones..
[01:16:00] jdrogers: but perhaps the remote you are emmulating has signals that are hard for the reciever to differentiate
[01:16:00] Kury: do we know anyone who can confirm this about the pinnacle hardware?
[01:16:00] jdrogers: oh,
[01:16:00] jdrogers: I take it the universal won't emmulate trhe pinnacle remote?
[01:17:00] Kury: well.. any suggestions on what I should set the universal remote too?
[01:17:00] Kury: no.. its not a learning remote :(
[01:17:00] jdrogers: ah
[01:18:00] jdrogers: did you compile lirc, or use a binary package?
[01:19:00] Kury: compiled it from scratch..
[01:20:00] Fuzz (~t@ has joined #mythtv-users
[01:21:00] jdrogers: you could maybe try picking one of the remotes from the lirc page with a premade lircd.conf file and set the universal to that remote
[01:21:00] jdrogers:
[01:22:00] jdrogers: that would at least avoid any issues that irrecord might be casuing
[01:23:00] Kury: I'v done that...
[01:23:00] jdrogers: bummer
[01:23:00] jdrogers: maybe it acually is a pinnacle hardware thing
[01:24:00] Kury: it doesn't really work... it will sometimes detect none... sometimes it will detect some of the buttons...
[01:24:00] Kury: well... I need to find out because this is already the third one I have boughted and I'v had problems w/ all of them...
[01:24:00] Kury: some I'm starting to doubt that its the receivers...
[01:24:00] jdrogers: yuck
[01:24:00] Kury: ya..
[01:25:00] jdrogers: yeah, probably not then
[01:27:00] Kury: Any more ideas?
[01:30:00] ** jdrogers is thinking **
[01:35:00] jdrogers: Kury, if you use ircat instead of irw, you could check that the strings are different
[01:36:00] jdrogers: I would say if the strings are the same, its likely a hardware issue
[01:37:00] Kury: ... do I have to pass ircat any arguments?
[01:37:00] Kury: or... how do I pass them..
[01:37:00] jdrogers: umm..
[01:38:00] kslater ( Quit (Read error: 148 (No route to host))
[01:39:00] jdrogers: maybe ircat isn't what I thought it was
[01:42:00] eps ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:43:00] Kury ( Quit ()
[01:44:00] Octane ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:45:00] Le_Mackeux: wow it takes a while to recompile
[01:45:00] jdrogers: yeah I found that out for the first time last week :-)
[01:46:00] Flik ( Quit ()
[01:46:00] Le_Mackeux: what should i start to start mythbackend manually?
[01:48:00] jdrogers: probably something like "mythbackend -daemon"
[01:48:00] Le_Mackeux: still seg fault :@
[01:48:00] jdrogers: ps on my machine gives:
[01:48:00] jdrogers: /usr/local/bin/mythbackend --daemon --logfile /var/log/mythtv/mythbackend.log --pidfile /var/run/mythtv/
[01:49:00] Le_Mackeux: :(
[01:49:00] gecko ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:51:00] rw (marcelo@rw.user) has left #mythtv-users
[01:53:00] Le_Mackeux: ca i paste 3 lines here or i'll get kick
[01:53:00] Le_Mackeux: can*
[01:53:00] Randall64: no more than 3!
[01:54:00] Le_Mackeux: there is when i start the init script : /sbin/ line 532: 5852 Segmentation fault start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --chuid "${MYTH_USER}" --exec /usr/bin/mythbackend --nicelevel "${MYTH_NICE}" — --daemon --pidfile "${MYTH_PID}" --logfile "${MYTH_LOG}" --verbose ${MYTH_VERBOSE} [ !! ]
[01:54:00] poonj ( has joined #mythtv-users
[01:54:00] poonj: hey guys...anyone here setup a pcHDTV 3000? the module is loading for the card, but I can't access /dev/dtv...
[01:55:00] poonj: I believe I am missing something in modules.conf...but I am not sure wher eI could find the information to set that up..anyone here have any ideas?
[01:55:00] zuralin: why not? permissions or doesnt exist?
[01:56:00] Geckofiend ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[01:56:00] poonj: hi zuralin: not sure..
[01:57:00] zuralin: well.. check.. duh
[01:57:00] poonj: here the deal though, I configured the kernel
[01:57:00] poonj: to have video4linux and DTV
[01:57:00] poonj: the module loads..
[01:57:00] Le_Mackeux: how do you trace up a Segmentation fault?
[01:57:00] sarahemm{SA}: use 'gdb', likely.
[01:57:00] jasoncohen ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[01:57:00] poonj: but /dev/dtv doesn't exit
[01:58:00] sarahemm{SA}: if you compiled with -g (for debugging)
[01:58:00] poonj: I I supposed to setup something else?
[01:59:00] poonj: zuralin: I mean /dev/dvb
[02:00:00] schmots ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:00:00] schmots: Hello.
[02:00:00] zuralin: check the permissions
[02:00:00] Le_Mackeux: hi
[02:00:00] poonj: I change it
[02:00:00] jasoncohen ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:02:00] schmots: If I pause live tv and then during a commercial break I want to go back to fully live.. how? I can only get within 10 seconds of real time.
[02:03:00] schmots: I know I can change channels and be back, but I don't want to have to do that.
[02:03:00] Le_Mackeux ( Quit ("l")
[02:05:00] sarahemm{SA}: you're never *quite* 'fully live' to begin with..
[02:05:00] schmots: oh?
[02:06:00] sarahemm{SA}: myth records it, then plays back.. so you're always slightly lagged.
[02:06:00] schmots: is that way channel changing takes a few seconds... a buffer?
[02:06:00] sarahemm{SA}: yeppers.
[02:06:00] schmots: quase interesting... thanks.
[02:06:00] sarahemm{SA}: that's the way it's 'live', but still lets you rewind/pause/etc.
[02:07:00] schmots: I just got my mythbox up and running today.. the pvr-350 was my reward to myself for earning my LPI cert
[02:07:00] sarahemm{SA}: ahh, congrats :)
[02:07:00] sarahemm{SA}: myth is awesome.
[02:07:00] sarahemm{SA}: iirc.
[02:07:00] sarahemm{SA}: err, imho.
[02:07:00] schmots: Yeah.. I find it cool.
[02:08:00] schmots: and with the 350 I am running it on a p2 400
[02:08:00] ** sarahemm{SA} been running it for a few years now, can't imagine watching TV without it :) **
[02:08:00] sarahemm{SA}: ahh. we're running a plain bttv card here so we have a 1.7ghz to do mpeg4... eventually we'll get a pvr-X
[02:08:00] schmots: you have one advantage over me though...
[02:08:00] schmots: dvd playback
[02:09:00] sarahemm{SA}: ahh *nods*
[02:09:00] sarahemm{SA}: that's just the backend server tho
[02:09:00] sarahemm{SA}: we don't watch on that box itself, so dvd playback isn't really an issue.
[02:09:00] schmots: ... so you have an nvida tv out box or something?
[02:09:00] sarahemm{SA}: using PVR-X cards you have the advantage of being able to use multiple cards :)
[02:09:00] Ralph: I have a silly question
[02:10:00] schmots: no silly questions.. just stupid answers.
[02:10:00] Ralph: I have a pvr 500 and have been trying to get it running for a couple days
[02:10:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: no, the MythTV backend sits upstairs in the server cluster, the frontend is downstairs with the tv, a seperate machine.
[02:10:00] schmots: sarahemm nice.
[02:10:00] schmots: Ralph 500 support is iffy
[02:10:00] sarahemm{SA}: my partner and I both have frontends on our laptops, and we have one running on an XBox for general use.
[02:10:00] schmots: has some howto bits on it though.
[02:10:00] Ralph: I finally managed to capture static using cat /dev/video > test.mpg
[02:10:00] sarahemm{SA}: Ralph: heh. it sorta kinda sometimes works :)
[02:11:00] Ralph: and now when I go to Watch TV I get nothing but static
[02:11:00] schmots: When it has full support it will rock.. duel internal tuners.
[02:11:00] sarahemm{SA}: *nods* the driver isn't stable or complete or tested well yet Ralph.
[02:11:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: yep. going to wait until it's stable and then pick one up i think. replace the bttvness
[02:11:00] Ralph: I just realized it's recording a show and I can playback with video and audio
[02:12:00] Ralph: if I can record, why not just watch live tv
[02:12:00] schmots: sarahemm.. yeah thats the only reason I picked up the 350 and not the 500
[02:12:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: ahh.
[02:12:00] schmots: Ralph what are you using for your tvout?
[02:12:00] Ralph: computer
[02:13:00] Ralph: I haven't hooked up a tv to this yet, just want to use computer monitor for now
[02:13:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: our backend only has one PCI slot, so two tuners would be really nice :)
[02:13:00] schmots: Ralph whats your video device?
[02:14:00] schmots: /dev/video?
[02:14:00] Ralph: yes and /dev/video1
[02:14:00] schmots: do a ls -la /dev/video?
[02:14:00] schmots: oh cool
[02:14:00] Ralph: ls -la /dev/video1
[02:14:00] Ralph: crw-rw---- 1 root video 81, 1 Mar 31 22:16 /dev/video1
[02:15:00] schmots: mplayer -vo xv /dev/video0
[02:15:00] schmots: with video1 for you
[02:16:00] schmots: do you see anything?
[02:16:00] schmots: run this first to change channels
[02:16:00] schmots: /usr/lib/ivtv/ &
[02:16:00] Ralph: continuous loop of static, black, static, black
[02:16:00] schmots: ahh.. bout 20 to 50 of those?
[02:16:00] Ralph: I just closed mplayer
[02:17:00] schmots: umm no.. thats a frambuffer error.. but your not buffering.
[02:17:00] schmots: have you tried changing channels?
[02:17:00] schmots: what distro by the way?
[02:17:00] Ralph: knoppmyth r5a12
[02:18:00] Ralph: I can change channels while watching live tv but all channels give me static
[02:18:00] schmots: ahh.. yeah.. I have read the knoppmyth doesn't have any support for the pvr-500 and since its just debian... even unstable doesn't have an ivtv driver that runs the 500.. if you can record tv.. more power to you.
[02:19:00] schmots: Plan to do anything else with this box other than myth?
[02:19:00] Ralph: i've installed the ivtv-0.3.2q drivers
[02:19:00] schmots: take a look at ... he has a section on the pvr-500
[02:19:00] Ralph: this is my main machine with Windows, Slack, LFS, and knoppmyth
[02:20:00] schmots: ... You run slack, but you choose an autoinstall for myth?
[02:20:00] Ralph: I'm just attempting to get it working before I build a final pvr machine
[02:20:00] Ralph: just figured it'd be the fastest way to get myth running
[02:20:00] schmots: I am a gentoo/debian man... I went with fedora core 3 just cause the documentation is so strong on that distro.
[02:20:00] Ralph: I plan to use slack later and compile from source
[02:21:00] Ralph: I actually use LFS the most tho
[02:21:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: it runs nicely on gentoo :)
[02:21:00] sarahemm{SA}: our backend and frontends are all gentoo.
[02:21:00] Ralph: schmots run this first to change channels
[02:21:00] Ralph: schmots /usr/lib/ivtv/ &
[02:21:00] Ralph: run that before mplayer -vo xv /dev/video0
[02:21:00] schmots: yeah
[02:22:00] Beirdo: sarahemm{SA}: that 10G drive behaving still? :)
[02:22:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: yep :) system is built, just finished emerging Xorg 5mins ago, configuring it now
[02:22:00] lane ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:22:00] Beirdo: cool :)
[02:23:00] Beirdo: just testing each and every export module in nuvexport (ffmpeg) with HDTV input..
[02:23:00] Beirdo: what fun
[02:23:00] sarahemm{SA}: heh
[02:23:00] lane: Good evening
[02:23:00] Hamstaman ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:23:00] Beirdo: found a couple nice bugs
[02:23:00] Beirdo: dopester: you in tonight?
[02:24:00] jason_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:25:00] schmots: well.. tsarahemm thanks for answering so fast.. I will be sure to pop in next time I have some questions.
[02:25:00] sarahemm{SA}: np.. i'm around quite a bit lately :)
[02:25:00] Flik ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:26:00] schmots ( Quit ("IBM: It's Better Manually")
[02:26:00] rw ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:27:00] lane: Well, I never know how to get started when I come here with a problem, so I guess I'll just jump in.... Just installed a clean FC3 box, following Jarod's guide. Also went up to KDE 3.4. Anyway... when I run mythtvsetup, I can't select the buttons. It asks if I want to clear my card settings, and when I hit Enter or Space the button goes black, but doesn't do anything. Same thing if I run mythfrontend when I try to exit. I hit ESC, bu
[02:27:00] lane: Enter to select Yes or No makes the button black, but doesn't do anything. Has anyone encountered this before?
[02:30:00] sarahemm{SA}: i have on one frontend, with the exiting thing...
[02:30:00] sarahemm{SA}: all other frontends and backend are fine tho, so i'm not sure what causes it =-/
[02:30:00] lane: hmm...
[02:30:00] lane: kind of makes running mythtvsetup impossible
[02:31:00] lane: don't suppose you have KDE 3.4 on the problem box?
[02:31:00] Ralph: that changed the channels of my recording so at least I can watch live tv if I record all the time :)
[02:32:00] lane: oh, weird... I just realized that I can select the troublesome Myth menu buttons with the mouse
[02:33:00] lane: that works, strangely
[02:33:00] wswanson ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:33:00] zuralin: in mythtv-setup you can iirc
[02:33:00] zuralin: not the frontend tho
[02:34:00] lane: It's a good thing I can, because it won't accept button selection that I make with the keyboard
[02:38:00] lane: sarahemm: how do you get around the problem on your frontend box?
[02:38:00] splat1 is now known as splAt1
[02:39:00] sarahemm{SA}: it only happens during the exit part
[02:39:00] sarahemm{SA}: so i turned off 'confirm exit' in the preferences....
[02:39:00] sarahemm{SA}: it's a hack, but it works.
[02:39:00] riksta ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[02:39:00] lane: right...
[02:40:00] lane: and you're not running KDE 3.4?
[02:40:00] sarahemm{SA}: me?
[02:40:00] sarahemm{SA}: TWM :P
[02:41:00] lane: ok. Just thought that might be a factor. I've not used KDE 3.4 on a Myth box before
[02:42:00] Beirdo: sarahemm{SA}: today's weather was such a disappointment. Was looking forward to being outside...
[02:42:00] sarahemm{SA}: ahh.. i don't have KDE running on anything..
[02:42:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: i slept through it, heh...
[02:42:00] Beirdo: hehe
[02:42:00] sarahemm{SA}: nigth shifts coming up, rolling my schedule around.
[02:42:00] Beirdo: I woke up about noon
[02:42:00] lane: Beirdo: Where are you? It was gorgeous in MN today
[02:42:00] Beirdo: it was sucktacular
[02:42:00] Beirdo: Toronto
[02:43:00] lane: ah, too bad. Went rollerblading along the Mississippi this afternoon and saw 2 bald eagles and 7 golden eagles.
[02:43:00] lane: And this is in St Paul
[02:43:00] Beirdo: nice
[02:43:00] Beirdo: well, it was gorgeous the last couple days
[02:44:00] Beirdo: but I guess it's the weekend, so it has to suck. That's just my luck
[02:45:00] lane: I was really bummed – this past Monday it was one of the first days to get to 60 F, but there was still snow on the ski slopes. I was about to leave for a 60 degree ski day when I saw that the resort closed the day before.
[02:45:00] lane: the snow was gone by Tuesday
[02:46:00] lane: Man, this HDTV signal scanning takes forever
[02:48:00] gecko is now known as Geckofiend
[02:48:00] ChanServ sets mode +v Geckofiend
[02:49:00] lane ( has left #mythtv-users
[02:50:00] Beirdo: ok, xvid fixed
[02:50:00] sarahemm{SA}: cool
[02:50:00] Beirdo: there were minor bugger-ups :)
[02:51:00] schmots ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:51:00] schmots: sigh.. already have another question.
[02:51:00] schmots: I can't find where to set a cap on how much space "live tv" takes up on auto buffer.. not on pause, just on running.
[02:52:00] sarahemm{SA}: there's a 'ringbuffer size' parameter in the config somewhere.... i can't remeber where offhand tho =-/
[02:52:00] schmots: in the frontend config.. or in mythtvsetup?
[02:53:00] sarahemm{SA}: i *beleive* in the frontend config.
[02:53:00] eps: hmm
[02:55:00] quink ( has joined #mythtv-users
[02:55:00] quink: hey.
[02:55:00] rob_ ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[02:55:00] quink: it was indeed a bad hard drive.
[02:55:00] quink: now that my drive is gone, how do i make lvm happy again?
[02:55:00] schmots: found it.. cool thanks.. it was in mythtvsetup
[02:55:00] Beirdo: OK... svcd confirmed
[02:55:00] quink: i ran vgreduce
[02:56:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: welkies :)
[02:56:00] Beirdo: quink: you have to vgreduce BEFORE removing the drive
[02:57:00] Beirdo: I told you that the other night, I thought
[02:57:00] Beirdo: put it back in, reboot, vgreduce it out, then shutdown again and remove it
[02:58:00] quink: hahah damn.
[02:58:00] quink: its completely dead. bios won't pickup the hard drive
[02:58:00] schmots: there.. with on ly 20 gigs of space.... don't want livetv taking more than 1.. 30 minutes should be more than enough to rewind through.
[02:58:00] quink: but. i did copy all available data off it, so not 'real' loss
[02:58:00] Beirdo: quink: then I dunno
[02:58:00] quink: heh.
[02:58:00] quink: good luck to me.
[02:59:00] Beirdo: shoulda removed it before powering down.
[02:59:00] quink: yeah. i must have misread.
[02:59:00] Beirdo: OK, VCD verified
[02:59:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: yikes, only 20gb?
[02:59:00] quink: vgreduce --removemissing is what i ran though
[02:59:00] schmots: built it on an old system.
[02:59:00] schmots: 10 hours of recording should be enough for a bit.
[02:59:00] sarahemm{SA}: okay :)
[02:59:00] schmots: will eventually rebuild it.. I think into a shuttle case.
[03:00:00] sarahemm{SA}: we have 90GB usable for video here and usually run Very Close to full... that's with a house of 3
[03:00:00] Beirdo: heh
[03:00:00] schmots: house of 3 and one card.... bet you fight over who records what
[03:00:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: heh, ours is in a small-form-factor case (chyang-fun) too. one PCI, one AGP.. that's why a dual-tuner would be nice, with only one PCI slot..
[03:00:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: not too much... sometimes tho ;)
[03:01:00] sarahemm{SA}: we didn't have any options for more tuners other than building a whole new box until now tho
[03:01:00] sarahemm{SA}: and it'd still need hacking to be usable.
[03:01:00] Beirdo: I have 400G avail, and rarely am under 50% by much
[03:02:00] sarahemm{SA}: we need a new drive Soon...
[03:03:00] Beirdo: DVCD confirmed
[03:05:00] schmots: My wife doesn't plan on really ever doing anything with it..
[03:05:00] quink ( Quit ("leaving")
[03:05:00] schmots: as far as she sees it, it just makes watcing tv harder.
[03:06:00] Beirdo: her tune will change when you have a pile of her fave show recorded to watch
[03:07:00] Beirdo: DVD confirmed
[03:08:00] NemLappy^ ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[03:08:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: ahh. my partner likes it lots :)
[03:08:00] sarahemm{SA}: then again, she's geekier than i am, so...
[03:09:00] Beirdo: say it's not so :)
[03:09:00] Fuzz (~t@ Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:09:00] sarahemm{SA}: what?
[03:10:00] Beirdo: she's more geeky than you? :)
[03:10:00] schmots: My wife just smiles and nods her head when I talk linux.
[03:11:00] Beirdo: mythtv can be explained without her understanding Linux :)
[03:11:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: i'd say so. different areas, i suppose. she's into lowlevel coding and hardware, i'm into mid-high level coding and networking.. and *some* hardware, but at a much higher level.
[03:11:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: heh. i just smile and nod when she talks about kernel internals...
[03:11:00] schmots: Have you ever grep'd the kernel source... some of the comments are funny
[03:11:00] Beirdo: sarahemm{SA}: you're both geeky enough :) heh
[03:12:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: hehee :)
[03:12:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: i dig through it for various reasons fairly regularly, but i don't have an understanding of the deep inner bits of it..
[03:12:00] Beirdo: divx single pass non vbr working
[03:12:00] ** sarahemm{SA} waits for wdm to build.... **
[03:13:00] schmots: oh I didn't say I have an understanding.. I recompile my own all the time.. but I don't program.
[03:13:00] ** sarahemm{SA} nods **
[03:17:00] Beirdo: DivX VBR single pass works
[03:17:00] schmots: I have tv working.. I have weather working... I might get snes working.. but thats all I need.
[03:18:00] syslod (~yurplsl@ has joined #mythtv-users
[03:18:00] schmots: is mythweb the only way to search for shows?
[03:19:00] quink ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:19:00] geo ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:19:00] quink: figured it out. vgreduce deleted the logical volume. so i just had to recreate it at the reduced size
[03:19:00] quink: good thing i backed up.
[03:19:00] NemLappy^ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:20:00] geo is now known as sumo
[03:20:00] sumo is now known as gleeos
[03:20:00] lane ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:21:00] syslod: Hello.
[03:21:00] Beirdo: schmots: you can search in the frontend too I think
[03:22:00] Beirdo: hello syslod
[03:22:00] syslod: Can mythtv and other projects be combined to create a IP settop box?
[03:22:00] Beirdo: probably
[03:23:00] syslod: I assume you can already play content from the bedroom mythtv to the living room?
[03:23:00] sarahemm{SA}: yep, you can.
[03:23:00] sarahemm{SA}: depends on your definition of 'settop box'
[03:24:00] sarahemm{SA}: we have an xbox that's basically a 'settop box'
[03:24:00] Beirdo: yup, you can watch your recorded porn on any frontend.. oh wait.
[03:24:00] sarahemm{SA}: it talks to the backend of mythtv via ethernet, plays back the content..
[03:24:00] sarahemm{SA}: lol Beirdo
[03:24:00] syslod: settop box = Small factor PC with SVGA out to TV and gets it signal from IP stream.
[03:25:00] schmots: ohh... tv doesn't like it when I run mythdatabasefill during tv viewing
[03:25:00] Beirdo: yay. DivX multi-pass confirmed
[03:25:00] schmots: but thanks to the buffer I didn't miss anything.
[03:26:00] slePP ( Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[03:27:00] gleeos: Are any of you using a PVR-250?
[03:27:00] sarahemm{SA}: syslod: well, then mythtv could be used yes :)
[03:27:00] Beirdo: many of us are
[03:27:00] gleeos: And, I guess I should add, are having issues with it?
[03:27:00] schmots: how much of a system do you need to stream to from a tuner only system?
[03:27:00] Beirdo: no issues here
[03:27:00] sarahemm{SA}: syslod: myth takes a signal from IP, and can output via SVGA, DVI, composite/svideo PAL/NTSC/SECAM, whatever.
[03:27:00] gleeos: hmm... For a couple of months now I just get a really scrambled-looking signal from my 250
[03:27:00] GreyFoxx: schmots: not much really
[03:27:00] gleeos: I can't figure out what is going on
[03:27:00] slePP ( has joined #MythTV-Users
[03:28:00] GreyFoxx: I have a 650 in one of my rooms as a frontend
[03:28:00] schmots: and can you view livetv over a link? I know I can view recorded shows that way.. but can I view livetv?
[03:28:00] gleeos: but I miss my box. =)
[03:28:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: yes, you can view livetv.
[03:28:00] GreyFoxx: schmots: Yup
[03:28:00] schmots: umm... guess I know somthing I am adding to my laptop later.
[03:29:00] JackBlanitor: does xwindows need to be installed to get mythtv working?
[03:29:00] sarahemm{SA}: JackBlanitor: what OS?
[03:29:00] JackBlanitor: gentoo
[03:29:00] schmots: since its an xclient....
[03:29:00] schmots: if you want to view the frontend... you need x
[03:29:00] sarahemm{SA}: for the frontend, yes, for the backend it needs to be installed for configuration, but not for ongoing use.
[03:30:00] JackBlanitor: darn
[03:30:00] sarahemm{SA}: you can use VNC if your backend is completely headless..
[03:31:00] lane_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:31:00] lane ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:31:00] lane_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:32:00] lane ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:32:00] JackBlanitor: vnc?
[03:33:00] JackBlanitor: I just need you guys to know I love you. Each and every one of you. Just in case, you know, if everything doesn't go alright.
[03:34:00] jason_ ( Quit ("Leaving")
[03:34:00] GreyFoxx: heh
[03:35:00] CanadaBoy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:35:00] gorillapond ( has joined #mythtv-users
[03:36:00] Beirdo: ASF CBR working
[03:37:00] Beirdo: hmm.
[03:37:00] Beirdo: might need more tweaking, I'll see after this run
[03:39:00] schmots: or you can forward through ssh
[03:40:00] gleeos ( Quit ()
[03:42:00] gorillapond: With a PVR350 tv output, I can't see the next/cancel buttons in setup pages in mythtv. Is there a way to fix it? I tried editing the UI size/offset, but it doesnt seem to really make them show up any better.
[03:43:00] schmots: nope
[03:43:00] schmots: I have the same problem
[03:43:00] schmots: you can ssh in from another machine to run mythtvsetup..
[03:43:00] schmots: then you just have to kinda wing it from the pvr.. or switch x back to a monitor.
[03:43:00] gorillapond: oh dear :(
[03:43:00] schmots: You can however fix the OSD
[03:44:00] schmots: once you get the basic setup its no big deal.
[03:44:00] schmots: and the lullus theme works great on the pvr
[03:44:00] Beirdo: hmmm.
[03:44:00] schmots: Beirdo, you disagree?
[03:44:00] Beirdo: this ASF stuff is breaking up again
[03:46:00] schmots: ASF?
[03:46:00] gorillapond: I saw some posts about editing the registers for the output to move it around.. I don't know nearly enough about the subject to full around with such things. I tried a few, some moved the output on the tv, others caused it to go odd colors.
[03:46:00] schmots: yeah.. from what I read the registers are for if the tv isn't centered.
[03:46:00] gorillapond: poo. :)
[03:47:00] schmots: the problem is partially the pvr.. partially your tv
[03:47:00] schmots: tv's bleed area is too large.
[03:47:00] syslod (~yurplsl@ Quit ()
[03:47:00] gorillapond: WAY too large, on this one.
[03:48:00] gorillapond: I suppose I should learn how to move windows from one x session to my remote pc. Any tips?
[03:48:00] schmots: ssh
[03:48:00] schmots: x forwarding is something it does.
[03:48:00] schmots: what distro is your mythtv box?
[03:48:00] gorillapond: Fedora
[03:48:00] schmots: core 3?
[03:48:00] gorillapond: Yes
[03:49:00] schmots: your in luck.. ssh is already there and forwards x
[03:49:00] schmots: what box are you on now?
[03:49:00] gorillapond: My powerbook, OSX :)
[03:49:00] schmots: ummm don't know
[03:49:00] ** gorillapond gasps.. somehow I don't have X11 installed **
[03:50:00] gorillapond: Whatever commands work in linux should work on OS X.
[03:50:00] schmots: nope
[03:50:00] gorillapond: no?
[03:50:00] schmots: os x == freebsd
[03:50:00] Beirdo: OSX != freebsd
[03:50:00] schmots: I am a Unix admin... all *nix's slightly different.
[03:50:00] sarahemm{SA}: OSX Kernel = Darwin....
[03:50:00] Beirdo: it's based on BSD, it's NOT FreeBSD
[03:50:00] schmots: and Darwin is based on freebsd
[03:50:00] gorillapond: good grief :)
[03:50:00] schmots: symantics
[03:50:00] sarahemm{SA}: yes... but it's still not freebsd :)
[03:51:00] schmots: I yield to that fact
[03:51:00] sarahemm{SA}: woohoo... mysql installing.. *more thumb twiddling*
[03:51:00] sarahemm{SA}: i should have a backend devel box before i sleep.. with luck.
[03:51:00] Beirdo: sarahemm{SA}: you got Qt installed yet?
[03:51:00] sarahemm{SA}: nope.
[03:51:00] Beirdo: hehe
[03:51:00] sarahemm{SA}: i'm doing that after i get mysql emerged.
[03:51:00] Beirdo: that one's the killer
[03:51:00] sarahemm{SA}: qt will be a.. what, 8h emerge?
[03:51:00] ** sarahemm{SA} remembers doing this on the frontends.... **
[03:51:00] Beirdo: oh, duh, after mysql makes sense :)
[03:52:00] Beirdo: I'd imagine 8h would be about right
[03:52:00] sarahemm{SA}: it's a duron 700... maybe longer.
[03:52:00] sarahemm{SA}: we'll see.
[03:52:00] Beirdo: oh JEEZ
[03:52:00] schmots: mysql yeah... a long emerge
[03:52:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: meow?
[03:52:00] poonj: hey guys..
[03:52:00] schmots: try openoffice.
[03:52:00] schmots: my emerge took 12 hours
[03:52:00] poonj: where can I get Video/ for the in ivtv?
[03:53:00] Beirdo: sarahemm{SA}: does that motherboard take Athlon XP Mobile?
[03:53:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: not likely. this is Old :)
[03:53:00] schmots: poonji you mean your /dev/video?
[03:53:00] Beirdo: oh. heh
[03:53:00] sarahemm{SA}: i need to get a new mobo for it soon..
[03:53:00] sarahemm{SA}: 100mhz fsb on it.. heh.
[03:53:00] Beirdo: I may still have a Duron 800 kicking around if you want a small upgrade
[03:54:00] poonj: to use, I need the module
[03:54:00] poonj: is that something that I need to dwnload?
[03:54:00] schmots: don't know.. I took the easy way out with myth...
[03:55:00] schmots: fedora core
[03:56:00] gorillapond: The only other issue I'm having is that although ALSA works great, and Arts works if I enable it, MythTV will NOT play any sound.
[03:57:00] Beirdo: jeez, how did I manage to rebreak ASF?
[03:57:00] dopester: Beirdo: yes I am now
[03:57:00] gorillapond: I thought the 350 recorded sound without a line-in cable to the audio card
[03:57:00] schmots: yeah it does
[03:57:00] Beirdo: dopester: could you record me a 1080i segment 1min long again?
[03:57:00] schmots: but it outputs that sound thourh its own output.
[03:58:00] gorillapond: hmm.
[03:58:00] gorillapond: I had it working in debian great, without its own output.
[03:58:00] Beirdo: I'm putting aspect ratio support into nuvexport, and need testing recordings :)
[03:58:00] gorillapond: Unless it was some crazy ivtv that made it possible, I dont know how I did it.
[03:58:00] schmots: I hope its just today casue of the timeshift... but my program guide has too many errors in it.
[03:59:00] schmots: Also is there anywhere I can find a good remote contorl howto.. I want to customize mine.. but doesn't have much.
[03:59:00] Beirdo: have the really old test recordings from way back when you were first getting air2pc working
[03:59:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: ooh right, time change..
[03:59:00] schmots: gorillapond... is your gnome/kde sound server running?
[03:59:00] gorillapond: No, i killed it.
[03:59:00] Beirdo: hmmm. deinterlacing 720p is dumb :)
[04:00:00] gorillapond: and I can play sounds through regular methods (aplay)
[04:00:00] schmots: I have tried to record a couple things that wound up being wrong.. and some shows it shows as a little stick.. that should be an hour.. then the rest of it is an hour ahead
[04:01:00] dopester: beirdo: how about tomorrow :)
[04:02:00] Beirdo: sure
[04:02:00] Beirdo: if you could grab one at some point...
[04:02:00] Beirdo: :)
[04:02:00] Beirdo: I'm testing with 720p for the majority of this as the 1080i I have is borked
[04:02:00] alex234 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:02:00] alex234 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:03:00] schmots: right now.. I am watching law and order... program guide says its kojak
[04:03:00] gorillapond: time zone issue?
[04:03:00] schmots: maybe..
[04:03:00] schmots: EST is -5... but is there an offset..
[04:05:00] ProtocoLD: anyone know how to recover the backup_mbr in linux ?
[04:05:00] schmots: what did you back it up with?
[04:05:00] schmots: and what bootloader?
[04:06:00] ProtocoLD: lilo
[04:06:00] schmots: thats super easy.
[04:06:00] schmots: have a live cd?
[04:06:00] schmots: like knoppix or somrthing?
[04:06:00] ProtocoLD: yeah
[04:06:00] schmots: boot off it.. chroot to your / partition... then run /sbin/lilo
[04:06:00] ProtocoLD: whoppix
[04:06:00] schmots: so something like this
[04:06:00] schmots: mount /dev/hda2 /mnt
[04:06:00] ProtocoLD: did that
[04:06:00] schmots: chroot /mnt
[04:07:00] schmots: lilo
[04:07:00] ProtocoLD: crap...
[04:07:00] schmots: lilo will rebuild from lilo.conf.
[04:07:00] ProtocoLD: forgot about the chroot
[04:07:00] ProtocoLD: hehe
[04:07:00] ProtocoLD: :)
[04:07:00] schmots: lilo is a static boot loader.
[04:07:00] schmots: thats why people are around.
[04:07:00] poonj ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:07:00] schmots: try switching to grub.
[04:07:00] schmots: more recovery options.
[04:07:00] schmots: Just more... "touchy"
[04:07:00] ProtocoLD: grub didnt' like my sata drive
[04:07:00] ProtocoLD: had to switch to lilo
[04:07:00] schmots: ?
[04:08:00] ProtocoLD: using suse 9.2
[04:08:00] ProtocoLD: it would hang after reboot using grub
[04:08:00] sarahemm{SA}: weird..
[04:08:00] ProtocoLD: stage2 loading...
[04:08:00] Grooby ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:08:00] ProtocoLD: tried lilo...
[04:08:00] Ralph ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:08:00] ProtocoLD: no problems
[04:09:00] ** sarahemm{SA} finds grub works in a lot of situations i couldn't get lilo to work in before.. and no remembering to run lilo after each new kernel, and when i inevitably screw up, i can fix it without a livecd :) **
[04:09:00] Malebolge ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:09:00] schmots: and with grub... you can just overright a kernel and reboot..
[04:10:00] [[bc90021]] ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:11:00] ProtocoLD: well... maybe so but it definately didn't like my sata drive
[04:11:00] [[bc90021]]: how can I get myth to run in a Window instead of taking up the full screen?
[04:12:00] schmots: thats in the setup
[04:12:00] [[bc90021]]: (this would be particularly helpful as it would allow me to set it up and read the directions at the same time)
[04:12:00] schmots: under the frontend.
[04:13:00] Malebolge ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:14:00] [[bc90021]]: I've done that, but then the Window is the size of the desktop minus the menubar
[04:14:00] lane: Does anyone know how to tell Myth that my bttv card is NTSC, not PAL? When I use it in Myth, I get B&W picture. In xawtv, I get B&W when set to PAL, but color when I tell xawtv to use NTSC.
[04:15:00] [[bc90021]]: also, my mouse doesn't work in that window – is it supposed to/
[04:15:00] schmots: nop
[04:15:00] schmots: man.. my program guide is totally messed up
[04:15:00] sarahemm{SA}: lane: it's in mythsetup, iirc.
[04:15:00] schmots: more than just time... length
[04:16:00] schmots: 1 hour shows taking only 30 mint... 1.5 hour shows taking 1 hour.
[04:16:00] schmots: 30–1 hour shows taking... 5 minutes
[04:19:00] schmots: nope.. time is off.
[04:20:00] schmots: the guide is an hour ahead...
[04:20:00] schmots: so do I set the time to -1
[04:20:00] schmots: and do I have to restart the front / backend to restart
[04:22:00] [[bc90021]]: erg, now I am trying to do "mythfilldatabase" and all the HTTP requests are 401 unauthorised
[04:23:00] schmots: did you create an account at the site?
[04:24:00] [[bc90021]]: schmots: no, it just said "now run mythfilldatabase"
[04:25:00] [[bc90021]]: I take it the site is ""?
[04:25:00] sarahemm{SA}: you likely had to enter your username/password for the grabber in mythsetup tho...
[04:25:00] sarahemm{SA}:
[04:25:00] sarahemm{SA}: err, are you in the US/canada?
[04:25:00] Beirdo: RTFM :)
[04:27:00] Beirdo: oops, I think he's in .de
[04:27:00] dmorrigan: Hello all. I have a PVR-150 and I am getting a BW video stream. Anyont know how to fix it?
[04:28:00] schmots: Oh man.. for the life of me now I can not find were to adjust the program guide time offset
[04:29:00] vlad ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:29:00] vlad: does anyone know of an xmltv replacement program that doesn't need X?
[04:30:00] ProtocoLD: schmots, after mounting sda1 (mount /sda1 /suse/) and do a (chroot /suse) I get a chroot error.... cannot run command '/bin/bash' when i execute 'chroot /suse/'
[04:31:00] sarahemm{SA}: vlad: err, xmltv doesn't need X
[04:31:00] Beirdo: vlad: you're in the USA, use zap2it
[04:31:00] sarahemm{SA}: nor is xmltv needed anymore for USA
[04:31:00] Beirdo: doesn't ANYONE RTFM anymore?
[04:31:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: No. No they don't.
[04:31:00] [[bc90021]]: Beirdo, actually, yes, but none of this stuff is in it
[04:32:00] [[bc90021]]: and there are like a million different options and stuff to configure
[04:32:00] Beirdo: [[bc90021]]: I'm pretty sure it is.
[04:32:00] vlad: in gentoo, i tried USE="-*" emerge xmltv, and it listed Xorg as a dependancy
[04:32:00] vlad: i will just compile it from source, thx
[04:32:00] sarahemm{SA}: vlad: ok, why are you using xmltv at all?
[04:33:00] [[bc90021]]: Beirdo: well, if it is, it's not in the order it needs to be in
[04:33:00] Beirdo: because he's allergic to reading docs, sarahemm{SA}
[04:33:00] vlad: for webvcr+
[04:33:00] sarahemm{SA}: err...
[04:33:00] sarahemm{SA}: what does any of this have to do with MythTV?
[04:33:00] [[bc90021]]: Beirdo: for instance, "configuring the data service" is located in the "downloading and compiling" section of the manual
[04:33:00] vlad: vcr... mythtv... if i couldn't find any replacement, i would have had to use mythtv
[04:34:00] Beirdo: [[bc90021]]: I won't deny that
[04:34:00] vlad ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:34:00] [[bc90021]]: Beirdo: the entire section of which I skipped because all I had to do was "emerge mythtv"
[04:34:00] sarahemm{SA}: [[bc90021]]: submit a doc patch? ;)
[04:34:00] Beirdo: sarahemm{SA}: good call ;)
[04:34:00] [[bc90021]]: sarahemm{SA}: I may, but I'd have to figure out how to do that, and only after I can start recording ;)
[04:35:00] dmorrigan: Hello all. I have a PVR-150 and I am getting a BW video stream. Anyont know how to fix it?
[04:35:00] Beirdo: yeah, wait until the driver is fixed or buy a different card
[04:35:00] Beirdo: or use the tuner
[04:36:00] Beirdo: I take it you are using svideo?
[04:36:00] dmorrigan: SVideo
[04:36:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: zie could also fix the code zirself :)
[04:36:00] Beirdo: the driver doesn't work right yet
[04:37:00] dmorrigan: The tuner can see the signal in color?
[04:37:00] schmots: sarahemm do you know where the timezone offset is for the program guide? It seems to have disappered
[04:37:00] Beirdo: AFAIK
[04:37:00] Beirdo: try it
[04:37:00] dmorrigan: Thanks
[04:37:00] Cromz ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[04:38:00] [[bc90021]]: irony... I sign up, and now I get "500 internal server error" on the download ;)
[04:38:00] Geckofiend: thought I heard something about only the 150MCE working
[04:39:00] Beirdo: could be
[04:39:00] CanadaBoy ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[04:39:00] Ridd1er ( Quit ()
[04:39:00] fith (cbayly@ has joined #mythtv-users
[04:40:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: don't remember, sorry...
[04:40:00] ** sarahemm{SA} emerges qt..... **
[04:40:00] sarahemm{SA}: should be emerged by noon tomorrow i figure ;)
[04:41:00] Beirdo: hehe
[04:41:00] ** [[bc90021]] says now it's working... now to figure out the type of TV card... **
[04:41:00] schmots: its alright... Maybe its just messed up cause the the time change.
[04:41:00] Beirdo: you're one patient person, sarahemm{SA}
[04:41:00] ProtocoLD: nm, figured it out
[04:42:00] ProtocoLD: my kernel rebuild didn't go so well  :/
[04:42:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: heh.
[04:43:00] Beirdo: patient or just obstinate :) heh
[04:44:00] Beirdo: as a stubborn fool myself, I can identify with that :)
[04:44:00] sarahemm{SA}: hehee :)
[04:44:00] sarahemm{SA}: i like the end result of a gentoo system..
[04:44:00] poonj ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:44:00] sarahemm{SA}: the initial setup gets irritating sometimes..
[04:44:00] Beirdo: why don't you just stage3, then have it recompile everything later?
[04:45:00] sarahemm{SA}: that's what i did this time...
[04:45:00] Beirdo: ah
[04:45:00] sarahemm{SA}: after trying unsuccessfully that first time :)
[04:45:00] sarahemm{SA}: but i'm still building xorg, mysql, qt, etc from source
[04:45:00] poonj: hey guys, I have a pcHDTV 3000 and a PVR-250 on the same box. I installed both the pcHDTV and ivtv modules. However, it does not seem to laod the ivtv modules...but uses the cx88xx drivers that came with the pcHDTV card...anyone here have an idea as to what I could be doing wrong? Do I need to configure modules.conf?
[04:46:00] Geckofiend: poonj did you use the ivtv drivers supplied by the hdtv3k folks?
[04:46:00] dfgh ( Quit ("hadf")
[04:47:00] poonj: Geckofiend: I am not sure...I just downloaded the pcHDTV 2.0 drivers
[04:47:00] poonj: and installed them
[04:47:00] Geckofiend: there should have been some ivtv drivers in that archive. least there was when I downloaded em
[04:47:00] schmots: sooo frustrated
[04:48:00] poonj: Geckofiend: how would I get around to just installing one set of drivers for each card?
[04:50:00] ** sarahemm{SA} meows **
[04:50:00] sarahemm{SA}: mmmm, pizza.
[04:50:00] sarahemm{SA}: pizza and hacking++.
[04:51:00] Beirdo: hey.. you leave my pizza alone :)
[04:51:00] schmots: Maybe tommorow the guide will be right.
[04:51:00] schmots: looks like it went off around 8 o'clock
[04:51:00] poonj: anyone else here have that combination of a pcHDTV and PVR-250?
[04:51:00] Beirdo: Mamma's Pizza rules
[04:52:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: north america?
[04:54:00] schmots: yup
[04:54:00] schmots: VA
[04:54:00] sarahemm{SA}: weird.
[04:54:00] sarahemm{SA}: mine looks just fine...
[04:54:00] ** sarahemm{SA} checks recorded stuff from the last few hours **
[04:55:00] sarahemm{SA}: yeah, it all looks like it recorded the right thing.
[04:55:00] sarahemm{SA}: weiiird.
[04:55:00] Octane ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[04:55:00] sarahemm{SA}: i certainly understand how TiVo has a market share even with all these 'free' solutions :)
[04:55:00] sarahemm{SA}: myth is not exactly 'set and forget' :)
[04:55:00] gorillapond: lol
[04:56:00] schmots: The program guide is right... just my computer thinks its an hour later...
[04:56:00] gorillapond: you got that right. i've been working on mine off-and-on for 2 days. :)
[04:56:00] schmots: ntp ...
[04:56:00] sarahemm{SA}: gorillapond: heh :)
[04:56:00] schmots: "linux is only free if your time is worth nothing"
[04:56:00] ** gorillapond nods **
[04:56:00] Beirdo: what?
[04:56:00] Beirdo: Linux is free. period
[04:56:00] ** sarahemm{SA} got sick of running out of programming in the DB when the grabber broke, running out of disk space from recordings, having the backend die and miss 24h of recordings.. eventually set up Nagios to monitor everything heh :) **
[04:56:00] Beirdo: using any OS takes time
[04:57:00] dmorrigan: Beirdo, Thanks the tuner works great
[04:57:00] Beirdo: no problem :)
[04:57:00] Beirdo: sarahemm{SA}: you need more disk :)
[04:57:00] schmots: Being a Systems Engineer.. I can say.. While linux has no licence costs.. and a lower tco it does generally take longer to learn linux than to learn a win server app
[04:57:00] Beirdo: bah
[04:58:00] Flik ( Quit ()
[04:58:00] Octane ( has joined #mythtv-users
[04:58:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: i know.
[04:58:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: once i have more money to spend we'll drop in a 300gb or somesuch.
[04:58:00] Beirdo: I hear ya
[05:00:00] gorillapond: Which FS has the easiest resizing? I want to setup LVM and it looked experimental to resize with ReiserFS, last time I checked.
[05:00:00] Beirdo: goooooogle
[05:00:00] sarahemm{SA}: JFS does it pretty well.
[05:00:00] sarahemm{SA}: but yeah, google :)
[05:00:00] sarahemm{SA}: and test.
[05:00:00] gorillapond: lol.
[05:01:00] sarahemm{SA}: we run reiser on our myth box (can't remember why) and JFS on the main file server here (because it's Good Stuff)
[05:01:00] gorillapond: Just looking for opinions. :)
[05:01:00] Beirdo: I use XFS, but it will only resize upwards
[05:01:00] gorillapond: I setup my mythtv partition as JFS, non LVM.
[05:01:00] dmorrigan: Next question if I may: lirc crashes when I run irw to test my remote. I don't have the /dev/lirc device. How can I create it?
[05:01:00] topping: sarahemm{SA}: 250GB SATA is $138 now
[05:01:00] sarahemm{SA}: topping: no SATA on the motherboard tho.
[05:01:00] poonj ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[05:01:00] sarahemm{SA}: topping: and that's $138USD :)
[05:02:00] Beirdo: and that's a USD price
[05:02:00] topping: hehe
[05:02:00] sarahemm{SA}: beat you to it Beirdo;)
[05:02:00] sarahemm{SA}: topping: box only has one PCI slot (for a tuner) and no SATA onboard, so SATA won't work :)
[05:02:00] Beirdo: heh
[05:02:00] topping: aya
[05:02:00] gorillapond: dmorrigan: I had that problem too. Sadly, I'm not sure how I fixed it
[05:02:00] sarahemm{SA}: heh, we need more storage and more tuners....
[05:03:00] Beirdo: $143CDN for 200G Seagate
[05:03:00] sarahemm{SA}: *nods* and $230ish for 300
[05:03:00] orb_rox ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:03:00] Beirdo: $237
[05:03:00] Beirdo:
[05:03:00] sarahemm{SA}: *nods*
[05:03:00] Beirdo: :)
[05:03:00] sarahemm{SA}: yeah, they're just up the street from me :)
[05:04:00] Beirdo: oh yeah, they have one up there now
[05:04:00] sarahemm{SA}: yeppers.
[05:04:00] sarahemm{SA}: just north of finch :)
[05:04:00] ** topping has had so much fun with this micro ATX that it's time to build a backend with a SATA RAID **
[05:04:00] Beirdo: I go to the one College & Spadina
[05:04:00] sarahemm{SA}: generally has more stock than the downtown one too, and much quicker service.
[05:04:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: i do if i'm going from work, but they're so busy all the time it's a pain.
[05:04:00] Beirdo: that doesn't take much
[05:04:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: i know :P
[05:04:00] Beirdo: don't ever go there if you are in a hurry
[05:05:00] sarahemm{SA}: *nods* the north york one is much better in that respect.
[05:05:00] Beirdo: cool
[05:05:00] sarahemm{SA}: plus it's dangerously convienent when i need something like an extra tuner card for devel work quickly ;)
[05:05:00] Beirdo: but I'd have to take the subway all the way to Finch...
[05:05:00] sarahemm{SA}: true. it's a little far for you :)
[05:05:00] dmorrigan: Anyone?
[05:05:00] sarahemm{SA}: nice walking distance for me.
[05:06:00] Beirdo: anyone what?
[05:06:00] gorillapond: dmorrigan: Are you sure lirc starts at boot?
[05:06:00] dmorrigan: Next question if I may: lirc crashes when I run irw to test my remote. I don't have the /dev/lirc device. How can I create it?
[05:06:00] sarahemm{SA}: dmorrigan: RTFM :)
[05:06:00] Beirdo: no lirc for me... next?
[05:06:00] dmorrigan: gorillapond, Yes it starts
[05:07:00] gorillapond: hmm. I manually created the /dev/lirc entry too, but i dont think thats what fixed it.
[05:07:00] wswanson: Beirdo: quick question you might know the answer too. I recently lost my latest database during a bad CVS load... so I reset (after proper backup). Is it enough to copy the recorded* table inserts to keep old recordings?
[05:07:00] Beirdo: sonvabitch, canadacomputers has PVRx50 now
[05:07:00] wswanson: I am about to try it regardless. ;)
[05:08:00] Beirdo: I think so, not sur
[05:08:00] Beirdo: e
[05:08:00] wswanson: we'll see soon — will report back in a few minutes
[05:08:00] sarahemm{SA}: dmorrigan: create the device with mknod.
[05:10:00] dmorrigan: I see that. Just created and going to check the remote
[05:15:00] gorillapond: Thanks for the help, all.
[05:15:00] wswanson: ok, I did this with the exception of recordedmarkup, for which I followed with a mythcommflag --rebuild -all --hogcpu
[05:15:00] gorillapond ( Quit ()
[05:15:00] wswanson: looks to have worked — will know for certain when the mythcommflag process is done
[05:16:00] Beirdo: cool
[05:16:00] schmots: ummm lirc still doesn't auto load.
[05:16:00] wswanson: so far so good — mythweb showing all programs
[05:16:00] Kury ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:22:00] [[bc90021]]: ok, I am watching tv with myth, but there is a noticeable lag with the audio, and then it echoes into oblilvion
[05:23:00] [[bc90021]]: actually, I am getting the audio first, and then the picture catches up, and then the audio echoes several times before dying
[05:23:00] Beirdo: [[bc90021]]: RTFM :)
[05:23:00] Beirdo: you need to setup the mixer right
[05:23:00] [[bc90021]]: Beirdo: I'm already reading there ;)
[05:23:00] Beirdo: line in should be muted, and set to a capture source
[05:24:00] ** mishehu yawns. **
[05:24:00] mishehu: can somebody test out the voip conference for me?
[05:24:00] Beirdo: sure, one sec
[05:25:00] schmots: the zap2it subscriptions.. I only signed up this morning and it says it will expire on 07/02/05 whats up with that.
[05:25:00] mishehu: want to make sure it's still allowing inbound.
[05:25:00] Beirdo: yup
[05:25:00] mishehu: schmots: it means it will expire on 07/02/05...
[05:25:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: you need to fill out a survey every few months to keep your subscription going.
[05:25:00] Beirdo: your music on hold is borked though
[05:25:00] mishehu: you'll need to lie to them again
[05:26:00] mishehu: Beirdo: whats borked about it?
[05:26:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: they email you when you have to, you go to the site and fill out a survey about how you use their product, and then it renews it for you.
[05:26:00] Beirdo: shouldn't I have moh while waiting for more conference users?
[05:26:00] mishehu: Beirdo: they might have changed the defaults between versions.
[05:27:00] schmots: anyone here in EST time and using ntp?
[05:27:00] Ralph ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:27:00] Beirdo: you yes and yes
[05:27:00] schmots: besides me.
[05:27:00] Beirdo: me
[05:27:00] schmots: what time does your system say?
[05:27:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: yes.
[05:28:00] Beirdo: 00:28
[05:28:00] sarahemm{SA}: 00:28:14
[05:28:00] sarahemm{SA}: <-- fed off a GPS clock
[05:28:00] schmots: ok.. and if you go into your program guide.. is it acurate? or is it an hour fast?
[05:28:00] schmots: I have rebooted.. I have re filled... its still off
[05:29:00] schmots: the 11:30 show... should be the 12:30 show.
[05:29:00] sarahemm{SA}: looks fine to me
[05:29:00] sarahemm{SA}: zap2it may be messed up only for certain providers or somesuch
[05:30:00] Ralph: my program guide was off by 5 hours
[05:31:00] Ralph: is still off
[05:32:00] schmots: crap.. the program guide was one of the things I was looking forward to it the most
[05:33:00] sarahemm{SA}: schmots: did it just break today, or was it broken before?
[05:33:00] schmots: before is today
[05:33:00] schmots: and it was right this morning/afternoon
[05:33:00] schmots: today is my first day with a working myth box
[05:34:00] schmots: it was right before I re-editid my zap account.
[05:34:00] sarahemm{SA}: ahh ok...
[05:34:00] sarahemm{SA}: hrm.
[05:34:00] sarahemm{SA}: well, it might be beacuse of the timechange, or it might be because of the offset being set wrong..
[05:35:00] schmots: yeah.. but I can't find the offset config anymore.
[05:35:00] schmots: its gone.
[05:36:00] sarahemm{SA}: you're in mythsetup, under the grabber config, and it's not there?
[05:38:00] schmots: no grabber.
[05:38:00] schmots: general, capture, video source, input connectors, channel editor
[05:40:00] sarahemm{SA}: err, wherever you set up the grabber :) i can't remember which, haven't run mythsetup since the xmltv->labs changeover...
[05:40:00] sarahemm{SA}: video source maybe?
[05:41:00] [[bc90021]]: Beirdo: well, I did everything the guide and you said, and nothing has changed
[05:41:00] [[bc90021]]: if I mute line in, I get no sound, even when set to capture
[05:41:00] [[bc90021]]: if it's not muted ,then I just get sound ahead of the picture, and then it echoes
[05:42:00] schmots: sarahemm.. zap2 setup is there.
[05:42:00] schmots: but no offset
[05:42:00] rpete ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:42:00] [[bc90021]]: yet tvtime works fine
[05:44:00] sarahemm{SA}: hrm... weiiird. i dunno schmots=-/
[05:45:00] Cromz ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:47:00] schmots: I had set it to auto before it disappered...
[05:49:00] bluntman (~bluntman@ has joined #mythtv-users
[05:51:00] bluntman: Is anyone here?
[05:51:00] ** Beirdo is a fuckin TARD **
[05:51:00] Beirdo: forgot to put the tape in for the backup
[05:55:00] sarahemm{SA}: i am bluntman
[05:55:00] sarahemm{SA}: err... i'm not bluntman, but i am here.
[05:56:00] bluntman: heh. Yeah. That would be me :) I have a question, it may be common, but Google and the mailing lists don't seem to know the answer...
[05:56:00] bluntman: Do you know if there is any way to get Myth to start recording from the beginning of a show if I press record in the middel?
[05:56:00] bluntman: middle
[05:57:00] bluntman: Oh, and hi, btw ;)
[05:57:00] Beirdo: no it can't
[05:58:00] Beirdo: it can only record live to my knowledge, not record suddenly in the past
[05:59:00] poonj ( has joined #mythtv-users
[05:59:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: true.... but in theory, it *should* be able to record in the past.. because you can rewind live tv, no?
[05:59:00] poonj: hey guys..when I do a lspci on my box, I get this for my PVR-250
[05:59:00] poonj: Conexant Winfast TV2000 XP
[05:59:00] poonj: does that mean this isn't a PVR-250?
[05:59:00] poonj: its a hauppauge card..
[05:59:00] sarahemm{SA}: err..
[05:59:00] sarahemm{SA}: what makes you think it *is* a pvr-250?
[06:00:00] poonj: oh the box I got it with
[06:00:00] poonj: Hauppauge WinTV PVR-250BTV
[06:00:00] bluntman: sarahemm: You type faster than me. I was going to ask the same q
[06:00:00] Beirdo: heheh
[06:00:00] Beirdo: those aren't supported by ivtv last I heard
[06:00:00] sarahemm{SA}: what's the 'BTV' part?
[06:00:00] poonj: really?
[06:00:00] sarahemm{SA}: BeyondTV?
[06:00:00] Beirdo: yup
[06:00:00] poonj: crap
[06:00:00] poonj: whats the difference?
[06:00:00] Beirdo: BeyondTV
[06:01:00] sarahemm{SA}: ahh, yeah.
[06:01:00] ** sarahemm{SA} googled it. **
[06:01:00] poonj: is there a difference?
[06:01:00] poonj: in terms of the card/chipset?
[06:01:00] Beirdo: it's a Roslyn design or something
[06:01:00] poonj: I see..
[06:01:00] Beirdo: different chips on the board
[06:01:00] poonj: I guess this is useless then
[06:01:00] poonj: damn it
[06:01:00] [[bc90021]] ( Quit ("Client exiting")
[06:02:00] Beirdo: at this point, I think it is
[06:02:00] Cromz: ugh.. I wanna shoot this time zone crap. cause it was right now it's 2 hours off.. wtf..
[06:02:00] dmorrigan ( Quit ("Leaving")
[06:02:00] poonj: Beirdo, thanks for the heads up
[06:03:00] schmots: Cromz same here.
[06:03:00] schmots: one hour for me.
[06:03:00] bluntman: Beirdo: Do you know if the 'record from the beginning' stuff has been requested and shot down for some reason? Was thinking of taking a look at the code.
[06:03:00] Beirdo: what time is the change at?
[06:03:00] Beirdo: lots of people of asked
[06:03:00] schmots: bluntman.. where would the buffer zone come from?
[06:03:00] bluntman: The live recording buffer.
[06:04:00] Beirdo: I don't know that anyone has done squat about it
[06:04:00] bluntman: The viewing one I mean.
[06:04:00] schmots: Beirdo I noticed it started going off aroune 7:30/8 oclock
[06:04:00] Beirdo: no
[06:04:00] Beirdo: the time change isn't 8pm
[06:04:00] Beirdo: it's in the next hour or so I think
[06:04:00] Cromz: 2am
[06:05:00] sarahemm{SA}: yep... 0159->0300
[06:05:00] schmots: if it rolls back at 2 then tommorow will be fine.. as long as the program doens't roll with it.
[06:05:00] Beirdo: couldn't remember if it was 1:01 or 1:59 :)
[06:07:00] bluntman: Do you guys know if there is a list of what is planned for the release?
[06:07:00] sarahemm{SA}: heh, is there ever?
[06:08:00] bluntman: :)
[06:08:00] bluntman: had a nice one for 0.17, but I haven't seen it updated for .18
[06:08:00] Beirdo: if Geckofiend (or anyone else) has kept it up to date, there is a wiki page
[06:09:00] Beirdo: there's Homer quote...
[06:09:00] Beirdo: a Homer quote even
[06:10:00] Beirdo: "Public transportion is for jerks and lesbians... Ohhh, I guess I'll walk"
[06:11:00] sarahemm{SA}: hehee
[06:11:00] sarahemm{SA}: <-- public transit fan
[06:11:00] sarahemm{SA}: (of course, i'm also the latter...)
[06:11:00] Beirdo: I guess I'd be a jerk
[06:12:00] bluntman: k. Thanks for the help, guys. If I plan on submitting a patch I'll let you all know.
[06:12:00] bluntman (~bluntman@ Quit ("Leaving")
[06:13:00] ** Cardoe yawns. **
[06:14:00] ** sarahemm{SA} meows **
[06:14:00] Beirdo: Heya Cardoe
[06:14:00] Cardoe: hey Beirdo
[06:14:00] Beirdo: Just testing my nuvexport stuff (for ffmpeg)
[06:15:00] Beirdo: if I can get the ASF to not suck total ass, I'll be checking it in tonight
[06:15:00] Beirdo: then I can set it up in transcode too
[06:15:00] defaultro: Good evening Beirdo, what should I read if I want to start burning those recorded programs to DVD?
[06:15:00] Beirdo: get nuvexport :)
[06:15:00] sarahemm{SA}: i should really upgrade my nuvexport... i need to turn the hack to export subtitles into a patch so i can upgrade easilly..
[06:15:00] defaultro: ok
[06:16:00] defaultro: is it part of an add-on to the front end?
[06:16:00] Beirdo: sarahemm{SA}: send the patch to either xris or I :)
[06:16:00] CanadaBoy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:16:00] Beirdo: me rather
[06:16:00] Beirdo: defaultro: for that you could use nuv2disc
[06:16:00] sarahemm{SA}: Beirdo: like i said, it's a two line hack or somesuch
[06:16:00] Beirdo: nuvexport runs from the command line
[06:16:00] defaultro: ok
[06:16:00] sarahemm{SA}: all it does is call 'mythsub' with the right parameters to spit out the .sub file as part of the export
[06:17:00] Beirdo: cool
[06:17:00] Beirdo: the patch would still be useful
[06:17:00] Beirdo: what format does it come out in?
[06:17:00] sarahemm{SA}: 'k :) i'll throw something together.
[06:17:00] sarahemm{SA}: Jacosub.
[06:17:00] Beirdo: cool
[06:17:00] sarahemm{SA}: mplayer/winamp/wmp/etc will read it.
[06:17:00] Beirdo: nice
[06:18:00] Beirdo: I'd be interested in finding something to take that and make subtitles for DVD
[06:18:00] Cardoe: Beirdo: awesome
[06:18:00] sarahemm{SA}: ahh
[06:18:00] sarahemm{SA}: i use it for captions, as they're not exported with the video
[06:18:00] sarahemm{SA}: (why do i feel like half my life i spend hacking stuff to fix captions?
[06:18:00] Beirdo: heh
[06:18:00] Beirdo: dammit!
[06:19:00] Beirdo: WTF is the problem with this ASF exporter?!
[06:20:00] Beirdo: it's DEFINITELY fucked
[06:21:00] Beirdo: found it
[06:21:00] Beirdo: :)
[06:22:00] sarahemm{SA}: woo!
[06:22:00] poonj ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:22:00] sarahemm{SA}: go Beirdo!
[06:22:00] Beirdo: -scplx_mask 0.7 caused it to go apeshit
[06:22:00] sarahemm{SA}: aha. i'm running .16, that'd explain why i don't have all these nifty features introduced in .17 :P
[06:23:00] Beirdo: hehe
[06:23:00] ** sarahemm{SA} makes a note to coordinate with solar before upgrading the backend, last time i forgot and there was... unpleasantness when hers broke.... **
[06:23:00] Beirdo: 0.18 will be out before you upgrade I'm sure
[06:23:00] sarahemm{SA}: whoa
[06:23:00] sarahemm{SA}: qt emerge is done
[06:23:00] sarahemm{SA}: that was faster than expected....
[06:23:00] defaultro: Beirdo, is .18 going to be out this month?
[06:24:00] Beirdo: Dunno for sure, but I heard rumblings
[06:24:00] defaultro: i tried the latest cvs 2 days ago and audio was horrible
[06:25:00] Beirdo: how meaningless
[06:26:00] sarahemm{SA}: wheeeee aalib.
[06:26:00] Beirdo: hehe
[06:26:00] sarahemm{SA}: aalib is handy for testing tv cards over ssh :)
[06:26:00] Beirdo: "And to all of my dear friends, I say.... Get the hell out of my yard!"
[06:26:00] Beirdo: Homer rules
[06:27:00] Cardoe: sarahemm{SA}: thumbs up for emerge!
[06:27:00] Beirdo: USE=middle-finger emerge attitude
[06:28:00] Cardoe: heh
[06:28:00] Beirdo: that, and of course.... emerge moo
[06:29:00] Beirdo: which, last I checked, actually works
[06:29:00] Beirdo: OK
[06:29:00] Beirdo: ASF CBR FINALLY confirmed
[06:31:00] Beirdo: Cardoe: you don't use HDTV do ya/
[06:34:00] Beirdo: ASF VBR single pass confirmed
[06:36:00] sarahemm{SA}: Cardoe: emerge rocks :)
[06:36:00] sarahemm{SA}: okay... X is all up and running with a nice window manager...
[06:36:00] sarahemm{SA}: tvtime time.
[06:36:00] Beirdo: why would you wanna install rocks?
[06:37:00] sarahemm{SA}: rocks?
[06:38:00] Beirdo: you said to emerge rocks
[06:38:00] Beirdo: heh
[06:38:00] sarahemm{SA}: lol
[06:38:00] sarahemm{SA}: *giggle*
[06:38:00] Tarantulafudge ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:38:00] Tarantulafudge: I need some suggestions for building a mythtv box for gdtv
[06:39:00] sarahemm{SA}: d'oh. tvtime is SDL.... *emerges SDL*
[06:39:00] sarahemm{SA}: gdtv?
[06:40:00] Tarantulafudge: hardware
[06:40:00] Tarantulafudge: I need to know what hardware I need for hdtv
[06:40:00] Beirdo: gdtv = goddamn TV? :)
[06:40:00] Tarantulafudge: hdtv is nice
[06:41:00] topping: that would be a fox affiliate here in the states
[06:41:00] Tarantulafudge: Any clues?
[06:41:00] Tarantulafudge: suggestions*
[06:41:00] Beirdo: you will need lots of disk
[06:41:00] Beirdo: good CPU
[06:42:00] Tarantulafudge: I plan on raiding 400gb hd's
[06:42:00] Tarantulafudge: amd65
[06:42:00] Tarantulafudge: amd64**
[06:42:00] Beirdo: heh
[06:42:00] Beirdo: K
[06:42:00] Tarantulafudge: I mainly want to know about audio/video cards
[06:42:00] slePP: beirdo, i need you :>
[06:42:00] slePP: maybe, anyway
[06:42:00] Beirdo: and ASF VBR multipass is confirmed
[06:43:00] Beirdo: slePP: what's up?
[06:43:00] Tarantulafudge: ?
[06:43:00] lane ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[06:43:00] slePP: are you familiar with setting up a SIP peer in asterisk? yes, of course you are :>
[06:43:00] Tarantulafudge: asf vbr multipass?
[06:43:00] slePP: can you help me test my SER install? no one else is hanging around
[06:43:00] Beirdo: heh
[06:43:00] Beirdo: I guess I could
[06:43:00] Beirdo: :)
[06:44:00] Beirdo: I have the sip stuff working from my linode
[06:45:00] Tarantulafudge: guys?
[06:46:00] sarahemm{SA}: yes?
[06:46:00] Tarantulafudge: I need some hardware suggestions for hdtv (audio/video cards)
[06:46:00] sarahemm{SA}: ahh.
[06:46:00] sarahemm{SA}: no idea, i have regular analog cable :)
[06:48:00] Beirdo: I don't have an HDTV setup yet, so I don't have any specific pointers
[06:49:00] Tarantulafudge: I need this info
[06:49:00] Tarantulafudge: lol
[06:49:00] sarahemm{SA}: heh... post to the mailing list?
[06:49:00] topping: Beirdo: are there wiki-type links for the stuff you are working on?
[06:49:00] sarahemm{SA}: we can only give info we have :)
[06:49:00] candc540 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[06:50:00] Tarantulafudge: anyone?
[06:50:00] candc540: what tarantulafudge
[06:52:00] Tarantulafudge: candc540, I'm looking for suggestions on hardware for an hdtv setup
[06:52:00] Tarantulafudge: candc540, as far as audio/video go
[06:52:00] topping: Tarantulafudge: really?
[06:52:00] Tarantulafudge: topping, yes
[06:54:00] Tarantulafudge: topping, you know anything
[06:54:00] CanadaBoy ( Quit (Connection timed out)
[06:54:00] topping: yes
[06:55:00] Tarantulafudge: topping, can you tell me anything?
[06:55:00] topping: maybe not much about hdtv that Beirdo hasn't already said
[06:55:00] topping: what are you looking for?
[06:55:00] topping: specific motherboard serial numbers?
[06:56:00] Tarantulafudge: topping, audio/video cards
[06:57:00] topping: for hdtv there is only one well supported encoder, so you'll find it when you read the docs
[06:57:00] sarahemm{SA}: Tarantulafudge: RTFM :)
[06:57:00] sarahemm{SA}: ... or...
[06:57:00] sarahemm{SA}: . . . s+compatible
[06:58:00] topping: haha
[06:58:00] topping: sorry
[06:58:00] Tarantulafudge: o.0
[06:58:00] topping: that's a pretty funny site, i'll have to use that more
[06:59:00] sarahemm{SA}: topping: sometimes it comes in handy ;)
[06:59:00] topping: it's like the south park with cathy-lee gifford
[08:00:00] topping: and officer bar-brady
[08:00:00] Tarantulafudge: Well you see I'm gonna use this thing to play dvd's on a high watt speaker system
[08:00:00] Tarantulafudge: and hdtv
[08:00:00] sarahemm{SA}: okay...
[08:01:00] sarahemm{SA}: you should still read the docs :)
[08:01:00] topping: be sure to get the racing stripes for the pc case then
[08:01:00] sarahemm{SA}: lol topping
[08:01:00] candc540: ls
[08:02:00] sarahemm{SA}: anyone in EST: your time just changed. :)
[08:02:00] topping: dammit, i should have been watching!
[08:02:00] candc540: can't get lirc to work
[08:02:00] topping: candc540: what have you done so far?
[08:02:00] candc540: ok
[08:02:00] candc540: so far
[08:03:00] candc540: recompiled kernel to add support for the lirc_i2c module
[08:03:00] candc540: then after that installed lirc-0.7.0 from source
[08:03:00] candc540: with the patch for hauppauge pvr-150
[08:03:00] topping: what kind of card? hauppauge?
[08:03:00] topping: ah o
[08:03:00] candc540: then modprobe lirc_i2c
[08:04:00] topping: what driver for ivtv
[08:04:00] topping: ?
[08:04:00] candc540: 0.3.2q
[08:04:00] topping: k
[08:04:00] topping: (logging into myth box
[08:05:00] topping: i have a 150 as well
[08:05:00] candc540: ahhh and it works?
[08:05:00] topping: so i should be able to help you, but it's been a few weeks
[08:05:00] candc540: i have perfect video just no remote functioning
[08:05:00] topping: yes, it works good
[08:05:00] topping: lemme scour a second
[08:05:00] candc540: thanks i got everyone elses 150s working in here as far as audio video
[08:05:00] candc540: ok
[08:06:00] topping: can you rafb/paste your lsmod?
[08:06:00] candc540: ahhh finally i get lirc_i2c: chip found (hauppauge pvr-150)
[08:06:00] topping: try 'irw'
[08:07:00] candc540: then ivtv i2c attach [client=hauppauge IR (PVR150), ok]
[08:07:00] topping: if it sits there and does nothing, shoot some ir at it
[08:07:00] candc540: irw not found
[08:07:00] topping: locate irw
[08:07:00] candc540: wait nevermind
[08:07:00] candc540: irw connection refused
[08:07:00] topping: ok is the service started?
[08:07:00] candc540: and i chmod 666 /dev/lirc
[08:07:00] candc540: i believe so
[08:08:00] candc540: lircd
[08:08:00] candc540: rightw
[08:08:00] topping: ok
[08:08:00] candc540: ok
[08:08:00] topping: you should have four entries in /dev/lirc*
[08:08:00] candc540: now irw is just sitting there but no output when i push buttons
[08:08:00] topping: do you have /dev/lirc0?
[08:09:00] candc540: yeah
[08:09:00] topping: 'ls -l /dev/lirc*'
[08:09:00] candc540: /dev/lirc0 /dev/lircd /dev/lirc /dev/lircm
[08:09:00] topping: four entries?
[08:09:00] topping: ok
[08:09:00] topping: good
[08:09:00] candc540: almost there i see
[08:09:00] candc540: :)
[08:10:00] topping: do an lsmod and pastebin the results for me
[08:10:00] topping: yah you are close
[08:10:00] topping: this is downhill from here
[08:11:00] candc540: pastebin?
[08:11:00] candc540: i know what it is but where is it located
[08:11:00] topping:
[08:11:00] candc540: (url?)
[08:12:00] candc540:
[08:13:00] topping: download this to a text file while i look
[08:13:00] topping:
[08:14:00] topping: could you do me a favor and do 'lsmod | sort
[08:14:00] topping: ?
[08:14:00] candc540: yeah
[08:14:00] topping: oh don't worry
[08:14:00] topping: i can do it on this side and go the other direction
[08:14:00] Tarantulafudge ( Quit ("Leaving")
[08:15:00] candc540:
[08:15:00] topping: ah cool
[08:15:00] topping: just one pvr-150 board?
[08:16:00] candc540: yeah
[08:16:00] topping: mine for comparison:
[08:17:00] topping: i'm wondering whether you might do well to remove some of the unneeded drivers
[08:17:00] topping: a lot of them are interdependent, but just add places things could go wrong since they aren't used
[08:18:00] topping: stuff like bttv
[08:18:00] candc540: i could
[08:19:00] topping: i don't even see i2c_core in your listing hmm
[08:19:00] Randall64 ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[08:22:00] topping: well, not sure if that's going to matter
[08:22:00] topping: have you checked the logs for ircd?
[08:22:00] candc540: nope
[08:22:00] topping: isn't there a non-daemonize mode?
[08:23:00] topping: hmm, maybe not
[08:23:00] topping: ahhh yes
[08:23:00] topping: 'lircd -n'
[08:23:00] candc540: ok says lircd(hauppauge)ready
[08:24:00] topping: hit it with the remote?
[08:24:00] candc540: nothing when pressing buttons on remote
[08:24:00] topping: one thing, are you sure that it is plugged in fully? it's a stiff connector
[08:24:00] candc540: just for good measure i'll change batteries
[08:24:00] candc540: i'll check
[08:24:00] topping: and the reciever is the short cable
[08:26:00] candc540: yep
[08:26:00] candc540: short cable
[08:27:00] candc540: nothing after changing batteries and unplug and plug ir sensor
[08:27:00] metusine (~dgs@ Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[08:27:00] topping: you can check the transmitter if you are so inclined by aiming it at a camcorder in night-vision mode
[08:28:00] candc540: got one of those
[08:28:00] candc540: one sec
[08:30:00] candc540: yep camcorder says that the remote is working
[08:30:00] topping: k
[08:30:00] topping: sooo
[08:30:00] candc540: get a flash when you press the buttons
[08:30:00] topping: hmm
[08:30:00] topping: yah it looks like a flashlight on the screen
[08:31:00] candc540: yep
[08:31:00] topping: hows about this
[08:32:00] topping: should be true that you can 'cat /dev/lirc0' and see data
[08:32:00] topping: lemme go to the other room and try
[08:32:00] candc540: cat /dev/lirc0
[08:32:00] candc540: ?
[08:32:00] topping: yah
[08:32:00] candc540: device or resource busy
[08:33:00] topping: kill lircd
[08:33:00] metusine (~dgs@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:33:00] candc540: ok killed
[08:34:00] topping: then 'cat /dev/lirc0'
[08:34:00] topping: aim the remote, push some keys
[08:34:00] topping: anything?
[08:34:00] candc540: same thing
[08:34:00] topping: busy?
[08:34:00] candc540: device or resource busy
[08:34:00] topping: ooh that's no good
[08:34:00] Kury: Hey I need to do the same thing as you guys... cat /dev/.....
[08:35:00] Kury: but I don't have a /dev/lirc0
[08:35:00] topping: 'lsof /dev/lirc0'
[08:35:00] topping: Kury: that's because your kernel driver is not installed yet
[08:35:00] Kury: I only have a /dev/lirc lircd and a lircm
[08:35:00] candc540: ok
[08:35:00] Kury: if I start lircd I can use irw to get the signals...
[08:35:00] Kury: but I can't cat any of those three devices?
[08:36:00] topping: Kury: without the kernel driver, you can't
[08:36:00] candc540: Kury: lucky bastard
[08:36:00] defaultro ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:36:00] Flik (~flik@ has joined #mythtv-users
[08:36:00] candc540: topping: so what's after lsof
[08:36:00] topping: lsof /dev/lirc0
[08:36:00] candc540: yep did that
[08:37:00] topping: no results?
[08:37:00] candc540: nope just back to prompt
[08:37:00] candc540: no results
[08:37:00] topping: odd
[08:37:00] candc540: time for reboot?
[08:37:00] topping: device or resource is busy implies a process has the file open
[08:37:00] topping: but lsof says that there are none
[08:37:00] topping: try the cat again and if still same problem, reboot
[08:37:00] candc540: yep very strange
[08:38:00] candc540: time to reboot
[08:38:00] candc540: be back
[08:38:00] topping: :)
[08:38:00] candc540 ( Quit ("Leaving")
[08:38:00] Kury: Anyone in here have a Pinnacle LIRC setup?
[08:38:00] topping: Kury: we are working on the hauppauge PVR-150
[08:39:00] topping: Kury: do an 'lsmod | grep lirc'
[08:39:00] Kury: ya.. I'm just wondering about my pinnacle receiver... Can I use a different remote w/ the receiver?
[08:39:00] topping: what are the results
[08:40:00] Kury: I did grep ir...
[08:40:00] Kury: irnet 24837 0
[08:40:00] Kury: ppp_generic 35029 1 irnet
[08:40:00] Kury: ircomm_tty 27977 0
[08:40:00] Kury: ircomm 14277 1 ircomm_tty
[08:40:00] Kury: irda 122493 3 irnet,ircomm_tty,ircomm
[08:40:00] Beirdo: Cardoe: nuvexport changes checked in
[08:41:00] candc540 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:41:00] candc540: ok
[08:41:00] candc540: rebooted
[08:41:00] topping: any luck?
[08:41:00] candc540: let me see
[08:41:00] sarahemm{SA}: i hate figuring out what card/tuner setting to use for these things :P
[08:41:00] candc540: just cat /dev/lirc0 right
[08:41:00] topping: lsof first
[08:41:00] topping: just to be pedantic :-)
[08:42:00] Kury: can you determine anything from my lsmod?
[08:42:00] topping: Kury: i don't recognize any lirc devices in there
[08:43:00] Kury: ircomm_tty?
[08:43:00] topping: mine has lirc_i2c 9732 1
[08:43:00] topping: lirc_dev 14084 1 lirc_i2c
[08:43:00] jasoncohen ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[08:43:00] topping: it doesn't appear that you have the lirc kernel driver, as i was saying earlier
[08:43:00] Kury: I donno... I know it works..
[08:43:00] candc540: ok i restarted and no i didn't have /dev/lirc0
[08:44:00] candc540: but i have /dev/lirc
[08:44:00] candc540: *now
[08:44:00] topping: modprobe lirc_dev
[08:44:00] candc540: says invalid module format???
[08:44:00] topping: ick
[08:44:00] topping: umm
[08:45:00] candc540: time to reinstall the module?
[08:45:00] topping: let's check something first
[08:45:00] jasoncohen ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:46:00] topping: find /lib/modules/`uname -r/ -name lirc
[08:46:00] Kury: Can I use a different remote w/ the Pinnacle receiver?
[08:46:00] topping: erm
[08:46:00] topping: find /lib/modules/`uname -r` -name lirc
[08:46:00] topping: that didn't work for me either hehe
[08:46:00] topping: hold on
[08:46:00] candc540: nothing
[08:47:00] candc540: but i reinstalled the kernel modules
[08:47:00] candc540: compiled modules separately
[08:47:00] topping: find /lib/modules/`uname -r` -name 'lirc*'
[08:47:00] topping: /lib/modules/2.6.10–
[08:47:00] topping: /lib/modules/2.6.10–
[08:47:00] topping: that's what i have
[08:47:00] candc540: me too
[08:47:00] topping: that's good
[08:48:00] candc540: and they both modprobe find
[08:48:00] topping: it's easy to have multiple copies by this point
[08:48:00] topping: ohhh
[08:48:00] topping: ok
[08:48:00] topping: inside /etc/modprobe.conf
[08:48:00] topping: alias char-major-61 lirc_i2c
[08:48:00] topping: alias char-major-61–1 lirc_serial
[08:49:00] topping: install lirc_i2c /sbin/modprobe ivtv ivtv_std=1 tuner=50; /sbin/modprobe --ignore-install lirc_i2c
[08:49:00] topping: those three lines at the end
[08:49:00] candc540: i'm debian so it should be different right?
[08:49:00] topping: hmm
[08:49:00] topping: dunno
[08:49:00] candc540: in the uh /etc/modutils/lirc
[08:49:00] candc540: :)
[08:50:00] topping: bleh!
[08:50:00] topping: got me
[08:50:00] topping: you also don't want to specify the tuner
[08:50:00] topping: let's just leave the install off the list for now
[08:50:00] topping: maybe
[08:51:00] topping: hmm
[08:51:00] topping: i don't know this part very well
[08:52:00] candc540: ok
[08:52:00] candc540: left install part off
[08:52:00] topping: i kind of just cheesed around that part until it worked
[08:53:00] topping: and left it in whatever brain-damaged state it was in
[08:53:00] topping: but i know that you need to somehow specify the character device number
[08:53:00] topping: and i think that's it
[08:53:00] candc540: yeah
[08:54:00] topping: lemme also check that thing that does devices
[08:54:00] candc540: what about the uh lircd.conf?
[08:54:00] topping: i don't think that matters yet really
[08:54:00] candc540: oh
[08:54:00] candc540: ok
[08:54:00] topping: because you don't have the kernel device
[08:54:00] topping: maybe you need to mknod
[08:55:00] topping: that might be a part of the lirc driver install
[08:55:00] candc540: mknod?
[08:55:00] topping: hold on
[08:55:00] candc540: k
[08:56:00] topping: gawd, what's the name of that crackhead daemon on fedora that does devices
[08:56:00] topping: ...
[08:56:00] topping: ah udev
[08:56:00] topping: hold
[08:56:00] candc540: yeah udev
[08:56:00] Beirdo: that's not just fedora
[08:56:00] candc540: yep debian too
[08:57:00] Beirdo: that's many of the newfangled distros
[08:57:00] topping: this is key then
[08:57:00] topping: in /etc/udev/rules.d
[08:57:00] topping: you need an lirc.rules
[08:57:00] topping: with one line
[08:57:00] topping: KERNEL="lirc0", SYMLINK="lirc"
[08:57:00] topping: then we should be somewhere
[08:57:00] topping: my guess is you installed the driver on the last reboot, correct?
[08:58:00] topping: that created the device, but when we rebooted, it wasn't there again
[08:58:00] topping: this will fix that
[08:58:00] jdrogers ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[08:58:00] candc540: ok
[08:58:00] topping: then with the alias, we may be in better shape
[08:58:00] KillerBunny ( has joined #mythtv-users
[08:58:00] candc540: i have a /etc/udev/rules.d folder
[08:59:00] candc540: i have a couple files in there cd-aliases.rules udev.rules and z_hal-plugdev.rules
[08:59:00] candc540: which one should i use?
[08:59:00] topping: create a new one
[08:59:00] topping: lirc.rules
[08:59:00] candc540: ok created
[09:00:00] candc540: now reboot time right?
[09:00:00] topping: got that line in there?
[09:00:00] topping: yah then reboot
[09:00:00] candc540: brb
[09:00:00] candc540 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:00:00] topping: i had totally forgotten how to do all this before starting this myth project last month
[09:01:00] topping: hehe
[09:04:00] candc540 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:04:00] candc540: ok restarted
[09:04:00] topping: how's looking?
[09:04:00] candc540: not working
[09:05:00] topping: no devs?
[09:05:00] candc540: no output in irw
[09:05:00] topping: ls -l /dev/lirc*
[09:05:00] candc540: i got /dev/lirc /dev/lirc0 and /dev/lircd
[09:05:00] topping: ok that's a good start
[09:05:00] topping: show me the line for ls -l /dev/lirc0
[09:06:00] Randall64 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:06:00] candc540: crw-rw---- 1 root root 61, 0 2005-04–03 00:03 /dev/lirc0
[09:06:00] candc540: do we need to chmod 666 /dev/lirc0?
[09:07:00] topping: no
[09:07:00] topping: that's something that has to be done in udev anyway
[09:07:00] topping: and mine is 600
[09:07:00] topping: so don't worry about it
[09:07:00] candc540: oh
[09:07:00] topping: cat /dev/lirc0
[09:09:00] candc540: gives me nothing just sits there with the cursor flashing below
[09:09:00] candc540: that's good i take it
[09:09:00] topping: ok
[09:09:00] topping: no
[09:09:00] candc540: oh
[09:09:00] topping: try a lot of keys on the remote
[09:09:00] candc540: bad then
[09:09:00] candc540: yeah
[09:09:00] candc540: i got something
[09:09:00] candc540: a bunch of crap
[09:09:00] topping: did?
[09:09:00] topping: cool!!
[09:09:00] topping: ok
[09:09:00] candc540: :)
[09:09:00] topping: start lircd
[09:09:00] topping: then irw
[09:09:00] candc540: liek box ! that's upside down etc
[09:09:00] topping: junk
[09:10:00] topping: no worries
[09:10:00] candc540: k irw started
[09:10:00] candc540: push buttons nothing :(
[09:10:00] topping: we are close no worries
[09:11:00] topping: now it's time for /etc/lircd.conf
[09:11:00] candc540: ahh
[09:11:00] candc540: ok so i have the grey and black new style remote
[09:11:00] candc540: i think i have the conf file already
[09:11:00] candc540: let me search for it
[09:11:00] topping: ah you did ? ok
[09:11:00] topping: hmm
[09:11:00] candc540: downloaded earlier
[09:11:00] candc540: not in /etc/lirc.conf though
[09:11:00] topping: ok how about this
[09:11:00] candc540: just in /home/user
[09:12:00] topping: eh
[09:12:00] topping: no different file hold on
[09:12:00] candc540: k
[09:12:00] topping:
[09:12:00] topping: this is /etc/lircd.conf
[09:12:00] topping: put that in place, then restart lircd
[09:12:00] topping: then start irw and try
[09:14:00] candc540: damn
[09:14:00] candc540: it works
[09:14:00] topping: haaa!
[09:14:00] topping: cool
[09:14:00] topping: ok
[09:14:00] candc540: now to fix with myth
[09:15:00] candc540: yay
[09:15:00] topping: what user is your myth fe working in?
[09:15:00] candc540: normal user
[09:15:00] topping: named?
[09:15:00] candc540: user
[09:15:00] topping: cd ~user/.mythtv
[09:15:00] topping: put the file in there with the name 'lircrc'
[09:16:00] candc540: the lircd.conf?
[09:16:00] topping: not '.lircrc' .... 'lircrc'
[09:16:00] topping: no these are different files
[09:16:00] topping: the one i just sent you different than an hour ago
[09:16:00] topping:
[09:17:00] candc540: now just run mythfrontend and test remote?
[09:17:00] stoffel ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:17:00] topping: yep
[09:18:00] candc540: nothing
[09:18:00] candc540: i copied it to a file named lircrc
[09:18:00] topping: ... where did you put it?
[09:19:00] candc540: /home/user/.mythtv
[09:19:00] topping: name of file
[09:19:00] topping: ?
[09:19:00] candc540: lircrc
[09:19:00] candc540: one sec
[09:19:00] candc540: i think i goofed
[09:19:00] candc540: yeah my prob i was su to root
[09:19:00] candc540: :)
[09:19:00] topping: yah
[09:19:00] candc540: that's why didn't work
[09:19:00] candc540: now it works
[09:19:00] candc540: so to recap
[09:19:00] topping: haha cool!
[09:19:00] candc540: install kernel drivers
[09:20:00] topping: i gotta hit it
[09:20:00] candc540: thanks
[09:21:00] candc540: for all the help
[09:21:00] topping: sure!
[09:21:00] candc540: i think i got it now
[09:21:00] topping: i had a few hands helping me too
[09:21:00] topping: :)
[09:21:00] sarahemm{SA}: gah...
[09:21:00] candc540: have to document i'll need it again i'm sure
[09:21:00] ** sarahemm{SA} gives up on trying to config this tv card for now **
[09:21:00] topping: candc540: 'history'
[09:22:00] topping: probably need to su root first
[09:22:00] topping: but that will give you something to thread back with
[09:22:00] candc540: yeah
[09:23:00] topping: so you didn't need the install, i'll try removing that hehe
[09:23:00] stoffel ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[09:23:00] topping: in the modules.conf
[09:23:00] candc540: yeah
[09:23:00] candc540: don't need it
[09:23:00] topping: ok l8s
[09:23:00] topping ( has left #mythtv-users
[09:23:00] candc540: later
[09:24:00] candc540: hmmm now if i could only get that stupid daemon to run
[09:24:00] candc540: at boot
[09:27:00] Scorpi ( Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[09:31:00] CanadaBoy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[09:37:00] Malebolge: candc540: do you have a LIRC script in /etc/init.d ? (you are runnning debian right?)
[09:37:00] Randall64: no doom3 demo for OS X :(
[09:38:00] candc540: yeah
[09:38:00] candc540: running debian
[09:38:00] candc540: no lirc script in /etc/init.d
[09:39:00] candc540: Malebolge: how would i create one
[09:39:00] Malebolge: candc540: I can paste it for you
[09:39:00] candc540: ok
[09:40:00] Malebolge: let me log into the box
[09:44:00] Malebolge: candc540: ok it is there
[09:45:00] Malebolge: candc540:
[09:46:00] Malebolge: put that in /etc/init.d and make it executable
[09:46:00] Malebolge: then link it from rc5.d  — ln -s ../init.d/lirc S21lirc
[09:47:00] candc540: ok
[09:48:00] sarahemm{SA} ( has left #mythtv-users
[09:49:00] candc540: how about a starting the mythbackend on boot
[09:49:00] Malebolge: you want that script also?
[09:50:00] candc540: sure
[09:53:00] candc540: and last but not least how to launch mythfrontend after x starts
[09:54:00] Malebolge: candc540: mythtv-backend script
[09:55:00] Malebolge: candc540: link it to S25myth-backend
[09:55:00] NightMonkey ( Quit (Client Quit)
[09:56:00] candc540: how?
[09:56:00] candc540: ok i did a ln -s afterwards too like other one
[09:57:00] candc540: so it's a sym link in rc5.d S21mythbackend
[09:57:00] Malebolge: candc540: right in rc5.d
[09:57:00] CanadaBoy ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:58:00] candc540: oh sorry thought you were talking about the frontend
[09:58:00] candc540: i want that to launch after xserver loads
[09:58:00] Malebolge: good question the scripts were criobbed from my knoppmyth installation
[09:58:00] Malebolge: cribbed
[09:59:00] candc540: ahhh
[10:00:00] Malebolge: altho' it had a problem in that the lirc was started before the ivtv stuff was loaded
[10:01:00] Malebolge: so changed to the link name from S20lirc to S21lirc to be sure that it started later
[10:03:00] candc540: well i gotta get off to bed
[10:03:00] candc540: i'll deal with this more in the morning
[10:03:00] Flik (~flik@ Quit ()
[10:04:00] candc540: i'm starting to doze off
[10:04:00] candc540: :)
[10:04:00] candc540: unless somone's got a quick fix
[10:05:00] Malebolge: l8r – back to new kernel
[10:09:00] candc540: l8r
[10:09:00] zamboni ( has joined #mythtv-users
[10:09:00] candc540 ( Quit ("Leaving")
[10:12:00] zamboni ( Quit (Client Quit)
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[10:16:00] Malebolge ( Quit ("Chatzilla 0.9.67 [Firefox 1.0.2/20050317]")
[10:25:00] Randall64: Anyone ever run stream on an amd64 with dual ddr?
[10:48:00] xris ( Quit ("Download Gaim:")
[10:49:00] Coume ( has joined #mythtv-users
[10:51:00] kormoc|afk is now known as kormoc
[11:00:00] sarahemm{SA} ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:03:00] poonj ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:03:00] poonj: hey guys...what is a good tv viewing application for pchdtv?
[11:03:00] poonj: mplayer?
[11:08:00] ** sarahemm{SA} knows nothing about hdtv, sorry =-/ **
[11:09:00] Coume ( Quit (" - The MythTV users community forum")
[11:11:00] Flik ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[11:24:00] defec ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:25:00] defec: hi, i'm having daylight savings time issues that i'm wondering if can be fixed
[11:25:00] defec: shows are now off by an hour:(
[11:28:00] poonj: hey guys..
[11:29:00] poonj: I'm having trouble installing the mythtv-database package from debian. I'm getting the error that the admin user/pass is not correct...however, I am logging into the mysql interface just fine without a password. do I need to create the mythconverg dataase itself before installing the package?
[11:31:00] CanadaBoy ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:31:00] Flik ( Quit ()
[11:38:00] intra17 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[11:38:00] intra17: anyone here from the USA?
[11:40:00] ** intra17 slaps Beirdo around with a large Babelfish! **
[11:41:00] defec: I AM
[11:41:00] defec: sorry
[11:41:00] defec: i am, problems with the time change also?:(
[11:42:00] intra17: no
[11:42:00] intra17: can i pm you?
[11:42:00] defec: yeah
[11:49:00] defec ( Quit ("defec has no reason")
[11:50:00] intra17: anyone here from the USA?
[11:50:00] intra17: anyone here from the USA?
[11:52:00] sarahemm{SA}: canadia.
[11:55:00] intra17: can i pm you?
[11:56:00] sarahemm{SA}: uhh.
[11:56:00] sarahemm{SA}: why?
[11:56:00] intra17: want to talk
[11:56:00] sarahemm{SA}: about?
[11:56:00] intra17: friends
[11:56:00] sarahemm{SA}: err..
[11:57:00] sarahemm{SA}: unless it's about mythtv (and then here is good), no thanks.
[11:57:00] CanadaBoy ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[11:58:00] kormoc is now known as kormoc|afk
[12:01:00] poonj ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:06:00] Kury ( Quit ()
[12:09:00] jasoncohen ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[12:14:00] laga: re
[12:20:00] intra17 ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:25:00] sarahemm{SA} ( Quit ("ostriches are fizzy")
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[13:35:00] FaithX ( has joined #mythtv-users
[13:41:00] Coume ( has joined #mythtv-users
[13:44:00] schmots: Morning..
[13:44:00] schmots: anyone on who knows what menu the timezone offset for the program guide is in?
[13:44:00] Coume: hi schmots
[13:46:00] schmots: hello
[13:50:00] CanadaBoy ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[13:51:00] schmots: I have gone all through mythtvsetup and the frontend.. and no where can I find that menu anymore... last time I saw it I set it to auto and it screwed everything up.
[13:51:00] Coume ( Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:51:00] fatmatt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[13:52:00] zamboni ( has joined #mythtv-users
[13:54:00] fatmatt: heyas
[13:55:00] fatmatt: anyone using a wireless network and myth?
[13:57:00] schmots: This timezone problem practicly makes myth useless.
[13:57:00] zamboni: that woould be cool
[13:57:00] fatmatt: whats the time zone issue?
[13:57:00] zamboni: wireless TV what a concept
[13:57:00] schmots: fatmatt program guide is an hour fast.
[13:57:00] schmots: i.e. it is 9am now.. but its showing shows that should be at 10, yet marking them at 9.
[13:58:00] schmots: and the show I am watching is makred at 8am
[13:58:00] zamboni: wonder if restarting the backend would help
[13:58:00] zamboni: ??
[13:58:00] schmots: I have restarted the backend... the frontend.. the server..
[13:58:00] fatmatt: theres an option you can pass to either tv_grab_xx or mythfilldatabase that offsets the time I think, I had a prob like that ages ago
[13:59:00] zamboni: anyone here given freevo a shot?
[13:59:00] zamboni: I fgot myth working
[13:59:00] zamboni: but Id like to try freevo
[13:59:00] schmots: only mythfilldatabase offset I can find is about days.. not hours.
[14:00:00] schmots: I have googled on this till my eyes burn... I remember the setting was in a gui... but now I can't find it anymore.. in any configs.
[14:00:00] schmots: whats the best way to wipe out your mythtv database and start over?
[14:00:00] zamboni: fdisk
[14:00:00] zamboni: lol
[14:00:00] fatmatt: I've got a frontend on my laptop, when I use the wireless network on it the video is crap. Wired is fine,
[14:00:00] schmots: its a mysql database.. has to be an eiser way.
[14:01:00] fatmatt: schmots: just a sec I'll check something
[14:01:00] schmots: wireless network has less through put than wired.
[14:01:00] schmots: even a wireless G is only half the throughput of 10bastT connections.
[14:01:00] fatmatt: yeah, but wireless should be about enoigh wondering if anyone else is using one
[14:02:00] FaithX ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[14:03:00] schmots: the option is back...
[14:03:00] zamboni: tada
[14:03:00] zamboni: wireles would be cool
[14:04:00] zamboni: imaging war driving for tv?
[14:04:00] laga: hehe
[14:05:00] fatmatt: I'm not sure if zamboni is taking the piss or not
[14:05:00] zamboni: wireless tv what a cncept
[14:05:00] zamboni: no not really
[14:05:00] zamboni: I like the idea
[14:06:00] zamboni: but thinnk of it: private channels over 802?
[14:06:00] schmots: any way to wipe the mythfilldatabase results completely and totally redownload them all.
[14:06:00] zamboni: kinda cool
[14:06:00] zamboni: so no fatmatt I not pullin your chain
[14:06:00] zamboni: but the idea is amusing
[14:07:00] fatmatt: schmots, theres a table in the database that holds all the program data, I thought that re-running mythfildatabase would overwrite though
[14:07:00] gecko is now known as Geckofiend
[14:07:00] ChanServ sets mode +v Geckofiend
[14:08:00] fatmatt: zamboni: problem is bandwidth tho, theres not enough for 1 link, might be slowed because the links is encrypted,
[14:08:00] zamboni: yeah
[14:09:00] zamboni: if you could sent it in the clear?
[14:09:00] fatmatt: and in Aust, 2.4GHz is used for amatuer tv braodcast as well,
[14:09:00] zamboni: amature as in HAM?
[14:10:00] fatmatt: zamboni: sort of, the wireless group I used to be involved in had a member who was building a station
[14:10:00] zamboni: cool
[14:10:00] fatmatt: no idea wht he was planning to broadcast
[14:11:00] zamboni: old reruns maybe?
[14:12:00] zamboni: think of ot though: you could have your own local, and I mean really local tv channel
[14:12:00] fatmatt: that would be worth the investment :/
[14:12:00] zamboni: local as in a few city blocks
[14:12:00] zamboni: neighbourhood TV
[14:12:00] zamboni: TV 4theH00d
[14:13:00] zamboni: I dig it
[14:13:00] fatmatt: 2.4 GHz though, nobody would be able to watch without a set top box.. probably expensive
[14:13:00] zamboni: sort of furturistic
[14:13:00] zamboni: well yeag biut those that can will make their own
[14:14:00] fatmatt: be easier to stream something over a wireless network,
[14:14:00] fatmatt: tv for geeks
[14:14:00] zamboni: hmm I guess...streaming or TV as long as its wireless
[14:14:00] schmots: the xmltv time offset didn't fix it.. I even stoped the frontend and the backend.
[14:14:00] zamboni: and free from corporate control
[14:15:00] fatmatt: few cities have wireless networks, got a base to start
[14:15:00] fatmatt: quite a few...
[14:16:00] ** zamboni nods **
[14:16:00] fatmatt: schmots: whats your location?
[14:17:00] fatmatt: maybe check the time zone information in the OS
[14:17:00] zamboni: good idea
[14:17:00] schmots: I did.
[14:17:00] schmots: its right
[14:17:00] zamboni: ntpd: is it running?
[14:17:00] schmots: I am in VA EST time
[14:17:00] schmots: yeah.
[14:18:00] fatmatt: can you fidge it by moving your time zone to one thats an hour different?
[14:18:00] zamboni: so the issue sounds its the way the db server handles the date maybe?
[14:18:00] schmots: its the way the db records the time from zap2it...
[14:19:00] zamboni: yeah
[14:19:00] fatmatt: maybe the xmltv server has something weird in its time zone config?
[14:19:00] zamboni: and I guess older entries are not refreshed to reflect the hour change?
[14:19:00] zamboni: ...?
[14:20:00] schmots: zap2its website has the data right... thats a positive.
[14:21:00] zamboni: Im guessing: so you had data from before the time change. Then the time changed but the timestamps on the data held on your locak db didnt update?
[14:22:00] schmots: Only built the box yesterday morning.. everything was good on it till about 8pm.. then I notieced the time shift... and it wasn't there at 6pm becuae I recorded a show then.'
[14:22:00] zamboni: say schmots did you see this outta google?
[14:23:00] zamboni: Im lucky I dontse my tuner and TV channels
[14:23:00] zamboni: my tuner never worked on my crappy zoltrix card anyway
[14:24:00] zamboni: so all I want to do is record the odd show from PPV through the svideo or composite
[14:24:00] zamboni: I can seewhere the fullfeature set will be cool one day whenI get a decent card
[14:25:00] zamboni: lets see 8pm EST is +5 of GMT?
[14:25:00] Geckofiend: -5
[14:25:00] schmots: -5
[14:25:00] zamboni: yeah
[14:26:00] schmots: but does GMT follow daylight savings?
[14:26:00] fatmatt: schmots: No
[14:26:00] zamboni: no
[14:26:00] schmots: we just moved our clocks ahead last night.
[14:26:00] zamboni: not at all
[14:26:00] schmots: so maybe were -4 now...
[14:26:00] zamboni: there a variable for it I think
[14:28:00] Tommck__ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[14:28:00] fatmatt: is zap2it the replacement for tv_grab_xx??
[14:29:00] fatmatt: the man page for tv_grab_au has a note about time zone settings in the channel_ids file
[14:29:00] zamboni: schmots have you restarted cron?
[14:30:00] schmots: zap2it is what we in the states use.
[14:30:00] schmots: the cron server is running.. and there is a cron entry
[14:30:00] zamboni: have you restarted it
[14:30:00] zamboni: try that
[14:31:00] zamboni: kill -HUP(pidof crond)
[14:31:00] schmots: What would restarting my job server have to do with my timeoffset.. its a db error
[14:32:00] fatmatt: anyway, gnite
[14:32:00] zamboni: so cron plays no part in the db at all?
[14:32:00] zamboni: gnite
[14:32:00] fatmatt ( has left #mythtv-users
[14:32:00] zamboni: so no cronjobs run for the db?
[14:33:00] zamboni: it wont hurt to send it a -HUP anyway
[14:33:00] zamboni: or use -1
[14:38:00] zamboni ( has left #mythtv-users
[14:38:00] schmots: I know how to send signals to my proccesses
[14:40:00] gaasfet ( has joined #mythtv-users
[14:44:00] Flik ( Quit ()
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[14:53:00] schmots: ok.. cleared the programs table.
[14:53:00] schmots: rerunning mythfilldatabase
[15:14:00] fek ( Quit (Network is unreachable)
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[15:18:00] schmots ( Quit ("Real IRC clients know "to" is a preposition, not an adverb")
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[15:33:00] KillerBunny ( Quit ("Leaving")
[15:34:00] dmorrigan ( has joined #mythtv-users
[15:34:00] dmorrigan: Hello. Has anyone here had any luck getting the IR working on a PVR-150 card?
[15:49:00] bomba_ ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[16:13:00] Hamstaman ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[16:13:00] candc540 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:13:00] candc540: good morning everyone
[16:15:00] laga: afternoon
[16:16:00] Hamstaman ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:16:00] jams: laga, it's morning...morning I say
[16:16:00] laga: afternoon!
[16:17:00] jams: crap I'm behind schedule already
[16:17:00] jams: btw , drilling out those stupid screws was fairly simple
[16:17:00] laga: cool
[16:18:00] laga: did you fix it?
[16:18:00] dmorrigan: Hey candc540 do you have lirc working?
[16:18:00] jams: working on that now
[16:18:00] jams: looks likeit's all good
[16:18:00] laga: cool
[16:18:00] jams: forgot to hook up the internal mouse cable
[16:18:00] Cromz: howdy Jams
[16:18:00] jams: that had me worried for a bit
[16:18:00] jams: howddy cromz
[16:18:00] candc540: yep
[16:18:00] candc540: :)
[16:19:00] dmorrigan: Morning jams
[16:19:00] candc540: you got your 500 working?
[16:19:00] jams: hello to all
[16:19:00] dmorrigan: Yeah but I am on my 2nd machine and everything works BUT the IR stuff
[16:19:00] dmorrigan: My 2nd is a PVR-150
[16:22:00] jams: normally I don't charge for this type of crap..but this one has been such a pain I might just have to
[16:22:00] candc540: ok
[16:22:00] candc540: what's up jams
[16:24:00] jams: candc540, this guy needed some a ram upgrade and the touchpad swapped out(broken buttons) on his laptop. SHould have only about 10 minutes of work.
[16:24:00] jams: he failed to mention that he had tried and stripped several screws
[16:25:00] jams: that and his wireless card doesnt work
[16:26:00] candc540: yeah screw that charge
[16:26:00] candc540: i would
[16:27:00] jams: think i'm all done now..just doing the final qa
[16:28:00] jams: all those problems are now fixed plus a few more I found
[16:29:00] candc540: he wasn't honest with you from the beginning and tried to use you because you're a good person and normally don't charge
[16:32:00] Roots^ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:45:00] KillerBunny ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:52:00] catphish ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:53:00] ** catphish forgot that cvs is unstable **
[16:54:00] spr ( has joined #mythtv-users
[16:54:00] candc540: catphish: lol
[16:56:00] spr: hey all, I'm running 0.17 and mythfilldatabase didn't change it's offset with daylight savings time, so all my listings are off by an hour, and it doesn't seem to be honoring the timeoffset setting.
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[17:15:00] catphish: spr: everyone has that problem
[17:15:00] catphish: spr: theres nothing u can do about it yet i dont think
[17:16:00] laga: well, emptying the program table and rerunning mythfilldatabase hlped
[17:16:00] catphish: yeah works for some ppl
[17:16:00] candc540: how to do that laga?
[17:16:00] catphish: but sounds like he's tried that
[17:16:00] catphish: run 'delete from program;'
[17:16:00] catphish: on your database
[17:16:00] Malebolge ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:17:00] candc540: in the mythfrontend
[17:17:00] laga: in the setup i guess
[17:17:00] catphish: oh yeah u can run setup
[17:17:00] catphish: and when it asks u to delete channel info say yes
[17:17:00] catphish: but then u have to resetup your channels
[17:18:00] catphish: its easier if u know how to get a mysql prompt
[17:19:00] candc540: so just go to mysql -u root mythconverg
[17:19:00] candc540: then 'delete from program;'
[17:19:00] catphish: thanks candc540, wasnt sure of the command
[17:19:00] candc540: then mythfilldatabase?
[17:19:00] catphish: im a lazy user of phpmyadmin
[17:20:00] catphish: yes candc540
[17:21:00] candc540: ok
[17:21:00] candc540: cool just did it now filling database again
[17:21:00] candc540: so we have to do this every time the time changes
[17:21:00] catphish: yes
[17:21:00] candc540: ugh
[17:21:00] candc540: that sucks
[17:21:00] catphish: its only every 6 months come on
[17:22:00] catphish: and u can always automate it
[17:22:00] candc540: well i think we should pay a visit to mythtv and tell them to try to implement something in myth
[17:22:00] candc540: that would be nice
[17:23:00] catphish: they know about it, this room's been bombarded with ppl moaning
[17:24:00] Spida ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:24:00] catphish: damn, didnt know we weren't allowed to talk about softcam, i want to now
[17:25:00] Malebolge_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:25:00] spr: Yeah, I've deleted program, and re-ran mythfilldatabase, no good here, thanks though
[17:26:00] catphish: spr: have u set ur timezone offset in the setup?
[17:27:00] Spida_ ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:28:00] Malebolge_ ( Quit (Client Quit)
[17:30:00] candc540: ok mine shows correctly matches what's on
[17:30:00] candc540: as far as times go
[17:30:00] candc540: so i should be good right?
[17:30:00] catphish: just run it
[17:31:00] catphish: and see if it gets it right lol
[17:32:00] candc540: yep looks right
[17:32:00] catphish: gdgd
[17:32:00] loz-- ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
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[17:43:00] Malebolge ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:44:00] spr: catisonh, yeah I have, and mythfilldatabase doesn't pay any attention to it
[17:44:00] spr: er, catphish that is
[17:45:00] spr ( Quit ("'Enry the VIII I am I am...")
[17:46:00] catphish: spr: are you using on air listings?
[17:46:00] catphish: oh he's gone
[17:46:00] Ralpha6 ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:47:00] fridge ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[17:48:00] fridge: Sometime all the text in myth's menu's disappears
[17:48:00] fridge: anyone witnessed this or know why it occurs?
[17:49:00] purplefro1 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:49:00] purplefro1: I So dramatically hate the broadcasters.
[17:49:00] purplefro1: I have a video where the bottom left logo is FLICKERING! BASTARDS!
[17:50:00] purplefro1: I hated it so much that I just started an xclock to cover it.
[17:50:00] fridge: kek
[17:51:00] spr ( has joined #mythtv-users
[17:55:00] spr: catphish, I'm using zap2it listings
[17:57:00] catphish: ok
[17:57:00] catphish: lol
[17:59:00] catphish ( Quit ("Leaving")
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[18:04:00] rw ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:04:00] lane ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:05:00] lane: Hello... anyone around?
[18:06:00] laga: yep
[18:06:00] lane: :)
[18:10:00] lane: I'm trying to convince X to start. Not having good luck.
[18:10:00] Randall64: What error?
[18:11:00] lane: kernel: NVBM: client does not support versioningn
[18:11:00] lane: kernel: NVBM: aborting to avoid catastrophe
[18:11:00] lane: kdm: 0[5398]: IO Error in XOpenDisplay
[18:12:00] lane: kdm: :0:[5043] X server for display :0 terminated unexpectedly
[18:12:00] lane: kdm: 0:[5043] Display :0 cannot be opened
[18:12:00] lane: kdm: :0
[18:13:00] lane: [5043]: Unable to fine up local display for :0: disabling
[18:13:00] lane: that's from /var/log/messages
[18:13:00] lane: I'm running FC3 using Jarod's guide
[18:13:00] laga: please google for "how to ask smart questions". it's a document written by eric s. raymond
[18:13:00] laga: and it should help you
[18:14:00] lane: laga: thanks, I have read it. I was in process of typing by main question when Randall64 asked what my error was, so I thought I'd answer him.
[18:15:00] lane: laga: I apologize for not putting my main question with the relevant details first, but here it is:
[18:16:00] lane: Last night I compiled my own 2.6.11 kernel (hoping that doing so would help me in getting my Air2PC working)
[18:16:00] lane: Because I compiled my own, I also then had to install the nvidia driver manually, since Axel doesn't have nvidia driver modules for 2.6.11
[18:17:00] lane: That worked fine, but now I would like to go back to my old kernel (one of Axel's 2.6.10 versions)
[18:18:00] lane: when I select the old kernel in grub, it boots fine, as expected, but X won't start
[18:18:00] lane: I get the error that I printed above
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[18:18:00] lane: I attempted to uninstall, then reinstall the relevant nvidia rpms
[18:18:00] lane: But that didn't make any difference
[18:19:00] lane: I was hoping someone here might be able to point me in the right direction for how to get X back in a working state
[18:19:00] purplefro1: I know I have to recompile nvidia when I change kernels. If you get desperate, install the nvidia stuff from the nvidia packages instead of the RPMs.
[18:20:00] lane: purplefro1
[18:20:00] lane: purplefro1: That's a good idea. I'm hoping, though, to be able to stick with Axel's packages if I can
[18:20:00] lane: esp since I did have them working
[18:24:00] Ralpha6 ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:26:00] nawab ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:27:00] lane: purplefro1: I got it. Ran nvidia-installer --uninstall to remove the manually installed nvidia driver. After that, I can boot into X
[18:28:00] purplefro1: So, you didn't install from RPM, I guess.
[18:28:00] lane: well, I did both, but for different kernels
[18:28:00] lane: I installed from rpm for Axels 2.6.10 kernel
[18:29:00] lane: and then used sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86– for my manually compiled 2.6.11 kernel
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[18:30:00] lane: must have been a conflict between the different nvidia modules which vanished when I uninstalled
[18:31:00] poonj: hey guys, anyone here use a pcHDTV 3000? when I test out the card using dtvsignal/dtvscan, I have to use /dev/video1 as the device. However, when I go to mythtv-setup and add in the tv cards, it gives me the /dev/video1 can't be recognized and only recognizes /dev/video0. However, it doesn't work.
[18:31:00] opello: when i boot (gentoo), i have the modules init script load the ivtv driver, and i have the stock mythbackend init script in the default runlevel, but when i run the frontend i get about a second and a half of tv (just my estimate) and i have to go out and restart the backend — then it works fine; using 0.17
[18:36:00] lane: opello: do you get the problem if you don't autostart the backend – ie just start it manually?
[18:37:00] opello: yes
[18:37:00] opello: at least i used to — i just took the box down as it's moving from one room to another :/ but last time i tried taking it out of init and just running it i had to drop out and restart it
[18:38:00] opello: i don't remember if it happened when i didn't use the init script though
[18:41:00] lane: might be worth trying
[18:42:00] opello: yeah, when i get it back up i certianly will
[18:42:00] opello: i wasn't thinking when i asked the question, lol
[18:44:00] lane: other thing would be to look in /var/log/myth/ for possible error messages
[18:45:00] opello: i'll do that too
[18:47:00] lane: btw, in case there's anyone on from last night who cares, I figured out my problem where several of the buttons in mythtvsetup and mythfrontend went black and wouldn't select
[18:48:00] lane: it was a qt problem. I downgraded to qt-3.3.4–2 and it works now
[18:48:00] kalev- ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:49:00] poonj ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[18:49:00] candc540: how can i use my remote in x to control xmms
[18:49:00] candc540: i installed xmms-lirc
[18:49:00] candc540: but doesn't pick up remote
[18:49:00] candc540: but it works in myth :)
[18:50:00] kalev- ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:50:00] candc540: is there a package i need to install to make the remote work in x?
[18:50:00] lane: candc540: have you added xmms stuff to .lircrc?
[18:52:00] candc540: nope
[18:52:00] candc540: where is the .lircrc
[18:53:00] candc540: i know there's a lircrc in ~/user/.mythtv
[18:54:00] lane: if you don't have a ~/.lircrc file, you will probably need one to tell lirc how to talk to xmms
[18:54:00] candc540: ahhh
[18:54:00] candc540: well this irman
[18:54:00] lane: hmmm
[18:54:00] lane: not sure about that then
[18:54:00] candc540: thing that was installed with xmms-lirc
[18:54:00] lane: you run lircd?
[18:54:00] candc540: says device: /dev/lirc
[18:54:00] candc540: yeah
[18:55:00] candc540: then ir code length
[18:55:00] candc540: then has controls you click the button for play then are supposed to push that button on the remote
[18:55:00] candc540: but no output
[18:55:00] candc540: but irw shows output
[18:55:00] candc540: strange
[18:55:00] lane: do a google for lircrc xmms
[18:56:00] lane: here's someone's example .lircrc with xmms stuff:
[18:56:00] lane:
[18:57:00] bjohnson ( has joined #mythtv-users
[18:57:00] bjohnson: anyone use myth for dvd ripping?
[18:59:00] candc540: thanks lane
[18:59:00] lane: np
[18:59:00] lane: fwiw, .lircrc is also where you'd put stuff for controlling xine or mplayer
[19:01:00] candc540: same with mythtv right
[19:03:00] poonj ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:03:00] candc540: and the .lircrc should be located in my /home/user/.lircrc right
[19:03:00] candc540: lane?
[19:03:00] poonj: hey guys....anyone here use a pcHDTV 3000?
[19:04:00] schmots ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:04:00] Cromz: candc540: mine is in ~/.mythtv dir.. or your mythtv user home dir in .mythtv I think
[19:04:00] candc540: even for xmms?
[19:04:00] schmots: welp... my program guide time issue isn't a build error.. just totatly rebuilt my mythbox.. still there.
[19:04:00] candc540: i got myth working now trying to figure out how to make it control xmms
[19:11:00] Geckofiend: bjohnson I do.. what ya need?
[19:12:00] Cardoe_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:12:00] Geckofiend: candc540 if you want to control other apps then yes ~/.lircrc is right
[19:12:00] Geckofiend: your best bet is to just use irxevent
[19:15:00] candc540: where do you get irxevet from?
[19:18:00] zamboni (~zamboni@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:20:00] Geckofiend: it's part of the lirc package
[19:20:00] Baylink ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:20:00] Beirdo: ffmpeg is such a POS
[19:20:00] Geckofiend: it send kepresses to different apps and doesn't require them to be compiled with mative lirc support
[19:21:00] KarlosII ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:21:00] Beirdo: bitrate=104857 kbps
[19:21:00] Beirdo: I think not!
[19:22:00] BlurredWe ( Quit ("Leaving")
[19:22:00] ** KarlosII ponders if the Realtek AC'97 ALC850 Chipset is 16 bit sound or 24 bit sound **
[19:29:00] lane ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:30:00] Tommck_ ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[19:32:00] zamboni: KarlosII why would you wonder about the Realtec ALC850?
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[19:34:00] Cardoe (~Cardoe@Cardoe.developer.gentoo) Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
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[19:35:00] ChanServ sets mode +v xris
[19:35:00] zamboni (~zamboni@ has left #mythtv-users
[19:37:00] Beirdo: Heya, xris
[19:39:00] zamboni (~zamboni@ has joined #mythtv-users
[19:40:00] xris: morning
[19:40:00] zamboni: gdday
[19:41:00] Dr_Barnowl ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:41:00] zamboni: question: is it a no-brainer to get recording working on Mythtv?
[19:41:00] Dr_Barnowl: zamboni: No
[19:41:00] zamboni: ah ha
[19:42:00] zamboni: well the database stuff took a while but I got the backend running
[19:42:00] Dr_Barnowl: zamboni: Mind you, if you've got LiveTV working, you've got it sorted.
[19:42:00] zamboni: then the front end and I can watch tv
[19:42:00] KarlosII: zamboni, I want know how 8 channel and 6 channel relates to 16 bit or 24 bits?
[19:42:00] Dr_Barnowl: If you can watch TV the recording works.
[19:42:00] zamboni: LiveTV is a module?
[19:42:00] zamboni: or a plugin
[19:42:00] Dr_Barnowl: No, just the "Watch TV" option
[19:43:00] Baylink: KarlosII: they're orthogonal; they have almost nothing to do with one another.
[19:43:00] Dr_Barnowl: It records to a ring buffer on disk, so if you can watch TV, recording works too.
[19:43:00] zamboni: see heres my issue: My tuner doesent work so I only have access to composite and svideo
[19:43:00] zamboni: so when I press R the Recording"" caption appears
[19:44:00] zamboni: but nothing gets written anywhere
[19:44:00] zamboni: and there an error in the console
[19:44:00] zamboni: something like database errors recording.time
[19:44:00] KarlosII: Baylink, is the AC 97 ALC850 chipset capable of 5.1 Surround sound?
[19:44:00] zamboni: syntax issue
[19:44:00] Flikker ( has joined #mythtv-users
[19:44:00] zamboni: KarlosII should be
[19:45:00] candc540: someone tell dmorrigan i'll be back later to help him
[19:45:00] zamboni: interesting read in the alsa source code of the ac_97 codec files
[19:45:00] Dr_Barnowl: zamboni: If you've got no channels set up, that could be it – it'll want to log the channel you're recording.
[19:45:00] candc540: with his pvr and lirc problems
[19:45:00] Flikker: I have an RCA learning remote... any ideas what a good device to program into it would be for Myth?
[19:45:00] KarlosII: ie if the ASUS SLI DELUXE has 8 Channel version of that chipset
[19:45:00] candc540: later
[19:45:00] Dr_Barnowl: zamboni: I found getting phpmyadmin installed helped immensely, you can poke around in the database.
[19:45:00] zamboni: so the pinout tospdif is vendor specific
[19:46:00] bjohnson: Geckofiend: sorry .. had to go. I want to rip dvds small enough that I can fit a few on a dvd for the kids small travel dvd player
[19:46:00] Baylink: KarlosII: Google is your friend.
[19:46:00] zamboni: oh yeah
[19:46:00] bjohnson: looking for info on how to do that
[19:46:00] Baylink: bjohnson: you'll have to reduce the bitrate, primarily.
[19:46:00] Baylink: That will entail transcoding from Mpeg2->Mpeg2
[19:46:00] zamboni: Dr_Barnowl thinh Ill give that a whirl
[19:47:00] KarlosII: I want to know if I buy if the the Asus SLI Deluxe board with AC 97 ALC 850 Chipset, if it's going to be better then using my SB Live 5.1 Value sound card?
[19:47:00] KarlosII: Baylink, already been doing thta
[19:47:00] Baylink: I wouldn't bet on it, Karlos. The SB probably has better analog than a motherboard setup.
[19:47:00] Dr_Barnowl: KarlosII: The creative cards are very well supported in Linux.
[19:47:00] zamboni: Id say the SBlive would be better
[19:47:00] zamboni: quieter anyway
[19:47:00] zamboni: less board noise
[19:47:00] zamboni: how much less?
[19:47:00] Dr_Barnowl: KarlosII: I tend to get board noise also on mobo sound
[19:47:00] zamboni: hmm
[19:47:00] Mrgoose ( Quit ("( :: NoNameScript 3.81 :: )")
[19:47:00] KarlosII: Dr_Barnowl, not MINE, because MythTv does not work well with it
[19:48:00] zamboni: mmee tooo
[19:48:00] zamboni: sounds like a bad ballast ina flourexent fixture sometimes
[19:48:00] Dr_Barnowl: I'm having problems getting transcoding to work.
[19:48:00] Dr_Barnowl: I set a program to transcode manually, and nothing seems to happen.
[19:49:00] Dr_Barnowl: MythWeb lists it as "errored" but provides no further detail
[19:50:00] ** zamboni thinks he read somewhere that the database stuff isnt really needed for MythTV but cant recall where he read that **
[19:50:00] zamboni: maybe it was a dream
[19:52:00] Roots^ ( Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[19:55:00] Cardoe_ ( Quit (Client Quit)
[19:55:00] ** KarlosII heads to **
[19:56:00] Scorpi: what goes wrong if nuvexport only prints "Found 39 files, but no matching database entries.
[19:56:00] Scorpi: ?
[19:56:00] ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) Quit (Shutting Down)
[19:57:00] ChanServ (ChanServ@services.) has joined #mythtv-users
[20:00:00] poonj ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[20:13:00] ** KarlosII announces that if acroread 7.0 does not work for you after installing the debian package then you need to install the ldap-utils debian package!!! **
[20:13:00] xris: Scorpi: grab the latest version
[20:13:00] xris: or turn off require_cutlist in the rc file
[20:15:00] Scorpi: xris: thanks. I did. that was the fault. it was too new. now I tried the one from the same date as my last CVS build and it works
[20:16:00] xris: Scorpi: I defaulted require_cutlist to on a couple of days ago. reverted it back a few minutes ago.
[20:17:00] Baylink: xris: was it you who did "Invert Cutlist"?
[20:18:00] xris: me? bi.
[20:18:00] xris: no
[20:18:00] ** xris can't type today, apparently. **
[20:18:00] Baylink: :-)
[20:18:00] xris: I don't do any of the compiled code.
[20:18:00] Baylink: My sis wants to suggest that it be moved to a different key; apparently there's a rather nasty user-level interaction with what else that key is used for in editing...
[20:19:00] Coume ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:20:00] xris: ahh
[20:20:00] Coume: re
[20:21:00] zamboni (~zamboni@ has left #mythtv-users
[20:23:00] xris: Captain_Murdoch: so, anything I can to help with the mythtranscode stuff, just let me know.
[20:31:00] jdrogers ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:31:00] StringBlade ( has joined #mythtv-users
[20:32:00] jdrogers: I think mythcommflag may be causing some crashes for me, so I disabled it in the backend setup, but it still starts.. any ideas?
[20:33:00] StringBlade: anyone have any experience with MyBlaster IR serial blaster? I'm looking into getting one and it claims to have MythTV support. Just looking for personal experiences.
[20:34:00] Geckofiend: well anything claiming mythtv support is questionalbe in the first place
[20:34:00] Geckofiend: myth doesn't communicate with any remote hardware.
[20:34:00] StringBlade: there's a whole page on it:
[20:35:00] metusine (~dgs@ Quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:38:00] Beirdo: I'm Mike.... from Canmore...
[20:38:00] Beirdo: Royal Canadian Air Farce rules
[20:49:00] KarlosII ( Quit ("Leaving")
[20:49:00] rw (marcelo@rw.user) Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[20:56:00] bjohnson: is the media library what you use to watch a dvd?
[20:58:00] Flikker ( Quit ()
[20:58:00] bjohnson: ahh .. I see optical disks now
[20:58:00] schmots ( Quit ("")
[21:01:00] coolhp ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:05:00] coolhp: Good day all... I'm trying to figure out what the difference between mythtranscode and nuvexport is ? My goal is to find a way to automatically recompress recordings to Xvid or something similar but I'm having a hard time getting started.
[21:08:00] jdrogers: I haven't tried that yet, but I'm kinda planning on doing something similar
[21:08:00] HRearden ( has joined #mythtv-users
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[21:12:00] bjohnson: does play dvd play a dvd from the backend machine or the frontend machine?
[21:14:00] lane ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:14:00] lane ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:14:00] AndyCap: ok, now I've implemented _the_ most hackish tvout for my pundit-r. VGA -> Scart.
[21:16:00] AndyCap: now to install mythtv.
[21:17:00] dmorrigan ( Quit ("Leaving")
[21:19:00] HRearden: dopester, you there?
[21:20:00] coolhp ( Quit ()
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[21:32:00] Shdwdrgn ( Quit (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
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[21:34:00] poonj ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:34:00] poonj: I have a pcHDTV setup and I got the channels all setup...however when I try to watch live TV, I just see a blank screen
[21:35:00] poonj: I have no clue as to where I could find more information
[21:35:00] zamboni (~zamboni@ has joined #mythtv-users
[21:38:00] rpete: could be your input isn't set properly?
[21:38:00] Beirdo: more likely an Xv problem
[21:39:00] poonj: Xv?
[21:39:00] jams: ]
[21:39:00] poonj: here is what I am getting
[21:39:00] poonj: 2005-04–03 13:40:12.200 RemoteFile::Read() failed in RingBuffer::safe_read().
[21:39:00] poonj: Couldn't read file: rbuf://
[21:39:00] Coume: night
[21:39:00] Coume ( Quit (" - The MythTV users community forum")
[21:39:00] poonj: LiveTV not successfully started
[21:40:00] poonj: ummm
[21:40:00] jdrogers: I sometimes get a black screen, but the picture returns if I rewind a couple seconds or bring up the menu or something
[21:40:00] Beirdo: make sure that directory exists and is writable by the user running the backend/frontend
[21:41:00] poonj: Beirdo: the thing is also...when I use the dtv tools that came with my pchdtv card, I have to use the /dev/video1 device to test it out...and it works well. however, when I try to set it up in myth, I have to use /dev/video0
[21:41:00] poonj: let me chec it
[21:41:00] Beirdo: huh?
[21:41:00] poonj: Beirdo: I am running it using root right now
[21:41:00] Beirdo: if it's /dev/video1 it's /dev/video1
[21:42:00] poonj: Beirdo: thats what I thought..
[21:42:00] foxhunt ( has joined #mythtv-users
[21:42:00] poonj: Beirdo: but I have two devices /dev/video0 and /dev/video1. /dev/video0 doesn't work when I use the dtv tools that came with the pcHDTV setup
[21:42:00] poonj: thats what I'm really confused about
[21:42:00] Beirdo: I dunno
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[21:55:00] kalev- ( Quit (Remote closed the connection)
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[21:56:00] jdrogers: so has anyone been able to disable mythcommflag?
[21:56:00] jdrogers: I should really learn mysql
[22:13:00] zamboni: yeah me too
[22:13:00] zamboni: just intsalled the very nice phpmyadmin too
[22:14:00] zamboni: pretty to look at but its all foreign to my brain
[22:14:00] jdrogers: heh
[22:14:00] zamboni: all I wanna do is record from my svideo port n my retarded zlotrix TVmax
[22:14:00] zamboni: the tuner is braindead
[22:15:00] zamboni: nits a temic 4032 type 6
[22:15:00] zamboni: byt wont pick up a signal
[22:15:00] jdrogers: sounds like fun
[22:15:00] zamboni: oh yeah
[22:15:00] zamboni: freevo is worse
[22:15:00] zamboni: believe me
[22:16:00] zamboni: it aint bad its anothe animal the python langiuage
[22:16:00] jdrogers: I think most of my problems have been hardware
[22:16:00] zamboni: thats easy enough to pinpoint and fix
[22:16:00] jdrogers: I'm leanring some python, its pretty cool
[22:16:00] jdrogers: zamboni, no :-)
[22:16:00] zamboni: its sure useful to know
[22:17:00] zamboni: why not?
[22:17:00] zamboni: oh youre broke?
[22:17:00] jdrogers: you were saying the hardware issues are easy to pinpoint and fix?
[22:17:00] zamboni: no sheckels?
[22:17:00] zamboni: yes
[22:17:00] zamboni: so tell me
[22:17:00] jdrogers: no, the pinpointing thing is the issue
[22:17:00] zamboni: lay it out
[22:17:00] jdrogers: I think its mostly diskio issues
[22:18:00] chuggachu ( Quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[22:18:00] jdrogers: I get lots of hard freezes and such with no logging
[22:18:00] hadees (~hadees@hadees.sustaining.supporter.pdpc) Quit (Connection timed out)
[22:18:00] zamboni: I had a hell of a time with my setup basic bttv card setup until I disableed the IRQ for he agp
[22:18:00] jdrogers: myth is run by an unpriveledged user, so I assume its dma issues or something
[22:18:00] zamboni: priority
[22:18:00] jdrogers: hmm
[22:19:00] jdrogers: in bois?
[22:19:00] zamboni: hdparm /dev/hd*
[22:19:00] zamboni: yes in bios
[22:19:00] zamboni: in my case a few things were happening
[22:19:00] zamboni: but it sounds like all is good interrupt wize if you can run it at all
[22:19:00] jdrogers: ah
[22:20:00] zamboni: does it happen whit the root account too?
[22:20:00] jdrogers: everything runs fine for a while, but I think mythcommflag causes issues
[22:20:00] jdrogers: I tried to disable it using the backend setup program, but it still gets run
[22:21:00] jdrogers: and I think the io + cpu usage during mythcommflagg is just killing my bus or something
[22:21:00] zamboni: well if you re handy at coding and havent installed ohomyadmin you oowe it tyo yourself
[22:21:00] hadees (~hadees@hadees.sustaining.supporter.pdpc) has joined #mythtv-users
[22:21:00] zamboni: hmmm
[22:21:00] jdrogers: yeah, I'll check that out in a sec
[22:22:00] zamboni: its an easy build and a pretty easy setup once you tell apache a few things
[22:23:00] mchou ( has joined #mythtv-users
[22:23:00] zamboni: and it looks nice..easy on the eye style.css
[22:23:00] scampgb ( Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:24:00] jdrogers: well, its definatly mythcommflag causing the lockup
[22:24:00] zamboni: hmmm
[22:24:00] zamboni: Ill be glad when I can iron ou t the bugs for myset up
[22:24:00] zamboni: maybe by sepember
[22:24:00] jdrogers: hehe
[22:25:00] jdrogers: the thing that sucks is getting it working just well enough to become fully addicted and then having crashes ans such
[22:25:00] zamboni: I hear ya....are you able to record from a composite input
[22:25:00] zamboni: ??
[22:25:00] jdrogers: I haven't tried
[22:26:00] jdrogers: only from tuner so far
[22:26:00] zamboni: one goot thing aboput doing thsi project: i watch a lot less TV
[22:26:00] jdrogers: hehe
[22:26:00] zamboni: well back to the drawing board....
[22:26:00] jdrogers: do you play hockey?
[22:26:00] zamboni: caio!
[22:26:00] zamboni: umm no
[22:27:00] jdrogers: oh
[22:27:00] zamboni: not for 25 years
[22:27:00] zamboni: maybe 30
[22:27:00] jdrogers: ah
[22:27:00] zamboni: yeah
[22:27:00] zamboni: 30 years
[22:27:00] jdrogers: I just thought the name.. you know
[22:27:00] zamboni: dont own skates
[22:27:00] zamboni: lol
[22:27:00] jdrogers: ok, well good luck
[22:27:00] zamboni: thanks
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[22:43:00] poonj: hey guys...I'm trying to get my pcHDTV to work with dvb
[22:44:00] poonj: do I need to download dvb software?
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[23:18:00] fith (cbayly@ Quit ("Hey, what's this button do?")
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[23:35:00] Dr_Barnowl_ ( Quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:37:00] sarahemm{SA}: i hate tuner cards.
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[23:58:00] Roots^ ( Quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
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